•nX zB'MtttMsii>ttx. THE DWIKE MASTER. a4^u cA^i^ THE DIVINE MASTER. ^cnt\) l^irition. LONDON : J. MASTERS AND CO., 78, NEW DOND .STREET. MDCCCLJtXVIll. •KH Non est alia via ad vitara et ad verara internam pacem nisi Via Sanctae Crucis. Ambula ubi vis, quaere quodcunque volueris, et non invenies altiorera viam supra, nee securiorem viara infra nisi Viam Sanct.b Crucis. De Imit. Christ, lib. ii. c. 12, TO HIM FROM WHOSE HA^DS HAS BEEN RECEIVED m)t 13realr of ICifc, A>'D FROM WHOSE LIPS HAVE BEEN HEARD THE WORDS OF THAT WISDOM WHICH IS THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE EVERLASTING LIGHT, THIS POOR FRUIT OF HIS TRUE TEACHING IS WITH DEEP GRATITUDE INSCRIBED. 2026S28 In preparing a Second Edition of the " Divine Master," it will be necessary only to contradict the erroneous statement which has been made in various quarters, that it is an adaptation from the French : — this is not the case ; the text is en- tirely original in every respect, and the mistake has probably arisen from the fact, that the en- gravings which have been used in this volume, were originally published in France, along with a manual bearing the same name. But the Author has never seen either "Le Divin Maitre" or a translation. Embeh Week, Sept., 1862. It may be advisable to explain, in a very few words, that it is not intended in the following pages to give the history of an individual in the person of " the child," who is represented as re- ceiving instruction from the " Divine Master," but simply to illustrate, under this convenient form, the various trials and difficulties, incidental to the progressive stages of the Spiritual Life. Yet whilst indeed it may be hoped, through God's mercy, that no one person could, in the course of their earthly probation, be subject to all the temptations and errors herein recorded, it is certain at the same time, that none whose war- fare is with the world, the flesh, and the Devil, would ever be exempt from the whole of them ; and it is equally sure, on the principle which teaches, that if a man fail in one jot or tittle of Vlll PREFACE. the Law, he hath failed in all — that no Christian Grace can have been mentioned here, which the members of Christ's Church are not bound zealously to labour for, under all the different phases of their heavenward course. It must also be understood, that the term " Child" has not been adopted as applying to the Lambs of the Blessed fold, for whom most of the sorrowful evils here described must still be unknown dangers : but in acknowledgment of the deep truth which was set forth on that day when a Babe was placed in the midst by a Hand Divine, that there are none, however lofty in intellect, or wise in this world's knowledge, who shall ever enter into the Kingdom of God, except they do indeed receive it in the spirit of a little child. Lent, 1852. CHAPTER I The Way of the Cross CHAPTER II. The Way of the Cross in Repentance CHAPTER m. The Way of the Cross in Humility CHAPTER rV. The Way of the Cross in the Sacraments CHAPTER V. The Way of the Cross in Obedience CHAPTER VI. The Way of the Cross in Perseverance . PAGE 1 12 . 24 37 51 67 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. PACK The Way of the Cross in Holy Zeal . . ,,85 CHAPTEE VIII. The Way of the Cross in Temptation , , 101 CHAPTER IX. The Way of the Cross in Suffering . . .120 CHAPTER X. The Way of the Cross in Death . , . , 140 €^t Wmnt UmUx. CHAPTER I. THE WAY OF THE CROSS. Wi)c Bi\)inc J^astcr. My child, hearken unto Me ; for thou art set upon the threshold of thy mortal life within an evil world, and this is not thy rest. The home that I have purchased for thee, with My Blood, is in a land that is very far off, and the path that leadeth thereunto is dark and difficult ; dangers beset thee on every side. Thy threefold enemies, the Devil, the "World, and the Flesh, keep watch around thee night and day ; and with desire have I desired to lead thee safely to that Haven where thou wouldst be : for many shall seek to enter there, and shall not be able. Child of Mine Agony, for B 2 THE DIVINE MASTER, whom My soul hatli travailed in suffering and in woe, hast thou considered well, that there is none other way, whereby thou mayest reach the delightful mansions of My Father's House, save only the way of the Holy Cross ? VL^c ©f)iltf. I have considered it, beloved Master ; for I remember the words Thou spakest when Thou didst yet tabernacle in the flesh, — "He that taketh not his cross and foUoweth after Me, is not worthy of Me;" and "Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." I am content to do it, O my God, if by any means I might attain unto the Eesurrection of the Just; for I know that our life is but as a vapour, so soon passeth it away, and we are gone : and I will not be of those who, looking not beyond it, walk in a vain shadow, and disquiet themselves in vain. I know the fleeting joys of this fair world, could never stay the yearning of my deathless soul, for it is athirst for God, yea, even for the Living God : and in Thy Love, Thy present and eternal Love, alone, can be the satisfaction of my being, and the fulness of joy for evermore. Therefore will I now embrace Thy Blessed Cross, and say, " This shall be my rest for ever." JBibinc J^astcr. It is well, My child ; yet take heed that, whilst thou art forward to promise with THE DIVINE MASTEE. 3 thy lips, thy heart deceive thee not ; see thou that it faint not within thee, when I come to lay it bare, stripping it of every earthly hope and wish, whose weight may clog thee on thy way. Art thou very sure that thou knowest what it is, in deed and in truth to bear My Cross ? for there are many on the earth who call themselves My disciples, and profess to carry it within their arms ; but the token which they wear, although it hath the shape and form of a cross, is but a mockery of the stern and deep reality ; it is too light to check the wandering of their feet in paths of human pleasure, where the memory of Mine Anguish, or the prospect of My Judgment, is for- gotten in the sweet indulgence of the senses. It gives no pain or weariness ; it hath no goading sharpness, driving them to labour as I laboured, night and day, in hunger, cold, and faintness often : it hath no piercing power to cut into their very souls, and drag the loathsome sins, from their concealed depths, before their weeping eyes, — nor crushing weight to lay them in the dust of penitence : rather is it but an ornament, in the sight of that bad world, which hateth Me, yet hates them not : and to themselves a flatter- ing delusion, which leads them, while they seem to follow Me, in ways I never trod, where swift upon their steps are speeding the Enemy and 4 THE DIVINE MASTER, tKe Avenger. Beware, My child ; draw back thy hand, for it is stretched to take up some such empty symbol. Look where, close within thy grasp, there lies a true cross, heavy, and sharp, and ponderous as was Mine. I will not lay it on thee, for thy life is given thee as a prey, and thou mayest mould it as thou wilt ; but by My fainting on the road to Calvary, for love of thee, I bid thee to take it up. ®l)iltf. Master, when T hear Thy voice, more sweet than the songof angels. Thy love constrain- eth me ; like unto him whom they compelled to bear Thy burden on that weary way. Thou hast the words of Eternal Life ; unto whom else shall I go ? Be it done unto me according to Thy will. Yet Thine is a hard saying ; open it unto me as Thou wert wont to lighten the ignorance of Thy disciples. Must even the weakest bear the heaviest cross ? Are not there some more light, proportioned to my little strength and feeble soul ? I thought a cross so like to Thine, was only fit for those, Thy bright, peculiar saints, who walk in highest paths of holiness. If I am all too weak for such a sharp and terrible ascent, may I not humbly follow with a lighter burden on a lower path ? It is not given to all to sit upon Thy Eight Hand and Thy Left, witliin Thy Fathee's kingdom ; are there not many who THE DIVINE MASTEE. 5 by Tliy holy Cross, shall joyful enter there, who yet attain not to the loftiest place ? Bibine jl^astf r. No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Hast thou forgotten the words which I have spoken, — Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father Which is in heaven is per- fect ; and be ye holy, for I am holy ? Said I ever unto any man, — Thus far shalt thou serve Me, and no further ? thus far shalt thou purify thy- self, and no more ? Did I mete out to thee with niggard hand the love wherewith I loved thee, or the agony wherewith I bought thee ? If I had sought to stint the measure of My Atonement for thy sin, what power should have saved thee from the nethermost hell, O child of thankless heart ? Darest thou with tearless eyes speak to Me of those who, owing Me no more than thou dost owe, have sought to pay Me with the utter- most surrender of that life, which thou wouldst share between Me and My enemies ? Weep, rather, weep in sackcloth and in ashes, that even the imperfect service of thy fellow-man doth shame thy black ingratitude ; for thou knowest that I loved not them more entirely than I have loved thee, when My Life-Blood was spent for all alike. e^Jjiltj. Oh, Master, spare me ! Thy rebuke 6 THE DIVINE MASTEE. hath broken my heart. Alas ! did I shrink from watching with Thee but one hour, — this little hour of life, when Thou didst leave the glory and the blissful rest of Thine Eternal Fathee's Bosom, to weep upon a Human Mother's knees, a homeless Child, for me ? Did I seek to spare my body, when each nerve in Thine was wrung with fiercest pangs ? or my poor soul, when Thine was so very sorrowful, even unto death, that often Thou, the joy of all created beiugs, didst deeply sigh and groan within Thyself? But now it shall be so no more ; I will leave all, and follow Thee. I will no longer offer Thee but half a heart, when Thine for me was altogether pierced through and through with that sharp and cruel spear. Only call Thou me ; I cannot follow except Thou draw me after Thee by Thy most loving Voice. Bid me come to Thee, though even, like Thy saint of old, it were upon the whelming waters, the deep whelming waters of tribulation . Bid me come to Thee, that I may have power to arise and fling away all clogging joys and dreams of earth, as Bartimeus cast aside his garment when he heard Thy tender call. But, Master, like to him, I too am blind ; I cannot see my way. Be Thou my Light ; O lighten my eyes, that I sleep not in death. I know not how indeed to bear the cross which Thou dost offer, it seems so great and THE DIVINE MASTER. 7 heavy ; I cannot tell how I shall walk beneath its weight, though I could have taken up that little one, and found it, as many around me do, an easy task to carry it through life.— Yet am I ready ; my heart is fixed, O God ! my heart is fixed. Lead me, guide me, and I shall not wander, though the way be dark and long. J3ifa{ne JHaster. Fear not : they who follow Me shall never walk in darkness. Thy footsteps shall not slip ; mercy shall hold thee up when perils encompass thee about, and though the sunshine of this world's joys be dim for thee, in My light shalt thou see light. I know thy spirit is willing, though thy flesh is weak : therefore will I teach thee now, what is in truth that way, wherein My Bleeding Feet have trod before ; thou canst not miss it, for thou shalt know it soon by the many thorns scattered there, which fell from My sharp, piercing Crown as I toiled on. They are the lesser pangs which men must bear who truly follow Me. But now I speak of the one great offering, which thou must make to Me, of thy whole heart and soul ; for the servant is not above his Master, nor the disciple greater than his Lord : and even as I gave Myself for thee, in one sufficient Sacrifice, so unto Me must thy whole self be given. Know then that from that blessed hour when I did first embrace thee, 8 THE DIVINE MASTER. a helpless infant in the Arms of My Mercy, and buried thee with tender care in the Baptismal waters, that I might raise thee from them a re- generate being, to live with Me in righteousness, — thou hast been pledged to crucify the old man within thee, and utterly to abolish the whole body of sin. Attend unto these words, for in them thou hast the perfect revelation of that taking up of My true Cross, which thou dost seek to understand ; the inward crucifixion, daily, ut- terly, and ceaselessly of thine old nature, which is at enmity with God, is the sole means whereby thou canst so cling to Me, thy only safety and thy only hope, that it be not torn from thy grasp by the strong powers that work against thee, as thou passest through the waves of this trouble- some world. Now, concerning crucifixion, to whom so fitly couldst thou come to learn its nature as to Me, the Crucified? look then upon My Body, stamped ,by its awful marks for ever, and read the truth respecting it, which men so shrink from learning. Say, first, if My Torn and Bleeding Form doth not speak to thee of the extreme of mortal agony, and can that Spiritual Crucifixion then, of which Mine was the type, be without sharp, enduring pain ? Next tell Me if thou seest one of all My members withholden from the racking torments, THE DIVINE MASTER. 9 Hands, and Feet, and Heart, even to the inmost core, were not all given ? and so must thou submit each power and sense within thee to the bitter discipline. Behold Mine Arms outstretched and fastened down upon that Wood alone : can they grasp at this world's treasures, its good things, or its hopes ? so must thine own be nailed back, lest thou shouldst take unto thy bosom the deadly love of earthly joys, of ease, of luxuries, and va- nities, till they eating into thy very heart, for ever quench therein thy little spark of Love for Me. This, My child, must be thy crucifixion, — to take My Will holy and perfect. My Will which is thy Sanctification, for the one sole law of thy entire being ; and forasmuch as this first nature which thou must kill is altogether opposed to it, whereinsoever thou shalt find one thought or word, or deed, one hope, affection, or desire, which springs not from the pure resolve to serve Me and Me only, then must thou take that rebel, though it be entwined with the very fibres of thy heart, and nail it to My Cross, forcing it to yield up its life in pain, whilst thou, released from its corrupt control, dost bend thyself once more to the rule of stern submission. Within and with- out shalt thou bind thyself to do My Will: within, — by the deep purification of thine heart and soul, and spirit, till every thought be brought 10 THE DIVINE MASTEE. into captivity to My obedience, for by holiness alone canst thou look for Me or find Me : without, — by incessant labour for the coming of My king- dom. Thy feet shalt thou nail down, that they quit not that undefiled way, wherein I walked, for ever ministering to others. Thy hands shalt thou pierce through to rivet them unto My work alone. My heart shalt thou cut open with a sharp, keen wound, that thou mayest cleanse it from all corrupt affections and desires and so crucified with Me, and dead to Sin, and to the World, bearing indeed My Cross on earth, with Me shalt thou rise, with Me ascend, to dwell for ever and for ever, with My Fathee, and thy Fathee, with My God, and thy God. Cri^illr. Oh, thanks be unto God for His un- speakable Gift, whereby so glorious a reward may be the hope of mortal man. Oh that I might ever live to see Thy Face in Glor3\ But alas, Good Master, this is indeed a fiery trial which is to try me : how shall I endure to be partaker of such Sufferings as Thine ? who is suf- ficient for these things ? like unto Thy disciples when Thou didst open the way of Eighteousness unto the rich young man, I am exceedingly amazed, and am fain with them to cry out, "Who then shall be saved?" IBiJ3in« i^astcr. As I answered them, so do THE DIVINE MASTEE. 11 I now answer thee ; with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Wert thou not made in Baptism the Temple of the Holt Ghost, and doth the Blessed Dove not hover still within thy fainting Soul? take heed that thou blaspheme not : is there aught too great of purity or holiness for God's Almighty Spirit to accomplish ? did I bid thee follow Me in thine own strength, when without Me thou canst do nothing ? did I ever ask more of any man than I would give him power to perform ? have faith, and thou shalt be enabled to say unto the moun- tain of thy sins and weakness, " be thou removed for ever." ®f)iHr. My Loed and my God, it is enough : I believe that I can do all things through Him Who strengtheneth me. In Thee will I put my trust, and I shall yet give Thee thanks for the help of Thy Countenance. Lead Thou me on; for Thou alone shalt be my guide even unto death ; and now to follow Thee do I come forth bearing my Cross, as Thou didst come from Pilate's Judg- ment Hall, bowed down beneath Thine Own. CHAPTEE II. THE WAY OF THE CROSS IN REPENTANCE. IBibine JWastcr. My child, for whom I watched in anguish many a dreary hour, amid the cold night dews ; My child, for whom I was uplifted, naked and marred in shame and spitting, a spec- tacle to men and angels, — is it thus I find thee, lingering treacherously on the path wherein I bid thee follow Me with steps unfaltering, and a heart strong in its burning love, — thus dragging, slow and far behind thee, the cross to which I bid thee nail thyself, in thoughts, and words, and deeds of daily self-denial, and with a veil cast over thee, that the flattering world may not see thee as thou art — yea, as thou must fray to be, if ever thou wouldst reach My sweet and sinless rest ; — even a penitent, soul-stricken, self-abhor- ring, crushed beneath a weight of sins, well sifted and brought up to light by thine own hand j a THE DIVINE MASTER. H. A VaLLINCx HEART . THE DIVINE MASTEE. 13 penitent, so humbled at thine own deep defile- ment, that thou wouldst have all men know thy hatefulness, lest any should increase thy con- demnation by speaking well of thee ; a penitent, knowing that in thee dwelleth no good thing, and that thou hast no claim for aught but sternest punishment, save in the shedding of Mine inno- cent Blood alone. Thou wouldst not let thy fellow creatures see thee thus, rebellious child, though at My Feet thou darest not come in any other guise ; but thou hast hidden thy corrup- tion deep within thy heart, where it doth rankle festering ; and for thine outward practice of fair and pleasant virtues hast been content to win the praise of men. And say, thus veiled, what hath been thy ser- vice after all ? — a grudging, measured offering ; just so much as would satisfy thy conscience and thy fears : that conscience, dulled by self-indul- gence, and distorted by conformity to the world's rule of piety, else had it told thee that this out- ward, painless service, which robs thee not of one of earth's enjoyments, or of a moment's ease, — this light performance of thy pleasant duties, — could never be that hiding of thy life in Me, the Crucified, whereby alone thou canst appear before the awful Throne of Him in Whose sight the very bright stars are not pure ! Hast thou thought 14 THE DIVINE MASTER. the way wherein I walked, bleeding and afflicted, could ever be such soft treading unto human feet? O, My child, My child ! while thou hast dragged thy cross so far behind thee, through the mud and mire of this world's joys and comforts, and still more through its hollow lax religion, where hath been thy inward crucifixion ? Hath it so much as touched thee with its sharpness ? Canst thou show Me any wound, within thy self-de- ceiving heart, which it hath made ? Is there one darling hope or wish nailed down on it in bitter pain ? What hath been the arresting of each thought within thy soul, each word upon thy lips, each deed thy hand was set to do, to prove if it be an offering fit for Me, and if the stain of selfishness or earthly desire was found upon it, straightway slaying it as I was slain ? Men have nought to say against thee : no glaring evil hast thou done : but tremble at the thought of all that thou hast left undone. Think on these words which I have said long since, — " If any man serve Me, him will My Fathee honour." Canst thou dare to say, thy service hath been such as He, the Awful in Holiness, could honour ? ©]^iltf. O, Master, no ; at but the thought my very soul sinks down in terror, and in trembling, as though it must expire before that God, Who, by His purity, in truth is a consuming fire ! I THE DIVINE MASTER. 15 have sinned, I have sinned ! I can feel it now Thy words have pierced my heart, and rent the veil that was upon it, hiding it even from myself. I have been like unto one that is in a dream, for the days went by, as I thought innocently, and I would have scorned any who said that I was not Thy faithful servant. Yet now I see how, step by step, I have grown colder and more sluggish ; so that I have nought to offer Thee, my Loed, save only Thy talent as Thou didst give it me, — no less, perchance, but alas ! no greater. And now all is dimness and confusion within me, I have so deceived myself with easy service and stingless self-denials, that I know not by what means I have fallen from that first love and zeal, BO full of sweetness and of longing, which filled my soul when, at Thy dear command, I took my cross and followed Thee. Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me, when His candle shined upon my head, and when by His light I walked through darkness ! But turn me again, O my Master, and let Thine anger cease from me ; for I know that, as Thy Majesty is, so is Thy mercy. Unto Thee will I pay my vows once more ; to Thee will I return ; for Thou dost abundantly pardon. Only show me now wherein I have wandered, that I may take better heed unto my ways ; set my misdeeds be- 16 THE DIVINE MASTEB. fore me, and my secret sins in the light of Thy Countenance, for Thou tellest my Sittings, and all these things are noted in Thy book. I thought that I had striven against sin, though I know I have not yet resisted unto blood, nor unto any suffering : as when I fell, and even then I knew I did full oft, I failed not to repent. 3@ibin