-NRLF B 3 MT3 DDl PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION TRAGEDIE OF GORBODVC, toU^reof tb^tee ^cttB toece totpttcn bp Thomas Kmoncy anO tfte tlDO UITe b^ Thomds Sac\nyle, It f^ttt foatbe as tbe fame toas tbetoeb befoae tbc C^K£M£5mollej:ceIlfnt^aicff(e,ttibrrbtgbne« Court of OT^bUcbalUtfte.rtjtO^oap of January, .^wwtf z)uccciricn of tt)e CrolBiie became tmttf tapnc. 'SLljepfcUto Ciuilltuacie (nvobictic both tbcp anD man? of tt)cii* jOTues t)eccnapne,anDtbci i.anoefo2a longc t^m€ almotlc oefolau aiiomig^ ferablpc loatl^eOt ,.i — Tt^—- •if VidcnA.^^WUXKt anD U)lfC to Itpnge Ccrboduc^ Ftfrrf.vjClDer Sonne to kpiige Corboduc. Clotytiy^ Ithe of Cornc-xc.dU F^r^«f,®Ube of ^IbMiyc^ T^Mdudy'^vXit of Lca^ye^ Ci»fn^r^,S>ahCOf Cum^'eriifidf^ £ubulusj^CCtttdLVittQ tbC t^^nffC Corh-Juel ^rostusy^ CounfcIloUC Of U^ngC Gorb:tduu Dord.in,^ (TounrclloniaflriarneD bp tbc fepngc to l)(0 Cl5cfl: ^onitc f rnrA-* yi&i7^^f/,a<£ounfclloura(rigncobpt!i8 * bprtge to bis pongee feonnc Vomx. (li5ott) facvnge of tbt ol5c (bpnges vXounfcllbeffl;jc. Hcmtrjy^ paraf^Jtcrcmapnyng luitft Fora-.' TynddT,^ jaarafptc remapnpng VDitb Pomx, : ♦ KuntiMs,^ ^effenger Of tbcloec l5;ott)ersDcti^ KtintiUSy a ^elTcngCC of 5)«UC Fergus rpfpngc in ^rmc0. H^'cclUySi llaDpc of the £luccne5 p;!uicCbamber. / ChrusffouKz aunctent ano S>agj wen of liiittajNf^ CClie ^wt oftbeDomeQeioe before tH firde ^cu^anD t^e $>tgntftcacion tbcroft C j'^irttc tlje spufickc of Cliolen^e began to plapet Dutpngc tubtcbc came in tppon ttje^tage ftre iBtloe men dotbcD in leauea. £Df lobom tBe ftctt bare in bt0 neche af agoc of fmal (ttche0>U)t)(c1)e tt)ei all bott) fcuerallie ano togirbct afDaieo loltb all tbetr (trengtbes to b;cake,but tt coulo net be h;o}sitr\ bg tbem.^t tbe lengtb one of tbem pluc^ ^eo out one of tbe flicked ano b^^abe ft : 0no tbe reflplucktnge outeall tt)e otbec fltckes one af# ter an otber did cafclt e b;cakf , tbe fame bepnge fcucreD: lobicb be^ng coniopneD tbep bao befo;6 attempteD m tapne . ^fter xHv bao tbf Done^ tbep oeparteo tbe g^tage,and tbe ^ufiche ceafed l^etebp load ftgnifteo, tbat a flate bntt m bnptte Dotb continue fltonge agamtt all foace • ISot be^ l^nge DeupDeD,td eaCelp oeflroteo. £10 befell tpoti Dube Corboduc DeuiDtngebld llanDetobi0tU)O Tonnes liobub be before belo m ^penarcbie. 0nO tpon tbe Difcention of tb^ }i3;ett);ene to lobo^^ ttb>a0Dentoeo. ofdSbjbobtif; Vidcn^ Fcirex. • • • * \$€ filcnt ntgfit tfjat b;inst&tU quiet patofc, ' Jf rom patncfull trauaUes of t^c toeane SDatc: J^aolongta mp carcfuU tftoug^ted ano makes mc blame ^be floUjc ^«ra>v that fo f o;i loue o; fljame 32Detl) longc ticlape to (^etoe ber Ulufftjing fact,' flnDnolDetbeDaiereneUjegmpgclefull plain(e« {^p gracious Unop anD motbcr l^are, Racoon mp gricfe^fozpour fo gneueo mfntje a:o afUc U)bat caufe to^mcntetb fo pour barte* &0 great a Uuongc anu fo bntuH^ oefpttc* tnSttbout all caufe agatnd all courfc Dthiuoe^ ¥encx* fencbc cauff les tozonge ant) fo tjitfuft ocfpitc* * 9ape baae reD;e(re,o;dt tbe lead reueagc* VtdetK ^ettbcr mp &onne, fliebe t<< tbe frotoarDe tetU, S^be pecfon rucbe,fucbc mp mti^p atto tbpne. ¥n ex ♦ 9pne knob) 31 none.bot gttefc fo; pouc DidreSt^* ytdcn, y e$:metu fo; tbpne m; Conne- a fatbccf no: Sn b^nt)e a JFatbet,but not in b^nDl^nc0; ' '^i i>k*tiin::U)l)ie:'3e bnotoc notb^gc a( alU : 1S27l.^:r;tR 3I ^auc rnKbone t)nto bid €>;a(e« jCftei:fdie,t!je mojc fcnWnUe to ftec anu mcei J^i? bttotDpnge tocll (mp fonne)tI)e ten^;ie loiti SDljat 31 t)auc cuer bo;nc ano beace to tbcc. i|)c greuco tbf rat, 10 npt content alone, S^o fpoplc tbee of m^ Oigbt mp cbiefeft 30^0, 3Snt tbee ,pf tbp btrtb>ngbt ano heritage Caufclcd^bnWnoip ano in tojongfuU ioife, £lgaf nit all iialoe ano rigbt be totll bcceaue, ll^alfe or biB bpngoome be tutll geuc at^oapc^ FerreXf SColDbomcf €aen to fomx\{^ ponnget foniw Mbofc grotutnge pjtoe 31 00 fo fo?e fufpectej SDbat bcpngerapfeoto rquall Unlelutth tbee^ ^ee tbtnbe0 Bl fee W enutoud batte to ftuell l^rlloe iDitb SDlfoafne ano U)(tbambtctoa0)d;(Oe febe rnoe tbc 0oDUes Do hnoto, tobofc aultetfl % /ttll oft bane noe in batne of Cattell fl^pne* ICo f^nDe tbe facreo rmo!;e to i^^auen0 Cbione^ fii% tbee mp fonnc if tbinges fo fucceoe, ^0 notpe mp jelioua minoc miCoemetb iw • Femx^ £pat!ame Icauc care anti carcfull plaint (otm^i Jutt batb mp j^atber ben to eu ^rp Inigbt, ^i^fude^ntiiatce be U)iUnot ei;tenbc %9 SCo mc ? tcnffctbat geue na caiifc tbcror. 9p b;9tt)ct*0 p;tDe (^atl buct i)tm Telfcnot luea^ &a graunt tljc (Soooeg: But vet t'op farter fc- ^atl) ficmelp fircD bis bnmoacD mpnoc S^batplatnts i p:aters can no tobtt auatlo, £o; tbof^ l>auc 3 aflraieD,but eucn tl)i0 Dale, ^e topU cnDeuour to p20cure affcnt £)fM btict Coxinfell to l)is:fonoe oeQife. ffibf (r flimceCoucs from race tacacc bane hj;tt9 ffirucfaptl) to mp foicfatbers anD tbeir fccoc, J crude tbetehe U)pU beare t^ Ip^e to inc. Cberc rcflr etb all, but if tbepfaHc tberof, SInD (f tlie cnrjie bjtn gre fojtli ait eiipll fncceiTc ij>n tbem anD tbcirs tbe mirotcfc (ball befall, flnD fo 3 pzate tbe ciI5oi)iJci5 requite ic tbnn, %n\y To tbep U)ill,foz fo ts u>ont to bee tKIben lioioeis aiio ttaftctj Uulers tjn^cr fepngca SCa pleaff tbe p^^'ent faiicie of tlie \a;incc, tIClitb U>aong tcaufpoCc tbe courfe of goucrn?.unce flparDer3,mtrcbiefe,o:ciupll fiuDneatlcu^tb » S^ mutuAll tre^fon^o; a lud reucnje, IHIbearigfbt fucceoinge Lmcreturncisagramc 'Sd^iones iuft juDgenient ano or fcrucD Uiiatbc S5;ingted tbem ta ctuiU anorep^^ocbefuU ocatb, 9nO rojote$,tbetr names % UmD;cDe& fro tbe eact^ 90tt)CC€omenc so(S;eoa O^ll fee t^c cnoe^ Vidett, SDbe enDc^tl)tc tnm 3 fcare, uuctn^z me ffrft* •yffiuspimusf Sccn.i fecund A^ Coihoduc^ ^rostus^ fhilunder^ EuMus] Gorhoduc; \J[^ lLo;iDe0 lobofe grane aDuffe f faftbMl a(oe 4/4 ^aue long bpbelDmpl^onoart mp Uealme ^nii b^ougbt me from tW age from tender pcre0« CntDpnge fo great ellate tuitb great renolome; ^oU)emo;e impoatetl) mee tl)e erlt to bfe §Pourfaitb ano luifoome bberbppet 3| retgne^ SCbat toben bp beatb mp Itefe anb rule l^all ceafe^ £:t)e btngoome pet mape tottb bnb^oben courfc, ij^auecertaprie '^lintt, bp Ijobofebnooubteongbtf ^our iDealtb ano peace>map ftanb In quiet Vcdi\t^ ^ano eke tbat tbet lobome j^ature batb p^eparDea 9n time to tabe mp place in )p;incelie deate, OTlbile Cntbeir ifatbcrg tpme tbeir pliant poutd J^elDe0 to tbe frame of fhilfull gouernaunce ^ape fo be taugbt ano trapnen in noble arte^, !a0 iDbat tbeir fatbers tobicbe baue reigneb befo^i l^aue tottb great fame bcriueo boUme to tbem Witb boneur tbep mape leaue bnto tbeir feeoi ; 9inD not be taugbt fo^ tbeir bntoojtbie life, ^ gno fo; tbeir Laiuclca fuiarupnge out of binbet tiaSojtbie to lofe lobat Laloe auo kinb tbem gattC 3l5Ht tbat tbep map p;efcrue tbe comnn peace, $t)e %mi% t^t f irQ besfan ano Sill matnteine^ Of©0!60DUC^ JCbc IL^ncall courfe of hinges inficntaimcc, 5^0; mcfo: nipnc,fo;i rou^ ano fo: toe date ^auljerof botb 3; anD pou banc cbargc a:iD nrc. %t)U0 00 3 ntcane to bfc pour luontct) fap tb SCo me ano mpnc, anD to pour natpuc lianOf , ^p ile^oes beplapnc lottbout all lu^tcrcfpcct i©? porfonoufi craftc to fpcaUc m plcafpng Inife^ licit a0 tt)e blame of pll fucccDpngc tbtngcs ^ball ligbt on rou^fo ligbt tbe barmes alfo, ;0out gooDatceptaunte fo (moti noble ^inge) £)f facbepour fattbfulnes as bccetofo^^e Wit baue emplfft^eD in oucties to pour d^iacc^ ISno to t^i0 ^eaime Uibofe tDo:tbte bcaD pou are, tcicll p;oue« tbat neptbcr pou miflruffe at all, ^0;^ toe d^all neoe no boaStng tDtfe to i^e\JDC» fl)ur truetb to pou,no^ pet our iDahefull rare fo2 pou,fo; pour0,anofo: our nattue ilauDe. tMberfo:e(£) hpnge) 31 fpcaUe fo: one as all, ^ttbe all as one do beare pou cgall faitb* SDottbt not to bfe tbetr Counfelles auB tbeir afDes Wbofe bonours^gooDs f Ipues are tubole auoioeo SCorecne,toapDe>anD tooefenDe pourCD>;ace. ^p 1lo;Des 3 tbar.nc pea alLSbis \0 tbc cafe J^ebnotDjtbec^oDSjUibobauctbefoueraignecare fo; htngs,fo; blngDomes^anb fo; c5men toeales^ €^aae me ttoo Tonnes in mp mo:c luttte ^gc, laabonotoeln mp oecepupngc peresaregrotnen taSell totoarDes rpper date of mniBe an&ftrenglb« ^0 take in ^anoc fome greater patncels c()arge. €i)cRs:tagttitc JIs Ffttber Ipuc anD rpcnt)c tbcfcbopcfall Dak^t tiHirl) me aiiD toitli tbeir CDotbcr berc lit slEouctf ESbeir age noU)c af kctl) otl)cr place anD traDe, Sno myne alfo Dotl) afkc an otljcc cbaungct lE^brirg to mo;e tratiatlcm^nc to grt ate t eafe; tCIban fatall Dcatb ftall cnoe mp monall Ipfe, ^g purpofe is to leaue tjuto ttjcm tluaine inne Uraime DeutocD into tU)0 TonDzte parted: K\)t one f^ovrv mpne eloer Tonne fl^all baue^ %[)t other fijall tl)e otbcr P^/rf x- rule SDtj^t bottj mp purpofe map moae framelie ffan^ei aiiD ctic rtiat tbcr map better rule tbetccbai^get 3 mcanefD;tbU)itbtoplacetbemm tbefamc; S^bat in mp life tbep mape botb learne to rule, 2no 5 map Tope to fee tl/eir rulpnge U)eli. jn^nis is in fome,U)!)ftt i luouloe baue pe toep; ;f aft? iDbetoer pe alloUie mp Ujbple oeuifc, 2no tbinhc it gooo fo; me,foi tbctn,fojpo9j janDfo;our(i:ountrep,motbcrofb0aU: 2a no if pe IpUe it anD alloUjc it IdcU, Sban fo; tbeir gupoinge ano tbcir gouemaun:ei j^belDe fo^tbi^ fucbe meanes of circumHanncet $is pe tbtntte meere to be botb hnolon^ auD Kc{lt:. lloe,tbists<;ill.noU;etclli)iep(?.urabutre« )aaD tbi0 is niucbe,anD aCl^etb great abufftf But fo; mp parte mp ^oueraigne ilo?D ano bpnj %W Oo 3; tbinhe pour ^aie0ri<( ootb bnolue^ %)^\x>t bnDer pou in juC^ice ano in peace, (!I5;eat tueaUb ano l^onour, (ong ioe baue eniofeOi ^ od Uie can \m (^one loiti^ srcoic mit\O(0 o!©o3tbol)Ui\ ^ ffo foifC^e fo: cbanngc of pimtz o^ gouecaaimcC:# )13ut tf re Irkcrourpurpofc anDDcuirc, ^ur liph^ngc mail be DecmcD to p;occDc, £)f rtgt)tfuUrcaron,anr) of bccDcfull care, ^ot foj our fcluegjbut fo: our ccmcn flatc* $^itl)e our olonc ftHt ootb ncoe no better cl)auugc 3 tbtnbein all as erft ^our C5;iacc batl) faiot. 5^irftc iDben pou l^all UnloBe pour agco n\^t\nc, £)t beur? carcanD troubles inanvfoiDc, }3lno larc tbc fame tipon nip Lo:De3 pour fonnes ?Hilbofc grolDing ptre3 map berc tl)c burocn long 3nD longc 31 p;:vnve the (S^oOLies to graunt it fo : Sim tn pour Ipfc U)bUc peu Qjall fo b cbcloe 5Lbeirrule,tl3eirbertuc^anD their noblcbecDcs, j ^ucl^t as tbeir Uinoc bebigbtct!) to ts alU | (IB:eat be tbe p;iofites ibat ftall groluc t'ocrof, fl^our age in quiet f^all tbe longer laQ, i^cur lafltpnge age f^albe tbetr longer If a(e, fo}cattt^ of brngeSjtbat rule as pou l)aue ruloe fo; publique loealtl) anD not fo: p;iuatc tope, S>o loalt manned Ipfe ano baQcn crooheD age, tnattb fnrreloeo face ano luitti enfeebleo Ipmme^, jBDo D;atDe on creeppnge Deatl) a ftotfter pace. JCbep tlDO pet pongc fijall bcare t!ie partie rcigne ZMitli greater eafe>tban one nolueoloe alone Can tDclDe tbe tobole , fo; lobom mucbe baroer 10 tottb UITcneD ^r^ngtb tbe Double lueigbt to bearc pourepe,ponrCounfelU ant) tbcgrauetegarog iDf Jyatber0,peaoffiicbcafatber0name, ^oUie at beginning of tbeir fonD:et) retgnCt Va^tn itU^lmxDi of tl^eir lui)oU fueceiTc, j&iall &liall b;ft)lc fo tftetr fojcc of poutWulI beaten; flnD fo rcftreine the rage of infolcncc, Wihiclit moft affatles ttje ^ongc and noble mlnOi; 0ntj fo t^all guioeano trainetti temp;teD ffale Cbeir pet greene benoing totttej tf reuecent atoc ^no notD tnureo toitt) bertues at tbe titft. Cuaome(^ btng)a)all b;mge iwUgbtfttlnes 5i5p bfe of ^crtuctaice fl^all grotDt ttt bate, 5i5ut if pou fo Difpofe it,tbat tbe oape, tabtcb erioes pour Itf e, ftal firtt begin tbtfr refgil (I?:eat 10 tbe pcrilUtobat totll be tbe ende, Wi\)tn fucbe beginning of fucbeltberttes moinc of fucbe Itates as in pour itefe do Ipe^ S^ball leauetbem tofrceranDon of tbeirtoiU fln open p:aie to traitcrous flatterie, SLbe grcatcft peUiIcncc of noble poutbe: ^btcbe pcnil Ibalbe paO-.tf in pour life^ ^beir temp:eo poutl)e tuitb ageo fatberd atoc J5t b;!ougbt in t);e of f bilfull ttatoned 5!nD tnpour life,tbeir hues Difpofeo ro» ^ball lengtb pour noble liefe in iopfulned* SDbus tbinbe j ^ pour grace batb loirelie tboogM lanD tbat pour tenoer care of comen tueale, l^atb b^eo tbis tHougbt,fo to deuioe pour ilande flno plant pour fonnes to beare tbe p;efent ntU tl^Ibile pon pet Hue to fee tbeir rulpnge toelU SDbat pou map longer Ipue bp iope tbereln* ISISbat furDer meanes bebouefull are and mcete at great leifure mape pour €^;ace tmitt^ naKben all baue faioe^ano toben loe be agreeD 3I( tbid be beft to paru tbe l&ealme in tbiainr, flu* of (!?o!bot)itc* flnu place ^oar fonnes in p;»:fcnt goucnumcnt ©a hereof a5 3 baueplainclp faiDc m^ mriioe, ^0 tDOuloe 3 bere tbe red of all tti^ lio;(OC0. VhiUfJcIcr, ?n parte J tbtnftc as banc ben faloe bef o:c, Jn parte agamc mp minoe is otbertoifc fl0 foj oeuiotn ff of rbts Uealme in ttoainc atiD lotting out tbe fame in cgall partes, %o ettber of mp llo;jDcs t?our C5;aces fonncs, S^battbinkej bedfo^tbiSFour Uealmes btbofc, ^o; p;ofite ano aouauncement of ^oiir Tonnes, Uno fo; pour comfo;te ano pour bonouc cfec : )l5ut fo to place tbem tobile rour Itfc do laft, SDopclDetotbcmpour Uopallgonccnaunce, %o beaboue tbem onelp in tbe name £Df fatber,not tn binglp date airo> 3ltbinbenotgooDfo2row>fo^them,nc2ts, SCbishingDomertncetbcblooDteciutilficlce Wbere 7>ior^^4n fiaine did ^cId bis conquerco parte Zlllnto bis CoVpns ftoo^De in CdmbcrUmh Centcinctb all tbat lubt lomc did fuffice, SCb;ee noble Tonnes of pour fozefatbcr B'utr, feo pour ttuo Tonnes,it mapc alfo Tuffice, SDbemoetbedronger,tftbetgreeuione: SCbe Tmaller compaffc tbat tbe Uealme Dotb bolDe SDbe eaTier is tbe Tuiep tbcrof to toclDe, %be nearer BJuUice to tbcU);ongeDpoo;p, £Cbe Tmaller cbargcano vet pnougbe fo,2 one. ^no iDban tbe Hegton is DcutoeD To ffibat B;:ctb;ene be tbe to^Dcs of eitber parte, &ucb ^cengtb ootb nature knit bettuene tbe bctb. Jii fottWc hohits bv coniopncD loue ' g^bat not as tlucbut one of Doublco to^cii Ccl)c 15 to otl)cr as a fuce Drfencc, SDi)c fioblcncs anD glo:ic of tl)c one r)ot!) Hjarpc trje courage of tbc otbcrs nxvn^c taitb tcrtuons cnute to coiUcnoc fo; pjaife, ^no fuel)? an egralncs l)atl) nature maoc, 13ctU)crtcthcl5;ctb;tn of one i'^atbcrs fccDe, ^»5 an tjnhtnolic lo^ongc it fccnieg to bee, SSo ti);olqc tbe otbcc S'Ubiect bnDcc fccte Cf btm,u»borcpccrc be(sb\> courfe ofUinoe^ ilnD nature tbat oici mal^c tbts cgalnes^ £)ftc fo reptnetl) at To great a tojonge, ^t)at 9fte Hje rapfetb Dp a gruDgi^nge grrcff j 3n monger 13 jetl);en at tbe elbccs date- t^^berbr bottj toVnncs f ktngDomu bane ben rafea rtno famous ftocUcs of Uopall blooo oiftrotetjr JDbe l3;:otber tbat i^oalD be tbe i9;otbew atoe and baue a U)iXtxefuU cat e f 02 W Defence, .oUitt)iit\^bm feeucptbat lobcre Ji^aturc t^Mh ben p^nertcD (n D(fo;Df re D Irlff , ^l)cn f atlicrs ccafc to UnoVu tl)attlKi ITji^ln rule 2iiD v::i):lo;cn ccafc to fenolrc tlic^^ Qjoulo obc?, Slnr^ often oiirtonfeinolincnDKius^ 35 iBotljerof fankinDlp 5a)tubbo;Kcs: 3 fpcalic not t\M m enutc 0; rcp:ocl)c, )?.5 (f 31 gruDgcD the glojlc of pour fonncs, ^aa^ofe Ijonouc 3 bcfccbe tbe c?ot)Ccs to encrcafc: ^0; pet as if 3 tl)oiigrl)t tljcrc did remainc, j^o filtljte vLanlicc5 m tbcir noble b^eftes, tXUbomc 31 ellcme(U)t)icl)e is t!)cic greatcOt p:aifc, tlnDoubteDcl)ilDKn of fo gooD a hrnge, £)nclie y mcanc to ft)elue mT'Ccrtctne Uulrs, tClbicbe liinDebatl) gcaft luitbtn tbc nnno of man SCbat Mature batb bcc o;D:c ano lice courfe, t8ilbtcbc(being broken) Dotb co;mpt the date £>f mpnoes ano tbmges cue n m tbe bell of all ^p ito;DcB pour fonnc6 map Uarne to rule of ^oa ^our otDne trample in pour noble Courte 30 fitted" (r>«pDcr of tbtirpou'bfiiUpeaics, Jf pou Dtftrc to feehc fomc p^cfcnt Jope J5p figbt of tbcir bucll rulpngc u\ pour Ipfe," feee tbem obep, fo U)all pou fee them rule, tsmbofoobepetbnotluttt) buntblcnrs tl^ill rule Ujitbout rage anD uutb mfolcncf ilonge mape tbcp rule J Do bcfccbc tbc CoDDc i?, i3ut longc map tbcp learne ere tbcp begrn 10 rufc Jf InnDcanD fates Ujoulocfutfre j UjouId U)irtt)C %i\)cm agcD p;incc0 ano iminoicall lunges: t!2Ii)cito;cmoftnoblchpngc J VucllaiTcnt, ^ctlupnc pouc fonnes i> pon o\iiioc pour Ucalmc, Hnc flnu as i\\ ftinDcfo matcbe tlicm in Degree 13ut toWe tljC(SoDDc5p2cloHgncrouc Uopal HfC P;olonguc pour rclgncfo; tbcrto Ipuc pou bere, flnD tl)erfo;c baue tbe Ooddcs fo longc fo;ibojnc 53So lopncpoii to tbem felucs, tftat ftill rou iWiffW jBc ia:!itcc anD fatbcr of our comon lueale: 2::i)ep mtn tbcr fe pour cbilD;cn rfpc to rule Wixil maUc tbcrn roumct tuil remoue pou 6enc$, SDljat pouru irt rigbt enfupnge of pour life ^ape rigbtlie bonour pour mo;taU name* ^our toonteo true regame of fattbfull ^arteu^ $pahc0 me(0 liinge)tbe boloer to pjcfume jCo fpeabe U)bat 3 concelue tuttbtn mp h%tfij 2ltbougbe tbe fame 00 not agree at all Wi\i\i tbat iDblcbe otber bere mp llo;D0 baue faio j?o? tobicbe pour felfc baue feemen bett to Ipfee, tarDon 3l craue anD tbat mp too^Ded be DeemDe flotue from bartte ^eale tnto pour (£^<:ace> jSnD to tbe fafetie of pour comon toeale: So parte pour Hcalme bnto mp llo;D0 pottt (onc9 3 tbmbe not gooD fo; pou,ne pet fo^ tbem, )l5ut toozSe of allifo; tbts our Jl^attue ilanoe: i^o; iDltb one llanDe.one fmgle rule I0 belt; SDeuiDeD Uetgnes Do maheDtutDeDbarte0. 55ut peace p;eferue3 tbe Countrcp i tbe |p;incc# ^ucbe 10 in man tbe greote minoe to retgne^ 90 great is W Defire to climbe alof te, 3nijDo;lDlpS>tagetbeaatcliea partes to be are j / SICbat fattb anD juatce anD all UtnDlp loue> W^ gelDe tinto oefire of ji^oueratgntie; Wbcre tStChtxt f gall date Dotb nifc art c gall bopr tETo lumnc rtie tbing tljat citljer UjoId attains pour grace rcmcmb;!Ctl) t)olBC in paffct) rfcc^ SLljcmtg!)tic Frute,fix\t'p;{ntt cf aUtl)i5 Lanos poffctTcc tbc fame ano rulco it tucli m one, i$t tt)tnbtngtljattt)ecompairc did fuffice jFo; 1)10 tlj;iee fonnes,rt;iec kingDomg cUe to maUe Cutit in tl);ee,a0pou luoulD rtcluc in tloatnc: li5nt t)otD mucb B;uti(^ bloD tjatb fitbeme be fpilt SLo to^ne againe tbe fonti^eobniti^ei^ tEIlbatp;jince0flainc betojetbeir timely bonourf tHUbat luatt of totoncs anD people In tbe iianoc*^ tM\^t Erettfortsbeapet) on muruers t on fpotles^ XMWt luftrcueriac eucn pet ie fcaccelr ceafeD, 3Ratbefail remcmbMunce 15 ^et bao in mmrjc- SDbe CSoD0 fo2b^o tb^ liUe to cbattnce agame anb ^ott(^ feing)gcut not tbe c aufe tb crof : ipp to fit Fmrx^out elDcc fonnc, pecbappes tSSlbome UinDe ant) caltome geue^ a rtgbtfuU Ijopt SDo bei^our l^efreanD to fucceDeponr Uelgns^- . > &baU tbinke tbatbeootb fuffre greater U);ong^ i SCban bepercbaanccijoillbeare.tf poter fcrnt Torrfx tbe ^ounger fo t^npatfeo in Hdte, ^erbappest in courage IdiU be ratf eo alfo , 3If f lattcric tben tubiciic faplcs not to alTaiic: SDbetcnDjcmmocs of ^^ct tinffeilfuU pout )e»- ^ 3ln one (bail binole ano encreafe oifoaute ; ^.no Canute iiitne otbcc0 bartc cnaam^i 33Cbt0 'ire Cb^H ^^^^ ^^^^^ louc^tbeir imes^tbeir Vim rutbeful ruuie tb }i3ut not to liuc (hil b;e«9lc6 of tbe loo;^^ Ss>o trollctbt Dne,toat tbe otbcr be foifcnc, 2rmt not tmfkUfulnes \3)it[) pzincclp poltjcr 15ut pou tbat longe baue U)tfeip ruleo t^c reljnef £)rropaltte toirbtnpotir noble i^eaime ^0 ))olog ti)emalDt)(U t^c CC^oO0 fo; one aaacletf i^balt Of 2:inTe aii5 cwmplc of ^our noble C3;af e, fe>liall tcacbe pour founee betb to obcv anD rule. caijan ttme batb taught tbe, time i^all ma'ac tl)? SClie place tbat noloe is fuU:anD Co 3C p:ai( (paca lloiijs It cemains/io comfo^tesf Di alU Cnbodnc, 3 take ?otie fait&fall barter (rt tb^nltfttll picte - 55ut fitbe 31 fee na eaufc to ri.zatoc mp min^e* Sto feare tbe nature of m-o loupii j fonnc«> £); to mtfjeme tbat Cnme o; Difbafne, ^L'loufertenDctbrgallptobotbc, ^p ilnnoe fuffifetb fo; tbent botl)e alfd* HnmljcrQi^iiM parte tbe ^arcbcs of fbctr Uc;itmt9t t£tje &ot!)ernc parte tbe clDer l^all potTclTe, ffibe /^o;tb^rne ^M ?orrex tbe ronger rule, Hn quiet 31 U)iU paflfe mine ageo Daic^f 5frecfrom tbetranailc ano tbc patncfull earctf Si^bat ballpen age bpon tbe toonbted Sslnges* J5ut leH tbe frau^c t Wt pc do fecmt to feare £)rnattcrprtgtonguc0,co;r«pttbrir(rnQetpmii!t dnD tD;tetb tbem to toe Uj.iicb of poutbfuU luft, fiSo dim'^n^ p;tDe,o: to reuengpng bate £>;to neglecting of ibfjrcarcfullcbargc LeuiDrlp to Ipue m toanton rechlcnrlTr, ^;toop;;c(ringcoftbertgbtfullaui'c »tiit r; IT: not to lD;eke tfte to^ongw Done te tbe poo;!< ^Q trcaoe Dolune tructti^o; fattouc falfe oeccite 3 mcanc to to^ire to ei'tber of m? fonncu S^omc one of tbofe iDtjofe longe app;u)ueo fattb ^no iDtrDome trpco maptDclUdurentp b^rte: Ctjat mrnrng fratiDe (t^all fmoe no Ujap to crepe 3iitd tbeir feiifcD cares tDttl) grace aouife: SDljifi is tl)r enoe,ano fo 31 pjape pea all %o beaee mp Tonnes tl)e loue ano lopaltfe SDbat 31 baue founoe iuitbtn pour fattbful b;eaS0» ^^ ou,no2 pour fonnesiour foneratgne lload (^all ^ixt faitt) ^ fcruice labile our Itues oo latt. (loanC chorus^ V3i\itv[ fettleo aaie ootl) boloe tbe ropall tl);otfe» 3!n flteofalFplice bp ttnotoen aito ooubtlesrigbt: .^no cbiefcl jUjban oifcent on on^ alone C^atu: Tingle anD t)nparteo relgnc to Itgbt. Ccbe cbaunge of courTc bntopnts tbe U)l)ole eUatc flno peloes tt tt);all to rupne bp Debate. ISMt ffrengtb tbat ftnf t bp latf e ^tttiat (n oni ^gamll all fo;retn potoer of mlgbttefoes, CoulD of tt Teife Defenoe tt (jelfe alone, JDiTtopnco ome.tbe former fe;ce Dotb lofe tCbe mcUe0,tbat Tono;eo b;ake To Toone in tttaitfi Jn faggot bounce attempteo loere in t)$ine. i^ft tenoerntinbe tb^C leabes tbe pereiallepg v &t ernnge parentes in tbeir cbtlo;i:ns(loue« iPiil^roied t|ie lv;ongfuU loueo cbiioe tberbp- Cbtet^otb rtcp?oaDc fonnc of ^pf^;!!^ p^out?, tsabo cafi^elp (tt in (Ttjartot of Ins fire : 3|nflameo tb( pmbeD eartb iDttb bcaucn^ fur. 0n5 tbfd great btng^tbat Dotb oeutDc bt0 lanb^ 5Stid cbaangeo tbc conrfe of bis ctfcettotng croione 9nd peldes tbc retgne tnto btfi cbtlD^ette banue ftQtn bltffuli Hate of tope ano great renotDite» 9 9F;coac (|^ll become to piintt^ al I Spo Uarttc to 0^unne tbc canfe of fqcbe a fall, CCbc oiHer ann figntftf atf on of thz Dom^ G)t\Bt bcfo;e tbcfccotiD ^cte. ^[ fittl tbe CPaficbe of Co;!tcttc5 began to plape^ oaring tobicbe came in tpon tbe s^tagc a tungc accompanteltDttb anomb^eof bts pcurlrrtef <0entUmen.^nD after be bao placeQ bt m felfe in a Cbaire of eltate p;cparet) fo; btm : tbere came ano knelen before bun a graue ano ageo C5rntih man anD o^rcD bp a Cuppe l3nto b^m of ill^^ne (n a glaffe, tobicbe tbe kpngc rcfufeD . 3ftcr bim c5me0 a, bimc anD luD^ie rong Cl^entelnun ana p;errnte0 tbe buig iottb a Cup of c?olDe filleo ua poiron^ljubicb tbe kingaccepteo, i oitulungc tbe ramc,tmmedtatlp fell oolon dcaD bpon p Sagc,f (o iDOft carneoti)rnce atoape b? bi0 iio;De0 ano but i& clere anD mape eafelp be feenc K^mj^hwt bo\uetb bp an^ arte; ^o a fattofdll ydiih Coanf(|l9Ut Connrplloitr bolDcth no treafon, but (s pfa^ne f opcn,ne prlDetb to anp tnoifcrete aflftctf on, but gcuetl) l)oiromcCounfcll,tDt)ffhc tbe rU aoutftii puna rcfufctt) ♦ iS^tic Drhgbtfull goloc fillcota por^on bnohcnctJ) f latferp^^oMcbebnocr faicc If eming of plcafaunt U)o;^6 bearct!) ocaol^ po^/ fort, Ujhtcbc ccarotetl) tbe puncc ^ recemrttj tr, Jl0 befell in tl)c tU)o b:ctl);tnc f c/^rx ano 7>drrrx iBt/o rcfuHng tbe boH'oine aoutfc of graue Couit ffllourfijcreDiteotbefcpongc ^i)aracitc0.i b;oa# gbt (0 tbcm fduci^ oeatb ano Dc0ruction tbecb?. ^Elusfecundust ' Seen a frimd^ forex^ Hcrmon^ D9Y({»in^ - Tcnrx, 1®f raade mucbc tobat reafon Icnce tbe b^ge ^p father tbu3 iDitbout all mp ocfarte ^. Eonucmebalfetbtngoome tobtcb b^ coarft ^f talo^ ano nature QjulD remapnp to m^ liirmon, Jf poo itjitb ftubbo2ne anb bntameb pjpbc l^atJ (!ooo agatnll btm in rebellions toifr , jD; if Ujicb gruoging mm^c pou bao enuit^ j^t flotoe a flf Dpngc of W ageo perw, iD; fougbt brfo;e pour time to batle tbe conrfif j^ffatall oentb bpon W Uopall be ao, iDattain^o poMf fetQcfte tottb murDer of pour Iftpn: l^omeface of reafon migbt perbape baue feenteo 41^9 ;((9( fQme (tkele caufc to fpoile se tt»uii» * Fnrcx, ITlietu^lcefuU C5o03 poloit? on mp cucrcDbc'N Ctcrnnll plagfnc^ cinD ncuer D^in^c Ivors, jpije!^elli(l3P;mce, aDiiiogc mpDampucDgbottc %o rantAlns tliirftco^ pzeuDc /x/'»f tulictle £^;fmcU (25;ipc to gnaUie nip nrrotning bartc ffio nurrngc tojmentes ano tjitquencbcti flames Jf eucr 35 ctncriucD fo foulc a tbougbt, S^o U)tr^c btisf cudc of life, o; ^ec of ceipe. f^e pet roue fatl}cr(0 moCf noble ]^;i^tt) jDitJeurrtljint^crofoluIcat'oingofpou ^o; tic luitt) mojc ttian fatbecfi tcnD;e loue Wi\)i\t pet the fates oo lenoe bim hfc to rule, (OT bo long imgbt Ipne to fc pouc c ulpnge idcU) io pou mp to;9e,t^♦10 to bis otb?r fo.iiu ilohcrcfi^icsbtu IJcalmcano Uopalae ^btcUe ntucr tooulD fo uiife a piiace tiauc xnm 3lc be bao ones mtfocmeo tbat m roac barte ibere cucr loogco fo Untunrje a tboagbt* 13ut tt\V}\t lcne(mp lloii)e)anO fetleft trnUt & pour gooD nature, ano pour nablc \\\\t(bz f)a3e btUT to place pou tbus In Uopail tb;ione nt) nolo to gcue pou balf hio realmc to guiOf ^ ca anD tbat balfe iuitbtn abouncing (to<2c ^f tbtng0 tbatferuc to mabe a toeltbtc Utalmt 3n(tateUeCittC0;ino m frutrfuU faplt* 3ln temperate Matbfng of tbennlocr Ueauen, Jntblnged of neoefullt^fetlubUbe frenoUe jbea JCtanrpo^tes bp (caffibe from cbe foir8me^Q;;Ut« 1^ flotoui]|f totiUtti^ln bonour ano tn foact> '^- ^ 3i3,Ui|» ©otto r £^9t!) palTe rtc Deublc tjaluc of the parte SStiat Torrfx i)att) allotttD to bi5 rcigne, ^ucbe t0||ouc oafe^fucbe is ^oar fatbetd lone* ftrrcx* ^b lone,mr frenned ,loue lo^ongs not totjom I)$ Dorr/^w. Clouea. ^epet betD^ongcti) ^oa tbat genetb poa 1^0 large a retgne erg tbat tbe courfe of t^me ji5;:tnge^ou to bfngDome bipDtfcenDeo ttgbtt ^btcb time perbaps migbt ent) pour nme bcfo^fo Fcrrex. 30 tbt0 no Ui;ong,r9te pou^to reaue from m% fl^p natiue rtgbt of Wtt fo great a realme, ^no tbas to matcbe bt0 pongcr fonne tuitb me 3n egall potDcr,anD m as great Degree.- pea f iDbat fonnt:" ^ fonne tobofe floellpng p;pbi Wi oulDe ncuer peloe one potnct of reuerence» tl^ban 3B tbe ClDer and apparaunt be^re ^coDe xxi tbe Itbelvbotie to polTelTe tbe tobote l^ca ant) tbat fonne bbtcbe from bti3icbtlDi(()e age fd^nutetb mpne bonour.anD ootb bate mp Itfe, ^SiQfbat tDid be nolDC 00 i loben bt0 p;iDe.bis( ragty Hbc mtnDefull maltcc of W gruDging barte ^% armed tsttb fo;ce.U)itb loeaUb aino Unglp fiate Was tbf0 npt U);ong;'rea pll atmifeD iD;on0 SCt) g JCraaaile bp ceafon to oeltre^ ^ ou botli:) Wife 10 pour b;otber auo of noble hope, Mo^tlUe toloelDea large ano mtghttc Uealme ^0 mucbea D^rong^r fcentse baue pou tberbp* OTbofettregtb wpourffrrgtb, if pougree mone, Hcrmon* 3|f nature anD tbe C^oDBed hat) pmcbeD fo S^betr flotDtng bountie ano tbetr noble gtf te0 j^f p;{tncelte qualities from pou mp Lo;t)e ^nd potoaoe tbem all at ones tn teaHfall toife ^PQti four fatbers pounger fonne alone.* ^erbappeatbere be tbat m pourp;etuoic0 ^ZSloulD fafe tbat btrtb $nlD pelo to U}o;tbtne8: S5ut rube (n eebe gooo gtft ano p^tncelie acte |9e«rebt0 matcbe^ano tn tbe cbtefe of all 3n mUoenes ano in rob;e gouernaunce re farre furmountr^lnD fttbe tbere t0 tnpoti &ufiftdng fktll ano bopefuU toioarDnes So tuela tbe lobole, ano matcb pour doer0 p;atre 3 fee no caufe tobCe pe Q^oulo loofe tbe balfe> ^e loolD 3 iDltlliie pou peloe to fucbe a lotTe: sled pour mtioefufferaunce of To great atD;onge 95e oeemeD cotDarDtQie ano ftrnple 0;^aDe: B^bicbs Qyall gene courage to tbe fierUbeao i5.b. Qt ^'f roiit^otige l5?otbcr to (nuaoe rte fobolet tSl t)tlr0 pet ttjcrf 0;e (ticbes tn tt]e peoples mrnt)C SCbc lotljed iDjonge of pcur Difberitaunf e, 3nD ere pour B^totber bauc bp fettleo potuer, ys>V ^plefull (lobe of an allurpnge^etoe, 05otti(mromcfo;^reanofaneurm tl)i0 ISealme ;9nt)iPl)ilcti)e noble ^ucrne poor mother lpuei». % tDo;he ano paactf (c ail fo; pour auaUe Sttf mpt reojcffe bp 2rmc0,ano to;rf abc pour felfe X^pon btf life,tbat gainctb bpj^our loffe, ^ i;o notDC to Q^ame of pou>anD grfefe of tw 3n pour olone btngDomt trinmpbes ouer pour ^!)clu noU) pour courage meete fo; blnglp elhits ^bat tbct tDt)tcb baue auotueD to fpeo tbetr gooD0 SLbcir Ian:)e0,tbcir itue0 1 bonouro in pour cauCtt £l^are be tbe bolDcr to mafntetne pour parte iD^an tbe t ^0 fee ti)at coloarbe fcare tn pou, J^;)all not bstrapc nc faile tbetr faitt)full barter* 3f onestbe ccatt) of ^fl»->fxfnuetbeilrlfe, ^. nD paie cbe pake of bt0 tifurpeD i/(etgne> ^our tpotber (ball perfloace tbeangrp bpnge^ Cbe li o;ts pour frenD0 eke l^all appeafe bt0 raj^ f q; tbct be iotfe^ano tueil tbef can fo;rce, STbnt ere longe time pour ageb fatbne beat|» lutll b:rngeatime lobcn pou O^all toell requite ^betr frenDllefauour, 02 tbetr batefnll fptte* ^ ea^o: tbelr flackrnrs to auaunce pour canfe ^^tfc nten do notfo bange on paHpng date ^f P^efent )a;tnce0,cbtefelp m tbrtr age. 36ut tbep iDiU furtber caH^ tbelr reicbmgt epe Si bielpe ano loeigb tt^ timcii^ t retgnci to camt fit of(Boibot)iif. fiti^ii\v^t\v tfjoagbc tbe fefngc be to^ot^e' %W be rctluUl,o;tl)atttje Ucalmc UjiU bcace Crtrcmcreuengeljpon tjte onclpe fonne: ^;if be iDouloc.totjatonc t0 be that Dace )l5em(niftre wfucbean enterpjife. ^not^ere^oubenotueplaceDtnpoarolDue t^nrfi root frenoeg, ^our tallalles % pour (hrengtft OTte fljall uefcnoe anoftepe )?our pcrfon fafe SDi?ll eitber coimfcll turnc bis tcnocr minoe ^;age,o;ro;olJDCc^Debto toenc nates 515ut If tbefeare of rjo^Desanofecccte gruDgc jflDf ^tures ilatocreppnrngc at tbe ftacte, OTitbboltJcvoui: courage from fo great attempt; Iftnotoepctbac latt of ktngDomesbatbno iiatoe %tit (£foDDes (3 bearc ano tucll aUoUic tn kinges JDbc twinge 0tber abbo^re tn rafcall routes. Wben binges on fdenoer quarrels ron to loarrcs 0nD tban in cruell ano \3nbtn0elr ^i(^^ Cemaunce tbeftes,rapes,murtjcr of jnnoc cntes ffo fpoilc of totones J reigne s of migbtr realmc(5 SCbtnbe \>oix facb p;tn(es t)o fupp;icfrc tbcnt fetnen (^abtect to Haloes of fctnot ano fearc of C^oos, pet none offence , but Occbeo tDitb glorious name Cf noble Conqneltes m tbe banors of ktngcs> Q^roers anD ttolent tbeftes tn p;tiuate mtn iSre be^notis crtmes ano full of foule cep^ocbtt 3i5nt iff on Itfee not tnrtfo bote beuffe, ^t lift to talte fucbe banntage of tbe time. S5nt tboughe toitb great pertll of i^our flate goa toil not be tbe ftrft tbat t^ail inuaoc« ^UbOTbU set sour fo)(( fo; root tefence^ Slni SnD fo; poor UtcHt (taniie tpon rout garDe, I ^ lieaucn tuas tbete euet barDe o;i bAfilocn^ * &o iDtcheo Counfell to a noble )9;tnre^ ^ct ra^ittit llo;De)Dirclore tinto pouc grace SDbift hepnou0 tale,tpt)at mtfcbiefe (t conteimeo; 1^ oar fatber^ Deatb, i^our b^otbers ano pour oton^ poor piefcnt murber am etemall t^ame * Ideate tnt{^ b(ng^anD fuffre not to finke ^0 btgbe a treafon in i^our )9;incelU b;efi« Feirex* Cbe mf gbtie (Swobbed fo^bpb tbat cner J ^bnlD once conceiuc furbe mtrcbtefe in mp barti 91tbougbe mp ll5;otber batb bereft mp ttcalme 53no beace perbappcs to me an| batefuil mtnoc^ ^ball 3 reuf nge it^loUb blis Deatb tberfojt< £); (ball 3 fo Defirop mp f^tberd Ipfg Sbat gane me Itfe^tbe (Sobs fo^bpb 3 fape^ Ceafc pou to fpea^e fo anp mo;e to me ^t pou mp fcUnpe Uittb Sunfuiere once cepeatt ^0 foulc a tale^m fctlcnce let it bcoulbe eniope tbeir Ipae0/ 23ut rttbe»3( feare mppounger b;otber0 rage, !RnD ntbe perbappes fome otber man map gpos ibome libe abnire,to moue biB grnbgtng beao fltmine eaate:tDbUbe coanfeU map percbaunce SCabe greater rp;cc tott^ ^tm^ tbon tM tPitb (ne^ 3 feUl (II fecrete To prepare mp fclfe; 0s if t)td malice o;t t)ts lua to rctgne 3i5;cattefo;tl) Vuttt) armesozfoocme Violence 3 ma)? tDttOdanoe bts cage ano bepc mpnc oUme. 31 feare tbe fatall time nalo D;atDetb oti WMtn ciu^ll bite fl^ali enoe tbe noble Ipne £)f famoufe ^r^^rr and of bis i^opall feeoe C^;eat hue Defence tbe mircbtefcs m\sit at ^ance 5S) cbat tbe Secretaries tnife aoutfe l^aotri^ben baroe toban be befougbt tbeh^ngc ^ot to oeutoe \m lanDe,noa fcnoe bis fonncs 5Co fttrtber partes from p^tefenceof bis Courcc S^t vet to peloe to tbem bis gouernaunce Ho fucbe are tbe^ noloe in i\)t i^o^atl tb;one SU toas raflje vhdcton in vhebus Carre fi,t tben tbe fierp fteoes oio D^atoe tbe flam$ Wi itb ioilDer ranHon cb;ougb tbe kinoleo fhieis Sb^n traiterottscouncell notD biill ioberle about %%t p0ad)full beaos of tbefe bnrktlfuU kmgcs» ^nt 31 bereof cbetr fatber totll enfo^me SCbereuerence of bim perbapoesOyall flta^e fDbe^btDtng mtTcbtefeftytobuf tbei ret are gren$ 3lf tbid belpe not^tbenloo Dnto tbem feiue«v Sbe ^;tnce)tbe pebpte,tbe ocuiueo lanoe* ^ ^UusfccnndHSf ScendfccunJA^ ton ex, TynddTt VlHUncdr^ Tory ex A^D f !t)o;ff ,of ^irmoursfanD of U)capon3tt)err, ^c b;pnge 3 to mp i:o?t)c rcpojtcD talcs t:23ttl)oat ttie grouno of fcene ano ferc^cDttoatt^i Hoe fccrete quarccllcs ronnc about bts Couitl iCo b;iingctl)e name of vou wp Lojoefnbatc Ccbe man almo& can notoe Debate tbe cauff 5anD afke a reafon of fo great a to jonge, Mllnle t)e.ro noble anofo \\}i(t a ^;tnce> 90 as t)trtDe;tt)(e rea bts l^erttage. ^nD tDbfe tbe htnge mtfle^t) )i^ craftf e mranes SDentDeD tbus bis lanDe from courfe of ngbt, %Y^t UHfer ro;te boloe Dotone tbetr gtlefntl beaded Ccbe man tmtbD^atoes from tal&e anb companUA iDf tbofe tbat baue btn (ttTOljoen to fauotir ron, JCo WW tbe mtfcbtcf e uf tbeir meaningc tbwe# f^umoinrs are fpjcD of pinif n^ar^ngc bete*: ffibe Maftall nomfccs of tbe tmffetlfull fojte jare fUleo toitb monHerous tales of pou uno ^ontfl 3n fectete J toas counfatfeD bpntp frfenbes £0 bad me tbence, anD biougbt t?ou as vou bnoto Hetters from tbofc.tbat botb can ttuefti tell flno U)oulo not tu;U( bnUffc tbev bneloe it ioelL Thtldrn{tr* of (^^ojbotuc S^p t02^c, pet ere fo" »^o^^ tnl^inutlp ttjarre, feenue to pour )>5;otl)cr to oemaunDc tbc c aufc. iDcrbappeo fomc traptcrottfi talc s l)auc fillcD 1)10 ri falfc rcpoats agamtt roue noble grace: (care0 t2:tt)tcli once oifclofeo ftal enoc tOe groUitng Qcitc ^hat f Is not aaieo Untlj Unfc fo;cnrfl)t m time fetjall lia^aroe botb pour Umgcomcs % pour Ipued; feenoe to poor fatber ehe,bc fljall appease ^onr binoieD miatje0,anD rio pou of tbic fcarc. ^ Ton ex» It^otH? wc Of fearc:'? fearc li(m not at all: fit iBtU to btm,ne to mp father fence jf Daungt r toertfo; one to tarpe tberc STbinfee pe it fafclp 10 retoiirnc agarnc. 3n OTifcbtcfe^ fuebc a^ Fcmw noiuc intenbe6 JLbc tocnteo toiirteoas llaU)e0 to spefTcnger^ ^re not obferueD>tDb(cbe tn tuft Umrre tbep t)fe» &baU 3 fo ba^ari>e anp ne of mpne:' feball J betratc mp truffle fricn^e to hptttf SDbat bat^ oifclofeD bto tre afon tinto mec ilctWm entreaietbatfeares,? feare bim nott £?; Ib^^il K to tbc kinge mp fatber fenoe^ ^ea anb fence nolue Uiblle fucbe a motbrr Ipttea SDbat loucB mp i;5?ot bcr anc tbat batetb nteef &baU J geiic leaftire bp mp fonce telapeB Eo^rrrA tocpp;f(re meat bnUjare:* 3 tLiII not tut 3 tuill mimuc rjis iJealme flnc frebr tbe 2:raicour \D;inf e tritbm bteCottrt ^ifcbiefe fo; mtfcbicfe to a one reluaroe. ^li U);eubeO bcao l^aU paie tbe luo^tbte fr^te C*f tins W Creafoii ano big !)atc to mc feball J ab(oc,ciitrcate am fciiJc aii3 pnfc:' flnDl)olDcmj'rclDciit?);oite te Ccaitoucs km'f^:* tabtlcj iDtttjbaliauiitmnloc f conquehngfoKf ^tgbtnDmpfcIfc of foestanD lomnea Healme» p et ratljer iDben 3 Ijaue tbe Uj;tttcl)e0 beao, Khanto tbc hing:m^ farter lutU J fenDe, fDf)c booteles cafe mai? ^et appeafel)t5U)>atft: 3f notJl totll Dcfcnomt as3| ma]?c. ThiUndcr^ ' iloe bere tbe entie of fbcfc tluo routbfuU itfngtf ICbe fatlicrs Detl),tl)e retgne of tbeic tloo realmes i^ moat)nbappr Itate of Counfeilouc^ SDbat ligbt on To bitbappp llo^n 00 and ttmeis ^bat nettber can tbetr gooD aouf fe be baroe, : pzt mud tbet beare tbe blamed of ?ll rucccffe 13ut 3 toui to tbe king tbcir fatbet battc Ccetb(d mifcbtcfe come to tbat Itbelp enoe , ^bat if tbt mmoefull luatb of lo^ehcfall C^aDH S)tnce mtgbtie lUom fall not ^et appcafeo . . tanitbtbefepooje remnant of tbe rm>/jnamf l^ il^mz not octccnnneblie \)nmoueD fate S)m of tbifl Ucalme to rafe tbe ntutifl^ iitne 15)? goob aouife^bp aUie of fatberg name 15^ fo;ce of lotfer iloAOe0,tbi0 litnDleD bate ^a^e pet be quentcbeo, ere u confume i»0 alU ChoYuu Mban poutb not baibleo tottb a gu^Ding (lafe 30 left to ranbon of tbetr oUine oelt jbt (fraiff 0nDt»eiO0 lobole i$ealme0;bEfo;ce of foneraigria of 3;f anp floUipng loealtb anD fecmpnge jope gnpjefcntperesmtgljt mafte a bappp totgtjt, l^appic Uias Hccuha tbc ttJofuUcft uj;etcijc ffibat euer IpiicD to make a ®p:rouc of janD bappte Vryxm tottft bt0 noble fonnetf, im ^appie 31 till noUiet91a9;3; fee iSntJfeelemp molJbnbappic lu^ctdicDrrcst 35ebolDc mv tojDcSjtraDe pc this tcttcc lu'ce Jldc it contetiic0 tl)c rubric of our Ucalmc 3!f ttmelic fpccoe p20U!0e not baQtc tjelpc jjct(^rc(E5oDOC0)ifeucrlDofulIhpngc fpigljt tnouc pou kmgc of bingcfi, lu^ekc (t dtt mc ano on mp &onnc0,n3t on tiiic giltlcss Htalmc. , &enoc Doton pour iDafttng flame0 from to^atbful %Q rciie me t ntp fones ttje Ijatrful b^att) (fbiciJ Ktaoc.rcaDc mp ILozocsttbls t0tl)c ittattettob« J calleo pc ncUie to l;auc gour go oo aoupfe. €[• Cfie llettcr from Di>rr/^^tbe Counfcllour of tbt doer y^iimu lubutui rcaoctb ftc llettcr. JV[ J^ feoucratgne ilo^D, tobat 3B am l6tbto'lx))i(i i5ut lotbctt am to fee, tbat 33 am foxcrj Iffp ILetters noloe to mahc poti tn^crfl^anoc £PP iio;o Fetrfx pour elDctt fonuc mifiean iBp Sbraitours framDcof pong bntemp:cb U)(ttcil Sffcmblctb fouc agamU pouc poiigcr fonnc, ^ecanmp Counfcll petimtbo^nuc tbe bcatc ilnoforpoas pangrc of bis enfUmco bcac: &)ifoatnc(fa(etb be}of bis (Hbcritaunce jarmes bim to Uj;eUe tbc great p^tetcnneo to^ongc tliSirociupll fU)0.2^\)pon mslBiotbers itfe, Jf p:erent belpc do not rcdratne tbts rage £';i0 flame unit load pour foni^^pour lanOf po(f« pour ^aicnie0 faitbfiili ano moft l^wmbU^ ^ubiecije o^rdati. Oiitng^appcafe ^onc griefe f dale t?onc plaint (S>;cat is t|)c mattcc ano a toofuM cafe _ ISuttimclv' tmolDlcogc mapc D;ingc ttmclp ^cttSc f«; tl)c bott} tinto v>(^uc p;cfcncc Ijcrc (l)cl^ Ebc tcuetcncc of ^ouv l)onour age ano Hate pourgcaueaouife,tl)c aUjc of fatticrs name ^ball^mcbelic fenit agatne tbis b;oUcn peece: ano if m eitl)cc of nip Lo;Des ppnc fonneg a;3e fucftctjntameD ano t)np0loing p;loc ^6 JutU not bcnoc tnto pour noble l)cfle0. jf Fct rex tl)c elocc Connc can beare no pecre, £>lVoyfcx notcontcnt^afpircsto mo;c lEbenpou tjimgauc, abonc buJi?atiuet(gM: qtovne toitl) tbc luacc fiocfo (^aU pou fo;ce &bcm to agree:ano boloe tbe llanoe in Itaiet CTftatnrcanctb tbis:' iLoeponocr comes (n ^ali ThiUadtr fiom mp ilo^o pouc pongee foline. Gcrhodiic, %\jt (Soooes fenoe topfull neUies. I^bcnT(gbtie/^«f paefecMeTiour S^aieaie,^ noble hmge. Coiboduc. f>htLincic}oh)tkomt x XBut t)oU) Doti) mp fonncf VhiLtrJcIer, your fonnc,rir,lpues ano btaltftie 9 bim left: S5ut pet (€) li(nae)tbis toant of luftfull bealtl) Coulo not be balf fo griefefuU to pour <5;accy 80 t^efe moft U3;etcl;(0 tiopnges tbatj b;pnge. ^ beaurns ^tt mo?c/no tr\x>t ot'uiocs to arc-* Tymfdr,^ hpng,camc Wftlrfrom t^t Coiicte ^tFcncxyto mp ilo,20c ^ouc ro"5«M^fannc? ^nt) maiJcrspo2teof great p;cp4rcD fto;c £Driyar^^,anp faUb tl)at it is IdOoIKc mcut againff Pi?>Tr.v foj Wgbc mfojJrtc tbat ijc L^acsiiatocaftrnQfcaii^ cgall iiioc^cc OT^tb bim,tbat claimetb to fur cc nc ti)e tob^lc^ 30 6iP Due title of DifcrnDtitgc rigxt ?on f .X 10 natuc fo fct on flamrngc fire, |DartcIt?toitb KiiiDteDrnft of cn^Il tu^atbc, part^lp iDltb bopc to game a Uealmc tberbp, ^'oat be t^ baile p;eparetb to inu.iDc ^40 li3^otbcr« llaiioc,ant)luttb tDtikinoclr tuarrc^ SCbjeatcns tbe murtcr of pone doer fonnc, i^c coulDc 31 bint pcrf iuade tbat UxH be l^onlD ^cnDc to bis la;otberto oemaunoc tbe raufc^ f^o; pet to pou to ttm^ btiS( batcfull Urtfe. v2Jberfo:t 5tbc tbere no mo;c J cait be bacDc^ 3 come mp felfc noUic to cnfo;ntc pour <£J;ace- 0nD to befecbe poi^as pop loue tbe licfe !2inD fafctie of pour Cbil^.^cn atio pour iiealtnt^i ^otjDC to emploiepour Isifoome and pour fo;t^e %o daie tbtft nttfcbtefe ere it be to late. Corbodnc^ 2xt tbei in ^rmes:" looulD be itot feiiDe fo;iiit^ 3l0tbi0 tbcbonour of a jfatbero name^ 3n baine loe trauaile to atTlDagc tbeir tninDcs ^0 If tbcic bAttea lobomc nettber )i5;otb^0 loue cut. fivi^. 002 j^aft crs aU)c,no; hingDomca carf t&n moae ^ixt Coufels coulD lDitl)t)2atuc from raging beat louc fiapc tijcm botb >aiiD eitoc the curfeo li^tic i^cj tftougb pecljappcs fcarc of facl)e.nnglit(?f ojcc &« 3 mp lta:06,iopneD U)ttl) pour noble ^iDes :^ape pet raifct^all rcpjcOTe their p;efciit icate, '^\iz fecrece gruoge atiD malpce IjdiU remapite %\)t fire not quetttcl)en, but kept tti clofe ttfitaint )^m an tottt)tn, b;eatied font) tottl) Double flame $rt)e:r oeac!) atiD ntnte mutl^ pea^e tlje angcit good ^elDt not, C> femg,ro muche to luealje tj(fpatet jfi^oucfonncapetlpue^ani^ long] tru(!,tt)ei>qiaU- ^f fates baD taUcii pou from cartblp Itfo 5L«rfo;e begpnntng of tbts ciupUCrtfc: ^er'o»ip3 pour fonnes U\ tbctr bnrtiatCcreH poutJii i^ofe fi'oin rcgartJe of anp Ipupng tutgbt, tHoloe ronne o^ beaDlonge, U^ttb t)tib;iDleD Uacc %Q tbelr otone Deatb anD rume of tbtfi Uealme. 55ut fit!) tb? (3oD9f tbat bau^ tbe axe foj Uingeg, £>f tbinges anti times Difpcire tbeo)Dcc fo ^bat iw pour life tbts blnMeo flame b;eakes fo;tfii t^btlr i»et pour Ipfe, pour loiCbome t pour polutr^ ^ape ftai^tbegrolping mtfcbiefcanD rep;cffc Cbefievie blaje of tbeir inhinbleo beate 3t feemes.anD (b pe ougbt to Decmctberof, ^bat loupng hne barb temp;eo fo tbe time :S>t tW Debate to bappen in pour Daies SCbat pau pet Ipapnge mapc tbe fame appeaje, ^nD adDeitto tbe glo;te of pour latter age 0110 tj^ep pour fonncft mapeUarnc to Uue tti peare * • ' " SBeloare of(5o?boDtic, !Betware(iD krnffc' the grratelToarnTCof all, L^tt bp pout* luaplcful plaints i'our baltcnf n cealb .tPclDe larger roamc bnto tbclr groiuvng rage; |32cfcruc vouc U'fc,ti)C onclp Ijopc of ttaic; $!nD If your liigWs bcrciit lift to Ijfc t!a!lifbomcQ;fo:c0,<2:omtfcllo;Untgtulpairjc: Loc toe our perfon5,poU)crfi anD Ipucs arc voutSk ^fc ba t^U ©eatl) , £D Uing.Uic arc ^our otuna, Eubnluu iloe here tbc pcriil tfiat teas crtt fo^fcitc t2Jl)cnpou,(^Uing)DmfirffDemi)cyoucLauDe. flno peloepourp:cfcntraigne bnto pour fomu5. 3iBut ^wtoe C^ nobU puiicc^tiolue is no tnue 2Co luaple anD platnc, antj toaft pour tpofull Ipfc,, />ouic ifit&jjtimcfo; p^^rcitt gooo apoKe, ^o;b\ue Dotl) Darhc tbe ^mgcmem of tlje toijttc %^ t^act bub^oktn auixtljc courage free ifromfcblcfaiiitncsofbootelesDlfpaiec E>otl) fitter rgft to f^ctle ojrenoUmie i?p noble tJalurc of bnuanqutfC^eti nttnoc £D; get tJotb pcriflic in ino;e bappic fo.^ic ^ 6ur C5.:ace mapc fcuDc to cither of pour fonncfl^ dome jQne both lotli^anonobUpcrronage, mblrt tuitb gootJ. counCel % tuitb uicigotic nainc a)f f^f r 0)^11 p;crcm before tbctr cpcs pouc1)cft,XQur Ucfcpowi: fafctie ano tbeir dune XDe p;cfent nufcbiefe of tbcir DeaDUc ftrifc ano ^n tljc lnatle>aireniblc puuibe f oicc Mbifbc pour CiSm^unDcmpiU vx^ tbc fpeOU b^'^i ^lall mp ilo2De0 bc^e p;crent cmi p;icpare: Sjetmour of pour migbtic potucc njall ftcpt Ebc tagp or botl)c,o j ^et of one at lctt# Knntius^ © liing tbe gccateff jriefe tbat eucr ^(nce tn»tJ , fft)atcuctU)ofullspe(tengerDlDrell, (beu , Xbat eurt m;ctcljeD Lanoc UatU fenc befoc 3 blunge to ^on,Vo'rrex ^onc pongcr fonnc znttb foDcn fo;ce,(nuaBanf frno tjolon tbe flames of i?our reuengc, Pcftrotc 3 faie ti5 flaffl^e of tojeUefuU ftee Cbe Craitour fonnc, and than tbc to;ietcbti» ftW i?ut let b0 go,tbat ret pcebappcf; j mapc Dicluiti) reucngc,ntiDpcajctbcbat?fttUffOO0^ chorus, ' ;'.::: Si:bc hid of hmgtjomcfi hnotDCsno facreo faUft ^0 rule of Ucaron,no rcgaroe of rtgbt ^0 utnDlic ioucno feare of beatien« Uj;atbe: li5ut U)ttb contempt of (0oDtie9, ano man0 Defpt'te« £b;ough bloMe flauglner Dotb pzeparetl^etpate^ ffJo fatall S)Cf ptf r and accnrfeo reigne* JCbc fonne fo lotbes tbc fatbc rs llngcrpwge imtc0, j>c D:eaDcd bts band in B:oil^tts blooc to ftatnt iS)tD;etcbeoii);tnfc,net)ocfttboai?ctreco;oc * ' Sbe pet frcftt^e ^urtiiet0 Done Wtbin tbe iinnot £)f tbte f 03efatber«,l»ben tbe rruell fluoaue 55creft 7^or^4n bt0 Itefe tcitb Co(\»n0 banDe/ -ESbufl fatall plague0 purfue tbe gtWe rdce ' * Xaiiok muroeroti0 tjanoimbju^^ V}ffon!tp«ic l5ao rutbe of mpne acrurfeo liefo, , . So rcnoc tn tmantcanD nuallcUrcmc tbcrtjtt 1^0 lja«3 m? bpnts pofTeCfto noU?e in p^^cc Ebctr bapptc grauc toubtn tbeclofcD gromiDe a no grc^uic too;mcii bao gnatucn tb^8pp«co bart ta itbout mr fcclpna^c p^aitc- ^d HjulDc not notue .Sbf0 lpuvngcb;cftrcmapnc tbcrutbffuUtombe t2rt)enn4np bare pclden to oeatb w gcaueo: S^Qi c;!rrp tbougbto Iwub pangcg of pintwg gcicfg ^p tjolefull wnnoe baJJ not amicteo tbu>t £)mpbcloiiebrGniK:^mprujctccb!lDr, 3?pcearcF^TrA,mp3^9V^^nipljuc0nclpgbt« d 3f6 mp icclbclouco lonncis my flur^tc cbtlD^i^ ^pDcace i-'wcx^mpjopejmr ipucsfocugbf 5p ^cpnous Ccaptour botbc to beaucn ano earths 2Cl)ou Po)V(x, tijou tins DamncD Dcoc liaft lij^oujijt JLljoii T^^r/f Ar,toou fljalt Deacclp abrc tbc fame, Sd^Cjaj^our to Utnne aiiD kiuDc^to ^irr and mc, %ti\i^m olune flefi^e, ano E^raitouc to tbp fclfc ^t)c ^009 0)1 tbe tn bell l^aU ln;ekc tt)ctc lD;atb9 3ui) t)cre iit caitb tbis bano l^all tahc rcucngc £)n tbc Ptf/)vrA,t!)ou faire anD ca^'tifc tuigotc, 5;f aiftcf blooejo eigc? tu«e tb? tblcll ^nn d^Mi^Oecou0 mino^ \m fo pofTcfred tbrc, 3f fucljc 6aro li^ct of Uoclte ano (lomc jrlmt Jl^ueoin tlipU;(eltntbatnotl)ing elks conlo like 5IDi)V cruell £p;a)UC0 tbougbr but tsearb f bloo^e tltHltlo fauage ht,\fifi mougbt not[) Haugbtcr kuxt %o fepc tbp greDic UjilUawD in tbc ntpODcft £)f tbeic cntra(le0 to Ctaiuc tbp Dcaolic baiiocs ^ t^itb bloDe Dcferuco,anD ornlJe tbcrof tbi? ti^lh £D; tf no^igbt els but dcatb ano blouo of man fought pl^afe tbr lutl,coulD none \\\ Botum lanD XSSiWt bart be to^ne out of bis loupng b;c(l ^itb tbtne oiunc band, o; luoati U)bac oeatb tbou ^uffuc to make a S^acnfic c to appease (luolocft Cbat ocabUe minoc t murocrcus tbougbt m tbr :* J5ut.bc IdI^o tn tbc fclf fame U)ombc luao u>;appcD Wi bf re tbou in Dtfmall bodicr recciucDlt liftv £:% If ncbC3,ncD(?0 tt^ic bano mutt flaugbtcr make (^ougbtll tbou not baue ic acbcb a nio.:tall a^ouna vdnili6tbpru}o:oe baucpcrfcDtbis curfedluomb^ %\Mi\»^itm{t^Voyicx b;ougbtto ivgbu ^0 g€D(n me a iult rcluacoc ti)crfo;e. rc;l)o ^f'7r.v,if ftoeteKfc mongfttfjauecrtfoipco ilnD to bis agco father comfojt b^onjljt, \)5 fomc ^ong fonnc tn Icbom tijcl both tnt gM Iftic ^(it lDbcrct}nto UiaH 3l tbts cuthrfuU fpccbe ^ 2:0 the tbat baft tbr b:ot!)er0 blotiD tbus Q)cD « $s^ball 3il!tl tbtnh ^ from tbisloomb tboufp^onjgf^ ^bat 3 tbcc bare:' 0? tabc tbct fo; mp fonite^ ^^ ^ jpo Craptoiicno; 3 tbe refufe fo; mme, c^ 53^uri)crcc 3 tbcerenouwce^tbou art not mine: - i?cucr, £) tu;ctcbc,tbi5 luombe conccueo tbecjr jpioj ncucr boDc 3 patneftill tbjotocs fo? tbce: Cbangcling to me tbou art,ana not mp cbtlDc i3o; to no lDtgbt,tl)at fparke of pptie knetoe, t\utbclc6,tjnfeino,tponffcr'ofi^ature0tDo;bc» ILbou ncucr fucbtc tbe milhe of toomans bjeaHc But fcom tbF birtb tbe cruell Cigres teates i^aue nurfcD,no?^ctof flefflije anD blouD j^o;meo i& tbi' bart,bnt of bacD Jron to;oagbt ilnD tolloe ano Dcfert iuoo^s bjeaoc tbce to ipfr : But ranft tbou bopc to fcape mp Uift reucnge:' £>^tbattbercbant)cs tot II not be lu;oobe ontbrc/ JDocft tbou not hnotoc tbat Fmex motber Ipuee Sbat loueo bimmoje Dcarelietben ber felfe^ rano Dotb.fl)e Ipucano ts not bcngcD on tbee/ Goiboffucf ^roflus JEuMns, Torrcx* TtlaYcdUp m CorLoduc. (Bxto C manicplc mnciic ibiierto tbt0 tfngtbns; of c3o?boDuc» i^allegotttfo longc : VonrxXinto curCourfe 15p o;}ict of out Lettcr0 ts cctournco ano Euiulus rcccf ueo fcom \J5 b^ tjcd * 2t bt0 arriuaU Ijcrc to gcuc bim rljargc Before ourp;crcncc(lce(gl)t to maUc rcpaire ano ^rt lue baue no Ido;dc lubcrot t)C Hatf £i. Hoe tuyere be comes ant) ZubHlns tottlj fjpm. . Eubulus* 3cco;dpngc to rour Ijigbnc? bed to me l^ert baue 3 P^^^fA: b^ougbt euen in fiicbe fo;t •^6 from l)i6 tuertctj ]^e:rc be did aligbte, fQ^ that pouc Ci^^ace Dio luiU fucbc baftc tbercmr WXt iii» anD p^aife tbts fpeoie lopii in ?on ffio tBo;ke tbe tbmg tbat to vour cbargc luc gauc Tjnex-,\(\x)t fo faccc i^nlDc fluaruc from hmor, i!nDfr6 tbcfe bounos lubicb latocs of jjiaaire fete ^s tbou baHtoone bp bile anD Uuetcbeo oeeoe 3n crucll mucocr of tb? l;5<:otberc life, £)ut pjefcnt banDc eoulDc ttaic no lengcr tpme, I5ut Hretgbt ^ulo batbe tbts blaoe tn bloud of tbe ^B luft cenenge of tbr DctrHeD crpme. iPo.lDC ^uin not oifcnoc tbe laine of lunDe, 3f noluc tbis fU)o;Dc of ours did flait tbee bere: fo; tbou bad muiDerco bim lubofe bcmcus ccat& Cucn j;iatiirejjfo;cc Dotb mouc \)s to reucngc JBp blouD againe:2i3ut Jaaur fo:cctb t)0 %o mcafurc JDcatb fo; x2 eatti ,tbr Due Defecf c, petfitbeng cbouart cur cbilDc,anD firbc as \>tt Jn tbiiS bavDe cafe lubat U)o:oc tbou cautt allcDgc /oitlir Defence, brtjjsftatijnotbetibartc CCl c ace content to ft;;ic ouc lupU fo; tl)at' tCJhitl/e 511II1CC biDOC0 130 p^efcntl^ to toozltet anD n::ue tlje leauc to Ufe tt)ie fpcacbc at full jf ouj'ot tDou tiaue to la^c fo; tf)ine ercafc. 7^o>: ex, ^dtber £D b^ng^H can o;1jdi?II Denfe ©ut tt)at tt)is IjanDc from f fvr.t i^fe Ijatl) reft: mw\] fact Ijotu mud!) m^ uoieful tjart DOtb toaUS £)b iDoulD tt moug:)t as full appearc to ftgbt 9.9 inioarDc gricfe Dotli pe\i?:c tc fo;ti) to nte, ^0 ^ct pcrl)appc0 if cure rutbefull bart ^pelting in teares toitbtn a ntanlic Ujraff <^lj;oagl)c oepcrepentnuncc of Ins blouoie facte 3Bf eucr grief c,if cuer laofuU man ipigbt moue regreite lottb fo^otoe of bis fault, 3 tbinUe tbc tozment of mp mournefuU cafe !^noUjcn to poar gc.icc,a3 3 00 fijclc tbe fame, *!2louloe force cucn tozatb ber fclfeto pptie mee» X3ut as tbe loatcr troublcD Irtti) tbe miiDOe ^beUjes not tbc face tobic be els tbc epc l^ulDe fee^ euf n f 6 rour ?rcfull mmDe UJitb ftirreo tbowgbt^ ilm not fo perfectly oifccrnc m^ canfe. 15ut tbls bnbappcemongd fo manp beapes 3 mud content mc iDltb, moHto^ctcbed man, ffibat to m? fclfc 3 muft rcf crre mp U)oe 3npi?n^ngetbougbts of m^^nc nccurfco f^ctcr J5>itbens 3 map not l^etuc bere mp fntallcft gvicfd ^ucbc as it ts,ano as mp b;C(itl cnDurcs, teiblf be 3 cftcme tbc great? ft mrrerie f^t all mtl^appes tt^at /o;tune nolue can fen^e, ,^ot tbat? rcH m ticpc tct:t) piatnfcanrftcjrt 4 )S>t)oulDpurcl)afc l(fc:fo; to tl)c ooones 3 clrpc i^o;tnicrcco::)coftln0i:i?faitt]fullfpcachc, ^rHcr ttjis bartcftaii bauc tlie thought full D;cacc Eo Die ti)C Dcatl) that bp v^"^ C5;acc0 Donu iDp uiU Defacte,(^albc pjonounc cD to mcc : fio: ncticr ftal t!)(d tongue once fpcnD tbis fpf cljc l^iaroon to crauco; fccUc bv Tutc re Ivuc: 3 meant not t'oic as tliougb 3 ^^f re not toucIjDC t5a:(tb care of ujcaufuU ccatt),o? tbat ? l)clDc ^pfe in contcmptibut tljat 36 UnoUic,rt)c myuzc ^toupea to no D.jcaDe,aUt)ou5l) tl)c HcH) be fiailc, ianofo; mp ffilt,3; pclue tl)e fame To great fls m mr fclfe K tmoe a fcarc to fuc i^ojgrauntcoflpfe. 3n battle, iDtt3;etcl)etIjcu(l)cljUCU ^ tocfulll)arte,Fr))(xnoU)elrc3in grAue, ^lame Unbllbanoc* J3ettI)(0,OfatlKr:!;earc; flinDtban J cnuetji^our tpatcttie lucU Unoiuec, 2Lt)atitT6anmpi32otl)cr Fc>>cxm}} mp fdic OSp pour olurtel)clt tucrc icpneD in gouernauucc ^'f tl)lspourc5;ace5 Ucahncct i^n!:Ayvc Lanoe 3 neuec fought no; trauapllcD fo^ t^,c fame, i^o; bp mp fdfe,oj bp ro frciiie 3 a):ou::t)t, DiDUt from pour litgt)nc;3 lyiU alone it fp;org[C, £tti3urmoft gracious goouucs bent to me, XBut IjolDC mp i5;Dtl)cr5 tjart cucn than vrymco Caitl) fUiOUcn Difcamc ajsa;nit muu «gnli lule ^ctugtbat Ucalmc, vobfcl) bp Difccnt C&ulDjtrottf tai)ollic to t)im,allottcD balfc to me:' Cucn in vouc l)igt)nc5 Court i)c uoluc ccmdv^ite*, ano Ujitl) mp )!5)0tl)ectt)an fn ncarc 11 place ^1)0 can veco;r)c,tobat p;ooffe ttjcrof toas (l^ttttJC ano IjoU) mp Ujotbcw cnuiousljart appcactJc ^ ct J tt)at iuOflfcD it m^ parte to fccltc 'l)\$ fauour ano gooD lotll,anD lott)c (o nfafecJ j^ onr bigbncs Imoioc, tl)c ttiing tuljicl) fl^ulo inut Oiicf to pour graccf pour offccc to l)!m (b;ougl)C Doppng bp earned^ rmtcd^ulD foone bauc lomtuc ^ loupngc Ijart tottWn a i5;ott)ers bjctt CT jougi)t m tbat fo;te tbat f o: a pli^aogc of louc flno faitbfuU \jmM gauc to me ti\^ Danoc, $Dl)f sj maoc mc t^mUe,tbat Ijc bao bantfi^co qurtc ail rancour from bis tbougbt anb bare to mc g>ucbe bartie loucas 3E oto otocto bun: ^ut after once lue left pour C!5:accs \Iourt ano from pour bigbnes p;iefence ItucD aparfe Sbls egall rule ftilUftill oio gruoge bim fo SIbatnoluctbofc enutougfparUcsUjbicb txftlaf $i\ Ipumg cinoerc of DitTcmblpnge b;ett, (rAReo lamoleo fo farre iDttbin bio barteiei oifoaine SDbat longer coulo be mt refrainc from paooTc £)f fecretep;acttfe toocpiiueme life 13p \dovron0 fo;ce,anb bao bereft me fo. 3if mpnc olt)Ke ^eruaunt bireo to tbts fact anD moueo bp troutbc \A bate to too;Ue tbe (dxiitf 3[n time b9t) not bcto^aieo it tnto mee: canbantbusj faiuetbelmot of louebnl^hittc a U bonett jLi^uz anb faitbfuU p.:omtfe b;oIie Itht Hatoe ot UtnD anD trotbe tbu^ rent in tluafne i^tg bart on mifcbicfc fct,anD in t)i3 b;cft 3i51acke treafon t)tD tbcn^tljcn did 3I Dtfpatcc ff bat euec tpme couloe tupnnc !)nn frcnoe to me Cbanfatoe 3 bolDC tjcfntplcD tolttj flaping knif^ ISf^appeD t)nDccclobe,ct}en faioe \ Dcpe Dccctcc Jlucbe in bid face anD Dcatb p;cpa!:eD fo; nrcc- ^ban a6tl)c nabeo banDc lubofe Itrofte a(rapei$ S^be iarmeD b:eaa lobere fo;ce Dotb ligbt in tialne qjanp can pclbe rtgbt grauc ano fagc abuf fe £>rpacfcntrp;ttcto otbersUuappeotn tooe, ^nocan \n fpeacbe botb rule ano conquerelstnDe^ Wil^o if bp p;oofe, tbep nngiit feele natures foxc* TQ olo i^elDe tbem feiues men as tbet are in beoe^ tobtch notu lotl nebes be gobs: but lubat betb nte^ %\)z ro;p cbere of ber tbat bere botb come:" \,an$ 5Db tobere is rutbei'o j lobere i« p^tic notoe^ tSZHbetber is gentle barte ano mercie flcb^ ^rc tbep enleo out of our llonr bjcafts /^cucrtontaheretournedsaiUbetDo^lbe £);olJDnco in bloooe.anb foncbe tn crneltie/ 3f not in toomen mercie ma^e be founO( §f not(alas)tDitbin tbe motbers b;eft %o ber otjone cbiloe^to ber otone flense anb bldOD 3lf rutbe be banifOi^eD tbence,tf pptit tbcre iq^duc baue no placgptf tt^ere no gentle \)axtz bf(5ojbob«c po I^tu ant tittjeU, \sAtxt (^ulD loc fccbc (t thane ^aDflmc(ala5) labat meaner ^our iDoful tale/ fl) ftlUe toomait 3I,Id!)P to tf)(s l)oto;c, ^aoe btnoe ano fo;tune thm DeferrcD m^ b;catl)f S^bat 31 l^ulo Ipuc to fee tbts Dolefnll Dape tsadl euf r tolgbt belcue ttjat fucbc baroe bartc . Conlocred luftbm tbc crucll motber0b;ea(^e, t^tcb bee olotte banoe to flape bet onelp Tonnes 55ut out (ala6)tbefe erca bebcloe tbe fame, Cbtp fatDC tbc oaiecp figbt,anD arc become ^odrutbfuil rcco?oc0 of tbc blooDte facte, Pijrrfx, (alas) UJ bp btu mother flapnc, 0110 iDUb ber bano a loofuU tbpngc to tell, TObUeriomberfngeonbtd carcfull bco be rcScd 1^ bAi^t ftalDc in U3ttb Ktncfc is reft of iifc. Corboduc^ ^ EubulusjQli o;aU)c tb(0 ftno^Dc of onr0« Slid perce tbt0 bart U)ttb fpceDe, £> batcfull (tgbf» £) lotbfome ItefCt ftoef tc ano iDclcomc ^catbt ^cre Eubului iDo;ke tbtd tue tbee bcfccbc LuLhIus* patient pour (Pmcc , pcrbappcs \\t linctb ret. WX\t!4 luounoe rccenco, but not of ccrta^nc ocatb* G or bo due* £> let 1)0 tban rcpater,bnto tbeplacc^ 2no fee if tbat Vj>fcx,o; tbus be riainc. 01a0 be Itnctb not,tt w to true, Sbat loU|^ ibcfe eu9 of bnn a pcrclC0 j^;(nfe, p,Ut ^otint pontic f a !:iutg,anD in tbt floUier of poufft; Cuen loutj a ttDinhr aanreU0 Hocbe J (aUif.' ^r oft us £D DampncDDceD« liiarcclU, I5itt tieare tb(0 rutbefull eni^f; jCDe noble p;f nee peril luitl) tbe fooetne toounot £)ut Of t)<0 U);etcbeo nomb;e baOeUellacte Wjofe aregtb nolo fatlpng ttret^bt be ouertbaeto^ tOIben (n tbe fall W e^ea eucn neUie tonclofea ^ebeloe tbe £^uene ano cr^eo to bee fo; bcipc %mt tben,ala0,tbe Ilat)ie0 tubtcbe tbat tpms Pto tbere attenoe^fepnge tbat bepnoas ceeoc flino bearing btm oft call tbe U);etcbeD nams j© f motber ,ano to crie to bet fo^ aioe WLWt DtrcfaU bano gaue bim tbe mortal iMtuMr j9ltten!i,(cria3,fo^ nought els coulD toe bo) ^10 rutbefull enoe,ranne to tbe toofull bebOe SDifpoi'leD Hiretgbt b(0 b^ea,amo all toe migbt iDppeo Kn t)af ne U)f tb napkins nert at banoe, SCbero6elneftreame0of bloobtbatflufibeDM jDut of tbe gaping U)oun])e:£D Uibat a Ibobey £) tDbat a rutbefull tteofaS gpeme tbougbt ^f fireb bpon mp face^tobicbe to mp oeatbe tetll neuer parte fro me>lDben tottb a b^aMii aoeepe fet ftgcK be gaue.ano tbereloitb all CUrpingebitbanoeMo brauen be catt bt0fKgbC^ SnD Hretgbt pale oeatb p;{eirpng toitbin bid face ^ ffbe flpinge gbotte bi0 mo;tall co^p0 fojfooket ipeuec bib age \i}ini ^^^tt) To ^^^ a ^^^^* Tlldrcrlld, i& |>art)e anu micll bappr ,rtat tt)a« afft$tiet> tSnto fo tuo::tbie a lotgbtc To U)2ctct)cD cnoe 13ut molt t^aroe cruell bartc>tt)ac coulee conrcnt Co lenDe tbe ^atcfnll t^Ctenies tt)at banise )i5p tDi)fcbe,alaB>ro bepnousccpme toas tD^ou^^t^ ^ ^ueene of aDamante^^) garble breads 3f not tbe fauour of bis comihe fare, 3f not I)t0 )ai(ncelt0 cbece ano counten ''oncct l^tdtaltant^cttue ^rme0,bi9manlte b;:a(!e» 3f not bto fatec atiD femelte perfotuge ^is noble Lpmmes in fucbe p;eparacfon cade jis luoulD baue tD:appeD a ftilte Utomatia cuoiigb^ Sjftbfsmougbtnotbaue moucot'orblooDte barte 0no tbatmod crtieU banoe tht vu^etcueD Vocapoti Cuen to let falUano btde blm tK t^e face. WitbteaceB fo^rutbetoreaae fucbeone b^^ocatl) ^boulD nature ?et confent toQa^ e bet roitii^ ^ motbecYtbon to mucoer tbu6 tbte cbiloe Cncn hi^ iBttb Jultice mud \ji Itgbtenmg flamed from beftuen feno daton tome ftrar^gc rcucngeoti b noble )d;tnce,boU^ aft baue Bl bebrlo (tbce* SDbee^maanteD on tbp fierce anD traumpimg deog jt^bpntngm Armour b;igbt before tbe Z^lxt Sitm iDitb tb^ ^ifttefU S^leaue ttea on tby kydm^ ano cbarge tbj? Qaffe to pleafe tbp iiaotes cte SCbat bolDeo tbe bea( peeeedf tbp frcnolp foe, ^otueoftm^rmesQnWeto bcnDctbe ^ace ^oHie oft tn ^rmeB on foote to bKaUe tbe riuo;oe» fRHutlC H^rc nQ\t>% Cbefe epesi ttig,r* ^ agame. 9aT)aTite3ala0>tn Daf ne tbefe plaftttis are flE^eO^ %atbrc tDtcl) me Departe ant) belpe to atrtoage, Stie t^ougbtfull grtefes tbat in tbe agcD btngs l^^uli neDc0 bi? nature grotoe bp Deatb of tbti$ ^u oncltc fonne,tDbome be otb bolbe To oeare. lytarcflld* ;72Hbat iDf gbt 10 tbat iDbicbe falDe tbat 3! bib fee SlnocoulD rcfratneto loatletDttbpUinteiteArei /?ot 3, ala0,tbat bartc i0 not fn me, ^ut let b0 goe,fo^ 31 am grrueo aneloe, %o call to mtnoe tbe U);etcbcb fatbera iooe. tSlXban gr:t)telufi in Uopllfeatctoreigne ^atb reft all care of goooes ano ebe of mm, gno cruell bart,iD;atbe, Creafon anD DiCoaine mi^tbtn tbe amiitclou0 b;eda are loD geo tbeti ^ebolce botDe ntifcblefe iolbe ber felfe oifplaleS $lnD toitb tbe b;otber0 banbe tbe b;otber riaie0» Mbenb!oQDtbtt0 (l(^eb>botb tfatnetbt0l)e«uenf String to loue fo;i tjcngeaunce'of tbe Deeoe, (face fDbe nttgbtf e (5oti eueti mouetb from bi0 place waxitli tD;atbe to \D;t^t, tben renoe0 be fo;tb U}lt(i X:bet^^eaDfulfur(e0>tmugbter0of^nigbt (fpeoc CSlttb (serpents gtrt,cart!ing tbe u>t)ip of 3lre9 ^2Ittb beareof tlinging rnahe0anba)mlng b;(gbt math flame ano blooD,anD tpitb a b;dnoe of fire: 5Lbefc fc; rcucngc of lJD;etcbeD jjpurDer Done S>9 mate tbe ^otber biliijer on^Uo fonnet Solobe 951005 afketb blood,! Deatl) mnff DcatbreqaUe hue bp 1)10 ind ano enctla(!tng Dome Sfudlp batt) euer fo ccqulteo U Cftcfc ttmes bcro;c rcco;Dc,anD tpnicc to comcg &!)all ftnoe tt tnicanD fo oott) p;cfctit p;0Qfc> l^^cfent bcfo;$ our ties fo; our bc^oofe. €) bap^fe totgbt tlmt fuffreu not tbc fnare i£)f mncDcroadmlnOeto tangle btnun bloooci ^nD bapptf be tbat can \\\ ttme bctoare )i5p otbcr0 banned ano tourne it t& bi^ gooDe ^ut Uio to btm tbat fearing not to offcnoe JDotb ferae bu luSjano l»Ul not fee tbc cnoe* CCbe o;Dcr ano ngnificatton of tbc o5mei^eU>0befo;etbc fiftbe^ac. Ci^fcffe tbe2);ommc0an:) j^Iuites , bcgann^t^ founOe,Durpnge iubicbe tbcrccamjfoo:tl) bpaii tbc fetage a companlc of It)argabiifici*a ano cf iarmco men all in oioec of iSattallc . 'STbr fe after tbeic )deeceaDifcbatgeo , ano tbat tbe "^iu meo men bao tbjce tpmca marcbcoaboutc tbe ^tage, oepatteo, ano tben tbe D;ommc0anii /iuit0 DID ceafe^l^ereb? mas ftgntf ieo tiunult&» rebellions , ^rmedanDduilUDarre^tafoloUJC. 110 felin tbe ttealme of great Rntt4ync^M}\)\x,\\ b» lberpaceojffiftiepear€0aiiDniQ;e contuiuro ni ctiipll Isarre hetuient tUe jflobplrtte aftcc tXyt mx\i of kina GrlndHcA of bi0 lOTueSafo; Ivanr^ if certa^ne Imitation in tbe S^ntceffioti of tbi CrOlDllCtlll tbe ttmC of Dunnvdlh l^olmutiusp iobo reDuceo tbc ilanoe to ^ottarcbe. .^ Chtyn^ - D3ED enet age b^f tig fottb fttcl) Cfrants barteil C^e HB^otber tiati) bereft tbeB;otber0 l^fe^ .. •.Cbe^otbect^ebatbbtebbci: cruellbanosi «Vn blonb pf ^er otone fonne^ano notoe at lad SCbe people loe fo^tgettj^ngtrouttjcanbloue, Contemnpnge quite botbllalDe antilopaU barte CBucn tbep baue flapne tbetr foueratgite ilo^o anoi 'MATidud. (^uene. jbball tb(0 tbefr trapteron^ crtmc bnpuni(^eo tei| ballfeub(ecte0bare1iiftbfo;ct ' SCo tootle reuenge bpoti tbeir ysiitim facte/ ^bmct t^e U)o;a ttiat marc:a0 fure tti tf^ %\it Df De ba0 folDle,tbc ^uene to (lait bet fimtt e Jbball ftt tt)e &ubiecte fee be to tahc tiic fUio^Dc:' 0rtfcagapn(lbi6llo2Dc,antinaic!)isbrnQrc; ^ U);etcl)eO If atctoberc tbofe rcbclltous l)artc£( Ste not rent out euen from ttictr Ipu^nge b;cour luiues ano cbilo^en, £)ur Xonntrt^ Dcarelt of all in Daunger danbe^s f^oute to be rpatleD,noU)e,notDe raaue Otfolatej Stn^bp our felucd a conqtteH toenfue.* f'ti geue ones fUiepe bnto tbe peoples lutU, £:o rufilje fo;tb on,anbttare tbem not in timr^ SlnD as tbe fltreame tbat roinlet^OQlDne tbe bnl^^ ^oloiltbMbeablong ronnei6 raging tbougl)tei /rom bloooe to bloooe, from mCCcbtefe t)nto moej Co rapne of tbe Kealme,tbem felnesano all g>o giDDie are tbe cpmon peoples mtnDes, ^ glao of cbaunge>mo:e toauer^ng tban tbe &e« j^efee (m? llo;De0) tubatttrengtb tbefe Jftebelled tsabat bugie nombae is acrtmbleb (till, (ban^ jFo; tbougl) tbe traiterous fact, foa lobttb tbet coCt ^e toougbt and Done>pet looge tbet Ittll in ftelo$ &o tbat bolue facte tbeir furies ^et inpll (tretcbt iSf aeat canff toe baue to D;eabe, ti^at 19^ ma^ ftt|9 ]B?p;erem)l?attaiUt9i^ep;el(et|ieiriiQbieu JtepetDemnS \»tW to Utite fo;ce tfierfo:f ; fo; eitbet tbe? fo;:tbtottl) tDdl mtfcbtcfe tDo;be £); tbcit rebellions coareo fo;tbU)ttb toill ccafc- S^befe t)tolrnt tbtnges map batie no laHtng lonco Let b0 tbcrf o;e bfe tW fo; p?cfent be Ipc jdecrvoaDe b? gentle rpeacbe> ano ofifce grace ^itb gifte of paroon faue bnto tbe cbiefey and tbat tpon conotcton tbat fo^tbetoitb SDbep )[7elDe tbe Captatnes of tbetr entcrp;!pfe ' %o beare fucbeqaeroon of tbetr tratterous facte 30 map be betb bnetengcaunce totbem felue^i 0no bolfome terrour to pot!ertt(e. S3:bCs lb«ll 1 tbfnbc: flatter tbe grcatctf parte tCbatnoloearebolDen iDitbticfire of borne, OTcrfeo in fie iDc toitb coulD of ^ICtinters nigbtes. QnD fomc(no Doubt)flh:ibcn toitb tJ;cao of liaiue Wi ban tbt? is ones p;oclapmeD,it l^ail mabe %^t CaptaincB to mtdrufte tbe multituoe Mbofe fafette btdoes tbem to betrape tbeir beaoi 9nD fo mucbe mo;e bpcaufc tbe rafcall routes* 3n twinges of great ano pertllonsattemptes. are ncuer trutlie to tbe noble race. 2nb tobile toe trcate f fcanoe on tcrmcs of grace» Mle (^al botb fiafe tbeir furtcs rage tbe tobtle, AnDebe gaine time^tubofe onelp belpe futftcetb tOlitbouten toarre to banqui^l^e Uebelles poUiee 3ltitbemeanetobile,maherou in reopnee ^ucbe banbe of !^o;remen as pe mape p;iepare* l^o;remen(pou hnotD)are not tbtComonittrlgt^ S5ut are tbe fo;^ce anb itoae of noble men ]iai)(tbs tbe tncbofen ano t)narmeb fo;te ®f nifllftl^e ttcbelle«,lDl)omc none otfter pofoei 13ur nomb;c mabw to be of D;eaOfpll fo;ce taitl) fotjcpnc bzunrma^e^quicbelp bt opp^eff^ SlnD if ttjis gentle mcane of pjoflFereD grace y XMitl) ftubbo;ne batteB cannot fo farre auadt ns to airtDage tbeic eef^erate courages* ICOan 003 iDtfil^erucbe Qaugbter to bemaj^s' S^& p;errnt age ano ebe pofterttte £(^ape he aoaao tottb borrour of reuenge, SCtiat tuai? tban Qiali on tbefe rebelles fattt %^i^ tdmp tloaoe0 tbe fame of mme oDuife. j^e^tber this cafe abmitteg Debate at large^ l^nt) tbougt) tt Dto:tbi0 fpeacbe tbat batb ben faftii l^atb iuelab;tDgeD tb^taie ) iDOulobAtie tolot; jfullietDitb £/;u %v iLo^De0 tban let t0 paefentKe Departs janDfolotDetbi0tbatlpbetbt30rolDell. > Fergus* ^ )f euet tfme ta gafne a MngDome bete tZdereofifteD man, notue it (0 offreDmee: HDbe ilealme i0 reft botbe of tbeic bpngi ^uetli 2Dbe offpjinge of tbe ^iitxtt ia flaine ano beao j^oiiTue nouie cematnes.tbe l|^etce bnbnoUieiY> fiSbe people are in Atmte anD mutpniee £:be i^oble0 cbet are bufteD boU>e to ceafe SCbefe ^mt i^ei^^iuoiv tunmtteii on^t^p^^arf of (SojtboDiic^ flntj BrfVr^yfjfiianDenoUjeDffcrtclcfe alone 2mpD tljcfc b wlcs bnccrtaine loljcrc to rctt flD(fct0l)cr fclfctnto tbat noble Uarte flSbat topU'o; dkc purfuc to beacc ijec CcoUjiic.* feball 3 tbat am tt)c 3>ufee of ^Iktnyc DifcenDcofrom tbat tpnc of noble blooDc, tnbicbebatb Co longe fl(D;(ira)eD m U)oatbte fame £Df baUaunt t)acte0,rucbea0ai noble ll5;caftd £)f ctgbt (^ulDe tett aboue tbe bafcr fo :te> Kefuretoaoa0iituceltefetotD:nneaCrolonet tmbomeq^U 3 fmoe enemies tbat lotll \D(^anDe m facte berein,tf 31 attempte bp acmes SLo feehe tbe fame noloc in tbefe times of hit^iXt SCbefe SDubes potoer can barDlie toell appears ^be people tbat alreote are in armes. ^utif perbappes mp fo:ce be ones tn fielDe Js not mp ttrengtb in poluec aboue t'oc beft £)fall tbefe lio;De8 notoelcfttn Rnttxinc^dmu flno tbougb tbcp ^ulo matcb me id poloer of men ^etboubtfullistbecbaunceof IBattailles iopncD Jf ©ictois of tbe fieloe lue map uepartc, iOnrsis tbe Scepter iban of great Bntuync^ 3rf fldpne amto tbe plame tbis boDp be iPmc enemies pet ^all not Denp me tbts» ^ut tbat 3 Dteb gpupngc tbe noble cbargc SLo ba^aroe life fo: conquetl of a (Trslune* ^o;tbtDttb tberfojc Imll 3 m potte Depart ILo ^ILwye aiiD raifc m idrmour tbere dU polDcr 3 can:anD berc mp fecrete frienbes> HBpfetrftepjactifeO^all follicircCill, SDo feebe to lucunc to me tbe peoples bi^rtcs. \AUtii quint»s^ Scertdfccufteld^ Otouf^ l^olDC arc tl)crc people0bartc0 abafbe tobat bltiiD i^ur(0>tt)ud beaolong cartes tbr/ • . • . ^bat tbougl) fo manp bobes, fo manp roller £)i aunctent tf mc re woe lubat greuou0 p!ague«, iitgbt on tbeCe Uebelles a^e ano tbongbe To ofte £betr eares bauc barD tbetr agee f atbers tell tsaibattudretDaroe tbcfe CraUourstttllrecerue. yeatbougbtbem felueBbaut fcneDepeoeatb and ]5p Uranglingco^o i flaugbtcr of tbe i^m (bloO ffio fucbc airigncD,t?ct can tbep not beluare: j^et can tbep not D^ate tbctr rcbelUouB banoes^ 5l5ut faffnng to fotule treafon to Dtdame %Mtvc tu;ctcbcD mpnDc0,f o^gct tbcir lopall bartr, ^t\Mt all tnietb ano rtfe agatnft tbcir {a^lnce, fl rntbcfuU cafe tbat tborc> lobome Duties bounoe fO^bomc graftcD Lalue bp nature truetb ano fattb IBounoe to p;cfcruc tbeir Coutrep ano tbetr bmg 15o;ne to ocfcnoe tbetr Comon iDcaltb f )d;tnce> (Eucn tbe? fl^nloe gene confcnt tbns to fubuertc ffibe BrittAinc liano,f from tbe toombel^ulo b;fnjf (€) natpue foile)tborc,tbat tuiil ncocs oeftrogc 53no rupnc tbee ano ebe tbcm rclnes tn fine: ^o; lo,U)ben ones tbe Dufec bao offreo C15;ace £)f paroon ftor rtr(tbc multituoe niiflcao 515? trattcroufi frauDc of tbeir bngractcus bcaoes) £)ne fo^te tl^at faluc tbe caungcroud rucceUe JDf ff«bbo;nc ftanorngc in rtbclHoM trtarre S!iiD l^ntoe tbt oiffcrr nee of p;inccg poiDcc fiom beadles nonib;c of tumnltuous routes, tHUfiom comcn Countreics care nuD p;iuatc fcare 5Saugbt to repent tbe terrour of tbeir rage liatoe banDes Dpon tbe Capatines of tbeir banoe^ ^hd b;ougbt tbem bound bnto tbe migbtie S^uUetf 2n Dtber fo^te not trufting pet To taell SCbe truetb of l^ardon 0; miOtaatng mo?e SCbeir oUme offencetbantbattbeicouloconceiae ^acbe b^pe of pardon fo; fo foule mifbcde: £); fo; tbat tbep tbeir Captaines could not vein td^bo fearinge to be pclded,fleaD befo;c7 {btale borne bp fctlence of tbe fecrete nigbty SCbe tbtrdeDnbappie and tinraged fo;ite £Df defpcrate barts, tubo (tatneo in \a;tnces bloo^ ifrom trapterous furour could not be U)(tbo;aiDea )»6p loue,bp latue,bp grace, ne pet bp feare, IBppaoffered lpfe,nepet bp tb^catened ©eatbt Witbminde0bopelesofliefe,d2eadle0of£)eatb^« €arcle0OfConntrep,andaU)eledDf(!!5od: ^toode btnte 1 figbte as j^nries dtd tbem m one Wttb biolent deatb to clofe tbeir tratterous Ipfe: SCbefe all bp potucr'of !p^o;fe»icn tuere opp;cft and U)itb reuenging ftD*o?De narne in tbe fielde, ^) iDUb tbe ttrangling Co:d banged on tbe tries t^lbercpet tbecarrpen Carcafrs do pjocbe SLberruftestbatUebcllesreapcottbeirbpjoanri flndof tbe mnroer of tbcir facrco jB^ince, X3ut loe.U)bcre do app:oc(]e tbe noble j^uheSt ^plut)om tbefe tumults b^ue ben tbus appeafbe. c7?/^w. Clotyn. 7 tbf n^e tie lDo;U)e Id^U tioto at lengt'o betoare 3nD fcacc to put on armed agapnO^ t^etc )3;mce* 31f not: tbeCe trapterous fjactcs tbatDace rebcll net tbent be'aolDe tbe iDtoe ano bugie fieloed ^laitb bloooei boDte fp^eao Ijottb rebelled Qapnes^ fDbe ludie treed clotbeo tuicb co;pred Deab SDbat H^rangleb toUb tbe co;oe oo bange tberln^ 1 nd retoaroe fucbe ad all trmed before ^aue euer iotteo to tboCe tD^etcbeo folhedt Sot tobat meaned be tbat cfimetb bcre fo faff » ^ ilo;bd9ad mtette anb mp (routb botb monl 0nD of nip CoHntrep too^kc ano care in me^ Cbat if tbe fpenopnge of mp b^icatb auaile 2C3 CO tbe deruice tbat mp barte oefired, 31 toonlb not l^unne to imb^icc a pitefent Dedtb^ . ho baue 3 notue in tbat tubcrein 3 tljongbt ^p trauaple mougbt pcrf oucme fpme gooo efifecti ^entreb mp Itefeto b;inge tbefe tpoingedberif, jfr^wi tbemigbtieffiuke of Albany e SdhoUit itti^rmed ano loogctb in tbe ftelbe TOitb tioentie tboufano m^n,bctber bebenoed i^id fpebie marcbe,f mtnod to inuaoe tbe Crolone S)aplpbegatberetb Ihrengtb attt) rp;{eaodab^ooe JCbat to tbid j^ealme no ccrtcme l^eire remainedf SDbat BmuytH iianoe it left Uiitbout a gupoe, £bat bettie j&eepter feebed^fp; nettling eld I5ur 55at tt pjefenie tfje people ano the LanDe tSLWtlit notD rematne as i^tp totttjout a ^tcmt Hoct^a t0 tfpat tDl)tcl)e3| bftue bcreto faioc. 30 tbi^ W fa^tb^anD di^aU fje falfel? t(^us flbnfe tbe tiaontaqe of bnbappte timed:' £) to;etct)eo liattOe,tf bt0 outragtouB patDe, I^U ccaeli ano tntemp;eD toafnlned l^fg oeepe otfTemblinge fbt\j3tn of falfc pi^encc ^boalo once attaine tbe Crolone of Brittxjn lanoe fut bd mp llo;D0,Uiitb tpmelp f o:ce reftft Sbenetoe attempt of tbts our comon foe 30 toe UiralD quentbe tbe f lamc0 of c5men ftce* Cbongb toe rematne loftbonta certain pafnre SCotoelotbettealmto; guioetbe tDano;tngrul( J0et notoe tbe c5men ^otbcr of b0 alU ilDur j^attne ilanDe^our Countrep tbat contttnes ^nr tDtne0,cbtlD;en,ttpnD;eD>our feluesanD all Sbat euer to oj mape be Dtare to man Ci1e0 bntt Us to belpe our fetued ano ber: llet tw atmamrce onrpotDtrs to rcp^cITc SDbt0 gfrotupnge foe of all our ltberttec» Cyvertdrd, ptn let tm fo mp Ilo;bt0 tottb baltte (gtr^t, 2nD p$ (^ (I3oDDe0)fenOc tw tbe tuclcomc tjcatb, %o 0^0 our bloooe m ftelDe anD leauc bs not> 3n lotbtfome life to Icnger out our Iruc0 Cereetbebugtebtapeaof tbefe bnbappcs, 53Cbat notue roll ootonebpon tbt to;imbci) Hanbc QDbm empttt pUici of }5;tncelte gourrnaunce ©»U j?o £0 ccrtavne nnicnoluc Ufcof DoabtUiS itittf x^o cnclclTc ao;mc0 ano luaaof (lu^U tuamt» ClHit pc (inpiio;«)es)dofo agree (n one SHo fauc pourviLpuntrcp fcom tbe titoieiU r((gn( ^no U):qngfullte tifurpeD 'Cituxmit O- l)tmt:)attt)2eaten«cowjucllofpou4ll JZofauc pou;;ccalmc> i tn tya rcalme t^oacfctae^ jProm f9:rc^ne tlj;alDome of fo p;ouDe a \^;tnce, iBucMt bo 31 p;£ife,anD 3 licfcci^e tt)cOo6Dti9> ti^ttt) irappie boitoun to requite it ^9U. ^ut (^ mv llo;iO0) Utt)e noU) t^e l^^aueitf (o;at| li)ati) reft tt5W jU.anDejhe ifltic of tfcir p'jince: ^ttlie of tl)c boop of ottr iarc ^oaerame ilo;ot Ucmatnes no »io . Dnce tbc ^ong kinges bt fiafne ^nr)ortt)c£ttleoftbeDifeenoeD£roUme> v^iKcrte^Dlr tbe Diuerl'e minoes Ofi t^fnUs Cuen of tbe ILearneD Co;te, atiD ni6;etancertatnlpt t^ ill perdall famie aniiafitectiou ocemp; ^ut nio(t4)ncertenl^c Ip^tUl^mbprige.i^^De ^nD hope of Ueignc iuUbo;alo^ fro ront^^ie parUi SCbe Doubtfull ng^t ano>)pefnU Uift to reigne. tZlben ones tbts noble feruUe is atebUueb jFo; luptuyrtc iunoe tbe ^a^ber of pe aU« ^^ben ones re t^ane toitb armeo fo;ee rep;eS9 . £be p;ouDe attempted of tl)i0 ^Ihan^^An ^;|ttcef iCbat tb:eaten5 tb;alDome to p9ur /;^atiue Junoet lSSSi\)tn pe l^all banquii^ere retoarne from ficid€ dnd finoe tbe p;incelpCiate an open p^^i(» %n grebi^ Uitt ano to t^furpin^ poio^rt Eben^tljen (m^lLo]Dc0)if rucr hintirlp care £)f mntittxt l^oriodc'of pour aanrcllourc5, ^f wcfcnt tocal^b anD noblcflTc of T»onc fttjcftcu: j?caoftljelpue0anorafeticpetto come £)f poor oitaceluptKfl, pour cljilDjen ^ pourfclue;^* #iirbt pt fljall Do At ve pour fclucg Ujith tjoloe fli^lje ricapng kntfe from pour olon mothers tbiot^ ^tt Halt pou fauMtto pou,an& pour^ in her 3f pe ftall all tDitb one afcnt fo;bcare £)rte3 to lape \)amc o; take t)nto pour ftluca abe Crolonc bp colour of wKitenoeo rtg^rj !i>; bp tobat other meanc« (oeucr it be SCpIl fird bp comen counfrll of pou all gn ^darltamcnttbe ^cgallDiaocme 3i5e fct hi crrtapne place of goucrnaunce,. 3n toWche pour parliament ano in pour cholft, p^ferre the rfght(mp l],o^efi,)Uitthout rcfpcctt * £)f flrength of fren^ef ,o) loljat fo eucr caufc SChat mapefetfo;iU)aroe ianpothera parte, ^o; rigot ttJtU lall,ano tojongcan not enDurcj^ ; i^ight meane 31 hifi 0; henj,\ipon tuhore namQ Xhe people reft bp meane of ^atioe lpne> £); bp the tJertue of fome fojmer tatoe, Slreaofe maoe their tk(e to aouatince: feuche one {m^ }Lo;l)efi)lct bepoiir cboOn kprt^f: Jtouche one fo bo;m U^tttknpoiu: jliatpuc Hanoe fDucke one p;teferrt,anD in no loifr acmrtttr^ IgDtielKWiie {ob Qrfo;reine goaernauace> CUa lit ^f t f o;rt(ne Cities )?clDe to ^dablfte \Btalibii ^no \otri3 that bart Uibereiottti i?t notoe p^eparf iCtiitf to tJDttl)(tanDe tbe p;oaDe UiuoD^nge foft t:^trt) ttiat fame t)atte(mf ILo2Oe0)bepe out alTi ;annaturall tl);aloome of Ocanngers celgne^ ^e ftttfce )?ou againlt tbe coles of kinoe jiour ^otbec iianoe to terue a fovctint |9;iiiceJ f.ubiilus, CHoe bere tbe enbe of Brutm ropall Hpntt j SUiD loe tbe enttie to tbe tsofull tD;actte $lnt) t)ttet ropne of tbts noble Kealme* :S:t)e ropall hinge^ano ebe bt0 fonnes are nainzl fin Uulat eltei9 tDttbm tbe Uegall ^eate: Cbe mtre,to U)b5 tbt^cepter longs, bnbnoto^rt ^batte ecbefoKe of ^;teme]|d;lnce0potoei: tii^beme bauntagc of i^ottr to^ctcbeo l^ate ^v. rooaine acmes togalne fo rfcbea Kealms ^no to tbe p;oube ano grebie mlnoe at borne Wi bom bllnof Ind to celgne leaoes to afptre; iLoe Hrittdiue iftealme U left an open ^7x21^ Si picfcnt fpoUe bp Conqnelt to enfue^ 'rmuo fcetb not noU)el)otDe manpclCpng mtnoes po feeoe tbeic tboagbt0,l6 bope to ceacb a Uealm >.mQ U)bo IjDtU not bpfo;ce attempt to toinne &o gceat a gatne tbat bope perftoaoes to bao^* Si (tmple colour (bail fo; title feme. Wi bo ininnes tbe i^opal ccol»n toitl toant no xight j^o; fucbe as Gball Dtfpiape bp longe bifcent ;a Ipncall race to p:oue bim felfe a bpnge, 3n t\)t meane tobile tbefe ciupU armeo O^U rvget ano t\)\i$ a tboufanoe miCcbl^fes Dl^allbnfoUtf an^fturref nearefpjear»rtee( S^ BrlttdyneiALntk) ail tii^t anD llalDe Oiall ceafc^anD f^e ttjat bao j^otb^ng to t)af c,to mo;otDe d^all enio^e Sbe (onne Q[all flea tbe (itt ano bnotoe ft notf VSlomtn ano maioe^tbe cruell ^ouloloar^ fbo^d A^ll perfe to oeatb.ano flllte cbtlD^en loe Sbat pi^Ftnge in tbe (treaffS f fieloes are foanbe )5? biolent banoe (ball clofe tbeic Uttec Dai?e* tHUbome (ball tbe ferce ano bUnoie teoulotouc aaeferae to llefe,lDbome (ball be fpate from oeatb Cuen tbou( ^ tii;etcbeo ntotbcr)balf alpae SLboalbalt beboloe tb? Deare ano onclp cbiibr f^Mnt \i tbe ftoejoe tublle be^et fncbe0 tb? b;efEr itoe, gtltlei bloooe (ball tbud ecbe tobere be (beo; fCbtsB (ball tbe toatteo foiU ^eloe f o;tb no fruite 35ut oectb ano famine (bal pofTdTe tbe iianoe. jBCbe CotDne0(balbeconfumeOf b^enttDltb Uvtf jLbe peopleo Cutea (ball toare ie(blate> Slno tbou(jgD Brittdint iiano) iBbllom In renolome Wbtiome in loealtb ano fame (bait tbus be to;ne. SDifmembaeD tbas^ano tbuB be rent in tlsa^ne, SDImiUmffeoano oefaci;0, fpoUeoano oelhrolto: %Wt\iz tbe fnitt^ soar clulll loarres IdU bitng. CMU i^creto ft frcto ft c5mts tobeu \iit\qts toiU not confenf, Co (jrauc aouifcbat foloUi tDilfuU VoplI; 5rbi5 i« the cnT)c. tnbcn in pongc pitiiccsbartef /lattcrp p:cu.irle0,aRD fagc reoe batt) no place: KMt arc tljc plagetf, toljen murDer is the meane £:o maltc nctoc ll^cfresbnto the Uovall Crotune, fflmd hucftc tbr(5oDs, tobr i? the motljewtD^atti ^ou^l)t but ^ blooo of bet otone cbtlo map ftnagt* 5I^berenTircl)tcfe0rp;tngdtDbe Uebel!e0 lotlartfe* £^ U)o;^ reucngc ano tu^ge tbetr {3;^in tbetobife^botoe t^all tf)e HealmebfDfe^/ |^0ino:tben parliament (^oalotKinc lett Wun 8ttOrcrtafne^c(re0appornrteti(otbeCrotrme %o Qm tl)eic title of ettablifOjco tigi)tc; dno plant tbe people in obcotcnce HSUbile ^tt tbe ^;it\tt did line , tcbofe name ant i5p latofuU fecmons ano aucto Ji?tie (polucc ^(gbt mabe a ^^arliamt nt to be of fo;ice, anc migbt baue fet tbe date (n qnict ttape- 5IBut notue(^ bappic man)lnbome fpcDieoeajt^ )S[)ep;iiues of ipfe,ne is enfo;cci) to fee SCbcfc bugtc mifcbtefeB ano tbefe mirerks. SCbefe ctupU loaw ^ tbefe niurbers f tbefc tuaongs iDf 31ullice,t'et mutt Ijuc in f^c rclf o:e Cbm noble Crolonetmo tbe laipfull l^cire: fo; rig^jt IdiU altoapec line) anO rife at lengtbc, ffittt U);onge can neaee taUe oeepe eoote to la(U Cff t)C enDc of tbcICagcDie of Jil^nge Corbiduc, 7 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. RENEWALS ONLY ■ TeL No. 642-3405 UiN2 6 1968 BECPIP 2 7U4PM1 1 -X v^ n t: L^ i:^ 5 V ri u our 9 mo NOV 101990 ^iRGinAT I O N OEPT . (/05/0 o LD 2lA-4.5m-9,'67 (H5067sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY U.C. BERKELEY BDDDb72231 M90489 uOg k THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY