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Sometime Fellow and Lecturer in Trinity College, Cambridge NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. 1917 Copyright, 1916, by The Century Co. Published, January, 1917 iJ 'S 'KH Le soufHe, le rhythme, la vraie force populaire manqua a la reaction. Elle eut les rois, les tresors, les armees; elle ecrasa les peuples, mais elle resta muette. Elle tiia en silence; elle ne put parler qu'avee le canon sur ses horribles champs de bataille. . . . Tuer quinze millions d'hommes par la faim et I'epee, a la bonne heure, cela se pent. Mais faire un petit chant, un air aime de tous, voila ce que nuUe machination ne donnera. . , . Don reserve, beni. . . . Ce chant peut-etre a I'aube jaillira d'un coeur simple, ou I'alouette le trouvera en mon- tant au soleil, de son sillon d'avril. MiCHELET. lysoosG CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I The Principle of Growth 3 II The State 42 III War as an Institution 79 IV Property 117 V Education 153 VI Marriage and the Population Question 182 VII Religion and the Churches .... 215 VIII What We Can Do 245 WHY MEN FIGHT WHY MEN FIGHT THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH TO all who are capable of new impressions and fresh thought, some modification of former beliefs and hopes has been brought by the war. What the modification has been has depended, in each case, upon character and cir- cumstance; but in one form or another it has been almost universal. To me, the chief thing to be learnt through the war has been a certain view of the springs of human action, what they are, and what we may legitimately hope that they will become. This view, if it is true, seems to afford a basis for political philosophy more capable of standing erect in a time of crisis than the philosophy of traditional Liberalism has shown itself to be. The following lectures, though only one of them will deal with war, all are inspired by a view of the springs of action 3 4 WHY MEN FIGHT which has been suggested by the war. And all of them are informed by the hope of seeing such political institutions established in Europe as shall make men averse to war — a hope which I firmly believe to be realizable, though not with- out a great and fundamental reconstruction of economic and social life. To one who stands outside the cycle of beliefs and passions which make the war seem neces- sary, an isolation, an almost unbearable separa- tion from the general activity, becomes unavoid- able. At the very moment when the universal disaster raises compassion in the highest de- gree, compassion itself compels aloofness from the impulse to self-destruction which has swept over Europe. The helpless longing to save men from the ruin towards which they are hastening makes it necessary to oppose the stream, to in- cur hostility, to be thought unfeeling, to lose for the moment the power of winning belief. It is impossible to prevent others from feeling hos- tile, but it is possible to avoid any reciprocal hos- tility on one's own part, by imaginative under- standing and the sympathy which grows out of it. And without understanding and sympathy it is impossible to find a cure for the evil from which the world is suffering. THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 5 There are two views of the war neither of which seems to me adequate. The usual view in this country is that it is due to the wicked- ness of the Germans ; the view of most pacifists is that it is due to the diplomatic tangle and to the ambitions of Governments. I think both these views fail to realize the extent to which war grows out of ordinary human nature. Ger- mans, and also the men who compose Govern- ments, are on the whole average human beings, actuated by the same passions that actuate others, not differing much from the rest of the world except in their circumstances. War is ac- cepted by men who are neither Germans nor diplomatists with a readiness, an acquiescence in untrue and inadequate reasons, which would not be possible if any deep repugnance to war were widespread in other nations or classes. The untrue things which men believe, and the true things which they disbelieve, are an in- dex to their impulses — not necessarily to indi- vidual impulses in each case (since beliefs are contagious), but to the general impulses of the community. We all believe many things which we have no good ground for believing, because, subconsciously, our nature craves certain kinds of action which these beliefs would render reas- 6 WHY MEN FIGHT onable if they were true. Unfounded beliefs are the homage which impulse pays to reason; and thus it is with the beliefs which, opposite but similar, make men here and in Germany be- lieve it their duty to prosecute the war. The first thought which naturally occurs to one who accepts this view is that it would be well if men were more under the dominion of reason. War, to those who see that it must necessarily do untold harm to all the combat- ants, seems a mere madness, a collective in- sanity in which all that has been known in time of peace is forgotten. If impulses were more controlled, if thought were less dominated by passion, men would guard their minds against the approaches of war fever, and disputes would be adjusted amicably. This is true, but it is not by itself sufficient. It is only those in whom the desire to think truly is itself a passion who will find this desire adequate to control the passions of war. Only passion can control passion, and only a contrary impulse or desire can check im- pulse. Reason, as it is preached by traditional moralists, is too negative, too little living, to make a good life. It is not by reason alone that wars can be prevented, but by a positive life of impulses and passions antagonistic to those that THE PRINCIPLE OP GROWTH 7 lead to war. It is the life of impulse that needs to be changed, not only the life of con- scious thought. All human activity springs from two sources : impulse and desire. The part played by desire has always been sufficiently recognized. When men find themselves not fully contented, and not able instantly to procure what will cause content, imagination brings before their minds the thought of things which they believe would make them happy. All desire involves an in- terval of time between the consciousness of a need and the opportunity for satisfying it. The acts inspired by desire may be in them- selves painful, the time before satisfaction can be achieved may be very long, the object de- sired may be something outside our own lives, and even after our own death. Will, as a di- recting force, consists mainly in following de- sires for more or less distant objects, in spite of the painfulness of the acts involved and the solicitations of incompatible but more imme- diate desires and impulses. All this is familiar, and political philosopliy hitherto has been al- most entirely based upon desire as the source of human actions. But desire governs no more than a part of 8 WHY MEN FIGHT human activity, and that not the most impor- tant but only the more conscious, explicit, and civilized part. In all the more instinctive part of our nature we are dominated by impulses to certain kinds of activity, not by desires for certain ends. Children run and shout, not because of any good which they expect to realize, but because of a direct impulse to running and shouting. Dogs bay the moon, not because they consider that it is to their advantage to do so, but because they feel an impulse to bark. It is not any purpose, but merely an impulse, that prompts such actions as eating, drinking, love-making, quar- reling, boasting. Those who believe that man is a rational animal will say that people boast in order that others may have a good opinion of them; but most of ns can recall occasions when we have boasted in spite of knowing that we should be despised for it. Instinctive acts normally achieve some result which is agreeable to the natural man, but they are not performed from desire for this result. They are per- formed from direct impulse, and the impulse is often strong even in cases in which the normal desirable result cannot follow. Grown men like to imagine themselves more rational than chil- THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 9 dren and dogs, and unconsciously conceal from themselves how great a part impulse plays in their lives. This unconscious concealment al- ways follows a certain general plan. When an impulse is not indulged in the moment in which it arises, there grows up a desire for the ex- pected consequences of indulging the impulse. If some of the consequences which are reason- ably to be expected are clearly disagreeable, a conflict between foresight and impulse arises. If the impulse is weak, foresight may conquer; this is what is called acting on reason. If the impulse is strong, either foresight will be falsi- fied, and the disagreeable consequences will be forgotten, or, in men of a heroic mold, the con- sequences may be recklessly accepted. When Macbeth realizes that he is doomed to defeat, he does not shrink from the fight; he ex- claims : — Lay on, Macduff, And damned be him that first cries, Hold, enough! But such strength and recklessness of im- pulse is rare. Most men, when their impulse is strong, succeed in persuading themselves, usually by a subconscious selectiveness of attention, that agreeable consequences will follow from the indulgence of their impulse. 10 WHY MEN FIGHT "Whole philosophies, whole systems of ethical valuation, spring up in this way: they are the embodiment of a kind of thought w^hich is sub- servient to impulse, which aims at providing a quasi-rational ground for the indulgence of im- pulse. The only thought which is genuine is that which springs out of the intellectual im- pulse of curiosity, leading to the desire to know and understand. But most of what passes for thought is inspired by some non-intellectual im- pulse, and is merely a means of persuading our- selves that we shall not be disappointed or do harm if we indulge this impulse.^ When an impulse is restrained, we feel dis- comfort or even violent pain. We may indulge the impulse in order to escape from this pain, and our action is then one which has a purpose. But the pain only exists because of the impulse, and the impulse itself is directed to an act, not to escaping from the pain of restraining the im- pulse. The impulse itself remains without a purpose, and the purpose of escaping from pain only arises when the impulse has been momen- tarily restrained. 1 On this subject compare Bernard Hart's "Psychology of Insanity" (Cambridge University Press, 1914), chap, v, espe- cially pp. 62-5, THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 11 Impulse is at the basis of our activity, much more than desire. Desire has its place, but not so large a place as it seemed to have. Impulses bring with them a whole train of subservient fictitious desires : they make men feel that they desire the results which w^ill follow from indulg- ing the impulses, and that they are acting for the sake of these results, when in fact their action has no motive outside itself. A man may write a book or paint a picture under the belief that he desires the praise which it will bring him ; but as soon as it is finished, if his creative impulse is not exhausted, what he has done grows uninteresting to him, and he begins a new piece of work. What applies to artistic crea- tion applies equally to all that is most vital in our lives : direct impulse is what moves us, and the desires which we think we have are a mere garment for the impulse. Desire, as opposed to impulse, has, it is true, a large and increasing share in the regulation of men's lives. Impulse is erratic and anarch- ical, not easily fitted into a well-regulated sys- tem ; it may be tolerated in children and artists, but it is not thought proper to men who hope to be taken seriously. Almost all paid work is done from desire, not from impulse : the work it- 12 WHY MEN FIGHT self is more or less irksome, but the payment for it is desired. The serious activities that fill a man's working hours are, except in a few for- tunate individuals, governed mainly by pur- poses, not by impulses towards those activities. In this hardly any one sees an evil, because the place of impulse in a satisfactory existence is not recognized. An impulse, to one who does not share it actually or imaginatively, will always seem to be mad. All impulse is essentially blind, in the sense that it does not spring from any prevision of consequences. The man who does not share the impulse will form a different estimate as to what the consequences will be, and as to whether those that must ensue are desirable. This dif- ference of opinion will seem to be ethical or in- tellectual, whereas its real basis is a difference of impulse. No genuine agreement will be reached, in such a case, so long as the difference of impulse persists. In all men who have any vigorous life, there are strong impulses such as may seem utterly unreasonable to others. Blind impulses sometimes lead to destruction and death, but at other times they lead to the best things the world contains. Blind impulse is the source of war, but it is also the source of THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 13 science, and art, and love. It is not the weaken- ing of impulse that is to be desired, but the (^ rection of impulse towards life and growth rather than towards death and decay. The complete control of impulse by will, which is sometimes preached by moralists, and often enforced by economic necessity, is not really de- sirable. A life governed by purposes and de- sires, to the exclusion of impulse, is a tiring life ; it exhausts vitality, and leaves a man, in the end, indifferent to the very purposes which he has been trying to achieve. When a whole na- tion lives in this way, the whole nation tends to become feeble, without enough grasp to recog- nize and overcome the obstacles to its desires. Industrialism and organization are constantly forcing civilized nations to live more and more by purpose rather than impulse. In the long run such a mode of existence, if it does not dry up the springs of life, produces new impulses, not of the kind which the will has been in the habit of controlling or of which thought is con- scious. These new impulses are apt to be worse in their effects than those that have been checked. Excessive discipline, especially when it is imposed from without, often issues in im- pulses of cruelty and destruction; this is one 14 WHY MEN FIGHT reason why militarism has a bad effect on na- tional character. Either lack of vitality, or im- pulses which are oppressive and against life, will almost always result if the spontaneous im- pulses are not able to find an outlet. A man's impulses are not fixed from the beginning by his native disposition: within certain wide limits, they are profoundly modified by his circum- stances and his way of life. The nature of these modifications ought to be studied, and the results of such study ought to be taken ac- count of in judging the good or harm that is done by political and social institutions. The war has grown, in the main, out of the life of impulse, not out of reason or desire. There is an impulse of aggression, and an im- pulse of resistance to aggression. Either may, on occasion, be in accordance with reason, but both are operative in many cases in which they are quite contrary to reason. Each impulse produces a whole harvest of attendant beliefs. The beliefs appropriate to the impulse of ag- gression may be seen in Bernhardi, or in the early Mohammedan conquerors, or, in full per- fection, in the Book of Joshua. There is first of all a conviction of the superior excellence of one's own group, a certainty that they are in THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 15 some sense the chosen people. This justifies the feeling that only the good and evil of one's own group is of real importance, and that the rest of the world is to be regarded merely as material for the triumph or salvation of the higher race. In modern politics this attitude is embodied in imperialism. Europe as a whole has this attitude towards Asia and Africa, and many Germans have this attitude towards the rest of Europe. Correlative to the impulse of aggression is the impulse of resistance to aggression. This impulse is exemplified in the attitude of the Israelites to the Philistines or of medieval Europe to the Mohammedans. The beliefs which it produces are beliefs in the peculiar wickedness of those whose aggression is feared, and in tlie immense value of national customs which they might suppress if they were vic- torious. When the war broke out, all the re- actionaries in England and France began to speak of the danger to democracy, although un- til that moment they had opposed democracy with all their strength. They were not insin- cere in so speaking: the impulse of resistance to Germany made them value whatever was en- dangered by the German attack. They loved 16 WHY MEN FIGHT democracy because they hated Germany; but they thought they hated Germany because they loved democracy. The correlative impulses of aggression and resistance to aggression have both been opera- tive in all the countries engaged in the war. Those who have not been dominated by one or other of these impulses may be roughly divided into three classes. There are, first, men whose national sentiment is antagonistic to the State to which they are subject. This class includes some Irish, Poles, Finns, Jews, and other mem- bers of oppressed nations. From our point of view, these men may be omitted from our con- sideration, since they have the same impulsive nature as those who fight, and differ merely in external circumstances. The second class of men who have not been part of the force supporting the war have been those whose impulsive nature is more or less atrophied. Opponents of pacifism suppose that all pacifists belong to this class, except when they are in German pay. It is thought that pacifists are bloodless, men without passions, men who can look on and reason with cold de- tachment while their brothers are giving their lives for their country. Among those who are THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 17 merely passively pacifist, and do no more than abstain from actively taking part in the war, there may be a certain proportion of whom this is true. I think the supporters of war would be right in decrying such men. In spite of all the destruction which is wrought by the impulses that lead to war, there is more hope for a na- tion which has these impulses than for a na- tion in which all impulse is dead. Impulse is the expression of life, and while it exists there is hope of its turning towards life instead of to- wards death; but lack of impulse is death, and out of death no new life will come. The active pacifists, however, are not of this class : they are not men without impulsive force but men in whom some impulse to which war is hostile is strong enough to overcome the im- pulses tliat lead to war. It is not the act of a passionless man to throw himself athwart the whole movement of the national life, to urge an outwardly hopeless cause, to incur obloquy and to resist the contagion of collective emotion. The impulse to avoid the hostility of public opin- ion is one of the strongest in human nature, and can only be overcome by an unusual force of direct and uncalculating impulse ; it is not cold reason alone that can prompt such an act. 18 WHY MEN FIGHT Impulses may be divided into those that make for life and those that make for death. The impulses embodied in the war are among those that make for death. Any one of the impulses that make for life, if it is strong enough, will lead a man to stand out against the war. Some of these impulses are only strong in highly civilized men ; some are part of common human- ity. The impulses towards art and science are among the more civilized of those that make for life. Many artists have remained wholh^ un- touched by the passions of the war, not from feebleness of feeling, but because the creative instinct, the pursuit of a vision, makes them critical of the assaults of national passion, and not responsive to the myth in which the impulse of pugnacity clothes itself. And the few men in whom the scientific impulse is dominant have noticed the rival myths of warring groups, and have been led through understanding to neu- trality. But it is not out of such refined im- pulses that a popular force can be generated which shall be sufficient to transform the world. There are three forces on the side of life which require no exceptional mental endowment, which are not very rare at present, and might be very common under better social institutions. THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 19 They are love , the instinct of co nstmc tiveness. and the joy of life. AH three are checked and enfeebled at present by the conditions under which men live — not only the less outwardly for- tunate, but also the majority of the well-to-do. Our institutions rest upon injustice and author- ity: it is only by closing our hearts against sympathy and our minds against truth that we can endure the oppressions and unfairnesses by which we profit. The conventional concep- tion of what constitutes success leads most men to live a life in which their most vital impulses are sacrificed, and the joy of life is lost in list- less weariness. Our economic system compels almost all men to carry out the purposes of others rather than their own, making them feel impotent in action and only able to secure a cer- tain modicum of passive pleasure. All these things destroy the vigor of the community, the expansive affections of individuals , and the power of viewing the world generously. All these things are unnecessary and can be ended by wisdom and courage. If they were ended, the impulsive life of men would become wholly different, and the human race might travel to- wards a new happiness and a new vigor. To urge this hope is the purpose of these lectures. 20 WHY MEN FIGHT The impulses and desires of men and women, in so far as they are of real importance in their lives, are not detached one from another, but proceed from a central principle of growth, an instinctive urgency leading them in a certain di- rection, as trees seek the light.. So long as this instinctive movement is not thwarted, whatever misfortunes may occur are not fundamental dis- asters, and do not produce those distortions which result from interference with natural growth. This intimate center in each human being is what imagination must apprehend if we are to understand him intuitively. It differs from man to man, and detennines for each man the type of excellence of which he is capable. The utmost that social institutions can do for a man is to make his own growth free and vigor- ous : they cannot force him to grow according to the pattern of another man. There are in men some impulses and desires — for example, those towards dmgs — ^which do not grow out of the central principle ; such impulses, when they be- come strong enough to be harmful, have to be checked by self-discipline. Other impulses, though they may grow out of the central prin- ciple in the individual, may be injurious to the growth of others, and they need to be checked in THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 21 the interest of others. But in the main, the im- pulses which are injurious to others tend to re- sult from thwarted growth, and to be least in those who have been unimpeded in their instinc- tive development. Men, like trees, require for their growth the right soil and a sufficient freedom from oppres- sion. These can be helped or hindered by politi- cal institutions. But the soil and the freedom required for a man's growth are immeasurably more difficult to discover and to obtain than the soil and the freedom required for the growth of a tree. And the full growth which may be hoped for cannot be defined or demonstrated; it is subtle and complex, it can only be felt by a delicate intuition and dimly apprehended by imagination and respect. It depends not only or chiefly upon the physical environment, but upon beliefs and affections, upon opportunities for action, and upon the whole life of the com- munity. The more developed and civilized the type of man the more elaborate are the condi- tions of his growth, and the more dependent they become upon the general state of the so- ciety in which he lives. A man's needs and de- sires are not confined to his own life. If his mind is comprehensive and his imagination 22 WHY MEN FIGHT vivid, the failures of the community to which he belongs are his failures, and its successes are his successes: according as his community suc- ceeds or fails, his own growth is nourished or impeded. In the modern world, the principle of growth in most men and women is hampered by insti- tutions inherited from a simpler age. By the progress of thought and knowledge, and by the increase in command over the forces of the phys- ical world, new possibilities of growth have come into existence, and have given rise to new claims which must be satisfied if those who make them are not to be thwarted. There is less acquiescence in limitations which are no longer unavoidable, and less possibility of a good life while those limitations remain. Institutions which give much greater opportunities to some classes than to others are no longer recognized as just by the less fortunate, though the more fortunate still defend them vehemently. Hence arises a universal strife, in which tradition and authority are arrayed against liberty and jus- tice. Our professed morality, being traditional, loses its hold upon those who are in revolt. Co- operation between the defenders of the old and the champions of the new has become almost im- THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 23 possible. An intimate disunion has entered into almost all the relations of life in continually increasing measure. In the fight for freedom, men and women become increasingly unable to break down the walls of the Ego and achieve the growth which comes from a real and vital union. All our institutions have their historic basis in Authority. The unquestioned authority of the Oriental despot found its religious expres- sion in the omnipotent Creator, whose glory was the sole end of man, and against whom man had no rights. This authority descended to the Emperor and Pope, to the kings of the Middle Ages, to the nobles in the feudal hierarchy, and even to every husband and father in his deal- ings with his wife and children. The Church was the direct embodiment of the Divine au- thority, the State and the law were constituted by the authoriy of the King, private property in land grew out of the authority of conquering barons, and the family was governed by the au- thority of the pater-familias. The institutions of the Middle Ages permitted only a fortunate few to develop freely : the vast majority of mankind existed to minister to the few. But so long as authority was genuinely 24 WHY MEN FIGHT respected and acknowledged even by its least fortunate subjects, medieval society remained organic and not fundamentally hostile to life, since outward submission was compatible with inward freedom because it was voluntary. The institutions of Western Christendom embodied a theory which was really believed, as no theory by which our present institutions can be de- fended is now believed. The medieval theory of life broke down through its failure to satisfy men's demands for justice and liberty. Under the stress of oppres- sion, w^hen rulers exceeded their theoretical powers, the victims were forced to realize that they themselves also had rights, and need not live merely to increase the glory of the few. Gradually it came to be seen that if men have power, they are likely to abuse it, and that authority in practice means tyranny. Because the claim to justice was resisted by the holders of power, men became more and more separate units, each fighting for his own rights, not a genuine community bound together by an or- ganic common purpose. This absence of a com- mon purpose has become a source of unhappi- ness. One of the reasons which led many men to welcome the outbreak of the present war was THE PEINCIPLE OF GROWTH 25 that it made each nation again a whole com- munity with a single purpose. It did this b}" de- stroying, for the present, the beginnings of a single purpose in the civilized world as a whole ; but these beginnings were as yet so feeble that few were much affected by their destruction. Men rejoiced in the new sense of unity with their compatriots more than they minded the in- creased separation from their enemies. The hardening and separation of the indi- vidual in the course of the fight for freedom has been inevitable, and is not likely ever to be wholly undone. What is necessary, if an or- ganic society is to grow up, is that our institu- tions should be so fundamentally changed as to embody that new respect for the individual and his rights which modern feeling demands. The medieval Empire and Church swept away the individual. There were heretics, but they were massacred relentlessly, without any of the qualms aroused by later persecutions. And they, like their persecutors, were persuaded that there ought to be one universal Church: they differed only as to what its creed should be. Among a few men of art and letters, the Renais- sance undermined the medieval theory, without, however, replacing it by anything but skepticism 26 WHY MEN FIGHT and confusion. The first serious breach in this medieval theory was caused by Luther's asser- tion of the right of private judgment and the fallibiUty of General Councils. Out of this as- sertion grew inevitably, with time, the belief that a man's religion could not be determined for him by authority, but must be left to the free choice of each individual. It was in matters of religion that the battle for liberty began, and it is in matters of religion that it has come near- est to a comjDlete victory.^ The development through extreme individu- alism to strife, and thence, one hopes, to a new reintegration, is to be seen in almost every department of life. Claims are advanced in the name of justice, and resisted in the name of tra- dition and prescriptive right. Each side hon- estly believes that it deserves to triumph, be- cause two theories of society exist side by side in our thought, and men choose, unconsciously, the theory which fits their case. Because the battle is long and arduous all general theory is gradually forgotten ; in the end, nothing remains but self-assertion, and when the oppressed win 1 This was written before Christianity had become punish- able by hard labor, penal servitude, or even death, under the Military Service Act (Xo. 2). [Note added in 1916.] THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 27 freedom they are as oppressive as their former masters. This is seen most crudely in the case of what is called nationalism. Nationalism, in theory, is the doctrine that men, by their sympathies and traditions, form natural groups, called "na- tions," each of which ought to be united under one central Government. In the main this doc- trine may be conceded. But in practice the doc- trine takes a more personal form. "I belong," the oppressed nationalist argues, ''by sympathy and tradition to nation A, but I am subject to a government which is in the hands of nation B. This is an injustice, not only because of the gen- eral principle of nationalism, but because nation A is generous, progressive, and civilized, while nation B is oppressive, retrograde, and barbar- ous. Because this is so, nation A deserves to prosper, while nation B deserves to be abased." The inhabitants of nation B are naturally deaf to the claims of abstract justice, when they are accompanied by personal hostility and con- tempt. Presently, however, in the course of war, nation A acquires its freedom. The energy and pride which have achieved freedom generates a momentum which leads on, almost infallibly, to the attempt at foreign conquest, or 28 WHY MEN FIGHT to the refusal of liberty to some smaller nation. ''What? You say that nation C, which forms part of our State, has the same rights against as as we had against nation A ? But that is ab- surd. Nation C is swinish and turbulent, in- capable of good government, needing a strong hand if it is not to be a menace and a disturbance to all its neighbors." So the English used to speak of the Irish, so the Germans and Russians speak of the Poles, so the Galician Poles speak of the Ruthenes, so the Austrians used to speak of the Magyars, so the Magyars speak of the South Slav sympathizers with Serbia, so the Serbs speak of the Macedonian Bulgars. In this way nationalism, unobjectionable in theory, leads by a natural movement to oppression and wars of conquest. No sooner was France free from the English, in the fifteenth century, than it embarked upon the conquest of Italy; no sooner was Spain freed from the Moors than it entered into more than a century of conflict with France for the supremacy in Europe. The case of Germany is very interesting in this re- spect. At the beginning of the eighteenth cen- tury German culture was French: French was the language of the Courts, the language in which Leibnitz wrote his philosophy, the uni- THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 29 versal language of polite letters and learning. National consciousness liardly existed. Then a series of great men created a self-respect in Germany by their achievements in poetry, music, philosophy, and science. But politically German nationalism was only created by Na- poleon's oppression and the uprising of 1813. After centuries during which every disturbance of the peace of Europe began with a French or Swedish or Russian invasion of Germany, the Germans discovered that by sufficient effort and union they could keep foreign armies off their territory. But the effort required had been too great to cease when its purely defensive pur- pose had been achieved by the defeat of Na- poleon. Now, a hundred years later, they are still engaged in the same movement, which has become one of aggression and conquest. Whether we are now seeing the end of the movement it is not yet possible to guess. If men had any strong sense of a community of nations, nationalism would serve to define the boundaries of the various nations. But be- cause men only feel community within their own nation, nothing but force is able to make them respect the rights of other nations, even when 30 WHY MEN FIGHT they are asserting exactly similar rights on their own behalf. Analogous development is to be expected, with the course of time, in the conflict between capital and labor which has existed since the growth of the industrial system, and in the con- flict between men and women, which is still in its infancy. What is wanted, in these various conflicts, is some principle, genuinely believed, w^hich will have justice for its outcome. The tug of w^ar of mutual self-assertion can only result in justice through an accidental equality of force. It is no use to attempt any bolstering up of in- stitutions based on authority, since all such in- stitutions involve injustice, and injustice once realized cannot be perpetuated without funda- mental damage both to those who uphold it and to those who resist it. The damage consists in the hardening of the walls of the Ego, making them a prison instead of a window. Unimpeded growth in the individual depends upon many contacts with other people, which must be of the nature of free cooperation, not of enforced serv- ice. While the belief in authority was alive, free cooperation was compatible with inequality and subjection, but now equality and mutual THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 31 freedom are necessary. All institutions, if they are not to hamper individual growth, must be based as far as possible upon voluntary com- bination, rather than the force of the law or the traditional authority of the holders of power. None of our institutions can survive the applica- tion of this principle without great and funda- mental changes; but these changes are impera- tively necessary if the world is to be withheld from dissolving into hard separate units each at war with all the others. The two chief sources of good relations be- tween individuals are instinctive liking and a common purpose. Of these two, a common pur- pose might seem more important politically, but, in fact, it is often the outcome, not the cause, of instinctive liking, or of a common in- stinctive aversion. Biological groups, from the family to the nation, are constituted by a greater or less degree of instinctive liking, and build their common purposes on this founda- tion. Instinctive liking is the feeling which makes us take pleasure in another person's company, find an exhilaration in his presence, wish to talk with him, work with him, play with him. The extreme form of it is being in love, but its 32 WHY MEN FIGHT fainter forms, and even the very faintest, have political importance. The presence of a person who is instinctively disliked tends to make any other person more likable. An anti-Semite will love any fellow-Christian when a Jew is present. In China, or the wilds of Africa, any white man would be welcomed with joy. A common aversion is one of the most frequent causes of mild instinctive liking. Men differ enormously in the frequency and intensity of their instinctive likings, and the same man w^ill differ greatly at different times. One may take Carlyle and Walt Whitman as op- posite poles in this respect. To Carlyle, at any rate in later life, most men and women were re- pulsive; they inspired an instinctive aversion which made him find pleasure in imagining them under the guillotine or perishing in battle. This led him to belittle most men, finding satisfaction only in those who had been notably destructive of human life — Frederick the Great, Dr. Fran- cia, and Governor Eyre. It led him to love war and violence, and to despise the weak and the oppressed — for example, the ''thirty thousand distressed needlewomen," on whom he was never weary of venting his scorn. His morals and his politics, in later life, were inspired THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 33 through and through by repugnance to almost the whole human race. Walt Whitman, on the contrary, had a warm, expansive feeling towards the vast majority of men and women. His queer catalogues seemed to him interesting because each item came be- fore his imagination as an object of delight. The sort of joy which most people feel only in those who are exceptionally beautiful or splen- did Walt Whitman felt in almost everybody. Out of this universal liking grew optimism, a belief in democracy, and a conviction that it is easy for men to live together in peace and amity. His philosophy and politics, like Carlyle's, were based upon his instinctive attitude towards ordi- nary men and women. There is no objective reason to be given to show that one of these attitudes is essentially more rational than the other. If a man finds people repulsive, no argument can prove to him that they are not so. But both his own desires and other people's are much more likely to find satisfaction if he resembles Walt Whitman than if he resembles Carlyle. A world of Walt Whitmans would be happier and more capable of realizing its purposes than a world of Carlyles. For this reason, we shall desire, if we 34 WHY MEN FIGHT can, to increase the amount of instinctive liking in the world and diminish the amount of in- stinctive aversion. This is perhaps the most important of all the effects by which political in- stitutions ought to be judged. The other source of good relations between in- dividuals is a common purpose, especially where that purpose cannot be achieved without know- ing its cause. Economic organizations, such as unions and political parties are constituted al- most wholly by a common purpose ; whatever in- stinctive liking may come to be associated with them is the result of the common purpose, not its cause. Economic organizations, such as rail- way companies, subsist for a purpose, but this purpose need only actually exist in those who direct the organization: the ordinary wage- earner need have no purpose beyond earning his wages. This is a defect in economic organiza- tions, and ought to be remedied. One of the ob- jects of syndicalism is to remedy this defect. Marriage is (or should be) based on instinc- tive liking, but as soon as there are children, or the wish for children, it acquires the additional strength of a common purpose. It is this chiefly which distinguishes it from an irregular connec- tion not intended to lead to children. Often, in THE PRINCIPLE OP GROWTH 35 fact, the common purpose survives, and remains a strong tie, after the instinctive liking has faded. A nation, when it is real and not artificial, is founded upon a faint degree of instinctive liking for compatriots and a common instinctive aver- sion from foreigners. When an Englishman re- turns to Dover or Folkestone after being on the Continent, he feels something friendly in the familiar ways : the casual porters, the shouting paper boys, the women serving bad tea, all warm his heart, and seem more *' natural," more what human beings ought to be, than the foreigners with their strange habits of behavior. He is ready to believe that all English people are good souls, while many foreigners are full of design- ing wickedness. It is such feelings that make it easy to organize a nation into a governmental unit. And when that has happened, a common purpose is added, as in marriage. Foreigners would like to invade our country and lay it waste, to kill us in battle, to humble our pride. Those who cooperate with us in preventing this disaster are our friends, and their cooperation intensifies our instinctive liking. But common purposes do not constitute the whole source of our love of country : allies, even of long stand- 36 WHY MEN FIGHT ing, do not call out the same feelings as are called out by our compatriots. Instinctive lik- ing, resulting largely from similar habits and customs, is an essential element in patriotism, and, indeed, the foundation upon which the whole feeling rests. If men's natural growth is to be promoted and not hindered by the environment, if as many as possible of their desires and needs are to be satisfied, political institutions must, as far as possible, embody common purposes and foster instinctive liking. These two objects are inter- connected, for nothing is so destructive of in- stinctive liking as thwarted purposes and un- satisfied needs, and nothing facilitates cooper- ation for common purposes so much as instinc- tive liking. When a man's growth is unim- peded, his self-respect remains intact, and he is not inclined to regard others as his enemies. But when, for whatever reason, his growth is impeded, or he is compelled to grow into some twisted and unnatural shape, his instinct pre- sents the environment as his enemy, and he be- comes filled with hatred. The joy of life aban- dons him, and malevolence takes the place of friendliness. The malevolence of hunchbacks and cripples is proverbial; and a similar THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 37 malevolence is to be found in those who have been crippled in less obvious ways. Real free- dom, if it could be brought about, would go a long way towards destroying hatred. There is a not uncommon belief that what is instinctive in us cannot be changed, but must be simply accepted and made the best of. This is by no means the case. No doubt we have a certain native disposition, different in different people, which cooperates with outside circum- stances in producing a certain character. But even the instinctive part of our character is very malleable. It may be changed by beliefs, by material circumstances, by social circumstances, and by institutions. A Dutchman has probably much the same native disposition as a German, but his instincts in adult life are very different owing to the absence of militarism and of the pride of a Great Power. It is obvious that the instincts of celibates become profoundly differ- ent from those of other men and women. Al- most any instinct is capable of many different forms according to the nature of the outlets which it finds. The same instinct which leads to artistic or intellectual creativeness may, under other circumstances, lead to love of war. The fact that an activity or belief is an outcome of 38 WHY MEN FIGHT instinct is therefore no reason for regarding it as unalterable. This applies to people's instinctive likes and dislikes as well as to their other instincts. It is natural to men, as to other animals, to like some of their species and dislike others; but the proportion of like and dislike depends on circumstances, often on quite trivial circum- stances. Most of Carlyle's misanthropy is at- tributable to dyspepsia; probably a suitable medical regimen would have given him a com- pletely different outlook on the world. The de- fect of punishment, as a means of dealing with impulses which the community wishes to dis- courage, is that it does nothing to prevent the existence of the impulses, but merely endeavors to check their indulgence by an appeal to self- interest. This method, since it does not eradi- cate the impulses, probably only drives them to find other outlets even when it is successful in its immediate object; and if the impulses are strong, mere self-interest is not likely to curb them effectually, since it is not a very powerful motive except with unusually reasonable and rather passionless people. It is thought to be a stronger motive than it is, because our moods make us deceive ourselves as to our interest, and THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 39 lead us to believe that it is consistent with the actions to which we are prompted by desire or impulse. Thus the commonplace that human nature cannot be changed is untrue. We all know that our ow^n characters and those of our acquaint- ance are greatly affected by circumstances ; and what is true of individuals is true also of na- tions. The root causes of changes in average human nature are generally either purely ma- terial changes — for instance, of climate — or changes in the degree of man's control over the material world. We may ignore the purely ma- terial changes, since these do not much concern the politician. But the changes due to man's increased control over the material world, by inventions and science, are of profound present importance. Through the industrial revolution, they have radically altered the daily lives of men; and by creating huge economic organiza- tions, they have altered the whole structure of society. The general beliefs of men, which are, in the main, a product of instinct and circum- stance, have become very different from what they were in the eighteenth century. But our institutions are not yet suited either to the in- stincts developed by our new circumstances, or 40 WHY MEN FIGHT to our real beliefs. Institutions have a life of their own, and often outlast the circumstances which made them a fit garment for instinct. This applies, in varying degrees, to almost all the institutions which we have inherited from the past : the State, private property, the patri- archal family, the Churches, armies and navies. All of these have become in some degree oppres- sive, in some measures hostile to life. In any serious attempt at political recon- struction, it is necessary to realize what are the vital needs of ordinary men and women. It is customary, in political thought, to assume that the only needs with which politics is concerned are economic needs. This view is quite inade- quate to account for such an event as the pres- ent war, since any economic motives that may be assigned for it are to a great extent mythical, and its true causes must be sought for outside the economic sphere. Needs which are nor- mally satisfied without conscious effort remain unrecognized, and this results in a working theory of human needs which is far too simple. Owing chiefly to industrialism, many needs which were formerly satisfied without effort now remain unsatisfied in most men and women. But the old unduly simple theory of human THE PRINCIPLE OF GROWTH 41 needs survives, making men overlook the source of the new lack of satisfaction, and invent quite false theories as to why they are dissatisfied. Socialism as a panacea seems to me to be mis- taken in this way, since it is too ready to sup- pose that better economic conditions will of themselves make men happy. It is not only more material goods that men need, but more freedom, more self-direction, more outlet for creativeness, more opportunity for the joy of life, more voluntary cooperation, and less in- voluntary subservience to purposes not their own. All these things the institutions of the future must help to produce, if our increase of knowledge and power over Nature is to bear its full fruit in bringing about a good life. n THE STATE UNDER the influence of socialism, most liberal thought in recent years has been in favor of increasing the power of the State, but more or less hostile to the power of private property. On the other hand, syndicalism has been hostile both to the State and to private property. I believe that syndicalism is more nearly right than socialism in this respect, that both private property and the State, which are the two most powerful institutions of the modem world, have become harmful to life through excess of power, and that both are hastening the loss of vitality from which the civilized world increasingly suffers. The two institutions are closely connected, but for the present I wish to consider only the State. I shall trj^ to show how great, how unnecessary, how harmful, many of its powers are, and how enormously they might be diminished without loss of what is useful in its activity. But I shall 42 THE STATE 43 admit that in certain directions its functions ought to be extended rather than curtailed. Some of the functions of the State, such as the Post Office and elementary education, might be performed by private agencies, and are only undertaken by the State from motives of con- venience. But other matters, such as the law, the police, the Army, and the Navy, belong more essentially to the State : so long as there is a State at all it is difficult to imagine these mat- ters in private hands. The distinction between socialism and individualism turns on the non- essential functions of the State, which the social- ist wishes to extend and the individualist to re- strict. It is the essential functions, which are admitted by individualists and socialists alike, that I wish to criticize, since the others do not appear to me in themselves objection- able. The essence of the. State is that it is the repository of the collective force of its citizens. This force takes two forms, one internal and one external. The internal form is the law and the police; the external form is the power of waging war, as embodied in the Army and Navy. The State is constituted by the combination of all the inhabitants in a certain area using 44 WHY MEN FIGHT their united force in accordance with the com- mands of a Government. In a civilized State force is only employed against its own citizens in accordance with rules previously laid down, which constitute the criminal law. But the em- ployment of force against foreigners is not regu- lated by any code of rules, and proceeds, with few exceptions, according to some real or fan- cied national interest. There can be no doubt that force employed according to law is less pernicious than force employed capriciously. If international law could acquire sufficient hold on men's alle- giance to regulate the relations of States, a very great advance on our present condition would have been made. The primitive anarchy which precedes law is worse than law. But I believe there is a possibility of a stage to some extent above law, where the advantages now secured by the law are secured without loss of freedom, and without the disadvantages which the law and the police render inevitable. Probably some repository of force in the background will remain necessary, but the actual employment of force may become very rare, and the degree of force required very small. The anarchy which precedes law gives freedom only to the THE STATE 45 strong; the condition to be aimed at will give freedom as nearly as possible to every one. It will do this, not by preventing altogether the existence of organized force, but by limiting the occasions for its employment to the greatest possible extent. The power of the State is only limited inter- nally by the fear of rebellion and externally by the fear of defeat in war. Subject to these restrictions, it is absolute. In practice, it can seize men's property through taxation, deter- mine the law of marriage and inheritance, pun- ish the expression of opinions which it dislikes, put men to death for wishing the region they inhabit to belong to a different State, and order all able-bodied males to risk their lives in bat- tle whenever it considers war desirable. On many matters disagreement with the purposes and opinions of the State is criminal. Prob- ably the freest States in the world, before the war, were America and England ; yet in Amer- ica no immigrant may land until he has pro- fessed disbelief in anarchism and polygamy, while in England men were sent to prison in recent years for expressing disagreement with the Christian religion ^ or agreement with the 1 The blasphemy prosecutions. 46 WHY MEN FIGHT teaching of Christ.^ In time of war, all criti- cism of the external policy of the State is crim- inal. Certain objects having appeared desir- able to the majority, or to the effective holders of power, those who do not consider these ob- jects desirable are exposed to pains and penal- ties not unlike those suffered by heretics in the past. The extent of the tyranny thus exer- cised is concealed by its very success : few men consider it worth while to incur a persecution which is almost certain to be thorough and ef- fective. Universal military service is perhaps the ex- treme example of the power of the State, and the supreme illustration of the difference be- tween its attitude to its own citizens and its at- titude to the citizens of other States. The State punishes, with impartial rigor, both those who kill their compatriots and those who refuse to kill foreigners. On the whole, the latter is con- sidered the graver crime. The phenomenon of war is familiar, and men fail to realize its strangeness ; to those who stand inside the cycle of instincts which lead to war it all seems nat- ural and reasonable. But to those who stand 1 The Bvndicalist prosecutions. [The punishment of con- scientious objectors must now be added, 1916.] THE STATE 47 outside the strangeness of it grows with famil- iarity. It is amazing that the vast majority of men should tolerate a system which compels them to submit to all the horrors of the battle- field at any moment when their Government commands them to do so. A French artist, in- different to politics, attentive only to his paint- ing, suddenly finds himself called upon to shoot Germans, who, his friends assure him, are a disgrace to the human race. A German mu- sician, equally unknowing, is called upon to shoot the perfidious Frenchman. Why cannot the two men declare a mutual neutrality! Why not leave war to those who like it and bring it on? Yet if the two men declared a mutual neu- trality they would be shot by their compatriots. To avoid this fate they try to shoot each other. If the world loses the artist, not the musician, Germany rejoices; if the world loses the musi- cian, not the artist, France rejoices. No one remembers the loss to civilization, which is equal whichever is killed. This is the politics of Bedlam. If the artist and the musician had been allowed to stand aside from the war, nothing but unmitigated good to mankind would have resulted. The power of the State, which makes this impossi- 48 WHY MEN FIGHT ble, is a wholly evil thing, quite as evil as the power of the Church which in former days put men to death for unorthodox thought. Yet if, even in time of peace, an international league were founded to consist of Frenchmen and Ger- mans in equal numbers, all pledged not to take part in war, the French State and the German State would persecute it with equal ferocity. Blind obedience, unlimited willingness to kill and die are exacted of the modern citizens of a democracy as much as of the Janizaries of medi- eval sultans or the secret agents of Oriental despots.^ The power of the State may be brought to bear, as it often is in England, through public opinion rather than through the laws. By ora- tory and the influence of the Press, public opin- ion is largely created by the State, and a tyran- nous public opinion is as great an enemy to liberty as tyrannous laws. If the young man who will not fight finds that he is dismissed from his employment, insulted in the streets, cold- shouldered by his friends, and thrown over with scorn by any woman who may formerly have 1 In a democratic country it is the majority who must after all rule, and the minority will be obliged to submit with the best grace possible {Westminster Gazette on Conscription, December 29, 1915). THE STATE 49 liked him, lie will feel the penalty quite as hard to bear as a death sentence.^ A free commun- ity requires not only legal freedom, but a tol- erant public opinion, an absence of that instinc- tive inquisition into our neighbors' affairs which, under the guise of upholding a high moral standard, enables good people to indulge 1 Some very strong remarks on the conduct of the "white feather" women were made by Mr. Reginald Kemp, the Deputy Coroner for West Middlesex, at an inquest at Ealing on Satur- day on Richard Charles Roberts, aged thirty-four, a taxicub driver, of Shepherd's Bush, who committed suicide in conse- quence of worry caused by his rejection from the Army and the taunts of women and other amateur recruiters. It was stated that he tried to join the Army in October, but was rejected on account of a weak heart. That alone, said his widow, had depressed him, and he had been worried be- cause he thought he would lose his license owing to the state of his heart. He had also been troubled by the dangerous illness of a child. A soldier relative said that the deceased's life had been made "a perfect misery" by women who taunted him and called him a coward because he did not join the Army. A few days ago two women in Maida Vale insulted him "something shocking." Tlie Coroner, speaking with some warmth, said the conduct of such women was abominable. It was scandalous that women who knew nothing of individual circumstances sliould be allowed to go about making unbearable the lives of men who had tried to do their duty. It waa a pity they had nothing better to do. Here was a man who perhaps had been driven to death by a pack of silly women. He hoped something would soon be done to put a stop to such conduct {Daily News, July 26, 1915). 50 WPIY MEN FIGHT unconsciously a disposition to cruelty and per- secution. Thinking ill of others is not in itself a good reason for thinking well of ourselves. But so long as this is not recognized, and so long as the State can manufacture public opin- ion, except in the rare cases where it is revo- lutionary, public opinion must be reckoned as a definite part of the power of the State. The power of the State outside its own bor- ders is in the main derived from war or the threat of war. Some power is derived from the ability to persuade its citizens to lend money or not to lend it, but this is unimportant in com- parison with the power derived from armies and navies. The external activity of the State — with exceptions so rare as to be negligible — is selfish. Sometimes selfishness is mitigated by the need of retaining the goodwill of other States, but this onh^ modifies the methods em- ployed, not the ends pursued. The ends pur- sued, apart from mere defense against other States, are, on the one hand, opportunities for successful exploitation of weak or uncivilized countries, on the other hand, power and pres- tige, which are considered more glorious and less material than money. In pursuit of these objects, no State hesitates to put to death in- THE STATE 51 numerable foreigners whose happiness is not compatible with exploitation or subjection, or to devastate territories into which it is thought necessary to strike terror. Apart from the present war, such acts have been performed within the last twenty years by many minor States and by all the Great Powers ^ except Aus- tria ; and in the case of Austria only the oppor- tunity, not the will, was lacking. Why do men acquiesce in the power of the State? There are many reasons, some tradi- tional, some very present and pressing. The^raditional reason for obedience to the State is personal loyalty to the sovereign. Eu- ropean States grew up under the feudal sys- tem, and were originally the several territories owTied by feudal chiefs. But this source of obedience has decayed, and probably now counts for little except in Japan, and to a lesser extent in Russia. Tribal feeling, which always underlay loyalty to the sovereign, has remained as strong as it ever was, and is now the chief support for the power of the State. Almost every man finds 1 By Enprland in South Africa. Amorioa in the Pliilippinos, France in Morocco, Italy in Tripoli, Germany in Southwest Africa, Russia in Persia and Manchuria, Japan in Manchuria. 52 WHY MEN FIGHT it essential to his liappiness to feel himself a member of a group, animated by common friend- ships and enmities and banded together for de- fense and attack. But such groups are of two kinds : there are those which are essentially en- largements of the family, and there are those which are based upon a conscious common pur- pose. Nations belong to the first kind. Churches to the second. At times when men are profoundly swayed by creeds national di- visions tend to break down, as they did in the wars of religion after the Eeformation. At such times a common creed is a stronger bond than a common nationality. To a much slighter extent, the same thing has occurred in the mod- ern world with the rise of socialism. Men who disbelieve in private property, and feel the cap- italist the real enemy, have a bond which transcends national divisions. It has not been found strong enough to resist the passions aroused by the present war, but it has made them less bitter among socialists than among others, and has kept alive the hope of a Euro- pean community to be reconstructed when the war is over. In the main, however, the uni- versal disbelief in creeds has left tribal feeling triumphant, and has made nationalism stronger THE STATE 53 than at any previous period of the world's his- tory. A few sincere Christians, a few sincere socialists, have found in their creed a force ca- pable of resisting the assaults of national pas- sion, but they have been too few to influence the course of events or even to cause serious anxiety to the Governments. It is chiefly tribal feeling that generates the unity of a national State, but it is not only tribal feeling that generates its strength. Its strength results principally from two fears, neither of which is unreasonable: the fear of crime and anarchy within, and the fear of ag- gression from without. The internal orderliness of a civilized com- munity is a great achievement, chiefly brought about by the increased authority of the State. It would be inconvenient if peaceable citizens were constantly in imminent risk of being robbed and murdered. Civilized life would be- come almost impossible if adventurous people could organize private armies for purposes of plunder. These conditions existed in the Mid- dle Ages, and have not passed away without a great struggle. It is thought by many — espe- cially by the rich, who derive the greatest ad- vantage from law and order — that any diminu- 54 WHY MEN FIGHT tion in the power of the State might bring back a condition of universal anarchy. They regard strikes as portents of dissolution. They are terrified by such organizations as the Confe- deration Generale du Travail and the Interna- tional Workers of the World. They remember the French Eevolution, and feel a not unnat- ural desire to keep their heads on their shoul- ders. They dread particularly any political theory which seems to excuse private crimes, such as sabotage and political assassination. Against these dangers they see no protection except the maintenance of the authority of the State, and the belief that all resistance to the State is wicked. Fear of the danger within is enhanced by fear of the danger without. Every State is exposed at all times to the risk of foreign in- vasion. No means has hitherto been devised for minimizing this risk except the increase of armaments. But the armaments which are nominally intended to repel invasion may also be used to invade. And so the means adopted to diminish the external fear have the effect of increasing it, and of enormously enhancing the destructiveness of war when it does break out. In this way a reign of terror becomes univer- THE STATE 55 sal, and the State acquires everywhere some- thing of the character of the Comite du Salut Public. The tribal feeling out of which the State de- velops is natural, and the fear by which the State is strengthened is reasonable under pres- ent circumstances. And in addition to these two, there is a third source of strength in a na- tional State, namely patriotism in its religious aspect. Patriotism is a very complex feeling, built up out of primitive instincts and highly intel- lectual convictions. There is love of home and family and friends, making us peculiarly anx- ious to preserve our own country from invasion. There is the mild instinctive liking for com- patriots as against foreigners. There is pride, which is bound up with the success of the com- munity to which we feel that we belong. There is a belief, suggested by pride but reinforced by history, that one's own nation represents a great tradition and stands for ideals that are important to the human race. But besides all these, there is another element, at once nobler and more open to attack, an element of worship, of willing sacrifice, of joyful merging of the in- dividual life in the life of the nation. This re- 56 WHY MEN FIGHT ligious element in patriotism is essential to the strength of the State, since it enlists the best that is in most men on the side of national sac- rifice. The religious element in patriotism is rein- forced by education, especially by a knowledge of the history and literature of one's own coun- try, provided it is not accompanied by much knowledge of the history and literature of other countries. In every civilized country all in- struction of the young emphasizes the merits of their own nation and the faults of other na- tions. It comes to be universally believed that one 's own nation, because of its superiority, de- serves support in a quarrel, however the quar- rel may have originated. This belief is so gen- uine and deep that it makes men endure pa- tiently, almost gladly, the losses and hardships and sufferings entailed by war. Like all sin- cerely believed religions, it gives an outlook on life, based upon instinct but sublimating it, causing a devotion to an end greater than any personal end, but containing many personal ends as it were in solution. Patriotism as a religion is unsatisfactory be- cause of its lack of universality. The good at which it aims is a good for one's own nation THE STATE 57 only, not for all mankind. The desires which it inspires in an Englishman are not the same as the desires which it inspires in a German. A world full of patriots may be a world full of strife. The more intensely a nation believes in its patriotism, the more fanatically indiffer- ent it will become to the damage suffered by other nations. When once men have learnt to subordinate their own good to the good of a larger whole, there can be no valid reason for stopping short of the human race. It is the ad- mixture of national pride that makes it so easy in practice for men's impulses towards sacrifice to stop short at the frontiers of their own coun- try. It is this admixture that poisons patriot- ism, and makes it inferior, as a religion, to be- liefs which aim at the salvation of all mankind. We cannot avoid having more love for our own country than for other countries, and there is no reason why we should wish to avoid it, any more than we should wish to love all individual men and women equally. But any adequate re- ligion will lead us to temper inequality of af- fection by love of justice, and to universalize our aims by realizing the common needs of man. This change was effected by Christianity in Judaism, and must be effected in any merely na- 58 WHY MEN FIGHT tional religion before it can be purged of eviL In practice, patriotism has many other ene- mies to contend with. Cosnropolitanism can- not fail to grow as men acquire more knowledge of foreign countries by education and travel. There is also a kind of individualism which is continually increasing, a realization that every man ought to be as nearly free as possible to choose his own ends, not compelled by a geo- graphical accident to pursue ends forced upon him by the community. Socialism, syndicalism, and anti-capitalist movements generally, are against patriotism in their tendency, since they make men aware that the present State is largely concerned in defending the privileges of the rich, and that many of the conflicts be- tween States have their origin in the financial interests of a few plutocrats. This kind of op- position is perhaps temporary, a mere incident in the struggle of labor to acquire power. Australia, where labor feels its triumph secure, is full of patriotism and militarism, based upon determination to prevent foreign labor from sharing the benefits of a privileged position. It is not unlikely that England might develop a similar nationalism if it became a socialist State. But it is probable that such nationalism THE STATE 59 would be purely defensive. Schemes of foreign 'aggression, entailing great loss of life and wealth in the nation which adopts them, would hardly be initiated except by those whose in- stincts of dominion have been sharpened through the power derived from private prop- erty and the institutions of the capitalist State. The evil wrought in the modern world by the excessive power of the State is very great, and very little recognized. The chief harm wrought by the State is pro- motion of efficiency in war. If all States in- crease their strength, the balance of power is unchanged, and no one State has a better chance of victory than before. And when the means of offense exist, even though their original pur- pose may have been defensive, the temptation to use them is likely, sooner or later, to prove ovei'whelming. In this way the very measures which promoted security within the borders of the State promote insecurity elsewhere. It is of the essence of the State to suppress violence within and to facilitate it w^ithout. The State makes an entirely artificial division of mankind and of our duties toward them: towards one group we are bound by the law, towards the other only by the prudence of highwaymen. 60 WHY MEN FIGHT The State is rendered evil by its exclusions, and by the fact that, whenever it embarks upon ag- gressive war, it becomes a combination of men for murder and robbery. The present system is irrational, since external and internal anar- chy must be both right or both wrong. It is supported because, so long as others adopt it, it is thought the only road to safety, and be- cause it secures the pleasures of triumph and dominion, which cannot be obtained in a good community. If these pleasures were no longer sought, or no longer possible to obtain, the prob- lem of securing safety from invasion would not be difficult. Apart from war, the modem great State is harmful from its vastness and the resulting sense of individual helplessness. The citizen who is out of sympathy with the aims of the State, unless he is a man of very rare gifts, can- not hope to persuade the State to adopt pur- poses which seem to him better. Even in a democracy, all questions except a very few are decided by a small number of officials and emi- nent men ; and even the few questions which are left to the popular vote are decided by a dif- fused mass-psychology, not by individual initia- tive. This is especially noticeable in a country THE STATE 61 like the United States, where, in spite of de- mocracy, most men have a sense of almost com- plete impotence in regard to all large issues. In so vast a country the popular will is like one of the forces of Nature, and seems nearly as much outside the control of any one man. This state of things leads, not only in America but in all large States, to something of the weari- ness and discouragement that we associate with the Eoman Empire. Modern States, as op- posed to the small city States of ancient Greece or medieval Italy, leave little room for initia- tive, and fail to develop in most men any sense of ability to control their political destinies. The few men who achieve power in such States are men of abnormal ambition and thirst for dominion, combined with skill in cajolery and subtlety in negotiation. All the rest are dwarfed by knowledge of their own impotence. A curious survival from the old monarchical idea of the State is the belief that there is some peculiar wickedness in a wish to secede on the part of any section of the population. If Ire- land or Poland desires independence, it is thought obvious that this desire must be strenu- ously resisted, and any attempt to secure it is condemned as ''high treason." The only in- 62 WHY MEN FIGHT stance to the contrary that I can remember is the separation of Norway and Sweden, which was commended but not imitated. In other cases, nothing but defeat in war has induced States to part with territory: although this at- titude is taken for granted, it is not one which would be adopted if the State had better ends in view. The reason for its adoption is that the chief end of almost all great States is power, especially power in war. And power in war is often increased by the inclusion of unwilling citizens. If the well-being of the citizens were the end in view, the question whether a certain area should be included, or should form a sepa- rate State, would be left freely to the decision of that area. If this principle were adopted, one of the main reasons for war would be ob- viated, and one of the most tyrannical elements in the State would be removed. The principal source of the harm done by the State is the fact that power is its chief end. This is not the case in America, because Amer- ica is safe against aggression ; ^ but in aU other great nations the chief aim of the State is to possess the greatest possible amount of exter- nal force. To this end, the liberty of the citi- 1 TMs was written in 1915, THE STATE 63 zens is curtailed, and anti-militarist propa- ganda is severely punished. This attitude is rooted in pride and fear: pride, which refuses to be conciliatory, and fear, which dreads the results of foreign pride conflicting with our own pride. It seems something of a historical ac- cident that these two passions, which by no means exhaust the political passions of the or- dinary man, should so completely determine the external policy of the State. Without pride, there would be no occasion for fear: fear on the part of one nation is due to the supposed pride of another nation. Pride of dominion, unwillingness to decide disputes otherwise than by force or the threat of force, is a habit of mind greatly encouraged by the possession of power. Those who have long been in the habit of exercising power become autocratic and quar- relsome, incapable of regarding an equal other- wise than as a rival. It is notorious that head masters' conferences are more liable to violent disagreements than most similar bodies: each head master tries to treat the others as he treats his own boys; they resent such treatment, and he resents their resentment. Men who have the habit of authority are peculiarly unfit for friendly negotiation; but the official relations 64 WHY MEN FIGHT of States are mainly in the hands of men with a great deal of authority in their own country. This is, of course, more particularly the case where there is a monarch who actually governs. It" is less true where there is a governing oli- garchy, and still less true where there is some approach to real democracy. Brt it is true to a considerable extent in all coui-tries, because Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries are necessarily men in authority. The first step towards remedying this state of things is a gen- uine interest in foreign affairs on the part of the ordinary citizen, and an insistence that na- tional pride shall not be allowed to jeopardize his other interests. During war, when he is roused, he is willing to sacrifice everything to pride; but in quiet times he will be far more ready than men in authority to realize that for- eign affairs, like private concerns, ought to be settled amicably according to principles, not brutally by force or the threat of force. The effect of personal bias in the men who actually compose the Government may be seen very clearly in labor disputes. French syndi- calists affirm that the State is simply a product of capitalism, a part of the weapons which cap- ital employs in its conflict with labor. Even in THE STATE 65 democratic States there is much to bear out this view. In strikes it is common to order out the soldiers to coerce the strikers ; although the em- ployers are much fewer, and much easier to co- erce, the soldiers are never employed against them. When labor troubles paralyze the indus- try of a country, it is the men who are thought to be unpatriotic, not the masters, though clearly the responsibility belongs to both sides. The chief reason for this attitude on the part of Governments is that the men composing them belong, by their success if not by their origin, to the same class as the great employers of labor. Their bias and their associates combine to make them view strikes and lockouts from the standpoint of the rich. In a democracy public opinion and the need of conciliating po- litical supporters partially correct these pluto- cratic influences, but the correction is always only partial. And the same influences which warp the views of Governments on labor ques- tions also warp their views on foreign affairs, with the added disadvantage that the ordinary citizen has much fewer means of arriving at an independent judgment. The excessive power of the State, partly through internal oppression, but principally 66 WHY MEN FIGHl^ through war and the fear of war, is one of the chief causes of misery in the modern world, and one of the main reasons for the discourage- ment which prevents men from growing to their full mental stature. Some means of curing this excessive power must be found if men are not to be organized into despair, as they were in the Eoman Empire. The State has one purpose which is on the whole good, namely, the substitution of law for force in the relations of men. But this purpose can only be fully achieved by a world-State, without which international relations cannot be made subject to law. And although law is bet- ter than force, law is still not the best way of settling disputes. Law is too static, too much on the side of what is decaying, too little on the side of what is growing. So long as law is in theory supreme, it will have to be tempered, from time to time, by internal revolution and external war. These can only be prevented by perpetual readiness to alter the law in accord- ance with the present balance of forces. If this is not done, the motives for appealing to force will sooner or later become irresistible. A world-State or federation of States, if it is to be successful, will have to decide questions, not THE STAT13 6? by the legal maxims which would be applied by the Hague tribunal, but as far as possible in the same sense in which they would be decided by war. The function of authority should be to render the appeal to force unnecessary, not to give decisions contrary to those which would be reached by force. This view may be thought by some to be im- moral. It may be said that the object of civ- ilization should be to secure justice, not to give the victory to the strong. But when this an- tithesis is allowed to pass, it is forgotten that love of justice may itself set force in motion. A Legislature which wishes to decide an issue in the same way as it would be decided if there were an appeal to force will necessarily take account of justice, provided justice is so fla- grantly on one side that disinterested parties are willing to take up the quarrel. If a strong man assaults a weak man in the streets of Lon- don, the balance of force is on the side of the weak man, because, even if the police did not appear, casual passers-by would step in to de- fend him. It is sheer cant to speak of a contest of might against right, and at the same time to hope for a victory of the right. If the contest is really between miglit and right, that means 68 WHY MEN FIGHT that right will be beaten. What is obscurely intended, when this phrase is used, is that the stronger side is only rendered stronger by men's sense of right. But men's sense of right is very subjective, and is only one factor in de- ciding the preponderance of force. What is de- sirable in a Legislature is, not that it should de- cide by its personal sense of right, but that it should decide in a way which is felt to make an appeal to force unnecessary. Having considered what the State ought not to do, I come now to what it ought to do. Apart from war and the preservation of in- ternal order, there are certain more positive functions which the State performs, and certain others which it ought to perform. We may lay down two principles as regards these positive functions. First : there are matters in which the welfare of the whole community depends upon the prac- tically universal attainment of a certain mini- mum; in such cases the State has the right to insist upon this minimum being attained. Secondly : there are ways in which, by insist- ing upon the maintenance of law, the State, if it does nothing further, renders possible vari- ous forms of injustice which would otherwise THE STATE 69 be prevented by the anger of their victims. Such injustices ought, as far as possible, to be prevented by the State. The most obvious example of a matter where the general welfare depends upon a universal minimum is sanitation and the prevention of infectious diseases. A single case of plague, if it is neglected, may cause disaster to a whole community. No one can reasonably maintain, on general grounds of liberty, that a man suf- fering from plague ought to be left free to spread infection far and wide. Exactly similar considerations apply to drainage, notification of fevers, and kindred matters. The interfer- ence with liberty remains an evil, but in some cases it is clearly a smaller evil than the spread of disease which liberty would produce. The stamping out of malaria and yellow fever by destroying mosquitoes is perhaps the most strik- ing example of the good which can be done in this way. But when the good is small or doubt- ful, and the interference with liberty is great, it becomes better to endure a certain amount of preventable disease rather than suffer a scien- tific tyranny. Compulsory education comes under the same head as sanitation. The existence of ignorant 70 WHY MEN FIGHT masses in a population is a danger to the com- munity; wlien a considerable percentage are il- literate, the whole machinery of government has to take account of the fact. Democracy in its modern form would be quite impossible in a na- tion where many men cannot read. But in this case there is not the same need of absolute uni- versality as in the case of sanitary measures. The gipsies, whose mode of life has been ren- dered almost impossible by the education au- thorities, might well have been allowed to re- main a picturesque exception. But apart from such rather unimportant exceptions, the argu- ment for compulsory education is irresistible. What the State does for the care of children at present is less than what ought to be done, not more. Children are not capable of looking after their own interests, and parental responsi- bility is in many ways inadequate. It is clear that the State alone can insist upon the children being provided with the minimum of knowledge and health which, for the time being, satisfies the conscience of the community. The encouragement of scientific research is another matter which comes rightly within the powers of the State, because the benefits of dis- coveries accrue to the community, while the in- THE STATE 71 vestigations are expensive and never individ- ually certain of achieving any result. In this matter, Great Britain lags behind all other civ- ilized countries. The second kind of powers which the State ought to possess are those that aim at dimin- ishing economic injustice. It is this kind that has been emphasized by socialists. The law creates or facilitates monopolies, and monopo- lies are able to exact a toll from the commun- ity. The most glaring example is the private o^vnership of land. Railways are at present controlled by the State, since rates are fixed by law; and it is clear that if they were uncon- trolled, they would acquire a dangerous degree of power.^ Such considerations, if they stood alone, would justify complete socialism. But I think justice, by itself, is, like law, too static to be made a supreme political principle: it does not, when it has been achieved, contain any seeds of new life or any impetus to develop- ment. For this reason, when we wish to rem- edy an injustice, it is important to consider whether, in so doing, we shall be destroying the incentive to some form of vigorous action which 1 This would be as true under a eyndicaliat regime as it is at present. 72 WHY MEN FIGHT is on the whole useful to the community. No such form of action, so far as I can see, is as- sociated with private ownership of land or of any other source of economic rent ; if this is the case, it follows that the State ought to be the primary recipient of rent. If all these powers are allowed to the State, what becomes of the attempt to rescue individ- ual liberty from its tyranny ? This is part of the general problem which confronts all those who still care for the ideals which inspired liberalism, namely the problem of combining liberty and personal initiative with organization. Politics and economics are more and more dominated by vast organizations, in face of which the individual is in danger of becoming powerless. The State is the greatest of these organizations, and the most serious menace to liberty. And yet it seems that many of its functions must be extended rather than curtailed. There is one way by which organization and liberty can be combined, and that is, by secur- ing power for voluntary organizations, consist- ing of men who have chosen to belong to them because they embody some purpose which all their members consider important, not a pur- THE STATE 73 pose imposed by accident or outside force. The State, being geographical, cannot be a wholly voluntary association, but for that very reason there is need of a strong public opinion to re- strain it from a tyrannical use of its powers. This public opinion, in most matters, can only be secured by combinations of those who have certain interests or desires in common. The positive purposes of the State, over and above the preservation of order, ought as far as possible to be carried out, not by the State itself, but by independent organizations, which should be left completely free so long as they satisfied the State that they were not falling below a necessary minimum. This occurs to a certain limited extent at present in regard to elementary education. The universities, also, may be regarded as acting for the State in the matter of higher education and research, except that in their case no minimum of achievement is exacted. In the economic sphere, the State ought to exercise control, but ought to leave initiative to others. There is every reason to multiply opportunities of initiative, and to give the greatest possible share of initiative to each individual, for if this is not done there will be a general sense of impotence and discourage- 74 WHY MEN FIGHT ment. There ought to be a constant endeavor to leave the more positive aspects of govern- ment in the hands of voluntary organizations, the purpose of the State being merely to exact efficiency and to secure an amicable settlement of disputes, whether within or ^\dthout its own borders. And wdth this ought to be combined the greatest possible toleration of exceptions and the least possible insistence upon uniform system. A good deal may be achieved through local government by trades as well as by areas. This is the most original idea in syndicalism, and it is valuable as a check upon the tyranny which the community may be tempted to exercise over certain classes of its members. All strong or- ganizations which embody a sectional public opinion, such as trade unions, cooperative so- cieties, professions, and universities, are to be welcomed as safeguards of liberty and oppor- tunities for initiative. And there is need of a strong public opinion in favor of liberty itself. The old battles for freedom of thought and free- dom of speech, which it was thought had been definitively won, will have to be fought all over again, since most men are only willing to accord freedom to opinions which happen to be popu- THE STATE 75 lar. Institutions cannot preserve liberty un- less men realize that liberty is precious and are willing to exert themselves to keep it alive. There is a traditional objection to every im- perium in imperio, but this is only the jealousy of the tyrant. In actual fact, the modern State contains many organizations which it cannot de- feat, except perhaps on rare occasions when pub- lic opinion is roused against them. Mr. Lloyd George's long fight with the medical profession over the Insurance Act was full of Homeric fluctuations of fortune. The Welsh miners re- cently routed the whole power of the State, backed by an excited nation. As for the finan- ciers, no Government would dream of a conflict with them. When all other classes are ex- horted to patriotism, they are allowed their 4l^ per cent, and an increase of interest on their consols. It is well understood on all sides that an appeal to their patriotism would show gross ignorance of the world. It is against the traditions of the State to extort their money by threatening to withdraw police protection. This is not due to the difficulty of such a meas- ure, but only to the fact that great wealth wins genuine admiration from us all, and we cannot 76 WHY MEN FIGHT bear to think of a very rich man being treated with disrespect. The existence of strong organizations within the State, such as trade unions, is not undesir- able except from the point of view of the official who wishes to wield unlimited power, or of the rival organizations, such as federations of em- ployers, which would prefer a disorganized ad- versary. In view of the vastness of the State, most men can find little political outlet for in- itiative except in subordinate organizations formed for specific purposes. Without an out- let for political initiative, men lose their social vigor and their interest in public affairs: they become a prey to corrupt wire-pullers, or to sensation-mongers who have the art of captur- ing a tired and vagrant attention. The cure for this is to increase rather than diminish the powers of voluntary organizations, to give every man a sphere of political activity small enough for his interest and his capacity, and to confine the functions of the State, as far as possible, to the maintenance of peace among rival interests. The essential merit of the State is that it prevents the internal use of force by private persons. Its essential demerits are, THE STATE 77 that it promotes the external use of force, and that, by its great size, it makes each individual feel impotent even in a democracy. I shall re- turn in a later lecture to the question of pre- venting war. The prevention of the sense of individual impotence cannot be achieved by a return to the small City State, which would be as reactionary as a return to the days before machinery. It must be achieved by a method which is in the direction of present tendencies. Such a method would be the increasing devolu- tion of positive political initiative to bodies formed voluntarily for specific purposes, leav- ing the State rather in the position of a federal authority or a court of arbitration. The State will then confine itself to insisting upon some settlement of rival interests: its only principle in deciding what is the right settlement will be an attempt to find the measure most acceptable, on the whole, to all the parties concerned. This is the direction in which democratic States naturally tend, except in so far as they are turned aside by war or the fear of war. So long as war remains a daily imminent danger, the State will remain a Moloch, sacrificing sometimes the life of the individual, and always 78 WHY MEN FIGHT his unfettered development, to the barren strug- gle for mastery in the competition with other States. In internal as in external affairs, the worst enemy of freedom is war. in WAR AS AN INSTITUTION IN spite of the fact that most nations at most times, are at peace, war is one of the per- manent institutions of all free communities, just as Parliament is one of our permanent in- stitutions in spite of the fact that it is not al- ways sitting. It is war as a permanent insti- tution that I wish to consider: why men toler- ate it; why they ought not to tolerate it; what hope there is of their coming not to tolerate it ; and how they could abolish it if they wished to do so. War is a conflict between two groups, each of which attempts to kill and maim as many as possible of the other group in order to achieve some object which it desires. The ob- ject is generally either power or wealth. It is a pleasure to exercise authority over other men, and it is a pleasure to live on the produce of other men's labor. The victor in war can en- joy more of these delights than the vanquished. 79 80 WHY MEN FIGHT But war, like all other natural activities, is not so much prompted by the end which it has in \dew as by an impulse to the activity itself. Very often men desire an end, not on its own account, but because their nature demands the actions which will lead to the end. And so it is in this case : the ends to be achieved by war ap- pear in prospect far more important than they will appear when they are realized, because war itself is a fulfilment of one side of our na- ture. If men's actions sprang from desires for what would in fact bring happiness, the purely rational arguments against war would have long ago put an end to it. What makes war difficult to suppress is that it springs from an impulse, rather than from a calculation of the advantages to be derived from war. War differs from the employment of force by the police through the fact that the actions of the police are ordered by a neutral author- ity, whereas in war it is the parties to the dis- pute themselves who set force in motion. This distinction is not absolute, since the State is not always wholly neutral in internal disturb- ances. When strikers are shot down, the State is taking the side of the rich. When opinions adverse to the existing State are punished, the WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 81 State is obviously one of the parties to the dis- pute. And from the suppression of individual opinion up to civil war all gradations are pos- sible. But broadly speaking, force employed according to laws previously laid down by the community as a whole may be distinguished from force employed by one community against another on occasions of which the one com- munity is the sole judge. I have dwelt upon this difference because I do not think the use of force by the police can be wholly eliminated, and I think a similar use of force in interna- tional affairs is the best hope of permanent peace. At present, international affairs are regulated by the principle that a nation must not intervene unless its interests are involved: diplomatic usage forbids intervention for the mere maintenance of international law. Amer- ica may protest when American citizens are drowned by German submarines, but must not protest when no American citizens are involved. The case would be analogous in internal affairs if the police would only interfere with murder when it happened that a policeman had been killed. So long as this principle prevails in the relations of States, the power of neutrals can- not be effectively employed to prevent war. 82 WHY MEN FIGHT In every civilized country two forces coop- erate to produce war. In ordinary times some men — usually a small proportion of the popula- tion — are bellicose: they predict war, and ob- viously are not unhappy in the prospect. So long as war is not imminent, the bulk of the population pay little attention to these men, and do not actively either support or oppose them. But when war begins to seem very near, a war- fever seizes hold of people, and those who were already bellicose find themselves enthusias- tically supported by all but an insignificant mi- nority. The impulses which inspire w^ar-fever are rather different from those which make some men bellicose in ordinary times. Only ed- ucated men are likely to be warlike at ordinary times, since they alone are vividly aware of other countries or of the part which their own nation might play in the affairs of the world. But it is only their knowledge, not their nature, that distinguishes them from their more igno- rant compatriots. To take the most ob^dous example, German policy, in recent years before the war, w^as not averse from war, and not friendly to England. It is worth while to try to understand the state of mind from which this policy sprang. WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 83 The men who direct German policy are, to begin with, patriotic to an extent which is al- most unknown in France and England. The in- terests of Germany appear to them unquestion- ably the only interests they need take into ac- count. What injury may, in pursuing those interests, be done to other nations, what de- struction may be brought upon populations and cities, what irreparable damage may result to civilization, it is not for them to consider. If they can confer what they regard as benefits upon Germany, everything else is of no account. The second noteworthy point about German policy is that its conception of national wel- fare is mainly competitive. It is not the in- trinsic wealth of Germany, whether materially or mentally, that the rulers of Germany con- sider important: it is the comparative wealth in the competition with other civilized coun- tries. For this reason the destruction of good things abroad appears to them almost as desir- able as the creation of good things in Germany. In most parts of the world the French are re- garded as the most civilized of nations: their art and their literature and their way of life have an attraction for foreigners which those of Germany do not have. The English have 84 WHY MEN FIGHT developed political liberty, and the art of main- taining an Empire with a minimum of coercion, in a way for which Germany, hitherto, has shown no aptitude. These are grounds for envjy and envy wishes to destroy what is good in other countries. German militarists, quite rightly, judged that what was best in France and England would probably be destroyed by a great war, even if France and England were not in the end defeated in the actual fighting. I have seen a list of young French writers killed on the battlefield; probably the German authorities have also seen it, and have reflected with joy that another year of such losses will destroy French literature for a generation — perhaps, through loss of tradition, for ever. Every outburst against liberty in our more bel- licose newspapers, every incitement to perse- cution of defenseless Germans, every mark of growing ferocity in our attitude, must be read with delight by German patriots, as proving their success in robbing us of our best, and in forcing us to imitate whatever is worst in Prus- sia. But what the rulers of Germany have envied ns most was power and wealth — the power de- rived from command of the seas and the straits, WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 85 the wealth derived from a centuiy of industrial supremacy. In both these respects they feel that their deserts are higher than ours. They have devoted far more thought and skill to mil- itary and industrial organization. Their aver- age of intelligence and knowledge is far supe- rior; their capacity for pursuing an attainable end, unitedly and with forethought, is infinitely greater. Yet we, merely (as they think) be- cause we had a start in the race, have achieved a vastly larger Empire than they have, and an enormously greater control of capital. All this is unbearable ; yet nothing but a great war can alter it. Besides all these feelings, there is in many Germans, especially in those who know us best, a hot hatred of us on account of our pride. Farinata degli Uberti surveyed Hell ''come avesse lo Inferno in gran dispitto." Just so, by German accounts, English officer prisoners look round them among their captors — hold- ing aloof, as though the enemy were noxious, unclean creatures, toads or slugs or centipedes, which a man does not touch willingly, and shakes off with loathing if he is forced to touch them for a moment. It is easy to imagine how the devils hated Farinata, and inflicted greater 86 WHY MEN FIGHT pains upon him than upon his neighbors, hop- ing to win recognition by some slight wincing on his part, driven to frenzy by his continuing to behave as if they did not exist. In just the same way the Germans are maddened by our spiritual immobility. At bottom we have re- garded the Geraians as one regards flies on a hot day: they are a nuisance, one has to brush them off, but it would not occur to one to be turned aside by them. Now that the initial cer- tainty of victory has faded, we begin to be af- fected inwardly by the Germans. In time, if we continue to fail in our military enterprises, we shall realize that they are human beings, not just a tiresome circumstance. Then perhaps we shall hate them with a hatred which they will have no reason to resent. And from such a hatred it will be only a short journey to a genuine rapprochement. The problem which must be solved, if the fu- ture of the world is to be less terrible than its present, is the problem of preventing nations from getting into the moods of England and Germany at the outbreak of the war. These two nations as they were at that moment might be taken as almost mythical representatives of pride and envy — cold pride and hot envy. Ger- WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 87 many declaimed passionately: *'You, Eng- land, swollen and decrepit, you overshadow my whole growth — your rotting branches keep the sun from shining upon me and the rain from nourishing me. Your spreading foliage must be lopped, your symmetrical beauty must be destroyed, that I too may have freedom to grow, that my young vigor may no longer be impeded by your decaying mass." England, bored and aloof, unconscious of the claims of outside forces, attempted absent-mindedly to sweep away the upstart disturber of medita- tion; but the upstart was not swept away, and remains so far with every prospect of making good his claim. The claim and the resistance to it are alike folly. Germany had no good ground for envy; we had no good ground for resisting whatever in Germany's demands was compatible with our continued existence. Is there any method of averting such reciprocal folly in the future ? I think if either the English or the Germans were capable of thinking in terms of individual welfare rather than national pride, they would have seen that, at every moment during the war the wisest course would have been to conclude peace at once, on the best terms that could have 88 WHY MEN FIGHT been obtained. This course, I am convinced, would have been the wisest for each separate nation, as well as for civilization in general. The utmost evil that the enemy could inflict through an unfavorable peace would be a trifle compared to the evil which all the nations in- flict upon themselves by continuing to fight. What blinds us to this obvious fact is pride, the pride which makes the acknowledgment of de- feat intolerable, and clothes itself in the garb of reason by suggesting all kinds of evils which are supposed to result from admitting defeat. But the only real evil of defeat is humiliation, and humiliation is subjective; we shall not feel humiliated if we become persuaded that it was a mistake to engage in the war, and that it is better to pursue other tasks not deiDendent upon world-dominion. If either the English or the Germans could admit this inwardly, any peace which did not destroy national independence could be accepted without real loss in the self- respect which is essential to a good life. The mood in which Germany embarked upon the war was abominable, but it was a mood fostered by the habitual mood of England. We have prided ourselves upon our territory and our wealth ; we have been ready at all times to WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 89 defend by force of arms what we have conquered in India and Africa. If we had realized the futility of empire, and had shown a willingness to yield colonies to Germany without waiting for the threat of force, we might have been in a position to persuade the Germans that their ambitions were foolish, and that the respect of the world was not to be won by an imperialist policy. But by our resistance we showed that we shared their standards. We, being in pos- session, became enamored of the status quo. The Germans were willing to make war to up- set the status quo; we were willing to make war to prevent its being upset in Germany's favor. So convinced were we of the sacredness of the status quo that we never realized how advan- tageous it was to us, or how, by insisting upon it, we shared the responsibility for the war. In a world where nations grow and decay, where forces change and populations become cramped, it is not possible or desirable to maintain the status quo for ever. If peace is to be pre- served, nations must learn to accept unfavor- able alterations of the map without feeling that tliey must first be defeated in war, or that in yielding they incur a humiliation. It is the insistence of legalists and friends of 90 WHY MEN FIGHT peace upon the maintenance of the status quo that has driven Germany into militarism. Germany had as good a right to an Empire as any other Great Power, but could only acquire an Empire through war. Love of peace has been too much associated with a static concep- tion of international relations. In economic disputes we all know that whatever is vigorous in the wage-earning classes is opposed to "in- dustrial peace," because the existing distribu- tion of wealth is felt to be unfair. Those who enjoy a privileged position endeavor to bolster up their claims by appealing to the desire for peace, and decrying those who promote strife between the classes. It never occurs to them that by opposing changes without considering whether they are just, the capitalists share the responsibility for the class war. And in ex- actly the same way England shares the respon- sibility for Germany's war. If actual war is ever to cease there will have to be political methods of achieving the results which now can only be achieved by successful fighting, and nations will have voluntarily to admit adverse claims which appear just in the judgment of neutrals. It is only by some such admission, embody- WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 91 ing itself in a Parliament of the nations with full power to alter the distribution of territory, that militarism can be permanently overcome. It may be that the present war will bring, in the Western nations, a change of mood and outlook sufficient to make such an institution possible. It may be that more wars and more destruction will be necessary before the majority of civil- ized men rebel against the brutality and futile destruction of modern war. But unless our standards of civilization and our powers of con- structive thought are to be permanently low- ered, I cannot doubt that, sooner or later, reason will conquer the blind impulses which now lead nations into war. And if a large ma- jority of the Great Powers had a firm determi- nation that peace should be preserved, there would be no difficulty in devising diplomatic machinery for the settlement of disputes, and in establishing educational systems which would implant in the minds of the young an in- eradicable horror of the slaughter which they are now taught to admire. Besides the conscious and deliberate forces leading to war, there are the inarticulate feel- ings of common men, which, in most civilized countries, are always ready to burst into war 92 WHY MEN FIGHT fever at the bidding of statesmen. If peace is to be secure, the readiness to catch war fever must be somehow diminished. Whoever wishes to succeed in this must first understand what war fever is and why it arises. The men who have an important influence in the world, whether for good or evil, are domi- nated as a rule by a threefold desire: they de- sire, ^rst, an activity which calls fully into play the faculties in which they feel that they excel ; secondly, the sense of successfully overcoming resistance ; thirdly, the respect of others on ac- count of their success. The third of these de- sires is sometimes absent : some men who have been great have been without the "last infinn- ity," and have been content with their own sense of success, or merely with the joy of diffi- cult effort. But as a rule all three are pres- ent. Some men's talents are specialized, so that their choice of activities is circumscribed by the nature of their faculties ; other men have, in youth, such a wide range of possible aptitudes that their choice is chiefly determined by the varying degrees of respect which public opinion gives to different kinds of success. The same desires, usually in a less marked degree, exist in men who have no exceptional WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 93 talents. But such men cannot achieve any- thing very difficult by their individual efforts; for them, as units, it is impossible to acquire the sense of greatness or the triumph of strong resistance overcome. Their separate lives are unadventurous and dull. In the morning they go to the office or the plow, in the evening they return tired and silent, to the sober monotony of wife and children. Believing that security is the supreme good, they have insured against sickness and death, and have found an employment where they have little fear of dis- missal and no hope of any great rise. But se- curity, once achieved, brings a Nemesis of ennui. Adventure, imagination, risk, also have their claims ; but how can these claims be satis- fied by the ordinary wage-earner I Even if it were possible to satisfy them, the claims of wife and children have priority and must not be neglected. To this victim of order and good organiza- tion the realization comes, in some moment of sudden crisis, that he belongs to a nation, that his nation may take risks, may engage in diffi- cult enterprises, enjoy the hot passion of doubt- ful combat, stimulate adventure and imagina- tion by military expeditions to Mount Sinai and 94 WHY MEN FIGHT the Garden of Eden. What his nation does, in some sense, he does ; what his nation suffers, he suffers. The long years of private caution are avenged by a wild plunge into public madness. All the horrid duties of thrift and order and care which he has learnt to fulfil in private are thought not to apply to public affairs: it is patriotic and noble to be reckless for the na- tion, though it would be wicked to be reckless for oneself. The old primitive passions, which civilization has denied, surge up all the stronger for repression. In a moment imagination and instinct travel back through the centuries, and the wild man of the woods emerges from the mental prison in which he has been confined. This is the deeper part of the psychology of the war fever. But besides the irrational and instinctive ele- ment in the war fever, there is alwaj^s also, if only as a liberator of primitive impulse, a cer- tain amount of quasi-rational calculation and what is euphemistically called * ' thought. ' ' The war fever very seldom seizes a nation unless it believes that it will be victorious. Undoubt- edly, under the influence of excitement, men over-estimate their chances of success ; but there is some proportion between what is hoped and WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 95 what a rational man would expect. Holland, though quite as humane as England, had no impulse to go to war on behalf of Belgium, be- cause the likelihood of disaster was so obvi- ously overwhelming. The London populace, if they had known how the war was going to de- velop, would not have rejoiced as they did on that August Bank Holiday long ago. A nation which has had a recent experience of war, and has come to know that a war is almost always more painful than it is expected to be at the outset, becomes much less liable to war fever until a new generation grows up. The ele- ment of rationality in war fever is recognized by Governments and journalists who desire war, as may be seen by their invariably mini- raizing the perils of a war which they wish to provoke. At the beginning of the South Afri- can War Sir William Butler was dismissed, ap- parently for suggesting that sixty thousand men and three months might not suffice to sub- due the Boer Republics. And when the war proved long and difficult, the nation turned against those who had made it. We may as- sume, I think, without attributing too great a share to reason in human affairs, that a na- tion would not suffer from war fever in a case 96 WHY MEN FIGHT where every sane man could see that defeat was very probable. The importance of this lies in the fact that it would make aggressive war very unlikely if its chances of success were very small. If the peace-loving nations were sufficiently strong to be obviously capable of defeating the nations which were willing to wage aggressive war, the peace-loving nations might form an alliance and agree to fight jointly against any nation which refused to submit its claims to an Interna- tional Council. Before the present war we might have reasonably hoped to secure the peace of the world in some such way; but the military strength of Germany has shown that such a scheme has no great chance of success at present. Perhaps at some not far distant date it may be made more feasible by developments of policy in America. The economic and political forces which make for war could be easily curbed if the will to peace existed strongly in all civilized nations. But so long as the populations are liable to war fever, all work for peace must be precarious; and if war fever could not be aroused, political and economic forces would be powerless to pro- duce any long or very destructive war. The WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 97 fundamental problem for the pacifist is to pre- vent the impulse towards war which seizes whole communities from time to time. And this can only be done by far-reaching changes in education, in the economic structure of so- ciety, and in the moral code by which public opinion controls the lives of men and women. ^ A great many of the impulses which now lead nations to go to war are in themselves essential to any vigorous or progressive life. Without imagination and love of adventure a society soon becomes stagnant and begins to decay. Conflict, provided it is not destructive and brutal, is necessary in order to stimulate men's activities, and to secure the victory of what is living over what is dead or merely traditional. The wish for the triumph of one's cause, the sense of solidarity with large bodies of men, are not things which a wdse man will wish to destroy. It is only the outcome in death and destruction and hatred that is evil. The prob- lem is, to keep these impulses, without making war the outlet for them. All Utopias that have hitherto been con- 1 These changes, which are to be desired on their own ac- count, not only in order to prevent war, will be discussed in later lectures. 98 WHY MEN FIGHT structed are intolerably dull. Any man with any force in him would rather live in this world, with all its ghastly horrors, than in Plato's Re- public or among Swift's Houylmhnms. The men who make Utopias proceed upon a radi- cally false assumption as to what constitutes a good life. They conceive that it is possible to imagine a certain state of society and a certain way of life which should be once for all recog- nized as good, and should then continue for ever and ever. They do not realize that much the greater part of a man's happiness depends upon activity, and only a very small remnant con- sists in passive enjoyment. Even the pleas- ures which do consist in enjoyment are only satisfactory, to most men, when they come in the intervals of activity. Social reformers, like inventors of Utopias, are apt to forget this very obvious fact of human nature. They aim rather at securing more leisure, and more op- portunity for enjoying it, than at making work itself more satisfactory, more consonant with impulse, and a better outlet for creativeness and the desire to employ one's faculties. Work, in the modern world, is, to almost all who depend on earnings, mere work, not an embodiment of the desire for activity. Probably this is to a WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 99 considerable extent inevitable. But in so far as it can be prevented something will be done to give a peaceful outlet to some of the im- pulses which lead to war. It would, of course, be easy to bring about peace if there were no vigor in the world. The Roman Empire was pacific and unproductive; the Athens of Pericles was the most productive and almost the most warlike community known to history. The only form of production in which our own age excels is science, and in science Germany, the most warlike of Great Powers, is supreme. It is useless to multiply examples; but it is plain that the very same vital energy which produces all that is best also produces war and the love of war. This is the basis of the opposition to pacifism felt by many men whose aims and activities are by no means brutal. Pacifism, in practice, too often ex- presses merely lack of force, not the refusal to use force in thwarting others. Pacifism, if it is to be both victorious and beneficent, must find an outlet, compatible with humane feeling, for the vigor which now leads nations into war and destruction. This problem was considered by William James in an admirable address on **The Moral 100 WHY MEN FIGHT Equivalent of War," delivered to a congress of pacifists during the Spanish-American War of 1898. His statement of the problem could not be bettered; and so far as I know, he is the only writer who has faced the problem ade- quately. But his solution is not adequate ; per- haps no adequate solution is possible. The problem, however, is one of degree : every addi- tional peaceful outlet for men's energies dimin- ishes the force which urges nations towards war, and makes war less frequent and less fierce. And as a question of degree, it is cap- able of more or less partial solutions.^ Every vigorous man needs some kind of con- test, some sense of resistance overcome, in or- der to feel that he is exercising his faculties. Under the influence of economics, a theory has grown up that what men desire is wealth ; this theory has tended to verify itself, because peo- ple's actions are more often determined by what they think they desire than by what they really desire. The less active members of a community often do in fact desire wealth, since it enables them to gratify a taste for passive 1 Wliat is said on this subject in the present lecture is only preliminary, since the subsequent lectures all deal with some aspect of the same problem. WAE AS AN INSTITUTION 101 enjoyment, and to secure respect without exer- tion. But tlie energetic men who make great fortunes seldom desire the actual money: they desire ,the sense of power through a contest, and the joy of successful activity. For this reason, those who are the most ruthless in mak- ing money are often the most willing to give it away; there are many notorious examples of this among American millionaires. The only element of truth in the economic theory that these men are actuated by desire for money is this: owing to the fact that money is what is believed to be desirable, the making of money is recognized as the test of success. What is de- sired is visible and indubitable success ; but this can only be achieved by being one of the few who reach a goal which many men would wish to reach. For this reason, public opinion has a great influence in directing the activities of vigorous men. In America a millionaire is more respected than a great artist; this leads men who might become either the one or the other to choose to become millionaires. In Renaissance Italy great artists were more re- spected than millionaires, and the result was the opposite of what it is in America. Some pacifists and all militarists deprecate 102 WHY MEN FIGHT social and political conflicts. In tins the mili- tarists are in the right, from their point of view; but the pacifists seem to me mistaken. Conflicts of party politics, conflicts between capital and labor, and generally all those con- flicts of principle which do not involve war, serve many useful purposes, and do very little harm. They increase men's interest in public affairs, they afford a comparatively innocent outlet for the love of contest, and they help to alter laws and institutions, when changing con- ditions or greater knowledge create the wish for an alteration. Everything that intensifies political life tends to bring about a peaceful interest of the same kind as the interest which leads to desire for war. And in a democratic community political questions give every voter a sense of initiative and power and responsi- bility which relieves his life of something of its narrow unadventurousness. The object of the pacifist should be to give men more and more political control over their own lives, and in particular to introduce democracy into the man- agement of industry, as the syndicalists advise. The problem for the reflective pacifist is two- fold : how to keep his own country at peace, and how to preserve the peace of the world. It is WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 103 impossible that the peace of the world should be preserved while nations are liable to the mood in which Germany entered upon the war — unless, indeed, one nation were so obviously stronger than all others combined as to make war unnecessary for that one and hopeless for all the others. As this war has dragged on its weary length, many people must have asked themselves whether national independence is worth the price that has to be paid for it. Would it not perhaps be better to secure uni- versal peace by the supremacy of one Power? "To secure peace by a world federation" — so a submissive pacifist may argue — "would re- quire some faint glimmerings of reason in rulers and peoples, and is therefore out of the question ; but to secure it by allowing Germany to dictate terms to Europe would be easy, in view of Germany's amazing military success. Since there is no other way of ending war" — so our advocate of peace at any price would contend — ' * let us adopt this way, which happens at the moment to be open to us." It is worth while to consider this view more attentively than is commonly considered. There is one great historic example of a long peace secured in this way; I mean the Roman 104 WHY MEN FIGHT Empire. We in England boast of the Pax Bri- tannica which we have imposed, in this way, upon the warring races and religions in India. If we are right in boasting of this, if we have in fact conferred a benefit upon India by en- forced peace, the Germans would be right in boasting if they could impose a Pax Germanica upon Europe. Before the war, men might have said that India and Europe are not analogous, because India is less civilized than Europe ; but now, I hope, no one would have the effrontery to maintain anything so preposterous. Re- peatedly in modern history there has been a chance of achieving European unity by the hegemony of a single State; but always Eng- land, in obedience to the doctrine of the Balance of Power, has prevented this consummation, and preserved what our statesmen have called the "liberties of Europe." It is this task upon which we are now engaged. But I do not think our statesmen, or any others among us, have made much effort to consider whether the task is worth what it costs. In one case we were clearly wrong: in our resistance to revolutionary France. If revolu- tionary France could have conquered the Con- tinent and Great Britain, the world would now WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 105 be happier, more civilized, and more free, as well as more peaceful. But revolutionary France was a quite exceptional case, because its early conquests were made in the name of liberty, against tyrants, not against peoples; and everywhere the French armies were wel- comed as liberators by all except rulers and bigots. In the case of Philip II we were as clearly right as we were wrong in 1793. But in both cases our action is not to be judged by some abstract diplomatic conception of the ''liberties of Europe," but by the ideals of the Power seeking hegemony, and by the probable effect upon the welfare of ordinary men and women throughout Europe. "Hegemony" is a very vague word, and everything turns upon the degree of interfer- ence with liberty which it involves. There is a degree of interference with liberty which is fatal to many forms of national life; for ex- ample, Italy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was crushed by the supremacy of Spain and Austria. If the Germans were actu- ally to annex French provinces, as they did in 1871, they would probably inflict a serious in- jury upon those provinces, and make tliem less fruitful for civilization in general. For suet 106 WHY MEN FIGHT reasons national liberty is a matter of real im- portance, and a Europe actually governed by Germany would probably be very dead and un- productive. But if ''hegemony" merely means increased weight in diplomatic questions, more coaling stations and possessions in Africa, more power of securing advantageous commercial treaties, then it can hardly be supposed that it would do any vital damage to other nations; certainly it would not do so much damage as the present war is doing. I cannot doubt that, be- fore the war, a hegemony of this kind would have abundantly satisfied the Germans. But the effect of the war, so far, has been to in- crease immeasurably all the dangers which it was intended to avert. We have now only the choice between certain exhaustion of Europe in fighting Germany and possible damage to the national life of France by German tyranny. Stated in terms of civilization and human wel- fare, not in terms of national prestige, that is now in fact the issue. Assuming that war is not ended by one State conquering all the others, the only way in which it can be permanently ended is by a wpjld- federation. So long as there are many sover- eign States, each with its own Army, there can WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 107 be no security that there will not be war. There will have to be in the world only one Army and one Navy before there will be any reason to think that wars have ceased. This means that, so far as the military functions of the State are concerned, there will be only one State, which will be world-wide. The civil functions of the State — legislative, administrative, and judicial — have no very es- sential connection with the military functions, and there is no reason why both kinds of func- tions should normally be exercised by the same State. There is, in fact, every reason why the civil State and the military State should be different. The greater modern States are already too large for most civil pur- poses, but for military purposes they are not large enough, since they are not world-wide. This difference as to the desirable area for the two kinds of State introduces a certain perplex- ity and hesitation, when it is not realized that the two functions have little necessary connec- tion: one set of considerations points towards small States, the other towards continually larger States. Of course, if there were an in- ternational Army and Navy, there would have to be some international authority to set them 108 WHY MEN FIGHT in motion. But this authority need never con- cern itself with any of the internal affairs of national States: it need only declare the rules which should regulate their relations, and pro- nounce judicially when those rules have been so infringed as to call for the intervention of the international force. How easily the limit of the authority could be fixed may be seen by many actual examples. The civil and military State are often differ- ent in practice, for many purposes. The South American Republics are sovereign for all pur- poses except their relations with Europe, in re- gard to which they are subject to the United States : in dealings with Europe, the Army and Navy of the United States are their Army and Navy. Our self-governing Dominions depend for their defense, not upon their own forces but upon our Navy. Most Governments, nowa- days, do not aim at formal annexation of a country which they wish to incorporate, but only at a protectorate — that is, civil autonomy sub- ject to military control. Such autonomy is, of course, in practice incomplete, because it does not enable the "protected" country to adopt measures which are vetoed by the Power in military control. But it may be very nearly . WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 109 complete, as in the case of our self-governing Dominions. At the other extreme, it may be- come a mere farce, as in Egypt. In the case of an alliance, there is complete autonomy of the separate allied countries, together with what is practically a combination of their military forces into one single force. The great advantage of a large military State is that it increases the area over which internal war is not possible except by revolu- tion. If England and Canada have a disagree- ment, it is taken as a matter of course that a settlement shall be arrived at by discussion, not by force. Still more is this the case if Man- chester and Liverpool have a quarrel, in spite of the fact that each is autonomous for many local purposes. No one would have thought it reasonable that Liverpool should go to war to prevent the construction of the Manchester Ship Canal, although almost any two Great Powers would have gone to war over an issue of the same relative importance. England and Russia would probably have gone to war over Persia if they had not been allies ; as it is, they arrived by diplomacy at much the same iniqui- tous result as they would otherwise have reached by fighting. Australia and Japan 110 WHY MEN FIGHT would probably fight if they were both com- pletely independent; but both depend for their liberties upon the British Navy, and therefore they have to adjust their differences peaceably. The chief disadvantage of a large military State is that, when external war occurs, the area affected is greater. The quadruple Entente forms, for the present, one military State; the result is that, because of a dispute between Aus- tria and Serbia, Belgium is devastated and Aus- tralians are killed in the Dardanelles. Another disadvantage is that it facilitates oppression. A large military State is practically omnipotent against a small State, and can impose its will, as England and Russia did in Persia and as Austria-Hungary has been doing in Serbia. It is impossible to make sure of avoiding oppres- sion by any purely mechanical guarantees ; only a liberal and humane spirit can afford a real protection. It has been perfectly possible for England to oppress Ireland, in spite of democ- racy and the presence of Irish Members at Westminster. Nor has the presence of Poles in the Reichstag prevented the oppression of Prussian Poland. But democracy and repre- sentative government undoubtedly make op- pression less probable : they afford a means by WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 111 which those who might be oppressed can cause their wishes and grievances to be publicly known, they render it certain that only a minor- ity can be oppressed, and then only if the ma- jority are nearly unanimous in wishing to op- press them. Also the practice of oppression affords much more pleasure to the governing classes, who actually carry it out, than to the mass of the population. For this reason the mass of the population, where it has power, is likely to be less tjTannical than an oligarchy or a bureaucracy. In order to prevent war and at the same time preserve liberty it is necessary that there should be only one military State in the world, and that when disputes between different coun- tries arise, it should act according to the de- cision of a central authority. This is what would naturally result from a federation of the world, if such a thing ever came about. But the prospect is remote, and it is worth while to consider why it is so remote. The unity of a nation is produced by similar habits, instinctive liking, a common history, and a common pride. The unity of a nation is partly due to intrinsic affinities between its citizens, but partly also to the pressure and con- 112 WHY MEN FIGHT trast of the outside world: if a nation were isolated, it would not have the same cohesion or the same fervor of patriotism. When we come to alliances of nations, it is seldom any- thing except outside pressure that produces solidarity. England and America, to some ex- tent, are drawn together by the same causes which often make national unity: a (more or less) common language, similar political insti- tutions, similar aims in international politics. But England, France, and Russia were drawn together solely by fear of Germany; if Ger- many had been annihilated by a natural cata- clysm, they would at once have begun to hate one another, as they did before Germany was strong. For this reason, the possibility of co- operation in the present alliance against Ger- many affords no ground whatever for hoping that all the nations of the world might cooper- ate permanently in a peaceful alliance. The present motive for cohesion, namely a common fear, would be gone, and could not be replaced by any other motive unless men's thoughts and purposes were very different from what they are now. The ultimate fact from which war results is not economic or political, and does not rest WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 113 upon any mechanical difficulty of inventing means for the peaceful settlement of interna- tional disputes. The ultimate fact from which war results is the fact that a large proportion of mankind have an impulse to conflict rather than harmony, and can only be brought to co- operate with others in resisting or attacking a common enemy. This is the case in private life as w^ell as in the relations of States. Most men, when they feel themselves suflficiently strong, set to work to make themselves feared rather than loved; the wish to gain the good opinion of others is confined, as a rule, to those who have not acquired secure power. The im- pulse to quarreling and self-assertion, the pleasure of getting one's own way in spite of opposition, is native to most men. It is this impulse, rather than any motive of calculated self-interest, which produces war, and causes the difficulty of bringing about a World-State. And this impulse is not confined to one nation ; it exists, in varying degrees, in all the vigorous nations of the world. But although this impulse is strong, there is no reason why it should be allowed to lead to war. It was exactly the same impulse which led to duelling; yet now civilized men conduct 114 WHY MEN FIGHT their private quarrels without bloodshed. If political contest within a World-State were substituted for w^ar, imagination would soon accustom itself to the new situation, as it has accustomed itself to absence of duelling. Through the influence of institutions and habits, without any fundamental change in human na- ture, men would leani to look back upon war as we look upon the burning of heretics or upon human sacrifice to heathen deities. If I were to buy a revolver costing several pounds, in order to shoot my friend with a view to stealing six- pence out of his pocket, I should be thought neither very wise nor very virtuous. But if I can get sixty-five million accomplices to join me in this criminal absurdity, I become one of a great and glorious nation, nobly sacrificing the cost of my revolver, perhaps even my life, in order to secure the sixpence for the honor of my country. Historians, who are almost in- variably sycophants, will praise me and my ac- complices if we are successful, and say that we are worthy successors of the heroes who over- threw the might of Imperial Rome. But if my opponents are victorious, if their sixpences are defended at the cost of many pounds each and the lives of a large proportion of the popula- WAR AS AN INSTITUTION 115 tion, then historians will call me a brigand (as I am), and praise the spirit and self-sacrifice of those who resisted me. War is surrounded with glamour, by tradi- tion, by Homer and the Old Testament by early education, by elaborate myths as to the impor- tance of the issues involved, by the heroism and self-sacrifice, which these myths call out. Jeph- thah sacrificing his daughter is a heroic figure, but he would have let her live if he had not been deceived by a myth. Mothers sending their sons to the battlefield are heroic, but they are as much deceived as Jephthah. And, in both cases alike, the heroism which issues in cruelty would be dispelled if there were not some strain of barbarism in the imaginative outlook from which myths spring. A God wlio can be pleased by the sacrifice of an innocent girl could only be worshiped by men to whom the thought of receiving such a sacrifice is not wholly abhor- rent. A nation which believes that its welfare can only be secured by suffering and inflicting hundreds of thousands of equally horrible sacri- fices, is a nation which has no very spiritual con- ception of what constitutes national welfare. It would be better a hundredfold to forgo ma- terial comfort, power, pomp, and outward glory 116 WHY MEN FIGHT than to kill and be killed, to hate and be hated, to throw away in a mad moment of fury the bright heritage of the ages. We have learnt gradually to free our God from the savagery with which the primitive Israelites and the Fathers endowed Him: few of us now believe that it is His pleasure to torture most of the human race in an eternity of hell-fire. But we have not yet learnt to free our national ideals from the ancient taint. Devotion to the nation is perhaps the deepest and most widespread re- ligion of the present age. Like the ancient re- ligions, it demands its persecutions, its holo- causts, its lurid heroic cruelties ; like them, it is noble, primitive, brutal, and mad. Now, as in the past, religion, lagging behind private con- sciences through the weight of tradition, steels the hearts of men against mercy and their minds against truth. If the world is to be saved, men must learn to be noble without being cruel, to be filled with faith and yet open to truth, to be inspired by great purposes without hating those who try to thwart them. But before this can happen, men must first face the terrible realiza- tion that the gods before whom they have bowed down were false gods and the sacrifices they have made were vain. IV PROPERTY AMONG the many gloomy novelists of the realistic school, perhaps the most full of gloom is Gissing. In common with all his char- acters, he lives under the weight of a great op- pression: the power of the fearful and yet adored idol of Money. One of his typical stories is ''Eve's Ransom," where the heroine, with various discreditable subterfuges, throws over the poor man whom she loves in order to marry the rich man whose income she loves still better. The poor man, finding that the rich man's income has given her a fuller life and a better character than the poor man's love could have given her, decides that she has done quite right, and that he deserves to be punished for his lack of money. In this story, as in his other books, Gissing has set forth, quite accurately, the actual dominion of money, and the imper- sonal worship which it exacts from the great majority of civilized mankind. Gissing 's facts are undeniable, and yet his 117 118 WHY MEN FIGHT attitude produces a revolt in any reader who has vital passions and masterful desires. His worship of money is bound up with his con- sciousness of inward defeat. And in the modern world generally, it is the decay of life which has promoted the religion of material goods; and the religion of material goods, in its turn, has hastened the decay of life on which it thrives. The man who worships money has ceased to hope for happiness through his own efforts or in his own activities: he looks upon happiness as a passive enjoyment of pleasures derived from the outside world. The artist or the lover does not worship money in his mo- ments of ardor, because his desires are specific, and directed towards objects which only he can create. And conversely, the worshiper of money can never achieve greatness as an artist or a lover. Love of money has been denounced by moralists since the world began. I do not wish to add another to the moral denunciations, of which the efficacy in the past has not been en- couraging. I wish to show how the worship of money is both an effect and a cause of diminish- ing vitality, and liow our institutions might be changed so as to make the worship of money PROPERTY 119 grow less and the general vitality grow more. It is not the desire for money as a means to defi- nite ends that is in question. A struggling artist may desire money in order to have leisure for his art, but this desire is finite, and can be satisfied fully by a very modest sum. It is the worship of money that I wish to consider: the belief that all values may be measured in terms of money, and that money is the ultimate test of success in life. This belief is held in fact, if not in words, by multitudes of men and women, and yet it is not in harmony with human nature, since it ignores vital needs and the in- stinctive tendency towards some specific kind of growth. It makes men treat as unimportant those of their desires which run counter to the acquisition of money, and yet such desires are, as a rule, more important to well-being than any increase of income. It leads men to mutilate their own natures from a mistaken theory of what constitutes success, and to give admiration to enterprises which add notliing to human wel- fare. It promotes a dead uniformity of char- acter and purpose, a diminution in the joy of life, and a stress and strain which leaves whole communities weary, discouraged, and disillu- sioned. 120 WHY MEN FIGHT America, the pioneer of Western progress, is thought by many to display the worship of money in its most perfect form. A well-to-do American, who already has more than enough money to satisfy all reasonable requirements, almost always continues to work at his office with an assiduity which would only be pardon- able if starvation were the alternative. But England, except among a small minority, is almost as much given over to the worship of money as America. Love of money in Eng- land takes, as a rule, the form of snobbishly de- siring to maintain a certain social status, rather than of striving after an indefinite increase of income. Men postpone marriage until they have an income enabling them to have as many rooms and servants in their house as they feel that their dignity requires. This makes it necessary for them while they are young to keep a watch upon their affections, lest they should be led into an imprudence : they ac- quire a cautious habit of mind, and a fear of ''giving themselves away," which makes a free and vigorous life impossible. In acting as they do they imagine that they are being virtuous, since they would feel it a hardship for a woman to be asked to descend to a lower social status PROPEETY 121 than that of her parents, and a degradation to themselves to marry a woman whose social status was not equal to their own. The things of nature are not valued in comparison with money. It is not thought a hardship for a woman to have to accept, as her only experience of love, the prudent and limited attentions of a man whose capacity for emotion has been lost during j^ears of wise restraint or sordid rela- tions with women whom he did not respect. The woman herself does not know that it is a hardship ; for she, too, has been taught prudence for fear of a descent in the social scale, and from early yoiith she has had it instilled into her that strong feeling does not become a young woman. So the two unite to slip through life in ignorance of all that is worth knowing. Their ancestors were not restrained from pas- sion by the fear of hell-fire, but they are re- strained effectually by a worse fear, the fear of coming down in the world. The same motives which lead men to marry late also lead them to limit their families. Pro- fessional men wish to send their sons to a pub- lic school, though the education they will ob- tain is no better than at a grammar school, and the companions with whom they will associate 122 WHY MEN FIGHT are more vicious. But snobdom has decided that public schools are best, and from its ver- dict there is no appeal. What makes them the best is that they are the most expensive. And the same social struggle, in varying forms, runs through all classes except the very highest and the very lowest. For this purpose men and women make great moral efforts, and show amazing powers of self-control ; but all their ef- forts and all their self-control, being not used for any creative end, serve merely to dry up the well-spring of life within them, to niake them feeble, listless, and trivial. It is not in such a soil that the passion which produces genius can be nourished. Men's souls have exchanged the wilderness for the drawing-room : they have become cramped and petty and de- formed, like Chinese women's feet. Even the horrors of war have hardly awakened them from the smug somnambulism of respectability. And it is chiefly the worship of money that has brought about this deathlike slumber of all that makes men great. In France the worship of money takes the form of thrift. It is not easy to make a fortune in France, but an inherited competence is very common, and where it exists the main purpose PEOPEETY 123 of life is to hand it on undiminished, if not in- creased. The French rentier is one of the great forces in international politics : it is he through whom France has been strengthened in diplo- macy and weakened in war, by increasing the supply of French capital and diminishing the supply of French men. The necessity of pro- viding a dot for daughters, and the subdivision of property by the law of inheritance, have made the family more powerful, as an institution, than in any other civilized country. In order that the family may prosper, it is kept small, and the individual members are often sacrificed to it. The desire for family continuity makes men timid and unadventurous : it is only in the organized proletariat that the daring spirit survives which made the Eevolution and led the world in political thought and practice. Through the influence of money, the strength of the family has become a weakness to the na- tion by making the population remain station- ary and even tend to decline. The same love of safety is beginning to produce the same ef- fects elsewhere; but in this, as in many better things, France has led the way. In Germany the worship of money is more recent than in France, England, and America; 124 -^ WHY MEN FIGHT indeed, it hardly existed until after the Franco- Prussian War. But it has been adopted now with the same intensity and whole-heartedness which have always marked German beliefs. It is characteristic that, as in France the worship of money is associated with the family, so in Germany it is associated with the State. Liszt, in deliberate revolt against the English econo- mists, taught his compatriots to think of eco- nomics in national terms, and the German who develops a business is felt, by others as well as by himself, to be performing a service to the State. Germans believe that England's great- ness is due to industrialism and Empire, and that our success in these is due to an intense nationalism. The apparent internationalism of our Free Trade policy they regard as mere hy- pocrisy. They have set themselves to imitate what they believe we really are, with only the hypocrisy omitted. It must be admitted that their success has been amazing. But in the process they have destroyed almost all that made Germany of value to the world, and they have not adopted whatever of good there may Have been among us, since that was all swept aside in the wholesale condemnation of *4iy- pocrisy." And in adopting our worst faults, PEOPERTY 125 they have made them far worse by a system, a thoroughness, and a unanimity of which we are happily incapable. Germany's religion is of great importance to the world, since Germans have a power of real belief, and have the energy to acquire the virtues and vices which their creed demands. For the sake of the world, as well as for the sake of Germany, we must hope that they will soon abandon the worship of wealth which they have unfortunately learnt from us. AVorship of money is no new thing, but it is a more harmful thing than it used to be, for several reasons. Industrialism has made work more wearisome and intense, less capable of affording pleasure and interest by the way to the man who has undertaken it for the sake of money. The power of limiting families has opened a new field for the operation of thrift. The general increase in education and self-disci- pline has made men more capable of pursuing a purpose consistently in spite of temptations, and when the purpose is against life it becomes more destructive with every increase of tenacity in those who adopt it. The greater produc- tivity resulting from industrialism has en- abled us to devote more labor and capital to 126 WHY MEN FIGHT armies and navies for the protection of our wealth from envious neighbors, and for the ex- ploitation of inferior races, which are ruthlessly wasted by the capitalist regime. Through the fear of losing money, forethought and anxiety eat away men's power of happiness, and the dread of misfortune becomes a greater misfor- tune than the one which is dreaded. The hap- piest men and women, as we can all testify from our own experience, are those who are indif- ferent to money because they have some posi- tive purpose which shuts it out. And yet all our political thought, whether imperialist, rad- ical, or socialist, continues to occupy itself al- most exclusively with men's economic desires, as though they alone had real importance. In judging of an industrial system, whether the one under which we live or one proposed by reformers, there are four main tests which may be applied. We may consider whether the sys- tem secures (1) the maximum of production, or (2) justice in distribution, or (3) a tolerable ex- istence for producers, or (4) the greatest pos- sible freedom and stimulus to vitality and prog- ress. We may say, broadly, that the present system aims only at the first of these objects, while socialism aims at the second and third. PROPERTY 127 Some defenders of the present system contend that technical progress is better promoted by private enterprise than it would be if indus- tiy were in the hands of the State ; to this ex- tent they recognize the fourth of the objects we have enumerated. But they recognize it only on the side of the goods and the capitalist, not on the side of the wage-earner. I believe that the fourth is much the most important of the objects to be aimed at, that the present sys- tem is fatal to it, and that orthodox socialism might well prove equally fatal. One of the least questioned assumptions of the capitalist system is, that production ought to be increased in amount by every possible means : by new kinds of machinery, by employ- ment of women and boys, by making hours of labor as long as is compatible with efficiency. Central African natives, accustomed to living on raw fruits of the earth and defeating Man- chester by dispensing with clothes, are com- pelled to work by a hut tax which they can only pay by taking employment under European cap- italists. It is admitted that they are perfectly happy while they remain free from European influences, and that industrialism brings upon them, not only the unwonted misery of confine- 128 WHY MEN FIGHT ment, but also death from diseases to which white men have become partially immune. It is admitted that the best negro workers are the ''raw natives," fresh from the bush, uncontami- nated by previous experience of wage-earning. Nevertheless, no one effectively contends that they ought to be preserved from the deteriora- tion which we bring, since no one effectively doubts that it is good to increase the world's production at no matter what cost. The belief in the importance of production has a fanatical irrationality and ruthlessness. So long as something is produced, what it is that is produced seems to be thought a matter of no account. Our whole economic system en- courages this view, since fear of unemployment makes any kind of work a boon to wage-earn- ers. The mania for increasing production has turned men's thoughts away from much more important problems, and has prevented the world from getting the benefits it might have got out of the increased productivity of labor. When we are fed and clothed and housed, further material goods are needed only for os- tentation.^ With modern methods, a certain 1 Except by that small minority who are capable of artistic enjoyment. PROPEETY 129 proportion of the population, without working long hours, could do all the work that is really necessary in the way of producing commodi- ties. The time which is now spent in produc- ing luxuries could be spent partly in enjoyment and country holidays, partly in better educa- tion, partly in work that is not manual or sub- serving manual work. We could, if we wished, have far more science and art, more diffused knowledge and mental cultivation, more leisure for wage-earners, and more capacity for intelli- gent pleasures. At present not only wages, but ahnost all earned incomes, can only be obtained by working much longer hours than men ought to work. A man who earns £800 a year by hard work could not, as a rule, earn £400 a year by half as much work. Often he could not earn anything if he were not willing to work prac- tically all day and every day. Because of the excessive belief in the value of production, it is thought right and proper for men to work long hours, and the good that might result from shorter hours is not realized. And all the cruel- ties of the industrial system, not only in Europe but even more in the tropics, arouse only an occasional feeble protest from a few philanthro- pists. This is because, owing to the distortion 130 WHY MEN FIGHT produced by our present economic methods, men's conscious desires, in such matters, cover only a very small part, and that not the most important part, of the real needs affected by industrial work. If this is to be remedied, it can only be by a different economic system, in which the relation of activity to needs will be less concealed and more direct. The purpose of maximizing production will not be achieved in the long run if our present industrial system continues. Our present sys- tem is wasteful of human material, partly through damage to the health and efficiency of industrial workers, especially when women and children are employed, partly through the fact that the best workers tend to have small fam- ilies and that the more civilized races are in danger of gradual extinction. Every great city is a center of race-deterioration. For the case of London this has been argued with a wealth of statistical detail by Sir H. Llewelyn Smith ; ^ and it cannot easily be doubted that it is equally true in other cases. The same is true of material resources: the minerals, the virgin forests, and the newly developed wheatfields of the world are being exhausted with a reckless 1 Booth's " Life and Labour of the People," vol. iii. PEOPERTY 131 prodigality which entails almost a certainty of hardship for future generations. Socialists see the remedy in State ownership of land and capital, combined with a more just system of distribution. It cannot be denied that our present system of distribution is indefen- sible from every point of view, including the point of view of justice. Our system of distri- bution is regulated by law, and is capable of being changed in many respects which familiar- ity makes us regard as natural and inevitable. We may distinguish four chief sources of rec- ognized legal rights to private property: (1) a man's right to what he has made himself; (2) the right to interest on capital which has been lent; (3) the ownership of land; (4) inheritance. These form a crescendo of respectability: cap- ital is more respectable than labor, land is more respectable than capital, and any form of wealth is more respectable when it is inherited than when it has been acquired by our own ex- ertions. A man's right to the produce of his own la- bor has never, in fact, had more than a very lim- ited recognition from the law. The early so- cialists, especially the English forerunners of Marx, used to insist upon this right as the basis 132 WHY MEN FIGHT of a just system of distribution, but in the com- plication of modern industrial processes it is impossible to say what a man has produced. What proportion of the goods carried by a rail- way should belong to the goods porters con- cerned in their journey? When a surgeon saves a man's life by an operation, what proportion of the commodities which the man subsequently produces can the surgeon justly claim? Such problems are insoluble. And there is no spe- cial justice, even if they were soluble, in allow- ing to each man what he himself produces. Some men are stronger, healthier, cleverer, than others, but there is no reason for increas- ing these natural injustices by the artificial in- justices of the law. The principle recommends itself partly as a way of abolishing the very rich, partly as a way of stimulating people to work hard. But the first of these objects can be better obtained in other ways, and the second ceases to be obviously desirable as soon as we cease to worship money. Interest arises naturally in any community in which private property is unrestricted and theft is punished, because some of the most eco- nomical processes of production are slow, and those who have the skill to perform them may PROPERTY 133 not have tlie means of living while they are being completed. But the power of lending money gives such great wealth and influence to private capitalists that unless strictly controlled it is not compatible with any real freedom for the rest of the population. Its effects at pres- ent, both in the industrial world and in interna- tional politics, are so bad that it seems impera- tively necessary to devise some means of curb- ing its power. Private property in land has no justification except historically through power of the sword. In the beginning of feudal times, certain men had enough military strength to be able to force those whom they disliked not to live in a cer- tain area. Those whom they chose to leave on the land became their serfs, and were forced to work for them in return for the gracious per- mission to stay. In order to establish law in place of private force, it was necessary, in the main, to leave undisturbed the rights which had been acquired by the sword. The land became the property of those who had conquered it, and the serfs were allowed to give rent instead of service. There is no justification for private property in land, except the historical necessity to conciliate turbulent robbers who would not 134 WHY MEN FIGHT otherwise have obeyed the law. This neces- sity arose in Europe many centuries ago, but in Africa the whole process is often quite re- cent. It is by this process, slightly disguised, that the Kimberley diamond mines and the Eand gold mines were acquired in spite of prior native rights. It is a singular example of hu- man inertia that men should have continued until now to endure the tyranny and extortion which a small minority are able to inflict by their possession of the land. No good to the community, of any sort or kind, results from the private ownership of land. If men were reasonable, they would decree that it should cease to-morrow, with no compensation beyond a moderate life income to the present holders. The mere abolition of rent would not remove injustice, since it would confer a capricious ad- vantage upon the occupiers of the best sites and the most fertile land. It is necessary that there should be rent, but it should be paid to the State or to some body which performs public serv- ices; or, if the total rental were more than is required for such purposes, it might be paid into a common fund and divided equally among the population. Such a method would be just, and would not only help to relieve poverty, but PROPERTY 135 would prevent wasteful employment of land and the tyranny of local magnates. Much that ap- pears as the power of capital is really the power of the landowner — for example, the power of railway companies and mine-owners. The evil and injustice of the present system are glaring, but men's patience of preventable evils to which they are accustomed is so great that it is impos- sible to guess when they will put an end to this strange absurdity. Inheritance, which is the source of the greater part of the unearned income in the world, is re- garded by most men as a natural right. Some- times, as in England, the right is inherent in the o^vner of property, who may dispose of it in any way that seems good to him. Sometimes, as in France, his right is limited by the right of his family to inherit at least a portion of what he has to leave. But neither the right to dis- pose of property by will nor the right of chil- dren to inherit from parents has any basis out- side the instincts of possession and family pride. There may be reasons for allowing a man whose work is exceptionally fruitful — for in- stance, an inventor — to enjoy a larger income than is enjoyed by the average citizen, but there 136 WHY MEN FIGHT can be no good reason for allowing this privi- lege to descend to his children and grandchil- dren and so on for ever. The effect is to pro- duce an idle and exceptionally fortunate class, who are influential through their money, and opposed to reform for fear it should be di- rected against themselves. Their whole habit of thought becomes timid, since they dread being forced to acknowledge that their position is indefensible; yet snobbery and the wish to secure their favor leads almost the whole middle class to ape their manners and adopt their opin- ions. In this way they become a poison infect- ing the outlook of almost all educated people. It is sometimes said that without the incen- tive of inheritance men would not work so well. The great captains of industry, we are assured, are actuated by the desire to found a family, and would not devote their lives to unremitting toil without the hope of gratifying this desire. I do not believe that any large proportion of really useful work is done from this motive. Ordinary work is done for the sake of a living, and the very best work is done for the interest of the work itself. Even the captains of indus- try, who are thought (perhaps by themselves as well as by others) to be aiming at founding a PROPERTY 137 family, are probably more actuated by love of power and by the adventurous pleasure of great enterprises. And if there were some slight diminution in the amount of work done, it would be well worth while in order to get rid of the idle rich, with the oppression, feeble- ness, and corruption which they inevitably in- troduce. The present system of distribution is not based upon any principle. Starting from a sys- tem imposed by conquest, the arrangements made by the conquerors for their own benefit were stereotyped by the law, and have never been fundamentally reconstructed. On what principles ought the reconstruction to be based? Socialism, which is the most widely advo- cated scheme of reconstruction, aims chiefly at justice: the present inequalities of wealth are unjust, and socialism would abolish them. It is not essential to socialism that all men should have the same income, but it is essential that inequalities should be justified, in each case, by inequality of need or of service performed. There can be no disputing that the present sys- tem is grossly unjust, and that almost all that is unjust in it is harmful. But I do not think 138 WHY MEN FIGHT justice alone is a sufficient principle upon which to base an economic reconstruction. Justice would be secured if all were equally unhappy, as well as if all were equally happy. Justice, I by itself, when once realized, contains no source of new life. The old type of Marxian revolu- tionary socialist never dwelt, in imagination, upon the life of communities after the establish- ment of the millennium. He imagined that, like the Prince and Princess in a fairy story, they would live happily ever after. But that is not a condition possible to human nature. Desire, activity, purpose, are essential to a tol- erable life, and a millennium, though it may be a joy in prospect, would be intolerable if it were actually achieved. The more modern socialists, it is true, have lost most of the religious ferv^or which charac- terized the pioneers, and view socialism as a tendency rather than a definite goal. But they still retain the view that what is of most po- I litical importance to a man is his income, and I that the principal aim of a democratic politician [ ought to be to increase the wages of labor. I believe this involves too passive a conception of what constitutes happiness. It is true that, in the industrial world, large sections of the PROPERTY 139 population are too poor to have any possibility of a good life ; but it is not true that a good life will come of itself with a diminution of poverty. Very few of the well-to-do classes have a good life at present, and perhaps socialism would only substitute the evils which now afflict the more prosperous in place of the evils resulting from destitution. In the existing labor movement, although it is one of the most vital sources of change, there are certain tendencies against which reformers ought to be on their guard. The labor move- ment is in essence a movement in favor of jus- tice, based upon the belief that the sacrifice of the many to the few is not necessary now, what- ever may have been the case in the past. When labor was less productive and education was less widespread, an aristocratic civilization may have been the only one possible: it may have been necessary that the many should contribute to the life of the few, if the few were to trans- mit and increase the world's possessions in art and thought and civilized existence. But this necessity is past or rapidly passing, and there is no longer any valid objection to the claims of justice. The labor movement is morally irre- sistible, and is not now seriously opposed ex- 140 WHY MEN FIGHT cept by prejudice and simple self-assertion. All living thought is on its side ; what is against it is traditional and dead. But although it it- self is living, it is not by any means certain that it will make for life. Labor is led by current political thought in certain directions which would become repres- sive and dangerous if they were to remain strong after labor had triumphed. The aspira- tions of the labor movement are, on the whole, opposed by the great majority of the educated classes, who feel a menace, not only or chiefly to their personal comfort, but to the civilized life in which they have their part, which they profoundly believe to be important to the world. Owing to the opposition of the educated classes, labor, when it is revolutionary and vigorous, tends to despise all that the educated classes represent. When it is more respectful, as its leaders tend to be in England, the subtle and almost unconscious influence of educated men is apt to sap revolutionary ardor, producing doubt and uncertainty instead of the swift, sim- ple assurance by which victory might have been won. The very sympathy which the best men in the well-to-do classes extend to labor, their very readiness to admit the justice of its claims, PKOPERTY 141 may have the effect of softening the opposition of labor leaders to the status quo, and of open- ing their minds to the suggestion that no funda- mental change is possible. Since these influ- ences affect leaders much more than the rank and file, they tend to produce in the rank and file a distrust of leaders, and a desire to seek out new leaders who will be less ready to concede the claims of the more fortunate classes. The result may be in the end a labor movement as hostile to the life of the mind as some terrified property-owners believe it to be at present. The claims of justice, narrowly interpreted, may reinforce this tendency. It may be thought unjust that some men should have larger in- comes or shorter hours of work than other men. But efficiency in mental work, including the work of education, certainly requires more com- fort and longer periods of rest than are required for efficiency in physical work, if only because mental work is not physiologically wholesome. If this is not recognized, the life of the mind may suffer through short-sightedness even more than through deliberate hostility. Education suffers at present, and may long continue to suffer, through the desire of par- ents that their children should earn money as 142 WHY MEN FIGHT soon as possible. Every one knows that the half-time system, for example, is bad; but the power of organized labor keeps it in existence. It is clear that the cure for this evil, as for those that are concerned with the population question, is to relieve parents of the expense of their children's education, and at the same time to take away their right to appropriate their children's earnings. The way to prevent any dangerous opposition of labor to the life of the mind is not to oppose the labor movement, which is too strong to be opposed with justice. The right way is, to show by actual practice that thought is useful to labor, that without thought its positive aims cannot be achieved, and that there are men in the world of thought who are willing to devote their energies to helping labor in its struggle. Such men, if they are wise and sincere, can pre- vent labor from becoming destructive of what is living in the intellectual world. Another danger in the aims of organized la- bor is the danger of conservatism as to meth- ods of production. Improvements of machin- ery or organization bring great advantages to employers, but involve temporary and some- times permanent loss to the wage-earners. For PROPERTY 143 this reason, and also from mere instinctive dis- like of any change of habits, strong labor or- ganizations are often obstacles to technical progress. The ultimate basis of all social prog- ress must be increased technical efficiency, a greater result from a given amount of labor. If labor were to offer an effective opposition to this kind of progress, it would in the long run paralyze all other progress. The way to overcome the opposition of labor is not by hos- tility or moral homilies, but by giving to labor the direct interest in economical processes which now belongs to the employers. Here, as elsewhere, the unprogressive part of a move- ment which is essentially progressive is to be eliminated, not by decrying the whole movement but by giving it a wider sweep, making it more progressive, and leading it to demand an even greater change in the structure of society than any that it had contemplated in its inception. The most important purpose that political in- stitutions can achieve is to keep alive in indi- viduals creativeness, vigor, vitality, and the joy of life. These things existed, for example, in Elizabethan England in a way in which they do not exist now. They stimulated adventure, poetry, music, fine architecture, and set going 144 WHY MEN FIGHT the whole movement out of which England's greatness has sprung in every direction in which England has been great. These things coex- isted with injustice, but outweighed it, and made a national life more admirable than any that is likely to exist under socialism. I What is wanted in order to keep men full of I vitality is opportunity, not security. Security is merely a refuge from fear ; opportunity is the source of hope. The chief test of an economic system is not whether it makes men prosperous, or whether it secures distributive justice (though these are both very desirable), but hvhether it leaves men's instinctive growth un- iimpeded. To achieve this purpose, there are tjj^o main conditions which it should fulfil: it should not cramp men's private affections, and it should give the greatest possible outlet to ^ the impulse of creation. There is in most men, until it becomes atrophied by disuse, an instinct of constructiveness, a wish to make something. The men who achieve most are, as a rule, those in whom this instinct is strongest: such men become artists, men of science, statesmen, em- pire-builders, or captains of industry, accord- ing to the accidents of temperament and oppor- tunity. The most beneficent and the most PROPERTY ■ 145 harmful careers are inspired by this impulse. Without it, the world would sink to the level of Tibet: it would subsist, as it is always prone to do, on the wisdom of its ancestors, and each generation would sink more deeply into a life- less traditionalism. But it is not only the remarkable men who have the instinct of constructiveness, though it is they who have it most strongly. It is almost universal in boys, and in men it usually sur- vives in a greater or less degree, according to the greater or less outlet which it is able to find. Work inspired by this instinct is satis- fying, even when it is irksome and difficult, be- cause every effort is as natural as the effort of a dog pursuing a hare. The chief defect of the present capitalistic system is that work done for wages very seldom affords any outlet for the creative impulse. The man who works for wages has no choice as to what he shall make : the whole creativeness of the processes concen- trate in the employer who orders the work to be done. For this reason the work becomes a merely external means to a certain result, the earning of wages. Employers grow indignant about the trade union rules for limitation of output, but they have no right to be indignant, 146 WHY MEN FIGHT since they do not permit the men whom they employ to have any share in the purpose for which the work is undertaken. And so the proc- ess of production, which should form one in- stinctive cycle, becomes divided into separate purposes, which can no longer provide any sat- isfaction of instinct for those who do the work. This result is due to our industrial system, but it would not be avoided by socialism. In a socialist community, the State would be the employer, and the individual workman would have almost as little control over his work as he has at present. Such control as he could exercise would be indirect, through political channels, and would be too slight and round- about to afford any appreciable satisfaction. It is to be feared that instead of an increase of self-direction, there would only be an increase of mutual interference. The total abolition of private capitalistic en- terprise, which is demanded by Marxian social- ism, seems scarcely necessary. Most men who construct sweeping systems of reform, like most of those who defend the status quo, do not allow enough for the importance of exceptions and the undesirability of rigid system. Provided the sphere of capitalism is restricted, and a PROPERTY 147 large proportion of the population are rescued from its dominion, there is no reason to wish it wholly abolished. As a competitor and a rival, it might serve a useful purpose in pre- venting more democratic enterprises from sink- ing into sloth and technical conservatism. But it is of the very highest importance that capital- ism should become the exception rather than the rule, and that the bulk of the world's industry should be conducted on a more democratic sys- tem. Much of what is to be said against militarism in the State is also to be said against capitalism in the economic sphere. Economic organiza- tions, in the pursuit of efficiency, grow larger and larger, and there is no possibility of re- versing this process. The causes of their growth are technical, and large organizations must be accepted as an essential part of civ- ilized society. But there is no reason why their government should be centralized and monar- chical. The present economic system, by rob- bing most men of initiative, is one of the causes of the universal weariness which devitalizes urban and industrial populations, making them perpetually seek excitement, and leading them to welcome even the outbreak of war as a relief 148 WHY MEN FIGHT from the dreary monotony of their daily lives. If the vigor of the nation is to be preserved, if we are to retain any capacity for new ideas, if we are not to sink into a Chinese condition of stereotyped immobility, the monarchical organ- ization of industry must be swept away. All large businesses must become democratic and federal in their government. The whole wage- earning system is an abomination, not only be- cause of the social injustice which it causes and perpetuates, but also because it separates the man who does the work from the purpose for which the work is done. The whole of the con- trolling purpose is concentrated in the capital- ist; the purpose of the wage-earner is not the produce, but the wages. The purpose of the capitalist is to secure the maximum of work for the minimum of wages; the purpose of the wage-earner is to secure the maximum of wages for the minimum of work. A system involv- ing this essential conflict of interests cannot be expected to work smoothly or successfully, or to produce a community with any pride in ef- ficiency. Two movements exist, one already well ad- vanced, the other in its infancy, which seem capable, between them, of effecting most of PROPERTY 149 what is needed. The two movements I mean are the cooperative movement and syndical- ism. The cooperative movement is capable of replacing the wage system over a very wide field, but it is not easy to see how it could be applied to such things as railways. It is just in these cases that the principles of syndicalism are most easily applicable. If organization is not to crush individuality, membership of an organization ought to be vol- untary, not compulsory, and ought always to carry with it a voice in the management. This is not the case with economic organizations, which give no opportunity for the pride and pleasure that men find in an activity of their own choice, provided it is not utterly monot- onous. It must be admitted, however, that much of the mechanical work which is necessary in in- dustry is probably not capable of being made interesting in itself. But it will seem less tedious than it does at present if those who do it have a voice in the management of their in- dustry. And men who desire leisure for other occupations might be given the opportunity of doing uninteresting work during a few hours of the day for a low wage; this would give an 150 WHY MEN FIGHT opening to all who wished for some activity not immediately profitable to themselves. When everything that is possible has been done to make work interesting, the residue will have to be made endurable, as almost all work is at present, by the inducement of rewards outside the hours of labor. But if these rewards are to be satisfactory, it is essential that the unin- teresting work should not necessarily absorb a man's whole energies, and that opportunities should exist for more or less continuous activi- ties during the remaining hours. Such a sys- tem might be an immeasurable boon to artists, men of letters, and others who produce for their owm satisfaction works which the public does not value soon enough to secure a living for the producers ; and apart from such rather rare cases, it might provide an opportunity for young men and women with intellectual ambi- tions to continue their education after they have left school, or to prepare themselves for careers which require an exceptionally long training. The evils of the present system result from the separation between the several interests of consumer, producer, and capitalist. No one of these three has the same interests as the com- munity or as either of the other two. The co- PKOPERTY 151 operative system amalgamates the interests of consumer and capitalist; syndicalism would amalgamate the interests of producer and cap- italist. Neither amalgamates all three, or makes the interests of those who direct indus- try quite identical with those of the commun- ity. Neither, therefore, would wholly prevent industrial strife, or obviate the need of the State as arbitrator. But either would be bet- ter than the present system, and probably a mixture of both would cure most of the evils of industrialism as it exists now. It is surpris- ing that, while men and women have struggled to achieve political democracy, so little has been done to introduce democracy in industry. I be- lieve incalculable benefits might result from in- dustrial democracy, either on the cooperative model or with recognition of a trade or indus- try as a unit for purposes of government, with some kind of Home Rule such as syndicalism aims at securing. There is no reason why all governmental units should be geographical: this system was necessary in the past because of the slowness of means of communication, but it is not necessary now. By some such system many men might come to feel again a pride in their work, and to find again that outlet for the 152 WHY MEN FIGHT creative impulse whicli is now denied to all but a fortunate few. Such a system requires the abolition of the land-owner and the restriction of the capitalist, but does not entail equality of earnings. And unlike socialism, it is not a static or final system : it is hardly more than a framework for energy and initiative. It is only by some such method, I believe, that the free growth of the individual can be reconciled with the huge technical organizations which have been rendered necessary by industrialism. EDUCATION NO political theory is adequate unless it is applicable to children as well as to men and women. Theorists are mostly childless, or, if they have children, they are carefully screened from the disturbances which would be caused by youthful turmoil. Some of them have written books on education, but without, as a rule, having any actual children present to their minds while they wrote. Those educa- tional theorists who have had a knowledge of children, such as the inventors of Kindergarten and the Montessori system,^ have not always had enough realization of the ultimate goal of education to be able to deal successfully with advanced instruction. I have not the knowl- edge either of children or of education which would enable me to supply whatever defects there may be in the writings of others. But 1 As repfards the education of youn