LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class ' Price List Chemical and Bacteriological Apparatus and Assayers' Supplies OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SOLD BY E. H. SARGENT & COMPANY Established 1852 IMPORTERS AND MAKERS OF LABORATORY SUPPLIES 143-145 LAKE STREET CHICAGO Telephones Main 4602-3 and 4 Cable Address, Elmer, Chicago H 1 To Our Customers WE take pleasure in presenting a complete revision of our catalog of Chemical Apparatus, with also a list of Bacteriological Apparatus and Books. We trust that its plan and arrangement will meet with your approval. It is our intention to carry in stock, or supply promptly, all arti- cles listed by us. Any other Apparatus required we will import or make to order promptly, and at reasonable prices ; reference to other catalogs, or works of reference, will be understood by us. CWe aim to supply all arti- cles of the best quality. Our prices will be found as favorable as those of other dealers supplying goods of equal value. We import direct from the manufacturers, Glass, Porcelain, Chemicals, etc., and manufacture in our machine shop, under our direct supervision, a large proportion of the Metal Ware sold by us. CWe are United States agents for J. H. MUNKTELL, BECKER'S SONS (Rotterdam), JOSEF & JAN FRIC, and others. Our stock of Chemicals is selected from the products of makers of established reputation; price list of Chemicals sent upon application. (I Those with whom we have no account will please send money with order, or furnish satisfactory refer- ences. Goods sent C. O. D. when parties are known to us, or enough money accompanies the order to pay express charges both ways. ([Our prices are for goods in our store. Boxing and cartage will be charged at cost. We employ the most competent and experienced packers, for whose services we make no charge. We do not guarantee against breakage during trans- portation. Our risk ceases upon delivery to a public carrier. CWe de- sire to thank our friends and customers for past favors and solicit their future orders, as well as the orders of all desiring goods in our line. Very respectfully, E. H. SARGENT & CO. August 1st, 1910. OF E. H. SARGENT & CO., CHICAGO 202 200 ABSORPTION BLOCKS Schleicher & Schuell's No. 573. Made from paper purified with acids; used in calorimetric determinations to ab- sorb difficultly combustible liquids. Price per hundred box 1.75 202 ACETOMETER Gall's, for determining the quantity of acid in must, or wine, complete in case with directions 3.00 204 " Otto's, for determining the percentage of acid in vinegar, with directions .80 206 " Twitchell's, for determining the acid strength of all kinds of vinegars, with directions 16.00 208 " Twitchell's, for acidity of wine 16.00 210 210 ACETIC-ACID TESTING Outfit, U. S. Government official method, consist- ing of a 50 cc. burette, with complete support. Pipette, Beaker, stirring rod, Standard solution of Sodium Hydrate, and solu- tion of Phenolphtalein, with complete directions for use. Net 5.00 212 ACETYLIZATION FLASKS, for determining Menthol in Oil of Peppermint, etc., with ground in Condensing Tube 1.25 214 ACID CARBOY INCLINATOR Flaherty's, a simple and convenient carboy tilter, requiring very little exertion and preventing spilling or splashing of contents. A single movement of the lever locks the inclinator to the carboy, which by an ingenious curvature of the rockers is kept in an upright position, when not in use. Price, net 5.00 E. H. SARGENT & CO., CHICAGO. 216 220 216 ACID CARBOY Stand, for carrying and tilting carboys, very convenient, net 4.00 218 ACID PUMP For drawing liquids, acids, etc., from carboys, operated with foot-blower, net Foot-blower to operate the pump, net. . 5.00 5.00 220 ACID PUMP A convenient and handy arrangement for drawing acid, etc., from carboys, bottles, etc. Will fit any container having a neck from lf-2f inches diameter. Each, net 5.00 222 ACID PITCHERS stoneware, with handle. Capacity, pints 8 16 Price, each $0.30 .40 .70 1.00 224 AIR METER OR ANEMOMETER, Portable, for measuring the air currents through Mines, Tunnels, Sewers, etc., in mahogany case, with universal jointed socket holder and disconnecter and zero 226 228 jointed socket holder and disconnecter and zero setting with four dials reading to 100,000 feet 30.00 OR ANEMOMETER Biram's, with disconnecter, 3 inches in diameter, with two dials reading to 1,000 feet 25.00 OR ANEMOMETER Biram's, as above, 4 inches in diameter, with four dials reading to 100,000 feet 28.00 E. H. SARGENT & CO., CHICAGO. 230 AIR PUMP Condensing and exhausting, connected by Rubber Tubing to Iron Plate 8 inches in diameter, with stop-cock. Complete with tubing and receiver 12.00 232 " " The Pump without the Plate 5.00 234 " " Lever action; cylinder 6$ inches long, 2| inches diameter, with two valves, air pump plate 10 inches in diameter, of glass, ground plane and resting in a cast iron mould, with guard plug and vent screw; base and pillar of polished hardwood 28.00 248 236 AIR PUMP OR FILTER PUMP Chapman's, of brass, new model, very powerful, regular size 1.50 238 " Same as above, large size 3.00 240 " " OR FILTER PUMP Prof. Richard's, of brass, regular size,. 1.75 242 " Same as above, extra large size, length 12 inches; diameter 1 inch 7.50 244 " " Faucet connection with hydrant threads for Nos. 236, 238 and 240. Each .35 N. B. In ordering, please state which pump the connection is wanted for. 246 " " Connections for smooth faucets, for Nos. 236, 238 and 240 .55 N. B. In ordering, please state which pump the connection is wanted for. 248 " " Or Filter Pump, of brass, with vacuum gauge, and stopcocks at water and exhaust connections. Each 10.00 As above without gauge 6.50 " stopcocks (with gauge) 8.00 " " " " and gauge 4.50 E. H. SARGENT & CO., CHICAGO. ! DISCHARGE. 250 AIR PUMP Laboratory Water Jet Vacuum Pump. For the rapid creation and maintenance of a vacuum for filtration, percolation, evaporation, distillation and condensation. This pump has no moving parts, and consequently no wear and tear. The motive power required for working the same, does not exceed a head of 15 feet of water. Capacity of pump, with 20 pounds water pressure: $ cubic foot displacement per min. of air at atmospheric pressure. Complete, as shown in illustration, including exhauster, vacuum gauge, connecting tee and 2 cocks. Price, net 12.00 252 Laboratory Steam Jet Vacuum Pump. Same as above, but constructed for operation by steam. Complete, as illustrated, including exhauster, vacuum gauge, connecting tee, stop and check valve. Price, net Larger sizes of the above exhausters made to order. 12.00 254 OR FILTER PUMP, Muencke's, of glass, simple and power- ful, with one suction tube 1.40 256 Same as above, with two suction tubes. 1.50 258 OR FILTER PUMP, Wetzel's, of glass, the most powerful glass Filter Pump at present on the market, requiring only one-third of the usual time for producing an equivalent vacuum, raising a column of mercury to 720 mm. in three minutes and to 745 mm. in five minutes 2.25 264 260 AIR TESTER Wolpert's improved form, for obtaining the amount of Car- bonic Acid contained in the air, by direct readings from the graduations etched on the instrument, thus doing away with all computations and tables as in the old form 3.50 262 AMMONIA TUBE for the determination of Moisture and Impurities in Anhydrous Ammonia, complete with rubber stopper and out- let tube.. . 1.60 264 ANNEALING CUPS, for gold. Diameter, inches. Per dozen $1.05 Covers, per dozen 30 H H 1.05 .30 1.05 .30 1.05 .30 E. H. SARGENT & CO., CHICAGO. 268 272 266 ANVILS Regular shape, steel face. Weight, Ibs Each 268 270 272 274 10 15 20 30 50 4.00 4.50 2 6.00 $2.00 2.75 3.25 Solid steel, square, mirror polished face. Size, inches square Each $065 3L30 2^00 With point, square face, for driving into table or post, polished face, solid steel. Weight, Ibs % 2 5 Each $0.65 T25 SUN) Small, for blow pipe work, lxl in Square, 6x6xl-inch .50 1.60 a b c d 280 276 ARSENIC Apparatus, Marsh's, for detection of arsenic. On polished wooden support 278 " Plates, unglazed porcelain plates for arsenic test. Size, ctm 6.5x5 10x6 13x7 Each $0.15 .20 ^5~ 280 " TUBE General Chemical Co.'s made of Jena Combustion Tubing, 15 inches long. Each 282 " Tubes, of hard glass, shaped like a, b, c, or d. Per doz 284 ASBESTOS Sheets, 40x40 inches, per Ib Approximate weight per sheet. Thickness, in ^g A 32 I & 4 I ^ Weight, Ibs 2 4 6 8 11 15 286 288 290 292 294 Boards, cut in squares. Size, in... Dozen... 6 8 11 5x5xjg 21 28 6x6x3*5 .85 $3^20 4XH) 5.50 $0.25 ^40 ^6~~ .60 .60 Cloth, 36 inches wide, unaffected by acid, fire, etc. Fine Med. Heavy Per yard Cord, in 1 Ib. balls. Diameter ........................ ^ yg f Per Ib ........................... $2.00 1/75 1.60 Pads, with iron bound edges, for protection of table, etc. Size, in ............... . .......... 6^xlOxj 10xl3xj 13x20xj Each ............................ $0.50 .85 1.50 Paper, useful for filtering acids, etc., per Ib ................... 2.20 .35 .60 .12 .20