Mm^'^^^U"^^t^ 5517 D — 7^= 3 7 ;; Howard A grand solemn dirge THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES \ \ FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND ^ PEDICATED TO the Glorious SIXTY-FIVE. A Grand Solemn Dirge, I N T HE High Burlefque Tragi-comic Tafte, Performed at the FUNERAL O F OLD ENGLISH LIBERTT, On the SAME DAY as The Definitive Treaty of Peace WAS SIGNED BETWIXT France^ Spain^ and Great-Britain, ^f ■■!■ - ■• I m^ ' • I ■■■- I ■ ■ . ■ - , . „ . ., . I II ^wm ^ mt ■—■■■^ ■■ ■■■ ■l^.■^■ -■ ^' — ■ By H. HOWARD. L N D O N: Printed for the Author, and Sold by J. \\ i lli ams, oppofite S(, Vu»Jltin% Church, Fleet-Sired. MDCCLXIII. ( 5 ) / GRAND SOLEMN DIRGE, IN THE High Burlefque Tragi-comic Tafte. First Recitativi::. By Mr. Bawldon, To the Bladder and String, N C E F O R T H no EnghjJy Brow ihall fmile, whes gone ! — The. Darling of our Ifle! to the Heart ; With Grief and Smart ; Woe ! Woe ! i\h! Oh! Weep, wail! Cry, rail ! Rave, fwear, Stamp, Hare I Nothing remains, but bhick Defpair ! 858619 ( o A I R. By Mr. BLick-Beixid} the ^hck-Smith, To the Amil and ILmmcr, (Tune, By the Side of a ^jeat Kitchen Fire.) When the Tax on the Porter Avas laid, I thought they had l^mething in View Some Scheme on our Strength and our Trade, For iince I've had nothing to do; Each Night i could call for my Qiiart, For Thrums have a Tankard of Porter, But the Halfpenny breaks my poor Heart, And the Beer is no better than Water. D U E T T A. By Mifs Rpnt and Mifs Shriller, (Two Milk Girls) 'To the Rattling of their Pails, (Tune, The Jttic Fire.) Come all ye brave that fought and bled, Your darling Liberty is dead. By cruel Hands flie fell ; The lovely Fair, alas ! no more Shall finile on poor Britannia % Shore ; — O Grief too great to tell ! RE. I"- (7 ) R E C IT A T I V E. By Mr, WaCs-p, Stinger c'^.d Singer, 7o the Drone of a 'B.t^plpc, Vox take 'cm, for their cUann'd llI-naLure, I'll JJing 'em home, with Jlinging Satire. A I R. (^Accompanied with the Tongs and Fire'Shoie!,) ('rnnt', Eritcns, Jirike home.) Britcns, fneali h.ome, Sneak home. Sneak home. Your Liberty's gone. Hark! Hark to her Knell! Hark! Hark to her Knell ! Da Capo. Ding, Dong, Bell. D U E T T A. By Mejjrs. Savage and Mad-Ox, Butchers, To the Marrow-bones and Cleavers. (Tune, As I was a driving my JFaggon one Day.) The Devil take all their damn'd fcheming, I fay. They've murder'd poor Liberty — Rot 'em, I pray; They butcher d her vilely, and mangled her lore. And made thcmlelves drunk with the poor Creature's Gore. CHORUS. Ah, poor Liberty ! Old Englijl) Liberty \ Genivis of England-, adieu ! ( 8 ) RECITATIVE and A I R. By Mr, Shamplels, the Trnnk-MAer, To the lli ^ { -I ; RECITATIVE. By Mr. Qi-iaker, the Jing'mg Baker, and Mr. Legg-zV. By all the Gods I'll make ''em JJjake! Their Lips to quaver and to quake! I'll fliew myfelfa Subje6l true: Ha, Alafter Lif^^-it, What fay you? Mr. Legg-it. As long as I've a Leg to ftand on, I never will the Caule abandon. A M B O. (Tunc, IFith Swords on their Thighs.) To Liberty raife up the high chearful Strain, We ne'er can forget, tho' we can't her regain, How charming fhe look'd with her Shield and her Spear I A Friend to the Stranger, a Stranger to Fear. Da Capo. I K E C 1 T A T I V E. RECITATIVE and AIR. By Mifs Cat-/)', twd Mifs Squallam. (Acconij[)anied by the Cat-Organ,) Ye cdttenvai'Jiag Tribe each Night, Difturb their Siumber, wake 'em quite : Your Baje and Treble Pipes prepare, And harrdw up their Souls with Fear. AIR. (Tune, Mingotit's Mhmet.) Strait with bawh'ng ! Squeahng, fquaihng ! Ne'er your helliih Mulic ceafe : With eternal Strains infernal! Tell 'em they IKall have no Peace. Da C.ipo. Grand Chorus, accompanied by the whole Band. No Veace lliall there be, For them nor for rae, So let's have a damnable Noife : Damnable Noife! Damnable Noife! So let's have a damnable Noife. I N I S. X>a Capo. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fonn L9-50m-7,'54(5990)444 I PTTT? LIBRARY (jaulord PAM PHLtT BINDER ^^^ Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, CalK. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL USPJ-HlH' " ir D 000 700 036 7 t PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD» ^;^^l^RARYQ^ < m ^A %jnvDjo>^ University Research Library Jl T?