LIBRARY \ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIRT OR (*4(e^gt. .&.:. Received ~<^?g/ ^2 A ccessions No. l&_/*4&? helf No. BIBLIOTHECA DEBYANA BEING A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS & ABSTRACTS RELATING TO NATURAL SCIENCE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MICROSCOPY, IN THE LIBRARY OF JULIEN DEBY, M.E., F.R.M.S., ETC. VOL. I. I. SERIAL AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS - - PAGE i. II. THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS TECHNICALITIES - - 17. III. THE PROTOZOA ------------ M 87. PUBLISHED FOR JULIEN DEBY, OF 31 BELSIZE AVENUE, SOUTH HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, N.W. AUGUST, 1889. UNIVERSIT PREFACE. THE present Catalogue is not intended as a Bibliography of Microscopical Literature. It contains a list only of Books, Tracts, and Papers in my private library, exclusive of those scattered through the Periodicals. It has been drawn up for my own personal convenience and for that of my Scientific friends, to whom it is hoped it may prove occasionally useful. Articles in the various serials, enumerated in the first chapter, may be found by referring to such works as "A Bibliography of the Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, and Worms," by D'Arcy W. Thompson, 1885 "; " The Zoologischer Anzeiger, by Cams" ; the "Bibliotheca Zoologica, by T. V. Cams and Engelmann," with its continuation by " Dr. O. Taschenberg " ; the "Zoological Record from 1864 to 1888"; the publications " Jahresberichte," of the " Naples Laboratory," as also "Just's Botanische Jahresberichten " ; the "Botanisches Centralblatt " ; " Notarisia, by De-Toni and Levi-Morenos '' ; the "Catalogue of the Royal Society of London"; and various "Berichten" on Natural History Subjects, published in Germany, most of which are on my shelves. Volume II. of this Catalogue containing the complete Bibliography of the Diatomacese up to date, as well as a list of Books and Papers relating to the Algse (including the Desmidieoe), is now completed in MS., and will follow with little delay. JULIEN DEBY. 31 Belsize Avenue, South Hampstead ; August, iS8q. 5 3* ru' T 71} I. LIST OF PERIODICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LITERATURE. Periodical and Bibliographical Literature. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 2 vols. 8vo Helsingforsice, 1875 85. Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Lunds Universitets Ars- Skrift. 2 Bt. BL I. (186466), Bt. II. (186768). 4to. Lund, 1864 68 Agassiz, Prof. Louis, Strickland, H. E., M.A., F.G.S., and Jardine, Sir William, Bart., F.R.S.E. Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologise. A General Cata- logue of all Books, Tracts, and Memoirs on Zoology and Geology. 4 vols. 8vo. Ray Society. London, 1848 54. American Journal of Microscopy, The, and Popular Science. Vols. I. VI. , bound in 3 vols. Plates and figures. 8vo. New York, 1876. American Monthly Microscopical Journal, The. 9 vols. Vols. I. VII., edited by Romyn Hitchcock, F.R.M.S. Vols. VIII IX., edited by Henry Leslie Osborn, Ph.D. Plates and figures. 8vo. New York, Boston, Washington, 1880 89. American Naturalist, The, a Popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History. 21 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 186889. B2 American Quarterly Microscopical Journal, The. Edited by Romyn Hitchcock. Devoted to the interests of Microscopical Study in all branches of Science, with which is also published The Trans- actions of the New York Microscopical Society. Vol. I. Plates and figures. 8vo. (all published). New York, 1878. Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Tom. I. X.VIIL, each in 3 parts. 8vo. Madrid, 1872 89. Annales de la Socie'te' Beige de Microscopic. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18761885. Annales de la Socie'te' Gdologique de Belgique. 8vo. Liege, Berlin, Paris, 18801889. Annales de la Socie'te' Malacologique de Belgique ii Vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18781889. Annales de la Socie'te' Phytologique et Microscopique d'Anvers. 8vo. Anvers, 1864 1866. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 3, Vols. I. XX. ; Series 4, Vols. I. XX. ; Series 5, Vols. I. XX. ; Series 6, Vols. I. III. 8vo. London, 18581889. Archives de Biologic publie*es par Iidouard Van Beneden et Charles Van Bambeke. Planches. Vols. I. IX. 8vo. Gand, Leipzig, Paris, 1880 1889. Archiv fur Mikroskopische Anatomic. Herausgegeben von Max Schultze, v. la Valette St. George, und W. Waldeyer. Vols. I. XXXIII. Many plates. 8vo. Bonn, 1865 1889. Athenaeum, The, Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts for the years 1849 1 &59- 1X v l s - 4 to - London, 1849 1859. Belgique Horticole, La, Journal des Jardins, des Serres et des Vergers. 28 vols. Vols. I. IV. par Charles Morren ; Vols. V. XIV. par Charles Morren et Edouard Morren ; Vol. XV. XXVIII. par Edouard Morren. (From Vols. XV. XXIV., under title of La Belgique Horticole, Annales d'Horticulture Beige et Etrangere ; Vols. XXV. XXVIIL, La Bel- gique Horticole, Annales de Botanique et d'Horticulture. Planches coldrees. 8vo. Liege, 1851 1878. Berichten liber die wissenschaftliche Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere, begrundet von R. Leuckart. 8vo. Berlin, 18591889. Bibliotheca Zoologica ; bearbeitet von J. Victor Cams und W. Engelmann, vortgestzt von Dr. O. Tashenberg. 8vo. Leipzig, 18611889. Botanical Gazette, The, a Journal of the Progress of British Botany and the Contemporary Literature of the Science. Edited by Arthur Henfrey, F.L.S. Vols. I. III. 8vo. London, 1849 1851. Botanisches Centralblatt, Referirendes Organ fur das Gesammtgebiet der Botanik des In-und Auslandes. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Gelehrten von Dr. Oscar Uhlworm und Dr. W. J. Behrens. 19 vols. 8vo. Cassel, 1880 1889. Botanische Zeitung. 22 Banden. Herausgegeben von Hugo von Mohl D. F. L. von Schlechtendal, Anton de Bary, G. Kraus. Tafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 18521873. Botaniste, Le, Directeur, M. P. A. Dangeard. Plates. 8vo. Caen, 18881889. Brebissonia, Revue mensuelle illustree de Botanique Cryptogamique et d' Anatomic Vegetale Organe de la Societe Cryptogamique de France. Redigee par M. G. Huberson. 8vo. Paris, 1857 1879. Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Geographic. Ann. I. II. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18771878. Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Geologic de Paleonto- logie et d'Hydrologie. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18871889. Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Tom. I. (1882) ; Tom. II., Nos. i. iv. (1883). 8vo. Bruxelles, 18821883. Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University. Edited by C. L. Herrick and A. D. Cole. Vol. II., parts i and 2. Vol. III., 14 plates. 8vo. Granville, Ohio, 18871888. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. Vol. L XVI. New York, 18741889. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Plates. 8vo. Washington, 1876 1889. Bulletins de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 1855, 1856, 1857, and 1858. Bruxelles, 18551858. Bulletins de la Societe Beige de Microscopic. 10 vols. I. X. relies en, 9. Planches et figures. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18751884. Bulletins de la Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique. 14. torn. Planches. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18621877. Cincinnati Quarterly Journal of Science, The. Editor and Proprietor, S. A. Miller. Vol. I., Nos. 14 inclusive. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. Cohn, Ferdinand. Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen. 2 vols. 8vo. Breslau, 1870 1876. Davis, George E., F.R.M.S., F.C.S., F.I.C. The Northern Microscopist, an illustrated Journal of Prac- tical Microscopy. Vols. I. IV. .8vo. London i\$&\ 1884. Forschungen aus dem Botanischen Garten zu Marzburg. Herausgegeben von Albert Wigand und E. Dennert. Heft. II. III. 8vo. Marzburg, 18871888. Friedlander, R. u. Sohn. Novitates Naturae, Bibliographic neuer Erscheinungen aller Lander auf dem Gebiete der Naturgeschichte und der exacten Wissenschaften. 8vo. Berlin, 1882 1889. Bibliotheca Historica-Naturalis. 8vo. Berlin, 18831886. Bericht iiber die Verlagsthatigkeit, etc. 8vo. Berlin, 1887 1889. Gardener's Chronicle, The, and Agricultural Gazette. 20 vols. Folio. London, 1849 1868. Gill, Thomas. The Technical Repository, containing Practical Infor- mation on Subjects connected with Discoveries and Improvements in the Useful Arts. Vol. I. XI. (1822 1827). Continued as Gill's Technological Repository ; or Discoveries and Improvements in the Useful Arts, being a continuation of his Technical Repository. Vol. I. V. (18271829). Continued as Gill's Technological and Microscopic Repository ; or, Discoveries and Improve- ments in the Useful Arts, being a continuation of his Technical Repository. Vol. VI. (1830). Plates. The whole bound in 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1822 1830. Grevillea, a Monthly and Quarterly Record of Crypto- gamic Botany and its Literature. Edited by M. C. Cooke, M.A. 16 vols. Being Vols. L XVII. London, 1872 1889. 8 Hardwicke's Science Gossip. An illustrated medium of Interchange and Gossip. Edited by M. C. Cooke and J. E. Taylor, F.L.S. 24 vols. 8vo. London, 18661889. Hedwigia. Ein Notizblatt fur Kryptogamische Studien. Repertorium fur Kryptogamische Literatur. Redigirt von Dr. L. Rabenhorst, Dr. Georg Winter, und Dr. C. Sanio. Plates. 8vo. Vol. L XXVII. Dresden, 18521889. Huth, Dr. Ernst. Societatum Litterae, Verzeichniss der in den Publikationen der Akademien und Vereine aller Lander erscheinenden Einzelarbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. 8vo. Berlin, 18881889. Journal de Micrographie. Direction du Dr. J. Pelletan. 13 vols. 8vo. Planches et figures. Paris, 18771889. Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, edited by Sir William Jackson Hooker. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1849 1 ^5^- Journal of Botany, The, British and Foreign. Edited by Berthold Seeman, Ph.D., F.L.S., and H. Trimen. Plates and woodcuts. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1863 1877. Journal of Horticulture, The, Cottage Gardener, and Country Gentleman : A Chronicle of the Homestead, Poultry Yard, Apiary, and Dovecote. Conducted by George W. Johnson, F.R.H.S.,and Robert Hogg, LL.D. Parts 137 143, 145 151, 153 and 168. Illustrated. 4*o. London, 1872 1875. Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science, The : The Journal of the Postal Microscopical Society, edited by Alfred Allen, being continuation of The Journal of the Postal Microscopical Society, a Natural and Microscopical Science, edited Allen. London and Bath, \ 884 Journal of Morphology. Edited by C. O. Whitman, with the co-operation of Edward Phelps Allis, Jr. Vols. I. and II. Royal 8vo. Boston, 18871889. Journal of the Linnean Society, The (Botany and Zoology). 37 vols. 8vo. London, 1857 1889. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. L, II., and III. Figures. 8vo. London, 1887 1889. Journal of the New York Microscopical Society. 8vo. 5 vols. New York, 18851889. Journal of the Postal Microscopical Society : A Miscellany of Natural and Microscopical Science. Edited by Alfred Allen. 8 vols., I. VI. old series, L, II. new series. Continued from Vol. III., as "The Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science. " 8vo. London and Bath, 18821886. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. 10 vols. Plates and Figures. 8vo. London, 1868 1889. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Con- taining its Transactions and Proceedings, and a Summary of Current Researches relating to Zoology and Botany (principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia), Microscopy, etc. Edited by Frank Crisp, LL.B., and others, n vols. 8vo. London, 1878 1889. Just's Botanischer Jahresbericht. Systematisch geord- netes Repertorium der Botanischen Literatur aller Lander. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. Koehne und Dr. Th. Geyler. Seit 1883. 7 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 18851889. 10 Lens, The. A Quarterly Journal of Microscopy and the Allied Natural Sciences, with the Transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Edited by S. A. Briggs. Vols. I., II. Plates. 8vo. Chicago, 1872 1873. London Physiological Journal, The. i vol. 8vo. London, 1843. Lotos, Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften. Heraus- gegeben vom Naturhistorischen Vereine Lotos in Prag. 20 Bdn. 8vo. Redigirt vom Dr. Wilh. Rud. Weiten- weber ; 1870 von Dr. V. R. v. Zepharovich. Prag, 1851 1870. Magazine of Botany and Zoology. Conducted by Sir W. Jardine, Bart., P. J. Selby, Esq., and Dr. John- ston. 2 vols. Plates and cuts. 8vo. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, 1837 1838. Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology. Con- ducted by J. C. Loudon, F.L.S., G.S., etc. Vols. I. IX. With Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1829 1836. Mdmoires couronne's et Memoires des Savants Strangers. Publics par 1' Academic Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. 21 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1845 1873. Me'moires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg. Tom. I. XVI. Avec Planches. 8vo. Paris et Cherbourg, 1852 1872. Memoires de 1'Institut National Genevois. Tomes I. XL 4to. Planches. Geneve, 18541867. Microscope, The, and its relation to Medicine and Pharmacy. 4 vols. Becoming "The Microscope," an Illustrated Monthly Journal. 6 vols. 1883 1888. Being 10 vols. Plates and Figures. Svo. Detroit, Michigan, 1882 1889. II Microscopical Bulletin and Science News, The. Philadelphia, 18851889. Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. Edited by Daniel Cooper, M.R.C.S., and George Busk. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. London, 1841 1842. Midland Naturalist, The. Edited by E. W. Badger and W. T. Harrison. Vols. I. III. Plates and Figures. 8vo. London and Birmingham, 1878 1880. Monthly Microscopical Journal. Edited by H. Lawson, M.D. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Vols. I. XIII. inclusive. 8vo. London, 1869 1877. Natur, Die. Zeitung zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaft- licher Kenntniss und Naturanschauung fiir Leser aller Stande. Nos. t 2, 4 38, 40 42, 44 52. 4to. Halle, 1862. Natural History Review, a Quarterly Journal of Biologi- cal Science. 8vo. London, 1861. Naturalist, The. Journal of the West Riding Consoli- dated Naturalists' Society, and Manual of Exchange in all departments of Natural History ; with which is incorporated the Entomologists' Journal. Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1865. Nature, a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Incom- plete, extending from Vol. IV. to Vol. XXXVI. London, 18711888. Notarisia, commentarium phycologicum, rivista trimestrale consacrata allo studio delle alghe. Redattori Dott. G. B. de Toni e David Levi-Morenos. Vols. i, 2. 8vo. Venezia, 18881889. 12 Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 4 vols. 8vo. Plymouth, 18801885. Phytologist, The. A Popular Botanical Miscellany. Con- ducted by Edward Newman, F.L.S., and Alexander Irvine. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 1863. Popular Science Review, The. 20 vols. Vols. I. II. edited by James Samuelson ; Vols. III. XV. by Henry Lawson, M.D. ; Vols. XVI. XX. (Vols. I._ V. new series), by W. S. Dallas, F.L.S. 8vo. London, 1862 1881. Pringsheim, Dr. N. Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche Botanik. 20 Banden. Tafeln. 8vo. Berlin, 18581889. Proceedings of the American Society of Micro- scopists. 10 vols. 8vo. 1879 1889. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Vols. J. VIII. (18531860) and Vols. L VIL, new series (1861 1867), edited by Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S., and George Busk, F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S. ; Vols. VIII. XXVIII. (18681889) edited by E. Ray Lankester, W. T. Thistleton Dyer, E. Klein, H. N. Moseley, and Adam Sedgwick. 8vo. London, 1853 1889. Register fur die Monatsberichte der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin vom Jahre, 1859 bis 1873. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. Reports of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. 50 vols. 8vo. London, 1833 1886. Report, The First, upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay and the Neighbouring Seas. Written by the Members of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee, and edited by 13 W. A. Herdman, D.Sc., F.L.S. 10 plates and 2 maps. 8vo. London, 1886. Revue Biologique du Nord de la France publiee sous la direction de Theod. Barrois, Paul Hallez et R. Moniez. Ann. I. 8vo. Lille, 1889. Schneider, Aimd. Tablettes Zoologiques. 8vo. Planches. Poitiers, 18861887. Schriften der Vereins zur Verbreitung naturwissen- schaftlicher Kenntniss in Wien. Bd. I. XIV. 8vo. Wien, 1862 1874. Scientific Enquirer, The, a Monthly Medium for the supply of information on all Scientific Subjects. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 18861887. Scudder, Samuel H. Nomenclator Zoologicus. 8vo. Washington, 1882. Silliman's American Journal of Science and Art. Many loose numbers from 1834 to 1882. 8vo. New Haven. Societe' Royale Malacologique de Belgique. Extraits divers. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1875 1885. Student and Intellectual Observer of Science, Literature,, and Art. New series. Coloured plates and illustrations. Odd numbers. London, 1869 1871. Thompson, D'Arcy W. A bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Ccelenterata, and Worms, including also the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda and Tunicata. (From 1 86 1 to 1883). 8vo. Cambridge, 1855. Todd, Robert B., M.D., F.R.S. The Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, 6 vols. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1835 1859. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 1886. Vol. XIX. Edited by James Hector. 8vo. Wellington, 1887. Transactions of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club. Vol. II., pt. 5. 8vo. Buckhurst Hill, Essex, 1881. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Vol. I., pt. 3 ; Vol. II., pt. 2 ; and Vol. III., pt. 2. 8vo. Hertford, 1881, 1882, 1884. Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London. 3 vols., text, bound in i, with i vol. plates. 8vo. London, 1844 1852. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, 1853 68. 1 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1853 1868. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins fiir die Provinz Brandenburg und die Angrenzenden Lander. Redigirt und herausgegeben von Dr. P. Ascherson u. a. Jahrg. VIII. XV. (186673), XVII. (1875), und XVIII. (1876). 9 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 18661876. Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen der Koniglich preus- sischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von 1710 1870, in alphabetischer Folge der Verfasser. 8vo. Berlin, 1871. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und fiir mikroskopische Technik. Herausgegeben von Dr. Wilh. Jul. Behrens. Bd. I. VI. Illustrationen. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1884 1889. Zoological Record, The, or Record of Zoological Literature. 24 vols. 8vo. London, 1885 (1884) 1888 (1887). Zoologischer Anzeiger. Herausgegeben von Prof. J. Victor Carus. 6 Bdn. 8vo. Leipzig, 18841889. IS Zoologischer Jahfesbericht fur 1886. Herausgegeben von der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Redigirt von Dr. Paul Mayer. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. Zoologist, The, a Popular Monthly Magazine of Natural History and Journal for recording Facts and Anecdotes relating to Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Anne- lides, Insects, Worms, Zoophytes, etc. : Their Habits, Food, Retreats, Occasional Appearance, Migrations, Nests, and Young. Conducted by Ed. Newman. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1843 1856. II. LIST OF BOOKS AND PAPERS ON THE MICROSCOPE i MICROSCOPY PROPER, INCLUDING || MICROPETROLOGY, BUT '-' EXCLUSIVE OF ARTICLES CONTAINED IN THE . PERIODICALS. List of Books and Papers on the Microscope & Microscopy Proper. Abbey, Walter, M.R.C.S. Notes on Organic Structure as illustrated by means of dyes. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci, Vol. IV., N.S., p. 269. 8vo. London, 1864. A Companion to the Improved Phantasmagoria Lantern, containing a list of the subjects, to which is added a description of the lantern, and copper-plate slides, with the method of exhibiting the dissolving views. 4 plates. Ed. 3. 8vo. London, 1841. Adams, George. Micrographia Illustrata, or a Knowledge of the Microscope Explained, together with an account of a new invented, universal, single or double micro- scope, either of which is capable of being applied to an improved Solar apparatus. 65 plates. Ed. 2. 4to. London, 1747. 2. Micrographia Illustrata ; or, the Microscope Explained in several new inventions, particularly of a new variable microscope for examining all sorts of minute objects, and also of a new Camera Obscura Microscope, designed for drawing all minute objects, or by the light of the sun, or by a lamp in winter evenings, to great perfection, with a description of all the other microscopes now in use ; likewise, a Natural History of aerial, terrestrial, and aquatic animals, etc., considered as microscopic objects. Ed. 4. With 72 copper plates. 8vo. London, 1771. C2 20 3. Essays on the Microscope, containing a practical description of the most improved Microscopes, a General History of Insects, their transformations, peculiar habits, and ceconomy; an account of the various species and sin- gular properties of the Hydrae and Vorticellae ; a des- cription of 379 Animalculae, with a concise catalogue, a view of the organisation of timber, and the configuration of salts when under the microscope. With Atlas of 30 plates, folio. 4to. London, 1787. Adan, H. Ph. Le Microscope coup d'ceil discret sur le Monde Invisible. 10 planches. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1873. Amici, Giambattista. Collezione di alcune Memorie e Lettre. 12 plates. 4to. Modena, 1825. Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Montsouris pour Tan 1882: Meteorologie, Agriculture, Hygiene. i2mo. Paris, 1882. Antony, John, M.D. On the Structure of Plcurosigma angulatum and Pleurosigma quadratum. i plate. Month. Mic. Journ., Sept. i, 1870. 8vo. London, 1870. Ayscough, James. The Description of a Single Micro- scope, and of the Apparatus adapted for the olar Microscope, the Camera Obscura, as also for Viewing Prints in Perspective, i plate. 8vo. (Also in French, 8vo.) London, 1753. 2. A Description of the Structure of a Microscope, with the Method of Using it, either with a Single or with Compound Lenses, both for Opaque as well as Transparent Objects. i plate. 8vo. London, 1754. Bachman, Prof. Dr. Isidor. Ueber eine Chalcedon- mandel von Salto mit Fliissigkeitseinschluss. Sitzungsb. naturf. Ges. Bern., 1878. p. 20. 8vo. Bern., 1879. 21 Bachmann, Otto. Leitfaden zur Anfertigung Mikrosko- pischer Dauerpraparate. 87 Abbildungen. 8vo. Munchen, 1879. Bailey, Prof. J. W. On a Universal Indicator for Micro- scopes, i plate. From Amer. Jour. Sci., Series 2, Vol. XX. 8vo. New Haven, 1855. 2. On the Non- Existence of Polarizing Silica in the Organic Kingdoms. Amer. Journ. Sci., Series 2, Vol. XXL, p. 357. 8vo. New Haven, 1856. 3. New Method of Disintegrating Masses of Fossil Diatomaceae. Amer. Journal Set., Ser. 2, Vol. XXI., p. 356. 8vo. New Haven, 1856. Baker, Henry." The Microscope made Easy," and " Employ- ment for the Microscope." Ed. I., 1742; Ed. III., 1744; Ed. IV., 1753 1754- 8vo. London, 1742 1754. 2. Het Microscoop gemakkelyk gemaakt of Beschryving van de Beste en Nieuwste Microscoopen en van derzelver Behandeling als mede een Beright van de Verbaazende Ontdekkingen gedaan met de Vergrootglazen. Versierd met Koperen Plaaten. Tweede Druk. 8vo. A msterdam, 1760. 3. Of Microscopes and the Discoveries made thereby. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1785. Bale, W. M. On Covering Fluid Mounts to avoid leakage and running in. Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc. Victoria., Vol. I., Nos. 2, 3, p. 57. 8vo. Melbourne, 1880. Barker, John, M.D. On the Illumination of Microscopic Objects. 3 plates. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Ser. 2, Vol. I., No. i, p. 7. 8vo. Dublin, 1870. 2. On a Modification of Smith's New Growing Slide. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. VI., N.S., p. 267. 8vo. London, 1866. 22 Barnard, F. A New Method of making Cells of Wax for Mounting Opaque, and Transparent Objects. Quart. Jour. Mic. Soc. Victoria, Vol. i, Nos. 2 and 3, p. 53. 8vo. Melbourne, 1880. Bausch, Edward Manipulation of the Microscope, illus- trated, 8vo. Rochester, N. Y., 1885. Bausch and Lomb. Mechanical Stages Illustrated. The Microscope, Vol. VI., No. n, p. 244, 8vo. Detroit, 1886. Beale, Lionel S., M.B., F.R.S. How to Work with the Microscope : a course of Lectures on the Practical use of the Instrument and Microscopical Manipulation. 32 plates, with upwards of 150 figures. 8vo. London, 1861. 2. On Urine, Urinary Deposits, and Calculi : their Microscopical and Chemical Examination, including the Chemical and Microscopical Apparatus required, and Tables for the practical examination of the Urine in health and disease ; the Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidney, with upwards of sixty original analyses of the Urine in disease, and general remarks on the treatment of certain Urinary diseases. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. 8 plates. 8vo. London, 1861. 3. Note on a new Object-Glass for the Microscope, of higher magnifying power than any one hitherto made. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XIV., No. 71, p. 35. 8vo. London, 1865. 4. How to Work with the Microscope. Ed. 3. A Review of, from Quart. Jour. Mic. Sri., Vol. V., N.S., p. 263. 8vo. London, 1865. 5. How to Work with the Microscope. Ed. 5. Revised through- out and much enlarged, with 100 plates, comprising 23 more than 600 engravings, some printed in colours, and most of which have been drawn on wood by the author. 8vo. London, 1880. Beamont, E. B., F.R.S., and Pigott, Dr. Royston, F.R.S. Note on High-power Definition, as illustrated by a compressed Podura-scale. 2 Figs. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XXI., No. 146, p. 422. 8vo. London, 1873. Beauregard, H., et Galippe, V. Guide de 1'Eleve et du Praticien pour les Travaux pratiques de Micrographie comprenant la Technique et les Applications du Micro- scope a 1'Histologie Vegetale, a la Physiologic, a 1' Hygiene, et a la Medecine legale. Avec 570 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Beck, Richard. A description of the Universal Achromatic Microscope as contrived and manufactured by Smith, Beck, and Beck. 2 plates. From Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. X., p. ii. 8vo. London, 1862. 2. A Treatise on the Construction, Proper Use, and Capabilities of Smith, Beck, and Beck's Achromatic Microscopes. 28 plates. 8vo. London, 1865. 3. Description of a new form of Live Trap and Parabolic Reflector. 10 Figs. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. XIII., p 113. 8vo. London, 1865. 4. On the Scales of Lepidocyrtus, hitherto termed Podura Scales, and their value as tests for the microscope, i plate. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. X., N.S., p. 83. 8vo. London, 1862. Beck, R. and J. An illustrated description of the National Microscope in its various forms. 8vo. London, 1888. 2 4 Behren's, Dr. Julius Wilhelm. The Microscope in Botany. A Guide for the Microscopical Investigation of Vegetable Substances, translated and edited by Rev. A. B. Hervey, A.M., assisted by R. H. Ward, M.D., F.R.M.S. 13 plates and 153 cuts. Svo. Boston, 1885. Bennett, John Hughes, M.D., F.R.S.E. The Micro- scope as a means of Diagnosis. With woodcuts. Lecture on Clinic. Med. Svo. Edinburgh and London, 1851. Blackham, George E., M.D., F.R.M.S. On Angular Aperture of Objectives for the Microscope. Read before the Microscopical Congress at Indianapolis, Ind., August 1 5th, 1878. 1 8 figures. Svo. New York, 1880. Bohnensieg, G. C. W. Hoe men ziet en wat men ziet met den Mikroskoop. Eene korte Handleiding bij het Gebruik van dit Werktuig. Fig. Svo. Haarlem, 1873. Bonanni, Philippus. Observationes circa viventia, quae in Rebus non viventibus reperiuntur cum Micrographia curiosa sive Rerum minutissimarum Observationibus, quae ope Microscopii recognitae ad vivum exprimuntur. His accesserunt aliquot Anirnalium Testaceorum Icones non antea in lucem editae. Omnia Curiosorum Naturae Exploratorum Utilitate et Jucunditate expressa et oblata cum Micrographia curiosa. Tabulae cum 131 figures. Svo. Roma, 1691. 2. Bonanni, A. P. Philippe. Musaeum Kircherianum sive Musaeum A. P. Athanasio Kirchero in Collegio Romano Societatis Jesu jam pridem incceptum nuper restitutum, auctum, descriptum, et iconibus illustratum. Excellen- tissimo Domino Francisco Mariae Ruspolo antiquae. Urbis Agyllinae Principi oblatum. Plates. Folio. Romce, 1709. 25 Booth, M.A. Why do Dry Mounts Fail? The Mien Vol. V., No. 7, p. 159. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1885. Bousfield, Edward C., L.R.C.P. Guide to the Science of Photo-Micrography. 8vo. London, N.D. Bowerbank, H. Letter addressed to R. H. Solly, Esq., by H. Bowerbank, respecting his method of obtaining specimens of Wood for Exhibition and Examination in the Microscope. Trans, Soc. of Arts, Manufactures, Commerce, etc., Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1834. Bradley, Richard, F.R.S. Description and Use of the Instrument now called a Kaleidoscope, as published by its original inventor, i plate. 8vo. London, 1818. Brakey, Rev. S. Leslie, M.A. The Theory of Immersion. With figures. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XL, No. 66, p. 249. 8vo. London, 1874. Brewster, Sir David, K.G.H., L.L.D., F.R.S. A Treatise on the Microscope, forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. 14 plates and figures. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. 2. The Stereoscope: its History, Theory, and Construction, with its application to the fine and useful Arts and to Education. 52 wood engravings. 8vo. London, 1870. Browning", John, F.R.A.S., F.R.M.S. On the Application of the Spectroscope to the Microscope. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. XIII., p. 107. Woodcuts. 8vo. London, 1865. 2. A Plea for Reflectors, being a description of the New Astronomical Telescopes, with silvered-glass specula, and instructions for adjusting and using them. Ed. 5. With plate and numerous figures. 8vo. London, 1872. 26 3. How to Work with the Spectroscope : a Manual of Practical Manipulation with Spectroscopes of all kinds. With above 30 engravings and diagrams. 8vo. London , 1878. Burton, John. On a Portable Revolving Table. 2 cuts. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. X., p. 9. 8vo. London, 1862. 2. On a Nose-piece. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. II., N.S., p. 63. 8vo. London, 1862. Carnelly, Thomas, D.Sc., Haldane J. S., M.A., M.B., and Anderson, A. M., M.D. The Carbonic Acid, Organic matter, and Micro-organisms in Air, more especially of Dwellings and Schools. i plate. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. CLXXVIII. B., pp. 61- iii. 4to. London, 1887. Carpenter, W., M.D., F.R.S. On the Microscopic Structure of Shells. With 20 plates. Report, Brit. Assoc., 1844 (York meeting). 8vo. London, 1845. 2. The Microscope and its Revelations. Ed. 6. 26 plates and 502 woodcuts. Small 8vo. London, 1881. Castracane, Conte Abate Francesco. On a New Method of Illumination. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. V., N.S., p. 249. 8vo. London, 1865. 2. The Magnifying Power of the Microscope. Month. Mic. Journ., No. XXVIII. , April i, 1871, p. 173. 8vo. London, 1871. 3. Su la Illuminazione Monochromatica del Microscopic e la Fotomicrografia e loro utilita. Nota. i Tav. Estrat. Atti Accad. Pontif. d. Nuov. Lincei. Anno XXIV., Sess. 3. 4to. Roma, 1871. 27 4. La Visione Binoculare in relazione alia Micrografia. Estrat. Atti Accad. Pontif. d. Nuov. Lincei. Anno XXVI I. 4to. Roma, 1874. Catalogue of Microscopic Objects in the Cabinet of the Microscopical Society of London. 8vo. London, 1864. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Royal Microscopical Society. 8vo. London and Edinburgh, 1888. Catalogue of the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at the South Kensington Museum. 1876. Ed. 3. 8vo. London, 1877. Catalogues of Microscopes, Object-Glasses, and other Microscopic Apparatus for the Microscope. By various makers. 8vo. v. D. Certes, A. Analyse Micrographique des Eaux. 2 planches. 8vo. Assoc. Franc., pour 1'Avanc. d. Sci. Congres de la Rochelle. Paris, 1883. Chautard, M. J. Quelques Mots sur les Raies de la Chlo- rophylle et leurs applications en Physiologic, en Toxico- logie, et en Pharmacie, suivis d'un programme de manipulations sur les bandes spectrales d'absorption. i planche. 8vo. Nancy, 1873. Chauvin, J. Des Collections d'Hydrophytes et de leur Preparation. (Diatomaceae, p. 39.) 8vo. Caen, 1834. Chevalier, Dr. A. Dictionnaire des Alterations et falsifica- tions des Substances alimentaires Medicamenteuses et Commerciales, avec 1'indication des moyens de les reconnaitre. Ed. 2. Revue, corrigee, et considerable- ment augmentee. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1854 1855. Chevalier, Charles. Notes Rectificatives pour servir a 1'Histoire des Microscopes, adressees a Messieurs les Membres de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences de France. 4to. Paris, 1835. 28 2. Des Microscopes et de leur Usage : Description d'Appareils et de Precedes Nouveaux, suivie d'Experiences Microsco- piques puisees dans les meilleurs ouvrage anciens, et les Notes de M. le Baillif, et d'un Memoire sur les Diato- mees, etc. par M. de Brebisson. Manuel complet du Micrographe. 5 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Chevalier, Charles und Kerstein Friedr. Sylv., Ph.D. Die Mikroskope und ihr Gebrauch, oder vollstandiges Handbuch der Mikrographie enthaltend eine Beschrei- bung der neuesten Methoden und Apparate zu Mikro- skopischen Beobachtungen nebst einer Abhandlung von de Brebisson iiber die Desmidieen und Diatomeen oder Bacillarien. u. s. w. Mit Anmerkungen sowie mit einer Abhandlung iiber die Katadioptrischen Linsen versehen von Friedr. Sylv. Kerstein, Ph.D. 6 Tafeln. 8vo. Quedlinburg u. Leipzig, 1843. Church, A. W., M. A. Researches on Turacine, an Animal Pigment containing Copper. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XVI I., No. 112, p. 436. 8vo. London, 1869. Cloizeaux, M. des. Memoire sur FEmploi du Microscope Polarisant et sur 1'etude des Proprietes Optiques Bire- fringentes propres a determiner le systeme cristallin dans les cristaux naturels ou artificiels. 2 planches. Extr. d. Annal. d. Mines. Tom. VI. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Coddington, Henry M. A., F.R.S. A Treatise on the Reflexion and Refraction of Light, being Part I. of a System of Optics. 10 plates. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. Cohen, E. Sammlung von Mikrophotographien zur Veranschaulichung der Mikroskopischen Structur von Mineralien und Gesteinen. 2 Banden. 80 Tafeln. Folio. Stuttgart, 1883. Cohn, Dr. Ferdinand. Die Mikroskopische Welt, " Die Gegenwart," Vol. XI. 8vo. 1855. 2 9 Cole, Arthur C. Studies in Microscopical Science. Vols. I. IV. With plates. 8vo. London, 1883 1886. 2. Popular Microscopical Studies, i vol. 8vo. Plates. London, 18831884. 3. The Methods of Microscopical Research. An introductory essay to Vol. II. of " Studies in Microscopical Science." 8vo. London, 18831884. Cossa, Alfonso. Ricerche Chimiche e Microscopiche su Rocche e Minerali d'ltalia (1875 1880). 12 Tavole Cromolit. 4to. Torino, 1881. Couvreur, E. Le Microscope et ses Applications a 1'etude des Vegetaux et des Animaux. Avec 112 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Crookes, William, F.R.S. On a New Arrangement of * Binocular Spectrum Microscope. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XVII., No. 112, p. 443. 8vo. London, 1869. 2. On Some Optical Phenomena of Opals. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XVII., No. 112, p. 448. 8vo. London, 1869. Cuff, John. A Description of the Solar or Camera Obscura Microscope, i plate. 8vo. I 743- 2. Description of a New Invention to Fix the Pocket Micro- scope, and make it answer the purpose of the Large Reflecting Microscope, i plate. 8vo. i?43- 3. The Description of a Microscope for Opaque Objects. i plate. 8vo. i?43- 4. The Description of a Pocket Microscope, with the Apparatus thereunto belonging, i plate. 8vo. Cunningham, Dr, Douglas, M.B, Microscopic Exami- nations of Air. 14 plates. Small folio. Calcutta, 30 Currey, Frederick, MA., F.R.S., F.L.S. Presidential Address to the West Kent Natural History,Microscopical, and Photographic Society. 8vo. Greenwich, 1872. Curtis, Joseph Story, The Quantitative Determination of Silver by means of the Microscope, i plate, 2 figures. Sixth Annual Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. By J. W. Powell. 8vo. Washington, 1885. Cutter, Ephraim, M.D, Primer of the Clinical Micro- scope (made at the Boston Optical Works). 8vo. Boston, 1879. Czermak, Dr, Johann, Beschreibung und Mikrosko- pische Untersuchung zweier agyptischer Mumien. i Tafel. Sitzungsb d. K. Akad. d. W. Math. Naturw. Cl. Bd. IX. Heft iii. 8vo. Wien, 1852. Dancer, J.B., F.R.A.S. On Cleaning and Preparing Dia- toms, etc., obtained from Soundings. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. I., N.S., p. 145. 8vo. London, 1861. Davies, Thomas. Polarized Light as a Recreation and Study. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. II., N.S., p. 26. 8vo. London, 1862. 2. Crystallization and the Microscope. 3 figures. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. IV., N.S., p. 247. 8vo. London, 1864. 3. The Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects. Edited by John Matthews, M.D., F.R.M.S. zoth thousand. 12 mo. London, 1878. Davis, George E,, F.R.M.S., F.I.C., F.C.S, Practical Microscopy, illustrated with 257 woodcuts and a coloured frontispiece. 8vo. London, 1882. Deby, Julien, F.R.M.S. De la Recherche Microscopique du Sang au Point de Vue Medico-Legal. Extrait d. Annal. de la Soc. Belg. d. Microscopic. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1876. 31 a. Les Apparences Microscopiques des Valves des Diatomees. Extrait d. Annal. Soc. Belg. d. Microscopic. Part I. Genre Nitzschia. Tom. V., Memoires ; part II., Genre Amphora. Tom. VI., Memoires. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1880. 3. Receipts for Microscopists, with plate. From Journ. Quek. Mic. Club, Vol. VI., No. 45, p. 165. 8vo. London, 1880. 4. On the Microscopical Structure of the Diatom Valve. Journ. Quek. Mic. C/., Vol. II., Ser. 2, No. 16, p. 308. 8vo. London, 1886. 5. Sur la Structure Microscopique des Valves des Diatomees. Communication faite au Quek. Mic. Cl. de Londres le 20 Mai, 1886. (Traduit par Dr. J. Pelletan.) i pi. Journ. d. Microg., 1886. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 6. Deby, Julien, and Kitton, Frederic, Hon. F.R:M.S. A Bibliography of the Microscope and Micrographic Studies, being a Catalogue of Books and Papers in the Library of Julien Deby, F.R.M.S. The Diatomaceae. 8vo. (All published.) London, 1882. De Fonvielle, Wilfrid. Les Merveilles du Monde Invisible. Ouvrage illustre de 115 vignettes. 8vo. Paris, 1866. De la Rue, Warren. On the Navicula Spencerii. Amer. Journ. Set., Vol. IX., No. 25, p. 23. 8vo. New Haven, 1850. Delia Torre, P. D. Giovanni Maria (R. S. Somasco). Nuove osservazioni Microscopische. Plates. Small 4to. Napoli, 1776. Dellebarre, M. L. F. Memoire sur les Differences de la Construction et des Effets du Microscope, i planche. i2mo. La Haye, 1777. 32 Description d'un Microscope et de Differens Micrometres. 5 plates. 410. N.D. Dippel, Dr. Leopold. Die Entstehung der Wandstandigen Protoplasmastromchen in den Pflanzenzellen und deren Verhaltniss zu den spiraligen und netzformigen Ver- dickungsschichten. 2 Tafeln. Aus. d. Abhandl. d. Naturf. Gesellszu. Halle. Bd. X. 410. Halle, 1867. 2. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. 2 Banden. Erster Theil (Bd. I.) Bau, Eigenschaften, Priifung, gegen- wartiger Zustand, Gebrauch (Allgemeines) u.s.w. Mit 241 Holzstichen und einer Tafel in Farbendruck. Zweiter Thell (Bd. II.), Anwendung des Mikroskopes auf die Histiologie der Gewachse. Mit 294 Holzstichen und 8 lithographirten Tafeln. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1872. 3. Die Neuere Theorie iiber die Feinere Structur der Zellhiille Betrachtet an der Hand der Thatsachen. 13 Tafeln. Aus Abhandl. d. Senckenb. Ges. Bd. X. u. XL 4to. Frankfurt-a-M. , 1878. 4. Handbuch der Allgemeinen Mikroskopie. Zweite umgear- beitete Auflage. Mit in den Text 579 Eingedruckten Holzstichen und einer Tafel in Farbendruck. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1882. 5. Grundztige der Allgemeinen Mikroskopie. Mit 245, in den Text eingedruckten Holzstichen und einer Tafel. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1885. Doellinger, Dr. J. Nachricht von einem verbesserten aplanatischen Mikroskop aus dem optischen Institut Ulzschneider und Fraunhofer zu Miinchen. i Tafel. 4to. Miinchen, 1829. Donne*, Al. Cours de Microscopic complementaire des etudes Medicales. Anatomic Microscopique et Physio- logic des Fluides de 1'economie. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 33 Draper, E. T., F.R. M.S. Graphic Microscopy. Nos. i and 2. 8vo. All published. London, 1886. Dujardin, M. Nouveau Manuel Complet de 1'Observateur au Microscope, avec Atlas. Renfermant 30 planches gravees sur acier. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Duval, Dr. Mathias. Precis de Technique Microscopique et d'Histologie, on Introduction Pratique a F Anatomic Generate. Avec une Introduction par le Professeur Ch. Robin. 43 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Duval, Dr. Mathias et Lereboullet L. Manuel du Micro- scope dans ses Applications au Diagnostic et a la Clinique. Ed. 2. entierement refondue, avec no figures dans le texte. 12 mo. Paris, 1877. Haling Microscopical and Natural History Club. Third Annual Conversazione held at Christ Church School- room. List of Members and Descriptive Catalogue. 8vo. London, April 24, 1880. Edwards, Arthur Mead, M.D. A New Process of Pre- paring Specimens of Filamentous Algae for the Micro- scope. Amer. Naturalist. 8vo. Salem, Mass., 1869. 2. How to Prepare Specimens of Diatomaceae for Examination and Study by means of the Microscope. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XII., p. 225. 8vo. 1874. 3. The Microscope in Gynaecology. From Trans. Med. Soc. New Jersey. 8vo. Newark, N.J., 1875. Edwards, Prof. A. Mead, M.D. ; Johnston, Prof. Christopher; and Smith, Prof. H. L., LL.D. Practical Directions for Collecting, Preserving, Trans- porting, Preparing, and Mounting Diatoms. 8vo. New York, 1877. Ehrenberg, C. G. Uber die zimmt- und ziegelfarbenen, zuweilen mit Feuerkugeln und Steinfallen begleitet gewesenen Staub-Meteore, neue Untersuchungen und 34 Nachweis gleicher organischer Mischung dieser Stau- barten seit 44 Jahren, nebst einigen Folgerungen. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 1847. Berlin , 1847. 2. Uber den Meteorstaub von Muhran in Schlesien als Erwei- terung der Kenntniss des am 31 Januar. d. J. erschien- enen Meteorstaubes. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 2 Mai, 1848. 8vo. Berlin, 1848. 3. Uber die Ampo oder Tanah Ampo (Tanah Ambo, Rauch- Erde ?) genannte essbare Erde von Samarang auf Java, ihre geognotische Lagerung und organische Mischung. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 25 Mai, 1848. Berlin, 1848. 4. Einige Bemerkungen liber den neulich wieder aufgefundenen beriihmten Luzerner Meteorstein von 1421 und iiber die geographische Ubereinstimmung des Meteorstein-oder Bactylien-Cultus mit der geographischen normalen Verbreitung der rothen Staub-Meteore. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 1849, p. 345. 8vo. Berlin, 1849. 5. Weitere Erlauterungen iiber die fur Russland sehr wichtige Schwarz-Erde Tscherno-Sem des besten russischen Culturbodens. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 1850, p. 364. 8vo. Berlin, 1850. 6. Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen ein grosses unsichtbares Wirken und Leben in der Amosphare. Abh. Preus. Akad. d. Wiss. Roy. 4to. Berlin, 18441889. 7. Uber die essbaren Erden. Erste Mittheilung Uber die Leuko- gaische Erde der romischen Alica. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. Berlin, 1850. 8. Uber einen die Sonne zwei Tage lang triibenden Staub-Nebel in Russland am 29 und 30 April, 1849, bei heiterem Himmel und ohne Sturm. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1850. 35 9- Ueber einen 1851 auf ein Schiff im Stillen Ocean gefallenen Staub und clessen Mikroskopische Mischung. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 1851, p. 739. 8vo. Berlin , 1851. 10. Eine weitere briefliche Nachricht des Herrn Leonard Horner iiber die neuesten die allmalige Ablagerung des Nil- Landes in Agypten betreffenden Naturforschungen. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 1853, p. 171. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. IT. Mikrogeologie. Das Erden und Felsen Schaffende wirken des unsichtbar Kleinen Selbststandigen Lebens auf der Erde. 2 Banden. Text u. Tafeln. Folio. Leipzig, 1854. 12. Die gelungene durchscheinende Farbung farbloser organ- ischer Kieseltheile fiir Mikroskopische Zwecke. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 12 Juli, 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. 13. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fliisstriibungen und der Vulkan- ischen Auswurfsstoffe. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 9 Aug., 1855. Berlin, 1855. 14. Beitrag zur Ubersicht der Elemente des tiefen Meeresgrundes im Mexikanischen Golf-strome bei Florida. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 24 Jan., 1861. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. 15. Uber die Tiefgrund-Verhaltnisse des Oceans am Eingange der Davisstrasse und bei Island, nebst einem Ubersichts- Kartchen. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 28 Feb., 1 86 1. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. 1 6. Uber die Vervielfaltigten Grundhebungen zum Behufe der neuen Nordatlantischen Telegraphenlinie. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. D2 17- Uber die rothen Meteorstaubfalle im Anfang des Jahres, 1862, in den Gasteiner und Rauriser Alpen und bei Lyon. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. Berlin, 1862. 1 8. Ueber die seit 27 Jahren noch wohl erhaltenen Organisation Praparate des mikroskopischen Lebens. Mit 3. col. Taf. Abh. d. K. Akad. z. Berlin. 4to. Berlin, 1862. 19. Ein Beitrag und Versuche zur weiteren Kenntniss der Wachsthumsbedingungen der organischen Kieselerdigen Gebilde. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. Berlin, 1866. 20. Aufschluss iiber die rothen Erden als angebliche Volksspeise der Guinea-Neger und ihre Beziehung zu allgemeineren Verhaltnissen. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1868. 21. Uber die rothen Erden als Speise der Guinea-Neger Abhandl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 4to. Berlin, 1868. 22. Fortsetzung der Mikrogeologischen Studien als Gesammt- tibersicht der Mikroskopischen Palaontologie gleichartig analysirter Gebirgsarten der Erde, mit specieller Riicksicht auf den Polycistinen-Mergel von Barbados. Mit 30 Tafeln Abhandl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin. 4to. Berlin, 1875. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Articles : Micrometer; Micro- scope; Mineralogy. 7 plates, i map. 4to. l %37- Euler, Leonard. Rapport sur le Perfectionnement des Microscopes. Extr. d'un ouvrage public a St. Peters- bourg en 1774, sous le titre : " Instruction detaillee pour porter les lunettes de toutes les differentes especes au plus haut degre de perfection dont elles sont suscep- tibles, tire'e de la theorie dioptrique de Leonard Euler et 37 mise a la porte'e des ouvriers par Nicdlas Fuss." Bull. Soc. d'Encouragt. pour 1'Industrie Nationale. Annee 24 (No. CCLIV.), p. 244. 4to. Paris, 1825. Extracts from the Minutes of the Bath Microscopical Society, Notes, Correspondence, etc. With illustrations. 8vo. Bath, 1862. Famintzin, Prof. A. Die Anorganischen Salze als ausge- zeichnetes Hiilfsmittel zum Studium der Entwickelung niederer Chlorophyllhaltiger Organismen. Mit 3 Tafeln. Melanges Biolog., torn. VIII., p. 226. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1871. Febiger, Mr, C- Photographs of Diatoms. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. L, No. 4, p. 102, April, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. Fiddian, Thomas. A paper on Lithography as applied to the Study of the Microscope, and the Importance of Observers Delineating their own Work. Read at the Midland Instit. Feb. 9, 1869. Together with a paper on Microscopic Illumination, contributed to the Micro- scopical Journal, i plate. 8vo. Birmingham, 1869. 2. A paper on a New Method of Adjusting the Focus of Micro- scopes. 2 plates. 8vo. Birmingham, 1870. 3. Microscope and Spectroscope Illuminator on the " Silber " Double-Air Current Principle (patent). Figures only (on leaflet). N.D. Fischer, Prof. A, Le Microscope Pancratique. 2 planches. 8vo. Moscou, 1841. Fisher, George Thomas. Microscopic Manipulation, containing the Theory and Plain Instructions for the Use of the Microscope, including the best methods for the mounting of objects and a review of the important discoveries effected by this instrument. 33 figures. 8vo. London, 1846. 38 Flbgel, I. H. L. Untersuchungen iiber die Structur der Zellwand in der Gattung Pleurosigma. i Tafel. Sepa- ratab. aus. M. Schultze's Arch. f. Mikr. Anat. Bd. VI., 1870, p. 472. 8vo. Fliigge, C., M.D. Die Mikroorganismen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Aetiologie der Infections krank- heiten. Zweite vollig umgearbeitete Auflage der " Fer- mente und Mikroparasiten." Mit 144 Abbildungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. Fol, Dr. Hermann. Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Mikro- skopischen Anatomic mit einschluss der Vergleichenden Histologie und Histogenie. Erste Lieferung : die Mikroskopisch-Anatomische Technik. (Bogen 1 13, mit Figuren i 84 in Holzschnitt). 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. Fouque, F., et LeVy, A. Michel. Mineralogie Microgra- phique, Roches Eruptives Franchises. 2 vols. Texte et planches. 4to et folio. Paris, 1879. Fraenkel, Dr. Carl, und Pfeiffer, Dr. Richard. Mikrophotographischer Atlas der Bakterienkunde. Tafeln. 8vo. Berlin, 1889. Francceur, M. Rapport sur les instruments d'Optique de M\I. Lerebours, Chauchoix, et Vincent Chevallier. Bull. Soc. d'Encouragement d'Industrie Nationale. 4to. Paris, 1830. Francotte, Dr. P. Manuel de Technique Microscopique Applicable a 1'Histologie, 1'Anatomie Comparee, 1'Embry- ologie, et la Botanique. no figures. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Frankland, Grace, and Frankland, Percy F., Ph.D., B.Sc, etc. Studies on some New Micro-Organisms obtained from Air. 4 plates. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. CLXXVIII. (1887), B, pp. 257287. 4 to. London, 1887. 39 Frankland, Percy F., Ph.D., B.Sc, etc. A New Method for the Quantitative Estimation of the Micro- Organisms present in the Atmosphere. 3 figs. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. CLXXVIII. (1887), B, pp. 113 152. 4to. London, 1887. Fresnel, M. Rapport sur le Microscope Achromatique de M. Selligue. Annal. Set. Nat., Nov., 1824. 3 pi. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Frey, Dr. Heinrich. Das Mikroskop und die Mikrosko- pische Technik, ein Handbuch fiir Arzte und Studirende. Mit 342 Figuren in Holzschnitt. Aufl. 4. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871. Fripp, H. E., M.D. On Prof. Abbess Method of Testing the Optical Quality of Microscope Objectives. 8vo. N.D. 2. Phenomena of " Interference " in the Microscope, translated from the German Treatise of Messrs. Nageli and Schwendener, " Das Mikroskop." 8vo. N.D. 3. On Prof. Abbe's Experimental Demonstration of Diffractive Spectra in the Microscope : A paper read before the Bristol Mic. Soc. 8vo. 1876. Fritsch, Dr Gustav. Ueber das Stereoskopische Sehen im Mikroskop und die Herstellung Stereoskopischer Mikro- typien auf Photographischem Wege. 6 fig. Mit einem Carton, mit 6 Stereoskopplatten. 4to. Berlin, 1873. Fritsch, Dr. Gustav, und Miiller, Otto. Die Sculptur und die Feineren Structurverhaltnisse der Diatomaceen, mit vorzugsweiser Beriicksichtigung der als Probeobjecte benutzten species. Abth. I. 12 Tafeln Mikro-Photo- graph. Abbild. 4to. Berlin, 1870. Frommann, Dr. C Beobachtungen iiber Structur und Bewegungserscheinungen des Protoplasmas der Pflanzen- zellen. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Jena, 1880. 40 Gassiot, J. P., V. P. R.S. Description of a Rigid Spectro- scope, constructed to ascertain whether the position of the known and well-defined lines of a spectrum is constant while the co-efficient of terrestrial gravity under which the observations are taken is made to vary. Proc. Roy. Soc., Lond., Vol. XIV., No. 76, p. 320. 8vo. London, 1865. Gayer, Surg.-Maj. Edward J. Notes on Micro-Photography. 2 plates. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XV., No. 90, p. 258. 8vo. London, 1876. Geinitz, Dr. Hanns Bruno. Schnee Krystalle, beobachtet in Dresden, 1845 und 1846, von J. F. A. Franke. Auf Veranlassung der Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden erlautert. 5 Tafeln. 8vo. Dresden, 1847. Girod-Chantrans. Recherches Chimiques et Microscopiques sur les Conferves, Bisses, Tremelles, etc. Avec 36 planches enluminees. 4to. Paris, 1802. Girod, Dr. Paul. Recherches sur la Chlorophylle des Animaux. La matiere colorante de 1'Hydre Verte. Travaux Lab. Zool. Clermont-Ferrand. Tom. I. 8vo. Clermont-Ferrand, 1888. Glaisher, James, F.R.S Presidential Address to the Royal Microscopical Society for the year 1866 67. 8vo. London. Goldstein, J. R. Y. On the Use of Carbolic Acid in Mounting Microscopic Objects. Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc. Victoria, Vol. I., Nos. 2 and 3, p. 50. 8vo. Melbourne, 1880. Gbppert, Prof. Dr. Ueber algenartige Einschliisse in Diamanten und iiber Bildung derselben. i Tafel. 8vo. Abhandl. d. Schles. Ges. Naturw. 1888. Goring, C. R., M.D. Microscopic Illustrations of Living Objects, their Natural History, etc, etc., with Researches concerning the most eligible methods of constructing Microscopes and instructions for using them. A new edition, emended and enlarged by Andrew Pritchard, M.R.I. 4 plates and figures. 8vo. London, 1838. Goring, C. R., M.D., and Pritchard, Andrew, M.R.I. Micrographia, containing Practical Essays on Reflect- ing, Solar, Oxy-hydrogen Gas Microscopes, Micrometers, Eye-Pieces, etc. 3 plates and 24 figures. 8vo. London, 1837. 2. The Natural History of several new, popular, and diverting Living Objects for the Microscope, with the Phenomena presented by them under Observation, etc., conjoined with accurate descriptions of the latest Improvements in the Diamond, Sapphire, Aplanatic, and Amician Microscopes, and Instructions for Managing them, etc. etc. ; to which is added a Tract on the newly-discovered Test Objects. Illustrated by highly-finished coloured engravings from drawings of the actual living subjects. 5 plates. 8vo. London, 1829. Gosse, Philip Henry, F.R.S. Evenings at the Micro- scope ; or, Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life. A new edition, revised and annotated. Numerous illustrations. 8vo. London, 1874. Gould, Dr. A. A. An Address in Commemoration of Pro- fessor J. W. Bailey, late President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Amer. Journ. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. XXV., No. 74, March, 1858. 8vo. New Haven. Gould, C. The Companion to the Microscope, with full directions for Preparing the Vegetable Infusions to Pro- duce Animalcules, with a Catalogue of all the Principal Objects and the best method of procuring them. With plates and a description of C. Gould's Improved Pocket 42 Compound Microscope, which has all the uses of the single, compound, and opaque microscopes, with a magnifying power of 62,500 times. Ed. 7, with addi- tions. 1 2 mo. London, 1831. Gregory and Wright. The Description of a New Universal Microscope, which has all the uses of the Single, Compound, Opaque, and Aquatic Microscopes ; also, the improved Solar Microscope with Megalascope, and particular directions for the use and application of every part of the apparatus, as represented and illus- trated in two large copper plates ; to which is added a Catalogue of all the Principal Microscopic Objects. 2 plates. 8vo. London, N.D. Griendelius, Joh. Franciscus. Micrographia Nova : Sive nova et curiosa variorum minutorum corporum singularis cujusdam et noviter ab autore inventi Micro- scopii Ope adauctorum et miranda Magnitudine reprae- sentatorum descriptio tarn utilitatis quam jucunditatis gratia additis. Tabulis. Small 4to. Norimberga, 1687. Griffith, J. W., M.D., F.L.S.-An Elementary Text-Book of the Microscope, including a description of the Methods of Preparing and Mounting Objects, etc. With 12 coloured plates, containing 451 figures. 8vo. London, 1864. Griffith, J. W., M.D., and Henfrey, Arthur, F.R.S., F.L.S. The Micrographic Dictionary : A Guide to the Examination and Investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. Illustrated by 48 plates and 812 woodcuts. Vol. I., Text. Vol. II., Plates. Ed. 3. 8vo. London, 1875. Gronland, Johannes; Cornu, Maxime ; et Rivet, Gabriel. Des Preparations Microscopiques tirees du Regne Vegetal et des differents precedes a employer pour en assurer la conservation. 8 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 43 Grunow, A. Physician's Microscope. Illustrated. The Micro- scope, Vol. VI., No. u, p. 245. 8vo. Detroit, 1886. Guinard, M. E. Indications pratiques sur la recolte et la Preparation des Diatomacees. Revue d. Sci. Nat. Tom. V. 8vo. Montpellicr, 1876. Haaxman, P. J. Antony van Leeuwenhock de Ontdekker der Infusorien. Met portret, fac-simile en Afbeeldin- gen. 8vo. Leiden, 1875. Hachette, M. Rapport fait au nom du Comite des Arts Mecaniques sur un Microscope Compose, a objectif achromatique, presente par M. Vincent Chevalier. Bull. Soc. d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale. 246. Annee (No. CCLIV.) i pi. 4to. Paris, 1825. Hager, Herman, Ph.D. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. Ein Leitfaden bei Mikroskopischen Untersuchungen fiir Beamte der Sanitats-Polizei, Aerzte, Apotheker, Schullehrer, etc. Mit 100 Abbildungen. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. Hannover, Adolphe, M.D. On the Construction and Use of the Microscope. Edited by John Goodsir, F.R.S.E. 2 plates. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1853. Hantzsch, C. A. Neue Praparir-Methode fiir Algen und andere sehr zarte und weiche Gegenstande, besonders Pflanzentheile, etc. Separatabd. aus Reinicke Beitr. z. Neuern Mikroskopie Heft. III. 8vo. Dresden, 1858. Harley, George, M.D., F.R.S. Histological Demonstra- tions, a Guide to the Microscopical Examination of the Animal Tissues in Health and in Disease. Edited by George T. Brown, M.R.C.S. Ed. 2. 220 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1876. Harmer, S. F. On a Method for the Silver Staining of Marine Objects. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel. Bd. V., Heft. III. und IV,, p. 445. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. 44 Harting, P. Description d'un Microscope a lentilles fortement grossissantes et d'un Microscope solaire portatif, suivie de quelques observations pour servir-a 1'Histoire Micro- scopique des tissus mous des Animaux. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1840. 2. Het Mikroskoop, deszelfs Gebruik, geschiedenis en tegen- woordige Toestand. Een Handboek voor Natuur-en Geneeskundigen, 4 Deelen. Met 21 platen. 8vo. Utrecht, 184854. 3. De nieuwste Verbeteringen van het Mikroskoop en zijn Gebruik seder t 1850. Met 2 platen. 8vo. Tie/, 1858. 4. Theorie und Allgemeine Beschreibung des Mikroskopes, Deutsche Original-Ausgabe vom Verfasser revidirt und Vervollstandigt. Herausgegeben von Dr. Tr. Wilh. Theile. Zweite wesentlich verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Mit 134 in den Text eingedruckten Holz- stichen und einer Tafel in Farbendruck. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1866. Hartnack, E. Note sur les Nouveaux Objectifs a Correc- tion double. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers. Tom. L, Livraison I. 8vo. 2 figures. Anvers, 1864. Hartnack, E., et Prazmowski, M. Prisme Polarisateur. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers. Tom. L, Livraison I. 8vo. 3 figures. Anvers, 1864. Hassall, Arthur Hill, M.B., F.L.S. A Microscopic Examination of the Water supplied to the Inhabitants of London and the Suburban Districts, illustrated by six coloured plates, exhibiting the Living Animal and Vege- table Productions in Thames and other Waters as supplied by the several companies ; with an Examina- tion, microscopic and general, of their sources of supply, as well as of the Henley-on-Thames and Watford plans, etc. 8vo. London, 1850. 45 2. Adulterations Detected; or, Plain Instructions for the Dis- covery of Frauds in Food and Medicine. 225 figures. 8vo. London, 1857. 3. The Urine in Health and Disease, being an Exposition of the Composition of the Urine, and of the Pathology and Treatment of Urinary and Renal Disorders. Illustrated by numerous engravings. Ed. 2. 8vo. London, 1863. Haughton, Rev. Samuel, M.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., and Hull, Edward, M.A., F.R.S. Report on the Che- mical, Mineralogical, and Microscopical Character of the Lavas of Vesuvius from 1631 to 1868. t plate. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. XXVI., p. 49. 41,0. Dublin, 1875. Heller, Karl B. Das Dioptrische Mikroskop, dessen Einrichtung und Behandlung. 18 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Wien, 1856 Helwig, Dr. A. Das Mikroskop in der Toxikologie. Beitrage zur mikroskopischen und mikrochemischen Diagnostik der wichtigsten Metall-und Pflanzengifte fur Gerichtsarzte, gerichtliche Chemiker und Pharmaceuten. Mit einem Atlas Photographirte Mikroskopischer Praparate. 16 Tafeln. 8vo. Mainz, 1865. Herschel, Sir John F. W., Bart. The Telescope. (Reprint from the Encyclopedia Brittanica^) 27 figures. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1861. Highley, Samuel, F.G.S. Reade's Prism for Microscope Illumination, by which the true form of Diatom Mark- ings is made clear; the optical illusions the subject involves and the advantages of a Universal Microscope Illuminator. 18 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1869. Hirst, G. D. Method of Intensifying the Resolving Power of Microscope Objectives (Amphtpleura pellucida and Pleurosigma angulatum). Micros. Bull, and Sci. News, Vol. V., No. 5, p. 36. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. 4 6 Hogg, Jabez, M.R.C.S. The Microscope: Its History, Construction, and Applications, being a familiar intro- duction to the use of the Instrument and the Study of Microscopical Science. Illustrated with upwards of 500 engravings. 15 plates. 8vo. London, 1854. 2. River Pollution, with special reference to the Impure Water Supply of Towns. 3 figures. Journ. Soc. of Arts, May 12, 1875. 8vo. London, 1875. 3. Sur les Erreurs dTnterpretation ayant Rapport specialement a 1'Examen des Ecailles dTnsectes. Traduit du MS. original par Prof. Henry J. Miller. 2 figs. 8vo. Extr. Annal. Soc. Belg. d. Microsc. Bruxelles, 1875. 4. The Microscope : Its History, Construction, and Application, being a familiar introduction to the use of the instru- ment, and the Study of Microscopical Science. With more than 500 engravings and coloured illustrations. New edition. 8vo. London and New York, 1867. 5. On the 'Measurement of the Angular Aperture of Object- Glasses. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XV., No. 90, p. 266. 8vo. -London, 1876. 6. Micro-Spectroscopy, Results of Spectrum Analysis. Trans. Roy. Micros, Soc. Coloured plate. 8vo. London, 1869. Holland^ James. Shade for a Microscope Lamp, i cut. Trans. Soc. of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, Vol. XLIX., Part 2. In microscopic tracts. 8vo. London, 1834. Hooke, R., F.R.S. Micrographia ; or, Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses, with observations and enquiries thereupon. 38 plates. 4to. London, 1667. 47 Hooke, Dr. Microscopic Observations ; or, Wonderful Discoveries by the Microscope. Illustrated by 33 copper plates curiously engraved, whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micro- graphia are brought together in a narrow compass and intermixed occasionally with many entertaining and instructive discoveries and observations in Natural History. Folio. London, 1780. Hoole, Samuel. Select Works of Antony von Leeuwenhock, containing his Microscopical Discoveries in many of the Works of Nature. Translated from the Dutch and Latin Editions. 3 plates. 4to. London, 1798. Houghton, Rev. W., M.A., F.L.S. The Microscope and some of the wonders it reveals. Ed. 3, illustrated. 1 2 mo. London, Paris, and New York. N.D. How to Choose a Microscope. By a Demonstrator. Plates. 8vo. London, 1877. Howitt, A. W., F.G.S. Notes on the Examination of thin Slices of Rock under the Microscope by means of Polarized Light. Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc. Victoria, Vol. I., No. i, p. 8. 8vo. Melbourne, 1879. Huberson, G. Precis de Microphotographie. Frontispiece and 10 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Huyttens, M. le Chevalier. Ce qu'il m'en a Coutd pour avoir mon Microscope. Traduit de 1'Anglais du Cham- bers' Journal. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers, Tom. I., Livraison I. 8vo. Anvers, 1864. lago, James, M.D. Visible Direction; being an Elemen- tary Contribution to the Study of Monocular and Binocular Vision. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. XXI., No. 143, p. 213. 8vo. London, 1873. 4 8 James, Frank L., Ph.D., M.D. Elementary Microscopical Technology, a Manual for Students of Microscopy. 8vo. 6". Louis, Mo., 1887. Janisch, C.~ Ueber J. J. Woodwards neueste Mikrophotographien von Amphipleura pellucida and Pleurosigma angulatum. 3 Tafeln. Archiv.f. Mikr. Anat., Bd. XVIII. 8vo. Bonn, 1880. Jannettaz, Edouard.~A Guide to the Determination of Rocks, being an Introduction to Lithology. Translated from the French by Geo. W. Plympton, C.F., A.M. 39 figures. 8vo. New York, 1877. 2. Les Roches, description et analyse au Microscope de leurs Elements Mineralogiques et de leurs Structure, gise- ment-emplois. Ed. 2. Entierement refondue, avec 2 cartes geologiques et 215 gravures et planches. 12 mo. Paris, 1884. Jennings, I. H. How to Photograph Microscopic Objects : A Manual for the Practical Microscopist. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1887. Jentzsch, Dr. Gustav. Ueber eine mikroskopische flora und fauna Kry stall! nischer Massengesteine (Eruptirgesteine). 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. Joblot, L. Descriptions et Usages de plusieurs nouveaux Microscopes tant simples que composez ; avec des nouvelles observations faites sur une multitude innom- broble d'insectes, et d'autres animaux de diverses especes, qui naissent dans des liqueurs preparees, et dans celles qui ne le sont point. 2 partes, 34 planches. 4to. Paris, 1718. 2. Observations d'Histoire Naturelle faites avec le Microscope, sur un grand nombre d'insectes, et sur les Animalcules qui se trouvent dans le liqueurs preparees, et dans celles qui ne sont pas, etc. ; avec la Description et les Usages des difTerens Microscopes, etc. Avec un grand nombre de figures. Contenant Tom. L et II. 39 planches. 4to. Paris, 1754. 49 Joyce, Rev. J. Dialogues on the Microscope, intended for the instruction and entertainment of young persons desirous of investigating the wonders of the minuter parts of Creation ; containing an account of the principles of vision, and of the construction and management of the most improved and generally useful Microscopes, with their application to the discoveries made by them in the different Kingdoms of the Natural World. Illustrated with 10 plates. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1812. Keith, Prof. R. The Slit as an aid in Measuring Angular Aper- ture. 2 figures. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXIV., Dec. i, 1875. 8vo. London, 1875. Kesteven, W. B., M.D. Note on the Microscopical Appear- ances in the Nervous Centres after Death from Hydro- phobia, i plate. From Journ. of Microscopy and Nat. Science, Vol. V., p. 103. 8vo. London and Bath, 1886. Kinahan, G. H., M.R.I.A., F.R.G.S.I. Granite and other Ingenite Rocks of Yar-Connaught and the Lower Owle, or the mountainous tracts of country west of Loughs Mask and Corrib (with plates 9, 10, n, 12). Report on the Microscopical Structure of Rocks : No. L, Ingenite Rocks (plates 7 and 8) ; No. II., Quartz contained in Granites from Co. Galway; No. III., Carnsore Granite, Co. Wexford. Reprinted from Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Ser. 2, Vol. II. 8vo. Dublin, 1875. Kircheri, Athanasius. Mundus Subterraneus in XII. Libros digestus ; quo divinum subterrestris Mundi Opificium, mira ergasteriorum Naturae in eo distributio, verbo iravTdfjiopQov, Protei Regnum, Universae denique Naturae Majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur. Abditorum effectuum causae acri indagine inquisitae demonstrantur ; cognitae per Artis et Naturae Conjugium ad humanae vitae necessarium usum vario experimento- rum apparatu, necnon novo modo, et ratione applicantur. 2 Tomi, cum tabulis et figuris. Folio. Amstelodami, 1665. 50 Kirchhoff, G. Researches on the Solar Spectrum and the Spectra of the Chemical Elements. Translated, with the author's sanction, from the Transactions of the Berlin Academy for 1861 by Henry E, Roscoe, B.A. 3 plates. 4to. London, 1862. 2. Researches on the Solar Spectrum and the Spectra of the Chemical Elements. Part II., 2 plates. Translated, with the author's sanction, from the Transactions of the Berlin Academy for 1862 by Henry E. Roscoe, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. 4to. London and Cambridge, 1863. Kitton, F. Number of Striae on the Diatoms on Holler's Probe- Platte. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XIV., p. 45. 8vo. London, 1875. Kraus, Prof. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber den Chlorophyll- farbstoff. Sitzungsber. d. Phys. Med. Soc. z. Erlangen, iojuli,i87i. 8vo. Erlangen, \%>]\. 2. Zur Kenntniss der Chlorophyllfarbstoffe und ihrer Verwandten- Spectralanalytische Untersuchungen. 3 Tafeln und 5 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1872. Kraus, M. G., et Millardet, M.A. Etudes sur la matiere colorante des Phycochromacees et des Diatomees. Mem. Soc. d. Sci. Nat. d. Strassb. Tom. VI. 410. Strasbourg, 1868. Lagerheim, G. Ueber die Anwendung von Milchsaure bei der Untersuchung von trockenen Algen. Hedwigia, 1888, pp. 58 59. 8vo. Dresden. Lankester, Edwin, M.D., F.R.S., and Redfern, Peter, M.D., F.R.C.S.L. Reports made to the Directors of the London (Watford) Spring-Water Company on the Results of Microscopical Examinations of the Organic Matters and Solid Contents of Waters supplied from the Thames and other sources. 8vo. London, 1852. Lardner, Dionysius, D.C.L. The Microscope. 147 engrav- ings. 1 2 mo. London, 1856. Latham, V. A. The Microscope and How to Use it. Pts. I. XV. From Journal of Microscopy and Nat. Sa., Vols. IV. VI. and Vol. I., N.S. 8vo. London and Bath, 188588. Ledermiiller, Martin Frobenius. Physikalische Beobacht- ungen derer Saamenthiergens, durch die allerbesten Vergrosserungs-Glaser und bequemlichsten Microscope betrachtet ; und mit einer unpartheischen Unter- suchung und Gegeneinanderhaltung derer Buffonischen und Leeuwenhoeckischen Experimenten in einem Sendschreiben, mit denen hierzu gehorigen Figuren und Kupfern einem Liebhaber der Natur Kunde und Warheit mitgetheilt. 8 Tafeln. 4to. Nurnberg, 1756. 2. Versuch zu einer griindlichen Vertheidigung derer Samen- thiergen, nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung derer Leeu- wenhoeckischen Mikroskopien und einem Entwurf zu einer vollstandigern Geschichte des Sonnenmikroskops, als der besten Rechtfertigung derer Leeuwenhoeckischen- Beobachtungen. 6 Tafeln. 4to. Nurnberg^ 1758. 3. Mikroskopische Gemuths und Augen- Ergotzung bestehend in ein hundert nach der Natur gezeichneten und mit Farben erleuchteten Kupfertafeln, sammt deren Er- klarung auchdamit. Nachleese seiner mikroskopischen Gemuths-und Augen- Ergotzung. Bestehend in Zehen fein illuminirten Kupfertafeln sammt deren Erklarung, und einer getreuen Anwisung, wie man alle Arten Mikroskope geschicht, leicht und niizlich gebrauchen solle. 2 Vols. Text and plates, coloured. 4to. Number g, 1763. 4. Physikalisch Mikroskopische Zergliederung und Vorstellung einer sehr kleinen Winterknospe des Hippocastani seu Esculi oder des wilden Rosskastanienbaums nebst 3 Kupfertafeln. Folio. Niirnberg, 1764. E2 52 5- Physikalisch-mikroskopische Vergliederung des Korns oder Rokens nebst der Beobachtung seines Wachsthums. Mit 4 Kupfertafeln. Folio. Niirnberg, 1764. 6. Physikalisch-mikroskopische Vorstellung und Zergliederung einer angeblichen Rokenpflanze das Tfandfen, Tfef oder Gerstenkorn insgemein genannt, wobei die Embryonen der noch zarten und Kaum vier. Wochen alten Aehre mit ihrem Keim, dann Bliiht und Befruchtungs-Theilen ingleichen die Aehnlichkeit des Roken und Gersten- grasses mit seiner Bliiht und Frucht, sowohl natiirlich als vergrossert sich abgebildet befmden: 'als der zuge- sicherte und verlangte Schluss des zergliederten Rokens. Samt 3 Kupfertafeln. Folio. Niirnberg, 1765. Lenhosse*k, Jozsef. Polymikroskop. 3 Tdblaval. A M. Tudom. Akad. Evkonyvei XV. Kotetenek v. Darabja. 4to. Budapest, 1877. Lerebours, N. Paymal. Description d'un microscope achro- matique simplifie. i planche. Ed. i and Ed. 2. 8vo. Paris, 1839 an d 1840. Lewis, Bevan, F.R.M.S. On a new Freezing Microtome for the Preparation of Sections of the Brain and Spinal Cord. From Journ. of Anat. and PhysioL, Vol. XL 8vo. N.D. Lieberkiihn, Joannis Nathanael. Anatomici, dum viveret, Summi, et Medice Experientissimi Dissertationes quatuor nimirum. De valvula coti et usu processus vermicularis. De Fabrica et Actione Villorum Intestinorum " tenuium Hominis. Sur les moyens propres k decouvnr la construction des Visceres. Description d'un Microscope Anatomique. Omnia nunc primum in unum collecta et edita cura et studio Joannis Sheldon. 3 Tab. 4to. Londini, 1782. 2. Description d'un Microscope Anatomique. 2 planches. 4to. Londini, 1782. 53 Lowne, Prof. B. T., F.R.C.S., F.L.S. On Interference Phenomena. 4 illustrations. Journ. Quek. Mic. CL, Ser. 2, Vol. III., p. 360. 8vo. London, 1889. Lyons, Robert D., M.B., T.C.D., L.R.C.S.L. An Apology for the Microscope, being the introductory lecture to the first course on Microscopic Anatomy and Pathology, delivered in the theatre of the original School of Medi- cine during the months of February, March, and April, 1851. 8vo. Dublin, 1851. McGauley, J. W. Photography : Its History, Position, and Prospects. Pt. L, The History of Photography. The Intellectual Observer, Vol. V., No. 3, p. 153. 8vo. London, 1864. MacMunn, C. A., M.A., M.D. Observations on the Chroma- tology of Actiniae. 2 plates. Phil. Trans., 1885, p. 641. 4to. London, 1885. Malpighi, Marcellus. Opera omnia seu Thesaurus Locuple- tissimus Botanico-Medico-Anatomicus viginti quatuor tractatus complectens et in duos tomos distributes, quorum tractatuum videre est Dedicatione absoluta. Editio novissima, cum omnibus codicibus hactenus publici juris factis collata, nunc primum elegantissima methoda disposita, variis iconibus ut et Authorum diversorum opusculis (materiam hanc spectantibus) illustrata, quibus omnes editiones hactenus caruerunt, notis marginalibus, amplissimis passim adaucta, crassis emendata sphalmatis, et uberrimus illustrata Indicibus, tarn Capitum, quam rerum et verborum. Cum appendice de ovo incubato. 4to. Lugduni, Balavorum, 1687. 2. Anatome plantarum cui subjungitur Appendix Iteratas et auctas ejusdem Authoris de Ovo Incubato observationes continens. Sm. fol. Londini, 1675. Mandl, Louis. Recherches Medico-Legales sur le Sang. 410. Paris, 1842. 54 Mandl, Dr. L., et Ehrenberg, D. C. G. Traite Pratique du Microscope et de son emploi dans 1'etude des corps organises. Des recherches sur 1'organisation des animaux infusoires, par D. C. G. Ehrenberg. 14 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Martin, Benjamin. A New and Compendious System of Optics in 3 parts, including the Camera Obscura, Single and Double Microscopes, the manner of adapting Micrometers to Microscopes, etc. Plates. 8vo. London, 1740. 2. The Description and Use of an Opake Solar Microscope, in which all opake bodies, whether of animal, vegetable, fossil, or marine production, are shewn in the greatest perfection in all their native beauties of lights, shades, prominences, cavities; and all varieties of different hues, tints, and colours, heightened by reflection of solar rays condensed upon them to an amazing degree. At the same time all transparent objects are also shewn in a jiew light and in a manner peculiar to this instrument. Illustrated by a copper-plate section of the microscope in its full length. 8vo. London, 1774. 3. The Description and Use of a New-Invented Pocket Reflect- ing Microscope, with a Micrometer. 2 plates. 8vo. Chichester. N.D. 4. Optical Essays. Containing a practical Description of several sorts of Single, Solar, and Compound Microscopes, with their apparatus and last improvements, etc. Plate. 8vo. London. N.D. Martin, John H. Microscopic Objects figured and described. With 194 figures. 8vo. London, 1870. 2. A Manual of Microscopic Mounting, with Notes on the Col- lection and Examination of Objects. Ed. 2. Illustra- tions. 8vo. London, 1878. 55 Martins, Ch. Du Microscope et de son application a Petude des etres organises et en particulier a celle de 1'Utricule vegetale et des globules du Sang. 4to. Paris, 1839. Mawer, W., F.G.S. Primer of Micro-Petrology. i2mo. Illustrated. London, 1888. Mayall, John, Jun., F.R.M.S. Immersion Illuminators for the Microscope : Their bearing on the aperture question. An address delivered before the Brighton and Sussex Nat. His. Soc., Feb. 13, 1879. 8vo. (Reprinted from the Brighton Guardian, Feb. 19, 1879.) Brighton, 1879. 2. Cantor Lectures on the Microscope. 103 figures. Delivered before the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 8vo. London, 1886. Merriman, C. C. New Forms of Mounting. Amer. Natural- ist, Vol. XII., p. 839. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Michel, M. Du Microscope de ses applications a 1'Anatomie Patholos;ique au Diagnostic et au Traitement des Maladies en reponse a ces questions ; faire 1'Histoire des applications du Microscope a Pe'tude de 1'Anatomie Pathologique, au Diagnostic et au Traitement de Mala- dies, signaler les services que cet instrument peut avoir rendus a la Medecine, faire pressentir ceux qu'il peut rendre, premimir centre les erreurs auxquelles il pourrait entrainer. Avec 5 planches. Mem. couronne par FAcad. Imp. de Medecine, 16 Dec., 1856. 4to, Paris, 1857. Microscopes and Accessory Apparatus. Proof of Report of Exhibition of 1862. (Slips.) Microscopic Objects. Frontispiece and 4 figures. 8vo. London, 1847. Moitessier, A. La Photographic appliquee aux Recherches Micrographiques. 3 planches et 41 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 56 Moore, A. Y. A Central Light Objective. The Microscope, Vol. VI., No. ii, p. 241. 8vo. Detroit, 1886. Morehouse, G. W. On the Structure of Diatoms. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XII., p. 19. London, 1874. Morland, Henry. On Diatom Structure. Journ. Qitek. Mic. Cl., Vol. II., Ser. 2, No. 16, p. 297. 8vo. London, 1886. 2. Diatoms and their Preparation as Microscopic Objects. 8vo. 3. On Mounting-Media for Diatoms. Journ. Quek. Mic. Cl., Vol. III., Ser. 2, No. 19, p. 108. 8vo. London, 1887. Morley, Edward W. Measurement of Moller's Diatomaceen- Probe-Platten. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXIX., May i, 1876, p. 223. 8vo. London, 1876. Morren, Edouard. Dissertation sur les feuilles vertes et coloriees envisagees specialement au point de vue des rapports de la Chlorophylle et de 1'Erythrophylle. 2 planches colorees. 8vo. Gand, 1858. Moser, Dr. A. Anleitung zum Gebrauche des Mikroskops fur Aerzte, Naturforscher und Freunde der Natur. Mit i lithographirten Beilage. 8vo. Berlin, 1839. Mouchet, M. Note sur un Nouvel Indicateur pour Microscope. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers. 8vo. Anvers, 1864. 2. Note sur un Nouveau Test. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers. 8vo. Anvers, 1864. Mounts for Diatoms. Hardwicke's Set. Gossip, No. 205, p. 15. 4to. London, 1882. Mtiller, Dr. N. J. C. Atlas der Holzstructur mit Erlauterung der Text. 21 Tafeln. Microphotographien und 63 Holzschnitten. 2 vols. 8vo and folio. Halle a. S. t 1888. 57 Miiller, Otto. Ueber den feineren Bau Bacillariaceen, insbesondere des Triceratium favus Ehrbg. und der Pleurosigma. t Tafel. Reichart und Du Bois Raymond Archiv. 8vo. 1871. 2. Vergleichende Untersuchungen neuerer Mikroskop Objective. i Tafel. 4to. Berlin. N.D. My Microscope and Some Objects from my Cabinet : A simple introduction to the study of the infinitely little. By a Quekett Club-man. With illustrations. i2mo. London , 1887. Nave, Johann. A Handy Book to the Collection and Prepara- tion of Fresh-water and Marine Algae, Diatoms, Des- mids, Fungi, Lichens, and Mosses, and other of the Lower Cryptogamia, with instructions for the formation of an herbarium. Translated and edited by Rev. W. W. Spicer, M.A., F.R.M.S. Illustrated with 26 plates. 1 2 mo. London, 1869. Nageli, Carl. Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten des Polari- sirten Lichtes gegen Pflanzliche Organisation. i Tafel. Sitzungsber. d. K. Bay. Akad. d. Wiss., 1862, p. 29. 8vo. 1862. Nageli, Carl, und Schwendener, S. Das Mikroskop, Theorie, und Anwendung desselben. Mit 276 Holz- schnitten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1867. 2. Das Mikroskop, Theorie, und Anwendung desselben. Zweite Verbesserte Auflage, mit 302 Holzschnitten. 2 Bdn. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877. Nicati, Dr. C. Notice sur la neige rouge tombe'e dans les Grisons, 15 Jan., 1867, et Analyse de la poussiere de Sirocco recueillie en Algerie, Nov., 1867. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., Vol. X., No. 62, p, 281. 8vo. 1869, 58 . - Nebelung", Hans. Spectroskopische Untersuchungen der Farbstoffe einiger Siisswasseralgen. Bot. Zeit., 1878, No. 2-4 27. 4to. Leipzig, 1878. Needham, F. An Account of some New Microscopical Dis- coveries. 6 plates. 8vo. London, 1745. Nelson, E. M. On the Interpretation of a Photo-Micrographic Phenomenon by the Abbe Diffraction Theory. Pleura- sigma angulatum. Journal Quek. Mic. CL, Vol. III., Ser. 2, No. 22, p. 273. 8vo. London, 1888. New Cross Microscopical and Natural History Society, Seventh Annual Report, together with the List of Members, Rules, Abstract of Proceedings, and Presi- dent's Address, Nov., 1879. 8vo. Nordstedt, O. Preparation of Green Algae. Grevillea, Vol. IX., No. 49, p. 37. 8vo. Translated by Dr. S. Berggren from Botanisk. Notis. London, 1880. Notcutt, W. L. A Handbook of the Microscope and Micro- scopic Objects, with descriptive lists of upwards of 1,780 objects, and full directions for obtaining, pre- paring, and viewing them. 12 plates, including figures of 6 1 objects. 1 2 mo. London, 1859. Oiley. The Wonders of the Microscope Photographically Revealed. Plates. 8vo. London, 1861. Old Change Microscopical Society. Fourth Annual Soire'e at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, Monday, 1 4th Feb., 1870. Synopsis of objects exhibited. 8vo. London, 1870. 2. President's Address, i8th March, 1870. President,' Charles J. Leaf, Esq., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., etc. London, 1870. 3. Fifth Annual Soiree at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, on Tuesday, 2ist Feb., 1871. Synopsis of objects exhibited. 8vo. London, 1871. 59 Optical Instruments, including Microscopes, History of Theory of Single Magnifying Powers of Illumina- tion Forms of Lenses for Microscopes Globules Globule and Lens Compared Mr. Pritchard's Diamond and Sapphire Microscopes Table of their Magnifying Powers. Libr. of Useful KnowL, Feb. 15, 1828. 8vo. London, 1828. Osborne, The Hon. and Rev. Lord S. G., B.A., F.R.M.S. The Exhibitor, a novel apparatus for Shewing Diatoms, etc. Month. Mic. Journ., No. C., p. 179. 8vo. London, 1877. Palmer, Thomas, B.Sc. The Various Changes caused on the Spectrum by different Vegetable Colouring-Matters, i plate. Month. Mic.Journ., May i, 1877 (Vol. XVII., p. 225). 8vo. London, 1877. Passemant. Description et Usage des Telescopes, Micro- scopes, etc. i planche. i2mo. Paris, 1786. Pelletan, Dr. J. Le Microscope, son emploi et ses applications. Avec 278 figures dans le Texte et 4 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Peragallo, M. Histoire sommaire du microscope compose et de ses recents perfectionnements. 21 figs.'- 8vo. Extr. Bull. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. d. Toulouse. Toulouse, 1883. Pereira, Jonathan, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. Lectures on Polarized Light, together with a Lecture on the Micro- scope, delivered before the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and at the Medical School of the London Hospital. Illustrated by numerous woodcuts, f Ed. 2, greatly enlarged from materials left by the author, edited by Rev. Baden Powell, M.A., V.P.R.S. 12 mo. London, 1854. Perty, Maximilian. Ueber die Grenzen der sichtbaren Schopfung nach der jetzigen Leistungen der Mikroskope und Fernrohre. Vortrag gehalten im Saale des grossen Rathes zu Bern, n Marz, 1873. 8vo. Berlin, 1874. 6o Pfitzner, Dr. Wilhelm. Uber den feineren Bau der bei der Zelltheilung auftretenden fadenformigen Differenzirungen des Zellkerns. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Bau des Zellkerns. 2 Holzschnitten. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. VII., Heft II., p. 289. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. Phillips, J. Arthur, M.I.C.E. On the composition and origin of the Waters of a Salt Spring in Huel Seton Mine, with a Chemical and Microscopical Examination of certain Rocks in its vicinity. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XXL, No. 141, p. 132. 8vo. London, 1873. Phin, John. Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope, intended for Beginners. Ed. 4, thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged. 6 plates and numerous figures in text. 8vo. New York, 1881. Phipson, T. L. Leeuwenhoek and the First Microscopes. The Gentleman's Magazine, p. 589. 8vo. Piltz, Herr. Uber zahlentheoretische Interferenzerscheinungen. Jenaisch. Zeitschr. f. Naturwiss. Bd. XIX., p. 42, Suppl. Heft I. 8vo. Jena, 1885. Pinckney, Eugene. A New Slide Cabinet. Illustrated. The Microscope, Vol. VI., No. n, p. 242. 8vo. Detroit, 1886. Postal Microscopical Society. A Classified List of Objects shown from its commencement to the end of the fourth year June, 1877. 4to. 2. Annual Reports, Presidents' Addresses, List of Members, Rules, etc. 8vo. Bath, 18771889. Poulsen, V. A. Botanische Mikrochemie, eine Einleitung zu phyto-histologischen Untersuchungen zum Gebrauch fur Studirende. Aus dem Danischen unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers iibersetzt von Carl Miiller. 8vo. Cassel, 1881. Powell and Lealand, Messrs. Description of the newly- constructed Achromatic Microscope, with figure. 8vo. London. N.D. 6i Pringsheim, H. Ueber die Absorptionsspectra der Chloro- phyllfarbstoffe. i Tafel. Monatsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 1874, p. 628. 8vo. Berlin, 1874. Prinz, W. Etudes sur des coupes de Diatomees observees dans des lames minces de la roche de Nykjobing (Jutland). i planche. Extr. Annal. Soc. Belg. d. Microscopic, Tom VII. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1880. Prinz, W., et Van Ermengem, E. Recherches sur la Structure de quelques Diatomees contenues dans ie Cementstein du Jutland. 4 planches. Extr. Annal. Soc. Belg. d. Microscopic, Tom. VIII. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1883. Pritchard, Andrew, and Goring, C. R, M.D. The Micro- scopic Cabinet of Selected Animated Objects, with a description of the jewel and doublet microscope, test objects, etc., to which are subjoined memoirs on the Verification of Microscopic Phenomena, and an exact method of appreciating the quality of microscopes and engiscopes, by C. R. Goring, M.D., with figures and coloured plates. 8vo. London, 1832. Proctor, R. S. Some Remarks upon Light. A paper read before the Microscopical Society of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Vol. III., N. Ser., p. 151. 8vo. Pumphrey, William. The Microscope in the Lecture and Class-room. From Journ. Microscopy and Nat. Sci., Vol. VI., p. 141. 8vo. London and Bath, 1887. Quekett, John, F.R.S. Lectures on Histology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, in the Session 1850 51. Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals. 159 woodcuts. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1852. 2. A Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope, including the different methods of preparing and examining animal, vegetable, and mineral structures. Ed. 3, with additions. 10 plates and 306 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1855. 3. Presidential Address to the Royal Microscopical Society of London for the year 1861. 8vo. London, 1861. 62 Rabiqueau, Charles. Le microscope moderne, pour de- brouiller la nature par le filtre d'un nouvel alambic chymique, ou Ton voit un nouveau mecanisme physique universel. Avec carte et planches. 8vo. [Written by a lunatic. J.D.] Paris, 1781. Rafter, George W., M. Am. Soc. C.E. How to Study the Biology of a Water Supply. Read before the Section of Microscopy, Rochester Acad. of Sci. 8vo. 1886. Ragona, Prof. Domenico. La caligine atmosferica in Luglio, 1869. Estratt. d. Panaro Gazzetta di Modena, Nos. 12 14. 1 2 mo. Modena, 1869. 2. La Caligine atmosferica del Luglio, 1869. Bull. Meteor, d. Osserv. d. R. Coll. Carlo Alberto in Mancalieri. Vol. IV., No. 10, Octob. 31. 1869. Rainey, George, M.R.C.S. On the Mode of Formation of Shells of Animals, of Bone, and of several other struc- , tures, by a process of molecular coalescence, demon- strable in certain artificially formed products. 10 figures. 8vo. London, 1858. Ralph, Thomas Shearman, M.R.C.S. Micro-Chemical Experiments and Observations on the Structure of Human Blood, i plate (coloured). 8vo. Melbourne, 1881. Ranvier, L. Traite Technique d'Histologie. Avec figures dans le texte. T vol. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Reichert, Ch. Directions for Using the Microscope. Trans- lated by Alexander Eraser, M.A. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. Reinhard, Dr. Hermann. Das Mikroskop und sein Ge- brauch fur den Aerzten. Mit Zugrundelegung des Werkes von Beale : " The Microscope and its Application to Practical Medicine." 2te Auflage. Mit 54 Holzsch- nitten. 8vo. Leipzig and Heidelberg, 1864. 63 Reinicke, Friedrich. Beitrage zur Neuern Mikroskopie. I. Die Leistungen der neueren Mikroskope und die Priifung derselben. II. Die Leistungen der englischen Mikroskope gegeniiber der deutschen. III. Das Einsammeln und Prapariren der Bacillarien. Mit 9 Abbildungen von Pleurosigma angulatum als Probe- object. 8vo. Dresden, 1858. 2. Beitrage zur neuern Mikroskopie. Zweiter Heft. : I., Die Bewegung der Oscillarien besonders der Spirulina ; II., Die Anfertigung diinner Durchschnitte von Zahnen, Knochen, Schalen, und anderen harten Korpern ; III., Miscellen. Was leisten die neuesten Objective? Mit eingedruckten Holzschnitten. 8vo. Dresden, 1860. 3. Beitrage zur neuern Mikroskopie. Drittes Heft. : I., Ein wohlfeiler Polarisations-Apparat ; II., Nobert's Probe- platte und die neueren Objective; III., zur Mikro- graphie der Atmosphare ; IV., Neue Praparirmethode von C. A. Hantzsch ; V., Miscellen. Mit eingedruckten Holzschnitten. 8vo. Dresden, 1862. Reinsch, P. F. Proben (8) von Mikrophotographien aus dem Werke-Mikrophotographien der Steinkohle des Carbon entnommen von Mikroskop. Durchschnitten. 8vo. 1882. 2. Das Mikroskop in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Erweiterung der Naturkenntniss fiir die Entwickelung der physikalischen, der beschreibenden und physiologischen Wissenschaften, wie auch fiir einige Zweige des biirgerlichenLebens, nebst einer iibersichtlichen Darstellung seiner Einrichtung und seines Gebrauches. Mit 6 Figurentafeln. 8vo. Niirnberg, 1867. 3. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Mikrostruktur der Steinkohle des Carbon, der Dyas und Trias. Beitrage zur Aufhellung des Ursprunges und der Zusammensetzung dieser Mineralkorper, sowie zur Kenntniss des einfachsten Pflanzenlebens der Vorwelt. Leipzig, 1881. 6 4 4. Wirkung des Pyrofuscins auf lebende Fadenpilze (Schimmel) Sonderabdr. aus Deutsche Chemik. Zeit, 1887, No. 7. 8vo. 1887. Renard, A. Some Results of a Microscopical Study of the Belgian Plutonic Rocks, i plate. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXIX., May i, 1876, p. 212. 8vo. London, 1876. 2. Memoire sur la Structure et la Composition Mineralogique du Coticule et sur ses rapports avec le Phyllade oligistifere. i planche. Extrait d. Me'm. cour. et Mem. d. savant, etrangers, Tom XLL, publies par PAcad. Roy. d. Sci. d. lettres et d. beaux-arts de Belgique. 4to. Bruxelles, 1877. Report of the Bath Microscopical Society. Rules, List of Members, Catalogue of Slides and Books, Balance- sheets. 8vo. Bath, 1881. Report of the Eleventh Anniversary of the Microscopical Society of London, held at the Society's Rooms, 21 Regent Street, Feb. 12, 1851. 8vo. London, 1851. 2. Of the Twelfth Anniversary of the Microscopical Society of London, held at the Society's Rooms, 21 Regent Street, Feb. 18, 1852. 8vo. London, 1852. Report of the Sub-Committee of the Microscopical Society on the best form of Universal Attachment of the Object-Glass to the Body of a Compound Microscope. London, N.D. Reports (fifth and eighth) of the Quekett Microscopical Club, and List of Members. 8vo. London, 1870, 1873. Robb, D. C, B.A., and Veley, V. H., B.A., F.C.S. Hand- book of the Polariscope and its Practical Applications, adapted from the German edition of H. Landolt, Professor of Chemistry at the Polytechnicum, Aachen. 56 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1882. Robin, Dr. Ch. Du Microscope et des Injections dans leurs Applications a P Anatomic et a la Pathologic suivi d'une Classification des Sciences fondamentales, de celle de la Biologic et de 1' Anatomic en particulier. Avec 23 figures et 4 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 2 Traite du Microscope, son mode d'emploi; ses applications a 1'etude des injections ; a 1'Anatomie humaine et comparee ; a la pathologic medico-chirurgicale ; a 1'histoire naturelle animale et vegetale, et a 1'economie agricole. Avec 317 figures intercalees dans le texte et 3 planches gravees. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Robinson, Isaac. Notes on a Microscopical Aquarium. From Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Sac., Vol. II., Pt. 3, p. 112. 8vo. Robinson, Rev. T. R., D.D. On a New Method of Measur- ing the Angular Aperture of the Objectives of Micro- scopes. From Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad., Jan. 23, 1854. 8vo. Dublin, 1854. Roper, Freeman C. S. Catalogue of Works on the Micro- scope and of those referring to Microscopical Subjects. 8vo. (Printed for private circulation.) London, 1865. Roscoe, Henry E., B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. Spectrum Analysis. Six Lectures delivered in 1868 before the Society of Apothecaries of London. With appendices, coloured plates, and 93 illustrations. Ed. 2. 8vo. London, 1870. Rosenbusch, H. Mikroskopische Physiographic der Petro- graphisch wichtigen Mineralien. Ein Hiilfsbuch bei Mikroskopischen Gesteinsstudien. Mit 102 Holzschnit- ten und 10 Tafeln in Farbendruck. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1873. 2. Microscopical Physiography of the Rock-making Minerals : An aid to the microscopical study of Rocks. Translated and abridged for use in schools and colleges by Joseph P. Iddings. 26 plates, 121 woodcuts. 8vo. London, 1888. Rossi, Dott. Agostino. L'Azione dell' acido osmico sulle cellule Vegetali. Nota. Mem., Ser. 4, Vol. I., p. 657. 4to. Bologna (?), 1880. Royal Microscopical Society. List of Fellows. 1882, 1884, 1886. 8vo. London, 18826. 66 Royston-PigOtt, Dr., M.A., F.R.S. Researches in Circu- lar Solar Spectra, applied to test Residuary Aberration in Microscopes and Telescopes, and the construction of a Compensating Eye-Piece, being a sequel to the paper on a Searcher for Aplanatic Images. 5 plates. Proc. Roy. boc., Vol. XXL, No. 146, p. 426. 8vo. London, 1873. 2. On the use of Black-Shadow Markings and on a Black- Shadow Illuminator. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XL, No. 66, p. 245. 8vo. London, 1874. 3. Appendix to the paper on the Identical Characters of Spher- - ical and Chromatic Aberration. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXIV., Dec. i, 1875. 8vo. London, 1875. 4. On the Characters of Spherical and Chromatic Aberration arising from Excentrical Refraction, and their Relations to Chromatic Dispersion. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXVIL, p. 128. 8vo. London, 1876. 5. The Villi and Beading Discovered in Butterfly and Moth Scales, from Journ. Microscopy and Nat. Set., Vol. I., N.S., p. 167. 8vo. London and Bath, 1888. 6. Microscopical Imagery, i plate. Journ. Microscopy and Nat. Sci., Vol. II.,N.s., p. 14. 8vo. London and Bath, 1888. Rutley, Frank, F.G.S. Notes on some peculiarities in the microscopic structure of Felspars. 2 plates. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Aug., 1875, p. 479. 8vo. London, 1875. 2. The Study of Rocks, an Elementary Text-Book of Petrology. 6 plates, 88 woodcuts. 8vo. London, 1881. Ryder, John A. On the Preservation of Embryonic Materials and Small Organisms, together with Hints upon Embed- ding and Mounting Sections serially. Report oj Com. of Fish and Fisheries of U.S., p. 607. 8vo. N.D. 6 7 Salisbury, J. H., M.D. Microscopic Examinations of Blood and Vegetations found in Variola, Vaccina, and Thy- phoid Fever. Plates and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1868. Schacht, Dr. Hermann. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwen- dung, insbesondere fiir Pflanzen-Anatomie zugleich ein einleitender Unterricht in der Physiologic der Gewachse. Mit 51 Holzschnitten und in Abbildungen auf 5 lithographirten Tafeln. Zweite verbesserte und stark vermehrte Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. Schiff, M. Ueber die Skulptur der Gyrosigma. i Tafel. Separatab. aus M. Schultze's Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., Bd. II., p. 287. 8vo. Bonn, 1866. 2. Ueber die angeblichen Sechsecke der bilateralen Uiatomeen und insbesondere der Pleurosigma angulatum. i Tafel. Separatab. aus M. Schultze's Archiv. f. Mikr. Anat., Bd. II., p. 291. 8vo. Bonn, 1866. Schiner, Dr. J. R. Ueber meinen Mikroskopischen Zeichen- Apparat. Abh. d. K. K. Zool-bot. Ges. Wien, Bd. XIX., 1869, P- 7 2 3- 8vo. Wien, 1869. Schlesinger, Dr. Robert, und Kopp, Dr. Emil. Mikro- skopische Untersuchungen der Gespinnst-fasern im rohen und gefarbten Zustande nebst einem Versuche zur Erkennung der Shoddy-Wolle. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Emil Kopp. 27 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Zurich, 1873. 2. Examen microscopique et microchimique des Fibres Textiles tant naturelles que teintes suivi d'un essai sur la carac- terisation de la laine regeneree (Shoddy). Traduit de FAllemand par le Dr. L. Gautier. 32 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Schultze, Dr. C. Aug., Sig. Mikroskopische Untersuchun- gen iiber des Herrn Robert Brown Entdeckung lebender, F2 68 selbst im Feuer unzerstoerbarer Theilchen in alien Korpern und liber Erzeugung der Monaden. i Tafel. 4to. Carlsruhe und Freiburg, 1828. Schultze, Prof. Max. Die Structur der Diatomeenschale verglichen mit gewissen aus Fluorkiesel kiinstlich dar- stellbaren Kieselhauten. i Tafel. Verb. d. n. Ver. Jahrg. XX., Neue Folge X. Bonn, 1863. 2. On the Structure of the Valve in the Diatomacese, as com- pared with certain siliceous pellicles produced artificially by the decomposition in moist air of fluo-silicic acid gas (Fluoride of Silicium). Quart, fourn. Mic. Sri., N.S., Vol. III., p. 120. 8vo. London, 1863. Schuster, M. Tridymite. Nat. Leisure Hour and Month. Bull., Vol. II., No. 8, p. 2. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Schwann, Dr. Th. Microscopical Researches into the accord- ance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants. Translated from the German by Henry Smith. 2 plates. 8vo. London, 1847. Sidebotham, Mr. On the preserving and mounting of Diatoms to preserve the green colour. Quart. Jour n. Mic. Sri,, Vol. I., N.S., p. 147. 8vo. London, 1861. 2. On the Mounting of Desmids. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. I., N.S., p. 147. 8vo. London, 1861. Silvestri, Prof. Orazio. Ricerche Chimico-Micrografiche sopra le piogge rosse e le polveri meteoriche della Sicilia in occasione di grandi burrasche atmosferiche. 2 Tav. 4to. Catania, 1877. Slack, Henry J., F.G.S. The Siliceous Deposit in Pinnularia. Trans. Roy. Mic. Soc., Vol. VI., p. 71. 8vo. London, 1871. 2. Optical Appearances of Cut Lines in Glass. Month. Microsc. Journ., Vol. V., p. 213. 8vo. London, 1871. 6 9 3. On the Structure of the Valves of Eupodiscus argus and Isthmia enervis, showing that their siliceous deposit conforms to the general plan of deposition in simpler forms. Trans. Roy. Mic. Soc., Vol. VIII., p. 256. London, 1872. 4. On Certain Beaded Silica Films Artistically Formed. 2 plates. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XL, No. 66, p. 237. 8vo. London, 1874. 5. Zeiss's Object-Glasses. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XL, No. 66, p. 264. 8vo. London, 1874. 6. Notes on the Use of Mr. Wenham's Reflex Illuminator. Month. Mic. Journ., No. 79, p. 5. 8vo. London, 1875. 7. Microscopic Aspects of Krupp's Silicate Cotton. 2 plates. Month. Mic.Journ., Vol. XVIL, p. 236. 8vo. London, 1877. Smith, Prof. H. L. Fastening of Diatoms by Heat. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. L, No. 5, p. 123, May, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. Smith, Robert, LL.D. A Compleat System of Opticks, in four books, viz. a Popular, a Mathematical, a Mecha- nical, and a Philosophical Treatise ; to which are added Remarks upon the whole. 2 Vols. 4to. Plates. Cambridge, 1738. Smith, T. F. On Diatom Structure. Journ. Quek. Mic. Cl., Vol. III., Ser. 2, No. 19, p. 125. 8vo. London, 1887. 2. On Arachnoidiscus as a Test for High-Power Objectives. Journ. Quek. Mic. CL, Vol. III., Ser. 2, No. 22, p. 247. 8vo. London, 1888. Smith, Beck, and Beck. Maltwood's Finder. Leaflet. 8vo. London, N.D. 2. A Description of the Universal Achromatic Microscope as contrived and manufactured by Smith, Beck, and Beck. London, N.D. Soleil, M. Henry. Sur la direction de 1'Axe Optique dans le Cristal de Roche. 2 figures. Mem. Couron. Acad. Sri., 5 Mars, 1866. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Somasco, C. R. Nuove Osservazioni Microscopiche del P. D. Giovanni Maria della Torre. 14 Tab. 4to. Napoli, 1776. Somerville, Mary. On Molecular and Microscopic Science. 2 vols. With illustrations. 8vo. London, 1869. Sorby, H. C., F.R.S., F.G.S. On the Microscopical Struc- ture of Crystals, indicating the origin of Minerals and Rocks. 4 plates. From Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIV., p. 453. 8vo. London, 1858. 2. On the Microscopical Structure of Mount Sorrel Syenite artificially fused and cooled slowly. Read before the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire, May 28, 1863. 8vo. Leeds, 1863. 3. On the Microscopical Structure of Meteorites. Proc. Roy. Soc., July 1 6, 1864. 8vo. London, 1864. 4. On a Definite Method of Qualitative Analysis of Animal and Vegetable Colouring-Matters by means of the Spectrum Microscope. 3 figures. From Proc. Roy. Soc., No. 92, p. 433. 8vo. London, 1867. 5. Methode definie d'Analyse qualitative des matieres colorantes, Animales et Vegetales au moyen du Spectre-Microscope. Traduit de 1' Anglais des Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XV., par Charles de Pitteurs. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers. 8vo. 3 figures. Anvers, 1867- 6. On some Technical Applications of the Spectrum Microscope. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. IX., N.S., p. 358. 8vo. London, 1869. 7. On Crystals Enclosed in Blow-Pipe Beads, i plate. From Month. Mic. Journ., June i, 1869, p. 349. 8vo. London, 1869. 8. On the Structure of Rubies, Sapphires, Diamonds, and some other Minerals, i plate. From Proc. Roy. Soc., No. 109, p. 291. 8vo. London, 1869. 9. On some Remarkable Spectra of Compounds of Zirconia and the Oxides of Uranium, i fig. Proc. Roy. Soc., No. 117, p. 197. 8vo. London, 1870. 10. On some Compounds derived from the Colouring Matter of the Blood. Quart. Journ. Mic. ScL, Vol. X., N.S., p. 400. 8vo. London, 1870. n. On the Colouring Matters derived from the Decomposition of some Minute Organisms. From Month. Mic. Journ., May i, 1870, p. 229. 8vo. London, 1870. 12 On the Various Tints of Autumnal Foliage. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sti., 1871. 8vo. London, 1871. 13. On the Colouring Matter of some Aphides. 2 figures. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. XL, N.S., p. 352. 8vo. London, 1871. 14. On the Examination of Mixed Colouring Matters with the Spectrum Microscope. i cut. From Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. VI., p. 124. 8vo. London, 1871. 15. On the Colour of Leaves at Different Seasons of the Year. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sti., Vol. XL, N.S., p. 215. 8vo. London, 1871. 1 6. On Comparative Vegetable Chromatology. 2 figures. From Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XXL, No. 146, p. 442. 8vo. London, 1873. 17. On Impressed Limestone Pebbles, illustrating a new princi- ple of Chemical Geology. i figure. Read before the Cardiff Nat. Soc., March 20, 1873. 8vo. Cardiff, 1874. 18. On a New Method of Measuring the Position of the Bands in Spectra. i plate. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXIV., Dec. i, 1875. 8vo. London, 1875. 72 19. On the Colouring Matter of Bonellia viridis. i fig. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. XV., N.S., p. 166. 8vo. London, 1875. 20. On the Chromatological Relations" of Spongilla fluviatilis. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. XV., N.S., p. 47. 8vo. London, 1875. 21. Spectrum Microscopic Analysis. Spectrum Microscope. Of examining Substances by the Spectrum Microscope. Crystals. Blowpipe Beads. Examination of Solutions. General Outline of Comparative Chromatology. Spec- trum Microscope applied to Physiological Enquiries. Improvements in the Spectrum. Method of Detecting Blood. From Beale on How to Work with the Micro- scope, Chap. XI., p. 198. 8vo. 1880. 22. On the Microscopical Structure of Iron and Steel. 6 plates. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, No. i, p. 255. 8vo. London, 1887. 23. On the Microscopical Structure of Freshwater Marls and Limestones. 8vo. N.D. Statuts de la Societe' Beige de Microscopic fondee le 12 juillet, 1874. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874. Steel, Thomas. Method of Mounting Objects with Carbolic Acid. From Scientific Enquirer, Vol. I., p. 41. London and Bath, 1886. Stephenson, J. W., F.R.A.S. Observations on the Optical Appearances presented by the inner and outer layers of Coscinodiscus when examined in Bisulphide of Carbon and in Air. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. X. i plate. 8vo. London, 1873. 2. Measurement of Angular Aperture, i plate. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXIX., p. 3. 8vo. London, 1875. 3. Stephenson's Erecting Binocular, with illustration. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. VIL, p. 167. 8vo. London, 1872. 73 4- On a Silvered Prism for the Successive Polarization of Light. 2 cuts. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. VII., p. 246. 8vo. London, 1872. Sterrop, George. A description of, with directions how to use, a compleat sett of Microscopes made to the greatest perfection. 5 plates. 8vo. London, 1746. Stewart, Charles, F.L.S. Descriptive Catalogue of one hundred Microscopic Objects, selected to illustrate the Invertebrate sub-kingdom exhibited at the Soiree of the Royal Microscopical Society, King's College, 20 Apr., 1870. 8vo. London, 1870. Stiles, M. H. On Staining and Mounting Wood Sections. Month. Mic.Journ., No. LXXXVIL, p. 133. 8vo. London, 1876. Stinde, Dr. Julius. Blicke durch das Mikroskop. Bilder und Skitzen aus der kleinen Welt. Hamburg, Leipzig, Berlin, Wien, and New York, 1868. Stodder, Charles. American Microscopes and their Merits. Month. Mic. Journ., Nov. i, 1870, p. 277. 8vo. London, 1870. 2. A Contribution to Micro-Geology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVIIL, p. 206. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1876. 3. Nobert's Test-Plate and Modem Microscopes. Amer. Natu- ralist, Vol. VIII., N.S., p. 131. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 4. Des Microscopes Modernes et du Test ou Lame d'Epreuve de Nobert. Traduit de 1' American Naturalist d'avril, 1868. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers. Tom. I. 8vo. Anvers, 1868. Stokes, Prof. The Absorption of Light and the Colours of Natural Bodies. With illustrations. 8vo. London, 1876. 74 Stokes, Alfred C, M.D. Microscopy for Beginners, or Common Objects from the Ponds and Ditches. Illus- trated by 178 figures. 8vo. New York, 1887. Stoney, Mr. On the Adoption of the Sub-divisions of the Metre in Estimating Micrometrical Magnitudes. Quart. Journ. Mic. ScL, Vol. VII., N.S., p. 234. 8vo. London, 1867. Stowell, C. H. Gleanings from the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society for April. The Microscope, Vol. V., No. 7, p. 146. ?8vo. Ann Arbor, 1885. Strasburger, E. Manuel Technique d'Anatomie Vegetale Guide pour 1'etude de la Botanique Microscopique. Traduit de 1'Allemand par J. Godfrin. 118 gravures dans le texte. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Strasburger, E., and Hillhouse, W., M.A., F.L.S.- Handbook of Practical Botany for the Botanical Labo- ratory and Private Student. Revised by the author, and with many additional notes by the author and editor. With 116 original and 18 additional illustra- tions. 8vo. London, 1887. Student's Handbook to the Microscope, The, a practical guide to its selection and management. By a Quekett Club- man, Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1887. Suffolk, W. T., F.R.M.S. On Spectrum Analysis as applied to Microscopical Observation : The subject of a Lecture delivered at the South London Microscopical and Natural History Club, April 9, 1872. With appendix, etc. 6 plates of Absorption Spectra by the author and i chromo-lithograph. 8vo. London, 1873. 2. On Microscopical Manipulation, being the subject matter of a Course of Lectures delivered before the Quekett Micro- scopical Club, January to April, 1869. Illustrated by 49 engravings and 7 lithographs. Ed. 2. London, 1875. 75 Sullivant, W. S., and Wormley, T. G. On Nobert's Test- Plate and the Striae of Diatoms.^ Amer. Journ. Set. and Art, Vol. L, N.S., p. 112. 8vo. New Haven, 1861. Swift, James. A New Form of Achromatic Condenser. With fig. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XL, No. 66, p. 263. 8vo. London, 1874. 2. Hints to the Uninitiated on the Selection and Proper Method of Testing the Quality of the Mechanical and Optical Portions of a Microscope. Illustrations. 8vo. London, N.D. Teall, J. J. Harris, M.A., F.G.S. British Petrography, with special reference to the Igneous Rocks. With 47 coloured plates. Royal 8vo. London, 1888. Teasdale, Washington. A brief paper on the Use and Edu- cational Value of Simple Microscopes in general and the Field Naturalist's Microscope in particular. With 2 cuts. 8vo. Birmingham^ 1876. Thum, Hduard. Special Preisverzeichniss der Salonpraparate, Diatomeen-Typenplatten, Test-praparate und Test- platten, Instrumente, Utensilien, und Materialien fiir Mikroskopische Zwecke. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888 and 1889. Troy Scientific Association. Programme of Annual Soiree of Microscopical Section, Monday, March 4, 1878. 8vo. Trutat, Eugene. Traite Elementaire du Microscope, en 2 parties. Frontispiece and 171 figures. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Tulley, W. and T. Description of an Improved Achromatic Microscope, with an explanation of the apparatus, and table of powers, i plate. 8vo. London, 1832. Turpin, M. Analyse ou etude microscopique des differens corps organises et autres corps de nature diverse qui peuvent, accidentellement, se trouver enveloppes, dans la pate translucide des silex. 2 planches. Extrait. Annal. d. Sci. Nat., Mars, 1837. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Turrell, Edmund; Holland, James; and Slack, Henry. Improvements in the Microscope. 4 plates. From Trans. Soc. for Encourag. of Arts, Manufact., and Commerce, Vol. XIX. 8vo. London, 1833. Unger, Prof. Franz. Mikroskopische Untersuchung des Atmospharischen Staubes von Gratz. 5 Tafeln. Sitz- ungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, Jahrg., Nov., 1849. Berlin, 1849. Van Bambeke, Charles. Etat actuel de nos connaissances sur la Structure du Noyau Cellulaire a 1'etat de repos. Extr. d. Annal. Soc. d. Med. d. Gand, 1885. 8vo. Gand, 1885. Van Brunt, C. Observations on Prof. H. L. Smith's Newest Mounting Medium. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. L, No. 4, p. 102, April, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. 2. Observations on Prof. H. L. Smith's New Medium. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. L, No. 6, p. 158, June, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. Van den Broeck, M. Ernest. A New Microscopic Slide, i plate. Month. Mic. Journ., No. LXXXIX., May i, 1876, p. 221. 8vo. London, 1876. 2. Description d'un Nouveau Systeme de Slide pour le montage des preparations a sec specialement applicable aux col- lections de Foraminiferes, d'Entomostraces, etc. i planche. Extrait d. Annal. de la Soc. Belg. d. Micro- scopic. Tom. IV., p. 3 (187778). 8vo. Bruxelles, 1878. Van Heurck, Dr. Henri. Notice sur un Nouvel Objectif a immersion et a correction construit par E. Hartnack, suivi de Recherches sur la Navicula ajfinis. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers, Tom. I., Livraison i. i plate. 8vo. Anvers, 1864. 2. Notice sur le Microscope Usuel de M. Arthur Chevalier. Annal. de la Soc. Phytologique d'Anvers, Tom. L, Livraison i. i cut. 8vo. Anvers, 1864. 77 3- Le Microscope, sa construction, son maniement et son appli- cation aux etudes d'Anatomie Vegetale. Ed. 2. Avec planches et figures dans le texte. 8vo. Anvers, 1869. 4- Le Microscope, sa construction, son maniement et son appli- cation a 1'Anatomie Vegetale et aux Diatomees. Ed. 3. Avec i2 planches et 170 figures dans le texte. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1878. 5- Photograph of Amphipleura pellucida. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. i, No. 4, p. 102, April, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. 6. Les derniers progres de Peclairage electrique applique k la micrographie et a la photomicrographie. 4 figs. Bull. Soc. Belg. Microsc. Annee quinzieme, No. V., p. 24. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1889. Van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni. Ontledingen en Ontdekkingen van het maaksel en uytvallen van het Hair, etc, Geschreven aan de Koninlijke Societeit in Louden. Small 4to. 1681. 2. Ontledingen en Ontdekingen van het maaksel van de Vis- musculen soo van Creeft van Garnaat. Geschreven aan de Koninglijke Societeit in Londen. Small 4to. 1682 3. Ontledingen en Ontdekingen van het Vices, ende groote menigte van Kleyne Vlees-musculen van seer Kleyne Aaltjens, etc. Geschreven aan de Koninglijke Societeit in Londen. Small 4to. 1682. 4. Ondervindingen en Beschouwingen der onsigbare geschapene waarheden. Geschreven aan de Wyt-beroemde Kon- inklijke Societeit in Engeland. Small 4to. Ley den, 1684. 5. Ondervindingen en Beschouwingen der onsigbare geschapene waarheden waar in gehandeld werd wer het maaksel van 't Humor Cristallinus, so van verscheyde dieren, vogelen, ende visschen, het draad-agtig wesen dal in 't 78 oog voor kornt, de vogtig heyd op het Hoorn-vlies, het maaksel van een Klein bloedaderken, ende de opperste huyd van een swarte Morinne. Geschreven aan de Wyt-beroemde Koninklijke Societeit in Engeland. Small 4to. Ley den, 1684. 6. Ondervindingen en Beschouwingen der onsigbare geschapene waarheden, waar in gehandeld werd vande Eyerstok, etc. Geschreven aan Wyt-beroemde Koninklijke Socie- teit in Engeland. Small 4to. Leyden, 1684. 7. Ondervindingen en Beschouwingen der onsigbare geschapene waarheden, vervat in verscheydene Brieven, geschreven aan de Wyt-beroemde Koninklijke Societeit in Engeland. Small 4to. Ley den, 1684. 8. Van het maaksel van de Hersenen, etc. Geschreven aan de hoog-edele, hoog-geleerde en seer vermaarde Heeren de Heeren van de Kon. Soc. tot. Londen in Engeland. Small 4to. 1684. 9. Van 't Sout en Aaltjens in de Wijn-edik., etc. Aan Kon. Soc. Londen. Small 4to. 1684. 10. Ontledingen ende Ontdekingen. Aan Kon. Soc. Lond. Small 410. 1685. IT. Ontdekkingen en Ontledingen. Kon. Societeit tot Londen in Engelandt. Small 4to. Leyden, 1685. 12. Ontledingen en Ondekkingen. Vervat in twee Brieven geschreven aan de Wijd-vermaarde Koniniglijke Wetens- chap-soekende Societeit tot Londen in Engeland. Small 4to. Leyden, 1685. 13. Ontledingen en Ondekkingen van de onsigtbare Verborgen- theden vervat in verscheyde Brieven, geschreven aan de Wijd-vermaarde Koninklijke Wetenschap-soekende Societeyt, tot Londen in Engeland. Small 4to. Leyden, 1685. 79 i4- Ontledingen en Ontdekkingen van levende Dierkens in de Teel-Deelen van verscheyde Dieren, Vogelen en Visschen; van het Hout met der selver menigvuldige Vaaten ; van Hair, Vlees en Vis als mede van de groote menigte der Dierkens in de Excrementen, vervat in verscheyde Brietven ; geschreven aan de Wyt-vermaarde Koning- lijke Wetenschap-zoekende Societeit, tot Londen in Engeland. Deel I. III., with plates. 4to. Leyden, 1686. 15. Ontledingen en Ontdekkingen. Vervat in verscheide Brieven, geschreven aan de Wyt-vermaarde Koninglyke Weten- schap-zoekende Societeit tot Londen. Small 4to. Leyden, 1686. 1 6. Anatomia seu interiora Rerum cum Animatarum turn Inani- matarum, ope et beneficio exquisitissimorum Micro- scopiorum detecta, variisque experimentis demonstrata, una cum discursu et ulteriore dilucidatione, Epistolis quibusdam ad Celeberrimum, quod Seren. Magnse Britannse Regis auspicio Londini floret, Philosophorum Collegium datis. Cum Tabulis et Figuris. i vol. Small 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1687. 17. Vervolg der Brieven geschreven aan de Wytvermaarde Koninglijke Societeit in Londen. Small 4to/ Leyden, 1687. 1 8. Continuatio Epistolarum datarum ad longe celeberrimam Regiam Societatem Londinensem. Small 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1689. 19. Natuurs verborgentheden Ontdekt : zijnde een tweede Vervolg der Brieven, geschreven aan de Koninglijke Societeit tot Londen. Small 4to. Delff, 1689. 20. Derde Vervolg der Brieven, geschreven aan de Koninglijke Societeit tot Londen. Small 4to. Del/, 1693. 21. Vierde Vervolg der Brieven geschreven aan de Wytver- maarde Koninklijke Societeit in Londen. Small 410. Del/, 1694. 8o 22. Arcana Naturae. Experimenta et Contemplationes. Cum illustrationibus. Small 4to. Delphis Batavorum, 1695. 23. Vijfde vervolg der Brieven geschreven aan verscheide Hoge Standspersonen en geleerde Luijden. Small 410. Delft, 1696. 24. Sesde Vervolg der Brieven geschreven aan verscheide Hooge Standspersonen en geleerde Luijden. Small 4to. Delft., 1697. 25. Sevende Vervolg der Brieven waar in gehandelt werd, van veele Opmerkens en Verwonderens-waardige Natuurs- Geheimen, vervat in Veertig Brieven, waar van de meeste geschreven sijn aan de wijd-vermaarde Konink- lijke Societeit in Londen. Small 4to. Delft, 1702. 26. Send Brieven zoo aan de hoog edele Heeren van de Konin- klyke Societeit te Londen, als aan andere aansienelyke en geleerde Lieden over verscheyde Verborgentheden der Natuure. Figuuren. 44 Brieven. Small 4to. Delft, 1781 27. Select Works, containing Microscopical Discoveries in many of the Works of Nature. Translated from the Dutch and Latin editions by Samuel Hoole. 2 Vols. 20 plates. 4to. London, 1800 7. Varley, Cornelius. Improvements in the Vial Microscope. 3 plates. Trans. Soc. of Arts, Manufactures, Commerce, Vol. L. (In Microscopical Tracts.) 8vo. London, 1838. Varley, Cornelius, and Valentine, William. Improve- ments in the Microscope. 3 plates. From Trans. Soc. for Encourag. of Arts, Manuf^,, and Commerce. Vol. XLVIII. 8vo. London, 1832. Vereker, Hon. J. G. P. Numerical Aperture. 5 figures. Yromfourn. Postal Mic. Soc., Vol. I., p. 7. 8vo. London and Bath, 1882. 8i 2. Numerical Aperture. 5 figures. From Journ. of Microscopy and Nat. Sci., Vol. L, N.S., p. 155. 8vo. London and Bath, 1888. Villars, D. Memoire sur la construction et 1'usage du micro- scope, i planche. 8vo. Strasbourg et Paris, 1806. Vogel, Dr. Julius. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Mikroskopes zur Zoochemischen Analyse und zur Mikroskopisch- Chemischen Untersuchung. Mit 3 Steindrucktafeln. 8vo. Leipzig, 1841. 2. Das Mikroskop, ein Mittel der Belehrung und Unterhaltung fur Jedermann sowie des Gewinns fiir Viele. 119 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1867. Von Mohl, Hugo. Mikrographie oder Anleitung zur Kennt- niss und zum Gebrauche des Mikroskops. Mit 6 lithographirten Tafeln. 8vo. Tubingen, 1846. Von Thanhoffer, Dr. Ludwig. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. Ein Leitfaden der Allgemeinen mikros- kopischen Technik fiir Arzte und Studirende. 82 Figuren. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1880. Von Zahn, Dr. W. Ueber ein Spectre-photometer. Sitzungsb. naturf. Ges. Leipz. Jahrg. V., 1878, p. i. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. Wales, William. The proper care and use of Microscope Lenses. The Microscope, Vol. V., No. 7, p. 161. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1885. 2. Observations on resolution of Amphipleura pellucida. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. I., No. 4, p. 103, April, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. Waller, T. H., B.A., B.Sc. The Felspars. Midland Nat- uralist, Vol. VI., p. 217. 8vo. London, Birmingham, 1883. 82 Wallich, G. C, M.D., F.L.S., F.G.S. On the Markings of the Diatomaceae in Common Use as Test-Objects. 2 figs. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. V., Ser. 3, p. 122. 8vo. London, 1860. 2. On the Structure of the Valves of Pleurosigma and other Diatoms. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., May, 1863. 8vo. London, 1863. Watkins, Francois. L'exercise du microscope contenant un abrege de tout ce qui a ete ecrit par les meilleurs Autheurs touchant les Objets les plus curieux avec les precautions qu'on doit prendre pour faire les observa- tions avec succes, Auquel est ajoute la description d'un Microscope, qu'on peut appeller universel, d'autant qu'on y trouve les proprietez de toutes les differentes sortes qui ayent encore parues. 3 pi. i2mo. Londres, 1754. Watts, W. Marshall, D.Sc. Index of Spectra, with a Pre- face by H. E. Roscoe, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. 9 plates. 8vo. London, 1872. Ward, Edward. Microscopical Mounts and Mounting. A Paper read before the Manchester Science Association, on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1880. 8vo. Manchester, 1880. Ward, Hon. Mrs. A Windfall for the Microscope, with i coloured plate. 8vo. N.D. Ward, J. Clifton, A.R.S.M., F.G.S. Notes on the com- parative Microscopic Rock Structure of some Ancient and Modern Volcanic Rocks. 2 plates, coloured. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXI., Aug., 1875, p. 389. 8vo. London, 1875. Ward, R. H., A.M., M.D., F.R.M.S. Synopsis of Students' Microscopes, with Tables, giving the names of the makers, description of the instruments, objectives, prices, etc. Reprinted from the American Naturalist, June, 1872. 8vo. Salem, 1872. 83 2. Inaugural Address, including remarks on the Practical Uses of the Microscope, delivered at St. James' Hall, Buffalo, N.Y. Reprinted from Proc. Amer. Soc. of Microscopists. Indianapolis, 1880. 3. Microscopical Catalogue, with an appendix for long notes, special methods, formulae, etc., and an alphabetical index. 4to. Troy, N. K, 1886. 4. National Microscopical Congress. Amer. Naturalist, Oct., 1878, p. 702; Nov., 1878, p. 764 ; Dec., 1878, p. 836. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. 5. Microscopy at the American Exhibition. 8vo. London, N.D. 6. Our Present Medical and Students' Microscopes. New York Medic. Soc., Vol. VIII., p. 74. 8vo. Wedl, C. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Trink- wasser in Wien und einige hierauf Bezug-habende Objecte. 3 Tafeln. Beilage VIII., von Das Wasser in und um Wien riicksichtlich seiner Eignung zum Trinken und zu anderen hauslichen Zwecken. 8vo. Wien, 1860. Weir, J. Jenner, F.L.S. Address as President of West Kent Nat. Hist, Microsc., and Photographic Society. 8vo. Lewis ham, 1874. Weir, F. W. Cleaning Recent Diatomaceous Material. Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., Loud., 1889, p. 302. 8vo. London, 1889. Weiss, Dr. Adolf. Die Fluorescenz der Pflanzenfarbstoffe, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der physikalischen Eigens- chaften Vegetabilischer Substanzen. 8vo. Wells, William Charles, M.D. An Essay upon Single Vision with Two Eyes, together with experiments and observations on several other subjects in optics. 8vo. London, 1792. G 2 8 4 Wenham, F. H. On an Improved Reflex Illuminator for the Highest Powers of the Microscope, i cut. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. VII., p. 237. 8vo. London, 1872. 2. Aperture of Object-Glasses. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. VIII., p. 231. 8vo. London, 1872. 3. A New Formula for a Microscope Object-Glass. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XXL, No. 141, p. in. 8vo. London, 1873. 4. The Aperture Question. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. XL, No. 66, p 266. 8vo. London, 1874. West Kent Natural History, Microscopical, and Photogra- phic Society. The President's Address and Council and Auditor's Reports for 1873, with Rules, List of Members, and Catalogue of Books. 8vo. Lewisham, 1874. 2. The President's Address, Reports of Council and Auditors for 1877 an d J 878; with Rules, List of Members, and Catalogue of Books. 8vo. Lewisham, 1878 79. Wheatstone, Sir Charles, F.R.S. Experiments on the Suc- cessive Polarization of Light, with the description of a New Polarizing Apparatus. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XIX., No. 127, p. 381. 8vo. London, 1871. Wheeler, Edmund. A Classified List of First-class Microsco- pic Objects, with many new, rare, and interesting specimens, affording instructive illustrations in Anatomy, Physiology, Botany, Entomology, Geology, and Mineral- ogy. Ed. 7. 8vo. London, 1876. White, T. Charters, M.R.C.S., L.D.S.Eng. On a simple method of Photographing Biological Subjects. Read at the Annual Meeting of the British Dental Association, August, 1886. i fig. Journ. Brit. Dent. Ass., Oct., 1886. 8vo. London, 1886. Wiesner, Prof. Dr. Julius. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen ausgefiihrt im Laboratorium fur Mikroskopie und tech- nische Waarenkunde am K. K. Polytechnischen Institute in Wien. 19 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1872. 85 \Villemin, Ad. Traite de 1'agrandissement des epreuves photo- graphiques, etude critique des divers appareils employes aux agrandissements suivi d'une methode pour obtenir les epreuves microscopiques. Avec figures dans le texte. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Williams, George Huntingdon, Ph.D. The Gabbros and associated Hornblende Rocks occurring in the neigh- bourhood of Baltimore, Md. 3 plates and chart. Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey r , No. 28. Washington, 1886. Williams, John, F.S.A. Some Account of the Martin Micro- scope purchased for the Society at the Sale of the late Prof. Quekett's Effects. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. X., p. 31. 8vo. London, 1862. Wilson, Edward T., M.B. How to Photograph Microscopic Objects, i plate. 8vo. Wolkoff, Dr. A. v. Die Lichtabsorption in den Chlorophyll- losungen. i Tafel. Heidelberg, 1876. Wood, E. G. Microscopes : How made and how used. 8vo. London, N.D. Woodward, H. The Prize Microscopes of the Society of Arts, with plain directions for working with them. 9 plates. 8vo. London, 1859. Woodward, Dr. J, J. Remarks on the New Nineteen-band Test-plate of Nobert. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. 8vo. London, 1868. 2. On the Structure of the Podura Scale and certain other test objects, and of their representation by photo-micro- graphy. 2 plates. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. V., p. 149. 8vo. London, 1871. 3. Remarks on the Resolution of the Nineteenth Band of Nobert's Plate by certain Objectives, especially by a new Tolles's Immersion -jgth. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. VIII., p. 227. 8vo. London, 1872. 86 4- Photographs of Diatoms. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. I., No. 5, p. 123, May, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. Wythe, J. H,, A.M., M.D. The Microscopist : A Manual of Microscopy and Compendium of the Microscopic Sciences : Micro-Mineralogy, Micro-Chemistry, Biology, Histology, and Pathology. Ed. 3. With 205 illustra- tions. 8vo. London, 1877. Zeiss, Carl. New Microscope Objectives and Eye-pieces made with special kinds of Glass from the Jena Glass Manu- factory (Schott and Co.) 8vo. Jena, 1886. Zirkel, Dr, Ferdinand. Die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine. Mit 205 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. 2. Microscopical Petrography : United States Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 12 plates. 4to. Washington, 1876. Zurich Association for the Advancement of Microscopical Science. Leaflet. 8vo. III. PROTOZOA, INCLUDING THE INFUSORIA, FORAMINIFERA, RAD10LARIA, SPOROZOA, SPONGID^, PHYTOZOA, MYCETOZOA, SCHIZOMYCETES, AND BACTERIA, EXCLUSIVE OF PAPERS IN PERIODICALS. Protozoa, including the Infusoria, Foraminifera, Eadiolaria, etc. Agardh, Dr, C, A, Beobachtung einer der Zauberkraft hoherer Thiere ahnlichen Erscheinung bei Infusorien. Leop. Ac. d. Naturf. II., p. 127. 4to. 1820. 2. tiber den in der Polar Zone gefundenen roth en Schnee. 4to. Allman, Professor M. D., LL.D,, F.RS. Recent Re- searches among some Sarcode Organisms. The Anniversary Address of the President. 17 figures. Journ. Lin. Soc. (Zool.), Vol. XIII., p. 385. 8vo. London, 1877. Archer, William, Record of the Occurrence, new to Ireland, with note of a peculiar condition of the Volvocinaceous Alga, Stephanosphara pluvialis (Cohn), and observations thereon. Read before Nat. Hist. Soc. of Dublin. 8vo. 1864. 2. On Difflugia corona. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. VI., N.S., p. 268. London, 1866. 3. On Monas Parasitica. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. VI., N.S., p. 191. 8vo. London, 1866. 4. On Amoeba villosa, Wallich. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. VI., N.S., p. 190. 8vo. London, 1866. 90 5. On Anthophysa Miilleri. Quart. Journ. Mic. Set., Vol. VI., N.S., p. 182. 8vo. London, 1866. 6. On some Fresh-water Rhizopods. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. VI., N.S., p. 185. 8vo. London, 1866. 7. On two forms of Fresh- water Radiolarian Rhizopoda. Quart. Journ. Mic. Set., Vol. VII., N.S., p. 295. 8vo. London, 1867. 8. On some Fresh-water Rhizopoda, new or little known : Fas- ciculus II., on Amphizondla vestita (sp. nov.), Acantho- cystis spinifera (Greeff), and Plagiophrys spherica (Clap, et Lachm.). 2 plates. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. L, Ser. 2, No. 2, p. 67. 8vo. Dublin, 1871. Bailey, Prof, J, W,, M.D, Notice of a Memoir by C. G. Ehrenberg, "On the Extent and Influence of Micro- scopic Life in North and South America. Amer. Journ. Set., Vol. XLVL, No. i, p. 297. 8vo. New Haven, 1844. 2. Ehrenberg's Observations on the Fossil Infusoria of Virginia and Maryland, and comparison of the same with those found in the Chalk Formations of Europe and Africa. Amer. Journ. Set., Vol. XLVIIL, No. i, Oct. Dec., 1844. 8vo. New Haven, 1 844. 3. Notice of some New Localities of Infusoria, fossil and recent. With plate. Amer. Journ. Set., Vol. XLVIL, No. 2. 8vo. New Haven, 1845. 4. Microscopical Observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Smith's Contrib. to Knowl., Vol. II., Art. 8. 4to. New York, 1850. 5. Infusoria in Hudson River Ice. Amer. Journ. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. XL, No. 33, p. 351. 8vo. New Haven, 1851. 6. Notes on New Species and Localities of Microscopical Organisms. Smiths Contrib. /o Knowl. 410. Washington, 1854. 7. Examination of some Deep Soundings from the Atlantic Ocean. Amer. Journ. Sti., Ser. 2, Vol. XVII., No. 50, p. 176. 8vo. New Haven, 1854. 8. Report upon the Results of Microscopic Examinations of the Soundings made by Lieut. Berryman, of the U.S. Navy, on his recent voyages to and from Ireland in the "Arctic." Amer. Journ. ScL, Ser. 2, Vol. XXIII., No. 68, p. 153. 8vo. New Haven, 1857. 9. Microscopical Examination of Soundings made by the U.S. Survey off the Atlantic Coast of the United States, i plate. Smith's Contrib. to Knowl, Vol. II. , Art. 3. 4to. Washington, 1860. 10. On Fossil Foraminifera. Quart. Journ. Mic. ScL, Vol. VI., N.S., p. 193. 8vo. London, 1866. Baker, Henry, The Microscope made Easy and Employment for the Microscope. Ed. L, 1742; Ed. III., 1744; Ed. IV., 17531754. 8vo. London, 17421754. 2. Het Mikroskop gemmakkelyk gemaakt versierd met Koperen Plaaten. Tweede Druk. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1760. 3. Of Microscopes and Discoveries made thereby. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1785. Balbiani, G. Recherches sur les phenomenes sexuels des Infu- soires. 3 planches. Extr. du Journ. de la Physiol. de Thomme et des animaux (Jan. a Oct., 1861). 8vo. Paris, 1 86 1. 2. On True Sexual Reproduction in the Infusoria : Recherches sur les phenomenes sexuels des Infusoires ; a review. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sti., Vol. II., N.S., p. 176. 8vo. London, 1862. 3. Sur la generation sexuelle des Vorticelliens. Compt. rend. (18 Oct., 1875). 4to. Paris, 1875. 4. Lemons sur les Sporozoaires. 5 planches et 52 figures dans le Texte. 8vo. Paris, 1884. 92 5- Observations et Experiences sur les phenomenes de repro- duction fissipare chez les Infusoires cilies. 4to. Pans, N.D. Balkwill, Frederick Pryor, and Wright, Joseph Report on some recent Foraminifera found off the Coast of Dublin and in the Irish Sea. 3 plates. Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad., Vol. III., Ser. 2 (Science). 4to. Dublin, 1884. Barnard, F. Note on a Sponge from Northern Territory. With plate. Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc. Victoria, Vol. L, No. i, p. 14. 8vo. Melbourne, 1879. Barrois, Ch, Embryologie de quelques Eponges de la Manche. 5 planches. Annal. d.-Sci. Nat. Zool., Tom. III., Ser. 6. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Barrois, Dr. Th, Materiaux pour servir a 1'etude de la faune des eaux douces des Agores. II., Rotiferes; III., Proto- zoaires. 8vo. Lille, 1888. Bastian, H. Charlton, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. The Begin- nings of Life, being some account of the nature, modes of origin, and transformations of Lower Organisms. 2 Vols., with 96 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1872. 2. On the temperature at which Bacteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs are killed when immersed in fluids or exposed to heat in a moist state. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. XXL, No. 143, p. 224. 8vo. London, 1873. Beale, Lionel S., M.B., F.R.S. Professor Owen on Mag- netic and Amcebal Phenomena. Month. Mic. Journ., 1869, p. 178. 8vo. London, 1869. Bell, James, F.C.S. Microscopical Examination of Water for domestic use. Month. Mic. Journ., No. XXVIII. , April i, 1871, p. 163. 8vo. London, 1871. Bennet, John Hughes, M.D., F.R.S.E. On the Atmo- spheric Germ Theory and Origin of Infusoria : A lecture delivered to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. 17 Jan., 1868. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868. 93 Bergh, R. S. Der Organismus der Cilioflagellaten-eine phylo- genetische Studie. 5 Tafeln. Morphol. Jahrb., Bd. VII., Heft. II., p. 177. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. Bolton, Thomas, F.R. M.S. Portfolio of Drawings and descriptions of Living Organisms (Animal and Vege- table), illustrative of Fresh-water and Marine Life. 8vo. Birmingham, 187 9 8 2 . Borzi, A. Protochytrium spirogyrce. i Tav. Estratt. d. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital., Vol. XVI., No. i. 8vo. Gennoa, 1884. Bowerbank, J, S., L.L.D., F.R.S. A Monograph of the British Spongiadse. 4 Vols. Vol. I., with 37 plates; Vol. III., with 92 plates ; Vol. IV., with 17 plates. Edited with additions by Rev. A. M. Norman, M.A., F.L.S. (supplementary). Ray Society. 8vo. London, 1864, 1866, 1874, 1882. 2. A Monograph of the Siliceo-fibrous Sponges. Pt. I., 1869, p. 66, 4 plates; Pt. II., ibid., 1869, p. 323, 5 plates; Pt. III., ibid., 1875, P- 272, 2 plates; Pt. IV., ibid., l8 75 P- 53> 2 plates; Pt. V., ibid., 1875, p. 558, 2 plates; Pt. VI., ibid., 1876, p. 535, 2 plates. Proc. ZooL Soc. Lond. 8vo. London, 1869 1876. 3. Contributions to the General History of the Spongiadae. 18 plates. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, pp. 115, 196, 627; l8 73> PP- 3> 3 r 9 ; 1874, p. 298 ; 1875, p. 281. 8vo. London, 1873 1875. 4. Report on a Collection of Sponges found at Ceylon by E. W. H. Holdsworth. 3 plates. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 25. 8vo. London, 1873. 5. Observations on Dr. Gray's "Notes on the arrangement of Sponges, with the description of some new genera." Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.,^. IT 8. 8vo. London, 1868. 94 Boys, Gulielmus, Arm. F.S.A. Testacea minuta rariora nuperrime detecta in Arena Littoris Sandvicensis; Multa addidit, et omnium Figuras ope Microscopii ampliatas accurate delineavit Gco. Walker. Cum 3 tabulis. 4to. London, 1784. Brady, George S. Reports on Deep-Sea Dredging on the Coasts of Northumberland and Durham, from 1862 4. Plates I. VII., X. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberl. and Durham, Vol. I., Pt. i, p. i. 8vo. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1865. Brady, Henry B., F.L.S., F.G.S. Report on the Forami- nifera dredged on the Coasts of Northumberland and Durham. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberl. and Durham-, Vol. I., Pt. i, p. 51. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1865. 2. A Catalogue of the Recent Foraminifera of Northumberland and Durham, i plate. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberl. and Durham, Vol. I., Pt. i, p. 83. 8vo. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1865. 3. Report on the Foraminifera dredged by H.M.S. " Challenger " during the years 1873 76. 2 Vols. Text and plates. Report Chall. Exped. Zool, Vol. IX. 4to. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, 1884. Brandt, Herr. Untersuchungen an den Axenfaden der Heliozoen. Sitzungsb. Ges. naturf. Freunde, Berlin, 1878, p. 171. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Brandt, Dr. Karl. Untersuchungen an den Axenfaden der Heliozoen. Sitzunzgsb. d. Ges. naturf. Freunde zu Berlin, p. 171. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. 2. Die Fortpflanzung der griinen Korper von Hydra. Entgeg- nung an Herrn Brandt. Sep. Abdr. a. d. Zool. Anzeig., 1883, No. 146. 8vo. Leipzig, 1883. 3. Ueber die morphologische und physiologische Bedeutung des chlorophylls bei Thieren. Artikel I. mit i Taf. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol, p. 125. Abth. f. Physiol., 1882, 95 Artikel II., mit 2 Taf. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel., Bd. IV., Heft, ii., p. 191. 8vo. Berlin, 1883. 4. Uber Actinosphaerium Eichornii. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1877, Braun, Dr. Alexander. Betrachtungen iiber die Erscheinung der Verjiingung in der Natur insbesondere in der Lebens- und Bildungsgeschichte der Pflanze. 3 Tafeln (colorirten). 4to. Leipzig, 1851. Brightwell, T. Sketch of the Fauna Infusoria. 19 coloured plates. 8vo. Norwich, 1848. Bronn, Dr. H. G. Die Klassen und Ordnungen der formlosen Thiere (Amorphozoa) wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Mit 12 lithographirten Tafeln und mehreren Holzschnitten. Ed. i. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1859. Brugniere, M., M.D. Tableau Encyclopedique et Me'thodique des trois regnes de la Nature contenant rHelmintho- logie, ou les vers Infusoires, les vers Intestins, les vers Mollusques, etc. Livraison 7, Infusoires. 28 planches. 4to. Paris, 1791. Buck, Emil. Einige Rhizopoden-Studien. Inaugural Disserta- tion. 2 Tafeln. Abd. a. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXX. Heft; 8vo. Leipzig, 1877. Bury, Mrs. Polycistins, figures of remarkable forms in the Barbadoes Chalk Deposits, chiefly collected by Dr. Davy, and noticed in a Lecture delivered to the Agri- cultural Society of Barbadoes in July, 1846. Drawn by Mrs. Bury, as seen in her Microscope on slides prepared by Chr. Johnson, Esq., of Lancaster, 1860 and 1861. Ed. 2. Edited by M. C. Cooke. 25 plates. 4to. London, 1862. Busch, Dr. W. Zur Anatomic der Trichodina. i Tafel. Aus. Miiller's Arch., 1855, P- 357- ^ vo - London, 1855. 9 6 Btitschli, Dr. O. Einiges iiber Infusorien. 2 Tafeln. Archiv. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. IX., p. 657. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Bonn, 1873. 2. Studien iiber die ersten Entwicklungsvorgange der Eizelle, die Zelltheilung und die Conjugation der Infusorien. 15 Tafeln und mehreren Holzschnitten. Abdr. a. d. Ab- handl. d. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. Bd. X. 4to. Frankfurt-a. -M. , 1876. 3. Ueber den Dendrocometes paradoxus, Stein, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Spirochona gemmipara und die con- tractilen Vacuolen der Vorticellen. i Tafel. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXVIIL, p. 49. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. 4. Protozoa. Mit Abbildungen. Dr. H. G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs wissenschaftlich darge- stellt in Wort und Bild. Ed. II. 8vo. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1880 89. 5. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fischpsorospermien. i Tafel. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXV., p. 629. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. 6. Einige Bemerkungen iiber gewisse Organisationsverhaltnisse der sog. Cilioflagellaten und der Noctiluca. 3 Tafeln. Mit einem Beitrag von E. Askenasy. Morphol. Jahrb., 1885, p. 529. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. 7. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flagellaten und einiger verwand- ten Organismen. 5 Tafeln. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXX., p. 205. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. Carpenter, Dr. Descriptive Catalogue of Objects from Deep- Sea Dredgings, exhibited at the Soiree of the Royal Micoscopical Society, King's College, Apr. 20, 1870. 8vo. London, 1870. Carpenter, William B., M.D., F.R.S. ; Parker, William K. ; and Jones, T. Rupert, F.G.S. Introduction to the Study of Foraminifera. 22 plates. Ray Society. Folio. London, 1862. 97 Carter, H. J., F.R.S. rOn fecundation in Eudorina elegans and Cryptoglena. i plate. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. II., Ser. 3, No. 10, p. 237. 8vo. London, 1858. 2. Note on the colouring matter of the Red Sea. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XL, p. 182. London, 1863. 3. On Fossil Sponge-Spicules from the Carboniferous Strata of Ben Bulben, near Sligo. Half plate. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, Vol. II., Ser. 2, Pt. i., Append, vi., p. 190. 8vo. Belfast, 1882. Carus, J. Victor, and Engelmann, Wilhelm (see Taschen- berg for continuation). Bibliotheca Zoologica. Ver- zeichniss der Schriften iiber Zoologie welche in den Periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre, 1846 60, selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Einschluss der allgemem-naturgeschichtlichen periodischen und palaeon- tologischen Schriften. 2 Bande. 8vo. Leipzig, 1 86 1. Certes, A. Note sur les parasites et les Commensaux de Phuitre. i planche. Extr. Bull. Soc. Zool. d. France. Tom VII. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 2. Analyse micrographique des eaux. 2 planches. 8vo. Assoc. franQ pour Pavanc. d. Sci. Congres de la Rochelle. Paris, 1883. Chimmo, William. Bed of the Atlantic. From one sounding of 12,000 feet deep in the Atlantic Ocean in lat. 47 N. long. 23 W. are taken upwards of one hundred (micro- scopic drawings of) Minute Organisms. 14 plates. 41.0. London, 1870. Cienkowski, L. Zur Genesis eines einzelligen Organismus. 2 Tafeln. Melang. Biol. Acad. Imp. d. Sci., St. Petersb., Tom. II., p. 359. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1856. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Monaden. 3 Tafeln. Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Bd. I., p. 203. 8vo. Bonn, 1865. 9 8 3. Ueber Noctiluca miliaris, Sur. 3 Tafeln. Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Bd. IX., p. 47. 8vo. Bonn, 1873. 4. Bemerkungen iiber Stein's Acineten Lehre. Bull. P/iys. Math. Acad. Imp. d. Set'., St. Peter sb. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1855. 5. Zur Morphologie der Bacterien. 2 Tafeln. 4to. Mem. Acad. Imp. d. Sti. St. Peters!)., Tom. XXV., Ser. 7, No. 2. St. Petersburg. 1877. Claus, Prof. Dr. C Ueber Euplectella aspergillum (R. Owen). Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Kieselschwamme. i Photo-und 3 Kupfer-Tafeln. 4to. Marburg und Leipzig, 1868. 2. Bemerkungen zur Lehre von der Einzelligkeit der Infusorien. Abhand. d. K. K. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. Bd. XXIV., p. 27. 8vo. Wien, 1874. Cohn, Dr. Ferdinand. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Infusorien. i Tafel. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. IV., Heft, iii., p. 233 (1853); Bd. V., Heft, iv., p. 420 (1854). 8vo. Leipzig, 185354. 2. Ueber eine neue Gattung aus der Familie der Volvocinen. i Tafel. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. IV., Heft, iii., p. 77. 8vo. Leipzig, 1853. 3. An Abstract of the Natural History of Protococcus pluvialis. Translated by George Busk, F.R.S. 8vo. Botanical and Physiological Memoirs, Ray Society. London, 1853. 4. Die mikroskopische Welt. From " Die Gegenwart," Vol. XL 8vo. 1855. 5. Neue Infusorien im Seeaquarium. 2 Tafeln. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. XVL, Heft, iii., p. 253. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. 6. Bacteria, the smallest of living organisms. i plate. Trans- lated by Charles S. Dolley. Amer. Mic. Journ., Vol. XIIL, N.S. 8vo. Rochester, MY., 1881. 99 7- Ueber Encystirung von Amphileptus fasciola Ehb. i Tafel. Zeitschr f. wiss. Zool. Bd. V., Heft, iv., p. 430. 8vo. Leipzig, 1854. 8. Ueber "Sternschuppengallert." Separatab. a. der Naturforschr. Jahrg. II. 4to. Berlin. Cole, Thomas, A.M., A. A. S. List of Infusorial Objects found chiefly in the neighbourhood of Salem, Mass., with a sketch of the progress of this branch of Natural History. Proc. Essex Instit. 8vo. Salem, 1853. Cooke, M. C, L.L.D. The Myxomycetes of the United States, arranged according to the method of Rostafinski. From Annal. Lyceum Nat, Hist, of New York, Vol. XL, No. 12, p. 378. 8vo. New York, 1877. 2. The Myxomycetes of Great Britain, arranged according to the method of Rostafinski. 24 plates. 8vo. London, 1877. Correspondence. Original MS. Letters addressed to Dr. Andrew Pritchard in connection with the issue of the 4th edition of the " History of the Infusoria," by Allen, W. J. ; Alder, Jos.; Arlidge, J. T.; Archer, W.; Brightwell, T.; Greville, R.K. ; Johnson, Christopher; Kitton, Fred ; Ralfs, John ; Rylands, T. G. ; West, Tuffen; Williamson, W. C., and others; in all 265 letters. 18561862. Costa, Oronzio-Gabriele. Fauna del regno di Napoli ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali che abitano le diverse regioni di questo regno, etc. Infusori. 5 Tav. 4to. Napoli, 1838. 2. Microdoride Mediterranea o descrizione de poco ben cono- sciute od affato ignoti viventi minuti e microscopic! del Mediterraneo. 13 Tavole. 8vo. Napoli, 1861. Coze, L., et Feltz V. Recherches experimentales sur la presence des Infusoires et 1'etat du Sang dans les maladies infectieuses. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1866. H 2 IOO Crace-Calvert, F., F.R.S. Action of heat on protoplasmic life. May nth, 1871. 8vo. 1871. Crivelli, G. Balsamo, M.E., et Mag-gi Leopoldo, S.C. Sulla produzione delle Amibe, ricerche sperimentali. i Tav. Estratt. d. Rendiconti d. Reale Istit. Lom- bardo, Vol. III., Ser. ii. 8vo. Milan, 1869. 2. Sulla corrispondenza fra la larghezza dei Vibrio-Bacillus ed il diametro degli elementi morfologici da cui derivano. Estratt. d. Rendiconti d. Reale Istit. Lombardo. Vol. II. , Ser. ii. 8vo. Milano, 1870. Crivelli, G. Balsamoe Maggi L. e Cantoni, Dott. P. Sulla produzione delle muffe entro Palloncini di Vetro chiusi a fuoco e scaldati a i5oC. Estratt. d. Rendi- conti del Reale Istit. Lombardo, Vol. IL, Ser. ii. 8vo. Milano, 1870. Daday, Dr. Eugen v. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Infusorien-fauna des Golfes von Neapel. i Tafel. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel. Bd. VI. , p. 481. 8vo. Berlin, 1886. 2. Monographic der familie der Tintinnodeen. 4 Tafeln. Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. Neapel. Bd. VII., Heft, iv. 8vo. 1887. Daday, Dr., Jeno-tol. A Tintinnodeak Szervezeti viszonyai ket rajzlappal (jelentes a Ndpolyi Stazione Zoologidban vegzett vizsgalatok eredme'nyerol). Math, es Termeszet. Kozlem. vonat. a haz. viszony. Kotet XXII. 8vo. Budapest, 1887. 2. Adatok a balaton t6 fauna"ja"nak ismeretehez (Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Plattensee-fauna) Math, es Terme'szet. Abhandl. der Akad., 1847. Nebst 6 colorirten Kup- fertafeln. Folio. Berlin, 1849. 37. Erste Mittheilung iiber das mikroskopische Leben der Alpen und Gletscher der Schweiz. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1849, p. 287. 8vo. Berlin, 1849. 38. liber eine allgemeiner interressante Bemerkung des Herrn Dr. Cohn in Breslau, welche den Grund des Pythagor- aischen Verbotes des Bohnen-Genusses in der Kennt- niss der Bluterscheinung auf gekochten Bohnen, vermuthlich durch Monas prodigiosa, hochst wahrschein- lich macht. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 17 Jan., 1850. 8vo. Berlin, 1850. 39. Uber eine frische Probe der die Crimson Cliffs scharlachroth farbenden Substanz aus der Baffins-Bai und das sie begleitende kleinste Leben. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1851, p. 741. 8vo. Berlin, 1851. 40. On the Infusoria and other microscopic forms in Dust- Showers and Blood-rain. i plate. Translated by Prof. J. W. Bailey. Amer. Journ. Sri., Ser. 2, Vol. XL, No. 33, p. 372. 8vo. New Haven, 1851. 41, Uber die Formbestandigkeit und den Entwickelungskreis der organischen Formen. Ein bild der neuesten Beweg- ungen in der Naturforschung. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 18 Dec., 1851. 8vo. Berlin, 1852. IO9 42. tiber das jetzige mikroskopische Leben als Flusstriibung und Humusland in Florida. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 1853, p. 252. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. 43. Uber die auf den hochsten Gipfeln der Europaischen Central-Alpen zahlreich zum Theil auch kraftig leben- den mikroskopischen Organismen, und liber das kleinste Leben der Baierischen Kalk-Alpen. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1853, p. 315. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. 44. Uber das mikroskopische Leben der Galapagos-Inseln und iiber die organische Mischung der dortigen vulkanischen Gebirgsarten, besonders des Palagonits. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1853, p. 178. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. 45. Uber das vorweltliche kleinste Siifswasserleben in Agypten. Monb. d. K, Akad, d. Wiss. Berlin, 1853, p. 200. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. 46. Uber die erfreuliche im grossen fordernde Theilnahme an mikroskopischen Forschungen in Nord Amerika. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1853, p. 203. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. 47. Ueber die neuerlich bei Berlin vorgekommenen neuen Formen des mikroskopischen Lebens. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1853, p. 183. 8vo. Berlin, 1853. 48. Mikrogologie. Das Erden und Felsen schaffende wirken des unsichtbar kleinen selbst-standigen Lebens auf der Erde. 2 Banden. Text u. Tafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1854. 49. Die Systematische Charakteristik der neuen mikroskopischen Organismen des tiefen Atlantischen Oceans. Monb. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, p. 236. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. 50. Weitere Ermittelungen iiber das Leben in grossen Tiefen des Oceans. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, p. 305. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. no 51. Weitere Mittheilung iiber die aus grossen Meerestiefen gehobenen Grund-Massen. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 191. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. 52. Ueber fast 4 Jahren fortlebende mikroskopische Thiere in trockener Erde von den hohen Alpen des Monte Rosa. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 16 Apr., 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. 53. Ueber ein europaisches marines Polygastern-Lager und iiber verlarvte Polythalamien in den marinen Polygastern Tripeln von Virginien und Simbirsk. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 14 Mai, 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. 54. Ueber die weitere Entwickelung der Kenntniss des Griin- sandes als griiner Polythalamien-Steinkerne, iiber braunrothe und corallrothe Steinkerne der Polythala- mien Kreide in Nord Amerika und iiber die Meeres- grund aus 12,900 Fuss Tiefe. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 8 Marz, 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. 55. Ueber neue Erkenntniss immer grosserer Organisation der Polythalamien, durch deren urweltliche Steinkerne. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 3 Mai, 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. 56. Nachricht iiber die gelungene Darstellung ganzer Steinkerne von Nummuliten mit reicher organischer Structur. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 12 Juli, 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. 57. Ueber den Griinsand und seine Erlauterung des organischen Lebens. Mit 7 Tafeln. Abhandl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1855. 410. Berlin, 1856. 58. Ueber das mikroskopische Leben der Centralen Landflachen Mittel-Afrika's nach Dr. Vogel's Materialen. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 323. 8vo. Berlin, 1856. 59. Ueber die Meeresorganismen in 16,200 Fufs Tiefe. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 10 April, 1856. 8vo. Berlin, 1856. Ill 60. Ueber das mikroskopische Leben in den Meeresgrund-proben auf der Telegraphenlinie zwischen America und England, nebst Ubersicht des vergleichenen Tiefgrundes aller bekannten Meere. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 19 Feb., 1857. 8vo. Berlin, 1857. 6 1. Ueber die organischen Lebensformen in unervvartet grossen Tiefen des Mittelmeeres. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 26 Nov., 1857. 8vo. Berlin, 1857. 62. Kurze Characteristik der 9 neuen Genera und der 105 neuen Species des agaischen Meeres und des Tief-grundes des Mittel-Meeres. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 4 Jan., 1858. 8vo. Berlin, 1858. 63. Feststellung des Kalk-Uberzuges am Serapis-Tempel zu Pozzuoli bei Neapel als Siisswasserkalk durch das Mikroskop. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 18 Nov., 1858. 8vo. Berlin, 1858. 64. Beitrag zur Bestimmung des stationaren mikroskopischen Lebens in bis 20,000 Fuss Alpenhohe. 3 Tafeln. Abh. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1858, p. 429. 8vo. Berlin, 1859. 65. Einige vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber ein sehr massenhaftes bisher ungekanntes mikroskopisches Leben in Schnee- lachen des Mont-Blanc Gipfels nach Dr. Pitschners Materialien. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin. Berlin, 1859. 66. Ueber eine secundare rothe Farbung des thierischen Fettes durch die von ihm 1848 als Monas prodigiosa bezeich- nete Llutfarbung des Erodes. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin. Berlin, 1859. 67. Ueber gelungene Versuche des Hrn. Beissel in Burtscheid bei Aachen, Kimstliche Kiesel-Steinkerne aus Organ- ischen Kalkschalen darzustellen. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 14 Nov., 1859. 8vo. Berlin, 1859. 112 68. Ueber das Leuchten und iiber neue mikroskopische Leucht- thiere des Mittelmeeres. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 8 Dec., 1859. Berlin, 1859. 69. Ueber das mikroskopische Leben auf das Insel St. Paul im Siid-Ocean. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 19 Dec., 1861. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. 70. Eine vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber "das mikroskopische Erdle- ben nach Dr. Hochstetters von der Erdumseglung der Fregatte Novara mitgebrachten Materialien. Mon. ; d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 15 Aug., 1868. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. 71. Eine zweite Mittheilung iiber die mikroskopischen Lebens- formen als Nahrung des Hohlen-Salamanders. Mon. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 13 Oct., 1862. 8vo. Berlin, 1862. 72. Ueber die vor 27 Jahren vorgelegten noch jetzt wohl erhal- tenen physiologischen Praparate von mikroskopischen selbststandigen Organismen und ihren wissenschaftlichen noch fortdauernden Werth. Monb. ber. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 13 Feb., 1862. 8vo. Berlin, 1862. 73. Ueber die rothen Meteorstaubfalle im Anfang des Jahres, 1862, in den Gasteiner und Rauriser Alpen und bei Lyon. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 24 Juli, 1862. 8vo. Berlin, 1862. 74. Ueber die seit 27 Jahren noch wohl erhaltenen Organisations- Praparate des mikroskopischen Lebens. Mit 3 colo- rirten Tafeln. Abh. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1862. 4 to. Berlin, 1862. 75. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der unterseeischen Agulhas-Bank an der Siidspitze Afrikas als eines sich kundgebenden griinsandigen Polythalamien-Kalkfelsens. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 13 Aug., 1863. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. 76. Uber das unsichtbar wirkende Leben im Mittelmeere und in den sich an dasselbe ostwarts nach Central-Asien bin anschliessenden Meeren und Seen. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 2 Juli, 1863. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. 77- Uber eine neue Erweiterung der Kenntniss des das caspische Meer characterisirenden reichen Lebens. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 21 Marz, 1864, p. 182. 8vo. Berlin, 1864. 78. Weitere Entwickelung des Hyalonema lusitanicum und der Spongiaceen. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. 79. Uber die von Kapitan Koldewey auf der deutschen Nordpol- Expedition des kleinen Segelschiffes Germania geho- benen Tiefgrundproben. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 10 Dec., 1868. 8vo. Berlin, 1868. 80. Uber die formenreichen von Hrn. Dr. Jenzsch aufgefund- enen mikroskopisch-organischen Einschliisse in Mela- phyr. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. 8 1. Das unsichtbar wirkende Leben der Nordpolarzone am Lande und in den Meerestiefgrunden bei 300 mal verstarkter Sehkraft, nach Materialien der Germania erlautert. Mit 4 Tafeln in Kupferstich. Separatabdr. aus Die Zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. 82. Ubersicht der seit 1847 fortgesetzten Untersuchungen iiber das von der Atmosphare unsichtbar getragene reiche organische Leben. 2 Tafeln. Abhandl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1871. 4to. Berlin^ 1871. 83. Mikrogeologische Studien als Zusammenfassung seiner Beo- bachtungen des Kleinsten Lebens der Meeres-Tief- griinde aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 25 April, 1872. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. 114 84. Die das Funkeln und Aufblitzen des Mittelmeeres bewir- kenden unsichtbar kleinen Lebensformen. Abdruck z. Feier des hundertjahrigen Bestehens der Ges. natur- forsch. Freunde z. Berlin, i Tafel. 4to. Berlin, 1873. 85. Mikrogeologische Studien iiber das kleinste Leben der Meeres-Tiefgrlinde aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Mit 12 Tafeln Abbildungen. Abhandl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1872. 4to. Berlin, 1873. 86. Die Sicherung der Objectivitat der selbstandigen mikro- skopischen Lebensformen und ihrer Organisation durch eine zweckmassige Aufbewahrung. Monb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 18 Jan., 1875. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. Eichhorn, Johann Conrad. Bey trage zur Natur-Ges- chichte der kleinsten Wasser-Thiere die mit keinem blossen Auge konnen gesehen werden und die sich in den Gewafsern in und um Danzig befinden. Mit acht sauber gestockenen Kupfer-Tafeln. 4to. Danzig, 1777 2. Zugabe zu meinen Beytragen zur Natur-Geschichte der kleinsten Wasser-Thiere die mit keinem blossen Auge konnen gesehen werden mit 2 neuentdeckten Wasser- Thieren nebst einer Vertheidigung gegen Herrn Johann Caspar Fuessly. i Tafel. 4to. Danzig, 1783. Eichwald, Dr. E. Beitrag zur Infusorienkunde Russlands. i Tafel. 8vo. Bull. Soc, Imp. d. Naturalist, d. Moscou. Moscou, 1844 52. 2. Nachtrag zur Infusorienkunde Russlands. 2 Tafeln. Aus. d. Bull. d. Naturforsch. Ges. in Moscau, Bd. XX. 8vo. Moscau, 1847. Ekecrantz, Walter. Bidrag till Kannedomen om de i menniskans tarrnkanal forekommande Infusorier. Akad. Afhandl. i Taf. 8vo. Stockholm, 1869. Engelmann, Th. W. Onderzoekingen over Ontwikkeling en Voortplanting van Infusoria bij de feestelijke Herden- king van de Ontdekking der Mikroskopische Wezens, aan de Nagedachtens van Van-Leeuwenhoek, Antony, gevidmet. 2 plates. 8vo. Utrecht, 1875. Entz, Dr. Gdza. Ueber einige Infusorien des Salzteiches zu Szamosfalva. 3 Tab. Edit, separat. Termeszet. Fiizetek., Vol. III., PI. i, 1879. 8vo. Budapest, 1879. 2. A " Protista " & " Vegleny " Kifejezesek Ugyeben. Termes. Fiizet. Kiad. a Magy. Hetedik Kotet (Bd. VII.), p. 74. 8vo. Budapest, 1883. 3. A tordai es szamosfalvi sostavak ostorosei (Flagellata) i Tabla. Termes. Fiizet. Kiad. a Magy. Muz. Hetedik Kotet (Bd. VII.), p. 76. 8vo. Budapest, 1883. 4. Die Flagellaten der Kochsalzteiche zu Torda und Szamosfalva Revue Termes. Fiizet. Kiad. a Magy. Muz. Bd. VII., p. 139. 8vo. Budapest, 1883. 5. tiber Infusorien des Golfes von Neapel. 6 Tafeln. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel., Bd. V., Heft. 3 und 4, p. 289. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. 6. Tanulma'ryok a vegMnyek Korebol. kiv. Magyar Terme'szetud- oma"nyi Tdrsulat Megbizdsabdl. (Studien iiber Protisten. Im Auftrage der Kon. Ung. Naturwiss. Ges iibersetzt von Aladar Rozsaheghyi.) 4to. Budapest, 1888. Eusebio, J.-B. La faune pelagique des lacs d'Auvergne. i planche. Travaux Lab. Zool. Clermont-Ferrand. Tom. I. 8vo. Clermont-Ferrand, 1888. Everts, Eduard. Untersuchungen an Vorticella nebulifera. i Tafel. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXIII. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. Ewart, J. Cossar, M.D., and Matthews, J. Duncan. Directions for the examination of Amoeba, Paramaecium, Vorticella, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1884. i 2 Eyferth, B. Dieeinfachsten Lebensformen. Systematiscbe Natur- geschichte der Mikroskopischen Siisswasserbewohner. 5 Tafeln. 4 to. Braunschweig, 1878. 2. Schizophyten und Flagellaten. Supplement Heft, zu der Systernatischen Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Siisswasserbewohner. 2 Tafeln. 4to. Braunschweig, 1879. 3. Die einfachsten Lebensformen des Thier-und Pflanzenreiches. Naturgeschichte der Mikroskopischen Siisswasserbe- wohner. Aufl. II. 7 Tafeln. 4to. Braunschweig, 1885. Fielder, Karl Alfred. Ueber Ei und Spermabildung bei Spongillafluviatilis. 2 Tafeln. Inaugural Dissertation. Aus. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XLVII. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. Fisch, Dr. C. Untersuchungen iiber einige Flagellaten und verwandte Organismen. 4 Tafeln. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XLIL, p. 47. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. Focke, Dr. Gustav Woldemar. Ueber schalenlose Radiolarien des Siissen Wassers. i Tafel. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XVIIL, p. 346. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 2. Ein neues Infusorium. 2 Taf. Aus. d. Abhandl. d. natur- wiss. Vereines. 8vo. Bremen, 1875. Fol, Hermann. Contribution a la connaissance de la famille des Tintinnodea. i Planche. Extr. d. Arch. d. Sci. phys. et nat, Tom V., Jan., 1881. 8vo. Geneve, 1881. 2. Sur le Sticholonche zanclea et un nouvel ordre de Rhizopodes. 2 Planches. Extr. d. ITnst. Genev. Tom. XV. 4to. Geneve, 1883. Forel, Dr. F. A. Materiaux pour servir a i'tude de la Faune profonde du Lac Leman. Ser. I. VI. i vol. 12 Planches. Extrait de Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat, XIII., XIV., XV., XVI. 8vo. Lausanne, 187479. 2. Faunistische Studien in den Siisswasserseen der Schweiz. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXX., Suppl. Leipzig, 1878. 3. La Faune Profonde des Lacs Suisses. Meraoire couronne par la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 4to. Lucerne, 1884. Fraenkel, Dr. Carl, und Pfeiffer, Dr. Richard. Micro- photographischer Atlas der Bakterien-Kunde. 8vo. Berlin, 1889. Fraipont, Julien. Recherches sur les Acine'tiniens de la Cote d'Ostende. 6 Planches. Extr. d. Bull de 1'Acad. Roy. d. Belgique. Tom. XLIV., Ser. 2, No. 12 (1877). Tom. XLV., No. 34 (1878.) 8vo. Bruxelles, 18771878. Frenzel, Dr. Johannes. Ueber einige in Seethieren lebende Gregarinen. 2 Tafeln. Aus. d. Archiv. f. Mikr. Anat, Bd. XXIV., p. 545. 8vo. Bonn, 1884. Fresenius, Georg, M.D. Zur Controverse liber die Verwand- lung von Infusorien in Algen. i Tafel. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M., 1847. 2. Ueber die Algengattungen Pandorina, Gonium, und Rhaphi- dium. i Tafel. 4to. Frankfurt, 1856. 3. Beitrage zur Kenntniss Mikroskopischer Organismen. 3 Tafeln. Aus. d. Abhandl. d. Senckenberg. naturfor. Ges. 4to. Frankfurt a. M., 1858. Frey, Prof. H. Das einfachste thierische Leben. Eine Skizze. i Tafel. Aus. d. Monatsb. d. Wiss. Vereins in Zurich. 8vo. Zurich, 1858. Fromentel, E. de. Etudes sur les Microzoaires ou Infusoires proprement dits comprenant de nouvelles Recherches sur leur Organisation, leur Classification, et la Descrip- tion des Especes nouvelles ou peu connues. Planches et Notes descriptives des Especes par Mme. J. Jobard- Muteau. 4to. Paris, 1874. Galle, Prof. Dr. Ueber die gegenwartigen Stand der Unter- suchungen iiber die gelatinosen sogenannten Stern- schnuppen-Substanzen. Ber. naturwiss. Sect. d. Schles. Ges. im Jahre, 1869. 8vo. Breslau, 1869. Geyler, Herr. Ueber die Radiolarienfauna von Sizilien. Separatab. aus d. Jahresb. d. Senckenb. naturforsch. Ges. Frankfurt a. M., 187778^. 156. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M., 1878. Girod, Dr. Paul. Les Eponges des eaux douces d'Auvergne, avec i planche. Travaux. Lab. Zool. Clermont-Ferrand, Tom. I. 8vo. Clermont-Ferrand, 1888. Goette, Dr. Alexander. Untersuchungen zur Entwickelungs- geschichte von Spongilla fluviatilis. 5 Tafeln und Holzschnitten. 4to. Hamburg, Leipzig, 1886. Gourret, Paul. Sur les Peridiniens du Golfe de Marseille. 4 planches. Annal. d. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. d. Marseille, Zool., Tom. I. 4to. Marseille, 1883. Grassi, G. B. Contribuzione allo studio delle Amibe. Estrat. d. Rendicont. d. R. Istit, Lombardo, Vol. XIV., Ser. 2, fasc. 10 n. 8vo. Milano, 1881. 2. Intorno ad alcuni Protisti endoparassitici ed appartenenti alle classe dei Flagellati, Lobosi, Sporozoi, e Ciliati. 4 Tav. Estrat. d. Atti d. Soc. Ital. d. Sci. Nat., Vol. XXIV. 8vo. Milano, 1882. Gravenhorst, Dr. J. L. C. Naturgeschichte der Infusions- thierchen nach Ehrenberg's grossem Werke iiber diese Thiere, in einer gedrangten vergleichenden Uebersicht. 8vo. Breslau, 1844. 2 . Einiges aus der Infusorienwelt. i Tafel. Der Akademie iibergeben den 14 Feb., 1825, und von dem Herrn Verfasser im Jahe, 1832, nochmals revidirt. 4to. Aus N. Act. Nat. Cur., XVL, p. 841. Breslau, 1844. 119 Gray, Dr. J. E., F.R.S. Notes on the arrangement of Sponges, with the description of some new genera. 2 plates. Proc. ZooL Soc. Lond., 1867, p. 492. London, 1867. 2. Venus's Flower-Basket (Euplectelld). 2 plates. Pop. Set. Rev., Vol. VI., No. 24, p. 239. 8vo. London, 1867. Greef, Dr. Richard. Ueber einige in der Erde lebende Amoben und andere Rhizopoden. 2 Tafeln. Aus. M. Schultze's Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bd. II., 1866. 8vo. Bonn, 1866. 2. Pelomyxa palustris (Pelobius), ein amobenartiger Organismus des Siissen Wassers. 3 Tafeln. Aus. d. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bd. X., p. 51. 8vo. Bonn, 1874. 3. Ueber Radiolarien und radiolarien-artige Rhizopoden des Siissen Wassers. 2 Taf. Aus. d. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. XL 8vo. Bonn, 1878. 4. Studien liber Protozoen. Aus. d. Sitzungsb. d. Ges. z. Beforderung d. gesammt. Naturwiss. z. Marburg. 3 Marz, 1888. 8vo. Marburg, 1888. Green, Joseph Reay, B.A. -Manual of the Sub-kingdom, Protozoa, with a general introduction on the Principles of Zoology. 1 6 figs. i2mo. London, 1859. Grimm, Dr. O. A. Das Caspische Meer und seine Fauna (Russian). 6 Tab. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1876. 2. Beitr. z. Kennt. d. Protozoen (Russian). 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1877. Gros, Dr. Observations et Inductions Microscopiques sur quelques parasites. 3 planches. Extr. d. Bull. Soc. Imp. d. Nat. d. Moscou, Tom. XVIII. 8vo. Moscou, 1845. 2. Loi Nouvelle de la Generation ascendante, facultative et con- tingente des Infusoires. Extrait du Bull, de la Soc. Imp. des Natural, de Moscou (Relie avec 1'Embryo- genie de Gros). PI. 8vo. Moscou, 1854. 120 Gruber, Dr. August. Neue Infusorien. 2 Tafeln. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXIII. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. 2. Der Theilungsvorgang bei Euglypha alveolata. i Tafel. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXV., p. 431. 8vo. Leipzig^ 1881. 3. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Protozoen. i Tafel. Aus. d. Ber. iiber die Verhandl. d. naturforsch. Ges. z. Freiburg. B. VII., 4. 8vo. Freiburg, 1882. 4. Untersuchungen iiber einige Protozoen. 3 Tafeln. Aus. d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXVIII., p. 45. 8vo. Leipzig, 1882. 5. Beobachtungen an Chilodon curvidentis. n.sp. i Tafel. Verhandl. naturf. Ges. Freiburg, Bd. VIIL, Supple- ment, s. 38. 8vo. Freiburg, 1883. 6. Die Protozoen des Hafens von Genua. Mit 5 Tafeln. Nov. Act. d. k. Leop.-Carol. Deutsch. Akad d. Naturforsch., Bd. XLVL, N. 4, p. 475. 410. Halle, 1884. 7. Enumerazione dei Protozoi raccolti nel Porto di Genova. Estrat. d. Annal. d. Mus., Civic, d. Storia Nat. d. Genova. Vol. V., Ser. 2. 8vo. Genova, 1888. Giinther, Dr. Albert, F.R.S., F.Z.S., etc. Account of the Zoological Collections made during the Survey of H.M.S. " Alert," in the Straits of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia. Ccelenterata and Spongida, by S. O. Ridley. With plates. 8vo. London. Haeckel, Ernst, M.D., Ph.D. Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda Radiolaria). Eine Monographic, 2 Bd. Text und Atlas. Mit 35 colorirten Tafeln. Folio. Berlin, 1862. 2. Studien iiber Moneren und andere Protisten nebst einer Rede iiber Entwickelungsgang und Aufgabe der Zoologie. 6 Tafeln. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. 121 3. Biologic der Kalkschwamme (Calcispongien Bd. I., II., und Atlas. Royal 8vo. A 4. Histoire de la Creation des Etres Organises. Traduit par le Dr. Ch. Letourneau et Charles Martins. 8vo. pi. Paris, 1874. 5. Report on the Radiolaria, collected by H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873 76. 3 vols. : 2 vols. text and i vol. plates. Report Chall. Exfed. ZooL, Vol. XVIII. 4to. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, 1887. Haeusler, Dr. Rudolph. Notes on some Foraminifera from the Hauraki Gulf. Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst.fVol XIX., Ser. 2, p. 196. 8vo. Wellington, 1887. Haime, Jules. Observations sur les metamorphoses et 1'organi- sation de la Trichoda lynceus. i planche. Extr. d. Annal. d. Sci. Nat, Tom. XIX., Ser. 3. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Hallier, Ernst. Die Leptothrixsch warmer und ihr Verhaltniss zu den Vibrionen. i Tafel. Aus. Max Schultze's Arch, f. mikr. Anat, Bd. II., p. 67. 8vo. Bonn, 1866. 2. Die Plastiden der niederen Pflanzen, r ihre selbststandige Ent- wickelung, ihr Eindringen in die Gewebe und ihre verheerende Wirkung. 4 Tafeln. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. Hamel, Herr. Blutregen und Blutroth gefarbte Gewasser. Neun Falle welche sich theils in England, theils in der Nor- mandie in dem Zeitraume von 685 bis 1662 ereignet haben. Gelesen im Kai. Akad. d. Wiss., 13 Feb., 1852. 8 vo . St Petersburg, 1852. Hanstein, Johannes. Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. Ein Tagwerk auf dem Felde der Naturforschung des neun- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo, Bonn, 1877. Harting, P. Die Macht des kleinen sichtbar in der Bildung der Rinde unseres Erdballs oder Uebersicht der Gestalt- ung, der geographischen und geologischen Verbreitung der Polypen, Foraminiferen, und kieselschaligen Bacil- 122 larien. Aus. dem Hollandischen iibersetzt von Dr. A. Schwartzkopf mit einem Vorworte von Dr. M. J. Schleiden. Mit Abbildungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1851. 2. De Boden onder Amsterdam onderzocht en beschreven. Verhand. d. Eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk-Neder- land, Instituut v. Wetensch. te Amsterdam. Derde Reeks. Vijfde De'el. 4 pi. 4to. Amsterdam, 1852. 3. Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Mikroskopische Fauna en Flora van de Banda Zee naar Aanleiding van een onderzoek van eenige door diepzeeloodingen uit die zee opgebragte gronden. 3 pi. Naturk. Verb. d. Kon. Akad., Deel X. 4to. Amsterdam, 1860. Hassall, Arthur Hill M. B., F.L.S. A Microscopic Exami- nation of the Water supplied to the Inhabitants of London and the Suburban Districts. Illustrated by 6 coloured plates, exhibiting the living animal and vege- table productions in Thames and other waters as supplied by the several companies; with an examina- tion, microscopic and general, of their sources of supply, as well as of the Henley-on-Thames and Watford plans, etc. 8vo. London, 1850. Hertwig, Dr. Richard. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Acineten. Inaugural Dissertation. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. 2. Zur Histologie der Radiolarien. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Sphaerozoiden und Thalassicolliden. 5 Tafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1876. 3. Der Organismus der Radiolarien. 10 Tafeln. Folio. Jena, 1879. Hicks, J. Braxton, M.D., F.L.S. Observations on Vege- table Amoeboid Bodies, i plate. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. II., N.S., p. 96. 8vo. London, 1862. 2. On the Motionless Spores (Stato-spores) of Volvox globator. 8vo. 123 Hill, John, M.D. Essays in Natural History and Philosophy, containing a series of discoveries by the assistance of microscopes. 8vo. London, 1752. Hinde, George Jennings, F.G.S. Fossil Sponge Spicules from the Upper Chalk, found in the interior of a single flint-stone from Horstead, in Norfolk. 5 plates. 8vo. Munich, 1880. Hitchcock, Romyn, F.R.M.S. Synopsis of the Fresh-water Rhizopods : a condensed account of the Genera and Species, founded upon Prof. Joseph Leidy's "Fresh- water Rhizopods of North America." 4 plates. 8vo. New York, 1881. Hogg, Jabez, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. Phases in the develop- mental history of Infusorial Animal Life, the substance of a lecture delivered to the Old Change Microscopical Society, Sept. 27, 1866. Reprinted from the Intellectual Observer. 8vo. London, 1866. Hogg, Jabez; Campbell, Dugald; and Homersham, Samuel Collett. A Microscopical Examination of Certain Waters. The Chemical Examination by Dugald Campbell. Introductory notes by Samuel Collett Homersham. i plate. Ed. 3. 8vo. London, 1874. Hopkins, Dr. F. V. Reports upon the Specimens obtained from borings made in 1874 between the Mississippi river and Lake Borgne at the site proposed for an outlet for flood waters. 2 plates. Suppl. to Report of Commiss. of Engineers, Jan. 16, 1875, p. 42. pi. 8vo. Washington, 1878. Hoskyn, R. Report on the Deep Sea Soundings made in H.M.S. "Porcupine" in June, July, and August, 1862. With chart. 8vo. London, 1862. Houghton, Rev. W., M.A., F.L.S. Ophrydium versatile. i coloured plate. 8vo. 124 Hunt, T. Sterry. Messrs. King and Rowney on Eozoon canad- ense. Proc. Roy. Itish Acad., Vol. I., Ser. 2, No. 2, p. 123. 8vo. Dublin, 1871. Huxley, Thomas H., LL.D. On the Structure of Noctiluca miliaris. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. III., Pt. 5, p. 49, London, 1855. Imhof, Dr. Othmar Emil. Faunistische Studien in achtzehn kleineren und grosseren osterreichischen Siisswasser- becken. i Holzschnitt. Aus. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Bd. XCI., Abth. i, p. 203. 8vo. Wien, 1885. James, F. L. The Bacillus of Cholera (Koch). The Micro- scope, Vol. V., No. 7, p. 156. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1885. James-Clark, Prof. H.- The Anatomy and Physiology of the Vorticellidan Parasite (Trichodina pediculus, Ehr.) of Hydra, i plate. From Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. L, p. 114. 4to. Boston, 1865. 2. On the Spongice ciliatce, as Infusoria flagellata ; or, observations on the structure, animality, and relationship of Leucoso- lenia botryoides (Bowerbank). 2 plates. From Mem. Boston Soc, Nat. Hist, Vol. L, Pt 3, p. 305. 4to. Boston, 1866. Johnson, Metcalfe, M.R.C.S.E. A few experiments bearing on Spontaneous Generation. Month. Mic. Journ., No. XXVIII., April i, 1871, p. 178. 8vo. London, 1871. Johnston, George, M.D. A History of British Sponges and Lithophytes. 25 coloured plates. 8vo. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, 1842. Jones, T. Rupert, F.R.S., F.G.S. Notes on the Foramini- fera and Ostracoda from the deep boring of Richmond, i plate. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. XL., p. 765. 8vo. London, 1884. 125 Keller, Dr. C. Untersuchungen iiber die Anatomic und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte einiger Spongien des Mittelmeeres. Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Spongienfrage. 2 Tafeln. 4to. Basel, Genf, Lyon, 1876. Kent, W. Saville, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. A Manual of the Infusoria, including a description of all known Flagellate, Ciliate, and Tentaculiferous Protozoa. 3 vols. 2 vols. text and i vol. plates. 8vo. London , 1880 82. 2. Infusoria : What are they ? Their collection and investiga- tion. Trans. Epping Forest and County of Essex Nat. Field Club, Vol. II., Pt. 5, p. 44. 8vo. Buckhurst Hill, Essex, 1881. Keppene, H. On the Tentaculiferse (in Russian). St. Petersburg, 1889. King, Prof. William. Preliminary Notice of the Organic and Inorganic Objects obtained from the Soundings of H.M.S. " Porcupine" off the West Coast of Ireland. 8vo. Klebs, Dr. Georg. Uber die Organisation einiger Flagellaten- Gruppen und ihre Beziehungen zu Algen und Infusorien. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Tubingen, 1883. Koch, G. v. Zwei Acineten auf Plumularia setacea, Ellis. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Jena, 1876. Krasan, Franz. Bericht in Betreff neuer Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung und den Ursprung der niedrigsten Organismen. i Tafel. Verhandl. d. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien., Bd. XXX., p. 267. 8vo. Wien, 1880. Kiibler, Dr. J. Mikroskopische Bilder aus dem Leben unserer einheimischen Gewasser. 3 Tafeln. Neujahr.-Blatt. v. d. Biirgerbiblio. in Winterthiir. 4to. Winterthiir, 1864. Klinstler, J. Contribution a FEtude des Flagelles. 3 planches. Bull. Soc. Zool. d. France. Meulan, 1882. 126 Kutorga, Dr. S. Naturgeschichte der Infusionsthiere vor- ziiglich nach Ehrenberg's Beobachtungen. Aus. dem Russischen iibersetzt. Mit einem Atlas. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1839; Carlsruhe, 1841. Lachmann, Car. Fred. Joannes. De Infusoriorum imprimis Vorticellinorum structura. Dissertatio inauguralis. 2 Tab. 8vo. Berlin, 1855. Lankester, E. Ray. On our present knowledge of the Gre- garinidcz, with descriptions of three new species belong- ing to that class, i plate. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Vol. III., N.S., p. 83. 8vo. London, 1863. 2. Protozoa. Encycl. Britt., Ed. 9, Pt. 70. Figures. 4to. Last edition. Edinburgh, 1885. Lanzi, Dott. Matteo. Sul Placodium albescent Korb. del Colosseo. Nota. Estrat. Atti Accad. pontif. nuov. Lincei, Ann. XXXIII., Sess. V., 18 Apr., 1880. 8vo. Roma, 1880. Laurent, L. Recherches sur 1'Hydre et PEponge d'Eau douce pour servir a 1'Histoire Naturelle des Polypiaires et des Spongiaires. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Laurent, Paul. Etudes physiologiques sur les Animalcules des Infusions Vegetales compares aux organes elementaires des vegetaux. Tom. L, avec 22 planches ; Tom. II., avec 24 planches. 4to. Nancy, 1854; Paris, 1858. Leidy, Joseph, M.D. A Flora and Fauna within Living Animals. 10 plates. Smiths. Contrib. to Knowl.,, April, 1863. 4to. Washington, 1853. 2. Fresh- water Rhizopods of North America. 46 col. plates. U.S. Geol. Surv. 4to. Washington, 1879. Leuckart, Dr. Rud. ; Braun, Dr. M. ; v. Linstow, Dr. ; Studer, Dr. Th., etc. Berichten liber die wissen- schaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wahrend des Jahres, 185789. 8vo. Berlin, 1859 89. 12; Lewis, Surg.-Maj. Timothy Richards, M.B. Further Observations on Flagellated Organisms in the Blood of Animals. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. XXIV., N.S., p. 357. 8vo. London, 1884. Lieberklihn, N. Beitrage zur Anatomic der Infusorien. 8vo. Miiller's Archiv. Berlin, 1856. 2. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Spongillen. Miil- ler's Archiv., 1856. 8vo. Berlin, 1856. 3. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gregarinen. Aus. d. Sitzungsb. d. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin, p. 508. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. 4. Evolution des Gregarines. u planches. Mem. Cour. et Mem. d. Sav. titrang. Acad. Roy. Belg., Tom. XXVI. 4to. Bruxelles, 1855. 5. Ueber Bewegungserscheinungen der Zellen. PI. 4to. Marburg und Leipzig, 1870. Losana, Mathaeo. De animalculis microscopicis sea Infus- oriis. 7 Tav. Accad. R. d. Torino Clas. d. Sc. Fis. e Mat, Tom. XXIX., p. 189; Tom. XXXIIL, p. i. 4 to. Turino, 1825. McAndrew, Robert. List of the British Marine Invertebrate Fauna, prepared for the Dredging Committee of the British Association. 4to. London, 1860. McAndrew, R., F.R.S., and Barrett, Lucas, F.G.S., etc. Results of Dredging Researches on the Coast of Norway. With plates. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX., Ser. 2. 8vo. London. Macdonald, John D., M.D. On the Distribution of the Invertebrata in relation to the Theory of Evolution. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. XXL, No. 143, p. 218. 8vo. London, 1873. Mclntosh, W. C, M.D., F.L.S. On the Gregariniform Parasite of Borlasia, i plate. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. XV., N.S., p. 38. 8vo. London, 1867. 128 Maggi, Prof. Leopoldo. Sulla conjugazione o zigosi delle amibe. Estrat. d. Rendiconte d. R. 1st. Lombardo. Vol. IX., Ser. 2, fasc. 13. 8vo. Milano, 1876. 2 Studi anatomo-fisiologici intorno alle amibe ed in particolare di una innominata. i Tav. Atti. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat, Vol. XIX., fasc. 4. 8vo. Milano, 1877. 3. Protistologia. Sulla Trichamceba irta, De Fromentel. Estrat. d. Rendicont. d. R. Istit. Lombardo, Vol. XIII., Ser. 2, fas. 2. 8vo. Milano, 1880. 4. Intorno ai Cilio-flagellati. Estrat. d. Rendicont. d. R. Istit. Lombardo, Vol. XIII., Ser. 2, fasc. 10 n. 8vo. Milano, 1880. 5. Protistologia, con 65 incisioni. i2mo. Milano, 1882. Magretti, Paolo. Alcune osservazioni sugli esseri inferiori d'acqua dolce e marina fatte nell' anno 1877. 8vo. Pavia, 1878. Mantegazza, Paolo. Ricerche sulla generazione degli Infus- orii e descrizione di alcune nuove specie, i Tav. Giorn. del. 1. R. Istit. Lombardo d. Sci., Tom. III., N.S. 4to. Milano, 1852. Mantell, Gideon Algernon, LL.D., F.R.S. -Thoughts on Animalcules ; or, a Glimpse of the Invisible World. 12 plates and figures. 8vo. , London, 1846. Maplestone, Chas. M. Infusoria in Australia. With plate. Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc., Victoria, Vol. I., No. i, p. 15. 8vo. Melbourne, 1879. Marchand, Dr. Leon. De la reproduction des Animaux Infusoires (etude medico-zoologique). 2 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Maskell, W. M., F.R.M.S. On the Fresh-water Infusoria of the Wellington district Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., Vol. XIX., Ser. 2, p. 49. 8vo. Wellington, 1887. Mayer, Dr. A. F. J. C. Die Metamorphose der Monaden. i Tafel. 4to. Bonn, 1840. 129 Mayer, Dr. Paul. Zoologischer Jahresbericht fiir 1886. Herausgegeben von der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. v Mecnikow, Elias. Ueber einige wenig bekannte niedere Thierformen. i Tafel. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XV., Heft. 4, 1865. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. Meissner, Maximilian. Beitrage zur Ernahrungsphysiologie der Protozoen. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. 2. Beitrage zur Ernahrungsphysiologie der Protozoen. i Tafel und i Holzschnitt. Aus Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XLVL, p. 498. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. Meneghini, Prof. G. On the Animal Nature of the Diatomese. with an Organographical Revision of the Genera, estab- lished by Kiitzing. Translated by Christopher Johnson, M.R.C.S.E. In Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. Ray Society, 1853. 8vo. London, 1853. Michaelis, C. A. Ueber das Leuchten der Ostsee nach eigenen Beobachtungen nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber diese Erscheinung in andern Meeren. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Hamburg, 1830. Miller, Henry. Notice sur les Acinetina et en particulier sur 1' Acineta mystacina (Ehr.). i planche. Extr. d. Annal. Soc. Malacol. d. Belgique, Tom. IV. Bruxelles, 1869. 2. Podophrya mobilis, espece nouvelle appartenant a 1'ordre des suceurs (Robin), i planche. Annal. Soc. Malacol. d. Belgique, Tom. VI. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1871. Miller, Henry, et Van den Broeck, Ernest. Les Fora- miniferes vivants et fossiles de la Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1873. Mills, Henry. Fresh-water Sponge, i plate. Proc. Amer. Soc. Micros -copists, Elmira Meeting, 1882, p. 209. 8vo. 1882. 130 Milne, William, M.A., B.Sc. On some New Infusoria, i plate. From Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 1882 83, p. 32. 8vo. Glasgow, 1883. Mobius, K. Bruchstiicke einer Infusorienfauna der Kieler Bucht. 7 Tafeln. Arch. f. Naturgesch., p. 81. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. Montagne, Camille, D.M. Resume succinct des observations faites jusqu' ici sur la rubefaction des eaux. Memoire lu a la Societe de Biologic. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Moret, Dr. Alfred. Des Infusoires et de la place qu'ils occup- ent dans le monde. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Morren, Ch. St. D. Essais sur 1'heterogenie dominante dans laquel ou examine 1'influence qu'exerce la lumiere sur la manifestation et les developpements des etres organises dont 1'origine a et attribute a cette pretendue generation directe, spontanee ou equivoque. Mem. publics en 1834 dans 1'Observateur Medical Beige et en 1835 dans les Annal. d. Sci. Nat. Paris. 8vo. Ltige, 1838. 2. Recherches Physiologiques sur les Hydrophytes de la Belgique. Mem. I. VI. 7 planches. Mem. Acad. Roy. d. Sci. Bruxelles, Tom. XIV. 4to. Bruxelles, 1837 41. Miiller, Otho Fridericus. Vermium Terrestrium et Fluviati- lium, seu Animalium Inftisoriorum Helminthicorum et Testaceorum non Marinorum succincta Historia. 4to. Havnice et Lipsioe, 1773. 2. Animalcula Infusoria Fluviatilia et Marina quae detexit, syste- matice descripsit et ad vivum delineari curavit Otho Fridericus Miiller, Regi Daniae quondam a consiliis con- ferentiae, pluriumque Academiarum et Societatum Scien- tiarum Sodalis, sistit opus hoc Posthumum quod cum tabulis aeneis L. in lucem tradit Vidua ejus nobilissima Cura Othonis Fabricii. 50 Tab. 4to. Haunia, 1786. Miiller, Johannes. Uber die Thalassicollen, Polycistinen, und Acanthometren des Mittelmeeres. 1 1 Tafeln. Abhandl. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin. 410. Berlin, 1858. Murray, John. Reports on the Specimens of Bottom Deposits procured, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz in the Gulf of Mexico (1877 78), in the Carribaean Sea, (1878-79), and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the summer of 1880, by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer, " Blake." From Bull. Mus. of Comp. Zool, Harvard Coll., Vol. XII., No. 2. 8vo. Cambridge, 1885. Musset, Ch. Nouvelles recherches experimentales sur 1'hetero- genie ou generation spontane"e. i planche. 4to. Toulouse, 1862. Needham, Turberville. New Microscopical Discoveries, etc. 8vo. London, 1745. Nltzsch, D. Christian Ludwig. Beitrag zur Infusorienkunde oder Naturbeschreibung der Zerkarien und Bazillarien. Mit 6 Kupfertafeln. Neue Schr. d. Naturf. Ges. zu Halle, Band. III., Heft. i. Halle, 1817. On the Natural Position and Limits of the group Protozoa. Nat. Hist. Rev. Quart. Journ. Biol. Sci., Jan., 1861, p. 34. 8vo. London, 1861. Ormancey, P. Observations sur les Infusoires des environs de Lyon. 3 planches. Lues a la Soc. Linn. d. Lyon. 8vo. Lyon, N.D. Owen, Major Samuel R. I., F.L.S., F.A.S.L. On the Surface Fauna of Mid-Ocean. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. XIV., p. 115. 8vo. London, 1866. Parker, W. K., and Jones, Rupert, F.G.S. Description of Foraminifera. 2 plates. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX., Ser. 2 8vo. London, 1857. K2 132 Parfit, Edward. On the Protozoa of Devonshire. From Trans. Devons. Ass. for Advancement of Set., Lit., and Art, 1869. 8vo. 1869. Parona, Dr. Corrado. Acineta dibdalteria, nouvelle espece d' infusoire marin du Golfe de Genes, i vignette. Extr. Arch. d. Sci. physiq. et naturelles. Tom. V., p. 181. 8vo. Genlve, 1881. 2. Material! per la fauna dell' Isoli di Sardegna. I. Prostista della Sardegna. Estrat. d. Boll. Sci. N. 2. Agost, 1882. 8vo. Pavia, 1882. Pearcey, Fred. G. Notes on the Foraminifera of the Faroe Channel and Wyville Thomson Ridge, with a descrip- tion of a new species of Hyperammina. i pi. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc., Glasgow. Vol. II., N.S. N. XIV. 8vo. Glasgow, 1888. Perrier, E. Les Colonies Animales. PI. and figs. 8vo. Paris, 1 88 1. Perty, Dr. Maximilian. Ueber den Begriff des Thieres. 8vo. Bern, 1846. 2. Die Bewegung durch schwingende mikroskopische Organe im Thier- und Pflanzenreiche, nebst Erorterungen iiber Sporozoiden, Infusorien, Bacillarien und iiber die Ele- mentarstruktur der Haley onella fliwiatilis, var. Nymphce. 3 Tafeln. 410. Bern, 1848. 2. Zur Kenntniss kleinster Lebensformen nach Bau, Funk- tionen, Systematik, mit Specialverzeichniss der in der Schweiz beobachteten. Mit 17 Lithochromischen Tafeln. 4to. Bern, 1852. Phillips, F. W,, F.L.S. Notes on the Protozoa of Hertford- shire ; section Pantostomata. Trans. Hert. Nat. Hist. Soc. and Field Club. Vol. II., p. 115. 8vo. London, 1883. 133 2. Notes on the Protozoa of Hertfordshire ; section Discosto- mata. i plate. Trans. Hert. Nat. Hist. Soc. and Field Club. Vol. III., p. 95. 8vo. Watford and Hertford, 1884. Pioggia di sabbia avvenuta in Italia nel 13 14 Febbraio, 1870. Bull. Meteor, d. Ossev. d. R. Coll. Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri, Vol. V., No. 2. 41.0. 1870. Plate, Dr. L. Studien iiber Protozoen. 3 Tafeln. Aus d. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. III., p. 135. 8vo. Jena, 1887. Pode, C. C., M.B., and Lankester, E. Ray, M.A.- Experiments on the development of Bacteria in Organic Infusions. Proc. Roy. Soc., No. 145, p. 349. 8vo. London, 1873. Polejaeff, N., M. A. Report on the Calcarea dredged by H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873 7*>. 9 plates. Zool. "Challenger" Exped., plate XXIV., 1883. 4*o. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, 1883. Poletebnow, A. Ueber den Ursprung und die Vermehrung der Bacterien. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, 1870, p. 725. 8vo. Wien, 1870. Ponton, Mungo, F.R.S.E. The Beginning : its when and its how. With frontispiece and 15 plates. 8vo. London, 1871. Potts, Edward. Fresh-water Sponges : a monograph, including "Diagnosis of European Spongillidae," by Prof. Franz Vejdovsky (Prague). 8 plates. Proc. Acad. Nat. Set. Philad. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. Pouchet, F. A. Heteroge'nie ou Traite de la Generation Spontanee base sur de nouvelles experiences. 3 planches. Svo. Paris, 1859. 2 - Recherches sur les organes de la circulation, de la digestion, et de la respiration des animaux Infusoires. i planche. Compt. rend. Acad. Sci., Nov. 13, 1848, et Jan. 15, 1849. 4to. Paris, 1849. 134 Prazmowski, Dr. Adam. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwick- elungsgeschichte und Fermentwirkung einiger Bacterien Arten. i Tafel. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880. Pringsheim, N. Ueber Paarung von Schwarmsporen die morphologische Grundform der Zeugung im Pflanzen- reiche. i Tafel. Monatsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1869. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. Pritchard, Andrew, M.R.I. The Natural History of Animal- cules, containing descriptions of all the known species of Infusoria, with instructions for procuring and viewing them. Illustrated by upwards of 300 figures on steel. Ed. I. 8vo. London, 1834. 2. A History of Infusoria living and fossil arranged according to Die Infusionsthierchen of C. G. Ehrenberg. 12 plates. 8vo. London, 1845. 3. A History of Infusorial Animalcules living and fossil illustrated by several hundred magnified representations. A new edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1852. 4. A History of Infusoria, including the Desmidiacese and Diatomaceae, British and Foreign. Ed. 4. Enlarged and revised by J. T. Arlidge, M.B., B.A., Lond. ; W. Archer, Esq. ; J. Ralfs, M.R.C.S.L. ; W. C. Williamson, Esq., F.R.S. ; and the author. Text and 40 coloured plates. 8vo. London, 1861. 5. The corrected and finally-revised original MS. of the 4th edition of the " History of Animalcules " ; the Rotatoria, by Williamson, W. C. ; the Desmids, by Archer, W. ; the Diatoms, by Ralfs, J., etc. 1861. Quennerstedt, August. Bidrag till Sveriges Infusorie-Fauna jemte en korte framstallning af Infusions-djurens organis- ation. Pt. L, 2 plates; Pt. II., 2 plates; Pt. III., i plate. Lunds Univ. Arsskrift. 4to. Lund., 18661867. 135 Ragona, Prof. Cav. Domenico. II pulviscolo Atmosferico. Estrat. d. Rivist. Sci. Indust. O. Guido Vimercati in Firenze Fasc. VIII., Nov., 1871. 8vo. Firenze, 1871. Raunkiaer, C. Myxomycetes Daniae eller Danmarks Slims- vampe tilligemed et Fors^g til en Myxomyceternes Systematik. 4 Tavler. Saertryk af Botanisk Tidsskrift. Bd. XVII. 8vo. Kjqbenhavn, 1888. Rehberg, Herm. Eine neue Gregarine Lagenella mobilis n. g. et n. sp. i Tafel. Abhandl. d. natunv. Ver. Bremen. Bd. VII. 8vo. Bremen, 1880. Reichert, C. B. Uber die contractile Substanz (Sarcode, Protoplasma) und ihre Bewegungs-Erscheinungen bei Polythalamien und einigen anderen niederen Thieren. Abhandl. der. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1866. Mit 7 Tafeln. 4to. Berlin, 1867. Reinsch, P. F. Beobachtung von Bakterien und einzelligen Algen auf der Oberflache der Kursirenden Geldmunzen. Flora. 1884. No. 9. Regensburg, 1884. Reus, Prof. Dr. A. E. Die fossilen Foraminiferen, Antho- zoen, und Bryozoen von Oberburg in Steiermark. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna der Oberen Nummulitenschichten. 10 Talfeln. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien. Bd. XXIII. 4 to. Wien, 1864. Rhumbler, Ludwig. Die verschiedenen Cystenbildungen und die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Holotrichen Infusorien- gattung Colpoda. Inaugural Dissertation, i Tafel. i Holzschnitt. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. XLVI. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. Richter, Aladar-tol. Kozlemenyek gomormegye gombairol (Mykologische Mittheilungen aus dem Gomorer Comi- tate) Termeszet Fiizetek Kotet XL, p. 65 and 95. 8vo. Budapest, 1888. I 3 6 Riess, Felix. Beitrage zur Fauna der Infusorien mit dem beigefiigten Ehrenberg'schen Systeme. Inaugural Dissertation. 4to. Wien, 1840. Robin, Ch. Memoire sur la structure et la reproduction de quelques Infusoires tentacules, suceurs, et Flagelles. 5 planches. Journ. Anat. et Phys. Tom. XV., p. 529. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 2. Recherches sur la reproduction gemmipare et fissipare des Noctiluques. (Noctiluca miliaris, Suriray.) 7 planches. Journ. Anat. et Phys. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Robinson, Isac. Notes on a Microscopical Aquarium. Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. II., Pt. 3, p, 112. 8vo. 1883. Rosanoff, C. Myxomycetes (in Russian), i Taf. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1868. Roser, Dr. Karl. Beitrage zur Biologic niedersten Organisrnen. i Tafel. 8vo. Marburg, 1881. Rossbach, Dr. M. J. Die rhythmischen Bewegungs-Erschein- ungen der einfachsten Organisrnen und ihr Verhalten gegen physikalische Agentien und Arzneimittel. 2 Tafeln. Aus d. Verh. d. Wiirzburg. phys. med. Ges. N. F., Bd. II. 8vo. Wiirzburg, 1872. Rust, Dr. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Radiolarien aus Gesteinen des Jura. 20 Tafeln. Palseontographica, Beitr. z. Naturgesch. d. Vorzeit. N. F., XL (XXXI.). Munchen, 1887. Rutot, A. Note sur la Decouverte de deux Spongiaires ayant provoque la formation des gres fistuleux et des tubula- tions sableuses de 1'etage Bruxellien des environs de Bruxelles. i planche. Extrait d. Annal. de la Soc. Malacol. d. Belgique, Tom. IX., 1874. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874. 137 Sallitt, Jessie A. On the Chlorophyll Corpuscles of some Infusoria. 2 plates. From Quart. Journ. Mic. Set., Vol. XXIV., N.S., p. 165. 8vo. London, 1864. Samuelson, James. On the Source of Living Organisms, i plate and woodcuts. Quart. Journ. of Sri., 1864, p. 599. 8vo. London, 1864. Schmarda, Ludwig K. Kleine Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Infusorien. 2 Tafeln. 4to. Wien, 1846. 2. Zur Naturgeschichte der Adria. Mit 7 Tafeln. Aus dem IV. Bande d. Denkschr. d. Math. Naturwiss. Classe d. Kais. Akad. d. Wiss. 4to. Wien, 1852. 3. Zur Naturgeschichte Agyptens. 7 Tafeln. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien., Bd. VII. 410. Wien, 1854. Schmidt, Dr. Adolf. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gregarinen und deren Entwickelung. i Tafel. 4to. Frankfurt, 1854. Schmidt, Dr. Oscar. Die Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres. 7 Kupfertafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1862. 2. Supplement zu der Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres, ent- haltend die Histologie und systematische Erganzungen. 4 Kupfertafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1864. 3. Zweites Supplement zu der Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres enthaltend die Vergleichung der Adriatischen und Brit- ischen Spongiengattungen. i Kupfertafel. 4to. Leipzig, 1866. 4. Die Spongien der Kuste von Algier. Mit Nachtragen zu den Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres (Drittes Supplement). 5 Kupfertafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1868. 5. Grundziige einer Spongienfauna des Atlantischen Gebietes. 6 Tafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1870. Schneider, Antonius. Symbolae ad Infusoriorum Historiam Naturalem. Dissertatio inauguralis. i Tafel. Berolini, 1854. 138 2. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Infusorien. i Tafel. Aus. M tiller's Archiv., 1854, p. 191. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. Schneider, Aime. Contribution a 1'etude des Gregarines. 8 planches. Arch. d. Zool. Exper. et Gener., Vol. IV. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 2. Etudes sur Developpement des Gregarines. Planches. 8vo. Tablettes Zoologiques. Poitiers, 1886. 3. Gregarines nouvelles ou peu connues. Plariche. 8vo. Tablettes Zoologiques. Poitiers, 1886. 4. Ophryocystis Francisci. i planche. 8vo. Tablettes Zoolog- iques. Poitiers. 1886. 5. Coccidies Nouvelles ou peu connues. 8vo. Tablettes Zoolo- giques. Poitiers, 1886. 6. Fragments sur les Infusoires. 2 planches. 8vo. Tablettes Zoologiques. Poitiers, 1886. 7. Un mot a M. Ruschhaupt et Conference sur la parente des Coccidies et des Gregarines. i planche. 8vo. Tab- lettes Zoologiques. Poitiers, 1886. 8. Anoplophyra circulans. Avec 2 planches. 8vo. Tablettes Zoologiques. Poitiers, 1886. 9. Description de Rhizopodes nouveaux ou peu connus. i planche. Tablettes Zoologiques. 8vo. Poitiers, 1887. 10. Coccidies nouvelles ou peu connues. 2 planches. Tablettes Zoologiques. 8vo. Poitiers, 1887. ii. Pericometes dis>itatus. Tablettes Zoologiques. 8vo. Poitiers, 1887. 12. Gregarines nouvelles ou peu connues. Tablettes Zoo- logiques. 8vo. Poitiers, 1887. Schoch, Dr. Gustav. Die mikroskopischen Thiere des Stiss- wasser -Aquariums fur Freunde des Mikroskopes und der Naturwissenschaften. Buch I., Die Urthiere. 8 Tafeln. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 139 Schuberg, Dr. August. Die Protozoen des Wiederkauer- magens (Biitschlia, Isotricha, Dasytricha, Entodinium). 2 Tafeln. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. III., p. 365. 8vo. Jena, 1881. Schulz, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Infusorien des Herzog- thums Nassau. i Tafel. Aus Nass. Naturw. Jahrb., Heft. XI. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1856. Schulze, Franz Eilhard. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Spongien zu den Choano-flagellaten. Math. u. Naturw. Mittheil., p. 179. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Schultze, Prof. Max Sigmund. Uber den Organismus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen) nebst Bemerkungen iiber Rhizopoden im Allgemeinen. Mit 7 illuminirten Kup- fertafeln. Folio. Leipzig, 1854. 2. Das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden und der Pflanzenzellen. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Zelle. 8vo. Leipzig, 1863. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Fortpflanzung der Polythalamien. Aus d. Sitzungsb. d. Naturf. Ges. in Halle, n Aug., 1855. 4to. Halle, 1855. Schwalbe, Gustavus. Observationes nonnullae de Infusorio- rum ciliatorum Structura. Dissertatio inauguralis. 8vo. Berolini, 1866. SeligO, Arthur. Untersuchungen iiber Flagellaten. Inaugu- ral Dissertation. 8vo. Breslau, 1885. Sherborn, Charles Davies, F.G.S. A Bibliography of the Foraminifera, recent and fossil, from 1565 1888, with Notes explanatory of some of the rare and little-known publications. 8vo. London, 1888. Shultz, C. S. Note on Peridinium and Asterionella. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. I., No. 7, p. 190, July, 1885. 8vo. New York, 1885. Simroth, Heinrich. Zur Kenntniss des Bewegungs-apparates der Infusionsthiere. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. Bonn, 1875. 140 Slabber, Martinus. Natuurkundige Verlustigingen behelzende Microscopise Waarneemingen van In- en Uitlandse Water- en Land-Dieren. 18 Kolor Platen. 4to. Haarlem, 1778. Slack, Henry J., F.G.S. Marvels of Pond-Life, or a Year's Microscopic Recreations among the Polyps, Infusoria, Rotifers, Water-bears, and Polyzoa. Plates and figures. 8vo. London, 1861. Sollas, W. I., M.A., F.G.S. On Plectronella papillosa, a new genus and species of Echinonematous sponge. 4 plates. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, Ser. 5, Vol. III., p. 17. 8vo. London, 1879. Soubeiran, J. Leon. Essai sur la matiere organised des sources sulfureuses des Pyrenees. 2 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Spalanzani, M. rAbbe*. Nouvelles Recherches sur les decouv- ertes microscopiques et la generation des corps organises. Traduit de Italien par M. 1'Abbe Regley. Avec des notes, des recherches physiques et metaphysiques sur la nature et la religion et une nouvelle theorie de la terre. 9 planches. 8vo. London et Paris, 1769. 2. Tracts on the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables. Translated from the original Italian by John Graham Daly ell, Esq., Advocate. With physiological illustrations by the translator. Ed. 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1803, Staring, W. C. H. Mikroskopische Wezens der Zeebezinkingen. 8vo. Afgedrukt uit het Eerste Deel van den Bodem van Nederland. Harlem, 1856. Stein, Dr. Friedrich. Ueber die Natur der Gregarinen. i Tafel. Aus Miiller's Archiv, 1848, p. 182. 8vo. Berlin, 1848. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung der Infusorien. 2 Tafeln. 8vo. Berlin, 1849. 141 3. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungsgeschichte und des feineren Baues der Infusionsthiere. i Tafel. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool. Bd., [II., Heft, iv., p. 475. 8 vo . Leipzig, 1851. 4. Die Infusionsthiere auf ihre Entwickelungsgeschichte. unter- sucht. 6 Kupfertaf. 4to. Leipzig, 1854. 5. Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere nach eigenen Forschun- gen in Systematischer Reihenfolge bearbeitet. 2 Bd. : Bd. I., Abth. i. mit 14, Abth ii. mit 16. Kupfertafeln. Bd. II., Halfte i. mit 24, Halfte ii. mit 25 Tafeln. Folio. Leipzig, 185983. 6. Ueber die Hauptergebnisse der neuern Infusiorienforschungen. Ein Vortrag. 1861. 8vo. Wein, 1863. Sterki, Victor. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Oxytrichinen. i Tafel. Aus Zeitsch. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXI. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. Stiebel, Dr. S. F. Die Grundformen der Infusorien in den Heilquellen nebst allgemeinen Bermerkungen iiber die Entwickelung derselben. i Tafel. 4to. Frankfurt a, M., 1841. Stb'hr, Emil. Die Radiolarien Fauna der Tripoli von Grotte, Provinz Girgenti in Sicilien. 7 Tafeln. Palaeonto- graphica. Beitr. z. Naturgesch. d. Vorzeit. N. F. VI. 4 (xxvi). 4to. Cassel, 1880. Stokes, Alfred C., M.D. Vorticella Limnetis (Species nova), i cut. The Microscope, Vol. V., No. 7, p. 145. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1885. 2. A Preliminary Contribution towards a History of the Fresh- Water Infusoria of the United States. 13 plates. 8vo. Journ. Trenton Nat Hist. Soc., Vol. I., No. 3. Trenton, 18861888. 142 Stuart, Alexander. Ueber Coscinosphcera ciliosa, eine neue Radiolarie. Inaugural dissertation. i Tafel. Aus. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XVI. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. 2. Uber den Bau der Gregarinen. i Tafel. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. , Tom. XV. , p. 49 7 . 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1871. Suriray, M. Recherches stir la cause ordinaire de la Phosphor- escence Marine, et description du Noctiluca miliaris. 2 planches. Presentees a 1'Instit. d. France, i Avril, 1810. Paris, 1836. Tatem, T. G. New Species of Microscopic Animals. Quart. Journ. Mic. Set., Vol. VII., N.S., p. 251. 8vo. London, 1867. 2. On a New Infusorium, i plate. Month. Mic. Journ., Vol. L, Feb. i, 1869, p. 117. 8vo. London, 1869. Taranek, Karl J. Monographic der Nebeliden Bohmen's, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser-Monothalamien. 5 Tafeln. Aus. Abhand. K. Bohm. Ges. d. Wiss., Bd. XL, Folge 6. 4to. Prag, 1882. Tarry, M. H. Sur les pluies de poussiere et les pluies de sang. Compt. rend. Acad. Sci., 9 Mai, 1870., et 20 Juin, 1870. 4to. Paris, 1870. The Lowest Forms of Life, i plate. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1861, p. 50. 8vo. London, 1861. Thomas, Charles. On the Occurrence of the Rhizopod, Clathrulina elegans, Cienkowsky, in Essex. i plate. Trans. Essex Field Cl, Vol. IV., Pt. i, p. 50. 8vo. Buckhurst Hill, Essex, 1885. Thompson, D'Arcy W., B.A. A Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, and Worms, including also Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, and Tunicata for the years 1861 83. 8vo. Cambridge, 1885. Thomson, Prof. C. Wyville, LL.D., F.R.S. On Holtenia, a genus of Vitreous Sponges. Month. Micros. Journ., Aug. i, 1869. p. 107. 8vo. London, 1869. H3 2. Preliminary Notes on the Nature of the Sea-Bottom procured by the Soundings of H. M.S. "Challenger" during her Cruise in the Southern Sea in the early part of the year 1874, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. XXIIL, No. 156, p. 32. 8vo. London, 1874. Thum, Eduard. Special Preisverzeichnissen der Praparate, Test, und Typenplatten von Diatomeen, Foraminiferen, Radiolarien, und Spongien, etc. Leipzig, 1886 88. Traxler, Dr. Laszlotol. Adalekok a " Vizigyongy " ismere- t6hez (Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Siisswasserschwarnme Ungarns. i Tab. Kiilonlenyomat a " Gybgysz. Kozlony." 4to. Budapest, 1888. Trinchese, Prof. Salvatore. Materiali per la storia naturale delle Moneri del Golfo di Napoli. i Tav. Estrat. Mem. Accad. d. Sci. di. Instit. d. Bologna., Tom. V., Ser. 4. 4to. Bologna, 1884. Tyndall, John, F.R.S. Essays on the Floating-Matter of the Air in relation to Putrefaction and Infection. 24 figures. 8vo. London, 1881. Vaillant, M. Le*on. Note sur la vitality d'une eponge de la famille des Corticatae la Tethya lyncurium (Lmk). 4to. Paris, 1869. 2. Recherches sur 1'evolution des Gregarines. 2 planches. Bull. Acad. Roy., Tom. XXXI., Ser. 2, p. 325. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1871. 3. Note sur la Structure de Gregarines. i planche. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., Tom. XXXII., Ser. 2, p. 210. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872. Van Beneden, Edouard. Sur une nouvelle espece de Grega- rine designee sous le nom de Gregarina gigantea. i planche. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., Tom. XXVIII., Ser. 2, p. 444. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1869. Van den Broeck, Ernest. Liste des Foraminiferes du Golfe de Gascoyne. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1875. 144 2. Quelques considerations sur la decouverte dans le calcaire Carbonifere de Namur d'un fossile microscopique nou- veau appartenant au genre Nummulite. Extr. d. Annal. d. Soc. Geol. d. Belg., Tom. I., p. 16. 8vo. Liege, 1875. Van Rees, Dr. J. Bijdrage tot de Biologic der Infusoria. Onderz. Physiol. Laborat. Derde Reeks, D. III., 1875, biz. 99, Part 5. 8vo. Utrecht, 1875. 2. Ueber einige Falle von Parasitismus bei Infusorien. i Tafel. (Aus Onderzock. gedaan in het physiol. lab. Utrecht. Hoogeschool Deel IV., Reeks III. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. XXXI., p. 473. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. 3. Ueber einige Falle von Parasitismus bei Infusorien. i Tafel. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXI., p. 473. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. 4, Zur Kenntniss der Bewimperung der Hypotrichen Infusorien nach Beobachtungen an Styloplotes grandis, sp. n und Euplotes longipes, Clap, und Lachm. i Tafel. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1881. 5. Protozoaires et Coelenteres de 1'Escaut de 1'Est. i plate. From Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Vereen., Suppl. Deel. I., Liv. 2, 1884. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1884. Verhaeghe, Dr. Recherches sur la cause de la Phosphoresence de la Mer dans les Parages d'Ostende. Mem. Cour, et Mem. des Sav. Etrang. Acad. Belg. i planche. 4to. Bruxelles, 1846. / Vejdorsky, Franz. Bemerkungen iiber Trichodina Steinii, Clap, und Lachm. i Tafel. Aus Sitzungsb. d. K. Ges. d. Wiss. ii Marz, 1881. 8vo. Prag, 1881. Viviani, Dominico. Phosphorescentia maris quatuordecim lucescentium animalculorum novis speciebus illustrata. 5 Tabulis. Mem. Soc. Med. d. Emulat, Tom. IV., p. 89. 8vo. Geneva, 1809. 145 von Flotow, J. liber ffcematocomis pluvialis. 3 Steindruck- tafeln. Aus d. Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur., Vol. XX., p. 2. 4to. Bonn, 1844. von Gleichen, Freiherrn Wilhelm Friedrich. Abhandlung iiber die Saamen und Infusionsthierchen, und iiber die Zeugung; nebst mikroskopischen Beobachtungen des Saames der Thiere und verschiedener Infusionen. Mit 32 illuminirten Kupfertafeln. 410. Niirnberg, 1778. von Mereschkowsky, C. Studien iiber Protozoen des nordli- chen Russland. 2 Tafeln. Archiv. f mikr. Anat. Bd. XVI. 8vo. Bonn, 1879. von Siebold, C. Th., u. Stannius, H. Lehrbuch der verglei- chenden Anatomie, Band. I. Der wirbellosen Thiere, von C. Th. v. Siebold ; Band II., der Wirbelthiere. 8vo. Berlin, 18461848. Vosmaer, G. C. T. Studies on Sponges. 2 plates. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel, Bd. V., Heft. 3 und 4, p. 483. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. 2. The Sponges of the " Willem Barents" Expedition, 1880 and 1 88 1. 5 plates. Bijdrag. tot d. Dierk. uitgegeven door het Genoots. Nat. Artis Magistra. t. Amsterdam. Aflev. 12. Amsterdam, 1885. 3. Klassen und Ordnungen der Spongien. Mit 34 lithographir- ten Tafeln und 53 Holzschnitten. 8vo. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1887. Wallich, G. C., M.D., F.L.S. On an undescribed indigenous form of Amoeba, i plate. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., April, 1863. 8vo. London, 1863. 2. Further Observations on an Undescribed Indigenous Amoeba, i plate. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., May, 1863. 8vo. London, 1863. 146 3- Further Observations on Amaba villosa and other indigenous Rhizopods. i plate. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., June, 1863. 8vo. London, 1863. 4. Further Observations on the Distinctive Characters and Reproductive Phenomena of the Amoeban Rhizopods. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Nov. and Dec., 1863. Plate. 8vo. London, 1863. 5. On the value of the distinctive characters in Amoeba. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. London, 1863. 6. On the Process of Mineral Deposit in the Rhizopods and Sponges. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Jan., 1864. 8vo. London, 1864. 7. On the Extent and some of the Principal Causes of Structural Variation among the Difflugian Rhizopods. 2 plates. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., March, 1864. 8vo. London, 1864. 8. The Household of Evolution. i plate. From Pop. Set. Rev., Vol. IV., N.S. 8vo. London, 1865. 9. On Rupertia stabilis, a new sessile Foraminifer from the North Atlantic, i plate. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., June, 1877. 8vo. London, 1877. 10 Note on the Detection of Polycistina within the herme- tically-closed Cavities of Certain Nodular Flints. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., July, 1883. 8vo. London, 1883. ii. Critical Observations on Prof. Leidy's " Freshwater Rhizopods of North America," and Classification of the Rhizopods in general. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 317, 453. 8vo. London, 1885. 12. Critical Notes on Dr. Augustus Gruber's "Contributions to the Knowledge of the Amoeba" Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Sept., 1885. 8vo. London, 1885. 13. Endogenous as distinct from Exogenous Division in the Amoeban Rhizopods. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., July, 1886. 8vo. London, 1886. Webb, Woodham, M.D. On the Noctiluca miliaris, i plate. Mic.Journ., Vol. III., p. 102. 8vo. London, 1865. Weisse, Dr. J. F. Beschreibung einiger neuer Infusorien, welche in stehenden Wasser bei St. Petersburg vor- kommen. 2 Tafeln. Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. d. St. Petersb., lu 7 fev., 1845. 4 to - & Petersbourg, 1845. 2. Vierter Verzeichniss St. Petersburgischer Infusorien, nebst Beschreibung zvveier neuer Arten. i Tafel. Aus Bull. Acad. Sci. St, Petersb., Tom. VI., No. 7. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1846. 3. Erste Nachlese St. Petersburgischer Infusorien, nebst einer Bemerkung iiber die Lichtscheu der Cryptomonas curvata. Aus Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., Tom. VII., No. 20. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1848. 4. Zweite Nachlese St. Petersburgischer Infusorien. Muthmassliche Wiederauffindung von O. F. Mueller's Cercaria Catellus. Mit Holzschnitten. Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Imp. d. Sci. St. Petersb., Tom. VIIL, No. 18. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1849. 5. Dritte Nachlese St. Petersburgischer Infusorien, nebst einer Notiz iiber Infusorien-Metamorphose. Aus Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., Tom. XL, No. 5. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1850. 6. Notiz in Bezug auf Metamorphose der sogennanten polygas- trischen Infusorien. Bull. phys. math. Acad. Imp. d. Sci. St. Petersb., lu 6 Sept., 1850. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1850. 7. Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der Infusorien. Bull. phys. math, de 1'Acad. d. St. Petersb., lu 2 Dec., 1853. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1853. 8. Eine kleine Zugabe zu A. Schneider's Beitragen zur Natur- geschichte der Infusorien. i Tafel. Miiller's Archiv., 1856, p. 1 60. 8vo. Berlin, 1856. 148 9- Kinige Worte iiber vegetabilische Aufugsse und iiber die Ver- mehrungsart von Colpoda cucullus. Aus Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., Tom. XVII., No. 9, p. 29. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1858. 10. Vegetabilische Quellen von Infusorien. 9 Figuren. Melang. Biol. Bull. Acad. Imp. d. Sci. St. Petersb., 1861, p. 80. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1861. ii. Verzeichniss aller von mir in einem 30 Jahrigen Zeitraume zu St. Petersburg beobachteten Infusorien, Bacillarien, und Raderthiere. 8vo. Moskau, 1863. Werneck, Dr., and Ehrenberg, A. Kurze Betrachtung iiber die Abhandlung betitelt : " Die Grundformen der Infusorien in den Heilquellen, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber die Entwickelung derselben von Dr. S. F. Stiebel. i Tafel. Einige Bemerkungen zum vorstehenden Aufsatz. 8vo. 1841. Wierzejski, Dr. Anton, Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser- schwamme. i Tafel. Verhandl. d. K. K. Zool. Bot. Ges., Bd. XXXVIIL, p. 529. 8vo. Wien, 1888. Wille, N. Om Chrysopyxis bipes Stein og Dinobryon sertularia (Ehrb.). i Tafel. Ofvers. a. K. Vetensk-Akad. For- handl., 1882, No. 6. 8vo. Stockholm, 1882. Williamson, Prof. W. C., F.R.S. On some of the Microsco- pical Objects found in the Mud of the Levant and other Deposits, with remarks on the Mode of Formation of Calcareous and Infusorial Siliceous Rocks. Mem. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc., Vol. VIII. 4 plates. 8vo. Manchester, 1847. 2 On the Minute Structure of a Species of Faujasina. Trans. Mic. Soc. Lond., Vol. L., p. 87. 8vo. London, ^53. 3. On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. 7 plates. Ray Society. Folio. London, 1858. 149 Woodward, Anthony. Preliminary List of the Foraminifera from the Post-Pliocene Sand at Santa Barbara, Califor- nia. Journ. New York Mic. Soc., Vol. V., No. i, p. 24. 8vo. New York, 1889. Wright, E. Percival, M.A., M.D. Notes on Irish Sponges. Plate I., A List of the Species. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. X., p. 221. 8vo. Dublin, 1868. 2. Notes on Sponges, i. On Hyalonema mirabilis, Gray ; 2. On Aphrocalliste.s Bocagei, sp. n. ; 3. On a new genus and species of Deep-Sea Sponge. With 3 plates. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., Jan., 1870, p. 73. 8vo. London, 1870. 3. On a new genus and species of Sponge, with supposed Hetero- morphic Zooids. i plate. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. XXVIIL, p. 13. 410. Dublin, 1881. Wright, Joseph, F.G.S. A List of the Post-Tertiary Forami- nifera of the North-East of Ireland: Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, Vol. L, Ser. 2, Pt. 7, Append. 5, p. 149. 8vo. Belfast, 1881. 2. Sponge-remains from the Carboniferous Limestone of Ben Bulben, co. Sligo. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field CL, Vol. II., Ser. 2, Pt. i, Append. 6, p. 189. 8vo. Belfast, 1882. Wright, Joseph, F.G.S. ; and Carter, H. J., F.R.S. A List of Recent Foraminifera obtained during the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club's Excursion to South Donegal, Aug., 1880. Half plate. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, Vol. II., Ser. 2, Pt. i, Append 6, p. 179. 8vo. Belfast, 1882. Wright, R. Ramsay, M.A., B.Sc. The Systematic Position of the SpongiadcB. The Canadian Journ., Vol. XV., N.S., p. 417. 8vo. ^877. Wrisberg, Henricus Augustus, M.D. Observationum de Animalculis Infusoriis Satura quae in Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Solemni Anniversarii Consessu Premium reportavit. 2 Tab, cum 14 Fig. 8vo. Gcettingce, 1765. ISO Wrzesniowski, Prof. Dr. August. Ein Beitrag zur Ana- tomie der Infusorien. 2 Tafeln. Aus M. Schultze's Archiv. f. Mikros. Anat, Bd. V., p. 25. 8vo. Bonn, 1869. 2. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Infusorien. 3 Tafeln. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XXIX., p. 267. 8vo. Bonn, 1869. 3. Beobachtungen iiber Infusorien aus der Umgebung von Warschau. 3 Tafeln. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. XX., Heft. 4, p. 467. 8vo. Warshau, 1868. 4. Observations sur quelques Infusoires. 2 planches. Annal. d. Sci. Nat, Tom. XVI., Ser. 4, p. 327. 8vo. Paris, 1 86 1. 5 -Ueber die Contractiler Behalter der Infusorien (in Russian). 2 Tab. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1865. Zeller, Dr. Ernst. Untersuchungen iiber die Fortpflanzung und die Entwickelung der in unseren Batrachiern schmarotzenden Opalinen. 2 Tafeln. Aus d. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. XXIX., p. 352. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. Zenker, Dr. W. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Infusorien. i Tafel. Aus M. Schultze's Archiv. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. II., p. 332. 8vo. Bonn, 1866. 2. Contributions to the Natural History of the Infusoria. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sri., Vol. VIL, N.S., p. 263. 8vo. London, 1867. Zillner, Dr. Der gefarbte Schnee vom 5 Februar, 1862. Salzburg, 1862. Zittel, Karl Alfred. Ueber einige fossile Radiolarien aus der norddeutschen Kreide. i Tafel. Abdr. a. d. Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. geol. Ges. Jahrg., 1876, p. 75. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. 2. Zur Stammes-geschichte der Spongien. 4to. Miinc/icn, 1879. Zopf, Dr. Wilhelm. Zur Morphologic der Spaltpflanzen (Spaltpilze und Spaltalgen). 7 Tafeln. 4to. Leipzig, 1882. 2. Die Spaltpilze nach dem neuesten Standpunkte bearbeitet. 34 Holzschnitten. Aus d. Encyclop. d. Naturwiss. 8vo. Breslau, 1883. 3. Untersuchungen tiber Parasiten aus der Gruppe der Monadi- nen. Mit 3 Tafeln. Festschrift zu Prof. Kiitzing's 80 ten Geburtstags. 4to. Halle, 1887. /> ^ END OF VOL. I. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED BIOLOGY LIBRARY TEL NO. 642-2532 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. UNIV. OF CALIF., BERK. LD21A-6m-9,'73 (R2491slO)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY