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Dr. Merton E, Hill
AU rights reserved
Copyright, 1907,
By the macmillan company
Set up and electrotyped. Published April, 1907.
Reprinted August, September, October, 1907;
January, June, November, December, 1908 ; July,
September, 1909 ; January, April, December, 1910 ;
July, 191 X.
Norinootr ^ress
J« 8. Onshing & Co. — Berwick &, Smith Co.
Norwood, Mass., U.S.A.
This book is intended primarily for students of edu-
cation in universities, training scho -Is, and normal
schools, who are preparing for classroom teaching,
especially in the elementary grades. It aims, first, to
furnish the prospective teacher with a compendium of
precepts that will aid him in the mastery of technique ;
secondly, to interpret these precepts in the light of
accepted psychological principles ; and, thirdly, to unite
both precepts and principles into a coherent and fairly
comprehensive system.
The data have been gathered from four sources:
first and chiefly from observing the work of efficient
and successful classroom teachers ; secondly, from text-
books and treatises upon the subject of school manage-
ment and classroom practice, numerous references to
which will be found in the footnotes and at the close
of the chapters ; thirdly, from the writer's own experi-
ence; and fourthly, from general psychological prin-
ciples. Data of the last-named class have, in every
case, been subjected to actual test before being in-
cluded in this volume. The writer is convinced that
a successful science of education can never be pro-
duced by working backward from highly wrought
theory to concrete practice. This procedure is a
survival of the deductive habit of mind which science
has long since discarded as totally inadequate to the
discovery of truth. Valid principles of teaching can
be derived only from observation and induction based
upon successful school practice. The expert teacher
learns through a selective process of trial and error how
most effectively to deal with the pupils under his care.
If a given educational practice is effective, there must
be back of it somewhere a valid principle. It has been
the writer*s attempt, first to find the successful practice,
and then to discover the principle that governs it. Of
the difficulties to be encountered in this method of
procedure, the writer is fully cognizant ; of the dangers,
he is not unaware. A given practice may be effective
in one school and ineffective in another. Many of the
precepts here presented will not be applicable to all
schools, but the writer is convinced that practically all
are applicable to the typical American classroom. It
is the teacher who has charge of such a classroom that
the book is primarily intended to aid ; not that it will
make the work of this teacher expert from the outset ;
no book could accomplish that end; but it may serve
to shorten the period of necessarily amateurish prac-
tice, — to eliminate some of the early errors, and to
augment, both in quality and in quantity, the successful
The manuscript has been read by Professor Amos W.
Farnham, of the Oswego State Normal School, to whom
the writer is heavily indebted for many valuable sug-
gestions. Acknowledgment must also be made of the
aid and inspiration gained from the writer's association
with the schoolmen of St. Louis during his service as
a grammar school principal in that city, and especially
from the fortnightly sessions of the St. Louis School-
masters' Club. To State Superintendent W. E. Har-
mon, of Helena, Montana, he likewise owes a debt of
gratitude for a fresh and stimulating example of the
attitude that one may take toward the detailed and
seemingly trivial problems of Schoolcraft.
For especial courtesies in the furnishing of data and
illustrative material, acknowledgment is due to Assistant
Superintendent C. C. Rathmann, of St. Louis ; Super-
intendent C. L. Robbins, of the Montana State Normal
College; Superintendent John Kennedy, of Batavia,
N.Y. ; and to Miss C. V. Sinnamon, Miss L. L. Love-
ridge, Miss Katherine Hayes, and Miss Jennie McGrath,
of the Oswego State Normal School.
State Normal and Training School,
Oswego, New York, March, 1907.
Introduction i
I. The classroom the unit of educational system..
2. The problem of classroom management has to do with
the effective training of children in the mass ; funda-
mentally a problem of economy. 3. Complex character of
education makes a clear perspective necessary. 4. Anal-
ogy between school and factory; limitations of this
analogy. 5. Ultimate aim of education must be consid-
ered. 6. Social efficiency as the aim. 7. Difficulties of
testing results of education with reference to this aim.
8. Can these difficulties be overcome ? 9. General plan
of treatment.
Routine and Habit 13
I . System and organization as solvents of the problem
of waste. 2. Instinct and habit as representing organiza-
tion and system in the individual. 3. The law of habit-
building. 4, Analogies between habit in the individual
and routine or custom in the group. 5. Application of
law of habit to group activities.
Initiating Routine: Preventing Waste by Starting
Aright 20
I. Importance of a " good start." 2. Preparing for the
first day of school. 3. Preliminary arrangements. 4. The
first day's work. 5. The first intermissions. 6. Prob-
lems of the first day in ungraded schools.
Mechanizing Routine 30
I. Problem of the chapter : to justify routine and deter-
mine the extent of its application. 2. The two opposing
theories of school management as regards routine : state-
ment of the "anti-machine" doctrine. 3. Arguments
against mechanical organization. 4. Arguments in favor
of mechanical organization. 5. Conclusion: mechanical
organization may be applied under certain restrictions.
6. Details to be subjected to routine organization : (a) pass-
ing of lines ; fire drills. 7. (d) Signals. 8. (c) Passing
to the blackboard. 9. (d) Passing to the recitation
bench. 10. () Distributing and collecting wraps.
11. (/) Distributing and collecting books and materials.
12. (g) Orderly arrangement of books and materials in
desks. 13. (^) Insuring tidiness in the classroom.
14. (/) Leaving the room. 15. (J) Neatness of written
work and blackboard work. 16. Monitorial positions.
The Daily Program 50
I. Factors involved in construction of program.
2. (a) The length of school year. 3. (d) The length of
the school day. 4. (c) Time devoted to recesses and
intermissions. 5. (^) Subjects to be taught. 6. (^) Rela-
tive importance of the various subjects. 7. Prevailing
practice in evaluating subjects. 8. (/) Relation of subject-
matter to fatigue. 9. The general factors of fetigue.
10. (g) The place of general exercises. 11. (/t) The
number of pupils and the number of classes ; typical graded
school programs; typical ungraded school program.
12. Danger of placing too many subjects in curriculum;
law of diminishing returns in education. 13. Necessity
pf holding to the program.
Regularity and Punctuality of Attendance . .71
I. Waste involved in delinquencies of attendance.
2. Regular attendance should become a habit with each
pupil. 3. What constitutes a necessary delinquency?
4. Initiating habits of regular attendance : (a) enforcing
attendance statutes and rulings. 5. (b) Encouraging at-
tendance by prizes, privileges, etc. 6. {c) Competitions
in attendance. 7. Tardiness. 8. Fortifying habits by
ideals. 9. Should delinquencies in attendance detract
from pupils' scholarship standing?
Preserving Hygienic Conditions in the Classroom . 81
I. Relation of unhygienic conditions to waste. 2. Hy-
gienic habits of posture ; characteristics of hygienic sit-
ting position. 3. Law of habit-building as applied to
posture. 4. The writing posture. 5. Posture in stand-
ing. 6. Hygiene of eyesight. 7. Fatigue, relaxation,
and exercise. 8. Personal cleanliness. 9. Contagious
diseases. 10. Moral heahh.
Order and Discipline 92
I . Problem of discipline concerned primarily with wel-
fare of the class as a whole. 2. Authority the first con-
dition of effective discipline ; factors in securing authority :
{a) courage. 3. XJ>) Tact. 4. (c) Persistence. 5. {d)
Scholarship. 6. {e) Justice. 7. (/) Good nature.
8. Other factors involved in securing order: (a) the
teacher's voice. 9. (3) Mechanized routine. 10. (c)
Keeping pupils occupied. 11. {d) Substitution vs. re-
Penalties 105
I . Government must always provide penalties for offenses
against order. 2. Relation of inhibition to order in the
classroom. 3. Spencer's doctrine of natural punishments.
4. Inadequacies of Spencer's theory. 5. Necessity of
helping nature out in inhibition of unsocial tendencies.
6. Discipline a different problem in classroom manage-
ment from what it would be in management of an indi-
vidual pupil. 7. Unsocial impulses must be eliminated
at any cost. 8. Characteristics of an effective penalty.
9. Corporal punishment as a penalty; advantages and
limitations. 10. Rules for application of corporal punish-
ment. II. Corporal punishment at most only a tentative
and extreme measure. 12. The reaction against corporal
punishment ; consideration of chief arguments that have
been advanced against its employment. 13. Citations from
authorities upon corporal punishment. 14. Regulation of
corporal punishment : {a) necessity of a standard method.
15. {b) Application by the principal. 16. {c) Presence of
witnesses. 17. {d) Corporal punishment must not be
made a spectacle for other children. 18. (e) Corporal
punishment in general to be limited to pre-adoleecent years.
19. Other penalties : {a) rebukes. 20. (b) Loss of privi-
leges. 21. (jc) Suspensions. 22. (d) Expulsions.
23. {e) Sending to the principal.
The Problem of Attention 137
I. Problem of Part II: consideration of problems that
cannot be reduced to routine. 2. Inattention as a source
of waste. 3. Contribution of psychology of attention to
education. 4. The doctrine of ends : the immediate end ;
primary passive attention; the first law. 5. The remote
end and active attention : the second law. 6. The remote
end becomes immediate : the third law ; secondary passive
attention. 7. The first and second laws Oi especial im-
portance in classroom management.
The Problem of Attention (Continued) : The Opera-
tion OF the First Law 147
I, Primary passive attention determined by instinct.
2. (a) The instinctive desire for change and variety.
3. Application to classroom practice in providing variety
of stimuli. 4. Dangers involved in applying this prin-
ciple ; lack of persistence. 5. (d) The play instinct;
field of application in school work. 6. Advantages and
dangers of educating through play activities. 7. (c) The
instinct of curiosity ; application in devices. 8. School
use of curiosity should be temperate. 9. (^) The instinc-
tive liking for bright colors, sharp contrasts, and intense
stimuli of all kinds ; examples of expression of this instinct
in school children. 10. (e) The instinct of construction ;
application in securing attention to objective processes.
1 1 . Other instincts to be discussed in following chapter.
12. Summary.
The Problem of Attention (Continued) : The Opera-
tion OF the Second Law 158
I . Relation of instinct to active attention ; instinctive
desire makes idea of remote end directive over present
impulse. 2. Idea of remote end technically termed an
incentive. 3. Positive and negative incentives; hope of
future reward or fear of future pain the criterion for classi-
fication. 4. In 'general, incentives used in school should
make appsal from positive standpoint. 5. But this does
not mean that negative incentives have no place. 6. In-
centives in which the predominant appeal is negative.
7. Difficulty of applying negative incentives. 8. Negative
incentives should be applied only in extreme cases.
9. Summary.
The Problem of Attention (Continued) : Application
OF the Second Law through Positive Incentives . 168
I. What is meant by an "acquired interest"; incen-
tives high or low, as they involve an acquired interest or
a primitive instinct. 2. Scheme for classifying positive
incentives. 3. (a) Incentives that make a positive appeal to
the instinct of emulation : (i) Competitive prizes of intrin-
sic value ; use of such prizes is bad practice. 4. (2) Com-
petitive prizes not intrinsically valuable ; conditions under
which these may be effectively applied. 5. (3) Immuni-
ties : in general, granting of immunities from school tasks
as prizes for effort is bad practice. 6. (4) Privileges:
conditions under which privileges may be employed as
incentives. 7. (5) Exhibition of pupils' work: dangers
and limitations of this incentive; value if used under
restrictions. 8. (6) Grades, marks, and promotions:
reason for efficiency of these incentives. 9. Objections
against use of these incentives. 10. How the dangers
may be counteracted. 1 1 . Advantages and disadvantages
of the grading system. 12. (3) Incentives that make a
positive appeal to the social instincts: (i) praise, com-
mendation, and adulation ; place of these incentives.
13. Efficiency of these incentives. 14. (2) Pupils' pride
in the good name of the school : advantages and dangers ;
how to be used in small schools. 15. School exhibits as
creating an esprit de corps. 16. {c) Ideals as incentives :
what is meant by an ideal. 17. The psychology of ideals :
relation of ideals to habits.
The Technique of Class Instruction . . . .188
I. Method of instruction in its relation to classroom
management. 2. Classroom management must secure
attention of all pupils to matter in hand. 3. Greatest
difficulty is attention during unsupervised periods, espe-
cially in the study lesson ; hence importance of technique
of text-book instruction. 4. Difficulties of text-book in-
struction. 5. Divisions of the text-book lesson: {a) the
assignment and its two functions: (i) to clear up diffi-
culties. 6. Formal difficulties that are apt to be trouble-
some. 7. (2) To develop a need for, or interest in,
material of the text. 8. Assignments which stimulate
curiosity. 9. Assignments which give the "setting" of
selections. 10. The "lecture-assignment.'" 11. The
assignment a field for giving oral instruction and still
making effective use of text-books. 12. (J?) The study
lesson: as test of the assignment. 13. The technique of
the study lesson : (i) study questions : their structure and
function. 14. (2) Study topics. 15. Written work in
the study period should be reduced. 16. {c) The recita-
tion lesson : fundamental principle, " Hold pupils respon-
sible for assigned lesson." 17. Question-and-answer vs.
topical recitations. 18. Rules for conduct of recitation.
The "Batavia System" of Class-individual Instruc-
tion 214
I. Sources of waste inherent in class organization.
2. Necessity for a compromise between individual and
class instruction. 3. The Batavia system effects such a
compromise ; history of the Batavia movement. 4. Sum-
mary of the virtues of the Batavia system : {a) it makes
individual work a definite and required part of the daily
program ; {b) it insists that best teachers give individual
instruction ; {c) it has developed a technique of individual
instruction. 5. These factors safeguard the system against
inherent dangers. 6. Batavia system "makes good" in
actual test. 7. General applicability of Batavia system to
present organization of schools ; the " doubly-alternating"
program. 8. Cautions. 9. Summary.
Testing Results
I . Can the test of actual results be applied to the work
of the school? 2. The educated individual must possess
(a) a fund of habits. 3. (^) A fund of knowledge.
4. (c) A fund of ideals. 5. Conclusion: habits and
knowledge are amenable to fairly accurate tests. 6. Test-
ing the efficiency of habit-building : (a) purely physical
habits; posture. 7. Line-movements. 8. (d) Written
work. 9. Comparison of written work at successive stages
of development. 10. Testing habit-building in blackboard
work. II. (c) Habits of speech. 12. (d) Testing habit-
building in arithmetic: (i) accuracy. 13. (2) Rapidity.
14. () Testing habit-building in spelling ; the results of
Cornman's investigations. 15. Automatically correct
spelling the test of effective teaching of spelling. 16. Test-
ing knowledge ; difficulty of establishing a true standard.
17. The formal examination as a test of knowledge ; value
of the examination as an educative process. 18. Can the
examination be made a test of ability to apply knowledge ?
19. Structure of examination questions with reference to
this end. 20. Examinations should test ability to organize
as well as ability to apply. 21. Modification of methods
of teaching through results of examinations. 22. Marking
examination papers. 23. Summary.
The Disposition of the Teacher's Time
I. Teacher must be able to concentrate a maximum of
energy upon problems of class work. 2. Division of time
between prime school duties and accessory school duties.
3. The out-of-school duties of the teacher: (a) profes-
sional: (i) preparing for school work. 4. Correcting
written exercises. 5. (2) Broader professional culture.
6. Professional reading. 7. Teachers' associations.
8. (^) Hygienic duties. 9. (^) Civic duties. 10. () So-
dal duties, ii. What proportion of time should be
devoted to social diversion?
The Teacher's Relation to Principal, Supervisors,
AND Superintendent 261
I . Concentration of authority and responsibility essen-
tial to efficiency of organized effort ; the superintendent
of schools as the center of authority and responsibility.
2. The principal of the building and his responsibilities.
3. Unquestioned obedience the first principle of effective
service. 4. The relation of the teacher to special super-
visors. 5. Supervision of rural schools. 6. Summary.
The Ethics of Schoolcraft 267
I. Significance of the term "craft ethics." 2. Unsatis-
factory condition of ethics of schoolcraft. 3. Some of the
ideals and standards that are being recognized as essential
to a true schoolcraft : (a) specialization of the teacher's
work. 4. (d) Members of the teachers' guild must legis-
late for themselves in craft matters. 5. (c) True school-
craft will not make excuses for inadequate results. 6. (d) A
true craft spirit will demand high standards of scholarship
and preparatory training. 7. (e) It must be insisted that
teaching is social service. 8. (/) Dogmatism and pedan-
try must be abjured. 9. Teaching a constructive as well
as a conservative art.
Appendix A: Suggestions for the Study of Class-
room Technique through Observation . . . 275
Appendix B: Pupil-government and the School City 290
Appendix C: The "Springfield Questions" in Arith-
metic 299
Appendix D : Pupils' Written Work as an Index of
Growth 301
The Problem of Classroom Management
I. An extensive diffusion of education among the people
is made possible by dealing with children, not individually,
but in masses. Provided that they are approximately
equal in age, ability, and degree of attainment, thirty
pupils can be simultaneously trained and instructed by one
teacher. This working unit of the educational system is
termed a "class," a '* grade," or a **room." The last
term is perhaps the most convenient as a technical desig-
nation, for, in practice, the working unit, assembled under
the supervision of one teacher, is frequently made up of
two or more distinct classes or grades. Whether it is wise
ever to divide a "room" into separate classes is a disputed
point in educational policy, but the condition is well-nigh
universal in American schools, and may be considered as
representing the normal type of classroom organization.
The relative merits of the class and individual systems of
instruction will be discussed in greater detail in a later section.^
It should be said at this point, however, that the class system
* See below, ch. xiv.
has certain advantages to recommend it in addition to the fact
that it permits a large number of pupils to be instructed by a
single teacher. While pupils have doubtless been gathered
together in this way since the earliest days of formal education
" simultaneous " instruction may be dated from 1680, when it
was first introduced into the Christian Brothers' schools by
Father La Salle of Rheims, the founder of this Society. The
practice extended gradually to other schools, until to-day
it is the usual method of school organization in all civilized
2. The problem of classroom management has to do
with the efifective treatment of this "room" or unit-group
of pupils. Primarily it is a problem of economy : it seeks
to determine in what manner the working unit of the school
plant may be made to return the largest dividend upon
the material investment of time, energy, and money.
From this point of view, classroom management may be
looked upon as a "business" problem. The handling of
children in masses is its central point of interest. How to
secure the best results from an educative process carried
on imder this condition is the question for which it seeks
an answer.
3. In a complex process, like education, it is always
necessary to keep a clear perspective. One is apt to con-
* Cf. J. Landon, School Management, Boston, 1884, p. 151: "The
system was early employed in Austria, and soon became general in Hol-
land and Germany. It was adopted here and there in France from its
first introduction. After 1840 it began to extend rapidly, and jt is now
in use in the majority of French schools. ... As might be expected,
the various schemes of simultaneous organization all resemble each other
in general features, though each local variety has its peculiarities."
fuse means and ends : the means are concrete and tangible,
the ends are often abstract and ideal. Thus the teacher
accepts the dictum that silence, good order, "discipline,"
punctuality, etc., are self -justified — that these things are,
in themselves, real ends of "school keeping." This error
of perspective may not work injurious results under normal
conditions. The true ends of good order, discipline, etc.,
may be gained, although the teacher may be quite unaware
of what these ends really are. But lack of perspective
may easily cause some serious misplacements of emphasis,
if not more disastrous consequences, under exceptional
conditions. The waves of fads and reforms that sweep
through the educational system at periodic intervals will
have but little detrimental influence upon the teacher
whose theoretical foundations are firm and stable; but
the teacher who lacks secure moorings is tossed from wave
to counter wave, until he either loses his bearings entirely
or collapses from mal de mer. One who maintains good
order and discipline for no other reason than that one has
been told that it is "the thing to do" is often the first to
fall under the spell of the faddist who proclaims that dis-
ciplinary processes unduly repress the child ; deprive him
of the spontaneity and freedom that are his dearest birth-
rights ; and are, in general, to be looked upon as relics of
It is for this reason that an adequate foundation in educa-
tional psychology and in the general theory of education is so
essential to every teacher; and it is for this reason that every
effort should be made to discover the fundamental laws that
underlie the educative process and so to make possible an edU'
cational psychology upon which there shall be universal agree-
ment. The classroom teacher needs a sound theoretical foun-
dation in a measure that is not even approached by the rank
and file of other crafts and professions. The almost infinite
possibilities of education make the influence of even the
humblest subordinate a matter of tremendous import, jlf op;
portunities are neglected, if wrong principles are applied, if
true principles are misinterpreted, conditions may result which
are all the more disastrous because their insidious character
cannot be detected perhaps until years have elapsed. Even
the educational psychology that is now available is sufficient
to develop in any teacher an acute sense of his responsibility if
nothing more. And a sense of responsibility will do much
toward preserving one's equilibrium in a whirlwind of conflicting
theories and antagonistic practices.
4. The "business" concept on of the school must be
viewed in this perspective of means and ends. The school
resembles a factory in that its duty lies in turning a cer-
tain raw material into a certain desired product. It differs
from a factory in that it deals with living and active, not
with dead and inert, materials. Because of this vital factor,
the material with which the school deals is influenced by
all the forces of the environment, and not alone by those
that are consciously designed to mold it to the desired
form. Some of these forces — those of the home and of
the street, for example — are largely beyond the pale
of the school's influence. There are, however, certain
activities of the school itself which exert a profound
influence over the pupiPs life, and yet which are not
generally recognized by teachers as vital elements in
the educative process. School studies are supposed to
"educate"; the personality of the teacher is recognized
as an influencing factor ; and the notion is slowly grow-
ing that the physical surroundings of the pupil — the
buildings, the walls of the rooms, the hallways, the
yards — '■ exert a formative influence that cannot be neg-
lected. But even those who will agree with all of this
sometimes fail to appreciate the fact that, in such details
as passing books and writing materials, passing to and
from the blackboard, getting wraps, preserving silence and
good order, an educative influence is being exerted that
may equal in value the influence of lessons and recita-
This, then, is the factor that makes school management
so different from the management of other business insti-
tutions. The very jorms that school management adopts
to make the lessons and the recitations effective are, in
themselves, vital factors in the educative process.
For example : Assuming that a thoroughgoing mastery of the
multiplication tables is essential to the educated individual, it
becomes the province of classroom management to see to it
that this mastery is attained by all of the members of a given
class with as little waste of time and effort as is possible. It
may be proved that the fear of an examination, or of failure,
or of the loss of a privilege, or of a physical punishment, will
result in an intense application of the pupil to the tables, and
so insure the desired mastery with a minimal expenditure of
time and of the teacher's energy. If one of these incentives
were found to work most economically, the problem of manage-
ment in this connection would, superficially speaking, be solved.
But it will be readily seen that an incentive might be thoroughly
effective in this narrow and superficial way, and yet work an
irremediable injury to the pupil.
Again, an accurate mastery of the mechanics of reading may
be assumed as essential to the educated individual. Class-
room management must provide conditions that will insure this
mastery. Perhaps nothing leads more quickly to this mastery
than to have each pupil in the class watch for the mistakes that
other pupils make, and point out the correct form to the one
who is in error. By adopting this device, the teacher can assure
himself that every pupil in the class will give the lesson his
undivided attention, and that every pupil who reads will strive
as strenuously as he can to avoid mistakes. The desired end
is gained — but classroom management must go farther than the
attainment of superficial ends, no matter how desirable these
may be. It must inquire into the effect upon the pupil of the
means that are employed to reach the end. It must consider
the net results — which, in the instance cited, will probably be
detrimental in that the pernicious habit or attitude which we
characterize as hypercritical or pedantic is developed by the
practice in question.
Another instance : Punctuality and regularity of attendance
are essential if the school is to be operated with a minimum of
waste. From the narrow point of view, classroom management
fulfills its function in this regard when all pupils attend regu-
larly and punctually upon all the sessions of the school. From
the narrow point of view, such a result would represent the
acme of efficiency for classroom management; but it is clear
that the strenuous measures that would be essential to the ful-
fillment of such a condition would work injury and injustice
out of all proportion to the value of the result obtained.
5. It may be concluded, therefore, that the measures
which classroom management adopts to prevent or elimi-
nate waste must always be considered, not only with refer-
ence to the specific end sought, but also in the Hght of the
much broader end of education in general.
Can the ultimate end of education be so definitely stated
as to form an adequate guide or criterion for questions of
this sort ? This depends obviously upon the character of
the aim that one adopts. If one has distinctly in mjnd
certain definite and tangible quahties that must be pos-
sessed by the educated individual, one's judgment as to
the influence of certain measures upon the development of
such an individual will at least be better than an aimless
practice that is trusted to *'hit upon" the right procedure
by chance or accident — and much of our educational
practice, even to-day, could be subjected to this stricture.
6. The Aim of Education. Fundamentally, the task of
the school is to fit the child for Ufe in civihzed society.
The child, when he comes into the world, is not, like the
young of most animals, adapted by nature to the Hfe that
he must lead. During the plastic period of immaturity
he must be trained and instructed in order to enter, at
maturity, upon the Hfe that is represented by the social
world into which he is bom. Education is the largest
name for this process, and educative forces consequently
include all forces that influence the individual to this end.
School education is only a specific kind of education : the
education represented by the home, the church, or any
other social institution is equally justified in assuming
the same name.
In general, the aim of the school may be formulated
as social efficiency} Whatever the school undertakes to
accomplish must be judged in the light of this standard.
Not only must the materials of instruction be subjected
to this test, but the methods of instruction must not exert
an unsocial influence ; and, what is especially important
in the present connection, the schemes and devices of
classroom management must meet satisfactorily the same
requirements. The test of the ultimate aim must be
apphed at every point ; otherwise the work of the school
will lack system and harmony, and adequate results will
be secured only through the operation of the law of
7. It is not to be assumed, of course, that a rigid appli-
cation of this test is possible in the present state of our
knowledge, (a) Not all authorities are agreed upon the
essential characteristics of the socially efiicient individual.
Nevertheless there is sufficient agreement for practical
purposes. Every one knows that such qualities as honesty,
self-control, wilUngness to cooperate, a certain measure of
amiabiUty, and a certain measure of altruism or social
spirit, are essential to one who is to live and deal with
one's fellows; and every one knows that the antitheses
of these qualities tend to render one socially inefficient.
There can be no disagreement upon points so manifest
as these, (b) Again, it is often impossible to state with
certainty whether a certain method or a certain device
* See the theoretical discussion of this aim in the writer's Educative
Process, New York, 1905, ch. iii; cf., also, M. V. O'Shea: Education as
Adjustment, New York, 1903, chs. vi, vii.
will operate favorably or unfavorably with regard to these
or other desired quahties. The actual results of the teach-
er's labor cannot be accurately determined until years after
the work has been done ; by that time, it may be, the
methods have been forgotten and the teacher himself per-
haps has gone to his reward. But, while this assertion is
not to be doubted,, it is none the less true that sober re-
flection and a careful weighing of probabiHties will enable
one to judge with some degree of accuracy ; and anything
that approaches rigidity and exactness, even remotely, is
vastly to be preferred over the " hit-or-miss " manner of
deahng with troublesome questions that has so long made
education a butt of ridicule for members of other crafts
and professions.
We are speaking here of the influence upon social qualities
of the methods and devices of instruction and management.
The same question may be asked concerning subject-matter
of instruction. The whole problem is, beyond doubt, one
of the most intricate and involved that science has ever
attempted to solve. If a test for intellectual growth were
sufiScient, the task would be difiicult enough; but intellectual
growth and development is so inextricably bound up and
wound about with emotional factors practically defying analy-
sis or reduction to quantitative and numerical terms, that a
complete and satisfactory solution would seem to be far in
the future. Nevertheless, the difficulty of a problem is not a
plausible excuse for neglecting it. Here, as elsewhere through
the realm of scientific investigation, patience and perseverance
cannot fail gradually to overcome what seem at the outset to
be insuperable obstacles; and here, as elsewhere, the grave
danger lies in assuming a problem to be insoluble and in set-
tling back into the easy, complacent attitude of blind and
empirical practice.
8. Specifically, the question that classroom manage-
ment must ask of every device or method that is proposed
for the elimination or prevention of waste in the work of
the school is this : Will the method or device be consistent
in its operation with the ultimate end of education;
namely, the social efiiciency of the individual who is being
educated? To consider a concrete case: The "prize"
system encourages intense application on the part of
pupils. It makes possible concentrated and sustained
effort with a minimum of supervision. So far it tends to
subserve the economy of the educative process. But what
will be its ultimate effect upon the social qualities of the
pupil? Does it make him selfish, self-centered, and self-
seeking? Does it tend to develop in him non-social or
anti-social ideals? These are questions that must be
asked and for which an answer must be sought through
careful reflection and investigation. It is not sufficient in
such cases to *^jump at conclusions^^ or to draw one^s con-
clusions from prejudice and dogma. Evidence must be
sought and sifted, and generalizations based upon this
evidence must be understood as having validity only in
proportion to the number and authenticity of the facts
upon which they are based.
But this does not mean that action is to be delayed until
scientific investigation has revealed absolute truth: it
simply means that the reflection which precedes action
should be of the rational, and not of the emotional, order ;
that all available facts should be considered ; and that the
question should be viewed from every possible point of
view and with reference to every probable outcome.
9. Plan 0} Treatment. The problem for which a solu-
tion is sought in the following pages is how most effec-
tively and economically to subject a group of individuals
to the educative process. Two general sources of waste
are involved in the " simultaneous " system of education :
(i) Waste may be induced by the mechanical difficulties
that arise in the mere fact of numbers; progress may be
delayed because the group is "unwieldy." Confusion and
disorder, irregular attendance, lack of system, and unhy-
gienic conditions in the schoolroom are all specific factors
which demand consideration from this point of view. In-
asmuch as this source of waste can be largely eliminated by
building up a number of specific habits in the various indi-
viduals of the group, and by organizing a system that will
take care of the mechanical details, these factors may
conveniently be treated together under the designation,
"Routine Factors of Classroom Management." (2) A
second general source of waste, however, inheres in the
very system thus produced. The "machine" tends to
absorb the individual, and the progress of the class is
measured by the progress of its slowest member. The
problems of inattention, "scamped" work, "backward"
pupils, and the varying needs of individuals must be con-
sidered from this point of view. While the routine fac-
tors will soon come to take care of themselves, this second
class of factors must always receive the explicit attention
of the teacher. In view of this fact, they may be grouped
together and conveniently designated as the "Judgment
Factors of Classroom Management."
References. — J. Landon : School Management, Boston, 1884,
pp. 150-153 ; J. Baldwin : Art of School Management, New York,
1887, pp. 15-17; R. N. Roark: Economy in Ediication, New York,
1905, pp. 7-10; A. Tompkins: Philosophy of School Management,
Boston, 1898, pp. ix-xiv; E. E. White: School Management, New
York, 1893, pp. 9-16.
Routine and Habit
I. System and organization are the imiversal solvents
of the problem of waste. This is as true of social life as
it is of animal and vegetable functions ; it is as true of the
spiritual and ideal phases of social life — religion and
education — as it is of the material phases of social Hfe, —
"business" and government. Sometimes, it is true, sys-
tem and organization defeat their own purpose; they
become ends in themselves, and thus tend to obscure the
true ends for which they were established. When the
true perspective of means to ends is lost to view, the means
naturally become magnified in importance, and the result
is "red tape" with all of its attendant evils. This degen-
eration is the Une of least resistance ; the unfortunate fact
is that the responsibility for the evil results is apt to be
placed upon system in general, rather than upon perverted
system where it properly belongs.
In education, the evils of perverted system are the chief
cause of the violent reactions which periodically affect the
school system. Such reactions are often initiated by men
of wide experience and high standing in the educational
world. These reformers would cut the red tape of school
organization; discard, once and for all, the repressive
forces that confine and limit the child's activities; and
leave teacher and pupil to work out each his own salvation
in the chaos of confusion and disorder. These frequent
and extreme reactions are often beneficial in that they call
attention to useless and wasteful routine, and thus serve
to stimulate a healthful reform. The young teacher,
however, should view them with distrust, for the natural
tendencies of the young teacher are normally all in their
favor. Youth is instinctively radical; it resents the iron
rule of established custom. Age is naturally conservative;
the form has been before its eyes so long and so constantly
that it accepts it as equivalent to the substance. The
path of progress lies in the middle ground. But to discard
system and organization entirely is to repudiate the basic
law of all advancement ; evolution is simply a progressive
development toward forms that are more and more elabo-
rately organized, and in which system and coherence take
the place of chaos and incoherence.
2. In the life of the individual, system and organization
are represented, first by instinct, and secondly by habit.
Instincts are the organized reactions that are inherited
from past generations — complex systems of reflex me-
chanical movements that have been built up through
natural selection in the course of thousands of generations.
The lives of most of the lower animals are governed entirely
by instinct, leaving very little latitude for individual devel-
Habits, on the ether hand, are organized reactions built
up in the course of the individual's hfetime. They are
formed through the operation of consciousness in govern-
ing the adjustment of the muscles to suit any particular
environment. Animals that can form habits are, there-
fore, much more plastic, much more adaptable, much less
at the mercy of circumstances, than are animals which
depend entirely upon instinct. Thus mind or conscious-
ness is the characteristic of the higher forms of animal
life. It changes, modifies, reconstructs, instinctive ad-
justments, and then fixes the new forms as habits, thus
permitting their operation independently of conscious
control. Mind might be said to stand midway between
instinct and habit; it is the factor that changes the rigid
adjustments of the lower forms into the plastic adjustments
of the higher forms.
In the last chapter, it was stated that education aims to
reconstruct the child's adjustments in such a way that he
will be fitted for the social Ufe. That is, social hfe —
civilized life — is an artificial thing. It is developing
every hour farther and farther away from the plane of
"natural" or instinctive Hfe. As each generation is bom
into the world, its members must be taken and readjusted
— transformed to meet the conditions to which their in-
stinctive reactions are inadequate. This is done largely
by building up new systems of habits.
3. The law oj habit-building becomes, therefore, one
of the basic laws of education. In brief form, this la^
may be stated as follows: Focalization of consciousness
upon the process to be automatized, plus attentive repetition
of this process, permitting no exceptions until automatism
results. The fundamental significance of this law can-
not be overestimated. If there is one psychological prin-
ciple that may be looked upon as a universal solvent for
educational problems, it is this. If carried out to "the
letter, its operation is as certain and relentless as that of
the law of gravitation.
Objections have been urged against this formulation of the
law of habit-building on the ground that habits are frequently
formed without attentive repetition. The mere fact of repe-
tition is held to be sufficient for the formation of a true habit
and even initial focalization is, by some, held to be unneces-
sary. The grounds upon which this position is taken are, on
the surface, quite convincing. It is well known that one may
lapse into bad habits without effort. For example, it is not
a difficult matter for one to acquire the habit of rising at eight
in the morning instead of at six. The habit of giving way to
anger instead of inhibiting its expressions can be acquired
easily enough, and so on through a long list of undesirable
reactions. The discrepancy between these facts and the
fundamental law as stated above is not, however, difficult to
clear away. Habits which follow the lines of instinctive tend-
encies will, of course, be built up without effort. Such "hab-
its" are, in truth, nothing but instincts; the old "pathways of
discharge," which have been closed up through drill and dis-
cipline, may be reopened with a minimum of difficulty. The
path of least resistance is always downward — is always toward
the instinctive and brutal, and away from the civilized and
human. The law of habit-building holds only when habits are
being formed in opposition to instinctive tendencies; but it
is hardly necessary to point out that the great civilizing habits
which it is the duty of education to develop belong to this
4. Routine or customary action in a group is not only
analogous to habitual action in the individual, but the
former is based upon the latter. That is, the "like-
response" * of a number of individuals to the same stimu-
lus demands, if such response is to become a matter of
custom, the building up of like habits in the individual
members of the group. The law of habit-building lies
therefore at the basis of group routine.
In its application to classroom management, this prin-
ciple means that whatever is to become a matter of in-
variable custom in the classroom must be made conscious
to the pupils at the outset (that is, focalized), then drilled
upon, consciously and explicitly (attentive repetition), and
held to rigidly, until all impulse, tendency, or temptation
to act in any other way has been entirely overcome.
Thus, in the passing of lines, the teacher will give minute
directions on the very earliest occasion — before bad or inade-
quate habits have been formed. During several days these
directions will be brought to the pupils' attention (refocalized)
just before the Hnes pass. Perhaps several drills will be given
at times other than those at which the lines regularly pass, in
order that a more distinct impression may be made. Abso-
lutely no exceptions will be tolerated until the routine has
^ Cf . F. H. Giddings : Descriptive and Historical Sociology, New York,
1906, p. 182.
become rigidly fixed — after which time, of course, exceptions
will not, in the nature of things, be apt to occur.
5. Most of the difl&culties of school-keeping owe their
existence to the fact that this fundamental law is so easily
neglected in practice. One begins a process with every
intent to persevere, but the desire for change and variety,
the instinctive disUke for continuous effort, frequently
prevents attentive repetition in sufficient amount to insure
the functioning of the process as habit. Unless the process
reaches the stage of automatism, all of the initial repe-
titions represent time and energy practically thrown away.
That is, if one starts out vaHantly to establish a habit,
carrying on the repetitions for some time, but becoming
discouraged before automatism is reached, practically all
of the effort that has been given to the preliminary stages
is absolutely wasted. The stages preceding the final
repetition which induces automatism are necessary, it is
true, but, taken alone, they are quite without value.
In school work, a vast amount of time is wasted by leav-
ing processes at the "halfway house" between focalization
and automatism. This is true both in the work of in-
struction (the mechanics of reading and spelling, the
automatization of the addition and multiplication tables,
etc.) and in details of school management. The pressing
need, especially in the elementary school, is for strong
teachers who can rigidly "hew to the line" in all of these
initial stages of habit-building. Even scholarship could
be sacrificed, if necessary, in attaining this end. The
demand is for firmness and tenacity of purpose on the
part of the teacher; not firmness and tenacity for their
own sakes — this makes the martinet ; but rather a tenacity,
a steadfastness, that comes from a clear perception of ends.
Perhaps the best teacher, from this point of view, is one
whose natural tendencies are all in the direction of leniency,
but who, recognizing the importance of the end to be
gained, uses this leniency only to check and temper the
measures that might otherwise, through their severity,
defeat their own purposes.
It is the writer's observation that the rather rare individual
known as the "born" teacher belongs to this class. Innate
sympathy for childhood is demanded of the teacher who has to
deal with little children, but this sympathy must not be of the
weak-kneed or sentimental variety. Long before they reach
school age, children become keen in their estimates of those
who have them in charge. The parent or nurse who can be
deceived or imposed upon is quickly and surely recognized, and
probably ninety per cent of these owe their weakness to lack
of persistence. Disciplinary measures are undertaken spas-
modically; exceptions are permitted in the operation of the
necessary rules; and the result is that adequate habits are
never formed. The situation is precisely the same with the
weak teacher. His sympathy for childhood may be excep-
tionally acute, but this will not serve to build up effective habit**
if persistence is lacking.
References. — W. James: Principles of Psychology, New York,
1900, vol. i, ch. xiii (also Briefer Course, ch. x); E. A. Kirkpatrick:
Fundamentals of Child Study, New York, 1906, pp. 350-352; E. L.
Thomdike: Elements of Psychology, New York, 1905, pp. 199-209.
Initiating Routine : Preventing Waste by Starting
I. In classroom management, as in other forms of
activity, efficiency of effort depends in no small measure
upon the way in which one starts. Psychology teaches
that "primacy" is a powerful factor in the recall of ex-
periences; first impressions lend the dominant tone to
succeeding impressions. The disastrous effects of a bad
beginning multiply disproportionately the chances of
failure. In the career of the teacher nothing is more
important than to make a ''good start." It estabhshes a
certain measure of prestige in the minds of parents and
school officers; it has important bearings upon one's
standing with one's principal and superintendent; but
most of all it "counts" with one's pupils.
It is true that the evil influences of a bad beginning may
sometimes be overcome by strenuous effort, and it is equally
true that the lessons of experience gained in this way may mean
much for the growth of the teacher. One may admit all this
and yet conclude that, if mistakes can be avoided by a careful
adherence to principles derived from the experience of others,
a great gain may be made. In the work of teaching, novices
often fail to profit by others' experience, not because they think
themselves above learning in this way (although it must be
confessed that this attitude is sometimes met with), but simply
because they do not appreciate the significance of the cautions
and precepts proposed for their guidance; without the experi-
ence, they lack an "apperceptive basis." This can be suppHed
only in part by concrete cases illustrative of the way in which
other teachers have solved certain problems. Many of these
problems appear very simple and trivial from the outside.
"Why bother with them now?" asks the novice; "I can solve
them without difficulty when they make their appearance in
my school — if they ever do." This is the typical attitude of
youth, and it is almost always an attitude, not of self-conceit,
but of self-confidence. It would be far from the purpose of
the present discussion to destroy or lessen that confidence. It
is the most valuable asset that any young teacher can possess.
Without it failure, or something akin to failure, is almost pre-
destined. The purpose here is rather to fortify self-confi-
dence by pointing out the quicksands that would swallow it up;
and the chief of these is a bad beginning.
2. Preparing jor the First Day of School. The "first
day" of school becomes, therefore, a most critical point
in the teacher's career, but it is rather comforting to know
that its critical significance is somewhat counterbalanced
by the comparative ease with which its problems may be
solved. As far as the pupils are concerned, every condition
favors the teacher; to them the situation is novel, and
the "new" always demands attention. Thus far the
problem solves itself.
With the conditions so favorable for attention and good
order, preparation for the first day's work should be di-
rected toward a speedy settling of the pupils into the regu-
lar channels of the term's work. It is generally agreed
among schoolmen that, the sooner the regular routine is
estabUshed, the better will be the results. The custom
of letting the pupils simply assemble for classification and
the assignment of seats and then dismissing them for the
remainder of the day, is to be looked upon as bad practice
from the standpoint of school economy. It simply means
that the second day must be given over to more beginning
work, and very frequently the first week passes with abso-
lutely nothing accomplished. If the first week goes off
in this sHpshod manner, the second is Hkely to follow upon
its heels with the same characteristics, and by the end of
the third week, pernicious and time-wasting habits will
have been initiated. The only way absolutely to insure
a school against such waste is to make the very first day
thoroughly rigorous in all its details. Some time, it is
true, must be devoted to focalizing and drilling upon mat-
ters of routine, but some time will also be given to strenu-
ous instruction and equally strenuous acquisition along
the lines of the regular work.
3. The teacher, therefore, has many things to think
about and plan for before he goes to school on the morn-
ing of the opening day. The more important of these
may be listed under the following precepts and direc-
tions : —
Preliminary Arrangements, (i) Visit the school some time
before the opening day. Become familiar with the arrange-
ment of the building and of the room that you are to occupy.
Note carefully the entrances and exits. Note the location of
the wardrobe. Determine the best method of passing lines.
Work out the routine of collecting and distributing wraps.
Note location of toilet rooms and closets. Note method of
heating and ventilation, and plan how ventilation may be pro-
vided for without causing serious draughts.
(2) Have upon your desk enough paper to supply material
for the first day's work for all pupils in case some should come
without the necessary materials. Also have enough pencils,
already sharpened, to supply each member of the class. Often
boxes of pencils will be found in the schoolroom, even when
the supplies are not furnished free to the pupils. In case,
however, no pencils are found, it will be economy for the
teacher to purchase a supply from his own purse. With paper
and pencils, a day's work can be carried through, even if text-
books are not available.
(3) Make certain that the blackboards are clean and fit for
use. Plan a definite method of having classes pass to the
blackboard. Be sure that chalk and erasers are provided.
(4) Look through the teacher's desk for the last term's
register. In it you will doubtless find a list of the pupils pro-
moted and a list of those remaining in your room. If your
predecessor has been thoughtful, you may also find a statement
of the work done during the previous term. This will show
you where to begin with at least one of your classes.
(5) Secure a course of study. If the school has no regularly
adopted course, use the state course. In any case, the work
should check with the state course, where the latter is manda-
tory. Procure the adopted text-books, and plan to start your
pupils at the point ^ indicated for the grade and class in the course
of study, unless the record of the previous teacher indicates
definitely the point that the classes have already reached.
Every teacher should be careful to leave in his desk at the close
of each term a statement of the work done by his various
* In such subjects as arithmetic and grammar, the first lessons should
generally be given over to reviews of the previous term's work.
classes. This will frequently save the next teacher a great
deal of trouble and useless work.
(6) Plan the first day's work for each class, aiming to cover
in every subject some work with which the pupils may be
assumed to be familiar. Plan especially careful assignments
that will provide definite work for study periods in case pupils
come (as many will) unprovided with text-books. If the text-
books are furnished free, and if a supply will be available for
the opening day, the work may, of course, be so arranged as to
utilize the texts from the outset. This will materially simplify
the first day's problems, but, unhappily, it is a condition not
frequently fulfilled. For classes up to the fifth grade, reading
lessons may, if necessary, be placed upon the blackboard.
Picture study is available in geography and in language work
where texts are unavailable. Map study from a wall map, and
map drawing from a blackboard model, are suggestive for the
work in geography. In every case, care should be taken to plan
for real, efifective teaching, and not merely for "busy work."
Seriousness of purpose must be the dominant note throughout.
(7) Construct a tentative program based upon the course
of study. Make this as nearly perfect as possible from the
theoretical standpoint (see principles of program construction,
Chapter IV), so that subsequent changes will be limited to those
details that are demanded by unforeseen contingencies.
(8) If the school is graded, try to arrange for preliminary
consultations both with the principal and with the teacher of
the preceding grade. If the principal does not suggest this,
the teacher should. Note very carefully any suggestions that
the principal may make and follow them implicitly. In a
rural school, consult with the county superintendent, personally
if possible, if not personally, at least by correspondence. Ask
definite questions in all cases where you are in doubt concern-
ing the course of study, the policy on disputed methods of
instruction or management, the text-books to be used, etc.
4. The First Dafs Work. These preliminary matters
well in hand, the teacher is ready for the first day's work.
The following suggestions cover some of the points to be
borne in mind ; —
(i) Be on hand early.
(2) See that the classroom is in good condition : floors clean,
desks dusted, wardrobes ready for use. Do not complain to
principal or janitor unless conditions are intolerable. Remedy
matters yourself.
(3) See that chalk and erasers are distributed at the black-
board, or in readiness for distribution by monitors to be ap-
pointed. In any case, be sure that these necessary materials
are on hand and in condition to be used, — chalk boxes open,
erasers cleaned, etc.
(4) Place upon the blackboard whatever work you have pro-
vided for your earliest classes. Your program will doubtless
indicate arithmetic as one of the earliest forms of seat work.
Have examples upon the blackboard in sufficient number to
provide work in arithmetic for all classes.
(5) Pupils who arrive early should be greeted pleasantly
and directed to take seats. Many successful teachers require
pupils arriving before the "first bell" to observe the same
decorum that they would observe during the regular session,
so long as they remain in the schoolroom rather than upon the
playground. Whether you adopt this policy or not, it is well
on the first morning to check any tendency to run about the
room or to pass from seat to seat.
(6) It is good poHcy always to enlist the aid of the pupils
in helping you about the routine preparatory to the real school
work. On the first morning, they may, at your direction, dis-
tribute the chalk and erasers, slips of paper for the names of
the pupils, the pencils, etc.
(7) Everything should be in readiness when the bell rings
and the lines come in. The teacher should direct the pupils to
take seats regularly in the different rows in the order of their
entering the room. After this first preliminary seatmg, changes
may be immediately made if desired. If there are two classes,
and if one has already been in the room, — as will be the case
wherever the promotions are semi-annual, — let the older pupils
take the seats occupied the preceding term. If all or most of
the pupils are new, let them take seats as suggested as speedily
as possible, making temporary changes where necessary to ac-
commodate pupils to different sizes of seats and desks. This
should occupy but a very brief period.
(8) Place into immediate application your prearranged
plan for disposing of the hats and wraps. If they are to be
collected, appoint the first or the last pupil in each row as a
monitor for this purpose. Give clear, distinct directions, and
enforce these directions rigidly from the outset. If the wraps
are to be left in the wardrobe as the pupils pass in, have the
lines file out and return to the room according to your plan,
depositing their wraps as they pass. The manner in which you
handle this, the very first bit of routine, will have a large share
in determining the first impression that you leave with your
(9) When this has been accomplished, the time is opportune
for your opening remarks, if you wish to make any. Let these
be brief, clear-cut, and devoid of threats, cant, or platitudes.
Especially guard against ''soft soapiness.'* A song is also in
place if you can select one which is familiar to all the pupils,
and lead it well yourself. Devotional exercises are in place
unless prohibited by law, ruling, or public sentiment.
(10) After these preliminaries direct each pupil to write his
name upon the slip of paper handed to him. Have the first
pupil in each row collect the slips, placing his own at the bottom
of the bundle, and the others in order. As the slip* f^f each
row are brought to you, place a rubber-band about them, and
then arrange the bundles across your desk in the order of the
rows. You will then be able, with a minimum of trouble,
to find the name of any pupil by reference to the slips belong-
ing to his row.
(11) All this should occupy but a brief period of time —
certainly not more than twenty minutes — and from this time
on, in a two-class or three-class room, the regular program
should be adhered to. Assign work to the more advanced
class, if there are two, or to all but the lowest class, if there
are more than two. The first recitation should begin with
this. If the pupils are to come forward to occupy a recitation
bench, give explicit directions for the passing of the lines, and
explain the signals that you propose to use. It will probably
be necessary to give two or three drills upon this before the
movement to the bench and back to the seats satisfies you.
The first day's work may very well be devoted in part to such
drills, but always save time for some serious work. If the
class passes to the blackboard, drill it several times in the pre-
arranged movement of lines.
(12) In an ungraded or rural school, the work cannot be
begun so expeditiously on account of the time necessarily taken
up in finding out what pupils belong in the several classes. In
such a case, start this work of classification immediately after
the slips have been collected. Let the older pupils group them-
selves tentatively and then set the different groups at some
form of seat work. The younger pupils can then be examined
more carefully and classified. This is a difficult matter to
handle successfully at the outset, and changes will probably
be found necessary in several instances. Up to the fifth grade,
classification should be based mainly upon the pupils' stage
of advancement in reading. From the fifth grade on, arith-
metic is the most convenient subject to use as a test.
(13) Stop all work a few minutes before recess time to driU
pupils Upon the passing of lines. In a large graded school
it will be necessary to know how all the lines pass to the play-
ground in order that you may assemble your pupils in the proper
place. This should be one of the matters learned beforehand
by consultation with the principal or with other teachers.
(14) Appoint monitors to distribute pens, tablets, copy-books,
etc., just prior to the first periods when these materials are used.
Distribute the monitorial functions among as many pupils as
possible, holding each strictly responsible from the first for
the efficiency of his service. Devote some time during the
first day to drilling the monitors in these duties. Let them
pass and collect the materials again and again, until they can
do the work with celerity, dispatch, and good order. If you
propose to use this monitorial service as a reward of good
standing (see discussion. Chapter III), let the pupils know
this at the start, Stating that changes will be made at the begin-
ning of the second week or month, as the case may be.
5. The teacher will find plenty to do during whatever
time may be at his disposal the first recess and noon inter-
mission. In the first place, work for the classes that
come after the intermission must be placed upon the
boards. Probably some time can be devoted to examining
the work that the pupils have done in their early exercises.
In this way some notion may be gained of the previous
work and present attainments of the pupils, and a gauge
secured for measuring their application. Doubtless it will
be found that some of the pupils are not "up to grade,"
while a few may have been placed in classes below their
standard of attainments. Notes should be taken of all
such cases, and the pupils that are very obviously mis-
placed should be readjusted without delay — after con-
sultation, of course, with the principal. Care should also
be taken to furnish whatever reports the principal or super-
intendent may desire at the close of the first session.
Just prior to the close of the first session, time should be
taken to instruct the pupils in packing away books, ar-
ranging desks in a uniform and orderly manner, etc. If
pencils, tablets, etc., are to be collected, the monitors
should be drilled in this duty.
6. In an ungraded school the conditions are, of course,
much more involved and compUcated than in a graded
school. The amount of preliminary work is much greater,
and the chances for a smooth running of the first session
are much smaller. The general procedure, however, is
the same in both cases: minute prearrangements that
shall look out for all mechanical details; extremely care-
ful preparation of first lessons ; strenuous drills in class
movements, lines, passing to blackboards, monitorial
functions, etc.
The first day should leave with the pupils a distinct im-
pression that work has begun in earnest, that no time has
been "frittered away," and that something definite has
been accomplished.
References. — For valuable directions regarding the classification
of pupils, especially in ungraded schools, see J. Baldwin: Art of
School Management, pt. ii, ch. iii; for exceptionally good advice on
the work of the first day, see a copyrighted article by F. A. Wagner:
"A Special Method of Class Management," in Western Journal of
Education (San Francisco), 1905, vol. x, pp. 15 flF.; also, Roark:
Economy in Edttcation, pp. 37-40; L. Seeley: A New School Man-
agement, New York, 1903, chs. iii, iv.
Mechanizing Routine
1. In discussing the problems of the opening day of
school it was impUed that the routine activities of the class-
room are to be reduced as rapidly as possible to the plane
of unvarying habit, and the fundamental thesis of that
discussion was the first article in the law of habit-build-
ing: initial focaUzation of attention upon the activity to
be mechanized. It is now necessary to justify the position
imphed, and, in doing this, it will be necessary to treat
these details of routine on a broader plane than that in-
volved in their relation to the first day's work.
2. There are at present two opposing theories of school
management. The advocates of one theory protest
against anything that resembles a military organization
of the schools. The advocates of the other theory favor
some measure of reversion to the old-time school fashion of
rigid discipline and machinelike organization. The for-
mer class must not, however, be looked upon as positively
approving chaos and disorder. They disapprove of good
order only when it is forced from without ; in other words,
all government must be 5e//-govemment. Nor do the
members of the latter class indorse the sterner measures
which the old-time schoolmaster employed to secure the
desired end. They do believe, however, that some form
of restraint and control must be imposed from without.
The chief difference between the two theories is a differ-
ence of opinion as to the capacity of the child for self-
There can be no doubt that most of the advanced and
progressive educators of to-day are advocates of the
former doctrine. Neither can it be doubted that many
who hold to the "machine" doctrine are teachers of small
mental caliber and indifferent training who would be com-
pletely discomfited were the acme of good teaching con-
strued as anything more than the ability effectively to
administer discipline. When originaHty and spontaneity
of instruction and abihty to secure and hold interest are
demanded, many of these teachers are not equal to the
task, and they consequently attempt to cover up their
inefficiency by deriding the worth and utiUty of a task to
which they are themselves incompetent. It is an old
trick — as old as human nature ; but this does not prevent
it from making the situation rather difficult to one who
recognizes some measure of justice in their attitude to-
ward details, while at the same time recognizing the
unworthy motives that animate their opposition.
3. One might infer from this discussion that the "ma-
chine" doctrine is not criticised in and for itself, but
rather because it may be so easily applied by mediocre
talent. This, however, is not altogether true. The ad-
herents of the "anti-machine" doctrine offer some very
cogent arguments against mechanical organization by
whomsoever it may be applied. These arguments may
be briefly summarized in the following propositions : —
(i) Mechanical organization disregards the individuality of
the child. All must act in concert; each must do what the
others do.
(2) Mechanical organization is imposed from without. It
is an expression of arbitrary and despotic rule. Pupils are
required to do things for which they can see no reason. This
is contrary to the fundamental principle of democratic govern-
(3) Mechanical organization imposes a dead and dull back-
ground of routine which effectively discourages spontaneous
effort. As a result, the brighter pupils react against it, while
the duller pupils find the atmosphere perhaps somewhat con-
genial. This places a*premium upon those who are naturally
the less capable, while those naturally the more capable are
branded as mischievous and ''bad."
(4) Mechanical organization in matters properly routine
tends to "spread" to matters of a different nature. Classes
that are led to move in a lock-step physically tend soon to
move in a lock-step mentally. Memoriter work of the most
formal type tends to displace rational work.
(5) Habit is always the antithesis of judgment;* routine
antagonizes reason. If machine reactions are overemphasized,
intellectual reactions will be underemphasized. The tendency
will always be to produce the machine, the automatism ; and a
machine reacts as fatally when the reaction is inadequate as
it does when the reaction is adequate. The machine, in other
words, lacks initiative, and initiative — ability to solve novel
situations — is the power that is needed to meet the conditions
of our complex modem life.
» Cf. The Educative Process, ch. viL
(6) If success in mere mechanical organization is held up as
the acme of effective teaching (as is often the case), teachers
who are really efficient from the standpoint of instruction and
inspiration will be discouraged from entering or continuing
in the work of the school. This work will therefore be left to
the drill-masters and gradgrinds — men and women of small
caliber minds.
4. No one can justly deny the cogency and force of these
arguments; in fact, they carry certain conviction if one
for a moment loses the perspective that comes only from
an adequate conception of fundamental principles. In
what manner, then, are these arguments inconsistent with
fundamental principles?
In the first place, it should be remembered that the
contention is not between organization and no organiza-
tion, but rather concerns the question. What constitutes
an irreducible minimum of organized routine ? the " anti-
machine '* camp insisting that it is better to run the risk of
some waste through too little organization than to incur
the dangers noted in the above arguments through too
much organization. It therefore becomes necessary to
examine these arguments to determine (i) whether they
are valid, and (2) whether, having proved their validity,
one can find some means of counteracting the dangers
that they involve. One should at least take these steps
before repudiating organization entirely.
(i) The argument that mechanical organization disregards
the individuality of the pupil by imposing the same activities
'upon all, has little force unless it can be proved that no ade-
quate channels remain through which individuality can find
expression. This is not apt to be the case, for the organization
of routine provides only for the invariable school activities.
Individuality and originality and initiative may still find ade-
quate expression, and this expression (theoretically, at least)
will be the more untrammeled because routme has been re-
duced to habit.
(2) That mechanical organization is imposed from without,
and that the pupil sees no reason for its existence, would be an
effective argument only if it could be proved that that organiza-
tion for which the pupil sees a reason would be more effective.
Probably this would be true with children in the period of ado-
lescence or a little before adolescence, and when this age has
been reached, it is doubtless well to explain the reasons for
routine drills. Prior to this period, however, much time spent
in explaining the "why" is time thrown away. Young chil-
dren may give every indication of perceiving the reason for a
certain requirement and yet find that requirement just as
irksome as it would be were the rule stated dogmatically and
enforced arbitrarily.
(3) That mechanical organization favors the weaker pupil
at the expense of the brighter, and, through its unnatural
insistence upon small and seemingly trivial matters, disgusts
the latter and incites him to revolt, is an argument of some-
what greater weight. Still it must be proved that the average
"rebel" in school is found among the brighter pupils, and this
would be extremely hard to demonstrate; even if it were
demonstrated, it would have further to be proved that com-
pliance with disciplinary measures is not a good thing, even
for a bright pupil. Society can bear up under the strain of a
few geniuses who have never learned the lessons of self-control,
but these few practically exhaust its patience.
(4) The statement that habit and judgment are antithetical
processes is best answered by the equally true statement that
both are necessary. Here again the perspective, the balance,
must be kept steadily in mind. Habit is good only in so far as
it makes judgment more effective by looking after the details
that are unvarying. Judgment is effective only when it can
confine itself to the new and variable, confident that habit will
care for the customary and invariable. Habit may interfere
with initiative, but initiative without habit would be thoroughly
unreliable and futile. The discrepancy is fundamental, and
can be solved only by compromise.
(5) That mechanical organization keeps from the teacher's
calling the men and women who can inspire as well as administer
discipline and instruction, is doubtless true. The inspirational
type of teacher is usually the type to whom routine and details
are infinitely irksome and laborious. Yet these are the men
and women that education stands in greatest need of enlisting
in its work. So great is this need, in fact, that one might almost
say, "Secure them at any cost; routine, discipline, organiza-
tion, even instruction, may be quoted at a discount when inspira-
tion is in the market." And yet it would seem not impossible
to find inspirational power combined with a certain delight in
routine; perhaps not natively, instinctively, but at any rate
combined through some discipline of experience. One who
studies educational theory aright can see in the mechanical
routine of the classroom the educative forces that aire slowly
transforming the child from a little savage into a creature of
law and order, fit for the Hfe of civilized society. One who
gains this conception no longer looks upon mechanical routine
as something that is merely humdrum and static. To see a
habit take root and grow is fully as fascinating an experience
to the initiated as to see an idea or an ideal dawn upon the mind
of the child. It is the latter privilege that is supposed to be
the reward of the inspirational teacher — the man or woman
who possesses the true "genius" for teaching. But the former
privilege may come to be a reward just as highly valued.
5. To summarize: While mechanical organization of
school routine involves some grave dangers, there is no
one of these dangers that cannot be effectively counteracted
by simple precautions. As long as these precautions are
taken, the more thoroughly and elaborately routine is
reduced to the plane of automatism, the better for the
economical operation of the school. Under this condition
the most efl5cient school is one that "goes like a machine."
The moment, however, that this machine spirit enters the
work of instruction, the moment that it becomes the mas-
ter instead of the servant, the moment that it threatens the
inspirational and ideal aspects of the educative process,
it becomes a menace to the ultimate efficiency of the school
and should be instantly reformed.
6. What details of school routine are to be subjected to
this process of mechanical organization? The answer to this
question vdll vary somewhat with the grades represented
in the school. In the lower grades very little dependence
can be placed upon individual responsibiUty ; almost every
detail must be looked after exphcitly by the teacher, and
the more quickly all details are reduced to system and order,
the more effective will be the routine work of the school.
In the upper grades, on the other hand, a greater degree
of individual responsibiUty can be assumed, although there
is little doubt that the present tendency, especially in the
high school, is toward too little mechanical organization.
In general, for the elementary school, the following mat-
ters will need specific attention and persistent drill at the
The Passing of Lines. For the expert observer, there
is probably no detail of school management that indi-
cates more clearly the efficiency or inefficiency of the
teacher than the manner in which the Hnes pass to and
from the room. Are the pupils quiet and orderly in hne ?
Do they move energetically (even though slowly) or do
they "shuffle" along and crowd and stumble? Whether
pupils should be required to "keep step" is a mooted
question, but no very cogent arguments are advanced
against this procedure, and it adds much to the ease and
facility with which the lines pass. In a "first-class"
school the lines should pass quietly and in an orderly
manner when they are not supervised ; but orderly Hnes
that are supervised are greatly to be preferred over dis-
orderly lines that are unsupervised.
Especial care should be observed in moving lines up
and down stairs. The best plan is rigidly to prohibit any
running or "skipping steps" on the stairs at any time. If
this habit is eUminated, the lines will pass quietly even in
case of fire or other accident that might give rise to a panic.
The serious responsibility that rests with the teacher in
this connection cannot be too strongly reaHzed. The
only insurance against panic in case of fire is perfect dis-
cipline. If bad habits are allowed under normal con-
ditions, no strength of will can bring order out of chaos
on an unusual occasion.
Fire Drills. The fire drill is generally recognized as abso-
lutely essential in a large school. Drills should be held at
least once a month, and oftener at the opening of the term.
They should be given at the time when they are least expected
both by pupils and by teachers. Ordinarily, the best method
of emptying the building is to follow the normal formation of
lines. Thus every dismissal will add stability to the fire disci-
pline. Unless the cloakrooms are difficult of access, pupils
should take their wraps as they pass out. This preserves the
regular routine and, when carefully drilled upon, occupies a
minimum of time. Of course, where the danger of a minute's
delay would imperil life, the fire drill should not include this
operation. The construction of the building, the arrangement
of exits, and the capacity of the stairways must all be con-
sidered in this matter. It is the writer's opinion that the
pupils should not be permitted to run downstairs in the fire
drill. The danger of falling is not to be slightly regarded, and
an accident of this sort is far more apt to cause panic and con-
fusion than anything else. However, in buildings that are
recognized "fire traps," even this may be necessary. If it is,
drills should be more numerous, beginning with walking, and
then gradually increasing the pace until a maximum has been
In passing from the exits to the gates, it is good practice
to insist upon unbroken lines. This avoids confusion at
the gates, and adds much to the appearance of the dismissal
when viewed by passers-by. The line formation should
also be preserved until the pupils reach their seats on
entering the building.
7. Signals. The verbal signal, "Attention!" should
be understood by pupils from the earliest grade to mean a
definite attitude of mind and body. Psychology teaches
that the attentive attitude of mind is closely related to an
attentive attitude of the body. Should the hands be folded
upon the desk, or the arms folded at this command?
There is certainly no valid objection to either of these
procedures, and either will effect a very desirable end —
that, namely, of keeping the fingers from picking up pens
or pencils that may be lying upon the desk, or from play-
ing with inkwell-covers : activities which may be initiated
quite unconsciously and yet which may easily result in
some distracting noise. In general, the command,
"Attention!" should be the stimulus for the habitual
adjustment of the body in a certain definite posture : head
erect, eyes turned toward the teacher, hands or arms
folded (preferably the former), feet flat on the floor, in-
stant cessation of all other school work or activity.
Other signals may be either verbal or visual. "Turn,"
"stand," "pass" — or counts, "one," "two," "three,"
or simple gestures with the hand or head — may be used
to indicate that the pupils are to rise and pass. In any
case, with the seats and desks constructed as they are in
most American schools, three signals are necessary for
this movement, and each signal should represent a definite
adjustment that should be carefully explained and formally
drilled upon imtil it is a matter of habit. Pupils should
arise always upon the same side of the seat ; the feet should
be moved to a definite position upon the first signal ; and
the body should rise with equal definiteness and precision
at the second signal. Ten minutes spent in carefully
explaining and exemplifying each of these movements
will be time saved.
8. Passing to the Blackboard, It is strict economy
to have each pupil assigned to a definite place at the
blackboard and to insist that, whenever blackboard work
is required, he pass to this place. If this is done, uni-
form movements can be made to and from the board.
Generally it is necessary to have one row pass at a time,
and in order to do this with celerity and dispatch, initial
drills are necessary.
9. Passing to the Recitation Bench. If the classes
that recite move forward to the front of the room, similar
habits must be estabhshed to insure economy in making
the change. Because of the frequency with which this
movement is necessary in ungraded schools, it is probably
well, in such schools, to have all signals, save that for
attention, visual, rather than verbal.
10. Distributing and Collecting Wraps. Where the
location of cloakrooms prevents the passing of lines through
them so that each pupil may take down his own wraps, it
is necessary to inaugurate a system of monitors to bring
the wraps into the schoolroom, distribute them, and, when
the session is resumed, collect them and hang them in the
cloakroom. At best this system will take up valuable
time in its operation, and therefore pains should be exer-
cised to make the movement as effective and economical
as possible. The first or the last pupil in each row is the
logical monitor. These should be carefully drilled in their
duties, being directed to move quickly but carefully and
to hang the wraps of each pupil in the same place on each
occasion. After some prehminary drills, a minimal time
should be set for the work, and the monitors held respon-
sible for doing it within the time limit. This will tend
effectually to check any tendency on the part of monitors
to loiter unduly in the cloakrooms.
II. Distributing and Collecting Books and Materials.
In the lower grades, the writing materials — pens, pencils,
and tablets — cannot well be kept in the pupils' desks
without much inconvenience. Pens and pencils are
easily lost or broken, and tablets and writing books
become soiled. In some schools a lesson requiring the
use of these materials is always preceded by several
minutes' waste of time in providing certain delinquents
with the necessities. It becomes requisite, therefore, to
keep these materials in a closet or drawer provided for
the purpose and to distribute them either at the beginning
of the session or whenever they are needed. For sanitary
reasons, each pupil should have individual materials,
especially pens and pencils, and this necessity still further
complicates matters. A good plan is to have for each row
a holder made of a pasteboard box with holes punched
in the cover into which pencils and pens can be inserted.
These boxes can be quickly passed, each pupil taking his
pen or pencil from the holder or returning it. By this
means, too, the teacher or a monitor can see that the
pencils are properly sharpened before the session begins,
and that the pen points are in good condition. Tablets can
be distributed in the same way. Up to the fifth grade it is
probably economy to follow this method, although it takes
some time. This is compensated, under an effective system,
however, by the time saved at the points indicated above.
Where free text-books are furnished, it is often prescribed
that the books shall be collected each night, locked in
cases, and distributed in the morning. This seems to
be a laborious procedure for rather insignificant results,
but it has many virtues. In the first place, it prevents
the loss of books. The teacher can tell at a glance whether
a book is missing from the equipment of each pupil. In
the second place, it insures the cleaning out of the desks
every day, and so prevents the accumulation of debris that
is otherwise inevitable. In the third place, it necessitates
the packing of books in a uniform order, and thus makes
possible the taking of any book without overturning the
contents of the desk in order to find the book wanted.
The system requires eflScient monitorial service, but, once
well established, its operation need occupy but a brief
period at the beginning and at the close of each daily
session. Formal drills are again necessary at the outset
to insure order, uniformity, and celerity in the required
12. Orderly Arrangement of Books and Materials in
Desks, If books and materials are not distributed and
collected daily, the teacher should at least give explicit
directions relative to the packing of these articles in the
desks. A definite order should be prescribed and care-
fully demonstrated. The pupils should be given drills
in taking books, tablets, pencils, etc., from the interior
of the desk at the command of the teacher, and without
bending down to see where the required article is located,
or tossing the contents of the desk about in order to get at
it. At the beginning of each study period, the necessary
materials should be secured, without noise or confusion, at
a simple signal from the teacher. At the beginning of the
recitation they should be replaced as quickly and quietly.
13. Insuring Tidiness of the Classroom. There are
many conditions in a classroom that make for untidiness.
Papers are easily dropped upon the floor, pencil sharpen-
ings are scattered about, ink is spilled, bits of crayon fall
from the chalk trays and are tramped into the floor,
muddy shoes leave visible and tangible traces in wet
weather. All of these conditions must be counteracted
by specific routine. It is safe to lay down a rule that no
work done on paper should escape the supervision of the
teacher ; an obvious corollary of this rule is that an over-
plus of written work should be avoided. If this policy
is carried out rigidly, the tearing up of papers or the
leaving them upon the desks where they will readily drop
to the floor, will be easily prevented. Papers should be
collected by monitors or passed to the front of each row
after every period when written work is required. It is
not enough that such papers be inspected by the teacher;
the pupils should have visible evidence of this. Conse-
quently the papers will, as a rule, be returned with the
corrections, and the corrections will be studied by the
pupils. This done, the papers should again be collected
and either filed for future reference or destroyed. The
former plan will enable the teacher or principal to make
comparisons of the work done by pupils at successive
periods during the term, wliile knowledge that the papers
are to be preserved and filed for this purpose will probably
have a salutary effect upon the pupils' work. In any case,
it is safe to say that a continually overflowing waste-paper
baisket is generally an indication of ineffective teaching,
although if waste paper is to be found anywhere in a
schoolroom, it should certainly be in a basket.
Pencil sharpenings will not be a source of untidiness if
the pencils are collected and a monitor appointed to look
after their sharpening either after school or before the
opening of the session. This plan is commonly followed
in the lower grades, but it could be made general through-
out the elementary school with beneficial results. Pencil
sharpeners which do the work effectively can be purchased
for a small outlay and should form a part of the material
equipment of every school.
For the spilling of ink by pupils who are at work at their
desks, there is probably no remedy except verbal caution-
ing and a strenuous treatment of such lapses as are plainly
due to carelessness, but the ink-spilling that is caused by
the hurry of the teacher or pupil to get the inkwells sup-
plied just before a writing exercise can be eliminated by
routine. There should be a daily inspection of all ink-
wells to insure that each is well suppUed before the begin-
ning of the day's work. This is another matter of routine
that can be looked after by an efficient monitor.
Chalk trays should be cleared of all crayon at regular
intervals — preferably at the close of each day's work.
This will eliminate the small pieces that otherwise collect
in the trays and are easily scattered upon the floor. The
teacher should inspect the chalk trays at the beginning of
each session and make sure that there is sufficient crayon
for the work of the day. Holding a class of twenty pupils
for one minute while a crayon box is passed to supply one
pupil is to throw away just twenty minutes of valuable
time. It is through such drains as these that so much of
the brief time spent by the child in school is time wasted.
Muddy shoes will probably form the least remediable
source of untidiness. Yet the efficient teacher can, by
strenuous effort, develop in his pupils habits that will, in
a measure, counteract this evil. If pupils imderstand that
their shoes are to be cleaned before lines form, and if rather
unpleasant consequences uniformly follow upon a failure
to fulfill this requirement, it will not take long to build up
an effective routine in this matter. In some schools, boys
are expected to blacken their shoes each morning before
coming to school. This is an excellent habit to develop,
and it is not difficult to make this requirement and keep
to it, provided that one meets with no decided opposition
from parents. A habit of this sort, well developed, will,
of course, do much to keep the floors free from dirt.
14. Leaving the Room. The beginning teacher is apt
to encounter some trouble with regard to this matter;
for in view of the rather dehcate nature of the subject,
it is difficult to deal with it frankly and effectively. When
a teacher is sure of himself and has the discipline of his
room well estabHshed, pupils in all grades above the fourth
may be permitted to leave the room, imder certain restric-
tions, without asking permission ; but it is not wise for the
beginning teacher to grant this privilege at the outset,
for with the average child constituted as he is, it is a
privilege that is certain to be abused. On the other hand,
the constant interruption of pupils asking for permission
is a serious source of inconvenience. The best plan is to
say nothing about the matter until the interruptions be-
come so numerous as to be a disturbing factor. When
this time comes, the pupils who ask most frequently should
be spoken to privately to discover, if possible, whether the
necessity really exists. In case the pupil states that it is
necessary to leave the room more than once in a session,
the teacher should request a written statement from
parent or physician to that effect, and then make a special
case of this particular pupil, allowing him the privilege
without requiring a request each time.
With the normal child, however, regular habits should
be speedily estabHshed with regard to the bodily func-
tions. With a recess each session, the number of pupils
requesting to leave the room during class hours should be
reduced to a minimum. In some schools the hnes are
passed to the latrines and closets at each recess before
being allowed to go upon the playground, and this will
gradually control the difficulty. One teacher of the
writer's acquaintance, who was greatly troubled by this
matter in a new school, kept his boys after dismissal one
evening and talked to them good-naturedly but seriously
about the necessity for forming regular habits, suggesting
that the bowels be encouraged to move every morning
before school time. The talk had a good effect, not only
upon the discipline of the school, but also upon the health
of the pupils. This matter is comparatively simple for a
male teacher to deal with in the case of boys, but presents
greater difl&culties for a woman teacher. Nevertheless, even
in such cases, private admonition would probably have a
good effect, and a tactful teacher should be able to make
suggestions without causing embarrassment to either party.
In general, it is safer to run the risk of having the privi-
lege abused than to run the counter risk of causing bodily
injury to the pupil, especially through the retention of
urine. For the beginning teacher, a poHcy of wide lati-
tude in this matter is far safer than one of close restriction.
15. Neatness of Written Work and of Blackboard
Work. One of the most accurate indices of a teacher's
efficiency is the character of the papers and of the black-
board work that his pupils produce. These matters may
not appear, at first thought, to be of profound importance,
and it is true that their significance may in certain instances
be overestimated. Nevertheless scientific investigation *
indicates that accuracy in handwriting varies directly as
general school intelHgence ; in general, the better the
handwriting — that is, the more accurate — the higher
the mental attainments of the pupils. In any case, the
ability to train pupils to produce accurate written work is
a fairly good index of the teacher's general capacity in
* Cf . A. L. Gesell : " Accuracy in Handwriting as Related to School
Intelligence and Sex," in American Journal of Psychology, 1906, vcd. xvii,
pp. 394-405.
Accurate written work, whether on paper or on the
blackboard, involves several specific features, each one of
which can and should be reduced to the plane of au-
tomatism, (a) The writing itself must be legible. This
means that the letters must be uniform in height, and that
each letter must possess sufficient individual pecuUarity
to permit its ready recognition, (b) The spaces between
letters and between words must be uniform and sufficient
in extent, (c) The arrangement of the written work must
present a neat appearance, reveaHng through indentations,
headings, etc., the main relations of the data expressed.
{d) The punctuation should be meaningful and adapted
to the conventional but none the less important functions
that the different punctuation marks fulfill, {e) The
name of the pupil, the date, and the name of the school
or number of the grade or room should be placed at the
head of all papers in a uniform manner. In blackboard
work the name of the pupil, at least, should appear, and
it should uniformly be written neatly and without super-
fluous flourishes (a trivial matter, it may seem, but a very
important index of the "taste" that is being developed in
Advice with regard to the details just mentioned is very
frequently couched by supervisors in very general terms:
"Get better writing"; "Make your blackboard work
neater"; "Improve the form of your papers." This
advice frequently fails of effect for the reason that the
teacher does not recognize the specific nature of the habits
that he attempts to impress. Neat papers and neat black-
board work involve a number of little, specific habits, and
each of these must be taken up and drilled upon apart
from the others, and, in some measure, apart from the j
content or thought of the work that is being expressed.
i6. From the foregoing discussion it is manifest that
there will be a number of monitorial positions to be filled
by pupils whenever this system of routine is adopted.
While some of these monitors will be chosen from those
occupying convenient seats, the majority of the positions,
and especially those involving some measure of trust or
responsibility, may be given as rewards for good work.
This phase of the subject will be discussed in a later
References. — White: School Management, -pp. 94-99; Roark:
Economy in Education, pp. 40-44; J. S. Taylor: Class Manage-
ment and Discipline, New York, 1903, pp. 42-43; Baldwin: Art of
School Management, chs. iv, vi; Landon: School Management,
pp. 109-iri.
The Daily Program
lo To secure a maximal degree of efficiency in its work
the school must make the most effective use of the time
at its disposal. This is a complex problem, involving the
adjustment of several determining factors. Among these
the following require detailed consideration: (a) the
length of the school year, (b) the length of the school day,
(c) the time devoted to recesses and intermissions, (d) the
subjects required, (e) the relative importance of these
subjects at different levels of the child's development,
(/) the relation of different types, of subject-matter to
fatigue, ig) the general factors of fatigue, and the sig-
nificance of these factors to recesses, rest-periods, etc.,
(h) the time devoted to general exercises of all kinds,
(i) the number of pupils and the number of separate classes
for which each teacher must be responsible. As in the
preceding discussions, these factors will be treated in their
relation to the classroom teacher rather than in their
broader significance to the duties of the principal, the
superintendent, or the school board,
2. The Length of the School Year. This is com-
monly determined either by statutory enactment or by
the decision of local school boards. In graded schools
it is usually either thirty-six or forty weeks; in rural
schools seldom more than thirty-six weeks, and generally
much less. The tendency at present is probably toward
a longer school year, both in the cities and in the rural
districts. The length of the school year has two relations
to the daily program: (a) If the school year is very
short, the daily program must emphasize the studies that
are admittedly important in elementary education, and
minimize those that are less important ; thus a city school
that is in session forty weeks of the year might devote per-
haps thirty minutes each day to music, while a rural school
that is in session only twelve weeks could not possibly
justify so long a period, (b) If the school year includes all
or a part of the summer months, the daily program must
be so adjusted as to give the maximum of "heavy" work
during the cooler season of the year and the minimum
during the heated season.
3. Length 0} the School Day. This is, of course,
the prime controUing factor in the gross structure of the
program. The traditional length of the school day in the
United States is six hours, — 9 a.m. to 12 M. and i p.m.
to 4 P.M. Although this is somewhat shorter than the
school day in foreign countries — notably Germany —
the prevailing tendency seems to be still further to abbre-
viate it. At the present time there are very few city schools
that have a six-hour school day, and the rural schools are
coming to cut it down, generally by giving a somewhat
longer noon intermission. In practically all schools the
school day for the first two years is from thirty to sixty
minutes shorter than that for the remaining years of the
course. The classroom teacher, as a rule, has nothing to
do with determining the length of the school day, except
with the lower classes in imgraded schools. In su'-h cases,
and in the absence of ruHngs of the board to the contrary,
the teacher should, if possible, dismiss the first and second
grade pupils not later than 11:30 in the morning and
3:15 in the afternoon. The third-grade pupils may be
kept until noon for the morning session and until 3 : 30
for the afternoon session. This is sometimes out of the
question in rural schools where the younger pupils must
wait for their older brothers and sisters. In such cases the
program should be so arranged as to permit the first and
second grade pupils to do the lightest part of their work
in the later periods. In good weather, and if other
conditions are favorable, they should be permitted to play
out of doors.
4. Time devoted to Recesses and Intermissions. This
must, in all cases, be subtracted from the total time
of the school day in order to determine the amount avail-
able for actual school work. With two sessions of three
hours each, the rule is invariable to give at least fifteen
minutes in the middle of each session to "free play" in the
open air. When the afternoon session is reduced to two
and one half or to two hours, as it is in many of the city
systems, the afternoon recess is shortened to ten minutes
for all grades up to the fifth or sixth, and omitted entirely
for grades above this point. The tendency to do away
with all recesses is probably to be condemned in the light
of studies on fatigue.^ It is probably best to have the recess
in each session begin at a point midway between the open-
ing and close of the session, thus making the periods after
recess a little shorter than those before recess.
5. The Subjects to he Taught. The responsibility of
determining the subjects of instruction seldom rests with
the classroom teacher. In case the local or county
authorities do not prescribe a definite course of study, that
prescribed by the state department of public instruction
should be used. The teacher frequently has some lati-
tude, however, with certain "accessory" subjects (draw-
ing, music, nature study, agriculture, etc.), especially in
schools that are not under the control of a principal or
superintendent. In case such discretionary power is
granted, it is a wise rule to teach only such of the accessory
subjects as one can handle effectively. If, for example, a
teacher is weak in music and strong in drawing, the latter
is the one to emphasize if a choice is permitted. Much time
is wasted in the attempt to teach either music or drawing
by those who have neither a special aptitude nor a special
training for such work. In general, the fundamental
subjects should be provided for first, and then whatever
time can be spared may be devoted to the accessory
^ " Recess time has been displaced in many places by brief physical
exercises in the schoolroom. The school appears more mannerly, more
subdued, more orderly. By this means there is not so much chance for
lowering the moral tone by speech or action on the school grounds. But
how about the physical condition of the child?" — W. A. Baldwin:
Industrial Social Edtication, Springfield, Mass., 1903, p. 46.
6. The Relative Importance of the Various Subjects.
The time to be allotted to each subject manifestly de-
pends very largely upon the importance of the subject
in relation to others. This must frequently be determined
by the teacher, although in many systems definite rulings
are made by the superintendent which relieve the teacher
from responsibility in the matter.
The prevailing practice in American schools seems to
indicate that the "form" studies (reading, virriting, arith-
metic, spelling, and language) are more important in the
elementary school than the content studies (geography,
history, literature, physiology, etc.). Dr. B. R. Payne,*
summarizing the programs of ten typical American cities,
finds that the formal studies receive sixty-two per cent of
the assigned time, while the content studies receive but
little more than thirty per cent. In spite of the opinion of
many competent authorities^ that more "content" work
* B. R. Payne: Public Elementary School Curricula, New York, 1905,
P- 39-
' For example, Payne, op. cii., pp. 197 S., constructs what he terms an
"ideal" course of study for American schools in which he allots to the
various subjects the following per cent of the total time: Scripture
opening exercises, 10%; English (including reading, spelling, writing,
grammar, literature, and oral and written composition), 27.5%; arith-
metic, 12.5 % ; geography, 7.5 % ; history and civics, 7.5 % ; nature study,
7.5%; drawing, 5%; music, 5%; physical training, 7%; and hand
work, 10%. This maybe profitably contrasted with his findings for the
ten cities mentioned above: opening exercises, 3.1%; reading and
literature, 20.7%; writing, 4.7%; spelHng, 4.7% ; language and gram-
mar, 14.4%; arithmetic, 17.3%; geography, 7.2%; history and civics,
4.8%; nature study, 3.4%; physiology, 0.7%; physical training, 4-7%;
drawing, 6.4%; music, 5.1%; manual training, 2,4%. It will be noted
that arithmetic, language, and drawing are cut down in Mr. Payne's pro-
should be given in the elementary school, the prevailing
practice receives some support from theoretical considera-
tions. The preadolescent years which are represented by
the elementary school seem preeminently to be the time
for drill, discipline, and the formation of habits, and it is
these things that the so-called "form" studies emphasize.
Again it is fairly well established that an overemphasis
of content work must, by a law of compensation, detract
from the efl&ciency of form work. In other words, the evi-
dence of practical hfe indicates that pupils who have had
the advantage of a very "rich" curriculum — a curriculum
overloaded with "content" subjects — are weak in the
formal requirements when they leave the elementary
7. Wherever the young teacher has an option in this
matter, then, it would seem to be the wise plan to follow
the prevaihng practice.^ From the standpoint of program-
building, this conclusion carries with it several corollaries :
(a) the best periods of the day should be given to the for-
mal subjects ; (b) if sacrifices are necessary, the content
subjects should be sacrificed, at least in the lower grades ;
(c) the bulk of the time should be devoted to the formal
work ; (d) if any extra periods are available — say five-
minute periods just before the noon hour, or before the clos-
posed allotment, while the time to be given to opening exercises, history,
geography, and manual training, is decidedly increased.
^ This is not to imply that one should do the "safe " thing from motives
of policy. If the teacher is convinced that the content work should re-
ceive the greater emphasis, he should lose no opportunity to act in accord-
ance with his honest convictions.
ing hour — they should be given to drills upon those phases
of formal work in which pupils show especial weakness.
Both this conclusion and its corollaries are somewhat quali-
fied by the factors of development. The seventh and eighth
grades belong to the adolescent period of growth, and it is
generally agreed that, at this time, there should be some relaxa-
tion of drill, and a greater enrichment of the curriculum from
the content standpoint. Measures looking toward these ends
can be easily adopted if the drill work has been well done in
the preadolescent period, and the programs for these upper
grades should be constructed with reference to this qualification.
8. The Relation of Subject-matter to Fatigue. The
above conclusions must be submitted to another and
broader quaUfication. The "form" subjects are, in
general, more fatiguing than the "content" subjects,^
hence they are not only to be given the most favorable
periods of the day, as is demanded by their greater im-
portance, but they are also to be arranged in such a manner
that two fatiguing subjects will not follow one another
directly. It is also to be remembered that the periods
devoted to the form subjects must not be too long, else the
effectiveness of the work will be decreased through fatigue.
Thus it is sometimes well to give two short periods rather
than one long period to certain of the formal drills, plac-
ing a content subject in the intervening period.
9. The General Factors of Fatigue. The capacity for
^ Mathematics, formal language work (including spelling, penmanship,
and formal grammar), formal gymnastics, and foreign languages are
most fatiguing according to the best authorities; nature study, geog-
raphy, history, singing, and drawing are least fatiguing. See citations,
Educative Process, p. 341.
sustained attention or work manifests itself in rhythms.
The best work is never done at the outset, but only after
a certain inertia has been overcome and a certain mo-
mentum gained.^ The daily "work curve" or "course of
power," on a school day, reaches its highest point between
nine and ten in the morning, and then dechnes rapidly,
reaching a minimum at noon. In the afternoon, the high
point of the curve is reached shortly after two o'clock, but
this point is much lower than the morning's maximum.
The decHne is not so rapid as in the morning, but the
minimum is somewhat lower.^ It follows from these laws
that the heaviest work must be assigned for the morning
periods immediately preceding the first recess. The tasks
that stand next in "fatiguing power" should be distributed
between the morning periods after recess and the after-
noon periods prior to half-past two.
Again the rule is subject to qualification. As was shown
above, it is not wise to have two difficult subjects — especially
two "form" subjects — in succession, nor is it consistent with
good hygiene to have in close succession two subjects that
involve writing. Practical experience proves that it is best not
to have writing or drawing or other exercises requiring minute
muscular adjustments immediately after a recess or immedi-
ately after the noon intermission. "Class exercises needing
steady nerves, such as writing or drawing, ought not to follow
a recess or any time of physical exertion." ^
Recuperation from fatigue can be secured in a complete
* For authorities, see O'Shea, Dynamic Factors in Education, New
York, 1906, p. 282.
^ See Educative Process, pp. 340 fiF. ; also O'Shea, op. cit., pp. 292 f.
' A. N. Raub; School Management, Philadelphia, 1897, p. 73.
form only by nutrition and sleep, but a partial restitution
may be accomplished through (i) "free play" (that is,
spontaneous activity preferably in the open air) and (2) re-
laxation. Formal gymnastic exercises have been proved
to be more fatiguing than any other school "study" except
mathematics/ This does not mean, of course, that there
should be no place for gymnastics in the program, but
simply that gymnastics must not be looked upon as
recreative exercises in the popular sense of the term.
10. General Exercises. It is customary in nearly all
schools to devote some time, generally at the opening
of the morning session, to exercises of a general nature.
These may fulfill several functions: (a) "When carefully
planned and inteUigently carried out, they constitute an
effective remedy for tardiness and irregularity of attend-
ance; they can be made so interesting that the pupils
will let nothing get in the way of prompt attendance upon
them." ^ {h) They ofifer an opportunity to give explicit
instructions in matters that are not touched upon in the
regular work of the school. "The teacher will frequently
have remarks to make to the school, reproof may need to
be administered, or cautions may need to be given. None
of these ought to interfere with the recitations of the day." ^
(c) They offer an opportunity to begin the work of the
day upon a high plane. It is for this reason that devo-
tional exercises of a simple nature are thoroughly in place
* Cf. O'Shea, op. cil., p. 222; also Educative Process, p. 341.
' R. N. Roark: Economy in Education, New York, 1905, pp. 49-50.
* Raub, op. cit., pp. 73-74.
at this time, unless prohibited by legislative enactment or
by public sentiment, {d) One's fund of knowledge is
drawn in as great amount, perhaps, from general sources
as from specific and organized sources. That is, one
picks up items of information from general talks, cursory
reading, casual observation, and these unrelated facts
form no small part of one's intellectual capital. They
may be less valuable, less accurate, than the items of
knowledge obtained by sytematized study; but they are
important, nevertheless, and some provision for their
gleaning should be made by the school. General exercises
probably offer the best medium for this purpose.
In arranging the daily program, then, time should be
allowed for general exercises of some description, and it is
perhaps best to place them at the beginning of the morn-
ing session. From five to fifteen minutes may be profit-
ably utilized in this way ; probably the average in the bet-
ter schools is ten minutes. Here, if anywhere, it is quality
rather than quantity that counts.
II. The Number of Pupils and the Number of
Classes. These two factors are by far the most trouble-
some to the classroom teacher in making out a program.
The problem is far from simple in the graded school
where a single teacher has but one grade divided into
two classes, one half year apart in age and classification.
Where two grades with three or four different classes are
given to one teacher, the problem is much more compli-
cated, but the greatest complication is met with in the un-
graded schools where one teacher must teach all classes in
all subjects. In the discussion of the problems involved in
adjusting the program to these conditions, it will be well
to begin with the simple conditions of the graded school.^
The Graded School Classroom Program. Assuming the room
to contain but one grade divided into two groups, the mem-
bers of each of which are approximately equal in capacity and
attainments (and this assumption must be made in practice), the
first point is to determine the number of minutes in the school
day. This is done by subtracting from the total time the num-
ber of minutes given to recesses, intermissions, and general exer-
cises. The required subjects are then enumerated, and the
available time divided by the number representing the total of
required subjects, in order to see what time can be devoted to
each, assuming that all are equal in value. This average time
should then be divided by two, in order to determine the length
of each study and recitation period. The average length must
then be compared with the accepted standard length of the pe-
riod for the grade in question. These standard lengths of peri-
ods as given in the table commonly credited to Chadwick and
generally adopted in the United States are as follows : 5-7 years,
15 minutes; 7-10 years, 20 minutes; 10-12 years, 25 minutes;
12-16 years, 30 minutes.
In most grades the quotient of the available time divided
by the number of subjects required, and this divided by two
in order to equalize study and recitation periods, will be much
smaller than the number represented by the above table for
the grade in question. It therefore becomes necessary to make
an adjustment (i) by determining the subjects that will, from
their nature, require no study period, and (2) if the grade
standard is not thus secured, by providing that certain subjects
* If one teacher has charge of but one class, the problem is, of course,
extremely simple. But this condition is seldom met with in American
shall be taught only on alternate days. Even then it may
become necessary to cut down the time recommended as the
standard length of period for the grade in question.
To take a concrete instance : suppose the grade to be the fifth,
the sessions to last from 9 to 12 and from 1:15 to 4, with a re-
cess of 15 minutes for each session, and the required subjects
to be the following : reading, arithmetic, geography, language
or grammar, history, physiology, writing, spelling, nature study,
music, drawing, physical training, and "morals and manners."
For the "teaching" of these thirteen subjects, 305 minutes will
be available, after deducting 30 minutes for recesses and
10 minutes for general exercises. If all subjects are to be
given an equal allotment of time each day, it is clear that each
will receive approximately 24.2 minutes. This would give
1 2.1 minutes to each study and recitation period, or about one
half the standard period's length — and, moreover, a period
far too brief for effective work. It may be assumed, however,
that the following subjects will require no study period : music,
drawing, physical training, nature study, and morals and man-
ners. But even if these are to be given the standard period
(25 minutes for this grade) each day, there will not remain
enough time to supply the other subjects adequately. Either
alternation of subjects or reduction of the standard length of
period is absolutely necessary.
It is perhaps best to try alternation first. It is evident that
nature study and drawing can be conveniently alternated.
Morals and manners, while constantly emphasized, need receive
explicit attention only once a week, but physical training must
come every day, although it need not occupy the full period.
The following arrangement seems therefore to be justified : draw-
ing or nature study, alternating, 20 minutes daily ; physical cul-
i^ure, 10 minutes daily ; music, 20 minutes daily, except for one
day, when morals and manners may occupy the music period.
The subjects named can be taught to both classes simul-
taneously. There are two other subjects that are amenable to
similar treatment, — spelling and penmanship. For the former,
at least 20 minutes daily should be apportioned, 10 minutes
for study and 10 minutes for recitation. For written recitation,
words can be dictated, first to one class, then to the other.
Oral spelling can be provided for by assigning the same les-
son to both classes. This is especially valuable for frequent
reviews on words commonly misspelled. Writing should have
at least 15 minutes daily, and may be given to both classes
at the same time. The total daily apportionment thus pro-
vided will amount in all to 85 minutes. Subtracting this from
the 305 minutes available for all work, 220 minutes will be left
for apportionment to the subjects requiring study periods,
assuming that grammar (or language), history, and physiology
are all text-book subjects as they usually are in the fifth grade.
The 220 minutes divided among the six subjects will give less
than 40 minutes for each, or less than 20 minutes for a study
or recitation period. Again, either alternation or shortening
the standard is required. The only subjects among the six
that will permit alternation are history and physiology. Sup-
pose these to be alternated; the total is now constructively
diminished by one. But five subjects will still not permit
full 25 minutes for study or recitation. The last resort
is a partial shortening of the standard, which is inevitable
wherever the contingency arises and where home study is not
permitted.* This partial shortening can be accomplished by
allowing some subjects 25 minutes for study and 20 minutes
for recitation. In other words, if a certain period is 25 minutes
in duration, the next can be made 20 minutes, the next 25
minutes, and so on. While one class recites, the other studies,
so that approximately 45 minutes may be devoted by each
class to each of the text-book subjects. In both classes, how-
* In the writer's opinion, home study should be permitted not earlier
than Prade V, and preferably not prior to Grade VIL
ever, one subject will be limited to 40 minutes. Care should
be taken that this will not be a subject of great importance for
this grade. The following program is based upon this arrange-
ment. It is inserted merely as suggestive of a possible outcome
of the situation that we have imagined. "R" indicates recit-
ing class; ''S " indicates study class.* "A" is the latter half of
the fifth grade ; *' B " the first half.
9:00- 9: 10
9 : 10- 9 : 20
9 : 20- 9 : 30
9:30- 9:5s
10: 15-10:30
10: 45-11 : 10
II : lo-ii : 30
II : 50-12: 00
1:15- 1 : 40
1 : 40- 2 : 00
2 : 00- 2 : 20
2 : 20- 2 : 30
2:30- 2:45
2 : 45- 3 : 10
3:10- 3:30
3:30- 3:50
3 : 50- 4 : 00
^A" Class
B" Class
Opening ExerciseS/,
S. spelling ^iUtt
R. spelling ^
R. reading
S. arithmetic
R. arithmetic
S. geography
R. geography
Physical culture
S. grammar
R. grammar
S. history or physiology
R. history or physiology
S. reading
Drawing or nature study
Music, 4 days, morals
Opening exercises
S. spelling
R. spelling
S. arithmetic
R. arithmetic
S. reading
R. reading
S. geography
Physical culture
R. geography \J^l< '
S. grammar^,^^^/^/^,,^
R. grammaf/^ // /7 ^ -^
M,usic u
Recess '
S. history or physiology
R. history or physiology - ff
Drawing or nature study ^^^^''^1^'f
and manners, i day 1
The above program has some apparent weaknesses. Spell-
ing, for example, is given the first period in the morning, while
in most schools it is placed at some less important period. The
* " The best programs show what is being done at the seats as well as
what is being done in recitation." — Akron, Ohio, Course of Study, 1904,
p. 174.
disposition, however, to place drill subjects at unfavorable
periods is probably to be condemned, and to give the first
school period to spelling is, especially in the intermediate grades,
a commendable, although not a common, practice. Penman-
ship is given the period just prior to the morning recess. This
is open to criticism in that it makes a writing exercise follow
arithmetic; it is justified only on the ground that the 15
minutes just prior to recess is too brief for any other subject
that is entitled to a favorable morning period, and also by the
fact that writing should not come immediately after any recess
or intermission because of the difficulty of making fine adjust-
ments after vigorous exercise ; thus by a method of elimination
the period assigned seems to be the only period available.
The 10 minutes just preceding the noon intermission are not,
perhaps, the best time for physical exercises ; but in view of the
fact that these are very fatiguing whenever effectively carried
on, it is difficult to find a period when they will not have a
deleterious influence upon other work. The division of the
music into two periods could also be objected to. The last 10
minutes of the day, however, are frequently devoted to sing-
ing, and the arrangement indicated may be interpreted as
meaning that this is to be the policy here. The other music
period just preceding the afternoon recess may profitably be
devoted to instructional and drill work in music. All of the
text-book subjects are allotted 45 minutes, except geography
of the "A" class and grammar of the "B " class. It would be
better, of course, if the "cut" could come altogether from the
content subjects, but this is impracticable because the content
subjects aside from geography — physiology and history —
have already been reduced in time-allowance by alternation.
The Three- class Program. If three classes are in charge of
one teacher, there is no alternative but to shorten the periods
for recitation and increase the time devoted to seat work, unless,
as is frequently the case, different classes may pursue some
assignments in common. Supposing this not to be the case,
however, it is clear that two thirds of the time allotted to each
text-book subject must be devoted to seat work, and one third
to recitation. For an example of this type of program, let us
assume that the teacher has the following classes: IV "A," V
" B," and V " A." In all probability the course of study will
show practically the same subjects, except that two reading les-
sons will be prescribed for the fourth grade to replace physiology
and history. Practically the same disposition can, therefore,
be made of the music, drawing, nature study, morals and
manners, and (perhaps) spelling and penmanship. Thus
approximately 220 minutes will be available for distribution
among the five text-book subjects. By taking 5 minutes
from one of the other branches, — perhaps music will be best
able to stand the sacrifice, — this total will be increased to 225
minutes. The advantage of doing this is obvious : each of the
five text-book subjects can be allotted 45 minutes, and this
time can be divided into a study period of 30 minutes and a
recitation period of 15 minutes. Needless to say, the study
periods are too long and the recitation periods too short; but
this will always be the case where more than two classes are
placed in charge of a single teacher. The following program
indicates the advantage of the division into 45-minute units : —
V "A" Class
V"B" Class
IV "A" Class
9: 00- 9: 10
Opening exercises
Opening exercises
Opening exercises
9: 10- 9: 30
9:30- 9:4s
S. arithmetic
S. arithmetic
R, reading
9: 45-10:00
S. arithmetic
R. arithmetic
S. arithmetic
10:00-10: IS
R. arithmetic
S. reading
S. arithmetic
10: 15-10:30
10: 30-10:45
S. reading
S. reading •
R. arithmetic
11 : 00-11: 15
S. reading
R. reading
S. geography
11: 15-11:30
R. reading
S. geography
S. geography
S. geography
S. geography
R. geography
S. geography^
R. geography
S. reading
IS- 1:30
30- 1:4s
45- 2:00
00- 3: IS
15- 2:30
30- 2 : 45
45- 3:00
00- 3: 15
IS- 3:30
30- 3:50
SO- 4:00
V " A " Class
V"B" Class
IV "A" Class
R. geography
S. grammari
S. gramm;
S. grammar S. reading
S. grammar R. reading
R. grammar S. language
S. physiology, history S. language
Divided between physical culture and music
Recess Recess Recess
S. physiology, history S. physiology R. language
S. physiology R. physiology S. reading
R. physiology S. arithmetic S. reading
Drawing or nat. st. Drawing or nat. st. Drawing or nat. st.
Music, 4 days a week, morals and manners, i day
Upper Grade Programs. On account of the numerous lines
of work demanded by modern courses of study for the upper
grades, it is imperative that one or two assignments be prepared
aw home. A brief reference to either of the above programs
will show how much the problem of program-making would be
simplified if at least one subject could be assumed in each class
to be provided for by home study. Above the sixth grade,
however, where effective periods must be at least 25 minutes
in length, it would be impossible to arrange a satisfactory
program without this provision.
The program (page 67) suggests a possible distribution of the
eighth-grade work. The "A'* class prepares arithmetic and
spelling at home, the "B'* class, history and speUing. The
text-book periods are, with three exceptions, 30 minutes in
duration. (The abbreviation "H.P." indicates home prepara-
It will doubtless be practicable in most instances to have
the two classes study the same literary masterpieces; this
would enable both classes to "recite" literature at the same
period. No time is allotted for physical exercises, and if these
are prescribed, it will be necessary to cut two more periods to
25 minutes.
The Ungraded School Program. An inspection of the three-
"A" Class
"B" Class
9 : 00- 9 : 10
9: 10- 9: 20
Spelling (H.P.)
Spelling (H.P.)
9 : 20- 9 : 50
R. arithmetic (H.P.)
S. arithmetic
9: 50-10: 20
S. grammar
R. arithmetic
10: 20-10: 30
10 : 30-10 : 45
R. grammar
S. grammar
11: 15-11:40
S. physiology or civics
R. grammar ^ >
study or agriculture^ ^
11:40-12: 00
Drawing or nature
1:15-1 •• 45
S. history
R. history (H.P.)
1:4s- 2:15
R. history
S. physiology or civics
2:15- 2:30
2:30- 2:45
2:45- 3:10
R. physiology or civics *
S. literature »
3' 10- 3' 35
S. literature ^
R. physiology or civic^ *
3:3s- 4:00
R. literature ^
R. literature i^^^^J:^' 4
class program (page 66) will indicate the diflBiculties that are
to be overcome when the number of classes is increased beyond
two. The recitation periods must be greatly abbreviated, the
study periods proportionately lengthened, and the classes com-
bined wherever the effective teaching of the subject will in any
measure permit combination.
The most practical arrangement for an ungraded school is
probably that proposed by the late Dr. Emerson E. White.^
According to this plan, the time of the teacher is equitably dis-
tributed among three classes of pupils, representing approxi-
mately the primary, intermediate, and grammar grades. The
recitation periods are 20, 25, and 30 minutes in length, the
longer periods being assigned to the older pupils. Provision
is made for frequent changes of work during the long study
* Manual training may be provided for by alternation in these periods.
* E. E. White : School Management, pp. 86-94.
periods, especially for the younger pupils. Modifications of
this general plan have been incorporated into several state
manuals. The following four-class arrangement is a suggestive
(Exercises italicized are for the reciting class.)
ist Year
3d Year
6th Year
8th Year
0:00- 9:10
Opening ex.
Opening ex.
Opening ex.
Opening ex.
9:10- 9:30
9:30- 9:50
9: 50-10: 10
10: 10-10: 25
10: 25-10: 35
11:05-11: 25
Reading, Spelling Arithmetic
1:00- 1:05
Singing or
other exercises
I : 05- I : 20
Reading, Spelling Geography
1 : 20- 1 : 30
Reading, Spelling Geography
1:30- 1:45
Drawing '
Drawing *
Drawing »
Drawing »
1:45- 2:00
Physiology '
Physiology »
3 : 00- 2 : 20
Phys., English
2 : 20- 2 : 35
2:35- 2:45
2:45- 2:55
General lessons
»'-SS~ S'oo
Phys., English
Civil government
3:00- 3:15
Phys., English ♦
Phys., dv. goT. •
3:15- 3:30
Civil government
3:30- 3:4s
Civil government
3:45- 4:00
Special work
* 4gth Annual Report, Department of Public Instruction, New York,
1903, Appendix 4.
' Drawing: two or three classes; two recitations a week.
* Physiology : two classes ; two or three recitations a week.
* English : two classes ; three recitations a week ; more if possible.
* Civil government may be alternated with some other study.
12. The program-maker in the elementary school can-
not fail to be impressed with a very grave danger that is
inherent in the present tendency to enrich the curriculum
by the addition of a host of new subjects. How diflScult
it is to find time for the adequate presentation of accepted
subject-matter is quite evident from the above discussion.
The length of the periods for the various grades is the
result of long years of schoolroom practice and seems to
indicate both a maximal and minimal time for effective
and economical work. To shorten periods below this
limit is to risk a serious waste both of time and energy.
Moreover, the addition of each new subject must, if car-
ried beyond a certain point, detract from the effectiveness
of instruction in other subjects. There is a law of mental
activity somewhat analogous to the law of diminishing
returns in agriculture. Variety up to a certain point is
essential to effective mental work; variety beyond that
point promotes dispersed attention and inadequate ap-
perception. In the struggle to "teach'' everything that
is now demanded, the school is forced to give almost every
subject a superficial treatment. This is wrong both from
the standpoint of school economy and from the standpoint
of mental development.*
13. Holding to the Program, Practically all principals
* A recent writer in the School Journal proposes a possible reform in
this direction by advocating that all the subjects of major importance —
in brief the "three R's" — be given the bulk of the time in the ele-
mentary school, and that the "accessory" subjects be taught by lectures,
readings, and exercises involving a minimal expenditure of energy on the
part of the child^
and superintendents of schools agree that the beginning
teacher should hold rigidly to the program and time-
table. This is, at first, a rather difl&cult matter. There are
innumerable temptations to hold a class a moment with
one subject until a certain point has been made or a cer-
tain conclusion driven home. It is, of course, debatable
whether this is not justified, but it is the writer's experi-
ence that the results are much better if the time-table is
adhered to rigidly. There would seem to be a sound
reason back of this conclusion. In the first place, it is
comparatively simple to establish the habit of adjusting
one's work in preparation to fit the period for which it is
intended ; thus the teacher, after a httle experience, is able
to bring each lesson to a satisfactory finish within the period
allowed. In the second place, if the teacher begins to
extend or abbreviate the periods, it soon becomes impos-
sible to designate the point at which work is to be varied.
"Going over" the allotted time becomes a habit that
entails much waste and no little injustice. In the third
place, almost every teacher is apt to prefer some subjects
to others, and, unless a strenuous effort is made to be
impartial, it will be practically impossible to escape length-
ening the favorite periods.
References. — White: School Management, pp. 86-94; Roark:
Economy in Education, pp. 64-72; Seeley: A New School Manage-
ment, ch. v; Baldwin: Art of School Management, pt. iv, ch. v;
M. V. O'Shea: Dynamic Factors in Education, New York, 1906,
ch. xviii.
Regularity and Punctuality of Attendance
1. Irregularity of attendance is a serious source of
waste in all grades of the school ; but for obvious reasons it
is most troublesome in the lower grades where the stimulus
of the teacher and of class instruction is so essential to
progress. Delinquent pupils not only miss the work that
has been done during their absence, but they necessarily
retard the progress of the class when they return. In other
words, the habitual delinquent is a dead weight that the
remainder of the class is forced to carry.
2. Regular Attendance should become a Habit. The
aim in all measures looking toward the improvement of
attendance is to make regularity and punctuality of
attendance a habit with every pupil. It is not until this
point has been reached that maximal economy of school
administration from this point of view can be attained.
Here as elsewhere, so long as the struggle between impulse
and idea is a conscious struggle, waste must ensue. The
following discussion, therefore, must consider the applica-
tion of the law of habit-building to this problem. How
can this important habit be initiated, and how may repe-
tition be sustained until automatism results?
It will be recognized at the outset that there must be
a certain irreducible minimum of absence and perhaps
also of tardiness in every school. Moreover, this irre-
ducible minimum will vary with different grades,, different
localities, and different seasons of the year. Consequently
an absolute standard cannot be adopted: one cannot lay
down a hard-and-fast rule that ninety-four or ninety-seven
per cent of the pupils enrolled should be present at school
every session. The standard can, however, be established
within certain limits. Probably all authorities would
agree that a school showing an average attendance lower
than ninety per cent of its enrollment would be greatly
handicapped in doing effective work, and furthermore
that such a condition should be remedied, and could be
remedied if the proper methods were employed. All
authorities would also probably agree that a school show-
ing an average daily attendance of ninety-eight per cent
of its pupils could do very effective work (other things
equal), and furthermore that attempts to secure a higher
per centum would involve a danger that must never be over-
looked — namely, that some pupils would be forced to at-
tend school when such attendance would be inimical to
their health.^
3. What constitutes a Necessary Delinquency ? Whether
distinctly provided by statute or not, it should be definitely
understood in every public school that the only acceptable
* In computing the per centum of attendance, the number enrolled
should not, of course, include those who have been registered and then
transferred to other schools. It is, however, unjust to consider the num-
ber "belonging" in place of the number enrolled, if, by the number
belonging, one means all who have not been absent more than three or
five consecutive days, as is done in most schools.
excuse for absence or tardiness is either the presence of
some condition that would make attendance inimical to
the pupil's health, or the existence in the pupil's home of a
very serious misfortune. Absence from school or tafdiness
in coming to school caused by employing the pupil in
services either at home or elsewhere should not be con-
sidered as legitimate. If the child's services are required
either directly or indirectly to provide the necessities of
life, the case is one demanding attention from the poor
commissioners. If lack of proper clothing prevents
regular attendance, the community should provide such
clothing. All this is not charity; it is public economy.
In view of the disturbing influence of absence and tardi-
ness upon the work of the school as a whole, and in view
of the heavy cost of maintaining a pubhc school system,
no other position is tenable. This does not mean that the
school is to be the "juggernaut" so vividly described by
opponents of compulsory education ; it simply means that
school work is to be recognized as a serious business, and
that the time, energy, and wealth expended upon the school
system are to make an adequate return ; it simply means
that the rights of the majority are not to be invaded and
invaUdated by the whims or the incompetency of the
4. The habit of regular and punctual attendance must
be initiated by estabUshing this principle. How can this
be done ?
(a) Enforcing Attendance Statutes and Rulings. Fortu-
nately most of the states (except in the South) have forti-
fied education with laws that compel the attendance of
all children of school age during the time that school is in
session, unless they are excused for one of the two reasons
mentioned above. Some of these laws, it is true, have been
made practically ineffective through sharp manipulation,
but the majority can be enforced. And yet, even where
the legal conditions are ideal, the per centum of attendance
is often deplorably low. The chief difficulty lies in the
fear of the teacher to give offense to parents. Perhaps he
is strenuous enough with pupils whose parents are not
influential, but his laxity in other cases much more than
counterbalances his partial rigorism. This attitude is not
only unfortunate from the standpoint of school efficiency
and economy; it is improfessional, uncraftsmanlike, and
inconsistent with the accepted standards of pubUc service.
How should unnecessary delinquencies be treated in
communities where a compulsory education law operates ?
Simply and solely as offenses against discipline and order
in the school and against the pubKc welfare in society
at large. Persisted in, they should be looked upon as
direct affronts to the authority of the school, and, in case
the delinquency is due to the pupil and not the parent,
the action should be construed as insubordination and
treated accordingly. Written excuses should be demanded
in all instances, and no written excuse should be accepted
unless it is at least formally consistent with the provisions
of the law.
To act professionally in matters of this sort does not mean
that one should act tactlessly and blunderingly ; it does mean,
however, that one should act firmly. A courteous note to the
parent, informing him of the statutory requirement, and
briefly explaining its justice, will often be effective. If it is
not, a personal interview may remedy matters. If this measure
fails, there are still left an appeal to the law and action through the
regularly constituted legal channels. If local authorities refuse
through pressure from interested parties to enforce the law, it
is the plain duty of the teacher to lay the facts of the case before
the state superintendent of public instruction. Though so
drastic a policy should cost the teacher his position, the fact
should not lessen his determination to be just.
5. (b) Encouraging Regular Attendance by Prizes ^ Privi-
leges ^ etc. The "excuse" system, even under a rigid ap-
plication of a compulsory attendance law, will render it
impossible to eliminate all unnecessary delinquencies.
As long as the parent's word is accepted without investi-
gation (and American ideals of individual liberty properly
preclude ofl&cious prying into one's private affairs), a cer-
tain amount of injustice will be involved in accepting writ-
ten excuses. Compulsory education statutes can mitigate
but they cannot entirely eradicate the evils of irregular
attendance. Other methods of initiating the habits of
regularity and punctuality must be employed, even under
the most favorable conditions.
Material prizes for all who reach a certain standard in
attendance are justifiable under exceptional conditions.
They often fail, however, to reach the cases that are most
troublesome. Immaterial prizes (certificates of perfect
attendance, "honor" seats, names published in the local
paper if attendance is perfect, etc.) are more to be preferred,
and are sometimes extremely effective. Exemptions from
school duties (half holidays for those perfect in attendance
for the month is a typical example) may be employed as a
last resort, and especially in communities where there is
no compulsory attendance law.^ Where such a law exists,
it is possible that such a practice would be declared
illegal by the courts. It may be objected that these
measures propose to give some sort of prize for attendance
even when the law states that attendance is a duty and
delinquency a misdemeanor. Nevertheless the difficulty
of probing into every case of absence renders the law par-
tially inoperative, and remedial measures are in such cases
6. ic) Competitions in Attendance and Punctuality. In
a large graded school, or in a city or county system of
schools, it is often possible to create an effective esprit de
corps with respect to absence and tardiness by instituting
a competition for school honors in freedom from delinquen-
cies. Some principals have reports of attendance sent to
the office daily or weekly, and then compile a Hst of rooms
in the order of excellence in attendance. A reward in the
shape of a banner for the room showing the best attendance
during the term may add zest to the competition, although
* The case is somewhat peculiar in the high school where compulsory
laws do not commonly apply. Cf. the following: "The most valuable
expedient for good attendance that I have found ... is the exemption
of those pupils perfect in attendance and punctuality for a specified period
from the formal examinations covering that period." — H. M. Hart:
"How to Get and Keep Pupils in the High School," in Inter-Mountain
Educator, 1906, vol. i, p. 170.
good results can be obtained without employing this
All attempts to secure good attendance (and especially the
competitive device just mentioned) must be rigorously subjected
to the qualifications that have been so frequently referred to
in the foregoing discussions. There can be such a thing as
attendance that is too nearly perfect, A shortsighted principal
or teacher, in his enthusiasm for results in this regard, is apt to
create a nervous tension among his pupils that v^^ill prevent even
legitimate absence. This condition should not, of course, be
permitted to exist. The difficulty lies in effecting a compromise
between leniency and stringency. It is easy to overstep the
limit on either side, and the teacher must be constantly on his
guard against this tendency. There are no explicit directions
that will avail in this matter. One must depend entirely upon
one's judgment and good sense. But the danger must be con-
stantly borne in mind.
7. Tardiness. The foregoing discussion has been de-
voted chiefly to the consideration of absence. The gen-
eral principles brought out apply, however, to tardiness.
Tardiness is, in some respects, a greater evil than absence,
but it should never be made to appear so in the child's eyes,
else he will be apt to remain out of school during the
entire session if he chances to arrive a few minutes late.
The habit of tardiness is worse than occasional absence
because it is apt to be carried over into later life and to
cause the individual no end of trouble in its eradication.
The child should very early form the habit of meeting every
engagement promptly, and there is no way to form this
habit save by making tardiness a serious offense.
Aside from those delinquencies in punctuality that are
due to conditions in the child's home, and which should be
treated as similar delinquencies in attendance are treated,
the greatest trouble arises from the "naturally" dilatory
child. In young children this is often due to an inade-
quate "time sense" (more properly "time judgment").
This is usually a result of arrested development. The
judgment of time intervals is not a native gift, but an ac-
quisition, and the only way for the young child to acquire
it is through the pleasure-pain economy. For the habitu-
ally tardy pupil there is probably no remedy so effective in
stimulating time judgment as a judicious use of corporal
punishment, provided, of. course, that the tardiness is
due entirely to the pupil's carelessness.
8. Habits of punctuaUty may be fortified and generahzed
by concrete instruction on their practical value in the
social and business world. The time allotted to instruc-
tion in "morals and manners" or "ethics" (which is so
commonly given to something else) might profitably be
used in part for this purpose. This is a field in which a
little "preaching" may perhaps be more than commonly
effective, for the alert, competent, "hustHng" business
man is the popular hero of the day, and punctuality is one
of his chief virtues. Anecdotes drawn from business life,
backed up by rigorous insistence on punctuality in school
life, will do much toward building up an active and effec-
tive ideal of punctuality among the pupils.
Interesting opening exercises, as stated in a former section,
will help to curtail tardiness.
In some schools there are two bells at the beginning of every
session, — a signal for forming lines and passing to the class-
rooms, and a "tardy'' bell. Where this plan is followed,
technical tardiness (arrival after the tardy signal) can be almost
entirely eliminated by treating rather seriously those pupils
who fail to pass to their rooms with the lines. In general, the
question of tardiness is least troublesome where there is a large
school bell which rings five or ten minutes before the session is
9. Should Delinquencies in Attendance and Punctual-
ity detract jrom Pupils^ Standing in Scholarship ? This
is a question that admits of argument. It cannot be
doubted that absence from class exercises theoretically
prevents a pupil from reaching the standard gained by
his fellows who have been regular in attendance. Indeed,
if an habitual absentee is just as well prepared for the
work of the following grade as is a pupil who has been
regular in attendance, the fact is an unfortunate commen-
tary upon the character of the instruction and training
afforded by the class work. Nevertheless it is true that
the delinquent pupil may sometimes be just as capable of
fulfilling the conditions of the higher grade as is the pupil
who has been perfect in attendance. On the other hand,
to count absence arbitrarily against scholarship standing
is often extremely effective in impelling all pupils to regu-
lar attendance, and the temptation is strong to employ the
incentive to its limit. While such a measure is justifiable
in very obstinate cases, it could hardly be reconmiended
for general practice. To retain a pupil for a second term
in the same grade except for deficient scholarship is a very
severe penalty. It means practically the loss of a year or
half-year of the child's Ufe, and tends to discourage him
from further effort.
References. — Seeley. A New School Management^ pp. 107-110;
Kellogg: School Management, ch. vi; Tompkins: Philosophy of
School Management^ pp. 70-71.
Preserving Hygienic Conditions in the Classroom
1. A school environment that is free from factors
making for ill health is manifestly of prime importance in
securing maximal efiSciency in the operation of educative
forces. Specialized investigation, undertaken especially
in Germany, has made school hygiene one of the most
complete and trustworthy departments of appUed science,
and every teacher should master the fundamental prin-
ciples of school hygiene at least to the extent in which they
are set forth in such text-books as those of Kotelmann ^
or Shaw.^ The present chapter will indicate only those
practical rules that the classroom teacher should have
constantly in mind, laying particular emphasis upon the
hygienic habits which it is the duty of every teacher to
develop in his pupils.
2. Hygienic Habits of Posture. One of the very first
tasks that a new teacher should set for himself is the
initiation of proper habits of sitting. So much of the
pupil's time is spent at his desk and during a period of
development when bad postures easily become fixed into
permanent malformations, that this matter is of the very
greatest importance.
* L. Kotelmann : School Hygiene, English trans., Syracuse, 1899.
'E. R. Shaw: School Hygiene, New York, 1901.
G 81
Whatever the form of seat found in the classroom, it
should fulfill three conditions : (a) it must permit an upright
position of the body ; (b) it must provide a support for the
back ; (c) it must permit the pupil's feet to rest squarely upon
the floor. Adjustable seats should certainly be provided
for growing children, but this matter is not often within the
classroom teacher's control. Generally he must make the
best of existing conditions. Practically all schoolroom seats
fulfill the first two conditions, but the third is often a source
of difl&culty. If pupils are *' hung up " (the technical term
for the position in which their feet do not rest squarely upon
the floor), the only recourse is to provide blocks of wood
for them to rest their feet upon. This is not the best thing
for the appearance of the classroom or for the temper of
the janitor or sweepers, but it is absolutely essential to
the welfare of the child.
3. Even in classrooms that are provided with adjustable
seats, however, one frequently finds most imhygienic
postures. The most common defect is the reclining po-
sition, where the pupil "slides down" in his seat until the
body is entirely supported by the lower end of the spinal
column (which rests on the front edge of the seat) and the
back of the neck (which rests against the top of the seat
back). The legs are stretched under the desk and the
head is thrust forward. The evils of this position are
obvious at a glance. The spinal column is curved out-
ward, the shoulders are thrust forward, the chest is de-
pressed, and proper breathing is prevented. In addition
to these disastrous consequences, the appearance is in-
dicative of an inert, shiftless relaxation that is quite incon-
sistent with effective concentration of attention. Another
common malposition is the forward incHnation of the
body, compressing the chest against the front edge of the
The only safeguard against unhygienic posture is a
careful demonstration of the correct position and a strenu-
ous insistence upon this position until the pupils assume
it at all times as a matter of habit. This does not mean
that the pupil is to be permitted no freedom of movement,
or that he is to be kept constantly in a rigid posture.
Indeed, if the requirement is new to the pupils (as will fre-
quently be the case), it will be wise to introduce frequent
relaxation or "rest" periods during the first few days.
It will take time to accustom the muscles to a fairly con-
stant adjustment, but it can be done successfully if per-
sisted in, just as the army recruit can be trained into
soldierly form. In any case, variety should be secured
by a change from one hygienic posture to another hy-
gienic posture — not by a change from a bad posture to
one that is worse.
4. The Writing Posture. This is an extremely impor-
tant matter. If pupils sit ".sidewise" at the desk while
they are writing, one shoulder is almost always slightly
higher than the other. A long continuance of such a pos-
ture will inevitably cause lateral curvature of the spine.
It is for this reason that a system of penmanship is de-
manded that will render impossible the sidewise position,
and among other virtues this has been one of the chief
characteristics to recommend vertical writing. If vertical
writing is prescribed for the schools, every classroom
teacher should see to it that the proper position is taken :
feet flat on the floor, head well elevated, paper directly in
front of the pupil, its front edge on a hne parallel to a line
connecting the pupiVs eyes. Not to make this position a
matter of unvarying habit is to repudiate the chief virtue
of the system.
The reaction against the vertical writing has led to a
compromise termed the "rational" or "medium" slant.
The position for this writing is stated by some authorities
to be the same as that for the vertical system. Other
authorities, however, would permit a slight angle in the
placing of the paper. The great defect in this recom-
mendation is that no specific angle is recommended,
consequently the child follows the line of least re-
sistance, which is to assume the sidewise posture. In
such cases the teacher should determine the angle that
will permit the greatest ease in writing and at the
same time will not allow the pupil to shift the body
from a position directly in front of the desk. It would
be a good plan to have a line painted diagonally across
each desk indicating this angle, and to insist that the
pupil keep the upper edge of his paper parallel to this
5. Posture in Standing, The erect posture should, of
course, be made a matter of habit with all children during
the formative period of growth. Careful insistence, forti-
fied by "setting up" exercises such as are usually included
in every course of physical training prescribed for the
schools, will reduce to a minimum the troubles that ensue
from inadequate standing positions. The crying need
here, as elsewhere in the elementary schools, is for teachers
who have the strength, the patience, and the stamina nec-
essary to carry habit-forming processes to a successful
6. Hygiene of Eyesight. This subject should be worked
up by each teacher from some authoritative text-book ^ on
school hygiene or, better, from a special work on the
hygiene of eyesight.^ In the present connection the
following points may be noted: {a) Books and papers
containing reading matter in type of the average size
should be held at a distance of about twelve inches from
the eyes. If pupils find difficulty in reading type at this
distance, they should be encouraged to consult an oculist.
{h) The light should come exclusively from the left while
the pupils are engaged in reading or writing at their desks.
{c) "Hard" lead pencils should not be used for writing,
because of the lack of contrast between the dull mark of
the graphite and the background of the paper. Slates are
unhygienic for the same reason. Slate blackboards are
to be condemned unless a soft, white crayon is used.
{d) Ink — dead black — should be used from the earliest
possible moment. Many authorities introduce the use of
ink in the second grade and discourage the use of pencils
^ For example, Kotelmann or Shaw.
'For example, S. Snell: Eyesight and School Life, Bristol, 1895;
J. H. Smith : Defects of Vision and Hearing, Chicago, 1902.
after that time.^ (e) Glazed paper, blue white paper, and
dead white paper are all inferior for hygienic reasons to
yellow white, unglazed paper.
7. Fatigue J Relaxation^ and Exercise. The subject of
fatigue has already been referred to briefly in connection
with the structure of the program. Happily the problem
of fatigue in the sense of overwork is not a pressing problem
just now in American education. Nevertheless it is wise
constantly to bear in mind the factor of fatigue in reducing
the efficiency of effort. Where sessions are upward of
two and one half hours in duration, they should be broken
by at least one recess of ten or fifteen minutes, given over
to "free play" in the open air. The writer has known
advocates of "no recesses" openly to defend their poHcy
on the plea that it is difficult to control children in free
play — especially to control the larger children in the
upper grades. Such an argument requires no comment.
As stated in a former section, formal gymnastics are
not recreative in the manner commonly supposed. The
only true recreation comes from entire relaxation or from
spontaneous play. The play should always be super-
vised in large schools in order to prevent accidents. It
is wise to provide by rule against certain dangerous games
upon the school grounds. Some of these may, indeed, be
good, healthful sports, but with three or four hundred
* In some schools first-grade pupils are permitted to write with ink
as soon as their penmanship reaches a certain standard of excellence.
This provides a stimulus for good writing, and at the same time pro-
motes the interests of hygiene.
children of all ages playing together, they introduce an
element of danger that it is folly to ignore.
Among the games that the writer has seen fit to prohibit in
a large school are "crack the whip," ''foot-and-a-half " (as
distinguished from ''Bombay"), baseball or other ball games
using a hard ball, and Rugby football, except when limited
to regular teams of the older pupils. Wrestling, boxing, and
other rough sports should be permitted only when the pupils
are properly clothed for the exercise, and when such activities
do not degenerate into rough-and-tumble scrimmages. It is
wise not to make a specific ruling covering all forbidden sports,
but to curtail each as it crops out, stating the dangers involved,
and ruling that the specific game or exercise shall not be in-
dulged in during school hours.
Snowballing is a nuisance if indulged in promiscuously.
The writer has found it advisable to prohibit it (and to enforce
the prohibition by rigid penalties) both upon the school grounds
and in passing to and from school. He has, however, permitted
snowball battles where the school premises were large enough,
curtailing the permission whenever it was abused.
Playing Marbles ^'for Keeps.'' Marble playing for stakes,
or any other form of gambling, should be rigidly prohibited.
When the marble season first opens, this rule should be definitely
established. By passing among the groups of boys at the recess
period or at noon intermission, a principal or teacher can soon
learn whether the rule is observed. This precaution should be
taken, no matter how thoroughly the teacher may believe in
the virtue of his pupils. Needless to say, lapses from a rule
of this character should be treated as most serious offenses.
Cigarette smoking, while hardly to be classed among games
and sports, certainly deserves mention in connection with pro-
hibited exercises. In view of the disastrous effects of nicotine
upon young children, and especially because of its interference
with school work, all pupils who are known to indulge the
habit at any time should be instantly reformed. If the offense
occurs while the pupil is under control of the school authorities,
severe penalties can be imposed without consulting with parents.
If the offense occurs at other times, the parent should be notified
at once and every effort made to secure the cooperation of the
home in checking the evil. An habitual cigarette smoker will
find it impossible to hide the evidences of his vice from a
teacher who has normal acuity of smell. It should be remem-
bered that the disastrous effects of smoking are most marked
during the preadolescent period — prior, perhaps, to the fifteenth
8. Personal Cleanliness. The classroom teacher should
insist rigorously upon personal cleanliness in his pupils.
Almost every board of education rules explicitly that all
pupils shall fulfill reasonable requirements in this respect,
and where no ruling is explicitly made, it can certainly be
assumed in the interests of common decency. Private
admonitions to pupils are generally effective for this pur-
pose. If something further is needed, a courteous request
to the parent will usually bring results. For very obsti-
nate cases there is no recourse save to the school lavatory.
Some city systems now provide shower baths in the schools
of the poorer districts.
The teacher can also do much to promote good habits
of neatness and taste in matters of dress. The writer
knows of one school where a tactful but aggressive cam-
paign in this matter was rewarded by improvement
throughout an entire community. Needless to say, the
teacher's example is here an all-important factor, as is
also the appearance of the schoolroom and the school
9. Contagious Diseases, Almost every community pro-
vides, through its health department, a set of regulations
governing the duties of the teacher in dealing with con-
tagious diseases; but occasional trouble is caused by the
failure of the school authorities properly to cooperate with
the health officials in this matter. Certainly the school,
as representing enlightenment, should be the last to evade
quarantine restrictions, even though the attendance
record may be sadly disfigured. All children who have
eruptions on the face or hands should be excluded from
school until a physician certifies that no danger of infection
is involved in attendance. Symptoms of whooping-cough
should be watched carefully, and suspicious cases should
be sent home to await a physician's diagnosis. Parents'
pleas should not be permitted to have weight in such
matters, no matter how eloquently they may be presented.
All children from quarantined houses should be excluded
from the school unless they are removed to other quarters,
in which case they should be permitted to attend only after
the period of incubation for the disease in question has
A great many teachers permit the almost universal rul-
ings with respect to vaccination to become "dead letters"
until an epidemic arouses them to their duty. It is not
too much to say that every epidemic of smallpox could be
prevented if the school authorities were constantly vigilant
in requiring the vaccination of all pupils.
With all the instruction upon the subject of physiology and
hygiene in the elementary schools, there should certainly be
some room for impressing the simple facts of pathology and the
relation of microorganisms to disease. This is a matter of the
first importance to public welfare. There are, indeed, many
phases of the subject that only a trained mind can understand,
but the simpler facts can be made clear to any child above the
third grade.
lo. Moral Health. Waste in the operation of school
forces is often due as much to moral as to physical ill
health. The mind that is absorbed in morbid interests
is bound to profit in minimal degree by school instruction.
What we term immoral tendencies are not infrequently
*' natural" tendencies; they have their root in instincts
that are deeply seated and fundamental. The problem
is to prevent an immature, ill-timed development of these
instincts that will result only in perversion. Mental filth,
like physical filth, grows upon itself: in the latter case,
we term the germ that makes for degeneration a bacillus ;
in the former case, we call the degenerating germ *' sug-
gestion." The suggestion arouses the instinct into a
premature and perverted functioning, just as the physical
germ stimulates the chemical compounds of animal or
vegetable tissues into premature decomposition.
The great danger in a large school is that these degenerat-
ing influences will find lodgment in the minds of the chil-
dren at a time when the budding instincts provide a fertile
field for their growth and rapid propagation. It is for
this reason that recess periods should be carefully super-
vised, and that pupils should be encouraged to engage
in physical sports rather than permitted to congregate in
groups where the gossip gleaned upon the streets and
amidst questionable surroundings by a few pupils will
contaminate the many. It is for this reason that a care-
ful watch should be kept of outhouses, latrines, and
closets. To eliminate and prevent the shameful condi-
tions so often represented in these places by indecent
writing and drawing requires the most watchful and per-
sistent care. In districts where this particular form of
vice has become embedded, it is often necessary to make
hourly or half-hourly inspections of the toilets, tracing
every misdemeanor to its source, and inflicting the most
severe penalties. Tliis is not a pleasant business to be
concerned with, but it is a duty that no true craftsman
will shirk.
References. — M. V. O'Shea : Dynamic Factors in Education,
chs. xv-xix; L. Kotelmann: School Hygiene, chs. ix-xiii; E. L.
Thomdike: The Principles of Teaching, New York, 1906, ch. ii.
Order and Discipline
I. The problem of discipline looks first to the welfare
of the whole. The conditions that are most favorable
for the concentration of attention by the entire class must
be established and preserved, otherwise waste is involved
which is cumulative in proportion to the size of the class
or the number of pupils in the room. This requirement
impHes that each member of the class inhibit any impulse
that may be inconsistent with these conditions; each
member of the class must subordinate his own desires to
the welfare of the class as a whole. This thesis is so
simple and so closely parallel to the requirements that are
demanded by all forms of civiHzed society that it is strange
that one should think for a moment of denying the neces-
sity for preserving discipline; and yet there have been,
and still are, educational theorists who must needs becloud
this simple proposition with a haze of sentiment that dis-
torts the true perspective and involves in practice great
waste and marked injustice.
There is but one way to avoid troubles of discipline, and that
one way is to avoid all measures that make for good order, and
resort to the laissez-faire doctrine that practically commits one
to anarchy. When children come into the world free from
every trace of primitive impulse, evincing none of the instincts
that heredity impressed upon the race long before it became
human, with civilized habits bred in the bone, and with altru-
istic tendencies full-fledged — then the problem of discipline
will have been eliminated from elementary education. But
then, it must also be added, the need for education will have
passed away and the teacher will be a luxury without a purpose.
2. Authority the First Condition of Effective Discipline.
The first condition of effective discipline is respect for the
authority of the teacher. If this respect be sufficiently
strong, the whole problem clears up and the solution is
comparatively simple. To permit children to grow up in
a constant attitude of disrespect for authority is to commit
the gravest of pedagogical crimes. Legitimate responsi-
bility must always be equalized by legitimate authority;
authority must always be checked by responsibihty. The
law endows the teacher with sufficient authority to enforce
every requirement for which he is legally and morally
responsible. The vital question is how to assert this
authority effectually over one's pupils. The following
discussion will indicate some of the salient characteristics
of the teacher that are absolutely essential to this end.
(a) Courage. Absolute fearlessness is the first essential
for the teacher on whom rests the responsibility for govern-
ing an elementary or secondary school. This fearlessness
is not alone or chiefly the expression of physical courage,
although this must not be lacking.* It is rather an
* In the training of wild animals, loss of "nerve" is fatal to the trainer's
success. The same condition holds in the training of children who at
certain stages of their development are, as President Hall points out,
"the wildest of all wild animals," In either case, to show the slightest
sign of fear is to surrender.
expression of moral courage; daring the sometimes cer-
tain interference of parents, officious trustees, and others
of like character; standing firm in one's convictions even
though the community may not approve. And, after all,
it is this sort of courage that is the rarest and, at the same
time, the most essential. One must brave unpopularity.
One must jiot- 4iesit^te, if necessary, to make enemies,
to incur the dislike — temporarily, at least — of one's
pupils. Happily this is a condition that is not often to
be met, neither should it be permanent in any particular
case, and yet it is from just such crises as this that the
true craftsman will not shrink. The standards of his
craft should be far more precious to him than popularity
either with children or with parents. The world is wide,
and the community that wishes to bring up its children in
lawlessness and disrespect for authority is presumably at
liberty to follow its whims ; but the schools of such a com-
munity should be rigidly boycotted by all members of the
teaching guild who respect themselves and hold in some
measure of veneration the ideals of their craft.
3. (Jb) Tact. The eflScient exercise of authority must
always" involve that intangible quality known as tact.
The teacher who blunders every delicate situation of
discipline that he meets will fail, whatever degree of cour-
age he may possess. One should not understand by tact
a willingness to surrender a single increment of the au-
thority that belongs to one. But, after all, it is the result
that is important — the fact, not the form. If the teacher
can preserve his authority without vaunting it upon all
occasions, his path of life will run smoothly. Order and
respect for his authority are the sahent points. If these
are secured, it matters little what people think, so long,
of course, as their opinion has no injurious influence upon
his work. In other words, there is no reason for a display
of authority simply to emphasize the fact of authority.
Those who exercise the greatest power in the world are the
very people who keep the fact from impinging continually
upon their neighbors' consciousness. The stamping,
storming, blustering teacher or principal is one who lacks
tact. The teacher who "fires up" before the occasion
demands, declaring that he will have order or " kill some-
body," is simply inviting serious trouble. The tactful
teacher never blusters, never brags, never storms — but
when occasion demands he acts, and acts swiftly, unerr-
ingly, effectively, without "fuss," without fear of the con-
4. (c) Persistence. In creating a condition of order
in the classroom, it is essential that every rule laid down
be adhered to rigidly, unremittingly. The acme of good
discipHne is reached when the conditions of order are
preserved automatically, without thought or judgment
on the pupils' part. In other words, a classroom that is
well disciplined has the conditions of good order reduced
to habit. But the law of habit-building operates here
with unrelenting certainty. To make the conditions of
order automatic, every slightest exception must immedi-
ately be noted and corrected. At first, some allowance
should be made for forgetfulness on the part of the pupils;
that is, an exception to an established rule should be cor-
rected by brief admonition. But this must not be per-
mitted to continue. *'I didn't think'' cannot be condoned
more than once. It is the business of education to train
pupils to ** think" about the matters that require thought ;
and pupils who habitually forget to obey rules should
have their memory stimulated by something more effective
than an admonition. The teacher who must constantly
warn pupils and correct them for the same misdeeds over
and over again is not an efficient discipHnarian.
The vital import of this principle cannot be too strongly
emphasized. It is a b)rword that more teachers fail through
inability to ''discipline" successfully than through any other
one cause. And failure to discipline is most commonly due
to l^ck pf persistence. The teacher lays down a rule. The
pupils break it once or twice to test the teacher, or perhaps
they break it through forgetfulness. The experienced teacher
gives the pupil the benefit of the doubt in such cases once and
once only. But the young and inexperienced teacher keeps
on with admonitions which become increasingly ineffective the
longer they are employed ; or, what is far worse, he neglects to
note a lapse from the established rule. That insidious Rip-
Van- Winkleism, "This time will not count," is the rock upon
which many a teacher's prospects are wrecked.
"What shall I do?" the young teacher will surely ask in
this connection; "What shall I do when I have tried every
device that I can think of, and still fail ? " There is no explicit
formula that will cover each specific case, but one general sug-
gestion may be given: Get order. Drop everything else, if
necessary, until order is secured. Stretch your authority to
the breaking point if you can do nothing else. Pile penalty
upon penalty for misdemeanors, and let the "sting" of each
penalty be double that of its predecessor. Tire out the re-
calcitrants if you can gain your end in no other way. Remem-
ber that your success in your life work depends upon your
success in this one feature of that work more thoroughly than it
depends upon anything else. You have the law back of you,
you have intelligent public sentiment back of you. Or, if the
law be slow and halting, and public sentiment other than
intelligent, you have on your side right, justice, and the ac-
cumulated experience of generations of teachers.
5. (d) ScholarsM^.. Those who have constantly to
deal with children well know how hard it is to deceive
them. Pupils may not detect weaknesses in the teacher's
knowledge of which he himself is unaware, but they will
unerringly detect any attempt to hide ignorance or to
"bluff." A teacher whose scholarship is sound and
secure, who knows his subject-matter, and who has the
ability to present his knowledge in a form that children
can comprehend will, other things equal, have less trouble
with discipline than a teacher whose knowledge is uncer-
tain or inaccurate, and especially one who is aware of his
deficiencies and attempts to hide them. A frank con-
fession of ignorance is far better than an attempt to gloss
over inadequate knowledge ; but this confession must not
come too often, and should certainly be offset by innu-
merable instances of enlightenment. The teacher should
never lose sight of the fact that his prime duty is to teachy — •
to transmit to the child experience in one form or another, —
and that his chief stock in trade is experience or knowledge.
The teacher who is deficient in this respect may maintain
his authority by force, but the maintenance of authority
by this means alone will be of but little service. It is
only as the child comes to respect authority spontane-
ously — only as he comes to recognize the work done in
school as worth while — that subservience to authority will
become a desirable factor in his education.
6. (e) Justice. " Be just and fear not," is an excellent
motto for a teacher who wishes to preserve the conditions
of discipline and good order. Children, Hke adults, will
respect what they beheve to be justice, and like adults
they will resent injustice. Sometimes it is difficult if not
impossible to convince children of the justice of a disci-
plinary measure, but generally they will recognize that a
demand or a request is " fair " if it really possesses this
characteristic. The spirit of " fair play," — the " square
deal " of which we hear so much in these days, — makes
a strong appeal to the very pupils who are most fre-
quently troublesome from the standpoint of discipline.
An essential corollary of this principle of justice is a thorough-
going impartiality in administering disciplinary measures. If
there is such a thing as justice, it applies with equal force to
the rich and the poor, the influential and the uninfluential.
The public school should be the most democratic institution in
the community, — and it must be said in its favor that it
usually is. Only occasionally is the social " snob " to be found
among the rank and file of the teaching guild.
7. (/) Good Nature. One of the worst enemies of
good order is an ill-tempered teacher. All the innate evil
in children seems to be brought out and intensified under
the influence of a sour, morose, unlikable disposition. On
the other hand, there are some teachers who can command
respect by the very fact of their genial, sunny dispositions.
Doubtless these extremes depend upon conditions over
which the individual has Kttle control — some people
inherit ill-favored dispositions, just as others inherit
sunshine and laughter. But every teacher can control
the conditions of good temper in some measure. First
of all comes the matter of health, and first in this category,
sufficient sleep. Even the best temper will be ruffled at
the shghtest provocation if the normal amount of sleep is
long denied its possessor. A good digestion is too obvi-
ously connected with a good disposition to require em-
phasis at this point, except to say that a good digestion
can often be acquired by appropriate measures, even if
heredity has seemingly decreed otherwise. Sufficient food
and whatever outdoor exercise the individual may need
are Hkewise conditioning factors.
By far the most important factor in this respect, how-
ever, is freedom from worry. To escape the pitfall of
"borrowing trouble" is one of the most difficult lessons
for the beginning teacher to learn. The cares of the class-
room are not fight, even under the most favorable con-
ditions. Some pupils will progress so slowly that their
advance is not to be detected. Some will remain out of
school for trivial reasons, and so delay the progress of the
class. Some will torment the teacher with ingenious but
soul-trying mischief. And, as if these were not enough,
principals and supervisors and superintendents will sub-
ject one to carping criticism, and patrons will threaten to
deprive one of one's position unless certain ridiculous
demands are acceded to. To "keep sweet" amidst a
combination of all of these disturbing influences is a stu-
pendous task. It is simple enough to say that it should be
done : how to do it is another quite different matter.
For all of these vexations and worries there is, in the writer's
opinion, no balm so soothing and so generally effective as the
sympathy of an older and more experienced teacher. The
cultivation of outside interests will help, perhaps ; and certainly
no teacher should be without some recreative activity that is
more or less alien to his daily work. But outside interests, if
employed to offset the trials of the classroom, will tend to take
too much energy and attention to themselves. In their nature
they will be more attractive than school problems, and the
teacher is apt to say to himself, "If I cannot succeed in teach-
ing, I can at least do well at music, or at writing, or in business
pursuits." On the other hand, sympathetic intercourse with
fellow- workers will constantly emphasize the craft spirit, —
the most priceless possession of the teacher, and the possession
that he is most likely to lose in the earlier stages of his career.
His effort should be to keep the craft spirit alive at all hazards.
He should constantly look upon his work as professional service,
and upon himself as an initiate into the privileges of that service.
The free association of kindred minds will do more to keep this
craft spirit alive than anything else. Any form of social service
must be dreary, discouraging work if the tasks that it imposes
are not attacked with enthusiasm. In many cities one may
find little coteries of teachers that gather together at stated
intervals for the purpose (not always avowed) of cultivating
the craft spirit, of keeping alive enthusiasm in the work. From
these meetings the pessimist, the malcontent, the teacher
ashamed of his calling, and the teacher who works witli his
eyes upon the clock and his mind upon pay day, are all rigidly
excluded. No better lot can befall the beginning teacher than
to become identified with one of these guilds — for guilds they
are, although not always consciously. There he will find the
comfort that really cheers, the advice that really helps, the
idealism that really inspires. And there, too, he will receive his
due share both of the praise that will not pufiF him up, and of
the blame that will not cast him down. But above all, he will
learn from this intercourse that the trials and troubles are not
his alone, that many of them are intrinsic in the very nature of
his calling, and that the safest and sanest policy is to look upon
them as problems of the day's work — problems to be studied
in sober reflection, and solved with dispassionate judgment.
8. Other Factors involved in Securing Order, Respect
for the teacher, however, is not the sole condition of order
in the classroom. Many classrooms in which the pupils
would not dare to break a rule or infringe wittingly upon
the rights of others are characterized by a confusion that
makes good work practically impossible. The difl&culty
here is not lack of effective authority, but rather lack of
skill in exercising authority.
{a) The Teacher's Voice. Probably superintendents
and principals would generally agree that, next to inability
to secure respectful obedience from pupils, most of the
trouble indiscipline has its source in the voice of the teacher.
The temptation to speak to children in a high-pitched,
rasping voice is very hard to resist, especially when there
is the least bit of noise or confusion in the classroom. As
the teacher's voice becomes louder and louder, the timiult
increases in like proportions, until finally one must shout
t « f C f
^6? ; ' J 'e : .'/. ci^AssRooM management
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in order to be heard. To one who tries, for the first time,
the remedial measure of a low voice in such a situation, the
result is Uttle less than astounding. As the teacher lowers
his voice, the hubbub gradually dies away, and almost
before one is conscious of the change, quiet and order have
succeeded confusion and chaos. Each pupil is on the
alert to catch every word, and, through an imitative im-
pulse, almost immediately lowers his own voice and
modulates its accents to fit in with the new scheme. The
remedy is so simple that one could hardly be pardoned for
mentioning it here, were it not so frequently overlooked
even by teachers who are otherwise highly efficient.
9. (b) Mechanized Routine, This matter has been
discussed in detail in an earher chapter ^ and needs notice
here simply as a factor in good order. Haphazard methods
of forming fines, passing materials, etc., not only waste
time in themselves, but also produce noise and confusion
that interfere with good work. Many a school in which
disorder prevails could be almost instantly reformed by a
few simple regulations governing routine.
10. (c) Keeping Pupils Occupied. This is one of those
blanket provisions that one meets so frequently in treatises
upon the subject of school management. Every one knows
that children who are kept occupied in some educative ac-
tivity occasion a minimum of trouble from the standpoint
of discipline. The chief difficulty fies in the " How," not in
the "What," and this question is for educational method
and not classroom management to answer. After all, there
* See below, ch. iii.
are in every school enough tasks to be done. The difficulty
lies in the fact that some pupils would rather do almost any-
thing else than the tasks that are imposed. The problem,
therefore, is reduced to that which will claim our attention
in the following chapters. Incentives must be suppHed
which will lead the pupil to put forth effort toward the
attainment of the ends that he should seek. Work should,
indeed, be made interesting and worth while, but it is not
to be inferred from this that the teacher should strain
every effort to provide "entertaining" tasks for his pupils.
The very excellent doctrine of interest has been far too
frequently interpreted to mean a doctrine of entertain-
ment. The pupil should assuredly be kept occupied.
Assuredly also he should, in course of time, become inter-
ested in this activity. But neither of these requirements
is or should be inconsistent with the functioning in the
pupil's mind of a strong and effective ideal of duty. If
the teacher possesses sufficient authority and can assert
this successfully, ideals of duty can be cultivated with a
minimum of trouble. Even under this condition there
will still be plenty of room left for applying the legitimate
doctrine of interest.
II. {d) Substitution versus Repression. The dictum,
"Keep pupils busy," finds a much more practical and
dignified expression in what may be termed the "doctrine
of substitution." ^ This doctrine would prevent the ex-
pression of undesirable impulses by substituting some
* Cf . E. L. Thomdike : Principles of Teaching, New York, 1906,
pp. 22 f.; J. A. H. Keith: Elementary Education, pp. 124 f.
Other form of activity rather than by requiring an abso-
lute inhibition of all movement. Thus the introduction of
manual training is justified, from one point of view, because
of the fact that it provides objective work demanding an
exercise of various muscles; the surplus energy finds an
outlet, and does not express itself in undesirable ways.
The alternation of form and content subjects in the daily
program also provides opportunity for an application of
the doctrine of substitution. The tendency to do away
with recess periods is to be condemned, among other
reasons, because it ehminates an opportunity for apply-
ing this principle. In general, it may be concluded that
substitution is to be preferred to absolute repression in se-
curing freedom ixom undesirable and unsocial tendencies.
On the other hand, it is quite impossible to do away en-
tirely with repressing influences. Actual experience in
managing children has convinced the writer that the intro-
duction of manual training and hand work in its various
forms may mitigate but certainly does not eliminate the
difficulties of "discipline."
References. — Seeley: A New School Management, ch. vi'
Button: School Management, ch. vii; Kellogg: School Manage-
ment, ch. vii; Tompkins: Philosophy of School Management,
pp. 157-183; Thomdike: Principles of Teachings ch. iii; O'Shea:
Dynamic Factors in Edttcation, ch. i.
1. Under the conditions of imperfection through which
humanity must struggle, every form of government that
aims to secure law and order must employ penalties for
offenses against established rules. It must be remembered
that not every individual needs to be subjected to a penalty
in order to insure the inhibition of his unsocial impulses.
The infliction of the penalty is always the last resort,
reserved for those cases in which all other means fail.
The welfare of society must be preserved at any cost to
the individual, but it is the fundamental principle of gov-
ernment that the welfare of society should not cost the
individual any more in the way of pain or inhibition or
repression than is absolutely necessary. The same prin-
ciple appHes with equal force to the government of the
school. The welfare of the mass is a consideration against
which the claims of no single individual can have pre-
ponderant weight. The individual must, if necessary, be
sacrificed to the mass ; but this sacrifice must not be made
unless the necessity is clear, nor in any greater degree than
the necessity demands.
2. What is to be understood by a well-ordered class-
room? Nothing more nor less than this: a room from
which all unnecessary distractions due to lack of control on
the part of individual pupils have been eradicated. The
concentration of attention on the part of individual pupils
is best accompHshed under conditions that are free (i) from
intermittent sound stimuU; (2) from olfactory stimuli,
either pleasant or unpleasant; (3) from visual stimuU
caused by erratic and intermittent movements. The
necessity of some form of government or discipline arises
from the fact that especially the first and last of these
distracting influences are very easily occasioned by lack
of inhibition on the part of individual pupils.
The point that needs emphasis is this : inhibition is an
acquired art, not a primitive instinct. The instincts are
all, practically, in the direction of movement; repression
of the impulse to move must be learned through experi-
ence. The basic principle that underHes this develop-
ment is best expressed in the "pleasure-pain" hypothesis;
whenever an instinctive movement results in pain, it tends
thereafter to be repressed ; whenever it results in pleasure,
it tends thereafter to be repeated.
3. Spencefs Doctrine of Natural Punishments. This
fundamental biological principle lies at the basis of the
most thoroughgoing theory of discipline that has yet been
elaborated — Herbert Spencer's doctrine of "natural pun-
ishments." ^ It will be necessary at this point to consider
this theory in some detail, not only because it is, Hke
everything that this great master brought forth, thoroughly
* H. Spencer: Education, New York, 1895 (Appleton's edition), pp.
161 ff.
worth serious study, but also because it has had a pro-
found effect upon educational practice.
Spencer argues from the biological postulate that the
function of pain is to act as a deterrent with reference to
experiences that are injurious to the organism. Harmful
adjustments, he assumes, always issue in pain; beneficial
adjustments in pleasure. In moral conduct, this biological
principle becomes the criterion for "right" and "wrong":
"That conduct whose total moral results, immediate and
remote, are beneficial, is good conduct; while conduct
whose total results, immediate and remote, are injurious, is
bad conduct." ^ Thus the happiness or the misery that
results as the inevitable consequence of any act becomes the
reward or the punishment of that act. To subject a child
to a "natural" punishment, therefore, is simply to stand
out of the way and let him reap the natural consequences
of his act.
Spencer maintains that a natural punishment has the
following advantages over an artificial punishment: (i) It
is unavoidable and inevitable.^ (2) It is proportionate to
the degree of offense — "to the degree in which the organic
laws have been transgressed." "A slight accident brings
a sHght pain, a more serious one, a greater pain." (3) It
is "constant, direct, unhesitating, and not to be escaped."
"No threats, but a silent, rigorous performance. If the
child runs a pin into its finger, pain follows. If it does it
again, there is again the same result, and so on perpetually.
* Spencer, op. cit., p. 173.
' Ibid., p. 175. (All following citations are from the same section.)
In all its dealings with surrounding inorganic nature it
finds this unswerving persistence, which listens to no
excuse, and from which there is no appeal ; and very soon
recognizing this stem though beneficent discipline it
becomes extremely careful not to transgress." (4) Natural
punishments "hold throughout hfe." "It is by the
experimentally gained knowledge of the natural conse-
quences that men and women are checked when they go
It will be readily seen that on the surface this theory
has much to commend it to the educational practitioner.
If a pupil fails through idleness to prepare his tasks during
school hours, he is "kept in" after school to make up his
deficiencies. If he is unduly disorderly at recess time, he is
deprived of his recess. If he abuses the privileges of the
school, he is suspended or expelled. All these punish-
ments Spencer would term "natural" ; although, in a strict
interpretation of his theory, the natural consequences of
failure to perform the tasks required by education would
be the evils attending lack of knowledge and training, and
this punishment would not, of course, come to its full frui-
tion short of the maturity of the pupil. This is the weak
point in the practical application of Spencer's theory ; his
illustrations do not always illustrate the point that he is
trying to make. Taking them at their face value, how-
ever, it will be noted that the punishments instanced,
whether natural or artificial, are among those most gener-
ally condemned by experienced teachers. "Keeping in"
after school, depriving a pupil of recesses, and suspension
and expulsion, are all looked upon as akin to bad prac-
tice. And primarily for a very simple reason — namely,
that they are generally ineffective.
4. The difficulty with Spencer's theory is not, however,
confined to the inapt illustrations that he uses. His
fundamental hypothesis in so far as it pertains to human
action is inadequate, as will appear from the following
analysis : —
(a) The natural consequences of an act are frequently
too far removed both in time and in space from the act
itself to permit in the agent's mind that firm association
which is essential if the pain is to become a deterrent.
Especially is this true with immature children, whose span
of attention is narrow, and who cannot think back from
painful consequences through a multitude of intermediate
experiences to the act that gave rise to the consequences.
Adults not infrequently fail to make the connection between
effect and cause unless the one follows directly upon the
other; the ignorant and superstitious will invariably
ascribe pains and penalties to bad luck, supernatural forces,
insidious enemies, fate — anything rather than their own
misdeeds or lack of foresight. The doctrine of natural
punishments becomes, therefore, impracticable in all
cases where the consequences are separated from the act
by a long period of time.
(b) Again the painful consequences of a given act may
be inflicted, not upon the agent, but upon others, perhaps
in the distant future long after the agent himself has gone
to his reward. How such a condition can be a deter-
ring factor in the adjustment of the agent is hard to
(c) It is not clear that natural punishments are always
"proportionate to the degree in which the organic laws
have been transgressed." "Nature" does not make
distinctions so fine as this. It works by the law of aver-
ages, and if, in the long rww, an action is injurious, it is
rendered, through the slow process of natural selection,
either painful or fatal. But so long as the race as a
whole is perpetuated, nature (speaking metaphorically,
of course) is satisfied. Natural selection is crude in its
operations. Whatever it permits to survive is not, for
that reason alone, perfect. It is useful only, perhaps, in
the bare majority of cases ; in a large minority of cases, it
may, indeed, be fatal.
(d) Nor is the brute instinct of pleasure and pain a valid
and indisputable guide to conduct under the conditions of
social lije. The main reason, biologically, for the exist-
ence of mind and intellect is the very inadequacy of in-
stinct. As man comes more and more under the control
of civiHzed conditions, many of the things that once meant
danger to the organism no longer mean danger, although
they still have the primitive mark of danger attached to
them — they still cause pain. On the other hand, some
of the things that were once good for the organism Hving
under primitive conditions are no longer good for the
organism living under social conditions; but they still
have the primitive sign of the beneficial attached to them
— they are still "pleasant." Through experience, man
comes to learn this. In other words, he comes to under-
stand that present pains and discomforts may be essential
to the full fruition of a desired end. The abihty to make
this judgment is the distinctive feature of human intelli-
gence as opposed to brute instinct.
5. Nevertheless, Spencer's theory may be held as basic
in this regard : the first steps in self-control are taken at
the behest of immediate consequences, be these either
pleasant or painful. Until mind can look into the future
and govern adjustment with reference to remote ends, the
primitive pleasure-pain economy will and must be the
only guide. Civilization imposes requirements the true
value of which cannot be comprehended in the narrow
span of the primitive mind. To wait until natural con-
sequences shall correct misdemeanors is impossible under
these conditions. In fact, some misdemeanors may, if
left to themselves, bring pleasant immediate consequences
that will greatly multiply the chances that similar misdeeds
will follow. Obviously the only recourse is to introduce
artificial punishments that will associate so vividly with
the misdeeds as to prevent the recurrence of the latter.
It is the duty of adult inteUigence to do this. The very
essence of the helplessness and dependence of infancy and
immaturity is to insure the government of the child's
action more or less completely through adult precept and
6. In individual instruction, where the needs of but one
person require consideration, the practice of having all
delinquencies made up in kind (keeping after hours for
idleness, depriving the pupil of a privilege in case of its
abuse, etc.) may be effective. This, however, as has
been indicated above, is not true of class management.
In deaUng with children in masses, disciplinary measures
are undertaken primarily to promote the welfare of the
whole. Whatever penalties are inflicted, therefore, must
be measured by this standard. The individual must not
be forgotten, but the welfare of no single individual can,
in equity, be counted against the welfare of the class.
Where the so-called natural punishments (keeping after
school, etc.) are employed in class management, they often
fail to have a deterring effect upon other pupils, and they
fail very frequently to reach the offender himself. The
distraction that the offense brought about is repeated
again and again, so long as the pleasant consequences of
the offense overbalance the unpleasant consequences —
and one needs only to refer to one's own school days to
recall that being "kept after school," or losing a recess,
was a very light penalty to pay for certain forbidden
pleasures. In short, the end of discipline in such cases is
not gained. The body of the class suffers from the mis-
demeanors of the individual, and the penalty fails to bring
justice to the majority.
7. This guiding principle indicates that individual mis-
deeds which prevent the economical operation of classroom
influences for the welfare of the majority of the pupils
must be eliminated at any cost. Any measure which will
effect this end with the least possible injury to the penahzed
pupil must be looked upon as legitimate. The great and
vital question is this : Is the measure effective in fulfilling
the aim of discipline — namely, the preservation of those
conditions that are essential to the welfare of the majority ?
Once this question is answered, a second question may be
raised: What effect does this measure have upon the
penalized pupil, and could equal efficiency be secured by
a measure involving less injury? In short, the whole
process is one of compromise.
This does not argue for a return to the blind, rule-of-the-rod
discipline of the early schools. The old-time policy defeated
its own purposes just as thoroughly, just as completely, as does
its ultra-modern antithesis. But the tendency of civilization
in corrective measures is toward leniency only in so far as lenient
measures are more effective than harsh measures. Intelligent
leniency is often the high-water mark of moral strength ; blind
and emotional leniency is just as frequently to be identified with
moral weakness. And this is quite as true of the justice's
court as it is of the classroom. The community that is cursed
with hoodlumism usually supports a ''weak-kneed " administra-
tor of the law, and the school that is cursed with constant and
unrelieved disorder is commonly presided over by a weak-
kneed principal. The combination of a soft heart and a soft
head is fatal to efficiency in either office.
8. The Fundamental Principles. From the preceding
discussion it is clear that the efficiency of a penalty
in securing the repression of undesirable activities will
depend upon three factors: (i) the degree of pain,
discomfort, or disagreeableness which the penalty in-
volves; a penalty from which the "sting" has been
carefully extracted has lost thereby its chief virtue as a
penalty ; (2) the closeness with which it is associated with
the undesirable impulse; a penalty that is not associated
explicitly and directly with an undesirable act may, by
chance, become associated with a desirable response : thus
if the pain of chastisement, for example, is associated with
school life in general instead of with some forbidden ac-
tivity, school will become distasteful and will be avoided
whenever possible; (3) its freedom from painful conse-
quences in excess of those needed to inhibit the undesirable
impulse ; a penalty that is not sufficiently severe is unjust
to the mass; a penalty which is unnecessarily severe is
unjust to the individual ; a penalty which is effective in a
given instance and yet which lingers and rankles in the
pupil's mind may, in the last analysis, work more injury
than good.
9. Corporal Punishment as a Penalty. From the stand-
point of theory, corporal punishment probably best fulfills
the conditions named above as a penalty for appUcation
in the elementary school, (i) In the first place, the " sting"
is generally present and, except under abnormal conditions,
disagreeable enough to deter the offender from a repetition
of the act. (2) Corporal punishment can be inflicted in
close sequence upon the forbidden act and so insure the
association that is so essential. (3) Corporal punish-
ment does not, as a rule, leave a pain that persists and
rankles, as do some other forms of punishment usually
looked upon as more humane; for example, "scoldings."
On the other hand, corporal punishment sometimes fails
of these virtues, (i) Some pupils probably become hard-
cned to chastisement, and thus the penalty comes effectually
to lose its "sting"; again, abnormal individuals maybe
quite anaesthetic — practically insensitive to pain stimuH ;
again, the fact of corporal punishment may be given a high
value among pupils as a hero-making process; conse-
quently the pleasure of adulation will overtop the physical
pain of chastisement, and thus the *' sting" will, in effect,
be eliminated. (2) Corporal punishment may be so long
delayed as not to be associated with the forbidden act ; it
may be administered so frequently that the association
is lost to view; even if administered in close sequence to
the act, the association may not be definitely forced home
by the teacher. (3) Corporal punishment may have
injurious after-effects that are out of proportion to the
seriousness of the penalized offense; for example, if the
pupil thinks himself to be punished unjustly, the physical
pain may be replaced by a mental pain that lingers and
10. If corporal punishment is applied, therefore, it must
always be with a distinct recognition of its limitations and
dangers. The points noted above may be embodied in
three sets of rules or cautions : (i) Do not employ corporal
punishment if its sting has been extracted, either actu-
ally or effectually. Do not apply corporal punishment to
"hardened" cases; these can generally be more effectively
influenced by some other means. If youthful recalcitrants
court corporal punishment because it gives them prestige
with their fellow-pupils, either increase the intensity of the
stimulus so that it will overtop the pleasure of adulation,
or, in case this is impracticable, resort to expulsion or sus-
pension; it may be assumed, however, that the latter
measure will be needed only in very exceptional cases;
at any rate, it is well to keep on with the punishment until
there is no doubt of its inefficacy.
(2) The application of corporal punishment should
become less and less frequent as the teacher's authority
becomes more and more adequately recognized. Where it
is necessary to use the rod day after day and year after
year on the same pupils, a possible agency for good has
been transformed into an unquestioned agency for evil.
It is treatment like this that hardens boys into fit recruits
for the criminal classes. Nevertheless this should not be
interpreted to mean that a recalcitrant should be chastised
once and once only. The first application is sometimes
looked upon by the pupil only as a test. He may accept
it graciously and still persist in the undesired act. It may
take several appHcations firmly to associate the act with
an unpleasant consequence. But in course of time the
pupil will come to understand that the teacher must be
obeyed. This conviction may later be transformed into
a "tradition" that is effective with succeeding classes.
The writer knows of several cases where a teacher or a
principal entering a new school has estabhshed his authority
at the outset by means of severe disciplinary measures,
and where such measures have become so essential a part
of the traditions of his room or his school that the neces-
sity for their repetition has never arisen after the first year
of service. The pupils are certain in their own minds that
unpleasant consequences will follow an infraction of the
rules, and the tradition of these consequences (perhaps
even magnified in the course of time) comes to operate,
vicariously as it were, for the actual penalties.
(3) If corporal punishment is applied, the teacher
should always be certain that the pupil either recognizes
its justice or will come to recognize its justice. The best
guide in this matter is for the teacher to be certain that
the penalty is just. Whenever misdemeanors occur, the
responsibility for which cannot be accurately placed, it is
unwise to administer corporal punishment to any pupil
or pupils on the mere chance that he or they may be guilty.
In short, circumstantial evidence should never justify
corporal punishment. It is the writer's experience that
this is the only safe policy, although now and then a guilty
pupil may escape the penalty. If the pupils gain the
idea that the teacher is absolutely just and fair, the
chances are that imidentifiable guilt will be reduced to a
11. Summary. Corporal punishment is at best only a
tentative measure, designed to teach the child the initial
lessons of decency and order. It is an extremely effective
agency for fulfiUing this function if it is used temperately
and with good sense. Its possibiHties of evil are incal-
culable if it is used in any other way.
12. The Reaction against Corporal Punishment. So
many evils have sprung from the abuse of the rod in the
past that the prevailing tendency of the present time is to
aboUsh it entirely from the educative process. This is
an extreme reaction, and the pendulum will doubtless soon
come to swing back toward a position of equilibrium, as
it does in the case of all extreme movements in education.
Nevertheless, the reaction is at present so pronounced that
one who dehberately recommends corporal punishment as
a school penalty cannot overlook the arguments against
it. These may be briefly summarized as follows : —
(a) The progress of the race is away from the brutal and
toward the human — conjecturaliy, at least, toward that
highest ideal of humanity that is termed ''divine." Corporal
punishment appeals to the brute instincts, consequently it is
inconsistent with the general trend of progress. It is largely
for this reason that it has been abolished as a civil penalty.
This argument overlooks a very important fact. Although
the progress of the race is away from the brute, the individual
who is born into the world is, biologically, no farther away
from the brute than was the infant who was born at the very
dawn of human progress. That is, everything that makes man
human is a product not of heredity but of culture and training
— education in the broadest sense of the term. No matter
how far civilization may develop, civilized society must always
take the child at the brute level and raise him to the social
level. Human progress is extremely rapid; but biological
progress — and this is the only kind that will have any effect
upon heredity — is extremely slow. This is one of the most
profound truths that modern science has revealed, and
it is a truth that the great mass of mankind, who have no
knowledge of biology, find it hard indeed to appreciate. Every-
thing else is advancing, they say; why should the principles
of early education remain stationary? And yet they must
remain practically stationary so long as the race remains what
it is physically. There is as yet no evidence that the culture
and virtue accumulated by each generation are transmitted
to its offspring through the forces of heredity.
That corporal punishment has been abolished as a civil
penalty does not necessarily argue its inadequacy as a school
penalty. The criminal may be so hardened to pain — or so
abnormally anaesthetic — that blows would have no effect
upon him. But even beyond this, the cases are entirely differ-
ent. In the one case, we are dealing with a child who has no
experience to draw upon, who cannot project himself into the
future and see the remote consequences of his acts. In the
other case, we are dealing with an adult who, presumably, has
reached the age of reason.
(b) Corporal punishment antagonizes the child, placing him
in an attitude of habitual opposition to authority.
This is true in a very small proportion of cases, and these are
probably, in the main, cases that represent an abuse of the
measure. If all corporal punishment had this disastrous effect,
ninety-nine per cent of the men and women of to-day would
be enrolled among the anarchists. (The figure, of course,
is only conjectural, but it would be surprising if more than
one per cent of the adult population of the land failed to taste
either the slipper, the shingle, or the birch during their child-
(c) Corporal punishment leads the child to hate and despise
the parents and teachers who inflict it.
And yet adults not infrequently have the greatest respect and
love for the parents and the teachers who corrected them in
their youth. Children will resent an unjust punishment, and
this resentment will probably linger for a long time — even
into adulthood. This is not a reason, however, for abandoning
the rod of correction. It is rather an indication of the care
that must be exercised in not permitting a child to be punished
unjustly. He may not always see the justice of his chastise-
ment, but the likelihood is that he will see it later if justice ha«
really been done him. It is in cases of flagrant injustice that
resentment brings evil results.
(d) It is cowardly for an adult to "take a stick and attack a
defenseless child."
This is hardly deserving of a place among serious arguments.
In the first place, it is decidedly distasteful for the great major-
ity of men and women to administer corporal punishment. In
the average of cases, one may safely assume that it takes cour-
age rather than cowardice to resort to this measure. In the
second place, the indictment would easily cover all cases where
authority is armed with the power of execution. If it is cowardly
for the teacher to wield the rod, it is cowardly for the policeman
to carry a "billy," for the judge to pass sentence on a prisoner
(surely the prisoner is defenseless in the same sense that the
child is), and for the jail warden to keep his keys in his own
possession instead of distributing them among his prisoners,
in order that they may have an "equal chance."
(e) Corporal punishment and other harsh measures of dis-
cipline tend to discourage pupils with school life and lead them
to take the first opportunity to seek remunerative employment.
This is the most serious indictment against every measure
that tends to make school work in any way irksome. Exami-
nations have been condemned for the same reason; also the
formal drills that are necessary to lay the automatic foundations
of life. School work must be made pleasant, interesting, agree-
able, otherwise education will fail to reach the individuals who
need it the most.^
* It would be difl5cult to conjecture the practical results of this argu-
ment. In every school system there is a desire on the part of the authori-
ties to "show numbers." The man who can build up a large school is
the successful man in education. How he attracts his pupils is a matter
of little importance as long as he gets them. The motive may not be
consciously formulated, but it is frequently present, whether one is con-
scious of it or not. A^ain there are well-meaning but shortsighted indi-
This argument has little force against a temperate use of
corporal punishment in the elementary school. The great
majority of pupils on whom corporal punishment is inflicted
remain in school, and it would be hard to prove that those who
leave do so for the reason ascribed. Beyond this, nearly every
state has a compulsory education law that operates in the ele-
mentary school. Under an effective enforcement of such a
law the condition mentioned could not, of course, exist.
(/) Corporal punishment tends to brutalize the individual
who inflicts it.
This is an argument of some force, suggesting a condition
that may easily come to operate. That corporal punishment
necessarily brutalizes is certainly disproved by innumerable
cases of schoolmen (and schoolwomen) who have employed the
measure and are still within the pale of humanity. But the
danger is one to be borne in mind and counteracted in all pos-
sible ways. It is quite analogous to the danger that confronts
all who deal largely with immature minds, — the tendency,
namely, to become dogmatic and unyielding through too wide
an exercise of autocratic authority.
viduals who believe that the privileges of the school should be extended
as widely as possible, but who fail to discriminate between a large attend-
ance and effective work. Certainly if good work can be accomplished
without drill, examinations, or the imposing of penalties for disorder, let
us abolish all these things. No one would perpetuate a disagreeable
thing if its function could be fulfilled in any other way. To "let down
the bars" is imperative unless there is good and valid reason for keeping
them up. Is there this reason? Ask a high school principal whose
pupils have been "kindergartened" up through the grades what he thinks
of eliminating the drills in the elementary school, — or ask a business man
whose apprentices have come from a high school where " soft " pedagogy has
prevailed. The progress of a class is always measured by the ability of
its slowest members, and it makes little difference in the end whether
these slow members are naturally stupid or whether they are simply
indolent from want of a proper incentive for effort.
(g) Corporal punishment is ineffective in securing the ends
which it seeks. To quote a contemporary authority: ''The
rod never did produce good results in any case, unless there
was character in the teacher who used it. This character in
the teacher properly used would have produced better results
in every case without the rod. Every experienced superin-
tendent knows many cases in which men and women who used
corporal punishment have ignominiously failed, and whose
classes have been restored to good order and kindled to a spirit
of enthusiasm for working by a little woman who did not practice
coercion in any form." ^
The supposititious cases cited could, of course, be easily offset
by innumerable instances in which a teacher who failed through
lack of firmness in asserting his authority has been succeeded
by another teacher who has brought a decadent school *'up
with a sharp turn " by a judicious use of the rod.^ For every
superintendent who could adduce one instance of the former sort
there are doubtless ten who could bring up as many instances
of the latter variety. Until an accurate investigation is made
upon the matter, one statement is precisely as good as another.
For example, take the following testimony by the principal of
a large grammar school in Buffalo : " While I believe that the
time of frequent use of the rod of punishment as a warning to
others has passed, I firmly believe that, notwithstanding the
great progress made in the management of our educational
affairs, there has not yet been found an adequate substitute for
a good strap to bring a real bad boy to his senses." ^
13. Practically all authorities upon school management
admit the efficiency of corporal punishment, but would
* J. L. Hughes, in Journal of Edtication (Boston), vol. Ixiii, pp. 485 f.
* Cf . the case cited by White : School Management, pp. 208 f .
' J. L. Bothwell: "How to dispose of the Incorrigible Boy," in Pro-
ceedings of the New York State Teacher^ Association^ 1905, p. 104.
restrict its application to a very narrow sphere. White*
recommends its use only in cases of rebeUion, meaning
by that term a positive refusal on the part of the child to
accede to the request of the teacher. Button* admits
that "theoretically there are extreme cases where it (cor-
poral punishment) is needed for the good of the offender,"
but he implies that teachers cannot be generally trusted
to use the measure temperately and effectively, and that
the school boards that have abolished it "have chosen the
lesser of two evils." Roark ^ agrees that corporal punish-
ment should be used but rarely, but insists that "no teacher
can afford to let it be understood that whipping is abol-
ished." Kellogg* indorses "bodily chastisement" as a
last resort. Tompkins® believes it to be justified with
pupils "whose integument is the only avenue to the main-
spring of conduct." Seeley** also indorses a temperate
use of the rod as far preferable to many other penalties
commonly employed. Baldwin ^ summarizes his discus-
sion of corporal punishment in the maxim, "Grant the
right, but avoid the use." Landon's position * is equally
explicit : " Moral offenses of a grave character, deliberate
and continued neglect of admonition or rebeUion, may be
* E. E. White : School Management, New York, 1893, pp. 207 f.
2 S. T. Button : School Management, New York, 1904, p. 104.
' R. N. Roark: Economy in Education, New York, 1905, p. 45.
* A. M. Kellogg: School Management, New York, 1884, p. 69.
* Arnold Tompkins : Philosophy of School Management, Boston, 1898,
P- 173-
* L. Seeley : A New School Management, New York, 1903, pp. 97 ff.
' J. Baldwin: Art of School Management, New York, 1887, p. 176.
* J. Landon : School Management, Boston, 1884, pp. 352 f .
justly treated by corporal punishment; and it is some-
times necessary to give a physical check of this kind, as
a counterpoise to wrong propensities or long-established
habits, as a means of arousing the pupil from that dreamy
irresolution which is frequently the greatest obstacle to
reformation." The last-named authority also has this to
say with regard to the supposed evil efifects of the prac-
tice: "Those persons who have most carefully watched-
its effects will probably concur that, where used with skill
and discretion by a sympathetic teacher, and where care
is taken to neutralize its side tendencies by other good in-
fluences, there is httle or no cause to fear any evil results.
There is something radically wrong besides the mere use
of corporal punishment wherever the long train of evils
laid to its charge are ever realized in practice." Keith *
indorses corporal punishment as a last resort, asserting
that it is better for the child that " he should suffer the
pain of corporal punishment and even the disgrace of
being whipped in the presence of his peers than that he
should persist in acts of selfishness and meanness."
Conspicuous among the recent writers upon this subject
is Dr. J. S. Taylor, assistant superintendent of the New
York City schools. Dr. Taylor^ anathematizes corporal
punishment as a "relic of barbarism," and asserts with
ItaUcized vehemence that a principal "who cannot disci-
pline a school without corporal punishment, could not
* J. A. H. Keith : Elementary Education, Chicago, 1905, p. 288.
' J. S. Taylor: Art of Class Management and Discipline, New York,
1903, pp. 62 fif.
successfully do so with corporal punishment/' His dis-
cussion is extremely suggestive, but he is obviously in a
decided minority among authorities upon the subject.
It should be said, however, that he writes chiefly for the
teachers in a large city system, where the prestige of a
vast organization is very much in evidence, and where
authority is backed up by truant officers and parental
schools. Nevertheless, even under these conditions, it
is interesting to note that the Male Principals' Association
of Manhattan Borough received a report ^ from a represen-
tative committee, recommending corporal punishment in
extreme cases, and basing this recommendation upon
some very sane and cogent arguments.
"Dr. G. Stanley Hall, in his article on 'Moral Education and
Will Training,' cites from Richter the record of a Swab ian school-
master, named Haberle, as an example of the severity which
once prevailed in Germany in the matter of punishment —
truly a remarkable count for 51 years and 7 months as a teacher :
'911,527 blows with a cane; 124,010 with a rod; 20,989 with
a ruler; 136,715 with the hand; 10,295 over the mouth;
7905 boxes on the ears; 1,115,800 snaps on the head; 22,763
fwta benes with Bible, catechism, hymn book, and grammar;
777 times boys had to kneel on peas; 613 times on triangular
blocks of wood; 5001 had to carry a timber mare, and 1701
hold the rod high — the last two being punishments of his own
invention. Of the blows with the cane, 800,000 were for Latin
vowels, and 76,000 of those with the rod for Bible verses and
hymns. He used a scolding vocabulary of over 3000 terms,
of which one third were of his own invention.'
"Against this punitory maximum. Dr. Hall, the gist of whose
* These resolutions will be found in Taylor, op. cit., pp. 71 £F.
article is 'that only in so far as the primitive will of the child
is wrong by nature are drastic reconstructions of any sort
needed,* ever3rthing depending on how 'aboriginal our good-
ness is,' and upon ' that better purity established by our mother
in our heart before the superfetation of precept is possible,'
ranges ' the now too common habit of coquetting for the child's
favor, and tickling its ego with praises and prizes, and peda-
gogic pettifogging for its good will, and sentimental fear of a
judicious slap to rouse a spoiled child with no will to break, to
make it keep step with the rest in conduct, instead of delaying
a whole schoolroom to apply a subtle psychology of motive.' " *
14. Regulation of Corporal Punishment, The reaction
against corporal punishment, although doubtless carried
too far, has accomplished one very desirable end : it has
shown the necessity for curtailing the practice and for
regulating it by sane restrictions. In practically all schools
corporal punishment is much less prevalent than it was
two decades ago, and, wherever it is inflicted, it is almost
universally under strict prescription by explicit rulings as
to the nature of the offense that can be met with this meas-
ure, the time and method of administration, and the agent
who inflicts it. The following summary is given as repre-
senting a fair consensus of typical rules in force in a num-
ber of city systems.
(a) There should be a "standard" method of inflict-
ing corporal punishment. Blows upon the head, in the
neighborhood of the spinal column, or near any vital
organ should be rigidly prohibited.^ Just what cutaneous
* Cited by A. F. Chamberlain : The Child, London, 1900, pp. 388 f .
' " Shaking a child, striking him upon the head, slapping his face,
boxing his ears, and similar means of inflicting physical pain are strictly
area can be most effectively stimulated is a matter of
differing opinion, as is also the particular instrument to be
used. Many good teachers advise "spanking'* for young
children, and there is much to recommend this traditional
means of discipHne. Upon those who have grown callous
to the palm of the hand, a shingle may be profitably em-
ployed, although it should be noted that some authorities
object to any blows upon the buttocks as unhygienic-—
maintaining that they tend to cause congestion of the
capillaries in the neighborhood of the genital organs,
thereby giving rise to serious dangers. St. Louis ^ pre-
scribes that corporal punishment "shall not be inflicted
otherwise than by using a thin rattan upon the fleshy part
of the back." La Crosse, Wis.,^ rules that corporal pun-
ishment "shall be restricted to the use of a leather strap,
preferably on the palm of the hand." A light "switch"
(such as the birch of our grandfathers) appHed around the
legs is sometimes effective. Unyielding rods should not
be used in any case, and it is always well to avoid anything
that will leave a "welt," which, although it may look far
more dangerous than it really is, is apt to cause trouble-
some investigations.
prohibited, and the Board will hold its teachers strictly responsible for
any violation of this rule." — St. Louis Public Schools: Abstract from
Rules and Regulations, Reg. 7, Sec. ii.
"Striking the children on the mouth, on the car, or on the head is
strictly prohibited." — Chester, Pa. : Manual of the Public Schools^
1904-1905, p. 61.
* Op. cit., p. 24.
' La Crosse, Wis. : Course of Study and Rules and Regulations, 1898,
p. 81.
15. (b) In a graded school it is customary for the prin-
cipal to inflict all necessary corporal punishment. This
is essentially a man's duty, except, perhaps, with children
in the primary grades. Most ruHngs upon this matter
prescribe either that the principal shall inflict the punish-
ment in the presence of the classroom teacher or the
teacher in the presence of the principal. In almost every
case the principal's sanction is necessary before the teacher
can inflict corporal punishment.
The following citations will sufficiently indicate the pre-
vailing practice in this regard : —
"Teachers are charged under the principal with entire con-
trol and discipline of their pupils and are held responsible
for their conduct; but must not inflict corporal punishment
except after consultation with and by permission of the prin-
cipal." *
"Teachers shall use kind and persuasive measures with their
pupils, and should this fail, they shall report the case to the
principal, who may inflict, or cause to be inflicted, such corporal
punishment as he may think the case demands; but no teacher
or principal shall in any case, or under any pretense, punish
children in the schools by striking or slapping on or about the
head, or on the hand, or by shaking them violently. Corporal
punishment shall not in any case be administered in the pres-
ence of the school, but in the presence of the principal or super-
intendent, or one or more teachers." ^
"Where corporal punishment is necessary, it must be ad-
ministered by the teacher under the direction and supervision
* Course of Study and Rules and Regulations, Public Schools of Duval
County, Fla. (Jacksonville), 1902, p. 57.
•Fort Worth, Tex., Public Schools: Manual, 1904-1905, p. 15.
of the principal of the school, or, where this is impossible, in
the presence of another teacher." *
"The authority to inflict corporal punishment is given to
every teacher, but such punishment shall be inflicted only in
the presence and with the sanction of the principal. Each
teacher shall file with the superintendent, at the close of each
month, a list of all cases of corporal punishment inflicted by
said teacher during the month, giving date, name of pupil, and
cause and extent of punishment." ^
16. (c) In view of the natural tendency of the child's
mind to exaggerate or, at least, to distort actual occur-
rences, it is well always to have an adult witness when
punishment is inflicted. This is sometimes impracticable ;
indeed, the fact that such punishment should be associated
very closely with the act that occasioned it would fre-
quently make the delay in securing witnesses inimical to
the efficiency of the penalty. But in all cases from which
outside interference is anticipated, witnesses should be
secured. In such cases, also, every precaution should be
taken to eliminate any conditions that might imjustly be
turned against the teacher. For example, if a brittle rod
is broken during the act of punishment, the very statement,
"The teacher broke a stick over the child," has an ugly
sound, and will surely tell against one in popular opinion,
if not even in a court of law, although the blow itself
may be quite innocuous.'
> Chester, Pa.: Manual of the Public Schools, 1904-1905, p. 61.
' Bay City, Mich. : Manual of Public Schools, 1904, p. 203.
* For a digest of regulations in the larger cities, see Report of Com-
missioner of Education, 1900, pp. 2578 S.
17. (d) Most of the citations also prescribe that pun-
ishment shall not be inflicted in the presence of other
children. This is doubtless a wise provision, although it
may be urgjed on the other side that an occasional pun-
ishment inflicted before the class will have a preventive
influence among other pupils. The benefits of such a
practice must be balanced up against its disadvantages.
An exhibition of the brute strength that a teacher can if
necessary command may strike fear into the hearts of the
witnesses, but it may also arouse a spirit of antagonism that
will encourage others to court the penalty for sake of the
accompanying martyrdom. In general, the practice is to
be condemned on the same grounds that public executions
are condemned ; namely, because, in both cases, morbid
interests are aroused that tend to brutalize the onlookers.
18. {e) The general principles of child development
would indicate that corporal punishment has its chief
sphere during the formative period of the child's life
(eight to twelve) ; but this rule, while holding in the main,
is subject to some exceptions. Occasionally an adolescent
is benefited by the application of the rod, but experience
in the classroom testifies that most cases of imfortunate
results from corporal punishment originate in the pun-
ishment of those who have passed puberty. It must be
remembered that corporal punishment is an extreme
measure to be resorted to only when a reasonable trial of
more gentle methods fails in effect. It is generally agreed
that " moral suasion" is not often effective with pupils in
the formative stage of growth, but that it is very frequently
effective with adolescents. It appeals solely to the " rea-
son " and to the sentiments founded upon rather advanced
judgment-products. If the pupil can be led to see why
his misdemeanors cannot be permitted to continue, he
will, if he is an average child, desist from their practice. It
is at this point that corporal punishment or any form of
extreme penalty becomes useless, and its application beyond
this point, while often practiced for the sake of " form,"
or for making an " example," should certainly not be
countenanced. When an adolescent lacks adolescent char-
acteristics, however, — when he fails to respond to reason,
— corporal punishment is not only justified but demanded
for the protection of the majority.
19. Other Penalties, (a) Rebukes. Before resorting to
corporal punishment the efficiency of other less strenuous
penalties should in every case be tested. Lapses from
order should first be met with severe (although not neces-
sarily harsh) verbal reproval. This should be accom-
panied by a fair warning that further lapses must result
in a severer penalty. The great majority of children will
respond effectively to a rebuke; it is only the small mi-
nority that need anything more drastic. When a penalty
has been promised, it should in every case be inflicted if the
occasion arises. One of the worst habits in school mis-
management is to tell a pupil that he must accept a cer-
tain punishment for a misdemeanor and then "back
down " from inflicting that punishment. A " suspended
sentence " may sometimes be employed, but it is dangerous
for the young teacher to practice this too often.
20. (b) Loss of Privileges. To deprive a pupil of a
privilege is a legitimate and often effective penalty for
offenses against discipline. It is for this reason that the
monitorial system described in a former chapter is to be
recommended, especially for those communities where
corporal punishment is forbidden either by statute, by
board ruling, or by public opinion. Deprivation of
a privilege is, however, often ineffective because the
privilege is not prized by the pupil. Keeping *' after
school" and "keeping in" at recess soon lose their sting,
and are further to be condemned as discipHnary measures
on account of the extra service which they require of the
teacher. No single pupil should be led to think that his
misdemeanors will entitle him to a greater amount of
attention from the teacher than the average well-behaved
child can command. It is for this reason that discipHnary
penalties should always be swift, certain, and as Httle
wasteful of time as is possible under the conditions,
21. (c) Suspensions. To suspend a pupil from school
in order to secure the cooperation of his parents in his
government is not to be looked upon as good practice
except under abnormal conditions. School officers have
legal authority over the child while he is within the school
premises. They are paid to exercise this authority, not to
evade the responsibiHty that it imposes. They are in loco
parentis J and, legally, the parents themselves have no more
power during this time than the teacher. If the former
have more influence with the recalcitrant, the fault lies
with the teacher, and the duty of government should not
for this reason be placed upon the parents' shoulders.
Moreover, the pupils who are most difficult to govern in
school are usually those from whose homes the least help
could be obtained.
Occasionally a parent demands that all cases of discipline
with reference to his children be referred to him before being
acted upon by the school authorities. The writer has, once or
twice, been informed that, if a child is to be punished, the
parents withhold the right to inflict the penalty. He acceded
willingly enough to this request on the first occasion, but the
results were so disastrous to the discipline of the school that'
he has made it a rule since that time tactfully but firmly to
insist upon parents' recognition of his legal status, unless,
indeed, the parent is willing to inflict the punishment in his
presence. He has explained that the teacher is always respon-
sible to the law for the abuse of his power and that an injured
party may, if he wishes, seek redress through the courts. He
has also explained that such interference by the parent with the
duties that rightfully belong to the teacher cannot fail to place
the teacher m an unjust light in the eyes of his pupils and of the
community at large.
Far mor^i disastrous, however, than the interference of parents
is the officious meddling of boardsmen and others who may
happen to have "influence." In such cases, there is but one
alternative open to the true craftsman: either such interfer-
ence must cease or he must resign instantly. It would be a
bright day for the calling of Schoolcraft if all teachers could
come to an absolute agreement upon this point. One who for
a moment truckles to political influence in school work does
incalculable harm to the cause of education. If craft ideals
and standards are needed anywhere, it is surely at this point.
There must be some things that a teacher will not do, no matter
what the temptation, — no matter^ even^ if one's bread and
butter depend entirely upon doing them. The physician would
starve rather than be unfaithful to certain standards of his
profession. He might gain wealth by such infidelity, but he
would lose something that is far dearer to him than any amount
of wealth; namely, professional standing. The same is
true, although in lesser degree, of the lawyer. The members
of these professions make their own standards, set up their own
ideals. The general pubHc very wisely keeps its hands off.
This is the condition that should prevail in schoolcraft, and,
until it does prevail, the work of education will never rank
with other human callings requiring a like training of its novi-
22. (d) Expulsions. To expel a pupil from school is
the very last resort in cases of discipline. With even the
worst offenders there is less danger to society in keeping
them at school than in permitting them to run at large.
Where parental schools are maintained for the reception
of such cases, there are occasions when the ordinary public
school may wisely turn over to this special institution the
cases that are relatively incorrigible by normal methods.
But where parental schools are not provided, ceitainly no
pupil not positively degenerate should be turned out into
the street. This, of course, does not apply to older pupils
who have passed the legal school age. Such individuals
may be presumed to have attained a maturity that will
render disciplinary measures unnecessary, and, if they
fail to accommodate themselves to the requirements of
the school, it is an injustice to the others to retain them.
23. (e) Sending Pupils to the Principal. A large pro-
portion of the classroom teachers in the city systems serve
under supervising principals. This condition should make
discipline rather simpler than where the classroom teacher
is independent. The principal is usually a man, while
the classroom teacher is almost invariably a woman. The
natural division of labor would seem to indicate that the
heavier tasks of discipline should devolve upon the male
official, and many principals are chivalrous enough to
take this view of the matter. They will support the class-
room teacher with all the muscular force and all the in-
fluence emanating from higher authority that each indi-
vidual case demands. If the pupils respect the principal,
they will dislike being sent to him for offenses against
order, and in this simple measure the teacher can often
solve the most troublesome problems. Not all principals
will shoulder this responsibility, however. Some believe
that it weakens the classroom teacher. Others are only
too glad to leave the " heavy work" to the women. In
any case, a teacher's reputation and standing will be
lowered if the practice is indulged too frequently. The
young teacher who tries this remedy several times and
finds it ineffective may safely come to the conclusion that
other measures are demanded.
The most reliable source of data concerning punishment of
school children nlust always be the experience of the teach-
ers who are in closest touch with the problems of discipline.
The following propositions are taken from a report* which
represents a consensus of the experience of about ©ne himdred
successful teachers in Rhode Island.
^ " Report on Syllabus concerning School Punishment and Penalties,"
apth Annual Report, State Board of Education, Rhode Island, 1899.
(i) The classroom teacher should administer punishment
for classroom offenses.
(2) Little time should elapse between the misdemeanor and
the punishment. '
(3) Children should not be punished in the presence of
other children.
(4) Children should not be punished by one who is labor-
ing under the emotion of anger.
(5) Intentional, willful, and premeditated offenses should
be punished.
(6) Repeated offenses should be punished.
(7) Offenses not apt to be repeated should not be punished.
(8) Not all children require the same punishment for the
same offense.
(9) Children should always clearly understand why they
are' punished.
(10) Punishments tend to reform the pupil if he sees their
(11) Suspension should be the last resort.
(12) Punishment should not be used for the sake of " mak-
ing an example."
(13) Sarcasm, ridicule, and satire should not be used as
(14) The majority of parents who are consulted favor cor-
poral punishment.
(15) Tasks should not be employed as punishments.
References. — Tompkins.: Philosophy of School Management,
pp. 1 70-181; J. S. Taylor: Class Management and Discipline, ch. v;
Kellogg: School Management, ch. viii; Seeley: School Manage-
ment, ch. viii; J. A. H. Keith: Elementary Education, Chicago,
1905, pp. 119-133, 288.
The Problem of Attention
I. It has been attempted in the preceding chapters to
indicate the various points at which an application of the
law of habit-building may serve to prevent waste in the
educative process as applied to children dealt with in the
mass. In a well-organized classroom the matters already
mentioned will take care of themselves ; and the first aim
of the classroom teacher should be to reduce to the plane
of routine or group-habit all of the necessary details that
can profitably be cared for in this way. The problems of
management, however, do not end with this reduction of
detail to automatic routine. Even in the classroom that
is best organized the teacher must constantly meet new
questions that arise with regard to the main problem of
our discussion. The effective treatment of pupils in the
mass must, in other words, always involve judgment; it
can never be reduced entirely to the machine basis.
The problem of Part II, therefore, is to consider the
general principles, standards, or ideals that should govern
the teacher in the non-routine phases of his work. As in
Part I, the question is still, at basis, a question of economy :
How can class work be made to return the largest possible
dividend on a practicable investment of time, energy, and
money ?
2. Beyond doubt the greatest source of waste in the work
of education results from the difficulty encountered in
securing and holding the attention of all pupils to the
subject-matter of instruction. The problem is complex
and difficult, and its solution involves the balancing of a
multitude of diverse factors. Simply to secure attention,
simply to hold attention — if these were the only factors,
the situation would be somewhat simplified. But here,
perhaps, more than anywhere else, the methods that are
employed to insure economy in school work must be sub-
jected to the rigorous test of the ultimate end of education,
for they involve the operation of educative forces that are
as fundamental as the subject-matter of instruction itself.
3. The first step in the solution of this problem is to
inquire of the psychologist what laws govern attention.
Every one knows that some things are easily attended to,
and that other things are attended to with great difficulty.
Every one also knows that the things attended to with
difficulty are often the things that are most essential for
one to attend to. These are facts of common knowledge.
Psychology attempts to go further than this — it tries
to classify the things that attract attention easily and to
find out just why they do so. It tries also to classify the
things that are difficult to attend to, and to discover the
reason for this difficulty. Various bases have been adopted
for these classifications, and not all psychologists are yet
agreed as to the best basis. The following discussion will
adopt what may be called the biological point of view as
offering the most satisfactory explanation of the phenomena
of attention as applied in schoolroom practice.
4. The Doctrine of Ends. From the biological point of
view it is clear that attention must bear some direct rela-
tion to the needs of the organism. We attend to certain
things primarily because they are, in one fashion or
another, essential to our well-being. We are not always
conscious of these needs; one, for instance, may attend
to a flash of light, or to a sharp pain, or to a moving object,
for no conscious reason save that the stimulus, as we say,
" catches the attention." But why are we so constituted
that we attend to these things? The real reason must
be sought in race history. When our ancestors lived
under very primitive conditions, as they did for thousands
of generations, it was absolutely essential to the existence
of the organism that it be able to note any marked dis-
turbance in its environment. Survival under primitive
conditions was conditioned absolutely upon the instinctive
tendencies to attend to all stimuli that could, in any marked
degree, become danger signals.
All of our instincts^ then, — all of those complex adjust-
ments with which nature has provided us, — become cor-
relates, on the mental or conscious side, of what may be
termed tendencies to attend — tendencies to hold conscious-
ness open and receptive to whatever impressions may fit
in with the instinct. Thus, the instinctive need to note
the presence of moving objects in the environment is
correlated with a law of attention : movement anywhere
within the range of the field of vision will "draw the eyes"
in that direction — will attract our notice. When the
cra\ings of hunger affect us, anything that will satisfy
these cravings attracts our attention. Our minds are, as
it were, keyed or attuned to these various sorts of stimuli
by the tension of the instinct that is functioning at the
It will be noted that attention in all these cases is de-
termined by an immediate end, and that this end is the
satisfaction of the organic need which is instinctively felt.
Action based upon attention of this sort does not look into
the future, it takes no account of any remote consequences.
Furthermore its expression is, so far as the individual is
concerned, purely selfish. It may, it is true, have social
or altruistic impHcations, as in the case of the mothering
instinct, but in so far as the direct reaction upon the
individual is concerned, it satisfies an immediate, organic,
innate, instinctive need.
It is clearly evident that this law of attention can be
appUed effectively to improving the application of pupils
to the tasks that are set for their accompHshment. If an
instinctive need can be appealed to, the result will be sure
and certain. This may be called the "First Law," or the
•*Law of Primary Passive Attention," and its operation
\vill be treated in detail in a later section.
5. The Second Law. The operation of the first law is
quite independent of any conscious end or purpose save
the immediate satisfaction of an instinctive or organic
need. It is distinctively the law of the lower types of
mind. No animal below the rank of man ever rises very
far above its operation. It is the essential prerogative of
the human mind, however, to "look ahead," to project
itself into the future, to construct in imagination an idea
of what this future will bring forth or demand, and then
to adapt its adjustments to the end thus previewed. The
fundamental importance of this capacity to human de-
velopment can never be overestimated. It stands as the
prime factor in human evolution. It is the significant
characteristic of Homo sapiens^ for thinking — reasoning
— is nothing more nor less than this constructive activity
of the human mind.
What does this mean in terms of attention? Simply
this, that whenever attention is determined by an end
that is consciously beyond the needs of the moment, —
whenever present desires and impulses are inhibited or
suppressed for the sake of some remote end to be gained,
— a struggle is inevitable between the thing that one de-
sires to attend to and the thing that one knows one should
attend to. It is clear that, in general, the nearer the end,
the more likelihood that it will conquer the momentary
impulse. It is also clear that, the more vivid the image
of the end to be reached, the more HkeHhood that the
momentary impulse will be defeated. Likewise, the more
highly the end is tinged with desire or positive emotional
force, again the greater hkelihood that it will be victorious
in its struggles. All of these principles are simple corol-
laries of the general law; they are practically axiomatic;
and yet it is safe to say that no principles so fundamental
as these have been so woefully neglected in educational
Because of this struggle between the impulse of the
moment and the idea of a remote end that may be gained
by suppressing this impulse, this variety of attention is
known as " active," and the principle governing its
operation may be conveniently referred to as the "Second
Law" of attention.
One or two concrete instances will suggest to the reader a
number of personal experiences that will tend to bear out the
above statements. The effort essential to ''get down" to
work, unless forced by some immediate need or impelled through
the operation of habit (which, however, involves an element
yet to be discussed), is typical of the struggle between the
end and the impulse. Impulse always makes for variety and
abhors monotony, but monotony is often necessary to reach
some remote end. One is ambitious, for example, to become a
musician. The start is made valiantly enough, the bright pic-
ture of future honors and adulation being sufficient to keep one
to the routine and discipline of the preparatory process for some
little time. Sooner or later, however, the monotony becomes
irksome, and the intense desire to have done with it all and be
off "on another tack" is apt to take complete possession of one's
mind. In case the triumph is complete, — as it is in the sad
majority of cases, — the change is made, the discipline lapses
by degrees, and is finally abandoned altogether, and the ambi-
tion that once burnt so brightly dies away. Hence arises the
necessity in all branches of education to present as an incen-
tive to effort, not only one remote end, but all sorts of inter-
mediate ends, the approach and attainment of which shall keep
the worker at his task until finally the daily discipline of toil
becomes a matter of habit, and the remote end is constantly
approached without undue struggle, and perhaps drops entirely
out of consciousness.
In the work of the schoolroom, the principle finds application
in a multitude of devices, some of which will be discussed in a
later section. The grading and promoting system may serve
as an illustration in the present connection. The remote end
of education is far too distant and abstract a conception for
even fairly mature students to grasp, much less little children
in the early stages of the process. For this reason a series of
ends, less remote, must be introduced, and this gives rise to
the grading system with its attendant examinations and pro-
motions. Each step in the attainment of the remote end is
terminated by some sort of test as to the character of the work
done during the step, and this test will act, under the proper
conditions, as an incentive to effort in the pupils. At the out-
set the steps are short, for the end cannot be too remote, else
it will lose its effectiveness as an incentive. As the pupil
develops, the end is placed at a point farther and farther away,
until, in the graduate courses of the university, a period of
three years may lapse before the student is subjected to an
6. The Third Law. In the preceding discussion it has
been assumed that the kind of attention termed "active"
always operates against some impulse or instinctive ten-
dency. If such is the case, what shall we call that form of
attention that is given freely and without effort to an
activity that makes for a remote end and still does not
" fit in " with an instinctive tendency ? It is obvious enough
that one comes to enjoy one's work; that one finds no
difficulty whatsoever in following a line of activity that
makes unerringly for an end that one has previewed.
The explanation is to be found in an extension of the law
of habit. We become habituated in course of time to
almost anything that we persevere in, no matter how dis-
agreeable that thing may have been at the outset. That
is, the inhibition of distracting impulses becomes a habit,
becomes unconscious. This sort of attention is termed
** secondary passive," and the principle that governs its
operation may be called the "Third Law" of attention.
This must not be construed as meaning that attention be-
comes a habit. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a
"habit of attention." Habit and attention are the two ex-
tremes of mental life. One may, however, habitually assume
the attitude of attention, and one may habitually repress im-
pulses that are inconsistent with attention, or habitually resist
temptations which distract. It is only in this sense that a
"habit of attention" means anything whatsoever.
This secondary passive attention might be called the
terminus ad quern of the teacher's work. When the pupil
has reached this stage, all that he needs is direction and
suggestion. Prior to this time his effort must be incited
by one form of stimulus or another; after this time, his
effort is given freely : all that now needs to be done is to
see to it that this effort is expended profitably and econom-
ically. The successful teacher is he who can get his pupils
into this stage most effectively. The ideal school (which
can probably never be realized in practice) is one in which
every pupil works for the joy that the working brings him.
Needless to say, the problem that pedagogy is concerned
with lies not so much in the operation of the third law as
in the operation of the first and second laws. The effort
of educational theory is to find some means of applying
the first and second laws in such a fashion that the con-
ditions demanded for the successful operation of the
third law may be fulfilled. Too many treatises on teach-
ing start with secondary passive attention. They assume
that the effort of the pupils will be given freely in any
desired direction. This is a simple case of begging the
Most authorities upon pedagogy and school management,
for example, speak of interest in one's work as an incentive to
effort ; but interest in work for its own sake is not at all akin to
an interest that attaches to a remote end, toward the attain-
ment of which the work or effort is but a means. The very
common advice given as a sort of blanket precept to insure suc-
cess in teaching — ''Make the work interesting" — is about
as futile and ineffective as the dictum discussed above, — "Keep
the pupils busy." Every teacher knows that the thing to do
is to make the work interesting; the point where advice is
needed is not what to do, but how to do it. There are many
tasks involved in education that are not intrinsically interesting.
Sometimes, however, after effort has been initiated and sus-
tained by means of a powerful incentive, the task gradually
becomes fascinating in itself. The incentive may now very
well be forgotten, for its utility is at an end.
7. It will be necessary in the present discussion to leave
the treatment of the third law at this point, and to devote
our time and energy to the first two laws. These will
accordingly be treated in some detail in the two following
chapters. It should always be borne in mind, however, —
even if not always expHcitly stated, — that the third law
must come to operate if the school is to accomplish its
work with a minimum of waste.
References. — J. R. Angell : Psychology ^ New York, 1906,
pp. 64-76; E. B. Titchener: Primer of Psychology, New York, 1899,
ch. V ; H. H. Home : The Psychological Principles of Education,
New York, 1906, ch. xxviii; W. C. Bagley: The Educative Process,
ch. vi.
The Problem of Attention (Continued) : The
Operation of the First Law
1. The first law represents the activity of attention at
its lowest level of development. Primary passive atten-
tion is determined solely by instinct. If any end is con-
sciously in view, it is simply the immediate gratification of
an instinctive desire. The problem of the present chapter,
therefore, is to inquire into the operation of those instincts
that can be utilized in schoolroom practice to secure atten-
tion of the passive order.
2. (a) The Instinctive Desire for Change and Variety.
This is the most general expression of the first law. The
desire for change and variety is instinctive in all human
beings irrespective of age or degree of culture. Other
instincts may be outgrown entirely or so greatly subdued
that the accompanying desires never become a source of
trouble, but this fundamental instinct seems too deeply
planted ever completely to be eradicated. It is true that
custom and habit work toward stabiHty of habitat and
occupation. The older one grows, the less one likes the
thought of moving to another locality or of taking up
another line of work ; the less one likes, also, to have one's
routine of life interfered with in any way. But, notwith-
standing these undoubted facts, it still remains true that
variety of stimulation is the first condition of an alert
mind. One must be almost abnormal who is not tempted
by the prospective delights of a journey to new re^ons;
who is not attracted by the ''news" page of his daily paper,
irrespective of the bearing of its contents upon his own Hfe
or work; whose attention is not caught and held by the
novel and unusual in the routine of his daily Ufe. The
instinct that impels us to seek variety, to attend to the new
and strange, is a wise provision of nature, for it is through
this instinct that attention to new or changed conditions
is insured, and it is the one important junction of attention
to concern itself with the new, leaving habit, custom, and
automatism to take care of the old and familiar.
3. It is obvious that the child is more completely the
slave of distracting influences than is the adult, and that
the younger the child, the more pronounced is this char-
acteristic. The pupil in the lowest grades of the school
is quite incapable of following a single line of effort,
either in play or in work, for a long period. One who
watches children at play will be quickly impressed by the
rapidity with which one game or activity gives way to
another. At one moment the child seems to be absorbed
in a certain play object. As you watch him, you think
that so deep an interest will last indefinitely. But in
another moment, perhaps, this object has been dropped
and another taken up, and, try as you will, you cannot force
the interest back to the first object that attracted it.
It is necessary for the educator to recognize this funda-
mental fact at all stages of the educative process. Variety
must be constantly introduced in some form or another
if the energy that expresses itself through the activity of
attention is to be expended economically. The successful
teacher in the elementary school is he who can clothe the
famiUar in a new garb; for repetition and reiteration
are essential at all points of the teaching process, and,
unless repetition and reiteration can be robbed of their
monotony, they lose by far the greater part of their efl5-
4. The operation of the first law in this phase of its
apphcation, however, involves a danger that should not
be overlooked or minimized. Although attention may be
secured by changing the occupation of the pupil the
moment tedium sets in, the net result, if such a poHcy were
apphed ad libitum, would be far worse than any loss of
energy that might come from the inattention d'le to tedium.
If a pupil is always reheved of a task of duty the moment
that it becomes irksome to him, — the moment that he
grows "tired" of it, — development is bound to be arrested
upon a very primitive plane. To stick to one line of effort
in spite of tedium is the characteristic that differentiates
work from play; education is essentially work, and the
school must never bUnd itself to the necessity of requiring
the conditions of work in the environment that it affords.
Here, as elsewhere, there must be a nice adjustment of
opposing forces. The first law of attention will certainly
find frequent employment through the satisfaction of the
desire for variety; but its field will manifestly be much
wider in the earlier than in the later stages of the educative
process, and at all times the law must be applied with a
full recognition on the part of the teacher of the dangers
that it involves.
No small part of the criticism passed by foreigners upon
American schools finds its justification in the fact that American
teachers recognize the necessity of variety, but neglect its dan-
gers. The result of such practice is haphazard, "scatter-
brained" effort, devoted to a multitude of diverse tasks, but
never sustained and directed toward the complete accomplish-
ment of any one line of work. The "formal" subjects of the
curriculum — reading, spelling, penmanship, arithmetic —
naturally suffer most seriously from this oversight. The notion
that monotony must be avoided at any cost has led to the
attempt to teach these branches "incidentally" in connection
with more interesting and attractive "content" work. The
results are what one who was well grounded in fundamental
psychological principles might easily have foreseen.
The problem here presented is difficult but not impossible
of solution. There must needs be variety in the drill required
for the mastery of the formal subjects, but this variety must
always respect the fundamental nature of the form that is to
be impressed. So long as this is done, no harm will result, but
when variety and interest become ends in themselves, — when
content work of all kinds becomes the only explicit subject of
instruction, — elementary education misses its main purpose.
5. (b) The Play Instinct. This may be looked upon
as but a specific expression of the instinctive desire for
change and variety. Play is characterized by activity
which is sufficient in and for itself ; the activity of play is
an end in itself. The play instinct doubtless has a deep
and vital function in the development of the child, insuring
the activity essential to the growth and coordination of the
muscles and to the development of motor or kinesthetic
images.^ The play instinct is largely used in kindergarten
practice as a simple and effective means of securing and
holding the pupil's attention. It has also a legitimate
field of application in the lower grades of the elementary
school, where the repetition that is essential in the learning
of arithmetical facts, word-forms, and the like can be made
more interesting by employing "games."
6. The use of this instinct is obviously subject to the
dangers and limitations mentioned in connection with the
instinctive desire for variety. If carried too far, the pupil
is apt to gain the notion that all of the routine work of the
school must be made interesting and attractive by the intro-
duction of the play element. The powerful ideal of duty,
which carries men safely through so many crises, cannot be
developed under such conditions, and it is safe to say
that no more important task is imposed upon education
than to develop this ideal. But one should not rush to
the other extreme and aver that the play instinct is entirely
out of place in the school. Again there must be a nice
adjustment of forces; again one must strive to hold the
clear perspective. An environment of irksome tasks, un-
relieved by anything that could gratify the play instinct,
would be as fatal to the ideal of duty as an environment
that gratified instinct at every turn.
What is termed common sense may be very safely trusted in
determining the limitations to which the play instinct must be
* Cf. G. S. Hall: Adolescence, New York, 1904, vol. i, pp. 202 ff.
subjected. The writer once heard an institute instructor recom«
mend a certain game with bean-bags for use in drills on the
facts of multiplication. The teachers who were present agreed
with the instructor as to the value of the device, believing
it to be recommended for very young children only. But
when the instructor intimated that it could be profitably util-
ized in the seventh and eighth grades, the teachers questioned
its value. The great majority of those who have had actual
experience in handling children know pretty accurately what
can be done with them, although even such teachers will some-
times "lose their heads" when a new and radical departure is
proposed by one high in authority and presented with the zeal
and earnestness of assured conviction. It is for this reason
that the university professor of education is apt to do so much
harm if he lacks practical experience in dealing with little
children. He speaks with the voice of authority, and he gen-
erally believes implicitly in the absolute validity of his untried
7. {c) The Instinct 0} Curiosity. Like the instinct of
play, this is but a specific expression of the desire fornovelty.
It is evidenced by the constant succession of ''Why's"
with which children of certain ages besiege their parents
and teachers, and by the "Paul Pry" activities of both
children and adults. Like all instincts, it has its roots in
past necessity. The first manifestation of dawning in-
telligence in the race was doubtless the random investi-
gations that followed upon the birth of the instinct of
curiosity. In the beginning this instinct is easily gratified,
for primitive curiosity looks only for something new, and
anything that is new suffices. The search after hidden
causes, the passion to know the reason for phenomena, is
an acquired characteristic formed through the operation
of active attention in carrying to a successful issue the
vague desires aroused by the instinct.
The instinct of curiosity has a place in education. It
can be utilized in directing attention to natural laws that
explain phenomena whose mystery appeals to the child-
mind, — spectacular phenomena especially, like the thun-
derstorm, the earthquake, etc. It is safe to lay down the
rule that, whenever curiosity is aroused concerning some-
thing of legitimate interest, the teacher should do every-
thing within his power to gratify it. Attention can at that
time be easily secured, and truths driven home that might
prove highly resistant if left until a later period.
A great calamity, like the California earthquake or the
Galveston flood, that attracts universal attention for a brief
period, opens the way for the explanation of the catastrophe in
terms of natural law. At such a time all children are open
and receptive to whatever instruction may be offered that is
germane to the center of interest. It is strict economy to make
such discussion a special order of the day, interrupting the
program, if necessary, in order to get from the burning interest
of the moment every particle of educative value that can be
extracted. Legitimate occasions of this sort come so infre-
quently that one need fear no serious effect upon the regular
routine. In the writer's experience, for example, only the fol-
lowing events within the past five years have been deemed
worthy of such treatment; the Pelee disaster, the Baltimore
fire (a center of interest insuring the ready assimilation of
geographical facts about that city), the outbreak of the Russo-
Japan War, and the San Francisco earthquake. Matters that
are of less general interest, owing to the remoteness of the scene
of action or other causes, — for example, the eruptions of
Vesuvius, the Valparaiso earthquake, and the Hong Kong
typhoon, — may be profitably referred to in the geography
classes, but will hardly repay a special order of business or a
breaking into the regular program.
8. Inasmuch as the instinct of curiosity is mainly excited
by the spectacular, it is clear that its use in the school should
be temperate. Of course, a spectacular halo may be
thrown around almost any event, but such a policy v^U
sooner or later defeat its own purpose: witness, for ex-
ample, the experience of the "yellow" newspapers in
attempting to find a new sensation for each issue. Their
cries of "Wolf!" have been proved so often to be bogus
that the public will no longer heed them, even though the
wolf should happen at some time to be real. There is back
of this a sound psychology that operates with equal force
in the schoolroom. The teacher who constantly caters to
the pupils' love of the spectacular must go to greater and
greater lengths if he would attract the attention of his
pupils, and the time must come, sooner or later, when his
blasS charges will be bored even by matters of legitimate
9. (d) The Instinctive Liking for Bright Colors, Sharp
Contrasts y and Intense Stimuli of All Kinds. One of the
most primitive methods of attracting attention is the use
of bright colors. This instinct is commonly employed in
the lower grades of the school by the use of colored ob-
jects (balls, splints, etc.), by permitting pupils to write
and draw with colored crayon, and by other similar prac-
rices. The use of colors and contrasts, however, for the
purpose of securing attention to drill processes is subject
to a very important limitation. It has been long known
that in teaching children to count, the objects used must
not be too attractive in themselves. Variety must be pro-
vided, but the qualities of the various objects must be of
such a nature that they will not distract the attention from
the process in hand.
In their anxiety to provide a variety of objects for drill in
counting and in combining numbers, some teachers select
flowers that are brightly colored, cubes and balls of contrasting
hues, and not infrequently edible articles such as nuts and
fruits. If the reader is skeptical as to the distracting influence
of these qualities that are extraneous to the matter in hand, let
him watch an exercise, say, in counting peanuts just prior to
the noon dismissal.
lo. (e) The Instinct of Construction. The child likes to
put things together, to make things, and this instinct is oi
the highest value in the lower grades in securing attention
to arithmetical processes. The constructive instinct must
not be confused, however, with the acquired interest of
construction * which is a much higher product, and works
through a series of systematic efforts toward the accom-
pHshment of some remote end. The pure primitive instinct
is best illustrated by the child's rather aimless manipula-
tion of blocks in the making of whatever may be dictated
by -momentary fancy. It can be turned to educative account
by leading the pupil to count the number of blocks that
^ Cf. Educative Process, pp. io6 £f.
he uses for this purpose or that, by encouraging com-
parisons of different magnitudes, and by suggesting pos-
sible numerical combinations; for example, "Let us make
a wall that will be three inches high and twelves inches
long,'* using inch cubes; "Make the picture of a house
with splints, having the house ten splints long and one
half as high, with three windows in the side"; etc.
11. The instincts discussed above do not exhaust the
list of those that function during childhood and which
form the basis for the manifold operations of the first law.
They are, however, the principal instincts with which the
school is concerned from the standpoint of passive atten-
tion. In the next chapter, other instincts will be discussed
that operate in a slightly different fashion. But it must be
borne in mind that all instincts have this in common : they
are native, inherited forces, forming the basis upon which
the educative process must lay its foundations. Those
that have just been discussed operate educatively through
securing passive attention to mechanical repetition. Those
that will be discussed in the next chapter may express
themselves, it is true, in attention of the passive order;
but they are educationally important in that they may be
readily transformed into incentives for active attention;
in other words, the anticipated gratification of the instinct
forms a remote end toward which effort may be directed
as a necessary condition of this gratification.
12. Summary. The first law is to be used extensively
only in the earUest stages of education. Here the teacher's
first duty is to provide conditions that will make effort
attractive. This duty is partially fulfilled by frequent
changes in the content of the school exercises, by utiHzing
the play instinct, by a judicious use of intense and con-
trasting stimuU, and by encouraging the pupil to employ
his constructive instinct in an educative manner. These
means are always in place during the early school years.
They may occasionally be employed in the later stages
of instruction, and with abnormally backward children
(feeble-minded children and imbeciles) it is doubtful
whether they can ever be entirely dispensed with. To
continue with them, however, in the education of normal
children is to run a serious danger of arrested develop-
References. — J. R. Angell : Psychology, New York, 1905, ch. xvi ;
Irving King: Psychology of Child Development, Chicago, 1903,
ch. xiii; Thomdike: Principles of Teaching, ch.s.y,yin; Kirkpatrick:
Fundamentals of Child Study, New York, 1906, chs. viii-x; W. James:
Talks to Teachers, New York, 1902, ch. vii.
The Problem of Attention (Continued) : The
Operation of the Second Law; Incentives
I. The essence of active attention is concentration upon
matters that are not in themselves attractive, — that do
not in themselves naturally solicit attention, — for the
sake of some desired end, the attainment of which
such focahzation will further. It should be remembered
that active attention does not preclude the operation of
instinct; in fact, probably all operation of active atten-
tion is dependent primarily though indirectly upon some
instinctive desire. Instinct is the force that makes the
idea of the remote end effective in controlHng action along
a given Une until one either gains the end sought, or
lapses into secondary passive attention in which the means
of attaining the end become attractive and interesting in
For example, the pupil is attracted to bright colors because
of the instinctive impulse to attend to strong or contrasting
stimuli. The end here is immediate, the attention passive.
On the other hand, the pupil may, by effort, attend to a dull
lesson, because he does not wish a fellow-pupil to **win out"
over him in a recitation. The end here is remote, but it is
made effective by the instinct of emulation. Instinct operates
in the one case just as clearly as in the other; but in the second
instance it operates on a higher plane, because the end has been
moved into the future, a process of ideal or imaginative con-
struction is demanded for its envisagement, and action or
adjustment must be controlled with reference to the end
Almost every case of willed or volitional action is similarly
determined in the last analysis by one instinct or another.
The student at college prosecutes his studies industriously, even
though they are not perhaps always interesting; he is held to
the task because he does not wish to let others get the degree
when he fails (instinct of emulation), or because he wishes
to secure remunerative employment because of his training
(instinct of self-preservation), or because he wishes to avoid the
unpleasant consequences of failure (instinct of fear). Similar
analyses could be made of dominant motives in any walk of
life ; always, however, with this proviso : whenever the task
becomes attractive in itself and the remote end is lost sight of
temporarily, the attention has passed over into the secondary
passive form. Thus the student, driven to his work by one of
these various ideals that are supported in their turn by funda-
mental instincts, becomes gradually absorbed in his study and
no longer thinks either of the fellow-students whom he is try-
ing to outdo, of the position that he has hoped to obtain, or
of the unpleasantness that may result from failure. But when-
ever this secondary passive attention lags, — whenever primi-
tive impulse again asserts its inherited right to distract, — the
idea, backed up by its appropriate instinct, must act again as a
spur to renewed effort.
2. Incentives. The idea of a remote end toward which
effort is to be organized is known as an incentive. With
certain qualifications, the problem of securing and hold-
ing the attention of pupils may be said to be the problem
of providing effective incentives. The first law is legiti-
mately applied only up to the point where an effective
incentive can be introduced — up to the point where a
remote end can be made to dominate the pupil's mind
and hold him to whatever tasks are imposed as a con-
dition of attaining this end.
This point is approximately coincident with the birth of
what is termed the capacity of the child for reasoning. Reason-
ing, in its simplest form, is nothing more nor less than a con-
scious application of past experience to a given situation.
Logical reasoning, however, is more complicated in its nature.
It presupposes the ability to condense past experience into con-
cepts, and to manipulate these concepts through symbols, —
usually words. An end that is fairly remote in its nature must
be held before mind in a compact form if it is to be effective
over action, hence the conditions imposed by active attention
of a high order are quite similar to those imposed by logical
reasoning. But active attention is possible in cases where the
experience has not been condensed into concepts, but stiD
functions concretely. This form of attention, however, is
directed to ends that are not very remote. As the pupil in-
creases in the capacity to form concepts, therefore his capacity
also increases for holding in mind ends that are further and
further removed from the present impulse.
Just where this capacity is to be attributed to the pupil in
school is a matter of dispute. Some practitioners would as-
sume that the child is capable of governing his action with
reference to remote ends immediately upon entering school,
but this is manifestly not in accord with practical schoolroom
experience. It is probable, however, that, if a beginning is
made with incentives that appeal to fairly immediate ends, and
if a gradual progression is insured, the pupil should be able in
the third or fourth grades to realize the import of putting forth
effort during the term in order that he may make a satisfactory
grade at the term's close. This also suggests the importance
of having relatively short terms in the earlier years of the
elementary school.
3. Positive and Negative Incentives} A remote end
may make either a positive or a negative appeal to one's
desires. In the former case, action is governed and
directed for the purpose of enjoying some pleasant conse-
quences; in the latter case, action is controlled for the
purpose of avoiding some unpleasant consequences. In
other words, incentives may be divided into (i) those that
depend for their efficacy upon the hope of a reward, and
(2) those that depend upon fear of punishment. Needless
to say, one and the same object sought may make its
appeal either from the positive or negative side. Further
* Whitens Classification of Incentives. In his treatise on school man-
agement, Mr. White makes a distinction between "natural" and "artifi-
cial" incentives. Under the former head, he includes those incentives
that grow "naturally" out of the effort involved. Thus the perception
of a distinct need for knowing arithmetic would be the natural incentive
for studying and mastering arithmetic. These natural incentives are, of
course, the most effective whenever it is possible to employ them. It is
one of the peculiar duties of education, however, to impart knowledge at
a period in the individual's life when he is unable to see very far ahead.
The knowledge that is imparted, on the other hand, generally owes its
value to the fact that it will be useful in adult life. For this reason
natural incentives can be employed very infrequently. Mr. White's
theory is also defective in that many of the incentives that he classes as
"natural" are really "artificial" by his own definition, while others are
not incentives at all, but rather acquired interests that owe their eflSdency
to the operation of the third law. When, for example, he speaks of the
love of knowledge as an incentive, this is either an acquired interest or an
ideal of a very elaborate type.
than this, one and the same object may appeal to the same
individual now from this and now from that point of view.
The pupil may be impelled to learn a dull lesson in hope
of "getting ahead" of his fellow-pupils, or he may learn
the same lesson from fear that his fellow-pupils may "get
ahead" of him, and the consciousness of the end to be
gained may alternate rapidly between these two desires.
Back of every hope there is a complementary fear, and
back of every fear, a complementary hope.
4. These facts involve one of the most important prac-
tical principles in school management. In generalj incen-
tives should appeal to the pupil from the positive rather than
from the negative point of view. This principle depends
for its validity, not upon mere sentiment alone, but upon
the rigid requirements of economy. It is only a practical
expression of the well-known psychological law that de-
pression chokes up the channels of energy, while hope and
buoyancy tend to Hberate energy and make it available.
It is the verdict of experience that one can put forth more
energy and do more effective work if the confidence of
success overbalances the fear of failure.
This general rule is certainly subject to some qualifications.
The fear that amounts to desperation sometimes impels one
to put forth almost superhuman effort. But, in this case, it is
seriously to be doubted whether the so-called "fear" of despera-
tion is really deserving of that name. Its keynote is exhilara-
tion rather than depression; it has passed beyond the pale of
a distinctly unpleasant emotion, and so should be characterized
by another and more appropriate term. Recent theories of
emotion advanced by competent psychologists are quite in
accord with this view.^ In general, then, fear expresses itself
in less violent forms, — moodiness, lack of confidence, dissatis-
faction with one's self, etc., — and these are all depressing
5. It is not to be concluded, however, that the negative
incentives have no place in education. In extreme cases,
where all other measures appear to be futile, the fear of
failure, or of physical pain, or of the loss of a privilege,
may be the only available means of possible -redemption,
and as such its employment is undoubtedly justified. It
is safe to lay down the rule, however, that, if fear is stimu-
lated, it should be limited to individual cases. In other
words, the great majority of pupils will not need an extreme
incentive, and to use the stimulus of fear upon an entire
class is to run the risk of needless worry on the part of
pupils who do not need to worry, and to whom, perhaps,
worry would involve a nervous strain that would quite
discount any positive benefits to be derived. This limi-
tation in mind, we may pass to the specific consideration
of the fear incentives.
6. Incentives in which the Predominant Appeal is
Negative. Under this head are to be included, obviously,
all school practices that inflict punishment for failure to
perform some school task. In Chapter VIII, punish-
ments were discussed, but in another connection, — namely,
as means of securing order in the classroom. The point
of departure there was the necessity for preserving con-
* For example, J. R. Angell : Psychology, New York, 1905, pp.
328 S.
ditions favorable to the welfare of the class as a whole.
In the present connection the fear of punishment as an
incentive for individual effort is the point at issue. In
other words, is it legitimate or wise to employ what we
have termed penalties not only for offenses against disci-
pline, but also for failure on the part of individual pupils
to concentrate upon the tasks required of them, even
though this lack of concentration does not interfere with
the rights of others?
7. Reverting to the principles established in the preced-
ing discussion, it will be recalled that undesirable impulses
tend to be inhibited if they are closely associated with
painful consequences. The pain-reaction is justified in
offenses against discipHne, because the impulses that are
checked are, in general, unsocial impulses that should
always be inhibited. Applying this principle to the use
of pain stimuU as incentives to effort, it is clear that the
justification or condemnation of such a poKcy depends
primarily upon what association is made. If the pupil
always connects lack of application, mind- wandering, pro-
crastination, and similar factors, with painful consequences,
it is clear that he will tend to curtail the operation of these
factors in his school Hfe. If, on the contrary, the associa-
tion is between the pain stimulus and arithmetic or spell-
ing or geography, it is clear that the penalties inflicted
will defeat their own purpose in a most disastrous fashion.
The two forms of punishment most commonly employed
to incite pupils to greater effort are : (a) corporal punish-
ment, and {h) "scoldings." There are very few teachers,
probably, who now use corporal punishment as an incen-
tive to effort, and the prevailing practice may, in this
instance at least, be accepted as in harmony with funda-
mental principles. For a child to "learn his lessons"
simply because he fears the pain or physical punishment
in case the lessons are not learned means that he is as-
similating knowledge with reference to a very primitive
need. Whether this fact will, as Professor Dewey ^ im-
plies, absolutely prevent the knowledge gained in this way
from being appHed to the situations of Hf e, is to be doubted ;
but it is clear that such assimilation will be at least uneco-
nomical as compared with that which proceeds from a
higher purpose. On the other hand, if a pupil can be stim-
ulated to effort in no other way, it is far better that his tasks
be performed, even inadequately, through the stimulus of
physical pain than that he be permitted to grow up in
ignorance. Especially would physical stimulus be justi-
fied if the lack of application on the part of an individual
pupil interfered with the progress of the class as a whole.
8. In extreme cases, where the fear of pain is needed as
a stimulus, a temperate use of corporal punishment is
probably to be preferred to the employment of the more
common penalty, — "scolding." And yet this is not to
say that there is no place for the latter stimulus. A sting-
ing rebuke may temporarily depress a delinquent pupil,
and it may even rankle in his memory for an indefinite
period, but it is sometimes the only thing that will stir him
* J. Dewey: The Child and the Curriculum, p. 38; cited by Thom-
dike: Principles of Teaching, p. 56.
to effort. One general principle, however, certainly con-
ditions the efficiency of this measure: "Scoldings" are
effective in inverse proportion to the frequency with which
they are employed. Rebukes lose their "edge" far more
quickly than corporal punishment. The teacher who
continually "nags" his pupils will find that the good
results will be less and less noticeable as the nagging
becomes more and more frequent. A quiet rebuke, ad-
ministered without passion or rage, may be extremely
effective if it breaks in upon a long period of harmony
and good-will, but there is nothing to which a pupil will
more quickly become callous if the measure is repeated
The sin of nagging is the most common vice of the woman
teacher, and in the popular mind it is undoubtedly the char-
acteristic sui generis of the traditional "schoolma'am." So
easily does the nagging proclivity become a habit, and so
disastrous are its effects, not only upon the discipline of the
school, but also upon the temperament and social qualities of
the teacher who indulges it, that every woman who goes into
the schoolroom should watch herself closely to prevent the
genesis of the practice.
9. To summarize: Attention cannot be economically
or adequately secured by introducing the fear of punish-
ment as an incentive. Nevertheless there are very ex-
ceptional cases where the employment of such an incen-
tive is the only measure that will have any effect upon the
pupil. In such extreme cases, corporal punishment is
probably to be preferred to "scolding," although there
are occasions when rebukes will stimulate pupils to greater
activity. The utmost care, however, is required in em-
ploying either of these two forms of stimulation, and it
is perhaps the safest policy for the beginning teacher to
avoid them entirely until he feels absolutely certain that he
can use them effectively and without working an injury.
The use of corporal punishment as an incentive and its
use as a penalty for breaches of discipline are not to be
confused with one another. The latter may be justified
where the former would be fatal.
Reference. — White : School Management, pp. 185-188.
The Problem of Attention (Continued) ; Application
OF the Second Law through Positive Incentives
I. The most important applications of the second law
imply the hope of reward as an incentive to effort. It
will be recalled that the interposition of a remote end as
an object to work for does not preclude the operation of
instinct. It simply postpones the satisfaction or gratifi-
cation of an instinctive desire, using the desire as a means
of stimulating effort toward its gratification. When in-
stinctive interests are thus made incentives to active atten-
tion, they are transformed through the process, becoming
what may be termed ''acquired interests." Such interests
may, in course of time, be so far removed from the original
instinct that all trace of the latter seems to have disappeared ;
but careful search will always discover a core of instinct
at the center of every acquired interest, no matter how
elaborately the latter may have become complicated in its
It would follow from this that the remote ends which
are used as incentives to effort must, in the early stages of
education, appeal to one or another of the primitive in-
stincts, and that this appeal must be direct and unequivo-
cal if the incentive is to function effectively. Incentives
will accordingly be "high" or "low" as they appeal to an
acquired interest far removed from a primitive instinct,
or to a primitive interest closely correlated with a primitive
instinct. Education must manifestly begin with incentives
of the lower orders and pass to those of the higher orders ;
but, even under the most favorable conditions, this transi-
tion will be but gradual.
2. The following discussion will consider incentives in
the ascending order of merit, employing the standard set
forth above. The accompan3dng outline will give a gen-
eral view of the treatment: —
(a) Incentives that make a positive appeal to the instinct of
(i) Competitive prizes of intrinsic value.
(2) Competitive prizes not intrinsically valuable.
(3) Privileges.
(4) Immunities.
(5) Display of pupils' work.
(6) Grades, marks, and promotions.
(b) Incentives that make a positive appeal to the social
(i) Praise, commendation, and adulation.
(2) Pupils' pride in the good name of the school.
(c) Ideals as incentives.
3. (a) Incentives that make a Positive Appeal to the
Instinct of Emulation, (i) Competitive Prizes oj Intrinsic
Value. To offer material prizes as incentives to effort is
generally recognized by authorities upon school manage-
ment as bad practice. It is contended that such prizes ap-
peal only to a very few pupils, who are, in general, those
that need incentives the least ; that the prize system tends
to develop unduly the selfish instincts, often giving rise
among the brighter pupils (who alone stand a chance of
securing the prize) to such perverted forms of the property
instinct as avarice and cupidity; that, even when rivalry
exists, such rivalry is usually between two or three of the
brighter pupils, and that this condition greatly augments
the danger that healthy emulation will degenerate into
spite and jealousy; and finally that the material prize
offers no inducement that could not just as well be involved
in an immaterial reward. Some authorities^ maintain that
prizes awarded to all who reach a certain grade rather than
to one who gets the highest may be legitimately employed.
This is certainly an improvement on the traditional
prize system, but still fails to meet the second objection.
4. (2) Competitive Prizes not intrinsically Valuable.
Among the commonly employed incentives of this class
are merit cards, diplomas, badges, buttons, medals, etc.
Where only a "first" prize of this sort is offered for com-
petition, many of the disadvantages involved in material
prizes will result. Competition is narrowed to a few
bright pupils, while the duller pupils, needing incentives,
are stimulated either not at all or in a negative direction,
becoming so depressed, perhaps, by the ^ fact of their
own inefficiency that they put forth less effort than they
would otherwise. Such incentives also tend to develop
certain traits of character in the very bright pupils that are
extremely undesirable, — conceit, priggishness, etc. While
» For example, S. T. Button: School Management, New York, 1904,
pp. 107 f.
the system is not so seriously to be condemned as the prac-
tice of offering material prizes, it is still to be looked upon
with a degree of suspicion, and to be resorted to only
under exceptional conditions. It is safe to say that a
poUcy of providing penalties for poor work is far better
and more effective than the poHcy of offering such prizes
as have already been mentioned for good work. That is,
the appeal would reach and stimulate a larger number
of pupils.
5. (3) Immunities. In general, the granting of holidays
and the exemption of pupils from examinations are to be
considered as bad practice. The granting of holidays is
less objectionable than exemption from examinations, but
it is disadvantageous in that it places a regular school
duty in a bad Hght by making of it a punishment. Under
a strict interpretation of the laws of many states, the
practice would probably be illegal.
The very common practice of exempting pupils from
examinations in case they reach a certain grade or "pass-
ing mark" in the daily work is open to serious objection
for two reasons: (a) it places the examination under a
stigma by implying that it is a punishment ; (b) it deprives
pupils of the privilege of taking the examination: this
may not appeal to them as a privilege, but if the conten-
tion that the examination is one of the most valuable parts
of the educative process is vaUd,* it is certainly imjust to
deprive the benefits of this exercise to the very pupils who
would profit by it in the highest measure.
* Cf. The Educative Process^ ch. xxii.
6. (4) Privileges. Among the privileges that are com-
monly employed as incentives are monitorial positions,
favored locations in seating, high rank upon a "roll of
honor," etc. The general rule that should govern the
use of these incentives is this: Privileges that bring con-
stantly before the poorer pupils the consciousness of their
inferiority should be avoided; the depressing influence
in such cases far overbalances any advantage that the
system may possess. This appHes principally to the seat-
ing of pupils.
In the case of monitorial positions as rewards for effort,
the situation is somewhat different. The employment is
only for temporary periods during the day, the number of
monitors to be employed is generally large enough to
supply places for most of the pupils, and the system puts
a premium upon service, making it a privilege instead of
a penalty. In the lower grades this incentive is among
the best of those that appeal to the instinct of emulation.
Its main disadvantage lies in the fact that monitors must
be changed frequently if the privilege is to be effective.
This involves the ** breaking in" and training of pupils
for new duties, thus distracting somewhat from the eco-
nomical operation of the school machinery.
A "roll of honor" is permissible if it is not constantly
in evidence. All devices of this sort must be used tem-
perately and not permitted to become the be-all and end-
all of the pupil's existence. Too often the roll of honor
becomes this in the eyes of the pupils whose names are
upon it, while with the less industrious (or the less fortu-
nate) it becomes a list of the "goody-goodies/' — a type
of pupil that an overplus of "fol-de-rol" tends to develop.
7. (5) Exhibition of Pupils^ Work. This incentive is
coming into very general use in the better schools. It
provides a means of gratifying the instinct of emulation
without involving many of the dangers inherent in the
more artificial devices discussed above. It also tends,
when handled carefully, to arouse in the pupils a sense
of pride in the work of the school as a whole.
The exhibition of work, however, involves some marked
dangers that must not be overlooked or minimized. Chief
among these is the undue emphasis that it places upon form
as contrasted with content. Where work is suspended
upon the wall in long rows, — essays, examination papers,
drawings, etc., — it is the total effect of the display that
counts, not the individual merit of any one paper, and it
is the total effect in artistic appearance rather than in the
intrinsic worth of the composition or the examination as
revealing the thought of the pupil. Under these condi-
tions it is the pupils who produce the neatest work that
are singled out for the highest honors, and these are not
always the pupils who do the best work from the stand-
point of thought and content. Again, the exhibition of
work is apt to overemphasize written work at the expense
of oral work — a sin which the public school commits far
too frequently in other ways than this. Oral expression
is vastly more important than written expression, and the
energies of the school should be devoted toward its train-
ing far more strenuously than is now the case. If, how-
ever, written work becomes the standard of efficiency, this
reform will receive a serious setback.^ Under these quah-
fications, the exhibition of work may be recommended as
a safe and effective incentive.^
8. (6) Grades, Marks, and Promotions, These devices
occupy a middle position in that they make their appeal in
part to the instinct of emulation and in part to the social
instinct. It is probable that the most effective appeal is
made from the latter standpoint, at least in the higher
grades. With pupils in the adolescent period and some-
what earlier, the inducement to effort that comes from
hope of promotion or from fear of retroversion owes its
force largely to an instinctive desire to be with one's fel-
lows — to remain an integral part of the class with which
one has been associated. The desire to obtain a high
standing, while often an expression of the instinct of emu-
lation, is sometimes also due to the desire to be *'with
the crowd," — a desire which is negatively expressed by
the instinctive aversion toward abnormahty — toward a
noticeable differentiation from the "crowd." In what-
ever class these incentives are to be placed, however, every
teacher (and every pupil) will testify as to their efficiency
in stimulating effort.
9. There is a tendency ^ at the present time to criticise
the employment of these devices, especially in the elemen-
* Cf. an excellent discussion of this matter in P. Chubb: The Teach-
ing of English, New York, 1903, pp. 106 fif.
' For valuable suggestions on this topic, cf. J. Taylor: Class Manage-^
ment, New York, 1903, pp. 95 ff.
• Cf. Dutton, op. cit., pp. 100 f.
taiy school. The evil effects of worry, among pupils of
nervous temperament, are frequently urged against the
promotion and marking system. It is also maintained
that promotion, in the school use of the term, has nothing
in common with any condition to be met in real life.
The great men who were dullards in school are pointed
out as evidence that scholastic standards and the standards
of adult society in measuring efficiency are vastly different.
For these and other reasons the formaHty and ceremony
involved in ''passing" from grade to grade have, in many
cases, been dispensed with, and pupils are advanced with
httle reference to their attainments or their abihty to do
the work required of the grade to which they are sent.
This "reform" has, of course, gone hand in hand with
the abolition of final examinations in the elementary
While the arguments against a rigid system of grading
and promotion carry a certain measure of conviction, they
involve several pronounced fallacies. If the work of the
school is not similar to the work of life, the fact surely
offers no excuse for doing it in a slip-shod fashion, and
experience teaches that it will be done in a sHp-shod
fashion, unless definite standards are set up and rigor-
ously adhered to. That all or even an appreciable pro-
portion of the great men of to-day were dull pupils at
school is a statement that must be proved by statistics of
an accurate sort before it can be used as a basis for re-
organizing the school system. Aside from a few excep-
tional cases that attract notice purely because of their
exceptional nature, whatever evidence is now available
seems to point quite in the opposite direction. That
children sometimes worry needlessly about promotion is
doubtless true. That this condition ever reaches the
extraordinary dimensions attributed to it by some au-
thorities is gravely to be doubted — at least until proofs
are forthcoming. Some worry is bound to be involved
in carrying out any task or duty that is really worth while;
in fact, the worry is sometimes directly proportional to the
worth. On the other hand, to take away the formality of
"passing" is not only to ''let down the bars" and encourage
low standards or no standards at all, but it is also to deprive
the teacher of one of the most powerful incentives that he
can command.
10. But even if it is decided that the grading of pupils
and the formalities incident to promotion are legitimate
incentives, the dangers pointed out above are real dangers,
and pains must be taken to counteract them, or, at least,
to mitigate their evil influences. "Passing" can easily
be made altogether too important a thing in the pupils'
eyes. After all, it is only a device, not an end in itself,
and the moment that it becomes an end in itself, it is in a
fair way to defeat its own purposes. It is certainly bad
practice to keep the fear of failure continually before the
pupils' mind. It is equally bad practice to encourage
the pupil into the beHef that "making the grade" should
be his sole and only end in life. Like all other devices,
promotion, considered either from a positive or from a
negative standpoint, — either as hope or fear, — should
be used as a spur to effort only when a spur is needed^ and
when some more worthy incentive fails to operate. When-
ever a pupil falls behind in his work, and fails to respond to
the suggestions and hints of the teacher, it is but justice
to him that he be informed of the questionable nature of
his standing and of the likehhood that, unless greater effort
is forthcoming, failure or retroversion to a lower grade
will result.
An occasional retroversion in mid-term may prove a valuable
and effective stimulus to other less weak but still doubtful cases.
This should not be commonly resorted to, of course, because of
the effect upon the penalized pupil ; but in cases where pupils
are passed conditionally, the condition should be fulfilled to
the letter if it is to mean anything in the eyes of the pupils.
Too often, conditioned pupils are permitted to remain in the
advanced grade, although their work falls very far below the
standard. This is a most reprehensible form of "soft peda-
II. Grades and marks are indispensable factors in the
mechanics of grading and promotion. Some authorities
disapprove of the practice of letting pupils know their
grades until the end of the term, and even then, it is recom-
mended, the pupil should simply be recorded as "passed"
or "failed" or "conditioned." Certainly there is much
to be said against the grading system, and yet, like the
system of promotions of which it is only one phase, the
difficulties lie mainly in its abuse. Here as elsewhere it
is possible to take a middle course, taking advantage of
whatever efficiency the system may possess in stimulating
to greater effort, and still stopping far short of making
marks an end in themselves. A monthly statement of
pupils* standings, sent to the parents, is one of the best
methods of securing the effective cooperation of home and
school. It serves as a valuable reference in case, at the
end of the term, there is any difficulty about failure to
promote. Needless to say, great care must be taken to
make these reports accurate indices of the pupils' work.
While elaborate bookkeeping should be avoided, it is a
simple matter to record at the close of each day a numerical
estimate of each pupil's work in different subjects. These
estimates can be averaged at the end of the month. For
the report cards, letters are to be preferred to numerical
estimates, because of the ease with which one figure's dif-
ference may change a pupil's fate, and the difficulty of
satisfying both parents and pupils that John, whose grade
is 74, should be kept back ; while James, whose grade is
76, may be sent on.
The writers upon school management are not inclined to
admit that any incentive having its basis in the instinct of emu-
lation is justified, except in so far as the operation of the incen-
tive does not involve the degradation of those who do not suc-
ceed. Professor Seeley's discussion * of the matter is typical :
"As emulation is a natural instinct, it can be used in the school
without evil effects. The principle governing its use should be
excelling without degrading others. ... A child reads a para-
graph. ' Who will try to read it better ? ' asks the teacher, and
many hands will be raised in generous and ambitious rivalry.
Children are invited to do their best in a written exercise, and
' L. Seeley: A New School Management^ New York, 1903, pp. 172 ff.
the teacher selects the best and commends it. Rapid and neat
work in number is called for, and the successful pupil is praised.
. . . Such rivalry is healthful, generous, and inspiring." It
is diflGicult to see that these recommendations remove the initial
difficulty. The very question, "Who will read this better?"
implies that the pupil who has just read must take a low rank.
In fact, emulation must involve this factor if it is to be emula-
The same criticism could be made of the defense of emula-
tion presented by the Jesuit father, Robert Schwickerath.* In
mentioning the strictures that have been passed upon the Jesuit
system of education because of its emphasis of emulation, he
says: "That these exercises were by no means intended to
develop the bad emulation, or false self-love in the young, is
evident ; this would have been little to the purpose with religious
teachers. . . . What is appealed to, is the spirit of good and
noble emulation, — honesta cemulatio, as the Ratio says, —
and that by a world of industry which spurs young students
on to excellence in whatever they undertake, and rewards the
development of natural energies with the natural luxury of
confessedly doing well. This makes the boys feel happy in
having done well, however little they enjoyed the labor before,
and will rouse them to new exertions. Gradually they may
then be led to higher motives in their endeavors."
It must be confessed that the distinction between good and
bad emulation is not very clear from this discussion. At any
rate, "the natural luxury of doing well" has very Httle affinity
to emulation as an instinct. Much more to the point is the
same author's positive justification of the Jesuit practice, lay-
ing aside all sentimental distinctions that fail to distinguish:
"Is it probable that j^oung pupils will readily be diligent, when
told that they ought to do their work ? Kant's teaching of the
* R. Schwickerath : Jesuit Education, St. Louis, 1903, p. 512.
autonomy of the human reason is not only deficient, but posi*
tively erroneous; but least of all will the rule, you ought he-
cause reason tells you so, have any effect on the young." ^
In the problem of emulation we have an example of that
condition which has recurred so frequently in our previous dis-
cussions, and which sometimes makes the entire process of
education appear to be a huge paradox. Education, like civili-
zation, is an artificial process, — a compromise between the
brutal and the human, a readjustment from primitive to social
conditions. The teacher cannot always choose the methods of
this readjustment. The cloth must be cut to fit the wearer,
not the tailor. That the instinct of emulation sometimes
works evil in the school does not in itself condemn it; the evil
must be measured up against the good. Success for one may
mean failure — must mean failure — to another; but if this
failure becomes a spur to increased effort, the net result may
be commendable. It is the same test that must be applied
over and over again in education : not. Is there any danger in
using this method ? but rather, Are the possible benefits numer-
ous enough and certain enough to warrant the risk? If this
test is applied to emulation as a school incentive, especially dur-
ing the preadolescent period, there can be little doubt of a
favorable verdict.
12. (b) Incentives that make a Positive Appeal to the
Social Instincts, (i) Praise, Commendation, and Adu-
lation. That a child will put forth effort in orcjer to win
the praise or commendation of his parents or teachers is
a proposition that needs no proof. That the fact is due
to the operation of an instinct is also not to be doubted,
for the tendency appears too early in the child^s life to
admit of any other explanation. Whether the instinct
* Schwickerath, op. cU., p. 513.
belongs to the social order or is to be classed as a form
of emulation is not a matter of serious moment in the
present connection. The fact, however, that praise is
effective even if there is no competition in gaining it,
would seem to eliminate emulation, while the fact that
the love of praise is closely associated with the altruistic
tendencies — for one generally covets the praise of those
whom one admires — would indicate its social basis.
13. The efficiency of pr2ase and commendation in stimu-
lating effort cannot be doubted.^ Through all stages of
education these incentives are probably among the most
potent. Their maximal efficiency is, however, strictly
conditioned by some very important principles, (i) A
nice compromise must be made between too Uttle praise
and too much. The latter extreme certainly defeats its
own purpose by giving the child an exaggerated opinion
of his own abiUty; as a result, instead of putting forth
more effort, he is apt to put forth less. (2) Praise must
always be justified by the effort that calls it forth. While
it is permissible to praise a dull child for work that could
not be accepted from a more capable pupil, it would be
bad practice to praise a bright pupil for work that may be
beyond anything that his duller fellow could accompUsh,
but which still has cost him (the brighter pupil) only a
minimal effort. (3) Indiscriminate praise or mere flattery
will unerringly be detected by pupils, and the most deplor-
* "To be in disgrace with its parents ought to be for the child the
heaviest penalty. To have their favor should be its highest reward." —
Felix Adler: "Punishment of Children," in Journal of Educaiion
|(Bostoi]^), 1906^ vol. Ixiii, p. 481.
able consequences will, in all probability, be the result.
(4) Even justifiable praise, if carried too far or continued
too long, may lead the pupil into the very unfortunate
attitude of thinking that everything which he does well
must meet with a commendatory reception, — a mistake
of which he will certainly have to disabuse his mind when
he leaves school and faces the problems of real Hfe. There
are not a few men and women in the world who can trace
their failure to the fact that the praise with which effort
was rewarded in childhood, and especially during school
life, was not forthcoming when they began their real work.
As a consequence, they become depressed and discour-
aged, sour and morose, and such an attitude is fatal to
It may be concluded that, in the early stages of educa-
tion, praise should be neither begrudged nor lavished. As
the child develops, it is only superlatively good work that
should be highly commended. It is only through some
such plan as this that praise can be made an effective and
safe incentive. Under such conditions it becomes, per-
haps, the most effective of all incentives. The desire to
"win recognition" is the driving force that is back of
most of the best work that is done in the world. Nothing
more specific than the above principles can be laid down
as governing the operation of this incentive in the
schoolroom, but its basic significance cannot be overesti-
14. (2) Pupils^ Pride in the Good Name of the School,
In the writer's opinion one of the most powerful incentives
to effort on the part of pupils is the pride that they may be
led to take in the good name and high standing of the
school. This incentive operates most effectively in the
large cities where there is a distinct and recognized rivalry
between different schools, and where the interchange of
visits among teachers of different schools is a common
practice. In such cases the best schools receive the
greatest number of visitors, and the presence of visitors
never ceases to have a stimulating effect upon the work of
the pupils. In a Chicago school, for example, over two
thousand visitors were registered in a single year. They
were attracted by the excellence of the work done in the
school, but there is no doubt that the benefit was mutual,
— that the fact of constant inspection acted reflexly in
stimulating pupils to greater effort and in building up an
esprit de corps that must mean much to the school's efl&-
A danger lurks, of course, in the operation of this in-
centive, as danger always lurks in the operation of any
incentive. When a school becomes a "show" school, the
spectacular features of school work are more than apt to
be overestimated and overemphasized. The pupils, too,
may acquire an exaggerated opinion of their own abihties.
Under a wise principal, however, — and only a wise prin-
cipal can establish a permanent reputation for his school, —
these dangers will be recognized and counteracted.
In the smaller systems of schools the efficiency of this
incentive will be somewhat diminished because of the
lack of rivalry; but in all schools visiting should be
encouraged, and especially the visiting of teachers to one
another's rooms. Where the population is relatively dense
and neighboring towns are easily accessible, there should
be frequent interchange of visits among the various corps.
The value of this poHcy is by no means Umited to the stimu-
lating effect that these visits have upon the pupils. They
serve in no less degree to stimulate the teachers by bringing
them in contact with the actual work of others who are
meeting and solving the same problems.^
15. The value of school exhibits in the creating of an
esprit de corps is also great, although probably less than
that which accrues to the visiting of schools. The dan-
ger lies in the fact that the school exhibit places a pre-
mium upon "show" work of a specific sort, — "showy"
results. The time of the pupils is apt to be given in un-
due proportion to the preparation of the exhibits. The
really important part of school work — the daily routine
— is thereby broken up, and the more intangible results
of this routine receive no adequate recognition. Where
the regular work forms the exhibit, as it does in school
visiting and inspection, the routine itself becomes the
important thing. Nevertheless, school exhibits at county
and state fairs, and at national expositions, have a certain
value and may be profitably used as incentives under
conditions that render visiting and inspection imprac-
16. (c) Ideals as Incentives. While the distinction be-
* Cf . some valuable suggestions on this naatter in Putton : Scho/d
l^anagement, pp. 37 ff-
tween an ideal and the incentives that have just been dis-
cussed cannot be closely drawn, there is a real distinction
which needs to be recognized and emphasized* The
latter depend upon the idea of an end to be reached in the
somewhat immediate future. If effort is put forth, one
may escape a punishment, or procure a reward, or be " pro-
moted," or increase the respect in which the school is
held. Unless the effort led to the fulfillment of the promise
held forth by the incentive, the idea of the end would soon
cease to be effective.
An ideal, however, stands upon a higher plane. One
puts forth effort, — one performs a task, does something
that one does not wish to do, — not because the putting
forth of the effort will necessarily lead to the desired end,
but because the effort is demanded by an ideal, and not
to put forth the effort would mean infidelity to the ideal
involved. When one works from a sense of duty, from a
sense of self-respect, from an appreciation of the glory
of work in itself and of the ignominy of idleness, — when
one puts forth effort under any of these conditions, even
though the desires of the moment are in another direc-
tion, — the operating force is an ideal.
17. The psychology of ideals is, as yet, a dark chapter
in the science of mind, but there can be no doubt that an
ideal is a highly evolved product, in the development of
which the incentives named above must play an important
part. ]Sl either can one doubt that the all-important task
of the school is to develop in its pupils some of the ideals
that have just been referred to. The danger of an educa-
tional policy that lays too much stress upon incentives of
the lower orders is that the stem disciplines of duty, self-
respect, and self-sacrificing effort find no place in the
system. The time should certainly come in the school
life of every pupil when tasks can be assigned without bring-
ing vividly before him a definite end that the performance
of the task may bring about; when merely from the
"sense" of duty the necessary effort will be forthcoming
without involving the questions of Why? or Wherefore?
Is it interesting? What good is it going to do me? As
the author of the "Message to Garcia" clearly points out,
the lack of ability to do something, the reasons and details
and modus operandi of which are not thoroughly explained
and made clear beforehand, is one of the prime causes of
social inefficiency. One would certainly not argue for an
educational policy that should make the bhnd obedience
to authority its sole and only end ; but between this extreme
and that which is deliberately encouraged by contemporary
educational theory, and which disapproves explicitly of
setting tasks for which the pupil can see no reason, there
is plenty of room for a sane compromise.
The important principle in school practice is this:
Effective ideals derive the greater part of their power from
the specific habits that have been developed during the
formative period of life. The ideal of duty grows out of
the specific habits of obedience, the ideal of work out of
the specific habits of industry, and so on. These habits
may be initiated by the application of the various incentives
named above, and then, in the later periods of the pupil's
school life, the habits should, in turn, be generalized on
the basis of ideals.
References. — White: School Management, pp. 130-188; Seeley:
A New School Management, ch. xiii; Roark: Economy in Educa-
tion, pp. 55-58; Button : School Management, ch. viii; Kellogg:
School Management, pp. 36-50; Kirkpatrick: Fundamentals of
Child Study, chs. xi, xii; Thoradike: Principles 0} Teaching, ch. v.
The Technique of Class Instruction
1. Although a discussion of methods of teaching is
not germane to the purpose of this book, there are certain
principles and devices of method that have to do specifically
with the effective treatment of children in the mass ; these,
it is clear, must claim attention from the standpoint of
classroom management. It is obvious to any one familiar
with pubUc school work that no small amount of waste is
involved through lack of an adequate technique of class
instruction. Principles of method are, as a rule, derived
from broader psychological principles, which, in turn, rest
upon a study of the individual mind. While such prin-
ciples are, in general, valid in appHcation to a group of
individual pupils, the fact of grouping introduces some
modifying factors, and the operation of these factors neces-
sarily makes the treatment of the group somewhat differ-
ent from what the treatment of a single individual would be.
2. The unique problem of class instruction is to secure
the attention of all pupils to the matter in hand, and to keep
all of the pupils up to practically the same level of attain-
ment in spite of individual differences in previous attain-
ment and capacity for further growth. These difficulties
are augmented by the American method of classroom organ-
ization whereby two or more distinct groups or classes are
often placed in the same room and under the instruction
of a single teacher. This plan requires that the members
of each class work independently of the teacher for at
least half of the time that they spend in the classroom*
Thus, while the difficulties of securing attention from all
pupils during the periods of direct instruction are not sHght,
the addition of independent work will multiply the oppor-
tunities for wasting time and misdirecting energy, and will
render still more difficult the task of securing imiform and
maximally good results from all pupils.
3. The first concern of classroom management with
method of instruction has, therefore, to do with this
problem: How may the teacher make efifective that part
of the class work which is necessarily more or less unsuper-
vised ? In more definite terms this question becomes the
problem of the study period : How may the independent
work of the pupils during their study periods be made
effective ?
The presence of two or more classes in the same room,
which is so common in our schools, is probably one cause
of the extent to which text-books have come to be employed
as media of instruction. The text-book, indeed, is the
easiest solution of the problem of educating children in
the mass. It makes possible the systematic assignment
of seat work by providing each pupil with the same task.
It relieves the teacher very largely of the task of mapping
out his own courses, and keeps instruction to a definite
line. On the other hand, it introduces a dangerous ele-
ment in that it makes for lower standards of scholarship
in the teaching profession than would be possible if every
teacher were responsible for direct instruction. The system
is also defective in that the text-book frequently "tells"
too much and leaves very Httle latitude for the discovery
of truth by the pupil. On the whole, however, the text-
book system possesses virtues which probably counter-
balance its defects, provided, of course, that an adequate
technique of using text-books is developed ; and in addi-
tion to this, the text-book policy is too thoroughly a part
of American education to permit of eradication save by
some process akin to revolution.^
The problem of the present chapter, then, is the elimi-
nation of the waste that is involved in the study period,
but inasmuch as the use of text-books offers a general
solution of the problem, the question may be stated still
more specifically: How may text-books be used effec-
tively ?
Text-books may be roughly divided into three classes:
(a) readers; (b) manuals or handbooks, such as arithmetic
and grammar texts which provide a minimum of facts and
principles with a maximum of exercises or problems to be
worked out by the pupils; and (c) text-books proper, such as
geographies, histories, and physiologies, in which the chief aim
is the logical and systematic setting forth of facts and principles.
The general principles of text-book instruction apply with
equal force to each of these classes; they are especially im-
portant, however, in the use of the third class.
* Cf. a more detailed discussion of this matter in The Educative
Process, ch. xvii.
4. The Difficulties 0} Text-book Instruction. In using
text-books three general difficulties must be overcome:
(a) The pupil must have some motive for attacking the
printed page, or some interest in its contents, if he is to
give it the attention that is necessary for the assimilation
of the matter presented. Not all of the material presented
in text-books is intrinsically interesting to every pupil, nor
can it be assumed in every case that the pupil possesses
an adequate motive for acquiring something that is not
intrinsically interesting, (b) The text-book may employ
terms the meanings of which are not familiar to the pupils.
It may use familiar words in new connections. It may
present matter for the apperception of which the pupil
lacks an adequate basis of fact, (c) Even if these con-
ditions are not operative, the reading of the text will not
hold attention so well as would the oral presentation of the
same matter. Attention is a rhythmic process, presenting
periods or phases which we describe as rise, dominance,
and decline.* These rhythms follow one another very
rapidly, whether the pupils are listening to oral instruc-
tion or preparing lessons from text-books. In the former
case, however, the character of the instruction "fits in"
more or less perfectly with the rh5rthmic nature of atten-
tion. The speaker modulates his voice; he emphasizes
some words and minimizes others; he introduces facial
expression and gestures: in short, oral instruction pro-
* The current controversy among psychologists with regard to the
rhythms of attention has, of course, no bearing upon the fact of the rhyth-
mic characteristic of the attentive state. It concerns merely the ex-
planation of the rhythms.
vides a greater variety of sensory impressions, and variety
of stimulus is one of the most essential conditions of atten-
tion. The printed page, on the other hand, is more
monotonous in respect of the sensory impressions that it
provides ; it might be described as presenting its material
on the same level continually; while the speaker works
in three dimensions, the writer is, as it were, limited to
The technique of text-book instruction must, in some
manner, counteract or overcome these difficulties. Its
problems are (a) to give the pupil a motive, or to develop
an interest in the material presented ; (b) to clear up the
difficulties of thought and form that would otherwise be
insuperable barriers to the assimilation of the material
presented; and (c) to provide some measure of variety
that will serve to reheve the monotony of the printed page —
to make the salient and important points stand out clearly.
5. Divisions of the Text-book Lesson, (a) The Assign-
ment. The text-book lesson normally falls into three
parts: (a) the assignment; (b) the study lesson; and
(c) the recitation. Of these, the first is undoubtedly the
most important from the standpoint of the teacher.
The assignment of a lesson should fulfill two functions :
(i) It should clear up the insuperable or relatively insuper-
able difficulties in the way of form. These difficulties
may consist of new words, obscure passages, and difficult
or unusual constructions. How far the teacher should go
in this direction will be a matter of judgment in each
specific case. To spend valuable time in explaining the
meaning of words with which the pupils are already
famiHar is obviously a waste of time and energy. Again,
to do too much for the pupil may be to miss a valuable
opportunity for encouraging independent ejffort on his
part. Some authorities beHeve that the teacher should
give absolutely no help in the assignment; the pupil, they
assert, should solve the difl&culties for himself. Let the
new words be "looked up" in the dictionary, and let the
constructions be worked out independently. But is it
always profitable or economical to do this? Are the
results gained, for example, in "running down" all new
words in the dictionary commensurate with the time and
energy expended? Is not the dictionary definition often
misleading, and does one not often get meanings from
famiUar context that are far more valuable than those de-
rived from formal definitions? It is such questions as
these that must be met and answered in determining how
much to do for the pupil in assigning lessons.^ In the
^ It is interesting to note how authorities diflfer with regard to the use
of the dictionary in the lower grades. The Illinois "Course of Study"
contains the following recommendations: "By the time the pupil reaches
the sixth grade, he should be able to pronounce all the common words at
sight. He should be required during the study hour, to look up in the
dictionary the pronunciation of all words unfamiliar to him. In Grades
V and VI he is taught how to use the dictionary for definitions. . . . He
should learn to decide between the meanings of a word to select the
meaning that the context calls for. This work is begun in the fifth
grade and carried on more independently by the pupil himself in the
sixth." (p. 61.) Superintendent R. G. Young of Butte recommends
the use of the dictionary in the last half of Grade III. The Portland
(Oregon) "Course of Study" prescribes the dictionary for pronunci-
ation in the first half of Grade IV. State Superintendent Carring-
ton of Missouri recommends the dictionary for Grade VI. In the Los
writer^s experience the best results have been obtained
by carefully explaining all formal difficulties in lessons
assigned to the lower grades — through the fourth grade
in any case. In the upper grades more reUance is placed
upon dictionary work, but even then new terms that are
especially important are developed orally.^
The technique of developing new words permits numerous
variations. In some lessons the subject-matter treated by the
text is briefly outlined, the new words being written upon the
blackboard and explained through illustrative sentences when-
ever they come up in this preliminary development of the lesson.
In other lessons it will be unnecessary to give an oral develop-
ment of the subject-matter, and the new words in such cases
may be given in sentences that are not directly related to the
content of the text. In any case it is much better to give the
word in a familiar sentence and ask the pupils to tell its mean-
ing than to write the word upon the blackboard and give a
formal definition. In all assignments there should be more or
less "give-and-take" between pupils and teacher if the pupils
are to follow the development attentively.
Angeles schools it is prescribed for Grade V. Many other authori-
ties make similar recommendations. On the other hand, Principal
Chubb warns us not to "overwork the dictionary" in the earlier grades,
and Professor S. H. Clark would have the meaning of words gained from
context rather than by dictionary definition.
* "What is the teacher for? . . . Good pedagogy says, To give such
a preview of every subject, of every lesson, as will make the pupil's study
effective, as will help him to see relations, and save him from misconcep-
tions. Without the proper preview, a great part of the teacher's work is
correcting errors that ought to have been avoided — is requiring the pupil
to 'unlearn' what he never ought to have learned. The preview is the
'ounce of prevention' that is worth a whole night occupied in correcting
the pupil's written work." — F. H. Hall, in School News (Taylorville,
Illinois), 1906, vol. xix, p. 338.
6. Formal difficulties are not infrequently due to the
fact that pupils fail to notice shght peculiarities of form
upon which an important meaning may turn. Thus the
"thought" of a paragraph may sometimes depend upon
a small word that may be overlooked, or upon the peculiar
emphasis that must be given to a certain word. The
pupils should, of course, be encouraged to search these
things out for themselves ; but they will not accomplish this
end unless some hint as to the method is given in the
These unobtrusive peculiarities of form are really the factors
that make English spelling so difficult to master. The slight
formal difference between "thought" and ''though," "saw"
and "was," are instances that will be familiar to all teachers
in the primary grades. Even more troublesome are the words
that are identical in sound, but which have different meanings
and different spellings, — "knew" and "new," "deer" and
"dear," and the like.
The assignment is consequently at no time more important
than in preparing for the spelling lesson. The pupils' attention
must be explicitly directed to the minute differences that are
apt to cause trouble. This is best done by emphasizing the
correct form, without, at the same time, suggesting the mistake
that the pupil is likely to make. A very good example of an
effective assignment in this respect was recently brought to
the writer's attention by an institute instructor. In a spelling
lesson for the fourth grade the only word that was apt to cause
trouble was "separate." The instructor suggested writing
this word slowly upon the blackboard, pausing briefly at the
end of the first syllable, — "sep," — then writing the trouble-
some "a" with bright red crayon, completing the word with
white crayon, — "separate." Whenever a wrong letter is apt
to be substituted, owing to phonic resemblances, some device
like this that will bring the correct letter vividly before the
pupils* minds may appropriately find a place in the assign-
In another fourth-grade spelling lesson the following words
were assigned for spelling: close, clothes, brought, thought,
carpenter, advantage, devour, pieces, comfortable. The
teacher's general method of assignment was to have each word
carefully focalized, syllabicated, pronounced, and spelled, first
silently and then aloud. In discriminating between homo-
phones, the pupils were required to used the words correctly
in sentences. In focalizing the word "clothes," the teacher
pointed to the "e" and said, '*I want you always to remember
to put this letter in." When "brought" and "thought" were
under discussion, the teacher asked if the words were alike in
any respect. A pupil suggested that they ended in the same
way. "Yes," said the teacher, "if we cover up the first two
letters of each, they are alike. Then let us remember what
these two letters are for each word." Mnemonic devices were
used in focalizing "devour" and "pieces." In the former case,
the "our" was arbitrarily associated with "devour"; in the
latter case, "pie" was associated with "pieces.^' The pupils
were famihar with the spelling of both "our" and "pie."
Just how far such mnemonic devices should be employed is an
open question, but the results in these instances seemed to
justify the practice. In order to test the efl&ciency of this
assignment, the same words were given to the class five days
afterward. Eighty per cent of the pupils spelled all of the
words correctly; twenty per cent failed on one of the nine
words. The same lesson was given to another class of the
same age and grade without assignment or study. One pupil
spelled eight words correctly; another spelled only one cor-
rectly; the average standing of the class in the test was 47
per cent.
7. (2) The second function of the assignment is even
more important than the first. It is to develop in the pupil
either an interest in the subject-matter of the text, or a
motive for attacking the text aggressively. In this con-
nection the first task is to make clear the relation between
the forthcoming lesson and those that have preceded, —
to "connect up" the new and the old. If this is not done,
the text may be comparatively meaningless to the pupil;
and his assimilation of the content will, of course, be im-
It is at this point that the inductive development lesson,
involving the five "formal steps" of the Herbartian pedagogy,
has its field of widest application in our American schools.
Many teachers who have mastered the theory of the formal
steps in their normal school or college work fail to use the
inductive method of development in their teaching, because
the public school system in which they work is dominated by
text-books, and they cannot see how the text-book and the
development lesson can go hand in hand. As a matter of fact,
the assignment of any text-book lesson in which a new prin-
ciple is brought out may involve an inductive oral development
covering, perhaps, an entire period.
This is clearly seen in the teaching of arithmetic and gram-
mar. In taking up any new principle, such as the division of
decimals, or the definition of a preposition, the proper pro-
cedure is inductive development, involving (a) the preparation
(bringing into consciousness the material already mastered
upon which the new principle depends) ; (b) the presentation
(generally concrete cases involving the new principle) ; (c) the
comparison and abstraction (comparing the concrete cases and
picking out the common elements); (d) the generalization
(formulating the common elements in a rule, definition, or
principle); and (e) application (showing how the principle
applies to new cases).
The following lesson in arithmetic represents an actual
assignment given to a ninth-grade class: —
The lesson had for its purpose the development of the prin-
ciple that, in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypote-
nuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
The teacher had prepared a diagram showing a right-angled
triangle with squares constructed upon the hypotenuse and the
two sides. The perpendicular of the triangle was labeled AB,
and was three inches in length; the base (BC) was four inches
in length; the hypotenuse (AC) was five inches in length.
The diagram was carefully drawn upon a flexible blackboard,
which the teacher had rolled up, and which was not displayed
to the pupils until the step of preparation had been completed.
(Note the value of this small detail of technique in the appeal
made to the instinct of curiosity.)
Preparation. The class had been working problems involving
the application of square root in determining the side of square
when the area is given. Problems of this nature had been as-
signed for home work, and a few moments at the beginning of
the recitation were devoted to a discussion of two problems with
which the pupils had found diflSculty. By this means the prin-
ciples governing the extraction of square root were reviewed.
Statement of the Aim. * ' To-day we shall study another appli-
cation of square root."
Presentation. The flexible blackboard which has been
hanging on the wall is unrolled. The teacher calls the atten-
tion of the class to the diagram.
Teacher. "Where did I begin to make this drawing?"
(Calling on a certain pupil.)
Pupil. "You drew the triangle first."
T. "What kind of a triangle did I draw?" (Calling on
another pupil.)
P. "A right-angled triangle."
T. "We call these two lines (pointing to AB and BC) the
perpendicular and the base. This third line, however, has a
name of its own with which you are not familiar. We call this
the hypotenuse.^* (Writes the name on the board as she pro-
nounces the word.)
The names are then rapidly reviewed, the teacher pointing
to the three lines in rapid succession, and calling upon different
pupils, who rise quickly and give the required names.
T. "After drawing the triangle, what did I next do?"
Various pupils volunteer different opinions. Finally one
pupil replies : —
"You made a square with the perpendicular for one side."
T, "Yes; and how long is the perpendicular?"
P. (After measuring it) : "Three inches."
T. "How shall I find the area of the square?" (Calling on
a particular pupil by name, as is the invariable custom of
most good teachers in work of this sort.)
P. "Multiply the length by the breadth. The area of this
square would be nine square inches."
T. "Right; I shall put 'g square inches ' in the center of
the square. How many little squares each containing one
square inch are there in the large square?"
P. "Nine."
The other squares are then treated in the same way, and with
little less detail. The terms are reviewed in each instance, and
the answers are obtained from different pupils in every case.
T. "Count the squares upon this side." (Pointing to the
base.) " And upon this side ? " (Pointing to the perpendicular.)
"How many altogether?"
P. "Twenty-five squares."
Comparison and Abstraction. T. "But this is the same as
the number that I had upon the hypotenuse. Now if I knew
that there were twenty-five squares on the hypotenuse, and
nine squares on the perpendicular, how could I find how many
would be on the base?"
P. "You could subtract nine squares from twenty-five
squares, and you would know that there were sixteen squares
on the base."
T. "And if I knew that there were twenty-five squares on
the hypotenuse and sixteen on the base, how could I find the
number on the perpendicular?"
P. "You could subtract sixteen from twenty-five. You
would have nine squares on the base."
T. "What is the square of three?"
P. "Nine."
T. "What is the square of four?"
P. "Sixteen."
T. "What is the sum of the squares?"
P. "Twenty-five."
T. "What is the square root of twenty-five?"
P. "Five."
T. "What is the square of five?"
P. "Twenty-five."
T. "What is the square of three?"
P. "Nine."
T. " What is the difference of the squares?"
P. "Sixteen."
The same questions are asked with respect to the difference
between twenty-five and sixteen. Different pupils answer the
different questions at the request of the teacher. The teacher
then reviews the facts very briefly with the pupils.
Generalization. T. * * How, then , may we find the hypotenuse
if we know the base and perpendicular?"
P. "Square the two sides, add, and extract the square
T. "How may we find one side if we know the hypotenuse
and the other side?"
P. "Square the hypotenuse and the side you know, subtract
the square of the side you know from the square of the hypote-
nuse, and extract the square root."
Other pupils make similar formulations until a general rule
is obtained that covers all cases.
Application. T. "Let us see what application we can
make of this." An example is read by the teacher from the
book : —
"Base, i6o; perpendicular, i68; hypotenuse?"
A pupil draws a triangle that will approximately represent
these conditions.
T. "I want some one to put the figures where they belong
on this triangle." Several pupils volunteer; one is selected
and does the work correctly.
T. (To another pupil): "Right or wrong?"
P. "Right."
T. "Why?"
The pupil quickly explains why the arrangement is correct.
Two other problems are similarly diagramed and the dia-
grams labeled, the teacher requiring criticisms in each instance
and insisting upon the reasons. The first problem is then solved.
Then others that involve the reverse process are taken up. A
more concrete problem is next considered : —
"A boy is flying a kite. The string is one hundred feet long.
The kite is directly above a point eighty feet from where the boy
is standing. How high is the kite above the ground?"
T. (Calling on a pupil): "Put upon the board a cross
standing for the boy."
"Put upon the board a cross standing for the kite."
"For the point directly under the kite."
"Draw a line corresponding to the string of the kite."
"To the line connecting the kite and the point on the ground
immediately beneath it."
"To the line connecting this point with the boy."
''Place the numbers where they belong on the diagram."
DifiFerent pupils do these different things as the questions
are asked.
T. "Now how shall I solve this problem?"
The solution is sketched by a pupil, although the operations
are not actually made.
One or two other problems, taken from the book, are dia-
gramed in a similar manner, and the teacher then assigns
several additional problems for home work.
The lesson, of which the above account is practically an
exact transcript, occupied forty minutes, and is a typical
example of the inductive development lesson functioning as
an assignment in arithmetic.
8. In some cases a direct interest may be aroused in
the subject-matter through the skillful stimulation of the
instinct of curiosity. Many lessons which the pupil would
otherwise attack listlessly and ineffectively may be so art-
fully introduced through an anecdote or some personal
allusion that the pupils v^U wish to read the material as
quickly as possible.
An example of such an assignment is represented by the
following incident which was related to the writer by one of
the ablest schoolmen in the country. In teaching a beginning
class in United States history, he had been in the habit of making
rather elaborate assignments, but when the topic of Arnold's
treason was reached, he changed his policy, and assigned the
lesson somewhat as follows: "The next few pages of the book
tell about a very mean man. I do not think that I have ever
heard of another man so mean and contemptible as he was.
I don't know that it will pay us to spend very much time on
this man; but, after all, it was a rather pathetic case, and
you might read it over this evening." The teacher character-
ized the next day's recitation as the best that he had ever
secured from any class in history.
Assignments of this type will probably not be made very
frequently, for the reason that opportunities for stimulating
curiosity do not often occur. A more extended use can be
made, however, of an acquired interest that is closely
related to instinctive curiosity. Pupils may be led to
infer what events might happen under certain conditions
and then sent to the text-books to verify or disprove their
This type of assignment involves what the writer has termed
the ''deductive development lesson,"* and is perhaps most
frequently to be applied in geography and history. In the
former subject, for example, the assignment of a lesson on
England would consist of a map study of England. From
this study the pupils would be led to infer such facts as the
climate, productions, occupations of the people, etc. Having
made these inferences, the text-books could be consulted in
order to determine how close the pupils had come to the real
facts. This general method is also important in that it gives
wide scope for the effective employment of reference books
other than the regular text. In history, pupils may be encour-
aged to make inferences as to the next move that an army
would make, or the next step that a statesman would take in
carrying out a given policy, and then referred to the text for
verification of the inference. Care must, of course, be taken
to prevent such exercises from lapsing into mere guesswork;
properly handled, however, they furnish an incentive for
effective study that could hardly be gained in any other way.
* Cf . The Educative Process, ch. xx.
9. In assigning selections of literature for reading it is
frequently necessary to give a general account of the
"setting" of the selection. Thus the selection may be
taken from a more extended work, or it may have reference
to some historical event. In either case, the reading will
be rendered more intelligible if the "setting" is described
in some detail.
In a reader used in the fifth grade, Lincoln's Gettysburg
address is given. The writer attempted to have fifth-grade
pupils read this under the ordinary method of assignment,
"Take your readers, turn to page 65, and study this lesson."
He found the results so inadequate that he had the pupils close
their books, and then he told them the story of Gettysburg,
making as clear as possible the situation between the North
and the South, showing the decisive character of the battle,
and dwelling briefly upon the tremendous loss of Hfe that was
involved, and the general significance of the victory. All this
was necessary in order to show why an occasion had arisen for
Lincoln's address. Then he went through the text, carefully
explaining the allusions and assigning the reading for the next
lesson. The pupils worked at it during the study period and
came to the recitation well prepared. Since that time he has
made it a practice always to have masterpieces of literature
carefully assigned and frequently read aloud to the class before
setting the pupils to work upon them independently.^
10. The assignment very infrequently takes the form of
a formal lecture, covering points developed in the text.
This procedure would generally be regarded in elementary
^ The reading of a literary masterpiece to the pupils before assigning
it for study is recommended by Chubb. Cf, Teaching of English
pp. 99 ff.
education as "soft pedagogy,'^ although, strange to say, it
is perhaps the most common method of teaching in the
colleges and universities, where many introductory courses
are nothing more nor less than lectures on a text-book
which is in the students' hands, and which they cover in
parallel readings. In elementary education such a pro-
cedure is eminently in place in introducing the more difficult
conceptions of physical geography, where objective demon-
stration through globes, tellurians, etc., is essential to the
pupils' understanding of the subject. After a demon-
stration of this sort, accompanied by the descriptive "lec-
ture," the pupil is given the text-book and assigned the
lesson which treats of the same principles.
II. In general, it may be concluded that much of the
time which young pupils waste in attempting to "get
lessons" out of text-books could be saved and turned to
educative use if the lessons were skillfully and properly
assigned. The careful assignment offers a safe compro-
mise between the German method of oral instruction and
the American method of book instruction; it provides a
field of appHcation for the inductive and deductive develop-
ment lessons ; in short, it is the field in which the skillful
and efl&cient teacher does most of his real teaching or in-
structing. It is not without its dangers; subject-matter
may possibly be made too easy for the pupil ; but, in view
of the inadequate results in the common use of text-books,
it would appear that the danger line is far in the distance.
Opponents of elaborate assignments tell us that the pupil
gains strength by overcoming difficulties, and that he should
attack the printed page without help and get out of it what
he can. And yet every teacher of experience in elementary
school work will testify that pupils who are treated by this
method almost invariably come to recitation unprepared,
and all will agree that it is unjust to hold pupils responsible
for something that must necessarily be vague, hazy, and
obscure to them. The natural result is that the teacher
who does not teach in the assignment is forced to teach in
the recitation. He must go over the lesson at that time,
clearing up the points that should have been cleared up
before the pupils attacked the text. Under these con-
ditions, pupils soon come to know that, if they do not mas-
ter the text, the teacher will recite it for them, and the
most important stimulus to effort — the idea of respon-
sibility for results — is eHminated. It is this condition
that makes text-book work on the whole so inadequate.
With a careful assignment, however, pupils can be held
rigidly responsible for the mastery of the text, and the
recitation becomes a word with a meaning.
12. (b) The Study Lesson. The application of the
pupils in their period of seat work tests the efficiency of
the assignment. One of the surest indices of a teacher's
abihty is the diligence of the study class. Indeed, the ex-
pert and experienced supervisor will always look first at the
study class. If these pupils are working vigorously and with
evident efficiency, he turns his attention to the class that is
reciting. The prime test of a teacher is not the manner in
which he conducts a recitation, but the growth that his pu-
pils make in ability to work efficiently without supervision.
13. The Technique of the Study Lesson. However skill-
ful the assignment may be, it should not be entirely de-
pended upon to secure the appHcation of the pupils during
the study period. It was said above that the main difficulty
in holding the attention to the printed page is the lack of
sensory variety in the material which the page presents.
The technique of the study lesson must, therefore, do
something to counteract this difficulty — it must intro-
duce variety of sensory stimulus.
(i) Study Questions. When the pupil first begins to use
text-books, it is well to furnish study questions that will
aid him during the study period to pick out the salient
points treated in the text. There are two types of such
questions: these may be termed for convenience the
"fact" questions and the "thought" questions. Certain
points of the text may be selected and questions asked
which can be answered by reference to these points. Thus
the central thought of each paragraph may be indicated
by a question. If the paragraph is long and involved,
several subordinate questions may be included to cover
the details. Questions of the "thought" type aim to
secure the original reaction of the pupils upon points that
may later serve as centers for discussion. In history, for
example, the pupil may be asked to form an estimate of
a certain character, or to tell why a certain policy would
be good or bad. In geography, he may be encouraged to
think out the reasons for the facts presented in the text,
why New York has become a large city, why New Orleans
is an important shipping point, etc.
The following suggestions, taken from the Illinois ''Course
of Study," indicate questions that may be used in the study of
the reading lesson: "In the preparation for the lesson, let the
teacher assign definite questions, having a care that her ques-
tions are suggestive enough and not too suggestive. Sugges-
tions: For enlarging the pupil's vocabulary, for giving him
fresh thoughts and a feeling for literary expression, the teacher
may ask questions that require the pupil to answer in the words
of the author ; as, he may be asked to give the words and phrases
that describe Rip Van Winkle, Miles Standish, or the characters
in Snow-Bound, or that make a scene real and beautiful to
him. How does he know that Sleepy Hollow is a sleepy place ?
Just what things make Ichabod Crane exultant as he looks over
the Van Tassel farm? Let him select the pictures in the
lesson and tell in detail what he sees in them. ... He may
also be asked to pick out the comparisons applied to the char-
acters and to the objects in nature and explain the point of
comparison. Thus the pupil may early come to a conscious
appreciation of truthful and effective expression." (pp. 60-61.)
The writer has found by actual test that it is much better
to have the questions placed upon the blackboard than to
have them printed at the end of the lessons in the text.
If the texts furnish suggestive questions or topics, the
teacher is advised to copy them upon the blackboard for
use during the study period. The alternation of attention
between the printed page and the blackboard tends, un-
doubtedly, to introduce a superficial variety of stimulus
and movement that helps in the concentration of atten-
tion. Whatever the explanation, however, there is no
doubt that the blackboard questions hold the attention
more adequately.
After the pupils have gained some skill in studying the text
Dy means of suggestive questions, they may be encouraged to
make out lists of questions which shall embody the salient
points of the text. This is an extremely serviceable device,
for it requires that the pupil study the text carefully in order
to make out intelhgent questions. Occasionally, a pupil hav-
ing a good hst may be permitted to " quiz " the class.
14. (2) Study Topics. Study questions will at first be
detailed and concrete; they will gradually become more
and more condensed and schematic as the pupil becomes
more and more familiar with their use, until finally they
develop into mere statements of the topics. If the pupils
are accustomed to the logical arrangement of questions, —
main questions, subordinate questions, etc., — the logical
arrangement of topics will not trouble them. Gradually,
also, they may be led to ''skeletonize" the lessons for
themselves, at first writing out the topics in logical order
and later gaining the ability to hold the topics in mind
as they proceed with their reading. When the pupils have
gained this ability, they have, of course, acquired the art
of study. Proceeding in this systematic way from de-
tailed and concrete questions to schematic questions, then
to topics, the pupil can hardly fail to acquire a standard
method of attacking the printed page. It has been the
writer's experience that, unless this matter is taken up
explicitly and systematically, the progress of pupils in
all text-book work will be slow and halting.^
* ** There is a definite pedagogical problem in teaching to study . . .
but the problem is being largely neglected in current educational practice.
. . . Pupils should be taught to study from the time they enter the pri-
15. Written Work in the Study Period. As a general
rule, the work of the study period in text-book subjects
should be so organized as to demand a minimum of writ-
ten work from the pupil. The pupil should be encouraged
to get on without the aid of pen or pencil. This proposal
will seem quite out of harmony with existing practice, for
almost every study period in our pubhc schools is domi-
nated by the pencil and paper. The grievous error of this
practice lies in the inadequate writing habits that it in-
volves. It is generally agreed that our pupils do far too
much writing, and especially too much careless writing.
The result is that the formation of good habits in this
regard is almost an impossibiUty. The practice of hold-
ing the attention of the pupils by demanding writing is
also to be criticised because it fails to develop ideals of
silent study — concentration upon the "thought" of the
text, ability to hold in mind a long series of topics without
resorting to pen or pencil, ability to work without objec-
tive aids.
16. (c) The Recitation Lesson. The work of the reci-
tation should test both the efficiency of the study period
and the efficiency of the assignment. In order to be
maximally effective, it should be dominated by this funda-
mental precept : Hold the pupil rigidly responsible in the
recitation for whatever tasks were set for him in the assign-
mary, but more and more attention should be given to the matter as they
advance upward in the grades, and more attention should be given to it
in the high school and college. Here the 'how' to study becomes at
least of as much importance as the * what. ' " — W. C. Ruediger : " How
to Study," in Int^r-Mountain ^di^ator, 1906, vol. i, p. i6i.
ment. Unless this principle is adhered to strictly, the
most skillful assignments and the most artful devices for
the study period will be a waste of time and energy.
17. The recitation usually takes one or another of two
forms: (i) the quesHon-and-answer recitation; (2) the
topical recitation. The former is the simpler in that the
pupil is held responsible for separate facts, not for holding
in mind the relations that bind separate facts together.
All text-book recitations are necessarily of the question-
and-answer type at the outset, the questions asked being
detailed and concrete. As the pupil gains in proficiency,
however, the questions (which correspond closely to the
study questions discussed above) become more and more
comprehensive, demanding that the pupil hold in mind a
larger and larger number of facts, and express them in a
connected and coherent fashion. Finally the recitation
passes over to the topical form, in which the mere state-
ment of the topic by the teacher initiates a full and com-
plete discussion of that topic by the pupil. This type of
recitation can be required in all grades above the fifth
(and in some recitations in the earlier grades), provided
that the pupils have had an adequate training in the art
of study.
One of the tests of a teacher's efficiency in the upper grades
is the freedom of his recitation work from "pumping questions."
In many recitations one will hear a series of questions like
the following : Who discovered America ? When ? Of what
country was Columbus a native? What country aided him
in discovering America ? What difficulty did he have with his
sailors? etc. Each of these questions can be answered either
by a single word or by a brief sentence. They require a mini-
mum of mental activity on the part of the pupils. If one hears
such questions as these in an eighth-grade class, one may safely
infer that the teacher is not thoroughly alive to the possibilities
of recitation work. It would be much better to ask a single
question like this: "Give a brief account of the discovery of
America." If pupils have, been inadequately trained, it may
be necessary to indicate in greater detail the points to be in-
cluded in the discussion: "Give a brief account of the dis-
covery of America, telling who made the discovery, the country
of which this man was a native, the country that sent him out,
and the troubles that he encountered." The pupil is then
required to hold the various points in mind, and to express
himself coherently.
1 8. In order to secure the attention of all pupils to every
topic it is well to observe some simple rules regarding the
conduct of the recitation : (i) State the topic or ask the
question first, then wait a short time before calling upon a
pupil to recite. (2) Avoid calling upon pupils in any
definite and uniform order; be sure that all pupils think
out an answer to every question or a statement for every
topic. (3) Occasionally interrupt a pupil before he has
completed a recitation and ask another to continue the
discussion from that point. (4) Encourage by some form
of commendation all exceptionally good efforts on the
part of pupils to make complete and coherent statements ;
discourage in some effective manner all "scamped" or
inadequate work. (5) Do not help pupils in the recita-
tion ; if the entire class is obscure upon the point at issue,
reassign it with a more complete explanation, holding the
pupils responsible for its mastery at the next recitation;
if a single pupil is obscure upon any given point, do
not take class time to help him out; rather provide a
period when he can be given individual aid.
The last precept involves individual instruction, which will
be more fully discussed in the following chapter. It is sufficient
here to note that a great deal of time is wasted in recitations
by redeveloping some point or principle about which one pupil
is uncertain. The other pupils, understanding the principle,
have no incentive for following the discussion. The writer
has observed a recitation in which ten minutes were spent in
clearing up a point that one pupil and only one had failed to
grasp in the previous assignment. There were twenty pupils
in the class, not one of whom was attentive after the first few
minutes of the redevelopment. At least one hundred minutes
in the aggregate were thus wasted. The only way in which
to eliminate such waste is to provide some time for individual
work with backward pupils.
References. — B. A. Hinsdale: Art of Study, New York, 1900,
ch. x; Seeley: A New School Management, ch. xvi; Button : School
Management, chs. xi, xii, xiii ; C. De Garmo : Interest and Education,
New York, 1903, chs. xii, xiii; J. A. H. Keith: Elementary Edu-
cation, chs. viii, ix.
The "Batavia System" of Class-individual
I. The class system, which has come to dominate
formal education, possesses certain advantages over an in-
dividual system of instruction, (a) It is more economical
in its maintenance (and this is, of course, the chief reason
for its extensive use), (b) It involves in itself a certain
educative 'nfluence in that it teaches the subordination
of individual impulses to the welfare of the class as a
whole, (c) Its greatest advantage, however, lies in the
stimulus that is gained from competition, emulation, and
the group interests.
' On the other hand, the class system involves some dis-
advantages that may, under some conditions, quite over-
balance its desirable qualities, (a) It may lose sight
entirely of indi\idual dififerences, becoming a "machine"
in the worst sense of the term, (b) It tends to impart
instruction with reference to an ideal "average child," who
may have no existence in reaHty. (c) It may involve con-
ditions that are injurious to the health of the weaker pupils
in the worry and overstrain that result from an attempt
to keep "up to grade." (d) It undoubtedly tends to dis-
courage a certain proportion of pupils and to keep them
from continuing with the work of the school.
THE "BATAVIA system" 21$
2. It is clear, therefore, that some form of compromise
between individual and class instruction is essential to the
best work of the school. Furthermore, it is clear that any
readjustment, to be practicable, must not be too radical.
The existing machinery of the educational system must
be employed, but some steps should be taken to render its
operation more efficient. A system of pure individual
instruction is obviously impracticable and is also to be
condemned because it would eliminate the stimulus that
comes with group activity.
It is hardly necessary to say that formal education began
with what we now call individual instruction. As late as
1843, according to Landon, there were still 5844 primary
schools in France organized in this way: "The master con-
ducted and taught the whole school himself, if of moderate
size, or a division where the school was too large for single
management. He remained at his desk, or rostrum, and
called up the pupils, one by one, to repeat the lesson learned,
or to receive any help or explanation needed. . . . The teach-
ing or questioning was directed to each pupil alone, the rest of
the children not participating in any way in the work. In
time a modification was introduced in most cases, a whole
class being called up and the pupils taken in turn. Even
here, however, there was no 'class teaching,' as we understand
the term." ^
3. What is now known as the " Batavia system " of
*' class-individual" instruction is perhaps the most suc-
cessful method yet devised of effecting a compromise
between the individual and class methods. In essence,
* J. Landon: School Management, Boston, 1884, p. 119.
this system aims to preserve the stimulus which comes
from group-instruction, and, at the same time, to provide
explicitly and systematically for whatever extra instruction
the weaker members of the class may need to keep them
abreast of the brighter members.
The Batavia system owes its origin to John Kennedy, super-
intendent of the public schools of Batavia, a small city in western
New York. The " discovery " of the system was in one sense
the result of an accident. The older school buildings of
Batavia were constructed with classrooms capable of seating
from sixty to seventy pupils. In 1898 it was thought necessary
to employ an additional teacher in order to accommodate an
increase in the number of pupils. The rooms, however, were
aU occupied, and it did not seem advisable at the time to con-
struct a new building. Mr. Kennedy proposed placing the
additional teacher in one of the larger classrooms, and then
filling this classroom to the limit of its seating capacity. He
suggested that one of the teachers could take charge of the
class work, while the other could look after the needs of indi-
vidual pupils. The suggestion was adopted as an experiment.
The results were so unexpectedly good, that other large class-
rooms were supplied with two teachers under the same divi-
sion of labor. A marked improvement was noted in all of
these cases, and soon the system of "class-individual" instruc-
tion was made general throughout the city.
4. The virtues of the Batavia system may be summarized
as follows: (i) It makes individual instruction a definite
part of the regular school work. In nearly every school
individual instruction finds a place, but not a definite
place; the teacher attempts to "work up" the weaker
pupils after school, or at such moments as he may snatch
THE "BATAVIA system" 21 7
during the regular school session. The Batavia system
makes individual instruction coordinate in importance
with class instruction, assigning it a definite place upon
the daily program, and subjecting it to a systematic and
orderly treatment.
(2) The Batavia system provides that individual instruc-
tion shall be given by teachers who are just as competent
as those giving class instruction. In other words, the work
of individual instruction is not given over to novices or
apprentices. It is not intrusted to pupil-teachers or
monitors as in the case of the Bell-Lancaster system, which
had so wide a vogue in England a century ago.
(3) The Batavia system requires the development of a
technique of individual instruction which differs in many
respects from the technique of class instruction, and
which is absolutely necessary to the success of the system.
This special technique is governed by two general prin-
ciples: (a) The initiative in individual instruction must
always be taken by the teacher; that is, the pupil is not
permitted to ask for aid, but the teacher must discover
his weakness and proffer aid. (b) All individual instruc-
tion must be given by the development method; that is,
a weak pupil is strengthened by helping him to help him-
self ; direct instruction is forbidden.
5. These principles are intended to safeguard individual
instruction against the danger by which it is very obviously
menaced; namely, that the weaker pupils will be still
further weakened by a "coaching" process that does
nothing whatsoever for their real education. The Batavia
system without the check of some such principles as these
would be apt to degenerate into a most pernicious form of
"soft pedagogy." In the Batavia schools this tendency
is still further checked by a rigid examination system.
Tests are prepared by the superintendent at the close of
each term, and all promotions are made upon the basis of
these tests. This examination system operates through all
the grades. It should also be remarked that the *'form"
work is strongly emphasized in the Batavia schools;
reading, spelling, arithmetic, and formal language work
are all undertaken very strenuously and with noticeably
good results. This pohcy would also tend to check any
weakening or "softening" influences that may be inherent
in individual instruction.
6. The main argument in favor of the system, however,
lies in the fact that it actually accomphshes (in the Batavia
schools, at least) that which it sets out to accompHsh. The
"backward pupil" is ehminated, not by casting him out of
school, but by developing him up to the level of the brighter
pupils. Some good results may be found in almost every
school, but in the Batavia schools the results are uniformly
good with all pupils. Every pupil, so far as the visitor
can learn, is either "up to grade" or practically so, for
the moment that he begins to lose ground, the individual
recitation period brings him up. At the present time,
even under the rigid system of final examinations, there
are practically no failures in promotion. Superintendent
Kennedy also asserts that a large number of pupils are
able to do two years' work in one, and that, in at least two
instances, an entire class has done the work of the
seventh and eighth grades in a single year.
Other evidences of the success of the system are the high
per cent of attendance, the large number of pupils who
remain in school through the full course, the large pro-
portion of boys in the high school (over fifty per cent), and
the freedom of the pupils and teachers from nervous dis-
orders — a condition that is attributed to the fact that the
system largely ehminates the "worry" that is so often
involved in the common system.
7. Applicability oj the Batavia System. To apply the
Batavia system to the work of any school, it is necessary to
take but two steps: (i) provide definite periods for indi-
vidual instruction; (2) impart individual instruction ac-
cording to the principles named above. On the! surface,
the first condition may perhaps seem the more difficult of
fulfillment ; as a matter of fact, it is by far the simpler of
the two. Contrary to general behef, the Batavia system
does not demand the presence of two teachers in every
classroom. The general method can be applied in one-
teacher rooms, and is so appUed in more than half of the
Batavia classrooms.
The apphcation of the system to one-teacher rooms is
made possible by what may be termed a "doubly-alter-
nating" program. For example, if the regular program
provides for five recitation periods each week in geography,
each alternate recitation period is given over to the indi-
vidual instruction of the weaker members of the class. K
the recitation period to-day is given over to class work, thq
recitation period to-morrow will be given over to indi-
vidual instruction ; the pupils requiring individual instruc-
tion are called to the teacher's desk one at a time, the other
pupils meanwhile working independently at their seats as
they would during the study period.
The double alternation is provided in this way: if the
geography recitation period of to-day is given over to
individual work, the following recitation period of to-day,
say in arithmetic, will be given over to class work; that
is, under normal conditions, there will not be two indi-
vidual periods in immediate succession.
The illustrative program given on page 63 may be arranged
for individual work as follows. (The morning periods alone
are given here.)
"A" Class
"B" Class
9:00- 9: 10
Opening exercises
Opening exercises
9: 10- 9: 20
S. spelling
S. spelling
9:20- 9:30
R. spelling (indiv.)
R. speUing (indiv.)
9:30- 9:55
R. reading (class)
S. arithmetic
S. arithmetic
R. arithmetic (class)
10: 15-10:30
10: 45-11: 10
R. arithmetic (indiv.)
S. reading
11: lo-ii: 30
S. geography
R. reading (indiv.)
11: 30-11: 50
R. geography (class)
S. geography
11: 50-12: 00
Physical culture
Physical culture
"Indiv.," individual recitation; "class," class recitation; "S," study
period; "R," recitation period.
On the following day the subjects designated as individual
recitation periods in the above program will be devoted to class
recitations, and vice versa.
Under this plan of double alternation the system may
be applied to the work of any classroom, irrespective of
the number of classes in the room or of the number of
recitation periods of the day. Thus it is just as appli-
cable to the ungraded rural school as to the graded city
It would, of course, be possible to introduce other forms of
alternation; thus every third recitation period may be given
over to individual work, or every fifth period. As long as a
definite school period is explicitly assigned for individual work,
the essential condition of the Batavia system has been fulfilled.
The results in Batavia would seem to indicate, however, that
the best results are obtained where the recitation periods are
equally divided between class and individual recitations.
8. One of the most serious drawbacks to the application
of the system in one-teacher classrooms is the difficulty of
supplying independent work for the pupils who are not
undergoing individual instruction. It will be noted that
the difficulties of the study period (already serious enough)
are greatly augmented by this system. The need, there-
fore, of careful assignments of seat work for the majority
of the class is paramount, and for this reason a well-
developed technique of class instruction, especially with
reference to the assignment, is obviously of great impor-
tance in the appUcation of the Batavia system. Care
must also be taken not to overemphasize written work,
which will be the line of least resistance in supplying
independent tasks.
The following suggestions have been made by Superintendent
Kennedy * as possible guides for teachers who introduce his
system into their schools : —
"(i) Do not give individual instruction on forthcoming
lessons. Train the children to be self-reliant lesson getters.
" (2) Do not tell the child anything, but see that he knows
it. . . . The danger of individual teaching is that it may be
treated as a labor-saving device.
"(3) Do not do anything for the child but see that he does
it. Individual teaching is not to level mountains. It is to
make brave and capable mountain climbers. Correct indi-
vidual teaching treats the difficulty (or mountain) as an educa-
tional opportunity."
These restrictions should be understood as applying solely
to individual instruction, and stand as safeguards against the
dangers of such instruction. They should not be interpreted
to mean that the teacher is to do no direct teaching, but rather
that this would best be confined to class work. The danger in
individual instruction is to give too much help; the danger
in class instruction is to give too little — especially in the
assignment of independent work.
The following suggestions are taken from a circular issued
by a Minnesota superintendent who recently introduced the
Batavia system into his schools : —
"Keep the guiding aims steadily in view.
**See that assignments of work for the class in the individual
period are clear and definite. Assignments of work should
always provide for methods of work as well as amount.
"Use the individual period to give the pupil a grasp of prin-
ciples, not to aid him in getting his next lesson.
* J. Kennedy, in Educational Work, 1906, vol. ii, p. 49.
**Make notes in the recitation period, and, at other times, of
help needed. Make notes at other times as to help given and
pupils' characteristics.
"Use the individual instruction period to bring into line
pupils who have been absent.
"Do not hurry in attempting to help too many pupils in one
"Make the plan for yourself a means of growth in power
and not merely the adoption of a device." *
9. It may be concluded that, while the Batavia system
is still in the experimental stage, it promises to effect a suc-
cessful compromise between class and individual instruc-
tion, preserving the valuable features of each and elimi-
nating some of the disadvantages of both. It must,
however, be applied with a full recognition of its pitfalls.
It requires teachers of skill and scholarship for its effec-
tive application. It demands the elaboration of a special
technique of individual instruction, and requires that this
be combined with an equally effective and specialized
technique of class instruction. It may eliminate some of
the worry incidental to the class system, but it must not
be looked upon as a "royal road to learning," nor must
it be thought of as eliminating in any degree the struggle
and effort that are always essential to mental growth. Its
value will be greatest in those schools that are domi-
nated by high ideals of scholarship ; and least in schools
that are already committed to " soft pedagogy."
* S. Smyser: " Batavia Plan Circular," reprinted in Educational Workf
1906, vol. ii, p. 60.
References. — Landon: School Management, -pp. iiy-i6s', But-
ton : School Management, ch. vi ; Thomdike : Principles of Teaching)
ch. vi ; P. W. Search : The Ideal School, New York, 1905, chs. i, iii, vii ;
J. Kennedy: "The Need of Individual Instruction," in Addresses
and Proceedings, National Educational Association, 1901, pp. 295-
300, with discussions of Mr. Kennedy's paper by J. F. Millspaugh,
G. Stanley Hall, A. K. Whitcomb, Delos Fall, T. M. Balliet, and
J. Kennedy, pp. 301-303; Ediicational Work, a monthly journal
devoted to the Batavia system, edited by W. H. Holmes, Jr., and
published at Worcester, Mass.
Testing Results
I. The ultimate test of the efficiency of effort is the
result of effort. Unhappily this test is seldom appHed to
the work of teaching. We judge the teacher by the
process rather than by the product, and we introduce a
number of extraneous criteria to hide the absence of a
real criterion. We watch the way in which he conducts
a recitation, note how many sHps he makes in his diction
and syntax, inspect his personal appearance, ask of what
school he is a graduate and how many degrees he pos-
sesses, inquire into his moral character, determine his
church membership, and judge him to be a good or a poor
teacher according to our findings. All of these queries
may have their place in the estimation of any teacher's
worth, but they do not strike the most salient, the most
vital, point at issue. That point is simply this: does he
"make good" in results? Does he do the thing that he
sets out to do, and does he do it well ?
It will be objected that this is an impossible criterion, —
that the influences of the teacher's work can be determined
only after his pupils have attained maturity and have
demonstrated their fitness or unfitness for the duties of
life; and at that time who can lay the responsibihty of
failure to your door or mine ? Or perhaps it will be urged
Q 325
that the real results of teaching are too complex and in-
tangible ever to be weighed or measured by any method
that finite mind can devise. Both of these objections must,
in some measure, be sustained, and yet the situation is not
nearly so hopeless as either statement would make it appear.
2. Taking either social eflBciency or "moral character"
as the ultimate end of education (and, from the practical
standpoint, the two may be considered as synonymous),
it is clear that the product of the school must fulfill some
fairly definite and tangible conditions if his education is
to be adjudged successful.
(a) In the first place, he must possess a certain capital
of habit — or, better, he must possess a certain number
of habits. These are essential to all who are to live a so-
cial life among other civiHzed men and women. There is
nothing indefinite or intangible about this requirement.
The necessary habits can be labeled and enumerated, and
their formation during childhood can be prosecuted sys-
tematically and in graded steps, so that, at the end of each
year, each month, each week, even, the teacher may test
with reasonable accuracy his work in this respect.
3. (6) In the second place, the product of the school
must possess a certain capital of knowledge, — a basis
in facts and principles for the judgments that will be
necessary in the meeting and solving of the problems of
civiHzed Hfe. Of what facts and principles this knowl-
edge should best consist, educators are. not in entire agree-
ment. But this disagreement does not prevent whatever
teaching may be devoted to the impressing of facts and
principles from being tested with a fair degree of accuracy,
for in this field, too, the various items can be enumerated
and labeled, and presented systematically and in graded
steps. The pupil may be examined from week to week,
or from month to month, or from year to year, in respect
of his growth and degree of attainment. The difficulties
are more numerous than in the case of habit, but they are
not insurmountable; for, while the situation is intricate
and involved, it permits of analysis and so makes possible
a systematic attack.
4. (c) Finally, every individual who comes out of the
school must possess a certain capital of ideals — certain
standards and criteria which are sufficiently colored with
emotion to make them directive over his conduct. It is
in attempting to meet this requirement that the actual
results of teaching are apt to be so intangible and difficult
of evaluation. And yet here one can at least label and
enumerate the desired quahties. One may safely say,
for example, that the pupil must be inspired with ideals of
industry, accuracy, carefulness, steadfastness, patriotism,
culture, cleanliness, truth, self-sacrifice, social service, and
personal honor. It is true that one cannot tell in any
specific case whether all or any of these ideals have been
effectively implanted ; a youth may give every evidence of
being imbued with them, and still prove himself unfaithful
in the ultimate test.
And yet, although the situation here is much more com-
plex and involved than in the two preceding instances, it
is still far from hopeless. We may be tolerably certain of
this, at least : the great ideals have their origin in specific
habits, and habits can be rigidly tested. Farther than
this, perhaps, we may not go, except to do all in our power
to generahze the specific habits on the basis of ideals
through whatever means may be at our command, —
literature, history, art, biography, objective example.
But the necessary basis of habit is under our control, and
without that all else will be but little more than senti-
mental froth.
The common acceptance of "moral character" as the aim
of education has this defect: it is so large a conception that
those who propose it as the aim of education are apt to become
confused in determining the means that will work best toward
its attainment. And yet moral character certainly presupposes
as its basis a multitude of effective specific habits. To para-
phrase an ancient proverb one may safely say, "Take care of
the habits, and moral character will take care of itself." This
is not quite true, of course, for the factor of ideals must be
reckoned with; but it is at least as true as the proverb which
it paraphrases — and that is saying a great deal. But again, one
must guard against the danger of using the term "habit" in
too general a fashion. Character or social efficiency does not
rest upon habit in general nor upon generalized habit; it
rests upon a vast number of little, specific habits: the habit
of saying "four" when the formula "two times two " is given;
the habit of saying "I shall" when simple futurity is to be
implied; the habit of bathing at regular intervals ; of brushing
one's teeth; of blackening one's shoes; of speaking distinctly;
of speaking in a pleasant tone; of speaking courteously; of
not speaking at all when others are speaking ; of moving grace-
fully; of remaining motionless under certain conditions; of
writing legibly; of taking off one's hat to one's elders and to
ladies; of giving precedence to women when passing through
a doorway; of standing erect and looking one's interlocutor in
the eye; of working steadfastly at this task or that until it is
completed; of breathing properly; of repressing the impulse
to yawn, the impulse to strike, and a hundred other impulses
that nature never intended to be repressed, and yet the habitual
repression of which is essential to civilized life. One could
perhaps be "moral" if some of these habits were lacking;
we know that one could not be socially efficient, and we doubt
whether one could be moral if all of these habits had failed of
5. It may be concluded, therefore, that, in habit-build-
ing and in the imparting of knowledge, the efficiency of
teaching can be accurately and adequately tested at stated
intervals by any teacher. And it may further be concluded
that, since ideals must operate on a basis of habit, even this
phase of the educative process is not to be altogether ex-
cluded from the sphere of the educational measuring rod.
It now remains to state explicitly how these tests may be
made and what standards the teacher shall employ in any
given case.
6. Testing the Efficiency of Habit-building, (a) Purely
Physical Habits. The prime essential in testing the
growth of any specific habit is to preserve some record
of results at different stages. This is sometimes easily
accomplished, particularly in cases where growth in power
of written expression is concerned. It is more difficult
in cases where the teacher must trust to mental images of
former conditions. For example, in making correct pos-
ture either in sitting or standing a matter of habit, it is
often impossible to determine how much gain has been
made, owing to the fact that the older conditions are not
present and cannot be recalled with sufficient vividness
to serve the purposes of comparison.
In a case of this sort, it is well for the teacher to supply
himself with diagrams showing the proper position, and
especially with photographs of classrooms where the pupils
are sitting properly. These will furnish definite standards
or ideals toward which effort may be directed. For one
who visualizes freely, nothing is better than to inspect
some school that is noted for its excellence in this particular.
The efficiency of habit-building, however, is not alto-
gether dependent upon the existence of these standards
or ideals. One must be certain that one's pupils are
progressing toward the desired end. If the teacher has
the standard well in mind, he will correct the pupils who
assume inadequate positions. But if habit-building is to
be effective, it is manifest that these corrections must
become fewer and fewer in number as practice continues.
It is well, therefore, to keep a simple record of the number
of pupils that need correction each day, and of the number
of times each day that any particular pupil requires cor-
rection. This record need not involve any very elaborate
bookkeeping. A check mark may be made on a pad
whenever a correction is made, and the names of the more
troublesome cases can also be written upon this pad and
checked against. This plan is effective in that it keeps
the teacher informed as to the efficiency of his efforts. If
the habits are not being formed, — if corrections seemingly
have no effect, — it is obvious that other methods must be
The beginning teacher is apt, at the outset, to consider the
habits of the pupils as very inadequate and to criticise the
preceding teacher for leaving pupils in this condition. Later
in the term, the habits seem very much more commendable,
and the teacher congratulates himself on the resuhs. Very
frequently both judgments are unjust and inconsistent with
the real facts. As the teacher comes to feel more and more
that he is responsible for existing conditions, he tends unwit-
tingly to emphasize the good points and to overlook those that
are not so good. It is also true that pupils seldom do their best
under a strange'jteacher. A certain degree of acquaintance must
be gained before they can come up to their former standards.
7. In improving line-movement and similar mechanics
of the classroom, standards are best gained by visiting
schools that are especially good in this particular. In
almost every city system there are one or two schools
that enjoy a local reputation for good "mechanics.*' It
is manifestly impossible to reduce such standards to the
form of pictures or diagrams. While the routine is in
process of crystallization, the teacher should reflect every
day upon the degree of progress that has been made. If
individual pupils are admonished for failure to do their
part in preserving Une-formation, some record should be
made of the cases, and repetitions of such delinquencies
should cause the teacher to look carefully into his methods.
Where Une-movements are a constant source of worry to
the teacher, month in and month out, something is radically
wrong with the process.
8. (b) Written Work. To secure good written work, -^
neat, legible, well arranged, — both on paper and at the
blackboard, should be one of the earhest endeavors of the
beginning teacher. Again the first requisite is an adequate
standard for testing results. The visitation of schools where
good written work is done will generally furnish one with
these in abundance; the aim should be, however, either
to secure papers that represent ^' first drafts" of the pupils*
work or to have rewritten and corrected papers distinctly
marked, so that one will not confuse them with "first
drafts." In testing the eflficiency of habit-building in this
particular, it is the abihty of the pupil to produce a credit-
able paper on the first writing that is important. Almost
every pupil can obtain good results if given time enough
and permitted to concentrate his attention upon form ; but
the very thing that we wish to develop is the capacity to
do neat, legible, and well-arranged work quickly and while
the attention is concentrated upon content. This is pos-
sible, however, only through formal exercises in which
attention to formal matters is the main consideration, but
the results of such drill should always be tested by refer-
ence to work in which the pupil uses the form as a means
to an end.
This is a matter of extreme importance in the elementary
school. If one attempts to cultivate habits of neatness, legi-
bility, and good order in arithmetic or language work, one
will always notice this phenomenon : after a certain degree of
excellence has been attained through exercises that are more
or less formal (that is, through exercises in which the content
is SO familiar that the pupil may freely concentrate upon the
form) there will be a falling off in formal excellence whenever
a new subject is taken up requiring attention to content. For
example, third -grade pupils are cautioned to "take pains"
with their papers in arithmetic. As long as the problems are
those with which they are familiar, a noticeable improvement
will be made in form; the moment a new and difficult prin-
ciple is introduced, however, the form immediately "falls oflf,"
but under the stimulus of the teacher's cautions it "picks up"
as the pupil gains greater and greater proficiency in the new
process. The explanation is probably to be sought in the
psychology of attention. Attention cannot be concentrated
upon two dissimilar things or processes or adjustments at the
same time; attention to one thing always involves inattention
to others.
This is not to imply, however, that the formal drills have
been unavailing. The important point is this: the teacher
should assure himself that each new setback still represents an
advance over the last setback. When the pupils take up long
division, for example, the papers for some little time may be
poorer in appearance than they were just before long division
was introduced; but they should be better than the papers
immediately following the introduction of the last new princi-
ple, although these in turn were of lower standard than those
immediately preceding the introduction of the principle.^
9. To test the results of habit-building in written work,
therefore, it is well to keep complete sets of papers in all
subjects and to compare these frequently in order to assure
* This is one of the most interesting principles that the concrete study
of school work reveals. The writer has found the phenomenon so con-
stant in its appearance under the conditions mentioned that he would
respectfully suggest the general field as one that would amply repay
scientific investigation by the expert educational psychologist.
one's self that progress is being made. The most con-
venient plan is to arrange each pupil's work in bundles,
beginning with the earhest efforts. As each new paper
is added to the bundle, it can be carefully compared with
those preceding, and the advance noted. When new
content is introduced, the paper immediately following
the last introduction of new content should be compared
with it. The advance each day will, of course, be gradual
— often quite unnoticeable — consequently it is well
occasionally to take papers that are a month or two
months apart, where the advancement will be more accu-
rately measurable.^ If no advancement can be detected,
or if there is a positive retrogression, the case is one
that calls for an immediate and drastic change of method.
Professor Kirkpatrick has voiced the same caution in the
following words: *'In directing the formation of habits in
which improvement with practice is desired, as in learning to
write and draw, the teacher should be satisfied with the work
as long as it shows improvement, but should be very careful
when improvement stops, because one of two undesirable
results is likely to appear: either the habit with its imperfect
execution becomes fixed by repetition, so that after a time it is
almost impossible to change it; or else, when the volitional
effort to do good work decreases, the execution begins to revert
back to a less developed stage at which it may then become
fixed.'* 2
* Sets of such papers would form excellent exhibits for educational
meetings, expositions, etc. As indices of actual school work, they would
be far more valuable than the laboriously rewritten and shamelessly
"cooked" results that commonly make up such exhibits.
2 E. A. Kirkpatrick; Fundamentals of Child Study, pp. 351 f.
10. Blackboard Work. Progress in adequate habits of
blackboard work is rather more dilG&cult to measure, owing
to the impracticabihty of keeping former results for com-
parison. Standards and ideals can, however, be gained
from inspection of good schools, and records can be kept
of the corrections that are necessary. An important ele-
ment in securing good blackboard results is to discourage
the frequent use of the eraser. It is safe to lay down a
general rule that the eraser should not be used except to
clean the board at the conclusion of the exercise.
11. {c) Habits 0} Speech. In testing habit-building
in oral expression it is again difficult to make accurate
measurements of progress. The best plan is to take up
one point at a time, beginning, say, with clear enunciation
and good articulation. If corrections for lapses in these
particulars do not decrease daily, the method employed is
obviously inejffective. With mispronunciations and errors
in construction, a more accurate record can be made of the
progress. If one error is attacked at a time, pupils who
need constant correction can be noted and perhaps sub-
jected to individual instruction. In any case, these
specific habits should be taken up systematically and
drilled upon until perfect automatism results. A good
course of study usually enumerates the common errors
in speech that are to be replaced each term with effective
habits.* The classroom teacher should arrange these in a
definite order, so that he will know what to concentrate
»The Illinois "Course of Study" and the Montana "Course of
Study " are especially helpful in this respect.
upon each week. He should, of course, supplement the list
from errors that he observes in the course of class work.
Again it is not sufficient that the pupil know the error and
the proper form ; too many teachers believe that efficiency
in these matters can be adequately tested by a formal ex-
amination in language. The test, of course, is the habitual
use of the proper form ; that is, its use on occasions when
one does not explicitly think about it. The only test here
is a diminishing number of corrections in the daily expres-
sion of the pupils. "I knew, but I didn't think" is one
of the many inadequate but commonly accepted excuses
which make scamped work the rule instead of the excep-
tion in our schools. It simply means that correct expres-
sion has not been reduced to the plane of automatism, and
this means that the work of habit-building has not been
12. {d) Testing Habit-building in Arithmetic, (i) Ac-
curacy. In making number facts automatic, it is neces-
sary rigidly to test the results at very frequent intervals
if wasteful processes are to be eliminated. Several
methods of testing are available. The best criterion is
probably the number of mistakes in the written problems
of the pupils. In applying this test, it is necessary to
preserve the arithmetic papers and to note the frequency
with which the same combination is erroneously stated in
the papers of each pupil. The total number of mechanical
errors made by the entire class should also show a uniform
decrease as the work progresses. It is probable that the
number of mechanical errors will sHghtly increase immedi-
ately after the introduction of new principles, for the same
reason that the form receives a setback at such times;
but these temporary increases should become less and less
noticeable as the child matures.
Another method can be appUed by noting "^he proportion
of pupils who make no errors in a single exercise. This
number should show a gradual and imiform increase. In
the oral work (the rapid "mental" solution of both abstract
and concrete problems) the number of pupils giving in-
correct answers should become smaller and smaller; it
is a good plan to keep brief records with regard to these
13. (2) Rapidity, Efficient number habits must in-
volve rapidity of combination as well as accuracy, although
the latter factor is, obviously, of greater importance. After
the combinations in any series (multiplication table of
threes, for example) have been mastered accurately, —
when 7 times 3 are 21 in the reaction of every pupil with-
out any doubt, or any temptation on the pupil's part to
say 22 or 24 or any other number save 21, — drill should
be initiated for increasing the rapidity of the reaction. One
very good device for this purpose is to have the table placed
upon the blackboard by each pupil in the regular order : —
1X3 = 3
2X3 = 6
3 X3 = 9
4 X 3 = 12, etc.
With watch in hand, the teacher "times" the pupils in
this exercise, encouraging competition in rapidity, but
counteracting the inevitable tendencies toward inaccurate
results and the careless writing of figures. After writing
the table in the regular series, the pupils may be directed
to erase the third column (the "answers") and to rewrite,
beginning at the bottom. Again the teacher "times" the
exercise. The pupils may then be directed to erase the
figures in the first and third columns (the multipliers and
the answers), the teacher later dictating multipUers in an
irregular order, and requiring the third column to be filled
from the top downward. This will check the tendency
of the pupil always to refer back to the regular series
in order to get any desired combination. In testing the
efficiency of this drill, the records of the time consumed
in each exercise should be preserved. The time should,
of course, diminish with practice, otherwise the drill is
14. (e) Spelling, The general inadequacy of the
methods of teaching spelling as commonly applied in
the schools has been adequately demonstrated by Corn-
man ^ in a very notable series of experiments. Dr.
Comman came to the conclusion that the "amount
of time devoted to the specific spelling drill bears no
discoverable relation to the result, the latter remaining
practically constant after the elimination of the spelling
drill from the school program." This simply means
that, in Dr. Commands tests, it was foimd that formal
* O. p. Comman: "Spelling in the Elementary School," in Experi-
mental Studies in Psychology and Pedagogy (University of Pennsylvania),
1902, vol. i. Cf. Thorndike: Principles of Teaching, pp. 268-273.
and separate exercises in spelling had no appreciable
result. The investigator in question argues from this
fact that spelUng drills should be eliminated and that the
mastery of spelling should be accomplished in connec-
tion with the other school exercises. It should be stated,
however, that he does not indorse the "incidental" teach-
ing of spelling in the usual sense of the term. That is,
he^ would require the pupils to focalize the form of words,
and he would provide exphcitly for such focaUzation, but
he would not devote a specific school exercise to this task.
One may venture the opinion, however, that the meager
results of the spelUng exercises are due, not to the fact that
spelling is given a specific place in the school program as
Dr. Comman imphes, but to inadequate methods of teach-
ing spelling during that exercise. As a matter of fact, in
no school exercise is the inadequate comprehension on the
part of teachers of the simple principles of educational
psychology more clearly to be seen. The average spell-
ing lesson is ineffective because the average teacher fails
to understand the impHcations of the law of habit-build-
ing. Words to be spelled effectively must be spelled
automatically, — that is, without "thinking" of the form
of the word. To gain this end, however, the form must
first be focahzed and then the appropriate adjustments
must be repeated attentively until automatism results.
The average spelHng lesson involves a certain amount of
concentration upon the form, it also involves one or two
repetitions. At this point, ordinarily, the whole matter
ends. Very naturally the next time that the pupil meets
the word in the course of written composition, where he
is concentrating upon the content rather than the form, he
misspells the word.
15. The remedy for this condition lies in an adequate
apphcation of the law of habit-building. The initial
focaHzation must be undertaken more carefully and the
repetitions must be more numerous and must involve more
explicit attention. It is insuflScient to have misspelled
words rewritten five or ten or even one hundred times,
unless one can assure one's self that the repetition thus
involved is conscious and focal. Words that are mis-
spelled should be drilled upon, day after day, week after
week, if necessary, until perfect automatism results. What
is the test of effective teaching of spelHng ? Nothing more
nor less than the infrequency with which misspelled words
appear in composition work or other exercises where the
pupil concentrates upon content. If improvement is shown
in this respect, the teaching of spelling is obviously effec-
tive. If improvement is not shovm, the teaching is in-
effective. The composition papers should be kept and
carefully studied with this end in view. The number of
misspelled words in each one hundred should be carefully
computed, and these computations should form the basis
for judging the efl5ciency of the formal spelling lessons.
Needless to say, these formal lessons should include the
words that the pupils use in their expressive work, and
especially the words that are difficult should be repeated
from day to day in the spelhng lesson, until absolutely
no mistakes occur in the written work.
As an example of this method of measuring the results of in-
struction in spelling, the following test may be instanced. Prior
to November 19, 1906, a ten-minute period was devoted to
formal spelling in the Training Department of the Oswego
Normal School. Since that time, the length of the speUing
period has been doubled, and a specific time has been desig-
nated for the assignment of the spelling lesson, applying the
method of assignment indicated in Chapter XIII. The papers
that the pupils produced in their " story " work in the lower
grades and in history in the upper grades were used as a basis
of the test. The per cent of correctly spelled words in the
papers of November 19th was computed and compared with
the per cent of correctly spelled words in the papers of January
4th, 1907. The following table shows the gain made in each
Correctly spelled,
Nov. 19
Correctly spelled,
Jan. 4
IV "B"
per cent
per cent
per cent
IV "A"
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
V "A"
per cent
per cent
per cent
V "A"
per cent
per cent
per cent
VI "B "
per cent
per cent
per cent
VI "B"
per cent
per cent
per cent
VI "A"
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
I per cent
98.3 per cent
0.2 per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
of the several rooms in the school, and forms a fair index of
the efficiency of the instruction in spelling. It should be noted
that the words forming the material for the spelling lessons
were selected from the daily work of the pupils.^
1 6. Testing Knowledge. The efl&ciency of habit-build-
ing is to be measured by the pupiPs ability to react ap-
propriately in an automatic way — without "thinking"
of the various elements involved in the reaction. The
efficiency of instruction that seeks to impart facts and
principles is tested by the abihty of the pupil to apply these
facts and principles to the problems of Ufe in the formation
of judgments.^ Habit-building can be more easily tested
in the school than the imparting of knowledge, because the
school provides innumerable situations in which habits
must function effectively, while it fails to provide many
situations in which the knowledge gained is to be applied
in judgment form. For example, the pupil writes and
spells in the course of his everyday school work; his
number habits function throughout the later work in
arithmetic; he speaks, sits, stands, walks, and has social
relations with other members of the school group. Any
deficiency in habit-building is revealed clearly and tme-
quivocally. But the child does not apply his knowledge
in the same unequivocal fashion. In theory, it is true, he
* These results should not be interpreted as meaning that the length-
ening of the period was entirely responsible for the improvement. No
attempt was made to make the test an experiment to prove this thesis.
Other factors entered, not the least important of which was a general
insistence on "better spelling" in all work. It should be added, how-
ever, that words were not spelled for pupils during the composition
* Cf. the distinction between habit and Judgment in The Educative
Process, chs. vii, viii.
may be expected to use his geographical facts in inter-
preting history, his arithmetical principles in the con-
structive activities of manual training, his physiological
principles in making better the hygienic conditions of his
daily life. But every teacher knows that this expectation
is seldom realized in practice, and then only in a very small
17. This lack of some real criterion for measuring the
efficiency of instruction has led to the employment of a
formal and rather artificial criterion, — the examination.
The relative inefficiency of this method is a by-word among
teachers, and there are not a few educators who would
discard it entirely, evidently preferring no standard at all
to an inadequate and often deceptive standard.
The examination, however, seems to possess certain
virtues as an educative process that counteract in some
measure its deficiencies as a test either of knowledge or
of the efficiency of instruction, (i) It gives the facts and
principles to be mastered a certain importance in the eyes
of the pupils that might otherwise be lacking. (2) It fur-
nishes a motive for the compact organization and close
correlation of facts and principles; it is a unifying and
integrating agency without the operation of which in-
struction is prone to " scatter," and knowledge to be diffuse
and incoherent.*
18. The problem would therefore seem to involve the
* Cf . The Educative Process, ch. xxii ; a similar position is also taken by
L. Dugas: "Psychologic des Examens," in Revue Philosophique, 1904,
vol. Iviii, pp. 379-399.
improvement rather than the elimination of the exami-
nation. In one way or another, the examination must be
made to test, not the memory for specific and unrelated
facts, but the capacity of the individual first to organize,
and secondly to apply, the facts and principles that con-
stitute the subject-matter of instruction.
It is in respect of the latter point that the greater diffi-
culty will be met. A fact or a principle is obviously valu-
able only in so far as it may either be applied to the problems
of life or form the key to other facts and principles that
may be so applied. Knowledge which fulfills neither one
of these functions is just so much useless furniture which
mind will discard at the earliest possible opportunity.
The great trouble with the average examination is that it
does not test these two capacities. Consequently it is not
the check that it should be upon the efficiency of instruc-
tion; for, if knowledge is to be used, it must be imparted
in such a way that it can be used. The examination, as
usually conducted, tests the memory for discrete facts:
consequently the instruction aims at fixing such facts.
If the examination could be remodeled, instruction would
necessarily be modified to meet the new demands.^
^ The influence of examinations on methods of instruction is clearly
to be seen in school systems that are dominated by formal examinations
sent out from a central office. The questions are preserved from year
to year, and pupils are drilled upon these questions to the practical ex-
clusion of other methods of instruction. This is not education in any
sense of the term, and the practice has, through its abuse of the examina-
tion, brought the latter into a disrepute that is not justified. In this
connection, cf . H. Latham : Examinations considered as a Means of Selec-
tion, Boston, 1886, chs. ii, vi, ix.
The general inadequacy of the average examination as an
index of the ability of the pupil is well evidenced by the writer's
experience in the training of teachers. He has found that
proficiency in academic work as measured by the examination
test is in no sense correlated with the ability of the students
to do efifective teaching in the practice school. Very frequently
the students who have the lowest records in the academic depart-
ment make excellent records in practice, and, even more fre-
quently, the students who are sent from the academic courses
with the highest grades, make most disastrous failures in
actual teaching.
Similar testimony is offered by university experience, as
witness the following : "In university faculties the observation
has been very often made that graduates who come from
colleges with the highest standards of attainments as tested by
examinations, are less disposed to attempt original work and
are less successful when they do so. They have been trained
in receptive processes, and it is a serious question whether
examinations do not tend directly to prevent knowledge from
striking deep root, and to delay it in the 'memory vestibule.'
If this be true, they are a distinct hindrance to the assimilation
of mental pabulum." ^
19. How should examination questions be set in order
to fulfill the conditions essential to making the examination
a test of ability to organize and apply rather than a test
of ability to remember isolated facts? In the first place,
the teacher must bear in mind the fundamental principle
of effective testing, which has been very clearly formulated
by Professor Thomdike : ^ "To know whether any one has
a given mental state, see if he can use it ; to know whether
* G. S. Hall : Confessions of a Psychologist, Worcester, p. 52.
' E. L. Thomdike : Principles of Teaching, p. 260.
any one will make a given response to a certain situation,
put him in the situation arranged so that that response,
and that response alone, will produce a certain result,
and see if that result is produced."
The only practicable method of applying this principle
to the formal examination is to construct ideal situations
and ask the pupil to apply his knowledge to their solution.
Thus the examination questions in arithmetic will be made
up largely of concrete problems, taken from real life —
problems that the men and women in the world are facing
every day. The same class of questions should be given
in other subjects.
Questions of this type are to be found in the problems of
the better and more recent text-books. Especially to be com-
mended in this respect are che Meyer and Brooks arithmetics,
the Smith arithmetics, and others of similar scope. The Tarr
and McMurry and the Dodge geographies will also furnish
valuable suggestions. Best of all, perhaps, from the stand-
point of the pedagogy of test questions are some of the recent
books in educational theory; especially O'Shea's Dynamic
Factors in Education, De Garmo's Principles of Secondary
Education, and Thorndike's Principles of Teaching, in each of
which the various chapters or sections conclude with practical
topics and questions, suggesting actual situations which are to
be solved by an application of the principles brought forth.
20. It must not be forgotten, however, that the ability
to organize knowledge into coherent systems should form
an important factor to be tested by the examination. In
the writer's experience it has been found best to direct
either one in every three, or one in every two, of the ques-
tions asked in an examination toward this end. Such
questions should be broad and general in their formula-
tion, thus both testing and encouraging the capacity for
organization. The remaining questions should be specific
and pointed, having particular reference to the solution of
practical, concrete situations.
The following questions on the geography of South America
may serve to illustrate the principle : —
(i) Discuss the location and extent of South America.
(This is a general question, and, to be answered adequately,
requires the ability to hold a number of facts in mind and to
determine the relations between them. Thus the question
might be made more specific by asking that South America be
located with respect to other continents, and by requiring defi-
nite comparisons of South America with other continents in
respect of extent. The instruction, however, should have
made clear that a topic like this involves these various points.)
(2) Would London or New York be in a more favorable
position for commerce with Buenos Ayres? Give reasons.
(This is a specific question, demanding the practical applica-
tion of the general principles brought out in the first question
and having direct reference to a matter of practical business
21. It is clear that examination questions of this type
will demand a rather marked modification of methods of
teaching; and this, after all, is the important point. //
knowledge is to become applicable to the needs of lije, it
must be presented in a manner that will bring out its prac-
tical or social values. Examination questions can then be
framed that will test the pupil's ability to apply the knowl-
edge gained. If such questions are answered inadequately,
it simply shows that instruction has been inadequate ; con-
sequently the formal examination can be made a test of
the efficiency of instruction as well as a method for en-
couraging organizing activity on the part of the pupils.^
22. Marking Examination Papers. Except in mathe-
matics or some similar branch of exact science, it is im-
possible to apply an exact scale of marking. For example,
if in a geography test there are the questions similar to
those given above, one cannot value a pupiPs answers
on the basis of a finely graduated series of marks — run-
ning, say, from i to 100 ; but one can safely say whether
the pupil's answer is excellent, good, fair, poor, or abso-
lutely bad. If different teachers mark the same papers
on the scale of 100, a certain variation will be found in the
grades given by each. In fact, if the same teacher marks
the same paper at different times, a certain amount of
variation is almost always to be noted. On the other
hand, within wider limits, the variation is slight ; that is,
an excellent paper will usually be so adjudged by different
teachers and by the same teacher at different times; and
a poor paper would be very infrequently marked excellent,
* It is well to have access to typical examination questions set in
dififerent subjects, together with the average standings obtained by various
classes taking these examinations. In this way the teacher can "check"
the efficiency of his own teaching by comparing his results with others.
Rice's articles, referred to at the close of this chapter, furnish sets of
"standard" questions in arithmetic for Grades IV- VIII inclusive, and
also give the results of a large number of classes taking these examina-
tions. The " Springfield " questions are also available for comparative
tests. (See Appendix C.)
or good, or fair, under any conditions. Consequently,
although finely graduated markings are not to be trusted,
the possibility of a reasonably accurate marking must be
23. To summarize: the efficiency of instruction may
be tested by a careful application of the method of formal
examinations. This test will not be so accurate as are
the various tests to which habit-building may be subjected,
but it is far better than no test at all, and it may be made
more and more effective by gradually improving the tech-
nique of examination questions, and by adopting a scale
of grading more elastic than the numerical system affords.
References. — Thomdike: Principles of Teaching, ch. xvi; Dut-
ton: School Management, ch. xiv; Seeley: A New School Manage-
ment, ch. XV ; J. M. Rice: articles in Forum as follows: vol. xxxiv
(1902), pp. 117-130; 181-297; 437-452; 588-607.
The Disposition of the Teacher's Time
1. The efficiency of the teacher is influenced by a variety
of factors, but the chief of these is his ability to give a
maximum of attention to the problems involved in instruc-
tion. If his life is not so ordered that he can meet each
class with a maximum of energy at his disposal, the value
of his work to the community must be seriously impaired.
It is germane to our problem, therefore, to inquire into the
disposition of the teacher's time, not only in school, but
also out of school.
2. The prime school duties of the teacher may be classed
as instructional and disciplinary. Both are important in
and for themselves, and neither should be neglected for
the other. The accessory school duties may be classed as
clerical and administrative. These are not to be neglected,
but should never be permitted to interfere with instruction
and discipline.
In every well-regulated life there must be a time that is
specifically allotted to all routine tasks. The teacher's hours
of actual service are comparatively short — at most thirty
hours each week for a maximum of forty weeks, or twelve
hundred hours annually. In view of this fact, it is not too
much to expect that the teacher dispose of the necessary
clerical work outside of the regular school hours. By far the
best plan is to set aside the hour immediately following the
close of the daily session for such work, and to keep reports
and records "up to date." The tendency to postpone clerical
work until reports are called for is pernicious and should be
strenuously combated from the outset.
3. The out-oj-school duties of the teacher may be con-
veniently designated as (a) professional, (b) hygienic,
(c) civic, and {d) social and personal.
(fl) Professional Duties. These include (i) preparation
of school work, and (2) study, reading, and discussion
along broader educational lines. To the true craftsman
the dominating interest in life is the doing of each day's
work in the best possible manner. To him no other reward
can ever equal the consciousness of work well done. It
takes some time, however, for the young teacher to assume
this attitude. His first experiences will fascinate him
because of their novelty, but when this novelty wears
away, — as it must sooner or later, — there will almost
invariably ensue a period of time, more or less protracted,
during which he must hold himself strenuously to his
tasks, and resist with all his power the inevitable distaste
for continued effort. This is the most critical period in
the life of any worker, and it is during this time that every
teacher stands in direst need of all the encouragement
and inspiration that he can command.
One of the surest means of attaining the mental attitude
that finds the daily tasks fascinating in themselves is to
set out resolutely with the intention of making the day's
work the most important phase of life. The most effective
way to fortify this resolution is to give from the very begin-
ning a stated period of time outside of the regular school
work to preparation for, and reflection upon, the details
of that work. From two to three hours in the evening will
be none too long for this purpose. Every lesson that is
to be taught should be worked over beforehand. The best
manner of approaching the lesson should be determined,
and questions framed that will prepare the class for the new
material. Illustrations should be sought from all possible
sources, worked over, and adapted to the age and mental
attainments of the pupils. At the beginning, the teacher
would do well to write out carefully the plan of each lesson,
including the specific questions and explanations, and to
rehearse the whole before an imaginary class. This is a
strenuous program, but it will return large dividends upon
the time and energy invested. In addition to work of this
nature, one should reflect carefully upon the order in which
pupils are to be called upon for recitation, and adapt
questions and topics to the peculiarities of individual chil-
dren. Finally, the independent work of the pupils during
the study periods should be planned and the necessary
materials provided.
4. An important task of the teacher in connection with
out-of-school work is the supervision of written exercises.
This should not be classed with the clerical duties men-
tioned above, for it is too important to be left for the
clerical hour after school when the teacher's energies are
necessarily at a low ebb. The wise course is not to de-
mand written work from pupils in so large an amount that
it cannot be carefully supervised in the evening without
intruding upon the time that the teacher must devote to
the preparation of lessons. In many cases, teachers give
too much time and energy to the correction of examination
papers, problems, essays, and note-books, and too httle
attention to preparation for teaching. The very fact that
so much written work is demanded often renders the labor
of the teacher in correcting papers quite without effect.
Pupils continue to make the same mistakes because the
large number of mistakes precludes effective concentration
upon any one, and because, in the chaos of interlineations
and marginal comments, it is impossible for the pupil to
attack the mistakes in the systematic manner that alone will
bring results. If the written work in most of our schools
could be reduced to about one third of its present pro-
portions, the efficiency of instruction would be greatly
5. (2) Broader Pro jessional Culture. The young teacher
can fortify the craft spirit by forming regular habits of
study both along general educational lines and in gaining
a more thorough grasp upon specific subject-matter of
instruction. He should read regularly three or four edu-
cational journals. One of these should be his state or
local journal, another a national school newspaper. These
will give him the ** gossip'* of his craft — the personal
items concerning the men and women who are his col-
leagues in school work. He will become familiar with the
"big names" of contemporary education, and will know
what the great movements are and the people who stand
for them. Another journal should be devoted to the par-
ticular problems of the special field with which the teacher
is most intimately concerned, — primary work, upper
grade work, high school work, as the case may be. A
fourth should be one of the more general reviews, cover-
ing the entire field of education and discussing school
problems in their very broadest relations. Not everything
in all of these journals should be read by every teacher, but
it is well to have access to at least one journal in each
of the four classes, and to examine every number care-
fully to discover what it contains that may be of value.
In this day of periodical literature, one very easily contracts
a vicious habit of desultory reading. In fact, this habit bids
fair to become one of the most pernicious intellectual diseases
of modern times. So great a variety of reading matter is pro-
vided at so small a cost that one is tempted away from that
protracted and sustained reading from which alone one can
make measurable gains in culture and attainment. Discon-
nected items of information are not educative, except in
homoeopathic doses. The cheap magazines and weekly
newspapers that cater to the popular demand for change
and variety are undoubtedly doing much toward weakening
the intellectual fiber of the race. One does not realize how
pernicious is their influence until one sits down to a serious piece
of work in an environment that is filled with these distracting
influences. The best plan for the young teacher is to keep out
of temptation's way, otherwise he is apt to find that all of his
well-laid plans for evening study and self-improvement come
to naught. Certainly, as a matter of habit, he should read at
least two serious articles in a general educational review each
month. This is an example of what Professor James terms
"giving the will a little gratuitous exercise." The articles may
not be particularly interesting or particularly germane to his
work, but the fact that they appear in a high-class review indi-
cates that they are important, and a great many articles that
seem dull and heavy at the outset will be found interesting
before they are finished.
6. Every teacher should read each year one or two of
the season's new books on general education. Some of
these are not to be taken too seriously, but many of them
will give fresh points of view and offer valuable suggestions.
Educational theory is just now in a transition stage of its
development, and no one can tell at what moment some
epoch-making principle may be enunciated. It behooves
the progressive teacher to keep in touch with the firing
line, even though he reserves his own judgment as to the
practical significance of each little victory.
7. Teachers* Associations. It is unnecessary to point
out the stimulus which the annual state and national
gatherings of teachers give to the craft spirit. The young
teacher should avail himself from the outset of this medium
of inspiration. Again, what is presented in the formal
papers is not always to be taken- too seriously, but the give-
and-take discussion of mooted questions, the animated
"shop talk" of the hotel lobbies and parlors, the oppor-
tunities to exchange experiences with others who are
facing similar problems — these factors often give the
meetings an untold value.
In this connection, also, must again be mentioned the
visiting of schools. The teacher who limits his profes-
sional life to the narrow confines of his own classroom is
almost certain to have low standards of instruction and
discipline. To have in mind a vivid image of conditions
in a first-class school is to have an ideal toward which one's
own energies may be directed. Not a few teachers con-
scientiously believe that their pupils are doing just as
good work as can be got from them ; a visit to another
school of the same grade is apt to open their eyes — unless,
indeed, they be hopelessly blinded.
8. (b) Hygienic Duties. The teacher must preserve
his health if his work is to be maximally effective. The
work of the classroom is extremely fatiguing — far more
so, in the writer's experience, than anything in the way of
administration or supervision. One's attention must be
continually concentrated, and concentrated upon the same
thing for relatively long periods of time. It is for this
reason that every effort must be made to supply an ade-
quate amount of energy and to husband this energy against
the time when effective concentration is most needed.
Sufficient sleep is the first requisite, and not even a zeal
for the preparation of lessons should interfere with regular
hours of complete rest. Exercise is also important, and
many teachers devote the hour from five to six to exercise
in the open air. Next to sufficient sleep an abundance
of nutritious food, rich in proteids, should be the last fac-
tor to neglect. For those engaged mainly in intellectual
work, the heavy meal of the day should come at the close
of the day's work, not at noon. The processes of digestion
can then be given the necessary two hours in which to do
their work before one attacks the serious tasks of the
9. (c) Civic Duties. The ideal democracy is not direct
government by the people, but rather a government by
experts who are responsible to the people and in whom
the people can repose implicit confidence. It is incon-
sistent, to say the least, to leave governmental functions
to amateurs when every other department of the division
of labor is in the hands of specialists. This ideal, however,
is far in the future, and until it is realized every citizen
must devote a portion of his time and energy to the work
of government. The teacher is no exception to this rule,
although the fact that most teachers are women, and that
women have little direct influence in political matters
makes the situation here rather different from that which
obtains in other crafts and professions. Nevertheless even
women teachers should interest themselves in political
movements, and use every influence within their power to
promote the ends of civic virtue. They should, at least, give
the inspiration of their presence to associations and meet-
ings that have for their object civic improvement. In not
a few instances municipal reforms in the direction of
cleaner streets, more artistic buildings, better parks, more
equitable taxation, etc., owe their initiation to the activity
of public school teachers; and every expression of sane
and temperate public spirit on the part of teachers cannot
fail to act reflexly upon the schools themselves, giving them
an increased hold upon the respect of the community, and
elevating their importance in the eyes of the pupils.
Nor must the teacher be blind to the responsibility that rests
upon him for developing effective ideals of civic virtue in the
minds of his pupils. All dominant ideals of conduct must
have their inception in childhood and youth. Reforms can
be initiated "from the top," but if such reforms are to be
permanent, their necessity must be impressed upon the minds
of the rising generation. The contemporary revolution in the
ethics of government, of politics, and of business enterprises
will doubtless have but small effect upon the conduct of the
great mass of men and women belonging to the dominant
generation. These men and women will indeed admit the
necessity of such reforms, but their habits are too firmly estab-
lished to be transformed in a day; they have been looking at
things in a different light too long to admit of a sudden ''change
of front," no matter how acutely the need of such a change
may be felt. But all this agitation toward a higher conception
of public service should furnish the most favorable condition
for inspiring youth with higher standards and ideals than those
which govern the present generation, and the duty of the school
plainly lies in this direction. The teacher should never lose
sight of the fact that it is within his power to transform the
character of a race, for the character of a race is determined by
its dominant ideals, and these the skillful teacher can mold to
his own liking. That the hope of the future lies in the youth of
the present is a platitude so often repeated as quite to hide from
view its fundamental truth. And yet each new interpretation
of education from the standpoint of modem science, and each
new investigation into the history of education among different
people and diverse races, add convincing testimony to this fact.
The opportunity lies with the school, and, under our modern
conception of ethics, with opportunity must go responsibility.
10. (d) Social Duties. Recreation in one form or
another is necessary for maximal efficiency in any line of
work, and nothing more accurately indicates the character
of a man than the way in which he seeks recreation —
the way in which he spends his leisure. For the teacher,
dealing as he does with immature minds, some form of
recreation that will afford a complete change of environ-
ment is absolutely essential if he is to escape the intolerable
pedantry and dogmatism to which the members of his craft
are so commonly subject. He should frequently seek social
diversion among men and women who are engaged in other
lines of work. He must strive to retain that plasticity of
adjustment that will enable him successfully to adapt him-
self to general rather than technical interests. This does
not mean that he should be ashamed of his colleagues in
education, or ashamed of his calling as a teacher. It
simply means that, in common with men and women in
other walks of life, he should be able to drop his profes-
sional mannerisms on occasion and to think and talk in
terms other than those used in his daily work.
II. What proportion of his time may the teacher devote
to social diversion? Of course one cannot propose a
dogmatic answer to this question, but there are certain
factors that should be borne in mind in every specific
determination. The necessity for evening work will pre-
clude social engagements on at least five evenings of the
week. The teacher is sometimes apt to rebel at this
suggestion, forgetting that, unlike workers in other fields,
he has one day each week (usually Saturday) free from
classroom employment. In return for this, the community
has a right to expect longer actual hours of work upon
Other days. This arrangement, however, leaves two even-
ings free for recreation. The teacher is also unique in
having a longer annual vacation than other workers. Cer-
tainly a part of this vacation should be spent in pro-
fessional improvement — "keeping up with the times";
but the rest is free for whatever healthful recreation the
teacher may care to take. On the whole, therefore, it is
hardly too much to expect of a teacher that, during five
days of each week throughout the school year, he make
the problems of his daily work the dominant subject of
his attention.
References. — Button: School Management^ chs. ii, iii; Seeley:
A New School Management, ch. xviii; W. E. Chancellor: Our
Schools: Their Administration and Supervision^ Boston, 1905, ch. xi;
Keith: Elementary Education^ ch. xiv.
The Teacher's Relation to Principal, Supervisors,
AND Superintendent
I. The successful operation of a school system involves
the organized effort of a number of individuals toward a
common end. As in other social institutions, the highest
degree of efi&ciency is secured by centralizing authority
and responsibility in a single individual. To this indi-
vidual is delegated a degree of power commensurate
(theoretically, at least) with his responsibiUty. In some
systems both the power and the responsibility of the
superintendent of schools are almost negligible factors:
the office is a mere bagatelle, concerned only with clerical
and mechanical functions. There can be no doubt, how-
ever, that the present tendency is toward a stronger and
closer organization of educational forces within the limits
of a conveniently large "working imit." The city com-
munity represents the type of such a unit. The county
school system and the state school system must necessarily
be much looser in their organization because of the diffi-
culty that confronts a single head in governing widely
separated elements.
Wherever a system of schools exists, the classroom
teacher is responsible to the head of that system, who in
turn is responsible to the representative board of educq.-
tion, and this body to the community at large. Owing to
the complex character of our governmental machinery,
however, a division of responsibiHty commonly confronts
the superintendent, for he is answerable not only to local
authorities, but often to state authorities.
2. Generally between the superintendent and the class-
room teacher intervenes the principal of the building.
The office of principal is now recognized as one of the
most important in the school system — perhaps, every-
thing considered, the most influential for good or ill. The
position of the principal is quite analogous to that of a
ship's captain. He is responsible for everything that
belongs to or goes on within the limits of his school, —
for the instruction, for the discipline, for the care and
condition of the material equipment. Teachers, super-
visors, and janitors are all answerable to him for the
eflficiency of their work. The prevailing tendency is to
relieve the principal of teaching duties in order that he
may devote all of his time and energy to the general wel-
fare of the school.
3. An obvious corollary of this condition is the necessity
for loyalty on the part of each subordinate to his chief.
A centralized organization can be effective upon no other
assumption. Unquestioned obedience is the first rule of
eflficient service. The classroom teacher owes this to his
superiors, and whenever he cannot yield such obedience,
his resignation is the only alternative.
In practice, this condition is not so arbitrary and auto-
cratic as it may appear in cold print. The responsibility
of teacher to principal or superintendent is almost ex-
clusively a responsibility jor results. Certain requirements
are made in the way of results. Pupils must be taught
certain facts, drilled into certain habits, in each grade.
The superintendent demands these results of his principals,
the principals pass on the demand to the classroom teachers,
the classroom teachers exact the required work from the
pupils. A group of unorganized teachers, each working
independently and unsupervised, might secure the same
results, but the chances are strongly against the suppo-
sition. Centrahzed authority, working through inter-
mediate officials, is the only known method of insuring
economy of school administration in this respect.
When it comes to the details of method and the tech-
nique of instruction, however, the classroom teacher is
left very largely to his own initiative. Superintendents
and principals rarely go beyond suggestion in such mat-
ters, although there are sometimes occasions when sugges-
tion must be interpreted to mean authoritative direction.
The same is true in respect of discipline. It is the end
of discipHne that is important in the eyes of the princi-
pal and superintendent; the teacher must work out the
method. It will readily be seen that the initiative of the
classroom teacher has still a large scope even under rigid
systems of organization and supervision.
It must not be inferred that the classroom teacher has no
voice, even in the larger questions of policy in the administra-
tion of the school system. Although the typical organization
appears to be little less than an autocracy when viewed from
the outside, it is almost a democracy in the great majority of
city systems. The classroom teachers are regularly assembled
for discussion of important questions with the principal of the
school, and the principals meet regularly with the superintend-
ent. In small systems all of the teachers meet together at
frequent intervals. The general policy in all such meetings
is to permit absolute freedom of speech. If a subordinate
teacher does not agree with any prescription that is made for
his conduct, he is generally at liberty to state his reasons in this
forum. It would be a rash superintendent, indeed, who would
attempt to carry through a measure that met decided disap-
proval from his subordinates. Whenever a decision is reached,
however, the subordinates must accept it, no matter what their
individual opinions may be. Discussion is then closed and the
time for action has arrived.*
4. The Teacher and the Special Supervisors. Practically
all of the larger systems of schools now employ special
supervisors of music, drawing, manual training, and
sometimes physical culture and nature study. These su-
pervisors go from school to school, giving model lessons
in each room and instructing the classroom teachers in
the technique of their special branches. The classroom
teacher is responsible to the supervisor for the special
work supervised, and for the methods employed in such
work. The supervisor is, however, under the nominal
control of the principal in whose building he chances to
be at work, consequently the classroom teacher's first
^ An able discussion of the relation of the classroom teacher to the
principal and superintendent will be found in a paper by ex-Superintendent
E. P. Seaver of Boston, published in the Report of the Commissioner oj
Education^ Washington, 1899, pp. 546 ff»
loyalty is to the principal. This rule does not hold in all
cases, but it is manifestly the only way in which an equi-
table balance can be maintained between different lines of
special work.
5. Supervision in Rural Schools. The teacher in a dis-
trict or ungraded country school is nominally under the
control of the county superintendent or commissioner of
education, and through him responsible to the state depart-
ment of public instruction. In practice, however, the
county superintendent exercises but little supervision over
his subordinate teachers. Schools are so widely separated
that he can visit them only infrequently, and inasmuch
as his office is almost universally a political prize, he is
naturally very careful about making severe criticisms.
In general, the only checks upon the work of the rural
teacher are his own conscientiousness and the very fallible
judgment of his patrons. It is perhaps owing to the
generally high character of the former factor that the
results in the rural schools are as good as they are. No
more pressing problem confronts American education,
however, than to provide some effective means of super-
vising the rural schools.
6. Summary, The problem of the relation of the class-
room teacher to his superior officers should be solved by
an attitude of obedience to constituted authority. This is
very far from saying that the teacher should adopt an
attitude of servihty ; intelligent loyalty is the better term
to employ. The situation is entirely analogous to that
in any other organization or system, — the army, the
^avy, governmental departments, great business enter-
prises (or small business enterprises, for that matter).
Concentrated effort can be secured in no other way.
The teacher should thoroughly understand this basal
proposition and act in accordance with its dictates from
the outset. Youth is prone to resent authority. Indeed, it
is hardly too much to say that our contemporary theories
of education do much, perhaps unconsciously, to inculcate
an attitude antagonistic to authority. This represents a
healthful reaction against the ultra-machine tendency
prevalent in school organization some years ,ago, but it
is a reaction that can easily be carried too far.
References. — W. E. Chancellor: Our Schools: Their Adminis-
tration and Supervision, Boston, 1905, chs. iv-vii; Button: School
Management, chs. vi, xix; Seeley: A New School Management,
ch. xix; Roark: Economy in Editcation, pp. 88-91.
The Ethics of Schoolcraft
I. The relation of the classroom teacher to his prin-
cipal and superintendent is but one of the many questions
that are gradually becoming crystallized in the unwritten
laws that govern the teacher's calling. Every trade and
profession must possess a recognized code of craft ethics,
— certain standards of right and wrong, honor and dis-
honor, as these terms are appHed in the special field that
the trade or profession covers. The tenets and doctrines
of these ethical systems are sometimes elaborately organized
and impose restrictions upon the members of the guild
the value of which a layman may frequently find it hard
to appreciate. The ethics of medicine, for example, for-
bids a physician to advertise his services save in a most
modest and unobtrusive fashion. The moment that the
physician breaks this unwritten law, he is ostracized from
the society of his fellow-craftsmen. MiHtary service is
carefully guarded by restrictions, imposed by military tra-
dition, which demand of all initiates into the service a
standard of personal honor that is much more exacting
than similar standards in civil life. The various fields
of fine art — music, painting, sculpture, architecture —
are also dominated by codes of craft ethics many of whose
tenets are frequently meaningless to the uninitiated. Nor
are the manual trades exceptions to the general rule:
carpenters, plumbers, stonecutters, metal workers, all
have their pecuHar standards and ideals in which each
apprentice is carefully instructed, and to which he must
prove his fidelity or lose the caste of craft.
The essence of the craft or professional spirit is revealed
in each of these instances ; in matters pertaining solely to
craft welfare, the members of each guild legislate for them-
selves. The guild is essentially a close corporation; its
rulings are self-imposed, self-sustained, and self-sufiicient.
2. From one point of view, education suffers in com-
parison with other human callings in just this fact : it has
not as yet developed an adequate system of craft ethics.
If a human calling would win the world's respect, it must
first respect itself. And the more thoroughly it respects
itself, the richer will be the measure of homage that the
world renders it. War, medicine, art, literature — all
bear testimony to this principle. To be faithful to the
craft spirit is the highest ambition of a true soldier, a true
physician, a true artist. To lose the caste of craft is the
most severe punishment that can be inflicted upon him.
For the plaudits or the sneers of the crowd he cares but
little. He seeks commendation from another source —
from a source that metes it out less lavishly, and yet with
unconditioned candor; he seeks the commendation of his
fellow-workmen, the applause of those who know,
3. And what are some of the ideals and standards that
the new Schoolcraft is slowly crystallizing into an ethical
code? First and foremost stands the conviction that the
work of teaching is coordinate in rank and dignity with
other branches of the pubHc service; that its work to be
done well must be done by trained specialists who devote
their best energies to the solution of its problems; that
any one who looks upon it as a "stepping-stone" or a
"time-filler" offers it an insult which mere decency and
self-respect demand that it resent. And the true teacher
will not be patronized. He does not need to be told that
his work is "the noblest and highest of all human call-
ings " — a sample of the pious mouthings not infrequently
voiced by men who would not for a moment encourage
their sons to enter the work of the public schools. If the
teacher is a true craftsman, he knows what education means
— he knows this far better than a layman can tell him.
4. In the second place, the craft spirit in education will
insist that its own trained and expert judgment shall es-
tablish craft standards of excellence and efl&ciency. It will
resent the unwarranted interference of laymen in purely
technical matters. It will resent such interference manfully
and vigorously as would a reputable physician, a reputable
artist, or a reputable engineer in a similar situation.
5. In the third place, the craft spirit in education will
turn a deaf ear to excuses. It will hold each member of
the guild strictly responsible for the task that he has
assumed. Not the inefficiency of previous teachers, nor
the poverty of the homes from which pupils come, nor
the peculiar conditions of the social environment, will be
accepted in heu of the results demanded. This seems the
cruelest, the most relentless, of all possible standards —
and yet it is the only standard that will bring Schoolcraft to
an equal rank with other callings. As Kipling says of Find-
layson in the Bridge Builders : " There were no excuses in
his work. Government might listen, perhaps, but his own
kind would judge him by his bridge, as that stood or fell.''
6. In the fourth place, the craft spirit will demand high
standards of scholarship and preparatory training for
admittance to the guild. It will reject the idea that, be-
cause teachers deal with little children, their minds are
the minds of children, or that their intellectual pabulum
should consist of milk and water. It will stand for reason
and abjure sentiment.
7. In the fifth place, it will insist upon the conception of
Schoolcraft as social service^ and that the rewards of such
service are not to he measured in dollars and cents. In this
respect it will class its guild with art, music, literature,
discovery, invention, and pure science. If all of the
workers in each of these lines of human activity demanded
of the world the real fruits of their self-sacrifice and labor,
— if they received all of the riches that have flowed,
directly or indirectly, from their efforts, — there would be
very little left for the rest of mankind. Each of these
activities is dominated by a craft spirit which recognizes
this fundamental truth. The artist or the scientist who
has an itching palm, who prostitutes his craft for the sake
of worldly gain, is quickly relegated to the oblivion that
he deserves. He loses the caste of craft which is more
precious to the true craftsman than all the gold of the
modem Midas. In each of these branches of activity,
service is its own reward, and this must be true of educa-
tion. All that the true teacher should ask of the world is
a Uving wage, the privilege to serve, and "a seat at the
table around which the competent members of his guild
hold council."
If one should think this standard to be visionary and im-
practicable, a brief acquaintance with the ideals of other crafts
and professions will quickly dispel the illusion. Let such a
person turn to the biographies of Darwin, Spencer, Helm-
holtz, Huxley, Miiller, Newton, and a score of other masters
in science. Let him inquire of the men on the geological survey
who first laid bare the great gold deposits in Alaska and still
remained faithful to their service and content with their pittance.
Let him ask the scholars at a score of universities. Let him
ask any one of a thousand talented men who are devoting their
lives to painting, sculpture, music, pure literature, for the sake
of an art that they might far more comfortably commercialize
and exploit for their own pecuniary benefit. The answer will
be the same in every instance. All that these men ask is a
living wage and a chance to serve. It is only a great national
delusion — a virulent jaundice of the mind — that leads men
to believe that efficient service can be obtained only under the
stimulus of the dollar. Our national ideal, "Material success
at any price," has woefully distorted our perspective.*
* The advice of the late Senator Hoar to the students of the Yale Law
School represents an effort to reestablish in the legal profession the ideals
of service that formerly inspired the lawyer to his best work. The fol-
lowing extract indicates the spirit of his plea : —
" If you will walk these high paths, you must abandon the pursuit of
wealth as a principal 01 considerable object. Of course the lawyer must
have his quiddant honorarium. He must have his ample library. He
must provide for his wife and children a comfortable home, lay up some-
thing for old age, and start his children in life with a good education, and
the stimulant of his own good example. That is pretty much all. I hope
8. In the sixth place, the craft spirit in education will
abjure pedantry and dogmatism. It will discount the
hypertrophied " good-goodyism " that so often emanates
from an overweening consciousness of mental or moral
superiority. It will hold industry, courage, and effi-
ciency as the cardinal virtues; sloth, inefficiency, and
covetousness as the cardinal sins.
9. Fundamentally, teaching is a creative as well as a
conservative art. Its task is to mold a certain raw ma-
terial into a certain desired product. Society imposes
certain limitations and restrictions upon the process of
creation in education, just as convention restricts the
painter, the sculptor, the composer, the poet. The prod-
uct must represent certain definite minimal requirements;
but when this condition is once fulfilled, the teacher, like
the artist, has a large scope for his creative talent.
Society demands that the product of the school shall
be able to read and write and "cipher." These conserva-
tive factors will always form an irreducible minimum of
to see our profession everywhere return to its ancient and healthy abhor-
rence of everything that savors of speculation in justice. When you are
once known to the people, not as masters of the law, but as traders and
traffickers seeking your own gain, the virtue has gone out of you." —
Quoted by W. G. Cook, in North American Review^ 1906, vol. clxxxiii,
p. 114. A similar view with regard to the profession of scholarship is
taken by Professor W. M. Payne {International Quarterly, 1904, vol. viii,
p. 273): "That scholar is unworthy of his high office who joins in the
querulous complaint raised now and again to the efifect that scholarship
does not command material rewards proportional to those won by other
forms of endeavor. Are its own peculiar rewards to count for nothing
then — its honors, its self-sufficing activities, its sense of the esteem in
which it is held by all whose approval is worth having?"
education. Their necessity is inherent in the very essence
of civilization, for civilization demands first of all that
men lead the social Hfe at the very foundation of which
must always lie an effective medium of communication;
and civiHzation demands a division of labor and the
interdependence of social units for material necessities
and comforts, and for this reason an effective means of
computation is indispensable. If civihzation were to
begin anew, formal education would still be face to face
with the three R's.
But the finished product of the teacher's art must be
more than a reading-writing-ciphering automaton. It
must represent a highly complex mechanism of civilized
habits, deHcately adjusted to respond effectively to the
innumerable stimuli of an increasingly complex social
life. It must represent a storehouse of organized race-
experience, conserved against the time when knowledge
shall be needed in the constructive solution of new and
untried problems. It must represent the initiative that
is competent to adapt means to ends in the solution of
such problems. And, beyond all this, it must represent
ideals — those intangible forces that can lift a race in a
single century through a greater distance than it has
traversed in all preceding ages. Every teacher who comes
in contact with the plastic material that we designate as
childhood and youth can add a touch to this creative
process — can influence definitely, tangibly, unerringly,
the type of manhood and womanhood that is to dominate
the succeeding generation.
Courses in the observation of classroom work are to be
found in the curricula of practically all normal schools. They
are also coming into favor in the universities that offer instruc-
tion in the theory and practice of education. It is the writer's
belief that observation of expert teaching forms an indispen-
sable part of the candidate's training. His own experience in
normal school work of different types has offered opportunities
for comparisons, and has led him to conclude that the students
who enter upon their practice teaching after a systematic course
of observation under supervision do much better work at the
outset, make fewer mistakes, and apply their theoretical peda-
gogy more effectively than the students who go to practice
without this preparatory observation.
It seems to be tolerably certain that the beginning teacher
follows, in his first efforts, some concrete model of teaching.
The most common procedure is to imitate one's own instruc-
tors. If these instructors are engaged in teaching relatively
mature students, it is obvious that their technique will not
always be adapted to the pupils in the lower grades. The most
frequent cause of failure among college graduates who go into
elementary and secondary teaching is admittedly the tendency oi
such beginners to employ college methods in their instruction.*
If the beginner does not imitate the instructors from whose
» Cf. some statistics upon this point gathered by Professor M. V. O'Shea
published in School Review, 1902, vol. x, pp. 778 ff.
classrooms he has just come, the chances are that he will imi-
tate his earlier teachers in so far as he can recall the methods
and devices that they employed. In some cases, this will result
in the initiation of valuable habits of technique; more fre-
quently, however, the formation of good habits is impeded
rather than helped by this process.
A third procedure, which is rarely met with in actual practice,
is the adjustment of the teacher to his new work on the basis of
the principles that he has assimilated during his study of theo-
retical pedagogy — "general method" and ''special methods."
This is a rare procedure in the beginner, because it involves the
operation of the conceptual judgment. The line of least re-
sistance is to solve a new situation by a practical judgment —
by the conscious recall of a concrete experience and an imita-
tive adjustment, copying, as faithfully as may be, the details of
this recalled experience. As a matter of fact, the connection
between theory and practice is very seldom made by the begin-
ning teacher, unless the theoretical instruction has been imparted
in a manner that will enable the student vividly to associate with
each principle a concrete image of its practical application in
the classroom. Many students complete with high honor
strenuous courses in psychology and in educational theory,
and then proceed as quickly as possible to forget what they
have acquired, because they can find in actual school work no
instance of the application of the facts and principles that they
have learned.*
A practicable — and, in the writer's experience, a most
* In this connection it is interesting to note the strangely inconsistent policy
in normal school practice which insists that the student shall first study ab-
stract theory and then note its application, while the very first principle that
the theory itself teaches is that education must proceed from the concrete to
the abstract, and from cases to principles.
successful — solution of this problem is to parallel the courses
in psychology and educational theory with such observation of
actual classroom work as will illustrate the principles and pre-
cepts as they are developed. In this way an immediate connec-
tion is made between the principles and the cases upon which
they rest, and the student is supplied with concrete images of
classroom technique which he can apply when he begins his
practice teaching.
General Principles of Observation. — It is a fallacy of edu-
cational theory to look upon the study of concrete cases as in-
trinsically easier and less fatiguing than the study of general
principles. Objective teaching is, by far, the most difficult
form of teaching. It is easy, indeed, to watch objective proc-
esses that are novel and for that reason attractive from the
standpoint of passive attention; but to obtain from objective
study anything of real value requires the closest sort of concen-
tration and a marked degree of sustained attention. Simply
sending students to an elementary classroom with instructions
to "observe" the work of the teacher is a good way to begin,
but it cannot be profitably employed after one or two visits.
The matter must be taken up systematically and attacked ag-
gressively, if a measurable value is to accrue to the time and
energy expended in the work.
The following principles and cautions are suggested for the
conduct of courses in observation : —
(i) If possible, observation should accompany all work in
educational theory, including psychology, general method,
special methods, school hygiene, and school management.
(2) If it is not practicable to devote so much time to obser-
vation, it should be given just prior to the beginning of practice;
in other words, the concrete images will be less effectively recalled
if a period of long duration intervenes between the observation
and the practice.
(3) Classrooms selected for observation should be in charge
of teachers whose work can be honestly commended.
(4) The observing students should be cautioned at the outset
that their duty is to learn and not to criticise. The good
points should be constantly emphasized. Even the best of
teachers will sometimes make mistakes, and it requires very
little experience or mental acumen to find fault. The hyper-
critical attitude should be discouraged from the very first.
(5) The teachers whose classrooms are visited should
thoroughly understand that the purpose of visitation is not
critical. Otherwise they will almost invariably become self-
conscious and fail to do their best.
(6) Only occasionally should a teacher be asked to rearrange
his program for the sake of providing exercises for the obser-
vation classes. Observators can find almost every principle
of education illustrated in any school exercise.
(7) The instructor should at first accompany the sections to
the class under observation, and provide for a subsequent
period to discuss the points noted. After four or five obser-
vations made in this way, syllabi may be used and written re-
ports required.
(8) Observation sections should be limited to the smallest
possible number of students; certainly not more than ten
should visit an elementary classroom of the average size at one
time.^ When syllabi are used, observators can go to class-
rooms alone or in pairs.
^ In some of the recently constructed training school buildings, amphi-
theaters are provided for the presentation of model lessons. This plan, how-
ever, should not exclude observation in the regular classrooms, where pupils
work under normal conditions.
(9) The first observation may be rather general in its nature,
but each subsequent observation should concentrate upon one
or two particular phases of class work.
(10) The writer has found it advisable to require an exami-
nation at the close of each course in observation. This en-
courages students to take the work seriously, and furnishes an
additional incentive for attacking the problem aggressively.
It is also valuable in that it requires a review of the important
points and a revival of significant images just prior to the
beginning of practice.
An Outline for a Ten Weeks* Course in Observation. — The
following outline is intended merely to suggest a general plan
of treatment. It is based upon a forty weeks' course given dur-
ing four successive years at the Montana State Normal College,
and upon a twenty weeks' course given during the present year
( 1 906-1 907) at the Oswego State Normal School,* — one period
a week being devoted to the work in each case. It is, however,
limited to such phases of observation work as might well be
undertaken in connection with a course on classroom manage-
ment. The same general plan can be profitably applied in
connection with courses in psychology and general educational
First Period
This may profitably be devoted to an explanation of the pur-
pose of the course, especial emphasis being laid upon the con-
duct of the observators while in the classroom, the attitude
^ The writer is indebted to Superintendent C. L. Robbins, of the Training
Department of the Montana Normal College, for many of the questions pre-
sented in the syllabi. He has also received valuable suggestions from Super-
intendent W. B. Mooney of the South Dakota State Normal School (Spearfish),
and from Professor Guy Montrose Whipple, of Cornell University.
toward the work, the value that may be derived from it, and
the details of note-taking and summarizing the points observed.
Second Period. General Observation
The students are instructed to note the four points concern-
ing the work of the classroom that make the most distinct im-
pression upon them. The observation should be followed by
a discussion in which each student reports upon the points
noted, stating in each case the reasons for believing them to be
significant. At the close of this discussion, the instructor should
state the topic for the following observation, and furnish refer-
ences that will enable the student to refresh his memory con-
cerning the principles that are to be illustrated.
Third Period. General Topic: Attention
(For this and subsequent observation periods, a syllabus of
questions, similar to the following, may be profitably employed.
This does not, of course, preclude subsequent discussion. It will
be noted that the questions given below are applicable to the work
of practically any classroom at any period. This makes syste-
matic observation possible without at the same time requiring
a special order of exercises in the classroom under observation.)
General Data: Classroom Observed. Grades Represented,
Exercises Seen. Date and Hour
Observe first the study class. How would you characterize
the attention of the pupils ? What proportion of the pupils
are giving strenuous attention? How do you judge
whether a pupil is attentive or inattentive ?
Is the attention in general of the passive, active, or secondary
passive variety ? How can you tell ? Note any exceptions.
If you detect any instances of primary passive attention, can
you determine the instinct that is operative ?
In cases of active attention, what appears to be the motive or
incentive ? Give reasons for your answer.
Note any lapses in the attention of particular pupils. Can you
discover in each case the cause of the lapse ? What seem
to be the most common distractions?
Can you detect any rhythms of attention ? If so , how frequently
do they occur ?
Has the teacher provided any objective aids to attention, —
study questions, topics, etc. ? What is their eflfect ?
Does the teacher give directions or admonitions to the study
class ? Is the teacher's attention distracted from the reci-
tation by pupils in the study class ?
If possible, compare the attention of pupils who are writing with
that of pupils who are studying lessons out of text-books.
Observe the reciting class. What proportion of the pupils
appear to be giving attention to the lesson ? What are the
evidences of this attention ?
Compare the attention of the reciting class with that of the
study class. In which case is the attention more strongly
concentrated ? In which is it the longer sustained ? Can
you give any reasons for the differences that you note ?
What is the character of the attention in the reciting class, —
active, passive, secondary passive? Note any exceptions
to the general rule.
What does the teacher do to revive attention when it lags?
Note any change of method or device that makes for im-
proved attention.
What are the most disturbing distractions in the reciting
Fourth Period. General Topic: Habit
Note as many completely formed physical habits as you can
discover in the pupils.
Do you discover any physical habits in the process of formation ?
How can you tell that they are not "full-fledged"?
Note habits of speech. Do the pupils articulate distinctly?
Do they do this as a matter of habit? What steps
are taken to improve habits of articulation and enuncia-
What grammatical errors can you discover that seem to be
matters of habit? What correct forms are evidently still
in the judgment stage? Does the teacher attempt to
break up inadequate habits by correcting mistakes?
What effect does this have upon the pupil corrected?
(Note actual conditions.)
Note the writing of pupils. Are good form of letters, correct
spacing, good alignment, and adequate arrangement mat-
ters of habit, or are they obtained through judgment
processes ? Are the results in writing uniform throughout
the class, or is there a wide variation among individual
pupils ?
Note the blackboard work. If inadequate in any way, can
you determine just what details need further treatment
from the standpoint of habit-forming, — size of letters,
uniformity in size of letters, vertical alignment, horizontal
alignment, spacing, etc.?
In the work in arithmetic and spelling, what habits are still in
the formative stage of development ? WTiat number facts
and word-forms seem to be thoroughly automatic? How
do you judge ?
Note the points in the teacher's technique that seem to have
especial reference to the building of adequate habits or
the breaking-up of inadequate habits. Give instances
which show the application of the law of habit-building.
Fifth Period. General Topic: Classroom Routine
Note the mechanics of the classroom. Note, first, the general
appearance of the room. Is it orderly and well arranged ?
If so, try to discover some of the elements that go to make
up the "total l.:ipression " that it makes upon you — clean
floors, well-arranged tables, a place for everything and
everything in its place, etc.
Do the pupils rise quickly when called upon ? Do they stand
in the center of the aisle without leaning? Do they al-
ways arise upon the same side of the desk ?
Note the movement of lines. If the pupils rise together, de-
scribe the signals that are used to initiate the movement.
Note the manner in which pupils pass to the board. Have
the necessary movements been reduced to habit ? Is there
any confusion or disorder in the movement that might be
eliminated by forming specific habits?
If tablets, books, or other materials are distributed or collected,
note the mechanism of the process. Can you detect any
point at which a bit of established routine would save
time or prevent disorder?
Note the precautions taken to have materials for general use
in readiness — crayon and erasers at the blackboard, ink
at the desks, etc.
Is the teacher initiating any new routine ? If so, describe the
method employed. How does it illustrate the law of
habit-building ?
Sixth Period. General Topic: Discipline
Note the class not reciting. Are any of the pupils engaged in
activities not connected with their assigned work? Do
these activities disturb other pupils? What seems to be
the most serious source of disturbance? How seriously
does it affect the work of the class as a whole ?
Would you judge the disturbance to be willful and intentional,
or accidental and unintentional ? How can you tell ?
Do the pupils who are not disturbing others appear to be
consciously inhibiting impulses that would cause disturb-
ance, or is inhibition a matter of habit ?
If pupils are consciously inhibiting impulses, what appears to
be the motive or incentive for such inhibition? What
effect does conscious inhibition have upon the regular
work of the pupils?
What is the attitude of other pupils toward the one who disturbs
them? Does disorder tend to "spread" among neigh-
boring pupils?
What measures does the teacher take to preserve discipline in the
study class ? Are they effective ?
Observe the reciting class. How does the "order" compare
with that of the study class ?
What general disturbances are caused by lack of control on the
part of individual pupils? How are these treated by the
teacher ?
Do you note any instances of "vohtional action" (conflict
between impulses or between an impulse and an idea)?
If so, describe a t)^ical case.
In what way does the teacher encourage right choices in cases
of volitional action?
What penalties are imposed for misdemeanors ? What is their
effect so far as you can observe ?
Seventh Period. General Topic: Affective Qualities
Is the general tone of the classroom pleasant, unpleasant, or
indifferent? How do you determine this?
Can you ascribe the general condition to any specific cause, —
subject-matter studied, method of presentation, physical
conditions such as heating, Hghting, ventilation, time of
day, previous exercises?
What is the effect of the "tone" of the room upon the pupils*
work? Does it make them more or less attentive? Does
it seem to impede or accelerate memory, judgment, reason-
Do you notice particular cases of any pronounced emotion
among the pupils, — joy, grief, hope, satisfaction, disap-
pointment, sympathy, antipathy, delight? (Take a par-
ticular case and describe it in detail, noting the cause, the
physiological expressions, and the effect upon the pupil's
work and upon the work of other pupils.)
Note particularly any cases of extreme depression or extreme
buoyancy. What appears to be the cause? How does
the condition express itself, — inertia, light breathing,
general relaxation; activity, suffusion of blood to the capil-
laries, high tension, rigidity, etc.?
Does the predominant "tone" of the room appear to have any
effect upon the teacher? Does the teacher take advan-
tage of any specific emotion or mood appearing in a par-
ticular pupil ?
What is the dominant "tone" of the teacher? What it the
effect of this upon the instruction ? Upon the pupils ? Do
you notice any ** contagion" of mood or emotion?
Eighth Period. General Topic: Hygiene
Note the sitting posture of the pupils. What proportion are in
an adequate sitting position ? Can you see any permanent
effects in individual children of bad sitting posture, —
curvature of the spine, round shoulders, depressed head,
etc. ?
Are the seats so arranged and adjusted that all pupils can as-
sume a correct position? What proportion of the pupils
are "hung up"? What proportion have desks that are
too high? Too low?
Can you by looking over the class notice any pupils who have
defects of vision ? How do you judge in each case ?
Is there any evidence that any pupils are defective in hearing ?
What special measures does the teacher take to aid such
pupils ?
What proportion of the pupils appear to be anaemic ? Compare
the work of these pupils with that of the others. Are they
listless, relaxed, inattentive; or nervous, high-strung, and
"fidgety"? Note their manner of standing, their recita-
tion work, and their general affective tone.
Would you class any of the pupils as "mouth breathers"?
If you find such cases, compare them with the other pupils
as to ability to sustain attention, ability to concentrate,
general mental ability, affective tone, and temper.
Note the lighting of the room. Does the light come exclusively
from the left ? If it comes from other directions, can you
note any bad effects in the way of cross-shadows, etc. ? Does
inadequate lighting appear to affect the "tone" of the
Is the temperature uniform or variable ? If variable, note the
effect of changes in temperature upon the pupils and upon
the work.
Note any signs of fatigue. Can you distinguish cases that
appear to be real fatigue from those that appear to be
merely ennui?
Note the effect of slight changes in methods and devices upon
apparent fatigue. What does the teacher do to provide a
partial restitution of energy? If pupils are given gym-
nastic exercises, note the result on the work. If free play
is permitted or if "rest periods" are provided, note the
What provision has been made for ventilation ? Does it appear
to be effective? Note any disastrous consequences that
seem to be the result of bad ventilation. If windows are
opened and the air is changed, note the effect upon the
pupils and upon the work.
Ninth Period, General Topic: Technique of Instruction
What assignments were given ? Note the amount of time spent
in assignments.
What lesson type is represented by the assignment? (Induc-
tive or deductive development, preliminary focalization
preparatory to drill lesson, etc.)
Describe in detail the method of the assignment.
Were the functions of the assignment fulfilled ? (Did the as-
signment clear up relatively insuperable difficulties and
create an interest in the new lesson ?)
What effect did the assignment have upon the subsequent study
period ?
Were devices employed to make the seat-work effective ? (Did
the teacher provide blackboard questions, topics, objec-
tive exercises, problems to be solved?) What were the
effects of these devices upon the study class ?
What recitations did you hear? Could the recitations be
classified according to lesson type ? (Development lesson,
review lesson, drill lesson.)
If a recitation can be definitely classified as to tj^e, describe
how the technique of the lesson was adapted to fulfill the
function of the type represented. (If a review lesson, the
function of organization ; if a drill lesson, the function of
habit-building; if an inductive development lesson, the
function of establishing a general principle, rule, or defi-
nition; if a deductive development lesson, the function
of anticipating experience or explaining facts.)
Tenth Period. General Topic: Technique of Instruction
Note time devoted to assignment, and describe the methods
employed in assignment.
Observe especially the recitation. Classify according to lesson
Would you characterize the recitation as "question-and-
answer" or *' topical"? Which of these two varieties is
demanded by the lesson type represented?
Are all of the pupils attentive to all of the questions and topics?
What precautions does the teacher take to insure such
attention ?
Are "pumping" questions employed? Are they justified by
the lesson type ?
Are the questions broad and general or specific and pointed?
Give instances.
Are the questions asked in a logical sequence, or is the con-
nection between successive questions slight? In either
case, is the procedure consistent with the lesson type ? (In
a drill lesson, for example, logical sequence of questions is
not so important as in a development or a review lesson.)
If the recitation is topical, note the character of the topics stated.
Are they broad and comprehensive, or narrowly limited?
Are subsidiary points included in the statement of the topics,
or does the teacher expect the pupil to have these so well
in mind that the statement of the general topic suggests
How would you characterize the topical recitations of the pupils ?
(Are they coherent and well organized, or loose and dis-
jointed?) Do the pupils discuss the topic in such a way
that the necessary thought-connections are clearly brought
Does the teacher "prompt" the pupils in recitation? If so,
describe a typical case. Is the reciting pupil ever inter-
rupted in the course of a recitation in order that another
may proceed with the discussion ? What effect does this
have upon the attention of the class ?
Does the recitation close with a summary ? If so, describe the
method of summarizing.
Many attempts have been made within the past ten years to
establish the principle of self-government in the school com-
munity. Many of these plans have through premature news-
paper exploitation won an ephemeral notoriety, which the sub-
sequent results have failed to justify. Others have met with a
measure of success that would seem to indicate that there is
something to be said in favor of pupil-government, at least in the
upper grades of the elementary school and in the high school.
Probably the most notable instance of a democratic juvenile
community is the "George Junior Republic,'* of Freeville,
New York. This "Republic" is peopled mainly by waifs
rescued from the streets of New York City. It provides a
community life, partly self-supporting through the labor of the
"citizens," and almost entirely self-governing. The mem-
bers of the community elect their own legislature, their police
justices, their executive officers. The laws are rigidly enforced,
and penalties, among which the most serious is actual impris-
onment at hard labor and on a very plain diet, are extremely
effective. How much of the success of the George Junior
Republic is due to the dominant and inspiring personality of its
founder, it would be difficult to determine, but that some credit
must be given to the principles that are involved is hardly to be
doubted. It is not clear, however, that the same principles would
operate with equal efficiency in all schools. The "citizens" of
the George Junior Republic are different from the average child
in that they have been accustomed to take initiative and to
assume responsibility almost from infancy. As a result, they
are prematurely developed in a great many directions.
The *' School City" is perhaps the most successful form of
self-government in schools existing under normal conditions
and catering to the needs of normal children. The establish-
ment of a school city is almost invariably successful at the
outset — for the simple reason, of course, that anything that
is novel, and especially anything that involves self-activity,
will always appeal to children. When the novelty begins to
"wear off," however, the duties involved in self-government
become as irksome as any other duties, and, unless upheld by
a strong head, the school city soon lapses, and the reins of
government are again assumed by the principal and teachers.
Nevertheless, while it lasts, the school city may be a very valu-
able object-lesson in the mechanics of a democratic govern-
ment, and it is this feature more than any other that strongly
recommends the general plan.
The following "Charter" may be suggestive to those who
wish to try the experiment. It was framed by Principal
Norman Strong, of the Arsenal School, Hartford, Conn.,
after a very careful study of the whole problem, — and, it
should be added, with a full recognition of the general Hmita-
tions of pupil-government. It is now in operation in the
Arsenal School, and has thus far proved to be successful. The
writer is indebted to Principal Strong for permission to reprint
the charter here.
The committee and faculty of the Arsenal School, Hartford,
Conn., do hereby create the Arsenal School City, granting
the following charter and delegating the necessary powers to
Garry out its provisions.
Article I. Citizens and Jurisdiction
Section I. The citizens of the Arsenal School City shall
consist of the pupils above Grade III in the main building, their
teachers, and the principal of the school.
Section II. Its jurisdiction shall extend to all parts of the
school property, with the exception of the classroom. This
jurisdiction may be extended to the classroom by a two-thirds
vote of all the pupils registered and by the consent of the prin-
cipal and the teacher. A notice of such action shall be sent to
the city clerk.
Article II. Powers and Duties
Section I. The Arsenal School City shall be a body politic
with legislative and judicial powers, within bounds, and in
harmony with, the Constitution of the United States and the
Constitution of the State of Connecticut.
Section II, The City shall have the right to nominate and
elect ofl&cers for its government.
Section III. It shall be the duty of its citizens and its offi-
cials to maintain such order as is necessary for the best interests
of school life; to become thoroughly familiar with their city
charter; to secure justice to every citizen; and to enforce as
laws, all ordinances that shall be made by its legislative body,
and such rules and regulations as have been established in the
school either through custom or by the direction of the principal.
Section IV. It shall be the special duty of the city officials
to inform themselves as to the duties of their office by reading,
and by questioning those most able to give them information.
Article III. Legislative Department
Section I. The legislative body shall consist of the citizens
of the city.
Section II. A bill to become a law must pass through the
following stages : —
1. It shall be presented by any citizen to the mayor and
principal, who shall, if they think it is a proper bill to come
before the voters of the city, direct the city clerk to post it.
2. It shall be posted for five school days.
3. On the school day following the last day that the bill is
posted, the citizens, as they pass out to recess, shall cast their
ballots in their respective rooms. They shall vote *'yes" if
they favor the bill, and "no" if they oppose it.
4. During the recess of the day aforesaid, the ballots shall be
counted and a certified record of the result be sent to the city
clerk. Two counters and two inspectors shall be previously
5. The city clerk, with the mayor and the judge of the city
court as inspectors, shall summarize the ballots.
6. If the bill shall receive a majority of all the votes cast and
the signatures of the mayor and principal, it shall become a
city ordinance.
Article IV. The Legislative Department
Section I. The executive officers shall be a mayor, a chief-
of -police, and a city clerk, elected for one school term.
Section II. Duties of the Mayor. Clause i. The mayor shall
be the chief executive officer and, in case of his temporary dis-
ability, absence, or removal, his duties shall devolve upon the
following officers in the order given : chief-of -police, town clerk.
Clause 2. He shall appoint with the consent and advice of
the principal and the chief-of-police, such police officers as he
thinks necessary for the maintenance of order.
Clause 3. Police officers having control of corridors, cloak
rooms, and basements shall be appointed upon the advice of
the classes using said parts of the building. (See Art. VI,
Sect. VI.)
Clause 4. The mayor shall communicate during the first
week of the term at a public meeting or meetings the condition
of the city and make recommendations for its improvement.
Section III. Duties oj the Chiej-of-Police. Clause i. The
chief-of-police shall have general charge of the police force.
Clause 2. It shall be the duty of the chief-of-police to bring
all persons before the City Court and the Court of Appeab on
the order of the prosecuting attorney.
Section IV. Duties oj the City Clerk. Clause i. The city
clerk shall be the custodian of all city property, keep the records
of the city and post the same. These records shall include the
following: (i) results of all elections; (2) the ballot on all
bills ; (3) all city ordinances ; (4) a complete record of nomi-
nating conventions; (5) a record of all classrooms that pass
under the jurisdiction of the city government.
Clause 2. He shall have power to administer the oath of office
to the city officials.
Clause 3. He shall appoint, with the advice and consent of
the mayor and principal, an assistant city clerk.
Article V. The Judicial Department
Section I. The judicial department shall consist of the
City Court and the Court of Appeals.
Section II. The City Court. Clause i. The City Court shall
have original jurisdiction over all cases of violation of the laws
of the city.
Clause 2. The officials of the City Court shall be a judge and
a prosecuting attorney elected by the city, and a clerk of the
court, appointed by the judge, with the advice and consent of
the mayor and principal.
Clause 3. It shall be the duty of the judge to preside at all
sessions of the City Court, to discharge all persons found not
guilty, and to sentence those found guilty. To become opera-
tive, a sentence must receive the written approval of the prin-
cipal, or a teacher authorized by him.
Clause 4. The pupil associate judge of the Court of Appeals
shall preside over the City Court during the temporary ab-
sence or disability of the judge of the City Court.
Clause 5. Any person aggrieved by the judgment of the City
Court shall have the right of appeal to the higher court.
Clause 6. The jurisdiction of the City Court as to penalties
may be limited by the ordinances of the legislative department
and in all cases where no penalty is prescribed by ordinance,
the court shall impose such penalty as it deems just and equi-
table, subject to the right of appeal as aforesaid.
Clause 7. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to
prosecute before the City Court (and the higher court when
an appeal is made) all violations of the laws of the city.
Clause 8. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the City Court
to keep all records of persons brought before the court as
follows : the defendant's name, his offense, by whom arrested,
defendant's plea, the defendant's attorney, the witnesses for
and against, the decision and penalty imposed by the court
and the appeal. (He shall also be clerk of the Court of Appeals
and record its decisions.)
Clause 9. The principal or a teacher authorized by him shall
be present as an adviser at each session of the City Court.
Section III. The Court of Appeals. Clause i. The Court of
Appeals shall consist of the chief justice, who shall be the prin-
cipal, and two associate justices, a teacher, and a pupil elected
by the city for one school term.
Clause 2. The Court of Appeals shall have appellate and
final jurisdiction on all cases brought to it on appeal from the
City Court, and original jurisdiction over all applications to it
for the removal from office of any of the officials of the city.
Clause 3. The prosecuting attorney, clerk of the City Court,
and chief -of-police shall also be officials of the Court of Appeals
when it is in session. (See Art. V, Sect. Ill, Clauses 7, 8, and
Clause 4. The sessions of the Court of Appeals shall be sub-
ject to the call of the chief justice.
Article VI. The Nomination and Election of Officers
Section I. The Delegates. Just prior to dismissal on the
afternoon of the Monday of the last full week of school in each
school term, each room of the Arsenal School City shall elect
a boy and a girl as delegates to a nominating convention and
send a certified list of the same to the city clerk.
Section II. The Convention. Clause i. On the following
Tuesday at 3.30, these delegates shall meet in convention and
shall nominate two candidates for each of the following officers
in the order given: mayor, chief -of-police, judge of the City
Court, prosecuting attorney, a teacher and pupil as associate
justices of the Court of Appeals, and a city clerk.
Clause 2. The city clerk shall call the convention to order,
and a chairman shall be elected. The chairman shall direct
the city clerk to call the roll of the delegates from his certified
lists. The convention shall then proceed to nominate candi-
Clause 3. The principal or a teacher authorized by him shall
be present as an adviser during the session of the convention.
Section III. The Election. Clause i. Just prior to the dis-
missal on the afternoon of the Thursday of the last full week
of each school term, ballots shall be cast in each room for the
candidates, and a certified record of the result sent to the city
clerk. Previous to the election, two counters and two inspec-
tors of election shall be chosen.
Clause 2. The city clerk shall summarize the ballots, with
the mayor and judge of the City Court as inspectors.
Clause 3. The officials receiving a majority of all votes cast
shall be elected.
Section IV. Term of Office. Clause i. The term of office
of all city officials shall be for one school term and until their
successors are installed unless otherwise provided for.
Clause 2. The installation of officers shall take place at such
time and place as the principal may arrange.
Section V. Vacancies Filled. All vacancies in office, unless
otherwise provided for, shall be filled by the mayor with the
advice and consent of the principal.
Section VI. The First Election. The first election shall take
place at the call of the principal.
Section VII. Police Officers. Clause i. Each room shall
choose on the last day of each calendar month three boys and
three girls, and shall send a list of the same to the mayor.
(See Art. IV, Sect. II.)
Clause 2. The term of office of a police officer shall be for
one calendar month and until his successor is installed.
Clause 3. The first and most important duty of a police
officer shall be to prevent a violation of the laws.
Clause 4. A police officer shall make an arrest by serving
upon an offender the following warrant : —
Date 19....
You are hereby accused of violating a law of the Arsenal
School City and are summoned to appear before the next ses-
sion of the City Court.
Signed Police Officer
Clause 5. A duplicate of the above shall be sent by the
police officer to the prosecuting attorney at the time of the arrest.
Clause 6. Before assuming the duties of office, officials shall
take the following oath : —
"You do solemnly promise that you will perform with pa-
tience and courtesy the duties of the office of
and will, to the best of your ability, preserve, protect, and defend
the interests of the Arsenal School City."
Article VII. Amendments
Amendments to this charter shall be made in the same way
that city ordinances are enacted, with the exception that they
shall receive a three-fourths vote of all ballots cast. (See
Art. III.)
Article VIII
This charter shall become operative by the three-fourths
vote of the city, and shall become inoperative at the close of any
term by a majority vote of the teachers having classrooms in
the Arsenal School City.
In 1905 a set of examination papers written by ninth grade
pupils in 1846 was found in one of the grammar school build-
ings of Springfield, Mass. The questions were given to an
eighth grade class in the same school for the purpose of com-
paring the results in arithmetic under the older methods of
teaching with the results obtained under contemporary methods.
In several other schools throughout the country the same ques-
tions have been given, and it is generally agreed that they form
a very fair test of what pupils should know of arithmetical proc-
esses at the close of the elementary course. They are ac-
cordingly reprinted below, together with the standings attained
by the earlier class and by present-day classes : —
"i. Add together the following numbers: Three thousand
and nine, twenty-nine, one, three hundred and one, sixty-one,
sixteen, seven hundred and two, nine thousand, nineteen and
a half, one and a half.
"2. Multiply 10,008 by 8009.
"3. In a town five miles wide and six miles long, how many
acres ?
"4. How many steps of two and a half feet each will a person
take in walking one mile ?
"5. What is one third of 175J?
"6. A boy bought three dozen of oranges for 374 cents, and
sold them for i^ cents apiece; what would he have gained if
he had sold them for 2^ cents apiece?
"7. There is a certain number, one third of which exceeds
one fourth of it by two; what is the number?
"8. What is the simple interest of $1200 for 12 years, 11
months, and 29 days, at six per cent?"
The class of eighty-five pupils who underwent this examina-
tion in 1846 averaged 29.4 per cent. In 1905, the eighth grade
Springfield class averaged 65.5 per cent, and a class at Frank-
fort, Ind., 62.2 per cent
The following plates are reproductions (reduced in size) of
papers produced by pupils in the elementary grades. They
are inserted here as possibly suggestive to the beginning teacher
of the quality of written work that may be expected from pupils
in the grades indicated.
Plate I shows the improvement made in form (arrangement,
alignment, neatness, and good writing) in a period of four
months. Similar results were secured from the other mem-
bers of the class. (Grade III "B.")
Plate II and Plate III also show the growth that may be
made within comparatively brief periods of time. The first
paper represented in Plate II is typical of the rather careless
work often accepted as the best that a pupil can do. The
second paper, written two months afterward, shows a notice-
able improvement in matters of form. The first paper of
Plate III reveals a deterioration in form, due to the intro-
duction of a new process (the "long" method of division).
The second paper, produced three weeks later, shows recovery
from the deterioration, and also a measurable improvement
over the second paper of Plate II.
Plates IV-XIII represent types of written work for the
various grades. They are reproduced from papers selected
from complete "sets" comprising the work of entire classes.
In every case, the paper is a "first draft," that is, there has
been no correction or rewriting. The object is to show, not
the most "finished" results, but the results that can be ex-
pected from the pupils, day in and day out, as a matter of
habit. In every case, the paper reproduced is fairly typical
of the set from which it is taken. The papers represent schools
in all parts of the United States — the East, the Middle West,
the South, and the Far West. The presence of certain con-
tent in any paper does not, of course, imply that the writer
necessarily indorses such content for the grade in question.
The suggestions printed under the cuts indicate possible lines
of improvement.
H^I lb ^C- 2,2 i9*i 55->
/ 6 dU/Yv^j^l dbwxn..
1^3 ^
Plate I. — Showing Growth in Form Habits from September to January.
(Grade III " B.") (Note particularly the improvement in form of figures,
and in vertical and horizontal alignment.)
•20 V- a.075 3(>t)^
tana.d. it 67
J3JLI t 7Ai ^1 1 J
SUzi^JL. ^nSlASL. 5"U£iiL5L
I uour nruxnrvji rum/i^ l/n \x dcup?
Plate II. — Showing Growth in Form Habits from November to Januaiy.
(Grade III " B.")
H13X 7»f?-5 t,.<} 31
.JkicLh^ yOtLcAu oy>U>0 . A^xjt ^/U/nv.cid£b^u}yy-ia^
PLATE VII. — A •' Story " Paper from Grade III " A." (More uniform slant
and wider spacing would improve the paper.)
^ynJur -tJ^XJL CuJJ o^TlVi^U.^^
It^TxlykAJ irnycnc) T^^cvi/JvuUWt;
Hci^jLU, vXowvtr ^ovwijl va^AAXj^ V»». ,' ^jTr^U^.
Plate XIII. — An Arithmetic Paper from Grade VIII " B." (What would other-
wise be good form is impaired by crowding on a small sheet of paper.)
(Names of authorities cited are printed in small capitals. References given at the end
of the chapters are not repeated in the index.)
Absence, 6, 71 ff.; as influencing
standing, 79.
Accuracy, tests for, in arithmetic, 236 f .
Abler, F., 181.
Adulation as an incentive, 180 S.
Affective qualities, 285 f.
Aim of education, 7 f., 226 f.
Akron, Ohio, course of study cited, 63.
Alternation of studies, 61 ; in Batavia
system, 219 ff.
Angell, J. R., 63.
Anti-machine theory of government,
30 ff.
Arithmetic, 5 f., 23 »., 148 ff., 197,
299; testing results in, 236 ff.
Art of teaching, 273.
Assignment, functions of, 192 ff.;
helping pupils in, 193 f.
Association, of cause and effect in
punishment, 109; of theory and
practice, 276.
Attendance, 6, 71 ff.; delinquencies
in, 72 ff.
Attention, 137 ff., 188, 280 f.; active,
140 ff., 158 ff.; function of, 148;
and habit, 144; passive, 140, 147 ff.;
in recitation, 212; and reasoning,
160; rhythms of, 191; secondary
passive, 143 ff.
Authority, in securing order, 93 ff.;
overemphasis of, 95; and justice,
98; and scholarship, 97.
Backward pupils, treatment of, 218.
Baldwin, J., 123.
Baldwin, W. A., 53.
Ball-playing, regulation of, 87.
Batavia system, 214 ff.; applicability
of, 219 ff.; dangers of, 217 f.; his-
tory of, 216; program in, 220 f.;
virtues of, 216 f.
Bay City, rules cited, 129.
Bell-Lancaster system, 217.
Biology, of attention, 139 ff.
Blackboard, routine in use of, 39 f.;
neatness of, 48 f.; 235.
Book vs. oral instruction, 191 f., 205.
bothwell, j. l., 122.
Carrington, W. T., 193.
Chadwick, E., 60.
Chamberlain, A. F., 126.
Change, instinct of, 147 ff.
Chester, Pa., rules cited, 127, 129.
Chubb, P., 174, 194, 204.
Cigarette smoking, control of, 87 f.
Civic duties of teacher, 257.
Civic virtue, instruction in, 258.
Civilization, changes due to, 7, no.
Clark, S. H., 194.
Class as technical term, i.
Classes, number of, in relation to pro-
gram, 57 ff.
Classification in rural schools, 27.
Class-individual instruction, system
of, 214 ff.
Class instruction, system of, i f.; as
source of waste, 11; technique of,
188 ff. ; advantages and dangers of,
Cleanliness, personal, 88 f.
Closets, inspection of, 91.
Commendation as an incentive, 180 ff.
Competition in securing attendance,
76 f.
Compulsory attendance, enforcement
of, 73 ff.
Construction, instinct of, 155 f.
Contagious diseases, 89.
Contrasts, instinctive liking for, 154 f.
Cook, W. G., 272.
cornman, o. p., 238.
Corporal punishment, 114 S.; by
whom administered, 128 f. ; dangers
of, 1155.; frequency of, 116; as an
incentive to study, 164 ff.; in pres-
ence of class, 130; limitations of,
115 ff. ; opinions upon, 123 ff. ;
period when most effective, 130 f.;
reaction against, 117 ff. ; regula-
tion of, 126 ff.; witnesses for, 129;
as penalty for tardiness, 78.
Courage as factor in discipline, 93.
Course of power, 57.
Craft spirit in teaching, 100; ideals
of, 267 ff.
Curiosity, instinct of, 152 ff., 202 f.
Daily program, 50 ff.; under Bata-
via system, 220 f.
Day session, length of, 51 f.
Deductive development lesson, 203 f.
De Garmo, C, 246.
DeUnquencies, necessary, 72.
Delinquency in attendance, 71 ff.
Desks, adjustable, 82; arrangement
of materials in, 42 f.
Devices, 158 ff.
Dewey, J., 165.
Dictionary, use of, 193 f.
Diminishing returns, law of, in educa-
tion, 69.
Discipline, 92 ff., 284 f.
Distributing wraps and materials,
40 ff.
DuTTON, S. T., 123, 170, 174, 184.
Education, ultimate aim of, 7 ff . ; as a
creative art, 272 f.; and civiliza-
tion, 7 f., 180.
Emotions, as determining attention,
141; as compUcating mental pro-
cesses, 9.
Emulation, instinct of, 158 f., 169 ff.;
objections to use of, 178 ff.
Ends, doctrine of, 139 ff.; immediate,
140; remote, 141 ff., 159 f., 168
(and ideals), 185.
Environment, influence of, 4.
Ethics of Schoolcraft, 267 ff.
Examinations, 243 ff.; in Batavia
system, 218; exemption from, 171.
Excuses, for poor teaching, 269 f.;
for absence and tardiness, 73 ff.
Exemptions, as incentives to attend-
ance, 76; as incentives to study,
171 f.
Exercise in open air, 52, 53 »., 86 f.
Exercises, general, 58 f.
Exhibition of school work, 173 f., 184,
234 ».
Expulsions, 134.
Factory, analogy of school to, 4 f ,
Fair play, respect of children for, 98.
Fatigue, general factors of in program-
making, 56; hygiene of, 86 f.; re-
cuperation from, 58; relation to
subject-matter, 56.
Fear, as an incentive, 162 ff.; instinct
of, 159.
Fire drills, 37 f.
First day of school, 20 ff.
Formal steps, 197 ff.
Form vs. content, 54 ff.
Fort Worth, Tex., rules cited, 128.
Fundamental vs. accessory, in school
subjects, 53 f., 273.
Gambling, 87.
Games, permitted and prohibited,
87 f.
Geography, 203, 206, 207.
George Junior Republic, 291.
Gesell, a. L., 47.
GiDDiNGS, F. H., 17.
Good nature, as factor in discipline,
98 f.
Government, 92 ff.; by pupil, 290 ff.
Grade, as technical term, 2.
Graded school program, 60 ff.
Grades, as incentives, 143, 174, 177 ff.
Grammar, 23 w., 197.
Group, like response of, 17 f.; as
modifying discipUne, 112.
Gymnastics, and fatigue, 58.
Habit, Z4 ff., 282 f.; and attention,
144; and discipline, 95; and ideals,
186; and initiative, 33, 34; and
judgment, 32, 34; and moral
character, 228 f.
Habit-building, law of, 15 f.; re-
sults in, 326; testing, 229 ff.; and
attention, 233; and spelling, 242.
Habits, specific nature of, 43 f.;
hygienic, 80 ff. ; of sitting, 82 ; of
regular attendance, 71 ff.; of pos-
ture, 81 ff.; in individual life, 15;
in education, 11.
Hall, F. H., 194.
Hall, G. S., 125, 151, 245.
Hart, H. M., 76.
History, 202, 203.
HoAJR, G. E., 271.
Holidays, as incentives, 171.
Hughes, J. L., 122.
Hygiene, of eyesight, 85 f.; of class-
room, 81 ff., 286 f.
Hygienic duties of teacher, 256.
Ideals, as incentives, 184 ff.; of duty,
103: psychology of, 185 ff.; im-
pression of, 227 f.
Idea vs. impulse, 158.
Illinois course of study, cited, 193, 235.
Immunities, as incentives to attend-
ance, 76; as incentives to study,
Impartiality in administering dis-
cipUne, 98.
Incentives, 159 ff.; classification of,
169; highvj. low, i68f.; naturals,
artificial, 161 ».; positive, 161 f,,
168 ff.; negative, 161 f., 163 ff.; and
reasoning, 160 ; and association, 164.
Incidental learning, 150.
Individual instruction, i f., 213,
214 ff.; punishment in. Ill ; tech-
nique of, 222 f.
Individuality of pupil, 32, 38.
Inductive development lesson, 197 ff.
Infancy, significance of, 7, iii.
Inhibition, an acquired art, 106; ne-
cessity of, 92.
Initiative vs. habit, 32, 34.
Ink, use of, in school, 44, 85 f .
Inspiration in education, 35.
Instinct, 14 f-; inadequacy of, no;
and active attention, 158; and in-
hibition, 106; and interest, 168;
and incentives, 168 ff.; as deter-
mining education, 139 f.
Instincts, social, 174, 180 ff.; of
change, 147 ff.; of construction,
155 f.; of curiosity, 202 f.; of
emulation, 158 f.; of fear, 159; of
play, 150 ff.; of self-preservation,
159; in corporal punishment, 118,
Instruction, class -individual, 214 ff
methods of, 189 ff.; technique of,
188 ff., 287 ff.; text-book, 189 ff.
testing efficiency of, 242 ff.
Interest, 102 f., 139 ff., 143 ff.; and
assignment, 197; and secondary
passive attention, 145.
Interests, primitive vs. acquired, 168.
Jacksonville, Fla., rules cited, 128.
Journals, educational, 254.
Justice, in corporal punishment, 117;
as factor in discipline, 98.
Keith, J. A. H., 103, 124.
Kellogg, A. M., 123.
Kennedy, J., 216, 222.
KiRKPATRiCK, E. A., 234.
Knowledge, results in, 226; testing,
242 ff.; and discipline, 97 f.
Kotelmann, L., 81, 85.
La Crosse, Wis., rules cited, 127,
Lancaster-Bell system, 217.
Landon, J., 2, 123, 215.
La Salle, Father, 2.
Latham, H., 244.
Law of habit-building, 15 ff.
Laws of attention, 139 ff.
Leaving the room, 45 f.
Lecture-method, in assignment, 105.
Leniency in teaching, 19.
Lessons, study, 206 ff.; recitation,
210 ff.; development, 197 ff.
Like-response in group action, 17.
Lines, passing of, 22, 37 f.
Literature, teaching of, 204, 208; edu-
cational, 255.
Los Angeles, course of study cited, 193.
Machine theory of organization, 30 ff.
Manual training, and discipline, 104;
in program, 67 ».
Marble playing, 87.
Marking .examination papers, 248.
Marks as incentives, 174 S., 177.
Mechanics of classroom, 231 ff.
Metiiod, general, 276; special, 276.
Methods, of insfaoiction, 188 ff.; of
testing results, 225 ff.
Mind, function of, 15.
Monitorial work as an. incentive, 172.
Monitors for distributing materials, 28.
Montana, course of study cited, 235.
MooNEY, W. B., 279.
Moral character, and habits, 228;
as aim of education, 226 ff.
Moral health, 90 f.
Nagging, 166.
Natural punishments, 106 ff.
Neatness, personal, 88; of classroom,
43 ff. ; of written work, 47 f.
Needs, primitive, 165; as determin-
ing education, 139.
New York, state course of study dted,
Normal school, observation in, 275 ff. ;
policy of, 276 n.
Objective teaching, diflBculty of, 277.
Observation, course in, 275 ff.; prin-
ciples of, 277 f.; syllabi for, 279 ff.
Oral vs. book instruction, 191 f., 205.
Oral vs. written work, 173 f.
Order, 92 ff., 284 f.
Organization, economy of, 13 ff.
O'Shea, M. v., 8, 57, 58, 246, 275.
Outlines, topical, 209 f.
Paper for school use, 85.
Parents, cooperation of, 133, 178.
Passing, formality of, 175 f.
Payne, B. R., 54.
Payne, W. M., 272.
Pencils for school use, 85.
Periods, standard length of, 60.
Persistence as factor in discipline,
95 f. . ^
Play, supervision of, 86 f . ; instinct of,
150 ff.
Pleasure-pain theory, 106.
Portiand, Ore., course of study cited,
Posture, habits of, 81 ff.; in sitting;
81 ff.; in standing, 84 f.; in writ-
ing, 83 f .
Practice vs. theory, 275 ff.
Praise as an incentive, 180 ff.
Preparation of lessons, 252.
Pride of pupils in school, 182 ff.
Primacy as factor of recall, 20.
Principal, duties of, 262; sending
pupils to, 134 f.
Privileges, as incentives to attendance,
75 f.; as incentives to study, 172;
loss of, as penalty, 132.
Prizes, as incentives to attendance,
75 f.; as incentives to study, 169 ff.
Professional duties, 251 ff.
Professional study, 253 ff.
Program, for first day, 24; daily,
50 ff.; necessity of adhering to,
69 f.; in Batavia system, 219 ff.
Promotions as Incentives, 174 ff.
Psychology, educational, 3 f . ; of atten-
tion, 138 ff.; of habit, 14 f.; of
ideals, 185 f,; and observation, 277.
Punctuality, 77 ff.
Punishments, 105 ff.
Question-and-answer recitation, 211.
Questioning, art of, 212.
Questions, examination, 245 f.; study,
207 f.
Rapidity in number associations,
237 f.
Raub, a. N., 57, 58.
Reading, 6, 193 ff.; professional,
254 f.
Reasoning, capacity for, 160.
Rebukes as penalties, 131.
Recesses, providing for, in program,
52 f.; and discipbne, 86, 104.
Recitation lesson, 210 ff.
Reform in schools, 14.
Relaxation, 86.
Repression in childhood, 31.
Results, responsibility for, 263; spec-
tacular, 184; testing, 225 ff.
Retroversion, to lower grade, 177. ^
Rice, J. M., 248.
Rivalry, 169 ff.
Roark, R. N., 58, 123.
JlOBBINS, C. L., 279.
Room, as technical term, i.
Routine, of classroom, 37 ff., 283;
in group action, 17 f.; justification
of, 33 ff.; as factor in discipline,
102; of teacher's life, 250 ff.
RuEDiGER, W. C, 210.
Rural schools, program of, 64 ff.;
supervision of, 265; classification
of, 27.
Scholarship, as affected by absence,
79 f.; as a factor in discipline, 97.
School city, 290 ff.
School day, length of, 51.
School duties of teacher, 250 li'.
School exhibits, 184.
School organization, 261 ff.
School year, length of, 51.
SCHWICKERATH, R., 1 79, 1 80.
Scolding, as negative incentive, 165 f.
Seats, conditions to be fixlfilled by,
Seeley, L., 123, 178.
Selection, natural, in instinct, 100.
Self-preservation, instinct of, 159.
Shaw, E. R., 81, 85.
Signals for class movements, 38 f.
Simultaneous system of instruction,
I f., II, 189 ff.
Sitting, proper position in, 81 f.
Slant writing, postvure for, 84.
Smith, J. H., 85.
Smyser, S., 223.
Snell, S., 85.
Snowballing, control of, 87.
Social duties of teacher, 258.
Social efficiency, 186, 226 f.; as aim of
education, 7 f.
Social instincts, 174, 180 ff.
Social values of studies, 247.
Social vs. primitive life, no.
Social vs. scholastic standards, 175.
Soft pedagogy, 177, 205, 218.
Speech, testing habits of, 235.
Spelling, teaching of, 195 f.; testing,
238 ff.
Spencer, H., 106, 107 ff.
Spontaneity, 3.
Sports, permitted and prohibited,
87 f.
Springfield questions in arithmetic,
299 f.
Standards, social vs. scholastic, 175;
of good teaching, 225.
Starting aright, importance of, 20 f.
Strong, N., 291.
Study, art of, 207 f.
Study lesson, 206 ff.
Study period, problem of, 189 ff.,
207 ff.; in Batavia system, 221 f.
Study questions, 207.
Substitution vs. repression, 103 f.
Suggestion, in breeding moral disease,
Superintendent, duties of, 261 f.
Supervisors, duties of, 264 ff.
Suspensions, 132 f.
System, economy of, 13 ff. ; in educa-
tion, 261 ff.
Tact as factor in discipline, 94 f.
Tardiness, 6, 77 ff.
Taylor, J. S., 124, 125, 174.
Teacher, relation to superior officers,
262 ff.
Teachers' associations, »$$.
Teaching as a creative art, 273.
Tests, for educative values, 9; f
demeanors, 95 f.
Tidiness of classroom, 45 f.
Time sense in children, 78.
Toilets, inspection of, 91.
Tompkins, A., 123.
Topical analysis, 209.
Topical recitation, 211 f.
Topics, study, 209.
Ungraded school (see Rural school).
Vaccination, 89.
Variety, desire for, 147 ff.
Vertical writing, posture in, 84.
Visiting schools, 183 f., 255 f.
Vividness in assigning lessons, 195.
Voice of teacher, loi f.
Volitional action, 159.
Waste, sources of, 11.
Whipple, G. M., 279.
White, E. E., 67, 12a, 123, 161.
Will, 159.
Worry, avoidance of, 99 ff.; evils o^
in pupils, 176.
Wraps, collection of, 23.
Writing, in study period, 210; pos-
ture in, 83 f.
Written work, supervision of, 43,
252 f.; neatness of, 47 f.; testing,
232 ff.; 301 ff.
Young, R. G., 193.
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