BBS ■HH I . • ->;v, ^n v»B K •'. W'".' ■ USB Sra :■•'■_, r>lil Jim ■ „ >.\ 1 r.ffl 1 ' T 1 ■ 1 1 I ■ I .--V'v SEP^lVl914 Circular No. 1 Law Creating The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado ISSUED BY The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado DENVER, COLORADO AUGUST 12, 1914 DENVER, COLORADO THE SMITH-BROOKS PRINTING COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1914 ,,13 OEPT THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF COLORADO COM A! [SSIOXERS Aaron P. Anderson Term expires 1915 Sheridan S. Kendall Term expires 1 ( .)17 George T. Bradley Term expires 1919 OFFICERS Aaron P. Anderson. . .-.v...- Chairman •John \v. Fliniliaiii '.."*.... ».V. l.Z'i\} Secretary CHAPTER 127. PUBLIC UTILITIES. (S. B. No. 1. by Senators Burris and Van Tilhorg.) AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC UTILITIES, CREATING A PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES AND REPEALING CERTAIN ACTS AND PARTS OF ACTS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. This act shall he known as the "Public Utilities Act" and shall apply to the public utilities and Nameandap- ... . , • -i -i n t . ,i • • plication. public services herein described and to the commission herein referred to. Section 2. (a) The term "commission" when used in this act, means The Public Utilities Commission of the Definitions. State of Colorado. (b) The term "commissioner", when used in this act, means one of the members of the commission. (c) The term "corporation", when used in this act, includes a corporation, a company, an association, and a joint-stock association. (d) The term "person", when used in this act. in- cludes an individual, a linn, and a co-partnership. (e) The term "common carrier", when used in this act, includes every railroad corporation; street railroad corporation; express corporation, dispatch, sleeping; car, dining car, drawing room car, freight, freight-line, refrig- erator, oil, stock, fruit, car loaning, car renting, car load- ing, and every other car corporation <>r person, their lessees, trustees, receivers, or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, operating for compensation within this State. 2^)8^82 . -I I'l r.l.M' UTILITIES Section '■'>. The term "public utility", when used in 1 UDllC -ii ilus act. includes every common carrier, pipe kne corpora- tion, ,un< corporation, electrical corporation, telephone corporation, telegraph corporation, water corporation, person or municipality operating for the purpose of sup- plying the public for domestic, mechanical or public uses, and every corporation, or person now or hereafter de- clared by law to be affected with a public interest, and each thereof, is hereby declared to be a public utility and to be subject to the jurisdiction, coin vol and regulation of the commission and to the provisions of tin's act; Pro- vided, thai nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to irrigation systems, the chief or principal business of which is to supply water for the purpose of irrigation. Section 4. A Public Utilities Commission is hereby created which shall be known as The Public Utilities Com- commission . , . . , created. mission of the State of Colorado and which shall consist of three members who shall be appointed by the Gov- ernor, except as in this section otherwise provided. Aaron P. Anderson is hereby designated and named as one com- missioner, and shall hold his office until the second Tues- day in January, 1915; Sheridan S. Kendall is hereby des- ignated and named as one commissioner and shall hold his office until the second Tuesday in January. 1917; and immediately upon the taking effed of this act the Gov- ernor shall appoint a commissioner who shall hold his office until the second Tuesday in January, 1919. The term of office for each commissioner thereafter to be so appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, shall be for the term of six years from and after the expiration of the several terms as herein fixed. No two members of The Public Utilities Commission shall at any t ime be residents of the same Judicial District, and any appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the unex- pired term. The Governor shall designate one member of the Commission as chairman of the Commission. The Commissioners herein named shall receive us Compensation. compensation for their services the sum of Three Thou- sand hollars each per annum for the remainder of the respective terms for which tiny were elected as Railroad Commissioners. All Commissioners appointed after the passage of this Ait shall receive as compensation the sum of Pour Thousand Dollars each per annum. PUBLIC UTILITIES •> The Commissioners shall devote their entire time to the duties of their office, to the exclusion of any other employment. Section 5. Each, commissioner and each person ap- pointed to a civil executive office by the commission shall. Oath, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the con- stitutional oath of office. Each commissioner shall be a qualified elector of this State, and no p< rson in the em- ploy of or holding any official relation to any corporation or person, which said corporation or person is subject in whole or in part to regulation by the commission, and no person owning stocks or bonds of any such corporation or who is in any manner pecuniarily interested therein shall be appointed to or hold the office of commissioner or be appointed or employed by the commission; provided, that if any such person shall become the owner of such stocks or bonds or become pecuniarily interested in such corporation otherwise than voluntarily, he shall within , six months divest himself of such ownership <>r interest; failing to do so, his office or employment shall become vacant. Section (5. The commission shall appoint a secretary, whose salary shall be at the rate of twenty-five hundred secretary, dollars per annum and who shall hold office during its salary, pleasure. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and true record of all proceedings of the commis- sion, to issue all necessary process, writs, warrants and notices and to perform such other duties as the commis- sion may prescribe, and who shall have all the powers conferred by law upon peace officers to carry weapons, make arrests and serve warrants and other process in any county or city and county, of this State. Section 7. The commission shall have power, with the approval of the Governor, to employ during its pleas- Employes, ure such experts, engineers, statisticians, accountants, in- spectors, clerks and employees as it may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act or to perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred by law upon the commission. The commission shall have power with the approval of the Governor to appoint an attorney at law of this state who shall hold office during the pleasure of the commission and who shall exercise the powers and duties conferred upon him by this act and by the commis- I'l I'.l.ic UTILITIES i ittic.-. Procure book Incur ex- penses. - aate Commissioner to hold hear- sion. The commissioners, secretary, clerks, inspectors, accountants, attorneys, and all other employees, except experts temporarily in the employ of the commission, shall have been for four years prior .to such appointmenl or employment, bona fide residents of the state of Colo- rado, and each and all of these, except only the attorneys and experts shall, while in the employ of the commission, devote their entire time to the service of the Commission, to the exclusion of any other employment. Section 8. (a) The office of the commission shall he in the city and county of Denver. The office shall be open every day. legal holidays and Sundays excepted. The commission shall hold ils sessions at least once each calendar month in said city and county of Denver, and may also meet at such other times and in such other places as may be expedient and necessary for the proper performance of its duties. It shall be the duty of the Board of Capitol Managers, or its successors in authority, to provide suitable quarters for the commission and its officers at the Capitol building. lb) The commission shall have a seal, bearing the following inscription: "The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado." The seal shall be affixed to all writs and authentications of copies of records and to such other instruments as the commission shall direct. All courts shall take judicial notice of said seal. (el The commission is authorized to procure all nec- essary books, maps, charts, stationery, instruments, office furniture, apparatus and appliances, and incur such other expenses as may be actual and necessary, and the same shall be paid for in the same manner as other expenses authorized by this act. Section !). Any investigation, inquiry or hearing which the commission has power to undertake or to hold may he undertaken or held by or before any commis- sioner designated for the purpose by the commission, and every finding, order or decision made by a commissioner so designated, pursuant to such investigation, inquiry or hearing, when approved and confirmed by the commis- sion shall be and be deemed to be the finding, order or decision of the commission. PUBLIC UTILITIES Section 10. (a) All officers, attorney, experts, engi- neers, statisticians, accountants, inspectors, clerks and employees of the commission shall receive such compensa- tion as may he fixed by law or by the commission. The commissioners, attorney, secretary and rate expert shall be civil executive officers and their salaries as fixed by law or the commission shall be paid in the same maimer as are the salaries of other state officers. The salary or compensation of every other person holding- employment under the commission shall be paid monthly from the funds appropriated for the use of the commission, after being approved by the commission, upon claims therefor to be audited by the state auditing board. lb) All expenses incurred by the commission pursu- ant to the provisions of this act. including the actual and necessary traveling expenses and other expenses and dis- hursenieuts of the commissioners, their officers and em- ployees, incurred while on business of the commission, shall be paid from the funds appropriated for the use of the commission, upon claims therefor to be audited by the state auditing board. Section 11. The commissioners and the officers and employees of the commission, shall, when in the perform- ance of their official duties, have the right to pass, free of charge, on all railroads, cars and other vehicles of eveiw common carrier subject in whole or in part to control or regulation by the commission, between points within this State, ami such person shall not be denied the right to travel upon any railroad, car, or other vehicle of such common carrier, whether such railroad, car, or other ve- hicle be used for the transportation of passengers or freight, and regardless of its class. Section 12. The commission shall make and submit to the (Governor on or before the first day of December of each year Subsequent to the year nineteen hundred and twelve a report containing a full and complete account of its transactions and proceedings for the preceding fiscal year, together with such other fads, suggestions, and recommendations, as it may deem of value to the people of the State. Section 13. (a) All charges made, demanded or re- ceived by any public utility, or by any two or more public utilities, for any rate, fare, product or commoditv ftir- Compensation of employes. Expenses. Pass free in discharge of duty. Annual report to Governor. Just and rea- sonable charges. i'i i-.i.ic utilities Maintain reasonable service. Adopt and regulate rates. File printed schedules of rates, etc. aished or to be furnished or anj service tendered or to be rendered shall lie just and reasonable. Every unjust or unreasonable charge made, demanded or received for such rate, Tare, product or commodity or service is here- by prohibited and declared unlawful. tin Every public utility shall furnish, provide and maintain such service, instrumentalities, equipment and facilities as shall promote the safety, health, comfort and convenience of its patrons, employees and the public, and as shall in all respects be adequate, efficient, jnst and reasonable. Section 14. The power and authority is hereby vested in The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado, and it is hereby made its duty to adopt all necessary rates, charges, and regulations to govern and regulate all rates, charges and tariffs of every public util- ity of this State as herein defined, the power to correct abuses, and prevent unjust discriminations and extortions in the rates, charges and tariffs of such public utilities of this State and to generally supervise and regulate every public utility in this State and to do all things, whether herein specifically designated, or in addition thereto, which are necessary or convenient in the exercise of such power, and to enforce the same by the penalties provided in this act, through proper courts having jurisdiction. Section 15. Under such rules and regulations as the commission may prescribe, every public utility shall file with the commission within such time and in such form as the commission may designate, and shall print and keep open to public inspection schedules showing all rates, tolls, rentals, charges and classifications collected or en forced, or to be collected and enforced, together with all rules, regulations, contracts, privileges and facilities which in any manner affect or relate to rates, tolls, ren- tals, classifications, or service. The rates, tolls, rentals and charges shown on such schedules when filed by a pub- lic utility as to which the commission acquires the power by this ad to fix any rates, tolls, rentals, or charges, shall not within any portion of the territory as to which the the commission acquires as to such public utility such power, exceed the rates, tolls, rentals or charges in effect on the tenth day of October nineteen hundred and twelve; the rates, tolls, rentals and charges shown on such sched PUBLIC UTILITIES 9 ules, when filed by any public utility as to any territory as to which the commission does not by this act acquire as to such public utility such power, shall not exceed the rates, tolls, rentals and charges in effect at the time the commission acquires as to such territory and as to such public utility the power to fix rates, tolls, rentals or charges. Nothing in this section contanied shall prevent the commission from approving or fixing rates, tolls, ren- tals or charges, from time to time, in excess of or less than those shown by said schedules. Section 16. Unless the commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made by any public utility in any rate, Notice for fare, toll, rental, charge or classification, or in any rule, change of regulation or contract relating to or affecting any rate, rates. fare, toll, rental, charge, classification or service, or in any privilege or facility, except after thirty days' notice to the commission and the public as herein provided. Such notice shall be given by filing with the commission and keeping open for public inspection new schedules stating plainly the change or changes to be made in the schedule or schedules then in force, and the time when the change or changes will go into effect. The commis- sion, for good cause shown, may allow changes without requiring the thirty days' notice herein provided for, by an order specifying the changes so to be made and the time when they shall take effect, and the manner in which they shall be filed and published. When any change is proposed in any rate, fare, toll, rental, charge or classifi- cation, or in any form of contract or agreement or in any rule, regulation or contract relating to or affecting any rate, fare, toll, rental, charge or classification or service, or in any privilege or facility, attention shall be directed to such change on the schedule filed with the commission immediately preceding or following the item. Section 17. (a) No public utility subject to the pro- visions of this act shall, directly or indirectly, issue, give 4nti . pass or tender any free service, ticket, frank, free pass, or provisions. other gratuity, or free or reduced-rate transportation for passengers between points within this State, except to the members of the commission and their agents and em- ployees while in the discharge of their public duties, and except to its employees and their families, its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians, and attorneys at law; to Ill PUBLIC UTILITIES ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals ;iml charitable and eleemosynary institutions, and per- sons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work: to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation ; to inmates of the National Homes or State Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and of Soldiers' and Bailors' Homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge; to necessary care takers of live stock, poultry, fish and spawn (to be used by the State for the purpose of stocking public streams i. milk and fruit; to employees on sleeping cars, express cars, and to linemen of telegraph and telephone com panics; to railway mail service employees; postoffice in- spectors, customs inspectors, and immigration inspectors: to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attend ing any legal investigation in which the common carrier is 'interested, persons injured in wricks and physicians and nurses attending such persons; Provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the inlet- change of passes for the officers, agents and emplojees of common carriers and their families: nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers tree with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence, or other calamitous visitation; and provided further, that this provision shall not be construed to pro- hibit the privilege of passes or franks, or the exchange thereof with each other, for the officers, agents and em- ployees of telegraph and telephone companies and their families, and the officers, agents, employees and their fam dies of other common carriers subject to the provisions of this act ; provided further, that the term "employees" as used in this paragraph, shall include furloughed, pen- sioned and superannuated employees, persons who have become disabled or infirm in the service of any such com- mon carrier, and the remains of a person killed in the employment of a carrier and ex-emplovees traveling for the purpose of entering the service of any such common carrier; and the term •families", as used in this para- graph, shall include the families of those persons named in this proviso, also the families of persons killed, and the PUBLIC UTILITIES 11 widows during - widowhood and minor children during mi- nority of persons who died while in the service of any such common carrier. Provided, the granting or issuing of any free service, ticket, frank, free pass, or other gra- tuity, or free or reduced-rate transportation shall be sub- ject to such reasonable restrictions as the commission may impose. Any common carrier violating this provision shall be liable to the penalty hereinafter prescribed for a violation of this act, and any person, other than the per- sons excepted in this provision, who uses any such free ticket, free pass or free transportation shall be subject to a like penalty. (b) Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prohibit the issue by express corporations of free or re- ExpresSi tele . duced-rate transportation for express matter to their of- phone, teie- ficers and employees, or the interchange of free or re- graph franks. ducer-rate transportation for express matter between com- mon carriers, their officers and employees, provided, that such express matter be for the personal use of the person to or for whom such free or reduced-rate transportation is granted; nor to prohibit the issue of franks by telegraph or telephone corporations to their officers and employees ; nor to prevent a common carrier from transporting, stor- ing or handling, free or at reduced rates the household goods and personal effects of its employees, of persons entering or leaving its service, and of persons killed or dying while in its service. (c) Except as in this section otherwise provided, no public utility, shall charge, demand, collect or receive a Discrimination greater or less or different compensation for any product prohibited, or commodity furnished or to be furnished, or for any service rendered or to be rendered, than the rates, tolls. rentals, and charges applicable to such product or com- modity or service as specified in its schedules on file and in effect at the time, nor shall any such public utility re- fund or remit, directly or indirectly, in any manner or by any device, any portion of the rates, tolls, rentals and charges so specified, nor extend to any corporation or per- son any form of contract or agreement or rule or regula- tion or any facility or privilege except such as are regu- larly and uniformly extended to all corporations and per- sons; provided that the commission may by rule or order establish such exceptions from the operation of this pro- 11' PUBLIC UTILITIES .\"i> unreason- able difference in rates. Commission to determine question of fact, revoke approval, fix other rates. Companies exchange business. Telephone and telegraph ra tea for Iodk ami short distance. hibition ;is it may consider just and reasonable as to each public utility. Section IS. No public utility shall, as to rates, charges, service, facilities, or in any other respect, make or grant any preference or advantage to any corporation or person or subject any corporation or person to any prejudice or disadvantage. No public utility shall estab- lish or maintain any unreasonable difference as to rates, charges, service, facilities, or in any respect, either be- tween localities or as between any class of service. The commission shall have the power to determine any ques- tion of fact arising under this section. Nothing in this act shall be taken to prohibit a corporation or person engaged in the production, generation, transmission, or furnishing of heat, light, water, or power, telegraph or telephone service, from establishing a graduated scale of charges; provided that a schedule showing such scale of charges shall first be filed with the commission and such schedule and each rate set out therein approved by it. Nothing in this act shall be taken to prohibit any such corporation or person from entering into an ar- rangement for a fixed period for the automatic adjustment of charges for heat, light, water, or power, telegraph or telephone service, in relation to the dividends to be paid to stockholders of such corporation or the profits to be realized by such person; provided, that a schedule show- ing the scale of charges under such arrangement shall first have been filed with the commission and such sched- ule and each rate therein approved by it. Nothing in litis section shall prevent the commission from revoking its approval at any time and fixing other rates and charges for the product or commodity or service, as authorized by this act. Section L9. Every telephone corporation and tele- graph corporation operating in this State shall receive, transmit and deliver, without discrimination or delay, the conversations and messages of every other telephone or telegraph corporation with whose line a physical connec- tion may have been made. Section 20. No telephone or telegraph corporation subject to the provisions of this act shall charge or re- ceive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transmission of anv lone distance message or conversa- PUBLIC UTILITIES 13 tion for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, within this State, the shorter being included within the longer distance, or charge any greater compensation for a through service than the aggregate of the intermediate rates or tolls sub- ject to the provisions of this act ; but this shall not be con- strued as authorizing any such telephone or telegraph cor- poration to charge and receive as great a compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance. Upon application to the commission, a telephone or telegraph corporation or person operating such utility may, in special cases, after investigation, be authorized by the commission to charge less for a longer than a shorter distance service for the transmission of messages or conversations, and the commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such telephone or telegraph corporation or person may be relieved from the operation and requirements of this section. Section 21. No street or interurban railroad corpora- tion shall charge, demand or collect or receive more than five cents for one continuous ride in the same general di- rection within the corporate limits of any city and county, city or town, except upon a showing before the commis- sion that such greater charge is justified. Every street or interurban railroad corporation shall upon such terms as the commission shall find to be just and reasonable furnish to its passengers transfers entitling them to one continu- ous trip in the same general direction over and upon the portions of its lines within the same city and county, or city or town, not reached by the originating car. Section 22. Every public utility shall furnish to the commission at such time and in such form as the commis- sion may require a report in which the utility shall speci- fically answer all questions propounded by the commis- sion upon or concerning which the commission may desire information. The commission shall have the authority to require any public utility to file monthly reports of earn- ings and expenses, and to file periodical or special, or both periodical and special reports concerning any matter about which the commission is authorized by this act or in any other act to inquire or to keep itself informed, or which it is required to enforce. All reports shall be under oath. Street car and interur- ban rates. Utilities must furnish in- formation. 14 PUBLIC UTILITIES Commission shall mine Investigate and lish nes. Better si ir commodity. Section -'.\. (a) Whenever the commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find thai the rates, tolls, fares, rentals, charges or classifications, or any of them demanded, observed, charged <>r collected by any public utility for any service. or product -or conn lit v. or in connection therewith, in- cluding the rates or fares for excursion or commutation tickets, or that the rules, regulations, practices, or con tracts, or any of them, affecting such rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, or classifications, or any of them, are un- just, unreasonable, discriminatory, or preferential, or in any wise in violation of any provision of law, or that such rales, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, or classifications. are insufficient, the commission shall determine the just, reasonable or sufficient rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, rules, regulations, practices, or contracts to be thereafter observed and in force, and shall fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. ibi The commission shall have the power, upon a hearing, had upon its own motion or upon complaint, to investigate a single rate, fare. toll, rental, charge, class- ification, rule, regulation, contract, or practice, or any number thereof, or the entire schedule or schedules of rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, rules. regulations, contracts, and practices, or any thereof, of any public utility, and to establish new rates, fares, tolls. rentals, charges, classifications, rules, regulations, con- tracts or practices, or schedule or schedules, in lieu thereof. Section 24. Whenever the commission after a hear- ing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that the rules, regulations, practices, equipment, appli- ances, facilities, or service of any public utility, or the methods of manufacture, distribution, transmission, stor- age or supply employed by it, are unjust, unreasonable. unsafe, improper, inadequate or insufficient, the commis- sion shall determine the just, reasonable, safe, proper, adequate, or sufficient rules, regulations, practices, equip- ment, appliances, facilities, service, or methods to be ob- served, furnished, constructed, enforced or employed and shall fix the same by its order, rule or regulation. The commission shall prescribe rules and regulations for the performance "f any service or the furnishing of any com- PUBLIC UTILITIES 15 modify of the character furnished or supplied by any pub- lie utility, and upon proper tender of rates, such public utility shall furnish such commodity or render such serv- ice within the time and upon the conditions provided in such rules. Section 25. Whenever the commission after a hear- ing upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find the additions, extensions, repairs, or improvements to, or Repairs, new change in the existing plant, equipment, apparatus, fa- buildings, et cilities or other physical property of any public utility or of any two or more public utilities ought reasonably to be made, or that a new structure or structures should be erected to promote the security or convenience of its em- ployees or the public, or in any other way to secure ade- quate service or facilities, the commission shall make and serve an order directing' that such additions, extensions, repairs, improvements, or changes be made or such struc- ture or structures be erected in the manner and within the time specified in such order. If the commission or- ders the erection of a new structure, the selection of the site for such structure shall be subject to the approval of the commission. If any additions, extensions, repairs, improvements, or changes, or any new structure or struc- tures which the commission has ordered to be erected, re- quire joint action of two or more public utilities, the com- mission shall notify the said public utilities that such additions, repairs, improvements, or changes or new struc- ture or structures have been ordered and that the same shall be made at their joint cost, whereupon the said pub- lic utilities shall have such reasonable time as the commis- sion may grant within which to agree upon the portion or division of cost of such additions, repairs, extensions, im- provements, or changes or new structure or structures, which each shall bear. If at the expiration of such time such public utilities shall fail to file with the commission a statement that an agreement has been made for a divi- sion or apportionment of the cost or expense of such ad- ditions, extensions, repairs, improvements, or changes, or new structure or structures, the commission shall have authority, after further hearing, to make an order fixing the proportion of such expense to be borne by each public utility and the manner in which the same shall be paid or secured. l(i PUBLIC UTILITIES Section 26. Whenever the commission, after a hear- Muip- '".- ' 1;,< 1 upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall nent. find that am railroad corporation or street railroad cor- poration, or person operating any such railroad or street railroad does not run a sufficient number of trains or tars. or does not possess or operate sufficient motive power, reasonably to accommodate the traffic, passenger or freighl transported by or offered for transportation to it, or does not run its trains or cars with sufficient frequency or at a reasonable or proper time having regard to safety, or does not stop the same at proper places, or does not run any train or trains, car or cars, upon a: reasonable time schedule for the run. the commission shall have the power to make an order directing any such railroad cor- poration or street railroad corporation to increase the number of its trains or of its cars or its motive power or to change the time of starting its train or car or to change the time schedule for the run of any train or car, or to change the stopping place or places thereof, or to make any other change the commission may determine to be reasonably necessary to accommodate and transport the traffic, passenger or freight, transported or offered for transportation. Section 27. Whenever the commission, after a hear- Connect non- m g had upon its own motion or upon complaint shall find competitive that a physical connection can reasonably be made be- lines - tween the lines of two or more noncompetitive telegraph or telephone corporations whose lines can be made to form a continuous line of communication, by the construc- tion and maintenance of suitable connections for the transmission of messages or conversations, and the public convenience and necessity will be subserved thereby, or shall find that two or more telegraph or telephone cor- porations have failed to establish joint rates, tolls, or charges for service by or over their said lines, and that joint rates, tolls or charges ought to be established, the commission may by its order require that such connec- tion be made, except where the purpose of such connec- tion is primarily to secure the transmission of local mes- sages or conversations between points in the same consol- idated city and county, city or town, and that conversa- tions be transmitted and messages transferred over such connection under such rules and regulations as the com- PUBLIC UTILITIES 17 conduits, tracks, poles. mission may establish and prescribe through lines and joint rates, tolls and charges to he made, and to be used, observed and in force in the future. If such telephone or telegraph corporations do not agree upon the division between them of the joint cost of such physical connec- tion or connections or the division of the joint rates, tolls, or charges established by the commission over such through lines, the commission shall have authority, after further hearing, to establish such division by supple- mental order. Section 28. Whenever the commission after a hear- ing had upon its own motion or upon complaint of a public utility affected, shall find that the public conveni- Joint use ence and necessity require the use by one public utility of the conduits, subways, tracks, wires, poles, pipes or other equipment, or any part thereof, on, over, or under any street or highway, and belonging to another public utility, and that such use will not result in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such conduits, sub- ways, wires, tracks, poles, pipes or other equipment or in any substantial detriment to the service, and that such public utilities have failed to agree upon such use or the terms and conditions or compensation for the same, the commission may by order direct that such use be permit- ted, and prescribe reasonable compensation and reason- able terms and conditions for the joint use. If such use be directed, the public utility to whom the use is permit- ted shall be liable, to the owner or other users of such conduits, subways, tracks, wires, poles, pipes, or other equipment for such damage as may result therefrom to the property of such owners or other users thereof; pro- vided, that power companies shall not be permitted to use telegraph or telephone conduits or poles for transmission of electric current. Section 29. The commission shall have power, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, to SpeciaI rules make general or special orders, rules or regulations, or otherwise, to require every public utility to maintain and operate its line, plant, system, equipment, apparatus, tracks and premises in such manner as to promote and safeguard the health and safety of its employees, passen- gers, customers, and the public, and to this end to pre- scribe, among other things, the installation, use, mainte- IS PU.BLIC UTILITIES oance and operation of appropriate safety or other devices or appliances, including interlocking and other pro- tecting devices ;it grade crossings or junctions and block or other systems of signaling, 1<» establish uniform or other standards of equipment, ;ind to require the perform- ance of any oilier net which the health or safety of its employees, passengers, customers or the public may de- mand. Seel ion 30. (a) The commission shall have the power to provide the time within which express packages shall be received, gathered, transported and delivered at desti- nation, and the limits within which express packages shall be gathered and distributed and telegraph messages de- livered without extra charge. (b) The commission shall have power, to provide by Rules for proper rules and regulations the time which consignors handling or persons ordering cars shall load the same, and the time freight. within which consignees or persons to whom freight may be consigned shall unload and discharge the same and re- ceive freight from the freight depots, and to enforce the penalties for any failure on the part of the consignors and consignees to conform to such rules as provided in this act. flards Section 31. (a) The commission shall have power, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, for electricity *"° ascertain and fix just and reasonable standards, class- ga-3 and water, ifications, regulations, practices, measurements or serv- ice to be furnished, imposed, observed and followed by all electrical, gas, and water public utilities; to ascertain and fix adequate and serviceable standards for the measure- ment of quantity, quality, pressure, initial voltage or other condition ]>ertaining to the supply of the product, commodity or service furnished or rendered by any such public utility; to prescribe reasonable regulations for the examination and testing of such product, commodity or service and for the measurement thereof; to establish rea- sonable rules, regulations', specifications and standards to secure the accuracy of all meters and appliances for measurement .and weighing; and to provide for the exam- ination and lestinj; of any and all appliances used for the measurement or weighing of any product, commodity or service of any such public utility. PUBLIC UTILITIES L9 examine. Test meters. ibi The commissioners and their officers and em- ployees shall have power To enter upon any premises oc- Enter and cnpied by any public utility, for the purpose of making the examinations and tests and exercising any of the other powers provided for in this act, and to set up and use on such premises any apparatus and appliances neces- sary therefor. The agents and employees of such public utility shall have the right to be present at the making of such examinations and tests. (c) Any consumer or user of any product, commodity or service of a public utility may have any appliance used in the measurement thereof tested upon paying the fees fixed by the commission. The Commission shall establish and fix reasonable fees to be paid for testing such appli- ances on the request of the consumer or user, the fee to be paid by the consumer or user at the time of his request, but to be paid by the public utility and repaid to the con- sumer or user ife the appliance is found defective or in- correct to the disadvantage of the consumer or user, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by. the commission. Section 32. The commission shall have power to as- certain the value of the property of every public utility Ascertain in this State and the facts which in its judgment have or value, make may have any bearing on such value. The commission » evaluations. shall have power to make revaluations from time to time and to ascertain all new constructions, extensions and ad- ditions to the property of every public utility. Section 33. The commission shall have power to es- tablish a system of accounts to be kept by all public utili- ties, or to classify said public utilities and to establish a system of accounts for each class, and to prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also in its discretion prescribe the forms of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept by such pub- system of lie utilities, including the accounts, records and memo- accounts. randa of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and expenditures of moneys, and any other forms, records and memoranda which in the judgment of the commis- sion may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. The system of accounts established by the commis- sion and the forms of accounts, records and memoranda prescribed by it shall not be inconsistent in the case of 20 PUBLIC UTILITIES corporations subject to the provisions of the act of con- gress entitled "An net to regulate commerce," approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, with the systems and forms from time to time established • for such corporations by the interstate commerce commis- sion, hut nothing herein contained shall affect the power of the commission to prescribe forms of accounts, records and memoranda covering information in addition to that required by the interstate commerce commission. The commission may, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, prescribe by order the accounts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be entered, charged or credited. Where the commission has pre- scribed the forms of accounts, records or memoranda to be kept by any public utility for any of its business, it shall thereafter be unlawful for such public utility to keep any accounts, records or memoranda for such busi- ness other than those so prescribed, or those prescribed by or under the authority of any other state or of the United States, excepting such accounts, records or memo- randa as shall be explanatory of and supplemental to the accounts, records or memoranda prescribed by the com- mission. Section 34. The commission shall have power, after Depreciation hearing, to require any or all public utilities to carry a proper and adequate depreciation account in accordance with such rules, regulations and forms of accounts as the commission may prescribe. The commission may, from time to time, ascertain and determine and by order fix the proper and adequate rates of depreciation of the several classes of property of each public utility. Each public utility shall conform its depreciation accounts to the rates so ascertained, determined and fixed, and shall set aside the money so provided for out of the earnings and carry the same in a depreciation fund and expend such fund only for such purposes and under such rules and regula- tions, both as to original expenditure and subsequent re- placement as the commission may prescribe. The income from investments of moneys in such fund shall likewise be carried in such fund. Section 35. (a) No street railroad corporation, gas corporation, electric Corporation, telephone corporation, account. PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 telegraph corporation, water corporation, or person shall henceforth begin the construction of a street railroad or of a line, plant or system, or of any extension of such street railroad, or line, plant or system, without first hav- ing obtained from the commission a certificate that the ceruflcate^ present or future public convenience and necessity re- struction quire or will require such construction; provided, that this section shall not be construed to require any such cor- poration to secure such certificate for an extension within any city and countv or city or town within which it shall have theretofore lawfully commenced operations, or for an extension into territory, either within or without a city and countv or city or town, contiguous to its street railroad, or line, plant or system, and not theretofore served by a public utility of like character, or for an ex- tension within or to territory already served by it, neces- sarv in the ordinary course of its business ; and provided, further, that if any such public utility, in constructing or extending its line,' plant or system, shall interfere or be about to interfere with the operation of the line, plant or system, of any other such public utility already con- structed, the commission, on complaint of the public util- ity claiming to be injuriously affected, may, after hearing, make such order and prescribe such terms and conditions for the location of the lines, plants or systems affected as to it mav seem just and reasonable. (b)"No public utility of a class specified in Section dp (a) hereof shall henceforth exercise any right or privi- certificate lege under any franchise or permit -hereafter f™^><" ™eTs- under anv franchise or permit heretofore granted but not pended heretofore actually exercised, or the exercise of which has been suspended for more than one year, without first hav- ing obtained from the commission a certificate that public convenience and necessity require the exercise of such right or privilege; provided, that when the commission shall find, after hearing, that a public utility has hereto- fore begun actual construction work and is prosecuting such work, in good faith, uninterruptedly and with rea- sonable diligence in proportion to the magnitude of the undertaking, under any franchise or permit heretofore oranted but not heretofore actually exercised, such public utility mav proceed, under such rules and regulations as the commission mav prescribe, to the completion of such work and mav, after such completion, exercise such right PUBLIC UTILITIES File copy of Incorporation. Granting of certificate optional. To Bell, lease, encumber or consolidate void without permission. or privilege; and provided, further, thai this section shall not ho construed to validate any right or privilege aow invalid or hereafter becoming invalid under any law of this State. I c i Before any cert ificate may issue, under this section a fortified copy of its articles or incorporation or charter, if the applicant bo a corporation, shall be filed in ihe of- fice of the commission. Every applicant for a certificate shall file in the office of the commission such evidence as shall ho required by the commission to show that such applicant has received the required consent, franchise or permit of the proper comity, city and county, municipal or other public authority. The commission shall have power, after hearing, to issue said certificate, as prayed for, or to refuse to issue the same, or to issue it for the construction of a portion only of the contemplated street railroad, line, plant or system, or extension thereof, or for the partial exercise only of said right or privilege, and may attach to the exercise of the rights granted by said certificate such terms and conditions as in its judgment the public convenience and necessity may require. If such public utility desires to exercise a right or privilege under a franchise or permit which it contemplates secur- ing, but which has not as yet been granted to it. siicli public utility may apply to the commission for an order preliminary to the issue of the certificate. The commis- sion may thereupon make an order declaring that it will thereafter, upon application, under such rules and regu- lations as it may prescribe, issue the desired certificate. upon such terms and conditions as it may designate, afl< r such public utility has obtained the contemplated fran- chise or permit. Upon the presentation to the commis- sion of evidence satisfactory to it that such franchise or permit has been secured by such public utility, the com mission shall thereupon issue such certificate. The com mission shall charge a reasonable fee not exceeding fifty cents on each one thousand dollars of capital to be in- vested, for issuing said public convenience and necessity certificate. Section 36. (a) No railroad corporation, street rail- road corporation, pipe line corporation, gas corporation, electrical corporation, telephone corporation, telegraph corporation, water corporation, or person subject to the PUBLIC UTILITIES 23 provisions of this act, shall henceforth sell, lease, assign, mortgage or otherwise dispose of or encumber the whole or any part of its railroad, street railroad, line, plant or system, necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public, or any franchise or permit or any right thereunder, or by any means whatsoever, direct or indirect, merge or consolidate its railroad, street railroad, line, plant or system, or franchises or permits or any part thereof, with any other public utility, without having first secured from the commission an order authorizing it so to do. Every such sale, lease, assignment, mortgage, dispo- sition, encumbrance, merger or consolidation made other than in accordance with the order of the commission au- thorizing the same shall be void. The permission and ap- proval of the commission to the exercise of a franchise or permit under section thirty-five (a) of this act. or the sale, lease, assignment, mortgage or other disposition or encumbrance or a franchise or permit under this section shall not be construed to revive or validate any lapsed or invalid franchise or permit or to enlarge or add to the powers or privileges contained in the grant of any fran- chise or permit, or to waive any forfeiture. Nothing in this subsection contained shall be construed to prevent the sale, lease or other disposition by any public utility of a class designated in this subsection of property which is not necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public, and any sale of its property by such public utility shall be conclusively presumed to have been of property which is not useful or necessary in the perform- ance of its duties to the public, as to any purchaser of such property in good faith for value. (b) No public utility .shall hereafter purchase or ac- quire, take or hold, any part of the capital stock of any Not to other public utility, operating under and by virtue of the stock of an- laws of this State, without having been first authorized to other utility, do so by the commission. Every assignment, transfer, contract or agreement for assignment or transfer or any stock by or through any person or corporation to any corporation, or otherwise, in violation of any of the pro- visions of this section shall be void and of no effect, and no such transfer shall be made on the books of any public utility. Nothing herein contained shall be construed t<> prevent the holding of stock heretofore lawfully acquired. own 24 ITI'.l.K" UTILITIES Issue <>( stock a special privilege. May issue stock. Section M. (a) The power of public utilities to is- sue slocks and slock certificates, and bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness and to create liens on their property situated within this state is a special priv- ilege, the right of supervision, regulation, restriction and control of which is and shall continue to be vested in the State, and such power shall be exercised as provided by law and under such rules and regulations as the commis- sion may prescribe. (b) A public utility may issue stocks and stock cer- tificates, and bonds, notes and other evidences of indebt- edness payable at periods of more than twelve months after the date thereof, for the following purposes and no others, namely : for the acquisition of such property as is necessary for the proper conduct of its business, or for the construction, completion, extension or improvement of its facilities, or for the improvement or maintenance of its service, or for the discharge or lawful refunding- of its obligations, or for the reimbursement of moneys actually expended from income or from any other moneys in the treasury of the public utility not secured by or obtained from the issue of stocks or stock certificates, or bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of such public utility, within five years next prior to the filing of an ap- plication with the commission for the required authoriza- tion, for any of the aforesaid purposes except mainte- nance of service and replacements, in cases where the applicant shall have kept its accounts and vouchers for such expenditures in such manner as to enable the com- mission to ascertain the amount of moneys so expended and the purposes for which such expenditures were made; provided, that such public utility, in addition to the other requirements of law, shall first have secured from the commission an order authorizing such issue and slating the amount thereof and the purpose or purposes to which the issue or the proceeds thereof are to be applied, and that, in the opinion of the commission, the money, prop- erty or labor to be procured or paid for by such issue is reasonably required for the purpose or purposes specified in the order, and that, except as otherwise permitted in the order in the case of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness; such purpose or purposes are not, in whole or in part, reasonably chargeable to operating expenses or to income. To enable it to determine whether it will PUBLIC UTILITIES 2.*> issue such order, the commission shall hold a hearing and may make such additional inquiry or investigation, and examine such witnesses, books, papers, documents and contracts and require the filing of such data as it may deem of assistance. The commission may by its order grant permission for the issue of such stocks or stock certificates, or bonds, notes or other evidences of indebt- edness in the amount applied for, or in lesser amount, or not at all, and may attach to the exercise of its permission such condition or conditions as it may deem reasonable and necessary. The commission may authorize issues of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, less than, equivalent to or greater than the authorized or subscribed capital stock of a public utility corporation, and the pro- visions of the statutes of this State, in so far as they con- tain inhibitions against the creation by corporations of indebtedness, evidenced by bonds, notes or otherwise, in excess of their total authorized or subscribed capital stock shall have no application to public utilities. No public utility shall, without the consent of the commission, apply the issue of any stock or stock certificate, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, or any part thereof, or any proceeds thereof, to any purpose not specified in the commission's order, or to any purpose specified in the commission's order in excess of the amount authorized for such purpose, or issue or dispose of the same on any terms less favorable than those specified in such order, or a modification thereof. A public utility may issue notes, for proper purposes and 'not in violation of any provision of this act or any other act, payable at periods of not more than twelve months after the date of issuance of the same, without the consent of the commission, but no such note shall, in whole or in part, be refunded by any issue of stocks or stock certificates, or of bonds, notes of any term or character or any other evidence of indebtedness, without the consent of the commission. No public utility shall have power to capitalize any contract for consolidation, lease or merger, or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness as a lien thereon without the consent of the commission. The commission shall have no power to authorize the capitalization of the right to be a corporation, or to authorize the capitaliza- tion of any franchise or permit whatsoever or the right to own, operate or enjoy any such franchise or permit, lm; I'UBLIC UTILITIES Account for -t.ick. Stock not au- tborized, void. ilty for violations ■ ■■■]■; issued. in excess of the amount (exclusive <»f any tax or annual charge) actually paid to tin- State or to a political sub- division thereof as the consideration for the grant of such franchise, permit or right. (c) The commission shall have the power to require public utilities to account for the disposition of the pro- ceeds of all sales of stock and stock certificates, and bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness, in such form and detail as it may deem advisable, and to estab- lish such rules and regulations as it may deem reasonable and necessary to insure the disposition of such proceeds for the purpose or purposes specified in the order. (d) All stock and every stock certificate, and every bond, note, or other evidence of indebtedness, of a public utility, issued without an order of the commission author- izing the same then in effect shall be void, and likewise all stock and every stock certificate, and every bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, of a public utility, issued with the authorization of the commission but not conforming in its provisions to the provisions, if any. which it is required by the order of authorization of the commission to contain, shall be void; but no failure in any other respect to comply with the terms or conditions of the order of authorization of the commission shall render void any stock or stock certificate, or any bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, except as to a corporation or person taking the same otherwise than in good faith and for value and without actual notice. (e) Every public utility which, directly or indirectly, issues or causes to be issued, any stock or stock certifi- cate, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, in non-conformity with the order of the commission author- izing the same, or contrary to the provisions of this act, or of the constitution of this State, or which applies the proceeds from the sale thereof, or any part thereof, to any purpose other than the purpose or purposes specified in the commission's order, as herein provided, or to any purpose specified in the commission's order in excess of the amount in said order authorized for such purposes, is subject to a penalty of not more than twenty thousand dollars for each offense. PUBLIC UTILITIES -< (f) Every officer, agent or employee of a public util- ity, and every other person who knowingly authorizes, violating order directs, aids in issuing or executes, or causes to be issued of commission or executed, any stock or stock certificate, or bond, note ,elony - or other evidence of indebtedness, in non-conformity with the order of the commission authorizing the same. Or contrary to the provisions of this act, or of the constitu- tion of this State, or who, in any proceeding before the commission, knowingly makes any false statement or rep- resentation or with knowledge of its falsity files or causes to be filed with the commission any false statement or representation, which said statement or representation so made, filed or caused to be filed may tend in any way to influence the commission to make an order authorizing the issue of any stock or stock certificate, or any bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, or which results in procuring from the commission the making of any such order, or who, with knowledge that any false state- ment or representation was made to the commission, in any proceeding, tending in any way to influence the commission to make such an order, issues or executes or negotiates, or causes to be issued, executed or negotiated any such stock or stock certificates, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, or who, directly or in- directly, knowingly applies, or causes or assists to be ap- plied the proceeds or any part thereof, from the sale of any stock or stock certificate, or bond, note or other evi- dence of indebtedness, to any purpose not specified in the commission's order, or to any purpose specified in the commission's order in excess of the amount authorized for such purpose, or who, with knowledge that any stock or stock certificate, or bond, note or other evidence of in- debtedness, has been issued or executed in violation of any of the provisions of this act, negotiates, or causes the same to be negotiated, shall be guilty of a felony, and punished accordingly. (g) Xo provision of this act, and no deed or act done or performed under or in connection therewith shall be state not held or construed to obligate the State of Colorado to obligated. pay or guarantee, in any manner whatsoever, any stock or stock certificate, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, authorized, issued or executed under the provisions of this act. 28 IMI' UTILITIES Stock void without order • >t commission. Rules for healings. Issue writs of summons, subpoenas, etc. Administer oaths, compel attendance of witnesses, production of etc. ilii All slocks and slock certificates, and bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness issued by any public utility after this act takes effeet, upon the author- ity of any articles of incorporation or amendments there to or vote of the stockholders or directors filed, taken or had. or other proceedings taken or had, previous to the taking effect of this net, shall be void, unless an order of the commission authorizing the issue of such stocks or stock certificates, or bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness shall have been obtained from the commis- sion prior to such issue. The commission may by its or- der impose such condition or conditions as it may deem reasonable and necessary. Section 38, All hearings and investigations before the commission or any commissioner shall be governed by this act and by rules of practice and procedure to be adopted by the commission, and in the conduct thereof neither the commission nor any commissioner shall be bound by the technical rules of evidence. No informal- ity in any proceeding or in the manner of taking testi- mony before the commission or any commissioner shall invalidate any order, decision, rule or regulation made, approved or confirmed by the commission. Section 39. The commission and each commissioner shall have power to issue writs of summons, subpoenas, warrants of attachment, warrants of commitment and all necessary process in proceedings for contempt, in the like manner and to the same extent as courts of record. The process issued by the commission, or any commissioner, shall extend to all parts of the State and may be served by any person authorized to serve process of courts of record, or by any person designated for that purpose by the commission or a commissioner. The person execut- ing any such process shall receive such compensation as may be allowed by the commission, not to exceed the fees now prescribed by law for similar services, and such fees shall be paid in the same manner as provided herein for payment of the fees of witnesses. Section 40. (a) The commission and each commis- sioner, shall have power to administer oaths, certify to all official acts, and to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, waybills, books, accounts, documents and testimony in any inquiry, inves- PUBLIC UTILITIES 29 tigation, hearing or proceeding in any part of the State.. Each witness who shall appear, by order of the commis- sion or a commissioner, shall receive for his attendance the same fees and mileage allowed by law to a witness in civil cases, which amount shall be paid by the party at whose request such witness is subpoenaed. When any witness who has not been required to attend at the re- quest of any party shall be subpoenaed by the commis- sion, his fees and mileage shall be paid from the funds appropriated for the use of the commission in the same manner as other expenses of the commission are paid. Any witness subpoenaed except one whose fees and mile- age may be paid from the funds of the commission, may, at the time of service, demand the fees to which he is en- titled for travel to and from the place at which he is re- quired to appear, and one day's attendance. If such wit- ness demands such fees at the time of service, and they are not at that time paid or tendered, he shall not be re- quired to attend before the commission or commissioner, as directed in the subpoena. All fees and mileage to which any witness is entitled under the provisions of this section may be collected by action therefor instituted by the person to whom such fees are payable. No witness furnished with free transportation shall receive mileage for the distance he may have traveled on such free trans- portation. (b) The district court in and for the county, or city and county, in which any inquiry, investigation, hearing District court or proceeding may be held by the commission or any com- may compel missioner shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses, the giving of testimony and the production of papers, including waybills, books, accounts and docu- ments, as required by any subpoenas issued by the com- mission or any commissioner. The commission or the commissioner before whom the testimony is to be given or produced, in case of the refusal of any witness to attend or testify or produce any papers required by such sub- poena, may report to the district court in and for the county, or city and county, in which the proceeding is pending, by petition, setting forth that due notice has been given of the time and place of attendance of said witness, or the production of said papers, and that the witness has been summoned in the manner prescribed in attendance of witnesses, etc. ::o PUBLIC UTILITIES Certil documents evidence. Orders under Sections 27. 28, 35, 36 or 37 in writing. < lollect fees. this act, ;iik1 thai the witness bus failed and refused t<> attend or produce the papers required by the subpoena, <»r has refused to answer questions propounded to him in the course of such proceeding, and ;isk an order of said court, compelling the witness to attend and testify or pro- duce or cause to lx? produced documentary evidence; pro- dded, that no person so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution or punishment for any perjury committed by him in his testimony. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any manner giving to any public utility immunity of any kind. Section 41. (a I Copies of all official documents and orders filed or deposited according to law in the office of the commission, certified by a commissioner or by the secretary under the official seal of the commission to be true copies of the originals, shall be evidence in like man- ner as the originals. (b) Every order, authorization or certificate issued or approved by the commission under any provision of sections 27. 28, 35, •*!('» or 37 of this act shall be in writing and entered on the records of the commission. Any such order, authorization or certificate, or a copy thereof, or a copy of the record of any such order, authorization or certificate, certified by a commissioner or by the secretary under the official seal of the commission to be a true copy of the original order, authorization, certificate or entry, may be recorded in the office of the recorder of any county, or city and comity, in which is located the prin- cipal place of business of any public utility affected there- by, or in which is situated any property of any such pub- lic utility, and such record shall impart notice of its pro- visions to all persons. A certificate under the seal of the commission that any such order, authorization or certifi- cate has not been modified, stayed, suspended or revoked may also be recorded in the same offices in the same man- ner and with like effect. Section 42. The commission shall charge and collect the following fees: for copies of papers and records not required to be certified or otherwise authenticated by the commission, twelve and one-half cents for each folio; for cci lifted copies of official documents and orders filed in its office, fifteen cents for each folio and one dollar for every certificate under seal atlixed thereto; for certifvine PUBLIC UTILITIES 31 a copy of any report made by a public utility, two dol- lars; for each certified copy of the annual report of the commission, one dollar and fifty cents; for certified copies of evidence and proceedings before the commission, fif- teen cents for each folio; for certificate authorizing an issue of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, one dollar for each thousand dollars of the face value of the authorized issue or fraction thereof up to one million dollars, and fifty cents for each one thousand dollars over one million dollars and up to ten million dollars, and twenty-five cents for each one thousand dollars over ten million dollars with a minimum fee in any case of fifty dollars; provided, that no fee shall be required when such issue is made for the purpose of guaranteeing, tak- ing over, refunding, discharging or retiring any bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness up to the amount of the issue guaranteed, taken over, refunded, discharged or retired. No fees shall be charged or collected for copies of papers, records or official documents, furnished to public officers for use in their official capacity, or for the annual reports of the commission in the ordinary course of distribution, but the commission may fix reason- able charges for publications issued under its authority. All fees charged and collected under this section shall be paid, at least once each w^ek, accompanied by a detailed statement thereof, into the treasury of the State to the credit of a fund to be known as "The Public Utility Com- mission Fund" which fund is hereby created and appro- priated toward the payment of the salaries and expenses of the commission, as provided in Section 10 (a) and (bj of this act. Section 13. The commission, each commissioner and each officer and person employed by the commission shall Right to have the right, at any and all times, to inspect the ac- inspect counts, books, papers and documents of any public utility, accounts and the commission, each commissioner and any officer of the commission or any employee authorized to admin- ister oaths shall have the power to examine under oath any officer, agent or employee of such public utility in relation to the business and affairs of said public utility ; provided, that any person other than a commissioner or an officer of the commission demanding such inspection shall produce under the hand and seal of the commission :\-2 IMBLIO UTILITIES ( >rder books, accounts or verified copies Of same, from without the State. Complaints. how made. liis authority to make such inspection; and provided fur- ther, that a written record of the testimony or statement so given under oath shall he made and filed with the commission. Section 44. The commission may require, by order served on any puhlie utility in the manner provided here- in for the service of orders, the production within this State at such time and place as it may designate, of any hooks, accounts, papers or records kept by said public utility in any office or place without this State, or, at its option, verified copies in lieu thereof, so that an examina- tion thereof may be made by the commission or under its direction. Section 45. Complaint may be made by the commis- sion of its own motion or by any corporation or person, chamber of commerce, board of trade, or any civic, com- mercial, mercantile, traffic, agricultural or manufacturing association or organization or any body politic or munici- pal corporation, by petition or complaint in writing, setting forth any act or thing done or omitted to be done by any public utility including any rule, regulation or charge heretofore established or fixed by or for any pub- lic utility, in violation, or claimed to be in violation, of any provision of law or of any^order or rule of the com- mission; provided, that no complaint shall be entertained by the commission, except upon its own motion, as to the reasonableness of any rates, or charges of any gas, elec- trical, water, or telephone corporations, unless the same ]>e signed by the mayor or the president or chairman of the board of trustees or a majority of the council, com- mission, or other legislative body of the county, city and county, or city or town, if any. within which the alleged violation occurred, or not less than twenty-five consumers or purchasers or prospective consumers or purchasers, of such gas, electrical, water or telephone service. All mat ters upon which complaint may he founded may he joined in one hearing, and no motion shall he entertained against ;i complain! for misjoinder of causes of action or griev- ances or misjoinder or non-joinder of parties; and in any review by the courts of orders or decisions of the commis- sion the same rule shall apply with regard to the joinder of causes and parties as herein provided, The commis- sion shall not he required to dismiss any complaint be- PUBLIC UTILITIES 33 cause of the absence of direct damage to the complainant. Upon the filing- of a complaint the commission shall cause a. copy thereof to be served upon the corporation or per- son complained of. Service in all hearings, investiga- tions and proceedings pending before the commission may be made upon any person upon whom a summons may be served in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil procedure of this State, and may be made personally or by mailing in a sealed envelope, registered, with post- age prepaid. The commission shall fix the time when and place where a hearing will be had upon the complaint and shall serve notice thereof, not less than ten days be- fore the time set for such hearing, unless the commission shall find that public necessity requires that such a hear- ing be held at an earlier date. Section 46. At the time fixed for any hearing before the commission or a commissioner, or at the time to which Hearings. the same may have been continued, the complainant and the corporation or person complained of, and such corpo- rations or persons as the commission may allow to inter- vene, shall be entitled to be heard and to introduce evi- dence. The commission shall issue process to enforce the attendance of all necessary witnesses. After the conclu- sion of the hearing, the commission shall make and file its order, containing its decision. A copy of such order, certified under the seal of the commission shall be served upon the corporation or person complained of, or his or its attorney. Said order, except an order for the pay- ment of money, shall, of its own force, take effect and become operative twenty days after the service thereof, except as otherwise provided, and shall continue in force either for a period which may be designated therein or until changed or abrogated by the commission. If an order cannot in the judgment of the commission be com- plied with within twenty days, the commission may grant and prescribe such additional time as in its judgment is reasonably necessary to comply with the order, and may, on application and for good cause shown, extend the time for compliance fixed in its order. A full and complete record of all proceedings had before the commission or any commissioner on any formal hearing had. and all testimony shall be taken down by a reporter appointed by the commission, and the parties shall be entitled to be 34 [•I BLIC UTILITIES Utilities right to complain. Hearing on schedule of rates filed. heard in persoo or by attorney. In case of an action to review an order or decision of the commission, a tran- script of -such testimony, together with all exhibits or copies thereof introduced and all information secured by the commission on iis own initiative and considered by it in rendering its order or decision, and the pleadings, rec- ord and proceedings in the case, shall constitute the rec- ord of the commission; provided, that on review of an order or decision of the commission, the petitioner and the commission may stipulate that a certain question or questions alone and a special portion only of the evidence shall be certified to the supreme court for its judgment, whereupon such stipulation and the question or questions and the evidence therein specified shall constitute the rec- ord on review. Section 47. Any public utility shall have a righl to complain on any grounds upon which complaints are al- lowed to be filed by other parties, and the same procedure shall be adopted and followed as in other cases, except that the complaint may be heard ex parte by the commis- sion or may be served upon any parties designated by the commission. Section 48. Whenever there shall be filed with the commission any schedule stating an individual or joint rate. fare. toll, rental, charge, classification, contract, practice, rule or regulation, the commission shall have power, and it is hereby given authority, either upon com- plaint or upon its own initiative and without complaint, ai once, and if il so orders, without answer or other for- mal pleadings by the interested public utilities, but upon reasonable notice to enter upon a hearing concerning the propriety of such rale. fare, toll, rental, charge, classifi- cation, contract, practice, rule or regulation, and pending the hearing and the decision thereon, such rate, fare, toll, rental, charge, classification, contract, practice, rule or regulation shall not go into effect; provided, that the pe- riod of suspension of such rate, fare, toll, rental, charge, classification, contract, practice, rule, or regulation shall not extend beyond one hundred and twenty days beyond the time when such rale, fare, toll, rental, charge, classi ticaiion. contract, practice, rule or regulation would otherwise go into effect unless the coniui'ission, in its (lis cretion, extends the period of suspension for a further PUBLIC UTILITIES 35 period not exceeding six months. On such hearing the commission shall establish the rates, fares, tolls, rules or regulations proposed, in whole or in part, or others in lieu thereof, which it shall find just and reasonable. All such rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, con- tracts, practices, rules or regulations uot so suspended shall, on the expiration of thirty days from the time of filing the same with the commission, or of such lesser lime as the commission may grant, go into effect and be the established and effective rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, contracts, practices, rules and reg- ulations, subject to the power of the commission, after a hearing had on its own motion or upon complaint, as herein provided, to alter or modify the same. Section 40. The commission may at any time upon notice to the public utility affected, and after opportunity upon notice to be heard as provided in the case of complaints, rescind, and a hearing, alter or amend any order or decision made by it. Any chan % e ., . -.. • . ,. . • , any order. order rescinding, altering, or amending a prior order or decision shall, when served upon the public utility af- fected, have the same effect as is herein provided for orig- inal orders and decisions. Section 50. In all collateral actions or proceedings, collateral the orders and decisions of the commission which have be- actions. come final shall be conclusive. Section 51. After any order or decision has been made by the commission, any party to the action or pro- interested ceeding or any stockholder or bond-holder or other party party may pecuniarily interested in the public utility affected, may apply for a rehearing in respect to any matters determined in said action or proceeding and specified in the applica- tion for rehearing, and the commission may grant and hold such rehearing on said matters, if in its judgment sufficient reason therefor be made to appear. No cause of action arising out of any order or decision of the coin- mission shall accrue in any court to any corporation or person unless such corporation or person shall have made, before the effective date of said order or decision, appli- cation to the commission for a rehearing. Such applica- tion shall set forth specifically the ground or grounds on which the applicant considers said decision or order un- lawful. No corporation or person shall in any court urge or rely ob any ground not set forth in said application. ask for re- hearing. :!li PUBLIC UTILITIES Any application for a rehearing made ten days <>r more before tlu' effective date of the order as to which a re- hearing is sought, sliall be either granted or denied be- fore sucli effective date, or the order shall stand sus- pended until such application is granted or denied. Any application for a rehearing made within less than ten days of the effective date of the order as to which a re- in aring is sought and not granted within twenty days may be taken by the party making the application to be denied, unless the effective date of the order is extended for the period of the pendency of the application. If any application for a rehearing be granted without a suspen- sion of the order involved, the commission shall forthwith proceed to hear the matter with all dispatch and shall de- termine the same within twenty days after final submis- sion, and if such determination is not made within said time it may be taken by any party to the rehearing that the order involved is affirmed. Any application for re- hearing shall not excuse any corporation or person from complying with and obeying any order or decision, or any requirement of any order of the commission theretofore made, or operate in any manner to stay or postpone the enforcement thereof except in such cases and upon such terms as the commission may by order direct. If after such rehearing a consideration of all the facts, including those arising since the making of the order or decision, the commission shall be of the opinion that the original order or decision or any part thereof is in any respect unjust or unwarranted, or should be changed, the com- mission may abrogate, change, or modify the same. An order or decision made after such rehearing, abrogating, • •hanging or modifying the original order or decision shall have the same force and effect as an original order or decision, but shall not alfect any right or the enforce- ment of any right arising from or by virtue of the orig- inal order or decision unless so ordered by the commis- sion. Section 5#. Within thirty days after the application Apply to for a rehearing is denied, or. if the application is granted, Supreme Court then within thirty (lays after the rendition of the decision ror writ of on rehearing, the applicani may apply to the supreme court of this State for a writ of review for the purpose of having the law fulness of the original Order or decision on PUBLIC UTILITIES 37 rehearing inquired into and determined. Such writ shall be made returnable not later than thirty days after the date of issuance thereof and shall direct the commission to certify its record in the case to the court. On the re- turn day, the cause shall be heard by the supreme court, unless for a good reason shown the same be continued. Xo new or additional evidence may be introduced in the supreme court, but the cause shall be heard on the record of the commission as certified by it. The review shall not extend further than to determine whether the Commis- sion has regularly pursued its authority, including a de- termination of whether the order or decision under re- view violates any right of the petitioner under the Con- stitution of the United States or of the State of Colorado, and whether the order of the Commission is just and rea- sonable and whether its conclusions are in accordance with the eyidence. The findings and conclusions of the Commission on disputed questions of fact shall be final and shall not be subject to review. The commission and each party to the action or proceeding before the com- mission shall have the right to appear in the review pro- ceeding. Upon hearing, the supreme court shall enter judgment either affirming, setting aside or modifying the order or decision of the commission. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of this State relating to writs of review shall so far as applicable and not in conflict with the provisions of this act, apply to proceedings had in the supreme court under the provisions of this section. Xo court of this State ( except the supreme court to the extent herein specified) shall have jurisdiction to review, reverse, correct or annul any order or decision of the commission or to suspend or delay the execution or opera- tion thereof, or to enjoin, restrain, or interfere with the commission in the performance of its official duties ; pro- vided that the writ of mandamus shall lie from the su- preme court to the commission in all proper cases. Section 53. (a) The pendency of a writ of review shall not of itself stay or suspend the operation of the supreme Court order or decision of the commission, but during the pen- may stay demy of such writ, the supreme court in its discretion commissions may stay or suspend, in whole or in part, the operation of the commission's order or decision. order. bond filed. 38 PUBLIC UTILITIES (b) No order so staying or suspending an order or . ,,„. decision of the commission shall be made otherwise than upon three days" notice and after hearing, and it' Hie or- order. ( ] ( ,j. or decision of the commission is suspended, ilie order suspending the same shall contain a specific finding based upon evidence submitted t<> the court and identified by reference thereto, thai great or irreparable damage would otherwise result to the petitioner and specifying ihe na- ture of the damage. (c) In case the order or decision of the commission is slaved or suspended, the order of the court shall not be- ,r,li fiiL'.i^ come effective, until a suspending- bond shall first have been filed with, and approved by the commission (or ap- proved on review by the supreme court), payable to the State of Colorado, and sufficient in amount and security to insure the prompt payment, by the party petitioning for the review, of all damages caused by the delay in the enforcement of the older or decision of the commission, and of all moneys which any person or corporation may be compelled to pay pending the review proceedings, for transportation, transmission, product, commodity or serv- ice in excess of the charges lixed by the order or decision of the commission in case said order or decision is sus- tained. The supreme court, in case it stays or suspends the order or decision of the commission in any matter af- fecting rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges or classifica- tions, shall also by order direct the public utility affected to pay into court from time to time, there to be im- pounded until the final decision of the case, or into some bank or trust company paying interest on deposits, under such conditions as the court may prescribe, all sums of money which it may collect from any corporation or per- son in excess of the sum such corporation or person would have been compelled to pay if the order or decision of the commission had not been stayed or suspended. I'd) In case the supreme court slays or suspends any order or decision lowering any rate, fare, toll, rental. charge or classification, the commission, upon the execu- tion and approval of said suspending bond, shall forth- with require the public utility affected, under penalty of the immediate enforcement of the order or decision of the commission i pending review and notwithstanding the sus- pending order i keep such accounts, verified by oath, as Recounts n-nding iTr.i.ic TILITIES :;'.) may, in the judgment of the commission suffice to show the amounts being charged or received by such public utility, pending review, in excess of the charges allowed by the order or decision of the commission, together with the names and addresses of the corporations or persons to whom overcharges will be refundable in case the charges made by the public utility, pending review, be not sustained by the supreme court. The court may, from time to time, require said party petitioning for a review to give additional security on, or to increase the Additional said suspending bond, whenever in the opinion of the security. court the same may be necessary to insure the prompt payment of said damages and said overcharges. Upon the final decision by the supreme court, all moneys which the public utility may have collected, pending the appeal in excess of those authorized by such final decision, to- gether with interest, in case the court ordered the de- posits of such moneys in a bank or trust company, shall be promptly paid to the corporations or persons entitled thereto, in such manner and through such methods of dis- tribution as may be prescribed by the commission. If any moneys shall not have been claimed by the corpora- tions or persons entitled thereto within one year from the Moneys not final decision of the supreme court, the commission shall claimed cause notice to such corporations or persons to be given advertised, by publication once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city and county of Denver and such other news- papers as may" be designated by the commission, said no- tice to state the names of the corporations or persons en- titled to such moneys and the amount due each corpora- tion or person. All moneys not claimed within three months after publication of said notice shall be paid by the public utility, under the direction of the commission, into the state treasury for the benefit of the general fund. Section 54. All actions and proceedings under this act, and all actions or proceedings to which the commis- preference siou or the people of the State of Colorado may be parties, over other and in which any question arises under this act, or under causes - or concerning any order or decision of 1 lie commission, shall be preferred over all other civil causes except elec tion causes and shall be heard and determined in prefer- ence to all other civil business except election causes, ir- Sections "2 and 4 40 PUBLIC (JTILITIES respective of position on the calendar. The same prefer- ence shall be granted upon application of the attorney of the commission in any action or proceeding in which he may he allowed to intervene. Section 55. For the purpose of ascertaining the mat- ters and things specified in section S2 of this act, con- cerning the value of the property of public utilities, the commission may cause a hearing or hearings to be held at such time or times and place or places as the commission may designate. Before any hearing is had, the commis- sion shall give the public utility affected thereby at least thirty days' written notice, specifying the time and place of such hearing, and such notice shall be sufficient to au- thorize the commission to inquire into the matters desig- nated in this section and in section 47 of this act, but this provision shall not prevent the commission from making any preliminary examination or investigation into the matters herein referred to, or from inquiring into such matters in any other investigation or hearing. All pub- lic utilities affected shall be entitled to be heard and to introduce evidence at such hearing or hearings. The commission is empowered to resort to any other source of information available. The evidence introduced at such hearing shall be reduced to writing and certified un- der the seal of the commission. The commission shall make and file its findings of fact in writing upon all mat- ters concerning which evidence shall have been introduced before it which in its judgment have have bearing on the value of the property of the public utility affected. Such findings shall be subjected to review by the supreme court of this state in the same manner and within the same time as other orders and decisions of the commis- sion. The findings of the commission so made and filed, when properly certified under the seal of the commission, shall be admissible in evidence in any action, proceeding or hearing before the commission or any court, in which the commission, the Stale or any officer, department or institution thereof, or any county, city and county, munici- pality or Other body politic and the public utility af- fected may be interested, whether arising under the pro- visions of this act, or otherwise, and such findings, when so introduced, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stilted as of the date therein stated under condi- tions then existing and such facts can onlv be contro- PUBLIC UTILITIES 41 verted by showing a subsequenl phange in conditions bearing' upon t lie facts therein determined. The commis- sion may, from time to time, cause further hearings and investigations to be had for the purpose of making re- valuations or ascertaining the value of any betterments, improvements, additions or extensions made by any pub- lic utility subsequent to any prior hearing or investiga- tion, and may examine into all matters which may change, modify or affect any finding of fact previously made, and may at such time make findings of fact supplementary to those theretofore made. Such hearings shall be had upon the same notice and be conducted in the same manner, and the findings so made shall have the same force and effect as is provided herein for such original notice, hear- ing, and findings; provided, that such findings made at such supplemental hearings or investigations shall be con- sidered in connection with and as a part of the original finding's except in so far as such supplemental findings shall change or modify the findings made at the original hearing or investigation. Section 56. i a ) When complaint has been made to the commission concerning any rate, fare, toll, rental or charge for any product or commodity furnished or serv- ice performed by any public utility, and the commission has found, after investigation, that the public utility has charged an excessive or discriminatory amount for such product, commodity or service, the commission may order that the public utility make due reparation to the com- plainant therefor, with interest from the date of collec- discrimination. tion, provided no discrimination will result from such reparation. (b) If the public utility does not comply with the order for the payment of reparation within the specified suit may be time in such order, suit may be instituted in any court of instituted. competent jurisdiction to recover the same. All com- plaints concerning excessive or discriminatory charges shall be filed with the commission within two years from the time the cause of action accrues, and the petition for the enforcement of the order shall lie filed in the court within one year from the date of the order of the commis- sion. The remedy in this section provided shall be cumu- lative and in addition to anv other reined v or remedies in Reparation for ll! IM BMC UTILITIES iliis acl provided in case of failure of a public utilit.v t<> obey the order or decision of the commission. Section r>7. 1 1 is hereby made the duty of the com- Bnf0 mission to see thai the provisions of the constitution and stitution statutes of this state affecting public utilities, tlie enforce- and laws. inent of which is not specifically vested in some other of- ficer or tribunal, are enforced and obeyed, and that viola- tions thereof are promptly prosecuted and penalties due the State therefor recovered and collected, and to this end it may sue in the name of the people of the State of Colorado. Upon the request of the commission, it shall be the duty of the attorney general or the district attor- ney of the proper county or city and county to aid in any investigation, hearing or trial had under the provisions of tin's act, and to institute and prosecute actions or pro- ceedings for the enforcement of the provisions of the con- stitution and statutes of this State affecting public util- ities and for the punishment of all violations thereof. Section 58. (a) In case any public utility shall do, cause to be done or permit to be done any act, matter or thing prohibited, forbidden or declared to be unlawful, or shall omit to do any act, matter or thing required to be doUe, either by the constitution, any law of this State or any order or decision of the commission, such public util- Liabiefor >ty shall be liable to the persons or corporations affected -■hoi thereby for all loss, damages or injury caused thereby or resulting therefrom, and if the court shall find that the act or omission was wilful, the court may in addition to the actual damages award damages for the sake of exam- ple and by way of punishment. An action to recover such loss, damage or injury may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction by any corporation or person. lb) No recovery as in Ihis section provided shall in any manner affect the recovery by the State of the pen- alties in this act provided or the exercise by the commis- sion of its power to punish for contempt. Section ."">!>. la I This act shall not have the effect to No waiver release or waive any right of action by the state, the com- ghts. mission, or any person or corporation for any fight, pen alty or forfeiture which may have arisen or accrued or may hereafter arise or accrue under any law of this State. PUBLIC UTILITIES 43 (hi All penalties accruing under tin's act shall be cu- mulative of each other, and a suit for the recovery of one |,emiIties penalty shall not be a bar to or affect the recovery of any cumulative - other penalty or forfeiture or be a bar to any criminal prosecution against any public utility, or any officer, di- rector, agent or employee thereof, or any other corpora- tion or person, or be a bar to the exercise by the commis- sion of its power to punish for contempt. Section 60. Whenever the commission shall be of the opinion that any public utility is failing or omitting Action for to do anything required of it by law, or by any order, violations or decision, rule, direction or requirement of the commis- threatened ■. . . , . , -, ,i ■ violations. si on, or is doing anything or about to do anything;, or per- mitting anything or about to permit anything to be done contrary to or in violation of law or of any order, deci- sion, rule, direction or requirement of the commission, it shall direct the attorney of the commission to commence an action or proceeding in the district court in and for the county, or city and county, in which the cause or some part thereof arose, or in which the corporation or person complained of, if any, has its principal place of business, or in which the person, if any, complained of, resides, in the name of the people of the State of Colo- rado, for the purpose of having such violations or threat- ened violations stopped and prevented, either by manda- mus or injunction. The attorney of the commission shall thereupon begin such action or proceeding by petition to such district court, alleging' the violation or threatened violation complained of, and praying for appropriate re- lief by way of mandamus or injunction. It shall there- upon be the duty of the court to specify a time, not ex- ceeding twenty days after the service of the copy of the petition, within which the public utility complained of must answer the petition, and in the meantime said public utility may be restrained. In case of default in answer, or after answer, the court shall immediately inquire into tlie facts and circumstances of the case. Such corpora- tions or persons as the court may deem necessary or proper to be joined as parties, in order to make its judg- ment, order or writ effective, may be joined as parties. The final judgment in any such action or proceeding shall either dismiss the action or proceeding or direct that the writ of mandamus or injunction issue or be made 1 1 I'l'I' UTILITIES Penal ty for violations. Each violation separate offense. Enforcing act. penalties. Officer, agent, employe, liable. permanent ;is prayed for in the petition, or in such mod ified or other form as will afford appropriate relief. An ap] "al may be taken to the supreme court from such final judgment in the same manner ami with the same effect, subject i(» the provisions of this act, as appeals arc taken from judgments of the district courl in other actions for mandamus or injunction. Section 61. i .1 1 Any public utility which violates or fails to couiph with any provision of the constitution "of this State or of this act, or which fails, omits or neglects in obey, observe or comply with any order, decision, de- cree, rule, direction, demand or requirement or any part or provision Thereof, of the commission, except an order for the payment of money, in a case in which a penalty has not hereinbefore be'en provided for such public util- ity, is subject to a penalty of not more than two thou- sand dollars for each and every offense. lb) Every violation of the provisions of this act or of any order, decision, decree, rule, direction, demand or re- quirement of the commission, or any part or portion thereof, except an order for the payment of money, by any corporation or person is a separate and distinct of- fense, and in case of a continuing violation each day's continuance thereof shall he and be deemed to be a sep- arate and distinct offense. (c) In construing and enforcing the provisions of this act relating to penalties, the act, omission or failure of any officer, agent or employee of any public utility, acting within the scope of his official duties or employ- ment, shall in every case l»e and be deemed to be the act, omission or failure of such public utility. Section 62. Every officer, agent <>r employee of any public utility, who violates or fails t<> comply with, or who procures, aids or abets any violation by any public utility of any provision of the constitution of this State or of this act, or who fails to obey, observe or comply with any order, decision, rule, direction, demand or re- quirement or any part or provision thereof, of the com- mission, except an ord( r for the payment of money, or Mho procures, aids or abets any public utility in its failure to obey, observe and comply with any such order, decision, rule, direction, demand or requirement, or any part or provision thereof in a case in which a penalty has not PUBLIC UTILITIES 4.") hereinbefore been provided for such officer, agent or em- ployee, is guilty of n misdemeanor and is punishable by a line not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprison- ment in a county jail not exceeding- one year, or by l><>th such fine and imprisonment. Section <>:!. Every corporation other than a public utility which violates any provision of this act, or which fails to obey, observe or comply with any order, decision, rule, direction, demand or requirement, or any part or provision thereof, of the commission, except an order for the payment of money, in a case in which a penalty has not hereinbefore been provided for such corporation or person is subject to a penalty of not more than two thou- sand dollars for each and every offense. Section 64. Every person, who. either individually, or acting as an officer, agent or employee of a corporation other than a public utility, violates any provision of this act. or fails to observe, obey or comply with any order, decision, rule, direction, demand or requirement, or any part or portion thereof, of the commission, or who pro- cures, aids or abets any such public utility in its violation of this act. or in its failure to obey, observe or comply with any such order, decision, rule, direction, demand or requirement, or any part or portion thereof, in a case in which a penalty has not hereinbefore been provided for such person, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punish- able by a fine of not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 65. Actions to recover penalties nuder this act shall be brought in the name of the people of the State of Colorado, in the district court in and for the county, or city and county, in which the cause or some part thereof arose, or in which the corporation com- plained of. if any. has its principal place of business, or in which the person, if any, complained of. resides. Such action shall be commenced and prosecuted to final judg- ment by the attorney of the commission. In any such action, all penalties incurred up to the time of commenc- ing the same may be sued for and recovered. In all such actions, the procedure and rules of evidence shall be the same as in ordinary civil actions, except as otherwise herein provided. All fines and penalties recovered by Violations by corporations not public utilities. Officer agent employe of corporations not public utility liable. Action to recover penalties. t<; rrr.uc itiutiks < Jontempt. Actions by State or Rail- road ' !ommis- sion not affected. No abatement < < f provisions <'f('h;ip .",. S. L. L910. Hie State in any such action, together with the costs thereof, shall he paid into the state treasury to the credit of The Public Utility Commission Fund. Any such ac- tion may be compromised or discontinued od application of the commission upon such terms as the court shall ap- prove and order. Section 66. ia i Every public utility, corporation or person which shall fail to observe, obey or comply with any order, decision, rule, direction, demand or require- ment, or any part or portion thereof, of the commission or any commissioner, except an order for the payment of money, shall he in contempt of the commission, and shall he punishable by the commission for contempt in the same manner and to the same extent as contempt is punished by courts of record. The remedy prescribed in this ac- tion shall not he a bar to or affect any other remedy pre- scribed in this act, hut shall he cumulative and in addi- tion to such other remedy or remedies. (hi This act shall not affect pending actions or pro- ceedings brought hy or against the people of the State of Colorado or the Railroad Commission, or by any other p( rson or corporation under the provisions of chapter •"> of the laws of l'.lll), hut the same may he prosecuted and defended with the same effect as though this act had not been passed. Any investigation, hearing or examination undertaken, commenced, instituted or prosecuted by the Railroad Commission prior to the taking effect of this act may be conducted and continued to a final determination in the same manner and with the same effect as if it had been undertaken, commenced, instituted or prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of this act. All proceed- ings heretofore taken by the Railroad Commission in any such investigation, hearing or examination are herein ratified, approved, validated and continued and all such I roceedings shall have the same force and effect as if they had been undertaken, commenced, instituted and prosecuted under the provisions of this act and in the manner herein prescribed. (c) No cause of action arising under the provisions of chapter 5 of the laws of L910 shall abate hy reason of I lie passage of this act. whether a suit or action has hi en instituted thereon ;it the time of taking cll'ect of this act or not. hut actions may he brought upon such causes in I'l'l'.I.IC UTILITIES the same manner, under the same terms and conditions, and with the same effect as though parts of said chapters had not been repealed. (d) All orders, decisions, rules or regulations hereto- fore made, issued or promulgated by the Railroad Com- mission shall continue in force and have the same effect as though they had been lawfully made, issued or pro- mulgated under the provisions of this act. Section 67. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the va- lidity of the remaining portions of this act. The General Assembly hereby declares that it would have passed this act, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 68. Neither this act nor any provision there- of, except when specifically so stated, shall apply or be construed to apply to commerce with foreign nations or commerce among the several states of this Union, except in so far as the same may be permitted under the provi- sions of the constitution of the United States and the Acts of Congress. Section 69. That sections 11. 16, IT. IS. 1!) and 20 of Chapter 5, Laws of 1910, entitled "An act to amend and as amended to re-enact an act entitled "An act to reg- ulate common carriers in this State, to create a State rail- road commission, to prescribe and define its duties, to fix the salaries of the commissioners and of the employees of the commission, to prevent the imposition of unreasonable rates and charges, to prevent unjust discriminations, to insure an adequate railway service, to prevent the giving or receiving of rebates, to prescribe the mode of pro- cedure and the rules of evidence in relation thereto, to prescribe penalties for violations of this act, to exercise a general supervision over the conduct and operations of common carriers and to repeal all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith' ", be and the same are hereby re- pealed, and the remaining sections of said Chapter 5, Laws 1910, where not in conflict with this act, are hereby expressly declared to be and remain in full force and ef- fect, as if this act had not heen passed; except thai the Orders of Railroad Commis.sion in force. Saving clause. Interstate commerce. Repealing section. IS 'I LSLIC UTILITIES powers and duties therein conferred upon the state Bail- road Commission <>t Colorado, arc hereby transferred and conferred upon the commission created by tliis act. All other acts and parts of ads in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved April 12th 1913 a1 4:55 P. .M. NOTICE Sections 35, :'»<; and :'»7 have been referred under the initiative and referendum law and are not operative. The same will be voted on at the General Election to he held November 3, 1914. ■ U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. V PAT, JAN. 21, 1908 CDE5bS0TEb 2V3VH2 / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY 39