TN UC-NRLF Bibliographic Series No. 4 The Electric Furnace as Applied to Metallurgy ARTHUR D. LITTLE, Inc. CHEMISTS AND ENGINEERS Cambridge, Mass. Reprinted from Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. Vol. 37, 1920 A paper to be presented at the Thirty- seventh General Meeting of the American Electrochemical Society, to be held in Boston, April 8-10, 1920. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 1 A READING LIST, J900-J9J9. By CLARENCE JAY WEST.' The following pages contain a list of magazine references on the construction and operation of the electric furnace as applied to the metallurgy of iron and steel and the non-ferrous metals. An attempt has been made to include all the import- ant references since 1900, at which time the electric furnace was becoming established in the iron and steel industry. Since 1907 the reference to Chemical Abstracts is given in addition to the magazine references, since this source will enable the reader to eliminate many of the references here given as unsuitable for his particular needs. Criticism of the arrangement of this work is cordially invited, since we desire to make such studies of the greatest value to all interested. GENERAL. Acid electric furnace process. Iron Age 93, 670-672 (March 12, 1914). Adler, E., and Sabersky, E. New electrical hardening furnace. Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 15 (1909). Automatic control for high rated electric furnaces. Elec. W. 71, 699 ( 1918) ;C. A. 12, 1267. Automatic furnace temperature control. Iron Age 99, 546 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1062. Badger, W. L. A switchboard for experimental electric fur- nace work. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 157-164 (1917); C. A. 11, 1791. 1 Manuscript received February 9, 1920. * Information Department, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. GG25 2 . .. .' ...- : XSJvARENCE JAY WEST. Baily, T. F. An electric furnace for heating bars and billets. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 285 (1911) ; 21, 419 (1912) ; Iron Age 87, 1094-7 (May 4, 1911) ; C. A. 5, 3377. Data on the operation of electric furnaces. Elec. W. 71, 780-781 (1918). Electric furnaces for reheating, heat treatment and anneal- ing. Eng. Soc. W. Pa. Proc. 31, 255-72, 272-283 (1915); Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 558-64 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 2736; Ry. Age 89, 481-2; Mech. Eng. 37, 415-16; Iron Trade R. 57, 405 (1915). Electric furnaces of the resistance type used in the produc- tion of essential war materials. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 35, 411-414 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 931. Electricity for heat treatment in the steel industry. Elec. Rev. 75, 149-54 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2159. Heat treatment in automatic electric furnaces. Iron Age 96, 993-995 (1915) ; Iron Trade Rev. 57, 833-856 (1915). Baily automatic electric furnace for heat treating shells. Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 156 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 651. Bartlett, C. W. Commercial application of resistance fur- naces. Elec. W. 65, 1526-7 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 16. Beckman, J. W. Electrolytic furnace method for producing metals. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 171 (1911); Chem. Eng. 13, 158; C. A. 5, 2467. Benner, R. C. An electric laboratory furnace. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 4, 43 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 713. Bennie, P. M. Electric furnace, its place in siderurgy. iEng. Soc. W. Penn., Proc. 26, 487 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 3197; J. Can. Min. Inst. 13, 135-150 (1910) ; Iron Age 85, 216-218 (1910). Electric smelting in the foundry. Electrochem. Met. Eng. 5, 75-76 (1907) ; C. A. 1, 1381. Bibby, J. Electric furnace developments. Iron Coal Trades Rev. 97, 719-722 (Dec. 27, 1918). Boiling, F. Resistance materials for electrical furnaces. Elektrochem. Z, 17, 331-333 ; C. A. 5, 3654. Booth, Carl H. The Booth electric rotating furnace. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 636-638 (Nov. 12-19, 1919). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 3 Booth, W. K. Booth-Hall electric furnace. Iron Coal Trades Rev. 98, 617 (May 9, 1919) ; Can. Machy. 21, 430-433 (May 1, 1919) ; Can. Foundryman 10, 142-145 (June, 1919). Borchers, W. Electric crucible furnace for melting and pour- ing metals. Metallurgie 8, 209-211 ; C. A. 5, 3197. Electric smelting with the Girod furnace. Eng. Min. J. 88, 1113-7 (1909) ; Mining J. 87, 269-74 (Nov. 13, 1909) ; C. A. 4, 1427. Electric smelting with the Girod furnaces. Elec. Eng., May 6, 1910; Oesterr Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 58, 149-152, 163-167, 182-6 (Mar. 19, 1910) ; Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 41, 120 (1910). Electric furnace for the separation and refining of metals. Z. Elektrochem. 3, 189-192, 213-222, 239-244, 260-264 (Nov. 5, 1896). Girod furnace. Elec. Eng. (L), May 6, 1910. Reducing fusion of oxide ores in the electric furnace. Metal- lurgie 8, 246-248; C. A. 5, 3197. Borns, H. Electrochemistry in the year 1909. Chem. Ind. 33, 527-40, 578-88, 638-47, 671-83; C. A. 5, 428. Bragg, C. T. The future of the electric furnace. Can. Chem. J. 3, 334 (1919); C. A. 14, 16. Brezol, C. H. A small oscillating fusion furnace for voltaic arc and heating of combustible compounds. J. four elec. 28, 30 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1045. Brisker, C. Theoretical and practical importance of the elec- tric blast furnace. Rev. metal. 7, 1046-1047; C. A. 5, 2032; Stahl u. Eisen 30, 1049-55 (1910). Brown, O. W. Reduction of metal sulfides. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 9, 190 (1906). Burgess, C. F. Present status of electric furnace working. J. West. Soc. Engineers 10, 16 (1905). Catani, R. Applications of electricity in the metallurgical in- dustry in Italy. Electrician 68, 429; Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 59, 893; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 642-649 (1911); J. Iron Steel Inst. 84, 215 (1911); C. A. 6, 563; Iron Coal Trades Rev., Oct. 6, 1911. Electric induction furnace. Industrie, Dec. 4, 1910; Ann. Soc. Ing. Arch. Ital., Feb. 16, 1911. 4 CXARENCE JAY WEST. Electro-siderurgy and railway materials. Ann. Soc. Ing. Arch. ItaL, July 15, 1911. Charpy, G. Electric furnace of the Saint Jacques works (de Monlucon). Rev. metal. 8, 305-311 ; C. A. 5, 2778. Clamer, G. H. Ajax-Wyatt electric furnace. Metal Ind. 17, 362-363 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 399, 2311. Clark, A. M. New type electric furnace. Iron Age 103, 1502 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1972. Clark, E. B. Electric furnace in the foundry. Iron Age 98, 615-6 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2841. Clerc, L. and Minet, A. New form of electric arc furnace, suitable for laboratory research. Compt. rend. 146, 227; Mon. sci. 22, 154; C. A. 2, 1218. Researches on the electric furnace. Elektrochem. Z, 15, 97- 100; C. A. 2,3196. Collens, Clarence L. Some principles of resistor furnace de- sign. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 9, 31-62 (1906) ; C. A. 1,11. Collins, E. F. Metal melting in electric furnaces. Metal Ind. 17, 221-224 (May, 1919). Combes, Ch. The Froges-Heroult electro-metallurgical pro- cess. L'Electrochimie, Dec., 1904. Comparison between electric and fuel furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 652 (1913). Comstock, G. F. Copper castings for electrical purposes. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 32, 221-227 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 22. . i Conklin, H. R. Electric furnace at LJuvia de Oro. Eng. Min. J. 93, 1189-1192 ; C. A. 6, 2579. Conrad, W. Intensity and tension of the currents in electric furnaces. Rev. metal. 7, 1059-1060; C. A. 5, 2218. Crocker, F. B. and Arendt, M. Electrochemical industries. School of Mines Quarterly 25, 1-20 (1903). Crosby, E. L. The electric furnace and central station. Iron Age 100, 1356-7 (1917). The present status of the electric furnace. Sales Managers' Assn. 1914; C. A. 8, 3645. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 5 Crowley, J. A. Gronwall Dixon electric furnace. Iron Trade Rev. 59, 571-3; Iron Age 98, 517-20 (1916); Foundry 44, 497-9 (1916). Culls, V. O. Baily electric furnace. Electrician 83, 405 (1919);C. A. 14, 19. Darling, C. R. High temperature processes and products. J. Roy. Soc. Arts 66, 621, 635, 649 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2478. Davy, G. The Gin electric furnace. L'Electricien 30, 305-309 (Nov. 11, 1905). Development of the electric furnace. Rivista tecnica d. ferr. Ital. 10, 49-50 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2070. Dewey, F. P. History of electric heating applied to metal- lurgy. Elec. Rev. 28, 160-161, 168, 193, 210 (1896). Dillen, H. E. New duplexing process is invented. Foundry 47, 662-665 (Sept. 15, 1919). Doremus, C. A. Robert Hare's electric furnace. Electro- chem. Met. Ind. 6, 235 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2507. Dushman, S. Electrochemical and electrometallurgical devel- opments in Canada. Appl. Sci. 5, n. s., 29-36, 39-54 (Nov., Dec., 1911) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 20, 419 (1911). Easlick, S. P. Present position of the electric furnace for the smelting of metalliferous ores. Mining J. 93, 321-323 (Apr. 1, 1911). Effect of conductor arrangement upon input to electric fur- nace. Elec. Rev. 75, 668 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 3084. Electric crucible furnace for high temperatures. Chem. Ztg. 36, 1263 ; C. A. 7, 729. Electric furnace. Elec. W. 63, 1508 (1914) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 483 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 2848. Electric furnace and method of operation v Foundry 42, 17-18 (1914). Electric furnace developments for metals. Metal Ind. 17, 424- 427 (1919); C. A. 13, 3083. Electric furnace operations at Buffalo. Elec. W. 73, 1378-1381 (1919). Electric furnaces. Elec. W. 52, 990 (1908) ; C. A. 3, 27. Electric furnaces at Essen. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 61, 414; C. A. 6, 3058. 6 CLARENCE) JAY WEST. Electric furnaces at the University of Illinois. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 58, 628; C. A. 5, 1872. Electric furnaces in Italy. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 21, 295-296 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 16; C. A. 12, 1855. Electric furnaces in metallurgy. Electrician 81, 588-590 (Nov. 15, 1918). Electric furnaces in metallurgy. The Greaves-Etchells fur- nace. Electrician 83, 438-440 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 152. Electric hardening furnace. Iron Age 92, 174 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3275. Electric induction furnaces. Elektrochem. Z. 15, 14-16, 43-46, 65-67 (1908). Electric melting practice. Iron Age 94, 689-690 (1914). Electric transformer crucible furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 501 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2890. Electrical apparatus development. Elec. W. 73, 1102-1105 (May 24, 1919). Electrically heated oxide furnace on the step principle. Engi- neering 84, 497-8 ; C. A. 2, 629. Electrochemical and electrometallurgical industries of Italy. J. four elec. 27, 129-30 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1614. Electrochemical industries at Niagara Falls. Lecture by Fitz- Gerald. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 253-5 (1905). Electrochemical and related apparatus in 1917. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 72, 48 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 332. Electrochemistry and electrometallurgy. Elec. Rev. 74, 9-10 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 283. Electrometallurgical and electrosiderurgical plant at Ugine, Savoy. Tech. Mod., Feb. 1, 1912. Electrometallurgical industries in the Scandinavian countries. J. four elec. 28, 17-19 (Feb. 1, 1919). Electrometallurgy in Sweden. J. four elec. 27, 148-9 (1918); C. A. 12, 1614. Electro- and organic chemical industries of Russia. Chem. Trade J. 59, 263-4 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2843. Elliott, G. K. Electric furnace an adjunct to cupola. Foundry 47, 687 (1919) ; Iron Trade Rev. 65, 891-892 (1919). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPUED TO METALLURGY. 7 Employment of electric furnace in foundry work. Fonderie Moderne 2, 266-267 (Feb., 1919). Energy consumption and other data on electric furnaces. Iron Age 100, 1048 (Nov. 1, 1917). Engelhardt, V. Electric induction furnaces. Elektrotech. Z. 28, 1051-1053, 1084-1089, 1104-1108, 1124-1128 (1907). Escard, J. A technical description of industrial electric fur- naces. Rev. gen. elec. 4, 575-91 (1918) C. A. 13, 930. The electric furnace and its application in the manufacture of industrial products. L'industrie chimique 5, 214, 253, 284, 351 (1918) ; 6, 8-12 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 930. The preparation in the electric furnace of some metals of industrial application. Rev. gen. elec. 4, 375-386 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 930. Technical analysis of industrial electric furnaces. Rev. gen. elec. 4, 575-591 (Oct. 19, 1918). Experimental electric furnace plant. Brass World 9, 353-357 (Oct., 1913). Experiments with a Girod steel furnace. Engineering 93, 245- 246 (Feb. 23, 1912). Fahrenwald, A. W. Convenient and inexpensive electric fur- nace for high temperatures. Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 565-566 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2432. Farnworth, L. D. Experimental electric smelting. Electro- chem. Met. Ind. 6, 326 (1908). Farr, A. V. Electric furnace improvements during 1918. Iron Trade Rev. 64, 211-5 (1919) ; Blast Furnace and Steel Plant 7, 20-24 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 813. Ferchland, P. Electrochemical patent specifications of the United States. Monographien uber angewandte Elektro- chemie. No. 33 (1910). English electrochemical patents. Monographien uber angewandte Elektrochemie. No. 32 (1908). and Rehlander, P. German electrochemical patents. Mon- ographien uber angewandte Elektrochemie. No. 24 (1906). Ferguson, J. B. Temperature uniformity in a laboratory fur- nace. Phys. Rev. 12, 81-94 (1918) ; Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 283- 8 (1918); C. A. 13, 536. 8 CLARENCE; JAY WEST.- Fink, Colin G. Vacuum furnace metallurgy. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 21, 445-461 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2713. FitzGerald, F. A. J. Economies of electric furnace operations. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 331-332 (1914) ; Electrician, Oct. 16, 1914. The electric furnace. Proc. Am. Inst. E. E. 31, 875 ; C. A. 6, 2207. The Borchers furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 215-218 (1905). Electric furnace after the war. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 34, 121-130 (1918) ; Elec. Rev. West. Elect. 73, 726-7 (1918) ; Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 611-612 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 8. Electric furnace industry in 1903. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 6-8 (1904). Experiments with an electrothermic muffle furnace. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 3, 135-9 (1905). Heat losses in furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 21, 535-544; 22, 111-116 (1912); Orig. Com. 8th Inter. Cong. Appl. Chem. 21, 37-41 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 3058. Industrial resistance furnaces (Gin, Colby, Kjellin). Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 3, 296-299 (1905). Materials for resistors. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 490-495 (1904). Miscellaneous accessories of resistance furnaces. Electro- chem. Met. Ind. 3, 9-14 (1905). New electric resistance furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 273-284 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 3198. New resistor furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 317 (1910). Radiant resistor furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 36; C. A. 13,3083. Refractory materials in electrical resistance furnaces. Elec- trochem. Ind. 2, 439-44 (1904). Resistance furnace for crucibles. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 55-58 (1905). Ruthenburg and Acheson furnaces. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3,416-418 (1905). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 9 Some economics in the use of electric furnaces. Trans. Am. E'^ctrochem. Soc. 25, 53-58 (1914); Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 331-332 (1914); C. A. 8, 2112. Some first principles of electrical resistance furnaces. Elec- trochem. Ind. 2, 342-345 (1904). Thirty years' progress in the electric furnace. Mining Eng. World 37, 237-238 (1912); Proc. Am. Inst. E. E. (June, 1912) ; C. A. 6, 3058. An unsuccessful furnace experiment. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 20, 89, 281 (1911) ; C. A. 6, 713. Fleming, J. A. Application of electric heating. J. Roy, Soc. Arts. 49, 833, 857, 870, 886; C. A. 6, 28. Electric furnaces and heating. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 234 (1911); C. A. 5, 2219. Frank, K. G. Evolution of the electric furnace. Iron Trade Rev. 57, 901-903 (1915). French commerce in electric furnace products in 1912. Genie Civil (June 21, 1913) ; Lumiere elec. 23, 67 (1913). Friedrich, K. Several new forms of electrically heated lab- oratory furnaces. Metallurgie 4, 778-81 ; C. A. 2, 1084. de Fries, H. A. and Hertenius, Jonas. Developments in the Rennerfelt furnace. Eng. Ind. Management 1, 238-9 (Apr. 3, 1919) ; Iron Age 103, 190-191 (1919). Galbraith electric furnace, The. Elec. Eng. (London), July 21, 1905. Gallo, G. Present state of electrometallurgy. Ann. Soc. Ing. Arch. Ital., Nov. 15, 1910. Gibson, C. B. The field of the electric furnace. Elec. J. 14, 154-6 (1914); C. A. 11, 1599. Gillett, H. W. and Rhoads, A. E. Development of electric melting furnaces. Metal Ind. 16, 350-358 (1918). Gin, G. Mathematics of the induction furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 12, 97-115 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 1526. Present state of electrochemistry. Rev. gen. chim. 12, 39- 46, 69-76 ;C. A. 3, 1120. and Leleux. Study of the electric furnace. Compt. rend. 120, 236-8 (Jan. 17, 1898). 10 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Girod furnace and smelting plant. Stahl u. Eisen 29, 1942- 1945 (Dec. 8, 1909). Girod Process, The. Rev. d'electrochem., Jan., 1909. Gluckman, W. Notes on electric furnaces with special refer- ence to an induction furnace. Can. Eng., Nov. 20, 1913. Goecke, Otto. The electric vacuum furnace and its use. Metallurgie 8, 667-676; C. A. 6, 1401. Gosrow, R. C. Coke as a reducing agent in electric smelting furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 14, 691-694 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2842. Design of electric furnaces. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 235-41 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 3081. Electric furnace in the foundry. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 882-3 (1915). Gray, A. W. Production of temperature uniformity in an electric furnace. Bureau of Standards Sci. Paper 219, Feb. 3, 1914, 21 pp. Gray, J. H. Electric furnace construction and operation. Foundry 44, 241-5, 274-6 (1916). The electric furnace in the foundry. Iron Age 96, 798-800 (1915) ;C. A. 10, 16. Greaves, H. A. Application of electrical energy to the melting of metals. Electrician 83, 256-257 (Sept. 5, 1919) ; Engi- neering 108, 42-3; Eng. Ind. Management 1, 462-4 (1919); C. A. 13, 2808. Greaves-Etchells electric furnace. Elec. Rev. 80, 395-6 (Apr. 13, 1917). Green rolling cylinder arc furnace. Iron Age 103, 1005-1007 (Apr. 17, 1919) ; C. A. 13, 1281. Greenwood, H. C. and Hutton, R. S. Electric resistance fur- nace for melting in crucibles. Proc. Inst. Metals, London 17, 237-242 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2431. Grier, C. D. The electric furnace laboratory of the Bureau of Mines. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 574-7 (1919). Griffiths, E. and E. C. A carbon tube furnace for testing the softening points and compression strengths of refractories. Trans. Faraday Soc. 12, 207-19 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 3403. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 1 1 Grigg, R. H. The electric furnace. Brass World 12, 225-229 (Aug., 1916). Groeck, H. Electric blast furnace at Trollhattan. Z. Ver. deut. Ing. 56, 195-196; C. A. 6, 1096. Guillet, L. Electrometallurgy. Tech. Mod., Mar., 1911. Haanel, E. The Frick electric reduction furnace. Iron Trade Rev. 47, 835-839 (Nov. 3, 1910). Hadfield, R. Methods and appliances for the attainment of high temperatures in the laboratory. Trans. Faraday Soc. 12, 1-12 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2992. Haff, Max. Removal of sulfur in the electric induction fur- nace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 96-99 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1262. Hanemann, H. Electric furnace. Z. Elektrochem. 14, 695-6; C. A. 3, 286. Hanneel, E. Electric shaft furnace at Domnarfvet, Sweden. Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 306; C. A. 3, 2906; 4, 1427. Hansen, C. A. Small experimental Heroult furnace. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 7, 206 (1909). Harbord, F. W. Electric smelting. Elec. Eng., May 7, 1909. et al. Discussion on electric furnaces. Electrician 82, 563-4 (1919); C. A. 13, 1672. Harden, J. Effect of power factor and load factor in elec- tric furnace work. Electrician 67, 713 (1911); C. A. 5, 3540. Electric furnace. Electrician, London, Mar. 18, 1910. Induction furnace developments. Eng. Mag. 45, 97-100 (1913). Induction furnace notes. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 559-562 (1913). Paragon electric furnace. Chem. Eng. 13, 80; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 595 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 1560; Electrician, Nov. 3, 1911. Pinch effect and the pinch effect electric furnace. Met. Chem. Ind. 11, 429-430 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3274. The pinch effect in electric furnaces of the induction type. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 478 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 148. Present status of the induction furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 99 (1913). Recent developments of induction furnaces. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 333-4 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2650. 12 CLARENCE; JAY Recent developments of the Kjellin and Rochling-Roden- hausen electric furnaces. Iron Coal Trades Rev., June 26, 1908. Some electric furnace notes. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 130 (1911); C. A. 5, 1710. and Vom Baur, C. H. Efficiency and refining possibilities of the induction furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 216-217 (1914). Hassermann, C. Electric smelting furnace. Z. Ver. Deut. Ing., Apr. 16, 1898. Hay, T. R. Electric furnace installation. Iron Age 101, 735-7 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 536. Possibilities of the electric furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 70, 534-6, 575-7; Elec. J. 14, 132-8 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1086, 1599. Helberger, H. Electric melting furnace with transformer. Elektrochem. Z. 16, 5-8; C. A. 3, 1618. Helberger electric transformer crucible furnace. Brass World 7,79-83 (1911); C. A. 5, 1873. Helfenstein, A. Large electric furnace. Elektrochem. Z. 17, 462 ; C. A. 5, 3540. Large electric smelting furnace. Elec. Rev. (London) 125, 379 (1914);C. A. 9, 754. Helfenstein large electric furnace. Iron Age 91, 1482-1484 (1913). Hering, Carl. Advantages of small high speed electric fur- naces. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 183 (1913) ; C. A. 8, 2159. Efficiencies of electric furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 125 (1911); C. A. 5, 1711. Electric furnaces. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 58, 22 ; C. A. 5, 831. Electric furnaces for molten materials. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 371-373 (1911) ; J. Franklin Inst. 172, 55-72 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 3198. Elementary principles of the design and operation of electric furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 471 (1910). Engineering features of electric furnaces. Eng. Mag. 42, 540-548 (1912); Eng. News 62, 56-60; Proc. Eng. Club, Phila. (Oct., 1911); C. A. 6, 713. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 13 Flow of heat through bodies. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 652-4 (1911); C. A. 6,438. Formulas for pinch phenomenon. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 86 (1911) ;C. A. 5, 1713. Heat conductance through walls of furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 14, 215-238 (1908); Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 495-499 (1908) ; C. A. 3, 1247. Heat insulation of furnace walls. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 189- 192 (Apr., 1911). Improving the output and efficiency of existing electric fur- naces. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 276 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 2768. Method of determining thermal conductivities. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 18, 213 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 1711. New type of electric furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 58, 806; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 277 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 2032; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 255-272 (1911). Physical versus chemical actions in furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 439-440 (1914). Pinch effect furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 196 (1912); C. A. 6, 3360. Possible reductions of the power consumption in electric steel refining furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 590-592 (1911 );C. A. 6, 190. Practical limitations of resistance furnaces. The pinch phenomenon. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 329-337 (1907); C. A. 2,23. Thermal insulation of furnace walls. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 97-102 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 1570. Working limit in electrical furnaces due to the pinch phe- nomenon. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 255-278 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2408. Heroult, P. The Heroult furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 411 (1907). Heroult furnace for foundry use. Iron Trade Rev. 56, 976- 978 (1915) ; Foundry 43, 225-227 (1915). Heroult process, The. Elektrochem. Z. 12, 125-27, 146-8, 168- 70, 213-15, 232-35 (1905). Hill, F. E. and Fleming, A. P. M. Control of electric furnaces. Trans. Faraday Soc. 14, 90-98 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1424. 14 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Hiorth, A. Design of a 30-ton induction electric furnace. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 3, 849-855 (1911) ; C. A. 6, 191. Hirshfeld, C. F. Electrically heated core ovens. J. Am. Inst. Metals 11, 240-249 (1917). Hollis, H. Service requirements of the electric furnace. Elec. W. 67, 766 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1302. Hooper, Wm. Electric furnace and some of its applications, Elec. J. 6, 221-234 (Apr., 1909). Horry, W. S. Power for electric furnace work. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 25, 59-64 (1914); Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 332-333 (1914) ;C. A. 8, 2111. How electric furnaces are built. Iron Trade Rev. 64, 1545- 1548 (June 12, 1919). Hutton, R. S. and Petavel, J. E. Electric furnace reactions under high pressure. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans. (A) 207, 421-62 (1908); Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 97 (1908); Engineer. 85, 289 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1660; Electrician, July 31 (1908). Igeoski, B. Electric smelting furnace. Engineering 85, 699- 700 ( 1908) ;C. A. 2,2507. New electric furnace. Rev. metal. 5, 38-47 (1908) ; Chem. Ztg. 32, 506 (1908) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 296 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1117. Installations of Girod furnaces. Eng. Min. J. 93, 420; C. A. 6, 964. Jacobs, Chas. B. The electric furnace in industrial chemistry. Trans. Am. Inst. E. E. 19, 295-308 (June, July, 1902). Janecke, Ernst. A simple carbon-helix resistance furnace and a photographic temperature recording apparatus. Z. Elek- trochem. 21, 439-43 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 853. Jeffries, Z. Notes on the gran-annular electrical furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 154-7 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 1389. Johnson, C. M. Improved laboratory furnace. Iron Trade Rev. 56, 613-4 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 1877. Johnson, W. McA. Electric furnace load for hydro-electric plants. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 65, 1028 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 22. Off-peak loads and the electric furnace. Elec. W. 64, 762 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 22. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPUED TO METALLURGY. 15 Rotary electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 321 (1906). Thermal efficiency of the electric furnace. Eng. Soc. W. Penn., Proc. 31, 488-498, 499-509 (1915) ; Iron Trade Rev. 57, 491 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 853. Water cooling of furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 6 (1906). A letter. and Sieger, G. N. History of electric furnaces, their design, characteristics and commercial applications. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 504-7, 563-7, 643-8, 683-6 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3572; 8, 298; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 41-43 (1914). Kameyama, N. The behavior of magnesia in the carbide fur- nace. J. Chem. Ind. Japan 19, 41 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1008. Keeney, R. M. Electric smelting with special reference to Canadian conditions. Can. Min. Inst. Bull. 88, 846-853 (Aug., 1919); Col. School Mines Mag. 9, 219-222 (Aug., 1919). Electrical resistance furnace. Eng. Mag. 47, 605-606 (1914). Keller, Albert. Application of the electric furnace to metal- lurgy. Iron Coal Trades Rev., May 8, 1903. Keller, C. A. Study of the electric furnace. Iron Age 83, 1753-59 (1909); C. A. 4, 865. Keller electric furnace. J. Mines Met. 1, 66-70, 85-86; C. A. 6, 2207. Keller process for producing steel in the electric furnace. Rev. d'electrochim., Dec., 1908. Kennedy, Walter C. Heroult electric furnace. Assn. Iron Steel Elec. Eng., Sept., 1917. Kershaw, J. B. C. Applied electrometallurgy up to the end of 1906. Eng. Mag. 34, 105-119, 261-277 (1907). Electric annealing furnaces for hardening and tempering high-class tools. Elec. W. 53, 448-450; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 95 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 863, 1493. Electrometallurgical industries in 1907. Cassier's Mag. 32, 26-36 (1907). and London, F. J. C. The electrochemical and electrometal- lurgical industries of Great Britain. Monographien iiber angewandte Elektrochemie. No. 27 (1907). 1 6 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Kirkgasse, G. J. Electric heated industrial furnaces. Ind. Management 57, 26-32 (Jan., 1919). Kjellin electric furnace, The. Four electrique de M. Kjellin, Juin, 1903. Klugh, B. G. Silicon manganese from electric furnaces. Iron Age 104, 438-440 (Aug. 14, 1919). Knesche, F. A. Electric smelting of ores in the United States. Iron Trade Rev. 48, 65 (1911). Kolowrat, L. Automatic regulation of electric furnaces. Electrician 64, 474; C. A. 4, 865. Korber, H. Resistance materials with variable temperature coefficients. Z. angew. Chem. 24, 1402-1405 ; C. A. 5, 3654. Kowalke, O. L. Electric furnace conversion of iron pyrites into a magnetic form. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 13, 133 (1908). Kranz, W. G. Electric furnace in the foundry. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 101, 927-930 (1915); Foundry 43, 164-165; Iron Age 95, 780-781; Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 565-566, 650 (1915) ;C. A. 9, 2189. Kunze, W. Development of the modern electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 32, 1089-1095, 1136-1141, 1181-1188; C. A. 6, 2889. Kyle, W. J. Operating data on an important electric furnace installation. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 68, 374-376 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1007. Lagendonck, C. van. Helfenstein large electric furnace. Iron Age 94, 478-480 (1914). Lane, H. M. Electric furnace and its use. J. Cleveland Eng. Soc., Sept., 1910. Langmuir, L, Adams, E. Q., and Meikle, G. S. Flow of heat through furnace walls. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 53-84 ( 1914) ;C. A. 7, 3713. Latest type of Rennerfelt furnace. Elec. Rev., London, 75, 112-114 (July 17, 1914). Leeds, T. H. Use of electricity for crucible fusion. Electri- cian 38, 407-8 (Jan. 22, 1897). Lindstrom, A. Leads for electric furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 683-687 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2753. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 17 Listen, J. Developments in the electrical industry during 1917. Gen. Elec. Rev. 21, 4-52 (1918). Lombardi, L. Uniform distribution of current in high power electric furnaces. Atti incorraggiamento Napoli 67, 45-63 (1917); C. A. 11, 1363. Lorenz, A. W. Making electric furnace bottoms. Foundry 46,403 ( 1918) ;C. A. 13,399. Louvrier, F. Electric heat vs. heat from fuel. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 298 (1907). Electric and fuel furnaces compared. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 159 (1905) ; C. A. 3, 1367. Electrometallurgy and electric furnaces. Mining J. 84, 236- 237 (Aug. 22, 1908). New type of electric furnace for the reduction of ores. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 710-713 (1913); Eng. Mag. 46, 804-807 (1914); C. A. 8, 868. Luzzati, S. The Stassano electric furnace. L'Elettricita, Oct. 5, 1902. Lyman, J. Power requirements of electric furnace. Iron Age 87, 322-323 (Feb. 2, 1911). Lyon, Dorsey A. and Cullen, Joserh F. Design, construction and operation of electric furnaces. Bureau Mines Tech. Paper 77, Part 1 ; C. A. 9, 754. and Keeney, R. M. Electrometallurgical industries as power consumers of electric power. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 1915, 1707-30; C. A. 9, 2736. and Keeney, R. M. Feasibility of western electrometal- lurgy. J. Elec. Power Gas 36, 237-240, 262-263, 282-284, 296-298, 316, 318; C. A. 10, 1730. and Keeney, R. M. Possible applications of the electric fur- nace to western metallurgy. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 119-166 (1913); Met. Chem. Ind. 11, 577 (1913); C. A. 7, 3572. and Keeney, R. M. Smelting of metals in the electric fur- nace. Bureau Mines Tech. Paper 77, Part 2 ; C. A. 9, 754. McKnight, W. M. Details of the Stassano furnace at War- man Steel Casting Co., Redondo, Cal. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 67, 13 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 16. 1 8 d,ARNC JAY WEST. McLain, R. H. Industrial control in the foundry. (Electrical regulators for electric furnaces.) Proc. Am. Inst. E. E. 34, 587 (1915); C. A. 9, 1272. Mailloux, C. O. Hydroelectric power and electrochemistry and electrometallurgy in France. Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 265- 273, 324-335 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1598. Malm, Walter R. High temperature experimental furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 70 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 754. Mann, F. P. Electrical progress on the continent in 1913. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 64, 16. Marchand, H. The electric blast furnace. Rev. chim. ind. 21, 118; C. A. 5, 247. Experiments on a tall electric furnace in Sweden. Rev. gen. sci. 20, 799 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 993. Mathieu, J. C. Operating characteristics of a small electric furnace. Elec. W. 67, 262 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1302. Matignon, M. Recent progress in electrometallurgy. Bull. soc. intern, elec. 8, 237-269 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2507. Melting metals in the induction furnace. Iron Trade Rev. 44, 577-580 (Mar. 25, 1909) ; C. A. 4, 716. Melting silver, nickel and bronze alloys by electricity. Eng. Min. J. 107, 323-324 (1919). Mercer, R. G. Electric furnaces in the United Kingdom, 1918. Foundry Trade J. 21, 295-301 (1919) ; Electrician 82, 694-5 (1919); Engineer 127, 490 (1919); Iron Age 103, 1497-8 (1919). Merrick, C. B. Saving the waste with an electric furnace. J. Elec. 42, 30-31 (1919). Messinger, C. R. Electric and converter castings compared. Iron Age 101, 446-7; Foundry 46, 71 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1360. Meyer, A. A. Electrical characteristics of electric furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 97-130 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2069. Miller, D. D. Electric treatment of airplane forgings. Iron Age 102, 381-385 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 92. Industrial applications of electricity. Elec. W. 72, 693-5 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2282. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 19 Minet, A. Electric furnace, its origin, transformation and application. Trans. Faraday Soc. 1, 77 (1905) ; 2, 1 (1906). The origin, development and applications of the electric fur- nace. Elektrochem. Z., June, 1903. Miscellaneous installations of Girod electric furnaces. Elec. Rev. 58, 300 ; C. A. 5, 1367. Moldenke, R. Electric furnace in the foundry. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 207 (1907) ; C. A. 1, 2463. Montgomery, R. L. Possibilities of the electric steel furnace. Elec. Rev. 71, 182-84 (1917) ; Elec. Rev. West. Elec., Aug. 4, 1917. Moore, W. E. The electric furnace, its introduction into foundry practice. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 35, 161-174 (1919); C. A. 13,91, 1186. Electric furnaces. J. Eng. Club, St. Louis 4, 166-183 (Mar., 1919). Electric furnaces commercially classified. Elec. J. 14, 144- 146 (1917); C. A. 11, 1362. ' Modern electric furnace practice in foundries. Mech. Eng. 41, 874-876 (1919). Morrison, W. L. The electric furnace in the foundry. Am. Found. Assn., Sept., 1914; Iron Age 94, 777-778 (1914) ; Dis- cussion, F. T. Snyder, Ibid, 779; Iron Trade Rev. 57, 177-179 (1915); C. A. 9, 176. Mottelay, P. F. Bibliography of electrochemistry. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 13, 453-481 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 3030. Myers, C. Electric furnaces. Electrician 68, 828-829 ; C. A. 6, 1256. Naylor, J. W. Electric furnaces from a steelmaker's point of view. Electrician 83, 363-367 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 151. Nesbit, C. T. Crucible vs. electric furnace. Chem. World 3, 131-132; C. A. 8,2846. Neumann, B. Blast furnace and electric furnaces. Stahl u. Eisen 29, 276-280 (Feb. 24, 1909). Present condition of electrosiderurgie. Rev. metal. 7, 1048- 1053 (1910). Silicon as a reducing agent for the oxides of high melting metals. Z. Elektrochem. 14, 169-172; C. A. 2, 1661. 20 CLARENCE JAY WEST. New data on electric smelting in Sweden. Iron Age 93, 1268- 1270 (May 21, 1914). New electric annealing furnace (Niagara Falls). Metal Ind. 12, 279-280; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 483-485 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3269. New installations of Heroult furnaces. Iron Age 96, 937 (1915); C. A. 10, 16. New Rennerfelt electric furnaces. Iron Age 98, 737 (1916); C. A. 10, 2667. Nicou, Paul. Electric blast furnace. Tech. mod., Aug. 15, 1913. Hans feie Lorentzen electric blast furnace. Ann. mines ; Lumiere elec. 23, 305-306; C. A. 7, 3921. Northrup, E. F. Cascade attachment for graphite furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 305-306 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 2650. Electric conduction at high temperatures and how to meas- ure it. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 25, 373-392 (1914) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 340 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 2651. High frequency induction heating today. Chem. Eng. 27, 167-168 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1046, 2311. New high frequency induction furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 17,501 (1917) ;C. A. 11,3177. New high temperature furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 31-33 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 1542. Principles of inductive heating with high frequency cur- rents. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 35, 69-159; C. A. 13, 1046. Northrup-Ajax high frequency induction furnace. Chern^ Met. Eng. 19, 155-156 (1918) ; Mach. 24, 1157; Am. Mach. 49, 364 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2068. Northrup-Ajax induction furnace. Iron Age 103, 1294-5 (1919). Oesterheld, G. An electric vacuum furnace of universal appli- cability. Z. Elektrochem. 21, 54-60 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 3028. Oestterreich, M. Helfenstein large electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 33, 305-311 (Feb. 20, 1913). Orndt, K. Electrically heated laboratory furnace for high temperatures. Elektrotechn. Z. 37, 119 (1916); C. A. 12, 2554. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPUED TO METALLURGY. 21 Parsons, C. A. Notes on carbon at high temperatures and pressures. Proc. Roy. Soc. London (A) 79, 532-535 ; C. A. 2, 1527. Patten, H. A. Energy changes accompanying absorption. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 387-407 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 3. Perkins, F. C. German crucible electric furnace of the trans- former type. Chem. Eng. 18, 97-99 ; C. A. 7, 3921. Peters, F. Electrometallurgy in the year 1904. Gliickauf. 41, 717-727 (June 10, 1905). Electrometallurgy in 1905 and the first half of 1906. Gliickauf. 42, 1384-1391, 1443-1452, 1469-1476, 1519-1524, 1552-1559, 1582-1589, 1619-1625, 1644-53 (1906). Peterson, O. Materials adapted for lining electric furnaces. Mining Eng. World 43, 695 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 1134. Pinot, E. Present state of the electrochemical and the elec- trometallurgical industries. Rev. electrochim. 7, 175-184, 212-227. Podkepaer, N. I. Alloys of platinum and tin. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 40, 249-60; C. A. 2, 2367. Poisson, H. Metallurgical application of electric heating. Sci. Am. S., Mar. 20, 1897, 17690-17691. Present status of the induction furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 99-102 (1913). Preval, N. Rennerfelt electric furnace. Rev. industriel. 45, 41-43 (Jan. 24, 1914). Production and distribution of electric furnace products. J. four elec. 28, 25 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1047. Production of metals, especially zinc, in the electric furnace. J. four elec. (1916), 109-112; C. A. 11, 1363. Progress of electric metal melting furnaces. Metal Ind. 16, 66; C. A. 12, 1267. Randall, K. C. Study in furnace conductors for heavy alter- nating currents. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 17, 139-147 (1910);C. A. 4,2769. Raydt, U. Modification of the Tamann furnace. Z. Elektro- chem. 20, 185-186; C. A. 8, 2112. Recent improvements in the use of the electric furnace. Sci. Am. 109, 84-85 (1913). 22 CIvARENCE) JAY WEST. Refractory materials for furnace linings. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 140-141 (1905). Reid electric smelting process. Eng. Min. J. 91, 564; C. A. 5, 1872. Rennerfelt electric furnace. Engineering 98, 638-641 (1914) ; Eng. Min. J. 99, 400-402 (1915); Iron Age 92, 190; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 7, 159 (1915) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 702-3 (1915) ; C. A. 7, 3079; 9, 556. Revessi, G. Electric furnaces. Rivista Telettrotecnica, Nov. 15, 1918, p. 454; Met. italiana 10, 565-572; C. A. 13, 1672. Review of the electrochemical and electrometallurgical indus- tries of Switzerland. J. four elec. 28, 33-34 (1919). Reyval, J. The Vigeland aluminum factories near Vennesla, Norway. Lumiere elec. 30, 298-303, 31, 8-14 (1915); C. A. 10, 561. Rice, E. W., Jr. Review and forecast of the electrical indus- try. Gen. Elec. Rev. 21, 528-534 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1855. Richards, J. W. Conditions of progress in electrochemistry. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 3, 59 (1903). Efficiency of electric furnaces. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 46 (1902) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 2, 51 (1902). Electric power required to melt metals. Metal Ind. 8, 456- 458 ;C. A. 5,831. Electrochemical industries of Norway. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 20, .403 (1911). Electrochemistry at Sault Ste. Marie. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 85 (1902). Gas circulation in electrical reduction furnaces. TranS. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 21, 403-418 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 1879. Metallurgical calculations VI. Efficiency of furnaces. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 3, 299 (1905). Metallurgical calculations. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 165-71 (1907); C. A. 1, 1964; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 496-7 (1907); C. A. 2, 984; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 194-8 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1813. Vaporization of metals. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 754 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 730. Rodenhauser, W. Electric furnace. Elek. Kraft, u. Bahnen 10,281-286 (May 24, 1912). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 23 Roeber, E. F. Electrode losses in electric furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 16, 363 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 1269. Electrometallurgy. Trans. Inter. Eng. Congress, 1915, 457- 478 ;C. A. 10, 2841. Rosenhain, W and Coad-Pryor, E. A. High temperature elec- tric resistance furnace. Trans. Faraday Soc. Adv. proof, 7 pp. ; C. A. 13, 3083. Rossi, A. J. Electric smelting and blast furnace gases. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 150-151, 190-193 (1905). Rowlands, T. Electric furnaces of the induction type. Iron Age 85, 1136-1141 (May 12, 1910). Rowlinson, F. Electric furnaces. Sci. Am. S. 88, 132-133, 180- 181 (Aug. 30, Sept. 20, 1919). Ruder, W. E. High temperature resistance furnaces with duc- tile molybdenum or tungsten resistors. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 134, 136, 585-91, 716-717; C. A. 12, 789. Ruff, O. Electric vacuum furnace for high temperatures. Z. Elektrochem. 20, 177-9 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 1916. Rutgers, F. Industrial application of electric heating. Genie Civil 75, 189-194 (Aug. 30, 1919). Ruthenberg, M. Electric smelting furnaces and their appli- cation. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 18, 185 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 1710. Ryan, F. J., McKee, E. E. and Walker, W. D. Ideal electric furnace for foundry. Iron Age 98, 616-617 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2841. Sabersky, E. and Adler, E. New electrical hardening furnace. Elecn. 63, 22-24 ;C. A. 3, 1493. Sahlin, Axel. New type of electric furnace. Elec. News 28, 32-34 (June 1, 1919) ; Elec. Rev. 84, 591-593 (May 23, 1919) ; Elec. W. 74, 139 (1919) ; Elecn. 83, 164-167 (1919) ; Engineer- ing 107, 655 (1919) ; Iron Coal Trades Rev. 98, 618 (May 9, 1919) ; C. A. 13, 2485; Foundry Trade J. 21, 302-304 (1919). Rennerfelt electric furnace. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Dec. 19, 1913. Rennerfelt electric furnace with crucible works and smelter. Eng. Mag. 47, 104-106 (1914). 24 CLARENCE JAY WEST. St. Johns, H. M. Commercial testing of metallurgical electric furnaces. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 377-392 (1919); C. A. 13, 3088. Rocking electric arc furnace. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 13-15 (1919) ; Metal Ind. 17, 320-322 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 18. Saturated core reactors for electric furnace loads. Elec. Rev. 74, 1046 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1974. Scarpa, O. Power factor of the electric arc furnace. Rivista tecnica d'elettricita, No. 1891, 105-106 (Oct. 25, 1918). Schmelz, E. M. Keeping an electric furnace hot during periods of idleness. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 216 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 2112. Scott, A. L. Energy consumption and operating schedule for a one ton furnace connected to central station lines. Elec. W. 67, 943 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1730. Scott, E. K. Greaves-Etchells electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 17,243-5 (1917). The Hering pinch effect furnace. Trans. Faraday Soc. 7, 202; Chem. Ztg. 35, 1133-1134; C. A. 6, 2889, 3360. Seede, J. A. Electric furnace control. Gen. Elec. Rev. 19, 501-5 (1916) ;C. A. 10; 1813. Siebert, N.' An electric resistance furnace with a resistor of base metals. Chem. Ztg. 35, 443 ; C. A. 5, 2278. Siemens manufacturing concerns in Greater Berlin. Electri- cian 69, 352 ; C. A. 6, 2033. Single and three-phase electric furnaces. Elec. World 70, 840 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 22. Single electrode electric furnaces for making and reining steel. Elec. World 67, 670 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1134. Single phase transformers for electric furnace service. Elec. Rev. 74, 765 (1919) ; C. A. 12, 1282. Slade, R. E. Electric furnace for experiments in vacuo at temperatures up to 1500. Electrician 71, 479 ; C. A. 7, 3080. Small-size electric arc furnace for melting and refining. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 275-7; C. A. 8, 2112. Snowdon, R. C. Electric crucible furnace. Cornell Chemist 4, 13-14; C. A. 8, 2846. Snyder, F. T. Commercial electric furnaces and their uses. Automotive Eng. 4, 29-32 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1045. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 25 Electric furnace power loads. Elec. World 65, 1527 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 15. Flow of heat through furnace walls. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 18, 235 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 1873. Reliability of electric furnace for chemical work. Chem. Eng. 13, 153 ; C. A. 5, 2467 ; Iron Age, Jan. 26, 1911. Single phase and three phase operations of electric furnace. W. Engineering 6, 10-13 (July, 1915). Study of electric furnace operation. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 71, 171-5 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2752. Somerville, Albert A. Small tubular resistance furnace. Elec. World 56, 1476 ; C. A. 5,831. Some recent improvements in the use of the electric furnace. Sci. Am., Aug. 2, 1913. Special type of electric furnace. Chem. Eng. 16, 151-153. Standardizing electrodes for electric furnaces. Iron Age 98, 1369 ( 1916) ;C. A. 11,234. Stange. The electrochemical industry. Elektrochem. Z. 15, 1-5, 36-39, 60-63 (1918). Stansfield, A. The electric furnace its evolution, theory and practice. Can. Eng. 13, 170-173 (May, 1906). Stassano, E. The Stassano thermo electric furnace. Eng. Min. J. 83, 1135-7 (June 15, 1907). Static transformers for use with electric furnaces. Electri- cian 83, 69-70 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2159. Stephan. Production of metals in the electric furnace. Chem. Ztg. 36, 1194;C. A. 8, 2846. Stievenart, A. Electrosiderurgy. Bull, sci., Liege, 14, 93-107; C. A. 6, 3361. Sutherland, W. F. Types of electric furnaces. The Renner- felt. Can. Machy. 21, 328-330 (Apr. 3, 1919). Swan, J. W. Electrochemical industry. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 20, 663-675 (1902). Taussig, Rudolf. Helfenstein furnaces. Recent developments in large electric furnaces. Orig. Com. 8th Inter. Cong. Appl. Chem. 21, 105. Large electric furnaces. Z. Elektrochem. 15, 542; Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 524; C. A. 3, 2906; 4, 1427. 26 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Taylor, E. R. Closed electrolytic furnace for reducing and distilling metals from their ores. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 295-301 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 22. Thallner, O. Influence of heating and metallurgical opera- tions on crystallization in electric furnaces both acid and basic. Rev. metal. 7, 1060-1063 ; C. A. 5, 2219. Thomas, F. Electric resistance furnace with adjustable length of bath. Metallurgie 9, 158-160; C. A. 6, 1570. Thompson, M. DeKay. Electrochemistry and electric fur- naces. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 70, 9 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 325. Thornton, Frank, Jr. Resistance furnace. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 32, 141-154 (1917). Thovez, E. Development of the electric arc furnace. Elet- trotecnica 5, 447-481 (1918). Three-phase induction furnace. Eng. News 60, 285; C. A. 2, 3069; 3, 1120. Threlfall. Electricity as applied to metallurgy. Aust. Min. Stand. (Aug. 12, 1897, Sept., 1896). Tone, F. J. Electric furnace products. Met. Chem. Eng. 14, 509-511 (1916) ; Iron Age 97, 1124-1125 (1916). Electrochemistry in its human relations. Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 413-416 (1919) ; Manuf. Record 75, 97-98; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 35, 31-37 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1044. Niagara Falls power and American industry. II. Furnace products. Met. Chem. Eng. 14, 509-511; Mining Eng. World 44, 907-909; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 29, 66-73 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1811. Production of silicon and alloys containing silicon. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 7, 243-249 (1905). Silicized carbon-silfrax. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 26, 181-198 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 266. Trasenter, E. Electrometallurgy of steel. Rev. Univ. Mines Metals 21, 252-293; C. A. 3, 1367. Tucker, S. A. Electrochemistry as applied to industrial chem- istry. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 27, 267-268 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1779. Granular carbon electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 10 (1917); C. A. 11, 2431. A granular carbon resistance furnace. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc, 11, 307-315 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 23. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 27 Platinum resistance furnace. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 29, 1442- 1444 (1910);C. A. 2, 373. Vertical arc furnaces for the laboratory. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 263 (1906). Ubbelohde, L. Electric laboratory furnaces with wire resist- ors of a base metal. Z. Elektrochem. 17, 1002 ; C. A. 6, 573. Unger, Magnus. Action of electromechanical forces on the bath of induction furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 263-265; C. A. 6, 2578. Electric hardening furnaces. Gen. Elec. Rev. 16, 158; C. A. 7, 1443. Van Brussel, J. B. Trollhattan electric smeltery. Eng. Min. J. 92, 650-652 (Sept. 30, 1911) ; C. A. 5, 3654. Van Langendonck, C. The Helfenstein large electric furnace. Iron Age 94, 478-480 (Aug. 27, 1914). Vom Baur, C. H. Crafts electric furnace of the induction type. Iron Age 92, 612-613 (1913). Electric furnaces. Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 488-489 (1919); C. A. 13, 2808; Elec. World 72, 21 (1918) ; Iron Trade Rev. 62, 540-541. Rennerfelt electric furnace. Iron Age 97, 1052-1053 (1916) ; Chem. Eng. 23, 1912 (1916) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 29, 497-514 (1916) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 87- 96 (1917) ;C. A. 10, 1812. Walsh, Geo. E. The commercial development of electro- metallurgy. Min. Sci. Press 91, 9 (July 1, 1905). Watts, Oliver P. An electric furnace for heating crucibles. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4,273-275 (1906). Electric arc furnace for laboratory use. Met. Chem. Eng. 14, 681-683 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2666. and Breckenridge, J. M. Calcium alloys for alumino- thermic work. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 237-238 ; C. A. 2, 2366. Weckbecker, Julius. Process for the production of silicon free or low silicon metals or alloys and of metallic silicides successively from an ore. Metallurgie 4, 317-319 (1907); C. A. 1, 1965. -28 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Weidenthal, H. G. Square deal for the electric furnace. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 779-780 (Dec. 24, 1919) ; Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 36 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1808. Weiss, Ludwig. Helberger fusion furnace. Elektrochem. Z. 16, 65-67; C. A. 13, 1618, 2080. Weitlaner, R. J. Comparative furnace efficiency. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 357-361 (1915). Wellman, S. F. Discussion of the electric furnace. Iron Trade Rev. 50, 1224 (1912). White, G. R. Laboratory resistance furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 9, 143-144 (1906) ; C. A. 1, 12. Wilcox, E. A. Electric furnaces. J. Elec. Power Gas 38, 48 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 917. Economic industrial application of electricity. W. Soc. Eng. J. 22, 569-572 (1917) ; Sci. Am. S. 85, 146-147 (1918). Wilda, H. Electric smelting furnaces. Elektrotech. u. Poly- tech. Rundschau. 24, 347-347 (Aug. 7, 1907). Wiley, B. Regulation of the electric furnace. Elec. J. 14, 138-140 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1599. Williams, R. G. The grinding wheel. A connecting link be- tween the electric furnace and the automobile. Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 599-603 (1917) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 181-195 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1792. Williamson, M. A. Alundum manufacture and use. Metal Ind. 16, 128-129 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 881. Wills, W. H. and Schuyler, A. H. Heat losses from an electric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 28, 207-220 (1916) ; Iron Age 96, 1052-1053 (1915). Wiring and control for large electric furnace. Elec. World 74, 304-305 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2159. Wolf, J. and Miiller, E. An electric vacuum furnace for high temperatures. Z. Elektrochem. 20, 1-4; C. A. 8, 1915. Work of the electric furnace. Elec. Eng. 52, 12-13 (Nov., 1918). Wright, J. The electric furnace. Cassier's Mag., June, 1903. Electric furnaces and their industrial application. 1905. Some electric furnace processes. Cassier's Mag. 26, 24-39 (May, 1904). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 29 Yardley, J. L. McK. Notes on electric furnace problems. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 142, 1593-1898 (1918) ; 148, 690- 691 (1919);C. A. 13,283. Yngstrom, L. Electric shaft furnace at Domnarfvet, Sweden. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 11 (1913) ; C. A. 4, 863. ELECTRODES. Barhan, G. B. Electrodes for electric furnaces. Elec. Rev. (London), Apr. 18, 1913. Barnett, C. A. Electric furnace electrodes, their manufacture and uses. Sibley J. Eng. 30, 27-32 (1915) ; C. A. 11, 314. Bay, I. Evolution of the electrode. L'Electricien 37, 358-60, 379-82, 396-398, 404-405 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2086. Clocher, Wm. Manufacture of carbons. Elec. Rev., Jan. 20, 1911; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 137-141 (1911). Collins, C. L. Graphite electrodes in electrometallurgical pro- cesses. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 1, 53 (1902). Design of electric furnace electrodes. Electrochem. Met. Eng. 7, 502 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 1844. Effect of heat leakage on the electrode loss. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 59-60 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1845. Electrode holders construction for electric furnaces. Stahl u. Eisen 33, 472-478, 555-561 (1913); Met. Chem. Ind. 11, 321-326 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 2354. Electrode manufacture. Elec. Times 55, 1311 (1919); C. A. 13, 1424. Electrode situation (in France). J. four elec. 1917, 17-18; C. A. 11, 1363. Escard, J. Electrodes for electric furnaces. Their manufac- ture, properties and utilization. Gen. Civil, Aug. 4, 1917; Elec. Rev., Sept. 14, 1917; Gen. Elec. Rev. 21, 664-671, 781- 792 (1918). Favarney, O. Electrodes of pure graphite and their use in electric metallurgy. Rev. Industriel. 43, 464-7 (Aug. 24, 1912). FitzGerald, F. A. J. On carbons for electric metallurgy. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 317-327 (1907); C. A. 2, 23. 30 CLARENCE JAY WEST. On testing carbon electrodes. Trans. Am. Electrochem.. Soc. 2, 43 (1902). and Hinckley, A. I. Experiments with furnace electrodes, Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 23, 333-350 (1913). Electrode suspension in electric furnaces. Stahl. u. Eisen 33,. 472-478 (Mar. 20, 1913). Forrsell, J. Current densities and energy losses in electrodes. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 26-32 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1844. Hansen, C. A. Furnace electrode losses. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 358-359 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 149 ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 279-294 (1909); Ibid. 16, 329-352 (1909); C. A. 3 r 2652; 4, 1845. Hering, C. Design of furnace electrodes. Elec. World 55,. 1508 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1845, 2069. Chilling or heating action of furnace electrodes versus least electrode loss. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 188-190 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1939. Determination of the constants of materials for furnace electrodes. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 17, 151-170 (1910); C. A. 4,2769. Electrode construction for furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 67-78 (1911) ;C. A. 5, 1711. Electrode efficiency of furnaces. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 473-474 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 148. Empirical laws of furnace electrodes. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 17, 171-198 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 2769. Furnace electrodes. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 391-392 (1910); C. A. 4, 2412. Furnace electrode losses. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 400- 403 (1909);C. A. 3, 2907. Laws of electrode losses in electric furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 16, 265-297 (1909); Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 442-448 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 1845. New method of measuring thermal and electrical conductivi- ties of furnace electrodes. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 16, 317-324 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 1845. Properties and behavior of furnace electrodes. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 128-130 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1845; See also Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 42, 67, 665 (1911) ; 10, 128, 154, 206 (1912). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 31 Proportioning of electrodes for furnaces. Proc. Am. Inst. Elec. Eng. 29, 285 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1845. Kennelly, A. E. Modification in Hering's law of furnace elec- trodes. Proc. Am. Inst. Elec. Eng. 29, 267 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 1845. Kunze, W. Automatic electrode regulation for arc furnaces. Stahl u. Eisen 38, 125-130, 152-159, 184-194, 212-217 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 3085. Mahlke, A. New form of electrode. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 42- 43 (1911);C. A. 5, 1020. Manufacture of electric furnace electrodes. L'Elecn. 38, 339- 342 (Nov. 27, 1909). Perkins, F. C. Refining steel from Bessemer converter by a composite electric arc process. Chem. Eng. 14, 406; C. A. 6,29. Production of carbon electrodes for metallurgical purposes. Stahl u. Eisen 32, 1857-1865 (Nov. 7, 1912) ; C. A. 7, 731. This article contains a complete bibliography. Properties and uses of furnace electrodes. Elec. World 70, 963-964 ( 1917) ; C. A. 12, 252. Roeber, E. F. Electrode losses in electric furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 16, 363-391 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 1269. Roush, G. A. Manufacture of carbons for steel furnaces. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1, 286-295 (1909). Standard electrodes for electric furnaces. Iron Age 98, 1369 (1916); C. A. 11,234. Styri, H. Electrode cooling. Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 233 (1917); C. A. 11,2753. Turnbull, R. T. Furnace electrodes practically considered. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 21, 397-402 (1912); Chem. Eng. 15, 68-70 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 1256. IRON. Allen, H. Electric furnace in the iron and steel industries. Cassiers' Mag., 27, 358-362 (1905). Application of electricity to the smelting of iron ores. Mech. Eng. 19, 39-41 (1907).' 32 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Application of the electric furnace to the metallurgy of iron and steel. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 307-310 (1904). Armstrong, D. E. Electric low phosphorus pig iron. Can. Chem. J. 2, 190 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1614. Arnou, G. Direct reduction of iron ores in the electric fur- nace. Rev. metal. 7, 1054-1058 (1910). Present state of the electrometallurgy of iron. Lumiere elec. 12, 4-7; C. A. 5,29. Progress realized in the reduction of iron ores in the elec- tric furnace. Lumiere elec. 16, 269 ; C. A. 6, 456. Aston, J. Progress in the electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Wis. Engr., Nov., 1910. Baily, T. Data on the operation of the electric furnace. Elec. World 71, 780-781 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1149. Beilstein, A. Electric pig iron production in Scandinavia. Stahl u. Eisen 33, 1270-1278. Bell, F. H. Electric furnace in the gray iron foundry. Can. Machy. 21, 7-8 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1422. Bennie, P. McN. Application of the electric furnace to the metallurgy of iron and steel. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 307 (1904). The electric furnace. Iron Age 85, 216-218; C. A. 5, 629. The electric furnace for iron and steel. Iron Trade Rev. 1904, 27, 63, 66. Electric furnace in the 'iron and steel industry. Electro- chem. Met. Ind. 7, 322; C. A. 3, 2086. Electric furnace pig iron in California. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 15, 35-38; Electrochem. Met. Ind.* 7, 251 (1909); C. A. 3, 2534. Electric furnace. Its place in siderology. Proc. Eng. Soc. W. Penn. 26,487 (1911). Position of the electric furnace. Eng. Min. J. 88, 80; C. A. 3, 2777. Bibby, J. Development in electric iron and steel furnaces. Iron Coal Trades Rev. 98, 611-617; Engineer 127, 513-515; Elec. World 74, 84, 712-713 (1919) ; Foundry Trade J. 21, 311-323 (1919) ; Electrician 83, 214-216; Elec. Rev. (London) 84, 136, 166, 176 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1423; 14, 16. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 33 Borchers, W. Electro-metallurgy in the iron industry. Stahl u. Eisen 18, 304-311 (April 1, 1898). The present status of electric smelting of iron and steel. Z. Ver. Deutscher Ing., June 10, 1905; Stahl u. Eisen 25, 631-637, 689, 693 (June, 1905). Reduction of oxide ores in the electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 31, 706-707 (May 4, 1911). Bordewich, Henry. Iron and steel by electric processes. Con- sular reports 13, 789 ; C. A. 5, 629. Boving, J. O. Electric iron smelting. Electrician 79, 613 (1917) ;C. A. 11,2561. New data on electric smelting in Sweden. Iron Age 93, 1268-1270 ;C. A. 8, 2651. Bridge. Electric furnaces. L'Electricien 38, 187; C. A. 3, 2907. Burger, Julius. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Elek. Kraft, u. Bahnen, Nov. 14, 1910; C. A. 5, 1233. Cain, J. R., Schrann, E., and Cleaver, H. E. Preparation of pure iron and iron carbon alloys. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 8, 217-220; U. S. Bur. Standards, Bull. 13, 4-16 (1916). Campbell, D. F. Progress in the electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Trans. Faraday Soc. 7, 198; Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 59, 980; Electrician 68, 149 (1912) ; Chem. News 104, 192-194; C. A. 6,28,964. Carcano, F. E. Electrometallurgical applications. Elettro- tecnica 2, 690-698 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 2842. Production of pig iron in the electric furnace and the industrial utilization of pyrite residues. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 155-156; C. A. 3, 1493; Industria, Dec. 19, 1909. Catani, Remo. Large electric furnace in the electrometal- lurgy of iron and steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 159-172 (1909); Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 268; C. A. 3, 2535. Production of pig iron in the electric furnace and in the blast furnace. Industria, Feb. 7, 1909. Reduction of iron ore in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 2, 153 (1909). 34 CIvARSNCE JAY WEST. Cirkel, F. Preparation of pig iron in electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 26, 868-871, 1369-1373 (1906). Cone, E. F. High grade pig iron from scrap steel. Iron Age 100, 485-489, 497, 629 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2753. Cost of electric pig iron production in North Sweden. Engi- neering 104, 621-623 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 564. Crawford, J. Electric smelting as conducted at Heroult. Mine and Industries, 1913 ; Min. Sci. Press 106, 987-989. Progress of electric smelting at Heroult, California. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 383-388 (1913). Demenge, E. Application of the electric furnace in the iron industry. Le Genie Civil 33, 205-207, 220-1 (July 30, Aug. 6, 1898). Doubs, F. Production of white cast iron in the electric fur- nace from cold and molten charge. Stahl u. Eisen 31, 589- 92 (Apr. 13, 1911). Dushman, S. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Trans. Eng. Soc., W. Toronto, No. 20 (1908). Eckmann, S. H. Electricity in iron and steel works and allied metal industries. Electrician 70, 389 ; C. A. 7, 572. Ehrenwert, Joseph V. Electric preparation of iron. Oesterr. Z. Berg-Hiittenw 56, 1-4, 21-24; C. A. 2, 1120. Eichoff. The Heroult electric steel furnace in practice. Iron Age 79, 332-336 (1907) ; C. A. 1, 689 (1907). Electric furnace in iron and steel metallurgy. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 24 (1907). Electric furnace in the grey iron industry. Can. Foun^ryman 9, 291-292 (1918). Electric furnaces in metallurgy. The Heroult furnace. Elec- trician 81, 538, 608 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 91. Electric furnace for pig iron. Iron Trade Rev. 55, 521-522 (1914). Electric furnace pig iron at Trollhattan. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 413-416 (July, 1912). Electric furnace processes for iron , and steel manufacture. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 478-486 (1904). Electric iron and steel. Elektrotech. Z. 31, 331 ; C. A. 4, 1844. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 35 Electric iron and steel furnaces. Engineering 85, 739-741, 775- 777 (1909); C. A. 2, 2507. Electric iron and steel industry in Canada and in Sweden and Norway. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 419 (1907). Electric iron ore smelting in Norway. Elec. Rev. West. Elecn. 67, 54 (1915). Electric iron ore smelting in Norway. Teknisk Ukeblad; Electrician 70, 292 ; C. A. 7, 452. Electric iron smelting at Trollhattan. Engineering 94, 395- 397, 630-635 ; C. A. 7, 1328. Electric pig iron in Norway a new type of furnace using coke successfully. Iron Age 95, 1120 (1915). Electric smelting of iron ores. Can. Min. Rev. 23, 58-59 (1904). Electric smelting of iron ore. Electrochem. Met- Ind. 7, 1 (1909);C. A. 3, 1722. Electric smelting of iron ore. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 503 (1909); C. A. 4,864. Electric smelting of iron ore in California. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 318-9 (Aug., 1907) ; Min. Sci. Press, July 20, 1907. Electric smelting of iron ore in California. Iron Age 92, 124- 126 (1913). Electric smelting of iron ores in northern Sweden. Iron Age 100,605 (1917). Electric smelting of iron and steel. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Jan. 15, 1904. Electric smelting in Sweden. Iron Coal Trades Rev. ; Iron Age 84, 545 ; C. A. 4, 1427. Electric smelting in Sweden. Electrician 80, 800 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1020. Electrochemical methods in the iron and steel industry, Elec- trochem. Ind. 1, 235 (1903). Electrometallurgical industry of Sweden. J. four elec., Dec. 1916 ;C. A. 11, 1599. Electrometallurgical production of iron and steel. Engineer, London, 95, 264-265 (Mar. 13, 1903). Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 280- 281 (1904). 36 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Electrometallurgy of iron and/ steel. Rev. 4'Electrochim., Oct., 1907. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Elec. Eng. 29, 20; C. A. 4, 1844. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 237-254 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2537. Electro-production of iron and steel. Engineer 99, 212-213 (March 3, 1905). Electrothermic iron ore smelting in Scandinavia. Eng. Min. J. 100, 351-352 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 2736. Elliott, G. K. Improving the quality of gray iron by the elec- tric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 35, 175-186 (1919) ; Iron Age 103, 939-940 (1919) ; Foundry 47, 585-586 (1919); C. A. 13, 1045. Elwell, E. F. Refining of iron and steel in induction type fur- naces. Trans. Am. Inst. E. E. 30, 621 ; C. A. 5, 1872. Engelhardt, V. Aims and limitations of the electrometallurgy of iron. Oesterr. Chem. Ztg. 17, 100-107 (1914); C. A. 9, 557. Electric furnace in the iron and steel industry. Z. Ver. Deut. Ing., Nov. 19, 1910. Etchells, H. Application of the electric furnace to the metal- lurgy of iron and its alloys. Electrician 81, 734-735 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 284. Evans, J. W. Laboratory experiments in the electric smelt- ing of iron ore. Trans. Can. Min. Inst. 9, 128 (1906). Fielding, W. Formation of silicon sulfide in the desulfuriza- tion of iron. Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 110; C. A. 5, 14*. FitzGerald, F. A. J. Experiments on smelting in the induction furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 10 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1722. Treatment of iron and steel in the electric furnace. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 6, 353 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 3031. Floge, A. New experience with the electric furnace in the iron and steel industry. Chem. Ztg. 36, 307 ; C. A. 7, 1843. Francois, L., and Tissier, L. Electrometallurgy in the iron industry. Revue technique, May 10, 1904. Foundry pig iron smelted in electric furnaces. Iron Trade Rev. 53, 493-497 (Sept. 18, 1913). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 37 Frank, K. G. Progress in the iron and steel industry and the electric furnace. Proc. Am. Inst. E. E. 34, 2547-2554 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 3028. Frick, O. Electric reduction of iron ores. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 631-637 (1911) ; 10, 71 (1912) ; Elec. World 58, 1432; C. A. 6, 714. Results with a Rennerfelt furnace. Iron Age 101, 563 (1918);C.A. 13, 536. Geillenkirchen, Th. Desulfurization of iron in the Kjellin in- duction furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 1180; C. A. 3, 1618. Desulfurization in the Heroult furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 873-876; C. A. 2, 2667. Gin, G. Electrical reduction of titaniferous iron ores. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 291-294 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 57. Goldschmidt, H. Manufacture of iron and Isteel in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 461-462 (1902). Production of iron and steel in the electric furnace. Elecn., London, 52, 163-167 (Nov. 20, 1903). Gorrow, R. C. Electric furnace in the foundry. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 882-883 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 853. Gradenwitz, Alfred. New resistance and induction furnace. Eng. Min. J. 87, 364-365 ; C. A. 3, 1120. Greaves-Etchells electric furnace. Elec. Rev. (London) 80, 395-396 (1917); C. A. 12, 789. Greene, A. E. Electric heating and the removal of phosphorus from iron. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 74, 269-277; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 22, 123-131 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 2159. and McGregor, F. S. Electrothermic reduction of iron ores. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 12, 65-79 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 1526; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 367-371 (1907); C. A. 2, 629. Guarini, Emile. Electro-metallurgy of iron and steel. Sci. Am. S. 23895-6, 23904-5, 23918-20 (1904). Guillet, L. Present state of the electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Genie Civil 50, 89, 105, 124, 140, 156, 174 (1906). Haanel, E. Electric shaft furnace of the Aktiebolaget Elec- trometall, Ludviga, Sweden. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 25-34 (1909) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 251 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2533. 38 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Electric smelting of iron ore. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 265-268 (1906). Electric smelting of magnetic ores. Iron Steel Mag. 11, 401-410 (1906); Can. Eng. 13, 140-144 (Apr., 1906). Experiments made at Sault Ste. Marie under Government auspices in the smelting of Canadian ores by the electro- thermic process. Trans. Faraday Soc. 2, 120-136 (1907) ; .C. A. 1, 820; Elektrochem. Z., Apr., 1907. Investigation of an electric shaft furnace. Canada, Dept. Interior, Mines Branch, Report 32 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2533, 2906. Iron reduction at the "Soo" by the Heroult electric furnace process. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 124-126 (1906). Pig iron production in an electric shaft furnace. Iron Age 84, 831-836; C. A. 3, 2533; 4, 1844. Recent advances in electric smelting. Canada, Dept. In- terior, Mines Branch, Bull. 3, 1910. Report of the commission appointed to investigate the dif- ferent electrothermic processes for the smelting of iron ores and the making of steel in operation in Europe. Canada, Dept. Interior, Mines Branch. 1904. Report on the experiments made at Sault Ste. Marie, On- tario, under Government auspices, on smelting Canadian iron ores by the electrothermic process. Canada, Dept. Interior, Mines Branch. 1907. Smelting of Canadian ores by the electrothermic process. Trans. Faraday Soc., July 2, 1906. Hansen, C. A. Small experimental Heroult furnace. v Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 7, 206-208 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1722. Hanson, H. J. Smelting iron electrically with coke as fuel. Iron Trade Rev. 53, 1003-1007 (1913). Harbord, F. W. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel before the Faraday Society. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 218-220 (June, 1905). Recent developments in electric smelting in connection with iron and steel. Trans. Faraday Soc. 1, 140 (1905) ; Iron Coal Trades Rev., Mar. 10, 1905. and Haanel, E. Electric processes for iron and steel manu- facture. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 486-497 (1904). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 39 Harden, J. Dephosphorization and desulfurization in the elec- tric furnace. Engineer 86, 205-206; C. A. 2, 2906. Efficiency of induction furnaces. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 320(1909); C. A. 3, 2085. Electric iron ore smelting at Hardanger, in Norway. I, II, III. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 82-86, 223, 280 (1914) ; Electrician 52, 766-771 ; C. A. 8, 1237 (1916). Electric iron smelting at Hardanger, in Norway. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 444-446 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3532. Electric smelting and reduction of iron ores in England. Electrician 58, 467-9 (1911). Induction furnace notes. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 559-562 (1913); C. A. 8,298. Recent developments of the Kjellin and Rochling-Roden- hauser furnaces. Trans. Faraday Soc. 4, part 2, 120 ; Eng. 86, 45 ; C. A. 3, 286; Chem. News 98, 29-31 ; C. A. 2, 3195. Smelting of iron ores in the electric furnace in comparison with blast furnace products. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 16(1909);C. A. 3, 1722. Utilization of manganese ores in Sweden. Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 701-704 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 452. Helfenstein-Engelhardt. Large electric furnace for pig iron. Montan. Rundsch. 7, 110 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 853. Henry N. New electric furnace for the extraction of iron. L'Electricien 38, 132-134 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2776. Present status of the electrometallurgy of iron. L'Electri- cien 38, 97, 115 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2652. Hering, Carl. Elementary principles of the designing and proportioning of electric furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 471 (1910); C. A. 5,429. Heroult, P. L. T. Electric metallurgy of iron and steel. Elec- trochem. Ind. 2, 408-409 (1904); Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 6, 129-134(1904). Hess, J. Electrometallurgy of iron and the iron alloys. Z. Elektrochemie 12, 25-31, 231-242 (1906). Hooghwinkel, G. Electric furnace in the iron and steel indus- try. Electrician 55, 307 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 2070. Huellegard, H. Electric pig iron plant in Sweden. Electro- chem. Met. Ind. 7, 300 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2085. 4O CLARENCE JAY Hutton, R. S. The electric furnace and its application to the metallurgy of iron and steel. Engineering, Dec. 7, 1906; C. A. 1, 689. Recent advances in the electrometallurgy of iron and steel. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 24, 589-592 (1905) ; Eng. Min. J. 80, 771-2 (Oct. 28, 1905). Igewsky. Foundry electric furnaces. L'Electricien 37, 231 ; C. A. 3, 1493. Irresberger, Carl. The electric smelting furnace of Gronwall- Dixon. Stahl u. Eisen 38, 90-92 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 283. Johnson, W. M. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 165 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 1915. Two stage electric smelting of iron ore. Iron Age 90, 450- 451 (Aug. 29, 1912). Juliusburger. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Elek. Kraft u. Bahnen 8, 643-646 (Nov. 14, 1910) / Kalmus, H. T. Recent developments in the electrothermic production of iron and steel, 1911-1912. Canada, Dept. of Mines, Mines Branch, 1912, pp. 107-120. Keeney, R. M. Fluorspar in electric smelting of iron ores. Min. Sci. Press 109, 335-336 (Aug. 29, 1914) ; C. A. 8, 3396. and Lyon, D. A. Possible application of the electric furnace to Western metallurgy. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 118-166 (1913) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 577-581 (1913). Keller, C. A. Electric furnaces as applied in the manufacture of iron and steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 87-126 (1909); Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 255-259 (1909); trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 110-136; C. A. 4, 20; Electrician 63, 452-455 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2269; Iron Coal Trades Rev., June 18, 1909. Electrothermics of iron and steel. Trans. Faraday Soc. 2, 36 (1906) ; Iron Coal Trades Rev., Apr. 13, 1906. Synthetic electric furnace cast iron. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 37, Preprint 2, 17-34 (1920). Kershaw, J. B. C. Electric furnaces for the iron and brass foundry. Elec World 51, 856-858; C. A. 2, 1781. Electric furnace methods of iron production. Iron Trade Rev. 50, 41-46 (Jan. 4, 1912). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 4! Electric furnace methods of iron and steel production. Elec. Rev. 42, 793-794, 842-845 (1903) ; Iron Trade Rev. 39, 21 (June 28, 1906) and following numbers; 39, 27 (Nov. 29, 1906) ; 40, 30 (Jan. 3, 1907). Kjellin, F. A. The Kjellin and Roechling-Rodenhauser elec- tric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 173-204 (1909) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 265-266; C. A. 3, 2536. Knudsen. The electrometallurgical industries of Scandinavia. J. four. elec. 28, 17-18 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 930. Kroupa, G. Smelting iron ores in the electric shaft furnace. Oesterr. Z. Berg-Hiittenw. 59, 502-507, 513-520; C. A. 5, 3197;C. A. 6, 1402. LeChatelier, C. Electrometallurgy of iron. Rev. metal 4, 85, 109 (1908); C. A. 2, 1815. Leffler, J. A. Electric iron ore smelting in Sweden. Elec- trician 75, 729 (1915); Engineering 100, 131M33 (1915); C. A. 9, 2736, 3029. Electric iron smelting at Trollhattan, Sweden. Iron Coal Trades Rev., June 9, 1911. Electric pig iron and steel plant at Trollhattan, Sweden. En- gineering 92, 374-379; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 505-510; C. A. 5, 3655, and Nystrom, E. Electric furnace pig iron at Trollhattan. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 413 ; C. A. 6, 2890. and Odelberg, E. Electric iron ore smelting at Trollhattan. Engineering 91, 778, 811, 846; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 368-371, 459-463 ; Eng. Mag. 41, 846 ; C. A. 5, 3197. Ljungberg, E. J. Production of iron and steel by the electric smelting process. Electrician 63, 990; Engineering 88, 465; Elec. Rev. 65, 575; C. A. 4,21. Louden, T. R. The electric smelting of iron ores in Canada. Appl. Sci. 8, 219-223 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 23. Notes on the electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Appl. Sci. 4, n. s. 10-18 (Nov., 1910). Luchini, V. Manufacture of iron in the electric furnace by the Stassano process. Soc. chim. di Milano ; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 20, 816; 21, 1143. 42 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Lyman, James. Electric furnaces in the manufacture of iron and steel. Chem. Eng. 13, 250; C. A. 5, 3197; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 193-203 (1910). Lyon, D. A. Electric furnace in the production of pig iron from ore. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 15-19 (1913) ; Sci. Am. S. 75, 381-383 (1913); C. A. 7,936. Iron reduction in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 139 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1781. Use of electric furnace pig iron in the open hearth furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 539 (1912). McClure, W. The production of iron and steel by the electric furnace. Eng. Rev., Dec., 1904. McKnight, W. M. Faults of the small electric arc furnace. Iron Age 97, 1008 (1916); J. Elec. Power Gas 36, 376 (1916). Stassano electric furnace at Redondo. J. Elec. Power Gas 35, 37 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 2486. Marchand, H. The electric blast furnace. Rev. chim. ind. 21, 84 ;C. A. 4, 1844. Electric shaft furnace. Rev. gen. sci. 21, 270; C. A. 4, 3165. Recent experiments on the electrothermal treatment of iron minerals. Rev. gen. sci. 20, 443-451 ; C. A. 3, 2269. Marshall, A. H. Use of electricity and its bearing on fuel sav- ing in the iron and steel trades. Electrician 80, 550-551 ( 1918) ;C. A. 12,467. Mercer, R. G. Electric furnaces in the United Kingdoni, 1918. Electrician 82, 694-696 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1792. Merrick, C. B. Saving the waste with an electric furnace. J. Elec. 42, 30 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 931. Minet, A. The manufacture of iron by electrochemical pro- cesses. Eng. Mag. 27, 796-816 (Aug. 6, 1904). Moldenke. Electrometallurgical memoranda of the iron in- dustry. Iron Trade Rev. 31, 12-13 (Apr. 21, 1898). Morrison, W. L. Electric smelting of the Pacific Coast. J. Elec. 42, 67 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 932. Nau, J. B. New process for the refining of pig iron. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 127-130 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 2032. THE: ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 43 Neuberger, A. Development of the electric smelting of iron and steel. Glaser's Annalen, Mar. 15, 1906. The electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Gliickauf. 41, 607- 614 (May 13, 1905). Manufacture of iron and steel by electrical process. Z. angew Chem. 17, 104-112, 129-140 (1904); J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 23, 258; Glaser's Ann., Nov. 15, Dec. 1, 1904. and Minet, A. The Neuberger-Minet electric furnace for the production of iron and steel. Mining J., Dec. 31, 1904. Neumann, B. Electric furnace methods in iron and steel man- ufacture in comparison with the ordinary metallurgical pro- cess. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 488-490 (1904). The electric smelting of iron and iron alloys. Stahl u. Eisen 24, 682-688, 761-769, 821-6, 883-8, 944-50 (1904). Electrometallurgy of iron. Monographien iiber angewandte Elektrochemie. No. 26 (1907). Manufacture of pig iron in the electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 27, 1256-1263 (1907) ; C. A. 1, 2993. Materials and thermal balance of the electric pig iron fur- nace. Stahl u. Eisen 35, 1152-1158 (1915); Iron Age 97, 834 (1916);C. A. 10, 1813. New results from the electric smelting of iron in the exper- imental plant at Trollhattan. Stahl u. Eisen 32, 1409- 1416. Note on the desulfurizing of iron in the electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 29, 355-356; C. A. 5, 629. Operative results of some electric iron and steel processes. Stahl u. Eisen 25, 536-43 (May 1, 1905). Pig iron production in the electric furnace at Domnarfvet, Sweden. Stahl u. Eisen, 29, 1801-14 (Nov. 17, 1909). Production of pig iron in the electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 27, 1256-63 (Aug. 28, 1907). Production of pig iron in the electric furnace at Domnarfvet. Z. Elektrochem. 16, 165-169; C. A. 4, 2607. Roechling-Rodenhauser induction furnace for 3-phase cur- rents. Metal Ind. 6, 45-48 ; C. A. 3, 147. New induction furnace. Iron Age 103, 1294-1295; C. A. 13, 1561. 44 CIvARSNCS JAY WEST. New installations of Heroult electric furnace. Iron Age 96 r 337 ( 1915) ;C. A. 9, 2487. Nicou, Paul. Production of cast iron in the electric furnace in Sweden ; an account of experiments at Trollhattan. Rev, metal. 9, 202-252; C. A. 6, 3361. Odelberg, E. Behavior and qualities of the electric furnace pig iron in the open hearth process. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 508-510 (1911) ;C. A. 6, 1097. Odquist. Problem of electric ore smelting in Norway. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 64, 100 ; C. A. 8, 867. Oestefreich, Max. Large Helfenstein electric furnace. Iron Age 91, 1482; Stahl u. Eisen 33, 305-311. Orten-Boving, J. Electric iron smelting. Can. Eng., Dec. 18 r 1913. Osann, B. Desulfurization of iron in the electric induction furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 1017-1023 ; Engineering 36, 148 ; C. A. 2, 2906. Ingot iron from the electric furnace. Iron Coal Trades Rev. r Nov. 6, 1918. Perkins, F. C. Stassano electric furnace. Mines and Min- erals 29, 277 ; C. A. 3, 1246. Petinot, N. Electric furnace in the foundry. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 650 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 853. Pig iron from scrap steel. Min. Sci. Press 115, 936-937 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 790. Production of pig iron in the electric furnace. Elec. tRev. (London) 71, 44-45 (July 12, 1912). Prentiss, F. L. Uses of electricity in malleable foundry. Iron Age 103, 537-43 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 931. Report of the Canadian commission on electrothermic pro- cesses for the production of iron. Elec. Rev. 45, 928-930 (Dec. 3, 1904). Rice, S. Experiments in electrical melting of iron ores. Min. Eng. World 36, 811-814; C. A. 6, 2033. Richards, J. W. Electric furnace production of pig iron and pig steel. Proc. Eng. Soc. W. Penn., Mar., 1912. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 45 Electric furnace reduction of iron ore. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 15, 53-62; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 253-254 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1723, 2408; Eng. News 61, 559; Iron Trade Rev. 44, 899-906 (1909). Electrical reduction of iron ores. J. Franklin Inst. 169, 131 (1910); C. A. 4, 1427. Electric reduction of iron ores. Chem. Eng. 9, 175 ; C. A. 8, 2085. Electrometallurgical revolution in the iron and steel indus- try of Norway and Sweden. Proc. Eng. Soc. W. Penn. 27,125 (1911);C. A. 5, 3655. Experiments at Sault Ste. Marie on the electrical reduc- tion of iron ores. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 12, 81-95 (1907);C. A. 2, 1412. Gas circulation in electric reduction furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 21, 403-407 (1912). Metallurgical calculations. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 165 (1907). Robertson, T. D. Electrical iron smelting in Sweden. Iron Age 88, 804-807 (Oct. 12, 1911). Iron and steel melting in electro-metal furnaces. Electri- cian 70, 501-504 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 730. Recent developments in electric iron smelting. Appl. Sci. 6, 138-148 (Feb., 1912). Recent progress in electrical iron smelting in Sweden. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 20, 375-401 (1911); C. A. 6,29. Rodenhauser, W. Advances in the construction and operation of electric blast furnaces. Elek. Kraft u. Bahnen 11, 561-566 (Sept. 24, 1913). Improvements in the electric furnace and new fields of appli- cation in iron smelting. Chem. Ztg. 36, 1294-1295; C. A. 7, 730. Rossi, A. J. Electric furnace in the iron and steel industry. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 53-54 (1905). Electric smelting of iron ore. Iron Age, Nov. 20, 1902. Utilization of blast furnace gases in connection with the electric smelting of iron. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 7, 199 (1905). 46 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Rowlands, L. Induction furnace practice. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 17, 103-130 (1910); Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 337; C. A. 4, 2768. Ruthenberg, M. Advances in metallurgy of iron production. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 4, 19-30 (1903). Recent developments in the electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Electrochem. & Met. 2, 12-20 (Mar., 1902). Ruthenberg electric iron process. Iron Age 70, 5-6 (Sept. 25, 1902) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 2, 92-103 (1902). The smelting of iron ores and the production of steel in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 202-3 (1903). Sawhill, R. V. Melting all scrap in Ludlum electric furnace. Foundry 45, 399-405 (1917); Iron Trade Rev. 61, 437-445 (1917). Schmidt, A. Desulfurization of iron in the Kjellin induction furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 27, 1613-1615 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 392. Schneider, A. F. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Min.. Mag. 10, 109-116 (Aug., 1904). Scott, E. K. Electric furnace in iron and brass foundries. Foundry 41, 379-381 (1913). Sebillot, A. Water-jacketed electric blast furnace. J. four, elec. 27, 215 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 813. Sifton, Clifford. Electric furnace in Canada. Electrician 80, 674 (1918); C. A. 12, 651. Simpson, I. Reduction of iron ores by the electrothermic pro- cess. Bull. Can. Min. Inst. 87, 709-713 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2486. Simpson, Louis. Electric reduction of iron ores and trte con- version of iron into steel in an electric furnace. Electro- chem. Ind. 1, 277-278, 336-7, 397 (1903). Sjostedt, E. A. Electric smelting of iron ores at Domnarfvet and at Nykroppa. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 8 ; C. A. 4, 864. Smith, John J. Manufacture of pig iron in the electric fur- nace. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 624-625 ; C. A. 6, 1097. Stansbie, J. H. Electric smelting of iron and steel. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Nov. 4, 1904. Stansfield, A. Electric smelting of iron ores. Bull. Can. Min, inst. 87, 706-709 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2486. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 47 Electric smelting of iron ores in British Columbia. Eng. Min. J. 107, 224 (1919); Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 630-636 (1919) ; Iron and Steel of Canada 2, 132-145 .(1919) ; Can. Min. J. 40, 54-56 (1919) ; British Columbia Dept. of Mines, Bull. No. 2 ;C. A. 13, 684. Electric smelting possibilities in British Columbia. Elec. Rev. 74, 805 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1424. Electrothermic production of iron and steel. Can. Soc. Civ. Engrs., March, 1904. Electrothermic smelting of iron ores in Sweden. Canada Dept. of Mines, Mines Branch, Bull. 344. 57 pp. (1915) ; C. A. 10, 314. Possibilities in the electric smelting of iron ores. J. Can. Min. Inst. 11, 180-188 (1908) ; Can. Min. J., Apr. 1, 1908. Production of pig iron from iron ore, carbon and flux. Can. Eng. 13,437 (1906). Stanley, G. H. Electric furnace manufacture of shoes and dies on the Wilwater strand. J. Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa 18, 72-83 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 1729. Stassano, S. E. Application of the electric furnace to siderurgy. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 63-86 (1909) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 254-255 (1909) ; C. A 3, 2534. The electrometallurgy of iron. Elektrochem. Z. 18, 173; 19, 199; C. A. 1, 689; Elec'n. (London) 57, 810-814 (Sept. 7, 1906) ; Sci. Am. S. 25888-25890 (Dec. 22, 1906). Electrometallurgy of iron. Rev. metal. 5, 575-598 (Sept., 1908). Reduction of iron ore and steel refining in the electric fur- nace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 107-108 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1494. Treatment of iron and steel in the electric furnace. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 6, 315-321 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2651. Stassano electric furnace. Iron Age 82, 990-992 ; C. A. 3, 147. Stoughton, E. A. Manufacture of iron and steel in the electric furnace. J. Franklin Inst. 167, 73-87 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 865. Styri, H. Electric furnace in the development of the Norwe- gian iron industry. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 32, 129- 141 (1917). 48 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Sude, J. A. Manufacture of iron and steel in the electric fur- nace. Chem. Eng. 11, 164 ; C. A. 4, 2234. Taylor, E. R. Contribution to the electric smelting of iron ore. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 16, 229-234 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 2607; Iron Trade Rev. 46, 141-8 (1910). Electric furnace for the smelting of iron ore. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 2, 280-299 (1909). Thieme, H. Electric furnaces and their application in the iron and steel industry. Giesserer Zeit., Sept. 15, 1911. Turnbull, R. Electric pig iron in war times. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 32, 119-128 (1917) ; Iron Age 100, 886-887, 870; Iron Trade Rev. 61, 828-829; Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 459- 460 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 3177. Electric pig iron after the war. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 34, 143-148 (1919); Met. Chem. Eng. 20, 178-179 (1919); C. A. 13, 1672. Electric pig iron from steel scrap. Iron Age 102, 1026-1027 (1918) ; C. A. 40, 191-192. Heroult electric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 139-148 (1909) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 260-263 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 2535. Reduction of iron ores in the electric furnace. Quart. Bui. of Can. Min. Inst., May, 1908. Tyssowski, J. Electric smelting of iron ore at Heroult, Cal. Eng. Min. J., Aug. 6, 1910. Use of electricity in the metallurgy of iron. Sci. Am. S. 71, 204-205 (Apr. 1, 1911). Van Langendonck, C. Helfenstein large electric furnaci Iron Age 94, 478-480; Iron Trade Rev. 55, 521-522; C. A. 8, 3396. Van Norden, R. W. Electric iron smelting at Heroult on the Pit. J. Elec. Power Gas 29, 453-460 (1912); Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 61, 1134; C. A. 7, 937. Vom Baur, C. H. First combination induction furnace in oper- ation in the United States. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 113-114 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 1443. Rennerfelt electric furnace operations. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 31, 111-115 (1917) ; Iron Age 99, 1206-1207; C. A. 11, 1791. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 49 Vom Baur electric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 33, 237-247 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1360. Wedding, H. The electric induction furnace of Rochling-Ro- denhauser. Stahl u. Eisen 27, 1605-1612 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 393. Wolff, R. H. Electric furnace for rail and ordnance steel. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 485-6 (1908) ; C. A. 3, 1618. World's electrical iron and steel furnaces. Min. Eng. World, Aug. 26, 1911 ; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 30, 1121 (1911). Yngstrom, L. Electric blast furnace at Domnarfvet, Sweden. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 11-17 (1910). Electric production of iron from iron ores at Domnarfvet, Sweden. Engineering (London) 109, 206, 234 (1910). Electric production of pig iron. Engineering 88, 414; C. A. 4, 146. STEEL. Abell, O. J. New steel foundries using electric furnaces. Iron Age 91, 1288 ;C. A. 7, 3'274. Amberg, R. Deoxidation and desulfurization in electric steel furnaces. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 115 (1909); C. A. 3, 1494. The function of slag in electric steel refining. Orig. Com. 8th Intern. Cong. Appl. Chem. 21, 7-23; Trans, Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 22, 133-148 (1912); Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 601 (1912);C. A. 6, 3361. Some features of the electric steel furnace in regard to deoxidation and desulfurization. Stahl u. Eisen 29, 176- 178;C. A. 4, 2070. Temperatures in electric steel refining. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 314-315 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 2234. Anderson, T. S. Electric furnace in steel making and copper melting. Eng. Min. J. 83, 1231-2 (June 29, 1907). Arc furnaces for steel making. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Jan. 20, 1917. Arnou, G. Electric steel direct from the ore. Lumiere elec. 13, 304-311 ; Rev. metal 7, 1190-1200; Engineer 91, 834; C. A. 5, 1872. Notes on electric steel. Rev. metal 7, 1054-1058; C. A. 5, 2369. 50 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Baily, T. F. An electric furnace for heating bars and billets. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 285-298 (1911); 21, 419- 424 (1912). Annealing and heat treatment of steel and melting of non- ferrous metals in the electric furnace. J. Clev. Eng. Soc. 10, 81-92 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 251. The electric furnace as a soaking pit in the steel mill. Iron Age 97, 311 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 853. Bennie, P. McN. Electrical manufacture of steel. Process of Gin. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 20-24 (1904). Manufacture of steel by the electric furnace. Iron Age, Dec. 11, 1902; Sci. Am. S., Aug. 1, 1903, 23058-23060. Bethlehem's new electric steel plant. Iron Age 97, 1194-1195 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2071. Bian, E. Electric steel practice in a German works. Iron Coal Trades Rev., June 2, 1911. Electric steel works of the Eicher Smelting Works, La-Gal- lais, Metz & Co. Stahl u. Eisen 31, 217-224 (1911) ; Elec- trician, Apr. 14, 1911 ; C. A. 5, 3377. Bianchetti, G. Notes on the Kjellin electric furnace in steel manufacture. Industria, May 4, 1913. Bibby, J. Electric steel refining furnace. Trans. Faraday Soc. 14, 78-89 (1919); Engineering 107, 649-654; C. A. 13, 1423. Biffi, E. Electric furnace in the manufacture of steel. Monit. Teen., Aug. 10, 1911. Bjorkstedt, Wm. The induction furnace, its efficiency and re- fining capabilities. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 146-147 (J914) ; C. A. 8, 2112. Booth, W. K. The Booth-Hall electric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 33, 247 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1360; Electrician 82, 588-589 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1672. Electric furnace steel. J. Am. Steel Treaters' Soc. 1, 207- 214 (1919). Booth-Hall electric steel furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 211- 212 (1918); Iron Age 101, 45-47; Iron Trade Rev. 62, 162- 163 ;C. A. 12,451. Borchers, W. Electric smelting with the Girod furnace. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 41, 120 (1910). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 51 Bowman, R. G., and Dittus, E. J. Direct production of molybdenum steel in the electric furnace. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 20, 355 (1911). Buchanan, W. Electric steel melting plant. J. Chem. Met. Soc. South Africa 18, 83-87 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 1729. Buck, C. A. The Bethlehem 10-ton Girod steel furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 81-86 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1791. Burgess, C. F. Electrolytic refining as a step in the produc- tion of steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 181 (1911). Campbell, D. F. Electric steel refining. Electrician 65, 1056; Chem. Eng. 12, 149-151; J. Iron Steel Inst. 82, 197 (1910); C. A. 5, 429. Canada's electric steel plant at Toronto. Iron Age 101, 1053- 1057 (1918) ; Elec. Rev. 73, 177-178 (1918). Catani, R. Application of electricity in the metallurgy of steel. J. Iron Steel Inst. 84, 215 (1911) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 642 (1911). Direct production of steel from minerals by means of the electric furnace. Rass. Min. 35, 211-213, 258-261, 276-279. Production and refining of steel in the electric furnace. Riv. Marit., April, 1910. Changing the voltage of electric steel furnace by variable transformer connection. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 72, 636-637 (1918);C. A. 12, 1020. Chetwynd electrical purification process. Engineering 99, 283-284 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 1150. Churchill, F. A. Seattle electric steel foundry. Iron Trade Rev. 55, 1043-1045, 1050 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 557. Clark, E. B. Electric furnaces for steel making. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 25, 139-160 (1914); Chem. Eng. 19, 157- 159; Iron Age 93, 1007-1009 (1914); Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 336-337 (1914); C. A. 8, 2113. Various types and applications of electric steel furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 373 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2360. Clark, Geo. T., and Phillips, F- World's largest electric steel plant in Toronto. Can. Eng. 36, 327-331 (1919). Cogswell, W. H. Electric furnace steel. Elec. J. 14, 142-143 (1917) ;C. A. 11, 1599. 52 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Combined Bessemer and electric furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec.59, 648 ;C. A. 5, 3655. Cone, E. F. Status of the electric steel industry. Iron Age 103, 60-62 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 283. Steel castings from electric furnace. Iron Age 91, 1279- 1283 ; C. A. 7, 3274. Cornell, Sidney. Open hearth versus the electric furnace in the manufacture of commercial steels. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 630-631 (Sept. 15, 1915). Coussergnes, Ch. C. de. Phenomenon of decantation in the electric furnace. Rev. metal 7, 1-5 (Jan., 1910). Steel making in the electric furnace. Rev. metal 6, 589-678 (June, 1909). Crafts, W. N. Producing steel in electric furnace. Iron Age 93, 1066-1068 (1914) ; J. Clev. Eng. Soc., July, 1914. Crowley, J. A. Gronwall-Dixon electric furnace. Mech. Eng. 38, 306-307 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 1087. Dalton, A. C. Electric steel direct from ore mines. Iron Age 94, 877-879 (1914); C. A. 9, 176; Iron Age 96, 1184-1185 (1915) ;C. A. 10,427. Darling, Chas. R. Electric furnaces. Nature 103, 235-236 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1974. Dary, G. Electric furnaces for the manufacture of steel. L'Electricien 27, 305 (1904) ; Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. 158, 37; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 24, 33. DeFries, H. A., and Herlenius, J. Developments in the Ren- nerfelt furnace. Iron Age 103, 190-191 (1919) ; C. V\. 12, 536. Delpiano, Guido. The production of steel in the (Bassanese) electric furnace. L'ind. chim. min. met. 4, 145-151 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2639. Descroix, L. Rennerfelt electric furnace for the melting of steel. Lumiere elec. 26, 5-10; C. A. 8, 3532. Desulfurization of steel in the electric furnace. Engineer 106, 249-50 (Sept. 4, 1908). Development of electric steel plants. Stahl u. Eisen 30, 491-8 (Mar. 23, 1910) ; Iron Age 85, 868-870 (Apr. 14, 1910). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 3 Dieffenbach, O. Principal electric furnaces for the prepara- tion of steel and wrought iron. Chem. App. 2, 149-152, 161- 164, 173-176 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 2736. Diller, H. E. Pointers on electric steel furnace practice. Foundry 47, 239-242 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1423. Dixon, J. L. How slag influences electric steel. Foundry 47, 483-484 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2312. Notes on electric steel melting. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 53-68 (1917) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 577-578; C. A. 11, 2639. JDoubs, F. Production of mild steel in the electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 31, 589-592; C. A. 5, 3197. DuBois, H. C., and Booth, C. H. Importance of electric fur- naces in steel production. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 73, 173- 174; C. A. 12, 1856. Dufresne, A. O. Electric steel furnaces in the Province of Quebec. J. four. elec. 26, 273-278 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 250. Eilender, W. Electric steel production from the standpoint of the whole industry. Stahl u. Eisen 33, 585-591 ; C. A. 7, 2352 ; Iron Age, June 5, 1913. Electric crucible furnace for refining steel. Iron Trade Rev. 52, 413-15 (Feb. 13, 1913). Electric furnace operation at Buffalo. Elec. World 73, 1378- 1381 (1919);C. A. 13, 1972. Electric furnaces in the steel industry and their relation to the central station business. Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 73-76 (1919) ;C. A. 13,813. Electric furnace in steel making. Elec. Times, Dec. 26, 1918, p. 383 ; C. A. 13, 1046. Electric furnace making big headway in the steel industry. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 71, 176-181 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2997. Electric furnace for small steel castings. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 54-55 (1912) ;C. A. 6,713. Electric furnace steels and alloy steels. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 8, 947-950 (1916) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 15, 448 (1916) ; Iron Age Electric furnace for steel refining and iron reduction. Elec- 98, 722-723; Iron Trade Rev. 59, 700-701 (1916). trochem. Met. Ind. 4, 164-165 (1906). 54 CLARENCE: JAY WKST. Electric furnaces for heat treatment of steel. Electrician 83, 375-377 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 152. Electric induction furnace for making steel. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 294-296 (1905). Electric process of steel manufacture. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 141 (1902). Electric production of steel from the early experiments of Siemens to the thirty-ton furnace of today. Sci. Am. S. 109, 88-89 (1913). Electric refining furnace for cast steel. Foundry 41, 94-95 (1913). Electric smelting of magnetic iron ore. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 4-5 (1906). Electric smelting furnace for steel. Elec. Rev. 63, 342 ; C. A. 2, 2903. Electric steel. Elec. Rev. 65, 598; C. A. 4, 147. Electric steel. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 472-474 (1906). Electric steel as a test of a great corporation. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 372-373 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2360. Electric steel castings made in Chicago shop. Foundry 47, 352-355 (1919); C. A. 13, 1792. Electric steel direct from titaniferous iron ores. Iron Age 96, 1416 (1915) ;C. A. 10, 150. Electric steel for roller bearings. Iron Age 100, 303-305 (1917) ;C. A. 11,2997. Electric steel furnace in foundry practice. Mach. 19, 611 (1913). Electric steel furnaces. Elektrochem. Z. 17, 44-73 (1910); C. A. 4, 2412. Electric steel furnaces at Gysinge. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 376- 377 (1903). Electric steel furnaces in California. Metal Trades 10, 245-247 (1919). Electric steel furnaces in Great Britain. Iron Age 100, 519, 1251 (1917). Electric steel furnaces in Japan. Electrician 80, 139; C. A. 12, 22. Electric steel furnaces in Sheffield. Elec. Rev. 73, 154-157 (July 25, 1913). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 55 Electric steel furnaces in plants at Toronto. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 73, 177-178 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1856. Electric steel growth in Canada. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 72, 547 (1918); C. A. 12, 1020. Electric steel in Germany. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 67, 982 (1915); C. A. 10, 150. Electric steel in Germany and Austria. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 398 (1915); C. A. 9, 1877. Electric steel industry's present status. Iron Age 92, 81. Electric steel making in Spain with the utilization of slag. .Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 562 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 250. Electricity in steel making. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 62, 281. Englehardt, V. Alleged inequality of the charge in the elec- tric induction steel furnaces. Stahl u. Eisen 30, 663-666 (Apr. 20, 1910). Electric induction furnace for making steel Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 294 (1905). Electric steel. Z. Ver. deut. Ing. 54, 1961 ; C. A. 5, 429. Induction furnace and its use in the steel industry. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 6, 143 (1908). Kjellin method for electric production of steel. Stahl u. Eisen 25, 148-52, 205-12, 272-78 (1905) ; Iron Age 76, 1010- 1014 (1905). Production of steel in the electric furnace. Z. d. Oest. Ing. u. Arch. Ver., Nov. 19, 1909. The refining of steel in the electric furnace. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Huttenw. 53, 399-402, 419-421, 431-435, 444-448, 461-463, 470-473 (1905). Escard, J. Electric steel. Rev. gen. sci. 29, 366-373, 401- 413 (1918) ;C. A. 13,930. Estep, H. C. Buffalo electric steel foundry. Iron Trade Rev. 56, 215-220; Foundry 43, 1-5 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 1150. Etchells, H. Application of electric furnace methods to in- dustrial processes. Trans. Faraday Soc. 14, 71-78 (1919); C. A. 13, 1423. Electric steel at Sheffield. Iron Age 97, 1379 ; C. A. 10, 2071. Modern steel making by electricity. J. Elec. 43, 310-312 (1919). 56 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Evans, J. W. Some laboratory experiments in making steel directly from iron ores with the electric furnace. J. Can. Min. Inst. 9, 128-142 (1906). Experiences in electric steel foundry. Elec. World 74, 630- 634 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2810. Farr, Arthur V. Electric steel and the forging industry. Iron Age 102, 74-76; Mach. 25, 40-42; Am. Mach. 49, 753-755; Automotive Ind. 39, 97-98 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2165. FitzGerald, F. A. J. Application of the Lash process to the electric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 149-158 (1909) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 268 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1246, 2535. Lash steel process and the electric furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 14, 239-250 (1908); Electrochem. Met. Ind 6, 493-495 (1908) ; C. A. 3, 1246. Flinterman, R. F. Electric steel castings. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 33, 263-272 (1918) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 511- 512, 610 (1918) ; Iron Age 101, 1398; C. A. 12, 1360. The electric furnace in the steel casting plant. Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 574-577 (1917) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 69-80 (1917) ; Foundry 45, 232-233 ; C. A. 11, 2069. Electric process for small steel castings. Iron Age 99, 1144- 1 146 ( 1917) ;C. A. 11,2069. French plant for making steel in the electric furnace. Elec- trochem. Ind. 1, 162-165 (1903). Fresch, O., Rennerfelt, I. and von Eckermann, H. Experi- ments with the Rennerfelt furnace. J. four elec. 27, 101 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2495. Frick, O. Electric refining of steel in an induction furnace of special type. Engineering 96, 505-509, 539-543 ; Electri- cian 71, 884; Eng. Mag. 46, 439; C. A. 8, 465. Frick furnace for electric refining of steel. Iron Age 92, 1113-1114 (1913). Frick electric steel induction furnace. Iron Age 92, 670-671, 744-747 (1913) ; Sci. Am. S. 76, 357-359 (1913). Geilenkirchen, J. Chemical and physical reactions in the pro- duction of high quality electric steel. Z. angew. Chem. 24, 1948-1956; C. A. 6, 832. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 57 Germany's electric steel output much increased. Iron Age 96, 1447 (1915);C.A. 10, 150. Gifford, W. S. Electric arc furnaces in steel production. Elec- trician 70, 444-447 ; C. A. 7, 572. Electric furnace for steel Castings. Foundry 36, 31; C. A. 4, 3041. Gin, G. Automatically circulating furnace of the Gin type for the electrical production of steel. Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 137 (1909) ; Iron Coal Trades Rev., June 18, 1909. Calculations of a Gin self-circulating induction steel furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 215-223; C. A. 3, 2537. The electrical manufacture of steel. Electrochemist and Metallurgist 3, 572-581 (Mar., 1904). Electrical steel furnace. Eng. Min. J. 80, 875-6 (Nov. 11, 1905). New Gin process for the electrical manufacture of steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 8, 105 (1905) ; Eng. Min. J., Nov. 11, 1905. Recent developments in the Gin electric furnace. Trans. Faraday Soc. 2, 44 (1906). Self circulating Gin furnace for the electric manufacture of steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 204-214 (1909); C. A. 3, 2536. Self-circulating induction steel furnace. Elektrochem. Z. 16, 201 ; Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 137; C. A. 3, 2536-2537; 4, 21. Girod, P. The electric steel furnace in foundry practice. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 663-665 (1912); C. A. 7, 306. Girod electric steel furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 259-260 (1909) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 127-138 (1909);C. A. 4, 20. Girod electric steel furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 428 (1908) ; (X A. 3, 1721. Girod electric steel furnace. Engineering 104, 519 (1917); C. A. 12, 564. Gosron, R. C. Producing electric steel castings. Iron Trade Rev. 65, 1706-1710 (1919). 58 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Gradenwitz, A. An improved electric steel furnace (Nathu- sius). L'Electricien 41, 33-37 (Jan. 21, 1911); Sci. Am. S. 71. 353-4 (June 10, 1911). Dommeldange electric steel plant. Eng. Min. J. 91, 915- 916 ;C. A. 5,2218. Gray, J. H. Steel making in electric furnaces. Iron Age 96, 1238-1239 (1915); Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 656-657 (1915); C. A. 10, 149. Great electric steel works at Ugine. J. four elec. 27, 193-194; C. A. 13, 283. Great increase in electric steel production in Canada. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 71, 191 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2561. Greaves-Etchells electric furnace. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Feb. 2, 1917. Greene, A. E. Electric heating and the removal of phos- phorus from iron. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 22, 123 (1912). Electric steel processes as competitors of the Bessemer and open hearth. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 233 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 3377; Iron Trade Rev. 48, 722-727 (1911). and Amberg, R. Function of the slag in steel refining. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 656 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 1672. Greene electric furnace as used in Seattle steel foundries. Elec. Rev. 73, 950; Iron Age 103, 1005-1007; Iron Trade Rev. 64, 1017; J. Elec. 43, 14 (1919). Grondal-Kjellin and Rochling-Rodenhauser electric steel fur- naces. Engineering 87, 118-120 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1721.4 Gronwall, A. Why is electric steel sometimes unhomoge- neous? Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 34 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 865. Gronwall steel furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 59, 1139; C. A. 6, 325. Guggenheim, S. Electric furnaces in the steel industry. Schweiz Bau., Sept. 9, 1911. Manufacture of steel in the electric furnace. Electrician 73, 764; C. A. 8,3758. Hadfield, Robert. Electric furnace in steel work. Electrician 80,903 (1918); C. A. 12, 1361. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 59 Hammond. Making electric steel for roller bearings. Mach. 25, 318-326 (1918). Hansen, C. A. Electric steel castings. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 25, 133-138 (1914) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 335-336 (1914); Iron Age 93, 1006-1007; Iron Trade Rev. 54, 709; C. A. 8, 2112. Harboard, F. W. The electric furnace in steel making. Iron ' Age, Aug. 24, 1905. Electric refining of steel. Iron Age 84, 542-544; C. A. 4, 1428. Harden, J. Electric furnace with special reference to the manufacture of high class steel. Electrician 67, 287 (1911). Electric steel furnaces and ferrosilicon. Engineering 86, 45 ; C. A. 4, 416. The induction furnace for crucible steel making. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Oct. 3, 1913. Induction furnaces and their relation to the steel industry. Electrician 70, 436-442 ; C. A. 7, 729. Induction furnace notes. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 559-562 (Oct., 1913). New electric furnace for steel melting and refining. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 38-39. Hess, H. L. Electric furnaces as applied to steel making. Mech. Eng. 41, 245-8 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 16. Hiorth, Albert. Induction furnace and its use in the manufac- ture of steel. Am. Found. Assn. Trans. 22, 157-168 (1914). Hirsch, A. Electric furnaces for heating steel. Sci. Am. S. 77, 338-339, 354-5 (1914). Holden, J. A. Economic production of electric steel. Iron Age 104, 440-441 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2809. Electrically melted steel castings. Foundry Trade J. 21, 584-585 (1919). Electric carbon tool steel details of British production in a 3-ton Heroult furnace. Iron Age 101, 1222-1223 (1918). Howe, H. M. Treatment of steel in electric furnaces. Eng. Min. J. 88, 400-406 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 993. Humbert E., and Hethey, A. Production of steel direct from ore. Electrician 73, 259-260 ; C. A. 8, 2848. 60 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Humbert, E. Electric furnace in the steel foundry. Iron Age 92, 1414-1415 (1913). Ibbotson, E. C. The Kjellin electric steel furnace. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 1906, 967-970; C. A. 1, 289; Iron Steel Institute, 1906, No. 3, 397-400. Jones, F. D. Electric steel. Mach. 24, 1104-1110 (1918). Kapp, G. Electric steel furnaces. Electrician 64, 221 ; C. A. 4, 279. Kearns, J. , E. Electric annealing furnaces. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 95 (1906). Keeney, R. M. Pig steel from ore in the electric furnace. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 86, 349-367 (1914) ; 90, 1289-1296 (1914) ; Iron Age 93, 810-812 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 1704. Kershaw, J. B. C. Electric furnace method of steel produc- tion. Iron Trade Rev. 51, 865, 959, 1007, 1067, 1105, 1169 ; 52, 197-203,361-363 (1913). Induction furnace for steel refining. Engineer, London, 114, 643-644 (Dec. 20, 1912). Methods of refining steel in the electric furnace. Cassier's Mag. 36, 237-249 (July, 1909). Present position of electric steel refining. Iron Trade Rev. 46, 76-79 (Jan. 6, 1910). Kjellin, F. A. The Kjellin and Rochling-Rodenhauser electric furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 173 (1909). Electric steel-smelting at Gysinge. Gluckauf, Jan. 24, 1903. The electric steel furnace at Gysinge, Sweden. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 34, 742-747 (1904). i Lake, E. F. Electric furnace heat treatment of steel. Mach., Oct., 1913. Limitations of the electric furnace in the manufacture of steel castings. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 108-110 (1915). Steels made in the electric furnace. Cassier's Mag. 42, 99- 112;C. A. 6,3361. Lambot, J. Cast steel from electric furnaces. Lumiere elec. 24, 182; C. A. 8, 298. Law, E. F. Electric furnace in the manufacture of steel. Electrician 70, 433. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 6l Lellis, A. de, and Rines, C. New resistance type electric steel furnace (The Lellis furnace). J. four elec. 26, 325-326 (1917); C. A. 12,332. Lindberg steel works. Electric furnace operations. Electri- cian 70, 168; C. A. 7, 307. Lindemuth, L. B. Metallurgy of electric furnace steel pro- cesses. J. Eng. Club, Phil., 35, 544-549 (1918) ; Raw Mate- rials 1, 109 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1282. Lipin, W. Nathusius electric steel furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 227-232 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 1401. Louden, T. R. Canadian electric steel furnace. Can. Eng., Oct. 23, 1913. Ludlum electric steel furnace. Electrician 80, 215 (1917); C. A. 12, 451. Lyon, D. A. Noble Electric Steel Co's plant. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 39-52 (1909); Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7,252 ( 1909) ;C. A. 3,2534. MacGuffie, D. D. Electric furnace for steel castings. Iron Age 101, 1282-1283; C. A. 12, 1729. McKnight, Wm. Faults of the small electric arc furnace for melting and refining steel. Met. Chem. Eng. 14, 478-479 (1916) ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 29, 493-496 (1916) ; Iron Age 97, 1008 (1916). McWilliam, A. Present position of electric steel melting. Electrician 68, 16; C. A. 6, 29. Making electric steel for roller bearings- Mach. (London) 14, 131-137 (1919). Manufacture of high grade steel in the electric furnace. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 6, 26-27 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1261. Mathews, J. A. Comments on the electric steel industry. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 43-52 (1917) ; Iron Age 99, 1146-1148; C. A. 11,2070. Electric furnace in steel manufacture. Iron Age 97, 1327- 1330, 1330-1332 (1916) ; Iron Trade Rev. 58, 1264-1267. Electric furnace steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 240- 244; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 262-263 (1909); C. A. 4,21. 62 CLARENCE JAY WEST. The future of electric steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 34, 131-142 (1918); Iron Age 102, 884 (1918); C. A. 13, 1672. Mercer, R. G. British electric steel industry. Iron Age 103, 1497; J. Iron Steel Inst. (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1973. Metallurgy of the electric steel furnace. Iron Age 84, 388; C. A. 5, 1268. Moffet, F. J. Electric steel furnaces in England. Elec. Rev. 73, 1000 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 209; Iron Age 103, 120 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 399. English electric furnace development. Blast Furnace and Steel Plant 7, 169-170 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1423. Montgomery, R. L. Possibilities of the electric steel furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 71, 182 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2858. Moore, W. E. Electric furnaces for steel foundries. Elec. J. 16, 360-366 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 17. Electric furnaces in the steel foundry. Iron Age 102, 1206- 1207 (1918) ; Blast Furnace, 7, 76-77 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 91. Modern electric furnace practice in foundries. Mech. Eng. 41, 874-876 (1919). Miiller, A. Electric steel production in the Girod furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 31, 1165-72 (July 20, 1911). Experiences in electric steel manufacture in a Girod fur- nace. Stahl u. Eisen 31, 1165-1172, 1258-1264; C. A. 6, 456. Manufacture of steel in the Girod electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 581 (1911). Metallurgy of the acid electric steel process. Stahl u. Eisen 34, 89-95; Iron Age 93, 670-672; Chem. Eng. 19, 164-156; C. A. 8, 1915. Muntz, G. Limitations of the electric furnace in the manufac- ture of steel castings. Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 108-110 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 754. Nathusius, Hans. Improvements in electric furnaces and their application in the manufacture of steel. Electrician 69, 306-308; Min. Eng. World 37, 15-16; Iron Age 89, 1402- 1404 ; Engineering 93, 22-27 ; C. A. 6, 2207 ; Chem. Ztg. 36, 1498-1499; C. A. 7, 936; Mech. Eng., May 10, 1912. Refining of steel in the Nathusius electric furnace. J. Iron Steel Irist. 85, 41 (1912). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 63 Neumann, B. Nathusius electric steel furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 30, 1410-1417 (Aug. 17, 1910). New Rochling-Rodenhauser induction furnace and further advances in electric steel manufacture. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 1161-1167, 1202-1208; Iron Age 72, 720; C. A. 2, 3049. Present status of electric steel production. Stahl u. Eisen 30, 1064-76 (June 22, 1910) ; Iron Coal Trades Rev., Aug. 26, 1910. Recent results in electric production of cast steel, at the Trollhattan experimental plant. Stahl u. Eisen 32, 1409- 1416 (Aug. 22, 1912). New electric steel furnace. Elec. Rev. (Lond.) 77, 451-454 (Oct. 8, 1913). New electric steel furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 211-212 (1918); C. A. 12, 1266. New electric steel plant and rolling mill. Iron Age 99, 1003- 1007 (1917);C. A. 11,2069. New sidelights on electric steel making. Iron Age 99, 1132- 1133 (1917) ;C. A. 11, 2561. New type of electric furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 73, 950 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 91. Operating records of electric steel furnaces. Elec. World 74, 125-127 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1973. Osborne, C. G. Electric furnaces in steel making. Elec. World 58, 1243; C. A. 6, 191. Few experiments with the 15-ton Heroult electric furnace at South Chicago. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 205 (1911); Iron Age, Jan. 5, 1911. Osann, B. Cast steel from the electric furnace. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 654-662 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2364. Otto, C. Steel from ore. Feuerungstechnik. 3, 129-131 ; C. A. 9, 1719. Performance and equipment of a 2-ton electric furnace. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 73, 747-748 (1918); Elec. Eng. 52, 12-13 (1918); C. A. 13, 8. Perkins, Frank C. Kjellin electric furnace at Gysinge, Swe- den, for the manufacture of steel. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 576- 578 (1903). 64 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Gin electric steel furnace. Min. World 25, 494 (Oct. 20, 1906)'. New electric arc process for producing and refining steel. Can. Min. J. 31, 687-690 (Nov. 15, 1910). New electric process for production and refining steel with composite arc electrodes. Can. Min. J. 31, 82-85 (Feb. 1, 1910). The new Swedish furnace plant for the manufacture of steel. Elecn., N. Y., March 16, 1904. Refining steel from Bessemer converters by a composite electrode arc process. Chem. Eng. 14, 406; C. A. 6, 29. Perkins* process of refining steel. Iron Age 84, 1558-1559 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 3041. Pinot, Robert. Production of electric furnace steel. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 61, 676; C. A. 6, 3361. Production of electric steel. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 59, 796; C. A. 5, 3761. Progress in electric steel. Iron Age 103, 571-572 (1919); C. A. 13, 684. Queneau, A. L,. New electric steel furnaces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 17, 131 (1910) ; C. A. 4, 2768. Quinn, T. S. Electric furnace practice in making steel cast- ings. Iron Age 98, 614 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 2841. Recent data on electric steel castings. Iron Age 93, 1006- V 1010 (1914). Removal of sulfur in electric steel furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 405 (1908). Rennerfelt, I. The electric arc furnace and the development of the steel casting industry. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 581-583 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3646. and von Eckermann, H. Results with a Rennerfelt steel furnace in Sweden. Iron Age 101, 563 ; C. A. 12, 1268. Rennerfelt arc furnace for producing electric steel. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 63, 290. Rennerfelt electric steel furnace. Iron Age 93, 200-201 (1914). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 65 Richards, J. W. Electrometallurgy of iron and steel. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 5, 165 (1907). Hiorth electric steel furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 18, 191-204 (1910) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 630 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 1710. Largest electric steel works. Electrochem. Met- Ind. 7, 9 (1909);C.A. 3, 1494. The passing of crucible steel. M^t. Chem. Eng. 8, 563-568 (1916);C.A. 5, 430. Pig steel made directly from ore in the electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 397 (1912). Robertson, T. D. Electric steel making furnaces. Engineer- ing 99, 176-178 (1915) ; Electrician 74, 630-632 (1915) ; Inst. E. E. J. 53, 533-539, 539-544 (1915) ; Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 66, 308-309 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 1007. Gronwall steel refining furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 573 (1911);C.A. 6,191. Robinson, T. W. Electric steel furnace experiments at South Chicago. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 373 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2360. Triplex process of making electric steel. Iron Age 101, 1471-1477; Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 15-20 (1918) ; Iron Trade Rev. 62, 1432-1438; Iron Age 101, 1476-1477; C. A. 13, 536. Rodenhauser, W. Construction and application of the electric furnace in the steel industry. Elektrochem. Z. 33, 993. Electric furnace and electrical process for steel making. Z. Elektrochem. 15, 901 ; J. Iron Steel Inst. 79, 261 (1909) ; C. A. 3, 1961 ; 4, 1131. Electric furnace and electric steel production with special reference to the Rochling-Rodenhauser furnace. Oesterr. Z. Berg Hiittenw. 58, 727-728; C. A. 5, 1710. Electric furnace for steel making. Engineering 87, 690; Electrician 63, 206; C. A. 3, 1961. Electric steel and its production. Z. angew. Chem. 24, 2289- 2302 ; C. A. 6, 573. Rowlands, T. Induction furnace progress. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 17, 103-130 (1910). 66 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Schmelz, E. M. New electric steel casting plant. Met. ' Chem. Eng. 11, 709-710 (1913) ; Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 63, 1081-1082; C. A. 8, 465. Preparation of electric steel in the Stassano furnace. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 59, 295-301, 313-317, 325-328, 341-342 (1911); C. A. 6, 191. Schroeder, F. Elektrochem. Z. 17, 44-6, 73-76, 104-5 (1910). Scott, E. K. Electric steel furnaces. Elec. Rev. (London) 81, 45-47 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2858; Iron Coal Trades Rev., July 6, 1917. Scott, Wirt S. Development of an electric furnace for an- nealing, treatment and forging of steel. Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 86-89 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 284. Electric furnaces for forging steel. Met. Chem. Eng. 19, 86-89 (1918) ; Elec. Rev. 72, 941-944; Iron Age 101, 1676- 1677; Iron Trade Rev. 63, 440-442 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 2165. Seager, J. A. Production of electric furnace steel. Iron Trade Rev. 44, 1027 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 865. Sigm. Electric steel. Elektrochem. Z. 35, 553-558. Simpson, Louis. Cost of electric steel process. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 363 (1902). Snyder, F. T. Cost of electric furnace steel. Iron Age 96, 926-928; Iron Trade Rev. 57, 1091-1092 (1915). Electric steel. Iron Trade Rev. 55, 1077-1082, 1127-1130 (1914). Electric steel costs. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 28,221- 238 ( 1916) ;C. A. 9, 3029. Production of electric steel castings. Foundry 41, 468 (1913) ; C. A. 9, 755. South Chicago electric furnace plant of the U. S. Steel Corpn. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 179 (1910). Stanley, G. H. and Buchanan, W. Design and operation of a small Kjellin furnace (South Africa). Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 349-362, 416-420 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 283, 1046. Stansbie, J. H. Electric refining furnaces for cast steel. Foundry 41, 94. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 67 Stansfield, A. Steel direct from ore in the electric furnace. Can. Eng. 21, 574-5 (Nov. 16, 1911). Tool steel direct from the ore in an electric furnace. J. Can. Min. Inst. 13, 151-162; Can. Min. J. 31, 372-375 (June 15, 1910) J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 30, 286; C. A. 5, 3655 (1910). Stassano, E. Application of the electric furnace to siderurgy. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 63 (1909). Rotating electric steel furnace in the artillery construction works, Turin. Trans. Faraday Soc. 2, 150-151 (1907) ; C. A. 1, 821. Status of the electric steel industry. Iron Age 99, 105-107 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 422; Iron Age 101, 84-85, 113 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 451. Stedman, H. G. A. Electric furnace process as applied to the .metallurgy of steel. Can. Min. J. 33, 337-43 (May 15, 1912). Steel electrically produced from ore. Elec. Rev. West. Elec, 67, 904 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 16. Steel making in the electric induction furnace. Eng. News, 57,285 (1907);C. A. 1,1259. Steel making in the electric furnace. Commonwealth Engi- neer (Australia) Sept. 1, 1917; Elec. World 70, 1014; C. A. 12, 251. Steel production in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 247-249 (1903). Steel refining in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7,2;C.A. 3, 1721. Stobie, V. Electric furnaces in steel making. J. West of Scotland Iron and Steel Inst. 26, 90-94, 94-103 (1919). Large electric steel melting furnaces. Iron Coal Trades Rev. 98, 618-621- (1919); Foundry Trade J. 21, 304-311 (1919) ; Engineer 107, 749-751 ; C. A. 13, 2809; Electrician 83, 526-528 (1919). Manufacture of electric steel in the Stobie furnace. Mech. Eng. 35, 502-504 (1916); Engineer, 119, 616-617 (1915); Iron Age 95, 1171 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 2842. Styri, H. The electric -furnace in the development of the Nor- wegian iron industry. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 32, 129-140 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 3177. 68 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Sutherland, W. F. New Moffat electric steel furnace. Can. Machy. 22, 69-70 (1919). Swerkrop, E. A. Manufacture of electric tool steel. Am. Mach. 48, 351-358 (1918). Swiss electric furnace steel plant. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 452 (1908). Sykes, W. Status of the electric steel furnace. Iron Age 92,856-857 (1913). Thallner, O. Manufacture of high grade steel in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 26-27 (1908). Thieme, H. Electric steel plant of LaGallais, Metz and Co. in Dommelden. Elektrotech. Z. 31, 903-907, 934-940; C. A. 5, 429. Thwaite, B. H. Electro crucible fusion of steel and iron. Iron Coal Trades Rev., Jan. 31, 1896. Tirbutt, A. M. Electric steel industry in Canada. Can. Elec. News 26, 29-32 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 789. Tupper, C. A. Refining of steel by electric furnace process. Elec. Rev. 71, 963-966 (1917). Turnbull, R. Heroult electric steel furnace. Iron Age 83, 1498-1499 (1909); Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 15, 39; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 260 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 865. Twenty-four ton induction furnace for steel manufacture. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 172-173 (1907) ; C. A. 1, 1949. Vom Baur, C. H. Electric furnace for making steel castings. Foundry 41, 55-58 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 1443; Iron Trade Rev. Jan. 9, 1913. ^ Electric induction furnace for cast steel. Foundry, Sept., 1912. Electric induction and resistance furnace for steel. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 22, 117-122; 8th Inter. Cong. Appl. Chem. 27, 168-170; C. A. 7, 2159. Rochling-Rodenhauser electric furnace for making steel castings. Iron Trade Rev. 52, 153-156 (1913). Steel castings from electric furnaces. Chem. Eng. 14, 332; C. A. 5, 3655. Vom Baur electric steel furnace. Iron Age 103, 1071-1073; Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 488-489 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1422. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 69 Walker, Wm. R. Electric furnace as a possible means of pro- ducing an improved quality of steel. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 371 ( 1912) ;C. A. 6, 2360. Electric furnace and high grade steel. Iron Age 89, 1272 (May 23, 1912) ; Iron Trade Rev. 50, 1172-75 (1912). Walsh, G. E. The electric refining of steel. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 59, 230 ;C. A. 6, 29. Electric manufacture of steel. Am. Electrician, March, 1903. Webb electric steel furnace. Iron Age 102, 257-260 (1918); C. A. 12, 2068. Wedding, H. Modification of the induction furnace for steel refining. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 10 (1908). Weiller, P. The present state of the electric steel question. Chem. Ztg. 35, 27-28; C. A. 5, 1367. Wild-Barfield electric muffle. Engineering 106, 143 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 209. Wile, R. S. Electric steel furnace of new design. Iron Age 96, 966-968 (1915) ; C. A. 10, 149. Wills, W. H. and Schuyler, A. H. Heat losses from an electric steel furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 28, 207-220 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 3029. Wolff, R. H. Commercial electric steel and gas power. Elec- trochem. Met. Ind. 6, 225-226 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2209. Wright, C. E. Electric heat treatment of gun forgings. Iron Age 103, 673-678 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1046. Wysor, R. J. Recovery of tungsten from steel scale. Iron Age 93, 910; C. A. 8, 2113. ALLOYS. Bardell, E. S. Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric fur- nace. Mining J. 123, 708 (1918). Catani, R. Application of electricity in the metallurgy of Italy. J. Iron Steel Inst. 84, 215 (1911) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 642(1911). Chaplet, M. Les alliages ferrometalliques, Rev. metal. 6, 739 (1909). 70 CLARENCE: JAY WEST. Eastern, W. H. Electric furnace for melting alloys. Elec. World 72, 295-297 (1918). Electric alloy steels made on tonnage basis. Iron Age 98, 571- 574 (1916). Electric furnace performance for alloys with high zinc con- tent. Elec. World 74, 814-815 (1909). Ferro-alloys. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 4, 247 (1906). Ferro-alloys manufactured in the electric (Girod) furnace. Pamphlet, Soc. Electrometallurgists (1911?) ; C. A. 5, 1232. Gibson, C. B. Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric fur- nace. Elec. J. 16, 366-372 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 16. Gin, G. Decarbonization of ferro-alloys. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 15, 225-226 (1909). Memoirs on the methods of treatment of simple and com- plex ores of molybdenum, tungsten, uranium and vana- dium. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 12, 411-476 (1907) ; 13, 481-541 (1908) ; 16, 393-473 (1909). Girod, P. Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric furnace. Mem. compt. rend. soc. ing. civ. de France, 1906, 719-740; C. A. 1, 978. Electrometallurgy of ferro-alloys and steel. Electrician, 56, 14 (Oct. 14, 1910). Haughton, E. Ferro-alloys in the foundry. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 9 (1907). Keeney, R. M. Electric smelting of chromium, molybdenum and vanadium ores. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 167- 190 (1913) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 585 (1913). Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric furnace. Bureau of Mines, Tech. Paper 77, iii ; C. A. 9, 754. Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric furnace. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 140, 1321-1373 (1918) ; 143, 1651-1654; Iron Age 102, 624-625, 747, 786-787 ; Eng. Min. J. 106, 405- 409; Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 281-282; C. A. 12, 2164; 13, 931. Production of steel and ferro-alloys directly from ore in the electric furnace. Iron Steel Inst. (Carnegie Scholarship Mem.) 4, 108 (1912). and Lee, G. M. Direct production of steels and ferro-alloys from ores in the electric furnace. West. Chem. Met. 6, 269, 323, 347 (1910). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 71 Keller, C. A. Electric furnace and the manufacture of ferro- alloys. J. Iron Steel Inst. 63, 162 (1903). Lyon, D. A., Kenney, R. M., and Cullen, J. F. Electric smelt- ' ing of ferro-alloys. Iron Trade Rev. 56, 717-722, 765-767, 862-867,972-975 (1915). Manufacture and use of ferro-alloys. Engineer 105, 80, 105 (1908). Navarrete, J. M. Electrical production of ferro-alloys. Ener- gia Electrice 21, 137-140 (1919). Neumann, B. New process for producing low-carbon ferro- alloys. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 356-360; C. A. 2, 1687. New electric furnace for making ferro-alloys. Elec. World 71. 566 (1918) ;C. A. 12, 1267. Northrup, E. F. Electrolytic production of carbon free alloys. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 258-259 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 3084. Rossi, A. J. Ferro alloys. Min. Ind. 12, 693 (1903). Manufacture of ferro-alloys in general and of ferrotitanium in particular in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Ind. 1, 523-526 (1903) ; Iron Age, Nov. 12, 1903. Scholl, Geo. P. Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 349-351, 395-396, 449-452 (1904). Seede, J. O. Electric furnaces in the production of steel and ferro-alloys. Gen. Elec. Rev. 21, 767-780 (1918). Stansfield, A. Tool steel direct from ore in an electric fur- nace. Trans. Can. Min. Inst. 13, 151 (1910). Steinhart, D. J. Notes on metals and their ferro-alloys used in the manufacture of alloy steels. Inst. Min. Met. 15, 228 (1905) ; Mining J. 1906, 128. Venator, W. Iron alloys and metals for the steel industry. Stahl u. Eisen 28, 41 (1908) ; Iron Coal Trades Rev. 76, 520 (1908). Widmer, G. France and the electrometallurgy of ferro- alloys. J. four elec. 27, 65-74 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1268. Wile, R. S. Electric furnace smelting of ferro-alloys, Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 28, 239-246 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 2623. Electric smelting of ferro-alloys. Iron Age 95, 1068-1069 (1915) ; C. A. 9, 1719. 72 ClyARENCS JAY Wolff, R. H. Use of the electric furnace for making alloy steels. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 6 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 987. Yensen, T. D. Preparation of pure alloys for magnetic pur- poses. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 32, 269-286 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 23. FERRO-SILICON. Anderson, R. J. Metallurgy of ferro-silicon. Iron Trade Rev. 60, 1025-1029 (1917); Eng. Min. J. 103, 1095-1098. Burton, R. C. High grade ferro-silicon and the silicides of iron. Durham Phil. Soc. 3, 293-302 ; C. A. 7, 2014. Conrad, W. Electric furnace for the manufacture of calcium carbide and ferro-silicon. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 397 (1908). Progress of large size electric furnace for ferro-silicon and calcium carbide. Engineering 86, 46; C. A. 4, 417. and Pick, W. Preparation of high percentage ferro-silicon in electric oven. Rev. metal. 9, 362 (1912). Escard, M. Ferro-silicon. La Lumiere Electrique, Mar. 6, 1919. Ferro-silicon made in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 2, 122-123 (1904). Ferro-silicon and aluminum in Norway. J. four elec. 26, 211 (1917). Gin, G. Ferro-silicon. L'Eclairage Electrique 27 (May 4, 1900). Hanig, A. Notes on the production of ferro-silicon in the electric furnace. Elektrochem. Z. 20, 41-43, 68-71 ; C..A. 7, 3274. Hinrichsen, F. W. Ferro-silicon, properties of the electrically produced product. Mitt. kgl. Materialpriifungsamt 28, 283- 292 ;C. A. 5, 1020. Louis, J. Manufacture of ferro-silicon in the electric furnace. J. four elec., Oct. 1, 1910, 415. Pelavel. Ferro-silicon. J. d'Electrolyse 3 (June 3, 1904). Pick, W., and Conrad W. Manufacture of ferro-silicon in the electric furnace. Lumiere elec. 19, 43-45 ; C. A. 6, 3059. Vanzetti, B. F. Formation of iron silicides in the electric fur- nace. Gaz. chim. ital. 36, I, 498-513 (1906); J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 25, 993. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 73 FERROMANGANESE. Bardwell, E. S. Size vs. recoveries in ferromanganese fur- naces. Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 749 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 399. Biltner, F. Premelting ferromanganese in an electric furnace. Iron Age 100, 254 (1917). Buck, E. C. Bibliography on the manufacture of ferromanga- nese. Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 638-642 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 117. Electric smelting of ferromanganese ore in California. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 73, 940 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 92. Harden, J. Electric furnace for melting ferromanganese. Elec. Rev. (London) 82, 116 (1918); C. A. 12, 1020. Jakoki, J. Ferromanganese in Hochofen. Stahl u. Eisen 29, 1191 (1909). Korten, R. Melting of ferromanganese in the electric fur- nace. Stahl u. Eisen 32, 425-432 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 3059. Lonergan, J. Eliminating phosphorus and sulfur in electric ferromanganese furnaces. Chem. Met. Eng. 20, 245 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 813. Marcy, H. O. Ferromanganese smelting in electric furnace. Eng. Min. J. 102, 627 (1916). Neumann, G. Preparation of ferromanganese in electric oven. .Stahl u. Eisen 28, 356 (1908). Schroeder, F. Remelting of ferromanganese in the electric furnace and the use of molten ferromanganese for deoxida- tion. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 640-641 (1911) ; Stahl u. Eisen 31, 1457-1462 (Sept. 7, 1911). Stassano, E. Treatment of iron and steel in the electric fur- nace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 6, 315 (1908). FERROCHROMIUM. Calberla, R. Manufacture of ferrochromium in the electric furnace. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 27, 549 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 2903. Ferrochrome produced electrically. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 63, 1038 ;C. A. 8,298. Greenwood, H. C., Slade, R. E., and Pring, J. M. Reduction of refractory oxides and production of ferro-alloys and formation of carbides. J. Chem. Soc. 93, 1484 (1908) ; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 119 (1909). 74 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Scholl, G. P. Manufacture of ferro-alloys in the electric fur- nace. Electrochem. Ind. 2, 450 (1904). FERROTUNGSTEN. Electric production of ferrotungsten. Eng. Min. J. 93, 173 (1912). Keeney, R. M. Electric furnace data for ferrotungsten. Blast Furnace 6, 486-487 (1918). Pratt, L. R. Manufacture of metallic tungsten and ferrotung- sten. Eng. Min. J. 90, 959 ; C. A. 5, 60. FERROMOLYBDENUM. Dittus, E. F., and Bowman, R. G. Direct production of molyb- denum steel in the electric furnace. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 3, 717-723 (1911); Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 20, 355-374 (1911); C. A. 5, 3761. Evans, J. W. Ferromolybdenum manufacture in Canada. Can. Chem. J. 2, 208-210 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2165. Guichard, M. Production of molybdenum from molybdenite. Compt. rend. 122, 1270. Lenher, W. Preparation of molybdenum. Metallurgie 3, 549 (1906). MISCELLANEOUS. Ballagh, J. C. and Iwai, K. Investigation of ferroboron. Min. Sci. Press 99, 185 (1909). Electric smelting of nickel ore. Met. Chem. Eng. -8, 277 (1910). Ferrovanadium. Iron Trade Rev. 5, 275 (1912). Gin, G. Manufacture of silico-vanadium. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 15, 229-230 (1909). M. H. Electric reduction of titaniferous iron ores. Rev. gen. sci. 20, 863 ; C. A. 4, 994. Mason, F. H. Nickel-copper steel direct from Sudbury ores. Min. Sci. Press 116, 57-58 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 790. Ongaro, G. Desulfurizing in the electric furnace (a new sul- fosilicate). La metallurgia italiano 9, 468-471 (1917) ; C. A. 12, 451. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 75 Sjostedt, E. A. Electric smelting experiments for the manu- facture of ferro-nickel from pyrrhotite. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 5, 233-240 (1904); Elec. Rev. 44, 720-722 (1904). Slocum, C. V. Titanium in iron and steel. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 20, 265-280 (1911). Titanium vanadium tool steel direct from titaniferous iron ore. Can. Min. J. 32, 591-593 ; C. A. 6, 29. NON-FERROUS METALS General. Baily, T. F. Electric furnace of the resistance type. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 11-13 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2159. Electric furnace progress. Metal Ind. 17, 316-319 (1919); C. A. 13, 2159. Collins, E. F. Electric furnace for melting non-ferrous metals. Foundry 47, 284-288, 329-333 (1919) ; Elec. World 73, 1110-1114, 1117; Iron Trade Rev. 64, 1023-1024; Iron Age; 103, 1288; Metal Ind. 17, 221-224; C. A. 13, 1874. Melting of some non-ferrous metals and their alloys in the electric furnace. J. Cleveland Eng. Soc. 11, 293-314, 314- 320 (1919) ; Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 673-679 (1919). Cf. Chem. Met. Eng. 22, 148-149 (1920). Easton, W. H. Electric furnace for melting alloys. Elec. World 72, 295-298 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2068. Electric furnace development for non-ferrous metals. Metal Ind. 14, 444-447 (1919). Electric furnace for melting non-ferrous metals. The Baily furnace. Metal Trades 10, 366-370 (1919). Electric furnace for non-ferrous metals. Iron Trade Rev. 50, 279-80 (Feb. 1,1912). Electric furnace for non-ferrous metallurgy. Elec. World 70, 802-805 (Oct. 27, 1917). Electric furnace in non-ferrous industry. Iron Age 100, 1122- 1123, 1172 (1917). Hering, Carl. Ideals and limitations in the melting of non- ferrous metals. Proc. Inst. Metals, London, 17, 243-250 (1917);C. A. 11, 2070. 76 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Jones, J. L. Electric furnace problems. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 148, 690-691 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1424. Miller, Dwight D. Electric furnace as a medium for heating^ non-ferrous metals. J. Am. Inst. Metals 11, 257-290 (1917) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 537-541 ; Elec. World 70, 802-805 ; C. A. 12, 1267. Electrical melting of non-ferrous metals. Foundry 46, 110- 114 (1918); C. A. 12, 1268. Present progress and development of the electric furnace in non-ferrous metallurgy. Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 537-541 (1917) ; Iron Age 100, 1122-1123; C. A. 12, 117. Peters, F. Developments in the electrometallurgy of the lighter metals. Gluckauf. 45, 1583-1591. Richards, J. W. Electric furnaces in non-ferrous metallurgy. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 233 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 248. Stansfield, Alfred. Electric furnaces as applied to non-fer- rous metallurgy. Chem. Trade J. 58, 317-318, 339 (1916); C. A. 10, 1813; Cassier's Mag., June, 1916. Electric smelting of non-ferrous metals. J. Franklin Insti- tute, 183, 121-122 (1917). Weeks, C. A. Melting of non-ferrous metals in an electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. .9, 363-365 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 3199. Brass. Baily, T. F. Baily electric metal melting furnace. Metal Ind. 15,399-401 (1917). i Electric furnace for brass melting. Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 461 (1917) ; Elec. World 70, 820 (1917). Resistance furnace for melting brass. Trans. Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 32, 155-164 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 3177. Baily electric brass melting furnace. Elec. Rev. 74, 438 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 813. Blakeslee, R. N. Operating brass making induction furnaces. Elec. World 74, 642-644 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 2810. Booth, C. H. Booth electric rotating brass furnace. Metal Ind. 17, 317-319 (1919). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPUED TO METALLURGY. 77 New electric rotating electric furnace. Iron Age, 103, 1699- 1703 (1919) ; J. Elec. 43, 223-224 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 18; Metal Ind. 17, 317-319 (1919). Bragg, C. T. Modern brass foundry progress. Trans. Am. Brass Founders' Assn. 4, 43 (1910). Clamer, G. H. Electric melting of copper and brass. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 6, 129-131 (1912). Hering electric furnace for brass melting. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 7, 350-355 (1913); Metal Ind. 12, 63-64; C. A. 8, 1915. Melting brass in the induction furnace. J. Am. Inst. Metals 11, 381-395, 443-445 (1917) ; Am. Mach. 48, 21-22 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 399. and Hering, C. Developments in electric brass furnace melting. New type to utilize the pinch effect. Foundry 42, 487-490 (1914) ; Iron Age 94, 1492-1495 (1914) ; Ind. Eng. 15, 56-57 (1915). and Hering, C. Electric furnace for brass melting. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 6, 95-109 (1912) ; Brass World 8, 357 (1912) ; Foundry 40, 483 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 3922. and Hering, C. Electric brass melting. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 8, 270-288 (1914) ; Iron Trade Rev. 55, 869-872 (1914) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 648-649 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3759. Clark, W. R. Electric brass furnaces displace other types. Elec. World 73, 741-742 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1186. Dorsey, H. G. Tests on electric furnaces for brass foundries. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 8, 246-254 (1914) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 644-645 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3759. Use of electricity in melting brass. Iron Trade Rev. 57, 319-320 (1915). Electric furnaces. Elec. World 63, 1508; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 483 ; C. A. 8, 2848. 'Electric furnace for brass melting. Eng. Min. J. 96, 350 (1913). Electric furnace in the brass foundry, Lumen Bearing Plant, Buffalo. Iron Age 99, 301-305 (1917). Electrically heated crucibles. Engineering 107, 416; C. A. 13, 1424. 78 CLARENCE: JAY Gillett, H. W. Brass furnace practice in the United States. Bureau of Mines, Bull. 73 (1914). Symposium on electric furnaces. Utilization of electric brass furnaces. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 11, 664-668 (1919); Met. Chem. Eng. 21, 6-10 (1919); Metal Ind. 17, 316-322 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1974. and Lohr, J. M. Melting losses in electric brass furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 647-648 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3646. and Rhoads, A. E. Melting brass in a rocking electric fur- nace. Bureau of Mines, Bull. 171, 126 pp. (1918) ; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 10, 459-468 (1918) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 583- 590; Foundry 46, 314-320; Am. Mach. 48, 1013-1020; Metal Ind. 16, 265-268; Elec. World 72, 360. Hansen, C. A. Electric melting of copper and brass. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 6, 110-131 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 937. Hering, C. The electric brass furnace. Foundry 41, 111-112 (1913) ;C. A. 7, 1673. Practical limitations of resistance furnaces, the pinch phe- nomenon. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 329 (1907). Manning, V. H. Electrical furnaces for the melting of brass. Elec. World 73, 493 (1919). Manufacture of brass in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 49 (1905). Melting of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Elec. World 73, 1110-1114 (1919). Melting silver, nickel and bronze alloys by electricity. Eng. Min. J. 107, 323-324 (1919). Miller, D. D. The electric furnace as a medium for heating non-ferrous metals. J. Am. Inst. Metals 11, 257-281 (1917) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 17, 537 (1917). Parry, W. H. Electric furnace for melting brass. Metal Ind. 14, 152 (1916) ; C. A. 10, 1617. Roeber, E. F. Manufacture of brass in the electric furnace. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 3, 4 (1905). Ryan, F. J. Week's electric rotating furnaces as applied to the brass foundry practice. Metal Ind. 17, 519-521 (1919). THE; ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPUED TO METALLURGY. 79 St. John, H. M. Detroit rocking furnace for melting brass and bronze. Metal Ind. 17, 320-322 (1919). Electric brass melting from the central station viewpoint. Trans. Am. Inst Metals 9, 395-403 (1914) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 12, 646-647 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3759. Electric brass melting its progress and present importance. Elec. J. 16, 373-380 (1919) ; C. A. 14, 19. Present status of brass melting. Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 321- 328 (1918); Elec. World 71, 1129-1131, 1216-18 (1918); Iron Age 101, 1281 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1439. Schmelz, E. M. Electric furnace for medium temperatures. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 8, 261-266 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3758. Scott, E. K. The electric furnace for iron and brass foundries. Rev. de 1'ingenieur et index techn. ; Rass. Min. 39, 207-208 ; Foundry 41, 379-381 (1913) ; C. A. 8, 867. Trend towards electric brass melting. Met. Chem. Eng. 18,. 434-435 (1918). Vickers, C. Electric brass furnace. Foundry 41, 27-28 (1913). Witmer, A. S. Performance data on a brass melting furnace. Elec. World 72, 891 (1918) ; C. A. 13, 8. Copper. Addicks, L. Melting of cathode copper in the electric furnace. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 96, 2825 (1914). Borchers. Progress in refining and concentration in the metallurgy of copper ; the simplification and diminution of their duration by the electric furnace. Rev. metal 7, 1126- 1128; C. A. 5,2369. Clamer, G. H. Electric furnace for copper alloys. Foundry 42, 77, 80 (1914). Dewar, W. Electric smelting of copper ores. Min. Mag., London, 16, 288-294; C. A. 11, 2431. Electric copper smelting furnace tried in Arizona. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 63, 636; C. A. 7, 3713. Furnace for melting copper-zinc alloys (Ajax-Wyatt and Ajax- Northrup furnaces). Foundry 45, 514-517 (1917) ; C. A. 12,. 1268. 8o CLARENCE; JAY WEST. Haanel, E. Report of the commission appointed to investi- gate the different electrothermic processes for smelting of iron ores and the making of steel in operation in Europe. Canada Department of Interior, Mines Branch, 1909. pp. 215-223. Report by Vatier. Hansen, C. A. Electric smelting of copper and brass. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 6, 110-129 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 937. Ladd, S. B. Electrical smelting of copper ores. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 7-8 (1910); C. A. 4, 994. Lebeau, P. Copper silicide and the formation of silicon sol- uble in hydrofluoric acid. Compt. rend. 142, 154-157 (1906) ; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 25, 187. Lyons, D. A. and Keeney, R. M. Melting cathode copper in the electric furnace. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 92, 1791- 1800; 96, 2825 (1914) ; Trans. 49, 724-734 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 755. The smelting of copper ores in the electric furnace. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 80, 2117-2149. Trans. 47, 233 (1913) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 522-527 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3572; Discus- sion, Bull. 83, 2724; C. A. 8, 465; U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 81, 76 pp. (1915). Papencordt, P. Melting copper speiss in electric furnace. J. four elec. 28, 98-100; Metal Ind. 14, 502-504 (1919). Rauchenplat, G. von. Electric smelting of copper ore and by- products of copper metallurgy. Metallurgie 7, 151-155; C. A. 5, 1368. Richards, J. W. Metallurgical calculations. Electric smelt- ing of copper ores. Electrochem. Met. Ind. 5, 496 (1907). Schilowski, I. Electric smelting of copper ores and if the intermediary products of the copper blast furnace. Rev. metal. 9, 205 ; Metallurgie 8, 617-625 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 977. Schmelz, E. M. Electric furnace for medium temperature. Trans. Am. Inst. Metals 8, 261-9 (1914) ; C. A. 8, 3758. Stephan, M. Production of copper and nickel in the electric furnace. Metall. u. Erz. 1, 11-17; Chem.-Ztg. 36, 1194; Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 22-23 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 730; C. A. 8, 2846. Vatier, C. Technical experiments on the smelting of copper ores in the electric furnace. Berg. u. Huttenm. ( Z. 62, 549 (1903) ; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 23, 25. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPUED TO METALLURGY. 8 1 Vickers, Chas. Electric furnace as a copper melting medium. Foundry 45, 280-283 (1917) ; C. A. 11, 2431. Wolkoff, W. Electric smelting of copper sulfate ores. Metal- Iurgie7, 99 (1910). Wright, L. T. Behavior of copper slags in the electric fur- nace. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 39, 221-222 ; C. A. 4, 1576. Zeerleder, A. von. Smelting of copper-nickel sulfide ores in the electric furnace. Metall. u. Erz. 13, 453, 473, 494 (1916) ; C.A. 12, 118. Nickel. Borchers, W. Electro-metallurgy of nickel. Monographien iiber angewandte Elektrochemie No. 6 (1903). Electric smelting of nickel ore. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 277; C. A. 4, 1844. Electrometallurgical treatment of nickel minerals in New Cal- edonia. J. four elec. 24, 3 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 537. Morrison, W. L. Electric furnace treatment of nickel ores and the development of a commercial process. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 20, 315-353 (1911) ; C. A. 6, 29. Stephan, M. Production of metals in the electric furnace. Metall. u. Erz. 1, 11-17; Chem.-Ztg. 36, 1194; Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 22-23; C. A. 7, 730; C. A. 8, 2846. Zeerleder, A. von. Smelting of copper-nickel sulfide ores in the electric furnace. Metall. u. Erz. 13, 453, 473, 494 (1916) ; C. A. 12, 118. Tin. Electric tin smelting. Eng. Min. J. 97, 167-168; C. A. 8, 1061. Escard, J. Electrometallurgy of tin in the electric furnace. Ind. Electrique 27, 444-448 (1918). Harden, J. Electric tin melting. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 453-457 (1911); C.A. 5, 3655. Mattonet, F. Electric reduction of tin ore. Metallurgie 5, 186-191 ; C. A. 2, 1817. Mennicke, H. Tin smelting the electric vs. the reverbera- tory furnace. Mining J. 105, 531-2 (June 6, 1914). Recent experiments in electrometallurgy of tin. J. four elec., Jan., 1912; Min. Eng. World 36, 868; C. A. 6, 2033. 82 CLARENCE JAY \ Smelting tin dross in the electric furnace. Brass World 7, 59- 60 (1911); C. A. 5, 1367. Smelting of tin ore in the electric furnace. Mining J. 103, 1002 (Oct. 18, 1913). Wile, R. S. Electric furnace for the treatment of tin dross, concentrates from cyanide mills and other metallurgical work. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 495-496 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2889. Reduction of tin dross in the electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 8, 629; Chem. Eng. 12, 148; Brass World 6, 386 (1910); Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 18, 205 (1910); C. A. 5, 430. Smelting of dross in the electric furnace. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 26, 252-255 (1914) ; Min. Eng. W. 42, 501-504 . (1915); C. A. 9, 1581. Zinc. Attempts to produce zinc oxide electrochemically on an indus- trial scale. Farben-Ztg. 18, 1059-1060; C. A. 7, 1672. Borchers, W. Treatment of sulfide or oxide zinc ores in the electric furnace. Metallurgie 9, 153-154; C. A. 6, 1570. Brown, O. W. and Oesterle, W. F. Electric smelting of ores. 'Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 8, 171-180 (1905); Electro- chem. Met. Ind/3, 378-379 (1905). Busachi, Agostino. Dr. Gino Gallo's "Electrometallurgy of Zinc." Rass. min. 37, 153-154; C. A. 7, 26. C. F. Application of the electric furnace in the extraction of zinc. Rass. min. 35, 107; C. A. 5, 3761. Clerc, F. L. Smelting zinc in an electric furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 428-429 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3454. Electric zinc smelting. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 668 (1913); C. A. 8,867. Condensation problem in electric zinc smelting. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 451 (1912). Electric furnaces for manganese ores and zinc smelting fur- . naces. Elec. Rev. West. Elec. 73, 218 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 1856. Electric furnace performance for alloys of high zinc content. Elec. Rev. 74, 814-815 (1919) ; C. A. 13, 1424. Electric zinc furnaces. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 583-585 (1913). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 83 Electric zinc smelting. Eng. Min. J. 94, 1109 (1912). Electric zinc smelting process. Met. Chem. Eng. 16, 158-159. (1917). Electric zinc smelting in Norway and Sweden. Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 673 (1911). Electrolytic zinc refining. Chem. Trade J. 58, 363 (1916); C. A. 10, 1813. Electrometallurgy of zinc. Elec. Rev. (London) 73, 408-409 (Sept. 12, 1913). Extracts from the technical literature on steel and zinc. Z. Elektrochem. 22, 305-314 (1916) ; C. A. 11, 1363. Ferraris, Em. Zinc problem in Italy. J. four elec. 27, 182 (1918). FitzGerald, F. A. J. Electric furnace for zinc smelting. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 3, 417-419 (1911) ; Min. World 34, 929-930; Min. Sci. Press 63, 515-518; C. A. 5, 2369. Radiant resistor furnace. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 737-739 (Dec. 10-17, 1919). Fleurville, Eugene. Electric zinc smelting. La Houille Blanche 7, 273; Electrochem. Met. Ind. 7, 468 (1909) ; C. A. 4, 147. Flusin, G. Recent developments of the Cote and Pierron electric zinc smelting process. Bull. Tech. de la Suisse Romande 43, 233 (1917); Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 17 (1918); C. A. 12, 790. Fulton, C. H. Electrical resistance furnace of large capacity for zinc ores. Bull. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng. 153, 2159- 2195 (1919); C. A. 13,3084. Electric resistance furnace of large capacity for zinc ore. Chem. Met. Eng. 22, 73-79 (1920) ; Operation of furnaces and characteristics of the process. Ibid. 22, 130-135 (1920). Fulton's electric zinc furnace. Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 539-540 (1918); C. A. 12, 2166. Gallo, Gino. Electrometallurgy of zinc. Gazz. chim. Ital. 43, I, 361-385 ; Rass. min. 37, 57-62, 101-103 ; C. A. 6, 3362. Gin, G. Electrometallurgy of zinc. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 12, 117-139 (1908) ; C. A. 2, 1526. 84 CLARENCE; JAY Haanel, E. Electric furnace for the reduction of spelter. Can. Dept. Mines, Bull. 3 (1910) ; C. A. 5, 249. Harbord, F. W. Zinc smelting at Trollhattan. Eng. Min. J. 93, 344 (1912). Zinc smelting in electric furnaces. Can. Eng. 22, 330-331 ; C. A. 6, 977. Hess, J. Electrometallurgy of zinc. Z. Elektrochem., Sept. 2, 23, 1904. Ingalls, W. R. Electric zinc smelting. Chem. Eng. 20, 38-41 ; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 25, 169-178 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 890. Progress in the electric smelting of zinc ores. Min. Eng. World 37, 58-60; Eng. Min. J. 94, 7-10; Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 481 (1912) ; Trans. Can. Min. Inst. 15, 101 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 589, 2578. Progress in metallurgy of zinc in 1906. Eng. Min. J. 83, 20-21 (1907); C. A. 1, 548. Johansson, E. A. Electric furnaces for zinc reduction. Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 654 (1918). Johnson, Chas. F. The (Johnson) electric zinc smelting fur- nace. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 281-283 (1912) ; C. A. 6, 2578. Johnson, W. M. By-products in electric zinc smelting. Min. Eng. World 39, 1157-1159. Commercial aspects of electric zinc-lead smelting. Trans. Can. Min. Inst. 17, 107-121 ; C. A. 9, 3171. Electric zinc smelting chemistry and operation of the John- son continuous furnace. Eng. Mag. 48, 268-270 (1914^. Electric zinc smelting. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 191- 214 (1913) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 11. 582 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3713 ; Min. Eng. W. (Dec. 18, 1913). Electrometallurgy of zinc and its relation to present prac- tice. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 11, 265-277 (1907); C. A. 2, 57. Notes on electric zinc smelting. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 537- 538 (1912); C. A. 6, 3361. Zinc smelting in the electric furnace. Eng. Min. J. 96, 965- 966 ; Min. Eng. World 39, 1073-1075 ; 40, 48-49 ; Sci. Am. S. 77, 66-67 (1914). THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 85 Johnson continuous electric zinc furnace. Iron Age 89, 1082-3 (May 2, 1912). Keeney, R. M., and Lyon, D. A. Possible application of the electric furnace to western metallurgy. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 24, 119-166 (1913); Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 577 (1913). Kowalke, O. L. Volatility of zinc oxide. Trans. Am. Elec- trochem. Soc. 21, 557 (1912). Lawrie, J. H. Electric furnaces for the treatment of zinc ores. Min. Eng. World 35, 283-285 (1911) ; C. A. 6, 1402. Lordier, C. V. Zinc electrometallurgy (dry). Met. et alli- ages 7, No. 12, 1 (1914) ; C. A. 9, 557. Louvrier, F. Cause of the practical non-success of the elec- tric furnace in treating zinc ores. Met. Chem. Eng. 10, 747- 749 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 1672. Electric zinc smelting. Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 603 ; C. A. 8, 867. Moulden, J. C., and Harbord, F. W. Electric smelting of zinc- lead ores at Sarpsborg, Norway, and at Trollhattan, Sweden. Chem. Eng. 14, 510; C. A. 6, 964. Nathusius, H. Electrochemical production of zinc. Metall. u. Erz. 15, 87-93, 108-111 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2495. OfTerhaus, C. Zinc made in the electric furnace. Electro- chem. Met. Ind. 3, 54 (1905). Peters, F. Developments in the electrometallurgy of zinc and cadmium. Gliickauf. 45, 1401-1413. Recent developments in the electrometallurgy of zinc. Eng. Min. J. 89, 1017-1019; C. A. 4, 1713. Peterson, Peter E. Electric furnace for zinc smelting. Min. Eng. World 38, 1035-1039; 39, 303-304, 549-550; Chem. Eng. 18, 100-107; C. A. 7, 3453, 3572, 3922. Electric zinc furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 215-239 (1913) ; Met. Chem. Eng. 11, 583 (1913) ; Can. Eng. (Sept., 1913). Production of metals (especially zinc) in the electric furnace. J. four elec. (1916), 109-112; C. A. 11, 1363. 86 CLARENCE JAY WEST. Richards, J. W. The Johnson electric zinc furnace. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 311-315 (1911) C. A. 5, 3377. Salgues, A. The electrometallurgy of zinc. Mem. Soc. Ing. Civ. de France, July, 1903. Sartori, F. Experiments on the electrothermic treatment of zinc minerals. Rass. min. 15, No. 5 ; C. A. 5, 3656. Snyder, F. T. Condensation of zinc vapors from electric fur- naces. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 317 (1911) ; Chem. Eng. 13, 209; Met. Chem. Eng. 9, 265 (1911) ; C. A. 5, 3378. The electric smelting of zinc ores. Can. Min. Rev. 25, 83-87 (Oct., 1905). Electric zinc smelting. Min. Sci. Press. 95, 720 (1907); C. A. 2, 394. Stephan. Production of metals in the electric furnace. Chem.- Ztg.36, 1 194 ;C. A. 8,2846. Thomson; J. Condensation in electric zinc smelting. Chem. Met. Eng. 19,62-63 (1918). Zinc in the electric furnace. Metal Ind. 3, 209-210 (1905). MISCELLANEOUS METALS. Baskerville, Charles- Extraction of thoria. Orig. Com. 8th Intern. Congr. Appl. Chem. 2, 17-19; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 4, 821 (1912) ; Chem. News 106, 271 ; C. A. 7, 306. Betts, A. G. Electric lead smelting. Electrochem. Mek Ind. 4, 168-173 (1906). Blanquier, Juan. Electrometallurgy of aluminum. Bol. soc. nacional minera Chile ; C. A. 9, 557. Bleecker, W. F. An electrolytic method for the reduction of blue powder. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 21, 359 (1912). Carothers, J. N. Electric furnace smelting of phosphate rock and the use of the Cottrell precipitator in collecting the volatilized phosphoric acid. J.-Ind. Eng. Chem. 10, 35-36, 239 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 451, 652. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 87 Electric smelting of manganese ores. Elec. Eng. 52, No. 5, 26, (1918); C. A. 13, 8. Gillett, H. W., and James, G. M. Melting aluminium chips. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 108, 1916. and Williams, C. E. Electric smelting of domestic ores. Bureau of Mines, War Minerals Investigating Series, Bull. 10 (1918); C. A. 13, 1561. Gin, G. Electrochemistry of the rare metals. I. Molybdenum. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 12, 411-474 (1907) ; C. A. 2, 1781. Harden, J. Utilization of manganese ores in Sweden. Met. Chem/ Eng. 17, 701-704 (1917); Iron Age 101, 938-940 (1918). du Jassonneix, Binet. Reduction of chromium oxide by boron. Compt. rend. 143, 897 ; C. A. 1, 527. Reduction of molybdenum dioxide by boron. Compt. rend. 143, 169-172 (1906) ; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 25, 855. Keeney, R. M. Electric smelting of chromium, tungsten, molybdenum and vanadium ores. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24, 167-191 (1913) ; C. A. 7, 3713. Lass, W. P. Electric furnace for gold refining at the Alaska Treadwell cyanide plant. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 1915, 1443_1450; Trans. 52, 171-179 (1915); C. A. 9, 2737. _ Lehner, C. Preparation of molybdenum in electric furnace. Metallurgie, Aug. 22, 1906. Miller, D. D. Remelting of aluminium in the electric furnace. Chem. Met. Eng. 19, 251-254 (1918) ; C. A. 12, 2494. Muller, Peter. Titanium and metal sulfides. Metallurgie 7, 537-39 ; C. A. 5, 59. Nordenskjold, I. Production and properties of tantalum. Tekn-Tidskrift, Stockholm, 1905, 26-28; Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. 162, 39-40 (1905) ; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 25, 79. Small Hellberger furnace for melting platinum. Brass World 8, 273 (1912) ; C. A. 7, 574. Silicomanganese furnace production record. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 752 (1919). 88 CLARENCE JAY WEST. ABBREVIATIONS USED. Am. Electrician American Electrician Am. Found. Assn. Trans American Foundry man's Association, Transactions Am. Mach American Machinist Ann. Soc. Ing. Arch. Ital Annali della Societa degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti Italiani Appl. Sci Applied Science Assoc. Iron Steel Elec. Eng. .. Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers Atti incoroggiamento Napoli . . Atti del r. istituto d'incoroggiamento di Napoli Aust. Min. Stand Australian Mining Standard Automotive Eng Automotive Engineer Automotive Ind Automotive Industries Berg. u. Hiittenm. Z Berg und Hiittenmannische Zeitschrift Blast Furnace Blast Furnace and Steel Plant Bol soc. nacional minera Chile. Boletin de la sociedad nacional de minera de Chile Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng Bulletin of the American Institute of Min- ing Engineers Bull. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng Bulletin of the American Institute of Min- ing and Metallurgical Engineers Bull. Can. Min. Inst Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute Bull. sci. Liege Bulletin scientifique, Liege Bull. soc. inter, elec Bulletin de la Societe Internationale d'Elec- triciens Bull. tech. de la Suisse Ro- mande Bulletin technique de la Suisse Romande Bureau Mines Tech. Paper Bureau of Mines Technical Papers C. A Chemical Abstracts Can. Chem. J Canadian Chemical Journal Can. Dept. Mines, Bull Canadian Department of Mines, Bulletin Can. Elec. News Canadian Electrical News Can. Eng Canadian Engineer, The Can. Foundryman Canadian Foundryman Can. Machy Canadian Machinery Can. Min. J Canadian Mining Journal, The Can. Min. Rev Canadian Mining Review Can. Soc. Civ. Engrs Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Cassier's Mag Cassier's Magazine Chem. App Chemische Apparatur Chem. Eng Chemical Engineer, The Chem. Ind Chemische Industrie, Die Chem. Met. Eng Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Chem. News Chemical News Chem. Trade J Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical En- gineer Chem. World Chemical World Chem.-Ztg Chemiker-Zeitung Col. School Mines Mag The Colorado School of Mines Magazine Compt. rend Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de 1'academie des sciences THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 89 Durham Phil. Soc Durham Philosophical Society Elec. Eng Electric Engineering Elec. J Electrical Journal Elec. News Electrical News Elec. Rev Electrical Review Elec. Rev. West. Elec Electrical Review and Western Electrician Elec. Times Electric Times Elec. World Electrical World Elecn Electrician, The L'Elecn L'Electricien Electrochem. & Met Electrochemist and Metallurgist Electrochem. Ind Electrochemical Industry Electrochem. Met. Eng Electrochemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Electrochem. Met. Ind Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry Elek. Kraft, u. Bahnen Elektrische Kraftbetriebe und Bahnen Elektrochem. Z Electrochemische Zeitschrift Elektrotech. u. Polytech. Rund- schau Elektrotechnische und Polytechnische Rundschau Elektrotech. Z Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift Eng Engineer Eng. Mag Engineering Magazine Eng. Min. J Engineering and Mining Journal Eng. News Engineering News Eng. Rev English Review Eng. Soc. W. Penn., Proc Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylva- nia, Proceedings Farben-Ztg Farben-Zeitung Foundry Trade J Foundry Trade Journal Gazz. chim. ital Gazzetta chimica italiana Gen. Elec. Rev General Electric Review Genie C Genie Civil Giesserei Zeit Giesserei Zeitung Glaser's Ann Glaser's Annalen Gliickauf Gliickauf, Berg-und Huttenmannische Zeit- schrift L'ind. chim. min. met L'Industria chimica, mineria e metallurgies Ind. electrique Industrie electrique Ind. Eng Industrial Engineering Ind. Management Industrial Management Inst. E. E. J Journal of the Institution of Electrical En- gineers Inst. Min. Met Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Intern. Cong. Appl. Chem International Congress of Applied Chem- istry Iron Coal Trades Rev Iron and Coal Trades Review Iron Steel Mag Iron and Steel Magazine Iron Trade Rev Iron Trade Review, The J. Am. Inst. Metals Journal of the American Institute of Metals J. Am. Steel Treaters' Soc Journal of the American Steel Treaters' Society J. Can. Min. Inst Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute 90 CLARENCE; JAY WEST. J. Chem. Met Soc. S. Africa. . Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa J. Chem. Soc Journal of the Chemical Society j. Clev. Eng. Soc Journal of the Cleveland Engineering So- ciety J Elec Journal of Electricity J. Elec. Power Gas Journal of Electrical Power and Gas J. d'Electrolyse Journal de I/electrolyse et du four elec- trique J. Eng. Club, Phila Journal of the Engineers' Club of Philadel- phia J. Eng. Club, St. Louis Journal of the Engineers Club of St. Louis J. four elec Journal du four electrique et de 1'electro- lyse J. Franklin Inst Journal of the Franklin Institute J. Ind. Eng. Chem Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry J. Iron Steel Inst Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute J. Royal Soc. Arts Journal of the Royal Society of Arts J. Russ. Chem. Soc Journal of the Russian Chemical Society J. Soc. Chem. Ind.. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry J. West. Scotland Iron and Steel Inst Journal West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute J. West. Soc. Engineers Journal of the Western Society of Engi- neers Lumiere elec La Lumiere Electrique Mach Machinery Manuf . Rec Manufacturers Record Mech. Eng Mechanical Engineering Mem. soc. ing. civ. de France. Memoirs de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France Met. et alliages Metatix et alliages Met. Chem. Eng Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering Met. italiana Metallurgia italiana, La Metal Ind Metal Industry Metall. u. Erz Metall und Erz. Zeitschrift fur Metall- hiittenwesen und Erzbergbau Min. Eng. World Mining Engineering World Min. Ind Mining Industry Min. Mag Mining Magazine Min. Sci Mining Science Min. Sci. Press Mining and Scientific Press Min. World Mining World Mining J Mining Journal Mitt. kgl. Materialpriifung- samt Mitteilungen aus dem koniglichen Material- priifungsamt zu Berlin Lichterfelde West Mon. Sci Moniteur scientifique du Docteur Quesne- ville Monit. teen Moniteur Tecnico Montan. Rundsch Montanistische Rundschau Oesterr. Chem. Ztg Oesterreichische Chemiker Zeitung Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg und Hiittenwesen THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 91 Phys. Rev Physical Review, The Proc. Am. Inst. E. E Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Proc. Am. Inst. Metals Proceedings of the American Institute of Metals Proc. Eng. Club, Phila Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Phil- adelphia Proc. Inst. Civil Eng Proceedings of the Institution of Civil En- gineers Proc. Inst. Metals, London. .. Proceedings of the Institute of Metals Rass. min Rassegna mineraria, metallurgica e chimica Rev. chim. ind Revue de chimie industrielle Rev. d'electrochim Revue d'electrochimie et d'electrometal- lurgie Rev. gen. chim Revue generate de chimie pure et appli- quees Rev. gen. sci Revue generale des sciences pures et appli- quees Rev. industriel Revue industrielle Rev. de 1'ingenieur et index techn Revue de 1'ingenieur et index technique Rev. metal Revue de Metallurgie Riv. marit Rivista Marittima Rivista tecnica d. ferr. ital Rivista tecnica della ferroire Italiane Roy. Soc., Phil. Trans Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions Ry. Age Railway Age Schweiz. Bau Schweizerische Bauzeitung Sci. Am. S Scientific American Supplement Sibley J. Eng Sibley Journal of Engineering Stahl u. Eisen Stahl und Eisen Tec. mod La Technique Moderne Tech. Paper Technical Papers Trans. Am. Brass Founders' Assn Transactions of the American Brass Found- ers' Association Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc.Transactions of the American Electrochem- ical Society Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng.. .Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Trans. Am. Inst. E. E Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Trans. Am. Inst. Metals Transactions of the American Institute of Metals Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers Trans. Can. Min. Inst Canadian Mining Institute, Transactions Trans. Eng. Soc. Toronto Transactions of the Engineering Society of Toronto Trans. Faraday Soc Transactions of the Faraday Society Trans. Inter. Eng. Congress. ..Transactions of the International Engineer- ing Congress U. S. Bur. Standards Bull United States Bureau of Standards, Bul- letin 92 CLARENCE JAY WEST. W. Engineering Western Engineering W. Soc. Eng. J Western Society of Engineers, Journal West. Chem. Met Western Chemist and Metallurgist Wis. Engr Wisconsin Engineer Z. angew. Chem Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Chemie Z. d. Oest. Ing. u. Arch. Ver.. .Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur und Architekten Vereines Z. Elektrochem Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie Z. Ver. deut. Ing Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Inge- THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN ilS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. *" DEC 271941 APR 6 1944 15/35 LD L']-J() ; ;,.G,'yj 662527 WJ4- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY