OF THE Division . Range Shelf.... Received af California, Book and Volume, i8 7< /~ HYDRAULIC MOTORS TRANSLATED FROM TUB FRENCH COURS DE MECANIQUE APPLIQUEE. PAR M. BRESSE Professeur de Mfaanique a V^cole des Fonts et Cfiausstes. F. A. MAHA1ST, LIEUTENANT TT. 8. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. REVISED BY D. H. MAHAN, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, AC., UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY & SON, 2 CLINTON HALL, ASTOR PLACE. 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by F. A. MAHAN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. THE NEW YORK PRINTING COMPANY, 8 1, 83, and 85 Centre Street, NEW YORK. PREFACE. THE eminent position of M. Bresse in the scientific world, and in the French Corps of Civil Engineers, is my best apology for attempting to supply a want, felt by the students of civil engineering in our country, of some standard work on Hydraulic Motors, by furnish- ing a translation of the chapter on this subject con- tained in the second volume of M. Bresse's lectures on Applied Mechanics, delivered to the pupils of the School of Civil Engineers (I&cole des Ponts et CJiaus- sees) at Paris. In making the translation, I have retained the French units of weights and measures in the numerical exam- ples given, as the majority of our students are conver- sant with them. F. A. MAHAK WILLETT'S POINT, K Y., July, 1869. CONTENTS. I. PRELIMINARY IDEAS ON HYDRAULIC MOTORS. ART. PAGK. Definitions; theorem of the transmission of work in machines 1 9 Analogous ideas applied to a waterfall 2 11 General observations on the means of securing a good effective delivery for a waterfall driving a hydraulic motor 3 14 II. WATER WHEELS WITH A HORIZONTAL AXLE. Undershot wheel with plane buckets or floats moving in a confined race 4 17 Wheels arranged according to Poncelet's method 5 28 Paddle wheels in an unconfined current 6 34 BREAST WHEELS. Wheels set in a circular race, called breast wheels 7 36 Example of calculations for a rapidly moving breast wheel 8 48 OVERSHOT WHEELS. Wheels with buckets, or overshot wheels 9 51 III. WATER WHEELS WITH VERTICAL AXLES. Old-fashioned spoon or tub wheels 10 66 TURBINES. Of turbines : 11 69 Fourneyron's turbine 12 70 Fontaine's turbine 13 73 Koscklin's turbine 14 76 Theory of the three preceding turbines 15 78 Remarks on the angles /?, y, 0, and on the dimensions 5, ', r, r', h. h'... . 16 90 yiii CONTENTS. ART. PAGE. Examples of the calculations to be made in constructing a turbine. . 17 93 Of the means of regulating the expenditure of water in turbines. .. 18 98 Hydropneumatic turbine of Girard and Gallon 19 103 Some practical views on the subject of turbines 20 105 Reaction wheels. . .... 21 107 IV. OF A FEW MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. Pumps 22 111 Spiral noria 23 122 Lifting turbines ; centrifugal pump 24 127 Authorities on Water Wheels. . 134 APPENDIX. Comparative table of French and United States measures 135 Note A, Article 1 135 Note B, Article 2 136 Note C, Article 4 137 Note D, Article 9 140 Note E, Boyden turbines, from Lowell Hydraulic Experiments, by James B. Francis, Esq 141 HYDRAULIC MOTORS, AND SOME MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER, |. PRELIMINARY IDEAS ON HYDRAULIC MOTORS. 1. Definitions y theorem of the transmission of work in ma- chines. The term machine is applied to any body or collection of bodies intended to receive at some of their points certain forces, and to exert, at other points, forces which generally differ from the first in their intensity, direction, and the velocity of their points of application. The dynamic effect of a machine is the total work, generally negative or resisting, which it receives from external bodies subject to its action. It happens that the dynamic effect is sometimes positive work: for example, when we let down a load by a rope passed over a pulley, the weight of the load pro- duces a motive work on the system of the rope and pulley. Let us suppose, to make this clear, that the dynamic effect is a resisting work. Independently of this, the machine is affected by some others which are employed to overcome friction, the resistance of the air, &c. The resistances which give rise to these negative works have received the name of secondary 10 GENERAL THEOREM. resistances; whilst the dynamic effect is due to what are called principal resistances. The general theorem of mechanics, in virtue of which a relation is established between the increase of living force of a material system and the work of the forces, is applicable to a machine as to every assemblage of % bodies. To express it analytically, let us suppose the dynamic effect to be taken negative, and let us call T w the sum of the work of the motive forces which have acted on the machine during a certain interval of time ; T the dynamic effect during the same time ; Ty-, the corresponding value of the work of the secondary resistances ; v and v , the velocities of a material point, whose mass is m, making a part of the machine, at the beginning and end of the time in question ; H and H , the corresponding distances of the centre of grav- ity of the mechanism below a horizontal plane ; 2, a sum extended to all the masses m. From the theorem above mentioned there obtains In a machine moving regularly, each of the velocities v in- creases from zero, the value corresponding to a state of rest, to a certain maximum which it never exceeds ; the first member of the equation has, then, necessarily, a superior limit, below which it will be found, or which it will, at the farthest, reach, whatever be the interval of time to which the initial and final values v and v are referred. The same holds with the term (H H ) 2 m g, when the machine moves without changing its place, as its centre periodically occupies the same positions. On the contrary, the terms T m , T e , T f increase indefinitely with the time, if the motion of the machine is prolonged, because GENERAL THEOREM. 11 new quantities of work are being continually added to those already accumulated. These terms will at length greatly surpass the others, so the equation, therefore, should, after an unlimited interval of time, reduce to T m = T e + T,, This is what would really take place, without supposing the time unlimited, if the beginning and end of this interval cor- responded to a state of rest of the machine, and if, at the same time, H = H . We can then say that, as a general rule, the motive work is equal to the resisting work ; but as this last includes, besides the dynamic effect for which the machine is established, the work of the secondary resistances, we see that the action of the motive power is not all usefully employed, since a portion goes to overcoming the work of T f . T It is evident that the ratio ?- measures the proportional *f T T loss; the ratio 7^, or 1 7=^-, gives, on the contrary, a clear -*-m -*-m idea of the portion of the effective work. This last ratio is what is called the delivery of the machine; it is evidently always less than unity, since in the best-arranged machines T f still preserves a certain value. The skill of the constructor is shown in bringing this as near unity as possible. 2. Analogous ideas applied to a waterfall. A waterfall may be considered as a current of water flowing through two sections C B, E F (Fig. 1), at no great distance apart, but with a noticeable difference of level, H, between the surface slope at C and E, and which may be assumed to yield a constant volume of water for each unit of time. The mate- rial liquid system thus comprised between the sections C B, E F, at each instant may be regarded as a machine that is con- tinually renewed, the molecules which flow out through E F' 12 GENEEAL THEOEEM. being replaced by those which enter through C B. The motive work in this case will be that of the weight combined with that of the pressures on the external boundaries of the system ; the dynamic effect will be the work of the resistances against the fall of water caused by any apparatus whatever, a water-wheel FIG. 1. for example, exposed to its action. In its turn the water-wheel, considered as a machine, will receive from the fall a motive work sensibly equal to the dynamic effect that we have just spoken of,* and will change only a portion of it into useful work, which will be its dynamic effect proper. But in what is to follow we shall limit ourselves to studying the dynamic effect of the fall, and not that of the wheel. Although the motion of the liquid cannot always be strictly the same, because the wheel does not always maintain exactly the same position, still it can be so regarded without material error; for after an interval of time d, generally very short, occupied by a float or paddle in taking the place of the one that preceded it, everything returns to the same condition as at the beginning of the interval. Supposing the motion of the wheel regular and the paddles to be uniformly distributed, there is such a frequent periodicity in the state of the system that it * We say sensibly, for the equality between the mutual actions of the watei and wheel do not involve that of corresponding work. This equality is only strict in supposing the friction of the liquid against the solid sides of the wheel zero, which friction is in reality very slight. GENERAL THEOKEM. 13 almost amounts to a permanency. We will now apply Ber- nouilli's theorem to anynolecule whatever, having a mass m, which, departing from the section C B with the velocity Y , reaches E F with a velocity Y. The entire head is H, if we allow the parallelism of the threads in the extreme sections, for the pressure then varies according to the hydrostatic law in each of the two surfaces C B and E F, so that the points C and E can be considered as piezometric levels for the initial and final positions of the mass m. Let t e and ^be the respective work referred to the unit of mass, and considered as resistances which m has encountered in its course between C B and E F, in consequence of the action of the wheel and of viscosity. Then from the general theorem of living forces we have the equation i Y 2 Y 2 *-,-ft+fr)- -^-- = ' whence, "\r a Y 2 \ m t e = m g (H + ~ - ^) m t f . Consequently we see that the weight m g of each molecule which passes from C B to E F gives rise to a dynamic effect m t e , the value of which is expressed in the second member of the equation. The sum of the weights of the molecules m in- cluded in the entire weight P, which the current expends in a second, will produce a dynamic effect equal to a sum 2 of analo- gous expressions extended to all these masses ; considering Y and Y as constant velocities in the respective sections B and E F, this summation will give Moreover, in each second a new weight P is supplied by the current ; there is then produced a new dynamic effect 2 m t, which thus represents the mean dynamic effect in each second. 14 GENERAL THEOREM. y a y 2 v The quantity P ( H -f ^ ^ J reduces to P H, in the case in which Y and V are sensibly equal to zero, which hap- pens in measuring the difference of level between the basins from which the water starts and that into which it flows, when the water is nearly at a stand-still ; we then call the product P H the effective delivery of the fall. The ratio - p * is the productive force ; 2 m t f is the work lost. Dividing the last equation by P or 2 m g, and supposing Y = 0, Y = 0, there obtains, g 2 m g 2 m H in this expression may be regarded as the total head of water ; - e the productive head, that is, the height which, multi- plied by the weight P expended, would give the dynamic effect per second ; - ' the head lost, to be subtracted from the g 2, m total head when the productive head is required. We see that - f is the mean loss of head experienced by the molecules in y their passage from C B to E F ; for this expression represents exactly the mean work of viscosity on a molecule, referred to the unit of mass and divided by g. 3. General remarks on the means of securing a satisfactory delivery from a head of water which moves an hydraulie motor. In order to obtain a good satisfactory delivery, we must seek to diminish as much as possible the term 2 m t f , or the mean loss of head f - A few of the causes that pro- g 2 m duce this loss will now be pointed out, and the manner in which they may be diminished. GENERAL THEOREM. 15 Firstly, if the water enters the wheel, and can in consequence act on it, it is because it possesses a certain relative velocity w ; now, in the majority of cases this relative velocity gives rise to a violent agitation of the liquid and to vibratory motions, from which a loss of head is experienced equal to ^-, like to what has been observed to obtain in the collision of solid bodies ; w* hence ~- would be a portion of the head lost.* It is, then, t/ generally a matter of importance to make the water enter with as small a relative velocity as possible. However, that is not necessary when w has its direction tangent to the sides that it comes in contact with, and when the particular arrangement of the apparatus allows the water to continue its relative mo- tion in the wheel without there being any shock of the threads on the solid sides or on the liquid already introduced, since then we have no longer to fear the violent disturbance that we have just spoken of. When the water on leaving the wheel is received into a race of invariable level, in which it loses its absolute velocity of * Let us suppose that the water that has once entered the wheel passes at once to relative rest : the destruction of the velocity w being then attributa- ble only to the resisting work of the molecular actions, this work for a fluid molecule having the mass ra would be | m w 2 , a quantity which, when referred up to the unit of mass and divided by #, would give the loss of head , which is the same for all the molecules. But the supposition of the instant produc- tion of relative rest is not, strictly speaking, true; weight, for example, can combine sometimes with molecular actions to bring about this result at the c 2 end of a sensible time. Consequently the expression which might have been taken up by a resisting work of the hydraulic motor, and have thus increased by its amount the dynamic effect T e ; whereas this living force will only serve to produce a disturbance and eddies in the interior race, and will enter the term 2 m t f . There are cases, however, in which we are obliged to give v' a value more or less considerable ; we shall see presently, by a few examples, how it is sometimes possible to diminish this unfavorable condition. Ordinarily, the considerations above mentioned are under- stood when we say that the water must enter without shock, and leave without velocity. We can also add, that it is well not to deliver it too rapidly through channels of too little breadth, as this would involve losses of head to be included in Xmtf the expression - - -. g 2 m We shall now proceed to examine the most widely known hydraulic motors, keeping principally in view the best means of making use of the head in each case r and showing the man- ner of calculating the dynamic effect that can be realized with the means adopted. Water-wheels are divided into two great classes those hav- ing a vertical and those having a horizontal axis. The varieties included in these two classes will form the subject of the fol- lowing paragraphs. v> c '-*- '^J! Library. UNDERSHOT WHEELS. 1 1 . WATEK- WHEELS WITH A HORIZONTAL Axis. 4. Undershot wheel with plane buckets or floats moving in a confined race. These wheels are ordinarily constructed of wood. Upon a polygonal arbor A (Fig. 2) a socket 0, of cast iron, FIG. is fastened by means of wooden wedges ft. Arms D are set in grooves cast in the socket, and are fastened to it by bolts ; these arms serve to support a ring E E, the segments of which are fastened to each other and to the arms by iron bands. In the ring are set the projecting pieces FF , of wood, placed at 18 UNDERSHOT WHEELS. equal distances apart, and intended to support the floats G G , which are boards varying from O m .02 to O m .03 in thickness, situated in planes passing through the axis of the wheel and occupying its entire breadth. A single set of the foregoing parts would not be sufficient to give a good support to the floats. In wheels of little breadth in the direction of the axis two parallel sets will suffice ; if the wheels are broad, three or more may be requisite. The number of arms increases with the diameter of the wheel. In the more ordinary kinds, of 3 to 5 metres in dia- meter, each socket carries six arms. The floats may be about O m .35 to O m .40 apart, and have a little greater depth in the direction of the radius, say O m .60 to O m .70. From this brief description of the wheel, let us now see how we can calculate the work which it receives from the head of water. The water flows in a very nearly horizontal current through a race B G H F (Fig. 3), of nearly the same breadth FF f FIG. 8. as the wheel, a portion G H of tlie bottom being hollowed out, in a direction perpendicular to the axis, to a cylindrical shape, and allowing but a slight play to the floats. The liquid molecules have, when passing C B, a velocity v, but shortly after they are confined in the intervals limited by two consecu- tive floats and the race. They entered these spaces with a mean relative velocity equal to the difference between the hori- zontal velocity v, and the velocity v' of the middle of the im- mersed portion of the floats, the direction of which last velocity is also very nearly horizontal. There result from this relative UNDERSHOT WHEELS. 19 velocity a shock and disturbance which gradually subside, while the floats are traversing over the circular portion of the canal ; so that if this circular portion is sufficiently long, and if there be not too much play between the floats and the canal, the water that leaves the wheel will have a velocity sensiblv equal to v'. The action brought to bear by the wheel on the water is the cause of the change in this velocity from v to -y', which gives us the means, as we shall presently see, of calculat- ing the total intensity of this action. For this purpose let us apply to the liquid system included between the cross sections C B, E F, in which the threads are supposed parallel, the theorem of quantities of motion projected on a horizontal axis. Represent by b the constant breadth of the wheel and canal ; A, h r the depths C B, E F, of the extreme sections which are supposed to be rectangular ; F the total force exerted by the wheel on the water, or in- versely, in a horizontal direction ; P the expenditure of the current, expressed in pounds, per second ; n the weight of a cubic metre of the water ; & the short interval of time during which C B E F passes to C' B' E' F'. The liquid system C B E F, here under consideration, is analogous to the one treated in Note A (see Appendix), in which a change in the ^urface level takes place ; and the man- ner of determining the gain in the quantity of motion during a short time d, and calculating the corresponding impulses, during the same time, produced by gravity and the pressures on the exterior surface of the liquid system, are alike in both cases. Employing the foregoing notation, we obtain 20 UNDERSHOT WHEELS. 1st. For the mean gain in the projected quantity of motion, V- ('-); y 2d. For the impulses of the weight and pressures together, also taken in horizontal projection, % Tl ~b 6 (A a A' 2 ) ; to these impulses is to be added that produced by F, or F d, to have the sum of the projected impulses. We will then have t/ whence we obtain F = - (v - v') - 6 n 5 f (A /3 -A 2 ). The forces of which F is the resultant in horizontal projec- tion are exerted in a contrary direction by the water on the wheel, at points whose vertical motion is nearly null, and whose horizontal velocity is approximately v'. The wheel will then receive from these forces, in each unit of time, a work F v', which represents the dynamic effect T e to within a slight error. So that '(h" - A 3 ). Moreover we have P = whence T. = o' (o -/)- h v' or finally, observing that p = UNDERSHOT WHEELS. 21 In order that this formula should be tolerably exact, the depths h and h' must be quite small, without which the floats would make an appreciable angle with the vertical at the moment they leave the water ; the velocity of the points at which are applied the forces, whose resultant is F, could no longer be con- sidered horizontal, as heretofore, and a resistance due to the emersion of the floats would be produced, on account of the liquid uselessly raised by them. The water must also be con- fined a sufficiently long time to assume the velocity v f . We can consider in formula (1), v and h as fixed data, and seek the most suitable value of the velocity v f of the floats, to v f make T e a maximum. For this purpose, if we place = a?, v 9 T e = A P ) = O m .34. 2 g 2 g \ ) The level of the water between the floats, just below the axle, being at the level in the down-stream portion of the canal, u* we must again count upon a loss equal to - (No. 7, or O m .ll. All these losses together make up a head of O m .13 -f O m .34 + O m .48 + O m .ll, or of l m .06. The head being l m .72, we see that the productive force as calculated would be only ^ Y2 1 06 :r-=^ , that is, 0.38 ; M. Morin found experimentally 0.41, 1.7.4 a number which corresponds to an available head of l m .T2 x 0.41 = O m .705, instead of O m .66, which the preceding calculation gives. This difference, otherwise hardly noticeable, from O m .045, belongs probably to a somewhat greater value of the head lost by the introduction of the water ; in fact we have seen that, in certain cases, a portion of the relative velocity could be annulled by the action of gravity, which would diminish by so much the disturbance within the floats, and would give rise to a smaller loss of head. To increase the effective delivery of this wheel without changing its velocity, the following arrangements might have been made : First, to place the flume at , or O m .32 lower 6 2g than its actual position, taking care to arrange the race as described by M. Belanger (No. 4) that is, without any sudden variation in section, and with a bottom having a moderate slope, to its junction with the tail race ; then to raise the point of entrance of the water so as to reduce the velocity v to u . or 8m ' 6 = 3 m .52. The loss from the wheel to the cos 30 0.866 tail race would then have been reduced to - - or to O m .16, 32^ instead of O m .48 ; the loss for the entrance of the water would 50 BREAST WHEELS. also be reduced to the same value O m .16 instead of O m .34, which would procure a total benefit of O m .50. The other losses remain- ing sensibly the same, the available head would be O m .66 + O m .50 = l m .16, and the effective delivery would be raised to about 1.72 OVERSHOT WHEELS. 9. Wheels with buckets, or over-shot wheels. These wheels are not, like the preceding, set in a canal. The water is let in at the upper portion ; it enters the buckets, which are, as it were, basins formed by two consecutive floats, terminated at the sides by the annular rings, and closed at the bottom or sole by a con- tinuous cylindrical surface concentric with the wheel. The questions that the organization of this kind of motor present are as follows : FIG. 8. (a) Introduction of water into the wheel. Two arrange- ments are employed which are represented hereafter (Figs. 8, 9). In (Fig. 8) the top D of the wheel is placed a little below 52 OVERSHOT WHEELS. the level K N of the pond, at O ft .60 to O ft .75 lower than that level ; the water is led to a point C, situated about l ft .50 up- stream, and is delivered directly above the axle, by means of a canal A B, or pen trough made of planks, terminated by a very thin metallic plate B C, which, being prolonged, would be very nearly tangent at D to the exterior circumference. The lateral boundaries of the canal ABC are prolonged 1 metre beyond the point C, to prevent the water from falling outside of the wheel. The water passes over the distance C D in virtue of its acquired velocity, and enters the wheel nearly at the top. As quite a narrow opening only is left between the soles of the buckets, the water that flows in the canal A B C is given the form of a thin stratum, by making it pass under a sluice placed near A, and which is raised only about O m .06 or O m .10. This sluice presents an orifice with rounded edges, so as to avoid the eddies consequent to the exit of the liquid threads. As has been shown, there is little difference in height between the point at which the water enters and the level of the head race ; consequently the water enters the wheel with a slight absolute velocity, and if the wheel turn slowly, as it should do, to attain a good effective delivery, the relative velocity will itself be slight, as well as the loss of work that it involves. The arrangement in (Fig. 9), which has been frequently em- ployed, does not appear to be so good ; but we are sometimes obliged to make use of it if the pond level is very variable. This portion is terminated near the wheel by a wooden shutter A B, with openings C C, having vertical faces like those of a window-blind; a movable sluice allows of covering, as many of these openings as may be requisite, so as to expend only the disposable volume of water. The inconvenience of this method is, that the water falls through sufficient height into the buckets to give it a considerable increase of velocity ; the OVERSHOT WHEELS. 53 disturbance of the water in the wheel thus becomes much greater. It tends, moreover, for the same head, to increase the diameter of the wheel, which makes it more heavy and expen- FIG. 9. sive. Besides, the point at which the buckets take a sufficient inclination to begin to discharge the water in them is situated at a greater height above the lowest point of the wheel, because this height is proportional to the diameter ; there is thus, then, a greater loss of head, seeing that the work of the weight of the molecules that have left the buckets, whilst they are falling into the race below, is evidently lost to the wheel. (5) Shape of the surface of the water in the buckets ; velo- city of the wheel. It can be shown that a heavy homogeneous liquid cannot be in equilibrio relatively to a system that turns uniformly about a horizontal axis. If, however, we admit that the relative equilibrium of the water can exist approximately in the buckets, which may arise when the disturbance due to the entrance of the liquid has nearly ceased, we can determine the shape assumed by the free surface as follows : OVERSHOT WHEELS. Let M (Fig. 10) be a liquid molecule, having a mass ra, situ- ated at the distance O M = r from the axis of rotation O ; it is in equilibrio relatively with a system which turns around this axis with an angular velocity u. This equilibrium exists under the action : 1st, of the weight m g, which acts vertically along the line M G ; 2d, of the centrifugal force m w a r, along the prolongation M C of O M, an apparent force to be introduced, as regards solely a relative equilibrium ; 3d, of the pressures produced by the surrounding molecules. We know from the principles of hydrostatics that the resultant of the two tirst forces is normal to the surface level (or of equal pressure) which passes through M. If, then, M be found at the free surface, as the pressure there is entirely the atmospheric pressure, the resultant in question will be normal to this surface. Let us take M G = m g, M C = m u V, the diagonal M B of the paral- lelogram M'G B C represent the resultant of m g and of m w a r, and consequently it is normal to the free surface. Moreover, pro- longing the vertical O A until it intersects this normal, we obtain from the property of similar triangles, ^K ! V Fie. 10. OA "MG OM GB' whence n A MG x OM mgr __ g_, ^J -X f^ -r~i a O J G B - M m u r hence the distance O A is constant, which shows that in a plane section perpendicular to the axis all the normals to the free OVEESHOT WHEELS. 55 surface meet at the same point. The profile of the free sur- face, if there be relative equilibrium, is then necessarily a circle described from the point A as a centre. This result proves that, in effect, the relative equilibrium is, strictly speaking, impossible ; for, in proportion as the bucket leaves its place, the point A not changing position, the free surface would have an increasing radius, which is incompatible with the hypothesis of relative equilibrium, since in this case the form of the free surface ought not to change. The form that has been determined is that which the water endeavors to assume without being able to preserve it. To finish determining the circle which limits the water in a' given bucket, a circle of which we as yet know only the centre A, we must take into consideration the quantity of water that the bucket is to hold. To this end, let N be the number of buckets filled, & the breadth of the wheel parallel to the axis, Q the volume expended by the pond per second. Each bucket 2 if occupies on the circumference an angle -^=- (expressed in terms of an arc of a circle having a radius 1), and as the wheel turns with an angular velocity w, will represent the number of buckets filled in a unit of time. Each bucket then contains a 2 tf Q volume , so that the area occupied by the water in the 2 * Q cross section of the bucket has for its value - I ^ r . The arc b w .N D M E will then be determined, since we know its centre and the surface D M E F 1 which it must intercept in the given profile of the bucket. In a certain position V E' F' of the bucket, the free surface, determined in the way just mentioned, just touches the edge of 56 OVERSHOT WHEELS. the exterior side E' ; this position may be found by trial. As soon as the bucket passes it, the water begins to run out ; for every position below this, it is clear that the free surface will have for a profile a circle having A for a centre and just touch- ing the outer edge of the bucket, and which will allow the volume of water remaining in the bucket to be determined. When the circle in question passes entirely below the profile of the bucket, the discharge will be complete. In practice, if the question relates to wheels possessing only a slow angular velocity, -^- will be so great that the circles de- OJ scribed from A as a centre, to limit the surface of the water in the buckets, may be assumed as horizontal lines. Example : The wheel being four metres in diameter, and having a velocity of 1 metre at the circumference, then a - and -^ = 39 m .24, or the distance of the centre A above the axis. When an overshot wheel turns rapidly, the distance ^ may W become so small that the free surface may present a noticeable concavity below the horizontal ; thus the more the angular velocity increases the less water the bucket can hold in a given position, which is easily seen, since the centrifugal force becomes greater and greater, and this force tends to throw the water out of the bucket. This is an inconvenience attendant upon wheels that turn rapidly ; they lose a great deal of water by spilling, and consequently yield a smaller effective delivery. The losses of head produced by the introduction of the water into the buckets, and by the velocity of the water when it leaves the wheel, also increase with the angular velocity. We will then be led, in order to economize the motive force as much as possible, to make the wheel turn very slowly. But OVERSHOT WHEELS. 57 we have already seen, in speaking of breast wheels, that it is not well to make a water wheel move very slow, because, in order to use up an appreciable volume of the water, it would be necessary to establish a machine of immense size. A velo- city of from 1 metre to l m .50 at the circumference gives good results. (c) Breadth of the wheel ; depth of the buckets in the direc- tion of the radius. We have said above that, in a well- arranged wheel, the water leaves the up-stream portion of the troughs by passing under a sluice raised from O m .06 to O m .10 above the sole ; which is itself from O m .20 to O m .25 below the level of this portion. If we call Q ;he expenditure per second ; I the breadth of the wheel, and of the orifice under the sluice ; x the height to which the sluice gate is raised ; h the depth of the sole below the level of the water in the up-stream section ; v the velocity with which the water leaves the sluice ; the velocity v will be due very nearly to the head h x; and as the adjustments are so arranged as to have but little contrac- tion, we can place Q = 0.95 Ix V 2 g (h x\ the co-efficient 0.95 being intended to account, at a rough esti- mate, for the loss of head that water always undergoes in any movement whatever, and for the contraction that would yet partially exist. By making, in this expression, h = O m .20, x = O m .06, we deduce ~ = O m .095 ; in like manner, for h = O m .25, o x O m .10, we find ~ = O m .163 ; that is, with the sluice ar- o ranged as we have have said, we can expend from 95 to 163 58 OVERSHOT WHEELS. litres per metre of breadth of the wheel. It would be easy to expend less than 95 litres, by diminishing A and x a little ; we can, when necessary, expend more than 163 litres by inverse means. But experience shows that, to be in the best condition, the expenditure should be but little more than 100 litres per metre of breadth ; for otherwise we might be led either to make deep buckets, or to cause the wheel to turn rapidly, which would tend to increase the velocity of the water when it enters or leaves the wheel, and consequently to diminish the effectire delivery. To show the relation that exists between the depth p of the buckets in the direction of the radius, and the expense -j- per o yard in breadth, let us preserve the notation already employed in the present number, and furthermore let us call R the radius of the wheel ; u its velocity at the circumference ; C =^r the distance of the buckets apart ; c their thick- ness. The volume of a bucket will be equal to the product of its three mean dimensions, viz. : its length , its depth />, and its breadth C (~L ^-U) c ; this volume has then for its value, p b C fl -^~= - ). Moreover it would be well, to retard the discharge from the bucket, not to have it more than one- third full ; the volume of the water it contains would then be -p 6 C (l -~ Y and, as we have previously seen, by _r_-, there obtains N OVERSHOT WHEELS. 59 , , ~ 2 * R , -w whence, because C = and w = ; As the factor in the parenthesis in the second member differs but little from 1, we may simply place Q 1 T = ^ u ' This equation shows that when -^ is large, one of the factors p or u must be so too. For example, if ~ = 0.100 litres, and u 1 metre, we find p = O m .30. It is desirable that p should not much exceed O m .30. However, if we had an ample supply of water to expend, we might either go beyond this limit, or use a faster wheel, or finally fill the buckets more than one- third. The expenditure per metre of breadth having been fixed, from what precedes, as much as possible below 100 litres per second, the breadth of the wheel results naturally from the total volume of water to be expended. It is seldom that wheels having a greater breadth than 5 metres are con- structed. (d) Geometrical outline of ike "buckets. The distance of the buckets apart is a little greater than their depth ; generally, this last dimension is from O m .25 to O m .28, and the other about from O m .32 to O m .35. Their number must be a multiple of the number of arms for facilitating the connections, unless the crown and arms are composed of a single piece. As to their profile, the annexed outline is frequently made 60 OVERSHOT WHEELS. use of (Fig. 11). After dividing the exterior circumference O A into portions A A 7 , A' A", all equal to the distance of the buckets apart, we take A D =jp, the depth of the buckets in the direction of the radius, and describe the circumference O D ; a third circumference is then drawn, O B, at equal dis- tances from the first two. The radii O A, O A', O A" . . . W o FIG. ll. being then drawn through the points of division, A B', A' B", . . . will be joined, and we shall then have the profiles A B' D', A' B" D", . . . which, excepting the thickness, will be those of the buckets. Skilful constructors think that, instead of the lines such as A B', A' B", ... we might employ the lines a B', a! B", . . which produce a certain degree of mutual covering between the buckets ; in like manner for the lines B D, B' D', B" D", . . . , the inclined right lines B d, B' d f , ~B" d" , . . . , have been sometimes substituted. These two changes have the one end, that of increasing the depth of the buckets in the direction parallel to the circumference, and consequently to retard the emptying. They are inconvenient, because they make the construction more difficult ; besides, this overlapping A a must OVERSHOT WHEELS. 61 not be carried to excess, otherwise the remaining free space between the point B and the side a B' would perhaps be too much diminished. This minimum distance should be a few centimetres greater than the height to which the sluice gate is raised, in order that the water may enter well into the wheel, and not be thrown to the outside. When the buckets are made of sheet-iron, the broken pro- files just mentioned are replaced by curved profiles, which should differ as little as may be from them. Wooden buckets are generally from 15 to 30 millimetres in thickness ; the sheet-iron ones are only from 2 to 4 millimetres, which increases slightly their capacity, all other things being equal. They are limited at the sides by the annular rings, which are fastened to the axle by arms, which increase in num- ber with the diameter of the wheel. They present a continu- ous bottom or sole throughout the entire circumference D D' D". . . . ; in very large wheels this bottom must be sustained by supports at one or two points placed between the exterior crowns. We might also use in this case one or two intermediate crowns. (e) To calculate the dynamic effect of a head that causes an overshot ivheel to turn. The two main causes which give rise to the losses of head to be subtracted from the entire head, to obtain the head that is turned to account, are the relative velo- city when the water enters the wheel, and that which it pos- sesses at the moment that it falls to the level of the tail race. It is almost impossible to obtain an accurate value of the first. During the time that a bucket is being filled, the point of entrance of the molecules, which come in successively, is changing in a continuous manner. The first impinge against the solid sides ; those that come after, against those that are already in; and thence result phenomena very difficult to 62 OVERSHOT WHEELS. analyze. The study is greatly simplified by admitting, as we w* did in (No. 3), that the height , due to the relative velocity 2 ff w of the water at its point of entrance, represents the loss of head in question. Besides, if we call v the absolute velocity of the water, u the velocity of the wheel, 7 the angle formed by the two velocities ; as w is the third side of the triangle formed by v and u, we shall have W* = U* 4- v 9 2 u v cos 7. In reality, the impinging of the water on the wheel takes place at different points along the depth of the bucket. Recollecting now that the radius of the wheel is great compared with the thickness of the shrouding of the buckets, this will not mate- rially affect u; but to determine v and 7, it would be well per- haps to suppose the point of entrance, not at the exterior cir- cumference, but at the middle of the depth of the buckets. Let us pass to the second loss. Let a molecule of the mass m leave the wheel at a height z above the tail race. This molecule, having only an insensible relative motion in the bucket, possesses, at the moment that it leaves it, the velocity u of the wheel, and at the moment it reaches the level of the tail race it has a velocity v f equal to V u* + 2 g z. Then it gradually loses all its velocity while moving in this portion, without its piezometric level changing (for we suppose the free surface horizontal in this portion) ; it undergoes then a loss of head equal to For all the molecules composing the weight P expended in a second, there will be a mean loss expressed by p- 2 m g OVERSHOT WHEELS. 63 r e ^ 8e ^ 2~~ + p 2 m ^ s > tne sum 2 including all y the molecules. This will be the second height to be subtracted from the total height of the head ; it is composed of two terms, of which the first is at once given, and it only remains to be seen how we can calculate the term ^mgz, which expresses the special effect of the emptying of the buckets. The quantity -^ 2 m g z is nothing more than the mean height comprised between the point of exit of a molecule and the level of the tail race ; as the circumstances of all the buck- ets are exactly the same, it is evidently sufficient to seek this mean for the molecules contained in one bucket. To this end, we will first determine, as stated above (), the positions of the bucket at which the emptying begins and ends, and, for a cer- tain number of intermediate positions, we will ascertain the amount of water that remains in the bucket. Let then G be the height of the outer edge of the bucket above the level of the tail race when the emptying begins, and let the bucket, still full, hold the volume of water q G' the analogous height when the emptying has just ended ; y the distance that this same edge has descended whilst the volume of water q ti was being reduced to q. During an infinitely small displacement of the wheel, to which the descent d y corresponds, an infinitely small volume d q is emptied out, which falls into the tail race from a height G y ; the mean height of the outflow will then be f^ (c y)d q. Now integrating by parts there obtains 20 64: OVERSHOT WHEELS. and, observing that y c c' and y == o correspond to the limit q = o and q = q^ q c+f_ c ,qdy = q c-f~ qdy; the mean sought is then -p 2mg z = c - f qdy. /{* /* q d y will be effected by Simpson's method, for want of a strict analysis, since we have the means of determining the value of q correspond- ing to a given value of y. Were we satisfied with a greater or less approximation, but generally one sufficient, we could, under the sign/*, replace the variable q by the mean - q^ of its 2t extreme values ; we should then find, _2 mgz = c- - (c - c') = - (c + ', a surface 2 if 1)' r' , and they are cut by the threads moving with a rela- tive velocity w f at an angle 7' ; then Q = 2 ic V r' sin 7. w'. TURBINES. 83 Strictly speaking, on account of the thickness of the floats or partitions, these two expressions for the value of Q ought to undergo a slight relative reduction of or - ; but in all cases, Jo oO the reduction being the same for both, we shall have by the equality of the values of 2l IT b r v sin /3 = ~b' r f w' sin 7 (4) The three following relations are in a certain degree geo- metrical. 7 Let us represent (Fig. 16) a float B C and a directing par- titicfn A B ; a liquid mole- cule having followed the path A B arrives at B with an absolute velocity v, and a velocity w relatively to the turbine which itself, at the point B, possesses the velo- city u. This last being what is called the propelling velocity, we know that v is the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed on u and w ; and as the angle between v and u is exactly /?, the triangle BUY will give UT 2 = FtT+TTf - 2BU. FY cos /8, that is, w z = it? 4- v* 2 u v cos /3 (5) In like manner the liquid molecule, after having traversed, relatively to the turbine, the path B C, arrives at C with the velocity w' ', which, taken as a component with the propelling velocity u' ', gives the absolute velocity v'; then the angle 7 being the supplement of that made by u' and w ', we shall have v'* = u" + w'* 2 u' w' cos 7 (0) 6 84: TUKBINES. On the other hand, the velocities u and u' belong to two points of the turbine situated respectively at the distances r and r' of the axis of rotation, we have then = , or u' r = u r f ..... (7) There still remains to express two conditions necessary for obtaining the best effective delivery. It is necessary first, at the point B, that w be directed tangentially to the floats B C without which there would be a sudden change of relative velocity, whence would result disturbance and a loss of head that we have not considered. Now the angle between w and u is the supplement of 0, hence the triangle BUY gives B_U _ sin B Y U _ sin(BUY + Y B U) B Y zr sinBUY 1 sin BUY or u sin 6 + 3 ,, v sn It is then necessary that the absolute velocity v r possessed by the water on leaving the turbine should be very slight, since v'* - enters in the loss of head (No. 3) : this condition is suf- ficiently satisfied by taking the angle 7 small, and placing u' = w'; .... (9) for then the parallelogram C U 7 Y' W is changed into a lozenge, very obtuse at one angle and very acute at the other, and the diagonal joining the obtuse vertices is short ; in other words, the velocities u' and w' are equal, and almost directly opposed, which makes their resultant very small. We have thus obtained, in all, nine equations between six- teen Tariable quantities in a turbine, namely -six velocities w, t>, w, u' , v', w\ two pressures p, p', TURBINES. 85 r I two ratios , ^7, three altitudes H, A, A', three angles /3, y, 6. These equations will serve us for solving two distinct problems, which may be thus stated : 1st, having given a turbine and all r I its dimensions (that is to say, the eight quantities /3, y, d, - H, A, A'), to show the conditions these dimensions must satisfy, in order that the turbine may work with the maximum effective delivery that is to say, so that the nine above equations may obtain ; and, under the supposition that these conditions are fulfilled, to show the most suitable velocity of the turbine, as well as the expenditure of water corresponding to this velocity, its effective delivery, and its dynamic effect ; 2d, having given the expenditure and the height of a head, to establish under this head a turbine with the best conditions. The first question involves eight unknown quantities, which are u, v, w, u' , v f , w r , p, p' ; the elimination of these unknown quantities between the nine equations will then give an equa- tion of condition to be satisfied by the dimensions of > 0, j/ > 0. As to this last condition, we see from (3) that it is itself satisfied for Fourneyron's and Fontaine's turbines, by supposing that they are on a level with the water in the tail race or below it, as we have admitted in the preced- ing calculations ; because then h + ti is positive, and we have p' > p a . In Koecklin's turbine, on the contrary, the bottom of the turbine is in reality above the level of the water in the P r tail race, by a positive height expressed by (h + h f ) ; ~ has for its value , or 10 m .33 less this height ; then it is absolutely necessary to have - (h + h') < 10 m .33, and perhaps even, on account of neglected losses of head, it would be well to place 88 TURBINES. - (A + AO < -. , ---- (18) in order to make perfectly sure of the continuity of the liquid column in the cylindrical well, above which the turbine is found. As to the pressure j?, it will be found from eq. (1) after substituting in it for v* its value in eq. (19), that is (19) n n r sin p cos /a The second member of this equation should, of course, be greater than zero ; but we may assign it a higher limit. In fact, if we examine the arrangement of the different systems of turbines, we see that there is always an indirect communication between the distributing orifices, situated at the end of the directing partitions, either with the tail race, or with the exter- nal air. This communication is effected by the play necessarily left between the turbine proper and the distributing orifices. When it takes place with the tail race, p cannot differ much from the hydrostatic pressure^ + n A, which would take place in a piezometric column communicating with this race, and at the height of the point of entrance of the water above the turbine ; otherwise there would be, on account of the play that we have just spoken of, either a sudden gushing out, or suction of the water, which would produce a disturbance in the motion. When it is with the atmosphere,^? must, for a similar reason, be equal to^? a . It is then prudent, in the first case, to impose the condition that the two terms in which the factor H appears, eq. (19), should nearly cancel each other, or, designating by ~k a number that differs little from unity, to make Vr f * siny K - -r - - - -- , . . . . ( 40) o r sin /? cos /? k is moreover rigorously subjected to the condition that h + & + H (1 - ft) TURBINES. 89 should be positive. And in like manner, for the second case, we should establish the condition H 0- - 1TT o-^-^) + h = h " ' ' ' ' ( 20 bis ) 2 1TT o-- b r 2 2 sm & cos h" being a very small height. Again it might be proposed, for a turbine known to be work- ing with the maximum effective delivery, to seek this delivery as well as the dynamic effect. As we are supposing that all losses of head, other than that due to the velocity of exit -y', may be disregarded, the head that is turned to account will be TT " T? and consequently the productive force /* will be expressed by H- -- a - " -ll - 1 - -*L- H 2^H' or replacing v'* by its value J tan /8 The dynamic effect T e would be obtained by finding the pro- duct f* n Q H of the effective delivery by the absolute power of the head ; then we would have, from eqs. (16) and (21) T e = n II V'g H. 2 * r ' V I V. V tan /s sin (, I tan /3 ) ^ . (22) x \ 1 r . (1 cos 7) f ( Z> sm 7 Thus have we now solved the first of the two general prob- lems proposed. When we take up the second, which consists in setting up a turbine for a given head, Q and H become the known quantities, and we have, between the nine quantities /s, 7, 6, r, r', &, &', A, A 7 , which define the unknown dimensions, only equations (16), (IT), (20), or (20 Us\ to which must be 90 TURBINES. added (if a Koecklin's turbine is in question) the inequality (18) ; still this inequality leaves a certain margin ; and it is the same with equations (20) and (20 bis), because the quantities k and Ji" have not a definite value. It appears, then, that the problem is very indeterminate, and that we may assume almost all the above-mentioned dimensions arbitrarily ; however, the following remarks impose restrictions that it will be well to keep in mind. 16. Remarks on the angles /3, 7, d, and on the dimensions J, V , r, r', A, A'. If we only considered the expression for the effective delivery eq. (21), we should be tempted to make one of the angles /3 or 7 equal to zero; the theoretical effective delivery would then become practically equal to unity. But we see that the expenditure Q would reduce to zero, as well as the dynamic effect T e : hence the value zero is not admissible for either of these angles. Making 7 very small, the channels formed by two consecu- tive floats would be very much narrowed at the point of exit of the water; the water would flow with difficulty through these narrow passages, and there would be danger of its not following exactly the sides of the floats, which would occasion eddies and losses of head. On the other hand, a large value for 7 would diminish, very likely, the effective delivery too much. Between these two points to be avoided, experience gives a value of 20 or 30 degrees as affording satisfactory results. As to the angle /3, besides the reason already given, there is still another for not making it zero : this second reason is that from equation (19) p would be negative for ft = o and /3 = 90. We must not then approach too closely to zero or to 90 ; the limits from 30 to 50 degrees have been advised by some experts ; but there is none that is absolute. TURBINES. 91 Let us suppose that we are about to apply equation (20) ; multiplying it, member by member, by equation (17) we find k sin (6 + j8) 1 sin 6 2 cos /3 ' whence 1 ^ _ 2 cos /3 sin (& + /3) sin & sin 6 or, by developing the sin (6 + /3), 2 cos /3 sin (d + /3) sin 6 = sin 6 (2 cos 3 /3 1) + 2 sin /3 cos /8 cos 4 = sin 6 cos 2 /3 -f cos 6 sin 2 /3 = sin (2 /S + d) ; we can then write dn^_+0 1 L . (23) sin & We have previously seen that k should be a number very near unity ; it follows that sin (2 j3 + 6) should be small, and conse- quently that 2 j8 + 6 should differ but little from 180 degrees. If, for example, we took /3 about 45 degrees, 6 would be about a right angle. Besides, it is not well to have 6 greater than 90 ; for, if we refer to Fig. 16, we see that if 6 be obtuse the floats should have a form like B' C', presenting a considerable curvature; and experience shows that in a very much curved channel the water meets with a greater loss of head, all other things being equal : the liquid molecules then tend to separate from the convex portion, which gives rise to an eddy. We see also in Fig. 16 that, in taking 4 very acute, the side Y U of the triangle B U Y that is, the relative velocity at the entrance, would tend to become more or less great, which would be hurt- ful, since the friction of the water on the floats would be in- creased. Hence 6 should be an acute angle, but at the same time almost a right angle : we might make it vary, for example, between 80 and 90 degrees. If it be equation (20 Ids) and not equation (20) that we have 92 TURBINES. to apply, the same reasons obtain for taking & acute and nearly 90 degrees ; but the sum 2/3 + 4 need no longer differ much from 180 degrees. After having fixed the values of 0, /, and d, we will find from equation (17) the ratio /a , whence we can obtain either or M 7, the other having been assumed. It is in favor of the effective delivery to have -p less than unity, as formula (21) shows ; it must not, however, be greater than the difference b' 5, and must be proportional to the length of the floats, in order that the channels between two consecutive floats may not be emptied too rapidly, because this emptying would give rise to a loss of head. We can impose the condition that V ~b should be less than the length of the floats. r f As we have already said, the ratio is often taken equal to r unity in Fontaine's and Kcecklin's turbines, but it is neces- sarily greater than unity in Fourneyron's turbine. If it be taken different from unity, we must not, except for particular reasons, increase the difference r' 7 1 , or r r', for we should thus lengthen the floats and in crease friction. In Fourneyron's turbine varies ordinarily between 1.25 and 1.50. The height A', from which the water descends into the inte- rior of the turbine, is always zero in Fourneyron's turbines ; in the other two systems it is so taken that the floats may be suf- ficiently, but not too long, regard being had to the difference V 5. As to the height A, if it be a question of a turbine of TURBINES. 93 Kcecklin's, it is fixed according to local circumstances, the in- equality expressed in (18) being considered ; if it be of one of Fourneyron's or Fontaine's, we so arrange matters that its lower plane may be on the same level as the waters in the tail race when at their minimum depth. Finally, M. Fourneyron recommends giving the circular sec- tion of the tub, in which the directing partitions of his turbines are placed, a surface at least equal to four times the right sec- tion of the distributing orifices, in order that the fluid threads may easily pass from the vertical to the horizontal direction, which they must have at their point of exit. With the nota- tion employed in (No. 15), we can write * ?> a > 4. 2 it r b sin /3, or else r > 8 b sin /3, . . . . (24) the sign > not being exclusive of equality. Let us now show, by two examples, how we shall be enabled, by means of these considerations, to determine the dimensions of a turbine to be established. 17. Examples of the calculations to be made for constructing a turbine. Let it first be determined to establish a Fourney- ron turbine with the following data : Height of fall, H = 6 m .OO. Yolume expended per second, Q = l mc .50. The absolute power of the head is 1500 x 6 kgm = 9000 kilo- grammetres per second, or 120 horse-power. Since the angle 7 is not fixed theoretically, we will take it (No. 16) equal to 25 degrees ; we will also make k = 1 (*), which secures that p shall be positive (No. 15) ; finally, we will take 6 = 90. Equation (23) then gives sin (2 ft + 6) = 0, whence 94 TURBINES. 2 /3 + d = 180 and = 45. As we have satisfied equation (23), which results from the elimination of S -^ between formula (17) and (20), it is b r* sin sufficient to preserve one of these last ; we deduce from both - = sn The condition of expending l mc .50 is expressed by formula (16), which here becomes l mc .50 = 2 * r' VW 4/6 g. 0.4226, or else, by reducing r'VbV = 0.04785 ...... (a'). We have still to express the inequality (24), which gives r > 8 I sin 45 or r > 5.657 1; we will take r=6b ........ (a") We have thus only three equations involving b, V , r, r f ; but on account of their particular form we may still deduce the values of ft and r. Extracting the square root of equation (a) and multiplying it member by member by (a'), we make r' V b' disappear and find b r = 0.031107, a relation which, combined with r = 6 &, gives r = O m .432, b = O m .072. This being done, the system of the three equations (a), (a'), (a") would no longer give anything but r' VV~; to avoid any inde- termination, we will take b' arbitrarily and deduce /', except that the conditions mentioned in (No. 16), and not thus far expressed, must subsequently be verified. If we take, for example, b' = O m .090, equation (a x ) will become / |/0.090 x 0.072"= 0.04785, TURBINES. 95 whence we obtain r' = O m .594. These values of ~b' and r' may be retained, because = 1.37, and the difference &' I O m .018 is only - of r' /, a quan- 9 tity which, on account of the obliquity of the floats to the exterior circumference, should be but little greater than two- thirds of the length of these last ; the discharge of water will not then be too rapid. The height h now alone remains to be determined : if the level of the tail race were constant, we should make h = o ; however, we would have to consider what is said (No. 16) on this subject. The theoretical effective delivery will be obtained from formula (21) ; we find 0.072 1 cos 25 In practice, we only rely upon a net effective delivery of from 0.70 to 0.75 at most ; this it is well to do, on account of all the losses of head that we have neglected, and also because it is very difficult to make a machine move exactly with the velo- city and expenditure of water corresponding to the maximum effective delivery. Finally, to obtain the velocity with which the turbine should revolve, formula (14) should be applied, and we would deduce * u r therefrom u' = 10 m .555, since the angular velocity w = = 17.77, and finally the number of revolutions per minute K = ?^ = 169.7. * Again, let it be proposed as a second example to set up one 96 TURBINES. of Fourneyron's turbines, with a head of 2 metres, expending O mc .60 of water per second, which corresponds to an absolute work of 1200 kilogrammetres, or about a 16 horse-power. We will suppose that the water in the tail race only rises to the level of the lower plane of the turbine, so that the interval or play between the turbine and the directing partitions may communicate directly with the atmosphere, and that the pres- sure j? is sensibly equal to the atmospheric pressure. "We will then assume equation (20 bis), making in it A" = 0, in other words we will place Ir 1 2 sin /3 cos Following the ordinary rules, we will make r r' besides, it may be remarked that, on account of the position assigned to the plane of the tail race, h is equal to h' with a contrary sign. The above equation can then be written b 2 sin |3 cos j8 As & can only differ slightly from 90 degrees, we will give it this value; the equation of condition (17) then takes the form I r* tanjB _ ^ V V* sin 7 and, because r = r f V sin 7 = I tan /3 (S) Introducing V sin 7 in the place of 1) tan in the expression (16) of the expenditure, it becomes Q = 2 r r' V sin 7 I^TT. ($") The equations (, <$', 5") are those pertaining to the problem. They contain six unknown quantities, viz. : 0, 7, J, 5', r', A' we consequently see that they are indeterminate, and that we can assume three of the unknown quantities or three new equations. The angle 7 not being determinable by theory, we TURBINES. 97 will take it at first equal to 30 degrees (No. 16) ; equation (8") will become, by substituting numbers for letters, V r> = -54L- = 0.04312, * V2g a relation which is satisfied by the values r' = O m .60, I' = O m .072. We thus see that the ratio -7 is only 0.12; consequently the inequality in the velocities of the liquid threads in the orifice of exit will not be too noticeable. Now as there remain three unknown quantities, J', k ', /3, connected only by the two equa- tions (<5), ( 0, or developing and reducing cos 4 7 2 f* cos 2 7 + M- 2 cos 2 7 > 0. If we suppress the positive factor cos 2 7, we find cos 2 7 - 2f* + M- 2 > 0, or (1 - M-)' _ sin 2 7 > 0, REACTION WHEELS. 109 and, observing that 1 M- is necessarily p-jsithe, ao wc.l as sin 7, 1 fx > sin 7, (* < 1 sin 7. The limit of the effective delivery that we can reach is then fXj = 1 sin 7. The corresponding value for x is easily obtained by the relation between x and f* ; if we take the equation deprived of radicals, and make in it x = x^ and ji. = 1 sin 7, it becomes os* sin 2 7 2 x? sin 7 (1 sin 7) + (1 sin 7)" = 0, or, more simply, by extracting the square root x? sin 7 (1 sin 7) = 0, whence / = \/ V 1 sin 7 sin 7 If we supposed 7 = 0, we would find f* l = 1 ; but x l9 and consequently w', would become infinite. Strictly speaking, the value 7 = o might be realized ; it would only be necessary that the channels that make up the wheel should be ar- ranged no longer side by side without empty spaces, as in turbines, but according to the annexed sketch (Fig. 18). We should have a certain number of curved plates, as AB, meeting the circumference OB at B, where they end, and com- municating at A with the supply-pipe, to which they are per- manently attached. The supply-pipe would then form the axle of rotation. But, in adopting this arrangement, u' could FlG - 18 110 REACTION WHEELS. not become infinite, nor j*, consequently, reach unity : we only see that it would be necessary to make the wheel turn very rapidly. Moreover, it is difficult to expend a large volume of water without giving a considerable diameter to the central pipe A O, which would make the hypothesis, that u, v, and w were equal to zero, inadmissible ; there are equally great diffi- culties in regulating the expense according to the required cir- cumstances. It is undoubtedly on these accounts that this kind of wheel is but little used. preserving the arrangement of the floats of Fourneyron's turbine, which gives a series of contiguous channels, we can no longer make 7 0, and then the limit of the theoretical effec- tive delivery decreases quite rapidly as 7 increases ; so that, for 7 = 15, 1 sin 7 would no longer be greater than 0.741. On the other hand, as we offer the water a wider outlet, we should perhaps lose less in friction, and the theoretical effective deliv- ery would differ less from the real. PUMPS. IV. OF A FEW MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. 22. Pumps. The arrangement and shape of the parts of pumps are of infinite variety, according to the notions of the constructor. A special treatise would be necessary merely to describe the principal kinds. We will suppose, then, that the reader Las seen a summary description of these machines, and confine ourselves to general ideas. (a.) Effort necessary to make the piston move. Two cases must be distinguished : pumps of single stroke, and pumps of double stroke. In the former case, the piston only draws up the water into the pump, or else only drives out the water pre- viously drawn up, by forcing it up through the delivery pipe, when it moves in a determined direction ; in the second, these effects are produced simultaneously, whatever be the direction of the stroke. Let us first take the single stroke ; let h be its height ; & the section of the piston ; p a the atmospheric pressure ; n the weight of a cubic metre of water. The side of the piston in contact with the column of water drawn up would support, supposing that it remained in equilibrio, a pressure equal to & (p a n A), whilst the other side, generally in direct communication with the atmosphere, would sustain a pressure in a contrary direction equal to p a & ; the difference 112 PUMPS. n n A would be the resultant pressure on the piston. If, on the contrary, there be but a single stroke forcing to a height A', we will find, in like manner, that the piston supports, exclu- sively of its motion, a resultant pressure n n A'. Finally, if the pump, were one of double stroke, these two resultants would be superposed, and the value for the total pressure would be n ft (A -f A') or n a H, H being the height included between the level of the basin from which the water is drawn, and that of the basin receiving it. In a certain class of single-stroke pumps, the same superposition of resultant pressure on the two faces of the pis.ton takes place during the motion in one direc- tion, and these resultants are in equilibrio when motion occurs in the opposite direction : this is the case in the kind of pump called the lifting-pump. If the piston have no horizontal motion, we must, besides, consider its weight as well as that of its rod, the component of which, parallel to the axis of the pump, would be added to or subtracted from the preceding expressions, according to circumstances. The friction of the piston against the barrel of the pump must also be added, as well as that of the rod against the packing-box, if there be any, through which it passes. But these expressions only give the value of the force capable of maintaining the piston, as well as the water drawn or forced up, in equilibrio in a given position. When motion takes place, the effort brought to bear on the piston may be very dif- ferent from this force. In the first place, the water does not begin to move in the pipes, and does not pass through the nar- row openings of the valves without experiencing losses of head which are to be added to the heights h and h'. For ex- ample, in the case of the sucking pump, if there be a loss of head in the length of the column drawn up, the pressure n (p a n A) will be reduced to ii (p a n (A -f f) ), and the PTJMPS. 113 resultant n n h would become n a (A -f ). In like manner, if we consider a single forcing stroke, and that there is in the entire column forced up a loss of head ', the piezometric level in this column, at the point at which it touches the piston, would be increased by ', and the resultant pressure would be n n (h f 4- 7 ). If the pump be one of double stroke, the ex- pression n n H should in like manner be replaced by n n (H + ? H~ 0- Besides the heights and ', others must be added, if the mass of water set in motion is not uniformly displaced. Let P be the weight of the piston and its rod ?t ; its acceleration, P' the weight of the water set in motion and which fills the pipes through which it is drawn up or forced out : the weight P' being supposed to move with a mean acceleration j', we see that an additional force -(Pj 4- ' j f ) would be necessary to y overcome the inertia of the water and piston. This additional force, at one time a pressure, at another a resistance, may pro- duce considerable variations in the total force to be applied to the piston, which is always inconvenient : since we must, in the first place, determine the dimensions of the pieces, not ac- cording to the mean, but according to the maximum effort sus- tained, which generally produces a clumsy and expensive machine ; in the second, it is seldom that great variations in resistance do not give rise indirectly to some loss of motive Pf power. We diminish the value of the term - by means of y weights acting as a counterpoise to the piston, if P is large ; f P / n 1 and consequently ^- are also diminished, in case it is found 9 to be worth the trouble, by means of an air-chamber, placed at the entrance to the ascent pipe, which makes the motion of a great part of the weight of the column forced up uniform. 114 PUMPS. and consequently suppresses or diminishes to a very great extent the corresponding force of inertia. Another means of obtaining approximate uniformity of mo- tion in the ascent pipe consists in making it answer for the delivery of several pumps working together, in such a way that their total delivery in. a series of equal times shall vary but little : it is accomplished / \ in this way. Let O (Fig. 19) be the axis of rotation of an arbor that receives from a motor a motion rendered regular by a fly- wheel, and consequently nearly uniform. This arbor carries two arms, O B, O B', mak- ing a right angle with each other ; to each of them is attached a connecting rod, fasten- ed at its other end to a piston running be- tween guides, and which belongs to a double-stroke pump. As an example, we will suppose the arbor O horizontal, the piston rods vertical and their prolongations intersecting the axis of rotation ; the connecting rods will generally be of the same length, about five or six times as long as the arm O B. It fol- lows from this that the obliquity of the connecting rods with the vertical being always small, the velocities v and v' of the pistons are practically those of the projections of B and B' on the vertical B B : ; calling w the angular velocity of the arbor, J the length O B, a? the angle formed by O B with the vertical B B iy we will then have v = w 1} sin a?, v f = u ~b sin ( - -f x ) = w 5 cos x. \A Let n again be the common cross-section of the two pistons, and & a very short interval of time ; exclusively of the losses by the play of the two mechanisms, the volume of water fur- nished during the time & to a common ascent pipe, by the two PUMPS. 115 pumps together, will be the arithmetical sum of the volumes generated by the two pistons, viz., Q (v + v')6 or n w b& (sin x + cos #), a formula in which the sine and cosine should have their absolute values given, since it is a question of an arith- metical sum, and therefore the velocities are essentially positive. Consequently it is sufficient, in order to obtain the maximum, the minimum, and the mean of the variable quantity sin x + cos a?, to suppose x included between o and -. Now we find be- 2 tween these limits Two minima equal to 1 for x = o and x = ~ One maximum equal to 1.414, for x = j j if rz mi i i , / (sin x 4- cos a?) d x 4: ., nfrc . The mean value equal to '- '- = - = 1.272. if * '2 dx There would thus be between the minimum and the mean a 272 relative difference of 7^9 > or a ^ out 0.214 ; whilst, with a sin- S: gle pump, the elementary delivery, proportional to sin a?, would vary between and 1, and would have - or 0.637 for a mean value, which would produce a much greater relative difference between the minimum and the mean. We obtain a still more satisfactory result when we use three arms making angles of 120 with each other. The elementary delivery of the three pumps together is then proportional to / 2tf\ / 4r#\ sin x + sin (x + -J + sm \x 4- -^ J, each sine to be always taken as positive, whatever may be x. 8 116 PUMPS. We readily see, moreover, that the arithmetical sum of the three sines will not change by increasing the arc by 60 degrees, so that it is sufficient to make x vary between and -. Within o these limits, the first two sines are positive and the third nega- tive ; hence, the sum of the absolute values will be expressed sm x + sin (x + y ) sin (x 4-'-^), ( .s ' 3 or else, by developing and observing that the arcs and together make an entire circumference, or finally sin a? -f 2 cos x sin --- o sin x + V 3 cos #. The minima of this quantity correspond to x = and x = , and have for their value V1T or 1.732 ; the maximum, corre- sponding to x = -, is - + - V~3. V~3, that is 2 ; the mean if rl ._ -M^.Wrcos^* becomeg _6 or 1 _ 910 _ The relatiye dx difference between the minimum and the mean is consequently I 910 i Y32 lowered to - --T-QTVT - or to about 0.093. There is also a great deal of regularity in the elementary delivery of the three pumps united as above, when they are supposed to be of a single stroke. Let us admit, for example, PUMPS. 117 that each piston only forces up water when its crank O B de- scends from B to B x ; the sum of the elementary deliveries will still be proportional to the expression / 2 tf\ / 4: l Jf\ sin x + sm( x -f J + sin (x + J ; but the pumps being only of single stroke, instead of changing the sign of the negative sines, we must suppress them altogether. This granted, let us first increase x from to ~ : # and x -4- o will be less than the semi-circumference, and x H - will be 3 3 included between if and 2 *. "We shall then only have to keep within these limits the sum sin x -f sin (x H -\ which can \ 3 / be put under the form C S r S since cos o = J ^ n ^ s sum ? equal to sin , or 0.866 for x = 0, becomes a maximum and equal to 1 for a? = ^, then it decreases to 0.866 when x passes from ^ to -. In the second place, if we tf 9 0 expressed by - N n L S, that is, we ought to have 60 Q = lNS(r'cos ~^ + r" cos ~^ But this calculation supposes that there enters, during each element of time d t through the opening A B, a volume of water equal to that generated by A B in the same time ; in this way the contraction which the liquid may experience on entering is not considered, nor is the motion communicated to the surrounding water, which, up to a certain point, may give way before the surface A B, instead of crossing it. For these reasons it would be well in practice to admit a certain reduc- tion in the value of Q above given ; we could effect it, for ex- ample, by a co-efficient which we will value, at a rough esti- mate, at 0.80, for want of exact experiments on this subject. Here is an example for calculating Q. Let N" = 12, n = 4r, r' = 2 m .50, r" = 3 m .O, H = 2 m .O, S = 0"* m .17. We shall have 5 = 0.8000, cos "-? = 0.410 1 ; r r 2 5 = 0.6667, cos "2 = 0.535^; S cos -^ = r" cos "^5 = ~ (1.025 + 1.605) = 4.131 ; r r A whence we deduce Q = O mo .562, SPIRAL NOKIA. 125 a number which would be reduced to G mc .4-5 about, by multi- plying by 0.80. As to the motive work to be expended in raising a certain weight P of water, it is composed : 1st, of the work P H des- tined to oyercome that of the weight ; 2d, of the work of fric- tion on the trunions and shoulders of the arbor O, which can be determined by means of known formulae ; 3d, of the work necessary to overcome the friction of the water against the solid walls with which it is in contact ; this work being very slight, if the involutes form tolerably large channels ; 4th, the work necessary to give to the water the absolute velocity with which it leaves the wheel. This last work will also be very slight, if we take care to make the wheel turn slowly ; for the lowest point of any involute whatever being always on the vertical through 1, we see that the water that has already en- tered the interior of the canal A B I G, and that which will still enter in the course of the same revolution, will only be completely emptied out after an entire revolution, reckoning from the position indicated by the figure. The water rises then with little absolute velocity into the machine, and conse- quently a small portion of the motive work is employed in giving to it an unproductive living force. But it must not be forgotten that this supposes slowness of revolution around the axis O. To sum up, we will calculate the first two portions of the motive work, which are the most important, and in order to account approximately for the other two, we will multiply the sum of the calculated portions by a co-efficient a little greater than unity. The first idea of the noria is very old, since Yitruvius speaks of a similar machine; it was Lafaye who, in 1717, proposed giving it the form we have described above. This machine 126 SPIRAL NORIA. seems susceptible of a very good delivery, and is well adapted to raising large volumes of water ; but the height to which the water is raised, always less than the radius of the wheel, is necessarily very limited ; besides, this wheel is heavy, and on this account hard to transport. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. 24. Lifting turbines ; centrifugal pump. The greater part of the machines which are used to turn the motive power of a head of water to account, can, with a few changes, be converted into machines for raising water, and the reverse. Thus, for example, if a breast-wheel, set in a water-course, receives a motion about its horizontal axis, by the action of any motor, so that the floats may ascend the circular flume, these floats will carry up with them the water from the tail race and throw it into the head race : we would then obtain, in principle, the lifting wheel. In like manner, let us take one of Fourneyron's turbines, and make the intervals between the directing parti- tions communicate directly with the tail race, and let the outer orifices of the turbine open into a compartment from which the ascent pipe leads ; when a motion of rotation is impressed on the wheel, the water contained in the floats will be urged to- ward the exterior by the centrifugal force, and will reach the enclosed compartment with an excess of pressure which will cause it to ascend the pipe to a certain height, the greater as the rotation becomes more rapid. If the pipe is not too high, a delivery of water will take place at its end ; and this, more- over, will be continuous, the water thrown out by the centrifu- gal force being incessantly replaced by that from the tail race, which tends to fill up the empty space between the partitions. The theory of such a turbine, which we might call a lifting turbine, resembles very closely that of (No. 15). But as the 128 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. machine there discussed has not as yet been set up or experi- mented upon, it need no longer be dwelt upon. We will pass to the study of a pump called the centrifugal pump, which belongs to the same class of machines, but which bears, how- ever, a greater resemblance to reaction wheels. A wheel composed of a series of cylindrical floats, such as B C (Fig. 21), assembled between two annular plates, is caused FIG. 81. to turn around a horizontal axis projected at A. The water, from the basin to be emptied, comes freely within the circle A B, which limits the floats on the inside, either because the centre A is a little below the level N N of this bay, or by means of suction pipes. The motion of rotation impressed on this wheel drives the water from the canals B C, B' C', into the annular space D, where it acquires a pressure sufficient to drive it up the pipe E, the only means of escape open to it, and by which it reaches the upper basin. The angular velocity of the arbor A being known, as well as all the dimensions of the machine, and its position relatively to the basins of departure and arrival, CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. 129 we can find the amount of water pumped up per second, the motive work that it requires, and its delivery. To show this, let us call H the difference of level between the two basins ; h the depth of the centre A below the level of the lower ; r the exterior radius A C of the wheel ; ft the distance apart of the two annular plates, which confine the floats ; w the angular velocity of the arbor A ; v the absolute velocity of the water when it leaves the floats ; u the velocity w r at the outer circumference of the wheel ; w the relative velocity of the water at the same point ; 7 the acute angle formed by the velocities w and u that is, the angle at which the floats cut the outer circumference ; p the pressure of the water at its point of entrance into the interval between the floats ; p' its pressure at the point of exit ; p a the atmospheric pressure ; n the weight of the cubic metre of water. We will begin by simplifying the question a little by means of a few hypotheses. First, we will neglect the absolute velo- city of the water in the ascent pipe and in the conduit which conveys it to the floats, which may be allowed if the cross sec- tions of these conduits are sufticiently large relatively to the volume pumped out. The radius A B, however, should still be sufficiently small so that the velocity of rotation of the point B may be neglected ; in other words, we will consider the in- troduction of the water into the wheel as taking place along the axis, without any velocity occasioned by the motion, and consequently without any relative velocity. Secondly, we will conduct our argument as though the water were displaced hori- zontally in its passage across the wheel ; the height of this last 130 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. will be supposed slight relatively to H, so that it can be left out of account. Besides, nothing in practice would prevent our assuming the arbor A as vertical ; but this would be a matter of very little importance in the result. This granted, the pressure varying according to the hydro- static law from the lower basin to the point of entrance, and from the point of exit to the other basin, we will have whence, by subtraction, n Now, if we apply Bernoulli's theorem to the relative motion of a molecule 'following the curve B C, the fictitious gain of head will be expressed by or , and we shall find 2 g 2 g w* _ p p' u* ~2~7 = ~~rT *~2~7 or else < ... (1) an equation giving w since u is known. This first result gives the means of calculating the amount Q pumped up in each second. In fact, the water leaving the floats cuts a cylindrical surface 2 it ~b r at an angle 7 and with the relative velocity w then the total orifice of exit, measured perpendicularly to w, is 2 if 1) r sin 7, and consequently Q = 2 if b r w sin 7. . . . (2) The motive work consumed per second in making the wheel turn includes first the work n Q H ; then the water reaching the annular space D with a velocity 0, this is lost in useless v 9 disturbance ; whence there results a molecular work n Q . CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. 131 Thus then, throwing out of account the other frictions, the work expended per second will be n Q (H 4- -\ ; and as the 2t o '/ useful work is only n Q H, the effective delivery fx will have for its value 21 xx TT g 2^H There remains to determine v / now v is the resultant of w and u, hence we have v 9 = u 3 + w 9 + 2 u w cos 7, or from eq. (1) v* = 2 g H + 2 u* 2 u cos 7 ^ 2 ^H + w 5 (4) Equations (1), (2), (3), and (4) give the means of solving with- out difficulty the questions proposed. Let us again see by what means we could obtain the greatest possible result of the motive power. Expression (3) for the effective delivery becomes, substituting for v its value, and , . u making ==- = ?. x x cos 7 we shall then have the maximum of f*, considered as a function of a?, in seeking the minimum of the denominator, or, what amounts to the same, the minimum of -. We shall conduct this research as in (No. 21) ; we will write a? 2 - x cos 7 V x* 2 or, by making the radical disappear and transposing, x* sin 3 7 2 a? a ( cos 9 7) -\ 3 = 0. 9 132 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. Now fA can only receive values that, substituted in this biquad- ratic equation, will give a? a real and positive; hence we have ( -- cos 3 7^ -- - sin 8 7 > 0, \ f* / M- or successively 1 2 cos 8 7 -- cos 8 7 + cos 4 7 > 0, As sin 7 and -- 1 are positive quantities, we can extract the M* square root of both members and place 1 > sin 7, or - > 1 -f sin 7 ; fX fX the minimum of - has then for its value 1 + sin 7, and the limit of the effective delivery ^. will be - -- : . The corre- 1 4- sin 7 spending value x t of x is obtained from the above biquadratic equation, which gives - cos 8 7 a _/Xj _ 1 + sm 7 cos 7 __ 1 + sin 7 sin 2 7 sin 2 7 sin 7 Thus the most favorable velocity u for the effective delivery is obtained from this equation sin 7 whence we get the angular velocity w = -, and the number of revolutions per minute N = - . The effective delivery being CENTKIFUGAL PUMP. 133 then - r , we may be tempted, in order to increase it, to JL ""f** Sill j make 7 very small ; but we see that the velocities u and w would become very great, and we should thus lose a great deal in the friction of the water against the floats. Besides, we have, from equations (1) and (2), Q = 2tf&7'sm 7 V u* 2~. 23 and 30. Note C. Art. 4. In the equation which expresses the force applied horizontally at the centre of the submerged portion of the bucket, the second term of the second member - n J (A /a A 2 ), represents the diminution of the force imparted to the wheel by the current, arising from the increase of depth of the water as it leaves the wheel, or by the back water ; or, in other words, the difference of level be- tween the point C, before the depth of the current is affected by the action of the wheel, and the point E, where the depth of the current has increased from the back water. This differ- ence of level receives the name of a surface fall. The relations existing between the two terms of the second member of the equation, leaving out of consideration the action of the wheel, may be established in the following manner. Considering the portion of the current comprised between the 138 APPENDIX. two sections C B, E F (Fig. 3), at a short distance apart, be- tween which the surface fall takes place, we can apply to the liquid system C B E F, comprised between these sections, the theorem of the quantities of motion projected on the axis of the current^ which, in the present case, may be regarded as horizontal. Now, during a very short interval of time 0, the system C B E F will have changed its position to C 7 B 7 E 7 F 7 , and, in virtue of the supposed permanency of the motion, each FIG. 8. point of the intermediate portion C 7 B 7 EF will have equal masses moving with the same velocity at the beginning and ending of the time 6 ; the variation in the projected quantity of motion of the system C B E F, during the time 0, will therefore be equal to the quantity of motion of the portion included be- tween the final sections E F, E 7 F 7 , and that comprised between the initial sections C B, C 7 B 7 . To find these quantities of motion. Represent by w 7 a super- ficial element of the section E F, and by v r the velocity of the fluid thread which flows through it ; v' 6 will then be the length of this thread for the time 0, between the sections E F and E 7 F 7 ; and w' v' 6 will be the volume of the thread which has w 7 for its base and v' 6 for its" length. Representing by n the weight of a cubic metre of the liquid, w 7 v' 6 will be the cor- / responding mass of this volume, and w 7 v'* 6 its quantity of it motion ; and, designating by s the sum of all the elements w', APPENDIX. 139 SwV a d will be the quantity of motion of the portion E F E' F' of the liquid comprised between the two final sec- tions. In like manner, v being the velocity with which each thread flows through an element w of the section B C, the quan- tity of motion of the portion of liquid between the sections B C and B' C' will be expressed by s w tf &. The increase, there- y fore, in the quantity of motion during the time 6 will be ex- pressed by 5L (s ' v'* & S w V 9 6} V But as v and v f may be assumed as sensibly equal to the mean velocities of the current in sections E F, CB, then Sw'0' and s w v will be the volumes corresponding to these velocities ; and - s w' v' and s w v the corresponding masses. But since, y & from the permanency of the motion w' v' = u v, the expression for the increase of the quantity of motion, for the time 6 will therefore take the form Pa, , x g ('-"), in which P represents the weight of the water expended in each p second, and its corresponding mass. y The expression here found is equal to the sum of the impul- sions of the forces exterior to the liquid system considered during the time 6, also projected on the horizontal axis of the current. From the form given to the section of the race, which is rectangular, the direction of the axis of the current, which is assumed as horizontal, between the extreme sections, and the short distance between these sections, the only impulsions of the pressures upon the liquid system are those on the sections E F 140 APPENDIX. and C B. Representing, then, by b the breadth of the sections, by h' and h their respective depths, their respective areas will be expressed by 5 h' and b h ; the pressures on these areas will be n ~b h' x - h' and n 5 h x - h ; and for the respective pro- jected sums of the impulsions of these pressures, during the time 6, we shall have - n b & h f * and - n b 6 A 9 , since from the 2 2 circumstances of the motion the pressures follow the hydro- static law. The impulsion in the direction of the motion will therefore be expressed by - n o & (A 3 A /a ), from which we ob- tain 6 (v r - v) = -Tib 6(h* - A"). 9 2 to express the relation in question. See Bresse. Mecanique Appliquee. Vol. 2, No. 83, p. 245. Note D. Art. 9. The term Cfl ^j^j 0, which expresses the arc inter- \ 2 _L\y cepted between two buckets, taken at the middle point of their depth, is obtained as follows : R being the exterior radius of the wheel, corresponding to the arc C, the radius of the arc at the middle point of the bucket will be R -- p ; calling x the arc corresponding to 2 this radius, we have and for the arc intercepted between the two buckets at their middle point the expression above. APPENDIX. 141 Note E. By the courteous permission of JAMES B. FRANCIS, Esq., granted through G-en. JOHN C. PALFREY, the following extracts were taken from the val- uable work of Mr. Francis, under the title of " LOWELL HYDRAULIC EXPERI- MENTS." A VAST amount of ingenuity has been expended by intel- ligent millwrights on turbines ; and it was said, several years since, that not less than three hundred patents relating to them had been granted by the United States Government. They continue, perhaps, as much as ever to be the subject of almost innumerable modifications. Within a few years there has been a manifest improvement in them, and there are now several varieties in use, in which the wheels themselves are of simple forms, and of single pieces of cast iron, giving a useful effect approaching sixty per cent, of the power expended. In the journal of the Franklin Institute, Mr. Morris also published an account of a series of experiments, by himself, on two turbines constructed from his own designs, and then ope- rating in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. The experiments on one of these wheels indicate a useful effect of seventy-five per cent, of the power expended, a result as good as that claimed for the practical effect of the best over- shot wheels, which had heretofore in this country been con- sidered unapproachable in their economical use of water. In the year 1844, Uriah A. Boyden, Esq., an eminent hydraulic engineer of Massachusetts, designed a turbine of about seventy-five horse power, for the picking-house of the Appleton Company's cotton-mills, at Lowell, in Massachusetts, in which wheel Mr. Boyden introduced several improvements of great value. The performance of the Appleton Company's turbine was 142 APPENDIX. carefully ascertained by Mr. Boyden, and its effective power, exclusive of that required to carry the wheel itself, a pair of bevel gears, and the horizontal shaft carrying the friction-pulley of a Prony dynamometer, was found to be seventy-eight per cent, of the power expended. In the year 1846, Mr. Boyden superintended the construc- tion of three turbines, of about one hundred and ninety horse- power each, for the same company. By the terms of the con- tract, Mr. Boy den's compensation depended on the performance of the turbines ; and it was stipulated that two of them should be tested. In accordance with the contract, two of the turbines were tested, a very perfect apparatus being designed by Mr. Boyden for the purpose, consisting essentially of a Prony dyna- mometer to measure the useful effects, and a weir to gauge the quantity of water expended. The observations were put into the hands of the author for computation, who found that the mean maximum effective power for the two turbines tested was eighty-eight per cent, of the power of the water expended. According to the terms of the contract, this made the com- pensation for engineering services, and patent rights for these three wheels, amount to fifty-two hundred dollars, which sum was paid by the Appleton Company without objection. These turbines have now been in operation about eight years, and their performance has been, in every respect, entirely satisfactory. The iron work for these wheels was constructed by Messrs. Gay & Silver, at their machine-shop at North Chelmsford, near Lowell ; the workmanship was of the finest description, and of a delicacy and accuracy altogether unpre- cedented in constructions of this class. These wheels, of course, contained Mr. Boyden's latest im- provements, and it was evidently for his pecuniary interest that APPENDIX. 143 the wheels should be as perfect as possible, without much regard to cost. The principal points in which one of them differs from the constructions of Fourneyron are as follows : The wooden flume conducting the water immediately to the turbine is in the form of an inverted truncated cone, the water being introduced into the upper part of the cone, on one side of the axis of the cone (which coincides with the axis of the turbine), in such a manner that the water, as it descends in the cone, has a gradually increasing velocity and a spiral motion / the horizontal component of the spiral motion being in the direction of the motion of the wheel. This horizontal motion is derived from the necessary velocity with which the water enters the trun- cated cone; and the arrangement is such that, if perfectly pro- portioned, there would be no loss of power between the nearly still water in the principal penstock and the guides or leading curves near the wheel, except from the friction of the water against the walls of the passages. It is not to be supposed that the construction is so perfect as to avoid all loss, except from friction ; but there is, without doubt, a distinct advantage in this arrangement over that which had been usually adopted, and where no attempt had been made to avoid sudden changes of direction and velocity. The guides, or leading curves (Figs. A, B), are not perpen- dicular, hut a little inclined backwards from the motion of the wheel, so that the water, descending with a spiral motion, meets only the edges of the guides. This leaning of the guides has also another valuable effect : when the regulating gate is raised only a small part of the height of the wheel, the guides do not completely fulfil their office of directing the water, the water entering the wheel more nearly in the direction of the radius than when the gate is fully raised ; by leaning the guides it will be seen the ends of the guides near the wheel are inclined, the APPENDIX. bottom part standing farther forward, and operating more efficiently in directing the water when the gate is partially raised, than if the guides were perpendicular. In Fourneyron's constructions a garniture is attached to the regulating gate, and moves with it, for the purpose of di- minishing the contraction. This, considered apart from the mechanical difficulties, is probably the best arrangement; to be perfect, however, theoretically, this garniture should be of different forms for different heights of gate ; but this is evi- dently impracticable. In the Appleton turbine the garniture is attached to the guides, the gate (at least the lower part of it) being a simple thin cylinder. By this arrangement the gate meets with much less obstruction to its motion than in the old arrangement, un- less the parts are so loosely fitted as to be objectionable ; and it is believed that the coefficient of effect, for a partial gate, is proportionally as good as under the old arrangement. On the outside of the wheel is fitted an apparatus, named by Mr. Boyden the Diffuser. The object of this extremely inter- esting invention is to render useful a part of the power other- wise entirely lost, in consequence of the water leaving the wheel with a considerable velocity. It consists, essentially, of two stationary rings or discs, placed concentrically with the wheel, having an interior diameter a very little larger than the exte- rior diameter of the wheel ; and an exterior diameter equal to about twice that of the wheel ; the height between the discs at their interior circumference is a very little greater than that of the orifices in the exterior circumference of the wheel, and at the exterior circumference of the discs the height between them is about twice as great as at the interior circumference ; the form of the surfaces connecting the interior and exterior circumfer- ences of the discs is gently rounded, the first elements of the APPENDIX. 145 curves near the interior circumferences being nearly horizon- tal. There is consequently included between the two surfaces an aperture gradually enlarging from the exterior circumference of the wheel to the exterior circumference of the diffuser. When the regulating gate is raised to its full height, the section through which the water passes will be increased, by insensible degrees, in the proportion of one to four, and if the velocity is uniform in all parts of the diffuser at the same distance from the wheel, the velocity of the water will be diminished in the same pro- portion ; or its velocity on leaving the diffuser will be one-fourth of that at its entrance. By the doctrine of living forces, the power of the water in passing through the diffuser must, there- fore, be diminished to one-sixteenth of the power at its entrance. It is essential to the proper action of the diffuser that it should be entirely under water, and the power rendered useful by it is expended in diminishing the pressure against the water issu- ing from the exterior orifices of the wheel ; and the effect pro- duced is the same as if the available form under which the turbine is acting is increased a certain amount. It appears probable that a diffuser of different proportions from those above indicated would operate with some advantage without being submerged. It is nearly always inconvenient to place the wheel entirely below low-water mark ; up to this time, however, all that have been fitted up with a diffuser have been so placed ; and indeed, to obtain the full effect of a fall of water, it appears essential, even when a diffuser is not used, that the wheel should be placed below the lowest level to which the water falls in the wheel-pit, when the wheel is in operation. The action of the diffuser depends upon similar principles to that of diverging conical tubes, which, when of certain pro- portions, it is well known, increase the discharge ; the author has not met with any experiments on tubes of this form dis- 146 APPENDIX. charging under water although there is good reason to believe that tubes of greater length and divergency would operate more effectively under water than when discharging freely in the air, and that results might be obtained that are now deemed impossible by most engineers. Experiments on the same turbine, with and without a dif- fuser, show a gain in the coefficient of effect, due to the latter, of about three per cent. By the principles of living forces, and assuming that the motion of the water is free from irregularity, the gain should be about five per cent. The difference is due, in part at least, to the unstable equilibrium of water flowing through expanding apertures ; this must interfere with the uni- formity of the velocities of the fluid streams, at equal distances from the wheel. Suspending the wheel on the top of the vertical shaft (Fig. A), instead of running it on a step at the bottom. This had been previously attempted, but not with such success as to warrant its general adoption. It has been accomplished with complete success by Mr. Boyden, whose mode is to cut the upper part of the shaft into a series of necks, and to rest the projecting parts upon corresponding parts of a box. A proper fit is secured by lining the box, which is of cast-iron, with Babbitt metal a soft metallic composition consisting, principally, of tin; the cast- iron box is made with suitable projections and recesses, to sup- port and retain the soft metal, which is melted and poured into it, the shaft being at the same time in its proper position in the box. It will readily be seen that a great amount of bearing- surface can be easily obtained by this mode, and also, what is of equal importance, it may be near the axis ; the lining metal, being soft, yields a little if any part of the bearing should re- ceive a great excess of weight. The cast-iron box is suspended on gimbals, similar to those usually adopted for mariners' com- APPENDIX. 147 passes and chronometers, which arrangement permits the box to oscillate freely in all directions, horizontally, and prevents, in a great measure, all danger of breaking the shaft at the necks, in consequence of imperfections in the workmanship or in the adjustments. Several years' experience has shown that this arrangement, carefully constructed, is all that can be de- sired ; and that a bearing thus constructed is as durable, and can be as readily oiled and taken care of, as any of the ordinary bearings in a manufactory. The buckets are secured to the crowns of the wheel in a novel and much more perfect manner than had been previously used ; the crowns are first turned to the required form, and made smooth ; by ingenious machinery designed for the pur- pose, grooves are cut with great accuracy in the crowns, of the exact curvature of the buckets ; mortices are cut through the crowns in several places in each groove ; the buckets, or floats, are made with corresponding tenons, which project through the crowns, and are riveted on the bottom of the lower crown, and on the top of the upper crown ; this construction gives the re- quisite strength and firmness, with buckets of much thinner iron than was necessary under any of the old arrangements ; it also leaves the passages through the wheel entirely free from injurious obstructions. In the year 1849, the manufacturing companies at Lowell purchased of Mr. Boyden the right to use all his improvements relating to turbines and other hydraulic motors. Since that time it has devolved upon the author, as the chief engineer of these companies, to design and superintend the construction of such turbines as might be wanted for their manufactories, and to aid him in this important undertaking, Mr. Boyden has communicated to him copies of many of his designs for turbines, together with the results of experiments upon a por- 10 148 APPENDIX. tion of them ; he lias communicated, however, but little theo- retical information, and the author has been guided principally by a comparison of the most successful designs, and such light as he could obtain from writers on this most intricate subject. Summary description of one of the turbines at the Tremont Mills, Lowell. Figs. A, B, C. Fig. A is a vertical section of the turbine through the axis of the wheel shaft ; Fig. B is a portion of the plan, on an enlarged scale, showing the disposition of the leading curves and buckets and diffuser ; Fig. C is a cross section of the wheel and diffuser on an enlarged scale, and the more adja- cent parts. The letters on the corresponding parts of the figures are the same. The water is conveyed to the wheel of the turbine, from the forebay by a supply pipe, the greater portion of which, from the forebay downwards, is of wrought iron, and of gradually diminishing diameter towards the lower portion I, termed the curbs, which is of cast iron. The curbs are supported on col- umns, which rest on cast-iron supports firmly imbedded in the wheel-pit. The Disc K, K', K", to which the guides for the water, or the leading curves, thirty -three in number, are attached, is sus- pended from the upper end of the cast-iron curb, by means of the disc-pipes M M. The leading curves are of Russian iron, one-tenth of an inch in thickness. The upper corners of these, near the wheel, are connected by what is termed the garniture L, I/, L", intended to diminish the contraction of the fluid vein when the regulat- ing gate is fully raised. The disc-pipe is very securely fastened, to sustain the pressure of the water on the disc. The escape of water, between the upper curb and the upper flange of the disc-pipe, is prevented by a band of leather on the outside, enclosed within an iron APPENDIX. 14-9 ring. This pipe is so fastened as to prevent its rotating in a direction opposite to that in which the water flows out. The regulating gate is a cast-iron cylinder, R, enclosing the disc and curves, and which, raised or lowered by suitable machinery, regulates the amount of water let on the wheel B B' B", exterior to it. The wheel consists of a central plate of cast-iron and two crowns, C,C, C', C", of the same material to which the buckets are attached. These pieces are all accurately turned, and pol- ished, to offer the least obstruction in revolving rapidly in the water. The buckets, made of Russian iron, are forty-four in number, and each -fa of an inch thick. They are firmly fastened to the crowns. The vertical shaft D, from which motion is communicated to the machinery by suitable gearing, is of wrought-iron. In- stead of resting on a gudgeon, or step at bottom, it is suspended from a suspension box, E', by which the collars at the top are en- closed. These collars are of steel, and are fastened to the upper portion of the shaft, which last can be detached from the lower portion. The suspension ~box is lined with Babbitt metal, a soft compo- sition consisting mostly of tin, and capable of sustaining a pressure of from 50 Ibs. to 100 Ibs. per square inch, without sensible diminution of durability. The box consists of two parts, for the convenience of fastening it on, or the reverse. The box rests upon the gimbal G, which is so arranged that the suspension box, the shaft, and the wheel can be lowered or raised, and the suspension box be allowed to oscillate laterally, so as to avoid subjecting it to any lateral strain. The lower end of the shaft has a cast-steel pin, O, fixed to it. This is retained in its place by the step, which is made of three 150 APPENDIX. parts, and lined with case-hardened iron. The step can be ad- justed by horizontal screws, by a small lateral motion given by them to it. Rules for proportioning turbines. In making the designs for the Tremont and other turbines, the author has been guided by the following rules, which he has been led to, by a compari- son of several turbines designed by Mr. Boy den, which have been carefully tested, and found to operate well. Rule 1st. The sum of the shortest distances between the buckets should be equal to the diameter of the wheel. Rule 2d. The height of thfe orifices of the circumference of the wheel should be equal to one-tenth of the diameter of the wheel. Rule 3d. The width of the crowns should be four times the shortest distance between the buckets. Rule 4th. The sum of the shortest distances between the curved guides, taken near the wheel, should be equal to the in- terior diameter of the wheel. The turbines, from a comparison of which the above rules were derived, varied in diameter from twenty-eight inches to nearly one hundred inches, and operated on falls from thirty feet to thirteen feet. The author believes that they may be safely followed for all falls between five feet and forty feet, and for all diameters not less than two feet ; and, with judicious arrangements in other respects, and careful workmanship, a useful effect of seventy-five per cent, of the power expended may be relied upon. For falls greater than forty feet, the sec- ond rule should be modified, by making the height of the orifices smaller in proportion to the diameter of the wheel. Taking the foregoing rules as a basis, we may, by aid of the experiments on the Tremont turbine, establish the following formulas. Let APPENDIX. 151 D = the diameter of the wheel at the outer extremities of the buckets. d = the diameter at their inner extremities. H the height of the orifices of discharge, at the outer ex- tremities of the buckets. W = width of crowns of the buckets. N = the number of buckets. n the number of guides. P = the horse-power of the turbine, of 550 lbfi - * h the fall acting on the wheel. Q the quantity of water expended by the turbine, in cubic feet per second. Y= the velocity due the fall acting on the wheel. V = the velocity of the water passing the narrowest sections of the wheel. v = the velocity of the interior circumference of the wheel ; all velocities being in feet per second. G= the coefficient of V' ', or the ratio of the real velocity of the water passing the narrowest sections of the wheel, to the theoretical velocity due the fall acting on the wheel. The unit of length is the English foot. It is assumed that the useful effect is seventy-five per cent, of the total power of the water expended. According to Rule 1st, we have the sum of the widths of the orifices of discharge, equal to D. Then the sum of the areas of all the orifices of discharge is equal to D H. By the fundamental law of hydraulics, we have V = ^ Therefore V = C For the quantity of water expended we have Q = HDV = HD C V^JH. From the extremely interesting and accurate experiments of 152 APPENDIX. Mr. Francis on the expenditure of water by one of the Tremont wheels, recorded in his work, the following data are obtained from it : For the sum of the widths of the orifices of discharge, 44 x 0.18757 = 8.25308 feet. Q = 138.1892 cubic feet per second; h = 12.903 feet; V2g = 8.0202 feet. Substituting these numerical results in the preceding value of Q, there obtains 138.1892 = 7.68692 x 8.0202 1/12.903 <7, hence = 0.624. By Rule 2d we have H= 0.10 Z>, hence HD = 0.10 D\ hence Q = H D V = 0.10 Z> 2 O V~2g~L Calling the weight of a cubic foot of water 62.33 Ibs., we have 550 or, substituting for Q the value just found, P= 0.0425 D* h hence Af The number of buckets is to a certain extent arbitrary, and would usually be determined by practical considerations. Some of the ideas to be kept in mind are the following : The pressure on each bucket is less, as the number is greater ; the greater number will therefore permit of the use of thinner iron, which is important in order to obtain the best results. The width of the crowns will be less for a greater number of APPENDIX. 153 buckets. A narrow crown appears to be favorable to the useful effect, when the gate is only partially raised. As the spaces between the buckets must be proportionally narrower for a larger number of buckets, the liability to become choked up, either with anchor ice or other substances, is increased. The amount of power lost by the friction of the water against the surfaces of the buckets will not be materially changed, as the total amount of rubbing surface on the buckets will be nearly constant for the same diameter ; there will be a little less on the crown, for the larger number. The cost of the wheel will probably increase with the number of buckets. The thickness and quality of the iron, or other metal intended to be used for the buckets, will sometimes be an element. In some water wrought iron is rapidly corroded. The author is of opinion that a general rule cannot be given for the number of buckets ; among the numerous turbines work- ing rapidly in Lowell, there are examples in which the shortest distance between the buckets is as small as 0.75 of an inch, and in others as large as 2.75 inches. As a guide in practice, to be controlled by particular circum- stances, the following is proposed, to be limited to diameters of not less than two feet : ^=300 + 10). Taking the nearest whole number for the value of N. The Tremont turbine is 8 in diameter, and, according to the proposed rule, should have fifty-five buckets instead of forty- four. With fifty-five buckets, the crowns should have a width of 7.2 inches instead of 9 inches. With the narrower width, it is probable that the useful effect, in proportion to the power expended, would have been a little greater when the gate was partially raised. By the 3d rule, we have for the width of the crowns, 154 APPENDIX. and for the interior diameter of the wheel, , SD By the 4th rule, d is also equal to the sum of the shortest distances between the guides, where the water leaves them. The number n of the guides is, to a certain extent, arbitrary. The practice at Lowell has been, usually, to have from a half to three-fourths of the number of the buckets ; exactly half would probably be objectionable, as it would tend to produce pulsa- tions or vibrations. The proper velocity to be given to the wheel is an impor- tant consideration. Experiment 30 (the one above used for data) on the Tremont turbine gives the maximum coefficient of effect of that wheel ; in that experiment, the velocity of the interior circumference of the wheel is 0.62645 of the velocity due to the fall acting on the wheel. By reference to other ex- periments, with the gate fully raised, it will be seen, however, that the coefficient of effect varies only about two per cent. from the maximum, for any velocity of the interior circumfer- ence, between fifty per cent, and seventy per cent, of chat due to the fall acting upon the wheel. By reference to the experi- ments in which the gate is only partially raised, it will be seen that the maximum corresponds to slower velocities ; and as tur- bines, to admit being regulated in velocity for variable work, must, almost necessarily, be used with a gate not fully raised, it would appear proper to give them a velocity such that they will give a good effect under these circumstances. With this view, the following is extracted from the experi- ments in Table II. : APPENDIX. 155 Number of the ex- periment. Height of the regulat- ing gate in inches. Eatio of the velocity of the in- terior circumference of the wheel, to the velocity due the fall acting upon the wheel, cor- responding to the maximum coefficient of effect. 30 11.49 0.62645 62 8.55 0.56541 73 5.65 0.56205 84 2.875 0.48390 By this table it would appear that, as turbines are generally used, a velocity of the interior circumference of the wheel, of about fifty-six per cent, of that due to the fall acting upon the wheel, would be most suitable. By reference to the diagram at Plate YI,* it will be seen that at this velocity, when the gate is fully raised, the coefficient of effect will be within less than one per cent, of the maximum. Other considerations, however, must usually be taken into ac- count in determining the velocity ; the most frequent is the vari- ation of the fall under which the wheel is intended to operate. If, for instance, it were required to establish a turbine of a given power on a fall liable to be diminished to one-half by back- water, and that the turbine should be of a capacity to give the requisite power at all times, in this case the dimensions of the turbine must be determined for the smallest fall ; but if it has assigned to it a velocity, to give the maximum eifect at the smallest fall, it will evidently move too slow for the greatest fall, and this is the more objectionable, as, usually, when the fall is greatest the quantity of water is the least, and it is of the most importance to obtain a good eifect. It would then be * " Lowell Hydraulic Experiments." 156 APPENDIX. usually the best arrangement to give the wheel a velocity cor- responding to the maximum coefficient of effect, when the fall is greatest. To assign this velocity, we must find the propor- tional height of the gate when the fall is greatest ; this may be determined approximately by aid of the experiments on the Tremont turbine. We have seen that P= 0.085 Qh. Now, if h is increased to 2 A, the velocity, and consequently the quantity, of water discharged will be increased in the pro- portion of V h to \/2A ; that is to say, the quantity for the fall- 2A will be V% Q. Calling P' the total power of the turbine on the double fall, we have or, P'=0.085 x 2.8284 # h. Thus, the total power of the turbine is increased 2.8284 times, by doubling the fall ; on the double fall, therefore, in order to preserve the effective power uniform, the regulating gate must be shut down to a point that will give only y.-g-J-g-y part of the total power of the turbine. In Experiment 15, the fall acting upon the wheel was 12.888 feet, and the total useful effect of the turbine was 85625.3 Ibs. raised one foot per second ; ^-.-gVsr P ar * f this is 30273.4 Ibs. ; consequently the same opening of gate that would give this last power on a fall of 12.888 feet, would give a power of 85625.3 Ibs. raised one foot per second, on a fall of 2x12.888 feet=25.776 feet. To find this opening of gate, we must have recourse to some of the other experiments. In Experiment 73, the fall was 13.310 feet, the height of the gate 5.65 inches, and the useful effect 58830.1 Ibs. In Ex- periment 83 the fall was 13.435 feet, the height of the gate APPENDIX. 157 2.875 inches, and the useful effect 2T310.9 Ibs. Reducing o both these useful effects to what they would have been if the fall was 12.888 feet, the useful effect in experiment 73, 58830.l( - ^=56054.5; vlo.olO/ " " " " " 83, 27310.9( 12 - 888 )=25660.1. >J.O.4:OO' By a comparison of the useful effects with the corresponding heights of gate, we find, by simple proportion of the differences, that a useful effect of 30273.4 Ibs. raised one foot high per second, would be given when the height of the regulating gate was 3.296 inches. By another mode : As 25660.1 : 2.875 : : 30273.4 : 2.875 x ffflf :f =3.392 in., a little consideration will show that the first mode must give too little, and the second too much ; taking a mean of the two results, we have for the height of the gate, giving 7< 8 * 2 a 4 of the total power of the turbine, 3.344 inches. Eeferring to Table IL, we see that, with this height of gate, in order to obtain the best coeffi- cient of useful effect, the velocity of the interior circumference of the wheel should be about one-half of that due to the fall acting upon the wheel ; and by comparison of Experiments 74 and 84, it will be seen that, with this height of gate and with this velocity, the coefficient of useful effect must be near 0.50. This example shows, in a strong light, the well-known defect of the turbine, viz., giving a diminished coefficient of useful effect at times when it is important to obtain the best results. One remedy for this defect would be, to have a spare turbine, to be used when the fall is greatly diminished ; this arrangement would permit the principal turbine to be made nearly of the di- mensions required for the greatest fall. As at other heights of the water economy of water is usually of less importance, 158 APPENDIX. the spare turbine might generally be of a cheaper construc- tion. To lay out the curve of the buckets, the author makes use of the following method : Referring to Fig. D, the number of buckets, N, having been determined by the preceding rules, set off the arc GL=^ . Let u = GH = I P', the shortest distance between the buckets ; t the thickness of the metal forming the buckets. Make the arc G K = 5 w. Draw the radius O K, intersecting the interior circumference of the wheel at L ; the point L will be the inner extremity of the bucket. Draw the directrix L M tangent to the inner circumference of the wheel. Draw the arc O N, with the radius w + tf, from I as a centre ; the other directrix, G P, must be found by trial, the required conditions being, that, when the line M L is revolved round to the position G T, the point M being constantly on the directrix G P, and another point at the distance M G = R S, from the extremity of the line describing the bucket, being constantly on the di- rectrix M L, the curve described shall just touch the arc N O. A convenient line for a first approximation may be drawn by making the angle O G P 11. After determining the direc- trix according to the preceding method, if the angle O G P should be greater than 12, or less than 10, the length of the arc GK should be changed to bring the angle within these limits. The curve G S S 7 S" L, described as above, is nearly the quar- ter of an ellipse, and would be precisely so if the angle G M L was a right angle ; the curve may be readily described, me- chanically, with an apparatus similar to the elliptic trammel; there is, however, no difficulty in drawing it by a series of points, as is sufficiently obvious. APPENDIX. 159 The trace adopted by the author for the corresponding guides is as follows : The number n having been determined, divide the circle in which the extremities of the guides are found into n equal parts Y W, W X, etc. Put w' for the width between two adjoining guides, and if for the thickness of the metal forming the guides. d We have by Rule 4, w' = J n With W as a centre, and the radius w' + ', draw the arc Y Z ; and with X as a centre, and the radius 2(w' + tf'), draw the arc A' B'. Through Y draw the portion of a circle, Y C', touching the arcs Y Z and A' B' ; this will be the curve for the essential portion of the guide. The remainder of the guide, C' D', should be drawn tangent to the curve C' Y; a convenient radius is one that would cause the curve C' D x , if continued to pass through the centre O. This part of the guide might be dispensed with, except that it affords great support to the part C' Y, and thus permits the use of much thinner iron than would be necessary if the guide terminated at C', or near it. Collecting together the foregoing formulas for proportioning turbines, which, it is understood, are to be limited to falls not exceeding forty feet, and to diameters not less than two feet, we have for the horse power, P = OMMZPh, tfK ; for the diameter, for the quantity of water discharged per second, 160 APPENDIX. for the velocity of the interior circumference of the wheel, when the fall is not very variable, v = 0.56 or, ^ = 4.491 1/ h; for the height of the orifices of discharge, H =0.10 D; for the number of buckets, jr=3(Z> + 10); for the shortest distance between two adjacent buckets, D "=N> for the width of the crown occupied by the buckets, for the interior diameter of the wheel, // n 8J) -- D --N*> for the number of guides, w = 0.50 -ZT to 0.75 N ; for the shortest distance between two adjacent guides, Regulating Gate, R", and upper and lower Crowns of the Diffuser. Fig. D. Diagram for laying out the curves of the Buckets and Guide Curves. f 164: APPENDIX. 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