LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA ' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from l IVIicrosoft Corporation ubIiOOseatrich •w^^ CATALOGUE OF THK « PeiBlilG bIBRARY OR THE CITY OF SEATTLE 1893 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Sunset Publishing Company, Printers 1893 / / /■ CATALOGUE OK THE; PaBlilG hlBRARY OK THE) CITY OF [SEATTLE, \^3 .\^ 1893 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Sunset Pubwshing Company, Printers 1893 BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONERS. EBEN SMITH, Chairman Mrs. C. H. WILCOX JUNIUS ROCHESTER Mrs. B. B. HAINES DAVID FERGUSSON. COMfllTTEES. FINANCE. EBEN SMITH, DAVID FERGUSSON. SITE AND BUILDING. Mrs. B. B. HAINES, DAVID FERGUSSON. LIBRARY. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Mrs. C. H. WILCOX. BOOK. Mrs. B. B. HAINES, DAVID FERGUSSON. READING ROOM. Mrs. C. H. WILCOX, JUNIUS ROCHESTER. ART GALLERY. Mrs. B. B. HAINES, Mrs. C. H. WILCOX. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, EBEN SMITH. LIBRARIAN. JOHN D. ATKINSON. GIFT RULES AND REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE prescribing regulations under which the Seatti^e Pubi^ic Library, Museum and Reading Rooms shalIv be open to the public. Be it ordained by the City of Seattle as follows: ^ ^ Section i. The Library shall be open on all week days, not legal holidays, from 9:00 A. M. to 10:00 p. M. No books will be given out after 9:00 p. m. The Reading Room and Reference Departments shall, in addition, be open on Sundays and legal holi- days from 2:00 until 10:00 p. m., unless otherwise ordered by the Library Commission. Sec. 2. No charge shall be exacted for the use of the Library in any of its depart- ments, except as hereinafter provided. S ;*. 3. Any person of good deportment may use the Reading Room. Sec. 4. The following persons shall be entitled to borrow books from the Library, for home use, upon signing a proniise to obey its regulations : First — All residents of Seattle above the age of twelve years, who shall have filed the guaranty required. Such guaranty shall consist of a form furnished by the Library, sighed by some resident tax payer of the city satisfactorily responsible, not a member of the immediate family of borrower who undertakes to make good to the Library any loss sustained through, the negligence of the borrower. Unless revoked, or otherwise vitiated, this guaranty will be good for the period of two (2) years. Second — Any other resident of Seattle, in good standing, who deposits with the Libra- rian either the sum of $5.00 or the value of the work desired. Third — Persons not residents of Seattle, but who pay taxes and whose regular place of business is in the city ; also the members of the immediate family of such persons. The guaranty in all cases to, be signed by a resident. Fourth — Persons not residents of Seattle may draw books for home use upon an annual payment of $5.00 in advance, and subject to the rules of the Library. Sec. 5. Two days after filing the above guaranty a Borrower's Card will be issued to the applicant, setting forth his right to draw l^oks. This card must be presented when- ever a book is drawn, returned or renewed, if lost, it will be replaced on a payment of a fine of ten cents ; but notice must be left of lost card two weeks before another card can be issued, which interval is necessary to stop its use in irresponsible hands. If a lost card is recovered after a new one has been issued in its stead, the duplicate must be immediately surrendered Sec. 6. One volume only can be taken on one card. For teachers in public or pri- vate schools, Teachers' Cards will be issued, on which six books at a time may be taken out. For the use of -children, under twelve. Pupils' Cards, one for each teacher, will be issued, on which twelve books at a time may be taken out. The teacher shall be respon- sible for the return of all books taken out on these cards. Sec. 7. Books may be drawn for fourteen (14) days and may be renewed once for the same period ; but books of recent purchase or current interest may be retained one week only and are not renewable, except by special permission of the Librarian, until they have been in the library six (6) months. Sec. 8. Any person entitled to draw books, desiring a book which is not in the 435 iv RUIvKS AND REGULATIONS Library, can, by leaving an addressed postal card, be notified of the return of the book and have it retained forty-eight hours. Sec. 9. A fine of three cents a day shall be paid on each volume which is not re- turned according to the provisions of the preceding rule. To this fine shall be added the expense of collecting and serving notice. Sbc. id. No books shall be issued to any person incurring such fine until it has been paid. Skc. 1 1. No person shall lend a Library book to any one not a member of the same household. Books must not be transferred outside of the Library, nor cards exchanged from one book to another. Sec.' 12. All injuries to books beyond reasonable wear, and all losses, shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Librarian ; every book detained more than a month after serving notice, being held as lost. Marking a book, even with a lead pencil, or turning down the corners of pages, will be considered an "injury" within the meaning of this rule. Sec. 13. Notice of a change of residence should be given at once at the Library. Sec. 14. The existence of contagious or infectious diseases in the household of borrower must be promptly reported to the Library. Any Library book in the possession of a member of such household must be returned at once to the Library, with a statement of facts. No books shall be issued to such household during the period of quarantine or within the space of six weeks from the removal of the quarantine sign (except in case of measles, when books may be taken immediately after removal of quarantine.) Sec. 15. Encyclopedias, and other works of reference, rare and costly books, and such works as are, for any reason, restricted from circulation by the Library Commission, can be consulted only in the Library Room. Sec. 16. Books for use in the Reading Room will be given out to applicants filling out a slip with the title of the book and their own names and addresses ; but books on the Reading Room shelves may be consulted without such formality. Sec. 17. The Librarian shall, under the direction of the Commission, have general charge and superintendence of the Library, in all its departments, and all the employes thereof. EXPLANATORY. This catalogue is classified into principal classes according to the ' ' Dewey decimal system ' ' as follows : Class No. Ci.ass No. General works ooo-ioo Natural Science 500-600 Philosophy 100-200 Useful Arts 600-700 Religion 200-300 Fine Arts 700-800 Sociology 300-400 Literature — Fiction 800-900 Philosophy 400-500 History — Travels — Biography 900-999 Each of the above principal classes is divided into subordinate divisions. Each book, in addition to the class number, has a "book number," according to the "Cutter system," which is for the purpose of systematic shelf arrangement. The books in the subordinate divisions of this catalogue are in alphabetical arrange- ment, according to author, except in Biography, where the arrangement is by subject, and in Fiction, in which both authors and titles of books are given. Supplementary lists of new books added to the Library will be issued at intervals, and may be pasted in the back part of the catalogue. CARD CATALOGUE. The library books are catalogued systematically and exhaustively by author, title and subject, on cards, which are kept in a " card catalogue case, at the library, for general use of the public. The author, title or subject of a book may be found as in a dictionary. INDEX PAGE. Administration 19 Agriculture 35 Aids to reading i Amateur manuals 37 Amusements 42-43 Animals, domestic 35-36 Antiquities 60 Archaeology 60 Archaeology, prehistoric 29 Architecture 39-40 Army 19 Art, (Fine) 38-43 galleries 38 history 39 (useful) 32-38 Assaying 37 Astronomy 26 Banks 16 Bees 36 Bible, works on 9 Bibliography i Biography 69-83 authors 79-83 general 69 industrial 76 painters, sculptors, etc 76-79 philosophers 70 religious 70-71 scientific 76 sociological 71-75 Biology 29 Birds 31 Boating 43 Botany 30 Bronzes 40 Building, plans, material, etc 37 Capital 16 Care of person 21 Caricature 40 Carpentry 38 Carving 40 Catalogues i Charitable institutions 19 Chemistry 27 Christ, life of 9-10 Church, institutions lo-i r work lo-i r Churches and sects 11-12 Coast surveys 26 Commerce 21 PAGE. Communism 17 Cookery 36 Co-operation .... 17 Costume 21 Credit 16 Customs 21 Dairy 36 Darwinism 29-30 Death 21 Decoration, interior 41 Dictionaries 23-24 Dogmatics 9-10 Domestic economy 36 Drama — American 46 English 51-52 French 56-57 Greek 57-58 Italian 58 Latin ... 58-59 minor languages 59 Drawing and design 40-41 Economy, domestic .... 36 political 15-16 Education .... 19-21 Electricity and magnetism 27 Encyclopsedias 2 Engineering 34-35 mining 34 sanitary 35 Engraving 41 Essays, American literary 46-47 English literary 52 Ethics 6-7 Ethnology 29 Etiquette 21 Evidences of Christianity 9-10 Evolution 29-30 Fiction 1 18-159 Finance 17 Fine Arts 38-43 Fishes 31 Fishing 43 Fishing Industry 36 •Flowers 39 Folk-lore 22 Food 36 Free Trade 17 Fruits 35 Future life 9 INDEX Vll PAGE. Games of skill 42 Gardening 35 Landscape 36 Genealogy 83 General works i Geography 60 Geolog3' 28 Grammar 23 Gypsies 22 Health, public 33 Heraldry 83 Heresies 11 History 84-95 Africa 92 ancient 84-86 Asia 91-92 Europe 86-91 General 84 modem 86-95 North America 92-94 South America 95 Home and sex 21 Homiletics 10 Horsemanship 43 Hunting 43 Hygiene 33 Immortality 9 Insurance 19 Interest . . ... 16 International law 18 Inventions. 32 Juvenile 96-117 biography loo-ioi fine arts 97 fiction 104-1 17 history 102-104 literature 97-98 natural science 96-97 travels 98-99 useful arts 97 Labor 16 Land 17 Landscape gardening 39 Law 17-19 constitutional 18 criminal 18 martial 18 parliamentary 15 treatises 18 Legislative annals 14-15 bodies 14-15 Letters, American 47 English 53 French 56-57 German 57 Italian 58 Latin 58-59 Letters — Continued. pagk. Minor languages 59 Literary criticisms 44 Literature 44-59 American ... 45-49 miscellany 48-49 English 49-56 miscellany 53-56 French 56-57 German 57 Greek 57-58 Italian 58 Latin 58-59 history of 45 minor languages 59 Spanish 59 Logic 6 Magazines 2-4 Magnetism 27 Manufactures 37 Maps 60 Masonry 38 Mathematics 26 Medicine 32 Metallurgy 37 Metals 37 Metaphysics 5 Microscopy 30 Mineralogy 27 Monastic orders 11 Money . ... 16 Museums 38 Music 41-42 Natural history 30-31 Natural science 25-31 Natural theology 8 Navy 19 Needlework 40-4 \ Newspapers 3-4 Oratory, American 47 English 53 Orchards 35 Outdoor sports 42-43 Ownership 17 Painting (Fine arts) •. 41 Painting (Useful arts) 38 Painting, schools of ; 41 Palseography 23 Paleontology 29 Parliamentary law 15 Patents 32 Pauperism 17 Periodicals 2-4 Persecutions 1 1 Philology 23-24 Philosophers 7 Philosophy 5-7 Phonography 36 Vlll INDEX PAGE. Photography 41 Physics 26-27 Physiology 32-33 Plants 39 Poetry, American 45-46 English 49-51 French 56-57 German 58 Greek 57-58 Italian 58 Latin 58-59 Spanish 59 Minor languages 59 Political economy 15-16 Political parties 15 Political science 13-14 Pottery 40 Production 17 Protection 17 Public funds 17 Reformatory institutions 19 Religion 8-12 Religion and evolution 8 Religion and science 8 Religious history 11 Reviews 2-4 Rhetoric 44-45 Rights and rent 17 Satire and humor, American 47-48 English 53 French 5^-57 PAGE. Sculpture 40 Secret societies 19 Ship building 38 Shooting 43 Socialism 17 Sociology 13-22 Statistics 13 Taxation 17 Telegraphy 36 Theatres 42 Theosophy 8 Trades, mechanical 37 Trapping 43 Travels 60-68 Africa 65 Asia 64-65 Europe 61-64 General 60-61 North America 66-67 Oceanica 68 Polar regions . . 68 South America 67-68 Typewriting 36 Useful arts 32-38 Veterinary 33-34 Wages 16 War, customs of 22 Waterworks 35 Woman's position and treatment 22 Zoology 30-31 GENERAL WORKS BIBLIOGRAPHY, AIDS TO READING, ETC. Bainton, George. Art of authorship. 029-B164A Baldwin, James. Book-lover 028-B194B Blades, William. Enemies of books. 025-B568E Bookworm, The 090-B646 BowkeP, Richard R. & lies, G. Reader's guide in economic, so- cial and political science R016-B677G BuPt, Mary B. Literary landmarks . 028-B95IV Cowtan, Robert. Memories of the British museum Ro27'-C837M Gushing, William. Initials and pseudonyms; a dictionary of liter- ary disguises. 2 v R014-C954I Edwards, Edward. Free town libra- ries; their formation, manage- ment and history in Britain, France, Germany and America. . 027-ED96F Gosse, Edmund. Gossip in a library. 010-G694G Halkett, Samuel, & Laing, John. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. 4 v R014-H136A Hardy, W. J. Book plates 097-H224B Jones, Lynds E. Best reading 028-J71B Parsons, Frank & others. World's best books 028-P253W Porter, Noah. Books and reading. . 028-P834B Publishers' weekly. 1888-91. Vols. 33-39 R011-P963 Sargent, John F. Reading for the young 028-SA74R Wheatley, Henry B. Dedication of books to patron and friend 010-W563D CATALOGUES Annual American catalogue. 1888.. R019-AN75 — 1890. 1st supplement to the Amer- ican catalogue — 1892. 3rd supplement to the Amer- ican catalogue Boston public library. Catalogue of books in Bates hall, ist supple- ment R019-B655B — Lower hall R019-B655IV — Upper hall R019-B655U British catalogue of books published 1837-1851. Vol. I R019-B776 Cleveland public library catalogue 1889 R019-C596 Detroit public library catalogue 1888. R019-D483 — Supplement 1889-1890 R019-D483 Fletcher, W. I. ed. Cooperative index to periodicals. 1885-91.... R016-F635C — Index to general literature R016-F635G Hastie-Traey catalogue R017-H276C Leypoldt, F. & Jones, Lynds E. American Catalogue 1876. 2 v. . . Ro29-L(597A — Vol. I, Authors and titles. Vol. 2, Subjects — Bowkcr, Richard R. & Appleton, A. I. American catalogue, 1876- 1884 —1884-90 Library Bureau classified illustrated catalogue 017-1,614 London catalogue of books. 1816- 1851 R019-L845 — Index New world book list R019-N42 Poole, W. F. Index to periodical literature 1802-1881 R016-P784I — & Fletcher, W. I. Poole's index. ist sup. 1882-87 R016-P784I — Fletcher, W. I. ed. Poole's in- dex to periodical literature. 2nd sup. 1887-1892 R016-P784I — & Bowker, R. R. Annual literary index. 1892 R016-F635A Roorbach, Orville A. Catalogue of American publications, including reprints and original works. 1820- 1852 R019-R675A St. Louis public school library cata- logue. 1879-1883 R019-SA26 San Franeiseo public library. Sup- plement of books from 1884-1888. R019-SA54S Sonnensehein, Wm. S. The best books R017-SO56B Toledo public library catalogue 1886. R019-T575 United States Book Co. catalogue. Oct. 1890 R019-UN35 Washington state library catalogue. 1891. . R017-W275 Worcester public library. Cata- logue of books. 1884 R019-W893 2 GENERAI, WORKS GENERAL ENCYCLOP/EDIAS Alden's manifold cycloysedia of knowledge and language. 24 V.. R030-AL22 Amepiean annual encyclopsedia. 1861-76. 16 V. (For continuation see Appleton's annual.) R030-AM33 — Index Amerieana. Cyclopaedia Ameri- cana. (Supplement to Encyclo. Britannica.) 4 v R030-B777S Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. New series. 16 v R030-AM33S Beeton, Samuel O. Encyclopaedia of useful information. 4 v R030-B398 Belden, G. Belden's guide R030-B413 Bpitanniea. Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. (9th ed.) 24V R030-B777 — Index. Vol. 25 — Supplement. 4 v Chambers's Encyclopaedia. 8v R030-C356 Chambers, Wm. and Robert. Cham- bers's information for the peo- ple. 2 V R030-C356I Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. 8 v. R030-J634 Knight, Charles. English cyclo- paedia. 27 V. as follows R030-K774 — Arts and sciences, with supp. 9 v. . — Biography, with .supp. 7 v — Geography, with supp. 5 v — Natural history, with supp. 5 v. . . — Inde;c. i v Zell's popular encyclopaedia. Col- ange, L. de, ed. 2 v R030-Z35 PERIODICALS— MAGAZINES I^or Circulation. Arena. Atlantic monthly. Belford's magazine. Californian. Century. Cosmopolitan. Current literature. Forum. Harper's monthly. Lippincott. North American review. Popular science monthly. Review of reviews. Romance. St. Nicholas. Scribner's magazine. PERIODICALS, MAGAZINES, REVIEWS Reference Room. Arena. 1889-93. Vols. 1-7 Atlantic monthly. 1857-1892. Vols, 1-70 Blackwood's magazine. 1891-92 Vols. 149-152 Century. 1881-1893. Vols. 1-23 . . . . Contemporary review. 1866-1889, Vols. 1-56 Cosmopolitan. 1891-92. Vols. 11-13. Current literature. 1891-92. Vols, 7-II Edinburgh review. 1891. Vols. 173- 174 English illustrated magazine. 1884, 1886-90. 6 V Fortnightly review. 1891-1892. Vols, 49-52 Forum, The. 1886-1891, Vols. i-ii. Harper's bazaar. 1884-85, 87-90, Vols. 17-18, 20-23 Harper's magazine. 1850-78, 79-93, Vols. 1-57, 59-86 R050-AR33 R050-AT63 R050-B568 R050-C335 R050-C766 R050-C822 R050-C934 R050-ED43 R050-EN35 R050-F775 R050-F779 R050-H235B R050-H235M Harper's weekly. 1861-72, 74-80, 90. Vols. 5-16, 18-24, 34 R050-H235W Harper's young people. 1880-83, 85, 87-88, 91-92. Vols. 1-9, 13.. . .R050-H235Y Illustrated American. 1891-92. Vols. 8-12 R050-IL65 Lippincott. 1868-1892. Vols. 1-50. . R050-L665 Literary world, 1879-1889. Vols. 10-20 R805-L7I3 Littell's living age. 1844. Vols. 1-2. Ro5o-L,7i6 —1845-46. Vols. 4-8 Ro5o-L,7i6 —1846. Vol. II R050-L716 —1848-53. Vols. 16-39 R050-L716 —1854-55. Vols. 41-45 R050-L716 —1855-56. Vols. 47-48 R050-L716 —1858-62. Vols. 57-73 R050-L716 — 1863-69. Vols. 79-103 Ro50-Iv7i6 —1871-90. Vols. 108-187 R050-L716 Nineteenth century. 1877-1892. Vols. 1-32 R050-N624 North American review. 1891-92. Vols. 152-155 R050-N813 GENERAI, WORKS Our young folks. 1865-1873. Vols. 1-9 R050-OU7 Puck's annual. 1880-84. Vol. i R050-P964 Saint Nicholas. 1874-1890. Vols. 1-17. 28 Pts R050-SA25 Scottish review. 1891-92. Vols. 17-20 R050-SCO84 Scpibner. 1870-1881. Vols. 1-22 ... R050-SCR32 Scribner. New series. 1887-1892. Vols. I-I2 R05O-SCR32 Westminster review. 1891-92. Vols. 135-138 R050-W526 Wide awake. Vol. 55 R050-W635 NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, ETC. DALIES. Boston herald. Chicago tribune. Cincinnati commercial-gazette. Minneapolis tribune. New York sun. Olympian-tribune. People's call. Portland Oregonian. San Francisco chronicle. San Francisco examiner. Seattle post-intelligencer. Seattle press-times. Seattle telegraph. Spokane review. Tacoma ledger. WEEKLIES. Aberdeen weekly bulletin. Amerika (Norwegian), Chicago. Anacortes American. Argonaut. Atlanta constitution. Boston herald (Sunday). Boston transcript. California volksfreund. Chehalis bee. Cincinnati enquirer. Colfax gazette. Courier des Etats Unis. Denver republican. Detroit free press. Ellensburgh register. Everett herald. Everett times. Galveston news. Investigator (Boston). Irish world. Island county times. Journal of the knights of labor. Kansas City times. Kate Fields' Washington. Kettle Falls pioneer. Louisville courier-journal. Mission's Vannen. ■National tribune (Wash. D. C.) New Orleans picayune. New York tribune. Omaha bee. Palouse news. People's call. Pittsburgh dispatch. Port Angeles tribune-times. Port Orchard register. Public opinion (Wash. D. C. ) Puyallup citizen. Seattle democrat. Seattle standard. Skagit news. St. Louis globe-democrat. St. Paul pioneer-press. St. Louis republican (semi-weekly). Sultan City journal. Washington posten. Washington workman. Weekly (Victoria) colonist. MONTHLY. Pacific boys and girls. Washington temperance magazine. BUSINESS, SCIENTIFIC, PROFESSIONAL WEEKLIES. American architect. American machinist. Army and navy journal. Chicago legal news. Country gentleman. Dramatic mirror. Electric age. Engineering news and mining journal. Engineering news and railway journal. Forest and stream. Horseman. Industrial world. Journal of education. Lumberman (Chicago). Metal worker. Scientific American. — Supplement. Turf, field and farm. MONTHLIES. American chemical journal. American geologist. •GKNERAI, WORKS American journal of science. American naturalist. Botanical gazette. Decorator and furnisher. Education. Industry (San Francisco). Lumberman (St. l/ouis). Northwest journal of education. Painters' magazine. Popular science monthly. Scientific American architect and builder. LITERATURE, HISTORY, ETC. WEEKLIES. Athengeum. Critic. Harper's young people. Littell's living age. Nation. New York ledger. Publishers' weekly. Waverly magazine. Woman's journal. Youth's companion. MONTHLIES. Arena. Atlantic monthly. Belford's magazine. Blackwood's magazine. Book buyer. Book chat. Californian. Century. Chautauquan. Contemporary review Cosmopolitan. Current literature. Fortnightly (American reprint). Forum. Harper's magazine. Home maker. Ladies' home journal. Library journal. Library notes. Lippincott. Literary news. Literary world. Magazine of American history. Nineteenth century (American reprint). North American review. Overland monthly. Outing. Revie>v of reviews. Romance. St. Nicholas. Scribner. Studies in history and political science. Westminster review (American reprint). RELIGIOUS WEEKLIES. Catholic review. Christian advocate. Christian enquirer. Christian union. Churchman. Independent. Jewish messenger. Lutheran observer. New York evangelist (Presbyterian). Unity. nONTHLIES. Methodist Episcopal review (African). New Christianity. ART, ILLUSTRATED AND HUMOROUS WEEKLIES. Fliegende blatter. Frank Leslie's illustrated weekly. Harper's bazaar. Harper's weekly. Illustrated American. Illustrated London news. Judge. Life. London graphic. Puck. Soundings. MONTHLIES. Art amateur. Art interchange. Art journal (British). Etude. Hamerton's portfolio (American edition). PHILOSOPHY GENERAL WORKS, ESSAYS, ETC. CaPUS, Dr. Paul. Fundamental problems .. 100-C254F De Quiney, Thomas. Essays in philosophy and Letters to a young man. In Works. Vol. 9 828-D445 Owen, John. Evenings with the skeptics. 2 V 109-OW24E — Skeptics of the Italian renaissance. 109-OW24S Shoup, Francis A. Mechanism and personality; an outline of philos- ophy 100-SH84M METAPHYSICS Hamilton, Sir William. Metaphys- ics and logic 1 10-H184 MIND AND BODY Assier, Adolph d'. Posthumous hu- manity 133-AS7.5P Bain, Alexander. Mind and body. . . 130-B16M Binet, Alfred & Fere, Charles. Ani- mal magnetism 134-B514A Britten, i^/r.s. Emma H. Ghost land. 133-B776G — Modern American spiritualism 133-B776M Burton, Robert. Anatomy of mel- ancholy. 3 V 132-B954A Calderwood, Henry. Relations of mind and brain ., 130-C127R Carpenter, William B. Mental physiology 131-C225M Clarke, Edward H. Visions ; a study of false sight 133-C55V Combe, George. Constitution of man 139-C732C Farmer, John S. Spiritualism as a new basis of belief 133-F227S Hammond, William A. Spiritualism and allied causes of nervous de- rangement 132-H186S Kerner, Justinius. Seerees of Pre- vorst 133-K456S Lavater, John C. Physiognomy 138-L385 Lean, Mrs. Florence M. There is no death 133-L475T Marry at, Florence. See Lean, Mrs. F. M Maudsley, Henry. Body and mind. 132-M444B — Responsibility in mental disease . . . 132-M444R Moll, A. Hypnotism 134-M735H Moses, W. S., {0:s.on, pseud.). Spirit teachings 133-M854S Oleott, Henry S. People from the other world 133-OL15P Oxon, pseud. See Moses, W. S Peebles, J. M. Seers of the ages. . . . 133-P345S Ribot, Theodule. Diseases of mem- ory 132-R355M — Diseases of personality 132-R355P Seybert commission on spiritualism. 133-SE94 Sinnett, Alfred P. Rationale of mes- merism 134-SI66R Stanton, Mary O. Physiognomy... 138-ST26 Street, J. C. Hidden way across the threshold 133-ST86H Sully, James. Illusions ; a psycho- logical study 133-SU55I Warner, Francis. Physical expres- sion 130-W244P Williams, Howard. Superstitions of witchcraft 133-W674S PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS Frothingham, Octavius B. Trans- | Saltus, Edgar. Anatomy of nega- cendentalism in New England . . . 141-F935T [ tion 149-SA36A MeCosh, James. Agnosticism of '• Sully, James. Pessimism 149-SU55P Hume and Huxley 149-M136A ! PHILOSOPHY MENTAL FACULTIES Baldwin, James M. Handbook of psychology 150-B194H Bernstein, Julius. Five senses of man 152-B454F DaPWin, Charles R. Expression of the emotions in man and animals 157-D256E Fothergill, John M. Will power ; its range in action 159-F824W Granville, J. Mortimer. Secret of a good memory 154-G767S Holbrook, Martin L. How to strengthen the memory 154-H695H Hudson, Thompson J. Law of psychic phenomena. ... 150-H867I/ James, William. Principles of psychology. 2 v 150-J234P Kay, David. Memory; what it is and how to improve it 154-K18M Ladd, George T. Physiological psy- chology I50-L,I24P Lewes, George H. Problems of life and mind. 5 v 150-L584P — V. I. Foundations of a creed — V. 2. Foundations of a creed — V. 3. Physical basis of mind — V. 4. Study of psychology — V. 5. Mind as a function of the organism Sphere of sense and logic of feeling Sphere of intellect and logic of signs Nisbet, J. F. Insanity of genius 150-N633I SpeneeP, Herbert. Principles of psychology 2 v 150-SP34P Sully, James. Teacher's handbook of psychology 150-SU55T LOGIC Jevons, W. Stanley. Logic. Polit- ical economy 160-J535IV Sidgrwiek, Alfred. Fallacies . Venn, John. Symbolic logic . 165-SI16F 164-V565S ETHICS Addams, Jane, and others. Philan- throphy and social progress 177-AD22P BlaiP, Henry W. Temperance move- ment 178-B576T BPOOkS, Henry M., ed. Curiosities of the old lottery 174-B794C Buckley, Arabella R. Moral teach- ings of science 170-B856M Caine, William S., and others. Local option 178-C123L CaldePWOOd, Henry. Handbook of moral philosophy 170-C127M CappenteP, William B. Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors 178-C225U Chaney, George L. Every-day life and every-day morals 170-C364E ChaPPOn, Pierre. A treatise on wis- dom 170-C386T Cpaik, Dinah M. Sermons out of church 170-C845S CPOfleld, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, Mrs. H. B De Motte, John B. Secret of charac- ter building 170-D398S Dodge, Grace H. Thoughts of busy girls 170-D665T Eliot, William G. Lectures to young men 170-EL45M — Lectures to young women 170-EL45W Finek, Henry T. Romantic love and personal beauty 177-F494R Holland, Josiah G., (Timothy Tit- comb, pseud.) Gold Foil, ham- mered from popular proverbs. . . . 170-H715G — Letters to the Joneses 170-H715L Hopkins, Mark. Law of love and love as a law 170-H774L La Rochefoucauld, Francis Due de. Moral maxims 170-L327M Leeky, William E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 v 170-L493E Lubbock, Sir John. Pleasures of life 170-L963P MaPtineau, James. Types of ethical theory 171-M366T MoPSelli, Henry. Suicide 179-M838S Mulock. See Craik, Mrs. D. M MungeP, Theodore T. On the threshold 170-M924O Passmope, Joseph C, ed. Bishop Butler's ethical discourses 170-P265B RiehaPdson, Benjamin W. Lectures on alcohol 178-R385L Rochefoucauld, Francis, Due de. • See La Rochefoucauld PHILOSOPHY Savage, Minot J. Morals of evolu- tion Sidgwick, Henry. Methods of ethics Smiles, Samuel. Duty, with illus. of courage, patience and endurance. — Life and labor; or characteristics of men of industry, culture and genius —Self-help —Thrift SpeneeP, Herbert. Data of ethics. . — ^Justice — Principles of ethics 170-SA93M 170-SI16M 170-SM45D 170-SM45L, 170-SM45S 170-SM45T 170-SP34D 177-SP34J 170-SP34P StaPPett, Helen E. Letters to elder daughters 173-ST28L Stowe, Mrs. Harriet B., (Christopher Crofield, />^^«rf.) Little foxes .. . 173-ST76L Swing, David. Motives of life 171-SW67M Titeomb, Timothy, pseud. See Hol- land, J. G Tolstoi, Count Leo N. Life 170-T585L WeaveP, George S. Heart of the world ; or home and its wide work 173-W377H Weeden, William B. Morality of prohibitory liquor laws 178-W415M White, Mrs. Ellen G. Christian temperance & Bible hygiene. ... 178-W585C ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Medi- tations. Tr. by Long, George. . . 188-AN87M —Thoughts. Tr. by Long, George. . 188-AN87T CieePO. De amicitia (on friendship). 186-C482D -De officiis 186-C482D4 PateP, Walter. Plato and Platonism. 184-P272P Plato. Dialogues. Tr. into English, with analysis and introduction, by Jowett, B. 5 v. 184-P695J MODERN PHILOSOPHERS Bacon, /.orrf Francis. Works. 2 v. 192-B132 — V. I. Philosophical. — V. 2. Literary and religious — Works, i6v. ed. by B. Montagu. . . . 828-B132M — Exposition of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Nichol, J. 2 v.. 192-B132N BePkeley, George. Exposition of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Eraser, A. C 192-B457F ButleP, Joseph. His ethical theories, with sketch of life by Collins, W. L 192-B973C Cousin, Victor. The true, the beau- tiful and the good 194-C836T Fichte, Johann G. Popular works, with memoir by Smith, Wm 193-F444S — Account of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Adamson, R. . . . 193-F444A Hamilton, ^zVWni. Examination of his philosophy by Mill, John Stuart 192-H184M — System of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Veitch, J 192-H184V Hobbes, Thomas. System of his philosophy, with sketch of life, by Robertson, G. C 192-H653R Hume, David. System of his philos- ophy, with sketch of life by Knight, Wm 192-H884K Kant, Immanuel. Critique of prac- tical reason. Tr. by Abbott 193-K135A — Account of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Wallace, Wm. . 193-K135W Leibniz, G. W. Genesis of his phil- osophy, with sketch of life by Merz, J. T 193-L532M Locke, John. Exposition of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Eraser, A. C 192-L79F SpeneeP, Herbert. First principles. 192-SP34F Spinoza. System of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Caird, J. . . 193-SP47C Vieo. Account of his philosophy, with sketch of life by Flint, R. . . 195-V664F RELIGION GENERAL WORKS, PHILOSOPHY, THEORIES, ESSAYS, ETC. Bascom, John. Philosophy of reli- gion 201-B293 Blunt, John H. Dictionary of doc- trinal and historical theology .... R203-B625I) — Dictionary of sects, heresies, eccle- siastical parties and schools of religious thought R203-B625S Caldwell, Rev. Samuel I^. Cities of our faith, and other discourses and addresses, with biographical sketch 204-C128C Channlng', Rev. William K. Works. 6 V 208-C366 De Quiney, Thomas. Essays on Christianity, paganism and super- stition. In Works. Vol. 8 828-D445 Dodge, Mary A. (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Washington Bible class. 204-D665W Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A MeClintoek, John, & Strong, J. Cy- clopaedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature. lov. R203-M135 — Supplement. 2 v Martineau, James. Studies of Chris- tianity 204-M366S Noyes, Rev. George R., ed. Theo- logical essays . . 204-N874T OPSinl, Mathieu, & others. Fathers, martyrs and queen of the holy rosary 200-OR85F PaPkeP, Rev. Theodore. Views of religion 200-P224V Phelps, Rev. Austin. My note book. 204-P515M Sehaff, Rev. Philip. Encyclopaedia of religious knowledge. 3 v... .R203-SCH12E Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible. Hackett, H. B., ^^. 4v. R203-SM5B — & Wace, H. Diet, of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines. 4 v R20I-SM5C NATURAL THEOLOGY Brougham, Lord Henry. Natural theology. In Works. Vol. 6 . . . 828-B797 Cobbe, Francis P. Broken lights ; an inquiry into the present con- dition and future prospects of re- ligious faith 210-C635B Miehelet, Jules. Bible of humanity . 210-M584B NOPdhoff, Charles. God and the future life 210-N755G Oliphant, Lawrence. Scientific re- ligion 210-OL35S Paley, William. Natural theology . . 210-P174 TyleP, Rev. W. Seymour. Theology of the Greek poets 210-T974T THEOSOPHY BlavatSky, Helena p. Isis unveiled. 2 V 212-B615I — Key to theosophy 212-B615K Collins, Mabel. Blossom and the fruit 212-C695B Connelly, J. H. Neila Sen 212-C765N FullePton, Alexander. Indianapolis letters on theosophy 212-F956I KingSfOPd, Anna B. Dreams and dream stories 212-K614D — & Maitland, E. Perfect way; or finding of Christ 212-K615P Ppasdd, Rama. Nature's finer forces 212-P884N Sinnett, Alfred P. Occult world 212-SI66O WalkeP, E. D. Reincarnation 212-W153R What is theosophy? 212-W556T CREATION, EVOLUTION, RELIGION AND SCIENCE APgyll, Duke of. Unity of nature. . 215-AR35U Cooke, Josiah P. Religion and chemistry 215-C774R Dawson, John W. Origin of the world 213-D325O DrapeP, John W. History of the conflict between religion and science 215-D795C Fiske, John. Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge 215-F543I kKLlGION a Gosse, Philip H. Creation ; an at- tempt to untie the geological ■ knot 215-G694C Krauskopf, Rabbi Jos. Evolution and Judaism 213-K865E Lalng', Samuel. Modern science and modern thought 215-IV145M Le Conte, Joseph. Evolution ; its nature, evidences, and its relation to religious thought 2i3-Iy495E MeCosh, James. Religious aspect of evolution 213-M136R MaeQueapy, Howard. Evolution of man and Christianity 215-M244E Renan, Ernest. Future of science. . 215-R293F FUTURE LIFE, IMMORTALITY Cobbe, Frances P. Hopes of the human race, hereafter and here. . 218-C635H Fiske, John. Destiny of man 218-F543D BIBLE, OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, GENERAL WORKS Arnold, Matthew. God and the Bible 220-AR65G Bible. Comprehensive Bible with explanatory notes R220-B475 — Young, Robert. Analytical con- cordance to the Bible R220-Y85A Bible readings 220-B475 Dawson, Sir John W. Modern science in Bible lands 220-D325M Gladden, Washington. Who wrote the Bible? 220-G453W LassePPe, Henri. L,es saints evan- giles R225-L336S MePPill, Rev. George E. Story of the manuscripts 220-M555S MoPiSOn, John H. Disquisitions and notes on the gospels. Matthew . 226-M825M New Testament, rev. version R225-N42 — Noyes, George R., tr 225-N42N NoPton, Andrews. Genuineness of the gospels 226-N825G Noyes, George R., tr. New transla- tion of the Hebrew prophets. 2v. 224-N874H — New translation of Job, Ecclesiastes and Canticles 223-N874J — New translation of book of Psalms and of the Proverbs 223-N874P Smith, William, & Cheetham, Sam- uel. Dictionary of Christian an- tiquities. 2 V R220-SM5D TaylOP, William M. Miracles of our Saviour 226-T215M ThayeP, Joseph H. Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament. . R225-T338G Vincent, Marvin R. Word studies in the New Testament. 2v 225-V745W WaggoneP, J. H. From Eden to Eden 220-W124F White, Mrs. Ellen G. Patriarchs and prophets 220-W585P Willson, Marcius. Wonderful story of old. 2 V 220-W685W DOCTRINAL, DOGMATICS, EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY, LIVES OP CHRIST Abbott, Lyman. Evolution of Chris- tianity 239-AB25E Apnold, Matthew. St. Paul and Protestantism, etc 230-AR65S BaPPOWS, Samuel J. Doom of the majority of mankind 237-B277D Bpiggs, Charles A. The Bible, the church and the reason 230-B763B BPOOks, Philips. Influence of Jesus. 232-B794I BUPP, Enoch F. Ad fidem; or parish evidences of the Bible 239-B94A ChPist. See Jesus Christ ChPistianity and modern thought. . . 230-C464 ClaPke, James F. Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin 234-C55F — Christian doctrine of prayer 230-C55P — Essentials and non-essentials in re- ligion 230-C55E — Orthodoxy; its truths and errors. . . 230-C55O — Steps of belief 239-C55S CoekeP, Benjamin F. Christianity and Greek philosophy 239-C644C DPUmmond, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world 239-D844N Du Bose, William P. Soteriology of the New Testament 234-D855S Eliot, William G. Doctrines of Christianity 230-EIV45D ExeteP, Bishop of. See Temple, Frederick FPOthing-ham, Octavius B. Religion of humanity 230-F935R GOPe, Charles. Lux Mundi . 232-G66L 10 RELIGION Hurst, John F. History of ration- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, alism 239-H945R Mrs. E. S .... Jesus Christ. Farrar, Frederick W. PlumeP, Wm. S. Law of God 231-P734L Life of Christ. 2 v 232-J498F Seeley, John R. Ecce Homo 232-SE35E — Geikie, Cunningham. Short life Temple, Frederick, Bishop. Reli- of Christ for old and young .... 232-J498G gion and science 239-T244R — Ware, Henry. Life of the Savior . 232-J498W Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart. Naville, Ernest. Heavenly Father . 239-N224H (Phelps). The struggle for im- PaPkeP, Joseph. Ecce Deus 232-P224E mortality 230-W21S PRACTICAL, DEVOTIONAL Adams, H. G., ed. Sacred poetical quotations 245-AD14S BeeeheP, Henry Ward. Life thoughts 240-B395L Bogatsky, Carl H. von. Golden treasury for the children of God . 240-B636G Book of praise 245-B647 Boyd, Andrew K. H. Graver thoughts of a country parson . . 240-B693G Child, Francis J., ed. Poems of reli- gious sorrow, comfort, etc 245-C435P ClaPke, James F. Legend of Thomas Didymus 244-C55L Dodge, Mary A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.). Stumbling blocks 240-D665S DPUmmond, Henry. Addresses 240-D844A Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A HavePgal, Francis R. Poems... 245-H296P Keble, Rev. John. Christian year. . . 245-K232C , Lee, Florence P., ed. Sunshine in life 245-L51S Macdonald, George. England's an- tiphon 245-M144E MaPtineau, James. Endeavors after the Christian life 240-M366E Peabody, Andrew P. Christian con- solation 240-P313C SaundePS, Frederick. Evenings with the sacred poets 245-SA84E Savage, Minot J. Light on the cloud 240-SA93L Smith, Eva M. Woman in sacred song R245-SM5W Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ 242-T363I — Meditations on the life of Christ. . . 242-T363M WaPe, Henry, jr. Formation of the Christian character 240-W22F HOMILETIC, PASTORAL, PAROCHIAL BeeeheP, Rev. Henry W. Yale lect- ures on preaching Blaekie, John S. Lay sermons. . . . BPOOks, Rt V. Phillips. Light of the world and other sermons — Sermons Bupke, Very Rev. Thomas N. Lect- ures and sermons CollyeP, Robert. Nature and life. . . FaPPaP, Rev. Frederick W. Eph- phatha ; or the amelioration of the world HaweiS, Hugh R. Sermons HoPton, Robert F. Verbum Dei ; the Yale lectures on preaching. 1893. 251-B395Y 252-B565L 252-B794L 252-B794S 252-B918L 252-C697N 252-F245E 252-H314S Jezpeel, James J. Extracts from the flying roll Lea, Henry C. Historical sketch of sacredotal celibacy in the Chris- tian church SpUPgeon, Rev. Charles H. Mes- sages to the multitude StOPPS, Richard S. Preaching with- out notes Swing, David. Truths for today. 2v. Talmage, Rev. T. De Witt. From the pyramids to the Acropolis . . . WalkeP, James. Sermons 252-H788V 252-J554E 254-L46S 252-SP93M 251-ST74P 252-SW65T 252-T146P 252-W153S CHURCH, INSTITUTIONS, WORK AndePSOn, Rufus. Hawaiian islands; their progress and condition under missionary labors 266-AN25H BPOOkS, Henry M., ed. New Eng- land Sunday 263-B794N CentenaPy conference. Report on the protestant missions of the world. Lond., 1888. 2v R266-C334 GOPdon, Rev. M. L. An American missionary in Japan 266-G653A REUGION 11 HuPst, John F. Short history of the Shaipp, John C. Culture and reli- Christian church 260-H945C gion in some of their relations. . . 261-SH15C March, Daniel. Morning light on Strong", Josiah. Our country 266-ST85O many lands 266-M334M Tylep, Rev. Josiah. Forty years Ruskin, John. Sheepfolds. In among the Zulus 266-T974F Works. Vol. 17 828-R894 , RELIGIOUS HISTORY MONASTIC ORDERS, PERSECUTIONS, HERESIES. D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. See Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Fisher, George P. History of the Christian church 270-F534C — History of the reformation 270-F534R Hall, Edward H. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church. . , 273-H14O Lea, Henry C. History of the in- quisition. 3 V 272-IV46I Merle d'Aubigne, Jean H. History of the reformation of the i6th century. 2 v 270-M546R Milman, H. H. History of Chris- tianity. 3 V 270-M634C Ramsay, W. M. Church in the Roman empire before A. D. 170,. 270-R145C Renan, Ernest. Studies in religious history 270-R293S Ruskin, John. "Our fathers have told us." /« Works. Vol.13... 828-R894 Sewell, Elizabeth M. History of the early church 270-SE86E SteinmetZ, Andrew. History of the Jesuits 271-ST37J StOUghton, John. Religion in Eng- land from 1800 to 1850. 2 V 270-ST77R White, Henry, Massacre of St. Bartholomew 272-W585M CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS Under each sect will be found its history and works bearing on the teachings of the same AMERICAN PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Kip, Right Rev. William I. Early days of my episcopate 283-K626E ANGLICAN OR ENGLISH PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Bede, The venerable. The venerable Bede ; expurgated, expounded and exposed by The Prig 283-B392P EASTERN, GR/CCO=RUSSIAN OR HOLY ORTHODOX. Stanley, Arthur p. History of the Eastern church 281-ST 24E METHODIST. Simpson, Matthew. Hundred years of Methodism 287-SM54H PRESBYTERIAN (SCOTTISH). Miller, Hugh. Headship of Christ, etc 285-M614H Walker, Norman L. Scottish church history 285-W153S PURITANlSn. Neal, Daniel. History of the Puri- tans ; or protestant non-conform- ists. 2 V 285-N25 ROHAN CATHOLIC. Cramp, J. M. Text-book of Popery, 283-C846T Janus, pseud., probably Dollinger. The pope and the council 282-J264P SWEDENBORGIAN. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Apocalypse revealed. 2 v — Arcana coelestia ; or Heavenly ar cana. 10 v — Conjugal love — Divine love and divine wisdom ... — Divine providence — Four leading doctrines — Heaven and its wonders, the world of spirits and hell — Miscellaneous theological works . . . — True Christian religion Warren, Samuel M. Compendium of the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg 289-SW34A 289-SW34A5 289-SW34C 289-SW34D 289-SW34D5 289-SW34F 289-SW34H 289-SW34M 289-SW34T 289-W254C UNITARIAN. Allen, Joseph H. & others. Unitari- anism ; its origin and history .... 288-AL54 Barrows, SamuelJ. Baptist meet- ing-house 288-B277B Dewey, Orville. Works, with bio- graphical sketch 288-D514 Farley, Frederick A. Unitarianism defined 288-F225 12 RELIGION Hedge, Rev. Frederic H. & others. Unitarian affirmations 288-H357 Metealf, Richard. Letter and spirit. 288-M564L, Norton, Rev. Andrews. Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of trinitarians concern- ing the nature of God and the person of Christ 288-N825S Wilson, John. Unitarian principles confirmed by trinitarian testi- monies 288-W695 ETHNIC, NON-CHRISTIAN nVTHOLOGY. Bulflnch, Thomas. Age of fable or beauties of mythology 291-B874A Clarke, Rev. James F. Ten great religions 290-C55T Clodd, Edward. Childhood of reli- gions 290-C623C Cox, George W. Tales of ancient Greece 292-C837T Ely, Talfourd. Olympos ; tales of the gods of Greece and Rome . . . 292EL9O Fiske, John. Myths and myth- makers 291-F543M Murray, Alexander S. Manual of mythology 291-M964M Petiseus, Dr. A. H. Gods of Olym- pos 292-P366G Taylor, Thomas. Eleusian and Bacchic mysteries 292-T215E Vignoll, Tito. Myth and science .. . 291-V684M BRAHMANISn AND BUDDHISH. Sinnett, Alfred P. Esoteric Bud- dhism 294-SI66E Wilklns, W. J. Modern Hinduism. . 294-W655M Williams, Sir Monier. Brahmanism and Hinduism 294-W674 — Buddhism 294-W674B CONFUCIANlSn. Douglas, Robert K. Confucianism and Taouism 299-D748C MOHAMMEDANISM. Mahomet. See Muhammed Muhammed. Irving, Washington. Mahomet and his successors. In Works. Vol. 4 818-IR84M MORMANISM. Stenhouse, Mrs. Fanny. "Tell it all ; " the story of a life's experi- ence in Mormanism 298-ST42T SOCIOLOGY GENERAL WORKS, PHILOSOPHY, THEORIES, ESSAYS, ETC. Bagehot, Walter. Physics and poli- tics 300-B145P Bascom, John. Sociology 300-B293S Carey, Henry C. Principles of so- cial science. 3 v 300-C188S Carnegie, Andrew. Triumphant de- mocracy 300-C215T Dllke, Sir Charles W. Problems of greater Britain 300-D574P Greg, Percy. Devil's advocate. 2 v 300-G863D Mackenzie, John S. Social philoso- phy 300-M195S Ruskin, John. Fors Clavigera. In Works. Vols. 18-20 828-R894 SpeneeP, Herbert. Ecclesiastical in- situtions 300-SP34E — Essays ; moral, political and aesthe- tic 304-SP34E — Principles of sociology. 2 v 300-SP34P — Social statics 301-SP34S — Study of sociology 300-SP34 statistics: theory, methods, science of statistics, population, etc. • ' Annual statistician. 1887, 1891, 1892. 3 V R310-AN75 Kolb, George Fr. Conditions of na- tions ; social and political, with tables of universal statics R310-K633C MaltllUS, Thos. R. Principles of population 312-M297P Manual of statistics ; railroads, cot- ton, etc R310-M319 Statesmen's year book. The. 1891, 1893. 2 v R310-ST28 United States. 8th census of the U. S. i860. 4v R317-UN35C — 9th census. 1870. 3 v. and com- pe:ndium — loth census. 1880. 10 v — nth census. 1890. 3 V Special States. — Indiana, statistics for 1889-90, 1891- 92. 2 V R317-IN24 POLITICAL SCIENCE, FORM OF STATE, INTERNAL RELATIONS, SUFFRAGE, SLAVERY Adams, John. Works, with life of the author by Adams, C. F. 10 v 320-AD14A Amos, Sheldon. Science of politics . 320-AM65S Bagehot, Walter. English constitu- tion and other political essays. . . 320-B145E Beaver, James A. Inaugural ad- dress 320-B387I BluntSChli, Johann K. Theory of the state 320-B626T Brougham, Lord Henry. Histori- cal and political dissertations. Speeches on social and political subjects. In Works. Vols. 8-10. 828-B797 Burgess, John W. Political science and comparative constitutional law. 2 V 320-B914P Burke, Edmund. Works. 6 v 320-B917 Cairnes, John E. Political essays. . . 320-C125E Clay, Henry. Speeches ; with sketch of his life by Swain, J. B. 2 v. . . 320-C574S Cleveland, Grover. Writings and speeches. Parker. G.V., ed . . . 320-C596W De Quiney, Thomas. Politics and political economy. In Works. Vol. 10 828-D445 Draper, John W. Future civil policy of America 320-D795F Elections. —Contested, 1875-76 R324-EIV26C — Contested. 1877. 4v R324-EIV26C —In Florida. 1876 R324-EL26F — In Louisiana. 1876 77. 3 v R324-EIV26L — In Mississippi. 1875-76 R324-EL26M — In South Carolina. 1876-77 R324-EIV26S — Electoral votes in New Jersey, etc. 1876-1877 R324-EL27N Fiske, John. American political ideas 320-F543A Ford, Worthington C. American citizen's manual. ... 320-F75A 14 SOCIOLOGY HaPPison, Benjamin. Speeches. Hedges, Charles, ed 320-H245S «l8,y, John. Correspondence and pub- lic papers. Johnston, H. P. ed. 3 V 320-J33C Jenkins, Edward. The coolie ; his rights and wrongs . 326-J416C Lawton, Geo. W. American caucus sj-stem 324-L444A LiebeP, Francis. Civil liberty and self-government 321-L623C Lowell, James R. Political essaj's . . 320-L955P Maekay, T. cd. Plea for liberty ; an argument against socialism. . . 320-M193P Madison, James. Letters and other writings. (Pub. by order of Con- gress). 4 V 320-M265 Maine, SirYLenvy } . S. Popular gov- ernment 321-M284P — Village-communities 321-M284V Mill, John S. Representative gov- ernment 321-M598R Montague, Francis C. Limits of in- dividual liberty 323-M763L Mope, Sir Thomas. Utopia. Lumby, L R. ed 321-M813U MulfOPd, Elisha. The nation 320-M895N NoPdhoff, Charles. Politics for young Americans 320-N755P Paine, Thomas. Rights of man 323-P163R Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lec- tures and letters. 2nd ser 320-P544S SewaPd, William H. Works. Baker, G. E. ed. 5v 320-SE84 Sidgwiek, Henry. Elements of poli- tics 320-SI16E SpenceP, Herbert. Man versus the state 320-SP34M Squipe, Watson C. Speeches during 52nd congress 320-SQ54S Stanton, Elizabeth C. & others. His- tory of woman suffrage. 3 v 324-ST26W Stephen, Jas. F. Liberty, equality, fraternity . 320-ST44L Still, William. The underground railroad 326ST55U Toussaint, Pierre. Farnhan, Mrs. H. Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, bom a slave in San Domingo .... 326-T647F Washington, George. Writings, Ford, W. C. ed. 13 v 320-W275 WebSteP, Daniel. Works. 6v 320-W394 Wilson, Henry, Rise and fall of the . slave power in America. 3 v . . . . 326-W695R Woolsey, Theodore D. Political sci- ence. 2 V 320-W886P LEGISLATIVE BODIES AND ANNALS, UNITED STATES Benton, Thomas H. Thirty years view ; or working of American government from 1820 to 1850. . . 328-B449T Blaine, James G. Twenty years of congress, from Lincoln to Gar- field. 2 V 328-B576T United States Congpess. — American state papers: —Finance. V. 4-5 R328-C764F —Military affairs. V, 3-7 R328-C764M —Naval affairs. V. 2-4 R328-C764N —Public lands. V. 4-8 R328-C764P — Congressional globe. 40th cong. ist sess. to 42nd cong. 3rd sess. 31 V R328-C764G — Congressional record. 51st cong. 2nd sess. (1890) to 52nd cong. ist sess. (1892.) 14 V R328-C764R — House of representatives. Docu- ments (executive), 42nd cong. 1st sess. (i87i)to 49th cong. 2nd sess. (1886-87). 24 V R328-H814E — Journal, 42nd cong. ist sess. (1871) to 49th cong. 2nd sess. (1886-87). 17 V R328-H814J . — Reports of committees, 42nd cong., 1st sess. (1871^ to 49th cong. 2nd sess. (1886-87). 42 V R328-H814R — Reports of committees. Affairs in the late insurrectionary states, 42nd cong. 2nd sess. (1874-75). 13 V R328-H814R2 — Senate. Journal, 44th cong. ist sess. (1875-76) to 49th cong. 2nd sess. (1886-87). 15 V R328-SE56J — Reports of committees, 42nd cong. 1st sess. (1871) to 47th cong. 2nd sess. (1882-83). 32 V R328-SE56R Government Department. — Interior dept. Indian affairs. Re- port of commissioner on Indian affairs. 1871-91. 22 v R328-IN83I — Messages and documents. 1880-81 R328-IN83M — Patent office reports. 1847, 1853. 1854 2 V. 1855 3 V. 1856 2 V. 1861 3 V R328-IN83P — Register of the dept. of the in- terior, containing list of per- sons employed in the dept. appointed by the president SOCIOLOGY 15 or by the secretary of the interior R328-IN83R — Secretary of the interior re- ports. 1871-91. Missing 1878. 79, 80, 83. 31 V R328-IN83S -Navy dept. Investigation of the navy dept. 44th cong. 3 v R328-N227I — Secretary of the navy's report. 1874, 75 R328-N227S -Official register of U. S, 1877-91. Missing 1880, 86, 90 R328-OF23R -Post office dept. Report of post- master general. 1875-76 R328-P845R -State dept. {Note. The secretary of state makes no annual report. The dept. reports are : diplo- matic correspondence, known as foreign relations, commercial relations and consular reports.) — Commercial relations of the U. S. 43rd cong. 1st sess. (1873-74) to 44th cong. 2nd sess. (1876-77). 6 V R328-ST27C — Foreign relations of the U. S. 42nd cong. 1st sess. (1871) to 44th cong. 2nd sess. (1876-77). 12 V R328-ST27F -Treasury dept. Reports of the comptroller of the currency. 1873-88. 17 V R328-T715C — Reports of the secretary of the treasury, usually known as finance report. 1874-89, miss- ing 1879-82. 16 V R328-T715S — War dept. Messages and docu- ments. V.I. 1891-92 R328-W193M — Reports of the secretary of war. 42nd cong. 1st sess. (1874) to 44th cong. 2nd sess. (1876-77). 22 V R328-W193S Special States. — Maryland. Report of comptroller of treasurer of. i8qi R328-M367C — Report of tax commissioner of. 1892 R328-M367T — Pennsylvania. Legislative hand- book and manual. 1890 R328-P385L — Washington, Report of adjutant general. 1888-89 R328-W275A —1890 R328-W275A2 — Barton's legislative handbook and manual. 1890-93. 3 v. .R328-W275B — Public documents. 1891 R328-W275P {Note. Many special gov't, publica- tions will be found in this cata- logue, entered in such classes as are indicated by their subject.). . , PARLIAMENTARY LAW CroekeP, George G. Principles of procedure in deliberative bodies . 328-C874P Gushing, Luther S. Rules of pro- ceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies 328-C954R Robert, Henry M. Rules of order for deliberative assemblies 328-R544R ShattUCl^, Harriet R. Woman's manual of parliamentary law. . . . 328-SH27W POLITICAL PARTIES Gillett, Ransom H. Democracy in the United States 329-G414D Johnston, Alex. American politics. 329-J645A Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. 2 v 329-T594D POLITICAL ECONOMY AmePiean economic association, publications of. 5 v 330-AM33 Argyll, duke of. Unseen foundations of society 330-AR35U Bascom, John. Political economy. . 330-B293 Chapin, Aaron L. First principles of political economy 330-C366F Cossa, Luigi. Guide to the study of political economy 330-C825G Faweett, Henry. Manual of politi- cal economy 330-F285M Faweett, Mrs. Millicent G. Politi- cal economy for beginners 33C)-F285l6 Gide, Charles. Principles of political economy 330-G364P Lalor, John J. Cyclopaedia of politi- cal science, political economy and United States history. 3 v R330-L155C Laughlin, J. Lawrence. Elements of political economy 330-L365E Macvane, S. M. Working principles of political economy 330-M253W Mill, John Stuart. Principles of polit- ical economy. 2 v 330-M598P le SOClOlvOGY Peppy, Arthur L. Principles of polit- ical economy 330-P425P Ruskin, John. " Unto this last," essays on political economy. In ' Works. Vol. 12 828-R894 Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. 2 V 330-SM5W Thompson, Robert E. Political economy, with special reference to the industrial history of na- tions 330-^374? WalkeP, Amasa. Science of wealth ; manual of political economy. . . . 330-W153S WoPthington, Slack. Politics and property; or phronocracy 330-W898P CAPITAL, LABOR, WAGES Banks, Louis A. White slaves 331-B225W CalifOPnia labor statistics. 1889-90. 331-C127L CommissioneP of labor. Reports, 1886-90. 5v R331-C734 —Labor laws of the U. S. 1892 R331-C734L — Report on marriage and divorce in the U. S. 1867-86 R331-C734M Cunningham, William. Use and abuse of money 331-C915U Ely, Richard T. Labor movement in America 331-EL9L Engels, Frederick. Working class in England in 1844 331-EN35W GeOPge, Henry. Condition of labor; an open letter to Pope Leo XIII. 331-G294L —Progress and poverty 331-G294P Gladden, Washington. Working people and their employers 331-G453W Hale, Edward E. Sybaris and other homes 331-H13S — Workingmen's homes 331-H13W Howell, George. Conflicts of capital and labor 331-H836C McNeill, George E. Labor move- ment ; the problem of today .... 331-M235L Mapyland. industrial statistics and information of Maryland. 1890-91. R331-M367I Massachusetts. Report of bureau of statistics of labor. 1874, 76, 79, 82, 89, 90. 6 V R331-M386L MePiwetheP, Lee. The tramp at home. 331-M542T New YOPk. Third annual report of bureau of statistics of labor. 1885. R331-N485L Ohio. Report of bureau of statistics of labor. 1890 R331-OH33L Penny, Virginia. Think and act; articles on men and women, work and wages 331-P385T POPteP, Robert P. Bread-winners abroad 331-P834B Ruskin, John. Time and tide; lect- ure to working men. In Works. Vol. 12 828-R894 Sehoenhof, Jacob. Economy of high wages 331-SCH65E United States consular reports. La- bor in foreign countries. 1884. 3 V R331-UN35L BANKS, MONEY, CREDIT, INTEREST Apt of investing 332-AR74 Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street ; a description of the money market 332B145L Cheap money experiments 332-C414 Clews, Henry. Twenty-eight years in Wall street 332-C597T CowpePthwait, J. Howard. Money, silver and finance 332-C837M EhPich, L. R. Question of silver. . . 332-EH84Q Giffen, Robert. Essays in finance . . . 332-G364E Hankey, Thomson. Principles of banking 332H195P Jevons, Wm. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange 332-J635M JuglaP, Clement. Brief history of panics, and their periodical oc- currence in the U. S 332-J933P Kinley, David. History, organiza- tion and influence of the inde- pendent treasury of the U. S 332-K623I Knox, John Jay. United States notes. History of paper money . 332-K77U Laughlin, J. Lawrence. History of bimetallism in the United States. 332-L365B Leech, Edward O. Production of gold and silver in U. S. 1892 R332-L512P SumneP, William G. History of American currency 332-SLT63A Tpenholm, W. L. The people's money 332T723P WalkeP, Francis A. Money 332-W153M SOCIOLOGY 17 LAND, OWNERSHIP, RIGHTS AND RENT George, Henry. Land question 333-G294L — Perplexed philosopher 333-G294P Maedonell, John. Land question, with particular reference to Eng- land and Scotland 333-M144L CO-OPERATION Adams Herbert. History of co- state 334-M627P operation in the United States. .. 334-AD14 Rosenthal, Henry S. Manual for Mills, Herbert V. Poverty and the ; building associations 334-R727M SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM Brown, T. Edwin. Studies in mod- ern socialism 335-B812M Dawson, William H. German social- ism and Ferdinand Lassalle 335-D325G Graham, William M. Socialism, new and old 335-G763S Gronlund, Laurence. Co-operative common-wealth 335-G894C Nordhoff, Charles. Communistic societies of the United States. .. 335-N755C Noyes, John Humphrey. History of American socialism 355-N874A Rae, John. Contemporary socialism 335-R12C FINANCE, PUBLIC FUNDS, TAXATION Adams, Henry C. Public debts 336-AD14P Bolles, Albert S. Financial history of the United States. 3 V 336-B637F Ely, Richard T. Taxation in Ameri- can states and cities 336-EL9T Hall, Bolton, ed. Who pays your taxes 336-H14W PROTECTION, FREE TRADE, PRODUCTION, PAUPERISM Atkinson, Edward. Taxation and work 337-AT54T Booth, Gen. William. In darkest England and the way out 339-B647I Byles, Sir John B. Sophisms of free trade and political economy 337-B994S Dugdale, Richard L. "The Jukes;" a study in crime; pauperism, dis- ease and heredity 339-D877J George, Henry. Protection or free trade 337-G294P Gill, Richard. Free trade under pro- tection 337-G41F Jevons, William S. State in rela- tion to labor 338-J535S Mason, David H. Tariff history of the United States. Part i 337-M384T Riis, Jacob A. How the other half lives 339-R443H Strange, Daniel. Farmer's tariff manual 337-ST83F Sumner, William G. Protectionism 337SU63P Taylor, Edward. Is protection a benefit ? 337-T215I Thompson, Richard W. History of protective tariff laws 337-T374P Wells, David A. Primer of tariff re- form 337-W464P LAW, GENERAL WORKS Amos, Sheldon. Science of law 340-AM65S Brooks, Henry M., ed. Strange and curious punishments 340-B794S Heard, Franklin F. Curiosities of the law reporters 340-H353C — Oddities of the law 340-H353O Jeaffreson, John C. Pleasantries of English courts and lawyers 34o-J343l* LC— 3 Maine, Sir Henry Snmner. Ancient law , 340-M284A — Early history of institutions 340-M284E Phillips, S. March. Famous cases of circumstantial evidence 340-P544F Pollock, Sir Frederick. Oxford lec- tures and other discourses 340-P764O 18 SOCIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL LAW IntePnational marine conference. 1889. 3v R34I-1N85 Levi, Leone. International law 34I-L577 Woolsey, Theodore W. Interna- tional law. 34i-\V886 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY Bancroft, George. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States of America. . . . 342-B223F Brougham, Lord Henry. British constitution ; its history, structure and working. In Works. Vol. II 828-B797 Bryee, James American common wealth. 2 V 342-B843A Curry, Jabez L. M. Constitutional government in Spain 342-C934S Gneist, Rudolph. History of the English constitution. 2 v 342-G533E Hallam, Henry. Constitutional his- tory of England. 3v 342-H153E Hamilton, Alexander & others. Fed- eralist ; a commentary on the constitution of the United States. 342-H184F Hoist, H. von. Constitutional his- tory of the United States. 6 vols. as follows : 342-H743U — 1750-1833. V. I — 1828-1846. V. 2 — 1846-1850. V. 3 — 1850-1854. V. 4 — 1854-1856. V. 5 — 1^56-1859. V. 6 , . . Hosmer, James K. Short history of Anglo-Saxon freedom 342-H793A Jameson, J. Franklin & others. Es- says in the constitutional history of the United States. 1775-1789. 342-J236E May, Thomas E. Constitutional his- tory of England. 1760-1860. 2v 342-M454E Stephens, Alexander H. Constitu- tional view of the late war be- tween the states. 2 v 342-ST44\V Story, Joseph. Exposition of the constitution of the United States 342-ST75E StubbS, Williani. Constitutional his- tory of England 342-ST93E CRIMINAL AND MARTIAL LAW Americam and British Statutes. Fuller, Horace W. Imposters and adventurers 343-F954I Griffiths, Arthur. Chronicles of Newgate 343-G875C Lawrence, Ba.sil E. History of laws affecting the property of married women in England 346-L435L, Pitman, Benn. Assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators ' 344-P683A — Trials for treason at Indianapolis. . 344-P683T Romilly, Henry. Punishment of death 343-R665P Trumbull, J. Hammond, ed. True blue laws of Connecticut 345-T773T Washington, State of. Reports of cases in supreme court from Mar. I to Oct. 3. 1892. 4 V 345-W275S Waugh, Rev. Benjamin. The Gaol cradle, who rocks it ? 343-W355G TREATISES, AMERICAN AND BRITISH, CANON AND FOREIGN LAW Blackstone, ^zV William. Commen- taries on the laws of England, with notes and life of Sharswood , G. 2 V R347-B568C Bouvier, John. Law dictionary. 2 V R347-B668L Corey, Henry B. Law without law- yers 347-C814L Dale, James M. Clergyman's legal handbook and church-warden's guide 348-D153C Dole, Edmund P. Talks about law ; a popular statement of what our law is and how it is administered 347-D684T Morse, A. Porter. Treatise on citi- zenship 347-M836T Putnam, George H. Question of copyright 347-P984Q . Webster, Prentiss. Law of citzen- ship in the United States 347-W395L SOCIOLOGY 19 ADMINISTRATION Civil Service, Local Government, United States Government, Foreign States. Civil service. Annual report of the United States civil service com- mission. 1st report. 1884 R351-C498U —3rd report. 1885-86 —4th report. 1886-87. (Rules and regulations) —6th, 7th & 8th reports. 1888-91. 3 V CoelceP, W. J. Government of the United States 353-C644G Joiinston, R. Civil service guide. (English) 354-J645C Seattle, Charter of city of R352-SE17C Seattle municipal reports R352-SE17M Thorpe, Francis N. Government of the people of the United States . . 353-T397G Washington, Adjutant general an- nual report. 1888-89 R353-W275A —1890 R353-Wi275A ARMY, NAVY, MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE Burton, Richard F. Book of the sword 335-B954B Dodge, Theodore A. Caesar ; a his- tory of the art of war among the Romans 355-D665C — Hannibal ; a history of the art of war among the Carthaginians and Romans 355-D665H Farrow, Edward S. Military ency- clopaedia. 3 V. . . R355-F248 Fry, James B. Military miscellanies Hazen, Wm. B. School and army in Germany and France Jomini, Baron de. Art of war United States army regulations. Viele, Egbert L. Handbook for ac- tive service Zogbaum, Rufus V. Horse, foot and dragoons 255-t'943M 355-H337S 355-J685A 355UN35A 355-V673H 355-Z7H ASSOCIATIONS, INSTITUTIONS Charitable and Reformatory. Brace, Charles L. Dangerous classes of New York and twenty years' work among them 361-B723D Jameson, Mrs. a. M. . sisters of charity; catholic and protestant. . 362-J236S Randall, C. D. Fourth international prison congress, St. Petersburgh, Russia. 1890 365-R154P SECRET SOCIETIES Gould, Robert F. History of free- masonry. 2 V 366-G73F ! INSURANCE Insurance year book, 1886-87 R368-IN77 Maryland. Insurance commissioner of Maryland, report. 1891 368-M367 EDUCATION GENERAL WORKS, HISTORY OF EDUCA- TION, ETC. Bain, Alexander. Education as a science 370-B16E Boone, Richard G. Education in the United States 370-B645U Compayre, Gabriel. History ' of pedagogy 370-^733? Davidson, Thomas. Aristotle and the ancient educational ideals. . . 370-D285A Gordy, J. P. Rise and growth of the normal school idea in the United States 370-G654R Kiddle, Henry & Shem. A. J. Cyclo- paedia of education R379-K535C Klemm, Louis R. European schools 370-K675E Mahatfy, John P. Old Greek educa- tion 370-M276O 20 SOCIOI.OGY Mann, Horace. Life and works. 5 v 370-M315L RosenkPanZjJohann K. F. Philoso- phy of education 370-R725P SpeneeP, Herbert. Education ; in- tellectual, moral and physical .... 370-SP34E METHODS, DISCIPLINE, ETC. CompayP^, Gabriel. Lectures on teaching 37i-C735lv Gill, John. Systems of education .. . 371-G41S Rowland, George. Practical hints for the teachers of public schools 371-H845P Klemm, L. R. Chips from a teach- er's workshop 371-K675C Leighton, R. F. Harvard examina- tion papers 371-535H Newsholme, Arthur. School hy- giene 371-N474S Page, David P, Theory and practice of teaching 371-P145T PaPkeP, Francis W. Talks on teach- ing 371-P224T PatPidge, Lillia E. "Quincy meth- ods " illustrated 371-P275Q PPlnee, John T. Methods of instruc- tion and organization of schools of Germany, for the use of Ameri- can teachers 371-P935M White, Emerson E. Elements of pedagogy 371-W585E — Promotions and examinations in graded schools R371-W585P WoodwaPd, Calvin M. Manual training school 371. W873M ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Gilman, Stella S. Mothers in coun- cil 372-G424M PaPkeP, Francis W. How to study geography 372-P224H Sheldon, Edward A. Elementary instruction by object lessons 371-SH44E — Lessons on objects 362-SH44L Wiggin, Kate D, Children's rights. 372-W637O INTERMEDIATE, ETC. Abbott, Edwin A. Hints on home teaching 373-AB25H MaPtineau, Harriet. Household education 373-M366H SELF=EDUCATION, ACADEniC, PREPARA= TORY. Eggleston, George C. How to edu- cate yourself 374-EG35H CURRICULUM. Hill, Thomas. True order of studies. 375-H55T Wells, William H. Graded course of instruction for public schools 375-W464G Winehell, Alexander. Shall we teach geology ? 375-W723S EDUCATION OF WOMEN. ClaPke, Edward H. Sex in educa- tion; or a fair chance for the girls 376-C55S DufTey, Mrs. E. B. No sex in educa- tion ; or an equal chance for both boys and girls 376-D873N RELIGIOUS, ETHICAL AND SECULAR EDU- CATION. Eliot, William G. Early religious education 377-EL45E Spaulding, John L. Education and the higher life 377-SP13E COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Everett, W^illiam . On the Cam ; Lec- tures on the university of Cam- bridge in England 378-EN25O HaPVaPd university catalogue. 1890- 91 378-H264C Lyte, H. C. Maxwell. History of Eton college. 1440-1875 378-L995E Quincy, Josiah. History of Harvard university. 2 v 378-Q44H Thwing, Charles F. American col- leges 378-T426A PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Alabama school report. 1891 R379-AL13 Apkansas school report. 1889-1890.. R379-AR44 BlackmaP, Frank W. History of Federal and state aid to higher education in the United States . . . 379-B566F CajOPi, Florian. Teaching and his- tory of mathematics in United States 379-C126T Calif OPnia school report. 1889-90... 379-C127 Chicago school report. 1890 R379-C432 ClaPke, I. E. Education in the in- dustrial and fine arts in the United States. Pt. i. Drawing in public schools R379-C55I ColOPadO school report. I890 R379-C715 Columbus, Ohio, school report. 1889 R379-C727 CommissioneP of education. Re- ports of 1871-1889. 15 V. miss- ing. 1880 R379-C734 Connecticut school report. 1891 . . . R379-C765 GeOPgia school report. 1889-90 R379-G295 Illinois school report. 1888-90 R379-IL63 Kansas school report. 1889-90 R379-K134 Kentucky common school laws. . . . R379-K415L — School report. 1888-91 R379-K415 McLaughlin, Andrew C. Michigan, History of higher education in . . .R379-M223M Maine school report. 1891 R379-M284 Mapyland school report. 1891 R379-M367 Michigan school report. 1890 R379-M584 SOCIOLOGY 21 Minnesota school report. 1889-90... R379-M664 Mississippi school report. 1889-91 . . R379-M694 Montana school report. 1890 R379-M764 — 1891 R379-M764 NebPaslca school report. 1888 R379-N273 New Hampshire school report. 1891 R379-N454 New Jersey school report. 1890. . . . R379-N463 New York school report. 1891 R379-N485 North Carolina school report. 1889- 90 R379-N813 North Dakota school report. 1890.. R379-N815 Oregon school report. 1891 R379-OR23 Pennsylvania school report. 1891.. R379-P385 Rhode Island school report. 1892.. R379-R344 St. Louis school report. 1890 R379-SA26 Tennessee school report. 1891 R379-T256 Texas school report. - 1889-90 R379-T314 Virginia school report. 1890 R379-V814 Washington, School laws of state of. 1890 R379-W275S Woodburn, J. H. Higher education in Indiana 379-W854I COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION DOriESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE. Goldsmld, Sir Frederic. Telegraph and travel 384-G574T Hittell, John S. Commerce and in- dustries of the Pacific coast R380-H638 Interstate commerce commission. 4th annual report. 1890 R380-IN87 Minneapolis. 8th annual report of trade and commerce. 1890 R380-M665 Wells, David A. Why we trade and how we trade 380-W464W RAILROAD AND EXPRESS. Morgan, Appleton. The people and the railways 385-M822P Poor, Henry. Manual of railroads. 1889-90. 2 V R385-P795M Stiekney, A. B. Railway problem. . 385-ST54R COSTUME AND CARE OF PERSON Blanc, Charles. Art in ornament dress 391-B593A Draner, M. de. Costumes du XVIII siecle R391-D793 Eeob, Helen G. The well dressed woman 391-EC72W Hawels, Mrs. Mary E. J. Art of beauty 391-H314A Planch^, James R. History of British costume to close of i8th century.' R391-P692B — Cyclopaedia of costume. 2 v R391-P692C StSif^e, Baron ne. My lady's dressing room. Ayer, H. H., ed 391-ST13M Steele, Frances M. & Adams, E. L. S. Beauty of form and grace of vesture 391-ST35B Ugly-girl papers, or hints for the toilet 391-UG66 Woolson, Abba G. Dress reform .. . 391-W887D BIRTH, DEATH, HOME AND SEX, CUSTOMS Hawels, J?ev. Hugh R. Ashes to Tamura, Naomi. Japanese bride. . . 392-T156J ashes ; a cremation prelude 393-H314A 1 Westermarek, Edward. History of LetOUrneau, Ch. Evolution of mar- ! human marriage 392-W524H riage and of the family 392-L567E > PUBLIC AND SOCIAL CUSTOMS Doran, Br. Knights and their days 394-D724K I MiUingen, J. G. History of duelling. Gautier, Leon. Chivalry 394-G236C | 2 v 394-M624D ♦ ETIQUETTE Conway, Moncure D. George Wash- ington's rules of civility, traced to their sources and restored . . . Hall, Florence H. Social customs . . Sherwood, Mrs. John. See Sher- 395-C767G 395-H14S wood, Mary E. W Sherwood, Mrs. Mary E. W. Art of entertaining 395-SH57A — Manners and social usages 395-SH57M 32 SOCIOLOGY WOMAN'S POSITION AND TREATMENT AlgeP, William R. Friendships of women 396-AL35F Ballou, Maturin M. Notable thoughts about women 396-B215T Chester, Eliza. The Unmarried woman 396-C426U ChUPeh, Ella R. Money-making for ladies 396-C472M Cpaik, Mrs. Dinah M. (Mulock). Woman's thoughts about women 396-C845W Crepaz, Adele. Emancipation of women and its probable conse- quences 396-C866E Diaz, Abbey M, A Domestic prob- lem. Work and culture in the household 396-D543D Dodge, Grace H. Bundle of letters to busy girls 396-D665B Dodge, Mary A. (Gail Hamilton,. pseud). Woman's worth and worthlessness 396-D66514 Dodge, Mary A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.). Woman's wrongs 396-D665I4W Gleanings; a gift to the women of the world 396-G474 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary A MeyeP, A. A. Woman's work in America 396-M575W Miehelet, Jules. Woman 396-M584W Morgan, Lady. Woman and her master. 2 v 396-M822W Muloek. See Craik, 3Irs. Dinah M. Ramabai, Pundita. High-caste Hindu woman 396-R142H Salaman, Malcolm C. Woman through a man's eyeglass 396-SA32W Wpight, Thomas. Womankind in western Europe, from earliest times to 17th century 396-W933W Yonge, Charlotte M. Womankind.. 396-Y84"\^ GYPSIES, FOLK-LORE, CUSTOMS OF WAR Ashton, John. Romances of chiv- alry 398-AS36R Boutell, J^ev. Chas. Arms and armour 399-B667A Bulfineh, Thomas. Age of chivalry. 398-B874A — Legends of Charlemagne 398-B874L, CPOl^eP, T. Crofton. Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland ! 398-C875F — Killarney legends 398-C875K CuPtin, Jeremiah. Myths and folk- lore of Ireland 398-C943I — Myths and folk-tales of the Rus- sians, etc 398-C943R HaPtland, Edwin S. Science of fairy tales 398-H254S Jones, Chas. C, jr. Negro myths from the Georgia coast 398-J71N Leland, Chas. G. Gypsies. . . ! 397-L537 — Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling . . 397-L537G MacRitehie, David. Gypsies of India 397-M245G Owen, Mary A. Voodoo tales as told among negroes of the southwest. 398-OW24V Rhys, John. Studies in Arthurian legend 398-R348S Simson, Walter. History of the Gypsies 397-SI58G Wilde, Lady Jane F. S. Ancient cures, charms and usages of Ire- land 398-W645A PHILOLOGY GENERAL WORKS Gouin, Francois. Art of teaching and studying languages 407-G724 Hovelacque, Abel. Science of lan- guage 400-H823S Muller, F. Max. Science of lan- guage. 2 V 410-M913S Niehol, John. English composition. With Piele 400-P353 Piele, John. Philology 400-P353 Townsend, Luther. The art of speech 400-T664A Whitney, William D. Life and growth of language 400-W615L PAL/EOGRAPHY Thompson, Edward M. Greek and Latin palaeography 417-T374G ENGLISH PHILOLOGY AlfOPd, Henry. The Queen's En- glish 420-AL27Q Ay pes, Alfred, pseud. See Osmun, Thomas E Hill, Adams S. Our English 420-H550 Marsh, George P. Origin and his- tory of English language 420-M354O Mathews, William. Words; their use and abuse 420-M424W Moon, George W. The dean's En- glish 420-M775D Nisbet, Charles, & Lemon, Don. Everybody's writing-desk book. . 420-N634E Osmun, Thomas E., (Alfred Ayres, pseud.). The orthoepist 421-OS54O Swinton, William. Rambles among words 422-SW67R Williams, R. O. Our dictionaries and other English language topics 420-W674D ENGLISH DICTIONARIES Century dictionary of the English of Englich language R423-W153R language. Whitney, Wm. D.. ^i/.R423-C335W Webster, Noah. International dic- Eneyelopsedie dictionary. 7 v R423-EN15 Kennedy, John, stem dictionary of English language 423-K384S Walker, John. Rhyming dictionary tionary of the English language . R423-W394I Worcester, Joseph E.. Dictionary of the English language R423-W893 ENGLISH SYNONYMS, GRAMMAR Abbott, Edwin A. How to parse . . . 425-AB25H Guest, Edwin. History of English rhythms 426-G937E Roget, Peter M. Thesaurus of En- glish words and phrases R424-R637T DIALECTS, SLANG Bartlett, John R. Dictionary of Matthews, J. Brander. American- Americanisms R427-B283A , isms and Briticisms 814-M434A 34 PHILOLOGY SCHOOL BOOKS, ETC Aypes, Alfred, pseud. See Osmun, Thomas B Osmun, Thomas K., (Alfred Ayres, March, Francis A. Comparative grammar of Anglo-Saxon lan- pseud.). The verbalist 428-OS54V Swinton, William. Book of tales. Supp. to 3rd reader 428-SW67B ANGLO-SAXON I guage 429-M334G DICTIONARIES OF FOREIGN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES CHINOOK. Chinook dictionary R497-C443 FRENCH. Spiers, Alexander. Spiers' and Su- renne's French and English dic- tionary R443-SP45 QERMAN. Adler, George J. German and En- glish dictionary R433-AD23 Kluge, Friedrich. Etymologic dic- tionary of German language 433-K712 Ollendortf, Heinrich G. German- French grammar 430-01,44 GREEK. Autenrieth, Dr. Georg. Homeric dictionary for use in schools 483-AU83H Liddell, Henry G. & Scott, Robert. Greek- English lexicon R483-L614 LATIN. Harper's Latin dictionary. Andrew's Freund. Revised by Lewis and Short R473-H235 NATURAL SCIENCE GENERAL WORKS Carpenter, William B. Mechanical philosophy, horology and as- tronomy 500-C225M De Vere, Maximilian. Leaves from book of nature 500-D493IV Foster, Michael. Physiology. JVil/i Huxley 500-H985I Gage, A. P. Introduction to physi- cal science 500-G554I Hopkins, George M. Experimental science » R500-H774E Humboldt, Alexander von. Cosmos. 5 V 500-H883C Huxley, Thomas H. Introductory. (Science primers) 500-H985I Lubbock, Sir John. Beauties of na- ture and wonders of the world we live in Miehelet, Madame Adele (Mialaret). Nature; or the poetry of earth and sea South Kensington museum. Confer- ence held in connection with spe- cial loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876 Tissandier, Gaston. Popular scien- tific recreations Tracy, Roger S. Hygiene. With Huxley Wright, C. R. A. Threshold of 500-IV963B 50G-M584N 500-SO85 500-T524P 500-H985I 500-W933T DICTIONARIES Rodwell, George F., ed. Dictionary of science 503-R616D ESSAYS AND MISCELLANY Huxley, Thomas H. Critiques and addresses 504-H985C — L,ay sermons, addresses and re- views 504-H985IV — Science and culture and other essays 504-H985S Jordan, David S. Science sketches. 504-J763S Tait, Peter G. Lectures on recent advances in physical science 502-T135L Tyndall,John. Fragments of science. 504-T976F PERIODICALS Nature. 1869-1891. v. 1-43 R505-N214 | SOCIETIES Donaldson, Thomas. George Catlin Indian gallery in Smithsonian Institution R506-D714C Smithsonian reports. 1863, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 82-90 R506-SM66 SCIENTIFIC TRAVELS Darwin, Charles. Journal of re- searches into the natural history L C — 4 and geology of countries visited during voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. 508-D256J 26 NATURAL SCIENCE HISTORY OF SCIENCE Huxley, Thomas H. Advance of [ Routledge, Robert. History of science in the last half century. . 509-H985A [ science 509-R765 Lubboek, Sir John. Fifty years of [ Whewell, William. History of the science 509-L963F I inductive sciences. 3 v 509-W576I MATHEMATICS Brooks, Kdward. Philosophy of arithmetic 511-B794P Clifford, William K. Common sense of the exact sciences 510-C614C Davies, Charles, & Peck, William G. Mathematical dictionary and cyclopaedia of mathematical science R510-D287 ASTRONOMY Ball, Sir Robert S. Atlas of astron- omy R523-B21A Burr, Enoch F. Ecce coelum 520-B94E Chauvenet, William. Spherical and practical astronomy. 2 v 522-C398S Flammarion, Camille. Wonders of the heavens. 523-F612W Frith, Henry. Marvels of astronomy. 523-F917M Geikie, Archibald. Physical geogra- phy. With Lockyer 520-L,8i6A Hersehel, ^zVjohn F. W. Treatise on astronomy 520-H437T Lockyer, J. Norman. Astronomy. . 520-L816 — Solar physics 523-L,8i6S Neweomb, Simon. Popular astron- omy .■'.... 520-N434P Proctor, Richard A. Half hours with the stars 523-P945S — Half hours with the telescope 523-P945T — Myths and marvels of astronomy. . 520-P945M — Old and new astronomy R520-P945O Smyth, C. Piazzi. Teneriffe; an as- tronomer's experiment 520-SM94T Young, Charles A. The Sun 523-Y84S COAST SURVEY AND EPHEMERIS American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1891 R528-AM33 United States coast survey. 1852-66, Missing 1858, 60, 62, 64, 65. 10 v. R526-UN35 — Pacific coast pilot. California, Oregon and Washington R526-UN35P PHYSICS Beeton, S. O. Illus. dictionary of physical sciences 530-B398D Desehanel, A. Privat. (Everett, Pro/., tr.). Natural philosophy. 530-D455N Guillemin, Am^dee. Forces of na- ture 530-G945F Pepper, John H. Cyclopaedic science simplified 530-P395C Stallo, John B. Modern physics 530-ST16M Tissandier, Gaston. Half hours of scientific amusement 530-T524S — & Frith, Henry. Marvels of earth, air and water 530-T525E — Marvels of heat, light and sound. .. 530-T525H Tyndall, John. Molecular physics . . 539-T976M MECHANICS AND PNEUMATICS Kennedy, Alex. B. W. Mechanics of machinery 531-K384M Marion, Fulgence. Wonderful bal- loon ascents 533-M337B Perry, John. Practical mechanics. . 531-P425P Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy 531-ST48C WinslOW, Charles F. Force and nature 531-W735F NATURAL SCIENCE 27 ACOUSTICS Dunman, Thomas. Sound, light I acoustics and heat 534-D925S Tyndall, John. Sound Radan, Rodolphe. Wonders of OPTICS Le Conte, Joseph. Sight 535-M95S Lommel, Dr. Eugene. Nature of light 535-L836N Rood, Ogden N. Text book of color Tyndall, John . Light and electricity — Six lectures on light . 534-R115W 534-T976S 535-R673C 535-T976IV 535-T976S HEAT Tyndall, John. Heat a mode of mo- tion 536-T976H ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Atkinson, Philip. Dynamic elec- tricity and magnetism 537-AT54D Benjamin, Park. Age of electricity 537-B436A Dunman, Thomas. Electricity and magnetism 537-D925E Frith, Henry. Marvels of electricity and magnetism 537-F917E Guillemin, Amed^e. Electricity and magnetism 537-^945^ Jamieson, Andrew. Magnetism and electricity 537-J245M McMillan, Walter G. Treatise on electro-metallurgy 537-M226E Mendenhall, Thomas C. A century of electricity 537-M525C Thompson, Silvanus p. Electricity and magnetism 537-T374E Tynda)l, John. Diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action 538-T976D —Electricity 537-T976I, Watt, Alexander. Electro-metal- lurgy 537-W34E Webb, Herbert L. Testing of insu- lated wires and cables 537-W382T CHEMISTRY Cooke, Josiah P. Laboratory prac- tice 540-C774L — New chemistry 540-C774N Cornwall, H. B. Blowpipe analysis. 542-C816B Encyclopaedia of chemistry. 2 V. . . R540-EN15 Fresenius, Dr. C. Remigius. Quan- titative chemical analysis 545-F894Q Johnston, James F. Chemistry of common life. 2 v 540-J645C Lockyer, J. Norman. Studies in spectrum analysis 544-L816S Picton, Harold. Story of chemistry. 540-P587S Ramsen, Ira. Theoretical chemistry. 541-R285T Roseoe, 5?V Henry E. Chemistry... 540-R714 Shellen, Dr. H. Spectrum analysis. 544-SCH24S Stewart, Balfour. Physics. With Roscoe 540-R714 Tissandier, Gaston, & Frith, Henry. Marvels of the elements 540-T525E WurtZ, Ad. Atomic theory 541-W965A — Modern chemistry 540-W965M MINERALOGY Bauerman, Hilary. Systematic mineralogy 549-B327S California state mineralogist report. 1887-90. 4v 549-C127M Dana, James D. Manual of miner- alogy and petrography, 549-D19M — System of mineralogy 549-D19S Erni, Henri. Mineralogy simplified . 549-ER64M Osborn, Henry. Field-book and guide 549-OS14F — Minerals, mines and mining 549-OS14M 28 NATURAI. SCIENCE GEOLOGY GENERAL WORKS, PHYSICAL aE= OQRAPHY, ETC. AbePCromby, Ralph. Weather 551-AB36W Ball, 5?V R. Cause of an ice age ... . 55i-B2iC Campbell, John F. Frost and fire. 2 V • 551-C155F Cole, Grenville A. J. Aids in prac- tical geology 550-C674A — Pratical geology 551-C674P Dana, James D. Geological story. . . 551-D19G Darwin, Charles. Coral reefs 551-D256C Fplth, Henry. Marvels of geology and physical geography 551-F917M Geikie, Archibald. Geology 550-G276G Gosse, Philip. The ocean 551-G694O GPeely, Adolphus W. American weather 551-G814A Headley, Joel T. Mountain advan- tures in various parts of the world 55r-H344M Hooker, Joseph D. Botany. With Geikie 550-G276G Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. Autobi- ography of the earth 550-H975A — Story of the hills 551-H975S Huxley, Thomas H. Physiograghy . 551-H985P Judd, John W. Volcanoes 551-J883V Kingsley, Rev. Charles. Town geology 551-K614T MaefaPlane, James. Geological rail- way guide 551-M165G MaPSh, George P. The earth as modified by human action 551-M354E Miehelet, Jules. The moimtain 551-M584M MilleP,Hugh. Cruise of the Betsy . . 554-M614C — Old red sandstone 551-M614O — Popular geology 550-M614P — Testimony of the rocks . .'. 551-M614T Milne, John. Earthquakes 551-M634E PalmiePi, Luigi. Eruption of Ve- suvius in 1872 551-P185E PowePS, Edward. War and the weather 551-P875W Reelus, Elisee. History of a moun- tain 551-R244M — The ocean, atmosphere and life. . . . 55'i-R2440 Remondino, P. C. Mediterranean shores of America, Southern Cali- fornia ; its climate, physical and meteorological conditions 551-R265M RobePtS, R. D. Earth's history '550-R544E Ruskin, John. Deucalion. In Works. Vol. 15 828-R894 — Storm cloud of 19th century, . In Works. Vol.20 828-R892 ShaleP, Nathaniel S. Aspects of the earth 551-SH17A SomePVille, Mary. Physical geog- raphy 551-SO54P Tyndall, John. Forms of water 551-T976F Whitney, Josiah D. U. S. physical geography 551-W615U Williams, Samuel G. Applied geology 550-W674A Winehell, Alexander. Sparks from a geologist's hammer 551-W723S — World life ; or comparative geology 550-W723W SPECIAL LOCALITIES. Dawson, John W. Acadian geology 557-D325A U. S. Geological Supveys. — Mineral resources of the U. S. 1883-84, 85-86, 90. 6 V R557-UN35M —Reports. 1886-87. 2v R557-UN35R — Special states. — Alabama. Report on Cahaba coal field R557-AI,i2C — Idaho & Wyoming. Report. 1877-78. 3v R557-ID13R Monogpaphs. — Allen, Joel A. History of North America pinnipeds R557-AL54P — Becker, George F. Quicksilver de- posits of the Pacific slope. (Mono. 13) R557-B386Q — Cope, Edward. Tertiary vertebrata of the territories. 1884 R557-C779T — Fountaine, William M. Potomac ; or younger mesozoic flora. (Mono. 15. 2 Pts.) R557-F733P — Gilbert, Grove K. Lake Bonne- ville. (Mono, i) R557-G375L — Lesquereux, Leo. Flora of the Dakota group. Pt. i R557-L565F — Fossil flora of the western ter- ritories. Pt. 2 R557-L565F — Newberry, John S. Fossil fishes and plants. (Mono. 14) R557-N425F — Paleozoic fishes of North Amer- ica. (Mono. 16) R557-N425P — Powell, J. W. Lands of the arid regions of the U. S., with a more detailed accovmt of the lands of Utah R557-P873A — Scudder, Samuel H. Tertiary in- sects of North America R557-SCU25T — Whitefield, Robert P. Gasteropoda ^nd cephalopoda of New Jersey.. R557-W586G NATURAL SCIENCE 29 PALEONTOLOGY Dawson, Sir John W. Geological history of plants 561-D325G FiguieP, Louis. World before the Deluge 560-F467W Miller, Hugh. Footprints of the creator 560-M614F Nicholson, Henry. Ancient life his- tory of the earth 560-N523A BIOLOGY SpeneeP, Herbert. Principles of biology. 2 V 570-SP34P PREHISTORIC ARCH/EOLOGY Foster, John W. Pre-hist<5ric races of the United States 571-F813P Hildebrand, Hans. Industrial arts of Scandinavia 571-H544I Joly, Nicholas. Man before metals. . 571-J683M Keary, Charles F. Dawn of history; introduction to pre-historic study. 571-K218D Lubbock, Sir John. Origin of civili- zation and primitive condition of man 771-L963O Nadaillae, Marquis de. Pre-historic America 571-N122 Rau, Charles. Cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the old world and America R571-R19C Starke, C. N. Primitive family in its origin and development 571-ST27P Winchell, Alex. Pre-Adamites 571-W723P WoPSaae, Jens J. A. Industrial arts of Denmark from earliest times to Danish conquest of England. . 571-W895I ETHNOLOGY Bettany, George T. The world's in- habitants R572-B468W Brinton, Daniel. Races and peoples. 572-B774R Ethnology, report of bureau of. 1885-86 R572-FT37 Figruier, Louis. The human race . . . 572-F467H Pickering, Charles. Races of man . 572-P586R Powell, John W. Publications of the bureau of ethnology. 6 v . . . R572-P873E NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN Argyll, Duke of. Primeval man .... 573-AR35P Guyot, Arnold. Earth and man; lectures on comparative physical geography in its relation to the l^istory of mankind 573-G994E Huxley, Thomas H. Man's place in nature 573-H985M Lee, J. W. Making of a man 573-L51M Quatrefages, de Breau, J. L. A. de. Human species 573-Q25H Shaler, Nathaniel S. Nature and man in America 573-SH17N Smith, Charles H. Natural history of man. (Naturalist's library) . . 573-SM5N Tylor, Edward B. Anthropology... 573-T975A Wright, George F. Man and the glacial period 573-W933M EVOLUTION AND DARWINISM Bergen, J. Y. & F. D. Primer of Darwinism and organic evolution. 575-B455P Clodd, Edward. Story of creation . . 575-C623C Conn, H. W. The living world 575-C764L Darwin, Charles. Descent of man . 575-D256D — Origin of species. 2 v 575-D256O — Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2v 575-D256V Huxley, Thomas H. American ad- dresses 575-H985A — More criticisms on Darwin 575-H985M — Origin of species 575-H985O Mitchell, Hubbard W. Evolution of life 576-M695E 30 NATURAL HISTORY Sehmidt, Oscar. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism 575-SCH54D SpeneeP, Herbert. Factors of or- ganic evolution 575-SP34F Weismann, August. Essays upon heredity. 2 v 575-W434E MICROSCOPY AND COLLECTORS' MANUALS Batty, Joseph H. Practical taxi- dermy • 579-B325T Davies, Thomas. Preparation and mounting of microscopic objects. 578-D287P HoPnaday, William T. Taxidermy and zoological collecting 579-H786T MaynaPd, Charles J. Naturalist's guide 599-M456N Stokes, Alfred C. Microscopy for beginners 578-ST68M BOTANY Baillon, H. Natural history of plants. 2 V 581-B155N Barton, Benjamin H., & Castle, Thomas. British flora medica. . . 581-B286B Candolle, Alphonse de. Origin of cultivated plants . 581-C165O Cooke, Mordecai C. Fungi 589-C774F CoulteP, John M. Botany of the Rocky mountain region 581-C833B Dana, Mrs. William S. How to know the wild flowers 581-D19H DaPWin, Charles. Cross and self- fertilization in the vegetable king- dom. . . 581-D256C — Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species 581-D256D — Fertilization of orchids by insects. . 581-D256F — Insectivorous plants 581-D256I — Movements and habits of climbing plants 581-D256M — Power of movement in plants 581-D256P Gibson, William H. Strolls by star- light and sunshine 580-G355S Gpay, Asa. Botany of the United States 580-G794B — Field, forest and garden botany. . . . 581-G794F Hehn, Victor. Wanderings of plants and animals from their first home. 581-H365W Henslow, Rev. George. Origin of floral structures 581-H396O Johnson, C. Pierpoint. Useful plants of Great Britain 581-J634U Newhall, Charles S. Leaf collector's handbook and herbarium 581-N453L, Rattan, Volney. California flora .. . 581-R186C Ruskin, John. Proserpina; studies cf wayside flowers. In Works. V. 14 828-R894 SehutzenbePgeP, Paul. Fermenta- tion .... 589-SE85F TaylOP, John E. Mountain and moor 580-T215M UndePWOOd, Lucien M. Our native ferns and their allies 587-UN25F Wood, ALphonso. Class book of bot- any 581-W852C NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY BalfoUP, Francis M. Comparative ' GoodPieh, Samuel G., (Peter Parley, embryology, 2v 591-B196C pseud.). Johnson's natural his- Beneden, Pierre J. van. Animal tory. 2 v R590-G624J parasites and messmates 591-B435A HamePton, Philip G. Chapters on DuPham, William. Food, physiol- animals 590-H176C <^gy' ^^^ 591-D935F I HeilpPin, Angelo. Geographical and FPlth, Henry. Marvels of animal j geological distribution of animals. 591-H365G and plant life 590-F917A NATURAI^ HISTORY 31 HoldeP, Charles F. Marvels of ani- mal life 590-H713M Holder, Joseph B. Museum of natural history. 4 v R590-H71314M Huxley, Thomas H. Study of zool- ogy 590-H985C Kingsley, John S. , ed. Standard natural history. (Same as River- side natural history). 6 v R590-K614 LankasteP, Edwin R. Zoological articles R590-D255 Lubbock, Sir John. Senses, in- stincts and intelligence of ani- mals 591-1,9638 Marey, Etienne J. Animal mechan- ism 591-M336A Morgan, C.Ivloyd. Animal sketches. 590-M822A Packard, Alpheus S. Zoology 590-P123Z Parley, Peter, pseud. See Goodrich, Samuel G Pettigrew, J. Bell. Animal locomo- tion 591-P455A Poulton, Edward B. Colours of ani- mals 591-P865C Reid, Mayne. Naturalist in Siluria. . 591-R275N Romanes, George J. Animal intelli- gence 591-R664A Semper, Karl. Animal Ufe 591-SE55A Taylor, J. E. Half hours in the green lanes 590-T215G — Nature's byepaths 590-T215N White, Gilbert. Natural history of Selbome 591-W585N Wood, John G. Illustrated natural history R590-W852 INVERTEBRATES, VERTEBRATES, PROTOZOANS, RADIATES, ARTICULATES Dana, James D. Corals and coral islands 593-D19C Darwin, Charles. Formation of vegetable mould 595-D256F De Vere, Maximilian S. Wonders of the deep 593-R493W Figuier, Guillaume L. Ocean world. 593-F467O French, George H. Butterflies of the United States 595-F886B Huxley, Thomas H. Anatomy of in- vertebrated animals 592-H985A — Anatomy of vertebrated animals. . . 596-H985A — The crayfish; introduction to study of zoology 590-H985C Hyatt, Alpheus, & Arms, J. M. In- secta 595-H993 Jardine, Sir William, ed. Insects. (Naturalist's library). 7v 595-J283I Lubbock, Sir John. Ants, bees and wasps 595-L963A Miehelet, Jules. The insect 595-M584I Packard, Alpheus S., jr. Entomol- ogy for beginners 595-P123E — Guide to the study of insects 595-P123G Romanes, George J. Jelly-fish, star- fish and sea-urchins 593-R664J Taylor, Dr. John E. Half hours at the sea-side 593-T215S FISHES, REPTILES, BIRDS, MAMMALS Bree, Charles R. Birds of Europe. 5 V R598-B744B Burroughs, John. Wake-robin 598-B944W Chamberlain, Montague. Ornithol- ogy. 2 V 598-C355O Figuier, Guillaume ly. Reptiles and birds 598-F467R Garner, R. L. Speech of monkeys . 599-G187S Grant, John B. Our common birds and how to know them 598-G765O Greene, W. T. Parrots in captivity. 3 V R598-G83P Hartmann, Robert. Anthropoid apes 599-H256A Jardine, Sir William. Animals. (Naturalist's library). 13 v 599-J283A — Birds. (Naturalist's library). 14 v. 598-J283B — Fishes. (Naturalist's library). 6 v. 597-J282F Martin, William C. L. Humming birds. (Naturalist's library) 598-M365H Miehelet, Jules. The bird 598-M584B Schmidt, Oscar. Mammalia 599-SCH54M Sharpe, R. B. Birds in nature 598-SH25B Theuriet, Andre. Song birds and seasons 598-T345S USEFUL ARTS GENERAL WORKS AND HISTORY Guillemin, Amedee. Applications of physical forces 600-G945A Industrial arts. Historical sketches. 609-IN25 LoSSing, Benson J, History of American industries and arts. . . . R609-L898A Riano, Juan F. Industrial arts in Spain 609-R354S Van Cleve, B. Frank. English and American mechanic 602-V274E DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPAEDIAS Blakelee, George E. industrial cyclopaedia R603-B565C Ward & Locke, pubs. Technical journal and industrial self-in- structor. 5 V R603-W21T EXHIBITIONS Paris exposition. 1889. U. S. com- j Vienna exposition. 1873. U. S. com- missioners' report. 5 v R606-EX675 I missioners' report. V. 2 & 4 R606-EX67V PATENTS, INVENTIONS Beekmann, John. History of inven- United states Patent Office. tions, discoveries and origins. 2 v. 608-B387I —Commissioner of patents. Reports. Burnley, James. Romance of in- vention 608-B937R Routledge, Robert. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century. . 608-R765D Tissandier, Gaston, & Frith, Henry. Marvels of invention and scien- tific puzzles .' . . 608-T525M 1889-92. 4v R608-P27C — Official gazette of U. S. patent office from Feb., 1891, to present date R608-P27O — Patent office reports. 1847-61. 18 v. R608-P27P MEDICINE AND SURGERY Gould, George M. Medical diction- ary R610-G73D ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Gray, Henry. Anatomy R611-G794A Guilmette, Charles A. Vocal physi- ology 612-G945V Luys, Jules. The brain and its func- tions 6i2-L,977B Mac^, Jean. History of a mouthful of bread 612-M15M Meyer, GeorgeH . von. Organs of speech 611-M575O Rosenthal, Isidor. Muscles and nerves 611-R727M Wilson, Daniel. L,eft-handedness. . . 612-W695L USEFUL ARTS 33 HYGIENE Blaikie, William G. How to get strong and how to stay so 613-B575H — Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 613-B575S Cheekley, Edwin. Natural method of phj'sical training 613-C415N Dowd, D. L. Physical culture for home and school 613-D754P FothePgill, John M. Maintenance of health 613-F824M Granville, J. Mortimer. Sleep and sleeplessness 613-G767S Hall, William W. Health by good living 613-H14H Henderson, Mrs. Mary F. Diet for the sick 613-H384D Hinton, James. Health and its con- ditions 613-H595H Howard, John H. Athletic and gym- nastic exercises 613-H833A Jenness, Mabel. .Comprehensive physical culture 613-J435P Lagrange, Femand. Physiology of bodily exercise 6i3-L,i35P Miller, Mrs. Anna Jenness. Physical beauty; how to obtain and how to preserve it 613-M614P Rankin, Francis H. Hygiene of childhood 613-R165H Thornton, J. P. Training for health, strength, speed and agility 613-T395T Tyler, Moses C. Brawnville papers. 613-T974B Uffelmann, Julius. Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child. . . 613-UF34M Westhall, Charles. Modern method of training 613-W525M Williams, Henry W. Our ej-es and how to take care of them 613-W674O PUBLIC HEALTH Blyth, Alexander W. Manual of public health 614-B628M Simon, John. Filth diseases and their "prevention • 614-S152F State Board of Health Reports. — Massachusetts. 1890 R614-M385R — Michigan. 1889,1890. 2v R614-M586R —New York. 1885, 88-91. 6 v R614-N485R — Pennsylvania. 1886 , R614-P385R MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS Eddy, Mary B. (Glover). Science and health 615-ED28S Remington, Joseph P. Practice and pharmacy R615-R284P Wood, Henry. Ideal suggestion through mental photography; study of the laws of mental heal- ing 615-W852I Wood, H. C, Remington, Joseph P., and Sadtler, Samuel P. United States dispensatory- R6r5-W853U PATHOLOGY, THEORY AND PRACTICE Bell, Dr. Robert. Woman in health [ Trouessart, E. h. Microbes, fer- and sickness 616-B415W nients and moulds 616-T755M Billroth, Th. Care of the sick 616-B495C Tyndall, John. Floating matter of Gilbert, Luther M. Home physician. 616-G373H the air in relation to putrefaction Klein, E. Bacteria in Asiatic cholera. 616-K673B \ and infection 616-T976F Stoekham, />. Alice B. Tokology. 618-ST63T Woodhead, German S. Bacteria Stout, H. R. Our family physician . 616-ST78F and their products 616-W856B COMPARATIVE MEDICINE, VETERINARY Going, James A. Veterinary diction- Heatley, George S. Our dogs and ary 619-G564V i their diseases 619-H356O LC— 5 34 USEFUL. ARTS MeClupe, Robert. Diseases of the American horse, cattle and sheep. 619-M134D Mayhew, Edward. Illustrated horse doctor , R619-M455D Salmon, Dr. E. Special report on diseases of cattle and on cattle feeding. (U. S. Dept. of Agri- culture. Report of 1892) R619-SA36C — Special report on diseases of the horse. (U. S. Dept. of Agri- culture. Report of 1890) R619-SA36H TellOP, Lloyd V. Diseases of live stock 619-T235D GENERAL WORKS Has well, Charles H. Mechanics' and engineers' pocket-book 620-H278M Knight, Edward H. American me- chanical dictionary. 3 v R620-K745A — New American mechanical diction- ary R620-K745N 620-N995 NystPOm's pocket-book of mechanics and engineering • Rankine, William J. M. Manual of civil engineering 620-R167M Winton, John G., & Millar, W. J. Engineer's encyclopaedia R620-W739E MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Atkinson, Philip, Electric lighting. 621-AT54E Bottone, S. R. The dynamo; how made and how used 621-B658D — Electric bells and all about them. . 621-B658E BouPne, John. Handbook of the steam engine 621-B666S Bpackett, Cyrus F., & others. Elec- tricity in daily life 621-B724E Bupn, Robert S. Steam engine 621-B93S Campin, Francis. Hand-turning in wood, etc 621-C867H CPOekeP, Francis B. Practical man- agement of dynamos and motors. 621-C874P Desmond, Charles. Electricity for engineers 621-D466E Du Moneel, Theodore A. L. Electric lighting 621-D895E FoPney, Matthias N. Catechism of the locomotive 621-F766C GenePal machinist 621-G282 HePing, Carl. Dynamo-electric ma- chines 621-H424D LaPdneP, Dr. Dionysius. The steam engine 621-L323S Long, John H., & Buel, R. H. Cadet engineer 62r-L,85C NoPtheott, W. Henry. Theory and action of the steam engine 621-N815T Rankine, William J. M. Manual of applied mechanics 621-R167A — Mechanical text-book 621-R167M Rose, Joshua. Modem machine shop practice. 2 v R621-R72M Rowan, F. J. Boiler incrustation and corrosion 621-R783B Sehellen, . Z>^. H. Magneto-electric and dynamo-electric machines. . ,62i-SCH24M SlingO, W. & Brooker, A. Electrical engineering 621-SL35E Sloane, T. O' Conor. Standard elec- trical dictionary 621-SL53S ThuPSton, Robert H. Growth of the steam engine 621-T425G TpevePt, Edward. Armature and field-magnet winding 621-T725A — Electric railway engineering 621-T725E — Electricity and its recent applica- tions 621-T725E3 UPquhaPt, John W. Electric light . . 621-UR74E ZwiekeP, Philip H. Practical in- structor for machinists, firemen " and engineers 621-Z94P MINING ENGINEERING AndePSOn, J. W. Prospector's hand- book 622-AN25P AndP^, George G. Practical treatise on coal mining. 2 v R622AN26P BPOUgh, Bennett H. Mine-survey- ing 622-B796M Copp, Henry N. Mining laws of the U. S 622-C794M Hopton, William. Conversations on mines 622-H776C Ihlseng, M. C. Manual of mining. . 622-IH45M MOPgans, W. Manual of mining tools 622-M823M — (Atlas of engravings) 622-M823A OPton, James. Underground treas- ures 622-OR87U Simonin, Louis. Underground life ; or mines and miners 622-SI54U USEFUI. ARTS 35 BRIDGE AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION Anglin, S. Design of structures; I Haupt, Lewis M. Move for better (bridges, roofs, etc) 624-AN45D \ roads 625-H294M SANITARY ENGINEERING, WATER WORKS CHmp, W. Santo. Sewage disposal works 628-C866S HellyeP, S. Stevens. Plumber and sanitary houses 628-H367P Hughes, Samuel. Treatise on water- works for the supply of cities and towns 628-H876W PhilbPiek, Edward S. American sanitary engineering 628-P533A — Plumbing problems 628-P732 Reynolds, Osborne. Sewer gas and how to keep it out of houses 628-R336S AGRICULTURE BeeeheP, Henry W. Fruit, flowers and farming 630-B395F Downing', Andrew J. Rural essays. . 630-D757R Flint, Charles L. Grasses and forage plants 633-F644G French, Henry F. Farm drainage . . 631-F886F Johnson, Samuel W. How crops feed 631-J634H LOFing, George B. Farm-yard club of Jothan 630-L894F Roe, Edward P. Home acre 630-R62H Saunders, William. Insects in- jurious to fruits 632-SA84I U. S. Dept, of Agpieulture. — Reports. 20 v. 1862-88. Missing 1873, 77-80 R630-AG82R — Bureau of animal industry. Re- ports. 1884-86. 3v R636-AG82A — U. S. entomoligical commission. Reports. 1880-82,1883-85. 2 v. .R631-AG82E — Secretary of agriculture. Reports. 1889-91. 3 v R630-AG82S — Special states. — Kansas state board of agricul- ture. Reports. 1891-92 R630K134R FRUITS, ORCHARDS, VINEYARDS Fuller, Arthur S. Propagation of plants 634-F954P — Small fruit culturist 634-F954S Fulton, James A. Peach culture 634-F955P Quinn, P. T. Pear culture for profit. 634-Q45P Roe, Edward P. vSuccess with small fruits 634-R62S KITCHEN GARDEN Henderson* Peter. Gardening for profit 635-H384G Quinn, P. T. Money in the garden . 635-Q45M Watson, Alexander. American home garden 635-W335A DOMESTIC ANIMALS Beale, Stephen. Profitable poultry keeping 636-B363P Harris, Joseph. Harris on the pig.. 636-H24P Herbert, Henry W. Hints to horse- keepers 636-H414H Magner, D. The art of taming and educating the horse R636-M272A Mayhew, Edward. Illustrated horse management R636-M455M Murray, William H, The perfect horse 636-M964P Randall, Henry S. Fine sheep husbandry 636-R154S — Practical shepherd 636-R154P Salmon, Dr. E. Special report on the sheep industry of the U. S. (Dept. of agriculture. Report 1892) , R636-SA36S 36 USEFUI. ARTS ShaPpe, Dinah. My horse, my love. 636-SH25M Shaw, Vero. Book of the dog R636-SH28D Shepherd, Major W. Prairie ex- periences in handling cattle and sheep 636-SH46P Wood, Rev. John G. Horse and man; their mutual dependence and duties 636-W852H DAIRY Stewart, Henry. Dairyman's manual 637-ST48D | BEES Dadant, Charles, ed. Langstroth on the hive and honej' bee 638-01 2 2L( Webster, W. B. Book of bee keep- ing 638-W395B^ FISHING INDUSTRY U. S. fish commission. Bulletin. 1889. V. 9 R639-UN35F Simmonds, Peter L. Commercial products of the sea 639-SI45C DOMESTIC ECONOMY IN GENERAL Beeeher, Catherine E. & Stowe, Harriet B. American woman's home 640-B396A Brown, Susan A. comp. Home topics 640-B812H Crowfleld, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, Harriet B Diaz, 3rrs. Abby M. A domestic problem 640-D543D Goodholme, Todd S. Domestic cyclopaedia R640-G615C Stowe, Harriet B. (Christopher Crowfield, pseud.) House and home papers 640-ST76H FOOD, COOKERY, ETC. Corson, Juliet. Family living on $500 a year 641-C818F Filippini, Alessandro. The table; how to buy food, how to cook it and how to serve it 643.F474T Harland, Marion, pseud. See Ter- hune, Mrs. M. V Herriek, Christine T. What to eat and how to serve it 641.H435W Nicholas, Griffith A. Biddy club... 647-N514B NitSCh, Mrs. Catherine (Owen). Catherine Owen's new cookbook 641-N635C Owen, Catherine. See Kitsch, Mrs. C Parloa, Maria. Camp cookery 641-P245C = — New cook book and marketing guide 641-P245N Taylor, Marie H. Letters to a young housekeeper 641-T215L Terhune, Mrs. Mary v., (Marion Harland, pseud). Breakfast, luncheon and tea 641-T275B Thompson, Sir Henry. Food and feeding 643-T374F COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION BUSINESS MANUALS, TYPEWRITING, PHONOGRAPHY. Gaskell, George A. Gaskell's com- pendium of forms R650-G214C Munson, James K. Complete phono- grapher 653-M927P Palmer, O. R. Type-writing and business correspondence R652-P183T TELEGRAPHY. Field, Henry M. History of Atlantic telegraph 654-F454A Maver, William, Jr. & Minor, M. Davis. The quadruples 654-M446Q RAILROADS. Fleming, Howard. Narrow guage railways 656-F625N USEFUL ARTS 37 ADVERTISING, BUSINESS MANUALS, ETC. Brooks, Henry M. ed. Quaint and I curious advertisements 659-B794Q 1 INDUSTRIAL ARTS, CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Frankel, Julius. Manufacture of starch, glucose, starch sugar and dextrine 664-F854M Redding*, Cyrus. History and de- scription of modern wines 663-R246W SadtleP, Samuel P. Industrial organic chemistry .... 660-SA14I Sauzay, Alexander. Wonders of glass-making 666-SA66G Smith , Edward. Foods 664-SM5F METALLURGY AND ASSAYING BePinger, C. Text-book of assaying 669-B456A Roberts, Austen, W. C. Metallurgy. 669-R544M Egleston, Thomas. Metallurgy of Williams, William M. Chemistry of silver, gold and mercury in the ! iron and steel making 669-W674C U.S. 2v R669-EG35M j RickettS, Pierre de Peyster. Notes I on assaying 669-R425 A I MANUFACTURES Dodd, George. British manufactures. 3 V 670-D662B Gordon, W. J. Foundry, forge and factory 670-G653F Greeley, Horace, & others. Great industries of the United States . . . 670-G812G METALS FaiPbairn, William, iron; its his- tory, properties and process of manufacture 672-F154I Greenwood, William H. Steel and iron 672-G857S Kohn, Ferdinand. Iron and steel manufacture R672-K823I West, Thomas D. American foundry practice 671-W52A — Moulder's text-book 671-W52M MECHANICAL TRADES, AMATEUR MANUALS AmateuP mechanic R680-AM13M Amateup work. 2 v R680-AM13W AmateuP's storehouse R680-AM13S Bottone, S. R. Electrical instru- ment making for amateurs 680-B658E Every man his own mechanic R680-EV27 Home workman R680-H753 Mechanical pastimes R680-M467P Mechanics made easy R680-M467 Ppactieal mechanics R680-P883 RiehaPdson, M. T. Blacksmithing. 4 V 692-R385B Wicks, Mark. Organ building for amateurs 689-W634O WoPkshop at home R680-W895 BUILDING PLANS, MATERIALS, ETC. Blackall, Clarence H. Builders' hardware 691-B562B BPOWn, I,. E. Building table and estimate book 692-B812B Builder's portfolio. Nos. i, 2 & 3. . R692-B866 — Handbook No. i, containing de- scription and estimates . . R692-B866H Hatfield, Robert G. American house carpenter 690-H284 A 38 FINE ARTS MASONRY Baker, Ira O. Masonry construction Booth, Mary L., tr. Marble-workers manual Hodg'SOn, Frederick T. Hand saws. — Practical carpentry — Stair building made easy GardneP, Franklin B. Everybody's paint book Chadwiek, F. E. & others. Ocean steamships 693-B174M 693-B647M CARPENTRY The stonemason and the bricklayer. . 693-ST72 694-H665H 694-H665P 994-H665S — Steel square and its uses. 2v 694-H665S4 New system of hand-railing 694-N476 PAINTING I Painter gilder and varnisher's com- 698-G173E ! panion SHIP BUILDING 698-1 164 1 Neison, Adrian, Kemp, D. & Davis, 699-C345O G. C. Practical boat building ' and sailing 699-N315P FINE ARTS GENERAL WORKS Abbott, Josephine L,, Outlines for the study of art 702AB-25O Adeline's art dictionary R703AD34 Brown, G. B. Fine arts 701-B812F Burn, Robert S. Self aid encyclo- paedia R703-B93S Child, Theodore. The desire of beauty 701-C435D Hamerton, Philip G. Portfolio pa- pers 701-H176P Knight, William. Philosophy of the beautiful 701-K745P AND MAGAZINES Magazine of art. Vols. 1,4, 5, 7, 12; 13. 1878,81,82,84,89,90 R705-M27I Mollett, John W. Illustrated dic- tionary of words used in art and archaeology R703-M736D Ruskin, John. The eagle's nest. In Works. V. 12 828-R894 Whistler, James A. McN. The gen- tle art of making enemies 701-W578G ESSAYS, LECTURES, ART GALLERIES, MUSEUMS Chesneau, Ernest, Education of the artist 707-C427E Cook, Edward T. Handbook to na- tional gallery. 2 v 708-C774N Hamerton, Philip G. Thoughts about art 704-H176T Handbook of the Jones collection in the South Kensington museum.. 708-J71C Poole, Reginald S. & others. Lec- tures on art 704-P784L Ruskin, John. St. Mark's rest. Val D'Arno. In Works. Vol. 13 828-R894 — Two paths; lectures on art. In Works. Vol.8 828-R894 FINE ARTS 39 HISTORY OF ART Birdwood, George C. M. Industrial arts of India. 2 v 709-B533I De Forest, Julia B. Short history of art : . . 709-D365 Hulme, F. Edward. Birth and de- velpment of ornament 709-H878B Jarves, James J. Art of Japan 709-J298A Lindsay, Lord. History of Christian art. 2 V 709-1,6440 Liibke, Wilhelm. History of art 709-L964 Miiller, Carl O. Ancient art and its remains 709-M913A PePPOt, George & Chipiez, C. His- tory of art in Sardinia, Judea, Syria and Asia Minor. 2 v 709-P423S Smith, R. Murdoch. Persian art. . . . 709-SM5P Typhwitt, Richard St. J. Art of teaching of the primitive church. 709-T983A LANDSCAPE GARDENING BPisbin, Gen. James S. Trees and tree-planting 715-B775T PLANTS, FLOWERS CalifOPnia state board of horticul- ture. Report. 1891 EllwangeP, H. B. The rose HassaPd, Annie. Floral decorations decorations for dwelling houses . . Henderson, Peter. Gardening for pleasure Hibberd, Shirley. Amateur's flower garden Johnson, Mts. S. O. Every woman her own flower gardener Nicholson, George. Illustrated dic- tionary of gardening with supple- ment. 4 V R716-C127 7i6-EIv58R 716-H275F 716-H384G 716-H523A 716-J634E R715-N523D PaPkman, Francis* Jr. Book of roses 716-P234R PaPSOns, Samuel B. The rose; its history, poetry, culture and class- ification ' , 716-P253R Rand, Edward S., Jr. Flowers for « the parlor and garden 716-R152F — The rhododendron and " American plants 716-R152R Washington. First biennial report of the state board of horticulture of the state of Washington. 1891-92 R716-W275R ARCHITECTURE GENERAL WORKS, ANCIENT, MEDI/EVAL AND nODERN ARCHITECTURE. BuPn, Robert S. Ornamental draw- ing and architectural design 729-B93O Comstoek, William T. Modern architectural designs and details. R721-C737M Dietionapy of technical and trade terms of architectural design and building construction R729-D564 FePgUSSOn, James. History of arch- itecture. 2 V 720-F'383 — History of Indian and Eastern architecture. 2 v 722-F383I — History of modern styles of arch- itecture. 2 V 724-F383M Gomme, George L., ed. Architec- tural antiquities 720-G583A OUP national cathedrals; their history and architecture. 3 v 726-N213 PaPkeP, John H. Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture . 723-P234G 828-R894 828-R894 Pugin, Augustus. Examples of Gothic architecture. 3 v R723-P965G RosengaPten, Albert. Handbook of architectural styles R720-R723H Ruskin, John. Seven lamps ol arch- itecture. In Works . — Stones of Venice. /« Works. Vols. 5-6 SehuyleP, Montgomery. American architecture 720SCH87A Smith, T. Roger. Architecture; Gothic and rennaissance 723-SM5G — & Slater, J. Architecture; classic and early Ghristian 722-SM6C Van Rensseiaep, Mrs. Schuyler. English cathedrals 726-V355E RESIDENCES. Domestic house planner and sanitary architect 728-D712 40 FINE ARTS Fuller, Albert W. & Wheeler, Wil- liam A. Artistic homes R728F954A Gardner, Edward C. Homes, and how to make them 728-G173H Mason, George C. Old house altered 728-M384O Modern houses and beautiful homes. R728-M723 Shoppell, R. W. Shoppell's modem houses R728-SH76M Sturgis & others. Homes in city and country ; . . 728-ST95M SCULPTURE Baxter, Lucy E. B., (Leader Scott, pseud). Sculpture ; renaissance and modern 734-B333R Carter, John. Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting ing Eng- land, to the reign of Henry VIII. 2 V R730-C243S Flaxman, John. Lectures on sculp- ture 730.F616L Mitchell, Lucy M. History of ancient sculpture. 2 v 732-M695A Perkins, Charles C. Historical hand- book of Italian sculpture 730-P413I Redford, George. Sculpture ; Egyp- tian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman 732-R247E Ruskin, John. Aratra Pentelice. In Works. Vol. 9 828R894 Rydberg, Viktor. Roman days... . 730-R973R Scott, Leader, pseud. See Baxter, Lucy E. B POTTERY, CARVING, BRONZES, ETC. Akerman, John Y. Tradesmen's ' tokens, current in London and its vicinity, between 1648-72 R737AK36T Blake, William P. Ceramic art 738-B5829 China hunter's club 738-C442 Earle, Alice M. China collection in America 738-EA72C Elliott, Charles W. Pottery and porcelain 738-EL56P Fortnum, C. Drury E. Maiolica 738-F778M Franks, Augustus W. Japanese pottery 738F856J Jewitt, Llewellyn. Ceramic art of Great Britain 738-J555C Maskell, William. Ivories; ancient and mediaeval 736-M374I Pollen, John H. Gold and silver- smith's work 739-P763G DRAWING AND DESIGN GENERAL AND FREEHAND, CARICATURE, ART ANATOMY. American tour of Brown, Jones and Robinson R741-AM33 Burn, Robert S. Illustrated drawing- book 740-B93D Duval, Mathias. Artistic anatomy. . 743-D953A Fraipont, G. Art of sketching 741-F844A Good things of life. (6th series) ... . R74r-G592 Green, N. E. Sketching from nature 741-G82S Harley, George. Landscape draw- ing. With Green 741-G82S Keene, Charles. Our people. (Sketches from "Punch") R741-R255O Leech, John. Pictures of life and character. (From "Punch"). . . . R741-L512P Ruskin, John. Elements of draw- ing. /« Works. V. 9 828-R894 — Laws of Fesole. In Works. V. 14. 828-R894 Sparkes, W. E. How to shade from models, etc 741-SP23H Stanley, Mrs. Henry M. (Dorothy Tennant). London street Arabs. 741-ST22L Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene E. Learn- ing to draw . 740-V813L MATHEMATICAL DRAWING AND ORNA= MENTAL DESIGN. Audsley, William J., & G. Outlines of ornament R745-AU27O Building and machine draughtsman. 744-B867 Burn, Robert S. Architectural and engineering drawing book 744-B93A Jackson, Frank G. Lessons on decorative design 745-J132L Jones, Owen. Grammar of orna- ment R745-J71G Redgrave, G. R., comp. Manual of design 745-R248M Rock, Daniel. Textile fabrics 745-R59T — Textile fabrics. Descriptive cata- logue of collection of church vestments, etc 745-^591^ ART NEEDLEWORK. Champeaux, Alfred de. Tapestry . . 746-C356T Lambert, E. Church needlework. . 746-L172C FINE ARTS 41 LefebUPe, E. Embroidery and lace. 746-IV522E Miintz, Eugene. Short history of tapestry 746-M928T INTERIOR DECORATION, ARTISTIC FURNI= TURE, ETC. Adamson, David. Fretsawing and marquetry cutting 747-AD16F Eastlake, Charles L. Hints on household taste in furniture, up- holstery, etc 749-EA74H Nesbitt, Alexander. Glass 748-N633G Pollen, John H. Ancient and mod- ern furniture and woodwork 749-P763 A Pugin, Augustus. Designs for furni- ture R749-P965D — Gothic furniture R749-P965G TalbePt, Bruce J., Shaw, Henry, & others. Fashionable furniture.. R749-T142F PAINTING riATERIALS AND flETHODS, HISTORY OF PAINTING, ETC. Hulme, F. Edward. Flower painting in water colours 758-H878F Leiteh, Richard P. Painting in neutral tint 751-L536N — Sepia painting 751-L536S Ruskin, John. Modem painters. In Works. V. 1-4 828-R894 — Ruskin on painting 750-R894R Van Dyke, John C. Art for art's sake 750-V287A Woltmann, Alfred, & Woermann, Karl. History of painting 750-W838 SCHOOLS OF PAINTING. Buxton, Harry J. W. English painters 759-B988E — & Poynter, Edward. German, Flemish and Dutch painting 759-B989G Chesneau, Edward. English school of painting 759-C427E Havard, Henry. Dutch school of painting 759-H294D Holbein, Hans. Dance of death, with note by Austin Dobson 755-H692D Hoyt, Deristhe L. Historic schools of painting 759-H853H Jameson, Mrs. Anna M. History of our Xord as exemplified in works of art. 2 v 755-J236O — I/egends of the Madonna as repre- sented in the fine arts 755-J236M — Legends of the monastic orders, . . . 755-J236M4 — Sacred and legendary art. 2 v . . . . 755-J236S KoehleP, Sylvester R. American painters- With Buxton 759-B988E KugleP, Franz T. Handbook of painting. German, Flemish and Dutch schools. Revised by Crowe, J. A. 2 v 759-K953G — Handbook of painting. Italian schools. Revised by Layard, A. H. 2 V 759-K953I Lanzi, Abate L. History of painting in Italy. 3 v 759-L294I PoynteP, Edward J., & Head, Percy R. Classic and Italian painting. 759-P878C Smith, Gerard W. Painting. Span- ish and French 759-SM5S WautePS, A. J. Flemish school of painting 759-W352F ENGRAVING, PHOTOGRAPAY BakeP, William S. Antiquity of en- graving 760-B174A FaPPen, R. Granta and the Cam, from Byron's pool to Ely R767-F246G Ruskin, John. Ariadne Florentina; lectures on wood and metal en- graving. /« Works. V. 10 828-R894 Vogrel, Dr. Hermann. Chemistry of light and photography 771-V863C Wilson, Edward Iv. Photographies. 770-W695P MUSIC GENERAL WORKS. THEORY OF MUSIC. BlasePna, Pietro. Theory of sound in relation to music 781-B613S Engel, Carl. Musical instruments. . . 780-EN34I i Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany. 780-F29S i GPOVe, Sir George, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians. 4 v., with index R780-G918D Haw.eis, Hugh R. Music and morals. 780-H314M — My musical memories 780-H314M4 42 HendePSOn, W. J. Preludes and studies Hueffer, Francis. Half a century of music in England. 1837-1887. . . . Matthew, James E. Popular history of music Ouseley, Sir Frederick A. G. Coun- ter point, canon and fugue — Treatise on harmony Polko, Elise. Musical sketches RitteP, Frederic!,. History of music. 2 ser — Music in America : . . . AMUSEMENTS Rubinstein, Anton. Music and its 730-H384P masters 780-R822M Upton, George P. Woman in music. 780-UP84W 780-H872H DRAMATIC, SACRED AND VOCAL MUSIC. 780-M433P Kpehbiel, H. E. vStudies in Wag- nerian drama 782-K872W ^sIoTTST SeilleP, Emma. Voice in singing... 784-SE43V 7»i-uua2i Upton, George P. Standard cantatas. 782-UP84C 7 o-P758b _3tandard operas 782-UP84O — Standard oratorios 783-UP84O4 ' ^' ^^ — Standard symphonies 785-UP84S 780-R518XM ^ ^ / 4v:> AMUSEMENTS THEATRES Matthews, J. Brander. Theatres of Paris 792-M434T MoPley, Henry. The journal of a London playgoer from 1851 to 1866 792-M826J INDOOR AMUSEMENTS Bowman, Anne, & others. Acting charades and proverbs. 793-B684A BpiggS, L. B. R. Original charades. 793-B763O Hoffman, Prof .,' pseud. See Lewis, Angelo J ■. . , Lewis, Angelo J. {Prof. Hoffman, pseud.). Modern magic 793-L586M — More magic 793-L586M4 — Parlor amusements and evening party entertainments 793-L586P — Tricks with cards 793-L586T Williams, Henry T., & Frost, S. Annie. Evening amusements . . 793-W674E GAMES OF SKILL, CARDS, CHESS, BOWLING, ETC. BaPkeP, Charles F. American checker-player 794-B243A ChattO, William A. History of play- ing cards 795-^394? DPayson, Col. Alfred W. Practical whist 795-D797W Gossip, G. H. D. Chess-players' manual 794-G693C HoffOP, L. Chess 794-H672C KelleP, John W. Euchre 795-K282E Lemeke, Ernst E. Skat 795-L542S MeyeP, H. F. L. Complete guide to the game of chess 794-M575G Pole, William. Whist 795-P753W Staunton, Howard. Chess-player's handbook 794-ST29C Heatheote, J. M. Tennis 794-H354T Swinton, R. B. Chess for beginners. 794-SW67C OUTDOOR SPORTS AingeP, A. C. Fives. With Heath- cote 794-H354T APmstPOng, . "Walter. Wrestling. With Pollock 796-P764F BouvePie, E. O. P. Rackets. With Heatheote 794-H354T BuPy, Viscomtt, & Hillier, G. L. Cycling 796-B958C AMUSEMENTS 43 Hansard, George A. Book ot archery R7g6-Hi98A Heatheote, C. G. Lawn tennis. IVilh Heatheote, J. M 794-II354T Michell, E. B. Boxing. IViih Pol- lock 796-P764F Pollock, Walter H., & others. Fencing 796-P764F Scott, Robert P. Cycling art, energy and locomotion 796-SCO84C Taylor, James. Curling; the ancient Scottish game 796-T215C WllbePfOPCe, H. W. W. Lawn tennis 796-W643L BOATING, BALL Camp, W. American football 797-C15A ' Steel, A. G., & Lyttelton, R. H. Davies, Christopher. Practical boat Cricket 797-ST35C sailing for amateurs 997-D287-B Woodgate, W. B Boating 797-W855B Hutchinson, Horace G. Golf 797-H975G I Shearman, Montague. Athletics and i football 797-SH32A ' HORSEMANSHIP •BeaufOPt, Duke of. Driving 798-B385D BPOWn, J. Moray. Polo. With Weir 798-W432R Bussigny, H. L. de. Handbook for horsewomen 798-B967H CoventPy, Arthur & Watson, Alfred, E. T. Steeple-chasing. IVilh Suffolk, Ewl of 798-SU22R KaPP, Mrs. Elizabeth. American horsewoman 798-K145A KePP, W. A. Practical horsemanship 798-K46P —Riding for ladies 798-K46R Suffolk, Pari of. Racing 798-SU22R WeiP, Robert. Riding 798-W432R FISHING, HUNTING, SHOOTING, TRAPPING BakeP, Sir. Samuel W. Rifle and hound in Ceylon 799-B174R — Wild beasts and their ways 799-B174W BeaufoPt, Duke of. Hunting 799-B385H BogaPdus, Adam H. Field, cover and trap shooting 799-B635F Bumstead, John. On the wing 799-B884O Campbell, Walter. Old forest ran- ger; or wild sports of India 799-C152O GillmOPe, (Ubique, pseud.) Access- ible field sports 799-G4 1 5 A Hallock, Charles. Fishing tourist. V, Angler's guide and reference book) 799-Hr58F Keene, J. Harrington. Fishing tackle 799-K255F Lefflngwell, William B. Shooting on upland, marsh and stream 799-L524S — Wild fowl shooting 799-L524W MaPbUPy, Mary O. Favorite flies and their histories 799-M325F MayeP, Alfred M. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters R799-M453S Pennell, H. Cholmondeley. Fishing. Pike and other coarse fish 799-P383P — Fishing. Salmon and trout 799-P383S Roosevelt, Robert B. Florida and the game water birds of the At- lantic coast, etc 799-R677F Roosevelt, Theodore. Hunting trips of a ranchman 799-R67717H Scott, Genio C. Fishing in American waters 799-SCO84F Smith, George P. Law of field sports 799SM5L Ubique, pseud. See Gillmore. Walsingham, Lord, & Payne-Gall- wey. Sir Ralph. Shooting. Field and covert 799-W167F — Shooting. Moor and marsh 799-W167M Walton, Isaac, & Cotton, Charles. , Complete angler 799-W175A Wolf hunting and wild sport in Lower Brittany ... 799-W833 LITERATURE GENERAL WORKS, LITERARY CRITICISMS, TEACHINGS, ETC. See also Bibliography. Azarias, Brother. Phases of thought and criticism 801-AZ15P Blaisdell, Albert P\ First steps with American and British authors . . . 807-B578F Chambers, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English literature. 2 v R803C356C De Quiney, Thomas. Literary criti- cism. In Works. V. 4 828-D445 Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, S. Margaret Fuller Howells, William D. Criticism and fiction 801-H837C Lang, Andrew. Essays in little 8o4-L,25E Ossoli, S. Margaret (Fuller). Litera- ture and art 804OS73L PERIODICALS Literary world, 1879-1889. v. 10-20. R805-L713 | RHETORIC, TREATISES, GENERAL COLLECTIONS Adams, Florence A. F. Gesture and pantomimic action 808-AD14G Allibone, Samuel A. Poetical quota- tions R808-AL55 — Prose quotations R808-AL55P AytOUn, William E., & Martin, Theo- dore, eds. (Bon Gaultier, pseud.). Book of ballads and Firmilian; a spasmodic tragedy 808-AY95B Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. R808-B284F Beiton, John D., ed. Literary man- ual of foreign quotations, ancient and modern R808-B419M Brooks, Henry, ed. Literary curios- ities 808-B794L Brougham, Lord Henry. Rhetor- ical and literary dissertations and addresses. Iti Works. V. 7 ... . 828-B797 Brown, Moses T. Synthetic philos- ophy of expression 808-B812S Bryant, William C. , ed. New library of poetry and song. 2 v R808-B842L Coates, Henry T. Fireside encyclo- paedia of poetry R808-C632F Dana, Charles A., ed. Household book of poetry R808-D19H Edwards, Tryon. Dictionary of thoughts R808-ED96D Emerson, Ralph W,, ed. Parnassus. 808-EM34P Hoitt, Julia B. Quotations R808-H784Q Hood, Thomas, ed. Cassell's illus- trated readings. 2 v 808-H764C Hows, John W. S. Golden leaves from the British and American dramatic poets 808-H847G Hunt, N. Clemmons, coinp. Poetr\' of other lands 808-H914P King-, William F. H. Classical and foreign quotations in French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Spanish and Portuguese, with translations, etc R808-K58C LegOUVe, Ernest. Art of reading. . . 808-L528A Mathews, William. Oratory and orators 808-M424O Morean, Anna. Hour with Delsarte. 808-M822H Morris, Charles, ed. Half houis with the best foreign authors. 4 v. 808-M834F — V. I. Greek and Roman — V. 2, German — V. 3. French — V. 4. Italian and Spanish .... — Half hours with the best humorous authors. 4 v 808-M834H — V. 1-2. American — V. 3-4. English, etc Oxberry, William. Flowers of liter- ature 808-OX12F Parton, James, ^^. Humorous poetry of the English language 808-P255H LITERATURE 45 Plumtre, Charles J. King's college" lectures on elocution 808-P737K RepplieP, Agnes. Book of famous verse 808-R296B Russell, Henrietta. Yawning 8o8-Rqi4Y Sargent, Epes. Standard speaker. . 808-SA74S ShaiPp, John C. Poetic interpreta- tion of nature 808-SH14P Speaker's garland and literary bou- quet. 6 V 808-SP32 SpeneeP, Herbert. Philosophy of . style 808-SP34P Townsend, Luther T. Art of speech; studies in eloquence 808-T664A UnivePSal songster. 3 V 808-UN36 WaPd, Anna L,., ed. Dictionary of quotations from English and American poets R808-W585E — Dictionary of quotations in prose . . R80S-W585P Whateley, Rev. Richard. Elements of rhetoric 808-W577E WhittieP, John G. Songs of three centuries 8o8-\V6i7S Yellow ribbon speaker 808- Y34 HISTORY OF LITERATURE IN GENERAL Carlyle, Thomas. Lectures on the history of literature 809-C198L De Quiney, Thomas. The eighteenth century in scholarship and litera- ture. Ill Works. V. 5 828-D445 Hallam, Henry. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, i6th and 17th centuries. 4 v 809-H153I MoFley, John. Studies in literature . 809-M826S Posnett, Hutcheson M. Compara- tive literature 809-P843C Simonde de Sismondi, Jean C. L. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 2 v . . . 809-SI53S Sismondi, Simonde de. See Simonde de Sismondi, Jean C. L Stevenson, Robert L. Familiar studies of men and books 809-ST47F ViekePS, Robert H. Martyrdoms of literature 809-V664M Wpight, Thomas. History of cari- cature and grotesque in literature and art 809-W933C GENERAL CRITICISM, STUDY OF LITERATURE, COLLECTIONS Higginson, Thomas W. Short studies of American authors 810-H535S MastePpieees of American literature. 810-M393 MoPPiS, Charles, ed. Half hours with the best American authors. 4 V 810-M834A RiehaPdson, Charles F. American literature 810-R385A Stedman, Edmund C. Poets of America S10-ST33P — & Hutchinson, E. M., ed. Library of American literature, from the earliest settlement to the present time. 1 1 V R810-ST34L UndePWOOd, Francis H. Hand-book of English literature; American authors 810-UN25H AMERICAN POETRY AldPieh, Anne R. Songs about life, love and death 811-AL24S AldPieh, Thomas B. Poems 8ir-AL24i7 — Sister's tragedy and other poems. .811-AL2417S — Wyndham towers 811-AL2417W BaPlow, Joel. The Columbiad 811-B247C BokeP, George H. Poems of the war. 811-B637W BPyant, William C. Poems 811-B842 CaPleton, will. City ballads 81 1-C196C —City festivals •. . 811-C196C4 —City legends 811-C196C6 — Farm ballads 811-C196F — Farm festivals 811-C196F2 — Farm legends 811-C196F4 Dickinson, Emily. Poems. 2 ser. . 811-D562 Eggleston, George C. American war ballads and lyrics 2 v S11-EG35A EmePSOn, Ralph W. Poems 811-EM34 Field, Eugene. A little ' book of western verse 81 1-F454W GoPdon, A. C, & Page, Thomas N. Befo' de war; echoes in negro dialect 81 1-G656B GoPdon, Hanford L. Feast of the virgins and other poems 811-G655F GPiSWOld, Rufus W. Poets and poetry of America R811-G887P H. H., pseud. See Jackson, Helen Hunt HaPte, Francis Bret. Poetical works, 811-H253 46 LITERATURE — Poetical works; including the drama of the two men of Sandy Bar. . . . 811-H253D Holland, Josiah G. (Timothy Titcomb, pseud.) Bitter-sweet 81 1-H715B — The marble prophecy and other poems 811-H715M Holmes, Oliver W. Poetical works. . 811-H734 Hows, John W. S. Golden leaves from the American poets 511-H847G Jackson, Helen Hunt(H. U., pseud.) Verses 811-J132 Joyce, Robert D. Deirdre 81 1-J852D Lanier, Sidney. Poems 811-L275 Longfellow, Henry W. Courtship of Miles Standish 81 1-L863C — Poetical works 811-L863 Lowell, James R. Poetical works. . . 811-L955 Miller, Cincinnatus H. (Joaquin Mil- ler, pseud.) The ship in the desert 811-M614S — Songs of the Sierras 811-M614S4 — Songs of the Sun-Lands 811-M614S6 Miller, Joaquin, pseud. See Miller, Cincinnatus H. O'Reilly, John B. Songs, legends and ballads 811-OR35S . — Statutes in the block, etc 8ii-OR34S4 Partington, j^//-5.,/>5^«rf. 5^i? Shil- laber, Benjamin P. Piatt, John J. Dream of church windows, etc 8ii-P573i» Riley, James W. Afterwhiles 8ii-R455A —Green fields and running brooks. . . S11-R455G — Neighborly poems 811-R455N — Old-fashioned roses 811-R545O Ryan, Rev. Father Abram J. Poems; patriotic, religious, miscellaneous 811-R952 Saxe, John G. Poetical works 81 1-SA96 Shillaber, Benjamin P. (Mrs. Part- ington.) Lines in pleasant places. 811-SH64L Spofford, Harriet P. Poems 8r 1-SP64 Stedman, Edmund C. Poetical works 811-ST33 Story, William W. Poems. 2 v 811-ST75 — V. I. Parchments and por- traits. — V. 2. Monologues and lyrics. Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. See Hol- land and Josiah G. Visscher, William L. Black mammy 811-V824BB Whitman, Walt. Goodbye my fancy 811-W595G — Leaves of grass 811-W595L Whittier, John G. Poetical works . . 811-W617 Wilcox, Ella W. Poems of passion . 811-W644P Winter, William. Wanderers 811-W736W drama; including farces, etc. Baker, George M. Drawing-room stage 812-B174D Boker, George H. Plays and poems. 2 V S12-B637 Curtis, Ariana W. Spirit of seventy- six 812-C945S Furniss, Grace L. Box of monkeys . 812-F984B Howells, William D. A counterfeit presentment. 812-H837C — The garroters 812-H837G — Out of the question 812-H837O —The register 812-H837R — Sleeping car and other farces 812-H837S — Unexpected guests 812-H837O Longfellow, Henry W. Christus; a mystery 812-L864C Taylor, Bayard. Dramatic works. . . 812-T215 Wilkins, Mary E. Giles Corey, yeo- man 812-W654G ESSAYS Brinton, Daniel G. Essays of an Americanist 814-B774E Burroughs, John. Birds and poets . 814-B943B — Fresh fields 814-B943F — Indoor studies 814-B943I — Locusts and wild honey 814-B943L — Pepacton 814-B943P — Signs and seasons 814-B943S — Winter sunshine 814-B943W Emerson, Ralph W. Conduct of life 814-EM34C — English traits 9r4-EM34E — Essays. 2 ser 814-EM34 — Letters and social aims 814-EM34L —Representative men 814-EM34R — Society and solitude 814-EM34S Fiske, John. Excursions of an evo- lutionist 814-F543E — Unseen world and other essays. . . . 814-F543U Hardy, Rev. Edward J. Business of life 814-H224B — Five talents of women 814-H224F Hardy, Rev. Edward J. — How to be happy thotigh married 814-H224H — "Manners maketh man" 814-H224M Higginson, Thomas W. Atlantic es- says 814-H535A — The new world and the new book . . 814-H535N — Out-door papers 814-H535O LITERATURE 47 — Women and men 814-H535W Holland, Josiah G. (Timothy Tit- comb, pseud.) Lessons in life. . . 814-H715L — Plain talks on familiar subjects. . . . 814-H715P King, Thomas S. Substance ,aud show and other lectures 814-K58S Lowell, James R. Among my books 814-L955A — Latest literary tssays and addresses 814-L955L — My study windows 814-L955M Maekaye, Maria E. Abbess of Port Royal and other French studies. . 814-M194A Mathews, William. Getting on in the world; or success in life 814-M424G — Great conversers and other essays. . 814-M424G4 — Hours with men and books 814-M424H — Literary style and other essays. . . . 8r4-M424L — Men, places and things 814-M424M Matthews, J. Brander. American- isms and Briticisms, with other essays on other isms 814-M434A Page, Thomas N. The old south; es- says, social and political 8i4-P[45o RepplieP, Agnes. Essays in minia- ture 814-R296E — Points of view 814-R295P Titeomb, Timothy, pseud. See Hol- land, Josiah G. Wasson, David A. Essays; religious, social and political 814-W287R Wells, Kate G, About people 814-W464A Whipple, Edwin P. Outlooks on society, literature and politics .. . 814-W577O AMERICAN ORATORY BeeeheP, Henry W. Patriotic ad- dresses 815-B395P Depew, Chauncey M, Orations and after-dinner speeches 815-D444O Spencer, Herbert, & others. Her- bert Spencer on the Americans and the Americans on Herbert Spencer. (Speeches at Spencer banquet) 815-SP34A Webster, Daniel. Great speeches of Daniel Webster; with essay by Whipple, E. P 815-W394W AMERICAN LETTERS Adams, John. Letters addressed to his wife (Abigail Adams) 816-AD14 Bowne, Eliza Southgate. Girl's life 80 years ago 816-B685G Child, Lydia M. Letters from New York. 2 ser 816-C435 Greeley, Horace. Letters to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend 818-G814 Smalley, George W. London letters and some others. 2v 816-SM35L AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR AdeleP, Max, pseud. See Clark, Charles H Bailey, James M., ed. Life in Dan- bury 817-B152L Bangs, John K, Coffee and repartee. 817-B224C — & Sherman, Frank D. New wag- ging of old tales 817-B225N BeeeheP as a humorist. (Selections). Kirk, Eleanor, ^c? S17-B395K CaPPOll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, Charles L ClaPk, Charles H. (Max Adeler, pseud.) Out of the hurly-burly . 817-C55O Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain, pseud.) Adventures of Huckle- berry Finn 81 7-C592H' — American claimant 817-C592A — Connecticut yankee in king Ar- thur's court 827-C592C — Innocents abroad ^I7-C592l — Life on the Mississippi 817-C592L — Mark Twain's library of humor. . . . 817-C592M —Merry tales 817-C592M2 — Million-pound bank note and other stories 817-C592M4 — The prince and the pauper 817-C592P —Roughing it .' 817-C592R —Sketches 817-C592S — Stolen white elephant 817-C592S4 — Tom Sawyer 817-C592T —Tramp abroad 817-C592T4 — & Warner, Charles D. Gilded age. 817-C593G Dodgson, Charles L. (Lewis Car- roll, pseud.). Rhyme and reason & Hunting of the snark 81 7-D667R HaweiS, J^ev. Hugh R. American humorists 817-H314H 48 I^ITERATURE Holmes, Oliver W. Autocrat of the breakfast-table 817-H734A — Over the teacups 817-H734O — Poet at the breakfast-table 817-H734P — Professor at the breakfast-table. . . . S17-H734P5 Kennedy, John P. (Solomon Sec- ondthoughts, />5^«/.). Quodlibet. 817-K384Q Locke, David R. (Petroleum V. 'Nashy, pseud.). "Swingin round the cirkle" 817-L79S Lowell, James R. Bigelow papers.. 817-1,9556 Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud. See Locke, David R Partington, Mrs., pseud. See Shil- laber, B. P Seeondthoughts, Solomon, pseud. See Kennedy, J. P ShillabeP, Benjamin P. (Mrs. Part- ington, pseud.). Knitting-vpork; a web of many textures 817-SH64K Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel L Warner, Charles D. Baddeck and ^ that sort of thing 817-W244B — My summer in a garden 817-W244M White, Richard, New gospel of peace according to Si. Benjamin 817-W585N AMERICAN MISCELLANY Collected Works of American Atithors and IVrz'lers npo7i subjects too general for aity special class Ames, Mary C. Men, women and things 818-AM37M Austin, William. Literary papers. 818-AU76L Bancroft, Hubert H. Kssays and miscellany. /« works. V. 38... 970-B223 — Literary industries. /« works. V. 39 970-B223 Beecher, Henry W. Star papers; or experiences of art and nature . . . 818-B395S — Clemmer, Mary. See Kmes, MaryC. Curtis, George W. From the easy chair 818-C945F Dana, Richard H. Poems and prose writings. 2 v 818-D19P Dodge, Mary A. (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Country living and country thinking 818-D665C —Gala days 818-D665G — Skirmishes and sketches 818-D665S —Summer rest 818-D665S4 Emerson, Ralph W. Lectures and biographical sketches 818-EM34L —Miscellanies 818-EM34 — Nature, addresses and lectures 818-EM34N Fields, James T. Underbrush 818-F466U Franklin, Benjamin. Sayings of poor Richard 818-F854S Greeley, Horace. Essay on Lincoln; letters, and remniscences of Hor- ace Greeley. Benton, Joel, ed . . . 818-G814 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary A. Hawthorne, Julian. Confessions and criticisms 818-H315C Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tales, sketches and other papers 818-H31517T Howells, William D. Suburban sketches 818-H837S Hutton, Lawrence. From the books of Lawrence Hutton 818-H977F Irving, Washington. Alhambra.... 818-IR84A — Astoria. — Captain Bonneville 818-IR84A4 — Conquest of Granada 818-IR84A — Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus 818-IR84C — Life of George Washington. 2 v . . . 818-IR84W — Mahommet and his successors 818-IR84O — Moorish chronicles 818-IR84O —Oliver Goldsmith, 818-IR84O — Sketch book. Crayon papers. His- tory of New York, etc 818-IR34S — Tales of a Traveler. Bracebridge hall, etc 81S-IR84T Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, Donald G. Matthews, J. Brander. Pen and ink; papers on subjects of more or less importance 818-M434P Mitchell, Donald G. (Ik Marvel, pseud.) Bound together; a sheaf of papers 818-M695B • — Dream life; a fable of the seasons.. 818-M695D — Reveries of a bachelor; or, a book of the heart 818-M695R O'Reilly, John B. Letters, speeches and poems. With his life by Roche, J.J 929-OR34R —Watchwords. Conway, K. E., ed.. 818-OR34W Poe, EdgarA. Works. 4v 818-P752 Preseott, William H. Biographical and critical miscellanies 818-P922B Riley, James W. Pipes o'Pan at Zekes- bury 81S-R455P Stowe, Harriet B. Flowers and fruit; from the writings of Harriet LITERATURE 49 Beecher Stowe, arr. by Fairfield, Abbie H 818-ST76F ThacheP, Mary p. Seashore and prairie 818-T324S ThoPeau, Henry D. Thoreau's thoughts. Selections edited by Blake, H. G. O 818-T393B WaPneP, Charles D. As we were saying 818-W244A — Backlog studies 818-W224B Whitman, Walt. November boughs 818-W595N WinthPOp, Theodore. Life in the open air and other papers 818-W737IV ENGLISH LITERATURE Criticism, History, Collections Adams, Oscar F. Handbook of En- glish authors ....." 820-AD14H Allibone, Samuel A. Critical dic- tionary of English literature and British and American authors. 5 V.R820-AL55C Blackie, John Stuart. Language and literature of the Scottish high- lands 820-B565L BPOOke, Rev. Stopford A. English literature 820-B792 — Historp of earl}' English literature. 820-B792E LanieP, Sidney. The English novel and the principle of its develop- ment 820-L275N MOFley, Henry. First sketch of En- glish liserature 820-M826F Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. (Wil- son.) Victorian age of English literature. 2 v 820-OL35V PateP, Walter. Appreciations; with an essay on style 820-P272A Shaipp, John C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. . . .< 820-SH14S Stedman, Edmund C. Victorian poets 820-ST33V Taine, Hippolyte A. History of En- glish literature. Van Laun, H., tr. 3 V 820-T133V UndePWOOd, Francis H. Handbook of English literature. (British authors.) 820-UN25H ENGLISH POETRY Aide, Hamilton. Songs without music 821-AI24S Alcenside, Mark. Works; with memoir 821-AK34 Allingham, William. Ballad book.. 821-AL56B APnold, Edwin. Indian idylls from the Sanskrit of the Mahabharata. 821-AR651 — Light of Asia 821-AR65L — Lotus and the jewel 821-AR65L5 — Pearls of the faith; or, Islam's rosary 821-AR65P — Potiphar's wife and other poems. . . 821-AR65P5 Apnold, Matthew. Poetical works . . 821-AR6516 Austin, Alfred. The human tragedy 82r-AU76H — Lyrical poems 821-AU76L — Narrative poems • 821-AU76N Bailey, Philip J. Festus 821-B152F Beattie, James. Works; with memoir. With Akenside 821-AK34 Beaumont, Francis & Fletcher, John. Selections from works. Hunt, Leigh, ed 821-B386H Blake, William. Poetical works; . with memoir. Rosetti, W. M., ^o' 821-B582 Brooks, Sarah W. English poetry and poets 821-B794 Browning, Elizabeth B. Works. 5 v 821-B823 Browning, Robert. Asolando ' 821-B82316A L c— 7 — Poetic and dramatic works. 6 v. . . B82316 — V.I. Pauline. — Paracelsus. — Strafford. — Sordello, etc — V. 2. Dramatic lyrics. — Ro- mances, etc — V. 3. The ring and the book. . — V. 4. Christmas eve and Easter day. — Men and women. — Dramatis personae, etc — V. 5. Red cotton night-cap. — Country, etc — V. 6. Agamemnon. — Dramatic idyls. — Parleyings, etc — Cooke, George W. Guide-book to the poetic ond dramatic works of Robert Browning 821-B82316C — ^Jones, H. Browning as a philo- sophical and religious teacher. . . 821-B82316J — Orr, Mrs. S. Handbook to the works of Robert Browning 821-B82316O BulweP-Lytton, Edward R. (Owen Meredith, pseud.). Fables in song. 2 v 821-B878F — Lucile 821-B878L — Marah, etc 821-B878M BuPns, Robert. Works; with memoir. 821-B938 — Works; critical and analytical edi- 50 UTERATURE tion, with life by Waddell, P. H. 2 V 821-B938W Butler, Samuel. Hudibras; with notes and preface by Gray, Zach- ary 821-B973H — Poetical works; with memoir 821-B973 Byron, Z-orrf George G. Works. 5 v. 821-B996 — V. I. Memoir of life. — Hours of idleness. — Occasional pieces. — English bards and Scotch reviewers — V. 2. Beppo. — Prophecy of Dante, etc. — Childe Harold's pilgrimage — V. 3. The Giaour. — Manfred. — Marino. — Doge of Venice. . — V. 4. Sardanapalus.— Two Fos- cari. — Cain. — Heaven and earth. — Deformed trans- formed. — Werner — V. 5. Don Juan Campbell, Thomas. Works; with memoir 821-C155 Chatterton, Thomas. Works; with memoir 821-C395 Chaueer, Geoffrey. Works; with memoir. 3 v 821-C398 Child, Francis J. English and Scot- tish ballads. 4 v 821-C435B Churchill, Charles. Works; with memoir. 2 v 82 1-C473 Coleridge, Samuel T. Lectures and notes on Shakespeare and other English poets 821-C676L — Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-C676 Collins, William. Works; with memoir. JVil/iTope. V. 2 821-P812 Combe, William. Doctor Syntax; his three tours 821-C7321) Cooke, George W. Guide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning 821-B82316C Cowper, William. Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-C836 Crommelin, May. Poets in the gar- den 821-C883P C ross, Mrs. See Eliot , George, pseud. Dawson, W. J. Makers of modem English; a popular handbook to the greater poets of the century. . 821-D325M Donne, I^r. John. Poems; with memoir. IVil/i Skelton. V. 2 . . 821-SK24 Dryden, John. Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-D846 Eliot, George, pseud of Mrs. Cross. Poems 82I-EL/45 Falconer, William. Works; with memoir. JFzVA Campbell 821-C155 Gay, John. Fables of John Gay; with biographical and critical in- troduction by Wright, W. H. k., ^rf 821-G25W — Works; with memoir 821-G25 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical works; with memoir 821-G575 Gower, John. Confessio amantis 821-G745C Gray, Thomas. Poems; with memoir. With Goldsmith 821-G575 Hales, J. W. Longer English poems; with notes, philosophical and ex- planatory 821-H133 Hayes, Edward, ed. Ballads of Ire- * land. 2 v 821-H325I Heber, Bishop Reginald. Works . . . 821-H356 Hemans, Felicia. Poems 821-H373P — Works 821-H373 Herbert, George. Works; with memoir 821-H414 Herriek, Robert. Hesperides; or the works, both human and divine, of Robert Herriek, esq. . . 821-H435H Hogg, James, ed. Jacobite relics of Scotland. 2v 821-H676J Hood, Thomas. Poems. 2v 821-H764P — V. I. Serious poems — V. 2. Humorous poems — Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-H764 Hows, J. W. S., ed. Golden leaves from the British poets 821-H847G Jones, H. Browning as a philosoph- ical and religious teacher 821-B82316J Jonson, Ben. Works; with memoir. With Shakespeare 821-SH15 Keats, John. Works; with memoir. With Coleridge. V. 2 821-C676 KingSley, Charles. Poems 821-K614 Kipling, Rudyard. Ballads and bar- rack-room ballads 821-K625B Linton, W. J., ed. Rare poems of the 1 6th and 17th centuries 821-L654R Locker-Lampson, Frederick. Lyra elegantiarum 821-L792L Lover, Samuel. Works 821-L948 Lyric gems of Scotland 821-L993 Marvel, Henry. Works; with memoir. With Milton. Vol. 2.- 821-M644 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Bulwer- Ly tton, Edward R Milton, John. Works; with memoir. 2 V 821-M644 Montgomery, James. Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-M765 Moore, Thomas. Works; with memoir. 3 V 821-M784 Morris, William. Life and death of Jason 821-M834L O'Reilly, John Boyle. Poems. With life " 928-OR34R LITERATURE 51 Opp, 3/rs. S. Handbook to the work of Robert Browning 821-B82316O PalgPave, Francis T. Golden treas- ury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. . 821-P176G PaPnell, Thomas. Works; with memoir. With Churchill. Vol. 2. 821-C473 Percy, Thomas. Reliques of ancient English poetry. 3 v 821-P411R Pope, Alexander. Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-P812 Praed, Winthrop M. Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-P882 Prior, Matthew. Works; with memoir 821-P937 Rogers, Samuel. Poetical works; with memoir 821-R635 Rossetti, Christina G. Poems 821-R734 Ruskin, John. Poems. In Works. Vol. 15 828-R894 Seott, Sir Walter. Poetical works; with memoir. 5 v 821-SCO84 Shakespeape, William. Poems; wih memoir 821-SH15 Shelley, Percy B. Works; with memoir. 2 v 821-SH46 Skelton, John. Poems; with memoir. 2 v 821-SK24 Smith, Alexander. Poems 821-SM5 Sobieski, John and Stuart, Charles E. Lays of the deer forest 821-SO12IV Southey, Robert. Works, 5v 821-SO86 — V. I. Joan of Arc. — Juvenile and minor poems. — V. 2. Inscriptions. — Carmen Triumphale. — Thalaba, the destroyer. — V. 3. Madoc in Wales. — Mary, the maid of the inn, etc. — V. 4. A tale of Paraguay. — All for love. — The curse of Ke- hema. — V. 5. Roderick, the last of the Goths. — Poet's pilgrimage. — Vision of judgment, etc. SpenseP, Edmund. Works; with memoir. 3 v 821-SP34 StoddaPd, Richard H., ed. Golden leaves from late English poets. .. 821-ST67G SUPPey, Henry H., Earl of. Works; with memoir. With Wyatt 821-W972 Swift, Jonathan. Poetical works; with memoir. 2 v 821-SW52 SwinbUPne, Algernon, Songs of the spring tides 821-SW63S Tennyson, Lord Alfred. Complete works 821-T258 —Death of Oenone, etc 821-T258D —Enoch Arden 821-T258E —Van Dyke, Henry. Poetry of Ten- nyson 821-V286T Thaekepay, William M. Ballads. . . 821-T324 Thomson, James, Works; with memoir 821-T374 Tiekell, Thomas, Works; with memoir. With Churchill, v. 2. 821-C473 Van Dyke, Henry. Poetry of Ten- nyson 821-V286T Vaughan, Henry. Works; with memoir. With Herbert 821-H414 WaPton, Thomas. History of Eng- lish poetry, from the close of the nth to commencement of i8th century. 4 v 821-W264 Watson, William. Poems 821-W335 ed. Lyric love; an anthology .. . 821-W335L Watts, Isaac. Works; with memoir 821-W347 White, Henry K. Works; with memoir. With Watts 821-W347 WOFdSWOPth, William. Works; with memoir. 3 v 821-W894 Wyatt, Sir Thomas. Works; with memoir 821-W972 Young, Edward. Works; with memoir 821-Y88 ENGLISH DRAMA Apnold, Sir Edwin. Adzuma; or, the Japanese wife 822-AR65A Chapman, George. Dramatic works; with memoir, 3 v 822-C363 ClaPke, Charles C. Shakespeare characters 822-C55S ClaPke, Mrs. Mary C, Complete concordance to Shakespeare. . . .R822-C5516C — Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines 822-C5516G Donnelly, Ignatius. Great crypto- gram; Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays.. 822-D718G Dowden, Edward. Shakespeare. With Gladstone's Homer 883-G457H GilehPist, Fredericka B, True story of Hamlet and Ophelia 822-G382H GPeen, Henry. Shakespeare and the emblem writers 822-G82S Henley, W, E. & Stevenson, R, L. Three plays 822-H386T Ouida, pseud. See Rame, Louisa de la. Rame, Louisa de la {OviiAaL, pseud.) Frescoes, etc 822-R143F Shakespeape, William, Works in reduced facsimile from the fa- 52 I.ITERATURE mous first folio edition of 1623. . . 822-SH15F -Works. Irving, Henry & Marshall, ¥. A.,eds. 8 V R822-SH15I -Works. Knight, Charles, ed. 8 v. — Life of Shakespeare 928-SH15K — Comedies. 2 v 822-SH15KC — V. I. Two gentlemen from Verona. — Love's labors lost. — Merry wives of Windsor. — Comedy of Errors. — Taming . of the shrew. — Midsummer- night's dream. — Merchant of Venice. — V. 2. All's well that ends well. — Much ado about noth- ing. — Twelfth night. — As you like it. — Measure for meas- ure. — Winter's tale. — Tem- pest. —Doubtful plays 822-SHi5Kd — Histories. 2 v 822-SHi5Kh — V.I. Kingjohn.— King Rich- ard II. — King Henry IV. — King Henry V. — V. 2. King Henry VI.— Con- tention of the two famous houses of York and Lancas- ter. — King Richard III. — King Henry VIII. — An essay on the three parts of King Henry IV and King Richard III. —Tragedies. 2 v 822-SHi5Kt — V. I. Romeo and Juliet. — Hamlet. — Cymbeline. — Oth- ello. — Timon of Athens. — King Lear. V. 2. Macbeth. — Trolius and Cressida. — Coriolanus. —Julius Csesar. — Antony and Cleo- patra. — Poems. — Calvert, George H. Shakespeare; a biographic aesthetic study 928-SH15C — Clarke, Charles C. Shakespeare characters 822-C55S — Clarke, Mrs. Mary C. Complete concordance to Shakespeare R822-C5516C Girlhood of Shakespeare's her- oines 822-C55 16G — Donnelly, Ignatius. Great crypto- gram; Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare's plays 822-D718G — Dowden, Edward. Shakespeare. IVi/A Gladstone's Homer 883-G457H — Gilchrist, Fredericka B. True story of Hamlet and Ophelia 822-G382H — Green, Henry. Shakespeare and the emblem writers 822-G82S — Swinburne, Algernon. A study of Shakespeare 822-SW63S — Wilson, Daniel. Caliban, the miss- * ing link 822-W695C ShePidan, Richard. Dramatic works 822-SH53 Tennyson, Lord Alfred. • The for- esters 822-T258F Swinburne, Algernon. A study of Shakespeare 822-SW63S Wilson, Daniel. Caliban; the miss- ing link 822-W695C ENGLISH ESSAYS Alison, Archibald. Miscellaneous esays 824-AL43 Arnold, Matthew. Essays in criti- cism 824-AR6516C BiPPell, Augustus. Obiter dicta, 2 ser 824-B537O — Res Judicatae 824-B537R CaPlyle, Thomas. Critical and mis- cellaneous essays 824-C198C Cposs, Mrs. See Eliot, George, pseud. Dobson, Austin. Eighteenth century essays 824-D654E Eliot, George, pseud, for Mrs. Cross. Essays and leaves from a note book 824-EL45E Hazlitt, William. Essays; with memoir by Ireland, Alexander. . 824-H338I Helps, Sir Arthur. Essays written in the intervals of business 824-H367 JeffePies, Richard. Field and hedge- row 824J353F Maeaulay, Thomas B. Essays; crit- ical and miscellaneous 824-M118 Mackintosh, Sir James. Miscella- neous essays 824-M215 Magnus, Lady Katie. Jewish por- traits 824-M273J MilleP, Hugh. Essays; historical and biographical, political, social, lit- erary and scientific 824-M614 SpeneeP, Herbert. Illustrations of . universal progress 824-SP34U — Recent discussions in scienjce, phil- osophy and morals 824-SP34R Stephen, James. Critical and mis- cellaneous essays. IFii/i Talfourd 824-T144C TalfOUPd, T. Noon. Critical and miscellaneous essays 824-T144C IvlTERATURE 53 ENGLISH ORATORY Bright, John. Public addresses 825-B768P CuPPan, John P. Speeches; with memoir 825-C933S GoodPieh, Chauucey A. Select Brit- ish eloquence; embracing the best speeches of most eminent orators of Great Britain 825-G624S Ipish eloquence 825-IR44 O'Reilly, John Boyle. Speeches. With life 928-OR34R Sheridan, Richard B. Speeches. 5 v 825-SH53S HNGLISH LETTERS CaPlyle, Thomas. Letters. Norton, C. E.,^flf 826-C198N Chestepfleld, Lord. Letters of Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Ches- terfield, to his godson and suc- cessor 826-C428 CowpeP, William. Best letters of William Cowper. McMahan, A. B., ed 826-C836M Junius. Letters. 3 v 826-J955 Lamb, Charles. Best letters of CharlesLamb. Johnson, E . G.,^^ 826-L166J Mason, Edward T., ed. British let- ters. 3 V 826-M384 Shelley, Percy B. Best letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Hughson, S. C, ^rf 826-SH46H Thaekepay, William M. Letters... 826-T324 Walpole, Horace. Best letters of Horace W^alpole. McMahan , Anna B.,ed 826-W163 & Mason, Rev. W. Correspond- ence of Walpole and Mason; with notes. M\tiorA, Rev.^., ed. 2v 826-W164M ENGLISH SATIRE AND HUMOR Anstey, F. , pseud. See Guthrie, F. A. Ashton, John. Humor, wit and satire of 17th century 827-AS36 Bupnand, Francis C. Very much abroad • 827-B933V —Stage-land 827-J483S JePPOld, Douglas. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures 827-J485M Lewes, Mrs. Charles L. Lectures on heads & essay on satire 827-L584L Chatfleld, Paul. Tin trumpet 827-C392T Mopley, Henry, ed. Parodies and GuthPie, F. A. (F. Anstey, pseud.) Voces populi 827-G985V Hood, Thomas. Miscellanies 827-H764M —Up the Rhine 827-H764U — Whimsicalities, etc 827-H764W Howe, W. H. Everybody's book of wit and humor 827-H835W JePOme, Jerome K, Diary of a pil- grimage 827-J483D — Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. ... 827-J483I other burlesque pieces 827-M826P IVIuPPay, E. C. Grenville. Side-lights on English society. 2 v 827-M964S Pain, Barry. Playthings and paro- dies S27-P16P Thaekepay, William. English hu- morists 942-T324F West, B. B. Half-hours with the millionaires 827-W52H Zangwill, I. Bachelor's club 827-Z15B ENGLISH MISCELLANY Collected Works of English Authors and Writers upon Subjects too General for any Speci- fied Class Addison, Joseph. Works; with notes byHurd, R. 6v 828-AD24H APbeP, Edward, ed. English reprints. 14 V 828-AR13R Arnold, Matthew. Culture and an- archy & friendship's garland 828-AR6516C — Discourses in America 828-AR6516D Arnold, Thomas. Miscellaneous works 828-AR6518 Bacon, Lord Francis. Works. Mon- tagu, Basil, ed. (Pickering edi- tion. ) 16 V 828-B132M — V. I. Essays or counsels; civil and moral — V. 2. Advancement of learn- ing. — New Atlantis 54 UTERATURE — ^V. 3. wisdom of the ancients. — History of King Henry VII. — Felicities of Queen Eliza- beth — V. 4. Slylasyl varum; or a nat- ural history in ten centuries. — V. 5. Tracts relating to Scot- land. — Ireland. — Spain. — England — V. 6. Speeches. — Charges. — Papers relating to the Earl of Essex. — Advice to Sir George Villiers — V. 7. Theological tracts. — Mis- cellaneous tracts. — Judicial tracts and charges — V. 8. De augmentis scientia- rum — V. 9. De augmentis scientia- rum. — Novum organum — V. 10. Historia ventorum.. — Vitae et mortis. — Densi et rari. — Cogitationes de natura rerum. — Filum labyrinth. — Aphorismi et consilia. — De interpretatione naturae. — De luce et lumine. — Cogitata et visa — V. II. Minor Latin works. . . . — V. 12. Letters from the Cabala, Resuscitatio, Baconiana, Ste- phens, Birch, British museum and Lambeth library — V. 13. Letters. — Miscellanies. — Law tracts — V. 14. Translation of the no- vum organum and of thoughts on the nature of things — V. 15. Translations — V. 16. Life of Bacon Barham, Richard. Ingoldsby legends, 3 v 828-B238I Barrie, James M. Holiday in bed and other sketches 828-B275H Boyd, Andrew K. H. Recreations of a country parson. 2 ser 828-B693R Brougham, Lord Henry. Works. II V 828-B797 — V. I. Lives of philosophers of the time of George III — V, 2. Lives of men of letters of the time of George III — V. 3-5. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time of George III — V. 6. Natural theology — V. 7. Rhetorical and literary dissertations and addresses . . — V, 8, Historical and political dissertations — V. 9-10. Speeches on social and political subjects, with historical introductions — V. II. British constitution; its history, structure and work- ing BPOWn, John, Spare hours. (3rd ser.) 828-B812S BuPke, Edmund. Works. 6 v 828-B917 — V. I. Vindication of natural society. — Essay on the sub- lime and beautiful. — Politi- cal miscellanies — V. 2. Political miscellanies. — Reflections on the revolution in France. — Letter to a mem- 1 ber of the national assembly. — V. 3. Political miscellanies. . . — V. 4. Administration of justice in India. — Charge against Warren Hastings — V, 5. Charge against Warren Hastings. — Political letters. .. — V. 6. Letters. — Fragments, etc. Bypne, Mrs. W. P. De omnibus re- bus 898-B996D CaPlyle, Thomas. Last words 828-C198L —Works. 10 V 828-C198 — V. I. Sartor Resartus. — Hero worship. — John Sterling — V. 2. French revolution — V. 3-5. Frederick th^ Great. .. — ^V. 6. Frederick the Great. — Past and present. — Miscellan- ies — V. 7-8. Critical and miscellan- eous essays — V. 9. Cromwell's letters — V. 10. Cromwell's letters. — Life of Schiller ChambePS, Robert. Chambers's book of days 828-C355B ChambePS, William & Mary. Pa- pers for the people. 6 v 828-C356P ChambePS, William & Robert. Mis- cellany of instructive and enter- taining tracts. 10 V 828-C357M Chapman, Elizabeth R. A comtist lover 828-C359C Collins, W. Wilkie- My miscellanies 828-C695 CPaik, Dinah M. (Mulock.) Studies from life 828-C845S CfosS, Maurice. Selections from Edinburgh review 828-C885S Defoe, Daniel. Earlier life and cliief earlier works of Daniel Defoe. . . 828-D365E De Quiney, Thomas. Writings. 12 v 828-D445 — V.I. Confessions of an opium- LITKRATURE 55 eater and kindred papers. . . . — V. 2. Autobiographic sketches. — V. 3. Literary reminiscences from the autobiography of an English opium-eater — V. 4. Literary criticism —V. 5. The i8th century in scholarship and literature . . . — V. 6. Biographical and his- torical essays .... — V. 7. Essays in ancient history and antiquities — V. 8. Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition.. . — V. 9. Essays in philosophy. — Letters to a young man, etc.. — V. 10. Politics and political economy — V. II. Romances and extrav- aganzas — V. 12. Narrative and miscella- neous papers, with general in- dex to De Quincy's writings. EllwangeP, George H. Story of my house 828-EL58S Forbes, Archibald. Souvenirs of some continents 828-F744S FPere, John H. Works; with memoir by Frere, Sir Bartle. 3 v 828-F892 Goldsmith, Oliver. Miscellaneous works. Cunningham, Peter, ed. 4 V * 828-G575C GPOnow, Captain. Reminiscences and recollections; anecdotes of the camp, court, clubs and soci- ety, 1810-1860 828-G896R Hare, Julius C. Guesses at truth .... 828-H225G HaPPison, Frederic. Choice of books and other literary pieces 828-H245C Head, Sir Francis B. Bubbles from the brunnen of Nassau 828-II342B Helps, Arthur. Companions of my solitude 828-H367C — Friends in council. 4 v 828-H367F Hunt, Leigh. Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist. Kent, Charles, ed . 828-H914K Jameson, Mrs. Anna. (Murphy.) Commonplace book of thoughts, memories and fancies 828-J236C — Memoirs and essays; illustrative of art, literature and social morals. . 828-J236-M — Studies, stories and memories 828-J236S Jeaffpeson, J. Cordy. Book about doctors 828-J343D Jeffpey, Francis. Contributions to the Edinburgh review 828-J37C JePPOld, Douglas. Works. 4 v 828-H485 —V. I. St. Giles and St. James.— Punch's letters to his son. . . . — V. 2. Story of a feather. — Cakes and ale — V. 3. Mrs. Caudle's lectures. — Men of character. — Punch's letter-writer. — V. 4. Man made of money. — Sketches of the English. — Chronicles of Clovernook, etc. Jessopp, Augustus. Trials of a country parson 828-J495T Johnson, Samuel. Works; with es- say on his life and genius by Mur- phy, A. 12 V 828-J634M Lamb, Charles. Life, letters and writings of Charles Lamb. Fitz- gerald, Percy, ed. 6 v 828-L166 LandOP, Walter S. Citation and ex- amination of William Shake- speare, etc 828-L237C Lee, W ernon, pseitd. ^l?^ Paget, Violet. LeveP, Charles. Nuts and nutcrack- ers : 828-L575N Maginn, William. Miscellanies; prose and verse. 2 v 828-M272 MilleP, Hugh. Tales and sketches. . 828-M614T Milton, John. English prose writ- ings. Morley, Henry, ed 828-M644 MitfOPd, Mary R. Our village 828-M697O MoOPe, George. Impressions and opinions 828-M784I MOPley, Henry. Early papers and some memories 828-M826E MuUeP, Max. Chips from a German workshop. 5 v 828-M913C Muloek. See Craik, Dinah M. Mu- lock NoPth, Christopher, pseud. See Wil- son, John Paget, Violet, (Vernon Lee, pseud.) Baldwin; being dialogues on views and aspirations 828-P146B Reade, Charles. Readiana; com- ments on current events 828-R226R Ruskin, John. Works. 20 v 828-R894 — V. 1-4. Modern painters — V. 5-6. Stones of Venice — V. 7. Seven lamps of archi- tecture — V. 8. Two paths; being lec- tures on art, and its applica- tion to decoration and manu- facture — V. 9. Elements of drawing and perspective. — Aratra pen- telici; six lectures on the ele- ments of sculpture — V. 10. Ariadne Florentina; six lectures on wood and metal engraving. — Art of England. 56 LITERATURE — Mornings in Florence — V. II. Sesame and lilies. — Ethics of the dust. — Crown of wild olive. — Queen of the air. — V. 12. Time and tide, by weare and tyne. — Unto this last. — Munera Pulveris. — The Ea- gle's nest —V. 13. St. Mark's rest.— The history of Venice. — Val d' Arno. — Our fathers have told us — V. 14. The laws of Fesole. — Proserphina — V. 15. Deucalion; studies of the lapse of waves and life of stones. — Poems — V. 16. Arrows of the chace. — Love's meinie — V. 17. Miscellanea. — King of the Golden river. — Sheep folds — V. 18-19. Fors Clavigera — V. 20. Fors Clavigera. — Storm cloud Sala, George A. Echoes of the year 1883 828-SA3E Savage club papers for 1868. Halli- day, Andrew, ed 828-SA93 Smith, Rev. Sydney. Wit and wis- dom of Smith; with memoir and notes by Duyckinck, E. A 828-SM5W —Works. 828-SM5 Swift, Jonathan. Tale of a tub and other works 828-SW52T —Works. Scott, ^.,ed. 19 v 828-SW52S — V. I. Memoirs — V. 2. Journal to Stella — V. 3. Journal to Stella. — Tracts; political and histori- cal. — Discourses.— Examiner. — V. 4. Historical and political tracts. — Examiner. — Journey to Paris — V. 5. Conduct of the allies. — Barrier treaty. — Four last years of the queen — V. 6. Tracts; historical and political. — St. Alban's ghost. — History of John Bull — V. 7. Tracts; relative to Ire- land — V. 8. Twelve serjnons. — Tracts in defense of Chris- tianity. — Support of the church establishment. — V. 9. Tracts in support of the church establishment. — Test act. — Miscellaneous essays. — Tatler... '. .. — V. 10. History of England. — Memoirs of Creichton. — Lord Clarendon's histdry of the rebellion. — Remarks on Bishop Burnet's history. — Court of Queen Anne —V. II. Tale of a tub.— Pohte conversation — V. 12. Gulliver's travels. — Di- rections to servants — V, 13. Miscellanies in prose, by Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, Swift and Sheridan — V. 14. Miscellaneous poem^. — Poems to Vanessa and Stella. — V. 15. Riddles. — Verses to Swift and his memory. — Let- ters during Lord Oxford's ad- ministration — V. 16. Letters during Zorrf Ox- ford's administration, 171 1-24 — V. 17. Letters, 1724-1732 — V. 18. Letters, 1731-1736 — V. 19. Letters, 1735-1746 ThaelcePay, William M. Contribu- tions to " Punch " 828-T324C — Miscellaneous essays, sketches and reviews 828-T324 — Roundabout papers & Second fu- neral of Napoleon 828-T324R TimbS, John. Century of anecdote from 1760 to i860 828-T483C Tyndall, John. New fragments 828-T976N Wilson, John, (Christopher North, pseud.). Recreations of Christo- pher North 828-W695R Wordsworth, William. Prose works. Grosart, Rev. A.B.,ed. 3 v 828-W894G FRENCH LITERATURE Blouet, L. Paul, (Max O'Rell, pseud.). English pharisees and French crocodiles 847-B623E — A Frenchman in America 847-B623F — ^Jonathan and his continent; ram- bles through American society. . . 847-C623J Chateaubriand, Francois A. R. de. Atala R843-C392 A DudewSint, Madame Amantine L. A., (George Sand, pseud.). Impres- sions and reminiscences 848-D865I — Letters of George Sand. 3 v . ... 846-D865 tiTERATUR^ 61 Fenelon, Francois. Les adventures de Telemaque, en six languages. . 843-F355T Hugo, Victor. Select poems and tragedies 841-H877 Merim^e, Prosper. An author's love; being the unpublished letters of Prosper Merimee.s inconnue 846-M544A — Letters to an incognita; with recol- lections by Lamartine and George Sand 846-M544 Moliepe, Jean B. P. Dramatic works; with memoir. Van Laun, H., ir. 3 V 842-M735T O'Rell, Max, pseud. See Blouet, L. Paul SaintsbUPy, George. Short history of French literature 840-SA27S S&nd, George, pseud. 51e^ Dudevant, A. L. A Sevign^, Marie de R. C. Best letters of Madame de Sevign^. Ander- son, Edward V., ed 846-SE83A Van Laun, Henri. History of French literature. 3 V 840-V274 GERMAN LITERATURE BaskePVille, Alfred, ed. Poetry of Germany; selections translated with original text on opposite page 831-B295 Bismapck-Sehoenhausen, Otto E. L. von. Prince Bismarck's let- ters to his wife, sister and others. 836-B547 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. V. I. Autobiography 838-G554 — V. 2. Faust. — Clavigo. — Eg- mont. — Wayward lover — V. 3. Miscellaneous poems, etc — V. 4. Sorrows of Werther. — Elective affinities. — A tale. — The good women. — Travels in Switzerland. — Travels in Italy — V. 5. Wilhelm Meister. — Ger- man emigrants — West-easterly divan. Weiss, John, ^r 831-G554W Heine, Heinrich. His wit, wisdom and poetry. Dunbar, Newell, ed. 838-H366W —Pictures of travel 838-H366P HosmeP, James K. Short history of German literature 830-H793 Ibsen, Henrick. Prose dramas, v 2-5 839-IB75P — V. 2. Ghost. — An enemy of the people. — The wild duck.. — V. 3. Lady Inger of Ostrat. — The vikings at Helgeland. — The pretenders — V. 4. Emperor and Galilean . . — V. 5. Rosmersholm. — The lady from the sea. — Hedda Gabler. Mendelssohn-Baptholdy, Felix . Letters from Italy and Switzer- land 836-M523 MozaPt, Wolfgang A . Letters . 2 v . . 836-MS74 SehilleP, Frederick. Works. 3 v. . 838-SCH32 — V. I. Don Carlos. — Mary Stu- art. — The maid of Orleans. — The bride of Messina ...... — V. 2. Revolt of the united Netherlands. — Wallenstein and William Tell — V. 3. Early dramas and jo- mances GREEK LITERATURE Aeschylus. Tragedies literally trans- lated with notes by Buckley, The- odore A 882-AE83B — Copleston, Reginald S. Aeschylus 880-H792M APistophanes. Collins, William L. Aristophanes 880-EU73D — Frere, John. Aristophanes. In works, v 3 828-F892 ApistOtle. Grant, Sir Alexander. Aristotle 880-D397B BpodPibb, /^ez'. William J. Demos- thenes 880-D397B ButeheP, Samuel H. Some aspects of the Greek genius 880-B973S Campbell, Lewis. Sophocles' life, with survey of works 880-SO63C L c— 8 Collins, Clifton W. Plato 880-P695C —Sophocles 880-C482C Collins, William L. Aristophanes. . 880-EU73D — Homer's Iliad 880-H754IC — Homer's Odyssey S80-H754IC — Lucian 880 P695C — Thucydides 880-T422C Copleston, Reginald S. Aeschylus . . 880-H782M Davies, J?ev. James. Hesiod's works and days. Theogony, etc 880-H754IC — Theognis 880-H754IC Demosthenes. Brodribb, J?ev. Wil- liam J. Demosthenes 880-D397-B Donaldson, John W. Theatre of the Greeks; a treatise on the history and exhibition of the Greek 58 LITERATURE drama 882-D714T Donne, William B. Euripides 880-EU73D Euripides. Donne, William B. Eu- ripides 880-EU83D — Mahaffy, John P. Euripides' lile; with survey of work 882-SO63C Gladstone, William E. Homer 883-G457H — lyandmarks of Homeric study, to- gether with an essay on the points of contact between the Assyrian tablets and the Homeric text. . . 883-G457I, Grant, Sir Alexander. Aristotle. . .. 880-D397B — Xenophon 880-H782M HePOdotus. Swayne, George C. Herodotus 880-G433S Hesiod. Davies, Rev. James. Works and days. Theogony, etc 880-H754IC Homer, Iliad, literally translated by Buckley, Theodore A 883-H754lb rendered into blank verse by Edward, Earl of Derby 883-H854ld — Odyssey, done into English prose by . Butcher, Samuel H. & Lang, Andrew 893-H7540b Palmer, G.Yi.,ir 883-H754OP —Collins, William L. Hiad 880-H754IC Odyssey 880-754IC —Gladstone, William E. Homer 883-G457H Landmarks of Homeric study, together with an essay on the points of contact between the Assyrian tablets and the Homeric text Lueian. Collins, William L. Lucian. Maliaffy, John P. Euripides' life; with survey of works MoPiee, Francis D. Pindar MulieP, Karl O. History of the lit- erature of ancient Greece. 3 v. . MuPe, William. Critical history of the language and literature of ancient Greece. 5 v Neaves, Lord Charles. Greek an- thology Peppy, Thomas S. History of Greek literature PindaP. Morice, Francis D. Pindar. Plato. Collins, C. W. Plato Sophocles Antigone, translated; with notes, by Woolsey, Theo- dore D — Tragedies. Oxford translation re- vised. Buckley, Theodore A. . . — Campbell, Lewis. Sophocles' life; with survey of works — Collins, Clifton W. Sophocles . . . Swayne, George C. Herodotus Theognis. Davies, Rev. James. Life of Theognis Thueydides. Collins, William L. Thucydides Xenophon. Grant, Sir Alexander. Xenophon ITALIAN LITERATURE AlexandeP, Francesca, tr. Roadside songs of Tuscany, Ruskin, John,^' Scrambles amongst the Alps 914-W625S Wilkinson, Sir John G. Dalmatia and Montenegro. 2 v 914-W655D Wolff, Henry W. Rambles in the black forest 914-W834B YpiaPte, Charles. Venice R914-Y88V ASIA Aleoek, Sir Rutherford. Capital of the Tycoon; three ye.ars residence in fapan. 2 v 9i5-ALri6C Appleton, Thos. G. Syrian sun- shine 915-AP53S Arnold, 5V> Edwin. India revisited. 915-AR65I — Japonica 915-AR65J Atkinson, Thomas W. Travels in regions of upper and lower Amoor 915-AT54A Bacon, Alice M. Japanese girls- and women 915-B132J Benjamin, Samuel G. W. Persia and the Persians 915-B436P Bird, Isabella L. See Bishop, Mrs. . Bishop, Mrs. (Isabella L. Bird). Persia and Kurdistan. 2 v 915-B545P — Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 2 v. . . 915-B545U Bonvalot, Gabriel. Across Thibet. . 915-B645A Brassey, Lady Annie. Last voyage to India and Australia in the "Sunbeam" 915-B736L Bpyson, Mrs. M. I. Home life in China 915-B847H Bush, Richard J. Reindeer, dogs and snowshoes; Siberian travel . . 915-B962R Caddy, Mrs. Florence. To Siam and Malaya in the duke of Suther- land's yacht " Sans Peur " 915-C114S CluttePbuek, Walter J. Ceylon and Borneo 915-C628C Coltman, Robert, yr. The Chinese.. 915-C725C Curtis, George W. Hawadji in Syria 915-C945H Dufferin, Lady Harriot. Viceregal life in India. 1884-88 915-D875V Field, Henry M. Among the holy hills 915-F454A — From Egypt to Japan 915-F454E Fortune, Robert. Residence among the Chinese 915-F778R Gowing, Lionel F. Five thousand miles in a sledge 915-G747F Griffls, William E. Mikado's em- pire 915-G873M Haeckel, Ernst. Visit to Ceylon 9X5-H417C Hornaday, William T. Two years in the jungle 915-H786T Hue, Evariste R. Journey through the Chinese empire. 2 v 915-H865C — Tartary, Thibet and China 915-H865T Kennan, George. Siberia and the exile system, 2 v 915-K363S — Tent life in Siberia 915-K363T Knox, Thomas W. Overland through Asia 915-K77O Larking, Col. Cuthbert. Bandobast and Khabar 915-L325B Leonowens, Anna H. English gov- erness at Siamese court 915-L554E Lowell, Percival. Choson; the land of the morning calm 915-L955C — Noto; an unexplored corner of Japan 915-L955N — Soul of the far East 915-L955S Maegregor, John. Rob Roy on the Jordan 915-M175R Malleson, Col. George B. Herdt; the granary and garden of cen- tral Asia 915-M293H Marsden, Kate On sledge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers 915-M353O Millingen, Major Frederick. Wild life among the Koords 915-M624W Morse, Edward S. Japanese homes and their surroundings 915-M835J Norman, Henry. The real Japan .. . 915-N785R Oliphant, Laurence. Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan 915-OL35E Percival, William S. Land of the dragon (China) 915-P41 iL Prince, William C. - Tent life in the Holy land 915-P934T Reed, Sir Edward J. Japan. 2 v. . . 915-R253J Rein, Johannes J. Japan; travels and researches 915-R277J Rockhill, William W. Land of the Llamas 9i5-R593lv Russell, W. H. Diary in the east, during the tour of the prince and princess of Wales 9r5-R9i4D Schuyler, Eugene. Turkistan. 2 v. 915-SCH87T Scidmore, Eliza R. Jinrikisha days in Japan 915-SCI13J Smith, Agnes. Through Cyprus 915-SM5C Stack, Edward. Six months in Per- sia. 2v 915-ST14S i TRAVELS 65 Stephens, John L. Egypt, Arabia, Petraea and the Holy land. 2 v . 915-ST44E Stone, Mrs. Julia. Illustrated India; its princes and people 915-8X71! Taylor, Bayard. Lands of the Sara- cens 9i5-Tfi5L, Thompkins, Edward S. de. Through David's realm 915-T597D Thomson, John. Straits of Malaca, Indo-China and China 915-T374M Van-Lennep, Henry. Bible lands; their modern customs and man- ners 915-V326B WheeleP, Lucius N. Foreigner in China 915-W567F Williams, Sir Monier. Modern In- dia and the Indians 915-W674M Wills, Charles J. Land of the lion and sun; or modern Persia 915-W684L — Persia as it is 915-W684P Wilson, Andrew. Abode of snow. . . 915-W695A Wilson, James H. China; travels and investigations in the "Mid- dle kingdom" 915-W69514C Wood, Herbert. Shores of lake Aral 915-W852S AFRICA Adams, William H. D. Land of the Nile; or Egypt, past and present. 916-AD14 Amicis, Edmonds de. Morocco; its people and places 916-AM52M Andersson, Charles J. Okavango river 916-AN25O Baker, Sir Samuel W. Albert N'yanza, great basin of the Nile. 916-B174A — Ismailia; narrative of the expedi- tion to Central Africa, for the suppression of the slave trade. . .. 916-B174I — Nile tributaries of Abyssinia 916-B174N Bridgman, Frederick A. Winters in Algeria 916-B755W Burton, Richard F. Lake regions of Central Africa 916-B954L Cameron, Verney L. Across Africa. 916-C145A Casati, Major Gaetano. Ten years in Equatoria and the return with Emin Pasha. 2 v. 916-C263T DPUmmond, Henry. Tropical Africa 916-D844T Du Chaillu, Paul B. du. Ashango- land and further explorations into equatorial Africa 916-D354A Edwards, Amelia B. Thousand miles up the Nile 916-ED96T Field, Henry M. On the desert 916-F454O Harris, Capt. William. Expedition into Southern Africa 916-H24E Jameson, James S. Rear cdlumn of the Emin Pasha relief expedition 916-J238R Junker, Dr. Wilhelm. Travels in Africa during 1875-1878 916-J963A Lane, Edward W. Manners and cus- toms of the modern Egyptians. 2 V 916-L24M Lepsius, Dr. Richard. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and the penin- sula of Sinai 916-L556L Livingstone, David. Last journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death. . . 916-L765J Livingstone, David & Charles. L c— 9 Expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries. 1858-1864 916-L766E Loti, Pierre, />.S(?wc^, See Viaud, Julien Monteiro, Joachim J. Angola and the river Congo. 2 v 916-M765A Peters, Dr. Carl. New light on dark Africa 916-P442N Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Season in Egypt, (1887) 916-P447S Pinto, Major Serpa. How I crossed Africa. 2 v 916-P658H Poole, Stanley L. Egypt 916-P784E Reading, Joseph H. The Ogowe band 916-R226O Sehweinfurth, Dr. George. Heart of Africa, 1868-1871. 2 V 916-SCH96H Sheldon, M. French. Sultan to sultan 916-SH44S Smith, Ronald, ed. Great gold lands of South Africa 916-SM5G Stanley, Henry M. The Congo. 2v 916-ST24C — How I found Livingstone 916-ST24H — In darkest Africa. 2 v 916-ST24I — Life, travels and explorations, by Little, H. W 916-ST24L — Story of Eniin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters 916-ST24E — Through the dark continent. 2 v. . 916-ST24T Taylor, Bayard. Journey to Central Africa 916-T215J Taylor, Isaac. Leaves from an Egyp- tian note-book 916-T21516L Troup, J. Rose. With Stanley's rear column 916-T753S Viaud, Julien, (Pierre Loti, pseud). Into Morocco 916-V654M WarbUPton, Eliot. The crescent and the cross; or romance and realities of eastern travel 916-W195C Ward, Herbert & Bidwell, D.D. Five years with the Congo cannibals. . 916-W21C Warner, Charles D. My winter on the Nile 916-W244W 66 TRAVEI.S NORTH AMERICA Allen, James L. Blue-grass region of Kentucky 91 7-AL54B Ames, Mary C. Ten years in Wash- ington; life and scenes in the na- tional capital 917-AM37T Andrews, Sidney. The south since the war 917-AN26S Aubertin, J. J. Fight with distances. The States, Hawaiian islands, Canada, British Columbia, etc. . . 9r7-AUi3F Ballou, Maturin M. Aztec land .. . . 917-B215A — Due South; or Cuba, past and pres- ent 9i7-B2r5D — New Eldorado; a summer journey to Alaska 9r7-B2i5N Beauvallet, Leon. Rachel and the new world 917-B387R Bird, Isabella L. See Bishop, Mrs. Isabella L Bishop, Mrs. Isabella L. (Bird). Lady's life in the Rocky moun- tains 917-B532L, Bishop, Nathaniel H. Four months in a sneak-box 917-B54515F — Voyage of the paper canoe 9I7-B545I5V Bremer, Frederika. Homes of the new world; impressions of America. 2 v . . . 917-B753H Broke, George. With sack and stock in Alaska 917-B786S Brooks, Henry M. Days of the spin- ning-wheel in New Fngland 917-B794D Butler, Mrs. Frances K, See Kem- ble, Frances Anne Calvo, Joaquin B. Costa Rica 917-C138C Campbell, Sir George. White and black; the outcome of a visit to the United States 9i7-Cr55W Carter, Robert. Summer cruise on the coast of New England 917-C243S Charles. Cecil. Honduras; the land of great depths 917-C38H Clemmer, Mary C. See Ames, Mary C Cobbett, William. A year's residence in the United States of America. 917-C637Y Coffin, Charles C. Seat of empire .. . 917-C638S C equina, pseud. See Shields, G. O. Cozzens, Frederic S. Acadia 917-C83SA Curtis, George W. Lotus-eating 917-C945L Custer, Elizabeth B. "Boots and saddles;" or, life in Dakota with General Custer 917-C965B — Following the guidon 917-C965F — Tenting on the plains 917-C965T Dana, Richard 'il.,Jr. To Cuba and back 917-D19C — 1^0 years before the mast 917-D19T Davis, Richard Harding. The west from a car window 917-D2918W Dean, C. "World's Fair city" and her enterprising sons 917-D343W De Costa, Benjamin F. Lake George 917-D357L Deland, Margaret. Florida days. . . . 917-D375F Dickens, Charles. American notes.. 910-D552P Dodge, Mary A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud). Wool-gathering 917-D665W Dodge, Richard I. Black hills 917-D66516B Drake, Samuel .\. Pine-tree coast. . 917-D795P Fellows, Henry P. Boating trips on New England rivers 917-F337B — Bright skies and dark shadows. ... 917-F454B Foster, J. W. Mississippi valley . . . . 917-F813M Fremont, Jessie B. Far- west sketches 917-F884F Gooeh, Fanny C. Face to face with the Mexicans 917-G59F Gordon, H. Panmure. Land of the almighty dollar 917-G655L Green, William S. Among the Sel- kirk glaciers 917-G82A Griswold, Rufus W. Republican court; or, American society in the days of Washington 917-G887R H. H., pseud. 6'(f^ Jackson, Helen H. Hague, Parthenia A. Blockaded family; life in Southern Alabama during the civil war 917-H128B Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary A Hatton, Joseph. Henry Irving' s im- pressions of America 917-H286I Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the American note-books. . 917-H315P Hazard, Samuel. Santo Domingo; past and present, with a glance at Hayti 917-H336S Headley, Joel T. The Adirondack; or, life in the woods 917-H344A Hepworth, George H. Starboard and port 917-H412S Hill, Alexander S. From home to home; autumn wanderings in the northwest, 1881-1884 917-H55F Ingersoll, Ernest. Down-east latch strings 917-IN44D — Knocking round the Rockies 917-IN44K Irving, Washington- Astoria 818-IR84A Jackson, Helen Hunt. (H. H., pseud.). Bits of travel at home . 917-J132B Janvier, Thomas. The Mexican guide. 917-J267M Kemble, Francis A. Residence on a • TRAVELS 67 Georgia plantation in 1838-1839. . 917-K315R Kendall, George W. Texas to Santa Fe 917-K333T King, Moses. Handbook of Boston. 917-K58B King", Thomas S. White hills; their legends, landscape and poetry. . . 917-K5817W Knight, Edward F. Cruise of the "Alerte" 917-K774C Lanman, Charles. Japanese in America 917-L277J Leighton, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound, 1865-1881 917-L535P Lindley, Walter, & Widney, J. P. California t)f the south 917-L645C Lummis, Charles F. Some strange corners of our country 917-L957S — A tramp across the continent 917-L975T Mackie, J. Milton. Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics 917-M212C McQuade, James. Gruise of the " Montauk " to Bermuda, the West Indias and Florida 917-M244C MaPCy, Randolph B., & McClellan, George B. Explorations of the Red river of Louisiana in the year 1852 917-M335E Marryat, Frank. Mountains and molehills; or, recollections of a burnt journal 917-M347M MaPPyat, Capt. Frederick. Diary in America. 3 v 917-M34714D MoOPe, Joseph W. Picturesque Washington (D. C.) 917-M784P MuPPay, William H. H. Daylight land 917-M964D NoPdhoff, Charles. California for health, pleasure and residence. .. 917-N755C — Peninsular California 917-N755P NoPman, Benjamin M. Rambles in Yucatan 917-N785R Olmstead, Frederick L. The cotton kingdom; observations in Ameri- can slave states. 2 v 917-OL56C PaekaPd, Alpheus S. Labrador coast . 917-P123L PaPkeP, Nathan H. Missouri as it is in 1867 917-P224M PaPkman, Francis. Oregon trail ., . 917-P234O Paton, William A. Down the islands; a voyage to the Caribbees 917-P275D Quigg, Lenmel E. Tin-types taken in the streets of New York 917-Q43T Ralph, Julian. On Canada's frontier 917-R136O Sala, George A. America revisited. 2 v 917-SA3A SaundePS, William. Through the light continent 917-SA84T Sehapf, J. Thomas. Natural and in- dustrial resources and advantages of Maryland R917-SCH16N SeuddeP, Horace E. Men and man- ners in America one hundred years ago 917-SCU25M Seattle (Wash.) city directory. 1890- 91-92-93-94 R917-SE17 Shields, G. O. (Coquina, pseud.). Cruisings in the Cascades 9T7-SH62C ShUPtleflF, Nathaniel B. Topograph- ical and historical description of Boston 917-SH95T Simpson, Capt. James H. Shortest route to Galifornia; explorations of the great basin of Utah R917-SI15S Smith, Frank Hopkinson. White umbrella in Mexico 917-SM5W SquieP, Ephraim G. Nicaragua .... 917-SQ44N Stephens, John L. Travels in Cen- tral America and Yucatan 917-ST44C TPOllope, Anthony. West Indies and Spanish Main 917-T745W TuekePman, Henry T. America and her commentators 917-T795A Upham, Samuel C. Voyage to Cali- fornia and scenes in El Dorado in 1849-50 917-UP33C VietOP, Mrs. Frances F. Atlantis arisen ; or talks of a tourist about Oregon and Washington.. . 917-V665A WaPneP, Charles D. On horseback 917-W244H — Our Italy 917-W244O — Studies in the south and west, with comments on Canada 917-W244S Webb, William S. California and Alaska 917-W382C Whymper, Frederick. Territpry of Alaska 917-W625A Wingate, George W. Through Yel- lowsione Park on horseback 917-W724Y Wise, Lieut. Henry A. Los gringos 917-W754L Woodman, Abby J. Picturesque Alaska 917-W858P SOUTH AMERICA Agassiz, Louis & Elizabeth C. Jour- ney in Brazil. 918-AG12J AndPews, Christopher C. Brazil ; its conditions and prospects 918-AN26B Ballou, Maturin M. Equatorial America 918-B215E Child, Theodore. Spanish-American republics 918-C435S DahlgPen, Mrs. Madeleine V. South sea sketches 918-D135S 68 TRAVEI.S Ford, Isaac N. Tropical America .. . 918-F75T Graham, Maria. Journal of a resi- dence in Chile during the year 1822, and voyage to Brazil 1823. . 918-G762R Keller, Franz. The Amazon and Madeira rivers 9i8-K282A Russell, William H. Visit to Chile and the nitrate fields of Tara- paca, etc 918-R914C Turner, Thomas A. Argentina and the Argentines 918-T855A Vincent, Frank. Around and about South America 918-V745 Wallace, Alfred R. The Amazon and Rio Negro 918-W156A Wells, James W. Three thousand miles through Brazil. 2v 918-W464T Whymper, Edward. Travels amongst the great Andes of the equator. . 918-W625A OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS Aldrich, Herbert. Artie Alaska and Siberia 919-AL24A BallOU, Maturin M. Under the southern cross 919-B215U Barker, Lady. Station life in New Zealand 919-B242S Davis, Rear-admiral Charles H,, ed. Polaris expedition 919-D295P De Long, George W. Voyage of the Jeanette. 2 v 919-D385V Dufferin, Lord Frederick T. H. Yacht voyage ; letters from high latitudes 919-DS75Y Ellis, William. Polynesian resear- ches. 4 V 919-EL56P Glider, William H. Ice-pack and tundra 919-G394I — Schwatka's search in quest of Franklin records 919-G394S Hayes, Isaac I. Arctic boat journey in the autum of 1854 919-H325A — Land of desolation (Greenland) . . . 919-H325L — Open Polar sea 919-H325O Kane, Elisha K. Arctic explorations in the years 1853, '54 and '55, 2 v 919-K133A — United States Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. . . 919-K133G Lanman, Charles. Farthest north ; or life and explorations of Lieut. J. B. Lockwood 919-L277F Lumholtz, Carl. Among cannibals 919-L973A Nansen, Fridtjof. First crossing of Greenland. 2 v 919-N155F Nordenskiold, Baron Adolf E. Voy- age of the Vega around Asia and Europe 919-N754V Osborn, Lieut. Sherard. Stray leaves from an Arctic journal 918-OS14S Schwatka, Frederick. Nimrod in the north 919-SCH94N Stoddard, Charles W. South-sea idyls 919-ST67S BIOGRAPHY GENERAL COLLECTIVE. For individuals in collective biography see card catalogue. Alldridge, Lizzie. Florence Night- engale, Frances Ridley Havergal, Catherine Marsh, Mrs. Ranyard.. 920-AL,53N Appleton'S cyclopaedia of American biography. 6v R920.AP53 Barham, Richard H., Harness, Wil- liam and Hodder. Personal remi- niscences. Stoddard, Richard H., ed 920-B238P Bungay, George W. Ofif-hand tak- ings; or, crayon sketches of the ^ notable men of our age 920-B883 Burnley, James. Sir Titus Salt and George Moore 920-B937 Buttre, Lillian C. American portrait gallery. 2 v 920-B987A Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Three martyrs of the 19th century 920-C38T Child, LydiaM. Biographies of good wives : 92G-C435 ChOFley, Henry F., Planche, James R. and Young, Julian C. Per- sonal reminiscences 920-C455 Cunningham, George G. Lives of eminent and illustrious English- men. 8 V 920-C915 Dobson, Henry A. Four French women 920-D654F EUePt, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Court cir- cles of the republic; or, beauties and celebrities of the nation. . . . 920-EL55C Eminent persons. Biographies; re- printed from the Times. 4 v. . . . 920-EM44 Field, Maunsell B, Memories of many men and of some women . . 920-F454M Fox, Caroline. Memories of old friends from 1835 to 187 1 920-F83 Hale, Edward E. Lights of two cen- turies 920-H13L Hale, Sarah J. Woman's record; or, sketches of distinguished women from the beginning till A. D. i850920-Hr3i7W Hiteheoek. Thomas. Unhappj' loves of men of genius 920-H633U Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Beauties of the court of Charles II 920-J238B Knight, Cornelia & Raikes, Thomas. Personal reminiscences. Stod- dard, Richard 'il.,ed 920-K774P Lippineott'S pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. . . . R920-L665 McCabe, James D. Great fortunes and how they were made 920-M124G MaPtineau, Harrtet. Biographical sketches, 1852-1875 920-M366B Mason, Amelia G. Women of the French salons 920-M384W Moore, Frank. Women of the war. . 920-M784W Ollphant, Mrs. Margaret O. W. Makers of Florence 920-OL35F —Makers of Venice . .' 920-OL35V Parton, James, ed. Some noted princes, authors and statesmen of our time 920-P255P -^ & others. Eminent women of the age 920-P255W Phillips, Lawrence B. Index to bio- graphical reference R920-P544 Plutarch. Lives: the translation called Dryden's, corrected and re- vised by Clough, A. H. 5 V 920-P744C Sainte-Beuve, Charles A. Portraits of men 920-SA22P — Portraits of women 920-SA22P4 Smiles, Samuel. Brief biographies . 920-SM45 Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 v R920-SM5G Sparks, Jared. Library of Ameri- can biography. 15 v 920-SP25L Stanton, Henry B. Random recol- lections 920-ST26R Stowe, Harriet B. Lives and deeds of our self-made men 920-ST76L Thomson, Mrs. Katherine B. (Grace Wharton, pseud.). Celebrated friendships. 2 v 920-T373C — & John C. (Philip Wharton, pseud.). Queens of society 920-T374Q — Wits and beaux of society. 2 v . . . 920-T374W Tuekerman, Henry T. Essays, bio- graphical and critical; or, studies of character 920-T795E Walford, Edward. Tales of our great families. 4 v 920-W146T Wharton, Grace, pseud. See Thom- son, Katherine B Wharton, Philip, pseud. See Thom- son, John C Yonge, Charlotte M. Book of wor- thies 920-Y84B 70 BIOGRAPHY INDIVIDUAL. Lady Mary, ed 920-F635R AgPippa, Henry Cornelius. Morley, Havergal, Maria V. G. Autobiog- Henry. Life of H. C. Agrippa raphy. Crane, J. M., ed 920-H296C von Nettsheini, magician, etc. . . . 920-AG84M Hopper, Isaac T. Child, L. M. Barnum, Phineas T. Life, written Isaac T. Hopper 920-H775C by himself 920-B267 MuPPay, John. Smiles, Samuel. A Congdon, Charles T. Reminiscences publisher and his friends; memoir of a journalist 920-C764 and correspondence of the late Dabney, Thomas S. G. Smedes, Susan Da,bney. Memorials of a John Muiray. 2 v 920-M964S Sehlegel, Caroline. Sedgwick, 3frs. southern planter 920-D112S A. Caroline Schlegel and her FleteheP, Mrs. Eliza D. Autobiog- friends 920-SCH33S raphy; with letters and other WaPe, Mary L. Hall, E. B. Mary family memorials. Richardson, L. Ware 920-W22H PHILOSOPHY INDIVIDUAL. Bacon, Lord Francis. Montagu, Basil. Life of Bacon. /» Works. V. 16 828- — Nichol, John. Francis Bacon; his life and philosophy 192 Hobbes, T. Robertson, George C. Sketch of life, with synopsis of his philosophy 192- Hume, David. Huxley, Thomas H. Hume 921- — Knight, William. Sl*tch of life, with synopsis of his philosophy. 192- Kant, Immanuel. Wallace, William. Sketch of life, with synopsis of B132M -B132N H653R H884H H884K his philosophy Leibniz, G. W. Merz, John T. Sketch of life, with synopsis of his philosophy Locke, John. Fowler, Thomas. Locke — Eraser, Alexander C. Sketch of life, with synopsis of his philos- ophy Spinoza. Caird, John. Sketch of life, with synopsis of his philos- ophy Vieo, G. B. Flint, Robert. Sketch of life, with synopsis of his phil- osophy . 193-K135W 193-L532M 921-L79F 192-L79F 193-SP47C 195-V664F RELIGION COLLECTIVE. Aguilar, Grace. Women of Israel. . 922-AG95W BuPgon, John W. Lives of twelve good men. 2 v 922-B915L Douglas, Amanda M. Heroes of the crusades 922-D748H FaPPaP, Frederic W. Lives of the fathers. 2 v » 922-F245L GPeenwood, Francis W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles, to which is prefixed a life of John the Baptist 922-G857L Jackson, Rev. George A. Apostolic fathers and apologists of the 2nd century 922-J132A — Fathers of the 3rd century 922-J132F Yonge, Charlotte M. Pioneers and founders ; or, workers in the mis- sion field 922-Y84P INDIVIDUAL. APnold, Thomas. Stanley, Arthur P. Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold 922-AR65S BeecheP, Rev. Henry W. Abbott, Lyman, eJ. Henry Ward Beecher; a sketch of his career 922-B395A —Abbott; Lyman & Halliday, S. B., eds. Henry Ward Beecher ; a sketch of his career 922-B395A2 —Beecher, W. C. & Scoville, Rev. Samuel, assisted by 3frs. Henry W. Beecher. Biography of Henry Ward Beecher 922-B395B Clianning, Rev. William Ellery. Brooks, Charles T. William El- lery Channing ; a centennial memory 922-C366B — Channing, William H. Life of William EHery Channing 922-C366C — Peabody,^ Elizabeth P. Reminis- cences of Rev. William E. Chan- ning 922-C366P Channing, William H. Frothing ham, Octavius B. Memoir of William Henry Channing 922-C366I8F Dewey, OrviUe, Dewey, Mary E., ed. Autobiography and letters of Orville Dewey 922-D514D Fpaneis of Assisi, Saint. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. W. Francis of Assisi ■ 922-F845O 'Frothingham, Octavius B. Recol- lections and impressions, 1822 1S90 922-F935R Gannett, ^^z'. Ezra Stiles. Gannett, William C. Ezra Stiles Gannett, Unitarian minister in Boston, I824-1871 ; a memoir 922.G153G Higginson, Francis. Higginson, Thomas W. Life of Frances Higginson 922-H535H Hooker, Thomas. Walker, George L. Thomas Hooker; preacher, founder, democrat 922-H767W Hughes, John- Brann, J^ev. Henry A. Most reverend John Hughes, 1st archbishop of New York 922-H876B Judson, Rtv. Adoniram. Wayland, Francis. Memoir of the life and labors of the Rev. Adoniram Jud- son. 2 V 922-J926W Leo, XIII. O'Reilly, Bernard. Life of pope Leo XIII 922-L55O MatheP, Cotton. Wendell, Barrett. Cotton Mather, the puritan priest 922-M422W Mathew, Theobald. Mathew, Frank J. Father Mathew ; his life and times 922-M423M May, Samuel Joseph. Mumford, T. J. , ed. Memoir of Samuel J. May 922.M454M Newman, Cardinal, John H. Let- ters and correspondence of John H. Newman, during his life in the English church ; with a brief biography. Mozley, Anne, ed. 2 V 922-N465M Paul, St.. the apostle. Farrar, Fred- eric W. Life and works of St. Paul. 2 V 922-P283F Pius, IX. Legge, Alfred O. Pius IX, the story of his life, to the restoration in 1850. 2 v 922-P965L Savonarola, Girolamo M. F. M. Clark, William. Savonarola; his life and times. . . 922-SA95C — Villari, Pasqulae. Life atid times of Girolamo Savanarola. 2 v.... 922-SA95V Simpson, Bishop Matthew. Crooks, George R. Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson, of the M. E. church 922-SI15C Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Need- ham, George C, cd. Life and labors of Charles H. Spurgeon. . . 922-SP93N Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Oliver, Grace A. Arthur Penrhyn Stan- ley; his life, work and teachings. 922-ST24O Swedenborg, Emanuel. White, William. Life of Emanuel Swed- enborg 922SW34W Theresa, Stint. Oilman, Mrs. Brad- ley. Saint Theresa of Avila 922-T343G Ware, Henry, Jr. Ware, John. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, Jr 922-W22W Wesley, Susanna. Clark, Eliza. Susanna W^esley 922-W526C White, Bishop William. Ward, Julius H. Life and times of Bishop White 922-W585W SOCIOLOGY For kings, queens and emperors look under the history of the country to which they belong COLLECTIVE. Adams, W. H. Davenport. Warriors of the crescent 923-AD1416W Allen, Ethan. De Puy, Henry W. Ethan Allen and the Green Moun- tain heroes of '76 923-AL54D Bloomfleld, Georgiana. Reminiscen- ces of court and diplomatic life. 2 v 923-B624C Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American statesmen 923-B639A — Famous English statesmen of queen Victoria's reign 923-B639E Brougham, Lord Henry. Sketches of statesmen of the time of George III. Vols. 3-5 923-B797S Campbell, John L. Lives of the chief justices of England. 4v... 923-C153C — Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of Eng- land. 10 V 923-C153C4 Cattermole, E. G. Famous frontiers- men, pioneers and scouts; the vanguards of American civiliza- tion . . 923-C298F Cox, George W. Greek statesmen. 2 ser . . . ." 923-C837G Crafts, William A. Pioneers in the settlement of America. 2 v. . . . 923-C842P Davidson, J. Morrison. Eminent 72 BIOGRAPHY English liberals in and out of parliament 923-P285E Davis, Reuben. Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians . . . 923-D29M Gough, John B. Sunlight and shadow; or, gleanings from my life work 923-G723S Holloway, Laura C. Ladies of the White House; or, in the home of the presidents 923-H729L Hunt, Freeman. Lives of American merchants. 2 v 923-H914A Ingram, John H. Claimants to • royalty 923-IN48C Kingston, William H. G. & Frith, Henry. Notable voyagers from Columbus to Nordenskiold 923-K616N Lanman, Charles. Dictionary of the U. S. congress and the general government; biographical records R923-L277D Parker, Theodore. Historic Ameri- cans 923-P224H PoOPe, Benjamin P. Perley's remin- iscences of sixty years in the na- tional metropolis. 2 v 923-P796P Sabine, Lorenzo. Loyalists of the American revolution. 2 v 923-SA12L Sheil, Richard L. Sketches of the Irish bar. 2 v 923-SH43I INDIVIDUAL. Aberdeen, George, 4th earl of. Gor- don, Sir A. The earl of Aber- deen 923-AB38G Adams, John. Adams, Charles F. Life of John Adams. In Works. V. 1 320-AD14A — Morse, John T.,yr. John Adams. . 923-AD14M — Stoddard, William O. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson 923-AD14S Adams, John Quincy. Adams, Charles F., ed. Memoirs and portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. 12 V 923-AD1412A — Morse, John T., jr. John Quincy Adams 923-AD1412M — Stoddard, William O. James Mad- ison, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams 923-M265S Adams, Samuel. Hosmer, James K. Samuel Adams 923-AD1414H — Wells, William V. Life and public services of Samuel Adams, 3 v. .923-AD1414W Albany, Louise M. C, Countess d\ Paget, Violet. (Vernon Lee, pseud.'). Countess of Albany. . .. 923-AL16P Andrew, John. Chandler, Peleg W. Memoirs of Governor Andrew, with personal reminiscences .... 923-AN26C Barneveld, John van Olden. Mot- ley, John L. Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland. 2 v 923-B264M Bayard, Chevalier Pierre du Terrail. Kindersley, Edward C. The very joyous, pleasant and refreshing history of the feats, exploits, tri- umphs and achievements of the good knight, without fear and without reproach, the gentle Lord de Bayard 923-B342K — History of Bayard, the good cheva- lier sans peur et sans reproche, from the French of Larchey, Loredan 923-B342L Beaeonsfleld, Lord. Kebbel, Thomas E. Life of Lord Bea- eonsfleld 923-B356K Benton, Thomas H. Roosevelt, The- odore. Life of Thomas Hart Benton 923-B494R Birney, James G. Birney, William. James G. Birney and his times. .. 923-B535B Bismarek-Sehoenhausen, Otto E. L. von. Busch, Moritz. Our chancellor; sketches for a histo- rical picture 923-5B47O — Hayward, Henry, tr. Bismarck in time. By a fellow student 923-B547H Blake, Robert. Hannay, David. Ad- miral Blake 923-B582H Bolingbroke, Viscount Henry St. John. Hassall, Arthur. Life of Viscount Bolingbroke 923-B637H Bright, John. Robertson, William. Life and Times of the Right Hon. John Bright 923-B768R Brougham, Lord Henry. Life and times of Henry Lord Brougham, written by himself. 3 v 923-B797 Brown, Captain John. Hoist, Dr. Hermann von. John Brown 923-B812H Burke, Edmund. Morley, John. Burke 923-B917M — Prior, James. Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. 2 v 923-B917P Burnside, Ambrose E. Poore, Ben- jamin P. Life and public ser- vices of Ambrose E. Burnside. . . 923-B939P Calhoun, John C. Hoist, Dr. E. von. John C. Calhoun 923-C128H Calvert, George & Cecilius, Barons Baltimore. Browne, William H. George Calvert and Cecilius Cal- vert; Barons Baltimore of Balti- more 923-C136 Chase, Salmon P. Schuckers, J. W. Life and public services of Sal- BIOGRAPHY 73 nion Portland Chase 923-C387S Chittenden, Lucius E. Personal reminiscences, 1840-1890 923-C446P Choate, Rufus. Brown, Samuel G. Life of Rufus Choate 923-C452B — Neilson, Joseph. Memories of Rufus Choate 923-C453N Claverhouse, /t'//« Graham of. Mor- ris, Mowbray. Claverhouse 923-C573M Clay, Henry. Colton, Calvin. Life of Henry Clay. 2 v 923-C574C — Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2 V 923-C574S Columbus, Christopher. Adams, Charles K. Christopher Colum- bus; his life and work 923-C727A — Helps, Sir Arthur. Life of Colum- bus, the discoverer of America. . . 923-C727H -^Irving, Washington. Life and voy- ages of Christopher Columbus. . . 923-C727I — Seelye, Elizabeth E. Story of Co- lumbus 923-C727S — Tarducci, Francesco. Life or Christopher Columbus. 2v 923-C727T — Winsor, Justin. Christopher Colum- bus, and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. . 923-C727W Conkling, Roscoe. Coupling, Al- fred R. Life and letters of Ros- coe Conkling 923-C765C Cook, Capt. James. Besant, Walter. Captain Cook 923-C773B DampieP, William. Russell, Wil- liam C. William Dampier 923-D 187R Dana, Richard H. Adams, Charles F. Richard Henry Dana; a bi- ography. 2 V • 923-D19A Davis, Jefferson. Davis, Varina. Jefferson Davis, ex-president of the confederate states of America, 2 v 923-D29D — Pollard. Edward A. Life of JefFer- »son Davis; with a secret history of the southern confederacy 923-D29P avis, John. Markham, Clements R. Life of John Davis, the nav- igator, 1550-1605 923-D2914M De Soto, Ferdinand. Abbott, John S. C. Ferdinand De Soto and the discoverer of the Mississippi . 923-D468A Dickinson, John. Stille, Charles J. Life and times of John Dickin- son, 1732-1808 923-D562S Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beacons- field, Lord Dix, Dorothea Lynde. Tiffany, Fran- cis. Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix. 923-D644T Douglass, Frederick. Life and times, written by himself; with L C — 10 introduction by Ruffin, George L. 923-D748R Fairfax, Lord Thomas. Markham, Clements R. Life of the great Lord Fairfax 923-F164M Falloux, Count de Alfred F. P. Pit- man, C. B., ed. Memoirs of the Count de Falloux. 2 v 923-F193P FaPPagut, Admiral George. Ma- han, Capt. Alfred T. Admiral Farragut 923-F243M Foote, Andrew H. Hoppin, James M. Life of Andrew Hull Foote, rear-admiral U. S. navy 923-F735H Fox, Charles J. Russell, L^ord John, ed. Memorials and correspond- ence of Charles James Fox. 2 v. 923-F83R Franklin, Benjamin. Bigelow, John, ed. Life of Benjamin Franklin; written by himself. 3v 923-F854B —Hale, Edward E. & E. E., Jr. Franklin in France. 2 v 923-F854H Franklin, Sir John. Beesly, Augus- tus H. Sir John Franklin 923-F85415B Gallatin, Albert. Adams, Henry. Life of Albert Gallatin 923-G135A Gallaudet, Thomas H. Gallaudet, Edward M. Life of Thomas H. Gallaudet, founder of deaf-mute instruction in America 923-G137G Gambetta, Leon. Marzials F. T. Life of Leon Gambetta 923-G144M Garibaldi, Guiseppe. Dwight, Theo- dore, tr. Life, written by him- self; with sketches of his com- panions in arms 923-G185D Garrison, William L. Smith, Gold- win The moral crusader, Wil- liam Lloyd Garrison ; a biograph- ical essay 923-G195S Gladstone, William Ewart. Jones, Charles H. Short life of Wil- liam Ewart Gladstone 923-G457J — Smith, George B. Life of the Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone 923-G457S Gough, John B. Autobiography and personal recollections 923-G723 Grant, Ulysses S. Personal memoirs 2 v 923-G765 — Badeau, Adam. Grant in Peace .. . 923-G765B —Stoddard, William O. Ulysses S. Grant 923-G765S Grattan, Henry. Dunlop, Robert. Life of Henry Grattan 923-G775D Greeley, Horace. Recollections of a busy life 923-G814 Hamilton, Alexander. Sumner, Wil- liam G. Alexander Hamilton. . . 923-H184S Haroun, Alraschid. Palmer, E. H. 74 BIOGRAPHY Caliph Haroun Alraschid and Saracen civilization 923-H234P Haveloek, Sir Henry. Brock, Rev. William. Biographical sketch of Sir Henry Haveloek 923-H295B Henry, Patrick. Tyler, Moses C. Patrick Henry 923 H395T Holley, Myron. Wright, E. Myron HoUey, and what he did for liberty and true religion 923-H725W Hone, Philip. Tuckerman, Bayard ed. Diary of Philip Hone, 1828- 1851. 2v 913-H756T Houston, Gen. Samuel. Life of Sam Houston 923-H818 — Bruce, Henry. Life of General Houston, 1 793-1863 923-H8r8B Hutchinson, Col. John. Hutchinson, 3Trs. Lucy A. Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, gov- ernor of Nottingham. 2 v 923-H975H Jackson, Gen. Andrew. Dyer, Oliver. General Andrew Jackson 923-J132D — Parton, James. General Jackson . . 923-J132P — Stoddard, William O. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. . 923-J132S Jackson, "Stonewall." ►SV^ Jackson, Geti. Thomas Jackson, Gen. Thomas, (Stpnewall Jackson). Life and letters of Gen. Thomas Jackson, by his wife, M. A. Jackson 923-J13214J Jay, John. Pellew, George. John Jay 923-J33P Jefferson, Thomas. Randall, Henry S. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 3v 923-J357R — Stoddard, W^illiam O. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson 923-AD14S Jeffrey, Francis. Cockburn, Lord. Life of Lord Jeffrey; with a selec- tion from his correspondence. 2 V 923-J37C Jeffreys, George. Woolrych, Hum- phrey W. Memoirs of the life of Judge Jeffreys 923-J372W Johnson, Sir William. Griffis, Wil- liam E. Sir William Johnson and the six nations 923-J634G Kavanagh, Arthur M. Steele, Sarah C. Right Honourable Arthur MacMurrotJgh Kavanagh; a biography 923-K184S Lafayette, Geti. Tuckerman, Bay- ard. Life of General Lafayette. 2 V 923-L132T Lawrence, Amos. Lawrence, Wil- liam R. Extracts from diary and correspondence of Amos Law- rence; with brief account of some incidents of his life 923-L435L Lee, Gen. Robert E. Cooke, John E. Life of General Robert E. Lee. . 923-L51C Le Moyne, Jean Baptiste. King, Grace. Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville . 923-L543K Lincoln, Abraham. Chittenden, L. E, Recollections of President Lincoln and his administration . . 923-L633C — Greeley, Horace. An estimate of Abraham Lincoln 818-G818B — Lamon, Ward H. The Life of Abraham Lincoln 923-L633L — Morse, J. T., Jr. Abraham Lin- coln. 2 v . . 923-L633M — Nicolay, John G. & Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln. 12 v 923-L633N Logan, Gen. John A. Dawson, George F. Life and services of Gen. John A. Logan 923-L827D Machiavelli, Niccolo. Villari, Prof. Pasquale. Life and times of Nic- colo Machiavelli. 2 v 923-M183V Madison, James. Stoddard, William O. James Madison, James Mon- roe and John Quincy Adams. . . . 923-M265S Mann, Horace. Mann, T&ary. Life of Horace Mann. In works, v i 370-315L Harbot, Baron Marcellin de. Butler, Arthur J., tr. Memoirs of Baron de Marbot. 2 v 923-M325B Marlborough, John Churchill, ist • duke of. Creighton, Louise. Life of John Churchill, ist duke of Marlborough ., 923-M338C — Saintsbury, George. Morlborough 923-M338S Mazarin, Cardinal Jules. James, George P. R. Life of Cardinal, Mazarin. With his Richelieu. V 2 923-R395J Mazzini, Joseph. Life and writings. 6 V 923-M459 Metternich-Winneburg, Clemens, W. N. L. fiirst von. Malleson, George B. Life of Prince Met- ternich 923-M568M Mitchel, Ormsby M. Mitchel, Fred- erick A. Ormsby Macknight Mitchel, astronomer and general. 923-M58M Monroe, James. Stoddard, William O. James Monroe. With his Madison 923-M265S Morris, Robert. Sumner, William G. Robert Morris 923-M834S Nelson, Horatio. Russell, William Clark. Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England. . . . 923-M335R O'Connell, Daniel. Hamilton, J. A. Life of Daniel O'Connell 923-OC55H BIOGRAP] 75 Oglethorpe, Geti. James E. Bruce, Henry. Life of General Ogle- thorpe Olivarez, Count Gaspar. James, George P. R. Life of Gaspar I'^L. Count Olivarez. With his Rich- P J*- elieu Orleans, Helene L. E., Duchesse d\ ^ ^ Harcourt, Marquess d\ Memoir ^k of the Duchess of Orleans TOtenstiern, Count Axel. James, George P. R. Life of Axel Count L ^L Oxenstieru. With his Richelieu. fW V.2 Palmerston, Viscount Henry J. Tem- »ple. Bulwer, Sir Henry L. Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston. 2 v — Sanders, Lloyd C. Life of Vis- count Palmerston Parker, Capt. William H. Recollec- tions of a naval officer, 1841-1865. Peel, Sir Robert. Montague, F. C. Life of Sir Robert Peel Pepys, Samuel. Diary and corre- spondence of Samuel Pepys, sec- ^m retary to the admiralty in the ^B reigns of Charles K. and James n. 4 V — Wheatley, Henry B. Samuel Pepys and the world he lived in Perry, Matthew Calbraith, Griffis, William E. Matthew C. Perry, a typical American naval officer. . . Pestalozzi, Henry. Krusi, Hermann Pestalozzi ; his life, work, and in- fluence Prentiss, Seargent S. Shields, Joseph D. Life and times of Seargent Smith Prentiss Qulney, Josiah. Quincy, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy .... Raleigh, Sir Walter, Edwards, Ed- ward. Life and letters of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2 v Richelieu, Cardinal de. James Geo- rge P. R. Cardinal de Richelieu. 2 V Roland, Marie Jeanne (Phlipon.) Blind, Mathilde. Madame Ro- land Seward, William H. Autobiography of William H. Seward, from 1801 to 1834 ; with memoir and selec- tions from his letters from 1831 to 1846, by Seward, Frederick W. ShaftSbury, Anthony A. Cooper, ist earl of. Traill, Henry D. Shaftsbury (First earl.) 923-OG53B 923-R395J 923-OR53H 923-R395J 923-P184B 923-P184S 923-P224R 923-P347M 923-P398D 923-P398W 923-P425G 923-P437K 923-P915S 923-Q44Q 923-R134E 923-R395J 923-R642B 923-SE84 923-SH13T Sheridan, Gen. Philip H. Personal memoirs. 2 v 923-SH53P Sherman, Gen. William T. Personal memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman. 2 v , 923-SH55P — ^Johnson, W. Fletcher. Life of William Tecumseh Sherman 923-SH55J Stephens, Alexander H. Johnston, Richard M. & Browne, William H. Life of Alexander H. Ste- phens 923-ST44J Stuyvesant, Peter. Tuckemian, Bayard. Peter Stuyvesant 923-ST98T Sumner, Charles. Dawes, Anna L. Charles Sumner 923-SU63D Theodorie the Goth. Hodgkin, Thomas. Theodorie the Goth .. . 923-T344H Van Buren, Martin. Shepard, Edward M. Martin Van Buren . . 923-V273S — Stoddard, William O. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. . 923-J132S Verestehagin, Alexander. At home and in war, 1853-1881 923-V583A Verestehagin, Vassili. Peters, F. H., Ir. Vassili Verestehagin; painter, soldier, traveller; autobi- ographical sketches. 2 v 923-V85318P Washington, Gen. George. Baker, William S. Itinerary of General Washington, from June 15, 1775, to Dec. 23, 1783 , 923-W275B — Everett, Edward. Life of George Washington 923-W275E — Guizot, Francois P. G. Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the revolution of the United States of America. . . . 923-W275G — Hale, Edward E. Life of George Washington, studied anew 923-W275H — Headley, Joel T. Life of Washing- ton 923-W275H2 — Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. 2 v 818-IR84W — Stoddard, William O. George Washington 923-W275S Webster, Daniel. Curtis, George T. Life of Daniel Webster. 2 v. . . . 923-W394C — Harvey, Peter. Reminiscences and anecdotes of Daniel Webster 923-W394H — Lodge, Henry C. Daniel Webster, 923-W394L Willard, Frances E. Glimpses of fifty years; the autobiography of an American woman 923-W662G Winthrop,John. Twitchell, Joseph H. John Winthrop, first gov- ernor of the Massachussetts colony 923-W737T Wolseley, Sir Garnet Joseph. Low, Charles R. Life of Lord Wolse- ley 923-W836L 76 BIOGRAPHY SCIENCE COLLECTIVE. AragO, Francois. Distinguished sci- entific men. 2 v BPOUgham, Lord Henry. Lives of philosophers of the time of George III. In works. V. i . . . . Lodge, Oliver. Pioneers of science . Miller, Hugh. My schools and schoolmasters; or the story of my education INDIVIDUAL. Agassiz, Louis. Agassiz, Elizabeth- C. Louis Agassiz; his life and correspondence. 2 v Darwin, Charles. Allen, Grant. Charles Darwin — Darwin, Francis. Life and letters 925-AR12D 828-B797 925-L823P 925-M614S 925-AG12A 925-D256A of Charles Darwin; including an autobiographical chapter. 2 v . . . —Holder, Charles F. Charles Hol- der; his life and work Faraday, Michael. Tyiidall, John. Faraday as a discoverer Newton, Sir Isaac. Brewster, Sir David. Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 v Sedgwick, Adam. Clark, John W. & Hughes, Thomas McK. Life and letters of Rev. Adam Sedg- wick. 2 V Somerville, Mary. Somerville, Mar- tha. Personal recollections, from early life to old age USEFUL ARTS COLLECTIVE. Smiles, Samuel. Industrial biogra- phy; iron-workers and tool- makers 926-SM451 — Men of invention and industry. . . . 926-SM45M INDIVIDUAL. Coston, Mrs. Martha J. A signal suc- cess; work and travels of Mrs. M, J. Coston; an autobiography 926-C824S Ericsson, John. Church, William C. The life of John Ericsson. 2 v. . 926-ER44C Fulton, Robert. Thurston, Robert H. Robert Fulton; his life and its results Holland, Sir Henry. Recollection of past life Jenkin, Fleeming. Stevenson, Rob- ert L. Memoir of Fleeming Jen- kin Morse, Samuel F. B. Prime, Samuel I. Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the electro-magnetic recording telegraph Stevenson, Robert. Jeafferson, John C, & Pole, William. Life of Robert Stevenson. 2 v 925-D256D 925-D256H 925-F222T 925-N485B 925-SE25C 925-SO54S 926-F955T 926-H715R 926-J414S 926-M835P 926-ST45J FINE ARTS COLLECTIVE. Baxter, Lucy E. B. (Leader Scott, pseud.'). Ghiberti and Donatello, with other early Italian sculptors. 927-B333G — Luca Delia Robbia, with other Ital- ian sculptors 927-B333L Bremont, Comtesse de Anne. World of music series. Great com- posers 927-B754C — Great virtuosi 927-B754V Coleman, John. Players and play- wrights I have known. 2 v 927-C675P Crowest, Frederick. Great tone poets 927-C886G Cundall, Frank. Landscape and pastoral painters of Holland 927-C9i6R Dale, Alan. Familiar chats with the queens of the stage 927-D152F Doran, Dr. John. Annals of the . English stage, from Betterton to Kean. 2 v 927-D724A Edwards, H. Sutherland. Idols of the French stage. 2 v 927-ED96I — The prima donna; her history and surroundings, from the 17th to the 19th century. 2 v 927-ED96P Ferris, George T. Great German composers 927-F416G — Great Italian and French com- posers 927-F416I — Great singers 927-F416S — George T. Great violinists and pianists 927-F416V Gower, Lord Ronald. Figure paint- ers of Holland 927-D745F Phillmore, Catherine M. Fra Gio- LAPHY vanni Augelico and early Floren- tine painters 927-P545F Russell, William Clark. Represen- tative actors 927-R914R Scott, William B. The little masters 927-SCO84IV »Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. Six portraits- Delia Robbia, etc. 927-V355S Walpole, Horace. Anecdotes of painting in England. 3 V . 926-W163A Wilder, Marshall P. The people I've smiled with 927-W647P Winter, William. Shadows of the ^m stage 927- W736S y INDIVIDUAL. Albertinelli, Mariotto. Baxter, Lucy ^_ E. B., (Leader Scott, pseud.) ^K Mariotto Albertinello. With her ^^ Bartolommeo 927-B285B Angelieo, Era Giovanni. Phillmore, » Catherine M. Era Giovanni An- gelieo 927-P545E Ball, Thomas. My threescore years and ten ; an autobiography 927-B21 Bartolommeo, Era. Baxter, Lucy tE. B., (Leader Scott, pseud.) Era Bartolommeo 927-B285B Bashkirtseff, Marie. Journal ot a young artist, 1860-1881 927-B294J Beethoven, Ludwig van. Nohl, Louis. Life of Beethoven 927-B397N — Wagner, Richard. Beethoven 927-B397W ^^OOth, Edwin. Winter, William. ^B Edwin Booth in his various dra- ^H matic characters ; with biograph- ^K ical sketch R927-B647W ^BOOth, Junius B. & Edwin. Clarke, Asa Booth. The elder and the younger Booth 927-B648C Breton, Jules. Life of an artist; an autobiography 927-B757 Cellini, Benvenuto. Memoirs of Ben- venuto Cellini, a Florentine artist; ^m written by himself. Roscoe, ^1 Thomas, ir 927-C335R Claude, Gellee le Lorrain. Dullea, Owen J. Claude Gellee le Lor- raine 927-C572D Compton, Henry. Compton, Charles & Edward, ^^.y. Memoir of Henry Compton 927-C736C Constable, John. Brock- Arnold. George M. John Constable. With his Gainsborough 927-C125B Corot, Jean.Baptiste Camille. Mol- lett, John W. Camille Corot 927-C817M Corregg-io, Antonio Allegri da. Heaton, M. Compton. Correggio 927-C8r8H Cox, David. Redgrave, Gilbert R. David Cox and Peter De Wint. . . 927-C837R Cruikshank, George. Jerrold, Blan- chard. Life of George Cruik- shank. 2 V 927-C888J — Stephens, Frederic G. Memoir of George Cruikshank 927-C888S —Thackeray, William M. Essay on the genius of George Cruikshank. With Stephens' Cruikshank 927-C888S Cuijp, Aelbert. Cundall, Frank. Aelbert Cuijp. With his Ruis- dael 927-C916R Cushman, Charlotte. Clement, Clara E. Charlotte Cushman 927-C956C — Stebbins, Emma, ed. Charlotte Cushman; her letters and memo- ries of her life . . 927-C956S Daubigny, Charles F. Mollett,John W. Charles Francois Daubigny. With his Corot 927-CS17M Delaroehe, Paul. Rees J. Ruutz. Paul Delaroehe. With his Ver- net 927-V597R De Wint, Peter. Redgrave, Gilbert R. David Cox and Peter De Wint 927-C837R Diaz, Narcisse V. Mollett, John. With his Millet 927-M616M DonatellO, Donato di Betto Bardi. Baxter, Lucy E. B. (Leader Scott, pseud.). Ghiberti and Donatello with other early Ital- ian sculptors 927-B333G Dore, Gustave. Macchetta, Blanche B. R. T. Life and reminiscences of Gustave Dore; with many un- published sketches, etc 927-D73M Duff, Mrs. Mary A. Ireland, Joseph N. Mrs. Duff 927-D872I Dupre, Jules. Mollett, John W. Jules Dupre. With his Corot 927-C817M Durer, Albrecht. Heath, Richard F. Albrecht Durer 927-D934H Feehter, Charles A. Field, Kate. Charles Albert Feehter 927-F313F Forrest, Edwin. Alger, William R. Life of Edwin Forrest, the trage- dian. 2 V 927-F773A — Barrett, Lawrence. Edwin Forrest. 927-F773B Fra Bartolommeo. See Bartolom- meo, Era Franeia, Francesco. Cartwright, Juila. Franeia. With her Mantegna 927-M316C Frith, William P. My autobiogra- phy and reminiscences. 927-F917 Gainsborough, Thomas. Brock- Arnold, George M. Gainsbor- ough 927-Gr25B Ghiberti, Lorenzo. Baxter, Lucy E. B. (Leader Scott, />.y^«df.)- Ghi- berti and Donatello with other 78 BIOGRAPHY early Italian sculptors 927-B333G Giotto. Quilter, Harry. Angiolotto Bondone, called Giotto 927-G437Q Goldschmidt, Jennie Lind. Hol- land, Henry S., & Rockstro, William S. Memoir of Madame Jennie Lind-Goldschuiidt ; her early life and dramatic career. 2 V : 927-G573H GoweP, Lord Ronald. My reminis- cences 927-G745M Greenough, Horatio. Tuckerman, Henry T. Memorial of Horatio Greenough 927-G853T Gwyn, Nell. Cunningham, Peter. Story of Nell Gwyn and the say- ings of Charles II 927-G996C Hals, Frans. Head, Percy R. Frans Hals. With his Van Dyck 927-V287H Handel, George F. Rockstro, Wil- liam S. Life of George Frederick Handel 927-H 195R Haydn, Joseph. Nohl, Louis. Life of Haydn 927-H324N Hobbema, Meindert. Cundall, Frank. Meindert Hobbema. With his Ruisdael 927-C916R Hogarth, William. Dobson, Austin. Hogarth 927-H675D Holbein, Hans. Cundall, Joseph. ' Hans Holbein 927-H692C Irving, Henry (originally John H. Drodrib.) Daly, Frederic. Henry Irving in England and America, 1838-84 927-IR84D Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography.. 927-J357 — & others. Winter, William. The Jeffersons 927-J357 W Kemble, Frances A. Further records, 1848-1883; a series of letters by Frances Anne Kemble. Sequel to Records of a later life 927-K315 Landseer, Sir Edwin. Stephens, Frederick G. Sir Edwin Land- seer 927-L238S Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Gower, Lord Ronald. Sir Thomas Law- rence. With his Romney 927-R666G Leonardo da Vinci. See Vinci, Le- onardo da. Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Jenny L. Liszt, Franz. Nohl, Louis. Life of Liszt 927-L698N Macready, William C. Archer, Wil- liam. William Charles Mac- ready 927-M246A Mantegna, Andrea. Cartwright, Julia. Mantegna.... 927-M316C Meissonier, Jean L. E. Mollett, JohnW. Meissonier 927-M477M Michelangelo Buonarroti. Clement, Charles. Michelangelo 927-M582C — Symonds, John A. Life of Michel- angelo. 2 V 927-M582S Millet, Jean Francois. Mollett, John W. Millet 927-M616M Mozart, Wolfgang A. Nohl, Louis. Life of Mozart 927-M874N Mulready, William. Stephens, Fred- eric G. Memorials of William Mulready 927-M916S Murillo, Bartolome E. Minor, Ellen E. Murillo 937-M947M Overbeck, Johann Friedrich. Atkin- son, J. Beavington. Overbeck... 927-OV22A Potter, Paulus. Cundall, Frank. Paulus Potter. With his Ruis- dael 927-C916R Rachel, y"«//«aw^ Elisa Rachel Felix. Barrera, Mme de B. Memoirs of Rachel ' 927-Rti5B Raphael, (Raflfaello Sanzio da Ur- bino). Bell, N. R. E. (N. D'An- vers, pseud). Raphael 927-R183B — Grimm, Herman. Life of Raphael 927-R183G Rembrandt, van Ryn P. Mollett, John W. Rembrandt 927-R282M Ristori, Adelaide. Studies and memories; an autobiography 927-R494 Robbia, Luca Delia. Baxter, Lucy E. B., (Leader Scott, pseud). Luca Delia Robbia with other Italian sculptors. . 927-B333L Romney, George. Gower, Lord Ronald. Romney 927-R666G Rossini, Gioacchino A. Edwards, Henry Sutherland. Rossini and his school 927-R737E Rousseau, Pierre Etienne Theodore. Mollett, John. Rousseau. With his Millet 927-M616M Rubens, Sir Peter P. Kelt, Charles W. Rubens 927-R82K Rubenstein, Anton. Autobiography of Anton Rubenstein, 1829-1889.. 927-R822 Ruisdael, Jacob Van. Cundall, Frank. Ruisdael 927-C916R Santley, Charles. Student and singer; the reminiscences of Charles Santley 927-ST58 SartO, Andrea del. Baxter, Lucy E. B. (Leader Scott, pseud.). An- drea del Sarto. With her Barto- lommeo 927-B285B Tadema, Lorenz Alma. Ebers, Georg. Lorenz Alma Tadema; his life and works 927-T122E BIOGRAPHY TintOPettO, Giacomo. (Jacopo Ro- bust!). Osier, Roscoe W. Tinto- retto 927-T4g70 Titian. (Tiziano Vecelli da ca dore). Heath, Richard F. Titian 927-T534H TupneP, Jj^seph M. W. Monkhouse, W.Cosmo. Turner 927-T885M — Thornbury, Walter. Life of J. M. W. Turner 927-T885T Van Dyek, Sir Antony. Head, Percy R. Vdu Dyck 927-V287H Velazquez, de Silva. (Don Diego Rodriquez). Stowe, Edwin. Ve- lazquez 927-V543S Verdi, Guiseppe. Pougin, Arthur. Verdi; an anecdotic history of his life and works 927-V582P Vernet, Horace. Rees, J. Ruutz. Horace Vernet 927-V597R Vinei, Leonardo da. Richter, Jean P. Leonardo 927-V747R Wag-neP, Richard. Finck, H. T. Wagner and his works; the story of his life, with critical com- ments. 2 V 927-W125F — Nohl, Louis. Life of Wagner 927-Wr25N Wallaek, Lester. Memories of fifty years ; with an introduction by Laurence Hutton 927-W157M Watteau, Jean Antoine. Mollett, John W. Watteau 927-W343M Wedg-WOOd.Josiah. Meteyard, Eliza. Life of Josiah Wedgwood ; from his private correspondence and family papers. 2 v 927-W413M Welkie, Sir David. Mollett, John W. Sir David Wilkie 927-W653M Woffington, Peg. Molloy, J. Fitz- gerald. Life and adventures of Peg. Woffington. 2 v 927-W823M LITERATURE COLLECTIVE. Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American authors 928-B639F Brandes, George. Eminent authors of the 19th century 928-B735E Brougham, Zorrf Henry. Lives of men of letters of the time of George III. In Works. Vol. 2 828-B797 Daudet, Alphonse. Recollections of a literary man 928-D265R Elton, Charles I. & Mary A. Great book-collectors 928-EL83G Farrar, EHza R. Recollections of seventy years 928-F254R Fields, James T. Yesterdays with authors 928-F466Y Gilder, J. L. & J. B. Author? at home 928-G394A Hall, Samuel C. Book of memories of great men and women of the age, from personal acquaintances 928-H14G Homes of American authors 928-H753 Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the poets. Napier, Mrs. Alexander, ed. 3 V 928-J634N Stoddard, Richard H. Under the evening lamp 928-ST67U INDIVIDUAL. Aleott, Louisa May. Cheney, E. D., ed. Life, letters and journals. . . 928-AL18C Amiel, Henri-Frederic. Ward, 3frs. Humphry, tr. Amiel's journal; the journal intime of Henri- Frederic Amiel 928-AM54W Austen, Jane. Leigh, James E. Aus- ten. Memoir of Jane Austen. .. . 928-AU74L Barbauld, Anna L. Oliver, Grace A. The story of the life of Anna Laetitia Barbauld; with many of her letters 928-B232O Bentley, Richard. Jebb, R. Claver- house. Bentley 928-B446J Blessington, Coiuitess of. Madden, Richard R. Literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. 2 v 928-B617M Bremer, Frederika. Bremer, Char- lotte, ed. Life, letters and post- humous works 928-B753B Bronte, Charlotte. Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Life of Charlotte Bronte 928-B788G Bronte, Emily. Robinson, Agnes M. F. Emily Bronte. 928-B78815R Browning, Robert, Gosse, Edmund. Robert Browning; personalia.... 928-B823G — Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. Life and letters of Robert Browning. 2 v. 928-B823O Bryant, William Cullen. Syming- ton, Andrew J. William Cullen Bryant; a biographical sketch; with selections from his poems and other writings 928-B842S Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George, Lord Lylton. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, \£"ar/ of Lytton, (Owen Meredith, pseud.) Life, letters and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton .... 928-B878B Burns, Robert. Shairp, John C. Robert Burns 928-B938S 80 BIOGRAPHY — Waddell, P. Hately. A spiritual biography in four parts. In works. V. 1 821-B938W Bypon, Lord George Gordon. Guic- cioli, Countess T. G. My recol- lections of Lord Byron, and those of eye-witnesses of his life 928-B998G — ^Jeaffreson, John C. The real Lord Byron; new views of the poet's life 928-B998J — Moore, Thomas. Letters and jour- nals; with notices of his life. 2 v 928-B998M — Nichol, John. Byron 928-B998N Calderon de la Barca, Pedro. Hasell, £,. J, Calderon 928-C127H Campbell, Thomas. Beattie, Wil- liam, ed. Life and letters of Thomas Campbell. 2v 928-C153B Carlyle, Thomas. Duffy, Sir Charles G. Conversations with Carlyle . . 928-C198D — Fliigel, Eswald. Thomas Carlyle's moral and religious development; • a study 928-C198F — Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle. Froude, James A.., ed 928-C198F2 — Guernsey, Alfred H. Thomas Carlyle; his life — his books — his theories 928-C198G —Shepherd, Richard H. & William- son, Charles N. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Carlyle. 2v 928-C198S CePVanteS de Saavedra, Miguel de. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. Cervantes 928-C337O ChambePS, William & Robert. Chambers, William. Memoir of William and Robert Chambers. . . 928-C356C ChauceP, Geoffrey. Ward, Adolphus W. Chaucer 928-C398W ChildS, George W. Recollections... 928-C437R CieePO, Marcus Tullius. Forsyth, William. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero 928-C482F ClemmeP, Mary. Hudson, Edmund. A memorial of Mary Clemmer. . 928-C592H CoPneille, Pierre. Trollope, Henry M. Corneille and Racine 928-C816T CowpeP, William. Smith, Goldwin. Cowper 928-C836S Cposs, Mrs. Mary Ann Evans. See George Eliot, pseud Dante, Alighieri. Oliphant, M7'S. Margaret O. W. Dante 92S-D235O Daudet, Alphonse. Thirty years of Paris and of my literary life 928-D265T Defoe, Daniel. Minto, William. Daniel Defoe 928-D365M Demosthenes. Butcher, Samuel H. Demosthenes. IVilh Milton 92S-M644B De Quincy, Thomas. Autobiographic sketches. In Works. V. 2 828-D445 — Biographical and historical essays. /« Works. V. 6 828-D445 — Confessions of an English opiuni- eater and kindred papers. In Works. V.I 828-D445 — Literary reminiscences from the autobiography of an English opium-eater. V. 3 828-D445 — ^Japp, Alexander H. De Quincy memorials; being letters and other records, etc. 2 v 928-D445J Dibden, Thomas F. Reminiscences of a literary life. 2 v 928-D544R Dickens, Charles. Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. 3 v. . . . 928-D552F — ^Jones, Charles H. Short life of Charles Dickens; with selections from his letters 928-D552J Dickens, Charles. Mackenzie, Rob- ert S. Life of Charles Dickens. . 928-D552M — Ward, Adolphus W. Dickens .... 928-D552W Dpyden, John. Saintsbury, George. Dryden 928-D846S Dudevant. Amantine Lucile A., (George Sand, pseud.) Caro, E. George San^ 928-D865C —Thomas, Bertha. George Sand ... . 928-D865T EdgewOPth, Maria. Oliver, Grace A. A study of Maria Edgeworth ; with notices of her father and friends 928-ED37O — Zimmern, Helen. Maria Edge- worth 928-ED37Z Eliot, George, pseud, of Cross, Mrs. Mary Ann Evans. Cross, John W. George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals. 3 v 928-EL45C EmePSOn, Ralph Waldo. Emerson, Edward W. Emerson in Concord; a memoir written for the "social circle" in Concord, Mass 928-EM34E — Guernsey, Alfred H. Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher and poet. . 928-EM34G Fielding, Henry. Dobson, Austin. Fielding 928-F465D FPePe, John H. Frere, Sir B. Mem- oir. In Works. Vol. i 828-F892F Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, Mar- chesa Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography of Edward Gibbon ; with an essay by William Dean Howells 928-G352H — Morison, James C. Gibbon 928-G352M Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft. Pen- nell, Elizabeth R. Life of Mary Wollstonecraft 928-G548P BIOGRAPHY 81 Goethe, Johann \V. von. Autobiog- raphy 838-G554A — Austin, Sarah. Goethe and his contemporaries ;from the German of Falk, Von Miiller, and others. 3v 928-G554F —Grimm, Herman. Life and times of Goethe 928-G554G — Hay ward, Abraham. Goethe 928-G554H — Lewes, George H. Story of Goethe's life 928-G554L [■ Goldsmith, Oliver. Black, William. Goldsmith 928-G575B — Irving, Washington. Oliver Gold- smith 818-IR84M GuePin, Maurice. Trebutien, G. S., ed. Journal of Maurice de Gue- rin; with a biographical and lit- erary memoir by Sainte-Beuve. .. 928-G933T Guizot, Francois P. G. Witt, Madame H. (Guizot) de. Monsieur Guizot in private life, 1 787-1874 928-G945D Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Bridge, Ho- ratio. Personal recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne 928-H315B — Hawthorne, Julian. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife . 2 v. . . . 928-H315H — ^James, Henry, y:r. Hawthorne.... 928-H315J Houghton, Richard Monckton IMilnes, 1st Lord. Reid, T. Wemyss. Life, letters and friend- ships. Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Lord Houghton. 2 v 928-H813R Hugo, Victor. Barbou, Alfred. Vic- tor Hugo; his life and works 928-H877B Ibsen, Henrik, Jaeger, Henrik. Hen- Irik Ibsen, 1828-1888; a critical bi- ography 928-IB75J Jefferies, Richard. Besant, Walter. Eulogy of Richard Jeffries 928-J353B JePFOld, Douglas. Jerrold, W. Blan- chard. Life of Douglas Jerrold. 928-J485J Johnson, Samuel. Grant, Lieut.-Col. F. Life of Samuel Johnson 928-J634G — Stephen, Leslie. Samuel Johnson. 928-J634S Jonson, Ben. Symonds, John A. Ben Jonson 928-J734S Keats, John. Rossetti, William M. Life of John Keats 928-K227R La Fontaine, Jean de. Collins, Will- iam L. La Fontaine and other French fabulists 928-L134C Lamb, Charles. Martin, Benjamin E. In the footprints of Charles Lamb 928-L166M Lamb, Mary, Gilchrist, Anne. Mary Lamb 928-L16614G Landor, Walter Savage, Colvin, L C— II Sidney. Landor 928-L237C LaPCOm, Lucy. New England girl- hood; outlined from memory. . . . 928-L322N Lepsius, Richard. Ebers, Georg. Richard Lepsius 928-L556E Lessing, Gotthold E. Sime, James. Lessing; his life and writings. 2 V 928-L566S Livy. Capes, William W. Livy. With Virgil by Nettleship 928-V815N Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Kennedy, W. Sloane. Henry W. Longfellow 928-L863K — Longfellow, Samuel. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; with ex- tracts from his journals and cor- respondence. 2 V 928-L863L LoveP, Samuel. Symington, An- drew J. Samuel Lover; a bio- graphical sketch, with selections from his writings and correspond- ence 928-L948S JjOWell, James Russell. Brown, Emma E. Life of James Russell Lowell 928-L955B Lytton, Edward George, Earl of. See Bulwer-Lytton Maeaulay, Lord Thomas Babing- ton. Jones, Charles H. Lord Maeaulay; his life, his writings . . 928-M118J — Morison, James C. Maeaulay 928-M118M Mackintosh, 6"iV James. Memoirs of the life of 5'/r James Mackintosh; extracts from journals and let- ters. Mackintosh, Robert J., ed. 2 v 928-M215M MaPSh, George Perkins. Marsh, Car- oline C, conip. Life and letters of George Perkins Marsh. 2 v. . 928-M354M MaPtineau, Harriet. Miller. Mrs. F. Fenwick. Harriet Martineau. 928-M366M Milton, John. Brooke, Stopford A. Milton 928-M644B — Pattison, Mark. Milton 928-M644P MitfOPd, Mary Russell. L'Estrange, Rev. A. G. K., ed. Life of Mary Russell Mitford ; told by herself in letters to her friends. 2 v. . . . 928-M697L Moli^Pe, (Jean Baptist Poquetin.) Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. & Tarver, F. Molidre 928-M734O Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Col- lins, William L. Montaigne 928-M763C Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Br^de et de, Sorel, Albert. Montesquieu 928-M766S MoOPe, Thomas. Russell, Z(?rrf John. Memoirs, journal and corrre- spondence of Thomas Moore. 8 v 928-M784R 82 BIOGRAPHY — Symington, Andrew J. Thomas Moore, the poet; his life and works 928-M784S More, Hannah. Yonge, Charlotte M. Hannah More 928-M813Y Musset, Alfred de. Musset, Paul de. Biography of Alfred de Musset. . 928-M975M NiebuhP, Barthold G. Bunsen, Christian C. J. B. and others. Life and letters of Barthold George Niebuhr ; with essay on his character and influence 928-N552B O'Reilly, John Boyle. Roche, James J. Life, poems and speeches of John Boyle O'Reilly 928-OR34R Ossoli, Marchesa d' (Margaret S. Fuller.) Howe, Julia W. Mar- garet Fuller, (Marchesa Ossoli).. 928-OS73H Paine, Thomas. Conway, Moncure D. Life of Thomas Paine; with a history of his literary, political and religious career in America, France and England. 2 v 928-P163C Pascal, Blaise. Tullock, John. Pas- cal 928-P264T Pascal, Jacqueline. Cousin, Victor & others. Jacqueline Pascal ; or convent life at Port Poyal 928-P264C Paulding, James K. Paulding, Wil- liam I. Literary life of James K. Paulding 928-P284P PetraPCh, Francis. Reeve, Henry. Petrarch 928-P446R Piozzi, Hester L. , formerly Mrs. Thrale. Seeley, Leonard B., ed. Mrs. Thrale, afterwards Mrs. Pi- ozzi 928-P659S Poe, Edgar Allen. Ingram, John H. Edgar Allen Poe ; his life, letters and opinions 928-P752I Pope, Alexander. Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope 928-P821S PPescott, WilHam H. Ticknor, George. Life of William Hicklin Prescott 928-P922T Rabelais, Francois. Besant, Walter. Rabelais 928-R112B Racine, Jean. Trollope, Henry M. Corneille and Racine 928-C816T Reade, Charles. Reade, Charles L. & Rev. Compton. Charles Reade, dramatist, novelist, journalist ; memoir, compiled chiefly from his literary remains 928-R225 Riehter, Jean Paul F. Life of Jean Paul Frederick Riehter ; together with his autobiography 928-R415 Rogers, Samuel. Clayden. Peter W. Early life of Samuel Rogers 928-R635C — Clayden, Peter W. Rogers and his contemporaries. 2 v 928-R635C2 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Caine, T. Hall. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rosetti 928-R734C Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau 928-R762C — Graham, Henry G. Rousseau 928R-762-G Ruskin, John. Collingwood, W. G. Life and work of John Ruskin. 2 v 928-R894C St. PiePPe, Jacques Henri Bernardin de. Barine, Arvede. Bernardin St. Pierre 928-SA26B Saint-Simon, Due de Louis de R. Collins, Clifton W. Saint Simon 928-SA28C Sand, George, psend. See Dudevant, Amantine, L. A SchilleP, Johann C. F.von. Carlyle, Thomas. Life of Schiller. In Works. V. 10 828-C198 — Sime, James. Schiller 928-SCH32S Scott, Sir Walter. Lockhart, John G. Memories of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 10 v 928-SCO84L Sedgwick, Catharine M. Dewey, Mary E., ed. Life and letters of Catharine M. Sedgwick 928-SE25D Sevigne, Marquise de Marie de Rabu- tin Chantal. Ritchie, Mrs. Anne I. Thackeray. Madame de Sevigne 928-SE83R ShakespeaPe, William. Calvert, George. Shakespeare; a bio- graphical, aesthetic study 928-SH15C — Halliwell-Phillips. James O. Out- lines of the life of Shakespeare. 2 v 928-SH15H — Knight, Charles. William Shakes- peare; a biography 928-SH15K Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Sharp, Wil- liam. Life of Percy Bysshe Shel- ley 928-SH46S — Symonds, John A. Shelley 928-SH46S2 ShePidan, Richard Brinsley. Brown, James P. Memoir of the life of the Right Honorable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. /« Works. . . 822-SH53B — Moore, Thomas. Memoir of the life of the Right Honorable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 2 v. 928-SH53M Sidney, Sir Philip. Bourne, Henry R. F. Sir Philip Sidney; type of English chivalry in the Eliza- bethan age 928-SI15B — Symonds, John A. Sir Philip Sid- ney 928-SI15S SigOUPney, Mrs. Lydia H. Letters of life 928-SI23 BIOGRAPHY 83 I m I Smith, Adam. Haldane.R. B. Life of Adam Smith 928-SM5H Southey, Robert. Bowden, Edward. Southey 928-SO86B Spenser, Edmund. Church, Richard W. Spenser 928-SP34C Sterling, John. Carlyle, Thomas. /« Works. V. I 828-C198 Sterne, Laurence. Traill, Henry D. Sterne 928-ST46T StOWe, Harriet Beecher. Stowe, Charles E. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe; compiled from her letters and journals 928-ST76S Swetehine, Sophie S. Falloux, Coicnt de. Life and letters of Madame Swetehine 928-SW42F Swift, Jonathan. Scott, Sir Walter. Memoirs of Dean Swift. In Works. V. 1 828-SW52S Tasso, Torquato. Hasell, E. J. Tasso 928-T183H Tennyson, Lord Alfred. Waugh, Arthur. Alfred Lord Tennyson; a study of his life and work 928-T258W Ttiaekeray, William M. Trollope, Anthony. Thackeray 928-T324T Thrale, Mrs. Hester L. See Piozzi, Hester L Trollope, Thomas A. What I re- member 928-T745W Turgot, Anne Robert J., Baron de VAulne. Say, Leon. Turgot. . . 928-T846S Vergil. Nettleship, H. Vergil 928-V815N Voltaire, Francois M. A. de. Ham- ley, Sir Edward B. Voltaire 928-V887H Whitman, Walt. Autobiographia; or, the story of a life 928-W595A Whittier, John Greenleaf. Fields, Mrs. James T, Whittier; notes on his life and on his friendships. 928-W615F — Kennedy, W. Sloane. John Green- leaf Whittier; his life, genius and writings ■. 928-W615K Wollstone craft, Mary. See Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft Wordsworth, William. Myers, Frederick W. H. Wordsworth . . 928-W894M Yates, Edmund. Fifty years of Lon- don lite; memoirs of a man of the world 928-Y26F GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY • Almanaeh de Gotha. 1891 R929-AL62 American ancestry. 6 V R929-AM33 Book of family crests. 2 v R929-F213 Burke, Sir Bernard. Peerage and baronetage R929-B91 Campbell, Robert A. Our flag ; or, the evolution of the stars and stripes R929-C153O Clarke, Hugh. Introduction to heraldry 929-C547H Doyle, James E. Official baronage of England. 3 v R929-D775 Flags of maritime nations R929-F592 Kendall, Henry. The kinship of men 929-K333 HISTORY HISTORY IN GENERAL Adams, Charles A. Manual of his- torical literature 907-AD14M Adams, Henry. Historical essays. . . 904-AD14E ApeheP, Thomas. Decisive battles of history 900-AR23D Apnold, Thomas. Lectures on mod- erd history 909 AR65L, BpeweP, Ebenezer C. Historic note book R903-B758N Buckle, Henry T. History of civili- lization in England. 2 v 901-B856C BuPekhaPdt, Jacob. Civilization of the renaissance in Italy 901-B893C BuPnham, Sarah M. Struggles of the nations. 2 v 909-B937S Caldecott, Alfred. English coloni- zation and empire 901-C126E CPeasy, Sir Edward. Fifteen de- cisive battles of the world, from Marathon to Waterloo 909-C863F Dpapep, John. Intellectual develop- ment oj Europe. 2 v 901-D795I Fpeeman, Edward A. Historical es- says. 4 V. (V. 3 missing) 904-F876E — Methods of historical study 907-F876M Gilman, Arthur. Seven historic ages 900-G424S GuiZOt, Francois P. G. History of civilization in Europe, from fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution 901-G945C Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates and universal information. Re- vised by B. Vincent R903-H324D Heilppin, Louis. Higtorical reference book R909-H366R Jessopp, Rev. Augustus. Coming of the friars, etc 904-J495C Knox, Col. Thomas W. Decisive bat- tles since Waterloo 909-K77D LevePmOPe, Charles H,, & Dewey, D. R. Political history since 1815 (excluding United States). . . 904-L576P LOPd, John. Beacon lights of his- tory. 8 V 904-L883B — V. I. Antiquity — V. 2. The middle ages — V. 3. Renaissance and refor- mation r — V. 4. Warriors and statesmen. — V. 5. Great women — V. 6. Modern European states- men — V. 7. Jewish heroes and proph- • ets — V. 8. Old pagan civilizations. Mackenzie, Robert. The 19th cen- tury 909-M 195N Magazine of American history, 1877- 1891. 25 V R905-AM33 Magnusson, Eirikr, & others. Na- tional life and thought 903-M276N Malian, Capt. A. T, Influence of sea power upon history 901-M277I Putnam, George P. Tabular views of universal history 909-P984T — World's progress; a dictionary of dates R903-P984W Rawlinson, George. Origin of na- tions 901-R195O SandePSOn, Edgar. Epitome of the world's history; with special re- lation to history of civilization . . 909-SA54E Schlegel, Frederick von. Philos- ophy of history 901-SCH33P Swinton, William. Outlines of the world's history ; with special re- lation to history of civilization . . . 909-SW670 Tolstoi, Coufit Leo. Power and lib- erty 901-T585P WheeleP, Charles G. Course of em- pire ; outlines of chief political changes in the history of the world 909-W^567C ANCIENT HISTORY GENERAL WORKS De Quiney, Thomas. Essays in an- cient history and antiquities. In Works. Vol. 7 828-D445 LenOPmant, Francois, & Chevallier, E. Ancient history of the east. 2 V 930-L545L Ranke, Franz L. von. Universal history; the oldest historical HISTORY 85 group of nations, and the Greeks. 930-R163U Bawlinson, George. Ancient his- tory 930-R195 Rollin, Charles. Ancient history. 4v 930-R652 Taylor, W. Cooke. Student's man- Iual of ancient history 930-T215S CARTHAGE. Church, Rev. Alfred J. Story of Carthage 939-C472C Davis, Nathan. Carthage and her remains 939-D29C \ CHINA. Giles, Herbert A. Historic China ^^ and other sketches 931-G394 pf EGYPT. Clement, Clara E. See Waters, Clara E. C Rawlinson, George. Story of ancient Egypt 932-R195 Wateps, Clara E. C. Egypt 932-W315 I j( GREECE. Abbott, Evelyn. Pericles and the ^^ golden age of Athens 938-P414A I ^BAlexander the great, king of Mace- I^B' don. MahaflFy, John P. Story of ^H Alexander's empire 938-M276A i ^BBenjamin, Samuel G. W. Troy; its ^H legends, history and literature. . . 938-B436T Cox, Sir George W. General history of Greece 938-C837 — The Greeks and the Persians 938-C837G CuPteis, Arthur M. Rise of the Macedonian empire 938-C942R ^^CuFtius, Ernst. History of Greece. if 5v 938-C947 Fyffe, Charles A. History of Greece. With Creighton's Rome 937-C865R GPOte, George. History of Greece. 10 V 938-G916G HaPPison, James A. Story of Greece 938-H245 IMahaffy, John P. Story of Alexan- ; der's empire 938-M276A PePieles, Abbott, Evelyn. Pericles and the golden age of Athens. . . 938-P4r4A I INDIA. WheeleP, J. Talboys. Tales from In- dian history 934-W567T JUDEA. HosmeP, James K. Story of the Jews 933-H793J JosephuS, Flavius. Works. Whis- ton, V^., tr. 3 V 933-J776 MoPPison, W. D. The Jews under Roman rule 933-W835J Renan, Ernest. History of the peo- ple of Israel. 3 V 933-R293P SehuPeP, Emil. History of the Jew- ish people in the time of Christ. . 933SCH84J MEDO-PERSIA. Benjamin, Samuel G. W. Story of I'ersia 935-B436P Bonomi, Joseph. Nineveh and its palaces 935-B645N RagOZin, Zdnaide A. Story of As- syria, from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh 935-R127A — Story of Chaldea 935-R127C Rawlinson, George. Five great monarchies of the ancient east- ern world. 3 V 935-R195F — Sixth Great oriental monarchy ; Parthia 935-Ri95S — Seventh great oriental monarchy ; the Sassanian or new Persian empire. 2 v 935-Ri95S4 Smith, George. Babylonia 935-SM5B PHCENICIA. KenPiek, John. Phcenicia 935-K414P Rawlinson, George, story of Phce- nicia 939-R195P ROHE. Allen, William F. Short history of the Roman people 937-AIy54R Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Wat- son, Paul B. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 937- AN87W CsesaP, Julius. Fowler, W. Warde. Julius Csesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial system . . 937-C115F — Froude, James A. Caesar; a sketch 937-C115F2 — Napoleon III. History of Julius Csesar. 2v 937-C115N Capes, William W. Roman empire of the second century ; or, the age of the Antonines 937-C173R ChuPCh, Rev. Alfred J. Pictures from Roman life and story 937-C472P Cpeighton, Mandell. History of Rome 937-C865R Dupuy, Victor. History of Rome and the Roman people. 8 v (16 parts) R937-D936R FowleP, W. Warde. Julius Caesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial system 937-G115F FPOUde, James A. Csesar; a sketch. 937-C115F2 Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Roman empire. Abridged by Smith 937-G352D 86 HISTORY . With notes by Milman, Rev. Henry H. 5 v 937-G352M Gilman, Arthur. Rome, from the earliest times to the end of the republic 937-G424R Leigh ton, R. F. History of Rome . . 937-L535R Lynam, Rev. Robert. Roman em- perors, from Augustus to Marcus Antoninus. 2 v 937-I,994E Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome. 4 V 937-M738R — Provinces of the Roman empire from Caesar to Diocletian. 2 v. . 937-M738P Napoleon III. History of Julius Csesar. 2 v 937-C 1 15N Pelham, H. F. Outlines of Roman history 937-P364O RydbePg, Viktor. Roman days 937-R973R Watson, Paul B. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 937-AN87\V SINAI. Palmer, Henry S. Sinai, from the fourth Egyptian dynasty to the present day 939-PX83S MODERN HISTORY— EUROPE GENERAL WORKS ChUPCh, Richard W. Beginning of the middle ages '. 940-C472B Cox, Sir George W. The crusaders. 940-C837C Doran, Dr. John. Monarchs re- tired from business. 2 v 940-D724M DuPUy, Victor. History of the mid- dle ages 940-D936M Freeman, Edward A. Chief periods of European history 940-F876C —Europe 940-F876 Froude, James A. Spanish story of the Armada and other historial essays.. 940-F935S Fyffe, Charles A. Modern Europe. 3 V 940-F944M Gray, George Z. The children's cru- sade 940-G794C Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 3 V 940-H153V Johnson, Rev. Arthur H. Normans in Europe 940-J634N Lodge, Richard. History of modern Europe 94o-L,823M MiilleP, Wilhelm. Political history of recent times, 1816-1875, with special reference to Germany. . . . 940-M913P Murdoek, Harold. Reconstruction of Europe 940-M942R PolitikOS, pseud. Sovereigns and courts of Europe 940-P755S Seebohm, Frederic. Era of the protestant revolution 940-SE33E Sewell, E. M., & Youge, C. M., eds. European history, narrated in a series of selections from best au- thorities. 2 V 940-SE86 ThalheimeP, Mary E. Mediaeval and modern history 940-T323M BULGARIA. Samuelson, James. Bulgaria, past and present 949-SA46B ENGLAND. Adams, William H. D. England at war. 2 V 942-AD14 Aiken, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 v 942-EL48A AlbePt, prince consort. Victoria, Queen. Early years of the prince consort. Grey, C, contp 942-AL17V Anne, gueen of Englatid. Morris, Edward E. Age of Anne 942-M834A BPight, Rev. J. Franck. History of England. Period IV. Growth of democracy; Victoria, 1837-1880 942-B768G BuPPOWS, Montague. Historic towns; Cinque ports 942-B944C CaPPel, Armand. . Counter-revolu- tion in England under Charles II and James II 942-C232C CathePine of Aragon. Froude, James A. Divorce of Catherine of Aragon 942-F937D Charlotte Caroline Augusta, princess of Wales. Weigall, Lady Rose. Memoir of the Princess Charlotte of Wales ; with selections from her correspondence and other un- published papers 942-C385W ChUPCh, Rev. Alfred J. Story of early Britain 942-C472E Creighton Rev. Mandel. Age of Elizabeth 942-C865A Cromwell, Oliver. Carlyle, Thomas. Cromwell's letters. In Works. Vol. 10 828-C19S — Merle d'Aubigne, Jean H. The protector ; a vindication 942-C885M — Palgrave, R. F. D. Oliver Crom- HISTORY 81 well, the protector ; an apprecia- tion based on contemporary evi- dence 942-C885P — Picton, J. A. Oliver Cromwell ; the man and his mission 942-C885P2 Dixon, William H. Her majesty's tower, 942-D647H Doran, Dr. John. Lives of the ^_ queens of England of the house ^k of Hanover. 2 v 942-D724Q ^^EdwaPd III, king of England. War- burton, Rev. William. Edward III 942-ED94W Edward, the black prince. Creigh- ^ton, Louise. Edward the Black Prince 942-ED95C James, George P. R. Edward the Black Prince. 2 v 942-ED95J "^YL^iXi^Xh^queen of England. Aiken, tL. Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth. 2 v 924-EL48A -Creighton, Rev. Mandel. Age of Elizabeth 942-C865A POUde, James A. Divorce of Cath- erine of Aragon 942-F937D — History of England. 12 v 942-F937 Gairdner, James. Henry VII of England 942-H395G — Houses of Lancaster and York .... 942-G126H GaPdineP, Samuel R. First two » Stuarts, and the Puritan revolu- tion, 1603-1660 942-G165F eOFge IV, King of England. Gre- ville, Charles C. F. Greville memoirs ; journal of the reigns of King George IV and King Wil- liam IV 942-G867J Gpeen, John R. Making of England 942-G82M — Short history of English people. . . 942-G82S IPeville, Charles C. F. Greville memoirs; journal of the reigns of King George IV and King Wil- liam IV 942-G867J Uizot, Francois P. G. History of England, from the earliest times to 1874 942-G945 Hale, Edward. Fall of the Stuarts, and western Europe from 1678 to 1697 942-H13F Henpy VII, King of England. Gairdner, James. Henry VII of England 942-H395G — Moberly, Charles E. Early Tudors ; Henry VII and Henry VIII 942-M712T Henpy VIII, King of England. Mo- berly, Charles E. Early Tudors, Henry VII and Henry VIII 942-M712T Hume, David. History of England, from invasion of Julius Csesar to the revolution in 1688. 6 v 942-H8S Jewett, Sarah O. The Normans in relat on to their conquest of Eng- land 942-J555I Kitehin, George W. Historic towns ; Winchester 942-K643W"^ Knight, Charles. Half hours of English history. 4 v 942K774H —History of England. 8 v 942-K774 Maeaulay, Thomas B. History of England, from the accession of James II 5v 942-M118 MeCaPty, Justin. Epoch of reform, 1830-1850 942-M126E — History of our own times, from the accessionof Victoria to 1880. 2v 942-M126O Mahon, Viscount. See Stanhope, Phillip H MePle d'Aubigne, Jean H. The pro- tector, a vindication 942C885M MobePly, Charles E. Early Tudors ; Henry VII and Henry VIII 942-M712T MoPPis, Edward E. Age of Anne . . . 942-M834A —Early Hanoverians 942-M834E PalgPave, R. F. D. Oliver Crom- well; the protector; an apprecia- tion based on contemporary evi- dence 942-C885P Pieton, J. A. Oliver Cromwell; the man and his mission 942-C885P2 Russell, John, ist earl of. Recollec- tions and suggestions, 1813-1873. 942-R914R Stanhope, Philip H., 5th earl of. (Viscount Mahon.) History of England, from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles, 1713-1783- 7v 942-ST23P — History of England, comprising the reign of Queen Anne, until the peace of Utrecht, 1701-1713. 2 v. 942-ST23Q Stanley, Arthur P. Historical me- morials of Westminster Abbey . . . 94*-ST24W StubbS, William. Early Plantage- nets 942-ST93P Thaekepay, William M. The four Georges 942T324F TueP, Andrew W. & Fagan, Charles E. First year of a silken reign. . 942-T813F VietOPia, queen of Great Britain and empress of India, Tuer, Andrew W. & Fagan, Charles E. First year of a silken reign 942-T813F — Ward, Thomas H. Reign of Queen Victoria. 2 v 942-W21V Wapd, Thomas H. Reign of Queen Victoria. 2 v 942-W21V Weigall, Lady Rose. Memoir of the Princess Charlotte of Wales 942-C385W William IV, ki7ig of England. Gre- 88 HISTORY ville, Charles, C. F. Greville memoirs; journal of the reigns of King George IV. and King Wil- liam IV 942-G867J William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the kings of England. Giles, }. K.,ed 942-W673C Wright, Thomas. Caricature his- tory of the Georges 942-W933C — The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon 942-W933C4 Yonge, Charlotte M. Cameos from English history 942-Y84C FRANCE. Angouleme, Marie Therese Char- lotte, duchesse d\ Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Youth of the duchess of Angouleme 944-AN46I Berry, Marie Ivouise Elizabeth d' Orleans, Duchess of. Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII 944-B459I2 Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X 942-B459I3 — Duchess of Berry and the revolu- tion of 1830 944-B459I4 Bourrienne, Louis A. F. Memories of Napolean Bonaparte. 3 v 944-N165B Browning, Oscar. Modern France . . 944-B823M Carlyle, Thomas. French revolu- tion. In Works, V. 2 828-C198 Charlemagne, king of France and emperor of the west. Mombert, Jacob I. Charles the great 944-C377M Charles, the great. 6V?i? Charlemagne. Davenport, Richard A. History of the Bastile and of its principal captives 944-D275B Duruy, Victor. History of France. . 944-D936F Freer, Martha W. Henry III. king of France and Poland; his court and»times. 3 v 944-H385F Fetridge, W. Penbroke. Rise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871 944-F434R Gardiner, Bertha M. French revolu- tion 944-G165F Guizot, Francois P. G. History of France from the earliest times. 5 V 944-G945 Headley, Rev. Phineas C. Life of Empress Josephine, ist wife of Napoleon 944-J774H Henry III. king of France and Pol- and. Freer, Martha W. Henry III., king of France and Poland; his court and times. 3 V 944-H395F Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur L., baron. Biographies, (in their order) — Marie Antoinette and the end of the • old regime 944-M334I2 — Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. . 944-M334I3 — Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty 944-M3-^4l4 — Citizeness Bonaparte 944-J744I2 — Wife of the first consul 944-J774I3 — Court of the empress Josephine . . . 944-j774l4 — Happy days of Marie Louise 944-M335I2 — Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire 944-M335I3 — Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814 944-M335I4 — Marie Louise, the return from Elba and the hundred days 944-M335I5 — Youth of the Duchess of Angou- leme 944-AN46I — Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII 944-B459I2 — Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X 944-B459I3 — Duchess of Berry and the revolu- tion of 1830 944-B459I4 Josephine, empress of France, wife of Napoleon I. Headley, Rev. Phineas C. Life of Empress Josephine, ist wife of Napoleon 944-J774H -^Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Citizeness Bonaparte 944-J774I2 Court of the Empress Jose- phine 944-J774I4 Wife of the first consul 944-J774I3 Las Cases, count de, memoirs of the life, exile and conversations of the Napoleon Bonaparte 944-N165L Louis XIV, {the great) king of France, Saint-Simon, Louis de R., due de. Memoirs of the Duke Saint-Simon on the reign of Louis XIV and the regency. 3 v 944-SA28M McCarthy, Justin H. French revo- lution 944-M126R Margaret of Angouleme, queen of Navarre. Robinson, Agnes M. F. Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre. 944-M336R Marie Antoinette queen of Louis XVI. Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime 944-M337I2 Marie Antoinette at the Tuil- eries 944-M337I3 Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty 944-M337I4 Marie Louise, empress of France, wife of Napoleon I, Imbert de ^ORY I I I Saint- Amaiid, A. L. Happy days of Marie Louise 944-M338I2 Marie Louise and the decad- ence of the empire 944-M338I3 . Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814 944-M338I4 Marie Louise, the island of Elba, and the hundred days 944-M338I5 MasSOn, Gustave. Mediaeval France 944-M388M Miehelet, Jules. History of France. 2 V 944-M584 Mlgnet, Francois A. A. French revolution, 1789- 18 14 944-M588R Moltke, (rt)?^«^Helmuth von. Franco- German war of 1870-1871 943-M738F MombePt, Jacob I. Charles the Great 944-C377M MoPPis, W. O'Connor. Napoleon, warrior and ruler; and the military supremacy of revolutionary France 944-N165M Napoleon I., emperor of the French. Bourrienne, Louis A. F. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 v . . . . 944-N165B — Las Cases, Count de. Memoirs of the life, exile and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. 4 v. . 944-N165L — Morris, W. O'Connor, Napoleon, warrior and ruler; and the mili- tary supremacy of revolutionary France ^ 944-N165M ^O ' Meara , Barry E . Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 v 944-N165O — Ropes, John C. The first Napoleon; a sketch, political and military. . 944-N165R Nopman, Charles B. Colonial France 944-N785C O'Meapa, Barry E. Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 v 944-N165O PePkins, James B. France under the regency 944-P413R Rich, Elihu. Germany and France; a popular history of the Franco- German war 943-R37G Robinson, Agnes M. F. Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre. . . 944-M336R Ropes, John C. Campaign of Water- loo 944-R685C — The first Napoleon; a sketch, politi- cal and military 944-N165R Saint-Amand, Imbert de. See Im- bcrt de Saint-Amand, Arthur L. . Saint-Simon, Louis de R., due de. St. John, Bayle, tr. Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon on the reign of Louis XIV and the regency. 3 v 944-SA28S Simon, Jules. Government of .M. Thiers, 1871-1873. 2 v 944-SI52G Stephens, Henry M. History of the French revolution. 2 v 944-ST44F L c — 12 Taine, Hippolyte A. Modern regime 944-T133M WashbUPne, Elihu B. Recollections of a minister to France. 2 v. . . . 944-W274R White, Rev. James. History of France 944-W585F Yonge, Charlotte M. France. With Freeman's Europe 940-F876 — History of France 944- Y84 QERHANY. Bigelow, Poultney. The German emperor and his eastern neigh- bors 943-B484G BpaekenbUPy, Col. Charles B. Fred- erick the Great 943-F875B BPadley, Henry. Story of the Goths. 943-B726G BPyee, James. Holy Roman empire 943-B843H ChaPles V, emperor of Germany. Robertson, William. Reign of Charles V; with an account of life after his abdication. By Pres- cott, William H. 2 v 943-C38R Daily News correspondence of the war between Germany and France . 1870-1871 943-D143 Fay, Theodore S. The three Ger- many's; glimpses into their his- tory. 2 V 943-F29T FoPbes, Archibald. William I, Ger- man emperor and king of Prussia 943-W673F Fpedepiek II, {the great) king of Prussia. Brackenbury, Col. Charles B. Frederick the Great . 943-FS75B — Carlyle, Thomas. In works. Vols. 3-6 828-C198 — Longman, Frederick W. Freder- ick the Great and the seven years' war 943-F874L Fpedepiek III, emperor of Germany (new empire.) Rodd, Rennell. Frederick, crown prince and em- peror 943-F875R GaPdineP, Samuel R. Thirty years' war, 1618-1648 943-G165T Gindely, Anton. Thirty years' war. 2 V 943-G434T Gould, Sabine Baring. Germany; past and present 943-G73P — Story of Germany 943-G73 HozieP, Henry M. The seven weeks' war 943-H858S LegeP, Louis. Austro-Hungary; from earliest times to 1889 943-L525A Lewis, Charlton F. History of Ger- many 943-L586G Longman, Frederick W. Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. , 943-F874L Menzel, Wolfgang. History of Ger- many, from earliest period to 90 HISTORY 1842. 3 V 943-M528G Moltke, Count Helmuth von. Fran- co-German war of 1870- 187 1 943-M738F MOPflU, William R. Story of Poland 943-M816P Rich, Elihu. Germany and France; a popular history of the Franco- German war 943-R37G Robertson, William. Reign of Charles V. 3v 943-C38R Rodd, Rennell. Frederick, crown prince and emperor 943-F875R Smith, George B. William I. and the German empire 943-W673S Strauss, G. L. M. Emperor Will- iam; the life of a great king and a good man 943-W673S4 Sybel, Heinrich C. L. von. Found- ing of the German empire by William I. 4 v 943-SY13F Tuttle, Herbert. History of Prussia, 3 V ' 943-T887P Vambepy, Arminius, & Heilprin, Louis. Story of Hungary 943-V253H William I., emperor of Germany. Forbes, Archibald. William I.; German emperor and king of Prussia 943-W673F — Smith, George B. William I. and the German empire 943-W673S —Strauss, G. ly. M. Emperor Will- iam; the life of a great king and a good man 943-W673S4 ZimmePn, Helen. The Hansa towns 943-Z65H GREECE. Jebb, Richard C. Modern Greece. . . 949-J345M HOLLAND. Motley, John L. Rise of the Dutch republic. 3 v 949-M857D RogePS, James E. T. Story of Hol- land 949-R635H SchilleP, Johann C. F. von. Revolt of the Netherlands. In Works. V. 2 838-SCH32 IRELAND. BaPPington,KS'zV Jonah. Rise and fall of the Irish nation 941-B276R FPOUde, James A. The English in Ireland in the i8th century. 3 v 941-F937E GPibayedoff, Valerian. French in- vasion of Ireland in '98 941-G872F Hennessy, Sir John P. Sir Walter Ralegh in Ireland 94r-H394R Lawless, Hon. Emily. Story of Ire- land 941-L425I MeCaPty, Justin H. Ireland since the union 941-M126I — Outline of Irish history 941-M126O McGee, Thomas D'Arcy. History of Ireland, from the earliest period •to the emancipation of the Cath- olics 941-M174I 0'ConnOP,Thomas P. Parnell move- ment ; with sketch of Irish par- ties from 1843 941-OC56P Smith, Goldwin. Irish history and Irish character 941-SM5I Walpole, Charles G. Kingdom of Ireland 941-WI65I Wills, James & Freeman, The Irish nation ; its history and bi- ography. 4 v 941-W684I ITALY. Ballou, Maturin M. Story of Malta. 945-B2 15M BPOWn, Horatio F. Venice 945-B812V Fpeeman, Edward A. Story of Sicily 945-F876S Hunt, William. History of Italy. . .. 945-H914 NapieP, Henry E. Florentine his- tory, to the accession of Ferdi- nand III. 6v 945-N163F Ruskin,John. St. Mark's rest; his- tory of Venice. /« Works. Vol. 13 945-R894 Simonde de Sismondi, Jean C. L. Italian republics 945-SI53R Sismondi. See Simonde de Sis- mondi, Jean C. L NORWAY. Boyesen, Hjalmar. Story of Norway 948-B696N PORTUGAL. Dunham, Samuel A. Spain and Por- tugal. 5 V 946-D922 Stephens, H. Morse. Story of Por- tugal 946-ST44P RUSSIA. Cathepine II, empress of Russia. Smucker, S. M. Memoirs of the court and reign of Catherine II of Russia 947-C283S Kinglake, Alexander W. Invasion of the Crimea. 6 v 947-K595I MoPflll, William R. Story of Russia 947-M815 OllieP, Edmund. Russo-Turkish war. 2 v 947-OL45R Rambaud, Alfred. History of Rus- sia, from the earliest times to 1882. 3 V 947-R143 SmuekeP, S. M. Memoirs of the court and reign of Catherine II of Russia 947-C283S Stanley, Francis. St. Petersburg to Plevna 947-ST24S Stepnaik, {pseud). Russia under the czars 947-ST45R HISTORY 941-AR35S 941-M195S 941-M215S 941-M368M 941-M454S 941-M368M 941-OL35L SCOTLAND. Argyll, /^ like of. (George D. Camp- bells Scotland as it was and is. 2 V • Mackenzie, A'ev. James. History of Scotland Mackintosh, John. Story of Scot- land Mary, queen of Scots. Meline, James F. Mary, queen of Scots and her latest English historian Maxwell, Charles A. Sea-kings of Grkney and other historical tales Meline, James F. Mary, Queen of Scots and her latest English his- torian Oliphant, Mrs. Margraet O. W. Royal Edinburgh Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of Scotland, and English princesses connected with the succession of Great Britain. 8v 941-ST86Q SERVIA. [Ranke, Leopold von. History of Servia .• 949-R163S SPAIN. ^_ Coppee, Henry. Conquest of Spain ^H by the Arab-Moors. 2 v ^KDunham, Samuel A. Spain and ^H Portugal. 5 V ^KFerdinand V, king of Castile and ^B Aragon. Prescott, William H. ^H' History of the reign of Ferdinand ^B' and Isabella. 3 V Hale, Edward E. & Susan. Story of I Spain Irving', Washington. Conquest of Granada. In Works — Moorish chronicles. /« Works.... Isabella, queen of Spain. Prescott, William H. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 3 V Philip II, king of Spain. Prescott, William H. History of the reign ■ of Philip II of Spain. 3 V Poole, Stanley Lane. Story of the 946-C795C 946-D922 946-F373P 946-H13S 818-IR84A4 818-IR84M 946-F373P 946-P534P Moors in Spain 946-P784M Prescott, William H. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella the Catholic. 3 V 946-F373P Yonge, Charlotte M. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. . 946-Y84C SWEDEN. Charles XII, king of Sweden. Vol- taire, Francis M. A. History of Charles XII, King of Sweden. . . 948-C38V Desiree, queen of Sweden and Nor- way. Hochschild, Baron. D^- sir^e. Queen of Sweden and Nor- way 948-D463 Fletcher, C R. L. Gustavus Adol- phus and the struggle of protest- antism for existence 948-G975F Gustavus Adolphus, (Gustavus II.) king of Siveden. Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of protestantism for ex- istence 948-G975F Hochschild, Baron. D^sir^e, queen of Sweden and Norway 948-D463 Sinding, Paul C. Scandinavia, from early times to the present 948-SI65S Snorre, Sturlason. Sagas of the Norse kings. Laing, S., /r. 4 v. 948-SN55S Voltaire, Francis M. A. History of Charles XII., king of Sweden.. . 948-C38V SWITZERLAND. Hug, Lina, & Stead, Richard. Story of Switzerland 949-H875S Lee, Theresa M. Story of Switzer- land 949-L51S Mackenzie, Harriet D. S. Switzer- land , 949-M195S Zschokke, Heinrich. Switzerland.. 949-Z86S TURKEY. Creasy, Sir Edward S. History of the Ottoman Turks 949-C863O Oilier, Edmund. Russo-Turkish war 947-OL45R Oman, C. W. C, Story of the Byzan- tine empire 949-OM13B Poole, Stanley Lane. Story of Tur- key 949-P784T ASIA ARABIA. Gilman, Arthur. Story of the Sara- cens 953-G424S CHINA. GrifflS, William E. Corea, the her- mit nation 951-G873C INDIA. Ball, Charles. Indian mutiny, 2 v. 954-B21M Ludlow, John M. British India. 2 v. 954-L965B Taylor, Meadows. Student's man- ual of the history of India 954-T215S Trevelyan, Sir George. Cawnpore. 954-T724C Wright, Daniel, «?cf, Nepal 954-W933N 92 HISTORY TURKEY IN ASIA. Keay, J. Seymour. Spoiling the Lang, R. Hamilton. Cyprus; its his- Egyptians 962-K225S tory, present resources and future Pimblett, W. Melville. Story of the prospects 956-L25C Soudan war 966-P645S AFRICA Poole, Stanley Lane. Story of the Barbary Corsairs 961-P784B Note. — North, South and Central Theal, George McC. History of Africa are in one alphabet. South Africa. 1486-1681. 5v... 96S-T342 NORTH AMERICA GENERAL WORKS. Bancroft, Hubert H. Works. 39 v 970-B223 — V. 1-5. Native races —V. 6-8. History of Central America — V. 9-14. History of Mexico. . . — V. 15-16. North Mexican states and Texas — V. 17. Arizona and New Mexico —V. 18-24. History of Califor- nia — V. 25. Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming —V. 26. History of Utah — V. 27-28. History of the north- west coast — V. 29-30. History of Oregon . . — V. 31. Washington, Idaho . and Montana — V. 32. History of British Co- lumbia — V. 33. History of Alaska — V. 34. California pastoral. . . . — V. 35. California inter pocula . — V. 36-37. Popular tribunals . . — V. 38. Essays and miscellany. — V. 39. Literary industries.... Catlin, George. North American Indians. 2 v 970-C287I Dall, William H. Tribes of the ex- treme northwest R970-D16T Donaldson, Thomas. George Catlin's Indian gallery in Smithsonian Institution R506-D714G Ellis, George E. The red man and the white man in North America, from its discovery to the present time 970-EL56R GibbS, George. Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon. With Ball's Tribes of the extreme northwest R970-D16T Jackson, Helen Hunt, (H. H. ,pseud.) Century of dishonor 97C)-Ji32C Parkman, Francis, Jr. Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 2 v 970-P234C — France and England in North America ; a series of historical narratives. 7 parts (in their or- der — Pioneers of France in the new world 970-P234P — ^Jesuits in North America in the 17th century 970-P234J — La Salle and the discovery of the Great West 970.P-234L — Old regime in Canada 970-P234O — Count Fontenac and New France under Louis XIV. . . . 970-P234C — Half century of conflict. 2 v. . 970-P234H — Montcalm and Wolf. 2v 970-P234M Schoolcraft, Henry R. Archives of aboriginal knowledge. (^History of Indian tribes). 6 v R970-SCH67A CANADA— BRITISH COLUMBIA. Bancroft, Hubert H. History of British Columbia. In Works. Vol. 32 970-B223 Hart, Gerald E. Fall of New France. 1755-1760 971-H252F CENTRAL AflERICA. Bancroft, Hubert H. History of Central America. In Works. Vols. 6-8 970-B223 MEXICO. Bancroft, Hubert H. History of Mexico. In Works. Vols. 9-14. 970-B223 — North Mexican states and Texas. In Works. Vols. 15-16 970-B223 Biart, Lucien. The Aztecs 972-B474A Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico 972-H13M Mayer, Brantz. Mexico; Aztec, Spanish and republican. 2 v . . . . 972-M453M Noll, Arthur H. Short history of Mexico 972-N72M Prescott, William H. Conquest of Mexico. 3 v 972-P922 UNITED STATES. Abbot, Willis J. Battle-fields of '61 . 973-AB25B —Bluejackets of '61 973-AB25B5 HISTORY 93 Adams, Henry. History of the i^> United States of America. 1801- B^ 1817. 9v 973-AD14 Allen, Walter. Governor Chamber- lain's administration in South Carolina 973-AL54G Ammen, Daniel. Atlantic coast. (Navy in the civil war) 973-AM63A Baker, Lafayette C. .History of the United States secret service 973-B174S Bancroft, George. History of tlje United States of America, from L^L the discovery of the continent. '^r"' 6v 973-B223 Battles and leaders of the civil war. 4 V 963-B324 Billingrs, John D. Hardtack and coffee. 973-B494H BoUPke, John G. Apache campaign. 973-B665A — On the border with Crook 973-B665O Brown, Alexander. Genesis of the United States. 2 v 973-B8i2G CaPPington, Henry B. Battles of the American revolution 973-C233B Coffin, Charles C. Following the flag 973-C635F — Four years of fighting 973-C635F4 Cooper, James F. History of the navy of the United States of America. 2 v 973-C785N Cox, Jacob D. Atlanta 973-C837A CPawfOFd, Samuel W. Genesis of . the civil war; the story of Sumter 973-C857G Davis, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the confederate government. 2 v. 973-D29R Doubleday, Abner. Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg 973-D745C EdwaPds, John N. Shelby and his men; or the war in the west. . . . 973-ED96S Eggleston, Edward. History of the United States and its people 973-EG35 lis, George E. Battle of Bunker hill 973-EL58B FisheP, George P. Colonial era 973-F534C Fiske, John. American revolution. ■^ 2y 973-t^543R ^HUCritical period of American his- tory, 1783-1789 973-F543C Flinn, Frank M. Campaigning with Banks in Louisiana and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah val- ley 973-F644C FoPee, Manning F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 973-F745F Fremont, Jessie B. Story of the guard 973-F884S FPOthingham, Richard. Rise of the republic of the United States. . . 973-F935R — Siege of Bostoli 973-F935S GilmOPe, James R. Advance-guard of western civilization 973-G425A Glazier," Willard W. The capture, the prison pen and the escape ; a complete history of prison life in the South 973-G467C GOSS, Warren L. Soldier's story of his captivity at Anderson ville, etc 973-G698S Greeley, Horace. American con- flict ; history of the great rebel- lion in the United States of America. 2 v 973-G815R Hale, Edward E. Stories of war, told by soldiers 973-H13S Hedley, F. Y. Marching through Georgia 973-H357M Higginson, Thomas W- Larger his- tory of the United States of America, to the close of Jackson's administration 973-H535 — Travellers and outlaws . 973-H535T Hinsdale, B. H. Old northwest; with a view of the thirteen colo- nies as constituted by the royal charters. 2 v 973-H596O Hood, John B. Advance and retreat ; personal experiences in the U. S. and confederate states armies. . .. 973-H764A Humes, Thomas W. Lojal moun- taineers of Tennessee 973-H885L HumphPies, Andrew A. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65 973-H886V Jay, William. Causes and conse- quences of the Mexican war 973-J33C Johnson, Rossiter. History of the French war, ending in conquest of Canada 973-J634F Johnston, Henry P. Yorktown cam- paign and surrender of Cornwal- lis 973-J645Y Jones, John B. Rebel war clerk's diary. 2 v 973-j7iK. LivePmOPe, Mary A. My story of the war 973-L754M Lodge, Henry C. English colonies in America 973-L823E — Historical and political essays 973-L823H Lossing, Benson J. Family history of the United States 973-L898F — Harpers' cyclopaedia of United States history. 2 v R973-L898H — Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States of America. 3v ....■ 973-L898C McClellan, George B. McClellan's own story 973-M134 MeMasteP, John B. History- of the people of the United States. 5v 973-M225P MePhePSOn, F;dward. Political his- tory of the United States of America during the great rebel- 94 HISTORY lion .... 973-M242P Marshall, John A. American bas- tile; history of the illegal arrests and imprisonment of American citizens during the war 973-M335B Moore, Frank, ed. The civil war in song and story 973-M784C — Rebellion record; diary of events, with documents, incidents, poetry, etc. 11 v. with supp. . . . 973-M784R Moore, James. Kilpatrick and our cavalry 973-M78414K Morris, Charles, ed. Colonial Amer- ica 973-M834C — Independent America 973-M834I Mosby, John S. War reminiscences and Stuart's cavalry campaigns. . 973-M852W Mottelay, Paul F. The soldier in our civil war. 2 v R973-M858S Nichols, George W. Story of the great march 973-N517G Nieolay, John G. Outbreak of the rebellion . 973-M545O Old capital and its inmates 973-OL13 Paris, Louis P. d' Orleans, comte de. History of the civil war in Amer- ica. 4 V 973-P216C Parton, John. General Butler in New Orleans; history ot the ad- ministration of the department of the gulf in the year 1862 973-P255G Pittinger, William. Capturing a locomotive; history of secret ser- vice in the late war 973-P685C Pollard, Edward E. Lost cause 973-P765L Pond, George E. Shenandoah val- ley in 1864 973-P775S Porter, David D. Naval history of the civil war 973-P834N Preston, Howard W. Documents illustrative of American history, 1606-1863 973-P925D Reid, Whitelaw. Ohio in the war. 2 V 973-R275O Richardson, Abby S. History of our country 973-^3950 Richardson, Albert D. The secret service; the field, the dungeon and the escape 973-R395S Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the west. 2 v 973-R677W Ropes, John C. Army under Pope . . 973-R685A St. Bris, Thomas de. Discovery of the origin of the name of America 973-SA21D Semmes, Raphael. Service afloat ; cruise of the " Alabama" and the "Sumpter." 973-SE54S Stoddard, WilHam O. Inside the White House in war times 973-ST76J Swinton, William. Campaigns of the army of the Potomac 973-SW67C — Twelve decisive battles of the war . . 973-SW67T Tomes, Robert & Smith, Benjamin G. Great civil war. 3 V 973-T593C War of the rebellion ; Official records of the Union and Confederate armies. 82 v 973-W193 Whitman, William E. S. & True, Charles H. Maine in the war for the union 973-W595M Williams, Geroge F. Bullet and shell ; war as the soldier saw it . . 973-W674B Wormeley, Katharine P. The other side of the war with the army of the Potomac . 973-W896O SPECIAL STATES NORTH=EASTERN OR NORTH ATLANTIC. NEW ENGLAND. Brooks, Elbridge S. Story of New York 974-B794N Drake, Samuel A. Making of New England 974-D783M Jenness, John S. Isles of Shoals ; an historical sketch 974-J435I Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. History of New York City. 2 v R974-L166N Lossing, Benson J. History of New York City. 2v 974-L898N Massachusetts, Early history of 974-M386 Palfrey John G. History of New England. 5 v 974-P174N Williams, Samuel. Natural and civil history of Vermont. 2 v. .. 974-W674V SOUTHEASTERN OR SOUTH ATLANTIC. Arthur, Timothy S., & Carpenter, William H. History of Georgia 975-AR75G Todd, Charles B. Story of Washing- ton, the national capital 975-'r565W SOUTH CENTRAL OR GULF. Thompson, Maurice. Story of Lou- isiana 976-T374L NORTH CENTRAL OR LAKE. King, Rufus. Ohio 977-K58O Neill, Edward D. Minnesota 977-N314M PACIFIC STATES. Bancroft, Hubert H. History of Alaska. /« Works. Vol.33 970-B223 — Arizona and New Mexico. In Works. Vol.17 970-B223 HISTORY 95 -History of California. In Works. Vol. 18-24 970-B223 -California inter pocula. In works. Vol. 35 970-B223 -California pastoial. /« Works, Vol. 34 970-B223 -Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. In Works. Vol. 25 970-B223 -History of the Northwest coast. . . . 070-B223 In Works. Vol. 27-28. 970-B223 -History of Oregon. In Works. Vol. 29-30 970-B223 -Popular tribunals. In Works. Vol. 36-37 970-B223 — History of Utah. In Works. Vol. 26 970-B223 — Washington, Idaho and Montana. In Works V. 31 970-B223 Royee, Josiah. California 979-R813C WESTERN OR MOUNTAIN STATES. Caprington, Mrs. Margaret I. Ab- sa-ra-ka; or, Wyoming opened; with outline of Indian operations and conferences since 1865 978-C233A SOUTH AMERICA PARAGUAY.— URUGUAY. TashbUPn, Charles A. History of Paraguay. 2 v 989-W274P PERU. Ldams, William H. D. Land of the Incas 985AD14L i Stevenson, Robert L. Foot-note to Markham, Clements R. History of ■ I history; eight years in Samoa. .. . 996-ST47 Peru 985-M343 Ppeseott, William H. Conquest of Peru. 2 V 985-P22C POLYNESIA. JUVENILE— NATURAL SCIENCE SCIENCE IN GENERAL Abbott, Jacob. Water and land J500-AB25W Bert, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge J500-B463F Buckley, Arabella B. Fairy-land of science J500-B856F — Through magic glasses J500-B856T Hooker, Worthington. Child's book of nature J500-H767C Keddie, Henrietta, (Sarah Tytler, pseud). Footprints; nature seen on its human side J500-K235F Pepper, John H Boy's book of science J500-P395B Pollard, Bedford. Every-day mira- cles J500-P765F Richardson, J., (Adam Stwin, pseud). Eyes right J500-R385E Stwin, Adam, pseud. See Richard- son, J Tytler, Sarah, pseud. See Keddie, Henrietta ^. . . . Weston, James. Dick's holidays. .. J500-W527D DESCRIPTIVE ASTROMY. Champlin, John D., /r. Astronomy J523-C357A MECHANICS. Abbott, Jacob. Force J531-AB25F LIGHT— OPTICS. Abbott, Jacob. Light J535-AB25L HEAT. Abbott, Jacob. Heat J536-AB25H Faraday, Michael. Chemical history of a candle J536-F222C QEOLOQY. Winehell, Alex. Geological excur- sions J550-W72G PHYSICAL AND DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. BoSCOWitZ, Arnold. Earthquakes.. J551-B653E BIOLOGY. Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and girls in biology J570-ST47B PREHISTORIC ARCH/COLOQY. Clodd, Edward. Childhood of the world J571-C623C ETHNOLOGY— ANTHROPOLOGY. Manton, Walter P. Taxidermy With- out a teacher J579-M318T BOTANY. Baily, William L. Trees, plants and flowers J580-B157T Bergen, Fanny D. Glimpses of plant world J580-B455G Gray, Asa. How plants behave J580-G794H — How plants grow J580-G794H4 Youmans, Eliza A. First book of botany J580-Y88B ZOOLOGY. Beaugrand, Charles. Walks abroad of two young naturalists J590-B385W Brightwen, Mrs. wild nature won by kindness .* J590-B765W Buckley, Arabella B. Winner's in life's race; or, the backboned family J590-B856W Davies, G. Christopher. The Swan and her crew J590-B287S Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lip- pincott, Sara J Holder, Charles F. Frozen dragons j590-H7r3F Johonnot, James. Friends and feathers and fur and other neigh- bors J590-J665F Lippincott, Sara J., (Grace Green- wood, pseud.) History of my pets •. J590-L665P Lubbock, Sir John. Chapters in popular natural history J590-L963C Miller, Olive T. Little folks in feathers J590-M614L Nature and natural history in the temperate zones J590-N214 Taylor, John E. Playtime natural- ist J590-T215P Wood, J^ev. John G. Common objects of the country J590-W852C — Common objects of the sea-shore. . J590-W852S — Illustrated natural history J590-W852I PHYSIOLOGICAL ZOOLOGY. Buckley, Arabella B. Life and her children J591-B856L Hook, Stella L. Little people and their homes in meadows, woods and waters J591-H76L Ingersoll, Ernest. Country cousins J591-IN44C JUVENII.E PROTOZOANS RADIATES. fifoldeP, Charles F. Along the Flor- ida reef. J593-H713F ARTICULATES. ^Conant, Helen S. Butterfly hunters J595-C742B Lovell, Kate R. Natures wonder- workers J594-L946N Lubbock, 5/> John. Natural history J595-L963 Silver Wings and golden scales J595-Sr35 Who was the first architect ? J595-W62A Who was the first paper maker ? J595-W62P Who were the first weavers ? J595-W62W MAMHALS. MAMMALIA. Holder, Charles F. Ivory king ; a popular history of the elephant and its allies J595-H713I Reid, Capt. Mayne, Quadrupeds J599-R275Q Who were the first builders ? J599-W62B Who were the first miners ? J599-W62M USEFUL ARTS riECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Lukin, Rev. James. Amongst ma- chines J621-L967A '- — Boy engineers J621-L967B [ — Young mechanics J621-L967Y TRANSPORTATION. RAILROADINA, ETC. COPnewall,Jones, R. J. Ships, sail- ors and the sea J656-C817S FINE ARTS PAINTING. Clement, Clara E. Outline history of painting for young people and students J750-C593O t MUSIC. 3, Lucy C. Music and musicians J780-L626M AMUSEflENTS. Beard, Daniel C. American boys' handy book J790-B382B Beard, Lina & Beard, Adelia B. American girl's handy book . . . .J790-B38215G LITERATURE RHETORIC— TREATISES— COLLECTIONS. Bellamy, Blanch W. & Goodwin, Maud W. Open sesame. Vols 2-3 J808-B417O »PatmOPe, Coventry, ed. Children's garland from best poets J808-P274C Seudder, Horace E. Children's book J808-SCU25C : AMERICAN POETRY. Coolidge, Susan, /5^«c?.. 5"^^ Wool- sey, Sarah C Dodge, Mary M. Rhymes and jingles J811-D665R English, Thomas D. Boy's book of battle lyrics J811-EN35B Riley, James' W. Rhymes of child- hood J811-R455R Sherman, Frank D. Little-folk lyrics J811-SH55 Woolsey, Sarah C, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) Rhymes and ballads for boys and girls J811-W886 L C— 13 ENGLISH LITERATURE. Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories in English literature. Shakespeare to Tennyson J820-W933S Taliesin to Shakespeare J820-W943T ENGLISH POETRY. Haweis, Mrs. Hugh R. See Haweis, Mary E Haweis, Mary E. Chaucer for child- ren J821-H315C Percy, Bishop Thomas. Boy's Percy. Lanier, Sidney., ^^ J821-P411B ENGLISH DRAflA. Lamb, Charles, & Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare J822-L16614S Seymour, Mary. Shakespeare's sto- ries simply told. Comedies J822-SE96C — Tragedies and histories J822-SE96T 98 JUVENII^E GREEK LITERATURE. ChUPeh, Rev. Alfred J. Stories from the Greek comedians J882-C472C — Stories from the Greek tragedians . J882-C472T — Stories from Homer J883-C472H —Stories of the old world J883-C472S LATIN LITERATURE. Church, Rev. Alfred J. Stories from Uvy J878-C472L — Stories from Virgil J873-C472V TRAVELS ANTIQUITY AND ARCHAEOLOGY ChUFCh, Rev. Alfred J. Roman life in the days of Cicero J913-C472R GENERAL TRAVELS Hale, Edward E. Stories of dis- covery J910-H13S Hall, Capt. C. W. Drifting round the world J910-H14D Kingston, William H. G, Voyage round the world j9to-K6i6V Knox, Thomas W. Travels of Marco I Polo J910-K77M ' — Young Nimrods around the world.. J910-K77Y Reddall, Henry F. From the Golden Gate to the Golden Horn J910-R245G Rhoades, Henry E. Around the world with the blue-jackets .... J910-R345A I Smiles, Samuel, Jr. Round the world J910-SM45R EUROPE BlaekbUPn, Henry. Breton folk; an artistic tour in Brittany J914-B564B ButtePWOrth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the British isles J914-B986B — Zigzag journeys in classic lands . . . J914-B986C — Zigzag journeys in northern lands.. J914-B986N Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Three Vassar girls abroad J914-C358A — Three Vassar girls in England J914-C358E — Three Vassar girls in France J914-C358F — Three Vassar girls in Italy J914-C358I Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey J914-C358R8 — Three Vassar girls in Switzerland . . J914-C358S —Three Vassar girls in the Tyrol J914-C358T — Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. . . J914-C358R CPaik, Mrs. Dinah M. (Mulock). Unknown country, An J914-C844U Hale, Edward E. & Susan. Family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland j9i4-Hi3r4F Knox, Thomas. Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland J914-K77G — Boy travellers in the Russian em- pire J914-K77R SeuddeP, Horace E. Bodley grand- children and their journey in Holland J914-SCU25B — Mr. Bodley abroad J914-SCU25M —Viking Bodleys J914-SCU25V Stockton, Frank R. Personally con- ducted J914-ST65P ASIA AyPton, M. Chaplin. Child-life in Japan and Japanese child stories. J915-AY74C ButtePWOPth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the antipodes J915-B986A — Zigzag journeys in India J915-B9S6I — Zigzag journeys in the Levant J915-B986L Champney, Elizabeth W. Three Vassar girls in the Holy-Land. . . J915-C358H ClaPke, Benjamin. Land of the pig- tail; its people and customs J915-C55L JUVENII.E 99 fpench, Harry W. Our boys in China J915-F886C -Our boys in India J915-F886I rPeey, Edward. Bear-worshippers of Yezo J915-G862B -Wonderful city of Tokio J915-G862T -Young Americans in Japan J915-G862Y GPifflS, William E. Japan in history, folklore and art J915-G873J Knox, Thomas W. Ceylon and India J915-K77C — ^Japan and China J915-K77J — Siam and Java J915-K77S Wise, Daniel. Boy travellers in Arabia J915-W754B AFRICA )U Chaillu, Paul. My Apingi king- dom, with life in the Great Sahara J916-D854A -Country of the dwarfs J916-D854D -Stories of the gorilla country J916-D854G -Wild life under the equator J916-D854W [ale," Edward E., & Susan. Family flight over Egypt and Syria .... J916-H13E [ingston, William H. G. Wilds of Africa J916-K616W Knox, Thomas W. Boy travellers on the Congo J916-K77B — Egypt and the holy land , J916-K77E — Through Africa J916-K77A Martin, Annie. Home life on an ostrich farm J916-M365H NORTH AMERICA lien, William B. Red mountain of Alaska J917-AL54R ButtePWOPth, Hezekiah. Zigzag ^K journeys in Acadia and New ^F France J917-B986A — Zigzag journeys in the sunny South J917-B986S — Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi. J917-B986M Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth. Great- t grandmother's girls in New Mex- ico J917-C358G Three Vassar girls at home J917-C358H SOUTH Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth W. ^^ Three Vassar girls in South ^P America J918-C358S Knox, Thorhas W. Boy travellers in South America J918-K77B OCEANICA AND Hale, Susan. Family flight around home J917-H13F Knox, Thomas W. Boy travellers in Mexico J917-K77M — Young Nimrods in North America. J917-K77Y ObeP, Frederick A. Travels in Mex- ico J917-OB24M Stephens, Charles A. Knockabout club in the tropics . ( Mexico , New Mexico, etc) J917-ST44T — Knockabout club in the woods J917-ST44W AMERICA" ObeP, Frederick A. Knockabout club on the Spanish Main J918OB24S Samuels, Edward A, Thousand miles' walk across South America J917-SA45T POLAR REGIONS [nox, Thomas W. Boy travellers in Australasia J919-K77A -Voyage of the "Vivian' ' to the north pole and beyond J919-K77V Schwatka, Frederick, Children of the cold J919SCH94C JUVENILE— BIOGRAPHY COLLECTIVE. Bolton, Sarah K. Girls who became famous J920-B639G — Poor boys who became famous J920-B638P Boyhood of great men J920-B695 Brooks, Elbridge S. Historic boys. J920-B794H Hale, Edward E. Boys' heroes J920-H13B RELIGION COLLECTIVE. Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. stories of the saints J922-C424S INDIVIDUAL. Luther, Martin. Mayhew, Henry. Boyhood of Martin Luther J922-L975M Paton, John C. Paton, Rev. James. Story of John C. Paton; or, thirty years among the south sea canni- bals J922-P275P SOCIOLOGY COLLECTIVE. FarmeP, Mrs. Lydia H. Girls' book of famous queens J923-F227Q INDIVIDUAL. Boone, Daniel. Abbott, John S. C. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky J923-B645A Carson, Christopher, (Kit Carson.) Abbott, John S. C. Christopher Carson, familiarly known as Kit Carson J923-C237 A Columbus, Christopher. Abbott, John S. C. Christopher Colum- bus J923-C727A COPtez, Hernando. Abbott, John S. C. Hernando Cortez J923-C819A Crockett, David. Abbott, John S. C. Life and adventures J923-C876A Franklin, Benjamin. Abbott, John S. C. Benjamin Franklin J923-F854A — Mayhew, Henry. Young Benjamin Franklin J923-F854M Fremont, John Charles. Upham, Charles W. Life, explorations and public services of John Charles Fremont J923-F884U Garfleld, James A. Alger, Horatio, jr. From canal boy to president; or, boyhood and manhood of James A. Garfield J923-G182A — Brown, E. E. Life and public ser- vices of James A. Garfield J923-G182B — Thayer, William .M. From log cabin to the White House; life of James A, Garfield J923-G1S2T Grant, Gen. Ulysses Simpson. Brown, E. E. Life of Ulysses Simpson Grant J923-G765B — Headley, Rev. Phineas C. Fight it out on this line; life and deeds of Gen. U. S. Grant J923-G765H Kidd, Capt. William. Abbott, John S. C. Capt. William Kidd and other of the pirates J923-K532A La Salle, Robert Cole. Abbott, John S. C. Adventures of La Salle and his companions J923-L332A Lincoln, Abraham. Alger, Horatio, jr. Abraham Lincoln, the back- woods boy J923-L633A — Thayer, William M. The pioneer boy and how he became president J923-L633T Magellan, Feman. Towle, George M. Magellan; or, the first voy- age round the world J923-M272T Mitchel, Major-General Ormsby M. Headley, Rev. Phineas C. Old Star; the military life of Major- General Ormsby M. Mitchel .... J923-M695H Pizarro. Towle, George M. Pi- zarro; his adventures and con- quests J923-P688T Ralegh, Sir Walter. Towle, George M. Ralegh ; his exploits and voyages J923-R139T Roland, Madame. Abbott, John S. C. History of Madame Roland . . J923-R642A Standish, Miles. Abbott, John S. C. riivE Miles Standisli, the captain of the Washington, George. AJibott, John Pilgrims J923-ST21A S. C. George Washington; or, Jtuyvesant, Peter. Abbott, John S. life in America one hundred years C. Peter Stuyvesant, the last ago J923-W275J Dutch governor J923ST98A SCIENCE COLLECTIVE. rpight, Henrietta C. The great scientists J925-W93S INDIVIDUAL. young Humphry Davy J925-D318M Ferguson, James. Mayhew, Henry. Peasant boy philosopher J925-F383M )avy, Sir Humphry. Mayhew, Henry. Wonders of science; or, USEFUL ARTS COLLECTIVE. *aPton, James. Captains of in- dustry J926-P255C INDIVIDUAL. Ericsson, John. Headley, Rev. Phineas C. The miner boy and his monitor J926-ER44H Gutenberg, John. Pearson, Emily C. From cottage to castle; the life of Gutenberg J926-G983P k. FINE ARTS COLLECTIVE. Barnard, Charles. Tone masters; a L musical series for young people. . J927-B253T m ^ff COLLECTIVE. Mitchell, Donald G. About old story-tellers J928-M695A LITERATURE Rideing, W. Henry. Boyhood of living authors JUVENILE-HISTORY HISTORY IN GENERAL Coffin, Charles C. Story of liberty. . J900-C655I, Eggleston, George C. Strange stories from history J900EG35S ANCIENT GENERAL. True stories of ancient history J930-T763 White, John S. Boys' and girls' Hero- dotus J930-W585B CARTHAGE. Hannibal. Abbott, Jaccob. History of Hannibal, the Carthaginian.. J939-H196A EGYPT. Cleopatra. Abbott, Jacob. Cleo- paira, Queen of Egypt J932-C595A GREECE. PyPPhuS. Abbott, Jacob. History of Pyrrhus J938-P998A JUDEA. ChuPCh, Rev. Alfred J. Last days of Jerusalem J933-C472J Josephus, Flavius. Our young folk Josephus simplified by W. Shep- lie^'d J933-J775S MODERN UNIVERSAL AND GENERAL. True stories from modern history .... J909-T763 EUROPE. FPOissaPt, Sir John. Boys' Froissart. J940-F926B Strickland, Agnes. Stories from history J940-ST86S ENGLAND. Alfred, the great. Abbott, Jacob. History of King Alfred of Eng- land J942-AL,28A Charles L Abbott, Jacob. History of King Charles I of England. . . J942-C38A1 Gilman, Arthur. Magna charta stories J900-G424M Johonnot, James. Stories of heroic deeds J900-J665S Yonge, Charlotte M. Golden deeds of all times and all lands. ...... J900-Y84G HISTORY MEDO-PERSIA. Alexander the Great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Alexander the Great J935-AL26A Church, Rev. Alfred J. Story of the ■ Persian war J935-C472P Cyrus, the great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Cyrus the Great J935-C995 A Darius, the great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Darius the Great J935-D245A Xerxes, the Great. History of Xerxes the Great J935-X27 A ROME, ITALY. Caesar, Julius. Abbott, Jacob. His- tory of Julius Csesar J937-C115A Shepard, William. Our young folks' history of the Roman empire ... J937-SH47 Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks' history of Rome J937-Y84 TARTARY. Genghis, Khan. Abbott, Jacob. His- tory of Genghis Khan J950-G284A HISTORY Charles II. Abbott, Jacob. History of King Charles H of England.. J942-C38A2 Dieicens, Charles. Child's history of England J942-D552C Elizabeth. Abbott, Jacob. History of Queen Elizabeth J942-EL,47A Margaret of AnjOU. Abbott, Jacob. History of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI. of England. J942-M337A Richard I. Abbott, Jacob. History of Richard I., of England J942-R382A1 Richard II. Abbott, Jacob. History of Richard H., of England J942-R382A2 Richard III. Abbott. Jacob. His- tory of Richard IH., of England. J942-R382 A3 Rideing, William H. Young folks' JUVENILE 103 history of London J942-R433L, Strickland, Agnes. Tales from En- glish history J942-ST86 Towle, George M. History of Eng- land J942-T653 Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks' history of England J942-Y84 William I. Abbott, Jacob. History of William the Conqueror J942-W673A FRANCE. Henry IV. Abbott, John S. C. His- tory of Henry IV., king of France and Navarre J944-H39A4 Josephine, empress. Abbott; John S. C. History of Josephine J944-J774A Louis XIV. Abbott, John S. C. His- tory of Louis XIV J944-L925A14 Louis Phillipe. Abbott, John S. C. History of Louis Phillipe, king of the French J944-L925AP Maria Antoinette. Abbott, John S. C. History of Maria Antoinette. J944-M338A Yonge, Charlot-e M. Young folks' ^Kr history of France J944-Y84 ^B GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks' ^^ history of Germany J943-Y84 " GREECE. ^^ Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks' ^B history of Greece J949-Y84G ^P ITALY. Bonaparte, Joseph. Abbott, John »S. C. History of Joseph Bona- parte, king of Spain J945-B642A NETHERLANDS. Hortense, queen of Holland. Ab- I^E bott, John S. C. History of Hor- tense J949-H788A William, the sile^tt. Nutting, Mary O., (Mary Barrett, pseud). Story of William the Silent and the Netherland war. 1555-1584 J949-W673N Young, Alexander. Young folks' history of the Netherlands J949-Y85N RUSSIA. Dole, Nathan H. Young folks' his- tory of Russia J947-D684 Peter, the great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Peter the Great, em- peror of Russia J947-P443A SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lip- pincott, Mrs. Sara J Lippineott, Mrs. Sara J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud). Bonnie Scotland; tales of her history, heroes and poets J941-L665B Mary, queen of Scots. Abbott, Jacob. History of Mary Queen of Scots. . J941-M368A Seott, Sir Walter. History of Scot- land. Tales of a grandfather. 3v J941-SCO84 Towle, George M. History of Ire- land J941-T655I NORTH AMERICA. Butterworth, Hezekiah. History of America J970-B986A Higginson, Thomas W. American explorers J970-H535E Philip, king, Indian name Metacom, Sachem of Pokanoket. Abbott, John S. C. History of King Philip, sovereign chief of the Wampanoags J970-P534A Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories in American history J970-W933 Yonge, Charlotte M. & Weld, H. Hastings. Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history J970-Y84A MEXICO. Eggleston, Edward E. & Seelye, Lil- lie E. Montezuma and the con- quest of Mexico J972-EG39M Ober, Frederick A. Young folk his- tory of Mexico J972-OB24 UNITED STATES. Billings, John D. Hardtack and coffee J973-B494H Blaisdell, Albert F. Stories of the civil war J973-B578C Bonner, John. Child's history of United States. 3 V J973-B644U Brooks, Elbridge S. The American sailor in active service J973-B794S — American soldier in war and peace J973-B794S4 Chaplin, John Y).,fr. History of the war for the union J973-C357W Cheney, Mrs. C. Emma. Young folks' history of the civil war. . . . J973-C422 Coffin, Charles C. Boys of '76 J973-C655B — Building the nation J973-C655B4 — Drum-beat of the nation J973-C655D — Freedom triumphant J973-C655F 104 JUVENILE — Marching to victory J973-C655M — Old times in the colonies J973-C655O — Redeeming the republic J973-C655R — Winning his way J973-C655W Eggleston, Edward. First book in American history J973-EG35 A — Household history of the United States J973-EG35U — & Seelye, Lillie E. Brant and Red Jacket J973-EG36B —Pocahontas • J973-EG36P — Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet J973-EG36T Eggleston, George C. Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians J973-EG3514R GbSS, Warren L. Jed; a boy's adven- tures in the army of '61-65 J973-G698J KieffeP, Harry M. Recollections of a drummer-boy J973-K545R Lossing, Benson J. Story of the United States navy J973-L,898N Markham, Richards. Colonial days J973-M343C Shea, John G. Child's history ot the United States. 3v J973-SH3U SPECIAL STATES. Scudder, Horace E. Boston town. J974-SCU25B JUVENILE— FICTION Abandoned claim. Longhead, Flora H J-L923A Abbott, Jacob. — Florence stories (in their order). Florence and John J-AB25F Grimkie J-AB25G Ofkney islands J-AB25O English channel J-AB25E Isle of Wight J-AB25I Florence's return J-AB25F4 — Rollo stories (in their order) . Rollo on the Atlantic J-AB25A Rollo in Paris J-AB25P Rollo in Switzerland J- AB25S7 Rollo in London J-AB25L Rollo on the Rhine J-AB25R Rollo in Scotland J-AB25S Rollo in Geneva J-AB25G Rollo in Holland J-AB25H Rollo in Naples J-AB25N Rollo in Rome . J-AB25R4 Abdallah. Laboulaye, E. R. L J-L115A Adams, William T. (Oliver Optic, pseud.) Indoors and out J-AD14I —Living too fast J-AD14L6 — The blue and the gray series (in their order). Taken by the enemy J-AD14T Within the enemy's lines J-AD14W2 On the blockade J-AD14O2 Stand by the union J-AD14S7 Fighting for the right J-AD14F1 — Boat-builder series (in their order) . All adrift J-AD14A2 Snug harbor J-AD14S4 Square and compass J-AD14S6 Stem to stem J-AD14S9 All taut J-AD14A4 Ready about J-AD14R — Boat-club series (in their order). Boat club J-AD14B3 All aboard J-AD14A Now or Never J-AD14N4 Try again J-AD14T4 Poor and proud J-AD14P4 Little by little J-AD14L4 — Lake-shore series (in their order). Through by daylight J-AD14T2 Lightning express J-AD14L On time J-AD14O4 Switch off J-AD14S12 Brake up J-AD14B5 Bear and forbear J-AD14B — Onward and upward series (in their order). Field and forest '. J-AD14F Plane and plank J-AD14P2 Desk and debit J-AD14D Cringle and cross-tree J-AD14C2 Bivouac and battle J-AD14B2 Sea and shore J-AD14S1 — Sailor boy series (in their order). Sailor boy J-AD14S Yankee middy J-AD14Y2 Brave old salt J-AD14B7 — Soldier boy series (in their order). Soldier boy J-AD14VS5 Young lieutenant J-AD14Y4 Fighting Joe J-AD14F2 — Starry flag series (in their order). Starry flag J-AD14S8 Breaking away. . J-AD14B9 JUVENII.K 105 Seek and find Freaks of fortune •. Make or break Down the river f" — Woodville series (in their order). Rich and humble In school and out Watch and wait Work and win Hope and have Haste and waste I — Yacht club series (in their order;. I/ittie bobtail Yacht club ... Money maker Coming wave Dorcas club Ocean-born Young America abroad. First series (in their order). Outward bound ... Shamrock and thistle Red cross Dikes and ditches Palace and cottage Down the Rhine Young America abroad. Second series (in their order). i Northern lands Cross and crescent Sunny shores Vine and olive Adirondack cabin, Lothrop, Mrs. H.M Adrift in the ice fields. Hall, C. W. Adventures of a brownie. Craik, Mrs. D. M Adventures of Herr Baby. Moles- worth, Mrs. M. Iv Adventures of the sea. Ballantyne, R. M Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb, C. . .£sop- Fables Afar in the forest. Kingston, W. H. S. Against heavy odds. Boyesen, H. H. Alcott, Louisa M. Eight cousins. . . j'= — Garland for girls -Jack and Jill — ^Jo's boys; sequel to Little men — Little men; sequel to Little women — Little women — Old fashioned girl — Rose in bloom; sequel to Eight cousins .... — Shawl-straps — Silver pitchers and Independence. . — Under the lilacs Alden, Mrs. Isabella, (Pansy, ^j^Mof). Her associate member L C — 14 m J-AD14S2 J-AD14F4 J-AD14M J-AD14D8 J-AD14R4 J-AD1414 J-AD14W J-AD14W4 J-AD14H4 J-AD14H J-AD14L2 J-AD14Y J-AD14M4 J-AD14C J-AD14D4 J-AD140 J-AD1406 J-AD14S3 J-AD14R2 J-AD14D2 J-AD14P J-AD14D6 J-AD14N J-AD14C4 J-AD14S11 J-AD14V J-L914A J-H14A J-C845A J-M734A J-B2r4A J-L166U J-AE85F J-K616A J-B696A J-AL18E J-AL18G J-AL18J J-AL18J4 J-AL18L J-AL18L4 J-AL18O J-AL18R J-AL18S J-AL18S4 J-AL18U J-AL22H Alden, William L. Cruise of the canoe club J-AL2217C — Cruise of the Ghost J-AL2217C4 — ^Jimmy Brown J-AL2217J — Moral pirates J-AL2217M — New Robinson Crusoe J-AL2217N Aldrieh, Thomas Bailey. Story of a bad boy J-AL24S Alger, Horatio, yir. Digging for gold J-AL33D — Facing the world J-AL33F — Young boatman of Pine Point J-AL33Y Alice in Wonderland. Dodson, C. L. J-D667A Alice Learmont. Craik, Mrs. D. M. J-C845A4 All aboard. Adams, Wm. T J-AD14A All adrift. Adams, Wm. T J-AD14A2 All around a palette. Champney, Mrs. E J-C358A All taut. Adams, Wm. T J-AD14A4 Among the camps. Page, Thos. N. . J-P145A Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy tales and stories J-AN25F Andrews, Jane. Only a year J-AN27O — Seven little sisters prove their sisterhood J-AN27S — Stories Mother Nature told her children J-AN27S4 —Ten bo}-s .* J-AN27T Another flock of girls. Perry, N... J-P425A Arabian nights J-AR14 Arabian nights' entertainments. Chapman 1S,.0., ed. J-C357A Arctic Crusoe. St. John, P. B J-SA24A Ark of Elm island. Kellogg, E J-K294A Arthur Brown. Kellogg, E J-K294A6 Auerbaeh, Berthold. Little barefoot J-AU32L Aunt Diana. Carey, R. N J-C18816A Aunt Kitty's tales. Mcintosh, M. J . J-M185A Aunt Madge's story. Clarke, R. S. . J-C55A Averil. Carey, R. N J-Ci88r6A7 Baker, Geo. M. Running to waste J-B174R Baker, 5"i> Samuel W, True tales.. J-B17417T Baldwin, Jas. Golden age J-B193G —Roland J-B193R —Siegfried J-B193S Ballantyne, Robert M. Adventures on the sea J-B214A — Coral island J-B214C — Dog Crusoe and his master J-B214D — Erling the bold J-B214E — Gascoyne J-B214G — Gorilla hunters J-2i'4G4 — Hudson bay J-B2 iJH — Lighthouse J-B214L — Shifting winds J-B214S — Ungava J-B214U —World of ice J-B214W — Young fur traders J-B214Y Bamford, Mary E. Eleanor and I. . J-B216E — ^Janet and her father J-B216J 106 JUVENILE Bap HarbOP days. Harrison, Mrs. C. C J-H245B4 BaPkeP, Lady Mary A. Stories about '. J-B243S Bapon Munchausen. Raspe, R. E. . J-R184B BaPOn Trump's marvelous under- ground journey. Lockwood J-L816B BaPP, Mrs. Amelia E. Michael and Theodora J-B27M Basil Woollcomb, midshipman. Knight, A. L J-K744B Battle and a boy, A. Howard B. W. J-H833B Battle of New York. Stoddard, Wm. O J-ST67B BeaP and forbear, Adams, Wm. T. J-AD14B BeaP hunters of the Rocky mount- ains. Bowman, Anne. J-B684B Bee-man of Orn and other tales. Stockton, F J-ST65B Behind time. Lathrop, G. P J-L345B Belle-Nivernaise, La. Daudet, A J-D265B Betty, a butterfly. Plympton, A. G. J-P746B Betty Leicester. Jewett, S. O J-J555I7B Biding" his time. Trowbridge, J. T. . J-T75717B Bimbi. Rame, L. de la J-R144B Bivouac and battle. Adams, W. T. J-AD14B2 Black beauty. Sewell, A .*. J-SE86B Blue dragon. Peard, F. M J-P315B Boat club. Adams, W. T J-AD14B3 Bodley family in town and country. Scudder, H. E J-SCU25B Bodley grandchildren and their jour- ney in Holland. Scudder, H. E. J-SCU25B2 Bodleys afoot. Scudder, H. E J-SCU25B4 Bodleys telling stories. Scudder, H. E J-SCU-25B6 Bound in honor. Trowbridge, J. T. . J-T75717B5 Bouvet, Marquerite. Little Mar- jorie's love story J-B668L —Prince tip-top J-B668P —Sweet William J-B668S Bowman, Anne. Bear hunters of the Rocky mountains J-B684B Boy convict of Bermuda. Winslow, M. E J-W735B Boy emigrants. Brooks, N J-B79415E Boy farmers. Kellogg, E J-K294B Boy hunters. Reid, M J-R275B Boy-LollaPd. Reed, F J-R272B Boy settlers. Brooks, N J-B79415S Boy slaves. Reid, M J-R275B2 Boy tar. Reid, M J-R275B4 Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Against heavy odds J-B696A Boy's town, A. Howell's, W. D. ... J-H837B BpabOUPne, Lord. Friends and foes from fairy land J-B723F BPakeup. Adams, W. T J-AD14B5 Bpamston, Mary. Pair of cousins. . J-B736P BPave girls Catherwood, M. H., & others J-C285B Bpave old salt. Adams, W. T J-AD14B7 Breaking away. Adams, W. T J-AD14B9 BPic-a-bPac stories. Harrison, Mrs. C. C J-H245B BPOOkS, Elbridge S. Storied holi- days J-B794S BPOOks, Noah. Boy emigrants J-B79415E — Boy settlers J-B79415S BPOthePton, Alice W. What the wind told the tree tops J-B796W BPOUght to the front. Kellogg, E. . J-K294B4 BPUin. Reid, M J-R275B6 BPUSh, Mary E. Paul and Persis. ... J-B836P Bunny stories, jewett, J. H J-J555B BuPnett, Mrs. Frances H. Editha's burglar J-B935E — 'Giovanni and the other J-B935G — Little Lord Fauntleroy J-B935L — Little Saint Elizabeth & other sto- ries J-B935L4 — Sara Crewe J-B935S Bupning of Rome. Church, A. J. . . J-C472B BuPton-HaPPison. See Harrison, Mrs. C. C Bupying the hatchet. Kellogg, E. . J-K294B6 Bush boys. Reid, M J-B275B8 ButtePWOPth, Hezekiah. In the boyhood of Lincoln J-B986I — Log schoolhouse on the Columbia.. J-B986L By England's aid. Henty, G. A J-H397B By pike and dyke. Henty, G. A J-H397B6 Cab and caboose. Munroe, Kirk. . . . J-M925C2 Cabin in the clearing. Ellis. E. S. . J-EL56C Cadets of Fleming Hall. Ray, A. C. J-R214C Camp in the mountains. Ellis, E. S. J-EL56C4 Camp-mates. Munroe, K J-M925C Canoe-mates. Munroe, K J-M925C4 Captain Sam. Eggleston, G. C J-EG3514C CaPey, Mrs. M., tr. Fairy legends of the French provinces J-C188F CaPey, Rosa N. Aunt Diana J-C18816A — Averil J-C18816A7 —Esther; a book for girls J-C18816E —Little Miss Muffet J-C18816L — Merle's crusade J-C18816M —Our Bessie J-C1S816O CaPl Kpinken. Warner, A. B. & S.. J-W24413C CaPPOll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodson, Charles L CaPPOtS. Molesworth, iJ/rj:. M. L. .. J-M734C CaspeP and his friends. Warner, A. B J-W244C Cast away in the cold. Hayes, Dr. I. I J-H325C Castleman, Harry. Marcy the refugee J-C277M — Two ways of becoming a hunter. . . J-C277T JUVENILE 107 at of the Bubastes, Henty, G. A. .. Cat stories. Jackson, H. H CathePWOOd, Mary H. & others. Brave girls Cat's Arabian nights. Diaz, Mrs. |H A- M I ^KCedaPS, The. Craigen, Mrs. Louisa T Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs, J., ed. . . . Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth. All ^K around a palette ^ — Great-grandmother's girls in New ^B France . ^ — In the sky-garden ^B— Witch Winnie; the story of a ^^ "king's daughter" — Witch Winnie's mystery — Witch Winnie's studio ' Chaney, George L. F. Grant & Co. I Chapel of the infant Jesus. Filley, ■ C.I Chapman, E. O., ed. Arabian nights' entertainments ChaPleswOPth, M. L., ed. Minister- ing children Charlie Bell. Kellogg, E Chase of the leviathan. Reid, M. . . Cheney, Mrs. Ednah D. Child of Kthe tide — Sally Williams Child life. Whittier, J. G Child of the island glen. Kellogg, E. Child of the tide. Cheney, E. D. . . . Childpen of Wilton chase. Meade, L. T Children's book. Scudder, H. E. . . ChPistmas child. Molesworth, Mrs. H M. L ^■ChPistmas posy. Molesworth, Mrs. B M. L ^■ChPistmas-tPee land. Molesworth, ^B Mrs.M.I, ^■ChPistmas with grandma Elsie. Fin- ^f ley.M Chpystal, Jack & Co. Munroe, K. . ChuPCh, Rev. Arthur J. Burning of Rome — Count of the Saxon shore — Three Greek children . . _. — With the king at Oxford — Young Macedonian ClaPk, H. H. Joe Bently ; naval cadet ClaPke, Rebecca S., (Sophie May, pseud.). Drone's honey — Little Prudy stories (in their order). Little Prudy Little Prudy's sister Susy Little Prudy's Captain Horace. . . J-H397C J-J132C J-C285B J-D543C J-C843C J-J154C J-C358A J-C358G J-C358I J-C358W J-C358W4 J-C358W6 J-C364F J-F483C J-C357A J-C384M J-K294C J-R275C J-C424C J-C424S J-W615C J-K294C4 J-C424C J-M464C J-SCU25C J-M634C2 J-M734C4 J-M734C6 J-F494C J-M925C6 J-C472B J-C472C J-C472T J-C472W J-C472Y J-C547J J-C55D8 J-C55lv3 J-C55I.7 J-C55M Little Prudy's cousin Grace J-C55L5 Little Prudy's story book J-C55L8 Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple J-C55L6 — Dotty Dimple series (in their order). Dotty Dimple at her grand- mother's J-C55D2 Dotty Dimple out west J-C55D6 Dotty Dimply at school J-C55D5 Dotty Dimple at home J-C55D3 Dotty Dimple at play J-C55D4 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway J-C55D7 — Little Prudy Flyaway series (in their orc^er). Little folks astray '. J-CsSl^ Prudy keeping house J-C55P Aunt Madge's story J-C55A Little grandmother J-C55L2 Little grandfather. J-C55L1 Miss Thistledown J-C55M ClaPke, Rebecca S., (Sophia May, pseud. 1 — Quinnebasset series (in their order) Doctor's daughter J-C55D In old Quinnebasset J-C551 Classic tales. Edgeworth, M J-Eb37C Cliff-elimbep; sequel to plant hunt- ers. Reid, M J-R275C4 Clocks of Rondaine. Stockton, F. R. J-ST65C Colonel's money. Lillie, L. C J-L626C Colonial boy. Eyster, Mrs. N. B. . . J-EY74C Coming' wave. Adams, W. T J-AD14C Condemned as a nihilist: a story of escape from Siberia J-H397C Constable's tower. Yonge, Mrs. CM J-Y84C Coolidge, Susan. 5^. . . . J-AL33D Dikes and ditches. Adams, W. T. . . J-AD14D2 Doctor's daughter. Clarke, R. S. . . J-C55D Dodge, Mary (Mapes). Donald and Dorothy J-D665D — Hans Brinker; or, the silver skates. J-D665H Dodgson, Chas. L. Alice in wonder- land J-D667A — Sylvie and Bruno J-D667S — Through the looking-glass J-D667T Dog Crusoe and his master. Ballan- tyne, R. M J-B214D Dogs and their doings. Morris, F. O. J-M834D Dollikens and the miser. Eaton, F. J-EA84D Donald and Dorothy. Dodge, M. (M.) J-D665D Dorcas club. Adams, W. T J-AD14D4 Dorothy's experience. Trafton, A.. J-T675D Dory mates. Munroe, K J-M925D5 Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's. Clarke, R. S J-C55D2 Dotty Dimple at home. Clarke, R. S. J-C55D3 Dotty Dimple at play. Clarke, R. S. J-C55D4 Dotty Dimple at school. Clarke, R.s J-C55D5 Dotty Dimple out west. Clarke, R. S. J-C55D6 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. Clarke, R. S J-C55D7 Douglas, Amanda. Larry J-D748L " — Lost in a great city J-D748L5 — Old woman who lived in a shoe .... J-D748O — Kathie stories (in their order). Kathie's three wishes J-D748K5 Kathie's Aunt Ruth J-D748K Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. . J-D748K4 Kathie's soldiers J-D748K3 In the ranks J-D748I Kathie's harvest days J-D748K2 Down the Mississippi. Ellis, E. S. . . J-EL56D Down the Rhine. Adams, W T J-AD14D6 Down the river. Adams, W. T J-AD14D8 Down the West branch. Farrar, C. A. J J-F245D Dragon and the raven. Henty, G. A. J-H397D6 Drone's honey. Clarke, R. S J-C55D8 Drummer boy. Trowbridge, J. T. . . J-T75717D Du Chaillu, Paul Lost in the jungle J-D854L Eastward, ho ! Farrar, C. A. J J-F245E Eaton, Frances. Dollikens and the miser J-EA84D Edgeworth, Maria. Classic tales. . . J-ED37C — Moral tales J-ED37M Editha's burglar. Burnett, Mrs. F. H J-B935E Eggleston, E. D. Hoosier school boy J-EG35H — Queer stories for boys and girls. . . . J-EG35Q Eggleston, Geo. C. Captain Sam .. . J-EG3514C —Signal boys J-EG3514S Eight cousins. Alcott, L. M J-AD18E Eleanor, and I. Bamford, M. E J-B216E Electrical boy. Trowbridge, J J-T75717E Ellis, Edward S. Down the Missis- sippi J-EL56D — Lost in Samoa J-EL56L5 —Star of India J-EL56S —Tad J-EL56T — Boy pioneer series (in their order). Ned in the block house J-EL56N Ned in the woods J-EL56N2 Ned on the river J-EL56N4 JUVENILE 109 Deerfoot series fin their order) « Camp on the mountains J-KL56C4 Last war trail J-EL56IV AVyoming series (in their order). Storm mountain J-EL56S4 Cabin in the clearing J-EL56C Elsie and the Raymonds. Finley, M. J-F494E Elsie at Nantucket. Finley M J-F494E2 Elsie at Viamede. Finley, M J-F494E3 Elsie Dinsmore. Finley, M J-F494E4 Elsie yachting with the Raymonds. Finley, M J-F494E5 Elsie's children. Finley, M J-F494E6 Elsie's friends at Woodburn. Fin- ley, M J-F494E7 Elsie's girlhood. Finley, M J-F494E8 Elsie's holidays at Roselands. Fin- ley, M J-F494E9 Elsie's kith and kin. Finley, M J-F494E11 Elsie's motherhood. Finley, M. ... J-F494E12 Elsie's new relations. Finley, M.... J-F494E13 Elsie's vacation. Finley, M . . . . J-F494E14 Elsie's widowhood, Finley, M. J-F494E15 Elsie's womanhood. Finley, M J-F494E16 End of a rainbow. Johnson, R J-J634E English channel. Abbott, J J-AB25E Erie, or little by little. Farrar.F. W. J-F24514E Erling" the bold. Ballantyne, R. M. . J-B214E Esther, a book for girls. Carey, R. N. J-C18816E IEtheridge, Mary Lee. Mrs. Muff [ and her friends J-ET35M Ewing, Julia H. Flat-iron for a r farthing J-EW55F f— Great emergency J-EW55G ^Jackanapes and other stories J-EW55J — Jan of the windmill J-EW45J4 —Lob lie-by-the-fire JEW55L — Melchior's dream J-EW55M — Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. . J-EW55M4 —Six to sixteen J-EW75S —We and the world J-EW55W EysteP, Mrs. Nellie B. Colonial boy J-EY74C F. Grant & Co. Chaney, G. L J-C364F Fables. ^Esop J-AE85F Facing the world. Alger, Yi.,jr J-AL33F Fairies of our garden. Watson, E, H. J-W335F Fairy book. Laboulaye, E. R. L J-L115F Fairy legends of the French pro- vinces. Carey, Mrs. M J-C188F Fairytales. Hacklander, F. W., & others J-H115F Fairy tales and stories. Andersen, H. C J-AN25F Fairy tales in other lands. God- f^ard, J J-G544F Farrar, Capt. Chas. — Lake and forest series (in their order). Eastward, ho J-F245E Wild woods life J-F245W Down the West branch J-F245D North branch J-F245N Farrar, Frederick W. Eric, or little by little J-F245 14E Fenn, George Manville. Grand cha- co, The J-F364G Field and Forest. Adams, W. T.. . . J-AD14F Fighting for the right. Adams, W. T J-AD14F1 Fighting Joe. Adams, W. T J-AD14F2 Filley, Mrs. Chauncey I. Chapel of the infant Jesus J-F483C Finley, Martha — Elsie books (in their order) Elsie Dinsmore '. . . . J-F494E4 Elsie's holiday at Roselands J-F494E9 Elsie's girlhood J-F494E8 Elsie's womanhood J-F494E16 Elsie's motherhood J-F494Er2 Elsie's children J-F494E6 Elsie's widowhood J-F494E15 Grandmother Elsie J-F494G Elsie's new relations J-F464F13 Elsie at Nantucket J-F494E2 The two Elsies J-F494T Elsie's kith and kin J-F494F11 Elsie's friends at Woodburn J-F494E7 Christmas with Grandma Elsie.. J-F494C Elsie and the Raymonds J-F494E Elsie yachting with the Ray- monds J-F594E5 Elsie's vacation J-F494E14 Elsie at Viamede. J-F494E3 — Mildred books (in their order). Mildred Keith J-F494M6 Mildred at Roselands J-F494M4 Mildred's married life J-F494M8 Mildred and E'sie J-F494M Mildred at hopie J-F494M2 Mildred's boys and girls J-F494M7 Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove. Kel- log, E J-K294F Five little peppers. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M J-L914F Five little peppers grown up. Loth- rop, Mrs. H. M J-L914F2 Five little peppers midway. Loth- rop, Mrs. H. M J-L914F4 Flamingo feather. Munroe, K J-M925F Flat-iron for a farthing. Ewing, J. H J-EW55F Flip wing the spy. Wesselhoeft, L.T. J-W515F Florence and John. Abbott, J J-AB25F Florence's return. Abbott, J J-AB25F4 Flying-hill farm. Swett, S . . J-SW34F For name and fame. Henty, G. A. . J-H397F For the temple. Henty, G. A J-H397F4 Forest exiles ; or perils of a Peruvian 110 JUVENILE family amid the Wilds ot the Amazon. Reid, Capt. M J-R275F Forest Glen. Kellogg, E J-K294F4 Fortunes of Toby Trafford. Trow- bridge, J. T J-175717 Four on an island. Meade, L. T. . . . J-M464F Four- winds farm. Moles worth, Mrs. L- M J-M734F Frazar, Douglas. Log of the Mary- land J-F865L Freaks of fortune. Adams, W. T. . . J-AD14F4 Freedom's cause. Henty, G. A J-H397F6 Fremont, Jessie B. Will and way stories J-F884W French, Alice, (Octave Thanet, pseud.). We all • J-F886W French country family. Witt, Hen- riette de J-W785F Friends and foes from fairy land. Brabourne, Lord J-B723F Garland for girls. Alcott, L. M . . J-AL18G Gascoyne. Ballantyne, R. M J-B214G Gasltell, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lizzie Leigh and other tales J-G214L Gautier, Theophile. My household pets J-G236M Gilman, John B. Kingdom of coins. J-G424K Giovanni and the other. Burnett, ^^•H J-B935G Girls and I, The. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L J-M734G Goddard, Julia. Fairy tales in other lands J-G544F Golden age. Baldwin, Jas J-B193G Good old times. Kellogg, E J-K294G Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne, R. M. . J-B214G4 Gould, Baring. Grettir the outlaw. . J-G73G Graham, Ennis, pseud. See Moles- worth, Mrs. M. L Grand Chaco. The. Fenn, G. M J-364G Grandmother dear. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L J-M734G Grandmother Elsie. Finley, M J-F494G Grant, Jas. Dick Rodney J-G765J Grant, Robert. Jack Hall J-G76516J Gray, Ellis, pseud. See Craigen, Mrs. Louisa T Great emergency. Ewing, Juliana H. J-EW55G Great-grandmother's girls in New France. Champney, Tf/^jr. E. . . . J-C358G Green mountain boys. Thompson, D.P J-T374G Greenwood, Grace, /.v^wof. See \a^- pincott, Mrs. S. J Grettir, the outlaw. Gould, Baring. J-G73G Grimkie, Abbott j J-AB25G Grimm, W. K. ed. Household sto- ries J-G885H Hat)l)e]fton, John. Who was Paul r Grayson? J-H113W Hacklander, F. W.& others. Fairy tales J-H115F Hale, Rev. Edward E. Stories of Adventure J-H13S — & Lucretia P. New Harry and Ivucy J-H1313N Hale, Lucretia P. Peterkin papers. . J-H1315P Half a dozen boys. Ray, A. C J-R214H Hall, Capt. Charles W. Adrift on the icefields J-H14A Hamerton, Philip G. Harry Blount. J-H175H Hamilton, Gail. See Dodge, Mary M Hans Brinker; or The silver skates. Dodge, M. (M.) J-D665H Hanson, Chas. H. Stories of the days of King Arthur J-H196S — Wandering of Aeneas J-H196S Hard maple. Warner, A. B J-W244H Hardscrabble. Kellogg, E J-K294H Harley, Dr. Young Crusoe J-H226Y Harris, Joel C. Daddy Jake J-H24D — On the plantation J-H24O Harrison, Mrs. Constance C. Bar Harbor days J-H245B4 — Bric-a-brac stories J-H245B Harry Blount. Hamerton, p. G. . . J-H175H Harry Milvaine; or the wanderings of a wayward boy. Stables, G. J-ST13H Haste and waste. Adams, W. T J-AD14H Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder book. Tanglewood tales, etc. . . . J-H315W Hayes, Dr. Isaac I. Cast away in the cold J-H325C Hays, Mrs. W. J. Prince Lazybones J-H335P Heidi. Spyri, J J-SP97H Henty, G. A. By England's aid J-H397B — By pike and dyke J-H397B6 — Cat of the Bubastes J-H397C — Condemned as a nihilist; a story of escape from Siberia J-H397C5 — Dash for Khartoum J-H397D — Dragon and the raven J-H397D6 — For name and fame J-H397F — For the temple , J-H397F4 — Freedom's cause J-H397F6 — In the reign of terror J-H397I — In times of peril J-H397I4 — ^Jack Archer J-H397J — Sheer pluck J-H397S ^-Tales of daring and danger J-H397T — Under Drake's flag J-H397U —With Clive in India J-H397W — With Lee in Virginia J-H397 W5 —With Wolfe in Canada J-H397W8 — Young buglers J-H397Y — Young Carthaginians J-H397Y2 — Young franc-tireurs J-H397Y4 JUVENILE 111 Hep associate members. Alden Mrs.l. J-AL,22H Heroes of Greek fairy tales. Kings- ley, C J-K614H His one fault. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717H ■ HoosieP school boy. Eggleston, . E. D J-EG35H Hope and have. Adams, W. T J-AD14H4 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie, I,. C J-Iv626H Household stories. Grimm, W., eJ . J-G885H Howard, Blanche W. A battle and a boy J-H833B HowellS, Wm. D. Boy's town, A. . . J-H837B Hudson bay. Ballantyne, R. M J-B214H Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford J-H876T — Tom Brown's school days J-H876T4 In Blue Creek caiion. Ray, A. C. . . . J-R214I In doors and out. Adams, W. T J-AD14I In old Quinnebasset. Clarke, R. S.. J-C55I In school and out. Adams, W. T.. . . J-AD14I4 In the boyhood of Lincoln. Butter- worth, H J-B9S6I In the eastern seas. Kingston, W. H. G J-K616I In the high valley. W.oolsey, S. C. . . J-W8S6I In the ranks. Douglas, A J-D748I In the reign of terror. Henty, G. A . J-H397I In the sky garden. Champney, Mrs. E J-C358I In times of peril. Henty, G. A J-H397I4 HjingelOW, Jean. Mopsa the fairy. . . . J-IN44M ^p-Sister's bye-hours J-IN44S Into unknown seas. Ker, D J-K45I Irving, Fannie B. Six girls J-IR85S Is it true; tales curious and wonder- ^. ful. Craik, Mrs. D. M J-C845I HpDsle of Wight. Abbott, J J-AB25I '^*Jaek and Jill. Alcott,,Iv. M J-AL18J Jack Archer. Henty G. A J-H397J Jack Hall. Grant, R J-G76516J Jackanapes and other stories. IK Ewing, J. H J-EW55J HSaekson, Helen H. Cat stories J-J132C Jacobs, Joseph, ^rf. Celtic fairy tales J-J154C Jamison, 3/r5. C. V. Lady jane J-J245L Jan of the wind-mill. Ewing, J. H. J-EW55J4 Janet and her father. Bamford, M. E. J-B216J Jewett, John H. Bunny stories. The J-J555B Jewett, Sarah O. Betty Leicester. . . J-J55517B — Playdays J-J555I7P Jimmy Brown. Alden, W. L . . . . J-AL2217J Joe Bentley, naval cadet. Clark, H.H. J-C547J John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg, E.. J-K294J Johnson, Rossiter. End of a rain- bow J-J634E Jolly rover. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717J Jones, C. A. Little Sir Nicholas J-J71L Jo's boys ; sequel to Little men. Al- cott,L. M J-AL18J4 Jo's opportunity. Lillie, L. C J-L626J Kathie'S aunt Ruth. Douglas, A. . . J-D758K Kathie'S harvest days. Douglas, A. J-D748K2 Kathie'S soldiers. Douglas, A J-D748K3 Kathie'S summer at Cedarwood. Douglas, A J-D748K4 Kathie'S three wishes. Douglas, A. J-D748K5 Kellogg, I^ev. Elijah. — Elm Island series (in their order). Lion Ben J-K294L Charlie Bell J-K294C Ark of Elm island J-K294A Boy farmers J-K294B Young ship builders J-K294Y4 Hardscrabble J-K294H — Forest Glen series (in their order). Sowed by the wind J-K294S2 Wolf run J-K294W6 Brought to the front. . . J-K294B4 Mission of Black Rifle. J-K294M Forest Glen J-K294F4 Burying the hatchet J-K294B6 — Good old times series (in their order). Live oak boys J-K294L4 Unseen hand J-K294U Strong arm J-K294S8 Good old times J-K294G — Pleasant Cove series (in their order). Arthur Brown J-K294A6 Young deliverers J-K294Y Cruise of the Casco J-K294C6 Child of the island glen J-K294C4 John Godsoe's legacy J-K294J Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove ... J-K294F — Whispering pine series (in their order) Stout heart J-K294S6 Spark of genius J-K294S4 Sophomores of RadcliflFe J-K294S Whispering pines JK294W Turning of the tide J-K294T Winning his spurs J-K294W4 Kelp-gathers. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717K Ker, David. Into unknown seas. . .. J-K45I —Lost city J-K45L King of the Golden river. Ruskin , J . J-R894K King Tom and the runaways. Pen- dleton, L J-P374K Kingdom of coins. Gilman, J. B. . . J-G424K King's daughter. Dickinson, Mrs. E. E J-D565K Kingsley, Chas. Heroes of Greek fairy tales J-K614H — Water babies & Madame How and Lady Why J-K614W Kingston, Wm. H. G. Afar in the forest J-K616A 112 JUVENII.E —Cruise of the Frolic J-K616C — In the eastern seas J-K616I Kingston, Wm. H. G. My j&rst voy- age J-K616M — New Granada J-K616N —South sea whaler J-K616S4 —Wilds of Africa J-K616W Knight, Arthur Lee. Basil Wooll- conil)e, midshipman J-K744B Laboulaye, E. R. L. Abdallah. ... J-L115A — Fairy book J-L115F Lady Jane. Jamison, Mrs. C. V. ... J-J245L Lamb, Chas. Adventures of Ulysses J-L166U — & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare . J-L,i66i4T Lanees of Lynwood. Yonge, C. M.. J-Y84L, Last war trail. Ellis, E. S J-EL56L Lathrop, Geo. P. Behind time J-L345B Lawrence's adventures. Trow- bridge, J. T J-T57517IV Left behind. Otis, J J-OT44L Left on Ival:)rador. Stephens, C. A . . ST44L Leighton, Robert. Pilots of Pomona J-L535P Lighthouse. Ballantyne, R. M J-B214IV Lightning express. Adams, W. T. . J-AD14L Lillie, Lucy C. Colonel's money. .. . J-L626C —Household of Glen Holly J-L626H — Jo's opportunity J-L626J — Mildred's bargain J-L626M —Nan J-L626N — Rolf house; sequel to Nan. J-L626R Lion Ben. Kellog, E . ! J-K294L Lippineott, Mrs. Sara J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud). My child- hood J-L665M — Stories from famous ballads J-L665S Little barefoot. Auerbach, B J-AU32L Little Bobtail. Adams, W. T J-AD14L2 Little by little. Adams, W. T J-AD14L4 Little Captain Doppellkop. Lock- Wood, I J-L816L Little country girl. Woolsey, S J-W886L Little folks astray, Clarke, R. S. . .. J-C55L Little folks east and west. Shattuck, H. P J-SH25L Little grandfather. Clarke, R. S . . . J-C55LI Little grandmother. Clarke, R. S . . J-C55L2 Little lame prince. Craik, 3Irs. D. M J-L845L Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett, Mrs. F. H J-B935L Little Lucy's wonderful globe. Yonge, Mrs. CM J-Y84L4 Little Marjorie's love story. Bou- vet, M J-B668L Little master. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717L5 Little Meg's children. Smith. H... J-SM5L Little men ; sequel to Little women. Alcott, L. M J-AL18L Little millers. Merriman, E. W.... J-M555L Little Miss Muffet. Carey, R. N Little Prudy. Clarke, R. S Little Prudy's Captain Horace. Clarke, R. S Little Prudy's cousin Grace. Clarke, R. S Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. Clarke, R. S Little Prudy's sister Susy. Clarke, R. S Little Prudy's story book. Clarke, R. S Little Saint Elizabeth and other stories. Burnett, Mrs. F. H Little Sir Nicholas. Jones, C. A Little Smoke. Stoddard, W. O Little Sunshine's holiday. Craik, Mrs. D. M Little Tommy. Ober, S. E Little women. Alcott, L. M Live-oak boys. Kellogg, E Living too fast. Adams, W. T Lizzie Leigh and other tales. Gas- kell, Mrs. E. C Lob lie-by-the-fire. Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Locke Amsden. Thompson, D. P. . . Loekwood, Ingersoll. Baron Trump's marvelous underground journey. — Little Captain Doppellkop Log of the Maryland. Frazar, D. . . . Log school house on the Columbia. Butterworth, H Long ago. Craigen, Mrs. L. T Lost city. Ker, D Lost Gip. Smith, H Lost hero, A. Ward, E. S. P., & H. D. Lost in Samoa. Ellis, E. S Lost in the jungle. Du Chaillu, P. . . Lost Jewel. Spofford, H. P Lost Mountain. Reid, M Lothpop, Amy, pseud. See Warner, Anna B Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet M. (Margaret Sidney, pseud.) Adirondack cabin — Five little Peppers — Five little Peppers midway — Five little Peppers grown up — Rob, a story for boys Loughead, Flora H. Abandoned claim. The Lummis, Chas. F. New Mexico David Lynx hunting. Stephens, C. A McCabe, Jas. D. jr. Planting the wilderness Maedonald, George. Dealings with the fairies — Ranald Bannerman's boyhood J-18816L J-C55L3 J-C55L4 J-C55L5 J-C55L6 J-C55L7 J-C55L8 J-B935L4 J-J71L J-ST67L J-C845L4 J-OB24L J-AL18L4 J-K294L4 J-AD14L6 J-G214L J-EW55L J-T374IV J-L816B J-L816L J-F865L J-B986L J-C843L J-K45L J-SM5L5 J-W21L J-EL56L5 J-D854L J-SP64L J-R275IV J-L914A J-L914F J-L914F2 J-L914F4 J-L914R J-L923A J-L975N J-ST44L8 J-M124P J-M144D J-M144R JUVENItE 113 •Rough shaking J-M144R5 Mcintosh, Maria J. Aunt Kitty's tales J-M185A — Meta Gray J-M185M Make or break. Adams, W. T J-AD14M Man of war. NordhofT, C J-N755M __Man-eaters and other odd people. ^P Reid, M J-R275M Mapcy, the refugee. Castletnon, Harry J-C277M Marryat, Capt. Frederick. Master- man Ready J-M347M MaPtin Merrivale. Trowbridge J. T. J-T75717M Mapy Jane papers; a book for girls. Plympton, A. G J-P746M MasteP Rockafellar's voyage. Rus- sell, W. C J-R914M MastePman Ready. Marryat, Capt. J-M347M Matthews, James Brander. Tom Paulding J-M434T May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, Re- becca S Meade, L. T. Children of Wilton chase J-M464C — Four on an island J-M464F —Palace beautiful J-M464P — Polly, a new fashioned girl J-M464P5 —World of girls J-M464W MelehiOP'S dream. Ewing, J. H J-EW55M Men of iron. Pyle, H J-P998M Merchant vessel. Nordhoff, C J-N755M4 MePle'S crusade. Carey, R. N J-Ci88i6M MePPiman, Effie W. Little millers J.-M555L — Pards J-M555P Mepy, J. Through thick and thin. . . J-M557T Meta Gray. Mcintosh, M.J J-M185M Michael and Theodore. Barr, A. E. J-B27M MildPed and Elsie. Finley, M J-F494M MildPed at home. Finley, M J-F494M2 MildPed at Roselands. Finley, M . . J-F494M4 MildPed Keith. Finley, M J-M494M6 MildPed's bargain. L,illie, A. C J-L626M MildPed's boys and girls J-F494M7 MildPed's married life, Finley, M.. J-F494M8 MlnlstePing children. Charles- worth, M. L, J-C384M Miss Moore. Craik, Mrs. D. M J-C845M Miss Thistledown. Clarke, R. S. . . J-C55M Mission of Black Rifle. Kellogg, E. J-K294M Mp. RuthfOPd's children. Warner, A. B J-W244M Mp. Stubbs' brother; a sequel to Toby Tyler. Otis, J J-OT44M MPS. Muff and her friends. Ethe- ridge, M. L J-ET35M MPS. OvePtheway'S remembrances. Ewing, J. H J-EW55M4 MoleswOPth, Mrs. Mary L., (Ennis Graham , pseud. ) . Adventures of L c— 15 Herr Baby — Carrots. — Christmas child — Christmas posy — Christmas-tree land — Cuckoo clock — Four Winds farm — Girls and I, the — Grandmother dear — Next-door house — Rosy — Tapestry room — Tell me a story — Two little waifs —Us Money maker. Adams, W. T Moopehead, Warren K. Wanneta the Sioux Mopsa the fairy. Ingelow, J MoPal pirates. Alden, W. L Mopal tales. Edgeworth, M MoPe good times at Hackmatack. Smith, M. P. W MoppIs, Rev. Francis O. Dogs and their doings. . . Mulock. See Craik, Mrs. Dinah M. . MunPOe, Kirk — Cab and caboose — Canoe mates — Camp mates — Chrystal, Jack & Co — Derrick Sterling — Dorymates — Flamingo feather — Prince Dusty — Raftmates —Wakulla My childhood. Lippincott, Mrs. S.J. My first voyage. Kingston, W. H. G. My household of pets. Gautier, T. . . . My Kalulu. Stanley, H. M Nan. Lillie, L. C Ned in the block house. Ellis, E. S. Ned in the woods. Ellis, E. S Ned on the river. Ellis, E. S Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge, J. T NeighbOPS' wives. Trowbridge, J. T. New Granada. Kingston, W. H. G. New Harry and Lucy. Hale, E. E. & L. P New Mexico David. Lummis, C. F. New Robinson Crusoe. Alden, W. L. New year's bargain. Woolsey, S. C. Next-dOOP house. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L NOPdhoff, Charles. Man of war life. — Merchant vessel — Whaling and fishing J-M734A J-M734C J-M734C2 J-M734C4 J-M734C6 J-M734C8 J-M734F J-M734G . J-M734G J-M734N J-M734R J-M734T J-M734T4 J-M734T7 J-M734U J-AD14M4 J-M786W J-IN44M J-AL2217M J-ED37M J-SM515M J-M834D J-M925C J-M925C4 J-M925C2 J-M925C6 J-M925D J-M925D5 J-M935F J-M925P J-M925R J-M925W J-L665M J-K616M J-G236M J-ST24M J-L626N J-EL56N J-EL56N2 J-EL56N4 J-T75717N J-T75717N5 J-K616N J-Hi3r3N J-L975N J-AL2217N J-W886N J-M734N J-N755M J-N755M4 J-N755W 114 JUVENILE North branch. Farrar, C. A. J J-F245N NoPthern lands. Adams, W. T J-AD14N Now or never. Adams, W. T. J-ADI4N4 NiipnbePg stove. Rame, L. de la. . . J-R144N ObeP, Sarah E. Little Tommy J-OB24L Oeean-bopn. Adams, w. T J-AD14O Ogden, Ruth. Courage J-OG24C Old-fashioned girl. Alcott, L. M. . J-AL18O Old, old fairytales. Valentine, Mrs., ed J-V235O Old woman who lived in a shoe. Douglas, A J-D748O On the blockade. Adams, W. T J-AD14O2 On the plantation. Harris, J. C J-H24O On time. Adams, W. T J-AD14O4 Only a year. Andrews, J J-AN26O Only girls. Townsend, V. F J-T664O Only sister. An. Witt, H, de J-W785O Optie, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T Opkney islands. Abbott, J J-AB25O OsbOPne, S. McAllester. Country boy's centennial & Little Buttons J-OS15C Otis, James. Left behind J-OT44L — Mr. Stubbs' brother; sequel to Toby Tyler '... J-OT44M —Raising the "Pearl" J-OT44R —Silent Pete J-OT44S —Tim and Tip J-OT44T —Toby Tyler J-OT44T5 Ouida, pseud. See Ram^, L. de la. . OUP Bessie. Carey, R. N J-C18816O OUP year. Craik, Mrs. D. M J-C845O OutwaPd bound, Adams, W. T J-AD14O6 Page, Thos. N. Among the camps. . J-P145A Palp of cousins. Bramston, M J-B736P Palace and cottage. Adams, W. T.. J-AD14O6 Palace beautiful. Mead, L. T J-M464P PalgPave, Francis T. Wentworth grange J-P175W 'Pa.nsy, pseud. See AXden, Mrs. Isa.- bella PaPds. Merriman, E. W J-M555P Pappy, Major G. Story of Dick, . . . J-P248S Paul and Persis. Brush, M. E J-B836P Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre, B. de J-SA26P PeaPd, Frances M. Blue dragon ... . J-P315B Pendleton, Louis. King Tom and the runaways J-P374K Peppy, Nora. Another flock of girls J-P425A — Youngest Miss Lorton and other stories J-P425Y PeteP Budstone. Trowbridge, J. T. . J-T5717P PetePkin papers. Hale, L. P J-H1315P Phil and his friends. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717P2 Pilots of Pomona. Leighton, R J-L535P Plane and plank. Adams, W. T ... J-AD14P2 Plant hunters. Reid, M J-R275P Planting the wilderness. McCabe, J.D.,jr J-M124P Play days. Jewett, S. O J-J555I7P Plympton, A. G. Betty, a butterfly. J-P746B — Mary Jane papers; a book for girls. J-P746M Pocket rifle. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717P6 Polly, a new fashioned girl. Meade, L. T J-M464P5 Poop and proud. Adams, W. T J-ADr4P4 Pot of gold and other stories. Wil- kins, M. E J-W655P PpaiPie Crusoe J-P884 Ppinee Dusty. Munroe, K 'J-M925P Ppince Lazybones. Hays, A/y.j. W.J. J-H335P Ppinee Tip-top. Bouvet, M J-B668P PPUdy keeping house. Clarke, R. S, J-C55P P'S and Q's. Yonge, CM J-Y84P Pyle, Howard. Men of iron J-P99SM —Robin hood J-P998R Queen Hildegarde. Richards, L. E. J-R39Q QueeP stories for boys and girls. Eg- gleston, E. D J-EG35Q Rabbi's sons. Weaver, E J-W376R Raftmates. Munroe, K J-M754R Raising the ' 'Pearl. ' ' Otis, J J-OT44R Rame, Louise de la. {0\i\da., pseiid .) Bimbi J-R144B — Niirnberg stove J-R144N Ran away to sea. Reid, M J-R275R Ranald, Bannerman's boyhood. Mac- donald, G J-M144R Raspe, R. E. Baron Munchausen .. . J-R184B Ray, Anna C. Cadets of Fleming Hall J-R214C — Half-a-dozen boys J-R214H — In Blue creek caiion J-R214I Ready about. Adams, W. T J-AD14R Red cross. Adams, W. T J-AD14R2 Red mustang. Stoddard, W. O. . . . J-ST67R Reed, Rev. Frederic A. Boy Lollard J-R252B Reid, Capt. Mayne. Boy hunters . . . J-R275B — Boy slaves J-R275B2 — Boy tar ". . . . J-R275B4 —Bruin J-R275B6 —Bush boys J-R275B8 — Chase of the leviathan J-R275C — Cliff-climber; sequel to Plant hunt- ers J-R275C4 —Death shot J-R275D — Desert home J-R275D4 — Forest exiles or perils of a Peruvian family amid wilds of the Amazon J-R275F — Lost mountain J-R275L — Man-eaters and other odd people . . . J-R275M — Plant hunters J-R275P — Ran away to sea J-R275R — Vee-Boers J-R275V — Young yagers J-R275Y Rich and humble. Adams, W. T. . .. J-AD14R4 JUVENILE 115 Richards, Laura E. Queen Hilde- garde J-R39Q Rob, a story for boys. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M J-L914R Robin Hood. Pyle, H J-P998R Robinson Crusoe. De Foe, D J-D365R Roland. Baldwin, J J-B193R Rolf liouse ; sequel to Nan. Lillie, Iv. C J-L626R Rollo in Geneva. Abbott, J J-AB25G RoIIO in Holland. Abbott, J ....... . J-AB25H Rollo in London. Abbott, J J-AB25L RollO in Naples, Abbott, J J-AB25N Rollo in Paris. Abbott, J J-AB25P Rollo in Rome. Abbott, J... J-AB25R Rollo in Scotland. Abbott, J J-AB25S Rollo in Switzerland. Abbott, J J-AB25S7 Rollo on the Atlantic. Abbott, J J-AB25A Rollo on the Rhine. Abbott, J J-AB25R Rose in bloom ; sequel to Eight cousins. Alcott, L. M J-AL18R Rosy. Molesworth, 7l/r.y. M. L J-M734R Rough shaking. Macdonald, G. . . . J-M144R5 Round about rambles. Stockton , F. R. J-ST65R Running to waste. Baker, G. M. . .. J-B174R Ruskin, John. King of the Golden river J-R894K Russell, Wm. Clark. Master Rocka- fellar's voyage J-R914M Sailor boy. Adams, W. T J-AD14S Saint John, Percy B, Arctic Crusoe J-SA24A ^^aint PiePPe, B. de. Paul and Vir- |F ginia J-SA26P Sally Williams. Cheney, 3Irs. E. D. J-C424S SanfOPd and Merton. Day, T J-D33S SaPa Crewe. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. . . J-B935S Satin-wood box. Trowbridge, J. T. J-T75717S SeaPlet tanager. Trowbridge, J. T.. J-T75717S4 Seott, 5z> Walter (Rolfe, Wm. J., ed). Tales of chivalry J-SCO84T SeuddeP, Horace E. Bodley family in town and country J-SCU25B — Bodley grandchildren and their journey in Holland J-SCU25B2 — Bodleys afoot J-SCU25B4 ,^_ — Bodleys telling stories J-SCU25B6 ■^-Children's book J-SCU25C '^^^Seven little people and their friends J-SCU25S Sea and shore. Adams, W. T J-AD15S1 Seek and find. Adams, W. T J-AD14S2 Seven little people and their friends. Scudder, H. E J-SCU25S Seven little sisters prove their sister- hood. Andrews, J J-AN27S Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty J-SE86B ShamPOek and thistle. Adams, W.T. J-AD14S3 Shattuek, Harriette R. Little folks east and west J-SH25L Shawl-StPaps. Alcott, L. M J-ALi83 Sheep pluck. Henty, G. A J-H397S Shifting winds, Ballantyne, R. M . . J-B214S Sidney, Margaret, pseud. See Loth- rop, Mrs. H. M SiegfPied. Baldwin, J '. J-B193S Signal boys. Eggleston, G. C J-EG3514S Silent Pete. Otis, J J-OT44S SilveP medal. • Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717S6 SilveP pitchers & Independence. Al- cott, L. M '. J-AL18S4 SisteP'S bye-hours. Ingelow, J J-IN44S Six girls. Irving, F. B J-IR85S Six to sixteen. Ewing, Juliana H .. . J-EW55S Smith, Hannah (Hesba Stretton, pseud.) Little Meg's children. .. J-SM5L —Lost Gip J-SM5L5 Smith, Mary P. Wells. More good times at Hackmatack J-SM515M SnaPes and safeguards. Trowbridge, CM J-T757S Snug harbor. Adams, W. T J-AD14S4 SoldieP boy. Adams, W. T J-AD14S5 SophomOPesofRadcliffe. Kellogg, E J-K294S South sea whaler. Kingston, W. H. G . J-K616S4 Sowed by the wind. Kellogg, E J-K294S2 SpaPk of genius. Kellogg, E J-K294S4 SpoffOPd, Harriet P. Lost jewel , . . J-SP64L Spypi, Johanna. Heidi J-SP97H SquaPe and compass. Adams, W. T. J-AD14S6 Stables, Gordon. Harry Milvaine, or the wanderings of a wayward boy J-ST13H Stand by the union. Adams, W. T.. J-AD14S7 Stanley, Henry M. My Kalulu J-ST24M StaP of India. Ellis, E. S J-EL56S StaPPy flag. Adams, W. T J-AD14S8 Stem to stern. Adams, W. T J-AD14S9 Stephens, Chas. A. Lett on Labra- dor J-ST44L — Lynx-hunting J-ST44L8 Stockton, Frank R. Bee-man of Orn, & other tales J-ST65B —Clocks of Rondame J-ST65C — Round about rambles J-ST65R —Story of Viteau J-ST65S —Tales out of school J-ST65T — What might have been expected . . . J-ST65W StoddaPd, Wm, O, Battle of New York J-ST67B —Crowded out o' Crofield J-ST67C — Little smoke J-ST67L — Red mustang , J-ST67R — Talking leaves, an Indian story. . . . J-ST67R — Two arrows J-ST67T7 StOPied holidays. Brooks, E. S J-B794S StOPies about :— Barker, Lady M. A. J-B243S StOPies for boys. Davis, R. H J-D29S StOPies from Fampus ballads. Lip- 116 JUVENIIvE pincott, Mrs. S.J J-L665S ' Stories mother nature told her \ children. Andrews, J J-AN27S4 Stories of adventure. Hale, E. B . . J-H13S ' Stories of the days of King Arthur. Hanson, C. H J-H196S Storm mountain. Ellis, E. S J-EL56S4 Story book. Diaz, 3Irs. A. M J-D543S Story of a bad boy. Aldrich, T. B. . J-AL24S Story of a child. Deland, M J-D375S Story of Dick. Parry, G J-P248S Story of Viteau. Stockton, F. R J-ST65S Stout heart. Kellogg, E J-K494S6 Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, Hannah Strong arm. Kellogg, E J-K294S8 Summer in a caiion. Wiggin, K. D. J-W637S Sunny shores. Adams, W. T J-AD14S11 Sweet William. Bouvet, M , . .. J-B668S Swett, Sophie. Flying-hill farm J-SW34F Swiss family Robinson. Wyss, J. R. J-W996S Switch off. Adams, W. T J-AD14S12 Sybil and Chryssa. Warner, A. B. . . J-W244S Sylvie and Bruno. Dodgson, C. L. . J-D667S Tad. Ellis, E. S J-EL56T Taken by the enemy. Adams, W. T. J-AD14T Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb, C. &M J-Ci56:4T Tales of chivalry. Scott, Sir W. (Rolfe, W. J., ^rf) J-SCO84T Tales of daring and of danger. Henty, G. A J-H397T Tales out of school. Stockton, F. . . J-ST65T Talking leaves; an Indian story J-ST67T Tapestry room. Molesworth, Mrs. M. Iv J-M734T Tell me a story. Molesworth, Mrs. M- I^ J-M734T4 Ten boys, Andrews, J J-AN27T Thanet, Octave, /5^M^. 5^i? French, Alice That queer girl. Townsend, V. F. . . J-T664T Thompson, Daniel P. Green Moun- tain boys J-T374G — Locke Amsden J-T374L Three Greek children. Church, Rev. A. J.... J-C472T Three scouts. Trowbridge, J. T J-T75717T Through by daylight. Adams,W.T. J-AD14T2 Through the looking glass. Dodg- son, C. Iv J-D667T Through thick and thin. Mery, J. . J-M557T Tim and Tip. Otis, J J-OT44T Tinkham brothers' tide-mill. Trow- bridge, J. T. J-T75717T4 Toby Tyler. Otis, J J-OT44T5 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes, T.. J-H876T Tom Brown's school days. Hughes,T. J-H876T4 Tom Paulding. Matthews' J. B J-M434T Townsend, Virginia F. Only girls. . J-T664O — That queer girl J-T664T Trafton, Adeline. Dorothy's experi- ence J-T675D Treasure of the seas. De Mille, J . . J-D395T Trowbridge, Catherine M. Snares and safeguards J-'r757S Trowbridge, John. Electrical boy. J-T75713E Trowbridge, John T. Coupon bonds and other stories J-'r757i7C — Cudgo's cave J-T75717C7 — Drummer boy J-T75717D —Fortunes of Toby Trafford J-T75717F — Lawrence's adventures J-T75717L — Martin Merrivale J-S75717M — Neighbor Jackwood J-T75717N — Neighbors' wives J-T75717N5 — Three scouts J-T75717T — Silver medal series (in their order). Silver medal J-T75717S6 Bound in honor J-T75717B5 Pocket rifle J-T75717P6 Jolly rover J-T75717J Young Joe J-T75717Y — Start in life series (in their order). Biding his time J-T75717B Kelp gatherers J-T75717K Scarlet tanager . J-T75717S4 — Tide-mill series (in their order). Phil and his friends J-T75717P2 Tinkham brothers' tide-mill J-T75717T4 Satin-wood box J-T75717S Little master J-T75717L5 His one fault J-T75717H Peter Budstone J-T75717P True tales. Baker, S. W J-B17417T Try again. Adams, W. T J-AD14T4 Turning of the tide. Kellogg, E J-K294T Two arrows. Stoddard, W. O J.ST67T7 Two Elsies. Finley, M J-F494T Two little waifs. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L J-M734T7 Two ways of becoming a hunter. Castleman, H J-C277T Under Drake's flag. Henty, G. A. .. J.H397U Under the lilacs. Alcott, L. M J-AL18U Ungava. Ballantyne, R. M . . J-B2r4U Unseen hand. Kellogg, E J-K294U Us. Molesw:orth, Mrs. M. L J-M734U Valentine, Mrs. ed. Old, old fairy tales J-V235O Vee-Boers. Reid, M J-R275V Vine and olive. Adams, W. T J-AD14V Wakulla. Munroe, K J-M925W Wanderings of Aeneas. Hanson, Chas. H J-H196W Wanneta the Sioux. Moorehead, W. K J-M786W Ward, Elizabeth S. P. & Herbert D. JUVENII^E 117 Lost hero, A J-WaiL WaPneP, Anna B., (Amy Lothrop, pseud.) Casper and his friends.. J-W244C — Hard maple J-W244H —Mr. Ruthford's children J-W244M — Sybil and Chryssa J-W244S — & Susan. Carl Krinken J-W24413C WaPneP, Susan. What she could. . . J-W24417W » Watch and wait. Adams, W. T J-AD14W WateP babies & Madame How and Lady Why. Kingsley, C J-K614W WaiSOn, Emily H. Fairies of our garden J-W335F We all. French, A J-F886W We and the world. Ewing, J. H. . . . J-EW55W Weaver, Emily. Rabbi's sons J-W376R WentWOPth grange. Palgrave, F. T. J-P175W t.^ Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Flipwing the |lf spy J-WsrsF Whaling and fishing. Nordhoflf, C. J-N755W What Katy did. Woolsey, S. C J-W886W What Katy did at school. Woolsey, S. J-W886W2 ^.^^ What Katy did next. Woolsey, S.. J-W886W4 lH|What might have been expected. '■ ^» Stockton, F.«R J-ST65W What she could. Warner, S J-24417W ■ What the wind told the tree-tops. Brotherton, A. W J-B796W WhispePing pine. Kellogg, E... . J-K294W WhittieP, John G. Child life J-W615C Who was Paul Grayson. Habber- ton, J J-H113W Wiggin, Kate D. Summer in a canon J-W637S Wild woods life. Farrar, C. A. J. . . . J-F245W Wilds of Africa. Kingston, W. H. G. J-K616W Wilkins, Mary E. Pot of gold and other stories J-W655P Young Lucretia and other stories. . J-W655Y Will and way stories. Fremont, J. B. J-F884W Willis the pilot; sequel to Swiss fam- ily Robinson. Wyss, J. R J-W996W Winning his spurs. Kellogg, E . . . . J-K294W4 WinslOW, Margaret E. Boy convict of Bermuda J-W735B Witeh Winnie; story of a "King's daughter." Champney, E J-C358W Witch Winnie's mystery. Champ- ^ey' ^ J-C358W4 Witch Winnie's studio. Champney, E J-C358W6 With Clive in India J-H397 W With Lee in Virginia. Henty, G. A. J-H397W5 With the king at Oxford. Church, A.J. With Wolfe in Canada. Henty, G. A. Within the enemy's lines. Adams, W. T Witt, Henriette de. French country family — Only sister. An Wolf run. Kellogg, E WondeP book. Tanglewood tales & Grandfather's chair. Haw- thorne, N Woolsey, Sarah C, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) In the high valley — Little country girl — New-year's bargain —What Katy did — What Katy did at school — What Katy did next WoPk and win. Adams, W. T WoPld of girls. Meade, L. T WoPld of ice. Ballantyne, R. M ... Wyss, Johann R. Swiss family Rob- inson — Willis the pilot; sequel to the Swiss family Robinson Yacht club. Adams, W. T Yankee middy. Adams, W. T Yonge, Charlotte M. Constable's tower — Lances of Lynwood — Little Lucy's wonderful globe — P's and Q's Young boatman of Pine Point Young buglers. Henty, G. A Young Carthaginians. Henty, G. A. Young Crusoe. Harley, Dr Young deliverers. Kellogg, E Young franc-tireurs. Henty, G. A. . Young fur traders. Ballantyne, R. M Young Joe. Trowbridge, J. T Young lieutenant. Adams, W. T. . . Young Lucretia and other stories. Wilkins, M. E Young Macedonian. Church, A. J. . Young ship builders. Kellogg, E. . Young silver seekers. Cozzens, S. W Young trail hunters. Cozzens, S. W. Young yagers. Reid, M Youngest Miss Lorton and other stories. Perr}', N. . . Zoe J-C472W J-H397W8 J-AD14W2 J-W785F J-W7g50 J-K294W6 J-H315W J-W886I J-W886L J-W886N J-W886W J-W886W2 J-W886W4 J-AD14W4 J-M464W J-B214W J-W996S J-W996W J-AD14Y J-AD14Y2 J-Y84C J-Y84L J-Y84L4 J-Y84P J-AL33Y J-H397Y J-H397Y2 J-H226Y J-K294Y J-H397Y4 J-B214Y J-T75717Y J-AD14Y4 J-W655Y J-C472Y J-K294Y4 J-C838Y J-CS38Y4 J-R275Y J-P425Y J-Z75 FICTION Abbe Constan tin. Halevy, L H137A Abbot, The. Scott, SirW. 2 v. . . . SCO84A AbelaPd and Heloisa. Wilberforce, N. W W644A Accomplished gentleman. Sturgis.J. ST95A According to St. John. Chandler, R. A C362A Across her path. Swan, A. S. ...... . SW25A A. D. 2000. Fuller, A. M F954A Adam Bede. Eliot, G EMSA Adams, Wm. T., (Oliver Optic, pseud.) Way of the world AD14W Adele. Kavanagh, J K184A AdiPOndaek tales. Murray, W. H. H M96418A AdventUPes in the Adirondacks. Murray, W. H. H. M96418A2 AdventUPes of a widow. Fawcett, E. F285A AdventUPes of an American consul abroad. Monti, Luigi M766A AdventUPes of an atom. Smollett, T. SM75A AdventUPes of Telemachus. Fene- lon, F. de S F355A Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F. . . . C785A Afpaja. Mugge, T M894A AftePdark. Collins, W. W C695A AfteP dinner stories. Balzac, H. de. B219A AfteP his kind. Coventry, J C834A AftePg-low. Lathrop, G. P L345A Agatiia and the shadow. Tenney, E. P T256A Agatha Page. Henderson, I H384A Agatha's husband. Craik, 3frs. D. M. (Mulock) C845A Agnes, Surriage. Bynner, E. L. . . . B995A AguilaP, Grace. Days of Bruce. 2 v AG95D — Home influence AG95H — Home scenes. AG95H4 — Mother's recompense AG95M — Vale of cedars AG95V — Woman's friendship. . . .- AG95W Aide, Hamilton. Voyage of dis- covery AI24V AinswOPth, William Harrison. Car- dinal Pole. 3 V AI68C —Jack Sheppard AI68J — Mervyn Clitheroe AI68M — Miser's daughter AI68M4 — Ovingdean grange • AI680 — Spanish match. 3 v AI68S — Star-chamber AI68S4 AiPy fairy L,ilian. Hungerford, Mrs. (The Duchess, pseud) H895.\ AlaPCOn, Pedro A . de . Brunhilde. . AL15B Alcott, Louisa M. Hospitable sketches AL,i8H — Modern mephistopheles AL18M AldPich, Thomas Bailey. Marjorie Daw, etc AL24M — Prudence Palfrey AL,24P — Queen of Sheba AL24Q — Stillwater tragedy AL24S AlexandeP, Mrs. pseud. See Hector, Mrs. A. F Alfpieda. Specht, E. E. H SP34A Alice. Bulwer-Lytton B878E All sorts and conditions of men. Besant, W B465A Allen, Jas. Lane. John Gray AL54J Allen, Richard. Miss Eaton's- Ro- mance AL5416M Allison, Young E. Passing of Ma- jor Kilgore AL56P Allston, Washington. Monaldi AL57M Almost a duchess AL66 Alpine fay. The. Burstenbinder, E. (E. Werner, pseud.) B945A Alsacian schoolmaster. Erckmann and Cha^trian ER25A Alton Locke. Kingsley, C K614A Amelia. Fielding, H F465A Amepican, The. James, H J23416A AmePican baron. De Mille, J D395A Amepican girl in London. Duncan, S.J D914A Amepican politician. Crawford, F. M C857A Among the Turks. Cameron, V. L.. Ci45.\ Amos Kilbright. Stockton, F ST65A Amy Herbert. Sewell, E. M SE86A AndePSen, Hans Christian. Improvi- satore. The AN25I — Two baronesses AN25T Andpeas Hofer. Mundt, A/rs. E., (Mnhlhach, pseud.) .... M924A AndPOmeda. Fletcher, J. C, (Geo. Fleming, pseud.) F635A Ange Pitou. Dumas, A. 2 v D892A Anglomaniacs. Harrison, yJ/;-.j.C.C. H245A Anna Karenina. Tolstoi, L. N. 2 y T585A Annals of a quiet neighborhood. Macdonald, G Mr44A Annalsof a sportsman. TurgdniefF, I. T845A Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir W, FICTION 119 Ai I 2 V ■■Annie Kilburn. Howells, W. D Another's crime. Hawthorne, J.. . . Anstey, F., pseud. See Guthrie. F. A. Antiquary. Scott, Sir W. 2 v Antonina. Collins, W. W April hopes. Howells, W. A April's lady. Hungerford, Mrs. . . . ^—Arblay, Francis (Barney d'). Eve- m ""' Archie Lovell. Edwards, A Ardis Claverden. Stockton, F Argles, Mrs. M. See Hungerford, Mrs Ariadne. Rame, L. de la, (Quida, pseud) Aristocracy Armadale. Collins, W. W Armourer's prentices. Yonge, C. M. Army tales. Stannard, H. E. V. . . . APne, and the fisher lassie. Bjom- son , B .round the golden deep. Reeder, A. P "Around the world in eighty days. Verne, J Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G. Arthur Mervyn. Brown, C. B Aseutney street. Whitney, A. D. T. Aspen court. Brooks, S Aspern papers. James, H Astor, William W. Sforza — Valentino At any cost. Mayo, Mrs. I., (Gar- rett, pseud.) At lault. Smart, H At his gates. Oliphant. Mrs. M. O. . .tlast. Terhune, M. V., (M. Har- land, pseud.) • , At love's extremes. Thompson, M. . At odds. Tautphceus. Baroness At the back of the north wind.. Mac- Idonald, G jA.t the councillors. John, E.. (E. ' Marlxn, pseud. ) At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson, Mrs. A. J. (Evans) At the red glove. Macquoid, Mrs. K. S Atlanta in the south. Howe, M Atherton, Gertrude F. Doomswo- man. The — Question of time, A Attic philosopher in Paris. Souves- tre, Emile Auerbaeh, Berthold. Convicts and their children — Foresters — Lorley and Reinhard SCO84A5 H837A HsrsA SCO84A6 C695A4 H837A4 H895A5 ARrsE ED95A ST65A4 R144A AR44 C695A6 Y84A ST27A B556A' R254A V595A H715A B812A W615A B79417A J23416A2 AS84S AS84V M457A SM25A OL35A T275A T374I4A T195A M144A8 J615A W695A M245A H83516A AT45D AT45Q S088A AU32C AU32F AU32L — On the heights. 2v AU32O Auld licht idylls. Barrie, J. M B275A Aulney tower. Howard, B, W H833A Aunt Anne. Clifford, Mrs. W. K. . . C614A Aunt Jane's hero. Prentiss, ./J/f.y. E. P915A Aunt Serena. Howard, B. W H833A4 Aurelian. Ware, w W22 A Aurora, Tincker, M. A T494A Austen, Jane. Emma AU74E — Mansfield Park AU74M Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey . . AU74N — Pride and prejudice AU74P4 — Sense and sensibility AU74S Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden AU76B — David Alden 's daughter and other stories of colonial times AU76D — Desmond hundred AU76D4 — Nameless nobleman AU76N — Standish of Standish AU76S Austin, Elliot. Kingsley, H K61413A Author of Beltraffio. James, H .... J23416A4 Autobiography of a thief and other histories. Reade, C R225A Average woman. Balestier, W B195A Ayala's angel. Trollope, A T745A Azarian. Spoford, H. E SP64A Aztec treasure house. Janvier, T. . . J267A Babolian. Droz, A. G -D835B Baby Rue. Clarke, CM C55B Bagpipes. Dudevant, A. L'A., (George Sand, pseud.) D865B Bailiff's maid. John, E., (E. Mar- litt, pseud.) J615B Bain, F. W. Dmitre B16D Baker, Jas. By the western sea .... B174B Baker, Wil . M . Blessed St. Certainty. B 1 74 1 8B — His Majesty, myself B17418H — Making of a man B17418M Balaam and his master and other stories Harris, J. C H24B Balch, F. H. Bridge of the gods. . . B186B Balestier, Wolcott. Average woman B195A Balzac, Honore de. After dinner stories B219A — Bureaucracy B219B — Chouans, The B219C — Country doctor. .■ B219C4 — Duchesse de Langeais B219D — Engenie Grandet B219E — Exiles B219S — Fame and sorrow B219F — Great man of the provinces in Paris B219G — Lost illusions B219L, — Louis Lambert B219L4 — Magic skin < . B219M — Pere Goriot B219P — Pierrette B219P4 — Seraphita B219S — Sons of the soil B219S4 120 FICTION — Two brothers B219T — Vicar of Tours B219P4 Banker of Bankersville. Thomp- son, M T37414B Banned and blessed. Burstenbinder, E., (E. Werner, pseud) B945B BaPbaPa Bering. Chandler, R. A. . C362B BaPbaPa Heathcote's trial. Carey, R. N Cr88B BaPbaPa's history. Edwards, A. B.. ED96B Bapham, Rev. Richard H., (Thomas ' Ingoldsby, pseud). Cousin Nicholas B238C Barnaby Rudge. Dickins, C. 2v.. D552B BaPP, Mrs. Amelia E. Between two loves , B27B — Border shepherdess B27B2 — Bow of orange ribbon B27B4 . — Daughter of Fife B27D — Feet of clay B27F — Friend Olivia B27F4 — Household of McNeil B27H — Jan Vedder's wife B27J — Last of the Macallisters B27L — Love for an hour 6271,4 — Master of his fate B27M5 — Paul and Christina B27P — Preacher's daughter B27P6 — Remember the Alamo B27R — Sister to Esau, A ". . . . B27S — Squire of Sandalside B27S6 BaPPett, F. Outofthe jaws of death B273O BaPPie, James M. Auld licht idylls. B275A — Little minister B275L — My Lady Nicotine B275M — When a man's single B275W — Window in Thrums B275W4 BaPPiePS burned away. Roe, E. P. . R6213B BaPPili, Anton G. Devil's portrait. . B277D — Eleventh commandment B277E — Whimsical wooing B277W BaPPing-ton. Lever, C. J L575B BaPPington's fate. Hunt, jI/;-.?. A.W. H914B Bappy, Rev. New Antigone B279N BaPPy, Lyndon. Thackeray, W. M. T324B BaPton experiment. Habberton, J.. H113B Basil. Collins, W. W C695B Bates, Arlo. Book o' nine tales B316B — Lad's love. B316L — Pagans B316P — Philistines B316P4 —Wheel of fire B316W Battle of Dorking. Chesney, G C426G Battle of life. Dickens, C B552C Bay path. Holland, J. G., (Timothy Titcomb, pseud H715B Bayly, Ada E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) Derrick Vaughan B346D — Donovan B346D4 — Hardy Norseman B346H — In golden days B346I — Knight errant B346K —We two B346W — Won by waiting B346W4 Bazdn, Emilia P. Morriiia B349M — Swan of Vilamorta B349S Beaeonsfield, Disraeli B. Coninsgby. B356C — Contarini Fleming B356C4 — Count Alarcos B356Y — Endymion B356E — Lothair B356L — Rise of Iskander B356C4 — Young duke B356Y Bean, F. Pudney and walp B376P Beaton's bargain. Hector, Mrs. A. F., Mrs. Alexander, pseud H357B BeatPiee. Kanavagh, J K184B BeatPlce Boville and other stories, Rame, L. de la, (Quida, pseud.).. R144B BeatPiee Cenci. Guerrazzi, F. D. . . G935B BeatPix Randolph. Hawthorne, J . . H315B Beauehamp's career. Meredith, G. M544B Beautiful wretch. Black, W B563B Beauty's daughter. Hungerford, Mrs. , (The Duchess, pseud.) H895B Bebee. Rame, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.) R144B3 BeekfoPd, William. Vathek B387V BeeehCPOft at Rockstone. Yonge, C. M Y84B BeeeheP, Henry Ward. Norwood . . . B395N BeggaPS all. Dougall, L D786B Begum's daughter. Bynner, E. L. .. B995B Behind closed doors. Rohlfs, A. K. R635B BehPens Bertha. (W. Heimburg, pseud. ) Penniless girl B397P Belhaven tales. Harrison, Mrs. Burton • H245B Bell, Acton, pseud. See Bronte, Anne. Bell, Currer, pseud. See Bronte, Charlotte. . . Bell, Ellis, pseud. See Bronte, Emily. Bellamy, Edward. Looking back- ward B415L — Six to one B415S Bellerue. WoodmflF, j. L. M., (W. M. L. Jay, pseud.) W865B Belles and ringers. Smart, H SM25B Belton estate. Trollope, A ■T745B Ben Milner's wooing. Parr, H., (Holme Lee, /!>5^z/fl'.1 P245B Ben-HuP. Wallace, L W156B Beppo. Trollope, T. A T74517B BePgeP, E., pseud. See Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara BePlin and Sans-Souci. Mundt, Mrs. E., (Muhlbach, pseud.) M924B BePnhaPd, Marie. Household idol.. B458H FICTION 121 i i —Rector of St. Luke's B458R BePtPams. Trollope, A T745B4 Besant, Walter. All sorts and con- ditions of men B465 A — Captain's room and other stories. . . B465C — Demoniac, The B465D —Dorothy Wallis B465D4 — For faith and freedom B465F — Holyrose B465H — Ivory gate B465I — St. Katherine's by the tower B465S — And Rice, James. By Celia's arbour B466B — Case of Mr. Lucraft and other tales B466C —Chaplain of the fleet B466C4 —Golden Butterfly B466G —Monks of Thelema B466M —My little girl . . B466M4 — Ready-money Mortiboy B466R — Seamy side B466S — Ten yea'-s tenant and other stories . B466T — This son of Vulcan B466T2 — 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay, and other stories B466T4 — With harp and crown B466W Bessie- Kavanagh, J K184B4 BetPOthed. Mazoni, A M319B BetPOthed. Scott, Sir W SCO84B Betty Alden. Austin, J. G AU76B Between the lines. King, C K58B Between two loves. Barr, Mrs. A. E. B27B Beulah. Wilson, Mrs. A.J W695B Beyond recall. Sergeant, A SE65B Beyond the bourn. Fiske, A. K. . . . F544B Beyond the breakers. Owen, R. D. OW24B BiaPt Lucien. Involuntary voyage. . B474I Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras B496L BiOgPaphy of a locomotive. Frith, H F917B Birds of prey. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. (Braddon.) M454B Bishop, Wm. Henry. Clioy Susan, etc B545C — Golden justice B545G — House of a merchant prince B545H — Yellow snake B545Y Bjopnson, Bjornstjerne. Arne and the fisher lassie B556A — Fisher maiden B556F — Magnhild B556M — Synnove Solbakken B556S Black, Wm. Beautiful wretch B563B — Daughter of Heth B563D — Donald Ross of Heimra . B563D4 — Green pastures and Piccadilly B563G — In far Lochaber B563I — Kilmeny B563K — Macleod of Dare B563M — Monarch of Mincing Lane B563M4 L c— 16 — Prince Fortunatus B563P — Princess of Tliule B563P2 — Sabina Zembra B563S — Shandon Bells B563S2 — Standfast Craig-Royston B563S4 — Strange adventures of a phaeton . . . B563S6 —Three feathers B56T3 —White heather B563W — White wings B563W2 — Wolfenberg B563W6 — Yolande B563Y Black but comely. Melville, G. J. W. M496B Black dwarf. IVM Bride of Lamen- ermoor. Scott, 5'zV W. 2nd v. . SCO84B6 Black ice. Tourgee, A. W T654B Blackall, Emily L. Superior to cir- cumstances B565S BlackmOPe, Richard D. Kit and Kitty B567K — Lorna Doone B567L — Mary Anerley B567M — Springhaven B567S Blanche, Lady Falaise. Shorthouse, J. H .. ." SH84B Bleak house. Dickens, C. 2v D552B4 Blessed St. Certainty. Baker, W. M. B17418B Blind, Mathilde. Tarantilla B617T Blind musician. Korolenko, V K845B Blithedale romance. Hawthorne, N. H31517B Blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann & Chatrian ER25B BonaventUPe. Cable, George W. . . C112B Bones and I. Melville, G. J. W M496B2 BonnybOPOUgh. Whitney, A. D. T. W615B Book o' nine tales. Bates, A B316B Book of snobs. Thackeray, W. M. . T324S4 BoPdeP shepherdess. Barr, Mrs. A. E B.27B2 BOPn player, A. West, M W52B BOPPOW, George. Lavengro. 3 v. . . B647L — Romany Rye; sequel to Lavengro. . B647R —Wild Wales B647W Bostonians, The. James, H J23416B Bound to win. Smart, H SM25B3 BouPbon lilies. Champney, Mrs. E. C358B BouPdalone and Louis XIV. Bun- gener, L. L. F B884B BoUPget, Paul. Pastels of men. ist and 2nd ser .... B665P Bow of orange ribbon. Barr, Mrs, A. E B27B4 Bowles, Emily. In the Camargue. . B682I Bowman, Anne. Clarissa B684C Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Daughter of Philistine B696D — Falconberg B696F — Vagabond tales B696V Bpaddon, Mary E. See Maxwell, Mrs. M. E ,,,. 122 FICTION Bradshaw, William R. Goddess of Atvatabar. B727G Braraleigh's of Bishop's Folly. Lever, C. J 1^575^4 Brave lady. Craik, D. M. (Mulock). C845B Bravo. Cooper, J. F C785B Breach of Custom, The B745 Bread winners B743 Breaking of the storm, Spielhagen, F. 3 V SP44B Bremer, Fredrika. Diary, H — fam- ily, etc B753D — Father and daughter B753F —Home, The B753H — Neighbors B753N Bricks without straw. Tourgde.A. W. T644B4 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott, Sir W. 2 V SCO84B6 Bride of the Nile. Ebers, G. M. 2 v. EB35B Bridge of the gods. Balch, F. H. . . B186B Bridges, Mrs. (Mrs. Forrester, pseud.). Diana Carew B765D Bright, Mrs, Amanda M. Oxley. . . . B768O Broken bonds. Smart, H SM25B5 Bronte, Anna, (Acton Bell, pseud.). Tenant of Wildfell Hall B788T Bronte, Charlotte, (Currer Bell, pseud.). Jane Eyre B78813J —Professor B78813P —Shirley • . B78813S — Villette B78813V Bronte, Emily, (Ellis Bell, pseud.). Wuthering Heights B78815W Brooke, H. Classic tales. Leigh Hunt, ed. Vol. 3 H91414C Brooke, M. Eleanor Lambert B792E Brooks of Bridlemere. Melville, G. J. W M496B4 Brooks, Elbridge S. In Leislers times B794I Brooks, Shirley. Aspen court B79417A — Sooner or later B79417S Brother Jacob. Eliot, George, pseud of Mrs. Cross 821-EL45 Brother to dragons. Chandler, R. A C362B6 Brought home. Smith, H., (H. Stretton, pseud.) SM513B Broughton, Rhoda. Nancy B798N — Red as a rose B798R Brown, Chas. Brockdon. Arthur Mervyn B812A — Wieland B812W Brown, Helen D. Two college girls. B81213T Brownlows. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. . OL35B Brunhilde. Alarcon, P. A. de AL15B Brush, C. C. Colonel's opera cloak. B836C Buchholz family. Stinde, J. 2 v. . . ST57B Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Geo. Alice B878E — Calderon the courtier B878L4 — Caxtons, The B878C — Coming race, The B878C — Devereux B878D — Disowned B878D — Ernest Maltravers B878E — Eugene Aram B878P2 — Godolphin B878N — Kenelm Chillingly B878K — Last days of Pompeii B878L — Last of the barons B878L4 — Lucretia B878P4 —My novel B878M — Night and morning B878N —Parisians B878P —Paul Clifford B878P2 — Pausanias B878L4 — Pelham B878P4 —Pilgrims B878P — Rienzi B878K —Strange story B878S —What will he do with it B878W — Zanoni B878S Bungener, L. L. F. Bourdalone and Louis XIV B884B Bunner, Henry C. Midge, The B885M —Short sixes B885S —Story of a New York house B885S4 — Woman of honor B885W Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress. . B888P Bureaucracy. Balzac, H. de B219B Burgomaster's wife. Ebers, G. M . EB35B4 Burlesques. Thackeray, W. M T324B4 Burnett, Mrs. Frances H. Fair bar- barian B935F — Haworths B935H — Lass o' Louries B935L — Louisiana B935L5 — Pretty sister of Jose B935P —Surly Tim B935S — Through one administration B935T — Vagabondia B935V Burney, Frances. See Arblay, F. d'. Burnham, Clara Louise. Miss Bagg's secretary B937M Burnham breaker. Greene, H G83B Burstenbinder, Elizabeth, i^E. Wer- ner, pseud.). Alpine fay, The. . . B945A — Banned and blessed B945B —St. Michael B945S But men must work. Carey, R. N. . . C188B8 Butt, Beatrice May. Geraldine Haw- thorne B984G —Hester H22418D4 By Celia's arbour. Besant and Rice . B466B By his own might. Hillem, W. von. H555B By shore and sedge. Harte, B H253B By still waters. Mayo, Mrs. I., (Gar- rett, pseud M457B FicrrioN 123 By the gate of the sea. Murray, D. C. M964B By the Tiber. Tincker, M. A T494B By the westeru sea. Baker, J B174B BynneP, Edwin Lasseter. Agnes Surriage B995 A — Begum's daughter B995B — Damen's ghost B995D — Nimport B995N —Tritons B995T — Zachary Phips B995Z Cable, George W. Bonaventure C112B —Dr. Sevier C112D — Grandissimes; a story of Creole life. C112G — Madame Delphine C112M —Old Creole days C112O — Strange true stories of Louisiana. . . C112S Caesar Cascabel. Verne, J V595C Caged lion. Yonge, C. M.. Y84C Caine, T. Hall. Captain Davy's honeymoon C124C — Last confession and Blind mother. . C124IV Cakes and ale at Woodbine. Coffin, R. B C655C CaldePOn the courtier. Bulwer-Lyt- ton B878L4 Callista. Newman, J. H N465C Calmire C135 Cambridge, Ada. Three Miss Kings C143T Cameron, Verney L. Among the Turks C145A Campaign in Kabylia. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25C Campaner Thai and other writings. Richter, J. P. F R4J5C Campbell, Archibald. Capt. Mac- donald's daughter C153C Campbell, Sir Gilbert. Wild and wierd tales of imagination and mystery C15314W Campbell, Helen. Dr. Martha Scar- borough C15315D Can you forgive her. TroUope, A. . . T745C Canadians of old. Gaspd, P. A. de. G216C Cape Cod folks. Greene, S. P. Mc- Lean G8317C Capillary crime, etc. Millet, F. D. . M616C Captain Blake. King, C K58C Captain Davy's honeymoon. Cain, T. H C124C Captain Macdonald's daughter. Campbell, A C153C Captain of the Guidara. Pt. i of Keraban the Inflexible. Verne, J. V595K Captain of the janizaries. Ludlow, J. M L965C Captain of the Polestar. Doyle, A. C. D775C Captain's room and other stories. Besant, W , B465C Cardinal Pole. Ainsworth, W. H. 3 V Carey, Rosa N. Barbara Heathcote's trial — But men must work — For Lilias — Heriot's choice — Nellie's memories — Not like other girls — Only the governess — Queenie's whim — Robert Ord's atonement — Search for Basil Lyndhurst — Uncle Max — Wee wifie . . — Wooed and married Carlen, Emilie. Lavinia Carlino and other stories. Ruffini, G. D Carlton, Will. Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. 2 v Carmen, Sylva, pseud. See Elizabeth Queen of Roumania Carola. Smith, H., (Hesba Stretton, pseud.) Carriston's gift and other stories. Fargus, F. J., (Hugh Conway, pseud.) Case of Mr. Lucraft and other tales. Besant and Rice Casimir Maremma. Helps, A Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stock ton^ P Castle, Egerton. Consequences Castle and town. Peard, F. M Castle dangerous. V. i. With Count Robert of Paris. V. 2. Scott, Sir W Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss, A . . . Castle Richmond. Trollope, A Catherine. Peard, F. M Catherine. Thackeray, W. M Catherwood, Mary H. Lady of Fort St. John — Old Kaskaskia — Romance of Dollard, Caught by the tide. Garland, A. L . Caxtons. Bulwer-Lytton Cecil Castlemaine's gage and other stories. Ram6, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.) Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop, T Cecile. Smart, H . . Century too soon ; story of Bacon.'s rebellion. Musick, J. R Cerise. Melville, G. J. W Cervantes, Saavedra M. Don Quixote Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevant, A, L. A168C C188B Cr88B8 C188F C188H C188N C188N4 C188O C188Q C188R Ci883 C188U C188W C188W4 C194L R835C C196T SM51.3C F225C B466C H367C ST65C C276C P31SC SCO84C ST84C T745C2 P315C4 T324C C285L C285O C285R G187C B878C R144C W737C SM25C M974C M496C 03350 124 FICTION A., (George Sand, pseud.) D865C Chain bearer. Cooper, J. F C785C Chambeplain, N. H. New England farm house C355N , Champney, Elizabeth. Bourbon lilies C358B — Rosemary and rue C358R Chance acquaintance. Howells, W. D H837C Chandler, Mrs. Amelie Rives. Ac- cording to St. John C362A — Barbara Bering; sequel to Quick or the dead C362B — Brother to dragons C362B6 — Virginia of Virginia C362V — Witness of the sun C362W ChandOS. Rame, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.) R144C3 ChanningS, The. Wood, Mrs. C. D., (C. Dunning, pseud.) W852C ChantPy priest of Barnet. Church, A. J C472C Chaplain of the fleet. Besant and Rice ., B466C4 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge, CM Y84C2 Chapaetepistics. Mitchell, S. W. . . M695C ChaPles, Elizabeth. Conquering and to conquer, C38C —Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan C38D — Draytons and Davenants C38D4 —Early dawn ., C38E — On both sides of the sea C38O — Schonberg-Cotta fatnily C38S —Winifred Bertram C38W ChaPles Auchester. Sheppard, E. . . SH45C ChaPles O'Malley. Lever, C. J ,L575C Chata and Chinita. Heaven, L. P. . H355C Chatelaine of la Trinite. Fuller, H. B F95415C ChePbuliez, Victor. Count Kostia . . C424C — Stroke of diplomacy C424S ChePPy and Violet. Manning, A. . . . M315C Chesney, George. German conquest of England in 1875 and battle of Dorking C426G ChevalieP of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller, H. B F95415C4 Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstoi, L.N T585C Childpen of the abbey. Roche, Re- gina M R584C Childpen of the earth. Macfarlane, A. R M165C Childpen of the King. Crawford, F. M C857C Chosen valley. Foote, M. H F734C Chouans, The. Balzac, H. de B219C Choy, Susan, etc. Bishop, W. H B545C ChPistian's mistake. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock) C845C ChPistie Johnston. Reade, C R225C ChPistmas books. Dickens, C D552C ChPistmas books. Thackeray, W. M. T324C4 ChPistmas carol. Dickens, C D552C ChPistmas eve. Hale, E. E H13C ChPistmas in Narragansett. Hale, E. E H13C4 ChPistmas stories. Dickens, C D552C4 ChPistmas wreck and other stories. Stockton, F ST65C4 ChPisty Carew. Hartley, Mrs. M. L. H255C ChPOnieles of the Canongate. Scott, Sir W SCO84H4 Church, Rev. Alfied J. Chantry priest of Barnet C472C —To the lions. C472T ChUPCh, A. J., and Seely, R. Ham- mer C473H Cigapette maker's romance. Craw- ford, F. M C357C4 CigaPCtte papers. Hatton, J H286C Cinq-MaPS. Vigney, A. V. 2 v V585C CiphePS, Mrs. Kirk, E. W. O., (Henry Hayes, pseud.) K634C CiPCUit rider. Eggleston, E EG35C Citizen Bonaparte. Erckmann & Chatrian ER25C2 ClaPenee. Sedgewick, CM SE25C Clapissa. Bowman, A B684C ClaPk, Susie C Lorita, an Alaskan maiden C547L ClaPke, Chariotte M. Baby Rue C55B ClaPke, Mary C Iron cousin C5516I — Rambling story C5516R ClaPkson, L. Shadow of John Wal- lace C565S Classic tales. Unnt, 1,., ed. 5 v. . . . H91414C Claudia. Douglas, A D748C CleveP woman. Yonge, CM Y84C4 CliffOPd, Mrs. W. K. Aunt Anne. . . C614A — Last touches and other stories C614L — Love letters of a worldly woman. . . C614L4 — W^ild proxy C6i4W^ CloisteP and hearth. Reade, C R225C2 Coelebs in search of a wife. More, H. M815C Coffin, Robert Barry, (Barry Gray, pseud. ) . Cakes and ale at Wood- bine C655C Collins, William Wilkie. After dark C695A — Antonina C695A4 — Armadale C695A6 —Basil C695B — Dead secret C695D — Hide and seek C695H — I say no C695i — Law and the lady. The C695L — Man and wife C695M — Moonstone C695M5 FICTION 125 —New Magdalen C695N —No name C695N3 —Poor Miss Finch C695P — Queen of hearts C695Q —Two destinies. The C695T —Woman in white C695W Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith, F. H SM5C Colonel Starbottle's client. Hart, B. H253C Colonel's Christmas dinner. King, C. K58C2 Colonel's daughter. King, C K58C4 Colonel's opera cloak. Brush, C. C. B836C Colville family. Smedley, F. E. . . . SM35C Come forth. Ward, P. E. S. and Ward, H. D W2113C Coming" race. Bulwer-Iyytton B878C ComtessedeCharney. Dumas, A. 4 v D892C2 Condensed novels and, stories. Harte, B H253C2 Confessions of a clarionet player. Erkmann and Chatrian ER25C4 Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant, R G765C Confessions of Claud. Fawcelt, E. F285C Coning'Sby. Beaconsfield, B. D, (Disraeli) B356C Conquering and to conquer. Charles E C38C Conscript, The. Erkmann and Chatrian ER25C6 Consequences. Castle E C276C Consuelo. Dudevant, A. h. A., ^'George Sand, pseud.) 4 v D865C4 Contarini Fleming. Beaconsfield, B. D.; (Disraeli.) B356C4 Contraband. Melville, G. j. w M496C4 Convicts and their children. Auer- bach, B AU32C Conway, Hugh, />.s^Mdf. ^l?^ Fargus, F. J Cooke, John E. Dr. Vandyke C774D — Fanchett C774F — Leather stockings and silk C774L — My lady Pokahontas C774M — Virginia Comedians. 2 v C774V Cooke, Rose T. Happy Dodd C77415H —"No" 'C77415N — Steadfast C774I5S Cooper, James Fenimore. Afloat and ashore C785A —Bravo C785B — Chain bearer C785C — Crater, or Vulcan's Peak C785C4 — Deerslayer C785D — Headsman C785H — Heidenmauer C785H2 — Home as found ; sequel to Home- ward bound C785H4 — Homeward bound C785H6 —Jack Tier C785J — Last of the Mohicans C785L — Lionel Lincoln C785L4 — Mercedes of Castile C785M — Miles Wallingford C785M2 — Monikins C785M4 — Oak openings C785O — Pathfinder C785P —Pilot, The C785P —Pioneers.. C785P4 —Prairie C785P6 — Precaution C785P8 —Red Rover C785R —Red-skins C785-R4 — Satanstoe C785S -Sea-lions C785S2 —Spy • C785S4 — Two admirals C785T — Water witch C785W — ^Ways of the hour • C785W2 — Wept of wish-ton-wish C785W4 —Wing and wing C785W6 — Wyandotte C785W8 Coppee, Francois. Rivals, The C795R — Ten tales C795T Corbett, Julian. For God and gold . C813F Corelli, Marie. Soul of Lilith C815S Cornelius O'Dowd. Lever, C. J L575C4 Cossacks. Tolstoi, L. N T585C4 Cottin, Mme. Elizabeth, or the ex- iles of Siberia C825E Count Alarcos. Beaconsfield, Dis- raeli B B356Y Count Fathom, etc. Smollett, T SM75C Count George Albert of Erlach. Kraus, E K865C Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, V C424C Count of Monte Cristo, Dumas, A. 4 V D892C4 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, ^zVW. SCO84C Counterparts. Sheppard, E SH45C4 Countess Erika's apprenticeship. Schubin, O SCA76C Countess Gisela. John, E., (E. Mar- X\\X, pseud.) J615C Country doctor. Balzac, H. de B219C4 Country doctor, A. Jewett, S. O. . . J555C Course of true love. Reade, C R225C4 Court of Charles IV. Perez, G. B. . . P415C Courtship. Smart, H SM25C4 Cousin Henry. Trollope, A T745C4 Cousin' Nicholas. Barham, R. H., (Ingoldsby, pseud.) B238C Coventry, John. After his kind C834A Cox, Sir George W., and Jones, E. H. Romance of middle ages C837R Craddock, G. E., pseud. See Mur- free, M.N Craik, Mrs. Dinah Marie. (Mulock.) 126 FICTION — Agatha's husband C845A —Brave lady C845B — Christian's mistake C845C , —Hannah C845H — Head of the family C845H4 — John Halifax, gentleman C845J —King Arthur C845K — Laurel bush C845L — Legacy C845L2 — Life for a life. C845L4 —Mistress and maid C845M —My mother and I C845M4 —Noble life C845N — Ogilvies C845O —Olive C845O4 — Two marriages C845T —Unkind word C845U — Woman's kingdom C845W — Young, Mrs. Jardine C845Y CranfOPd. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C G214C CrateP ; or Vulcan's peak. Cooper, J. F C785C4 CPawfOFd, F. Marion. American politician C857A —Children of the king, the C857C — Cigarette maker's romance C857C4 —Dr. Claudius C857D — Don Orsino C857D3 — Greifenstein C857G — Khaled e857K — Marzio's crucifix C857M — Mr. Isaacs C857M4 —Paul PatoflF. C857P — Roman singer C857R —Saint Ilario C857S — Saracinesca C857S4 —Tale of a lonely parish C857T —Three fates C857T2 —To leeward C857T4 — Witch of Prague C357W —With the immortals C857W4 —Zoroaster C857Z CPessy. Harte, B H253C4 CPime and punishment. DostoieflFsky, F. M D745C CPOly, Rev. George. Salathiel C877S Crooked places. Mayo, Mrs. I., (E. Garrett, pseud.) M457C Cposs, Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans). See Eliot, George, pseud CPOWfleld, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, H. B CPUgeP, Mrs. J. S., (Julien Gordon, pseud.). Diplomat's diary. C886D =His letters C886H —Marionettes C886M —Puritan Pagan C886P —Successful man C886S — Vampires and Madamoiselle R^s^da C886V CPUgeP, Mrs. Van Rensselaer. See Cruger, J. S CPUikshank, Rev. George. Three courses and a desert .... C888T CPUSade of the Excelsior. Harte B. H253C6 CPUst and cake. Mayo, Mrs. I., (E. Garret, pseud.) M457C2 Crystal button. Thomas C T363C Cummins, Marie S. El Fureidis. . . CgrsE — Haunted hearts C915H — Lamplighter C915L — Mable Vaughan C95M Cupate in charge. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35C Cynthia Wakeman's money. Rohlfs, A. K R635C DahlgPen, Madaleine V. Chim ; his Washington winter D135C Daisy. Warner S W24416D Daisy Burns. Kavanagb, J K184D Daisy chain. Yonge, CM Y84D Dally. Pool, M. L P783D Daltons. Lever. C. J. L575D Damen's ghost. Bynner, E. L B995D DanesbUPy house. Wood, Mrs. C. D. W85213D Daniel Deronda. Eliot, G. 2 v EL45D Danilevski, Gregory P. Princess Tarakanova. D223P DaPk days. Fargus, F. J., (Hugh Conway, pseud.) F225D DaPkness and dawn. Farrar, F. W. F245D DaPPyll gap. Townsend, V. A T66417D Daudet, Alphonse. Immortal, or one of the forty D265I — Kings in exile D265K Dauge, Henri, pseud. See Ham- mond, H. H DaughteP of an empress. Mundt, Mrs. E., (Muhlbach, pseud.) .... M924D DaughteP of Eve. Kirk, Mrs. E. W. O., (Hayes, pseud.) K634D DaughteP of Fife. Ban-, Mrs. A. E. B27D DaughteP of Heth. Black, W B563D DaughteP of the Philistines. Boye- sen, H. H B696D Daughter of the south. Harrison, Mrs. C. C H245D DavenpOPt, Dunn. Lever, C. J L575D2 David Alden's daughter and other stories. Austin, J. G AU76E David Copperfield. Dickens, C. 2 v D552D David Elginbrod. Macdonald, G. . . M144D David Grieve. Ward, ^/r^. H W2116D David Lloyd's last will. Smith, H., (H. Stretton, pseud.) SM513D Davis, Mrs. Rebecca H. Margaret Howth D29M — Silhouettes of American life D29S Davis, Richard H. Gallegher and w FICTION 127 other stories D2918G Davis, Richard H. Van Bibber and others D2918V Dawn. Haggard, H. R H125D Day at Laguerre's. Smith, F. H SM5D Day of fate. Roe, E. P R6213D Days of Bruce. Aguilar. G. 2 v AG95D Days of my life. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35D Day's ride. Lever, C.J Iv575D4 Dead secret. Collins, W. W C695D Dead sin and other stories. Mayo, Mrs. I,, (Garrett, pseud. ) M457D Dead souls. Gogol, N. V. 2v G356T Debit and credit. Freytag, G F896D Deerslayep. Cooper, j. F C785D De Forest, John W. Wetherel affair D365W Deland, Margaret. John Ward, preacher D375J — Mr. Tommy Dove and other stories D375M —Sidney D375S Demagogue. Lock, D. R., (P. v. Nasby, pseud. ) L79D De Mille, Jas. American baron .... D395A — Lady of the ice D395L Demoniac, The. Besant, W B465D Denis Duval. Thackeray, W. M T324L Denzil Quarrier. Gissing, G G445D DePPielc Vaughan. Bayly, A. E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) B346D DesePt of Ice. Verne, J V595D DesePteP and From the ranks. King, C K58D Desmond hundred. Austin, J. G. . . AU76D4 DespePate remedies. Hary, T H22418D Despot of Broomsedge cove. Mur- free, M. N., (Craddock, pseud.) . . M945D De vePeux. Bulwer-Lytton B878D Devil's portrait. Barrili, A. G B277D Diamond cut diamond. Trollope, T. A T74517D Diana Carew. Bridges, Mrs B765D Diana of the crossways. Meredith, G. M544D Diane Coryval D545 Diapy of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Charles, E C38D Diapy of the H — family. Bremer, F. B753D Dickens, Chas. Barnaby Rudge. 2v D552D — Battle of life D552C — Bleak house. 2v D552B4 — Christmas books D5.'52C — Christmas carol D552C — Christmas stories D552C4 — David Copperfield. 2 v D552D — Dombey and Son. 2 v D552D4 — Edwin Drood and other stories. . . . D552E — Great expectations D552G — Hard times, with Barnaby Rudge. V. 2 D552B — Little Dorrit. 2 v D552L — Martin Chuzzlewit. 2 v D552M — Nicholas Nickleby. 2 v D552N — Old curiosity shop. 2 v D552O —Oliver Twist D552O2 — Our mutual friend. 2 v D552O4 — Pickwick Papers. 2 v D552P — Sketches by Boz D552S — Tale of two cities D552T — Uncommercial traveler D552U Dickens, Mary A. Mere cypher, A . D55216M Dickinson, Anna E. What answer.. D565W Dick's sweetheart. Hungerford , i^y5. H895D Dick's wandering. Sturgis, J ST95D DietatOP, The. McCarty, J M126D DimitPi Roudine. Turgenieff. I. .. T845D Dion and the Sibyls. Keon, M. G. . K434D Diplomat's diary. Cruger, Mrs. (Julia Gordon, pseud.) C886D Disowned. Bulwer-Lytton B878D DiSPaeli, Benjamin. See Beacons- field, Bar/ of DistPacted young preacher. Hardy, T H22418D4 DistUPbing element. Yonge, C. M, Y84D2 DmitPi. Bain, F. W B16D DoetOP Antonio. Ruffini, G. D R835D DoctOP Austin's guest. Gilbert, W.. G375D DoctOP Ben. Witherspoon, O W775D DoctOP Birch and his young friends. Thackeray, W. M T324C4 Doctor Breen's practice. Howells, W. D H837D DoctOP Claudius. Crawtord, F. M. . C857D DoctOP Grattan. Hammond, W. A. H18618D DoctOP Grimshaw's secret. Haw- thorne, N H31517D DoctOP Jacob. Edwards, M. B ED9617D DoctOP Martha Scarborough. Camp- bell, H C15315D DoctOP Matheus. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25D DoctOP Servier. Cable, G. W C112D DoctOP Thorne. Trollope, A T745D Doctor Vandyke. Cooke, J. E C774D DoetOP Wainwright's patient. Yates, E. H W26D DoctOP Wortle's school. Trollope, A. T745D2 DoctOP'S dilemma. Smith, H., (H. Stretton, pseud.) SM513D4 Dodd family abroad. Lever, C. J. . . L575D6 Dodge, Mary A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.). First love is best D665F Doing and dreaming. Mayo, Mrs. I. , (Garrett, pseud.). M457D4 Dollivep romance, Septimus Felton, etc H31517D4 Dombey and son. Dickens, C. 2 v. D552D4 DonJoiin. Ingelow, J IN44D Don OPSino. Crawford, M C857D3 128 FICTION Don Quixote. Cervantes, S. M. 4 v C335D Dona Luz. Valera, J V231D Donald Marcy. Ward.E. S. P W21D Donald Ross of Heimra. Black, W. B563D4 Donovan. Bayly, A. E. (Edna Lyall, pseud. ) B346D4 Doomswoman, The. Atherton,G. F AT45D DOPiS Cheyne. Swan, A. S SW25D Dorothea D735 Dorothy Gray. Talcott, Mrs. H. B. T143D Dorothy Wallis. Besant, W B465D4 DostoieffSky, Fedor M. Crime and punishment . . D745C —Idiot, The D745I — Uncle's dream and Permanent hus- band D745U Double marriage. Reade, C R225D Doudney, Sarah. Prudence Winter- burn D746P Dougall, L, Beggars all D786B Douglas, Amanda. Claudia D748C — Floyd Grandon's honor D748F — Foes of her household D748F2 — Fortunes of the Faradays D748F4 — From hand to mouth D748F6 — Home nook D748H —Hope Mills D748H4 — In trust D748I — l/ost in a great city D748I, — Nelly Kinnard's kingdom D748N — Osborne of Arrochar D748O — Out of the wreck D748O4 — Seven daughters D748S — Stephen Dane D748S2 — Sydnie Adriance D748S4 — Whom Kathie married D748W — Woman's inheritance, A D748W4 Dove in the eaele's nest. Yonge, CM r Y84D4 Down the ravine. Murfree, M. N., (Craddock, pseud.) M945D4 Doyle, A. Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes D775A — Captain of the Polestar D775C — Great shadow , D775G — Micah Clarke D775M — White company D775W Drayton's and Davenants. Charles E. C38D4 Dream of a modest prophet. Leg- gett, M. D L526D Drift from two shores. Harte, B . . H253D Driven back to Eden. Roe, E. P. . . R6213D Droz, Antoine Gustave, Babolain... D835B Duehess, The, pseud. See Hunger- ford, Mrs Duehesse de Langeais. Balzac, B219D Dudevant, Amantine, L. A., (George Sand, pseud.) Bagpipes ...... D865B — Cesarine Dietrich D865C — Consuelo. 4 V D865C4 — Haunted pool D865H — Marquis de Villemer D865M — Mauprat D865M4 — Snow man D865S Duke's children. Trollope, A T745D4 Dumas, Alexander. Ange Pitou, 2 v D892A — Comtesse de Charney. 4 v D892C2 — Count of Monte Cristo. 4v D892C4 — La dame de Monsoreau. 2 v D892D — Le chevalier de maison-rouge D892C —Marguerite de Valois. 2 v D892M — Memoirs of a physician. 3 V D892M4 — Queen's necklace. 2 v D892Q — Three musketeers. 2v D892T — Twenty years after. 2 v D892T4 — Vicomte de Bragelonne. 6 v D892V Du Maurier, George. Peter Ibbetson D867P Duncan, Sara J. American girl in London ^. . . . D914A — Social departure D914S5 Dunning, Charlotte. See Wood, C. D. Dunraven ranch. King, C K58D4 Dusantes. Stockton, F ST65D Dy never terrace. Yonge, C. M Y84D6 Earl's daughter. Sewell, E. M SE86E Early dawn. Charles, E C38E Earth trembled. Roe, E. P R6213E East and west. Hale, E. E H13E East Angels. Woolson, C. T W887E Ebers, Georg Moritz. Bride of the Nile. 2 V EB35B — Burgomaster's wife EB35B4 — Eg3"ptian princess. 2 v EB35E — Elixir and other tales EB35E2 — Emperor. 2 v EB35E4 —Homo Sum EB35H — Margery EB35M —Question, A EB35Q — Serapis EB35S — Sislers, The EB35S4 —Thorny path, A. 2 v EB35T — Uarda. 2v EB35U — Word, only a word, A EB35W Echo of passion. Lathrop, G P. . . . L345E Edge worth, Maria. Popular tales . . ED37P Editor's tales. An. Trollope, A T745E Edleen Vaughan. Elizabeth, Queen, (Carmen Sylva, pseud.) EL48E Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Archie Lovell ED95A — Ought we to visit her ED95O —Susan Fielding ED95S — Vivian the beauty ED95V — Woman of fashion ED95W Edwards, Amelia Blandford. Bar- bara's history . ED96B —Hand and glove ED96H —Miss Carew ED96M —My brother's wife ED96M4 FICTION 129 Edwards, Matilda Betham. Doctor Jacob ED9617D — Sylvestres ED9617S Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop, T. . . W737E Edwin Drood and other stories. Dickens, Chas D552E Eggleston, Edward. Circuit rider. . EG35C —End of the world '. EG35E —Faith doctor EG35F — Graysons EG35G — Hoosier school-master EG35H — Mystery of Metropolisville EG35M — Roxy EG35-R Eggleston, George Carey. Jugger- naut EG3515J Egotist, The. Meredith, G M544E Egyptian princess. Ebers, G. M. 2v EB35E- Eiehofs, The. Reichenbach. M R273E Eleanor, Lambert. Brooke, M B792E Elective affinities. Goethe, J. W. von V. 2 838-G554E Eleventh commandment. Barrili, A.G B277E El Furedidis. Cummins, M. S C915E Eliot, George, pseud, of Mrs. Cross. Adam Bede EL45A — Brother Jacob 821-EM5 — Daniel Deronda. 2 v EIv45D — Felix Holt the radical. 2 v EL45F — Lifted veil 821-EL45 — Mill on the Floss. 2 v EL,45M — Romola EL45R — Scenes of clerical life .*. .. EIv45S — Silas Marner EL45S — Theophrastus Such EL45T Elixir. Ebers, G. M. 2 v EB35E2 Elizabeth, or the exiles of Siberia. Cottin, Mine. S C825E Elizabeth, queen of Roumania, (Car- men, Sylva, pseud.) Edleen Vaughan EL48E Ella. Philippa EL54P Elliot, Frances. Romance of old court-life in France EL56R Elliot, S.B. Jerry EIv56i7j Ellis, Edward" S. From the throttle to the president's chair. EL58F Elsie Venner. Holmes, O. W H734E Elsket and other stories. Page, T. N. P145E Emily Chester. Seemuller, Mrs.K. M SE37E Emma. Austen, J AU74E Emperor. Ebers, G. M. 2v EB35E4 End of the world. Eggleston, E EG35E Endymion. Beaconsfield, B. D. (Dis- raeli, pseud.) B356E Epieurian. Moore, T M78418E Equal to the occasion. Mayo, Mrs. I., (Garrett, pseud.) M457E Erekmann, Emile,andChatrian, Al- L C— 17 exandre. Alsacian schoolmaster. ER25A —Blockade of Phalsburg ER25B — Campaign in Kabylia ER25C — Citizen Bonaparte ER25C2 — Confessions of a clarionet player. . . ER25C4 —Conscript, The ER25C6 -Dr. Matheus ER25D —Friend Fritz ER25F — Invasion of France ER25I — Madame Therese ER25M —Man-wolf ER25M2 — Miller's story of the war ER25M4 —Polish Jew ER25P — Stories of the Rhine ER25S — Strange stories ER25S4 —Waterloo ER25W —Wild huntsman ER25W4 — Year one of the Republic ER25Y Erlaeh court. Schubin, O SCH76E Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer-Lytton. . B878E Ersilia. Poynter, E. F P876E Erskine, Mrs. Thos. Wyncote ER85W Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton B878P2 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac, H. de. . . B219E Europeans, The. James, H J23416E Eustace diamonds. Trollope, A T745E2 Evelina. Arblay, F. d', (Francis Bumey, pseud.) AR15E Exiles. Balzac, H. de B219S Expatriation EX65 Expedition of Sir Humphrey Clinker. Smollett, T SM75E Experience of lite. Sewell, E. M . . SE86E4 Expiation. French, A., (Octave Thanet, pseud.) F886E Eye for an eye. Trollope, A T745E4 Face illumined. Roe, E. P R6213F Face to face. Grant, R G765F FainallS of Tipton. Johnson, V. W. J63418F Fair barbarian. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. B935F Fair God, The. Wallace, L W156F Fair maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W. 2 V SCO84F Faire gospeller. Manning, A M315L Faith and unfaith. Hungerford, Mrs., (The Duchess, pseud.) H895F Faith doctor. Eggleston, E EG35F Faleonberg. Boyesen, H. H B696F Falconer, Lanoe. Mademoiselle Ixe F184M Fallen idol, A. Guthrie, F. A., (F, Anstey, pseud.) G98514F False cards. Smart, H SM25F False start. Smart, H SM25F3 Fame and sorrow. Balzac, H. de. . . B219F Family feud. Harder, L H216F Family fortunes. Mayo, 3Irs. I., (Garrett, pseud. ) M457F Family tree and other stories. Mat- thews, J. B M434F 130 FICTION Fanehette. Cooke, j. E C774F FaP away and long ago. Kemble, F. A. K315F Far from the madding crowd. Har- dy, T H22418F Far in the forest. Mitchell, S. W. . . M695F FaPgUS, Frederick John., (Hugh Con- way, pseud. ) Carriston's gift and other stories F225C — Dark days F225D — Living or dead F225IV Farjeon, Benjamin L,. Last tenant, The F227IV Farrar, Frederick William. Dark- ness and dawn F245D — Julian Home F245J — Saint Winifred's F245S Fatal boots. Thackeray, W. M T324B Fate of Fenella. Mathers, H. B. and others M425F Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White, R. G W585F Father and daughter. Bremer, F . . . B753F Fathers and sons, Turgdneiff, I T845F Faweett, Edgar. Adventures of a widow F285 A — Confessions of Claud F285C —House at High Bridge F285H — Olivia Delaplaine F285O Feapful responsibility, etc. Howells, W. D H837F Feet of clay. Barr, Mrs. A. E B27F Felix Holt, the radical. Eliot, G. 2 V EI/45F Fellow and his wife, A. Howard, B. W H833F Fenelon, F. de S. Adventures of Telemachus F355A Fenn, Geo. Manville. Nurse Elisia. F364N —Parson O'Dumford F364P — Vicar's people, The F364V FePPier, Susan E. Inheritance, The F415I Feuillet, Octave. Romance of a poor young man F435R Fielding, Henry. Amelia F465A —Jonathan Wild F465J — Joseph Andrews F465J4 — Tom Jones. 2 v F465T Fifty pounds for a wife. Glyn,A. L. G528F Fifty years on the trail. O'Reilly... OR35F Fifty years, three months, two days. Wolf, J W834F Figs and thistles. Tourgee, A. W. . . T644F FiPSt families of the Sierras. Miller, j. M614F FiPSt family of Tasajara. Harte, B . H253F FiPSt harvest. Stimson , F. J ST55F FiPSt love is best. Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) D665F FiPSt violin. Fothergill, J F824F FisheP, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.), Land of the sky F534L — Question of honor F534Q — Summer Idyl F534S — Valerie Aylmer F534V FisheP maiden. Bjornson, B B556F Fishepman of Auge. Macquoid, Mrs. K. L M245F Fishin' Jimmy. Slosson, Annie T. . . SL55F Fiske, Amos K. Beyond the bourn.. F544B Fleming, George, />.y^«rf. See Fletcher, J.C FletcheP, Julia C, (Geo. Fleming, . pseud.) Andromeda F635A — Kismet 35K — Vestigia F635V FloweP de hundred. Harrison, i7/r5. C. C ! H245F FloweP, fruit and thorn pieces. Richter, J. P. F R415F Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas, A. D748F Foes of her household. Douglas, A.. D748F2 Folle Farine. Rame, L. de la,(Ouida pseud.) R144F Foote, Mary Halleck. Chosen val- ley F735C — Last assembly ball and fate of a voice F735L — Led-Horse claim F735L4 Fop a song's sake. Marston, P. B. . . M356F FoP faith and freedom. Besant, W. . B465F Fop God and gold. Corbett, J C813F Fop her sake. Roy, G R814F FoPLilias. C&rey, R. N C188F Fop love and life. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35F Fopegone conclusion. Howells, W. D. H837F4 FoPestePS. Auerbach, B AU32F Fopsaken inn. Rohlfs, A. K R635F FoPtunes of Glencore. Lever, C.J. . L575F FoPtunes of Hector O'Halloran. Maxwell, W. H M45417F FoPtunes of Nigel. Scott, Sir W. 2v SCO84F6 FoPtunes of Rachel. Hale, E. E. . . H13F FoPtunes of the Colville family. Smedley, F. E SM35C FoPtunes of the Faradays. Doug- las, A D748F4 FoPty-five. Dumas, A D892F FothePgill, Jessie. First violin F824F — From Moor isles F824F4 — Lasses of Leverhouse F824L — March in the ranks F824M — Wellfields F824W Foul play. Reade, C, and Bovicci- cault, D R226F FouPteen to one. Ward, E. S. P W21F Fpancillon, R. E. Romances of the law F845R Fpaneis Cludde. Weyman, S. J W545F FICTION 131 Frank Farleigh. Smedley, F. E. . . . SM35F Frank Warrington. Harris, M. C. . . H2415F Frau Wilhelmine. Stinde, J ST57F FpedePic, Harold. Seth's brother's wife F874S FPederiek the Great and his court. Muudt, Mrs. E., (Muhlback, pseud.) M924F FredePiek the Great and his family. Mundt, Mrs. E., (Muhlbach, pseud.) M924F2 Fpeeland. Hertska, T H445F Fpeneh, Alice, (Octave Thanet, pseud. ) Expiation F886E — Stories of a western town F886S Fpeytag, Gustav. Debit and credit. F896D — Lost manuscript. 2 v F896L FPiedPieh, Bertha H., (Golo Rai- mund, pseud.). From hand to hand F915F — New race F915N FPiend Fritz. Erckmann and Cha- trian ER25F Fpiend of death. Serrano, M. J SE67F Fpiend Olivia. Barr, Mrs. E. A B27F4 Frith, Henry. Biography of a loco- motive F917B — Under Bayard's banner F917U From dusk to dawn. Woods, K W867K FPOm hand to hand. Friedrich, Ber- tha Heyn, (GoloRaimund,/.y^«c^.) F915F FPom hand to mouth. Douglas, A. . D748F6 FPOm jest to earnest. Roe, E. P R6213F5 FPOm Moor isles. Fothergill, J F824F4 FPOm post to finish. Smart, H SM25F5 FPOm shadow to sunlight. Lome, Marquis of L895F FPOm the clouds to the mountains. Verne, J - V595F FPOm the earth to the moon. Verne, J V595F2 I^v FPOm the ranks. With Deserter. ■ King, C K58D FPOm the throttle to the president's chair. Ellis, E, L EL58F FPOntieP stories. Harte, B H253F4 I FPOUde, James A. Two chiefs of K Dunboy F935T ^ Fuller, A. M. A. D. 2000 F954A Fuller, H. B. Chatelaine of la Trinite F95415C — Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani F95415C4 FullePton, Lady Georgiana. Stormy life F956S FUP country. Verne, J V595F8 GabOPiau, Emile. Mystery of Or- cival G115M GabPiel Conroy. Harte, B H253G Gadsbys. Kipling, R K625G GaldOS, B. 6"^^ Perez, G. B,. Gallant fight. Terhune, M. V., (M. Harland, pseud.) . T275G GallegheP and other stories. Davis, Richard H D2918G GaPland. A. L. Caught by the tide. G187C GaPland, Hamlin. Main traveled road G18714M — Jason Edwards an average man. . . . G18714J — Little Norsk, or ol' pap's flaxen. . . G18714L Gapman and Worse. Kielland, A. L. K545G GaPPett, E., pseud. See Mayo, Mrs. I GaPStang grange. Trollope, T. A . . T74517G GaPth. Hawthorne, J H315G Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn. Cranford G214C —Mary Barton G214M —Right at last G214R Gasp^, Phillippe A. de. Canadians of old G216C Gates ajar. Ward, E. S. P W21G Gates between. Ward, E. S. P W21G2 Gates of Eden. Swan, A. S SW25G GautieP, Judith. Usurper G236U — Theophile and M^rim^e, Prosper. Tales before supper G237T Gaywopthys. Whitney, A. D. T. . . W615G GeieP-Wally. Hillern, W. von H555G Genevieve. Lamartine, A. de L165G Gentianella. Randolph, Mrs R155G Geopgians. Hammond, H. H., (Henri Dange, pseud.) H186G Gepald French's friend. Jessop, G. H J495G GePaldine Hawthorne. Butt, B. M. B984G Gepapd, Dorothea. Lady baby. ... G315L GePda. Schwartz, M. S SCH94G GePman conquest of England in 1875 and battle of Dorking. Chesney, G C426G GePman emigrants. Goethe, J. W. von. V. 3 838-G554W GePtPude. Sewell, E. M SE86G Gestfeld, U. N. Woman who dares. G335W Giant's robe. Guthrie, F. A., (F. Anstey, pseud.) G98514G Gil Bias. Le Sage, A. R L564G Gilbert, William. Doctor Austin's guests G375D GilbePt Gurney. Hook, T. E H766G GilmOPe, Jas. R., (Edmund Kirke, pseud.). My southern friends. . . G425M —On the border G425O GiPl graduate, A. Woolley, C. P. . . . W885G Gissing, George. Denzil Quarrier. . G445D — Odd women G445O GlOPia Victis. Schubin, O SCH76G GlumeP, Claire von. Noble name. . . G525N Glyn, A, L. Fifty pounds for a wife. G528F 132 FICTION Goddess of Atvatabar. Bradshaw, W. R B727G Godolphin. Bulwer-Lytton B878N God's fool. Maartens, M • MiiiG Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Elective affinities. V. 2 838-G554E — German emigrants. V. 3. 838-G554W — Good woman. V. 2 838-G554E —Sorrows of Werther. V. 2 838-G554E — Wilhelm Meister. V. 3 838-G554W Goethe and Schiller. Mundt, Mrs. E., (Muhlbach, /)5i?«a'.) M924G Gogol, Nikolai V. TchitchikofFs journeys or dead souls. 2v G556T Gold and dross. Mayo, Mrs. I. (Gar- ret, pseud. ) M457G Gold and name. Schwartz, M. S SCH94G6 Gold Elsie. John, E., ^E. Marlett, pseud.) J615G Golden butterfly. Besant and Rice . B466G Golden fleece. Hawthorne, J H315G5 Golden gossip, A. Whitney, A. D.T. W615G4 Golden Justice. Bishop, W. H B545G Golden Lion of Granpere. Trollope, A T745G Golden wedding and other tales. Stuart, R. McE ST92G Goldsmith, Oliver. Classic tales. V. 3. Leigh Hunt, ed H91414C — Vicar of Wakefield G575V Goldsmith's wife. Reybaud, Mme.C. R333G GoneouFt, E. & J. de. Sister Philo- mene G585S Good stories. Reade, C R225G Good woman. Goethe, J. W. von. v. 2. 838-G554E Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. See Talcot, Hannah B Gordon, Julian, pseud. See Cruger, Mrs.^.^ Gospel stories. Tolstoi, Count h. . . . T585G Gosse, Edmund. Secret of Narcisse. G694S GovernOP, The and other stories. Hib- bard, Geo H521G Grace Lee. Kavanagh, J K184G Graham, Ennis, pseud. See Moles- worth, M. L Gramerey Park. Wood, j. S W85215G Grandissimes. Cable, G. w C112G Grant, Robert. Confessions of a frivolous girl G765C — Face to face G765F —King's men. The, G765K — Reflections of a married man G765R — Romantic young lady G765R4 Granville de Vigne. Ram^, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.) R144G Gray, Barry, pseud. See Coffin, R. B. Gray, Maxwell, Silence of Dean Maitland G794S Graysons. Eggleston, E EG35G Great expectations. Dickens, C... D552G Great man of the provinces in Paris. Balzac, H. de B219G Great match. Smith, M. P. W SM515G Great Shadow, The. Doyle, A. Co- nan D775G Great tontine. Smart, H SM25G Great war syndicate. Stockton, F.. ST65G Green, Anna K. See Rohlfs, Anna Katharine. Green gate. Wichert, E W634G Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black, W B563G Green tea. Schallenberger, V SCH14G Greene, Homer. Bumham breaker. G83B Greene, S, P. McL. Cape Cod folks G8317C — Vesty of the Basins G8317V Green well, Dora. Two friends G855T Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lip- pincott, Mrs. S. J Greifenstein. Crawford, F. M C857G Griffith, Gaunt. Reade, C R225G4 Griffiths, Arthur. Lola G875L Group of noble dames. Hardy, T. . . H22418G Guardian angel. Holmes, O.W H734G Guerrazzi, Francesco D. Beatrice Ceuci G935B — Manfred G935M Guilderoy. Rame, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud. ) R144G6 Gunsaulus, F, W, Monk and . knight. 2 v G944M Gunter, Archibald C, Miss Divi- dends G956M — Mr. Barnes of New York . G956M4 —Mr. Potter of Texas G956M6 —That Frenchman G956T Gustavo Adolphus. Topelius, Z. . . . T625G Guthrie, Ellen J, Tales of the cove- nanters G985T Guthrie, F, A., (F. K-asity, pseud.). Fallen idol, A G98514G —Giant's robe G98514G —Tinted Venus G98514T — Tourmaline's time cheques G98514T4 Guy Mannering. Scott, ^^V W. 2 v. SCO84G Gwen Wynn. Reid, M R275G Guenn. Howard, B. W H833G H. H., pseud, ^^i? Jackson, H. H. . . . Habberton, John. Barton experi- ment H113B — Helen's babies H113H Haggard, H. Rider. Dawn H125D —Jess H125J — King Solomon's mines H125K —Nada the lily H125N —She H125S —Witch's head H125W FICTION 133 Hag-gard, R. H., and Lang, A. World's desire H126W Hale, Edward E. Christmas eve H13C — Christmas in Narragansett H13C4 — East and west H13E — Fortunes of Rachel H13F — His level best and other stories. . . . H13H tin His name, story of the Wal- denses H13I Ingham papers. H13I4 — Man without a country and other tales H13M — Our new crusade H13O — Philip Nolan's friends H13P —Sybil Knox H13S Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantin . H137A Half brothers. Smith, H SM513H ilB,U,Mrs. Anna Marie. Sketches of Irish character H14S Hamilton, Alice K. One of the Du- anes H184O Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A Hamilton, Kate W. Rachel's share of the road H18414R Hammer, The. Church, A. J. and Seely, R C473H Hammond, Henrietta H., (Henri Dauge, pseud.) Georgians H186G Hammond, William A. Doctor Grattan H18618D —Lai H18618L —Mr. Oldmixon H18618M — On the Susquehanna." H18618O — vStrong minded woman H18618S Hand and glove. Edwards, A. B. . . . ED96H Hand and ring. Rohlfs, A. K R635H Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy, T H22418H Handicapped. Terhune, Mrs. M.V. (M, Harland, pseud.) T275H ■Hannah. Craik, Mrs. D. M., \ (Mulock, pseud.) C845H Hannah Thurston. Taylor, B T215H Hannibal of New York. Wharton, T W555H Hans of Iceland. Hugo, V. M H877H Happy Dodd. Cooke, R. T C77415H Hard cash. Reade, C R225H Hard lines. Smart, H SM25H Hard times. IViiA Barnaby Rudge. V. 2. Dickens, C D552B Harder, Ludwig. Family feud H216F Hardy, Arthur S. Passe Rose H224P — Wind of destiny H224W Hardy, Thomas. Desperate remedies. H22418D — Distracted young preacher H22418D4 — Far from the madding crowd H22418F — Group of noble dames. H22418G —Hand of Ethelberta H22418H — Mayor of Casterbridge . . H22418M — Pair of blue eyes H22418P — Return of the native, The H22418R ' — Tess of the D'Urbervilles H22418T >' —Trumpet-major, The H22418T5 — Under the greenwood tree H22418U Hardy Norseman. Bayly, A. E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) ; B364H Harland, Henry, (Sidney Luska, pseud.) Latin-quarter courtship and other stories H227L — Meaculpa; a woman's last word. . . . H227M Harland, Marion, pseud. See Ter- hune, A/rs. M.V Harmonia. Marie Celeste, Sister. . . M335H Harris, Joel Chandler. Balaam and his master and other stories H24B — Mingo, and other sketches in black and white H24M — Uncle Remus H24U Harris, Miriam C. Frank Warring- ton H2415F — Sutherlands H2415S Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harri- son, Constance C Harrison, 3frs. Constance C. An- glomaniacs H245 A — Belhaven tales H245B — Daughter of the south H245D — Flower de hundred H245F Harry Heathcote. Trollope, A T745H Harry Lorrequer. Lever, C. J L575H Harry Muir. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. OL35H Harry Richmond. Meredith, G M544H Harte, Bret. By shore and sedge. . . H253B — Colonel Starbottle's client H253C — Condensed novels and stories H253C2 — Cressy H253C4 — Crusade of the Excelsior H253C6 — Drift from two shores H253D — First family of Tasajara H253F — Frontier stories H253F4 — Gabriel Conroy H253G — Heritage of Deadlow Marsh and other stories H253H — In the Carquinnez woods H253I — Luck of Roaring Camp and other stories H253L — Outcasts of Poker Flat H253O2 — Peter Schroeder H253P — Sally Dows and other stories H253S — Susy; a story of the plains H253S8 — Tales of the Argonauts H253T — Thankful Blossom. H253T4 — Waif of the plains H253W —Ward of the Golden Gate H253W4 Hartley, Mrs. May L. Christy Carew H255C — Hon, Miss Ferrard H255H 134 FICTION Haptnep, Eva. Harvey's, The. Hatton, Joseph. Haueh, John C. Haunted hearts Haunted man. Hunted pool. Severa Kingsley, H Cigarette papers. . Robert Fulton Cummins, M. S. . Dickens, C Dudevant, A. L. A. (George Sand, pseud) HawkswoPth, Br. John. Classic tales. Vol. I. Leigh Hunt, ed. . HawOPth's. Burnett, Airs. F. H HawthOPne, Julian. Another's crime — Beatrix Randolph —Garth — Golden fleece — John Parmelee's curs6 — Love or a name . . . .' — Noble blood — Sebastian Strome — Section 558 HawthOPne, Nathaniel. Blithedale romance — Doctor Grimshawe's secret — Dolliver romance, Septimus, Fel- ton , etc — House of the seven gables, Snow image, etc ■ — Marble faun — Mosses from an old manse — Scarlet letter, etc — Septimus Felton with Dolliver ro- mance — Twice told tales Hayes, Harry, pseud. See Kirk, E. W. O HazaPd of new fortunes. Howells, W. D He fell in love with his wife. Roe, E. P He knew he was right. Trollope, A . Head of the family. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock, pseud.) Headsman. Cooper, j. F HeaPt and cross. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O HeaPt of Midlothian. Scott, Sir W. 2 V Heartsease. Yonge, C. M Heaven, Louise P. Chata and Chi- nita HeetOP, Mrs. Annie F., {Airs. Alex- ander, pseud. ) . Beaton's bargain — Her dearest foe — Heritage of Langdale — Life interest — Look before you leap — Maid, wife or widow — Moua's choice .... . . ^ H257S K61413H H286C H293R C915H D552C D865H H9i4r4C B935H H315A H315B H315G H315G5 H315J H315IV H315N H315S H315S4 H31517B H31517D H31517D4 H31517H H31517M H31517M4 H31517S H31517D4 H31517T H837H R6213H T745H4 C845H4 C785H OL35H2 SCO84H Y84H H355C H357B H357H H357H4 H357L H357lv4 H357M H357M4 — Snare of the fowler H357S —Which shall it be * H357W — Wooing o't H357W4 Heidenmaup. Cooper, J. F C785H2 HeimbUPg, W., pseud. See Behrens, Bertha HeiP of Redclyffe. Yonge, CM.... Y84H2 Help presumptive and heir apparent. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35H4 Helen Brent M. D H365 Helen's babies. Habberton, J H113H Helps, Sir Arthur. Casimir Marem- ma H367C — Ivan de Biron H367I — Realmah H367R HendePSOn, Isaac. Agatha Page .. . H384A —Prelate, the H384P Henkel, Friedrika. Mistress of Ibichstein H386M Henpy VIII and his court. Mundt, Mrs. E., (Mulhbach, pseud.) M924H Henpy Esmond. Thackeray, W. M. T324H Henpy Masterton. James, G. P. R. . J23414H Hep dearest foe. Hector, Mrs. A. F., {.Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357H Hep heart was true H412 Hep object in life. Mayo, Mrs. I., (Garrett, pseud.) M457H HepewaPd. Kingsley, C. 2 v K614H Hepiot's choice. Carey, R. N C188H HePitage of Deadlow marsh and other stories. Harte, B H253H HePitage of Langdale. 'S.&cX.ox, Mrs. A. F., {Mrs. Alexander, pseud.). H357H4 HePmann Agha. Palgrave, W. G. .. P175H HePtzka, T. Freeland H445F HespePUS. Richter, J. P. F. 2v... R415H Hestep. Butt, B. M H22418D4 Hetty and other stories. Kingsley, H. K61413H2 HibbaPd, Geo. A. Governor and other stories, the H521G Hidden path. Terhune, Mrs. M. V., (M. Harland, pseud. ) ... T275H2 Hide and seek. Collins, W. W C695H Higginson, Thomas W. Malbone.. H535M — Monarch of dreams H535M4 Highland widow and other stories. Scott, Sir^ SCO84H4 Hillern, Wilhelmine von. By his own might H555B — Geier-Wally H555G — Hour will come, The H555H —Only a girl H555O Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner, S. . W24416H HillyaPS and Burtons. Kingsley, H. K61413H4 His great self. Terhune, Mrs. M. V., (M. Harland, pseud) T275H4 His letters. Cruger, J. S., (Julian Gordon, pseud.) C886H FICTION 135 His level best and other stories. Hale, E. E H13H His majesty myself. Baker, W. M. .. B17418H His sombre rivals. Roe, E. P R6213H3 HistOPy of a crime. Hugo, V. M H877H4 Hitherto. Whitney, A. D. T W615H Hobbes, John O. Study in tempta- tions H653S ^sHofiYnan, Ernest T. A. Weird tales. HI. 2 V H674W HoggaPty diamond. With Samuel Titmarsh. Thackeray, W. M . . . T324S Holland, Josiah Gilbert, (Timothy Titcomb, pseud). Arthiar Bonni- castle II715A — Bay path H715B — Miss Gilbert's career H715M — Nicholas Minturn H715N — Sevenoaks H715S Hollands, The. Townsend, V. F. . .. T66417H Holley, Marietta. Josiah Allen's wife H725J — My wayward pardner H725M — Samantha among the brethren H725S — Samantha at Saratoga H725S2 — Sweet Cicely H725S4 Holm, Saxe. Stories. 2 v H73S Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner H734E — Guardian angel H734G — Mortal antipathy H734M Holy rose. Besant, W B465H Home. Bremer, F B753H Home again. Macdonald, G M144H Home as found; sequel to Homeward bound. Cooper, J. F C785H4 Home at Greylock. Prentiss, Mts. E. P915H Home influence. Aguilar, G AG95H Home life. Sewell, E. M SE86H Home nook. Douglas, A D748H Home scenes. Aguilar, G AG95H4 Homespun yarns. Whitney, A. D. T. W615H4 Homeward bound. Cooper, J. F. . . C785H6 Homo sum. Ebers, G. M EB35H Hon. Miss Ferrard. Hartley, Mrs. M. L H256H Hood, Thomas. Tylney hall H764T Hook, Theodore E. Gilbert Gurney. H766G —Maxwell H766M Hooper, Mrs. Lucy. Tsar's window H768T HoosieP schoolmaster. Eggleston, E. EG35H Hope Mills. Douglas, A D748H4 Hopes and fears. Yonge, CM. Y84H4 Hopkins, Mark Jr. World's verdict. H774W Hopnby mills. Kingsley, H K61413H6 Hopnung, Ernest Wm. Tiny L,ut- trell H786T Hospital sketches. Alcott, L. M AL18H HOUP will come, The. Hillern, W. von H555H House at High Bridge. Fawcett. E. F285H House by the medlar tree. Verga, G. V585H House of a merchant prince. Bishop, W. H B545H House of Martha. Stockton, F ST65H House of the seven gables, Snow image, etc. Hawthorne, N H31517H House of the wolf. Weyman, S. J. . W545H House on the marsh. James, Mrs. F. A J234H House party and other stories. Rame, L. de la., (Oni^a, pseud.) . R144H Household idol. Bernhard, M B458H Household of McNeil. Barr, A. E. . B27H HowaPd, Blanche Willis. Aulnay tower H833A — Aunt Sei-ena H833 A4 — Fellowe and his wife, A H833F — Guenn H833G — One summer H833O — Open door H833O2 Howe, Edgar Watson . Man story, A. H835M — Moonlight boy H835M4 Howe, Maud. Atalanta in the south H83516A — Newport aquarelle H83516N — Phillida H83516P Ho wells, Wm. Dean. Annie Kilburn H837A — April hopes H837A4 — Chance acquaintance H837C — Dr. Breen's practice H837D — Fearful responsibility, etc H837F — Foregone conclusion H837F4 — Hazard of new fortunes H837H — Imperative duty H837I — Indian summer H837I4 — Lady of Aroostook H837L — Minister's charge H837M — Quality of mercy H837Q — Rise of Silas Lapham H837R — Their wedding journey H837T — Undiscovered country H837U — World of chance H837W — Woman's reason H837W4 Howitt, William. Man of the peo- ple. 3 V H844M Hugo, Victor M. Hans of Iceland. . H877H — History of a crime H877H4 — Les Miserables. 5 v H677ly — Man who laughs. 2 v H877M — Ninety-three H877N — Notre Dame. 2 v H877N4 — Toilers of the sea. 2 v H877T Hulda. Stahr, Mine. F ST15H Human document. Mallock, W. H. M295H Humble romance and other stories. Wilkins, M. E W654H Humphrey, Frank P. New England cactus H885N HundPeth man, The. Stockton, F.. ST65H4 HungepfoPd, Mrs., (The Duchess, 136 FICTION pseud.). Airy fairy Lilian H895A —April's lady H895A5 — Beauty's daughters H895B — Dick's sweetheart H895D —Faith and unfaith H895F — In durance vile H895I —Mrs. Geoffrey H895M —Molly Bawn H895M4 — Rossmoyne H895R Hunt, Mrs. Alfred W. Barrington's fate H914B Hunt, Leigh, ed. Classic tales. 5 v. H91414C Hurricane Hurry. Kingston, W. H. G K616H Hypatia. Kingsley, C K614H4 Hyperion. Longfellow, H. W L863H "I forbid the banns." Moore, F. F. M783I I say " No." Collins, W. W C695I Iceland fisherman, An. Viaud, J., (Pierre Loti, pseud.) V655I Ida May. Pike, M. H., (M. Langdon, pseud.) P644I Idalia. Ram^, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.).. R144I Idiot, The. Dostoieffsky, F. M D745I lermola. Kraszewski, J. I K855I Immortal, or one of the forty. Daudet, A D265I Imperative duty. Howells, w. D. . H837I Improvisatore. Andersen, H. C. . . AN25I In a winter city. Ram^, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.) R14413 In durance vile. Hungerford, Mrs., (The Duchess, pseud.) H895I In far Lochaber. Black, W B563I In golden days. Bayly, A. E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) B346I In his name; story of the Waldenses. Hale, E. F H13I In Leisler's times. Brooks, E. S . . . . B794I In Maremma. Ram6, L. de la, (Ouida, pseud.) R144I4 In search of the castaways. Verne, J. V595I In the Camarque. Bowles, E B682I In the Carquinez woods. Harte, B. . H253I In the clouds. Murfree, M. N., (Craddock, pseud.) M945I In the Schillings court. John, E., (E. Marlitt, pseud.) J6151 In the "stranger people's" country. Murfree, M. N M945I In the three zones. Stimson, F. J. . . ST55I In trust. Douglas, A D748I In trust. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35I In war time. Mitchell, S. W M695I Inea-Pancho-Ozolla. Lostlnca... IN25L Indian summer. Howells, W. D H837I4 Inez. Wilson, A., (A. J. Evans, pseud.) W695I Infelice. Wilson, Mrs. A. J W695I4 Ingelow, Jean. Don John IN44D —John Jerome IN44J -Off the Skelligs IN44O — Sarah de Berenger. 3 V IN44S — Studies for stories IN44S4 Ingham papers. Hale, E. E H13I4 Ingils, Henry D. New Gil Bias. 2 v IN46N Ingoldsby, pseud. See Barham, R.H Ingraham, Rev. Joseph Holt. Prince of the house of David IN48P Inheritance, The. Ferrier, S. E. . . F415I Initials. Tautphoeus, Baroness. .. T195I Inside the bar. With Market Har- borough. Melville, G. J. W M496M4 Invaders, The. Tolstoi, L. N T585I Invasion of France. Erckmann and Chatrain ER25I Invisible lodge. Richter. J. P. F. . . R415I Involuntary voyage. Biart, L B474I Iron, Ralph, pseud. See Schreiner, Olive Iron cousin. Clarke, M. C C5516I Iron game of war. Keenan, H. F. . K254I Is he Popenjoy. Trollope, A T745I Isidra. Steel, W ST35I Island nights' entertainments. Stev- enson, R. L ST47I Ivan de Biron. Helps, A H367I Ivanhoe. Scott, 5z> W. 2 v SCO84I Ivors. Sewell, E. M. 2v SE86I Ivory gate. Besant, W B465I Jack Hinton. Lever, C.J L575J Jack Sheppard. Ainsworth, W. H. AI68J Jack Tier. Cooper, J. F C785J Jack's courtship. Russell, W. C. . . . R914J Jackson, Helen H., (H. H., pseud.) Mercy Philbrick's choice Jr32M — Ramona J 132R Jacob Faithful. Marryatt, F M347J James, Mrs. Florence A. House on the marsh J234H James, George P. R. Henry Master- ton J23414H — Morley Emstein J23414M James, Henry. American, The J23416A — Aspern papers J23416A2 — Author of Beltrafi&o and other sto- ries J23416A4 — Bostonians, The J23416B — Europeans, The j234i6E — Lesson of the master J23416L — Portrait of a lady J23416P — Reverberator J23416R Jan Vedder's wife. Barr, Mrs. A. E. B27J Jane Eyre. Bronte, C B78813J Jane Field. Wilkins, M. E W654J Janvier, Thos. Aztec treasure house J267A FICTION 137 — Uncle of an angel and other stories J267U Japhet in search of a father, Mar- ryatt, F M347J4 Jason Edwards; an average man. Garland, H G18714J Jay, W. M. L. See WoodruflF, J. L. M. Jean Bemy, sailor, Viaud, J. Pierre Loti V655J Jenkin, Mrs. Chas. Madame de Beaupre J415M — Who breaks pays J415W Jerry. Elliot, s. B *. EL5617J Jess. Haggard, H, R H125J Jessop, George H. Gerald French's friends J495G Jew, The, Kraszewski, J, I K855J Jewel in the lotus. Tincker, M, A. , T494J Jewett, Sarah Orne. Covmtry doc- tor, A J555C — King of Folly Island JSSSK — Strangers and wayfarers J555S Jilt, The and other stories. Reade, C. R225J John, Eugenie, (E, Marlitt, pseud,). At the councillors J615A — Bailiff's maid J615B — Countess Gisela J615C —Gold Elsie J615G — In the Schillings' court J615I — Lady with the rubies J615L — I/ittle moorland princess J6i5lv4 — Old Mam'selle's secret J615O — Owl's nest J615O4 — Second wife J615S John Gray, Allen, Jas, Lane AL54J I ^K John Halifax, gentleman, Craik, ! ^r Mrs. D. M., (Mulock,/>^^«^,) C845J John Inglesant. Shorthouse, J. H. . SH84J John Jerome, Ingelow, J IN44J John Norton's Christmas. Murray, W. H. H M96418J John Parmelees' curse. Hawthorne, J : H315J John Trevennick. Rhoades, W. C. . R345J John Ward, preacher. Deland, M.. D375J John Winter. Mayo, Mrs. I., (Gar- rett, pseud.) M457J ^ Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Classic tales. I^K V. 5. Leigh Hunt, ed H91414C I^B — Rasselas J634R Johnson, Virginia Wales. Fainalls of Tipton J63418F Johnston, Richard M. Mr. Absa- lom Billingslea J645M — Mr. Billy Downs and his likes J645M4 — Ogeechee Cross-firings J645O — Primes and their neighbors J645P — Widow Guthrie J645W Jokia, Maurice. Modern Midas, A. J675M — ' ' There is no devil " J675T Jonathan, Wild. Fielding, H F465J L C— 18 Jones, M. P. Rebekah J7iR Jordan, Kate. Kiss of gold J763K Joseph II and his court. Mundt, Mrs. K., (Muhlbach, pseud.) M924J Joseph and his friends. Taylor, B. . T215J Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H F465J4 Joshua Davidson. Linton, Mrs. B. L L647J Josiah Allen's wife. Holley, M H725J Journey to the centre of the earth, Verne, J V559J Juanita. Mann, Mrs. M M3r3j Judith. Terhune, Mrs. M. V., (M. Harland, pseud.) T275J Juggernaut. Eggleston, G. C EG3513J Julian. Ware, W W22J Julian Home. Farrar, F. W F245J JunekeP, E. 51?^ Schmieden, Else.. JupiteP lights. Woolson, C. F. W887J Kaloolah. Mayo. W. S M45718K KatePfeltO. Melville, G. J. W M496K Kathapine North. Pool, M. L P783K Kathepine Ash ton. Sewell, E. M. . SE86K Kathie Brande. Parr, H., (Holme hee, pseud.) P245K Katy of Catoctin. Townsend, V. F.. T664K Kavanagh, Julia. Adele K184A — Beatrice K184B — Bessie K184B4 — Daisy Burns K184D — Grace Lee K184G — Madeleine K184M —Nathalie K184N — Queen Mab Ki84Q —Rachel Gray K184R — Sybil's second love K184S Kavanagh. Longfellow, H. W L863K Keedon bluffs. Murfree, M. N., (Craddock, pseud.) M945K Keeling, Elsa d'Esterre. Orchards- croft K245O Keenan, Henry F. Iron game of war K254I Kellys and O'Kellys. Trollope, A. . T745K Kemble, Francis A, Far away and long ago K315F Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton. B878K KenilwOPth. Scott, Sir W. 2 v. . . . SCO84K Kennedy, John P. Rob of the bowl. K384R Kentucky Colonel. Read, O. P R224K Keon, Miles Gerald. Dion and the Sibyls K434D Kepeban the inflexible. Captain of the Guidara, Part I.; Scarpante the spy, Part II. Verne, J V595K Khaled. Crawford, F. M C857K Kidnapped. Stevenson, R. L ST47K Kielland, Alexander L. Garman and worse K545G — Tales of two countries K545T 138 FICTION Kilmeny. Black, W B563K Kimball, Richard Burleigh. Ro- mance of student life abroad .... K565R — Was he successful K565W Kin-da-Shon'S wife. Willard, Mrs. E. S W662K King', Capt. Chas. Between the lines K58B —Captain Blake K58C — Colonel's Christmas dinner K58C2 — Colonel's daughter K58C4 — Deserter and From the ranks K58D — Dunraven ranch K58D4 — From the ranks K58D — Kitty's conquest K58K — Laramie ; or Queen of Bedlam K58L — Marion's faith ; sequel to Colonel's daughter K58M — Soldier's secret, A K58S — Starlight ranch and other stories . . . K58S6 —Two soldiers K58T — War-time wooing K58 W King, Grace. Tales of a time and place K5813T King Arthur. Craik, Mrs. D. M., (Mulock.) C845K King- of Folly island. Jewett, S. O . . J555K King Solomon's mines. Haggard, H. R H125K Kings in exile. Daudet, A D265K King's men, The. Grant, R G765K King's own. Marryatt, F M347K Kingsley, Chas. Alton Locke K614A — Hereward. 2 v K614H — Hypatia K614H4 — Two years ago K614T — Westward ho C614W —Yeast K614Y Kingsley, Henry. Austin Elliot. . . . K61413A — Harveys, The K61413H — Hetty and other stories K61413H2 — Hillyers and Burtons K61413H4 —Hornby Mills K61413H6 — Leighton court K61413IV — Mademoiselle Mathilde K61413M — Old Margaret K61413O — Ravenshoe K61413R — Reginald Hetherege K61413R3 — Silcote of Silcote K61413S — Stretton K61413S4 — Valentin K61413V Kingston, Wm. H. G. Hurricane Hurry K616H Kipling, Rudy ard. Gadsbys K625G —Light that failed K625L — Phantom rickshaw and other tales . K625P — Plain tales from the hills K625P4 — Soldiers three; a collection of stories K625S — Under the deodars K625U — Balestier, W. Naulahka K626N Kipk, Mrs. Ella W. O., (Henry Hayes, pseud. ) Ciphers — Daughter of Eve — Margaret Kent — Midsummer madness — Queen money — Sons and daughters — Walford Kipke, Edmund, pseud. See Gil- more, J. R KiPkland, Joseph. McVeys, The. . . — Zury Kismet. Fletcher, J. C, (Geo. Flem- ing, pseud. ) Kiss of gold. Jordan, K Kit and Kitty. Blackmore, R. D. . . . Kitty's conquest. King, C Klaus Bewer's wife. Lindau, P.... Knight errant. Bayly, A. E., (Edna Lyall, pseud. ) Knight of Gwynne. Lever, C. J. . . Knight of the 19th century. Roe, E. P KOPOlenko, Vladimir. Blind musi- cian Kpaszewski, Joseph Ignatius. ler- mola —Jew, The Kpaus, Emil. Count Geo. Albert of Erlach KpeutzeP Sonata. Tolstoi, L. N. . . . La dame de Monsopeau. Dumas, A. 2 V Lad's love. Bates, A Lady Anna. Trollope, A Lady Audley's secret. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. (Braddon) Lady Baby. Gerard, D Lady Clara de Vere. Spielhagen, F. Lady Hester. Yonge, C. M Lady Judith. McCarthy, J Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood, M. H Lady of the Aroostook. Howells, W. D Lady of the ice. De Mille, J Lady or the tiger. Stockton, F Lady with the rubies. John, E., (E. Marlitt, pseud. ) Lai. Hammond, W. A LamaPtine, Alphonse Marie L. de. Genevieve — Raphael — Stone mason of Saint Point LamplighteP. Cummins, M. S Land of gold. Spurr, G. G Land of the sky. Fisher, F. C. (C. Reid, pseud. ) Laneton parsonage. Sewell, E. M . . K634C K634D K634M K634M3 K634Q K634S K634W K636M K636Z F635K J763K B567K K58K L644K B346K L575K R6213K K845B K855I K855J K865C T585K D892D B316L T745L2 M454L G315IV SP44l^ Y84L M126L C285L H837L D395IV ST65L J615I. H18618L L165G L165R L165S C915IV SP94L F534IV SE86L FICTION 139 Langdon, M., pseud. See'Pi\Le, M. H. Laramie ; or queen of Bedlam. King, C K58IV Lass o' Lowrie's. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. B935L, Lasses of Leverhouse. Fothergill.J. F824I, Last assembly ball and Fate of a voice. Foot, M. H F735L Last chronicle of Barset. Trollope, A. T745L4 Last confession and Blind mother. Caine, T. H C124L Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lyt- ton B878L Last king of Yewle. McDermott, P. L M142L Last of the barons. Bulwer-Lytton . B878L4 Last of the Macallisters. Barr, Mrs. A. E B27I, Last of the Mohicans. Cooper, J. F. C785L Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35L Last tenant, The. Farjeon, B. L F227L Last touches and other stories. Clif- ford, 3frs. W. K C614L Late Mrs. Null. Stockton, F ST65L4 LathPOp, George P. Afterglow 1/345 A — Echo of passion L345E — Would you kill him I,345W Latin-quaPteP courtship and other stories. Harland, H. (S. Luska, pseud.) H227L Laupel bush. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock) C845IV Laupie, Andre. School-boy days in Russia Iv377S Le Vendue. Trollope, A T745I, LavengPO. Borrow, G. 3 V B647I, Lavinia. Carlen, E C194IV Law arid the lady, The. Collins, W. W C695IV Lawless, Hon. Emily. Millionairess I^m cousin L425M ^B — With Essex in Ireland L,425W LeatheP stocking and silk. Cooke, J- E C774IV Le ChevalleP de Maison-rouge. Du- mas, A D892C Led-HoPSe claim. Foote, M. H F735L4 Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, H. . . . Lee, Mary C. Quaker girl of Nan- tucket L51Q Le Fanu, Joseph F. Tenants of Malory L524T Legacy. Craik, Mrs. D. M., (Mu- lock) C845L2 Legend of Montrose. Scott, 5z> W.. SCO84I, Leggett, M. D. Dream of a modest prophet L526D Lelghton, Alexander. Mysterious legends ot Edinburgh L535M Lelghton court. Kingsley, H K61413L, Leona. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L M734IV Leone. Monti, L. . M766L Leonowens, Mrs. Anna H. Romance of the harem ... L,554R Le Sage, Alain Ren^. Gil Bias L564G Les Mlsepables. Hugo, V, M. 5 v. H877IV Lesson of the master. James, H. . . . J23416IV Lessons in love L567 LeveP, Chas. J. Barrington L575B — Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly L,575B4 —Chas. O'Malley L575C — Cornelius O'Dowd IV575C4 — Daltons L575D — Davenport Dunn L575D2 —Day's ride L575D4 — Dodd family abroad L575D6 — Fortunes of Glencore L575F — Harry Lorrequer L575H —Jack Hinton L575J — Knight of Gwynne L575K — Lord Kilgobbin L575IV — IvUttrell of Arran 1,5751,7 — Martin's of Cro' Martin L575M — O'Donoghue, The L575O — One of them IV575O5 — Paul Gosslett's confessions L575P — Rent in a cloud L575R — Roland Cashel L575R5 — Sir Brook Fossbrooke L575S —Sir Jasper Carew L575S4 — Tales of the trains L575T — That boy of Norcott's L575T3 —Tom Burke of " Ours" Iv575T6 —Tony Butler L575T8 Lewes, Geo. H. Ranthorpe L584R Lewis, Lady Theresa. Semi-detached house L586S Life for a life. Craik, Mrs. D. M., (Mulock) C845L4 Life interest. Hector, Mrs. A. F., {Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357L Life is worth living and other stories. Tolstoi, L.N T585L Life of the faire gospeller and Mistress Anne Askew. Manning, A M315L Lifted veil. Eliot, George, pseud of Mrs. Crpss 821-EL45 Light that failed. Kipling, R K625L Lllllesleaf. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. .. OL35L3 Llndau, Paul. Klaus Bewer's wife. . L644K — Liquidated and the seer L644L Llndis-FaPn chase. Trollope, T. A. T74517L Linton, Mrs. Eliza L. Joshua David- son L647J — Misericordia L647M — Patricia Kemball L647P — Witch stories L647W Lionel Lincoln. Cooper, J. F C785L4 Liquidated and the seer. Lindau, P. L644L 140 FICTION List ye landsmen. Russell, W. C. . . R914L Little Dorrit. Dickens, C. 2v D552L Little journey into the world, War- ner, C. D W24413I/ Little lady of Lagunitas. Savage, Col. R. H SA93IV Little Minister. Barrie, J. M B275IV Little moorland princess. John, E., (E. Marlitt, jb^i?^^.) J6i5ly4 Little Norsk or ol' pap's flaxen. Gar- land, H . G18714L Little sister. Yardley, Mrs. J Y24I, Living or dead. Fargus, F. J., (Hugh Conway, pseud. ) F225I, Liza. Turg^nieff, 1 1*8451^ Loeke, Daniel Ross, {pseud. P. V. Nasby. \ Demagogue Iv79D Lofty and Lowly. Mcintosh, M. J. 2 V M185IV Lola. Griffiths, A G875L Long, Lily A. Squire of low degree. L85S Longfellow, Henry W. Hyperion.. L863H — Kavanagh L863K Look before you leap. Hector, Mrs. A. F., {Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357L4 Looking backward. Bellamy, E B415L Lord Arthur Saville's crime. Wilde. O W644A Lord Kilgobbin. Lever, C. J L575lv Lopita, an Alaskan maiden. Clark, S. C C547L LoPley and Rienhard. Auerbach, B. AU32L LoPna Doone. Blackmore, R. D B567L LoPne, Marquis of. From shadow to sunlight L895F Lost illusions. Balzac, H. de B219L Lost in a great city. Douglas, A. . . , . D748L Lost inca. Inca-Panca-Ozollo IN25L Lost manuscript. Freytag, G. 2 v . F896L LothaiP. Beaconsfield, B. D. (Dis- raeli.) B356L Loti, Vx^xr^, pseud. See Viaud, J. . . Lotta Schmidt. Trollope, A T745L6 Louis Lambert. Balzac, H. de B219L4 Louisa of Prussia. Mundt, Mrs. K, (Muhlbach, pseud.) M924L Louisiana. Burnett, F. H B935L5 Loukis Laras. Bikelas, D B496L Love and life. Yonge, CM Y84L2 Love for an hour. Barr, BIrs. A. E. . B27L4 Love letters of a worldly woman. Clifford, Mrs. W. K C614L4 Love me little, love me long. Reade, C R225L Love or a name. Hawthorne, J H315L — Love tales, American L943A — English L943B — German L943G — Irish L943I — Scottish L943S Lovel the widower. Thackeray, W. M T324L Lowell, Robert T. S. New priest. 2 v L955N Luck of Roaring camp and other sto- ries. Harte, B H253L LuePetia. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G B878P4 Lucy Crofton. OHphant, Mrs. M. O. OL35L5 Ludlow, James M. Captain of the Janizaries L965C — That angelic woman L965T Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Har- land, H LuttPel of Arran. Lever, C. J L575L7 Lyall, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, A. E. Lytton. See Bulwer-Lytton M. orN. Melville, G. J. W M496M MaaPtens, Maarten. God's fool MiiG Mabel Vaughan. Cummins, M. S. .. C915M MacaPia. Wilson, Mrs. A. J W695M MeCaPthy, Justin. Dictator, The. .. M126D — Lady Judith M126L — Paul Massie M126P McClelland, M. G. Oblivion M135O —Princess M135P — White heron M135W MaedePmotS of Ballycloran. Trol- lope, A .^. T745M Maedepmott, P. L. Last king of Yewle M142L Macdonald, George. Annals of a quiet neighborhood M144A — At back of the north wind M144A8 —David Elginbrod M144D — Home again M144H —Malcolm ' M144M — Marquis of Lossie M144M3 —Mary Marston.. M144M5 —Paul Faber M144P —Phantasies M144P3 —Portent M144P6 —Robert Falconer M144R —St. George and St. Michael Mr44S —Thomas Wingfold curate M144T —Warlock M144W —Wilfrid Cumbermede M144W4 MacfaPlane, Annie R. Children of the earth M165C Mcintosh, Marie J. Lofty and lowly. 2 V M185L —Two lives M185T —Two pictures M185T2 Mackenzie, Alexander. Tales of the Highlands M195T Maclay, Arthur C. Mito Yashiki . . . M224M McLean, Sarah. See Greene, S. P. McL Macleod of Dare. Black, W B563M Macquoid, Mrs. Katherine S. At the FICTION 141 Red Glove M245A — Fisherman of Auge M245F MeVeys, The. Kirkland, J K636M Madam. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35M Madame de Beaupr^. Jenkin, Mrs. O J415M Madame Delphine. Cable, G. W. . . C112M Madame d'Orgevaut's husband. Rab- busson, H R114M Madame Gosselin. Ulbach, L UL14M Madame Lucas M264 Madame Therdse. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25M Madeleine. Kavanagh, J K184M Madeline and other stories. Opie, Mrs. A OP35M Mademoiselle Ixe. Falconer, L . . . F184M Mademoiselle Mathilde. Kingsley, H K61413M Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts, M. . . R544M; Madonna Mary. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OI,35Mi Magdalen Hepburn. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OIv35M2 Magic skin. Balzac, H. de B219M Magnhild. Bjornson,B B556M Magnificent plebian. Magruder, J.. M275M MagPudeP, Julia. Magnificent ple- bian M275M Maid Marian and other stories. Sea- well, M. F SE17M Maid, wife or widow. Hector, Mrs. A. F., (^Mrs. Alexander, />.y^Mrf.).. H357M Main traveled roads. Garland, H... G18714M Major and minor. Norris, W. E. 2 v N795M Making of a man. Baker, W. M B17418M Malbone. Higginson, F. W H535M Malcolm. Macdonald, G M144M MallOCk, W. H. Human document, A M295H Man and wife. Collins, W. W C695M Man of the people. Howitt, W. 3 V H844M Man story, A. Howe, E. W H835M Man who laughs. Hugo, V. M H877M Man without a country and other tales Hale, E. E H13M Manfred. Guerrazzi, F. D G935lVf^ Mann, Mrs. Mary. Juanita M313J Manning, Anne. Cherry and violet. M315C — Life of the faire gospeller and Mis- tress Anne Askew M315L Mansfield park. Austen, J AU74M Manteuffel, Ursula Zoge von. Violetta M317V Man-wolf and other tales, Erck- mann and Chatrian ER25M2 Manzoni, Alessandro. Betrothed... M319B Marble faun. Hawthorne, N H31517M March in the ranks. Fothergill, J . . F824M Margaret Howth. Davis, iT/;'.y. R. H. D29M Margaret Kent. Kirk, Mrs. E. W. O., (Henry Hayes, pseud.) K634M Margaret Maitland. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35M3 Margaret Percival. Sewell, E. M. . SE86M Margarethe. Schmieden, E SCH56M Margery. Ebers, G. M. 2v EB35M Marguerite de Valois. Dumas, A. 2 V D892F Marianela. Perez. Galdos, B P415M Marie Antoinette. Mundt, Mrs.; (Muhlbach, pseud.) M924M Marie Celeste, Sister. Harmonia. . . M335H Marietta. Trollope, T. A T74517M Marionettes. Cruger, Mrs., (Julian Gordon, pseud.) C886M Marion's faith. King, C K58M Marius the epicurean, his sensations and ideas. Pater, W P274M Marjorie Daw, etc. Aldrich, T. B. . AL24M Marked "personal.', Rohlfs, A. K. R635M Market Harborough and Inside the bar. Melville, G. J. W M496M4 Marlitt, E. pseud. See John, E Marmontal, Jean F. Tales H91414C Marmorne M345M Marquis de Villemer. Dudevant, A. L. A., (Geo. S&nA, pseud.) D865M Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald, G.. M144M3 Marryatt, Capt. Frederick. Jacob Faithful M347J — Japhet in search of a father M347J4 — King's own M347K — Midshipman Easy M347M — Naval officer M347N — Newton Forster M347N2 — Pacha of many tales M347P — Percival Keene M347P2 — Peter simple M347P3 — Phantom ship M347P5 — Poacher, The M347P7 —Poor Jack M347P8 — Snarleyyow M347S Marsh, Chas. L. Opening the oyster M354O Marston, Philip B. For a song's sake M356F Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens, C. 2 v D552M Martin Paz. Verne, J V595W Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever, C.J. L575M Martlet seal. Walworth, J. H W175M Mary, Jules. Shadow of Roger La- roque M368S Mary Anerley. Blackmore, R. D... B567M Mary Barton. G&skell, Mrs. 1&. C. . G214M Mary Marston. Macdonald, G M144M5 Marzio'S crucifix. Crawford, F. M.. C857M Master of Ballantrae. Stevenson, R. L ST47M Master of his fate. Barr, Mrs. A. E* B27M Master of magicians. Ward, E. S. P. 142 FICTION and Ward, H. D W2113M Mathers, Helen B. and others. Fate of Fenella M425F MatPimony. Norris, W. E N795M3 Matter of skill. Whitby, B W583M Matter of taste. Picard, G. H P584M Matthews, James Brander. Family Tree and other stories M434F — Story of a story, etc M434S — With my friends M434W Maupassent, Guy de and others. Modern Ghosts M445M Mauprat. Dudevant. A, L. A., (Geo. Sand, pseud.) D865M4 Maximina. Valdes, A V234M Maxwell, Mrs. Mary E. (Braddon.) Birds of prey M454B — Lady Audley's secret M454IV — Venetians M454V — Whose was the hand M454W —World, the flesh and the devil, The M454W4 Maxwell, William H. Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran M45417F Maxwell. Hook, F. E H776M May. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O OL35M4 Mayflower and miscellaneous writ- ings. Stowe, H. B., (C. Q.xo^- field,/>.y W. 2 v SCO84W Way of the world. Adams, AV. T., (Oliver Optic, pseud.) AD14W Way we live now. Trollope, A T745W Ways of the hour. Cooper, J. F. .. . C785W2 We girls. Whitney, A. D. T W615W We two. Bayly, A. E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) B346W Web of gold. Woods, K. P W867W Wee widow's cruise in quiet waters. . W415 Weewifie. Carey, R. N C188W Week in a French country house. Sartoris, Mrs. A SA77W Weird tales. Hoffman, E. T. A. 2 v H674W Weird tales. American W435A —English W435E — German W435G — Irish W435I —Scottish W435S Wellflelds. Fothergill, J F824W Wells, Kate G. Miss Curtis W464M — Two modern women W464T Wept-of-Wish-ton-Wish. Cooper, J. F C785W4 Werner, pseud. See Burstenbinder. West, Mary. Born Player, A W52B Westall, Wm. Roy the royalist. . . . W522R Westward ho. Kingsley, C K614W Wetherel affair. De Forest, J. N. . . D365W Weyman, Stanley J. Francis Cludde. W545F — House of the wolf W545H Wharton, Thomas. Hannibal of New York W555H What answer? Dickinson, A. E D365W What can she do? Roe, E. P R6213W What will he do with it? Bulwer- Lytton B878W Wheel of fire. Bates, A B316W When a man's single. Barrie, J. M.. B275W When we were boys. O'Brien. W.. OB65W Where the battle was fought. Mur- free, M. N., (Craddock,/5- G. C15314W Wild huntsman. Erckmann and Chatrian ER25W4 Wild proxy. Clifford, Mrs. W. K . . C614W Wild Wales. Borrow, G B647W Wilde, Oscar. Lord Arthur Savile's crime W646L Wilfred Cumbermede. Macdonald, G M144W4 Wilhelm Meister. Goethe, J. W. von. V 3 838-G554W Wilkins, Mary E. Humble romance and other stories W654H —Jane Field W654J — New England nun and other stories W654N Wilkinson, J. A. Real Robinson Crusoe W655R Willard, Mrs. Eugene S. Kin-da- shon's wife W662K Wilson, Augusta J. Evans. At the mercy of Tiberius W695A — Beulah W695B —Inez W695I — Infelice W695I4 — Macaria W695M —St. Elmo W695S — Vashti W695V Wilson, John, (Christopher North, pseud.). Trials of Margaret Lynd- say W69514T Wind of destiny. Hardy, A. L, H224W Window in Thrums. Barrie, J. M. . . B275W4 Wing and wing. Cooper, J. F C785W6 Winifred Bertram. Charles, E C38W Winter, J. S., pseud. See Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V Winter story. Peard, F. M P315W Winthrop, Theodore. Cecil Dreeme W737C — Edwin Brothertoft W737E Witch of Prague. Crawford, F. M. . C857W Witch stories. Linton, Mrs. E. L. . L647W Witch's head. Haggard, H. R H125W With Essex in Ireland. Lawless, E. L425W With fire and sword. Sienkiewicz, H. SI17W With harp and crown. Besant and Rice B466W With my friends. Mathews, J. B. . . M434W With the immortals. Crawford, F. M. C857W4 Witherspoon, Rev. Orlando. Doc- tor Ben W775D Without a home. Roe, E. P R6213W4 Without dogma. Sienkiewez, H... SI17W4 Witness of the sun. Chandler, R. A. C362W Witt, Henrietta de. Motherless... . W785M Wolfenberg. Black, w B563W6 Wolff, Julius. Fifty years, three months, two days . W854F Wolverton. Reynolds, D. A R336W Woman hater. Reade, C R225W4 Woman in white. Collins, W. W. . . C695W Woman of fashion. Edwardes, A. .. ED95W Women of honor. Bunner, H. C B885W Woman who dares. Gesterfeld, U- N G335W Woman's friendship. Aguila, G.... AG95W Woman's inheritance. Douglas, A . D748W4 Woman's kingdom. Craik, Mrs. D. M. , (Mulock) C845W Woman's reason. Howells, W. D. . H837W4 Woman's word, A. Townsend, V. F. T66417W Won by waiting. Bayly, A. E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) . B346W4 Wood, Mrs. C. D., (Charlotte Dunn- ing, pseud.). Step aside W852S Wood, Mrs. Ellen Price. Channings, The W85213C — Danesbury house W85213D Wood, Mrs. Henry. 5^^ Wood, Mrs. Ellen Price Wood, John S. Gramercy Park W85215G — Old beau and other stories. An W85215O Wood, Katharine P. From dusk to dawn : W867F —Web of gold W867W Woodruff, Julia L. M., (W. M. L. Jay, pseud.) Bellerue W865B Woodstock. Scott, Sir W. 2 v SCO84W6 Wooed and married. Carey, R. N. . C188W4 Wooing o't. Hector, JIfrs. A. F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357W4 Woolley, Celia P. Girl graduate, A. W885G Woolson, Constance T. East Angels. W887E —Jupiter lights W887J — Rodman the keeper W887R Word, only a word. Ebers, G. M. . . EB35W World of chance. Howells, W. D . . H837W World, the flesh and the devil, The. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. (Braddon). M454W4 World's desire. Haggard and Lang. H126W World's verdict. Hopkins, M. Jr. . . H774W Would you kill him. Lathrop, G. P. L345W Wreck of the Chancellor. Verne, J. V595W Wreck of the Grosvenor. Russell, W. C R914W Wrecker, The. Stevenson, R. L. and Osbourne, L ST48W4 Wrong box. Stevenson, R. L. and FICTION 159 Osbourne, L ST48W WuthePlng Heights. Bronte, E.... fi788i5W Wyandotte. Cooper, J. F C785W8 Wyman, Lillie C. Poverty grass W984P Wyneote. Erskine, Mrs T ER85W Yardley, J^lrs. Jane. Little sister. .. Y24L — Superior woman, A Y24S Yates, Edmund H. Dr. Wain- wright's patient Y26D Year in Eden, Preston, H. W P925Y Year one of the Republic. Erck- mann and Chatrain ER25Y Yeast. Kingsley, C K614Y Yellow snake. Bishop, W. H B545Y Yolande. Black, w B563Y Yonge, Charlotte M. Armourer's prentices Y84A — Beechcroft at Rockstone Y84B —Caged lion Y84C — Chaplet of pearls Y84C2 — Clever women Y84C4 — Daisy chain Y84D — Disturbing element Y84D2 — Dove in the eagles' nest Y84D4 — Dynevor terrace Y84D6 — Heartsease. 2 v Y84H —Heir of Redclyffe Y84H2 — Hopes and fears. 2 v Y84H4 —Lady Hester Y84ly — Love and life Y84L2 — Modem Telamachus, A Y84M — My young Alcides Y84M8 — Nuttie's father Y84N — Our new mistress Y84O — Pillars of the house. 2 v Y84P —That stick Y84T —Three brides Y84T2 —Trial, The Y84T4 — Young stepmother Y84Y Young duke. Beaconsfield, B. D. (Disraeli.) B356Y Young girl's wooing. Roe, E. P R6213Y Young, Mrs. Jardine. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock) , C845Y Young stepmothers. Yonge, C. M. . Y84Y Zaehapy Phips. Bynner, E. L B995Z ZagOSkln, Michael. Tales of three centuries Z14T Zanoni. Bulwer-Lytton B878S Zenobia. Ware, W. 2v W22Z Zerub Throop's Experiment. Whit- ney, A. D. T W615Z ZOFOasteP. Crawford, F. M C857Z Zsehokke, Heinrich. Rose of Di- sentes Z86R —Tales Z86T Zury. Kirkland, J K636Z FIRST SUPPLEMENT GENERAL WORKS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES. Stone, Herbert Stuart. First editions of American authors 015-ST71F GENERAL NEWSPAPERS. JOURNALISM. Philips, Melville, ed. Making of a newspaper 070-P536M MANUSCRIPTS. AUTOGRAPHS. Madan, Falconer. Books in manu- script 091-M263B PHILOSOPHY SPIRITUALISM. WITCHCRAFT. MAGIC. FarmeP, John S. Twixt two worlds. 133-F227T MESMERISM. ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Hart, Ernest. Hypnotism, mesmer- ism and the new witchcraft 134-H252H MENTAL FACULTIES. PSYCHOLOGY. PoPteP, Noah. Elements of intel- lectual science 150-P834E 160-M667I LOGIC. DIALECTICS. MintO, William. Logic ; inductive and deductive ETHICS. Dale, John T. Success; how to reach it 170-D152S LandeP, Meta. The tobacco prob- lem 178-L235T StPOngr, Josiah. The new era, or the coming kingdom 172-ST88N RELIGION PHILOSOPHY, THEORIES, METHODS. Gould, Sabine Baring. Origin and development of religious belief 2 V 201-G73O Heine, Heinrich. Religion and phi- losophy in Germany. (Snodgrass, John, tr.) 201-H366R Philosophy of the plan of salvation, by an American citizen, with an intro. essay by Stowe Calvin, E. 201-P547 DICTIONARIES, CYCLOPEDIAS. Jahn, John, Biblical archaeology. . . . 203-J196B Upham, Thomas C. {tr. and comp.) ESSAYS, LECTURES, DISPUTATIONS, AD- DRESSES. Cooke, Josiah P. The credentials of science ; the warrant of faith. . . . 204-C774C FaPPaP, Frederic W. Social and pres- ent day questions 204-F245S Littlejohn, A. N, Individualism ; its growth and tendencies 204-L734I Living papers on present day themes, 10 V 204-L764 Macduff, J. D. St. Paul in Athens. . 204-M148S Oxenham, Henry N. Lectures on the reunion of the churches 204-OX24L Sehaff, P. and Prime S. I. Evangel- ical alliance, 6th annual confer- ence, 1873 204-SCH13E SpuPgeon, Charles H. Commenting and commentaries ; lectures 204-SP93C NATURAL THEOLOGY DEISM. ATHEISM. Flint, Robert. Theism; being the Baird lectures for 1876 211-F645T PANTHEISM: THEOSOPHY. MuUeP, F. Max. Theosophy; or psy- chological religion 212-M913 -Ppaetical methods to insure success. 212-P882 162 FIRST SUPPI^EMENT CREATION. EVOLUTION. BalmfOPth, Ramsden. New refor- mation and its relation to moral and social problems 213-B215N RELIGION AND SCIENCE. Cooke, Josiah P. Religion and chemistry 215-C774R McCosh, James. Christianity and positivism 215-M136C FUTURE LIFE. IMMORTALITY. ETER- NITY. Abbott, Lyman and others. That unknown country; or, what liv- ing men believe concerning pun- ishment after death 218-AB25T BIBLE. GENERAL WORKS. BaPtlett, Edward T. and Peters, John P., eds. Scriptures; He- brew and Christian. 2 v 220-B283S Benson, Joseph. Commentary of the Bible. 5 v R220-B443C Biblical atlas and scripture gazetteer. R220-B475 Gray, James C. The Bible museum; a collection of notes, explan., homiletic, etc. on the Holy Scrip- tures. 8 V •. R220-G794B Henpy, Matthew. Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. 3 v. R220-H395C Home, Thomas H. Introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 4v R220-H786I Jamieson, Robert awfl? others. Com- mentary of the Bible. 4 v R220-J242C OLD TESTAMENT. PiepenbPing, Ch. Theology of the Old Testament 221-P597T Lange, John P. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Genesis. (Schaflf, Philip, tr.) R222-L253S LauPence, Richard. The book of Enoch the prophet R224-L377B NEW TESTAMENT. AlfOPd, Henry. Greek Testament, ■with critical and exegetical com- mentary, etc. V. I R225-AL27G Lange, John P. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. New Testa- ment. 10 V. (SchafF, Philip, /r.; R225-L253C Lumby, J Rawson. Popular intro- duction to the New Testament. . . 225-L972P MuPdoek, James, tr. The Syriac New Testament trans, into Eng- lish from the Peshitto version. . . R225M942S Olshausen, Hermann. Biblical com- mentary on the New Testament. 6 V. (Kendrick, A. Q:. tr R225-OL84B Plain commentary on the four Holy Gospels. 2 V R226-P692 Robinson, Edward. Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament. . . R225-R56G Allnatt, F. J. B. Witness of St. Matthew 226-AL57W Ryle, J. C. Expository thoughts on the Gospels. Matthew 226-R987M Mark 226-R987M4 Luke. 2 V 226-R987L Westeott, Brooke F. Introduction to the study of the Gospels 226-W523I Ellicott, Charles J. Commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. 227-EL55C Paley, William. Horae Paulinae; or, the truth of the scripture history of St. Paul evinced 227-P174H DOCTRINAL. DOGMATICS. THEOLOGY. BaPPOWS, William. The church and her children 230-B278C Bushnell, Horace. Forgiveness and law, grounded on principles 230-B965F Calvin, John. Institutes of the Chris- religion. (Allen, J. tr.) 2 v. . . 230-C1371 GOD, UNITY-i TRINITY. Hastings, H. L. ed. The guiding hand; or, providential direction. 231-H277G Randies, Marshall. First principles of faith 231-R155F CHRISTOLOGY. FeuePbaeh, Ludwig. Essence of Christianity 232-F437E MacAPthUP, Robert S. Calvary pul- pit ; Christ and Him crucified. . . 232-M117C FUTURE STATE FiguieP, Louis. Joys beyond the threshold 237-F467J CREEDS, CONFESSIONS, COVENANTS, CATECHISMS. Davies, Thomas A. Am I Jew or Gentile? 238-D287A Mitchell, Alexander F. and others. The churches of Christendom. . . . 238-M695C APOLOGETICS, EVIDENCES OF CHRISTI- ANITY. Beet, Joseph A. Credentials of the gospel 239-B396C MaiP, Alexander. Studies in the Christian evidences . 239-M286S Mulehahey, Jas. The witness of the church to Christian faith 239-M895W FIRST SUPPIvEMENT 163 Smith, Henry B. Apologetics ; a course of lectures 239-SM5A DEVOTIONAL, PRACTICAL. Smith, Hannah W. The Christian's secret of a happy life 240-SM5C MISCELLANY. RELIGIOUS NOVELS, ETC ShankSs T. J. ed. College students at Northfield ; containing ad- dresses by D. L. Moody and others 244-SH18C Vaughan, Robert. The way to rest ; results of a life search after re- ligious truth 244-V463W HYMNOLOGY. RELIGIOUS POETRY. Wesley, John and Charles. Poetical works. (Osbom, G. comp.) 13 v. 245-W513 PERSONAL RELIGION, ASCETICISM. Bushnell, Horace. The vicarious sacrifice. 248-B965V Porter, James. Hints to self-edu- cated ministers 251-P834H Shedd, William G. T. Homiletics and pastoral theology 251-SH34H SERMONS. Adams, Nehemiah. Christ a friend. 252-AD14C Banks, Rev. Louis A. Common folks' religion; a volume of ser- mons and addresses 252-B225C Beach, David N. Newer religious thinking 252-B353N Berry, Rev. Charles A. Vision and duty 252-B459V Gordon, A. J. Grace and glory 252-G655G Liddon, H. P. ed. Sermons, preached before the University of Oxford 252-L616 SABBATH. LORD'S DAY. SUNDAY. Crafts, Wilbur F. The Sabbath for man 263-C842S MISSIONS. HOME AND FOREIGN. Bonham, J. W. The church revived. 266-B643C RELIGIOUS HISTORY. Kahnis, Ch. Fred A. Internal his- tory of German Protestantism. (Meyer, Rev. T. /n) 270-K126I Mosheim, John L, von. Institutes of ecclesiastical history ; ancient and modem. (Murdock, James, tr.\ 270-M855I Shedd, William G. T. History of Christion doctrine. 2v 270-SH34C GENERAL RELIGIOUS HISTORY. BY COUNTRIES. Butler, William. Mexico in tran- sition from the power of political Romanism to civil and religious liberty 274-B973M . CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS. Warren, Ira. Causes and cure of Puseyism 283-W254C Dale, R. W. Manual of Congrega- tional principles 285-D152C Merrill, S. M. The organic union of American Methodism 287-M555O BRAHMANISM. BUDDHISM. Titeomb, J. H. Short chapters on Buddhism; past and present 294-T535S JUDAISM. Edersheim, Alfred. Sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ 296-ED28S — The temple; its ministry and serv- ices as they were at the time of Jesus Christ 296-ED28T Edersheim, E. W, Laws and polity of the Jews 296-ED2814L Hershon, Paul I. A Talmudic mis- cellany 296-H438T SOCIOLOGY George, Henry. Social problems . . . 300-G294S POLITICAL SCIENCE, FORM OF STATE, ETC. Wood, Will C. Five problems of state religion 322W852F CAPITAL. LABOR AND WAGES. Kebbel, Thomas E. The agricultural labourer. 331-K232A Robertson, John M. Eight hour Question 341-R546E BANKS, MONEY. CREDIT. INTEREST. Blissard, W. The ethic of usury and interest 332-B617E Wolff, Henry W. People's banks. . . 332-W834P LAND. OWNERSHIP. RIGHTS AND RENT. Wallace, Alfred R. Land nationali- sation 333-W156L SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM. Engels, Frederick. Socialism; Uto- pian and scientific 335-EN 164 FIRST SUPPIvEMENT Hltcheock, Roswell D. Socialism . Social horizon 335-H633 335-SO13 FINANCE. Scott, William A. Repudiation of state debts 336-SCO84R PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE. Kapp, Gisbert. Alternating currents of electricity 337-K136A LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Goodhue , W . F. Municipal improve- ments 352-G617M EDUCATION. Brackett. Annie C. ed. Woman and the higher education 376-B724W Wiggin, Kate D. Kindergarten 372-W637K COMMERCE. COMMUNICATION. CommePCe and industry in the em- pire of Japan 380-C733J ETIQUETTE. Colin, Lady M. and Sheldom M. French. Everybody, s book of correct conduct 395-C685E PHILOLOGY ESSAYS. LECTURES. ADDRESSES. Abel, Carl. Linguistic essays 404-AB34L GRAMMAR. Maxwell, William H. Advanced lessons in English grammar 425-M454A NATURAL SCIENCE DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY. Gore, J. Ellard. Visible universe. .. 523-G66U NAVIGATION. Young, J. R. Navigation and nauti- cal astronomy 527-Y87N ELECTRICITY. Bottone, S. R. Electricity and mag- netism 537-B658E NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. Geiger, Lazarus. Contributions to the history of the development of the human race . . 573-G276C BOTANY. Creevey, Caroline A. Recreations in botany 580-C864R Geddes, Patrick. Chapters in mod- ern botany 581-G265C ZOOLOGY. MivaPt, St. George. American types of animal life 590-M698T USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE. Warren, Ira and others. Household physician R610-W254H ANATOMY. HISTOLOGY. TFaey, Rogers S. Outlines of anat- omy, physiology and hygiene. . . . 611-T672O PHYSIOLOGY. M'KendPick, John Gray and Snod- grass, William. Physiology of the senses 612-M194P PERSONAL HYGIENE. Stowell, Charles H. A healthy body; text-book on anatomy, physiology hygiene, alcohol and narcotics. . . 613-ST79H PATHOLOGY, DISEASES, TREATMENT. Wilson, George R. Drunkenness. . . 616-W695D MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Low, David A. and Bevis, Alfred W, Manual of machine drawing and design 621-L952M Rose, Joshua. Modern steam en- gines 621-R72M4 DOMESTIC ANIMALS, POULTRY. Burnham, George P. New poultry book 636-B937P COOKERY, GASTRONOMY. Shuman, Carry V. Favorite dishes ; Columbian autograph souvenir cookery book.' 641-SH94F NAVIGATION. Brady, William N. The kedge an- chor 656-B729K SHIP BUILDING, ETC. Biddle, Tyrrel E. Hints to begin- ners in amateur yacht designing. 699-B477H Bowling, Tom. Book of knots 699-B683K FIRST SUPPLEMENT 165 BralnaPd, F. R. Knots, splices, hitches, bends and lashings .... 699-B733K BuPgess, J. T, Knots, ties and splices 699-B914K Bushell, Charles. Rigger's guide and seaman's assistant 699-B963R Neison, Adrain and Kemp, Dixon. Practical boat-building for ama- teurs 699-N315B FINE ARTS AND AMUSEMENTS ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION. Patton, W. M. Practical treatise on foundations 721-P278P INTERIOR DECORATION. Wheeler, Candace. Household art.. 747-W567H PAINTING. Moore, George. Modem painting. . 750-M784M PHOTOGRAPHY. Fpeneh, Alice, (Octave Thanet, pseud.) An adventure in pho- tography 770-F886A OUTDOOR SPORTS. Dwight, James. Practical lawn ten- nis 796-D964P FISHING. HUNTING. ETC. Rossevelt, Theodore. The wilder- ness hunter 799-R677W LITERATURE ESSAYS. LECTURES. ADDRESSES. MauPiee, F. Lectures on English literature 804-EG13L RHETORIC. TREATISES. COLLECTIONS. WheeleP, Candace, comp. Colum- bia's emblem, Indian com 808-W567C AMERICAN POETRY. Cone, Helen. G. Oberon and Puck.. 811-C755O HaPPiSOn, Joseph Lay Roy, comp. Cap and gown ; some college verse 811-H245C AMERICAN DRAMA. Matthews, Jas. Brander. Decision of the court 812-B434D AMERICAN ESSAYS Cahoon, Haryot H. What one wo- man thinks 814-C116W CuPtis, George Wm. Other essays from the easy chair 814-C945O James, Henry. Essays in London and elsewhere 814-J234L Mathews, Albert, (Paul Siegvolk, pseud.) Ruminations; the ideal American lady and other essays. . 814-M424R AMERICAN MISCELLANY. James, Henry. Picture and text 818-J234P ENGLISH ESSAYS. Gosse, Edmund. Questions at issue. 824-G694Q Stevenson, Robert L. Virginibus puerisque ,,.,,...,... 824-ST47V ENGLISH LETTERS. Austen, Jane. Letters. Woolsey, Sarah Q. ed 826-AU74L ENGLISH SATIRE AND HUMOR. GuthPie, F. A , (F, Anstey, pseud.) Mr. Punch's pocket Ibsen 827-G985M JePPOld, Walter, ed. Bon-mots of Sidney Smith and Richard Brins- ley Sheridan 827-J485B GERMAN LETTERS. FPCebel, Friedrich. Letters. Heim- emann. Arnold ^. ed 836-F923H TRAVELS. Shepp, James W. and Daniel B. Shepp's photographs of the world R910-SH45P EUROPE. Bishop, William H. House-hunter in Europe 914-B545H ASIA. BiekePSteth, M. Japan as we saw it. 915-B475J Knight, Edward Frederic. Where three empires meet 915-K745W LePOy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Empire of the tsars and the Russians. . . . 915-L563E AMERICA. CPOWe, Eyre. With Thackeray in America 917-C885W Flinn, John J., comp. Ofificial guide to the world's Columbian Expo- sition 917-F644O 166 FIRST SUPPI.EMENT Ralph, Julian. Our great west 917-R136O SeidmoPe, Eliza R, Appleton's guide-book to Alaska and the Northwest Coast 917-SCI13A OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS. HeilpPin, Angelo. Arctic problem, The 919-H365A BIOGRAPHY GENERAL— COLLECTIVE. Barrle, James M. An Edinburgh eleven. 920-B275E Bolton, Sarah K. Famous types of womanhood 920-B639F PHILOSOPHY INDIVIDUAL. Aleott, A. Bronson. Sanborn, F. B. ed. Harris, William T. A. Bronson Aleott; his life and philosophy. 2v 921-AL18S RELIGION— COLLECTIVE. Biekley, A. C. George Fox and the early Quakers 922-B476G Wakeley,J.B. Heroes of Methodism 922-W134H INDIVIDUAL. Alexander, Archibald. Alexander, James W. Life of Archibald Al- exander 922-AL26A Brooks, Phillips. Brooks, Arthur. Phillips Brooks 922-B794B Gordon, George Maxwell. Lewis, Arthur. George Maxwell Gordon 922-G655L Paul, Saint, the Aposjle. Conybeare, J. W. and Howson, J S. Life and epistles of Saint Paul 922-P283C SOCIOLOGY COLLECTIVE. Dowle, Menie Muriel. Woman ad- venturers 923-D755W INDIVIDUAL. Burdett-CouttS, Baroness Angela G. Sketch of her public life and work, written by order of Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck. 923-B895 Greene, Francis V. Greene, General Nathaniel P 923-G83G Jetferson, Thomas. Schouler, James. Thomas Jefferson 923-J357S Medici, Lorenzo de. Carpenter, Edith. Lorenzo de Medici; an historical portrait 923-M467C FINE ARTS INDIVIDUAL. Booth, Edwin. Hutton, Laurence. Edwin Booth 927-B647 LITERATURE INDIVIDUAL. Curtis, George William. Chadwick, John White. George William Curtis ; an addrsss 928-C945C Ebers, George M. Story of my life . 928-EB35 Hale, Edward E. New England boyhood 928-H13N Irving, Washington. Warner, Chas. Dudley. The work of Washing- ton Irving 928-IR84W HISTORY ENGLAND. Cromwell, Oliver. Clark, George H. Oliver Cromwell 942-C885C FRANCE. Ropes, John Codman. Campaign of Waterloo 944-R685C FIRST SUPPLEMENT 167 INDIA. Lyall, Sir Alfred. Rise of the Brit- ish dominion in India 954-L982R UNITED STATES. Smith, William Farrar. From Chat- tanooga to Petersburg under Generals Grant and Butler 973-SM5C SPECIAL STATES. Kirkland, Joseph. Chicago massacre of 1812 977-K636C FICTION. Against the stream. Charles, Eliza- beth C38A Ai. Daniel, Charles S D222A AinSWOPtll, William Harrison. Au- riol; or the elixir of life AI6SA — Boscobel AI68B — Constable de Bourbon AI68C4 — Crichton AI68C6 —John Law * AI68J4 — Myddleton Pomfret AI68M8 —Old court AI6806 — Rookwood AI68R —Spendthrift AI68S6 Alareon, Pedro A. de. Moors and Christians and other tales • AL15M — Three cornered hat AL/I5T Albert Savarus. Balzac, Honore de. B2r9A4 Aleott, Louisa M. Moods AL18M4 Alexander, Mrs. pseud. See Hector, Mrs., Annie F Alkahest, The. Balzac, Honore de . B219A7 All along the river. Maxwell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, (Braddon.) M454A Allen, Grant. Scallj-wag, The AL5412S AlPOy and other stories. Beacons- field, Disraeli B B356A Ambitious woman, An Fawcett, Edgar F285A4 Antonia. Dudevant, Amantine L. A. , (George Sand, pseud.) D865A Ardath, a story of a dead self. Cor- elli, Marie . C815A APgles, Mrs. M. See Hungerford, Mrs ArmOPel of Lyonesse, a romance of to-day. Besant, Walter B465A5 Asleep and awake. Russell, Ray- mond R913A Auerbaeh, Berthold. Master Bie- land and his workmen AU32M — Villa on the Rhine. 2 v AU32V AuPiol, or the elixir of life. Ains- worth, Wm. H AI68A Austen, Jane. Persuasion AU74P Austin, Jane G. Dr. LeBaron and his daughters AU76D6 — Nantucket scraps AU76N4 Balzac, Honore de. Albert Savarus B219A4 —Alkahest, The B219A7 — Brotherhood of consolation B219B6 — Cdsar Birotteau B219C2 — Cousin Pons B219C8 — Historical mystery B219H — Lily of the viUey B219L6 — Modeste Mignon B219M6 Bangs, John Kendrick. Toppleton's client, or a spirit in exile B223T BaPOn Montez of Panama and Paris, Gunter, Archibald C G956B BaPP, Amelia E. Beads of Tasmer. . B27B6 — Christopher and other stories B27C — Cluny MacPherson B27C6 — Hallam succession B27H4 — Lost silver of BrifFault B27L6 — Mate of the "Easter Bell" and other stories B27M7 — She loved a sailor B27S4 — Singer from the sea B27S8 BaPPie, James M. Tillyloss scandal. B275T4 —Two of them B275T8 Beaeonsfield, Disraeli B., Earl of Alroy and other stories B356A — Henrietta Temple B356H — Sybil; or the two nations B356S8 — Tancred B356T — Venetia B356V — Vivian Grey B356V6 Beads of Tasmar. Barr, Amelia E . . B27B6 BehPens, Bertha, (W. Heimburg, pseud. ) . Fatal misunderstanding B397F — Her only brother B397H — Maiden's choice B397M — Miss Mischief B397M5 — Sister's love, A B397S Belinda. Broughton, Rhoda B798B Bell, Lilian. Love affairs of an old maid B414L Besant, Walter. Armorel of Lyon- esse; a romance of today B465A5 — Children of Gibeon B465C4 — Rebel queen B465R — World went very well then, The. . . B465W Bethia Wray's new name. Douglas, Amanda M D748B Bishop, William Henry. Detmold . . B545D BjOPnson, Bjornstjerne. In God's way B556I Black, William. In silk attire B563I5 — Judith Shakespeare B563J — Magic ink and other stories B563M2 — Sunrise ; a story of these times . . . B563S8 — Wise women of Inverness and other miscellanies B563W4 Black tulip. Dumas, Alexandre D892B Blackmope, Richard D. Christo- well ; a Dartmoor tale. B567C 168 FIRST SUPPI.EMENT — Erema ; or, my father's sin B567E Bonnybel Vane. Cooke, John Esten C774B Boseobel. Ainsworth, Wm. H AI68B Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Golden calf B696G5 — Gunnar ; a tale of Norse life. B696G7 — Ilka on the hill-top and other stories B696I — Mammon of unrighteousness .... B696M — Queen Titania and other stories. . . . B696Q — Social strugglers B696S — Tales from two hemispheres B696T Bpaddon, Mrs. See Maxwell, Mrs. M. E Bridges, 3frs., (Mrs. Forrester, pseud.). I have lived and loved. B765I —June B765J — Mignon B765M — My lord and my lady B765M8 — Rhona B765R —Viva B765V Brooks, Henry S. Catastrophe in Bohemia and other stories B79414C Brotherhood of consolation. Bal- zac, Honore de B219B6 Broughton, Rhoda. Belinda B798B — Cometh up as a flower . B798C — Goodbye, sweetheart B798G —Mrs. Bligh B798M — Not wisely but too well B79SN6 Brown, William Horace. Southern heritage B81218S Brown's retreat and other stories. King, Anna E K57B Bryee, Lloyd. Friends in exile B843F Burnham, Clara Louise. Dearly bought B937D — Mistress of Beech Knoll B937M4 — No gentlemen B937N — Sane lunatic B937S — Young maids and old B937Y Bunner, Henry C. Zadoc Pine and other stories B885Z Caine, Hall. Deemster, The C124D — Scapegoat, The C124S Cambridge, Ada. Little minx, A. .. C143L — My guardian C143M — Not all in vain C143N Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Mary St, John C188M — Sir Godfrey's grand-daughters C188S5 Castle in Spain. DeMille, James. . . D395C Catastrophe in Bohemia and other stories. Brooks, Henry S B79414C Cathedral courtship afid Penelope's English experiences. Wiggin, Kate Douglas ■W637C Catherwood, Mary Hart well. Story of Tonty C258S C^sar Borotteau. Balzac, Honore de B219C2 Chandler, Bessie. Woman who failed and other stories C36212W Charles, Elizabeth. Against the Stream C38A — Joan the maid C38J — Lapsed but not lost C38L — Victory for the vanquished C38V Children of Gibeon. Besant, Walter B465C4 Christopher and other stories. Barr, Amelia E B27C Christowell; a Dartmoor tale. Blackmore, Richard D B567C Clay, Mrs. John M. Some little of the angel still left C574S Cliff-dwellers. Fuller, Henry F95415C6 Cluny MacPherson. Barr, Amelia E B27C6 Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, Rhoda B798C Complaining millions of men. Ful- ler, Edward F95413C Conflict of evidence. Ottolengui, Rodrigues .' . . OT85C Conspirators, The. Dumas, Alex. . D892C6 Constable de Bourbon. Ainsworth, Wm. H AI68C4 Cooke, John Esten. Bonnybel Vane C774B — Hammer and rapier C774H — Mohun..' C774M6 — Out of the foam C774O Cooke, Rose Terry. Huckleberries, gathered from New England hills C77415H8 — Somebody's neighbors C774r5S6 — Sphinx's children C77415S8 Corelli, Marie. Ardath; the story of a dead self C815A — Thelma; a Norwegian princess.... C815T — Vendetta a«^ My wonderful wife.. C815V — Wormwood C815W Cottin, Mrs. Sophie. Matilda; a romance of the crusades. 2 v. . . C825M Cousin Pons. Balzac, Honore de. . . B219C8 Craik, Dinah M., (Mulock). His little mother and other tales and sketches C845H6 — Miss Tommy and other stories C845M6 Crawford, F. Marion. Pietro Ghis- leri C857P6 Criehton. Ainsworth, Wm. H AI68C6 Cashing, Paul. Great Chin episode. C954G Dale, Darley. Lottie's wooing D152L Daniel, Charles S. Ai. D222A Daudet, Alphonse. Robert Helmont D265R David Balfour. Stevenson, Robert Louis ST47D Day and night stories. (2nd ser.) Sullivan, T. R.. SU54D Dearly bought. Burnham, Clara Louise B937D Deemster, The. Caine, Hall C124D FIRST SUPPLEMENT 169 DeMille, James. Castle in Spain D395C —Living link D395L5 Detmold. Bishop, William Henry. . B545D Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beacons- field, Disraeli B., Earl of. Dp. LeBaron and his daughters. Austin, Jane G AU76D6 Doings of RafSes Haw, The. Doyle, A. Conan D775D Dorothy the Puritan. Watson, Au- gusta Campbell W335D Douglas, Amanda M. Bethia Wray's new name D748B — Heirs of Bradley house D748H2 — Sherburne house D748S6 Doyle, A. Conan. Doings of RaflBies Haw, The D775D — Refugees, The D775R Duchess, The, pseud. See Hunger- ford , Mrs Dudevant, Amantine L. A., (George Sand, pseud. ^ Antonia D865A —Miller of Angibault D865M6 — Monsieur Sylvestre D865M8 — Nanon D865N Dumas, Alexandre. Black tulip . . . D892B — Conspirators, The D892C6 — Regent's daughter : sequel to "The conspirators." D892R Duncan, Sara Jeannette, Simple ad- ventures of a memsahib D914S Ebb-tide. Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) F534E Ebers, George, Joshua; a story of Biblical times EB35J Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. John Paget EL5617J5 Erema; or my father's sin. Black- more, Richard D B567E Escape from Philistia, An. Jacobus, Russell P J156E Eschenbach , Marie Ebner von. Two countesses ES14T Fatal misunderstanding. Behrens, Bertha., (W. Yi^xvahyxx^, pseud.),. B397F Father of six and An occasional hol- iday. Potapeeko, N. E P846F Faweett, Edgar. Ambitious woman , An F285A4 — Gentlemen of leisure F285G — Hopeless case, A. . . F285H5 — Loaded dice F285L Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud. ) Ebb-tide F534E — Heart of steel F534H — Mabel Lee F534M — Morton house F534M6 — Nina's atonement F534N Foes in ambush. King, Capt. Charles K58F Foote, Mary Hallock. John Bode- win's testimony F735J For his sake. Hector, Mrs. Annie F. (.Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357F Forrester, Mrs. pseud. See Bridges, Mrs ' Fothergill, Jessie. Oriole's daughter F824O Found wanting. Hector, Mrs. Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357F6 Frederic, Harold. In the valley F874I — Lawton girl, The F874L — Return of the O'Mahony F874R Friends in exile. Bryce, Lloyd . . B843F Fuller, Anna. Literary courtship, under the auspices of Pike's peak, A F95412L Fuller, Edward. Complaining mill- ions of men. The F95413C Fuller, Henry. Cliff dwellers .... F95415C6 Gentleman of leisure. Faweett, Edgar F285G Golden calf. Boyesen, Hjalmar H. . B696G5 Good-bye, sweetheart. Broughton, Rhoda B798G Gossip of the Caribbees. Trow- bridge, Wm. R. H., /r T757G Grand, Sarah. Heavenly twins, The G764H Grant, Robert. Opinions of a phil- osopher G765O Gray, Maxwell. Last sentence G794L Great Chin episode. Cushing, Paul. C954G Grisly Grisell. Yonge, Charlotte M. Y84G Gunnar ; a tale of Norse life. Boye- sen, Hjalmar H B696G7 Gunter, Archibald Clavering. Baron Montez of Panama and Paris. . . . G956B Hallam succession. Barr, Amelia E. B27H4 Hammer and rapier. Cooke, John Esten C774H Harper, Francis E. W. lola Leroy; or, shadows uplifted H235I Hatton, Joseph. Under the great seal H286U Heart of steel. Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) F534H Heather and snow. Macdonald, George M144H4 Heavenly twins. The. Grand, Sarah G764H Hector, Mrs. Annie F., (Mrs. Alex- ander, pseud.) For his sake H357F — Found wanting H357F6 — Mammon H357M6 — Ralph Wilton's weird H357R Heimburg, W.,/>5^ttrf. 5^^ Behrens, Bertha Heirs of Bradley house. Douglas, Amanda M D748H2 Henrietta Temple. Beaconsfield, Disraeli B B356H 170 FIRST SUPPLEMENT Hep only brother. Behrens, Bertha, (W. Heimburg, pseud.) B397H Hibbard, George A. Nowadays and other stories H521N His little mother and other tales and sketches. Craik, Dinah M. (Mul- lock.) C845H6 HistOFieal mystery, An. Balzac, Honore de B219H Hopeless case, A. Fawcett, Edgar.. F285H5 HueklebePPies gathered from New England hills. Cooke, Rose Terry C77415H8 HungePfOPd, Mrs. (Duchess, pseud.) Little rebel H895L HuplbUPt, Ella Childs. Mrs. Clift- Crosby's niece H936M I have lived and loved. Bridges, Mrs. (Mrs. Forrester, pseud.) .... B765I Ilka on the hill-top and other stories. Boyesen, Hjalmar H B696I In blue uniform. Putnam, George I. P984I In God's way. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne B556I In silk attire. Black, William B563I5 In the valley. Frederic, Harold F874I lola Leroy ; or, shadows uplifted. Harper, Francis E. W H235I Isaacs, Abram S. Stories from the Rabbis IS13S Jacobus, Russell P. An escape from Philistia J156E James, Henry. Private life and other stories. The J23416P6 — Wheel of time and other stories. . . J23416W Joan the maid. Charles, Elizabeth. C38J John Bodewin's testimony. Foote, Mary Hallock F735J John Law. Ainsworth, Wm. H AI68J4 John Paget. Elliott, Sarah Barnwell EL5617J5 Joshua; a story of Biblical times. Ebers, Georg EB35J Judith Shakespeare. Black, William B563J June. Bridges, Mrs., (Mrs. Forres- ter, pseud.) B765J King, Anna Eichberg. Brown's re- treat and other stories K57B King, Capt. Charles. Foes in am- bush K58F Lapsed but not lost. Charles, Eliza- beth C38L Last sentence. Gray, Maxwell G794L Lawton girl, The. Frederic, Harold F874L Lean, Mrs. Florence M. (Marryat). Parson Jones I*475P Lily of the valley. Balzac, Honore de B219L6 Lippincott, Sara J. Stories and sketches L665S Litepapy courtship, under che auspi- ces of Pike's peak. Fuller, Anna F95412L Little minx, A. Cambridge, Ada... C143L Little rebel. Hungerford, Mrs., (Duchess, pseud.) H895L Living link. DeMille, James D395L5 Loaded dice. Fawcett, Edgar F285L Lost silver of BrifFault. Barr, Amelia E B27L6 Lottie's wooing. Dale, Darley D152L Love aflFairs of an old maid. Bell, Lilian B4r4L Mabel Lee. Fisher Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) F534M MacDonald, George. Heather and snow M144H4 Madame Rosely. Monmot, iW/^. V. M755M Magic ink and other stories. Black, William B563M2 Maiden's choice, A. Behrens, Ber- tha, (W. Heimburg, pseud.) B397M Mammon. Hector, Mrs. Annie F., Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357M6 Mammon of unrighteousness. Boye- sen, Hjalmar H B696M MaPPyat, Florence M. See Lean, Mrs. Florence M. (Marryat.). . . . Mapy St John. Carey, Rosa N C188N MasteP Bieland and his workmen. Auerbach, Berthold AU32M Mate of the "Easter Bell" and other stories. Barr, Amelia E B27M5 Matilda; a romance of the crusades. Cottin, Mrs. Sophie. 2 v C825M Maxwell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Braddon.) All along the river. . M454A Mignon. Bridges, Mrs. (Mrs. For- rester, pseud. ) B765M MilleP of Angibault. Dudevant, Amantine L. A.? (George Sand, pseud. ) D865M6 Miss Mischief. Behrens, Bertha, (W. Heimhurg, pseud.) B397M5 Miss Tommy and In a house-boat. Craik, Dinah M. (Mulock.) C845M6 Mps. Beauchamp Brown M694 MPS. Bligh. Broughton, Rhoda B798M Mps. Clift-Crosby's niece. Hurlburt, Ella Childs H936M MPS. Falchion. Parker, Gilbert P224M MistPess of Beech Knoll. Burnham, Clara Louise B937M4 Modeste Mignon. Balzac, Honore de B219M6 Mohun. Cooke, John Esten C774M6 Monmot, Mile. V. Madame Rosely. M755M MonsieuP Sylvestre. Dudevant, Amantine L. A., (George Sand, pseud.) D865M8 Moods. Alcott, Louisa May AL18M4 MOOPS and Christians and other tales. FIRST SUPPLEMENT I Alarcon, Pedro A. de AL15M Morton House. Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) F534M6 Mulock. See Craik, Dinah M My guardian. Cambridge, Ada C143M My lord and my lady. Bridges, Mrs., (Mrs. Forrester, pseud.) B765M8 Myddleton Pomfret. Ainsworth, Wm. H A268M8 Nanon. Dudevant, Amantine L. A., (George Sandi, pseiid.) D865N Nantucket scraps. Austin, Jane G. . AU76N4 Nina's atonement. Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) F534N ^'No gentleman." Burnham, Clara Louise B937N Not all in vain. Cambridge, Ada. . . C143N Not wisely but too well. Broughton, Rhoda B798N6 Nowadays and other stories. Hib- bard, George A H521N Old court. Ainsworth, Wm. H AI6806 Opinions of a philosopher. Grant, Robert G765O Oriole's daughter. Fothergill, Jessie F824O Ottolengui, Rodrigues. Conflict of evidence OT85C Out of the foam. Cooke, John Esten C774O ParkeP, Gilbert. Mrs. Falchion P224M — Translation of a savage P224T — and others. Tavistook tales P225T Parson Jones. Lean, Mrs. Florence M. (Marryat) Iv475P Penelope's English experiences. Wiggin, Kate D W637C Persuasion. Austen, Jane AU74P Pietro Ghisleri. Crawford, F. Marion C857P6 Potapeeko, N. E. Father of six awaf An occasional holiday P846F Prince of India. Wallace, Lew. 2 v W156P Private life and other stories. The. James, Henry J23416P6 Putnam, George I. In blue uniform P984I Queen Titania and other stories. Boyesen, Hjalmar H B696Q Ralph Wilton's weird. Hector, Jfr.y. Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) H357R Rebel queen. Besant, Walter B465R Refugees, The. Doyle, A. Conan.. D775R Regent's daughter, a sequel to "The conspirators " D892R Reid, Christian, pseud. See Fisher, Frances C Return of the O'Mahony, Frederick, Harold F874R Rhona. Bridges, 3Trs., (Mrs. For- rester, pseud. ) B765R Robert Helmont. Daudet , Alphonse D265R Rookwood. Ainsworth, Wm. H. . . . AI68R Russell, Raymond. Asleep and awake R913A Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, Amantine L. A Sane lunatic. Burnham, Clara Louise B937S Scallywag, 7"/^^. Allen, Grant AL5412S Scapegoat, The. Caine, Hall C124S She loved a sailor. Barr, Amelia E. B27S4 Sherborne House. Douglas, Amanda M D748S6 Simple adventures of a mensahib. Duncan, Sara Jeannette D914S Singer from the sea. Barr, Amelia E B27S8 Sir Godfrey's grand - daughters, Carey, Rosa Nouchette C?i88S5 Sister's love, A. Behrens, Bertha. (W. Heimburg, psetid.) B397S Social strugglers. Boyesen, Hjal- mar H B696S Some little of the angel still left. Clay, Mrs. John M C574S Somebody's neighbors. Cooke, Rose Terry C77415S6 Southern heritage. Brown, "William Horace B81218S Spendthrift. Ainsworth, Wm. H. . AI68S6 Sphinx's children. Cooke, Rose Terry C77415S8 Stevenson, Robert Louis. David Balfour ST47D Stories and sketches. Lippincott, Sara J L665S Stories from the Rabbis. Isaacs, Abram S IS13S Story of Tonty. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell C285S Stratenus, Louisa. Suspected ST83S Sullivan, T. R. Day and night sto- ries (2nd ser.) SU54D Sunrise; a story of these times. Black, William B563S8 Suspected, stratenus, Louisa ST83S Sweetheart Gwen; a Welsh idyl. Tirebuck, William T513S Sybil; or the two nations. Beacons- field, Disraeli B B356S8 Tales from two hemispheres. Boye- sen, Hjalmar H B696T Tancred. Beaconsfield, Disraeli B. . B356T Tavistook tales. Parker, Gilbert and others P225T Thelma; a Norwegian princess. Corelli, Marie C815T Three cornered hat. Alarcon, Pedro A. de AL15T Tillyloss scandal. Barrie James M . . B275T4 172 TiPebuek, William. Sweetheart Gwen; a Welsh idyl Toppleton's client ; or a spirit in ex- ile. Bangs, John Kendrick Translation of a savage. Parker, Gilbert TPOWbpidg-e, William R. H., jr. Gossip of the Caribbees Two countesses. Eschenbach, Marie Ebner von Two of them. Barrie, James M Under the great seal. Hatton, Joseph Vendetta and My wonderful wife. Corelli, Marie Venetia. Beaconsfield, Disraeli B . . VietOPy of the vanquished. Charles, ;^izabeth Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach, Ber- thold. 2 v Viva. Bridges, Mrs., (Mrs. Forres- ter, pseud. ) Vivian Grey. Beaconsfield, Dis- FIRST SUPPI.EMENT T513S B223T P224T T757G ES14T B275T8 H286U C815V B356V C38V AU32V B765V raeli B Wallace, Gen. Lew. Prince of India. 2 v . .' Watson, Augusta Campbell. Doro- thy the Puritan Wheel of time and other stories. James, Henry Wiggin, Kate Douglas Cathedral courtship a7id Penelope's English experiences Wise women of Inverness and other miscellanies. Black, William... Woman who failed and other stories. Chandler, Bessie WoPld went very well then. The. Besant, Walter WoPmwood. Corelli, Marie Yonge, Charlotte M. Grisly Grisell Young maids and old. Burnham, Clara Louise Zadoc Pine and other stories. Bun- ner, Henry C ...... • B356V6 W156P W335D J23416W W637C B563W4 C36212W B465W C815W Y84G B937Y B885Z JUVENILE GENERAL WORKS PERIODICALS. Chattepbox. 1892 J050-C393 Routledge, ed. Every boy's annual. 1881, 1889 J050-R765E JUVENILE PHILOSOPHY ETHICS. EvePett, C. C. Ethics for young people J170-EV25 Manson, George G. Ready for busi- ness; or, choosing an occupation. J174-M317R MoWPy, WilHam A. Talks with my boys J170-M875T RydeP, Annie H. Go right on girls. J170-R973G TytleP, Sarah. Papers for thought- ful girls J170-T994P JUVENILE RELIGION BIBLE— GENERAL WORKS. Yonge, Charlotte M, History of the Bible J220-Y84B JUVENILE SOCIOLOGY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Giffen, William M. Civics for young Americans J353-G365C ELEMENTARY EDUCATION— PRIMARY SCHOOLS. LaddePS to learning J372-L125 FOLK-LORE— PROVERBS, ETC. Frith, Henry. King Arthur and his knights of the round table J398-F917K LanieP, Sidney. .S^^ Malory, 6"/V T. MalOPy, Sir Thomas. Boy's king Arthur. Lanier, Sidney, ed J398-M296B JUVENILE LITERATURE AMERICAN MISCELLANY. Fpaneis, J. G. Cheerful cats J818-F845C JUVENILE HISTORY FRANCE. BonneP, John. Child's history of France J944-B644C JUVENILE FICTION Aleott, Louisa M. Work; a story of experience J-AL18W Baby John J-AN77B Deap J-AN77D Douglas, Amanda M. Larry J-D748L^ GPant, Robert. Jack in the bush .. . J-G76516J4 Henty, G. A. Jacobite exile, A J-H397J2 — St. Bartholomew's eve J-H397S2 Jayne, R. H. Through Apache land J-J335T Leighton, Robert. Wreck of the Golden Fleece . J-L535 W Stables, Gordon. Westward with Columbus J-ST13W