FROM THE SIERRAS TO THE UC-NRLF (0 ETCHINGS AND DRAWINGS BX MARION HOLDEN POPE o >- POEMS BX CHARLES FARWELL EDJ-ON GIFT OF =JJ .-Tr-^ ^-r j| ] 7?-- P*ife 1 *23Z, Jf rom tfje ^>terrag to tfje tcl)ing,6 anb Drawings tip iilanon l)olbrn $ope Cfjarles; Jf artoell JKHarren tC. potter, (Cupijrujht, UHC, by (Charles 3Fatiucll l Contents Caijut nga flass 3n fean Jfranctegutto Canon Ha g>outf)toe*t ^Municipal (golf Htnfcs puena Uts;ta Street JJortf) nb Proatrtoap funnel Ha 3&etna tre los; ^ngelesf, 1781 JWatn anb Jfourtf) Streets; Central Square Jfountatn oton proabtoap from temple Jftftf) anb Spring Streets; Central Square ^>econb Cfwrcf) of Cftrtsit, g>cientts;t temple of tfte ?|ome roabtoap from S>ebentfj j&atlroab (TrarUs fepcamore Cttp Snner JOarbor . ^>a keeper of tfje Htgfjt 349227 bg Baylor * risoneb in icj> feiss, tfje ocean mists l^ljiten Sierra s peaks of ruggeb stone Cfjen melt in jopous crping of tfje douos all tfje glorp of tlje fterp gun. fjuman cttj> totti) propljettc epe Hoofeeb to tfje goob of men for pears; to come; tlje crpsital brops in regeruotrsf sltppeb tfcem botun tfjrougl) concrete anb tfjrougf) steel. mtgfjtp mountains jstore for goob of all l^ljat betop cloubs take from tfje billing beeps; air=filleb brops, ^llmtgijtp S bisttllate stoells tlje seebs, tuasljes man s filtlj atoap Jfor tljus tfje libing toater comes to liless turns again to breast of jWotijer Cafmenga ^fns; toas tfje lUng s; J|igl)toap tofjere Dons of &pain Caborteb on tfietr rtcfjlp tfabbleb steebsi; OTfjere creaking, rougt) carretas;, oxen Ijauleb Went silotulp tjjroug!) tfje pagg in calm content. ptoug ^abres! tn tfjeir grap cotoleb gotung on tins UKIP luttJ) not a tljougijt of gelf tfjat expre^sieb in Jllisisiton goob of all goon toent boton before jWan s king s; Htgfjtoap tfje ^abreg gabe to us! toe, IjtQ^ priests; unto a great ibeal Jttabe d^ueen g; ^tgijtuaj) tip gibing toomen rights; ab accrueb tljrougf) JWan s figfjt to be free. eacf) trail toibeng to a flotoing roab OTtjere all ^umanitp wn go in peace. 3n ^>an Jf rancteguito Canon ur fcolb breamers; toitf) a torcft of H>potteb an fjonest man in time of neeb; &sfeeb fum to butlb a mtsfjtp aquebuct ijere it stanbs in perpetuity. Srisif) ijonestp burneb in tije breasftg all tu jo follotueb ijim in confibence (^ob sf tufjite coal toill gibe to tljis fair toton fj^at anb potoer toitf) tfte water floto. greater monument toasi eber raifieb, Running from ^igj) Sierras! to tf)e ^>ea future generations? of our bloob foless t0e men toljo mabe tfjiscitj), Jfreel 3n tJjig kuilb canon pelloto grains! of golb firsft founb tip a Californian. ; ore tfjan a tunbreb tijousanb pears ago monsters roameb tfjese tljicklp tooobeb t)ills; Mere caugfjt in aspfjalt bebs, Ijelb unto beatf) ginb toe can reconstruct tljeir skeletons. ^Inotter ijunbreb tfjousanb pears some life jHap reconstruct tfje bonp frame of JWan; Mill toonber toto it liijeb anb to&at it ate jf or tijep toill litie anb feeb upon tfjemsetoes. atcl) pour grcljeologp altoe" founber of tins mausoleum saib in tfje quiet of tljese plastereb fjalls tjonesi of manp pasts; are kept on faieto. Wit tmilb our sturbp palaces! of sitone outlast all tfje buffeting^ of time fjarblp fjafee toe boasteb in our pribe pefore our breams; are scrap=ljeapeb, usieless; piles. enbures but Hife s ebolbing rounb grototi), becap, to fertilise neto grototlj from tfje lust) urge of our eagerness larger fjumus rots to fecunbate. JWuntcipal en libe lifee rats! in mooern offices!, Purrotoing all arounb tlje cljeesie of trabe; anb ^>labe3 to uglp (ob of -**J O plap at golf to ease tljetr fren^teb mttitus lift tfjeir epes! to life=renetuing lulls; jf or further sitrengtlj to toil anfc grab again. Puena ^Ttsta Street prtbge ere (lotos; tfje rtoer of $t ratltoaps; run foeneat!) tlje arcfjtng brtbge; Clpsitan ^arfe, a rest cure for tfje sfoul rbs tfje totbe gate tfjat lets; tfje tourtsits; tn. patient footman, goon forgotton fjorsie, auto trucfeg, tlje cosftlp motor cars;, Street cars;, gteam cars, aeroplanes; pass; ljj> Jf or go toe go on lanb or tn tfje cloubs. $5roabtoap Cunnel $oor, olb, lost abobe fwgs tfje full; of tfje frienbs of pout!) fjatoe passeb amap; planter |as! begun to leabe tfje tije common realty Sign, ^ fining cars gpeeti fast beneat!) tlje OTJjere Jf remont fleto tfje Pear Jflag of OTitl) g>tars anb Stripes of tfjese Uniteb Co tell to all tfje tuorlb our coagt tuas Jfree. get custom, breeding, tie us to a toteel tg rebolbeb bj> gfjaft O f antique lams! in tije tuoof of temporising cooes ideologic creebs tfjat fenoto not Cfjrist. ^ast anb present! Mill tfje future bare Cut tfjrougf) bense toalls so tljat me learn Crutfj! Ha iXetna be Hos 1781 Jforsters, bel dalles; anb tfje g>epulbebas,Jttorenos, Coronels; t)t Hugos;, tfje g>erranos, &lberas Mere calleb to mass bj> tljese olb minion cijtmes. tKfje ^la^a toas alibe toitf) jprancing (^ap ^enoritas smileb tiefjinb tljeir fans 3n black mantillas fcrougfjt from far=off Jf or C urct anb ^>tate fjelb tljeir Jf iestas fjere. put nott) tfje jangling street car brotons tfje bells; pa^a circle Stoarms toitl) Mexicans; olb cljurcf) bratus up closer to Jf ort ^ill tljougl) it feareb tfjis touci) of mobern life; tuell it map for 4lob is but a name OTfjere minteb metal rules tfje toorlb of men. Jflatn anb Jf ourtf) P anb boton tfje crotobeb streets tfjep go, 3|arb rock men tofjo built tfje &tmebuct; Jlluckers anb concrete mixers!, roust) anb strong, OTell forotoneb bj> brj> JWo jabe s! burning gun. lje Snterurban cars; block narroto JWain ^Inb glaring picture sbotus anb bolb saloons JWulct lonelp men in from tfje silences Wfjtre circumstances make or break a man. H>albation ^Irrnp anb tlje "Volunteers raucous fjptnns to turn tljem totoarb tfje Cfjrist; knotos tljej) neeb it in fl)is moil of greeb OTfjere toe quote men in terms of stocks anb bonbs. JHen anb tfje (game! !9 Snatcf) for bie=stampeb signs! all one gets is Jfoob, some Clotfjes anb Central Square Jf ountatn ije fjaugfjtp pigeons foeg so baintilp; Cjjep Strut anb coo just like us common folks; sunligfjt rainfcotos eacf) rounb falling brop toater tljat is splashing in tfje pool ere men sit anb argue tofjile tfjep sit; Conbemn tlje <Hotjernment, tije toap of it; Settle tfje great, complex affairs of ^>tate tfjeir content, sucf) is ^emocracp. air of Jf reebom is so stueet anb neto all tfjep sense is rigfjt to criticise. BBBBHI Jfttlbs berricks stanb, balb monuments to trabe; tfjroust) eartfj s! crustt toe pump tfje ti^tien oil; fjere anb tljere tuttf) force it generates! tuonber at tje earthquakes in our toafee. 29oton proabtoap fromCemple Itnbfolbeb Justice Sits, a sombre tiring 3n courts; of men tofjo qutfcfcle ober Hato! ?|ere also are tfje recorbsi of our age 3n torttten ioofes; of trangfersi anfc of trabeg. jfar boton tfje street an outgroujn Cttj> OTljere our tutse Colons talk efficiency. Boton Spring from Jf tftf) calleb it l^rimabera, tbose olb Dons language is rippling, trippling song toben tfje (Gringos! came tfjep nameti tt Spring, HI clo^eb anb unresiponstbe substitute. is tije tianfeers street toljere men of mtgfjt marile office piles to fjouse tfjeir tuealti); JUafee slabes of men toitf) paper chains of tionbs Cfjat run for tens of pears, so tftep be safe; pet tljis business toorlb of ours Ijas neeb all tlje printeb forms tfjat stanb for golb; of exchange, tije batlp cfjecks of trabe, gibe anb tafee tjrougf) central clearing louse; plap our parts, lenbers anb borrowers <ob strikes balances. Central Square fje Ijappp trees! toabe in tfje sea gent tottib liraton from tije up=braft of tije Ijeateb plaint; toearp people tfjrong tije cement geats Co catci) a tireatf) of country in tlje toton. V > CiwrcJ) of Cfjrtet, enttet fje slobj ebolbing progress ot mankinb 3s markeb bj> broken sfjackles, eberj>= tofjere noto tfje Science of tfje things Cfjrist taugfjt laib bobm for tfje use of tfjose tofjo care. Cfjrist tofjo obmeb no foot of lanb! tfje poor biijo imb sucfj neeb of it! tfje monej>=cfjangers tuitfj a scourge tljep befileb t^e fjolp temple steps. tl)is creeb stanbs for Hife S ^Bualitp; ||e anb ^>tie of nature s graciousness gibing Cfjrist lobe toitf) no tfjougljt of self make a Ijeaben of tfjis coin=mab eartlj; Hatu of H>erbtce fuseb in globj of Hobe let t^e ligljt tljrougl) sombre beils of creebs. Cemple of tfje n all tije lanbs; tfjat front tije migfjtp sea H>tretcf)tng from stern Gibraltar to H>ue? |9ou finb olb temples!, ruineb or in us* barieb <obg, queer probucte of mens; faitljg. toe, neto toorsffjippersi at mobern styrine to tfjat ([lob tojo formeb tfjis; ficfjeme of tfjtngg; clean creative urge tfjat blenbg gome ttoo reprobuce, tfjat tfjeir feinb libe again, ligfjt of iobe tlje altars are ablate; acolptes; of Jfop sitoing incense rare; goob Higt priests; of Enotolebge cijant a mass Caugljt from tlje ^ingel Cfjoirsi of $oes#; temple feellg are i)appj> cfjilbreng stongsi; Ijolj) recorbs;, imprint of our goulsf. Up proabtoap from is; tije tooman s street anb bap tEfjep tfjrong tfje toalfeg tn stngfjams anb tn sitlfeg; Batntp anti bebonatr, lonelp anb rtc!) rtbe tn limousines! or toalfe on foot; toearp mothers oragging toorn=out flock of Scfjool girls botun from H. &. far beponb in clear=cut afterglow Cfje peaceful mountains marbel at our fjaste &atlroab bracks mobern steel Gratis come at last to camp 3|ere by tlje sanbj>, toasfjeb out rtber bet; Hmfetng us; all to eaclj far lanb of eartf) cfjatnsi of Jf inance, Commerce ano of Craoe. tn tljts greater Protfjerfjoob of JUan Mill groto a Jleto Cartlj, tiorn to ?|uman tiounb tip steel but mtntetereb for Jfyim taugljt tlje Wonbrous glorp of Hobe! nber tfje Itoe oafeg stfjabe tfje mockers nesit; gpratulp gpcamore^ lift from tlje cttp titn ts( lo^t tn nature ^ calm; (Tljr luilbuioob liibs tljc nrflious people bait, Clpstan $arfe _ ou climb tfje rain=toasfjeb sanbstone on a fcnoll " $ast spiberp gumtrees stoaping on tf)tn gtemg, Peponli tfje grep=sreen spruced in a cleft 01 Ijtlfe. Jf ar off tfje fja^p mountains gtanti Serene anto calm tn Waning Itgljt of fcap; Wfyt gcenteb b)tnti from out tlje fragrant pines Caresses eacfj tireb cfjeefe toitfj toucl) of balm, little biris (tuee minstrels of tte sfej>), jocunb songs of all earths goob to man. H>oft=footeb nigljt steals up tlje still ratines, pou alone, at rest, in peace, toitf) City ast of a tbousanb pears;, built pesterbap! of a bream, reborn at mere caprice! mushroom grototb from spaton of bagaries proton to tbe toinbs bj> poet alcljemtetg;. mobte sftar^ stfnnie in tljis- firmament for a fleeting time upon Hife g Screen; Silent as pet, but soon dirt s toitcljerp catclj tljeir boices for posterity. far=off lanbs are brought before pour anb lyings upon equalitp eaclj quaint pfjase of <^ob=mabe eartfj is bere tbrougb a film, not barfelp, but aligfjt; OTorlb a ^>tage! Humanitp tbe no brop curtain falls until Hife bies. inner Barber; H>an $Jebro f fjej> suckeb tlje age=beep silt tfjrougfj tubes of iron mabe neto lanb to bolb tfje toarefjou&s a strong municipality sabe for all tfje unearned increment. cargo boats anb steamers of tlje lines up anb botrm from far Alaska s colt Co torrib Manama s tremenbous gasl) eact paps some small tribute to tins port. goob ^>aint ^eter Sabes tlje souls of men pelloto golb, our stanbarb of tljis life. i . ,* \ , > " keeper of tije Itgfjt ike strange sights from out mj> steel= ribbeb Sfiaft; Itye fisljing boats bj> Iwnbrebs seek tfje beep; tof)ite=totngeb pleasure pacfjts fltt on tlje tiap; mobtng picture Bailors! plougf) tlje main lanb=legsi tfjat are fearful of tfje s?ea; gtatelp boats; tftat carrp passengers; lumber schooners boiun from (Oregon; mtgljtj liners up from istfjmus toap; Sugar boats from Honolulu s store; toarsfups tuitlj our flowing H>tars anb Stripes. put more tljan tljis 3 see tfje bap altoe boats on boats in cargo to all lanbs; greater fleet built in tfjis goob soutljtuest men anb toomen are foreber free. ocean toabes broke ijigf) abobe mp ligfjt bj> southeast toinb in mistj) blasts put in tlje tyfyt tljat coders bistant plains finer people grotos tfjan eartfj fast seen. 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