S B 608 C875w4 L.ntoHioi. EXCHANGE BP ^'';^c.'^ The Insect Fauna of the Genus Crataegus '** A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY WALTER HOUSLEY iWELLHOUSE Reprinted from Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir 56 Ithaca, N. Y. June 1922. The Insect Fauna of the Genus Crataegus A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY WALTER HOUSLEY WELLHOUSE Reprinted from Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir 56 Ithaca, N. Y. June 1922. ;". * CONTENTS PAGE The genus Crataegus 1046 Ecological summary , 1047 The relation of Crataegus insects to apple, pear, and quince 1050 Biological notes on insects feeding on Crataegus, as observed by the writer from 1917 to 1920 1051 Acarina 1051 Tetranychidae : 1051 Eriophyidae 1052 Orthoptera 1054 Acridiidae 1054 Hemiptera . 1054 Miridae (Capsidae) 1054 Tingitidae 1056 Cicadellidae (Jassidae) 1061 Membracidae 1063 Aphididae ". 1063 Coccidae 1065 Thysanoptera 1066 Thrypidae 1066 Coleoptera 1066 Elateridae 1066 Buprestidae 4 1066 Scarabaeidae '. 1066 Chrysomelidae 1067 Curculionidae 1068 Lepidoptera 1072 Papilionidae 1072 Saturniidae 1073 Arctiidae ' 1073 Noctuidae 1073 Notodontidae 1074 Lymantriidae 1075 Lasiocampidae . . . .' 1075 Geometridae 1076 Sesiidae (Aegeriidae) 1076 Pyralidae 1077 Tortricidae 1077 Yponomeutidae 1078 Elachistidae 1079 Lyonetiidae , . : : 1079 Ccsmopterygidae 1080 Diptera 1080 Cecidomyiidae (Itonididae) 1080 Trypetidae : 1085 Hymenoptera 1086 Tenthredinidae 1041 r r 5077C1 :/;: : ; 1042 CONTENTS PAGE Literature cited 1088 Catalog of insects injurious to Crataegus 1090 Acarina 1090 Orthoptera 1091 Odonata Hemiptera ^ 1091 Thysanoptera 1100 Coleoptera : . . . . 1100 Lepidoptera 1108 Diptera 1129 Hymenoptera 1131 Index of genera and species 1133 THE INSECT FAUNA OF THE GENUS CRATAEGUS THE INSECT FAUNA OF THE GENUS CRATAEGUS WALTER H. WELLHOUSE This paper is submitted as a result of three years of study of the insects that feed on the plants belonging to the genus Crataegus. The writer's object at the time when the work was undertaken was primarily to learn, by collecting and rearing, what insects occur on the trees of this genus in central New York. As the interest in the work increased, it was decided to widen the field and make the list more complete by including the insects that other workers have found to be eaters of Crataegus. There are three older lists of insects feeding on Crataegus which have been helpful in the preparation of the present catalog. Kaltenbach (1872) 1 gives a list of 104 European species, Packard (1890) gives 46 American species, and Felt (1906) gives 28 American species. With the ex- ception of these three lists, the material included in this paper is gathered from widely scattered references and from the writer's observations. Since food-plant indices are very commonly omitted from entomological writings, it is difficult to get a list of all the insects that feed on a plant. Such a list can be obtained only by scanning the pages of a multitude of papers containing biological notes on all orders of insects. Much of that kind of work has been done in the preparation of this catalog, but, since it has not been possible to see all papers that might contain accounts of insects feeding on Crataegus, the writer does not claim that his list is complete. The catalog contains 382 species, representing 9 orders and 55 families. They are distributed as follows: Acarina, 10 species: Thysanoptera, 1 species: Eriophyidae 7 Thrypidae 1 Phyllocoptidae 1 Coleoptera, 74 species: Tetranychidae 2 Elateridae 3 , Orthoptera, 4 species: Buprestidae 6 Gryllidae 1 Scarabaeidae 4 Acridiidae 3 Cerambycidae 5 Odonata, 1 species : Chrysomelidae 12 Agrionidae 1 Curculionidae 40 Hemiptera (including Homoptera), 84 Ipidae (Scolytidae) 2 species: Anthribidae 1 Miridae (Capsidae) . . 12 Dermestidae 1 Tingitidae 4 Lepidoptera, 184 species: Membracidae 4 Papilionidae 2 Cicadellidae (Jassidae) 18 Nymphalidae 2 Psyllidae