LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class SECULAR PERTURBATIONS ARISING FROM THE ACTION OF SATURN UPON MARS AN APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF ARNDT A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA BY SAMUEL GOODWIN BARTON IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE EEQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PHILADELPHIA 1906 SECULAR PERTURBATIONS ARISING FROM THE ACTION OF SATURN UPON MARS AN APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF ARNDT A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA BY SAMUEL GOODWIN BARTON IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PHILADELPHIA 1906 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. INTRODUCTION. The paper upon which this thesis is based is entitled " Re- cherches sur le calcul des forces perturbatrices dans la theorie des perturbations seculaires" by Dr. Louis Arndt. The paper is published as a bulletin of the " Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel," an extract from tome XXIV, 1896. Aside from the application of the author, as a check upon his formulae, mentioned in the paper, so far as is known, no applica- tion of this method has been made. The purpose of the author of this thesis is to apply this method of computation and to compare it with that of G. W. Hill and thus see whether Arndt's method has the advantages claimed for it by its author. I. EXPRESSIONS FOR THE SECULAR PERTURBATIONS. Let R, U, Z (each multiplied by the factor containing the masses, i. e., m I(L -\- m) be the components of the perturbing force; R acting in the plane of the orbit of the perturbing body and in the direction of its radius vector, r, positive if r is increased ; U in the plane of the orbit perpendicular to the radius vector, positive in the direction of movement ; Z perpendicular to the plane of the orbit, positive northward. Let fl be the longitude of node, i the inclination of the orbit to a fixed ecliptic, a the semi-major axis, e the excentricity, /A the mean daily motion, a> the angular distance of perihelion from the ascending node, v 9 E, M, the true, eccentric and mean anomalies and u = CD -j- v. In accordance with the usual method of varying parameters we have the following equations for the variations of the elements. 3 165260 4 map sec _ . sin (8fl) = j^ - - f sin u Z, (S) = -, r cos [sin B + (cos v + cos (So)) = (8a>,) COS i(Sfl), (I) * + 2 sin' (&0 + 2 sin The secular part of these expressions will comprise those terms which are independent of the positions of the bodies in their orbits, that is of their mean anomalies M and M ' . Each of the above variations is seen to be a function of 7?, 7, and Z which in turn are functions of M and M' . They may therefore be expressed in a Fourier's series, i. e., in a series of sines and cosines of multiples of M and M ' . Now the terms of this expansion which are inde- pendent of M and M' give the secular variation. By the known properties of the series the only constant term with respect to M is given by the integral and the part of this which is constant with respect to M' will be Thus the secular part of any variation (Se) for example is TO '" V C S * i r r [sin vR + (cos v + cos E) U^lMdM '. 1 -|- m 47T JQ JQ Since the limits of integration are constant, sin v, cos v and cos E, may be treated as constants in the integration with respect to M' i and this integral may be written m'a*p cos 1 ** . \ f- - ^ fsm v ~~ RdM 1 + m 27rJ L 27rJ -f (cos v -f cos E) ~ I**" UdM']dM. " rjr Jo Treating the other variations in the same manner we see that the integration with respect to M' requires the three integrals 1 / fcf The integration with respect to Jlf can be obtained only by a direct quadrature. Since this can be obtained more accurately in terms of E we transform M and M' in our expressions into E and E '. Then since M=E-e sin E, dM= (1-6 cos E)dE=-dE, dM' = (l-e r co%E')dE'. Our desired integrals which which we shall now designate 7? , Z7 , Z respectively are ~\rR(\ - c' cos .E")dtf', ^ Par 7(1 - e' cos (2) -^ f ^ r 2 ^! - e' cos j0')cLtf' where the factors a and r have been taken with the integrals. II. PRELIMINARY CONSTANTS. Let the orbit of the perturbing body m be referred to that of the perturbed body m. Let the distances of the perihelia from the intersection of the orbits be II and II' and their mutual incli- nation J. Let K and K' be the distances of the intersection from the nodes. Solving the triangle thus formed we obtain IT, K' and J in terms of i, i' and (ft' ft) whence we get II and IT from the relations n = TT ft - K, IT = if ft' - K'. Let L' and B' be the longitude and latitude of m referred to the orbit of m and the intersection. Let 77, % be rectangular axes, origin at the sun, 77 and f lying in the plane of the orbit of 6 w, f passing through the body m. Let I be the longitude of m. The coordinates of m are then given by the equations I H -f v, f = / cos # cos (L r - Q, T/ = r' cos .7?' sin (' Z), " = / sin B. Now from the right triangle formed by the intersection, m\ and the foot of the perpendicular from m to the orbit of m we have cos L' cos E' cos (II' -f v), sin U cos .Z?' = sin (II' + v') cos J] sin 5' = sin (IT + v) sin 7. To simplify the formulae, write A sin A' = sin II' cos <7, vl c = Ad cos (J/ + II + v), 4, = Ba! cos <' sin (^' + II + v), J. cos A = cos II', B e = JLa' sin (J/ + H + v) r (3) B t = J?a' cos <#>' cos (J^ + ft + v), sin B' = sin II', (7 C = a' sin II' sin /", C7 t = a' cos $' cos II' sin 7, Substituting these expressions in ' for example : by expansion f ' = / cos II' cos (II -f- v) cos v + r sin II' sin (II -f v) cos 7cos v r sin IT cos (II -f v) sin v -f r cos II' sin (II + v) cos ;' = C (cos ^' - e') + C. sin j^', 7 III. EXPRESSIONS FOR JR Q , 7 , Z . With axes as described it is not difficult to see that A 3 ' ~A 3 ' ~A 3 ' where A is the distance between the two bodies. We see that A 2 = (f ' rf + 77' -f J" which from (4) and (3) becomes A 2 = A - 2# cos (e - E") + C Q coslE" in which we have placed ' 2 -f r 2 + 2eWL c = ^ , eV 2 + r^4 c = ^ cos e, V / ^ 7-) . ^2 /2 x> rA s = ^ sin e, a e = (7 . Substituting the values of 7?, 7, Z in (2) we obtain " ^ c (cos ,E" - e') -f ^ sin ^ - r == ~ (6) J9 c (cos E' e) -f B t sin E' (1 e' cos E' C 2n C (cos ." e') 4. Q sin _" '-i^J, r ~ -SF (1 - e' cos E'}dE'. These expressions cannot be directly integrated because of the complexity of A in terms of E'. A transformation due to GAUSS ( Werke III, p. 333) makes integration possible by changing the variable E' to a new variable T. 8 -r = - aa" + IV. GAUSS'S TRANSFORMATION. Let E' = a + a' sin T + a" cos T, E' = + /3'sin T+ j3" cos T, = 7 + 7' sin J 7 + 7" cos J 7 . Now let these new auxiliaries be subjected to the conditions r - 77' = o, 77" = 0, "' - 7'7" = 0, 2 rZ f/2 -t Q t ,y " Q" A a a a = 1, ap ap a p = U, ? 2 ft' /3" = 1, ay a'y a"y" = 0, 7 2 y' Z y" Z = 1, fty ft'y' ft"y" = 0. We now make these auxiliaries such that A 2 may take the form (a) ^ 2 A 2 = G - G l sin 2 T+ G 2 cos 2 T. Assuming this possible we shall see if real values of the coefficients can be found such that ^V 2 A 2 may take the form E' NCOS e i^'- JVsin+ CJiNunEJ. We now solve (7) for sin T and cos T in terms of E' and observing that 1 = aN cos E' $N sin E' + yN and substi- tuting these values in (a), then equating coefficients with (b) and writing the resulting equations in three groups we have I a G a a G l a -j- a" G 2 a" = C SG-a-pGt-a' + P'Gz'a'^Q yG'a y'G^a' + y'Gz-a'^ B Q cos e The last two columns are the values of similar equations, the a's being replaced by /3's and 7's respectively. (9) sin e ,0086 , sin e A 9 Whence GOL == C Q OL -f yB Q cos e, G/3 = 7# sin e, Gy = a^? cos e J9 sin e -f yA Q , GjLi etc., and 6r 2 a", etc., give the same expressions with a, /3, 7, replaced by a', y8', 7' and a " " 7 " The coefficients of the a's, /3's and y's are of the same form in each set of equations. The condition that these equations may be consistent is expressed by equating the determinant of the coefficients of a, /3, 7 to zero. This gives when expanded #[(# + Q(# - A) + Bl cos 2 e] + Bl(G + <7 ) sin 2 e = 0. Thus if N 2 A 2 is to be of the desired form (a), G must satisfy this equation, and since the other two groups give the same equa- tion, except for accents, G l and G 2 must also satisfy this equation. Making the variable X and placing (10) P^A.-C a P t -Bl-A t C. -P 3 =<7 ^sin'e the cubic may be written ( C) X 3 - P^ 2 + P 2 X- P 3 = GGi and G 2 are then the roots of this equation. The roots can be shown to be real, two positive and one negative. We let them be in order of descending magnitude G, G l and G 2 . Multiply numerator and denominator of (6) by N z and the de- nominator will be of the desired form (a). As shown by Gauss NdE' dT and the limits for T are the same as those for E '. Because of the limits terms containing sin T, cos T or sin Tcos T vanish and our transformation gives rm V _ R TT z __ i fV r+ r. sin* r+r, ^'^'^-2^1 M (G-G lS tf r+ 7 \jf where X 1 5TF r l dw r l Qdt, SG=-P\ Qtdt, j = P Q(l-t)dt U ^TI Jo v ^z Jo 4(G and In order to use Weierstrass's function for the integration we make where s is a new variable and m, 77i 1? m 2 constants which will be disposed of. By differentiation we obtain tfdt dt ^' (k 2 l)dt whence , l2 - When t = 0, 3 = (^ x when ^ = 1, s = (r 2 . Now writing m = !/((? - G,) and (ff + G 2 )(G - ^)(^ + ^ 2 ) = (7 and i x 4(s G)(s G^s + G 2 ) = V S^ we have dW G, + G n r~ G * ds ^G dW aw_ G+G 2 .r-* ds 3G= '20 J Gl ^ 12 In order that S may be of the Weierstrassian form the second term of the cubic ( (7) must be wanting, that is, each root must be diminished by Pj/3. Hence Vsi where e^ e 2 , e 3 are the roots of the transformed equation. We then have 8W G l+ G 2 r*~_^ ds , + g, r 20 1 dG ' '2C ^ v/^ 5TF G+ G 2 pa e a 'X VI 5TT Q-Gr'-^j. SO,- ^ V~8 r /* a^ 2 ~ 2(7 and _ L+_2(e lft > + ^) 7T r ds .. 1/ We must now obtain the coefficients of o> and 77 in terms of the elements. For this purpose let A = (& l + G 2 )T + (G @ = (0, + GJGT + ( then, since e, = G - ^P,, e 2 - G, - JP 15 e s = - ) - ^'^c- For reducing C l we multiply the equations Got 2 0^+ G 2 a" 2 =z C Q and G + #! - ^ 2 = P l by a' 2 -f a" 2 - a 2 = 1 and GG 1 GG 2 0^2= P 2 respectively and add the products. We thus have a'G.G, - a 2 GG 2 -f a'GG, = P 2 -f P l C + a / (7 2 + a^ - 2 (7 2 . The last three terms can be replaced by known quantities. Mul- tiplying Go. = C a + B Q cos 67 by Ga , ^ cos 7 Gjot, and adding the products we obtain ~ ^ 2 2 = Cl - ^ 2 cos 2 e. Dividing by G&G = P 3 we get a 2 a a = e a we know that {K 4- u) - e a }(s - e a ) = (e a - e^(e a - e y ). *"Ueber die Perioden der elliptischen Integrate," Math. Ann., Bd. 27. 17 Then / = ( s - Let . s = 5 ds = 7-7 , e e 2 g 3 e i H ir , When 5 = e a , s' = ds 5 = e a , s = 7S"JL^ If now ^ 2 and ^ 3 are given functions of f , we obtain, by differ- entiating the equations for co and 77, d< p (?; + &),, ^_ f'(y; + y 3 ) ,. df-J., 2^i rfs ' d|~ -J e , ' where / d $2 A ' d ff* ^-? and ^ 3 = ^. But we have the identities ,- 6^-63) (.-,) 18 and introducing the integral I sds whence (25) ~=-Pr,-Q a> , | where t ' or expressed in terms of the symmetric functions of the roots - - 86^; + If now we substitute for &> and 97 in (25) respectively 10 the coefficients of the differential equations can be expressed by g and its derivatives only and we obtain n -i) 1 and now for g'd% we write dg. Eliminating H and H respectively from these equations we get . dl 55 19 These equations are of the form of the differential equation whose solution is the hypergeometric series, i. e., = x(x- 1) + [>(a+ fl + l)-7] + apy where a = $, ft = T 6 2 , 7 = f , and a = T \, = ^ 7 = J. One of the 24 solutions of this equation is y O) = To determine the constants (7, (7' we place = 1, 0r 3 = 1, then # 2 = 3, and e^l, e 2 = e 3 = - }, t? = e i~ e * = Q, and since 1 C d6 CO = - =^:^ - ^ l/ 6i e 3 Jo VI /fc 2 si TT sin 2 <^ 1/6 l e 3 1/24 since when g = 1, ( = || . , V^ ==^J I "t - = 4d i , 1/6 iX!2 1/24 i!/1728 whence (26) -j^ where JP, and ^ are the two hypergeometric series For computation we first solve the triangle described in part II, for the preliminary constants, then apply the formulae in the fol- lowing order 3, 5, 10, 18, 20, 22, 21, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 26, 24. The values of F m and F^ required in 26 may be taken from the 20 table given by Arndt or they may be computed directly. The argument of this table is x = (g l)/gr. We now compute the following expressions : HU Z Q sin u, H { Z Q cos u, H e 7? sin v -f 7 (cos v + cos E), 1 + sin r 1 + 5(1^ We now take the mean value of each quantity, which we repre- sent by (fffi), etc., and obtain the variation of the elements from the equations : m > = 1 +ra' sin (Sfl) = B sec <(^T ), (Si) = B sec (8e) = B cos (ff e ), e (^ w i) = -S cos cos (SJQ + 2 sin 2 ^^^) 4. 2 sin 2 1 (an). X and TT are the mean longitude and the longitude of perihelion measured from a fixed epoch. VI. COMPUTATION. Saturn upon Mars. The elements taken from Dr. G. W. Hill's " New Theory of of Jupiter and Saturn " are Mars p. 192. Saturn pp. 19,558. 7r=33317'51".74 TT'= 90 6'4r.37 i= 1 51 2.24 i'= 2 2940.19 H = 48 23 54.59 ft' = 112 20 49 .05 e = 0.09326803 e = 0.05606025 P = 689050".784 p' = 43996"21506 log a = 0.1828971 log a = 0.9794956 m 1/3093500 m = 1/3501.6 Epoch 1850.0 G.M.T. 21 The preliminary constants are found to be : n = 17617'59".42 IT = 293 4 38 .78 K= 108 35 57 .73 1C = 44 41 13 .54 J= 2 2152 .11 A = 0.99927955 # = 0.9998659 ^' = 6654'17".84 B' = 66 56 24 .55 The values of the various quantities given by the formulae are given in the table below. The residual in Innes's test equation was found to be 0.000,000,000,2. 2 t and 2 2 are the sums of the values for the odd and even points of division E log r V log A. log^ c log A. logJ? g 0.1403760 o o' o!6o 0.6331692* 0.9298510 0.9295583* 0.63221 33 n 30 0.1463201 32 47 24.62 9.9980540 0.9768010 0.97634 55 n 0.0001597 60 0.1621568 64 44 46.64 0.7680496 0.8760042 0.8753687* 0.7679641 90 0.1828971 95 21 5.91 0.9480287 0.5421705 0.5410633 n 0.9477062 120 0.2026919 124 31 47.16 0.9752134 0.1081758 n 0.1097082 0.9747498 150 0.2166314 152 34 23.40 0.8883581 0.7460753* 0.7460180 0.8877384 180 0.2216237 180 0.00 0.6331692 0.9298510n 0.9295583 0.6322133 210 0.2166314 207 25 36.60 9.0215124 n 0.9791564 n 0.9787259 9.0446347* 240 0.2026919 235 28 12.84 0.6602801 n 0.9223582 n 0.9217848 0.6603403* 270 0.1828971 264 38 54.09 0.9069056 n 0.7051686 n 0.7043164 0.9066458 n 300 0.1621568 295 15 13.36 0.9790254 n 9.4089485* 9.3984933 0.9786051 n 330 0.1463201 327 12 35.38 0.9148835 n 0.6835510 0.6835778 n 0.9142995 n ~sT 1.0916971 900 0.00 2, 1.0916972 1080 0.00 E 10g5 log^ p \ g logC" 30 1.0710308 1.1693425 1.9648845 1.9689849 10682.6599 18227.1670 8117.2267 8041.3776 1.0027367 1.0056470 8.3349592 8.6360598 60 1.2416284 1.9733790 26314.7192 7960.4005 1.0092812 8.8370927 90 120 1.2868582 1.3068094 1.9769311 1.9787352 32935.6960 36424.3060 7895.1366 7862.0877 1.0129818 1.0155661 8.9705083 9.0427814 150 1.3022786 1.9783135 35792.7330 7869.9176 1.0157721 9.0497000 180 1.2725893 1.9757393 31049.5750 7917.3434 1.0131888 8.9809495 210 240 1.2158096 1.1302863 1.9716558 1.9671494 23362.5420 14847.5260 7992.6957 8076.0143 1.0087905 1.0043632 8.8189886 8.5302017 270 300 1.0231950 0.9419157 1.9634684 1.9616475 7941.6038 4595.4802 8144.1096 8177.6560 1.0013537 1.0002558 8.0341618 7.3163722 330 0.9692790 1.9621814 5654.5662 8167.4836 1.0008465 7.8342202 1 11.8215349 11.8215351 123914.27 123914.31 48110.729 48110.721 6.0453918 6.0453916 22 E lOgPstf/ log-P.Ci* B* B u Bp A*C 1.9169034 0.5318556 1.71845 .89671773 0.3721019 1273741.5 30 1.9755785 0.5328775 3.01775 -1.13441580 2.5062115 2172708.2 60 1.9062750 0.2070736 -4.62374 .98414281 4.7095692 3211393.9 90 1.6134503 8.6889828 n 6.08172 .44676768 5.6474343 4168957.1 120 1.2216849 n 9.5472262 6.93032 0.29124699 5.0684299 4791819.1 150 1.8858736,, 0.4342181 6.88475 0.95971490 3.1277779 4857869.0 180 2.0793986 n 0.6943511 5.96030 1.34015180 0.3456203 4287900.0 210 2.1185815 n 0.6960869 4.47493 1.35536890 2.5324875 3228683.9 240 2.0337615 n 0.4411836 2.90359 1.07265140 4.7354355 2023242.3 270 1.7767034 9.5893663 1.66622 0.62356451 5.6730943 1059477.9 300 0.4293996 8.6103629 W 1.00508 0.10695994 5.0942969 597208.9 330 1.6828108 0.2039025 1.01624 .42731476 3.1540537 697610.1 2, 23.14148 0.9301496 0.0782150 16185305.7 23.14161 0.9301500 0.0782128 16185306.2 E 30 60 90 120 150 180 A"C- A Z C *$ & u log - c - ^ 1,000 R 1331148.8 1499656.7 1257141.7 633680.8 - 251362.3 -1175895.1 1859502.8 51269.99 100538.88 149578.11 185230.51 -190157.71 154729.51 - 89067.22 8.0562601 8.1210086 8.1877509 8.2373935 8.2639876 8.2663024 8.2448728 7.5893686 7.5702475 7.4530372 7.1237659 6.6740144 M 7.3428058 7.5509401 5.9407458 n 6.8638621 n 7.095934U 7.1721544 n 7.1355044* 6.9590236 n 6.3943817n 1.7097689 1.7745204 1.9262896 2.1375744 2.3569481 2.5168682 2.5606371 210 240 2068748.7 1729849.5 20232.80 25701.71 8.2024945 8.1483792 7.6367383 n 7.6523844 n 6.6338873 6.9773713 2.4720554 2.2843136 270 969088.3 38725.85 8.1153154 7.6286630 n 7.0861514 2.0608640 300 330 I 43468.5 784500.8 24077.58 8288.07 8.2046672 8.0486528 6.7557748 n 7.5910007 7.1006984 7.7301623 1.8653206 1.7413404 1295892.6 1295893.9 430293.74 430293.93 12.70328 12.70322 E 1000 U 1000 Z 1000 # n 1000 H t 1000 H u 1000 He -500 H Ml +.0099129364 +.01219913 .01178899 +.00313663 1.7097689 +0.01982587 1.5503021 30 +.0070243377 .10023809 +.06747523 .07412671 1.4844357 +0.97300477 1.6311880 60 +.0054967025 -.20386986 +.03664317 .20054972 0.8120554 +1.74728269 1.8364587 90 +.0055926247 -.27213016 .09419268 .25530876 +0.2105525 +2.12773530 2.1375744 120 +.0032050993 .27013335 .20519340 .17569210 +1.3414279 +1.93830949 2.4668628 150 .0049176511 .17936971 .17509923 .03890714 +2.2292371 +1.16793251 2.7201623 180 .016050410 .02369097 .02289447 +.00609141 +2.5606371 +0.03210082 2.7994626 210 .022805479 +.13539885 +.10010378 .09117062 +2.2161522 1.09867500 2.6717296 240 .019925518 +.23709997 +.07965469 --.22331936 + 1.3285740 1.86063280 2.3908407 270 .0090535750 +.25685432 .04260349 .25329642 +0.2103199 2.05103630 2.0608640 300 +.0029944062 +.20818148 .13424167 .15911853 0.8010985 1.68427280 1.7783332 330 +.0097886250 +.11927107 .11350343 -.03664085 1.4740911 0.92634119 1.6006880 2 i .014366784 .04021460 .25782067 .74945050 +1.907705 +0.19261327 12.8222601 *\ .014371118 .04021372 .25781983 .74945177 +1.907735 +0.19262010 12.8222063 23 The resulting values are (&) e(S7T) (SZ,) sn - ".024687315, ".0062897022, ".062294586, ".93075550, ".062281786, - ".83828575, - ".0084927392. For comparison we give the results of Newcomb and of Lever- rier and those obtained by applying Hill's method.* Leverrier's values are reduced to the value of m here adopted. Newcomb. Leverrier. Method of Hill. Method of Arndt. (*) (<*) (6L) + 0.00629 + 0.00628 + 0.0062891 + 0.0062897 + 0.06226 + 0.06226 + 0.0622814 4- 0.0622817 0.00849 0.00852 0.0084927 0.0084927 0.02468 0.02467 0.0246873 0.0246873 0.838 0.8382821 0.8382857 CONCLUSION. The computation apparently shows that this method is some- what less accurate than that of Hill. The cause lies in the fact that the formulae involve differences of almost equal quantities. This is true, in this problem at least, in the formulae for .Z?f, C 2 and U Q . For example, the formula for C 2 (21) contains the factor (g 1) ; a glance at the values of g given in the table shows that this factor becomes so small that its logarithm, and consequently that of (7 2 , becomes quite inaccurate in its last places. Whether these conditions are accidental to the problem is not evident. In spite of the greater mathematical elegance of the treatment by Arndt, it is the opinion of the author that the additional accuracy secured by applying Hill's method would repay the extra com- putation. *A. J., No, 574.