wv-x ^ .~"$ y i * y *i* . ' -f \ /' OUTLINES OF ORYCTOLOGY. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF FOSSIL ORGANIC REMAINS; ESPECIALLY OF THOSE FOUND IN t tttititib Strata : INTENDED TO All) THE STUDENT IN HIS ENQUIRIES RESPECTING fte Nature of dFo$sil, AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH THE FORMATION OF THE EARTH. WITH ILLUSTRATIVE PLATES. BY JAMES PARKINSON, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Member of the Geological Society of I. on, Inn, the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh, and of the Csesarean Society of Aloscow. Uontfou : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR; AND SOLI) BY SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER ROW and W. PHILLIPS, GEORGE YARD, LOMBARD STREET. 1822. THE following pages are dedicated to the service of those Admirers of Fossils who have not yet entered into a strict examination of the dis- tinctive characters of these interesting substances. An attempt is made, in this slight but compre- hensive sketch, to show the difference of forms and structure in the numerous organised beings with which the earth was peopled before the creation of man ; to mark the several circumstances in which they agreed with, or differed from, the inhabitants of the present world ; and to point out, from the strata in which they exist, the order in which they probably were formed. The limits of this pub- lication will not always allow a full statement of those minute distinctions which are the objects of research of the more advanced enquirer ; but suffi- cient, it is hoped, will be introduced to enable the student to detect the more decided and more im- portant characters of these substances, and to place them under their appropriate genera. ' It may, it is hoped, thus become a useful Vade- mecum for the intelligent traveller who may not yet 2O90932 VI PREFACE. have attended to these enquiries. At present, dis- appointment frequently occurs, from the too limited accounts of the fossil remains which offer themselves for examination in different parts of the world : the observer is perhaps satisfied, for instance, with stating that the rocks were found to contain the re- mains of shells, and that these remains were chiefly of bivalves or of univalves, when, by a little farther investigation of even the fragments of these fossils, aided by reference to a manual of this kind, their genera might have been ascertained, and such marks noted, as, by subsequent comparison with the more correct and elaborate labours of Lamarck, Sowerby, &c., would admit of their species being ascertained, and of important information being yielded on points which, at present, are the subjects of con- troversy. The student, already delighted with the contem- plation of surrounding creation, will be hereby led into another field of observation, where he will per- ceive decided traces of the vast changes which this planet has sustained ; and will see the remains of those beings with which it was inhabited previous to the creation of man. Circumstances will be ob- served, apparently contradictory to the Mosaic ac- count, but which, it is presumed, serve to establish it as tht revealed history of creation. PREFACE. VH The discordance appears to be removed by the assumption of indefinite periods for the six days of creation : an interpretation adopted by many learned and pious men, and which derives confirmation from innumerable circumstances agreeing with the import- ant fact of certain fossils being found to be peculiar to particular strata; and especially from the remains of widely differing races of animals being found in such situations as evince that their creation must have taken place at very distant periods. . For the several imperfections in this work, which may have escaped the author's attention, he craves indulgence ; hoping that they will not be found of such importance as to render the wish too presump- tuous of having it considered as a humble subsidiary to that scientific and most valuably comprehensive work, " Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales" by the Rev. W. D. CONYBEARE and W. PHILLIPS. s <, ; ? . - LONDON, July 1822. /a* ERRATA. Page 8, line 5, for " combustible"' read " incombustible." 11, 3, for " disposed" read " arranged" 57, 36,/or " pappillosum" read ft papillosum." 64, five lines from the bottom,/or u resepores'' read " retepores." 71, last Hne,/or " formation'' read " formations." 77, line 25, for concluding sentence, read " tortuous Tallies which held the polypes, and thus separated them.'' 79, 14,/or " Explanariae" read " Explanaria." 101, 5, dele " &. 147, last line, insert " ," after " smooth." 170, liqe 13, dele " considerable." 297, six line? from the bottom, for " similiarity" read " similarity." 302, line 14,/or " and" read " or." 302, 16, dele " in." 303, 28, for as" read ft than." The reader is requested to observe also, that the figure intended to illustrate Alreolites incrustans, page 66, and for which a reference is given to PL II, fig. 5, will be found at PI. X,'fig. 11; and that it having been thought necessary to give an illustrative figure of Tubipora unastomosans, page 71, it is introduced PI. IX, fig. 10. OUTLINES OF ORYCTOLOGY VrRYCTOLOGY is the science which enquires into the nature, origin, and formation of those bodies which possess the figures, markings, or structure of vegetables or animals, whilst their substance evinces their having been preserved through many ages, by certain changes effected in subaqueous or subterranean situations*. The substances of which these bodies are formed being generally of a mineral nature, the term FOSSILS is applied to them, as declaratory of their having been dug from subterranean situations. They have also been termed adventitious, extraneous, or secondary fossils, to distinguish them from those fossils or original mine- ral substances which are found in their native state and situations. But as the term fossil, alone, declares these bodies, bearing the obvious and characteristic marks of vegetable or animal organization, to have been * The term Oryctology is liable to the objection of not being sufficiently confined, it including, in fact, every substance dug out of the earth; the term Fossil, also, is exposed to the same objection: in excuse for their employment, it must be observed, that this language was formed, and theie terms were adopted and had received the stamp of authority from usage, whilst utter ignorance prevailed respecting the nature of the substances to which they were applied. Either, then, the best of these terms must be admitted, a new vocabulary he formed, or perpetual periphrasis be had recourse to: the first has been preferred. B obtained from the mineral kingdom, the employment of any of these epithets appears to be unnecessary. By whatever mode organic remains, in subterranean or subaqueous situations, may be preserved from reso- lution of their substance for a considerable time, it is obvious that they must be liable to be impregnated with whatever matters may be held in solution in the fluids with which they may be thus imbued . From this source mineral matters may be deposited, by intromis- sion, into the original interstices and cavities of the organic body ; or may, by substitution, fill the spaces which have been produced by the partial removal of the original organic substance ; or lastly, may, by impregnation and consolidation of the chemically al- tered organic matter itself, produce the several earthy or metallic fossils. The earthy substances which enter into the composi- tion of fossils, or, as in these cases they may be termed petrifactions, are chiefly of the calcareous, siliceous, and argillaceous kinds, in different states, and in various mixtures. The most common of the calcareous genus are the several species and varieties of carbonates ; limestone, marble, stinkstone, chalk, spar, oolite, &c. Fluate of lime sometimes occurs as the matrix, and, very rarely, it forms the substance of fossils. Sulphate of lime, though sometimes found crystallized in their cavities, has not been mentioned as forming the sub- stance of fossils. Sulphate of barytes, or baroselenite, is said sometimes to form the substance of fossils, but the instances are very rare. Silex enters, in different combinations, into the composition of fossils: quartz, chert, agate, calcedony, jasper, flint, pitchstone, and semiopal, have all been found forming their substance or constituting the masses in which they have been contained. Alumine frequently also enters into the composition of fossils, as well as of their containing * matrices ; clay frequently fills their cavities, and forms the beds in which they are found. Bituminous shale, slate, and argillaceous iron stone, often contain fossils. Fullers'-earth has sometimes, though rarely, been found to contain some particular fossils. The nuclei of fos- sil shells have been formed of hornblende, and both vegetable and animal fossils have been found in sub- stances designated as basalt, wacke, and trap. The metals which most commonly contribute to the formation of fossils are iron and copper, rarely lead or zinc, and still more rarely silver ; they generally exist in the form of carbonates or of sulphurets. The car- bonates as well as the sulphurets of iron are chiefly found in vegetable remains. Ligneous fossils of this species present a very curious fact : although the tex- ture of the wood appears to be nearly unaltered, its substance has been so intersected by the crystallizations, that on decomposition it is resolved into an impalpable efflorescence. The specimens of wood which have been mineralized by copper sometimes possess a con- siderable degree of beauty, from the brilliant colours of the malachite which enters into their composition. The sulphuret of lead, galena, has been found in fossil wood; and blende, the sulphuret of zinc, has been found, with quartz crystals, investing fossil shells. Sil- ver is said to exist in a fossil somewhat resembling the ears of corn, found in the mines of Frankenberg, in Hesse. Casts or nuclei of organic remains are formed by different mineral substances filling their cavities, and thus taking the impressions of their internal forms and markings. Impressions of the external surface are formed by investment by the surrounding matrix and by its subsequent induration. After this is accom- plished, and the original substance removed, a cavity or mould is left in the matrix corresponding in its figure 4 and markings with the removed substance. Any mine- ral matter being introduced into this mould, acquires, as it hardens, a renewal or redintegration of the ex- ternal form of the original substance. This cast is sometimes hollow, having been formed by crystalliza- tions which have only invested the inner surface, but have not been sufficient to fill the cavity. The casts or nuclei of shells, fruits, reeds, &c. re- quire to be examined to ascertain whether the substance of the fossil is similar or not to that of the matrix in which it is found. If it is similar, the cast may be con- sidered as having been simultaneous in its formation with the bed in which it exists : if not, its substance may have been yielded by percolation and subsequent crystallization in the mould ; or it may have been formed in some former bed, on the breaking up of which it may have been deposited among the materials of the suc- ceeding rock in which it is now found. Vegetable or animal substances deprived of life, and exposed to the action of the air, in combination with moisture, are rapidly decomposed ; the softer and more volatile of their constituent principles are dispersed un- der new forms, and their more solid parts, such as wood and bone, are sometimes left cohering and displaying the form of the original skeleton. When in this state, deprived of those principles which conduce to che- mical changes, these substances become capable of continuing unaltered in their forms, in different si- tuations, for comparatively very long periods. But either vegetable or animal substances, when placed, under the influence of moisture, in situations excluding the access of atmospheric air, undergo certain pecu- liar chemical changes. Vegetable Fossils. WHEN vegetable matter is accumulated in so large a quantity that the compactness of the mass may in a great degree exclude the atmospheric air from the in- ternal parts of the mass, a considerable and peculiar change is effected: the vegetable matter soon loses its green and acquires a brownish colour ; its flavour and odour are changed, and heat is produced, terminat- ing, unless air is freely admitted, in combustion. The vegetable matter, thus changed into Hay, acquires, among its other new properties, that of powerfully resisting any further change upon exposure to the atmosphere. But should vegetable matter be thus accumulated in a situation in which moisture has almost constant access to it, a very different result ensues. Another process takes place, by which the vegetable matter, as the process goes on, loses its original forms, and be- comes a soft magma, of a dark colour and peculiar appearance ; no traces of its former mode of existence being discoverable, except in the accidental presence of such vegetable matter as shall not have undergone a complete conversion. When dried, it forms a readily combustible substance, of a reddish brown colour, readily absorbing and tenaciously retaining water, and yielding, whilst burning, a strong bituminous odour. This is the substance termed peat, immense accumu- lations of which are formed in various parts, favour- able to the collection of water and the growth of the sphagnum palustre, a plant, by the conversion of which the supply of this substance is chiefly supported. In the peat-bogs or mosses, as the natural magazines of this substance arc called, trunks of trees are often found imbedded, and partaking of the nature of the surrounding bituminous mass. This change is effected in different degrees : the deeper in the mass, and conse- quently the longer exposed to the process of bitumini- zation, the more perfect is the conversion. Some pieces are found to have nearly lost their ligneous ap- pearance, their respective lines and markings having been molten down in different degrees during their b*- tuminization ; whilst others, in which the nature of the substance is also entirely altered, are found still to retain almost all their characteristic markings. This substance has long been known by the designation of bituminous wood. "Wood of a very different character, called Moss Fir, is also frequently found in the peat mosses or bogs. It much resembles, in its colour and general external appearance, ordinary decayed fir-wood ; but on exami- nation it appears that the fibre of the wood is strongly imbued with resin, and that all its interstices are filled with resinous matter. It is so highly inflammable, as to be employed, by the poor of the districts in which it is found, not only as fuel, but as torches. As the real nature of this substance is not perhaps known, it would be very desirable that further enquiries might be made respecting it; it might then be deter- mined whether the opinion which is here offered be correct or not. From its retaining the colour and appearance of decayed wood, it is conjectured to be wood which, by exposure to the atmosphere, had sus- tained the abstraction of all its constituent parts, ex- cept the resin and ligneous fibre impregnated therewith ; and from its having been thus rendered almost an entirely resinous mass, it has not been affected by the bituminizating process. Subterranean collections of bituminized wood ancP ether regetable matter are found at various depths in different parts of the world. The substance thu* found is generally a compact, light, glossy, combusti- ble substance ; of a dark brown colour, and frequently almost black; splitting longitudinally into plates of various thicknesses, breaking transversely with an im- perfect conchoidal fracture, with a shining resinous lustre, and sometimes yielding the appearance of the markings of wood. This is the suturbrand of Iceland, the Bovey coal of this country, and the common brown coal of Thomson. The fossil wood, now described, may be said to pass intojW, which is found, especially in the neighbour- hood of Whitby, in Yorkshire, hi a state very nearly approximating to that of bovey coal. It exists in plates, generally from half an inch to about an inch in thickness, between which a film of carbonate of lime, with pyrites, is disposed: excepting that it more fre- quently shows marks of ligne.ous texture, its characters may be said to be those of jet; its colour, velvet black; internal lustre, shining, resinous ; fracture perfect, large, conchoidal ; fragments, sharp edged, soft, ra- ther brittle ; easily frangible ; very light. Jet is found in other situations, in a different form ; resembling, in its shape, and the markings of its surface, parts of the branches or trunks of trees, but rarely possessing, in- ternally, any marks of vegetable origin ; a circumstance easily accounted for, if its previous softening be ad- mitted. Cannell Coal, of which some of the finest specimens are found in Lancashire, differs from jet chiefly, per- haps, in its holding a greater portion of earth in inti- mate mixture with it. It never manifests internally any traces of vegetable structure, but sometimes bears on its surface evident marks of impressions formed on it whilst in a soft state. Common Coal is composed of a similar bituminous matter, divided by films of calcareous spar mingled a with pyrites, intersecting each other nearly at right angles : its fracture is thus rendered small grained, and uneven, and its fragments mostly cubical or trapezoidal. By this division and enclosure of the inflammable bi- tuminous matter in combustible septa, the accension and combustion of this substance are rendered more slow, and better adapted to the purposes for which it is destined. Traces of vegetable structure are very rarely discoverable in coal, except in the impressions of cactuses and of various dorsiferous and succulent plants. Impartiality here requires that the opinion of Pro- fessor Jameson on this subject should be noticed. The Professor, speaking of the coal found in the neighbour- hood of Edinburgh, says, " the coal, which is black coal, occurs in beds, seldom more than a few inches in thickness, and is generally contained in the bituminous shale or slate clay, rarely in the sandstone. By the gradually increasing mixture of clayey matter, it passes into bituminous shale. The accompanying bituminous shale and slate clay contain impressions of ferns, a fact which has been adduced in support of the opinion which maintains the vegetable origin of black coal. We are inclined to call in question the supposed vege- table origin of this kind of coal, and are rather dis- posed to consider it as an original chemical formation ; and that the occurrence of vegetable impressions in the adjacent rocks no more proves its vegetable origin, than the existence of fossil quadrupeds in the gypsum of Paris proves that rock to have been formed from the debris of animals of the class mammalia *." To these opinions it appears to be sufficient to op- pose the following deductions of Dr. Macculloch, from his experiments on certain products obtained from the * Geognostical Description of the Neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh Journal, vol. i, p. 354. 9 distillation of wood, &c. The Doctor considers him- self as authorised to state, that, " Examining the al- teration produced by water on common turf, or sub- merged wood, we have all the evidence of demonstra- tion that its action is sufficient to convert them into substances capable of yielding bitumen on distillation. That the same action having operated through a longer period has produced the change in the brown coal of Bovey is rendered extremely probable by the geognostic relations of that coal. From this to the harder lignites, suturbraud and jet, the transition is so gradual, that there seems no reason to limit the power of water to produce the effect of bituminization in all these varieties ; nor is there aught in this change so dissonant from other chemical actions, as to make us hesitate in adopt- ing this cause." Satisfied that jet, the bituminous lig- nite which approaches the nearest to coal in its chemi- cal characters, is the result of the action of water on vegetable matter, Dr. Macculloch was induced to try if this substance could, by heat under pressure, be con- verted into coal : the result of his experiment was, that the produce exhibited the true characters of coal, hav- ing not merely the colour and inflammability, but the fracture of coal and its odour on burning *. These ex- periments and observations, taken with those of Mr. Hatchett, appear to be sufficient to set the question, as to the vegetable origin of coal, at rest. The vegetable origin of naphtha, petroleum, and asphaltum, is not yet positively ascertained. Amber, from its being found generally in beds of fossil wood ; the blue clay resin found at Highgate and at Sheppey among the pyritified wood ; and the retinasphaltum of Mr. Hatchett, discovered among the Bovey coal, may either owe their origin to the changes effected in vege- * Transactions of the Geological Society, vol. I, p. 2. C 10 table matter during its subterraneous deposition, or may be vegetable resins, the original product of the trees which they accompany, and which, from their resinous nature, may have resisted the bituminizating process. The argillaceous ironstone nodules which accompany coal, contain, with the remains of many other unknown vegetables, parts of various cryptogamous plants, the recent analogues of a very few of which have been said to be found in some of the tropical regions. On these nodules being broken, the preserved remains are generally discovered on each of the broken sides of the nodule ; not, as might be expected, displaying different sides of the vegetable, but the same side of the leaf, for instance, on each broken surface ; in one, in alto in the other, in basso relievo. The explanation of this curious circumstance, which long puzzled the orycto- logists, is found in the vegetable matter, during its passing through the bituminous change, having become softened, and having filled its own mould with its melted and softened substance; the nodule, on being broken, showing on one side the surface of the adhe- rent bituminous cast, and, on the other, the correspond- ing mould. In the argillaceous and bituminous slate forming the floors and roofs of coal mines are vast collections of the black bituminized remains of gramma, junci, cryp- togami, and of numerous other plants, agreeing in their general characters with those of succulent plants, but differing from the recent ones known in Europe by their vast magnitude, and by the richness of the ornamental markings which appear on their trunks. Description cannot succeed in an attempt to give an idea of the beauty and varieties of the figures which are displayed on the surface of many of those fossils, and lyhich have been supposed to owe their markings to the 11 bark of different trees of supposed antediluvian existence. Some are ornamented by regularly disposed straight plain ribs, disposed longitudinally or transversely over their whole surface ; some by the decussation of nearly straight lines obliquely disposed ; and many, by the alternate contact and receding of gently waving lines, forming areas regularly, but most singularly varying in their forms, and having in their centres tubercles and depressions from which spines, or setae, have in all probability proceeded. In others, lines ob- liquely disposed intersect each other at angles, va- rying in their acuteness in different specimens, in, it would seem, an almost endless variety; forming sur- faces apparently covered with squamae disposed in an imbricated manner, and frequently in quincunx order. Among the fossils of this description, the one which claims our first attention, is, I. Phytolithus verrucosus of Martin; Petrificata Derbienfia, PJ. 11, 12, 13, and 13*; Organic Remains, vol. i, PI. Ill, fig. 1; and on a very small scale, PI. I, fig. 1 and 2 of the present work. This fossil appears to have foiled every one who has attempted to explain its original nature and mode of existence. It is, according to Mr. Martin's correct account, a subscylindrical, subramose, tuberculated trunk, PI. I, fig. 1, with suppressed tubercles in quin- cunx order, (a) having linear lanceolated leaves ho- rizontally disposed, fig. 2 (V). In some parts of it is a deep longitudinal sulcus, fig. 1 (c), beneath which is a rough imbricated body of a slender cylindrical form, fig. 2 (d) . This, Mr. Martin observes, after a certain distance, appears to strike out laterally, and form a branch ; the trunk is then continued for some length, without the furrow or the imbricated body ; after which it again appears, and another branch is put out in another direction. 12 Various opinions have been entertained respecting this interesting fossil, so unlike any of the vegetable sub- stances of the present day, by Da Costa, Woodward, Whitehurst, and others. The author of these pages had conjectured that it belonged to some body resembling the strobilus or cone of some vegetable, while the inge- nious Mr. Martin describes it as above. The examina- tion of this fossil has been since very assiduously pro- secuted by the Rev. Henry Steinhauer (Transact, of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. I). This gentleman is satisfied that "those bodies which were supposed by Mr. Martin to be leaves pro- ceeding from the trunk, were cylindrical fibres which shot out from the trunk of this vegetable, whilst grow- ing in a horizontal position : he supposes this fossil to have been a cylindrical root or trunk growing in this direction, in the soft mud at the bottom of fresh water lakes or seas, without branches, but sending out fibres from all sides : that it was furnished in the centre with a pith of a structure different from the surround- ing wood or cellular substance, more dense and dis- tinct at the older end of the plant, and more similar to the external substance towards the termination which continued to shoot." These points being assumed, Mr. Steinhauer says, "the manner in which the reliquia were formed is easily explained. Annual decay, or an accumula- tion of incumbent mud, having deprived the trunk of the vegetative principle, the clay would be condensed by superior pressure around the dead plant, so as to form a species of matrix : if this took place so rapidly, that the mould had obtained a considerable degree of consistency before the texture of the vegetable was destroyed by putrefaction, the reliquium w r as cylindri- cal ; if, on the contrary, the new formed stratum con- tinued to subside, while the decomposition was going 13 on, it became flattened, and the inferior part might even be raised up towards the yielding substance in the inside, so as to produce the groove, or creesh, as Woodward calls it, on the under side, in the same manner as the floor in coal-works is apt to rise where the measures are soft and the roofs and sides have been secured. While the principal mass of the plant was reduced to a soft state, and gradually carried away or assimilated with mineral in filtrated matter, the central pith being unsupported would sink towards the underside, and this the more sensibly where its texture was most distinct; whilst its anterior extre- mity would go into putrefaction with, and be lost in the most tender part of the plant. The mineral matter introduced would now form an envelope round the pith, when this resisted decomposition for a sufficient length of time ; and when it was ultimately removed, if the surrounding mass was still sufficiently pervious, would be also filled with argillaceous matter, or, if it was too much indurated, be left empty, which is the case occasionally." But the ingenious author of these observations has omitted to notice the imbricated or reticulated surface of the central substance which has been already noticed, and which, it is presumed, will furnish us with some of the required information; since these configura- tions doubtlessly depended on the attachment of some parts of the vegetable, and probably were the bases on which were placed those delicately formed tubular processes, which, in the representation of another fossil, from Organic Remains, Vol. I, PL IX, Jig. 1, an as- sumed fossil strobilus or cone (PI. I, fig. 3, a), are seen to pass from the internal substance to the surface of the vegetable body. From all the information that has been obtained, it appears that this fossil, Phyt. verrucosus, was a plant of the succulent tribe, differing from ve- 14 getables of the present world, by its containing a more solid part within its succulent substance, from which proceeded a delicate organization by which a commu- nication was preserved with the external surface. It also appears that the species of this genus, distin- guished by their characteristic markings, may have been numerous : that the different situations in which the internal part is found in different fossils are attri- butable to the resolution of the tenderly organized in- termediate part connecting the included substance with the surface, and to the other accidents dependent on partial and irregular decomposition, pressure and dis- tortion, occurring during its passage from the vege- table to the mineral kingdom, and very probably in the manner in which it is represented by Mr. Stein- hauer. II. Sulciculmis and Striaticulmis of Luid, PL V, 184, 6 ; Scheuchzer, PL IV, 1. ; Volkmanni Sites. Sub- ter. VII, 7; VIII, 6; Martin, 8, 25, 26; Organic Re- mains, I, PL III, 3, with a reeded, jointed trunk, is said to resemble the young shoots of the Surinam bamboo. III. Phytolithus Cancellatus. Volkman. Siles. Subt. VIII, 10, 11, 12, 13; Martin, 13, 50; Organic Re- mains, Vol. I, PL I, 6, II, 4. Mr. Steinhauer has taken considerable pains to detect and explain the dif- ferent appearances under which the fossil remains of this plant are seen. He has ascertained that there are three distinct kinds of configurations proceeding from it, originating in the epidermis, the bark, and that which may be considered as holding the situation of the wood of the plant. The first, the epidermal, is formed of rhombs, divided by lines forming a network in a manner difficult to express, by drawing or de- scription, which leaves the rhombs still approximate. The impression of this part is represented PL I, fig. 4. 15 In the second, the cortical, the lines between the rhombs are of more breadth, the ridge is broader and less defined, and forms with the contracted superior eleva- tion a protuberance, and the central part assumes the figure of a squamula. PI. I, fig. 5, represents the ma- trix or cast of this part. The third, the ligneous, con- figuration differs extremely from the two former, and only close observation determines that it originates from the same plant. The cancellated appearance is here entirely lost ; the surface is slightly striated with a scarcely perceptible rising under the central ridge, and a minute but distinct raised dot in the place of the depression in the epidermis. It has all the appearance of a peeled plant, which had been furnished with small branches or spines in quincuncial order (PI. I, fig. 6). From the various modifications of these forms, the different aspects of this protean fossil, Mr. Steinhauer thinks, may be explained. IV. Phytolithus parmatus. This fossil is figured by Scheuchzer, Herbar. Diluv. p. 119 : it is distinguishable by a singular organization observable on its surface ; a series of circular or oval scutellae, or shields, are placed close to each other in a right line across the surface. There are three distinct appearances; two of these, the epidermal and ligneous, somewhat resemble each other, but the latter is seldom met with. " In the epidermal," Mr. Steinhauer observes, " the parmae are surrounded by a raised margin, the included disk swells towards the central umbo or boss in curiously disposed rugae, and the boss is generally more or less excavated in the centre. These configurations on the surface of the shields vary in almost every specimen ; yet so that it is not difficult to trace their analogy and the identity of their different marks. The raised margin is constant, and there is always a tendency of the other lines and protuberances towards the centre ; not in the direction 16 of the radii, but in a manner slightly resembling the figures on the back of an engine-turned watch, pro- duced by describing several circles whose centres are situate in the circumference of another circle round the middle of the plate. V. Phytolithus imbricatus, Organic Remains, PL I, fig. 6. This is the fossil figured by Mr. Martin, PL III, fig. 4, and to which Mr. Steinhauer has given the name of Phytolithus Martini. The trunk is round and tapering, sometimes branched, leafy, covered with scales. Leaves crowded, seemingly one from each scale ; subulate, marked with a strong rib : scales rhomboidal, sharp pointed, slightly carinated or keeled, close, imbricate, covering each other in such a manner that the whole surface of the stem appears regularly divided into rhombs. VI. Phytolithus transversus of Steinhauer appears to be the fossil already referred to, page 13, and figured (PL I, fig. 3, a), in illustration of Phytolithus verru- cosus. VTI. Phytolithus nolatus and Dawsoni of Steinhauer appears to belong to the same vegetable. Perhaps the former, Phyt. notatus, bearing longitudinal series of cicatrices of a rounded pentagonal form, with a central marking, and the series separated by very dis- tinct sulci, bears the marks of the epidermal character, whilst the latter shews the marking of the ligneous part. VIII. Phytolithus tesselatus. Surface tesselated with rhomboidal plates, formed by the transverse separations of longitudinal costae ; or of longitudinal sulci, if in the impressions of the matrix. Although much is still left for investigation respect- ing these fossils, there is very little doubt that the in- genious observations of Mr. Steinhauer may lead the industrious enquirer to making still more definite and important distinctions. These observations are interest- 17 ing, not only as yielding collateral eviden.ce of the ve- getable origin of coal, but as leading to a probable con- jecture of the particular plants which have been the chief source, from which the vast stores of that be- neficent provision for man has been derived. These remains, in common with all others found in slate, are almost always in a flattened state, from which some deception has arisen with respect to their original forms. But the examination of the vegetable fossils contained in the accompanying beds of limestone and sandstone, where compression has not taken place, yields the important information that these vast sub- stances which have been here found imbedded, and which have been hitherto considered as fossil trees, are the remains of similar vegetables with those found in the beds of slate, but here existing in their original forms, and agreeing in their size with those succulent plants which are now known to be growing within the tropics. Many accounts have been given of the trunks of trees, whose cortical markings were entirely unknown, having been found in the sandstones of Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, and, indeed, in all those parts in which the coal formations have been explored. Having been favoured with the opportunity of ex- amining several specimens of this nature, through the kindness of Thomas Botfield, Esq. of Bewdley in Worcestershire, I am enabled to say, that these are not generally the remains of trees, but of succulent plants, the firm cortical parts of which having been converted by the bituminizating process into jet, have formed that firm tube which is often found, in these instances, filled with sandstone, agreeing with that of the general ma- trix, and possessing the space left by the waste of the internal succulent part of the plant. The description of the last announced fossil of this kind, found in the D neighbourhood of Glasgow, agrees exactly with the general account of these supposed fossil trees, and will, it is presumed, corroborate the opinion which has been just advanced. In a quarry of sandstone belonging to the coal form- ation on which Glasgow is built, and in the neighbour- hood of that city, it is stated, that " the quarrymen came upon the cast of a tree in situ just as it had been growing. The trunk is about twenty-six inches in di- ameter, not quite round but somewhat oval, so that the north and south diameter is several inches longer than the east and west diameter. The ^body of the tree it- self is composed of sandstone precisely similar to the rest of the quarry; but the bark has been converted into perfect cherry coal, which adheres firmly to the tree, and renders it easy to remove the rock with which it is incrusted. About three feet of the bottom part of the tree has been uncovered ; this portion is situ- ated about forty feet below the surface of the earth in a solid quarry of sandstone. The upper part of the trunk and branches has not been discovered : in- deed, it is some time since the upper portion of the quarry was removed. The roots may be seen dipping down into the earth precisely as the roots of living trees do. Four very large roots may be seen issuing from the trunks, and extending, some of them, about a foot before they are lost in the surrounding stone. There is nothing to indicate the species of tree of which the mould has been here preserved. From the appearance of the roots it is obvious that it was not a fir ; it had more resemblance to a beech : the bark has been so completely bituminized, that its usual characters are effaced . The petrifaction, however, is not without its value ; it demonstrates that the sandstone has been formed at a period posterior to the existence of large trees, and that the water-worn appearance of the quartz 19 pebbles of which the sandstone is composed is not a deceitful indication." Hence the ingenious observer is led to observe, that " if the sandstone, which consti- tutes so great a proportion of the coal beds, be a form- ation posterior to the earth being covered with wood, we can entertain no doubt that this is the case also with the slate clay and the coal which alternate with this sandstone. Indeed, if the coal formation exists as a portion of the old red sandstone, we can en- tertain no reasonable doubt that the old red sandstone itself has been formed after the earth was covered with wood." Annals of Philosophy, Nov. 1820. The size which these fossil plants have attained, compared with that of the cactuses known in Europe, must, as in the fossil last mentioned, lead to a doubt as to this opinion of their agreement with the recent cactus. But to be enabled to form a correct judgment on this point, it is necessary to know the state in which these plants exist where the soil and climate aie such as to allow them to develope themselves in their native luxuriance. The researches of the celebrated Hum- boldt, in the equinoctial regions, supply us on this head with the most appropriate and satisfactory in- formation. The following detached observations of that philosopher will show not only the size to which these plants may arrive, but the vast tracts which, un- der favourable circumstances, they may overrun, as well as the great probability of their having been the first vegetable clothing of the earth. " The hill of calcareous breccia, which we have just regarded as an island in the ancient gulph, is covered with a thick forest of columnar cactus and opuntia, some thirty or forty feet high, covered with lichens, and divided into several branches in the form of candelabras, wearing a singular appearance. Near Maniquarez, at Punta Araya, we measured a cactus, the trunk of which was 20 four feet nine inches in circumference. The European, acquainted only with the opuntia in our hot-houses, is surprised to see the wood of this plant become so hard from age, that it resists for centuries both air and wa- ter, and that the Indians of Cumana employ it in preference for hords and doorposts. Cumana, Coro, the island of Margaretta, and Curacao, are the places in South America that abound most in the plants of the family of the nopals. There, only, a botanist can compose a monography of the genus cactus, the spe- cies of which vary not only in their flowers and fruits, but in the form of their articulated stem, the number of costae, and the disposition of the thorns : the divi- sions of property are marked by hedges formed of the agave and cactus. At San Fernando, S. A., the soil abounds in aquatic plants with sagittate leaves, and he remarks that some of these succulent plants are from eight to ten feet high. In Europe their assemblage would be considered a little wood." He also mentions a kind of bamboo which the Indians call jagua, which is found near San Fernando, more than forty feet in height. These, he observes, cannot but remind the admirer of fossils of the vast fossil bamboos which are found in the sandstones accompanying coal. Speaking of a rock of considerable height and magnitude, he ob- serves, " Euphorbium, cacalia, kleinia, and cactus, which are become wild in the Canary Islands, as well as in the south of Europe and the whole continent of Africa, are the only plants we see on this arid rock, being plants which draw their nourishment rather from the air than from the soil in which they grow." He also remarks, " It is not, in general, by mosses and lichens that vegetation in the countries near the tropics begins. In the Canary Islands, as well as in Guinea and in the rocky coasts of Peru, the first vegetables that prepare the mould for others are the succulent plants." 21 These interesting observations, taken into considera- tion with the appearances yielded by the fossils accom- panying coal, lead to the further consideration of the formation of that substance. From its chemical cha- racters, its bearing the impressions of vegetables, and being surrounded with vegetable remains in the roofs and floors of the mines and the accompanying coal- measures, its vegetable origjn, it is presumed, maybe fairly inferred. The examination of the various fossil vegetables which accompany it has determined that they chiefly belong to the grasses, reeds, the cryp- togamous and the succulent plants, and point out the kind of vegetables which most abounded, and, per- haps, to the exclusion of trees and aborescent plants, at that period when the land first escaped from the do- minions of the waters. It is true, that an exact agree- ment between the forms and markings of these fossil remains, and of those of the succulent plants which are offered to our observation in the present day, is not observable; but it should be considered that analogy will not authorise the expectation of an exact agree- ment, since it is very rarely to be found between the fossil remains and the animals now existing, owing to the extinction of whole tribes from which those fossil remains have proceeded. Besides, considerable differ- ences must result from the greater size observable in the fossil vegetables, especially in those of the succu- lent tribe, and which may be corroborated by observ- ing how much the succulent plants of Italy differ in size and form from those of South America and of o_ther regions in the warmer climates. Proceeding now to the examination of vegetable fossils, in which the introduction of earthy or metallic particles has taken place, it may be necessary again to observe, that wood or other vegetable matter is not likely to undergo this kind of impregnation whilst in a 22 state of soundness and integrity, but that the states most favourable for this kind of change are that kind of decay which has been produced by the abstraction of almost all the constituents except the ligneous fibre, leaving that substance to which is generally applied the term rotten wood, and that spongeous state which ac- companies bituminization. The admission of water in this latter state, strongly impregnated with earths or metals, must, as the deposition and consequent earthy or metallic change proceeds, stay the further progress of the biturainizating process, and, giving solidity to the mass, secure the conservation of the form and even structure which the mass possessed at the period when this impregnation commenced : and here it may be ob- served, that specimens of silicified wood exist, in which it may be seen that petrifaction has arrested the bituminizating process in wood in almost all its stages. I. CALCAREOUS VEGETABLE FOSSILS. Lime is not very frequently the mineralizing matter of vegetable fossils ; it is however sometimes found introduced into the remains of wood in the form of spar, and some- times it becomes, in the form of limestone, the internal substance of fossil reeds and of various succulent plants. 1. Calcareous spathose wood previously decayed. Colour light brown, surface rough and dull, but sus- ceptible of polish; fracture dull, uneven, and rather spicular ; interstices filled with nearly colourless spar. The lime being removed from this fossil by muriatic acid, a considerable portion of light-coloured flocculent substance is deposited Found in alluvia and in the oolite formation. 2. Calcareous spathose wood previously bitumin- ized. Colour darkish red brown ; surface commonly rough, but partially glossy ; fracture dull, uneven, and 23 rather spicalar, veined with spar of a lightish brown colour. Found in the clay of bituminous slate accom- panying the lyas. The lime being removed by the muriatic acid, a con- siderable volume of dark brown powder remains, which, when dried, is remarkably combustible, burning with a flame resembling that of some of the pyrophori. On the brown spar being subjected to the action of diluted muriatic acid, the bituminous matter with which it is coloured rises in a film to the surface of the solution. The polished surface of both these fossils being ex- amined with a lens, the spathose substance is seen to have permeated the minutest woody fibres in all their directions. The powder deposited during the solution of both these fossils is undoubtedly the woody fibre reduced to this state of minute division, in conse- quence of its penetration in every direction by the spa- those crystallization. II. SILICEOUS VEGETABLE FOSSILS. The mineral- ization of vegetable substances is most frequently ef- fected by those impregnations in which silex is the principal constituent ; the fossils thus formed being re- markable for the correctness with which their forms and markings have been preserved. 1. Siliceous wood. Its colour is generally greyish and yellowish white, thence passing into ash grey, greyish black, and different shades of brown. Its in- ternal lustre is glistening, its fracture more or less per- fect conchoidal, showing the ligneous texture. The fragments sharp-edged and translucent. It is harder than opal, and easily frangible. It is found in many parts of the world, but some of the finest specimens are obtained in the neighbour- hood of Schemnitz and at Telkabanya in Hungary. It is frequently found in this island in the diluvian detritus, and in almost the whole of the green sand 24 formation. Very large fragments are found in the Port- land stones, the interstices of which are often beau- tifully sprinkled with quartz crystals. Interesting spe- cimens are also discovered in the gritstone of the same formation in the Blackdown-pits of Devonshire, which are frequently rendered very interesting by the delicate amianthine form in which the silex is disposed. Spe- cimens are also found in the sands of Bedfordshire. It is but rarely found in chalk; it however forms the nucleus of a flint nodule which is said to have been ob- tained in Berkshire. Besides the general characters of siliceous wood, the peculiar resinous glistening lustre which it often pos- sesses demands particular notice. It exists in so many degrees, and under such distinct modifications, as to divide it into several species. This peculiar lustre, so nearly resembling that of wax or rather of resin, giving such an appearance as might be expected from a mix- ture of fluid silex and bitumen, and existing in speci- mens in which strong and indisputable markings of the woody fibre were to be seen, gave rise to the opinion offered in a former work, that these specimens were the result of the siliceous impregnation of wood in different degrees of bituminization ; the gently contorted and softened lines of the ligneous texture presenting the appearance of their having been in a softened state previous to their petrifaction. With the hope of determining whether bituminous or even carbonaceous matter existed in these specimens or not, several experiments have been employed; but when the fugacious nature of bitumen and the refrac- tory nature of silex, yielding only to the most destruc- tive processes, are considered, the difficulty of the ne- cessary separation and analysis must be obvious, and the following results must at least be admitted to show the propriety of still further extending the enquiry. 25 By the exposure of opaline wood in a retort to the heat of a furnace, the presence of carbon was determined ; a strong empyreumatic smell, and an oily sublimated matter possessing the same odour, was produced : the same results have proceeded from a similar treatment of pitchstone, bearing a ligneous appearance. Mr. Klap- roth, on igniting the brown red semiopal of Telke- banya in an open crucible, found that the iron con- tained in the fossil was reduced to a reguline state, although there had been no admixture of any charcoal, or of any other substance with a nearer affinity with oxygen, showing that the carbonaceous principle existed in the fossil itself. The same celebrated chemist ana- lyzing the hydrophanous opal of Saxony, obtained, as Mr. Pepys had done from opaline wood, a water having an empyreumatic smell, and covered with a thin greasy pellicle : he also determined afterwards the actual presence of bitumen in the semiopal of Mahren. Specimens exist which show the union of silex with bituminous wood in all its different stages of bitumini- zation. In one specimen of black siliceous wood, pieces of coal exist in its internal part : in one silici- fied specimen with evident characters of previous bitu- minization, patches are seen on its surface of a jet black, and possessing the resinous lustre : in another are spread drusy crystals of quartz, of a dark black, from the union of black bitumen with silex ; whilst the black bitumen may also be seen thus intimately com- bined with silex in the quartz crystals, and imbedded, unaltered, in the interstices of the same specimen. But whether it be admitted or not that the resinous lustre proves the previous bituminization of the fossil wood, the different degrees, and the presence or ab- sence of this character, may be had recourse to in E 26 marking its different varieties, and their approximation to other mineral substances. The varieties of siliceous wood depend not only on the nature of the combinations forming the lapideous matter of which it is chiefly constituted, but also, as has been already observed, on the state of the wood previous to its petrifaction. When the fossil is light coloured and of a shivery texture, the wood may be presumed to have been previously in a decayed state, or, as it is termed, rotten wood ; and when close, com- pact, and dark coloured, it may have suffered previous bituminization. A. Chalcedonic wood. In the most common form in which this variety appears, the colour is of a yellowish white, the substance resembling that of withered wood. The surface rough and splintery, the splinters fre- quently so minute as to be wafted with the slightest breath. The internal part solid, chiefly formed vof the translucent siliceous matter, which fills the interstices and such cavities as may have been formed by the tere- dines and other insects, and also sometimes invests the ends of the specimen in a inammillated or stalagmitic form. Specimens occur in which previous bitumin- ization also appears to have taken place, and in which the clear siliceous substance appears as if it had trans- uded into the cavities, and had exuded at the ends of the specimens. Here must be referred those amorphous specimens which possess a rough surface, scarcely any lustre, with patches of apple green colour and of a quartzose hard- ness, intermixed with others of a light or light grey colour, considerably softer. When cut and polished, the white parts display evident marks of vegetable tex- ture ; either that of very fine-grained woods, or of some of the palms or reeds, the spaces between being filled 7 with siliceous matter, either translucent, or of an apple green colour. B. Jasperine wood displays all the colours and ap- pearances belonging to common jasper, so disposed as to mark the existence of ligneous texture, and fre- quently so varied as to give the resemblance of dif- ferent woods. It is usually opaque, but sometimes translucent at the edges, and sometimes in patches, where it appears as jasper-agate. Its fracture passes from conchoidal to flat and earthy : its internal lustre is generally dull, but sometimes approaching to resin- ous ; its interstices are frequently set with minute crys" tals. The texture of the wood is discoverable in some very rare specimens of Heliotrope, or bloodstone. C. Opaline wood occurs in pieces of a yellowish or yellowish-white colour, passing into different shades of brown: surface generally marked by the ligneous structure, and possessing a resinous lustre. The frac- ture more or less approaching to perfect conchoidal, showing the ligneous marking and a glistening lustre. Fragments sharp-edged, and somewhat translucent: the surface sometimes dull, like wood, and the internal substance transparent. It is considered by Dr. Thompson as consisting of wood penetrated by opal, and as being 'Mo intimately connected with opal, that it would perhaps be better to unite them. D. Pitchstone wood. Specimens of fossil wood, evi- dently showing its original texture, and answering to the characters of pitchstone, are frequently seen: its colours are yellow, brown, reddish brown, red, black, white, and grey, with various intermediate shades; fracture is flattish, imperfectly large conchoidal ; lustre varying between dull, vitreous and resinous. The woody texture is to be traced also in numerous 28 , lapideous substances bearing the intermingled cha- racters of pitchstone, opal, jasper, chalcedony, jasper- agate, &c. III. ALUMINOUS VEGETABLE FOSSILS. 1. Bituminous slate, schistus, and shale, containing vegetable remains, are frequently met with in the neigh- bourhood of coal. These remains, as have been already mentioned, are of various gramina, cryptogami and suc- culent plants. On allowing some of these bodies to remain in water, their substance becomes softened down, and is resolved into a mass in which the vegetable matter is obvious. 2. Aluminous wood. The wood which has been thus named by different authors, by its proneness to com- bustion, and by the other properties which they de- scribe it to possess, should be considered as pyritous wood, having obtained its change in the ferruginous clay in which it has been imbedded. The mineralizing matter of metallic fossil vegetables is most commonly the pyrites or sulphurets and car- bonates of iron, copper, zinc, or lead. I. FERRUGINOUS FOSSIL WOOD. 1. PyriticaL In this fossil the sulphuret of iron pervades the charcoal into which the vegetable matter has been ct u .verted. When first found it generally possesses metallic brilliancy, is sufficiently hard to scratch glass; emits sparks on collision with steel, and displays the forms and markings pointing out its vegetable origin ; but it soon begins to suffer from de- composition, when its characters change, and it finally resolves into a saline flocculent substance. 2. Carbonated. In these specimens, which are of different shades of brown colour, and generally of an uniform substance, the marks of the vegetable origin are easily observable, although not so distinct as in the 29 specimens of the preceding species before the com- mencement of decomposition. II. FERRUGINOUS FOSSIL SEEDS, &c. Innumerable seeds, seed-vessels, &c. have been found, by Mr. Crow and others, in the blue clay of Shepey, in the state of pyrites. Most of these belong to plants unknown to our botanists ; the existing plants, to which the others seem to approximate, are some of those of the warmer climates. III. CUPREOUS FOSSIL WOOD. 1. Pyritical. This fossil is distinguishable from the ferruginous pyritical wood, by the pyrites being of ra- ther a darker colour, but chiefly by the blue or green colour which partially pervades the fossil. In some specimens, in which the general appearance is that of bituminous wood, the metallic impregnation can only be detected by the weight of the fossil and the blue or green hue on its surface. 2. Wood converted into carbonate and hydrate of copper. Cupreous wood in this state forms very beau- tiful specimens, displaying, not only on its surface, but in its substance, mingled with the charred wood, the most vivid blue and green colours, with patches of the carbonate in the state of malachite. The finest specimens of cupreous wood are obtained from the copper mines of Siberia. 3. Wood mineralized by lead. Specimens of wood containing galena, the sulphuret of lead, have been chiefly discovered in Derbyshire. The leaves of plants, except those of gramina, junci, and of the cryptogamia, are seldom found in a mineral- ized state. The lobes and pinnulae of ferns, as has been before mentioned, are frequently found in a bi- tuminized state in nodules of ironstone, and in im- mense quantities with the remains of gramina and 30 succulent plants in the schistose and slaty coverings of coal. Among the numerous remains of plants very few are found which agree in their specific characters with any known species, and many indeed differ so much as to render it difficult to determine even the genus under which they should be placed. The leaves of trees are only found in substances which appear to be of modern formation. Among these are said to have been found those of the willow, the pear-tree, mulberry-tree, and of several others. These have been found in fossil calcareous stone, chiefly in that of Oeningen, and in the calcareous tufa bordering those lakes and rivers which abound in cal- careous matter. Leaves are sometimes found in sand- stone which somewhat resemble those of trees, but which most probably have belonged to aquatic plants. In the grey chalk, small white ramose forms are found, which pervade the chalk, and have the appearance of being of vegetable origin. My attention was first drawn to these remains by Mr. Mantell, of Lewes, who, it is to be hoped, may be able to present some further inform- ation respecting them in his forthcoming work on the Fossils of the South Downs. "Wood, and other vegetable substances, are frequently found in clay and limestone in the state of charcoal. It cannot always be ascertained by what means this change has been effected ; but in that which is found in the blue clay, and in other situations in which pyrites prevail, the change may safely be attributed to the de- composition of the pyrites with which those substances had been impregnated. Mosses, Conferva, fyc. Rounded pebbles, called moss agates, are frequently found on the coast of the North Riding of Yorkshire: and Dr. Macculloch de- 31 scribes them as having been found on the shore at Dun- glas, in Scotland, containing substances which have the appearance of vegetables. Daubenton and Blnmenbach had expressed their conviction of the vegetable origin of these substances; still many considered them as entirely mineral: but Dr. Macculloch, pursuing this enquiry with his usual zeal and acuteness, observes, that deception is very likely to arise in these specimens, from the well known metallic arborizations emulating the vegetable forms, becoming blended with the real vegetable; and from the actual investment of the whole plant with car- bonate of iron; but the most common source of de- ception and obscurity, in the Doctor's opinion, " will be found in the whimsical and fibrous disposition occasionally assumed by chlorite, its colour often imitating the natural hue of a plant as perfectly as its fibrous and ramified appearance does the disposi- tion and form of one." All the plants that have been discovered in this state of envelopement in quartz appear to belong to certain species of the cryptogamia class, chiefly byssi, confervae, junger- manniae, and the mosses. The stones found at Dun- glas, Dr. Macculloch observes, "contain remains of organized substances of an epocha at least equally antient with that in which the vegetable remains found in the floetz strata existed. As the species ascertained by Daubenton have, in all probability, been preserved in recent formations of chalcedony," so the Doctor thinks that " those which he describes have been pre- served in the chalcedonies of former days *." The moss agates of the Yorkshire coast appear to be of the ancient, whilst other specimens which I pos- sess prove the correctness of Br. Macculloch's opi- * Geological Transactions, vol. ii, p. 511, 518. 32 nion, that some of these fossils are of recent form- ation. The remarks of Dr. Macculloch on the mode in which these curious investments were accomplished, deserve particular attention. " The remains are, in fact, (if I may use such an expression) embalmed alive. To produce this effect, we can only conceive a solution of silex in water, so dense as to support the weight of the substance involved, a solution capable of soli- difying in a short space of time, or capable at least of suddenly gelatinizing previously to the ultimate change by which it became solidified into stone *." Dr. Macculloch describes and figures a congeries of tubuli contained in an oriental agate : similar substances are found in the pebbles on the Yorkshire coast; and in one which I possess the tubules are disposed in a confused radiated form, giving more of the idea of a zoophyte than of a vegetable substance. A knowledge of the vegetable fossils peculiar to the different strata will, in all probability, open to us con- siderable stores of instruction ; we may thereby learn, not only the nature of the several vegetable beings of the earlier ages of this planet, but may ascertain the order in which the several tribes were created : and, reckoning upon the considerable advance which has been made in our knowledge of the structure of the earth, and upon the eagerness with which enquiries re- specting the organic remains of former periods are pursued, the attainment of such knowledge, it may be presumed, is not far distant. At present we know of no vegetable remains of ear- lier existence than those which belong to the coal form- ation; and these appear to be chiefly derived from various grasses and reeds, and plants of the cryptoga- * Geological Transactions, vol. ii, p. 522. 33 motis and succulent tribes, many of which are not known to exist on the surface of the earth at present. From the latter of these the coal itself appears to have chiefly proceeded. In the mountain limestone, above the coal, and in the different members of this formation ex- isting between this and the blue lyas, vegetable remains appear to be of but rare occurrence; so that parti- culars of such as have been discovered in these situa- tions may furnish much useful information, and espe- cially with respect to those fossils which are sup- posed to have derived their origin from wood. It has been assumed that wood, or parts of trees, have been found in coal and in the accompanying coal- measures, but some confirmation of these accounts seems to be required. The description of these fossils has sel- dom been so particular and exact as to yield positive evidence of their original nature; and, as has been already shown, the instances are by no means infre- quent in which the traces, and even the remains of cactuses and other succulent plants, had given rise to the belief of the existence of fossil trees in these strata. This opinion may therefore have obtained seeming con- firmation from the ligneous hardness which large plants of this kind might have acquired, and which, perhaps, might be traced in their mineralized remains. The earliest stratification in which fossil wood exists is not perhaps at present determined ; but it seems that the earliest appearance in this island of fossil wood, which by its uniformity of character appears to belong to a particular bed, is the spathose bituminous wood of the blue lyas, as found at Lyme in Dorsetshire, and in the neighbourhood of Bath (p. 22). In the next form- ation, and particularly in that of the green sand, sili- ceous fossil wood occurs frequently. Very delicate specimens are found in the sandstone, the whet-stone F 34 of the Blackdown hills of Devonshire. The specimens of fossil wood found in the Portland stone are fre- quently of very considerable size, and hear all the cha- racteristic marks of wood : these are also siliceous, and are often beautifully sprinkled on their interior surfaces with quartz crystals. Siliceous fossil wood is also found in other situations, as in the sands of Wooburn in Bedfordshire : it also occurs at Folkstone in Kent, in that part of the green sand where it approximates to the super- incumbent marl, in which it is also found. Traces of wood are hardly ever discovered in the chalk itself, and so rarely in the accompanying flint nodules, that the knowledge of but one specimen, an instance of this occurrence, is known to the writer of these pages. But in the blue clay, incumbent upon this immense accumulation of chalk, fossil wood, pierced with tere- dines, and impregnated with calcareous spar, is ex- ceedingly abundant: and in almost every sunken part of this bed, and even of the whole surface of this island, the remains are discoverable of vast forests which have suffered little other change than that of having undergone different degrees of bituminization. By these facts we learn that, at some very remote and early period of the existence of this planet, it must have abounded with plants of the succulent kind, and, as it appears from their remains, in great variety of forms and luxuriancy of size. These, from what is discoverable of their structure, beset with seta and spines, were not formed for the food of animals ; nor, from the nature of the substances of which they were composed, were they fitted to be applied to the various purposes to which wood, the product of the earth at a subsequent period, has been found to be so excellently adapted, by man. Their remains, it must also be re- marked, are now found in conjunction with that sub- 35 stance which nature has, in all probability, formed from them ; and which, by the peculiar economical modifica- tion of its combustibility, is rendered an invaluable article of fuel. If this be admitted to be the origin of coal, a satisfactory cause will appear for the vast abundance of vegetable matter with which the earth must have been stored in its early ages : this vast, and in any other view useless, creation, will thus be ascer- tained to have been a beneficent arrangement by Provi- dence for man, the being of a creation of a later period. Animal Fossils. THE mineralized remains of animals are found in sub- terranean situations, in almost every part of the globe which has been explored. The immense number, the high antiquity, and the general disagreement of these remains with those animals which now exist, give rise to the most interesting and important conjectures. Correct investigation is therefore demanded : a careful comparison of the respective characters of these sub- stances must be made, and the various circumstances belonging to their present extraneous situations be en- deavoured to be ascertained. Zoophytes. These substances, possessing an animal nature under forms approaching to those of vegetables, frequently occur in a mineralised state. The inquiries respecting them will, for obvious reasons, be first di- rected to those which are of the simplest forms and structure. Sponge is, in its recent state, a polymorphous, soft, porous, flexible and elastic body, manifesting a small portion of irritability and vitality. It is com- posed of fibres of a peculiar substance disposed rather in a membranaceous form, blended with minute spictilae of various figures ; the whole connected in a variously formed network, and invested by a light gelatinous matter. 36 Count Marsilli, who had the most favourable oppor- tunities of examining into the nature of this substance, was satisfied, although led to the belief of its being a vegetable, that he had many times observed a regular systole and diastole taking- place in some of its more circular apertures. But neither M. Peron nor M. Bosc have been able to confirm these observations *. With the hope of facilitating the distinction and ar- rangement of those sponges which may be discovered in a mineralised state, it has been thought advisable ta give the following table of the divisions of sponges which have been adopted, and of the species which have been noticed by M. Lamourouxf; adding those specific characters which appear to be most distinctive and most likely to be discoverable in the fossil speci- mens. * The following remarks on. the nature of this substance merit atten- tion: Although the animal nature of sponge is generally admitted, BO cir- cumstance which may serve to illustrate its history, and tend to dispose of it in i ts proper place in the system of nature, should: be unnoticed. The following observations of Dr. Fyfe may indeed be considered as adducing very important evidence on this subject. Sir Humphrey Davy had pro- cured iodine from several of the fuel and ulva^ but not ftoei the alkaline matter manufactured at Sicily, Spain, and the Roman states, nor did lie find that the ashes of coral or of sponge appeared to contain, it. From various experiments Dr. Fyfe was enabled to conclude that iodine was confined not only to- the class cryptogamia, bqt to the marine productions of this class. Sponge being however considered to belong to the animal world, forms an apparent objection to this conclusion. But it must be re- membered that Linnaeus was inclined to regard sponge as a vegetable sub- stance, and to place it in the class cryptogamia, subdivision alga-, aquation- : but was doubtful of the correctness of this arrangement. " May not the fact," Dr. Fyfe observes, " that sponge contains iodine, be an argument in favour of the opinion of Livmvus, that this substance properly belongs to the vegetable world, class cryptoganiia, from the plants of which iodine is ob- tained?" Account of some Experiments, made teith the view of ascertaiiung the, different Substances from which Iodine can be procured. By Andrew Fyfe, M. D. Tlic Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, vol. i t p. 2:>4. t Histoire dcs Polypiers Coralligenes flexibles, &c. paj- J. V. F. Lamouioux, D.E>S. Caen, 181 G. 37 I. Sessile masses, simple or lobated, either covering or enveloping. Species. 1. S. communis. . Large flattish masses, rather convex ; pores large ; crevices and grooves chiefly beneath. -Surface finely porous, downy and jagged ; edges ciliated. Tissue fibrous and stiff; holes and crevices numerous and deep. Stiff and hard, very cavernous; mammillated, and irregularly porous. Rudely shaped ; irregularly lobed ; cavernous, and jagged as if eroded. Rather glomerated, and a little branchy ; fibres veiy lax. . Fibre shaggy and rather straight, resembling the beard of a goat. Fibres in fasciculi, terminating in pencils at the surface. Terminating in jagged, braaehy lobes. Formed of numerous bundles of distinct filaments. Surface membranaceous ; nearly covered with subangular, irre- gular cells. Beset with subangular cells; in- terstial membranes full of pores* 13. septosa. . . . With nearly erecf lamellae, de- cussating and forming irregular cells. With reticulated fibres, in unequal and wintfing divisions. -Encrusting; deeply lobed, with thick, erect, flattish, conoidal lobes. Flat, oblong, nearly undivided; full of pores. 2. lacinulosa. 3. sinuosa. . . 4. cavernosa. 5. cariostf. ... 6. lichewformis, 7. barba 8. fasciculatus. 9. lacera 10. filameuCosa. 11. favosa. . . . 12. ceffulosa. . 14. fenestrata. 15. crassUoba. 16. tabula. . . 38 Species. 17. S. placenta. . . Obliquely circular, plano-con- vex; rigid, full of pores, radi- ated in grooves at the edges. 18. byssoides. . . Flat; formed of distinct fibres, and loosely cancellated. 19. pulvinata. . Smooth, like a cushion ; rarely lobed. 20. carbonaria. Black and mishapen. 21. incrustans. Investing, with a thin crust. 22. agaracina. Compressed, lobed, reticulated, and externally covered with a downy substance. 23. cristata. . . Flat,with erect and delicate ridges growing in the shape of cocks' combs. 24. domuncula. Convex, smooth, slightly papil- lary, and very cellular. 25. globosa. . . . Rounded, firm, and very caver- nous ; the surface sprinkled with smooth papillae. 26. macida. . . With white, crustaceous fibres, terminating in points. 27. panicea. . . Resembling, in its form, crum of bread ; and composed of bundles of fine needle-like fibres, crossing each other. 28. papillaris. Crustaceousj tender, soft, and with perforated papillae. 29. urens Very brittle and soft, and in- terwoven with very minute spines. 30. acicularis. . White, solid, porous and scabrous externally ; with fibres in fas- ciculae converging to the centre. II. Subpediculated masses, contracted toward their base ; simple or lobated. 31. S. angulosa. . . Sides angular ; various, unequal, and numerous foramina on the edges of the angles. 39 Species. 32. S. pluriloba. .- Lobes erect and fissured ; nume- rous small pores with inter- spersed round ones. 33. rimosa. . . . Lobes erect, fibrose and rather woolly ; surface hollowed out with longitudinal grooves. 34. penicillosa. Surface bristled with brushes of straight and hard fibres. 35. turgida. . . . Substance fibrous; fibres loosely interwoven with a terminating foramen. 3G. bombycina. . Ventricose ; many lobes on the upper surface; fibres naked and lax ; harsh and hispid at the surface. 37. flammula. . .Lobes erect, of an ovato-lan- ceolated form ; fibres loose. 38. myrobolans. Mass oval, rather flat. 39. pes leonis. . . Pedicle short, sustaining a roundish, oval, soft compressed mass; texture very porous. 40. anatipes Entirely fibrous ; longitudinal fibres stronger than the trans- verse ones ; the meshes of the net-work elongated ; pedicle hard and porous. 41. rubra Reddish, depressed, subrotund, with elevated tubercles ; and pores of equal size. 42. peziza Yellow and ramous, branches resembling the peziza. 43. nigra Globose, smooth; black ex- ternally, internally of an ash- colour. III. Pediculated masses; flat, flabelliform ; simple or lobated. 44. S. plancella. . . . Truncated oval form, flat; not thick; curved on one of its edges ; tissue lightly en crusted, and finely porous. 40 Species. 45. S.pala Spatulifonn, openings round on its upper margin. 46. flabelliformis. Fan-formed ; elegantly reticu- lated, with superficial undu- lating stripes, decussating on the disk. 47. pluma Finely fibrous, spread fan-like. 48. carduus Dilated like a fan ; with la- mellated wrinkles on both sides, and echinated with spines. 49. panned. . . . Flabelliform, with a cloth-like texture. 50. fissurata. . . . Fan-formed, more or less lo- bated, and covered with small irregular crevices. 51. cancellaria. . Low, flabelliform, compressed ; ramifications coalescent, dis- posed in a trellised form, and bristled on the edges. 52. lyrata. .... . Erect, compressed, fan-formed lobes, with connected tubes; upper margin rounded and set with foramina. 53. deltoidea. . . . Erect ; truncated in the upper part; (frequently encrusted with vermiculae on both sides.) 54. sartaginula. . Circular and smoothish ; con- cave on one and convex on the other side ; with small round fo- ramina disposed almost inrows. 55. appendiculata. Subpediculated, oblong, spa- tuliform, with finger-formed ap- pendices. IV. Concave expanded masses; cup or funnel-formed. 56. S. usitatissima. . Turbinated ; soft, tomentous, very jagged and porous. 57. tubulifera. . . . With tubuliferous lobes. 58. stellifera Cup-formed, with thickly set stelliform pores in the hollow part. 41 Species. 50. S. striata. .... Funnel-formed, with rough longitudinal striae on the sides. Co. campana. . . . Bell-formed, with lamelloso- reticulated sides. 61. turbinata. . . Turbinated, narrow and long, cavity echinated. 62. vasculum. . . . Turbinated; surface smooth, edge woolly. (53. brassicaria. . Expanded, subfoliaceous, lobes large, surface smooth. 64. cyathina. . . . Cyathiform; with small, scat- tered, round openings. 65. Otaheitica. . . Cyathiform ; slightly lobed, with longitudinal crevices. 66. costifera. . . . Turbinated, with longitudinal ribs on the sides. (57. labellum. . . . Labelliform, like slips of paper; striated with longitudi- nal thread-like risings. 68. pocillum. . . . Caliciform, with fine pores and clefts. 69. venosa Open cyathiform, and reticu- lated with vein-like white, dis- tinct fibres. 70. sportella. . . . Basket-formed ; reticulated. 71. bursaria. . . . Wedge-shaped, purse-like, connected in a fan-form. 72. bilamellata. . Flabelliform, terminating in two ample straight, parallel lamellae. 73. calix Turbinated, stipitated ; the substance thick and lax, inter- nally rather gibbous. 74. ficiformis. . . . Turbinated, apex open. 75. compressa. . . A compressed cone, with lon- gitudinal fissures internally. V. Tubulous or fistulous masses, not expanding. 76. S. lacnosa, . . . Cylindrical; externally exca- vated by irregular and winding lacunae. 42 Species. 77. S. tubaformis, . Long simple tubes, tubercu- lated externally. 78. fistularis. ... Long, aggregated, simple tubes, gradually enlarging. 79. plicifera. . . . Approaching to the infundi- biliform, with external, tortu- ous anastamosing plicae. 80. scrobiculata. . Oblong top-form ; with une- qual furrows and roundish cells. 81. vaginalis. . . .Oblong and tubular; the outer surface with rough, flat- tish tubercles. 82. digitalis. . . . With longish processes, slight- ly connected ; the surface mu- ricated and ragged. 83. bullata Branched, tubulous, with in- flated nodes, and terminating in points. 84. syphono'ides. . Tubes elongated in the form of a syphon. 85. colus Erect, clavelliform, and tubular. 86. tubulosa. . . . Full of tubes, branched, erect and slender at the end. 87. muricina. . . . Subramose tubes, every where muricated with acute tubercles. 88. confederata. ,. Formed of many connected tubes. 89. intestinalis. . With many hollow, unequal lobes. 90. coronata. . . . Minute, a tube crowned with radiating little spines. 91. tubularia. . . . Sessile, compressed, porous, with longitudinal tubules. 92. citiata Conical, bending tube, becom- ing smaller upwards, and cili- ated at the apex. VI. Foliaceous masses; divided in flat, leaf- formed lobes. 98. S. perfoliata. . . Plain stalk, with round foli- aceous lobes, disposed spi- rally on the stalk. 43 Species 94. 9G. crispata. 97. 98. lamellaris. S. pennatula. . . With erect, rounded, wedge- formed, foliaceous lobes, very porous. 95. cactiformis. . Ramose ; with flat, flabellated expansions rounded or muria- ted at the summit, and small dispersed excavations on one face. With contorted, bubbly, sup- pellucid, curled, coalescent ex- pansions, of very fine fibrous texture. basta. (panache noir). Black, fibrose, fron- dose-cristated ; with separat- ing convoluted folds of loosely connected fibres. Sessile, frondose, with many soft, erect, and nearly parallel lamellae, broadest in the upper part. endivia In soft spatuliform thin plates, wrinkled on their edges and surface. Green, obovate, narrow and ragged at the top. Of different forms ; cavernous, with conical bending tubes, with elevated tubular pores. polyphilla. . With pediculated fronds; with convoluted plaited lobes and longitudinal fibres. . With sub-proliferous, roundish fronds; with foramina on one side. . With foraminated expansions, dividing in a multitude of plates, lobated, turned, and as it were crimped, in various directions. heterogona. . Expansions, so turned as to form imperfect tubes. thiaroides. , , Many narrow erect lobes, emulating a muricated crown. 99. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 urceolus. . mamifleris pavoma. scariola. Species. 107. S. xerampelina. 108. juniperina. . 109. raphanus. . 110. mesenterina. 111. leporina, . . 112. laciniata. . . 113. frondifera'. , 114. fimbriata. . . 44 Ramose, with ovate incised fronds, with a tow-like in- crustation. Ramose, fronds with the fibres arranged like a lattice work. Substance like tow, and po- rous ; with ovate frond-like lobes, with longitudinal grooves and wrinkles on both sides. With broad lamellae, plaited in winding forms. Frondose, deeply fringed; di- lating and sublobated towards the apex. Frondose, with many erect aggregated jagged lyre-formed lamella?. Slightly ramifying, with round- ish., proliferous lobes, the limb fimbriated with curled fibres. Slightly ramifying, with ovato- subrotund fronds, the limb fimbriated with curled fibres. VII. Branched masses, phytoidal or dendroidal; the ramifications distinct. 115. S. arborescens. Ramose ; branches subcoin- pressed ; apex palmated, digi- tiform. 116. virgultosa. . Branches roundish ; with erect twigs, rather pointed. 117. lonyicuspis. . Base, a trellisse formed of 5 or 6 meshes ; whence rise from 6 to 9 straight long branches, sometimes coalescing, forming thin digitations or long points. 118. asparagus. . Ramose, erect, many stems. 119. dichotoma. . With erect, round, subulated dichotomous branches. 120. cchidnea. . , With erect, rigid branches, all over muricated. 45 Species. 121. muricata. . . Thinly branched ; substance like cork ; branches cylindrical, and beset with obtuse shaggy tufts. 122. vulpina. . . . With ramose lobes, rather lat- ticed, with compressed pa- pillae. 123. spicalifera. . Branches erect, sub-cylindri- cal tubercles, muricated with spiculee. 124. carlinoides. .Thickly branched ; angulated branches, with subspinous and membranaceous expansions. 125. amaranthina. With compressed, divided and lobated branches, dilated up- wards, and longitudinally stri- ated. 126. strigillata. . Flabelliform, flat branches, with echinated papillae. 127. nervosa. . . . Branched fan-like ; nervous sub-reticulated branches. 128. rubispina. . Branched fan-like ; with di- vided branches, rather coales- cent ; echinated with pointed tubercles. 129. abietina. . . . With stipitated, flat, incrusted branches, with acute papilla? terminating in threads. 130. elo?igata. . . Sub-ramose, with a few rather cylindrical branches ; with very long naked and sub-reticulated fibres. 131. selaginea. . . Compressed, ill-formed branch- es; with frequent spinous keel-like ridges. 132. aspericornis. Rather round, elongated, and aculeated branches. 133. hispida. . . . Ramose, ill-formed, hispid with subulated jags. 134. serpentina. . Round branches, the smaller contorted in various directions. 135. -* oculata. . . . Compressed, roundish, with bi- fid and trifid ascending branch- es, with eye-like openings. Species. 136. S. botellifera. 137. palmata. . 138. lanuginosa. - 139. typhina. . . . 140. tupha 141. fornicifera. . 142. scmitubulosa. 143. alicorms. . . 144. damcecornis. 145. caudigera. . 146. loricaris. . . 147. cancellata. . 148. stuposa. . . . 149. linteiformis. 46 With erect, tuberculated, groov- ed and ill-formed branches. , Branched and palmated ; digi- tiform smaller branches, with forked terminations. -Dichotomously branched, rather compressed previously to being divided, woolly, and formed of very fine naked fibres. Ramose; with round, erect, woolly branches. Ramose; with cylindrical ob- tuse omentiform branches. With flat, small villous ramifi- cations coalescing in a vaulted lattice. With numerous cylindrical and tortuously divaricating branch- es, some tubular and pierced. With many stems; branches compressed and subdichoto- mous ; the apices attenuated ; the fibres minute. With compressed porous branches, with clefts on one side ; apices palmated. With forked lobes; the last being very long and caudiform . Loose branches, narrow like straps ; a little compressed, divided and irregularly curved. Ramose, flabellated, and in- crusted; with round flexuous branches, forming, by coales- cing, cancellae ; the surface finely reticulated. -Ramose, round ; towey and villous ; short and obtuse branches. In a rounded bush-like form ; the branches rather narrow, jaggedly fringed, rough and sharp to the touch. 47 Species. 150. S. clathrus Many branches, crowded to- gether, and by coalescing form- ing cancellae ; the apices ob- tuse, and rather turgid. 151. coalita Dilated base, inclosing other bodies ; numerous roundish, compressed branches ; fibres closely applied at the surface. 152. faveolaria. .. With elongated, sub-cylindri- cal, coalescent branches ; the apices conical ; the surface un- equal ; having little pits on the surface, and being rough on the edges. 153. macrodactyla. With long round compressed finger-like processes. 154. botryoides. . . With oblong, ovate lobules, apices hollow and open. 155. radiciformis. . With tortuous, dichotomous branches, compressed at the apex. 156. prolifera. . . . Palmated, with frequent divi- sions, and distinct finger-formed processes. 157. ossiformis. . . . White, subramose ; apex thickened and jagged. 158. membranosa. With cellular membranes, ex- ternally muricated. 159. fulva Amorphous and subramose. 160. floribunda. . . Confluent, with ramose fasci- culi ; having a chaffy flosculent down, and being obtuse and thicker at the apex. 161. baccillaris. .Erect, caulescent; with po- rous branches, applied to each other. The existence of fossil sponge in the transition or in the mountain limestone has not been ascertained, or in the different beds of the lias formation ; but the te- nuity, in general, of its substance, and the nature of the 48 matrices in which it has been sought, may perhaps oc- casion its concealment. Of its presence in the several oolitic beds, I have not been able to acquire any satis- factory information, except that in the Portland freestone I have seen semi-sphaeroidal masses, about eighteen inches in diameter, divided into flattish, foliaceous, la- ciniated, erect lobes, and which appear to possess a spongeous structure. Specimens are sometimes found in the green sand formation, but not so frequently as may have been expected : the specimens which are most frequently found, are, I suspect, those which are ad- herent to the accompanying fossil shells. The richest collection which is known of these fossils is, I believe, that of the gravel pits of the iron sand at Farringdon, where they are found mingled with the fossils of some of the early formations. Some of these specimens are of considerable size, and are in such ex- cellent preservation as to allow, at least, of their ar- rangement under the more comprehensive divisions of the genus. Among the specimens are round and cavernous, resembling sp. globosa ; pediculated, sub- pediculated, lobated and flabelliform, ramous, folia- ceous, cyathiform, funnel and ficiform. In most of the specimens the structure and form of the animal are so obvious, as to raise the hope that the determining of their specific characters, and their consequent arrange- ment by some zealous investigator of these interesting relics, may be expected. Fossil remains of this substance are frequently found in the chalk, and most numerously perhaps in the lower series of this formation; but from the delicate texture of the membrane of the sponge, and from its cavities being filled by the chalk itself, there are no means by which the fossil can be extricated from its matrix. Indeed, it frequently happens that these substances, agreeing as to colour with the chalk, would exist there undetected, but 49 by the greater degree of hardness which it possesses, and by the asperities which it presents at the surface. They are sometimes pointed out by the strong tint which they derive from having sustained a ferruginous impregnation ; and in these instances, although a suf- ficient separation from the surrounding chalk to allow the developement of the form cannot be obtained, yet, by their being carefully rubbed down to a smooth sur- face, something of this may be discovered, with, ge- nerally, a tolerable display of the internal structure. The nodules of chalk flint frequently contain the silicified remains of sponge, and in a state which will allow their form and structure to be much more easily traced than in the chalk itself. The most common forms in which these occur are oblong or nearly globular: and they are either imbedded in the chalk, or scattered on its surface, or in the neighbouring declivities. These may be frequently found on the Sussex downs, the Gog- magog hills of Cambridgeshire, and, indeed, on or about most of the chalk hills. These nodules appear to have been formed round fragments of sponge of different forms and structure, and to be more or less filled, according to the degree of decomposition and subsequent removal which the included substance had sustained after its inclusion. In some specimens, particularly among those of Wiltshire, which have been collected by the liberal encouragement of Miss Benett, a tuberous or ramified body, and, in some instances, two such bodies, are extended across the cavity of the flint, and covered over with a fine white powder of chalk and silex blended. These bodies appear to be casts in the cavities of sponge, the substance of which has passed away. In others the substance which had been included appears to have been broken down and removed, and its place occupied by chalk which has intruded in a pulverulent state; whilst in others the cavity alone remains. Oblong n 50 nodules, found on Stokenchurch Hill, and for some distance on the Oxfordshire side, very frequently ex- hibit specimens, which, on being broken, display the structure of the Zoophyte in great distinctness. In the chalk marl at the foot of the cliff at Beachey head, are botryoidal and lamelliform masses, which not only from their external forms, but the appearances yielded on their fracture, lead us to the recollection of the masses of fossil sponge at Farringdon, and which, in all pro- bability, have been yielded by the chalk marl. Fossil sponge of a very fine texture, and in a pulvi- nated form, is sometimes found investing the shells ac- cumulated in the cliffs at Walton and Harwich. A flint stone, found on the shore at Dawlish in De- vonshire, bears decided marks of its having derived its form from the siliceous impregnation of sp. mammillaris. Several fossils of the tribe of Zoophytes having been noticed in a former work, which, although not possess- ing the decided characters of the genus, were still, with expressed doubt, placed among the Alcyonia ; an at- tempt at a better classification of some of these bodies is here attempted. The first of these, are those bodies which are distin- guishable by bundles of tubuli passing through a sponge- ous substance, and which may be thus characterised. Siphonia. A fossil animal, with a polymorphous body, supported by a stem proceeding from a fusiform or ramose root-like pedicle ; the original substance spongeous, and pierced by a bundle of tubes derived from the pedicle, passing through the stem, then ramify- ing and terminating on the surface of the body. The various spongeoid fossils, bearing the forms of cups, funnels, fruits, &c. described by M. Guettard, as obtained from Verest, near Tours and Saumur, and at Montrichard, in Touraine, and by the Rev. J. Townsend, as found in the green sand of the Vale of 51 Pewsey*, as well as those which are figured, PL IX, fig. I, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, PI. X,^gf. 6 and 13, of the second volume of Organic Remains, &c. are of the same genus. Since the publication of the last mentioned work, Mr. Webster made the discovery of those interesting fossils in the Isle of Wight, which from their long seeming stalks, and from their tulip-formed superior terminations, obtained the name of tulip alcyoniaf. These fossils decidedly agree in the characters which have been assumed for this genus. Soon after the discovery of these fossils, Miss Be- nett, whose exertions have much aided this depart- ment of Natural History, favoured the Geological So- ciety with a suite of drawings, and of fossil speci- mens of various forms, but decidedly of this genus, which had been found in the sand, chiefly in the neighbourhood of Warminster. This valuable collec- tion is rendered extremely interesting, by the great variety of forms which these fossils have assumed; cylindrical, straight, ramified, round, oblong, ovoid, wide and narrow, short and long, cup or funnel-formed ; elongated like a cucumber, as in Organic Remains, Vol. II, PI. X, fig. 6 ; tulip-formed, exactly agreeing with those discovered by Mr. Webster, and assuming also the forms ofspongici turgida, sp. alcicornis fy dami- cornis, and indeed many other of those forms which sponge offers to our observation. Among the most interesting specimens are those which are lobated, and The Character of Moses, &c. PI. I, fig. 1, PI. II, fig. 1, 2, 3, PI. Ill, fig- 1,2,3. + Geological Transactions, Vol. II. The importance of this discovery of Mr. Webster will be observed, when it is considered that the remains of this animal, known perhaps only in this formation, are found in consi- derable numbers in the Leith Hill of Surry, in the green sand of Wilt- shire, Devonshire, &c. and in the free-ston* of Portland, approximating to the green sand. 52 in which from two to five or six lobes, closely united together, are found upon one stem ; and in one speci- men, two stems arise from v the same base, one of which terminates with three and the other with four lobes*. Flints are sometimes found of a roundish form, pierced internally with numerous tubules passing in every direction, and giving the idea of the flint having invested a small hispid leafless shrub. It is extremely probable that these fossils may have originated in a species of this genus, bearing this form, and having the tubuli thus radiating through the spongeous part ; the siliceous impregnation having solidified this part, and left the tubules unfilled. It is not to be doubted that, when the specific dis- tinctions of the several specimens belonging to this genus have been ascertained, the number of its species will be found to be very considerable*. At PI. I, fig. 8, is represented a transverse section of one of the stems of a tulip-formed specimen, in which the bundle of tubules are shown ; and at fig. 7, the superior extremity of the same fossil is given, with the numerous terminations of the tubuli. These may be also generally discovered on the sides of the * From the account given by Miss Benett to the Geological Society, re- specting these fossils, it appears, that they are found in the Valley or Com- mon of Warminster, in the reddish yellow sand, at a depth seldom exceeding two feet, on the sides of the hills. At Whitburn near Claythill,in the same neighbourhood, the green sand comes to the surface, and these fossils are found in it. At Boreham, on the east side of Warminster, the grey sand is uppermost, and there, but most rarely, are found fossils of the same kind. " These fossils,'' it is observed by Miss Benett, "appear to belong to the top of the sand formation, without regard to the sort of sand. The yellow sand appears to be the grand depot of them: in the green sand, large specimens predominate; but those of the grey sand are in a higher state of preser- vation." These fossils were discovered by Mr. George Warren of War- minster, to whom Miss Benett states herself to be indebted for them. 53 depression or cavity which sometimes exists in the superior termination. The existence of these animals appears to have been confined to that sea from whose waters the green sand formation was deposited; no traces of their remains being mentioned as found in the strata of any of the preceding or subsequent formations. Animalisation has, in this genus, proceeded a degree beyond that in which it exists in sponge; since, added to the spongeous texture, is the bundle of tubes which has been here considered as yielding its generic distinction. In the fossils next to be examined, a different and more distinct kind of organisation is discoverable : tubes here exist also in considerable number, and are con- nected by transverse intercurrent tubules. The or- ganisation existing in this animal seems to authorise its being placed in a distinct genus ; and it is presumed that the designation which is here assumed for it will not be disapproved. Mantellia. An animal with a fusiform or ramose, root-like pedicle, a stem and body formed of tubuli, anastomosing in a basket-like texture, with openings on the internal surface. The most common species of this genus is the fossil which has been described by Mr. Mantell, as a species of Alcyonium*. But whilst removing this fossil from the genus under which Mr. Mantell had placed it, it must be observed, in justice to this gentleman, that it had been stated by the present writer, that " although I shall in general speak of these bodies as alcyonia, I am aware that, when their histories have been eluci- dated by the inspection of more illustrative specimens, several of them may claim other designations!." In * Description of a fossil Alcyonium from the chalk strata, near Lewes. Transactions of the Liunaeau Society, Vol. XI, 1815, Part 2, page 401. t Organic Remains of a former World, Vol. II, page 89. 54 conformity with this opinion, Mr. Mantell chose to speak of this body as an alcyonium; his judgment, at the same time, directing him, to do it with due reserve ; he also " wishing it to be allowed only a temporary ad- mission into this situation, till future discoveries shall point out more precisely its situation in the scale of animated nature." The specimen PL I, Jig. 9, reduced from Vol. II, PL XI, fig. 1, of Organic Remains, belongs to a species of this genus, and appears to have been part of a stem. In this species, it will be observed, that tha- trans- verse anastomosing vessels are but few, and smaller than those which proceed in a perpendicular direction. InthespecimenP/. 1,^.10; reduced fromP/. XI, fig. 6, of Organic Remains, the characteristics of the genus are more decidedly shown, the intervening vessels are much more numerous, and approach nearly in thickness to those which they connect. In other specimens de- picted in the work just referred to, the characters of other species may be perceived; thus in Organic Rem., Vol. II, PL XI, fig. 3, the anastomosing is formed by the oblique arrangement of the tubuli ; and in Jig. 7 of the same plate the same effect is produced by the very frequent ramifications and inosculations of the vessels. It is indeed extremely probable, from the appearance of numerous imperfect specimens, that the industrious collector will be enabled to place many more species under this genus. The remains of this genus are almost all confined to the chalk.; but in one or two specimens, appearances are observable which lead to the supposition that they may have been deposited in some part also of the chalk marl. Alcyonites.-~TheTc are very few animals to which we can have access in their living state, whose nature and structure are so little understood as the Alcyonium ; and hence have arisen considerable difficulties when examining them in their fossil state. The definition and 55 descriptions of M. Lamouroux, with the observations which he has made on their structure, are so likely to yield useful information in the examination of their fossil remains, that I feel no hesitation in introducing them. "Alcyonium. A polymorphous polype bearing animal, formed of a fleshy animated mass, sometimes inert, sometimes sensible, and filled with retractile polypi which expand on its surface. In the dry state this mass appears composed, of fibres reticulated and in- terlaced at the centre, radiating to the circumference, and covered with a firm cellular, coriaceous or creta- ceous covering*." The number of tentacnla are said to vary in different species, but M. Lamouroux only examined the polypes of Alcyonium lobatum, and found them not to agree with those attributed by Dr. Solander and Dr. Spix to this species. In the following catalogue, as in that of the sponges, the most obvious characters, and those which are most likely to be detected in the fossil, are particularised. 1. Alcyonium arboreum. With papillary pores dis- posed in lateral and terminal tuberosities. Gmelin, p. 381 0,n. 1. 2. A. palmatum. With a simple stem, subramous, and papillous at the extremity. Marsilli, Tab. XV, n. 74, 75. 3. A. lobatum. With a grey, tuberous crust; lobated; with numerous impressed porea. 1. A. digi&rfiat.ordead man's toesof-EHi*, CoraLTab. XXXII, a : . A.a. 9. A. exos. Spinx, An. du Mia. Tom. XIII, Tab. XXXIII, fig. 8 to 14. 4. A. rubrum. Red, soft, and encrusting; entirely covered with points or stars with eight rays. 5. A, cydomum. An oval or elliptical mass, convex above, concave beneath, irregularly grooved and notched ; cells discoverable if the skin is not injured. 6. A.massa. Irregularly shaped. * Histoire dcs Polypiers Coralligenes flexibles, &c. par J. V. F. Lamou- roux, A. Caen, 1816, p, 317. 9$ fffif* 56 7. A.cidaris. Fixed, globose, and hard ; excavated by tortuous sinuses ; terminal depression large ; fre- quent, small, substellated openings. Donat. Adr. p. 56, Tab. IX. 8. A. vesparium. Fixed, erect, large, ovato-oblong ; apex, obtuse ; internally cavernous ; many minute openings. 9. A. incrustans. Lobated ; spongio-fibrous within ; numerous small substellated pores. 10. A. serpens. Fleshy, tape-like ; tortuously creeping ; with wart-like prominences with subradiated open- ings. 11. A.trigonum. Carnous, cellular, subtrigonal, cover- ed all over with small openings. 12. A.foratum. Oblong, smoothish ; surface subreti- culated ; foramina rather large and scattered. Spongia ? 13. A. cribrarium. Coriaceous, widely incrusting. 14. A. phallo'ides. Pedicle short and thick, supporting wide tortuous lobated branches, heaped in a dense mass, with small scattered oscula. 15. A. pyramidale. Cylindrico-conical ; red and fleshy within. 16. A. pulmonaria. Pulpous, olive-coloured and livid ; compressedly lobated ; covered with very small stellated oscula. EllisCorall. p. 97, n. 1, Tab. XVII, b, B, C, D. 17. A. lyncurium (Orange du mer). Globose, fibrous, yellow, warted. Plane. Conch. Min. 2, p. 44, app. 2, p. 114, n. 3 ; Marsil p. 82, Tab. XIV, n. 72, 73. 18. A. alburnum. White, very branched, thin, sub- divided, with tubular-terminal pores. 19. A.plicatum. Wide, rounded, lamelliform, with thick lamellae windingly plaited, subcristated, with minute scattered foramina. 20. A. sinuosum. Lamellated; erect, thick lamina, tor- tuously winding like the folds of the brain, with nu- merous marginal openings. Spongia ? 21. A. manus diaboli. Polymorphous, perforated, with obtuse protuberances. 22. A. diffusum. Very ramose, diffused and ill-formed. 23. A. sceptrwn. Long, cylindrical, obsoletely cla- vated. 57 24. A. ensiferum. Long branches, rather flat and bent like a sabre. 25. A.junceum. Very long, roundish, but compressed, soft branches. 26. A. quercinum. Frondose, with flat, winding, lo- bate processes. 27. A. asbestinum. Stem reddish, nearly cylindrical, beset with oblong pores, set in quincunx order. 28. A. cranium. White, tuberous, set with seta?. 29. A. papillosum. Sessile, incrusting, and variously lobated and papillated with spinous tubercles and echinulated interstices. 30. A. tuberosum. Tuberous, yellowish: tops often subdivided ; set with tubular pores. 31. A. ficus. Fig or pear-formed; tuberous, rather ovate ; pulpy and livid. Mars. p. 87, Tab. XVI, n. 79. M. Lamouroux observes that there is reason for be- lieving that there exists in the Mediterranean two bodies of the same figure : the one belonging to sponge, the other to alcyonium. Solander considers that figured by Ellis to be sponge. 32. A. cylindricum. White and round. Lamarck considers this as only being a detached por- tion of a ramose alcyonium. 33. A. radicatum. Substance homogeneous, like cork ; with very small scattered pores ; base divided by many clefts. No bark discoverable. 34. A gelatinosum. Cylindrical or compressed, pel- lucid and watery within, irregularly compressed and branching. Plane, ed. 2, p. 115, c. 29, Tab. X, A; Ellis, Cor. p. 102, n. 5, Tab. XXXII, fig. dD. In Parkinson's Herbal, he considers it as a sponge : others have thought it an ulva or sucus. ' 35. A. pappillosum. Encrusting, covered with large convex papillae .Mars. p. 80, Tab. XV, fig. 76-78. 36. A. distomum. Encrusting, with red scattered pa- pillae, each with two openings. 37. A. gorgonoides. Ash-coloured, flesh mixed with sand ; radiated wart-like cells. Solander and Ellis, p. 181, n. 8, Tab. IX, Jig. I, 2. 38. A. corniculatum. Four stellated pores surrounding a central papilla, with four erect terminal crescents. i 58 39. A- stelhttvm, Terminations distinguished by two stellated cells. 40. A.fiuviatile. Encrusting, polymorphous; set with pentagonal tubular pores. The following compose the second section of the AJcyonia of Lamarck, who distinguishes them from the former by the openings of the cellules not appear- ing on the dry specimen. M. Larnouroux considers them as doubtful, and perhaps as intermediate be- tween the Alcyonia and the Sponges. 41. A compactum. Tuberous, globoso-pulvinate ; sur- face smooth. 42. A. medullare. Lamarck assumes for this species the synonymous alcyonium of Ellis, Cor. Tab. XVI, fig. D, d, D 1. 48. A. testudinarium. Elliptical ; rather flattened con- vex, spread, slightly reticulated, with many dorsal ridges, with slightly interrupted cristae. 44. A. orbiculatwm. Compressed, rounded, thick; sur- face rough and very porous, unequal sized pores. 45. A. radiatum. Circular; upper surface concave, smooth, folds radiating to the margin; with about six conoidal tubercles ; lower surface convex, radiated with fibrous costae. 46. A. cuspidiferum. Sessile, erect, hollow; slit up- wards in many long, straight, sword-shaped lobes, with a surface very slightly porous. 47. A. granulosum. Hemispherical, gelatinous, semi- peilucid; raggedly grooved underneath; surface granulated and wool-like. 48. A. putridosum. Ventricoso-globose, somewhat pear-shaped ; thin at the edges and slightly reticu- lated; surface set with tubular openings. 49. A.purpureum. Of an intense purple; flattish, car- no-spongeous ; surface smooth. 50. A. boletus. Substipitated, clavated ; internally, ra- mose fibres, latticed with dilated lamellae; surface iuc rusted, porous and tuber cula ted. 51. A. boletiforme. Sessile, simple, rounded ; flat on one side, convex on the other ; with small tubercle- formed risings sprinkled with small cells. 59 Although difficulties may attend the attempt to ar- range, by these characters, substances so vaguely formed as the alcyonia, especially those which exist ih a fossil state; yet it will be found that the above table will afford considerable advantage to the student of fossils. He will by a comparison with the characters of the species as there given, and by attention to the following observations, gain a nearer approximation to the true character of the substance under examination, and will be frequently enabled to give to it a name and place. Difficulties must frequently arise whilst endeavouring to make the required distinctions in fossils of this kind, arising- from the inability which is frequently found of ascertaining, in fossil specimens, the nature of its texture ; it sometimes happening that no assistance can be yielded either by the form of the fossil or by the ap- pearance of its surface. The ambiguity arising from the form depends on the fossils of this genus being some- times found under the same specific forms which belong also to SpongiteSj Syphonites, and Mantellites : this Is particularly the case with the cyathiform and fructiform species, which may be found in all these genera. There are therefore four distinct genera under which fossils bearing the same general forms may be placed ; and the characteristic marks of each genus will, in ge- neral, be found sufficiently evident on their surfaces to mark the situations, which, in classification, each of them should hold. If a cellular texture, such as would be formed by the irregular decussation of membranous substance, can alone be traced, without any appearance of tubuli, the place of the fossil would appear to be undet the genus sponge; but if, in addition to the spongeous texture, straight or regularly divaricating simple tubuli should appear, its place would be under syphonia. If, whe- 60 ther spongeo,us texture appear or not, simple tubes are discovered connected laterally either by anastomos- ing or intercurrent tubules, the fossil may be consi- dered as belonging to Mantellia ; but should the more compact part of the fossil, or its porous surface, dis- play the evident labours of polypes, no doubt should be entertained of placing it among the species ofAlcyonium. This may be instanced, as has been just mentioned, in those fossils which bear the forms of fruit : in sponge, is Sp.Jiciformis', in syphonia, a correspondent form fre- quently occurs; in Mantellia, the fossil figured, Or- ganic Remains, Vol. II, PL XI, Jig. 3, may be in- stanced ; and in Alcyonium, is both A. Jicus and A. cy- donium. Although M. Lamouroux has not thought proper to reject from the preceding table several bodies which have been considered as Alcyonia, he is himself of opi- nion, that the number should be much diminished : con- sidering those only as Alcyonia which are evidently the production, and have been the habitation of polypes. He accounts for Lamarck having intermingled and confounded these animals, by his having too frequently judged of them from the dry specimens; but is of opinion that they may be readily distinguished either in their living or dead state. In the recent alcyonia, the polypes or their cells may be always seen on taking them out of the sea ; but nothing similar is discoverable in sponges. In the alcy- onia not only is that pulsatory motion observable which is attributed to sponge, but, in those alcyons which are ramified, the branches are sometimes seen to be curved and afterwards straightened again. This is particularly observable in A. lobatum. The difference between the two animals is also apparent on the examination of the dried specimens. On a section, cither transverse 61 or vertical, being made of dried sponge, no difference of substance is discoverable ; from the centre to the circumference is the same organisation; but on making a section in any direction through the centre of the dried alcyonium, a structure more or less fibrous, and a substance more or less grooved, will be seen passing from the centre to the circumference, and on the surface will be found a distinct skin or bark-like covering, with numerous foramina, some of which are hardly perceptible. These foramina appear to be the openings of the radiating fibres, or tubes rather, and in some species are very evident. To endeavour to trace the fossil remains of Alcyonia to the strata in which they were originally infixed, has hitherto been accompanied with but little success: this has been partly owing to the incorrect accounts which have been given, respecting these and similar sub- stances by the earlier writers on fossils : and partly to the difficulty of discovering these fossils when imbedded in stone, in the more obvious characters of which they are likely to participate, and thereby become more difficult of detection. The fructiform figures which the spongeoid fossils so frequently possess, had obtained for them, to a late period, the names of those fruits which it was thought they most nearly resembled ; and even when, in a former work, the present writer removed these substances from the vegetable kingdom, he was still unable to discover in them such characters as would allow him to decide which specimen should be considered as sponge and which as an alcyonium. It is a remarkable cir- cumstance, and not easy of explanation, that, after nu- merous eager examinations with powerful glasses, he has never seen, to his knowledge, the characteristic radiating or decussating fibres of the internal part of 62 the Alcyonium. In the fossils represented, Organic Remains, Vol. II, PL XI, fig. 4 and 8, where the ap- pearance of a cortical substance led to the belief that these substances are of alcyonic structure, and although the specimen, fig. 4, in particular, possesses such a degree of transparency as allows the discovery of or- ganic structure, in that part which is connected with its cortical covering, no appearance of fibres can be dis- covered. But the establishment of the genus Siphonia, it is hoped, will considerably assist in the required arrange- ment of this class of fossils: the obvious tubular struc- ture in the fossils of this genus will readily enable the student to effect their separation from those of Spongia and Alcyonium : and in consequence of this abstraction, it will in future be only required to determine to which of these two genera the remaining ambiguous fossils of this class are to be attached ; or failing in this, to en- deavour to detect in them the characters of some un- dcscribed genus. With respect to the ascertaining of the stratum or even the formation to which the alcyonic fossils be~ long, little more than negative information can be given. It does not appear that they exist among the Syphonia in the green sand ; none having been spoken of as existing in the rich mines of Warminster, in the Portland freestone, or in the Black-down hills of De- vonshire. Some fossils, which have been considered as belong- ing to this genus, have possessed appearances which have led to the suspicion that they had been imbedded in some of the strata of Oolitic formation; but no po- sitive evidence has been adduced of their having been found in such situations ; nor do any statements appear to have been made of their remains having been detected 61* in any of the subjacent formations of lyas, mountain limestone, &c. It is from the examination of the matrix of some fossils apparently of this genus that the conjecture is offered that the chalk marie is the stratum to which the alcyonia more peculiarly belong. Tethia. A tuberous, snbglobose polypifer, fibrous within; the fibres rather fasciculated ; divaricating or radiating from the centre to the peri- phery, and glued together by a small portion of pulpy matter; cells in a cortical crust disposed to fall off. The characteristic difference of this genus, and by which it is proposed to separate it from A Icyonium, is the diverging, radiating, internal fibres, being collected in fascicule. From the description of this genus and of some of its species, there does not appear to be any reason for sup- posing that it may not be as susceptible of those changes on which petrifaction depends, as some of the species of Alcyonia are known to be. Fossils indeed, resembling in form Tethya lyncurium, (Orange du Mer) figured by Marsilli, Donati, and Esper, are not infre- quent among the assumed fossil remains of Alcyonia. Geodia. A free, carnose, tuberiform polypifer, hollow and empty, and firm and hard when dry; the outer surface being all over porous; and has on the side a separate circular area, pierced with larger pores. This animal is perhaps described only by Lamarck, who has seen but one specimen of it, which he pur- chased at the sale of the cabinet of M. Turgot, Go- vernor of Guiana: nothing has been stated respecting its existence in a fossil state. Palythoa. M. Lamouroux has very properly formed a genus for the reception of two animals which Solander 62* had placed among the Alcyoniums, but which differ from that genus in manifesting more complexity of or- ganisation ; the cavities, which are distinct, are divided by longitudinal lamellae, being each appropriated to a single polype. Palythoa. A polypifer, flat, covered with numerous, cylindrical, united mammilla?, of more than a centimetre in height, with isolated cavities or cellules, almost longitudinally chambered, and each containing a single polype. Lam. Sp. 1. P. mammillosa. The polypiferous cellules with a stellated opening. Sol. and Ellis, p. 179, n. 5, Tab. I, Jig. 4, 6. Sp. 2. P.occllata. Rugous mammilla? ; opening stellated and radi- ated. Sol. and Ellis, p. 180, n. 6, Tab. I, fig. 6. A sketch of this species in its recent state, from Ellis, is given Plate I, fig- 14. One specimen has been seen by the writer which he considered as the fossil remains of the second species ; it possessed the general external characters, and also had the peculiar ochraceous appearance which is attri- buted to it by Solander. Advancing on the scale of organisation, we arrive at that division of Zoophytes in which our admiration is excited by the minuteness and elegance of forms, observable in their receptacles ; the habitations of the animals appearing like minute plants of beautiful forms, whilst the animals who formed and inhabit these dwell- ings require the aid of the microscope to examine into their nature, and oftentimes even to discover their ex- istence. These little architects are divided into those which form their domiciles of a soft and yielding sub- stance, and those which have the property of secreting and depositing for this purpose a substance rapidly in- durating and acquiring a hardness almost approaching to that of stone; the latter alone require attention here. 63 POLYPI FERS formed like Ntt-teork. a. -A submemb rations, flexible, lapidcscent polypifer, frondescent, or expanded in a thin crust, formed by nunierons rows of cells, disposed as if woven together, on one, or on the two opposite surfaces. The cells ses- sile, contiguons, adherent, short and oblique; the terminating mouth rather gaping, and in some dentated or ciliated. The following are given by Lamarck as fossil specio, bat of which the genera appear to be doubtful*. 1. Fl. tesselata. Incresring, with septa; rounded forward; cells depressed upwards; the mouth small and nearly round. Desmarets and Le Suettr, Bull, des Sc. 1814, p. 55, Pi. II, fig. 2. Found on the fossil bodies, such as echinites, belemnites, &c. of the envi- rons of Paris. 2. Fl. reticulata. Formed of maderately thick fronds with eeUs on both sides ; the cells long oval ; the septae rather prominent; and the mouth rather transverse. Desmarets and Le Suenr, Bull* de& Sc. 181-1, p. 53, PI. 11, fig. 4. Found in the sands of the environs of Valogne, with the baculites, belemnites, &c. 3. Fl. luadraia. lucrusting and radiated, with cells formed in squares or parallelograms. Desmarets and Le Sueur, Bull, des Se. 1814, p. 53> PI. II, fig. 10. On the cast of a fossil bivalve. 4. Fl. crassa. Incrustiug; thick; with septze, prominent, but depressed upwards; the cells short ; a large crescent-formed mouth. Desmarets and Le Swtur, Bnll. des &;. 1&14, p. 53, PI. II, fig. I. On a fossil oyster of Grignon. 5. Fl. eretaeen. Intrusting; thick; with ovately oblong cells. Desmarets and Le Sneur, Bull, des Sc. 181-*, p. 53, No. 6, PI. II, Jiff. 3. On a fossil murex in the environs of Plaisance. 6. Fl. trfrtcKfem. Incrusting; with rather depressed ovate cells, widest behind; the mouth small and placed forwards. Desmarets and Lc Sueur, Bull. dtcSc.1814, p. 51, Pi II, fig. ft. On fossil echinites of the chalkt. In addition to these, M. Lamouroux particularises the following: 7. Fl. bifurcata. Foliaceous ; the fronds dichotcuions, with bifurcated smnaiit.i, and set with hexagonal cellules on both surfaces. Desmarets and Le Sueur, BnU. des Sc. 1814, p. 53, PI. II, fig. 6. 8. Fl. microstoma. Incrusting ; thin ; with oval, sightly convex, indistinct cells ; the mouth very small and round, and placed in the middle. Desmarets and Le Suev, BuJL let Sc. 1814, p. 54, Pi. II, fig. 9. On the large fossil oysters of Sceaux. * HUtoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebras, par M. le Cher, de Lamarck. t Histoire des Polypiers coralligenes flexibles, vulgairement nomrnes Zoophytes, par J. V. F. Lamouroux, D.E.S. Cf, J816. 64 II. Ccllepora.\ sublapideAus polypifer, internally porous, expanded in a crust, or raised in flat, stiff, lobated or ramose, slightly convoluted fronds, bearing cells on their outward surface. The cells, rather membranous, urceolated, veutricose, close, rather projecting, and confused ; the mouth constricted. Desmarets and Le Sueur have, in the Bulletin des Sciences, already referred to, ascertained the existence of two fossil species. 1 . Cell, megastoma. Incrusting ; with very distinct ovate cells, irregularly heaped together ; the mouth large, PI. II, fig. 5. On chalk fossils. 2. Cell, globulosa. Itici listing ; with distinct globulose cells, and a trans- verse mouth. On chalk fossils. The fossil Celhpora are distinguishable from the fossil flustree, by their cells being urceolated and irre- gularly placed, and by the constricted appearance of the mouths. No species of Tubulipora has been found fossil. They might be distinguished by their cells being longish, tubular, and not connected together by any lateral adhe- rence ; and by their mouth being round and regular. Neither has any species of the genus Discopora been described as seen in a fossil state : they might be distin- guishable by their form, which is that of a discoidal un- dulated plate, the upper surface covered with numerous small, short cells, in quincunx order, the mouth not be- ing constricted. They differ from the tubulipores, in the cells being more sunk and less free ; aud from the celle- pores in having no lobated, convoluted, or ramose ex- pansions. Eschara also has not been found fossil ; its species would be discovered by their flat, lamelliform, thin ex- pansions, with cellules in quincuncial order disposed on both sides, by which they may be distinguished from the millepores and resepores. Adeona might be placed in the same genus as Es- chara, but for its peculiar stem, which is sub-articulated and covered with a superficial crust, and its leaf-formed expansions, which are covered with cellules. 65 Retepora has also thin and flat expansions composed of branches sometimes free, but most frequently anas- tomosing in web -work or in fillets. The cells are dis- posed only on one side, which distinguishes it from the adeonas and escharas. It is not incrusting, which distinguishes it from the cellepores. A fossil species has been found in the environs of Angers, in small pieces, by M. Menard, which is thus described: Ret. frustulata. In flat pieces, in lattice work, with pores on one side Aheolites. A lapideous polypifer, either incrasting or in a free mass composed of many concentric tables, involving each other. The tables are formed of tubulous, alveolar, prismatic, short, contiguous, and parallel cellules, connected externally in a net-work. Lam. The greater part of the substances belonging to this genus, Lamarck observes, are yet only known in a fossil state ; and of these he particularises the following : 1. Alveolites escharoides. Subglobose, the surface, webbed with rhom- boidal cells: the margiu of the cells hiporons. Found fossil, in the environs of Dusseldorf. In the cabinet of Chevalier de Lamarck. A subglobular irregular mass, as big as a middling-sized apple, formed of numerous layers, rather thin, enveloping each other. 2. Alv. suborbicularis. Hemispherical ; the surface perforated with oblique subimbricated cells. Fossil, from the environs of Dusseldorf, in the cabinet of Chevalier de Lamarck. These are in masses rather large; they are convex, and almost tnrbi- nated on one side; flattened and even a little concave on the other; being of irregular hemispherical shapes. The beds are of a moderate thickness, the inner ones being the thinnest; the tubes which by their union form these layers are very much inclined. 3. Alv. madreporea Oblong, smooth, subramose, and reticulated on the hollow surface. Guiltard. Mem. Tom. Ill, PI. 56, /. i!. Fossil, from the environs of Dax, in the cabinet of Chevalier de Lamarck. This alveolite has the appearance of a long, rolled fossil madrepore, with cells, not projecting as in the Madrepora porites ; but the exami- nation of its interior part discovers a considerable difference, and shows that the mass is a compound of pentagonal and hexagonal ta- bular cellules, placed in layers on each other. 4. Alv. incrustans. Incrusting marine bodies, the outer surface reticulated ; the ceils prismatic, vertical, unequal, and close together. Its crust is composed of a single layer of closely set tubes; the surface presents outwardly a net-work of small, unequal, pentagonal, or hexa- gonal meshes. K These fossils are perhaps not very frequent in this island : I know but of two ; one of which appears to belong to the last species, Alv. incrustans. The poly- gonal septa dividing the meshes exist in the cavities and pass into the substance of a gravel flint, with the loca- lities of which I am uninformed. A portion is shown, PI. II, fi s . 1. The other is of an hemispherical form, and is, com- paratively, a very large mass, being more than fifteen inches in diameter. It is composed of concentric tables, about half an inch in thickness, involving each other, and formed of alveolar, prismatic, parallel and conti- guous cells. It was found in a mass of Portland stone ; and by exposure to the weather has undergone such separations of its external table, as have shown its right to be considered as of this genus, and probably as Alv. suborbicularis. Ocellaria. A lapitlcons polypifer, expanded in a membranous form; variously convoluted and rather infiinJibuliform ; with an arenaceous sur- face, porous on both sides; pores cylindrical, in quincunx order, with a solid axis in a raised cenlre. These bodies have the appearance of an eschara, or a retepora ; but arc distinguished particularly by the solid central axis which is raised to the orifice of each pore, and forms there a species of papilla. There are but two species, both of which are fossil. 1. Ocellaria nuda. Infundibuliform, expanded and branching in various ways. Ramond Voyage au Mont Perdu, p. 128, PI. II, Jig: 1, and p. 345 : Bulletin des Sciences, No. 47, p. 177. Found in the lime-stone of Mount Perdu in the Pyrenees. 2. Ocellaria inclusa. Conical, involved in flint. Guettard. Mem. Vol. Ill, PI. XLl; Ramond, PI. U, fig. 2 ; Bulletin des Sciences, p. 177. Found in Artois. Daclijlopora. A lapideons free polypifer, of a cylindrically clavated form, with a perforation in the narrower extremity. The surface reticu- lated with rhomboidal meshes, the net-work itself porous. It differs from retepora, in being a loose, simple polypifer, without lobes, ramifications or frondescence. It possesses an opening essential to it. The net-work is double, interior and exterior, which unite near tliu opcnini'. D. Cyiindracea. "1. Fossil. Reteporite. Bosc Journal de Physique, Jitin 1S06. 67 FORAMINATKI) PoJ,VPIFKRS. Stony, solid, and internally compact; \vithperforatiugortubular cells not furnished with laminae. OKuJites. A stony, free, oviform, or cylindrical, polypifer ; hollow within; the extremities generally perforated, and minute pores regularly diffused over the surface. Known only as a fossil; very small, not exceeding two millimetres in length. The openings are suspected to have proceeded from injury. Grignon. Sp. 1. O.margaritula. Oval, with very minnte pores. Grignon. it. O. elongata. Cylindrical; the extremities truncated. Grignon. Lunulites. A free, stony, circular polypifer, with one side convex, the other concave. The convex side striated in rays, with interstitial pores; the concave side radiated with diverging rugae and grooves. Sp. 1. L. radiata. The concave side with radiating striae, the convex with pores. Fossil. Grignon. 2. L. urceolata. Cupola-formed, the convex side latticed with numerous pores. It resembles in form the cup of an acorn or a thimble. Fossil, from Fames and Liancourt. It is also found in the green sand of Wiltshire. Orbulites. A free, circular, stony polypifer; flatfish; porous on both sides, or at the margin ; resembling the nummulites. Set with minute pores, sometimes scarcely visible, regularly disposed, but not in a spiral order. It differs from Lunulites in having pores on both sides. 1. O. marginalia. With a porous margin ; both sides fiat. Recent. 2. complanata. Thin, fragile, flat and porous on both sides. Fossil. Grignon; Guettard, Mem. Ill, p. 4,34, Tab. XIII, fig. 30, 32. 3. lenticulata. Upper surface convex, the lower flatfish. Fossil. 4. coneara. Convex on one side, and concave on the other; surface rather rugous. Fossil. 5. macropora. Rather flat, with the centre depressed ; rather large pores on each side. Fossil. 6. pileolus. Convex on one side and concave on the other; a groove round the margin, no pores visible. Fossil. Distichopora. A stony, solid, fixed, ramose and rather compressed poly- pifer. The pores unequal and marginal, placed on the two opposite edges, in longitudinal rows, and in the form of sutures ; stelliform ; wart-like projections are scattered on the surface of the branches. 68 This genus is formed by Lamarck for the reception of what has been considered as a millepore, mille- pora violacea of Pallas ; but which from its form, and the arrangement of its polypiferous pores, he thinks requires to be separated from that genus. 1. Dist. violacea.' Ramose, with flexnous ascending branches smoothly compressed. Pallas. Zooph. p. 253; Ellis and Sol. p. 140. Not known fossil. Millepora. A stony, internally solid, polymorphous, ramose or frondes- cent polypifer, pierced by simple, not lamellated pores. The pores cylindrical, and perpendicular to the axis or to the expansions of the polypifer; for the most part small and sometimes not apparent. 1. With the polypiferous pores apparent. In this class are disposed the following species of Linnaeus, Solander, &c. M. Squarrosa, complanata, alcicornis, aspcra, truncata, tubulifera, pinnata, and rubra. 2. With the pores scarcely or not at all apparent. (Nullipores.) Among these are placed, M, informis, racemus, fascieulata, byssoides, caJcarea, and agariciformc. None of these are represented as having been seen in a fossil state, but the separations adopted here and in the subsequent genera are too important not to be par- ticularised, since by an attention to such distinctions fossil substances may be traced back to recent ana- logues little suspected. At PL IX, fig. 12, is the repre- sentation of, apparently, a minute frondescent fossil millepore, from Chippenham. Favosites. A stony, simple polypifer, in various forms, composed of parallel, prismatic, fasciculated tubes. The tubes are pentagonal and hex- agonal ; regular or irregular ; contiguous and rarely articulated. The Favosites resemble the honey-comb in appear- ance. Lamarck describes two species, both fossil. Sp. 1. F. ahcolata. Tuibinated, irregular, transversely sulcated on the outside; the tubules rather large and subhexagonal ; the inside of the partitions striated. Esp. Supp. II, Tab. IV. This fossil is particularised as being a turbinated mass, as if truncated at the summit, its upper surface 69 showing the terminations of unequalized pentagons and hexagons, appearing like a net-work. The descriptions agree with the fossil from Dudley, represented Organic Remains, Vol. II, PL VII, fig. 3 and 7, and the fossil, Organic Remains, Vol. II, PI. V, fig. 9, is perhaps referrible to this genus. 2. F. Gotklandica. With solid, parallel, contiguous, and hexahedral prisms. Amain. Acad. I, Tab. IV, fig. 27. This fossil is very interesting. It differs from the other species in the prisms being parallel with each other, as is observed by Lamarck, like the prisms of basalt. lu the specimen which I possess, the angular tubes are so filled with earthy matter as not to allow the discovery of the state of the septa. Lamarck has thought it necessary to separate Tubi- pora catenulata, chain coral, from the genus Tubipora, and to place it in a distinct genus, Catenipora, and to form a genus, Tubipora, for the reception of T. musica only. But, by this arrangement, eight species, placed by Gmelin under this genus, besides the fossil species radians and ramulosa*, are removed, and no other genus proposed for their reception. But the chief generic character of these animals, as derived from their ascertained structure, is, that the animal substance contained in each tube so communi- cates with the whole mass by an intercurrent organiza- tion, as to render it one connected system ; and, by retaining the original arrangement of the perspicacious Linnaeus, with a very small change in his definition, the genus will be found sufficiently distinct and com- prehensive; and the several species, the structure of which is known, will be characterised by the different modes of organization by which this communication is effected. * Organic Remains, Vol. II, p. 15, PI. I, p. 18, F/.III, Jig. \. 70 Tttbipom.A stony polypifer formed by cylindrical or oval tubes, cojn- municating laterally with each other. Sp. 1. T. mqsica. Formed by erect, cylindrical, parallel, and distinct genicnlated tubes, containing an internal tubular organization, con- nected by small radiating tubuli passing through the external tubes and the transverse plates, by which the tubes arc supported and united. Recent. 2. T. radians. With erect parallel tubes, including others, which, by ra- diating horizontally through the external tubes, connect the whole. Org. Rem. Vol. II, p. 13, PL I, frontispiece. Fossil. 3. T. catenulata. With erect, oval, parallel tubes, laterally porous, and placed in vertical lamina', which, by anastomosing, form a chain- work. Amcen. Ac. Tab. IV, fig. W. It is also represented, Org. Rem. PI. Ill, jig. 4, 5, 6. Fossil. 4. T. amllans. With very short, distant, erect, cylindrical tubes, placed in the connecting angles of flexuous vertical laminae. Millep. Serpent. Amcen. At. I, Tab. IV, fig. 26. Fossil. 6. T. ramulosa. Formed of tubes connected by sub-dichotomous ramifi- cations. Org. Rem. Vol. II, p. 1, PL III, fig. 1. Fossil. 6. T.fasdcularis.O. Fabr. Fn. Groenl. 45:9. Fossil. 7. T. ramosa.Koelruter Act. Petrop. p. 374, Tab. X, fig. 3. Recent. 8. T. pinnala. Pallas el. Zooph. p. 247, n. 151. Recent. y. T. penicillata. O. Fabr. Fn. Groenl. p. 429, n. 430. Recent. 10. T.fiabellarit. O. Fabr. Fn. Groenl. p. 430, n. 431. Recent. 11. T'.steUata.Modeer. . Act. Stockh. 1768, n. 10, Tab. VII, fig. 1. Fossil. 12. T. ttrues. Modeer. n. Act. Stockh. 1788, 4, n. 1. Fossil. Org. Rem. Vol. II, p. 16, PI. II, fig. 1. An interesting fossil is found among the diluvial sub- stances of the Farringdon gravel, which has not hitherto been described, and which appears to belong to this genus. It is formed of tubes about the size of a crow's quill, inosculating frequently at its base ; the cavities of the Jubes are divided by very closely-set transverse plates, pierced with a small, well-defined central foramen. Further opportunities of examining the fragments of this fosil are necessary to allow of determining whether 71 there exists any other communication between the tubes besides that resulting from their early inosculations^ Until then its specific characters can hardly be consi- dered as ascertained ; but, should nothing contradictory be discovered, it may be distinguished as T. anas- tomosans. This fossil is seldom found in a state which will lead to a suspicion of its nature. The broken tubes, for they are generally in fragments, have mostly a whitish and shelly appearance ; but, on their surface being ex- amined with the aid of a lens, it is found somewhat to resemble that of shagreen skin, and to give the notion of its having been covered by the labours of some parasitic animalculae : but on examining the sub- stance at the fractured ends, it was found exactly to accord with the external surface, being composed of small, crumbly, rather oblong, particles, appearing as if held together by an imperfect adherence. The substance of the Tubipora musica being also examined, it was found to be of the same construction. LAMELLATED POLYPIFERS. Stony polypifers, with lamcilated stars; or with undulating grooves, fnrnished with lamellae. LAMELLATED POLYPIFERS, ivith terminal stars. Stylina. A stony polypifcr, formed of simple thick masses, ecliinatod in the upper part. Numerous cylindrical fasciculated tubes, containing radiating lamella!, with a solid axis : the solid styliform axes projecting beyond the tubes. St. echinulata. Recent, from the South Seas. The recent species which Lamarck considers as the type of this genus, and which is the only one with which he is acquainted, was brought from the South Seas by Perron and Le Sueur, and furnishes us with another in- stance of the astonishing fact of animals whose remains are found in the formations containing the reliques of animals of the earliest creation; no traces of which have been seen in any of the subsequent formation, but 72 which are now found in a living state in the seas of the opposite hemisphere. Different species of this genus are found in the tran- sition limestone ; in one of these, the fossil is simple, of a turbinated or rather of a longish clavated form, terminating at its upper end in a round, lamellated star, with a projecting style-like axis in the centre, PI. X, fig. 4. In another species, a similar structure exists, except that instead of the periphery being circular, it is angular, and generally either pentagonal or hexagonal. In a third species, the fossil is of a compound con- struction, being formed by the union of polygonal, chiefly hexagonal tubes. This fossil has a highly orna- mented surface; a projecting sharp ridge surrounds every star ; the styloid projecting axis rises from a depression in the centre, and from its sides the sur- rounding lamellae ascend with an undulating sweep to the acute surrounding ridge ; the whole giving to each star somewhat of a floriform appearance. A small portion of this fossil is represented PL X. Not having the opportunity of reference to the speci- men referred to by Lamarck, the classification of these fossils must be indeed considered as conjectural: but it must be observed, that they appear to accord with the characters of Stylina ; and that there does not appear to be any other genus in which they can be placed. Sarcinula. A stony polypifer, formed in a free, simple, thick mass, by tubes united together. The tubes numerous, cylindrical, parallel, and vertical, accumulated in bundles, by intermediate and transverse septae. Radiating lamellae within the tubes. It differs from tubipora in its tubes being lamellated, and, from stylina, in having no central style. 1. Sore, perforala. This species is only known recent. 2. Sarc. organum. This is described as being found recent in the Red Sea. Fossil specimens are also found on the coast of the Baltic. -Madrep. Organum. Am. Ac. Tab. IV, fig. 6. 73 Curyophillia. A stony fixed polypifer, simple or ramified ; the item and branches rather turbinated, and striated longitudinally, each being ter- minated by a cell, radiated in a stelliform figure. These substances are separated by Lamarck from the Madreporae, in which they were placed by Linnaeus, and retained by Solander. Their distinctive character is, that their polypiferous cells are really terminal ; the extremity of the stem, or of each branch, being ter- minated by a single lamellated star. Under this genus are placed : I. Those with simple stems, solitary or fasciculated. 1. Car. Cyathus. Mad. Cyathus, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXVIII, fig. 7; Organic Remains, II, PI. IV, fig. 1. Fossil. 2. Calycularis. Mad. Lin. Esper. Tab. I, fig. 16. Fossil. 3. truncularis. Aggregated; with thick cylinders, externally reticu- lated and connected by a lamellated crust, with radiating stars and a striated edge. Recent. 4. Car. fasciculata. Mad.fascic\da,ris. Lin. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXX. Well preserved fossil specimens of this coral arc fomul in the transition limestone of Gothland. Fossil. 5. astreata. Mad. musicalis. Esper. I, Tab. XXX, fig. 1. 6. musicalis. Mad. musicalis. Lin. Fossil in the mountain limestone of Ireland. II. Those with divided stems or ramified. 7. ftexuosa. Mad. Lin. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXXII, fig. 1 ; Or- ganic Remains, II, PI. VI, fig. . Fossil in the mountain limestone of the neighbourhood of Bristol. 8. cespitosa. Mad. flesuosa.Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXXI, Jig. 5,6. 9. anthophyllum. Mad. anthophyllites.Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXIX. 10. cornigera. Mad. ramea, tar. Esper. I, Tab. X. 11. ramea. Mad. Lin, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXXVIII. It. fastigiata. Mad Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXXIII. 13 angulosa. Mad. Esper. I, Tab. VIII. 14. sinuosa. Mad. angulosa. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXXIV. 15. carduus. Mad. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXXV. Turbinolia. A stony polypifer; free, simple, turbinated or cuneiformed ; longitudinally striated on the outside ; the base pointed, the terminating cell stelliformly lamellated and sometimes oblong. These bodies are considered, by Lamarck, as dif- fering from Caryophillia in not being fixed or adherent. L 74 Lamarck enumerates eight species, all of which are fossil. 1. Turk, patellata. Organic Remains, II, Pi. IV, fig. 6. An interesting specimen of this species is formed by a spathose cast retaining satisfactory marks of its origin. 2. turbinata. Mad. Am. Acad. I, Tab. IV, fig. 2, 3, 7, Organic Rem.Il, Pl.lV,fig.S, 10, 11. 3. cyathoides. Mad. turbinata. Am. Acud. I, Tab. l\ T ,fig,3; Organic Remains, II, PI. IV, fig. 3. 4. . compressa. Organic Remains,!!, PI. IV, Jig. 9. 5. . . crispa. Cuneiform, sulcated externally with longitudinal undulated grooves ; the star oblong, with rough lamella; on the side. Grignon. G. sulcala. Cylindrical!}- striated ; with longitudinal grooves, the interstices transversely striated. Grignon. 7. . Clttus. Clavatedty turbinate, straight, with longitudinal granu- lated and subdentated stria?. Agin, and Aix-la-Chapelle. 8. Caryophyllus. Roundish, but turbinated, with simple stria? exter- nally. Organic Remains, Pi. XIII, fig.W. Cyclolites. A stony free polypifer, orbicular or elliptical ; convex and lamella ted in the upper part, with a central groove ; flat beneath, with sunk, concentric circular lines ; one lamellated star occupying the upper surface, with entire, smooth, and very slight lameHse. 1. Cycl. numismalis. Mad. porpita ; Lin. Am, Ac. I, Tab. IV, fig. 1, a. b. 2. hemitphtvrica Scheuch. Herb. Dilut. Tab. XIII, Jig. 1 . 3. cristata. Orbicular ; convex and lamellated on the upper side, with variously crested, slightly decussating ridges. 4. elliptica. Convex on the upper part; stellated by obsolete la- mella; ; with an elongated central groove. Gnett. Mem. Vol. Ill, Tab. XXI, fig. 17, 18. Fossil. Perpignan. Only known as fossils. Lamarck observes, that this last fossil is the largest of the known species of this genus, and that its oval or elliptical figure is peculiar to it. The fossil here described is the same as is figured, Org. Rent. Vol. II, PL X, fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, and its nature enquired into, p. 113. The superior part of this fossil, possessing the lon- gitudinal groove, derives a smooth downy appearance, from innumerably fine striae, formed by articulated 75 fibres, which, proceeding from the margin of the in- ferior surface, pass round every part of the upper surface, and terminate in the sides of the central longitudinal groove. The inferior surface is nearly flat, and is marked by concentric linear ridges and corresponding depressions, intersected by numerous lines, radiating from the centre to the circumference. The examination of this peculiar organization evinces it to be probable that it gave to this animal the power of fixing itself, like the remora or sucking-fish; whilst, by the opening ,in its superior part, it alternately received and ejected the sea water, the medium of its nourishment. Supposing the animal laid with ifs inferior surface, on any substance wet with the sea water, the retraction of the fibres upwards, about the centre of that surface, would produce a cavity and a vacuum between that surface and the surface of the body on which the ani- mal was placed : and there would be obtained such a degree of adhesion, that no removal of it from that spot could take place, whilst the vacuum was preserved. On the other hand, on the contracting of the perpen- dicular muscular fibres terminating on the edge of the inferior surface, the edge would be raised ; air would gain access to the vacuum, and the animal be imme- diately loosened. But whilst fixed by its inferior sur- face, the muscular fibres of the upper convex surface would, by their contraction, draw down the whole upper surface, and at the same time widen the central longi- tudinal opening, and necessarily expel the contents of the ventricular cavity. The immediate subsequent relaxation of these fibres would then occasion the re- filling of the cavity ; and Urns the alternate filling and emptying of the ventricular cavity would be continued. The examination of the figure given by Guettard, Me- moires, Table XXI, fig. 17, 18, confirms this opinion. 76 The figure given by Scheuchzer, Herb. Diluv. Tab. XIII, fig. 1, appears lo be a correct representation of the second species, C. hemisphcerica. Fungia, A stony, free polypifer, simple, orbicular or oblor.g ; convex and lamellated in the upper part, with an oblong central groove ; con- cave and rough beneath. The star single, lamellated, and subprolife- rous, occupies the upper part ; the lamellae are dentated or rough on the side. The extensive surface which almost every species of this genus pos- sesses, formed by a single star, probably the labour of a single animal, shows the propriety of placing it in a distinct genus. S^>. 1. F. semilunata. Compressed at the sides, striated outwardly ; the edge bowed ; a longitudinal groove, and a short pedicle. Fossil. 2. compressa. Indian Seas. 3. cyclolites. Indian Seas. 4. patelluris. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXVIII, Jig. 1-4 5. agariciformis Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XXVIII, Jig. 5, 6. 6. icutaria. . . Ruwph. Amb. VI, Tab. LXXXVIII, fig. 4. 7. litnacina. . . M. pilcus, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLV. 8. talpa Seba, III, Tub. HI, fig. VI, 4- Tab.CXll,fg.3l: 9. pileus. . . . Rumph. Amb. VI, Tab. LXXXVIII, Jig. 3. Fossils of this genus have been found at Steeple Aston. Pavonia. A stony polypifer, fixed and frondescent ; the lobes flat, subfoliaceous, erect or ascending, with stelliferous ruga or grooves on each side. The stars lamellated, in rows, sessile, and rather imperfect. None of the species of this genus have been found fossil. Sp.l. Pav. agaricites. Mad.agariciles. Lin.Sol.ffEll.Tab.lX.lll. 2. cristata. . Knorr Delic. Tab. A. X. Jig. 1. 3. lactuca. . Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLIV. 4. boietiformis. Mad. Cristata. Ellis and Sol. Tab. XXXI, Jg. 3,4. 5. divaricata. Indian Seas. 6. plicata. . . Esper. Supple. I, Tab. LXVI. 7. obtusangla. Indian Seas. 8. Jrondifera. South Sea. Agaricia. A .stony polypifer, fixed, with flat, subfoliaceous expan- sions, the upper surfaces only having stelliferous grooves. The stars lamellous, sessile, and in rows, most frequently imperfect and hardly distinct. The Pavoniae and the Agariciae agree in some re- spects; the stars are disposed in grooves or on rugae in lines which give the first idea of the Meandrinae. 77 But in the Pavonioe, both surfaces of the foliaceous expansion are constantly furnished with stelliferous wrinkles or grooves, whilst in the Agariciae only one surface is thus furnished ; and although, from the fold- ing of the expansions, contradictory appearances may be seen, the correctness of this observation will be ascertained by minute inspection. Sp. 1. Ag. cucullata. Mad. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLII. 2. undata. . . Mad. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XL. 3. ampliata. . Mad. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLI, Jig. 1. 4. mgosa. . . South Sea. 5. papillosa. . South Sea. 6. lima ..... South Sea. 7. eiplanulata. Mad. pileiis. Esper.I, Tab. VI. No fossil specimens have been described. Meundrina. A stony polypifer, fixed, in a simple hemisphaerical or bphseroidal mass. On the convex surface are excavated, open, winding, ambulacrae, lamellated on each side. The lamellae are transverse and parallel, adhering on each side of hillock- shaped ridges. The lamellae abut upon the hillock -like ridges: and the Ambulacra may be compared to tortuous vallies, separated by corresponding hills : the lamellated ridges occupy the interstices of the tortuous vallies which holds the polypes and thus separates them. Sp. 1. Meand.labyrinthica. Mad. labi/rinthica, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. 2. - cerebriformis. Shaw's Miscel. IV, Tab. CXVIII. The American Seas. Seba Mus. Ill, Tab. CXII, fig. 5, 6. 3. deedalea. . . Mad. dtedalea, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLVI, fig.\. 4. - pectinata. . . Lin. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. LXVIII, Jig. I. 5. - areolata. . . .Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLVII, fig. 4, 5. 6. - crispa ..... Seb. Mus. Ill, Tab. CVIII, fig. 3-5. 7. - gyrosa. . . . Mad. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. LI, Jig. 2. 8. - phrygia. . . Mad. Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XLVlIl,Jig. 2. 9. filograna. . . Mad.filograna, Gmelin. None of these species are mentioned as having been found fossil; they are however found in this state: some fine specimens are in the British Museum. Very beautiful specimens, impregnated with quartz, are in the 78 collection presented by Dr. Nugent to the Geological Society, collected by him on the Island of Antigua, with several other siliceous remains of Astrea, Mad- repora, &c. Hydnophora. A stony polypifer, fixed and incrusting other bodies ; either forming a subglobose, gibbous, or lobated mass, or spread in subfoliaceous lobes ; the upper surface is set with little stars raised in pyramids or little mounts. The stars project and are conical, or like little hillocks; the central axis is solid, simple, or dilated, surrounded by radiating lamellae ad- hering to it. In the Hydnophorae, as in the Meandrinse, the raised cones and little hillocks are the parts which occupy the interstices which are left by the polypes between them; the polypes existing in the vallies, where they adhere to each other. In the Hydnophorae, the cones, as well as the little hillocks, are insulated and circum- scribed; whilst the hillocks in the Meandrinae are not. The necessity of placing these fossils under a distinct genus was seen by M. Fischer, of Moscow, who dis- tinguished it by the name Hydnophora. Lamarck also, seeing the necessity of their separation, formed the genus Monticularia for their reception. Sp. \. Hydnoph. folium. Recent. 2. i lobatum. Recent. 3. ______ polygonatum. Recent. 4. i i microconos. Mad. exesa. Pallas Zooph. p. 290. Sol. <$' Ell. Tab. XLTX, Hydnophora Pallasii, Fisch. 5. ' i meandrinum. 6. ... Cuvieri, Fossil. Russia Fisch. Rech. No. 4, Tab. I, J&3. 7. Molii. Fossil. Russia Fisch. Rech. No. 5, Tub. I, &! 8. - Knorrii. Fossil. 4 Fisch. Rech. No. 6, Guettardlll, PI. XXVH,/g. 2. 9. Guettardi. Fossil. Fisch. Rech. No. 7, Guettard III, Pl.LXlV,jig. 1,4, 5. 10. i Bourguetii. Fossil. Fisch. Rech. No.Q, Guettardlll, PL XLIV, fg. 5, 7, 8. The figures represented, PI. Ill, fig. 19, 21, 22, & 23 ; VIII, Jig. 40 ; lX,_/fg. 41 ; X,Jig. 46, in Bourguet's Trait, belong to this genus. The fossils represented Organic Remains, Vol. II, PI. VI, jig. 4? PI. XII, fig. 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, arc also of this genus. 79 Echinophora. A stony polypifer, fixed, flat, expanded in a rounded membrane, free and bearing the form of a leaf, finely striated on both sides. The upper surface is echinulated with small papillae; is besides supplied with rose-formed, convex, tubercles, considerably echi- nated, and pierced with one or two holes, each covering a laraellated star. The stars are scattered, circular, and covered ; the lamellae unequal, rather confused, projecting from the bottom and sides, and partly filling up the cavity. Sp. 1. Echinoph. Rosularia. Recent. Sea of New Holland. Explanaria. A stony polypifer, fixed, expanded in a free, foliaceous, undulated, or convoluted and sublobated membrane, with one stel- liferous surface. The stars scattered, sessile, and rather distinct. Explanarice differs from the following genus, Astrea, in its never, like the latter, heaping into a globular or hemispherical mass ; but its expansions, at every age, preserving their foliaceous form, and allowing their under surface to be seen. The stars are only on the upper face ; and are circumscribed, and not plunged in wrinkles or grooves. Sp. 1. Expl. infundibulum. Pall. Zooph. p. 332. 2. mesenterina. . Mad. Cinarescens. Sol. fy EU. No. 26, Tab. XLIII. 3. gemmacea. . . Mad. Scubrosa? Sol. 4' Ell. p. 156. 4. aspera Mad. aspera. Sol. 4- EU. Tab. XXXIX. 5. ringeus American Seas. 6. cristata Mad. Acerosa? Sol. % Ell. No. 30. Astrea. A stony polypifer, fixed, conglomerated, incrusting other bodies, or formed in a subglobose but rarely lobated mass. The upper surface set with sessile, lamcllatcd, round or subangular stars. The stars in this genus are circumscribed. The substance is never raised in extended expansions, or developed in leaves, as in the Expla- nariffi, or ramified like the Madrepores. The stars are in some separated from each other by interstices, and in others', though circumscribed, they are contiguous. Stars separate, even from their base. Sp. 1. Astr. radiata. . . . Mad. radial a, Sol. # EU. Tab.XLVH,jig. 8. 2. argus Mad. Cavernosa, Esp. Suppl. 1, Tab. XXXVII, (the great Astroites) 3. annularis. . . Mad. annularis, Sol. $ Ell. Tab. LIII, fie- 1,2. 80 4. Astr. rotulosa. . . . Mad. rotulosa,Sol 4- Ell. Tab. LV, fig. 1-3. 5. ananas. . . . Mad. ananat, Sol. # Ell. Tab. XLVI[,^g. 6. 6. detrita. .... Mad. detrita, Esper. Suppl. I, Tub. XLVI. 7. . porcatn. . . . Mad. porcata, Esper. Suppl. I, Tab. LXXI. 8. punctifera. . Mad. Indian Seat. 9. myriopthalmia. Mad. Indian Seas. 10. micropthalmia. Sea of New Holland. 11. pleiades. . . . Mad.pleiades,S l. fyEll.Tab. UII,jig.7, 8. 12. Stellulata. . Mad. stellulata? Sol. If Ell. Tab. LIU, fig. 3,4. 13. obliqua. . . . Sea of Guiana. 14. palifera. . . . South Sea. 15. ' pulvinaria. . South Sea. Contiguous Stars. 16. Astr. dipsacea. . . . Mad.favosa, Sol. & Ell. Tab. L,fg. 1. 17. favosa Mad.favosa, Esper. Suppl. I, Tab. XLV, fig. I. 18. denticulata. - - Mad. dentieulata, Sol. % Ell. Tab. XLIX, fig-l- 19. versipora. - - - Indian Sea. 20. deformis. - - - - Indian Sea ? 21. reticularis - - - Mad.favosa. Am. ac. Tab. IV, fig. 16. Fre- quently found fossil. 22. abdita. Mad. abdita. Esper. Supp. Ta&.XLV,^. 2. 23. retiformis. Resembles in its network, Mad. retepora^Sol. $ Ell. Tab. LIV, Jig. 3-5, which, however, is a true species of Forties. 21. heliopora. - - ~ South Sea. 25. crispata. - * - - Indian Sea. 26. diffluens. - - - - South Sea. 27. ca/ycularis. Sea of New Holland. 28. intersepta. - - - South Sea. 29. emardata. - - Fossil ; Grignon. Glomerated ; the surface reticulated ; the stars snbpentagonal, hollow, contiguous; very few lamellae separate from the axis. SO. siderea. - - . - Mad. siderea. Sol. $ Ell. Tab. XLIX,^. 2. 31. galaxea. - - Mad. galaxea, Sol. $ Ell. Tab. XLVII,^g-.7. The corals of this genus will be frequently found in former writers, under the name Astroites. At PI. IX, fig. 11, is represented the section of an Astrea in calcedony, from Antigua, by Dr. Nugent. Forties. A stony polypifer, fixed; ramified; or lobated and obtuse ; the outer surface stellated all over. The stars are regular, nearly contiguous, superficial or excavated ; no margin, or an imperfect one; the lamellae filamentous, interrupted or cuspidated. 81 Porites resembles both Astrea and Madrepora in some respects; but their stars differ materially. They are not at all or but partially circumscribed ; their la- mellae are but filaments, like the points of pins, and are either tuberculated or cuspidated. The edge of each star is dentated or echinated, so as to be confounded with the interstices which are often echinated in the same manner. Sp. 1. For. reticulala. . Mad. retepora. Sol. Ell. Tab. LIV../&.5-5. 2. conglomerata Absqtie descriptione, Sol, % Ell. Tab. 'KLl t Jig. 4. 3. astreoides. - American Ocean. 4. arenacea . - Mad.arenosa? Gmelin. 5. clavaria. Mad. porites. Sol. 6; Ell. Taft.XLVH, fg. 1. 6. scabra. - - - Mad. digitala. Sol S$ EH. No. 74. 7. elongata. 8. ii farcata. 9. angulata. - - South Sta. 10. subdigitata. South Sea. 11. cervina. - - - Indian Sea. 12. verrucosa. - -Mad. spongiosaf Sol. % Ell. No. 49. 13. tuberculosa, 14. complanala. 15. rosacea. var. Mad.foHosv? Sol. $ Ell. Tab. Lll. 16. spumosa. - - Knorr. delic. Tab. A. I, fg. 4. Pocillopora. A stony polypifer, plant-formed, ramose or lobalcd ; the surface set with deep cellules, as if scooped out, with porous interstices. The cells few, distinct, hollowed into pits, the edges rarely prominent; obsoletely stellated ; the lamellae very narrow, sometimes none. The pocilliforra shape of the cells, and the margins having little or no projection, separate this genus from Madrepora ; and the depth and fewness of the lamellae from porites. Sp. 1. Pocill. acvta. Mad. dai*icrni*. Sol. $ Ell. N. 73. 2. damicornis - Mad- dafnicornis. Pall. Zooph. p. 334, Var. A3- 3. verrucosa. - Mad. verrucosa, Sol. $ Ell. No. 78. 4. breviconit . Indian Ocean. 5. ~- ftnettratn. - ~-South Sea. 6. stignataria. Mad. muricala 1 Esp.Suppl. 1, Tab. LIV, A, Jig. 7. casrulea. Mad. caentlea. Sol. Ell. Tab. XII, Jig. 4. Madrepora. A stony polypifer, fixed, subdendroidal, ramified ; the surface furnished on every part with projecting, muricated cells ; the interstices porous. The cells scattered, distinct, cylindrical, tubular, and prominent; hardly any stclla; the lamellae of the internal parietes very narrow. Linnaeus and Pallas, it is noticed by Lamarck, gave the name of Madrepores to all the lamellated polypifers ; M 82 in consequence of which, bodies essentially different have been classed together. Lamarck having separated all those laniellated polypifers which appeared to bear distinctive generic characters, retained under the genus Madrepore those only which are not found in form of incrustation, and whose substance is divided in plant- like lobes or branches, with a surface muricated by the sharp projections from stelliform, oblique, subcylin- drical, tubular, and slightly laminated cells, and by the finely porous and echinulated interstices. Sp. 1. Mad. palmata. - - - Mad. muricaia. Esper. Suppl. 1, Tab. LI, LXXX1II. 2. jlabellum. American SPMS ? 3. corymbosa. - - Rumph. Amb. 6, Tab. LXXXVI, fg. 2. 4. planlaginea. Mac/, rnv.ricata, E.j>. Suppl. 1, Tab. LIV. 5. pocillifera. - - Indian or South Seas. 6. laxa ----- South Seas. 7. abrotanoides. Mad. muricaia. Sol. k Eil. Tab. LVII. 8. cervicornis. - Seba. mm. 3, Tab. CXlV,Jig. 1. 9. pro/ifera. - - - ~Esp. Suppl. 1 , Tab. L. Serlatopora. A stony fixed polypifer, with thin and rather cylindri- cal branches. The cells perforated, slightly lamellated, or ciliated in their edges, and placed in rows, transversely or longitudinally. This separation from Madrepores is founded on the cells thus placed in rows,, having only their margins set with very small plates, or rather hair-like points, instead of plates projecting inwards. Sp. 1. Ser. Suf.ulata Mad. scriata. Sol. Ell. Tab. XXXI, /g-. 1, 2. 2. ' annulata. South Sea. 3. nuda. Oculina. A stony polypifer, most frequently fixed ; ramose and den- droidal ; the branches smooth, spread, and for the most part very short. The stars, some terminal, the others lateral and superficial. Although ramified and dendroidal, like the Madre- pores, the Oculinae are distinguishable by their sub- stance being solid, smooth, hardly at all porous, and their stars not numerous, Sp. 1. Oc. virginea. - - - - -Mad. virsinea. Sol. $ Ell. Tab. XXXVI. 2. hirtella. - - - - Mad. hirfella. Sol. $ Ell. Tab. XXXVII. 3. i d(ffv3a. . - - - American Sea. 4. axillaris. Sol. Ell. Tab. XIII, jig. 5. 5. prolifera. - - Sol. Ell. Tab. XXXII, fig. 2 6. ec/udnea. - - . - Mad. rosea. Eip. 1, Tab. XV. 7. infundiiulifera. 8. ftabettifoimit. - - Sela Mus. 3, Tab. CX, fg. 10. 9. rosea. ...... American Ocean. 83 CORTICIFEROLS Poi.YPIFEUS. Phyloidal or dendroidal, composed of two sorts of distinct parts; one a solid, central axis, and the other a fleshy incrustmcnt, which covers it, and contains the polypes. The axis is full, inorganic, either horny, or in part or entirely stony. The polypifeious incrustraent constitutes, after its removal from the water, a corticiform celluliferous envelope, more or less friable. Cornllium. A fixed polypifer, dendroidal, not articulated, rigid and corticiferous. The axis caulescent, ramose, stony, solid, and striated on the surface. The cortical part, whilst living, is soft, fleshy and polypiferous ; after drying it is hardened and porous, with octovalved cells. The propriety of allotting to this suhstance a distinct genus must be evident; it is not articulated, therefore is not an Isis, with which Linnaeus had blended it ; and its stony axis will not permit its being placed among the Gorgonia,as proposed by Solander. Sp. \ Cor. rulrum. Isis nobiliSf'Lm. Gorgonia nobilis, Sol. and Ellis, Table XIII. This substance is very rarely discovered fossil ; but Scilla states that he found it in the neighbouring hills of Messina, in a mineralised state, reduced to lime, mixed with echini, shells, &c. in a similar state. He found the coral in beautiful branches as well as in fragments; the whole surface deprived of its colour; although, in some of the thicker fragments, a purplish hue might still be found in the internal parts*. Silicified fragments of this substance are sometimes found among the Blackdown fossils, showing, by their transparency, the beautiful red colour remaining in the internal part. Melitaa. A fixed dendroidal polypifer, composed of an articulated^ nodose axis, and of a permanent corticiform incrustation. The central axis is caulescent, ramose, formed of stony substriated portions joined by rather spongy and tumid articulations. The cortical crust, in a living state, is fleshy and polypiferous; when dry, it is thin and cellular. * De Corporibus marinis lapidesccutibus, &c. Angustino Scilla, Roma, p. 55, Tab. XX, fg. 1. 84 The Melitaeas differ from the Isides, the following genus-, in the cha- racter of their articulations, the joints in the former, though stony, being spongy and tumid; but in the latter, horny and contracted. Sp. 1. Mel. ochracca. . Isisochraceu. Lin. Soland. 2. retifera. . Isis avreulia. Esp. SuppL II, Tub. IX. 3. textijbrmis. South Seas. 4. coccinea. . Isis coccinea. Sol. and Ellis, Tub. XII, Jig. 5. This genus has not been described as a fossil ; but the writer is of opinion that a fossil specimen of one of its species is in his possession. Isis. A fixed dendroidal polypifer, composed of a jointed axis and a corticiform crust, not adherent. The axis central, caulescent, and ramose, formed of stony striated portions, connected by a contracted horny substance. The cortical part, in a living state, is fleshy and poly- piferous ; but separates entirely or partly from the stem, on being removed from the water. Sp. 1. Tsis kipptiris. . Sol. and Ellis, Tub. Ill, t fig. 1-5 2. elongtita. Esper. I, Tab. VI. J3. dichotonia. Esper. I, Tab. V. *. < " E>im'?//fi rite removal of the specimen from the water. Antipdthes Ipiralis, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XlX, fig. 1-6 ; fall. Zooph. p. 217; Esper. 2, Tab. VIII, may be referred to as the type of the gemis of which seventeen species have been particularised. * De Corporibus marinis lapidescentibus, Tab. XIX. Organic Re- mains, &c. Vol. II, p. 72, PI. VIII, fig. 2, 4, 7, 9. 85 Gorgonia. A fixed dendroidal polypifer, composed of a central axis and a corticiform crust. The axis flattened and fixed at the base, caulescent, ramose, sub- striated, solid, horny, and flexible. The cortical crust covering the nxis and branches, in the living state, is soft, fleshy and polypiferous; in the dry state spongy, porous, and fri- able ; the surface pierced with the superficial or the projecting openings of cells. Gorgonia reticulata, Sol. and Ellis, Tab. XVII, will serTe as an ex- ample of this genus, forty-eight species of which have been observed. No specimen of either of these genera appears to have been noticed in a mineralised state, a circum- stance which, at first consideration, appears difficult of explanation, since the axis seems, in general, to be sufficiently solid to authorise the belief, that it might remain long enough in a subterraneous or subaqueous situation to admit of its impregnation with earthy par- ticles, previous to its becoming entirely decomposed. But on farther consideration of the original nature of the substance, which does not owe its solidity to the intermixture of earthy particles, but merely to the con- densation of a horny or membranaceous substance, its decomposition, under the circumstances mentioned, should rather be expected than its preservation. Corallina. The fixed, phytoidal, ramified poiypifers ranging under this genus, have not, as far as have come to our knowledge, been discovered in a mineralised state : a circumstance which may perhaps be sufficiently accounted for, by their extreme delicacy, and by the frequent separations or articulations into which their substance is divided. By these circumstances their adherence together sufficiently long after death to allow of impregnation would be prevented; although tbe dense calcareous crust investing their filiform axis might appear to be well adapted to admit it. Tfae delicacy of structure and the prevalency of cor- neous membrane in the substance of Petiicilbts and Flabellaria seem also to be sufficient to account for 86 neither of these bodies having been found fossil. From similar considerations the remains of the tubulifcrous polypi can hardly be expected to be discovered in a mineralised state. Encrini and Pentacrini. Our attention is now claimed by a series of animals rendered interesting, not only by their curious forms and extraordinary structure, but also by their being among the earliest inhabitants of this planet. Hence they are so far aliens of this world, that whilst immense tracts of rocks are literally formed of the entombed remains of different species in a mineralised state, only five or six fragments of the remains of one of these numerous species have yet been discovered in a recent state. The general characters which embrace the different genera and species of these animals are, an acepha- lous animal, attached by a radiciform, subarticulatcd base, from which arise cylindrical, oval, or pentagonal vertebrae possessing pentaphylloidal or stelliform arti- culating surfaces and central openings, and forming an articulated tubular spine, supporting a pelvis from which proceed articulated arms, hands, fingers, and tentaculae, forming a body which bears a floriform appearance. These animals appear to have had a considerable range for the seizure of their prey, without possessing absolute locomotion ; the peculiar mode of the articu- lation of their vertebras affording them a great degree of mobility, with considerable security against dislo- cation. They have been hitherto classed under two genera ; one, the Echinus, with chiefly cylindrical ver- tebrae ; the other, the Pentacrinns, with principally pentagonal vertebrae. The Encrinus has been divided into species, which have been hitherto distinguished chiefly by, and named 37 according to, the characters of the base of the flori- form part of the animal, with which the uppermost vertebra is articulated. Sp. 1. The Lily Encrinus, Organic Remains, Vol. II, PL XIV, has this part formed of five wedge-shaped bones, ossa innominata, which constitute the smooth circular central part, round which are disposed five tra- pezoidal pieces, ribs. On the upper edge of each of these is placed an ossicle termed a scapula, and on the two superior oblique surfaces of this little bone are disposed the first ossicles of two anns, each of which divide into articulated fingers and tentaculae, which when closed bear a lily-like appearance, and when opened and expanded form a nearly circular net of jointed meshes. These, on closing, would secure the prey and direct it into the stomach, which was in all probability placed in the central cavity formed by the pentagonal base and its superincumbent ossicles. The pentagonal base of this animal is represented at PL IX, fig. 1; the surface of one of the cylindrical vertebrae termed a trochite at PI. IX, Jig. 4 ; and three of these conjoined at PI. IX, Jig. 6: when thus united they form a body which is named an Entrochite. No remains of this species have been found in this island; but in Lower Saxony, Westphalia, and parti- cularly in Brunswick, they are very abundant : the re- mains of the upper part of the animal are sometimes, though rarely, found in their connected floriform state : their matrix appears to be a limestone of the lias formation. Sp. 2. The Cap Encrinite. Differs from the preced- ing in being of a more globose form in its lower part ; the base, PL IX, Jig. 3, partakes of the same round- ness, and is more simple and plain in its construction than that of the preceding species ; its arms also differ 88 in being unequally and dissimilarly divided. Organic Remains, Vol. II, PI. XV, fig. 9. The fossil vertebral remains of this animal literally constitute the rocks, considered as mountain limestone, which traverse part of Yorkshire, Lancashire, West- moreland and Derbyshire ; the remains thus preserved forming a most useful and ornamental marble. But extraordinary as it may appear, although these remains exist to so immense an extent, only one body, with the arms, &c. of the animal, has been yet stated to have been found ; and this was so far imbedded in its matrix, as to restrict our knowledge of the structure of the animal to the particulars abovementioned. Organic Remains, Vol. II, PI. XV, fig. 9. Sp. 3. The Turban Encrinite. The existence of this species was only made known by the preservation of its pentagonal base with some indistinct fragments, in a specimen of limestone, of the earliest formation, from Wenlock edge : the superior elegance of the form of the pentagonal base, PI. LX.,fig. 7, decidedly marked this animal to be of a different species from the pre- ceding. The radical termination or organ of attachment of this animal, Organic Remains, Vol. II, PL XV, fig. 5, ma- nifests a very curious structure : it terminates in very frequent ramifications, which are jointed by numerous crenulated articulations, admitting a certain degree of mobility. The limestone in which the remains of this animal are found also contains the remains of madrepores and tubipores, particularly of the chain-coral : the antiquity of its deposition is manifested by its being repeatedly seen alternating with sandstone, above the coal. Sp. 4. The Pear Encrinite (Organic Remains, Vol. IT, PI. XVI). The radical termination or organ of at- 89 tachment of this species is of a flat and extended form, and possesses a purplish hue. It has the appearance of having been covered by several coats of a ligamen- tous or cartilaginous substance possessing crenulated articulations : from this proceed the vertebrae, which are very thin and finely eremilated, and at their lower termination participate with their base in a portion of membranous or cartilaginous matter, which is extended over them. As they approach their superior termination they enlarge rather suddenly, both in width and thick- ness, receding so far from each other internally as to leave vacuities between them about their centre, which is also pierced by a large foramen. On the uppermost of these vertebrae is placed a flattish body divided into five compartments, answering to the five separated clavicles of the lily encrinite ; and on this, the ossicles corresponding to the scapulae, arms, &c. are disposed in such order, as to form a pear-shaped body, con- taining in its centre a ventricular cavity, and set round at its upper part with twenty depressions, from which proceeded the fingers of the animal. AVith respect to the geognostic situation of these remains, we obtain the following information from Mr. Townshend, who considers it as a fossil of the great Oolite. "Among the extraneous fossils, im- bedded in the white clay, (on the surface of the upper- most bed, but not in the body of the rock,) the most interesting are the Encrinites first noticed by the Rev. Benjamin Richardson, at Burfield, Wiltshire, near the summit of the hill on the southern hanging of which Bradford stands; they were next discovered south of the river, on the surface of the rock, in the same bed of white clay, but more than one hundred feet lower than Burfield, and a little elevated above the level of the river : finally, they were traced on the high summit of N 90 the opposite hill, yet always deposited in their pro- per bed*." Remains of this animal, agatised, have been found at Soissons; its remains are also found at Pfeffingen in Germany, it appearing that the remains found there belonged to much larger animals than those from which the Wiltshire fossils proceeded. Sp. 5. The Nave Ecrinite. This appellation was em- ployed as a temporary designation of this fossil, de- rived from its form, it being thought to resemble the nave of a wheel, to which five spokes were attached. This fossil was first noticed by that industrious natu- ralist, Martin Lister, who describes it as being about the size of a wallnut, but hollow, and rounded into five double points, in the figure of crescents, and having on its bottom the impression of a trochites, or a tro- chites itself yet adhering : the surface he describes as being formed of rough polygonal platesf. Several specimens of these fossils are represented, Organic Remains, Vol. II, PL XVII, since which Mr. Cum- berland has favoured us with the figures of several others of very curious structure, in a very interesting commu- nication, in the fifth volume of the Geological Transac- tions. Among the benefits resulting from the researches of the fossilist, is that of being sometimes able to trace, by the contained fossils, beds of marl and clay to the rocks from the decomposition of which they have proceeded. Thus several of the specimens discovered by Lister were described as having been found in the soft earth in the villages of Braughton and Stock in Craven, whilst their subsequent discovery in the mountain-lime of Mendip, aad in that neighbourhood, manifests the original bed * The Character of Moses established, &c. p. 268. f Philosophical Transactions, Vol. X. 91 into which they had passed. Thus, the pear encri- nite may be found rather to belong to the magnesian limestone rocks than to the white clay, as it is termed, which may have proceeded from the decomposition of those rocks. Dr. Capeller, in a letter to Scheuchzer, describes and figures some of these fossils, with the fingers attached, from the magnesian limestone of the island of Gothland. Sp. 5. The Plumose Encrinite. This fossil is dis- tinguished by its long fingers, partly naked and partly furnished with articulated tentacula, disposed like the feathery appendages on the sides of a quill. This fos- sil was described in Organic Remains, Vol. IT, p. 224, from a specimen from Dudley in the possession of Mr- Donovan : I have since seen a specimen, apparently, of this species, in the possession of Geo. Hawker, Esq. of Stroud, in Gloucestershire. In Volume LII of the Philosophical Transactions, is figured the representation of the body of an encrinite or pentacrinite found at Pyrton Passage, Gloucester- shire, bearing, when closed up, the form of a fig ; a si- milar specimen has been since found also, on the banks of the Severn, by Mr. G. Hawker. Sp. 6. The Tortoise Encrinite (Organic Remains, Vol. II, PL XIII, fig. 24:) is formed of various angu- lated plates, disposed in a purse-like form; five of which are pentagonal and surround the mouth, having in the upper edge of each a semicircular notch, from which proceeded a jointed arm dividing subdichoto- mously : under these is a row of hexagonal plates, and beneath these pentagonal ones, every plate being striated from the centre to the margin, and united by fine crenulations with the adjoining ones. Various small substances are found, chiefly in the chalk, possessing the characters of this tribe of animals, and of which no recent prototypes are known ; such are, 92 1. the straight encrinite, PL IX, fig. 5, possessing an organ of attachment, with vertebrae, pelvis, and rami- fying superior extremity ; 2. the bottle encrinite, pos- sessing a utricular form, but divisible in its upper portion into parts corresponding with the clavicles, sca- pulae, &c. of the lily encrinite, PI. IX, fig. 13 ; 3. the stags-horn encrinite, PL IX, fig. 14, in which the arms, &c. proceed directly in a ramose form, from the trunk of the animal; 4. the clove encrinite, (caryophillus lapideus of Lhwydd, and other oryctologists) PI. IX, fig. 15; 5. the digitated encrinite, distinguished by the extraordinary manner in which its spines or arms are connected by numerous digitated processes ; the oval- spined encrinite, and many others whose forms and characters seem to mark them as closely allied to, if not actually belonging to this family. The Pentacrinus was an animal with a pentagonal, articulated, vertebral column, from the superior part of which, from five bases, proceeded as many articulated arms, speedily dividing into ramifications, closely beset with jointed fingers, bearing much of a plumose appear- ance. The form and structure of the fossil remains of the different species of this genus plainly show that the animal possessed similar powers of seizing the sur- rounding objects of its prey, as the encrinus, but on a wider range. The fossil vertebras of this genus are small, flat, and generally pentagonal, stelliform stones, ornamented on both their upper and under surfaces with five petal-formed figures, from the supposed resemblance of which to five lilies the name of the genus, pentacrinus, has been de- rived : these form, by their union, asterice columnares, or columnar star-stones, being parts of the pentagonal spine ; in the figure of which, as well as in the forms of the markings of the vertebrae, considerable differences occur in different species. 93 On the upper extremity of the spine are disposed the parts which form a pelvis, being in all probability the ventricular cavity, and those parts also which give support to the limbs. As the use of these parts is more obvious in this genus than in that of the encrinus, an excuse will be more readily admitted for adopting for them those terms which are applied to the supposed corresponding parts in the more perfect animals. On each of the five sides of the upper end of the spine, PL IX, fig. 16, three pieces are disposed, the largest of which (a) performs the office of scapula, its upper cotyloidal surface receiving the first bone of the ann (c) : on this is placed the second bone (d), the up- per part of which is divided into two obliquely disposed surfaces, on which the two first bones (e) of a new series, as of the forearm, are articulated, and which first dividing subdichotomously afterwards give out innume- rable articulated fingers. Firmness appears to have been given to this arrangement, by the interposition of a small body, b, between each scapula, which appears to per- form the office of a clavicle by retaining the scapulae in connection with the trunk. At various distances, in different species, jointed vertebral processes are given out from the spine, apparently for the purpose of aiding the fingers in seizing and retaining the hold of dif- ferent substances. As there is reason for believing that the jointed spine was of considerable length, and as the fingers were evidently capable of being fully ex- panded, the range of the animal, though fixed at one extremity, must have been very extensive. There are undoubtedly several species of this genus ; but from the smallness of connected specimens, and from their being often rendered indistinct by their being imbedded, and from other circumstances, the necessary distinction and separation are but seldom capable of being made. The fossils of this genus, however, which 94 are found in Dorsetshire, manifest characters sufficiently important and determinate to be assumed for specific distinction : it is to this fossil I presumed to give the name briarean pentacrinite, remarking that it was cha- racterised by its numerous and widely comprehensive arms, &c. and by its long jointed arm-like spinous pro- cesses given off from every side of each vertebra. The fossil remains of this species are particularly abundant in the Cliffs of Lymc and of Charmouth in Dorsetshire. The remains of other species distinguish- able from this by the vertebral processes being given off, not from every vertebra, but at certain distances, are found in the lias in different parts of Glouces- tershire, and in the more north-eastern parts of the Island; but the discovery of more perfect specimens than those which are at present known will be neces- sary to be obtained, before the particular characters of the species can be ascertained: more also is required to be known respecting the fossil of M. Hiemer, spoken of in p. 256 of the second volume of Organic Remains, before it can be considered as being of a distinct species. Whilst this part of the present work was in the hands of the printer, I had the gratification of receiving Mr. Miller's Natural History of the Crinoidea or Lily-shaped Animals : the pleasure which I experienced in contem- plating the scientific and successful enquiries of this gentleman, in subjects on which, as a student, I had myself toiled, led me to hope that, by pointing out the importance and extent of his discoveries, I should dif- fuse pleasure among my readers, and, by giving them a glimpse of the treat there prepared for them, render them eager to partake of a banquet so rich and so cheap, it containing fifty illustrative lithographic plates. 95 In this work the numerous and interesting animals of former worlds, which have been loosely ranged as En- crinites and Pentacrinites, are classed as the members of one distinct and peculiar family, distinguished as CRINOIDEA or Lily-shaped Animals. The members of this family are placed under four principal divisions, comprising nine genera, each containing several species, with most of which we had hitherto been but imperfectly acquainted, and of some entirely ignorant. I. ARTICULATA, in which joints forming the superior cup-like body of the animal articulate to each other, are divided into three genera: i.Apiocrinites, the pear- like lily-shaped animals, dividing into two species, 1. Ap. rotundus, and, 2. Ap. ellipticus. n. Encrinites, the true lily-shaped animal, of which Mr. Miller knows but of one species, 1. Enc. moniliformis. in. Pentacri- nites, five angled lily-shaped animals, comprising five species, 1. Pent, caput medusa. 2. Pent, briarceus. 3. Pent, subangularis. 4. Petit, basaltiformis. 5. Pent, tuberculatus. II. SEMIARTICULATA, in which the plate-like joints, which form the cup containing the viscera, articulate imperfectly with each other, furnish but one genus, i. Poteriocrinites, a vase-like lily-shaped animal, one spe- cies of which only, 1. Pot. crassus, will serve as the type of the generic character ; the other species, 2. tenuis, having its plates adhere only by sutures and not by articulations, may be considered as forming the transi- tion to the next division. III. INARTICULATA, in which the plates adhere by sutures, lined by muscular integument. These are di- vided into, i, Platycrinites, broad-plated, lily-shaped animals, in which five broad plate-like scapulae proceed from a saucer-shaped pelvis, formed of three unequal pieces. The species are, 1. Icevis; 2.rugosus; 3. tu- berculatns; 4. granulatus ; 5. striatus ; 6. pentangular is. 96 n. Cyathocrinites, cup-like, lily-shaped animals, with a saucer-shaped pelvis of five pieces, on which are placed, in successive series, five costal plates, five scapulae, and an intervening plate ; from each scapula proceeds one arm having two hands. Sp. 1. planus, 2. tubercula- tuSy 3. rugosus, 4. quinquangularis. in. Actynocrinites, radiated, lily-shaped animals ; the pelvis formed of three plates, on which five first costals and one irregular cos- tal adhere ; succeeded by second costals and intercostals, and the scapulae, from whence five arms proceed, each forming two hands, with several tentaculated fingers. Sp. 1. Triaconta dactylus ; 2. polydactylus ; 3. Icevis. iv. Rhodocrinites, rose-like, lily-shaped animals, pelvis formed of three pieces supporting five square plates, in the spaces of whose lateral bevelled angles are inserted five heptagonal first costals : from the scapulae proceeds an arm supporting two hands. There is only one spe- cies, 1. R. verus. IV. COADUNA.TA; the joints of the pelvis an chylos- ing to the first columnar joint, i. Eugeniacrinites, a clove-like, lily-shaped animal, of which but one spe- cies is known, 1. E. quinquangularis. Fossil pentagonal plates are frequently found in chalk, which are sometimes connected, and form a body of a marsupial form : considering these remains as belonging to an animal of the family of the encrinites, I introduced them in Organic Remains, Volume II, Table XIII, fig. 24, as portions of the tortoise encrinite, deriving its name from its plates. Since which, Mr. Mantell, of Lewes, has investigated the remains of this animal with so much care, as to have ascertained it to have been an unattached animal, and without a column : from its purse-like form Mr. Mantell has denominated the fossil Marsupites. An interesting account of this fossil may be hoped in the work of Mr. Mantell on the South Down fossils; a work, which, considering the ingenious 97 author's abilities and advantageous situation for the pursuit of these enquiries, may be expected to yield considerable gratification. The observations of Mr. Miller, on the geological distri- bution of the Crinoidea, are highly interesting; and I am pleased with the opportunity of pointing out to the stu- dent the localities of the different species from Mr. Miller's work ; and to add, that the localities of the spe- cimens which I possess, serve to confirm these impor- tant observations, and to encourage the opinion that the different genera and species of this family have com- menced and terminated their existence at different periods. Cyathocrinites rugosus is found amongst the earliest traces of organic remains, imbedded in the TRAN- SITION LIMESTONE formation, in Shropshire, Here- fordshire, the Islands of Oeland and Gothland, and in Dalecarlia. C. quinquangularis occurs in the magnesian variety of the MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, at Clevedon; and in MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, at the Black Rock, near the Avon. Poteriocrinites crassus is found in the MAGNESIAN BEDS OP MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, Clevedon; andinMOUNTAiN LIME, at Bristol; and P. tenuis, in the MOUNTAIN LIME of Mendip and of Bristol. Platycrinites Itevis occurs in the MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE of Mendip, and in the BLACK ROCK, near Bristol, Dublin and Cork. P. rugosus, in MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE of Men- dip and Caldy Island. P. tuberculatus, in MOUNTAIN LIME strata. P. striatus, MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, near Bristol. P.pentangularis, MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, Bris- tol, Mendip, and Mitchel Dean ; and in the TRANSITION LIMESTONE, Dudley and Dinewaur park. Cyathocrinites plamis, in MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, Clevedon, and Black Rock, Bristol. o 98 C. tuberculaius, in MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE, Dudley? C. rugoms, in TRANSITION LIMESTONE, Shropshire, Herefordshire, the Islands of Oeland and Gothland, and in Dalecarlia*. C. quinquangularis, in MAGNE- SIAN LIMESTONE, Clevedon, and MOUNTAIN LIME- STONE, Black Rock. Actinocrites triaconta dactylos, in MOUNTAIN LIME- STONE, in Craven in Yorkshire, the Mendip-hills, and Black Rock, Bristol. A. polydactylus, in MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE of the Mendip-hills and Caldy Island. A. IcBvis in MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE of Mitchel Dean. Rhodocrinites. R. verus, TRANSITION LIMESTONE, Dudley, MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE near Bristol, Mendip- hills, and Mitchel Dean. It appears that all the preceding remains occur in the transition, the mountain and the magnesian lime- stone deposits, " where," as Mr. Miller observes, " they are lost, (as far, he says, as I have been able to ascer- tain) and make room for the different species of Pen- tacrinites, which may be traced through the beds of the lias, oolite, and chalk : and of which one species, the pentacrinus caput medusce, has continued from the form- ation of the lias to our times, and is now met with, though very rarely, in a recent state." The Apiocrinites rotundus is only found adhering to a bed of the oolite formation, and the Apiocrinites ellip- ticus in chalk. The radiated Echinodermata. The first section of animals under this division contains the Stelleridce, dis- tinguished by their possessing a coriaceous skin, not irritable, but moveable in several points ; the body dc- * It was the body of this animal which I saw in Mr. John Hawker's Collection, and which, from its general form, and the figure of its plates, I considered as belonging to the tortoise encriuite, or the niarsupite of Mr. Mantell. 99 pressed, wider than long, with radiating marginal an- gles or lobes, more or less numerous and moveable. They are furnished with spines, which are fixed on moveable tubercles; and in some of the genera of this section there exists on the back, opposite to the mouth, a short tubercle, or a reticulated disk ; but it has not yet been ascertained what office this part performs. The mouth of these animals is surrounded by five little ossicles or granular substances. This family is cjivided, by Lamarck, into four genera: 1. Comatula; 2. Euryale; 3. Ophiura ; 4. Asteria. Comatula. An orbicular, depressed, radiated body, having two sorts of rays, dorsal and marginal, all sup- plied with calcareous joints. The dorsal rays are very simple, small, cirrous, s and filiform, disposed like a coronet on the back of the disk. The marginal rays are always pinnated, and much larger than the simple rays ; their inferior pinnulae arc elongated, flattened beneath, and surround the ventral surface. The mouth is be- neath, central, isolated, membranous, tubular, and pro- jecting. The dorsal rays of this animal, by which it clings to other substances whilst seeking for or retaining its prey by its pinnated rays, with its membranous pro- jecting mouth in the form of a purse, are characters sufficiently distinctive of this genus. Some of the species of this genus are described among the Stella of Linck, as in Tab. XXII, fig. 34. Asteria multiradiata, Lin.? Stella, rosacea, Linck, Tab. XXXVII, Jig. 66, &c. Euryale. An orbicular, depressed body, with a naked back ; divided at its circumference in a row of long, thin, dichotomous, frequently divided, cirrous rays ; these rays being flat beneath* and cylindrical on the back. Ten long openings exist in the under part and towards the margin of the disk. The mouth is be- 100 neath, and central. The stomach fills, and, of course, possesses the form of the central semiglobular ventri- cular cavity. The very fine capillary terminations of the almost innumerable rays of the animals of this genus, and the oblong openings in the lower surface of the disk, two between each ray, serving for the passage of retractile organs, are characters strongly distinctive of this genus. This genus is distinguished, by Linck, by the name Astrophyton, and was designated, by Gmelin, as As- terias euryale et Asterias caput Medusce. The species to which this name applies is the only one which was known to Linnaeus. Ophiura. An orbicular, depressed body, with the back naked; having, at its circumference, a row of long, thin, simple, cirrous rays ; papillous or spinous, and nearly pinnated on their sides ; the spines being jointed only at their base. The lower surface of the rays flat, and without any groove or channel; the mouth beneath, and central, with several openings round it: the stomach possesses a subglobose form. Several species of this genus are described and figured, by Linck, as Stella longicauda, S. lacertosa, &c., and others are to be found among the Asteria of Linnaeus, as Asterias aculeata, &c. Asterias. A suborbicular, depressed body, divided at its circumference into angles, lobes, or rays, dis- posed in a stelliform figure. The lower surface of these lobes, or rays, is furnished with a longitudinal groove, bordered on each side with moveable spines, and with holes for the passage of tubular and retractile feet. The mouth is beneath, and central, and placed in the point where the grooves unite. The mouth, in these animals, opens directly into the stomach, which has no other opening. It is, in fact, a cul- de-sac > augmented laterally by ten elongated and 101 pinnated caecums, two in each ray, which proceed from the sides of the stomach through three-fourths of the length of the ray. These are the animals commonly known by the names of star-fish, Stella 8$ marina, &c. Lamarck has had recourse to an arrangement of these bodies, which is better adapted to facilitate their dis- tinction and examination than any which has been hi- therto employed. He divides them into the scutellated and the radiated Asteria : under the former of which he places those with continuous margins, such as Penteta- gonaster regularis, Pentaceros plicatus fy concavus, &c., of Linck ; and, under the latter, the numerous stelliform species. The fossil remains of the Stelleridce are not frequently found; circumstances proceeding, in a great measure, from the proneness to decomposition of the membrana- ceous connecting matter. Fossil remains, referrible to the genera Comatula, or Euryale, have been supposed to have been found by Rosinus and by Lhwydd ; but there is sufficient reason for supposing, that the remains which they described belonged to some species of Pentacrinites, of which we have yet to speak. Two fossil specimens, apparently referrible to this genus, are figured by Baier, in Supple- menta Oryctographia Noricce, Tab. Ill, fig. 3, 4. Fossil remains of the genus Ophiura are very rarely to be met with. A specimen is figured by Bourguet, Traite des Petrifications, Planche LIX, 438, in which a considerable portion of the central part of the animal of one of the species is preserved. A very perfect spe- cimen of this genus, imbedded in chalk, was purchased by Mr. Donovan at the sale of the Leverian Museum. Fragments of the genus Asterias are found more fre- quently than of the preceding genera ; and, of the scu- tellated sort, more frequently than of the radiated. A 102 fossil specimen of the former, approaching to Pentago- naster semilunatus of Linck, is figured by Schultz, Ber- trachtung der Versteinerten, Tab. II, Jig. 6, from Pirna. A similar specimen is figured, Organic Remains, PL I, jig. 1 ; and at PL I, fig. 3, is represented a chalk fossil resembling Pentagonaster regularis., Linck ; Asterias re- gularis, Lamarck. Mr. Knorr gives the figure of an impression in flint of an asterite of this kind. A fossil, in a yellowish coloured limestone, in the writer's cabinet, bears a tolerably close resemblance to Astropecten echinatus minor, Linck, Tab. VIII, No. 12. Some fragments of an asterite apparently similar are figured in the supplement to Knorr's work, PL VII, Book III', and a petrification, somewhat similar, from Malesme, in France, is figured by Guettard, Mem. de I'Acad. An. 1763. Similar fossils are also found in the blue clay of Sheppey island. Fossils of minute ani- mals approaching to some of the preceding genera, de- serving eareful examination, appear to exist in St. Peter's mountain, and in the neighbourhood of Verona. The facte which had been pointed out in a preceding- work, respecting the structure of such of the encrinital and pentacrinital remains as were then known, evinced that the animals to which they belonged ought not to be placed, as has been done by our justly celebrated teacher, Lamarck, among the polypi natantes, but rather among the echinodermata radiata. Agreeable to this opinion they were placed, in the present work, next to, but preceding this order of animals. Their most proper station in the scale of nature could not be so perfectly ascertained until further knowledge respecting their in- ternal organization had been obtained. The examina- tion made by Mr. Miller has furnished us with that in- formation ; he has shown that they well deserved to be considered as forming a distinct family ; and his obser- vations have also manifested that, both in their structure 103 and habits, they agree with the stelleridce. Thus far the anatomical observations of Mr. Miller have been in accordance .with the opinions entertained by the pre- sent writer, who, however, would, had he been so happy as to have obtained an earlier view of Mr. Miller's la- bours, have been disposed to place the Crinoidea, from their greater complexity of structure, at the end of, rather than before, the Stellerida. After having examined the distinctive characters of Opldura, Euryale, and Asteria, and ascertained that neither of them approximated particularly to the Cri- noidea, Mr. Miller proceeded to the examination of the Comatula;, by which he discovered such a con~ forraity of structure, and so many points of accordance, as to allow him to say that Comatula might be defined, with sufficient precision, as a Pentacrinus destitute of its column. But, as the characters hitherto given of Comatula do not allude to those parts of its organiza- tion which mark the link between it and the Crmoidea, Mr. Miller thought it necessary to propose the following new generic character : " GtiNUs. COMATULA. An unattached animal, hav- ing a depressed orbicular body, formed of calcareous plates containing the viscera. The mouth in the centre (capable of being elongated into a proboscis), sur- rounded by tentaculated arms, or fingers, composed of numerous joints : near the base of the body, below the fingers or arms, many jointed auxiliary side-arms ter- minating in a hooked point." It was found, on dissection, that the Comatulai have series of calcareous secretions, or ossicula, exactly si- milar in their general plan and arrangement to the Cri- noidea, and especially to the genus Pentacrinus, and intended, like theirs, to sustain muscular action : that, at the base of the subglobose body of the Comatula 104 there exists a pentagonal plate, analogous in situa- tion to the first columnar joint of the Crinoidea ; and an interesting affinity was found to exist between the plates forming the pelvis of Comatula and of Pentacri- nus ; and it was manifested that the auxiliary side-arms proceeding from the pelvis-like plate of Comatula, the formation of their joints, and their hook-like termin- ations, resemble, in every particular, those of Penta- crinus caput Medusa, only that they are much shorter, and formed of a less number of joints. Having pointed out several other particular circum- stances, proving the accordant structure of the Comatula and Pentacrinus, Mr. Miller observes, that " The Scapula resemble also those of the Pentacrinus caput Medusa, but are much more angularly pointed at their superior surface, and are also tied laterally together by an in- tegument. " From each of the Scapula in the different spe- cies proceed either two arm-like fingers, or two arms, each of the latter formed of a common and cunei- form joint, from which, on one side the first finger, and on the other a continuation of the arm sets off, which, again, by the intervention of cuneiform joints, divides into two or more fingers, and then forms a hand like in other Crinoidea. Each joint of the arms and fingers sends off, from alternate sides, a tentaculum formed of many articulated small joints, resembling, in formation, those of Pentacrinus caput Medusce. An integument extends over the abdominal cavity, the groove in -the arms, fingers, and tentacula, and is, like that in Penta- crinus, also protected by numerous minute calcareous plates*." * A Natural History of the Crinoidea, or Lily-sliaped Animals, by J. S. Miller, A.L.S., p. isi. 105 Echinidee. This order is filled by those animals which have been hitherto named Echini. The Echinus is one of the radiated echinodermata of Lamarck, and is distinguished from the preceding section of this order, the Stellerid . ~ , ., Ambulacra complete. Galerites 3 ** The mouth beneath, not central, but approach- ing to the margin. Ananchites. Spatangus. 2. The vent above the margin, and consequently dorsal. a. The vent dorsal, but approaching to the margin. Cassidulus. Nucleolites. b. The anus dorsal and vertical ; the shell regular. Echinus. Cidarites. * Histoire Naturelle des Animaux satis Vertebres, Tom. Ill, p. 6. 112 Scutella, the first genus, comprises Placenta of Klein (Echinodiscus of Breyn and Leske), and Echinarach- nius of Klein and Leske. The admission of Echinarachnius within the limits which Lamarck has prescribed to this genus cannot be allowed. The ambulacra, extended only to the margin, and the mouth placed on the upper side of the margin, must exclude it from a genus, comprised in a section, the members of which are described as having the am- bulacra complete, and the mouth beneath the margin. Of the name of the genus, it may be observed, that it is not more expressive than that which it is proposed to supersede ; and is, besides, the diminutive of the word (Scutum), by which another widely different genus has been designated. Clypeaster is a new, but does not appear to be a more distinctive, name for this genus than Scutum of Klein, or Echinanthus of Leske, Breyn, &c. Fibularia is proposed as a denomination preferable to that of Echinocyamus , which had been adopted for this genus by the assiduous Phelsum. No reason, how- ever, for this preference appears, and the term, Fibu- laria, is so far objectionable, as it resembles Fibula employed by Klein, with equal propriety, for a section including echini of very different characters. Echinoneus is applied in the same manner as by La- marck. Galerites is assumed as appropriate to the genus the first species of which is Conulus albo-galerus of Klein, and is followed by those other fossil echini to which have been applied the more apt name of Conulites. Ananchytes is employed in the place of Cassis of Klein, or of Echinocorytes of Leske. Spatangus is applied nearly in the same manner as by Leske ; its species are divided into those with four and those with five ambulacra. 113 Cassidulus is the name of the genus proposed by La- marck for the reception of those echinites which Leske described as having the mouth in the centre of the base, and the vent above the margin, possessing, as it were, those generic characters which would form a genus between Echinanthus and Spatangus. Nucleolites. The echinites of this genus are ad- mitted, by Lamarck, to agree so closely with those of the preceding genus, that they might be united ; the only material difference being, that the ambulacra in the Cassiduli are contracted, but, in the Nucleolites, are radiated to the mouth. The genus Cidaris is divided, by this naturalist, into two genera. The one, named by him Echinus, is in- tended to comprise all those species which have the tubercles, on which the spines are placed, entire ; the other, distinguished as Cidarites, "contains all those whose tubercles are perforated for the transmission of what is considered to be a muscular cord. The species of this latter genus he divides into two families, the turbans and the diadems. In forming the following arrangement, the classifica- tion of Lamarck being the latest, and having the sanc- tion of a name so justly celebrated, has been almost exactly followed. From the situations of the mouth and of the vent are formed the chief generic distinctions. AVhen the mouth is central, the echini are said to be Emmesostomous ; and when towards the margin, dpomesostomous : when the vent is in the vertex, they are distinguished as Ano- cystous, when in the base as Catocystous, and, when in the side, as Pleurocystous. The more obvious cir- cumstances dependent on the ambulacra, and on the general form and surface, complete the characters of each genus. From the more subordinate distinctions of form, &c. result the several specific characters. 114 115 GENUS I. Echinus. With a roundish, testaceous or crustaceous internal skin, inclining to oval ; the mouth beneath, and central, armed with five ossiculas ; the vent vertical. Ten areas, five large and five smaller, set with imperforate tubercles for the articulation of spines; and ten porous ambulacra, or bands, interposed between the areas, are disposed vertically from the mouth to the vent. PL II, fig. 1. It has been thought advisable to adopt, with Lamarck, the division of Cidaris of Klein, Leske, &c., into two genera, Echinus and Cidaris : the former having the tu- bercles entire, and the spines which are set on them, moved only by the muscular fibres in the investing cu- ticle; the latter having them perforated through their centre, for the passage of a muscular cord, which, being attached to the base of the spines, serves to augment and to direct their motions *. The Echini are distinguishable, not only by their im- perforated tubercles, but by the spines which are arti- culated on these tubercles, which are simple in their forms, and either smooth or very finely granulated. In some, which have somewhat of an oval form, the spines are of different sizes and shapes on the same shell; these are considered as approximating to Cidaris. The ambulacra are not here so regularly formed, nor so dis- tinctly separated from the areas, as in those species which belong to the other genus. Sp. 1. E. escwfenfas. Subglobose, rather hemisphe- rical ; areas, with tubercles not large. The ambulacra with six rows of pores, disposed obliquely ; the spines acicular. Recent and fossil. 2. saxatilis. Suborbicular and rather depressed ; * It must he observed, that the difference, forming here a generic cha- racteristic, may be found in the individuals of another genus. Spatangus purpureus has its tubercles perforated. 116 eight rows of tubercles in the larger areas, the third from the sides larger than the rest; four rows in the lesser. The ambulacra narrow, with three double rows of pores ; the spines acicular and longitudinally stri- ated. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XXXI, fig. A, D. 3. E. angulosus. Rather depressed, and subangular ; two rows of larger tubercles in both large and small areas, surrounded with smaller. The ambulacra with three double rows of pores, the outer ones in a straight, the inner ones in zigzag lines. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. II, fig. 7. 4. excavatus. Nearly hemispherical ; the areas with two rows of miliary, surrounded by granular tu- bercles ; the ambulacra depressed as if excavated, and having a double row of alternating pores. Fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XLIV, fig. 3, 4. 5. fenestratus. Roundish, the base smooth and widely open ; the larger areas with six rows of tubercles, the two intermediate rows largest; the smaller areas with two rows of larger tubercles ; the surface of the areas granulated with minute tubercles. The ambulacra granulated and pierced with three pair of pores, trans- versely slanting; the spines setose. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. IV, jig. 3. It is doubtful if Ech. lucunter is not a variety of this species. 6. rupestris. Subelliptical ; areas with two rows of larger tubercles, with smaller ones between in a serrated line ; the ambulacra with the pores in curved lines ; spines acicular. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. V, jig. a, b, c. 7. variegatus. Orbicular, rather depressed; larger areas with tubercles of a medium size ; smaller ones a little more raised, with three rows of smaller tubercles ; 117 ambulacra with three pairs of rows of pores ; mouth nearly round, slightly waved ; vent round. Recent and rare. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. X, Jig. B, C. 8. E. pustulosus. Hemispherical and depressed ; larger areas with medium-sized tubercles, beginning at the ends with, and extending in the middle to six, in transverse rows; smaller areas with two longitudinal rows of smaller tubercles ; ambulacra with four or five pairs of rows of pores, wide towards the mouth ; the mouth large, widely sinuous ; vent small. Recent. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XI, Jig. A, B, C, D. 9. granulatus. Suborbicular, slightly angulated ; larger areas with seven rows of smallish tubercles on each side, leaving a space in which the joining of the assulae is seen ; smaller areas with four rows on each side ; ambulacra with pores in three pairs of rows, dis- posed in quincunx order ; mouth rather small, slightly winding ; vent circular. Recent. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XI, fig. E, F. 10. tesselatus. Suborbicular, slightly conical; areas showing the assula?, and bearing slight traces only of a row of tubercles ; ambulacra with two rows of closely-set pores ; mouth circular, small, and turned inwards; vent small. Fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XI, fig. G. 11. botryoides. Subglobular; larger areas with two rows of largish tubercles ; those of the smaller not discoverable with precision, but these areas are more raised than the larger; ambulacra with two rows of transversely bent lines of pores. Fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XI, jig. H. 12. toreumaticus. Nearly hemispherical; vertex rather raised ; areas with two rows of tubercles with crenated margins surrounded by granular tubercles, almost to the ambulacra. The larger areas have four rows of excavated transverse lines, two of which 118 lie nearest to the ambulacra, and separate them from the largest tubercles, and two are placed within the rows of tubercles ; the outer and inner rows of lines are opposed to each other, alternating with the tuber- cles, whilst the inner adjacent rows alternate with each other. In the lesser areas only two rows are placed between the tubercles ; these excavated lines exist only from the vertex to the widest part of the periphery. Ambulacra with pores disposed in serrated row r s ; mouth small, retracted. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. X, fig. D, E. 13. E. pentagonus. Pentagonal and subpyramidal ; the sides nearly flat ; the porous fascia3 with two rows of pores ; the areas, on the upper part, with but few small tubercles, but, on the lower, thickly set with tu- bercles surrounded by circles. Fossil, found in the upper oolite. This species is very interesting : its form is so de- cided as to authorise it to be considered as possessing a depressed, obtuse, five-sided subpyramidal form. The upper parts of all the areas are remarkably bare; but, about the rounded margin, the verrucee, surrounded by rings, as in Echinanthus, become frequent, and, particu- larly over the whole of the base, they are set very thickly, but distinctly, between the interposed biporous bands. The descriptions given, by Lamarck, of several of the species of Cidaris, brought by MM. Peron and Ee Sueur, give reason for believing that the recent ana- logues of more of our fossil echini maybe discovered in the South Seas. 14. virgatus. Hemispherical, rather raised ; sub- ventricose, assulae apparent; the middle of the areas thin of tubercles, and striped with violet ; the ambulacral bands with three double rows of pores. Recent. Lam. 119 15. E. ylobiformis. Nearly spheroidal ; red or orange coloured, with white-eyed tubercles ; four rows of pores in the areas. Recent. Lam. 16. polyzonalis. Hemispherical, rather depress- ed ; subpentagonal ; greenish, with transverse white zones decussating white porous rays ; the lower surface concave. Recent. Lam. 17. maculatus. Hemispherical ; white, with spots of a greenish yellow disposed in transverse zones; areas slightly verrucous. Recent Lam. 18. variegatus. Hemispheric ally globose, varie- gated with green and white ; the pores in two pairs of rows at the sides of the areas ; the spines green. Recent. Lam. 19. bigranularis. Hemispherical, rather depress- ed ; ambulacra rather bare ; the pores in four rows : the areas with large tubercles in double rows. Fossil. Lam. 20. arenatus. Hemispherical ; ambulacra with pores in four rows; the tubercles of the largest areas but small, the rest as if covered with sand. Fossil. Lam. 21. sardica. Orbicular, depressed ; base nearly flat ; areas multifariously tuberculated ; the larger with eight or twelve, the smaller with four or six rows. A suture passes down the middle' of the areas. Ambula- cra sunken, with five double rows of pores; mouth small, with ten grooves. Recent, large as a child's head. Tuscan and Adriatic Sea. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. IX, fig. A, B. 22. flammea. Nearly hemispherical, depressed ; the larger areas with twelve rows of tubercles at the broader part ; the less, more raised, and with three rows in the middle part; ambulacra narrow; mouth 'small. Recent. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. X, fig. A. 23. mammillata. Subelliptical, depressed ; six- 120 teen or eighteen imperforate papillae in the larger areas, and fourteen in the smaller, the largest being about the margin, and followed by others of a middling size : all encircled by others of a granular appearance ; the ambulacra rising broad from the mouth with four or five pairs of pores, and terminating in one sinuous pair ; the mouth large, and the vent pentangular *. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. VI. GENUS II. Cidaris. With a spheroidal or depressed orbicular crustaceous or testaceous internal solid skin, furnished with tubercles perforated through their sum- mits, supporting moveable spines, the largest of which are bacciliform. The ambulacra are complete, reach- ing from the vertex to the mouth, and bordered by two multiporous bands. The mouth beneath, central, and supplied with teeth. The vent above, vertical. In the species of this genus, in which the tubercles are pierced through their apex, for the passage, it is presumed, of a muscular thread, the ambulacra are narrower and more regular than in those in which the tubercles are imperforate ; the little porous bands, too, which border the ambulacra are less diverging and more nearly approximated. Their spines are various, never uniformly setous, but either large and sudiform and as if truncated, or long and crenulated, with others very small and numerous, surrounding, as with a little collar, the base of the larger ones. In some of the species of this family, the margins round the papillous tubercles are regularly crenulated. Lamarck divides these echini with perforated spines into turbans and * Spines are of the pallisadoe kind, sudes fortalitiorum, Klein; and are placed on the large mammillary tubercles; small, spatulous ones being at- tached to the smaller tubercles. Some of the fossil specimens resembling this species deserve rather to be considered as distinct species, having very long cylindrical spines, denticulated in longitudinal stiiap. Some in the writer's collection anc more than three inches in length. 121 diadems. By the former term ke designates those which are rather elevated, but nearly spheroidal, with tlie ambulacra winding ; by the latter he means those which have a round depressed shell, with straight am- bulacra, and with spines generally hollow. Sp. 1. Cid. imperialis. Subglobose, depressed on both sides ; the ambulacra and smaller spines of a vio- let colour ; the larger spines cylindrical, but rather ven- tricose, striated in their apex, and marked with white rings. Cid. papillata major. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. VII, fig. A. This Cidaris differs from Cidaris mammillata, Kl. in its shell being more globular, and in its tubercles being pierced. 2. C. diadema. Nearly circular: the vertex depress- ed; the base rather convex; the mouth large, and the vent circular. The larger areas have tv/o rows of large tubercles next the ambulacra ; between which are two rows of small, surrounded by others still smaller. These tubercles are pierced in their tops, and their surround- ing rings are finely crenulated. The ambulacra are bordered, and have three pair of rows of pores in their widest part, which lessen as the space is contracted. The spines are acicular, and are surrounded at their base with a ring, within which is the excavated bulb that articulates with the perforated papillary tuber- cle. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XXXVII, fig. 1, 2. 3. papillata. Orbicular, but the vertex depress- ed and the base flattish ; the areas with two rows in each of perforated papillae, each surrounded by a cir- cle of granular tubercles and punctured spaces. Be- tween each two winding biporous bonds, or ambulacra, a band is raised which corresponds with the smaller areas : the mouth is nearly round ; the vent varies in its R form. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. VII. In some fossils, probably of this species, the spines assume a ventricose, clavated form. These have been long known by the name of Lapides judaici. 4. C. atratus. Ovately hemispherical, rather de- pressed ; of a violet colour, inclining to black. The tubercles large; the dorsal spines short, obtuse, and imbricated ; those at the circumference subspathulated. Recent. Cid. violacea, Leske. 5. crenularis. Subglobose ; with two rows in the larger areas of large tubercles, crenulated round the papillae. Fossil, from Switzerland. Bourguet Petrif. Tab. LII, 344, 347, 348. 6. pseudo-diadema. Depressedly hemispherical; the bands straight and biporous ; and two rows of large tubercles in each area. Fossil. 7. calamaris. Spheroidal, rather depressed ; the larger areas, with distant papillary tubercles, surround- ed by a granular surface ; two rows of tubercles in the smaller. The ambulacra, with pores, in four divisions; the spines hollow, and possessing much of the structure of a quill. Recent. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XLV, fig. 1-4. 8. radiata. Circular, depressed ; the vent sur- rounded by plates forming a star of five angularly pointed rays, with a foramen in the point of each ray. From each termination of these rays proceed two other rays forming another star ; these, being the ambulacra, are pierced with numerous pores. The interstices, or areas, are filled with differently sized tubercles. On the base is also a stelliform expansion, in the middle of which are five semilunar openings. This is a large recent echinus ; EchinantJvus major, Seb&.Komet groote, Phelsum. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XL1V, fig. 1. 123 The following fossils appear to belong to this ge- nus, but their specific characters are not so ob- vious : 9. Coronalis. Nearly hemispherical; the areas al- ternately wide and narrow, with scattered papillae ; the ambulacra flat, uniting at the top, and forming a flat space round the vent. Fossil. LesJce ap. Klein, Tab. VIII, fig. A, B. 10. Corollaris. Various siliceous nuclei have been placed under this head which have doubtlessly belong- ed to different species of Cidarites. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. VIII, fig. C. The fossil specimen, named Cidaris asterizans, by Klein, does not appear to deserve, as is justly observ- ed by Leske, to be considered of a different species, being a spathose fossil of C. diadema, or of one of its varieties, the striae, in the engraving, having been too much helped by the artist. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XLVI, fig. 5. GENUS III. Clypeus. Of a roundish subconical form; the base rather concave; the mouth beneath, nearly central ; the vent near the apex; the ambulacra bowed, striated across, bordered by pores, and disposed in five pairs, each pair forming a petaloidal figure, and are then continued in the form of bands to the mouth. The smaller areas are contained within the petaloidal figures, and the larger surround the ambulacra, and are ex- tended over the rest of the surface, which is covered with small tubercles, separated from each other by dis- tinct circlets. PI. II, Jig. 6. Synon. Echinobrissus, Breyn. Sp. 1. Cl. sinuatus. Nearly orbicular, depressed ; one of the larger areas is divided by a longitudinal groove, commencing near the apex and continued nearly to the margin ; the ambulacra are bowed and broad, 124 are transversely divided by bars, leaving intervening openings, and are bordered by rows of thickly set pores; each pair of ambulacra approximate towards the margin, and thus almost enclose the smaller areas. The base is divided by five bands, proceeding from the ends of the petaloidal ambulacra and terminating at the mouth ; the mouth is small and pentagonal ; the vent opened laterally in the apex of the groove which exists in the upper surface. This is the polar stone of Plott. No recent species of this genus is known. This genus is not even mentioned by Lamarck : and the first species here noticed is offered by him interro- gatively, as similar to Galerites umbrella, with which, however, it does not agree, since one of the generic characters of Galerites is the having of the vent placed in, or beneath and near to, the margin. 2. Cl. conoideus. A spathose petrifaction ; the figure conoidal; the circumference subrotund, inclining to the elliptical. The divisions and situations of the areas, with the structure of the ambulacra, and the nature of the surface, point this fossil out, in the opinion of Leske, as being a species of this genus. CL hemisph(Bricus and CL quinquelabiatus are names given to two mutilated fossil specimens, possessing, in Leske's opinion, uncertain claims to places under this genus. The first, he thinks, resembles Galea Wa- grica, Klein ; and the second does not appear to have been in a state, the vent not being discoverable, to allow a correct judgment being formed respecting even its generic characters. GENUS IV. Cassidulus. Ovate or subcoidifxmn, and rather raised ; the mouth beneath, subceatral ; the vent at one end, considerably above the margin; the ambulacra porous, subpetaloidal, and reaching nearly to the margin. PL II, fig. 7. 125 These echinidae were pointed out by Lcske as requiring to be placed under a distinct and new genus, the mouth being placed nearly in the centre of the base, and bear- ing the character of Echinanthus ; the vent situated on the upper part of one end, ag in Spatagus. Leske hav- ing declined giving a name to the genus, it received it from Lamarck. Sp. 3 . Cass. pyriformis. Ovate and gibbous, the base rather flat ; the surface, particularly of the base, tuber- cular ; and the back slightly carinated ; the ambulacra obsoletely porous ; the mouth roundish, subpentagonal, and with five rather prominent lips ; a double row of pores, forming a five-rayed star, round the mouth ; the veut round. Fossil. 2. lapis cancri. Convex and obtusely ovate ; the vertex exeentric and perforated with four pores ; the am- bulacral lines of pores double, and forming subp.eta- loidal figures, with the terminations open; the mouth not exactly in the centre, but nearer to the narrower end ; the vent round. Fossil. 3. patellaris. Oval and flattish ; the back very slightly raised, and the base as slightly concave ; the ambulacra biporous; the pores linearly connected in the form of a star, and rather separated from the rest of the surface by an obsolete line. Lamarck, who considers that the characters of the ambulacra should be reckoned among the distinguishing generic characters, has instituted the following genus for the reception of such of the echinidae as accord with the preceding genus, Cassidulus, in every respect, except in the state of the ambulacra. These, in this genus, reach only to the margin ; but those which belong to the following geaus are extended to the centre of the base. GENUS V. Nucleolites. Ovate or subcordiform, ra- ther raised; the mouth beneath and subcentral; the 126 vent at the end, much above the margin ; the ambula- cra radiating to the centre of the base. Synon. Echinobrissus, Breyn. Sp. 1. Nucl. scutata. Elliptical and rather quadrila- teral ; slightly convex and widest behind, where it is sulcated ; vent dorsal. Fossil. Lamark places under this species, Spatagus depressus of Klein. This is an interesting fossil. From its form and sulcus, and from the situation of the mouth and vent, it "approximates to Clypeus ; and, from its four radiating ambulacra, with the fifth passing along the sulcus, it resembles Spatagus. 2. colombaria. Obovate, rather elevated, and widest behind; ambulacra with biporous lines, with faint striae ; the mouth pentagonal. Fossil. 3. ovulum. Ovate and pulvinated; with thinly scattered tubercles with surrounding rings ; the ambu- lacral lines subbiporous. Fossil. 4. amygdala. Ovate and rather gibbous, the ver- tex rather prominent ; the ambulacra very narrow ; the vent beneath a small projection. Fossil. A figure illustrative of this genus appears to be un- necessary, as it would differ from that of the preceding genus only in the form of the ambulacra. GENUS VI. Echinarachnius. Circumference subpen- tagonal ; the upper surface slightly raised, rather conoid- ally, in the centre ; the under surface flat ; the areas se- parated by ten tortuous crenated lines ; and immediately between the approximating larger areas are interposed five straight slightly sulcated lines, which, passing over the margin, are extended to the mouth ; thus dividing the surface into five equal parts. The mouth is beneath, and central ; the vent square, on the upper side, close to the margin. The whole of the surface is marked by elegant 127 tracings, as if with ink, bearing somewhat of the ap- pearance of a spider's web. PL II, jig. 8. But one species is known, which has only been seen recent, and is placed by Lamarck under his genus Scu- tella ; but the situation of the vent, decidedly on the upper surface, appears to claim for it a distinct genus. GENUS VII. Galerites. Conoidal or subpyrainidal, rising from nearly a circular base, and terminating in a vertex more or less obtuse ; the mouth beneath, central ; the vent beneath, in or near to the margin ; the surface divided into larger and smaller areas by ten pair of am- bulacral lines passing from the vertex to the mouth, the area in which the vent is placed being the largest. PL II, fig. 3. Synon. Conulus, Klein. Echinites, Leske. Ecfiino- conus, Breyn. No remains of these animals are known to exist but in a mineralised state. These petrifactions have been distinguished by various appellations Scolopendritte, BufonittB, Cap-stones, &c. Sp. 1. Gal. albogalerus. Conical; circumference subovate, there being a slight extension on that side in which the vent is placed ; the vertex perforated with five foramina, in the tips of the lesser areas; the surface is beset with minute tubercles, and the sutures con- necting the assulae are generally visible : the ambu- lacral lines of pores are placed close in straight double rows ; the mouth round ; the vent oval, the shell round it being vaultedly convex. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XIII, fig. A, B. 2. depressus. Circumference circular ; the divi- sion of the areas marked by the sutures, but the assulae not shown ; the mouth rather small ; the vent large and oval. 3. vulgaris. Under this vague and comprehensive 128 designation are placed those numerous small fossil spe- cimens which are common in many parts of the world ; possessing the characters of the genus, 4 but varying so indeterminately in their minor distinctions, as not to allow of their being described as definable varieties. They are found, sometimes, to vary so in their figures, as if they were the members of some undescribed genus : instead of possessing the complete conical form, the vertex is depressed as if truncated ; and sometimes the slight angles are entirely removed, and the sides are so rounded that the fossil possesses almost a globular form. Even the mouth and vent, though in their regular situation, are frequently found to vary in their size and form. The areas vary considerably, being sometimes raised, other times sunk; some bear the marks of the assulae, and others not. The ambulacra vary in their breadth, as well as in their depth or elevation, and sometimes, but rarely, show the two lines of pores. As these fossils, which are almost all siliceous casts, bear the markings of the inner surface of the shell which they filled, their surfaces must necessarily differ from the outer surfaces of the shells from which they proceeded; and endless, indeed, are the differences which have resulted from the various degrees of cor- rectness in the casts, and which must have depended not only on the condition of the mould, but on the state of the injected matter and the degree of perfec- tion to which the crystallizing process had been allowed to proceed. 4. Gal. quaterfasciatus. Nearly globular or acutely conieal; four small and four large areas divided by eight ambulacra ; the mouth and vent quadrangular. Fossil. Siliceous. 5. sexiesfasciatus Subconical ; vertex obtuse ; six large and six small areas, separated by twelve tubercu- 129 lated ambulacra; vent round, and larger than the mouth. Fossil. Siliceous. These fossils are exceedingly rare. The following species are also particularised by La- marck : 6. Gal. abbreviates. Fossil, from France and Ger- many. 7. fissuratus. Fossil, from the north of Germany. 8. hemisphcericus. It is doubted whether this may not be the same as E. subuculus of Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XIV, fig. L O. 9. depressus. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. ^L,fig. 5, 6. 10. rotularis. This is referred to Ech. subuculus of Gmelin and of Leske, Tab. XIV, but is supposed to be dissimilar from G. hemisphcericus. 11. conoideus. Large ; conoidal, nearly circular ; the mouth transverse, surrounded by a hollow. Fossil. Italy. 12. scutiformis. Resembles that figured by Klein, Tab. XLII, fig. 2, 3. 13. ovatus. Ovato-conoidal; depressed at t ne sides. Fossil. 14. semi-globus. Orbicular and hemispherical; the vertex excentrical. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XLII, fig. 5. 15. cylindricus. Cylindrical; short; the back rounded, but nearly flat. 16. patella. Orbicular, depressed, and rather convex ; the ambulacral grooves elegantly striated ; one of the areas excavated by a longitudinal groove. En- cyclop. PI. CXLIII, fig. 1, 2. 17. umbrella. Is questioned as being Clypeus si- nuatus of Klein, with which the description agrees ; but Lamarck has not adverted to the vent in Clypeus being on the upper surface. 18. excentricus. Ovate, convexly gibbous; the s 130 vertex excentrical, from which proceed four ambulacra ; the lower side sulcatedwith five grooves. This curious and irregularly formed fossil is described as being as large as the preceding. Its habitat is not mentioned. 19. G. subuculus. Discoidal; vertex subrotund ; base rather concave ; the whole surface of the areas set with minute rings ; the ambulacra biporous ; the mouth small and circular ; the vent even, minute, and circular ; the vertex sometimes scutellated in those specimens in which the shell remains. Fossil. Echinites subuculus of Leske, figured by Klein, Tab. XIV, /, m, n, o. GENUS VIII. Clypeaster. -Oval, elliptical, sub- angular; sometimes raised and gibbous in the centre; the margin thick and rounded, the under side concave at the centre ; the mouth, armed with six bony pieces, is beneath, and central; the vent beneath, and in or near to the margin ; the ambulacra, on the upper sur- face, in a pentapetalous form. PL II, fig. 2. Synon. Scutum, Klein. Echinanthus, Leske. Sp. 1. Cl. humile. Ovate; margin winding ; ambula- cra with two rows of pores connected by small trans- verse grooves, and so disposed as to form the sides of five petaloidal figures; the larger areas are disposed around, the smaller ones circumscribed by these ambu- lacra, and somewhat raised; the surface covered by granular tubercles, set in rings, with numerous smaller grains interposed ; the base flat towards the margin, and concave in the middle ; the mouth deeply seated in the centre, of an obtuse pentagonal form; the vent trans- versely oval. Recent and fossil. 2. altum. Subovate ; vertex conoidal, consider- ably vaulted ; areas granulated, the larger without, the smaller within, the petaloidal spaces formed by the ambulacra. 131 This species is only known in a petrified state. It is distinguishable by its size, being, sometimes, six inches long, and two inches in height, by its rising in a round vaulted form, and by its ambulacra being large and wide. Fossil. The casts of the two last species form very interesting fossils, Org. Remains, PL II, fig. 8, and PL IV, Jig. 7. 3. C. ovatus. Ovate; the margin not waving, the upper part convex, with four pores in the vertex ; the ambulacra, in petaloidal forms, not united at their lower terminations, but the one side of each ray extend- ing farther than the other ; the surface covered with mi- nute tubercles ; the base flat ; the mouth subreniform, with five prominent lips, from the hollowed spaces be- tween which proceed five grooves ; the vent in the mar- gin. Recent and fossil. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XX, fig. c, d. 4. orbiculatus. This is a fossil which was placed, by Leske, under this genus, with considerable doubt, it being so injured that the state of the under part could not be ascertained. 5. marginatus. With a convex stelliferous vertex; with short ovato-acute ambulacra; the margin rather thin, expanded, and broad. Scilla, Corp. mar. Tab. XI, fig. inferior. 6. scutiformis. Elliptical; the back flattish and submarginated. Seba. mus. Ill, Tab. XIII, fig. 23, 24. Encyc. PI. CXLVI, fig. 1, 2. 7. laganum. Echinodiscus laganum. Leske ap. Klein, Tab. XXII, fig. a, b, c. 8. excentricus. Suborbicular, depressed, but ra- ther convex ; five narrow ambulacral compartments di- varicating from the excentric vertex ; the vent marginal. Encyc. PL CXLIV, fig. I, 2. 132 9. C. oviformis. JEchinanthus ovatus, Leskeap.Kl. Tab. XX,^. c, d. Recent and fossil. Found in the South Seas. 10. politus. Ovate, inflated, and smooth ; with five long narrow ambulacral compartments, open at their terminations. Fossil, from Sienna. 11. hemisph be found to have been capable of being dilated to a very consider" able extent. 163 Multilocular Spiral and Discoidal Shells. GENUS 1. Nautilus. A multilocular, spiral, and sub- discoidal shell ; the turns contiguous, the outer one in- cluding the others; the chambers separated by plain or nearly plain transverse septa, concave outwards, and perforated by shelly tubes connected by a tubular mem- brane so as to form a complete siphuncle. Recent and fossil. PI. VI, Jig. I. 2. Orbulites. A multilocular, spiral, and subdiscoi- dal shell ; the turns contiguous, the outer one including the others ; the chambers separated by winding septa, pierced by a siphuncle at the outer side of their margin. Fossil. The shells of this genus agreeing in their external form with that of the shells of the preceding genus, Nautilus, the difference being internal, from the septa being winding, and the siphuncle marginal, an illustra- tive figure was unnecessary. The propriety of the adoption of this genus seems to be indisputable, its shells possessing the external cha- racters of Nautilus, and the internal characters, the winding septa and marginal siphuncle, of Ammonites. But there are other fossil shells, which, possessing the exterior of Nautilus, have only one of the characteristics of Ammonites, as in Organic Remains, PL VII, fig. 15, in which the winding septa are without the marginal siphuncle ; and in Jig. 16 of the same plate, where the marginal siphuncle exists without the winding septa. Indeed, the situation of the siphuncle is too variable, existing in every point on a line from the centre, and, perhaps, from the posterior to the anterior margin, to allow of its being assumed alone as a distinctive generic character. 3. Planulites. A multilocular, spiral, flattish, and discoidal shell ; the turns contiguous and apparent; the 164 chambers separated by plain septa pierced with a mar- ginal siphuncle. Fossil. As the shells of the preceding genus have possessed the outer appearance of Nautilus, with the internal cha- racters of Ammonites, so this shell possesses the exter- nal appearance of Ammonites, and, at the same time, is characterised by the plain concave septa of Nautilus. As its external form agrees with that of the following genus, another figure is not requisite. 4. Ammonites. A multilocular, spiral, and discoidal shell, with contiguous apparent turns ; the chambers divided by winding septa, pierced by a siphunculus always placed at the outer side. Fossil. PL VI, fig- 2. Two very different shells have been placed under the genus Ellipsolithes (Sowerby), both oval and discoidal shells ; but one possessing the involved whirls and the plain septa of Nautilus, and the other the whirls, ap- parent on both sides, and the "winding septa of Am- monites. It being desirable that the student should be apprised of the forms and characters of these fossils, their figures and a description of their characters are given ; but although, for the sake of discrimination, a name is added to each, it is not intended to urge a claim for their being considered as distinct genera. In this I am glad to concur with Mr. Sowerby, who ob- serves, that " The genus Ellipsolithes must certainly be abolished, and its species ranged under Ammonites, the oval form being quite accidental." 5. Nautellipsites. A multilocular, tumidly discoidal and elliptically spiral shell ; the turns contiguous, the outer one including the others ; situation of the siphun- cle nearly central. Fossil. PI. VI, Jig. 3. 6. Ammonellipsites. A multilocular, flatly discoidal and elliptically spiral shell ; the turns contiguous and apparent on both sides ; the chambers separated by 165 winding septa ; the siphuncle marginal. Fossil. PL VI, fig.*. 7. Nummulites. A multilocular, lenticular shell ; the spire internal, formed of several plates, connected with each other on both sides by numerous transverse septa, the internal plates being involved by the more external. Fossil. PL VI, fig. 5. 8. Siderolites. A flattish shell, convex above and be- neath, set with pointed tubercles, with four or five short unequal rays on the edge, not manifesting any real pores. An idea of this fossil may be formed by considering the radiating appendices as proceeding from bodies like the Nummulites. Faujas St. Fond, who has given the best representation of these bodies, delineates them as being multilocular, somewhat like the Nummulites. 9. Scaphites. A multilocular shell, commencing with spiral turns, the last of which, after being enlarged and elongated, is contracted and reflected. Fossil. PL VI, fig. 6. 10. Spirula. A multilocular shell, partly spiral and partly straight ; the whirls circular, separate from each other, and the last elongated in a straight line. The septa plain, concave outwards, and pierced, nearly at the margin, with a shelly tube. Recent and fossil. PL VI, fig. 7. 11. Lituites. A multilocular shell, partly spiral and partly straight ; the whirls circular and contiguous, but the last elongated in a straight line; the septa trans- verse, concave outwards, and pierced, nearly at their outer margin, with a siphunculus. The figure of the preceding genus will suffice for this, only with the conceived difference of the whirls being contiguous, and a greater length of the straight part. The student should be guarded in his conclusions with 166 respect to the contiguity of the whirls in these fossils. The contact is, necessarily, only in a line passing hori- zontally through the middle of the spiral ; and as these fossils are constantly imbedded, this line of contact can only be seen when the artist is so successful as to make his section exactly in this line : if the section is made the least too high or too low, the whirls will not be seen in contact, but will appear separate, in proportion as the section is distant from the centre. 12. Hamites. A multilocular hook-formed shell, with sinuous septa, pierced with a marginal siphuncle. PL VI, fig.*. 13. Orthoceratites. A multilocular straight, or slightly bent, cylindrical, or slightly conical shell ; the chambers separated by plain septa, concave towards the larger end, and pierced with a siphunculus. PL VI, fig- 9- 14. Baculites. A multilocular straight, or slightly bent, cylindrical, or slightly conical, shell ; the cham- bers separated by sinuous septa, pierced with a mar- ginal siphunculus. PL VI, Jig. 10. 15. Belemnites. A conical or fusiform stone, of brown radiating spar, generally terminating at the small end in a point, and having at the larger end a conical cavity, naturally retaining a conical testaceous body, divided into chambers by plain concave septa, and pierced by a siphuncnlus. PL VI, fig. 11. 16. Hippurites. A straight or conical shell, furnish- ed internally with transverse septa, and with two lateral, longitudinal, obtuse, and converging ridges. PL VI, fig. 12. It was endeavoured to show, in a former work, that the spathose substance in the Belemnite was originally a light substance, of a texture somewhat similar to cork, and was the float to the animal, which rendered it so 167 nearly equal to the weight of water as to allow it to rise or fall, as the siphuncle was filled with air or with water. Jn the fossil last described a peculiar modification of structure in its covering appears to have accomplished the same purpose : the shelly enclosure has evidently been of a peculiar light texture, by which such a dimi- nution of the gravity of the mass would be obtained as would fit it for being similarly acted upon by the inter- nal presence of gas or of water, as in the instance of the Belemnite. 17. Turrilites. A spiral, turriculated, multilocular shell ; the turns contiguous, and all visible ; the cham- bers separated by winding septa ; with a siphuncle in their disks ; the aperture round. PL VI, fig. 13. 18. Fasciolites. A subcylindrical shell, formed of multilocular tubes, narrowing at both their ends, dis- posed contiguously and parallel; the tapering ends transversely and obliquely folded on each other. PI. VI, fig.U. 19. Acamas. A multilocular, straight, and conical shell ; mouth round and horizontal ; siphuncle central ; summit pierced by eight small tuberculated apertures, disposed round a stelliform figure; the septa conical, plaited at the bottom and plain at the edge. The sub- stance spathose, similar to that of the Belemnite. This fossil is figured and described by M. de Mont- fort. It was also noticed by Knorr ; and was found by Annone in the neighbourhood of Prattelen, in the Canton of Basle. The termination of its summit is represented in PL VI, fig. 15. 20. Amplexus. A nearly cylindrical shell, divided into chambers by numerous transverse septa ; the septa embracing each other with their reflexed margins. Fossil. PL VI, fig. 16. We are indebted to Mr. Sowerby for the addition of 168 this interesting genus to the multilocular shells. The fossil which was subjected to this gentleman's examina- tion was found in the Black Rock, at Limerick ; and bearing much of the appearance of a coral or madre- pore, received the specific designation of Amplexus coralloides, its specific characters being, " Tube irre- gularly bent, longitudinally striated; margins of the septa deeply reflexed and regularly plaited. The septa are a fourth or a fifth part of the diameter distant from each other, with the margin reflexed to the next septum. The folds on the margin of the septa correspond in width to the longitudinal striae of the tube, and are so deep as to form elongated cells, opening into the cham- bers ; the lines of growth are close, and rather unequal in depth *". 21. Conularia. A conical, hollow, univalve shell, divided by imperforate septa ; the mouth half closed. PI. VI, fig. 17. This fossil was first described and figured by the Rev. Mr. Ure, in his " History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride." It has also been particularly noticed by Mons. Denys de Montfort, as having been found in St. Peter's mountain, near Maestricht, and has been dis- tinguished, by him, by the term Pyrgopolon, with the specific designation of Mosce, but to which, perhaps, the term teres would be more applicable, the specimen figured by De Montfort agreeing, I conjecture,, with C. teres of Mr. Sowerby, Min. Conch., Tab. CCLX, fig. 1, 2. We are obliged to Mr. Miller, of Bristol, for having instituted this genus. Mr. Sowerby describes and figures two species, C. quadrisulcata, fig. 17, and C. teres. Besides the multilocular shells which are here parti- cularised, many more, both in a recent and mineralised * Mineral Conchology, Vol. I, p. 16;>, Tab. LXXII. 109 state, have been described by Bianchi, Soldani, Fich- tell, Moll, Boys, Walker, and others, which are so minute as to require microscopical aid to discover, with correctness, even their forms. These objects of admi- ration occur in such variety of forms, of structure, and of richly varied markings, as nearly to foil the natural- ist in his attempts at classification, and almost to au- thorise the mode of M. de Montfort, who places almost every shell under a distinct genus. Sixty genera have been already formed of these interesting domiciles, and many more, doubtlessly, lie hidden to reward the dili- gence of future enquirers. When it is considered that these belong to only one division of shells, and that there remain to be added to these the microscopic univalved and bivalved shells, their multitude will certainly authorise these minute shells being described and treated of in distinct works ; although their connection with the larger subjects of this class of Nature's works will demand their being studied with them, both by the conchologist and the oryctologist. It has, however, been thought proper to introduce here, three of these shells to the reader's notice, on ac- count of some particular circumstances in their history. Miliolites saxorum, Lam. (PL VI, fig. 18.) This mi- nute species of fossil shell is known to form the princi- pal part of the masses of stone in some of the quarries in the neighbourhood of Paris, Versailles, Champagne, &c. The recent shell has been found on Fucus, near the island of Corsica ; and by Mr. Boys and Mr. Walker on our coasts, and was, by the latter writer, named Serpula subovalis intorta *. It was also mentioned by Mr. Montague as Vermicutum intortum. Cornu Ammonis Ariminieme, Plane. (PL VI, jig. 19), * Testae- iniinit. iarior. Tab. I, ff. 1 . 170 is the shell which Plancus and others classed with the Cornu Ammonis, considering them as the recent shells of this genus ; but the discovery of fossil microscopic shells exactly analogous with the minute recent ones has shown their correspondence with each other, and that they are entirely different from the shells of the genus Ammonites. Gyrogonites.A spheroidal hollow fossil, of the size of a middling pin's head, haying two poles, in which terminate five tubules turning from right to left, and making one revolution and a half round the spheroid. PL VI, fig. 20. M. Leman has been enabled to discover a consider- able close agreement between the form and structure of this fossil and of the seed-vessel of a small aquatic plant, Chara vulgaris, which has been described and figured by Gaertner ; but, as the origin of this fossil is not, perhaps, fully determined, it is not removed from the situation which it has so long held. These three last fossils are figured of their natural size, and as magnified by the microscope. It may not be improper to observe, that the great numbers in which these and various other minute fossil shells have been found in different strata, render them very desirable objects of research to the scientific en- quirer. There are several circumstances by which the oolitic bodies, which occur in such myriads as to give name to the formation in which they are contained, are pointed out as requiring still further examination with lespect to their original mode of existence, and more satisfactorily to prove that they were not of animal origin. Confining ourselves to the univalve multilocular shells which may be examined by the naked eye, it still re- mains to advert to some of those shells which have been marked by M, de Montfort with generic designations, 171 and to notice the claims which they may possess tor such distinction. Atigulithes. A multilocular shell, with the characters of Nautilus, the mouth being of a triangular form. Triangular nautilite of Havre. Bellerophron. The Shuttle Nautilus. Le Nautile de . prime. Sonnini. Oceanic. Le petit Nautile ombilique. Favamie. The distinctions marking these shells can hardly be considered as- more than specific characters ; and it is with still less reason that the species of Ammonites now distinguished, by De Montfort, by the generic names Aganides, Pelagus, Canthropes, Simplegades, anAAmal- thca, are removed from their original genus ; since, if such differences as these exhibit are to be admitted as generic, with^equal right generic titles might be claimed for many more of the hundreds of different shells which are numbered under the genus Ammonites. Several of the additions which this author has made to the genera of straight multilocular shells appear to be founded on insufficient or even erroneous assump- tions. Paclites is a fossil which Mr. Walch had described as a Belemnite, having a small circular hole at the ex- tremity of a curved point, and, beneath this, a long narrow opening. This is described, by M. de Montfort, as terminating in a stellated sphincter, and having a plaited lateral slit ; which does not accord with that of Mr. Walch, who both describes it and figures it as a Belemnite, with a small circular hole at the extremity of a curved point, and, beneath this part, a narrow small opening. De Montfort speaks of its having chambers and a central siphuncle, but does not state whether these are formed in the spathose substance, or whether they are of a shelly substance and fixed as an alveolus in the spathose substance. 17-2 Thalamus. The fossil which is here referred to does not appear to have a single pretension to be placed in a distinct genus. The Belemnites polymitus of Scheuch- zer is taken for its type, and the external markings which designate its generic characters are thus accu- rately described by Scheuchzer: " Belemnites cuj us superficies undique circulis concentricis est obsita." Lapid. figurat. Lub. p. 15. Walch, who noticed the same marking's, was of opinion that they were merely accidental, and were probably produced by the adhe- sion of flat spiral shells. But similar markings are fre- quently found on the green-sand fossils. I have it in several instances, and particularly on a Belemnite ex- actly agreeing with the description of the Belemnites polymitus of Scheuchzer. These markings are formed of patches of chalcedony, in rude sub-concentric forms, having somewhat of a stalagmitic appearance : I have seen a mass of chalcedony, its surface thus covered, and its substance apparently thus formed, from Devon- shire, as large as a man's fist. Amimomus. The fossil for which this genus is formed is said to be figured in the Supplement to Knorr's work, Tab. IV, fig. 2, but no such fossil appears in the place to which we are referred. Tiranites is the name of a genus under which it is proposed to place a fossil described and figured by Knorr, Supp. Tab. XII, fig. 1 to 5 ; and also found in the neighbourhood of Rouen by M. de Montfort, who thus describes it : " A free, chambered, straight, tubular cone; chambers undulated on the edges; the mouth oval, undulated, and horizontal ; the top pointed, and the siphon central." Fragments only are found, some of which are three inches in diameter at their base ; but the characters of the whole fossil do not appear to be sufficiently known to warrant the founding on them a uew r genus. It appears undoubtedly to have been a multilo- 173 cular shell of a considerable size; but, previously to removing it from the genus Orthoceratites, and forming of it a genus by itself, it is certainly necessary that more of its generic characters should be determined. Molossus is a genus formed for the reception of a fossil, which is named, by Professor Blumenbach, Or- thoceratites gracilis, and is described as a free, cham- bered univalve; straight, conical, tubular, and inter- sected ; chambers plain, in form of a drum ; siphon lateral, continuous, round, and serving for a mouth; the top pointed ; the base horizontal. Blumenbach de- scribes the joints as being pyritical, which leads, with the account of the chambers being intersected, and the necessity of pointing out the continuity of the septa, to believe there might be an agreement between these bo- dies and the pyrites found at Dorking, which are cylin- drical, pyritical bodies with slender points passing out at each end, much resembling those figured by M. de Montfort. Echidnisis a similar fossil with that which is figured as a species of Orthoceratites fOrg. Remains, Vol. Ill, PI. VII, fig. 14), its specific character being the alter- nate circular risings and depressions on its surface ; but certainly no characters have yet been shown which mark it to be of a distinct genus. Achelois. The fossil, figured by De Montfort, as the type of this genus, as being of a conical form, with co- nical septa, and for which reference is also made to Knorr, Tom. II, sect. 1, PL II, A. VIII, and Supp. Tab. IV, fig. 1, is very unsatisfactorily described ; nor is this description aided by reference to Knorr, the figures there not agreeing with either De Montfort's ac- count or figure. A sufficient knowledge of the cha- racters of this fossil is certainly not yet known to war- rant a genus being fonned from it. Calirrhoe. This genus is formed for the reception of 174 a fossil which is, undoubtedly, only the camerated alveolus of a Belemnite, such as is seen in situ, PL VL fig. 11, and which is frequently seen bearing all the ap- pearances attributed to this fossil. Telebois is appropriated to a fossil, the nature of which has been undoubtedly mistaken by De Montfort. It is, obviously, part of a vertebral column of the tur- ban Encrinite, as hereafter described, and as figured in Organic Remains, Vol. Ill, PI. XV, Jig. 8, and was, indeed, considered as such by Mr. Walch. Cetocis. Mr. Walch considered this fossil as a Be- lemnite ; but it having a stellated opening at its pointed termination, it is placed, by M. de Montfort, in this genus. Hibolithes is a genus formed to receive the fusiform Belemnite figured in Vol. Ill, PI. VIII, fig. 13, of Or- ganic Remains. The form of this fossil, which possesses every character of the Belemnite, cannot be considered as more than a specific difference. Porodragus is a genus formed, by this author, on a Belemnite, bearing the same form as the last described ; but having a round horizontal mouth; central siphon, conic, smooth partitions ; a groove on the outer surface ; and being superficially pierced with numerous longitu- dinal pores. The partitions, siphon, &c., of this fossil are those which are to be found in every species of Be- lemnite ; but the pores, existing on the surface, are dif- ficult of explanation. If formed by the animal belonging to the shell, as supposed by M. de Montfort, we may have a right to conclude that the Belemnite was invested by the animal which formed it. Bivalves, Conchifera, Lam. Tubicolce bivalve shells, contained in a tubular sheath distinct from the valves : and which are either incrusted 175 entirely, or in part, in the sides of the sheath, or project beyond it. GENUS 1. Aspergillnm. A tubular, testaceous sheath, diminishing gradually towards its fore part, where it is open, and enlarging to a club-shaped form towards the other extremity; the club having two valves incrusted on the side of its inner substance. The terminal disk of the larger end is convex, furnished with subtubular foramina, and has a fissure in the centre. PL III, Jig. 21. Serpula penis, Lin. 2. Clavagella. A tubular testaceous sheath, diminish- ing to an opening anteriorly, and terminating behind in an oval and club-shaped form, set with spiniform tubes ; the clavated termination displaying, on one side, one valve fixed in its substance, the other valve being loose in the sheath. Fistulana echinata. Ann. du Mus. Tom. VII ; Teredo echinata, Brocch. Vol. II, Tab. XV, fig. I. 3. Fistulana. A tubular, and, most frequently, a testaceous sheath, lessening towards its anterior end, which is open, and including a loose bivalve shell, gaping when the valves are united. This differs from the preceding Tubicoke in neither of the valves of the included shell being imbedded in the substance of the sheath. Fistul. ampullaria, Ann. du Mus. Vol. VII, p. 428. 4. Septaria. A very long testaceous tube, tapering in its fore part, and internally subdivided by vaulted septa, generally i?icomplete. The anterior part of the tube is terminated by two other very thin tubules, not internally divided. Serpula polytlialamia? Lin. These are generally of considerable size ; but La- marck is of opinion that they, perhaps, should not be separated from the preceding genus. 176 6. Teredina. A cylindrical, tubular, testaceous sheath, closed posteriorly, and showing the two valves of the shell at the open anterior extremity. Fistulana personata, Ann. du Mus. Vol. VII, p. 429 ; Vol. XII, PL XLIII, fig. 6, 7. Organic Remains, Vol. Ill, PL XIV, fig. 10. 6. Teredo of Lamarck, is the genus in which he has disposed T. navalis. Mr. Sowerby, who has considerably illustrated this genus, describes it as " a bivalve, gaping ; back and posterior side closed by membrane or shelly valves ter- minating an accessory shelly tube ; hinge with one tooth in the right valve ; a long free process arising from the beaks contained in each valve. " The principal valves are longer than broad, striated and gaping at both sides and at the back ; in the poste- rior side of each is a deep rectangular sinus ; in the an- terior side is a corresponding small rounded sinus ; the front is lanceolate, with an internal tubercle at the ex- tremity ; one of the accessory valves lies over the beaks, and is lobed ; another is trapezoidal, covering the sinus at the posterior side ; it has a line down the middle where there may possibly be an opening, or it may in- dicate two valves. The membrane which covers the shell is extended over the anterior side, forming a taper tube many times longer than the proper shell, and strongly impregnated, at a little distance from the valves, with shelly matter: in the extremity of this lie two spatulate valves, attached by muscles to the animal, and capable of closing the aperture, in which is placed a longitudinal septum ; this tube is slightly attached to a tortuous passage bored in the wood by the animal, and is elongated, and gradually increased in diameter, as the animal recedes further into the wood.' ; Mr. Sowerby refers to the recent species, T. navalis, and (o the fossil species which he terms T. antenantfe. 177 from their having existed before ships were invented, he refers all those found in calcareous or siliceous wood. Among the former he has seen none which show any of the accessory valves, except the tube and the two spa- tulate valves attached to the animal. Even the mem- brane that is preserved in the fossil ones covering the proper shells, and attaching them to the outside of the tube, is not discoverable in the recent specimens *. Pkoladairice bivalves, either with or without acces- sory pieces, and gaping anteriorly. 1. Pholas. An equivalved, transverse bivalve, gaping on each side ; with various shelly accessory pieces placed above or beneath the hinge ; the posterior or inferior border of the valves reflected upwards. Recent. 2. Gastrochcena. An equivalved, subcuneiformed bivalve ; the opening anteriorly oblique, very large and oval ; posteriorly, hardly any. The hinge linear, mar- ginal, and without teeth. This genus of Spengler differs from the preceding chiefly in being without accessory pieces. Solenacece bivalves elongated transversely, without accessory pieces, and gaping only at the lateral extre- mities ; the ligament external. 1. Solen. An equivalved bivalve, elongated trans- versely; gaping at the ends; the beaks very small, not projecting ; small cardinal teeth, varying in their num-, ber, sometimes none ; the ligament external. Re- cent and fossil. PL VII, fig. 24. 2. Panopcea. A transverse, equivalved bivalve, gaping unequally at the sides ; one conical hinge tooth * Mineral Conchology, Vol. II, p. 229. The accompanying figure*, PI, CIJ, are very satisfactorily illustrative of the nature of this genus. A a 178 in each valve, with a short, compressed, ascending cal- losity ; the ligament external, fixed to the callosities on the longer side of the shell. 3. Glycimeris. A transverse bivalve, gaping very much on each side ; the hinge callous, without teeth ; nymphae projecting outwardly ; the ligament external. Recent and fossil. PL VI, fig. 27. Myarite Bivalves ; inequilateral and subequivalved ; a spoon-formed tooth on one or both valves, giving at- tachment to the ligament; the shell gaping at one or both extremities. 1. Mya. A transverse bivalve, gaping at both sides; one large, compressed, and dilated roundish cardinal tooth, to which the ligament is attached, projects almost vertically, and, when the valves close, lies upon the ligamental pit of the other valve. Recent and fossil. PL VII, fig. 16. 2. Anatina. A transverse, subequivalved, gaping bivalve, with a flat spoon-shaped tooth on each valve ; with, sometimes, a falcated plate running obliquely be- neath the hinge teeth. Recent. Mactraceee equivalved bivalves ; generally gaping at the lateral extremities ; the ligament internal, with or without a complication with the external ligament. 1. Lutraria. An inequilateral bivalve, transversely oblong or rounded, gaping at the lateral extremities; the hinge w ith one tooth as if plaited into two ; or two teeth, one of which is simple; with an adjoining oblique, deltoidal pit, internally projecting ; no lateral teeth ; ligament internal. Recent and fossil. PL VII, ^.29- 2. Mactra. A transverse, inequilateral, subtrigonal bivalve, a little gaping at the sides ; the beaks promi- nent; a compressed grooved cardinal tooth, with an 179 adjoining pit; two lateral compressed inserted teeth; ligament internal. Recent and fossil. PL VII, jig. 30. 3. Crassatella. An inequilateral, suborbicular, or transverse, close shell ; hinge complicated, two cardinal teeth slightly diverging with a pit at the side ; ligament internal ; lateral teeth, obsolete or none. Recent and fossil. PI. VIII, fig. 9. 4. Erycina. A transverse, subinequilateral, equi- valved bivalve, seldom gaping ; two unequal, diverging cardinal teeth, with an interposed pit ; two lateral, ob- long, compressed, short penetrating teeth ; the ligament internal. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, fig. 10. This is an equivocal genus; the character of the hinge being, with difficulty, ascertained. 5. Ungulina. A longitudinal or subtransverse bi- valve, nearly equilateral, and with close valves ; one short subbifid cardinal tooth on each valve by the side of an oblong marginal pit, nearly divided in two ; the ligament internal. Recent. 6. Solemya. An equilateral, equivalved, trans- versely oblong bivalve; beaks hardly distinct; a di- lated, compressed, very oblique cardinal tooth in each valve, with a slight concavity receiving the ligament. Recent. 7. Amphidesma. A transverse, inequilateral, sub- oval bivalve, sometimes a little gaping at the sides; the hinge with one or two teeth, and a narrow small pit for the internal ligament, there being another external. Corbulea. 1. Corbula. A regular unequivalved, inequilateral bivalve ; a hinge tooth on each valve ; conical, curved, and elevated, with a pit at the side ; no lateral teeth ; 180 ligament internal. Recent and fossil. PL VII, fiff- 20. 2. Pandora. A regular, unequivalved, inequilateral, transversely oblong bivalve ; the upper valve flat, with two oblong obtuse teeth, the lower one convex. Recent. Mr. G. Sowerby considers that this shell possesses only one obtuse tooth on the flat valve. The lithophagous shells, without tube, or accessory pieces, are rounded or obtuse at the ends, more or less gaping forwards, with the ligament external. They are divided, by Lamarck, into three genera : 1. Saxicava. A transverse bivalve; hinge without teeth. 2. Petricola. A transverse, inequilateral bivalve, narrower in the fore part ; with two teeth on one, or on both valves. PL VII, fig. 22. 3. Venerupis. A transverse, inequilateral shell, very short in the hind part ; the hinge with two teeth on one valve and three on the other, and sometimes with three on each valve.' NymphacecR with two cardinal teeth, at the most, on the same valve ; a little gaping at the lateral extre- mities ; the ligament external ; the ligamental cartilage projecting. 1. Sanguinolaria.A transverse subelliptical shell, gaping a little at the sides ; the upper margin bowed, not parallel with the lower ; the hinge with two approx- imated teeth in each valve. Recent, PL VII, fig. 25. 2. Psammobia. A transverse, elliptical, or oval- oblong bivalve, ralher flat, and a little gaping on each 181 side ; the beaks prominent ; the hinge with two teeth on the left valve, and only one, penetrating, on the oppo- site valve. 3. Psammotea. A transverse, oval, or oval-oblong bivalve, a little gaping at the sides ; one cardinal tooth in one, and sometimes in both, valves. The three preceding genera bear somewhat of the form of Tellens. 4. Tellina. A transverse or orbicular shell, for the most part flattish; angular on the anterior side, on which is a flexuous and irregular fold ; one or two hinge teeth on the same valve ; two lateral teeth, gene- nerally remote. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, fig. 16. 5. Tellinides. A transverse, inequilateral shell, rather flat, and slightly gaping at the sides ; the beaks small ; no fold on the margin ; the hinge with two di- verging teeth on each valve ; two lateral, nearly obso- lete teeth, the posterior one of which, in one valve, is placed near to the hinge. Only one species is known. 6. Corbis. A transverse, equivalved bivalve, with- out any irregular fold at the anterior border ; the beaks curved inwards, opposite to each other; two hinge teeth ; two lateral teeth, the hinder of which comes near to the hinge ; the impressions simple. Recent and fossil. Separated from Lucina by the impressions not being complicated; and, from Tellina, by having no fold. 7. Lucina. A suborbicular, inequilateral bivalve, with small, pointed, oblique beaks ; two diverging hinge teeth, one of which is bifid, these being variable or dis- appearing with age ; two lateral teeth, one of which ap- proaches the hinge; two lateral impressions, one of which is considerably extended posteriorly; the liga- ment external. Recent and fossil. PI. VIII, fg. 15. 182 8. Donax. A transverse, equivalved, inequilateral bivalve, the anterior side very short and obtuse ; two hinge teeth on each valve, or on one only ; one or two lateral teeth, more or less remote ; the ligament exter- nal, short, and at the lunule. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, fig. 11. 9. Capsa. A transverse, equivalved, close shell, the binge having two teeth on the right valve, one bifid penetrating tooth in the other valve ; no lateral teeth ; the ligament external. A general idea of the hinge of this genus may be gained from PL VII, fig. 22. 10. Crassina. A suborbicular, transverse, close, equivalved, subinequilateral bivalve; the hinge with two strong diverging teeth on the right valve, and two unequal teeth in the other ; the ligament external, and in the longest side. This shell is distinguishable from a small Crassatella by the situation of the ligament; and, from Venus, by having only two teeth on each valve. Lamarck forms the family of Concha for the recep- tion of the following shells : Fresh-water shells Cyclas, Cyrene, and Galathea. Sea shells Cyprina, Cytherea, Venus, and Veneri- cardia. 1. Cyclas. An oval, rather tumid, transverse, and equivalved bivalve ; the hinge teeth very small, some- times hardly any; sometimes two on each valve, of which one is divided into two ; and sometimes there is only a plicated or lobated one on one valve and two on the other; the lateral teeth are compressed, and extended transversely; the ligament is external. The recent shells are very thin and fragile, and some- times transparent. 183 2. Cyrena. A roundish, trigonal, solid, thick, tu- mid, inequilateral shell ; the hinge with three teeth on each valve, the lateral ones always two, and of which one often approaches the cardinal ones ; the ligament external, attached to the largest side. These have been confounded with the Cyclades. They are not known in Europe in a recent state ; some of the species have their lateral teeth serrulated. PI. VIII, fig- 14. 3. Galathea. A subtrigonal, equivalved bivalve; the hinge teeth grooved ; two in the right valve, united at their base ; and three in the other valve, the intermediate one being distinct and forward ; the lateral teeth remote ; the ligament external. Vemis paradoxa, Born. Galathea radiata, Ann. du Mus, Tom. V, PL XXVIII. Concha Marini. Rarely with epidermis or lateral teeth. 1. Cyprina. An equivalved, inequilateral, and ob- liquely cordated bivalve ; three unequal cardinal teeth ; one lateral tooth on the anterior side, sometimes obso- lete. 2.^ Cytherea. An equivalved, inequilateral, subor- bicular, trigonal or transverse shell ; four cardinal teeth on the right valve; three diverging, approximated at their base, and one, entirely separate, under the lunule ; three diverging corresponding teeth in the other valve ; with a separate pit. No lateral teeth. 3. Venus. An equivalved, inequilateral, transverse or suborbicular shell ; three cardinal approximated teeth on each valve, the lateral ones diverging from the sum- mit; the ligament external. Recent and fossil. PI. VIII, fig. 7. 184 Cardiacece teeth irregular either in form or situa- tion. 1. Venericardia.An. equivalved, inequilateral, sub- orbicular bivalve, most commonly with longitudinal ribs ; the hinge, two cardinal teeth, in the same direc- tion. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, Jig. 2. 2. Cardita. A free, inequilateral, equivalved bi- valve ; the hinge with two unequal teeth, one short and straight under the beaks, the other oblique and mar- ginal, extended beneath the corselet. Recent and fossil. PL VII, fig. 27. 3. Cardium. A subcordiform equivalve, protuberant at the base, the valves plicated or dentated on their inner margin. The hinge with four teeth in each valve : two oblique approximating cardinal teeth, those of each valve receiving each other crosswise ; two lateral ones, remote and inserted. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, foV. 4. Cypricardia. An equivalved, inequilateral bi- valve, extended transversely and obliquely, with three teeth under the beaks, and a lateral one under the corselet. Differing from Cardita in having, instead of one tooth under the beaks, three, like Venus. 5. Isocardia. An equivalved, cordiform, ventricose bivalve ; the beaks separate, diverging, and turned -in a spiral ; two flat, inserted cardinal teeth, one of which is recurved under the beak ; a lateral tooth extended be- neath the corselet ; the ligament external. Recent and fossil. PI. VIII, jig. 8. ArcacecB with numerous small penetrating teeth dis- posed on both valves in a straight or bent line. 1. Cucullea. An equivalved, inequilateral, trape- zifonn, ventricose shell, with detached beaks, sepa- 185 rated by a ligamental area; the impression forwards, form-ing a projection with an angular border ; the hinge linear, straight, set with small transverse teeth, with from two to five at the ends, disposed obliquely. Recent and fossil. PI. VIII, Jig. 20. 2. Area. A transverse, subequivalved, inequilate- ral shell, with distant beaks, separated by the liga- mental area; the hinge straight and linear, formed by numerous teeth closely set in a row : the teeth of one valve inserted between those of the other ; the ligament external. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, Jig. 17. 3. Pectunculus. An orbicular, almost lenticular, equivalved, close, and subequilateral bivalve ; the hinge with numerous teeth, obliquely inserted in bent rows, obsolete and scarcely any in the middle ; the ligament external. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, fig. 19. 4. Nucula. A transverse, ovato-trigonal or oblong, equivalved and inequilateral bivalve ; no intermediate areas ; the hinge linear, with numerous teeth like those of a comb ; the beaks contiguous, inflected backwards ; the ligament marginal, partly internal, inserted in a pit at the hinge. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, Jig. 18. Trigonice. With lamelliform teeth, transversely stri- ated. 1. Trigonia. An equivalved, inequilateral, trigonal, and, sometimes, suborbicular bivalve ; the hinge teeth oblong, flat on their sides, diverging, and grooved trans- versely , the two on the right valve being grooved on both sides, and received between the two on the left valve, which are double and grooved only on the in- sides; the ligament external and marginal. Recent and fossil. PL VIII, fig. 3. 2. Castalia. An equivalved, inequilateral, trigonal shell; the beaks recurved; the hinge with two teeth; 186 one backward, short, and slightly trilamellated, with transverse striae ; the other forward, longitudinal, and lateral ; ligament external. Recent. A rare shell, apparently from fresh water. Naiades. Fresh, water shells, having one irregular hinge tooth, simple or divided, and one longitudinal tooth extended under the corselet: sometimes, without any tooth; but having, along its base, irregular, granular tubercles. Impression posteriorly compound ; furnished with an epidermis worn off at the beaks. 1. Unio. A transverse, equivalved, inequilateral bivalve; impression complicated; the hinge with two teeth in each valve; one, short, irregular, simple or divided, and substriated hinge tooth ; the other, lateral, compressed, and elongated under the corselet; ligament external. Recent and fossil. PL VII, fig. 19. 2. Hyria. An equivalved, obliquely trigonal, eared bivalve, with a straight and truncated base ; the hinge formed of two spreading teeth; the hinder, or cardi- nal, divided into many parts, of which the inner are the smallest ; the other, the anterior or lateral, very long and lamellar; the ligament external and linear. This genus resembles Anodonta in its form. 3. Anodonta. An equivalved, inequilateral, trans- verse bivalve; the hinge linear, with no tooth; a smooth cardinal plate, truncated so as to form a sinus at its an- terior extremity, forms the base of the shell ; the im- pressions are two, remote and lateral ; the ligament is external and linear, placed at the anterior extremity in the groove of the hinge plate. Recent. PI. VI, fig. 26. 4. Iridina. Differs from Anodonta only in its hinge line being irregularly tuberculated. Its shell has consi- derable pearly lustre. 187 % Chamacece. Inequivalved, irregular, and attached, with one large tooth at the hinge, and two impressions. 1. Diceras. An inequivalved, adherent bivalve, with very large, conic, divaricating beaks, turned in irregular spires; a large, thick, concave, subauricular tooth in the larger valve ; two muscular impressions. One species oflly has been seen of this shell, and that in a fossil state. 2. Chama. An irregular, inequivalved, fixed bi- valve, with recurved beaks; the hinge one thick, oblique, subcrenulated tooth, received in a pit in the opposite valve; two distant lateral impressions; the ligament external, sunk. Recent and fossil. PL VII, fig. 17. 3. Etheria. An irregular, adherent, unequal-valved bivalve, with short beaks, as if sunk in the base of the valves ; the hinge without tooth, waved and rather sinu- ous and unequal ; two distant, lateral, oblong, muscular impressions ; the ligament external, tortuous, and partly penetrating into the shell. A very rare large shell, of beautiful pearly lustre, ad- herent to the rocks at great depths. Only known in a recent state *. Tridacnce. Transverse, equivalved ; One large late- rally extended impression. t. Tridacna. A regular, equivalved, inequilateral, transverse bivalve, gaping at the lunule ; the hinge with two compressed, unequal, forward, inserted teeth; the ligament external and marginal. Recent and fossil ? PL VII, fig. 26. 2. Hippopus. Difiers from the preceding in its lu- nule being close. * This genus is beautifully illustrated in Mr. G. Sowerby's work on the genera of shells, from which this definition has beeu taken. 188 Mytilacea. Hinge, an almost internal, marginal, li- near ligament. Many of these shells attach themselves by a byssus. 1. Modiola. A subtrans verse, equivalved bivalve, very short on the hinder side ; the beaks sublateral, lying on the shorter side ; the hinge lateral, linear, and without teeth; the cardinal ligament rather internal, placed in the marginal groove ; one sublateral, hatchet-formed im- pression. Recent and fossil. PL VI, fig. 25. 2. Mytilus. A longitudinal, equivalved, regular bi- valve, pointed at its base; the beaks nearly straight, terminal and pointed ; the hinge lateral, generally with- out teeth; the ligament marginal, and rather internal; one long, clavated, and sublateral impression. Recent and fossil. PL VI, fig. 24. 3. Pinna. A longitudinal, wedge-formed, equivalv- ed bivalve, gaping at its summit, pointed at its base, and having straight beaks; the hinge lateral, without teeth; the ligament marginal, linear, very long, and rather internal. Recent and fossil. PL VI, fy.23, Malleace Pedunculated. Supported by a moveable, coriaceous, tubular peduncle, attached by its base to marine bodies. 1. Anatifa.\ pedunculated, five-valved shell; the valves unequal, pressed together so as to be nearly con- 196 tiguous ; the lowest on the sides being the largest. Recent. PL VIII, fig. 28. 2. Pollicipes. A pedunculated shell, formed of thir- teen or more subcontiguous, unequal valves; the lowest at the sides, being the smallest. Recent Lepas scalpellum, Lin.; Lepas mitella, Lin.; Lepas pollicipes, Gmelin. 3. Cineras, Leach. A pedunculated shell, with five oblong separate valves, not entirely covering the body ; two at the sides of the opening, the others dorsal. Recent, Lepas coriacea, Pallas. 4. Otion. A pedunculated shell, with two separate small semilunar testaceous valves adhering near the lateral aperture. Recent. Lepas aurita, Lin. Trigonellites. A slightly rounded, trigonal, thick shell, gaping on each side. The inferior margin nearly on a straight line ; the anterior and superior margins in a gently waving line. The outer surface of each valve pierced by numerous foramina, which, passing nearly through its substance, give it the cancellous ap- pearance of bone ; the inner surface smooth, but marked with striae, agreeing, in their direction, with the posterior and anterior margin. The assumed hinge completely linear, without teeth ; there being only, on the posterior margin of each valve, an appropriate, linear surface for the attachment of cartilage or ligament externally. There is no appearance of muscular attachment. PI. VIII, fig. 29. The nature of the substance placed under this vague designation and description is entirely unknown. It bears no resemblance in its structure to any known tes- taceous, crustaceous, or bpney fabric. Its appearance, as fixed in the calcareous fissile stone of Pappenhejm, In the above figure, gives the idea of the valves of a 197 shell ; but examination shows, that, if these valves were brought together, they would touch only at two points, leaving all else, except at the inferior line, open. The following shell is, in fact, neither univalve nor bivalve ; for, though a bivalve in form, the two parts are connected, not by a hinge, but rather by suture. Hyalfea.An inequivalved, tumid, and transparent shell; tricuspidated at the base; gaping beneath the prominent beak. Recent. PL VII, fig. 7. We are indebted to the scientific and successful en- quiries of Mr. Sowerby, for the formation of the fol- lowing genera, in addition to Cirrus, Plagiostoma, and Euomplialus, which have been already noticed : Dianchora. An attached, inequivalved bivalve ; the attached valve having an opening instead of a beak, the other beaked and eared ; hinge without teeth. PL VII, fig. 11. Productus. An equilateral, unequal valved bivalve^ with a reflexed, more or less cylindrical margin ; hinge transverse, linear; beak imperforate; one valve con- vex, the other flat or concave, externally. Fossil. PL VII, fig. 13. This genus was formed, by Mr. Sowerby, for the re- ception of those fossils which had been placed, by Mr. Martin, under Conchyliothus (Anomites) Scabricu- lus, Petrif. Derb. ; and, of others, which he had ob- tained from the limestone which forms a part of the in- dependent coal-formation of the Lothians, Scotland. The characters and classification of the shells of this- family are not, however, yet determined : with the hope, therefore, of leading to more decisive information re- specting these points, the structure of the hinge, as ex- isting in a shell bearing the external appearance of one of this family from the mountain limestone of Shrop- 19H shire, with which the writer was favoured by the Rev. Mr. Hallifax, of Standish, in Gloucestershire, is shewn, PL IX, Jig. 9. Magas. An inequivalved, equilateral bivalve; one valve with an angular sinus along an incurved beak ; line of the hinge, and back of the other valve, straight, with two projections near the middle. A partial longi- tudinal septum, with appendages, are attached to the hinge within. Fossil. PL VII, Jig. 14. Spirifer. An ^ equilateral, inequivalved bivalve; the valves beaked; one valve with a large angular sinus along the inside of the beak ; hinge transverse, long, and straight ; two spirally-coiled tubular appendages nearly filling the stall. Recent. PL VII, fig. 15. Astarte. Suborbicular or transverse ; ligament exter- nal ; lunette on the posterior side ; two diverging teeth near the beak. Fossil. PL VIII, Jig. 1 . Inoceramus. An inequivalved, inequilateral bivalve, slightly eared; hinge formed of alternate ridges and furrows on the margin of the eared part ; the substance of the shell spathose, vertically striated. Fossil. PL VIII, fig. 23*. Pentamerus. An equal-sided, inequivalved bivalve ; one valve divided by a longitudinal, internal septum into two parts ; the other, by two septa, into three parts or valves; the beaks incurved, imperforate. Fossil. PL X, fig. 7. H& The figure, intended to illustrate the genus Photos, page 177, will be found in PL VIII, fig. 25. * I have placed this shell among those, for the name and description of which, I believe, we are indebted to Mr. Sowerby, although I have not yet been able to ascertain in what work his account of the genus is to be found. 199 A LIST of the SPECIES of FOSSIL SHELLS particu- larised by Le CHEV. DE LAMARCK, in Les Annales du Museum, and Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres; with a specification of their most distinguishing characters. Note. "When the size of the shell is mentioned, it is to be taken as ge- nerally meaning the larger size : by smalt, is meant less than half an inch ; and, by vety small, less than a quarter of an inch. Chiton. Grignonensit : octovalvisr Patella. elongata : obtusely radiated, apex much inclined. dulcis : snbconical, apex inflected. scutatella : very small, apex central. dilatata : rugose, depressed. cornucopia : obliquely conical, impression semicircular. spirostris : rudely striated. , retortella: spire obliquely lateral. pennata: subimbricated posteriorly. syuamieformis : flattisli and smooth. Fissurella. labiata : subsquainose, stria? decussating. Emarginula. costata: ribbed longitudinally, apex hooked. clypeata: cancellated, back grooved. radiola : with radiating costulae. Calyptraea. trochiformis : echinated, apex subcentral. crepidularis : subovate : var. of former? j, Conus. antedilurianus: long, spire pointed, wreaths crenulated. deperditus: spire not much raised, the wreaths not crenulated, but grooved on the top, turritus : subfusiform, whirls oblique. stromboides : spire obtusely nodose, whirls obtuse. tintiquus: dilated upwards, lip bowed, spire smooth, slightly canalicu- lated S| inches. Betulinoidex.- oblongo-conical, smooth, spire convex, pointed, base rounded 4 inches. dacatus.- conico-clavated, striae longitudinal and bowed, spire ele- vated, rather pointed, wreaths convex 3 inches. 200 Conus, continued. intermedius . smootb, base transversely sulcated, spire acutely convex, wreaths not striated 2j inches. avellana .' short, base substi iated, spire rather convex and pointed 1 inch. Cypraea. pediculus : transversely striated. influta : smooth, obscurely marginated. leporina . ventricose, subraarginata, opening dilated at the base If inch. mus .' the perfect analogue of the recent shell known by this name. pyrula . obtuse, narrowed behind, lip bordered 1| inch. utriculata . inflated, subumbilicated, lip obsoletely marginated l inch. rufa .* agrees with the recent shell of the same name. antiqua.- ventricose, rough, rather flat beneath, opening narrow 1J inch Ronca. nideralis . ovately oblong, rough, obsoletely marginated on the sides 1 inch JRonca. fabagina . subventricose, obscurely marginated on one side J inch. flavicuht.' ventricose, marginated on one side, back yellowish, with white spots 1 inch. ambigwi . contracted at tlie extremities, convex beneath, opening winding f inch. colombarid . one lip marginated, rather projecting forwards j inch. dactylosa .' oblong, verUricose, rather cylindrical, obtuse, sulcated transversely, no flattening on the under surface, no longitudinal groove on the back, spire not apparent 1| inch. C. sulcosa of Les Annales duMus. sphariculata . transversely sulcated, no dorsal groove, lip marginated. coccinella.' variety of the preceding? pisolina . pisiform, back smooth ; opening curved, plicatedly dentated \ inch. oruluta . obtuse in the fore part, smooth ; columella obsoletely dent- ated. Ovula. passerinalis . smooth, scarcely beaked, lip lightly bowed J inch. birostriss exterior lip marginated, columella with an oblique fold 1 inch. Terebellum. convolutum * : subcylindrical, no spire, opening the length of the shell 1 J inch. fusiforme: spire extremely obtuse, opening shorter than the shell vi inches. Oliva. canalifera: callus of the columella having a canal. mitreola : columella striated. ' Laumontiana : columella biplicated. * Bulla sopita, Brand, Foss. No. 29.Bvlla valuta ejutdem, No. 75. 201 Oliva, continued. plicaria .' long, spire pointed, rather short ; coluraella longitudinally plaited 1 inch. clacata.' spire prominently pointed, columella with numerous striae | inch. Ancilla. buccinoides : margaritaceous. subulata : spire elongated. olivula : unidentated at the base. ca-alifera : canal between the right lip and the spire. glandtformis / subventricose, rather pointed at the summit, callous in the lower part, sutures of the whirls concealed 2 inches. Voluta. hurpa : longitudinal ribs with two spines at their tops, five folds on the columella 3 inches. tpinosa*: subcostated; short, pointed spinous spire; four or five folds 1 inch. musicalis: longitudinal ribs with one spine, four large folds 5 inches. muriciiid : ribbed and spinous in the tipper part, smooth and caudated in the lower, deeply grooved between the four columellar folds 3| inches long. costaria : elongated, fusiform, subcaiulated, ribs plain, longitudinal 2| inches. lyra : spire short; plain longitudinal ribs, denticulated towards the apex -~a inches. bicorona : ribbed longitudinally, no transverse striae ; turns of the spire bicoronated 2 inches. crenulutai: ribs crenatedly granulated 1& inch. harpula : finely ribbed, the ribs smooth, whirls subcanalicnlated, two very strong folds 1| inch. labrella : ovate, snbventricose, wreaths sharply carinated, spire denti- culated if inch. depressa : ribbed upwards, base transversely grooved, spire subcoro- netted, columella flat about t$ inch. variculosa; with a marginal and sometimes a dorsal varix ; four slight folds about of an inch. mitreola : lip obsoletely bidentated. heteroclita.- base smooth, spire ribbed, rather tuberculatcd, colnmella with the smallest plaits upwards, as in Mitm~%& inches. digitalitia.' decussated, snbgranular, spire short 1 inchperhaps a variety of F. crenulata. clathrata .' subcoronetted, cancellated, columella with numerous plaits 1| inch. ambigua t . transversely striated, longitudinally ribbed, spire subden- ticulated, lip sulcated internally, the lower folds on the columella the largest 1|- inch. * Strombus spinosus, Brand, Foss. No. 65. f Murex suspensus, Brand, Foss. No. 70. t Strombus ambifuus, Brand, Foss. No. 69. ud 202 Voluta, continued.. ficulina.' transversely striated, last wreath crowned with spines, lip subniarginated, striated inside, and bowed at the top '2 inches. rarispina .' with two or three dorsal spines, lip rather bordered, spire small, with five or six dentelated turns 1 inch. Mitra. crebricosta : ribs obsolete in the lower part, four folds inch. monodonta: smooth, but striated in the upper part small. marginata: a crenulated border on each turn. pllcatella: margin of the turns subplicated f inch. labratula: ribs decussated with transverse stride % inch. mixta : resembles marginel/a, but has the folds of the mitres f inch. cancellina : lip internally striated. terebelfam: narrow, fusiform small. fusellina: smooth, base striated small. grantformis: longitudinally ribbed very small. mutica: no stria? on the spiral wreaths, four folds 1 inch. elongata: fusiform, smooth, five folds 2 inches. citharella : distant longitudinal ribs, four folds, no left lip. Marginalia. eburnea: spire conoidal, the borders of the turns confluent. dentifera: smooth, spire subpyramidal. otulata : lip grooved internally, four folds f inch. Cancellaria. costulata: longitudinal, decussated, ribbed, three folds to | inch. volutella : with the varices of a murex, the folds of a volute, and the notch of a bu-ccinum | inch. Purpura. topilhis * . acutely ovate, ribs transverse, lip subdentated. Buccinum. stromboides: oblongo-ovate, smooth, a groove between the right lip and spire 2 inches. striatulum: the turns rounded, striae transverse small. terebrale : long, smooth, rather turriculated inch. decussatum: the whirls convex; opening subdentated $ inch. bistriatum : striae alternately larger and smaller, a slight border on the lip 1 inch. cluvatulatum : long, Up emarginated in the upper part very small. Terebra. plicatula : the last turn smooth, the rest plaited 1 inch. scalarina: longitudinally ribbed, turns convex 1 inch. Harpa. mutica: ribs plain, not pointed ; decussating intercostal striae 1 inch. * Uvccinum lapillus, Lin. 203 Cassis. harpa/ormia : ribs longitudinal, with a transverse row of tubercles at their upper part 2 inches. cancellata: with two rows of tubercles, lip dentated. carinata* : with five carinated girdles, the upper tubiiculose. S trombus. canvlis: longitudinally ribbed ; the lip notched. Rostellaria. macroptera t . lip large and round, running up the spire from 6 to 7 inches. colombaria : lip alaefoi ui, bent upwards on the spine 2 inches. fissurella : longitudinally ribbed ; lip small, passing up the turns and forming a groove 1 inch. Murex. tripterusl: trigonal, with angular, winged, membranaceous pro- cesses 2 inches. tricarinatus : ovato-oblong, with curled, frondose, subspinous pro- cesses 1 inch. f contabulat us : spire long, subpyramidal ; mouth subtrigonal var.? calcitrapa: ovate, frondose ridges, terminating in points; columella subunibilicated. crispus: ovate, with about nine frondose but not spinous ridges; the mouth and canal short f inch. frondosus: ovato-oblong, with about nine curled frondose varices; the canal rather long inch. clathratus: ovate, ribbed, sulcated transversely, lip dentated, canal short very small. cingulatus: ovato-oblong; transverse encircling ruga?, squamose be- tween ; canal covered over lj inch. striatula : oblong, with transverse stria?, and but few longitudinal con- vex ribs; lip dentated f inch. cancellinus : ovato-oblong, cancellated ; opening winding and toothed : resembles the white grimace. pyraster:, ovate, caudated, transversely sulcated, with subnodulo 1 :? ribs ; the opening rounded ; grooved internally 1^ inch. textiliosus : ovate, obsoletely ribbed, transversely striated, squamous between ; one tooth on the columella; subumbilicated ij inch. colubrinus : elongated, subfusiforoi ; with fine transverse granular stria? ; few varices 1 inch. riperintm: elongated, with transverse stria? slightly granulated ; tail small ; very small indistinct ribs on the upper part $ inch. nodulariiis : ovate, subcancellated ; transverse nodular stria?, the no- dules disposed in ribs ; the tail short and curved out wards 1 inch. reticulosus : ovate, pointed at both ends, reticulated ; opening triangu- lar ; lip toothed small. tubifer : ovate, pointed ; four rows of ridges ; with fistulous, bowed, erect spines, with short tubes between. * Buctinum nodosum, Brand, Foss. No. 131. t Strombus amplus, Brand, Foss. No. 76. J Brand, Foss. No. 79 and 80 ? 204 Fusus. rugosus * : long, subcancellated ; spire, nodular ; canal long, straight, and nearly covered over 3 inches. Note: long, transversely striated ; the top ofeacli whirl depressed and plicated 3| inches. longanusi: long, thick and smooth; last turns rather flat on their tops; spire nodular, striated 4 inches. clavellatus J : fusiformly clavellated ; transversely striated ; ribs nodu- lar ; tail very long ; turns of the spire not flat. aciculatus : fusiformly linear, very narrow striae with decussating plicae : different from F. rugosus 1 inch. subulutus . longitudinally ribbed ; tail shorter than the spire 1 inch. hordeolus : fusiformly tnrriculated ; tail short very small. intortus : subcancellated in the upper part, in the lower the transverse striae most evident ; columella as if twisted 1 inch. polygonus : ovate, with many ribs ; transversely rugose ; the edges of the turns raised against the preceding; opening dontated 1 j inch. abbrevialus : ovato-conical, rugous transverse rings ; nodose ribs; coin mclla obsoletely umbilicated $ inch. excisus: columella as if cut obliquely J inch. minutus: ovate, ribs numerous ; transverse stria: united in bands very small. asperulus: ovate, turreted, ribbed, rough transverse striae ; canal short small. plicatus : ovate, turreted ; ribs smooth, longitudinal ; base short ; no transverse stria? small. scalaroidfs: numerous distinct fine ribs, obsolete transverse striae; ca- nal short f inch. coronatus : ovate, conical both ways ; spire crowned with numerous small nodules, lower half finely striated small. alligatus: ovate, turreted, prominent, transverse rugae ; canal short- small. marginatus: fusiform, turreted; spire nodulous, and the upper edge of each turn raised small. nodulosus : ovate, small, nodulous ribs ; columella obliquely biplicated. nngulatus: fusiform, ventricose; thick, acutely angular ribs ; transverse, prominent striae 1 inch. uniplicatvs : rough, with ribs and decussating striae ; columella with one plait 1 inch. funiwlosus : lonp, fusiform; transverse rugae, alternating in size; colu- mella slightly plaited 1 inch. heptagonus : seven rows of ribs with decussating stria? ; columella ra- ther plaited nearly 2 inches. subcarinatus : ovate, short and turgid ribs, angular at their ends ; turns carinated angularly, Saltish at their tops. * Mvrex porrectus, Brand, Foss./g". 35. t Murex longcetus, Brand, Foss. fig. 40, 73, 93. \ Murex dtformiit, Brand, Foss. Jig . 37, 38. Murex, Brand, Foss. Jig-. 36. 205 Fusus, continued. Jiculneus: ovate, almost globular; about fifteen ribs like folds, forming at about two-thirds of their length a row of tubercles across the shell ; the base bowed ; columella twisted, with an oblique fold 1 inch. Pyrula. lavigata: obovate, very thick, especially on the left side; obtusely striated, the spire pointed 2 inches. subcarinata: smooth, back obtusely carinated ; turns concave up- wards ; spire pointed. tricurinata : clavated, last turn decussated and with three transverse prominent distant striae 1 inch. elegans : decussated, the transverse striae raised and undulating. clathraia : ovately clavated, decussated, the transverse stria? alternately large and small. nerilis*: ovately clavated, decussated, the transverse striae largest. bulbiformis t : ovate, ventricose, rather smooth ; spire hooked ; tail rather bowed ; the left side thickened as by a callus on the colu- mella "2% inches. terebralis : girt with transverse and granulated stria? ; whirls dentatedly carinated, spire like a screw small. citharellus: turreted, with smooth narrow ribs ; base short small. Itetigatus: fusiform and turreted; spire smooth and conical, with a ntammUlary termination. striatulus: fusiform and turreted; the turns flat on their tops and sides, with very fine equal striae very small. biplicatus: ovate, transversely striated; longitudinal ribs; columella with two folds very small. variabilis : many ribbed, turns subangular small. Iruncatulatus : ovate and turreted, the margins of the spiral turns trun- cated, the spire plicated small. Pleurotoma. filosa, : ovato-fusiform, lip alaeforra 1 inch. lineolata: ovato-fusiform var.? clavicularis : fusiform, turreted, whirls bordered with striae on the up- per part, lip alated 2 inches. glabrata: fusiform, base transversely grooved 1 1 inch. rnarginata : turns bordered upwards by a cord-like margin, aud sepa- rated by two or three grooves with sunk points. transversaria : fusiform, deeply grooved transversely, whirls carinated 2 inches. catenata : fusiform, decussated ; the transverse striae strongest, like a chain of tubercles on every turn '2 inches. dentata : fusiform ; a dentated keel on each turn 1 inch. undatu: fusiform/turreted ; whirls creuulated, with undulated ribs on their upper part, the tail short l inch. multinoda: fusiform, turreted; whirls subinargiuated, nodulous in the middle | inch. crenulata : fusiform, turreted ; straight ribs, like cogs of a wheel on each whirl f inch. * Murex nexilis, Brand, Voss.fig. DO. t JUurex bulbus, Brand, fo&s.jig. 54. 206 Pleurotoma, continued. . bicatenata: fusiform, turreted; with two rows of nodes on the upper part of the whirls f inch. costeflala: oval, fusiform ; whirls with longitudinal ribs f inch. plicata : fusiform, turreted ; whirls with rather curved plaits small. sulcata: fusiform, turreted; decussated in the lower part ; wb'rls with longitudinal ribs small. curvicosta : ovato-fusiform ; bent ribs, as if split or bifid at their tops finch. furcata: whirls, with ribs contracted above their middle, and forked underneath. nodulosa: ovato-fusiform; spire pyramidal, with nine rows of short no- dulous ribs | inch. ventricosa: ovato-fusiform, ventricose and caudated finch, lerebralis: fusiform^ with transverse granulated stria* and dentated keels f inch. granulata: subturreted, granulated, base short finch. inflexa : subturreted ; spire long, plaits separate in their rr'ddle, a gra- nulated keel small. turrella : subturreted ; the whirls carinated ; spire tuberculated in the upper part small. striarella : fusiform, turreted, almost smooth, pl? ; ts and striae hardly discoverable small. decussata: fusiform, turreted; spire small, long, and nodulous, with two rows of tubercles, one small the other large \ inch. Cerithium. interruptum : pyramidal ; transverse striae in rows, alternately large and small; ribs bowed, last turn ventricose If inch. hexagonum: with five or six longitudinal ribs ; last whirl tumid, with five or six spinous tubercles 2 inches. serratum: tnrreted, echinated ; two rows of compressed teeth on each turn, the lower smallest ; four internal plaits on right side 2| in. Iricarinatus : pyi amidate ; three denticulated keels, t ! ie lowest by much the largest 2 inches. vittatum: turreted ; upper whirls smooth, lower ones with three tuber- culated bands 2 inches. clacatulatum: rough, with transverse tubercular keels, three at the upper part, and decreasing to one on the lowest turn ; notched like a pleurotoma 1 J inch. echinoides .' rather heptagonal, with tubercles a little pointed, in two or three rows j twelve or fourteen turns, sometimes orange co- loured l^inch. angulosum : pyramidate, twelve tui js, with transverse striae, and a central angulated keel, points at the angles if inch. cristatum: turreted; whirls with a dentated keel in the middle; the base transversely sulcated 1 inch. calcitrapoides : turreted, with transverse muricated ribs, no striae 1 1 inch. ' lienticitlutum : spire subolated and smooth at the top, the other whirls denticulated with points in their upper parts, and striated be- neath | inch. 207 Cerithium, continued. umbrellatum : the upper margins of the whirls denticulated, the under ones crenulated and expanded in the teeth of the next whirl, no striae, top of the spire smooth 1 inch. lamellosum : ttirreted, subplicated ; distant transverse striae, base with three transverse lamellae \\ inch. thiara: turreted, rather cylindrical; whirls crowned with tubercles, flat beneath ; the lip alated | inch. mutabile : three transverse striae on each whirl, the lower whirl with the upper stria tuberculated stronger than the others, upper whirl with the striae all alike 1$ inch. semieoronatum : turreted j three granular striae on each whirl, the up- permost thickest ; a plait on the colmnella 1 inch. cinctum : conical, turreted ; three granular striae, rather equal in size ; a plait on the columella If inch. plicatum : turreted, subcylindrical ; whirls granulated longitudinally i inch. conoideum: short, conoidal, three or four rows of grannlae on each whirl ] inch. confluens : turreted, with three transverse granulated keels, the lowest the largest, granulae confluent inch. davits : subulate; two or three transverse granular stria;, vertically confluent ; base short and twisted $ inch. baccillum : subulate, with eight or nine unequal obscure granular stria? | inch. scabrum : pyramidate ; echiuated with two deutated keels, the lower the largest | inch. asperellum : conical, with two dentated keels, teeth very small var.? small. tttrritellatum : turreted ; whirls convex, with three transverse striae, and vertical bowed ribs 1 inch. >nilra : conical, with four vjsrtical striae, crossed by small granular ribs small. pl&trotomoides : conical, turreted, with two rows of obtuse tubercles ; a notch in the light lip small. inrolutum : conical, turreted ; turns smooth, imbricating ; columella twisted 1 inch. tubwculosum : turreted; two rows of tubercles, the upper largest, the lower margins crenulated 1J inch. bicarinatum : turreted, with subangulated keels ; four transverse striae at the base f inch. trochleare : conical, subturreted; two transverse keels, raised and dentated, crossed by vertical ribs, giving an alveolated appear- . ance small. trochiforme: conical, short; stria? obsolete; longitudinal ribs very small. muricoides: conical, ventricosej tubercular and granular stria? ; whirls convex J inch. purpura: conical, short; transversely striated, and distinctly tuber- culated var.? & inch. cenoidak : short ; the whirls flat, with unequally truncated and snbtn- bercular striae small. ntbulatum . turreted, with noduliform ribs and transverse obsolete stria? ; opening oblong. 208 Cerithium, continued. lapidorum: turreted ; whirls convex, sub tubercular in the middle; bowed vertical ribs, nearly obsolete Ij inch. pttricoliim tnrretetl, smooth, with a thick border on the upper part of the whirls, transversely grooved beneath 1 inch. spiratum : round, tnrreted, smooth ; turns flat and channelled in the upper part ; base with one groove, plicated outwardly 2| inches. columnare : subulate, transverse and vertical striae decussating, with a marginal groove beneath the upper margin 1 inch. substriatum : conical, turreted, almost smooth ; the lower whirls with simple distinct striae, the upper with obsoletely crenulated ones 1 inch. quadrisulcatum subulate, turreted ; turns flat, with four grooves | inch. nmbilicittum subulate ; whirls flat with four transverse grooves ; the columella umbilicated $ inch. perforation : subulate ; whirls rather convex, finely striated ; columella perforated inch. clavosum : smooth, tnrreted, with obsolete striae ; the lower whirls involving the upper \ inch. cancellation: subulate, turreted; cancellated whirls convex; columella subplicated small. semigranosum : turreted, decussated with snbgranulated crossing striae ; canal very short inch. acicula : subulate, smooth ; whirls subcai inated inch. terebrale : turreted, smooth convex; whirls with obsolete transverse stria? small. inversum : tnrreted, subulate, left-turned ; the whirls cancellated by transverse keels and suboblique vertical striae f inch. melanoidcs: oval, turriculated, with transverse stria; opening much like that ofmelania very small. larva: turreted, cylindrical ; whirlftwith two equal transverse granular keels very small. gracile : turreted and subulate ; whirls inversely imbricated *mall. incertum : tnrreted ; whirls convex, with distant transverse striae and more numerous vertical ones. emarginatum : turreted, transversely sulcated, upper grooves granu- lated, upper borders of the whirls subcanaliculated; the lip notched 2 inches. mgosum turreted, upper whirls decussatedly granulated, the lower slightly sulcated with one groove, lowest rugous beneath 1$ inch. giganteum : turreted, very long ; transversely striated ; whirls nodose upwards; columella with one plait; opening oblong, oblique, with a canal which rather terminates backwards ; upper part of the right side with a lateral auriform elongation. nudum : turreted ; whirls plicated in the upper part, numerous trans- verse striae ; no plait on the columella 3 inches. unisulcatum : turreted, numerous transverse striae, no plicae ; the turns have a single, nearly central groove f inch. turrit ellatvm ; turreted ; convex whirls with transverse unequal stria; ; a notch in the right border of the opening small. 209 Trochus. crenularis: pyramitlate, transversely tuberculated, the lower margins of the whirls thickly crenated with large tubercles; columella truncated 1 inch. Resembling trochus mauriiianus. monilifer : conical, imperforate, transversely granulated in four rows ; columella obliquely subtnincated; eight concentric rows of grains on the base- \ inch. sulcatus : conical, subperforated, transversely and elegantly grooved ; the lower margin prominent. Analogous in some respects with T. granulatus and conulus \ inch. alligatvs : conical, imperforate, spotted ; whirls flat, with six unequal lines, lowest thickest 1 inch. ornatus : conical, imperforate ; whirls with numerous oblique ribs on their upper part, on the lower two rows of small tubercles | inch. subcarinatus : abbreviated, conical ; whirls smooth, the inferior borders forming an obtuse keel ; base rather convex, finely striated circu- larly, and perforated not inch. bicarinatus: conical, imperforate; whirls smooth, with two distant keels. asglutinans*: conical, depressed, dilated at the base; whirls rude, polyedral ; umbilicus internally plaited. Solarium. patulum : convex, with smooth whirls, with carinated and crennlated borders ; umbilicus open f inch wide. sulcatum : convex, with radiating grooves beneath ; whirls smooth with a doubly-grooved border ; umbilicus concave, with crenn- lated margins | inch. canaliculatum : convex, with transverse grooves formed between strings of grains ; umbilicus crenated and canaliculated 3 inch. plioatum : convex, depressed, rugous, vertically sulcated ; umbilicus crenated with large plicae nearly i inch. spiratum : conoidal, smooth, snbstriated ; whirls flat, subcanaliculated and crennlated in the upper part ; umbilicus granulated and cre- nulated within. ammonites: depressed, discoidal; turns flat, with snlcated vertical rugae ; umbilicus open, crenated very small. patellatum: depressed, discoidal, carinated ; turns flat, except on their borders ; a platter-formed umbilicus ; margin subcrenulated very small. disjunctum : discoidal, carinated, smooth ; spire flat, lower surface convex, the last whirl disjoined ; umbilicus serrated. bifrons : discoidal, obtuse, smooth, spire sunk ; opposite side also sub- umbilicated, the last turn including the rest very small. Turbo. squamulosus: conoidal, pointed, umbilicated; whirls convex, with five squamose grooves not \ an inch. . radiosus: globosely conoidal, five whirls deeply sulcated in the middle, above and below radiate ly striated small. * Trochus umbilicaris, Brand, Foss./g-. 4 and 5, wow Linnaei. EC 210 Turbo, continued. helic inoides : depre$sedly couoidaJ, polished, a little spotted; four whirls, smooth; base rather callous. Resembles troch. vestiarius, Lin. denticulat us : globosely conoidal, transversely striated; whirls four, with two denticulated kels in the middle; base umbilicated very small. culcar : spire depressed ; whirls rough, keeled in the middle, keel armed with spines nearly 1 inch widr. lima: orbiculato-convex, rough, trans versely striated, ectinated with concave sqnamous strije ; whirls round, but subangulate inch. conica : conically pyramidal ; whirls smooth but bicariaated, last turn disjoined small. turbinoidev: obtusely conical, whirls obsoletely keeled, with minute striae small. marginata : roundish ; whirls smooth, umbilicus lessened by a border small. striata : roundish, transversely striated ; whirls subangular ; umbilicus spiral very small. sulcata : roundish, depressed j whirls deeply sulcated, lip serrated very small. canalifera: roundish ; smooth; margin of the umbilicus plaited; a ca- nal passing spirally up its sides very small. (Cyclostoma. coruupastoris: orbiculato-convex ; transversely striated, whirls round, detached at the base very small. spiruloides : orbicular, smooth, pellucid very small. planorbida : round, solid, umbilicated beneath very small. macrosioma : orbicular, pellucid, mouth very open minute. mumia: cylindraceo-conical; solid, longitudinal and transverse striae ; opening ovate f inch. turritellata : turreted; turns convex, with decussating striae very small. Planorbis. nitidulu : smooth ; polished ; opening round very small- subangulata : obsoletely carinated ; opening round but rather angular very small. bicarinata : transversely striated ; bicarinated. spirorbis : belongs, perhaps, to Delphinula. Scalaria. crispa : turreted ; ribs numerous, subangulated at the base ; whirls ventricose ineh. ducussata : turreted ; long, transversely striated ; ribs longitudinal ; whirls contiguous J inch. dewtdata : turreted, ribs few, whirls distant inch. monocycla: conical, whirls contiguous, a raised stria on the base of the last turn -| inch. plicata : turreled, small plicae-formed i ibs. 211 Turritella. imbricataria : subulated ; whirls flat, imbricated, transversely striated, finely granulated intermediately 3 inches. sulcata : conical, transversely sulcated, lowest grooves deepest, fine vertical bowed striae 2 inches. subcarinata: conical, transversely sulcated, grooves unequal, sepa- rated by keels 1 inch. fatciata : conical ; two grooves in ttie upper part of the wliirls ; aflat zone in the middle divided by a fine striae f inch. multisulcata : conical, whirls convex, numerous ; nearly equal grooves 1 inch. terebellata: long, subulated, whirls subconvex, striated; with small in- terstitial whirls .5 inches. perforata: subulated, whirls flat and imbricating, with thrte transverse striae and a raised margin ; columella perforated through its whole length 1 inch. vnisulcata : subulate; smooth flat whirls, one groove at the lower mar- gin 1 inch. uniangularis : conical, subulate, one transverse angle in the middle of each whirl inch. melanoides: conical, whirls flat with transverse stria; and grooves inter- mixed ^ inch. There exist numerous varieties of these species. Bulla. orulata: transversely striated, spire involved inch. striatella : short, finely striated ; spire obtuse, upper edges of each whirl carinated small. cylindrica ' striae chiefly on the base, vertex umbilicated ' i inch. corondta . oblong, snbcylindrical vertex umbilicated, the margin coro- netted. Bulinras. albidus .' ovate, smooth, whirls rather convex ; opening semiovate. Seems not to be fluviatile f inch. citharellus . ovate conical ; transversely striated, longitudinal ribs, apex papillated very small. Marine ? Auricula ? terebellatus.' turreted, umbilicated, very smooth, opening oval, angu- lar at both sides f inch. acicularis . turreted, long, thin small. nitidus.- turreted, very smooth, whirls rather convex, lip sharp small. sextonus . turreted, six smooth convex whirls, opening ovate small. conulus.- conical, upper part of the whirls channelled, spire acute very small. clavulus.- whirls flat, striae transverse very small. striatulus .' whirls convex, very finely striated very small. nanus . whirls convex, with very small vertical plicae very small. Several other shells are placed, doubtfully, under this genus, which are hardly distinguishable from twbo, cyelost omus, &c. Phasianella. turbinoides . ovate; variously coloured, whirls smooth 5 inch. 212 Lymnaea. palustris.* oblong, substriated, with rather convex whirls, opening ovate. Melania. costellata .' turreted, subulate, transversely striated, the upper part of the lip channelled within 1 inch. lactta .* turreted, thick whirls convex, lower, smooth ; upper striated vertically 1 inch. marginata . conical, tut reted, striae transverse, distant, whirls subca- nalicula ted in the upper parts, opening bordered 1 inch. hordacea .' turreted, striae transverse ; opening small small. canalicularis : tnrreted, subulate, whirls convex, with fine transverse striae small. corrvgatu.- turreted, whirls decussated on their upper parts | inch. semiplicata .' conical, transversely striated, vertically subplicated ; opening with a produced sinus | inch. nilida . subulate, pointed, whirls smooth and shining 4 inch. semistriata.' upper whirls vertically striated; lower ones smooth . small. cochlearella .' with small long grooves ; lip produced somewhat like cerithium J inch. Jragilis . convex whirls, longitudinal grooves very small. du/tia . o vato-conical ; ribbed vertically, striae small and transverse , columella truncated small. Auricula. sitlcata . ovato-conical, transversely snlcated ; spire acute ; columella with one plait f inch. ot-ata.' ovato-acnte, snbventricose smooth; lip bordered internally; columella subtriplicated \ inch. ringens .' ovato-acute, rather turgid ; transversely striated ; lip bor- dered with a callous margin; columella subtriplicated very small. miliola.- ovato-conical ; smooth, columella with one fold very small. hordeola.- ovato-conical, smooth; lip striated within ; columella with one fold small. acicula . tnrreted, subcylindrical, smooth ; columella one fold small. terebeUata,' turreted, smooth, opening semiovate; columella with three folds small. Volvaria. bulloides .' cylindrical, transversely striated ; spire pointed and nearly included inch. Arapullaria. pygma'u.' ventricose, smooth; base umbilicated; aperture long very small. excavata.' ventricose, smooth; columella with a sinuous excavation small. conica." ovato-conical, whirls smooth and convex ; umbilicus half co- vered | inch. scuta.' ventricose, spire short and pointed ; umbilicus half covered I inch. 213 Ampullaria, continued. acuminata.- ventricose ; spire long and pointed ; umbilicus covered. spirata .' snbventricose ; whirls flat on the top, with an acute border. depressa.' globose, turns convex on the upper part; columella de- pressed in the lower part 1 inch. canaliculata .' globose ; spire short and canaliculated ; a spiral groove accompanying the umbilicus \ inch. patula*.' ventricose; spire short; umbilical groove covered over; lip wide, subanriculated if inch. sigaretina . ventricose, imperforate ; spire short; lip large if inch. crassatina .' globose, thick, imperforate; base of the columella spread out ; spire canaliculated 3 inches. hybrida.' globose, imperforate ; columella effused Ij inch. Serpula. intorta . rather angtilated, contortedly agglomerated, plicae transverse. cristata .' round, with denticulated ribs ; contorted in a discoidal spire, the other end extended France. spirulcea.- compressed, smooth; discoidal spire, fore part disjoined, sharp edge Bayonne. minima .' capillary, glomerated Grignon. echinata . flexuous, with snbspinous ribs. sulcata / round, subglomerated, straight forward, numerous subdentated longitudinal folds Tonraine. costalis . angtilated, loosely contorted, base subspirated. smooth, lon- gitudinal. denttfcra.' round, contorted, with two or three dentiferous longitudinal folds Italy. Balanus. sulcatus.' conical, obtnse long grooves ; radiating trans verse stria?. lintinnabulum . conical, sub ventricose ; longitudinally lineated, trans- verse striated rays ; rostrated backwards Italy. cylindraceus . narrow base, elongated, snbventricose Turin. miser.- gregarious, short, valves straight, back in the lower part with two or three grooves; opening dilated; valves of operciilum pointed Italy. pustularis .' short, subconical ; valves smooth, six rays, two solitary, the rest in pairs Piedmont. crispatuss conical; five distinct rays; valves naked at the apex, muricated at their base Italy. Clavagella. echinata.' ventricose, echinated all over; on one side with tubular spines Grignon. Fistulana echinata, Ann. du Mus. Tom. VII, p. 429, PI. XII, fig. 43. cristata.' a crest of tubular spines on one side -Grignon. tibialis . naked, compressed ; valve discoverable Grignon. Brocchii . pyrifonn, set with short tubes Italy. Fistulana. ampullaria: sheath ampullaceous, produced, opening bicaritiated Grig. pyrum .* sheath pyriform, plain Italy. * Helix mutabilit, Brand, Foss. No. 51. 214 Teredina. personate .' straight, sinus and lobules like a mask CourtagnoH. buccillum . solid, straight, and round Italy. Solen. vagina." linear, straight ; one tooth Grlgnon. coarctatus . oblong, transversely striated, contracted in the middle. fragilis . analogue ofsoten cultdlus ? ejfusus . ovato-oblong, straight, smooth, subangulated forward. Somewhat resembling solen vespertinus. strigilalus , ovato-oblong, with oblique imbricating strrse. appendiculatus . elliptical, smooth ; an appendicnlar part at the base small. Glycimeris. margaritaceu . ovate, truncated forwards Grignon. Lutraria. solenoidess transverse, rugaeform striae; foreside very long; apex rounded, gaping much Mount Marius. elliptica . transverse striae very small Bordeaux. crassidens . solid, opaque, substria ted ; cardinal tooth thick. Mactra. dt'ltoides .' ovato-trigonal, shorter behind ; elegantly plicated by the corselet and lunnle Grignon and Bonrdeaux. Crassatella. tumida." ovato-trigonal; gibbous and thick with age; the foreside angulated ; base transversely snlcated ; margin dentated within. siiiuata.- obliquely trigonal; foreside angulated, winding Bordeaux. striatula.' ovato-trigonal, with numerous fine transverse grooves or strize St Brieux. compressa.' ovato-orbiculate, rather flat; angulated forwards ; trans- verse striae, most prominent at the base Grignon & Conrtagnoii. lamellosa . transversely oblong, with distant erect lamelliform ridges ; valves crennlated Grignon. trigonata . orbicularly trigonal ; transversely grooved ; base rather smooth ; border smooth Grignon. lutissima . elliptical, compressed ; unequally sulcated transversely ; border smooth Saint Iries. Erycina. ketiss orate, polished j striae very fine, transverse; hinge with two teetb. pellucida.' ovato-orbicular ; with one very small tooth. trigona . ovato-triangular ; one smooth tooth. inequilateral.' obovate, tumid, smooth ; two small teeth. fragUif .' ovato-transverse ; thin and pellucid ; two teeth. elliptica .* depressed in the middle ; transverse striae, very fine ; two hinge teeth ; pit intermediate. 215 Corbula. gallic* .' ovate-transverse ; larger valve turgid, finely striated to the base, that being smooth Grignon.' costulata . the less valve with radiating longitudinal i ibs ; base smooth. rugwa.' trigonal, ventricose; thick transverse grooves; angulated forwards, rather pointed Grignon. striata . ovato-transverse ; rather beaked, elegantly striated trans- versely Griguou and Courtagnou. Petrieola. chamoidcs.- ovate, inflated, thick; with longitudinal ruga;, curled and lamellated toward the margin on the upper side; the foreside widest Italy. Psainmotaea. soletioiJes , oWongo-elliptical, smooth ; base ratlier prominent ; hinge about the middle, one toeth-^Grignon, Tellina. paldlaris . elliptical, rather compressed ; fine transverse stria? ; hinge with two teeth Grignon. scalaroides . rotundato-ovate; with transverse, fine, distant raised striae; two teeth Grignon. roslralis . oblongo-transverse, narrow ; transversely sulcated ; beaked on the foreside Grignon. zonaria . ovate, flat ; very finely striated transversely ; brownish mi- equal zones, rather acutely angulated forwards. pat ellaris . approaches to T. remies, Lin. If inch Grignon. scularoides . ovato-elliptical ; transverse strias, raised, distant, and regular, like the steps of a ladder l|inch long Grignon. carinulata . orbiculato-elliptical, rounded at both tides ; rather remote, elevated and carinated stria. sinuata .' ovato-elliptical, short and obtuse forward ; a depression on the disk rendering it sinuous ; striae transverse, very fine Grign. donacialis." ovato-oblique, smooth; very short on the foreside, scarcely inflected ; two wedge-like teeth, one grooved Grignon. rostralis . oblongo-transverse, narrow, transversely sulcated ; the fore- part beaked, subbiangulated ; two very small teeth on one valve, and one on the other Parnes and Grignon. comeola . ovate, subpellncid, angulated forwards ; very small trans- verse stria;. pusilla . ovate, pellucid, smooth, with an oblique small pit added to the hinge tooth- Grignou. rudis .' oblongo-ovate, transverse, rather smooth ; the foreside ob- tusely angulated Grignon. Corbis. lamellosa . transversely elliptical ; cancellated, but on the posterior part, the lamellae only dentated Grignon. petunculug . round, ventricose; cancellated at the back part, the transverse lamellae plaited and serrated Granville. 216 Lucina. mu.ta.Hlis.' orbiculato-ovate, compressed radiating stria inside the valve ; the teeth lost with age. Two teeth, one divided, giving the appearance of three 3 or 4 inches Grignon. cuncentrica . orbicular ; rather flatly convex ; raised concentric la- mellae, with minute longitudinal interstitial striae, sometimes none Grignon. circinana . orbicular ; subaugulate forwards ; very small transverse s trite ; hardly any lateral teeth Grignon. columbella, .' suborbicular; transversely sulcated on the side; base projecting with deep grooves, bowed obliquely Touraine. Donax. retusa . wedge-form, flat, blunt forwards ; fine transverse stria?, mar- gins entire 1 inch wide Parnes. incompleta . ovato-triangular ; smooth, round on the foreside ; two hinge teeth, no lateral ones small Beynes. tellinella.- ova to-oblong, finely striated transversely; remote lateral teeth ; margins entire small Grignon. nitida.- ovato-obloug, smooth, polished ; two lateral teeth small. lunnlata . orbiculato-ovate, flat ; blunt at the foreside, the striae very fine | inch Houdau. obliqua . longitudinal, ovately oblique, smooth ; margins entire ; one tooth on one valve and two on the other; vestiges only of lateral ones. Cyprina. gigas.' large, cordato-rotund, with fine remote stria; large opening beneath the beaks ; lateral teeth obsolete :> inches Italy. islandica .- cordate; striated transversely ; retains epidermis; foreside rather angular ; no posterior depression Sienna. Italy. Piedmontana .' round, thin ; transversely grooved ; posterior opening oblong ; lateral tooth obsolete 2 inches environs de Turin. corrugata.' o vato -cordate ; grooved transversely, with interstitial ver- tical strias ; impression posterior 4- inches Italy. tridacnoides . transversely ovate ; corrugated, striae vertical ; plicated on the upper surface. tenuistria .' longitudinally ovate, thick brown, white within, transverse concentric striae, border crenated ; no posterior opening, with an isolated tooth as in cytherea concentricn. islandicoidfs / roundish ; longer than wide ; cordated, stria trans- versely upwards ; foreside not angulated ; no posterior opening. umbonaria . rounded and cordate, subantiquated ; delicately striated transversely ; base tumid ; no opening beneath the beaks. Venus angulata, Sowerby. Cytherea. erycinoldes .' rather depressed, white spotted with brown, transverse grooves, very obtuse Bordeaux. Analogue, ce do nvlli 2 multilamella .' inequilateral, distinct, transverse grooves Montmarin. scutellaria .' suborbicular, thin, rather flat ; striae distant 2$ inches. demisulcata .' ovato-trigonal ; on the upper part of the foreside trans- versely sulcated ; sides flat ; corselet sunk Grignon. 217 Cytherea, continued. nitidula . ovate, inequilateral ;, small transverse striae, sometimes obso- lete Grignon. polita . ovate, rather flat ; beaks very small, recurved, pointed. antiquata .' trigonal, subcordated, transversely striated; grooves be- neath the beaks \\ inch wide Pontchariu. IcEi-igata.' ohlongo-transverse, smooth, polished; beak obtuse, recurv- ed Grignon. telliwria.' obovato-trigonal, smooth; lunule ovato-oblong Grignon. elegans . ovato-orbiculate ; with transverse, parallel grooves ; lunule ovate inch. deltoidea .' ovato-trigonal ; fine transverse stria? ; hinder side rounded small. corbulina.' suborbicular, ventricose; transverse striae very slight; valves very thick and concave very small. Venus. casinoidca . cordated, oblique, compressed, angulated forwards ; trans- verse, sublamellous grooves, most numerous in the upper part of the valves Italy. Resembles V. casina. paphia , subcordate, subcompressed, oblique, with thick transverse rugae North Carolina. aratina . subcordated, trigonoidal ; concentric, transverse striae ; inner margin crenulated Touraine. obliqua .' long and rounded, rather smooth ; beak obliquely recurved. cullosa .' orbiculato-cordated, subangulate; beaks prominent, obliquely incurved ; valves callous internally, externally striated Grignon. texta .' ovate ; cancellated by the intersections of oblique lines ; la- nule oval. Venericardia. planicosta . obliquely cordated, very thick ; transversely ribbed, rib* flat; entire. Chama rhomboiden, Brocch. petuncularis . orbicular, snbeqnilateral; ribs convex, snbimbricated, laterally muricated Beauvais. imbricata . snborbicular ; ribs convex, imbricatedly squamous, nodose, rough Grignon. a&tticosta / suborbicular ; ribs carinated, squamoso-dentated, rather rough . mitis . suborbicular; numerous, separate, compressed ribs ; back smooth, crennlated behind Boves. senilis.' obliquely cordated, very inequilateral, with large convex, ob- soletely crenulated ribs Angers. coneentrica . snborbicular, rather depressed ; concentric, elevated, la- mellose striae, with grooves Chamont. decussatas suborbicular; longitudinal ribs cancellated by transverse striae ; hinge teeth divaricated Grignon. elegans.' suborbicular; numerous elevated, compressed ribs, backs squamosely serrated Grignon. F f 21 H Cardiuin. distant .' tumid, subequilateral ; sixteen ribs, obtuse, smooth, and dis- tant England. ech'tatum . tumid ; ribs flat, grooved, with thick earformed papilla. IturJigalinum .' gaping forward*, ribs smooth in the middle, errato-spi- nose before, and crenato sqnamous in the hinder part ; border of the opening deeply seriated Bordeaux. parulosum . margin serrated with ligulated teeth; ribs carinated, cre- nulated, and pornlous at their base Grignon. sulcdlinum .- longitudinally sulcated; corselet and Innule smooth. rhnmboidcs.' suMrausverse: sixteen distant ribs, transversely sulrated. diturianuin . angulated in the foie part-, fourteen* ribs, distant, con- vex; corselet raised, subcai iuated Sienna. wrigerum .' thirty ribs, with serraifbrm teeth; sharpest on the fore- .-idr Grignon. Telluris . shaped somevviiat Kkc cardium cardissa ; the carinatcd back of the valves sulcated ; the anteiior side flat; back part convex; with obtuse entire keels Mons and St. Jean d'Asie. lithoctirdimn . subtrilateral; valves with carinated ribs on the back, diminishing upwards, very sharp. cijmlmlaria .' long, subtrilateral; valves with carinated ribs, diminish- ing to points upwards ; longitudinally sulcated Valogne. umbonare .' obliquely cordated; seventeen rib*, transversely striated; base large Sienna. Hillanum .' obliquely cordaied ; transveipp, close, concentric striae ; longitudinally sulcated on the foreside England. hibernicum . rounded; valves snlcated and cammed ; sides trans- veisely produced, pervious at tlie extremity, hinder part shortest, truncated, projecting in the middle England. discors.' subcordated, thin, rather smooth; with longitudinal striae anteriorly, and transverse ones posteiir.r!y. poruloium . subcordated ; edge serrated ; ribs raised, crenulated, carinated, thin, poruious at the base. aspemlum .' roundish, cor^ated, >ubecliii^ited ; numerous stibsqunmous convex ribs, about tbirty-tw o ; with erect fornicated tquamae. calcitrapoides .' roundish cordated ; fore part echinated; convex ribs, twenty to twenty-two, mostly smooth, bot sharp in the fore part. Cardita. ga.ttica.na: romided'y riiomboidal, obliqne; ribs radiating, subsqmt- mose ; upward, the squamae more distant Angers. rudista : obliquely cordated, transverse; ribs round, separated; sqiiamose'.y echinated in the forepart Siemia. F.lrusca: obliquely cordated ; ribs nearly fl^t and smooth Sienna. crassa: oblong, rather winding backwards; ribs thick, rounded, im- bricatedly squamose; squamae obtuse. Cypricardia. caralliophapa : thin, oblong, rather cylindrical ; decussatedly striated ; compressed before ; marginal striae prominent in lamina? Italy. mndiolaris: oval-oblong; tumid; transverse, bowed striae; Iiinuie ovate, impressed Caen. 219 Cypricardia, continued. obliqua: obliquely cordated, convex, rather smooth; upper border rounded ; no transverse striae Mouliers. trigona: cordato-trigona!, short: with very small transverse striae. Isocardia. Cor: cordato-globose, smooth Italy. arietina: oblongo-cordate, with deep longitudinal grooves; bases large, terminating in two contorted turns Italy. Cucullaea. crassatina: subcordated, ventricose, with interrupted longitudinal grooves, sometimes none; a very short internal auricle Beauvais. Area. scapha: transversely oblong, veutrifose, many ribbed; the ribs flat; nmbos oblique Demifossil Timor. diluvii : ovato-transverse, ventricose, many ribbed ; ribs thirty-two to tliirty-six, fiat, transversely striated ; area sloping ; margin crenated 2 inches wide Plaisance. biungula : transversely oblong; decussated, with grannlato-squamous striae, the foreside produced, with two angles lj inch wide. scapulina: oblongo-ovate ; transverse, windingly contracted in the middle; with longitudinal grooves closely granulated Grignon. Area barbatula, Anuales dii Mus. interrupta: ovato-oblong ; transverse, depressed, longitudinally groov- ed ; hinge interrupted, with few teeth ; beaks contiguous Fames. clathrata: ovato- trans verse, depressed, finely cancellated ; foreside oblique, beaks approximated f inch Angers. angusta: transversely oblong ; narrow, rather depressed; decussated; beaks approximated Grignon. quadrilatera : transverse, oblongo-qnadrate, windiugly depressed iu the middle, decussating striae ; the long stride most conspicuous. myti loides : oblong, very smooth, obsoletely striated longitudinally ; valves compressed in the middle Plaisance. Pectunculus. puliinattis: orbiculated, transverse, snbequilateral ; with longitudinal grooves and striae -, beaks small Grignon. Analogue of P. glycemeris ? ear: obliquely cordate; tumid; with longitudinal, rather distinct grooves ; base subturgid Bordeaux. oboi-utus : convex, subeqnilateral ; very thick, superior margin round- ed ; no longitudinal stria; Weissenstein. planicostalis : ovato-orbiculatc; ribs numerous, small, flat, angular on one side ; transverse striae obsolete Pontchartrain. transcersus : elliptical transversely, rather tumid ; equilateral ; re- mote longitudinal grooves, with very fine decussating striae. nitdicardo: transversely elliptical, lun-.id , hinge, without teeth in the middle ; but few at the extremities. subconcentricus : suboval, rounded, convex, longitudinally striated; some distant, transverse, concentric grooves on the upper part. An P. desnssatus, Sowprby .' 220 Pectunculus, continued. nummiformis : lenticular, not eared, rather smooth ; transversely con- centric, and longitudinal stria?, blended or separate Touraine. pygmtBus : orbicular, subequilateral, depressedly convex, small, with transverse and decussating longitudinal striae Grignon. nuculatus : inequilateral, obliquely transverse; very fine transverse striae , beaks conniving Grignon. Nucula. rostralis : transverse, oblong, gradually rostrated forwards, base tumid , corselet concave, lanceolated Bourgogne. emarginata : ovate ; striae obliquely transverse ; foreside produced. deltoidea : triangular, inflated ; foreside obliquely truncated ; rounded backward ; corselet flat Grignon. ptacentina : ovately transverse ; rattier large, oblique, longitudinally striated, pearly within, margin crenulated. margaritacea : obliquely ovate, subtriaugular, rather smooth, internally pearly ; prominent hinge tooth Grignon. ttriata : ovate, subplicated forwards, with elegant transverse stria- ; no hinge tooth Grignon. Trigonia. tcabra : ovato-trigonal, produced forwards, with transverse tubeicu. latedly scabious ribs. T. spinosa?St. Paul-Trois chateaux. crenulata : ovato-trigonal, produced forwards, many ribbed ; ribs trans- verse, bowed, obliquely crenated, with numerous oblong crenula- tions -Mons. asperu: ovato-trigonal, subcompressed, produced forwards; ribs trans- verse, remote, tuberculatedly rough ; corselet raised, more smooth,' but carinated. tUedalea: ovato-rhomboidal, subangulated, rather depressed, forepart with rather large hemispherical tubercles in transverse rows ; hinder, with smaller tubercles in varying directions Coulaines. nan'.? : ovato-trigonal ; extended and compressed forwards ; longitudi- nal tuberculato-nodose ribs ; hinder area flat, transversely ribbed. costata: ovatu-angulated ; trigonal; ribs smooth, transverse; corselet large, longitudinally grooved, carinated in the upper part Havre. lulcataria: trigonal, subcuneated, produced anteriorly, and becoming thinner ; posterior transverse and 'anterior longitudinal grooves ; corselet striated transversely. sinuosa: ovato-angulated, trigonal; transverse smooth ribs, sinuously angular ; corselet smooth. rugosa: ovato-trigonal, depressed, subangulated, with transverse ru> gaeform ribs; anterior ones smooth, posterior subtuberculated. crassatellina : trigonal, depressed, with transverse angularly plaited grooves ; margin crenulated. cardissoides : cordated, depressed on the sides, valves raised iu a flat keel on the back ; beaks prominent, rather remote. Assumed to be of this genu, but the hinge not known. 221 Trigonia, continued. inflata: trigonal, turgid, produced forwards, wedge-shaped, rather smooth, truncated behind ; the posterior area much cordated. Bourguet, Petrif. 15 "3. arcuata : trigonal ; longitudinal, bowed ribs ; obsolete, decussating transverse grooves ; beaks compressed. Chama. lbtusvs triatus ringuis Mantiet Wilsoni ateralis nplicata 12( 268 269 27( 27 11 8^ 83 mnctata 15 subrotunda ornithocephala 10 15 10 'ampas digona obovata intermedia obsoleta concinna media tetraedra cornea inconstans dimidiata ptctinata Strata. Chalk marl. ditto MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. ditto ( Lower oolite. Green sand. ( Above the London clay. Green sand. London clay. Above the London clay. ditto ditto MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. ditto ditto f Mountain limestone. Clay of I upper oolite. f Mountain limestone. Green \ sand. Chalk marl. r Coal shale. Blue lias marble \ (Marston). Marly sandstone of lower oolite. f Ditto. Cornbrash. Chalk \ marl. Upper lias clay. Cornbrash. Lower oolite ditto ditto f Lower oolite. Oxford clay. I Cornbrasii. Cornbrash. Cornbrash. Green sand. Cornbrash. Crag. Clay in oolite. ditto ditto Great oolite. Upper chalk. Kimmeridge clay. Green sand, Devon. Green sand ditto? 235 Genera. Species. Strata. TEREBRATULA yra Green sand. semiglobosa 18 Chalk marl. subundata Upper chalk. tlicatilis 118 ditto octoplicata ditto obliqua 277 ditto ovoides 100 Green sandstone in Alluvium. lata ditto GRYPHJEA. MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. incurca 112 Blue lias. Kelloway stone. Crag. (Under oolite. Chinch clay. dilatata J4< Portland freestone. London clay, Alluvia. CARDIUM. MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. hybernicum 82 ditto elongatum ditto killanum 14 Green sand, Devon. proboscideum 156 ditto umbonatum ditto semigranu- \ 144 Zofww / London clay. nit ens 1- ditto Parkinsoni 49 Crag HELIX. /4th LIMESTONE, above the 1 MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE. carinalus 10 ditto GewJii 145 Green sand. g-Zofcosiis Above the London clay. LJNGVLA. COAL SHALE. mytilloides 1 9 ditto tennis London day. otalis Crag. VNIO. COAL SHALE. Green sand. quudricostata 66 ditto qulnquc costata ditto licateri 158 Chalk marl. cornea 204 London clay. ASTARTE. UNDER OOLITE. lurida 137 ditto elegans ditto exeat at a 233 ditto incata 171 f Oaktree clay over Sussex marble, L or Kimmeridge clay. cuncata 137 Portland stone. ilanata '257 Indurated marl at Guntou. ilana. 179 Crag. obliquuta ditto TRIGONIA. UNDER OOLITE. costata 85 ditto iriuta 237 ditto clavellata 87 ditto gibbosa 236 Tisbury limestone. \uplicaia V38 ditto l&dalea 8 Green sand, Devon. pinosa 86 ditto ccenfrica 208 ditto aj^nis i.'37 ditto CVCULLMA. UNDER OOLITE. v % blonga 206 ditto 'ccussata ditto arinala 207 Green sand, Devon. fibrosa ditto "labra 67 Green sand. NERITA. UNDER OOLITE. (Evigata 217 ditto LUTRARIA. inuosa Cliilmarsli, near Tisbury. MIDDLE or GREAT OOLITE. "ibbosa -12 Middle oolite. mbigua 227 Cornbrash. caii ^26 Corubrasb. Upper oolite. irattt '2 l & Limestone at Norton Edge. 238 OSTREA. VENUS. MIDDLE OOLITE. amplus 7 ditto. pectinatus 282 Kimmeridge clay. antiquorum 275 Crag. akeformis 275 ditto GREAT OOLITE. acuminat l"7 ^ F u '' ers ' earth of great oolite. Clay 1 { over oolite, and on Wooburn sand Marshii 48 Cornbrash. palmetto, 111 Oxford clay. deltoidea 148 f Oxford clay. Kimmeridge clay. 1 Clay over Sussex marble. gregaria 111 Coral rag. Green sand. expansa 238 Tisbury limestone. undulata Farley, near Salisbury. Meadii 252 Somersetshire. -, canaliculala 135 Upper chalk. Iffnpr 0^*9 tcner -6 O2 Charlton. gigantea 64 London clay. milchra 279 London clay and gravel. flabelhilu 253 ditto ossil oysters occur also in the Lias formation. CORNBRASH. raricosa 245 ditto lineolata 20 Green sand. planus ditto angulata 65 ditto equalis 21 Green sand. Crag. incrassata 155 London clay. margaritacea 297 ditto gibbosa Crag. rustica 196 ditto (en^brinu 203 ditto turgida 256 ditto CORNBRASH. minima 295 ditto fener 295 Kelloway stone. rostrata 295 Upper oolite. sulcata 295 Loud, clay (only a single individual) CORNBRASH. lanceolata 281 Neighbourhood of Scarborough*. marg-an/acea London clay. 1SOCARDIA. PINNA. * I have taken the liberty to place this fossil under the Cornbrash, from the appearance of the matrix of that which I possess. I think that the Rev. Mr. Marsh, of Felmersham, has favoured me with fragments of this fossil from his neighbourhood. 239 Genera. Species. Strata. VERMICULA- \ RIA. ) urata 57 UPPER OOLITE. ditto concata. Green sand. umbonata Chalk marl. SOLARIUM. crassa London clay. UPPER OOLITE. conoideum 11 ditto HA MITES. discoideum 11 oatulum 10 spinulosus 216 tennis 61 London clay, ditto GREEN SAND, DEVON. ditto Chalk marl. rotundus ditto attcnuatus ditto compressus adpressus maximus 69 ditto ditto ditto intennedivs ditto gibbosus armatus ditto ditto spiniger 216 lodosus ditto ditto ubei-culatus ditto urgidus licatulis 23^] ditto ditto CHAM A. analiculata 25 GREEN SAND, DEVON. ditto laliotidea ditto recurvata 26 ditto conica ditto >licata ditto CORBULA. digit at a 174 cevigata &09 globosa ditto GREEN SAND, DEVON, ditto ditto risum gigantea revoluta London clay, ditto ditto ARCA. GREEN SAND carinata fa ditto subacutn Chalk marl. PERNA. Branderi 276 appendiculata Crag, ditto GREEN SAND. aviculoides 66 Blue marl under green sand. 240 Genera. Species. Strata. VIVIPARAr GREEN SAND. extensa? S ditto fltiviorum Sussex marble. lenta London clay. condnna ditto suboperta Crag. D I AN CHORA. GREEN SAND. striata 8 ditto lata Lower chalk TURRILITES. GREEN SAND. coslata 3 Green sand. Chalk marl. obliquu 7 Green sand. tuberculatu 7 Chalk marl. undulata ? ditto SCAPHITES. GREEN SAND. equalis 1 ditto obliquu ,s Chalk marl. NUCULA. CHALK MARL. pectinala 19 ditto minima London clay. similis ditto Cobboldia 18 Crag. anceolata ditto Icecigata ditto MAG AS. CHALK. wmilis Upper chalk. INFUNDIBU. \ /LONDON CLAY, SAND LVM. J I UNDER ihinulatum ditto obliquum 97 ditto rectum ditto uberculatum ditto pinulosum ditto ectum Crag. PECTUNCULUS. LONDON CLAY. tlumstediensis 27 ditto ostatus ditto 'fcussatus ditto EMARGINULA. LONDON CLAY. crassa 33 ditto eticuluta London clay. Crag./ CYPRJEA. LONDON CLAY. viformis 4 ditto OLIVA. LONDON CLAY. Iranderi 288 ditto Salisburiana ditto ANCILLA. LONDON CLAY. veniformis 99 ditto urritdla ditto 241 Genera. Species. Strata. CASSIS. LONDON CLAY. riuta 6 ditto arinata ditto catenatas 151 Crag. AMPULLARIA. LONDON CLAY. cuta 284 ditto atula ditto igaretina ditto NAT 1C A. LONDON CLAY. 'aucinoides b ditto milis ditto epressa Crac. ROSTELLARIA. LONDON CLAY. u-idit 9 1 ditto mosa ditto nacroptera 29[< ditto SCALARIA. LONDON CLAY. emicostata 16 ditto icuta ditto milis Crag. TEREBELLUM. LONDON CLAY. fusiforme 287 ditto SERAPHS. LONDON CLAY. mvolutus 286 ditto PLEUROTOMA. LONDON CLAY. ttcnuata 146 ditto xorta ditto ostrata ditto cuminata ditto omma ditto emicolon ditto olon ditto CERITHIUM. LONDON CLAY. melanoides 147 ditto gerninatum 127 ditto tyramidale ditto funatum 12 ditto funiculutum 14 ditto intermedium ditto dnliium ditto cornucopite 18 ditto giganteum ditto FUSUS. LONDON CLAY. longatus 60 ditto hifnsciatus 22 ditto acunmiatvs 27 ditto asper ditto rugosus ditto Imllnformis ?9 ditto I 1 242 Genera. Species. Strata. VOLUTA. LONDON CLAY. magorum 290 ditto luctator 1 15 ditto ambigua ditto spinosa ditto costata 290 ditto magorum ditto Lambert i 119 London clay. Craa;. MUREX. LONDON CLAY. latus 35 ditto Bartonensis ditto trilineatus ditto coniferus 1 87 ditto regularis ditto carinella ditto fistulosus 189 ditto gradatus ditto tuber osus 229 ditto mi mix ditto tubtfer i 89 ditto cristatus 230 ditto coronalus ditto rugosus 199 ditto , curtuS ditto striatus 2* Crag. contrarius ditto rugosus 34 ditto corneus 35 ditto costellifer 1 99 ditto echinatus ditto VENERTCARDIA LONDON CLAY. planicosta 50 ditto deltoidea 268 ditto carinata 259 ditto senilis 258 Crag. SANGUINO- \ LARIA. } LONDON CLAY. Hollowaysii 159 ditto SOLEN. LONDON CLAY. affinis 3 ditto TEREDO. LONDON CLAY. antenautte 1 02 ditto BALANUS. LONDON CLAY. tesse talus ,84 ditto cras.sus ditto BUCCINUM. CRAG. elongatum 1 10 ditto granulatum 110 ditto 243 Genera. Specjes. Strata* BUCCINUM. rugosum Crag. reticosum ditto EBURNA. CRAG. fglabrata'Q.'R.I I HI. 5,255 ditto TELLINA. CRAG. obliqua 161 ditto ovata ditto obtusa 179 ditto PHOLAS. CRAG. cylindricits 198 ditto PHASIANELLA. SAND ABOVE LONDON CLAY. orbicularis 175 ditto minuta ditto angulosa 178 ditto LYMNEA. SAND ABOVE LONDON CLAY. fusiformis 169 ditto minima ditto CYCLAS. SAND ABOVE LONDON CLAY, deperdita? 162 ditto cuneiformis ditto obovata ditto. 244 The following LIST of FOSSILS of the MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE and the TRANSITION LIMESTONE near CORK, kindly communicated by Mr. Miller, the Author of the Natural History of the Crinoidea, is, in many respects, extremely valuable, and particu- larly, from its showing the general accordance of the Fossils with those of the corresponding formations of this Island. Fossils of the Mountain Limestone, near Cork. Nautilus, an unfigured species deeply umbilicated, showing from three to four volutions ; septa slightly undulated. Ellipsolites ovatus, Sowerby, Tab. xxxvii. compressus, Sow. Tab. xxxviii ) These two Ellipsolites are evi- funatus, Sow. Tab. xxxii ) dently compressed Ammonites. Orthocera striata, Sow. Tab. Iviii. Euomphalus pentangularis, Sow. Tab. xlv, fig. 1 , 2. Cirrus accut us, Sow. Tab. cxli, Jig. 1. Natica, undescribed. Cardium hibemicum, Sow. Tab. Ixxxii, Jig. 1, 2. Terebratula lateralis, Sow. Tab. Ixxxiii, fig. 1. Spirifer cuspidatus, Sow. Tab. cxxx. .... pinguis, Sow. Tab. cclxxi. .... trigonalis, Sow. Tab. cclxr. .... striatus, Sow. Tab. cclxx. Product us scabricu lus, Sow. Tab. Ixix, Jig. 1. ...... undescribed ; frequently much compressed. Trilobite, similar to that in mountain limestone near Bristol. Platyciinites Itevis, Miller's Crinoidea, p. 74. Round crinoidal columns of a Cyathocrinites? Amplexus corralloides, Sowerby, Tab. Ixxii : this has no claim to be consi- dered as a multilocular shell, but is a coral approaching to the genus Caryophillia. Flustra, assuming sometimes a conic runnel-shaped form. Turbiiiolia. Transition Limestone. Orthocera unulata, Sowerby, Tab. cxxxiii; Park. Org. Rem. Vol. Ill, PI. vii, fig. 14. circulai-is, Sow. Tab. Ix, fig. 6 and 7. pyramidalis 1 Fleming's Annals of Phil. Mtsc.1815. sulcata, ibid. Conttlaria quadrisulcata, Sowerby, Tab. cclx, Jig. 2 to 6. Euomphalus rugosus, Sow. Tab. lii, fig. t. discors, Sow. Tab. lii, ,/zg. 1. ...... angulosus, Sow. Ta6. lii, ^ig 1 . 3. (Delphinula), Park. Org^. .Re/n. Vol. Ill, Pi. v, ^. 18. //e/io; striutus, Sow. Ta6. clxxi, ^. 1. Tubulites geniculatus natwforscher, Sow. Tafc. iv, fig . 2. Pentamerus Knightii, Sow. Ta&. xxviii. Aylesfordii, Sow. Tat. xxix. beet's, Sow. Tab. xxviii. Terebratultt, with the perforated beak not incurved. Trllobitc, Park. Org-. Um. Vol. Ill, Tab. xvii, ./&. 11, 14, 19. Tab. xvii, fig. 17. Cyathocrinites rugosus, Miller's Crinoidea, p. 89. Rhodocrinites vents. Mill. Cronoidea, p. 106. Actinocrinites? moniliformis, Mill. Cronoidea, p. 115. Tubipora catenulata, Park. Org-. Kewz. Vol. II, Taft. iii, ^/ig-. 4 to 6. Astrea lithostrotion, a larger species than Astrea basaltiformis figured by Lhwydd and Parkinson. Madrepora truncata, Park. Org-. Rem. Vol. II, Tab. v, fig. 2. Madreporite, Park. Org. Rem. Vol. II, Ta6. vii,^/?g-. 3. i Ta6. vii, fig. 10. Favosites. 246 Order of Arrangement of Shells in the different Forma- tions. -It has been conjectured by some naturalists who had become convinced of the comparatively late creation of land animals and of man, that the peopling of this pla- net had commenced, in the enduing with the principles of life, beings of the simplest forms and organization ; and, that by the influence of certain external causes, acting through passing ages, those changes had been gradually wrought in succeeding animals, from which have resulted the numerous differences which constitute the various tribes: rising from the almost lifeless sponge to the highly complex and more perfect ani- mal, man. On this hypothesis it might have been ex- pected that those beings which had possessed life under its most simple modifications, would be found in the earliest formed strata ; and that, in proportion to the lateness of the period at which the stfata were formed, would be the degree of complexity in the or- ganization of the inhabitants whose remains they would contain. But investigation has ascertained, and the preceding table manifests most decidedly, at least, with respect to the class of animals of which we are now treating, that such a conjecture is ill founded. In the carboniferous and the mountain limestone are the remains of shells of the earliest creation, which are un- expectedly found, with hardly an exception, to exceed, in complexity of structure, all the shells which have been discovered, either in any subsequent formation, or living in our present seas. It is in this early cre- ation that those shells are found which possess that complicated structure, very rarely found in the shells of this day, which enabled their inhabitants to rise and sink with them in the water. Such are the many-cham- bered univalves, the Nautilus, Ammonites, Orthocera- 247 i tites, &c. The bivalves and multi valves of that era also seem to have been endued with a similar property. The curious structure of Spirifer, PL VII, Jig. 15, and the multilocular construction of Productus of Martin, PI. VII, fig. 13 ; of Pentamerus, PI. X, fig. 7 ; Am- plexus, PL VI, fig. 16, and of Conularia, PL VI, fig. 17, imparted, in all probability, to their inhabitants, a power of a similar kind. The fissure, noticed in one of the valves of the shells, bearing a close analogy with the Productus of Martin, and figured, Organic Remains, Vol. Ill, PL XVI, fig. 10, may, with reason, be sup- posed to have been also part of an arrangement for- en- abling the animal to accomplish a corresponding process. But the existence in the mountain limestone, and others of the "early strata, of shells bearing the form of the snail-shell, is a circumstance so apparently contra- dictory to the notions which have been just suggested, and, indeed, to opinions which are very generally en- tertained, that it should not pass as supported by the authority of Mr. Sowerby, without determining how far that authority has been given. The first fossil of this kind, which is noticed by Mr. Sowerby, is Helix Carinatus (Min. Conch. Tab. X), found in the grey limestone, near Settle in Yorkshire ; after which he saw the cast of a shell found in the mi- caceous sand formation near the Devizes, Helix Crentii t of which he says : " I presume it to be an Helix, as somewhat according with Tab. X." But on the subse- quent examination of two other fossils of the mountain limestone, Mr. Sowerby was led to observe: " Had not the general form strongly resembled the Helix abovementioned, I might have been induced to have placed this as a Trochus, although it does not posi- tively accord with the characters of that genus. I might have formed a new genus of the two, to which the following species should have been added, did they 248 not differ materially from each other in the characters which should distinguish it: besides, the aperture is .very imperfect in them all. It is probable that other species may be found, and that by their help, and that of more perfect specimens, the genera they belong to may be determined, or the characters of new ones ascertained; and this is the more desirable, as they appear from their localities to be marine inhabitants, rather than land shells *." In consequence of the agreement in form of the first mentioned shell with the latter ones, they become all involved in the same ambiguity : possessing the exterior characters of the snail-shells of the present day, and being imbedded among the earliest shells, those which possessed the power of rising and sinking themselves in the water. But a question here arises, and it is pre- sumed that on these subjects, involved in the darkness of distant ages, questions and conjectures founded on analogy may be allowed : May not these shells have been actually of a genus different from Helix; and might not they have been furnished with such a struc- ture as gave them the same powers as were possessed by their associates ? This conjecture derives support from the fact, that shells of such a description exist even now in the seas of the warm climates. Such is lanthina, PI. V,fig. 23 : this shell had always been considered as a Helix by Li nna3iis, and by his successors, until the time of La- marck, who determined it to be necessary to place it in a distinct genus. He ascertained that the inhabitant of this shell differed 'essentially from the snail. That organ which would by its situation be considered as the foot in the snail, was found not to be formed for crawling but for swimming; being covered with air bladders " Min. Condi., Vol. II, p. 159. 249 which could be filled or emptied according to the im- pulse of the animal. The shell, which is very thin with four whirls in its spire, is, like the fossil shells of the same form found in the mountain limestone, striated both longitudinally and transversely, and, as if to diminish its gravity, possesses no solid columella*. When the sea is calm, the lanthines, it is said, are seen, in great numbers, swimming on the surface of the sea with their shells reversed, by means of their distended air-bladders ; but on the sea becoming agi- tated, the air in the bladders is absorbed, the animals contract within their shells, and the whole immediately sink. This power is, indeed, possessed by other shell ani- mals of the present day, besides the lanthines; the Lymnaa Stagnate (Le Grand buccin de Geoffroy) is known to swim on the surface of the water in a re- versed position, and, when desirous of returning to the bottom, it compresses itself within the shell, thus ex- pelling the air which had supported it; and, by this simple process, sinks immediately to the bottom. The opinion that these shells of early creation, bear- ing the external characters of snails, might have been natant animals, having the power of swimming "to the surface, like their associates, derives some confirma- tion from analogy ; since the multilocular, natant shells are not only found in their own peculiar forms, as Nau- tili, Ammonita, &c., but have also assumed the pecu- liar form, as in Turrilites, of unilocular, turriculated shells, which do not appear to have been created until a much later period. In the lias formation, which succeeds to the mountain limestone, the contained fossils differ considerably from those which preceded them : only a few species of * This is also the ca*e with Cirrus, and, perhaps, with Euomphattu. Kk 250 some of the multilocular univalves, and of the terebra- tulas, being here discoverable. The fossil shells found in this formation chiefly consist of bivalves of the genus Ostrea, Gryphcea, Plagiostoma, Plicatula, Avicula, Afya, and Cardita, with the single trochiform shell, Trochus Anglicanus of Lister, not perhaps met with in any of the succeeding strata ; a shell of the genus Heli- cina, and the first simple unilocular shell bearing a tur- viculated form, being a species of the genus Melania. In the strata above the lias, belonging to the Under Oolite, as well as in those of the Middle and Upper Oolite, including the Cornbrash, Kelloway Rock, &c. numerous genera are found which are not known in the preceding subjacent formations. The small proportion which the univalves bear to the bivalves, which was ob- servable in the preceding formation, is here more ob- vious. Various species are found of Pecten, Lima, Astarte, Trigonia, Lutraria, Mytilus, Modiola, Venus, and Isocardia, with the tubular shell Vermicularia, and the single univalve Solarium. In the superjacent green sand formation, including the whetstone of Devonshire, many new genera of bi- valves are found : Cardium, Corbula, Perna, Dianchora, Nuwda, Venericardia, occur here, with the simple tur- riculated shells of the genus Turritella, and the sub- globose univalve, Auricula. Here, also, are first found the multilocular turriculated shells of the genus Turri- lites and the hooked shells of the genus Hamites. The blue marl and the chalk marl which next super- vene, display the genus Scaphites and Inoceramus, with the oval multilocular shells, distinguished in this work as Ammonellipsites and Nautellipsites, and some other curiously formed multilocular shells much resembling, in their general characters, Nautili and Ammonites; and deriving their peculiar forms, perhaps, merely from compression. 251 The chalk, although containing many interesting spe- cies of the genera which had appeared in preceding strata, has perhaps only two genera of shells which originated in the waters by which it was deposited, Crania and Alagas. The fossil shells which are found in the immense stra- tum of blue clay resting on the chalk, manifest that a considerable difference existed between the inhabitants of the waters by which the two formations had been deposited. Hardly a shell is to be found in the blue clay of any genus which has been seen in the chalk. The waters from which the clay and the succeeding crags proceeded, appear to have been chiefly stored with testaceous animals differing from any which had been before in existence. This formation is remarkably characterised by the simple univalves, which in the pre- ceding formations had existed, comparatively, in small numbers, but which now seem to have come into ex- istence in a very predominant superiority. A slight view of the shells of this formation, with occasional reference to those of the preceding formations, it is presumed, will lead to interesting and useful conclu- sions. Of the multilocular univalves, or of the bivalves of complicated structure, occurring so frequently in the earlier formations, perhaps none are to be found in the blue clay except such as have been dislodged, by allu- vial action, from the early matrices in which they had been originally imbedded. About thirty- two genera of bivalves had been found in the more antient strata, and only five or six new genera have been found in the blue clay ; but, on the other hand, the more antient strata had been found to contain only twelve or fourteen genera of simple turbinated or turriculated univalves ; whilst the blue clay, and its accompanying sands and crag, have yielded thirty-two genera of turriculated 252 shells : twenty-five of which, with about sixteen other genera not known to have yet existed in a mineralised state, people the waters of the present world with the myriads supplied by their numerous species. We hence learn, that almost all the waters from which have proceeded strata containing testaceous re- mains were inhabited by genera, many of which, though multiplied in numerous species, and in myriads of indi- viduals, have become entirely extinct; the proofs of their having existed being only to be traced in their en- tombed and mineralized remains. We thus also learn, that, in the succeeding waters, new and totally different beings filled the deficiencies which had been thus oc- casioned. These circumstances, observed in all, is more distinctly manifested in the later formations of the chalk and blue clay. Of the genera of fossil shells which exist in the chalk, hardly an individual can be detected in the blue clay ; but in their places are found the remains of shells not known to exist in any of the preceding strata. Investigation has ascertained them to be the remains of an entirely new series of animals ; not formed by the gliding of one genus into another, or by changes induced in the structure of the animals by the gradual and continued agency of external circum- stances ; but, as far as the state of our knowledge will allow us to judge, by a new creation, adapted to the nature of the fluid, for the peopling of which it was decreed; and to the especial purposes which Provi- dence had destined it to accomplish in future ages. Links varying from each other by minute determin- ate characters, and secured in their integrity, and in their connection with each other, by certain laws de- creed at the beginning, are, in all probability, the no- tions which are in general conveyed by the figurative expression of the chain of creation : the loss of a sin- gle link being supposed to be productive of disturb- ance, and ultimately of the annihilation of the whole. 253 By those who have been misled by this figure to the adoption of the idea of a concatenation of beings de- pendent on each other for their existence, the opinions now proposed must be rejected. They are, however, it is hoped, most accordant with a reverential idea of the great Creator ; who is thus supposed to have con- . ducted from the beginning, and to be still directing, the affairs of the world, by a special care and providence, to the termination of some certain period, and for the accomplishment of great and important purposes. The geological enquirer will derive some assistance from the examination of fossil shells, whilst endea- vouring to ascertain how far the earth contained in the testaceous and crustaceous coverings of marine animals has contributed to the formation of calcareous rocks. It has been conjectured, that besides adding to the bulk of the limestone or chalk by the accumulation of their remains still bearing their original forms, that they have also contributed to the surrounding matrix by a solu- tion and subsequent precipitation of the lime which had entered into their composition. If this had been the case, we might expect to find those remains which still bear their original forms, manifesting eveiy degree of resolu- tion, from the slightest influence of the agent in de- stroying the finest striae to the smoothing of ridges, and even the diminution or removal of projecting points. But nothing of this is discoverable in the fossils of either the flint, the limestone, or the chalk. In the latter, which, by the fineness and purity of its sub- stance, gives strong evidence of its having been depo- sited by precipitation, not the slightest appearance of chemical action on its contained fossil shells is observ- able. If preserved at all, they are preserved with their sharpest ridges and minutest points in the most perfect state. 254 Shells of alternating Marine and Fresh-water Forma- tions. On examining the crags, the beds of gravel and fossil shells lying over the London clay, numerous fossil shells are found approximating in their characters to the recent shells of our present seas. These, it has been supposed, are the remains of the inhabitants of that sea which covered, at a very distant period, the surface of the planet, and which were left by it when it was withdrawn to its present level. On this point no de- cisive opinion can be offered : it cannot, however, fail to call to our contemplation the consequences of that revolution which this planet sustained, when its surface was broken up, and extensive tracts entirely removed, even to the solid granite, by the inconceivable agen- cies of Divine power. To give to the world, formed anew from the shattered fragments of that which preceded it, that state and form which were requisite for the purposes to which it had been decreed by the Almighty, numerous and ex- tensive operations must have been ordained ; and from some of these, it is not improbable that the phenomenon just mentioned may have resulted ; and to similar causes may, perhaps, be referred numerous other phenomena observable in the structure of the earth. One of these, the appearance of considerable tracts, bearing marks of the sea and fresh water having borne alternate sway over them, demands the earnest attention of those who have engaged in these studies. That the tracts here referred to have been formed partly by deposition from fresh water, is supposed to be proved by the near agreement of many of the fossil shells which they contain, with those which are now to be found actually living in our rivers and marshes, and on the surface of the earth. The first of these, consi- dered as the lower fresh-water formation, is found over 255 fossil sea shells : and in France, with alternate beds of gypsum and of marl, and with the remains of land ani- mals which, it is supposed, inhabited the borders of the lakes in which the inhabitants of those shells lived. Above this formation are found marine shells, and above these, another fresh-water formation. From these facts M. Brongniart inferred that these different beds demonstrated the repeated alternations of sea and of fresh water on the same tract ; and that, at the period when the sea was forming marbles, schists, Sec., the fresh-water lakes might also have had the qua- lity of depositing stony beds, such as gypsum, fresh- water marbles, Sec., and of enveloping in them the ani- mals and vegetables which lived in these waters, or on their borders. But, whilst forming these opinions, M. Brongniart found it necessary to admit that the formation of gypsum might also have taken place both in fresh and in salt water ; and was obliged to allow, that in some places, as in the quarries of Beauchamp, the river and the sea shells are really mixed together. These opinions, particularly as to the alternation of deposition, have been strongly opposed by Messrs, de la Metherie, Brard, and Faujas St. Fond. By the first of these it is said, that as laud shells are found in these formations, they, as well as the bones of the land ani- mals, must have beeu carried in by currents ; and, there- fore, it is probable, that the fresh- water shells might also have been carried into the sea in the same manner, and thus have formed the present beds. M. Brard and Faujas St. Fond are of opinion, that all shells, previous to these depositions, existed in water of the same nature ; but that, in the process of time, perhaps from the increase of the saltness of the sea, a separa- tion took place, the inhabitants of the shells which are at present found in fresh water, or on land, having mi- 256 grated to situations more congenial to their nature*. M. Faujas St. Fond, too, having found Ampullaria and Melanice, with a shell much resembling those of the genus Planorbis in bituminous marl between beds of coal, concluded that their presence here could only be accounted for by supposing them to have been brought by the torrents of an overwhelming sea ; and takes the opportunity of thus attacking Cuvier, who had pointed out the errors he had committed whilst describing some of the fossils of Maestricht. " Those (he says) who please themselves with their systems of lakes, finding here the remains of various animals, suppose that these animals of the burning zones had their dwellings on the sides of these lakes, where they came to quench their thirst : that the peaceable stag, the fragments of whose antlers are found petrified by the side of the large, the medium, and the small Paleotheriums, lived here in company with animals equally unsociable ; and that the borders of these charming fresh-water lakes, shaded by African or Asiatic palms, were the delightful asylums of animals of such opposite genera : for it was not pos- sible to deny the existence of these palms, said those who possessed these grand ideas, since there had been found some pieces of petrified trunks above, as well as beneath, the remains of these quadrupeds. No more, in a word, was wanting than to bring into this scene, birds who should come to drown themselves and then to become incrusted with gypsum, to complete a zoological collection, unique in its kind; and thus to deny to the waters of the sea the power of producing equally astonishing accumulations of fossil organic bodies f." With the hope of ascertaining which of these hy- potheses had the best foundation, recourse was had * Annales du Mus. Tom. XIV, p. 314. t Ibid. Tom. XV, p. 155, 257 to more strict examinations of the fossil shells which had been discovered in these fresh-water tracts, which led to the proposal for a more illustrative arrangement of them. M. Brard, upon examining the masses containing Lymnece, Planorbes, and other fresh-water shells, found also shells which had hitherto been considered as sea shells, a species of Cerithium, for instance ; and re- marks, that this circumstance had been passed silently over by Brongniart and Cuvier. He adds too, that these supposed fresh-water shells are sometimes found scattered among a multitude of acknowledged sea shells, as, Oysters, Venus s, &c. He, also, in answer to M. Brongniart's having asserted that these fossil shells " were alike in every respect to those which we find in our marshes," declares that they differ deci- dedly ; that there is not one of them whose living ana- logue is to be found among the fresh-water shells of France ; and observes, that Bulimus pygmaus, whose fresh-water origin had been assumed, agrees, in some respects, with shells found in the calcareous rocks of Mayence, and which had been supposed to have been of fresh-water origin ; but the living analogues of which Faujas St. Fond had found on the shores of the French ocean and of the Mediterranean Seas, as well as in some of the salt-water marshes. M. Brard adds, that in five places out of six where he had found the Lym- nece, &c. they were imbedded in isolated blocks, which, he supposes, had been broken up from the sides of the waters where these animals had lived, and had been brought to these places by a diluvial torrent*. On the other side, M. Brongniart, in proof of the agreement of these fossil shells with the recent, states his having found amongst them the cast of a Cydostoma * Annales tin M us. Tom. XV, p. 366. Ll ' 258 elegans, and mentions several of these shells which he thinks very nearly agree with recent species. M. Brard having figured ad described a species of Melania, Me- lanie effilte, as existing among these fresh-water shells, M. Brongniart says, that he discovered, by his own examination, what he should never have found by M. Brard's description or figure, that this sea shell was Cyclostoma mumia, a land shell : and as to the Bulimi of Faujas St. Fond, both those which were found fossil and recent, he was satisfied were also Cyclostomce. But, with respect to the Cerithium mentioned by Brard, he denies its being a sea shell, and finds it necessary to consider it as belonging to the marshes adjoining the sea, or to the salt water of the mouths of rivers : and finding other species as having been said to be found in these situations, he thinks it necessary to form a genus for their reception, founded rather upon the habits of the animal than on the characters of its shell. Thus we arrive at the first of these supplementary genera. Potamides. A turriculated shell ; opening nearly se- micircular, pinched up, as it were, at the base of the columella, and terminated by a very short, straight canal, which is hardly grooved ; no groove at the upper extremity of the right side, but the outer lip dilated. Of the particular shell mentioned by M. Brard, he makes a species of this genus, and terms it Potamides Lamarckii*. By thus dividing genera into those of sea, * This conciliatory compliment to M. Lamarck appears to have been by no means unnecessary. For those who attempt to explain the circumstance of the mixture of sea, river, and land shells, by their having lived in a com- mon medium, contend for the difficulty of distinguishing the difference be- tween these shells; whilst those who contend for alternations of sea and fresh water, think the practised conchologist might find but little difficulty : yet Lamarck, after examining and naming sixty species of Cerithia, says decidedly, " Lea Cerites rirent toutes dans la Mer ;'' but now another genus is formed of several species of fresh-water shells out of these, showing, certainly, that the distinction cannot be easily made. 259 of land, &c., M. Brongniart expects to prevent its be- ing concluded that these Lymnefe, &c., were sea shells, or that revolutions of which, he says, there exists no trace, carried these fresh-water shells into the ocean, and mixed them with the sea shells. Brongniart and Cuvier had founded their opinion of the fresh-water origin of the upper beds of gypsum, chiefly on the presence of a shell found in the gypsum, which appeared to be a Cyclostoma, and was supposed to be a fresh-water shell. Of these shells two only were found in the gypsum ; one of which, in the pos- session of Brongniart, had its mouth unluckily con- cealed ; but the other, in the possession of Faujas St. Fond, as fortunately, had it displayed so as to show that it agreed with Cyclostoma, mumia of Lamarck, who had only named it so provisionally, since, from its thickness, he had supposed it to be a sea shell. M. Brard hence concludes, that the fresh-water origin of the gypsum does not derive any support from this shell*. He describes, as existing among the marine fossils of Grignon, two minute land Bulimi, the conical and py- ramidal; and one still more minute, the cylindrical, which approaches in form to many of the small species of Pupa. This shell has six turns, very projecting, deeply separated, and derives a cylindrical form from the last three turns being nearly of the same diameter. He also mentions impressions and fragments of minute Planorbes among decidedly marine shells, and supplies a list of forty-eight river and land shells found by La- marck among the fossil sea shells of Grignon. But this mixture of these supposed land and fresh- water with sea shells, is not confined, according to M. Brard, to the lately discovered formations of the * Annalcs du Mus. Tom. LXXII, p. 448. 260 environs of Paris; since he has ascertained that they are found together in several other parts of France, at a considerable distance from Paris. Buxweiller, May- ence, Caen, Francfort, Orleans, Gergovia, the Brecciae of Nice, the volcanico-marine valley, as it is called by St. Fond, of Ronca, and the island of Sheppey, are among those places in which he states them to have been found. Whilst speaking of the Brecciae of Nice, he reprehends Cuvier for having entirely omitted to mention the sea shells which are found there, although he particularised the land shells, and this, after Faujas St. Fond had stated his having found there, Turbinites and Serpulce, both marine shells. The shells of the valley of Ronca, as noticed by the Abbe Fortis, are very interesting, they being mostly filled with very minute shells. Their substance, too, is changed into lamellar carbonate of lime ; and they are found to have acquired a considerable increase of thickness. From this frequent discovery of sea, river, and land shells thus mixed. M. Brard hopes that the optnion of their all having lived originally in a similar fluid is confirmed. M. Brongniart, anxious to support the position, that the shells in the fresh-water and accompanying forma- tions were separately deposited by the alternation of fresh and sea water, experienced, however, a consi- derable difficulty from Lamarck having already ad- mitted that, among the accumulation of fossil sea shells in the environs of Paris, there were nearly fifty species which were referrible to land or fresh-water shells. To meet this, we have seen that he admits that these may have been derived from the mouths of rivers, and from the marshes adjoining the sea ; and that it is therefore necessary that the genera already formed should be so subdivided, that genera should be established for the complete separation of sea, river, and land shells ; a 261 labour in which he said M. Lamarck was already en- gaged. Cerithium, he observes, he has already divided into Cerithium and Potamides. Turbo is generally a sea shell, though sometimes found in ponds of salt water. The sea and river Patella, it is acknowledged, differ hardly at all in their shells, but must thus be placed in different genera : and the same must be remarked of tho Crepidultf, he, I believe, meaning Calyptrea. Cyclos- toma must be divided into Cyclostoma for the land shells, and Paludina for the aquatic shells. Marine Bulimi must be separated from the land Bulimi, and be disposed in a new genus, or joined to Phasianella. Melania, Auricula, Ampidlaria, Planorbis, and Nerita, all demand subdivision. Pupa, also, he says, requires subdivision ; but, as in the case of Patella, the shells would be difficultly distinguishable. The editor of the Journal de Physique for 1811 ob- served, " Les Naturalistes des autres Contrees, et par- ticulierement la Societ6 Geologique de Londres, ne manqueront pas de faire des recherches analogues." The supposition of M. de la Metherie was soon verified by the interesting discoveries of similar formations in the Isle of Wight, by the highly judicious and zealous exer- tions of Mr. Webster, who not only pointed out a basin, probably of some ancient lake, formed in a depression in the chalk stratum, corresponding with that of Paris ; but also showed that a very close agreement existed be- tween the respective beds of the two basins, and that the beds in the Isle of Wight basin were lying above the London clay. He ascertained that the beds of shells of the several formations are to be found distinctly se- parate, but, as might be expected, sometimes mingled. He also pointed out the great basin of the London clay, and noticed the mixture of fresh-water shells with sea shells, which it contains ; observing on Lymnea, Mela- 262 nice, and other fresh-water shells, being found in the Sheppey clay, " These shells (he says), which are how- ever very few in number, do not prove the existence of fresh-water formations in this place similar to those in the basins of Paris and of the Isle of Wight. Being found among the remains of vegetables and marine ani- mals, we may suppose that they were carried down to- gether with the branches of trees and fruits, by the nu- merous streams and rivers that must have flowed into this gulph *." That the shells in the Petworth marble are fresh- water shells, and that this formation existed in Hamp- shire, as well as in Sussex, appears to have been well known to Woodward. In his catalogue of marine bodies, chiefly shells, grouped together in lapideous masses, he mentions a mass with Cochlitte in it, Pet- worth, Sussex; and says, they seem to have been moulded in the Cochlea fasciata vivipara fluviatilis, Listen . This marble, as he observes, has been employed in many of our cathedrals. The most antient coffin in Salisbury, that of, I believe, Kynrick the Saxon, which * Geological Transactions, Vol. II t. t Bi a 1 paper-,, read at the meeting of the Geological Society, on Nov. 2, 1E21, it appears, that Mr. Webster having recently examined the Hampshire coast, found that Ilordwell cliff was not formed' of the London clay, as was generally sup- posed, and as he had' stated, from the accounts of others in the former paper published in- the Transactions of the Geological Society ; but that it was composed of beds' analogous to thelower fresh-water formation of the Isle of AVight. Under these bed> which dip to the east, is another of while satid ; and below this; in the next cliff to the \west, appears the bed similar to the London clay, and which- contains tile-well-known fossils published by firander. This forms also the inferior part of the coast still farther to the west, called the High cliff, which reaches nearly to Muddiford. TtiisTserievof beds bring similar to those on- tlie opposite side of the island at Hfeaden. Hill, Isle of Wight,, is considered, by Mr. Webster, as affording a strong confirmation of the opinion he had formerly advanced respecting the extent of tlie Isle of "Wight basin. Mr. Webster also enumerates several fossil fresh-water shells which he found at Hordwell cliff, and, among other remains, are fossil capsules, or seed-vessels, in considerable numbers. Annals of Philosophy, March 1822. 263 was removed thither from Old Sarum, and has been ge- nerally supposed to be of granite, is formed of this mar- ble. This marble, we know, exists also at Purbeck. Dr. ]Vugent has, I think, pointed out a very import- ant fact respecting these formations. In a siliceous specimen with which T was favoured by Dr. Nugent, from Antigua, several moulds may be seen bearing very strong marks of their having been filled by shells of the genus Planorbis ; with a nearly perfect shell, whose mouth points it out as a species of the genus Melania, and whose size and finely rugated surface give it a close resemblance to M. fragilis of Lamarck. In this specimen, also, I think the opening of the Me- lania is apparent. 1 trust that the farther investigations of that gentleman will determine the existence of fresh- water formations in the West Indies*. Insects. The delicacy of the structure, and, indeed, the nature of the substance, which enters into the formation of those animals which are generally comprised under this term, render them so unfit to sustain those changes which would be necessary for the conservation or mine- ralisation of their remains, that very few become the subjects of our examination. The crustaceous cover- ings of the bodies and limbs, and the hard wing-cases of some of the genera, are the chief, and, perhaps, the only fossils which can be properly referred to this class. The Trilobites, or Dudley fossil, the living analogue of which is at present unknown, and the original nature of which is so little understood, that it has, by some, been considered as a crustaceous insect, and, by others, as a bivalve shell, and has hence been designated, by Linnaeus, as Entomolithus paradoxus; by Dacosta, as * For further illustration of this subject, the reader is referred to Mineral Conchology, No. LIX. 264 Pediculus marinus; by Hermann, as Pectunculus trilo- bus imbricatus ; will demand the student's attentive in- vestigation. Its superior covering, PI. ~&,fig. 1, which is the only part with which we are acquainted, is oblong, ovate, convex, and marginated; the anterior wider part is gibbous, and furnished with two semilunar tubercular projections resembling palpebrae ; and posterior to, and on the inner side of each of these are two round tuber- cles. Adjoining to this part commences a series of tri- arcuated, imbricating, transverse slips, so disposed that the three bows of these connected slips form three lon- gitudinal transversely divided lobes, gradually diminish- ing to the lower termination. In some specimens the fossil is almost globular, showing that the animal pos- sessed the power of coiling itself occasionally in this form. No elongated caudal termination is seen in this species; nor in the published representations of any of the preserved remains of this animal have the traces of any organs of progressive motion been given ; still it may be conjectured that this animal was furnished with articulated and unguiculated feet*. This fossil has been found in the neighbourhood of Dudley nearly three inches in length. Another species is found in the schistose strata of Llandilo in Carmarthenshire. In these the outline of the animal approaches rather to that of a long ellipsis than to an ovate form : the lateral lobular divisions of the dorsal plates or slips are nearly three times as wide * I have seen the sketch (on the fidelity of which I think I can depend) of a fossil animal of this kind, corresponding, in its feet, with the above description ; and have also seen a specimen of the animal at Clun, in .Shropshire, in which I believed the points of the feet appeared from be- neath the superior covering ; but, on endeavouring to detach the piece of rock in which it was imbedded, and though working with the utmost care, the specimen was entirely shivered. 265 as those of the central part. The crustaceous coverings are, in these species, generally removed, leaving in some parts, however, a very accurate impression of the inner surface, with regularly disposed longitudinal mi- nute rugae, appearing as if they had been formed by the subjacent soft cuticle. Organic .Remains, Vol. Ill, PI. XVII, fig. 13. In another species, or, perhaps, approximating genus, on a grey limestone, the locality of which is not known, the head part differs materially from that of the pre- ceding, it being nearly covered by three large round and rough protuberances, two of which possess the situa- tion of the eyes, and the third, which is the largest, is placed anterior to and between these ; but each appears to have possessed a similar porulous and granular struc- ture. Organic Remains, Vol. Ill, PL XVII, fig. 16. A third species, found by Thomas Botfield, Esq., of Hopton Court, Shropshire, in an iron stone nodule, differs much from either of the preceding : " The head is large, semiorbicular, lunated posteriorly, and termi- nates at the sides in an acute angle. The body, which has only five transverse plates, is remarkably short ; its sides going directly off from the head, and meeting spee- dily at an obtuse angle. From this part proceeds the tail of the animal, a long central spine-like process, which is of a greater length than that of both the head and body." Org. Remains, Vol. Ill, p. *267. This fossil appears to be the same with Monoculites lunatus of Mr. Martin, PL JLLV,fig. 4, who supposed it to ap- proach nearer, in size and figure, to the Monoculum apus, than to any other known recent species of that genus. The remains of another species are found in the beds of fuller's earth, but the caudal termination of these have only been as yet described. This species appears from the form of its plates to have approached the M m 266 nearest to that which is found in the Dudley limestone; but the dorsal plates gradually dimmish in size, and, at last, finishing in an elongated caudal termination. Mr. Benjamin Henry Latrobe rebates, in the second volume of the American Philosophical Transactions., that among the fish resorting to the waters of the Tjark River, the alewife or oldwife (Clupeq nondescripta) ar- rivesv in very considerable shoals, from March to May. In this season each of these alevvives carries in her> mouth an insect, about two inches long, hanging with its back downwards, and firmly holding by its fourteeji legs to the palate. The fishermen call this insect the louse. Mr. Latro.be names it Oniscus prcegustator. Whether our unknown fossil animal had antennae or feet, as 1 suspect, or not, canjotot perhaps be deter- mined, and therefore the characters of an Oniscus can- not be claimed for it; and yet the structure of its body, with its transverse imbricating slips, is so much in agreement with this living insect, as to induce me to place the figure of the latter before the reader, (PL X, fig. 2,) with the hope of its leading to a more successful investigation as to the origin of the fossil. Lhwydd relates that he found, in coal slate, the fosail remains of spiders, and other remains approaching, in their forms, to those of Scarabcei. In the Stonesfield oolitic slate are impressions with a slight brownish/ stain, the origin of which has not yet been ascertained. They bear a figure which somewhat resembles, in its outline, that of the figure by which a crown is repre- sented: by some they have been considered as bearing a resemblance to, two united wings of a butterfly; and, by others, have been supposed to have, been the im- pressions of the detached plates of some, species of tortoise. We find, in the invaluable work of the Rev. W. D. Coneybeare arid W. Phillips, speaking, most probably, in reference to these fossil remains, that " specimens, which have been decided ly pronounce^, 'by Dr. Leach, to be the Elytra of Coleopterous insects, occur in the Stonesfield slate; they are of two or three different species *." In the yellow fossile limestone of Pappenheim, @enin gen, &c., are found the remains of insects ; but these are also in such a state as wfTl not allow their generic characters to be ascertained. The head, which is very indistinct, appears to have been connected with the trunk by % a very contractile neck. The thora;x is shorter and thicker than the abdomen, which is of a lanceolate form, and separated into eight divisions by annular risings. Neither wings nor legs are discoverable. Crabs. The number of fossil crabs is very considera- ble. They are found in the Stonesfield slate, and in the limestone of Pappenheim, &c. It is stated by Knorr, that the remains of cray-fish, Astaci, are found only in a narrow district, reaching from Gunzenhausen, in An- spach, to Aichstaedt, a length of about seven or eight leagues, bordered on one side by the river Altmuhl. The matrix of these fossils is evidently a portion of the same stratification which occurs at Pappenheim, &c. in which the remains of fishes are so frequently discovered. Crabs and lobsters are frequently found in the London clay. In the London Museum there were more than thirty species of crabs from the Island of Sheppey ; and Mr. Donovan, the proprietor, who also possessed, perhaps, one of the finest collections of the recent ani- mals iri this kingdom, was satisfied that he had no recent analogue of any of the species in his fossil collection. Verona, Malta, and Anjou, produce these fossil re- * Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, by the Rev. W. D. Coneybeare and W. Phillips, Vol. I, p. 208. 268 mains : they are also found imbedded in a hard, light coloured, pyritous, and argillaceous stone, resembling indurated London clay, from some parts of China. Birds. Their remains are very rarely found in a fossil state. Bones, which may be considered as refer- riblej;o this class, are, however, imbedded in the calca- reous schist of Oeningen, and in the oolitic schist of Stonesfield. The foot of a bird has been found in- crusted in gypsum, near Montmartre ; Blumenbach de- scribes the bones of a water-fowl in the Pappenheim stone; and Faujas St. Fond has figured two feathers found in the calcareous stone of Vestena Nuova. Cuvier, whose zealous exertions are always conduct- ed by science, has not only ascertained the existence of fossil remains of this class, but has furnished the stu- dent with information which must aid him in his inves- tigations with respect to these fossils. The foot, he observes, in birds, has a single bone in the place of the tarsal and metatarsal bones. Birds, too, form the only class in which the toes all differ as to the number of joints, and in which this number, and the order of the toes which have them, is nevertheless fixed. The great toe has two ; the first toe, reckoning on the inside, three; the middle, five; and the outermost five. The crocodile has the same number of phalanges ; but, as these have a tarsal and metatarsal bone, they cannot be mistaken. Some birds have no great toes, but, in these, the other toes preserve the usual order : the ostriches and cassowars have three toes. Although the crocodile has the same number of phalanges, yet, as every one of the toes is supported by a particular metatarsal bone, the distinction is easily made. From an attention to the different specific characters, Cuvier ascertained the existence of the remains of five 269 or six different species of birds in the plaster quarries near Paris. Among these are the bones of a pelican, less tha.nPelicanus onocratulus, and larger than P. carbo; of one of the larger curlews, with a naked neck (Tan- talm, Gmelin) ; of a woodcock, a starling, and a sea- lark (Alouette de Mer}. He also describes and figures a bird, found in the quarries of Montmartre, which appears to have fallen on its belly on the newly-formed gypsum, without having been quite involved in it ; and having, probably whilst in this state, been deprived of its head and the whole of the right leg. The result of a careful examination of this fossil is, that it belongs to some exotic quail, rather larger than the one known in France. Fishes. The fossil remains of fishes are found in such various states, under such different circumstances, and in the formations of such distant periods, as cannot but lead the zealous inquirer to expect that he shall de- rive, from their examination, information of consider- able importance. The fish, in some specimens, are found nearly entire ; the harder parts all in their natural situations, with their scales, and even their skin, preserved. In others, all the other parts are removed except the skeleton; the bones of which either retain their original relative situ- ations, or have undergone considerable distortion, and even dislocation. In some instances, not only separa- tion of these parts has taken place, but the greater part of the skeleton has been removed ; the harder parts, the grinding sulcated or tuberculated teeth having only remained. This circumstance may be accounted for by supposing that, in these instances, the fish were of the cartilaginous kind, and that their skeletons might have undergone that decomposition which these parts, from their structure or superior degree of hardness, had been 270 able to resist. In other instances, the bones are found partly surrounded iby a whitish, spathose, and rather opaque substance, which conjecture will "be disposed .to consider as~t>eing probably the flesli of the animal, which had been converted to adipocire, and subse- quently mineralised by impregnation with carbonate of lime assuming .a spathose state. There is, perhaps, no class of animals the remains of which, found in a fossil state, are capable of being referred to so many living analogues. According to Mr. Lacepede, more than thirty Asiatic, African, and American species of fishes have been found fossil in the neighbourhood of Verona. At Nanterre, near Paris, a fossil fish was obtained, nearly resembling Coryphena Chrysurus, Lacepede ; an- other was found, by Faujas St. Fond, in the mountain on which the castle of Rochesauvre is built, which has been ascertained to be Idus, pinna ant radiis 13, venire piano. Among these fossils are fish whose analogues live in the Indian Ocean, and in different seas of Africa, and of North and South America. M. Bozza, the pro- prietor of an immense collection of fossil fish collected from Monte Bolca, observes, that he possessed many whose living analogues were not known, and that, among more than a hundred which are known, there were four which are peculiar to the sea of Otaheite ; Polynemus Plebeius, or Emoi of the Otaheiteans ; Gobius Striatus, or Jaipoa; Gobius Occellaris; and Chcetodon Triostegus. The remains of the following fish have been ascer- tained to exist in a mineralised state in different parts of Italy, France, and Germany : the pike, carp, perch, eel, sea-scorpion, mackarel, turbot, sword-fish, lod, scarus, chetodon, batistes, gobius, fistularia Of Japan, and pegasus of Brazil. This list may be expected to be soon considerably extended, since some of the French naturalists, it is understood, are engaged in 271 making the necessary investigations* for enabling" them; to distinguish between those remains of^ this- class of animals. which are referrible to known and to unknown genera. In* the neighbourhood of Naples, in the Vinoentino, at Pappenneim and Oeningen, near thf lake of Con- stance; at Aix in Provence, and in numerous other places on the continent, the remains of fishes are found either in limestone, or in a yellowish or fawn-coloured calcareous fissile stone. At Eisleben, and in Mansfeldt, in Upper Saxony, fishes are found an a black schist'; and the metallic appearance which they derive from the pyrites, with which they are imbued, readers them fre- quently very splendid and beautiful specimens. Fishes are frequently found in a mineralised state in this island: their fossil remains have been found 'in a variety of situations, sufficient to warrant the conjecture tha4: they, were among those animals which were of the earliest creation-, and 5 whose existence has - wet' been ' since interrupted. It : does not appear that any skeletons or anqr con 1 ' nected remains of fish have been found in; the mountain limestone ; sufficient detached parts have, however, been discovered to prove that fish existed in the waters by which this formation was deposited. The mostin'- teresting of these are the fossil remains which seem to be referrible to the spinous radii of some species of Batistes? or of some other genus which was armed with d entaled radii, accompanying^ or being in the place of fins*. Another fossil which appears to have been obtained' frem this early formation , bears ^considerable agree- ment with the sword of the Xipkias: the fossil alluded * I am indebted fur au interring, fossil of this: kind