F 76G S3 ON THE OF THE EOCENE OF WYOMING, BY EDWARD D. .COPE. L. -y (Read before the American Philosophical Society, February 21, 1873.) m/f ON THE SHORT FOOTED UNGULATA OF THE EOCENE OF WYOMING. BY EDWARD D. COPE. (Head before the American Philosophical Society, Feb. 2lst, 1873.) In no group of Mammalia have the determinations of palaeontology been more significant than in the Ungulata. Here, in an especial manner, the anticipations of science have been realized, in the filling up of the numerous gaps in the series of living forms. Here especially is it evi- dent, that the existing fauna is but a fragment, and that the faunae of the past, as we know them to-day, are but the precursors of what we may bring to light to-morrow. The primary range of variation in the structure of the Ungulata, has been generally admitted by zoologists to be found in the structure of the limbs and feet. Three most prominent types have been distinguished on this basis, viz. : the Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla and the Proboscidia : with some of the lesser importance, those of the Toxodontia and Hyra- coidea* If we direct our attention to the detailed structure of the feet, or of the teeth, each division offers its own range of variation ; witness in the Artiodactyles the differences between the Ruminantia and Omni- vora, and in Perissodactyla, between Equus and RMnocerus. In either order canines and incisors may be present or absent, and molars assume a great variety of patterns of enamel plication. The toes in the latter order may vary from four to one. Nevertheless, the most diverse genera are bound together by intermediate forms, often extinct. Connecting Omnivora and Ruminantia come Oreodon. Merycopotamus, Tragulus, etc. In Perissodactyla, Anchitherium, Palceosyops, etc., connect the extremes. The Proboscidians have, on the other hand, remained until recently an isolated group with but few representatives, hence its definition as an order, has been more or less obscured by characters of a special nature, drawn from the dentifion, trunk, etc., which it has been found necessary to omit in characterizing the two orders above mentioned. These charac- ters are so striking in their appearance as to suggest greater systematic importance than belongs to them. Thus the trunk is not more important as a character of the Proboscidia, than it is of the Perissodactyla, where the tapir alone possesses it. Nor are the complex molars and large tusks to be regarded as a definition, for in the Phacochcerus we have molars as compound as in some mastodons, huge canine teeth and no incisors below ; characters very different from many Artiodactyles. Nor can we regard the exclusive union of the astragalus with the navicular a& a final test, for in Perissodactyles the facet for union with the cuboid may be considera- ble (RMnocerus} to almost nothing (Equus}. The occasion for this discussion is presented by the discovery by the * Vide Gill, Arrangement of the Families of Mammals, Smithson, Misc., Coll., 1872, No. 230; the best analysis of the Mammalia yet published. palaeontologists of Haydeii's geological surveys of 1871-2, of the remark- able types Bathmodon, UintatJierium, and Eobasileus. These genera con- tradict in several particulars the characters usually assigned to the Pro- boscidia, while they agree with them in others, and they thus present the problem of classification, which will ever recur so long as additions to our knowledge of the life of the past continue to be made. This problem is simply the question as to what characters shall be retained as definitive of natural divisions, on the discovery of intermediate forms. As our system is an expression of the possession of structural characters, our higher groups or orders are naturally expressions of the existence of the more comprehensive characters, or those present through the most ex- tended series of species. Hence we believe them to be also those assumed earliest in time. In the case of the Ungulata, the structure of the feet seems to define the greatest range of the species. Thus the Artiodactyla and Perisso- dactyla are digitigrade or unguligrade, while the Proboscidia are nearly plantigrade. The first order exhibits the equal development of the third and fourth toes ; the second of the third toe, while in the Proboscidia the structure is like the last, with more,, numerous digits. But this order differs from both the preceding in the relations of the ulna and radius. In Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla the ulna diminishes greatly distally and presents but a small carpal articular surface obliquely behind that of the much larger radius. In Proboscidia the ulna presents the larger articulation with the carpus, and the radius crosses it obliquely, and pre- sents its articular face alongside of the uliiar. The characters of the three orders may be thus stated : PKOBOSCIDIA. * Feet plantigrade but elevated behind by a plantar pad. Toes nume- rous, short, the middle (3d) largest. Hind limb with knee free from the body ; tibia without spine ; astragalus flat, not produced anteriorly. Fore limb with well developed ulna articulating extensively with the carpus along side of the smaller radius, which crosses it obliquely. PERISSODACTYLA. Feet digitigrade, with a hock joint. Toes reduced in number, the third largest. Hind limb with knee enclosed in integument of body ; femur with third trochanter ; tibia with spine. Astragalus with pulley-shaped articular face for tibia and anterior prolongation. Fore limb with ulna reduced, its carpal surface smaller than that of the radius, which sup- ports the foot in front of the ulna. ARTIODACTYLA. Feet digitigrade or unguligrade. Toes reduced, the third and fourth principally and equally developed. Hind limb with knee applied to the side of the body, and elevated hock ; femur without third trochanter ; * These characters have been mostly given by Prof. Gill, 1. c. tibia with large spine. Astragalus with both inferior and anterior pulley-shaped surfaces. Ulna much reduced distally, behind the radius, which includes almost the whole of the carpal articulation. This arrangement violates previous views less than any other that would recognize the primary characters of the Eobasil&us. The difficulty of determining the limits of the two first named orders, is partially caused by the fact that the Hyracoidea present the radius of the Proboscidia with the hind foot of the Perissodactyla. These animals are, however, well regarded as a distinct order. Whether all the animals to be included in the Proboscidia possessed a proboscis or not, is of secondary importance. It is neverthele'ss highly probable that Loxolophodon and Eobasileus pos- sessed one, and not unlikely that such forms that approach still nearer the tapirs were not without an organ such as they possess, and which Cuvier ascribed to the PalcBotheria and other allies. The divisions of the Proboscidia are as follows : No incisors, nasal bones short ; astragalus articulating with navicular only : No third trochanter Proboscidia vera. No incisors, nasal bones elongate ; astragalus articu- lating with both navicular and cuboid : No third tro- chanter Dinocerata . Dentition complete ; i. e. incisors present ; ? nasal bones. Astragalus articulating with both navicular and cuboid : A rudimental third trochanter Pantodonta.. These suborders present a series of approaches to the Perissodactyla. Thus the Dinocerata agree with the typical Proboscidia in addition to the above points, in the posterior expansion of the scapula, and its apical acumination ; in the very short cervical vertebrae ; in the flat carpal bones ; in the absence of pit for round ligament of the femur ; in the flat- tened great trochanter, contracted condyles, and fissure-like intercondylar fossa of the same bone. In the longitudinal crest of the tibia separating glenoid articular faces which are on a transverse line. In the short cal- caneum which is wider than long, and tubercular on the inferior face. In the five digits ; the acetabulum not separated by a peduncle from the iliac plates, and the lack of angular production of the latter beyond the sacrum. Also in the three distinguished sacral vertebrae, as con- trasted with the five closely coossified ones of the Rhinocerotidce. These characters are, some of them, of subordinate value only. The chief differences are seen in the cranium, though here also there are important resemblances. Thus in Loxolopliodon the malar bone forms the middle element of the zygomatic arch, sending a narrow strip only for- ward to the neighborhood of the lachrymal. In Uintatherium, accord- ing to Marsh, its extension towards the side of the face is rather greater, but still much less than in Perissodactyla. The dentition is not far removed from that of Dinotherium, and the mode of succession of the teeth was in all probability similar. The premaxillaries and nasals are 4 excavated and exostosed for the attachment of a trunk in LoxolopJwdon. The lateral and occipital crests of the cranium, though different from the enlarged sinuses of the diploe of Elephants, represent the external walls of this structure, and furnish a hint as to its mode of origin, and serve to ease the transition to Perissodactyles. The differences in the cranium are consequent upon its anterior elonga- tion, the nasal bones and premaxillaries becoming thus much extended. The lachrymal is perforated by a small lachrymal canal in Uintatherium, according to Marsh, but excavated on the margin only in LoxolopJwdon. It is neither in Elephas. There is a postglenoid process more largely developed than in Proboscidia vera. Other differences of still less import- ance are to be seen in the anterior position of the exterior nares, and the presence of horns. The Pantodonta are represented by Bathmodon. With a structure of the hinder limb "nearly resembling Eobasileus, we have more pronounced relationships to the Perissodactyles. The scapula has the massive apical acuminatiou of the Proboscidia vera, and there is no round ligament of the femur in some of them. The astragalus has the same flattened form seen in Uintatherium and is even less like that of the Perissodac- 'tyla. The type of molars and the long compressed canines are similar to those of Loxolophodon. On the other hand, the cervical vertebrae are rather longer, and there is a rudimental third trochanter of the femur. History, etc. I originally referred the Eobasileidw to the Proboscidia, on account of the structure of the limbs, and subsequently stated a num- ber of reasons for this conclusion at a meeting of the Academy Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, held January 14th, 1873 (published January 16th). In' the present paper, numerous confirmatory characters are added. The Bathmodontidce I have heretofore referred to the Perisso- dactyla. Prof. Marsh, in describing a species of this group, TitanotJierium f anceps (July, 1871), compares it with perissodactyle species, and in de- scribing the tibia says, that it "at its proximal end, has the femoral sur- faces contiguous, with no prominent elevation between them, resembling in this respect some of the Proboscidea. " A few days before the publi- cation of my conclusions, in a foot-note (July 22d, 1872), he altered the name Titanotkerium to Mastodon, indicating that he had reached the same opinion. Shortly after (Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, Sept. 27th), he altered his view, constructing a supposed new order " Dinocerata," for their reception. As regards the name of the order here defined as including the three suborders above mentioned, I have preferred using one already employed to coining a new one. This is the better course also, if, as is not unlikely, the distinctions on which it, as well as the oiher two orders repose, shall be broken down by new discoveries in paleontology. 5 DlNOCERATA. The genera of this* group known to the writer are four, which differ as follow : 1. Nasal bones with flat horizontal horn-cores overhanging their apex. Cervical vertebrae short ; malar bone much reduced in front Loxolophodon. 2. Nasal bones with small tuberosities. Cervical vertebrae short Bohasileua. Cervical vertebrae longer; the malar bone reaching maxil- lary face Uimatherium. 3. Nasal bones without the anterior horn-cores. Cervicals ? Megacer-atops. The dentition of this group requires special notice. Judging from the relative sizes of the teeth, I have written the molar series of Loxoloplio- don 4 2, but judging from the forms of the crowns, it should be 1 5. However this should be, I have no doubt that as in other Proboscidia the premolar and not the molar series is deficient, and that there are three or four true molars at least. In a mandible found alone, which agrees in size with some species of Uintatlierium, six molars are preserved. Of these the posterior two display three sub-transverse crests, of which the anterior two form a chevron with open apex directed to the inside. An- terior to the front crest is a cingular tubercle. The symphyseal part of the jaw is remarkable : it is coossified, exceedingly compressed, and curved upwards so as to resemble slightly the narrow prow of a South Sea boat. There are two teeth on each side, which are separated from the molars by a diastema. They are much compressed and curved up- wards and forwards, and the anterior pair issue from the jaw in contact. The crowns are lost in the specimen. The determination of these teeth is facilitated by the presence of the mental foramen below the posterior one. This foramen issues, as is well known, posterior to the canines in all mammalia, and either below premolars, or the diastema. The two teeth in our fossil will then be premolar and canine respectively, and the incisors must be regarded as wanting. This is in conformity with the structure of the upper jaw, and is rendered probable by the great reduc- tion of the symphysis of the lower jaw in the species. It is also suggested by the almost universal tendency to reduction of the incisors seen in the mammals of the same extinct fauna. In Bathmodon and Palceosyops the canines are thrown into the incisor series as in Ruminantia, and in Palcc- osyops the outer incisors are much reduced. In several genera there are but two incisors. Finally in Synoplotherium, and probably*in Anchipho- dus, the large inferior teeth described by Dr. Leidy and myself as in- cisors and which resemble the cutters of Rodentia, are immediately in front of the mental foramen, and bear the same relation to it and to the premolar teeth, as do the canines of Palceosyopa and other mammalia. Hence I believe these to be canines, and that the inferior incisors are wanting. The probability of the truth ol this determination is increased by the presence of a small interval between them, and by the fact that they oppose the canines of the upper jaw. LOXOLOPHODON. Cope. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 580, extra copies published August 19th ; and p. 488 (Aug. 22d). The cranium in this genus is very elongate and compressed. The muzzle is posteriorly roof-shaped, but is anteriorly concave and flattened out into a bi-lobed shovel which rises above the extremity of the bone. This extremity is subconic, and short and decurved. A second pair of horn-cores stands above the orbits ; each one composed externally of the maxillary bone, and internally of an upward extension of the posterior part of the nasal. Behind this horn the superior margin of the temporal fossa sinks, but rises again at its posterior portion, probably above the level of the middle of the parietal bones. This portion of the skull is injured in my only specimen. The occipital rises in a wall upwards from the foramen magnum, and supports, probably a little in front of the junc- tion with the superior and inferior ridges bounding the temporal fossa, a third horn core on each side. The base of this core is as stout as that above the orbit, and sub-cylindric in section. The temporal fossa has its principal extent posterior to the zygomatic arch, and is in form like a trough, the inferior edge being recurved from the squamosal process to the summit of the occipital crest. It is narrow within the zygomatic arch, which is short, enclosing a space whose length is less than one- fourth that of the cranium. The occipital bone extends but a short distance on each side of the condyles, and is separated from the mastoid by an irregular suture, which is pierced by a large mastoid foramen. On the inferior face near to each condyle and one-third the distance from its inner extremity, is a posterior condyloid foramen, isolated by a narrow bar from the extremity of the foramen lacerum posterius. The paramastoid process is repre- sented by a small tuberosity, and the mastoid by a rather larger one, some distance anterior to it. The meatus auditorius opens upwards just below the external ridge of the temporal fossa and at a little distance behind the post-glenoid pro- cess. Its canal contracts rapidly, and extends upwards and backwards towards the labyrinth. It is separated from the foramen lacerum by but a thin wall, and if there was an expansion of the cavum tympam, it must have been exceedingly small, owing to the close approximation of the mastoid to ttie basi-occipital and sphenoid at this point. The labyrinth is lodged in a petrous mass opposite the occipito-mastoid suture, and the canals are small. The basi-occipital contracts anteriorly, and with the sphenoid forms an uninterrupted boundary of the foramen lacerum. This terminates oppo- site to the posterior boundary of the external meatus. and gives rise to a wide shallow groove which extends anteriorly between the pterygoid ala and the postglenoid process, and turning outwards round the latter, grooves it. Opposite to the postglenoid process and just posterior to the end of the pterygoid a small foramen enters, which is probably the for- amen ovale. Almost continuous with it is a canal which pierces the base of the pterygoid longitudinally, and issues in an excavation of its exter- nal face near the sphenoid. The pterygoids are remarkable for their great length, enclosing as they do with the palatine processes, a deep, narrow, trench-like fossa, which measures almost the entire length of the zygomatic fossa. Processes of the sphenoid contribute to these walls (which are thus double), and the sphenoid roof is strongly concave. The alisphenoid is elongate antero- posteriorly, and is principally in contact superiorly with the frontal; an- teriorly it has a short suture with the lachrymal. Almost its entire length is traversed by a shallow groove which terminates in a small foramen opticum, opposite to a point marking the posterior third of the zygomatic fossa. The foramen rotundum issues as usual between the alisphenoid and the pterygoid, but is' considerably anterior, as well as inferior to the /. opticum. I cannot determine whether the orbitosphenoid is distinct. The lachrymal is a large bone of a triangular outline, the shorter side being inferior. It is entirely on the inner face of the orbit, and as in the elephant, separates the frontal and maxillary by its superior prolongation. Its inferior border is slightly notched in front by the large foramen infraorbitale posterius, and the anterior is deeply emargi- nate, passing behind the small/, lachrymale. The palate is remarkable for its length and narrowness. Its roof is chiefly composed of the maxillaries, but a very short portion is formed by the palatine plates of the o. o. palatina. These are produced into a median point behind between the nares, and exteriorly form the inner wall of the postnareal trough for a considerable distance. The maxil- laries also form the outer wall for a short distance, being produced in a contracted form behind the molar teeth. The two bones enclose a small foramen in this prolongation, and a larger one on the anterior suture of the palatine, the foramen palatinum. The palate is deeply concave anteriorly. There is an elongate foramen close to the alveolus of the first premolar, extending anterior to it. The premaxillaries are longitudinal and separated anteriorly for two-fifths of their length, by a large foramen incisivum, which they do not enclose. They extend on the side of the muzzle into an acute angle upwards and backwards and are prolonged forwards above the exterior nares, which the suture reaphes by an abrupt descent. The maxillary supports the malar on a posteriorly directed process which reaches to the end of the anterior third of the arch below, half that distance on the side, and is bordered by a narrow strip of the malar on the inner side, as far as the anterior boundary of the orbit. The premaxillaries do not enclose the very large foramen in- cisivum in front, and are therefore deeply furcate. 8 The dentition is I. ; C. 1 ; P. M. 4 ; M. 2. The canine is a tusk of compressed form with anterior and posterior cutting edges, and a strong posterior curvature. Its fang is embraced one-third by the premaxillary bone, and is enclosed in a rib-like swelling of the side of the cranium, which extends upwards and backwards. The premolars are well worn, and have transverse cordate surfaces of attrition. These have probably resulted from the wearing down of a chevron of two crests converging inwards, in some with an inner tubercle. On the molars this crescent is represented by a V, with the apex inwards ; on the last, the inner tuber- cle is at one side (the posterior) of the apex. Name. I first applied the name Loxolopliodon to this genus in a short paper published August 19, 1872, as above cited, with a diagnostic de- scription ; the L. cornutus was there cited as the first species, and is here retained as the type. I again described it more fully in a paper published August 22d, citing Eolasileus (August 20th) as a synonym, in which I was in error, as indicated by the present paper. The same nomenclature was employed in a paper read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Dubuque, commencing August 23, 1872. In the paper of August 22d, I regarded this genus as identical with that to which I had previously (February 16, 1872) applied the name Loxolophodon, and included in it the species there called Bathmodon (Loxolophodon} semicinctus, Cope. With further material this appears not to be correct ; the Bathmodon semicinctus belongs truly to that genus, and is very near to the B. radians, so that the name Loxolophodon becemes a synonym in this connection, and may be used again for the present genus without interference. LOXOLOPHODON CORNUTUS. Cope. Loxolophodon cornutus, Cope. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 580 (August 19th), 1. c. 1872, p. 488 (August 22d). Eobasileus cornutus, Cope, American Naturalist, 1872, p. 774. Established on the remains of a single individual, which consist of a nearly perfect cranium, the right scapula complete, several vertebra including the sacral, the first or second rib, the pelvis complete, and the entire right femur ; also probably the proximal end of a radius. The species is remarkable for the narrow form of the cranium, its width at the middle being one-fourth its length. A little in front of the middle, are situated the horn-cores. These diverge, the upper portion having an outward curvature. The base of each is triangular with obtuse angles in section, and the inner angle is the section of a rib-like projection which extends across the middle line to its fellow and rises half way up the horn-core. Above its rather abrupt termination, the core is transversely compressed, with oval obtuse apex. The core measures M. .240 (9.5 inches) from its base in front, M. .108 (4.25 inches) in width at the base behind, and .077 (3 inches) in diameter at the apex. A slight swelling of the sides of the muzzle descends obliquely forwards 9 from the base of each horn, which enlarges below into a prominent rib, which encloses the alveolus of the canine tusk. In front of the horns the muzzle is roof-like ; anteriorly it flattens out, and swells a little above the posterior end of the nasal meatus. In front of this it expands again, and rises gently to the extremity of the bi-lobed nasal shovel, which overhangs the premaxillaries, the nasal meatus and the greater part of the apex of the nasal bones. The latter is short and with a wide base and resembles two lateral cones flattened together, their extremities obliquely truncate outwards and excavated. The composition of the upper surface of the cranium is somewhat difficult to determine, owing to the injured state of the posterior part. If we regard the bone which bounds the lachrymal behind and above, as frontal, as I did in originally describing the species, it gives an extraordinary extent to the nasals, for the com- mon suture of these bones extends Y-shaped backwards, to a point opposite to the middle of the zygomatic arches. It gives to the nasals an extent equal to that of the frontals and parietals combined. They not only support the anterior shovels but form the inner half of the median horn-cores, rising as high as the tuberosity above described. To regard these bones as frontals would involve the improbable peculiarity of their extending beyond the nareal orifices, and the terminal cone of the nasals is not separated from them by suture. The question is decided in favor of their being nasals, by those bones as preserved in Eobasileus pressicorniSj Cope, where the shovel is represented by a tubercle only on the side of a continuous nasal. The immense -length of the snout in Loxo- loplwn looks as though the nasal bones had extended themselves for- ward, so as to ossify the basal portions of an elephantine proboscis. The frontals descend behind the horns, with a very obtuse or rounded continuation, to the inner side of the fossa, and without any superciliary margin. They form with the posterior part of the nasals a shallow me- dian basin. The suture with the parietals is very indistinct, but if I have truly discovered it, it forms another posteriorly directed chevron, and leaves but a narrow superciliary portion of the frontals. Above the postglenoid processes the parietals rise again to the transverse occipital crest, but to what height is uncertain. At the mastoid region, the cranium widens a little, and is excavated at the sides by the temporal fossae. Near where the lateral and posterior crests join the inferior ridge- like border of the temporal fossa, in front of a position occupied by a knob in E. pressicornis, is a strong horn-core with sub-cylindric base. It stands obliquely backwards towards the junction of the inferior squamosal and transverse crests, and is connected to these by an oblique ridge, one side of which is marked with irregular, short, longitudinal rugosities. At the base of these elevations are three sinuses. This por- tion was found close to the skull, but separated from it, and the precise mode of its attachment has not been discovered by actual fit. The occiput rises upwards for four inches above the condyles; perhaps it displayed a posteriorly sloping transverse crest as in E. pressicorms. 10 The paramastoid and mastoid tuberosities are narrowed and extend ob liquely downwards and forwards. The lower part of the exoccipital suture runs along a ridge, and there is a tuberosity in front of the mas- toid foramen. An irregular A-shaped crest extends upwards with the apex at the inferior temporal crest, and its anterior limb forming part of the posterior boundary of the meatus auditorium. The inferior temporal crest is directed outwards below, but forwards above. The narrowness of the cranium is readily seen on comparing the postglenoid processes. These are not deep, but have considerable trans- verse extent, and are separated by a space only a little greater than the transverse diameter of each. The zygomatic arches are compressed pos- teriorly with crest-like superior ridge, but rounded above anteriorly. There is not the least trace of posterior boundary of the orbit. The squamosal process overlaps the malar bone extensively, terminating in a point, the latter ending obtusely. The malar is supported in front by a maxillary process, which is united with it by a zigzag suture on the outer face and a squamosal one within and below. The foramen infraorbitale exterius is large, and issues a short distance in front of the orbit, not so near it as in the elephants. From this point to the ridge enclosing the canine alveolus the side of the maxillary bone is deeply concave, and the palatal surface correspondingly contracted. The bone is continued up- wards and outwards as the external part and apex of the middle horn- cores. Anteriorly it is bounded by the premaxillary to a point as far anterior to the base of the horn as the width of the latter; behind that point it is in contact with the nasals. The premaxillary is prolonged upwards and backwards into a narrow tongue. Its inferior portion is convex above on each side, concave below, with projecting alveolar bor- ders, which are flat and slightly concave fore and aft. The extremity of each is rugose below, supports a prominent tubercle medially and a smaller one at the superior angle. The exterior nares are not separated by osseous septum. Their lateral border is marked on the inferior surface of the nasal and premaxillary roof, by a curved ridge or crest, which converge forwards and bound the interior concavity of the roof. They gave support to muscular or liga- mentous attachments. The posterior angle of the nares is abruptly ex- cavated with thickened walls. The palate is remarkably narrow, and is most deeply excavated between the alveolae of the tusks, or at the maxillo-premaxillary suture. From near this point to the palatine suture a low but sharp crest extends along the middle line. The width of the palate at the diastema is one ninth of its length. The diastema is more than half the length of the molar series. The pterygoid process of the palate has two convergent grooves on its inferior surface. ^ The teeth are remarkable for the extent of the exposure of their slender roots, as well as their very small size a's compared with the size of the animal. The tusk is slightly turned outwards at the tip and the inner face is worn by attrition with some opposing tooth for one-third its length 11 on the posterior third. The superior margin of the enamel on this side is chevron-shaped, the apex being only one-third the length from the extremity. It extends further upwards in front and on the outer side, but is worn in an oval patch at the apex of the chevron of this side by contact with the inferior teeth, as above described. The enamel is smooth behind, rugose in front. The apex contracts regularly to a flattened obtuse point. The fang is hollow for about half its length. The enamel of the molars is nearly smooth. Each one has a strong cingu- lum fore and aft, which is discontinued on the inner and outer faces ex- cept in P. M. 1, and M. 2. In the former, it is continued on the outer side at the base of the concavity of the exterior face; on the latter, it is continued round the inner side. The grinding surface of the P. M. 1, is tripodal, and probably composed of a worn crescent and inner tubercle. The others are transverse arrow-shaped; the P. M. 4 is much more worn than the others. M. 2 is larger than M. 1. Its oblique crests have evi- dently been worn from before. All the molars have three roots, but the posterior pair are united for part of their length in all. The corner does not unite with the superior crest of the palatine bones. The sphenoid flattens out behind the post-nareal trough and is coosified with the basioccipital. The latter is marked by two oval sur- faces at the place of suture, with a slight prominence between. No lower jaw was found with this specimen, but from the contraction of the parts opposed to it, it was evidently very small. Cranial Measurements. M. Length from end nasals to end occipital condyle (3 feet 1.5 inches) 0.930 Width just behind end nasal shovels 192 " in front of horns .132 " at base of horns in front 205 " behind horns at apex of frontal suture 185 " above posterior edge meatus auditorium 310 " between apices horn-cores 370 " basis supraoccipital horn-core 100 " including zygomatic arches (greatest) 320 Length of nasal bones to ridge between horn-cores. . . .410 " " " " " frontal suture 540 " of zygomatic fossa above 230 " from angle iiares to end shovel 205 " " " " premaxillary 155 " from end premaxillary to basis of camine 120 " " " " " P.M.I 276 " of molar series 185 " of palate 450 " of pterygo-palatine crest 200 " of sphenoid axis 185 " " basioccipital (with condyles) 128 12 M. Width between tips premaxillaries 070 " at canine alveoli 185 " between canine alveoli 080 " at diastema 050 " between last molars '070 " pterygo-palatine crests 065 " of postglenoid process 095 " between postglenoid processes 095 " basioccipital at front 073 " " " condyles 200 " of space for lymphanic chamber 034 Length tusk on curve (12.7 inches) 320 Diameter at middle (antero-posterior) 050 " " base " " 063 " " middle (transverse) 030 11 " crown P. M. 1 transverse 022 " " antero-posterior 024 " " M. 1 " " 035 " " " transverse 034 M. 2 " 043 11 antero-posterior 045 Elevation of shovel above base of apex of nasal .060 The measurements may require some correction in respect to the supraorbital width, where the cranial walls have suffered from compres- sion. The frontal of one side has been pushed so as to overlap that of the other by about an inch. The scapula is of a sub-triangular form, the front being vertical, the apex directed backwards and an angle upwards. The posterior expansion is considerable, as in the elephants, while the superior angle is acumin- ate and much produced and massive. The spine is much elevated, bounding a deep supraspinous fossa. It is truncate in front descending to near the border of the glenoid cavity. Its extremity is dilated in alate fashion, equally fore and aft, and not posteriorly only as in the elephants. The glenoid cavity is flattened so as to be longitudinal, and the coracoid is a rudi mental tuberosity. Measurements of Scapula. JM-. Total length (25.25 inches) 0.640 " width 480 Length apex from spine 140 Elevation of spine proximally 125 Length of glenoid cavity 185 Width " " " 110 The interior side of the scapula is strongly convex by the development 13 of two longitudinal ribs, one corresponding to each fossa, but concave in longitudinal section. The proximal end of the radius exhibits two facets oblique to each other, the larger concave and transverse, the other oblique downwards. Transverse width M. 0.130 ; vertical .070. The extremity of a humerus not found with this individual, to which the radius applies pretty well, has a very oblique trochlear face, and measures seven inches across the condyles. It, however, belongs to a smaller species. The femur is entire. Like that of other species of the group it is much expanded proximally and deep distally, with the shaft contracted and somewhat flattened in the plane of the great trochanter. The latter is in one plane, with its external margin turned a little backwards. The head is part of a globe, and is a little more elevated than the trochanter, and separated from its apex by a shallow concavity. There is no little trochanter. The trochlear face is not elevated nor wide, and with lateral borders subequally developed. The aiitero-posterior axis of the con- dyles is somewhat oblique to a line at right angles to the proximal end. On this account the interior coaidyle is the longer ; its articular face is continuous with the trochlear, with a marginal notch ; the outer condyle is continuous, with continuous outer margin. Strong ridges revolve from above the condyles to the posterior face of the shaft, the inner near the condyle. The outer runs parallel to the main axis as a low external ala, and backwards three inches above the condyle. The face between them is concave. Measurements of Femur. M. Total length, (31.75 in.) ' 0.747 Total proximal width 255 Diameter of ball 136 Transverse diameter at middle of shaft 096 Antero-posterior " " " 074 " condyles posteriorly 150 Transverse " " " 160 " " " distally 145 The pelvis has a large transverse expansion. The iliac plates are ovoid in outline, with the apex outwards and downwards. The margins are rather thin excepting the internal above the acetabulum. These are massive, and with a longitudinal excavation. They terminate in a deep oblique excavation for the diapophyses of the sacrum. The external margin rises compressed from just above the acetabulum. The latter is large for the size of the ilia, and its margins rise to a slight elevation be- neath the exterior margins of the latter. The incisura acetabuli is ob- clavate, and nearly symmetrical. The os ischium is compressed and deeper than the pubis. It possesses a tuberosity on the posterior inferior mar- gin. The obturator foramen is small and is a vertical oval. The pubis is rather slender and short. ' Its section at base is subtriangular; beyond, 14 it becomes more compressed, and is spirally twisted on itself through part of a circle. Its anterior margin near the symphysis is strongly rugose for the origin of the pectineus muscle; the rugosity extends into a band on the outside of its proximal portion. Measurements of Pelvis. M. Long diamater of ilium 0.605 Transverse do. at acetabulum 430 Length inferior free margin do 250 Long diameter acetabulum 150 Shorter " " 130 " " obturator foramen 070 Width ischium at tuberosity 140 Length " to " 110 Diameter pubis at obturator foramen 062 Expanse of ilia laid on a flat surface and with sacrum fn place (4.2 ft.) 1.280 The general character of the pelvis is more like that of the Elephant than that of any Perissodactyle. It agrees with the former and differs from that of the Ehinocerus in the shortness of the pedestals of the ilia or rather in the sessile position of the latter on the acetabula; also in the absence of production of the iliac crests in advance of and above the sacrum. It is also elephantine in the shortness of the inferior elements of the pelvis. Of vertebra, there are preserved a dorsal, two lumbar, and some sacral. The first is very short and transverse. It is so injured that I can only give measurements. The base of the transverse neurapophysis is a flat oval; both capitular articular surfaces are deep. The anterior lumbar is longer, but still short; its articular faces are slightly concave. The neural arch is wide, and supports the diapophysis. The sides of the centrum are concave and pierced by foramina, and there is p, strong rugose hypapophysis. The section at the middle is subtriangular. I have three sacral vertebra which are separated by very distinct sutures. They diminish very rapidly in size, and the centra become flattened trans- verse. It is doubtful whether there was a fourth vertebra, and the tail must have been short and slender. The articular face of the first is a transverse rather broad ellipse and twice the diameter of the third distally. The diapophysis of the second is much the stoutest. It unites with the subvertical plate-like diapophysis of the first as well as with that of the third. It is concave above, and terminates distally in a mas- sive L-shaped surface of articulation with the ilium. The foramina en- closed by the diapophyses are quite large. The inferior face of the first sacral centrum is slightly concave with a hypapophysial tuberosity in front; it is strongly concave in the second. 15 Measurements of Vertebra. M. Antero-posterior diameter of dorsal 0.044 Diameter at bottom neural arch do 040 Length base of neurapophysis 041 Diameter centrum lumbar (vertical) 090 " " " (transverse) 110 " " " (antero-posterior) 080 Length three sacral vertebrae 226 Transverse extent of sacrum (15 in.) 380 Diameterfirst vertebra at free end (transverse) (4.6 in.) .122 " " " " Vertical) 093 < last " " " 021 " " " " (transverse) 065 Total expanse of heads of rib 106 Diameter capitular face (vertical) 048 " tubercular " 030 Width rib just below head .050 Restoration. We may ascribe to the Loxolophodon cornutus, form and proportions of body similar to those of the elephant. The limbs, however, were somewhat shorter, as the femur is stouter for its length than in the E. indicus. It was intermediate in this respect between the latter species and the species of Ehinocerus. The tail was quite small. The neck was a little longer than in the elephants, but much less than in the rhinoce- roses; the occipital crest gave attachments to the ligamentum mucJtce and muscles of the neck, which must needs have been powerful to support the long muzzle with its osseous prominences, and to handle with effect the terrible laniary tusks. The head must have been supported some- what obliquely downwards, presenting the horns somewhat forwards as well as upwards. The third or posterior pair of horns towered above the middle ones, extending vertically with a divergence, when the head was at rest. The posterior and middle pair of horns were no doubt covered by integument in some shape, but whether dermal or corneous is uncertain. Their penetrating foramina are smaller than in the Bovidce. The cores have somewhat the form of those of the Antilocapra americana, whence I suspect that the horns had an inner process, or were palmate as in the prong-horn at present inhabiting the same region. The nasal shovels may have supported a pair of flat divergent dermal horns, but this is uncertain; they are not very rugose. The elevation of the animal at the rump was about six feet, distributed as follows: Inches. Foot 4.50 Tibia '. . . 20.50 Femur : 31.75 Pelvis 16. 72.75 16 The anterior limb was stouter than the posterior, judging from the proportions in Eobasileus pressicornis, and were no doubt more elevated, if of the Proboscidian character. This would give us the hypothetical elevation at the withers : Inches. Leg 61.00 Scapula (actual) 21.00 Neural spines (extremities) 7.00 Or seven feet, five inches 89.00 These measurements are made from the plantar and palmar surfaces, allowance being made for the pads. The neck, estimating from tne dorsal vertebrae and from the cervicals of other species preserved, could not have exceeded one foot in length, and may hava been less. This added to the length of the cranium, gives a total of about four feet. The obliquity of the antero-posterior axis of the cervical vertebrae, indicates that the head was posteriorly elevated above the axis of the dorsal vertebrae. Thus it is entirely clear, that the muzzle of this animal could not have reached the ground by several feet, and that, as occurs in the similar cases of the Tapirs and Elephants tkere was a proboscis to supply that necessity. The indications derived from the bones of the muzzle confirm this conclusion, as has been already pointed out. There could have been no interference from the horns near the ends of the nasal bones, for the bases of these project beyond the origin of a proboscis, and were directed outwards while the latter hung downwards. This species was probably quite as large as the Indian Elephant, for the individual described is not adult, as indicated by the freedom of the epiphyses of the lumbar vertebrae, and fragments of others in my posses- sion indicate considerably larger size. Habits. The very weak dentition indicates soft food, no doubt of a vegetable character, of what particular kind it is not easy to divine. The long canines were no doubt for defense chiefly, and may have been use- ful in pulling and cutting vines and branches of 'the forest. The horns furnished formidable weapons of defense . That the anterior nasal pair were not used for rooting in the earth is evident from the elevation of the head, which would render this impossible. This huge animal must have been of defective vision, *for the orbits have no distinctive outline, and the eyes were so overhung by the horns and cranial walls as to have been able to see but little upwards. The muzzle and cranial crests have obstructed the view both forwards and backwards, so that this beast probably resembled the Rhinoceros in the ease with which it might have been avoided when in pursuit. Locality. The remains of the Loxolophodon cornutus were found by the writer in August, 1872, in a ravine of the bad lands of Wyoming. The greater part of the cranium and the femur were excavated from the base of a cliff of perhaps 250 feet in height, on the side of a ravine elevated 17 about 1000 feet, in the Mammoth Buttes, on South Bitter Creek. As the basin of Bitter Creek is 7,500 feet above the sea, the fossil was taken from an elevation of 8,500 feet. The horizon is the Bridger Group of the Eocene of Hayden. EOBASILEUS. Cope. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 485 (Au- gust 20th). As pointed out above, this genus resembles Loxolophodon in the very short cervical vertebrae, but agrees with Uintatherium in the rudimental condition of the nasal horn-cores, which are mere tubercles. The posterior or third pair of horn-cores are also very different, and probably stand on the largely developed lateral crests of the superior surface of the cranium, as in Uintatherium. They are apparently preserved in E. furcatum (which is not the type of the genus), and are compressed from base to summit ; in Loxolophodon the base is nearly cylindric. The characters of this genus had not been indicated 'in any of the de- scriptions published by palaeontologists prior to its establishment as above cited. It is possible that Tinoceras grandis of Marsh may be synony- mous with one of the species here referred to it, but this point cannot be determined from the descriptions of that author. The cervical vertebra in E. pressicornis are very short. The limbs are much as in Loxolophodon, as are the scapula and pelvis. The symphysi& pubis of E. pressicornis, or an ally, is short, and was separated from the ischiadic symphysis, but whether this belongs to the genus is not entirely certain. The namcular bone, of perhaps the same species as the above, displays, as in living proboscidians, four inferior facets, thus proving the existence of five toes to the hind foot. The external facet is deeply concave, and contains a pit. It is oblique, and unites with the superior face by an acute angle. It supported the small inner toe by its metatarsus directly. The other three are more nearly on one plane, and are deeper than wide. The navicular is in form a little less than a quarter of a circle, and the external (anterior) depth is one half its transverse length. Its superior surface is slightly convex. EOBASILEUS PRESSICOKNIS. Cope. Loxolophodan pressicornis, Cope. Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1872, p. 580 (published August 19th). Loc. cit., p. 488 (August, 22). Eobasil- eus cornutus, Cope, 1. c., p. 485 (Aug. 20th), not Loxolophodon cornutus, Cope, 1. c., Aug. 19. Represented by numerous portions of the cranium, with fragments of limbs of one individual ; of almost all portions of the skeleton except the cranium, of a second. A humerus with astragalus of a third are of un- certain reference, while a single humerus of another species may belong here. Fragments of several other individuals of appropriate size may pertain to it. 18 The cranium is represented by nasal, maxillary, malar, occipital bones, etc. The first named has a half conic apex, and an oblique compressed tuberosity, which forms the lateral border behind it, and is directed ob- liquely upwards. The apex of each nasal is vertically compressed acute, and is deeply pitted and rugose for muscular or ligamentous attachments. The inferior lateral marginal ridge is contracted, and encloses a concave median space. The tuberosity sinks to the level of the median suture. The posterior part of the nasal rises to the apex of the middle horn-core, forming its inner face. The postero-superior angle of the premaxillary reaches to near the base of the horn, and is not drawn out to a narrow apex as in L. cornutus. The horn is compressed antero-posteriorly at the base; at the apex obliquely inwards and forwards. The outer face is concave on the lower half, the inner convex. The posterior face is con- cave and the anterior convex when viewed from the side. Measurements of Nasal Bone. M. Width of both at tuberosity 0.124 11 base of distal cone 060 Depth of suture at front of tuberosity 030 Length of suture from premaxillary to horn-core 035 " horn-core (in front) (6 in.) 150 Diameter (externally) 080 11 of apex 048 TJie occipital region is furnished with an enormous transverse crest which extends upwards and backwards. Its margin is gently convex, and its supero-anterior face concave. The posterior is narrowed by the in- ferior crest-Uke margins of the temporal fossa which extend from the squa- mosal part of the zygoma and gradually contract, terminating abruptly in a low knob where it joins the transverse crest. The posterior face between the former is divided into two planes by a low vertical ridge, which terminates some distance below the summit. The- transverse crest is continued in a curve forwards on each side as the superior margin of the temporal fossa. The specimen does not indicate whether these sup- ported horns, but they are very stout. Measurements of Occiput. * M. Elevation from, foramen magnum 0.180 Width between inferior temporal crests 250 " of condyles with foramen 180 Elevation above internal sinuses at angles 180 The mastoid tuberosity is short and stout ; the mastoid foramen is large and not piercing a crest. The ex-occipital suture is obliterated. The A- shaped crest behind the meatus in Loxolophodon cornutus is little marked here. The surface of the bone has various muscular impressions. The basi-occipital exhibits a low median crest dividing lateral concavities ; 19 transverse width at condyles .077 M. The fragments of teeth are too uncharacteristic for specific description. Numerous cranial fragments accompany the above, but have not yet been properly placed. The atlas is broken ; its cotyloid cavities are rather shallow, and the diapophyses small. Its antero-posterior diameter below at the middle line is .070 ; at base of diapophysis ".070. The condyles of the femur present the characters of the group. There is a deep vertical groove on the inner side just above the condyle. The latter approach each other closely on each side of the intercondylar fossa and are flattened on the superior posterior margins. Width across extremities M. .150. At a distance of one or two hundred feet from the above specimen I found portions of the skeleton of a smaller animal, probably a different but allied species. It is represented by portions of ribs and limbs, of which the ulna is described under Uintatherium. Two or three hundred yards from the typical specimen, I obtained remains of almost all parts of the skeleton of what is probably the present species. The femur is identical in character. The specimen embraces cervical dorsal and lumbar verte- brae, ulna, both femora and tibiae, astralagus, navicular, etc., and large parts of the scapulae and pelvis. The scapula in its proximal portions, differs little from that of Loxo- lophodon cornutus besides in inferior size. The coracoid is a compressed tubercle enclosing a groove with the glenoid cavity. M. Diameter glenoid cavity (longitudinal) 0.168 " " " (transverse) 098 The os pubis displays a strong pectineal rugosity commencing near the acetabulum. M. Long Diameter of acetabulum 0. 143 Length ischio pubic suture 108 Diameter pubis near acetabulum 052 The femur is nearly as long as that of Loxolophodon cornutus, but is more slender, and has a relatively smaller head. It is flattened fore and aft, and the great trochanter is much expanded and with a shallow con- cavity on the posterior face. There is a marked concavity on the posterior face of the shaft above the condyles. There is a rudiment of the little tro- chanter. The tibia is scarcely three-fourths the length of the femur, and has a rather contracted shaft, which is in section rounded triangular, one angle presenting forwards. There is no spine except a rudiment in the swollen upper portion of the anterior ridge. The articular surfaces are together rather narrowly transverse. They are separated by a keel which is undivided posteriorly ; anteriorly the contiguous margins of the cotyli separate. The long axis of the inner of these is directed antero-posteri- orly outwards in front ; of the other similar but much more transverse. It overhangs the shaft outwards and backwards and supports beneath, the subround down-looking fibular articular surface. The distal articu- 20 lar surface is distinguished from allied species by the downward promi- nence of the malleolar process, the antero-posterior width, and the greater extent of the fibular articular face. The face is slightly concave antero- posteriorly and openly sigmoidal transversely. Measurements of Leg. JM. Length with astragalus in place 1.200 Femur, length 750 " diameter ball 118 " width at great trochanter 220 " " " middle shaft 091 " depth " " 060 Tibia, length .470 u width proximal surfaces (transverse) 147 " " " (antero-posterior) 070 " transverse diameter shaft 061 " antero-posterior " 065 " " distal articulation 092 " transverse " " " 121 Fibula, length . % 430 ** transverse width at middle 032 " width proximal articular face 042 " " malleolar " " (transverse) 052 " " " " " (longitudinal) 044 A section of the fibula, near the proximal end, is sub-triangular ; a short distance below, sub-circular; on the distal two-thirds it is flat, with the thinner edge convex inwards. The astragalus is a flat bone, with its entire superior face occupied by the tibial articular surface. This is as broad as long, and very little convex. It is broader in front than behind ; the outer margin is concave, the inner slightly convex. The posterior margin projects most on the outer side, and it is divided by a pit-like cavity, which sends a groove to the inner margin. The outer malleolar surface is an antero-posterior oval ; the inner, a concavity, beyond which the inferior portion of the bone projects. The inferior face is divided by a prominent transverse angle, between sub-anterior and sub-posterior faces. The latter receives the calcaneum on two oval surfaces, which are joined behind by a narrow strip. The navicular face is sub-rhomboid, the cuboid one-third as large, and triangular, with a round base outwards. The margin of the former scarcely projects beyond the superior face. Measurements of Astragalus. M. Total width 0.128 " length 107 Width tibial face in front. . .090 21 M. Length tibial face externally 088 " internal malleolar face 045 " outer calcaneal do. antero-pesteriorly 050 Length navicular facet 095 Width do. (antero-posterior) 060 Length cuboid facet 065 Width do. (antero-posterior) 035 A navicular belonging to the individual mentioned first has been already described. Measurements of Navicular. M. Depth in front 048 Width (transverse) 097 " of external facet.. 035 " " second 026 " third 047 " " internal 023 A distal end of a humerus was found with two astragali about a hun- dred yards from the last individual. The articular face is very oblique to the transverse axis, but is about equally developed on opposite sides of the shaft. The condyles are unequal, have parallel axes, and are separated by but a shallow concavity. The fossae of opposite sides are not very large nor deep. Measurements of Humerus. M. Transverse diameter distally 175 Do. of inner condyle 104 " outer " 125 Transverse diameter olecranon 110 The portion of ulna just measured belongs to the individual of which so many fragments were found, or No. 2. The dorsal vertebrae of the same are somewhat distorted by pressure ; I will therefore describe a cervical of natural form. The centrum is very short, and the articular face is a wide, transverse oval. Both are slightly concave, and the axis being slightly oblique, the anterior is the more elevated. The surface of the latter is quite rugose, except on the margins. The cervical canal is wide, and the neur- and parapophyses narrow. In- ferior surface regularly convex. Measurements of Cervical Vertebra. M. Length centrum 044 " basis neurapophysis 040 " anterior articular face 102 Depth " " 086 Width neural canal at base ... .060 22 Restoration. The elevation of this animal was not much less than that of the LoxolopJiodon cornutus, but the proportions were more slender. As in all the species of Uintatherium in which the horns are known, these appendages stood in front of the orbits, and nearer the nareal opening than in the type of the former genus. The muzzle, too, is materially shorter and more contracted, and the true apex of the muzzle was not over- hung by the great cornices seen in Loxolopliodon. The horn-sheaths were probably simple, while in L. cornutus they were probably palmate. The occipital and parietal crests are much more extended in this species than in the L. cornutu% so that in life the snout and muzzle had not such a preponderance of proportion as in that species. All the species of this genus were rather more rhinocarotic in the proportions of the head, although the horns and tusks produced a very different physiognomy. The extremities of the nasal bones, though not excavated as in that species, are strongly pitted and exostosed, and this taken in connection with the elevation of the head renders it probable that this species also possessed a proboscis. History. This species was originally described by the writer in a short paper, which was published and distributed August 19th, 1872, under the generic name Loxolophodon. I shortly afterwards referred it to the new genus Eobasileus, under the name cornutus, under the impression that it was the same as the Loxolophodon cornutus; but finding this was not the case, I again used the specific name here adopted. More than a month later Prof. Marsh (September 21st) described a species under the name of Tinoceras grandis, which agrees with this one so far as relates to the length of horn-cores, but that it is the same species cannot now be positively asserted. I originally (August 20th, 1872) alluded to the horn-cores as situated on the frontal bones ; Marsh has since asserted them to be composed of the maxillaries. I have discovered on the first opportunity of making a detailed examination, that the inner face is composed of the posterior part of the nasal bones, and the exterior of the maxillaries. EOBASILEUS FUBCATUS. Cope. Loxolophodon bifurcatus, Cope, in extra copies on Proboscidians of the Eocene of Wyoming, August 19th 1872.* Loxolophodon furcatus in the same, Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 580, Aug- 20th. L. c. 488, August 22d. This species was originally described from a large horn-core whose extremital part resembles strongly the nasal shovel of Eobasileus cor- nutus, on which account I referred it to that position on the skull. Marsh has described somewhat similar horn-cores from the lateral crests of the skull behind in II. mirabile, whence it may be that my specimen is referable to that position, although it differs much from those of that species. * See Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 515, where this name is recorded. 23 The basis is very narrow and lenticular ; a short distance above it the outer side is convex. The anterior and posterior extensions of the base differ ; the one is thinner, the other more massive and with a shallow groove above its commencement. The latter may be posterior. If so, the compressed apex of the horn-core sends down a rib outwardly to the anteriorly and one inwardly, which disappears on the convex base. The general form is spatulate with the apex expanded obliquely across the lat- eral crest, and regularly rounded in superior outline. Its anterior face is flat, the posterior convex ; its surface is grooved by very small blood vessels. As compared with the posterior horn-core of Loxolophodon cornutus, there is every difference. That is continuous with one margin of the crest ; this, erect above it ; that has a round base, this a lenticular one. It is more like that of U. mirabile, which I only know from Marsh's figure, but abundantly distinct. It is much more elongate, especially above the posterior ? part of the crest, and is flattened, and without the triangular section of that species. Measurements of Horn-core. M. The total length above crest (5.5 inches) 0. 135 " " " " base (7^ inches) 180 Width across apex (in front) * 095 Thickness across apex (in front) 028 "' at base 040 It is not certain that this horn may not belong to the E. pressicornis, if it be a posterior core, of which, however, I am not yet entirely sure. In that case the name furcatus, under which it was first described, becomes a synonym of E. pressicornis. UINTATHERIUM. Leidy. Proceedings Academy Natural Science's, Philadelphia, 1872, page 169 (published early in August). Dinoceras, Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1872. October, 1872 (published September 27). This genus resembles the last in its general proportions, but differs in its more elongate cervical vertebrae. The centra of these are flat at both extremities, but have not such a marked elephantine abbreviation as seen in the two genera above described. This enabled the head to approach the ground more nearly, and as the limbs were shorter in some of the species, they no doubt modified the length of the proboscis, if present. Several names have been applied to this genus. Professor Leidy's name here employed, bears date early in August, but of the precise day I am not informed. Professor Marsh, in the Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 1872 (Sept. 21st), applied the name Tinoceras toj a species (T. grandis] perhaps of this genus, and gave a description in which some of the 24 generic characters may have been mentioned. He had previously applied it without description to the Uintatherium anceps, Aug. 24th (and 19th*, in an erratum, where Mastodon anceps is altered into Tinoceras anceps}. As no characters whatever were assigned to it on either of these occa- sions, it had no value in zoological nomenclature, and must bear date September 21st. Under date of September 27th, Prof. Marsh proposed the name Dinoceras (American Journal Science Arts, 1872) for the V. mirabile, but did not give his reasons for separating it from his former genus (the names of the two bear an objectionable resemblance), or those published by Dr. Leidy, or myself. Until such reasons be adduced, I retain it also in Uintatherium, as is done by Dr. Leidy. I am acquainted, by autopsy, with two species of this genus. None of them are so large as the Eobasileus pressicornis ; U. robustum, Leidy, is smaller, and the U. lacustre, Marsh, smaller still. U. mirabile (Dinoceras, Marsh) is about the size of the U. robustum, and nearly allied to it ; but it may be distinct, as it has a larger mastoid process. Tinocera* grandis, Marsh, agrees in measurements with the E. pressicornis, and is perhaps that species or the E. furcatus. The Tinoceras anceps, Marsh, has been so imperfectly characterized as to be practically unknown. It is one of the smaller species, and is most likely to be identical with the IT. robustum, whose name it antedates. Until these points be cleared up, I retain three species, as follows : Uintatherium robustum, Leidy ; U. mirabile, Marsh ; U. lacustre, Marsh. For convenience I compare these species with those of Eobasileus. The naso-maxillary horn-cores have been seen in E. pressicornis and U. mirabile, and the nasal tubercles in the same. The posterior horn-cores are known in the U. mirabile. The posterior and lateral crests of the cranium inclose a basin-shaped concavity above in all these species ; it has been observed in all but E. furcatus. The dentition is similar to that in Loxolophodon,, i.e., I. ; C. 1 ; P. M. 4 ; M. 2. The first premolar in U. lacustre has an internal cone and outer concave crest. The worn surfaces of the other teeth in that species, U. robustum and U. mirabile, are narrow ovate, with a deep exterior emargination. The true molars support two crests, which converge inwards and unite with a small tubercle behind the apex in U. lacustre and U. robustum. The tusk is long, compressed and double-edged, as in Loxolophodon. , The last inferior molar in U. robustum possesses three transverse crests, the posterior two parallel, and obliquely directed inwards towards the axis of the anterior, which is the highest. In a specimen of one of the smaller species, the ulna widens consider- ably distally, being nearly as wide as the olecranon. The latter is large, flattened and subtransverse, and presents a sharp ridge internally. On the inner side of the distal part of the articular face for the humerus is a tubercle, from which a short, wide groove runs out on the inner face of * These papers were riot recaived by me till early iu December, 1872. 25 the bone, the head of the radius is a little exterior to the middle line, and the shaft crosses the ulna in an open, shallow groove to the inner side. The cuboid is flat, and displays two proximal and two distal articular facets in P . fftrcatum. The astragalus of the same species is subbifurcate posteriorly, and has internally an extensive, oblique malleolar fossa. The calcaneum is short and massive, with two superior and one small anterior articular facet. The species may be thus distinguished : 1. Large species (occipital condyles extending over about M. 0.170.) Naso-maxillary horns long ; tibia with wide articular faces E. pressicornis. Horn-cores flat, elevated E. furcatus. 2. Species of intermediate size. A prominent mastoid process, molars smaller V. robustum. Mastoid process not prominent; maxillary horn-cores low, triangular; posterior horn-cores short, triangular in section II. mirabiU. 8. Smallest species (occipital condyles extending over about M. .95.) Molar teeth larger, the last with a posterior expansion. . IT. lacustre. Previous to describing the species I notice a part of the skeleton of a large mammal, second only in bulk to Loxolophodon and Eobasileus above described. These, which were not found in association with a cranium, consist of several vertebrae, some carpal bones, the entire hind limb of the left side except the toes and the cuneiform and navicular bones. The odontoid process is very stout, with a descending trihedral apex. Length M. .078, diameter at base, .048. A dorsal vertebra with a single (anterior) capitular articular face, is quite concave in front. M. Diameter antero-posteriorly 057 " vertically 094 A cervical vertebra has the proportions of the dorsal as to its centrum, thus differing materially from species previously described. The articu- lar surfaces are slightly concave. jM. Length (antero-posteriorly) 0.065 Diameter vertical 087 ' ' transverse 100 The femur resembles that of the other species already described, but is remarkable for the relatively small size of the head. While the lengths of the bone are not very different, and the expanse of the great trochaiiter about the same, the head of L. cornutus is large, the present one is very much smaller, and that of E. pressicornis intermediate. There is a rudimental third trockanter, and the condyles are as large as, and similar to those of, E. pressicornis. The external marginal condylar ridge is quite short. The shaft is broken and some small pieces lost ; it is now 26 inches long, but was no doubt longer when complete. 26 Measurements of Femur. M. Expanse of great trochanter 0.230 Diameter of head * . -109 " " shaft at middle 093 " above condyles 152 " at extremity of condyles 139 11 (vertical) of inner condyle 125 The tibia is perfectly preserved. It is short and stout and with massive extremities. The outer basal part of the spine remains and is prominent. The cotyli are not oblique ; the inner is subround, the outer transverse, widening outwardly ; their long axes are at right angles to each other. The crest is a low ridge of contact of the cotyli. The superior fibular face is a transverse oval ; the inferior much smaller than in E. pressicornis. The shaft is contracted, and flattened behind and on the inner side. The dis- tal extremity is transverse, less truncated for the fibula than in E. pressi- cornis, less convex behind, and with a less prominent external malleolus- The point dividing the astragalus behind is more prominent. Measurements of Tibia. M. Total length 0.398 Diameter head .longitudinal 080 " " transverse 138 " shaft transverse 063 " " antero-posterior 060 " distal articulation " 077 " " " transverse 113 " " extremity, fore and aft 093 " " " transverse , ,125 These measurements show that this bone is considerably shorter than in E. pressicornis, though of equal distal diameters. In both species the measurements considerably exceed those given by Marsh for his Titano- therium (?) anceps. The form of the articular extremities differs from both in being more narrowed and transverse. The fibula is larger proximally and smaller distally than in E. pressi- cornis. Diameter proximal articular face .039 ; of the distal .045. The astragalus is similar in size and form to that of E. pressicornis, but differs in two points. The posterior margin is deeply incised for the lig- amentous insertion, and the outer lobe is clearly cut to this fossa, on the inner side. There is a pit for a ligament on the convexity of the inner part of the middle of the tibial articular face. A third difference is seen on the inferior face. The inner calcaneal facet is longer and narrower, and is margined on the inner side by a large fossa parallel to its axis, which is wanting in the other species. The calcaneum is short and wide ; 27 its only anterior articulation is with the cuboid and is small. The heel is deeper than long and is obliquely truncate downwards and inwards. Measurements of Calcaneum. M. Length r. 0.105 Width . .092 Depth in front 056 Length heel 047 Depth " 055 Length cuboid facet 038 The cuboid is a flat sub-triangular bone with two unequal articular faces below. M. Length 064 Width 076 Depth 031 Length cuneiform (antero-posterior) 040 Depth " 017 A humerus of a third specimen may or may not belong to this species. It was found in another locality. Its condyles are much less oblique than in that one described under E. pressicornis. It belonged to a larger animal, see Measurements of Humerus. M. Transverse diameter distally (7.75 in.) 195 " " inner condyle 125 ' The olecranar fossa is shallower. Remarks. The remains were discovered by the writer in the Bridger Bad Lands on South Fork of Bitter Creek, Wyoming. UlNTATHERIUM ROBTJSTUM. Leidy. Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1872, p. 169, August. Uintamastix atrox, Leidy, 1. c. (? ?) Titanotherium anceps, Marsh, American Journ. Sci. Arts, 1871, p. 35. I have been able to examine, through the kindness of Prof. Leidy, the type of his description, and find it to belong to a smaller species than any of those above described. The lateral parietal and supra-occipital crests are well developed, and the latter extends obliquely backwards. Several peculiarities are to be observed in the dentition. Thus there is great in- equality in the height of the transverse crests of the posterior upper molar, the anterior, or the arched one, rising to a high cusp at its outer extremity. A small tubercle exists on the side of the inner angle of the grinding surface in the penultimate molar. The same angle is much elevated in an anterior molar. The canine is wider distally than in Z. 28 cornutus, and less recurved. The mastoid process is quite prominent. The humerus has a prominent internal condyloid ridge and tuberosity, and the condyles are not very oblique. The inner posterior lobe of the tibial face of the astragalus is quite well denned ; there is no median ligamentous pit on the trochlear face. Measurements (from Leidy). Inches. Depth lower jaw at last molar 3.25 Length humerus about 21. Diameter at condyles 7.50 Found by Dr. J. V. Carter and Dr. Leidy near Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Dr. Leidy has suggested that this species and the Dinoceras mirabilis of Marsh are identical. UlNTATHERIUM MIRABILE. Marsh. Dinoceras mirabilis, Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1872, October (published Sept. 27). Loc. cit. Jan. 28th, 1873. The cranium of this species has been very partially described as above cited, but from figures in the last named paper, largely supply the de- ficiency. From this it is evident that it differs from LoxolopJiodon cornutus in the generic characters already mentioned, and, further, in the anterior position of the naso-maxillary horns, the perforation of the lachrymal, the anterior development of the malar, the oblique occiput, &c. It differs from, the E. pressicornis, besides the inferior size, in the shorter nasal bones and greater posterior approach of the pre-maxillary bones to the base of the horns ; in the much shorter horns and greatly smaller part taken in their composition by the nasals. These differences account for the great number of errors committed by Prof. Marsh in his allusions to other species, especially LoxolopJiodon cornutus described by me (see his second article above quoted) . Measurements. (From Marsh). M. Length of cranium (28.5 inches) 722 Width over orbits 202 " between summits naso-maxillary cores 169 " " " nasal " 038 Height naso-maxillary cores (3 inches) , 075 Length canine (9.25 inches) below jaw 232 Diameter fore and aft at base 064 " transverse " " 025 Length of molar series 150 Last superior do 036 29 UlNTATHERIUM LACUSTRE. Marsh. Dinoceras lacustris, Marsh, 1. c. October, 1872. (Published September 27th, 1872.) I have several of the teeth and the occipital, parietal and other por- tions of the cranium of this species. It is distinguished from its con- geners, apart from its smaller size, by the large size of teeth. These are nearly as large as those of Loxolophodon cornutus, and considerably larger than those of U. robustum and U. mirabile. The occipital condyles are not larger than those of the Elk, Cervus canadensis. The mastoid pro- tuberance is prominent, and the post-glenoid process more produced downwards and with less fore and aft diameter than in the other three species. The inferior temporal ridge is strongly marked, and the pos- terior condyloid foramen is large. The posterior molar has a wide floor extending from the posterior or straight transverse crest to the cingulum. This crest is low and has a low tubercle near its apex behind. The other molars have strong fore and aft cingula but none at ends. The worn surfaces are first V-shaped, later arrow-shaped. The first premolar has curved outer crest and inner conic tubercle. Measurements. M. Diameter of occipital foramen and condyles 092 From exterior end condyle to mastoid 058 " " " " to post-glenoid process 080 Transverse diameter last upper molar 045 " " third premolar 029 Length molar series 163 Found by the writer in the Bridger formation of South Bitter Creek, Wyoming. MEGACERATOPS. Leidy. Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences, 1870, p. 1. Hayden's Geo- logical Survey, Wyoming, 1872, 352 ("Megacerops"). This genus is only known from the extremity of the nasal bones bear- ing the horn-cores. The latter are intermediate in position to the nasal and naso-maxillary horns of Eobasileus, etc., and may represent the median pair, in which case, the diagnosis of the genus should be, nasal horn-cores wanting. The genus was originally regarded by Dr. Leidy as allied to Sivatheriitm and therefore Ruminant ; he also supposed that it possessed a proboscis "as in the tapir." The latter proposition has much in its favor, especi- ally as the affinities of the genus are evidently with the Proboscidia. MEGACERATOPS COLORADOENSIS. Leidy. Megacerops Coloradoensis. Leidy, i. c. The part of this species preserved, indicates an animal of the size of 30 the largest Uintatheria. The nasal bones are coossified, and the horn T cores are sub-cylindric, obtuse and about two inches in length. They are situated above a point a little behind the anterior nares. PANTODONTA. As already pointed out, the structure of the limbs and feet in this suborder is as in the order generally, and the scapula has the same form in general. There is also a resemblance in the form of the symphysis mandibuli, which though furnished with teeth, forms a long solid spout comparable to that of the^ Elephant. The astragalus has a very peculiar form, being even more exceptional than in Uintatherium. The superior articular surface is flat or concave in the middle. It is turned inwards in front of the articular face fot the inner malleolus, terminating in a long point. The cuboid articular face is quite small and sublateral. The fibular facet is extensive, and the internal lateral well marked. On the other hand the coracoid process is produced into a curved hook, and is thus more largely developed than in other Proboscidians or Peris- sodactyles. The neck is longer than in the other Proboscidians, and the parietal bones appear to be narrowed by the approximation of the tem- poral fossa, as in the Rhinocerus. Almost nothing however is known of the structure of the skull. The genera are two, as follows : Penultimate molar unlike the last, with external crescent and embracing ledge Bathmodon. Three molars alike, with two transverse crests not meet- ing within Metalophodon. BATHMODON. Cope. Proceedings American Philosopical Society, 1872, 417. This genus was originally chiefly distinguished by the dentition ; at present many other important peculiarities are added. First, as regards the molar teeth ; the two transverse crests I find to be separated (not united) at their inner extremities, by a narrow fissure. The anterior is much the longer, and is curved ; its anterior wall slopes steeply down to the narrow cingulum. The posterior is short, and straight, and bears a crest. The numbers are I. 3 ; C. 1 ; P. M. 4 ; M. ? 3. The entire mandible presents the following dentition ; I. 3 ; C. 1 . P. M. 4 ; M. 3. The incisors radiate round the narrow extremity of the trough-like symphysis, and have transversely expanded crowns. The canine is inclined forwards and forms part of the same series. Its crown is triangular in section, the outer face convex. In the males it was enormously enlarged as indicated by a symphysis in my possession. The anterior premolar approached the canine. The former teeth have an ex- ternal chevron directed inwards, whose extero-superior surface of enamel is acute cordate. Beside this is a little longitudinal ridge, which represents 31 another chevron of the true molars. On the first of the latter, both chevrons are developed, the posterior the least, both with their anterior ridge boundaries lowered ; they sink entirely on the last two molars, which become thus two crested as in those of some Tapiroids and the premolars of Dinotherium. The sternal segments are cylindric ; in one the articulations for the hsetnpophyses project laterally, giving the piece a T-shaped form. The atlas has a flat diaparapophysis, presenting its edges fore and aft ; the arterial canal traverses it obliquely. The coracoid is double, having a tuberosity on the edge of the glenoid cavity, find a prominent hook just outside of it. The lumbar vertebra are quite short. The cuneiform bone is narrow pyriform, with two triangular facets on one side, the smaller being sublateral ; and one twisted over the other. The ungueal phalanges are very short, somewhat flattened and with the terminal por- tion transverse and rugose as in some toes of Palceytherium. In the remains pertaining to this genus obtained by Dr. Hayden, there are numerous individuals of apparently three species. Two of these are larger and one smaller, the latter in part indicated by an individual with- out epiphyses on the lumbar vertebrae. It presents marked difference in the form of the astragalus atlas, scapula, etc. a Larger species. Astragalus everted in front ; nearly as wide as long ; lower premolars narrower, more elevated and rugose ... B. radians. Lower premolar broad, lower, and smooth B. semicinctus. an. Smaller species. Astragalus much wider than long, decurved in front. . B. latipes. BATHMODON RADIANS. Cope. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872 (February 16), p. 418. Hayden's Geological Survey of Montana, 1871, 350. In addition to the characters already assigned to this species as above cited, I add the following : The apex of the scapula is a massive flattened acumination with trun- cate extremity. The spine is elevated and truncate next the glenoid cavity, which is a wide oval, much produced at the coracoid margin. The transverse process of the atlas is rounded distally and is about as long as wide ; the surface for the axis is directed obliquely inwards. The fibula has the inner sharp edge prolonged to the proximal end ; the form of the latter is much as in Eobasileus. The astragalus is slightly concave in both directions on the trochlear face, most so antero-posteriorly. The anterior outline of the same is strongly and obliquely convex, and the surface is produced sideways into a latero-anterior apex. The inner malleolar border is thus very concave ; the outer is gently convex with a long fibular facet. The posterior margin concave, the inner tuberosity 32 prominent. The namcular facet is as broad as long, and nearly sessile, being probably separated by a groove from the tibial. The cuboid facet is subround, small and sublateral. The calcaneal situated diagonally opposite each other. The antero-internal is twice as large as the other, is transverse and truncate internally by a facet near the apex, at right angles. The other calcaneal facet is subround. Measurements. M. Length ramus mandibuli to anterior margin of coro- noid process * 0.310 Length premolars and molars 218 " last molar crown 040 Width " " " 030 " " premolar crown 018 Length last premolar 025 Width symphysis at canines 045 Diameter canines <5 028 9 023 Length exposed portion incisor 2 026 Width crown " " 0245 Length diapophysis atlas 047 Width " " 056 " facet for axis 053 " glenoid cavity scapula (straight) 086 Length coracoid from inner basis 045 11 proximal articulation fibula 027 " distal " " 042 Diameter shaft " 022 Total length astragalus (fore and aft) 072 " width " 065 Length uavicular facet 045 Width " " 034 11 cuboid " 025 Length " " 023 * * anterior calcaneal do 040 Width " " 024 Length posterior " 021 " fibular (axial) 043 The teeth are slightly rugose, and the inferior canines show a tendency to imitate the form of the incisors in a slight basal angular expan- sion of the crown. This forms an approximation to the tapirs. The middle pair of incisors is directed outwards, is the smallest, and like all the others has the roots much exposed. This species was originally described from teeth of the upper jaw. I have since obtained the entire mandible (except the angles) taken out at 33 the same place and near the same time. The size, color, etc., would indicate that they belong to the same individual. Accompanying the first specimens were many bones of individuals of different sizes, which I learn from the the finder were all taken from within a short distance of each other. Many of them belong to the same species, as the jaws and teeth, and I have described as such those that relate properly to them as to size, mineral appearance, etc. The smaller specimens belong also to several individuals, and possibly to more than one species. I describe them together, but regard the astragalus as the primarily distinctive bone. BATHMODON SEMICINCTUS. Cope. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 420. Loxolopho- don, semicinctus, Cope, 1. c. The tooth on which this species was based shows a near relation to the corresponding one of B. radians. BATHMODON LATIPES. Cope. Species nova. Established on atlas axis, dorsal and lumbar vertebra, scapula, hume- rus, phalange, femur, astragali, etc., of a specimen found with the B. radians. The transverse process of the atlas is stouter and less flattened at the base than in B. radians. The axis is but little oblique and has a low obtuse hypapophysis below. Its form is much as in the larger species, being rather elongate, but shorter than in Rhinocerus and other Perisso- dactyles. The dorsals and lumbars are short and plane ; the former are obtusely, the latter acutely keeled below. The head of the femur has no ligamentous fossa. The astragalus is considerably broader than long, the apex turned outwards in front of the inner malleolus, being especially produced. The tibial face is concave transversely, and convex antero- posteriorly at the front, plane behind. There is a posterior submarginal foramen, which is not bridged over in one specimen, producing a deep notch. The navicular facet has considerable transverse extent, and the anterior side of the bone is more transverse than in B. radians. The calcaneal facets are diagonally opposite to each other ; the outer is sub- round, the inner anterior narrow and transverse. It differs in the two specimens, the perforating foramen not being bridged over in the one (the type) with the similar posterior interruption described above. This may be due to fracture. The only ungueal phalange has the articular face not quite sessile on the transverse rugose free extremity. Measurements. M. Diameter diapophysis atlas (fore and aft) 0.036 " axial facet of " 034 " centrum axis (transverse) 080 " (vertical) 037 Length " "to odontoid 057 Width neural canal do 030 (fore and aft 040 Diameter of centrum of dorsal J vertical (total) 043 ( transverse 051) neural arch of same { S^;;;.V. ! ! ! IV! ^ i antero-posterior '041 " centrum of lumbar J vertical (total) 050 ( transverse 063 " head of femur 060 Length astragalus fore and aft 050 Width 065 Length navicular facet 049 Width " " 020 " cuboid " 018 Length " " 016 Width (fore and aft) anterior calcaneal 018 Length posterior calcaneal facet 022 " flbular (axial) 041 li terminal phalange 012 Width do proximally 015 " distally 030 Diameter glenoid cavity scapula { nr.. . . . . From the beds of the Green River epoch near Evanston, Utah (now Wyoming). METALOPHODOK Cope. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1872, p. 542. (Pub- lished September 20th. ) In distinguishing this genus from Batlimodon, I stated that the differ- ences were in the dentition so far as known ; i. e. that the crests of the true molars are not united internally and that the premolars are two not three crested. I would now add to the characters, that there are three molars on each side, with transverse crests, which do not unite at the apex, except in the case of the anterior, when they are slightly connected. In Bathmodon there is but one such tooth, the posterior. The inner or third crest of the posterior premolar of that genus is only a cingulum, and is not probably a generic character. METALOPHODON AKMATUS. Cope. Loc. cit. This species is represented by the greater part of the dental series of both jaws, which 1 took from a decayed cranium myself, and can thus be assured of their mutual relations. One of the true molars at least, belonged to the milk series, as indicated by the unworn crowns of the successional teeth accompanying. Some of the premolars are but little worn. Referring to my original essay for the general description, I append exact 35 Measurements of the Teeth-. M, Total length of a superior incisor 057 Length crown (inner face) superior incisor 015 Width " (oblique) " " 020 " " " inferior " 023 Length " (inner face) " " 018 Width canine .030 from tip 020 ' ' posterior molar 039 Length " 028 Elevation posterior crest do 016 Width anterior true molar * . . .035 " premolar 028 Length " 0215 ". (first) 016 Width " 008 Length " (inferior) 024 Width " " 020 " penultimate lower molar .023 Length " " " 037 It is not certain that the last named species of Bathmodon does not be- long to this genus. All three are distinct from the M. armatus, the lat- ter though young, being considerably larger than BatJmwdon latipts, APPENDIX. The materials on which the preceding determinations are based, were obtained by the Geological Surveys conducted during 1871-2, by Prof. F, V. Hayden, U. S, Geologist, The papers descriptive of fossils from the Wyoming basin published by the writer during the jjear 1872, were issued at the following dates : On Bathmodon, an extinct genus of Ungulates, February 16th. On a new genus of Pleurodira from the Eocene of Wyoming, July llth. On the Tertiary coals and fossils of Osino, Nevada, July 29th. Descriptions of some new Vertebrate from the Bridger Group of the Eocene, July 29th. Second account of new Vertebrata from the Bridger Eocene, August 3d. Third account of new Vertebrate from the Eocene of Wyoming Terri- tory, August 7th. On the existence of Dinosauria in the Transition beds of Wyoming, near August 12th, Notice of Proboscidians from the Eocene of Southern Wyoming, August 19th, Notices of new Vertebrat.a from the upper waters of Bitter Creek, Wy- oming Territory, August 20th, Second notice of extinct Vt'rtttw.tes from Bitter Creek, Wyoming, August 22d. On the Dentition of Metalophodon, September 2()th- On a, new Vertebrate genus from the northern part of the Tertiary Basin of Green River, October 12th. Descriptions of new Extinct Reptiles from the Upper Green River Eocene Basin, Wyoming, October 12th. The above essays were distributed widely at the above dates, except- ing that on Metalophodon. In an article on Uintatherium mirabile, Prof. O. C. Marsh criticizes the statements made in some of the above essays, denying their accuracy. In reply to such of them as are not frivolous, I would say that I make no corrections of them at present (except one, which I made prior to the appearance of his remarks), but show that his statements were based on species different from those described by me. These he has either not seen or not studied. In applying the law of priority in nomenclature, I have endeavored to practice the rules adopted by the majority of students, and which I believe to be founded in justice. They are as follows : (1.) Priority reposes on date of publication not on reading of memoirs. Note- What is necessary to determine the time at which a discovery of scientific truth is made, is the earliest reliable evidence of such dis- covery. As verbal and written assertion cannot be preserved inviolate, printing is necessary to secure the record from change. The earliest evidence of such printing is that offered by printers, who issue the work, and any person who receives it from them. It is then published. Ordinary books bear such date of publication, whether distributed, sold, or standing on the author's shelves. (2.) In order that a specific name be adopted it must be associated with a description of the object to which it refers. Note. The necessity of this rule is self evident, since the only value of scientific literature is to convey definite information, which a name does not. Moreover the worst description will generally embrace at least one peculiarity of a species, which will serve to fix the name, but a label, or the specimen itself, may readily be lost or transposed in a museum. Further, in writing descriptions it is necessary to introduce as many points as possible, not only to distinguish the species from those already known, but from those which may in future be discovered ; for it is with these that difficulties chiefly arise. (3.) In order that a generic name be adopted, it also must be accom- panied by a description. Note. Since naturalists differ to some extent as to what they term a genus, some may be disposed to doubt the expediency of this rule, but its importance to science appears to me greater than in the case of species. In the first place, scientific literature being designed for the communi- cation of exact knowledge, it is essential that its words should represent ideas. The genus is as definite a mental conception as a species, to the scientific, thinker, and in proposing a name, should also express what it 37 represents in his mind. Without such expression it is safe to suppose that no such idea exists ; and if so, the name should be regarded as a cipher in the literature of science. That certainty as to the limits and hence definition of a genus is not at once attainable, is no objection to the above rule. By study of known forms definite knowledge of generic characters may be attained by proper analysis. But whether correct or not, a generic description expresses something definite, and gives the name a currency which should remain as a record of honest work. The evils which come from the opposite course are numerous. They are : 1st. Names without description are unintelligible, and communicate nothing. 3d. They serve to conceal the ignorance or incompetency of their authors. 3d. If allowed, they open the door to the introduction of names on geographical and stratigraphical grounds ; a slovenly pratice, indulged in by a few paleontologists, and properly denounced by Fal- coner, as assuming at the outset what it is the design of the science to prove. The same practice attempted in zoology has been utterly con- demned, as for example in the case of the System Reptilium, published in 1843. Here pages of generic names may be found, with type species indi- cated, which have no authority whatever. 4th. The practice lays the science open to the inroads of charlatans and scientific pirates, who seek to impose a nomenclature without the labor of discovering a system or describing its objects. 5th. As the genus is a more important conception in palseontological science than the species, it is more important that what its name represents should be clearly understood, otherwise generaliza- tions become impossible or incomprehensible. (4.) When a supposed genus is found to consist of several, and the author has stated what he regards as the type of the former, that species must retain the original name. Where the type of the original genus is unknown, the original name must attach to that genus which remains, after subtraction of the others found to be embraced in the original assemblage. Note. This rule is adopted as doing less violence to long accepted views and practice in nomenclature than any other. While recognizing the work of the original author, it also preserves record of the labor of those who have determined the true divisions with more exactitude. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PI. 1. LoxolopJwdon cornutus, Cope, profile natural size. PI. 2. The same from the front. PI. 3. Superior view of the same. PI. 4. Inferior view. Published March 14th, 1873. AmJ>h&>s.Soc Vol. HZ. Plate rL comulux Cope . V6 na. Size-. Proceed Am.Pkilos. Soc. Vol.Hff. BlateZ. Phiks. Soc. Vol. Jfll. f '-. loxolop/iodon/ c Proceed.Arw.PhJJ0s. So* VbfrXni. Plate 4. '/# n-a. Size.