IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJOR1 bi RECOMMENDATIONS. From Rev. C H. Alden, Principal of the Philadelphia High School for Young Ladies. Mr. Green : Dear sir, — I am greatly pleased to find, that, in your " Gradations in Algebra," recently published, you have rendered the elements of that de- partment of the Mathematics so attractive to the young student. It has long surprised me that this interesting method of analysis has been so entirely excluded from our common schools. With your valuable aid, however, this neglect can no longer find a suitable apology. I anticipate the introduction of your excellent work into both our private primary and public schools. Very respectfully, C. H. ALDEN. Richard W. Green: Sir, — I have examined your " Gradations in Algebra" with much care, and have no hesitation in saying that in my opinion you have fully attained your object in forming " an easy introduction to the first principles of alge- braical reasoning," and of furnishing "in the same course a popular expo- sition of the most important elements of arithmetic." To write a work on abstruse science, adapted to the comprehension of youth, is a work of extreme difficulty. I feel that I offer high but deserved and just praise when I say that in the book before me you have fully succeeded. Yours, «fec. JAS. RHODES, Principal of N. W. Grammar School, Philad. Dear sir, — Your " Gradations in Algebra" appears to me to supply what has long been wanted by those who are commencing that study, viz. an initiatory text-book at once small, clear, well arranged, and compre- hensive. It meddles with nothing beyond the capacity of a school-boy. It is well supplied with such examples as show the learner the use of what he is studying. I would rather put your book in the hands of a beginner than any other work on the same subject now in common use. Yours very respectfully, JNO. W. FAIRES. A i D RECOMMENDATIONS. I examined " Green's Gradations in Algebra," and was so well pleased with it, that I introduced it into our school. I have made use of it one term, and can bear testimony that it has equaled my expectations. I con- sider it as occupying an important link between arithmetic and literal alge- bia. In my judgment, we have long needed such a work. JOHN D. POST, Teacher of Mathematics in Hartford Gr xmmar School. From Porter H. Snow, A. M., formerly Principal of the Hartford Centre School, and now Principal of Brainard Academy, Haddam, Conn. I have examined critically your "Gradations in Algebra," and find it admirably adapted to fulfil its design. There is nothing so good on the subject in the English language for a student to read before entering col- lege. All the mystery that clothes mathematics during the early part of a collegiate course of study will be solved and made plain, if the student will spend a few weeks on this introduction to algebra. It is also a fine work for classes in schools. And I would recommend its introduction into primary and higher schools in preference to any treatise on algebra I have ever seen. It is also the only thing of the kind I have met with, suitable for a student to peruse without an instructor. York, Pa., Nov. 30th, 1841. After a careful examination of Mr. Green's "Algebra," we have no hesitation in expressing our decided approbation of the work. The clear- ness of the explanations, the judicious and systematic arrangement of the parts, and the gradual manner in which the student is led on from the first principles to the more difficult parts of the science, render it, in our view, preferable to any we have seen for primary instruction. DANIEL KIRKWOOD, Teacher of Mathematics, York Co. Academy. D. M. ETTINGER, Principal of the High School, York, Pa. The great excellence of this work is, that it brings the pupil on gradually. Only one difficulty is presented at a time ; and upon this, explanations and examples are multiplied i ill the pupil becomes so familiar with the subject that he almost wonders where the difficulty is at which he first stumbled. The examples are numerous ; the few rules (and they are enough) are ad- mirably expressed, in plain, concise language. On the whole, we may say, that U a vouth is to begin the study of algebra, this should be his first book Extract from the North American. GRADATIONS IN ALGEBRA, IN WHICH THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF ANALYSIS ARE INDUCTIVELY EXPLAINED. ILLUSTRATED BY COPIOUS EXERCISES, AND MADE SUITABLE FOP FRIM^RY SCHOOLS. BY RICHARD W. GREEN, A.M., II AUTHOR OF ARITHMETICAL GUIDE, LITTLE RECKONER, ETC. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER & CO. 1850. QhiS3 £7 ( Chamber of the Controllers of Public Schools, ( First School District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 15, 1849. At a meeting of the Controllers of Public Schools, First District of Penn sylvania, held at the Controllers' Chamber, on Tuesday, November 13, 1849, the following Resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That Green's Algebra be introduced, as a Class-Book, into the Grammar Schools of the District. From the minutes, R. J. HEMPHILL, Secretary. Secretary's Office, Harrisburg, Feb. 4, 1843. Mr. Richard W. Green : Sir, — I have examined the work prepared by you for the use of primary schools, entitled "Gradations in Algebra." It meets with my approba- tion, and I am much pleased with its design and arrangement. I consider it admirably calculated to aid the pupil at the commencement of the science, also to give him a general knowledge of it. It is, in my opinion, well adapted to the use of common schools, where there are students who have not the time or means of consulting more ex- tended treatises upon the subject. I hope it may be introduced generally into our schools throughout the state. I am yours respectfully, A. V. Parsons, \ .' tSfyjptrintqndent Common Schools. Entered according la the Act of Congress, in the year 1^39, by Richard W. Green, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of ihe Eastern District of Pennsylvania. CAJORI $3" For the convenience of those teachers who may wish to adopt the author's plan of using this book, a key has been prepared containing the solutions of all the examples and problems. It will also save the teacher much time when he wishes to find for his pupil the errors in his v» ork. CONTENTS Preface p age 7 NUMERAL ALGEBRA. Preliminary Remarks 11 Addition and Subtraction of Simple Quantities 18 General Rule for uniting Terms 19 Multiplication and Division of Simple Quantities 23 Simple Equations 16 I. Equations Solved by uniting Terms 24 II. Addition of Compound Quantities 22 Transposition by Subtraction 30 Equations Solved by Transposition 31 III. Transposition by Addition 34 Equations 34 IV. Transposition of the Unknown Quantity 37 Equations 38 V. Multiplication of Compound Quantities by Simple Quantities. ... 42 Equations 44 VI. Fractions 48 Equations 52 VII. Fractions of Compound Quantities 57 Equatl >ns 58 VIII. Division of Fractions and Fractions of Fractions 61 Equations 64 IX. Subtraction of Compound Quantities 67 Equations 73 X. Uniting Fractions of different denominators 69 Ratio and Proportion 75 Equations 78 9185-13 VI CONTENTS. XI. Equations with two Unknown Quantities Page 82 First method of Extermination ." 83 Equations 88 XII. Second method of Extermination 93 Equations 94 XIII. Third method of Extermination 97 Equations 98 XIV. Equations with several Unknown Quantities 101 LITERAL ALGEBRA. General Principles 103 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraical quantities 112 Multiplication of Algebraical Quantities 117 General Properties of N umbers 125 Division of Algebraical Quantities 128 Division by Compound Divisors 136 Reduction of Fractions to lower Terms .• 143 Multiplication where one factor is a fraction 146 Reducing Complex Fractions to Simple ones 148 Division of Fractions 152 Fractions of Fractions 153 Uniting Fractions of different denominators 156 Division by Fractions 159 General Theory of Equations with two unknown quantities 162 Involution and powers 1 65 Evolution 172 Extractioti of the Second Root of Numbers 177 XV. Pure Quadratic Equations 181 Equations 182 XVI. Affected Quadratic Equations 185 Equations 1 90 PREFACE The object of the author, in composing this treatise, was to form an easy introduction to the first principles of alge- braical reasoning ; and also to embrace, in the same course, a popular exposition of the most important elements of arithmetic. And he believes that he has been enabled to combine the rudiments of both, in such a manner as to make the operations of one illustrate the principles of the other. In order that this method of treating the subject might preserve its chief advantage, especially in the initiatory course of the study ; the work has been divided into two parts— Numeral Algebra and Literal Algebra. In Numeral Algebra I have treated of the several primary arithmetical operations; first making them intelligible to very youngf pupils, and then exhibiting them under the algebraical notation. By this means, as every lesson in algebra is imme- diately preceded by corresponding numerical exercises, the transition from one to the other has been made so trifling, that the pupil will feel at each step that he has met with nothing more than what he has already made himself familiar with in a different dress. Besides, as algebraical operations require the exercise of abstraction in a greater degree than the pupil is supposed to be accustomed to, I have taken care that the exercise on each of the fundamental rules, shall be followed by a selection of problems to be solved by equations. 7 8 PREFACE. As mathematical questions of this kind are always pleas- ing to young pupils, this arrangement will serve to impart an interest to the study at the commencement, and also to preserve a taste for it through the whole course. Indeed, this part of the work is the most important for those pupils who do not intend to pursue the mathematical sciences. For, it is in such exercises, that the mind is trained to investigate the relations of one thing to another, and to conduct its reasonings in a clear and forcible manner. Under the head of Literal Algebra, I have repeated, in a more strictly algebraical form, the principles which have been explained in the preceding part of the work ; and have shown some of their uses by applying them in the deduc- tion and demonstration of several abstruse operations on numbers. But the great peculiarity of the book is, that it habituates the speech and the ear to mathematical language. In any study, it is necessary for beginners to receive such a course of training as will imprint upon their minds each new idea, as soon as it is apprehended. Learners in the mathematics, especially, are accustomed to forget soon, both the names and the use of the signs; and also the arrangement of the several steps in the solution of their problems. On this account I have required the pupil always to repeat verbally the operation that he has performed ; taking care to omit no part of the work that would hinder an auditor from under- standing the reason for the several steps, and consenting to the just conclusions of the answer which has been obtained. It has been found by experience that this simple device enables the young pupil to acquire the science very easily; PREFACE. 9 and while it impresses his lessons indelibly upon his memory, it also developes his genius, rectifies his inventive faculties, and imparts, as it were, a mathematical form to his mind ; so much so, that he is generally capable of pursuing the subject afterwards by himself. In order to accomplish this end more perfectly, I have swelled the number of examples beyond the ordinary limits. These should be thoroughly mastered as the pupil proceeds. There must be no smattering in the beginning of a science if the learner is to continue the study. The author has found by long experience, that a book is sooner finished when each part has been made familiar to the mind, than when it has been superficially attended to. With regard to the arrangement of the several divisions, I have been careful to introduce first those principles that will be the most easily apprehended ; and afterwards such others as would most naturally arise from the former if the study were entirely new. This method appears to be the best adapted for teaching the rudiments of a science ; although in a succeeding text book, it is necessary that the arrangement of the several parts should be more systematic. On this account the advanced scholar must not be surprised to find in the middle of the book, what he has been accus- tomed to see near the beginning of other treatises. How- ever, so much regard to a regularity of arrangement has been attended to, that the pupil will be assisted by the asso- ciations of method, both to understand and to remember. As the author wishes to bring the study of Algebra withir the reach of common schools, he has endeavored to pre pare this work, so that it may be studied by pupils who are 10 PREFACE. not already adepts in arithmetic. And it is believed lhat such learners will not fail of obtaining, by a perusal of it, a full understanding of vulgar fractions, roots and powers, proportion, progression, and other numerical operations that are generally embraced in arithmetical treatises. R. W. G. ADVERTISEMENT. The foregoing is the Preface of the author's " Inductive Algebra." The first 192 pages of that book have been published in this form, in order to afford a cheap manual for those classes that do not wish to study beyond Quadratic Equations. In the present state of education, so much of Algebra should be studied by every pupil in our common schools PART L NUMERAL ALGEBRA. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. § 1. Algebra is a method of arithmetical computation, in which the calculations are performed by means of letters and signs. § 2. When the answer of an arithmetical question is to be found by algebra, we first represent that answer by a letter; because we can use that letter in our calculations, in the same manner as if it were the true answer. We will explain by a few examples. Example 1. I have 27 apples which I wish to give to two children, John and Mary, in such a manner that Mary shall have twice as many as John. The following will be our method of rinding how many each shall have. I wish to give to John a certain number, and to Mary twice that number. Therefore, instead of saying, I will give the 27 apples to John and Mary, I may say, I will give away a certain number, and then again twice that number. Now, a certain number, and then twice that number, make, in all, three times that certain number. But, I give away 27 apples ; and hence I know that Three times that certain number is just as much as 27. Therefore, that number itself is \ of 27, which is 9. Hence, John has 9 apples ; and Mary has twice as many, which is 18. 11 12 ALGEBRA. § 3. If, in the operation which we have just per- formed, we use the letter iV, instead of the words, a cer- tain number, our work will be somewhat abridged. Thus : John will have a certain number, which is N. Mary will have twice as much, which is twice N. And both together will have three times N. But, in the question, we said both shall have 27 Therefore, three times N is the same as 27: and once N is j of 27, which is 9; which is John's share. § 4. About the year 1554, Stifelius, a German, in- troduced the sign -f for the words added to; and called it plus. Ever since that time, -f has been used to sig- nify that the quantity after it has been added to the quantity before it. Thus, 2 -f 6, is read 2 plus 6, and signifies 2 with 6 added to it. Example 2. A brother told his sister that he was 4 years older than she; and that his age and her age, when put together, made 18 years. What was the age of each? By the statement, his age was the same as her age with 4 years put with it ; because it was 4 years more than hers. Therefore we will represent the sister's age by A And his age, which is 4 years more, will be A + 4 Both ages together, will be A and A + 4, or A + A + 4 Which, because the A's can be put together, is twice A -f- 4 But both their ages together made 18 Therefore twice A -f 4 is the same as 18, And twice A + 3 is the same as 17, And twice A + 2 is the same as 16, And twice A -J- 1 is the same as 15, And twice A alone is the same as 14, And A, or the sister's age, is | of 14, which is 7. §5. About the year 1550, John Scheubelius, a Ger- man, introduced the following practice. Instead of writ- ing 2 times A, or 3 times A, or 4 times A, &c, he wrote 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, &c. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 18 £xample 3. Two men, A and B, owe me $270 ; and B's cusbt is twice as much as A's. How much does each of them owe me ? We will represent A's debt by A. Then, B's debt will be twice as much, or 2^. And both debts put together, make A + 2 A. But both, when put together, are equal to $270. Therefore, A -f- 2 A is the same as $270. Putting the A's together, 3 A is the same as $270. Then, one A is \ of $270, which is $90. A's debt is $90; and B's debt is twice as much, or $180. §6. In 1557, Dr. Recorde, an Englishman, introduced the sign =, which we call equals. It is used instead of the expression, is the same as, or, is as much as, or, is equal to. Thus, 2-j-6 = 8, is read, 2 plus 6 equals 8. Example 4. B's age is three times A's ; and C's age is double of B's ; and the sum of all their ages is 70 years. What is the age of each ? Let us represent A's age by the capital A, Then, B's age will be three times as much; that is, 3 A. And C's age will be twice 3 A, which is 6 A. Then, all their ages put together will be A + 3 A -f 6 A. But all their ages put together is 70 years. Therefore, A + 3A + QA = 70. Putting them's together, 10 ,# = 70. Dividing by 10, A = 7, which is A's age. A's age =7 years. B's is three times as much; or 21 years. C's is twice B's ; or, 42 years. Proof, "TO" § 7. We very often wish to state that we have made a quantity to be less. This was formerly done by using the word minus. Thus, if I wished to say that your age is 6 years less than mine ; I may say, Your age is equal to mine 2 14 ALGEBRA. when 6 years are subtracted from mine ; or, in fewer words, your age is equal to my age, minus 6 years. § 8. Stifelius introduced the sign — for minus; so that 20 — 6, is read, 20 minus 6; and signifies, 20 with 6 sub- tracted from it. Thus, 20 — 6 = 14. i Example 5. At a certain election, 548 persons voted ; and the successful candidate had a majority of 130 votes. How many voted for each ? Let us represent the number of votes received by the sue- cessful candidate, by the letter A. Then, as the unsuccess- ful candidate received 130 votes less, his number may be represented by A — 130. Both candidates have A + A — 130 Then, .# + .#-.130 = 548 Putting the A's together, 2 A — 130 = 548, which means, 2 A, after 130 is subtracted from it, is equal to 548 Now, if we had a barrel of water, minus a quart, and wanted a full barrel, we should add the quart. In the same manner . as we have 2 A minus 130, we must add the 130 to get th< complete 2 A. Therefore, adding the 130 to both sides, 2 A = 678 Dividing by 2, A = 339. The successful candidate had 339. The unsuccessful one, 130 less = 209. Proof, 548. § 9. Des Cartes,* a Frenchman, who wrote about 1637, used the last letters of the alphabet; namely, x, y, z, w, &c, to denote the unknown quantities. And this is now the practice of all mathematicians. Example 6. It is required to divide $300 among A, B, and C ; so that B may have twice as much as A, and C may hi*ve as much as A and B together. • Pronounced Da-Cart. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 15 Let us represent A's share by x. Then, B's share will be 2 a*; and C will have as much as both put together, which is 3 x. Then, x + 2x + 3x = 300. Putting the x's together, 6x = 300. Dividing by 6, x= 50. Therefore, A's share is $50. B's is twice as much, or $100. C's = as much as both, or $150. Proof, $300. From what we have shown thus far, it may be seen that Algebra is a kind of language, made up with letters and signs in such a manner that all the reasonings which are necessary for the solution of a question, may be contained in a very small space, and be perceived with great facility. § 10. As we sometimes wish to speak of particular parts of our calculations, mathematicians have given the name term to any quantity that is separated from others by one of the signs -j- or — . Thus, in the last example, and first line of the operation, the first x is the first term, the 2 x is the next term, and the 3a" is the next term; and the 300 is the last term. §11. When a figure is put before a letter, to denote how many times we take the quantity which that letter stands for, the figure is called a co-efficient.* Thus, in the term 2 a?, 2 is a co-efficient of a:; in the term 3*#, 3 is a co-efficient of .#. § 12. It must also be understood, that a letter without any number before it, has 1 for its co-efficient. Thus, x repre- sents la: 1 ; a is the same as la, &c. The 1 is omitted be- cause it is plainly to be understood. § 13. When any algebraic term stands by itself, it is called a simple quantity. Thus, i is a simple quantity; 2a* is a simple quantity; 12 is a simple quantity, &c. * Thin name was given by Franciscus Vieta, about 1573. 16 ALGEBRA. § 14. Quantities that consist of more than one term, are called compound quantities. Thus, a + b is a com pound quantity; so is also a — 6, and a?-f 7, and x — 7 and a + x — 7 — 6, &c. § 15. When any algebraic quantity begins with the sign 4-, it is called a positive quantity; as, -fa, -f 3 a. § 16. When any algebraic quantity begins with the sign — , it is called a negative quantity ; as, — 6, — 5 a. § 17. In algebra, the perfect representation of any simple quantity requires both the specified sum, and either the sign -f , or the sign — ; as, -f 5, —40, -f x, — 3x. § 18. But, when a positive quantity stands by itself, or when it is the first term of a compound quantity, the sign that belongs to it is generally omitted on paper, and also in our reading ; as, J*, 2, a -f 6, x — y. § 19. Therefore, when a simple quantity, or the first term of a compound quantity, does not begin with a sign, we say that the sign -f is understood. That is, we think of the quantity the same as if -f was before it. § 20. In reading compound quantities, the pupil must be careful to join the sign to the term that is immediately after it. Thus, the following quantity must be read a; plus b; plus 8 ; minus 4 ; plus 2 a ; plus 6 ; minus 36: a + & + 8 — 4 + 2a-f 6 — 3 6. § 21. When a quantity is expressed by figures, it is called a numeral quantity. When it is represented by a letter, it is called a literal quantity. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. § 22.' The most general and useful application of algebra, is that which investigates the values of unknown quantities by means of equations. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 17 § 23. An equation is an expression which declares one quantity to be equal to another quantity, by means of the sign = being placed between them. Thus, 5 -f 3 = 8, is an equation, denoting that 5 with 3 added to it, equals 8. Also, 4 — 1=3, and 3 + 2 — 1=4, and 8 — 2 = 5 + 1, are equations, each denoting that the quantity on one side of the =, is equal to that on the other side. § 24. The whole quantity on the left of = is called the first member of the equation; and all on the right of = is called the last member of the equation. In order to be a member of the equation, it is of no import- ance whether the quantity is simple or compound. Thus, in the equation x = 4 -f- a — b — 18, a? is the first member, and 4 -f a — b — 18 is the last member. And in this case, the first member represents just as great a quantity as the last. § 25. In order that an equation may be such that it will enable us to find the value of an unknown quantity by it, it must contain some quantity that is already known. And then we can find the value of the unknown quantity, by making it stand by itself on one side of =, and all the known quan tities on the other side. § 26. But it is generally the case that the known and un known quantities are mingled together. And then we are to alter the arrangement of the terms, so as to bring the unknown quantity by itself; and this must be done without destroying the equality of the sides. This operation is called solving or reducing the equation. § 27. When the known quantities are represented by num- bers, the equation is called a numerical equation. It is to this kind of equations that the first part of this treatise relates. § 28. In solving equations, the different arrangement of the terms is brought about by addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, &c, as the case may require. B 2* 18 ALGEBRA. [SECTION I. SECTION I. SIMPLE ALGEBRAICAL .OPERATIONS. I. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF SIMPLE QUANTITIES. § 29. In algebra, simple quantities are added by writing them down one after another; being careful to retain the signs that are expressed or understood. Thus, we add 9 to x, by- writing them x + 9 ; because, when those quantities were alone, -f was understood before 9. We add — 9 to #, by- writing them x — 9. 89" The pupil must understand that x stands for some number; but it is often the case that we do not know what that number is. For it may stand sometimes for one number, and sometimes for another. § 30. It will readily be seen, that it is of no consequence which quantity is put first ; for 9 -j- 7 is the same amount as 7-f 9. §31. One positive simple quantity is subtracted from another simple quantity, by writing down both quantities one after another, and changing from + to — the sign be- fore the quantity which we subtract. Thus, we subtract 4 from x, by writing them x — 4; which is read x minus 4; and not 4 from x. Questions. What is algebra? See § 1. In what manner do we use letters in our calculations'? 2. What is said of the sign -+- ? 4. — ? 7. = ? 6. What does term signify in algebra? 10. What is a simple quantity ? 13. How are simple quantities added in alge- bra? 29. What is requisite for the perfect representation of an algebraic term? 17. Are all terms thus represented? What is understood in such cases? is the sign — ever understood? In addition, which quantity must be put first? 30. What particular number does a letter stand for in algebra? Why do we use letters in algebra? 2. How is one simple quantity subtracted from an- other? 31. Which quantity must have — before it? § 36. J SIMPLE ALGEBRAICAL OPERATIONS. 19 § 32. When two simple quantities have been added toge- ther, or one simple quantity subtracted from another, the answer will consist of more than one term, and become a compound quantity. §33. It sometimes happens, that in those compound quantities^ which are made by adding or subtracting, there are two or more lerms of the same kind ; that is, such terms as do not differ at all, or differ only in their numeral co-effi- cients ; such as a? + 2a?; 4a— 2a; 5a? — 3a? + a?. Such quantities are called similar quantities. § 34. When, in any compound quantity, there are two or more terms of the same kind, they may be united by per- forming arithmetically the operation which is expressed by the signs belonging to them. Thus, a? + 2a? is united into 3a?; 5a — 3a is united into 2a; 5a? — 3a? -fa? is united into 3a?. § 35. Numeral quantities may be united in the same man- ner. Thus, 4 + 3 may be united into 7 ; 9 — 4 may be united into 5 ; 6 — 2 + 5 may be united into 9. Examples. The pupil may unite the following quantities : 1. a + 3a+5a. 2. x + 5a? + x. 3. 10a? — 4a? — a?. 4. a+lla -2a. 5. b + 6b—3b. 6. la — 4a-fa. 7. 4 + 8—3. 8. 5 — 2+7. 9. 3a?+2.r+8— 4. 10. 10a— 3a+7— 2. 11. 6a+17— 3a— 7. 12. 14 + 5a?— 3a;— 5. 2. GENERAL RULE FOR UNITING TERMS. § 36. 1st. When similar quantities have the same sign, select one kind, and find the sum of the numeral co-efficients ; Questions. What is a compound quantity ? 14. What operation will produce compound quantities? What are similar quantities'? What is a co-efficient] 11. Have all terms a co-efficient express- ed? 12. What may be done with similar quantities? When a sign is between two quantities, to which quantity does it be- long? 20. How does a literal quantity differ from a numeral ? 21. What is a positive quantity ? 15. What is a negative quantity ? 16 What is the first part of the rule for uniting terms ? What is the second part of the rule for uniting terms ? 20 ALGEBRA. ^SECTION I. and, preserving the sign, annex the common letter. Then select another kind, and proceed in the same manner with that. EXAMPLES. 1. Unite the following terms. 5a? — 3?/ -f- 4a: — ly. Ans. The x's, when united, equal -f- 9a? » and the y's, when united, equal — l(h/. Ans. 9x — lOy. 2. 2x + 3y + Sx -f Ay + Ix -f y -f x -f 9y. Ans. 13a? *$&sT As fast as the pupil adds the co-efficients, he should slightly cross the term, so that he may know when all the terms have been united. Thus : 2p+3y + 3$+4y+7v+y+.V+9y=lZx+l7y. 3. 4a— 3x+2a— x+a + 3a— Sx — x. Ans. 10a — 8a:. 4. — 2y+7— a?— y— 3a? + ll— 2t/. Ans. 18— 5y— 4a\ 5. — 2a— a?+3— a— 3a: + 4— 4a. Ans. — 7a— 4a?+7. § 36. 2d. When similar quantities have different signs, select one kind, and add into one sum all the p isitive co-effi- cients that belong to them. Then add into another sum all the negative co-efficients that belong to them. Subtract the less sum from the greater, and prefix the sign of the greater to the difference ; annex the common letter. Then select another kind, and proceed in the same manner. EXAMPLES. Unite the terms in the following. 6. 3a + 46 + 26— 3c + 3c + a— 6— 3b. Ans. The a's, when united, equal -\-4a; the 6's, when united, equal +66 — 4b, which equals 4-26. Then, — 3c + 3c balance each other, so as to be equal to 0. The answer is 4a +26. 7. 2a-|-6+4a + 46 + 8-|-6— 3a— 36— 4. Ans. 3a +26 + 10. 8. 3x+y+z + 3x + 3y—4x—2y—z. Ans. 2x + 2y. 9. 18 + 8a + 4a: + 7.r + 5a— 6x— 7a. Ans. 18 + 6a + 5a\ 10. 4y+7z — 4z — y + 2z + 2y — z. Ans. 5y + 4z. § 36.] UNITING TERMS. 21 Note. — It sometimes happens that the negative quantity is greater than the positive quantity. In such cases, the differ- ence will have the sign — . 11. la— 3a+4z+a— 2z— 4a— 6a. Ans. — 5a+2*. 12. a+6 + 3a— c+4a— 3c + 6. Ans. 8a+26— 4c. 13. 5x + 5y + 3x—2y. Ans. 8x+3y. 14. 6+a+3a— 56+4cc— a+3a— x. Ans. 6a— 46 + 3.T 15. 4a— 56— \0 + 2y— x + 4. Ans. 4a— 56+ 2y— x— 6. 16. 2a?+ 3?/— 3x+5y— x— z. Ans. — 2x+8y— z.~ 17. #+z+;c— z+#+3?/. Ans. 3x+3y. 18. 3a— 5 — 46 + 6— 2a— 3 + 66. Ans. a+26— 2. 19. 4;r+4 + 5?/+6— 2+3a?— 2y. Ans. 7a?+3y + 8. 20. 4c + 3a— 6 — 3a+c— 6a— 6. Ans. 5c— 2a— 26. 21. 26— c+3a — 6+4c + 2tf— 6 — 5a\ -= U ^V « * 22. a— 6 + c+a*+3a+6 — 2c— 4a+10+a. 23. a+6 + 36+#— 7+4:r— 6+3a— y+2. 24. a?— 4+10— 7.r + a— 6— 10 + 2a— 1. v 25. 3a— 6+4c+2:c— c + 4a+5c+76. 26. 10— a + 6 — 6 — a?+7 + 36+2a— 40. 27. 8a— 16 — z + 91+2y — 87— 3z + 14. 28. 29 + 46+27+y— 32— 43+y. r 29. 73+4x— 36 — 3^—41+7^— y+2.r. . 30. a— 6— a-6-67— 42 + 7a+36./ 31. 4 X _37/+2a— lx+6y — 7a+5x— 7y. h2 ^ 32. 4x—3x-\-4-\-x— 2x— 5 + l + 3a?— 5a?. "-P-vX- 33. 2Z+1/+9— a:— i/— 9 + 3#+10a?y. It ^fc-^'^Z 34. 5a+36— 4c+2a— 56 + 6c+a— 46— 2c. 9 VL.-C4 35. 3a+;r+10— 5a+2x— 15— 4a— 10z+21 - i^"^ +lv 36. 5a— 36+4a— 76+7a+36— 5a— 96. H. ' 37. 6a+2;r— 10+2a— 3a?+10— 2y— 3a+2x. 22 ALGEBRA. [ SECTION *• III. ADDITION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. § 37. When two or more expressions that consist of seve- ral terms, are to be added together, the operation is represented by writing them one after another ; taking care, in all except the first, to insert the signs that are understood. Thus, a — x is added to y-\-l in the following manner: a — a? -f ?/4-7, or y-\-l-\-a — x. For to a — x we add first y, and then 7 ; or to y-f 7 we add a, and then because we ought to have added a — a?, we see that we have added x too much, and therefore subtract it. §38. The above example shows that it is of no conse- quence in what order we write the terms. Their place may- be changed at pleasure, provided their signs be preserved. EXAMPLES. 1. Add the following compound quantities. 2« — 8a?, x — 3a, — 4a — 2a?, 4x — a. Ans. — 6a — 5a?. 2. Add 2 — a? + 4?/, 3 -f 3a?— y, — 30 — x — 2y, and 1 — 2a? + 3y — 1 Oz together. Ans. — 24 — a? -f 4y — 1 Oz. 3. Add 3x+5y— 6z, — 2a?— 8y— 9z, 20a? -f 2y— 3z, and x—y+z—4 together. Ans. 22a?— 2y— 17 z— 4. 4. Add 3— 2y+z, 4y— 2z-f5, 2—z—y, and 2z— y— 10. Ans. Nothing. 5. Add 3a?— 6, 4a?+2, 64-3a?, 7— 2a?, ar-f-1. £->+ / J 6. Add 4a?— a, 3a— a?, 4a?+a, 7a— 3a?. / p &- *+ */" 7. Add2+2*4-3z, 3z + 8, 5— 2z, 4z. If +? 8. Add 4— a?, —a?— 3, 6+2a?, a?+2a?— 1. 9. Adda?— 21, 3+4a?+a?, 2a?+3a?+36. / / %~t ' ^ 10. Add a?, a?— 3, a?+a?— 3, a?+2a?— 6. 11. Add 2a?— 3z-4, 4z— 3a?, 5a?— 5, 3— 10a?+3. - kT^ 12. Add3?/-4, 6-3a?, 7x—5y, x—y—2, 3y + 5x—3. Questions. — How are compound quantities added ? Why is the sign — preserved in addition 1 Which expression must be put first! § 43. J MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION. 23 IV. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF SIMPLE QUANTITIES. "§39. Were we to add a to itself four times, we should write the sum thus, a + a + a+a-, which, when united, be- comes 4a. Whence we have the Rule. — Any literal quantity is multiplied by a number, by putting that number before it as a co-efficient; as, 7 times x is 7a?. 6 times a is 6a. § 40. If the quantity to be multiplied has already a co- efficient, that co-efficient only is to be multiplied. Thus, 3x taken four times is 3a?-f 3a?-j-3a?-f 3a?, which when united = 12a?. The co-efficient is multiplied by 4. Thus, 4 times 3a? = 12a\ § 41. It is evident that if 2 times 3a? is 6a?, then one-half of 6a? is 3a?. Whence we learn that a quantity with a nu- meral co-efficient, may be divided, by merely dividing that co-efficient. Thus, 8a? divided by 2 =4a?. 12a? divided by 4 == 3a?, &c. § 42. In 1661, Rev. William Oughtred of England, pub- lished a work, in which he introduced the sign x to represent multiplication. Thus, 4x3=12, is read 4 multiplied by 3 equals 12 ; or, 4 into 3 equals 12. §43. In 1668, Mr. Brancker invented the sign -r- for di- vision. The sign is always put before the divisor; as, 20 h- 4 = 5 ; read 20 divided by 4 equals 5 ; or, 20 by 4, equals 5. But in algebra, division is frequently performed by writ- ing the divisor under the dividend, so as to make a fraction ; thus, 20 divided by 4, is \°. See page 48. Questions. — How do we multiply a literal quantity? Multiply x by 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. to 20. How do we multiply a quantity that has already a co-efficient? Multiply 2x by 3, 4, 5, &c. to 12. Multiply 3x by the same numbers. Multiply ix by the same. How do we divide a quantity that has a numeral co-efficient] Describe the sign for multiplication. Describe the sign for division. 24 ALGEBRA. [SECTION 1 EQUATIONS.— SECTION 1. Equations which are solved by merely uniting terms. In each of the following equations, ihe object is to find the value of x. Example 1. a?+2a? = 45— 15. Uniting terms, Sx = 30. Now, as we have found that three x's = 30, it is evident that one x will be one-third of 30. Therefore, dividing by 3, x = 10. 2. Find x in 8a: — 4a? — # = 7+26+51 — 15 Uniting terms, 3a? = 69 Dividing by 3, a? = 23. 3. Find a: in 10a?— 5a?+4a: = 56+75 + 32 — 1 Uniting terms, 9a: = 162 Dividing by 9, x = 18. 4. Find x in a?+2a:+3a:+4a? = 12+35+74— 11 Uniting terms, 10a? =110 Dividing by 10, a? = ll. 5. 8a:— 3a?+2a? = 46 + 54 + 37— 4. Ans. a?=19. 6. 4a?— 3a? + 4a? = 29—36+48+ 14. Ans. a? = 11. 7. 6a?— 8a-+ 14a? =12 + 36 + 14+22. Ans. a? = 7. 8. 5a?+4a:+3a' = 49 + 14'+22 + ll. Ans. a? = 8. 9. 7a?+a*=14— 22— 11+41— 6. Ans. a? = 2. 10. 4a:— 2a? = 96— 7 + 8— 15— 10. Ans. a? = 36. 11. 5a— a? = 2 + 3— 15— 10+72. Ans. a? = 13. 12. 6a? = 7 + 4+72— 51 — 16— 10. Ans. a?=l. Questions. What is the most useful application of algebra ? § 22. What is an equation? What is the part on the left of = called"? What the part on the right 1 ? What if there are more terms on one side than on the other? What is a numerical equation? How do we find the value of the unknown quantity? What is this opera- tion called ? § 47.] EQUATIONS SOLVED BY UNITING TERMS. 25 13. Sx— 7x+5x— 4:X+3x=27— 12. Ans. x=3. 14. 5#— 4a?-f2a?— 3#-fa:=39— 13. Ans. a?=26 15. 17a:— 4a? — 2a;— 5a?— x =57— 32. Ans. #=5. 16. 14a?— 35a?-f29a:+47a?-f-a:=504. Ans. a?=9. EQUATIONS FORMED FROM ARITHMETICAL QUESTIONS. § 44. An algebraic problem is a proposition which sup poses that an unknown quantity has certain relations with other quantities that are known ; and requires the disco- very of some arithmetical operation by which the unknown quantity may be ascertained. § 45. Problems properly belong to literal algebra ; but because questions in numeral algebra are solved in a simi- lar manner, they also are called problems in this work. § 46. In the solution of problems, the first thing to be done, is to represent the required answer by x, y, or some other final letters of the alphabet. Then, make in alge- braical language, with its explanation, a statement of each of the conditions in the question, in the same manner as if the letter were the true answer, and you were required to prove it. § 47- When the question has been fairly stated, it will be found that two different algebraical expressions have the same explanation. These two expressions must be put in the same line, with the sign = between them, so as to form an equation. And then, by reducing the equation, the required result will be found. See § 25 and 26. I. The sum of $660 was subscribed for a certain pur pose, by two persons, A and B ; of which, B gave twice as much as A. What did each of them subscribe ? Questions. What is an algebraic problem ? What is the first step in the solution of problems? How must you continue the statement? How is it known when the statement is perfect? What is the second part of the solution ? 3 26 ALGEBRA. ^SECTION I. Stating the question, x dollars = what A gave. 2x dollars = what B gave. X -x-2x dollars = what both gave. And also, 660 dollars = what both gave. Therefore, putting the question into an equation, x +2 x = 660 Uniting terms, 3x = 660 Dividing by 3, x = 220 A's share. 2x = 440 B's share. 660 proof. 2. Three persons in partnership, put into the stock $4800 ; of which, A put in a certain sum, B twice as much, and C as much as A and B both. What did each man put in ? Stating the question, x = A's share* 2x = B's share. x + 2x = C's share. Adding all three shares, x -f 2x -f- x + 2x «■ the whole. 4800 = the whole. Therefore, forming the equation, x -f 2x -f x -f 2x — 4800 Uniting terms, Gx = 4800 Dividing by 6, x = 800 A's share. 2x = 1600 B's share. 800 -f 1600 = 2400 C's share. 4800 proof. E^~ In all the succeeding problems, the learner should prove his answers. 3. A person told his friend that he gave 108 dollars for his horse and saddle ; and that the horse cost 8 times as much as the saddle. What was the cost of each 1 Stating the question, x = price of the saddle. Sx = " horse. x + 8x= " both. 108 = " do. Forming the equation x -f Sx = 108 § 47.] EQUATIONS SOLVED BY UNITING TERMS. 27 Uniting terms, 9x = 108 Dividing by 9, x = 12 = price of saddle. 96 = " horse. It is advisable for the pupil, while performing his sums, to write them on his slate in a manner similar to the three ques- tions above; beginning the statement by making x the answer to the question, and throughout the operation keeping equals under equals. And in recitation, the whole of it is to be recited. 4. A father once said, that his age was six times that of his son; and that both of their ages put together, would amount to 49 years. What was the age of each ? Ans. Son's age 7 years ; father's 42. 5. A farmer said that he had four times as many cows as horses, and five times as many sheep as cows ; and that the number of them all was 100. How many had he of each sort? Ans. 4 horses ; 16 cows; and 80 sheep. 6. A boy told his sister that he had ten times as many chestnuts as apples, and six times as many walnuts as chest- nuts. How many had he of each sort, supposing there were 639 in all ? Ans. 9 apples ; 90 chestnuts ; and 540 walnuts. 7. A school-girl said that she had 120 pins and needles ; and that she Had seven times as many pins as needles. How many had she of each sort? Ans. 15 needles, and 105 pins. 8. A teacher said that her school consisted of 64 scholars ; and that there were three times as many in arithmetic as in algebra, and four times as many in grammar as in arithmetic. How many were there in each study? Ans. 4 in algebra; 12 in arithmetic ; and 48 in grammar. 9. A teacher had four arithmeticians who performed 80 sums in a day. The second did as many as the first, the third twice as many, and the fourth as much as all the other three. How many did each perform ? Ans. The first and second, each 10 ; the third, 20 ; and the fourth, 40. 28 ALGEBRA. ^SECTION I. 10. A person said that he was $450 in debt. That he owed A a certain sum, B twice as much, and C twice as much as to A and B. How much did he owe each ? Ans. To A $50, to B $100, and to C $300. 11. A person said that he was owing to A a certain sum; to B four times as much ; and to C eight times as much ; and to D six times as much ; so that $570 would make him even with the world. What was his debt to A ? Ans. $30. 12. A boy bought some oranges and some lemons for 54 cents. The price of the oranges was twice the price of the lemons. How much money did he spend for each sort? Ans. 18 cents for lemons ; and 36 cents for oranges. 13. A boy bought some apples, some pears, and some peaches, an equal number of each sort, for 72 cents. The price of a pear was twice that of an apple, and the price of a peach was 3 times that of an apple. How much money did he give for each kind? Ans. 12 cents for apples ; 24 for pears ; 36 for peaches. 14. A man bought 3 sheep and 2 cows for $60. For each cow, he gave 6 times as much as for a sheep. How much did he give for each ? {y If x = price of a sheep, all the sheep will cost three times as much, or 3a\ In the same manner both cows will cost twice as much as one cow. One cow will cost 6a?, and 2 cows will cost Ylx. Ans. $4, price of a sheep ; and $24 price of a cow. 15. A gentleman hired 3 men and 2 boys. He gave five times as much to a man as he gave to a boy ; and for all of ihem he gave $6.80. What was the wages of each ? Ans. A boy's wages was 40 cents, and a man's wages, $2 16. Two men, who are 560 miles apart, start to meet each other. One goes 30, and the other goes 40 miles a day. In how many days will they meet? Each will travel x days. The first will go x times § 47.] EQUATIONS SOLVED BY UNITING TERMS. 29 30 miles, and the second will go x times 40 miles ; and both together will go the whole distance. It is also evident that x times 30 is the same as 30 times x ; &c. Ans. 8 days. 17. A farmer hired three labourers for $50.00 ; giving to the first $2.00 a day, to the second $1.50, and to the third $1.00. The second worked three times as many days as the first ; and the third twice as many days as the second. How many days did each work ? Ans. The first, 4; second, 12 ; and third, 24 days. 18. A gentleman bought some tea, coffee, and sugar, for $7.04 ; giving twice as much a pound for coffee as for sugar, and five times as much for tea as for coffee ; and there were 20 pounds of sugar, 12 pounds of coffee, and 2 pounds of tea. What was the price of each? Ans. 11 cents for sugar; 22 cents for coffee ; and 110 cents for tea. 19. A bookseller sold to a teacher at one time 10 books, and afterwards 15 more at the same rate. Now the difference between the whole sum received at the latter time, and the whole sum received at the former time, was 60 cents. What was the price of each book? Ans. 12 cents. 20. In fencing a side of a field, whose length was 450 yards, two workmen were employed ; one of whom fenced 9 yards per day, and the other 6 yards per day. How many days did they work to make the whole fence ? Ans. 30 days. 8» 30 ALGEBRA. ^SECTION II. SECTION II. TRANSPOSITION. TRANSPOSITION BY SUBTRACTION. § 48- It often happens that in the first member of the equation, some number has been added to the x*u in order to make them equal to the last member. Thus, in the equation 07+16 = 46 we see that 16 has been added to #, to make it equal to 46. § 49. Now if x with 16 added, is equal to 46; then x alone must be 16 less than 46; that is, 46 — 16. So, that if we find, that #+16 = 46, we may know that a? = 46— 16; or what is the same, x = 30. § 50. But this may be proved another way. It is very plain that if we subtract a quantity from one member of an equation, and then subtract the same quantity from the other member of the equation ; it will still be the fact that the two members are equal to one another. Thus, a half-dollar = 50 cents. Subtract 2 cents from each member. Then a half- dollar — 2 cents = 50 cents — 2 cents ; for each of them is equal to 48 cents. § 51. Thus, with the equation that we had above, #+16 = 46 Subtracting 16 from both members, a;+16 — 16 = 46 — 16. Now, in the first member of the equation, we have +16 — 16, which is of no value at ail, for +16 and —16 balance each other, as has been seen in Ex. 6 under § 36. Therefore the equation is reduced to x = 46 — 16 Uniting terms in the last member, x = 30. Questions. Is the first member always without numeral quanti- ties ? When x with another number added, equals a certain number what is x itself equal to ? How can this be proved t § 51-3 TRANSPOSITION BY SUBTRACTION. 31 EQUATIONS. — SECTION 2. 1. Suppose a?+8+3a? = 56; w hat is the value of a?? Uniting terms, 4a?-f-8 = 56 Subtracting 8 from both sides, 4a?+8— 8 = 56—8 Which is the same as 4a? = 56 — 8 Uniting terms in the last member, 4a? = 48 Dividing by 4, a? = 12. 2. Suppose 2a?-fl4— a?— 7 =41+2—8; to find a?. Uniting terms, a?-f-7 = 35 Subtracting 7 from £ a?-f 7— 7 = 35 — 7 or both sides, 5 a? = 35 — 7 Uniting terms, x = 28. 3. Given a?-f5— 2a?— 3-f4a? = 26, to find x. Uniting terms, 3a?+2 = 26 Subtracting 2 from both sides, 3a? = 24 Dividing by 3, a? = 8. 4. Given 5a?-f22— 2a? = 31, to find a?. Ans. a? = 3. 5. Given 4a?+20— 6 = 34, to find a?. Ans. a? = 5. 6. Given 3a? -f 12-f 7a? = 102, to find a?. Ans. a? = 9. 7. Given 10a?— 6a? -f 14 = 62, to find a?. Ans. a? = 12. 8. If 7a?— 14+5a?+20 = 246, then a? =20. For, &c. 9. If 8a?+17— 5a?+3 = 100+10, then a?=30. 10. If 7a?— 14+3a?+35 = 450— 29, then a? = 40. PROBLEMS. WtT For putting questions into equations, see page 25. 1. What number is that, which, with 5 added to it, will be equal to 40 ? Stating the question, a? = the number a? +5, = after adding Forming the equation, * a?+5 = 40 Subtracting 5, from both, a? = 35. 32 ALGEBRA. ^SECTION II. 2. A man being asked how many shillings he had, answered, Add 15 to their number, and then subtract 1, and the remain- der will be 64. How many shillings had he ? Stating the question, # = number of shillings. a?+ 1*5 = after adding. #+15 — 1 = after subtracting. 64 = remainder. Forming the equation, #+ 15 — 1 = 64 Uniting terms, #+14 = 64- Subtracting 14 from both sides, x = 50. 3. What number is that, which with 9 added to it, will equal 23 ? Ans. 14. 4. Divide 17 dollars between two persons, so that one may have 4 dollars more than the other. Stating the question, x = the less share. #+ 4 = the greater. #+#-f-4 = both shares. 17 = both shares. Forming the equation, # + #+4=17 Uniting terms, 2#+4 = 17 Subtracting 4 from both sides, 2#= 13 Dividing by 2, # = 6<£ share of one. 17— 6£ = 10| •• the other. 5. The sum of the ages of a certain man and his wife is 55 years ; and his age exceeds hers by 7 years. What is the age of each ? fS9^ Let # = age of the wife. Ans. 24 the wife's; 31 the man's. 6. A is 5 years older than B, and B is 4 years older than C ; and the sum of their ages is 73 years. What is the age of each ? Stating the question, # = C's age. #+4 = B's age. #+4-f 5 = A's age. #+# + 4+# + 4 + 5 = sum of all of them. Forming the equation, # + # + 4 + #+4 + 5 = 73. Ans. C 20 years, B 24, A 29. § 51.] TRANSPOSITION BY SUBTRACTION. 33 7. Two persons were candidates for a certain office, where there were 329 voters. The successful candidate gained his election by a majority of 53. How many voted for each 1 Ans. 191 for one, and 138 for the other. 8. A, B, and C, would divide $200 among themselves, so that B may have $6 more than A ; and C $8 more than B. How much must each have ? Ans. A must have $60, B $66, and C $74. 9. Divide $1000 between A, B, and C ; so that A shall have $72 more than B, and C $100 more than A. Ans. Give B $252, A $324, and C $424. 10. At a certain election 1296 persons voted, and the suc- cessful candidate had a majority of 120. How many voted for each ? Ans. 588 for one, and 708 for the other. 11. A father, who has three sons, leaves them $8000, spe- cifying in his will that the second shall have $500 more than the youngest, and that the eldest shall have $1000 more than the second. What is the share of each ? Ans. The eldest had $3500, the second $2500, the youngest $2000. 12. A bin, which held 74 bushels, was filled with a mixture of corn, rye, and oats. In it there were 15 bushels of rye more than of corn ; and as much oats as both corn and rye. What was the quantity of each ? Ans. 1 1 bushels of corn, 26 of rye, and 37 of oats. 13. A draper bought three pieces of cloth, which together measured 159 yirds. The second piece was 15 yards longer than the first, and ihe third 24 yards longer than the second. Whal was the length of each? Ans. The first, 35 yards; the second, 50 yards ; the third, 74 yards. C 34 ' ALGEBRA. [SECTION III SECTION III. TRANSPOSITION BY ADDITION. § 52. It is frequently found that some quantity has been subtracted from the a?'s ; as in the equation 5a? — 44 = 76. § 53. Now if we had a dollar minus 5 cents, and wished to make the sum just a dollar, we should add the five cents that are lacking. So in the above equation, we have 5a? — 44; and as we wish to make it just 5a?, we must add the 44 to it; and 5a? — 44-|-44 is the same as 5a?. But if we add 44 to one member of the equation, we must also add as much to the other member of the equation. So that adding 44 to both sides, 5a?— 44 + 44 = 76+44 Or, 5a? = 76+44 Uniting terms, 5a? = 120 Dividing by 5, a? = 24. EQUATIONS.— SECTION 3. 1. Given a?+ 14 + 3a?— 27 = 51, to find x. Ans. a? =16. 2. Given 3a?— 30— 2a? = 46 — 7, to find x. Ans. a? = 69. 3. Given 9x— 41 + 6 = 88 — 6, to find x. Ans. x— 13. 4. Given 20 + 3a?— 46 = 35— 4, to find x. Ans. a? =19. 5. Given 4a: 39 — 2a? = 47, to find x. Ans. a: = 43. 6. Given 7a?+27— 46 = 65, to find a?. Ans. a? = 12. 7. Given 14a?— 55 — 8a?+ 14 = 85, to find x. Ans. a? = 21. PROBLEMS. 19* For putting questions into equations, see page 25. 1. What number is that, from which 8 being subtracted, the remainder is 45 ? Stating the question, a? = the number. a? — 8 = when 8 is subtracted Forming the equation, a? — 8 = 45 Adding 8 to both sides, x = 53 $ 53."] TRANSPOSITION BY ADDITION. 35 2. What number is that, from which 27 being subtracted, the remainder is 41 ? Ans. 68. 3. A person bought two geese for $1.40; and gave 16 cents more for one than he did for the other. What did each cost him ? B^~ In this and the four following questions, x must stand for the first mentioned quantity. Stating the question, x = the dearest. a?— 16 = the cheapest. x+x— 16 = cost of both. 140 = cost of both. Forming the equation, x-\- x— 16= 140 Uniting terms, 2x— 16 = 140 Adding 16 to both sides, 2x= 156 Dividing by 2, x = 78. Ans. 78 cents, and 62 cents. 4. Three men, who are engaged in trade, put in $2600 as follows : A put in a certain sum ; B, $60 less than A ; and C, as much as A and B, lacking $100. What was each man's share ? Ans. A's $705 ; B's $645 ; C's $1250. 5. A purse of $8000 is to be divided among A, B, and C ; bo that B may receive $276 less than A, and C $1112 less than A and B together. What is each man's share ? Ans. A's $2416; B's $2140; C's $3444. 6. A gentleman gave to two beggars 49 cents ; giving to the first 15 cents less than to the second. How many cents did each receive? Ans. 32 and 17. 7. A man leaves $16000 to be divided to his widow, son, and daughter, in such a manner that the son is to have $2000 less than the widow, and the daughter $1000 less than the son. What is the share of each ? Ans. Widow, $7000; son, $5000; daughter, $4000. 8. Divide the number 60 into three such parts, that the first may exceed the second by 8, and the third by 16. Ans. 28 ; 20 ; and 12 36 ALGEBRA. [SECTION III. 9. Three men having found a purse of $160, quarreled about the distribution of it. After the quarrel, it was found that A had got a certain sura, and that B had $30 more than A, but C $50 less than A. How much did each obtain ? Ans. A $60; B $90 ; C $10. 10. Three men, A, B, and C, trade in company, with a stock of $3130; of which B puts in $350 more than A, and C $220 less than A. What was the capital of each ? Ans. A's$1000; B's$1350; C's $780. 11. How can an estate of $9931 be divided between a widow, son, and daughter, in such a manner that the son shall have $592 less than the widow, and $522 more than the daughter ? WtBT" After knowing the son's share, how can the daugh- ter's be found ? Ans. Widow, $3879 ; son, $3287 ; daughter, $2765. 12. A father divided $12000 among his three sons, giving to the second $1500 less than to the eldest, and $750 more than to the youngest. What was the share of each I Ans. $5250 ; $3750 ; and $3000. 13. A father has willed to his four sons $25200, as follows: To D a certain sum ; to C as much as to D, lacking $550; to B as much as to C, together with $1550; and to A twice as much as to B, lacking $10000. How much does each of them receive ? Ans. A $5100; B $7550 ; C$6000; D $6550 § 57.] TRANSPOSITION OF THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 37 SECTION IV. TRANSPOSITION OF THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. § 54. We have found that when any term has the sign -}- it may be removed from one member of the equation to the other, if we take care to change the sign to — ; for this has been done every time we have subtracted a term from both sides. Thus, in the equation #4-5 = 20; if we subtract 5 from both sides, it is plain that the first member becomes #, and the last member becomes 20 — 5 ; so that the equation would become # = 20 — 5. § 55. So also any term that has the sign — may be re- moved from one member to the other, if we take care to change the sign to -}-. Because this is the same as adding that term to both sides. Thus, in the equation #—5 = 20, if we add 5 to both sides, the first member becomes x, and the last member becomes 20 + 5. So that the equation be- comes a? = 20 + 5. § 56. When we remove a term from one member of an equation to the other member, we say that we transpose that term ; and the operation of doing it is called transposition. § 57. Any term may be transposed from one member of an equation to the other, care being taken to change the sign when we change the side. § 58. It was stated in § 25, that an equation must be Questions. How can a positive quantity be removed from one member of an equation to the other] Why? How may a negative quantity be removed from one side to the other ? Why ? What do we call this method of removing a term i What care is required in transposing? Why are we ever obliged to transpose 1 4 38 ALGEBRA. [SECTION IV brought so that the unknown quantity will occ ipy one mem ber of the equation, and the known quantities embrace the other member. And, as it frequently happens that the un- known quantities are on both sides, we are obliged to resort to transposition in order to make one side -free from them. And likewise, it is often necessary to transpose known quantities from the member which contains the unknown quantity. RULE FOR TRANSPOSING. § 59. In transposing, it is generally best to write first the unknown quantify that is already on the left ; and then bring over all those which are on the right, if there are any there. And in transposing the known quantifies to the right hand member, write those that are already there, and then trans- pose after them what known quantities there are in the left. EQUATIONS.— SECTION 4. 1. Reduce the equation \x — 14 = 3#-f-12. Transposing 3*, > ^_^ _ ^ Transposing 14,3 Uniting terms, x = 26. 2. Given 21 — 7x = 40 — 11#, to find x. Ans. a? = 4f. 3. Given 40 — 6z == 136— 14*, to find z. Ans. z = 12. 4. Given Sy — 4 = y+ 12, to find y. Ans. y = 8. 5. Given bx — 15 mi 2#+6, to find x. Ans. x = 7. 6. Given 40 — 6x — 16 =•- 120 — 14r, to find x. Ans. 12. 7. Given 4 — 9y = 14 — lly, to find y. Ans. y = 5. 8. Given x+ 18 = Sx — 5, to find x. Transposing, x — 3a? = — 5 — 18 Uniting terms, — 2x = — 23 Dividing by 2, — a?= — 11£ Question. In what order do we write the terms when we are ••ansposing ? * The pupil will recite the left hand member of this line, for trans- posing 3x. § 63.] TRANSPOSITION OF THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 39 § 60. It is of no consequence what sign accompanies the final result ; as the magnitude of the quantity is not affected by the sign. If we remember that + is understood and may be written with every positive quantity, it will be very evident that the equation — x = — 1 1£ is just as good as the equation + x = +11 5. In both cases, the quantity x is equal to the number 11$. § 61. In the result of the last question, 11| may be trans- posed to the first member ; and x may be transposed to the last member. Of course, this will change the signs ; and the equation will become 1 \\ = x. And if 1 15 = a?, it is evident that x = 1 1£. This coincides with what was shown in § 60. § 62. From what has just been said, we see that all the terms of each member may be transposed, so that the sign of each term may be changed ; and still the equation shall retain the same members as at nrst, though differently placed. Hence, it is immaterial which member is written first. And also, in any equation the signs of all the terms may be changed without affecting the equality. § 63. It is evident that all the terms of one member may be transposed to the other member. When this has been done, the member fr?m which the terms have been trans- posed becomes, 0. Thus the equation x=ll£, may be made x — ll£=0; where — ll£ balances x. PROBLEMS. WS r After the equation has been formed by § 47, it must be transposed by § 59. 1. A man has six sons, whose successive ages differ by 4 years ; and the eldest is three times as old as the young- est. What are their ages ? Questions. What sign must accompany the answer? Explain. Explain by transposition. To what extent may the signs be chvinged 1 Why? To what extent may the terms be transposed 1 Why? 40 ALGEBRA. [SECTION IV Stating the question, x = age of the youngest # + 4 = " " next # + 4 + 4 == " " next # + 4 + 4 + 4 = " " next. #+4 + 4-1-4 + 4-= " " next. #+4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = " " eldest. 3x = " " eldest. Forming the equation, #+4+4+4+4+4 = 3a? Uniting terms, Transposing the 3# and 20, Uniting terms, Dividing by 2, or #+20 = 3# # — 3# = —20 — 2* = — 20 — # = — 10 x = 1 age of the [youngest. 2. A person bought two horses, and also a hundred dollar harness. The first horse, witl* the harness, was of equal value with the second horse. But the second horse with the harness cost twice as much as the first. What was the price of each horse ? Stating the question, x = price of the first. #+ 100 = price of the second. #+100+100 = 2d horse harnessed. 2x = twice price of first. Forming the equation, x + 1 00 + 1 00 = 2x Transpos. from both members, x — 2# = — 100 — 100 Uniting terms, — x = — 200 Or x = 200 &c. 3. A privateer, running at the rate of 10 miles an hour, discovers a ship 18 miles off, sailing at the rate of 8 miles an hour. How many hours can the ship run before she will be overtaken by the privateer? H©^ In x hours, the privateer will go 10a? miles, which is the whole distance. In the same time, the ship will go Sx miles. But the ship had already gone 18 miles, which, added to the Sx, will make the whole distance. 5 63.] TRANSPOSITION. 41 4. A gentleman distributing money among some poor peo- ple, found that if he undertook to give 5s. to each, he would lack 10s. Therefore, he gave only 4s. to each, and finds that he has 5s. left. How many persons were there ? W^~ It will be found that 5a? — 10= his money by the first supposition, and 4x+5 = the money by the last suppo- sition. Ans. 15. 5. I once had $84 in my possession ; and I gave away so much of it, that what I have now equals three times as much as I gave away. How much did I give away ? ffl&T If I gave away $#, then $84 — x will be what re- mains. Ans. $21. 6. A certain sum of money was shared among five persons, A, B, C, D, and E. Now B received $10 less than A ; C, $16 more than B ; D, $5 less than C ; E, $15 more than D. And it was found that the sum of the shares of the first three put together, were equal to the sum of the shares of the other two. How much did each man receive ? Ans. A $21 ; B $11 ; C $27 ; D $22 ; E $37. 7. A person wishes to give 3 cents apiece to some beggars, but finds that he has not money enough by 8 cents. He gives them 2 cents apiece and has 3 cents left. How many beggars were there ? Ans. 11. 8. A courier who had started from a certain place 10 hours ago, is pursued by another from the same place, and on the same road. The first goes 4 miles an hour, and the second 9 In how many hours will the pursuer overtake the first? fgy If the pursuer goes x hours, the first must go x-f 10 hours. But, as both go from the same place, tha distance that each goes must be the same. In generalization see page 113. 42 ALGEBRA. [SECTION V. SECTION V. MULTIPLICATION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES BY SIMPLE QUANTITIES. v § 64. Suppose you purchase 8 melons at 7 cents apiece, and afterwards find that you must give 5 cents apiece more for them. In this case you pay 8 times 7 cents, and also 8 times 5 cents ; that is, first, 56 cents, and afterwards 40 cents. § 65. Let us apply this principle to Algebra. You pay in all, 8 times (7 + 5,) which =56+10. Which shows that in multiplying a compound quantity, you multiply each term by the multiplier. We can easily see that this operation will give the right answer; for in the case of the melons, they cost 12 cents apiece, and therefore their whole cost was 8 times 12 cents which =96 cents. But the answer just obtained, 56+40 = 96. § 66. But suppose that after you had paid 7 cents apiece, a deduction of 5 cents apiece was made. The whole cost would then be 8 times (7 — 5,) which =56 — 40. And this agrees with the truth ; for you first paid 56 cents, and after- wards 40 cents were deducted. W£T — 5 multiplied by 8, signifies that — 5 is to be added 8 times. Therefore retaining the sign, (§29), we add — 40. § 67. This shows that + multiplied by +, produces + ; and — multiplied by +, produces — . EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply a; +4, by 3. Operation. a? +4 Ans. 'Sx +12. Questions. How do we multiply a compound quantity] Explain why. How do the signs of the answer correspond with the quantity that is multiplied 1 Explain for the — , 5 69.1 MULTIPLICATION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. 43 2. Multiply 12 + a?, by 5. Ans. 60 + 5a?. 3. Multiply x— 10, by 8. Ans. 8a? — 80. 4. Multiply 126— a-, by 4. Ans. 504— 4a:. 5. Multiply a? + 8, by 6. 6. Multiply 40 + a*, by 10. , 7. Multiply a?— 32, by 9. 8. Multiply 52— x, by 12. 9. Multiply 2a? + 14, by 7. 10. Multiply 27 + 3a?, by 14. 11. Multiply 3a?— 62, by 15. 12. Multiply 97 — 4a?, by 12. 13. Multiply a?+7— y, by 7. 14. Multiply Sx+y— 12, by 8. 15. Multiply 2a?— 3y— 6, by 6. 16. Multiply 3a?— 12+y, by 5. § 68. Franciscus Vieta, a Frenchman, introduced about the year 1600, the vinculum or a straight line drawn over the top of two or more quantities when it is wished to connect them together. Thus, a + 4x3, signifies that both a? and 4 are to be multiplied by 3. § 69. In 1629, Albert Girard, a Dutchman, introduced the parenthesis as a convenient substitute, in many cases, for the vinculum. Thus, (a?+4)x3, is the same as a* + 4x3 ; and is read, a? +4, both x3. If there are more than two terms under the vinculum, we say, after repeating those terms, all, &c. Thus, (a?+y) x(« — b+c), is read x-\-y both into a—b + c all. See also § 103. Questions. What is a vinculum 1 How is the parenthesis used 1 How is a compound quantity read when embraced by a vinculum or parenthesis 1. 44 ALGEBRA. l SECTI0N T » EQUATIONS. — SECTION 5. 1. Given x — 9x11 = 121, to find a?. Writing the equation, x— 9 X 1 1 = 121 Performing the multiplication, \\x — 99 =121 Transposing and uniting, llx = 220 Dividing by 11, x = 20. 2. Given (#+7) x6 = 54, to find a?. Ans. x = 2. 3. Given 12 + xx5 = 100, to find x. Ans. 8. 4. Given x— 9 x8 = 96, to find x. Ans. 21, 5. Given 367— 3#x5 = 920, to find x. Ans. 61. 6. Given(8+a:)x2+14 = 72, to find a?. 10° The pupil must understand that 14 is not a part of the multiplier, because there is the sign -f between it and the ultiplier. Ans. 21. 7. Given (15+*) x3— 27 = 48, to find x. Ans. 10. 8. (112— 2*)x3 = (2x— 7)x4, to find x. Ans. 26. 9. (3z+14)x4 = (78— a*)x5, to find ic. Ans. 19}|. 10. 2x + 8x5 = (32 +.r)x3, to find a\ Ans. 8. 11. (3x— 14)x7 = (17— x)x6, to find x. Ans. 7Jf 12. 120— 3xx2 = (4x— 6)x9, to find a?. Ans. 7. PROBLEMS. 1. Two persons, A and B, lay out equal sums of money in trade ; A gains $126, and B loses $87 ; and now A's money is double of B's. What did each lay out? Stating the question, x, = the sum for each. a?+126 = A's sum now. x — 87 = B's sum now. 2x— 174 = the double of B's Forming the equation, #-r-126 = 2:r— 174. Transposing and uniting, — a?= — 300. Changing signs, x = 300 the answei § 69. j MULTIPLICATION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. 45 2. A person, at the time he was married, was 3 times as old as his wife; but after they had lived together 15 years, he was only twice as old. What were their ages on their wedding day? Stating the question, x = the wife's age. Sx = the man's age* a?+ 15= the wife's after 15 years 3a?+15 = the man's after 15 years. 2a?+30 = twice the wife's age. Forming the equation, 3#+ 1 5 = 2.T+30 Transposing and uniting, x= 15 the wife's age. Sx = 45 the man's age. 3. A man having some calves and some sheep, and being asked how many he had of each sort; answered that he had twenty more sheep than calves, and that seven times the num- ber of calves was equal to three times the number of sheep. How many were there of each ? Ir^T 3 * If x= number of calves, then x + 20= number of sheep. Ans. 15 calves, and 35 sheep. 4. Two persons, A and B, having received equal sums of money, A paid away $25, and B paid away $60 ; and then it appeared that A had just twice as much money left as B. What was the sum that each received ? Ans. $95. 5. Divide the number 75 into two such parts, so that three times the greater may exceed 7 times the less by 15. I'lT* If x= the greater then 75— x = the less; and 3a? will = (7 times the less) + 15. Ans. 54 and 21. 6. The garrison of a certain town consists of 125 men, partly cavalry and partly infantry. The monthly pay of a horse soldier is $20, and that of a foot soldier is $15; and the whole garrison receives $2050 a month. What is the number of cavalry, and what of infantry ? If j = number of cavalry, then 20# = the whole pay of cavalry, &c. Are. 35 cavalry, and 90 infantry 46 ALGEBRA. [SECTION V. 7. A grocer sold his brandy for 25 cents a gallon more than he asked for his wine ; and 37 gallons of his wine came to as much as 32 gallons of his brandy. What was each per gallon? Ans. $1.60 for wine; and $1.85 for brandy. 8. A wine merchant has two kinds of wine ; the one costs 9 shillings a gallon, the other 5. He wishes to mix both wines together, so that he may have 50 gallons that may be sold without profit or loss for 8 shillings a gallon. How much must he take of each sort ? SZW There are 50 gallons of both kinds, and after rina- ing the cost by the kinds, the whole mixture will be worth 50 times 8 shillings. Ans. 37 d gallons of the best; and 125 of the poorer. 9. A gentleman is now 40 years old, and his son is 9 years old. In how many years, if they both live, will the father be only twice as old as his son ? JO 1 * In x years he will be 40-)-#> and his son 9-\-x. Ans. 22 years. 10. A man bought 20 oranges and 25 lemons for $1.95. For each of the oranges he gave 3 cents more than for a lemon. What did he give apiece for each ? Ans. 3 cents for lemons ; 6 cents for oranges. 11. A man sold 45 barrels of flour for $279 ; some at $5 a barrel, and some at $8. . How many barrels were there of each sort? Ans. 27 at $5 ; and 18 at $8. 12. Says John to William, I have three times as many marbles as you. Yes, says William; but if you will give me 20, I shall have 7 times as many as you. How many has each? !Cr" Let x = William's, and 3a? = John's. Then after the change, #+20= William's, and 3x — 20 = John's. Ans. John 24 ; William 8. 13. A person bought a chaise, horse, and harness, for $440. The horse cost him the price of the harness, and $80 more ; and the chaise cost twice the price of the horse. What did he give for each ? Ans. For the harness $50 ; horse $130 ; chaise $260 § 69.] MULTIPLICATION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. 47 14. Two men talking of their ages, the first says, Your age is 18 years more than mine, and twice your age is equal to three times mine. What is the age of each ? Ans. Youngest, 36 years ; eldest, 54 years. 15. A boy had 41 apples which he wished to divide among three companions as follows : to the second, twice as many as to the first, and 3 apples more ; and to the third, three times as many as to the second, and 2 apples more. How many did he give to each ? . Ans. To the first, 3 ; second, 9; third, 29^, ^l 16. How many gallons of wine, at 9 shillings a gallon, must be mixed with 20 gallons at 13 shillings, so that the mixture may be worth 10 shillings a gallon ? Ans. 60 gallons. 17. Two persons, A and B, have each an annual income of $400. A spends, every year, $40 more than B ; and, at the end of 4 years, they both together save a sum equal to the yearly income of either. What do they spend annually ? Ans. A, $370 ; B, $330. 18. A farmer wishes to mix rye worth 72 cents a bushel, with oats worth 45 cents a bushel, so that he may have 100 bushels worth 54 cents a bushel. How many bushels of each sort must he take ? Ans. 33 £ of rye, and 66| of oats. In generalization see page 136. 48 ALGEBRA. [SECTION TI. SECTION VI. FRACTIONS. § 70. All the division which the pupil has as yet performed, has been the division either of numeral quantities, or of the numeral co-efficients. But in Algebra, it is frequently neces- sary to divide literal quantities. For example, after having made x to stand for an unknown quantity, we may wish to find the half of x, or the third of x, or the fourth of x, &c. § 71. In common arithmetic, if we wish to divide 1 by 2, we do it by writing 2 under the 1 ; thus, 5. So if we wish to divide 2 by 3, we write 3 under the 2; thus, I. In the same manner, 2 divided by 5 is written -f ; 3^-4 is written | ; 6-i-7 is written ^. The quantities that are obtained by di- viding in t is manner, are called J ract ion*. § 72. In Algebra, we most generally make use of this method of dividing ; especially when we divide literal quan- tities. Or, in other words, we divide a literal quantity by writing the divisor under the dividend, with a straight line between them; thus, x divided by 2, is written £; and is read j-ha/f x-r-S, is written * ; and is read, x-third ; x-r-4, is written J, and is read x-fourth; ^x—A = 3 ~, and is read, Sx-fourth. § 73. The two separate numbers that we employ in writing a fraction, are called terms. The upper term is called the numerator, and the lower term is called the den mi/iat >r. Thus, in the fraction f , we call x the numerator, and 3 the denominator. § 74. If the one-third of x is f , it is evident that f of x, is two times as much; that is I*. If J of a? is |, then | of Questions. Can literal quantities be divided 1 In what manner 1 Which part of a fraction is the denominator 1 Which is the nume- rator 1 What are they both called? § 77.] FRACTIONS. 49 x is 3 |. Whence the rule to multiply a whole number by a fraction, is, to multiply the whole number by the numera- tor, and divide by the denominator; as £ of x is 4 £ ; f of y is?*; | of a is 2 f Examples. The pupil may multiply a, a;, and y, each of them by f ; and then by £ ; and then by f , |, £ , f , $,.|, suc- cessively. § 75. As we can multiply a number of parts as well as a number of wholes, and as the denominator is nothing more than the name of the parts ; it is plain that to multiply a frac- tion, we multiply the numerator, and retain the denomina- tor without alteration. Thus, 2 times | is f ; 3 times |- is £ ; 2 times f is f ; 4 times § is f ; &c. Examples. Multiply each of the following fractions by 2, then by 3, and then by 4. f, |, f , 4, f , f , f , £, f , §, |, * 3x 4x T' 1' § 76. As we know that 2 halves = a whole, we readily conclude that 4 halves = 2 wholes ; and that 6 halves = 3 wholes, &c. Likewise, because 3 thirds = a whole, 6 thirds must equal 2 wholes ; and 9 thirds must equal 3 wholes. In the same manner 8 fourths = 2 wholes ; 20 fifths = four wholes; 18 thirds = 6 wholes, &c. Such fractions as {, 2 £, ^, &c, are called improper fractions, § 77. Hence, in order to find how many whole ones there are in any number of halves, we have only to see how many times two halves are contained in that number. Thus, in 10 halves there are as many whole ones as there are 2 halves contained in 10 halves ; which is 5. In the same manner, in 12 thirds there are as many whole ones as there are 3 thirds contained in 12 thirds ; which is 4. Questions. How do we multiply a whole number by a fraction? Give the answers to the examples. How do we multiply a fraction? Examples. What are improper fractions? How can an improper "raction be changed to a whole number? D 5 50 ALGEBRA. [SECTION VI. § 78. Thus we have the rule, to change an improper fraction to a whole number, divide the numerator by the denominator. When the answer consists of an integer and a fraction, it is called a mixed number. Examples. 1. How many whole ones in -|? Ans. 8-~3 = 2$. 2. How many whole ones in } ? %1 ^\ J? f? 3. How many whole ones in' »? ?? g? *1 {?? 4. How many whole ar's in Jt $5? 8p? ^? 5. How many whole x's in if? ?| x ? Jp! 5|«? 6. How many whole a^'s in 3 times *?? 7. How many whole x's in 4 times \ ? 8. How many whole a*'s in 5 times J ?v^ § 79. If we have the quantity f , we know that, as it takes 5 fifths to make a whole one, it will take 5 times this quan- tity to make a whole x. Therefore, if we multiply * by 5, we shall obtain ^, or exactly x. If we multiply ^ by 3, we shall obtain ^, or, which is the same, x. If we multiply f by 4, we shall obtain 4 |, or x. § 80. As 4 times f is equal to x ; then 4 times 2 | must be equal to twice as much, or 2x ; and 4 times j must be three times as much, or 3a?. As 3 times £ is equal to x; so 3 times 5? must be twice as much, or 2x. § 81. Any fraction when multiplied by the number which is the same as the denominator, will produce a quantity which is the same as the numerator. Thus, 5 | X 4 = 5.t; ^xS=7x. We shall be able to make use of this principle in the solu- tion of many equations, if we operate in accordance with the following axiom or self-evident truth. Questions. What is a mixed number 1 ? What is obtained by mul tiplying a fraction by a number that is the same as the denominator * § 86.] FRACTIONS. 51 §32. Jf equals be multiplied by the same, their products will be equal. Thus, if x = 10, then 2x = 20 ; 4x = 40, &c. § 83. It is evident [§76] that each of the following frac- tions, §, |, £, f , |, }, f , |, &c, is equal to 1. Therefore, they must be equal to one another. Also, each of the follow- ing fractions, f , J, f , |, ^ 2 , &c, is equal to 2 ; and conse- quently they are all equal to one another. In the same man- ner, we may make many fractions that will equal 3 ; and so of any other number. Fractions that are equal to one another but have different terms, are called equivalent fractions. § 84. Let us take from the first set of the above fractions, § and * which are equal to one another. We see that both the numerator and denominator in the last fraction are twice as much as in the first. We find the same, by taking from the second set, the equal fractions \ , | ; and also -| and £ ; and also f and j 2 . Again, in the equal fractions, § and f , we find each term in the last fraction three times as great as the correspondent term in the first fraction. The same may be observed in the fractions | and -§■ ; and also in f and £ and also in f and f . § 85. By pursuing this investigation, we shall find that whenever we multiply both the numerator and the denomi- nator by the same number, no matter what that number may- be, the fraction made by that multiplication will be equal in value to the first fraction. Hence, there is an equality between the value of the following fractions, ^, f , £, f , T 5 „, T \, a vinculum. Thus, in the eleventh ex- ample, above, — &■- — is subtracted as a simple quantity, and 6 Questions. What effect has ^ vinculum upon a compound quan- tity 1 W T hat if the oomponnd quantity is a fraction? If a fraction is to be subtracted, what sign is to be changed 1 § 104.] SUBTRACTION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. 69 is read, minus the fraction, 4x ~ 6 u, 3a?+7 . 4x—6 3a?+7 12. From — - — , subtract — - — . Ans. 4 ' 5 4 5 ._ „ 3a?+8 . 51— a? 3a?+8 51— a? 13. From — - — , subtract — - — . Ans. — — . 2 3 2 3 .. ' 7— 2x . 21a? — 4 14. from — - — , subtract -— x. i 3 10 , 7 — 2x 21a?— 4 , Ans. — — ~ W -+X. 15. From x +4— 2 a?, subtract 3a?— 6. 16. From 4a? — 6y, subtract — x-\-y— 7. 17. From 8+2a?, subtract — t/-+-3a?. , Q n 3a?— 7 . 2— 6a? 18. From — -— , subtract — -— . 2 3 7# g 19. From 8a?, subtract 3a? . 5 20. From a?, subtract -~^- x. 3 2a?— *v 21. From 2a?— y, subtract — ;r-^+y» 3-4- a? 22. From 3+a?, subtract — !— +a?. UNITING FRACTIONS OF DIFFERENT DENOMINATORS. § 104. By looking at the answers to the last three exam- ples in § 102, and also the next three in § 103, it will appear that we ought to have some rule for uniting their terms. We can easily find one by applying the principle explained in § 85. For we have only to change each of the fractions to an equivalent fraction, so that they will all have one with an- other the same common denominator. 70 ALGEBRA. [SECTION IX. Thus, the answer to the twelfth example under § 103, is 4x-6 3a?+7 , „ ■ — — . JNow each ot these two fractions maybe changed to 20ths, by multiplying the first by 5, and the last fpu ... , '. 20a;—* 30 12ar+28 , . . by 4. They will then become ■■ — I which = (20a:— 30) — (12a: -J- 28) _ 20ar— 30 — 12a; — 28 __ 8x — 58 90 20 20~~ 4x — 29 7 io - "* § 105. Thus we have the rule for uniting fractions of dif- ferent denominators. Multiply all the denominators toge- ther for a new denominator; and each numerator by all the denominators except its own, for new numerators : remem- bering that if a compound numerator follows minus — , all the signs in it must be changed the m ment one denomina- tor is used for the whole quantity ; that is, when the short vinculums are destroyed for the purpose of making the longer one. examples. 1. Unite the terms in the answer to the 13th sum in § 103. Operation. /3a- -f 8 51— a^ _ 9.r+24_ 102— 2x\ _ V2 3~~ '™V 6 (5 / 9a--f24 — 102-f2a? _ lla;— 78 ~~ 6 6 * Note. — In this operation the first minus has reference to the whole quantity / — — j ; the second minus to the whole . \ no 2a?\ quantity ( ). In this last quantity, 102 has no sign before itself and is therefore positive. Now, when the line Questions. How can fractional terms be united 1 Give the rule. What if integers are multiplied with the fractions 1 §106.] DIFFERENT DENOMINATORS. 71 between the numerator and denominator is carried through the ic'ole quantity, the vinculum of 102—2.7; is destroyed; and then is the time for changing the signs for subtracting. § 106. Whenever there are integers to be united with frac- tions, they may be changed to fractions, by putting the number 6 x 1 under them for the denominator. Thus, 6=—; # = -. 2. Unite the terms in the quantity 7 - — - . 5 6 Operation. — The quantity is — — ~ — . 15 6 7 210 Both terms of - multiplied by 5 and by 6, equals — — . Both terms of f- multiplied by 6, equals ^. Both terms of ^ — multiplied by 5, equals =^~ — . Therefore, /7 2y lOy— 4\ _ ,2\0 _12y ^50y — 20\ \l~~5~ 6 / \~30T "30 30 ~) 210— 12y— 50yf20 _ 230-r62y 115— 31y 30 30 15 « it • u -i 8-J-7.T " Sx 3. Unite the terms in the quantity, 5-- . 3 5 40 + 35^— 75— 9x 26.r— 35 AnS * IS" 15— i 2iP 4. Unite the terms in the quantity, 26 — 3#-f-— -. o ^ m §x-\-2x n „ 7x Ans. 26 ~ — = 26 -. o o 2x 21 x 4 5. Unite the terms in the quantity, 7 — — ln -fa:. Ans. 72 ALGEBRA. [SECTION IX 6 + 2x 4x — 3 6. Unite the terms in the quantity, 12 — — — J& Ans. *"=£?. 8 l0 x x x 7. Unite the terms in the quantity, -+- +-- 13# . # Ans . -g— •+ ff 8. Unite the terms in the quantity, 4+ 3 — * — ~g* ^J* The fractions may be united } Ang j^* by themselves. S 3* 4z 9. Unite the terms in the quantity, ±z ——+z — jr. 43z Ans. 5Z rr-« 35 Sy— 4 10. Unite the terms in the quantity, y - h2y— 3 15 15 6x+7 r 3*— 4 11. Subtract — - — from — — . 4 / 5x— 6 r S—x 12. Subtract — — - from — - — x x 13. Subtract 3—- from 7-. 2 x 14. Subtract Sx -— from 5a?. 4 15. Subtract -? — - from - -J-. 16. Subtract £^+VS£! from 4*-f. §106.] SUBTRACTION OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. 73 EQUATIONS. — SECTION 9. 1. There are two numbers, whose sum is 140; and if 4 times the less be subtracted from 3 times the greater, the re- mainder will be 70. What are the numbers ? Stating the question, x — the greater. 140 — x== the less. Sx = 3 times the greater. 560— 4a: = 4 times the less. Forming the equation, 3a?— 560 + 4a? = 70 Transposing, uniting, and dividing, x mm 90 Ans. Greater number, 90 ; less, 50. 2. A person, after spending $100 more than a third of his yearly income, found that the remainder was $150 more thai half of it. What was his income? Ans. $1500 3. Two men, A and B, commenced trade. A had twice a* much money as B ; he has since gained $50, and B has losf $90 ; and now the difference between A's and B's money, is equal to three times what B has. How much had each when they commenced trade? Ans. A, $410; B, $205. 4. A man bought a horse and chaise for $341. If $ of the price of the horse be subtracted from twice the price of the chaise, the remainder will be the same as if f of the price of the chaise be subtracted from three times the price of the horse. What was the price of each ? IC If the price of the chaise be a?, and the price of the horse be 341— a:; then the first remainder will be 2a? = . But when the fraction is destroyed, the vinculum is taken away, and therefore the last sign must be changed from — to -j-. Ans. Chaise, $189; horse, $152. 5. A gentleman bought a watch and chain for $160. If | of the price of the watch be subtracted from six times the price of the chain, the remainder will be the same as if T 5 f of the 7 74 ALGEBRA. ^SECTION IX. price df the chain were subtracted from twice the price of the watch. What was the price of each ? Ans. Watch, $112; chain, $48. 6. Divide the number 204 into two such parts, that if T of the less were subtracted from the greater, the remainder will be equal to ^ of the greater subtracted from four times the less. Ans. Greater, 154; less, 50. 7. Two travellers, A and B, found a purse of money. A first takes out $2 and * of what remains ; and then B takes $3 and j- of what remains ; and it is found that each has the same sum. How much money was in the purse ? Ans. $20. 8. A shepherd was met by a band of robbers, who plun- dered him of half of his flock and half a sheep over. After- wards a second party met him, and took half of what he had left, and half a sheep over; and soon after this, a third party met him, and treated him in the like manner; and then he had 5 sheep left. How many had he at first? Ans. 47 sheep. 9. A gentleman hired a laborer for 20 days, on condition that for every day he worked he should receive 14 shillings; but for every day he was idle he should forfeit 6 shillings. At the end of the 20 days he received 160 shillings. How many days did he work, and how many days was he idle ? Ans. He worked 14 days, and was idle 6. 10. Divide the number 48 into two such parts, that the ex- cess of one of them above 20, shall be three times as much as the other wants of 20. f£J* The excess of a number above 20 is obtained by sub- tracting 20 from it. Ans. 32 and 16. 11. A person in play lost a fourth of his money, and then won back 3*. ; after which he lost a third of what he now had, and then won back 2s. ; lastly, he lost a seventh of what he then had, and then found he had but 12s. remaining. What had he at first? Ans. 20s. In generalization, see page 158. § 109.] RATIO AND PROPORTION. 75 SECTION X. RATIO AND PROPORTION. § 107. When an unknown quantity is not, either by itself, or in some connexion with others, known to be equal to some known quantity or set of quantities ; we may sometimes find that there is a comparison between it and some known quan- tity, which is the same as the comparison between two known quantities. Thus, suppose I buy 27 yards of cloth for $72, and wish to sell for $16 so much of it as cost me $16. In this case the number of yards to be sold is not equal to any other quantity that is mentioned. But we suppose that it must compare with the number of yards bought, in the same man- ner that $16 compares with $72. By knowing this compari- son, we can find the number of yards ; because, as $16 is | of $72, so the number of yards to be sold must be | of the number of yards bought. It is 6 yards. § 108. It will be seen that the comparison in this example consists in observing how many times one of the numbers is contained in the other. 72 is contained in 16, two-ninths of a time. When a comparison of this kind is made, the result that is obtained is called their ratio. Thus, in comparing the numbers 3 and 4, we find that 4 is contained in 3, three- fourths of a time ; and therefore we say the ratio of 3 to 4 is -J. § 109. The pupil must remember that the ratio of one number to another, always signifies how the first number compares with the last. Thus, the ratio of 8 to 5, is } ; that is, 8 is | of 5. Hence the ratio is expressed by making the first term to be a numerator, and the last to be the denominator. Questions. Do we ever make use of comparison in algebra? Ex- plain how. In what does the comparison consist] What is that kind of comparison called in mathematical language ? How can a ratio be expressed ? Why 1 76 ALGEBRA. [SECTION X. § 1 10. In the example just furnished relative to the cloth; the ratio of the money paid, to the money obtained for a part of the cloth; (that is, the ratio of $72 to $i6,) is T *«*§. And so also the ratio of the cloth bought, to the cloth sold; (that is, the ratio of 27 yards to 6 yards,) is 2 ? which equals 2 . Here we see, that although the ratios are differently expressed, they are, notwithstanding, equal to one another. §111. When the ratio of two quantities is equal to the ratio of other two quantities, there is said to be a proportion between them; that is, an equality f ratios is called a pro- portion. § 1 12. Our chief business with ratios at present, is to learn when they form a proportion ; that is, when they are equal to one another. Now, as they may be expressed in the form of a fraction; it is evident, that when they are brought to a com- mon denominator, if the fractions are equal their numerators will be the same, and if they are not equal their numerators will not be the same. For example, is 1 1 to 21 = 33 to 63 ? We pursue our in- quiry as follows : 11 to 21 is the same as ^j, and 33 to 63 is the same as j4« We bring the fractions to a common deno- minator by § 105. 11 ,33 693 „ 693 — and — = and . 21 63 1323 1323 We find they are equal, and the four terms 11 to 21 =33 to 63 are proportional. § 113. Although ratios are sometimes expressed fraction- ally, they are generally expressed as follows: 11 : 21 and 33 : 63 ; that is, 11 divided by 21, 33 divided by 63. The pupil will see that we employ the same sign that expresses division, with the exception of the — between the two dots Question. ■ Can a ratio be equal to another, and yet be differently expressed ? Give an example. What do we call an equality of ratios] How may we determine whether ratios are equal? Give an example. Are ratios always expressed by fractions ? How else 1 §117.J RATIO AND PROPORTION. 77 The sign : is read is to, and the foregoing examples are read 11 is to 21 and 33 is to 63. §114. When four quantities are proportional, they are written thus, 11 : 21 : : 33 : 63. The sign :: is read as; and the whole expression is read, 11 is to 21 as 33 is to 63. §115. In a proportion, the first and the last terms are called extremes, and the two middle terms are called means. In the above proportion, 11 and 63 are the extremes, and 21 and 33 are the means. § 116. In order to derive any important use from a pro- portion, we wish the pupil to recollect the method employed to find whether four quantities are proportional. We multi- plied (see §112; ihe first numerator by the last denominator, to find one new numerator. These were the two extremes. We also multiplied the last numerator by the first denomina- tor, to find the ther new numerator. These were the two means. And hence we learn, that if four quantities are pro- portional, the product of the two extremes is equal to the product of the means. RULE. § 117. «/? proportion may be reduced to an equation by multiplying the extremes together for one member ; and multiplying the means t gether for the other member. Thus, 2:7:: 8 : x, becomes in an equation 2x = 56 ; whence x = 28. Or, the fourth term may befund by multiplying the two means t> gether, and dividing their product by the first extreme. Questions. How is a proportion written ? Which terms are the extremes ? Which terms are the means ? In hrinjjintr the n.ti s to a common denominator, what did we do with the extremes] Y\ hat did we do with the two means? What principle does this show 1 What then can we do with a proportion ? 7* 78 ALGEBRA. [SECTION X. EQUATIONS.— SECTION 10. 1. If you divide $75 between two men in the proportion of 3 to 2, what will each man receive ? Stating the question, x = the share of one. 75 — x = the share of the other. Making the proportion. x : 75 — x : : 3 : 2 2x = 225— 3a? Multiplying ext. and means to reduce to an equation, Transposing and uniting, 5x = 225 Dividing, x = 45 Ans. $45; and $30. 2. Divide $150 into two parts, so that the smaller may be to the greater as 7 to 8. Ans. 70 ; and 80. 3. Divide $1235 between A and B, so that A's share may be to B's as 3 to 2. Ans. A's share $741 ; B's $494. 4. Two persons buy a ship for $8640. Now, the sum paid by A is to that paid by B, as 9 to 7. What sum did each contribute ? Ans. A paid $4860 ; B $3780. 5. A prize of $2000 was divided between two persons, whose shares were in proportion as 7 to 9. What was the share of each? Ans. $875; and $1125. 6. A gentleman is now 30 years old, and his youngest brother 20. In how many years will their ages be as 5 to 4? iO " After stating the question, the proportion will be 30+a?:20+#:: 5:4. Ans. 20 years. 7. What numbei is that, which, when added to 24, and also to 36, will produce sums that will be to each other as 7 to 9? Ans. 18. 8. Two men commenced trade together. The first put in § 118.] RATIO AND PROPORTION. 79 $40 more than the second ; and the stock of tne first was to that of the second as 5 to 4. What was the stock of each ? Ans. $200; and' $160. 9. A gentleman hired a servant for $100 a year, together with a suit of clothes which he was to have immediately. At the end of 8 months, the servant went away, and received $60 and kept the suit of clothes. What was the value of the suit of clothes ? Ans. $20. 10. A ship and a boat are descending a river at the same time ; and when the ship is opposite a certain fort, the boat is 13 miles ahead. The ship is sailing at the rate of 5 miles, while the boat is going 3. At what distance below the fort will they be together? The ship sails x miles from the fort ; the boat will sail 13 miles less. Ans. 32£ miles. §118. It is very often the case that a problem is easily solved by using simply the ratio, instead of a proportion. Operation by Ratio. %C3* In these questions the pupil must not use any pro- portions. 11. Divide 40 apples between two boys in the proportion of 3 to 2. Stating the question, x = the share of one. Now, as the ratio of the first to the second is | ; then the ratio of the second to the first is J. Therefore, Org « — = the share of the second. o 2<£ Forming the equation, a?-f-— = 40 o Multiplying by 3, 3#-f 2x = 120 Uniting terms, x = 24 Ans. 24, and 16. 80 ALGEBRA. [SECTION X. 12. Three men trading in company, gain $780. As often as A put in $2, B put in $3, and C put in $5. What part of the gain must each of them receive ? Stating the question, x = A's share. — = B's share. 2 — = C's share. z Sx 5x Forming the equation, x-\- — -+- -7- = 780. Ans. A, $156; B, $234 ; C, $390. 13. Two butchers bought a calf for 40 shillings, of which the part paid by A, was to the part paid by B, as 3 to 5. What sum did each pay ? Ans. A paid 15*. ; B, 25s. 14. Divide 560 into two such parts, that one part may be to the other as 5 to 2. Ans. 400, and 160. 15. A field of 864 acres is to be divided among three farmers, A, B, and C ; so that A's part shall be to B's as 5 to 1 1, and C may receive as much as A and B together. How much must each receive? Ans. A, 135; B, 297; C, 432 acres. 16. Three men trading in company, put in money in the following proportion ; the first 3 dollars as often as the second 7, and the third 5. They gain $960. What is each man's share of the gain ? Ans. $192; $448; $320. 17. Find two numbers in the proportion of 2 to 1, so that if 4 be added to each, the two sums will be in proportion of 3 to 2. IC7* The last expression means that the greatest is | of the smallest ; or the smallest is -| of the greatest. Ans. 8 and 4. 18. Two numbers are to each other as 2 to 3 ; but if 50 be subtracted from each, one will be one-half of the other. What are the numbers? Ans. 100 and 150. 19. A sum of money is to be divided between two persons, A and B ; so that as often as A takes $9, B takes $4. Now § 118.] RATIO AND PROPORTION. 81 it happens that A receives $15 more than B. What is the share of each ? Ans. A, $27 ; B, $12. 20. There are two numbers in proportion of 3 to 4 ; but if 24 be added to each of them, the two sums will be in the pro- portion of 4 to 5. What are the numbers ? Ans. 72 and 96. 21. A man's age when he was married was to that of his wife as 3 to 2 ; and when they had lived together 4 years, his age was to hers as 7 to 5. What were their ages when they were married? Ans. His age, 24; hers, 16 years. 22. A certain man found when he married, that his age was to that of his wife as 7 to 5. If they had been married 8 years, sooner, his age would have been to hers as 3 to 2. What were their ages at the time of their marriage ? Ans. His age, 56 years ; hers, 40. 23. A man's age, when he was married, was to that of his wife as 6 to 5 ; and after they had been married 8 years, her age was to his as 7 to 8. What were their ages when they were married ? Ans. Man, 24 ; wife, 20 years. 24. A bankrupt leaves $8400 to be divided among four creditors, A, B, C, and D, in proportion to their claims. Now, A's claim is to B's as 2 to 3 ; B's claim to C's as 4 to 5 ; and C's claim to D's as 6 to 7. How much must each creditor receive ? Ans. A, $1280; B, $1920 ; C, $2400; D, $2800. 25. A sum of money was divided between two persons, A and B, so that the share of A was to that of B as 5 to 3. Now, A's share exceeded f of the whole sum by $50. What was the share of each ? Ans. $450, and $270. In generalization, see page 154 82 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XI SECTION XI. EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. § 119. It frequently happens, that several unknown quan- tities are introduced into a problem. But when this is the case, if the conditions will give rise to as many equations, independent of each other, as there are unknown quantities, there is no difficulty in finding the value of each quantity. § 120, An equation is said to be independent of another when it cannot, either by multiplication or by division, be changed into that other, Thus, Ix — i/=47, is independent of the equation 10?/-f 4x = 50 ; because one of them cannot be so altered as to make the other. But, Ix — 1/=47, is not inde- pendent of the equation 2\x — 3i/=141 ; because the last is made by multiplying the first by 3. § 121. At present we will attend to those equations only that include two unknown quantities, each represented by a different letter from the other. § 122. In equations that contain two unknown quantities, our first object must be to find the value of one of them ; and in order to do this, the preliminary step is to derive from the equations that are given, another equation which shall have but one unknown quantity. This operation is called elimi- nating, or exterminating the other unknown quantities. § 123. There are three different methods of forming one equation with one unknown quantity from two equations containing two unknown quantities. With each of these, the learner should become familiar; as it is sometimes convenient to use one of them, and sometimes another. Questions. When is one equation said to be independent of an- other 1 ? Explain. When there are several unknown quantities, how many independent equations are necessary to solve the question? What is it to eliminate or exterminate an unknown quantity] $ 125. J EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 83 FIRST METHOD OF EXTERMINATION. § 124. It is necessary here to recollect what" was stated in $ 50 and § 53, that when equals are added to equals, their sums will be equal ; and also, when equals are st'btracted from equals, the remainders are equal. Thus, suppose we have the equation a?-j-14 = 36, and suppose also that we know that y = 8 ; then if we will add the two first members together, and also the two last, the members will still be equal to one another, as follows: a?+ 14+2/= 36 -f8. And also if we subtract y from the first member, and 8 from the second, the members will still be equal to one another ; thus, #-f 14— ?/ = 36— 8. § 125. This principle can be easily applied for the exter- mination of unknown quantities. For, if in both of two equa- tions, one of the unknown quantities has the same co-efficient, but after different signs; it is evident that if we add both equa- tions together, viz. the first member to the first member, and the last member to the last member; and then unite temia, we shall cancel the two quantities that are alike with different signs; a new equation will be formed, in which that unknot* quantity will disappear. EXAMPLES. 1. Given the two C 3#-f-2i/=26 > to find the values of equations, £ 5x — 2y =38 } x and y. Adding together the two right hand members, and also th# two left ; we have the equation 3.r + 2y -f- 5x— 2y = 26 -f 38 Uniting terms and canceling 2y, Sx = 64 Dividing, x = S Questions. What is the effect of adding two equations together, (the first member to the first member, and the last member to the last member) 1 In what case can an unknown quantity be extermi- nated by adding two equations together? 84 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XI Now, if x = 8 ; then in the first equation, how much will 3x equal ? The first equation will then become 24-J-2y = 26, from which we may find the value y = l. _. . . C7a?-r-4u = 58 > to find the* values 2. Given the equations, 1 9x _ 4 * = 38 $ of x and y . Ans. a? = 6. Question. Why do you add the equations ? If a? = 6, what does 7x in the first equation equal ? Then what does y equal ? Ans. y = 4. _ ~. , C 5a?-l-6v = 58 ? to find the values 3. Given the equations, J ^ 6 * = 34 $ of * and y, fCT" In this example, it is plain that we cannot destroy the y's by adding them together. But we have before seen, § 62, that if all the signs are changed, the equation will not be af- fected. Let us then change the signs of the second equation, so that the y's may have different signs. The two equations will then become j 2a?— 61/ ==—34 \ wn * cn ' when added together, become 5x+6y— 2a?— 6y = 58— 34 Uniting terms, - 3a? = 24 Therefore, x = 8. Question. What operation is performed by changing signs ? § 126. In the last example, if we take the equations before the alteration of the second, thus, 2„ Ta —q^c an( ^ sud " tract the second from the first, the -result will be the same as it was by changing the signs and adding. As follows : 5x+6y—2x—6y = 58—34. Whence we learn that, if in both equations one of the un- known quantities has the same co-efficient and also the same sign ; and we subtract one equation from the other, (viz. the first member from the first member, and the second member Questions. In what case can an unknown quantity be extermi- nated by subtracting :>ne equation from another? Explain the reason. 5a?+6t/=64 2x +6?/== 58 __ _ § 127.] EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 85 from the second member,) and unite the terms; we shall form a new equation in which that unknown quantity will disappear. § 1 2 7. It is evident that we may suppose the signs changed ; and so unite the terms immediately, without actually writing the whole work. This must be done hereafter. . ~. A , C6# + 7w = 79? to find the values 4. Given the equations, £ te ^, B1 ^ of x and y . Subtracting second from ) . 2ft first, and unite. 3 Ans. a? = 5; y = 7. 5. Given J 2x+§l58 J t0 find * and tf ICT 3 " In this example, the y's are alike in both equations ; and are therefore called iden- tical terms. As they have the same sign, in order to cancel them we subtract the second from the first, and unite. Ans. x = 2 ; y = 9. 6 - Given lltZZlll] "> find ^ and y. Which are the identical terms in this example ? ICT* To cancel the #'s, subtract the upper from the lower. Ans. x = 40; i/==ll. _, ~; C 12#-f 8y=92 } 7. Given | V2x Z 2 ly = 63 $ t0 find * and ^ Ans. x = 7; y = 1. 8. Given J 3^g=^ J to find X and y. ICT 3 * As the signs of the identical terms are 2a?-{-2i/=18 unlike, to cancel them we add the second to 33? — 2y= 7 the first, and unite. 5a? =25 Ans. x = 5; y = 4. 9. Given J _^+:g= -12 \ t0 find * and * Ans. a? = 4; i/== 2. Questions. Is it necessary to write out the whole work ? What are identical terms ? 8 86 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XI 10. Given 5 To?" %a £ to find # and ty. I x-\-'Zy = 14 ^ J |C7^ In this example, neither of the unknown quantities has the same co-efficient in both equations. But both mem- bers of the last equation can be multiplied by 3, without de- stroying the equality, § 82 ; and then the co-efficients of the a?'s will be alike in both equations. Thus, J _ Ifi^— 4-2 C Ans. x = 10; y = 2. 11. Given ^ 3^^^ l 8g \ to find x and y. |C7" Multiply the second by 2. Ans. x = 8 ; y — 16. 12. Given j 3™ _ ^— 2 C to ** nd x and &' IC7* Make t/'s identical. Ans. x = 3 ; y = 7. 13. Given ^ 4^ + 3y = 22 5 t0 find x and ^ |C7* Multiply the first by 2 and the ;r's will be identical. Ans. x = 4 ; 1/ =b 2 14. Given ^+5zls2 £ t0 find * and *< Ans. rr = 7; 2- = 8 15. Given \f x ^ y Z^\ to find z and y. Ans. a? = 4; y = 5. 16. Given S^lg^i}? to find x and y. Ans. a: = 8 ; y = 5. 17. Given J 4 £ + * " ^ £ to 6nd y and * Ans. y = 24; 2- = 6. 18 Given \ £ +^Z^ to find » and y. Ans. a? = 2 ; y = 1. 19. Given J §+£ = »»£ to find y and *. |C7* In this example, we cannot obtain identical terms by one $ 128.] EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 87 multiplication. But we may apply the same principle, §105, that is used for finding a common denominator. For, if we multiply the co-efficient of the first equation by the co-efficient of the second, the product will be the same as if we multiply the co-efficient of the second by the co-efficient of the first. Thus, Multiplying the first by 4, 20?/ + I2x — 372 Multiplying the second by 3, 9y + 12a? = 240 Subtracting the second from ~) i c i r liv == i«* the first, and unite, 3 u Ans. y = 12; x = 11. 20. Given j J^~a ~ 7 ( to find y and z. Multiplying the first by 5, ■ 20y— 25z = 10 Multiplying the second by 4, 20?/— 162: = 28 Subtracting the first from the £ second, and unite, 3 Ans. ?/ = 3 ; z = 2. § 128. From the foregoing, we derive the following: Rule I. to exterminate an unknown quantity. First, Transpose, so as to bring both of the unknown quantities to the left ; x's under a?'s ; y's under ?/'s, &c. Determine which of the unknown quantities you will ex- terminate; and then, if it is necessary, multiply or divide one or both of the equations so as to make the term which contains that unknown quantify to be the same in both. Then if the identical terms have like signs in both equa- tions, subtract one equation from the other; but if they have unlike signs, add one equation to the other. And the result will be an equation containing only one unknown quantity. Questions. What is the first operation for exterminating an un- known quantity ] Repeat the whole rule. What are identical terms'? Why do we add them when the signs are unlike 1 Why do we sub- ract them when the signs are alike ? ALGEBRA. [SECTION XI. EQUATIONS.— SECTION 11. 1. What two numbers are those whose sum is 20 and dif ference 12? Stating the question, x = greater number. y =■ the less. Then forming the equations, x +y = 20 x—y = 12 As the signs of the identical terms ) ?.. .... . >2x =32.-.a?=16 are unlike, ado the equations, 3 Substituting 16 for x in the first, 16-f y = 20 Transposing and uniting, y = 4. Ans. 16 and 4. 2. A market woman sells to. one person, 3 quinces and 4 melons for 25 cents; and to another, 4 quinces and 2 melons, at the same rate, for 20 cents. How much are the quinces and melons apiece ? After the statement, forming the 3 3a?-j-4?/ = 25 equations, 3 4a?-f2i/ = 20 Multiplying the second by 2, 8#-f 4y = 40 Subtracting first from third, 5x =15 Ans. Quinces, 3 cents apiece ; melons, 4. In our solutions after this, we shall number the lines, so that any reference to them will be easily understood. 3. A man bought 3 bushels of wheat and 5 bushels of rye for 38 shillings ; and at another time, 6 bushels of wheat and 3 bushels of rye for 48 shillings. What was the price for a bushel of each ? Let x = price of wheat, and y = price of rye. 1. By the first condition, 3x + by = 38 2. By the second, 6x + Sy = 48 3. Multiply the 1st by 2, 6x+\0y =76 4. Subtracting the 2d from the 3d," - 7y = 28.-.y — 4 5. Substituting 4 for y in the 1st, 3x +20 = 38. Ans. Wheat for 6s. ; rye for 4* § 128.] EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 89 4. Two purses together contain $400. If you take $40 out of the first and put them into the second, then there is the same in each. How many dollars does each contain ? Let x = the number in the first. y = the number in the second. gCT 3 * Although in these examples we have omitted the state- ment, it is expected the pupil will state them as usual. 1. By the first condition, x + y = 400 2. By the second, x — 40=y+40 3. Transposing the 2d, x — y = 80 4. Adding the 1st to the 3d, ~2x =480 .-. x = 240 Ans. The first, $240; the second, $160. 5. A gentleman being asked the age of his two sons, re- plied, that if to the sum of their ages 25 be added, this sum will be double the age of the eldest ; but if 8 be taken from the difference of their ages, the remainder will be the age of the youngest. What is the age of each ? Let x = the age of the eldest, y = the age of the youngest. 1. By the first condition, x+y-\-25 = 2x 2. By the second, x — y — 8=y 3. Transposing and uniting 1st, — x-j-y = — 25 4. Transposing and uniting 2d, x — 2y= 8 5. Adding the 3d and 4th, — y—— 17 6. Substituting 17 for y in the 3d, — a?-f 17 = —25 7. Transposing, — x = — 42 Ans. Eldest, 42 ; youngest, 17. 6. A gentleman paid for 6 pair of boots and 4 pair of shoes $44 ; and afterwards for 3 pair of boots and 7 pair of shoes, $32. What was the price of each per pair ? Ans. Boots, $6 ; shoes, $2. 7. A man spends 30 cents for apples and pears, buying his apples at the rate of 4 for a cent, and his 4 pears at the rate of 5 for a cent. He afterwards let his friend have half of his apples and one-third of his pears for 13 cents, at the same rate. How many did he buy of each sort ? 8* 90 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XI. Let x = number of apples. y = number of pears. - cent = price of 1 apple. - cent = price of 1 pear. x - cents = price of all the apples .'/ 1. By the first condition, 2. By the second, 3. Dividing the 1st by 3, 4. Subtracting 3d from 2d, 5. Multiplying by 24, - cents = price of all the pears. x y 4+1=30 8+15- 13 x v 12+T5= 10 X X 8~l2 = 3 3x— 2x=72.-.a:=:72. Ans. 72 apples ; 60 pears. 8. One day a gentleman employs 4 men and 8 boys to labor for him, and pays them 40s. ; the next day he hires at the same rate, 7 men and 6 boys, for 50s. What are the daily wages of each ? Ans. Man's, 5s. ; boy's, 2s. 6c?. 9. It is required to find two numbers with the following properties : J- of the first with -£ of the second shall make 16, and ± of the first with 1 of the second shall make 9. $C7* Performed as Problem 7. Ans. 12 and 30 10. Says A to B, Give me 5s. of your money, and I shall have twice as much as you will have left. Says B to A, Give me 5s. of your money, and I shall have three times as much as you will have left. What had each ? ^7» In the equations, first transpose so that x shall be under x, and y under y Ans. A, lis.; B, 13s § 128.] EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 91 11. Two men agree to buy a house for $1200. Says A to B, Give me § of your money, and I shall be able to pay for it all ; No, says B, give me | of yours, and then I can pay for it. How much money had each ? Ans. A, $800 ; B, $600. 12. Find two numbers with the following properties: The products of the first by 2, and the second by 5, when added, are equal to 31 ; also, the products of the first by 7, and the second by 4, when added, are equal to 68. Ans. 8 and 3. 13. A paid B 20 guineas, and then B had twice as much money as A had left ; but if B had paid A 20 guineas, A would have had three times as much as B had left. What sum did each possess at first? Ans. A, 52 guineas ; B, 44. 14. A person has a saddle worth £50, and two horses. When he saddles the poorest horse, the horse and saddle are worth twice as much as the best horse ; but when he saddles the best, he with the saddle is worth three times the poorest. What is the value of each horse ? Ans. Best, £40 ; poorest, £30. 15. A merchant sold a yard of broadcloth and 3 yards of velvet for $25 ; and, at another time, 4 yards of broadcloth and 5 yards of velvet for $65. What was the price of each per yard? Ans. Broadcloth, $10 ; velvet, $5. 16. A person has 500 coins, consisting of eagles and dimes ; and their value amounts to $1931. How many has he of each coin ? JC7 3 * The solution must be in cents. Ans. 190 eagles; 310 dimes. 17. In the year 1299, three fat oxen and six sheep together cost 79 shillings ; and the price of an ox exceeded the price of 12 sheep by 10 shillings. What was the value of each ? Ans. An ox, 24s.; a sheep, Is. 2d, . 18. Two persons talking of their ages, A says to B, 8 year* ago I was three times as old as you were ; and 4 years hence, I shall be only twice as old as you will be. What are their present ages ? Ans. A, 44 ; B, 20 years. 92 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XI. 19. A farmer sold to one man 30 bushels of wheat and 40 of barley for 270 shillings ; and to another, 50 bushels of wheat and 30 of barley for 340 shillings. What was the price per bushel of each ? Ans. Wheat, 5s. ; barley, 3s. 20. A man and his wife and child dine together at an inn. The landlord charged 15 cents for the child, and for the woman he charged as much as for the child and -} as much as for the man ; but for the man he charged as much as for the woman and child together. What did he charge for each ? Ans. 45 cents for the man ; and 30 cents for the woman. 21. A gentleman has two horses, and also a chaise worth $250. If the first horse be harnessed, he and the chaise will be worth twice as much as the second horse ; but if the second be harnessed, he and the chaise will be worth three times as much as the first horse. What is the value of each horse ? Ans. First, $150; second, $200. 22. A is in debt $1200, and B owes $2500; but neither has enough to pay his debts. A says to B, Lend me the i of your fortune, and then I can pay my debts. But B an- swered, Lend me the £ of your fortune, and I can pay my debts. What was the fortune of each ? Ans. A, $900; B, $2400. 23. A wine merchant has two kinds of wine, one at 5s. a gallon, and the other at 12s. ; of which he wishes to make a mixture of 20 gallons that shall be worth 8s. a gallon. How many gallons of each sort must he use 1 Ans. 8f gallons of that at 12s. ; 1 1-f of that at 5s. § 131.] SECOND METHOD OF EXTERMINATION. 93 SECTION XII. SECOND METHOD OF EXTERMINATION. § 129. In each of the preceding questions, we first found the value of one of the unknown quantities ; and then substi- tuted that value for that unknown quantity in one of the equa tions, in order to find the value of the other unknown quantity. This mode of operating furnishes a hint that leads us to an- other method of extermination. Let us take the first question in the last section, [p. 88,] in which we have the equations, \ ~i 9 £ The last part of our operation was to substitute the value of x for x itself, in one of the equations. It is evident that we could make this substitution just as well if the value of x was a literal quantity, instead of 16. Thus, supposing x to y be equal to £ ; then substituting it for x, the first equation would be -^+i/=20. I § 130. Let us therefore transpose the first equation to find what x will equal, just as if we knew the value of y. We shall find that x = 20— y. And then in the second equation, we shall use the value of x instead of x itself. Thus, 20— y— y=12. Transposing and uniting, — 2y = — 8 .*. y = 4 ; which was our answer by the first method. Then x will be found by substituting 4 for y. Whence we derive Rule II. to exterminate an unknown quantity. § 13 1. Select the most simple term of the unknown quan- tities, and by the equation that contains it, find the value of that unknown quantity, as if the other were known; and 94 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XII. then, in the other equation, substitute this value for the un- known quantity itself. We shall then have an equation with only one unknown quantity ; which may be solved as usual. EQUATIONS.— SECTION 12. 1. There are two numbers whose sum is 100 ; and three times the less taken from twice the greater, leaves 150 re- mainder. What are those numbers ? Let x = greater. y = less. 2x — 3y = the required subtraction. Forming the f 1. By the first condition, x+y=l00 equations, c 2. By the second, 2x — 3*/= 150 3. Transposing the 1st, a? =100— y 4. Multiplying the 3d by 2, 2a: = 200— 2y 6. Substituting 200-2y for 2* > 800 _ 8 3 160 in the 2d, 5 J n 6. Transposing and uniting, — 5t/= — 50.\i/=10 7. Substituting 10 for y in the 1st, x -j- 10 = 100 8. Transposing and uniting, x = 90 Ans. Greater, 90; less, 10. 2. The ages of a father and his son amounted to 140 years; and the age of the father was to the age of the son as 3 to 2. What were their ages ? Let x = age of the father. y = age of the son. 1. By the first condition, x+y-=. 140 2x 2. By the second, y = — o 2x 2x 3. Substituting — for y in the 1st, a?+-— = 140 3 3 4. Multiplying by 3, 3#+2.r=420 5. Uniting and dividing, x = 84 & Substituting 84 for x in 1st, 84 -f-y = 140 Ans. Father, 84 years ; son, 56 § 131.] SECOND METHOD OF EXTERMINATION 95 3. Find two numbers, such that -£ of the first and A of the second shall be 87 ; and \ of the first and \ of the second shall be 55. Ans. 135, and- 168. 4. A says to B, Give me 100 of your dollars, and I shall have as much as you. B replies, Give me 100 of your dol- lars, and I shall have twice as much as you. How many dollars has each? Ans. A, $500; B, $700. 5. There are two numbers, such that | of the first and f of the second added together, will make 12; and if the first be divided by 2, and the second multiplied by 3, f of the sum of these results will be 26. Ans. 15, and 10£. 6. Find two numbers in the proportion of 2 to 1, so that if 4 be added to each, their two sums shall be in proportion of 3 to 2. Ans. 8, and 4. 7. A and B owned 9800 acres of western land. A sells J of his, and B sells \ of his ; and they then have just as much as each other. How many acres had each 1 Ans. A, 4800; B, 5000. 8. A son asking his father how old he was, received the following reply : My age, says the father, 7 years ago, was four times as great as yours at that time ; but 7 years hence, if you and I live, my age will be only double of yours. What was the age of each ? Ans. Father's, 35 years; son's, 14 years. 8. The weight of the head of Goliath's spear was less by one pound than ■}- the weight of his coat of mail ; and both together weighed 17 pounds less than ten times the spear's head. What was the weight of each ? Ans. Coat, 208 pounds ; spear's head, 25 pounds. 10. A market woman bought eggs, some at the rate of 2 for a cent, and some at the rate of 3 for 2 cents, to the amount of 65 cents. She afterwards sold them all for 120 cents, thereby gaining half a cent on each egg. How many of each kind did she buy ? Ans. 50 of the first kind ; 60 of the other kind 96 ALGEBRA [SECTION XII. 11. Says A to B, | of the difference of our money is equal to yours ; and if you give me $2, I shall have five times as much as you. How much has each ? Ans. A, $48 ; B, $12. 12. A and B possess together property to the amount of $5700. If A's property were worth three times as much as it is, and B's five times as much as it is, then they both would be worth $23,500. What is the worth of each ? Ans. A, $2500 ; B, $3200. 13. A gentleman has two silver cups, and a cover adapted to each which is worth $20. If the cover be put upon the first cup, its value will be twice that of the second ; but if it be put upon the second, its value will be three times that of the first. What is the value of each cup ? Ans. First cup, $12; second, $16. 14. Two men driving their sheep to market, A says to B, Give me one of your sheep, and I shall have as many as you. B says to A, Give me one of your sheep, and I shall have twice as many as you. How many had each ? Ans. A, 5 sheep ; B, 7. 15. What two numbers are those, whose difference is 4, and 5 times the greater is to 6 times the less, as 5 to 4 ? Ans. 8 and 12. 16. There are two numbers such that £ of the greater added to | of the less, will equal 13 ; and if i of the less be taken from i of the greater, the remainder is nothing. What are the numbers ? Ans. 18 and 12. § 133.] THIRD METHOD OF EXTERMINATION. 97 SECTION XIII. THIRD METHOD OF EXTERMINATION. § 132. The method of substitution as explained in the last section, may be modified a little. We will show how, by using question 1st, in the last section of equations. lhe two equations were < „ __q 1*0 We transpose the 1st; thus, x = 100 — y. Now, before we substitute the value of x for x itself in the second equation, we will transpose the second equation so as to make x stand alone ; thus, 2x — 1 50 + 3y. Then substitute the value of x as found before by the first equation, 200— 2y = 150-j-3t/ with which we may proceed as before. § 133. Before we make the substitution after transposing, it is generally best to find the value of x alone in the second equation. Thus, Given \ C—2y = 10 \ t0 find X and y- Transposing and dividing the 1st, Xwm ~ ' ■-&- 2 Transposing and dividing the 2d, x = — -— - • Now, as it is evident that things which are equal to the same, are equal to one another ; one value of x is equal to the other value of x ; thus, 23— 3y__ IO+2.7 2 " ~ 5^" Destroying the fractions, 115 — 15^ = 20 + 42/ Transposing, uniting, and dividing, y = 5 By substituting the value of y in one of the equations, we find x = 4. Whence we derive G 9 08 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XIII. Rule III. to exterminate an unknown quantity. § 134. Find by each of the equations, the value of that unknown quantity wlrich is the least involved; and then form a new equatin by making one of these values equal to the other. EQUATIONS. — SECTION 13. 1. Divide $60 between A and B, so that the difference be- tween A's share and 31, may be to the difference between 31 and B's share, as 6 to 7. Let x = A's share; and?/=B's. 1. By the firs^ condition, x+y — 60 2. By the second, x— 31 : 31— y ::.6 : 7 3. Multiplying extremes and means, 7x — 217 m 186— 6y 4. Transposing the 1st, x = 60— y 5. Transposing and uniting the 3d, 7# = 403— fiy 6. Multiplying the 4th, 7a: = 420— ly 7. Equating 5th and, 403— 63/ = 420— ly 8. Transposing and uniting, y = 17 0. Substituting 17 in the 4th, x = 60—17 = 43 Ans. A's share, $43; B's, $17. 2. There is a fraction, such that if 1 is added to the nume- rator, its value will be -£ ; but if 1 be added to the denomina- tor, its value will be \. What is that fraction ? Let x = numerator ; and y = denominator. x The fraction will be, y x+\ 1 1. By the first condition, = — y 3 x 1 2. Bv the second, — rr—T y + l 4 3. Multiplying the 1st by y % and by 3, 3# + 3 —y 4. Multiplying the 2d by y + l, and by 4, ±x = y + \ 5. Transposing the 4th, 4x — 1 =y 6. Equating 3d and 5th, 3a? + 3 = 4.r— 1 7. Transposing and uniting, — x = — 4 8. Substituting the value of 3x in the 4th, 15 =y Ans. £. § 134.] THIRD METHOD OF EXTERMINATION. 99 3. There is a certain number, consisting of two places of figures, which is equal to 4 times the sum of its digits ; and if 18 be added to it, the digits will be inverted. What is thaJ number ? Let x = first digit or tens; and y = the units 10a? -fi/ = the number. 4x-\-4y = four times the sum of digits. 1037+1/+ 18, = when 18 is added. \0y-\-x,= when the digits are inverted 1. By the first condition, \0x+y — 4x-\- 4y 2. By the second, l0x-\-y+ 18 = lOy+x 3. Transposing and uniting the 1st, 6a? = dy 4. Transposing and uniting the 2d, 9x = 9y — 18 5. Multiplying the 4th by f , 6a? = 6y— 12 6. Equating 3d and 4th, Sy = 6y— 12 Ans. 24. 4. There is a certain number consisting of two figures ; and if 2 be added to the sum of its digits, the amount will be three times the first digit; and if 18 be added to the number, the digits will be inverted. What is the number? Ans. 46. 5. A person has two snuff-boxes and $8. If he puts the 8 dollars into the first, then it is half as valuable as the other. But if he puts the 8 dollars into the second, then the second is worth three times as much as the first. What is the value of each ? Ans. First, $24 ; second, $64. 6. A gentleman has two horses and a chaise. The first horse is worth $180. If the first horse be harnessed to the chaise, they will together be worth twice as much as the se- cond horse ; but if the second horse be harnessed, the horse and chaise will be worth twice and one-half the value of the first. What is the value of the second horse, and of the chaise ? Ans. Horse, $210; chaise, $240. 7. There is a certain number consisting of two digits. The sum of these digits is 5 ; and if 9 be added to the number itself, the digits will be inverted. What is the number? Ans. 23. 100 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XIII. 8. There is a number consisting of two figures. If the number be divided by the sum of the figures, the quotient will be 4 ; but if the number made by inverting the figures be di- vided by 1 more than their sum, the quotient will be 6. What is the number? |C?* In the operation, 4 multiplied by x+y, is the same as 4 times x+y. Ans. 24. 9. There are two numbers such that the less is to the greater as 2 to 5 ; and the product made by multiplying the two numbers together, is equal to ten times their sum. What are the numbers ? Let x = the less ; and y = the greater. 2y 1. By the first condition, x —* o Note. — If we wish to multiply y by 4, we put 4 immedi- ately before the y as a co-efficient; and in the same way, if we multiply y by x, we make x the co-efficient of y. 2. By the second, xy=lf)x+l0y 3. Multiplying the 1st by 10, I0x = 4y 4. Transposing the 2d, I0x = xy — lOy 5. Equaling 4th and 3d, xy—l0y = 4y Note. — When we divide 4x by 4, we do it by taking away 4 when we divide 10a; by 10, we do it by taking away the U Tn the same manner we divide yx by y, in taking away they 6. Divid.i a by y, x— 10 = 4 .-. 37=14. 7. Substituui.e 14 for x in the 3d, 140 = 4y .-. y = 35. Ans. 14 and 35. 10. There are *wo numbers, whose sum is the | part of their product; and ti.e greater is to the less as 3 to 2. What are those numbers? Ans. 15 and 10 §135.] EQUATIONS WITH SEVERAL UNKNOWN' QUANTITIES. 101 SECTION XIV. EQUATIONS WITH SEVERAL UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. § 135. When there are three or more unknown quantities; first, transpose all the unknown quantities to the left, and write them so that letters of the same kind shall he under each other. Then, combine successively one of the equations with each of the others, so as to exterminate 'the same unknown quantity from each. By this means there will be obtained a number of equations one less than the original number. With these perform the same process as before ; and proceed in this manner till there is but one equation containing only one un- known quantity; which may be solved by the usual rule. Then by substitution, the value of the other unknown quan- tities may be found, in the reverse order in which they were exterminated. . EXAMPLES. in- a ♦• I x tJ f t* = ?a 1 to find *« y» 1. Given the equations < x-f-2?/ + 3z = 16 \- J jx — y—2 z = —3j an / 4. Subtracting 1st from 2d, y-\-2z = 7 5. Subtracting 3d from 1st, 2y + 3z = 12 6. Multiplying 4th by 2, 2i/ + 4z = 14 7. Subtracting 5th from 6th, z = 2 8. Substituting value of z in 4th, y = 3 9. Substituting in the 1st, # = 4 Questions. In solving equations with several unknown quantities, what must be done first] Then which unknown quantity must be exterminated * 9* /02 ALGEBRA. [SECTION XIV. rx + y + z = 29 \ }ar+2y + 3* = 62/ x + y + 2 = 29 8. Given }*+2y+3z = 62 £ to find x, y, and 2. 4. Subtracting 1st from 2d, 1/4-22 = 33 5. Destroying fractions in 3d, Qx + 4y + 3z = 120 6. Multiplying 1st by 6, 6x4-61/4-62 = 174 7. Subtracting 5th from 6th, 2?/ + 3z = 54~ 8. Multiplying 4th by 2, 2y +'4z = 66 9. Subtracting 7th from 8th, z = 12 Whence by substitution, y = 9; and x = 8. 3. Given x+y+ ar — 7j 2x — y— 32 = 3; and 5x—3y 4-52=19; to find x, y, z. Ans. x = 4, i/ = 2, 2 = 1. 4. Given a?— y— 2 = 5; 3x + 4i/4-52 = 52 ; and 5x—4y — 3z = 32 ; to find x, y, and 2. Ans. x = 10, y = 3, z = 2. 5. Given 7x-f-5y+2z = 79 ; 8x4-71/4-92=122; and a?+4y -j-52 = 55 ; to find the values of x, 1/, and 2. Ans. x = 4, i/ = 9, 2 = 3. 6. Given a: 4-y 4-2 =13; x+y-f u = 17; x+2-f-tt = 18; and y+z+u = 21 ; to find the values of x, y, 2, and w. Ans. x = 2, y=5, 2 = 6, m=10. PART II. LITERAL ALGEBRA. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. § 136. The algebraical operations which we have hitherto treated of, belong to that part of the science which was known to the ancients, and which was in use till about A. D. 1600. About that time, Franciscus Vieta, a Frenchman, introduced the general use of letters into Algebra, (denoting the known quantities in a problem by consonants, and the unknown ones by vowels.) § 137. This improvement gave anew aspect to the science. So that now algebra is rather the representation of arithmeti- cal results, than the results themselves. And therefore,' its most general object is to afford means for investigating the laws of calculation for every description of numerical questions. § 138. Operations with numbers cannot furnish general rules, for two reasons. In the first place, we cannot, by mere inspection of the results, determine how they were ob- tained. Thus, 12 may be the result, either of multiplying 3 by 4, or adding 5 to 7, or subtracting 8 from 20, or dividing 48 by 4, &c. &c. And in the second place, every figure in an arithmetical result has a determinate value which is peculiar to itself; and therefore cannot be applied to any other question. Questions. How does modern algebra differ from the ancient methods 1 Who introduced the modern method 1 What is the modern use of algebra] What are the two reasons why we cannot obtain general rules by arithmetical operations 1 103 104 ALGEBRA. § 139. But in algebra, the letters which represent thfl quantities, retain their identity throughout the whole reason- ing ; and as the operations! of addition, subtraction, multioli- cation, &c, are only represented by signs, we readily see the depend- nee which the several quantities have upon one an- othe r And as the result is represented by letters, each of w' .ch may stand for whatever number we choose, its value .8 entirely indeterminate; and shows merely what operations it is necessary to perform upon the numbers when a particular value may be assigned to them. § 140. Hence, in Literal Algebra, the result does not de- pend upon the particular values of the quantities which we operate with, but rather upon the nature of /he question; and it will always be the same for every question of the same kind. The result is therefore a general rule. § 141. The principal signs that are used in algebra are the following. The sign -f {plus) represents addition. Thus, a-f b de- notes that b is added to a. a-{-b is the sum of two numbers. The sign — (minus) denotes that the quantity following it is subtracted. Thus, a—b is the remainder obtained by sub- tracting b from a. The sign x (multiplied by) denotes that the quantity be- fore it, is multiplied by the quantity that follows it. Thus, axb is the product of a and b. The sign . is sometimes put between two literal quantities instead of X ; as a,b. But more generally, in algebra, the letters are joined together, to represent their product. Thus, ab is the product of two numbers. The sign -r- or : (divided by) represent the division of the Questions. How does algebra differ in these particulars? In lite- ral algebra, what is the use of the answers? Upon what does an algebraical result depend ? In what cases are the results the same ? Define the signs -j-, — , X, •, -4-. What is the sum of two num- bers, say « and b ? What is their difference ? What is their pro- iuct ? What is their quotient ? $141.] GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 105 quantity before it, by the quantity which follows it. Thus, a—b is a divided by b. Division is more generally denoted in algebra by writing the divisor under the dividend, in the form of a fraction. Thus, 7- is the quotient of a divided by b. The sign = (equals) denotes that the whole quantity on the left of it, is equal to the whole quantity on the right of it. Thus, 4 + 8 = 16—4. The sign ± or =p {plus or minus and minus or plus) shows that either by addition or by subtraction, the effect will be the same. Thus, there are circumstances when x = ± a ; that is, x is equal to plus a or minus a. The sign ^ or or < (greater than or less than) denotes that the quantity towards which it opens is greater than the other. Thus, in a > 6, a is greater than b. The sign (a vinculum) denotes that all which is put under it, is to be used as one term. Thus, a-j-6 — ex 3, signifies that the whole quantity under the vinculum, is to be multiplied by 3. The line which separates the terms of a fraction is also a vinculum. Thus, — signifies that the whole quantity above the line is to be divided by the whole quantity under it. The ( ) parenthesis is frequently used instead of the vin culum ; thus, (a+b). (c-j-e?) signifies the product of (a-f-6) multiplied by (c + d). Questions. Define the sign =, ±» ^f, <*> , > <> » ( ). Is the line above a quantity the only vinculum! What is tho sign of multiplication between vinculums 1 106 ALGEBRA. The sign oo {infinity) denotes a quantity that is infinitely large, or a quantity so great that it may be considered larger than any supposable quantity. The cipher is sometimes used to represent a quantity that is less than any quantity that may be mentioned. This is always the case when the cipher is used as a denominator of a fraction. The radical sign /, <§/ > What is the figure over the radical sign called ? What is a co-efficient? Is it numeral or literal? What is an exponent or index? What is the sign for proportion ? and for ratio ? What is the sign for a general pro- portion? What is a term ? § 141.] GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 107 The sign .*. is used tor the word therefore The hyphen - is used for the word which; as, 2# = ^ 4 - = 8 ; read, ivhich equals 8. A simple quantity is that which is represented by one term ; as, o, 26, — 3, Smnrs, &c. A compound quantity is that which is represented by two or more terms; as, a-\-2ab—x. Similar quantities are those which consist of the same letters, or combinations of letters ; as, a and 2« ; Qbx and 4bx. Dissimilar quantities are those which consist of different letters, or different combinations of them ; as, a and a 2 ; 2ax and 2ab. Identical terms are those which are not only similar, but also have the same co-efficient ; as, 2ax and 2ax. Identical expressions are sometimes made up of the same letters, but differently combined in their terms ; as, (3a — 26) and (2a+a+ 56— 76). Positive quantities are those which have the sign -f- before them, either expressed or understood ; as, ab, -\-ax. Negative quantities are those which have the sign — be- fore them ; as*, — 3, —2x. Given quantities are such as have known values ; and are generally represented by the first letters of the alphabet. They are sometimes represented by the initial of the names that stand for them ; as s for the sum; d for the difference. Unknown quantities are those which are to be discovered ; and are generally represented by some of the final letters of the alphabet. A quantity, when represented by one term, is sometimes called a nomial. When it has two terms, it is called a bi- Quesiions. What is the sign for therefore ] For which ? What is a simple quantity] What is a compound quantity? 'What are similar quantities'? Dissimilar quantities ] Identical terms ? Posi- tive quantities'? Negative quantities'? Given quantities] Un- known quantities ? What is a nomial ] Binomial 1 108 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 1 & 2. nomial; when it has three, it is called a trinomial $ when it has many, it is called a multinomial or polynomial. Each of the literal factors which compose a term, is called a dimension of that term ; and the number of these dimensions or factors is called the degree of the -term. The co-efficient is not counted as a dimension. Thus, 2a is a term of one dimension or of the first degree ; 6ax is a term of two dimen- sions or of the second degree ; 5a 2 ; r 2 is a term of four dimen- sions or of the fourth degree. And, generally, the degree of the term is the sum of the exponents which belong to its letters. A polynomial is called homogeneous when all its terms are of the same degree. Thus, 3abc — ax 2 -f-c 3 , is homoge- neous ; but 8a 3 — 4ab+c is not homogeneous. § 142. The use of the foregoing signs makes algebra a species of language which brings our reasonings into a very small space ; so that in solving a problem, or demonstrating the existence of a numerical relation, the connection of the several ideas is perceived with great facility. Example \. The sum of $660 was subscribed for a certain purpose, by two persons, A and B ; of which B gave twice as much as A. What did each of them subscribe ? Now, a question similar to this, and with the same numbers, was solved in the First section of Equations, on page 25. We will solve this in the same manner, with the exception of using a instead of 660. Stating the question, x a what A gave. 2x = what B gave. Both together gave x-\-2x; also they gave a dollars. Forming the equation, x+2x = a Uniting the terms, Sx = a Dividing by 3, x = - 3 Questions. What is a trinomial ? Polynomial 1 What is the dimension of a term 1 What is the degree of a term % When is a quantity homogeneous? What is the use of algebraic signs 1 § 142.] GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 109 Here we find that A subscribed ± of a, which at this time stands for $660. But it is very plain that we would solve the question in the very same manner, if the sum were $240. And in that case a would stand for $240 ; and A's share of it would be $80, and B's share, $160. In the same manner, if the sum were $360 ; then a would stand for $360, and A's share would be } of $360; that is, $120. And in the same manner we may make a repre- sent any sum; and still A's share of it would be i of it. Hence, this substitution of a letter for a number, is called generalizing the operation. We see that this result has given us a general ride for di- viding any sum between two, so that one of them shall have twice as much as the other. The rule is, The least share shall be one-third of the sum ; and the greatest share, two- thirds of it. ^ Problems. — In the same manner generalize all the pro- blems in the First section of Equations } page 25. Example 2. What number is that, which, with 5 added to it, will be equal to 40 ? This is the first problem in section 2, which we will gene- ralize ; using a for 40, and b for 5. Stating the question, x = the number. x-\-b = after adding. Forming the equation, a?-f b = a Transposing /», x = a — b. We see that the answer is found by subtracting the 5 from the 40. Thus, 40—5 = 35. Example 3. Generalize problem 3 of section 2. It will be found that the literal answer is the same as in example 2 ; because the questions are similar. In this example, a repre- sents 23, and /; represents 9. Whence x = 23 — 9 - = 14. Question. What do we call the generalization of an operation 1 10 x+x+b= both shares. x+x+b = a x+x = a-b 2x = a—b x — a — b ~~2"-' a or,-- h _ 2 110 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 1. & 2 Example 4. Divide 17 dollars between two persons, so that one may have $4 more than the other. [Prob. 4, sec. 2.] Let IT be represented by a, and 4 by b. Stating the question, , I x = the least share. x+ b = the greater. Forming the equation, Transposing 6, Uniting terms, Dividing by 2 The answer is found by subtracting the difference or 4, from the whole sum, and then dividing by 2. And this is the rule for all similar sums. The 5th question, on page 32, is similar to the one just performed ; and in that, a represents 55, and /; represents the difference or 7. The numerical answer is found by the rule just shown. ^ a—b 55—7 48 Thus, _,_.»_. =24. § 143. As this rule is of some importance, it will be well to remember it. If, from a number to be divided into two parts, we subtract the difference of those parts, half the re- mainder will be equal to the smaller part. Applicati m. Perform the 7th and 10th by this rule. Example 5. In the same questions, let us take x for the greatest share. Then x — b = the less. Forming the equation, a?-f x — b = a Transposing and uniting, 2x = a+b Dividing by 2, * = aJ r , ° r '2 i + 2 : - § 144. Here we have another rule. If, to a number to be divided into two parts, we add the difference between those parts, half the sum will be equal to the greater part § 145.] GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Ill Application. Find the greater part in questions 4, 5, 7, and 10, on page 32, by this rule ; without algebra. § 145. The mere letters in the answer of an algebraical operation, form what is called a formula ; because they are the form of the solutions of all similar questions. And this is the advantage of representing the quantities by letters. For, as arithmetical operations on them can only be indicated, the result also must be merely an indication ; and this indica- tion will apply to any question, in the enunciation of which the only things which vary, are the numerical values of the s-i-d quantities. Thus, the formula x = , denotes that the z greater share is found by adding the difference to the sum, and dividing the amount by 2. Example 6. The learner must now generalize problem 6, on page 32 ; using b and c for the two differences. The formula that he obtains will be the answer for questions 8, 9, 1 1, and 13. And in each of the five problems the pupil must verify the answer by substituting the given quantities for the i ♦♦ m, a— 2b— c 73-8—5 letters. Thus, x = = = 20. 3 u We have said that in algebra the arithmetical operations on numbers are only represented by different methods of com- bining the signs that stand for those quantities. And now, although we have shown in our progress thus far, what some of those methods are, it may be well to review them a little. Questions. What two important rules have we found by gene- ralizing 1 ? W T hat do we call a formula in algebra? Why] What advantage do we derive from formulas? What then is the real effect of an algebraical result ? 112 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 3 & 4. I. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF ALGEBRAICAL QUANTITIES. § 146. One algebraical quantity is added to another by writing one quantity after the other, taking care to preserve to each term its respective sign. Thus, a+f— c is added to d—e+b, so as to make d— e-f 6-f-a+/— c. Or, as it is easier to read the letters in their alphabetical order, their sum may be written a + b — c + d— e-f/. Again, when —a is added to b, we preserve the sign ; thus, b — a. § 147. One algebraical quantity is subtracted from, an- other, oy changing the sign or signs of the quantity which is to be subtracted, and then writing that quantify after the other. Thus, a + h — y is subtracted from b — x-\-c, by first making it —a — h+y, and then writing the whole quantity, b— x+c— a— h+y; or, b— a+c— h-\-y— x. § 148. After the addition or subtraction has been performed, if there are any similar quantities in the result, they may be united by adding the co-efficients f all the positive similar terms, and affixing their literal part j then adding all the negative similar terms in the same manner ; and then sub- tracting the less sum from the greater, and retaini >g, in the result, the sign of the greater. § 149. In uniting the terms of compound numbers, we consider the literal part of the term as a unit; thus, 2a "and 3a, are regarded as 2 nnits and 3 units of a particular kind which when put together, make five units of that kind. Now we have seen, § 141, that the co-efficient of a quantity may Questions. How is addition performed in algebra 1 ? How is a negative quantity addpd 1 How is subtraction perform? d ? How are algebraical quantities united 1 In determining whether the quantities are similar, what part of the quantity do we examine 7 §152.] ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. 113 also be literal ; as in ba, ca, &c. In such cases, the whole term ba or ca becomes a unit, each of a different kind ; and of course are not similar quantities, and cannot be united. § 150. But if there are several similar units of this kind, they may be united by the general rule. Thus, ba — ca-\-ba ca-\-ba-\-ca, can be united into, 3ba + ca. ax — bx -f ax -f 2bx — 3ax+bx, are equal to, — ax-\-2bx; or 2bx^-ax. §151. Again, we have seen, § 68, that several quantities are sometimes united by a vinculum. In such cases, all that is embraced by the vinculum, is regarded as a unit of that kind ; and may have a co-efficient. Thus, in the expressions, 3X0— b+x, and 5(x+ax— y); a—b-\-x is a quantity taken 3 times, and x+ax—y is a quantity taken 5 times. Like quantities of this kind can be united; thus, 2[ay— bx+x) -\-D(ay—bx+x)—7(ay—bx+x). § 152. In uniting terms, great care must be taken that the literal part be entirely alike, both in signs and letters. Thus, 2bx-\-3cx, cannot be united. Neither can 3y—2ay; nor, 6(a+bx)+2(ax+bx); nor, 3. ay— by -f 2.ay 2 —by ; nor, 4{ax — bx) — 2(ax~\- bx) ; neither in any other case where there is the least difference in any part but the leading co- efficient. EXAMPLES. Unite the following quantities. 1. 3ax— 2y+4ax— 5?/-f ax— 3y. Ans. Sax—lOy. 2. 3x-\-ay — 2a? — ay+4x + 3ay — 2x+4ay. Ans. 3x+lay. 3. 4ax—y+3ay—2 — 2ax-\-ay—7y+8+2ay+y. Ans. 2ax-\- Gay— 7y-f6. 4. ax — ay* — 3ay-\- Sax — 2ay+7ay — 4ax — Say 2 . Ans. 2ax+2ay — 9ay 3 . Questions. Give an example in which literal quantities are not similar. What is said of quantities in a vinculum] In uniting, what particular care is necessary 1 H l0 * 114 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 3 & 4 5 . 8(a-y)+4(fl-y)+2(a-y)+7(a-y). Ans. 16(a— y) 6. — 4(a+6)+3(a+6) — 2(a+6)+7(a+6). Ans. 4. a-f 6. 7. 2(a6+a?)-f3(aa?+6) — 4(a?— #) — 2(ab+x). Ans. 3(aa?+6) — 4(a?«— y). 8. 7y- 4(a + b) + 6y + 2y + 2(a + b) + (a + 5) + y -3(a + 5). Ans. 16y— 4(a+6). 9. a? 3 + aa?-— ab+ab — a? 3 -f a?y-faa? + a?y — 4ab + x a +x* — x+xy+xy+ax. Ans. 2x*+3ax — 4ab+4xy — x. § 153. Sometimes the subtraction is expressed by enclosing the quantity to be subtracted in a parenthesis, and prefixing the sign — . Thus, 4a — 2x+3ax — (4x-\-3ay — 2ax). In such cases, when the vinculum is destroyed, the signs must be changed. Thus, 4a — 2x+3ax — 4a? — 3ay-\-2ax. But if there is a co-efficient immediately before the vinculum, the vinculum cannot be destroyed, nor the signs changed ; as in ax — 2(ab — 3a?). Because such quantities are considered as only one unit. § 151. 10. #+12 — ax+y — (48 — x — ax+3y). IC^First subtract. See page 68. Ans. 2a? — 36 — 2y. 11. a b — 4xy — a— a? 3 — {2xy — 6 + 14a? -fa: 8 ). Ans. a6 — 6a?y — a +6 — 14a? — 2a? 9 . 12. 3(a?+y) + (4.a7^/). _ Ans. 7(*?+y). 13. 2(a+b) — x — (3.a+6-a? 3 ). [See §153.] Ans. a? 3 — (a-j-b) — a?. 14. From 4.a+6, take a-f& — 3.x — y. Ans. 3.a-f6 + 3.a? — y. 15. a+b — (2a — 3b) - (5a+7&) — ( — 13a-f2&). Ans. la — 56. Questions. How may subtraction be expressed? What if the vinculum in such expressions is destroyed 1 When cannot the vin- culum be destroved 1 Why 1 § 155.] ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 115 16. 37a — 5x — (3a — 2b — 5c) — (6a— 4& + 3A). Ans. 28a-J-6& — 5x-f5c — Sh. § 1 54. After the subtraction of a quantity has been per- formed, we may transform the expression by changing the signs to their original form and resupplying the parenthesis. Thus, 2x — (3a-f2y — x), becomes, when subtracted, 2x — 3a — 2y+x; and this latter expression may be restored back to 2a? — (3a-\-2y — x). By the same principle, in any quantity, we may suppose there has been a subtraction, and therefore transform the ex- pression to what it may have been. Thus, 2x— 3y+la+ax— 1, may be changed to 2x — (3y — la — ax+\). ab — 3x —4y — 2ax -f 3a, may become either ab — 3x—4y — (2ax — 3a) or ab — 3x— (4y-j-2ax — 3a) or ab — (3x+4y+2ax— 3a). § 155- When similar quantities have literal co-efficients; as, mx + nx, ay 2 — by 2 , + ab + b» a* — ab + b* a — b a + b a 3 + a 2 b + ab» a 3 — a 2 b + ab* — a *b — ab» — b 3 + a 2 b — ab* -f b* a' — b 3 a 3 + 6 3 FACTORS. §183. In all simple terms consisting of more than one letter, the factors are evident on inspection. The same is true of polynomials that have a simple quantity for a factor. Thus, I0a' 2 b 2 x + \5a 3 bx — 20a 3 b 3 y, may be decomposed into 5a 2 b(2bx+3ax — 4ab 2 y). §184. In order to ascertain the factors of any quantity, first see what is the greatest quantity that will divide every term of the given quantity, and set that down as one factor. Then divide the given quantity by the factor set down, and the quotient will be the other factor. § 185. By §178, 179, a + b is a factor of a»+2ab+b 9 ; and a — b is a factor of a 3 — 2ab+b*. By §177, either a-J-6 or a — b is a factor of a 8 — 6 3 . By §182, a+b is a factor of a 3 +£> 3 , and a — b is a factor of a 3 — b 3 . Any quantity is a factor of an expression made up of the same quantity and an exponent. EXAMPLES. Find the factors of the following. 1. 4a 3 y— 4a*x+8a*xy— 12a 7 . 2. a 3 b 2 x*+3a*b*x 3 — a 3 a? a +4a 7 # 3 i/— 5a 3 x 5 y*. 3. 2a 3 bx*—4ab 4 x + 0a 5 b 2 x—2abx. 4. a 9 +2a6+6 3 -f a 3 — 6 3 -fa 3 +6 3 . 128 ALGEBRA, [EQ. SEC. 5 IV. DIVISION OF ALGEBRAICAL QUANTITIES. §186. Division may be represented by the sign — , as a-i-by is read a, divided by b; (a-f b) -f- (c — d), is read a 4- 6, divided by c — rf. But the most usual way to denote division (§ 72) is to write the divisor underneath the dividend; . a a+b lhus - v z=* §187. But it often happens (§76, 78) that the fraction made by this representation is an improper fraction; and one in which the numerator can be actually divided by the deno- minator. In such cases, it is generally best to perform the division. We have always done so in the former part of this treatise. Thus, 4x divided by 2 equals 2x ; — - = 2x. o § 188. Let us first look at the case where the same quan tity is in both the dividend and the divisor. 7a-i-7 = a; 126 -h 12 = 6. In the same manner, ab-r-a = b; dcs-d = c. This may easily be proved. For, ab is the product of a into b; and of course if we divide by what was the multiplier, we shall obtain the old multiplicand again ; as may be seen by trying the product of any two numbers. § 189. Whence we derive the general rule, that when the divisor is found as a factor in the dividend, the division is performed by erasing that factor from the dividend, amn-r-a = mn, because amn = a times mn. amn~m = an, because amn = m times an. amn-r-n — am, because amn is n times am. Questions. How is division usually represented 1 What if the same quantity is in the dividend and in the divisor 1 Prove it by examples. §191.] DIVISION OF ALGEBRAICAL QUANTITIES. 129 EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 8c by 8. Ans. c. 2. Divide be by b. Ans. c. 3. Divide 7ra by 7. Ans. m. 4. Divide am by a. Ans. m. 5. Divide 6rf by b. 6. Divide 7a6 by 7. 7. Divide ca6 by c. 8. Divide 6ad by b. 9. As a&rf is the same product as the last, divide that by b. Ans. ad. 10. Divide cde by c. 11. Divide the same product in another form, thus, dec by d. Ans. ec, 12. Divide «6c by c. 13. Divide a&c by b. § 190. As a* = «a, it is evident that if we divide a 2 by a, the quotient is a; because we take away one of the written a's. So, if we divide a 5 by a, .the quotient is a*; because a s is the same as aaaaa, which -~ a, gives aaaa or a*. So, if we divide a h by a 2 , the quotient is aaa or a 3 . And if we divide a 5 by a 4 , the quotient is a; because aaaaa -h- aaaa = a. Hence we see, that when there are exponents in either the dividend or divisor, the division is performed by subtract- ing the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend. b 5 -.-b* = b 3 ; x 7 -r-x 3 = x*. § 19.1 a As every literal quantity is understood to have the number 1 for its co-efficient, it is evident that if we divide by 1, the quotient would be the same literal quantity. Thus, a-7-\ = a. And again, if we divide a literal quantity by Questions. How is division performed when there are exponents? Why ] How when the divisor is the only quantity in the dividend? Why? I 130 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 5. itself, the quotient will be 1. Thus, la—a = 1 : the divisor being a factor in the dividend. § 192. It sometimes happens that the co-efficient contains the divisor as a factor. Thus, 8a is the same as 2 times 4a, or 4 times 2a ; and therefore can be divided by 2 or by 4. In the same manner Sab may be divided by 2a, or 4a, or 26, or 4b ; because it is 2a times 4b, or 4a times 2b. We have only to remember to take those factors out of the dividend which are equal to the divisor. And in general, when there are co-efficients in both the divisor and the divi- dend, divide the co-efficient of the dividend by the co-efficient of the divisor; and then proceed with the literal quantities as before directed. I0abc-r-5b = 2ac; I2a 3 xy-r-3a 2 y — 4ax. EXAMPLES. 14. Divide a 3 by a 9 . Ans. a. 15. Divide x 6 by x*. Ans. x*. 10. Divide a 3 b*y by a*b. Ans. ab 8 y. 17. Divide d 3 c*x 7 by rfc 3 x*. Ans. d 2 c z x*. 18. Divide a*m*x by a*m*. 19. Divide a*x a y 7 by ax 4 y*. 20. Divide d 6 y 7 by dy. 21. Divide p 3 r 7 s a t by r 5 st. 22. Divide ab 3 c A d* by ab»cd 5 . 23. Divide ax 7 y a by ax?y s . 24. Divide c b r 7 sHx*y 7 by c*r 5 ty*. 25. Divide 6a*bc 7 b^ 26c 5 . Ans. 3a 9 c". 26. Divide \2ax*y* by 4a?/ 9 . Ans. 3x 2 y a . 27. Divide 2\bc 3 xy R by 3ct/ 3 . 28. Divide 42c 7 rfV } by 6c 2 d 5 x. Questions. How is division performed when there are co-efficients ? Explain. § 195.] DIVISION OF ALGEBRAICAL QUANTITIES. 131 29. Divide 36pr*st* by 4rsf. 30. Divide 54m 5 n 2 x 3 2/ by 9m 3 ny. 31. Divide 66a*c 8 aV by 3a*c s a?. 32. Divide 48c*r 7 x 3 y 5 by 8cr 5 xy*. 33. Divide 72aV?» 4 by 18a 2 rm 3 . Case 2. §193. We have shown, §169, that (a+b)xc = ac+bc. Of course (ac + bc)-±-c = a-\-b; where we see that ivhen we divide a compound quantity by a simple quantity, we divide each of the terms by that quantity. §194. We must also recollect that, as -f multiplied by -f , makes + in the product, so -f in the product divided by -f » must make -f in the quotient. And that as -f- multiplied by — makes — , so — in the product divided by — , will bring back the -f in the quotient. So that when the signs are alike in the dividend and divisor, the sign in the quo- tient is +. Thus, axb = ab; both of which are +• Also — «X — b = ab; and — ab-. b=+a. §195. Again, as — multiplied by -f makes — , so in the product, — divided by -f-» brings back — in the quotient. Also, — multiplied by — makes -J- ; and of course, + in the product divided by — , brings — in the quotient. That is, when the signs In the divisor and dividend are unlike, the zign in the qudient is — . examples. 34. Divide 2ad+8a»c by 2a. Ans. d+4ac. 35. Divide 8tf* 3 m 2 — I2d 5 m? by 4dm 9 . Ans. 2d»—3d*m 36. Divide ixy + Gx* by 2a?. Ans. 2y-\-3x. 37. Divide abc — acd by ac. Ans. b — d. 38. Divide I2ax—8ab by —4a. Ans. — 3x+2b. Questions. How is a compound quantity divided ? What are the rules for the signs ? For what reason ? 132 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 5. 39. Divide \0xz + \5xy by 5a?. , 40. Divide I5ax— 27a? by 3a:. 41. Divide 18a- 2 — 9a? by 9a?. 42. Divide abc—bcd—bcx by —be. 43. Divide 3a?+6a?--f3aa?— 15a? by 3a;. 44. Divide 3abc + \2abx— 9a»b by Sab. 45. Divide 40a 3 6 2 -f60a a & 8 — 17 ob by ab. 46. Divide \5a-bc — l0acx* + 5ad*c by — Sac. 47. Divide 20ax+\5ax* + \0ax— 5a by 5a. § 196. It is evident that we may divide by either factor Thus, ax+bx may be divided by x, and the quotient will be a + b; or it may be divided by a + b, and the quotient will be x. This may appear singular to the young pupil ; but he is to recollect that division is merely separating the dividend into factors, being careful to make one of them of a given magnitude ; that is, to make it the same as the given divisor. For illustration, ax+bx means that x is taken a times, and also b times. Therefore it is taken (a + b) times; and in the whole quantity, a + b is the co-efficient of a?, so that (ax+bx) = (a + b)x. §197. Now we know that x times a+b = ax + bx; and also that a+b times x = ax+bx. Whence, the product (ax + bx)-i-(d + b)z=x. Therefore we conclude that if the divisor contains just as many terms as the dividend, with corresponding signs ; and the first term of it is a factor in the first term of the dividend, the second term of it in the second >>f the dividend, a.i-2a 2 x+ax 2 a 3 -2aa?+a? 9 , — a a a?-f3a2? 8 — 2a? 3 — a 3 a?-r-2ga- a — a? 3 ax 2 — 3? 6. Divide a 3 — 3a 2 y+ 3ay*— y 3 by a— y. Ans. a 3 — 2ay+y* 7. Divide 6 3 — 10& 3 +33&— 36 by 6— 4. Ans. &*_6&-f9. 8. Divide 6a*— 96 by 3a— 6. Ans. 2a 3 +4a 8 -f 8a+16. 140 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 5. 9. Divide ar 3 — 3a? 8 6 + 3xb*—b s by x—b. Ans. a? 2 — 2xb-\-b 2 . 10. Divide x* — y* by x—y. Ans. x^+xfy+xif-j-y*, 11. Divide a* — 2a?* by a -fa?. ^ Ans. a^a^+a* 2 -* 3 - — . a-fa? 2# 3 12. Divide a 3 — 2? by a-fa?. Ans. a 2 — aa?-f a? 2 a+a? 13. Divide x*+y* by a?-fy. 2 w* Ans. or 1 — tfy+xy 1 — ^+_iL-. 14. Divide 21/ 3 — 19y 2 +26y— 16 by y— 8. Ans. 2y 2 —3y+2. 15. Divide 48a? 3 — 76aa? 8 — 64a 8 a?-f 105a 3 by 2a?— 3a. Ans. 24a? 8 — 2aa?— 35a a . 16. Divide b*—3y* by b—y. „ 4 Ans. b'+b^+by'+tf-.^JL-. 17. Divide 2a 4 — 13a 3 6+31a 9 6«— 38a6 3 -f 246* by 2a fl — 3ab+4b*. Ans. a 3 — 5a&+6& 8 . 18. Divide a? 8 +/>a?+ q by a?+ a. a— pa-f-a 8 Ans. a?-f»— a-f- — *■ . a?-f-a 19. Divide 6a?* -f 9a? 9 — 20a? by 3a? 8 — 3ar. _ Ans. 2ar 8 +2a?-f 5- 3a? 9 — 3a? 20. Divide 9a? 8 — 46a? 5 -f 95a? 9 -f 150a? by a? 8 — 4a?— 5. Ans. 9a?*— 10a? 8 + 5a? 9 — 30a?. 3 77 43 33 21. Divide -X s — 4a?*+— a? 8 -a? 8 — —a?-f27 4 8 4 4 1 3 1 by -a? 9 — a?-f 3. Ans. -a? 8 — 5a? 9 +-a?-f 9. 2 Z 4 §211. It sometimes happens, that in the dividend there are several terms which have the same exponen. ^f that letter by which the quantity has been arranged. In such cases, they should be put directly under one another ; and when they become the first of a partial dividend, there should be a quo- tient for each term before the subtraction is performed; as follows : §212.] DIVISION BY COMPOUND DIVISORS. 141 22. Divide 1 Oa 3 + 1 1 a*b -f- 3ab 2 — 1 5a c — 5b 2 c — 1 9a6c -j-l5bc* by 5a 2 -f 3a& — 56c. * 2 , o * ^ O0a 3 +lla 2 6-f 3a& 2 — 5& 3 c-fl5&c 2 7 , 5a W _56c{ I 15a2c _ 19a , c }2«+6-3c 10a 3 + 6a 6— \0abc + 5a 2 6 + 3a6 3 — 56 3 c + 1 56c 3 f -f 5a*& + 'dab 2 — bb»c+lbbc 2 l 1 — 15a 3 c— 9a6c * Product by +6 = 5a 2 6 -f 3a6 2 — 56 3 c Prod, by— 3c = — 15a 2 c— 9a6c +156c 8 23. Divide a*+4a*b+8b* by a+2&. \eb*+24b* Ans. a 3 — 2a 2 6+4a&-|-4aZ> 2 — 8& 2 — 8& 3 -' a +2b 24. Divide 64a 3 + 64a&-fl6& 8 — 9a* 3 — 48a*-64 by 8a + 4&-f 3rf+8. Ans. 8a + 46— 3d— 8. 25. Divide 18a 2 + 33a6-f 42ac— 1 2ae?— 30& 3 + 1246c + 86a* — 16c 3 — 32cd by 6a+15&— 2 c— 4a*. Ans. 3a-26+8c. 26. Divide 1 by 1— x. l—x) 1 (\+x+x»+x*+x*, &c. 1— X X x—x* a? 3 — x 8 x* a a x 9 27. Divide a 3 by l—x 8 . Ans. a 3 -f-a 3 # 3 -f a 3 a? 6 + 1— X s §212. In the last two examples, the division may be carried on forever, like a decimal fraction. Any algebraical fraction also may be expanded by actually performing - the division in this manner. But as in this example, so in many others, a few leadin/ terms of the quotient will be sufficient to indicate the rest, without continuing the operation. 142 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 5 28. Expand the fraction . r a+x „ XX 2 X 3 X* e «+*)* (1- -+-_-+-, to. a+x — x — a: IC7* For — --r-a = a la x % x* __x» a a ' a* x 9 x* x s _ x* a a* ""a s "^ a = "a" 9 It is obvious that if the division is continued, the remaining terms will be alternately — and -f- ; and that they will in- crease one power in every successive term. § 213. Such operations may be carried on infinitely, so as to bring the result nearer and nearer to the true quotient. And on this account mathematicians have called such ex- pressions Infinite series. It must be understood, however, that it is not the quantity which is infinite, but the number 2 of terms. Thus, .66666666G66, &c, = -. 3 x x % x 3 x* x 5 x 9 a 1 1 1 — , &c., = . a^a* a 3 ^a* a^ a 6 ' a+x 29. Reduce to an infinite series. \+a \+a 30. Reduce , to an infinite series. I— a Ans. 1— a + a 2 — a 3 +a 4 — a 5 +a 6 , &c an infinite series. Ans. l+2a + 2a*+2a s + 2a* + 2a 5 , &c. Questions. What may be done with an algebraical fraction? Is it always necessary to continue the operation? How far may the operation be continued ? What name has been given to the answer? Is the quantity infinite ? §214."] FRACTIONS. 143 V. FRACTIONS. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS TO LOWER TERMS. §214. We showed in §88, that a fraction may be re- duced to lower terms, without any alteration in its value, by simply dividing both terms by a number that will divide each without a remainder. Fractions that are expressed by literal quantities may frequently be reduced in the same manner. Thus, in the fraction — ^, both the ierms may be divided by a; and the fraction will then become -^-. o EXAMPLES. 4abcx Reduce to the lowest terms the fraction Qadcy _ , C4abcx „ 2bx Ans. Both terms <- — ; — i-2ac = — 1 -. C Qadcy 3 ay ■■ _ - a 2 m 3 v . . . my 2. Reduce —r — £- to its lowest terms. Ans. — £-. tfom^x abx n n , 56^ 4 v 8 . , 8v 3 3. Reduce — =-r~* t0 lts lowest terms. Ans. £_. — lx b y* x 4, . _ , — 4x 5 y*z . . 4x 3 z 4. Reduce — -~ — to its lowest terms. Ans. . 5x y* by 2 m ~ , —I2x 4 yz . . 3a? 5. Reduce — — to its lowest terms. Ans. — . —4x*yz* z % 10°* These examples will remind the pupil, that, (because fractions are merely expressions of division,) when each Questions. How may fractions be reduced . to lower terms ? Where must a sign be put to affect the whole fraction 1 What sign in e tch term will make plus for the whole 1 What sign in each term will make miniu for the whole ? § 195. i44 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 6 term has its sign, then the whole fraction will have a sign according to § 194 and 195. 6. Reduce • • — to its lowest terms. I4ab*x* 9x 3 y 5 7. Reduce — — — to its lowest terms. 45ay* , \5(t 3 r 9 s 8. Reduce — to its lowest terms. 27amst § 215. When we divide a compound quantity by a simple quantity, we divide each term, §193. Hence, in reducing fractions to lower terms, we must find for the divisor a quan- tity that is a factor in every term, both of the numerator and denominator. EXAMPLES. « t> j a*x+ay 3 , ax-\-y* 9. Reduce --*- to its lowest terms. Ans. V - • a*b a»b m t> i a*x»+ax 9 —3a*x . . 10. Reduce r — - - - to its lowest terms. ax*— 6ax'+9a 8 x * o ax 2 + x — 3a 8 Ans. — - — -- — — . x 3 — 6x-f 9a 11. Reduce — ^ — - — — - — 2 to its lowest terms. 8ax J — 4a*x .« n j 3a 3 b*x — 9b x -6ax a . , 12. Reduce — - — — — — z — to its lowest terms. I2ax+6abx— \5bx ,_ -1 , 7a*r s t:> 56«ra— I4am s . . 13. Reduce --— — — r — to its lowest terms. 35a 2 ra + 2 1 abm + 56am , _ , 3Za 3 ry { +i8ax 2 y— 6ay . . 14. Reduce -— A J? ' 1g , q J to its lowest terms. 3a 4 i/*— 2 1 a^y*— 1 oa ?/ 2 — 9ay _ , 112a&.x — 48aca' + 100aca? . . 15. Reduce — — r — = r- to its lowest terms. 4abca — Sacd+52acx § 216. By this principle, we may often simplify answers to questions in division. That is, we may put the divisor Questions. What if the numerator or denominator is a compound ^tantity ? What application has reduction of fractions to division? §217.] FRACTIONS. 145 underneath the dividend, so as to make a fraction, and then reduce that fraction to its lowest terms. EXAMPLES. 16. Divide x 2 —2xy+xy 2 by 4xy. Ans. X ~~ y "*"^ . 4y 17. Divide I0xy—20x—5y by —5x. 2xv—4:X—v Ans. ^ 2. x 18. Divide 7abx— 56a*xy + l4ax 3 by 28a*bx !l y. 19. Divide 8amy 3 +lGa 3 xy—24aby !i by 48a 2 y»—72ay. 20. Divide 35o 3 6c—14aa?+42o 3 by 21a 6 — 28a 5 #+7a 4 # 8 . 21. Divide 32arty-|-16# 3 2/ 2 -f-8:ri/ 3 by 24a#+48a 3 x 3 . 22. Divide 54a 3 & 3 +45a 3 & 3 — 27a 3 6 3 by 24a 5 6 3 +30a 3 & 5 . 23. Divide 48xy+\2axy— I6ax by 4x*y*+§ax— 8xy 24. Divide 28(a— b+x) by 4m(a— &+#). Ans. - m 25. Divide 12cc?(ra— rc) by 14ac(m— n). 26. Divide 6a/*(r+/>) by 24a(r+jo). 27. Divide (a -f&) (m+ri) by (a— a;) (m+n) 28. Divide 32a6c by 32abcx—32aby. 29. Reduce the fractions K ^-\ tk^t*'> "4^:1 n* 28a*y \2d?b* hxy 5ab 12ra 3 n — 12mn 3 § 217. It must be remembered that when all the factors in the numerator are contained in the denominator, the answer will contain 1 in the numerator. Thus, - — =— . The Sax x same principle will also apply to the denominator. rp , Aax x Thus, — — =-- = #. 4a 1 Question. What, if in reduction, the common divisor is the as one of the terms of the fraction ? K 13 146 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 6 & 7 VI. MULTIPLICATION WHERE ONE FACTOR IS A FRACTION. § 218. This is done, (as shown § 74, 75,) by multiplying the whole number and the numerator of the fraction together, and dividing by the denominator. mi 3b — x 6ab—2ax a, ab Thus, 2a X = - J 7& = -r« EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply ^ by 3a. Ans. —-^ = xy 2. Multiply - — by 8a. Ans. — «„i- 1n - ab . . ab 3. Multiply 3ax into — — — . Ans. — — 1 'ZCIX 4 ,-«-,,, .' . 2by iab*y—6bxy' 4. MulUply 2ab-3xy by g, Ans. - ^--HI a&v 2a 8 #v — Saby* 5. Multiply -- 2 by 2ax—3xy. Ans. ^ ^- C3? C 3x 3 4- a 6. Multiply 3am»— 4a? by . - »«■ i • i 5as£ — 2m . " . 7. Multiply — by am— 2a 9 . 8. Multiply Wy+tafi by g^jy 9. Multiply sr- by 2aa?-f 3a? s . Sax — ox 10. Multiply I4abc—3cdx by . r J 5mx— Icm Questions. How is multiplication performed when one factor is a fraction ? What is a factor ? What if the whole number is a factor in the denominator of the fraction 1 § 219.] FRACTIONS. 147 ,, . . , \0ax—6xy , n _ 11. Multiply — — - by 3mx— 2am 12. Multiply - by b. Ans. -r-^a- ab abc ab 13. Multiply — by c. Ans. — - =-j- § 219. In the last example, we first multiplied the nume- rator by c, and then divided both the numerator and denomi- nator by c. Now, multiplying the numerator by c and then dividing it by c, is altogether useless ; because the numerator is left as it was at first. We will use then only one part of the operation ; that is, dividing the denominator by c. And in general, when the multiplier is a factor in the denomina- tor, the multiplication is performed by canceling that factor. EXAMPLES. , i „ ,. , o,rnx . amx 14. Multiply by r. Ans. . rs s , .. »• i . i o i obc , abc 15. Multiply x 9 by — — . Ans. — . x y xy 16. Multiply ^ by 2m. Ans. 29*. 17. Multiply 2d by |^. 18. Multiply -—I — by 2x. 19. Multiply 36* by a ^±??. flWl 8 20 - **** ui&=i§5* by to "- «, n/r t • , « i 6am — 4a: 21. Multiply 3a by 3am + 6ax — 12a 3 ~, », , • , abc — bx+cx 22. Multiply — - , „ by 3aa?. VJ 9axy + l2a 3 x— Qaxc J 148 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 6 & 7. , . . . , , am-\-4ab — 2m 23. Muluply iab by Sabm+Uab _ 4abx - 24. MuLtiply - — ■ — by 5a?— b. r ' 5a?-f ay J VII. REDUCTION OF COMPLEX FRACTIONS TO SIMPLE ONES. § 220. We have shown, that when we multiply a fraction by its denominator, we obtain for the answer the same quan- tity as the numerator. We have also shown that where both terms of a fraction are multiplied by the same quantity, the value of the fraction is not altered. By these two principles, we obtain the following rule for reducing a complex fraction to a simple one. § 221. Multiply both terms of the fraction by the deno- minator that is found either in the entire numerator or de- nominator. If the fraction is still complex, multiply the result in both terms by the remaining denominator that is found in the entire term. Thus, a +-* _ ca + b ; a — J ca — b ■ 4ac — 4b ~1 cd ! |T« — £ + ca 3c -f4ac* EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce ^-to a simple fraction. * ac Ans. Multiplying both terms by c, — r. a — — . , /. . ay — x 2. Reduce * to a simple fraction. Ans. ° . ax axy Questions. How may a complex fraction be changed to a simple fraction? Explain why. How may fractions be transferred from the numerator to the denominator ! § 222.] FRACTIONS. 149 X 3. Reduce — to a simple fraction. * v «2/+V Ans. 5ay+y—z x — — 4x—x 3 4. Reduce - to a simDle fraction. Ans. — = -^* xy 4yx 4y 5. Reduce ^— t to a simple fraction. Ans. y - 3a — -— * a y y-r*- x + - 6. Reduce - to a simple fraction. Z - x e a?+- xy + x _ cxy-\-cx z — l. yz — \ cyz-y* 4 + - . 24* -f Gx 7. Reduce : to a simple fraction. Ans. — . x — f r Gxz — bz 8. Reduce =J to a simple fraction. Ans. — , ' • a + ^ acy + bxy 3 + 4 . t „ . 3a?v + 4v 9. Reduce =- to a simple fraction. Ans. — - -• 4 — - 4;ri/ — 5a? 10. Reduce - to a simple fraction. Ans. = 3-. § 222. It sometimes happens that we wish to transfer a fraction from a numerator to the denominator, or from a de- nominator to the numerator. This may be done by the fore- 2 a going principles. For, supposing we have — ; multiplying <*. & On by the denominator of f-, we have — . Now, if we divide IX this fraction by 2, we have — . Thus we see that such a fraction is transferred, without altering the value of the whole quantity, if we take care to invert it when we transfer it. 13* I5C ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 6 or (a 4 b*). The third power of 16 = 4096; or it equals (2x8) 3 which equals 2 3 x8 s which =8x512 - = 4096. § 250- From the preceding remarks, we derive a principle that is of much importance in mathematics. It is the follow- ing : (2a) 2 = 2 2 a 9 , or 4a 3 . That is, four times the second power of any quantity is the same as the second power of twice that quantity; as, 2 3 (x+|) 3 = 4(;r+§) 3 . §251. We see that when an exponent is to affect only one letter, it is annexed to that letter alone ; but when it is to affect a quantity which is represented by more than one letter, that quantity must first be enclosed by a vinculum, or paren- thesis, and then the exponent is annexed to that. Thus, the second power of a + b must be represented by either (a-f &) 3 > or a-f-6| 3 , or a + b . The parenthetical form is generally the best. Questions, How is involution performed if there are more letters than one? What if there is a numeral factor? What does the rule, together with the representation of the power show? What im- portant principle is derived from this ? Supposing an exponent is to effect a quantity of more than one letter? § 252.] INVOLUTION AND POWERS. 167 § 252. In involving compound quantities, it is found best, for most purposes, to give them simply the proper exponent. Thus, the fifth power of 2a— x = (2a — x) 5 . But there are some cases in which it is necessary to perform the multipli- cation in its extent. And that operation is called expanding or developing the value of the expression. 5. Thus we expand or develope (2a— x) 5 , as follows : 2a— x 2a — x 4a z —2ax —2dx + x* 4a' i —4ax+x 2 = (2a— x)*. 2a —x 8a 3 — 8a 2 x + 2ax* — 4a-x-{-4ax* — x % 8a 3 — i2a*x+Qax^-- x 3 = (2a— x)\ 2a — x 16a 4 — 24a 3 x+ I2a 2 x 2 —2ax 3 — 8a* x + 12a'.r 2 — 6ax 3 +x* r6a 4 — 32a 3 x -f 24a^ a — 8aa? 3 -f- x* = (2a- 2a —x 32a 5 —64a*x -f 48a 3 # 2 — 1 6a V + 2ax* — 1 6a 4 x + 32a 3 .r 2 — 24a 2 , r 5 -f 8ax 4 — x 5 32a 5 — 80a i x + 80a'x»— 40a 2 r J +10a;r 4 — x 5 = (2a— a:) 5 EXAMPLES. 6. Expand the binomial (a-|-2:r) 4 . Ans. a 4 -f8a , #+24a 2 :r 2 +32ar , + in;r 4 . 7. Expand the binomial (2x—3y) s . Ans. 8x 3 —36x»y+54xy*r-21y 3 . 8. Expand the binomial (3— x) 4 . Ans. 81— 108»+54x 2 — 12a? 3 +^. Questions. What are we said to do in performing the mulliplico Hon in involution? Do we always do that 1 168 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 15. 9. Expand the trinomial (a+b — c) 9 . Ans. a 3 +2a&— 2ac+b*— 2&c+c a 10. Expand the trinomial (x 9 — 2a? + l) 3 . Ans. a? 9 — 6a? 5 + 15a? 4 — 20a? 3 + 1 5a? 9 — 6a* + 1. 0C?* If the binomial has but one letter in each term, the square is immediately known, from § 179 and § 180. § 253. The powers of a fraction are found by raising both numerator and denominator to the power required. Thus, (• y - g of f of t - 2 v ; ay - 3. EXAMPLES. 11, What is the sixth power of j- Ans. 3a? 27a?* 12. What is the third power of — ? Ans. —— 3 . if if 13. What is the sixth power of -^? Ans. — -£-. r x a? 8 14. What is the fourth power of -^? Ans. n f A r 5a . 625a* §254. It was shown, §167, that a*xa* = a*; and that fl s xa 3 xa 3 xa 3 = a ,a . In each of these cases, the exponent was added as many times as the quantity was to be taken as a factor; by which we see that when a quantity has already an exponent, it is raised to any power by multiplying the exponent by the exponent of the required power. Thus, the "ourth power of a 3 is a 3X4 = a 13 . § 255. As to the signs of the powers, by the principle of multiplication, § 172, if the root is plus ( + ), all the powers are plus; but if the root is minus (—-), all the even powers are plus, and all the odd powers are minus. The second power of —a is —ax —a, which is -fa 3 ; the third power is Questions. How do we find the powers of fractions 1 How do we involve a quantity that has an exponent? What is the rule for signs of the different powers * § 256.] INVOLUTION AND POWERS 169 -\-a a x — a, which is — a 3 ; the fourth power is — a*X — «» which is -fa 4 ; the fifth power is —a 5 . EXAMPLES. 15. What is the third power of 6V? Ans. b«x 9 . 16. What is the fourth power of a*y*xt Ans. a™y 8 x 4 . 17. What is the fifth power of bc 3 x»1 Ans. b*c i5 x i0 . 18. What is the third power of ab*x 2 y1 Ans. a s b 6 z 6 y 3 . 19. What is the third power of —3x*y 3 ? Ans. —27x 6 y 9 . „„ . , ,. 3a*x\ 2187a 14 # 31 20. What is the 7th power of -— ? Ans. y » 3z 27z 3 22. What is the nth power of a 8 ? Ans. a 3n . 2xr 2 Sx^r 9 23. What is the third power of — — ? Ans. — — — . r 3y 27t/ 3 24. What is the nth power of — - ? Ans ax 21. What is the third power of — — — ? Ans. ay 1 " a r y mn w , . -. i n — a 3 x(d+m) , 25. What is the second power of — ; — ^-r- — '- ? r (x+iy (x-f l) 6 26. What is the third power of —fa? 3 ?/ 8 ? Ans. — &x B y 9 . § 256. If we divide any power by its root, we obtain the a 5 power next below. Thus, a s -r-a = a*, or— = a 4 . Again, a* a 3 a 3 a 4 -r-a = a 8 , or — = a 8 ; — ==a 8 ; — = a. Let us proceed; a a a — =. 1 ; but if we diminish the exponent, as we did in the preceding divisions, we have - = a . Hence we learn, that a is equal to 1, however great or small the value of a may be. Questions. What power of any quantity is equal to 11 How do we learn this * 15 170 ALGEBRA. [EQ. SEC. 15. This may be shown in numbers. 49 is the second power of 7. Now, 49-r-7 = 7, theirs* power; and 7-7-7 = 1, the no power. § 257. But we can proceed still farther with our division. l-r-a = -; — 7-a = — : — -a = — ;