m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID The Microscope, and Wings of Moths. Plate 1. 1. The Microscope. 2. Scales of Ghost Moth, magnified 80 diameters. 3. Scales on the under side of Ghost Moth's winp, magil. 100 diams. 4. Green Forester Moth. 5. Scales of Green Forester Moth, magd. 100 diams. 6. Scale, mag. 300 diums. 7. Six-spotted Burnet Moth. 8. Scale of Burnct Moth, magnified 420 diameters. THE MICROSCOPE, OR DESCRIPTIONS OF VARIOUS OBJECTS OF ESPECIAL INTEREST AND BEAUTY, ADAPTED FOB MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATION. WITH DIRECTIONS FOE THE ARRANGEMENT OF A MICROSCOPE, AND THE COLLECTION AND MOUNTING OF OBJECTS. BY THE HON. MES. WARD, AUTHOB OF "THB TELESCOPE." ILLUSTRATED BY THE AUTHOR'S ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. edition. LONDON: GKOOMBBIDOE AND SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW MDCCCLXX. PBISTTED BY SIMMONS & BOTTEIT, Shoe Lane, E.G. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PACK ON MICROSCOPES IN GENERAL . . 1 CHAPTER IT. THE MICROSCOPE UNPACKED 10 CHAPTER, III. COLLECTION AND MOUNTING OF OBJECTS ... .20 CHAPTER IV. STRUCTURE or INSECTS' WINGS 30 CHAPTER V. SCALES OF INSECTS AND FISII 37 CHAPTER VI. HAIRS AND FEATHERS . * . 52 M352633 IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. EYES AND OTHER OBJECTS CHAPTER VIII. VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS ........ 79 CHAPTER IX. ORGANIC REMAINS, CRYSTALS, AND ARTIFICIAL OBJECTS . . 93 CHAPTER X. THE ANIMALCULES AND OTHER MINUTE INHABITANTS or WATER 105 CHAPTER XI. THE ANIMALCULES, CONTINUED .121 CHAPTER XII. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD .... 133 PREFACE. SOME years ago, when the beautiful microscope represented in our Frontispiece was a somewhat recent possession of mine, I took much pleasure in exhibiting its wonders to my friends, at the same time explaining the objects seen. To write an illustrated account of these wonders was a step which followed. The little book, with its coloured plates, aided by minute descriptions, was intended as a substitute for the actual exhibition. My object was rather to present these wonders successively to view in the manner of a panorama, than to guide my readers to the practical use of the microscope; for, at the time when I ^rote, good microscopes were in the hands only of thf few. The case is now altered; excellent instruments, which wiL answer most purposes, can be purchased for three or four guineas, and the microscope is likely to become, as one of its exponents remarks, " the companion of every intelligent family." Therefore, in again employing pen and pencil in the service of the microscope, my object will be to unite the provinces of the Guide Book and the Panorama ; attending to the former, in the hope of making my remarks useful to those who are already in possession of a microscope, while I continue to preserve the latter namely, ihe Panoramic method selecting a few from the multitude of lovely scenes presented by the microscope, in order to attract those readers who, unversed in micro- VI PEEFACE. scopic marvels, might possibly feel repelled by a complete and lengthened treatise. The utmost care has, however, been taken to make this work strictly accurate in its statements, and exact in its pictorial representations of the objects described. /) The Author can desire no better success for the book than that its perusal may now and then induce a reader to obtain a microscope, and by its aid enjoy those realities which far surpass all pictures and descriptions. In the days of my microscopic displays, a working man came, half shily and half pleased, at the persuasions of a few of my young friends, to look through the instrument at some striking object. He gazed attentively for a moment, and then exclaimed, in considerable surprise, "It is beau- tiful but, is it true?" "Yes, my friend," (might have been the reply,) "it is true; it is itself a truth and a reality." And in this consists the charm of microscopic research. With a suitable instrument, and a little leisure time at com- mand, how happily is the observer brought face to face witi. the minuter parts of God's creation, and how easy it seems at once to enjoy and to learn. It is like visiting a rich. Kit hitherto undiscovered region like opening a page, hitherto unread, of a treasured volume. And while we explore and study, we feel a new sense of the unfailing power and infinite wisdom of the Great Creator, whose mercies are over all His works. BELLAIE, Mo ATE, IEELAIID. THE MICROSCOPE. CHAPTER I. ON MICROSCOPES IN GENERAL. MICROSCOPE a complete and beautiful instrument by Ross stands on my table. I have had it so long that it feels almost like a thing indispensable. Yet I recall the time when its purchase was decided on by a kind parent as a desirable help to the researches in which I delighted, and which I had already pursued with a good deal of diligence, aided only by a common magnifying-glass. A costly instrument was ob- tained, worthy too of its high price, from the excel- lence of its glasses, the extreme finish of all its parts, and the multitude of appliance's which accompanied it. It arrived one day from London; its mahogany box was carefully lifted from the packing-case, and tho doors were opened. And then I remember feeling somewhat disheartened ; firstly by a difficulty in finding the uses of all the bright apparatus which met my eye ; and next by the want of suitable ob- jects to examine. From various sources information 1 2 The Microscope. on these points was collected ; and to convey it in a simple manner to others is my present object. There is also another kind of information of which I was at the outset made personally independent, by the possession of an excellent microscope, chosen, indeed especially bespoken, by an unusually com- petent judge of such a matter but which I have endeavoured to obtain for the sake of others ; I mean as to what points are especially worthy of attention in the choice of a microscope, and what luxuries in its apparatus can be dispensed with, with a view to obtain a sufficiently good instrument at a low price. To convey this information, a few words on micro- scopes in general are desirable. These instruments, however various in their details, are made on just two different plans the simple and the compound. An explanation of the principle of each will presently be given ; meanwhile, it will be sufficient to state that a compound microscope has a long tube, and at least two glasses, one near each end of the tube, while the latter has no tube, and may have only one lens. Reading-glasses, hand- magnifiers, and Coddington lenses, are, in principle, simple microscopes, though that name properly belongs to those only which have a fixed stand : of this class is the smart-looking little instrument which is represented at No. 1, A, screwed on to the lid of the mahogany box, into which ifc packs nicely when not in use. The hand-magnifier, B, is the simplest of all simple microscopes : it con- sists merely of one lens, in a tortoise-shell frame, made to shut up between two other plates of the same On Microscopes in General. 3 material, like a knife- blade in its handle. Sometimes three lenses are thus arranged, and by using one or more of them at a time, the magnifying power is varied. Of this form was the " magnifying-glass " already alluded to, which the writer found very useful before possessing Ross's Microscope. The Codding- ton lens will be seen represented at woodcut No, 3, among the collector's apparatus its glass shutting up into a neat little cylindrical frame, with a short handle No. 1 A Simple Microscope. B. Hand-magnifier. to which a chain or string can be attached. This in- strument, and a good little hand-magnifier, like that shown at No. 1, B, will always be found useful ap- pendages to the watch-chain always at hand to examine objects out of doors. The Coddington lens has by far the higher power of the two, but from its requiring to be held very close to objects it cannot always be used to advantage. The rnagnifying-glass becomes a microscope when its lens (or combination 4 The Microscope. of lenses) is fixed to a stand of any kind ; and in its complete form it should have a little plate of metal, c, No. 1, called the stage, on which the objects are placed; a mirror, d, to throw light on the objects from below ; and a condensing lens, e, for the illumination of objects from above. Probably there will be a screw head fixed to rackwork for bringing the lens to the correct distance required for showing the object clearly. There will also be various useful pieces, of apparatus, as a pair of forceps, a box for holding minute live things, some slips of glass, etc. And there will be two or three different lenses, which can be used either separately or screwed together, giving good variety of magnifying power. The lowest power of such a microscope would show the " earwig's wing" slightly larger than at fig. 2, Plate II., and the highest might nearly reach the magnifying power shown at fig. 9 in the same Plate. Even a higher degree of magnifying is attained by an ingenious combination of lenses; but the performance of even the best of these Jiigli powers of the simple microscope is unsatisfactory, compared to the corresponding power of the compound microscope ; and for still greater magnifying the latter instrument alone supplies our need. The difference between its principle and that of the simple microscope should now be explained. In the simple microscope we look directly at the object, with the lens close to the eye ; but in the compound microscope we use the lens to look, not at the object, but at an image formed ly another lens placed furthest from our eye, and next to the object ; that image is On Microscopes in General. 6 formed (as it were, in the air,} between the two lenses. It is already larger than the object, and is further magnified by the upper lens. A very great increase to the magnifying power is thus obtained, but to ob- tain it with perfect clearness, and with freedom from various drawbacks and inconveniences, has long exercised the cleverness of opticians. The combina- tion of lenses next the object, called ' ' the object- glass," requires great care and trouble in its construc- tion. The proper length for the tube, and due form for the upper set of lenses (or " eye-glass ") also demand much attention ; but this care and attention have not been bestowed in vain, as great excellence has been attained. Compound microscopes bear a general resem- blance to each other in external appearance, (see fig. 1, Plate I.,) yet a distinction may be made among them into two principal classes; namely, the large, substantial, and complete instruments, in which perfec- tion has been the aim, and the smaller and lighter ones, which have been made with a view to cheapness, although no trouble has been spared to render them as good as possible for the price. And for full information about various simple and compound microscopes, with most interesting details about their principle and con- struction, I would refer the reader to Dr. Carpenter's valuable book, " The Microscope and its Revelations." While studying the opening chapters of that work, the reader feels as if visiting the establishments of various opticians, at home and abroad, arm-in-arm with an ever ready exponent of every point of interest 6 The Microscope. connected with the microscope,, free from the bewilder- ment and fatigue which would doubtless attend an actual inspection of a number of instruments. The intending purchaser of a microscope, if limited as to price, should at least take care that the micro- scope shows objects clearly, and is perfectly achro- matic, that is, without those fringes of rainbow colours always seen surrounding objects in inferior microscopes. It should also be constructed to lean backward, (see fig. 1, frontispiece,) as being far less fatiguing to the observer than the upright position. It should have at least two different degrees of magnifying, and one of these should be of low power, with large field of view, for the purpose of showing as much as possible of an object at once. These, with the condensing lens and mirror, to throw light on or through objects, are the things indispen- sable. Among the luxuries are screws for moving the stage back and forward, and from side to side ; apparatus for exhibiting the beautiful effects of what is called "the polarization of light," and several additional magnifying powers. An observer with some prospect of leisure, and likely to use the micro- scope a good deal, might do well to purchase an instrument to which additions could be made from time to time. The object-glasses are the most ex- pensive part of the microscope, and the purchase of an additional one therefore adds a good deal to the total cost.* * The object-glasses supplied with microscopes are generally known as the "two-inch" power, the "quarter-inch," etc. These On Microscopes in General. 1 While describing the different kinds of microscope, a few words should be said on the binocular micro- scope, and the solar and oxy -hydrogen microscopes. The binocular microscope (No. 2) is an ingenious application of the principle of the stereoscope to the compound microscope. Some objects are extremely well suited to this mode of observation, and some details which appear confused and unmeaning when viewed with only one eye, appear to assume form and solidity in the binocular instrument. The solar microscope is pronounced in an excel- lent article, published more than twenty years ago in the " Penny Cyclopaedia," to be nearly superseded by the oxy-hydrogen instrument. The principle is the same in both ; the rays from the sun or from the brilliant artificial light are thrown on the object, and then through a kind of simple microscope to a large names were originally given to convey an idea of the performance of the compound microscope, as compared with that of the simple (see Quekett on the Microscope, chap, ii.) It may be useful to state the powers of each of the object-glasses with the lowest eye-piece of the microscope used in this work. It will give a general idea of the powers of object-glasses, but as these vary slightly in each microscope, the purchaser of an instrument should always obtain a table of its powers. Lowest eye-glass and two-inch object-glass 20 diameters. Ditto, and one-inch object-glass 60 Ditto, and halt-inch object-glass 100 Ditto, and quarter-inch object-glass 200 Ditto, and one-eighth of an inch object-glass ... 420 The expression "diameters " will be found explained at page 31. The two other eye-glasses supply intermediate powers, and the follow- ing higher powers, 670,900. 8 The Microscope. screen placed at a considerable distance. These in- struments cannot be said really to magnify as much as the compound microscope. The farther the screen is removed, the larger will be the image, but it will be at the expense of its light and clearness; this sort No. 2. Binocular Microscope. of instrument is not intended for the purposes of in- vestigation, but rather as an amusing and instructive exhibition. The oxy-hydrogen microscope, though cumbrous On Microscopes in General. 9 in its appliances, works of course at the pleasure of the exhibitor : that light shines when wanted ; far different is the case with the solar instrument, at least in this climate ! It screws into a hole in a window shutter, waiting for the sunshine that often fails to come. A microscope of this sort was the first ever shown to the writer, who afterwards became its owner, and recalls to mind the exceeding interest with which parties of young people would look together at the objects, imaged in gigantic propor- tions, the grief they evinced when the light suddenly faded, and the good humour with which they con- sented to watch the picture of the drifting clouds, thrown camera-obscura-wise on the screen by removing part of the machine. Then how often even this faded away, rain came on, and the exhi- bition closed abruptly. It was at the time a dis- appointment ; but led, I believe, to my trying to draw microscope pictures less transient than those on the screen, and to address a larger number than I could well have assembled around the old solar microscope. 10 The Microscope. CHAPTER II. THE MICKOSCOPE UNPACKED. IT it now be supposed, reader,, that you have chosen your microscope, either from a careful study of books, or by the advice of some friend "good at need," and have com- menced to unpack it. You will probably find the tube and the stand detached; the eye-glasses, or the single eye-glass, arranged in the case, and the object-glasses put by into little brass boxes. "You take out the stand, and place it on your table. Some microscopes have a tall case, capable of holding the microscope ready for use, with the tube attached to the stand. Should yours not be thus arranged, you will screw on the tube ; but you had better put on the object-glass first, as there is a kind of ' ' knack " in making it screw on, and an object-glass might easily be injured by letting it fall. Choose the object-glass of lowest power, as easiest to work with ; you will know it by looking at any small object or piece of printing through it, as it will show this less magnified than the other object-glass or glasses. You place the eye-glass in the upper end of the tube, if it is not already there. Is the microscope now ready for looking at an The Microscope Unpacked. 11 object ? Not quite; we must arrange for throwing light on the object, for that is a great and important part of the microscopist's craft. You cannot carry the small objects you examine close to the lamp, to examine their surfaces, or hold them between your eyes and the light with a view of seeing their interior structure; but you can bring the light down upon them with what is called the " bull's-eye," or conden- sing lens, (Plate I., fig. 1, C,) or you can send light through them with a mirror (B). You will find both packed somewhere, the condensing lens perhaps fit- ting into the case, and the mirror perhaps already attached to the stand. Daylight or lamplight are both suitable for the use of the microscope, but many an observer finds evening hours to be the only leisure time. Fortunately the observation of objects by lamplight is particularly pleasant and satisfactory. Were I asked to give an opinion as to the preferable light of the two, I would say, daylight for some sorts of investigation, as, for instance, for ascertaining the exact colours of objects; but lamplight, unquestion- ably, for exhibition. Do not use a candle, it flickers so unpleasantly, and its height changes as it burns down ; use a lamp, a small paraffine or other lamp about the same size will answer very well. For illuminating opaque objects, you should raise the lamp on a box, or something of the kind. Try what a bright little focus of light you can make with the bulFs-eye lens on a scrap of paper. It will be easier at first to manage by leaving the microscope in its upright position than 12 The Microscope. by bending it backward. Now for an object,, some- thing fresh, bright, and effective a little flower, a blade of grass, or a frond of fern. If London-pride be in bloom, you cannot do better than place one of its flowers on the stage, or in the pair of forceps which probably accompanies the microscope. See that the light is properly condensed upon it, then look into the tube ! You will see, perhaps, something very white and brilliant, but very indistinct, and placed uncomfortably awry in the field of view ; move the object a little till it is nicely in the centre, and turn the screws which raise and lower the tube, till the little blossom suddenly shows itself like some superb hot-house flower. If you move it slightly, while viewing it through the microscope, you will find that it is inverted shown upside down ; this is the case in all compound microscopes, but you soon become accustomed to it. Now for an attempt with the transmitted light, (that is from the mirror B.) The thickness of the London-pride flower will prevent its being viewed in this way ; try a blade of grass, and before changing the mode of illumination, view it as you have just viewed the flower, for that is one comfort in lamplight, you can so easily put successive objects in the bright little focus of light, and there they are at once, visible in the field of view. Thus you can quickly show the blade of grass as an opaque object, lowering the tube a little till you see it clearly like some rich fabric woven of green and silver, with occasional stripes of plain green, ornamented with lines of long, glassy, colourless beads, and brist- The Microscope Unpacked. 13 ling at each edge with saw-like teeth. Now take away the bull's-eye lens, place the lamp somewhere near the mirror, and move the latter about till you see the light gleaming brightly upward through the blade of grass. You prepare to look at it, but per- haps are dazzled by the lamplight. If the mirror has two sides, one will be concave, the other plane, and the latter will perhaps suit best with a low power ; or you may moderate the glare from the concave side by turning the " diaphragm- plate " (see p. 16), or by placing a piece of tracing paper under the object. When all is rightly arranged, you will see the grass, a rich green fabric still, but altered. The long trans- parent beads have disappeared ; the plain green lines are now the brightest part of the object, in conse- quence of their being the thinnest. The central rib is nearly black, from its real thickness. The saws at the edge stand out vividly on the bright back-ground, and the whole blade shows a sort of cellular struc- ture, which you would like to see made still larger. If you have a second eye-glass, you may substitute it for the one already in use, and thus gain a higher power, but in many cases you will not find this so satisfactory a method as that of changing the object- glass, while the eye-glass remains undisturbed. Should the object-glass now applied be one of some- what high power, you will find that, alter the screws as you will, you cannot get the whole of the blade of grass sharp and distinct ; that is caused by its want of flatness, and is often an indication that you are em- ploying an unsuitably high magnifier ; if, however, 14 Tlie Microscope. you cannot ascertain what you want with the lower power, you must be content to see but a small portion of the object clearly "in focus/' and cultivate the habit of disregarding the rest. The beginner will not probably succeed in finding anything nearly so well suited for observation with the high object-glasses as some of the beautiful micro- scopic preparations supplied by opticians. In these, the object is placed on the centre of a slip of glass, measuring three inches by one, and covered by a little piece of thin glass manufactured for the express pur- pose, and securely joined to the thicker slip. You will do well to have a few of these at hand, both to assist you in learning the use of your microscope, and because if you wish to prepare objects for yourself, the ready-made ones will show you what your own work ought to resemble. A single scale of a moth, like that at fig. 8, Plate I., would be suitable for looking at with a powerful object-glass; and a small group of such scales will easily be procured. Let the microscope incline backward to whatever height is most convenient as you sit at your table. Arrange the light properly,* and place the slide upon the stage the slide, I should explain, means the slip of glass with its pre- pared object. There will be some sort of ledge on purpose to support it in the inclined position of the microscope. Find the object's place while the least * A very complete article on the illumination of objects will be found in the " Intellectual Observer," for January, 18G3. Its title is " The Eye and the Microscope," by H. J. Slack, Esq. The Microscope Unpacked. 15 powerful magnifier is still attached to the tube, and getting it into the centre of the field, take off the object-glass of low power and substitute the higher one. Look in all is hazy, because the increased power requires the tube to be lowered. But lower it carefully, or you may presently find your object-glass and slide meet with a crash, resulting in the breakage of one or both. It is well to do this screwing- down with the eye removed from the tube, and steadily fixed on the object itself; look edgewise, and screw downward till the object-glass and object nearly touch, then place your eye to the eye-glass, slowly reverse the movement of your hand, and the object will start into clearness when at the proper dis- tance ; and if there is an additional screw for what is called the " fine adjustment," you can perhaps gain further exactness in the focus. With a little practice you will soon estimate the proper distance for each object-glass; and you will also find it tolerably easy to find the object, even without first getting it to the centre of the field with the help of a lower power ; you may move the slide somewhat rapidly about with your hands till the object glances across the field, then lay it on the ledge, reverse the motion which inadvertently whisked it away, and you will soon see it coming back into the field of view. " Which eye shall I shut ?" is not an unfrequent question of persons to whom a microscope is shown. Neither, is the answer in which all practised observers seem to agree. Keep open the unemployed eye, and 16 The Microscope. for this good reason, that the doing so will go far to prevent injury to your sight. You will perhaps find it easier to do this by making a card-board shade to slip on to the top of the tube ; you can shape it by cutting off its corners, and it will be well to cover it with black cloth or velvet. To the rule of keeping both eyes open, Dr. Carpenter adds another, namely, that of not continuing to observe any longer than you can do so without fatigue ; and he reports in his own case an entire freedom from any injury to his eyes, after twenty-five years of microscopic study. I can add a somewhat similar testimony to the safety to eye-sight of (at least occasional) microscopic occupa- tion, for I cannot remember ever to have felt my eyes in the slightest degree fatigued (much less injured) by the microscope. But to return to our unpacking of the instrument. You will find, besides the apparatus now explained, a few other things. There will be the " diaphragm," a metal plate perforated with three or four holes of different sizes, and constructed to turn on a pivot, for the purpose of modifying the light from the mirror, or shutting it out altogether when an opaque object is examined. There may also be, packed into the box, two or more bright little concave mirrors, called Lie- berkuhns (from the inventor's name), and intended for the illumination of opaque objects. They fit on to the object-glasses, collect light from the mirror below, and bend it down on the object. A little black cell, to fit somewhere below the stage, is sometimes sup- plied with them, to cut off direct light from the mirror. The Microscope Unpacked. 17 If you have not this, a round scrap of black velvet or paper gummed under the slide, will answer the same purpose. Then there will be " stage -forceps/' very useful for holding flowers and similar objects for examina- tion with the lower powers ; and a " live-box," other- wise called an " animalcule-cage/' which you will see represented at No. 3, close to the little bottle ; it con- sists of two pieces of glass in brass fittings, between which small water-animals can be placed in a drop of water, the drop flattened out till the glasses nearly touch. The upper glass being always very thin, stands in particular danger of being broken ; a grain of sand or some hard little piece of root in the en- closed drop of water will often cause it to crack across ; but this need not much disconcert the ob- server, as one of the circular pieces of thin glass, generally sent with a microscope for mounting objects, will be likely to fit the live-box, and fastened in with sealing-wax varnish, or some such cement, will replace the broken glass, and make all right again. If you have any more apparatus requiring explana- tion, I must refer you to the work of Dr. Carpenter, and that of Mr. Quekett,* from which latter I received much help when beginning to use the microscope. A few words should be said about the care of the microscope. It should always be put by when not in actual use. Little specks of dust on the glasses are so annoying, that the instrument should be protected * " Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope." Bailliere, London. 2 18 The Microscope. from them as much as possible. You should either replace every part of the instrument in the case, or a far more agreeable plan have a glass shade which will cover the microscope and its accessories, and under which they may be quickly placed, and in doing this the glasses themselves should never be touched by the fingers. With all precautions, however, the observer may find that the glasses do require cleaning. An old or borrowed instrument may come into your hands, with an evident indistinctness in its performance. If the defect consists of a general paleness in the image, this indicates that the object-glass requires cleaning ; while large dark blots tell of dust on the eye-glass, and you can prove it by seeing whether they move when you turn the eye-glass round. You should proceed as carefully as possible about the cleaning. Firstly, dust the surface with a soft camel's-hair brush to remove loose particles, then wipe the glass with either a very soft piece of leather or silk handkerchief, and keep it for that use only, shut up in a little box. You had best unscrew as little as possible, and replace each lens as soon as clean, lest you might forget its proper position. Dust inside the object-glasses is difficult to reach, but by holding the open end of the object-glass down- wards, the camel's-hair brush generally removes it, or a small pointed bit of wood may be required for press- ing a piece of soft leather to clean near the edges of the lens. But all this must be as gentle as possible, and not to be done where it can be avoided. " Hard TJie Microscope Unpacked. 19 as the materials are (I quote from the Rev. T. W. Webb's book on the Telescope), scratching is an easy process ; and the result of ordinary wiping may be seen in an old spectacle-glass held in the sunshine/' completely covered with scratches; surely the most valuable part of a good microscope deserves better treatment. 20 The Microscope. CHAPTER HI. COLLECTION AND MOUNTING OP OBJECTS. |ND now let us discourse about objects for the microscope. I hope the reader, by inspect- ing the plates, and reading the descriptions which follow these preliminary chapters, will find some objects easy both of attainment and preparation. The collector of objects for the microscope will most probably have a bias in favour of some particular branch of Natural History. Entomology was my favourite pursuit, and this will account for the promi- nent place occupied in these pages by specimens taken from the insect world. Some observers may feel in- clined rather to devote attention to other departments of nature, to which I have made but scanty allusion ; my advice to each would be, collect as much as you can of the things you like best, and learn how to see and study them all independent research, especially where you note down, and if possible, draw what you see,* is interesting, and may prove to be valuable. * A camera-lucida is supplied, or an old one can be arranged, to fit on to the eye-piece of the microscope, and enable the observer to see at once the magnified image of the object, and a sheet of paper on which, to trace its outline. When the first difficulty in using it is mastered, it affords a valuable help in obtaining faithful drawings of objects. Collection and Mounting of Objects. 21 But, besides the class of objects which may happen to be especially interesting to you, you will also like to have a tolerable variety of miscellaneous things ; and the collection of these will give interest to many a country ramble. In summer, especially, both land and water abound in wonders for the microscope , you will soon almost instinctively secure the minute lichen, the delicate frond of fern, the floating thistle-down, with a view to its subsequent inspection ; and every pond will yield a rich supply both from the animal and vegetable world. No. 3 represents a group of implements suitable to a fisher for the microscope. Observe the little wide- mouthed bottle to carry your treasures, the long stick, to which a muslin net, a spoon, or a small cut- ting hook can be screwed the latter being intended for obtaining pieces of water- weed, to which several microscopic plants and animals will be found adhering, and a live-box, which, with the Coddington lens, will be useful in enabling you to see on the spot what kind of success has attended you. Also the collector will probably ere long set up a box of odds and ends, which may come in usefully. It will look somewhat like the collection of things which the skilful fly-fisher gets together ; and a description of it might suggest the contents of the witches' caldron to the reader's memory. For instance, hairs from valuable skins, as those of the tiger, lion, etc., fishes' eyes, remarkable feathers, scraps of eel's and sole's skin, and sundry cast-on 7 entomological specimens, which most collec- tors of insects have to spare. 22 The Microscope. These remarks may sufficiently suggest the methods by which the objects described in this book were got together ; for it may be well to mention that I had the pleasure of preparing nearly all of them, as well as of drawing and describing them. I can therefore add from experience a few hints about what is called the " mounting " of microscopic objects, that is, of making preparations on glass slides similar to those supplied by opticians. Many things are fit to look at, especially with the lower powers of the microscope. No. 3. Group of implements for the collector. by merely placing them on the stage, or holding them in the forceps ; some should be put into the live- box; but the glass slide is perhaps the plan most frequently applicable, as a satisfactory way of pre- serving the object, and because the thin glass cover placed over it tends to produce flatness. I have already advised that you should examine some slides supplied by an optician. If you do so, it will soon strike you that all are not prepared in the same mode. Some have on the centre a little raised Collection and Mounting of Oljects. 23 cell of glass, or of some black composition, surround- ing the object, filled with some oil or fluid, and covered with a thin glass ; some appear to have the object merely placed on the slide and covered with the thin glass; while in a great number you will notice a peculiar clearness, as though they were incorporated with the substance of the slide itself. These three modes are known as mounting in fluid, mounting dry, and mounting in Canada balsam. The first mode is suitable for various soft and delicate structures, which require to be kept in a moistened state : it so happens that I have but seldom practised it; full directions, however, occupying some pages, will be found in Dr. Carpenter's and in other works. The best plan for mounting objects in the dry method appears to be this : Take the object, for instance, the insect's wing on Plate II., fig. 2, after you have succeeded in spreading it with water and a camel' s-hair brush on a piece of glass, and have care- fully removed it when quite dry. Place it on the centre of the slide, and lay over it a little square or round piece of thin glass ; hold this steadily down, and a,pply some thick gold-size neatly round its edges. This will fix on the cover, and can be after- wards neatly trimmed, and a piece of coloured paper with a round hole in the centre, pasted over the slide to preserve the edges of the cover from injury. The reason for using gold-size, instead of paste or gum- water, is that the slight moisture caused by the last- mentioned cements causes a kind of fungus or mould- like plant to grow on and around the object, and 24. The Microscope. disfigure it. I employed gain, however, in preparing several of my favourite slides, so small a quantity being used that but little harm followed. Probably, all preparers of microscopic objects have ways of their own, and this was mine: The first thing to pre- pare was the coloured paper cover ; and I invariably use emerald green paper, that I may recognize my own slides at a glance. Taking a sheet of this paper (to be had at any fancy stationer's), I make, with a pair of compasses, a number of those charming little concen- No. 4. Method of Mounting Objects. trie rings which are shown at No. 4, a. To cut up the paper into little pieces like a, about an inch and a half wide, and somewhat more than an inch high, and to cut out the central circles, are pleasant and easy tasks for spare moments. I generally make a great number, and leave the centres purposely of various sizes. When about to mount some objects and, as must have been often observed in similar occupations, it is almost as easy to mount ten specimens, when one Collection and Mounting of Objects. 25 sets about it as only one I pick out thin glass covers of corresponding sizes, each slightly larger than the circle which it is to fit ; these I make per- fectly bright and clean by rubbing with a soft hand- kerchief. Then I lay the little papers white side up, and putting some gum thinly round the aperture, lay the cover on it, 6, and leave it to dry, endeavouring to put it out of the way of dust. When it is dry (and we know how quickly a thin coat of gum dries, as in an adhesive envelope if we want for any reason to open one which we have lately closed), I get the slide ready to have the object placed upon it, by first making it as bright as possible, and then placing an ink spot on the under surface of it to mark its centre, and of course to be afterwards rubbed off. If I wish the preparation to look very smart and precise, I rapidly rule ink lines from the opposite corners, know- ing their crossing-point will be the exact middle of the slide, c. Just over that, on the upper surface, I lay the insect's wing ; then painting a little gum near the edges of the paper, 6, I lay it down over the wing, looking to see that the circle frames the object cen- trally, then I press it down, and lastly trim the projecting edges of green paper with a pair of scissors. If I feel it at all possible that I could forget the name of the specimen, I write it in a temporary way in ink somewhere on the glass ; but ultimately, (namely, when I have a number of slides ready,) I place neatly upon the slide, d, two little cut-out green labels, (" to make the balance true,'') the right-hand one with the name of the object, the left with the mag- 26 The Microscope. nifying power and the mode of illumination which suit it, the latter particulars being given in some easily understood abbreviations. The Canada balsam method involves more diffi- culty, and is most fully described both by Dr. Carpenter and Mr. Quekett, as well as in almost all works on the microscope. The balsam (which is a very pure turpentine) is placed warm on the slide, and the object is completely immersed in it. The glass cover is then put on, and in time, some- times in a few hours, the balsam becomes quite hard, and the object remains fixed 'and bright, as a fly in amber. This method of mounting has many advan- tages : it adds greatly to the transparency of objects, thus allowing the details of their structure to be clearly seen, and it preserves them better than the dry method. Being a very " sticky " substance, it should be used in a careful and methodical manner. It ought to be kept in a wide-mouthed bottle, with a tall hollow stopper, like the bottles for gum, but instead of a brush there should be a glass rod, not fastened to the stopper, but projecting into it, while its lower end stands in the balsam. With this rod a single drop of the balsam is neatly placed on the slide, which is held over a spirit-lamp or laid on a tin vessel filled with boiling water. The great difficulty about mounting in balsam consists in the trouble caused by air-bubbles appearing in it. When the drop is placed on the slide, a few of these bubbles may appear, but presently burst from the warmth; but no sooner is the object well sunk into it than a host of small bubbles Collection and Mounting of Objects. 27 ooze out in all directions ; then more warming is done, and sometimes with success ; the thin glass is gently pressed down over the object all which is detailed in the works to which I have already referred. I have always used, instead of a lamp or hot-water tin, a night-light for warming the slide ; and I have found it necessary to pass the latter from end to end over the flame, as unequal heating would make it crack across. I sometimes found the air-bubbles dispelled by a drop of spirit of turpentine, but its introduction was generally accompanied by a great spreading of the balsam, and considerable stickiness about the whole affair; however, benzine, ether, or spirit of turpentine itself can be used to clean the slides that have suffered. The slides, when finished, so far as the placing of the thin glass over the objects, must be left to cool gradually, and then allowed to harden for some days, if in a warm place so much the better ; and after that the superfluous balsam can be scraped away, and the slide cleaned with a rag soaked in benzine or turpentine. I generally cover the objects so prepared with green papers, similar to those for the dry objects; sometimes, however, I leave them plain, with a view to employing the tf Lie- berkuhns" already described, which require light to be transmitted around the object. For the same reason I sometimes leave the paper which fastens on the thin glass in "dry" mounting merely large enough to answer the purpose, or make the aperture very large, employing as broad a piece of thin glass as I can find to cover the object. It is usual to write the. 28 The Microscope. name of the preparation with a diamond on the glass ; I prefer the little green labels, however, as they help to make the slide easily seen on a table, and I put these on, even if no other piece of green paper is admissible. Many objects require special preparation, as flat- tening out, cleaning in ether, etc., before they are placed in the balsam. Some should be immersed for some days in caustic potash, which makes them soft and yielding; and all are rendered more manageable by leaving them awhile to soak in spirit of turpentine before placing them in the balsam. Some prepara- tions will look badly, and even show air-bubbles when first done, and yet some months later, from their more complete hardening perhaps, be found free from de- fects. For this reason it is often worth while to keep apparent failures, consigning them to temporary obli- vion, but scribbling upon them in ink any particulars worth recording. Slides, however, which are evidently hopeless failures can always be cleaned in spirits of turpentine, or in wood-naphtha, which dissolves the balsam very rapidly; and even the thin glasses can again be made available. Turpentine which has been used for cleaning purposes must not be employed in making new slides. And in all plans of mounting it is wise to work methodically, and have all requisites neatly arranged, or various odd matters may show themselves in the field of view with the object, such as fibres of wool, cotton, and flax from table covers and clothes; fibres of feathers from cushions, scales of clothes- moths, etc. Collection and Mounting of Objects. 29 And now, reader, for further information about microscopic objects I refer you to the coloured plates and the woodcuts which follow, and to my descriptions of them. The plan employed in their arrangement is this : we first go through a set of prepared objects, which could be shown on a winter evening, or at any time, and then we have an account of a summer enter- tainment, with the wonders to be observed in the structure of living things. The coloured plates are all from my drawings, but for most of the illustrations of animalcules I am indebted to two or three experienced microscopists, as I have never systematically studied this class of objects, although I have repeatedly examined all to which I allude in these pages. For the guidance of those who prepare their own microscopic objects, as all will do who possess and really value a microscope, I give a list of the objects in my plates which are mounted in balsam. It will be understood that those not included in this list are mounted in the dry method. Plate II., fig. 1, d, figs. 8, 9 ; Plate I., fig. 8 ; Plate IV., figs. 2, 3 ; Plate V., figs. 1, 2, 3 ; Plate VI., figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10; Plate VII., fig. 10, 30 The Microscope. CHAPTER IV. [HE prettily-rounded wing occupying a central position (fig. 2) at the top of Plate II., is that of an earwig. If you feel surprised, reader, to hear that this rather unpopular creature possesses a pair of lovely rainbow-tinted wings, I must tell you that iny wonder was at least equal to yours when I first succeeded in spreading them out, as in fig. 3. But, in fact, there are few insects without wings. The wings of moths and butterflies, of flies, bees, and wasps, and of the dragon-flies, so common every summer, are easily seen ; but an almost equal variety of insects possess concealed wings, folded up beneath wing cases. And these wings are generally very beautiful and delicate, often showing rainbow colours just as a soap bubble does, in consequence of their extreme thinness ; yet so well are they protected by the wing cases that they remain uninjured while their owner plunges into water, or gropes his way through the ground. Observe into how small a com- pass the delicate wing of the earwig can fold. Fig. 1, , represents it when fully opened. At fig. 2, 6, you see it closing like a fan. Fig. c shows the two ".Yiugs of Insects. Plate -3. I: 1. Wing of Earwig, shewing its method of folding up. 2. Wing of Earwig, magnified 4 diameters. 8. Earwig flying, natural size. 4. Wing of Whirligig-beetle, magnified 5 diameters. 5. The same, natural size. . Minute portion of Beetle's wing, magnified 420 diameters. 7. Wasp's wing, folded. 8. Wasp's wings, hooked together, magnified 3 diameters. 9. Hooks on Wasp's wing, magnified 60 diameters. Structure of Insects' Wings. 31 bends which it then takes ; and at d, how tidily it is packed ready to lay along the insect's back ! But let us pause before we hurry it thus out of sight, and turn again to its pictured representation, fig. 2, as shown through a small magnifying-glass. The wing should be held somewhat obliquely to the light, and then the lovely colours, green, blue, red, and golden, gleam with a soft radiance. Do you ask the reason why we examine this wing simply with a magnifying-glass, instead of with the large microscope? It is because, taking the entire wing, it is rather too large an object to be shown at once. The lowest power of my microscope is twenty diameters, and this object, you see, measures three- eighths of an inch in width, so that if magnified to twenty times that diameter, it would be shown a length of seven inches and a-half, and, turn it as you might, could not be fitted into a page of this book. And here, perhaps, the question may arise, " Is fig. 2 only four times larger than fig. 1, a t" The answer is, it is four times its diameter, and this is the measure employed in works on the microscope, and called the " linear measure." It signifies that the object, when stated to be, as in the present instance, ( ' magnified four diameters," appears four times the height and four times the breadth that the unassisted eye observes it. The representation of the wing at fig. 2, takes up sixteen times the space occupied by fig. 1, a; and that statement of the amount to which it is magnified is called the " superficial measure," or measure of the surface, and can always be calculated by squaring the 32 The Microscope. linear measure. Thus the wing represented at fig. 4, being magnified five diameters, is magnified twenty- five times by superficial measure, and the object repre- sented at fig. 6, and described as being magnified 420 diameters, occupies a hundred and seventy-six thou- sand four hundred times more space than that of the minute structure itself. But the " linear measure" is in every way the best and most convenient method of stating the magnifying power employed. The observer, after examining such an object as this earwig's wing with a magnifyiug-glass, will do well to submit it next to the lowest power of the com- pound microscope, when probably some minute details may appear demanding still further magnifying. A power of a hundred diameters in a good microscope is one which exhibits a great deal. The little folded wing, fig. 1, d, is nicely shown with it ; its nineteen folds may be seen squarely and neatly laid over each other ; you reckon them as a shopman does the yards of silk in a folded piece. Then, see the wing itself with this power, you find it covered with very minuto round marks, and fringed round with fine hairs. Beetles do not fold up their wings into so small a compass as those of the earwig, and accordingly tho strong ribs or nervures are differently arranged. No. 5 represents the folded-up wing of the whirligig beetle (Gyrinus natator], a little water-insect, remarkable for its habit of whirling round on the surface of ponds and brooks.* This wing, when expanded, appears as in fig. 4, Plate II. With this low magnifying power * A figure of this beetle will be found in Chapter VII. Structure of Insects' Wings. 33 we can detect on its surface some pattern or graining of wonderful delicacy and minuteness. To examine this, we apply one of the high powers of the micro- scope, attending, however, to the rule, to use the lowest with which we can clearly see what we require. How exquisite, how delicately finished is the appear- ance of this little wing. An artist's eye looks with pleasure on the bold curves and rich brown colour of the large nervures, and the beautiful regularity of the No. 5. Folded Wing of Whirligig Beetle, magnified 15 diameters. smaller markings. These prove to consist of tens of thousands of delicate hairs, while the wing is edged with somewhat longer ones. I have drawn a very small portion of the wing magnified 420 diameters. Were I to represent the entire wing on this scale, I must make it more than ten feet long ; yet it is orna- mented with the same beautiful regularity over the whole surface. Will you look, reader, at the real size of the wing, and judge what must be the minuteness of its delicate adornment ? G 34 The Microscope. In the wasp's wings, represented at fig. 8, we have to admire their evident adaptation to the in- sect's mode of life, as well as their beauty. They are not so carefully stowed away as those of the earwig or beetle, as it wants to fly so much more frequently. Yet wasps often go into the ground and bees (whose wings much resemble those of wasps) creep into very small flowers therefore a pair of large broad wings would be in their way. The contrivance they are supplied with is very curious. They have four wings, two on each side, and the upper wings fold once, lengthwise (fig. 7), when the insect walks, but when it prepares to fly, it straightens this wing by the act of raising it, and the same action hooks the lower wing to it firmly, giving it all the force of a single broad wing. Fig. 8 represents the two wings thus joined, and slightly magnified. To show the minute hooks which are on the top edge of the lower wing (fig. 9, A,) I must take my specimen in which the wings are pre- pared separated from each other, and will magnify them sixty diameters. The part of the wing on which the hooks are placed is very small, not more than one-twentieth of an inch in length. They clasp firmly over a projecting ledge on the upper wing (fig. 9, B). This is best understood by observing a preparation (as in fig. 8), where the wings are mounted ready clasped, and examining them on both sides. The dragon-fly's wings, which never require to be folded up or reduced in size, are formed for strength and lightness, and evidently for beauty too. The Structure of Insects' Wings. 35 wings of the small dragon-flies, so common through the greater part of summer, with bright blue, or oftener red, bodies, are beautifully transparent, con- sisting of a delicate membrane, stretched, as it were, to a sort of ornamental network. Another dragon-fly, rather larger, and with a metallic-looking bluish green body, has more minute divisions in its wings, and in each wing a brownish patch of shading, producing a very soft appearance. It has not the little black spot seen in the smaller species ; it seems as if that orna- ment would not be in keeping with its softer shades. But the wing which I have always thought the most curious in my collection is that of a little beetle, so small as to possess (so far as I know) no popular name, but which in learned language, boasts an ap- pellation of no less than nine syllables "Trichop- teryx atomaria." It is a very lively, active little creature, common under moss in spring ; and is to be observed like the larger insects coming forth in the summer sunshine, and taking short but energetic flights. Its wings are unusually narrow, and each fringed with hairs half the length of the wing itself. This long fringe surrounds it except in two places at the centre, where the wing doubles up so as to allow it to fold easily ; here it is replaced by short hairs. I have a slide, showing the folded wing and its case prepared side by side, and I can see that there is a sharply- creased " plait " or " tuck " in this central part, which shortens the narrow shaft of the wing ; then the point of this shaft is doubled up, then another fold stows all away neatly, and all the longer 36 The Microscope. Lairs point nicely downward; while the little wing occupies less space than the wing-case which is to cover it. The hairs on this wing require minute examina- tion. With even so high a power as 100 diameters, we fail to make them out ; but a power of 200 shows them to be each fringed again like a feather, and the same power shows that at the base of each of the little wing-cases, which measure at their broadest part only one sixty-second of an inch, there is a delicate little comb formed with beautiful regularity, and having (as I ascertained with the highest power of my microscope*) one hundred and twenty teeth ! I imagine its use may be to remove all particles of dust from the long feathery wings before the wing- cases close over them. The thinly-scattered strong bristles on the wing-case contrast with the regular appearance of the tiny comb. * 900 diameters. It may interest the reader to hear that Mr. Spence, the late celebrated entomologist, in acknowledging an account which I sent to him of some of the above objects, wrote, " I was especially pleased with the figure and description of the comb-like appendage to the elytra [wing-cases] of the minute beetle, so admirably figured, of the existence of which appendage I was not at all aware, never having examined this species with a powerful lens." Scales of Insects and Fish. 37 CHAPTER V. SCALES OP INSECTS AND FISH. | HE wings of moths and butterflies are actually very like those of flies and wasps, etc. They are thin and transparent in themselves, but covered on both sides with beautiful scales, laid in rows like the feathers on a bird, each row, in the generality of specimens, overlapping a portion of the next, so as to give to their surface, when sufficiently magnified, very much the appearance of being tiled like the roof of a house. Each scale has a small foot- stalk, (Plate I., fig. 8, and Plate III., fig. 10,) which fits into a minute socket on the transparent membrane of the wing. The arrangement of the minute sockets is well shown by making a preparation of a butterfly's wing nearly divested of its scales. A good deal of washing and rubbing will be found necessary to remove them, and then the object is one from which, when dry, mounted on a slide, and viewed by trans- mitted light, a good deal may be learned. But the wings in their natural condition, viewed as opaque objects, are among the most lovely spectacles presented to us by the microscope. Their appearance strikes us with new wonder, as we observe the beau- 38 The Microscope. tiful harmony of their hues, and the elegance of their adornment. The wings are the only part generally mounted for the microscope ; but if a whole butterfly is examined, which may be safely and easily done by removing one from an entomologist's collection and sticking its pin into a morsel of cork, which is gene- rally to be found in the handle of the stage forceps, it will be seen that the whole bodies of these insects also are clothed with scales. In exhibiting the wings of moths and butterflies the effect is much heightened by a proper arrange- ment of the light, which should be placed so as to throw an artistic shadow from every scale. This suggestion may seem a trifle, but the trite maxim concerning trifles tending to produce perfection will excuse its being made. Fig. 2 shows the scales of a moth very common on fine evenings in June, called the " ghost moth ;" they are very like bay leaves in shape. The scales on the inside of the wing are different, and thinly scattered (fig. 3). The wings of this moth are yellowish, having (on the upper sides) what look like delicately-painted streaks of pink ; these are red scales. Some of the scales of moths and butterflies will De admired for their delicate hues ; others shine with a brilliant metallic lustre, to which the best painted representation could scarcely do justice. The " little green Forester-moth " (fig. 4) is one of these ; it has scales of two different shapes on its wings (fig. 5), the longer being brilliant yellowish green, and the shorter Scales of Insects and Fish. 39 bluish green. When highly magnified, the scales of this moth are seen to be covered with a sort of orna- mental carving ; each of the larger scales has six or seven ridges on it, and rows of hollows between (fig 6). The smaller scales are very similarly ornamented with a pattern not quite so much raised. This little moth is common in the beginning of June. There is another, somewhat like it in shape, and still commoner at the same time of year ; it is called the Burnet-moth (fig. 7) . Its upper wings are of a beautiful, very dark green, with round red spots ; its lower wings red, edged with bluish black. The dark green scales are glossy like satin, and the red very bright in colour, but dull like cloth or flock paper. This variety of surface forms a very striking contrast. The dark scales of the Burnet-moth are sculptured in a way similar to those of the green Forester. When these scales are viewed as transparent objects, they no longer appear green, but the pattern on them, when viewed with a high magnifying power, assumes a strange and almost startling appearance. It must be remembered how small these scales are. They are only like the finest dust or powder, and a single one could scarcely be seen with the naked eye. Yet every scale may be seen (with a magnifying power of 150) to be marked with some dozen lines, clear and sharp as staves of music, and between them are rows of characters wonderfully resembling some old Baby- lonish inscription (fig. 8).* * The figure represents this object magnified 420 diameters, not 150. It could, however, be sufficiently well seen with the latter 40 The Microscope. The scales of the green Forester-moth are somewhat similarly inscribed, but not with equal distinctness. Let us again adjust the microscope to view " opaque objects/' and feast our eyes on a few more specimens of Nature's mosaic work. The wings of butterflies and moths have been compared to patterns in mosaic ; though of course there is this great dif- ference, that the pieces of mosaic are inlaid ; whereas the scales of these insects, as I have already said, lie over each other like feathers, fishes' scales, or tiles on a roof. Still their general flatness, and the fact of their delicate shades being usually caused by hundreds of minute scales the dark or light ones in greater or less number according to the hue required originated the comparison. I have examined some, however, in which the effect of the shading is heightened in a way inadmis- sible in mosaic work, but sometimes employed by painters. It sometimes happens, that when an artist is painting for instance a landscape and wishes to bring out a rock or tree very vividly, he finds it necessary to make a roughness on that part of his canvas. A painter, whose works are familiar to many, on one occasion actually made t)' ^ surface of his picture rough by causing a small quantity of sand to adhere to the canvas, and it had the desired effect of giving brightness to what was then painted over it. Now there is a yellowish-brown insect called the power, although the additional size gained by further magnifying makes it easier to engrave. The same remark applies to many othur objects represented in this work. Scales of Moths and Butterflies. Plate 3. 10 1. Wing of Herald Moth. 2. Sfot on Herald Moth's wing, magnified 60 diameters. 3. Eye-like si.ot on -wing of Emperor Moth. 4. Part of eye-like spot, magd. 60 diams. 5. Scales of Underwing Moth, magnified 80 diameters. 7. Brimstone Butterfly. 8. Scales of Brimstone Butterfly, magnified 150 diameters. 9. Scales of Red Admiral Butterfly, magnified 100 diameters. 10. Scale, magd. 150 diams. Scales of Insects and Fish. 41 Herald-moth, with, one conspicuous white spot on each of its upper wings, shining like a star, or with the peculiar brightness that this representation of it (Plate III., fig. 1) would exhibit if we were to prick it with a pin and hold it up to the light. On examining it with the microscope, I found that this spot consisted of a thick tuft of white scales, almost like a little brush, and standing up much higher than the surrounding parts of the wing (fig. 2). In like manner the scales of the Emperor-moth, a large insect with an eye-like spot in each wing, are rendered much more ornamental by being set sloping upwards instead of nearly level. There is a beautiful semi- transparency in the wings of this moth, owing to the thinness with which its scales are scattered ; but their sloping arrangement gives brilliancy at the same time. It is, of course, difficult to represent it on a flat piece of paper. The eye-like spots are each about the size of fig. 3, and fig. 4 is intended for a small part of one of them, magnified sixty diameters. The colours are white, morone crimson, a sort of straw-colour and black, a beautiful and harmonious mixture. I have noticed another deviation from the plan of nosaic work in the wing of a moth one of the tribe of " Yellow Underwing." The wing is rather dingy, but with a silvery gloss in some parts, which induced me to examine it. I found that the scales themselves were shaded. In one place, for instance, where the wing is brown and white, the microscope showed that instead of having rows of white scales and of brown 42 The Microscope. ones, the same scale was white and brown, and a very curious and pretty effect it has (fig. 5). The edges of moths and butterflies' wings are highly ornamented. The scales are long, .and gene- rally shaped like fig. 6. You have probably observed the Brimstone But- terfly (fig. 7) . It appears in spring, and looks almost like a faded lime-leaf. You may observe some spots on the edge of this butterfly's wings ; they are very small, and appear a sort of rust-colour, but through the microscope they are white scales tipped with pink, shaded like those of the moth described last. Fig. 8 represents a few of them magnified 150 diameters. Such a group, presenting as it does so little apparent resemblance to the object to which it belongs, often perplexes the beholders not a little, and tempts them to describe it by far-fetched comparisons. For in- stance, the friends to whom I first showed this object bestowed on it the name of " the Alps at daybreak " the sun commencing to shine on the mountains covered with snow, and the yellow scales below resem- bling foreground vegetation ! Fig. 9 represents some scales from the under side of the red Admiral Butterfly's wing, giving an ex- ample of another and not unusual shape. Each scale is covered with a number of lines, which look as if they were ruled on it with the utmost precision (fig. 10). These fine lines are observed on the scales of many butterflies and moths. A very high magnifying power generally shows them to be slightly waved, and frequently crossed by a *3cond set of lines of extreme Scales of Insects and Fish. 43 minuteness. The degree of distinctness with which these markings can be shown with various magnifying powers forms a useful test of the excellence of the microscope employed, and scales mounted for this special purpose are supplied by opticians as " test- objects." So much for the scales of moths and butterflies. Some other insects, including several beetles, are also ornamented with scales. In fact, whenever I see an insect presenting the peculiarly powdery soft appear- ance of a moth or butterfly's wing, I always guess it has scales, and generally find my supposition correct. The Weevils (Curculionidce is the learned name) are a tribe of beetles in which these scales may be well observed. One of them is represented at Plate IV., fig. 1. It is a dingy slow-moving little beetle ; but how differently we regard it after we have once seen it in the microscope ! When magnified slightly we see that it is covered, or rather sprinkled over with beautiful little roundish scales, arranged with considerable regularity. These scales, when magnified 100 diameters, gleam each like a scallop- shell of burnished gold, and placed on the dark wing- case of the beetle, are truly splendid (fig. 2). There is another Curculio, somewhat similar in shape to this one, but smaller and more promising in appearance, as it is of a silvery green colour. It is very common in April and May ; I have seen hun- dreds on large beech-trees. Its body is really Hack, with green scales of surpassing brilliancy. Fig. 3 gives an idea of their shape and arrangement, but no 44 The Microscope. drawing could convey an idea of their radiant bril- liancy and lovely colour. These two last-mentioned objects are exceedingly interesting when viewed by transmitted light ; small fragments of them should be mounted for this pur- pose. The shell of the brown beetle (fig. 2) appears of a fine golden hue. The scales are of the same colour, but appear as if sharply drawn in pen-and-ink lines ; and in the vacant spaces the whole shell is covered with a very curious system of lines, crossing each other in the way called te cross-hatching " by engravers. This same singular appearance occurs also in the shell of the green weevil, and with many variations as to arrangement and size, in all weevils which I have happened to examine. It is particularly conspicuous in the diamond beetle of Brazil, which is also one of the weevils, and well known as a splendid microscopic object when viewed by reflected light. The green weevil's shell shows still better than that of the brown, as a transparent object. We see the same golden ground, but the scales, instead of being colourless, become a lovely red, tinged with orange when over the wing-case, and with bluish pink when they happen to show beyond the edge of the fragment. The scales of fishes are interesting and pretty ob- jects when viewed with the lower powers of the micro- scope. Fig. 4 represents the scale of the perch. When magnified four diameters we can easily make out the graceful curving lines which cover it; these lines appear as if continuous, and parallel to each other. Scales of Insects and Fish. 45 They are not quite so, however, in reality, and a sketch of them, when magnified eighty diameters, will best explain their appearance (fig. 5). The scales of the sole, and of many other fish, are covered with similar lines. A sole's scale is repre- sented in fig. 6. The lines on it are coarser than those in the perch's scale, except just in the centre near the ray-like spikes, where there are some finer lines curiously arranged. These spikes are the part of the scale which are outside, and give its roughness to a sole's skin. The other end is the root of the scale, and is rather deeply sunk in the skin. The eel's scales are concealed altogether. When I first began to prepare objects for the microscope, I read in some old book that these were worth looking at; so I procured a dry piece of eel- skin, but it was long before I could find what I was in search of. I scraped and scraped with a knife, and examined the scrapings with a microscope, magnifying them 20 times 40 times perhaps 100 but no scales appeared. I forget how I contrived to make them out at last. But if I take a little piece of eel-skin and view it as a transparent object, magnified rather more than four diameters, the first thing I see is that the skin is covered with star-like spots, and next I observe the scales lying close together (fig. 7). And this is the way to get at them : I take the little scrap of skin and tear it in two, exactly as if I were splitting a card, for the skin consists of two layers. I can then quite plainly see the scales sticking to the under surface of the spotted piece, that is, lying between 46 The Microscope. the two layers. I can easily lift them off with a knife, and mount them for the microscope, while the skin makes another very pretty object for ifc, not unlike the spotted coat of a leopard. Four of the scales, and the divided portions of the skin, are represented in fig. 8; and fig. 9 is the smallest of these scales magni- fied fifty diameters. The kind of network pattern is of the same fineness on the larger scales. The account which Dr. Carpenter gives of this apparent network is that the scale consists of " a layer of isolated spheroidal transparent bodies, im- bedded in a plate of like transparence;" and these, he adds, " appear not to be cells (as they might readily be supposed to be), but to be concretions of carbonate of lime." These pretty little scales are white, and, viewed as opaque objects, they look like black lace ; viewed transparently they are like black lace, or like white lace held up to the light. The apparent holes are the " spheroidal transparent bodies " described by Dr. Carpenter, and his remark on the transparency of the layer which encloses them is verified when the scales are mounted in balsam, as they then become nearly invisible in all ordinary modes of illumination. They appear, however, in much splendour in the ft polarizing apparatus " of the microscope, to which I have already alluded (p. 6) as one of the luxuries which can be dispensed with by a purchaser who is limited as to the price of his instrument. It can, however, be added to most cheap microscopes of good construction, and is, as a matter of course, an Scales of Insects and Fish. 47 accompaniment of the large and expensive ones. This apparatus consists of two prisms, one arranged to fasten below the stage, the other to slip over the eye-glass ; and the object to be shown by transmitted light from the mirror. By this arrangement, various splendid colours are exhibited, and the effect is further heightened by placing on the stage immediately under the object, a slide containing a thin plate of the mineral " selenite," which, when mounted in balsam, is perfectly transparent, indeed invisible, in the ordinary mode of illumination. A description of the appearance of the eel's scale, when viewed with the polarizing apparatus, will serve as a specimen of the effects produced by this mode of exhibition. The scale (fig. 9), which can with difficulty be seen by common light, now appears, in a particular arrange- ment of the prisms, to be projected on a black ground, and to be of a beautiful silvery grey, nearly white at the edges, and softly shaded to a deeper tint at the centre ; and conspicuously placed over its surface are two large black marks, similar to two V's placed point to point, thus >~<^ making a figure like a St. Andrew's cross over the whole scale ; and these also are very softly shaded at their edges. Now I make the upper prism revolve slightly ; the two V's com- mence to revolve also, but presently become much wider, and gradually change to a pale brown, while the vacant part of the slide changes from black to light grey ; till, on the prism having turned one quarter of the way round, two pale and nearly white marks occupy the places of the original black V's, the broad 48 The Microscope. intermediate spaces are light brown, and tlie back- ground is white. The prism continuing to revolve till half way round^ exhibits the brown spaces turning, and gradually forming into vivid black V's as at first ; and as it revolves through quarters three and four, appearances exactly similar to those described in quarters one and two are exhibited. I now remove the slide of eel's scales for a few minutes, and place that containing the selenite on the stage, while the upper prism remains in the position number one. The whole field of view, instead of being simply colourless, appears of a rich yellow. I begin to turn the prism the yellow fades into white, then this changes to pearl-colour, and then to brilliant blue, by which time the prism has only revolved an eighth. Continuing to turn the prism, I observe the blue becoming pale much more slowly than was the case with the yellow, and the prism has reached nearly three-eighths of the way round before the field of view has changed to white. Then it quickly changes to yellow, assuming the brightest shade of that colour when the prism is just half way round. Then blue comes with speed as before, and slowly fades, till yellow takes its place in the original position. Now, leaving the selenite on the stage, I place the eel's scale over it. What a richly-coloured object it has become, all pink, orange, and green. Some traces remain of the pair of Vs, which would appear there if the selenite were absent, but instead of being jet black they are orange, the inside of the Y ; s is pink, and the broad outer spaces are emerald green, while Scales of Beetles and E Plate 4. C 1. Weevil, natural size. 2. Scales of Weevil, magnified 100 diameters. 3. Scales of Green Weevil, magnified UO diameters. 4. Scale of Perch, magnified 4 diameters. 5. Lines on Perch's scale, magnified 100 diameters. 6. Scale of Sole, magnified 9 diameters. 7. Piece of Eel's Skin, magnified 4 diameters. 8. Upper and under layers of Eel -skin, and Eel scales. 9. Scale of Eel, magnified 50 diameters. Scales of Insects and Fish. 40 all around is the bright yellow background. As the prism revolves the coloured portions of the scale seem to revolve and change colour. When the selenite appears blue the letter V's are blue, the angle inside emerald green, and the exterior spaces deep pink ; and this rotation of colours continues till the prism has gone all round. Now this is the kind of effect which the polarizing apparatus exhibits. The black cross is shown on many objects, and the bright colours appear in many others, with and without the selenite. It is an exhibition which causes a good deal of plea- sure and surprise, and I have often enjoyed studying its phenomena. Yet in general I scarcely like to bring it forward, feeling that the circumstances of illumination under which objects are shown with the polarizing apparatus are so peculiar, that I could not answer the question, " Is it true ? "* with the same unreserved affirmative that I should employ in vouch- ing for the appearance of objects shown in ordinary light. It may be asked, " Could not the principle of polarization be explained at the time the objects are shown, so that observers might take an intelligent interest in the subject ? " To this I would answer that some very deep principles of optics are involved in the matter, and that the full explanation requires a good deal of time, and would be unsuited alike to a popular exhibition of the microscope, or to the plan of a work like the present. A few words might however be said to give a general idea of the effect of polarization, and the * See anecdote in the Preface. 4 50 The Microscope. remarks in a recent work on microscopic objects are so much in point that I will repeat them without abridgment.* " The effect of polarized light is not only beautiful to the eye, but of real use to the investigator of tissues, and in the researches of the pathologist, for by it the true structure of organic bodies may often be made clear, when the ordinary white light has failed to develop it." Here I may remark that a great number of structures are not acted on by polarized light; for instance, the butterfly's wing partly divested of scales, remains simply transparent during the whole revolution of the prism ; and useful information may be gained by observing whether an object polarizes or not j and this holds good alike of microscopic revela- tions and those of the telescope. The writer continues, " Hardly in a concise manner can the question be answered which is so often asked, 'Why are these objects so coloured, and what is polarized light?' But I may briefly explain that rays of light reflected from a body under special conditions, or transmitted through certain transparent crystals, undergo such change in their properties, that they are no longer subject to the same effects of reflection and refraction as before. " The common ray of light may be compared to a glass rod, smooth and white, uniform in texture, whilst the polarized ray is smooth on one side, rough and dark on the other. How it becomes so requires * From "Objects for the Microscope," by L. Lane Clarke. Groombridge and Sons, London. Scales of Insects and Fish. 51 too long a dissertation on the laws of light and colour ; but so it is. And when this polarized ray is either thrown upon or transmitted through various sub- stances, it is either reflected, or absorbed and extin- guished, according to the structure of the object presented to it. The most brilliant colours are de- veloped by this process, especially in crystals, feathers, sections of quill, bone, hoof, horn. A good selection of these objects is of value to the microscopist." 52 The Microscope. CHAPTER VI. HA IKS AND FEATHEES. [HE scales of fishes, as Dr. Carpenter tells us, are developed in the substance of the true skin; whereas the scales of reptiles, the feathers of birds, and the hairs of quadrupeds are formed upon its surface, and allied in structure to the epidermis or scarf-skin. They are essentially com- posed of collections of cells, and form examples of innumerable structures in which cellular formation may be observed. In fact the microscope reveals to us that all animal and vegetable structures are de- veloped from cells, and the reader will find a lucid and interesting account of their formation and changes in " Hogg on the Microscope," p. 527, etc. Hairs and feathers are formed and developed on the same plan essentially. They both grow from a root, by continual additions of cells to the lower parts, which cells become elongated, and push the hair or feather farther and farther upward; and thus it lengthens. When we pull a hair up " by the root," we see a little bulb, which is filled with soft pulpy cells, and this bulb corresponds to the quill of a feather, also containing a soft pulp while grow- Hairs and Feathers. 53 ing, the shrivelled remains of which in a full- grown quill must be familiar to every one who has mended a pen. The quill of a feather, then resembles the root of a hair; and in like manner, its stem, namely, the remaining part of the feather, corresponds to the shaft of the hair. When you have mended the same pen so often that very little quill is left, you will observe by cutting off its last remnant, that the stem of the feather consists of a horny sheath enclosing a white pith-like substance. These two parts have received the names of the " cortical " and " medullary " sub- stances ; and closely correspond with the component parts of hairs, as shown by the microscope. The minute size of hairs as compared to feathers is an obstacle to our readily understanding their structure ; on the other hand, the beautiful transparency of the outside, or " cortical substance," enables us to view them to great advantage when assisted by a good microscope. The figures in Plate V. give representa- tions of the appearance of various hairs when highly magnified. Let us examine the first of them, namely, the white mouse's hair, represented in Plate V., fig. 1. Those who are shown it for the first time are sure, after a brief survey, to look round appealingly for an explanation of what they have seen, the object is so unlike anything in their previous experience. It resembles a number of beautiful glass rods of various thickness, each containing a running pattern in its centre. That running pattern engrosses all attention at first; and next comes the question, why are tho 54 The Microscope. hairs of such different sizes ? But this is never asked till the first great puzzle is in some sort got over, as to the curious running patterns, resembling a sort of jointed chain in the larger hairs, and a simple row of beads in the smaller. Let us therefore now study them in the light of the remarks lately made on the structure of hair, how that it generally consists of a cortical or investing substance, of a dense horny texture, and a medullary or pith-like substance, usually much softer, and occupying the interior. Now in the hair of the white mouse both can be very well seen j the apparent glass rods are the cortical substance or rind of the hair, and the chain-like patterns which they enclose are the medullary substance or pith. This consists entirely of cells, which vary in shape and arrangement in the hairs of different animals. In the mouse you see they are large and distinct, and arranged in rows. In some hairs of the rabbit they lie like the grains on an ear of Indian corn. In the cat they are closely laid together, and this is the case also with the otter ; but at this object I imagine you will pause and inquire, "What is this scale-like appearance on the otter's hair ? " and in reply I ask you to remember that "all animal and vegetable structures are developed from cells," and that the rind or cortical substance of hairs has been formed by a succession of cells, which at its surface become flattened into scales as the hair grows. The otter's hair shows this scaly structure to great advantage. The internal cells of the mouse's hair show in a Hairs and Feathers 55 marked and interesting way the pigment cells on which principally depends the colour of the hair. In the hair of the white mouse (Plate V., fig. 1) these cells cannot be perceived ; but in those of the common mouse (fig. 2) there is a scrap of colouring matter in each cell, and those little dark spots, seen through the transparent surface of the hair, give to it its dark colour. Yet how is it about the position of these dark spots ? for when we compare figs. 1 and 2, we observe that the remarkable projections (reminding one of a succession of vertebrce) are alike empty in both figures, the little blocks of colouring matter occupy- ing the intervening spaces. Are these projections then not cells after all, but solid partitions of some kind ? No, they are air-filled cells ; we know this by their appearance when the hair is mounted in balsam, for they absorb light, and assume a dark and decided appearance, just as the obnoxious air-bubbles which so often annoy the microscopist when mounting objects; and moreover we can often contrive by heating the glass slide over a flame to get some of the air out of the end of the hair, and completely penetrate it with the balsam. Then the white mouse's hair becomes nearly invisible, except about the point where the balsam ceases to penetrate, and there a cell or two remains only half full of air, resolved into a round bubble ; and the brown mouse's hair shows the portions of " pigment" standing out in beautiful distinctness and regularity. It would seem that there are two kinds of cell in the pith of the mouse's hair, which we may call vacant cells and pigment cells, the 56 The Microscope. former reminding one of a long corridor or gallery with numerous recesses on either side, while the latter would be represented by sundry glass cases filled with valuables, standing at regular intervals on its floor, and inserted in its walls. You will also see that the dots of pigment in the finer hairs also are placed between the strongly-marked " beads " instead of within them ; and the mention of these finer hairs brings us to another question often asked by ob- servers, Why has the same animal apparently so great a variety of hairs ? For instance in the otter's, we see a large yellowish hair with brown centre, a transparent hair with lengthened scales, and three very small chain-like hairs. And human hair is of many different diameters. This apparent variety of size, which happens to add a good deal to the effect of a group of hairs as seen with high magnifying powers, is caused by three different circumstances. Firstly, many animals have two kinds, namely, firm and long hairs, and fine down. Secondly, many hairs are somewhat flat, and therefore look narrowest when seen edgewise. Thirdly, the hairs of many animals are differently formed in dif- ferent parts of their length. The next remark may be that the distinctions of rind and pith do not seem to hold good with all the hairs. True enough ; and this sort of variety meets us in many natural history researches. A general rule is stated, and then the words "frequently," Eye, structure of .".... 64 Feather, booklets of 60 Fern-seed 87 Fishes, circulation in 140 Fish, eyeof 62 Floscule 131 Flowers, mode of viewing ... 80 Fly, foot of 75 Foot of Frog to observe, 138 142, 145 Foraminifera 94 Fossil Trees 92 Frog Spawn 108 Geranium, petal of 85 Ghost Moth 38 Glare, plans for moderating.. 13 Green Forester-Moth 38 Hair, root of 58 structure of 53 Hairs as opaque objects 59 154 INDEX. PAGE IleliopeUa 120 Herald Moth 41 Human Hair 57 Illumination of Objects 11 Infusoria 114 Insects, concealed wings of. . . 30 eyes of 68 hairs of 59 Jaws of Rotifer 130 Lamp for Microscope 11 Lieberkuhns 16 Limestone, animal remains in 94 "linear and Superficial Measures 31 Live-box 17 Lobster, eye of 74 Magnifying Glass 2 Melicerta Ringens 131 Micrometer 102 M icroscope, binocular 8 . care of the 18 compound 5 oxy hydrogen ... 8 simple 2 solar ... 7 Microscopic Objects, L. Clarke on 50 Microscopic writing 103 Mirror, use of 11 Mounting Objects 20 Mouse, hair of 53 Musk Deer, hair of 57 Navicula 117 Nobert's Tests 103 Object-glasses, powers of ... 7 Objects, collection of 20 Otter, hair of 54 Perch, scale of 45 Philodine 135 PAGK Photographs, Microscopic ... 100 Polarization 46 Pollen 84 Pond-life, Marvels of 106 Protococcus 115 Quill, internal structure of... 53 Red Admiral Butterfly 42 Rhizopods 115 Rotifera 114 Salpina 136 Scales of Insects 37 Sole, scale of 45 Spider, foot of 75 Spring Water, no animal- cules in 105 Stage-forceps 17 Stentors , Ill, 124 Stickleback, to observe 140 Stylonichia 127 Tadpole, to observe circula- tion in 138, 148 to observe pills of 110, 138 Tardigrada 136 Test-objects 43, 119 Trichopteryx, wing of 35 Vallisneria, rotation in 82 Vorticelte 112,121 Wasp's Wings 34 Water Bear 136 Water Newt, circulation in... 143 Weevils, scales of 43, 44 Wheel animalcule 129 Wheel- movement, apparent 122 1?9 Whirligig Beetle 32, 77 White Mouse, hair of 53 Yellow Underwing Moth ... 41 RETURN J ;.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SEMTONILL FFR 09 199! 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