UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES /" /- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD, MASS. 1839-1889. $(mrb of Visitors, 1889. HON. M. B. WHITNEY. A. P. STONE, LL.D. J. W. DICKINSON, Secretary of Board of Education. BOSTON: 8&rig|)t & Cotter printing CompHtw, State printers, 1 8 POST OFFICE SQUARE. 1890. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD, MASS. 1839-1889. of Visitors, 1889. HON. M. B. WHITNEY. A. P. STONE, LL.D. J. W. DICKINSON, Secretary of Board of Education* BOSTON: Winfyt # f otter printing Company tate printers, 1 8 POST OFFICE SQUARE. 1890. o N_ \ f INSTRUCTORS. SEPTEMBER, 1889. JAMES C. GREENOUGH, A.M., PRINCIPAL. PSYCHOLOGY, DIDACTICS, CIVIL POLITY, RHETORIC. a FREDERICK W. STAEBNER. w v- PHYSIOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, GEOGRAPHY, BOTANY, ~ GERMAN. FRANK W. SMITH, A.M. LATIN, GREEK. A. C. LONGDEN, A.M. PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, ARITHMETIC, COMPOSITION. ELVIRA CARVER. GEOGRAPHY, ENGLISH LITERATURE, ALGEBRA. LAURA C. HARDING. GEOMETRY, ASTRONOMY, BOOK-KEEPING, READING, VOCAL Music, FRENCH, COMPOSITION. SARAH M. KNEIL. GEOMETRY, ARITHMETIC (2o TERM), GRAMMAR, HISTORY, COMPOSITION. ANNIE N. SINCLAIR. DRAWING, PENMANSHIP. 368864 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECTION I.- In the general catalogue of 1857 there was published a catalogue of the students of the school when it was located at Barre. Circulars were addressed in 1889, in accord with the names and residences given in this catalogue. During a period of nearly fifty years so many had passed on or had so changed their residence that very scanty replies were received to the circulars. The items of information received were entered upon our records, but so little was received that it was deemed best in the present issue to reproduce the Barre catalogue as it appeared in 1857. Any one who can furnish items of information respecting any one named in this catalogue will confer a favor by addressing the same to Westfleld Normal School. The next general catalogue that is issued it is hoped will contain much additional information. TEACHERS OF THE WESTFIELD SCHOOL. PRINCIPALS. SAMUEL P. NEWMAN, EMERSON DAVIS, DAVID S. ROWE, WILLIAM H. WELLS, . JOHN W. DICKINSON, JOSEPH G. SCOTT, JAMES G. GKEENOUGH, SAMUEL C. DAMON, . NICHOLAS TILLINGHAST, EDWIN E. BLISS, SAMUEL A. TAYLOR, . JAMES S. RUSSELL, . A. R. KENT, WILLIAM CLOUGH, P. K. CLARKE, . REBECCA M. PENNELL, LYDIA N. MOSELY, . SYLVESTER SCOTT, JANE E. A VERY, EDWARD G. BECKWITH, GEORGE A. CORBIN, . ALMIN B. CLAPP, JOHN W. DICKINSON, ALMIN B. CLAPP, MELISSA A. WOODBURY, AREXINE G. PARSONS, ELIZA C. HALLADAY, . JAMES C. GREENOUGH, HARRIET A. WORTH, . DORA C. CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM B. GREEN, . PHILO M. SLOCUM, . EMELINE PARSONS, MALVINA MITCHELL, . ADELAIDE V. BADGER, Sept. 4, 1839 Feb. 10, 1842. Sept. 4,1844 Sept. 3,1846. Sept. 3, 1846 March, 1854. Aug., 1854 April, 1856. Aug., 1856 Aug., 1877. Aug., 1877 Feb., 1887. Feb., ' 1887 * ASSISTANTS. Sept. 4,1839 1844 Sept., 1845. Sept., Sept., 1845 Sept., 1846. Oct., 1846 July, 1849. March, 1848 July, 1849. Sept., 1849 March, 1850. March, 1850 July, 1853. Aug. , 1850 July, 1851. Aug., 1851 Nov., 1851. Nov., 1851 July, 1852. Aug., 1852 Aug., 1856. March, 1853 July, 1853. Aug., 1853 July, 1854. Aug., 1854 Dec., 1850. Sept., 1855 Feb.. 1860. Aug., 1856 Sept.. 1S71. Dec., 1856 March, 1857. March, 1857 July, 1860. Sept., 1858 Aug., 1860. Sept. , I860 Sept., 1861. Sept., 1860 April, 1864. i c/ o Cor^f- 1 q/;q March, 1864 Feb., 1 Ow'. 1868. * Xow t.Mrliln<_' iii the school. ASSISTANTS Concluded. (Nov., 1861 -- 1877. JOSEPH G. SCOTT ...... 1887 _ Feb ^ , 889< ELLA E. CATLIN, ..... 1867 Sept., 1872. S Feb., 1868 Sept., 1875. ELVIRA CARVER, ..... \ ^ _. ' LAURA E. PRENTICE, ..... Sept., 1870 Sept., 1887. SARAH F. TOBIE, ..... Sept., 1870 Sept., 1875. S. ELLA MOLE, ...... Sept., 1871 Sept., 1875. LAURA C. HARDING, ..... Sept., 1872 * J. SILAS DILLER, ..... Sept., 1873 Sept., 1877. ALFRED C. TRUE, ..... Sept., 1875 Sept., 1882. N ANNETTE A. STONE, .... Sept., 1875 Sept., 1879. ARTHUR HINDS ..... . Sept., 1877 Sept., 1880. SARA M. KNEIL, ..... Sept:, 1879 * WALTER B. BARROWS, .... Sept., 1881 Sept., 1882. ELMER T. MERRILL, ..... Sept., 1882 Sept., 1883. FREDERICK W. STAEBNER, . . . Sept., 1882 * FRANK W. SMITH, ..... Sept., 1883 * A. C. LONGDEN, ..... Sept., 1888 * TEACHERS OF VOCAL MUSIC. ASA BARR, Sept., 1844 Sept., 1846. TRUMAN CROSSETT, Sept., 1846 March, 1852. GEOKGE F. MILLER, March, 1852 March, 1858. ASA BARR, March, 1858 Sept., 1860. JOSEPH G. SCOTT, Sept., 1860 Sept., 1875. NANNETTE A. STONE, .... 1875 Sept., 1879. LAURA C. HARDING, . . . . . Sept., 1879 * TEACHERS OF DRAWING. t Mrs. A. G. (PAKSONS) DICKINSON, . . Sept., 1864 1877. NANNETTE A. STONE, .... Part of -the year 1875-1876. A. MARIA SPALTER, . . . . Sept., 1875 Sept., 1881. CLARA WILSON, Sept., 1881 Sept., 1883. AXNIE R. SLAFTER, Sept., 1883 Sept., 1887. FANNY H. SMITH, Sept., 1887 Jan., 1889. ANNIE N. SINCLAIR, Jan., 1889* TEACHERS OF- PENMANSHIP. PAUL W. ALLEN* (now M. D., Barnstable, Mass.), Before 1844. JOHN A. MARTIN, March, 1849 July, 1849. D. F. BROWN, July, 1849 July, 1851. JAMES L. MARTIN, . . . . . Aug., 1852 March, 1857. * Now teaching in the school. t Recently the teachers of drawing have also taught penmanship. For biographical notices of teachers, see "Appendix" to Semi-Centennial and Other Exercises, Westfield, 1889. SECTION I. CATALOGUE OF THE SCHOOL WHEN LOCATED IN BARRE, MASS., 1839-1844. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. INSTRUCTORS. PRINCIPAL. Prof. SAMUEL P. NEWMAN. ASSISTANTS. SAMUEL C. DAMON, now seaman's chaplain at Honolulu, S. I. N. TILLINGHAST,* afterwards principal of State Normal School at Bridge- water, Mass. EDWIN E. BLISS, now missionary at Marsovan, Turkey, Asia. SAMUEL A. TAYLOR.* JAMES S. RUSSELL, now teacher in Lowell High School. A. R. KENT.* PAUL W. ALLEN, teacher of penmanship; now PAUL W. ALLEN, M.D. , Barnstable, Mass. MALE DEPARTMENT. NAME. RESIDENCE. PRESENT HESIDEXCE. ALLEN, WILLIAM W., . . Essex, . Essex. ADAMS, LEVI, . Oakham, . . ALLEN, OKIN M., . . Barre, BARTLETT, DANIEL, . Rutland, . . Rutland. BILLINGS, L. F., . . Hardwick, Barre. BALLOT, JOSHUA W., . . Mendon, . . Slatersville, R. I. BROWN, JAMKS B., . Brimfleld, . Brimfleld. BATES, SMITH G., . . Mendon, . . Whitinsville. BRIGIIAM, FREDERICK, . . South Brookfleld, . South Brooktield. BRIGH \M TILLY South Brookfield, BRUCE, JOHN A., . Hardwick, . Windsor, Conn. CLAPP, S. C., . West Brookfleld, . New York. CHAMBERLAIN, E. F., . . West Brooktield, . Worcester. CUTLER, GKORGE K., . Greenwich, . Ware. Co nit, FREDERICK A., . . Hardwick, Hardwick. COOK. CYRUS, . Barre, . Cumberland, R. I. FRENCH, EDWIN, . . Berkley, . FIELD, GEORGE, JR., . Northfleld, . Athol. NOTE. Name8 followed by an asterisk are of persons deceased. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. GOODWIN, ADDISON M., Barre, . New York. TJ "\7"TTrf-< T \Jf TO .HOWARD, VIRGIL 1V1., . . HANCOCK, JOHN, . . . Barre, ... . California. HEYWOOD, DAVID, Barre, . Charlestown. HOLDEN, RUFUS, . . . Barre, . Barre. HUBBARD, NEWTON S., Brimfield, . Brimfleld. HARLOW, GEORGE H., . . . Shrewsbury, . Worcester. HUBBARD, FRANCIS, Brimfield, . . . KNIGHTS, ADDISON, Phillipston, . KENDALL, MARO, . Amherst, . . Worcester. KNIGHT, T. FRANKLIN, . Phillipston, LINCOLN, LORING DEXTER, . West Brookfleld, . South Boston. LINCOLN, J. W., . Brimfleld, . LYON, AUGUSTUS R.,* . Barre, . . -, . LOWRING, WlNSLOW, Marshfleld, . Ware. LAWRENCE, HENRY, Hardwick, . Gardner. LINCOLN, FRANCIS D., . Brimfleld, . . Brimfleld. MOORE, JAMES G., Waltham, . . Waltham. IVlARSH J. F. * W^arp MEAD, JOSIAH C., Rutland, . . Stoughton. MEAD, ELIAS, . . Rutland, . . Rutland. NICHOLS, WILLIAM H. , . Richmond, . Boston. PAIGE, SETH LINCOLN, . Barre, . Boston. PARKS, WILLARD B.,* . Holland, . T* F T V IT V 1? C-r VC\ I? C 1 V \V * \Vpstminstpr _L ijrrrjJi) vTrjU.KVjr.rj vv $ PACKARD, ALVAN, . Worcester, . Illinois. 4 RAYMOND, ALFRED W., Hubbardston, . . Marysville, Iowa. RANGER, HENRY, . South Brookfleld, ROBINSON, HENRY E., . Boston, . Boston. RICE, JOHN W., . Rutland, . . Barre. STONE, CHARLES C., Barre, . Marlborough. SPOONER JACOB Barre SAWYER, GEORGE A., . Dorchester, . Maiden. SHATTUCK, CALVIN S., . Springfield, SCAMMEL, SAMUEL S., . Bellingham, . Slatersville, R. I. SPOONER, JOHN, . . Hardwick, SPEAR LUTHER Oakham TOWNSEND, HENRY, Lancaster, . Boston. TIRRELL, NATHAN D., . Boston, . St. Louis, Mo. TEMPLE, ABRAHAM H., . Rutland, . . Rutland. VERRY, NATHAN T., Mendon, . . Woonsocket, R. I. WHITING, GEORGE W., Barre, . . ' . Worcester. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM A., Hubbardston, . Worcester. WILLARD, JOSEPH 'W. , . Sterlin 01 , WALKER, O., . Belchertown, . WALKER, JOHN G., Belchertown, . . WESTON, JAMES W.,* . Barre, . WHK.KI.K.n. OH \XOK- \Vpstminstpr 10 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WILLARD, EBENEZER P., . Lancaster, WHITNEY, LA FAYETTE, . Boston, . . . Woburn WOODS, JUSTUS O., . . Dana, WOODS, ISAAC F.,* . . New Braintree, WILD, ROBERT S., . . Wrentham, . . Brooklyn, N. Y. WALDO, ROBERT F., . . Wrentham, WOODS, JOSEPH L., . . Brookfleld, . . Brirafield. WILLIAMS, ALFRED, . . Hubbardston, . . Moline, 111. WILLIAMS, NATHAN E.,* . Hubbardston, . . FEMALE DEPARTMENT. AMEE, CHARLOTTE A. ,* ' . . . Boston. Mrs. CHARLES CALDWELL, -. ALEXANDER, MAHY, . Erving. ASHLEY, SARAH, ........ Longmeadow. ASHLEY, ANN ELIZA, Longmeadow. BAKER, ADELINE A.,* Barre. BRIGGS, HANNAH B., South Scituate. Mrs. FBANCIS JONES, South Boston. BRYANT, MARTHA A., . . Barre. Mrs. EDWIN WOODS, Barre. BASSETT, ELIZA W., . . t Barre. Mrs. EMORY THAYEB, Charleston, 8. C. BIGELOW, MARY, Barre. Mrs. JOHN L. GAI.LOND, Petersham. BURR, ANGELINE, Bellingham. BACON, OLIVE L., . Leicester. Mrs. AMOS R. HARLOW, Marquette, Mich. BACON, MARIA,* Barre. BIGELOW, JULIA A. D.,* Leicester. BRECK, JANE E Gardner. Mrs. PAUL W. ALLEN, Barnstable. BRUCE, LOUISA S., Hard wick. Mrs. CHESTER R. CHAFFEE, Springfield. CALDWELL, CATHARINE B., Barre. Mrs. E. A. GOODNOW, Worcester. CALDWELL, MARY J., Barre. Mrs. GEORGE KENDALL, Clinton. CHAMBERLAIN, HARRIET N., West Brookfleld. Mrs. SAMUEL N. WHITE, Westborough. CHAMBERLAIN, SARAH B., West Brookfleld. Mrs. L. SAMPSON, West Brookfield. CLARK, LOUISA, Hubbardston. Mis. JOHN M. STOWE, Walpole, N. H. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 11 CHADWICK, HARRIET J., Warren. Mrs. JACOB PUTNAM, Warren. CUTLER, ELIZABETH L.,* Greenwich. CLIFFORD, CILICIA, Hubbardston. Mrs. HARRISON WYMAN, Hubbardston. DICKINSON, HELEN S., Holliston. Mrs. HARDING WOODS, Barre. EASTERBROOK, CATHARINE A., Rutland. Mrs. BRADLEY, Minnesota. EMERSON, MARY J.,* Auburn. EDDY, CAROLINE S., Auburn. Mrs. JOHN WARREN, Auburn. EDDY, MARIA R., Auburn. Mrs. ISAAC N. HOBART, Potsdam, N. T. FOSTER, EMILY, Petersham. . Mrs. DAY, . FERRY, SUSAN E., Bernard ston. , Hartford, Conn. FAY, MARTHA A.,* Barre. FALES, SARAH R., . . . . . . . . . Petersham. Mrs. D. BERKLEY G-ODDARD, Zumbrota, Minn. FOSTER, JULIA A., . Swanzey. GARFIELD, FRANCES A., Barre. Mrs. JONATHAN PECK, La Salle, 111. GROSVENER, MARY B., Brookfleld. , Barre. GRANGER, RUTH, Springfield. , Suffield, Conn. GILBERT, ELVIRA, . . . Brookfield. , West Brookfield. GODDARD, CHARLOTTE M., Paxton. , Paxton. GUNN, SARAH B. North Sunderland. HASTINGS, MARY J., Barre. Mrs. WILLIAM KILNER, Templeton. HASTINGS, SARAH, . Petersham. Mrs. SAMUEL A. Goss, Worcester. HOUGHTON, HARRIET C., Barre. Mrs. CHAS. BRIMBLECOM, Barre. HAINES, SERAPH M., Greenwich. , Greenwich. HOWE, BETSEY, Gardner. Mrs. HOSEA BALLOU, Gardner. HANCOCK, ABIGAIL A.,* Barre. HASTINGS, LUCY A., Barre. Mrs. WYMAN H. BLAKELY, Greenfield. HEALD, PHILENA,* Hubbardston. Mrs. LEWIS F. BALL, .. 12 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. HASTINGS, ROVENA, . . . . . Barre. Mrs. Kr.KN'K/.Kii CIIKK.NY, Greenfleld. JENKINS, SARAH B., ; . . . Barre. Mrs. J. HENRY HILL, Worcester. JAMESON, RUTH Hardwick. Mrs. OTIS JACKSON, Hardwick. KILNER, CLARA N., . .- . . . . . . . Barre. Mrs. ARTEMAS HAWES, Worcester. KILNER, HARRIET E., . . . . . . . Barre. Mrs. WILLIAM COWLE, Walpole, N. H. KING, LOUISA M.,* > . .Rutland. KING, EUNICE, Barre. Mrs. BRIGGS, New Salem. . KEYKS, SARAH A., Warren. Mrs. W. BPTTERWORTH, Warren. KEYES, SOPHRONIA, Warren. , Warren. LINCOLN, MELVINA, Gardner. , Gardner. MOORE, NANCY T., , Barre. Mrs. HENRY HERVEY, Boston. MANDELL, CAROLINE A., ........ Barre. Mrs. SETH RICE, Pana, 111. MAYNARD, MARTHA J., Rutland. Mrs. WILLIAM STONE, Barre. MARSH, ALICE R., Hubbardston. Mrs. WOOD, Hubbardston. NEWMAN, CHARLOTTE M., . . . . . Barre. Mrs. H. H. BOODY, Brunswick, Me. NEWELL, ELIZA, Troy, N. H. PAIGE, MARTHA A.,* Barre. POND, ANN M., Franklin. Mrs. S. ATWOOD, Franklin. PUTNAM, AMELIA, Rutland. Mrs. JOHN ESTABROOK, Brandon, Vt. PAIGE, MARY C., . . , Barre. Mrs. A. W. LINCOLN, Springfield. PAIGE, EMELINE M., Barre. Mrs. WARREN PAGE, Barre. PERRY, NANCY, . . Worcester. , Missouri. PERRY, HARRIET,* Worcester. PICKERING, MARY J., Bellingham. RUGGLES, THEOLOTIA, . Barre. Mrs. G INERT TWICHEI.L, Brookllne. RICE, CAROLINE M., . . Brookfield. Mrs. FRKD. BI.ANC HARD, Brookfield. ROCKWOOD, MARIA, Bellinifhain. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. RICE, ZILPHIA, Barre. Mrs. HENRY 8. MINER, Barre. RICE, C. A., . . Barre. Mrs. WOODWARD, Boston. ROBINSON, CAROLINE G., Barre. Mrs. ELBRIDGE GARDNER, Melrose. RICH, RACHEL, . . . . . * ; " . . . . Barre. RICE, RACHEL, Troy, N. H. STRATTON, EMILY J., Barre. SANDERSON, LUCIA F . . Phillipston. SANDERSON, MARY C., Phillipston. Mrs. CURTIS POWERS, Cambridge. SMITH, FRANCES S , Barre. Mrs. CONANT, Boston. SPEAR, ELIZABETH, . . . Boston. Mrs. PARKER BANCROFT, Portland, Me. SHAW, AMELIA, . . . , . . . . . Warren. , Warren. TUCKER, JULIA E Barre. Mrs. JUSTIN M. REYNOLDS, Barre. WILLIAMS, CAROLINE, Hubbardston. Mrs. NATHAN FELTON, Hubbardston. WESTCOTT, MARY L., Barre. WALKER, HARRIET M., Barre. , Worcester. WARD, ELIZA A., Warren. Mrs. MARTIN STOWELL, Worcester. 14 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. SECTION II. In September, 1844, the school was re-opened in Westfleld. Previous to 1855 no formal graduations occurred, and no diplomas were given. This section of this general catalogue contains the names of those who entered the school previous to 1865, and the date of their admis- sion. Any one who will forward any items of information respecting any one whose name is found in this section of this catalogue to West- fleld Normal School will confer a favor, and enable those who prepare it to make the next edition of the catalogue more complete. ARTHUR, CHARLES T., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 AVERT, ROLLIN,* .... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 ATKINS, THEODORE L.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 ALLEN, CHARLES F.,* . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1846 Taught two years in Westfield and Grafton, Mans.; studied pharmacy; engaged in real-eetate business; organized the Temperance House (Friendly Inn) in Worcester, Mass. Married Olive E. Dewey of Westfleld, Mass.; four children living. Died Oct. 26, 1884. AYRES, HIRAM, .... New Braintree, Mass., . . 1848 ATKINS, HENRY A., . . . Plainfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Millville, Mass., three years; postmaster, Plainfield, Conn., twenty years; superintendent of Sunday school, fourteen years; merchant. 88 Melrose Street, Providence, R. I. ALLEN, CHARLES E., . . . Princeton, Mass., . . . 1850 ALFORD, GILES H., . . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1850 AIKEN, GEORGE E., . . . Derry, N. H.,. . . . 1852 ASHLEY, MORRIS,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 BANCROFT, WILLIAM H., . . Granville, Mass., . . . 1844 BOWE, RALPH,* .... West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 BROOKS, SAMUEL H., . . . Cheshire, Conn., . . . HJ44 Taught in Cheshire, Conn., three winters; superintendent in telegraph office at Harrisburg, Penn., several years. Married Mary E. Mather of Troy, N. Y.; four children. Brooks Vale, Conn. BAGG, JAMES N., .... West Springfield, Mass., . 1845 Taught two winters before entering normal school; farming, with editorial work for "Springfield Republican." Married Mary S. Loomis of New York; three children. BAXTER, ARTEMAS C., . . New Ashford, Mass., . . 1846 BARNARD, RUSSELL, . . . North Becket, Mass., . . 1847 BERRY, JOSEPH E., . . . . Middleton, Mass , . . . 1847 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 15 BONNEY, CHARLES W., . . . Boston, Mass., . . . 1847 BOOTH, WARRINGTON R.,* . . Preston, Conn., . . . 1848 BUTLER, LINDEN T.,* . . Lanesborough Mass. , . . 1848 BECKWITH, MORRIS B.,* . . . Great Barrington, Mass., . 1848 Taught in Massachusetts and New Jersey, and in the Royal School at Sand- wich Islands twenty years; after leaving the normal school, went to Brown University. Married twice; three children. Died at Honolulu in 1887. BOARDMAN, WILLIAM L. P., . . South Reading, Mass., . . 1849 Taught in Merrimack, N. H., one term; Westborough, two terms; Waltham, two terms; Shrewsbury, one term; Stoughton, nine months; Canton, four years; Boston, from 1854 to 1889, as usher, sub-master and master of Brimmer School; receive'! "A.M." from Middlebury College. Married Mary G-. May; one son. Mattapan, Mass. BROWN, THOMAS B., . . . South Reading, Mass., . . 1849 BACON, THOMAS M.,* . . . Franklin, Mass., . . . 1849 BOSWORTH, HENRY W., . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1849 Married M. E. Hall; two sons; lawyer. Springfield, Mass. BIDWELL, ADONIJAH S.,* . . Monterey, Mass., . . . 1851 BAILEY, HORATIO, .... Rockport, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Gloucester, Rockport, Wenham, Hamilton, Canton, Marshfield, five years; correspondent of " Clinton Courant," five and a half years. Married S. M. Fuller. Lancaster, Mass. BLODGETT, EDWARD P.,* . . Belchertown, Mass., . . 1851 Taught a few terms. Went West, and died in Nebraska about 1859. BRECKENRIDGE, JOHN, . . . Ware, Mass., .... 1851 BOSWORTH, HOMER L., . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1851 Lived abroad several years. Married Delia Bosworth ; two daughters. Spring- field, Mass. BOYD, HENRY J., . . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1852 Taught in Southampton, Marshfield, Hingham, South Deerfield and Chicopee Falls, Mass.; in Pike and Eagle, X. Y. ; in all, thirteen years. Married twice; one child. Chicopee Falls, Mass. BOURNE, JOHN H., . . . . Marshfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 Taught in Brockton, Stoughton, Marshfield, Kingston and Boston, Mass., from four to five years; member of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., one term; studied field surveying; school committee, twenty years; held other town offices. Married Sarah T. Walker; three children. BREWER, GEORGE H., . . Stockbridge, Mass., . . 1854 BURBANK, H. HERBERT, . . . Lancaster, Mass., . . . 1854 Wilbraham, Mass. BROWNSON, DWIGHT S., . . Russell, Mass., . . . 1854 BURBANK, CALVIN W Lancaster, Mass., . . . 1854 CAMPBELL, SAMUEL L., . . . Chester, Mass., . . . 1844 COIT, BENJAMIN R., . . . Norwich, Mass., . . . 1845 CLARK, EDWARD F., . . . Westhampton, Mass., . . 1845 CLAPP, CHARLES C., . . . Westhampton, Mass., . . 1846 COWLES, SAMUEL E., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 CORBIN, GEORGE A.,* . . Holden, Mass., . . . 1847 COOK, RODERICK,* .... Sheffield, Mass., . . . 1847 1C STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. CLAPP, ALMIN B.,* . . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1848 Teacher in Westfteld State Normal School. See under Teachers. CHAMBERLAIX, JOSHUA M., . . West Brookfleld, Mass , . 1849 CLAKK, VAX BUREV,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Westfteld, Mass., two terms. CHILDS, FRED A., . . . Worcester, Mass., . . 1849 COOK, ROBERT D., . . . . New Salem, Mass., . . 1850 CHAPIX, GEORGE Greenfield, Mass., . . . 1851 CHAKFEE, GEORGE L., . . Becket, Mass., . . . 1851 GUILDS, FRAXCIS L., . . . Springfield, Mass., . . 1853 COLEMAX, WILLIAM H., . . . Cheshire, Mass., . . . 1853 CALDWELL, Lucius P., . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1854 First National Bank, Chicago, 111. DICKERMAX, ELIAS, .... Hamden, Conn., . . . 1844 DEWEY, OLIVER, .... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 DAVIS, SAMUEL H.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 DAVIS, CHARLES L.,* . . Preston, Conn., . . . 1847 DEWEY, ROLAXD E.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1847 Married Frances A. Sherman of Westfield (a normal scholar). Died in 1854. DEWEY, EDWARD M., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1847 Tulare, Tulare County, California. DAY, ADOXIRAM J.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass 1848 DEXTER, SAMUEL S., . . . South Orange, Mass., . . 1849 Taught in Massachusetts four years, and in New York one year; on school committee ten years; has been a practicing surveyor, civil engineer, eic., for twenty-five years; has studied and written on history of north-western Massa- . chusetta. Married Maria C. Dewey of Westtield, Mass.; four children. DUXHAM, CHARLES A., . . . Washington, Mass., . . 1853 DYER, SPENCER O., . . . Plainfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 ELLIS, WILLIAM,* .... Northfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 EAGER, CHARLES R., Lanesborotigh, Mass., . . 1848 EASTOX, DEXISOX M., . . . Lawville, N. Y 1849 Arcola, N. J. EDWARDS, CHARLES L., . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1850 Kansas. EVERETT, DAXIEL S.,* . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1850 FULLER, HEXRY, .... Southwick, Mass., . . . 1844 Westfield, Mass. FISKK, GEORGE R., . . . . Milford, Mass., . . . 1847 FROTHIXGHAM, JOHX B.,* . . Lynn, Mass., .... 1847 Died in 1882. FEXX, GEORGE C.,*. . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1847 Taught in Otis, New Hartford, West Springfield, Warren, Ware, Hardwick and West Brookfield, Mass.; school committee in Ware a number of years; assistant revenue assessor under Congressman Norcross. March 28, 1883, died suddenly of heart disease. FEXX, ISAAC S., . . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1847 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 17 FLAGG, JOSIAH W., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1848 FAIRBANK, JACOB H., . . . Ashburnham, Mass., . . 1849 Taught in Ashburnham, Mass., three months; in Fitchburg, Mass., four years; merchant and farmer in Fitchburg, Mass. Married Emma M. Person, June 2, 1858. Fitchburg, Mass. FAIRBANK, FRANCIS J., . . . Ashburnham, Mass., . . 1854 Taught in Ashburnham, Mass., six terms; Ashley Falls, Mass., one term; Lunenburg, Mass., one term ; Gardner, Mass., one term ; Templeton, Mass., three terms; in Professor Hubbard's Boys' School, Amherst, Mass., Young Ladies' School, Jersey City; graduated at Amherst College, Mass., in 1862; attended Princeton and Union Theological Seminary; pastor Congregational Church, Westminster, Vt., 1864-1871 ; active pastor in Ayer from 1872-74 ; in Paxton, from 1874-77; in West Boylston, from 1877-85; in Seymour, Conn., from 1885-86; and in Amherst, 1886-89. Married Abbie Smith Russell in 1865. Amherst, Mass. FARRINGTON, ALBERT J., . . West Amesbury, Mass., . . 1849 FOSTER, LYMAN B., . . . Canterbury, N. H., . . . 1850 FREEMAN, Lucius A., . . Monterey, Mass., . . . 1852 GIBBONS, ORSON F., . . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1845 GAGE, DENISON, .... Lynn, Mass., .... 1845 GATES, ERASMUS B., . . . Wilbraham, Mass., . . . 1844 GRIGGS, LYMAN F., . . . Brimfield, Mass., . . . 1844 GRIDLEY, ANSEL, .... Southampton, Mass., . . 1846 GIBBS, REUBEN B.,. . . . Blandford, Mass., . . . 1847 GATES, CHARLES, .... Richmond, Mass., . . . 1848 GIBBONS, EDWIN C., . . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1850 GRANGER, NORMAN W., . . . New Marlborough, Mass., . 1850 Taught in New Marlborough, Mass., five terms. Married Delia S. Howe; four children. Southfield, Mass. GREEXOUGH, JAMES C., . . . Deerfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 See under Teachers. GREEN, WILLIAM B.,* . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 Teacher in Westfleld State Normal School. See Teachers. HERRICK, HENRY D.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Russell, Mass.; had three children. Killed by cars in 1884. HALL, AMOS W., .... Sandisfleld, Mass., . . 1844 HAMMOND, CORNELIUS E.,* . . Vernon, Conn., . . . 1844 Physician in Glastenbury, Conn., and fifteen years in Portland, Conn. Married Mary Louis; three children. Died October, 1888. HEYWOOD, JOSEPH H., . . . Princeton, Mass., . Taught in Princeton, Westminster and Fitchburg, Mass.; in all, four terms. Married Maria Sackett. HUBBARD, NATHANIEL, . . . Bolton, Conn., . . . 1845 HERRICK, GEORGE, .... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 Painesville, Ohio. HUTCHINS, CHARLES,* . . . Bethel, Vt Taught in Bethel, Vt., Woburn, Springfield, Rockport and Boston, Mass., Wilmington, Del., and Providence, B. I.; in all, eighteen years; publisher of "Missionary Herald," and business agent of American Board; member of Boston School Committee twelve years. Married twice; six children, two living. Killed by cars, July 23, 1388. 18 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. HOI.COMH, OSBORN, . . . Granby, Conn., . . . 1846 HUHLBUT, FRANKLIN K ,* . . Sanclisfleld, Mass., . . . 1847 HITCHCOCK, HENRY E., . . . Brimfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Sturbrldge, Max*. HOOKER, E. CORNELIUS, . . East Windsor, Conn., . . 1849 HUNT, OLIVER D., . . . . Amherst, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in West Brooktield and Blackstone, Mass., three years. Married II. M. Hamilton; two children. HAMILTON, CLARKE, . . . Middlefleld, Mass., . . . 1851 HAMILTON, GEORGE W., . . Sonthwick, Mass., . . . 1854 HAMMOND, ALBION K. P., . . Elliot, Me., .... 1852 HOLMAN, NELSON F., . . . Royalston, Mass., . . . 1852 HARDY, ASA S., . . . . Shelburne, Mass., . . . 1853 HOLDER, NATHAN B., . Berlin, Mass., . . . 1853 INGRAM, FRANCIS H., . . . Amherst, Mass., . . . 1846 JOHNSON, WARUEN, . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 JUDD, BYRON, Otis, Mass., .... 1844 JONES, HENRY, .... Ludlow, Mass., . . . 1847 JEFTS, JAMES M. J., . . . Ashby, Mass., . . . 1848 JOHNSON, FRED W., . . . Pittsfleld, Mass., . . . 1850 KENT, HENRY K., . . . . New Ashford, Mass., . . 1846 KILLAN, ELIAS C., . . . . Boxford, Mass., . . . 1847 Taught in Massachusetts three terms; New York, three terras; Wisconsin, seven terms; Missouri, twenty-four terms; served in Forty-third Regiment Wis- consin Volunteers, 1861 ; attended Easthampton Seminary; farmer. Married Susan Hitchcock; sis children. Pickering, Nodaway County, Mo. KNIGHT, QUAUTUS P., . . Norwich, Mass., . . . 1848 KEACH, HORACE A., . . . Burrillville, R. I., . . . 1852 LANGLEY, JOSEPH G., . . . . Hawley, Mass., . . . 1844 LINCOLN, LORING I)., . . West Brookfield, Mass , , 1844 LYMAN, SAMUEL T., . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1845 LYMAN, WILLIAM E., Westhampton, Mass., . . 1846 Taught in Westhampton, Mass., two years; farmer and in lumber business. Married Mary E. Orcutt; three children. LUDDEN, ENOCH H Westhampton, Mass., . . 1846 Taught in Westhampton, Mass., four terms; attended Williston Seminary, Easthumpton, Mass., two terms; in provision and meat business forty years. Married Elizabeth Clark ; two children. 60 Pleasant Street, Easthampton, Mass. LATHROP, THOMAS I., . . . Hawley, Mass., . . . 1846 LOOMIS, GROVE H., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 Taught in Westfleld, Granville and Springfield, Mass. ; in all, about seven years; ten years in government service; photographer in Boston fifteen years. Married Mary I. Wood. Newtonville, Mass. LYMAN, CHARLES W North Wilbraham, Mass., . 1849 LEE, GEORGE., North Becket, Mass., . . 1849 LOMBARD, ORVILLE E., . . . Brimfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 LATHROP, EDWIN, .... Hawley, Mass., . . . 1849 LAWTON, BENJAMIN, . . . Stockbridge, Mass., . . 1850 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 19 LANE, HOSEA F., . . . Ashburnham, Mass., . . 1853 Taught in Ashbnrnham, Mass., five years; steadily teaching forty weeks in a year, for thirty-eight years; principal of high school in Templeton, Mass.; privately pursued classical course; written "History of Templeton, Mass." Married Elizabeth E. Fairbanks; one child living. Templeton, Mass. MAUSH, LEBBEUS E., Leverett, Mass., . . . 1844 MILLER, HENRY M., . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 Taught in Westfield, West Springfield, Montague, Whitinsville and Kings- ton, Mass., seven winters; dentist. Married twice; five children. Westfield, Mass. MORLEY, JAMES H., . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 MUNSON, DANIEL, .... Chester, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught two terms, then went into business. Married Elizabeth P. Fowler; one cbiid living. Syracuse, N. Y. MOSELEY, HENRY C., . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Westfield, Mass.; editor, attorney, legislator, probate judge and land registrar. Married in 1856; one son. Bloomington, 111. MERRITT, CHARLES A., . . . Norwich, Mass., . . . 1847 MERRITT, ELBRIDGE W., . . Williamsburg, Mass., . . 1847 MEAD, SEYMOUR L. , . . . Lanesborough, Mass., . . 1848 MILLARD, ELISHA D., . . . Egremont, Mass., . . . 1848 MAUSH, CALVIN A.,* . . . Brimfield, Mass., . . . 1847 Taught in Spencer, Ware, North Brookfield, West Brookfield, Southbridge, Leicester, Mass. Married Mrs. J. L. Upham. Died July 30, 1858. MERRILL, JAMES H., . . . Sandisfield, Mass., . . . 1848 MACK, JOHN W., . . . Lenox, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Curtisville, Mass., one term ; Dalton, Mass., one term ; and Lee, Mass., one term. Canon City, Col. MASSEY, GEORGE S., . . . Richmond, Mass., . . . 1854 NORTON, CICERO V. N.,* . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1844 NORTON, EDWARD H., . . Westhampton, Mass., . . 1845 NOBLE, HENRY T., . . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1848 Taught in Massachusetts two years and in Dixon, 111., two years; in real estate and bank business from 1852 to 1861; in spring of 1861 raised a company of volunteers, which in June were mustered into government service; in the war until its close; manufacturer in Dixon. Married twice. Dixon, 111. NICHOLS, JOHN A.,* . . . West Amesbury, Mass., . . 1849 Taught various grades in Massachusetts to 1861 ; Union Free School, Mount Vernon, from 1861 to 1864; Union Free School, Sing Sing, X. Y., from 1864 to 1866; Yonkers, N. Y., from 1867 to 1881. Died at Hammond, La., Dec. 29, 1887. NICHOLS, SAMUEL H., . . South Reading, Mass., . . 1850 NEWMAN, BURT, .... Great Barrington, Mass., . 1852 NICKERSON, Otis, Mass., .... 1853 NORCROSS, OTIS C., . . . Upton, Mass., . . . 1854 NORTON, GILSON U., . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1846 NORTON, BENJAMIN N., . . . Southampton, Mass , . . Taught in Southwick, Mass., one term; Westfield, Mass., one term; attended Sheldon Academy; connected with the railroad business three years; now a farmer. Married M. L. Norton ; one son living. 20 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WEST FIELD. OWEN, ABIJAH C.,* PALMER, SAMUEL, . PALMER, LORIN, PHILLIPS, LEWIS, . Westfleld, Mass., . . West Springfield, Mass., . West Springfield, Mass., . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 . 1844 . 1845 . 1844 Taught in Blandford, Russell and \Vestfield; a farmer. Married twice; three children. Bos 1308, Springfield, Mass. PARSONS, LEMUEL, .... Hinsclale, Mass., . . . 1846 PAGE, BRADFORD B., . . Pittsfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 POMEROY, THOMAS W., . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1846 PARSONS, B. FRANK, . . . Goshen, Mass., . . . 1848 PEASE, J. BYRON, .... Springfield, Mass., . . 1849 PERRIN, GEORGE K., . . . Berlin, Vt., . . . . 1849 PROCTOR, OLIVER Townsend, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in "Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York, " a portion " of thirty- five years; member of the school board thirty years. Married Kate M. Gris- wold ; four children. Townsend Harbor, Mass. PROUTY, ALBERT S., . . . Brimfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 PARKER, WILLIAM C., . . Buckland, Mass, . . . 1851 PITCHER, JAMES D., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 PIERCE, CHARLES A., . . . Royalston, Mass., . . . 1852 Married Nancy Shepard. Westfield, Mass. PECKHAM, WILLIAM F., . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1852 POND, FRANCIS M., . . . West Medway, Mass., . . 1853 PIERCE, MARSEMUS D.,*. . . Peru, Mass., .... 1844 ROGERS, WILLIAM 'Bernardston, Mass., . . 1844 BOBBINS, ALVIN C., . . . Blackstone, Mass., . . 1847 Taught in Pawtucket, Providence and "Woonsocket, R. I., for thirty years. Married Mary I. Meggett; four children. Saylesville, R. I. ROBERTS, STEPHEN, . . . New Durham, N. H., . . 1847 RUDE, HORACE, .... Chester, Mass., . . . 1848 Springfield, Mass. RHODES, HIRAM M., . . . Stanhope, N. J., . . . 1848 Newark, N. J. RICHARDSON, CHARLES A., . . Franklin, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Montague winter of 1849; in South Maiden and Dedham seven years; in John P. Jewett & Co.'s bookstore, Boston ; editor and publisher of " Congregationalint." Married Mary Jane Phipps; two children living. Con- gregationalist House, Boston. ROWE, JUDSON A., . . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1852 Westfield, Mass. RUSSELL, GEORGE E., . . Charlton, Mass., . . . 1852 ROSSKAU, JAMES P., . . . Newbury port, Mass., . . 1853 RICHARDSON, GEORGE E., . . Bernardston, Mass., . . 1844 RUDE, DANIEL,* .... Chester, Mass., . . . 1851 Died in San Francisco, April, 1887. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 21 SEARLE, SYLVESTER E., . Chester, Mass., . 1844 SEYMOUR, JOHN,* . . Grauville, Mass., . . 1844 SEYMOUR, HARVKY E , . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1844 SEYMOUR, MILTON, . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1846 SEYMOUR, ASA W., . East Granville, Mass., . . 1847 Taught in Topsfield, Mass., one term; in the mercantile business, Prairie du Sao, Wis., for several years; farming, nursery and small fruit business. Married L. D. Meyers; four children living. Mazomanie, Dane Co., Wis. STILES, HENRY D., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 SHEPARD, AMOS C., . . . Buckland, Mass., . . . 1845 SCOTT, SYLVESTER,* . . . Ipswich, Mass., . . . 1846 See under Teachers. SLOCUM, PHILO M.,* . . . Tolland, Mass., . . . 1848 Died in 1861. See under Teachers. SIBLEY, ANDREW W., . . . West Springfield, Mass., '. 1848 STRATTON, CHANDLER, . . . Sandisfleld, Mass., . . . 1848 SHERMAN, HENRY C., . . . South Hadley, Mass., . . 1849 STAPLES, REV. N. AUGUSTUS, . Mendon, Mass., . . . 1849 SEARS, EDWIN, .... Ashfielcl, Mass., . . . 1850 STOCKMAN, JAMES,* . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1850 STOCKMAN, LYMAN B., . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1852 SEARLE, ALVIN C., . . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1850 SARGENT, WILLIAM, . . . Millville, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Blackstone and Uxbridge, Mass., and in Rhode Island fourteen years. Ill with cancer. SMITH, ADDISON G.,* . . Berlin, Mass., . . . 1852 Taught in Westford Academy, Bolton high school, Kingston high school, Upton high school and Shrewsbury high school, Mass.; in all, fifteen years; attended Phillip's Academy; graduated at Harvard College, class of 1860. Died Nov. 16, 1874. SMITH, FRANCIS, .... North Hadley, Mass., . . 1852 SEARLE, ICHABOD H., . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1853 Taught at Marshfield, Mass., two years; Onondaga, N. Y., one year; after graduating at the Westfleld Normal, continued study at Williston Seminary; graduated at Castleton Medical College, Vermont, 1860; studied at Long Island Hospital College, Brooklyn, N. Y.; in the army was surgeon of the New York Volunteers; physician at Syracuse, N. Y. Married Jane Darrow, December, 1867. SANDERSON, TURNER J., . . Lunenburg, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught at Berlin, Mass., three terms; Lunenburg, Mass., two terms; and in Philadelphia, Penn., six years ; confectioner at Sudbury, Mass. Married Eleanor E. Dow. Fitchburg, Mass. SAWYER, WILBUR F., . . Harvard, Mass., . . . 185* Taught in Harvard one term; in the West four winters; studied at Claverack two terms; in business in the West; was in the 140th Regiment Illinois Volun- teers; farmer in Harvard, Mass., since 1869. Married in March, 1870. 22 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. SPELMAN, EDWAHD S., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . 1854 SPOONER, JACOB, . Barre, Mass., . . 1844 TAPI.EY, CHARLES E., . . Hadley, Mass., . 1846 TIIAYER, ADIX, . Blackstone, Mass., . 1846 TAYLOK, HORACE C.,* . Norwich, Mass., . 1847 TAFT, ALONZO F., . . Fitchburg, Mass., . . 1852 South Charleston, Ohio. THOMAS, GEORGE W., . Pittsfleld, Mass , . . 1852 UPHAM, JOSEPH L.,* . Brimfleld, Mass., . . 1847 Taught In Spencer and Brimtield, Mass., and in Wisconsin. Married Harriet N. Solander in 1849. Died May 11, 1857. WILLARD, EBENE/ER P.,* . . Harvard, Mass., . . . 1844 WOLCOTT, JAMES H., . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 WOOI.WORTH, JAMES, . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 WOOD, GEORGE F., . . . Upton, Mass., . . . 1847 WRIGHT, EBENEZER, . . . Norwich, Mass., . . . 1848 WHITNEY, FRANCIS A.,*. . . Ashburnham, Mass., . . 1849 Taught in Ashburnham, Westminster and Sterling, thirty years; principal of grammar nchool, West Fitchburg, Mass., six years; farmer; connected prom- inently with Farmers' and Mechanics' Club; member of committee of super- vision of schools many years; assessor and selectman; trustee of Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass. Married twice; four children. Died of heart disease and dropsy, April 27, 1887. WHITNEY, WALTER,* . . . Ashburnham, Mass., . . 1849 WHITING, JOSIAH,* .... New Maryborough, Mass., . 1850 Taught live or six winters and one summer in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Married in 1852. Died at Southh'eld, Mass., July 22, 1561. WATSON, EDMUND, .... East Windsor, Mass., . . 1849 WARD, SAMUEL H., . . . Monson, Mass., . . . 1850 WILMARTH, JEROME, . . . Milford, Mass., . . . 1850 Taught in Southampton, South Uxbridge, Mass., Bucksport, Me., and in Springfield, Mass., Commercial School; has studied at Scholfield's Commercial College, Providence, It. I., and at the Harvard Medical School, where he grad- uated in 186*3; practised medicine twenty-three years. Married Abbie F. Munyan; three children. Box 928, Milford, Mass. WALKER, GILBERT E., . . Belchertown, Mass., . . 1851 WARREN, GEORGE F., . . Ashby, Mass.. . . . 1851 WOOD, WILLIAM S., . . . Worcester, Mass., Taught one year in Rhode Inland, two in Massachusetts, three and one-half in Illinois, and twelve and one half in Ohio; superintendent of public schools in New Albany, Ind.; superintendent in Seymour, Ind.; soldier in Union army during the Rebellion. New Albany, Ind. WHEELER, WILLIAM A , . . . Hardwick, Mass., . . . 1853 WILSON, MILTON A., . . . Royalston, Mass., . . . 1853 WELD, EZRA B., . . . . Sturbridge, Mass., . . .1854 WRIGHT, THEODORE G, . . . Norwich, Mass., . . . 1854 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 23 LADIES. ARTHUR, ELIZABETH P. , . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 ASHLEY, HARRIET C., . . . Longmeadow, Mass , . . 1844 AVERT, JANE E.,* . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 See under Teachers. ABBE, SAMANTHA C., South Hadley, Mass., . . 1846 Taught in 'Springfield, Ainherst, Palmer, Monson and Chicopee, nine years. Married Eli Warner; three children; two daughters are teaching in normal school, St. Cloud, Minn. ; eldest a graduate of the Westfield State formal School, and the youngest a graduate of the Xormal Art School, Boston, Mass. Granby, Mass. ALGER, LOUISA M.,. . . . Leyden, N. Y., . . . 1846 ABBOTT, FRANCES O., . . . Westfleld, Mass 1847 AYRES, SARAH J., .... North Brookfield, Mass., . 1848 AVERY, ADALINE, .... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1848 Attended academy at Thetford, Vt. Married Charles W. Shephard in 1850; three children. Box 272, Westfield, Mass. AMES, ZERUAH, . . . . Becket, Mass., . . . 1848 AMSDEN, LOUISA Worcester, Mass., . . . 1849 ALDRICH, MERCY M., . . Mendon, Mass., . . . 1850 Taught in Westfield, Mass., three months, and in Hopkinton, Mass., three months. Married Joseph S. Clark in 1851 ; four children. South Weymouth, Mass. ANDREWS, CLARABEL, . . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1850 ALFORD, EUNICE M., . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1850 ALFORD, MARY C., .... Otis, Mass., .... 1851 ABBOTT, AUGUSTA C., . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1851 ADAMS, MARY C., . . . . Sandisfleld, Mass., . . . 1851 ADAMS, LIZZIE J., . . . . Deerfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 ADAMS, CAROLINE S., . . Goshen, Mass., . . . 1852 AYRES, MARTHA D., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 AYRES, ANNA E., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . Taught in Southwick, Westfield, Huntington, North Brookfield and Worcester, Mass., in Chicago, 111., and in Omaha; returned to Worcester and taught in high school; attended seminary at Castleton, Vt., Worcester Collegiate Institute, and studied one year in Germany. Married Rev. D. W. Richardson in 1877. South Sudbury, Mass. ARTHUR, PHEBE N., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 AVERY, JANE M., . . . . Charlemont, Mass., . . 1846 ARNOLD, ELIZABETH C.,* . . Westflefd, Mass., . . . 1846 BROWN, CATHARINE P., . . . Brinafleld, Mass., . . . 1844 BURT, DELIA B., . . . Longmeadow, Mass., . . 1844 BRAKENRIDGE, LUCY B., . . Ware, Mass., .... 1844 BUSH, ELVIRA S., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 BISHOP, MELINDA,* .... Russell, Mass., . . . 1845 BLAIR, JULIA E., . . . Blandford, Mass., . . . 1845 BOISE, FAUSTINA E., . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1845 24 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. BURGESS, MAKY F., West Springfield, Mass., . 1845 BARTLETT, MARY P.,* Westhampton, Mass., . 1846 BEACH, CLARINDA A., Russell, Mass., . 1846 BUSH, ANJANKTTE Westfleld, Mass., . . 1846 BISHOP, MARILLA C., . Russell, Mass., . 1846 Mrs. A. J. Bradley, Westfleld, Mass. BUSH, HANNAH C., . Westfleld, Mass., . . 1846 Taught in Whitinsville, Mass., one season, and in Alabama six years ; attended Mt. Holyoke Seminary. Married Rev. E. P. Smith in 1855; one child living. No. 231 West 83d Street, New York City. BODURTHA, JANE E., . . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1847 Mrs. J.E.Wright. BENJAMIN, EMORETTE R., . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1847 BUSH, SUSAN H., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1847 BROWN, EUNICE, .... Winchendon, Mass., . . 1847 BARBER, RUTH E., . . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1847 Poor health ; has not taught. 632 Main Street, Worcester, Mass. BAILEY, JULIA A., .... West Springfield, Mass., . 1848 BARRETT, MARTHA O Danvers, Mass., . . . 1848 BALDWIN, ELIZABETH,* . . . Egremont, Mass., . ... 1849 BALDWIN, MARIA J., . . . Egremont, Mass., . . . 1849 BARDWELL, LUCRETIA, . . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1849 Married Isaac Chenery of Montague, Mass., in 1856; three daughters living. BYRANT, FANNIE B., . . . South Deerfleld, . . . 1849 BENNETT, LUCY, .... Hubbardston, Mass., . . 1848 BROWN, GEORGIANA V. B., . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1849 BLISS, AMANDA P., . . . . Lanesborough, Mass., . . 1849 BRIGGS, CHARLOTTE, . . . Norwich, Conn., . . . 1849 BARRETT, LUCINDA S., . . . Belchertown, Mass., . . 1850 Taught in MassachusKts four years and in Virginia four years; in 1865 received commission from American Baptist Home Missionary Society, and taught freedmen four years in Richmond, Va. Married P. C. Colver of Chicago, 111., in 1870; two children. New Lisbon, Wis. BARTHOLOMEW, DELPHENB E., . North Blandford, Mass., . 1850 BRAYTON. CKLESTIA W., . . Waterford, Mass., . . . 1850 BANGS, ELVIRA, .... Springfield, Mass., . . . 1850 BANGS, ELIZA, Springfield, Mass., . . . 1850 BRACKETT, LUCY M., . . Holyoke, Mass., . . . 1850 BROOKS, AUGUSTA W., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1850 BUGBEE, LOUISA,* . . " . . East Longmeadow, Mass., . 1850 Taught in Mittencague, Hampdcn and East Longmeadow, Mass., three years; attended Westfield Academy and a school in Providence, R. I. Died of consumption in 1855. BIGELOW, LUCY A., . . . Royalston, Mass., . . . 1851 BURNS, LAURA Rockport, Mass., . . . 1851 BURNS, ELIZA T.,* . . . ' . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1851 Died in 1883. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 25 BATES, SARAH B., .... Southampton, Mass., . . 1851 Taught in Southampton, Westfleld, Montgomery, Conway, Rockport, Green- field, Williamsburg, Northampton and Great Harrington; in all, eleven years; contributor for some years to children's magazines. Married J. T. Thayer in 1866; two boys. 68 High Street, Northampton, Mass. BREWER, HARRIET L., . . . Stockbridge, Mass., . . 1852 BRIGHAM, ELIZABETH A.,* . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 BROOKS, MARTHA J., . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1852 BANCROFT, CLARISSA B., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . Taught in Westfleld, Mass., Plainville, Conn., and in New Jersey; in all, five years. Married Edwin Hedges in 1858; three children. BLAIR, EMMA, Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 BRACKETT, URANIA E., . . . Holyoke, Mass., . . . 1852 BLISS, HARRIET A.,. . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 Taught in Westfield, Southbridge, Hadley and Huntington, MHBS.; in all, about five years. Married, in 1860, Zerah Greene, who died in 1869. BOUTELLE, MARTHA A., . . . Leominster, Mass., . . 1852 Married A. B. Rice, "Worcester, Mass. BROWN, SARAH F., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in Palmer, Mass., three years. Married, June, 1861, to Theodore DeWitt Miller of Norwich, N. Y.; one daughter. BROWN, MARY F., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught spring of 1869. Springfield, Mass. BATES, ANNIS C., . . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1853 Taught in Southampton, Mass., one year; Rockport, Mass., two years; West- field, Mass., one year; Great Harrington, Mass., one yflkr; Blackstone, Mass., two years; Northampton, Mass., two years; Greenfield, Mass., 1869-1889; in all, twenty-nine years. Greenfield, Mass. BREWER, MARY A., . . . Stockbridge, Mass., . . 1853 BUSH, MARIETTA P.,* . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 BUSH, ELIZA P.,* . . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1854 BURBANK, JENNIE E., . . Lancaster, Mass , . . . 1854 BAKER, MARIA S., . . . . Lancaster, Mass., ... . 1854 BROOKS, LOUISA L., ... Ashby, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in the public schools of Massachusetts from 1856 to 1872; since then a private instructor in Boston, Mass. Hoffman House, Suite 20, 128 Berkeley Street. BURBANK, MYRA S., . . . Lancaster, Mass., . . . 1854 * Taught in district schools in Lancaster more or less for fifteen years; obliged to give up teaching to care for parents. Lives with uncle (C. A. Thomas) at Brandon, Vt. BATES, ADELAIDE J., . . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1854 BURLEIGH, ANNA, .... Wilbraham, Mass., . . . 1854 Mrs. Holt, Stafford, Conn. BEXNETT, LUCY,* .... Hubbardston, Mass., CHAMBERLAIN, MARY E., . . South Hadley, Mass., CHAPIN, ELIZABETH W.,. . . Westfleld, Mass., . Married, June, 1847, to Thomas P. Collins; three children living. 26 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. CLAPP, AMELIA P., . . . . Easthampton, Mass., . . 1844 COOPER, ELIZABETH M., . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 CARPENTER, HARRIET M.,* . . Greenfield, Mass., . . . 1844 CUSIIMAN, MARY,* .... Bernardston, Mass., . . 1844 COLTON, PIIEBE M.,* . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1845 CHAPIX. WELTHA A, . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 COOLEY, LAURA G., . . . Westfleld, Mass, . . . 1846 CASE, ABBY C., . . . . Norwich, Conn., . . . 1847 COLTOX, HARRIET N., . . West Springfield, Mass., Taught In West Springfield two terras; Jamaica, L. I., three terms; and Sing Sing, N. Y., three terras, before 1852; taught in Sing Sing Union Free School, January, 1859-89. Married Burgher Van Horn, 1852; one daughter and two grandchildren. 33 Ellis Place, Sing Sing, N. Y. CLARK, CLEORA C., . . . . Montgomery, Mass., . . 1847 CHURCH, EUNICE A., . . Hubbardston, Mass., . . 1848 COWLES, LAURA L.,. . . . Tolland, Mass., . . . 1848 CHAMBERLAIN, JENNIE S., . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1848 CHANDLER, CAROLINE M.,* . Montague, Mass., . . . 1848 CHAPIN, MARY, .... Greenfield, Mass., . . . 1848 COLBY, LUCY A.,* .... Danvers, Mass., . . . 1848 CHAMBERLAIN, ELIZABETH E., . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Westfield, Mass., and Providence, R. I. ; in a private school, Provi- dence, R. I., 1889; has done missionary and Sunday-school work; member of the C. L. S. C. 10 Dexter Street, Providence, R. I. CHENERY, ELIZABETH W., . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1849 COLLINS, JOSEPHINE 'A., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Mrs. Edward Hall, Orange, N. J. COOLEY, PERSIS M., . . . Sunderland, Mass., . . . 1849 COOK, JANE R., .... Franklin, Mass., . . . 1849 Cox, ELLEN A., . . . . Maiden, Mass., . . . 1849 CLAPP, CHARLOTTE W., . . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1849 CLARY, MARY A., .... Deerfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 CHAPMAN, MARGARET F., . . Becket, Mass., . . . 1849 CHAPMAN, HARRIET E., . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1849 Taught in Southampton, Ilolyoke, West Springfield and South Deerfield; in all, seven years. Cox, MARTHA M Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 COOK, LYDIA A. M., . . . New Salem, Mass., . . . 1850 CLARKE. A. SOPHIA, . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1850 CARR, MARY J., Whitinsville, Mass., . . 1851 Taught in Uxbridge, Mass., one year. Married, 1857, to Deacon Luther Hill of East Douglas, Mass. CODDING, SARAH P.,* . . South Egremont, Mass., . 1851 Taught successfully a few years. Married Alfred Hubbard in 1S65; moved to Le Roy, Genesee County, N. Y., where she died Aug. 1, 1868, leaving one child. CLAPP, ELECTA, .... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 Dressmaker. Married L. C. Avery, 1858; step-mother to three children. Easthampton, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 27 CLEAVES, ANN M., . . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . 1852 CHAPIN, SARAH, .... Uxbridge, Mass., . . . 1852 CHILSOX, MARY A.,. . . . Clarksburg, Mass., . . . 1852 CLARK, DELIA E., . . . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1852 Taught in Massachusetts four years; Independence, Iowa, two years; and in private school, Iowa, two years. Married J. F. Coy of Independence, Iowa, in 1870. CLARK, SARAH, .... Easthampton, Mass., . . 1853 CLARK, ELLEN M.,*. . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught in West Springfield, Montgomery and Southampton, Mass. Died in August, 1859. CLARK, MARY A., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught in Feeding Hills, Montgomery, Iluntington, Easthampton, Hadley, "Westfield and West Springfield, Mass., and in Enfield, Conn.; in all, twenty years. CLEMMER, SARAH E., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 Mrs. N. Dana Wells, Brooklyn, N. Y. CHAPMAN, EMMA L., . . . Becket, Mass., . . . 1853 CARPENTER, HANNAH F., . . Ware, Mass., .... 1854 CHURCH, CAROLINE E., . . . Great Barrington, Mass , . 1854 Mrs. John B. Bristol, 1 East 28th Street, ifew York City. CARLTON, ORA A., . . . . Lunenburg, Mass., . . . 1854 CUMMINGS, EMMA, .... Townsend, Mass., . . . 1854 Mrs. Jonas Spalding, Townsend Harbor, Mass. CHANEY, MARY L., . . . . Potsdam, N. Y., . . . 1854 CHASE, MARY C., . . . . Lancaster, Mass., . . . 1854 COKER, CHARLOTTE P., . . . Newburyport, Mass., . . 1854 CROUCH, EMILY E., . . . Russell, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in Russell, Westfield, Southwick, Belchertown, Mass., Enfield, Conn. ; in 1864 went South with nine others, and taught colored people two years; taught, in all, nineteen years. Married, in 1871, to W. P. Simons of Enfield, Conn., who died in 1881. Care of Joseph Merriman, East Hartford, Conn. CHAMBERLAIN, CHARLOTTE A., . Templeton, Mass., . . . 1854 CAMPBELL, JANE P., . . . Westfleld, Mass, . . . 1854 Taught in Paxton, Springfield, Agawam, Southwick and Westfield, Mass., six years. Married, in 1860, to John Edgar; three sons. CROCKER, AMELIA A., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 CHAPIN, M. MARGARETTE, . . Chicopee, Mass., . . . 1849 Mrs. J. F. Kealley, Chicopee, Mass. COLTON, JANE E., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 CLAPP, CLARISSA J., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1851 DAY, FRANCES W Westfleld, Mass., . . .1844 DOUGLASS, MARY E.,* . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1844 DANE, LUCY A., . . . Brookfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 DAY, MARIA, West Springfield, Mass , . 1845 DURANT, ELIZABETH, . . . South Hadley, Mass., . . 1846 DAVIS, ELLEN R., . . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1846 DAILBY, ELIZABETH A., . . . Sheffield, Mass., . . . 1848 28 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. DAVIS, HAKKIET W.,* . . Hubbardston, Mass., . . 1848 DICKERMAN, ELLEN M., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Westfleld, Muss., twenty weeks, and in South Wilbraham (now Hampden) six weeks. Married, 1851, to John 8. Beebe of New Orleans, La.; three children living. 27 Noble Avenue, Westfleld, Mass. DAVIS, MARY F., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Mrs. Charles Peck, New Britain, Conn. DOANE, MARY E.,* . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1849 DAY, JANE A., Springfield, Mass., . . . 1850 Mrs. Abner Wheeler, Ayer, Mass. . DICKINSON, JULIA A., . . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1850 DEWEY, MARIA C., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught six years; principal of "Model School" in Westtield, Mass. Mar- rled, 1855, to Samuel S. Dexter; four children. Orange, Mass. DEWEY, MARY A., . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 DODGE, LUCIXA E., . . . Charlton, Mass., . . . 1852 Post-graduate in 1856; taught in Webster, Mass., three years; Leorainster and North Leorainster, six years; Prison for Women, Sherborn, Mass., five years; at work In State Industrial School, Lancaster, Mass., seven years; and in Mid- dle-town, Conn., two years. North Leominster, Mass. DURANT, CAROLINE M., . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1852 Taught in Northampton, Mass., three years. Married George T. Van Arsdale in 1865; three sons. Racine, Wis. DEANE, HELEN C., . . . . North Adams, Mass., . . 1852 DAYTON, MARY T.,. . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught in Westfield, Wilbraham, Russell and Southwick, Mass., and in Milford, N. J. Married George C. Landon in 1860. Frenchtowu, N. J. DAVIS, HARRIET E., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1855 Taught in Sterling, Mass., one year; Holyoke High School, two years; West- fleld Flteh School, two years.' Married, in 1866, to Thomas B. Stockwell of Providence, R. I.; three boys. 20 Cooke Street. Dow, ELEANOR A., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1853 Mrs. T. J. Sanderson, Fitchburg, Mass. DEWEY, HARRIET S.,* . . . Lenox, Mass. 1851 DEWEY, FRANCES H., . . Lenox, Mass., .... 1851 DOUGLASS, HELEN,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1851 EASTMAN, SARAH S.,* . * . . Granby, Mass 1844 EATON, SARAH E., . . . . Brookfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 EUSTIS, MARY S.,* .... Northampton, Mass., . . 1844 ELY, ELIZABETH A., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 Mrs. Rev. S. O. Dyer.- EASTMAN, FRANCES E., . . . Granby, Mass., . . . 1846 ELLIS, HANNAH, .... Boston, Mass 1848 E WING, CHARLOTTE A.,* . . . West Springfield, Mass , . 1848 EASTMAN, CLARA R.,* . . Granby, Mass., . . . 1849 EATON, CHARLOTTE, . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1849 EGGLESTON, JANE S., . . . Torrington, Conn., . . . 1849 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 29 ELDRIDGE, CORDELIA H., . . Williamstown, Mass., . . 1849 Taught in Williamstown four years, and in New Jersey one year. Married Thomas Sabin in 1865; three children. South Williamstown, Mass. EDWARDS, CAROLINE, . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1852 Taught in Southampton, Mass., one year; in Avon, Conn., three years; in Alton, 111., two years; one term each in Amherst and Westhampton, Mass., and four terms in Easthampton, Mass.; attended Mrs. B.B.Edwards' private school at Andover, Mass.; member of the school board of Southampton, Mass., four years; newspaper correspondent in historical line. ELLERY, SARAH E.,. . . . Gloucester, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught in Scranton, Penn., Brooklyn, N. J., Stafford Springs, Coiin.j and Franklin College, Holly Springs, Miss.; in all, about thirty years. 26 Pleasant Street, Gloucester, Mass. ELLERY, ELIZA J., . . . . Gloucester, Mass., . . . 1853 ENSIGN, SARAH L., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 Left the school in 1849, and taught nearly three years, then returned to the school; taught in Maplewood Institute, Pittsfleld, Mass., five years; now prin- cipal of Institute for Young Ladies in New Haven, Conn., since 1870. Married Henry 8. Cady of Springfield, Mass., in 1850; three daughters. EMORY, ANNA M., . . . . North Brookfleld, Mass., . 1853 FENTON, ANJANETTE B , . . Palmer, Mass., . . . 1844 FOWLER, ELIZABETH P., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught seven terms ; attended Easthampton Seminary. Married, in 1850, to Daniel Munson of Westfield, Mass.; one child living. Now living in Syracuse, N. Y. FERRY, REBECCA S.,* . . . Chicopee, Mass., . . . 1845 FULLER, AUGUSTA C., . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1846 FISKE, MIRIAM L., .... Upton, Mass.,. . . . 1847 FLETCHER, HATTIE N., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1847 Taught in Suffield, Conn., Salem, N. J., Flushing, L. I., and Lee and West- field, Mass.; in all, eleven years. Married L. R.Norton in 1858; one son. 48 Broad Street, Westfield, Mass. FARWELL, LUCY W. ,* . . . Maryborough, Mass., . . 1849 FAY, SARAH A., . . . . Westborough, Mass., . . 1849 FAY, MAUY J Sturbridge, Mass., . . . 1849 FISKE, GEORGIANNA B., . . . Upton, Mass.,. . . . 1849 FAIRBANK, ADALINE, . . . .Worcester, Mass., . . . 1849 FORWARD, FRANCES E , . . . Southwick, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught two terms. Married Hinsdale Smith of Springfield, Mass. FREHLAND, CHARLOTTE P., . Ilopkinton, Mass., . . . 1850 FIELD, MARY E., . . . Salem, Mass., . . . . 1850 FIELD, SARAH H., .... Salem, Mass., .... 1850 FULLER, SOPHRONIA M., . . Lancaster, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Lancaster, Oxford and Leominster, Mass. ; worked with W. C. T. U. fourteen years. Married Horatio Bailey in 1856. FRY, FLORILLA A., . . . . Athol, Mass., .... 1852 Mrs. George W. Dexter, Orange, Mass. FERRY, HARRIET E., . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1852 80 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. FLAGG, MARY M., .... Berlin, Mass., . . . . 1853 Mrs. Graeeey, Northborough, Mass. FOOTE, FRANCES M.,* . . . Great Barrington, Mass., . 1854 Taught till her marriage, in 1863, to Andrew Clark. Died, in 1870, Great Barrington, Mass. GATES, HARRIET H., . . . Wilbraham, Mass., . . . 1844 GOODEIJ,, SARAH J., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 GATES. CLARISSA M.,* . . Richmond, Mass., . . 1840 GOODRICH, CHARLOTTE E.,* . . Pittsfleld, Mass., . . . 1848 GRANGER, LEONORA E., . . . Tolland, Mass., . . . 1848 Married in May, 1851, to Alexander Sheldon, lawyer, of Randolph, N\ Y., who died in 1866; three children. 219 Foots Avenue, Jamestown, N. Y. GILBERT, ELVIRA P., . . . West Brookfleld, Mass., . 1849 GARDNER, MARIA E., . . . Fall River, Mass., . . . 1850 GOULDING, CYNTHIA K., . . Phillipston, Mass., . . . 1850 GIBBONS, MARY E.,* . . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1850 GIBBS, MARY E., . . . Williamstotvn, Mass., . . 1850 GOULDING, AGNES S., . . . Phillipston, Mass., . . . 1850 GRANGER, JANE T., . ' . . . Southfleld, Mass., . . . 1851 Mrs. Jane G. Harrison, Minneapolis, Minn. GRAVES, ELIZABETH A.,*. . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1851 GAYLORD, MALAH B., . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1852 GILBERT, CATHARINE, . . . West Brookfleld, Mass. ,. . 1853 GATES, ADALINE, .... Richmond, Mass., . . . 1853 GARDNER, SARAH P. II., . . Fall River, Mass., . . . 1854 GREEN, MARY M.,* . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in Westfield and Greenfield, Mass. Married to Royal C. Cowles in 1861 ; two children. Died in 1879. GRIFFIN, ANNA, .... Gloucester, Mass., . . . 1854 HENDRICK, AZUBAH S, . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1844 HAMILTON, MARILLA A., . . . Chester, Mass., . . . 1844 HALE, LAURA,* Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 HAMILTON, ELEANOR E., . . Tolland, Mass., . . . 1845 HOLCOMB, EMILY E., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 HERRICK, ESTHER M., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . '. . 1845 Taught in Westfield, Mass. Married twice. Mrs. H. C. Vincy, Westfield, Mass. HARTWELL, SARAH L.,* . . . Northampton, Mass, . . 1845 HOWE, ANN S West Springfield, Mass., . 1846 Taught in Holyoke and vicinity one and one-half years; taught in West Lebanon, Ind., two years. Married, in 1852, to A. 8. Fleming. West Lebanon, Ind. HALI.ADAY, ELIZA C., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 See under Teachers. HUBBARD, CLARISSA J.,* . . . South Deerfleld, Mass., . . 1846 HILL, MARY S.,* .... Upton, Mass., . . . . 1847 Married, June, 1854, to II. L. Fiske. Died September, 1888, leaving two sons. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WEST FIELD. 31 HEDGES, ADALINE C., Taught in Westficld, Mass. Grange, 111. HINSDALE, JULIA, HALE, MATILDA C., . HARTVVELL, ELIZABETH C., HENDKICK, SARAH E., HOSMER, ELVIRA E., . Westflelcl, Mass. , . . .1847 Married twice; now Mrs. F. D. Cossitt, La . Montague, Mass., . . . 1847 . Bernardston, Mass., . . 1848 . Montague, Mass., . . . 1848 . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1848 . Southwick, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Southwick and Westfield, Mass., two years; in St. Croix, Wis., and St. Paul, Minn., two years. Married, in 1860, to Rev. Charles Willett; one son. Westfield, Mass. HANILIN, LUCRETIA F., . Mrs. W. S. Bush, Westfleld, Mass. HARRIS, HARRIET E., HOSMER, MARTHA J., . HUNTER, SUSAN B.,* HARRIS, MARY A., . HUTCHINS, ASENATH W., HUMPHREYS, SARAH A., . HOLLISTER, MARY S.,* . HOLLISTER, ELIZABETH, . HANCOCK, ANNA, HITCHCOCK, JULIA M., HOLCOMB, ELIZABETH, Mrs. David Atkins, Brooklyn, N.Y. HUTCHINSON, ELLEN C. , . HOWE, SARAH H., . Mrs. Alfred Dewey, Oakland, Cal. HOWE, SARAH E., . HARRINGTON, SARAH A., HARTWELL, ABBIE M., Has given some private instruction, Leominster, Mass. HOLDER, PHEBE A., . . . Berlin, Mass., . Taught in Lee high school from 1856 to 1862; in Berlin, four years; Hudson, one year; Norwood, half a year; Hinsdale high school, three years; before graduatingj taught in Berlin, Gloucester, Ashby and New Jersey ; taught, in all, about thirty years; graduated from the Chautanqua course in 1885; written poetry and prose for publication. Hude-on, Maes. HOLDER, MARY H., . . . . Berlin, Mass., . . . . 1854 Taught in Berlin four years; Walpole, one year; Gloucestrr, one year; Green- land, N. H., one term; private teacher in family of Hon. 8. II. Howe, Bolton, Mass., ten years; in family of Judge Dewey, Worcester, Mass., two years; in family of Hon. Charles G. Stevens, Clinton, Mass., two years. In family of Daniel Dewey, Esq., Newton," Mass., in ]889. Westtiekl, Mass., . Westfield, Mass., . Montague, Mass., . Montague, Mass., . Southampton, Mass., Bethel, Vt., . Chicopee, Mass., New Marlborough, Mass., New Marlborough, Mass., Northampton, Mass., Great Barrington, Mass., Westfleld, Mass., . Montgomery, Mass., Westfield, Mass., . Shrewsbury, Mass., Lunenburg, Mass., . Lunenburg, Mass., . but has had mainly care of "old ladies. 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1850 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 IVES, ELIZABETH C., Mrs. Wood, Louisville, Ky. Westfleld, Mass., 1849 32 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. IDE, MARY, Rowe, Mass., .... 1851 Taught in Massachusetts three terms; Vermont, two terms; Iowa, three terms; and taught her children until they entered preparatory department of Cornell College. Married, in 1856, to L. H. Mason, who in 1863 was victim of Civil War; two children. Mt. Vernon, Iowa. IXGKAM, FANNIE H., . . . Leverett, Mass., . . . 1854 JOHNSON, MARY W., . . . Becket, Mass., . . . 1846 JOHNSON, CHAHITY W., . . . Becket, Mass., . . . 1846 JOHNSON, CAROLINE H., . . . South Williamstown, Mass., . 1853 Taught in Westfleld, Williamstown and Hadley, Mass., five years. Married, in 1860, to Frederick Bell of Hadley, Mass.; four children. JACKSON, SARAH M., . . . Stockbridge, Mass., . . t JACOBS, CELINDA, .... Thompson, Conn., . . . 1854 JOHNSON, SARAH M., . . Stockbridge, Mass., . . 1854 JOHNSON, AMELIA H., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 KNOWLES, PHEBE A., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Mrs. J. R. Glad win, Westfield, Mass. KINGSLEY, MARTHA B.,*. . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1846 KING, ELIZABETH P., . . Russell, Mass., . . . 1849 KEYES, MARY J., . . . Berlin, Mass., .... 1853 Taught in Berlin, Mas*., and vicinity, in Framingham, Mass., and in Virginia among the colored people; in all, about ten years; now has home pupils. KNOWLTON, SARAH S.,* . . . Auburn, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught in North Oxford, Mass., Central Falls, R. I., and Xorth Attleborough, Mass. Married, in 1856, to William 8. Wood; one child. Died in I860, aged twenty-three years. KNOWLES, SARAH L.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 KELLOGG, LAURA, . ' . . . South Hadley, Mass., . . 1852 LOOMIS, REBECCA, .... Russell, Mass., . . . 1844 LEE, ELIZABETH 1).,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 18,44 Taught in Westfield, Agawam, Chesterfield and Springfield, Mass. Married, in 1849, to Noadiah E. Smith. Died in 1851, aged twenty-three years. LYMAN, MARY A Chester, Mass., . . . 1845 LOVELAND, LARISSA M.,* . . Middletteld, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Middlefield, Mass., and other towns, two or three years. Married, about 1854, to Willard D. Carpenter; taught in high school, Yonkers, N. Y., till 1880 or 1881. Died of cancer, in Yonkers, N. Y., 1883. LYLE, MARY, Williamstown, Mass., . . 1849 LEE, AURELJA M., .... Pelham, Mass., . . . 1851 LOOMIS, JULIET A ,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 LOOMIS, MARIA H , . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 LOOMIS, CLARISSA J., . . Southwick, Mass., . . . 1854 LYMAN, MYRA E.,* .... Southampton, Mass., . . 1854 Taught most of the time till December, 1858, when she was Solomon Richards of Unionville, Conn., where she resided till her death, in April, 1872. LORISG, SARAH J., . . . . Great Barrington, Mass., . 1854 Taught in Great Barrington and Sheffield, Mass., eight years. Married, in 1864, to E. L. Boardman; two children, one a graduate of Mt. Holyoke Semi- nary. SheftieM, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 33 MARTINDALE, MINERVA S., . . Greenfield, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Greenfield, Mass., two years. Married, in 1857, to Chester A. Bas- com ; has one sen ; attended Mt. Holyoke Seminary one year. Greenfield, Mass. MORGAN, MARY A., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 MORGAN, SUSAN, .... Oxford, Mass., . . . 1846 MORGAN, LUCY Westfleld, Mass., . . 1847 MARTINDALE, JULIA R., . . . Greenfield, Mass., . . . 1845 MOSELEY, FLA VIA J., . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1845 Taught in Westfield one year, Huntingtorj one year, and in Springfield, Mass., eight years. Married, in I860, to Josiah C. Robinson; one son living, a graduate of Williams College in 1886. Westfield, Mass. MOSELEY, LYDIA N.,* . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1846 See under Teachers. MOSELEY, ADELIA,*. . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 Mrs. Owen Rockwell. MILLARD, BETSEY A., . . North Adams, Mass., . . 1846 MOSMAN, MARY Chicopee, Mass., . . . 1846 MARCH, LUCLNA, .... Brimfield, Mass., . . . 1847 MCGREGORY, ANGELINE, . . . East Longmeadow, Mass., . 1847 MARCY, ELIZABETH JF.,* . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1848 MALLORY, MARGERY A. . . . Russell, Mass., . . . 1848 MERWIN, GRATIA F., . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1849 MANN, ALZINA, .... Westminster, Mass., . . 1850 MORTON, SARAH A. V.,* . . Hadley, Mass., . . . 1850 MERRILL, JULIA A., . . . North Hartford, Conn., . . 1850 METCALF, MARY C., . . . Franklin, Mass., . . . 1850 MORSE, LESTEYRIE,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1850 Never able to teach. Married, in 1867, to Charles 8. Thompson of Chicago. Died July, 1882, leaving one daughter. MCGREGORY, HORTENTIA, . . East Longmeadow, Mass., . 1850 MINER, SARAH C.,* . . . . Clinton, Mass., . . . 1851 Married in 1855 or 1856, and died one year after. MUZZY, MATILDA, .... Worcester, Mass., . . . 1856 Taught in Brimfield, Mass., three years; Warren, Mass., one term; and Deer- field, Mass., one term. 34 Chatham Street, Worcester, Mass. MILLER, SARAH E., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 Taught in Royalston, Templeton and Athol, Mass., four years; an invalid many years. Royalston, Mass. MILLER, SUSAN M.,. . . . Westfleld, Mass., . Married Rev. Mr. Austin. METCALF, MARY M., . . . Blackstone, Mass., . . . 1853 METCALF, HANNAH E., . . . Blackstone, Mass., . . . 1853 MARBLE, MARY A.,* . . . Charlton, Mass., . . . 1853 MIXER, LOUISA H., . . . . Clinton, Mass., . . . 1854 MARTYN, SUSAN M.,* . . South Attleborough, Mass., . 1854 34 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. MASON, FANNIE C., . . . . Southbridge, Mass., . . 1854 Taught in the public schools of Massachusetts twenty-five years; in educa- tional institution in Barre, Mass., and House of Kefuge, Harlem, New York City ; missionary in Worcester, Mass., nine years. 127 Pleasant Street, Worces- ter, Mass. MILLER. EMMA B. Westfleld, Mass 1854 NOBLE, SARAH A., / . . . Granby, Conn., . . . 1854 NKWCOMB, ANTOINETTE, . . . Greenfield, Mass 1846 NOBLK, MARGARET A., . . . Washington, Mass,. . . 1846 NOBLE, MARGARET A.,* . ... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 NEWTON, ESTHER A., . . Southvvick, Mass., . . . 1847 NEWTON, MARY W., . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1853 NORTON, HARRIET P., . . Otis, Mass., .... 1847 NORTON, AURELIA R., . . . New Marlborough, Mass., . 1850 NORTON, JULIA C., . . . . Westhampton, Mass., . . 1846 NEWMAN, HENRIETTA J., . . Egremont, Mass., . . . 1852 NICHOLS, FANNIE, .... Charlton, Mass., . . . 1852 NUTTING, ADELIA M., . . . Leverett, Mass., . . . 1854 NORWOOD, MARY B., . . Washington, Mass., . . 1S50 OWEN, CHARLOTTE E., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Mrs. C. K. Weller, Westfleld, Mass. OWEN, LUCINDA B., ... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Westfield, Holyoke and West Springfield, Mass., eleven years. Married, in 1865, to Alvin Humaston, Westfield, Mass.; one child. OSBORN, LIZZIE C.,. . . . Holyoke, Mass., . . . 1854 PULSIFER, LAURA A.,* . ' . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 PURPLE, MARTHA M., . . . Bernardston, Mass., . . 1844 PARKER, HARRIET G., . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1846 PARMENTER, ALTHEA, . . . Bernardston, Mass., . . 1846 Taught twenty-four terms in Vermont, in Wendell, Bernardston, Greenfield and Sunderland, Mass. Married, in 1870, lo Alanson Hubbard of Sunderland, Mass. PARTRIDGE, FANNIE, . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1846 PEASE, CLARA, .... Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1847 PALMER, JANE M., . . . . Southvvick, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Westfield, Mass., two years; Blandford, Mass., one year. Married William Stannard in 1851 ; four children living. 128 Lunenburg Street, Fitch- burg, Mas*. PARTRIDGE, SARAH P., . . . Carabridgeport, Mass., . . 1848 Taught in 1849-50, Cambridgeport, Mass.; 1850-51, Cincinnati, O.; 1851-52, Dayton Female Seminary, O. Married, in 1852, to Ainsworth R. Spofford, librarian (cince 1861) of Congress, Washington, D. C.; three children. 1621 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. PIIIPPS, MARY J., . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . Taught in Plymouth, Conn., Montague and South Maiden, Mass., two years. Married, in 1852, to C. A. Richardson; two children, tive grandchildren. Chel- sea, Mans. PIERCE, SARAH L., . . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1848 PIERCE, JANE E.,* .... Montague, Mass., . . . 1848 STATE fl/ORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 35 PALMER, JANE A., . . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1848 PHELPS, HARRIET E., . . Dundaff, Penn., . . . 1849 PROCTER, SARAH M Townsend, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in Massachusetts, Illinois, Georgia and South Carolina; in all, over thirty years. In 1878, married to Ralph Ball of Townsend, Mass. PROCTER, MALVINA, . . . Townsend, Mass., . . . Taught in Massachusetts and New York ; in all, over twenty years. Married John 8. Augur in 1863. Norfolk, N. Y. PROCTER, LYDIA C., To\wisend, Mass., . . . Taught in Massachusetts twenty -seven years, more than half in Chelsea. Mar- ried James P. Farley of Chelsea, Mass., in 1877. PELTON, EMILY E., . . . Great Barringtou, Mass., . 1849 PUTNAM, SARAH E.. . . . Orange, Mass., . . . 1850 POMEROY, ELIZABETH H., . . Suffield, Conn., . . . 1851 Taught in Suftield, Conn., one year; Carroll County, 111., two years. Mar- ried, in 1858, to William G. Fielder; two daughters. Muskegan, Mich. POMEROY, MARY L., . . . Sunderland, Mass., . . . Taught in Sunderland, Mass., two years; Cannon Falls, Minn., one year; Fall River, Wis., one year; and Columbus, Wis., in the academy two years, and in the high school three years. Married, in 1863, to William A. Polley of Columbus, Wis. PHELPS, JANE S., . . . . Westfield, Mass., . . .1852 PEASE, E. LUCINDA, . . . Chicopee, Mass., . . . 1852 PEASE, CORNELIA H.,* . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1852 POWERS, PHILENA E., . . Greenwich, Mass., . . . 1852 Taught in Marshall, 111., one year; Hilton Head, S. C., one year; Bainbridge, Ga., one year; and in Massachusetts four or five years. 2 Richard Street, Worcester, Mass. PROUTY, FANNIE A., ... Sunderland, Mass., . . . 1852 Mrs. Lewis Fairchild, Sunderland, Mass. PETTIS, ELECTA A., . . . Montgomery, Mass., . . 1853 PERSSE, ANNA M., .... Windsor Locks, Conn., . . 1853 POMEROY, CHARLOTTE B., . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 POMEROY, CYNTHIA, . . . Chesterfield, Mass., . . 1854 PEPPER, JULIA A., . . . . Ware, Mass., .... fto4 Taught in Ware, Amherst, and three years in Chicopee high school, Chicopee, Mass.; taught, in all, eleven years. Married twice; one son. Now Mrs. Julia L'Amoureux, South Hadley Falls, Mass. PARSONS, HELEN E,, Goshen, Mass., . . . 1854 PROCTER, LETTY A., ... Pepperell, Mass., . . 1854 RICE, SARAH A., . . . Marlborough, Mass., . . 1847 RANSON, CANDACE A., . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1848 ROBINSON, ANN R., . . . Franklin, Conn., . . . 1848 RHODES, MARGARET L., . . . Uxbridge, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught eleven years. Married, in 1860, to John D. Ludden. 641 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minn. ROGERS, CAROLINE A., . . . Monson, Mass., . . . 1849 Ross, LAURA J., . . . . Acton, Me., .... 1850 36 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. RICHARDSON, NANCY A., . . Franklin, Mass., . . . 1850 ROSE, ELNOR'A A., . . . . East Granville, Mass., . . 1850 ROUNSEVILLE, LOUISE J., . . Mattapoisett, Mass., . . 1851 Mrs. James L. Chapman, Hartford, Coon. RUSSELL, JULIA E., . . . Manchester, Mass., . . 1851 ROGERS, SARAH M.,* . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught as long as her health would permit. RENXE, FRANCES E., Pittsfield, Mass., . . . 1852 RUSSELL, JANE E., . . . . Delta, Ohio, .... 1852 ROOT, ELIZABETH M., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 SACKETT, HARRIET N., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Westfleld, Mass., six terms. Married in 1876. Mrs. 8. G. South- worth, Chicopee Falls, Mass. SEPGWICK, ELIZA H., . . . Palmer, Mass., . . . 1844 SHKPARD, FRANCES E., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Westfield, Maes., New England Village and Rockport, Mass.; in all, eight years. Mrs. Turner S. Cleveland, Salem, N. Y. ; four sons. STEHBINS, EUNICE, .... Granby, Mass., . . . 1844 SLOCTM, MARION,* .... Tolland, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught from the age of seventeen to her death, except the time spent in the normal school and three years of illness; taught in Sheffield, Tolland, New Marlborough and Grafton ; after graduating, principal of English department, Ladies' Seminary, Harrisburg, Penn., four or five years; for a short time with Rev. Cornell, D. D., in Young Ladies' Seminary, Philadelphia; then established a similar school of her own. Married Mr. Forbes Gilbert, August, 1863. Died in 1864. SLOCCM, DELIA A., . . . . Tolland, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Tolland, Mass., Easton, Mass., one year; in Connecticut and Penn- sylvania ; taught, in all, fourteen years. Married, about 1863, to David A. Depue, judge supreme court, Newark, N. J.; four children. SEDGWICK, ALMIRA C., . . . Palmer, Mass., . . . 1844 Married Oct. 20, 1847. Mrs. A. L. Converge, Warren, Mass. SACKETT, MARIA E., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Westfield and Southwick seven terms, of six to twenty-six weeks. t Married, 1849, to J. H. Heywood. Boston, Mass. SHERMAN, FRANCES A., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1845 Taught in Westfleld and West Springfield one and one-half years; returned to normal school, remaining one year; taught in Springfield three years. In 1851, married Roland E. Dewey of Westfield, Mass.; he established a select school in Paterson, N. J., Mrs. Dewey assisting in the school. Mr. Dewey died in 1854, and the only child died in 1858. Taught in Green District School, West- field, two years, and about thirteen years in other Westfield schools. 523 Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, 111. STEELE, JULIA E.,*. . . . Berlin, Conn., . . . . 1845 SMEAD, MARIA L., . . . . Springfield, Mass 1845 SIIEPARD, CHARLOTTE G.,* . Westfleld, Mass., . Taught in Westville, Granville, Rockport, Mass., and Wilmington, Del.; in all, eight years; for some time principal of model school connected with West- field State Normal School. Married Charles Hutchins in 1852. Died at Bos- ton, 1871. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 37 SCOTT, CLARISSA, .... West Springfield, Mass., . 1846 SHUMWAY, MARY J., . . Belchertown, Mass., . . 1846 STRONG, ELIZABETH H., . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1847 SHEPARD, ESTHKR, . . . . Medford, Mass., . . . Never taught. Married twice. Mrs. Rev. Addison Browne. SLATE, H. SOPHIA, .... Westfield, Mass., . . . 1847 SMITH, JULIA A. M., . . . Pittsfleld, Mass., . . . 1848 SMITH, ALMIRA G., . . . . East Boston, Mass., . . 1849 SMITH, ELIZABETH, .... Hadley, Mass., . . . 1850 Taught, after graduating, chiefly in North Hadley, most of the time till 1880. Married, 1856, to Ezekiel Baker of Amherst, Mass., who died in 1861. SMITH, LUCY, Westfield. Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Westfield, Springfield and Longmeadow, Mass.; in all, ten years. SNOW, CLARISSA, . . . . North Becket, Mass., . . 1848 SARGENT, NANCY B., . . . Maiden, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Reading and Maiden, Mass., twenty-five years. Maiden, Mass. SHELDEN, ELLEN R.,* . . . Leyden, Mass., . . . 1849 Married Rev. W. R. Tisdale. Died. SHEPARD, ADELIZA,* . . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Montague, Leverett, Deerfield and Erving, Mass.; in all, four years. Married Elijah H. Marsh, 1855; two children. Died August, 1861. Mrs. L. E. Shaw, Montague, Mass., is her only living child. STRONG, ELVIRA, .... Southampton, Mass., . . 1850 SPELMAN, MARY J., . . . Granville, Mass., . . . 1850 Taught in Westfield, Mass., four years; Granville, Mass., Academy, one year; Westfield and Granville, Mass., two years. Mrs. David H. Carrier, Glastonbury, Conn.; four children. SPELMAN, EMILY C.,* . . . Westfield, Mass. , . . . 1852 SPELMAN, CLARA A., . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1854 SOUTHWICK, AMANDA J., . . Blackstone, Mass., . . . 1850 STOWE, ELIZABETH G., . . . South Reading, Mass., . . 1850 SAWYER, MYRA J.,* . . . Clinton, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Westfield and Clinton till her death, June, 1861. SEARS, MARY C., . . . Lenox, Mass., . . . 1851 SEAKS, MARY E., . . . Greenwich, Mass., . . . 1854 SHEPARD, NANCY W., . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught in Westfield, Mass., four years. Married Aug. 17, 1858, to Charles A. Pierce, Westfield, Mass. SLATE, JANE H.,* .... Westfield, Mass., . . . 1851 Never taught. Married, in 1862, to Edwin Wight. Died in Sprfngfield, May, 1883. SUMMER, CAROLINE E Southbridge, Mass., . . 1851 SEARLE, OPHELIA A., . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1852 Taught in Southampton, Mass., three years; taught in Rockport, Mass., 1857 to 1859; member of advanced class in Westfield State Normal School; substi- tute for Mr. Clapp in Westfield high school; taught in School of Observation, Westfield, Mass., one term; Hadley, one term. Married, in 1861, to Rev. Andrew J. Clapp, who died in 1863. Since husband's death taught in Marshfield and Southampton, Mass.; taught, in all, more than twenty years. Southampton, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. SEVERANCE, SARAH L., . . . Chicopee, Mass., . . . 1853 SOUTHWORTH, MARY J., . . West Townsend, Mass., . . 1854 SANDERSON, LUCY E., . . . Lunenburg, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in Lunenburg, Shirley (Penn. one and one-half years), WiJliamsburg, Athol, Hudnon, Mass, four years, Faribault, Minn., three years, and St. Paul, Minn., one year ; again in Hudson, six years ; in 1879 went to Azores and Madeira Islands; on Madeira Island taught two years, private- pupils, and one year as governess in English family; went to Colorado in 1882. Married William 8. Henderson in 1887. Jamestown, Col. SNELL, MARY E., . . . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1849 SHELDON, S. MARINDA, . . . New Marlborough, Mass., . 1854 SLOSSON, ELECTA M., . . Richmond, Mass., . . . 1854 SHUMWAY, CORDELIA S., . . Belchertown, Mass., . . 1847 SNELL, C. FRANCES, . . . Ware, Mass., .... 1847 STONE, MARY A., . . . . Holyoke, Mass., . . . 1850 SHAW, URSULA J., . . . . Brirafleld, Mass., . . . 1844 SIMPSON, CATHARINE, . . . York, Me., .... 1854 TILLOTTSON, SARAH E., . . . Granville, Mass., . . . 1844 TALMADGE, PHILURA, . . . South wick, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught in Southwick, Mass., one year, and in Chicago, 111., one term. Gran- ville, Mass. TAYLOR, FRANCES M., . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1845 TAYLOR, CAROLINE E., . . . Southampton, Mass., . . 1847 TAYLOR, SUSAN, .... Norwich, Conn., . . . 1848 TAYLOR, MARY L., . . . . Shutesbury, Mass., . . . 1849 TAYLOR, MARIA E., . . . Westfleld. Mass., . . . 1849 TAYLOR, EMILY, .... Norwich, Mass , 1854 TAYLOR, SARAH J., . . . . Huntington, Mass., . . 1854 TRYON, ABIGAIL Westfield, Mass., . . . 1846 Mrs. T. P. Gallup, Boulder, Col. TAFT, ALMY B., . . . Montague, Mass., . . . 1848 TOWER, JANE A Lanesborough, Mass., . . 1848 THAYER, ANNA H.,* . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1849 THAYER, MARY E., . . . . Worcester, Mass., . . . 1849 TOBEY, ANNA F., . . . . Boston, Mass., . . . 1853 Twiss, ABIGAIL D.,. . . . Charlton, Mass., . . . 1853 Mrs. George H. Brewer. TATE, H. ELLEN, .... Newburyport, Mass., . . 1854 THURSTON, MARY H., . . Kailua, S. I's., . . . 1854 TULLER, ELLEN C Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1854 TOPLIFF, MARY A.,. . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1844 Taught two terms in Massachusetts and ten years in Wisconsin; attended Rockford Female Seminary. Columbus, Wis. TURNER, SARAH E.,. . . . Wilbraham, Mass., . . . 1844 UNDERWOOD, JANE Tolland, Conn., . . . 1845 UPSON, CYNTHIA J.,* . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 Mrs. C. H. Gowdy. Died in Westfleld, Mass., of consumption, Dec. 22, 1883. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 39 UPSOX, CALISTA A., . . . Westfield, Mass , . . . 1848 Taught in Thoinpsonville, Conn., thirty-two years. 33 Washington Street, Thompsonville, Conn. UPSOX, LIDDORRA E.,* . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1848 UPSOX, LUCY A., . . . . Westfield, Mass , . . . 1852 Taught in West Springfield, Mass., one term. Mrs. David L. McClure, Hart- ford, Conn.; three children. UPSOX, CORRELLIA S.,* . . . Westfield, Mass. , . . . 1852 Married Andrew Sibley ; two children. Died in 1877. UPSOX, ELLEN E.,* . . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1852 UPSOX, EMMA A., . . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1854 Chicago, III. UXDERHILL, SARAH W., . . . Ipswich, Mass., . . . 1849 VIETS, MARY, Westtield, Mass, , . . . 1851 Mrs. M. V. Kuiffen, Oberlin, Ohio. VERRY, MARYAXXA, . . . Blackstone, Mass., . . . 1854 Taught in Blackstone, Mass., four years; Franklin, Mass., two years; Ux- bridge, Mass., one year; and Northbridge, Mass., one year; prevented from teaching by sickness from 1864 to 1870; taught in Blackstone, 1870 to 1S77. WILSOX, FRAXCES M., . . Royalston, Mass., . . . 1845 Taught in Winchendon, Mass., four years; and Royalston, Mass., two years; graduate of C. L. S. C. and member of " League of Round Table." Mrs. C. C. Parker; two children. WOOD, SARAH A., . . . . Northampton, Mass., . . 1845 Taught in Northampton and Westfleld, Mass., one year. Married, in 1848, to William H. Parsons; three children living. 345 State Street, Springfield, Mass. WILLIAMS, MARY S., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1846 WILLIAMS, SUSAN M., . . . Huntington, Mass., . . 1848 WILLIAMS, CATHARIXE, . . . Middletown, Conn., . . 1849 WILKIXS, SARAH S., . . . Middleton, Mass., . . . 1847 WILKIXS, LUCY J., . . . . Middleton, Mass., . . . 1847 Taught twelve years, in Reading, Andover, Topsfield, Middleton, Gloucester, and Brooklyn, N. Y. Married, June, 1859, to George E. Pratt, Princeton, Mass. WILKIXS, MARY A.,* . . . Middleton, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Boxford and Danvers, Mass. Married, 1854, to Jacob Coggin of Tewksbury, Mass. Died in 1868. WOODARU, SARAH A., . . . Norwich, Conn., . . . 1847 WESTOX, EUNICE B., . . . Winchendon, Mass., . . 1848 WESTOX, LUCY D., . . . Winchendon, Mass., . . 1848 WHEELOCK, MARIA J., . . . Uxbridge, Mass., . . . 1848 Taught in Uxbridge, Mass , two terms, and South Framingham, Mass., one term of thirteen weeks. Grafton, Mass. WHIPPLE, EUGEXIA E., . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1848 In 1853 married John A. Freed, Westfleld, Mass.; two children. WHITMAN, CYNTHIA E., . . . Westfield, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught In Springfield, Mass., ten years. Married, in 1863, to Charles E. Barrett, Westfield, Mass.; two daughters. 40 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WOOD, CATHARINE, . . . Upton, Mass., . . . . 1849 WRIGHT, LOUISA, .... Middlefleld, Mass., . . . 1849 Taught in Middlefleld, Mass., four years. Married, in 1852, Lawrence Smith, Huntlngton, Mass.; two children. WELLS, ISABELLA M., . . . Westfleld, Mass., . . . 1850 WEST, LUCY W., . . . . Hadley, Mass., . . . 1850 WHITING, SAKAH A., . . . New Marlborough, Mass., . 1850 Taught six years in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and California. Married to M. W. Uoss in 1860. Wabash, Ind. WITTER, HELEN L., ... Hartford, Conn., . . . 1850 Taught in Hartford, Conn., three and one-half years. Married, in 1854, to Jonathan T. Hill, who died September, 1885; three children deceased, one living. 54 Bardour Street, Hartford, Conn. WHEELER, GENEVA,* . . . Rockport, Mass., . . . WELLMAN, MARY B., . . Springfield, Mass., . . . 1851 Taught till 1861 in Massachusetts, Mississippi and Illinois. Married, in 1861, to John Sprout, Monmouth, 111.; two children. WARNER, EMELINE, r Townsend, Mass., . . . 1851 WHITE, MARY C., . . . . Otis, Mass., .... 1851 WHITE, LUCY C., .... South Williamstown, Mass., . 1851 WHITE, HELEN V., . . . . West Springfield, Mass., . 1854 | WHIPPLE, LORINDA J., . . . Brooklyn, N. Y., . . . 1851 WHIPPLE, FRANCES A., . . . Orange, Mass., . . . 1852 Taught in Orange, Mass., one year. Married Alfred A. Parker of St. Louis in 1857; three children living. Orange, Mass. WHITNEY, JANE L., ... Townsend, Mass., . . . 1853 WALKER, SARAH T., . . . Marshfleld, Mass., . . . 1853 Taught in Marshfield, Mass., three years. Married, in 1858, to John H. Bourne; three adopted children; president of missionary society and temper- ance society ; correspondent of local paper. Marsbfleld, Mass. WOODBURY, MELISSA A., . . Charlton, Mass., . . . 1851 See under Teachers. WINCHESTER, ANNA C , . . . Townsend, Mass., . . . 1853 WOODBURY, ANNA, . . . Charlton, Mass., . . . 1853 WOODBURY, LUCIE S., . . . Leverett, Mass., . . . 1854 WHIPPLE, CHRISTINA, . . . Westfteld, Mass., . . . 1854 Mrs. Charles Gehle, Westfleld, Mass. WEBBER, DOLLY A Tolland, Mass., . . . 1847 Taught in Tolland and Sandisfleld, Mass., a part of four years. Married, 1852, to Correl D. Northway, Tolland, Mass.; four children and four grandchildren. WINCHELL, CORDELIA, . . . Chester, Mass., . . . 1848 YOUNG, AMORKTTE L., . . . Lowell, Mass., . . . 1853 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 41 ENTERED IN 1855. LADIES. ASHLEY, SARAH M.,* West Springfield, Mass. Married to Charles A. Ashley in 1862. Died in West Springfield, March 7, 1882. BRIGHAM, HARRIET S., Feltonville, Mass. CHAPIN, ELLEN B., New Marlborough, Mass. DAY, HELEN A., Westfield, Mass. Mrs. Lyman Dimock, Palmer, Mass. ELDRIDGE, MILLIE S.,* Fairhaven, Mass. Taught a private school in Fairhaven for ten years. Married, December, 1870, to E. P. Starbuck (dentist) ; two children. Died at Waltham, Mass., June, 1883. FERRIS, CATHARINE,* . . ... . . . Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Otis, Westfleld and Montgomery, Mass., from 1856-1863. Married, in 1863, to Mr. Haynes ; taught in West Hartford, Conn., one term after married. Died in Vermilion, September, 1865. GAYLORD, LUCINDA S., Westfleld, Mass. GOODRICH, LUCY A.,* Lunenburg, Mass. Taught in Fitchburg intermediate school two years; Leominster high school, two years; in Lunenburg most of time to 1878; member of school committee, Lunenburg, Mass. Died December, 1883. GRAVES, JULIA R., Sunderland, Mass. Mrs. Vernon, Chicago, 111. HANNUM, MARIETTA, Westfield, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., two terms; Suffield, Conn., two terms; State Primary School, Palmer, Mass., two and a half years. Married in April, 1861, to Homer B. Stevens, Westfleld, Mass.; one adopted daughter. HAPGOOD, MARY J., Feltonville, Mass. Taught in Feltonville (now Hudson), Bolton, Berlin and Marlborough high school, Mass.; in all, seven years. Married, in 1867, to Jonas T. Houghton; member of school board ten years. Hudson, Mass. HASKELL, CHARLOTTE F., . . . . South Hadley Falls, Mass. Mrs. Charles H. Atkins, West Granville, Mass. HEWES, ADALINE, Louisville, Ky. HOBART, HARRIET N., Leverett, Mass. HOUGHTON, FANNIE M.,. . . . . . Sterling, Mass. Taught in Sterling, Mass., two years. Married, April, 1861, to S. Thurstou Wilder; one son. Sterling, Mass. HOWARD, JENNIE E., . . . . . . Fair Haven, Mass. Taught but little, owing to ill health, till 1865, then taught freedmen in Elizabeth City, N. C., Stanardville, Va.; taught several years in Richmond, Va., in schools of Soldiers' Aid Society, Boston, and in Richmond Normal School partly supported by Peabody Fund. 101 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 42 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. LITTLE, SARAH,* Newbury, Mass. LORING, CELESTIA A., Great Barrington, Mass. Taught one year; studied medicine in 1865; practising physician in New York City. 124 West Eighty -eighth Street, New York City. MASON, ISABELLA H., . . . .'.:. . Worcester, Mass. MINER, CHARLOTTE M., Clinton, Mass. MATTHEWS, MARY L., Leverett, Mass. PERRY, JULIETTE, Westfleld, Mass. PHELPS, JULIA R., Northampton, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts, Connecticut and St. Louis, Mo.; in all, twenty years. Married, May, 1871, to George R. Phelps; one child living; member of "Friends in Council." Princeton, 111. RUST, CARRIE S., Leverett, Mass. SMITH, SUSAN E., Fitchburg, Mass. Taught seven terras after graduating; tanght Leominster, Westminster and Fitchburg, Mass., thirteen years. Married to Merrick N. Davison, June, 1861; employed some in missionary work; completed C. L. 8. C. in 1888; member of publishing committee of "Missionary Helpers" twelve years; two step- daughters. 22 Carter Street, Providence, R. I. SHERMAN, ANN M., Marshfleld, Mass. STODDARD, MARY S., . . . . . . Fairhaven, Mass. Taught in Newark, N. J., seven years. Married, in 1863, to Jacob De Vausney. 20 Bank Street, Newark, N. J. THATCHER, ROSSA M., Marlborough, N. H. WHITMAN, LORINDA M., Westfleld, Mass. Married, in 1863, to E. O. Gibbs, Westfleld, Mass.; one son. WELD, MAKY M., Sturbridge, Mass. GENTLEMEN. BAILEY, S. HEXRY,* ' Northborough, Mass. In Northborough till 1858; assistant in Providence, R. I., high school, one or two years; studied law in office of George F. Hoar, Worcester, Mass.; captain Co. G, 36th Massachusetts Volunteers; in service till May 12, 1864, when in- stantly killed by a bullet through the brain. CLARKE, ANDREW F., Rockport, Mass. Taught one term each in Feeding Hills, Mass., and Sullivan, Me.; Ellsworth, Me., three terms; thirteen years in Rockport, Mass.; principal of high school at Rockport and elsewhere. Married, 1863, to Abbie B. Poole; one child. School committee, selectman, assessor, etc. GARDNER, JOHN D.,* Hancock, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts; in spring of 1857 went to Omaha, Neb., expecting to establish a school there. Died in Decatur, Neb., 1857. HAMMOND, LEMUEL H., East Douglas, Mass. Taught in Burrillville, R. I., three months, and in East Douglas, Mass.; studied medicine three years at Albany, N. Y., Medical College; graduated in 1858. Married, in 1898, to Lillis P. Hopkins; two children. 21 High Street, Worcester, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 43 HOLDER, JOSIAH, Bolton, Mass. JOHNSON, WALDO, Webster, Mass. Taught three months in Chicago, 111.; school committee and insurance agent in Webster, Mass. Married Mary A. McKinstry; two children. JOHNSON, W. WARREN, South Williamstown, Mass. NORTON, ANSON B.,* Southampton, Mass. Taught in Blandford and Ashfield, Mass.; entered Amherst College, but was unable to remain on account of ill health; entered in 52d Regiment Massachu- setts Volunteers. Died in Louisiana, of typhoid fever, in 1863. PARKER, DAVID F., Brimfleld, Mass. PARTRIDGE, LYMAN,* Bellingham, Mass. Graduate of Brown University. STEARNS, BENJAMIN F., Andover, Mass. SCOTT, JOSEPH G.,* East Salisbury, Mass. See under Teachers. VALENTINE, WILLIAM, Northborough, Mass. Principal of grammar school, Chicopee Centre, Mass., from 1856 to 1878; in Bristol, R. I., one year; member of school board three years; taught six years before graduating, in boys' school, Northborough, Mass., making in all twenty- nine years. In 1865 married Mary A. Barnes; one child .living. Springfield, Mass. WINTER TERM, 1855-56. LADIES. ABBOTT, MARTHA A., Holden, Mass. ADAMS, A. JENNIE, ........ Townsend, Mass. Taught in Townsend, Mason, N. H., Leominster; in all, three years; teach- ing stopped by ill health. Married to Rev. W. R. Tisdale, Mason, N. H. ALLEN, SUSAN B., Hubbardston, Mass. ASHLEY, JENNIE E Westfleld, Mass. BAKER, EMMA A., . . . . . . . Hubbardston, Mass. BEMIS, SERAPH A., . . . . . . . . Warren, Mass. BRIGGS, SARAH M., South Deerfleld, Mass- Taught several years in Deerfield and elsewhere. Married Dexter Childs, Deerfield, Mass.; one son. BUTLER, MARY A., ....... Lanesborough, Mass' CADY, MARIETTA, South Wilbraham, Mass. Taught in Vermont in 1857-58; Longmeadow, 1859; Monson, 1860. Married, September, 1862, to H. C. West; five children. Belchertown, Mass. CAMPBELL, E. ELTHEA, Agawam, Mass. CAMPBELL, JANE P., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Paxton, Springfield, Agawam, Southwick and Westfield, Mass.; in all, about five years. Married, in 1860, to John Edgar. Westfield, Mass. CASE, HULDAH M., Westhampton, Mass. Taught at Westhampton, Mass., two years; Easthampton, one year. Mar- ried, in 1861, to Charles R. Rice; one son. Belvidere, 111. 44 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. CHUHCH, MAKY E.,* Egremont, Mass. CLAPP, CATHARINE,* Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Huntington, Chesterfield, Mass., and New Haven, Conn. ; in all, about fifteen years. Married, October, 1872, to Norman II . Higgins of Westfield. Died in Westfield, 1875. CLARKE, J. SUSAN,* East Granville, Mass. Taught in Granville in 1856-59. Died September, 1859. COIT, MARY J., Huntington, Mass. CROSS, EMILY F., Becket, Mass. Taught in Becket, Chester and Huntington, Mass., from 1856-73; West Springfield, 1873-89. Mitteneague, Mass. DAVIS, LAVINIA, Yarmouth, Me. Taught in Maine forty -eight months ; normal department, Iowa State Univer- sity, from 1859 to 1879. Married to Richard Sanders, Iowa City, in 1870. DICKINSON, LUCINA L., Gran by, Mass. Married, in 1864, to Charles H. Bates; one child living. South Hadley, Mass. ELLERY, E. J., GRIFFIN, JENNIE E., Granby, Conn. Returned to normal school in 1858 for advanced course; taught in North Hndley, Weatfield, Wisconsin, and Granby, Conn., constantly till 1869; after a short rest taught in North Granby, NortJi Hadley and North Sudbury, Mass. HEWETT, ELLEN E , Marshfleld, Mass. Taught in Rockland one year; Marshfield, seven years; and Brockton, five years; has been book-keeper since. ROWLAND, SARAH W., Amherst, Mass. HULBERT, MARY J., Pittsflelcl, Mass. HULL, LUCY H., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. Latham, Boston, Mass. JONES, FRANCES A., Luuenburg, Mass. KENT, EMORETTE B., Southwick, Mass. LUDDEN, CLARA B., Westhampton, Mass. LYMAN, MARTHA L., Southampton, Mass. Taught in Southampton five years. Married, in 1864, to George K. Edwards. Westfield, Mass. MEAD, KATE A., Holden, Mass. Taught in Barre, Leicester and Worcester, Mass. PARKHURST, DORA F., Greenwich, Mass. PARSONS, OLIVIA A., East Douglas, Mass. Taught in East Douglas, Mass., one and one-half years. Married, in 1859, to Myron 8. Webb. Has lived for the last fifteen years in San Francisco, Cal. PELLETREAU, HELEN E., Westfleld, Mass. PEPPER, ELLEN M Westfleld, Mass. PERRY, PHEBE S., Chicopee, Mass. POLAND, SARAH C North Brookfleld, Mass. RUSSELL, HARRIETT L., . . . . . . Sunderland, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts several terms; seven years in Havana, 111.; two years assistant principal high school. Married William H. Caldwell in 1865; has lost five children. Havana, III. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 45 SAWYER, LAURA M M Phillipston, Mass. Taught in Templeton two terms; in Erving, two terras; and in Phillipston, Mass., the remainder of nine years. Married, in 1866, to Edward Moore of Erving. Now a widow. 120 Norfolk Street, Cambridgeport, Mass. THAYER, ELIZABETH, Blackstone, Mass. TOWER, MARTHA L., . . . . . . Lanesborough, Mass. TUPPER, LAURAXIA, Monson, Mass. VERRY, MARYAXNA, . . . . . . . Blackstone, Mass. Taught in Smithfield, Northbridge, Uxbridge, Franklin and Blackstone, fifteen to twenty years. WILBUR, CORNELIA E., . . . . % . . Worthington, Mass. Taught in Worthington and Cummington four terms. Married, in 1860, to L. P. Porter, now deceased ; two daughters. Cummington, Mass. WILLIAMS, FANNY E., Rowley, Mass. GENTLEMEN. CLARY, FRANCIS A.,* Conway, Mass. COIT, EDWIN H., Huntington, Mass. HOLDEN, JOSEPH, . . Fort Covington, N. Y. LEONARD, JOSEPH, Springfield, Mass. WARD, ALEXANDER A., Monson, Mass. SUMMER TERM, 1856. LADIES. ANDREWS, JULIA A., Agawam, Mass. AVERY, JOSEPHINE A., Westfield, Mass. Married, in 1857, to Charles N. Yeamans. Westfield, Mass. BROWN, SOPHRONIA M., Sutton, Mass. BURDOX, MARION A., Blackstone, Mass. CHAMBERLAIN, DORA C.,* Worcester, Mass. Taught in Westfield Normal School. See under Teachers. CHAPIX, JULIA S., Chicopee, Mass. CHURCH, MERINDA I.,* Egremont, Mass. CLARK, LUCY J., East Granville, Mass. Taught in Granville, Mass., six terras ; Otterville, Iowa, two terms ; attended seminary at Independence, Iowa. Married Milo H. Cooley in 1861 ; two children. New Britain, Conn. CLEAVES, ADELIA A Rockport, Mass. COOK, AUGUSTA E., Westfield, Mass. Taught in Westfield nineteen years since graduating, one and one-half years before. Married, in 1862, to Isaac S. Marshall, who died in April, 1869; two children. Westfield, Mass. 46 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. CURTIS, CHARLOTTE W., Westfield, Mass. Taught in West Springfield and Geneva, Kane County, 111., three years. Married, in 1863, to John W. Moore; seven children. California, Mo. EASTMAN, ANNA V., Leverett, Mass. FIELD, SARAH E., Montague, Mass. HOGAN, AUIIRI.IA M., . . . ... . . Pittsfleld, Mass. KNOX, MARION B Blandford, Mass. Taught in Westfield and adjacent towns three years. Married, in 1863, to Miles W. Marshall, Westfleld, Mass.; one SOD. LEWIS, ELIZABETH M., Westfleld, Mass. MAYBRV, ELIZA C., Hopkinton, Mass. POMEROY, RUTH R., . . ' . . . . Easthampton, Mass. POOLE, SOPHIA A., Rockport, Mass. Mrs. Sophia A. Wheeler, Woburn, Mass. RICHARDSON, ADALINE P., . . . . Sturbridge, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts two years, and Wisconsin five years. Married, in 1867, to Simeon L. Wells; five children. Mansion, Wis. ROSSITER, MARGARET H., Roxbury, Mass. Washington, D. C. STRONG, ELLEN M., .... Easthampton, Mass. Wichita, Kan. STARR, HARRIET L., Westfleld, Mass. Taught private pupils at home. Married twice. Now Mrs. Rufus M. Ford, Westfield, Mass. ; three sons living. TAFT, MARY C., Blackstone, Mass. WHIPPLE, JULIA J., Westfleld, Mass. Married, in 1867, to Dwight Kellogg; one child. Westfield, Mass. WOODBURY, MARY, ' Leverett, Mass. WRIGHT, EMILY B Easthampton, Mass. Taught one year each in Southampton and Huntington, Mass.; six years in Easthampton. Married, in 1866, Lewis 8. Clark, Easthampton. YKAMANS, ESTHER M., Westfield, Mass. DEWITT, LOUISA S., . Granby, Mass. CHAPIN, HELEN A., Chicopee, Mass. HARRISON, HARRIET N., Westfleld, Mass. HIGGIXS, ELIZA A. Washington, Mass. SAWYER, SARAH J., Berlin, Mass. Taught in Berlin, Bolton and Hudson, Mass.; in all, twenty -eight years. Was a widow before entering the school. GENTLEMEN. BARBER, GEORGE W.,* Orange, Mass. Taught in Sandisfield and Warwick, each one term; graduated from Kimball Academy, Meriden, N. H., in 1862; graduated from Amherst College in 1867; received degree of M.A. in 1875; Andover Theological Seminary in 1869; or' dained evangelist at Hallowell, Me., in 1873; preached at Greenville and Moose River, Me., 1869-70; Chaplain Soldier's Home, Augusta, Me., 1870. Married Emma K. Schlett. Died, in 1886, of wound received in army. Four children. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 47 COLE, JOHN W., Stark, N. H. COLE, DAVID D., South Adams, Mass. CRANDELL, ARNOLD H., South Adams, Mass. ELDRIDGE, ALLEN, East Holliston, Mass. GEER, IRA M., Peru, Mass. HIGGIXS, WILLIAM E., Washington, Mass. LADD, ALDEN, Johnston, Vt. LANDON, GEORGE C.,* Hancock, Mass. Taught in New Jersey several years. Bookseller. Died Nov. 19, 1888. POWELL, LUKE W., Pittsfleld, Mass. STAUFFER, JOSIAH W., Lehigh County, Penn. FALL TERM, 1856. LADIES. ALLEX, MARTHA L., Amherst, Mass. BARTON, ADDIE S., Granby, Mass. BASCOM, DELIA A.,. ...... Southampton, Mass. BROWN, ANNIE M., ...... Hubbardston, Mass. CLAPP, EMMA J., Worcester, Mass. Taught in Worcester, Mass., four years. Married, in 1862, to Rev. William A.Bushee; three children living. Morrisville, Vt. CHOATE, RHODA C Rockport, Mass. CLARY, MARTHA H., Comvay, Mass. Studied at Mount Holyoke Seminary one year; missionary teacher in North and South Carolina fifteen years ; C. L. S. C. four years. Memphis, Tenn. .CUTLER, ELIZABETH F., ....... Maiden, Mass. DADE, FANNIE B.,* Rockport, Mass. Taught in South Deerfield, Conway and Rockport, Mass. Died in 1887. GOODRICH, FLORA E., Stockbridge; Mass. FITCH, FRANCES G., . . . . . . . Westfleld, Mass HOLMES, EMILY L.,* Springfield, Mass. HOLLAND, HATTIE E. Belchertowu, Mass. Attended Young Ladies' Boarding School, Brookfield, Mass., also Commercial College, Boston, Macs. ; never taught. Married Horatio Holland of Belchertown, Mass., in 1861; one daughter. Council Bluffs, Iowa. INGHAM, MARY E., North Becket, Mass. MOORE, SARAH E., Feeding Hills, Mass. Taught in Feeding Hills, Mass., one year, and in Russell one term; West SufHeld, Conn., one term. In 1869 married W. H. Granger, Feeding Hills, Mass. ; two children. NEWCOMB, ADELIA J., North Bernardston, Mass. NEWTON, ESTHER,*. ".*.*. . . . Greenfield, Mass. Taught in grammar school, West Springfield, Mass., one year; high school, Greenfield, Mass., two years. Married, in 1863, to Elias B. McClellan, North Hatfield, Mass.; two children and a step-son. 48 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. RAY, HELEN M., Pittsfleld, Mass. RING, MAKY C., Huntington, Mass. Mrs. J. A. Robinson, New York City. PUTMAN, SARAH M., Leominster, Mass. SACKETT, MAKY,* Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. H. J. Smith. Died in 1873. SACKETT, ELLEN A., Westfleld, Mass. Married Hartley M. Shattuck, Weetfield, Mass., in 1862. SAMPSON, MAUY A., Chesterfield, Mass. SEARLE, LIZZIE C., Southampton, Mass. STILLMAN, CLARISSA E., Springfield, Mass. SNOW, H. CERELIA, North Becket, Mass. Taught in Becket, Chester, West Springfield and Washington, Mass., thirty- four years. Becket, Mass. TAYLOR, MARY, Huntington, Mass. TARR, ESTHER, Rockport, Mass. TRICKEY, M. KATE, Cape Elizabeth, Me. GENTLEMEN. GARDNER, CHARLES, Hancock, Mass. Taught several terms in Massachusetts;. graduated from Williams College in 1864; degree of M. A.; principal State Reform School, Waukesha, Wis., and assistant superintendent; taught Greet? in University of Chicago five years; literary work for the last twenty-five years, editorially; publisher and owner of " Western Monthly ;" published translations of Matthew and Job; real estate and loan business eighteen years, to 1889. Married three times; three song. Chicago, 111. ISHAM, JOHN N., South Wilbraham, Mass. Taught in Ellington, Conn., and Hampden, Mass., two years; studied Ger- man; school committee twenty years, Hampden, Mass. Married Harriet N. Guptill; five children. Hampden, Mass. NEWTON, JOHN C., Greenfield, Mass. Taught in Rockport, Worcester, Mass., and Halifax, Vt., two years; engaged in "building, manufacturing and railroading." Married Lela F. Vulte; four girls. Holyoke, Mass. TOWNE, NATHAN, Hard wick, Mass. WARREN, HENRY W., Holden, Mass. Taught in Nashville, Tenn., six months; graduated at Yale College in 1865; manufacturer of leather in Holden, Mass. Married Dora L. Howe, November, 1878; three children. WARREN, SAMUEL, Holden, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 49 SPRING TERM, 1857. LADIES. ATCHINSON, MARY C., Ludlow, Mass. Taught in Ludlow, Palmer and Wilbraham, twenty terms. Three Rivers, Mass. BILLINGS, JULIA M., South Deerfleld, Mass. Mrs. J. A. Munson, PittBburg, Penn. BARTLETT, HANNAH J. , North Hadley, Mass. CLARKE, LOUISE M., Southwick, Mass. COLLYER, LOUISA M., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfleld high school, 1857; East Boston, 1859; steadily promoted; became master's assistant to J. F. Blackinton, in Emerson School, East Boston; taught ten years. Married, in 1869, to George A. Howe; two children. Wal- tham, Mass. DUNTON, ANN S., Hubbardston, Mass. DAY, SUSAN, Northampton, Mass. DRAKE, LIZZIE H., Huntington, Mass. EVANS, M. LIZZIE, Fall Eiver, Mass. Mason School, Cambridgeport, Mass. GOTT, ANNIE F., . . . . . . . Kockport, Mass. HASKELL, HATTIE P., Rockport, Mass. LYND, HELEN, ....... Stockbridge, Mass. LYMAN, FANNIE B., Northampton, Mass. MOSELY, A. EVA,* Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. Dwight Stowell. MANLY, ELEUTHERIA, ....... Hardvvick, Mass. Taught in Hard wick, Ware and Worcester, Mass.; in all, about eleven years. Married, in 1863, to Charles Baker; five children living. Worcester, Mass. NORTHROP, BETSEY A., Lanesborough, Mass. OSBORNE, MARIA A., Westfleld, Mass. Married, in 1863, to H. A. Braman, Indian Orchard, Mass. PARSONS, JANETTA, Rockport, Mass. Taught in Holyoke, Adams, Southwick, Rockport, Mass., and Ansonia, Conn. ; in all, twenty-nine years. Rockport, Mass. SAMPSON, SARAH E.,* Chesterfield, Mass. SNOW, MARY E., Berlin, Mass. WHEELER, LUCY H.,* . Berlin, Mass. Taught in Berlin, Mass., two terms. Married, in 1859, to A. A. Whitcornb; two children. Died in August, 1874. 50 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. GENTLEMEN. ADAMS, SHERMAN E., Southwick, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Michigan, Delaware and Florida; newspaper work, reportorial, editorial, or as correspondent and writer. Married, in 1867, to Ellen 8. Selly; six children. Gabriella, Fla. EVANS, MOSES W., Fall River, Mass. New Orleans, La. HAYDN, JOHN N., ....... Chesterfield, Mass. KINGSLEY, ANSEL \V., Upton, Mass. MELLEN, HENKY J., Sandisfield, Mass. WAHNEK, IVEHSON S., Granville, Mass. FALL TERM, 1857. LADIES. ALLEN, MARY E., Chicopee, Mass. ALLYN, MARY E., . . . . . . . Montgomery, Mass. BARTHOLOMEW, ADALINE M., . . . . Easthampton, Mass. BARTHOLOMEW, MARIA J., Easthampton, Mass. BACON, MARIA L., . . . . . . . Ashburnhara, Mass. BAKTON, VILA M., Westfield, Mass. Taught in Conway, West Urookh'eld, Ware, Holyoke and Chicopee, Mass.; in 8t. Louis, Mo., governess; also had private classes in Boston and Holyoke; in all, twenty-four years; member of Sauveur's College of Languages; studied French and architecture " abroad ; " written and delivered three courses of lectures in English literature. Holyoke, Mass. BANGS, LUCY C., Chicopee, Mass. BELL, EMILY A., Chicopee, Mass. BARNARD, JANE C., North Amherst, Mass. BEEHE, ELLA M., Westfield, Mass.. Mrs. Burke, Cleveland, O. CLARKE, ELIZA, Westfield, Mass. Mrs. H. Perkins, Galesburg, 111. CUSHMAN, ABBIE C., Pownal, Me. DANKORTH, CYNTHIA A., Williamstown, Mass. FELTON, ELLEN L., East Grauville, Mass. Taught in Southwick, Mass., one term ; Granville, Mass., two terms. Married, in 1861, to William H. Spelmau. East Granville, Maes. GRAVES, MARIA E. M., . . . . . . . Conway, Mass. HUUBARD, NANCY E., Sunderlancl, Mass. HOWE, ORILLA AMELIA, Millbury, Conn. HAWLEY, EMILY M., . . . . . North Hadley, Mass. KINGSLEY, MARY E., Westhampton, Mass. Taught State Primary School in Monson, Mass.; taught in Hampton, Va., South Hadley and Warren, Mass.; in all, twenty -seven years; teaching mostly reading und singing. Westfield, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 51 MOORE, ELIZA A., Rock Bottom, Mass. NORTHRUP, MARY W., Lanesborough, Mass. Taught in Cheshire, Hinsdale and North Adams, Mass., nine years; received appointment in treasury office, Washington, D. C., in 1869. Married, 1871, to Albert M. Pratt, a lawyer. Byran, O. OLXEV, SARAH E., North Amherst, Mass. Taught in Amherst and Chicopee, Mass., eight years. Married, in 1865, to H. C. Piper, Amherst, Mass.; three children. PASCO, MARIA L., Hadley, Mass. Taught in Iladley, Mass., twenty years. PETTIBONE, SARAH D. , Lanesborough, Mass. QUIGLEY, FRANCES, Chester, Mass. Taught in Chester, Mass., three years. Middlefield, Mass. ROBINSON, FLORENCE A., Pittsfleld, Mass. RICE, CELIA D., Conway, Mass. RICHARDSON, ELLEN J., . Sturbridge, Mass. Taught in Wisconsin five years; Conway, Mass., four months; New Phila- delphia, O., one year; has written stories. Married H. T. Stockwell, New Philadelphia, O., in 1868; two daughters. ROGERS, HARRIET A., . . . . . . . Bath, Me. Mrs. Edward Summer. SHEPARD, MAKY H., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., six years. Married, in 1866, to Charles L. Good- ale; one son. South Amherst, Mass. SAWYER, DOROTHY, . Templeton, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts two years; in Illinois, one year; in Cleveland, O., one year; governess in St. Louis, Mo., three years; has been nurse, and was caring for her mother five years. Married, in 1877, to E. W. Clark; one child. West View, Ohio. SLOCUM, FRANCES V., Tolland, Mass. TILTON, V. AMELIA, Goshen, Mass. Taught four years in public schools, and had private pupils. Married, in 1863, to Deacon Francis Howland ; four children. Conway, Mass. STOWELL, JANE F., South Deerfleld, Mass. Taught sixteen years, most of the time in Deerfield, Mass.; a few terms in Peru, Williamsburg and Westhampton, Mass., and one year in Georgia. Married, in 1869, to George W. Bardwell, who died in 1875; three children. The last six years taught primary school in South Deerfield, Mass. WILDER, CHRISTIANA, Leominster, Mass. CLIFFE, CARRIE M , . . . . . . Northampton. Mass. GENTLEMEN. ARMS, CHARLES W.,* Conway, Mass. BRIDGMAN, EDWARD P., Northampton, Mass. Taught in Westhampton two terms; in 1862 entered in 37th Massachusetts Volunteers; served to end of war, in seventeen battles, not wounded; 1865-73 boot and shoe dealer in Northampton; four years Green Bay Indian Agency. Autigo, Wis. 52 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. CHAMBERLAIN, FRANKLIN, Winchendon, Mass. DOWE, WILLIAM H Charlton, Mass. GEER, THOMAS H., Ledyard, Conn. HORTON, JERE, Westfleld, Mass. Chicago, 111. KEYES, JOSEPH W.,* Dunstable, Mass. Died in Pawtucket, R. I., 1883. LEE, EDWIN, Becket, Mass. PATRICK, EDWARD J., Warren, Mass. RICHARDSON, OSCAR F., South Hadley Falls, Mass. ROBBINS, EUGENE H., Great Barrington, Mass. TOBEY, EDWARD, ...... Great Barrington, Mass. WARNER, JOHN J.,* New Marlborough, Mass. WEST, ELI F., South Wilbraham, Mass. SPRING TERM, 1858. LADIES. BARBER, JULIA M., New Marlborough, Mass. BEDELL, ELLEN E., Biddeford, Me. COGGIN, MARY H., . Tewksbury, Mass. COWAN, JANE A., Pittsfleld, Mass. Taught in Pittsfield one year, while member of school; after graduating, taught one year each in Westfield and Pittsfield. In 1863 married Allen Dean of Westfield. COOK, SARAH C., Westhampton, Mass. Entered Mount Holyoke Seminary in 1860, remained two years; taught a few terms. CUTTING, SARAH M., Northborough, Mass. DOANE, ELIZA M., Westfleld, Mass. School of Observation, Westfield, Mass. DRAKE, MARY J., Chicopee, Mass. FAY, ELIZABETH A., Munson, Mass. FORBES, SARAH C., Newton, Mass. GAYLORD, ACHSAH, Westfleld, Mass. GRISWOLD, LYDIA A., Huntington, Mass. Springfield, Mass. GRISWOLD, JENNIE S., Huntington, Mass. HAWKS, MELLIE B., Shelburne, Mass. HOWES, KOXANNA, Ashfleld, Mass. Taught in Ashfield and Conway, Mass., two years. Married, in 1862, Henry J. Dayton, Brooklyn, N. Y.; two children. INGALLS, EMILY N.,* Cheshire, Mass. Taught in Cheshire and Lanesborough one or two years. Died in 1877. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL,' WESTFIELD. 53 JONES, MELISSA A.,* Westfleld, Mass. Deceased, 1889. KING, JULIA M., Monson^ Mass. Mrs. Rev. William A. Waterman, Marion, la. LEWIS, JEXNIE P.,* Westfleld, Mass. PARSONS, EMELINE, Chicopee Falls, Mass. RANNEY, ANNIE T., Ashfleld, Mass. Taught one year before graduating; since graduating, taught in Ashfleld, Con- way and Williamsburg, eighteen terms. Married, in 1868, to Lyman A. Bradford ; has four children. Buckland, Mass. ROOT, SARAH JANE, Westfield, Mass. Taught in Westtield one year. In 1863, married John Wells; six children. Whately, Mass. ROOT, LIZZIE S., West Springfield, Mass. STOCKING, EMILY J., . Westfield, Mass. WHITCOMB, MARIA C., Greenwich, Mass. Mrs. Dr. Gurney, Palmer, Kan. WELLS, SARAH HUNT, Buckland, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., four years; in Iowa, six years. Married, in 1866, to Lafayette Anderson ; two children. Genoa, Neb. WILSON, CAROLINE A., Harwinton, Conn. GENTLEMEN. BARROWS, CHARLES, Goshen, Mass. CLEAVES, LEVI, JR., Rockport, Mass. Taught in Rockport, Mass., four years; life insurance agent, stock broker and publisher of local paper. Married Sadie E. Webber in 1867. Rockport, Mass. INGALLS, EARL, Cheshire, Mass. Taught twenty-five years : Whitinsville, five years ; Keyport, N. J., two years ; North Middleborough, Mass., six years; Cheshire, five years; and Wellfleet, Mass., seven years; now, 1889, is superintendent of schools in Dalton, Cheshire and Lanesborough. Married twice; three children living, one drowned at Wellfleet, Mass. KNOX, LORENZO A., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts, two years ; Kansas, two years ; wholesale boot and shoe business since 1867, in Leavenworth, Kan. Married Lizzie V. Ide; two daughters. MORSE, SAMUEL W Upton, Mass. NORTHUP, HENRY H., Lanesborough, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts, two years; New Jersey, twenty months; Pennsyl- vania, four months; Iowa, six months; in civil war, Massachusetts 49th and Iowa 1st Infantry; in 1865 appointed clerk in 6th auditor's office, Washing- ton, D. C. ; in 1868 graduated from Columbian University, D. C. ; in 1871 resigned position in auditor's office, and has since been lawyer in Portland, Ore. Married, in 1869, to Lydia B. Harkness; three children. 54 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. POOLE, CALVIN, Rockport, Mass. Taught in Rockport, Mass., three and one-half years; one and one-half years in naval service; since has practised surveying and engineering; has held town offices in Rockport. In 1870, married Ellen E:Tarr; three children. PORTER, GEORGE H.,* North Yarmouth, Me. PARTRIDGE, GEORGE, Charlton, Mass. STEELE, AMOS, Chicopee, Mass. Attended Kenyon College, Ohio; studied theology at Philadelphia and An- dover; Episcopal rector. Holyoke, Mass. SUMMER, EDWARD, Milton, Mass. Man led Harriet A. Rogers. Brooklyn, N. Y. FALL TERM, 1858. LADIES. AVERY, NANCY E., Westflekl, Mass. Taught In Huntington one year; Chester Centre, one terra; Westfield, Mass., one year. Married, in 1863, to H. Willard Munson; five children livii g. Huntington, Mass. BARBER, ELIZABETH, Harwinton, Conn. Mrs. Sheldon A. Barber, Harwinton, Conn. BARBER, EROSABETH, Harwintou, Conn. Mrs. E. B. Leavenworth, New Milford, Conn.; two children. BEACH, CLARA F., Tolland, Mass. BEACH, CATHARINE M Tolland, Mass. BARLOW, CLARA M., . . . . . New Braintree, Mass. BLAIR, ELIZABETH E , West Granville, Mass. CHILDS, ADELAIDE A., Deerflelrl, Mass. CLAPP, S. MARIA, Northampton, Mass. Taught in Blackstone, Mass., three yearg. Married, in 1864, to Wm. Bliss; has three children. Troy, N. Y. CASE, FRANCENA,* Lansingburg, N.Y. DAVIS, SARAH Yarmouth, Me. ELLIS, MARY P ' Springfield, Vt. Marion, O. FOWLER, LIZZIE S., Westfield, Mass. Taught in Hawaiian Islands three years; Westfield, Mass., two and one-half yearn; Chicago, 111., thirteen years; attended Normal Art School, Boston; is supervisor of drawing, Chicago public schools. Married L. A. Dimock in 1864. Chicago, 111. HARMON, ELIZA J., West Springfield, Mass. HOOKER, MATILDA E., Sturbriclge, Mass. Taught in Sturbridge, Mass., one year; Hazardville, Conn., two years. Married, in 1862, to John N. Spencer; five children. Hazardville, Conn. HOWES, SUSAN H., Ashfield, Mass. Taught in East Charlemont one year; Ashfield, one year. Married, in 1864, F. G. Howes, Ashfield, Mass.; four children. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 55 HUMPHRIES, ELIZABETH E., Simsbury, Conn. INGAI.LS, LAUUA J., Cheshire, Mass. Taught twenty-seven years; in primary school, Maple Grove, Adams, Mass., twenty-one years. Adams, Mass. LLOYD, JULIA A. E.,* Blandford, Mass. MOODY, CATHARINE R., Chicopee, Mass. MORGAN, FIDELIA E., Northfield Farms, Mass. NOBLE, JULIA A.,* ' Westfleld Mass. Taught nearly up to time of death, in Westfield. PATRICK, MARY L., Warren, Mass. Taught in Blackstone a few months; in Syracuse, X. Y., two and one-half years. Married Dr. J. W. Hastings, Warren, Mass.; two children. PARKER, SARAH I., ...... Wiuchendon, Mass. Taught one year in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Married, in 1863, to Charles Hall, soldier, killed at Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. QUIGLEY, SARAH M., Chester, Mass. QUIGLEY, VICTORIA L., Chester, Mass. KOGERS, MARTHA ANN, ....... Conway, Mass. Has not taught. Married, in 1864, to Charles G. Parsons; three children. Greenfield, Mass. SANDS, HARRIET N., ....... Biddeford, Me. SANDERSON, MARY J., Whately, Mass. Married, in 1862, to E. A. Scott, South Deerfleld, Mass.; two sons. SMITH, LIZZIE V., . . . . . . . Palmer Depot, Mass. TOWER, AMANDA, . Cummington, Mass. WARRINER, SARAH B., Springfield, Mass. WILLIAMS, AGNES M., Chicopee, Mass. GENTLEMEN. DOTY, ALBERT,* Stephentown, N. Y. HADSELL, WILLIAM H., Hancock, Mass. LLOYD, MYRON M.,* . . . . . . Blandford, Mass. Taught most of time to 18S4 in Westfleld ; member of school committee many years; in insane asylum, Northampton, mind never fully restored. Died at Westfield, Mass., 1884. LAMSON, LELAND L.,* Chicopee, Mass. PETTIBONE, BISHOP B. B.^ Lanesborough, Mass. PECK, EDWIN L., Seekonk, Mass. Taught high school, Westfield, Mass., one term; grammar school, Westfield, Mass., one month; in United States army four years; accountant in Providence, R. I., later in Westfield; then was salesman. Married, in 1887, Pauline J. Kempter. Westfield, Mass. ROBINSON, CHARLES S., * Warren, Mass. Taught at Staten Island, N. Y. ; enlisted in army in 1862. Married Nettie O. Spear in 1862. Dry goods and grocery business in Ware, 1863; health failed in 1881 ; at Westborough Reform School as master of farm-house one year, and at insane hospital as night watchman seven months; business agent, reporter for " Boston Journal of Commerce." Died in 1885, leaving wife and adopted daughter. 56 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. ROSK, LYMAN LE GRAND, East Granville, Mass. TILTON, GEORGE F., South Deerfleld, Mass. UPSON, LYMAN A Westfleld, Mass. Taught three months. Married to Emma C. Douglass in 1871 ; four children living. Thompsonville, Conn. WILDER, LORENZO C., Buckland, Mass. WATERMAN, WILLIAM A., Blandford, Mass. Rev. William A. Waterman, Marion, la. SPRING TERM, 1859. LADIES. BALL, ALBINA S., Chicopee, Mass. Mrs. J. W. Colton, Westfield, Maes. Two children. BAGG, HELEN M., West Springfield, Mass. Taught in Leicester, Mass., one year; Springfield, Mass., five years; Ladies' Seminary, Hartford, Conn., eleven years. Married twice; two sons. Mrs. F. B. Bridgman, Hartford, Conn. BARBER, SARAH A., New Marlborough, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts, five years ; Kansas, three years. Married, in 1864, to Xelson E. -Walter; one child. Jamestown, Kan. BROWN, FROSTINE V., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Easthampton, Longmeadow and Springfield, Mass., five years. Married, in 1869, to James F. Bidwell; two children. Springfield, Mass. COWLES, JENNIE E.,* Westfleld, Mass. CONDON, LIZZIE, Monson, Mass. DAVIS, AUGUSTA C., Yarmouth, Me. DOTEN, JULIA E.,* Sheffield, Mass. Mrs. Fred. Laffargue. DRINKWATER, MARY E., Greenwich, Mass. Taught in Brimfield, Warren, Ware, Greenwich and Belchertown, Mass., eight years. Married, in 1864, to S. M. Warren; two children deceased. Greenwich, Mass. DRINKWATER, CHARLOTTE M., Greenwich, Mass. Taught in Ware, Mass., and Lancaster Industrial School, ten years; superintendent of Young Women's Christian Association twelve years, and general superintendent since 1887. Boston, Mass. FROST, ESTHER A., Lowell, Mass. GOODWIN, ANNIE C., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Longmeadow and Springfield, Mass., six years. Married, in 1867, to W. E. Hint-dale, Blaudford, Mass.; two children. HANNUM, ANN J., Huntiugton, Mass. HORTON, CLARA T., Westfleld, Mass. HOWES, AMANDA M., Ashfleld, Mass. Taught in Ashfield, Mass., twoyears. Married, in 1863, to Alvan Cross; two STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 57 KIRBY, ELLEN E., Sheffield, Mass. KING, HARRIET J. , . . Westfleld, Mass. LEFFINGWELL, ZILPAH A., Westfleld, Mass. Married, in 1868, to Wm. Arnold, Westfield, Mass. MORSE, ELIZABETH L., Westfleld, Mass. MELLEN, CHARLOTTE C., Montville, Mass. MOORE, EMILY A., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in West Springfield six months; New Orleans, La., girls' high school, till 1866, first year in department mathematics, afterward principal; Chicago, 111., 1873, private schbol for children and young ladies; in 1879, a college primary department added. Married, in 1866, to Geo. C. Bates. Chicago, 111. NORTON, CARRIE W., North Blandford, Mass. PHILLIPS, MARY F., . Huntington, Mass. PARKS, LAURA E., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. Porter Whipple, Westfield, Mass. PERHAM, EMELINE J., Bethel, Vt. PULSIFER, JULIANA, Huntington, Mass. ROGERS, FANNIE N., . . . . . . . Convvay, Mass. SIBLEY, HANNAH L.,* . . . . . . Westfleld, Mass. STICKXEY, MARY A., Concord, N. H. STURDIVANT, ELLEN T., ...... Cumberland, Me. SLOCUM, DEETTE M., Tolland, Mass. STRONG, SARAH L., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. E. Kingsley, Westfield, Mass. TILTON, SUSAN A., Goshen, Mass. Mrs. Susan T. Miller, Box 28, Owatonna, Minn. WILLIS, ELIZABETH, Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. John Hastings, Westfield, Mass. WHEELER, MARY E., Huntington, Mass. Taught in Huntington, Chester and Westfield, Mass. Married, in 1864, to Hervey Cooper; one son. Westfield, Mass. GENTLEMEN. BATES, ERSKINE S., Holyoke, Mass. Taught normal class in Paris Hill Academy, Me., principal high school, Chicopee Falls; studied at Fort Edward Institution; in Union army; studied medicine in Albany Medical College and Long Island College Hospital, graduated in 1865 ; extra course in Bellevue Medical College ; is practising medicine in New York City, and Dean of Columbia Veterinary College. BOND, ISAAC L., . . . . . . . Leicester, Mass. Taught in Leicester one term; Spencer, one term; Holyoke, three years; graduated Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, in 1866; physician in Colorado, 1871-1881. Married, in 1884, to Miss A. C. Coates, of New York; president Boulder National Bank, Boulder, Col. BRYANT, HORACE H., Leicester, Mass. Taught four years in Spencer, Millbury, Leicester, Paxton and Rutland; school committee in Leicester and Paxton. Married in 1865. Middlebury, Vt. 58 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTF/ELD. FULLER, CHARLES H., Cheshire, Mass. Tuckahoe, N. Y. GALE, JUSTIN E., Rockport, Mass. HORTON, HOWARD J., ...... Stephentowu, N.Y. JOHNSON, JASON M., Warsaw, N.Y. KENNEY, GEORGE L.,* Brirafleld, Mass. Married Fostina Woodard. KNOX, WATSON E., Blandforcl, Mass. Taught four years In New York State; three years in Delaware; graduated Wesleyan University in 1871 ; joined New England Conference in 1875. Married, 1883, to Addle G. Clark. Auburndale, Mass. KNAPP, GEORGE Westfleld, Mass. NORTHUP, LEROY J., Lanesborough, Mass. A farmer. Married, in 1860, to Mary A. Root; one child. Cheshire, Mass. PARTRIDGE, JOHN W.,* Boylston, Mass. Taught in West Boylston one term; was in Civil War; taken prisoner in 1864, near Newbern, N. C. Died in Andersonville Prison some time in May, 1864. ROGERS, JOSEPH H., . . ... . . Stephentown, N.Y. STOWELL, CHARLES,* South Deerfleld, Mass. Taught in Clover Hill, N. J., one year; in Civil War; farming since close of war. Married, in 1868, to Ellen M. Wait. Died in 1886, leaving four children . TOBEY, EDWIN, Great Harrington, Mass. FALL TERM, 1859. LADIES. ADAMS, PIDKLIA E., Williamstown, Mass. Taught in New Ashford one year, and Williamstown one year, before marriage ; after marriage, taught in Williamstown primary, intermediate and grammar, for twenty-two consecutive years. Married S. W. Cooper; one son. AMIDON, EMMA S., . . . . . . . . Rovve, Mass. BACON, MARY E., Ashburnhain, Mass. BOSWORTH, MARY E., West Otis, Mass. Taught three years; botanist and microscopist. In 1865, married Wm. Streeter, Rochester, N. Y. CIIAPIN, ELIZABETH M., Chicopee, Mass. Mrs. Geo. Denison, Springfield, Mass. CHAPIN, MARIA A., . Chicopee, Mass. CLARKE, CLARA E., South Hadley, Mass. Taught in South Hadley, Muss., one term ; Minnesota, two years. Married Wm. B. Greene in 1862; one daughter. Barre, Mass. GRANT, IZKTTA E.,* Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. Geo. W. Carrington. HALL, MARGARKT A., Cheshire, Conn. HAYES, LIZZIK S., North Yarmouth, Me. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 59 HERRICK, URSULA M. , Blanclford, Mass. Taught in Blandford, Mass., one term. Married Emory C. Hawes, Springfield, Mass., in 1861; two children living. HOLCOMB, LOUISE L., Turin, N.Y. HORTON, SOPHIA, Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. W. H. Sterns, Andover, Mass. KENT, LUCY W., Leicester, Mass. Taught in Grafton, Leicester and West Springfield, Mass., three years. Married, in 1864, to J. S. Noble, Springfield, Mass.; three children. LAMB, SYBIL B.,* Worcester, Mass. Taught in Worcester, 1861-1864. Died atW-orcester, of consumption, in 1864. LEONARD, -CARRIE S., Agawam, Mass. Taught in public schools of Springfield, Mass., six years. NORTON, FANNIE E., Otis, Mass. Taught in Otis, summer of 1862. Married, in 1866, to Judge S. A. Robinson; three (hildren living; attended Mount Holyoke Seminary one year; an artist. Middletown, Conn. OATLEY, LOUISE A.,* Blandford, Mass. ORCUTT, ELLEN A., ....... Chicopee, Mass. PATRICK, ADA F. K., Conway, Mass. PERRY, S. HELEN, . Phillipston, Mass. PHELPS, JULIA B.,* Westfleld, Mass. PHELPS, JOSEPHINE A., . . : . . . . . Otis, Mass. PRATT, LOUISK M., Pleasant Valley, Conn. Taught in Ansonia, Conn., Monroe, Conn., one year, and Colebrook, Conn. Married, in 1864, to Charles E. Dailey, Washington, D. C. Removed from Washington to Tucson, Arizona, in 1880. ROCKWELL, ALMIRA L., Westfleld, Mass. STEARNS, CLARA L., Conway, Mass. SMITH, MARY J. , . . . . . . . . Tolland, Mass. STACKPOLE, CATHARINE E., . . . . Williamstown, Mass. Mrs. A. Armstrong, Chestertown, N. Y. WELLS, SARAH E., Westfleld, Mass. WRIGHT, MARTHA M., Chester, Mass. WILLIAMS, AGNES A., West Suffleld, Conn. Taught in Amherst, Mass., three years; Thibadeau, La., 1864-1865. Married Geo. A. Carpenter, Boston, Mass., in 1865. GENTLEMEN. FOWLER, GEORGE F. , . . . . . . . Agawam, Mass. Paper manufacturer, Holyoke, Mass. HARDING, WILDER B., Putney, Vt. Graduate of Yale College, and for several years principal of Smith Academy, Hatfield, Mass. HITCHCOCK, HENRY E., Sturbridge, Mass. 60 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. INGHAM, SAMUEL,* Middlefleld, Mass. KING, GKORGE B Rowe, Mass. Taught at Hoosac Tunnel one year; Truant School, Worcester, Mass., one and one-half years; Westborough, half a year; was in Civil War; carpenter at Worcester In 1865. Married, in 1869, to Carrie M. Holden, Holden, Mass. TALMADGE, LESLIE D., Southwick, Mass. Taught In Massachusetts and Connecticut four year*; Missouri, twelve years. In 1868 married Catherine Shrum ; four children living. Farming, Schell City, Mo. TILESTON, FRED L., Williamsburg, Mass. California. SPRING TERM, 1860. LADIES. AYERS, CARRIE F.,* Worcester, Mass. Taught in Worcester. Died of consumption. BEVERLY, MARY, Williamstown, Mass. BLAIR, MARY A., West Granville, Mass. Mrs. C. V. Spear, Oberlin, O. BLISS, CORINNA J., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Springfield, Mass., a short time. Springfield, Mass. BLOOD, HARRIET, Worcester, Mass. Taught in Worcester. Mrs. Thomas Charles, Chicago, 111. CARPENTER, BETHIA W., Shelburne, Mass. West Winsted, Conn. COLTON, EMMA E.,* Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Easthampton one term; Meriden, Conn., one term. Married, in 1872, to H. A. Shipman. Died in 1885. DAWES, M. AMELIA, Goshen, Mass. FISKE, ELIZA A.,* Upton, Mass. Died of consumption in 1862. FISKE, NETTIE,* Upton, Mass. Taught in Hopkinton, Mass., one year. Married George E. Nelson in 1862. Died of consumption in 1873. FOWLER, ELOUISE, Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., Portville, N. Y., and Suffield, Conn., three years. Married, in 1866, to Edgar Dusenbury. Portville, N. T. HAWKES, MARTHA A., Goshen, Mass. Mrs. Wakeley. HKALD, ELLEN F., Temple, N. H. Taught in Massachusetts and New Hampshire one year. Married, in 1880, to R. E. Bliss; one child. Belding, Ionia Co., Mich. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 61 HUXLEY, HARRIET L., New Marlborough, Mass. JACKSON, HETTIE, Westfleld, Mass. KAVANAGH, ANNIE K., Lowell, Mass. KENT, ORPHA P., West Granville, Mass. KING, LOUISE M., Westfleld, Mass. LARNED, ABBIE F., Worcester, Mass. LOOMIS, ESTHER J., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. N. J. Morgan, Springfield, Mass. MITCHELL, MALVINA,* Holyoke, Mass. See Teachers. MORSE, CAROLINE M., . Upton, Mass. NOBLE, FANNIE M., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. Frank Foote, Westfield, Mass. PARSONS, LUCRETIA A Otis, Mass. POMEROY, CHARLOTTE E., Southampton, Mass. Taught in Middle Farms, Westfield, Mass., one term; in silk mill, Florence, Mass. Married, in 1870, to Henry T. Hannum; two children living. East- hampton, Mass. REED, MARY E., Warren, Mass. Taught in Warren, Mass., two years. Married, in 1883, to Warren D. Ball; three children. SHEPARD, LUCY E., Westfleld, Mass. SIBLEY, AUGUSTA A., West Springfield, Mass. SPEAR, MARY K., . . . . . . . New Ipswich, Mass. SNELL, CARRIE M.,* Sturbridge, Mass. WOODS, ELLEN F., ' . Enfleld, Mass. GENTLEMEN, BRADLEY, JUDSON, West Stockbridge, Mass. Taught "Johnnie Rebs. two years and ten months, in Dixie;" graduated Detroit Medical College in 1869; practised medicine since graduating. Married, in 1873, to Ellen M. Kingsley of Westhampton, Mass.; two children. Detroit, Mich. HEALD, BROOKS M., Temple, N. H. Taught in Massachusetts twelve terms; New Hampshire, five terms; studied pen drawing and penmanship; in United States service; represented native town in Legislature, 1883 and 1884. Farming and fruit raising. Married, in 1884, to Lelia A. Rockwood of Westhorough, Mass. East Wilton, N. H. HUNTRESS, EDWARD S., Greenland, N. H. LARNED, GEORGE C., . . . . . . Worcester, Mass. LEONARD, AMBROSE, Feeding Hills, Mass. New York broker, 1862; member of New York Stock Exchange. Married, in 1872, Mary Palmer; eight children. 898 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIBLEY, ALFRED A.,* Westfleld, Mass. SHEPARD, WM. H. H.,* Warren, Mass. Died at Westminster, Mass., about 1886. WOODS, JAMES W., Berlin, Mass. HALL, MARQUIS,* Brimfleld, Mass. 62 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. FALL TERM, 1860. LADIES. ADAMS, EMILY Huntington, Mass. BKOWXING, FRANCES A., Blackstone, Mass. CLEMMER, EMILIA, . . . . v . . . Westfleld, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. CHAMBERLAIN, ALICE M., . . . ' . . Stockbridge, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts eighteen terms ; Croton, N. Y., one term; and New Jersey, one year. Married, in 1866, to James B. White; two sons. North Walton, N. Y. CIIAPIN, MARTHA J., Chicopee, Mass. Taught in East Charlemont one year ; School of Observation, Westtield, Mass., two years; Hadley, Mass., two years. Married, in 1867, to Lewis W. West; three sons. CUTLER, NELLIE Worcester, Mass. Taught one year each in Worcester, Boylston and Montague, Mass. Married, in 1863, Hezekiah Robbins, Westfleld, Mass.; two sons. ELY, ELLEN M.,* Westfleld, Mass. Fox, MARY L., Huntington, Mass. FORD, FANNIE J., Blackington, Mass. GOLDSMITH, ELLEN M., Milford, Mass. GOLDSMITH, MARY E., Milford, Mass. HATHAWAY, FANNY, Westfleld, Mass. Married, in 1865, to Clarence M. Worthington ; three children. HOMER, ABBIE G.,* Brimfleld, Mass. Taught in Stillman Valley, III., one year or more, and in Emporia, Kansas. Married, in 1867, to Lyman B. Kellogg; two sons. Died at Golden City, Col., in 1873. HARKINGTON, HARRIET A., Worcester, Mass. Taught in Worcester. Was married. JOSLIN, HELEN M., Webster, Mass. Taught iu North Blackstone, Mass., one term ; Holyoke grammar school, three years; Chicopee Falls high school, four years; Chicopee high school, sixteen years ; attended Summer School of Languages, Amherst, Mass. Chicopee, Mass. JOHNSON, SUSAN, Peacham, Vt., KNAPP, MARGARETTA, ...... Haydenville, Mass. Married Horace W. Johnson, Haydenville, Mass.; three children, two grand- children. LANE, AMY P., Cheshire, Mass. LOVELL, ELLEN V., West Boylston, Mass. Taught in Spencer, Mass., one year. Married, in 1864, to J. C. Grout, Spen- cer, Mass.; now a widow; one daughter; graduated C. L.8. C. in 1884. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 63 LYMAX, ELIZA C., Huntington, Mass. Has cared for an invalid mother twenty years or more. LYMAX, MARTHA M., Huntington, Mass. MAKTYN, HOPE S., . . . . . . Attleborough, Mass. Taught in Attleborough, Westfleld and Chicopee Falls, Mass., and Chicago, 111., eight years. New Britain, Conn. McRAE, NELLIE S., Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Heleu 8. White, Whately, Mass. NASH, MARY E., Gray, Me. Shelburne Falls, Mass. POMEROY, CASSIE J., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. Dexter Goodell, Florence, Mass. PREXDEKGAST, LIZZIE H. , Huntington, Mass. ROWE, MARY E., Conway, Mass. ROGERS, NELLIE F., Worcester, Mass. SAMPSON, CLARA A., . . . . . Chesterfield , Mass. SAXFORD, ELLEX R., Huntington, Mass. SIKES, CLARA J., West Springfield, Mass. SMITH, MARY E., Chicopee, Mass. SMITH, S. LIZZIE, West Springfield, Mass. TAFT, M. EMMA, ........ Blackstone, Mass. THAYER, ANGEXETTE H., South Amherst, Mass. Taught in Granby, Pelham, Amherst, Enfield, Belchertown, Ware, Spring- field and Hadley, Mass. ; in all, thirty-nine terms. Married, in 1876, to C. L. Hartwell; one child. South Amherst, Mass. TUPPER, JENNIE E., . . . . . . . Wilbraham, Mass. Taught in Wilbraham and Palmer, Mass., three years; studied art and litera- ture; contributed to papers; writer for " Scribner's," now the "Century," series of " Songs of Ireland " Married, in 1863, to William H. Dowe, now deceased; one child. Worcester, Mass. UPSON, SARAH K., Westfleld, Mass. Taught a short time as substitute. WARNER, MYRA, Williamsburg, Mass. WATRISS, MARY H., Pittsfield, Mass. WHITE, HATTIE P , Phillipston, Mass. Taught four years before graduating and six years after; South Orange, Mass., three years ; Hubbardston and Phillipston, Mass. Married F. M. Sanderson in 1869 ; five children living. Cleveland, Ohio. GENTLEMEN. BRADISH, GEORGE W., Templeton, Mass. KENNEY, WILLIAM M.,* Brimfleld, Mass. In Civil War; died at Fort Lyon, Va., after a few months' service. NEWCOMB, LEMUEL E., East Machias, Me. Left to enlist in llth Regiment Maine Volunteers ; taught in Maine and Mis- souri seven years; attended Bryant and Stratton's Commercial School in Phila- delphia, Pa., in 1865; book-keeping teu years in Alma, New Brunswick; in Atchinson, Kan., five years. Married, in 18T54, to Julia H. Palmer, Machias, Me. ; two daughters. 64 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTF/ELD. NEWTON, SOLON N., Greenfield, Mass. In lumber business, Greenfield, Mass. ROGERS, SAMUEL N., Wilkinsonville, Mass. SIBLEY, GEORGE F., Westfleld, Mass. SEARLE, HENRY A., Southampton, Mass. STOCKING, .WILLIAM R., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfleld, Mass., one term; high school, Williamstown, Mass., one term; Persia, one year; superintendent of schools in Oroomiah, Persia, two years; was in Civil War; attended Williston Seminary one year; Williams Col- lege, class of '69, two years; Andover Theological Seminary, class of '71, two years; missionary in Persia, seven years; pastor H. M. Church, White Oaks, Mass., four years; superintendent work-house, Blackwell's Island, New York City, and branch work-house, Hart's Island. Married, in 1873, to Isabella C. Baker of Italy; eight children. Hart's Island, New York City. SPRING TERM, 1861. LADIES. ALLIS, ANGELINE M.,' Whately, Mass. BARROWS, REBECCA L.,* Attleborough, Mass. BELDEN, ELLEN J., Ashfleld, Mass. CARPENTER, WINNIE A., Shelburne, Mass. CLARK, NANCE H., Lubec, Me. CLARK, AMELIA E., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts seven years. Holyoke, Mass. DRESSER, CAROLINE J., Smithfleld, Mass. DUDLEY, CERELIA M., Westfleld, Mass. DICKINSON, HELEN M., South Hadley, Mass. DEMING, CHARLOTTE E., .... South Williamstown, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., seven years; Hampton, Va., one year; Whitins-' ville, Mass., three years; Quincy, Mass., two years; Rhode Island Normal School, ten years; attended School of Technology, Boston; studied elsewhere. Providence, B. I. EDDY, ELIZA A., Leicester, Mass. GILLETTE, JULIA E. , Westfleld, Mass. HILLMAN, SARAH A., East Charlemont, Mass. HOSMER, MARY J.,* . Westfleld, Mass. HOWLAND, MARION, Greenfield, Mass. LEE, JULIA M., Conway, Mass. MOSELEY, GEORGIANA, Westfleld, Mass. MOORE, DE ETTE A., Chester, Mass. PARKER, MATILDA, . Holden, Mass. PETERS, ELIZABETH A., Belchertown, Mass. Mrs. Elbridge Hastings, Palmer, Mass. QUIGLEY, HATTIE A., Chester, Mass. RUSSELL, MARY A., Westfleld, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 65 ROBINSON, MARY W., Cummington, Mass. Taught in Longmeadow three years, and Cummington, Mass., three years. Married, in 1866, to P. P. Lyman, Cummington, Maes.; three children. SMITH, LUCY E., West Springfield, Mass. WHITE, LIZZIE A., Haydenville, Mass. WORTHINGTON, FANNIE A.,* Westfield, MaSS. Married in 1865. VAILLE, SUSAN M., Tolland, Mass. WHIFFLE, HATTIE A., Westfield, Mass. Taught music only, at Wilbraham, Mass., and Cleveland, Ohio, three years. Married George H. Prescott, Westfield, Mass.; four children. GOODRICH, HATTIE M., . . . . . . Westfield, Mass. Taught in Tolland, Mass., a short time; in Westfield, from 1864-66; Chelsea, Mass., from 1866-89. PEASE, BELLA M., Westfield, Mass. JONES, ELIZA B., Chicopee Falls, Mass. WEBBER, HANNAH H., Tolland, Mass. GENTLEMEN. BARTLETT, CHARLES,* . Holyoke, Mass. SELLINGS, CHARLES S., Goshen, Mass. BURNETT, LIBERTY L., Florida, Mass. CONANT, EVERETT W., Paxton, Mass. Taught in Minnesota two years, in Massachusetts two and one-half years. In 1872 married Abbie 8. Dane; three children. Cherry Valley, Mass. FORD, RUFUS M., West Stockbridge, Mass. Left to join the army, served three years; taught in West Stockbridge, Mass., one winter, 1865-66; and Leyden, 111., one winter; mercantile life since the war. Married, in 1868, to Mrs. Harriet Starr Olmstead; three sons living. West- field, Mass. GIDDINGS, SOLOMON, Eaton Rapids, Mich. GOULDING, ALBERT M., Leicester, Mass. GOTT, LEMUEL, Jr., Berlin, Mass. LEWIS, CORVETT E., Huntington, Mass. MOORE, WILSON, Chester, Mass. ROGERS, BENJAMIN F.,* Paxton, Mass. Died in April, 1861, three weeks after entering the school. TOWER, ALONZO D Florida, Mass. 66 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. FALL TERM, 1861. LADIES. ALLEN, HANNAH J., Sturbridge, Mass. ANDREWS, KATE E.,* Montague, Mass. ANDREWS, JULIA M., Montague, Mass. AVKRY, MARY E., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfleld, Mass., one year; Longyard and Granville, Mass., one term each. Married, in 1870, to D. W. Martin, Westfleld, Mass. ; three children. BAUTLETT, JENNIE, Windsor, Mass. BEEBE, FANNIE R.,* Westfield, Mass. BENTON, EMELINE, North Marlborough, Mass. Mrs. Alonzo Townsend, New Haven, Conn. BI.OOD, AUGUSTA L., Westfleld, Mass. BLOOD, LUCELIA H., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. M. E. Searle, Westfleld, Mass. BRADFORD, MARY A., Huntington, Mass. BURRILL, VILLEROY E., Bridgeport, Mass. CHAPIX, MARY H., West Springfield, Mass. CLARKE, MARY C., Conway, Mass. COIT, ELLEN C., Huntington, Mass. CRUMP, MARIA B., . . . . . . . . Whately, Mass. DAVIS, EMILY E., Curtisville, Mass. Taught in Portsmouth, Va., seven months; in Institute for Soldiers' Children, New York City; teaching brought to an end by loss of hearing. Box 89, Stock- bridge, Mass. FOWLER, ADELTHEA, Tolland, Mass. GLAZIER, OLIVIA E., Fiskdale, Mass. Taught in Sturbridge, Mass.; studied music in Boston; in Jordan & Marsh's, Boston ; soprano in Universalist Church in East Cambridge, Baptist in East Boston, Universalist in Roxbury, etc. Married, in 1869, to J. X. George, Grand Forks, Dakota. GREGORY, ABBIE M.,* Winchendon, Mass. Taught in Fitzwilliam,N. H., three terms; New Haven, Conn., six terms; one term each in Lancaster, Gardner and Royalston, Mass., and twenty-five terms in Winchendon, Mass.; taught, In all, after graduating, thirteen years. Died of cancer, in March, 1878. GRISWOLD, GEORGIANA, Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Southwick, Westfleld and Agawam, Mass., each one term ; left teaching to care for sick mother. Married, in 1867, to Charles 8. Smith, West- field, Mass.; five children. HuSE, MARTHA K., Chicopee, Mass. JONES, ORRA H., Westfleld, Mass. Married Charles F. Ely, Westfield, Mass. KING, ELLEN A., Washington, D. C. LEFFINGWELL, EMMA, Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. H. C. Pratt, Westfield, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 67 MARSH, HELEN L., Hadley, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts four years, and In New Jersey one year. Married, in 1866, to Charles J. Miller, Waukegan, Lake County, 111.; six children. MARSHALL, FRANCES L., Tolland, Mass. MOODY, ANNIE E., Chicopee, Mass. PERKINS, LYDIA S., Philadelphia, Pa. PIERCE, SUSAN, Townsend, Mass. SMITH, EMMA M., Greenfield, Mass. SMITH, MARY I., Feeding Hills, Mass. STICKNEY, ELIZA J., Huntington, Mass. STOCKWELL, MARTHA I.,* Ravenna, O. Taught in Ravenna, Wooster, Cleveland, O., and in Jamestown and Indian- apolis, Ind. Married, in 1878, to W. D. Cuahman of Brookfield, O. Died in Ravenna, O., in 1884, of consumption. TURNER, CELINDA E., New Marlborough, Mass. Taught in New Marlborough, Mass., three years. Married H. L. Barber, Southfield, Mass., in 1865. TUCKER, SARAH A. , Chicopee Falls, Mass. New Haven, Conn. WKSTON, AUSTRICE,* Winchendon, Mass. Taught in Winchendon, Mass., about three years. Died, in 1869, of consump- tion. WHITING, ELVIRA F., Holyoke, Mass. Taught in Holyoke, Mass., and principal of high school in West Springfield; in all, ten years. Married, in 1873, to Charles E. Ball, Holyoke, Mass.; four children. WILSON, FRANCES M., Pittsfield, Mass. Taught in high school, Chicopee, Mass. ; had a select school in Orange, N. J., seven years. Pittsfield, Mass. WILLIAMS, PLACENTIA P., South Windsor, Conn. GENTLEMEN. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL T., Wailuka, S. I's. BUTLER, PERLIN S. DICKINSON, DWIGHT L., Whately, Mass. FULLER, HENRY A., Lanesborough, Mass. GIBBS, ABNER E.,* Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught in Ware (principal high school) , 1864-67 ; principal high school, West- field, Mass., from 1867 to 1883; received degree of A.M. from Williams College. Died in Westfield, of heart disease, in August, 1883. GILLETT, FRANCIS A., Southwick, Mass. LLOYD, JAMES H.,* Westfleld, Mass. Map publisher; superintendent of the Bethel Mission, Brooklyn. Died in California, in 1882. POWERS, WILLIAM R Warren, Mass. SMITH, WILLIAM R Tolland, Mass. STOW, DURAND, Tolland, Mass. 68 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. SPRING TERM, 1862. LADIES. BADGER, ADELAIDE V., North Adams, Mass. Taught in Westfield State Normal School four years. Married, in 1868, to Rev. E. P. Wells; four sons. Denver, Col. See under Teachers. ADAMS, AMANDA, South Egremont, Mass. BANCROFT, SUSAN C., Montague, Mass. Taught in Oswego, N. Y., two and one-half years; New Haven, Conn., one year; training school, Springfield, Mass., three years; State Normal School, Providence, R. I., seven years; principal of kindergarten and primary school, Providence, R. I., five and one-half years. Married, in 1877, to Leonard Tilling- hast, Providence, R. I. ; three children. BINGHAM, ELLEN L., Westfleld, Mass. ELLIS, ELVIRA R., Curmnington, Mass. ELLIS, MARY R., ....... Cummington, Mass. FAY, FANNIE M., Whitinsville, Mass. FAY, EMMA W Whitinsville, Mass. FOWLER, HELEN G.,* Westfleld, Mass. GAYLORD, FANNIE C., South Hadley Falls, Mass. Springfield, Mass. HARDY, ELIZABETH, Shelburne Falls, Mass. Taught in Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois and Georgia, about twenty years. HAYES, HENRIETTA M., West Springfield, Mass. IVES, ELLEN H., Holyoke, Mass. Taught in Holyoke, Mass., eight years; Springfield, Mass., two terms; and Northampton, Mass., one term. KASSON, HELEN E., New Marlborough, Mass. Taught in New Marlborough, Mass., one and one-half years. Married, in 1864, to Alvan W. Chapin, Bristol, Conn.; six children. KELLOGG, HARRIET E South Hadley, Mass. LEONARD, FRANCENA D., Athol Depot, Mass. Musical profession. Married, in 1863, to A. E. Gibbs, now deceased ; five chil- dren; Adams, Mass. LOOMIS, ANGELETTE, Westfleld, Mass. MERRIMAN, HARRIET E., Northfleld, Mass. MINOR, FANNIE J.,* Monterey, Mass. MINOR, THEDA A.,* Monterey, Mass. PERRY, ALICE E., Westfield, Mass. Taught in Westfield and Stockbridge, Maes. ; Hartford and Glastenbury, Conn. ; In all, twenty yearn. SEWALL, ELLEN M., Rockport, Mass. SHEPARD, CORNELIA F., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield one year, and Sunderland one term; poor health. Mar- ried, in 1880, to Lemuel P. Wolcott, Southampton, Mass.; two children. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 69 SMITH, ELLA B., Chicopee Falls, Mass. STOCKWELL, MARY G., Eastbampton, Mass. THOMPSON, JULIA A., Monterey, Mass. Taught in South Berkshire four years; has written for periodicals, poems, etc. Married, in 1866, to J. 8. Sears, Stockbridge, Mass.; five children. WEEKS, L. ADELIA, ...... Great Barrington, Mass. WILLISTON, JANE, Easthampton, Mass. WOODARD, FROSTINA,* Brimfteld, Mass. Taught in Longmeadow, Mass. Married George L. Kenney. Died at Buf- falo, N. Y. GENTLEMEN. BALDWIN, HOWARD J. , . . . . . . . Harrington, Conn. BLODGETT, ALBERT G., Warren, Mass. Taught in Dalton and Chester two years ; studied at Berkshire Medical Col- lege one year; Pittsfield, Mass., and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, two years. Married Caroline A. Adams in December, 1871; one daughter. West Brookfield, Mass. ELLIOTT, JAMES H., Greenfield, Mass. Enlisted in 34th Massachusetts Regiment in July, 1862; in government service since 1862, except two years. Married, in 1870, to Mary Chase, who died in 1879; one daughter living. Is special examiner of pension office and travels. Washington, D. C. FRIEND, HERVEY, ........ Gloucester, Mass. HAYNES, CHARLES H., Fitchburg, Mass- Taught in Peru, Vt., one year; in Ware, Mass., three years; Pittsfleld, Mass., three years ; now business manager of Miller's Hotel, New York City. Married, in 1886, to Stella W. Harris of New York City. JUDD, JAMES W.,* Westfield, Mass. LEONARD, FRANKLIN, . . . . . Feeding Hills, Mass. Westfield, Mass. MOODY, GEORGE F., Tolland, Mass. RISING, HENRY M., South wick, Mass. WEBSTER, DANIEL, Gl'-ucester, Mass. WOODARD, WRIGHT,* Brirafleld, Mass. FALL TERM, 1862. LADIES. BROWNING, KATE M., Rowe, Mass. BUTTRICK, ELLA E., Holyoke, Mass. Taught in Holyoke, South Hadley Falls, Springfield and Cambridge, Mass.; in all, twenty-two years. North Cambridge, Mass. BAKER, ELLA A., . . . . . . Brimfield, Mass. BELL, MARTHA, Tolland, Mass. CLARKE, SYLVIA F., Westminster, Mass. Mrs. John Knox, Florence, Mass. 70 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. CLARY, LIZZIE S., Deerflelcl, Mass. Taught forty-nine terms. Williamsburg, Mass. COOK, MARY E., Westfleld, Mass. Took regular course for one year, then special studies more or less for thir- teen years. Married, 1879, to Lewis Parker, Westfleld, Mass.; one son. CUDWORTH, ELECTA, Chesterfield, Mass. Taught in Northampton, Mass., four years; in Westhampton, Easthampton, Mass., and Keene, N. H., three years. Married, in 1871, to A. M. Burt, South Hadley Falls, Mass. ; two children. FELTOX, EUNICE S., Clinton, Mass. FULLER, ABBIE L.,* Fond clu Lac, Wis. FULGHUM, ELIZA B., Richmond, Ind. INGERSOLL, MARTHA, Westfleld, Mass. IVES, JULIA B., Hotyoke, Mass. KELLOGG, CELIA I., East Granville, Mass. KENT, PHEBE E.,* Marshfleld, Mass. Taught in Marshfield, Mass., one year; health failed. Died in December, 1878. KING, LUCELIA E., Washington, D. C. KNAPP, MARY A., Dana, Mass. KNEIL, MARY A., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Springfield, Williamstown, Mass., Hoosic Falls and Brooklyn, N. T., twenty-three years; spent one year at Wellesley College. Brooklyn, N. T. LEWIS, MARION E., Weslfleld, Mass. Graduated from Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., in 1867. LOOMIS, JOSEPHINE H., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. H. G. Dewey, 3257 Vernon "Avenue, Chicago, 111. MOORE, ADDIE H.,* Tolland, Mass. PARKER, ELIZA K., Rockport, Mass. PHILLIPS, MARY L., Westfleld, Mass. PORTER, ELVIRA A., Gosheu, Mass. Taught a number of years in Williamsburg, Goshen and Ashfleld, Mass. Married, in 1866, to J. H. Godfrey. RING, ELLEN L., Huntington, Mass. RUDE, HELEN L., Huntington, Mass. Taught in Huntington, Chester and Worthington, Mass., five years, besides private instruction. Married, in 1867, to E. B. Cole, Huntington, Mass. SACKETT, FRANCELIA C., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. J. Merrill Brown. Milton Lower Mills, Mass. SACKETT, FRANCENA S., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. John Sackett, Holyoke, Mass. TITCOMB, CHARLOTTE A., Chicopee, Mass. WARFIELD, L. ANNIE,* Westfleld, Mass. WHEELER, ORIANNA E., Berlin, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 71 GENTLEMEN. BURGESS, ROBERT, Springfield, Mass. PIKK, FREDERICK A., . . . . . . Florida, Mass. PRATT, GEORGE A., Tolland, Mass. SMITH, IRA A., West Otis, Mass. Taught in "Ware Centre, Mass., one and one-half years; attended New Marl- borough and Monson Academy; in book trade ten years; studied theology; licensed in 1880, ordained in 1882; has preached as home missionary since 1880. Married, in 1869, to Sarah S. Cook; three children living. Erring, Mass. SPRING TERM, 1863. LADIES. ADAMS, MARY W., Amlierst, Mass. ALVORD, Lucy A., Northampton, Mass. AVERT, ELLEN L.,* Westfleld, Mass. BUCK, CELINA A., Chesterfield, Mass. Taught in Worthington and Cummington, Mass., one year; Chesterfield, one 3'ear; Fairmont, N. Y., one year; Chicopee, Mass., two years; Springfield, Mass., five years. Married, in 1876, to Jonathan H. Eager. Worthington, Mass. CLARKE, SYLVIA, Westfield, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., two years. Married, in 1868, to Dr. H. M. Miller, Westfield, Mass.; five children. COLLINS, MARY A., Lempster, N. H. Taught in Holyoke, Mass., two terms; New Braintree, Mass., one terra. Married, in 1866, to Amos Andrews; three children. Matron of State Primary School, Monson, Mass. DART, EMMA J., Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Westfield, Mass., one year; compositor. FOWLER, CLARA M., Westfleld, Mass. GILLETTE, SIBYL M., Westfleld, Mass. Mrs. W. J. Mixter, Westfield, Mass. GILLESPIE, CATHARINE I., . . . Great Harrington, Mass. GOTT, M. LIZZIE, ......... Berlin, Mass. HOLCOMB, ISADORE, Granby, Conn. HOYLE, JANE E., Housatonic, Mass. KELLOGG, MARY W., South Hadley, Mass. LINCOLN, CARRIE M., Longmeadow, Mass. MINOR, HELEN L., Monterey, Mass. Mrs. Charles Phelps, Stockbridge, Mass. NASH, ABBIE J., Granby, Mass. NASH, HARRIET H., Granby, Mass. LOVELAND, ELLA F., . . ... . . Worthington, Mass. PLUMB, JULIA W., Westfleld, Mass. 72 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. POWELL, ELLEN M., Cheshire, Mass. SACKETT, JANE A., Westfleld, Mass. SCOVILLE, ELEANOR J., Ashley Falls, Mass. Taught in Canaan, Conn., one summer; New Maryborough, Mass,, one sum- mer. In 1867 married William E. Cutting, who died in 1880; in 1887 married George E. Wood, Ashley Falls, Mass.; one daughter. THAYEK, FANNIE M., Dorchester, Mass. WHIPPLE, GERTRUDE M., Lanesborough, Mass. WILSON, MARY,* Westfleld, Mass. GENTLEMEN. ANDREWS, AMOS, Sheffield, Mass. Taught thirteen terms in Holyoke, before entering the normal school ; taught in New Jersey, Connecticut and Sheffield, Mass.; city official in Holyoke, 1870-81; paymaster paper mills three years. Married, in 1866, to Mary A. Col- lins; three children. Superintendent of State Primary School, Monson, Mass. NASH, HARLAN E., Granby, Mass. WOODS, HENRI N., Rockport, Mass. Taught in Rockport, Mass., one year; studied law and practised in Glouces- ter, Mass. Married, in 1868, to Belle A. Sears; three children. FALL TERM, 186 LADIES. ANDREWS, JANE,* . . . . . . Sheffield, Mass. BREWEK, ELIZABETH H., Stockbridge, Mass. Taught at Hampton, Va., two years; at North Adams, six years; in Indiana, one year; at Vassar College, three years; at Brimfield, one year; and elsewhere shorter periods; in all, fifteen years. Stockbridge, Mass. BACON, JOSEPHINE L , East Granville, Mass. CARVER, ELVIRA, Chicopee Falls, Mass. See under Teachers. CHILDS, MARTHA M.,* Lee, Mass- Taught in Westfleld high school and Hinsdale high school. Married Edward A. Booth. Died in Moville, la., of pneumonia, in December, 1888. CHANDLER, ANNIE, North Fryeburg, Me. CROSBY, MARY V., Williamsburg, Mass. DRESSKR, CHARLOTTE A., Stockbridge, Mass- FAIRCIIILD, REBECCA O.,* Stockbridge, Mass. Left school a few weeks before the graduation of her class, on account of ill health. Died of consumption at her home in Stockbridge, in 1866. FOWLER, PLUMA N., ....... Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Southwick one year; Feeding Hills, Mass., one year. Married, in 1869, to J. W. Russell. Springfield, Mass. FIELD, EMMA F., Shelburne Falls, Mass. Mrs. G. G. Merrell, Shelburne Falls, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 73 FELTON, KUBY W., South Deerfield, Mass. GRANGER, IDELLA E.,* Worthiugton, Mass. GREENE, CHARLOTTE L., . . . . . . Clinton, Mass. Taught in Chicopee, Mass., one and one-half years; Clinton, Mass., ten and one-half years; librarian Free Public Library, Clinton, Mass. JOCELYN, HELEN, . . . . . . . Huntington, Mass. KING, ESTHER, Rowe, Mass. Taught in Rowe three years; Charlemont, three years; newspaper corre- spondent. Married, in 1880, to Ruel Bullard. Rowe, Mass. LOVELAND, ANN E., Worthingtou, Mass. MARSH, MARY E.,* Williamstown, Mass. Mrs. Preston, deceased. MERRILL, ISABELLA B.,* North Conway, N. H. Taught in Cambridge, Mass., and other places. Died in 1872. PRESTON, LUCINA E., South Hadley, Mass. RUSSELL, MARIA F., -Northampton, Mass. SEARS, BELLE A., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Woods. SHAW, ELLEN P.,* Brimfield, Mass. Taught in New Braintree and Brimfleld; served one term on school com- mittee in Brimfield, Mass. Died in 1867. SMEAD, LIZZIE O., Colrain, Mass. SMITH, MARIETTA, Granby, Mass. SPEAR, ELLA M., Shelburne Falls, Mass. WELLMAN, EMMA L., Springfield, Mass. Taught in Illinois one year; Vermont, one term; Chester, one year; Spring- field, two years; Northampton, one year; Holyoke, six years. WRIGHT, SARAH B., South Adams, Mass. GENTLEMEN. ATWOOD, JOHN H., Barre, Mass. BOOTH, EDWARD A., Lempster, N. H. Moville, la. FERN ALD, JAMES, JR., Rockport, Mass. GILBERT, WILLIAM M., Granby, Conn. GILLETTE, JOSEPH A., . . . . New Lebanon Springs, N. Y. JACOBS, T. AUGUSTUS, Rockport, Mass. JOHNSON, EDWARDS E., South Williamstown, Mass. Mercantile business, Chicago, 111., ten years; fruit-raising, California, nine years. Married J. Florsen; two children. 204 Baldwin Street, East Los Angeles, Cal. KING, ALANSON W., Rowe, Mass. Taught at Hoosac Tunnel one year or more; carpenter, Worcester, 1868-72. Married, in 1897, Clara M. Jacobs. PERRY, STEWART L., Westfleld, Mass. 74 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. SPRING, MONROE G., Granby, Conn. Taught in Southwick, Mass., and Rochester, Minn., seven years; in 1876 elected county superintendent of schools, Olrasted County, Minn.; served six years; now book and stationery store in Rochester, Minn. Married Anna R. Phillips in 1871 ; four children. TUTTLE, WILLIAM H. H., Littleton, Mass. Taught in Westfield high school; principal School of Observation, Westfield, Mass.; graduated at Williams College; lawyer. Boston, Mass. SPRING TERM, 1864. LADIES. ABELL, WEALTHY C., Con way, Mass. Taught in Conway, Ashfield, Charlemont and Goshen, Mass., five years. In 1869 married E. T. Cobb; one son. BARBER, ANGELIA M., Orange, Mass. BARTLETT, ERMINA D Cummington, Mass, Taught before graduating in Cummington and Brookfleld, Mass, two years; since graduating, in Hadley one year; Northampton, three years; Windsor, Conn., ten years; Plantsville, one year; in 1881 went to South Hadley Falls, five years; Springfield, Mass., one year; in all, twenty-one years. Married, in 1889, to Joseph Suhanek of Hartford, Conn. BRAGUE, KATE M., Hinsdale, Mass. COATES, MYRA F., . . . . . . . North Becket, Mass. Taught in Hinsdale, Northampton and Springfield, Mass., three years. Mar- ried, in 1867, to Gerry R. Walker; four children. Chicago, 111. CLAPP, MARY F., North Becket, Mass. Taught in Lee, Mass., one term; North Adams, Mass., two years. Married, 'in 1868, to Alanson Jones of Fulton, N. Y.; three children. Hopkinton, Mass. CHENEY, TYNA A., Orange, Mass. Taught in Montague one year; Belchertown, one year; and Orange, Mass., two years. Married to C. A. Whitman; has resided in Florida since 1882; taught in Florida, Nashua, Crescent City. Crescent City, Florida. DOWD, JANE L., Westfield, Mass. Entered Ladies' Seminary, North Granville, N. Y., in 1867; graduated in 1868; taught twenty-five terms in Longmeadow, Sheffield, New Marlborough, South Egremont, Southampton, Mass., etc. Married Dr. H. H. Smith, Sheffield, Mass., in 1875. Author of " Wayside Leaves." Albany, N. Y. GERRISH, HARRIET N., Newburyport, Mass. GRIMES, ROSA A., Springfield, Mass. In 1866, six months governess in Adams, N. Y.; in 1868, studied form and drawing; 1868-70, teacher of natural science in a college, Evanston, 111.; 1871, taught in West Chicago Seminary; 1876, assisted in new primary school. Woodstock, 111. HIGGINS, MARY L., Washington, Mass. JOHNSON, NELLIE S., . . . . . . Hinsdale, Mass. MCLAUGHLIN, HENRIETTA, Lee, Mass. Left the school on account of poor health ; taught in Lee, Mass., five years. Married John J. Wolfingen, Lee, Mass., in 1875; two children. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 75 POMEROY, ELLEN S., Chesterfield, Mass. SHUMWAY, LIZZIE, Belchertown, Mass. SIBLEY, EMMA J.,* Westfl eld, Mass. SMITH, ELLA S., Westfield, Mass. Taught in Springfield, Williamstown high school, Westfield high school three years, and North Britain Normal School three and one-half years. Married, in 1873, to Rev. C. P. Osborne; five children. Fayetteville, N. Y. SMITH, CLARA A., Holyoke, Mass. Mrs. F. A. Pike. SMITH, HELENA.,* Lempster, N. H. Married, in 1870, to Josiah B. Small, Boston, Mass. Died in Boston, in 1875. STEPHEXSON, MARY A., Chesterfield, Mass. TAYLOR, MAGGIE D., East Charlemont, Mass. Taught thirteen years after graduating, all in Massachusetts except six months in Oswego, N. Y.; since 1879, has had private pupils in Nebraska; has done normal institute work in two countries. In 1868 married Allen C. Baker. Tecumseh, Neb. TURNER, ANNA R., Housatonic, Mass. GENTLEMAN. HIGGINS, EDWARD L., Washington, Mass. FALL TERM, 1864. LADIES. COATES, HELEN S.,* North Becket, Mass. Was principal of high school, Greenfield, Mass., when she died, Dec. 27, 1867. COOKE, ELMIRA F., Hadley, Mass. Taught several years; returned to normal school and graduated in 1867; taught several years, mostly in Westfield, Mass. DBESSER, ELBERTINE M., Stockbridge, Mass. Taught in "Winsted and Meriden, Conn., New York City, Maiden and West- field, Mass., thirteen years; compiled one book. Married, in 1883, Henry E. Castle. Great Barrington, Mass. DICKINSON, FANNIE S., Whately, Mass. FOWLER, C. M., Westfield, Mass. In normal school one year; never taught. GRAVES, CORA E., Great Barrington, Mass. GRIMES, ISABELLA S., Springfield, Mass. KANTJSE, CARRIE A., . . . . . . . Worcester, Mass. LLNDLEY, MARTHA A., Williamstown, Mass. Taught in Florence and North Adams, six years. Married, in 1872, to Isaac W. Dunham, then superintendent of schools in North Adams; five children. Schenectady, N. Y. 76 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. LINDLEY, MARY E.,* Williamstown, Mass. Taught in Florence, Mass., three years; in North Adams, Mass.; in Great Barrington, two years. Died in Santa Rosa, Cal., in 1876. MERRIMAN, GRACE, Sheffield, Mass. Taught in Boston, Mass., three years; Chicago, 111., four years; graduated from girls' high school, Boston, Maes.; studied in Boston Teachers' Institute and under T. D. Weld ; made a special study of Latin and English literature. Married Edward W. Curtis, Chicago, 111.; three children. O'NEILL, MARY A.,. . . . . . . Stockbridge, Mass. PATTISON, MARY L., . . . . . Groat Barrington, Mass. ROBINSON, MARY E., Westfleld, Mass. ROYS, MARTHA E., Sheffield, Mass. Taught at Florence, Westfleld, Great Barrington, Egremont, Sheffield and Boston, Mass. ; also Bennington, Vt., and Fallston, Md.; in all, twenty years. Married, in 1872, to H. H. Scott; two children. SACKETT, BELLE N., "Westfleld, Mass. SEDGWICK, ANNA B., Syracuse, N. Y. STANTON, MARTHA J., Salem, N. H. Taught one term ; worked as compositor on catalogue of library of Boston Athenaeum, Beacon Street, Boston, nine years; for last five years has cared for aged parents. Salem Depot, N. H. SYMMES, SARAH W.,* Westfleld, Mass. Taught in Dorchester, Mass., high school. Died about 1883. TOWER, MARY A., Cummington, Mass. Taught in Cummington, Mass., twelve years; Worthington, Mass., four years; Go8hen f< Ma8., two years; and adjoining towns, two years; in all, twenty years. Worthington, Mass. WILBUR, ANNIE, Syracuse, N. Y. GENTLEMEN. HALDEMAN, JOHN H., Bainbridge, Penn. Taught in Pennsylvania, two years; Illinois, one year; Indiana, one year; Montreal, one year; Westfield, Mass., twenty-one years; member of State Normal School, M-illersville, Penn. Married Emma V. Collins of Pennsylvania; one child. Westfield, Mass. SCOTT, HARRY H.,* Salem, N. H. Taught in Elizabethtown, N. Y., one year; entered Dartmouth College in 1867, graduated in 1871; taught in high school, Nahant, one year; in high school in Great Barrington, Mass., five years. Died of pneumonia, at Great Barrington, in 1877. SECTION III. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD, MASS. GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECTION III. This section contains the names of graduates, 1867-1889. Additional information respecting these graduates, supplementary to that herein noted, is much desired. Please address letters containing items to West- field Normal School. GRADUATES, 1867-1889. WINTER TERM, 1867. LADIES. ADAMS, EUNICE A.,* South wick. BROWN, FRANCES A.,* Southbridge. Taught in Hadley one year; Southbridge, one year. Married William H. Gates, Dec. 23, 1869. CLARKE, IDA E., Williamsburg. CONNER, IDA F.,* Newton Corner. HAYES, FLORETTE A., Shelburne Falls. HOLDEN, MATTIE S., Chicopee. Married F. "W. Hooper, Brooklyn. KANUSE, CARRIE A., Worcester. KNEIL, SARAH M., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield (mostly in high school) twelve years; appointed teacher in normal school 1879. See under Teachers. STOWE, SARAH E., Granby, Conn. Taught in Northampton, Windsor Locks, Conn., Enfield, Conn., Staten Island, N. Y., New Bedford, eight and one-half years. Scitico, Conn. GENTLEMEN. LAMSON, WARREN H., West Brookfleld. WHITE, WILLIAM H., Florida. A farmer. Married; three children. Hansel, Franklin County, Iowa. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BOGGS, MARY W., West Springfield. Married M. W. Story. Washington, D. C. {CARRIER, JOSEPHINE R., Hartwellville, Vt. Married J. E. Laughna. Greenfield. 80 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFIELD. CATLIN, ELLA E.,* Westfleld. Taught in Westfield Normal School, 1867 to 1872. Married Hon. H. B. Ide, Leavenworth, Kan. Died 1879. See under Teachers. DUNCAN, SARAH M., Shelburne. Taught in Adams, Charlemont and Shelburne, five years. Married, in 1869, to O.A.Upton of Adams, Mass.; and in 1882 to E. 8. Smead of Shelburne; one son. FERGUSON, ELLEN A., East Haven, Conn. HOWARD, LAUHA A., Westfleld. LINCOLN, ABBIE L., Warwick. Married G. W. Bridges, Brookline, N. H. PARDEE, ADA E., East Haven, Conn. ROBINSON, MARY W., Westfleld. ROCKWELL, MYRA L., Westfleld. ROGERS, FANNIE L., Cummington. Taught in North Adams, Cummington, Boston (eleven years to 1880) ; eight years in Westfleld, Mass., and twelve years in Boston to 1889; taken course of three years at School of Expression, Boston; Art School; in government office, clerical work; public reader; worker in woman suffrage, 1889. Cum- mington, Mass. SADLER, MARY A., Enflelcl. Taught in South Adams one term. Married A. L. Blackmer, March, 186"; three children. Belchertown, Mass., 1889. SANDERSON, J. LIZZIE, South Deerfleld. Graduated in July, 1867, and in 1873, the first class that was graduated from advanced course; taught in Northampton, Greenfield and Farmington, Conn., seven years. Married Otis Hagar in 1876. South Deerfield. SEARLE, CLARA J., Southampton. Taught in Southampton, Northampton, Holyoke, Westfield, Agawam, twelve years, South Manchester, Conn. Married, June 24, 1880, George E. Taylor, class of '77, Amherst College, and "80, Hartford Seminary; one son. Indianola, Neb. STEVENS, ESTHER M.,* Huntingtou. Died April 1, 1882. SUMNER, MATTIE L.,* Enfleld. Taught in Gardner, South Hadley Falls, Westfield. Married, April 7, 1871, Wilbur F. Smith, South Hadley Falls. Died Nov. 21, li>86, leaving husband, one son and two daughters. WATKINS, RUBIE F., Peru. Taught in Adams three terms; Whitinsville, three terms; Peru, one year; Hinsdale, two terms. Married, Oct. 12, 1881, to S. 8. Bowen, Peru. WHEELER, SUSIE E., Salem, N. H. Taught in Springfield five years; Williamstown, one year; read C. L. 8. C. two years; studied German with native teacher; made collection of corals and shells. Married, Nov. 24, 1881, G. C. Freeman, " a mariner; " one child. GENTLEMAN. CONANT, EVERETT W Paxton. Taught in Minnesota two years ; in Massachusetts, two and one-half years. Married, in 1872, Abbie 8. Dane; three children. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 81 WINTER TERM, 1868. LADIES. BALLARD, ADDIE H., Charlemont. BARTLETT, ALICE P., Cummington. Taught in Florence one term; Hartford, Conn., five years; Plymouth, Conn., two and one-half years. Married to W. E. Burdick, Feb. 22; 1875; has had four sons; two are living; taken and given lessons in oil painting and music. BODURTHA, SARAH L., Agawam. Taught in Becket one term; Westfield (Davis, grammar and high), one year; High School, Brimfleld, four years; Springfield (Worthington Street), one year; Westfield high school, two years. Married, Sept. 27, 1876, to N. H. Biggins; after marriage, taught Westfield high school December to June, 1876-77; three children. BRADLEY, ALICE M.,* Westfield. CHAPMAN, MARTHA L., Montgomery. Taught in Westfield and Easthampton, three and one-half years; C. L. S. C., W. C.T. U. Married, Jan. 3, 1872, John H. Kneil. Westfield. EUSTIS, FANNIE M.,* Northampton. Died at Northampton, in 1876. HICKEY, CATHERINE E., . . . . . . . Easthampton. Taught two years. Married, June 2, 1870, Frederick R. Knott, Westfield; one child. Has written for the press. HOLCOMB, ISABELLA G., Westfield. Married Edward S. Kaler. Washington, D. C. HOLMES, ROCCELLANA, ......... Russell. Taught in Blandford, eight months; Chester, six months; Russell, six months; Southwick, three months ; and Westfield, Mass., six months. Married, 1871, to Frederick H. Tracey. Winsted, Conn. HOLMES, ROCCELLANA, Russell. HOLT, JANE A Springfield. Taught in Hadley, two years; Springfield, 1870, fifteen years, 1889. MERRILL, MARIA A , Shelburne Falls. Taught in Shelburne Falls, Mass., New York Juvenile Asylum, N. Y., two and one-half years. Married, Sept. 28, 1870, Elisha J. Neale. Southington, Conn. PACKARD, SARAH E., Cummington. Taught at Northampton, three years. Married , March, 1871/ to H. Ladd, Bay State, Mass.; two children. PHELON, CELIA A., Granville. Taught in Granville, nineteen terms. Married, Nov. 28, 1877, William Emer- BOD Barnes; two children. West Granville, Mass. STOCKING, HAKRIKT S., Westfleld. Taught in Williamstown three months; Westfield, six months. Married Rev. R. L. Tabor in 1872; he died in 1886, leaving four children. She has a private primary and kindergarten school in her own house, January, 1889. Alameda, Cal. 82 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. STRONG, MAHTHA A., Northampton. Taught in Florence, two and one-half years; Easthampton, 1871-89. East- harapton. WATKINS, GRACE J., Peru. Taught in A damn five years (except one term in Reading); Ansonia, Conn., one year private grammar school, with superlntendency of lower school ; Ben- nington, Vt., five terms; Longmeadow, five terms. Married, Oct. 21, 1878, F. II. Hayes, Derby, Conn., "tradesman and manager of steam laundry;" three sons. Holyoke. GENTLEMAN. GIBBS, JOSEPH F., Agawara. Greely, Colorado. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ALLEN, ELIZABETH L., West Springfield. Taught in Cleveland, O., 1868-89, twenty-one years. Merrick. ARMS, ELLEN L., Greenfield. Married John Sheldon, Greenfield. BLANCHARD, EMILY E., Pownal, Vt. CADY, ELLEN, Stafford, Conn. Taught in Stafford, Conn., six years; in Whitinsville, Mass., three years; in all, nine years, four of which since graduation. Married, December, 1874, Stockwell Bettes of Springfield, Mass., a civil engineer and surveyor; has three children living. CHILDS, ELLEN, Lee. Taught in Davis and high school, AVestfield. Married Charles Booth, who died ; afterwards married Mr. Brown. Moville, la. CROSS, MARY A. P., ... ... Sandy Hill, N. Y Taught in Stockbridge one and one-third years; Great Barringtou, inter- mediate school, eight and two-thirds years; principal training school, North Adams, three years; Boston, Mass.; in all, twenty-one years. Boston. EGLESTON, ELLA J., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield three years. Married, Dec. 31, 1873, J. G. Robbins; two children. Westfield. EMMONS, LOUISE M., Boston. EVELETH, DANA A., Princeton. FARLEY, EMMA J., Conway. Married . J. Manning. Shelburne Falls. GERRISH, HARRIET N., Newburyport. GLADDEN, MARY W. C., Florence. Taught in Florence, 1868-72; Westfield high school, 1872-75. Married, Dec. 29, 1875, Dr. S. E. Thayer, Wenham, Mass. GRAVES, CHARLOTTE E., Northampton. HANNAFORD, ANNA M., Hudson. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 83 HOLMES, S. ANNA, Russell. KELSEY, MARY E., Boston. KING, LUCY F., Barre. Married Stuart L. Dermott. Springfield. KING, STELLA M., Willimansett. LAMBERTON, ELLEN,* Westfleld. LEGATE, JENNIE A.,* Monroe. OWEN, SARAH E., Springfield. PARTRIDGE, SUSAN A., Boylston. PORTER, ELIZA C., Cummington. Taught eight years, chiefly in Springfield and Cummington ; student at Training School for Nurses, Bellevue Hospital, New York, February, 1877; graduated 1878; nurse's department from 1878. 119 West Forty-first Street, New York. RAND, MARY A., New Britain, Conn. Taught in New Britain, Conn , one term ; Longmeadow, one term ; Fort Scott, Kan., one year; Unionville, Conn., three years; Plantsville, Conn., fifteen years; in all, nineteen years; C. L. S. C., four years' course; studied Latin and history " for recreation." Plantsville, Conn. READ, HANNAH K., Colrain. SHAW, ELNORA C., Prescott. STOCKWELL, MARTHA I.,* Cambridge. Taught in Ravenna, Worcester, Cleveland, O., Jamestown, Indianapolis, Ind. Married, Feb. 24, 1878, to W. D. Cushman of Brookfield, O. Died of consump- tion, Dec. 18, 1884, Ravenna, O. WALKLEY, SARAH E., Westfield. Married J. S. Wetmore. Westfield. WILLIAMS, SARAH R.,* Goshen. Studied, before entering normal school, Charlestown Female Seminary, Pinkerton Academy, N. H., and Oak Grove Academy, Pownal, Vt. ; after grad- uating, taught at Charter Oak School, Hartford, two years; West Middle School, 1870-75; assistant Hartford Night School, etc.; summer of 1873 in Europe; left teaching on account of ill health; 1875-76, California; California again in 1877; from latter part 1S77 residence near Denver, Col. Died at Boulder, Col., Aug. 24, 1879. Abundant testimony of successful teaching and helpful life. WILSON, ANGLE A., Springfield. GENTLEMEN. BATCHELDER, CLARKE A., Peru, Vt. MIDDLETON, SAMUEL G., Salem, N. H. Taught Stamford, Conn.; Kingston, N. Y.; Fairfield, Conn.; North Canaan, Conn.; in all, five years; Dartmouth Medical College, 1874; Northampton Lunatic Hospital, 1874-76; Harvard, graduated 1877, M.D.; physician in Bridgeport, Conn., and microscopist on staff of Bridgeport Hospital, Dr. Samuel M. Garlick. Married, Dec. 6, 1879, Harriet T. Knapp; five children. 256 State Street, Bridgeport, Conn. ROBBINS, JOSEPH G., Becket. Taught Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, one year; Kingston, N. Y., two years; Peekskill, N. Y., one year; Bay Shore, L. I., two years. Married, December, 1873, Ella J. Egleston (normal classmate) ; two children. 84 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. SHEPAUD, EDWIN, Westfleld. Taught Martineburgh, W. Va., two years; Newark, N. J., principal of gram- mar school, 1870-87. Married Anuie J. Grover, Oct. 17, 1872; three children. Graduated at Newark City Normal School; studied law and admitted in 1876; Author of " Graphic System of Penmanship," " Shepard's School Room Stencils," " Graphic Scrap Book," and contributor to school journals. WINTER TERM, 1869. LADIES. BABER, ELIZA M., Westfleld. Taught in Westfleld nineteen years. BATCHELDEK, LUELLA, Peru, Vt. BELDEN, MARY E., Whately. Taught in Northampton three years. Married, Nov. 20, 1872, Orlando C. Searle; six children. Southampton. CARLETON, EMMA F., West Springfield. COOK, CYNTHIA J., Hadley. Married H. B. Nash, Bowensburg, 111. DANE, LUCY A.,* Whately. Taught in Hadley and Adams. Married Edward Johnson. Died, 1882, in Hadley. EELLS, ISADORA J., Haramonton, N. J. Taught Northampton four terms; Hammonton, N. J.; Henderson, Ky., three years; Evansville, Ind., fifteen years (high school); had charge of training- school department of high school one year. Evansville, Ind. HARRIS, MELISSA J., Charlemont. HEYWOOD, EMOGENE H., Holyoke. Taught in primary and grammar school, Holyoke, four years. Married, June 3, 1873, Herbert Lyman of Westfleld. HOXIE, ESTHER M., Northampton. Taught in Easthampton two years; Northampton, five years. Married, in October, 1876, Alphonso Witherell; one son. Northampton. LADD, ADELE E., Pownal, Vt. McKENZiE, ELEANOR J., Westfleld. Taught in School of Observation, Westfleld, nine years; in Peirce School in Brookline, nine years. 14 Harvard Street, Brookline. NOYES, CHARLOTTE L.,* Binghampton, N. Y. Died at Binghampton, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1878. PECKHAM, MARY M., Westminster. Taught at Westminster, Maynard, Westborough and Kingston; fifteen years. Westborough, Mass. SMITH, ABBIE A., Montague. Taught at Montague, Whately, South Hadley Falls, Lawrence. 48 Newbury Street, Lawrence. GENTLEMEN, ELY, CHARLES F., . . . . . . Westfleld. HAYS, JAMES F., West Springfield. SMITH, D. HERBERT, West Springfield. Dentist. Holyoke. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 85 SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ANTHONY, ELIZA A., South Adams. Taught in graded school, South Adams, one year; in Illinois, one term; prin- cipal of school in Milledgeville, 111., one year and two months. Married, Dec. 25, 1871, to Porter S. Greene of Fayetteville, "Wis.; two children. Jefferson, la. ARMS, ELLEN A.,* Springfield. Taught in Holyoke, three years; Hilo, Hawaiian Islands, twelve years. BKOWNSON, ANGELA M., Elizabethtown, N. Y. Taught in Ashley Falls, Sheffield, four years. Married, Nbrember, 1874, to Rev. W. C. McAllister, pastor (1889) of largest Baptist church in New Hamp- shire; three children. 160 Harrison Street, Manchester, N. H. BCRLINGAME, PHEBE A., South Adams. Taught at North Adams, 1870-76; Bridgeport, Conn., 1876. 290 Broad Street, Bridgeport, Conn. CADY, ISABEL, Stafford, Conn. Mrs. Hey wood, Springfield. COMINS, ARABEL A., Erving. Returned for post-graduate course ; taught in Erving, Montague, Orange and Northbridge, and in California, ten years; studied at Wellesley College, one year. Miller's Falls. COMSTOCK, MARIA A., Dalton. Taught at Dalton, four years; Stockbridge, one year. Married, March 19, 1874, to W. Fayette Wharfield ; one son. 40 Church Street, Springfield. CUSHING, BELINDA W., Ashburnham. Taught in Longmeadow, one year. Married, Dec. 22, 1870, John J. Greenough ; two daughters. Deerfield, Mass. FULLER, AMELIA J., Columbia, Conn. Taught in Sheffield, three terms; Lebanon, Conn., one term; Columbia, Conn., one year; left teaching on account of ill health. GIBBS, MARY A., Otis. GIBBS, SARAH L., Agawam . Mrs. Wilcox, West Springfield, Mass. HARDING, LAURA C., South Deerfleld. See under Teachers. HOLT, CELIA, Stafford, Conn. Taught in Adams, three years; Stafford, Conn., two terms. Stafford Springs. JONES, HATTIE A.,* Westfleld. KING, MARY E., Westhampton. Taught in Westhampton, two years; Lake, Wis., one year; Milwaukee, two years; Wauwatosa, four years. Married, Oct. 30, 1879, George II. Williams; three children. Milwaukee, Wis. 86 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. MANSFIELD, LAURA A. M., . . . . Westfleld. Mrs. Bannister, Eastbridge, N. H. MANSFIELD, SUSIE E. A.,* Westfleld. MARBLE, JULIA, Northampton. Mrs. Madison Culver, Rochester, N. Y. MARBLE, NANCY,* Northampton. NIMS, MARY E., Shelburne Falls. Taught in Shelburne Falls, fifteen terms; adjoining towns, six terms; North Adams, one year; Leominster, 1 year; Conway, etc., nine and one-half years. Married, in 1881, to Alfred A. Newhall; two children. Shelburne, Mass. OSBORNE, HELEN E., Blandford. Taught in Blandford, Westfield, Lee, Marlborough, two years; superin- tendent in Great Barrington, ten years. PETTIS, LIZZIE, Troy, N. Y. Taught in Berkshire, one year; Lanesborough, six months; San Francisco, three and one-half years; New York Orphan Asylum, one year; English and French School, New York City, one year. 390 River Street, Troy, N. Y. PLUMB, NELLIE F., Westfleld ROGERS, MARY, Ware. SIMMONS, ELLEN P Springfield. Mrs. Fenton, Longmeadow. STIRLING, BERTHA W., Bridgeport, Conn. Taught in Great Barrington High School ; Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Deaf Mute Institute, New York ; in all, seven years. Married, March 13, 1877, Lucius S. Boomer; four children. Neville Street, near Centre Avenue, Pitts- burg, Penn. WHEELER, EMMA E., Westminster. Taught in South Adams, two years, high school. Married, October 18, 1871, to Charles T. Damon, South Framingham; three children. WHITE, AUGUSTA R., Canton, Conn. Taught in Ashley Falls, ten weeks; Canton, Conn., sixteen weeks. Married, in 1871, D. G. Wilcox, who died in 1883; one child. Plainville, Conn. WITT, MARY E., Granby, Taught in Monson and North Adams, Bridgeport, Conn., nineteen years; graduated C. 8. L. C.; studied Latin, German and English literature. Park Place, Bridgeport, Conn. GENTLEMEN. BUTLER, JASON, Wilbraham. Taught in Orange, two terms; in Wilbraham, nine terms; book-keeper and cashier some years ; member of school committee, nine years ; member of board of selectmen ; foreman for a contractor and builder. Married, May 3, 1871, 8. Cornelia Perrin. North Wilbraham. HORST, ALBERT F., Bainbridge, Penn. Taught at Westfleld, Mass., Oxford, N. Y., one year; Belville, N. J., three years; Mamaroneck, N. Y., three years; lumber and coal dealer; railroad and station agent. Married in July, 1875. Rushmore, Minn. SMITH, MIDDLETON C., Bainbridge, Penn. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WINTER TERM, 1870. LADIES. BUCKLIN, FRANCES A., South Adams. CHICKERING, HATTIE A., Fiskdale. CLARK, MARTHA L., Westhampton. Taught in Williamsburg and Westhampton, seven years. Married, Sept. 1, 1874, to Arthur K. Chapman. Westhampton. GREY, AGNES E., South Adams. GRISWOLD, LUCY J., Longmeadow. Taught in West Warren, two years; Enfleld, Conn., sixteen weeks; Long- meadow, two years; South Deerfield high school, two terms. Principal of girls' private school, three years. Married, Dec. 10, 1884, D. T. Smith; two children. Longmeadow. HARMON, ELLA A., ....,,. South Adams. HOLCOMB, EMILY E.,* Thompsonville, Conn. Mrs. Charles Bent, Thompsonville, Conn. Died December, 1876. HOSKINS, GEORGIE C., Thompsonville, Conn. LEONARD, HARRIET E., % Easthampton. Taught at Hadley and Easthampton, nine and one-half years; Holyoke, two years; Fort Wayne, Ind., six years. . Easthampton. LOOMIS, EMMA L., Hartford, Conn. Mrs. George B. Starkweather. NIMOCKS, LUCY H., Westfleld. Taught in Southampton, four years. Married, June 18, 1873, to n. C. Loomis ; June 24, 1886, to F. W. Carrier. Box 146, Easthampton, Mass. PROUT, ELLA, Westfleld. SEARLE, MARY L., Southampton. Taught in Westfield, Easthampton, Southampton and Newton Centre, seven years; in all, ten years. Married, April 6, 1881, E. W. Noyes; one adopted child. Newton, Mass. SMITH, FLORA S., . . . '. . . . . South Adams. STAUNTON, NETTIE M., Wilbraham. GENTLEMEN. ROBINSON, JULIUS B Mansfield, Conn. Taught grammar school, Ware, one term ; pastor First Baptist Church, West Springfield. SLOCUM, ALEXANDER, Tolland. 88 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ABBOTT, ELLA, Windsor, Vt. Taught in Illinois. ALLEN, MATTIE S., East Shelburne. Taught in Dalton, six months; Westfield, School of Observation, four years; Newton, two years. Invalid for years. East Shelburne. ANDERSON, SUSIE M., South Deerfleld. Mrs. Perry. BAKER, SARAH E., South Adams. Taught at South Adams, two years ; Springfield (Worthington Street), 1873-77; Cheshire, two years. Box 82, Chicopee, Mass. BARTLETT, ALICE C.,* Westfleld. Died Sept. 21, 1877. BIRGE, ADDIE, Westfleld. Mrs. Asa Smith, Westfield. CLAPP, MARY E., Chester. Mrs. Dr. Ellsworth Ellis, Meadville, Penn. COOK, HATTIE A., Englishtown, N. J. Mrs. J. R. Ambler. COOLEY, NELLIE A., Granville. Mrs. Harry Hiers, Brooklyn, N. Y. COPP, ELDORA J., East Saugus. Taught in Longmeadow, one term; Hadley, one term; Saugus, one year; Richmond, Ind., 1873-77, most of time principal of building of eight schools, seven years. Married, June 14, 1877, Burnett F.Witt; no children living, but eight grandchildren. 270 Central Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. FOOTE, LUCY E., Northampton. Taught at Westfield, one term. Married to M. M. Lloyd (normal), 1872; one son. Westfleld. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA Richmond, Ind. Taught in Greenville, O., January, 1871, to fall of 1872. Married, Oct. 17, 1872, Dr. John E. Matchett; three children living. Greenville, O. HERHMAN, BELLE M., Williamsburg. Taught in Williamsburg, one year; Holyoke, as supervisor of drawing, two yenr*; 1883, studied at Smith College, Northampton; painting, five years; graduated from art school. Married E. M. Ferry, 1872. Easthampton. HIGGINS, SARAH A.,* Washington. Married soon after graduation. Died July 20, 1880, leaving two children. Mrs. Charles Bromley, Chester! STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFIELD. 89 HOLCOMB, LAURA C. , Chester Centre. Taught at Blandford, two terms; Chester, four terms; Huntington, two terms. Married H. L. Pomeroy, Chester. HOLTON, ABBIE J., Hinsdale, N. H. Taught at Whitinsville, one term; New Hampshire Normal School, four years; Mobile, Ala., and vicinity, two years; Kewanee, 111., three years. Married, March 7, 1882, to Charles H. Wood. 77 Bridgham Street, Providence. HULL, ANNIE, Tolland. Taught in Granville and adjacent towns several years ; in Westfield Normal School; taught eleven years, to 1880. Married, March 1, 1882, Henry J. Viets. Sandisfield, Mass. LEONARD, ADALINE E.,* Essex, N. Y. Taught in New York State; at Westfield Normal School, 1879-80; studied Latin, German, French. Married, June 15, 1882, E. J. Fuller. Died at Reber, Essex County, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1883. LYMAN, KUTH S.,* Granby. Married Willard Taylor, Granby, Mass. Died of consumption, Aug. 19, 1884. MARVIN, HELEN, Westfield. Taught in Southwick, four terms. Married, Jan. 1,1880, Edward D.Olmstead, Penn Yan, N. Y.; one child. MCNAMARA, MARY, South Williamstown. Taught in Whitinsville, one term; Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, one year; Chicago, III., eight years. Married, 1880, T. C. Decker, Beloit, Wis. NOYES, LUCEBA E., Binghampton, N. Y. At home till married, in 1878, to J. T. Agard. Moved to California autumn of 1878. 610 18th Street, Oakland, Cal. NOYES, SARAH E.,* Williamstown. Taught in Williamstown; MeadvilU, Pa.; in charge of widowed brother's family in Lee, Mass. Drowned at Lee, Sept. 4, 1880. PIERCE, IDA F., Thompsonville, Conn. Taught in Palmer, two years; Warren, one year (1873); Enfield, Conn., 1874-76; Warren, 1876-79; West Millbury, 1879-80; ten years in all. Married, April 22, 1880, H. W. Davidson, West Millbury, who had three children. " We now have three more boys." PIERCE, ISABEL E., Chicopee. Taught September, 1870, to February, 1872. Married to A. W. Bigelow, a teacher. 8 Agricultural Street, Worcester. POMEROY, ELVIRA C., Northampton. Book-keeper, Northampton, nine years; fancy goods business, 1879-89. QUIGLEY, NETTIE M., Leeds. Mrs. C. E. Stevens, Northampton. ROOT, MARIETTA E., Waterbury, Conn. Taught in Wolcott, Conn., winter 1870-71; Waterbury, Conn., till 1878; caring for infirm parents, 1878. 12J Franklin Street, Waterbury, Conn. STONE, ADA E., Stockbridge. Taught in Stockbridge 1870 to December, 1876. Married, June, 25, 1877, to A. C. Nettleton, Stockbridge. STRATTON, M. LIZZIE,* Englishtown, N. J. Died, 1875. 90 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. STRONG, RACHKL L. , . . . . . . . Northampton. Taught In Northampton till 1881 ; eight years. 176 South Street, Northampton. TORRKY, H. ABBIE,* Williamstown. Died, 1872, of consumption. VINING, F. ELOISE Westfield. Able to teach but little; has given private lessons, and taught as substitute. Westfield. WATKINS, FANNY C.,* Peru. Taught at Whitinsville, two years; North Adams, two years. Married, April 8, 1874, William T. Mole, Williamstown. Died July 13, 1875. ZELLER, CLARA S., Richmond, Ind. Taught in Richmond, Ind.; 1881, in Germany, "sight-seeing," and studying music. GENTLEMEN". FISHER, EDWIN A., Royalston. Taught in Orange. Civil engineer. Married Ella F. Breckenridge. MIDDLETOX, JAMES, Salem, N. H. Tanght in Royalston, one term; Wilbraham, two terms; Hazardville, Conn., three terms; Black Rock, Conn., two terms; Fairtteld, Conn., six terms; Yale, September, 1875-October, 1876. Ill health. Book agent. New Haven, Conn. ROBBINS, LORENZO A., Becket. Taught in Kingston, N. Y., two years; taught and studied in Claverack College, 1872-73; studied at Drew Theological Seminary, three years ; graduated in 1877 (B. D.) ; taught while in Seminary at Bay Shore, L. I., four months; Madison, N. Y., and Middlefield, Mass. Married, May 30, 1878, Carrie E. Pine; one son. Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church, 1877-89. Bullville, Orange County, N. Y. WINTER TERM, 1871. LADIES. AMIDON, MARTHA E., Longmeadow. Taught in Palmer, one term; Southbridge, one term,|Whitinsville, one year; Worcester, nearly five years ; Sterling, 1882. Sterling. BLODGETT, ELIZABETH S., South Deerfleld. Taught in Palmer, one term; Shelburne, two terms; West Deerfield, two terms; Deerfield, six terms. Married, May 11, 1881, Colton M. Stebbins; four children. South Deerfield, Mass. BROWN, ABBY A., Brimfield. Taught in Bondville, two terms; Brimfield; Clinton, Conn., two years; Michigan, two years; Athol; Westborough, in all, twelve years. Married, August, 1885, Warren 8. Whitcomb; one child. 293 Locust Street, Holyoke, Mass. BUTLER, S. ELIZABETH Williamsburg. Attended school in Wilbraham; taught in Easthampton. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 91 DRURY, SUSIE F., Royalston. Taught in Palmer, four terms; Trenton, N. J., one year; Orange; Athol, 1877. Athol. EDWARDS, MARY H., Westhampton. Taught at Easthampton, two terms. Married, April 10, 1872, Charles H. Hooker; three children. Westhampton. HURLBUT, ADDIE T.,* North Hadley. Taught one year. Died at Wethersfield, Conn., May 30, 1872. MUNSING, MATILDA, Ludlow. Taught at Bondville, two terms; Easthampton, two terms; Ludlow, eleven terms. Married, April 25, 1877, Lucien N. Lyon ; two children. Chicopee Falls. NOBLE, ELLEN E., Northampton. Taught at Bondville, two terms; Easthampton, one term; Smith's Ferry, five terms; in Northampton, two years. Married, June 1, 1876, Dexter Beals, Jr. ; four daughters. Easthamptou. ROOD, MATTIE A., . . . Westfleld. Taught, Agawam, primary, two terms; Dalton, grammar; Hinsdale, high school, two and one-half years; special course at South Hadley; taught high school in Granby, Mass.; academy, Southwick, four terms; high school, West- field, eight ye'ars. Married Rev. D. M. Pratt; two children. Corner Grand Avenue and 13th Street, Pueblo, Col. ROYS, LUCY J., . . . . . . . New Ashford. Taught in Vermont, one term; Drury Academy, North Adams, one year; Palmer, two years (primary and grammar) ; North Adams, five years. Bedford, la. SMITH, HENRIETTA L., South Deerfield. Taught in West Meriden, Conn., Miller's Falls, Mass., five terms; New Salem Academy, assistant; Amboy, 111.; in all, nine years. Wrote for publication; studied Latin, German, etc. Married, Aug. 14, 1879, D. O. Chickering; two . sons. Enfield, Mass. SWAN, LIZZIE A., Ludlow. Taught in North Hadley, four terms; Lenox, three terms; Athol, six terms. Indian Orchard, Chicopee, 1879. GENTLEMAN. COMINS, JOHN S - . Erving. Taught in School of Observation, Westtield, some months; business man. Married, June 30, 1878, L. D. Browning (normal). Browning Hall, 380 High Street, Holyoke, Mass. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BRIGHT, NELLIE M.,* Springfield. Taught in Westfield, eight terms; taught in Springfield, 1875. Married. Died, September, 1883. BROWNING, LETTIE D., Northfield Farms. Taught in Massachusetts, three years; New Britain, Conn, (normal school), seven years. Married, June 30, 1873, to John S. Comins (normal). Studied at Art Training School, South Kensington, London, Eng. Browning Hall, 380 High Street, Holyoke, Mass. 92 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. CATLIN, CAKRIK C., Leaven worth, Kan. Married Chauncey L. Knapp, Leavenworth, Kan. EDWARDS, MARTHA A., Westhampton. Taught in Massachusetts, two years. Married, March 12, 1872, L. A. Cole; two daughters. Cheshire. ELDRIDGE, ELDORAH S Rockville, Conn. Taught, ever since graduation, in Wisconsin State Normal School at White- watt-r, four years; at Rockville, Conn., one year; at Montclair, N. J., thirteen years. Montclair,' N. J. HAYWARD, HARRIET L., Whitinsville. HUBBARD, ADA M., South Deerfleld. Taught in high school, Brimfleld, one year; Springfield, four years; Warren, two years; advance course, 1872-73; taught in Schoharie, N". Y., Academy, three years. Married, October, 1883, Amos 8. Cooley, Northampton, Mass. JEWETT, MARY L., Hadley. Taught in Rhode Island Normal School, seven years. Married, July 25, 1878, Charles F. Taylor, Providence, R. I.; three children. MARTIN, SARAH E., ' . Florence. Taught in Berkshire, one year; Northampton, fifteen years. Studied draw- ing, painting, German, etc. MCKENZIE, JANET N., Westfleld. Mrs. B. M. Hill, Stockbridge. MOLE, S. ELEANOR, Williarastown. Taught in Westfield Normal School, 1871-75. Married, May 6, 1876, Rev. J. H. Barrows; two sons and two daughters. Educated at home and in private school ; Williamstown High School ; Westfield State Normal School. 2957 Indi- ana Avenue, Chicago, 111. See Teachers. OSBORN, ELLEN A.,* . . . . . . . . Westfleld. Taught. Deceased. PAIGE, MARY A., Chicopee Falls. Taught. PORTER, JULIA H., Cummington. Taught in Cnmmington, Goshen, Williamsburg, Whately; Kalamazoo, Mich. Married, Dec. 2, 1884, Otis H. Buck; one son. Worthington, Mass. SEAUS, AMELIA L, West Hawley. Taught in Palmer, one year; Somerville, sixteen years. 20 Pinckney Street, Somerville, Mass. SEARS, HATTIE M.,* West Hawley. Taught in Holyoke, three years; Somerville, four years; health failed, ill two years of consumption. Died at her home, West Hawley, April 14, 1880. SEVERANCE, MARION L., Williamstown. Taught at Becket, Southampton, Williamstown, Clarksburg, six years. Married, March, 1879, M. M. Gavitt. Williamstown, Mass. SHEPAKD, ALICE S., Westfleld- Taught in Hadley, one year; Westfield (Green District), two years. Married, Nov. 19, 1874, E. D. Smith; two children. Westfield. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 93 SMITH, ALMA A., Westfleld. Taught in Westfleld, West Springfield, Cambridge, ten years. Married, March, 1881, Frederick E. Caller; two children. Hyde Park, Mass. STRATTON, MYRA M., Englishtown, N. J. Taught at Hoboken, N. J., 1873-80. Married, June 9, 1880, William L. Condit. Hoboken, N. J. UPSON, M. FANNIE, Westfleld. Taught in Brooklyn, N. Y.; Westfield High School; Literacy Institute, Suf- fleld, Conn.; Springfield High School. Graduated at Mount Holyoke College, 1873. Married, Dec. 26, 1883, Rev. Burton W. Lockhart, Chicopee, Mass. VAILL, ADDIE T., Shutesbury. Taught in Massachusetts, three years; Vermont, one term. Married, 1873, C. B. Warner, who died in 1877. Married, in 1885, Frank A. Cadwell. Attended Monson Academy. Studied French, Latin, etc. Amherst, Mass. WARNER, ADA A., Granby. Taught in Holmdel, N". J., two years; normal school, St. Cloud, Minn.; Longmeadow; Monroe Seminary, Michigan, two years; in all, seventeen years. Attended Vassar College; summer school, Martha's Vineyard. St. Cloud, Minn. GENTLEMAN. ALLEN, DAVID P., North Brookfield. Taught at Lumberton and vicinity, ST. C., 1876, to date in normal school. Married; eight children. WINTER TERM, 1872. LADIES. BREWSTER, ADDIE, Brooklyn, L. I. ELWELL, LOUISE F., Springfield. Taught in Red Bank, N. J., one year and four months; Springfield, fifteen years. 294 Chestnut Street, Springfield. HADLEY, CLARA F.,* Chicopee. Taught in Berkshire, Mass.; Greenville, N. H., one year; Willimansett (Chicopee), two years. Died June 25, 1884, after a long illness. HASKINS, ELLA M., Boston. MORSE, FANNIE V.,* Westfleld. * Taught in Springfield; School of Observation, Westfield, several years; libra- rian of Westfield Athfeneum. Died in Westfield, Aug. 6, 1888. NORTON, LUCIE H., Chicopee. REYNOLDS, CHARLOTTE E., Hadley. Mrs. Davis, Adams. RUGGLES, LOUISA K., Orange. Mrs. Walter Wells, Fayette City, la. 94 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. SIBLEY, HELEN S., Athol. TILDEN, SARAH J., Wilbraham. TUTTLE, MAIUA L., Hadley. Taught in South Deerfield, Hatfield, Hadley ; Windsor, Conn.; Red Bank, N. J. Married, May 8, 1878, George A. Fenton; four children. Cedar Rapids, Boone County, Neb. UPSON, CASSIE P., Milwaukee, Wis. Taught in Central High School, Cleveland, O., one and one-half years; editor of " Good Cheer," five years, and contributor to many magazines and papers since 1880. Married, Jan. 1, 1874, Edward P. Clark; haa three sons. 551 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GENTLEMEN. FLAGG, EDWARD W., Northborough. Taught at Glencoe, 111., three years; in normal school, Potsdam, N. Y., six years; graduated at Williston Seminary, Easthampton; graduated at Yale College. Married, June 28, 1888, Laura A. Cauble, Brooklyn, N. Y. Potsdam, N.Y. SEVERANCE, ELMER D., Williamstowu. Taught one term ; superintendent John Russell Cutlery Company, ten years. Married, 1879, Alice C. Lester; 1887, Mary 8. Graves; two children. Turner's Falls, Mass. STRICKLAND, WILBER L., Otis. Taught in Mansfield, Conn., three years; Suffleld, Conn., one year; Otis, two years. Carpenter, joiner, agent for farm machinery, etc. Married Sept. 26, 1875, Celina B. White of Westfield; two children. Otis. SUMMER TERM, 1872. LADIES. ABBE, MARY, Westfield. Taught in Westfield and Chesterfield, three years. Married, March 2, 1881, to W. A. Smith, M. D., of Ashfield, Mass. Ashfield. ALDRICH, ELLEN M., Northbridge. Kansas. ARMSBY, EVALYN C., Whitinsville. Taught in Whitinsville, two terms. Graduated at N"orthbridge High School, 1870. Librarian of Whitinsville Library, 1879. BALLOU, FLORA E., Ashton, R. I. Taught in Rhode Island, two years. Married, November, 1884, George D. Follett; has two sons. Ashton, R. I. BUELL, SARAH N., Westfleld. Married, 1880, Henry W. Ely (normal), Westfield. BULLARD, IDA M., Westfield. CAMPBELL, EMMA L., Westfield. CLARK, FANNIE M., Hadley. Taught in Hadley, seventeen terms, Holyoke, 1879. Mrs. George F. Smith. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 95 CONWELL, ELIZA J., North Blandford. EDWARDS, KATIE A., Westhampton. Taught in Greenfield, three years; Northampton, five years. Married, Nov. 24, 1880, M. W. Moakley, Florence; two children. Bay State, Mass. GRAY, HELEN M., Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Taught in North Bennington, Vt., twenty -three terms; re-entered Normal School November, 1881; remained till April, 1882. HOLTON, ISABEL S., Westfleld. Mrs. M. O. T. Coleman, Westfield. LAY, EMMA F., Westfleld. Taught in Montague, two terms; Enfield, Conn., twenty-five terms. Thomp- sonville, Conn. LENTELL, ADA L., Slmtesbury. Taught in Montague, two terms; Pelham, two terms; Sunderland, one term; Enfield, Conn., one term; in all, two years. C. L. 8. C. Dressmaking. MACOMBER, CARRIE R., . . . Con way. Mrs. George F. Holton. BOBBINS, LYDIA M., . . . . . . . . . Becket. Taught, 1872-1875, in Hadley, Becket, Middlefield. Married, June 22, 1876, John Bennett. North Blandford, Mass. ROBERTSON, JANETTA A.,* Whitinsville. Taught. Deceased. SEARLE, BELLE H., Southampton. Taught in Southampton, two years; Easthampton,two years; Palmer, 1877-84, seven years. Married, May 20, 1885, Edward T. Potter; one son. Ludlow Centre, Mass. ' STRONG, HARRIET E., Northampton. Taught in Northampton, nine years. 278 South Street, Northampton, Mass. WALTON, HATTIE P., Westfleld. Mrs. J. R. Dunbar, Newton, Mass. WOODBURY, IDA E., Westfleld. Taught in Montague, three years; Southampton, one term; Charlton, two terms. Married, Oct. 2, 1878, Willard E. Everett. Two children. Turner's Falls, Mass. WOOLSON, GEORGIA A.,* Cbicopee Falls. Graduated at high school, Chicopee Falls, 1868 ; taught at Chicopee, two years ; one year at Westfield Normal School ; taught four years in " Shaw University," Raleigh, N. C.; taught high school, Brimfield, 1876-1882; North Carolina, among colored people, to 1884; Sioux Falls Baptist College. Married, 1882, F. W. Perry. Died December, 1885, at Sioux Falls, Dak. GENTLEMEN. ADAMS, CHARLES F. C., East Brookfleld. Worcester, Mass. ELY, HENRY, Westfleld. Married, 1880, Saruh N. Buell (normal) ; two children. 96 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. PARKER, EDWARD S.,* Northborough. Taught at Ware; school committee, Northbridge; insane. Died at Insane Asylum, Worcester, Oct. 26, 1880. TALMADGE, LEV: G., Southwick. Missouri. WINTER TERM, 1873. LADIES. ALDRICH, ALICE A., Northbridge. BARNES, ABBIE J., Pittsfleld. BOYDEN, CLARA M., Conway. Taught in Shelburne, Whitinsville, Conway, twelve years since graduating, and still teaching. Married, March 17, 1875, Charles F. Allis; two children. Conway. BRAGG, MYRA L., Royalston. Taught in North Brookfleld, one term; North Uxbridge, two terms ; North- ampton, seven terms. Married, Dec. 25, 1876, John Davis. 21 William Street, Worcester. BRAINARD, MYRA F. D.,* Enfleld, Conn. CAMPBELL, EMMA E., Conway. Mrs. Anson Guilford. CARLETON, EVA M., West Springfield. CLARK, KATIE B., . Huntington. Taught in Chester, two terms; Peru, one term; Cummington, one term; Huntington, two terms; Montgomery, three terms. Married, Sept. 12, 1877, Richmond A. Jenkins. Swift River, Mass. GATES, VIOLANTE North Brookfield. GUILFORD, MARY P., Conway. Taught in Newton, sixteen years. Married, September, 1877, Frank Fanning. Newton Upper Falls, Mass. KENNEY, SUSIE L., St. Johnsbury, Vt. KNAPP, ANNIE E., Westfleld. Married. Athol, Mass. LONG, MARY V., Northfield. Mrs. C. J. Bradley, Westtteld. NICHOLS, AMELIA M., Richmond. PIERCE, LIZZIE A., South Hadley Falls. POMEROY, FANNY L., South Hadley Falls. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. SIBLEY, HATTIE E., West Springfield. Taught in Southborough, Westfield and Orange, thirteen years. Married, July 4, 1876, F. S. Ewing; no children living; C. L. B.C. Orange, Mass. STEVENS, ANNIE M., Brattleboro, Vt. Taught in Brattleboro, Vt., one and one-half years. Arlington, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 97 TOOLE, MARY E., Dalton. Taught in Tyringham, one terra; Washington, one term; Whitinsville, 1874- 83, grammar department. Married, Nov. 15, 1883, Eugene O 'Neill (classmate). Dayton, W. T. GENTLEMEN. GUILFORD, ANSON B., Con way. O'NEILL, EUGENE, Stockbridge. Dartmouth. Married, Nov. 15, 1883, Mary E. Toole (classmate, normal). Dayton, O. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. AVKRY, JENNIE E., Westfleld. Mrs. H. N. Kingsbury, Westfleld. BAKER, LEILA A Westfleld. BLISS, MARIA E., Wilbraham. Taught in Tyringham, Whitinsville, Longmeadow, Wilbraham, fifteen years. North Wilbraham, Mass. COCHRANE, ALICE, Tippecanoe City, O. COGAN, ANNIE J.,* Leeds. COREY, LIZZIE A., Chicopee Falls. Taught in Browuville, Neb., four mouths; Tippecanoe City, 1874-81; left ranks 1881 (ill-health) ; bookkeeper, Kansas City, 1882. Delavan, Wis. DUDLEY, LIZZIE M., Westfleld. Took part of post-graduate course; taught in Westfield, one term; Deerfield, two years; Granville, two terms; Easthampton, three terms; in Chicago, a private school, one year; in Winona, one year; in Champaign, 111., two terms; in all, six and one-half years. Married, Oct. 7, 1884, Dr. Henry E. Gushing. Champaign, 111. ELDER, SARAH A., . . . . ' . . . . Chester Centre. FAY, MARY A., Athol Depot. FELTON, S. PAULINE, Gatesville, N. C. Taught in Massachusetts, Alabama, New York and Central America, eleven years. Willeyton, Gates County, N. C. FLAGG, SARAH E. F., Northborough. Taught in Northbridge, five years; Hudson, 1878-86; Northborough, 1880. Married, Aug. 5, 1879, E. O. Greene. Box 113, Northborough, Mass. FULLER, ADA F., Westfleld. GRAVES, ELLA J., Montague. Mrs. Frank Smith, Grand Rapids, Mich. LATHROP, BESSIE C., South Hartley Falls. Married. Warren, Maes. 98 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. LOVELL, JULIA A., Cummington. Taught in Montgomery, Huntington, Goshen, Hawley, Mass., one term each; the remainder of eight years in Ashland and Cummington. Married, Oct. 16, 1884, Ralph M. Porter. Cummington. LYON, MARIA L., . Chicopee Falls. Mrs. Homer Bartlett, Ludlow, Mass. MILLER, MATTIE M., Blandford. Taught in Newton, five years; Whitinsville, one year. Married, Oct. 1, 1879, Sidney Dickinson. A fine artist; has written for Boston papers; now (1889) travelling from London to Australia and New Zealand to spend a year. NICHOLSON, KATK K.,* Elizahethtown, N. Y. Taught in School of Observation in Westfleld; Newton; died at Elizabeth- town, N. Y. Highly successful primary teacher. NORTON, CARRIE B., West Springfield. Taught in West Springfield, thirteen years; studied elocution and music. Married, May 23, 1888, William F. Cook. Box 79, Mittineague, Mass. PAGE, EVA L., Chicopee Falls. POMEROY, CORA A., Westfleld. ROCKWOOD, MARY A.,* Middlefleld. Died in India about 1881. ROCKWOOD, SUSIE A., . Middlefleld. Taught at Middlefield, three years; Stonington, Conn., one year; and a winter at Granville. Taken Chautauqua course; has charge of juvenile temperance work, and fiuds normal principles useful. STONE, LIZZIE N., Shelburne Centre. Taught at Shelburne, 1873 to 1876. Married, Dec. 27, 1876, Daniel P. Bard- well; three children. Bardwell Ferry. SHEPARD, ADDIE E., Westfleld. Taught in Massachusetts, four terms. Westfield. SHERMAN, CARRIE M., South Ashfleld. Taught in Ashfield, Shelburne, Conway, five years. Married, Sept. 25, 1878, Arthur C. Arms. Conway. WELLS, MARY E., Shelburne. Taught in Massachusetts, one year; in Indiana, three years; in Nebraska, five years; in Government Indian School, two years. Genoa, Neb. WING, ETHIE J. M., Conway. Taught in Williamstown, three years; Whitiusville, Conway and Glen's Falls, two years. Married, Sept. 17, 1878, Samuel Graham. Whitinsville, Mass. GENTLEMEN. DILLER, J, SILAS, . . Plainfleld, Penn. Taught Wextfield State Normal School, 1873-77; studied at Harvard Sci- entific School, 1877-81; took degree of 8. B. in 1879. Married Laura I. Paul (normal), June 5, 1883. In 1880, secured Parker fellowship at Harvard ; May, 1881, University at Heidelberg, Ger.; studied petrography with Professor Rosenbusch, one and one-half years; geologist of Assos expedition; seven months travelling in Asia Minor, especially in the Troad; United States Geo- logical Survey, 1883. Washington, D. C. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 99 KKLSO, LYMAN C., Chester Centre. TRUESDELL, LUTHER W., . Shelburne. WOOD, GEORGE W.,* Brooklyn, L. I. Studied at Cornell University; at medical .-chooJ ; practised medicine at South- ampton. Married. Died at Southampton, of diphtheria, August, 1878. WINTER TERM, 1874. LADIES. CLARY, MARY S., . . Montague. HATCH, ESTHER G., Pittsfield. JONES, JULIA A Westfleld. Married Rev. Daniel Rogers, Tahlequah, Ind. Ter. MILLER, ROSALIE, Hatfleld. PELTON, OLIVE M., ...... Hazardville, Conn. KAYMOND, HELEN E., Pittsfleld. TOWLE, MARY E., Hampton, N. II. Taught in Cambridge, 1874. Cambridge, Mass. WAIT, IDA L., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, nine and one-half years. Married, June 9, 1883, Dwight Kelton; one child. 7 East Dwight Street, Holyoke. WARNER, LUCIA J., Southampton. WHITE, HARRIET F., Heath. Taught in Indian Orchard, January, 1874, to July, 1876; Hawley, 1877; West Springfield; West Warren. WILSON, HARRIET R., Mansfield, Conn. Came to normal school from high school; Willimantic, Conn, (graduated); assistant to Mrs. Dickinson in drawing, one term; taught at Deerfield, gram- mar department, three years; South Hadley Falls, two terms; 1879, at Griswold, Conn.; Mansfield, Conn., one year; Danielsonville, Conn., two years. Married, Sept. 27, 1883, James P. Northrop; one daughter. 517 Avenue E., Bayonne, N.J. GENTLEMAN. JONES, THOMAS H., Westfleld. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BLAIR, SARAH A., Huntington. Taught in Montebello Ladies' Institute, Newbury, Vt., three years; Hunting ton, Mass, (public schools), three years; Eawthampton, three years; C. L. S. C. one year. Married, April, 1883, Herbert E. Miller; three children. Gartteld, Kan. 100 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFIELD. BROWNE, EMELINE A., . . . . . . West Chester, Conn. Taught in Springfield, Mass., fifteen years; attended summer schools at Sara- toga, N. Y.; Niantic, Conn.; C. L. 8. O. of 1888; continued study. Box 401, Springfield, Mass. BUSH, EMMA, Westflelcl. Taught iu Westfield, four years; Suffield, Conn., three years to 1883; in all, seven years. Married, November, 1883, James Hulking. Box 247, Suftield, Conn. DIKE, MARY S., Westminster. Taught in Valley Falls, R. I., two years; Adams, Mass., four years. Married, Sept. 10, 1882, A. D. Wheeler of Westford. Westborough, Mass. DUDLEY, IDA E., Westfleld. Married Dr. F. A. Bragg, Westfield; two children. FAY, LUELLA E., Springfield. Taught drawing in Springfield, fifteen years. 36 Maple Street, Springfield. FISKE, SARAH D Conway. Taught in Conway, eleven years. Married, Dec. 31, 1885, William C. Wilder. Conway, Mass. OILMAN, SARAH G., West Hartland, Conn. Taught in School of Observation, Westfield, two years; West Winsted.Conn., 1876-79. Married, Sept. 14, 1881, W. H. Williams, agent Georgia Mortgage Loan Company, Winsted, Conn. HUMPHREYS, MAUD M., Hartford, Conn. Taught in School of Observation. Mrs. Thomas E. McClenathan, 273 Duwell Avenue, New Haven, Conn. KETCHEN, LIZZIE E., Simsbury, Conn. Taught, fourteen terms, Orphan Asylum, New York; Bloomfield, Conn., etc. Bloomfield, Conn. LEE, FANNY A., Thompsonville, Conn. Taught in Westfield, one year; Agawam, one term; Enfield, Conn., two terms; West Warren, 1878. LEE, NELLIE A., South Deerfield. Mrs. McBurney, 247 Washington Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. MASON, LIZZIE, Springfield. NEWTON, LIZZIE M., Westminster. Taught in Westminster, two years, before entering normal school ; taught in Adams, Mass, two years; Bridgeport, Conn., nine years; New Haven, Conn., one year; in all, fourteen years. Married, Aug. 21, 1883, Henry K. Trunk ; com- pleted C. L. 8. C.; studied German, psychology, etc. 76 Gregory Street, New Haven, Conn. PAIGE, CLARA J. , Chicopee Falls. Taught three years before entering normal school, at Chicopee Falls grammar school; five years, since graduating, at Greylock Institute, South Williamstown; is completing third year of C. L. S. C. Married, Aug. 15, 1878, Charles A. Mills; three children. PERRY, SARAH L., Centre White Creek, N. Y. Taught in Massachusetts and New York, fifteen years. Centre White Creek, Washington County, N. Y. PHELPS, FIDELIA, . . . South Deerfleld. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFIELD, 101 PIERCE, JENNIE M., Montague. RING, ABBIE L., Chester. Taught in Lanesborough, Chester, East Whately, South Hadley Falls and Berlin, Mass.; in all, fourteen years; graduated^C. L. 8. C.; also read "Seal Courses." 174 West Bartlett Street, Brockton, Mass. SANFORD, EMMA S., Westfleld. Mrs. Q. B. Sackett, 58 Day Avenue, Westfield. SHEPARD, LILLY, Westfield. STEVENS, CLARA, Chester. Northampton, Mass. TYLER, GEORGIE E., Westfield. Taught in Deerfield, one year; profession, dramatic; Boston Museum, five years; since travelled with theatrical company. Married, July 2, 1878, Daniel Kent. Box 1196, Springfield, Mass. WHITCOMB, ALICE F., Centre White Creek, N. Y. Newton Highlands. WINTER TERM, 1875. LADIES. ALLEN, DELIA P., Prescott. Taught in Athol and Belchertown, two years; general assistant in publish- ing office of " Science," and three years stenographer for Ginn & Co., pub- lishers, Broadway, N. Y. Prescott. BURT, LILLIE M., Longmeadow. Mrs. A. S. Turner, 67 Gilbert Street, Bridgeport, Conn. FREEMAN, KATE F., West Darien, Conn. Taught in Whitinsville, four terms. Married, 1876, David Chase. Whitins- ville, Mass. MAYNARD, ELLEN F Springfield. Taught in Springfield and in New York City, two and one-half years. Mar- ried, May 12, 1880, William II. Doty. 986 Boston Road, Springfield. NICHOLS, ADA M., East Charlemont. Mrs. Clinton Pratt, Lanesborough. PALMER, MATTIE P., . Chicopee. Taught in Tyringham, two years; Chester, one-third year; Monson, State Primary School, one and one-half years; Chicopee, 1879. Chicopee. PAUL, LAURA I., Greason, Pa. Taught in Massachusetts, one and one-half years; in Connecticut, three years (Lanesborough and Sheffield, Mass; Fairfield and Bridgeport, Conn.); special course at Wellesley College, 1879-80. Married, June 5, 1883, J. 8. Diller. 1804 16th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ROBINSON, MARY M., Amherst. Taught in Amherst, nine years. Amherst. 102 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. SMITH, JULIA E., Tyringham. Taught In Cheshire, one year; Waterbury, Conn., one year; Granby, Conn., eight yearn; in 1880, at Westfield State Normal School, special student; 1886, Washington, D. C., studied medicine; graduated at Howard Medical College March 16, 1889; now house physician at boarding school in Washington, D. C., since 1887. 1100 M Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., or Granby, Conn. WILDER, EMMA F., Keene, N. H. Taught in Bennington, Vt., two years; Bridgeport, Conn., one year; Superior, Wis., one term. Married, Sept. 20, 1880, Frank F. Watkins; three children. Hinsdale, Mass. WILCOX, JULIA E., South Deerfield. Taught in Whitinsville, 1875-81; Holyoke, 1881-84; William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Penn., five years. 1408 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Penn. WILKES, ELLA M., . . Windsor. Taught in Peru, Windsor, Cummington, Dalton, Easthampton, Ashfield and Savoy; in all, fourteen years. Married, April, 1880, George M. Bourne; one child. Savoy Centre, Mass. GENTLEMEN. BALLOU, HOSEA S., North Orange. Studied at Williston Seminary, Easthampton; Harvard College, Cambridge; University of Berlin, Germany; College de France, Paris. President " Ballon State Banking Company," Boston, Mass., Storm Lake and Sioux City, Io., and Huron, S. Dak. Marrud Mary Farwell, Boston. 150 Devonshire Street, Equitable Building, Boston, Mass. STIMPSON, CHARLES E., Mittincague. Holyoke, Mass. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ADAMS, ESTELLA C., Williamstown. Taught in Williamstown, 1875-82, seven years. Married, May 3, 1882, Rev. T. G. Thompson; two children. Gloversville, N. Y. BACON, JOSEPHINE S., Springfield. BEALS, CLARA E., South Deerfleld. Taught in Deerfield in 1876. South Deerfield. BISSELL, 'ALICE C., Charlemont. Married, Oct. 6, 1880, Rev. Henry C. Alvord; two children. South Wey- mouth, Mass. BRIGGS, CARRIE B., Springfield. Taught evening school at Indian Orchard and Springfield, and substituted some. Married, Oct. 3, 1876, William H. Hill ; two sons. Box 58, Merrick, Mass. COGSWELL, FRANCES L., Chicopee. Married, May 4, 1882, Arthur A. Rice. 412 West 57th Street, New York. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFIELD. 103 CLEVELAND, HELEN M., . . . . . . . . Holyoke. Taught in North Adams and Holyoke, and State Normal School, Platteville, Wie., since graduating, except when studying; attended Ann Arbor University, Michigan; Berlitz School of Language, Boston, Mass.; revised some school books; published little readers. 58 Kinsman Street, Cleveland, O. CUTLER, IMOGENS, Boylston Centre. Mrs. Imogene Glazier, West Boylston. COLLINS, B. AGNES, Williamstown. Bennington, Vt. DAVIS, IDA F. , Easton, N. J. Easton, N. J. EMERSON, SARAH A., . . . . . Hanover Centre, N. H. Taught in Fall River, 1875. Mrs. A. B. Dimick, Woburn, Mass. EGLESTON, NELLIE A., Westfield. Taught in Westfield. Married, Dec. 19, 1882, Walter M. Dizer. Huntington Avenue, Boston. FISK, NETTIE E., West Deerflekl. Mrs. Nettie Burt, 43 Cedar Street, Springfield. GOLDTHWAITE, CLARA L., Granby. Taught in North Orange, one term; Southborough, one term; Granby, ten terms to 1880; six years to 1889. Married, Oct. 21, 1886, Willard A. Taylor. Granby, Mass. HIGGINS, ROSA E., Cummington. Taught in Cummington and Worthington, eight years. Married, Dec. 7, 1881, Harry D. Ormsby; one child. West Chesterfield, Mass. HOWE, CARRIE M., North Brookflekl. Taught in North Brookfield, 1875-82. Married, May 4, 1882, Lucius H. Tucker; three children. North Brookfield. LYMAN, ELLA W., South Hadley. Mrs. Joseph R. Dohnes, Vine Street, Lincoln, Neb. MAYNARD, CORA E.,* Daltou. Taught in Washington, two terms; Dalton, eight terms. Married Edwin 8. Pomeroy, Becket ; one son. Deceased. MORLEY, ELIZABETH Northampton. Taught in South Deerfield, one and one-half years; Plainfleld, one-half year; Northampton, two years; Marion, lo. Northampton. MORSE, HARRIET A., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield, three years; bookkeeping, 1889. Married, 1880, George B. Smith, who died in 1883. Box 975, Westfield. PRATT, FANNIE S., Lanesborough. Taught in Lanesborough, 1876. Lanesborough. SMITH, ETTA J., Tyringham. Mrs. Edward Slater, Tyringham. STETSON, JEANETTE J., Leverett. Taught in Easthampton, one year; Shutesbury, two years. Married, Oct. 3, 1878, Frederick F. Adams; two children. Leverett, Mass. 104 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WHITK, LILLA J., Florida. Taught In Florida, seven terms; Laiiesborough, three terras; North Adams, four terms. Married to M. M. Mowry; two children. Leyden. WILLIAMS, NELLIE L., Eastbampton. Taught in Easthampton and Chieopee, three years. Married, Sept. 13, 1883, F. \V. Spaulding. Adams, Mass. WHKELER, EMMA, Olyphant, Penn. Taught in Middlefleld, one term. Married, Sept. 20, 1882, Seth Warner. WHITING, LILLIAN E., .La Gro, I ml. Taught in Lincolnville, Ind., two years; La Gro, Ind., three years, to 1880. Lincolnville, Ind. GENTLEMAN. CLARK, D. OLIN, Conway. Taught Conway high school, one year; special course Boston University; at Bangor Theological Seminary; acting pastor at New Sharon, Me.; pastor of Congregational Church, Stoughton, Manchester-by-the-8ea, Warren, Mass.; taught Bloomfield, Conn., high school, one year; in Congregational ministry ten years to 1889. Married, April 26, 1883, Battle W. Arnold. Warren, Mass. WINTER TERM, 1876, LADIES. BACHELER, BKRNETTE E., Northbridge Centre. Taught in Whitinsville, 1877- . Whitinsville, Mass. CADWELL, FLORA E., Enfleld. Taught in Canaan, N. H., three terms; Amherst, three terms. Married, Oct. 3, 1878, George L. Morse; one child. Box 51, Amherst, Mass. CAPEN, IRENE A., Brookfleld. Taught in Brookfleld (chiefly), 1876; Great Barrington, Spencer, Granville, Vt., Chatham, N. Y., ten years. Married, April 26, 1884, Reuben Walker. Spencer, Mass. CHAPIN, MARY D., Chieopee. Taught in Longmeadow, two terms; Chieopee, 1877-89, twelve years. CLEAVELAND, HARRIET S. M., Belchertown. Taught in Belchertown, 1876; Warren, Mass.; New Rochelle, N. Y.; in all, six years. Married, Dec. 24, 1885, W.G. Everett; one daughter. At Wellesley College took special course in English literature, history and botany, elocution and painting. Auburn, It. I. GAGE, FANNIE E., Athol. Taught in Whitinsville, Southampton, Phillipston, Westfield, New Salem and Athol, six years. Care Dr. Brown, Barre, Mass. GUIDLEY, LAURA C.,* . . Westfleld. Taught in Easthampton, seven terms; School of Observation, one term. Mar- ried, Dec. 11, 1878, Frederick E. Lay of Westfleld. Died in Westfleld. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 105 LEWIS, IDA F., Ware. Taught in Berkshire, one term; Palmer, five terms ; Ware, 1878- . Ware. NIMS, ALICE A., Shelburne Falls. Taught in Shelburne Falls, one term; East Hawley, one term. Married, May 28, 1879, Mason H. Morse. Wrentham. NILES, MARY A.,* Southampton. Taught in Southampton, two terms; Montgomery, one term; West Spring- field, two terms. Died in Southampton, 1883. PEPOON, MINNIE I., Stockbridge. Taught in Stockbridge, 1876. SMITH, ETTA J., Tyringham. Mrs. Edward Slater, Tyringham. TEAHEN, MARGARET A., Great Barringtou. Taught in Great Barrington. Married, May 9, 1878, John B. Maley. Great Barrington. WILDER, LAURA A., Conway. Taught in Conway, nine terms; Florence, five years; Uniouville, Conn , six years. Unionville, Conn. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ALLEN, FANNY S., Deerflekl. Taught in Deerfield, one term; Whitiusville, 1876-86. Deerfield. ALLEN, MARY E., Deerfield. Taught in Deerfield, two years. Deerfield. BILLINGS, FRANCES M , Deerfield. Taught in Deerfield (mixed school), one year; South Gardner (grammar), four terms; Deerfield (grammar), 1879; Whitiusville, one year. Deerfield. BROWN, ANNA L., Jacksonville, Fla. BUCKLIN, HARRIET A., South Adams. BULLARD, HENRIE J., Charleston, W. Va. DICKINSON, SUSIE A., Westfield. DANA, CARA P.,* Westfield. Married Mr. Baxter, Portland, Me.; one child. Deceased. DIBBLE, SARAH Westfield. Taught. DOWD, M. ALICE, Westflcld. Taught in Montgomery, one term; Sheffield, three terms; Montague, two years; State of New Hampshire, two terms; high school, Feeding Hills, Mass., one term; high school, Stamford, Conn., nine years; attended Sauveur sum- mer school, three sessions; studied Greek, Latin, German; written for papers. 7 Prospect Street, Stamford, Conn. DWYER, MARY, Hinsdale. Mrs. P. J. Corcoran, Hinsdale, Mass. 106 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTF/ELD. FOWLRR, GRACE E., Westflckl. Taught in South Gardner, Southwick and Westfield, two years. Married, June 28, 1881, Edward W. Atwater; one child. 234 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. GRANT, MARY, Westfleld. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ROWLAND, HATTIE C., Conway. Taught in Worcester, 1876-82, six years. Married, July 28, 1880, E. F. Swan; two children. 30 Woodland Street, Worcester, Mass. HKRRICK, ABBIE, Blandford. KANE, M. JENNIE, Williamstown. KELLOGG, HATTIE M., Easthampton. West Suffleld, Conn. KIPP, IDA E., . . . . . . . . East Had dam, Conn. NORTHROP, JENNIE H Chambersburgh, Pa. NASH, SUSAN L.,* Williamsburg. Died of diphtheria, at Westfleld, Dec. 22, 1875. PARKER, LOUISA P East Cambridge. Taught at Cambridge and Westfield constantly since graduating; Cambridge High School, past nine years; studying at Harvard Annex. 51 Ellery Street, Cambridge, Mass. PATTEN, JULIA M., ........ Somers, Conn. Studied three years at Woman's Medical College, Chicago; house surgeon at Woman's Hospital; physician at Holyoke. Holyoke, Mass. PIEIILER, AGNES J., Blackinton. Taught in Blackinton, seven terms. Married, Nov. 27, 1878, J. H. Wylie, Jr.; one child living. Holyoke, Mass. POTTER, CHARLOTTE A., Chicopee. Taught in Indiana, one term. Married, 1878, Andrew G. Calder. 34 and 36 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111. ROACH, ARABELLA, ......... Hinsdale. Taught at Hinsdale, Dalton, Pittsfleld, Mass.; Chicago, 111., fifteen years. 28 North 1st Street, Pittsfleld, Mass. SEARS, CLARA B., . . . . . . . . West Hawley. Taught in Savoy, two terms; Plainfield, one term; Deerfield, one term; Haw- ley, two terms. Married, Jan. 15, 1879, Theodore Childs; three children. Deer- field, Mass. SMITH, HARRIET L., Auburn. Taught in East Haven, Conn., three years; Fair Haven, Conn., two years; New Haven, Conn., two years; taught without intermission from graduation till married, Nov. 7, 1883, to Isaac H. Palmer, who died July 4, 1888; two sons. Branford, Conn. SMITH, FLORENCE, South Adams. Taught in Dalton, three years; Whitinsville, six and two-thirds years. Mar- ried, Jan. 12, 1888, George Gardiner. Uxbridge, Mass. SWEET, AMELIA, . . ' Shelburne. STEBBINS, LIZZIE R., . . Northfleld. Taught in Marlborough, 1876- . Marlborough. WILSON, EMMA M., Holyoke. Westfield. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 107 GENTLEMEN. HINDS, ARTHUR, Hempstcacl, L. I. At Westfield State Normal School, one term after graduating; taught in his father's school at Hempstead; appointed teacher in Westfield State Normal School, 1877 (September); "full" teacher July, 1879, to July, 1880; studied medicine with Dr. J. Holland, and taught half time in normal school. Merchant in New York, 1889. OAKES, CHARLES N., Westfield. WINTER TERM, 1877. LADIES. ADAMS, JENNIE J., West Springfield, N. II. Taught in Claremont, N. II., five terms (primary) ; Newport, N. H., one term (primary) ; Springfield, N. H., 1878. Married, July 10, 1884, Rev. Loriu Webster. West Springfield, N. H. BEKBE, EUNICE M., ........ Westfield. Taught at North Wilbraham, one term; Lanesborough, one term; School of Observation, Westfield, five years; Stamford, Conn., six and one-half years; studied at summer schools. Stamford, Conn. BOYDEN, MARTHA J., New Braintree. Taught at Greenwich, New Braintree, South Walpole, three terms; New Braintree to 1885, nine years. Married, Dec. 24, 1885, William F. Adams, West Brookfield ; two children. Gilbertville, Mass. COGAN, HENRIETTA, Northampton. Taught Northampton grammar school, 1881-82. Mrs. Henry C. Parker, Elm Place, Somerville, Mass. CLARK, ADDIE L., Springfield. Taught in Connecticut, two years; Longmeadow, Mass., four terms. 620 Main Street, Springfield. COOK, MYRA F., Hadley. DICKINSON, GERTRUDE L., Westfleld. EVANS, AGNES L.,* Blackinton. Taught in Bennington, Vt., two years; Blackinton, 1879-82. Married, 1884, John H. Lloyd; died Oct. 31, 1886. FISH, LAURA E., Gilbertville. Taught in New Braintree, one year; Ware, 1877-88, nearly eleven years. Ware, Mass. HARKNESS, SARAH L., Cheshire. Taught in Cheshire, thirteen terms; Berkshire, one term; New Braintree, 1882-83; North Adams; in all, ten years. Married, Jan. 3, 1889, George W. Fuller; Chautauqua, three years' course. Adams, Mass. HAWLEY, HARRIET E., East Whately. Taught in Whately, five terms. Married, April 15, 1879, Edward Bardwell. West Whately. 108 S7V17E NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. JOYCK, LOUISR A., Springfield. Taught in Springfield, in grudcd school, half time; York Street primary. Mrs. W. H. Butler, Whitesboro, Oneida County, N. Y. JOHNSON, EVALYN M Westfleld- Taught in Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs. KELLOGG, HARRIET M., Castile, N. Y. Taught in Canoseraga, N. Y., three terms; Castile, N. Y., three terms; Perry, N. Y., 1879-89. Perry, N. Y. LOVELL, LELIA W., West Boylston. Taught in Northbridge, four years; West Boylston. one year. Married, April 26, 1882, Edwin C. Fairbanks; one child. West Boylston. MURPHY, MARY A., Southampton. PARKHILL, ANNA E., North Adams. Taught one term. Married Arthur II. Lowe, Fitchburg. PARSHLEY, EMMA L., Live Oak, Fla. Taught in Athol; Oquawka, 111. PROUTY, MARY E., Northbridge. Taught in Riverdale, Whitinsville, two years. Mrs. George P. Tuttle, North- bridge. RICKARDS, LAURA G., South Adams. Taught in Blackstone, six years. Married, Jan. 14, 1885, William M. Cole. Bridgeport, Conn. lloss, ALICE E., Springfield. Taught in Athol, one term; Three Rivers, eight terms. Married, Nov. 25, 1880, Sylvester C. Gatchell; one child living. 22 Loring Street, Springfield. SIMONS, GERTRUDE L., Longmeadow. VAN VALKENBURG, ADA, Buckland. Taught in Buckbind, three years; studied mineralogy; written for household papers. Married, March 3, 1880, Walter B. Elmer; three living children. Greenfield, Mass. GENTLEMEN. BATES, HERBERT II., Phillipston. Taught in Royalston, 1877-81; Canton, two years; principal of training school, Cambridge, five years; superintendent of schools, Canton, one year. Married, Aug. 16, 1877, Anna 8. Baldwin; three daughters. 20 Wendell Street, Cambridge. STRONG, WILLIAM T., West Roxbury. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. AISTON, HATTIK E., South Lee. CUTTER, VALONA, East Jafl'rey, N. II. Taught in Winchendon, N. II., two terms; Clyde, Kan., one term; studied at Davenport, la., two years. DKWSNAP, FLORENCE, Shelburue Falls. Taught at Buckland, 1877-80 (primary and intermediate) ; Shelburne, nine years; St. Mary's Academy, Memphis, Tenn., one year. Chautauqua course; German, music, etc. 366 Poplar Street, St. Mary's, Memphis, Tenn.; Shelburne Falls, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 109 GRIDLEY, MARY L., Oxford, Kan. HOUGHTON, MARY E., Putney, Vt. Taught in Smith Academy, Hatfield, 1878; studied one year. Married. HASTINGS, MARGARET M.,* Southwick. Taught in Granville, one term; Suffield, Conn., one term; Granby, Conn., seven terms. Married, Oct. 21, 1880, Milo Gilbert. Died Aug. 19, 1881. JACOBS, KATE M. , South Hadley Falls. Taught in Tolland, Hadley, South Hadley Falls, five years; an invalid seven years, but hopes to resume teaching soon. South Hadley Falls. JOHNSON, CORA E , Williamstown. Taught in South Williamstown, two terms; 1'ittsfield, 1878- . JOHNSON, ALICE C., Westtteld. LAWTON, JENNIE B , Ware. Taught School of Observation, one year; Yonkers, N. Y., 1878-83. Mar- ried, June 12, 1883, John Bellows; one daughter. 12 Park Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. LEMOIN, C. ANGIE, ....... North Adams. Taught in North Adams, one and one-third years. Married, Dec. 12, 1878, W. F. Orr; two children. 23 Pleasant Street, North Adams. LOOMIS, ISABEL, Westflcld. Taught in Granville, one term. Married, Dec. 18, 1887, Austin C. Drake; one child. 375 Medford Street, Somerville, Mass. MARSH, SARA M., Hadley. Taught in Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan, nine years. Box 98, Hadley, Mass. MELCHER, MARY Mittineague. Taught in Springfield as substitute. MORRISON, ALMIRA, Cambridge, N. Y. Taught three terms in ungraded school in the vicinity of Cambridge; in gram- mar school, Cambridge. KOWLEY, JENNIE, South Adams. Taught in Rowe, one term; clerk in store, Adams; bookkeeper. Married, June 12, 1883, W. H. Arnold; one child. Adams. SMITH, LOUISE H., Hadley. Taught in Hadley, one term; North Hadley grammar school, 1880-83; Law- rence, Mass., four years. Married, August, 1885, Dr. E. II. Baxter; one son. Hyde Park, Mass. SPRING, MARY, Tolland. Taught in Massachusetts and Connecticut, three years. Married, 1880, Erastue D. Larkin; one child. Tolland, Mass. STOWELL, ALICE T., North Adams. Taught in Drury Academy, North Adams, 1877- . TAYLOR, SOPHIA, West Springfield. Taught iu West Springfield. WILEY, JULIA A., Cooleyville. Taught in Cooleyville. 110 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. WHITE, MAKY A., Amherst. Taught in Shelburne, 1877; West Springfield, 1878; taken kindergarten train- ing; learned tonic sol-fa method of teaching music; lessons in industrial work. 60 School Street, Springfield, Mass. WHITK, FLORA, Amherst. Taught in West Springfield, 1878-89, including two years in South Africa; learned tunic sol-fa method of teaching music; lessons in industrial work. 60 School Street, Springfield, Mass. WHITKHOUSK, CAKRIE I., Florence. Taught in Florence, two years; Ilolyoke, three years. Married, Oct. 12, 1882, Truman A. Cowles; taught State Reform School, Lansing, Mich., five and one- half years. Care Reform School, Lansing, Mich. GENTLEMEN. BURROUGHS, JOSEPH B., Westflekl. Studied medicine with Dr. Gam well, one year; at Syracuse University, 1878- 81; practised medicine at Syracuse, 1881; Shortsville, N. Y. ; discovered that one-hundredth of a drop of nitro-glyceriue can be used as a substitute for alcoholic stimulants in cases of emergency; written essay on the subject, by special request from London, Eng., to be distributed through Europe; made other discoveries. Married, April, 1884, Emma M. Qreeley; one son, born in 1886. Shortsville, N. Y. SMITH, ABRAM T., Hempstead, L. I. Studied in preparatory schools in Troy and New York City; taught in Long Island, one term; Franklin, N. J.; Canton, Mass.; graduated summer of 1882 from advanced course. Canton, Mass. WARBURTON, HENRY M., Lawrence. Studied and taught in Atkinson, N. II., State Normal School, 1879. WHITNEY, AUREN J., Gardner. Taught in Ashby, 1877. WINTER TERM, 1878. LADIES. BARER, FANNIE, Westfleld. Taught in Westfield, ten years, and one term in 1889; completed C. L. S. C..; taken lessons in crayon at normal school. BOOTH, AURINDA Great Barrington. Taught in Danbury, Conn. CARTER, MARY L., Williamsburg. Taught in Williamsburg, ten years ; C. L. 8. C., four years' course. Williams- burg, Mass. DUDMAN, ELIZABETH S., Yarmouth, N. S. Taught in School of Observation (assistant); Granville Corners; Hopkinton; New Orleans, La., two years; kindergarten, Westfield, one year; in all, seven and one-half years; took course of kindergarten in New Yoik. GATES, CORA, Whitinsville. Taught in Sturbridge, one year; Whitiusville, Chicopee Falls aud Chicopee. Mrs. William II. Bingley, Barre, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. Ill GORHAM, ETHEL A., Chester, Conn. Taught in Westfield, one term. Married, Dec. 30, 1878, John Howard Clark. Chester, Conn. KILBOURN, EFFIE J., Westflekl. Dow City, lo. OSGOOD, CARRIE W., Granby, Conn. Taught in Cambridge, 1878. Chicopee Falls. OSGOOD, ABBIE S.,* Granby, Conn. Continued study at Westfleld State formal School, one year; taught Mon- tague high school; died in Boston, Dec. 10, 1883, after more than three years of illness. RAWSON, MARY B., Whitiusville. Taught in Whitinsville, 1878-80, three years; 1880-82, teaching and study- ing in Chauncy Hall School, Boston, two years; studied Greek and Latin. Married, April 5, 1882, Harlan P. Amen ; now studying German with native teacher; three children. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. SAWYER, CARRIE M., . . . . . . . . Greenfield. Taught in Northfield (primary school) ; Westfleld, School of Observation, 1878-81; Norfolk, Va., 1881. Married, November, 1888, J. M. Crump, M. D.; studied medicine with her husband. Melrose, Pierce County, W. T. STRONG, MARY E., Northampton. Married, Aug. 5, 1880, Orion L. Woodward. Toledo, O. TOWNE, ANNIE L., Springfield. Taught. WINSLOW, MARY P., Pittsfield. Taught in Worthington, two years. Mrs. James Starkweather, Chester, Mass. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ABBOTT, EMMA S., Ashley Falls. Married, Dec. 22, 1880, C. Irving Ferguson. BENSON, SARAH E Great Barrington. Taught in Monterey, six months; Great Barrington, two and one-half years; North Egremont, two years; Davenport, lo., four years; studied at Housatonic Hall, Great Barrington, one year; prepared Harvard examination for women; St. Catharine's Hall, Davenport, lo. BROOKS, MARIA L., West Springfield. Taught in West Suffield, Conn., one term; Chicopee Falls, 1879-84; taught tonic sol-fa system of music. Married, March 19, 1885,-Addison H. Smith; one child. Box 302, Chicopee, Mass. CIIAPIN, HATTIE L., Lee. Taught in Lenox, Lee and Tyringham, one year; at Lincoln, 111., in State school for feeble-minded children, six consecutive years. Married, September, 1888, Kev. F. P. Lawyer, missionary in Mexico under Cumberland Presbyterian Board. Guanajuato, Mex. 112 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. CHAPMAN, CLARA B % . Agawam. Taught. CLARK, SUSAN A., . . . Sheffield. Taught in Sheffield; Salisbury, Conn.; Red Bank, N. J.J West Springfield; Great Barrington; in all, nine years. Box 125, Great Barrington, Mass. COLLINS, ELLA S., Williamstown. Taught in Bennington, 1878. Bennington. DOOLITTLE, ANNA II., Winchester, N. H. Northampton. ELDER, ADDIK S., Huntington. Prepared to enter normal school, in schools of Chester and Cambridge; taught in Chester after graduating. Married, Jan. 29, 1879, Myron II. Fisk; three chil- dren ; studied art, painting in oils, mineral and water colors. Huntington, Mass. HARDING, RUBY E., South Deerflcld. Taught in Whitinsville (substitute), one term; Chicopee Falls, till July, 1880; returned to Westfteld State Normal School, August, 1880, for advanced course; taught in Hartford, Conn., and Springfield, Mass.; iu all, seven years; studied at Middletown (Conn.) University, two years and one term. 374 Central Street, Springfield, Mass. HILL, ANGIE E.,* North Hadley. HOLMKS, A. ADELE, ......... Lee. Taught in vicinity of Lee till July, 1880; normal school, Tougaloo, Miss. Selma, Ala. HYDE, ALICE M., Gardner. Taught in Gardner, six years. Married, Sept. 3, 1884, Eugene C. Upton; member of C. L. S. C.; partial course in history of painting in "Society to Encourage Studies at Home." KKLLOGG, LUCY H., Sheffield. Taught in Great Barrington, seven years; Sheffield, two years; Adams, one term ; in all, nine years. Married, June 5, 1888, John C. Wheeler. Great Bar- riugtou. KKLLY, ANNA E., Allston. Taught in Tyringham, one term; Westiield, one term; Montague, one term. MATTOON, GERTRUDE C., Northfleld. Taught in Northfield, ten years. Northfield, Mass. NOBLE, FANNY E., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield, 1878-82. Married, March, 1883, W. S. Bush. West- field. ORMSBY, ELLA M., Springfield. Taught in Warren. 223 Hancock Street, Springfield. PRICE, CLARA T., . . . . . . . . Great Barrington. Taught in Great Barrington, one term ; Stockbridge (private school) ; Hamp- ton Institute, Hampton, Va., 1879-83; Hampton, 1885-86. Married, Oct. 6, 1886, Charles Reuben Brewer. Great Barriugton. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 113 PIEHLER, ELIZABETH, Blackinton. Taught in Blackinton, 1878. Mrs. Henry Rauzehausen, Cornwall, Ontario, Can. PUGH, IDA A., Roscoe, O. Mrs. Louis Bradford, Omaha, Neb. Married, Feb. 19, 1884. RUSSELL, MINNIE, Spriugfield. Missionary to Assam, 1878-85, at Gowhati. Married, Dec. 25, 1884, Charles A. Burdette. RUSSELL, EMMA J., Springfield. Taught in Brimfield, one year; Springfield, till June, 1886, seven years. Mar- ried, July 6, 1886, Charles M. Muraford. P. O. Box 1207, Springfield, Muss. SPENCER, JULIA S., Westfield. Taught in School of Observation, Westfield, 1878-84; Stamford, Conn., 1884; West Suflield, Conn.; in all, ten years. Box 338, Westfield, Mass. STILES, HELEN L.,* Southwick. Taught in Montague, one year; Pittsfield, 1879-81; Springfield, 1881-84; Worthington, grammar and high; Westfield High School, autumn, 1884 Mar- ried, Nov. 27, 1884, Frank J. Demond, Belchertown, Mass Deceased. WRIGHT, ADELINE J Stamford, Vt. Taught. Married, Jan. 13, 1881, Henry J. Hart. Syracuse, N. Y. WILSON, MARY, Washington, D.C. Taught in Quincy, Mass., from September, 1878, to March, 1880; Boston, 1880. 566 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. WILSON, LILLIAN E., Springfield. Taught. Married, Jan. 1, 1884, Charles L. Whittemore. St. Paul, Minn. GENTLEMEN. DYER, ALMON J., Cummington. Graduated from four years' course; taught high school, Conway, two terms; entered Amherst College, September, 1879; graduated 1883; at Theological Seminary, Hartford, to 1886; ordained and installed pastor of First Congrega- tional Church, Upton, Mass., June 4, 1886. Married, May 25, 1886, Lizzie J. Lovell of Cummington, Mass.; one child, born March 10, 1889. Rev. A. J. Dyer, Upton, Mass. LAMOUREUX, F. GAINS, Roxton Pond, P. Q. Taught in Colraine, one term; Greenfield, three weeks (substitute) ; Deerfield grammar, 1879-81. Removed from Canada to Massachusetts, 1865; used French till seven years of age. WINTER TERM, 1878-79. LADIES. COLE, ESTELLE, Worthington. Taught in Longmeadow, one term. Cummington. DONNER, ALMA A., Westfleld. Taught in West Warren and Pittsfield. Mrs. G. A. Bottum, Hinadale. 114 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. EDWARDS, ALICE S., Westhamptou. Mrs. Austin Ly man. Easthampton, Maes. GRANT, EMMA L., Westfleld. KING, GINKVRA J., Westhampton. OSGOOD, JENNIK M., Granby, Conn. Taught in Montague and Cambridge. Married Arthur Melville, Boston. PARSONS, SUSIE E., Westhampton. Taught in Southampton, one year and two months; Northampton, six years and one term. Married, Oct. 10, 1888, Edward H. Montague. Westbampton, Mass. SHKPARD, CARRIE L.,* Westfleld. Taught in Lee, one term ; Suflield, Conn., five terms. Married, Sept. 14, 1881, Dr. D. M. Wilcox, Lee. Died at Lee, of consumption, June 10, 1884. STARKWEATHER, S. ANNIE, Merrow Station, Conn. Taught in Warren, Quincy and North Andover, Conn.; Manchester, Conn.; Yonkers, N. Y.; in all, ten years; salutatorian. Yonkers, N. Y. TOWER, EVA L., East Windsor. Valedictorian; taught at Stockbridge, Cummington, Montague (high school chiefly); Gardner, high school; Waltharu, high school; in all, nine years; at Smith College, one year; Sauveur summer school, two years. 74 School Street, Waltham. WOOD, HATTIE E., Springfield. WOODBURY, DELPHIA S., Wiuchendou. Taught in Winchendon, Templeton, Hubbardston, Gardner, Marlborough and Brookfield; in all, nine years. Brook field, Mass. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. ARNOLD, LIZZIE A., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, ten years; studied music, drawing and painting. 116 Walnut Street, Holyoke, Mass. BARROWS, LIZZIE B.,* Springfield. Died at Springfield, January, 1881. BARTLETT, LILLIAN M., Springfield. BUCKLIN, MARIA A.,* Cheshire. Taught in New Hampshire; Pittefield, Mass. Married, June 1, 1881, Rev. F. E. Jenkins, Charlton. Died in Coventry, Conn., September, 1882. CLEVELAND, CLARA M., Holyoke. CLARK, MARY A., Lee. Taught in Warren and Lee, four years; stiuiied stenography. Married, Sept. 2, 1885, Hubert Judd. 174 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. COUCH, ELLEN J., Monigona, lo. DONKERSLEY, ELLEN E., Springfield. Taught in Brimfield, two terms, and in West Springfield. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 115 GOULD, EMMA A., . Hardwick. Taught in Hardwick, one year. Married, April 6, 1886, John H. Ross. Ware, Mass. HARMON, MARTHA, Springfield Taught in Montague, one term; Warren, one term; Brimfield, one term; Springfield, 1881. 64 Spring Street, Springfield, Mass. IRONS, ELLEN, Cheshire. Taught in Tyringham, one term. McMAiN, MINNIE F., Westfleld. Taught in Granby, Conn.; Westfield high school till 1884. Married C. N. Oakes (normal) ; studied oil painting, etc. Westfield. McCoy, HANNAH E., . Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke to 1885. Married, December 29, William Slattery (lawyer) . Holyoke, Mass. MELCHER, ANNIE, . Mittineagne. Taught in West Springfield, one year and one term. Married, Nov. 2, 1881, E. F. Cross, D.D.8.; one child. Mittineague, Mass. MELLOWS, GRACE,* Springfield. Taught in Granby, Conn., five years; Pelham; Longmeadow; Hartford, Conn.; studied Latin and literature to fit herself for special work in higher grade of schools. Died in Springfield, May 27, 1889. NELSON, EVA J., Springfield. Taught in Montague, two terms; Warren, in 1881; grammar school, Spring- field; promoted to high school department, 1889. 197 Hancock Street, Spring- field. SAVAGE, ELLA R., Hardwick. WILLARD, MARY, . Montpelier, Vt. Taught in Montpelier, two years; librarian of Montpelier public library, three years. 68 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass. WOODS, MARY ., Brimfleld. Taught in Pittsfield, one year. Married, 1880, Arthur A. Upham. Brimfield, Mass. WATERMAN, CLARABEL, Westfleld. Married, Oct. 27, 1886, Oliver C. Smith, M. D., Hartford, Conn. GENTLEMEN. BENNETT, CHARLES E., Cheshire. Taught in Lanesborough, Adams and Pittsfield; in all, ten years; been private tutor. Married, July 2, 1884, Lucy E. Morin of Adams. Pittsfleld, Mass. COFFIN, HERBERT W., ALTON, N. H. Taught in Mankato, Minn., two years. Married, May 31, 1882, Mary E. Shuk ; one child, who died February, 1889; adopted baby girl. Duluth, Minn. 116 S7>17 NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFIELD. WINTER TERM, 1879-80. LADIES. HEIDENRICH, IDA E., Westfteld. Taught in Feeding Elills, Enfleld and Westfield to 1836, six and two-thirds years. Married, Jan. 20, 1886, George P. Bailey, M.D; taught private school two and one-half years. 46 Hilltnan Street, New Bedford, Mass. STEBBINS, EVA J., Northfleld. Taught in Northfield, Central Grammar School, three years; attended North- field seminary for music and painting; been bookkeeper, and is organist. Northfield, Mass. STEBBINS, FRANCES A., Springfield. Taught in East Longmeadow, Wilbraham and Springfield; in all, seven years. 226 High Street, Springfield. GENTLEMEN. ARNOLD, BARTHOLOMEW,* East Granville. Died, July 3, 1887, at Ironton, Auray County, Col. UPHAM, ARTHUR A., Royalaton. Taught Brimfield high school, eight years; Whitewater, Wis., normal school, one year. Married, 1880, Mary F. Woods (normal graduate, 1879) ; two children. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BISHOP, JOSEPHINE E., Cleveland, O. Taught in Brimfield, two terms; and in Cleveland, O. DREW, EMMA I.,* Springfield. Left school several weeks before close of school summer of 1880 (taking diploma) on account of sickness. Died, July, 1880, at Ilyannis. EMERSON, MARY A., Hanover, N. II. Taught in West Warren, Chicopee and Springfield, Mass.; and St. Paul, Minn.; is taking C. L. 8. C., and has done work in literature. 79 West Isabel Street, St. Paul, Minn. FISK, ABBIE I., Greenfield. Two and one-half years' course. Taught at Hoosick Falls, N. Y. HALL, ADA S., Chelsea, Vt. Taught in Chelsea, Vt., one term; School of Observation, assistant. HOOKER, ELIZA J., Springfield. HORRIGAN, ELLEN F., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 117 JILLSON, ESTELLA M.,* Fitchburg. Two and one-half years' course; occupied in caring for her mother and sister till the death of each ; then sick with consumption herself till her death, Sept. 19, 1886, at Waltham, Mass. LAWTON, FLORENCH M., Ware. Valedictorian. Taught in Westfleld high school; studied at Wesleyan Uni- versity. Married, Dec. 7, 1887, David B. Furber. Westfleld, Mass. MARSHALL, ISABEL,* ....... Mianus, Conn. Died Aug. 13, 1880. MITCHELL, ALICE W., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke. MORRISSEY, JULIA A.,* Westfield. Two and one-half years' course; taught in School of Observation. Deceased. PERRY, LIZZIE H., . .* . . . . . . . Springfield. Taught in Westfleld; School of Observation (assistant), three years; Spring- field, three years; as substitute in Bridgewater normal school, six months; Chelsea, one year; studied in Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston; super- visor of drawing in Chelsea, 1889. Ill Pembroke Street, Boston, Mass. SEARLE, ROSA E., Eastharapton. Taught in Eastharupton, 1880. SIMONS, ANNIE T., Longmeadow. Continued study at normal school till July, 1881; taught iuJIolyoke, Mass.; Granby, Conn., one year. Married, Jan. 17, 1883, Alvan L. Fowler of Westfleld, Mass.; three children. Longmeadow, Mass. SMITH, AGNES J., . . . Stockbridge. Taught in Florida, Mass., three years; West Stockbridge, three terms; in all, four years; 1884-89, Stockbridge post office (two years as assistant and three as postmaster). Stockbridge, Mass. SMITH, MARY A., Glendale. Two and one-half years' course. STREETER, CORA M., Winsted, Conn. Taught in Montague, 1880-84. Married, July, 1887, H. H. Root. Montague, Mass. WEEKS, EMMA L., Ware. Taught in Ware, two years. Married, Sept. 13, 1882, Henry O. Robinson; two children. Ware, Mass. WILSON, JULIA M., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, one year. Married, Aug. 25, 1881, Howard Kendall; one child. 43 North Street, Springfield, Mass. GENTLEMEN. DEAN, SAMUEL H., High Bridge, N. J. Harvard College (Board of Education scholarship), two years; taught iu Austin, Tex., to 1886. SCOTT, RUSSELL L , Westtield. Teller in First National Bank, Westfield. 118 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WINTER TERM, 1 880-81. LADIES. EWING, SARA M., Southampton. Taught in Northampton and Haydenville, two years; Southampton, four yeara; Florence, Mass., five years; in all, eleven years. Southampton. EWING, A. JENNIE, Southampton. Taught in Southampton, one year; Florence, one year to December, 1883; at Brimfield, one term. Married, Dec. 13, 1883, Charles O. Lyon; two children. Southampton, Mass. GOULD, ALICE E., Hanover, N. H. Taught in Hanover, N.H., one year; Lebanon, N. H., seven years. Lebanon, N. H. HERRICK, FLORENCE M., Madison, O. Taught in Brimfield, one year; Warren, one year; bookkeeper, Warren, to 1886. Married, October, 1886, Edward J. Spencer, Warren, Mass. JOHNSON, BELLE, Warrensville, O. Taught in Cleveland, O. MAYO, REBECCA S*., Winchendon. Taught in Egremont, two terms; Brimfield, two terms; South Natick, assist- ant in grammar school ; nine years in all. South Natick, Mass. MORRIS, J. LIZZIE, Westfleld. Taught in Tyringham, one year; Dalton, one year; Brattleboro, Vt., one year. Married, Oct. 29, 1884, Charles A. Harris; one son. Music and painting in oils have been her special studies since graduating. Brattleboro, Vt. POMEROY, ALICE L.,* Easthampton. Taught in Granville, one term; Berkshire, one term; Dalton and Holyoke to 1886; Westfield, 1888. Married, Aug. 10, 1886, Charles C. Porter of Weetfield. Died at Westfield, Feb. 2, 1889. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BROWN, ELLA S., Dalton. Taught in Miller's Falls, Tyringham and Pittsfield to 1884; State Institute for Feeble-minded Children, Lincoln, 111., 1884. Lincoln, 111. Fox, AGNES M., . West Springfield. Taught in West Springfield, 1881. FOLEY, NELLIE E., . Mittineague. Taught in West 8pi infield, 1881. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 119 GLADWIX, HELEN P., Westfleld. Taught in Montague, 1881-82; Westfield, 1883-86. Married, Oct. 14, 1886, Charles 8. Plumb; two children. Knoxville, Tenn. HARRIS, PRISCILLA E., Westfield. Taught in Montague, one and one-half terms; telegraph operator at Chester, Westfield and Hartford, Conn. Married, Feb. 2, 1886, James L. Root, Jr. 1323 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. HAYDEN, LIZZIE, Westfield. Taught in Westfleld, four and one-half years. Married J. Vaughn ; one child. Bradford, Mass. HOISINGTON, ETTA A., West Springfield. Taught in West Springfield, seven years. Merrick, Mass. KENYON, ESTELLA F., Woodstock Valley, Conn. Taught In Wilbraham, Mass. ; Thomaston, Conn. ; Southbridge, Mass. ; Wood- stock, Conn., five years and one term. Married, June 22, 1887, Sabin 8. Carpen- ter; one son. Putnam, Conn. LUDDINGTON, BATHE A., New Haven, Conn. Taught in Turner's Falls, two terms; North Adams, training school, one year; New Haven, two months; normal school, training department, at New Britain, Conn., 1883. New Britain, Conn. PYLES, MARIAN, Washington, D. C. Valedictorian. Taught normal school, Randolph, Vt., 1881-82; Chicago, 1882 to Jan., 1883; treasury department, Washington, D. C., six years; studied chemistry and medicine, 1886-88; graduated from Howard University, Wash- ington, D. C., 1888; attending (1889) medical lectures, Columbia College, Washington, D.C.; taken Chautauqua course (diploma), four years; studied stenography. Revenue marine division, treasury department, Washington, D. C. RuDDy, LUCY E., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, two years; Los Angeles, Cal., two years. Married E. E. Ilarriman, June, 1888. Box 17, Station B, Los Angeles, Cal. STEVENS, ELLA, Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Taught in West Stockbridge, 1882; Hampden, 1883. Pittsfield. SULLIVAN, JOANNA R., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke (Sargent Street), eight years. 31 East Street, Holyoke. THURSTON, CARRIE A., Springfield. Taught in Enfield and Springfield. GENTLEMEN. BROWN, GEORGE M. North Dana. Salutatorian. Taught in Hubbardston, one term; Cheshire, to 1883; student at Harvard scientific school, two years; laboratory, assistant Prof. Michael, Tufts College. Tufts College, Somerville, Mass. TOWNEND, SHELLEY K., Florence. Taught in Egremont, three terms; Sunderland, one term; West Stockbridge, April, 1883. Fitchburg. 120 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WINTER TERM, 1881-82. LADIES. ASHLEY, IDA C.,' Westfleld. Taught in high school, Milford, Mass., and in Minneapolis, Minn. 802 3d Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn. BOONE, JENNIE A., West Meriden, Conn. Took advanced course; taught in Meriden, Conn., high school (Latin, Greek and drawing), seven years. 13 Columbia Street, Meriden, Conn. DOHERTY, MARGARETS, Westfleld. MANGAN, LUCY,* Pittsfleld. Taught in Pittsfleld to 1886. Died of inflammatory rheumatism, March 10, 1886. WALTON, LILLIAN M., Holyoke. Taught in West Stockbridge. WILDER, FANNY A., East Charlemont. Taught in West Warren, parts of two terms. Married, Dec. 4, 1882, J. F. Brown of Fitchburg; lived in Fitchburg till February, 1889, when moved to Newton; Ralph Wilder Brown, born May 31, 1885; Karl Fenner Brown, May 30, 1887. 18 Baldwin Street, Newton. GENTLEMAN. CORTELYON, GEORGE BRUCE Hempstead, L. I. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BACHELER, ALICE, Whitinsville. Taught in Northbridge and Whitinsville, two and one-half years. Married, December, 1885, Charles B. Gore (normal); two children. 1043 3d Avenue, New York City. BARTLETT, THERESA C., East Windsor, Conn. Taught in SntVield, Conn.; Greenwich, West Brookfleld and Cambridge; in all, seven years. Harvard School, Cambridge, Mass. BARTLKTT, MABEL C., East Windsor, Conn. Taught in Egremont, one term; Greenwich and North Brookfleld, Mass.; South Windsor, Conn.; Vernon, Vt.; East Windsor, Conn.; four years. East Windsor. Conn. BROWN, ANNA P., Mount Hope, Conn. Taught in Granby, Conn., Montague and Whitinsville, Mass., Lake Geneva, Wis., Springfield, Mass.; in all, six and one-half years. 184 Chestnut Street, Springfield, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 121 CHANDLER, JENNIE M Westford. Taught in Westford, Mass., and Manchester, N. H., seven years. 104 Lowell Street, Manchester, N. H. DRENNING, FRANCES S., Greenfield. Valedictorian. Taught. Married. OILMAN, ADDIE T., Winsted, Conn. Taughtin West Stockbridge, Mass.; West Stratford and Stratford, Conn.; teach- ing in Hartford (north school), Conn., in 1889; in all, six years. Hartford, Conn. IRWIN, ELIZABETH M., Northampton. Taught in Northampton, 1882. LYNCH, BRIDGET,* Holyoke. Died of consumption at Holyoke, Feb. 9, 1887. MANSFIELD, HATTIE E., Westfield. Taught in Montague, two years; Winchester, two years. Married, Oct. 7, 1886, John N. Mason. Winchester, Mass. MINER, IDA E. , West Leydeu. Greenfield, Mass. MORIARTY, MARY A., Granby. MOSELEY, CARRIE A., Westfield. Taught in Westfield, five terms; Granby, Conn., two terms; Northampton, two terms; in all, three years. Married, Jan. 3, 1888, Godfrey Haas. 66 Brinkerhoff Avenue, Utica, N. Y. MURPHY, ELIZABETH F., Westfield. Taught in Westfield, seven years. Box 513, Westfield, Mass. NEWELL, ANNIE B., Springfield. Salutatorian. Taught in Chicopee Falls, one year; Springfield, two years. Married, October, 1885, Edwin J. Smith; one child. 108 Franklin Street, Westfield. PILLSBURY, ANNETTE E., Montclair, N. J- 82d East 81st Street, New York. BAND ALL, ELLEN C., Westfield. REARDON, JOSIE A Holyoke. WELLER, CARRIE C., Westfield. Taught in Orange, high school, five years. Married, Nov. 19, 1884, George Everett Bates. Orange, Mass. GENTLEMEN. DIGNAM, MICHAEL A., Lawrence. Studied in New York college of dentistry; Boston dental college; practised dentistry; D.D.S. 295 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass. SMITH, ABRAM T., Rockaway, L. I. Studied in preparatory schools, Troy and New York City; graduated from advanced course; taught in Long Island, one term; Franklin, N. J., and Can- ton, Mass. Canton, Mass. WHITE, MARCUS Farnumsville. Taught in Holden; Enfield high school, 1883-85; studied at Oberlin College, 1882; graduated at Wesleyan University, 1888; taught in William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Penn., 1888-89. 1735 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Penn. 122 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WINTER TERM, 1882-83. LADIES. BARDIN, ANGIK E., Dalton. Taught in Dalton, 1883-84; Westfield State Normal School till June 29, 1886, taking then second diploma; taught in Southampton, Pittsfield and Needham ; in all, four years; studied stenography at Albany Business College, four months. BURR, MARIA L., Holyoke. Married, Dec. 25, 1883, Caseius 8. Lyman; two children. Thompsonville, Conn. HARDING, EMILY T., Norfolk, Conn. KNOWLES, CAROLINE K., Westfleld. Taught in General Armstrong's school, Hampton, Va., five years; Mr. Moody's school, Mt. Hermon, Mass., 1888. Mt. Hermon, Mass. MILLS, MARGARET T., Springfield. HEED, LOTTIE M., Springfield. Taught in Westfield, East Longmeadow, Somers, Three Rivers, Springfield, four and one-half years. 44 Spruce Street, Springfield, Mass. ROTH, HATTIE A. P., Hinsdale. Taught in Pittsfield, Mass., one term; principal grammar school, Stonington, Conn., one year; West Springfield, one term; principal Shaw Intermediate School, Wellesley; principal Lincoln school, Somerville, 1887-89. Principal of city training school, Newburyport, 1889. STEVKNS, NETTIE M., Westford. Taught in Lebanon, N. II., one year; Westford, Mass, district school, one year; Westford academy, four and one-half years. Amherst summer school, 1886. GENTLEMAN. COUCH, ALMON W., Lawrence- SUMMER TERM. LADIES. CLARK, ELLA F., Sheffield. Taught in Sheffield, Mass.; Dover Plains, N. Y.; Salisbury, Conn.; inall.five years; C. L. 8. C. COBB, MARY E., Florence. Taught in Northampton, one year; entered Smith college, 1885 ; graduated from music course, 1888, degree Mus.B.; studied German, two years; Latin, etc. Four years' course; teaching music in Florence, Mass., 1889. Florence, Mass. CROSS, ESTHER H., Greenfield. Taught in Enfield, one and one-quarter years; Orange. Married at Greenfield, Dec. 24, 1884, Charles F. Dow ; three children. Orange, Maes. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 123 DONOGHUE, KATHERINE C., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, five years. Married, Aug. 29, 1888, M. J. Griffin. 17 Brooks Avenue, Holyoke. GIBBS, KATE F., . Westfleld. HAYWAKD, MARION I., Ayer. Taught in Fitchburg to 1887; member normal school, summer term, 1887; taught in Montclair, N. J. Married, March 5, 1890, Edw. W. Raymond, Boston, Mass. HINDS, JESSIE E., Hempstead, L. I. Taught in Hampton Institute. Married. HOWES, GERTRUDE E., Westfleld. Taught in Ashford, four years; C. L. 8. C., class of 1889. Ashfield, Mass. INGALLS, MAY D., Cheshire. LOWREY, FANNIE S., , . North Egremont. Taught in Alford, one year; West Stockbridge, three terms; North Egre- mont, one and one-half years; Tarrytown Heights, N. Y., two and one-half years; in all, six years. Tarrytown Heights, N. Y. LOWREY, MRS. S. B., Westfleld. Taught in Granby, Conn., one year; Westfleld (Green district), five years; attended young ladies' school, Philadelphia, Penn.; studied music, German, French, Latin, painting in oil, etc. Married, 1871, Arthur Lowrey of New York; Oct. 5, 1888, Willard M. Hatch ; one child, Mabel E. Lowrey. 32 Summer Street, Hartford, Conn. MANN, B, REGINA Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke grammar school, six years. 35 Hampden Street, Holyoke, Mass. MORROW, JENNIE A., Pittsfleld. Taught in Pittsfield till 1885. Married, Jan. 19, 1885, Hudson Maxim. Box 1029, Pittsfield, Mass. MURPHY, ANNA M., West Springfield. NOBLE, ISABELLA P., East Saginaw, Mich. SESSIONS, ELIZABETH, South Wilbraham. SMITH, EVANGELINE, Brattleboro, Vt. Taught in Becket and Huntington, three years; C. L.S. C.,oue year. Married, 1887, William Benton Barlow ; two children. Peru, Mass. TAFT, NORA, Brattleboro, Vt. TENDLER, ANNIE M., Cambridge. Taught in Cambridge, September, 1883, to February, 1887. Married, Feb. 17, 1887, Rev. E. P. Hoyt; two children. Lake Village, N. H. GENTLEMEN. EWINS GEORGE S., Salem, N. H. GRIFFIN, HENRY P , Granby, Conu. Taught in Stockbridge, two years; in St. Luke's school, Bustleton, Philadel- phia, Penn., 1888; attended Wesleyan University, 1884; graduated, class of 1888, from Latin scientific course. Peekskill, N. Y. PHILLIPS, JAMES S., Millville. SEARS, CHARLES H., Brewster. Taught in normal school, Cheshire, Penn. 124 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. WINTER TERM, 1883-84. LADIES. BURROUGHS, HELEN L., Westfleld. Left school to teach In spring of 1880 ; returned; taught three years ; graduated January, 1884. Married, February, 1884, W. H. Durang of East Hartford, Conn. Lansingburgh, N. Y. DEWEY, JULIA, Sheffield. HOLLISTER, ANNIE E., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield to spring of 1886. Married Russell L. Scott (normal), Oct. 13, 1886. Westfield." HUMPAGE, FLORENCE B., Springfield. 16 Marble Street. LAWLEY, MARY E., Williamsburg. Taught four years before graduation and five years since graduation. 266 Maple Street, Holyoke, Mass. Low, ANNA S., Westfleld. Columbia College; grammar school, New York. MINER, ALICE B., West Leyden. Taught in Greenfield, three years. Married, July 26, 1888, James Simpson of New York. 75 East 113th Street, New York. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BOURNE, ANNIE A., Lenox. Studied at the normal school, 1884-85; taught in Hatfield and West Brookfield. Married, 1887, Benjamin F. Moore. Riverside, Cal. BOURNE, MINNIE E., Lenox. BROOKS, HARRIET F., North Adams. Taught in North Adams, four years. 17 Frederick Street, North Adams. BROWN, LILLIAN A.,* Springfield. Taught three years in Springfield. Married Henry N. Bowman. Died of consumption Aug. 8, 1888. CARR, BERTHA M., Whitinsville. Taught in Northbridge to December, 1887. Married, Jan. 18, 1888, Arthur DeWitt Mclnty re . Putnam , Conn. DAWLEY, SARA J., Whitinsville. Taught in Whitinsville since graduation in 1884; C. L. 8. C., three years. DOWNEY, ANNA M., East Granville. Taught in Russell and Granby, five years; continued study in English litera- ture, music, history and methods of teaching; written exercises for school use, occasional poems, etc. Granby, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 125 DOWNEY, ELLA J East Granville. Taught in Westfield from 1885, four years. Westfield, Mass. FREEMAN, MARY G., Mill River. Taught in Montague, three and one-half years; Attleborough, one-half year; Great Barrington, one and one-half years. HOFMAYER, ANNIE A., Stockb ridge. Taught in Turner's Falls, two years; Whitinsville, three years; C. L.8. C., three years. Whitinsville, Mass. HOWES, ELIZA B., Westfleld. Montague. HUMPHREY, LOUISE S., Westfleld. Taught in Westfleld, 1884-89. 22 Washington Street, Westfleld, Mass. JUDD, MARY B., Springfield. Taught in Winthrop and Thompsonville, Conn.; East Longmeadow and Springfield, Mass.; in all, four years. 37 Central Street. LEARNED, MINNIE M. . . . Florence. Taught in Bay State schools, four years; resigned on account of poor health; bookkeeper for Palmer Wire Manufacturing Company, Palmer, Mass. MCCARTHY, BRIDGET, South William.stown. Taught in Williamstown, three years. McCLiNTOCK, ANNIE E., Indian Orchard. Taught in Ludlow, one year; in Springfield, four years. Married, Aug. 7, 1886, James B. Haviland. Ludlow. MAHONEY, CATHARINE A., South Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, four years. 269 Park Street, Holyoke, Mass. TILTON, HELENS., South Deerfleld. Taught in Deerfield, Whitinsville and Springfield; in all, four years. 184 Chestnut Street, Springfield, Mass. WINTER TERM, 1884-85. LADIES. ABBE, FLORENCE E., Springfield. Taught in Chicopee, three years; Adams, one year. Adams, Mass. BARTLETT, ANNA C., Con way. Taught in Conway, one year. Conway, Mass. COOK, LUELLA Sheffield. Taught In Ludlow, Sheffield and Auburndale, Mass., and Plainrteld, N. J., four years. 129 Central Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. GILBERT, NELLIE Chicopee Falls. Taught in Chicopee and Springfield, four yi-am. Husband died before she entered school; brought her only child, who died afterward, nine years old. Chicopee Falls. 126 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. LEE, GRACE, Sheffield. Taught In Montague and Turner's Falls; Riverton, Conn.; Wlnsted, Conn.; in all, more than four years. West Winsted, Conn. MORRISSEY, ANNA C., Westfleld. O'CONNELL, MARY, Holyoke. Tanght in Holyoke. O'NEILL, ELIZABETH M., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, four years. 183 Chestnut Street. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. CHAPIN, LIZZIE A., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, Montague and Newton; in all, sis years. 289 Walnut Street, Holyoke. DAVIDSON, NELLIE R., . West Springfield. Taught in West Springfield, four years. ELY, GRACE R., Westfield. Taught in Turner's Falls, one and one-half years ; North Attleborough, two and one-half years. West Attleborough, Mass. FRONK, ANNA F., Springfield. HOLCOMB, HATTIE A., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield, four years. HUTCHINS, EMMA, Westmoreland, N. H. Taught in Orange, one term; Turner's Falls; Chesterfield and Westmoreland, N. H., eight years. Turner's Falls, Mass. LAWS, MARA E North Chester, Vt. Taught two years before graduation and three years and one term since graduation: at Hinsdale, N. H.; Westminster, Mass.; Ludlow, Mass.; North Pownal, Vt. North Chester, Windsor County, Vt. MARTINDALE, JULIA B., Greenfield. Taught in West Boylston, Northampton, Mans., and Great Neck, N. Y., three years. Great Neck, N. Y. WALKLEY, ALICE M., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield. GENTLEMEN. COURTNEY, SAMUEL E., Maiden, West Va. Taught in Tuskegee (Ala.) normal school, three years; entered Harvard Medical School, 1888. Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass. NUNN, PAUL N., Lowell. Received credit for most things in course on certificate from E.A.Sheldon, Uswego normal school; taught in Cheshire, one year; in Barnstable, two-thirds of a year; taken course in "normal music series and methods." Now in busi- ness in Lowell, Mass. Married, June, 1886, Agnes A. Geddes. 46 Merrimac Street, Lowell, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 127 WINTER TERM, 1885-86. LADIES. ALLEN, ETTA A., West Springfield. Taught in Granville, one and one-half years. DEAN, SARA E., Muncy, Pa. Taught in Texas, one term; North Carolina, one year; Bloomfleld, N. J., one year ; Plainfield, N. J., 1888- ; course in training school, Charlotte, N. C., " under one of Parker's men;" German, one year, under Professor Bacon, Newark, N. J.; Berlitz School, one year; kindergarten course; C. L. 8. C. for 1889. 129 Central Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. ELY, EMMA N., Chicopee. Taught in West Springfield, four years and two terms. Box 49, Chicopee, Mass. FARRELL, ANNA E., Westfield. Taught in Westfleld, four years; studied stenography, German and French. HASTINGS, GRACE L., Southwick. Taught in Westfield (East Farms), one year; Green district, two and one- half years. HENRY, JULIA S., Waterbury, Vt. Taught in Hoosick Falls, six months; Hartford, Conn., 1886. 203 Sigourney Street, Hartford, Conn. LANGDON, JENNIE E., Monterey. Taught in Auburn, Mass., two years; Turner's Falls, one year. Turner's Falls, Mass. MARTIN, MARY A., Willimantic, Conn. Taught in Chester; in Willimantic, seven years. Willimantic, Conn. McSHEEHY, ESTHER C., Whitinsville. Taught in Whitinsville, three years. NORTON, SARA E., Westfield. Taught in Granville, Wilbraham, Montgomery and Florida, Mass.; in all, nine terms. Married. NUGENT, MARY E., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, three years. 137 Walnut Street, Holyoke. RAMAGE, CHRISTINE G., Holyoke. RAMAGE, LUCY B., Holyoke. REDWOOD, MAUD A., South Lawrence. Four years' course; taught in Orange and West Springfield. ROBERTS, CORA L Riverton, Conn. Taught in West Brookfield, Mass., one year; Falmouth, Mass., two years. Falmouth, Mass. SCAGEL, FLORA, . Waterbury, Vt. Taught in Chester, Mass., and in Richmond, Vt., more than two years. Rich- mond, Vt. WENTWORTH, ELLA M., Hinsdale. Taught in Hinsdale, Mass., and Vergennes, Vt., live years. Vergennes, Vt. 128 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESJFfELD. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. BENOIT, SELENA F., Springfield. CLARK, MARY D., Blandford. Taught In West Stockbridge, Granville and Northfleld, three years. Blandford. COCK, LILA, Hampton, Va. Taught at home a year before her last in normal school; taught three years steadily in public schools of Virginia and one year " substitute teaching." Mar- ried John Robinson, Hampton, Va. DAY, JENNIE M Westtleld. Taught in Westfleld. DEAN, MARY E., Westfleld. Taught in Granby, Conn., and Northampton, Mass., two years. 37 Monroe Street, Northampton, Mass. DEMOND, CORA J., West Springfield. Taught in Huntington and West Springfield, two and one-half years. West Springfield, Mass. GREENE, MARY E., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield, 1886- . Box 640, Westfield, Mass. GRIFFIN, MARGARET C., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, three years. 17 Brooks Avenue, Holyoke. HANNIFEN, BRIDGET E. , Springfield. HERRICK, EFFIE M., , Westfleld. Taught in Palmer, North Attleborough and Newtonville, two and one-half years. Newtonville, Mass. HOWLAND, ELIZA A., Conway. Taught in Montague, two years; Owatonna, Minn., one term. Box 28, Owa- tonna, Minn. INGRAM, FANNIE F., Montague. JEFFERS, FANNIE H., Westfleld. Taught in Westfield, School of Observation, 1886. MERRICK, LIZZIE J., West Springfield. Taught in West Springfield, three years and one term. Merrick, Mass. MERRITT, ANNIE C., Haydenville. Taught in absence from school; taught, after graduation, in Turner's Falls and Newton. NOBLE, MARY, East Saginaw, Mich. Taught in Orange and Newton. O'DONNELL, MARY T Holyoke. 25 Chestnut Street, Holyoke, Mass. OSBORNE, HELEN C., Alford. Taught. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 129 READ, LIZZIE E., Orange. Taught in Warwick, Mass , one term; in South Attleborough, 1888. South Attlehorongh, Mass. REARDON, ANNIE M., . . . . . . . Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke grammar school, three years. 22 Hampden Street, Holyoke, Mass. STODDARD, JESSIE D., Westflekl. Taught three years to 1889. Chicopee Falls, Mass. SULLIVAN, MARY E., Chicopee. Taught in Chicopee, one year; Willimansett, two years. Willimansett, Mass. WHITTAKER, JENNIE E .,. ....... Chicopee. Taught in Windsor, Mass, two years; Miller's Falls, one year. Miller's Falls, Mass. WOODWARD, DORA F., Sharon, Conn. Taught in Montague and Turner's Falls, three years. GENTLEMEN. MURPHY, WILLIAM L. , . . . . . . . West Springfield. Taught in West Stockbridge, one year; Westborough, two years. West- borough, Mass. SEDGWICK, HUBERT M., Bondsville. Taught in Palmer; principal of Bondsville grammar school, one year. Bonds- ville, Mass. WINTER TERM, 1886-87. LADIES. BOYCE, N. GERTRUDE, Orange. Valedictorian. Married, July, 1888, Edward Dexter. Black River, N. Y. DIMOCK, CLARA G., Westflekl. Taught in Buckland, one term ; student in normal art school, 1887-89. Pratt's art school, Brooklyn. DONAHUE, MARY A., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, two years. 56 Centre Street, Holyoke. ELMORE, EMMA R., Rocky Hill, Conn. Remained one term after graduating; has taught in Hartford, Conn., two years. 27 Seyms Street, Hartford, Conn. GRAVES, CLARA M. Southampton. Taught in Windsor, Mass., two terms; in Southampton, four terms; in Miller's Falls, Mass. McKEE, ANNIE R., West Springfield. SPENCER, LUCY E., New Lebanon, N. Y. Taught two years at Williamstown, Mass. TIFFANY, NELLIE F, Bennington, Vt. r 130 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WLSTFIELD. SUMMER TERM. LADIES. AYERS, MARY E., Brattleboro, Vt. Taught at Montague City, Mass., two years. BAILEY, ELLA M., Westfleld. Taught in Huntington, four terms; in Rockport, two terms, llockport, Mans. BLAKESLEE, CARRIE E., Westfleld. CONVERSE, FLORENCE H., Wales. Taught in Wales and Monson, five years. Box 114, Monson, Mass. CURRAN, ELLEN M., Holyoke. DONOGIIUE, MARY A., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, one and one-half years. 240 Maple .Street, Holyoke. FERRY, ETTA I., Brimflekl. HALL, CLARA LOUISE, Ashfleld. Taught in Montclair, N. J., two years. Montelair, N. J. PALMER, AGNES L., Southfleld. Taught in Unionville, Conn., 1887-89. Southfield, Berkshire County, Mass. PKTTIS, CHARLOTTE E., Westfleld. Graduated from four years' course, 1887; taught in Smith academy, Hatfield, Mass. Married, 1889, Prof. William F. Orr of high school, Springru-ld, Mass. SACKETT, CLARA B Westfleld. Taught jn Ludlow, one year; Whitinsville, 1888 ;.C. L. S. C., two years. Care Jerome Prentice, Whitinsville, Mass. STACY, ALZADA L., Springfield. Taught in Springfield, two years. 334 Worthington Street, Springfield, Mass. STREKT, ANNIE M., ....... Ellington, Conn. Taught in Enfield, Conn.; Williamstown and East Longmeadow, two years. East Longmeadow, Mass. TIERNEY, CATHARINE A., Westfleld. VILAS, FANNY M., Alstead, N. H. Taught in New Braintree and Springfield, two years. 36 High Street, Spring- field, Mass. WALKER, MARY A., ........ Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, one year. Married, .Tuly, 1888, M. P. Conway, music dealer, 193 High Street, Holyoke, Mass. WATERMAN, MARTHA L , . ..... Westfleld. Entered as special pupil; afterward entered the regular course; and graduated 1887. Smith college art school, 1889. .Married, Oct. 9, 1889, Dr. James S. Clark, Westfield, Mass. WIIIPPLE, FLORA M., Adams. Taught in Adams, 1887. Box 1026, Adams, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. 131 GENTLEMAN. BUTTS, WILLIAM H., New Bedford. Taught in Riverton, Neb , high school, two years; iu Appleton, Wis. Apple- WINTER TERM, 1887-88. LADIES. BALLOU, SAKAII E., . Holyoke. Taught in Sundcrland and Holyoke, one year. No. 5 John Street, Holyoke, Mass. BRIDGMAN, MYRA B., Florence. Taught in Worthington and Williamsburg, one year. Williamsburg, Mass. CHASE, LTLLIE, Florence. Taught iu Florence, 1888. Florence, Mass. PARSONS, JENNIE C., Agawam. Taught in West Suflleld, one term ; East Longmeadow, two terms. Box 89, Springfield, Mass. SANKORD, A. LULU, Westfleld. Taught in North Leverctt, one term; Westfield, three terras. SCOLLEY, EMMA G , Holyoke. SUMMER TERM, 1888. LADIES. BOEHM, ELIZABETH M., Fitchburg. Taught in Fitchburg, 1888-89. 15 Rollstone Street, Fitchburg, Mass. CLAPP, SUSIE M., Westhampton. Married, November, 1889, Mr. Lyman, Westhampton, Mass. COLLOPY, ALICE G., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, one year. 97 Kim Street, Holyoke, Mass. COOPER, JESSIE M., Stockbridge. Taught in Stockbridge, Masn. COUCH, EMMA L., Hampton, Va. Taught iu Hampton, Va., one year. DONAHUE, NOHA A , Springfield. ELWELL, HATTIB M., . . % . - Springfield. Taught in Springfield, one year. 49 Broad Street, Springfield, Mass. FISKE, ETTA P., Greenfield. Taught at Montclair, N. J., 1889. Hillside House, Mpntclair, N. J. 132 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. FOSTKH, DELLIE P., Royalston. Taught, before entering school, in Uoyalston, two terms; since graduation, in Greenfield, one year. Greenfiel 1, MUSB. GLADWIN, ISABEL W., Westfleld. Taught one year in Turner's Falls and Newton, Mass. GOODRICH, LOUISE M., Stockbridge. Taught in Mendon, two terras; Montague City, 1889. HUBBARD, MARY L., Fitchburg. Taught in Fitchburg, one year. 18 Kimball Street, Fitchburg, Mass. KELLEY, AGNES C., Holyoke. Taught in Holyoke, one year. 737 High Street, Holyoke, Mass. LLOYD, LOUISE E., Florence. Taught in Florence, one year. Box 410, Florence, Mas*. LYONS, NELLIE E., Holyoke. Taught grammar school, Holyoke, 1889. 112 Lyinan Street, Holyoke, Mass. RIIOADES, ELLA L., Mill River. Taught in Williamsburg, September, 1888. Williuniisburg, Mais. RUSSELL, F. MIRIAM, Chicopce Falls. Taught in Chicopee, five months. Box 334, Chicopee Fulls, Mass. SMITH, ROSA L., Buekland. Taught in Shelburue Falls, 1888. Shclburne Falls, Mass. SPRAGUE, EFFIE G., Westfield. Taught in Blandford. WILCOX, EKFIE M , Springfield. Taught in primary nchool, Springfield, one year. 141 Main Street, Spring- field, Maes. WINTER TERM, 1888-89. LADIES. AUSTIN, ELIZABETH M., Westfield. Taught in term; Granville, one term; Warren, 1889; Turner's Falls, Mass. CAREY, MARY L New Braintree. Taught in AVest Brookfield, 1889- . Gilbertville, Mass. CURTIS, HELEN I., Springfield. Taught in Shelburne, Mass. FISK, HATTIE V., Springfield. Hoosac Tunnel, Mass. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WEST FIELD. 133 FITZPATRICK, CLARA L., Holyoke. Taught in Westfield, 1889. Box 1274, Westfleld, Mass. GLENNON, CATHERINE F., Dalton. Taught in Dalton, Mass. HORRIGAN, MARY A., Westfleld. Taught in Montague and \Vestfii-ld, Mass. HOWARD, BRIDGET A., Springfield. Taught in Longrneadqw and Springfield, Mass. JOHNSON, JENNIE D., Granville. Taught in West Sufliold, Conn., Southwick, Mass., and Granville, Mass. Grauville, Mass. JUDD, ELLEN M., Southwick. Before entering normal school, taught in Southwick, four terms; Holyoke, five years. After graduating, taught in Rockport, one month; Greenfield, 1889- . Box 178, Greenfield, Mass. LUDDEN, ANNA F., Springfield. Taught in Springfield, Mass. McSHEEiiv, MARY E., Whitinsville. Taught in Whitiusville, Mass. MERRILL, JESSIE E., Nepaug, Conn. Taught, before graduating, in Watcrbury, Conn. ; Nepaug, Conu.; Farming- ton, Conn., three years; after graduation, at Montague, Mass., 1889. Montague, Mass. PATTISON, CAROLINE F., Simsbury, Conn. Taught in Granby, Conn. SUTLIKFE, CATHERINE G., South Boston. TAFT, IDA A., Whitinsville. Taught in Granville, Mass. WALSH, MARY G., Springfield. Taught in Springfield, Mass. GENTLEMAN. MCALLISTER, THOMAS K., Whitinsville. Taught in Palmer, Mass. SUMMER TERM, 1889. LADIES. ALVORD, IDA J., Talcottville, Conn. BATES, GRACE A., Rye Neck, N. Y. BOYENTON, CLARA E., Hampton, Va. CLARK, EMMA L., Springfield. CONNOR, MARY E., Florence. CURTIS, LANIE E., Talcottvill^Conn. 134 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WESTFIELD. DKWEY, EMMA A., . DKXTER, NIXETTA W., EASTMAN, CAROLINE. GALLUP, JOSIE K., . HUSSEY, MAKY E , . JOHNSON, HATTIE F., JONES, ALICE M., . KELLY, LILLIAN E., MALEADY, SARAH F., MIXTER, STELLA N., MORRIS, SYLKNDA B., ORCUTT, JENNIE E , PACKARD, MYRTLE C., SHEA, MARY A., SHKPARD, FRANCES E., . . Great Barrington. Talcottville, Conn. Lebanon, N. H. Sprague, Conn. Holyoke. Lynn. Westfleld. Holyoke. . Stockbridge. Westfleld. . Ellington, Conn. Stafford Springs, Conn. Florence. Turner's Falls. Blanclford. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below SUBJECT EDUCATION LIB MAR 17 1975 RECEIVED MAR 2 1975 EDU. /PSYCH, LIBRARY Form L-0 aom-1, -41(1122) TO FINE IF NOT RE RNED TO. xARY Education Library LB 1888 W524 1839-89 UCLA-ED/PSYCH Library LB 1888 W524 1839-89 L 005 617 664 7 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 003 756 2