THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES f / \ CatglisJ) tlDopoflrapf)^. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS RELATING TO BY WILLIAM UPCOTT, OF THE LONDON INSTITUTION. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. L " A painfull work it is I'll assure you, aiid more than difficult; wherein what toyle hath been taken, as no man thinketh, so no man beiieveth, but he that hath made the triall." Ant. a Wood's Preface to his His,t. of Oxford. LONDON: PIimXED BY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR. MDCCC XVIII. TO DAWSON TURNER, ESQ. OF YARMOUTH, A.M.F.R.A.&L.S. HONORARY MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY ISTATURiE CURIOSORUM, OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACA- DEMY, OF THE HONORABLE DUBLIN SOCIETY, OF THE NATURAL HISTORY AND WERNERIAN SOCIE- TIES OF EDINBURGH, OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF GOTTINGEN, ETC. Dear Sir, J. HE approbation which you have early testi- Jied in favour of the plan of this Topographical Index prompts me to hope that the hitherto^ vacant niche in that department of English Biblio-^ graphy may thus be usefully filled for the assist- ance of Collectors of County History ; by whom should these volumes be favourably received, I shall still consider the work much indebted for 7G6260 DEDICATION. such Qpprohation to your friendly advice and cheering encouragement. In thus availing myself of the sanction of your name, and in returning thanks for a per^ mission so flattering to my self-esteem, I cannot be unmindful of the high gratification that must always result from an acquaintance and social in- tercourse with one whose botanical and antiqua- rian researches and scientific collections, joined to the taste and urbanity of his amiable and accom- plished family, render his home a constant scene of literary and domestic happiness. With sentiments of the most grateful friend- ship 1 subscribe myself. Dear Sir, Your very obliged and faithful humble servant, WILLIAM UFCOTT. London Institution, January 1, 1818. PREFACE. Favoured, as the Editor has been, vidth a patronage so early and so extended as to have exhausted his sub- scription list long before the body of the work was even ready for the press, it becomes totally unnecessary for him to expatiate on the merits of a plan thus highly sanctioned ; yet on sending it forth to public criticism, he feels impelled, by gratitude and propriety, to offer a few observations respecting its original intent and subse- quent progress. Utility was his first and principal ob- ject : added to which a partiality for topographical pur- suits had grown up with his professional avocations, and led him, on his appointment to the London Institu- tion, to examine and analyse the valuable collection beloncrina to that establishment. For his own information, as opportunity offered, he collated every volume of English Topography, committing such notices to paper; and at the request of a few friends, who conceived that such information might be of service to the Bibliographer, he was induced to ex- tend his plan, and prepare it for publication. Independently of the consideration that such a work would usefully fill up a vacant niche in English Biblio- graphy, he felt confident that the novelty of the plan, 11 PREFACE. being devoted altogether to the Local History of En- gland, would secure to it a due share of public patro- nage; and he feared not a deficiency of materials, since even in the late Mr. Gough's time England possessed a greater number of topographical writings than any other country, whose authors, as that indefatigable antiquary has justly observed, confined themselves principally to historical investigations instead of topographical descrip- tion. Whilst speaking of IMr. Gough, the Editor wishes to add his mite of praise towards the valuable work en- titled "British Topography," which he has not thevanity to suppose this collection can possibly supersede; but it is nevertheless proper to observe that, in general, in that very useful book "the title-pages only are given. Besides, at the period of that publication there were nine counties which remained unnoticed by the antiquary ; for eight others, collections had been formed, but were not then prepared for the press*: so that even a mere con- tinuation of his work could not fail to be interesting, and was indeed an object of general desire amongst topo- graphic bibliographers. But, since that period, many valuable works have been added to this very interesting division of English literq,- ture ; whilst others are now in course of publication, including Cheshire, Durham, IlertJ'ordshire, Noi^th- amptonshire, Sussex, and Yorkshire : still it is matter of regret that, with the exception of the General County Topography now so ably undertaken by the Messrs. Ly- sons, no historian has yet stej)ped forward to delineate * British Topog. vol. i. Preface, p. x, PREFACE, iii and preserve the records of Bedfordshire, Bucldngham.' shire, Cambridgeshire, Dcrbi/shire, Hnntingdoushire, Liticolnshirc, Middlese.r, O.vfordshire, Shropshire, and Suffolk ; a dellciency which cannot fail to strike the eye of the reader on reference to the succeeding pages. Since Mr. Gough wrote, also, very striking improve- ments have been made not only in the typographical department, but likewise in graphic illustration and em- bellishment ; circumstances that render a work of refe- rential collation indispensably necessary. Of these im- portant improvements, the most convincing proofs will be found in Ormerod's History of Cheshire, Surtees' History of Durham, Clutterbuck's History of Hert- fordshire, WniTi^ ker's enlarged edition of Thoresby's History of Leeds and its Vicinity, Sir Henky EntglE- pield's Isle of Wight, Dallawa y's History of Sussea^, Sir Richard Colt Hoare's Ancient Wiltshire, &c. The Editor presumes further to observe, that in these volumes the notices of some books will be found that are of very considerable rarity, and of which no collation has hitherto been given. To enumerate even the prin- cipal of these would go beyond the limits of a preface : it is sufficient to mention Halsted's Genealogies, Hals's History of Cormvall, Collections concerning the Manor of Marden, Schola Thamensis, and the Biblio- theca Topographica Britannica, It may also be permitted him to advert to the Cata- logue of General Topography prefixed to the tirst vo- lume, arranged under its various heads, otlering not only a ready reference to the collector, a guide to the 'IV PllEFACE. formation of that division of a library, and a scale by ■w hich its merits may be fairly tried ; but also serving as a Chronological History of the progress of English topography, and of the principal works on subjects con- nected with it. This feature, from its comprehensive- ness and mode of arrangement, will, the Editor trusts, be found useful as a ready source of reference. Even whilst stating these points of utility in the ex- tended plan of this publication, the Editor is fully sen- sible of his imperfections, and he is aware that in the execution of such a compilation, many errors must have occurred : but as the motto very aptly expresses the ar- duous labour and difficulty of such an undertaking, he trusts to the candour of his patrons and friends, and in- dulges in the hope not only that great allowances will be made, but that corrections will be offered him for which he shall be ever grateful. His endeavour certainly has been to render these vo- lumes as free from faults as circumstances would admit of; — he has trusted to himself alone : — but in extenua- tion of errors that may have crept in, he begs to state that his labours have required a close and specific exa- mination of more than fifteen hundred publications of va- rious sizes ; whilst in numerous instances several copies of each have been collated and compared, in order to ensure every possible accuracy and correctness ; in the course of which he has been obliged to investigate and examine the great public, and some of the most valuable private libraries in the kingdom. On the subject in general it is only necessary for him PREFACE. V to refer to the work itself, where, on turning to Nichols's History of Leicestershire and the Bibliotheca Topogra- phica Britanniccty it will be found that nearly one hun- dred pages have been occupied in giving an account of these two extensive productions alone : to say nothing of the multifarious research dedicated to the metropolis, extending to upwards oi three hundred pages ; or of the time and labour required to ascertain what books have been printed on large paper, — an inquiry which cannot fail to render these volumes useful to collectors of those expensive rarities. The Editor wishes further to observe, that the im- pression is limited to Two Hundred and Fifty co- pies, Fifty of which are on Large Paper ; and that, should the present undertaking meet with a favourable reception, it is his intention to continue the work by publishing a similar one, specifically embracing the to- pography of WALES, Scotland, and Ireland^ and the Smaller British Islands, for which he now solicits communications, and also the names of those who may be disposed to favour him with their countenance and encouragement. Nothing now remains but to return his sincere and grateful thanks to the friends and patrons whose kind- ness has smoothed many of his difficulties in pursuit of information : but where an uniform readiness to com- municate that information has been displayed by a free access to various private collections, it is almost invi- dious to particularize individuals ; — still the Editor feels himself especially called upon to express his respectful ^I PREFACE. gratitude to a few, without whose prompt and efficacious assistance the work must have been more incomplete. To the Rev. B. Bandinel, late Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Bodleian Librarian, he owes his best thanks, for allowing him an unrestricted reference to the late Mr. Gough's very valuable and most extensive Topo- graphical Collection bequeathed to that establishment. To Samuel Lysons, Esq. F.R.S. Keeper of His Ma- jesty's Records in the Tower of London, he is indebted for an inspection of that almost unique but imperfect History of Cornwall by Hals, in addition to other works of considerable rarity. The Surrey division has been much emiched by the ready access, so obligingly granted, to the extensive and well-arranged collections made for that county by his much valued friends William Bray, Esq. Fellow and Treasurer of the Soripty of Antiquaries, and Arthur Ty- ton, Esq. F.L.S., of Wimbledon, to whom the Editor is anxious to express his obligations : also to John Bel- lamy Plowman, Esq. of the same place, for a like mea- sure of kindness and attention, claiming his sincere and grateful acknowledgements. To John Milner, Esq. of Southcot House, near Read- ing, his best thanks are due for a long established friend- ship, and the most ready facilities atlbrded during an in- vestigation of his fine collection of rare books, rich in Voy- ages and Travels, and unrivalled on the subject of Angling, a pursuit so practically connected with Topography. To John Britton, F.S.A. the Editor owes much for a general examination of his valuable libraiy, but in a PREPACE. \ll more especial manner for some very interesting infor- mation respecting Wiltshire. He also most cheerfully adds acknowledgements to his friend JVIr. Richard Baker of St. Paul's Churchyard, for the use of his interesting collection of Tracts respecting that Cathedral, as well as other publications of rare occurrence. The Editor's obUgations ought to carry him further : but he must here conclude ; not omitting, however, the name of Mr. John Bowyer Nichols, whose ready infor- mation was at all times most useful in his researches, and "whose oblidnw loan of various valuable works often fa- cilitated the most difficult of his labours. To these, to his subscribers, and to all his other obliging friends, he now respectfully offers a grateful Farewell ! a* ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page fi, line 15, for Folds read FiUo. Page 6, line 17, for Part F. read Part VI. Page 38, dele the whole of line 7. Page 4S, lines, insert "by the late Rev. Joseph Kilner." Page 63, Hue 15, add " The same plate as in Dugdale's Monasticon." Page 121, line 15, for Lenercosl Priory read Lanercost Prinry, Page 156, line 19, after the date 1584, add" iiiQaarlo, Mack leUer.'" Page 195, at the end of Art. TV. insert " fVilh a folded Map of Dorselshire, pre fxed." Page 21 1, line 2, for the read its, and dele " cf Durham Cathedral." Page 288, line 12, after Qua'to, add (1798)- Page 295, dele tine 7, and insert the following Article kindly communicated by William Simonds Hisgs, Esq. of Kensington, F.S.A. "A Sketch of the Historyot'Holj' Ghnst Chapel, at Basingstoke, in Hamp- shire : comprehending an Account of another religious House, founded at the same Place by King Henry HI.; and some other curious Antiquities: with biographical Notices of some eminent Natives of Basingstoke. To which is added, The Ruins of a Temple, a Poem. (By J. Jefferson, a dissenting Minister at Basingstoke.) The Second Editiok, improved and enlarged. Basingstoke: Printed and sold by J. Lucas, 1808. Octavo, 36 pages. — With a View of the Chapel drawn by Terrell." Page 328, line 21, for Dr. Covey read The Rev. Dr. Cove. Page 334, line 34, dele which he. Page 336, line 4 from bottom, for Nj. 22 read No. 21, Page 350, line 7 from bottom, after Kent, add " which is not in the Edition of 1576." Page 403, The quotation from Pierce Plowman's Crede should have been thus given: (Cftan 51 muntc mc foitft, tTjc .Hlpnttre to Tuxolucn, ?Ctiti atoa^tcD a toocn, UionDcrIn vucH vtiilD, iOitlj arcf)C0' on cticricft baif, antJ btiii'chc ncorncn JDitb crocI)ClcjS on corncrcj/, UJitl; hnottcu of ooliJ. JDiribc wpnbotticsjf pujioii0f)t, puiipten fu( tftifeftc, ;§)ftpncn iaitf) fljapcn HjclOcs. Page 577, after the last line, add " There are large Paper Copies o{ this Pub- lication." Page 590, line 24, add, hy James Brown. Page 593, line 7, after 1651, add and 1675. Page 745, at the end of Art. 13, line 6, insert " There are large Paper Copies." Page 976, after line 6, add <• Part I. 24 pages and Errata. Part H. 24 pages." Page 980, line 6 from bottom, for Thornhogh read Jhornhaugh. Page 980, Jinc 4 from bottom, after Octavo, add " 40 pages including the Title." Page 1074, lino 26, for Patron read Patro7is. Page 1 191), line 7, for Duodecimo read Octavo, 66 pages. Page 1218, after Plate 2, insert •' 2*, Lambeth Palace, published by J.Edwards, January 1, WJS- p. 15." Page 1226, line 21, for IVdlon read fFetlon. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. CATALOGUES OF TOPOGRAPHY. The English Topographer; or, An Historical Account (as far as can be collected from printed Books and Manuscripts) of all the Pieces that have been written relating to the Antiquities, Natural History, or Topographical Description of any Part of England. Alphabetically digested, and illustrated with the Draughts of several very curious old Seals, exactly engraven from their respective Originals. By an impartial Hand. (Dr. Rawlinson.) Octavo. Lond. 1720. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this volume. Billiolheca Topographica AngUcana : A Catalogue of Books on English Topography, by Jo. Worrall. Duodecimo. Lond. 17^6. British Topography : or an Historical Account of what has been done for illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. In Two Volumes. By Richard Gough, Esq. With Plates. Quarto. Lond. 1780. Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topography, and Saxon and Northern Literature, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library in the Year 1799, by Richard Gough, Esq. F.S.A. Quarto. Oxford, 1814. Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Topography of England, Wales, Scotland, Leland. By Sir Richard Colx HoARE, Bart. Compiled from his Library at Stourhead, Wilt- shire, Octavo. London : Printed by W. Buhner and Co. 1815. *^* The impression of this valuable work is restricted to Twenty-five. Lives of Topographers and Antiquaries who have written concern- ing the Antiquities of England, with (Twenty-six) Portraits of the Authors, and a complete List of their WorkS; so far as they relate to the Topography of this Kingdom ; together with a List of Portraits, Monuments, Views, and other Prints contained in each Work ; with Remarks that may enable the Collector to know when the Works are complete. By J. P. Malcolm, Esq. F.S.A. Quarto. Lond. 1815. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this volume. INDICES VILLARES, GAZETTEERS, ETC. The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine ; presenting an exact PART 1. b X GEJv^ERAL TOPOGIlAPHr. Geography of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the lies adioyning ; with the Shires. Hundreds, Cities, and Shire- Townes within the Kingdome of England, divided and described by John' Speed. Folio. Lond. 1611, or 1650. VMare Aiigiicum; or, A View of the Towns of England. Collected by the "Appointment of Sir Henry Spelman, Knt. Quarto, Lond 1656 or 1678. %* Inserted in Gibson's Edition of Spelman's English Works, A Book of the Names of all the Parishes, Market Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and smallest Places in England and Wales, alphabeti- cally set down as they be in every Shire ; with the Names of the Hundreds in which they are, and how many Towns there are in every Hundred; with Maps of the Counties, by Jacob Van Laugeken. Small quarto. Lond. 1657; republished in 1668. Index Fillaris: or. An Exact Register, alphabetically. digested, of all the Cities, Market Towns, Parishes, Villages, tlie Hundred, Lath, Rape, Ward, Wapentake, or other Division of each County; the Bishopricks, Deaneries, Churches, Chappels, Hospitals, witli, the Rectories and Vicarages in England and Wales, and their re- spective Valuations in the King's Books. The private Seats of the King, Nobility, and Gentry, &c. By John Adams, of the Inner Temple. The Third Edition ; with a Map. Folio. 1700. Dicllonarium Jnglice Topographicum et Historicum .• An Alphabe- tical Description of the chief Places in England and Wales ; with an Account of the most memorable Events which have distin- guish'd them. By the celebrated Antiquary William Lam- barde, formerly of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. and Author of " The Per- ambulation of Kent." Now first publish'd from a Manuscript vmder the Author's own Hand. Portrait by Vtrtue. Quarto, Lond. 1730: %* There are Large Paper copies of this work. England's Gazetteer : or an accurate Description of all the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom, with an Index Fillaris. In Three Volumes. By Stephen VVhatley. Duodecimo. Lond. 1 750-5 L Enfrland's Gazetteer: By Philip Luckombe. Three Volumes. Duodecimo, Lond. 1790. An Account of the several Cities and Market Towns in England and Wales ; describing the Antiquities, Curiosities, and Manu- facture carried on at each Place, the Days that the Markets are kept on, the Number of Parliament Men sent from each City, &c., and the computed and measured Miles from London, alpha- betically digested. Octavo. London : Printed for S. Bladon. A New Index ViUaris for England and Wales, Quarto. Lond, 1804. A Topographical Dictionary of England ; exhibiting the Names of GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Xi llie several Cities, Towns, Parishes, Tythings, Townships, and Hamlets, with the County and Division of the County to which they respectively belong. The Valuation and Patrons of Eccle- siastical Benefices, and the tutelary Saint of each Church •. the resident Population, according to the Returns made to Parlia- ment in 1801, &c. &c. Collected from the most authentic Do- cuments, and arranged in alphabetical Order. In Two Volumes. By Nicholas Carlisle, Fellow and Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Quarto, Lond. 1808. Gazetteer of England and Wales ; containing the Statistics, Agri- culture, and Mineralogy of the Counties ; the History, Antiqui- ties, Curiosities, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, Fairs, Mar- kets, Charitable and other Institutions ; Population and Elective Franchises of the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs ; including a com- plete Iftdex FiUaris, with the Bearings and Distance of each Vil- lage and Mansion from the nearest Market Town. Illustrated by Two large Maps, descriptive of the Roads and inland Navi- gation. By Thomas Potts. Octavo. Lond. 1810. A Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom ; compiled from Parliamentary and other authentic Documents and Autho- rities ; containing Geographical, Topographical, and Statistical Accounts of every District, Object, and Place in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and the various small Islands dependant on the British Empire.i Accompanied by Forty-six Maps drawn purposely for this Work on an original Plan. By Bemjamin Pitts Capper, Esq. Octavo. Lond. 1813. English Topography : or a Series of Historical and Statistical De- scriptions of the several Counties of England and Wales ; ac- companied by a Map of each County. By the Author of Histo- rical and Descriptive Delineations of London and Westminster ; the Counties of Salop, Stafford, Somerset, &c. (The Rev. J. Nightingale.) Quarto. Lond. 1816. ROMAN GEOGRAPHY OF BRITAIN. Antonini Iter Britanniarum Commentariis illustratum ThomaeGale, S.T.P. nuper Decani Ebor Opus posthumum. Revisit, auxit, edidit R. G(ale). Accessit Anonymi Ravennatis Britanniae Cho- rographia. cum Autographo Regis Galliae Ms", et Codice Vati- cano coUata : adjiciuntur Conjecturae plurimse, cum Nominibus Locoruin Angiitis, quotquot lis assignari potuerint. Quarto. Londini, 1709. Vetera Romanorum Itineraria, sive Antonini Augusti Itinerarium, cum integris Jos. Simleri, Hieron. SuritBe, et And. Schotti Notis. Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum : et Hieroclis Grammatici Synecdemus; curante Petro Wesselingio, qui etsuas addidit Ad- notationes. Quarto. Amstel. 1735. A Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary, or Journics of the Ro- mane Empire, so far ai it concerneth Britahi. By William KH GENEKAL TOrCGEAniY. Burton, Batchelor of Lawes. With a Chorographlcall Map of the severall Stations ; and Indexes to the whole Work. Portrait and Map hy Hollar. Folio. Lond. 1658. Iter Britanniarum ; or that part of the Itinerary of Antoninus which relates to Britain, with a new Comment by the Rev. Thomas Reynolds, A.M. Rector of Bowden Parva, Northamptonshire. Two Maps. Quarto. London, 1799. An Account of Richard of Cirencester, INIonk of Westminster, and of his Works ; with his antient Map of Roman Bri'ttain, and the Itinerary thereof. Read at the Antio,uarian Society, March 1 8th, 1756. By William Stukeley, M-D. Rector of St. George, Queen Square. Quarto. London, 1757. The Description of Britain : translated from Richard of Ciren- cester; with tlie original Treatise de Situ Brilannice, and a Coni- mentary on the Itinerary. Illustrated with Two Maps, and a Fac-t.imile of the MS. of Richard of Cirencester. Octavo. Lond. 1809. %* There are Large Paper copies of this volume. Britannia Romana; or The Roman Antiquities in Britain; viz. Coins, Camps, and Publick Roads. By John Pointer, M.A. Chap- lain of Mcrton College in Oxford, and Rector of Slapton in Northamptonshire. Octavo. Oxford, 1721?. A Survey of the Roman Antiquities in some of the Midland Coun- ties of England. By N. Salmon. Octavo. Lond. 1726. Roman Stations in Britain, according to the Imperial Itinerary, upon the Wathng Street, Ermine Street, Ikening or Fia ad Icianos, so far as any of these Roads lead through the following Counties : Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bed- fordshire, Middlesex. By N. Salmon. Octavo. Lond. 1726. Britannia Romana : or. The Roman Antiquities of Britain, in Three Books. To which are added a Chronological Table, and Indexes to the Inscriptions and Sculptures, after the manner of (iruter and Reinesius: also Geographical Indexes both of the Latin and English Names of the Roman Places in Britain, a;)d a General Index to the Work. 1'ho whole illustrated with above an hun- dred Copper-plates. By John Hoksley, M.A. and F.R S. Folio. London, 1732. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this work. — An Analy- sis and List of Plates contained in the Volume is given in " Sa- vages Librarian" vol. i. The Military Antiquities of the Romans in North Britain, and par- ticularly their ancient System of Castramctation, illustrated from Vestiges of the Camps of Agricola existing there; hence his March from South into North Britain is in some degree traced : comprehending also a Treatise, wherein the ancient Geography of that part of the Island is rectified chiefly by the Lights fur- nished by Richard of Cirencester ; together witli a Des criptio GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XllI of the Wall of Antoninus Pius, commonly called Grime's Dyke. To which is added an Appendix, containing detached Pieces ; the whole being accompanied with Maps of the Country, and Plans of the Camps and Stations, By the late William Roy, F.R.S. F.S.A. Major-General of His Majesty's Forces, Deputy Quarter-master-general, and Colonel of the Thirtieth Regiment of Foot. Published by the Order and at the Expense of the So- ciety of Antiquaries, London. Folio. London, 1793. Britannicarum Gentium Historise Antiquse Scriptores Tres : Ricar- dus Corinensis,Gildas Badonicus, Nennius Banchorensis. Recen- suit Notisque et Indice auxit Carolus Bertramus, Societatis An- tiquorum Londinensis Socius, &c. Octavo. Havnise, impensis Editoris, 1757. With a Frontispiece and folded Map, dedicated to Dr. Stukeley, drawn and engraved by the Editor, entituled *' Mappa Britanniae Faciei Romanse secundum fidem Monumen- torum perveterum depicta." Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive Syllabus Etymologl- cus Antiquitatum Veteris Britanniaj atque Iberniae, temporibus Romanoruni. Auctore Willielmo Baxter, Cornavio, Scholae Merciariorum Praefecto. Accedunt Viri CI. D. Edvardi Luidii, Ci- meliarchae Ashmol. Oxon. de Fluviorum, Montium, Urbium, &c. in Britannia Nominibus, Adversaria Posthunia. Editio Sccunda. Portrait hj G. Verlue. Octavo. Lond. 1733. PUBLIC RECORDS. A short Account of some Particulars concerning Domcsday-Book, with a view to promote its being published. By a Member of the Society of Antiquaries of London. (P. C. Webh.) Quarto^ London, 1756. A Short Account of Danegcld ; witli some further Particulars re- lating to William the Conqueror's Survey. (By P. C Webb.) Quarto. Lond. 1756. Domesday Book: — seu Liber Censualis Willelmi Priini Regis An- gliae inter Archlvos Regni in Domo Capitular! Westmonasterii asservatus. ( The Survey of England, made by Order of K. IFil- liam I. in 108Q-1086.) Two Volumes. Folio. Londini, 178S. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Additamcnta ex Codic. An- tiquiss. Exon' Domesday. Inquisitio Eliensis. Liber Winlion'. BoldonBook. Folio. 1816. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Indice?. Accessit Disffer- tatio Generalis de Ratione hujusce Libri. Folio. 1816. Domesday Book has been translated by the late Rev. William Bawdvv-en*, B.A. Vicar of Hooton Pagnell, and Curate of Frickley-cum-Clayton, Co. York ; and Two Volumes were pub- lished in his Life-time in Quarto.— Vol. I. (1809) containing the County of York, Amounderness Lonsdale and Furness in Lan- cashire, and such Parts of Westmorelan d and Cumberland as are * He died Sept. 14, 18 Id, Jtii GENEKAL TOPCGEAniY. Burton, Batchelor of Lawes. With a Chorographicall Map of the severall Stations ; and Indexes to the whole Work. Portrait and Map by Hollar. Folio. Lond. 1658. Iter Brilanniarum ; or that part of the Itinerary of Antoninus which relates to Britain, with a new Comment by the Rev. Thomas Reynolds, A.M. Rector of Bowden Parva, Northamptonshire. Two Maps. Quarto. London, 1799. An Account of Richard of Cirencester, IMonk of Westminster, and of his Works; with his antient Map of Roman Brittain, and the Itinerary thereof. Read at the AntiojUarian Society, March 1 8th, 1756. By William Stukeley, M-D. Rector of St. George, Queen Square. Quarto. London, 1757. The Description of Britain : translated from Richard of Ciren- cester; with the original Treatise dc Situ Brilannice, and a Com- mentary on the Itinerary. Illustrated with Two IMaps, and a Fac-siniile of the MS. of Richard of Cirencester, Octavo. Lond. 1809. %* There are Large Paper copies of this A'olume. Britannia Romana; or The Roman Antiquities in Britain; viz. Coins, Camps, and Publick Roads. By John Potntkr, M.A. Chap- lain of Merton College in Oxford, and Rector of Slapton in Northamptonshire. Octavo. Oxford, HSi. A Survey of the Roman Antiquities in some of the Midland Couu- ties of England. By N. Salmon. Octavo. Lond. 1726. Roman Stations in Britain, according to the Imperial Itinerary, upon the Watling Street, Ermine Street, Ikening or l^ia ad Icianos, so far as any of tliese Roads lead through the following Counties : Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bed- fordshire, Middlesex. By N. Salmon. Octavo. Lond. 1726. Britannia Rnmana : or. The Roman Antiquities of Britain, in Three Books. To which are added a Chronological Table, and Indexes to the Inscriptions and Sculptures, after the manner of Grutcr and Reinesius: also Geographical Indexes both of the Latin and English Names of the Roman Places in Britain, and a General Index to the Work. The whole illustrated with above an hun- dred Copper-plates. By John Housley, M.A. and E.R S. folio. London, 1732. *^* There are Large Pater copies of this work. — An Analy- sis and List of Plates contained in the Volume is given in " Su' vages Librarian" vol. i. The Military Antiquities of the Romans In North Britain, and par- ticularly their ancient System of Castramctation, illustrated from Vestiges of the Camps of Agricola existing there ; hence his March from South into North Britain is in some degree traced: comprehending also a Treatise, wherein tl)c ancient (Geography of that part oi" the Island is rectified chiefly by the Lights fur- nished by Richard of Cirencester : together witli a Des triptio • •4 GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XllI of tlie Wall of Antoninus Pius, commonly called Grime's Dyke, To which is added an Appendix, containing detached Pieces ; the whole being accompanied with Maps of the Country, and Plans of the Camps and Stations. By the late William Roy, F.R.S. F.S.A. Major-General of His Majesty's Forces, Deputy Quarter-master-general, and Colonel of the Thirtieth Regiment of Foot. Published by the Order and at the Expense of the So- ciety of Antiquaries, London. Folio. London, 1793. Britannicarum Gentium Historiee Antiquee Scriptores Tres : Ricar- dus CorinensIs,GIldas Badonlcus, Nennius Banchorensis. Recen- sult Notlsque et Indice auxit Carolus Bertramus, Societatis An- tiquorum Londlnensis Soclus, &c. Octavo. Havnlse, impensis Editorls, 1757. With a Frontispiece and folded Map, dedicated to Dr, Stukeiey, drawn and engraved by the Editor, entituled " Mappa Britanniae Faciei Romanae secundum fidem Monumen- torum perveterum depicta." Glossariura Antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive Syllabus Etymologi- cus Antiquitatum Veteris Britannlce atque Ibernlae, temporibus Romanorum. Auctore Willielmo Baxter, Cornavio, Scholse Merciariorum Praefecto. Accedunt Viri CI. D. Edvardi Luidii, Ci- mellarchae Ashmol. Oxon, de Fluvlorum, Montium, Urbium, &c. in Britannia Nominlbus, Adversaria Posthunia. Editio Secunda. Portrait by G. Vertue. Octavo. Lond. 1733. PUBLIC RECORDS. A short Account of some Particulars concerning Domesday-Book, with a view to promote its being published. By a Member of the Society of Antiquaries of London. (P. C. Webb.) Quarto^ London, 1756. A Short Account of Danegcld ; witli some further Particulars re- lating to William the Conqueror's Survey. (By P. C. Webb.) Quarto. Lond. 1756. Domesday Book: — seu Liber Censualis Willelml Primi Regis An- gliae inter Archivos Regni In Domo Capitularl Westmonasterii asservatus. ( The Survey of England, made by Order of K. TFil- liam I. in lOSO-1086.) Two Volumes. Folio. Londini, 17BS. LIbri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Additamcnta ex Codic. An- tiquiss. Exon' Domesday. Inqulsltio Eliensis. Liber Winion'. Boldon Book. Folio. 1816. LIbri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Indices. Accessit DIsSTer- tatio Generalls de Ratione hujusce LIbri. Folio. 1816. Domesday Book has been translated by the late Rev. William Bavvdvven*, B.A. Vicar of Hooton Pagnell, and Curate of Frickley-cum-Clayton, Co. York ; and Two Volumes were pub- lished in his Life-time in Quarto.— Vol. I. (1809) containingthe County of York, Amounderness Lonsdale and Furness in Lan- cashire, and such Parts of Westmoreland and Cum berland as ave * lie died Sept. 14, 18 Id. XIV GENERAL TOPOGRAPMYi contained in the Survey : also the Counties of Derby, Notting-^ ham, Rutland, and Lincoln ; with an Introduction, Glossary, and Indexes Vol. IL (1812) containing the Counties of MiddJesfex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Gloucester. Domesday-Book illustrated ; containing an Account of tha:t antlent Record ; as also of the Tenants in Capite or Serjeanty therein mentioned ; and a Translation of the difficult Passages, with oc- casional Notes ; an Explanation of the Terms, Abbi'eviations, and Names of Foreign Abbies ; and an alphabetical Table of the Tenants in Capite or Serjeanty in the several Counties contained in that Survey. By Robert Kelham, of Lincoln's Inn, Authoir of the Norman Dictionary. Octavo. Lond. 1788. Formulure Anglicanum ; or, A Collection of ancient Charters and Instruments of divers Kinds, taken from the Originals, placed under several Heads, and deduced (in a Series according to the Order of Time) from the Norman Conquest to the End of the Reign of King Henry VIII. (By Thomas Madox, Esq.) Folio. Lond. 1702. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this volume. Sir Robert Cotton's Abridgment of the Records ( Rolls of Parlia- ment) in the Tower of London, from the Reign of K. Ed- ward II. unto K. Richard III., of all Parliaments holden in each King's Reign, &c. published by W. Prynne. Folio. Lond. 1657 or 1679, the last being only a reprinted Title-page. Calendars of the ancient Charters, &c. and of the Welch and Sco- tish Rolls, now remaining in the Tower of London ; as also Ca- lendars of ail the Treaties of Peace, &c. entered into by the Kings of England with those of Scotland ; and of sundry Let- ters and public Instruments relating to that Kingdom, now in the Chapter-House at Westminster : Together with Catalogues of the Records brought to Berwick from the Royal Treasury at Edinburgh, of such as were transmitted to the Exchequer at Vv^estminster, and of those which were removed to different Parts of Scotland by Order of King Edward I. &c. To which are added Memoranda concerning the Affairs of Ireland, extracted from the Tower Records. To the whole is prefixed an Intro- duction, giving some Account of the State of the Public Re- cords, from the Conquest to the present Time. ( By Sir Jos. Ayloffe.) Quarto. Lond. 1772. An Index to the Records, with Directions to the several Places where they are to be found ; with a List of the Latin Sir-names and Names of Places, as they are written in the old Records, explained by the modern Names ; with a Chronological Table of the Kings Reigns and Parliaments, &c. by Strachey. Oclavo. 1739. Index to Records called the Originalia and Memoranda, on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Side of the Exchequer ; ex- tracted from the Records, and from the MSS. of Mr. Tayleure, GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XV Mr. Madox, and Mr. Chapman, formerly Officers in that Office, containing all the Grants of Abbey Lands and other Property' granted by the Crown, from the Beginning of tiie Reign of Henry VllI, to the End of Queen Anne : also Inrolhnents of Charters, Grants, and Patents to several Religions Houses ; and to Cities, Boroughs, Towns, Companies, Colleges, apd other Pub- lic Institutions, from the earliest Period, &c. By Edward Jones, Inner TempJe. In 'J^vo Volumes. Fo/io. Lond. 1793-95. Jleports from the Select Committee appointed to enquire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom ; with an Analysis of the principal Matters in the various Records, Rolls, Instru- ments, &c. preserved in the several Public Repositories. Folio Lond. 1800. Commissions and Abstract of Annual Reports of the Commis- sioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom ; with a State- ment of tlie Measures executed, or now in Progress under the Authority thereof. Fo/io Lond. 1806. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Tun i Londinensi. Folio. 1802. Taxatio Lcclesiastica Angliae et Walliae, anctoritate P. Nicholai IV. circa A.D. 1291. Folio. 1802. Calendarium Rotulorum, Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod Damnum, Temp. Reg. Joann. ad Hen. VI. Folio. 1803. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio temporibus Regum Henrici IH, Edwardi I. II. III. Two Volumes. Folio. 1805. 1810. Calendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem sive Escsetarum, temp. Hen. III. Ed. I, Ed. II. et Ed. IIL Two Volumes, Folio. 1806. 1808. Testa de Nevill : sive Liber Feodorura in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. III. et Ed. I. Folio. 1S07. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Regis Edw. III. Folio. 1807. Valor Ecclesiasticus tempore Henrici VIII. auctoritate regia insti- tutus. Two Volumes. Folio. 1810-1814-. Placitprum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum Abbreviatio, temporibus Regum Richardi I., Johannis, Hen- rici HI., Edwardi I. et II. Folio. 1810. Inquisitionum ad Capellani Domini Regis retornatorum, qu?e in publicis Archiviis Scotiae adhuc servantur, Abbreviatio. Three Volumes. Folio. 1811, 1816. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Henrici HI. et Edwardi I, in Turri Londinensi, et in Curia receptae Scaccarii Westm. asservati, Tom. L Folio. 1812, Ilotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmo- nasteriensi asservati, temporibus Regum Angliai Edwardi I., Edwardi il,, Edwardi III. Vol. L Folio. 1814. XVI GENERAL TOPOGRAPHy. Reports of the Commissioners on the State and Condition of the Woods, Forests, and Land Revenue of the Crown. Two Vo- lumes. Folio. 1787-1809. Abstracts of the Answers and Returns made pursuant to an Act for taking an Account of the Population of England, Wales, and Scotland in 1801 and 1811. Three Volumes. Folio. Lond. 1802. 1S12. Copies of Memorials or Statements of Charitable Donations deli- vered in to the several Offices of the Clerks of the Peace of the several Counties or Ridings, or Cities or Towns being Counties of themselves, in England and Wales, in pursuance of an Act of the 52d of George III. intituled " An Act for the registering and securing Charitable Donations." Folio. 1815. ECCLESIASTICAL TOPOGRAPHY. The History of Churches in England ; wherein is shewn the Time, Means, and Manner of Founding, Building, and Endowing of Churches, both Cathedral and Rural, with their Furniture and Appendages. The Second Edition, with Improvements. By Thomas Stavkley, Esq, Author of The Romish Horseleech. Octavo. Lond. 1773. A Survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester^ Man, Litchfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol, Lin- coln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough, Canterbury, Rochester, Lon- don, Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. David's, Landaff, Bangor, and St. Asaph ; containing an His- tory of their Foundations, Builders, ancient Monuments and In- scriptions ; Endowments, Alienations, Sales of Lands, Patron- ages; Dates of Consecration, Admission, Preferments, Deaths, Burials, and Epitaphs of the Bishops, Deans, Precentors, Chancel- lors, Treasurers, Subdeans, Archdeacons, and Prebendaries, in every Stall belonging to them ; with an exact Account of all the Churches and Chapels in each Diocese distinguished under their proper Archdeaconries and Deanries ; to what Saints dedicated, "who Patrons of them, and to what Religious Houses appropriated. The v/hole extracted from numerous Collections out of the Re- gisters of every particular See, old Wills, Records in the Tower and Rolls Chapel. Illustrated with Thirty-two Plates. In Three Volumes ; including the *' Parochiale Anglicanurn ; or the Names of all the Churches and Chapels within the Dioceses of Canter- bury, Rochester, London, Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, Sa- lisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. David's, Landaft", Bangor, and St. Asaph, distinguished under their proper Archdeaconries and Deanries ; witli an Account of most of their Dedications, their Patrons, and to what Religious Houses the Appropriations be- longed. 1733." By BnowNii Willis, Esq. Quarto. Lond. 1727- 1733, or 1742. ♦^* There arc Lakge Paper copies of the First Edition. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XVll The Cathedral Antiquities of England: or, An Historical, Archi- tectural, and Graphical Illustration of the English Cathedral Churches. By John Britton, F.S.A. Medium and Imperial quarto. — Publishing in Numbers. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Great Bri- tain. Illustrated with a Series of highly-finished Engravings, exiiibiting general and particular Views, Ground Plans, and all the Architectural Features and Ornaments in the various Styles of Building used in our Ecclesiastical Edifices. By James Storer. To be completed in Four Volumes, Three of which are already published. Demy and royal octavo. Lond. 1815-17. The Clergyman's Intelligencer ; or, A compleat alphabetical List of all the Patrons in England and Wales, with the Dignities, Livings, and Benefices in their Gift, and their Valuation annexed. To which is added, an alphabetical Index of all the Benefices, and the Pages in which they are to be found. Octavo. London, 174-5. Thesaurus Rerum EccJesiasticnrum ; being an Account of the Valu- ations of all the Ecclesiastical Benefices in England and Wales, as they now stand charged with, or lately were discharged from, the Payment of First Fruits and Tenths. To which are added the Names of the Patrons and the Dedications of the Churches ; with an Account of Procurations and Synodals, extracted from the Records of Henry VIII., &c. By John Ectox, late Re- ceiver-General of the Tenths of the Clergy. The Third Edi- tion; wherein the Appropriations, Dedications, and Patronages of the Churches have been revised, corrected, and placed in i-egular Order, under their respective Archdeaconries ; with nu- merous Additions, by Browne Willis, LL.D. To which is added A complete Alphabetical Index. Quarto. Lond. 1763. Originally printed in octavo in 1718, under the Title of" Liber Valoruin et Deciniaruvi." Liher Regis ; vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasiicarum. By John Bacon, Esq. Receiver of the First Fruits. With an Appendix; containing proper Directions and Precedents relating to Presen- tations, Institutions, Inductions, Dispensations, &c., and a com- plete alphabetical Index. Quarto. Lond. 1786. Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus : An improved Edition of the " Liber Valo- rum-" containing an Account of the Valuation of all the Livings in England and Wales, their Charge in the King's Book, respec- tive Patrons, &c. With an Appendix. By the Rev. John Lloyi), A.B. late of Jesus College, Oxford. Octavo. Lond. 1788. MONASTICAL HISTORY. Monasticon Anglicanum, sive Pandectae Cccnobiorum Benedictino- rum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum, a Primor- diis ad eorum usque Dissolutionem, ex MSS. Cod. ad Monasteria TART I. C Xviii GENERAL TOrOGRAPtlY. plim pertinentibus : Archivis Turrium Londinensis, Eboracensig; curiarum Scaccarii, augmentationum ; Bibliothecis Bodleiana : Coll. Reg. Coll. Bened. Aruiidelliana, Cottoniana, Seldeniana, Hattoniana, aliisque digesti per Rogerum Dqdsworth, Eborac. GuLiELMUM DuGDALE, Warwic. Tribus Voluminis. Folio. Lond. 1655, 1661, 1673, N. B. There are copies on Large Paper. *^* The First Volume was reprinted with large Additions in 1682. ^onasticon ylngiicajium; or, The History of the ancient Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, in England and Wales, with divers French, Irish, and Scotch Mo- nasteries formerly relating to England. Collected, and published in Latin by Sir William Dugdajpe, Knt. late Garter King of Arms. In Three Volumes, and now epitomized in English, Page by Page. With Sculptures of the several Religious Habits. (Abridged by Johu Wright, Author of the History of the County of Rutland.) Folio. Lond. 1693. Monasticon Anglicanum ; or. The History of the ancient Abbies, Monasteries, Hospitals, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with their Dependencies, in England and Wales : also of all such Scotch, Irish, and French Monasteries as did in any manner re- late to those in England ; containing a full Collection of all that is necessary to be known concerning the Abbey Lands and their Revenues ; with a pe^rticular Account of their Foundations, Grants, and Donations, collected from origiiuil MSS., the Re- cords in the Tower of London, at York, and in the Court of Exchequer and Augmentation Office ; as also the famous Libra- ries of Bodley, King's College, Camb., the Benedictine College at Doway, Arundel, Cotton, Seldeq, Hatton, &c. Illustrated with the original Cuts of the Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, and the Habits of the Religious and Military Orders. First pub- lish'd in Latin by Sir William Dugdale, Knt. late Garter Principal King at Arms. To which are now added exact Cata- logues of the Bishops of the several Dioceses to the Year 1717. The whole corrected and supplied with many useful Additions by an eminent Hand. Folio. Lond. 1718. The History of the antient Abbeys, Monasteries, Hospitals, Cathe- dral and Collegiate Churches, being Two additional Volumes to Sir William Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum ; containing the Original and first Establishment of all the Jteligious Orders that ever were in Great Britain; being those of the Benedictines, Clu- niacks, Cistercians, Regular Canons of St. Augustin, Carthu- sians, Gilbertins, Trinitarians, Premonstratenses, and Canons of the Holy Sepulchre, treated of in the Monaslicon Anglicanum ; as also of the Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinian Friers, Regular Canons of Arroasia, l»rigittins, Monks of Fonte- GENERAL TOPOGKAPIIY. XIX Vraud, of Savigni, and of Tiron, Crouched Friers, Friers of Pe- nance, or of the Sack, and Bethleemites, not spoken of by Sir WilHam Dugdale and Mr. Dodsworth. The Foundations of their several Monasteries, &c. By Joiij^ Stevens, Gent. In Two Volumes. Folio. Loud. 1722, 172S. *^* There are Large Paper copies of these volumes. t)ugdale's Monasticon Anglkamim : A new Edition of the whole Work, including Stevens's Continuation, is now publishing in Folio, with very considerable Additions and Improvements from the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, the Records in the Tower, the Augmentation Office, and various inedited MSS. in the British and Ashmolean Museums, and other authentic Sources. By JoHX Caley, Esq. Keeper of the Records in the Augmenta- tion Office ; Henry Ellis, Esq. Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum; and the Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel, M.A. Keeper of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The whole of the Plates, as ori- ginally engraved by Hollar, and which are invaluable from the circumstance of representing parts of Cathedral and Monastic Edifices now fallen to ruin, will be given in the course of the Work, together with many new Views of Ecclesiastical Build- ings as they appear at the present Day; the Costumes of the va- rious Monastic Orders, &c. &c. N.B. Ten Paris are already published. *^* Fifty copies only are printed on Large PAper. Monustichon Britanicum: or, A Historicall Narration of the first Founding and flourishing State of the antient Monasteries, Re- ligious Rules and Orders of Great Brittaine, in the Tymes of the Brittaines and primitive Church of the Saxons. Collected out of most authentick Authors, Lieger Books, and Manuscripts. By that learned Antiquary R, B. (Richard Broughton.) Octavo. Lond. 1655. Notilia Monastka : or. An Account of all the Abbies, Priories, and Houses of Friers, formerly in England and Wales ; and also of all the Colleges and Hospitals founded before A.D. mdxl. By the Right Rev. Doctor Thomas Tanner, late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. Published A.D. MDCCXLiv, by John Tanner, M.A. Vicar of Lowestoft in Suffolk, and Precentor of the Cathedral Church of St. Asaph ; and now reprinted with many Additions by James Nasmith, M.A. Rector of Snalewell in " Cambridgeshire, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. John Earl of Buckinghamshire. Por- trnit hy G. Vertue. Folio. Camb. 1787 — Originally printed in one volume octavo in 1695. A Summary of all the Religious Houses in England and Wales, with their Titles and Valuations at the Time of their Dissolu- tion, and a Calculation of what they might be worth at this Day; together with an Appendix concerning the several Religious Or- ders that prevailed in this Kingdom. Octavo, Lond. 1717. XX GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. An History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Con- ventual Cathedral Churches: shewing the Times of their respective Foundations, and what Alterations they have under- gone ; with some Descriptions of their Monuments, and Dimen- sions of their Buildings: together with a Catalogue of their Ab- bats, Priors, &c. By Broavne Willis, Esq, In Two Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1718, 1719. %* There are Large Paper copies of this work. Collectama Anglo- Minoritica : or, A Collection of the Antiquities of the English Franciscans, or Friers Minors, commonly call'd Gray Friers. In Two Parts. With an Appendix concerning the English Nuns of the Order of St. Clare. By A. Parkinson. Quarto. Lond. 1726. British, Monachism : or. Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England. To which are added, L Peregrinalorium Re- ligiosum ; or Manners and Customs of antient Pilgrims. IL Coh- suetudinal of Anchorets and Hermits. 111. Account of the Con- tinentes, or Women who had made Vows of Chastity. IV. Four Select Poems, in various Styles. By Thomas Dudley Fos- BROOKE, M.A. F.S.A, With Plates. Quarto. Lond. 1817- *^* There are Large Paper copies of this Second Edition, which was originally published in Two Volumes, octavo, in 1802. Some Account of the Alien Priories, and of such Lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales. Collected from the MSS. of John Warburton, Esq. and Dr. Ducarel. A new Edition, in Two Volumes. Illustrated with Plates. Small oc- tavo. Lond. 1786. Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain ; with an Account of Monasteries, Monks, &c. Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1723. SEPULCHRAL HISTORY. Ancient Fvnerall Monvments within the Vnited Monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands adiacent, with the dissolued Monasteries therein contained: their Founders, and what eminent Persons have beene in the same interred. Composed by the Studie and Trauels of John Weever, with an Index. Folio. London, 1631. N.B. There are Large Paper copies of this Edition, *#* Reprinted in Quarto in 1767. Monumenta Anglicana ; being Inscriptions on the Monuments of several eminent Persons deceased in or since the Year 1650, to the End of the Year 1718; deduced into a Series of Time by way of Annals. By John Le Neve, Gent. Five Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1718, 1717, 1719. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this work. Sepulchral Memorials in Great Britain applied to illustrate the GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XXI- History of Families, Mariners, Habits, and Aits at the different Periods from the Norman Conquest to the Seventeenth Century; with introductory Observations. (By Richard Oougii, Esq. F.S.A.) Three Fblumes usually bound in Five. Plates. Folio. Lond. 1786-1796. Nenia Britannica : or, A Sepulchral History of Great Britain, from the earliest Period to its general Conversion to Christianity. In- cluding a complete Series of the British, Roman, and Saxon Se- pulchral Rites and Ceremonies, with the Contents of several Hundred Burial Places opened under a careful Inspection of the Author ; tending to illustrate the early Part of, and to fix on a moi-e unquestionable Criterion for the Study of Antiquity. To which are added Obsei-vations on the Celtic, British, Roman, and Danish Barrows discovered in Great Britain. By the Rev. James Douglas, F.A.S. Plates. Folio. Lond. 1793. %* There are copies on Large Paper, the Plates in Colours. illustration of the Tumuli or ancient Barrows ; exhibiting the Prin- ciples which determined the Magnitude and Position of each, and their systematic Connection with other Vestiges of equal Anti- quity. By Thomas Stackhouse. With a folded Sketch of Barrows. Octavo. Lond. 180(5. Monumental Effigies of Great Britain; consisting of Etchings from Figures executed by the Sculptor, and introduced into our Ca- thedrals and Churches as Memorials of the Dead, from the Nor- man Conquest to the Reign of K. Henry the Eighth. Drawn and etched by C. A. Stothard Jan. Quarto. Now in course of publication, 1817. \* There are Large Paper copies. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND. Britannia: sive florentissimorum Regnorum, Angliae, Seotiae, et Hibernige, et Insularum adjacentium ex intima Antiquitate Chorographia Descriptio. Authore Gul. Camdeno. Lond. 1586 and 1587. Octoi-o.— Reprinted in Q/mrtoin 1590, 159i, and 1600. — In Folio, at London, in 1607, and at Amsterdam in 164'8 and 1659. Britain : or A Chorographicall Description of the most flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and the Islands adioining, out of the Depth of Antiquity ; beautified with Maps of the several Shires of England. Written first in Latin by William Camden, and translated into English by Philemon Holland, D^ in Phy- sick. Folio. Lond. 1610 and 1637. Britannia : or, A Chorographical Description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent Islands. Written in Latin by William Camden, Clarenceux King at Arms; and translated mto English, with Additions and Improvements, by Edmund Gibson, D.D. late Lord Bishop of London. This Fourth Edi- XXU GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. tion is printed from a Copy of 1722, left corrected by the Bishop for the Press. In Two Volumes. Folio. Lond. 1772. *** Originally printed in One Volume, folio, in 1695; in Two Volumes in 1722 and 1753. There are Large Paper copies of each edition. Britannia : or, A Geographical Description of the flourishing King- doms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands adja- cent, from the earhest Antiquity. By William Camden. Translated from the Edition published by the Author in mdcvh. Enlarged by the latest Discoveries by Richard Gough, F.A. & R.S.S. In Three Volumes. Illustrated with Maps and other Copper-plates. Folio. Lond. 1789. — Reprinted in Four Volumes in 1806, of which Edition there are copies on Fine Paper. A Discoverie of ccrtaine Errours published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1591', very preiudicial to the Discentes and Successions of the auncient Nobilitie of this Realme. By Ralphe Brooke, YorkeHerault at Amies. To which are added the learned Mr, Camden's Answer to this Book; and Mr. Brooke's Reply. Now first published from an original Manuscript in the Library of John Anstis, Esq. Garter King at Arms. Portrait of the Author, and the Monument of Camden. Quarlo. Lond. 1724. — Originally printed in 1599 in Quarto. Dcscriptio Britanniae, Scotiae, Hyberniae, et Orchadum, ex libro Pauli Jovii, episcopi Nucer. de Imperiis et Gentibus cogiiiti Or- bis, cum ejus operis prohoemio, ad Alexandrum Farnesium Card, ampliss. Quarto. Venet. ll'^S, and Bas. 1561, duodecimo. Magnae Britanniae Deliciae seu Insularumet Regnorum quae Magnae Britanniae nomine, et sereniss. Regis Jacobi, &-c. imperio hodie comprehenduntur, Descriptio : ex variis auctoribus collecta, et reliquarum Europae Nationum jam ante editis Deliciis addita. (Auctore Gasp. Eus.) Duodecimo. Colon. 1613. RuTGERi Hermaknid.=e Britannia >Magna, sive Angliae, Scotia?, Hiberniae, et adjacentium Insularum Geographico-Historica De- scriptio, Duodecimo. Amstel. 1661. Poly-Olbion: or, A Chorographicall Description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountaines, Forests, and other Parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britaine ; with Intermixture of the most remarkable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures, and Commo- dities of the same. Digested in a JPoem by Michaell Dray- ton, Esq. Folio. London : Printed for M. Lownes, J. Browne, J. Helme, J. Busbie. 1613. With a Frontispiece, whole-length Portrait of Henry Prince of Wales, engraved by William Hole, and Maps. To the Second Edition, 1622, were added Twelve Books, descri- bino- the East and North Parts of the Island. Reprinted in a •o GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XXll! folio I'ldition of Drayton's Works in 174-8, and in an octavo Edi- tion in Four Volumes, in 1753. The History of the Worthies of England. Endeavoured by Tho- mas Fuller, D.D. With a Portrait of the Author, bv D. Lojj- gan. Folio. Lond. 1662. An Abridgement and Continuation was published irf octavo in 1684, intitled " Anglorum Speculum ; or The Worthies of England in Church and State, by G. S." *^* The original Work was reprinted in Two Volumes, quarto, in 1811, with a few explanatory Notes, by John Nichols, F.A.S. Magna Britannia et Hibernia, Antiqua el Nova : or A New Survey of Great Britain ; wherein to the Topographical Account given by Mr. Cambden, and the late Editors of his Britannia, is added a more large History, not only of the Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes mentioned by them, but also of many other Places of Note, and Antiquities since discovered. Collected and com- posed by an impartial Hand*. In Six Voi^umes. Quarto. Lond. in the Savoy, 1720-1731. Magna Britannia: being a concise Topographical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Ly- soNs, Rector of Rodmarton in Gloucestershire ; and Samuel Lysons, Esq. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. Plates. Quarto. Lond. 1813-1817. *;j^* Seven Parts are already published, of which there are copies on Large Paper. England Described : or The several Counties and Shires thereof briefly handled ; some Things also premised, to set forth the Glory of this Nation. By Edward Leigh, Esquire, M"" of Arts of Magdalen Hall, in Oxford. Octavo. Lond. 1659. Britannia: or, A Geographical Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Isles and Territories thereunto belonging. By Richard Blome. Folio. Lond. 1672. Anglia Rediviva ; being a full Description of all the Shires, Ci- ties, principal Towns and Rivers in England ; with some useful Observations concerning what is most remarkable, whether in re- lation to their Antiquity, Situation, Buildings, Traffick, or Inha- bitants. Collected by Mr. Dunstar. Duodecimo. Lond. 1699. Britannia Baconica : or, The Natural Rarities of England, Scot- land, and Wales, according as they are to be found in every Shire: historically related, according to the Precepts of the Lord Ba- con; and the Causes of many of them philosophically attempted: by J. Childrey. Small octavo. Lond. 1661. Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders in England, Scot- land, and Ireland ; being an Account of many remarkable Per- * The Rev. Thos Cox, Vicar of Bromfield, Essex. "XXIV GENERAL TOPOGRAPTIV. sons and Places ; and likewise of Battles, Sieges, Earthquakes, Inundations, Thunders, Lightnings, Fires, Murders, and other considerable Occurrences and Accidents, for several hundred Years past: with the natural and artificial Rarities in every County, and many other observable Passages, as they are re- corded by credible Historians of former and latter Ages. By Richard Burton. A new Edition, with additional Wood-cut Portraits, and a copious Index. Quarto. Westminster, 1811. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this Edition. *^* Originally printed in duodecimo. Firma Burgi : or. An Historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns, and Buroughs of England ; taken from Records. By Thomas Madox, Esq. His Majesty's Historiographer. Folio. Lond. 1726. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this volume. British Curiosities in Art and Nature ; giving an Account of Rari- ties both ancient and modern ; viz. Monuments, Monasteries, Priories, Frieries, Nunneries, Colleges, Hospitals, Walls, Roman Camps, Garrisons, Highways, Coins, Altars, Urns, Pavements of Mosaic Work, Temples, Churches, Bridges, Kings Palaces, No- blemen's Seats, &c. To which is added a very useful Scheme, containing a brief Account of the State of each County in En- gland at one View, curiously engraved, and printed on a Sheet, to fold up or put in a Frame. Duodecimo. Lond. 1728. Les Delices de la Grande Bretagne et de I'Irlande, ou sont exactc- ment decrites les Antiquites, les Provinces, les Villes, les Bour- gades, les Montagues, les Rivieres, avec les Ports de Mer, les Bains, les Forteresses, Abbayes, Eglises, Academies, &c. Par Jean Beeverel ; le tout enrichi de tres belles Figures et Cartes Geographiques dessinees sur les Originaux. Nouvelle Edition, retouchee, corregee, et augmentee. Eight Volumes. Duodecima. Ley den, 1727. IJew Survey of England ; wherein the Defects of Camden are sup- plied, and the Errors of his Followers remarked ; the Opinions of our Antiquaries compared; the Roman Military Ways traced ; and the Station settled according to the Itinerary, without alter- ing the Figures ; with some Natural History of each County. By N. Salmon. In Two Volumes. Octavo. Plates. Lond. 1731. The Agreeable Historian: or Complete English Traveller; giving a Geograj)hical Description of every County in Great Britain, with the Antiquities of the same. By Samuel Simpson. In Three Volumes. Oclavo. Lond. 1746. England and Wales described in a Series of Letters, by W. ToL- DERvy. With Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1762. England Illustrated : or, A Compendium of the Natural History, (leography. Topography, and Antiquities Ecclesiastical and Ci- vil, of England and Wales ; with Maps of the several Counties, GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XXV and Engravings of many Remains of Antiquity, remarkable Build- ings, and principal Towns. In Two Volumes. Quarto. Lond. 176 k A Description of England and Wales ; containing a particular Ac- count of each County ; with its Antiquities, Curiosities, Situa- tion, Figure, Exttjnt, Climate. KiverS; Lakes, &c. ; w ith the An- tiquities, Sieges, and remarkable Battles fought in every Count)^, and the Lives of the illustrious Men each has produced. Embel- lished with Two hundred and forty Copper-plates. In Tw£j;,ve Volumes. Duudecimo. Lond. 1769-1770. An Essay for a New Description of England and Wales, as a Con- tinuation of Camden. By Peter Muilman. Duodecimo. Lond. 1772. A Catalogue of the Antiquities, Houses, Parks, Plantations, Scenes, and Situations in England and Wales, arranged according to the alphabetical Order of the several Counties. (By Thomas Gray, the Poet.) Duodecimo. 1773. *^* Printed for private Distribution by his Friend Mr. Mason. Britannia Curiosa : or, A Description of the most remarkable Cu- riosities of the Island of Great Britain. In Six Volumes. Oc- tavo. Lond. 1777. England Delineated : or, A Geographical Description of every County in England and Wales ; with a concise Account of its most important Products, Natural and Artificial. With outline Maps of all the Counties. By John Aikin, M.D. Smalt oc- tavo. Lond. 1795. The Beauties of England. With a Map. Duodecimo. Lond. 1767 The Beauties of I^lngland. In Two Volumes. Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1776. A New Display of the Beauties of England : or, A Description of the most elegant or magnificent Public Edifices, Royal Palaces, Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, and other Curiosities, natural or artificial, in the different Parts of the Kingdom. Adorned with a Variety of Copper-plate Cuts newly engraved. In Two Volumes. Octavo. — London: Printed for R. Goadby and Co. 1787. Beauties of England and Wales, in a Descriptive View of each County. By Philip Luckombe. In Two Volumes. Duodecimo. Lond. 1791. The Beauties of England and Wales ; or Delineations, Topogra- phical, Historical, and Descriptive, of each Comity. Embellished with Engravings. Li Twenty-six Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1801- 1817. *^* There are Large Paper copies of this work. Eiual Beauties : or, The Natural History of the Four Western Coun- PAKT I. d Xxvi GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY; ties; Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset, by Theophilus BoTANiSTA. Duodecimo. Lend. 1757. Description of the Four Western Counties ; Cornwall, Devon, Dor- set, and Somerset. Duodecimo. Lond. 1768. Remaines concerning Britaine : their Languages, Names, Sur- names, Allusions, Anagrammes, Armories, Monies, Empresses, Apparell, Artillarie, Wise SpeecJies, Proverbs, Poesies, Epitaphes. Written by William Camden, Esquire, Clarenceux King of Armes, suriiamed the Learned. The Fift Impression, with many rare Antiquities never before imprinted, by the Industry and Care of John Philipot, Somerset Herald. Portrait. Quarto. Lond. 1636, 1637.— The preceding Editions are 1614. 1623. 1629. Archceologia Britannica ; giving some Account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the Languages, Histories, and Customs of the original Inhabitants of Great Britain ; from Col- lections and Observations in Travels through Wales, Cornwall, Bas-Bretagne, Ireland, and Scotland. By Edward Lhuyd, M.A. of Jesus College, Keeper of the Aslimolean Museum ia Oxford. Vol. I. Glossography. Folio. Oxford, 1707. Letters, Essays, and other Tracts illustrating the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland ; together with many curious Disco- veries of the Affinity betwixt the Language of the Americans and the Ancient Britons to the Greek and Latin, &c. ; also Spe- cimens of the Celtic, Welsh, Irish, Saxon, and American Lan- guages. By the Rev. Dr. Malcolme. Octavo. Edinb. 1738, and Lond. 1744. Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii de Rebus Britannicis Collectanea : ex Autographis descripsit ediditque Tho. Hearnius, A.M. Oxoni- ensis, qui et Appendicem subjecit, totumque Opus (in VI Volu- mina distributuni) Notis et Indice adornavit. Octavo. Oxonii, 1715.— Reprinted in 1774. Collectanea Curiosa ; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the His- tory and Antiquities of England and Ireland, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a variety of other Subjects* Chiefly collected, and now first published from the Manuscripts of Arch- bishop Sancroft ; given to the Bodleian Library by the late Bi- shop Tanner. In Two Volumes. Octavo, Oxford, 1781. An Account of the ancient Division of the English Nation into Hundreds and Tithings. By Granville Sharp. Octave. Lond. 1784. Archceolo'/ia : or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. I-XVIII. Quarto. Lond. 1770-1816. Index to the First Fifteen Volumes of Archtcologia. Printed by 0*- GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. ?fXVU . der of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 2d of March, 1809. By Nicholas Carlisle, Secretary. Qunrlo. Lond. 1809. Vetusta Monuwenta: qiice ad Rerum Britamdcarum Memoriam coU' servandam Societas AntUjiiariorum Londini sumptu suo edendfl cu- ravit. Four Volumes. Folio. 174;7. 1789. 1796-1817. An Index to the First Three Volumes of the Vetusta Monumenta. . By Nicholas Carlisle, Secretary. Folio. Lond. 1810. The Antiquarian Repertory: A Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners; in- tended to illustrate and preserve several valuable Remains of old . Times. Chiefly compiled by or under the Direction of Francis Ghose, Esq. F.R. & A.S., Thomas Astle, Esq. F.R. & A.S., and other eminent Antiquaries. Adorned with numerous Views, Portraits, and Monuments. A New Edition, with a great many ' valuable Additions. In Four Volumes. Quarto. Lond, 1807> 1808, 1809. N. B. Of this Edition there are copies on Large Paper. *^* Originally printed in Four Volumes quarto in 1775. Miscellanies, Antiquarian and Historical, by F. Savers, M.D. Octavo. Norwich, 1805. The Topographer, for the Years 1789, 1790, and 1791 ; contain- ing a variety of original Articles illustrative of the Local His- tory and Antiquities of England; particularly in the History and Description of ancient and eminent Seats and Styles of Archi- tecture ; in the Preservation of curious Monumental Inscrip- tions ; in the Genealogies and Anecdotes of famous Families ; in •Disquisitions upon remarkable Tenures, and in the Delineations of the Face of Countries. Embellished with Engravings. la - Four Volumes, Octavo. Lond. 1789-1791. ■ Topographer ; containing a Variety of original Articles, illustrative of the Local History and Antiquities of this Kingdom. With Forty-two Plates. Quarto. Lond. 1791. Topographical Miscellanies, being a Continuation of the Topo- grapher ; containing ( Portions of) the Ilistory and Antiquities of Derbyshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex, and Kent. With Plates. Quarto. Lond, 1792.^ %* There are Large Paper copies of this incomplete work. A Topographical Survey of the Counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, commonly called the Western Circuit. Embellished vvith Maps of the several Counties, taken from actual Surveys. By William Tunniclife, Land Sur- veyor. Octavo. Salisbury, 1791. A Restoration of the ancient Modes of bestowing Names on the Rivers, Hills, Vallies, Plains, and Settlements of Britain; re- ,. corded in no Author. Exemplified in the Derivations of Ro- man British, and later Denominations of Districts, Names of the xxviii GENERAL topoghaphy; principal Towns, and Appellations of the Features of Nature; from which venrly all the Explanations given to these Terms hy ■■ Verstegan, Skinner, Vallancey, Bryant, Borlase, Whitaker, Pryce, Macpherson. and other Etymologists, are shewn to be unfounded. By G. Dyer (of Exeter). Octavo. Exeter; printed for the Au- thor. 1805. _A General Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain 5 with their several Courses, their peculiar Characters, the Coun- ties through which they flow, and the entire Sea Coas^t of our Island; concluding with a minute Description of the Thames, and its various auxiliary Streams. By Henry Skrine, Esq, LL.B. of Warley in Somersetshire. Oetavo. Lond. 1801. illustrations of the Manners and Expences of antient Times in En-i gland, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries, deduced from the Accompts of Churchwardens and other au- thentic Documents, collected from various Parts of the King- , dom, with explanatory Notes. Quarto. Lond. 1797. Fragmenta Antiquitatis : or Ancient Tenures of Land, and jocular Customs of Manors, originally published by Thomas Blount, Esq. of the Liner Temple; enlarged and corrected by JosiAii Beckwith, Gent. F.A.S. ; with considerable Additions from authentic Sources by Hercules Malebysse Beckwith. Quarto. Lond. 1815. N. B. There are copies of this Edition on Royal paper. *^* Originally printed in 1679, and reprinted in 1784', octavo. Observations on Popular Antiquities ; chiefly illustrating the Origin of our vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Supersti- tions. By John Brand, M.A. Fellow and Secretary of the So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Arranged and revised, with Additions, by Henry Ellis, F.R.S. Sec. S.A, Keeper of the Ma- nuscripts in the British Museum. Li Two Volumes. Quart(f. Lond. 1813. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this Edition. *^* Originally printed in one volume octavo. A Provincial Glossary; with a Collection of Local Proverbs and Popular Superstitions. By Francis Grose, Esq. F.A.S. Oc- iavo. Lond. 1787. • General History of the High-ways in all Parts of the World, n>ore particularly in Great Britain. Octavo. Lond. 1712. Dissertation concerning the present State of the High Roads, bj Robert Philips. With Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1737. An Account of Charity Schools in England and Wales. Quario^ Lend. 1701. GENERAL TOPOGEAPTIY. x\lX An Account of several Work-Houses for em[)]oyiiion- tispiece by Marshall: reprinted 1716, 1723, 1774-, and 1805,' Duodecimo ; of which last Edition there are copies on Large Paper. A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, divided in Cir- cuits or Journics; giving a particular and diverting Account of whatever is curious and worth Observation ; with useful Obser- vations upon the whole. (By Daniel Deioe.) In Three Vo- GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. XXXVII himes. Octavo. Load. 1724— 7. Originally printed in one vo- lume, octavo, 1714. — An Eighth Edition, with large Additions, hy Samuel Richardson, Printer, and the Rev. Mr. Kimber, was pub- lished in Four Volumes 12mo. in 1777. The Comical Pilgrims Travels thro' England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Octavo. Lond. 1722. Journey through England and Scotland. By Jo. Mackay. In Three Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1722-2:3. Four Topographical Letters written in July 1755, upon a Journey through Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Not- tinghamshire, Derby, and Warwick, Octavo. Newcastle, 1757. %* Written by Resta Patching or Patchen, an Innkeeper in Gracechurch Street, London. A Journal of Eight Days Journey from Portsmouth to Kingston- upon-Thames, through Southampton, Wiltshire, &c. ; with Mis- cellaneous Thoughts, Moral and Religious, in Sixty-four Letters. (By Jonas Hanway.) In Two Volumes. Second Edition. Oc- tavo. Lond. 1757. A Tour through Parts of England, Scotland, and Wales in 1778 ; in a Series of Letters, by Riciiaku Joseph Sulivan, Esq. Se- cond Edition, corrected and enlarged. In Two Volumes. Oc- tavo. 17^5. — Originally printed in Quarto in 1780. A Tour to the West of England in 1788, by the Ilev. S. Shaw, M.A. Octavo. Lond. 17«9. Prospects and Observations, on a Tour in England and Scotland, Natural, (Economical, and Literary. By Thomas Newte, Esq. With Twenty -four Plates. Quarto. Lond. 1791. A Tour through the South of England, Wales, and Part of Ire- land, made during the Summer of 1791. Plates. Octavo. Loi:d. 1793. *^.* Six copies were printed in quarto, with coloured Plates. A Topographical Survey of the Great Road from London to B<:th and Bristol ; with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Country, Towns, Villages, Gentlemen's Seats on and adjacent to . it. Illustrated by perspective Views of the most Select and Pic- turesque Scenery. To which is added a correct Map of the Country Three Miles on each Side of the Road, planned from a Scale of One Inch to a Mile. By Archibald Robertson. In Two Parts. Roi^al octavo. Lond. 1792. — Copies were taken off in Quarto. Eccentric Excursions in England and Wales, with One hundred Sketches of Character and Country, by G. Woodward. Quarto. Lond. 1796. Observations relative chiefly to the Natural History, Picturesque: Scenery, and Antiquities of the Western Counties of Enghuid, XXXViil GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. made in the Years 1794- and 1796". Illustrated by a INIineralogl- cal Map and Sixteen Views in Aqua-tinta by Aiken. By Wil- liam George Maton, M.A. Fellow of the Linnaean Society. Two Volumes. Octavo. Salisbury, 1797. / Observations on the Western Parts of England, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, To which are added, a few Remarks on the Picturesque Beauties of the Isle of Wight. By William Gil- pin, M.A. Prebendary of Salisbury, and Vicar of Boldre in New- Forest, near Lymington. Plates. Octavo. Lond 1798. Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, rela- tive chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, made in the Summer of the Year 1774'. By the late William Gilpin, M.A. Plates. Oc- tavo. Lond. 1804.— Copies of the two preceding Articles were printed in quarto. Observations on several Parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Nor- folk, Suffolk, and Essex ; also on several Parts of North Wales, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, in Two Tours, the former made in the Year 1769, the latter in the Year 1773. By Wil- liam Gilpin, M.A. Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1809. A Walk through some of the Western Counties of England, by the Rev. Richard Warner of Bath. Plates. Octavo. Bath, 1800. A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, divided into Journeys ; interspersed with useful Observations ; particularly calculated for the Use of those who are desirous of travelling over England and Scotland. By the Rev. C. Ckuttwell, Au- thor of the Universal Gazetteer. In Six Volumes. With coloured IMaps. Small octavo. Lond. 1801. Observations on a Tour through almost the whole of England, and a considerable Part of Scotland, in a Scries of Letters addressed to a large Number of intelligent and respectable Friends by Mr. (Ch/iRLEs) Dibdin. In Two Volumes. With Plates. Quarto. London, 1801. A Tour through the Northern Counties of England, and the Bor- ders of Scotland. By the Rev. Richard Warner. In Two Volumes. With Plates. Octavo 1802. The Stranger in England : or. Travels in Great Britain ; containing Remarks on the Politics, Laws, Manners, Customs, and distin- guished Character.s of that Country, and chiefly its Metropolis; with Criticisms on the Stage. The whole interspersed with a Variety of characteristic Anecdotes. From the (ierman of C. A.G. GoEDE. In 'Jhree Volumes. Small octavo, lvond.1807. Letters froai England, by Don Manuel Alvarkz Fspriella. Translated from the Spanish. Third Edition. In Three Vo- LUME.1 Diniileiinio. Lond. 1816. *«* Supposed to be written by Robert Southey, since Poet Lau- reate. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHy. xxxix Summer Excursions through Parts of Oxfordshire, Gloucester- shire, Warwickshire, &c. and South Wales. By Miss E. I. Spence. In Two Volumes. Duodecimo. Loud. J 809. Observations and Remarks during Four Excursions made to various Parts of Great Britain in the Years 1810 and 1811 ; viz. I. From London to the Land's End in Cornwall 11. From London to Lancaster. IIL From London to Edinburgh ; and IV. From London to Swansea Performed by Land, by Sea, by various i\ lodes of Conveyance, and partly iri the pedestrian Style. By Daniel Carless Webb. Oilavo. Lond. 1812. British Tourists : or Traveller's Pocket Companion through En- gland, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ; comprehending the most celebrated modern and recent Tours in the British Islands, with several originals By William Mavor, LL.D. Third Edition, enlarged In Six Volumes ; with Maps. Duodccinin Lond. ISl^. The Traveller's Guide : or English Itinerary. By W. C. OuLTON, Esq. In Two Volumes ; with Plates. Smn/l octavo. Lond. A Guide to all the Watering and Sea Bathing Places ; with a De- scription of the Lakes, a Sketch of a Tour in Wales, and various Itineraries. Illustrated with Maps and Views. Duodecimo. Lond. 1S15. An Excursion to Windsor in July 1810, through Battersca, Put- ney, Kew, Richmond, Twickenham, Strawberry Hill, and Hamp- ton Court ; interspersed with Historical and Biographical Anec- dotes : Also a Sail down the River Medway, July 1811, from Maidstone to Rochester, and from Rochester to the Nore, upon the opening of the Oyster Beds. By John Evans jun. A.M. With Plates. Duodecimo. Lond. 1817. Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during the Years 1810 and 1811, By Louis Simond. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged : To which is added an Appendix on France, written in December 1815 and October 1816. In Two Volumes. Oc' tavo. Edinb. 1817. The Scientific Tourist through England, Wales, Scotland, and Ire- land ; in which the Traveller's Attention is directed to the prin- cipal Objects of Antiquity, Art, Science, and the Picturesque ; including also the Minerals, Fossils, rare Plants, and other Sub- jects of Natural History, arranged in Counties. By T. Wal- FORD, Esq. FA.S. F.L.S. Illustrated with Plates and Maps. Royal 18 wo. Lond. 1817. *^* In order to give the Tourist every advantage from the Por- tability of this Pocket Companion, the neighbouring Counties are alphabetically arranged; viz. Vol. 1. contains the Southern Coun- ties of England.— Vol. II. The Northern Counties, N. and S.Wales, including Scotland.— Vol. III. Ireland. xl GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Journoe faite en 1788 dans la Grande Bretagne, par un Fran9aJ3 parlant la Langue Anglaise. Octavo. Paris, 1790. Voyage dans les Trois lioyaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'lr- lande, fait en 1788 et 1789, par Chantreau, avcc Trois Cartes et dix Gravures en Taille-douce. Three Volumes. Oc- tavo. Paris, 1792. Voyage en Angleterrc, en Ecosse, et aux lies Hebrides ; ayant pour Objet les Sciences, les Arts, I'Histoire Naturelle, et les Mccurs ; avec la Description INIineralogique du Pays de New- castle, des Montagues do Derbyshire, dcs Environs d'Edinburgh, de Glasgow, de Perth, de S. Andrews, du Duchc d'lnverary et de la Grotte de Fingal ; avec Figures. Par B. Faujas-Saint- FoND. Tvvo Volumes. Octavo. Paris, 1797. *#* An English Translation appeared in Two Volumes octavo, in 1799. Tableau de la Grande Bretagne et de ITrlande, et des Possessions Anglaises dans les quatre Parties du Monde; avec Cartes Gep- graphiques et des Planches. (Par A. Baert.) Four Volumes. Octavo. Par. 1800. Voyage de trois IVIois en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et en Irlande, pen- dant I'Ete de I'An IX. (IbOl,) par M. A. Pictet. Octavo. Pa- ris, 1802. Notice descriptive des Royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'lr- lande, extraits, pris et traduits de divers Auteurs ; avec une Carte. Three Volumes. Octavo. Paris, 180S. Londres et les Anglais : par J. L, Ferri de Saint-Constant. Four Volumes. Octavo. Paris, 1804. Voyage d'un Frangois en Angleterre. Two Volumes. Oclava, Par. 1816. Ii'An,gleterre et les Anglais. Three Volumes. Octavo. Par. 1817. NATURAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. The Climate of Great Britain : or Remarks on the Change it has undergone, particularly within the last Fifty Years. By John Williams, Esq. Octavo. Lond. 1806. Pinax Rerum Naturalium Britannicarum, continens Vegetabilia, Animalia et Fossilia, in hac Insula reperta inchoatus. Authore Christophoro Merrett, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond, 1667. The Natural (and Topographical) History of England; or, A De- scription of each particular County, in regard to the curious Pro-r ductions of Nature and Art. Illustrated by a Map of each County, and Sculptures of Natural Curiosities. By Benjamin Martin. In Two Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1759. 1763.., Synopsis of the Natural History of Grefit Britain and Ireland i GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. xli containing a systematic Arrangement and concise Description of all the Animals, Vegetables, and Fossils which have hitherto been discovered in these Kingdoms. By John Beukknhout, M.D. In Two Volumes. Small octavo. Lond. 17y9. ENGLISH BOTANY. Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England. By Richard Pultenev, M.D. F.R.S. In Two Vo- lumes. Octavo. Lond. 1790. Phytologia Britannica, Natales exhibens indigenarum Stirpium sponte emergentium. Auctore Guliklmo Howe. Duodecimo. Lond. 1650. An Index of Plants that are in the " Phytologia Britannica" is an- nexed to R. Lovel's " Enchiridion Brilatmicum." Duodecimo. Oxon. 1659. 1665. The British Physician : or. The Nature and Vertues of English Plants. By Robert Turner. Duodecimo. Lond. 1664<. Catalogus Plantarum Anglia;, et Insularum adjacentium : turn indi- gents, turn in Agris passim cultas complectens. Auctore Jo- iiANNE Rajo. Editio Secunda. With Two Plates. Octavo. Xond. 1677. Fasciculus Stirpium Britannicarum, post editum Plantarum An- gViis Catalogum observatarum. Auctore Johan. Rajo. Octavo. Lond. 1688. Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum, in qua tum Notae Ge- nerum characteristicoe traduntur, tum Species singulse breviter describuntur. Auctore Johan. Rajo. Editio Tertia. With Twenty-four Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1724'. Herbarii Britannici Raji Catalogus, cum Iconibus : (A Catalogue of Mr. Ray's English Herbal, illustrated with Figures.) By James Petiver. Folio., Lond. 1711. History of Plants growing about Paris, with their Uses in Physic. By J. P. TouRNEFORT. Translated into English, with many Ad- ditions, and accommodated to the Plants growing in Great Bri- tain, by John Martyn, F.R.S. In Two Volumes. Octavo. Lend. 1732. A Synopsis of British Plants, in Mr. Ray's Method ; with their Characters, Descriptions, Places of Growth, Time of Flowermg, and Physical Virtues, according to the most accurate Observa- tions, and the best modern Authors ; together with a Botanical Dictionary. Illustrated with several Figures. By John Wil- - SON, OcLavo. Newcastle, 17W. Specimen Botanicum, quo Plantarum plurium rariorum Angli£E in- digenarum Loci natales illustrantur. Auctore J. Blackstoke, Pharm. Duodecimo. Lond. 1746. I'ART 1. £■ xlii GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Medicina Britnnnica : or A Treatise on such Physical Plants as are generally to be found in the Fields or Gardens in Great Britain; containing a particular Account of their Nature, Virtues, and Uses. By Thomas Short, of Sheffield, M.D: Octavo. Lond. 1746. The British Herbal ; containing a complete History of the Plants and Trees which are Natives of Britain, or cultivated here for • Use, or commonly raised for their Beauty; disposed in an easy and natural Method, with their Descriptions at large, &c. By John Hill, M.D. With (Seventy-five coloured) Plates. Folio. Lond. 1756. Flora Britannica: sive Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannica- . rum ; sistens Arbores et Ilerbas, indigenas et in Agris cultas, in Classes et Ordines, Genera et Species redactas secundum Sy- stema Sexuale. Tabulis aeneis illustrata: post tertiam editionem Synopseos Raiana; opere Dillenii concinnatam, nuncque primum ad celeberrimi Caroli Linnaei INIethodum disposita. Auctore JoHANN. Hill, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1760. Herbarium Britannicum, exhibens Plantas Britannia^ indigenas, se- cundum Methodum Floralem novam digestas. Auctore Joann. ■ Hill. With Plates. Two Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1769, 1770. Virtues of British Herbs ; with the History, Description, and Fi- gures of the several Kinds, &c. By John Hill, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1770. Florae Anglicoe Specimen, imperfectum et incditum. Anno 1774, inchoatum. Auctore T. G. Cullum, Baroneto. Octavo. A Generic and Specific Description of British Plants ; translated from the Genera et Species Plantariim^oP the celebrated Linnaeus. With Notes and Observations by James Jenkinson. Octavo. Kendal, 1775. Select Collection of the most beautiful Flowers which blow in the open Air of Great Britain ; on One hundred Plates, coloured from Nature. By George Edwards. FoHp. Lond. 1775. The British Flora, by Stephen Robson. Octavo. York, 1777. Flora Britannica Indigena : or (168) Plates of the Indigenous Plants of Great Britain, by John Walcott. Octavo. Bath, 1778. Enchiridion IJotanicum, complcctens Characteres Gcnericoset Spe- cificos Plantarum per Insulas Britannicas sponte nascentium, ex Linna-o aliis(|ue desumptos. Auctore Artiiuko Bkoughton. Octavo. Lond. 1782. Jacobi Dickson Fasciculus Plantarum Cryptogamicarum Britan- niae. Quarto. Lond. 1785-1801. Indigenous Botany, or Habitations of English Plants ; containing tliu Result of several Botanical Excursions, chiefly in Kent, Mid- GENEEAL TOPOGRAPHY. xliil dlesex, and the adjacent Counties, in 1790, 1791, and 1792. By Colin Milne and Alexander Gordon. Octavo. Lond. 1793. Botanist's Calendar, or Pocket Flora ; with References to the best Figures of British Plants. In Two Volumes. Small octavo. Lond. 1797. Flora Anglica: exhibens Plantas per Regnum Britanniae sponte crescentes, distriburas secundum Systenia Sexuale. Auctore GvL. Hudson, R.S.S. et Pharni. Lond. With Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1798. Synopsis Plantarum Insulis Britannicis Indigenarum ; curante J. Sv\io\s, A.B. Soc. Linn. Soc. Duodecimo. Lond. 1798. British Flora : or, A Linnean Arrangement of British Plants. la Two Parts. By John Hull. Octavo. Manchester, 1799. British Garden : A Descriptive Catalogue of hardy Plants, indige- nous or cultivated, in the Climate of Great Britain. By the Rt. Hon. Lady Charlotte Murray. In Two Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1799. Flora Britannica. Auctore Jacobo Edvardo Smith, M.D. In Three Volumes. Octavo. Lond. 1800. Co npendium Florae Britannica?, ab Classe Monandria usque ad Syngenes'am inclusam, a J. E. Smith, M.D. Soc. Linneanae Prae- side. Small octavo. Lond. 1816. A Systematic Arrangement of British Plants: with an easy Intro- duction to the Study of Botany. By William Withering, M.D. Illustrated by Copper-plates. In Four Volumes. Oc- tavo. Lond. 1801, or Birm. 1812. The Botanist's Guide through England and Wales. By Dawson Turner, F.L.S. &c. and L. W. Dillwyn, F.R.S. &c. In Two Volumes. Small octavo. 1805. English Botany ; or Coloured Figures of British Plants, with their essential Characters, Synonyms, and Places of Growth. To which ■ will be added occasional Remarks. By James Sowerby, F.L.S. and (Sir) James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. Thirty-six Volumes, containing 2592 Plates, with General Indexes. Royal octavo. Lond. 1790-1814.'. A Calendar of Flora, composed during the Year 1809 at Warring- ton, by George Crosfield. Octavo. 1810. A Botanical Description of British Plants in the Midland Counties, particularly of those in the Neighbourhood of Alcester (in War- wickshire). By T. Purton, Surgeon, Alcester. Two Volumes. Octavo. 1817. Silva : or, A Discourse of Forest Trees, and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty's Dominions ; together with an Historical Account of the Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves. To xliv GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. which is added the Terra : A Philosophical Discourse of Earth. By John Evelyn, Esq. F.R.S. ; with Notes by A. Hunter, M.D. F.R.S. L. and E. The Third Edition. In Two Volumes. Royal quarto. Plates. York, 1776 and ISOl. %* Of the Edition of 1776 there are copies on Thick Paper. Woodland Companion ; or, Brief Description of British Trees. By John Aikin, M.D. With Plates. Octavo. 1802. Pomona Brilannka : being a Collection of Specimens of the most esteemed Fruits at present cultivated in this Country. By (^korge Brookshaw. Elephant (/uarto. Loud. 1817.— Now in course of publication, to be completed in Twelve Parts. Pomona Londinensis ; containing Coloured Representations of the best Fruits cultivated in the British Oardens : with Descriptions, in which the Author is assisted by the President and Members of the Horticultural Society. By Vv'illiam Hooker, F.H.S. Imperial quarto. N. B. A few copies are printed in Atlas quarto, the Plates highly finished. *** Now publishing in Numbers. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London; with Plates. quarto. Lond. 1812-1817. Account of the different Kinds of Grasses propagated in England, for the Lnprovement of Corn and Pasture Lands, Lawns, and Walks. By Richard North. Octavo. Lond, 1760. Practical Observations on British Grasses. By William Curtis. Octavo. Gramina Pascua : or, A Collection of Specimens of the common Pasture Grasses, with their Linnacan and English Names, De- scriptions, and Remarks. By G. Swayne. Folio. Bristol, 1790. Gramina Brilannica : or Representations of the British Grasses. By J. L. Knapp, F.L.S. Coloured Plaits. Quarto. Lond. 1 804. An Account of the English Nightshades and their Effects. By William Bromfeild. Duodecimo. Lond. 1757. Observations on the internal Use of the Solavum, or Nightshade. Bv Thomas Gataker; with a Supplement. Octavo. Lond, 1757. ■MenthcR Briinnvktf, being a New Botanical Arrangement of all the British Mints hitlierto discovered. By William Sole. Twenty-tour Plates, folio. Bath, 171)8. Nireis Britannica: or, A lk)tanical Description of British Marine Plants, in Latin and English. By John Sxackhouse, Esq. Folio. Bath, 17'J5-]801. A Synopsis of the British Fuci. By Dawson Turner, A.M. Member of the Lnperial Academy Natiujc Curiosorum, of the Linna;an Society of London, and of the Physical Society of Gcittingen. lu Two Volumes. Duodecimo. Lond. 1802. GENERAL TOPOGRAPIiy. xlv Brilish Confervce : or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of the British Plants referred by Botanists to the Genus Conferva. By Lewis Weston Uillwyn, F.R.S. and F.L.S. Quarlo. Londt, 1809. 'Filice mitatu. Auctore Car. Leigh. Octavo. Lond. 1691, GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Iv Experiments and Observations on Water; particularly on the Hard Pump Water of Manchester. By Thomas PjiRcivAL, M.D. Octavo. Lond..l769. Essay on the Liverpool Spa Water. By Thomas Houlston M.D. Octavo. Liverpool, 1773. Experiments on the Spaw at Mount Sion, near Liverpool. By James Worthington, Surgeon. Octavo. Lond. 1773, Leicestershire. Tlie Contents, Virtues, and Uses of Nevil-Holt Spaw Water further proved from Experiments. Second Edition. Octavo. Lond. 1749. With a Posti^cript, 1750. London. Description of the Duke's (of York) Bagnio (at the upper erd of Long Acre), and of the Mineral Batli and New Spaw there- unto belonging. By Samuel Haworth, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1683^ Treatise on the London Waters. By Dodd. 18mo. Middlesex. A true and exact Account of Sadler's Well: or the New Mi- neral Waters lately found out at IsLiN<;rox; treating of its Na- ture and Virtues, Published for pubiick Good by T. G., Doctor of Physick. Quarto. Lond. 1684<. Islington Wells: or The Threepenny Academy; a Poem. Quarto. Lond. 1691'. The Humours of New Tunbridge Wells at Islington; a Lyric Poem. Octavo. 17o-i'. Experimental Observations on the Water of the Mineral Spring near Islington, commonly called New Tunhuidge Wells. Octavo. Lond, 1751. Experiments on the Mineral Spring at New Tunbridge Wells, near Islington. Octavo. 1782. A short and plain Account of the late-found Balsamick Wells at HoxDoN. By T. Byfeild, M. D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1687. Hampstead Wells ; or Directions for the drinking of tho^e Wa- ters. By John Soame, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1734. Experiments and Observations on the Medicinal Waters of Hamp- stead and KiLBURN. By John Bliss. Duodecimo. Lond. 1?02. An Experimental Enquiry concerning the Contents, Qualities, and Medicinal Virtues of the two Mineral Waters at Bacjnigge' Wells. By John Bevis, M.D. Second Edition, with Addi- tions. Octavo. Lond, 1767. Ivi GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY, Norfolk. Aquae Minerales omnibus Morbis Cbronicis rnedentur : modo sint Medicabiles, et Chirurgla non faerit opus : Quaestio in Scholis Acadeniiic Cantabrigiensis baud ita pridem disceptata : sive de Aquis IMineralibus Dissertatio. Accedit Aqliarum Sitoraagen- sium (vulgo Tiietfordiexsiujm). Authore jMATTn.i:o Man- ning, M.D. Quarto. Lond. 1716. Northamptonshire. A brief Account of the Virtues of the famous Well at Astrop, not far from Oxford, of late so nuich frequented by the Nobility and Gentry. Quarto. Lond. 1668. Strange and Wonderful Newes from Oundle in Northamptonshire ; giving an impartial Kehition of the Drumming Well, commonly called Dobse's Well. Octavo. Lond. 1692. Northumberland. Experiments made in the Month of December 1769, on Waters in and near Newcastle upom Tyne; with Observations thereon. By James Tytler, Chymist, in Gateshead, in the County of Durham. Oclaio. The Principles of analysing Waters briefly explained, and Cock's Lodge Water analysed; being the Substance of a Lecture by Dr. Wilson and Dr. Hall on these Subjects. Octavo. New- castle, 1770. Shropshire. A Medicinal and Experimental History and Analysis of the Han- lys-Spa Walters, near Shrewsbury. By D. W. Linden, M.D. Octavo. 1768. Somersetshire (Bath), A Booke of the Natures and Properties, as well of the Bathes ia England as of other Bathes in Germanye and Italye, very neces- saryo for all Syck Persones that can not be healed without th£ Helpe of natural Bathes. Gathered by William Turner, Doc- tor in Physick. Imprinted at Collen by Arnold Birckman, 1562. Folio. — Reprinted in 1568 in folio. The Bathes of Bathes Ayde : Wonderfull and most excellent agaj'nst very many Sicknesses, approved by Authoritie, con- firmed by lleafon, and daj-ly tried by Experience. Compen- diously compiled by John Jones, Physition. Anno Salutis 1572. Quarto. Via recta ad Vilam lorigavi; wherein also the Nature and Choice of habitable Places, with the true Use of our famous Bathes of Bathe is perspicuously demonstrated. By T. Venner, M.D. Quarto. Lond. 1622. GENERAL TOrOGRAPTIY. Ivii A Discourse of Naturall Bathes and Minerall Waters, especially of our Bathes at Bathe in Sommerset-shire. By Ei>. Jokden, D' in Physick. Quarto. Lond. 1632. The Baths of Bathe; whereunto is also annexed a Censure con- cerning the Water of St, Vincent's Rocks, near Bristoll. By T. VenneR. Portrait. Quarto. Lond. 1637. Thermo; Rfdivivce : The City of Bath described; with some Ob- servations on those sovereign Waters, both as to the bathing in and drinking of them, now so much in use. By Henuy Chap- man, Gent. Quarto. Lond. 1673. A Discourse of Bathe, and the Hot Waters there; also some En- quiries into the Nature of the Water of St. Vincent's Rock, near Bristol; and that of Castle Cary. By Thomas Gui- dott, M.B. Plates. Octavo. Lond. 1676. Thomje Guidotti Anglo-Britanni, de Thermis Britannicis Tracta- tus. Quarto. Lond. 1691. With an Appendix in English. An Apology for the Bath. By Tho. Guidott, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1708. Bath Memoirs : or Observations in Three and forty Years Practice at the Bath, what Cures have been there wrought, both by bathing and drinking these Waters, by God's Blessing on the Directions of R(obert) Peirce, Df in Physick, from the Year 1653 to this present Year, 1697. Duodecimo. Bristol, 1697. With a Plan of Bath, drawn by Joseph Gillmore. — Reprinted in octavo in 1713. A Practical Dissertation on Bath Waters. By W^illiam Oli- ver, M.D. 1716. Fourth Edition. Duodecimo. 1747. An Essay on the true Nature and due Method of treating the Gout ; together with an Account of the Nature and Qualities of Bath W^aters. By George Cheyne, M.D. Seventh Edi- tion. Octavo. Lond. 1725. A Collection of Treatises relating to the City and Waters of Bath. All wi-itten by the learned Thomas Guidott, M.B. To which • is added Thermce Redivivce ; or The City of Bath described. By Henry Chapman, Gent. Octavo. Lond. 1725. Cydus Metasyncriticus : or An Essay on Chronical Diseases; and herein, more fully, of the Medicinal Waters of Bath and Bris- tol, their several Virtues and Differences. By John Wynter, M.B. Octavo. Lond. 1725. Of bathing in the Hot Baths at Bathe. By John Wynter, M.B. Octavo. Lond. 1728. With two Views of the Head of Apollo, and an Inscription erected by the Author to the memory of Dr. Ciuidott. A Treatise of Warm Bath Water, and of Cures made lately, at part I. ■ h Iviii GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Bath, in Somersetshire. By John Quinton, M.D. In Two Volumes, Quarto. Oxford, 1733-34-. An Enquiry into the Medicinal Virtues of Bath Waters, and the Indications of Cures which it answers. By George Randolph, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1752. An Essay on the external Use of Water ; with Remarks on the present Method of using the Mineral Waters at Bath. By T. Smollet, M.D. Quarto. Lond. 1752 or 1767. A Treatise on the Bath Waters. By Rice Charleton of Bath, M.B. Octavo. Bath, 1754. Practical Reflections on the Uses and Abuses of Bath Waters. By William Baylies, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1757. A Treatise on the Mineral Qualities of Bath Waters. In Three Parts. By J. N. StevEx\s, M.D. of Bath. Octavo. Lond. 1758. Attempt to ascertain and extend the Virtues of Bath and Bris- tol Waters by Experiments and Cases; with a Ground Plan of Ruins discovered at Bath in 1755. By Alex. Sutherland^ M.D. Lond. 1764. Cursory Remarks on the Method of investigating the Principles and Properties of Bath and Bristol Waters. By C.Lucas, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1764. A seasonable and modest Re])]y to Dr. Lucas's cursory Remarks. By D. W, Linden, INI.D. Octavo. Load. 1765. An Essay on the Bath Waters. In Four Parts. By William Falconer, M.D. In Two Volumes. Duodecimo and octavo. 1774, 1790, and 1798. Three Tracts on the Bath Waters; collected by Dr. (Rice) Charleton. Octavo. Bath, 1774. Description of the Hot Bath at Bath. By John Wood, Archi- tect, folio. 1777. Bath Waters ; a conjectural Idea of their Nature and Quali- ties. By A. Wilson, M.D. Octavo. Bath, 1788. Treatise on the Bath Waters. By George Smith Gibbes, M.D. Octavo. Bath, 1800. Inquiry into the Contents and Medicinal Virtues of Lincomb Spaw Water, near Bath. By William Hillary, M.D. Oc* tavo. Lond. 1747. Somersetshire (Bristol). Johannis Suhlermontani Thermologia Bristoliensis : or, Underhill's Short Account of the Bristol Hot Weil Water. Duodecimo. Bristol, 1703. Enquiry into the Nature and Virtues of the Medicinal Waters ol BuitiTOL. By P. Keiu, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1739. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. }H A New Analysis of the Bristol Water, By John Shebbeare, Chymist. Octavo. Lend. 1740. Enquiry into the Medicinal Virtues of Bristol Water. By George Randolph, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1750. The Nature and Qualities of Bristol Water. By A. Suther- land, M.D. Octavo. Bristol, 1788. An impartial Inquiry into the Nature and Qualities of the new Sa- line Mineral Spa Water, Hot Wells Koad, Bristol. Octavo. Bristol. Of the Hot Wells W^ater, near Bristol. By John Nott, M.D. Octavo. Bristol, 1793. Dissertation on the Chemical and Medical Properties of the Bris- tol Hot Well Water. By A. Carrick, M.D. Octavo, Bristol, 1797. •Treatise on the Baths at Bristol. By Edward Kentish, M.D. Octavo. Inquiry into the Nature and Quality of the New Saline Mineral Spa Water at the Tennis Court House near Bristol, Octavo. Wilt thou be made Whole? or The Virtues and Efficacy of the Water of Glastonbury. Octavo, Lond. 1751. A Short Description of the Waters at Glastonbury. By a Cler- gyman. Octavo. Oxford, 1751. Observations on the Mineral Water at Horwood Well, near Win- canton, Co. Somerset. Octavo. Staffordshire. Fons SdJiitalis: or, The Healing Spring at Willowbridge, in Staffordshire. By Samuel Gilbert, Rector of Quatt. Duo- decimo. Lond. 1676. Suffolk. Hydro- Siderron .• or, A Treatise of Ferruginous Waters, especially the Ipswich Spa w. ByW.C, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1717. Surrey. Tractatus de Salis Cathartici amari in Aquis Ebeshamensibus et hujusmodi aliis contenti Natura et Usu. Authore Nehemia Grew, M.D, Duodecimo. Lond. 1695. *^* The same Work was likewise published in English in 1697 in octavo; an Account of which is included in Allen's Natural History of the Chalybeat and Purgative Waters in England, 1699. An Enquiry into the Origin and Nature of Magnesia Alba, and the Properties of Epsom Waters. By D. Ingram. Octavo. 1768. Ix GENERAI. TOPOGRAPHY. Sussex. A Short History of Brighthelmstone ; with Remarks on its Air, and an Analysis of" its Waters, particularly of" an unconjnion Mineral one, long discovered, though but lately used. By An- thony Relhan, M.D. Octavo. Lond. 1761. Thoughts on Brighthelmstone: concerning Sea Bathing, and drinkhig Sea Water ; with some Directions for their Use. By John Awsiter, M.D. Quarto. 1769. Warwickshire. A Briefc Discourse of certaine Bathes or Medicinall Waters in the Countie of Warwicke, neere vnto a Village called Newnam Re- gis. Duodecimo. 1587. Hydrohgia Philosophica : or An Account of Ilmington Waters in Warwickshire. By Samuel Derham. Octavo. Oxford, 1685. Account of an Analysis made on the Mineral Water at Stratford UPON Avon. By Charles Perry, M.D. Octavo. North- ampton, 1741'. Short Remarks on Dr. Perry's Analysis. By William Baylies jun. Octavo. Stratford, 17i5. Wiltshire. An Historical Account of the Cures done by the Mineral Water at Holt. Duodecimo. Bristol, 1723. A Brief Account of the Holt Waters. By Henry Eyr£, Sworn Purveyor to Her Majesty for all Mineral Waters. Duo- decimo. Lond. 1731. An Experimental History of Road Water in Wiltshire. By Stephen Williams, M.B. Octavo. Lond. 1731. Observations on the Properties of the Saline and Chalybeate Spas at Melksham. By Bartley. Octavo. Bath, 1811. Worcestershire. Experiments and Observations on the Malvern Waters. (By John Wall, M.D.) Octavo. Worcester, 1763. Malvern Waters ; being a Republication of Cases formerly col- lected by John Wall, M.D. and since illustrated with Notes by - his Son ■( Martin Wall, M.D.) Octavo. Oxford, 1806. An Analysis of the Malvern Waters. By A. Philips Wilson, M.D. Octavo. Worcester, 1805. Yorkshire. Spadacrene Arsglica : or, The English Spaw Fountaine ; being a brief Treatise of the Acid or Tart Fountaine in the Foresj of Knareslokough, in Yorkshire. By Edmund Deane, M.D^ GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. ]xi Odavo. Lond. 1625 or 1626.— Republished in 1736, Octavo, with additional Observations by Dr. Stanhope and others, Newes out of York-Shire; or, An Account of a Journey In the true Discovery of a soueraigne MInerall, Medicinal! Water, neere Knaresbrough. By M. S. (Michael Stanhope.) Quar(o. Lond. 1627. Cures without Care ; or A Summons to all such who finde little or no Heljie by the Use of ordinary Physick, to repaire to the NoRTHERNE Spaw ; wherein, by many Presidents of a few late Yeares, it is evidenced to the World that Inhrvnitics in their owne Nature desperate and of long Continuance haye received perfect Recovery by virtue of Mineral Waters neare Knaresborow, in the West Riding of Yorkeshire: Also a Description of the said Water, and of other rare and useful Springs adjoyning. By M. St. (Michael Stanhope.) Small quarto. Lond. 1633. English Spaw: or The Glory of Knaresborough. By Dr. Eb- MUXD Dean. Quarto. York, 164-9. The York-Shire Spaw: or, A Treatise of Four famous -Medicinal Wells, and St. Magnus Well, near Knaresborow. By Johx French, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1652. — Republished at Fla- lifax in 1760. Spadacrene Ehoracensis : or. The Yorkshire Spa ws near Knares- BURGH ; being a Description of Five Medicinal Wells. By Geo. Neale, M.D. of Leedes. — In Short's Hist, of Mineral Waters. Scarbrough Spaw; or A De>cnption of the Nature and Virtues of the Spaw at Scarbrough. By Robert Wittie, M.p. Duodecimo. York, 1667. Hydrologia Cliymica: or The Chyuiical Anatomy of the Scarbo- rough and other Sp;iws in Yorkshire. By William Sympson. Octavo. Lond. 1669. Pijrqlogia Mimica: or, An Answer to " Hifdrologia Chymica," in Defence of Scarborough Spaw. By Robert Wittie, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1669. Jlydrological Essays: or, A Vindication o^ ^^ Hydrologia Chymica;'^ being a further Discovery of the Scarborough Spaw. By W. Sympson, M.D. Octavo. 1670. Scarbrough Spaw spagirically anatomized. By George Ton- stall, Doctor of Physic. Octaco. Lond. 1672, 3earbrough's Spagyrical Anatomizer Dissected : or, An Answer to all that Dr. Tonstall hath objected in his Book against ScaRt brough Spaw. By Robert Wittie, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1672. A New Year's Gift for Dr. Wittie; or, The Dissector Anatoniiz'd, By Geo. Tonstall, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1672. Ixii GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Fons Scarhirgensis : sive Tractatus de omnis Aquarum Generis Origine ac Usu: particulariter de Fonte Minerali apud Scar- BROUGH, in Com. Eboracensi Anglia;. Autore Roberto Wit- tie, M.D. Octavo. Lend. 1678. The History of the Scarbrough Spavv : or, A further Discovery of the excellent Virtues thereof; together with a short Account of the Rarities of Nature observable at Scarbrough. By W. Sympson, M.D. Duodecimo. Lond. 1679. An Enquiry into the Contents, Virtues, and Uses of the Scarbo- kough Spaw Waters. Cy Peter Shaw, Physician at Scarbo- rough. Octavo. Lond. 1734. A Dissertation on the Contents, Virtues, and Uses of Cold and Hot Mineral Springs, particularly those of Scarborough : In a Let- ter to Robert Robinson, Esq. Recorder of that Corporation. Octavo. York, 1735. A compendious Treatise on the Contents, Virtue, and Uses of Cold and Hot Mineral Springs in general, particularly the celebrated Hot Waters of ScARr/oROUGH. By John Atkins, Surgeon. Octavo. Lond. 1737. Spadacrene JngUca : or The English Spaw ; being an Account of the Situation and Cures performed by the Waters of Harro- gate. By Dr. Dean. Octavo. Leeds, 1736. Essay on the Harrogate and Thorp Arch Waters. By Walker. Octavo. 1784. Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Harrogate. By Tho. Gar- nett, M.D. Octavo. 1789 or 1794-. Experiments and Observations on the Crescent Water at Harro- gate. By T. Garnett, M.D. Octavo. Leeds, 1791. Experiments and Observations on the Horley Green Spaw near Halifax. By Thomas Garnett, M.D. Octavo. Bradl'orU, 1790,. COUNTY HISTORY ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED^ BEDFORDSHIRE. I. MAGNA BRITANNIA : being a concise Topogra- phical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Lysons, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector of Rodmarton in Gloucestershire; and Samuel Lysons, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. — Vol. I. Part I. containing Bedfordshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in th« Strand. 1813. Quarto. Half Title " Bedfordshire." Title page as above. Dedication to King George III., signed Daniel and Samuel Lysons. Advertisement, 3 pages. List of Plates, 1 page. General Introduction, p.xiii-xxi. Historical jiart, " Bedfordshire." (Signature b-x 2) p. 1 -136. Additions and Corrections, [a-b 5] p. 157-174. Index of Names and Titles, [c] p. 1 74-1 79. General Index, [d-e] p. 181-189. N. B. The List of Errata is on page 172. PLATES. 1 . A Folded Map of the County. S. J. Neele sc. p. 1. 2. Roman Urns found at Sandy, Bedfordshire j also an Am- phora found on Wavendon Heath, Bucks. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 24. 3. Plan of the Remains of the Priory Church at Dunstaple. S. Lysons del. Neele sc. p. 28. 4. Part of the Nave of Dunstaple Church. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 29. 5. Antient Fonts in Bedfordshire. (Leighton Busard, Stud- ham, Puddington, Elstow.) S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 3 1 . 6. Baptistery at Luton. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 31. 7. Stone Stalls in Luton Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 32. 8. Plan of Toternhoe Castle, Bedfordshire. Neele sc. p. 35. B 2 BEDFORDSHIRE. 9. West View of Felmersham Church, Bedfordshire. S. L. 1804. p. 84. 10. Part of the Wenlock Chapel, and Chancel of Luton Church. S. Lysons del. Lee sc. p. 1 1 1. 11. South-east View of Wimington Church, Bedfordshire. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 151 12. Tomh of John Curteys and Albreda his Wife, in Wiming- ton Church. Folded. S. Lysons del. Lee sc. p. 131. 13. Grave-stone in Broniham Church, Bedfordshire. Folded. E. Blore del. J. Lee sc. p. \6i. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. II. BRITANNIA DEPICTA: a Series of Views (with brief Descriptions) of the most interesting and picturesque Objects in Great Britain, engraved from Drawings by Messrs. Hearne, Farington, Smith, Turner, Alexander, &c. By William Byrne, F.A. S. The Counties alphabetically arranged. — Part I. containing Bedfohdshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. I8O6. Oblong quarto. Title as above. Advertisement, containing the List of Plates. Letter-press Descriptions, 6 pages. PLATLS. 1. Frontispiece. " Britannia." Drawn by R. Smirke, R A. engraved by J. Neagle. 1 805 2. East Side of Bedford Bridge. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byriie, F.S.A. 1S03. p. 49. 3. S.E. View of the Church of St. Paul, Bedford. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1 803. p. 3 1 . 4. N.W. Aspect of the Priory Church at Dunstaple. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A from an outline by H. Edridge, en- graved by W. Byrne, F.S A 1803. p. 74. 3. S.W. Aspect of the Priory Church at Elstow, Bedfordshire. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 81. 6. View of Harold from Chillington Church-yard. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 91. BEDFORDSHIRE. 3 7. South Aspect of the Cross at Leighton Buzzard, Bedford- shire. Drawn hy W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. and .1. Sparrow. 1803. p. 103. 8. S.E. Aspect of the Church at Odcll, Bedfordshire. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 122. N. B. There are proof impressions of these engravings to ac- company the large paper copies of Messrs. D. and S. Lysons's ''Magna Britannia." III. Collections Historical, Genealogical, and Topo- graphical, for Bedfordshire : by Thomas Fisher. Adapted to the Illustration of the Magna Britanma of Messrs. D. and S. Lysons. To be comprised in Four {Five) Parts, containing Sixteen Plates each. (London :) Published for the Proprietor, by G. and W. Nicol, Pall Mall; White, Cochrane, and Co. Fleet-street; Clarke, Bond-street; Richardson, Strand ; and J. and A. Arch, and R. Wilkinson, Cornhill. Royal quarto. PART I. 1812. Engraved Title-page, representing the North Door of Mepshall Church, on which is inscribed " Collections Historical, Ge- nealogical, and Topographical for Bedfordshire, by Thomas Fisher, 1812." Fishe'r del. et sc. Hoxton, May 1, 1812. Ly- sons, p. 117. Advertisement, 2 pages. PLATES. 1. Bletsoe Castle, from the west. — Bridge over the Moat. Lysons, p. 59. 2. Milton-Bryen, the Seat of Sir Hugh Inglis, Bart. Lysons, p. 118. ' 3. Harold Church and Manor House. Lysons, p. 91' 4. Clapham Church. Lysons, p. 69. 5. Monumental Figure in Aspley-Guise Church. Lysons, p. 40. 6. Monumental Figures of Sir William Harper, Knt. and Dame Margaret his Wife, in St. Paul's Church, Bedford. Ly- sons, p. 52. 7. Bunyan's Chair. Lysons, p. 53. 4 BEDFORDSHIRE. t 8. Monumental Figures of Henry Fayrey and Agnes his Wife, in Dunstaple Church. Lysons, p. 76. 9. Monumental Figure of Elizabeth Hervey, last Abbess of Elstow. Lysons, p. 81. 10. Monumental Figures of John Ackworth and Family hi Lu- ton Church. Lysons, p. 113. 11. Odell Castle. Lysons, p. 121. 12. Monumental Figure of Matthew de Asscheton, in Shitling- ton Church. Lysons, p. 132. 13. Willington Church. Lysons, p. 151. 14. Monument of the Family of Gostwick, and Inscription, dated 15 4), in Willington Church. Lysons, p. 151. 15. Tomb of Sir William Gostwick in Willington Church. Lysons, p. 151. PART IL 1812. PLATES. 1. Bromh am Bridge. Lysons, p. 61. 2. Campton House. Lysons, p. 63. 3. Conger-Hill byToddington Church, — thie Keep of a castel- lated Mansion, supposed of Sir Paulinus Peyvre, A.D. 1251. Lysons, p. 143. 4. Tomb of an Abbot of Pipwell, in the Cloisters of Chick- sands Priory. Lysons, p. 68. 5. Monumental Figures of John Fysher and his Wife, in Clif- ton Church. Lysons. p. 69. 6. Lower Gravenhurst Church, with Arms over the Door. Ly- sons, p. 90. 7. Someries, an ancient Mansion in Luton. Lysons, p. 110. 8. Monumental Figures of John Launceleyn and Margaret his Wife, in Cople Church. Lysons, p. 71. 9. Monumental Figures of Nichol Rolond and Pernel his Wife, in Cople Church. Lysons, p. 71. 10. Monumental Figure of Walter Rolond in Cople Church. Lysons, p. 71. 1 1 . Hulcote House, Bedfordshire, from a drawing in the pos- session of the Rev. Thomas Orlebar Marsh, of Felmers- ham. Lysons, p. 100. 12. Shambrook Church. Lysons, p. 131. 13. North-east View of Tilsworth Church, and the Tomb of Adam de Tullesworthe. Lysons, p. 141. 14. Monumental Figures of John Meppershall and Catherine hi.s Wife, in Mc})'ihall Church. Lysons, p. 1 17. BEDFORDSHIRE. 5 15. Monumental Figures of John Botelcr and Elizabeth his Wife, in Mepshall Church. Lysons, p. 11 7. 16. Monumental Figures of Thomas Reynes and Family, in Marston-Morteyne Church. Lysons, p. 114. PART in. 1813. PLATKS. 1. Bury Hill and Thurley Church, Bedfordshire. Lysons, p. 140. 2. South Door of Thurley Church. Lysons, p. 140. 3. Houghton- Regis Church. Lysons, p. 99. 4. North Door of Flitwick Church. Lvsons, p. 87. 5. Newbury, in the Parish of Flitton. 6. South View of Pertenhall Manour- House. Lysons, p. 123. 7. Figures in Aspley Guise Church. Lysons, p. 4 I. 8. Inscription to the Memory of Robert de Bilhemore, in Lower Gravenhurst Church. Lysons, p. 90. 9. Monumental Figure of Harry Gray, with Arms, in Flitton Church. Lysons, p. 80. 10. Ancient Tombs at Keysoe. Lysons, p. 10-2. 11. Oakley Church. Lysons, p. 121. 12. Salford Church. Lysons, p. I29. 13. Tombs in Salford Church. Lysons, p. 129. 14. Tombs in ditto. Lysons, p. I 29. 15. Monumental Figures in Tempsford Church. Lysons, p. 140. 16. Woburn Abbey, copied from a painting in the possession of the Rev. Edward Orlebar Smith, of Aspley House, Bed- fordshire. Lysons, p. 132. PART IV. 1815. PLATES. 1 . View of Houghton Park House in its perfect state, from a curious drawing by Mr. Goodhall. Lysons, p. 97. 2. View of Houghton Park House in its present state. Ly- sons, p. 97. 3. Brass Figure and Inscription of Richard Fysher in Golding- ton Church. Lysons, p. 88. 4. Brass Bust of William Carbrok, Chaplain, in Wilhamsted Church. Lysons, p. 130. 5. View of Litlington Old Church, from a drawing by Mr. RufFhead. Lysons, p. 106. 6. N.E. View of Marston-Morteyne Church. Lysons, p. 114. 6 BEDFORDSHIRE. 7. S.E. View of Cople Church. Lysons, p. 71. 8. South V^iew of Tilbrook Church. Lysons, p. 140. 9. Arlesev Font, with the eight compartments. Lysons, p. 40. 10. S.W. View of Keysoe Church and Spire. Lysons, p. 102. 1 1 . Tomb in the south wall of the south aisle of Salford Church. Lysons, p. 129. 12. Norman Door on the north side of Cranfield Church. Ly- sons, p. 72. 13. Norman Door on the south side of St. Peter's Church, Bedford. Lysons, p. 52. 14. Saxon Door on the north side of Elstow Church. Lysons, p. 81. 13. Figure of a Priest under an Arch in the west end of Dun- staple Church. Lysons, p. 75. 1 6. Brass of three figures of William, Agnes, and John Folds, in Biddenham Church. Lysons, p. 56. N. B. Part v., containing ten engravings, with letter-press descriptions of all the plates, will complete this publication. Of this work there are Large Paper copies. IV. CoLLECTioxs towards the History and Antiqui- ties of Bedfordshire ; containing the Parishes of PUDDINGTON, LUTOX, and DUNSTAPLE. London, 1783. Quarto. — See Nichols's " Bib lint heca Topo- graphica Britannica," No, viii. in the Appendix to this V^ork. V. An Historical Account of the Parish of Wim- MiNG'ioN, in the County of Bedford; wherein particular attention is paid to the Queries proposed l)y the Editors of the Bihliothcca Topographica Bri- tannica. Communicated by Oliver St. John Cooper, Vicar of Puddington and Thurleigh, and sometime Curate of Wimmington. London, 1785. Quarto. See Nichols's " Bihlioth. Topog. Britan." No. xxix. BEDFORDSHIRE. VI. An Historical Account of the Parish of Odell, in the County of Bedford : Communicated by Oliver St. John Cooper, Vicar of Puddington and Thurleio;h. London, 1787. Quarto. — See Nichols's '* Billioth. Topog. Briian." No. xliv. VII. FLORA BEDFORDIENSIS: comprehending such Plants as grow wild in the County of Bedford ; arranged according to the System of Linnceus, with occasional Remarks, by Charles Abbot, M.A. F.L.S. Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Marquis of Tweedale, Vicar of Oakley Raynes in Bedford- shire, and late Fellow of Nev\' College, Oxford. Bedford: Printed and sold by W. Smith. 1798. Octavo. 370 pages : viz. Dedication, 2 pages. Preface, 4 pages. Authors quoted, and classical Abbreviations, 4 pages. Descriptive part, 332 pages. Generic Index, 4 pages, and English Index, 4 pages. Illustrated with six Botanical Plates. VIII. General Viem'^ of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford : Drawn up for the Board of Agricul- ture. By Thomas Stone. London, 1794. Quarto Pamphlet. IX. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford. Drawn up by Order of the Board of 8 BEDFORDSHIRE. Agiiculture and Internal Improvement. By Tho- mas Batchelor, Farmer. " Ye generous Britons, venerate the Plough, And o'er your hills and long withdrawing vales Let Autumn spread his treasures to the sun." Thomson's Seasons. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge-street, in 1 808, and for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, and Geo. and W. Nicol, Pall Mall. 1813. Octavo, pp. 650. With a folded Map of the Soil of Bedfordshire, Portrait of the late Duke of Bedford, and seven Agricultural Engravings. i) BERKSHIRE. The Antiquities of Berkshire. By Elias Ash- mole, Esq. With a large Appendix of many va- luable original Papers, Pedigrees of the most con- siderable Families in the said County, and a parti- cular Account of the Castle, College, and Town of Windsor. London : Printed for E. Curll in Fleet Street, mdccxix*. In Three Volumes. Octavo. VOL. L Title-page as above, with a Direction to the Bookbinder on the reverse. Some Memoirs of the Life of Elias Asbmole, Esq. [a-d] p. i-xxvi. An Introduction to the Antiquities of Berkshire, [d 2-q 4] page xxvii-cxxviii. The Antiquities of Berkshire, being chiefly a Collection of Epi- taphs and Inscriptions, beginning with Theal Hundred, [b-c c] 1 94 pages, and ending with the catch-word " Shri-" plates. 1. Portrait of Elias Ashmole. Folded. M. Vdr Gucht sc. to front the Life. 2. A New (Sheet) Map of Barkshire, with all tlie Hundreds, Parkes, and other Places thereunto belonging: with a View of y^ South Side of Windsor Castle, and whole length Portraits of Two Knights of the Garter. Folded. W. Hollar fee. 1066. — To face p. 1 of the Antiquities. VOL. II. Title-page as above. The Antiquities of Berkshire continued, beginning with " Shrx- VENHAM Hundred," [cc 2-Bbbb] p. 193-334. * Some copies of this work have reprinted Title-pages with the follow- • ing imprint: "London": Printed for \V. Mcars, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, and J. Hooke, at the Flower-de-L ice against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street, mdccxxiii." C 10 BERKSHIRE. An Index of the Names of Places and Persons mentioned in this Volume, [4 b 2-4 E 2] p. 553-580. Errata, 2 pages. VOL. III. Title-page as above. The Antiquities of Berkshire continued, beginning with " BaAY Hundred," [b-e e 3] 214 pages. Title-page — '' Catalogus Decanorum, necnon Canonico- RUM Liberae Capellse Regiae S" Georgii, infra Castrum de Windesore, in ordinem redactus. A Thoma Fryth, ejusdem Ecclesiae Canonico, et ab aliis auctus, et ad hunp Annum 17I8, continua serie deductus. Londini, MDCCXViii. Catalogus Custodum sive Decanorum, &c. [Ff2-oo3] p. 217-284. An Appendix, giving some Account of several of the most an- tient and noted Families of this County, with their several Pedigrees, extracted from a Genealogical MS. writ about the Year mdci., and a Continuation of the Work, beginning with " Upton," &c. [00 4-iii 2] p. 285-407. An Index of the Names of Places and Persons mentioned in this Volume, p. 408-428. N. B. Pages 303-322, containing Genealogical Tables, are folded, as are likewise pages 36 1 and 362. PLATES. 1. A Miscellaneous Plate of Antiquities, Celts, &:c. [Fig. 1-6.] to face p. 210. 2. Armorial Bearings of John Latton, Esq. of Esher Place, C. Gardner sc. on the letter-press of p. 331. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. II. The History and Antiquities of Berkshire: with a large Appendix of many valuable original Papers, Pedigrees of the most considerable Families in the said County, and a jiarticular Account of the Castle, College, and Town of Windsor. J3y Eli as ASHIMOLE, Esq. To which will be added the Life of the Author. Reading : Printed by William Carnan, in the Market Place, MDCCXXXvi. Small folio. BERKSHIRE. 1 1 Title-page as above, in black and red ink. Some Memoirs of the Life of Elias Ashmole, Esq. with an Ac- count of Mr. John Blagrave, the famous Mathematician, who lived at Reading, in Com. Berks in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and King James I., 8 pages. An Introduction to the History and Antiquities of Berkshire, p. 3-17. The History and Antiquities of Berkshire, [e 2-4 x] 340 pages. The Index, 2 pages. A Map of Berkshire, by H. Moll, Geographer, is prefixed to the work ; with a Yiew of the south side of Windsor Castle ; a smaller View of the same building ; and a Roman Pavement ploughed up somewhere about Great Tew in Oxfordshire, round the margin. Folded. Errors in the paging : — P. 204-5 are misprinted 200-1. P. 236-254 inclusive, are misprinted 336 to 354, except p. 23S. III. MAGNA BRITAXXIA: being a concise Topo- graphical Account of the several Counties of Great Britaix. By the Rev. Daniel Lysoxs, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector of Rodniarton in Glou- cestershire; and Samuel Lysoxs, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. — Vol. L Part IL containing Berk- shire. London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davieb in the Strand. 1S13. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as above. List of Plates, 2 pages. History of Berkshire, [x 4-3 L 3] p. 139-446. Additions and Corrections, with Errata, [c-*-F 2J p. 447-474. Index of Names and Titles, [g-h 2] p. 475-4S6. General Index, [i-K 2] p. 487-502. PLATES. 1. Map of Berkshire. Folded. S.J. Neele, sc: p. 159. 2. Architectural Ornaments in Avington Church. S. Ly^son-s del. et fee. p. 204. 12 BERKSHIRE. 3. Inscriptions in Woolhamptonand Sunning-hill Churches.— The Hungerford Horn, with the Inscription on it. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 204. 4. Architectural Ornaments in Padworth Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 205. 5. Antient Bas-relief in Charney Chapel.— Ornament of the Door of Charney Chapel, and Door-ways of Buckle- bury, and Thatcham Churches. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 205. 6. Welford Church, and Plan of the Steeple. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 205. 7. Door-wavof Tidmarsh Church, and ancient leaden Font in Childrey Church. S. Lysons del. et fee p. 205. 8. Part of the west Door-way of Alderuiaston Church.— Door- way of the Nave of Shillingford Church, and north Door of Sparsholt Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 205. 9. Part of the Nave of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 206. I'D. Part of the Stalls in the Choir of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 2()6. 1 1 . Door-way at the east end of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 206. 12. Ancient Fonts in Berkshire, viz. Avington, Great Shefford, Sutton Courtney, and figures on Avington Font. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. 207- 13. Stone Stalls in Faiingdon and Welford Churches. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. 207. 14. Half of the Iron Monument of King Edward IV. in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, and Plan of ditto. Folded. F. Nash, del. .1. Lee sc. 15. Part of the Remains of Abingdon Abbey. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 211. 16. West side of the Quadrangle of Cumner Place. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 213. 17. View of White-Horse Hill, Berks. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 215. 18. Door-way of Appleton Manor House. S. Lysons del. et fee. p." 234. 19. Ockholt, or Ockwells House, Berkshire. Folded, p. 247- 20. Arms of King Henry VI. and his Queen, in one of the Hall Windows of Ockwells House, Berkshire. Coloured and Folded, p. 247. 21. Arms of Noireys, and of Beaufort Duke of Somerset, BERKSHIRE. 13 painted on Glass in the Hall Windows of Ockwells House, Berks. Coloured and folded, p. 247. 22. Plan of the Town of Reading. Neele sc. p. 328. 23. N.W. View of Windsor Castle. T. Hearne del. Letitia Byrne fee. p. 416. 24. West View of Windsor Castle, p. 418. 23. The Keep of Windsor Castle, with part of the Court of the Upper Ward. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 420. 26. Planof Windsor Castle, MDcccv. Folded. Neele sc. p. 420 27. Plan of the Ground Floor of the Upper Ward in Windsor Castle. MDCCCV. Neele sc p. 420. fi8. Seals of the Warden and College of the Chapel of St. George at Windsor, and of the Priory of St. Mary at Luflfield. Rich. Smirke del. et fee, p. 424. 29. Plan of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 425. 30. Monument of Sir William Fitz-Williams in St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 448. N. B. There are copies on Large Paper. IV. BRITANNIA DEPICTA: a Series of Views (with brief Descriptions) of the most interesting and picturesque Objects in Great Britain, engraved from Drawings by Messrs Hearne, Farington, Smith, Turner, Alexander, &c. By William Byrne, F.A.S. — Part II. containing"^ Berkshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. Oblong quarto. Title as above. Advertisement, containing the List of Plates. Letter-press Description of the Plates. PLATES. 1. Abingdon from the Thames Navigation. Drawn by W. Turner, R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.yV. p. 2 16. 2. View of Taplow Woods and Maidenhead Bridge from Clief- den Terrace. Drawn by Jos. Farington, R.A. engraAcd by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 191. 3. Newbury from Speen Hill. Drawn by W. Turner, R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1805. p. 316. 14 BERKSHIRE. 4. Reading, from Holm Park. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 328. 5. Donnington Castle, taken from a field adjoining the road to East Ilsley, from Newbury. Drawn by W. Turner, R.A. engraved by W. and L. Byrne. 1805. p. 356. 6. The North side of Wallingford Bridge. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 392. 7 . View of Windsor from the upper end of the Long Walk. Drawn by John Smithy engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 418. 8. On the Great Terrace at Windsor. Drawn by John Smith, engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 420. 9. The West Window of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne and James Sparrow. 1805. p. 424. 10. General View of Windsor Castle and Town, from the Fields near Clevver. Drawn by John Smith, engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 418. N. B. There are proof impressions of these engravings to accompany the Large Paper copies of Messrs. D. and S. Ly- sons's " Magna Britannia." V. The History and ANTiQuiTiEsof Windsor Castle, and the Royal College and Chapel of St. George : uith the Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the ]\Iost Noble Order of the Garter ; including the se- veral Foundations in the Castle, from their first esta- blishment to the present time : with an Account of the Town and Corporation of Windsor ; the Royal Apartments and Paintings in the Castle ; the Cere- monies of the Installation of a Knight of the Gar- ter : also an Account of the first Founders, and their successors Knights-Companions, to the present time, with their several Stiles or Titles, at large, from their plates in the choir of St. George's Chapel ; the Succession of the Deans and Prebends of Windsor; the Alms-Knights ; the monumental and ancient In- scriptions ; with other particulars not mentioned by BERKSHIRE. 15 any author. The whole entirely new wrote, and il- lustrated with Cuts. (By Joseph Pote.) K^oni jsoit qui nivil ^ pcnsc* Eton : Printed by Joseph Pote, Bookseller, mdccxlix. Cum privilegio Regio. Quarto. Preceding the Title-page is the Royal Licence for printing the Work, dated April '■20, 1749^, and signed " Bedford." Title-page as above, in black and red ink. Dedication to His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales, printed with red ink. Preface, List of Subscribers^ and Books printed for Joseph Pote, 12 pages. The Contents, 2 pages. The History and Antiquities of Windsor, [b-l11 2] 431 pag;es. Half-title. Title-page in black and red — " An Appendix to the History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, and the Most Noble Order of the Garter : containing the Names of the Knights of the Garter, with their several Stiles or Titles at large, from their Eschuteons or Plates of Arms in St. George's Chapel, continued from the Year 1741. Also an Alphabetical Index of all the Plates of Arms of the Knights Companions men- tioned in the said History ; with other necessary Additions to the present Year. Eton : mdcci.xii." — A vignette Figure of Britannia, with the Shield of St. George, on the Title. A. Walker del. et sc. Dedication : " To the Most High Monarch George the Third." 2 pages. Advertisement and Additions to the Index, 2 pages. An Appendix to the History of Windsor Castle and the Order of the Garter, [b-k 2] p. 1-40. Title — '^ Ceremonies observed in Presence of the Sovereign and Knights Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter at Windsor, on Wednesday, the 22d Day of Septem- ber 1762, at the Installation of His Royal Highness Prince William and the Earl of Bute." Ceremonies, &c. p. 3-10. PLATES. 1. The Prince Companion in the full Habit of the Order, whole length. Parr sc. to front the Title. 2. Monument of Sir Thomas Reeve, Knt. Parr sc. p. 30. 16 BERKSHIRE. 3. Inscription on the Monument of Sir Thomas Reeve, Knt. p. 30. 4. A folded Plan of Windsor Castle, shewing alphabetically at one view the several Apartments in the Royal Palace as shewn to the Public, 1748. R. Biggs del. R. Parr and S. Smith sc. p. 46. 5. South Prospect of the Royal Chappel of St. George in Windsor Castle, a folding plate, p. 60. 6. West Prospect of St. George's Chapel. Parr sc. p. 72. 7. The Habits and Ensigns of the Order of the Garter; a folded plate. Parr sc. p. 198. 8. 9. Tomb of Edward Fiennes, Earl of Lincoln : two plates, the former dedicated to the Right Hon. Henry Fiennes Clinton Earl of Lincoln, and the latter to the Right Hon. George Lord CHnton. Parr sc. p. 363. 10. Monument of Charles Somerset Earl of Worcester, and his Lady Elizabeth. Parr sc. p. 380. 1 1 . Monument of Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort. Parr sc. p. 381. 12. Mommient of Sir George Manners, Lord Roos and Lady Anne his Wife. Parrsc. p. 390. 13. Effigies of Anne'Dutchess of Exeter and Sir Thomas Sel- lynger, Knt. her Husband, p. 391. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. VI. The History of Windsor, and its Neighbourhood. By James Hakewill, Architect. London : Printed for Edmund Lloyd, Harley-street, Cavendish- square. 1813. Imperial quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Hon. Henry James Lord Montagu, 1 page, hitroduction, dated Alpha, Regent's Park, p. v-xiv. List of Subscribers, 2 pages, hidex to the Plates and Vignettes, 2 pages. Half-tide, " History of Windsor." The History of Windsor, [a-2 m] 276 pages. Half-title, " Environs of Windsor, Second Tour," [2 m 2J The Environs of Windsor, p. 279-295. Half-title " Environs of Windsor, Third Tour," [2 p] Environs of Windsor, Third Tour, p. 299-312. BERKSHIRE. 17 Half-title " Environs of Windsor. — The Thames," [2 r] Environs of Windsor, p. 315-342. Half-title '^ Addenda." Addenda and Index, 7 pages [2 x-2 y 3] p. 345-359. PLATES. 1. Windsor Castle, from Eton Play-fields. Drawn by J. Hake- will, engraved by J. Landseer. — Frontispiece. 2. Plan of Windsor Castle. Folded. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. Smart, p. 1. 3. Plan of the Ground Floor of the Upper Ward in Windsor Castle, 1811. Drawn by J, Hakewill, engraved by W. Smart, p. 1. 4. South West View of Windsor Castle. Drawn by J. Hake- will, engraved by Letitia Byrne, p. 48. 5. North Terrace, Windsor Castle, looking westward. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Woolnoth. p. 52. 6. Vievvfrom the North Terrace, Windsor Castle, looking north- ward. Drawn by J. Hakewill. p. 121. 7. Lower Ward, Windsor Castle. Drawn by J. Hakewill, en- graved by J. Storer. p. 126. 8. Map of the Neighbourhood of Windsor. Drawn by J. Hakewill, Neele sc. p. 205. 9. Langley Park, the Seat of Sir Robert Bateson Harvey, Bart. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. Wool- noth. p. 222. 10. Stoke Poges, the Seat of John Penn, Esq. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by J. Landseer. p. 254. 11. Windsor, from High-standing Hill. Drawn by J. Hake- will, engraved by W. Woolnoth. p. 279- 12. St. Leonard's Hill, from Windsor Great Park, the Seat of Earl Harcourt. Drawn by J. Hakewill, etched by Geo. Cooke, p. 283. 13. Frogmore. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. Ber- nard Cooke, p. 299. 14. Beaumont Lodge, the Seat of Viscount Ashbrook. Drawn by .]. Hakewill, engraved by S. Middiman. p. 303. 15. View from the Upper Grounds of Beaumont Lodge. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by S. Middiman. p. 304. 16. St. Anne's Hill, from Egham Hill. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. Woolnoth. p. 306. 17- Sunning Hill Park, the Seat of G. H. Crutchlcy, Esq. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. B. Cooke, p. 311. D 18 BERKSHIRE. 18. View from Cliefden. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. B. Cooke, p. 319. 19. Windsor, from Brockhurst Meadow. Drawn by J. Hake- will, engraved by S. Middiman. p. 3 26. 20. Ditton Park, the Seat of Lord Montague. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Letitia Byrne, p. 329. 21. Old Windsor Church-yard. Drawn by J. Hakewill, en- graved by W. B. Cooke, p. 330. INDEX OF THE VIGNETTES. 1. Round Tower, Windsor Castle. Drawn by J. Hakewill, en- graved by Letitia Byrne, — on the letter-press of p. 70. 2. Entrance to the New Commons. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by J. Landseer, — on the letter-press of p. 103. 3. Eton College Chapel. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by J. Byrne, — on the letter-press of p. 211. 4. View in Eton Play-fields. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Letitia Byrne, — on the letter-press of p. 215. 5. Upton Church. Drawn by J. Hakewill, — on the letter- press of p. 21 7. 6. St. Leonard's, the Seat of William Dawson, Esq. Drawn by J. Hakewill, , George Cooke fee. — on the letter-press of p. 285. 7. Grotto at Ascot Place. Drawn by J. Hakewill, — on the letter-press of p. 293. 8. Sandpit Gate. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Greig, — on the letter-press of p. 295. 9. Hermitage in Frogmore Gardens. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Greig, — on the letter-press of p. 302, 10. Monkey Island. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. B. Cooke, — on the letter-press of p. 324. 11. Piers of Datchett Bridge, 1810. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by R. W. Smart, — on the letter-press of p. 327, 12. Ancient Tower of Ditton House. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Letitia Byrne, — on the letter-press of p. 329. 13. H. R. H. Princess Elizabeth's Cottage. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by Letitia Byrne, — on the letter- press of p. 332. 14. Magna Charta Island. Drawn by J. Hakewill, engraved by W. Bernard Cooke, — on the letter-press of p. 336, There are copies of this work on Atlas Quarto paper. BERKSHIRE. 19 VII. The History and Antiquities of Reading. By the Rev. Charles Coates, LL.B. Vicar of Os- mington and Preston, in the County of Dorset, F.A.S. and Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. London : Printed for the Author, by J. Nichols and Son : and sold by J. Robson, New Bond-street; F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Chureh-yard ; and Smart and Cowslade, Reading. M.Dccc.ii. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 1 page. Names of the Subscribers, 5 pages. Advertisement, dated Osmington, June 4, 1 802, 1 page. Contents and List of Plates, 4 pages. The History and Antiquities of Reading, [b-n n n 4] 464 pages. Appendix and Corrections, [a-d 4] 32 pages. PLATES. 1. Plan of Reading; large sheet folded. Surveyed, drawn, and engraved by Charles Tomkins. — To face the Title. 2. St. Mary's Church in Reading. Drawn and engraved by C. Tomkins. p. 74. 3. View of the Oracle. Dedicated to Francis Annesley, Esq. Drawn by Mr. Grim in 1778, engraved by Charles Tom- kins. p. 145. 4. St. Lawrence's Church in Reading. Folded. Drawn and engraved by C. Tomkins. p. 158. 5. Abbey Seal. Drawn and engraved by C. Tomkins. p. 247. 6. Plan of the Abbey, from Sir Henry Englefield's Survey, and dedicated to him. p. 272. 7. A Miscellaneous Plate, viz. Saxon Arches in Mrs. Clement's Garden ; a Reading Token ; the Abbey Penny ; the Cor- poration Seal, and Portrait of Hugh Farringdon, with his Arms, formerly in Sir John Davis's Chapel at Bere Court near Pangbourne. Drawn and engraved by C. Tomkins. p. 293. 8. St. Giles's Church in Reading. Drawn and engraved by C. Tomkins. p. 347. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. 20 BERKSHIRE. VIII. A Supplement to the History and Antiquities of Reading ; with Corrections and Additions by tlie Author. Reading : Printed by Snare and Man : sold by R. Snare, Read- ing ; J. Richardson, Royal Exchange ; W. Miller, Albemarle- Street ; T, Manson, Gerrard-street, Soho ; and R. Scholey, Paternoster-row, London. 1810. Beginning with "Appendix, No. XV," Signature e. On the re- verse of this page are " Corrections and Additions to the List of Subscribers." " Corrections and Additions," [e 2-n.] not paged, 64 pages. PLATES. 1. View of Reading from the River Kennet. Folded. To front the Title. 2. A Fragment of Stone dug \ip in the Ruins of Reading Ab- bey. On the letter-press of the last page. IX. Views of Reading Abbey, with those of the Churches originally connected with it, in the County of Berks : together with some Monuments of Anti- quity remaining in those Churches ; containing Thirty-three Engravings, with descriptive Letter- press. London: Printed by J. Whiting, Finsbury-place, for J. Man- son, Gerrard-street, Soho, &:c. 1803. 2 vols. Royal quarto. VOL. L Consisting of forty-six pages of letter-press descriptive of the plates, all of which are drawn and engraved by Charles Tom- kins. PLATES. 1 . General Plan of the Ruins of Reading Abbey ; surveyed by Sir Henry Englefield. Frontispiece, or p. 18. 2. North Front of the Abbey Gate, Reading. 1791. No. 1. p. 15, BERKSHIRE. 21 3. North View of the Rums. 1791. No. 2. p. 16. 4. East View of the Great Hall. 1791. No. 3. p. 16. 5. Inside of the Great Hall. 1791. No. 4. p. 16. 6. S.E. View of the Ruins. 1791. No. 5. p. 17. 7. South Entrance of the Cloisters. 1791. No. 6. p. 17. 8. South Front of the Abbey Gate^ Reading. 1791. No. 7. p. 17. 9. View of Caversham, through the Gateway. 1791. No. 8. p. 17. 10. Arms and Cypher of Hugh Farringdon. 1791. 11. Caversham Church. 179*. p. 19. 12. Purley Church. 1791. P- 22. 13. Ancient Fonts, Purley and Tidmarsh. 1794. p. 22. 14. Pangbourn Church. 1792. p. 23. 13. Tidmarsh Church. 1794. p. 25. 16. Monument of a Female at Tidmarsh. 1794. p. 26. 1 7. Monument of a Man in Armour, whole length, at Tidmarsh. 1794. p. 26. 1 8. Saxon Doorway at Tidmarsh. 1 794. p. 26. 19. Sulham Church. 1794. p. 27. 20. Beenham Church. 1794. p. 28. 21. Monument at Beenham. 1794. p 29. 22. Wargrave Church, p. 31. 23. Warfield Church, p. 34, , 24. Monument in Warfield Church, p. 35. 25. Tilehurst Church, p. 36. 26. Englefield Church, p. 39. 27. Ancient Monument in Englefield Cliurch, in Armour, p. 40. 28. Ancient Monument of a Female in Englefield Church. p. 40. 29. Thatcham Church, p. 41. 30. Greenham Chapel, p. 43. 31. Monument in St. Laurence's Church, Reading, of the Rev. John Andrews, p. 44. 32. Monument in St. Laurence's Church, Reading, of Walter Barton, in a furred gown. p. 45, in the page misprinted 54. 33. Monument in St. Mary's Church, Reading, of Alice, Wile of John Bourne, p. 46. VOL. H. Reading : Printed by Snare and Man, for R. Snare, Reading: sold by J. Richardson, Royal Exchange; W. Miller, Albe- 22 BERKSHIRE. marle-street ; J. Manson, Gerrard-street, Soho ; and R. Scho- ley, Paternoster-row, London. 1810, Preface, dated Reading, Nov. 1, 1809, 2 pages. Descriptive part, beginning p. 5 to 32, [l-y 2] PLATES. 1. The East View of the Ruins of the Abbey of Reading, Berks. M. Blackamore deh 1759. Folded. Frontis- piece. 2. The North View of the Gateway in the Forbury, as before demohshed, in Reading, Berks. M. Blackamore del. 1759. Folded. 3. Cholsey Barn. p. 8. 4. Cholsey Church, p. 9. 5. Moulsford Chapel, p. 12. 6. Bucklebury Church, p. 14. 7. Midgham Chapel, p. 18. 8. Sulhamsted Abbots Church, p. 20. 9. Blubury (Blevvbury) Church, p. 22. 10. Compton Church, p. 28. 1 1. Stanton Harcourt, Oxon. p. 30. 12. St. Mary's (Church) Reading, Berkshire, p. 34. 13. St. Giles's Church in Reading, p. 39- 14. St. Lawrence's Church in Reading. Folded, p. 42. 15. Pangbourn (Church) Berkshire, p. 46. 16. Whitchurch Bridge, p. 46. 17. Basledon (Basildon) Berkshire, p. 4 7. 18. S.W. View of Leominster Priory, Hereford. — N.E. View of the Remains of ditto, p. 48. X. Some Account of tlie Parish of Great Coxwell, in the County of Berks. London, mdcclxxxiii. Quarto. See Nichols's " Biblioth. Topog. Brilann." No. xiii. at the end of this Volume. XI. CoLLKCTiONS towards a Parochial History of Berk- shire. Beinjf the Answers returned to Mr. Mores's BERKSHIRE. Q3 circular Letters and Queries for the Parishes of Bisham, Chadlesworth, Coleshill, Cumncr, East Garston, Shaw, Shifford, Sparsholt, Speen, Stanford, Suthamstede, and Yattendon. To which are added, a few Particulars collected by the Editor for those of Aid worth, Shottesbrooke, and White Walthani. London: mdcclxxxiii. Quarto. See K\c\ioWs ^^ BiUiotli. Topog. Britann.'' No. xvi. XII. A Letter to Dr. Mead concerning some Antiqui- ties in Berkshire ; particularly shewing that the White Horse, which gives name to the Vale, is a IMonument of the West Saxons, made in memory of a great Victory obtained over the Danes A.D. 871. By Francis Wise, B.D. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Oxon. Oxford : Printed for Thomas Wood, at the University Printing House. MDccxxxviii. Quarto. The Letter with a Postscript, [a 2-h] 58 pages. PLATES. 1. -^j-cejbune sine Mans Fraxini. (Uffington Castle, Way- land-Smith, &c.) G. Vertue sc. 2. Montis Albequini conspectus. G. Vertue sc. XIII. Further Observations upon the White Horse and other Antiquities in Berkshire ; with an Account of Whiteleaf-Cross in Buckinghamshire ; as also of the Red Horse in Warwickshire, and some other Monuments of the same kind. By Francis Wise, B.D. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Oxon. Oxford : Printed for Thomas Wood, at the University Print- ing House. MDCCXLii. Quarto. 57 pages. Pages ly, 20, 37, 38 are omitted. PLATES. 1. Arms, " Equus Witikindeus." p. 18. 24 BERKSHIRE. 2. Coin of Edward the Confessor. On the letter-press of p. 34. 3. Whiteleaf Cross, " Crux Saxonica," Folded. Dedicated to Browne Willis, Esq. W. Greene, jun. del. G. Vertue sc. p. 34. 4. Plate of Coins, " Crux Fictorialis." p. 36. XIV. The Impertinence and Imposture of Modern Antiquaries Displayed : or, A Refutation of the Rev. j\Ir. AVise's Letter to Dr. ^lead, concerning the White Horse, and other Antiquities in Berkshire. In a familiar Letter to a Friend. By Philaletiies Rusticus. AYith a Preface by the Crentleman to whom this Letter was addressed. Mre immortali donavit Honoratiss. Dns Baro De *** F.W. " Thus endless Lies on ages are entail'd." J. D. London : Printed for J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- noster-row. Quarto. Title-page as above. Preface to the Reader, p. iii-xvi. The Letter, signed P. R. Sept. 3, 1 739, and Errata, [b-D 4] 24 pages. XV. An Answer to a Scandalous Libel, entitled. The Impertinence and Imposture of ^lodern Antiquaries Displayed : or, A Refutation of the Rev. Mr. Wise's Letter to Dr. Mead, concerning the White Horse and other Antiquities in Berkshire. (By George North, A.jM. of C. C. C. C.) " Disserentium inter se reprehcmiunts nan mnt viluperunda ; malcdicta, contumeiia:, turn irucundia-, contcntioitis, ro)icertuliones(jnein dhpvtando pe.rtiuaces, indigna mi/ii tidiri so/(«Y."— ClCCKO, de linibus lioni et Mali, lib. i. London : Printed for J. Whiston and C. Corbett, in Fleet- street , .1. JoUiffe, St. Janics's-street; and E. Nutt, at the Royal Exchange, mdccxli. 38 pages. Quarto. BERKSHIRE. qs XVI. General View of the Agriculture of Berkshire. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. By Wil- liam Mayor, LL.D. " Nihil est Agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius." — CiC. DE Offic. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, in 1809; and for Sher- wood, Neely, and Jones, in 1813. Octavo. 558 pages. With a Map of the County, engraved by Neele, exhibiting its soil and surface, and Thirty-six Engravings. E 26 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. * I. The History and Antiquities of the Town, Hun- dred, and Deanry of Buckingham : containing a Description of the Towns, Villages, Hamlets, Mo- nasteries, Churches, Chapels, Chantries, Seats, Ma,- nors, their antient and present Owners : together with the Epitaphs, Inscriptions, and Arms in all the Pa- rish Churches ; and state of the Rectories, Vicarages, Donatives ; their Patrons and Incumbents, Terriers, and Valuations in the King's Books. — Also some Account of the Earls and Dukes of Buckingham, and Hip;h Sheriffs of the County. With a Transcript out of C^Om^SDap 9S00fe, and the Translation thereof .into English. Collected from Records, Leiger-Books, antient Manuscripts, Evidences, Registers, and other select Authorities. By Browne Willis, Esq. LL.D. London : Printed for the Author, mdcclv. Quarto, Title-page as above. The historical part, [a-ccc 2] 388 pages. N. B. The last page concludes with the catchword " Index," which is generally wanting, but some copies have a manuscript Index of three pages, particularly the one in the Library of the London Institution. Page 243 is misprinted 345; pages 313 and 314 are omitted; and pages 321 and 322 are repeated. A few copies of this work were taken off on Large Paper. II. MAGNA BRITANNIA : being a concise Topogra- phical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Lysons, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector of Rodmarton in Gloucestershire; and Samuel Lysons, Esq. F,R.S. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. 27 and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. — Vol. I. Part III. containing Buckinghamshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand. 1813. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as above. List of Plates, 1 page. Historical part. — Buckinghamshire, [3 m-4s] p. 449-682. Additions and Corrections [g-i 2] p. 683-702. Index of Names and Titles, [k-l2] p. 703-713. General Index, [l3-n] p. 715-728. Errata, 1 page. PLATES. 1. Map of Buckinghamshire. Folded. Neele sc. p. 449. 2. Plan of Stewkley Church, and Arches and Capitals of Pil- lars, at the West end of the same. S. Lysons del. et fee. p, 486. 3. Chancel of Stewkley Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 486. 4. Door-way of Dinton Church, with the Inscription over the Door. S. Lysons del. et fee. p.4S6. 5. Door of Water-Stratford Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 486. 6. Window in Chesham-Bois Church ; ancient Stained Glass in Chetwode Church. Coloured and Folded. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. 488. 7. Fonts in Aylesbury and in Maids-Morton Churches; In- scription at Nutley Abbey ; part of the Corbel-table in the Hall of Nutley Abbey, S. Lysons del. etfec. p. 489. 8. Two of the Stone Stalls in Maids-Morton Church. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. 4&0. 9. Tomb of Elizabeth Lady Clinton in Haversham ChUrch. S. Lysons del. Lee sc. p. 491. 10. Ruins of the Hall of Asheridge House. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 492. 1 1. The Chancel of Chetwode Church, S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 540, but numbered 487. 12. North East View of Hillesdon Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 579. 13. South East View of Stewkley Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 633. N. B. There are Lakge Paper copies of this work. Q8 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. III. BRITANNIA DEPICTA : a Series of Views (with brief Descriptions) of the most interesting and picturesque Objects in Great Britain, engraved from Drawings by Messrs. Hearne, Farington, Smith, Turner, Alexander, &c. By William Byrne, F.A.S. The Counties alpliabetically arranged. — Part III. containing Buckinghamshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. 1806. Ohlong quarto. Title as above. Advertisement, containing the List of Plates, 1 page. Letter-press description to accompany the Engravings. PLATES. 1. View of the Vale of Aylesbury, from Whitchurch. Drawn by J. Smith, engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 476. 2. South West View of Buckingham. Drawn by J. Smith, en- graved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 180.3. p. 524. 3. Eton, from the Slough Road. Drawn by W. Turner, R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, 1803. p. 536. 4. The Chapel at Eton College, taken within the first qua- drangle. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 558. 5. View of Great Marlow. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 1803. p. 598. 6. View of Cliefden. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. engraved by W.Byrne. 1803. p. 647- 7. Wickham (Wycombe), from the Marlow Road. Drawn by W.Turner,' R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. p. 674. N. B. Proof impressions of these engravings are published to accompany the Large Paper copies of Messrs. D. and S. Lysons's " Magna Britannia." IV. The History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Desborougii, and Deanery of Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire : including the Borough BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. 29 Towns of Wycombe and Marlow, and Sixteen Pa- rishes. By Thomas Lang ley, M.A. Printed for R. Faulder, New Bond-street, and B. and J. White, Fleet-street, mdccxcvii. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as above. Dedication to George Nugent Grenville Temple, Marquis of Buckingham, dated from Great Marlow, March 14, 1797. Preface, 3 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Contents, 1 page. The History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough, [b-3 q] 48 '2 pages. Errata, J page. Between pages 3 1 6 and 3 1 7 is the Pedigree of the Borlase Fa- mily on a folded half Sheet; and at page 442 is likewise the Pedigree of the Goodwin Family, folded. PLATES. 1. A Map of Desborough Hundred, copied from the latest Survey, with Additions and Alterations by Thomas FuU- james, Glocester, 1796. Folded* 2, 3. Two Plates of six Monumental Figures in Hitchenden Church. J. Carter del. Basire sc. p. 301. 4. Monumental Figures of John Goodwin and Pernell his Wyfe, in Wooburn Church, p. 455. N. B. Of this work there are Large Paper copies. V. Stowe. — A Description of the House and Gardexs of the Most Noble and Puissant Prince, CJeorge Grenville-Nugent-Temple, Marquis of Bucking- ham. Printed and sold by J. Seeley, BucKr>GHAM ; sold also by J. Edwards, Pall Mall, and L. B. Seeley, Paternoster-row, Lon- don. 1797. Octavo. The engraved Title-page as above, with the Buckingham Arms. Dedication to the Marquis of Buckingham, signed J. Seelev. A poetical Address to the late Earl Temple, on Gardening, 2 pages. List of the Prints of Stowe, drawn and engraved by Mcdkiud. 30 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Description of the Gardens, and References to the Plans of the Gardens and Buildings, [b-h4] p. 9-64. PLATES. 1. S.E., or Garden Front of Stowe House, — to face the Title. 2. Corinthian Arch, p. 9. 3. Pavilion at the Entrance, p. 10. 4. Artificial Piece of Ruins, p. 10. 5. Temple of Venus, p.. 11. 6. Statue of Queen Caroline, p. U. , 7. Boycott Pavilion, p. 12. 8. Gateway to the Park, p. 12. 9. Temple of Bacchus, p. 12. 10. Statue of King George II. p. 13. 1 1. Roiundo, p. 14. 12. Doric Arch, p. 14. 13. Temple of Ancient Virtue, p. 17. 14. Capt. Grenville's Monument, p. 19. 15. Temple of British Worthies, p. 21. 16. Grotto, p. 25. 17. Temple of Concord and Victory, p. 26. 18. Obelisk to the Memory of General Wolfe, p. 28. 19. Lord Cohham's Pillar, p. 29. 20. Queen's Building, p. 30. 21. Gothic Temple, p. 32. 22. Palladian Bridge, p. 33. 23. Temple of Friendship, p. 34. 24. Congreve's Monument, p. 34. 25. North West or Park Front of Stowe House, p. 37. 26. A Plan of the House. Folded. 27. A Plan of the Gardens. Folded. 28. Fig. I. Plan of the Temple of Concord and Victory. 29. Fig. II and III. Plans of the Gothic Temple and Temple of British Worthies. 30. Fig. IV. Plan of the Temple of Venus. 3 1 . Fig. V. and VI. Plans of the Temples of Friendship and of Ancient \'iitue. 32. Figs. VII. VIU. IX. X. Plans of the Rotundo ; the Temple of Bacchus ; of one of the Pavilions at the entrance, and of the Boycott Pavilion. — These Plans are all placed after page 64. N. B. Some copies are in Post Quarto, and one hundred and fifty were taken off with proof impressions of the plates. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. 31 VI. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Buckingham, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. By Messrs. William, James, and Jacob Malcolm, of Stockwell, near Clapham. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agri- culture and Intei-nal Improvement. London; Printed by Colin Macrae. 1794. Quarto. 63 pages. VII. General View of the Agriculture of Buck- inghamshire. Drawn up for the Board of Agri- culture and Internal Improvement. By the Rev. St. John Priest, Secretary to the Norfolk Agri- cultural Society. With an Appendix, containing Extracts from a Survey of the same County, deli- vered to the Board by Mr. Parkinson. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1810; and for Messrs. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, in 1813. Octavo. 417 pages. With a folded Map of the Soil of Buckinghamshire, engraved by Neele, Thirteen separate Plates, besides many Wood En- gravings on the letter-press, and Three folded Tables of Cal- culations of Corn Crops, (No. vii. riii. ix.) 32 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. COLLECTANEA CANTABRIGIENSIA ; or Collections relating to Cambridge, University, Town, and County, containing the Monumental In- scriptions in all the Chapels of the several Colleges, and Parish Churches in the Town, and in several others in the County ; with a List of the Mayors : the most ancient Charters of the Town ; and other historical Memoirs of several Colleges, &c. By Francis Blom^field, late of Caius College, now Rector of Fersfield and Brockdish, in Norfolk, and Minister of St. Mary in Coslany, in the City of Norwich. Printed for the Author, at his House in St. Giles's Parish, in the City of Norwich, in the year of our Lord mdccl. Quarto, Title-page as above. The " Collectanea," {without Signatures) Index and Errata, 268 pages. II. The History of the County of Cambridge, from the earliest account to the present time ; wherein is given an Account of its Inhabitants, Kings, Air, Rivers, Soil, Produce, Dimensions, Hundreds, Dean- aries, Seats of the Gentry, Members of Parliament, High Sheriffs, &c. Also a particular Account of the ancient and modern Cambridge, with the City of Ely, and the several Parishes therein. Likewise an Ac- count of the several Towns and Villages, in an alpha- betical order. By EdmunD Carter, (a School- master) of Cambridge. Cambridge : Printed for the Author, and sold by T. James, Printer, and R. Matthews, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1733. Octavo. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 33 Half Title, " The History of the County of Cambridge," &c. Title-page as before described. The Index, 3 pages. The History of Cambridgeshire, concluding " End of Vol. I." [b-zz 2] 356 pages. III. MAGNA BRITANNIA: being a concise Topo- graphical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Lysons, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector of Rodmarton m Glou- cestershire ; and Samuel Lysons, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. — Vol. IL Part I. containing Cam- bridgeshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies in the Strand. 1808. Quarto. Title-page as above. Advertisement (Signature 4) and Errata, 4 pages. List of Plates, 2 pages. Half Title, '* Cambridgeshire, [b] Account of " Cambridgeshire," [B2-pp3] beginning with p. 3, 294 pages. Additions and Corrections [pp, pages *289-*296] 8 pages. Index of Names and Titles, [a-b 2] 1 1 pages. General Index, p. xiii-xxii, 10 pages. Errata, 1 page. PLATES. 1 . Map of Cambridgeshire, from a Trigonometrical Survey by Charles Mason, D.D. Folded. Neele sc. p. 1. 2. Plan of the old Conventual Church at Ely, and Specimens of the Capitals and Arches of the same Church. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 48. 3. Part of the end of the south Transept of Ely Cathedral. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 49. 4. Door-way on the south side of the Nave of Ely Cathedral, S. Lysons del. J. Warner sc. p. 50. 5. Part of the Nave of Ely Cathedral ; with Plans of the Piers of the lower tier of Arches, Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 49. F 34 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 6. Specimen of the Architecture of St. Sepulchre's Church at Cambridge. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 50. 7. Part of the inside of the western Tower of Ely Cathedral. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 32. 8. Plan of the Belfry Story of the Great Western Tower of Ely Cathedral. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 5a. 9. Elevation of part of the western Transept of Ely Cathe- dral. Folded. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 52. 10. Part of the Gallilee at the west end of Ely Cathedral. Rob. Smirke, jun, del. J. Lee sc. p. 53. 11. One of the second tier of Arches in the old part of the Presbytery in Ely Cathedral, mccxxxv. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 53. 1 2. One of the lower tier of Arches in that part of the Presby- tery of Ely Cathedral rebuilt mcccxxii. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 54. 13. One of the second tier of Arches in that part of the Pres- bytery of Ely Cathedral begun mcccxxii. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J.Leesc. p. 54. 14. One of the Niches on the north side of St. Mary's Chapel, in Ely Cathedral. Rob. Smirke, jun. del. J. Lee sc. p. 54. 15. Elevation of part of the Nave of Kiilg's College Chapel, Cambridge. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. 56. 16. Ancient Painted Glass in Trumpington Church. Coloured. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 58. 17. 1 . Font in St. Peter's Church, Cambridge. — 2. Font in Le- verington Church. — 3. Inscription on the Base of a Cross in Ely Cathedral. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 60. IS. Monuments of Bishop Kilkenny and Bishop Northwold, in Ely Cathedral, 1256 and 1254. F. Nash del. et fee. p. 62. 19. Monument of William de Luda, Bishop of Ely, in Ely Ca- thedral, 1298. F. Nash del. et fee. p. 62. 20. Monument of Sir John Freville in Little Shelford Church. Folded. S. Lysons del. J. Lee sc. p. 63. 21. Grave-stone of William De Fulburne in Fulbourn Church. S. Lysons del. J. Warner sc. p. 64. 22. Grave-stone of a Knight (supposed to be Sir John De Creke) and his Lady, in Westley Waterless Church. Folded. S. Lysons del. J.Warner sc. p. 65. 23. Grave-stone of one of the Trumpington Family in Trump- ington Church. J. Warner del. et sc. p. 65. CAMBTIIDGESHIRE. 35 22. Grave-stone of John De Sleford in Balsham Church, Mcccci. Folded. S. Lysonsdel. .1. Warner so. p. 66. 25. Grave-stone of Sir Thomas De Braunston in the Church of Wisbech St. Peter, mcccci. Folded. J. Warner del. et so. p. 67. 26. Brass Plates on the Monument of Thomas Peyton, Esq. and his Wives, in Isleham Church. Folded. S. Lysons del. J. Warner sc. p. 68. 27. Plan of the University and Town of Cambridge. Neele sc. p. 100. 28. An ancient Cup of Silver, Gilt, belonging to Pembroke Hall, in Cambridge, a present from the Countess of Pembroke, Foundress of the College in the Reign of K. Edward III. C. Chevalier del. J, Warner sc. p. 106. 29. Plan of King's College Chapel in Cambridge. Folded. Drawn from actual Measurement by F. Nash, engraved by J.Warner, p. 115. 30. Design for the Tower of King's College, Cambridge, from an original Drawing in the British Museum. Folded. F. Nash del. et sc. p. 1 1 6. 31. Plan of Ely Cathedral. Folded. Drawn from actual Mea- surement by F. Nash, engraved by J. Warner, p. 188. 32. West View of St. Mary's Church at Whittlesea. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 278. 33. Chapel adjoining the Chancel of Willingham Church, with Plan of the Chapel. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 285. Erratum in the paging, — page 1 1 3 is misprinted 311. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this publication, IV. BRITANNIA DEPICTA : a Series of Views (with brief Descriptions) of the most interesting and picturesque Objects in Great Britain. The Counties alphabetically arranged. Engraved from Drawings by Messrs. Farington, Turner, Heame, Smith, Alexander, &c. — Part II. containing Nine Views in Cambridgeshire. London : Printed forT. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. 1808. Obloitg quarto. 36 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Advertisement, containing the List of Plates, 1 page. Letter-press Description of the Engravings, 9 pages. PLATES. ][« North-east View of the Town of Cambridge. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by S. Middiman. 2. Tnside View of King's College Chapel in Cambridge; taken from the west end. Drawn by F. Nash, engraved by John Byrne. 3. N.W. View of St. Sepulchre's Church in Cambridge. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. 4. Inside View of St. Sepulchre's Church in Cambridge. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by John Byrne. 5. St. John's College, Cambridge. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by John Byrne. 6. South-west View of Ely. Drawn by T. Hearne, F.S.A. en- graved by John Byrne. 7. Remains of the ancient Conventual Church at Ely. Drawn byT. Hearne, F.S.A. engraved by W. Byrne, FS. A. 8. The Remains of Two Churches at Swaff ham-Prior, as they appeared in June I 806. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by Elizabeth Byrne. 9. South-west View of Thorney Abbey Church. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by George Cooke. N. B. Proof impressions of these plates are taken off to ac- company the Large Paper copies of the " Magna Britannia," V. UNIVERSITY. Cantabrigia Illustrata, sive omnium celeber- rimac istius Universitatis Collegiorum, Aularum, Bib- liothecae Academicir, Scholamm Publicarum, Sacelli Coll. Regalis, nee non totiiis Oppidi Ichnographia, Delineatore et Sculptore Dav. Loggan, utriusque Academia3 Chalcographo. Quam proprijs sumptibus Typis mandavit et Impressit Canta- brigiae. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. ?y1 An engraved Title-page, with a distant View of Cambridge, tlie Muses, and the Arms of the University. Folio. (1688.) Title-page as above. An engraved Latin Dedication to King William and Q. Mary, signed Dav. Loggan, 1 page. An engraved Latin Address to the Reader, beginning " Lectori Candido et Spectatori Ingenuo, David Loggan S.P.D." 1 page. An engraved " Index Tabularum," 1 page. PLATES. i. Prospectus Cantabrigiae Orientalis et Occidental is. ii. Nova et accuratissima celeberrimse Universitatis Oppi- dique Cantabrigiensis Ichnographia. An" 1688. iii. Habitus Academici in Universitate Cantabrigiensi pro sortis, gradus, aut muneris ratione gestandi, sive in quotidiano convictu, sive in Conven publicis, &c. iv. Scholae Publicae et Bibliotheca Univer. Cantabr. v. Ecclesia B. Mariae Virginis Cantab. vi. Collegii Regalis apud Cantabrigienses Sacellum. vii. Collegii Regalis Sacelli facies Occidentem spectans. viii. Sacelli Regalis apnd Cantabrigienses Prospectus interior ab Occidentali. ix. Collegium sive Domus S. Petri. X. Collegium sive Aula de Clare. xi. Collegii sive Aul. de Clare Prospectus interior ad Bo- ream, xii. Collegium sive Aula Pembrochiana apud Cant, xiii. Collegium Corporis Christi et Beatae Mariae apud Cantab, xiv. Collegium sive Aula S. Trinitatis. XV. Collegium de Gonevill et Cajus Cant. xvi. Collegium Regale. xvii. Collegium Regale de Etona prope Windsor, xviii. Collegium Reginale Cant. xix. Coll, sive Aula Divae Catharinae Virginis. XX. Collegium Jesu apud Cantab. xxi. Collegium Christi. xxii. Collegium Sancti Johannis Evangelistae. xxiii. Collegium S*' Johannis Evangelistae. xxiv. Collegium B. Mariae Magdalenae. xxv. Collegium S. S'^' et Individuae Trinitatis. xxvi. Area Nova Nevellensis CoUeg. Trin. Cant, xxvii. Hospitium Episcopate. xxviii. Collegium Emanuelis. 38 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. xxix. Sacellum CoUegii Emanuelis apud Cantab. XXX. Coll. Dominae Franciscae Sidney Sussex. N. B. A mezzotinto portrait of Charles Duke of Somerset, Chancellor of the University, painted by J. Riley, and engraved by J. Smith, and dedicated to him by D. Loggan, should be prefixed to the work, but is often wanting. N. B. There are copies on Large Paper. VI. An Account of the University of Cambridge, and the Colleges there. Being a plain Relation of many of their Oaths, Statutes, and Charters. By which will apj)ear, the Necessity the present Mem- bers lie under of endeavouring to obtain such Altera- tions as may render 'em practicable, and more suit- able to the present Tin.ies. Together with a few na- tural and easie Methods, how the Legislature may for the future fix that and the other great Nursery of Learning in the true Interest of tlie Nation, and Protestant Succession. — Most humbly propos'd to both Houses of Parliament. — By Edmond Miller, Serjeant at Law. Siticerum est nisi vas, quodcunque infundis, acescit. London : Printed and sold by J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Paternoster-row. mjdccxvii. Octavo, [a 2-n 4] 200 pages. VIL The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge. In Two Parts. London: Printed by T. W. for J. Bateman, at the Hat and Star; J. Nicks, at the Dolphin and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-yard ; and W. Boreham, at the Angel, in Paternoster- row. MDCCXXi. — A Vignette, with the Figure of Apollo above the Imprint. Octavo*. * Some copies of this edition liiive u reprinted Title-page without the Vignette, and with the followin}^ imprint: London : Printed for J. W;ircus, at the Indian Queen, in the Poultry. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 39 Title-page as before given, in black and red ink. Second Title as follows : " The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge. In Two Parts." I. Of its Original and Progress in the remoter Ages, writ- ten above 300 Years ago by Nicholas Cantalupe. II. A Description of the present Colleges, with an Account of their Founders and Benefactors : as also of the former Halls and Inns ; and Catalogues of the respec- tive Heads of those Foundations, and of the Bishops who had their Education there for above 100 Years. By the Reverend Mr. Richard Parker, B.D. and Fel- low of Caius College, in the Year 1622. To which are added, several Charters granted to the Colleges, and some short Information concerning the Authors above mentioned. Lastly, A Catalogue of the Chancellors, and a Summary of all the Privileges granted to this Seminary of Learn- ing by the English Monarchs, from a Manuscript in the Cotton Library. London : Printed for J. Bateman, &c. as above. The Preface, 10 pages. Of the Antiquity and Original of the University of Cambridge, [a 6-s 2] 265 pages. Index, 5 pages. Page 238 is misprinted 582. VIIL The History of the University of Cambrid(;e, fi-om its Original to the Year 1753 : in which a par- ticular Account is given of each College and Hall, their respective Foundations, Founders, Benefactors, Bishops, learned Writers, Masters, -Livings, Curiosi- ties, &c. Together with accurate Lists'" of all the Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, Proctors, Taxcrs, Professors, Orators, Members of Parliament, &c. &c. By Edmund Carter, of Chelsea. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by the Book5«cllcrs at Cambridge; Mr. Fletcher, in the Turl at Oxford; and Mr. Davis and Mr. Woodyer, in Fleet-street. MDtCLiii. Octavo. 40 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Title-page as before described. A List of the Subscribers, p. iii-viii, 6 pages. The History of the University of Cambridge, [B-Hh4] 471 pages. Table and Errata, I page. Page 267 is misprinted 2763 and p. 675 for 375. IX. MEMORABILIA CANTABRIGI.E : or, An Account of the Hitierent Colleges in Cambridge: Biographical Sketches of the Founders and eminent Men ; with many original Anecdotes ; Views of the Colleges, and Portraits of the Founders. By Joseph WiLSOX, Esq. of the Inner Temple. 5/' placeat, lege: sin displkcat, relcge: si quid dictum obscure, repete ; si duble, restitue; si erronee vel falsi, corrige et ignosce ; si male, evudona ; si hene,fruere. London : Printed for Edward Harding, Crown and Mitre, Pall Mall ; Scott, Strand ; Highley, Fleet-street ; and Deighton, Cambridge ; by C. Clarke, Northumberland-court, Strand. 1S03. Small octavo. Half Title. Tide as above. Advertisement, dated May, 1803, 4 pages. Preface and Errata, p. ix-xviii, 10 pages. Historical Account, [a-2 D 6] 324 pages. Index, [2E-2F3] p. 325-341, 1 7 pages. PLATES. 1. St. Peter's College, and Hugh de Balsham, Bishop of Ely. p. 1. 2. Clare Hall, and Elizabeth de Clare Countess of Ulster. p. n. 3. Pembroke Hall, and Mary Countess of Pembroke, p. 21. 4 . Corpus Christi or Bene't College, and Henry Duke of Lan- caster, p. 37. 5. Trinity Hall, and William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich. p. 51. C. Caius College, and John Caius, M.D. p. 63. 7. King's College, and Henry VL p. 73. 8. View of the Senate House, Public Library, and King's Col- lege Chapel, p. 77. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 41 9. Queen's College, and Margaret, Wife of Henry VI. p. 135. 10. Catherine Hall, and Robert Woodlark, S.T.P. p. 153. 11. Jesus College, and John Alcock, Bishop of Ely. p. 171. 12. Christ's College, and Margaret Countess of Richmond. p. 183. 13. St. John's College, and Margaret Countess of Richmond. p. 207. 14. Magdalen College, and Edward Stafford, Duke of Buck- ingham, p. 245. 15. Trinity College, and Henry VHI. p. 253. 16. Emanuel College, and Sir Walter Mildmay. p. 285. 17- Sidney-Sussex College, and Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex, p. 297. 18. Church of St. Sepulchre. Gardiner del. Birrel sc. p. 307. These plates were for the most part drawn and engraved by the late W. N. Gardiner, of Pall Mail, Bookseller. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this pubHcation. X. CANTAB RIGIA DEPICTA: A Series of En- gravings, representing the most picturesque and in- terestino; Edilices in the University of Cam- BRIDGE ; with an historical and descriptive Account of each. From Drawings by R. B. Harraden, jun. Published by Harraden and Son, Cambridge; R. Cribb and Son, 288,' High Holborn ; T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, London. IS09. Quarto. The engraved Title-page as above, with a View of the west end of King's College Chapel. Smart scrip, et sc. Dedication to His Royal Highness Prince Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge, by the Proprietors, dated Cambridge, Jan. 7, 1811, 1 page. Contents, 2 pages. The descriptive part, [fi-Gg] 226 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. List of Plates, 1 page. plates. 1. Plan of the University and Town of Cambridge, p. 1. 2. Pythagoras's School. Engraved by Joseph Skelton. p. 23. G 42 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 3. St. Peter's College. Engraved by Joseph Skelton. p. 25. 4. Glare Hall. Engraved by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 29. 5. Pembroke College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, 'p. 33. 6. Gate of Honour, Caius College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p.39- 7. Trinity Hall. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 43. 8. Corpus Christi or Bene't College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 48. 9. King's College, Cambridge. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne. p. 59. 10. King's College Chapel. Engraved by J. Skelton. p. 76. 11. Ground Plan of King's College, as intended by King Henry VI. the Founder, p. 89. 12. Queen's College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 103. 13. Catherine Hall. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 107. 14. Jesus College. Etched by EUzabeth Byrne, p. 111. 15. Christ College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 117. 16. St. John's College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 123. 17. Great Court, St. John's College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 128. 18. St. John's College, from the Walks. Etched by Elizabeth . Byrne, p. 132. 19. Magdalen College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 137. 20. Trinity College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 143. 21. The Great Court (of) Trinity College. 'Etched by Eliza- beth Byrne, p. 148. 22. Neville's Court, Trinity College. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 150. 23. Cycloidal Bridge, Trin. Coll. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne. p. 132. 24. Emanuel (Ennnarmel) College. Etched by EUzabeth Byrne. p. 135. 25. Sidney-Sussex College, Etched by Elizabeth Byrne. p. 159. 26. Entrance to Downing College. Drawn by R. B. Harraden, jun. from the Original by W. Wilkins, Esq. etehed by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 163. 27. Downing College. Drawn by R. B. Harraden, jun. from an original by W. Wilkins, Esq. engraved by Joseph Skelton. p. l€)6. 28. King's College Chapel, Public Library, and Senate House, Cambridge. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 173. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 43 29. Interior of the Senate House. Engraved by Joseph Skelton. p. 182. 30. Great St. Mary's, the University Church. Etched by Eli- zabeth Byrne, p. 184. 31. Cambridge (from the London Road). Etched by Letitia Bvrne. p. IQi?. 32. Remains of the Castle. Engraved by Joseph Skelton. p. 194. 33. St. Sepulchre's, or Round Church, Cambridge. Etched by EHzabeth Byrne, p. 200. 34. Trinity Church. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 202. 35. The Hospital. Etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 204. N. B. One hundred copies were printed on L\rge Paper; also four copies, with impressions of the plates on India Paper; which, with the large paper copies, have a separate leaf, with the name of the college at the head of the page, for the purpose of inserting MS. remarks, placed opposite the printed descrip- tion of each college. A second edition of this work, with a portrait of His Royal Highness tlie Duke of Gloucester, Chancellor of the University, drawn by R. B. Harraden from a picture by Opie, and engraved by Thomas Williamson, was printed in 1814, in super-royal oc- tavo, with the following title : " History of the University of Cambridge, illustrated by a series of engravings representing the most picturesque and interesting Edifices in the University and the most striking parts of the Town." — pp. 311. XL History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge ; including Notices relating to the Founders and Eminent Men. By G. Dyer, A.B. formerly of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Illus- trated by a Series of Engravings. In Two Volumes. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-row ; and Deighton and Sons, Cambridge. 1814. Demy octavo. Royal octavo, and Quarto, with proof Impressions of the Plates on India Paper. VOL. I. Title-page as above. 4'4 Cambridgeshire. Dedication to the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, dated March 7, 1814. Preface, p. v-xxxi, 27 pages. Table of Contents, 3 pages. History of the University, beginning with " Introduction," [b-t 2] 268 pages. PLATES. (All drawn and engraved by John Greig.) 1 . An engraved Title-page preceding the printed one : ^^ A History of the University of Cambridge, by Geo. Dyer, Esq. with a Series of illustrative Engravings by John Greig." VievvMif the " S. Entrance (of) King's College Chapel." 2. Cambridge, from Castle Hill. To face the engraved Title. 3. St. Mary's Church, p. 268. VOL. n. Title-page as in Vol. I. with this variation, ** including Notices of Founders and Eminent Men." Table of Contents, 1 page. History of the Colleges, [B-Gg 2] 432 pages. Index, with Directions to the Binder respecting the Plates, 12 pages. PLATES. 1 . St. Peter's College, p. 1 . 2. Clare Hall. p. 33. 3. Clare Hall, with King's College Chapel, p. 48. 4. Entrance to Jesus College, p. 59. 5. Jesus College Chapel, p. 89. 6. Part of the Quadrangle (of) Jesus College, p. 92. 7. Entrance to Pembroke College, p. 94. 8. Corpus Christi (or Bene't) College, p. 113. 9. Part of Queen's College, p. 145. 10. Catherine Hall. p. 166. 11. Part of King's College (with two figures), p. 180. 12. Interior of King's College Chapel, p. 204. 13. New Building King's College, p. 205. 14. Part of King's College (in perspective.) p. 210. 15. Entrance to Christ's College, p. 211. 16. Part of Christ's College, p. 212. 17. Entrance to St. John's College, p. 226. 18. St. John's College (from the Walks), p. 227. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 45 19. Library, St. John's College, p. 237. 20. Magdalen College, p. 268. 21. Entrance to Trinity College, p. 282. 22. Trinity College Hall and Chapel, p. 326. 23. Trinity College Library, p. 332. 24. Emanuel (Emmanuel) College, p. 344. 25. Chapel of Emanuel (Emmanuel) College, p. 350. 26. Caius College, p. 397. 27. Sidney-Sussex College, p. 423. 28. Part of Downing College, p. 440. 29. Senate House, p. 452, but should be inserted in Vol. L p. 240. Another plate has since been substituted, drawn by L H. Baldrey, and engraved by J. Grcig. XIL The History of the College of Corpus Christi and the B. Virgin Mary (commonly called Benet), in the University of Cambridge, from its Foundation to the present Time. In Two Parts. I. Of its Founders, Benefactors, and Mas- ters. — II. Of its other principal Members. By Ro- bert Masters, B.D. Fellow of the College, and of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Cambridge : Printed for the Author, by J. Bentham, Printer to the University, mdccliii. Quarto ; with the Seal of Henry Duke of Lancaster in the Title-page. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Reverend Mathias, Lord Bishop of Chichester. Preface, with Directions to the Binder, dated C.C.C.C. Feb. 6, 1753, 4 pages. The History of Corpus Christi College, Part L [A-Dd2] 212 pages. Title to Part H. signature fDd. Dedication to Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury (Seeker), 1 page. Preface, dated April 1 8, 1755, 2 pages. Historical part, beginning p. 213-428 [Ee-Hhh4] Appendix [*a-*p 4] 115 pages. Index, 19 pages. 46 CAMBRIDGESIIIIIE. Half Title, — A List of the Names, Counties, Times of Admis- sion, Degrees, &c. of all that are known to have been Mem- bers of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, with an Adver- tisement on the reverse, dated C.C.C.C. Dec. 1, 1749, and the List of Members [*a-g 3] 54 pages. N. B. This List is very often wanting. PLATES. 1 . The Plan and Elevation of a new Building for Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Designed by R- Masters, engraved by W. Stephens : a folded plate to front the Title. 2. Plate of (12) Arms, (plate 1.) p. 1. 3. Billingford Monument; a figure on his Knees, with Arms, (plate 2.) p. 39. 4. Monument of Dr. John Botwright. (plate 3.) p. 48. 5. Monument of Bishop Bradford. (Numbered 5 by mistake.) p. 191. 6. Plate of (12) Arms of Benefactors to the Chapel, (plate 4.) p. 2J2. /. Twelve Coats of Arms of Archbishops and Bishops, (plate 6.) p. 213 of Part II. There are also 38 plates of Seals and Armorial Bearings on the various pages of letter-press of fart I. XIII. An Account of King's College Chapel, in Cam- bridge : (embellished with a plate of the Chapel, and a print of the Author, executed by a Gentle- man of the University;) including a Character of Henry VI. and a short History of the Foundation of his two Colleges, King's and Eton ; and containing, though briefly, the following Articles : I. An Extract of the Founder's Will, relating to the Finish- ing of the Chapel ; (with a digression concerning the intended College.) II. A particular relation of the Progress of that Edifice under the reigns of those kings who contributed to complete it. III. The original use of the Vestries on each side of the Building. — Some very ancient Inscriptions on the Tomb-stones within them. — A remarkable Epitaph. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 47 IV. An accurate Description of whatever is worthy of no- tice within the Chapel. — Wonderful structure of the Stone Roof; which occasions a mention of the ori- ginal secret of Freemasons, and some few particulars concerning that Society. With V. A full Explanation of all the curious Paintings on the Windows : in the course of which is shewn the cor- respondence hetween the historical Paintings drawn from the Old Testament and those taken from the New. To which is added, a List of all the Provosts, Bishops, Skatesmen, learned Writers, Martyrs, and Confessors who were formerly Members of King's College : ex- tracted partly from Fuller's Church History of Bri- tain. The Author's Apology, and grateful Acknow- ledgements to his Subscribers. — With Copies of se- veral ancient Indentures, setting forth an Account ot many different Sums of Money expended on finish- ing and glazing the Chapel. Each particular beauty of the Windows remarked. By Henry Malden, Chapel Clerk*. " above! around ! Behold where e'er this pensile quarry's found, Or swelling into vaulted roofs its weight, Or shooting columns into Gothic state, Where e'er this fane extends its lofty frame, Behold the monument to Henry's name." Dodsley's Poems, vol. vij. Cambridge : Printed for the Author, by Fletcher and Hodson, 1769. Octavo. Title-page as above. (Address) to the Public. On the reverse of the Title. Table of Contents, 2 pages. An Account of King's College Chapel, 3-96, [a 3-m 4] 91 pages. PLATES. 1 . An etched Portrait of the Author in profile. T. O. fee. (T. Ord, Fellow of the College.) To face the Title. 2. A View of King's College Chapel, p. 3. * The real author of this work was Dr. James, one of the Fellows, and Master of Rugby School, 48 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. XIV. The Account of Pytiiagoras"s School in Cam- bridge, as in Mi\ Grose's Antiquities of England and Wales, and other Notices. (By KiLNER.) Folio. Neither date nor imprint. Title-page as above. Introduction, beginning with " The t'une of inscribing," Sec. 3 pages. The Account of Pythagoras's School, [b-o 2] p. 5~56. Half Title " Something Supplementary." Table of Contents, 2 pages. Of the House of Scholars of Mertonj with Corrections and Additions, [p-Qq 2] p. 59-158. PLATES. 1. The South West View of Pythagoras's School in Cam- bridge. Folded. S. and N. Buck del. et sc. 1730. Dedicated to Dr. Holland, p. 9. 2. Plan of ditto, with Seals of Merton College. Folded. De- dicated to the Rev. H. Barton by R. Masters, p. 14. 3. Pythagoras's School, (from Grose's Antiquities.) Spar- row sc. 1783. p. 147. 4. The Monument of Walter de Merton, Bishop of Rochester, and Founder of Merton College, Oxford, in Rochester Cathedral. J. Bayly del. et sculp. 1768. To face p. 56. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9. Seals of Walter de Merton, of the Prior and Convent of Merton; of Joh. Exon, Bisbop of Win- chester; of Richard and Gilbert de Clare, Earls of Gloucester ; and of Philip Basset, and of Ela, Countess of Warwick, his Wife.— All after p. 158. XV. An Account of the different Ceremonies ob- served in the Senate House of the University of Cambridge : together with Tables of Fees, Modes of electing Oflhcers, &c.. Forms of proceed- ing to Degrees, and other Articles relating to the CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 49 Customs of the University of Cambridge. By Adam Wall, M.A. Fellow of Christ's College. Cambridge : Printed by John Burges, Printer to the Univer- sity; and sold by John Deighton. 1798. Octavo, pp.376, and Errata, 1 page. XVI. The History and Antiquities of the Conven- tual and Cathedral Church of Ely : from the Foundation of the Monastery, A.D. 67 S, to the Year 1771. Illustrated with Copper-plates. By James Bentham, M.A. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, London ; Rector of Feitwell St. Ni- cholas, Norfolk, and late Minor Canon of Ely. " Ties ardita, veiustis novitatem dure, novis nuctoritatem, obsolefis nitorem, obstciiris lucem, fastiditis gratiam, dubiis fidem, omnibus vero naturam, et nuturcE su^ omnia.'" — Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. 1. Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, by J. Bentham ; sold by Mr. Bathurst, in Fleet-street, London ; Messrs. Mer- rill, and Mr. Woodyer, at Cambridge ; and by Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Prince, at Oxford, mdcclxxi. Royal quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to Dr. Ednmnd Keene, Lord Bishop of Ely, dated Ely, Jan. 25, 1771, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Preface, dated Feb. 17, 1771, 5 pages. Contents and Errata, 3 pages. The History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral, beginning with "Introduction," [A-Ee4] 224 pages. Title-page to Vol. II. (signature f). An Inventory of the Plate, Jewels, and Ornaments of the Church belonging to the late Priory of Ely. (signature t2) 2 pages. The Continuation of the History of Ely Cathedral, [pf-oo 2] p. 225-29-2. Appendix to the History and Antiquities of Ely, and Index, [*a-*l] * 70 pages. N. B. The List of Plates, with Directions to the Binder, form pages 290, 291, 292. H 50 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. PLATES. 1. South East View of Ely Cathedral. A folded Plate. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. Frontispiece. 2. Head-piece to the Dedication, Arms of Bishop Keene. 3. Head-piece to page 1, Augustin the Monk preaching to Ethelbert, King of Kent, A.D. 597. 4. Plan and Elevation of the Remains of the Old Conventual Church at Ely. Folded. J. Essex del. Fr. Perry sc. p. 28. 5. Two Door-ways in the Old Conventual Church. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 29. 6. South Door of the Cathedral at Ely. p. 35. 7. The Door at the west end of the Cloister into Ely Cathe- dral, p. 35. 8. The Effigies of St. Etheldreda, Foundress of the Conven- tual Church and Convent adjoining, and first Abbess of Ely Monastery. P. S. Lamborn sc, p. 45. 9. The Marriage of King Egfrid and St. Etheldreda, &c. Her receiving the Veil at Coldingham Abbey. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 48. 10. St. Etheldreda leaving the Monastery, &lC. p. 52. 11. St, Etheldreda constituted Abbess of Ely, with her Death and Interment, p. 54. 12. Translation of her Body, &c. p. 58. 13. Tabula EUensis : being the Arms and Portraits of Knights quartered on the Monastery of Ely by William the Con- queror, &c. A folded Plate, p. 106. 14. The Arms of the See of Ely, and of the Bishops, ending with Bishop Keene. To face p. 292. 15. Remains of the Monuments of Bishop Barnet and of Hugo de Northwold. p. 14 8. 16. Monument of Bishop Kilkenny. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 148. 17. Monument of Bishop dc Luda. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 152. 18. Monument of Bisjiop Hotham. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 156. 19. Monument of Cardinal Luxemburgh. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 172. 20. Monument of Bishop Gray. p. 1/8. 21. Interior of Bishop Alcock's Chapel, with his Monument. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 183. 22. Monument of Bishop Redman. .T. Heins del. P. S. Lam- born sc. p. 184. 23. Monument of Bishop Stanley, p. 18G. 24. Inside View of Bishop West's Chapel and Monument. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 189. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 5 1 25. Grave-stones of Bishop Goodrich and Dean Tindal. p. I9I. 26. Monument of Bishop Heaton. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. I97. 27. Monument of Bisliop Laney. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 202. 28. M iiument of Bishop Gunning. P. S, La?nbornsc. p. 203. 29. Mo .ument of Bishop Patrick. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 206. 30. Monument of Bishop Moore. P S. Lamborn sc. p. 207. 31. Monument of Bishop Fleetwood, J. Heinsdel. P. S. Lam- born sc. p. -208. 32. Monument of Bishop Greene, p. 210. 33. Monument of Bishop Butts. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 211. 34. Monument of Dean Cssar. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 230. 35. The Marble Font and Cover in Ely Cathedral, given by Dean Spencer. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 236. 36. Monument of Dr. Charles Fleetwood, Prebendary of Ely. P. S. Lamborn sc, p. 249. 37. Moimment of John Lord Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, and his Two Wives. P.S. Lamborn sc. p. 1 68. 38. Monument of Robert Steward, Esq. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 4 8 of the Appendix. 39. Monument of Sir Mark Steward. P. S. Lamborn sc. p, 48 of the Appendix. 40. Plan of the Cathedral, with the Choir, as proposed to be removed to the east end, 1 768. A folded plate, p. 285. 41. Inside View of the Dome and Lantern, A folded Plate. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 288. 42-. The Elevation of the south side of Ely Cathedral, taken A. D. 1756, Folded. J, Heinsdel. P. S. Lamborn sc. p, 288. 43. The Section of the Cathedral from east to west. Folded. J. Heins del. P. S, Lamborn sc, p. 288. 44. Section of the Dome and Lantern through the Great Cross. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p, 283. 45. Elevation of the east end of the Cathedral. J. Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 284. 46. Perspective View of St. Mary's Chapel, now Trinity Church in Ely. J, Heins del. P. S. Lamborn sc. p. 286. 47. The inside View of St. Marv's Chapel, p. 286. 48. 1 . The Shrine of St. Etheldreda. p. 1 17. 2. Plan of the Shrines, Altars, &c. p. 1 1 7. 3. Specimens of ancient Gothic Ornaments. — Capital of one of the Pillars in the Old Church, p. 3^ 35. 49. I . Plan of the Cathedral Church, as originally built. 2. Plan of the Cloisters adjoining. 3. Plan of the Old Chapter House, 4. Plan of the Old Conventual Cfunch. 52 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 5. Remains of the Old Convent. 50. 1 . West Front of Ely Porta, or the Western Gate of the College, p. 222. 2. Plan and Section of the Old Chapter House, p. 1 Ad- denda. 3. Plan of the same. The three last plates (48, 49, 50) are engraved together on one folded sheet, in three divisions. A Portrait of the Author, engraved by Facius in 1792, from a picture by T. Kerrich, is sometimes prefixt to this first edi- tion, but is entirely a separate publication. — It serves as a fron- tispiece to the second edition, noticed below. N. B. A few copies were taken off on Large Paper. An Addenda and Supplement to this edition is announced by William Stevenson, F.S.A. to be illustrated with the Portrait of the Author, as above noticed, and other additional engravings : also a small number with proof impressions of the plates. XVII. The History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely : From the Foundation of the jMonastery, A.D. 673, to the Year 1771. Illustrated \vith Copper plates. By James Bentham, M.A. Fellow of the Society of Antiqua- ries, London ; Rector of Felt\\ ell St. Nicholas, Nor- folk, and late Minor Canon of Ely. " Rei urdua, retustis novitutem dure, novlx uuctoritutcin, nUolelh nitorem, obscuris lucem,fasliditis ^ratium, dubiis jideni, vmtubus vera nuturam, et 'nutum suce omnia." — Hlin. Nat. liibt. lib. 1. Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, by J. Bentham; sold by Mr. Bathurst, in Fleet-street, London ; Messrs. Mer- rill and Mr. Woodyer, at Cambridge ; and by Mr. Fletcher, and Mr. Prince, at Oxford . 1771. The Second Edition. By the Rev. James Bent- ham, Vicar of West Bradenham, Norfolk. Printed by and for Stevenson, Matchett, and Stevenson, Market- ' place, Norwich, and sold by them ; also by Mr. Deighton, at Cambridge ; Mr. Parker, at Oxford ; and Messrs. Scat- i CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 53 cherd and Letterman, London. 1812. Imperial quarto 250 copies, and 25 on Elephant Paper. Title-page as above. Dedication to Dr. Thomas Dampier, Lord Bishop of Ely, dated West Bradenham, Oct. 17,1811. Advertisement to the present edition, signed by the Printers. January, 1812. Original dedication to Bishop Keene, 1 page. Preface and Contents, 8 pages. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. James Bentham, M.A. 20 pages. The Bentham Pedigree, (folded) at the end of this Memoir. The historical part, beginning with " Introduction/' [a-eb 4] 224 pages. Title-page to the second volume. An Inventory of the Plate, Jewels, and Ornaments of the Church belonging to the late Priory at Ely, 2 pages. History of Ely Cathedral continued, [Ff-oo2] p. 215-292. Appendix to the History and Antiquities of Ely, and Index, [*a-*i 4] *70 pages. Title : — Addenda to the History and Antiquities of the Conven- tual and Cathedral Church of Ely; from the Year I771 to 1812. The Editor's Thanks for Communications, with Contents of the Addenda, 2 pages. The Addenda, 28 pages. Directions to the Binder and Errata, on a separate slip at the end of the volume. Pages *63 and *64 of the Index are repeated. PLATES. *The Portrait of the Author. T. Kerrich del. Facius sc. To face the Title. *The Arms of Dr. Thomas Dampier, Bishop of Ely. On the letter-press of the Dedication, i. South East View of Ely Cathedral. To face the Title of Vol. II. iv. Plan and Elevation of the Old Conventual Church at Ely. p. 29. V. Two Door-ways of the said Church, p. 34. yi. The South Door of the Cathedral at Ely. p. 35. vii. The Door at the west end of the Cloister, into Ely Cathedral, p. 35. *A Wood Cut of a Ruin. On the letter-press of p. 44. 54 CAMBIUDGESIURE. viii. The Effigies of St. Etheldreda. p. 45. ix. The Marriage of King Egfrid and St. Etheldreda, &:c. p. 48. X, St. Etheldreda leaving the Monastery, &c. p. 52. xi. St. Etheldreda constituted Ahbess of Ely, with her Death and Interment, p. 54. xii. Translation of her Body, &c. p. 58. xiii. Tal'ida Eiiensis : — Anns and Portraits of Knights, &c. Folded, p. 106. xiv. The Arms of the See of Ely and of the Bishops, end- ing with Bishop Yorke. To face p. *42 of the Ap- pendix. XV. Remains of the Monuments of Bishop Barnet and of Hugh Northwold. p. 148. xvi. Monument of Bishop Kilkeimy. p. 148. xvii. Monument of Bishop De Luda. p. 152. xviii. Monument of Bishop Hotham. p. 156. xix. Monument of Cardinal Lewis de Luxemburgh. p. 172. XX. The Remains of Bishop Gray's Monument, p. 178. xxi. Inside View of Bishop Alcock's Chapel, with his Mo- nument, p. 183. xxii. Monument of Bishop Redman, p. 184. xxiii. Monument of Bishop Stanley, p. 186. xxiv. Inside View of Bishop West's Chapel and Monument. p. 189. XXV. Grave-stones of Bishop Goodrich and Dean Tindal. p. 191. xxvi. Monument of Bishop Heaton. p. I97. xxvii. Monument of Bishop Laney. p. 202. xxviii. Monument of Bishop Gunning, p. 203. xxix. Monument of Bishop Patrick, p. 206. XXX. Monument of Bishop Moore, p. 207. xxxi. Monument of Bishop Fleetwood, p. 208. xxxii. Monument of Bishop Greene, p. 210. xxxiii. Monum.ent of Bishop Butts, p. 211. *The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter (olim St. Etheldreda) in Ely. J. Harris del. et sculp, p. 225. xxxiv. Monument of Henry Caesar, Dean of Ely. p. 230. XXXV. The Marble Font and Cover in Ely Cathedral, p. 236. xxxvi. Monument of Dr. Charles Fleetwood, Prebendary of Ely. p. 249. xxxvii. Monument of John Lord Tiptoft Earl of Worcester, and his two Wives, p. I68. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 55 xxxviii. Monument of Robert Steward, Esq. p. 48 of the Ap- pendix xxxix. Monument of Sir Mark Steward, Knt. p. 48 of the Appendix. *The West Prospect of Ely Cathedral, the north side of which is ruined. J. Harris del. et sculp, p. 282. xl. A Plan of the Cathedral Church of Ely, with the Choir as proposed to be removed to the east end, 1768. p. 2S5. *The Ichnography of the Cathedral Church of Ely. J. Harris del. et sculp, p. 283. *The North East Prospect of the Cathedral, and Trinity Church, alias St. Mary's Chapell, at Ely. J. Harris del. et sculp, p. 286. xli. The inside View of the Dome and Lantern, p. 288. xlii. The Elevation of the south side of Ely Cathedral, taken A.D. 1756. p. 288. xliii. The Section of the Cathedral, from east to west. p. 288. xliv. A Section of the Dome and Lantern through the Great Cross, p. 283. xlv. Elevation of the east end of the Cathedral, p. 284. xlvi. Perspective View of St. Mary's Chapel, now Trinity Church, in Ely. P. S. Lamborn sculp, p. 286. xlvii. The inside View of St. Mary's Chapel, p. 286. xlviii, xlix, 1. The following subjects are engraved on this plate, which is folded, in three divisions; viz. 1. The Shrine of St. Etheldreda. p. 117. 2. Plan of the Shrines, Altars, See. p. 117. 3. Specimens of ancient Gothic Ornaments — Capital of one of the Pillars in the Old Church, p. 34, 35. xlix. 1. Plan of the Cathedral Church, as originally built. 2. Plan of the Cloisters adjoining. 3. Plan of the Old Chapter House. 4. Plan of the Old Conventual Church. 5. Remains of the Old Convent. 1. 1 . West Front of Ely Porta, or the Western Gate of the College, p. 222. Placed at p. 1 of the Addenda. 2. Plan and Section of the Old Chapter House. 3. Plan of the same. *The Plan and Elevation of the Choir of Elv Cathedral. Folded J. Essex des. et del. P. S. Lamborn sculp. Cantab, p. 289. The plates marked with an * are not in the preceding edition. 56 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. N. B. A Supplementary Volume to this second edition, (viz. 250 on small and 23 on large paper) is announced by William- Stevenson, F.S.A. to be illustrated with Views of the Lady Chapel, Prior Crauden's Chapel, the Palace, Ely Porta, the Galilee, the Transepts, and other interesting parts of this Ca- thedral. XVIII. A Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely ; with some Account of the Conventual Build- ings. Illustrated by Engravings. By George Mil- lers, ^I.A. Minor Canon. " res antiquBB laudis et artfs." ViRG. Georg. London : Printed by Luke Hansard and Sons, for John White, Horace's Head, Fleet-street. 1807. Royal octavo. Title as above. Dedication to the Honourable and Right Reverend James Lord Bishop of Ely. Preface, dated Ely, March 23d, 180/, 5 pages. Table of Contents and Errata, 2 pages. List of Plates at the reverse of the Table of Contents. Introduction, Description, and Appendix, [b-m 8] 1 75 pages. Erratum — page 133 is misprinted 1. PLATES. i. The West Front of the Cathedral. Dedicated to the Hon. and Right Rev. James Lord Bishop of Ely. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Woolnoth. To face the Title. ii. A Saxon Soffit and Capitals in the Conventual Church. Dedicated to the Rev. George Owen Cambridge, xM.A. Archdeacon of Middlesex, and Prebendary of Ely. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Woolnoth. p. 20. ill. Norman Ornaments. Dedicated to the Master and Fel- lows of St. John's College, Cambridge. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved bv W. Woolnoth. p. 28. IV. Ornaments of the Early English Style. Dedicated to Lieu- tenant-Colonel Jeaffreson, of Dullingham House, Cam- bridgeshire. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Woolnoth. p. 30. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 57 V. Ornaments of the Ornamented English Style. Dedicated to the Rev. William Metcalfe, M.A. Minor Canon of Ely. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Wool- noth. p. 32. vi. The Arch of Communication between the Church and Lady Chapel. Dedicated to the Dean and Chapter of Ely. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Wool- noth. p. 88. vii. The Prior's Entrance. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Philip Earl of Hardwicke. Drawn by G. Shepherd, en- graved by W. Woolnoth. p. 108. viii. A Vault at the end of the Conventual Church. Dedicated to the Rev. Thomas Waddington, D.D. Prebendary of Ely. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Woolnoth. p. 142. ix. The north Arch of Entrance to the Parish Church of St. Mary. Dedicated to the Rev. Philip Yorke, M.A. Pre- bendary of Ely. Drawn by G. Shepherd, engraved by W. Woolnoth.' p. 150. X. Ground Plan of the Cathedral Church of Ely. Drawn by J. Bond, engraved by W. Woolnoth. p. 175. The History and Antiquities of Barnwell Ab- bey and of Sturbridge Fair. London, mdcclxxxvi. Quarto. See Nichols's " Bihlioth. Topog. Britunn." No. xxxviii at the end of this Volume. XX. Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nas- centium : in quo exhibentur quotquot hactenus in- \enta3 sunt, quae vel sponte proveniunt, vel in Agris seruntur : una cum Synonymis Selectioribus, Locis Natalibus, et Observationibus quibusdain oppido raris. Adjiciuntur in gratiam Tyronum, Index Anglico- Latinus, Index Locorum, Etymologia Nominum, et Explicatio quorundam Tenninorum. LoNDiNi : ApudJo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, Tho. Dicas, adinsigne I 58 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Campanse ill Coemeterio D. Pauli. l660. Duodecimo. \ 660. pp. 313. N.B. Appendixes to this volume were printed in 1663 and 1683. XXI. Methodus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nas- centium. Auctore Joan. ^Iartyn. LoND. 1727. Duodecimo. XXII. PLANTS CANTABRIGIENSES: or, A Cata- logue of the Plants which grow wild in the County of Cambridge, disposed according to the System of Linnaeus. — Herbationes Cautahrigienses : or, Di- rections to the Places where they may be found, comprehended in Thirteen Botanical Excursions. To which are added. Lists of the more rare Plants grow- ing in many Parts of England and Wales. By Tho- mas Martyn, ]M.A. Fellow of Sidney College, and Professor of Botany in Cambridge. London, 1763. Octavo. Israelis Lyons, jun. Fasciculus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium, qua^ post Rajum ob- servatae fuere. LoNDiNi : Prostant venales apud A. Millar, in The Strand. MDccLXin. Octavo, with Preface, pp. 72. XXIIL Catalog us Horti Botanici Cantabrigtensis, per Tho. Martyn, S.T.B. Coll. Sydn. Soc. Prof. Bot. Prael. Walker, et Horti Curat. Octavo. Cantab. 1771 and 1 772, with a Plan of the Gardens. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 59 XXIV. RlCIiARDi Relhan, A.m. Collegii Regalis Capellani, Flora Cantabrigiensis, exhibens Plantas Agro Cantabrigiensi indigenas, secundum Systema Sexuale digestas, cum Characteribus genericis, Diagnosi Spe- cieruni, Synonymis selectis, Nominibus trivialibus, Loco natali, Tempore Inflorescentise. Cantabrigi.e : Typis Academicis excudebat J. Archdeacon. MDCCLXXxv. pp. 319, including Dedication, Subscribers, Authors cited, and Errata ; with seven plates, designed by James Bolton, and engraved by James Sowerby. Octavo. Flor^ Cantabrigiensi Supplementum. Auctore RiCHARDO Reliian, A.M. Collegii Regalis Capel- lano. Cantabrigi^, mdcclxxxvi. Octavo, 39 pages. FLORiE Cantabrigiensi Supplementum Alte- RUM. Auctore Richardo Relhan, A.M. Col- legii Regalis Capellano, Regias Societatis Londi- iiensis Socio. Cantabrigi% mdcclxxxviii. Octavo, 36 pages. Florae Cantabrigiensi Supplementum Ter- tium. Auctore Richardo Relhan, A.M. Col- legii Regalis Capellano, Villse de Hemingby in Agro Lincolniensi Rectore, Regiae Societatis Londinensis, 6t Societatis Linneanae, Socio. Cantabrigi^, mdccxciii. Octavo, 44 pages. XXV. HORTUS CANTABRIGIENSIS; or, A Cata- logue of Plants indigenous and exotic. By the late James Donn, Curator, Fellow of the Linnean and 60 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Horticultural Societies. Eighth Edition, corrected and augmented, with references to Figures, by Fre- derick PuRSH, Author of " The Flora of North America." London : Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, for White, Cochrane, and Co. 1815. Crown octavo, 335 pages, and 2 pages of abbreviations. XXVI. General View of the Agriculture in the County of Cambridge, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. By Charles Van- couver. Drawn up for tlie Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London : Printed by W. Smith, mdccxciv. With a folded Map of the County, and an alphabetical Table of Parishes, describing their Contents in Acres, distinguishing each sort of Land, their Rent or Value. Quarto. 219 pages. XXVII. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cambridge. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and In- ternal Improvement. By the Rev. W. GoocH, A.B. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, 1811 ; and for Messrs. Sherwood and Co. 1813. Octavo, pp.318, including Pre- face and Table of Contents : with a Map of the Soil of Cam- bridgeshire, coloured and folded, and a Plan of tlie River Ouse from German's Bridge, to Lynn in Norfolk, both en- graved by Neele. 6'1 CHESHIRE. The Vale-Royall of England, or, The County Palatine of Chester illustrated. Wherein is con- tained a geographical and historical Descriplion of that famous County, with all its Hundreds, and Seats of the Nobility, Gentry, and Freeholders; its Rivers, Towns, Castles, Buildings, ancient and modern. Adorned with Maps and Prospects, and the Coats of Arms belonging to every individual Family of the whole County. Performed by William Simith and William Webb, Gentlemen. Published by Mr. Daniel King. To which is annexed. An exact Chronology of all its Rulers and Governors, both in Church and State, from the time of the Foundation of the stately City of Chester, to this very day : fixed by Eclipses and other chronological characters. Also, An excellent Discourse of the Island of Man: treating; of the Island. Of the In- habitants. Of the State Ecclesiastical. Of the Civil Government. Of the Trade ; and of the Stren2;th of the Island. London : Printed by John Streater, in Little S. Bartholomews, and are to be sold at the Black-spread-Eagle at the West End of Pauls, 1656. Small folio. An engraved Tide-page, encircled by two Branches, bearing the Arras of the various Earls of Chester : — " A Discription, historical! and geographicall, of the Countie Palatine of Chester, and ilkistrated with diuers figures cutt in copper, and published bv Daniel King of Chester, 16S6." Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Worshipfull Sir Orlando Bridgmaii, Knight, dated Lond. June 20, 1636, '2 pages. Letter to Mr. Daniel King from John King, dated Martii 1 , 1 &55, 62 CHESHIRE. with commendatory Verses in Latin and English on the op- posite side, 2 pages. Another Letter to Mr. Daniel King^ signed Tho. Brown, 2 pages. To the Reader. 1 page. The Vale-Royall of England, beginning with a Catalogue of the Kings of Marcia, [b-n 5] 09 pages. A Table of the most remarkable Passages in the foregoing Dis- course, 5 pages. The Vale-Royall of England; begins again at page 1, signature Aa, and is continued to Ggg 4, 239 pages. Table of the most remarkable Passages in the foregoing Dis- course, being the Second Book, and Errata, [nhh-Kkk] 10 pages. Chronicon Cestrense. To his ingenious friend Mr. Daniel King, signed Samuel Lee, London, May 8, 1656, 2 pages. N. B. This letter begins at signature Aaaa. The Vale-Royall of England, beginning Chap. L *' Of the Ro- mans in Cheshire," [Aaaa 2-Gggg 4] p. 3-35. Title-page — " A short Treatise of the Isle of Man. Digested into six chapters ; containing, I . A Description of the Island. II. Of the Inhabitants. III. Of the State Ecclesiasticall. IIII. Of the Civill Government. V. Of the Trade. VI. Of the Strength of the Island. Illustrated with severall Prospects of the Island, by Daniel King. — London : Printed by John Streater. 1656. Dedication, " For His Excellencie Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord of Man and of the Isles." Signed James Chaloner, Middle Park, Decemb. 1, 1653, 3 pages. The Island described, [Iiii-Mmmm4] p. 1-32. Addenda, Errata in the Treatise of the Isle of Man, and the true Longitude and Latitude of certain Cities in England, [n n n n] 2 pages . Errata in the paging of Part I. of the Vale-Royall of En- gland, — page 59 is misprinted Q'J , and p. 70 for p. 62 ; pages 93 and 96 are omitted. In the Second Part, — p. 35 is misprinted 33, 54 for 55, 55 for 36; pages 129 and 130 are repeated. After p. 132 the pages run thus: 135, 136, 139, 138, 141, 142; and four pages arc omitted, although the signatures agree. — p. 145 and 146 are repeated; — p. 231 is misprinted 229. In Part III. ]). 1 7 for 23 ; following p. 51, are pages 44, 45, 54, and 55, which concludes this portion of the work. CHESHIRE. 63 PLATES. 1. Engraved Title as before mentioned. 2. Map of the County, entitled '' Comitatus Palatinus Ces- triffi." Folded.' To face p. I, Part I. 3. The Prospect of Chester — the south-west side. The Ground Plott of Chester ; and the Mapp of Cheshire. A folded plate. W. Hollar fee. p. 37, Parti. 4. Beeston Castle and Haulton Towne and Castle, p. 97, Part I. 5. Eleven Plates of Arms, on separate Sheets. To be placed at the end of Part I. and preceding the Table of Contents. 6. The Ground Plot of St. Werburgh's Church. On the letter- press of p. 26, Part II. 7. Chester Cathedral : " Cestrensis ecclesiae (quondam con- ' ventualis) S.Werburgae facies australis." Folded. Daniel King del. et sc. p. 27, Part II. 8. The Prospect of Crew Hall from the south by east. On the letter-press of p. 75, Part II. 9. A Prospect of the Ruines of Birket-wood Abbey, on the south side. Daniel King sculp. On the letter-press of p. 122, Part II. 10. Hugh Lupus, Earle of Chester, sitting in his Parliament with the Barons and Abbots of the Countie Palatine. Folded, p. 130, Part II. 11. Map of the Isle of Man, with Eight Views of the Island, and Two Armorial Bearings. Folded. W. Hollar sc. To face page 1 of the Description. 12. The Prospect of Balisaly Abby on the south-west side. — The Prospect of the Nunry in y ' Isle of Man on the east side. — The Prospect of Bishop's Court in the Isle of Man, on the east side. p. 5. 13. Plate of Four Shields of Arms 3 forming p. 12 of the De- scription of the Isle of Man. 14. The Prospect of Castell Rushen, in y^ Isle of Man, on y" south side. — The Prospect of Peel Castell, in y'" Isle of Man, on y*" west side. — The Prospect of Douglas, in y'' Isle of Man, on the east side. p. 31. II. , The History of Cheshire : containing King's Vale-Royal entire ; together with considerable 64f CHESHIRE. Extracts from Sir Peter Leycester's Antiquities of Cheshire ; and the Observations of later Writers, particularly Pennant, Grose, &c. &c. the whole form- in f^ a complete Description of that County, with all its Hundreds ; Seats of the Nobility, Gentry, and Freeholders ; Pavers, Towns, Castles, and Buildings, ancient and modern. To which is prefixed, An In- troduction, exhibiting a general View of the State of the Kingdom previous to, and immediately after, the Norman Conquest. Chester: Printed by John Poole, mdcclxxviii. In Two Vo- lumes Octavo. VOL. I. Title-page as above. Contents, Errata, and Directions to the Binder^ 4 pages. Advertisement, 3 pages. Introduction, [a-1 4] 83 pages. The Vale-Royal of England, 430 pages, ending with the catch- word "The," [B-ii'^i 3] VOL. IL Title-page as before. — The volume then commences with p. 431 (" Of the Romans in Cheshire"), and is continued to p. 994, [iii4-6L4] which terminates the work. At the conclusion of the Advertisement, a Map of the County, on a large scale, is promised to be given, but the engagement was not fulfilled. III. Historical Antiquities, in Two Books. The first treating in general of CiREAT-BuEJTAiN and Ire- land. Tlic second containing particular Remarks concerning Cheshire. Paillifuiiy collected out of authentick Histories, old Deeds, Records, and Evi- dences. By Sir Peter Leycester, Baronet. Whereunto 'is annexed a Transcript of Doomsday- Book, so far as it concerneth Cheshire, taken out of the original Record. Frustru fit per plura, ipiod potest fieri per pauciora. CHESHIRE. 65 London : Printed by W. L. for Robert Clavell, In Cross-Key Court, in Little Britain, mdclxxiii. Folio. Title-page as above, printed in red and black. Dedication to His Majesty King Charles II. 1 page. The Author to the Reader, dated January 1, 1G73, 2 pages. Preface, 6 pages. Historical part : — " Of Brettainc, of Wales, of Scotland, and of Ireland," [b4-m 2] p. 7-83. Title-page : — '' Some Antiquities touching Cheshire. Faith- fully collected out of Authentique Histories^ old Deeds, Re- cords, and Evidences. By Sir Peter Leycester, Baronet, a Member of the same County. ' Nescio qua Nutate Solum ditlceJine. cancios ducit, ct i>nme»:o?-e:i mm sinit esse suiJ London : Printed Anno Domini mdclxxii." The Contents of this Book, 1 page. Some Antiquities touching Cheshire, [N-Ddd4] p. 89-392. Addenda in Part II. and Part IV. [ddd] 7 pages, not numbered. Title-page : — " A Transcript of Cheshire at large, out of the Greater Doomsday-Book, remaining on Record in the Tally-Office at' Westminster. Belonging to the Custody of the Treasurer and the two Chamberlains of the Exchequer at London. According as the same was transcribed by Mr. Squire from the Record itself. Anno Domini 1649. The original comprehends a Survey of all England as well as Che- shire, some few Counties onely excepted; and was made by William the Conqueror's Command after he had won this Kingdom bv the Sword. It was begun and finished between the Fourteenth and the Twentieth Year of his Reign over England. — London : Printed Anno Domini mdclxxii." A Transcrip: of Cheshire at large, out of the Greater Dooms- day-Book, [Eee 2-Kkk 2] p. 395-436. The Proportion of the Old Hundreds in Cheshire to the New Hundreds, 1 page (p. 43 7). Errata, 1 page. Errors in the paging: — p. 4 for 24; pp. 121, 122 for 113, 114; pp. 127, 128 for 119, 120; p. 353 for 353; p. 358 for 360; and p. 407 for 399. To this work is prefixed a map of " The Countye Palatine of Chester, with that most ancient Citie described. Performed by ,Tohu Spcede, assisted by William Smyth, and arc K 66 CHESHIKK. to be solde by Roger Rea the elder and younger, at the Golden Crosse in Cornhill, against the Exchange," with seven Shields of Arms of the Earls of Chester on the Margin- Folded : — Likewise 36 Coats of Arms and 6 Seals, all engraved on wood, on the letter-press in various parts of the volume. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. MAGNA BRITANNIA: being a concise Topogra- phical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Lysoxs, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L. S. Rector ol Rodniarcon in Gloucestershire; and Samuel Lysons, Esq. F.R..S. and F.iV.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. — Vol. IL Part IL containing The County Palatine oe Chester. London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand. ISIO. Quarto. Title-page as above. Advertisement, 1 page. List of Plates, 2 pages. Descriptive part, " Cheshire," [Qq-5F4] p. 297-847- Index of Names and Titles, [5 Q-5 R 4] p. 849-S63. General Index, [5 s-5 x] p. 805-889- Errata, 2 pages. ELATES. i. Map of the County. Folded. Neele sc. To face p. 297- ii. Roman Altar found at Chester A.D. mdcxcih, in th« possession of the Rev. Charles Prescot. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 429. iii. Roman Altar found at Chester, in tlie possession of .John Egerton, Esq. of Oulton. S. Ly.'^ons del. et fee. p. 430. iv. 1. Plan of a Roman Hypocaust in Bridge-street, at Chester. — 2. Plan of the Roof of ditto.— S. Sec- tion of ditto. — 4. Fragment of a scui))tured Slate found at Chester in 1738. J. Warner sculp, p. 431. V. Plan of St. John's Church, Chester- Folded. F. Nash del. J. Warner sc. p. 437, or 453. CiiEsiiiRi:. 67 vi. Part of the Nave of St. Jolin's Clnirch, Chccter. F, Nash del. J, Lee sculp, p. 437. vii. 1, 2. Capitals in the Ruins of the Choir of St. John's Church, Chester. — 3, 4. From the Door-way of the Chancel of Barthomley Church. — 5. From the Door-way of Shocklach Church. — 6. From a Door- way of Norton Priory. — 7, 8. Capital and Base of a Pillar in Caesar's Tower in Chester Castle. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. 438. viii. Part of the Nave of Chester Cathedral. Folded. J. Lee sculp, p. 439. ix. East View of Nantwich Church. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p, 440. X. Inside View of part of the Chancel, &c. of Nantwicli Church, Cheshire. Taken from the south Transept. F.Nash del. J. Lee sculp, p. 440. xi. One of the Wooden Stalls in the Chancel of Nantwich Church. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sculp, p. 440. xii. Grave-stones of Rad. de Valletorta in Chester Cathe- dral ; and of John Le Serjaun, in St. John's Church at Chester. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 444. xiii. Shrine of St. Werl)urgh in Chester Cathedral. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sculp, p. 443. xiv. Monument of Sir Hugh Calveley in Bunbury Church, Cheshire. F. Nash del. J. Lee sculp, p. 446. XV. Monument of Sir Robert Fulshurst, in Barthomley Church, Cheshire. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 447. xvi. Fig. 1. Stone preserved in the Cliapter-house, Chester. — 2, 3. Capitals of Pillars in the Nave of Chester Cathedral. G. Cuitt del. p. 448. xvii. Plan of the Monastery of St.Werburgh, in Chester; as it remained at the time of the Dissolution. From a Drawing in the British Museum. J. Warner sculp, p. 452. xviii. Plan of the Monasterv of Benedictine Nuns at Chester, as it remained in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. From a Drawing in the British Museum, p. 433. xix. Ruins of part of the Choir of St. John's Church, Chester. S. Lvsons del. et fee. p. 434. XX. Plan and Sketch of Chester Castle. From a Drawing in the British Museum. Folded. J. Warner sculp, p. 453. xxi. View of Hugh Lupus's ILall and the Exchequer in Chester 6S CHESHIRE. XXI 1. xxiii. XX iv. XXV. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. XXX. xxxi. xxxii. xxxiii. xxxiv. XXXV, N. B Castle. From a Drawing in the Collection of the late William NichoUs, Esq. p. 453. Saighton Hall, one of the Seats of the Abbot of Chester. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 457. South East View of Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 437- View of the south side of the Court of Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. Folded. S. Lysons del. J. Warner sculp, p. 457. Crewe Hall in Cheshire. J. Lee sculp, p. 458. . The Four Sides of part of a Stone Cross in the Market Place at Sandbach, Cheshire. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 460. Fragment of one of the Sandbach Crosses, in the possession of John Egerton, Esq. of Oulton. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 460. Plan and Elevation of the Sandbach Crosses. S. Ly- sons del. J.Lee sculp, p. 460. The Sword of Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, preserved in the British Museum. F. Nash del. J. Lee sculp, p. 462. Plan of the County Hall, Gaol, and Barracks at Ches- ter. Folded. J. Harrison del. W. Warner sculp, p. 370. Part of the Nave and Cloisters of Chester Cathedral, and of the Bishop's Palace adjoining. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 372. North East View of Chester Cathedral. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. 373 or 374. Plan of Chester Cathedral, and the remains of the ad- joining Monastery. Folded. F. Nash del. .I.War- ner sculp, p. 574. Plan of Chester. Folded. Neele sc. p, 6 10. The Court Yard of Hooton Hall, Cheshire, the ancient Seat of the Stanley Family, taken down in 1778. From a Drawing in the Collection of the late Wil- liam Nicholls, Es([. F.A.S. p. 633. Page 886 is misprinted p. S66. , There are Large Paper copies of this publication. CHESHIRE. 69 V. BRITANNIA DEPICTA : a Series of Views (with brief Descriptions) of tiie most interesting and picturesque Objects in Great Britatx. The Counties alphabetically arranged. Engraved from Drawings by Messrs. Farington, Turner, Hearne, Smith, Alexander, &c. — Part III. containing Thir- teen Views in Cheshire. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, by G. Sidney, Northmnberland- street. 1810. Ohlong quarto. Advertisement and List of Plates, 1 page. Descriptive letter-press, 1 6 pages. PLATES. 1. Distant View of Chester. Drawn by J. M.W.Turner, R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. p. bbQ. 2. N.E. View of Chester. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. en- graved by J. Landseer and J. Woolnoth. p. 356. 3. View in Bridge-street, Chester. Drawn byJ.Varley, en- graved by J. Landseer, A. R.A. p. 6 14. 4. Part of Chester Castle. Drawn by J. M.W. Turner, R.A. engraved by W. Byrne, F.S.A. p. 369- 3. Inside View of one of the Rows at Chester. Drawn by T. Webster, engraved by J. Landseer, A.R.A. p. 610. 6. Inside View of the Chancel of St. John's Church, in Chester, taken from the south Transept. Drawn by W. Alex- ander, F.S.A. engraved by J. Byrne, p. 623. 7. N.W. View of Astbury. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. en- graved by J. Landseer, A.R.A. p. 486. 8. Beeston Castle, Drawn by J. Smith, engraved by J. Byrne. p. 548. 9. Macclesfield Church. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. en- graved by J, Neagle. p. 738. 10. View of Nantwich. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. engraved by J. Landseer, A.R.A. p. 699- 11. N.W. View of Nantwich Church. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. engraved by J. Byrne, p. 708. 12. Cross at Sandbach. Drawn by W. Alexander, F.S.A. en- graved by J. Byrne, p. 459. 70 CHESHIRE. 13. View of Stockport. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. engraved by J. Landseer^ A. R.A. N. B. There are proof impressions of these engravings to accompany the Large Paper copies of Messrs. D. and S. Ly- sons's ^^ Magna Britannia." VI. A Sketch of the Materials for a New History OF Cheshire : with short Accounts of the Genius and Manners of its Inhabitants, and of some local Customs peculiar to that distinji;uished County : in a Letter to Thomas Falconer, Esq. of the City of Chester. (By Foote Goaver, M.D. of Chelms- ford.) " The muse, her native Iniid to sec, Returns to England, over Dee : Visits STOUT CnESiiiRE, and there shews To HER and hers, what England owes: And of her nymphets sp(jrtiii^ there. In WiRKALLand in Dkxamere " Dray; ON 's Poly-Olb. Preface to Sons nI. Sold by Mr. Lawton, Bookseller, in Chester; and by Mr. Bathurst, Bookseller, in Fleet-street, London, mdcclxxi. Quarto. Title-page as above. Advertisement and Errata, 2 pages. The Sketch of the Materials, [b-t] 72 pages. Postscript, [u-z] p. 73-90, dated September 3, 1771- A second edition of the above Sketch appeared at Chester in 1773, in quarto, with an entire new Preface, an account of further Materials for the History, and a plate of Hugh Lupus's Sword' of Dignity : and a third edition, edited by the late William Latham, Esq. F.R. and A.SS. was printed in London in 1600. There was likewise printed " An Address to the Public re- lative to the proposed History of Cheshire, dated Chelmsford, Feb. 1, 1772, and signed Foote Gower, M.D." Quarto, 8 pages. Also, another tract, with the same title verbatim, signed Wdliam Latham, F.Il.S. and F.S.A. dated Nottingham Place, St. Mary- le-bonne, March 23, 1800. CHESHIRE. 71 VII. A Walk round the Walls and Cita' of Chester. Chester : Printed by Broster and Son. Duodecimo. No date. pp. 106. With a view of the North Gate in the title-page, and eight other wood cuts of Buildings in Chester, on the letter-press of the work. VIII. The Journey from Chester to London. (By Thomas Pennant.) London : Printed for B. White, Fleet-street, mdcclxxxii. Quarto. An engraved Title-page ; with the View of East Gate^ Chester. iM. Griffith del. P. Mazell sculp. Advertisement, signed Thomas Pennant, and dated Downing, March, 1782, 2 pages. List of Plates and Errata, 2 pages.* The Journev to London. Two Parts. [b-3h 2] 419 pages. Half Title,'^^ Appendix." The Appendix, p. 423-452, 30 pages. Index, pages. plates. i. Beeston Castle. D.Lerpinier sculp, p. 11. ii. Tomb in Acton Church, p. 22. iii. Nantwich Church. M.Griffith del. J. Fittler sc. p. 32. iv. Shugborough. M. Griffith del. J. Fittler sc. p. 67. V. Temple of the Winds at Shugborougli. M. Griffith del. J. Fittler sc. p. 68. vi. Antiquities at Stafford and Lichfield. Folded, p. J 10. vii. Sponne Gate (Coventry). M. Griffith del. P. Mazell sculp, p. 146. viii. Greyfriars Gate and Steeple, Coventry. M. Griffith del. P. Mazell sculp, p. 160. ix. The Challenge between the Duke of Hereford and Tho- mas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, p. 167- '" At the end of the List of PI:itcs is the iollowin^ notice: — "A tow copies are printed on Lar^e Paper, and may be had, finely iiknninatod on the margin with Views, Coats of Arms, ec. Lysans'^ Cornivall, page 2. CORNWALL. 81 VI. Observations on the Antiquities Historical and Monumental of the County of Cornwall; con- sisting of several Essays on the First Inhabitants, Druid-Superstition, Customs, and Remains of the most remote Antiquity, in Britain and the British Isles : exemplify'd and prov'd by Monuments now extant in Cornwall and the Scilly Islands, faithfully drawn on the Spot, and engrav'd according to their Scales annex'd. With a Summary of the religious, civil, and military State of Cornwall before the^Norman Conquest. — Illustrated by the Plans and Elevations of several ancient Castles; an eastern View of the Monastery and Site of St. Michael's Mount ; and a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language. — By William Borlase, A.M. F.R.S. Rector of Ludgvan. " Miratur, facilesque oculosfert omnia circum JEneas, capiturque locis, et singula latus Exquiritque, audUque virhn monumenta priorum.'" ViRG. Oxford: Printed by W. Jackson, in the High Street, mdccliv. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to Sir John St. Aubyn of Clowance, Bart. 2 pages. To the Reader. — List of Subscribers — Particular Antiquities where explained, 8 pages. Table of Contents, 4 pages. Historical part, [b-5 a] 366 pages. A Catalogue of the Kings of Britain, &c. 7 pages. Cornish Vocabulary, beginning " Natali Solo S." p. 374-413. Errata — at the back of the last page of the Vocabulary. Error in paging : — p. 271 misprinted 217 ; P- 784 for 384. The List of Plates is given in the following article. M 82 CORNWALL. VII. . Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, consisting of several Es- says on the First Inhabitants, Druid-Superstition, Customs, and Remains of the most remote Antiquity in Britain and the British Isles, exemplified and proved by Monuments now extant in Cornwall and the SciLLY Islands, with a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language. By William Borlase, LL.D. F.R.S. Rector of Ludgvan, Cornwall. " Miratur,facilesque oculns fert omnia circitm Aliens, capiturqve lucis, et singula t(etus Eci'quiritque auditque vintm monumtnlu prionim." ViRG. The Second Edition, revised, with several Addi- tions, by the Author ; to which is added a ]\Iap of Cornwall, and Two new Plates. London : Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, for S. Baker and G. Leighj in York-street ; T. Payne, at the Mews Gate, St. Martin's J and Benjamin White, at Horace's Head, in Fleet-street, mdcclxix. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart, signed " William Bor- lase," 2 pages. (Preface) to the Reader, 5 pages. Contents, 6 pages. History of the County, beginning with " Historical Observations relating to Britain," [b-5 k 2] 403 pages. A Catalogue of the Kings of Britain, with the Princes of Corn- wall, and the most important incidents relating to that County, interspersed according to their order of time, p. 404-411, 8 pages. Cornish Vocabulary, beginning with " Natali Solo S." p. 413 -464, [5 N-6 B 'i] 52 pages. Erratum — p. 368 is misprinted p. 386. PLATES. 1 . New Map of the County of Cornwall and the Scilly Islands. Whole Sheet, folded, p. 1. 2. Map of the County of Cornwall and the Scilly Islands^ CORNWALL. 83 shewing the Sites of ancient Castles, &c. p. 1 1 . [p. 1, first edit.'] 3. The Map and Buildings of Karnbre, in Cornwall. Dedi- cated to John Prideaux Basset of Tehidy, Esq. Whole Sheet, folded. (PI. VII.) p. 117. [\^. W 3, first edit. 1 4. Monumental Stones: — 1. At Drift in Sancred. — 2. Eleva- tion of y'^ Monument atTrewren. — 3. Sepulchral Monu- ment at Trewren in Maddern. — 4. Two Stones erect at Bolleit, in St. Beryan — 3. Long Stone in Boswens Croft Sancred. (PI. X.) p. 164. [}^. \bl , first edit.] 3. Logan Stones, &:c. viz. 1. Great Stone in Men. — 2. Great Stone in Scilly. — 3. Karn Quoit. — 4. The Logan Stone in St. Agnes, "island of Scilly.— 5. The Logan Stone in Sithney call'd Menamber. Dedicated to Sir Richard Vy- vyan of Trelowarren, Bart. Greensc. (PI. XI.) p. 173. [p. \ 6 5, first edit.] 6. Fig. 1. The Wringcheese.— 2. The Tolmen in St. Mary's, Scilly.— 3. TheTolmCn in Northvvethel, Scilly.— 4. The Altar Stone in Trescaw, Scilly.— 3. The Altar Stone in Wendron. Dedicated to Smart Lethieullier of Alders- brook in Essex, Esq. F.R.S. p. 1 73. [p. 165, first edit.] 7. Tolmen, in Constantine Parish, in Cornwall. Dedicated to the Rev. Charles Lyttelton, LL.D. Dean of Exeter. W. B. del. J. Green sculp. Oxon. (PI. XIII.) p. 174. [p. \6(), first edit.] 8. Druid Monuments : viz. Fig. 1. The Men-an-tol, or Holed Stone, in Maddern, Cornwall.— 2. Plan of the Men-an- tol. — 3. The Holed Stone in Beryan.— 4. Saxum Pen- sile, or the Hanging Stone in Karn Boscawen Berian. Dedicated to the Hon. John Harris, of Hayne, in Devon, Esq. W.B. del. J.Green sculp. (PI. XIV.) p. 177- [p. Ids, first edit.] 9. Fig. 1. Tredinek Circle.—^. Boskednan Circle in Gullval. — 3. Boscawen-un Circle in Beryan. — 4. Senor Circle. Dedicated to Christopher Hawkins, of Trewinard, in Cornwall, Esq. (PI. XV.) p. 198. [p. 186, first edit.] 10. Botallek Circles in St. Just. Dedicated to the Rev. Jere- miah Milles, D.D. Precentor of the Church of Exeter. (PI. XVI.) p. 199. [\>. \S8, fir St edit.] 11. Fig. 1. The Nine Maids.— 2. Kerris Roundago.— 3. Recess of the Kerris Roundago bv a larger Scale. — 4. Bodinar Crellas.— 5. Classerniss Temple.— 6. The Hurlers. De- dicated to Thomas Hawkins, of Trewithen, in Corn- wall, Esq. (PI. XVII.) p. 206. [p. 19^, first edit.] 84 CORXWALL. 12. Fig. 1. The Amphitheatre at St. Just in Cornwall. — 2. Benches of the Amphitheatre. — 3. Kerris Urn. — 4, 5. Two Fragments of Trewinard Urn. — 3*. Gw)'thian Urn. — 6. SancredUrn. — 7-9. Two Fragments of Bosavarn Urn. (PI. XVUI.) p. 208. [p.l96,Jlrstedii.] 13. Fig. 1. Scilly Little Barrow. — 2. A Monument of Four Stones placed quadrangularly at Trevescan, near the Land's End. — 3. Scilly large Barrow. — 4. A Stone Bar- row at Tredinek in Gulval. — 3. A Barrow with a Kist- vaen near y'' top. — 6. Rock Bason called Arthur's Bed. — 7. Boswolas Basons.— 8. The Rock Basoa Quoit at Karnbre. — 9. Plan of the Tolmen. Dedicated to Robert Hoblyn of Nanswyden, in Cornwall, i\LP. (PI. XX.) p. 219. [p. 207, first edit.'] 14. Fig. 1. Lanyon Cromleh. — 2 Plan of Lanyon Cromleh. — 3. Senar Cromleh. — 4. Plan of the same. Dedicated to WilliamOliverofBathjM.D.F.R.S. (PI. XXL) p. 223. [p. 210, first edit.'] 13. Two Views of Kitts Cotty House in Kent. (PL XXIL) p. 224. [Not in the fir St edition.'] 16. Gold Coins found at Karnbre in Cornwall A.D. 1749- De- dicated to Francis Basset, of Walcot, in Oxfordshire, Esq. (PI. XXIIL) p. 239. [p. 2Q2, first edit.] 17. Fig. 1 to 8. Various Celts. — 9- Caerwynen Cromleh. — 10. Chun Cromleh. — 11. Molfra Cromleh. W. B. del. J. Green sculp. (PI. XXIV.) p. 287. [p. 268, first edit.] 18. Fig. 1, 2, 3. Cave called Pendeen Vau, or Vou, with Sec- tion and Plan. — 4 to 9. Roman Pateras found in St. Just and at Ludgvan, with Sections of the same.— 10. Blade of a Dagger found in Par-Moor, in St. Ewe Parish. De- dicated to John Borlase, of Pendeen, in Cornwall, Esq. (PI. XXV.) p. 293. [p. 274, first edit.] 19. Fig. 1. Bottom of a Patera and Inscription. — 2. Side of the same. — 3. The Simpulum or Praefericulum. — 4, 5. Stones. — 6. Part of a large Patera or Praefericulum, ac- cording to Festus. — 7. Part of the Calceus Antiquus. — 8. A. Fort at Bossens in St. Erth Parish, Cornwall. — 9, 10. Front and Side View of a^ Stone Celt. — 11. Im- pression from a Stone Seal. W. B. del. B. Green sc. (PI. XXVIII.) p. 316. [Not in the first edition.] 20. Earth Castles: — 1. Bartine Castle in St. Just.— 2. Caer bran Castle in Sancred.— 3. Plan of Castle Chun in Morva. Dedicated to William Lem'on, of Carclew, in CORNWALL. 85 Cornwall, Esq. (PI. XXIX.) p. 346. [i^.3\5, first edit.'] 21. View of Tindagel Castle in Cornwall. Dedicated to Mrs. Basset of Tehidy. W.B. del. J. Green sculp. (Pl.XXX.) p. 352. [p. 320y first edit.] 22. View of Trematon Castle; with Plans of the Keep of Tre- maton and Lanceston Castles. Dedicated to Lady Ca- rew Buller. (PI. XXXI.) p. 334. [p. 32-2, first edit.] 23. Plan of Restormel Castle, Cornwall; with Elevation of the inside fronting the Entrance. Green sculp. (PI. XXXII.) p. 356. [p.SQi, first edit.] £4. The Ruines of Lanceston Castle in Cornwall. Dedicated to Sir John St. Aubvn, Bart. M.P. W. B. del. J. Green sculp. Oxon. (Pi. XXXIII.) p. 338. [[i. 326, first edit.] 25. View of St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall. Dedicated to Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. W.B. del. J. Green sculp. Oxon. (PI. XXXIV.) p. 379. [p. 35 \, first edit.] 26. Seven Inscribed Stone Pillars. Dedicated to the Rev. Walter Borlase, LL.D. Vicar of Madern, in Cornwall. (PI. XXXV.) p. 391. [p. 356, first edit.] 27. Six Inscribed Stone Pillars. Dedicated to the Rev. Ed- ward Collins, LL.B. Vicar of St. Erth, in Cornwall. (PL XXXVI.) p. 396. [p. 360, first edit.] PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. Head-piece to Book I. W. B. del. J. Green sculp. Oxon. (PL III.) On p. 1. 2. Plan of a Chanell'd Rock at Karnleskvz, in St. Just, &c. &c. Tail-piece to Book I. (PL IV.) p. 3-2. 3. Read-piece to Book II. Bas-Relievo on the Portal of the Temple of Montmorillon in France. From Montfaucon. (PL V.) p. 33. 4. " Cernunnos" (a Deitv of the Gauls). From Montfaucon. (PL VI.) p. 107. ' 3. Four Sides of an Altar found in the Cathedral of Paris in 1711. Tail-piece to Book II. (Pl.VIII.) p. 157- 6. Head-piece to Book III. J. Green sculp. (PL IX.)^ p. 138. 7. A singular Monument from Wormius, p. 63. W. B. fee. (PL XIX.) p. 210. 8. Western View of Castle Treryn, in the Parish of St. Levin, Cornwall. Tail-piece to" Book III. J. Green sculp. (PL XXVI.) p. 297. 86 CORNWALL. 9. Head-piece to Book IV. J. Green sculp. (PI. XXVII.) p. 298. 10. Western View of Karnbr^ Hill from Tehidy. On p. 411. VIII. The Natural History of Cornwall. — The Air, Climate, Waters, Rivers, Lakes, Sea, and Tides. — Of the Stones, Semimetals, Metals, Tin, and the Mannei' of ]\Iining : tiie Constitution of the Stan- naries ; Iron, Copper, Silver, Lead, and Gold found in Cornwall ; Vegetables, rare Birds, Fishes, Shells, Reptiles, and Quadrupeds : of the Inhabitants — their Manners, Customs, Plays or Interludes, Exercises, and Festivals : the Cornish Language, Trade, Te- nures, and Arts. Illustrated with a new Slieet Map of the County, and Twenty-eight folio Copper-plates from original Drawings taken on the Spot. By Wil- liam BoRLASE, A.M. F.R.S. Rector of Ludgvan, and Author of the Antiquities of Cornwall. " Natale solum dulcedine cuptos Bucit." Oxford : Printed for the Author, by W. Jackson : sold by W. Sandby, at the Ship in Fleet-street, London ; and the Booksellers of Oxford, mdcclvih. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication, *' To the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Cornwall," 4 pages. An Introductory Explanation to the Candid Reader, 6 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Table of Contents, 3 pages. Natural History of Cornwall, [b-1 o] 32(3 pages. Errata, and Directions for placing the Plates, 2 pages. PLATES. 1. New Maj) of the ('ounty of Cornwall and the Scilly Islands. Sheet folded, p. I. 9. View of the Port and part of the Boroughs of East and West Loo. Dedicated to Jame-s Duller, Esq. p. 40. CORNWALL. 87 3. North View of Wadc-Bridqe. Dedicated to John Moles- woith, Esq. p. 46. 4. East View of Place near Padstow. Dedicated to Humphry Frideaux, Esq. W. B. del. J. G. sculp, p. 51. 5. Eastern ^'iew of Keneggy in Mount's Bay. Dedicated to .lohii Harris, Esq. p. 35. 6- South View of Trclowarrcn, in the Parish of Mawgon. De- dicated to Sir Richard Vyvvan, Bart. p. 86. 7. View Of' Envs Hou^e in the Parish of Gluvias. Dedicated to John Enys, E^i\. p. 88. 8. South View of Nanswhydn House, in the Parish of St. Co- lumb. Dedicated to Pvlrs. Jane Hoblyn. W. B. del. J. G. sculp, p. CO. 9. View of Anthony House, in the Parish of East Anthony. Dedicatetl to Francis Bulier, Esci. p. 92. 10. Eastern View of Tehidv, in the Parish of Illogan. Dedi- cated to Francis Basset, Esq. ]). 94. 1 1. South View of Carclew House, in the Parish of Milor. De- dicated to William Lemon, Esq. W. B. del. J. G. sculp. p.9fi. ^ 12. View of Godolpiiin House, in the Parish of Breag. Dedi- cated to the Right Hon. Francis Earl of Godolphin. p.9y. 13. Variety of Cornish Crystals. Dedicated to Mrs. Grace Per- tival of Pendarves. p. 1 19. 14. Western View of Pendarves House, in the Parish of Cam- born. Dedicated to Samuel Percival, Esq. p. 122. 15. Figur'd Mundics. p. 137. 16. Figur'd Mundics. (Plate H.) Dedicated to Mrs. Mary Bas- set, of Haidane, in Devonshire, p. 141. 17. Strata and Lodes, p. 149. 18. Section of the Pool Mine in the Parish of Illogan; with Plan of the two Lodes v/ork'd by the above W\ne. p. I69. 19. Fig. 1, 2. South Front and West' Section of the Fire En- gine. — 3. Tin Stamping Mill, and the Works belonging to it. — i. Pornanvon Cove in the Parish of St. Just, p. 172. 20. Figur'd Tins, and the American Aloe in Flower. Dedicated to the Rev. Charles Lyttelton^ LL.D. Dean of Exeter, and F.R.S. p. 186. 21. Figur'd Coj)pers. Dedicated to the Right Rev. George La- vington, Lord Bishop of Exeter, p. 200. 22. Western View of Clowance, in the Parish of Crowan. De- dicated to Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. p. 21 9. 88 CORNWALL. 23. South East View of Trewithen, in the Parisli of Probus. Dedic-.ited to Thomas Hawkins, Es(j. p. 228. 24. Plate of Corals, Birds, and a monstrous Calf. p. 239. 25. Sea Insects, p. 254. 26. Sea Fish. p. 2S2. 27- Large Fish and a Fossil Horn, Sec. p. 26l. 28. Plate of Cornish Shells and Reptiles. Dedicated to Wil- liam Oliver of Bath, Canttib. & Oxon. M.D. F.R.S. p. 276. 29. Plan of Piran Round ; Storm Finch, or Little Peteril ; Coins, Sec. Dedicated to Christopher Hawkins, of Tre- winard, Esq. p. 298. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this publication, IX— XIII. The History of Cornwall; Civil, iVIilitary, Reli- gious, Architectural, Agricultural, Coniuieicial, Bio- graphical, and IVIiscellancous. Dy the Rev. R. PoL- WHELE of Polvvhele, and Vicar of jManaccan and of St. Anthony. A New Edition, corrected and en- landed. In Seven Volumes. " Jam nunc cogitci, ijua pulissiinum tenipoia aggrediamur. Vetera e.t scripta aliis'^ Ptirat/i inquisitio ; aed oncrosu coliatio. Iiitactu ct Jtova? G/avex dlf'tustr; Icvis grtUia. Si /uitdavrris, parens: Si eu/pureris, niviiun f'uisse dicuris : ijotnuvis illud plenissime, hoc itslrictii>sunej'<.etris. Scd hac me non leiarduntJ" " Ad (J life noscendd Her iiigredi, trnnsmitlcre }nare solcmus ; ea sub ocvlis pnsita negUgii/ms; sea quia ila natura compuruturn, vt proximoruni incuriusi, longmqua seetennir : sen quad omnium rerum cupido laugurscit, quumj'uiilis occusio est : sea quod difftrimus, tanquam sapc visuri quod dutur videre, quo- ties velis ceruere. Quucuuque de causa, permuLta in pn>viiicia nostra, non oculis niodo, sed ue uuribus quidcm novnnus; quce si tulissct Ae/iuia, Egijptus, aliave qualiOrt iitirueuUirumftrux coniwcndutrixquc terra, uudtia, perlectu, iustrataque huheremusP — Plin. Epist. London : Printed for Law and Whitaker, 13, Ave-Maria-Land, by Michell and Co. Truro. ISI6. Quarto. (Originally print- ed at Falmouth by T. Flir.dcU in 1&03.) VOL. L Cancelled Title-page as above. The History of Cornwall, [a-eee] 212 pages. *** When the work was first |)c to principal Persons, Places, Transactions, &c., List of Prints and Pedigrees to the Seven Volumes, 6 pages. Corrigenda et Addenda, 1 page. With a View of Truro. Jas. Bourne del. J. Walker sc. p. 74. XIV. MAGNA BRITANNIA : being a concise Topogra- phical Account of the several (bounties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Lysons, AM. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector of Rochnarton in Gloucestershire; and Saimuel Lvsons, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. — Vol. 111. containing Corn- wall. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand. 1814. Qmrlo. Half Title. Title-page as above. Contents, 2 pages. List of Plates;, 2 page;:. Half Title, *' Cornwall." §4< CORNM^ALL. General History, [a2-ii 2] p. iii-cclil. Parochial History, with Additions and Corrections, [n-zz] 361 pages. Index of Names and Titles, [vy-SA e] p. 345-303, 19 pages. General Index and Errata, [3A4-3D3] p. 365-390, '26 pages. Errors in tlie paging : — clxxxvi of the Gen. Hist, is misprinted cxxsvi. — p. 291 of the Parochial History is misprinted 2] 9. PLATES. i. Map of Cornwall and the Scilly Isles. Folded. Neele sc. To face p. 1 of *' General History." Seals of Monasteries, ike. in Cornwall. Engraved on Wood. p. XXXV*. Seals of Borough Towns, &c. No. l.xxxvi*. No. 2. xxxvi**. No, 3. xxxvi***. Three Plates engraved ' on Wood. p. XXX vi*. Ancient Seals of the Families of Cardinan, Dynham, and Arnndell. Engraved on Wood, p. Ixxix*. ii. View of Curclazc Tin Mine. Folded. Drawn hy J. Fa- rington, R.A. etched hy Letitia Byrne, p. clxxxiii. iii. The Land's End. Folded. S. Lysons del. Letitia Byrne sculp, p. clxxxiv. iv. Cape Cornwall, with a distant View of the Land's End. Folded. S.Lvsonsdel. Letitia Byrne fee. p. clxxxiv. V. Kynan'b Cove. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. clxxxiv. vi. Castle Treivn in Cornwall. Drawn liy J. Farington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. clxxxiv. vii. Rocks at Castle Treryn, with the Logan Stone. Fold- ed. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Eliza- beth B\rne. p. clxxxiv. viii. Rock called the Cheese-wring. Drawn by J. Faring- ton, R.A. etclied by Letitia Byrne, p. clxxxiv. ix. South View of Roche Rocks. Drawn by .1. Farington, R.A. etched hy Letitia Byrne, p. clxxxv. N. B. This is described as ihe N^ortfi View in the printed List of Plates. X. South East View of Roche Rock and Herniitage. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. clxxxv. xi. Titita!>el Rock and Castle. Folded. Drawn i)V J. Fa- rington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, j). clxxxv. xii. Chun Cromlech. S. Lysons del. & fee. p. ccxix, xiij. Inscribed Stones in Cornwall, p. ccxxi. CORNWALL. 95 xiv. Ornament of Gold found near Penzance. S. Lysons del. J. Warner sculp, p. ccxxi. XV. Specimens of Saxon Architecture in Cornwall ; viz. J . Part of the Door-way of Kilkhampton Church. 2. Part of an Arch in Morwinstow Church. — 3. Arch of the Door-wav of Cury Church. kS. Lysons del. et fee. p. ccxxviii. xvi. Part of Launceston Church, Cornwall. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. ccxxxi. xvii. Miscellaneous; viz. 1. Inscription over the South Porch of St. Austell Church. — 2. Capital of a Pillar in Camborne Church. — 3. Stone Pulpit in Egloshayle Church. — 4. Sculpture over the West Door of Eglo- shayle Church. — 3. Piscina in Padstow Church. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. ccxxxii. xviii. Font in Bodmin Churchy Cornwall. S. Lysons del. et fee. p.ccxxxiii. xix. Ancient Fonts in Cornwall; viz. 1. Lanreath. — 2. St. Enoder. — 3. St. Stephen, near Launceston. — 4. Warbstow. — 5. St. Austell. — 6. Tintagell. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. ccxxxiii. XX. Ancient Fonts in Cornwall, (2) viz. 1. Landewednack. — 2. Lostwithiel. — 3. Padstow. — 4. Camborne. p. ccxxxiv. xxi. St. Bennet's Monastery near Lanivet. Folded. S. Ly- sons del. Letitia Byrne sculp, p. ccxxxvii. xxii. Plan, Section, and South View of the Keep of Laun- ceston Castle. Folded, p. ccxxxix. xxiii. Trematon Castle. Folded. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. ccxl. xxiv. Tintagel Castle. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. ccxl. XXV. Carn-bre Castle, with a distant View of Redruth. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. ccxl. xxvi. Part of Place House at Fowey, in Cornwall. S. Ly- sons del. et fee. p. ccxlii. xxvii. The Court of Cotehele House, from the Gateway. S. Lysons del. et fee. p.ccxliv. xxviii. Ancient Crosses in Cornwall. Folded. S. Lysons del. et fee. p. ccxlv. xxix. Ancient Earth-works in Cornwall; viz. 1 . Warbstow Burrows. — 2. Castle An-Dinas near St. Colunib. Folded, p. ccxlix. yS CORN\\ALL. XXX. North View of Falmouth. Folded. Drawn by J. Fa- rington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 98 of the Parochial History. xxxi. South View of Falmouth. Folded. Drawn by J. Fa- ringtoii, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 98 of the Parochial History. xxxii. Falmouth Haven, &:c. From a Chart drawn in the Reign of K. Henry VHL, preserved in the British Museum. Folded, p, 99 of the Parochial History, xxxiii. Fowey Haven, &:c. From a Chart drawn in the Reign of K. Henry VlH.j preserved in the British Museum. Folded, p. 108 of the Parochial History. xxxiv. South-east View of St. Michael's Mount. Folded. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Elizabeth Byrne, p. 137 of the Parochial History. XXXV. East View of St. Michael's Mount. Folded. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Elizabeth Byrne. p. 138 of the Parochial History. xxxvi. Launceston Castle. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 187 oH the Parochial History, xxxvii. North East View of Roche Rock and Hermitage ; with a Plan of the Chapel and Hermitage. S. Lysons del. J. Warner sculp, p. 278 of the Parochial History. xxxviii. Trematon Castle from the River Lyner. Drawn by J. Farington, R.A. etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 288 of the Parochial History. ; N, B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. XV. BRITANNIA DEPICTA : a Series of Views (with brief Descriptions) of the most interesting and picturesque Objects in Great Britain. The Counties al|)habetically arranged. — Part IV. con- taining: Twenty-fjur Views in Cornwall. Engraved from Drawings made by J. Farincton, Esq. R.A. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davics, Strand, Book- sellers to the Royal Academy, by G. Sidney, Northumber- land-street. 1814. Obtong quarto. \ CORNWALL. 97 List of Plates, 1 page. Letter-press Description to face the Engravings, 22 leaves, PLATES. 1. Nottar Rock and Bridge. Engraved by J. Landseer, A.R.A. 2. Curclaze Tin Mine. Engraved by S. Middiman. 3. Rocks at the Lands-end. Engraved by J. Land eer and John Pye. 4. Tabbins Hole Rock. Engraved byS. Middiman. 5. North View of Roche Rock and Hermitage. Engraved by J. Pye. 6. Falmouth, from Trefusis. Engraved by F. R. Hay. 7. Fovvey. Engraved by F. R. Hay. 8. Penryn. Engraved by J. Pye. 9. East \'iew of St. Michael's Mount. Engraved by J. Land- seer, A.R.A. 10. North View of St. Michael's Mount. Engraved by J. Pye. 11. South View of St. Michael's Mount. Engraved by W. Woolnoth. 12. Carnbre Hill and the Town of Redruth. Engraved by Angus. 13. St. Ives. Engraved by S. Middiman. 14. North View of Polperro. Engraved by F. R. Hay. 15. South View of Polperro. Engraved by W. Woolnoth. 16. Launceston. Engraved by J. Pye. 17. Poulton Bridge and Launceston. Engraved by W.Woolnoth. 18. Lostwithiel. Engraved by F. R. Hay. 19. East Looe and V/est Looe. Engraved by W. Woolnoth. 20. Mevagissy. Engraved by W. Woolnoth. '21. Pentilly (Castle) on the River Tamer. Engraved by J. Landseer, A.R.A. 22. Saltash. Engraved by J. Landseer, A R.A. 23. Tintagel Rock and Castle. Engraved by F. R. Hay. 24. Truro. Engraved by J. Pye. N. B. There are proof impressions of these engravings to accompany the Large Paper copies of Messrs. D. and S. Ly- 5r)jn's " Magva Briiannia." o 98 CORNWALL. XVI. The Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall histori- cally surveyed. By John Whitaker, B.D. Rector of Ruan-Lanyhorne, Cornv/all. In Two Volumes. London : Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. 1804. Quarto, (by S. Gosnell, Little Queen-street.) VOL. L Half Title. Title-page as above. Historical part, [fi-YyS] 348 pages. PLATE. A Roman Gateway at Antinopolis in Egypt, p. 84. VOL. IL Half Title. Title-page to the Second Volume. Historical part, with Appendix, [b-3 k] 434 pages. PLATE. The Statue of Germanus. p. 125. XVIL SoiviE Account of the Church and Windows of St. Neots in Cornwall. (By the Rev. Benja- min Foster, Rector of Boconnoc.) London : Printed by H. and E. Ledger, Maze Pond, South - wark. 1786. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as above. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Some Account of the Church, &c. 26 pages, ending with " Cornu- British." Illustrated with Two folded Plates of the Windows. XVIIL A Journey into Cornwall, through the Counties of Southampton, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, and CORNWALL. 99 Devon : interspersed with Remarks, moral, histo- rical, literary, and political. By George Lips- comb. " I pity the man who can travel from Dan to Btersheha, and cry 'Tis all barren ; and so it is: and so is all the world to him who will not cultivate the fruits it ofters."— YoRlCK. Warwick: Printed and sold by H. Sharpe; and F. and C. Rivingtonj No. 62, St. Paul's Church-yard, London. 1799. Oclavo. Title-page as above. Preface, 2 pages. Contents, 9 pages. The Journey, in xxxvii chapters, [A-Aa] 364 pages. XIX. A Tour through Cornwall in the Autumn of 1808. By the Rev. Richard Warner, of Bath. la ya^ £?■' xiiva vraiTa. " Creation's tenant, all the world is thine!" Printed by Richard Crutwell, St. James's Street, Bath; and sold by Wilkie and Robinson, Paternoster- row, London. 1809. Octavo. Half Title. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Nobility and Gentry, the Clergy, Mine-Pro- prietors, and Merchants of Cornwall, dated Bath, Feb. 1, 1809, 1 page. Itinerary and Errata, 2 pages. The Tovir, in Eight Letters, with the Author's Route engraved on wood at the beginning of each Letter, [b-bb2] 363 pages. Page 38 is misprinted p. 33. A plate of a Kistvaen in Breock, Cornwall, drawn by J. West, and engraved in aquatinta by S. Aiken, fronts the Title-page. XX. MINERALOGIA CORNUBIENSIS ; a Trea- tise on Minerals, Mines, and Mining : contain- 100 CORNWALL. , ing the Theory and Natural History of Strata, Fis- sures, and Lodes; Avilh the IMethods of discovering and working of Tin, Copper, and Lead Mines, and of cleansing and metalizing their Products ; shewing each particular Process for dressing, assaying, and smelting of Ores. To which is a5ded, an Explana- tion of the Terms and Idioms of ]\Iiners. By W. PnyCE, of Redruth in Cornwall. " Hi ex Tenii savosd, ciijus Venus sequuti Efodiunt Stannu.m," 4c. DiuD. SiCUL. Latin Translat. London : Printed and sold for the Author, by James Phillips, George-vard, Lombard -street ; sold also by B.White, Fleet- street, and J. Robson, New Bond-street, mdcclxxviii. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, and Duke of Cornwall, 1 page. Directions to the Bookbinder, 1 page. Preface, 5 pages. Contents, [*-****] 14 pages, hitroduction, fb-ds] 14 pages. An Account of all the Copper Ores sold in Cornwall the last fifty Years j their Tonnage, Amount, Price, and Value, [e] 1 page. A General Treatise upon Minerals, Mines, and Mining, in Five Books, [B-liii] 305 pages. Appendix, [liii2-Llll] p. 307-313. An Explanation of the Cornu-Technical Terms and Idioms of Tinners, including those which are used in the Lead Mines and Collieries of Great Britain, [\A\\ 2-Pppp 3] p. 315-331. PLATES. * Portrait of the Author. Clifford pinx. Engraved by James Basirc. To face the Title-page. i. A Section of Goon-Laz and the Pink Mine, in the Pa- rish of St. Agnes, Cornwall. Dedicated to Sir Wil- liam Lemon of Carclew, Bart. M.P. C. F. del. Barber sc. p. 1 10. ii. The Virgula Dininatoria, &c. Dedicated to Sir Wil- liam Molesworth of Pencarrow, in Cornwall, p. 147. iii. Section of a Steam Fire Engine. Dedicated to John Price of Penzance, Esij. Folded, p. l60. CORNWALL. 101 iv. Parallel Section of Bullen Garden Mine in the Parish of Camborne, Cornwall. Dedicated to Francis Bas- set, Esq. Folded. Richard Phillips del. J. Barber et T. Kitchen sculp, p. 172. V. The Stamping Mill, &c. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Humphry Morice, M.P. p. 232. vi. Furnaces for assaying, smelting, &c. Dedicated to Sir Frederick Lemon Rogers, of Blachford in Devon- shire, Bart. p. 260. vii. A Plan and Map of North Downs Mine. Dedicated to the Rev. Francis Cole. Folded. Basire sc. p. 137. TABLES. 1. A Table calculating the Power of Fire Engines. To follow the Plate at p. 1 CO. '2. Copper Ores sampled the 2fith of June 1777, and sold the 10th of July 1777, at Redruth. Folded, p. 288. XXI. The Laws and Customs of the .Stanxaeies in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon. Revis'd and corrected according to the antient and modern Prac- tice. In Two Parts : The First, containing the Charter of Edw. I. being the first Charter for erecting the Tinners bf Cornwall and Devon into a Corporation, v/ith an Exposition of the said Charter, by Parliament, 30 Ed. III. II. The several Laws and Constitutions, made by the se- veral Parliaments of Tinners, in the Reigns of King Janies I. Charles I. James 11. and Queen Anne, to- gether with the Journals, Speeclies, Addresses, and other Proceedinijs of the said Parliaments. Til. A Com pleat Treatise of the Laws of the Stannaries, and the Method of ])roceeding in the several Courts of Stannaries ; with the Judges Opinions on the Force of those Laws, by the King's special Direction : Also several Cases and IMeadings thereupon, in the Star Chamber, touching Writs of Error. IV. The Power of the Lord Warden in Law and E-juity, with two remarkable Cases between the Lord Warden 102 CORNWALL. and the Sheriff of Devon, the one for Felony, and the other for Murder, with the Pleadings at large. V. The Rights of the Prince as Duke of Cornwall. Also a compleat Table of the Fees of the Stannary Courts. VI. The Customs of the Stannary of Blackmore, set forth by way of Preface. Part II. Containing the Laws and Customs of the Stannaries of Devon. I. The Charter of Edw. I. with an Exposition of the same, in Latin and English. li. The several Laws and Constitutions, &c. made in the Reigns of King Edw. VL Hen. VIH. and Queen Eli- zabeth. With compleat Tables of the principal Mat- ters contain'd in the whole. By TnoiviAS Pearce, Gent. London: Printed for D. Browne, without Temple Bar, and .1. Newton, in Little Britain, mdccxxv. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to I lis Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, and Duke of Cornwall, signed T. Pearce, 2 pages. The Preface to the Reader, 12 pages. Introduction, p. xiii-xxiv. The Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in Cornwall, [s-Aaa] 1 62 j)ages. Half Title: — ''The Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in the County of Devon ; revised and corrected according to the modern Practice." The Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in the County of Devon, p. 185-259, [nbb-uuu2] 75 pages. The Table, ending with the following Notice, Ifi pages. " N. B. Gentlemen are desired to correct the following Mistake; viz. From signature (c) fol. 8, to (g) fol. 21, there appears to he an Imperfection of three sheets by that vacancy j but it is entirely ))crfcct : the mistake being occasion'd by the f DON, 1709. Octavo. See Westmoreland. 1 14 CUMBEIILAJSD. IV. The History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland. By Joseph NicoLsoN, Esq. and Richard Burn, LL.D. in Two Volumes. London, 1777. Quarto. See Westmorel\nd. V. A Topographical Description of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and a Part of the West Riding of Yorkshire : comprehending, First, A General Introductory View. Secondly, A more detailed Account of each County: its Extent, general Appearance, Mountains, Caves, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Soils, Roads, Minerals, Buildings, Mar- ket Towns, Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, An- tiquities, and the Manners and Customs of its Inhabi- tants. Thirdly, A Tour through the most interesting Parts of the District ; describing, in a concise dnd perspicuous Manner, such Objects as are best worth the Attention of the curious Traveller and Tourist. Illustrated with various Maps, Plans, Views, and other useful Appendages. By John Houseman. Carlisle : Printed by Francis Jollie ; and sold by C. Law, Ave Maria Lane, and W. Clarke, New Bond-street, London. 1 800. Octavo. Title-page as above. Address dedicatory to Mrs. Howard of Corby, signed John Houseman, Corby, October 30, 1800, 3 pages. Index, 3 pages. Distances of Places, List of Plates, and References to the Map of the Soils, 3 pages. Topographical Description, [a-3y4] 536 pages. Additions and Errata, 2 pages. CUMBERLAND. 115 PLATES. 1. Map of the Soils and Canals. Folded and coloured. To face p. 1. •2. Plan of Kendal. J. Lowes sc. 1798. p. 233. 3. (View of) Ullswater looking into Patterdale. J. W. del. R. Scott sc. p. 252. 4. (Map of the) Lakes in Cumberland. Folded. J. Lowes sc. p. 267. 5. Stonewaite and Eagle Crag, Borrowdale, J. \V. del. R. Scott sc. p. 272. 6. The Head of Wast-Water. J.W. del. R. Scott sc. p. 272. 7. Derwent-Water, or Keswick Lake, from Ormathwaite (or Armathwaite), J.W. del. R. Scott sc. p. 293. 8. Bassenthwaite Lake, from Armathwaite. J. W. del. R. Scott sc. p. 30 i . 9. (Map of the) Lakes in Lancashire and Westmorland. Folded M'^Intyre sculp. Edinb. p. 339. 10. North View of Furness Abbey. J.W. del, R.Scott sc. p. 373. 1 1 . Plan of Lancaster. M'^Intyre sc. p. 397- 12. Calder Abbey, engraven on Wood. On the letter-press of p. 468. 13. Plan of Liverpool, Folded. J. Lowes sc. p. 489. 14. Pocket Plan of Manchester and Salford, with the latest Im- provements. Large Sheet folded. Kirkwood and Sons, Edinb. sc. p. 320. N.B. Between pp. 176-7 is a Title-page, " A Descriptive Tour thro' various Parts of the District already noticed, form- ing a Guide to Tourists, particularly those visiting the Lakes and other Natural Curiosities with which these Northern Coun- ties abound," *A 2; which Tour has been several times reprinted in a separate volume in octavo. — Pages 37 1 to 376 are repeated, and follow p, 376; — pages 387 to 392 are omitted ; — page 499 is misprinted 4 79. VI. Jolliers Cumberland Guide and Directory : containing a descriptive Tour through the County, and a List of Persons in public and private Stations in every principal Place in the County. Illustrated 116 CUMBERLAND. with Maps and Views, also a List of the Shipping. (In Two Parts.) Carlisle: Printed by F. Jollie and Sons. 1811. OctavOy 2G4 pages, and Three Titles. With a Plan of the City of CarHsle and places adjacent, the same plate as in Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 585.— Five Views of Buildings in Carlisle. Hutcliinson, vol. ii. p. 397- — Ground Plan of the Cathedral Church, Car- lisle ; Hutchinson, p. 3<^8 : and Medal of William Duke of Cumberland — Map of Cumberland, engraved by R- Scott. — Wetheral Church. Hutchinson, vol. i. p. 178. — Wetheral Priory. Hutchinson, vol. i. p. InS. — Plan of the Town and Harbour of Workington. Hutchinson, vol. ii. p. 137. — Plan of the Town of Whitehaven. Hutchinson, vol. ii. p. 41. VII. VALLUM ROMANUM: or, The History and Antiquities of the Roman Wall, commonly called the PiCTS Wall, in Cumberland and North- umberland, built by Hadrian and Severus, the Roman Emperors, Seventy Miles in length, to keep out the NorUiern Picts and Scots. In Three Books. I. Contains the ancient State of the Wall, with an Ac- count of the Legionary and Auxiliary Forces employed here in buildiiig of it; and the eighteen Cities or sta- tionary Towns standing thereon, called the Stations per Lineam Falli, with eighty-one Castles, and three hun- dred and sixteen Forts, still visible H. Contains a large Account of the present State of the Walls and Military Roads, more particularly that now re-edifying at a national Expense, for the Passage of Troops and Carriages from Carlisle to Newcastle upon Tyne. III. Contains a compleat Collection of the Roman Inscrip- tions and Sculptures which have hitherto been disco- vered on or near the Wall, with the Letters engraved in their proper Shape and proportionate Size, and the CUMBERLAND, 11/ Reading thereof explained in Words at lengtii : as also an historical Account of them^ with explanatory and critical Observations. Collected and abstracted from all Writers on the same subject, as an iaducement to the young Nobi- lity and Gentry of Great Britain to make tiie Tour ■ of their native Country before they visit ioreign Parts. To which are added, Two Letters from the late Hon. and Learned Roger Gale to the Compiler, relating to Roman Antiquities in the North of England. — The whole illustrated with a Map of the Wails, Mi- litary Ways and Stations, laid down by a new Geo- - metrical Survey, and near two hundred other Sculp- tures, on Copper-plates. — By John Warburton, Esq. Somerset Herald, and F.R.S. London : Printed for J. Millan, at Charing Cross; J. Robin- son, in Ludgate-street ; R. Baldwin, in Paternoster-row ; and J, Swan, near Northumberland House, in the Strand. MDCCLiii. Quarto. Title-page as above. An engraved Dedication (with Arms) to His Royal Highness William Augustus Duke of Cumberland. Preface, signed John Warburton, Somerset. Dated from the Herald's Office, January 1, 1754, 6 pages. List of Subscribers, 7 pages. The Historical part, [b-y 3] 166 pages. Index of Places, 6 pages. PLATES. A Survey of the Country between Newcastle and Carlisle, re- presenting the several present Roads, and tlie Tract which is proposed for the new intended Road of Comnnuiication be- tween those Towus. As also the Course of the Roman Wall, with all the Military Stations, Castella, and Military Ways that lye adjacent thereunto, and are ♦le'^cribed in the History and Antiquities of the said Wall, lately published l)y John Warburton, Esquire, Somerset Herald, and Fellow of the . Royal Society. Dedicated to Hugh Earl of Northumberland. A large sheet folded. To face page 1. 118 C UMBER LA XD. 1. Inscriptions and Sculptures in Northumberland, No. I to XII. Dedicated to Lancelot Allgood, Esq. of Nunwick Hall in Northumberland, p. 26. 2. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto. No. XIII to XXXV. Dedicated to George Bowes, Esq. of Stretlam Castle and Gibside, Co. Durham, p. 48. 3. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto, No. XXXVI to LI, and No. LXIV, Dedicated to Edward Rowe Mores, Esq. A.M. andF.A.S. p. 60. 4. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto. No. LII to LXIV, and LXVII. Dedicated to Hambleton Custance, Esq. of Norfolk, p. 70. 5. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto, Nos. XXXIV-LXIII- LXXIX. Dedicated to .John Bacon of Newton Cap, in Durham, p. 76. C. Inscriptions and Sculptures in Cumberland, No. I. to XXVII. Dedicated to Sir Joshua Van Neck, Bart, of Putney, in Surrey, p. 82. 7. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto, No. XXVIII to XLII, Dedicated to the Rev. Dr. Peploe, Chancellor of West Chester, and Warden of Manchester College, p. 102. 8. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto, No. XLIV to L. De- dicated to Sir Henry Ibbetson, Bart, of Leeds, p. 108. 9. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto, No. LI to LXXVI. Dedicated to the Rev. Wm. Stukeley, M.D. p. 1 1 9. 10. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto. No. LXIV to LXXV. Dedicated to Samuel Gale, Esq. p, 132. 1 1 . Inscriptions and Sculptures in Northumberland, No. LXXXI to XCIV. Dedicated to the Hon. James West, Esq. Se- cretary to the Treasury, &c. p. 139- 12. Inscriptions and Sculptures in ditto, No. XC to CXIV. Dedicated to Sir Clement Cotterell Dormer, Knt. p. 143. VIII. The History of the Roman Wall, which crosses the Island of Britain, from the German Ocean to the Irish Sea, describing its ancient State, and its Appearance in the year 1801. By W. HuTTON, F.A.SS. London : Printed by and for John Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street. 1802. Octavo. CUMBERLAND. 119 Title-page as above. Dedication to John Nichols, Esq. 2 pages. Preface, dated Birmingham, April 13, 1302, 9 pages. List of Plates, 1 page. The History of the Roman Wall, [b-z 2] 340 pages. The Journal, 2 pages. Index, 8 pages. Erratum — page 185 is misprinted 158. The List of Plates is given in the following article. The History of the Roman Wall, &c. By W. Hut- ton, F.A.S.S. The Second Edition, with Con-ec- tions. London : Printed by and for Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street; sold also by F. Jollie, Carlisle; W. Charnley, Newcastle; R. Dickenson, Hexham; Beilby and Co. Birmingham; and J. Drewry, Derby. 1813. Oc- tavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to John Nichols, Esq. 2 pages. Advertisement to the Second Edition, signed John Nichols, Oc- tober 1, 1813, p. v-xxii. The Author's Preface, dated Birmingham, April 13, 1802, p. xxiii-xxix. List of Plates and Books by the same Author, 2 pages. The History of the Roman Wall, [b-y 7] 262 pages. The Journal, 2 pages. Index, p. 265-272, 8 pages. PLATES. i. Portrait of .the Author, set. 81. Engraved by James Basire. To front the Title, ii. A Map of the Roman Wall. Folded, p. 125. [p. 1, Jirst ediL] iii. Agricola, Hadrian, and Severus's Works, p. 138. [p. 176, first edit.'] iv. Part of the Wall near Benwell Hill, with an Apple Tree growing upon its summit, p. 144. [p. 184, first edit.] V. Profile of the Roman Wall and Vallum near Port Gate. p. 156. [p.^OO, first edit.] % ]20 CUMBERLAND. vi. A piece of Severus's Wall, as it now appears near St. Oswald's, p. 158. [p. 203, frst edii.] vii. Profile of the Remains of Severus's Wall. p. 160. [on the letter-press of p. 208 of the first edltj] viii. A Plan of Citurnum, the Roman Station at Walwick Chesters ; witli part of the Plan of Severus's Wall and Hadrian's Vallum, p, 164. [p. Q\0, first edit.] ix. Roman Altar, now the Mantle Tree at a Farm House at House-Steads, p. 184. [p. •■237,Jirst edit.'] K. Profile of the Mountains at Bradley, p. 185. [p. 238, Jirst edit.] PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. Condercum ; now Benwell Hill. On p. 142. 2. Vindobala; now Rutchester. On p. 147. 3. Hunnum; now Halton Chesters. On p. 154. 4. Procolitia; now Carrawburgh. On p. 167. 5. Borcovicus ; now House-steads. On p. 181. 6. iEsica; now Great Chesters. On p. 193. 7. Magna; now Carvoran. On p. I97. 8. Amboglanna; now Burdoswald. On p. 202. 9. Petriana; now Cambeck Fort. On p. 210. IX. An Excursion to the Lakes in Westmoreland and CuiMBERLAND ; with a TouR through Part of the Northern Counties, in the Years 1773 and 1774. By W. Hutchinson. London: Printed for J. Wilkie, No. 71, St. Paul's Church- yard; and W. Charnley, in Newcastle, mdcclxxvi. Octavo, Title-page as above. An Excursion, &c. [A-Bb 6] 3S2 pages. Itinerary, 2 pages. Order of the Plates and Errata, 2 pages. Erratum : — p. 228 is misprinted 128. PLATES. 1. Bowes Castle, Yorkshire. On letter-press of p. 1. £. Vases found at Bowes. Hutchinson del. 1774. Folded, p. 6. 3. Roman Coins, folded, p. 6. CUMBERLAND. 121 4. Fortifications on Stainmore, and Roy Cross. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. H. stt. p. 13. 5. Portrait of R. Hutchinson. John Lodge so. p. 25. C). Arthur's Round Table. Folded. Rob. Hutchinson del. 1773. p. 90. 7. Ancient Crosses at Penrith, &:c. On the letter-press of p. 105. 8. Druid's Monument at Salkeld. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. Stephens sc. p. 108. 9. Mavbrough: and Druids Monuments near Keswick. Folded. Rob. Hutchinson del. 1773. p. 159. 10, 11. Four Sides of the Font at St. Brides. Folded, p. 224. 1 2. The Written Mountain on Gelt. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. Stephens sc. p. 263. 13. Lenercost Priory. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. 1774. J. Bailey sc. p. 267. 14. Altars and Coin of Antoninus found at Caer-Vorran. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. p. 298. 15. 16. Two Plates of Roman Effigies, &c. at Hexham. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. ^rsif avo; sTrojei. p. 307. 1 7. Antiquities at Lanchester. Folded, p. 318. 18. Antiquities at Barnard Castle; viz. Tomb of Robert De Morton. — Seal. — Font, &c. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. p. 357. 19. View of Athelstan Abby. Folded. Hutchinson del. 1774. p. 3 70. 20. Eight Roman Inscriptions at Rookby. Folded. W. Hut- chinson del. S. £Tt. p. 373. 21. Roman Vases, &c. at Rookby. Folded. W. Hutchinson del. p. 376. X. A Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, West- morland, and Lancashire : together with an Ac- count, historical, topographical, and descri[)tive, of the adjacent Country. To which is added, a Sketch of the Border Laws and Customs. By James Clarke, Land Surveyor. " In longnm. lumen diem (aevum) Manserunt, hcdieqiie manent, vestigia turis." — HOR. Ep. i. li». n. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by him at Penrith, R 12^ CUMBERLAND. Cumberland; also by J. Robson and J. R. Faulder, New Bond-street, and most other Booksell-ers in the Kingdom, MDccLxxxvii*. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Royal Highness Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland and Strathern, Grand Master ; tlie Right Hon. Thomas Howard, Earl of Effingham, Acting Grand Master ; to the Dejjuty Grand Master, Wardens, and Brethren of the Society of Free and Accepted Masons. Introduction, [b- l] p. v-xlii. Half Title, and Contents of Book First »)n the reverse. The Survey of the Lakes, beginning with " Westmorland," [m-x 2]' p. 3-42. Half Title, and Contents' of Book Second, signature Y. The Survey continued, beginning with the " Road to Kes- AVICK," '[y 2-Kk] p- 43-S7. Half Title, and Contents of Book Third. The Survey continued, beginning with the " Road to Bas- SENTHWAITE," [lI-NUS] p. 91-102. Half Title, and Contents of Book Fourth, signature oo. The Survey continued, beginning with the " Road between Keswick AND Ambleside," [oo2-uuJ p. 103-127. Half Title, and Contents of Book Fifth. The Survey concluded, and the Border History, [xx-3 m] p. 131-18S. Appendix and Errata, p. 189-194. MAPS SURVEYED BY THE AUTHOR, (All engraved by S. J. Neele.) 1. Map of the Town of Penrith and the Country adjacent. Folded, p. 3. 2. Map of the Town of Penrith. Folded, p. 16. 2*. Places seen from Penrith Beacon, p. 22. 3. Map of the Roads between Penrith and UUswater. Folded. p. 24. 4. Map of the Lake of UUswater and its Environs. Folded. p. 31. 4*. A siugular antique Silver Instrument, p. 46. 5. Map of the Roads, Waters, &c between Penrith and Kes- wick. Folded, p. 50. * N.B. Pa^c '22 is ininiluitd 2; — [). 12G for 127 ;— and pages 182, 183 for 180, 181.— Some copies have ix reprinted Title-page with tlie date 1789, purporting to be a second edition, but containing no other alteration. CUMBERLAND. 1'23 6. Map of Derwentwater and its Environs. Folded, p. 63. 7. Map of the Roads, &c. between Keswick and Broadwater. Folded, p. 91. 8. Map of Broadwater and its Environs. Folded, p. 95. 9. Map of the Roads, Lakes, &c. between Keswick and Ambleside. Folded, p. 105. 10. Map of the Northern part of the Lake Winandermere and its Environs. Folded, p. 131. 1 1 . Map of the Southern part of the Lake Winandermere and Environs. Folded, p. 152. XI. A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, West- morland, and Lancashire. By the Author ot* the Antiquities of Furness, (Thomas West.) The Tenth Edition. *' For Nature l.ere WantonM as in her prime, and p'ay'd at will Her viriiiii fancies. — Wild al'ove rule or art — [and beauteous form'dj — A happy rural, seat of various view." PARADISE LoST. Kendal: Printed by W. Pennington; and sold by J. Richard- son, Royal Exchange, and W. Clarke, New Bond-streetj London, 1812. Octavo. Title-page as above. Preface to the Second Edition, signed X. and dated Sept. 28, 1779, 4 pages. Advertisement, signed W. P. dated Kendal, June 1, 1812; with a Table of the Lakes, the chief Towns described in this Tcur, and Articles contained in the Addenda, 2 pages. The Guide to the Lakes, [b-x4] 31 1 pages, and Addenda. With a Map of the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lan- cashire. Folded. Paas sc. (from a Sketch by A. Walker.) N. B. A Y\e\v of Grasmere, drawn by J. Feary, end engraved by J. Caldwell, was given in the first edition of 1780; and in the fifth edition of 1 793 a View of Lowdore was added, drawn by J. Farington, R.A. and engraved by W. Byrne, both of which are omitted in the present edition, 124 CUMBERLAND. XII. Observations relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, made in the Year 1772, on several parts of England ; particularly the Mountains and Lakes" of Cumberland and Westmoreland. By William Gilpin, M.A. Prebendary of Salis- bury, and Vicar of Boldre in New Forest, near Ly- mington. In Two Volumes. London: Printed forR. Blamire, Strand, in 1786, 1788, 1792, and a Fourth edition (erroneously called the Third), printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, in 1808. Octavo. VOL. I. Half Title. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Queen. Preface, p. ix-xxxiv. Table of Contents to Volume I, IL, 16 pages. The Observations, [b-q 8] 238 pages, and 15 plates. VOL. II. Half Title. Title-page as in Vol. I. The Observations continued, [b-s 4] 264 pages and 15 plates. Explanation of the Prints in both Volumes, [a] 16 pages. Errata to both Volumes, I page. N. B. Copies of the edition of 1 792 were taken off in Small Quarto. XIII. A Descriptive Tour to the Lakes of Cumber- land and Westmoreland in the Autumn of 1804. (By Benjamin Travers ) " Hie secura quies, et nescia fullere vita. Dives opum vuriarwn ; liic latin ntiaj'unJis, Spelunca,vivique lacus ; h'tcfrigida Tenipe, Mugilusque bourn, mollesque sub arbore somni." — Georg, lib. n. London : Printed for T. Ostell, Ave Maria Lane, by W. Pople, Old Boswell Court, Strand. 1806. Duodecimo, pp. 172. CUMBERLAND. 125 XIV. A Fortnight's Ramble to the Lakes in West- moreland, Lancashire, and Cumberland. By Jos. Budworth, Esq. F.S.A. Author of " The Siese of Gibraltar" and " Windermere," Poems. The Third Edition. London : Printed for the Author, by John Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street ; and sold by T. Cadell and W. Da- vies, Strand; and John Upham, Bath. 1810. Octavo. Half Title — " A Fortnight's Ramble to the Lakes," with six Lines from Thomson. Title-page as above. Dedicati|)n to William Noble, Esq. Banker, Pall Mall, London, dated Clifton, Bristol/May 17, 1810. Preface to the Third Edition, p. vii-x. Preface to the Second, signed " A Rambler, 1795," p. xi-xix. Contents, p. xxi-xxxi. A Fortnight's Ramble, [b-dd 7] 413 pages, and Appendixes. With a Portrait of Mr. William Noble of Bampton, in West- morland, and of Pall Mall, London, entitled " The Friend of Man." Adam Buck del. Orme, jun. so. (1796). To front the Title. XV. A Tour to the principal Scotch and English Lakes. By James Denholm, Author of the History of Glasijow. the Men Whom Nature's worl;s can charm, with God himself Hold converse — ^svow familiar day by day With his conceptions, act upon his plan, And form to his the relisli of their souls." Akenside. Glasgow : Printed by R. Chapman, for A. Macgoun, Bookseller. 1804. Small octavo. Preface, 1 page. Contents, 2 pages. The Tour, [A-oo-i] p. 9-306. With a folded Map of Loch Lomond, Loch Long, part of Loch 1^6 ^ CUMBERLAND. Fyne, Loch Goyle, and the Gair Loch, with the Roads and Distances from Dumbarton to Inverary, thence by Arrociuhar to Greenock. Drawn by J. Denhohn, engraved by Gray and Todd. To face p. 9. XVL A Companion to the Lakes in Lancashire,West- MORELAND, and Cumberland. By Thomas Sanderson. *' The earth was made so various that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change, And pleas'd with novelty, might be indulg'd. CowPER. Carlisle: Printed by B. Scott, in the Marketplace. I8O7. Duodecimo, p. 154. XVIL Four Views of the Lakes in Cumberland, painted and engraved by Thomas Smith of Derby. — Size 21 J Inches by 15§. Published by John Boydell in 1767. 1. Darwentwater, &c. from Crow Park. 2. Thirlmeer, &c. 3. A View of Ennerdale, Broadwater, &c. 4. A View of Windcrmeer. XVIIL Eight Views of the Lakes in Cumberland, &c. ; painted after Nature by William Bellers.— Size 21 J Inches by 16. Published by John Boydell, Engraver, in Cheapside, London^ in 1774, viz. 1. A View of Dervvent- Water towards Borrodale. Dedicated to Edward Stephenson, Esq. Engraved by Chatelin and Piavcnet. 2. A View on Derwent-water from Vicars Island, towards CUMBERLAND. 127 Skiddaw. Dedicated to the Marquis of Rockingham. Engraved hy Chatelin and Griguion. 3. A View of Bywell Bay in Northinnhcrland. Dedicated to William Fenwiek, Esq. of Bywell. Engraved hy Mason and Canot. 4. A View of Winander-Meer near Amhleside. Dedicated to Sir W. Fleiriin;;, Bart, of Rydale. Engraved by Chate- lin and Miiller. 5. A View of Haws-Water, a Lake near Banton in Vv^estmore- land. Dedicated to Sir James Lowther. Bart. Etched and engraved by CliateHn and Miiller. 6. A View of Uls-Water toward Poola Bridge. Dedicated to Charles Howard, Esq. of Greystock. Engraved by Cha- telin and Canot. 7. A View of the Head of Uls-Water toward Patterdale. De- dicated to Charles Howard, Esq, of Greystock. En- graved by Chatelin and Mason. 8. South-east View of Netley Abbey near Southampton. De- dicated to Thomas Lee Dummer, Esq. of Cranberry. Etched and engraved by Toms and Mason. XIX. Twenty Views of the Lakes in Cumberland. — Drawn by J. Smith, and engraved by F. Merigot, and are usually bound up with Clarke s Survey of the Lakes. 1. Ulls-Water inPaterdale. {Clarke, p. 3<2.) 1792. 2. Paterdale Grange. {Clarke, p. 33.) 1792. 3. Broad-water, at the upper end of Paterdale. {Clarke, p. 42.) 1794. 4. Pocklington's Island, Keswick Lake. {Clarke, p. Q5.) 1793. 5. Keswick Lake from Castle Rigg. {Clarke, p. 69.) 1794. 6. Lodore Waterfall. {Clarke, \^. SO.) 1792. 7. Entrance into Borrodale. (C/ar^e, p. 82.) 1792. 8. Lows Water. {Clarke, \^.S A.) 1794. 9. Buttermere Lake, taken a little above the Village. {Clarke, p. 86.) 1791. 10. Wyburn Lake, at the lower end. {Clarke, p. 1 18.) 1791. 11. Grasmere Lake. (C/ar^e, p. 120.) 1795. liiS CUMBERLAND. 12. Rydal Lake. {Clarke, p. 123.) 1795. 13. Lower Cascade at Rydal. [Clarke, t^. 123.) 1795. 14. (View) near Clappersgate, on the River Bratha. (Clarke, p. 133.) 1794. ] 5. Belleisle Lodge, on the great Island in Windermere, be- longing to John Christian Curwen, Esq. to whom these Twenty Views are inscribed, by John Smith. [Clarke, p. 139.) 1791. 16. Windermere Lake at the upper end. [Clarke, p. 142.) 1792. 17. The Ferry on Windermere Lake. ( C/ar/^e, p. 142.) 1792. 18. Windermere Lake, taken a little below the Ferry, on the side in Westmoreland. (C/ar/^e, p. 143.) 1792. 19. Elter Water in Langdale. (C/rvr^e, p. 146.) 179I. 20. Coniston Lake and Village. [Clarke, p. 147.) 1792. N. B. There are Proof Impressions of these Engravings. XX. (Twbnty) Views of the Lakes, &c. in Cumber- land and Westmorland. Engraved from Draw- ings made by Joseph Farington, R.A. (with Twenty Pages of descriptive Letter-press in English and French.) London : Published by William Byrne, mdcclxxxix. Oblong folio. 1. Derwentwater, and the Vale of Keswick, from Ashness; — Bassenthwaite Lake in the distance. [Clarke, p. "JX.) W. Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1 784. 2. The Grange in Borrowdale. [Clarke, p. 82.) W. Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1784. 3. Derwentwater and Skiddaw, from Brandelow Woods. [Clarke, p. 84.) B. T. Pouncy sc. 1 783. 4. Lowdore Waterfall. [Clarke, p. 81.) W. Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1783. 5. Grasmere. (C/ar^e, p. 120.) B. T. Pouncy sc. 1785. 6. Rydal Mere. [Clarke, \\. \20.) B.T. Pouncysc. 1785. 7. The upper end of Ulswatcr. [Clarke, p. 31.) W. Byrne etT. Medland sc. 1787. 8. The lower end of Ulswater. [Clarke, p. 25.) W.Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1787. CUMBERLAND. 129 9. North entrance to Keswick. [Clarke, p. 63.) W. Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1787. 10. Brathay Bridge, near Ambleside. {Clarke^ p. 145.) W. Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1 787. 11. The Palace of Patterdale. [Clarke, p. 33.) W. Byrne et J. Landseer sc. The fi2;ures by J. Heath. 1 788. 12. Patterdale, from Martcndall Fell. [Clarke, ^.32.) W.Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1788. 13. The lower Waterfall at Rydal. [Clarke, p. 126.) B. T. Ponncy sc. 1 788. 14. View of Windermere from Gill-Head. [Clarke, p. 133.) T. Medland sc. 1788. 15. View from Rydal, looking tovvards Windermere. [Clarke, p. 131.) B. T. Pouncy sc. 1789. 16. View of Ambleside. [Clarke, p. 131.) T. Medland sc. 1789. 17. West View across Windermere, looking over the Great Island, from the Hill above the Ferry House. [Clarke, p. 134.) W. Byrne et J. Landseer sc. 1789. 18. North View on the Road leading from , Kesv\ick to Amble- side ; taken from the Six Mile Stone. [Clarke, p. 11 7.) W. Byrne et J. Landseer sc. 1789. 19. View looking down Windermere; taken above Rarig. [Clarke, p. 138.) W. Byrne et T. Medland sc. 1789. 20. View of the Bridge, and part of the Village of Rydal. [Clarke, p. 125.) W. Byrne et J. Landseer sc. 1789. N. B. There are Proof Impressions of these Engravings. These Views are occasionally bound with " Clarke's Survey of the Lakes." XXI. Sixteen Vieavs of the Lakes in Cuimberland and Westmoreland, drav/n by J. Smetii and J. Emes, and engraved (in aqua tinta) by S. Alken. London : Printed for W, Clarke, New Bond-street. Sinall quarto ; but the Plates are of a proper size to bind with " IVest's Guide to the Lakes," and usually accompany it. 1. The Vale of Lonsdtle. p. 25 of IVesfs Guide, 2. Coniston Lake. p. 50 of ditto. 3. Winandermere Lake. p. 55 of ditto. s 130 CUMBERLAND. 4. Winandermere Lake from Calgarth. p. 6l of West's Guide. 5. Elter Water, p. 74 of ditto. 6. Stock-gill Force near Ambleside, p. 73 of ditto. 7. Upper Cascade, Rydal. p. 76 of ditto. 8. Rydal Water, p. 78 of ditto. 9. Grasmere Lake. p. 78 of ditto. 10. Leathes Water, p. 82 of ditto 11. Derwent-water, from Castle-crag. p. 92 of ditto. 12. Derwent-water, from Ormathwaite. p. 109 of ditto. 13. Butter mere Water, p. 132 of ditto. 14. Lowes Water, p. 135 of ditto. 15. The upper end of Ulls-water. p. 152 of ditto. 16. Ullswater. p. 153 of ditto. XXIL Select Views in Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. By the Rev. Joseph Wilkin- son, Rector of East and West Wretham, in the County of Norfolk, and Chaplain to the Marquis of Huntley. London : Published for the Rev. Joseph Wilkinson, by R. Ack- erman, at his Repository of Arts, 101, Strand, 1810. In Twelve Numbers. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Honourable Thomas Wallace, M.P., 2 pages. Contents, 1 page. Introduction, [a-i] p. i-xxxiv. Descriptive part. Section I, II., p. 35-46. PLATES, (Drawn by the Author, and etched by W. F. Wells. Size Four- teen Inches by Ten.) 1. Vale of the Lune, Lonsdale, looking towards Ingleborough Hill and Hornby Castle. 2. South View of Furness Abby, Lancashire. 3. Penny Bridge, between Ulverstone and Coniston, with the Tide in. 4. View on Coniston Water. CUMBERLAND. 131 5. Coniston Water-head. 6. Cottage at Nebthit, with Backbarrow-crag. 7. View on the Banks of Coniston-water. 8. Estwaite-water, from below Bellemount. 9. View on Winandermere. 10. Newby Bridge, foot of Winandermere. 1 1 . Cottages at Ambleside. 12. Langdale Chapel, Vale of Langdale. 13. Elter Water. 14. Brathay Bridge, near Ambleside. 15. Cottage near Rydal. 16. Dunmail-raise, on the Ambleside Road. 17. Thirle-mere, or Leathes-water. 18. View on the Ambleside Road, near Bridge foot, with part of St. John's Vale. 19. Legbethwaite Mill, St. John's Vale, taken after much rain. 20. View in St. John's Vale, with Green-crag, &c. 21. View in St. John's Vale near Wanthwaite. 22. Der went- water, from Appelthwaite. 23. Part of Skiddaw, from Appelthwaite Gill. 24. Cottages in Appelthwaite, looking from Skiddaw. 25. 26. Cottages at Braithwaite. 27. Scale, or Skell-gill Farm-house, above Portinscale. 28. Stony-croft Bridge, Vale of Newlands. 29. Cottage in the Vale of Newlands, near Stare-bridge. 30. Cottage in the Vale of Newlands, with Robinson's-crag. 31. Cottage in the Vale of Newlands, between Keswick and Buttermere. 32. View in the Vale of Newlands. 33. View on the Grange-river, Borrowdale, looking towards Derwent- water. 34. View on tbe Grange-river, Borrowdale. 35. View near Seatoller, Borrowdale. 36. View above Seatoller. 37. Smelting Mill near Tbornthwaite. 38. Bassenthwaite Lake, from Embleton Vale. 39. Cottages in the Vale of Lorton. 40. Ennerdale Broad-water. 41. Wast-water, looking up to Wast-dale Head. 42. View on tlie Banks of Wast-water. 43. Stye-head Tarn, with Aron or Great End, above Borrow- dale. 44. Lyulph's Tower, Ullswater. 132 CUMBERLAND. 45. View near Brothers-water. 1810. 46. View on Kirkstone, between Ambleside and Patterdale, 47. Hawes-water. 48. Lanercost Priory, Cumberland. XXIII. Seventy-eight Studies from Nature (in Cum- , berland, Westmorland, and Lancashire) ; engraved by William Green from Drawings made by himself. London : Printed by J. Barfield, Wardour-street, for Messrs. Longman and Co. ISOQ. Title-page as above. hitroduction, dated Ambleside, Aug. 1, IS09. Description of the Studies numerically arranged ; with a few Observations with respect to the mode in which Plantations ought to be conducted, p. 3-20. PLATES. ], 2. Examples of Stones. 3, 4. Stones, and Fordingdall Beck. 5, 6. Stonethwaite in Borrowdale, and the Salutation Inn. 7, 8. Clappers- Gate near Ambleside, and Gleaston Castle. 9, 10. Loughrigg Fell in Grasmere, and Brathay Bridge, 11, 12. Bridge in Yewdall, and Specimen of the Burdock plant. 13-19. Varieties of Stones. 20-26. Oak, Dock, Foxglove, Hazel, young Oak, Foxglove, and Fern. 27, 28. Well at Skelgill, and Throng, near Langdale Chapel. 29, 30. View of one of the Towers of Gleaston Castle, and Crooka Bridge. 31. Barrow Cascade. 32. 33. Stones on Loughrigg Fell, and the Fern, Hazel, and Oak. 34. The Inn at Buttermere. 33. Loggan House in the Vale of Langdale. 36. Farm-House in Troutbcck. 37. Low Houses in Newlands. 38. Lane Foot in Troutbeck. 39. Ambleside from the Mill-Lands. '• CUMBERLAND. 133 » 40. Patterdale Church. 41. Grasmere Church. 42. Ambleside from the Landing. 43. Stonethvvaite Bridge. 44. Askham Bridge. 45. Bridge in Wasdale. 46. Bridge at Bowderdale. 47. Stock Gill. 48. Windermere. 49. The Islands on Windermei-e. 50. Elter-water. 51. Grasmere. 52-58. Burdock, yoimg Hazel, Oak stump, Birch, Oak. and Ash ; and other Studies made in Rydal Park. 59, 60. Stones on Loughrigg Fell. 61. Gimmer Crag in Langdale. 62. Raven Crag near Leathes Water. 63. The Vale of Newlands. 64. Newlands Beck. 65. Rydal Park. 66. Bridge at Hartshope. 67. Wooden Bridge in Langdale. 68. Keswick from the Greta. 69. The River Greta near Keswick. 70. Mill in Borrowdale. 71. Lane Foot in Troutbeck. 72. 73. Buildings in Newlands called Guthersgale, 74, 75. Skelgill. 76. The Ivy House at Rydal. 77. Cross House in Ambleside. 78. Ambleside from Fisher Beck, *^* In the year 1807 Mr. Green issued Proposals for publishing sixtv Prints from Sketches of his largest size. In 1808, thirty of the sixty were laid before the public. In 5 8O9 twelve more; and the remaining eighteen in 1810, which are given in the following article : — and, for the acconj- modation of those who preferred smeller prints, he etched the above series of seventy-eight plates. 1 34 CUMBERLAND. XXIV. A Description of Sixty Studies from Nature, etched in the soft ground by William Green of Ambleside, after Drawings made by himself in Cum- berland, Westmorland, and Lancashire, comprising a general Guide to the Beauties of the North of England. London : Printed for the Author, by J. Barfield, 91, Wardour- street. 1810. With Introduction, 132 pages. Duodecimo, PLATES. 1 . Coniston Water. 2. Buildings at Coniston Water-head. 3. Yewdale near Coniston. 4. Rothay Bridge near Ambleside. 5. Ambleside from the Gale. 6. Windermere. 7. Cottage at Ambleside. 8. Bark Mill, Ambleside. 9. Mills in Ambleside. 10. Stock Gill near the Salutation Inn. 1 1 . Stock Gill. 12. Cherry Tree, Stock Gill. 13. Stock Gill, Ambleside. 14. Study in Stock Gill. 15. Stock Gill Force. \6. Pelter Bridge, Rydal. 17. Cottage at Rydal. 18. Lower Fall at RydaL 19. Scene near Rydal Hall. 20. Windermere, from Rydal Park. 21. Rydal Water, from Rydal Park. 22. Oak in Rydal Park. 23. Scene in Rydal Park. 24. Rocks on Loughrigg-side. 25. Goody Bridge in Grasmere. 26. Bramerigg Gill. 27. St. John's Vale. 28. Helvellyn, from the foot of Leathcs Water. 29. Mill in Lcgbcrthvvaitc. CUMBERLAND. 13.5 30. Derwent Water^ from Castle-rigg. 31. The Islands on Derwent Water. 32. Derwent Water, from Crow Park. 33. Derwent Water, from Isthmus. 34. Falcon Crag, on Derwent Water. 35. Skiddaw, taken near Lowdore. 36. Barrow Cascade. 37. Stonycroft Bridge. 38. Low Snab in Newlands. 39. Grange in Borrowdale. 40. Road between Grange and Bowder Stone. 4 1 . Borrowdale near Bowder Stone. 42. Bowder Stone. 43. Folly Bridge, in Borrowdale. 44. Birch Trees in Coom Gill. 45. Stockley Bridge. 46. Over Beck Bridge, in Wastdale. 47. Wast Water. 48. Stanley Gill. 49. Gold-rill Crag, on the River Duddon. 50. Vale of Langdale, from Bays Brown. 51. Langdale Pikes, from Oak How. 52. Row Head in Langdale. 53. Langdale Head. 54. Gininier Crag, in Langdale. 55. Dove Crag, in Hartshope. 56. The Vale of Patterdale. 57. Patterdale Church. 58. Yew Tree in Patterdale Church-yard. 59. 60. Glen Coin. XXV. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cumberland ; with Observations on the Means of Improvement; by Mr. John Bailey of Chil- lingham, and Mr. George Cullei^ of Fenton, in Northumberland. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improve- ment. London: Printed by C. Macrae, mdccxciv. Quarto, pp.51. See also " Northumberland." 136 DERBYSHIRE. #- I. A \'iEw of the PRESENT State of Derbyshire; \\'nh an Account of its most remarkable Antiqui- ties. Illustrated by an accurate Map and Plates. In Two Volumes. By James Pilkington. Derby: Printed and sold by J. Drewry; sold also by J. John- son, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard, and J. Deighton, Hol- born, London, mdcclxxxix. Octavo. VOL. L Title-page as above. Preface and Corrections, dated Derby, July 1 789, 4 pages. Contents, 2 pages. View of the present State of Derbyshire, &c. [B-Gg 8] 496 pages. PLATES. 1. Map of Derbyshire, from an actual Survey by P. P. Bur- dett. 1789. Folded. To face the Title. 2. Section of the Measures at Snitterton, with an Elevation of the Furnace at Staveley, p. 51. VOL. IL Title-page as above. Contents, 2 pages. View of the present State of Derbyshire, [b-ec 8] 464 pages. PLATES. 1. Inscription on a Tombstone at Repton. T. Conder so. p. 93. 2. Druidical Temple at Arbor Low. T. Conder sc. Folded. p. 439. Errata in the paging : — pages 275 and 440 arc misprinted 725 and 340. DERBYSHIRE. 137 II. The History of Derby, from the remote Ages of Aiiti(|iiity to the Year MDCCXCi. Describing its Situation, Air, Soil, Water, Streets, Buildings, and Government ; w ith the illustrious Families which Jtave inherited its Honours. Also, the Ecclesiastical History, the Trade, Amusements, remarkable Occur- rences, the eminent Men, uith the adjacent Seats of the Gentry. Illustrated with Plates. By W. HuT- TOxV, F.A.SS. Lo^'DO^' : Printed by J. Nichols; and sold by G.G.J, and J. Robinson, Paternoster- row; John Drewry, at Derby; and Thomas Pearson, at Birmingham, mdccxci. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to Francis Ashby, Esq. Mayor of Derby, 2 pages. Preface, 6 pages. Contents and List of Plates, 4 pages. Errata, and Works published by the same Author, 2 pages. The History of Derby, [b-x8] 320 pages. PLATES, (All drawn by G. Moneypenny, and engraved by R. Hancock.) 1 . East Prospect of Derby. A large folding Plate. To front the Title-page. 2. A Plan of Derby. Folded, p. 25. 3. South View of the New Bridge over y*" River Dervvent. p. 38. 4. Soudi View of the County Hall. p. 39. 5. North View of the Town Hall. p. 4!. 6. North-east View of the Free School, p. 44. 7. South-west View of the County Gaol. p. 49. 8. West View of the Devonshire Alms-house, p. 5 1. 9. South View of the Black Hospital, p. 34. 10. Alms-houses for the Widows of Clergymen, p. 35. 1 1 . West View of the Assembly House, p. 37. 12. West View of the Theatre.' p. 58. 13. South-east View of St. Alkmond's (Alkmund) Church. p. 136. 14. South-west View of St. Michael's Church, p. 139. T 138 DERBYSHIRE. 15. South-west View of St. Werburgh's (Warburgh's) Church. p. 141. 16. South-east View of St. Peter's Church, p. 143. 17. South View of All-Saints Church, p. 146, 18. Meeting-house in Friar-gate. p. 168. 19. North-east View of the Calvinist Meeting-house, p. 170. III. A New Historical and Descriptive View of Derbyshire, from the remotest Period to the pre- sent Time. By the Rev. D. P. Davies. Embel- lished with a Map and Places. " Antiquam exquirile Malrem." ViRG. Belpeb : Printed and published by and for S. Mason; sold also by Drury, Wilkins, Pritchard, and Stenson, Derby ; Bradley and Ford, Chesterfield; Parkes, Ashbourn ; Cotes, Wirksworth ; Dunn, Nottingham ; Gales, Sheffield ; Long- man, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-row, and B. Crosby and Co., Stationers' Court, London. 1611. Octavo. Half Title. Title-page as above, with Arms on a Stone from the Old Bridge at Belper. Dedication to the Reverend David Peter, Tutor of the Dissent- ing College, Carmarthen, dated Makeney, April 10, 1811. Preface and Errata, 4 pages. Contents, 1 page. An Historical and Descriptive View, &c. [b-zz 3, and the signa- tures begin again at A 2 to Y 6] 717 pages. Index, 14 pages. PLATES. 1. Map of Derbyshire. Folded. J. Cary 1811. To face the Title. 2. View of Derby. H. Moore exc. p. 125. 3. View of Belper. H. Moore sc. Derby, p. 343. N. B. Some copies of this publication are on Fine PAPEHf DEllBYSIIIRE. 139 IV. All History of the Manor and Ma nor- House of South Winiield in Derbyshire. By Tiio. Blore, of the Society of the Middle Temple, and RSA. London : Printed for J. Nichols, mdccxciii. Quarto. See Nichols's " BilUotheca Topographica Brilannica." V. A Short Description of Castleton in Derby- shire. Its Natural Curiosities and Mineral Pro- ductions. By J. M. Hedinger. " Semper Scientia jurientur." Sold by S. Needhaiii, Castleton. No date. Duodecimo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Duchess of Devonshire. Preface, 2 pages. A short Description of Castleton, beginning with page J, to page 34. PLATE. A View of Peaks Hole. To face the Title. VI. Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire and Yc^rk- SHIRE ; including Part of Buckingham, Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham, Northampton, Bcdfoi-d, and Hertford-shires. JBy William Bray, F.A.S. Tiie Second Edition. Si quid i/oviafi 7'ectius istis Cnndidus imperti- LoNDON : Printed for B. White, at Horace's Head, in Fleet- street. MDCCLxxxiii. Octavo* Title-page as above. 140 DERBYSHIRE. Preface to the First Edition, dated November 1777, 3 pages. Preface to the Second Edition, dated February 1783, 2 pages. List of Plates and Errata, 1 page. Sketch of a Tour, &c. [b-cc 8] 400 pages. Iter, 2 pages. PLATES, (All drawn and engraved in 1782 by J. Carter.) 1 . The West View of y'' Cross at Mount Sorrel, Leicestershire. p. 93. 2. View of a Door-way on y*^ West front of Bakewell C", Der- byshire, p. 134. 3. Three sides of the Cross in Bakewell Church-yard, Derby- shire. Folded, p. 133. 4. Plan of a Camp on the top of Mam Torr, near Castleton, Derbyshire, p. 203. 5. The Ground Plot of y*^ Camp at Heathersage, Derbyshire. — Section of y'^ Camp taken from South to North. — The Ground Plot of y"^ Camp at Brough near Castleton, Der- byshire, p. 208. 6. 1. A Base and part of a Column on the top of a Wall at Brough near Castleton. — 2. A Base or Plinth, with a small part of a Column on it, laid ;it y'" bottom of a Wall by y® road side at Brough. — 3. A Cimacia or a Torus moulding to a Pedestal, suppos'd the top part to a Ro- man Altar, now laid over a small Well at Brough. p. 210. 7. Part of the West front of the Tower of St. Peter's Church, Northampton. — Part of the outside of y'' body of y" Church above y*" north aile. — Ornaments in y'^ large Arch of y* Tower above, p. 367. 8. Geometrical Elevation of part of the North side of the Nave of St. Peter's Church, Northampton, p. 367. 9. Antiquities in St. Peter's Church, Northampton, p. 368. VIL Sketcu of the History of Bolsover and Peak Castles, in the County of Derby, by tlie Reve- rend Samuel Pegge, M.A. in a Letter to His Grace DERBYSHIRE. 141 the Duke of Portland. Illustrated with various Draw- ings by Hayman Rooke, Esq. London : Printed by and for J. Nichols, Printer to the Society of Antiquaries, mdcclxxxv. Quarto. See Nichols's " Bih- lioth. Topog. Britann." No. xxxii. at the end of this volume. VIII. The Roman Roads, Ikenild-street and Bath- way, discovered and investigated through the Country of the CoRiTANi, or the County of Derby. To which is added, a Dissertation on the Coritani, bv Samuel Pegge, M.A. London : Printed by and for J. Nichols, mdcclxxxiv. Quarto. See Nichols's " Billiotli. Topog. Britann." No. xxiv. IX. An Historical Account of Beauchief Abbey, in the County of Derby, from its first Foundation to its final Dissolulion. By the late Rev. Samuel Pegge, LL.D. F.S.A. London : Printed by and for John Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street, ISOl. 284 pages and 9 plates. Quarto. See Nichols's " Biblioth, Topog. Britann." vol. xi. X. Eight of the most extraordinary Prospects in die mountainous Parts of Derbyshire and Staf- fordshire, commonly called the Peak and the Moorlands. — Size 211 Inches by \5^. London: Published by J. Boydell, 1769- 1. A Prospect in Dove-Dale, three Miles north of Ashbourn. Thomas Smith (of Derby) pinx. et del. A. Benoist so. 142 DERBYSHIRE. 2. A Prospect in the upper part of Dove-Dale, five Miles north of Ashbourn. T. Smith del. Roberts sc. 3. A Prospect on the River Manyfold, at Wetton Mill. T. Smith pinx. etfec. in aquafort. Terrain, per G. Sco- tin. 1757. 4. A Prospect of Matlock Bath, &c. from the Lover's Walk. T. Smith pinx. et del. Vivares sc. 5. A Prospect of that beautiful Cascade below Matlock Bath. T. Smith pinx. et del. Vivares sc. 6. A Prospect on the River Wie, in Monsal-Dale, two Miles north-west of Bakewell. T. Smith pinx. et del. Vi- vares sc. 7. A Prospect of the Chee-Torr, &c. on the River Wie, two Miles below Buxton. T. Smith pinx. et fee. in aquafort. Terminat. per G. Scotin. 8. A Prospect of the Rocks and that vast Cavern at Castleton call'd Peak-hole, alias the D — I's A-se. T. Smith pinx. et del. Granville sc. XI. The Compleat Mineral Laws of Derbyshire, taken from the Originals. — I. The High Peak Laws, with their Customs. — ll. Stony Middleton and Eame, with a new Article made 1733. — ill. The Laws of the ManoLir of Ashtbrth-i"th*- Water. — iv. The Low Peak Articles, with their Laws and Customs. — v. The Customs and Laws of the Liberty of Litton. — VI. The Laws of the Lordsiiip of Tidswell. And all their Bills of Plaint, Customs, Cross-Bills, Arrests^ ' Plaintiff's Case, or Brief: with all odier Forms ne- cessary for all JMiners and Maintainors of Mines within each Manour, Lordshi[), or Wapentake. (By (Jeorgk Steer.) " Quid dulciux Ilominum ^eneri a Natiira datumcst, ijnam sui cuique liberi." London : Printed by Henry Woodfall ; and sold by Richard Wil- liamson, at Gray's Inn Gate in Holborn, &c. 1 734. [a 2-m 8] pp. 181, including the Dedication, and Address to the Reader. Duodecvno. DERBYSHIRE. Hf? XII. The Mineralogy of Derbyshire : with a Descrip- tion of the most interesting Mines in the North of England, in Scotland, and in Wales ; and an Analysis of Mr. Williams's Work, intitled " The Mineral Kincrdom." Subjoined is a Glossary of the Terms and Phrases used by Miners in Derbyshire. By John Ma we. London : Printed and sold by William Phillips, George-yard, Lombard-street, 1802: sold also by J. White, Fleet-street; G. and W. Munn, New Bond-street ; and by John Drury, in Derby. With three Plates, and a Map of Derbyshire shewing where Mines and Collieries are situated. Octavo. Title-page as above. Preface and Errata, 8 pages. Contents, 5 pages. The Mineralogy of Derbyshire, [b-o4] 199 pages. Glossary of the Terms u?ed by Miners in Derbyshire, p.201- 211. XIII. PETRIFICATA DERBIENSIA; or, Figures and Descriptions of Petrifactions collected in Derby- shire. By William Martin, F.L.S. Correspond- ing Member of the Literary and Philosophical So- ciety of Manchester, and Honorary Member of the Geological Society of London. Vidi factus ex ([quore tenuis : Et pi ncul a pclago couchce jucuen: murinteP OviD. WiGAN : Printed by D. Lyon : Sold by White and Co., Horace's Head, Fleet-street, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row, London ; Constable and Co., Edinburgh ; . Gilbert and Hodges, Dublin ; Deighton, Cambridge; and the Author, Buxton. I8O9. Illustrated with Fifty- two coloured Engravings. Quarto. 144 DERBYSHIRE. Half Title :— ^^ Petrificata Derbiensia," Volume I. Title-page as above. Preface, dated Macclesfield, June I, 1809, 5 pages. Dedication to the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banksj Bart. Addenda et Corrigenda, 2 pages. An Arrangement of the Petrifactions, &c. (Vol. I.) according to the Geological Relations of the inclosing Strata, 2 pages. Half Title: — " Plates and Descriptions." Letter-press Descriptions of 52 coloured Plates, not paged, [a-2 b] Half Title : — ^' A systematical Arrangement of the Petrifac- tions described in Volume the First, with additional Remarks on some of the Species." Fetrificata Derbiensia, [2 c-2 i 2] 28 pages. XIV. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Derby, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. By Thomas Brown, of Luton in Bedfordshire. Dra^vn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., mdccxciv. Quarto. 72 pages, accompanied with a coloured Map of the Soil of Derbyshire ; and a Map of the Rivers of Derbyshire, both folded. Also a Sketch of a Dairy Farm-yard ; Derbyshire Plow and Northamptonshire Draining Plow ; the Hertford- shire Cradle Scythe ; together with a Hint for raising Quick- fences in the High Peak, on one folded Plate. XV. General View of the Agriculture and Mine- rals of Derbyshire; with Observations on the Means of their Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and in- ternal Improvement. By JoiiN Fare Y, sen. Mineral Surveyor, of Upper Crown-street, Westminster. VOL. I. Containing a full Account of the Surface, Hills, Valleys, DERBYSHIRE. 145 Rivers, Rocks, Caverns, Strata, Soils, Minerals, Mines^ Collieries, Mining Processes, Sec. &c. Together with some Accoui|t of the recent Discoveries respecting the Stratification of England ; and a Theory of Faults and Denudated Strata, applicable to Mineral Surveying and Mining. Illustrated by Two coloured Maps and Three coloured Sections of Strata, two of which are folded. London : Printed by B. M'^Millan, Bow-street, Coyent-garden : sold by G and W. Nicol, Booksellers to His Majesty, Pall Mall; Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-row; Drury, Derby; Bradley, Chesterfield ; and Todd, Sheffield. 18li. Octavo, 379 pages, including Advertisement, Preface, Con- tents, Errata, and Additions. VOL. II. 1813. Containing a full Account of the State of Prqperty and its occu- pancy, the Buildings and Implements used in Agriculture. The Improvement of Lands, by inclosing and converting of waste and open Tracts, draining, embanking, irrigating, ma- nuring, marling, liming, &c. The cultuie apd propping of Arable Lapds, with the various Grains, Roots, and useful Plants ; the management and conversion of Grass Lands, of Gardens and Orchards, and of Woo4s and Plantations; under which last head, the Scarcity of large Timber, its Profit to the Owner, and means of futqre increase, by pruning, &c. are fully considered. Illustrated by Four Plates; viz. i, A Plan jand Elevations of Bradby Farm, folded, ii. A Plough, Har- row, and Drill, iii. Thrashing-mill and Chaff-cutter, iv. Cattle Crib, Churn, &c. with a folded Table of Poors Rates and other Parochial Taxes. 570 pages, including Advertisementj Preface, Names of Villages, Hamlets, &c. and Contents, 146 DEVONSHIRE. I. Collections towards a Description of the County of Devon. By Sir William Pole, of Colcombe and Shiite, Knt (who died A.D. 1635); now first printed from the Autograph in the possession of his lineal Descendant Sir John- Willi AM de-la Pole, Bart, of Shute, &c. in Devonshire. London : Printed by John Nichols : and sold by Messrs. White and Son, Fleet-street ; Robson. Bond-street ; Leigh and Sotheby, York-street, Covent-garden ; and Payne, jun. Mews Gate. MDccxci. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as above. Introduction, dated Shute-House, 1791, [h-c 3] p. iii-xv. Corrigenda, 2 pages. The Description of Devonshire, [b-xxx4] 527 pages. Index of Places, [Yyy-4A 2] p. 529-548. Index to Persons and Titles, and General Lists, [4 a 3-4 c 4] p. 549-568. Erratum : — page 564 is misprinted 594. 11. The CnoROGRAPiiiCAL Description or Survey of the County of Devon ; with the City and County of Exeter: containini^ ]\latter of IIistor}% Antiquity, Chronology, the Nature of the Country, Commodities, and Government tiiereof ; with sundry other Things worthy Observation. — Collected by the 'J^'avail of Tristram Risdon of Winscot, Gent, for the Love of his Country and Country-men in that Province. London : Printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible, against DEVONSHIRE. 147 St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street. 1714. (Price 7>\ 6d.) Octavo*. Title-page as above. The Names of the Subscribers to the Small and " Superfine" Paper copies of this work, ending with the following Adver- tisement: 4 pages. " Whereas this work was propos'd at 105. the superfine, and 5s. the common paper ; but by reason of some Additions, (inserted at the Desire of the Subscribers,) Collations of se- veral Manuscripts, amounting to above ten Sheets : the price is now rais'd to 1 2s. the superfine, and 7s. 6d. the common paper, in sheets." Some Account of the Author, and this Work, 4 pages. Mr. Risdon's Introduction, 6 pages. A Survey of Devonshire, [b-h***4] 148 pages. " Men of Renown in Military Employments, and in Council, that came with William the Conqueror, and seated themselves in this Shire, some of whose Posterity yet remain :" begins with page 113, (signature i-K 5) to page 138, and follows imme- diately after page 148 of the "Survey," 26 pages, " The Towns and Places which are Custom-free," alphabetically arranged, p. 139-143, 5 pages. " The Names of the Abbies in this Shire, with their several Va- lues at the Suppression," pages 144 and 143. " The Names and Amies of the Gentry of Devonshire, and the Towns Names wherein they live," page 146 to page 186, L 2-N 5] 41 pages. The Index of Places and Persons mentioned in this Work, [n6-o3] 10 pages. On the reverse of the last page of this Index is an Advertise- ment to the Continuation of the History, 1 page. • * Mr. Gough mentions tliat this work was republished in the same size in 1723, the second volume from a completer manuscript in the possession of the liev. John Prince, Vicar of Berry Pomeroy, and Author of the " Worthies of Devon ;" the hiitcr part of which notice was appnrently co- pied from the following Advertisement to the Continuation ot the edition of 1714: " Suice the foregoing sheets were printed off we have had com- municated to us several copies of Mr. Risdon's MS. and one particularly more complete than any of the rest: we received it from the Reverend Mr. Prince, Viciir of Berry, near Totnes, in the county of Devon, to whom we are very nuich indebted for his ticnerous assistance in this work." But the fact is, that, like several of Curll's attempts to impose upon the public, the boasted improvements in the republication consisted of riothiuK further than a reprinted Title-page: the Work itself and the Continuation bemg published originally together, accompanied by the adverlistinent alluded to. 148 DEVONSIllKE. Title-page to the Continuation as follows : — "A CoNTiNUATtoN of the Survey of Devonshire, by Tristram Risdon, of Wiiiscot, Gent. — London : Printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible against St. Dims tan's Church i, in Fleet-street. MDCCXIV." " The Sheriffs continued. By Mr. Coffin," [o 4 and 3] 4 pages. " Additions to the Chorographical Description of Devonshire," [o6-Rr8] page 5 to 425. " Soine Account of the Family of the Spicers, extracted from an original Manuscript," signature ^j^*, 4 pages. PLATESi i. The Conduit at Carfoix, commonly called thie Great Con- duit, Exeter. To face page 1 1 of the First Part. 2. The ancient and present Arms of the Family of the Spicers. Inscribed to Christopher Spicer, Gent. To front page I of the Account of this Family. N. B. This work is often bound in Two Volumes, the division being made at page 34 of the Continuation ; and some copies were taken off on Fine Paper, as maybe seen by the preceding Advertisement. ill. The CluOROGRAPlilCAL DeSCIUPTION or SURVEl^ of the County of Devon. By Tristram Ris- DON. Printed from a genuine Copy of the original Manuscript; with consicici'abie Additions. " llodie milii, eras tihi." London: Printed for Rees and Curtis, Plymouth. 181 it (J. Johns, Printer, Plymouth-dock.) Octavo. Title-page as above. DedicattbU to the Right Hon. .lohn, Lord Boringdon, D.C.L; and F.R.S. signed "The Editors, December I, 1810." Preface, page v-xi. Some Account of the y\uthor, p. xiii to p. xvi, 4 pages. Remarks on the present State of the County of Devon^ intro- ductory to the new Edition of Risdon's Survey, signed J. T. [,IoHN Taylor^ Esq. of Holwell near Tavistock] 3d pages. Half-title: — "The Chorographical Description, br Sur- VEYi tof the County of Devon, with the City and County of Exeter ; containing matter of History, Antiquity, Chro- hology, the Nature of the Country, Commodities, and Go>» DEVONSHIRE. 14^) V'ernment thereof ; with sundry other Things worthy Ohser- vation. Collected by the Travail of Tristram Risdon, of Winscott, Gent. For the love of his Country and Coun- trymen in that Province." The Chorographical Description or Survey of the County of Devon, [b to bb iJ] 364 pages. Additions to Risdon's Survey of Devon, 1810, [Bb-Kk 2] page 363 to 432, 68 pages. " Memorand. XV. Devon in Deciinis subsequent ut Patet," 8 pages. " The Sheriffs of Devon since the Conquest ; with the Names of the Abbies in this vShire," page 9 to 16. The Towns and Places which are " Custom free,'' ^ages 1 7 and 18, 2 pages. Names of the Gentry of Devonshire, with their Residences, about the Commencement of the 17th Century, p. 19-22, 4 pages. " Copy of a Letter from the Rev. John Swete, of Oxton- House, to the Publishers, accompanVing a List of Names of the Noblemen and princijial Gentlemen in the County of Devon, their Seats and Parishes, at the Commencement of the Nine- teenth Century, dated January I, lis 10," 16 pages. Index, page 433 to 442, 10 pages. Corrections, 1 ^4ge. Errata in the paging : — p. 39 omitted ; —p. 93 misprinted 39; — page 3 for 306;— p. 335 for 334 ; — pp. 373 to 380 inclusive, are misprinted 673-680; — and p. 392 is misprinted 292. N. B. Fifty copies were printed in Medium Quarto, and the same number on Royal PAPERk A Review of I^art of Risbox's Survey of Devon: containing the general Description of that County; uith Corrections, Annotations, and /Additions. By the late William Chapple of Exeter. Exeter : Printed and sold bv R. Thorn in Fore-street : sold also by T. Davies, in Russell-street, Covent-garden, and W. Shrop- shire, in New Bond-street, London; J. Fletcher, Oxford; and Messrs. Merrill, Cambridge, mdcclxxxv. Quarto. Preface, with Life of the Author, 4 pages. List of Subscribers, 7 pages. Account of the Life and Family of Tiistram Risdon, 6 pages* 150 DEVONSHIHE. Review of Risdon's Survey, being a general Description of the County, beginning with page 7 to p. 144, [a4-s4] and end- ing with the catchword "The." N. B. There is a chasm in the paging from 1 16 to 125 ; but the catch-word '' Memorand™" agrees with what follows. V. Historical Views of Devonshire : in Five Vo- lumes. By Mr. Polwhele of Polwhele, in Corn- wall. Exeter : Printed by Trewman and Son, for Cadell, Dilly, and Murray, London, mdccxciii. Small quarto. VOL. L Title-page as above. Contents of the Five Volumes, [a 2-e 2] p. iii-xix. Half Title: — " Historical Views of Devonshire. Chapter the First," &:c. Historical Views of Devonshire, [a 2-Dd 4] p. 3-214. Errata : — page vi of the Contents for p. iv ; — p. \Q\ and 192 are repeated, and are reversed. The First volume only of this work was published. VI. The History of Devonshire. In Three Voluines. By the Reverend RiCHARD Polwhele of Pol- whele, in Cornwall, and late of Christ Church, Ox- ford. " AgroruJii rultu, virorum, morumque dignatione, amplitudiue opunty nulli provinciarinn post ferenda ." — Phi's . " J'urmu — et Hitits ugri." —\\i.)K, ' Exeter : Printed by Trewman and Son, for Cadell, Johnson, and Dilly, London, mdccxcvh. Folio. VOL. I. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Majesty King George the Third, dated Ma- nacan Vicarage in Cornwall, July 1, 1797. Contents of the Three Volumes, 8 pages. Historical part ; beginning with a " Sketch of the Natural His- tory of Devonshire," [b-3 p] DEVONSIIIllE. 151 Postscript, and a List of the Author's Publications, 4 pages. A Sheet Map of Devonshire, divided into Hundreds, exhibiting its Roads, Rivers, Parks, &c. by John Cary, Engraver, 1811^ folded, fronts the Title. VOL. n. Half-Title : " The Chorographical Survey of Devonshire." Title-page as in Volume L Preface, '2 pages. Half Title :— " Diocese of Exeter," &c. The Diocese of Exeter, 46 pages. Half Title : — " Archdeaconries of Exeter, Barnstaple, and Totnes." Archdeaconry of Exeter. — General Chorographical Description, p. 5-10, 6 pages. Half Title : — '^ Archdeaconry of Exeter. — Deanries of Exeter, Cadbury, Dunsford, Kenne, Aylesbeare, Plymtree, Honiton, Dunkeswell, Tiverton." Archdeaconry of Exeter, beginning with the '* Deanrv of Exe- ter or Christianity," p. 11-382. Pages 247-S, the Deanry of Plymtree, were cancelled, for the purpose of inserting a List of Benefices remaining in charge and discharged : also pages 381-2, the two last of this volume : and instead of concluding with the " End of the Second Volume," the reprinted leaf ends with the catchword " ATchdeaconry." PLATES, (All drawn and engraved by T. Bonnor.) 1. Downes, the Seat of James Buller, Esq. and is dedicated to him. 1803. p. 89. 2. Lindridge, the Seat of the Rev. John Templer, and dedi- cated to him. 1793. p. 149. 3. Mamhead, the Seat of Earl Lisburne ; to whom this plate is inscribed. 1795. p. 151. 4. Kenton Church. 1793. p. 165. 5. Powderham Castle, East View, the Seat of Viscount Cour- tenay; to whom this plate is inscribed. 1 606. p. 170. 6. Powderham Castle, 8.E. View. Dedicated to Viscount Courtenay. 1803. p. I71. 7. Haldon House, the Seat of Sir Robert Palk, Rart. to whom this ])late is inscribed. 1790. p. 1S2. 8. View from Haldon, the Seat of Sir Roi)crt Palk, Bart, to whom this plate is dedicated. 1793. p. lb '2. 9. Lawrence Tower, Haldon. Dedicated to Lawrence Palk, Esq. 1797. p. 18-2. ISQ DEVONSHIRE. 10. EscQte, the Seat of Sir George Yonge, Bart, to whom thijj plate is inscribed. 1804. p. 271. 11. Honitoii Church. Dedicated to Mr. John Feltham. 1795. p. 281. 12. Colcombe Castle. Dedicated to Sir John De la Pole, Bart. T. Bonnor del. et sc. 1 790. p. 3 1 1 . 13. Sliute House, N.E. View. Dedicated to Sir John Williani De la Pole, Bart. Drawn by Lady De la Pole, engraved by T. Bonnor. 1794. p. 315, 14. Shute House, S.W. View. Dedicated to Sir John William De la Pqle, Bart. T. Bonnor del. et sc. 1 794. p. 3 1 6. 15. Bridwell, the Seat of Richard Hall Clarke, Esq. to whom this pl^te is inscribed. 1 793. p. 36l. VOL, 01. Title-])age as before, dated MDCCCVit Half Title : — " Archdeaconry of Barnstaple. — Deanries of Chunileigh, South Molton, Sherwell, Barnstaple, Torrington, Hertland," signature ]'. Archdeaconry of Barnstaple. — General Chorographical Descrip- tion, p. 385, 3&6. Archdeaconry of Barnstaple continued, beginning with the "Deanryof Chulmleigh," [c-m 2] p. 387-426. Half Title : — " Archdeaconry of Totnes. — Deanries of Hols- worthy, Okehamton, Tavistock, Tamerton, Plymton, Wood- leigh, Totton, Ipplepen, and Moreton," signature n. Archdeaconry of Totnes, beginning with " General Chorogra- phical Description," [n2-2h] p. 429-499. Index to the Three Volumes, p. 301-504. Corrections of the Three Volumes, 1 page. PLATE8. 1 . Tavvstock House. Dedicated to Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart. T. Bonnor del. et sc. 1794. p. 409- 2. Old Gateway, Tawstock. Dedicated to Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart. T. Bonnor del. ct sc. 1795. p. 410. 3. Hartland Abbey, the Seat of Paul Orchard, Esq. to whom this plate is dedicate(|. E. Garvey, R.A. del. T. Bon- nor sc. 1791. p. 4 19. 4. Monument of Judge Glanvillc in Tavistock Church. T. Bon- nor del. etsc. 1793. p. 44 1. 5. Warlcgh House, the Seat of Walter Radcliffe, Esq. to whom this plate is inscribed. W. Payne del. T. Bon- nor sc. 1795. p. 44 7. DEVONSHIRE. 153 6. Fleet House, the Seat of John Bulteel, Esq. and is dedicated to him. W. Payne del. T. Bonnor so. 1796. p. 456. 7- Kitley, the Seat of John PoUexfen Bastard, Esq. and is de- dicated to him. E. Garvey, R.A. del. T. Bonnor sc. 1790. p. 436. 8. Dartington House, the Seat of Arthur Champemowne, Esq. to whom this plate is inscribed. A. C. Esq. del. T. Bon- nor sc. p. 48 1. 9. Stover Lodge, the Seat of James Templer, Esq. to whom this plate is dedicated. T. Bonnor del. et sc. 1773 for 1793. p.497. VII. A Complete History of all the Religious Houses in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall before the Dissolution ; containing the Abbies and Priories of Tavistock, Torr, Ford, Newenham, Dunkeswell, Buckfast, Dockland, Frithelstoke, Hertland, Plimp- ton, Exeter Cathedral, Totnes, Barnstaple, Modbury, St. James's, Exeter, Stoke Curcy, Ottery St. Mary, Ottriton, &c. &c. Extracted from the most authentic and original Records now extant. By the Rev. Wil- li aim Jones, A.B. London : Printed for Smerdon and Underhill, Sweeting's Alley, Royal Exchange, mdcclxxix. Small octavo. Half Title. Title-page as above. Preface, signed W. Jones, London, July 1, 1779? 4 pages. An History of the Religious Houses, with the Index, [b-m 4] 87 pages. vni. Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire and Cornwall, by T. H. Williams, Plymouth. — Part I. Devonshlre. London : Printed for J. Murray, 32, Fleet-street, and J. Hard- ing, 36, St. James's-street. ' 1804. (S. Gosnell, Printer, Little Queen-street, Holborn.) Koyal octavo. Half Title. X 154 DEVONSHIRE. An engraved Title-page : — " Views in Devonshire." Title-page as before, with Vignette. Dedication to the Rev. J. Bidlake, B.A. dated Plymouth, Au- gust 23, 1804. Preface, 3 pages. Contents, and Directions for placing the Plates, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 6 pages. Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire, No. 1. Part I. [b4-c 8] p. 15-40. A Tour to the North and South of Devon, No. 2. [b-i4] 108 pages. PLATES, (Drawn and etched by the Author.) 1 . Frontispiece, or engraved Title-page — Waterfall with Cattle. 2. Weston Mill. p. 16. 3. King's Tamerton. p. 18. 4. The River Tamer from St. Budeaux Church, p. 25. 5. Cottage Scene between St. Budeaux and Tamerton. p. 38. Vignette on the letter-press of p. 40. 6. Landscape with Cattle to front the Tour to the North of Devon, p. 1. 7. Tawstock, from Tawton. p. 24. 8. Lynton Church, p. 28. 9. Lynmouth, from Lynton Church-yard. p. 29^ 10. Dewerstone Rocks, p. 33. 11. View in the Valley of Stones, p. 34. 12. View of the Conoidal Hill in the Valley of Stones, p. 36. 13. Druids, p. 40. 14. Lynton Church, from Lynmouth. p. 41. 15. View in the Road from Contisberry Church to Lynmouth and Lynton. — View of Lynton Church, and the general appearance of the Coast from the Road winding over the Hill above. 16. Valley of Culbone. p. 46. Vignette at the end of the Ex-cursion to the North of Devon. On the letter-press of p. 56. 17. Frontispiece to the Excursion to the South of Devon, with two lines from Virgil and five from Bidlake. p. 57. 18. Tamerton Fohot. p. 64. 19. Lydford Bridge, p. 79- 20. Kate's Fall above Lydford Bridge, p. 81. Vignette — Cottage and Pigs. On letter-press of p. 84. 21. Oakhampton Castle, p. 89. DEVONSHIRE. ]55 22. Gateway to Oxton House, p. 99. Cromlech, in an inclosed Field belonging to Shilston Farm. On the letter-press of p. 100. Tail-piece. On the letter-press of the last page. N. B. This work was not continued. — A few copies were taken off, with a double set of plates, the one plain, and the other highly coloured. IX. The Antique Description and Account of the City of Exeter. In Three Parts. Part I. Containing the antient History, &c. of the City; together with relations of the sundry great Assaults and Sieges it, time after time, sustain'd : and most especially by the conjoin'd Rebels of Devonshire and Cornwall in 1549; the various circumstances of which long and dreadful Siege are amply and minutely detailed. Part II. Containing a large and curious Account of the Antiquity, Foundation, and Building of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter. To which is added, a regular and orderly Catalogue, with authentic Memoirs, of all the Bishops, down to Bishop John Wolton, in 1383, then living. Part HI. Contains the Offices and Duties {as of old) of those particular Sworn Officers, &:c. of the City, viz. a Freeman, the Mayor, Stewards, Receiver, Recorder, the Common-Council, and every of them ; an Alderman, Chamberlain, Town Clerk, the Serjeants, &c. •?A11 written purehj by John Vowell, alias Hoker, Gent. Chamberlain, and Representative in Parlia- ment of the same. ExoN : Now first printed together by Andrew Brice, in North- gate-street. MDCCLXV. Small quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Honourable John Tuckfield, Esq. and John Rolle Walter, Esq. the Representatives of the City in Parlia- ment, signed Andrew Brice, Feb. 18, 1765, 2 pages. Address, and List of Subscribers, 4 pages. The Description, &:c. of the City of Excester (or Exccter), [a-l 4] 88 pages. 156 DEVONSHIRE. Title-page : — " A Catalogue of the Bishops of Excester : with the Description of the Antiquity and first Foundation of the Cathedral Church of the same. Collected by John Vowell, alias Hoker, Gent, originally printed in the Year 1584;" and forms pages 89, 90. Dedication to John (Wolton), Bishop of Excester, signed John Hoker, Exon, the last of the old Year and the beginning of the new, 1583, 8 pages. The Antiquity, Foundation, and Building of the Cathedral Church of St. Peters in the City of Excester, and Catalogue of the Bishops of Excester, [n 2-s 4] p. 99-144 ; 4o pages. Title-page : — " A Pamphlet of the Offices and Duties of every particular Sworn Officer of the City of Excester : collected bv John Vowell, alias Hoker, Gent. Chamberlain of the same. Numb. xxx. — " Who so ever sweareth an oath to bind hiinselfe, he shall not break his promise." PSAL. cxxvij. verse 1. — " Except the Lord keep the city, the watch- man wakelh but in vain." Originally printed in 1584. The Epistle Dedicatory, beginning at the reverse of the above Title-page, signed John Hoker, page 146 to 158, 13 pages. The Office and Duty of a Freeman, &c. [u4-Aa4] p. 159 to 192, 34 pages. X. Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter : giving an Account of the Laws and Customs of the Place; the Offices, Court of Judicature, Cnites, Walls, Rivers, Churches, and Immunities : the Titles and Privileges of the several Corporations, and their distinct Coats of Arms iinely engraven on Copper- plates : with a Catalogue of all the Bishops, IMayors, and Sheriffs from the Year 1049 to l677. Originally collected by Richard Izacke, Esq. heretofore Chamberlain thereof. The Second Edition. Now very much enlarged, and continued to the Year 1723, by Samuel Izacke, Esq. the present Chamberlain thereof. To which is also added, a new and correct Map of the said City, with a Prospect of the Ca- DEVONSHIRE. 157 thedral, curiously engraven on Copper-plates ; and the Freeman's Oath, both honorary and common. London : Printed for Edw. Score and John March, Booksellers, in Exon; and Samuel Birt, in Ave Maria-lane, London. 1724. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to George Augustus Prince of Wales, signed Samuel Izacke, 3 pages. Prooemium. Memorials of the City of Exeter, [*-4*4] 69 pages. Memorials of the City of Exeter continued, fA-o3] 213 pages. A Table or Index of remarkable Things contained in this Book, alphabetically digested, 46 pages. A perfect Catalogue of all the Sheriffs of the County of Devon, with their several Coats of Armory described, 20 pages. PLATES. 1. The Arms of Exeter and of Izacke. Sutton Nicholls sc. To front the Title. 2. A true Plan of the City of Excester. Folded. Drawn and Ingraven by Sutton Nicholls. p. 1 of the Prooemium. 3. The Cathedral Church of Exeter. Folded. J, Harris fee p. 2 of ditto. Besides these engravings, there are Fifty Coats of Arms of the Bishops of Exeter, and Thirteen Coats of the different Compa- nies;— the Arms of Crocker on p. 22 of the Prooemium; of Courteney and Bohun, on p. 60 of the Continuation; — two Coats of the Name of Cary, p. 72; — on p. 83 the Arms of Orenge ; and at p. 132, the Coat of Sir John Doderidge, Knt. all on the letter-press. Errata : — Pages 62, 63 of the Prooemium are repeated ; and pages 60, 61 omitted. N. B. The First Edition of this work was published in the year 1677, and the Second in 1681. The latter professes to give " a correct Map of the said City, together with the Guild- hall and Conduit,^' which were generally omitted, as may be seen in the note below*, hi 1723 it was again reprinted, mucli * " Mr. Rawliiison had the author's own cnpv, vvith arlditions hv lii> son, and the figure of Exeter Conduit, nicntioned p. 85, wliich, liein'r ii very few if any other copic, was re-engraved, and inserted in Risd(>nV Survey, vol. i. p. iO."—Gougli's Br. Topug. vol. i. p. 305, 158 DEVONSHIRE. enlarged, being brought down to 1722 by Mr. Samuel Izacke, the author's son, the title-page still retaining the same error of the plates as in the preceding edition, of which there are copies on Large Paper. The following year, viz. l7'-2-i, this work ap- peared for the fourth time, but termed a " Second Edition, xerv much enlarged, and continued down to the year 1723 by the' same Editor, with a ))rospect of the Cathedral curiously en- graven on copper," besides the Arms and Plan of Exeter. In 1731 a new title-page only was printed, calling it the " Third Edition." In 1 734 it was again printed for the fifth time, " For the Author," and some copies upon Large Paper, and for the last time in 1741. XI. An Alphabetical Register of divers Persons, who, by their last Wills, Grants, Feoffments, and other Deeds, have given Tenements, Rents, Annui- ties, and Monies, towards the Relief of the Poor of the County of Devon, and City and County of ExON ; and likewise to many other Cities and Towns in England. By Richard Izacke, Esq. heretofore of the Inner Temple, and Clerk of the Peace for the City and County of Exeter. Faithfully printed from his original Manuscript : digested from the Records deposited in the Council Chamber of Exeter. In- terspersed with proper Remarks, detecting the ]Mis- application of the said Charities, and an Attempt to restore them to the Uses for which they were given by the respective Benefactors, as well as doing Justice to their Descendants. By Samuel Izacke, Gent. Grandson of the Author. London : Printed in the year mdccxxxvi. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Reverend Dr. .Tohn Conybeare, Dean of Christ Church, 2 pages. The Names of the Benefactors to the Poor of the City and County of Exeter, [b-m 6] 172 pages. The Index, 2 pages. DEVONSHIRE. 159 XII. The ANTiENT History and Description of tlie City of Exeter : containing the untient History, &a of the City ; together with an Account of tlie sundry Assaults given thereto from time to time, and the Sieges it has sustained, viz. by the Romans under Vespasian, A.D. 49; — by Penda, King of Mercia, in 632; —by the Danes in 858, 877, 1001, and 1004; — by WilHam the Conqueror in 1068; — by the Earls of Devon in 1137 and 1378; — in 1469, during the Civil Wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster; — by Perkin Warbeck in 1497; — by the Rebels of Devonshire and Cornwall in 1549, &c. &c. Also a curious Account of the Antiquity, Foundation, and Building of St. Peter's Cathedral Church. With a Catalogue of all the Bishops of Tawton, Crediton, and Exeter; and authentic Me- moirs of their Lives. To which are added, the Of- fices and Duties {as of old) of the Sworn Officers of the City. — Compiled and digested from the Works of Hooker (Hoker), Izacke, and others. Exeter : Printed and sold by R. Trewman^ behind the Guild- hall. No date. [u-Tt 2] 323 pages. Octavo. XIIL The History and Description, Ancient and Mo- dern, of the City of Exeter. By Thomas Brice. Exeter : Printed and sold by the Author, St. Martin's-lane : sold also by T. Hurst and J. Badcock, Paternoster-row, Lon- don. Octavo. Title-page as above, with the Arms of Exeter. Dedication to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. Henry Reginald, Lord Bishop of Exon, the Dean and Chapter, the other 160 DEVONSlllKE. Members of the Cathedral, and the several religious In- structors; the Right Worshipful Thomas Floud, Esq. Mayor; the Bailiffs, Members of the other Incorporations, &c. &c. Signed Thomas Brice, Exeter, May 3, 1802. The History of Exeter, Part I. [a-f2] p. 5-44, catchword " Views." P. 45 to 77 was never compiled : the History begins again at p. 77-216, [L-Ee4] The History of Exeter, Part II. [a-D4] 32 pages, and ends with catchword " The." A plate of a Cromlech and Logan Stone, engraved by A. Brice, is at p. 141. N. B. This incomplete work appeared in Numbers at Six- pence, and on Fine Paper at Ninepence each Number. XIV. The History and Description of the City of Exeter, and its Environs, Ancient and Modern, Civil and Ecclesiastical : comprising the Religion and idolatrous Superstition of the Britons, Saxons, and Danes : the Rise and Progress of Christianity in these Western Counties ; with a Catalogue of the Bishops, from the first erecting this County into a Diocese to the present Era. Collected from the most approved Historians. Also, a General and Parochial Survey and Description of all the Churches, Places of Di- vine Worship, public Buildings, Institutions, Anti([ui- ties, present Government, Prospects, &c., and a List of Mayors and Bailiffs, to the close of the Eighteenth Century. By Alexander Jenkins — Illustrated with a correct Map of the City and Neighbourhood ; a View of Rougemont Castle Gateway, and several ancient Plans and miscellaneous Plates. Exeter : Printed and published by P. Hedgeland, High-street. 1806. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Worshipftil Thomas Floud, Esq. (Mayor DEVONSHIRE. 16 1 in 1802) the Recorder, Aldermen, and Common-Cormcil of the City of Exeter, 2 pages. Preface, 3 pages. Introduction, 4 pages. List of Plates and Errata, 1 page. History of the City of Exeter, [a-3 l] page 3 to 451. Contents, 2 pages. PLATES. 1. The Gateway of Roiigemont Castle, Exeter. J. H. Wil- liams del. et a. f. fee. Exeter. To face the Title. 2. Plan of Exeter. Folded, Drawn l)y J. Hayman, engraved by B. Baker and D.Wright, Islington, 1806. p. 3. 3. Dnnmonia Rornnna. A. Jenkins fee. p. 6. 4. Saxon Danmonia. A. Jenkins fee. p. 16. 5. Ancient Cannon, and Anglo Saxon Coins, &c. A. Jenkins fee. p. 19. 6. West View of the Great Conduit at Carfoix, taken down in 1770. J. Hayman del. A. Jenkins fee. p. 214. 7. A South View of the Old Bridge, Exeter. J. Coggan del, A.Jenkins fee. p. 216. 8. North and South View of Rougemont Castle. A. Jenkins fee. p. 278. 9. A Plan of Rougemont Castle, as described by Leland in the I6th Century, p. 279- 10. Ichnography of Exeter Cathedral. T. Jones del. A. Jen- kins sc. p. 282. 1 1 . Ancient Guildhall in Waterbear-street, and Tower on the City Wall. A. Jenkins fee. p. 363. 12. Coins found under the old Gateway of St. John's Hospital; also Coins found in Waterbear-street and Hills-Court, &ic. p. 376. N. B. A limited number of this work were taken off on Fine Thick Paper, and Twelve copies only were printed in Quarto, one of which was sold with part of the Library of Rob. Heathcote, Esq. by Messrs. Leigh and Sotheby, 2d of May, ISOS, for Eight Pounds. XV. THESAURUS ECCLESIASTICUS FROUIX- CIALIS; or, A Survey of the Diocese of Exe- ter, respecting all Matters of Ecclesiastical Juris- Y 162 DEVONSHIRE. diction and Concern : containing an accurate List of the several Parish Churches and Chapels within that Diocese, with their respective Dedications, Repri- sals, certified and reputed Values and Augmentations (where they could be procuied), Patrons, and present Incumbents; widi various odier Articles, as well of general as of local and particular Application. Un- dertaken and published at the Request of the Clergy of that Diocese. Exeter : Printed and sold by the Editors, B. Thorn and Son, in the Fore-street, &c. mdcclxxxu. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Lord Bishop of Exeter, by the Editors. Preface, dated Exeter, April 15, 1782, 2 pages. Advertisement and Augmentations, 2 pages. Survey of the Diocese of Exeter, [b, c] 10 pages. Common Notes and Abbreviations, to be referred to occasionally, 2 pages. Survey continued, beginning with " Dignities in the Cathedral Church," [c 3-r 4] 1 16 pages. Appendix, page i-xi. Indexes, p. i-vii. Errors, Omissions, and Alterations, 2 pages. > XVI. Some Account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter : illustrative of the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of that Building. (Published by the Order and at the Expense of the Society of Anticjuaries of London.) 1797- Atlas folio. Title-page as above, with an Introduction on the reverse. Some Remarks on the original Foundation and Construction of the present Fabric of Exeter Cathedral. By C. Lyttelton, 1754. 12 pages. Observations on Bishop Lyttelton's Account of Exeter Cathe- dral. By Sir H. C. Englefield, F.S.A. 4 pages. Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Specimens of the Architecture and Ornaments of Exeter Cathedral. By J. Carter, Archi- tect. Printed in double columns, p. 17-22, 6 pages. DEVONSHIRE. 163 PLATES, (Drawn by John Carter, and engraved by James Basire.) i. Engraved Title to the Plates : — " Plans, EJlevations, Sections, and SjDecimens of the Architecture and Ornaments of the Cathedral Church at Exeter." ii. Plan of the Cathedral Church at Exeter, and the Site of the adjoining Buildings. Folded. iii. Elevation of the west Front of Exeter Cathedral. iv. Elevation of the north Side of the Cathedral of Exeter. Folded. V. Section from East to West of Exeter Cathedral. Folded. vi. Section from North to South of Exeter Cathedral. vii. The grand Screen or Facade at the west Front of the Cathedral of Exeter, viii. Parts of the Cathedral of Exeter at large. ix'. Part of the north Side of the Nave of Exeter Cathe- dral. X. Parts of the Cathedral Church of Exeter at large. xi. Ornaments from different Parts of the Cathedral of Exeter at large. XVII. Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, in the County of Devon. Collected from the best Authorities, with Notes and Observa- tions. By Martin Dunsford, Merchant. Se- cond Edition. Exeter: Printed for the Author by T. Brice. mdccxc. Quarto. The engraved Title-page as above, with the Arms of Tiverton. Ezekiel sc. Exeter. Dedication to all the virtuous and industrious Poor of Tiverton, dated Tiverton, 30th Sept. 1790, 2 pages. List of the Subscribers, 6 pages. Preface, 6 pages. Half Tide: — " Historical Memoirs of Tiverton. Part I." Historical Memoirs, &:c, [c-4 g] page 17 to page 46(3. Second Edition. — Errata et Addenda, 1 page. Page 89 is misprinted 99 ;— P- 237 for 257; and p. 255 for 245. 164 DEVONSHIRE. PLATES. 1. Portrait of the Author, aetat. 37. Mortimer pinx. To face the Title. 2. Plan of the Parish of Tiverton. By C. Tozer of Broad- hempton, engraved by T. Yeakell, 1792. p. 269. 3. Plan of the Town of Tiverton, by C. Tozer. Engraved by Ezekiel. p. 293. 4. South-east View of the Castle of Tiverton, Anno 1730. Engraved by W. Thomas, p. 298. 5. View of St. Peters, the Parish Church of Tiverton, Anno 1784. W.Thomas sc. 1790. p. 305. 6. Front View of Blundell's Free Grammar School in Tiverton, Anno 1784. Engraved by W. Thomas, 1790. p. 342. N. B. The alterations in the Second Edition consist only of the additional words " Second Edition" in the Title, and the page of Errata reprinted, to insert the names of twenty addi- tional Subscribers, with a few corrections in the text. XVIII. An Essay tov\ards a History of Bideford, in the County of Devon. (By John Watkins.) Exeter : Printed by E. Grigg, mdccxcii. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to George Buck of Daddon, in the County of De- von, Esq* signed John V^atkins, 1 page. Preface, dated Bideford, October 1792, 4 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. The Essay, [n-Nn 2] 276 pages. Erratum :— page 240 is misprinted 239, XIX Narrative of the Building, and a Desciiption of the Construction, of the Edystone Light- House with Stone: to which is bubjoincd an Ap- pendix, giving some Account of the Liglit-House on the Spurn Point, built upon a Sand. By John DEVONSHIRE. Ho Smeaton, Civil Encrineer, F.R.S. The Second PLdi- tion, corrected. London : Printed for G. Nifol, Bookseller to His Majcstv, Pall Mall. 1793. Imperial folio. Title-page as above, with a vignette View of the Light-house the Morning after a Storm at S.W. M. Dixon del. A. Birrei sc. 1789. Dedication to the King (George III.) 2 pages. Preface, 2 pages. Contents of the several Sections ; being an Epitome of the Work, 8 pages. Introduction, [b-c] 8 page?. The Narrative, [signature d-3 c] p. 9-I92. Technical References to the Plates, [3 d-3e] j). 1 93-198. PLATES. The Vignette in the Title-page : " The Morning after a Storm at S.W." M.Dixon del. A. Birrei. i7S9. 1. A general Chart of the Seas surrounding the Edvstone Light-house. Engraved by W. Faden. 2. Map of the Coasts and Country opposite the Edystone Rocks. W. Faden sc. 1789. 3. General Plan of the Edystone Rocks, as seen at the low Water of a Spring Tide. W. Faden sc. 1785. 4. South Elevation of the original Light-house, built upon the Edystone Rock according to the first Design of Mr.Win- stanley. Drawn by Jaaxiell Johnston, engraved bv Hen. Roberts. 176I. 5. South Elevation of Winstanley^s Light-house upon the Edystone Rock, as it was finished in the year 1 699. Engraved by Hen. Roberts. 1769. 6. South Elevation and Section of Rudyerd's Light-house, compleated in 1 709 : represented as it stood previous to its demolition by Fire in the year 1755. J. Record sc. 1781. 7. Plan and perspective Elevation of the Edystone Rock, seen from the West. J. Record sc. 1785. 8. South Elevation of the Stone Light-house completed upon the Edystone in 1759. Engraved by Mr. Edw. Rooker in J 763 } the figures by Mr. Sam. Wale. 9. Section of the Edystone Light-house upon the E. and W. Line. Edw. Rooker sc. 1763. 16() DEVONSIIIIIE. 10. Plans of the Rock after being cut, and prepared to receive the Stone Building, shewing the Six Foundation Courses. J. Record sc. 1786- 1 1. Plans of all the different Courses, from the top of the Rock to the top of the Balcony Floor, inclusive. J. Record sc, 1786. 1 2. An enlarged horizontal and vertical Section of the Edystone Lantern, with the Chandeliers. Edw. Rooker sc. 1763. 13. Original Ideas, Hints, and Sketches from whence the Form of the present Building was taken. J. Record sc. 1 766. 14. View of the Rock on the East side, and of the Work ad- vanced to Course xv. being the first of the Entry Courses, shewing the manner of landing and hoisting the Stones, ScC. in every stage of the building. J. Record sc. 1 786. 15. Explanatory Sketches of particular Parts comprehended in the foregoing general Descriptions. J. Record sc. 1787. 16. Mr. Jessop's Draught, by which the Yawls were built for the Edvstone Service. J. Record sc. 1786. 17. Plan and Description of the Work Yard at Mill Bay, with its Furniture and Utensils. J. Record sc. 1788. 18. Descriptions of Supplemental Matters having reference to the Edystone Building. J. Record sc. 1790. 19. Map of the Coasts and Country near the Spurn Point. W. Fadensc. 1786. 20. Plan of the Spurn Point, as in 1786, also its variations during the preceding twenty Years. W. Faden sc. 1790. 21. Section of the High Light-house upon the Spurn Point. J. Record sc. 1784. 22. Plans of the different Floors applicable to the preceding Sec- tion. J. Record sc. 1785. 23. Elevation of the High Light-house upon the Spurn Point, and of the Swape, by which the low Light is exhibited. J. Record sc. 1785. N. B. The first Edition of this valuable publication appeared in the Year 179I, with the same number of plates as in the present one, during Mr. Smeaton's life, (he died Oct. 28, 1792,) and the present edition was revised by his much esteemed friend Mr. Aubcrt, F.R.S. and Go%crnor of the London Assurance Corporation. A new edition (erroneously called the Second in the title-page) was printed in 1813 for Messrs. Longman and Co. with no alteration either in letter-press or plates. DEVONSHIRE. \67 XX. Letters and important Documents relative to the Edystonl Light-house ; selected chietly from the Correspondence of the late Robert Weston, Esq. and from other Manuscripts : to which is added, A Report made to the Lords of the Treasury in 1809 by the Trinity Corporation ; with some Observations upon that Report. By Robert Harcourt Wes- ton, Esq. — Embellished with Two Views of the Light-house : one representing the Edifice as it ap- pears on a Morning after a Storm, and the other in a Calm. London : Printed by C. Baldwin, New Bridge-street, for G. and W. Nicol, Booksellers to His Majesty, Pall Mall, and for Robert Baldwin, No. 47, Paternoster-row. 1811. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Hon. George, Earl of Morton, 9 pages. Explanation of the Plates, and Errata, 2 pages- Contents, 9 pages. Introduction, 5 pages. Letters, &c. relative to the Edystone Light-house, [b-2 R 2] 308 pages. plates. 1. Edystone Light-house the Morning after a Storm at S.W. M. Dixon del. H. Mutlow sc. To face the Title, 2. South Elevation of the Stone Light-house completed upon the Edystone in 1759, shewing the Prospect of the nearest Land, as it appears from the Rocks in a clear calm day. H. Mutlow sc. XXL DANMONII ORIENTALES ILLUSTRES: or. The W^orthies of Devon. A Work, wherein the Lives and Fortunes of the most famous Di- vines, Statesmen, Swordsmen, Physicians, W^riter.-*, 1 5R DEVONSHIRE. and otlicr eminent Persons, Natives of that most noble Province, from before the Norman Conquest down to the present Ao;e, are memorized in an alpha- betical Order, out of the most approved Authors, both in Print and ^lanuscript. In vvliich an Account is given not only of divers very de- serving Persons, (many of which were never hitherto made public,) but of several antient and noble Families ; their Seats and Habitations ; the Distance they bear as to the next great Towns ; their Coats of Arms fairly cut ; with other Things no less profitable than pleasant and de- hghtful. By John Prince, Vicar of Berry-Pomeroy, in the same County. " Nemo unyuam, dc variis rehus agens, tarn commode omnia e.rpUcare potuit, quilt Severi, Invidi Malevoliq; hectares, inrenerint qiwd Carperent, et Colunmiarentur." — Pet. Bellon. Observat, lib. iii. p. ?04. Exeter : Printed by Sam. Farley, for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Paternoster-row, London ; and Charles Yeo and Philip Bishop, in Exon. I'Ol . Folio. Title-page as above. The Epistle Dedicatory : To the No]>ility, Gentry, and Clergie, Natives of the County of Devon, signed " John Prince. From my Study, Aug. 6, 1697," 2 pages. An Apolngetical Epistle to the Reader, 6 pages. Verses addressed to the Author, 6 pages. The Proeniium, 5 pages. The Worthies of Devon, and Errata, [f2-7q2] page 7 to 6OO, 593 pages. Errors in the paging : — p. 17 for 21, 20 for 24 ; — pages 203- 6-7-8 are misprinted 197-198-199-200 ;— p. 240 for 237; — after ))ago 239 follow pages 237, 237, 23 8, 239 ;— after p. 25 I are pp. 236, 249, 230, 231, 252, then page 26I, &c. follow; — pages 330 and 331 are misprinted 326, 327 ; — page 383 for 385 ;— p. 369 for 373 ; — p. 572 for 576 ; — pp. 394, 395, 596 are ]nisprintcd 390, 391, 59&. There arc one hundred and forty- three Coats of Arms on the various pages of letter-press, engraved on wood. DEVONSHIKK. \69 XXII. DAN MO Nil ORIENTALES ILLUSTRES: or, The Worthies of Devon, &c. (as in the pre- ceding Article.) By John Prince, Vicar of Berry Pomeioy, in the same County. A New Edition, with Notes. London : Printed for Rees and Curtis, Plymouth ; Edward Up- hani, Exeter; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Lon- don. 1810. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Honourable Hugh, Earl Fortescue, signed by the Editors. Preface to the New Edition, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, 4 pages. Alphabetical List of the Lives in the Worthies of Devon, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 6 pages. The Ej)istle Dedicatory by the Author, 1 page. An Apologetical Epistle to the Reader, 7 pages. Verses addressed to the Author, 6 pages. The Proemium, 5 pages. The Worthies of Devon, [b-5 g] 777 pages. Arms, Crests, and Mottoes of the Families treated of in this Work, p. 779-784, 6 pages. Arms of Families incidentally mentioned in the course of this Work, with Directions to the Binder for placing the En- gravings, 1 pages. Index, 10 pages. PLATES. 1. Portrait of Sir Bevil Grenville, setat. 39, 1640. Engraved by James Fitder, A.R.A. To face the Title. 2. Sir Francis Drake. Blood sc. p. 31.5. 3. Sir Richard Grenville, (named Sir Theobald Grenvil in the Description.) Engraved by James Fittler, A.R.A. p. 440. 4. Richard Hooker. H. R. Cook sc. p. 507- 5. George Monk, Duke of Albemarle. H. R. Cook sc. p. 58G. 6. Sir Walter Raleigh. Blood sc. p. QQQ- 7_8-9-io-l 1. Five Plates of Arms (145). Sufficld sc. p. 7S6. N.B. Some copies of this work were printed on Royal Paper. 170 DEVONSHIRE. XXIII. The Lives of all the Earls and Dukes of Devon- shire, descended from the renowned Sir William Cavendish, one of the Privy Counsellors to King Henry VIII. Illustrated with Reflections and Ob- servations on the most strikins; Passasjes in each Lite. Interspersed with some Particulars of the Lives, Cha- racters, and Genealogies of several great and eminent Men, their Contemporaries. To which is added, a short Account of the Rise, Progress, and present State of the Hi-ii Court of Chancery. By Mr. Grove of Richmond. London : Printed for the Author : and sold by J. Nourse, in the Strand; W. Sandby, in Fleet-street; and J. Coote, in Paternoster-row. mdcclxiv. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to William, the fourth Duke of Devonshire, dated Richmond, October 25, 1763, 4 pages. The Introduction, 7 pages. The Life of William, the first Earl of Devonshire, [a] 8 pages. The Life of William, the second Earl of Devonshire, [b] 4 pages. The Life of William, the third Earl of Devonshire ; of Christian, Countess Dowager of Devonshire, Wife of the second and Mother of the third Earl. — The Life of Charles Cavendish, Esq. Brother to the third Earl ; and the Life of William, the first Duke of Devonshire, [B3-Nn 2] 272 pages. The Life of William, second Duke of Devonshire, [*a-*q 2] 119 pages. The Life of William, third Duke of Devonshire, [tA-fi 2] 64 pages. Some Memoirs of William, fourth Duke of Devonshire, [t a-Jb] 10 pages. A Portrait of William, the third Duke of Devonshire, 1755, engraved by Binning, is prefixed to this work. DEVONSHIRE. 1/1 XXIV. A Genealogical Histohy of the Noble and Illus- trious Family of Courtenay. In Tliree Parts. The First giveth an Account of the Counts of Edessa, of that Family. The Second, Of that Branch that is in France. The Third, Of that Branch that is in England. " Paulum sepu/ta distut inert ice Celuta Virtus:' HoR. By Ezra Cleaveland, B.D. sometime Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford, and Rector of Iloniton in Devon. ExoN : Printed by Edw. Farley, at Shakespear's Head, near East-gate. 1735. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Honourable Sir William Courtenay, Bart. signed Ezra Cleaveland, 4 pages. To the Reader, 2 pages. The Genealogical History of the Noble Family of Courtenay. Three Parts, [a-4 h 2] 307 pages. Title-page :— " A Collection of Deeds and Instruments, and other Writings referred to in the Foregoing History.^' The Deeds and Instruments, with Errata, page 3 to 32, 30 pages. GENEALOGICAL TABLES. 1 . Of the Family of Josceline de Courtenay, Count of Edessa. p. 1. 2. Of the First Branch of the Family of Peter de Courtenay, Son of King Lewis le Gros. p. 45. 3. Of the Family of Robert de Courtenay, second Son of Peter de Courtenay, and Elizabeth his Wife. p. 70. 4. Of the Family of William de Courtenay, Son of Robert de Courtenay, second Son of Peter of France, p. 70. 5. Of the Seigneurs de Bleneau, de Villar, &c. page 82. 6. Of the Seigneurs de la Ferte-Loupiere, de Chevillon, S:c. page 88. 7. Of the Seigneurs de Arrablay, &c. and de la Ferte-Lou- piere. p. 97. 8. Of the Seigneurs de Tanlay. p. 101. l72 DEVONSHIRE. 9. Of the Seigneurs de Yerre. p. 106. 10. Of the Family of Reginald de Courtenay, who was the first of that Family that came into England, p. 113. 1 1 . Of the Family of Edward, Earl of Devonshire, Grandson of Hugh Courtenay, second Earl of Devonshire, and Elizabeth Bohun. p. 201. 12. Of the Family of Sir Hugh Courtenay of Haccomb, younger Brother of Edward, Earl of Devonshire, p. 238. 13. Of the Family of Powderham. p. 265. Errata :— Pages 115-1 14 for 114-115. XXV. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Devon, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. By Robert Fraser, AM. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. London: Printed by C. Macrae, mdccxciv. Quarto. 76 pages. With a folded Map of the Soil of Devonshire. XXVI. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Devon: with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of tlie Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. By Charles Vancouver. " Fructu, non Foliis, Arborem astima." London: Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge -street, 1808; and for Messrs. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster - row, in 1813, by B. M'^Millan, Bow-street, Covent-garden. Octavo, AQ\ pages. Illustrated with a folded coloured Map, exhibiting the political Divisions, with the Soil and Substance of the County of De- von, engraved by Neele, I8O6, twenty-nine Engravings, and seven folded Tables. 173 DORSETSHIRE. I. A Survey of Dorsetshire : containing the Anti- quities and Natural History of that County ; with a particular Description of all the Places of note, and antient Seats, which give light to many curious parts of English History, extracted from Doomsday I3ook and other valuable Records ; and a copious genealo- gical Account of Three Hundred of the principal Families, with their Arms fully described, and cu- riously engraved on Six folio Copper-plates. To which is prefix'd a Map of the County. Published from an original Manuscript written by the Reverend Mr. CoKER of Mapowder, in the said County. London : Printed for J. Wilcox, at the Green Dragon in Little Britain. MDCCXXXii.* Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Hon. George Dodington, Esq. one of the Lords of the Treasury. The Generall Description of the Countie of Dorset, [b-k k 2] 128 pages. The Names of the Persons (and Places) to whom the Arms be- long [l1] 4 pages. The Index, [Mm-pp] 16 pages. PLATES. Map of Dorsetshire, folded, and dedicated to George Doding- ton, Esq. by John Wilcox. R. W. Seale sc. To face the Title. The Six Plates of Arms, containing 312 Shields, follow p. 4 of the Names of Persons to whom they belong. * This very incorrect work was printed from the unconnected papers of Mr. Coker, which falling into the liatuls of ]Mr. Earbery, a nonjuriiif; clergyman, he issued Proposals for printinu it in 1727; hut not n)cetini; with encouragement, the manuscripts were sold by i)ini to Mr. Wilcox th*- Bookseller, who sent them into the world in their present unintelligible and imperfect state. See Gough, Br. Topog. vol. i. p. 319. 174 DORSETSHIRE. 11. The HisiORY and Antiquities of the County of Dorset : compiled from the best and most ancient Historians, Inqiilsitioue.s post Mortem, and other va- luable Records and MSS. in the public Offices and Libraries, and in private hands. With a Copy of Domesday Book, and the Inquisitio Gheldi for the County : interspersed with some remarkable Parti- culars of Natural History, and adorned with a cor- rect Map of the County, and Views of Antiquities, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, &c. By John HuTCHiNS, M.A. Rector of the Holy Trinity in Wareham, and of Swyre, in the County of Dorset. In Two Volumes. *' Nescio qua natale solum dulcedhie captos Ducit, et iinmemorcs mm shut esse sui. Re/iquite Troja ex ardente recept(£." London : Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, mdcclxxiv. Folio. VOL. L Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Hon. Henry Lord Digby; to the Earl of Ilchester ; to the Right Hon. Joseph Lord Milton ; to George Pitt, Es'j. to Humphry Stmt, Esq. to James Framp- ton, Esq. and to the rest of the NobiHty and Gentlemen of this County. Dated June 1, 1773. List of Subscribers, [*a-*b] 6 pages. Contents, 1 page. Preface, [b-c 2] p. i-viii. Introduction, [c-u 2] p. ix-lxxx. A Dissertation on Domesday Rook, Exeter Domesday Book, and Abbreviations in Domesday Book, [j-*F 2] p. 1-24. Domesday Book, p. i-xxix. Observations on the Inquisitio Gheldi, [j i-nn 2] p. 1-8. A Copv of InroUments of Incjuisitions taken in tlie Time of King Edward the First, touching Lands held of the Crown in Capite or by Knights' Service, so far as relates to the County of Dorset. Extracted from a very ancient Record in the King's Remembrancer's Office in the Court of Exchequer, DORSETSHIRE. 175 compiled by John Nevill, a Justice Itinerant 1 9 and 24 H. III. and known by the Name of Testa de Nevill, [cc-jcj;] p. 1-12, including an Extract from the Second ISong of Drayton's Polyolbion. Half Title, containing the Names of Places in Blandford Divi- sion. The History of the County of Dorset, [a 2-Nnn] 234 pages. Half Title ; containing the Names of Places in Bridport Divi- sion. The History of Dorsetshire continued, [ooo-4z2] p. 233-368. Half Title, containing the Names of Places in Dorchester Di- vision, [5 a] History of Dorsetshire continued, beginning with the Town and Borough of Dorchester, [5 a 2-7 n 2] p. 371-603. Appendix to Vol. I. [7o-7a 2] p. 604-6 16, and ending with the catch-word " Records." Additions and Corrections in the First Volume, [7 r] p. 617- 618. Errata := — p. 3-4 repeated, and follow; — p. 117for 131; — pp. 233-234 repeated; — p. 237, 238, 239, 240 are omitted; — p. l70for 27O; — p. 338 for 308; — p. 489, 490 for p. 490, 491; —p. 669 for 569. PLATES. 1. A Map of Dorsetshire from actual Surveys and Records of the County, by J. Bayly, 1773. Folded sheet. To face the Title. 2-3. Town Pieces and Tradesmen's Tokens of the County of Dorset. Dedicated to William Cuming, M.D. F.R.S. Hall sc. To face page 80 of the Introduction. 4. Plan of the Town of Poole. Dedicated to Col. Thomas Calcraft and Joshua Mauger, Esq. Folded, p. 3. 5. Plan of Wareham. Dedicated to John Calcraft, Esq. p. 15. 6. North View of St. Mary's Church in Wareham. Dedi- cated to Mrs. Turner, of Penleigh in Wiltshire. Bavly sc. p. 34. 7. The Font at Winterborn Whitchurch. W. Shave del. Ba- sire sc. p. 68. 8. Bryanston, the Seat of Henry William Portman, Esq. Folded. W.Tomkins pinx. V. M. Picot sc. p. 87. 9. The Mazes at Pimpern : on St. Annes Hill and at Clifton near Nottingham. — Damory Oak near Blandford, with Plan. Folded. John Bastard del. 1758. Bayly sc. 1771. p. 100. 10. West LuUworth Cove, and South-east View of Bindon \76 ' DORSETSHIRE. Abbey, both belonging to E'^ Weld, Esq. James Ba- sire sc. p. 129. 1 1 . North-east View of Lullworth Castle, the Seat of Edward Weld, Esq. ; taken from Heath Hill. J. Taylor del. James Basire sc. 1773- P- 140. 12. South-west View of Lullworth Castle, taken from the Grove, Giles Husseydel. James Basire sc. 1774. p. 140. 13. North-west View of Moreton, the Seat of James Frampton, Esq. Isaac Taylor del. Wm. Woollett sc. p. 147. 14. Monument in Memory of Mary, Daughter of Joseph Houl- ton, Esq. and Wife of James Frampton, Esq. Dedicated . to Robert and John Houlton, Esqrs. Is. Taylor del. Ross. J. Caldwell sc. p. 149. 15. Plan of the Town and Castle of Corfe, surveyed and drawn by Ralph Treswell in 1586. Dedicated to Richard Gough, Esq. Folded, p. 177. 16. Two Views of Corfe Castle in its original state, and King- ston Hall, the Seat of Henry Bankes, Esq. p. 182. 17. Encombe in Dorsetshire, a Seat of John Pitt, Esq. Folded. W. Tompkins del. V. M. Picot sc. p. 1 87- 18. Three Views of Agglestone and Barrow, with Plans. Bayly sc. p. 217. 19. South-east View of Brownsea Castle and Island, the sum- mer Seat of H.Sturt^ Esq. p. 219. 20. Plan of the Borough of Bridport, and South-east View of Bridport Church. Folded. B. Pryce del. Bayly sc. p. 241. 21. Plan of I^ggerdon Hill. p. 289- 22. South Front of Abbots Wooton House, the Seat of the Right Hon. Joseph Lord Milton, to whom this'Plate is inscribed. T. Bonnor sc. p. 330. 23. East View of Came, the Seat of John Damer, Esq. p. 345. 24. Plan of the Town of Dorchester. B. Price del. Bayly sc. p. 371. 25. North-east View of the Town of Dorchester, and of the Village of Forthington. Dedicated to Mr. Samuel Gould. Folded, p. 372. 26. Figure of Mercury fo'md in a Garden in Dorsetshire. J. J. Barralet del. V. M. Picot sc. — And a tesselated Roman Pavement found in a Garden in the same County. Joh. Pitt, Arm. del. V. M. Picot sc. p. 383. 27. Plan of the Town of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis. De- dicated to William Chafin Grove of Waddon, and to Gabriel Steward, Esqrs. Folded. Hall sc. p. 400. DORSETSHIRE. ]77 £8. South-east View of Wolveton House, the ancient Scat of the Trenchard Family, and dedicated to WiUiam Trcnchard, Esq. W. Walker sc. p. 453. 29, 30, 31. Anns of the Trenchard Family in the Windows of Wolveton House, numbered A, B, C, and inscribed to John Trenchard, Esq. p. 454. 32. Kingston, a Seat of John Pitt, Esq. Folded. W. Tomp- kins del. V. M. Picot sc. p. 463. 33. Plan of Maiden Castle, p. 467. 34. Milbourn St. Andrew, the Seat of Edm"^. Morton Pleydell, Esq. W. Tompkins pinx, Peter Mazell sc. p. 480. 35. East View of Melbury Sampford. Dedicated to Stephen, Earl of llchester, and to Elizabeth, Countess of II- chester. B. Pryce del. W. Walker sc. p. 513. 36. South View of Strangways Castle. Dedicated to Elizabeth, Countess of llchester. C. Hall sc. p. 539. 37. Fleet House, a Seat of George Gould, Esq. B. Pryce del. V. M. Picot sc. p. 545. 38. An ancient Pair of Snuffers, and a Ring found in the Parish of St. Peter, Portesham. Basire sc. p. 555. 39. Plans of the Roman Amphitheatre, and of Poundbury, a Roman Camp, near Dorchester. B Pryce del. J. Bayly sc. p. 575. 40. Upway House, a Seat of George Gould, to whom this Plate is dedicated. B. Pryce del. Bayly sc. p. 596. 4 1 . The Pulpit in Aff-Piddle Church. Dedicated to the Rev. Samuel Lambert Milbourne, M.A. Vicar of Aff-Piddle. Bayly sc. p. 61 6. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. A Gold Coin of Edward HI. found on the Sea Shore near Abbot's Bury in 1747. p. 80 of the Introduction. 2. A Prospect of the Town of Poole from the West End of Bruncksey Island. J. Bastard del. J. Mynde sc. p. 3. 3. A small oaken Vessel or drinking Cup. On p. 26. 4. Roman Camp on Woodbury Hill. p. 39- 5. Coal Money discovered near Smedmore. p. 197« 6. St. Aldhelm's Chapel and Plan. p. 2a8. 7. The Cobb Walk at Lyme Regis, p. 255. 8. The Arms and Seal of "the Town and Borough of Dorchester. C. Hall sc. p. 371. 9. Ancient Stone Chiinney-picce formerly in the Mcaragc House at Southovcr. p. 499. 10. Ruins at Abbotsbury. p. 532. 2 a 178 DOHSETSIIlRIi. 11. The Cromlech at Punknoll. J.Ames del. p. 554. 12. Portland Island. On p. 582. 13. Ruins of the Parson age -house on Portland Island, p. 590. PEDIGREE. The Pedigree of the Family of Oglander, a folded Sheet. To face p. 272. VOL. II. Title-page as to the first Volume. Contents of Vol. II. Half I'itle : — " Shaftsbury Division," &c. forming pages 1-2. History of Dorsetshire continued, beginning with the " Town and Borough of Shaftsbury," [a 2-6 r 2] 528 pages. After p. 240 is a Half Title: — " Sherborn Division," forming pages 241-242. Index of Places, [6 t-6 y 2 : — signature 6 s is omitted] 16 pages. Index of Persons, [6 z-7 d 2] p. 1 7-36. Index of Arms of Nobility and Gentry residing or concerned in the County of Dorset, [7 e-7 f 2] p. 37-43. Index of Arms of Persons who had some relation to the County of Dorset by Marriage, or as Benefactors, &;c. p. 44-46. Index of Arms unknown, p. 47-8. Index of Arms unblazoned. p. 49-50. Miscellaneous Index and Glossary, with Additions, and Correc- tions in the second Volume, [7h 2-7 k 2] p. 51-60. List of Plates and Pedigrees to both Volumes, p. 61. Errors in the paging : — pp. 117, H8, 119, 1 20, for pp. 125- 1 28 J— p. 250 for 258 ;— pp. 270-27 1 for p. 266, 267 j— p. 488 for p. 448 ;— p. 848 for 488. PLATES. !_, 2. South-east View of Critchill House, the Seat of Hum- phry Stmt, Esq. Dorsetshire, 1774, and Plan of the House, p. 49. 3. Perspective View from the South of Winborn Minster, en- graved at the Expense of the* Ministers and Inhabitants, to whom it is inscribed, p. 91- 4. Plan of Winborn Minster, engraved at the Expense of Mr. William Percy, and inscribed to him. p. 91- 5. North-west View of Merly Mouse, in the Parish of Great Canford, engraved at the Expense of Ralj)h Willett, Esq. to whom this Plate is inscribed. T. Bonnor sc. p. 109. 6. Charborough, the Seat of Thos. Erie Drax, Esq. J. Taylor del, Ross. T. Bonnor sculp, dir', p. 183. DORSETSTIIRE. 179 7. South-east View of Wimbourn (Wiuborn) St. Giles, the Seat of Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. Thos. Vivares sc. p. 21 6. 3. The East front of Winbourn St. Giles. B. Pryce of Dor- chester del. W. Walker sc. p. 216. 9. Stalbridge Cross, with its Ornaments. R. G. del. J. Ba- sire sc. p. 245. 10. Castle Hill, the Seat of Fitz Foy, Esq. Sir W. Chambers Arch'. B. Pryce del. V. M. Picot sc. p. 257. 11. South Elevation of Chantmarle House. Engraved at the Expense of Sir William Oglander of Parnham, Bart, to whom this Plate is inscribed, p. 283. 12. Cerne Abbas Church. — Gate of the Abbey at Cerne Abbas. Engraved at the Expense of, and dedicated to, George Pitt of Stratfield Say, Esq. B. Pryce del. Bayly sc. p. 292. 13. Plumber, the Seat of Charles Brune, Esq. W. Tomkins pinx. P. Mazell sc, p. 359. 14. Sherborne Castle, the Seat of the Right Hon. Lord Digby. Folded. W. Tomkins pinx. V. M. Picot sc. p. 390. 15. North-west View of Milton Abbey, the Seat of the Right Hon. Joseph Lord Milton. Edw. Rooker sc. p. 438. 16. Clifton Gateway, belonging to Edw. Walter, Esq. W. Tom- kins del. V. M. Picot sc. p. 461. 17. Woolcombe Hall, the Seat of Lawrence Cox, Esq: Folded. J. Crunden Arch'. Mayor del. et sc. p. 462. N. B. This plate is 720/ in the Second Edition. 18. A perspective View of the Seat of Sir John Smith, Bart, at Sydling St. Nicholas^ to whom this Plate is inscribed. Bayly sc. p. 486. PLATES ON" THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. Seal of the Town of Shaftsbury. C. Hall sc. 1772. p. 3. 2. Seals of the Corporation of Shaftsbury for Warrants, Pub- lic Acts, Sec. and the Seal of the Official of Dorset. C. Hall sc. p. 40. 3. Ancient Buildings at Great Canford. p. 100. 4. Ground Plan of these Buildings, p. 107- 5. Grave-stone, with a Brass Fret, in Lichct-Maltravers Churcii. p. 117. G. A Stone Barn belonging to Cerne Abbey, p. 281. 7. Figure of a Giant cut in Chalk on Tren'dle Hill near Cerue Abbas, p. 293. S. King Athelstan and his Queen, p. 443. 9. Inscription over the Tower of Piddle Trenthide Church. p. 483. 180 DORSETSHIRE. PEDIGREES. 1. Pedigree of the Family of Husee or Hussey. A" folded Sheet. To face p. 68. 2. Pedigree of Trenchard of Wolveton and Litchet-Matravers. Folded. To face p. 1 16. 3. Pedigree of the Right Hon. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftsbury. A folded Sheet, p. 21 6. 4. Pedigree of the Family of Coker. A folded Sheet, p. 263. 5. Pedigree of the Family of Pitt. A folded Sheet, p. 318. 6. Pedigree of Ryves of Damory Court and Ranston. A folded Sheet, p. 320. 7. Pedigree of Digby. Afolded Sheet, p. 390, (numbered 427.) 8. The Pedigree of Bingham of Melcomb Bingham. Afolded Sheet. To front p. 426. Q. Pedigree of Napier. A folded Sheet, p. 477. III. The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset : compiled from the best and most ancient Historians, Inquisitiones post Mortem, and other va- luable Records and MSS. in the public Offices and Libraries, and in private hands. With a Copy ot Domesday Book and the Inquisitlo Gheldi for the County ; interspersed with some remarkable Parti- culars of Natural History, and adorned with a coi- rect Map of the County, and Views of Antiquities, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, &c. By John ' HuTCHiNS, M.A. Rector of the Holy Trinity in Wareham, and of Swyre, in the County of Dorset. The Second Edition, corrected, augmented, and improved. In Three (Four) Volumes. (By the late- Richard Gough, Esq.) " Nescio qua natale solum dulcedine captos Ducit, et immemores non sinit esse sui. Reliquidc Troja ex ardente receptee" London: Printed by John Nichols: and sold by G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-row ; T. Payne, Castle-street, St. Martin's : by Mr. Sollers, Blandford; and Mr. De la Motte, Weymouth, mdccxcvi. Folio. DORSETSHIRE. 181 VOL. I. Title-page as before. Divisions, Hundreds, and Places contained in this First Volume, 2 pages. Introduction, [f-nn] p. xxi-cxli.f Half Title :— " Blandford Division." Historical Part, beginning with the History of Poole, [a-7 p] 6 10 pages, ending with the catch-word "Addenda." Half Title : — " Bridport Division," between p. 374-377- List of Plates and Pedigrees in Vol. I. Errata : — pages 391-4 [3 f 2-3] are repeated with an *, and follow p. 390; — p. 33 1-2 [6 S3] are repeated with an *, and follow p. 532. PLATES. 1, 2, 3. Town Pieces and Tradesmen's Tokens. Hall sc. p. 141 of the Introduction. 4. Plan of the Town of Poole, p. 1 of the Historical Part. 5. Town Cellar at Poole, and Remains of St. Martin's Church atWareham. Basire sc. p. 11. 6. Plan of Wareham. p. 35. 7. North View of St. Mary's Church in Wareham. Bayly sc. p. 59. 8. A Roman Camp near Bere Regis (Ibernium), Dors^ 9.1un. 1724. Stukeley del. E. Kirkall sc. p. 81. 9. Monuments in Bere Church; viz. of the Turbervilles and Skernes. Rev. T. Rackett and Le Chev. de Barde del. P.Roberts sc. p. 88. 10. Whatcombe House, the Seat of Edmund Morton Pleydell, Esq. Rich. Kerby del. J. Landseer direx'. 1814. p. 1J4. 11. The Pulpit in Aff-Piddle Church. Bayly sc. p. 121. 12. Blandford Old Church, and Plan. p. 134. 13. Blandford New Church, and Plan. p. 134. 14. Bryanston, the Seat of Henry V/illiam Portman, Esq. J. Laporte del. J. Emes sc. p. 158. 15. Langton House, the Seat of James John Farquharson, Esq. Engraved by James Basire. p. 173. 16. The Mazes at Pimpern, on St. Annes Hill, and at Clifton near Nottingham, &c. Folded. John Bastard del. 1758. Bayly sc. 1771. p. 175. t The preceding pa:v. Contents of the Fourth Volume, 2 pages. Advertisement, and List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Mr. Hutchins's Dedication to the Fir:-.t Edition, dated .Tune 1, 1773. Mr. Hutchins's Preface to the First Edition : — Account of the Rev. Charles Godwyn, R.D. p. vii-xxii. Dedication of the Second Edition: — "To William Morton Pitt, Esq. ^LP. for the County, signed John Bellasis, Major-Ge- neral in the Service of the East India Company, and dated Bombay, Dec. 10, 1S03." Preface to the Second Edition, signed John Bellasis, p. xxv-xxvi. Biographical Anecdotes of John Hutchins, M.A. Bv the Rev. George Bingham, B,D. p. xxvii-xxxii. An Accounv of some British Antiquitie?. hitherto unnoticed in the Neighbourhood of West Woodyates, in tlie County of Dorset. By Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. F.R.S. F.S.A. p. xxxiii-xhi. A Dissertation on Domesday Book, and Errata, [a-:\i] 45 pages. Title : — " Translation of the Record called Domesday, so far as it relates to the County of Dorset. By the Rev. Vv'illiam Bawdvven, \"icar of Hooton Pagne'!, Yorkshire." 19^ DORSETSHIRE. Translation of Domesday, &c. [n-ec] p. 49-110. The History of Dorsetshire continued, beginning with "The Hundred "of Sherbourne/' [b-*4o 2] p. l-*327. List of Plates and Pedigrees, forming p.*328. Half Title. Addenda et Corrigenda to the Four Volumes, [4n-*5q2] p.321-*426. Additional List of Plates, forming page *426. Abstract of the Population Act, [5n-3r2] p. 413-432. Index of Places, [5 s-5 x, misprinted 4 s-4 x] p. 433-448. Index of Persons, &c. [5y] p. 449, to the end of the volume. Erratum : — p. 622 for 262 ; and pages 321-326 have an *. PLATES. 1 . A New (folded) Map of the County of Dorset divided into Hundreds by R. Rowe, 1813. To front the Title. 2. Portrait of John Hutchins, A.M. Rector of Wareham and Swyre, and Author of the History and Antiquities of Dor- set. Cantlo Bestland pinxit. J. CoUimore sculp. To face the Memoir. 3-4_5_6. Plates of Tumuli at Woodyates, (numbered xxxi- xxxiv. From Sir R. C. Hoare's Account of Ancient Wiltshire. P. Crocker del. J. Basire sc. p. 35 of Sir R. C. Hoare's Letter. 7. Groupe of Barrows near Woodyates. From Sir R. C. Hoare's Account of Ancient Wiltshire. P. Crocker del. J. Basire sc. p. 35 of ditto. 8. Bradford Abbas Church, p. 4 of the Historical Part. a, Portrait of Dr. Nathaniel Highmore. A. Blooteling fee. p. 26. 10. Compton House, the Seat of Robert Goodden, Esq. J. La- porte del. J. Ernes sc. p. 44. 1 1 . Plumber, the Seat of Charles Brune, Esq. W. Tomkins pinx. P. Maxell sc. p. 62. 12. Plan of Sherborne. Reduced by Jos. Ayres in 1802, from a Plan taken from actual Survey by J. Ladd, 1 735. Folded, p. 75. 13. Almshouse at Sherborne. — Abbey House. — Bank. — Con- duit. — Unknown Portrait at Sherborne School, Dates, &:c. E. T. Percy del. p. 98. 14. The Abbey House, Shcrbourne. Drawn and etched by J. C. Buckler, p. 98. 15. S.W. View of Sherborne Church. T. Buckler del. Collyer sc. p. 101. DORSE rSII IRE. 193 16. Monks' Stalls. — Monument of au Al)bot. — Inside of the Tower. — Arms, Bell, &c. &c. p. 102. 17. Monumental Figures of Sir John Horsey and his Son; — of John Lewston and Joane his Wife ; — also the Abbey Barn at Sherbourne. p. 109- 18. Monuments of Bishops Poore and Wyvil at Salisbury. J. Carter del. et sc. p. 122. 19. Sherborne Castle. Folded. T. Rackett del. T. Aiken fee. p. 132. 20. Sherborne Lodge, the Seat of the Right Hon. Edward Earl Digby. Drawn by J. Buckler, F.S.A. Engraved by George Cooke, p. 133. 21. The New Inn at Sherbourne. p. 136. 22. Portrait of Giles Hussey, Esq. aetat. 63. From a Copy of an original Drawing by himself, in the possession of T. Weld, Esq. p. 154. 23. Proportions of a Man's Head, by Mr. Hussey. p. 157. 24. Monument at Marnhull. — Melcomb Horsey Church. — Do- mestic Chapel at Melcomb Horsey, p. 166. 23. North-west View of Milton Abbev, the Seat of the Earl of Dorchester, (now of Lady Caroline Damer.) I'^dw. Rooker sc. p. 220. 26. Stone Seats, &c. at Milton Abbas. Inscriptions in Obourne Church, &:c. p. 225. 27. Portrait of the Rev. George Marsh, A.M. Rector of Eur- leston with Athelhampstone, Vicar of Milton Abbas, and Author of a Volume of Sermons. P. Roberts sc — A cu- rious ancient Seal of some religious Foundation of King Athelstan. C. Hall sc. — Figures of King Athelstan and his Queen, p. 231. 28. Sydling House in Sir Wm. Smith's time, and as it was let to the Farmer, before it was made the Mansion-house by Sir John Smith, Bart, in its present state, p. 302. 29. Modern View of Sydling House, the Seat of Sir John (Wyldbore) Smith, Bart. Corbould del. Walker sc. — and' Monument for Elizabeth Lady Smith. Chenu & Lancashire fee. Walker sc. p. 302. 30. Portrait of Browne Willis, Esq. Dahl pinx. M. Tyson del. 1771. p. 335. 31. Monument at Tarent Hinton, and Winterbourne Zelstnn Font. p. 344. 32. Downc Hall, the Seat of WiUiam Downc, Esq. p. 365. 2 c 194 DOKS£TSHIIlE. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PEESS. 1. Polke House, p. 48. 2. Seal of Sherbouriie Abbey, p. 97. 3. A Benedictine Nun of Marnhull. p. 164. 4. Bincomb Parsonage and Church. I.W. del. p. 383 of " Additions." PEDIGREES. 1. Of the Family of Digby. Folded, p. 133. 2. Of the Family of Bingham of Melcomb Bingham. Folded. p. 203. 3. Of the Family of Napier. Folded, p. 286. N. B. At the same time that the first edition of this valuable work was printing, an abstract of it appeared in quarto, con- sisting of 30 pages, and two plans of Corfe Castle, for the fur- ther benefit of the Author's Widow and Daughter, entituled " A View of the principal Towns, Seats, Antiquities, and other re- markable Particulars in Dorset. Compiled from Mr. Hut- chins's History of that County. London : Printed in the year MDCCLXXIII." IV. The Civil Division of the County of Dorset methodically digested and arranged : containing Lists of the princi})al Civil IVIagistrates and Officers, with their Salaries, Fees, &c. and a complete Nomina ViLLARUM, in Four Parts : consisting of all the Di- visions, Hundreds, }3oroughs, Liberties, Towns, Pa- rishes, Chapelries, Tithings, Villages, Hamlets, Sec. and the Proportions of the Land Tax and County Rate charged on each. Also a List of the County and other Bridges, with the standinji Rules of the Quarter Sessions, &c. To which is added an Ap- |)endix, comprising an Abstract of the Returns made by the Minister and Churchwardens of every Parish, &c. relative to charitable Donations for the Benelit of poor Persons. By Edward Boswell. Sherborne: Printed by W. Cruttwell. (1/95.) Octavo. Printed on a fine thick wove Paper, without signatures. Half Title. Title-page as above. DORSETSHIRE. lyj Advertisement, dated Sherborne, Dec. 1795. — Errata and Ad- denda, 2 pages. Dedication to the Right Hon. George Lord Rivers. List of Subscribers, 3 pages. The Civil Division, &c. p. i-xxii. List of Fees, [Schedule a-h] 6 pages. Preliminary Observations, &e. 4 pages. The Names of all the Towns, Parishes, and Chapelries within the County of Dorset, in alphabetical Order, 39 pages. The Names of the Parishes, Vills, Parochial Chapelries, &c. of the County, in alphabetical Order, p. 41-53. The Names of the Divisions, and the Hundreds, Boroughs, and Liberties composing them, Sec. Part III. p. 55-64. Totals of the Hundreds, Boroughs, Liberties, and Tithings in each Division, &;c. 1 page. The Names of the Divisions, and the Hundreds, Boroughs, and Liberties composing the same ; also the Tithings within each Hundred, Borough, and Liberty, in alphabetical Order. Part IV. p. 65-74. A List of all the Stone Bridges within the County, in alpha- betical Order, p. 73-86. Standing Rules of the Quarter Sessions, and Extracts of parti- cular Orders, p. 87-106. A Table of Distances from every Town in the County to each other ; and also the Distances from each of those Towns to London, p. 107. Appendix : — Abstract of Returns made by the Ministers and Churchwardens of charitable Donations in the County of Dorset, 64 pages. Index to the Names of the Donors, 3 pages. General Index, 22 pages. N. B. Between pages 8 and 9 of the Appendix are four pages of Opinions given upon the Case drawn by the Executors ap- pointed under the Will of Mr. Francis Kingston. V. A History of the Antient Town of Shaftes- bury, from the Founder, Alfied the Great ; partly selected from Hutchins : containing an Account of the Abbey, Churches, Nuns, Clergy, Representatives in Parliament, Recorders, Mayors, &c. ; also of the 196 DORSETSIllKK. eminent Persons ^vho have resided in the Town and its Neighbourhood. — Published by T, Adams, Shaftes- bury. Sherborne : Printed by J. Cruttwp.ll ; and sold by all Book- sellers. Duodecimo. No date. Title-page as above. Libt of Subscribers, 5 pages. History of Shaftesbury, [n-Ee5] 221 pages. With a Portrait of Alfred the Great, Founder of Shaftesbury, engraved by T.J. Woodman, to front the Title. VI. The History and Axtiquities of Sherbourne, in the CouNTV of Dorset. By John Hutchins, M.A. Rector of the Holy Trinity in Wareham, and of Swyre, in the County of Dorset. Augmented and continued to the present Trnie by Richard Gough, Esq. and John-Bouyer Nichols, F.L.S. Adorned with a Plan of the Town, and other Plates. London : Printed by and for Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passatre, Fleet-street : and sold by Mr. Penny and Mr. Hodges, Booksellers, Sherbourne. 1815. Folio. Title-page as above, with the Contents and List of Plates on the reverse. The Parish and Town of Sherbourne, beginning with p. 7-5 to 130. PLATES. 1. A folded Plan of Sherborne, p. 75. Seal of Sherborne Abbey. On the letter-press of p. 97. 2. St. Augustine's Hospital' or Almshouse, Abbey House, Bank, Conduit, &c. E. T. Percy del. p. 98. 3. S.W. View of Sherborne Church. J. Buckler del. Col- * Iyer so. p. 101. 4. Monks' Stalls, Monument of an Abbot, &c. p. 102. 5. Abbey Barn, Monuments of the Horseys, Lewstons, &;c. p. 109. 6. Monuments of Bishops Poore and Wyvil at Salisbury. p. 122. DORSETSHIRE. !97 7. Sherborne Castle. Folded. T. Rackett del. T. Aiken fee. p. 132. The Pedigree of the Digby Family, folded, to face p. 133. %* A View of Sherbourne Lodge, (to face p. 132) and anothet of the New Inn at Sherbourne, (to face p. 136,) are announced as being in the hands of the Engraver, and will be soon published. — (June 15.) N. B. This Topographical Description of Sherbourne, as well as the following article of Milton Abbas, forms a part of the fourth Volume of Hutchins's History, which may account for the irregularity of the paging: but a few additional impressions both of letter-press and plates were worked off by the publishers, with a view to accommodate such individuals, either natives of the town or otherwise, as might wish to be possessed of these interesting portions of the County of Dorset. VII. The History and Antiquities of i\IiLTON AebAs, in the County of Dorset. The Title-page printed on the Letter-press, beginning with page 207, and continued to page 233. 7/oUo. PLATES. 1 . The North-west View of Milton Abby, the Seat of the Right Hon. Jos'' Earl of Dorchester. Edw. Rooker sc. p. 220. 2. Stone Seats at Milton Abbas, &c. p. 225. 3. Portrait of the Rev. George Marsh, A.M. Rector of Bur- leston with Athelhampstone, P. Roberts sc. — A curious ancient Seal. C. Hall sc. — Figures of King Athelstan and his Queen, p. 231. VIII. The History of the Town and County of Poole ; compiled from Hutchins's History of the County of Dorset: with a clironological List of Mayors froi^i the Year 14.90 to tlic present Time. To which is 198 DORSETSHIRE. added a Supplement, containing several curious and interesting Particulars, with many Additions and Coi- rections by the Editor. Printed for Joseph Moore, Bookseller, Poole, mdcclxxxvih. Octavo, 87 pages. IX. A Description of the Library at Merly, in the County of Dorset. (English and French.) " T)omus antra flier unt, Et densl Frutlccs, et vincttc C.ortice Virgte.'' Ovid. Metani. London : Printed for the Author, Ralph Willett, Esq. Dean- street, Soho, by John Nichols. 1785. Title-page as above, with large Vignette. Ralph Willett inv. Wm. Collins del. James Caldwell sc. Dedication to the King, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 2 pages. Descriptive Part, in double Columns, in English and French, [b-a] 14 pages. PLATES. 1. The general Arrangement of the Cieling; in the centre, Britannia introducing George IIL to the Temple of Fame. In outline. Ralph Willett inv. Wm. CoUins fee. James Record sc. Folded, p. 1. 2. Ground Plan of the Library, and Quarter round of the Center Compartments. Ralph Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Record sc. p. 2. 3. The Book Case. Ralph Willett inv. James Record sc. p. 2. 4. Zoroa-ster. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Cald- well sc. p. 3. 5. Mahomet. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Re- cord sc. p. 3. 6. Moses. Folded. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Record sc. p. 3. 7. Christ. Folded. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Caldwell sc. p. 4. 8. Alfred. R. Willett inv. Wm. CoUins fee. James Record sc. p. 5. DORSETSHIRE. 199 9. Confucius. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Cald- well sc. p. 5. 10. Osiris. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Record sc. p. 5. 11. Manco Capac. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Caldwell sc. p. 6. 12. Painting. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Record sc. p. 7. 13. Sculpture. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Re- cord sc, p. 7. 14. Geography. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Re- cord sc. p. T . 13. Astronomy. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Re- cord sc. p. 7- 16. Patagonia. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Cald- well sc. p. 7" 17. Otaheite. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Cald- well sc. p. 8. 18. Egypt. Ralph Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Re- cord sc. p. 9. 19. Athens. James Stuart inv. Wm. Collins fee. Wm. Sharp sc. p. 10. 50. Britannia. Folded. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. Wil- liam Sharp sc. p. 1 1. 21. Tablets of the Chimnies, Terms, and angular Ornaments. R. Willett inv. Wm. Collins fee. James Record sc. p. 13. 22. Athens in its flourishing state. R. Willett inv. Rich. Wil- son pinx. B. T. Pouney sc. p. 13. 23. Athens in its present state of Ruin. R. Willett inv. Sal. Delane pinx. B. T. Pouney sc. p. 13. X. Figures of Mosaic Pavements discovered near Frampton in Dorsetshire. (Published by Sa- muel Lysons, Esq.) (London :) Sold by J. White, Cadell and Da\ies, and T. Payne. MDcccviii. Imp. folio. A coloured Title-page as above. List of Plates. Account of a Discovery of MosaiaPavements near Frampton, in the years 1794 and 1796, 6 pages. 200 DOESETSIIIRE. COLOURED PLATES, (Drawn by the Author, and engraved by J.Warner.) i. View near Frampton in Dorsetshire, shewing the situation of the Mosaic Pavements discovered in the Nunnery Meadow. ii. Plan of the Nunnery Meadow, the River Frome, &:c. iii. Plan of the Mosaic Pavements discovered near Frampton. iv. V. vi. vii. Figures of the Mosaic Pavements. (PI. v. folded.) N. B. This curious work forms the Third Number of the '' Reliquice Romance," but may be purchased separately. XL General View of the Agriculture in the County of Dorset ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvemenr. By John Claridge, of Craig's Court, London. London: Printed by W. Smith, mdccxciii. Q/^flr/o, 49 pages. XIL General View of the Agriculture of the County of Dorset ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. ■ By William Stevenson, Author of the Agricul- tural Report ot Surrey. London : Printed byB. M'"Millan, Bow-street. Covent-garden : sold by G. and W. Nicol, Pall Mall ; and Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-row. 1812. Odaw, 498 pages, and Index, 3 pages. With a folded coloured Map of the Soil of Dorsetshire, engraved by Neelo, to front the Title. 201 DURHAM. The History and Antiquities of the County Pa- latine of Durham. By William Hutchin- son, F.A.S. In Three Volumes. Newcastle : Printed for Mr. S. Hodgson ; and Messrs. Robin- sons, Paternoster-row, London, mdcclxxxv. Quarto.* VOL. I. An engraved Title-page, with a Vignette, being " An inside View of the Ruins of Lindisfarn Church." Bailey del. et sc. 1785. Dedication to the Hon^'^ and Right Reverend John Egerton, Bishop of Durham, with an Advertisement on the reverse, dated Barnard Castle, Jan. 1, 1786, 4 pages. Introduction, [a-e 2] 36 pages. The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, [E3-4 14] 592 pages. PLATES. !. Portrait of Dr. Richard Fox, Bishop of Durham, p. 371. 2. Portrait of Cardinal Wolsey. p. 401. 3. Portrait of Dr. Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham. p. 411. 4. Durham Coinage. Beilbysc. p. 444. 5. Portrait of Matthew Hutton, Bishop of Durham, p. 466. 6. Portrait of Tobias Matthew, Bishop of Durham, p. 471. 7. Portrait of Dr. John Howson, Bishop of Durham, p. 494. * In the year 1784, Mr. Hutchinson printed, in a quarto pamphlet of ten pages, and illustrated with two plates on the letter-press, "An Address to the Subscribers for the History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham ; with a Sketch of the Materials from whence the intended Publication is compiled;" in which may be seen the original conditions of the Author with respect to its publication, which was at that time in the press; viz. that it would be "comprised in two large volumes quarto, printed on a fine paper, with an elegant new type, and embellished with a number of copper-plates by the best artists, price Two Guineas in boards;" and likewise, " that afew copies would be printed on RoyaL PaPEII foi the curious." 2D 202 ' DURHAM. 8. Portrait of Dr. Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham, p. 495. 9. Portrait of Dr. John Cosin, Bishop of Durham, p. 532. 10. Portrait of Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham. p. 555. U. Portrait of William Talbot, Bishop of Durham, p. 566. 12. Portrait of Edward Chandler, Bishop of Durham, p. 574. 13. Portrait of Dr. Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham, p. 575. 14. Portrait of the Honorable and Reverend Richard Trevor, Lord Bishop of Durham, died gth June i771, aet. 64. R. Hutchinson del. J. Collyer sc. p. 580. 15. Portrait of John Egerton, Bishop of Durham. From a Model by Gausset, and engraved by F. Bartolozzi. p. 589. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1 . Head-piece to the Introduction. Bailey del. et fee. 2. Antique Figure found at Middleby. p. vi of the Introduc- tion. 3. Roman Altar, p. xi of the Introduction. 4. Coin of King Alfred, p. 25 of the Historical Part. 5. The Seal of Edgar King of Scotland, p. 14 1. 6. The Arms of Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, p. l65. 7. The Seal of Anthony Bek, Bishop of Durham, p. 255. 8. Arms of Lewis Beaumont, Bishop of Durham, p. 282. 9. Arms of Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, p. 31 1. 10. Seal of John Fordham, Bishop of Durham, p. 319. 11. Arms of Walter Skirlaw, Bishop of Durham, p. 324. 12. Arms of Cardinal Thomas Langley, Bishop of Durham. p. 335. 13. Arms of Robert Nevill, Bishop of Durham, p. 339. 14. Arms of Laurence Booth, Bishop of Durham, p. 359. 15. Arms of William Dudley, Bishop of Durham, p. 364. 16. Arms of Richard Fox, Bishop of Durham, p. 379. 1 7. Arms of Christopher Bainbrigg, Bishop of Durham, p. 385 . 18. Arms of Thomas Ruthall, Bishop of Durham, p. 399- 19. Arms of Cardinal Wolsey. p. 409. 20. Arms of James Pilkington, Bishop of Durham, p. 458. 21. Arms of Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, p. 466. 22. Arms of Matthew Hutton, Bishop of Durham, p. 47 I. 23. Seal of William James, Bishop of Durham. Engraved by 11. Bailey, p. 481. 24. Seal of Richard Neile, Bishop of Durham, p. 489. 25. Seal of John Hovvson, Bishop of Durham, p. 494. DURHAM. 203 26. Arms of George Monteigne, Bishop of Durham, p. 494. i7. Seal of Dr. Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham, p. 506. 28. Seal of Charles II. during the Vacation of the See of Dur- ham, from 1671 to 1674. p. 554. 29. The Arms of the See impaling those of Egerton. As a tail-piece to p. 592. VOL. II. Engraved Title, with a Vignette " View of Durham from Castle Chair." Maria Pixeil del. 1782. Bailey sc. 1783. Published MDCCLXXXVII. Introduction, 3 pages. History of the County Palatine of Durham continued, [a 3-4 1 2] 616 pages. Errata: — Page 319 is misprinted 219 j and p. 533 is num- bered 537- PLATES. 1 . The Charter granted by Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, to the Burgesses of the City of Durham, with the Con- firmation of Bishop Pudsey's Charter by Pope Alex- ander III. 1 179 or 1 180. Folded. Stephens sc. p. 3. (The same as in Allan's Sherburn Hospital.) 2. (N. Elevation of) Durliam (Cathedral or) Abbey, from Ad- measurement by G. Nicholson, Arch*. 1780. J. Bailey 3. (E. Elevation of) Durham Cathedral. J. Bailey sc. p. 226. 4. N.E. View of the Old Castle of Durham, &c. (Vetus Bur- gus Dunelm.) p. 308. 5. Durham Banks. W.Hutchinson del. 1781. J. Bailey sc. p. 316. 6. A View on Durham Banks. J. Bailey sc. 1783. p. 316. 7. Finchale Abbey. Gibson del. 1781. J. Bailey sc. p. 320. 8. Chester (le Street Church.) J. Bailey sc. p. 387. 9. Lumley Castle. J. Bailey sc. 1782. p. 399- iO. East View of Lumley Castle. J. Bailey sc. 1785. p. 399. 11. Ravensworth Castle. J. Bailey del. et sc. 1782. p. 417- 12. Roman Antiquities (17 Altars and Inscriptions) found near Ebchester. R. Beilby sc. p. 430. 13. Axwell Park, (the Seat of Sir Thomas Clavering, Bart.) Bailey del. et sc. p. 443. 14. Gibside, (belonging to Sir William Bowes.) Bailey del. et sc. p. 452. 204 DURHAM. 15. Hilton'Castle. J. Bailey fee. 1785. p. 508. 16. Parsonage House at Houghton le Spring. J. B. sc. 1787. p. 539. 17. Houghton Hall. J. Griffith del. J. B. sc. p. 540. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. View of the Cathedral and City of Durham from Elvett Moor, Head-piece to page 1 of the Historical Part. 2. The Seal of the Corporation of Durham in 1606, given by Matthew Patisonne. p. 43. 3. The Conventual Seal of Durham, with the Head of St. Oswald, p. 91. 4. The Chapter Seal to the Foundation Charter of the Ca- thedral by Henry VIII. 1541. p. 104, 3. Monks and Cow; an ancient Piece of Sculpture on the West Corner Tower of the Cathedral, p. 226. 6. The Chest in which St. Cuthbert's Body was deposited. J. Lambert del. p. 248. 7. Seal of Robert Swyft, Spiritual Chancellor of Durham. p. 255. 8. Ancient Stone Spout, with Inscription, p, 267. 9. Remains of the Priors House in Bear Park. W. Hutchin- son del. Bailey sc. p. 338. 10. Nevill's Cross, p. 342. 11. Lanchester Church. Baily sc. 1782. p. 352. 12. Roman Station near Lanchester. p. 358. 13. Roman Altar, p. 360. 14. 15. Sculptured Figures of Fortune, p. 366. 16. A Roman Stone found in 1783, near Lanchester. p. 367. 1 7. Roman Antiquities found near Lanchester. p. 368. 18. Monument, or Effigy, of one of the Lumley Family, p. 397. 19. Roman Inscriptions found near Ebchester. p. 433. 20. Ryton Chi'.rch. Bailey sc. 1782. p. 435. 21. Gateshead Church. Bailev sc. 1 782. p. 453. 22. The Seal of King .lames's Hospital at Gateshead, p. 459. 23. Ruins of the Monastery at Javrow. Baileysc. 1782. p. 470. 24. N.E. View of Moukweremouth Church. R. Bcilbv sc. p. 501. 25. Bishop Wearmouth Church. J. Bailey del. R. Beilby sc. p. 511. 26. Sunderland Church. Baileysc. 1782. p. 5 16. 27. Houghton le Spring Church. Baileysc. p. 538. 28. Sherburn Hospital, p. 589. DURHAM. ' 1205 a9. A Cross Flory, with Inscription on the Grave-stone of Tho- mas Lever, p. 394. 30. Seal of Sherburn Hospital, p. 607. VOL. in. Engraved Title-page : — Carlisle: Printed by F. Jollie, for the Author. MDccxciv. With a Vignette View on the River Tees, near Barnard Castle. J. Lowes so. The Author's Apology, 3 pages. Life of Dr. John Egerton, Bishop of Durham, p. iii-xiii. Life of Dr. Thomas Thurlow, Bishop of Durham, 2 pages. The Pedigree of the Family of Riddell, lc3 pages. The Pedigrees of the Families of Hilton, Hedworth, Hansard, Chancellor, Biddic, Buhner, 16 pages. Historical Part, beginning with the Parish of Castle Eden, [a-3 u] 322 pages. Alphabetical Index to the Three Volumes, 6 pages. Errata: — Pages 337 to 344 are repeated; and pages 381 to 389 are omitted, but are accounted for by page 380 being marked 380-8. PLATES. 1. The Armorial Bearings of Sir James Riddell of Ardnamor- chan and Sunart, Bart. LL.D. Longmate sc. p. 1 of the Pedigree of the Riddells. 2. Hartlepool Church, with the Rocks at Hartlepool. J. Bai- ley and W. Hutchinson del. et sc. 1 782. p. 33. 3. Hardwick Gardens. Bailey del. & sc. 1782. p. 65. 4. Darlington Church. Wilkinson del. 1784. J. Bailey sc. p. 184. 3. Barnard Castle. W. Hutchinson del. 1781. Bailey sc. p. 229. 6. Tomb of Robert de Morton, Font in Barnard Castle Church, Seal, &rc. The same Plate as in Hutchinson's Tour to the Lakes. W. Hutchinson del. p. 243. 7. S.E. View of Raby Castle. Bailey del. et sc. 1784. p. 263. 8. Egleston House, the Seat of William Hutchinson, Esq. C. Gibson del. 1783. Bailey sc. p. 276. 9. Winch Bridge over the Tees. W. Hutchinson del. 1782. Bailey sc. p. 280. 10. Tecs Force. W. Hutchinson del. Bailey sc. p. 280. 11. Caldron Snout on the Tees. W, Hutchinson del. 1781. p. 280. 206 DURTIAM. 12. The Tower of VVitton Church. Bailey del. et sc. I78r, p. 304. 13. S.E. View of Witton Castle, belonging to John Cuthbert, Esq. J. Bailey del. et sc. 1779- 14. S. View of Brancepeth Castle. J. Bailey del. et sc. 1782. p. 312. 15. Bird-eye View of Northallerton Castle Banks, p. 427. If). East View of Howden Church, p. 458. 17. Section of a Dyke that runs through Greenfield Colliery, about half a mile north of West Auckland, towards the east. p. 503. 18. A Section of the great Blue Stone Dyke that crosses Cock- field Fell and Colliery, with the several Strata af Stone above the Coal. p. 504. 19. Section of the Sills, or Beds of Stone or Coal, in the Coal Mines near the River Wear. p. 504. 20. Section of the Sills, or Beds of Plate and Coal Seams, &c. wrought in the Coal Mines in Gateshead Fell. Beilby sc. p. 505. 21. Plan of the Sills, or Beds of Plate, Shale or Chiver, &c. wrought in the Lead Mines in Wear-Dale. Folded, p. 505. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. The Arms of the See impaling those of Egerton. p. xiii of his Life. — The same plate as at the end of Vol. L 2. Bradley Hall. Bailey sc. 1 782. On the Sheet of the Pe- digree of Bowes of Streatlam. 3. Roman Wall at Hartlepool, p. 26 of the Historical Part. 4. Roman Gateway at Hartlepool, p. 27. 5. Sedgeficld Church. Bailey sc. p. 49. 6. Curious Monument, with Skeletons, in the Church at Sedge- field, p. 58. 7. Moose Deer's Horn found in the Parish of Middleham. p. 83. 8. The Seal of Gretham Hospital, p. 103. 9. East View of Norton Church. Ph. Barraud del. 1785. J. Bailey sc. p. 110. 10. Egglescliff Church. R. Beilby sc. p. 137. 11. Tomb of Sir .John Conyers, p. 151. 12. 13. Ancient Fortifications at Bishopton. p. 163. 14. Nehallcnnia's Kettles, p. 192. 15. Conscliff Parish Church. Bailey sc. p. 210. 16. Barnard Castle Church. R. Beilby sc. p. 229- DURHAM. 207 17, 18, 19. Seals affixed to Grants deposited at Barnard Castle, p. 233-234-236. 20. Staindrop Church. Bailey so. p. 256. 21. Sculpture of a Bull above the Gateway at Raby Castle. p. 273. 22. The standing Stones at Egleston. p. 277. 23. Stanhope Church. Bailey so. p. 284. 24. Brancepeth Church. Bailey 1782. p. 311. 23. Monument in Whitworth Churchyard, p. 322. 26. A Figure in relief found at Binchester. p. 347. PEDIGREES. (To follow p. xxix of the Pedigrees of the Bulmers.) 1. Pedigree of Tempest of Stella. (Vol. II. p. 440.) On the reverse of p. xxix of the Pedigree of the Bulmers. 2. Pedigree of Claxton of Claxton, Horden, and Fishburne. (Vol. II. p. 579.) [ 3. Pedigree of Lambton of Lambton. (Vol. II. p. 413.) On the reverse of the last. 4. Pedigree of the Noble Family of Lumley, Earl of Scarbo- rough. Folded. 5. The Genealogy of Hutton of Houghton le Spring. Folded. 6. A Pedigree of the Family of the Nevills. 7. A Pedigree of the Family of Bellasis. 8. A Pedigree of Liddel of Ravensworth. (Vol. II. p. 417.) Folded. 9. Pedigree of the several Families of Clavering. (Vol. II. p. 443.) 10. Pedigree of the Families of Maire of Hardwick, co. of Durham, and of Appleby of Lartington, in the North Riding of the County of York, 1779. (Vol. III. p. 3.) Folded. 11. Pedigrees of Harpyn and Trollop of Thornlaw, (Vol. III. p. 10;)— of Middleton of Silksworth, (Vol. II. p. 515; — of Perkinson of Whessey, in the Parish of Haughton, (Vol. III. p. 179; — of Sir John Eden of Windlestone and West Auckland, Bart. (Vol. III. p. 339;) and of Sir Hedworth Williamson of Monk Wearmouth, (Vol. 11. p. 506.)- Folded. 12. Pedigree of Bowes of Streatlam, with a View of Bradley Hall on the reverse. Folded. 13. Pedigree of the Noble Family of Vane, Earl of Darlington. ., (Vol. III. p. 264.) Folded. 208 DURHAM. 14. Pedigrees of the Noble Family of Beauchamp, (Vol. III. p. 240;) — of the Family of Brackenburies, (Vol. III. p. 223;)— of the Pollards of Pollard Hall, (Vol. III. p. 351 ;) — and of the Tunstalls of the Bishoprick of Durham, (Vol. III. p. 228.) 15. Pedigree of Eure of Witton, (Vol. III. p. 304;) and of Ord of Longridge, in the Parish of Norham, (Vol. III. p. 390.) N. B. The remaining copies of this work were burnt with Messrs. Nichols's Printing Office, February 8, 1808. *#* A small number of this work were printed on Large Paper. II. An Enqttiry into the ancient and present State of the County Palatine of Durham : wherein are shewn the Oppression which attend the Subjects of this Country by the male-administration of the present Ministers and Officers of the said County . Palatine ; with some Reasons humbly offered to the Freeholders, Leaseholders, and Copyholders of the said County, to consider of Ways and Means to remedy the said Abuses, or entirely to take away the said County Palatine, and the Bishops' temporal Power and Jurisdiction therein, whereby their For- tunes and Tenures may be rendered more easy and secure. " Avaritia vero senilis, quid iibi velit, nnti infelligo : Potest enitn quicquam esse ahsitrJius, quam quo riiiiius I'ice restat, co plus viatici quarere?" — • Till, do Scncctutc. Printed in the Year mdccxxix. Quarto, 124 pages, and two pages of Introduction. III. The ANCIENT Rites and Monuments of the Mo- na-stical and Cathedral Church of Durham. Col- lected out of ancient Manuscripts about the Time of DURHAM. 209 the Suppression. — Published by J. D. (John Davies) of Kidwelly. " Tempora mutayitur. " London : Printed for W. Hensman, at the King's Head in West- minster-Hail. MDCLXXii. Duodecimo. Title-page as above. Dedication to James Mickleton, of the Inner Temple, Esq. signed J. Davies, and dated London, Oct. 4, 1 67 1, 2 pages. A Table of the principal Heads in this ensuing Treatise, 4 pages. The ancient Rites and Monuments of Durham Catliedral, [a 3- l4] 1 64 pages. N. B. This small volume was written by an anonymous hand, (one that had belonged to the Choir of Durham, at the Disso- lution of Abbeys,) and was reprinted by Dr. Hunter without his name, under the title of " Durham Cathedral as it was before the Dissolution of the Monastery : containing an Account of the Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies used therein ; together with the Histories painted in the Windows ; and an Appendix of various Antiquities, collected from several Manuscripts." Dur- ham, 1733. Duodecimo. It was afterwards published by Mr. Richardson, a Bookseller of this City, with additions by Dr. Hunter, and entitled " The History of the Cathedral Church of Durham, as it was before the Dissolution of the Monastery : containing an Account of the Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies used therein ; together with a particular Description of the fine Paintings in the Windows (by Prior Walsington), likewise the Translation of St. Cuthbert's Body from Holy Island, with the various Accidents that attended its Interment here ; with an Appendix of divers Anticiuities, col- lected from the best MSS. The Second Edition, with Additions. Durham." Duodecimo. The Appendix contains the Inscriptions under the Pictures of the Kings and Bishops in the Choir ; a List of Churches dedi- cated to St. Cuthbert ; the Epitaphs of Dean Sudbury, Sir George Wheeler, Archdeacon Basire, and Mr.Spenrman; Bi- shop Hugh's Charter, &c.; and in the body of the Book are in- teFspersed many additional particulars. — Govgk. 2 E 210 DURHAM. IV. The Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church of Durham. x41so a particular Descrip- tion uf the County Palatine of Durham, compiled from the best Authorities and oiiginal Manuscripts. To which is added, the Succession of the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons, and Prebends ; the Bishop's Courts and his Officers ; and the Castles and Man- sion-Houses of the Nobility and Gentry ; with other particulars. (By Patrick Sanderson.) Newcastle upon Tvne : Printed by J. White and T. Saint, for p. Sanderson, at Mr. Pope's Head in Durham, mdcclxvii. Duodechno. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Honourable and Reverend Spencer Cowper, D.D. Dean of Durham, signed Pat. Sanderson, 3 pages. Errata, 1 page. Antiquities of Durham Abby, with Appendix, [b-n b'] 141 pages. A particular Description of the Bishoprick or County Palatine of Durham, with a Supplement, [n 6-Bb 7] 147 pages. With a View of the Cathedral and City of Durham from Elvett Moor. This Plate, with the Antiquities of the Cathedral, is inscribed to the Honourable and Rev. Spencer Cowper, Dean. N. B. This is little more than a reprint of the preceding Ar- ticles, with Extracts relating to the County, from the " Magna Britannia." y. Some Account of the Cathkdrae Church of Durham; illustrative of the Plans, Elevations, an(i Sections of tiiat Building — (Published by the So- ciety of Antitjuaries.) London : Printed by W. Bulmcr and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's. 1801. Imperial Jolio. Title-page as above. DURHAM. 211 The Account of the Cathedral, with the Plans, Elevations, Sec- tions, and Specimens of the Architecture and Ornaments of Durham Cathedral, by J. Carter, Architect, p. 3-14. platp:s, (From Drawings made by John Carter, and engraved by James Basire, 1801.) i. Engraved ornamented Title, being a View of the Altar of our Lady of Pittie in the Galilee, ii. Plan of the Cathedral, and the Site of the adjoining Build- ings. Folded, iii. Elevation of the West front of the Cathedral Church, and of the adjoining Buildings. Folded. iv. Elevation of the North front of Durham Cathedral. Folded, v. Section of the Cathedral from East to West, presenting the South side. Folded. vi. Elevation from the Great Centre Tower of the South side of the Nave of the Cathedral, vii. Elevation from the North end of the Chapel of the Nine Altars, as it appeared in I 793. viii. Elevation of the Episcopal Throne and Monument of Tho- mas Hatfield, situated on the South side of the Choir of the Cathedral, as it appeared in the Year 1793. ix. Elevation of the Eastern front of the Screen to the High Altar of Durham Cathedral. X. Elevations of Two Doors in the Cathedral, with their Plans. xi. Parts of Durham Cathedral and its dependencies to a larger Scale. VI. The Legend of St. Cuthbert: with the Antiqui- ties of the Church of Durham. By B. R. Esq. London : Printed for Christopher Eccleston, at his Shop in St. Duiistan's Church-yard. 1663. Duodecimo, Title-page as above. The Prologue, 6 pages. The Legend of St. Cuthbert, [b-g 7] 93 pages. Errata: — p. 79 is numbered 89; — p. 58 for 85. With a whole length Figure of St. Cuthbert leaning on a Rock, a Crucifix beside him, and a Book in his hand. To front the Title. i^l2 DURHAM^ VII. The LEGEND of Saint Cuthbert: or, The Histo- ries of his Churches at Lindisfarne, Cunecascestre, and Dunliohn. By Robert Hegg. J 626. Darlington: Printed by George Smith, 1777. Quarto, 31 pages. '^ The Author to the Reader," 2 pages. '^ Account of the Author from Ant. a Wood's Athenae Oxoni- enses," and from ^' Nicolson's Enghsh Historical Library," 2 pages. Illustrated with a View of Lindisfarne on the Title-page. — A head-piece to page 1 . The same plate as in Hutchins's Dur- ham, Vol. I. p. i of the Introduction. — A Coin of K. Alfred: on p. 16, (p. 25 of Hutchins, Vol. I.;) and the Chest in which St. Cuthbert's Body was deposited : on p. 23, (Hut- chins, Vol. 11. p. 248.) This and the eight following Articles were privately printed by George Allan, Esq. an eminent Attorney at Darlington, who died in July 1 800, and of whom many very interesting parti- culars may be found in Nichols's " Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century.'* VIII, An Address and Queries to the Public relative to the compiling a complete Civil and Ecclesiastical History of the antient and present State of the County Palatine of Durham. *' Antiquitates scu Historiurum Keliquicz, sunt tunquani Tahuhc Naufragii, cjuas Ilamiries industrii et s(t<^uces ex Genealogiis, Fastis, Tifulis, A'w- misniatibvs, Ardiivis, el Instrummtis turn publicis qnum privatis, a tein- poris diluvio cripiunl el cunservuntJ" Darlington: Printed by Marshall Vesey, 1774. With the Seal of Richard (Trevor), Bishop of Durham, Anno Dom. 1752, in the Title-page. Quarto, 12 pages. DURHAM. '213 IX. Rules and Orders to be observed in Actions and Proceedings in the Court of the County of Durham. (No Title-page.) Quarto, 26 pages. (Printed by George Allan of Darlington, Esq.) X. The Origin and Succession of the Bishops of Durham. Printed from the original Manuscript in the Dean and Chapter's Library at Durham. 1779- By George Allan, Esq. Quarto. Title-page as above. To the Reader, 1 page. The Origin and Succession of the Bishops of Durham, 28 pages. The Continuance of all the Bishops of Durham, from St. Ai- daine to Cuthbert Tunstall, &c. 2 pages. Remarks of the Rev. Mr. Rud upon the Book intituled "^ The Oiigin and Succession of the Bishops of Durham," &c. 1 page. XI. Inspeximus of the Surrender made by Hugh Whitehead, Prior of the Cathedral Church or Monastery of St. Cuthbert at Durham, to King Henry the Eighth, 31 Dec. 1510, 3 pages. The Foundation Charter of Durham Cathedral, 12th May, 1541, 8 pages. The Endowment of Durham Cathedral by K. Henry the Eighth, 16th May, 1541, 34 pages. Orders of tlie Privy Council for renewing the Dean and Chapter's Leases, 1577. — Dispute between the Dean and Chapter of Durham and their Tenants about renewing Leases, 11th March, 1639, 12 pages. The Dean and Chapter's Petition to King Charles J. (then at Durham) for his Confirmation of their Charters and Endow- ments, and the Order for the same by Sir John Cooke, 2d June, 1633, 1 page. 214 DURHAM. The Ans'.ver of the Dean and Prebendaries of Durham, setting forth the Reasons why they cannot possibly produce their Booke of Chapter Actes, a-^ they were ordered by the Lords of the Upper House of Parliament, about 1 7 April, ] 646, 2 pages. The Commissioners' Certificate for renewing the Chapter Leases, 1st Oct. 164 9, 6 pages. Proceedings of the Dean and Chapter of Durham against their Rebellious Tenants, l66l, 11 pages. Quarto, without title-page, signatures, or numerals. (Printed by George Allan of Darlington, Esq.) XII. Collections relatini^ (to) the Hospital at Gretiiam, in the County of Durham. Shewing the Founda- tion thereof by Robert Sdchehill, Bisliop of Dur- ham, about the year 1272, and afterwards refounded , and incorporated by Letters Patent of King James I. 20th July, :610, by the Name of Master and Bro- thers of the Hospital of God in Gretham, in the County Palatine of Durham. Together with several Charters, Grants, Visitations, Inquisitions, liules, and Ordinances concerning the said Hospital and Church of Gretham, so far as can be collected from Registers, Close Rolls, authentick Records, Wills, and other Instruments in MSS. and Print. " Gather up tlie fragments that reinain." John vi. 12. Quarto. Title-page as above. The Life of Robert Stichehill, Bishop of Durham, and Founder of Gretham Hospital, 4 pages. The Manor of Greatham, 2 pages. Grant of the Manor of Gretham by Peter Montfort, 2 pages. Foundation Charter, 4 pages. Statutes and Ordinances, 4 p.iges. Appropriation of Greatham Church, 2 pages. Surrender of a place in Greatham Hospital from Walter Donant, DURHAM. 215 1352. — Grant of a Corody.— Presentation of Henry Snayth to the Mastership of Greatham Hospital by K. Edward HI. 18th Nov. 1361. — Mandate from the King to induct Henry Snayth into the Mastership, 4 pages. Writ of Execution for Mastership, and Institution of Henry " Sneath to the Mastership, 3 1st Jan. 1361, 2 pages. Collation of Thomas Weston to the Mastership, 1396.— War- rant to excuse William Middleton from Assizes. — Collation of Robert Tatman to the Mastersliip, 22 March, 1439, 4 pages. Exemplification of Grants relating to this Hospital, 2 pages. Collation of Edward Strangewish to the Mastership, 26th Aug. ]500. — Citation of Bishop Tunstall for visiting the Hospital, 8th Sept. 1532. — Grant of a Pension to Thomas Sparke. — Collation and Will of Thomas Sparke, 9 pages. The Dean and Chapter's Confirmation of Bishop Tunstall's Grant of the next Presentation to the Mastership of this Hospital to Robert Thompson, in trust for .John Bellerbie, 23d May, 1359, 2 pages. Collation of John Kyngismeyll to the Mastership, 1st March, 1571, 1 page. Interrogatories concerning the Vicarage, and Verdict of the Jury, 4 pages. " Letters Mandatory to institute and induct John Bernes to the Mastership, 3 Nov. 1585. — Institution of John Bernes. — Ar- ticles and interrogatories ministered to the Master by Mat- thew (Hutton) Bishop of Durham, 1 590, 4 pages. The Refoundation Charter of Greatham Hospital by King James I. 20th July, 1610, 17 pages. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Commons con- cerning the Masters of Greetham and Sherborne Hospitals, 2 pages. (Printed by the late George Allan of Darlington, Esq.) . XIII. Collections relating (to) St. Edmund's Hospital at Gatesiieved, in the County of Durliam. Sheu- wy the Foundation thereof by Nicholas Farnhain. Bishop of Durham, about the Year 1247, and after- wards dissolved by a Ckneral Act of Parliament. 26th Henry VIII. 1535, but again refounded by 216 DURHAM. King James I. 4th January, iGlO, by the Name of King James's Hospital in Gateside : together with several Charters, Grants, &c. concerning the said Town and Church of Gateside, so far as can be col- lected from Registers, Close Ptolls, authentic Records, Wills, and other Instruments in IVISS. and Print. " Gather up the frai^monts that remain." 6 John v. 12. Printed in the year mdcclxix. Quarto^ 5Q pages, (without numerals or signatures,) by the late George Allan, Esq. XIV. Collections relating (to) Siierburn Hospital, in the County Palatine of Durham : shewing the Foundation thereof by Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, about the Year 1181., and what Altera- tions it has since underi^one bv an Act of Parliament incorporating the same, 27th Q. Eliz. ]58,5 : and se- veral Charters, Grants, Benefactions, Visitations, In- quisitions, Rules, Ordinances, and Masters thereof, so far as can be collected from Redsters, - Close Rolls, authentic Records, Wills, and other Instruments in Manuscript and Print. (By George Allan of Darlington, Esq.) " Gather up the fragments that remain." 6 John v. 12. Printed in the year mdcclxxi. Quarto. Only Fifty copies printed, without signatures or paging, but containing 308 printed and four blank pages, or 150 leaves, including the title. Title-page as above. ' The Life of Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, and Founder of Sherburn Hospital, with a Series of the Masters, 12 pages. (The Lives of the) Masters of Sherburn Hospital, 29 pages. Foundation Charter, 5 pages. Composition between Philip-Baillon Parson of Middleham, and Arnald de Auclent, Master of Sherborne-house, for Tythes at Garnumdsway, 1204, 1 page. Grunt of Lands at Wylton-lc Wear, 1 page. DURHAM. - 2!7 Release of an Annual Rent of five Shillings a Year, from Alex- ander de Kellawe to the Master and Brethren of KSherburn- house, for Raceby near Garmundsway, 1 page. Constitutiones Domus de Shireburne, 8 pages. Release of Common of Pasture in Smalhnor, 1 page. Obligatio Abbatis de Alba-landa Cnstodi Domus de Schirburn pro Decimis Garbarum de Newbiging et Staynton, 1317, 1 page. Grant of Lands in South Sherburn (now called Tann-hills), and Grant of Free Warren in Sherburn, 1331 and 1384, 2 pages. Grant of Lands in Ebchester, &c. 1384, and Grant of the Mas- tership of Sherburn Hospital to Alan de Newark, 3d Jan. 1403, 2 pages. Bishop Langley's Commission to enquire of Dilapidations, 2 pages. Bishop Langley's Statutes, 1 1 pages. Collation of John Elles to the Vicarage of Kellow, 1499, and Grant of Mastership to Robert Dykar, 1501, 2 pages. Grant of the Mastership of Sherburn Hospital to Roderic Gun- disalve, 11th May, 1507, 1 page. Lease of Waste Land at Ebchester, and Collation of Thomas Leghe to the Mastership, 14th Sept. 1535, 3 pages. Grant of the next Presentation to the Vicarage of Bishopton, 20 April, 1541, 1 page. Note of Abuses in the Hospital ;— Master's Collation ;— and Master Salvayn's Petition, 8 pages. Commission of Enquiry, 15th April, 1557, 1 page. Interrogatories and Depositions of Witnesses, 21 pages. Further Notices of Ralph Skynner and Thomas Lever, 4 pages. Collations to Sockburn Vicarage, 1 page. The Collation of Ralph Lever, M.A. to the Mastership of Sher- burn Hospital by Bishop Barnes, 1 6th July, 1577, 2 pages. Letters of Institution for Nicholas Hilton, Clerk, to the Vica- rage of Sockburn, 20th Sept. 1579, 1 page. Presentation to Kellow Vicarage, 2 pages. Grant of next Presentation to Mastership, 1 page. Breve de Certiorari Actus privati Parliamenti pro Sherburn Ho- spital, 1 page. An Act for the Incorporation of Sherburn Hospital, 27 Eliz. 1585, 4 pages. Presentation of, and Dispensation for, Valentine Dale into the Mastership of Sherburn Hospital, 4 pages. Procuration of Valentine Dale, 1 7th April, 1585, 2 pages. 1218 DURHAM. Institution of Valentine Dale Master, 22d April, 1385, 2 pages. Bishop Banies's Citation for Visitation, 2 pages. " Memoirs of Bishop Barnes and Robert Bellamy : also Bishop Hutton's Letter to the Lord Treasurer Burleigh, 30th March, 1590, 6 pages. Commission of Charitable Uses, 13th Nov. 1393, and Articles of Enquiry annexed to the preceding Commission, 7 pages. Inquisition taken and returned upon the preceding Commission and Articles of Enquiry, 4th May, 1394, 13 pages. Ordinances and Rules delivered unto Robert Bellamy, Clerk, &e. 1595, 7 pages. The Recognizance of Robert Bellamy, Master of Sherbum Hospital, 22d April, 1605, 3 pages. (Memoir of) Thomas Murray, Master. — The Collation of Wil- liam Shawe, M.x\. — Institution of David Miles to the Vica- rage of Bishopton. — Presentation to the Curacy of Ebchester. — Institution and Testimonial of John Machon. — Mandate for Induction. — Inventory of iStock delivered to John Machon. — Petition of John Machon — Order concerning maimed Sea- men and Soldiers. — Also Bishop Crewe's Order to John Ma- chon, 18 pages. Grant of the Right of Donation of Thornley Brothers Place. — Certificate of the Deprivation of Thornley Brother. — Colla- tion of a Thornley Brother. — Collation of Henry Bolron to the Place of Thornley in Sherburn Hospital, 6 pages. Bishop Crewe's Orders and Rules, and Order and Consent re- lating to Dr. Mountague, 9th July, 1720, 4 pages. Certificate of the Death of Henry Bolron, (Thornley Brother,) 1716. — Collation of Edward Arrowsmith. — Monition of col- lating a Thornley Brother, 1716. — Quarterly Accounts and Payments for 1726, 4 pages. Revenues in 1717. — House Expenses in I686, 4 pages. Collation of Wadham Chandler, A.M. to the Office of Master, 1st Aug. 1735. — Mandate for Induction, and Certificate of Induction, 4 pages. Bishop Chandler's Visitation, 20 pages. Ordinances and Rules for the Government of Sherburn Hospital, 1733, 9 pages. The Collation of, and Monition to, Michael Walton and William Brough to the Place of Thornley Brothers, 4 pages. Master's Bond. — Collation of Willifc^m Pattison, and Monition, 3 pages. Bishop Chandler's Order or Allowance for Robert Stillingilect ; DURHAM. 219 and Schedule of the Goods belonging unto Christ's Hospital in Sherburn, 29th April, 1748, 3 pages. The Recommendatory Letter of Oliver Cromwell to William -Lenthall, Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons, for erect- ing a College and University at Durham, and his Letters Pa- tent (when Lord Protector) for founding the same, &c. 31 pages. . An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for appointing the Sale of Bishops' Lands for the LTse of the Commonwealth in lf)46, 2 pages. A Particular of Lands belonging to the Bishop of Durham sold by virtue of the above Ordinance, and Exemplification of a Fine of Lands at Hurworth, 1650, 4 pages. An Assize to be held at Durham on the 1 1th Aug. 1651, and Exemplification of a Fine of Lands at Hurworth, 1656, 6 pages. A Letter from William Frankeleyn to Cardinal Wolsey, Bishop of Durham, concerning the Bishoprick of Durham, 8 pages. PLATES. 1 . West View of Shereburn Hospital, in the County of Dur- ham. R. Hutchinson del. Bailey sc. 1771. To face the Title. 2. The Seal of the Hospital. On the Title-page. 3. Fac-simile of the Charter granted by Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, to the Burgesses of the City of Durham : also the Confirmation of Bishop Pudsey's Charter by Pope Alexander HI. 11 79 or 1180, with the Seals af- fixed. Folded. Stephens sc. 1775, between the second and third leaf. 4. Inscription on a Brass Plate fixed to a Black Marble Stone in Memory of Thos. Leaver, who died in 1577. Pasted on the 60th leaf. XV. Darlington School; viz. The Charter granted by Queen EHzabeth for founding the Free Grammar School at Darling- ton, 1567, 7 pages. — Appointment and Discharge of Mr. Cuthbert Allen to and from the place of Upper Master, 11th Nov. 1747, and 5th Jan. 1748, 2 pages. — Appointment and Discharge of Mr. Thomas Cooke to and from the same Situ- ation, 7th Jan. 1748 and 11th May, 1750, 2 pages. — Statutes, Ordinances, and Decrees made by the Governors, 3d Feb. 320 DURHAM. 1748, with a whole length of Q. Elizabeth on the letter- press, 8 pages. — Confirmation of the preceding Statutes, &c, by Edward Chandler, Lord Bishop of Durham, I June, 1 749, 1 page. — Appointment of Mr. Robert Meetkirke and Mr. Thomas Moreland to be Upper Masters of Darlington School, 23 Jan. 1750 and 22d February, 1755, 4 pages. — Bishop of Durham'^ Licence to Thomas Moreland, and Appointment of Mr. John Dixon to be Under Master, 20th April, 1758, 2 pages. Quarto, without signatures or paging, except in the first article. (Printed by the late George Allan of Darlington, Esq.) XVI. The Parochial History and Antiquities of Stockton upon Tees : including an Account of . the Trade of the Town, the Navigation of the River, and of such Parts in the Neighbourhood as have been connected with that Place. In a Series of Letters. Embelhshed with Views of Pubhc Build- ings, &c. — By John Brewster, ]\I.A. Vicar of Greathani, and I^ecturer of Stockton. Stockton s Printed by R. Christopher : sold by Vernor and Hood, Birchin-lane ; T. Egerton, Whitehall; and W. Clarke, New Bond-street, London, 1796, Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Honourable and Right Reverend Shute Bar- rington, LL.D. Bishop of Durham, Lord of the Manor of Stockton, and to Rowland Burdon, Esq. M.P. for the County of Durham. List of Subscribers, and Advertisement, 4 pages. Contents, and List of Plates, 2 pages. The History and Anti(iuities of Stockton, with Appendix, [b- XX 2] 1 76 pages. Index and Errata, 2 pages, plates. 1. West side of the Market Place, Stockton. L. Dunn del. Necle sc. To front the Title. 2. View of the principal Street of Stockton ; taken from the end of the Bridge Road. Folded, p. 1, DURHAM. 2<2\ 3. Stockton Castle, demolished 1652. Lawson Dunn so. p. 22. 4. Design or Plan for altering the Course of the River Tees between Stockton and Portrack, for the Improvement of the Navigation between those two places. Pickernell del. Dunn sc. 1793. p. 53. 3. Plan of the Town of Stockton. T. Wright del. L. Dunnsc. p. 84. 6. North-east View of the Town House, Stockton. L.Dunn del. & sc. p. 85. 7. Stockton Church from the South-west. L. Dunn sc. p. 123. 8. Miscellaneous Plate of Tradesmen's Tokens, Corporation and Freemason's Seals, &c. &c. L, Dunn sc. p. IdS. N.B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. XVII. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Durham, particularly that part of it extending from the Tyne to the Tees ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. By Joseph Granger, Land Sui'veyor, Heu2;h, near Durham. Together with the preliminary Observations of Sir William Appleby. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. London: Printed by Colin Macrae. 1794. Quarto. 74 pages. With three folded Plates; viz. 1. A Plough for making Drain- ing Furrows ; Share with wing enlarged and set upright ; and the Breast Plough, or Paring Spade, of the County of Durham. — 2. The One-wheel'd Harrow and Horse Hoe invented by Chrisf Perkins. — 3. Common or Rotheram Plough ; likewise two folded Tables of Schemes of Hus- bandry for good Land and water-shaken Land, terms 21 Years. XVIII. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Durham : with Observations on the Means of its 222 • DURHAM. Iniprovcnient. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. By John Bailf.y. Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge-street, London, (by E. Walker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,) 1810; and Messrs. Sher- wood, Neely, and Jones, in 1813. Oc^afo, 42 7 pages. " Nor you, ye rural patriots ! disdain To plant the grove : to turn the fertile mould ; Or tend the bleating flocks : For hence Britannia sees her solid grandeur rise : Hence she commands The exalted stores of every brighter clime: Her dreadful thunder hence Rides o'er the waves sublime; — rules the circling deep: And awes the world." With a folded Map, coloured, of Durham, engraved by S. Neele; seven folded Agricultural Plates; the Durham Ox bred by Mr. Charles Colling, and Mr. Mason's Cow, both engraved on Wood. 223 ESSEX. I. The History of Essex: containing, i. Domesday of Essex. II. History of the Manors, and the Families throucrh M hich they have successively past, from the Conquest to this Day. III. Antiquities, Ecclesias- tical History, Charitable Donations, Free Schools, Funeral Inscriptions, &c. With an Introduction, or General History of the County, from Julius Caesar's Invasion to the present Time. — Compiled and di- gested by N. TiNDAL*, Vicar of Great Waltham, Essex, from Materials collected by T. Jekyl of Beck- ing, Esq. ; J. Ousley, sometime Rector of Pantfield; and particularly by W. Holman, late of Halsted, who spent ten Years in a diligent search after every thing remarkable throughout the County, and as many in examining Court Rolls, Wills, Evidences, Deeds, &c. London : Printed by H. Woodfall : and sold by J. and J. Knap- ton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard ; by Mr. Green, at Chelmsford; Mrs. Oliver at Norwich; Mr. Bailyat St. Ed- munds-bury; Mr. Holman at Sudbury 5 Mr. Humphry jun. at Halsted; Mr. Creighton at Ipswich; and by others at Saffrou-Walden, Braintree, Colchester, and the rest o^ the Towns of Essex. Quwto.f * He translated and continued Rapin's History of England, and died m 1774, in the 74th year of his age. t The following" advcrtiseaient, stating the original plan of the under- taking, is on the reverse of the title-page. "As the puhliciition of this History depends entirely on the reception it meets with from the Gentry, &c. of the County of Essex, all that intend to encourai^e the work, hy takin sold at his Water Workcs, London." ESSEX. 24:3 XIII. An Account of the Stopping of Daggenilam {Va- gaiham) Breach : with the Accidents that have at- tended the same from the first Undertaking. Contain- ing also proper Rules for performing any the like Work ; and Proposals for rendering the Ports of Do- ver and Dublin (which the Author has been employed to survey) connnodious for entertaining large Ships. To which is pretix'd, a Plan of the Levels which were over-tlowed by the Breach. By Capt. John Perry. London : Printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet-street ; and sold by J. Peele, at Locke's Head in Pa- ternoster-row. MDCCXXi. Ot/ayo, 131 pages. To which is prefixed a large folded " Plan of the late Breach in the Levells of Havering and Dagenham." H. Moll sc. N. B. On the subject of this breach at Dagenham, in the winter of 1707, there were hkewise published 1 . " Considerations on the unhappy Accidents at Dagenham Breach." Lond. 1713. Oc/at'o pamphlet. 2. " An impartial Account of the Frauds and Abuses at Da- genham-breach, and of the hardships sustained by Mr. William Boswell, late Undertaker of the Works there, in a Letter to a Member of ParHament." Lond. 1717. Oc/az;o pamphlet. 3. " A Letter to a Member of Parliament concerning Da- genham-breach, occasioned by the late ruin of the Works there. By Joseph Gilmore, Mathematician. Lond. 17 18. Quarto. Pamphlet. XIV. PLANTjE nOODFORDIENSES : A Catalogue of the more perfect Plants growing spontaneously about Woodford, in the County of Essex. (By Richard Warner.) London : Printed for the Author. 1771. Duodecimo. Tide-page as above, with the Author's Monagram within a Circle, round which is the following Motto : " Quid verum 244 ESSEX. atque deceiis euro et rogo :" and on the reverse a Quotation in Greek from St. Luke xii. 27* Dedication to Mr. John Lisle, Master ; Mr. John Channing, and Mr. John Pearce, Wardens ; and the rest of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries of London, signed Richard Warner. Preface, dated Woodford Row, July 1, 1771, 3 pages, Plantce JVvodfordienses, [B-J5b4] 191 pages. Index of the English Names, [cc-Ff3] p. 193-222, Errata^ 2 pages. Page 138 is misprinted p. 8. N. B. "This book," says the late Mr. Gough in his British Topog. vol. i. p. 367, "was never published, but a few copies \vere given to the Author's friends." Twelve additional pages to this volume were printed by Tho- mas F. Forster in 1784, as an Appendix, XV. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Essex ; with Observations on the JVIeans of its Improvement. By Messrs. Griggs of Hill House, near Kelveclon, in Essex. Eh'awn up for the Consi- deration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. London: Printed by C. Clarke, mdccxciv. Qz/or/o, 26 pages, N. B. Another pamphlet, with the same Title-page, was also published in Quarto by Charles Vancouver in 1795. XVI. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Essex. Drawn up for tlie Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. By the Secretary of the Board, (Arthur Young, Esq.) In Two Volumes. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge-street, Black-; friars; by B. McMillan, Bow-street, Covent-garden. 1807, Octavo. ESSEX. 245 Vol. I. Containing 4 1 5 pages, and illustrated with a folded Map, coloured, of the Soil of Essex, engraved by Neele, and forty- five Engravings, but numbered xliv, one of vvhich is folded. Vol. II. Containino- 457 pages. — Directions to the Bookbinder for placing the Plates, 2 pages. — A folding Plate of Mr. Whit- bread's Chalk Quarry at Purfleet, and 14 other Engravings. (No. xlv-lviii.) 246 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. I. The ANCIENT and presk NT State of Glocester- SHIRE. By Sir Robert Atkyns. London: Printed by W. Bowyer for Robert Gosling, at the Mitre, near the Inner Temple Gate, in Fleet-street. 1712. Folio. * Title-page as above. The Preface and Advertisement, 7 pages. The Author's Epitaph, 1 page. The ancient and present State of Glocestershire, [b-5 r 2] 839 pages. An Index of the more considerable Persons, and of the Hamlets contained in this Book, 7 pages. Errata: — pages 745-6 are numbered 753, 754 ; — pages 759? 760 for 751-2 3— p. 767 for 762 ;— and p. 762 for 767. PLATES, (All of which, except No. 1-10, are drawn and engraved by T. Kip, and are likewise folded.) 1. Portrait of the Author. M. V''"" Gucht sc. To front the Title. {Not in the second edition.) 2-9. Eight Plates, containing 320 Coats of Arms ; to follow the Preface in alphabetical order in both editions. 10. Map of Glocestershire, A.D. 1712. Folded, p. l._,in loth. editions. 1 1 . Plan of Glocester City. Thos. Brown, Esq. Alderman. Folded, p. 82. [p. 44, second edit.'] 12. West Prospect of Glocester (City). Sir John Powell, Judge of the Queen's Bench. Folded, p. 82. [p. 43, second edit, and is there dedicated to the Mayor and Aldermen.] 13. (The North Prospect of) Glocester Cathedral. Knightley Chetwood, D.D. Dean. p. 126. [p. 65, second edit.] * The greater part of the impression of this work was destroyed by a Fire, Jan. 30, 171'2-13, in the lioiise of Mr. Bowyer, Printer, in White Fryars; and some of" the copies which were rescued from the flames still retain the indelible marks. A part likewise of the second edition met with a similar fate. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 247 14. Wyck, the Seat of Richard Haines, Esq. p. 200. [p. 103, second edit.'\ 15. Alderly, the Seat of Mrs. Hale, Widdow of Matthew Hale, Esq. p. 208. [p. \01, second edit. '\ 16. Knole, the Seat of Thos. Chester, Esq. p. 212. [p. 1 10, second edit.'\ 17. Alveston, the Seat of Edward Hill, Esq. p. 21 6. [p. 1 1 1, second edit.'] 18. Over, the Seat of John Dowell, Esq. p. 214. [p. Ill, second edit.'\ 19. Amney, the Seat of Rob. Pleydell, Esq. p. 218. [p. 113, second edit.'] 20. Shurdingtoii, the Seat of Dultibella Laurence, Relict of W'" Laurence, Esq. p. 240. [p. 124, second edit.'\ 21. Badmington, the Seat of the Duke of Beaufort, p. 242. [p. 125, second edit.'\ 22. Barrington, the Seat of Edmond Bray, Esq. p. 251. [p. 131, second edit.'] 23. Battsford, the Seat of Richard Freeman, Esq. p. 256. [p. 133, second edit.'] 24. Berkley Castle, the Seat of the Earl of Berkley, p. 260. [p. 136, second edit.] 25. Broadwell, the Seat of Danvers Hodges, Esq, p. 301. [p. 157, second edit.] 26. Cirencester, the Seat of Allen Bathurst, Esq. p. 344. [p. 1 79, second edit ] 27. The Abbey in Cirencester, the Seat of Thomas Masters, Esq. p. 346. [p. 180, second edit.] 28. Southarn, the Seat of Kinard de la Bere, Esq. p. 356. [p. 185, second edit.] 29. Willianistrip, the Seat of Henry Ireton, Esq. p. 364. [p. 190, second edit.] 30. Little Conipton, the Seat of Sir Rich. Howe. p. 366. [p. 191, second edit.] 31. Coberly, the Seat of Jonathan Castleman, Esq. p. 376. [p. 197, secojid edit.] 32. Didmarton, the Seat of Robert Codrington, Esq. p. 390. [p. 204, second edit.] 33. Sandywell, the Seat of Henry Bret, Escj. j). 400. [p. 209, second edit.] 34. Upper Dowdeswell, the Seat of Lionel Rich, Esq. p. 400. [p. 209, second edit.] 35. Dumbleton, the Seat of Sir Richard Cocks, Bart. p. 406. [p. 213, second edit.] ^48 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 36. Dyrhani, the Seat of William Blathwait, Esq. p. 414. [p. 216, second edit.'] 37. Easington, the Seat of Nathaniel Stevens, Esq. p. 418. [p. 218, second edit.'] 38. Fairford, the Seat of Samuel Barker, Esq. p. 431. [p. 226, second edit.'] 39. Flaxlev, the Seat of Mrs. Bovey. p. 436. [p. 228, second edit.] 40. Hampton, the Seat of Philip Shappard, Esq.' p. 4 52. [p. 237, second edit.] 41. Hardvvick Park Court, the Seat of William Trye, Esq. ]). 456. [p. 238, second edit.] 42. Hatherop, tlie Seat of Sir John Webb, Bart. p. 464. [p. 243, second edit.] 43. Hales Abbey, the Seat of the Lord Tracy, p. 47 1 . [p. 247, second edit ] 44. Henbury, the Seat of Simon Harcouit, Esq. p. 472. [p. 248, second edit.] 43. Henbury, the Seat of Mr. John Sampson, p. 474. [p. 248, second edit.] 46. Kingsweston, the Seat of Edward Southwell, Esq. p. 476. [p. 249, second edit.] 47. Hull, alias Hill, the Seat of Sir Edward Fust, Bart. p. 478. [p 231, second edit.] 4 8. Kompsford, the Seat of the Lord Viscount Weymouth, p. 490. [p. 23 7, second edit.] 49. Leckhampton, tlie Scat of the Rev. Thomas Norwood. p. 330. []). 277, second edit.] 50. Cleve Hill, the Seat of W'" Player, Efi Ixxxi. South-west View of Thornbury Castle. Ixxxii. Gate of Thornbury Castle. Ixxxiii. Part of the Inner Court of Thornbury Castle. Ixxxiv. South-east View of the New Building in Thornbury Castle. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 263 Ixxxv. Part of the New Building in Thornbury Castle. Ixxxvi. The West Gate at Gloucester. Ixxxvii, South-west View of Bristol Cathedral. Ixxxviii. Niches in the Elder Chapel of our Lady in Bristol Ca- thedral. Ixxxix. Tomb of one of the Berkeley Family in Bristol Cathedral, xc. The Chapter-house of Bristol Cathedral, xci. Part of the South side of the Chapter-house of Bristol Cathedral, and four of the Capitals, xcii. East end of the Choir of Bristol Cathedral, xciii. Antient Stained Glass in the Choir of Bristol Cathe- dral. Coloured, xciv. Specimens of antient Stained Glass in the Choir of Bristol Cathedral, in Toddington House, in Todding- ton Church, in Tewkesbury Abbey, and in Buckland Rectory-house. Coloured. xcv. Entrance to the Vestry in Bristol Cathedral, xcvi. The little Vestry of Bristol Cathedral, xcvii. Vestibule of the Chapter-house of Bristol Cathedral, xcviii. Western Entrance to the Choir of Bristol Cathedral, and Arms on a Tomb in the Vestry of the same. xcix. Part of the Elder Chapel of our Lady in Bristol Ca- thedral. c. Tomb of one of the Abbots of Tewkesbury. ci. South West View of Berkeley Castle. cii. North East View of Berkeley Castle, ciii. The Inner Court of Berkeley Castle from the Hall, civ. The Inner Court of Berkeley Castle from the Gateway, cv. Entrance to the Keep of Berkeley Castle. evi. Seals of the Berkeley Family. cvii. Tomb in Old Sodbu'ry Church. — Cyphers in Sidding- ton Church. — Font in Thornbury Church. — Font in Mitchel Dean Church.— One of the Brackets in the Chancel of Northleach Church.— Merchant's Mark and Cypher in the same. — Seal of Ralph de Sudley. — Seal of the Chapter of St." Augustine's Monastery, Bristol. — Capitals, &c. in Berkeley Castle, cviii. Stanton and Buckland Rectory Houses. cix. Antient Stained Glass in Cirencester Church. Coloured. ex. Part of the Great Cloister of Gloucester Cathedral. N. B. The Plates marked with an * are substituted for others which were cancelled. *^* Some cooies were taken off oi) Colomhier PAi'iiU. 264 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. VIII. A Collection of Coats of Arms borne by the No- bility and Gentry of the CouNTY of Glocester. London : Printed and sold by J. Good, 159, New Bond Street. MDCcxcii. Quarto. An engraved Title-page as above, with an emblematical Vignette, viz. Time sujDporting the ancient Arms of the City of Glo- cester, with the Cathedral in the distance. List of Subscribers, 5 pages. Introduction, with the ancient and present Seal of the City of Glocester as a head-piece, [b-n 3] 49 pages. With three hundred and seventy-two Coats of Arms engraved on sixty -two Plates, alphabetically arranged. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. IX. The History and Antiquities of Gloucester: including the Civil and Military Atiairs of that an- cient City ; with a particular Account of St. Peter's Abbey, and other religious Houses ; of the Bishop- rick, Bishops, and Dignitaries of the Catliedral Church ; and all other public Establishments, from the earliest period to the present Time. Cirencester: Printed and sold by S. Rudder j sold also by Evans and Hazell in Gloucester, mdcclxxxi. Octavo. Title-page as above. Preface, with some Addenda, signed S. Rudder, and dated Ci- rencester, Sept. 13, on the eleventh page, p. iii-xiii. Table of Contents, and Errata, 2 pages. The History of the City and Diocese of Gloucester, [b-xxx 4] 523 pages. Appendix, [a-o4] p. i-cxi. V\'ith a View of Gloucester hifnniary, folded. Drawn and en- graved by T. Bonnor 5 — to front the Title-page. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. QG') X. Some Account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester; illustrative of the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of that Building. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland- row, St. James's, ISGQ. Alias folio. Title-page as above. Some Account of the Cathedral, 4 pages. Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Specimens of the Architecture of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester. By J. Carter, Ar- chitectj 6 pages. PLATES, (Drawn by John Carter, and engraved by James Basire.) i. View of a Door-way, now stopped up, in the South Tran- sept, in which the Title-page is introduced. ii. Plan of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, and the ad- joining Buildings. Folded. iii. Plan of the Crypt of the Cathedral Church. iv. Plan of the Gallery Story round the Choir, with its Cha- pels. V. Elevation of the West Front of the Cathedral, and adjoin- ing Buildings. vi. Elevation of the South Front of Gloucester Cathedral. Folded. vii. Section of Gloucester Cathedral, from West to East. Folded, viii. Section of the same from North to South, presenting its East end. ix. Elevation of the first Portion of Buildings attached to the North side of the West front of Gloucester Cathedral. X. Elevation of the South Porch of the Cathedral. xi. Elevation of the second Division of the exterior South Aisle of the Nave of Gloucester Cathedral. Xii. Elevation of part of the third, the fourth, and part of the fifth Division, from the West end of the North side of the Nave of Gloucester Cathedral, xiii. Elevation of part of the fourth, the fifth, and part of the sixth Division, from the West, of the North side of the Choir of Gloucester Cathedral. 2 M '266 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. xiv. Elevation of part of the second, the third, and part of the fourth Division, from the West, of the North side of Our Lady's Chapel. XV. Elevation of the Monk's Treasury at the North end of the North transept of Gloucester Cathedral. xvi. Elevation of the North side of the Monument of Edward the Second, within his Monumental Chapel, on the North side of the Choir of Gloucester Cathedral. xvii. Plan of the Three Stories, and a Bird's eye View of the Roof of the Moniunent of Edward the Second. XI. Views of the Interior and Exterior of Glou- cester Cathedral : Diawn and engraved by T. BoNNOR in 1796, and reprinted in 1815. In- scribed to the Rev. Josiali Tucker, D.D. Dean of Gloucester. London : Published by the Proprietor, T. Bonnor, Clayton Cot- tage, Kennington, [separate.) Octavo, 37 pages of letter-press. PLATES. i. Inside View of the Cathedral from the South-west, ii. The Choir and High Altar, iii. The North Aisle, With the Monuments of King Edward II. and King Osrick. iv. Cells for Punishment in the North Transept, and Altar \v\ St. Andrew's Chapel. V. The Whispering Gallery, vi. The South Aisle of the Saxon Crypt under the Cathedral, now called the Bone-house, vii. The Lady's Chapel from the West, viii. The College School. ix. The College Library. X. The Great Cloisters from the South-east, xi, xii. Miscellaneous, viz. 1. The pierced and lofty Pinnacles and Embattlements, the upper Adornments of the Col- lege Tower. — 2. Tlie Ikiilder's Bracket. ^3. A perspec- tive View of the S.E. extremity of Gloucester Cathe- dral, which presents, 4. The elegant Saracenic South Porch. — 3. The Flying Buttress. — 6. King Osrick.-rro GLOUCESTERSHIRE. ^6? 7. A Sketch (in manner of a Map) of tlie Bearings partly seen from Gloucester College Tower. The Ichnography of the Cathedral accompanies the letter- press. N. B. Some impressions are taken off in Quarto, and a small nmnber of the same size on India Paper. XII. A true and impartiall History of the Military Govern- ment of the Citie of Gloucester; from the be- ginning of the Civil War between the King and Par- liament, to the Removall of that most faithful! and deserving Commander for the Defence of his Country in their greatest Necessity, Col. Edward Masse y, who was removed from that Government to the Com- mand of the Western Forces, where he performed most faithful! and gallant service. " Oderint dum metuant, Veritas Odium Virtus Invidiam." The Second Edition : published by Authority. London : Printed for Robert Bostock in Paul's Church-yard, at the Signe of the King's Head. 1647. (The First edition, 1636.) Small quarto. Title-page as above. Verses on the Siege of Gloucester and Colonell Massey, 2 pages. Dedication to the Right Worshipfull the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councell, with the Burgesses of the City of Glou- cester, signed John Corbet, 3 pages. Latin Quotation from Lord Bacon, and Errata, 1 page. The Historical! Relation, [a4-s4] 140 pages. Errata: — p. 6 for 16 j — p. 115 and 116 are omitted; — p. 230 for 130. XIII. History of tlie Origin and Progress of the Meet- ing of the Three Choiis of Gloucester, \\'or- 268 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. CE.sTER, and Hereford, and of the Charity con- nected with it. To Avhich is prefixed, A View of tiie Condi don of the Parociiial Clergy of this Kingdom, from the earliest Times. By the Rev. Daniel Ly- soxs, jNI.A. F.R.S. and F.S.A. Rector of Rodmai- ton, in the County of Gloucester. (jLOUCEsteii : Printed by D. Walker : and sold, for the Benefit of the Charity, by Messrs. Cadell and Davies in London ; and the principal Booksellers at Gloucester, Worcester, Here- ford, Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, Oxford, &c. 1812. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to Dr. George Isaac Huntingford, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, dated Rodmarton, March 26, 1812, 4 pages. Contents, 9 pages. Historical Part, beginning with a View of the Condition of the Parochial Clergy of this Kingdom, [b-s 3] 262 pages. List of Subscribers to the Meeting, p. 263-268. Index of Names, p. 269-278. Additions and Correction, 1 page. N. B. There are copies of this publication on Large Paper. XIV. Observations on the State of the Glocester In- riUMARY, as reported by the Committee of Gover- nors appointed to examine into the Income and Ev- penses of the same : also, on the Propriety and Ex- [)ediency of adopting the Regulations proposed by the Committee, and reconmiended by the Quarterly (rfeneral Court, held on the ()th of October: offered to the Consideration of the Special General Court held on the 2*3d of November, 17.90". By Sir G. O. Paul. Printed and puljlishcd at the special Request of the President and (iovernors present ; and sold for the Benefit of the Fund of the Infirmary. Oclavo, 8/ pages. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. ' 274 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. *xxix. Fragments of Columns. XXX. Fragments of Marbles. xxxi. Fragments of Stucco, xxxii. Fragments of Pottery. *xxxiii. Various Fragments of Pottery, &c. *xxxiv-xxxv. Various Utensils, &c. *xxxvi. Fragments of Sculpture. *xxxvii. Fragment of a Group of Cupid and Psyche. G. Fie^ singer del. & sc. *xxxviii. Fragment of a Statue of Diana Lucifera. G. Fiesinger del. & sc. ■'^xxxix. Another representation of the same. G. Fiesinger del. & sc. *xl. Fragments of a Statue and a Bust. G. Fiesinger del. & sc. * Tail-piece on page 20. Reverses of Medals, containing Figures of Bonus Eventus and Diana Lucifera. N. B. Such plates as are marked with an asterisk are not co- loured. XXIII. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Gloucester ; with Observations on the INIeans of its Improvement. By George Turner, of Dovvdeswell. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improve- ment. London : Printed by J. Smeeton, mdccxciv. Quarto, 37 pages. XXIV. General View of the Agriculture of the CousfTv of Gloucester. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improve- ment. By Thomas Rudge, B.D. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, 1807; and for Messrs. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. Octavo^ 416 pages. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 275 Illustrated with a folded Map, coloured, of the Soil of Glou- cestershire. To front the Title. — Plan of the Thames and Severn Canal Navigation, and proposed Navigable Canal from KempsCord to Abingdon. Surveyed by Robert Whitworth. Folded, p. 29. — Four Cottages and School-Room at Mau- gersbury. ]). 50. — Rogers's improved Apparatus to the Drain- ing Machine. p.26l ; and a folded coloured Plate of Drain- ing. Neele sc. p. 262. 276 HAMPSHIRE. I. Collections for the History of Hampshire and the Bishopric of Winchester ; including the Isles of Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, and Sarke, by D.Y. with the original Domesdaij of the County, and an accu- rate English Translation, Preface, and Introduction : containing an Account of this curious Record, a View of the Anglo-Saxon History and Form of Govern- ment, troni tlie Reign of Alfred : together with a slight Sketch ol the most material Alterations which the latter underwent at the Period oi the Conquest. To which is added a Ciiossary, explanatory of the obsolete Words. By Richard Warner oi Sway, in the County of Southampton, and of St. Mar}'^ Hall, Oxiord. — Illustrated with upwards of Sixty Plates, eiegantly engraved ; Views of remarkable Places, or Portraits of eminent JMen, taking Honours from this County, or being Natives. — In Six Vo- lumes. London : Printed for the Authour, and sold by Messrs. Riving- ton, St. Paul's Church-yard ; Messrs. Cadell and Davies, Strand; Law, Ave- Maria Lane ; Sevvel, Cornhill; the Book- sellers of Salisbury, Oxford, Winchester, and Southampton. Ouart.0. VOL. L Sect. i. — Containinc; the first Part of the Topographical De- scription alphabetically arranged. Title-page as al)ovc. Dedication to the Right Honourable the Marquis of Hertford, signed D. Y. and dated May 2fi, 1/93, [b] p. iii-x. Preface, [b] dated .hjly 20, 1795, 4 pages. Table of the Plates in the Six Volumes, and Contents, 2 pages. (History of) Hampshire, [a-j.Is] 270 pages; concluding tluis : '* End of Sfxtion I," HAMPSHIRE. 277 PLATES. 1. John Pawlet, Marquis of Winchester, on Horseback. To front the Title-page. Adam sc. 2. A new Map of Hampshire, from the latest Authorities, Folded, p. 1. 3. Portrait of Lord Rodney. Sir J. Reynolds pinx. P. W. Tonikins sc. p. 30. 4. (View of) Rasing House in Hampshire, from a very ancient Drawing. Coloured. P. M. fee. p. 44. 5. (View of) Basing House in the ruinous state it appeared in the Year I 760. Coloured, p 46. 6. Beaulieu Abbey, (from Grose s Antiquities.) S. Sparrow sc. 1783. p. 50. 7. The Great Hall of Beaulieu Abbey, {from Grose's Antiq.) S. Sparrow sc. 1783. p. 52. 8. Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight, with the Entrance and Keep, {from Grace's Jul iq.) PI. I. Sparrow sc. ! 784. p. 115. 9. Inside View of Carisbrook Castle, Plate H. {from Grose's Antiq.) T. Bonnor direx. p. 116. 10. Near and particular View of Carisbrook Castle. Plate HI. Sparrow sc. p. 1 20. 11. (South View of) Christ-church, (Twynham). Plate 1. p. 130. 12. The Priory of Christ-church, Twynham. Plate II. p. 132. 13. Christ-chiirch Castle, {from Grose's Antiq.) D.L. del. 1783. p. 135. 14. West Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight, {from Grose's Antiq.) Ellis sc. p. 203. 15. St. Dionysius's Priory, {from Grose's Antiq.) Godfrey so. 1784.' p. 208. 16. Portrait of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, {an old plate.) p. 233. 17. Holy Ghost Chapel, {from Grose's Antiq.) T. Bonnor sc. p. 254. 18. WwY%X.C?i?>\\e, {from Grose's Antiq.) Godfrey sc. p. 260. 19. Hyde Abbey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Plate I. D.L. sc. 1780. p. 265. 20. Hyde Abbey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Plate il. T. Bonnor direx. p. 268. Section 11. Containing the last Part of the Topographical Description al- phabetically arranged. Title-page as before. 278 llAMPSUlilE. The Topographical Description continued. The first leaf be- ginning with signature a, '*^* then follow signature a-ss3, 318 pages. Errata of paging : — From p. 99 to 158 (the signatures being N to X inclusive) are omitted, but the error is accounted for ; — pp. 162, 3, 4 are repeated ; — p. 210, 211 are omitted. PLATES. 1. Merden Csisile, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 27- 2. Netley Abbey, Plate I, (from Grose's Antiq.) p. 32. 3. Netley Abbey, Plate II. {from Grose's Antiq.) p. 33. 4. Abbot's Kitchen at Netley Abbey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 34. 5. Odiam Castle, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 80. 6. Porchester Church, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 86. 7. Porchester Castle, (^row Grose's Antiq.) Sparrowsc. p. 88. S. The Gate to Porchester Priory, {from Grose's Antiq.) J. Newton sc. p. 88. 9. Somerford Grange, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. 1784. p. 171. 10. Water-Gate, Southampton, {from Grose's Antiq.) D. L. sc. p. 175. 11. East Gate, Southampton, {from Grose's Antiq.) p. 176. 12. The South- Gate and Tower, Southampton, {from Grose's Antiq.) p. 176. 13. South-sea Castle, {from Grose's Antiq.) J. Newton sc. p. 180. 14. Titchfield House, {from Grose's Antiq.) Godfrey sc. p. 198. 15. Titchfield House Chapel, {from Grose's Antiq.) T. Bon- nor sc. p. 200. 16. Warblington Castle, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrowsc. p. 216. 17. King John's House (at Warnford,) {from Grose's Antiq.) p.219. IS. Cathedral Church of Winchester, {from Grose's Antiq.) J. Newton sc. p. 254. 19. The Castle or County Hall, Winchester, {from Grose's Antiq.) J. Newton sc. p. 264. 20. Bp. of Winchester's House at Waltham, {from Grose's Antiq.) Plate I. L. D. sc. p. 267- 2\. (Interior View of the) Bp. of Winchester's House at Wal- tb.un, {from Grose s Antiq.) Plate II. L. D. sc. p. 269. IIAMPSIIIT^E. ' 279 22. Wolvesley Castle, {from Grose s Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 270. 23. The Chapel of Wolvesley Castle, {from Grose's Antiq.) D. L. sc. p. 271. 24. The Hospital of St. Cross, near Winchester, [from Grose's Antiq.) D.L. sc. p. 27S. 23. The Church of St. Cross, near Winchester, [from, Grose's Antiq.) T. Bonnor sc. p. 281. VOL. II. Containing the original Domesday, with Mr. Warner's Intro- duction and Glossary*. Title-page as before. Preface, [a-b 3] p. v-xvii. The Introduction, [b4-f3] 32 pages. Names of the Hundreds, Manors, Towns, Vills, &;c. in the County of Hants at the time of the general Survey, with the modern ones adapted to them, p. xxxiii-xliii. Names of the Land-holders in Hampshire, xliv-xlvi. Extract from Domesday, with Translation, [b-ss4] 3 19 pages. The Glossary, 8 pages. VOL. III. Containing the Agricultural Survey, Natural History, Honours, and Biography of eminent Men of this County, [B-ii4] 248 pages. N. B. A Title-page to the ^^ General View of the Agriculture of the Isle of Wight," forms pages 41 and 42. PLATES. A Vine Plantation in the Isle of Wight, on the letter-press of page 54. * This volume was published separately with the following; Title-page : " Hampshiue extracted from Domesdav Book ; with an accurate Ei)i;lish Translation, a Preface, and an Intr(}duction, containing an Account of this curious Record, a View of the Anglo-Saxon Tlistory, and Form of Govern- ment, from the Reign of Alfred : togetlicr- witfi a slight Sketch of the most material Alterations which the latter underwent at the Period of the Con- quest. To which is added a Glossary, explanatory of the obscure and obsolete Words. By Richard Warneh, jun. of Sway, in the County of Southampton, and of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. "London: Sold by Fauider, Bond-street; Robinsons, Paternoster-row ; Law, Ave-Mary-Lane ; Sewel, Corniiill ; FIcxney, Holboru; Hookham, Bond-street; White and Son, Fleet-street ; Richardson, Royal Exchange ; Bliss, Oxford; and Merrill, Cambridge," 280 HAMPSHIRE. 1 . Henry Wriothesley, 3'^'^ Earl of Southampton, ob. Nov'' lOtii-j 1624. T. S. "Seedsc. p. 95. 2. Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, Lord High Treasurer to Charles 2"'', p. 96. 3. W"' Paulet, 1"' Marquis of Winchester, p. 98. 4. Louise, D)ichess of Portsmouth. Sir Peter Lely pinx, T. S. Seed sc. p. 102. 5. Philip Earl of Pembroke, numbered 51. p. 102. 6. Sir W'" Petty, p. 146. VOL. IV. Containing the Island of Jersey by Mr. Fall, a new Edition, with great Additions, [B-nh 3] 238 pages. PLATES. 1. Elizabeth Castle, Jersey, {from Grose's Antiq.) D.L. sc. p. 53. 2. Mont Orgueil Castle, Jersey, {from Grose's Antiq.) D. L. sc. p. 64. 3. Plan of the Form of Jersey- N. B. This is mentioned in the printed list of plates, but is not to be found in any of the copies which the Edi- tor has had the opportunity to examine. 4. Druids' Temple found in the Island of Jersey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Plate I. J. Newton sc. p. 143. 5. Another View of the Druids' Temple found in the Island of Jersey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Plate II. S. Sparrow sc, p. 144. 6. Notre Dame. — [N. B. The Inscription under the plate says Guernsey, but it should be Jersey.'] {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 151. VOL. V. Containing the Islands of Guernsey and Sarke, [b-N 3] 9-1 pages. » PLATES. 1. St. Michael's, or the Vale Castle, Guernsey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. 1777. p. 53. 2. The Vale Church, Guernsey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Spar- row sc. 1776. p. 54. 3. St. Sampson's Church, Guernsey, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sj)arrow sc. 1777- p. 56. 4. Cattle Cornet, Guernsey, Plate 1. {from Grose's Antiq J) D. L. sc. p, 64. HAMPSHIRE. 281 5. Castle Cornet, Guernsey, Plate 11. {from Grose's Antiq.) D. L. so. p. 64. 6. Marsh Castle, {from Grose's Antiq.) Sparrow sc. p. 68. N. B. Tivo hundred and fifty copies of this work were printed; viz. 225 on small," and Twenty-five on Large Paper. II. Topographical Remarks relating to tlie South- western Parts of Hampshire : To which is added, a Descriptive Poem. By the Rev. Richard War- ner of Fawley, near Southampton. In Two Volumes. London : Printed for R. Blamire, Strand, mdccxchi. Octavo. VOL. I. Half Title, " Topographical Remarks.'' Title-page as above. Dedication to Sir Harry Burrard, Bart, of Walhampton, near Lymington, signed Richard Warner, jun. and dated Fawley Parsonage, March I5th, 179^, 3 pages. Contents of both volumes, 4 pages. Topographical Remarks, [b-x] 299 pages. VOL. H. Half Title and Title-page as in Vol. L Topographical Remarks continued, [b-o4] 200 pages. Hengistbury Head : a Descriptive Elegiac Poem, p. 201- 21.5. Contents of the Appendix, 3 pages. Appendix, [a-e3] 70 pages. Errata in Vol. I and H. with Directions to the Binder for placing the Engravings, 2 pages ; and the Volume concludes with the following Notice : " The Author of the Topographical Remarks respectfully Informs the Public, that the Engravings intended to accom- pany his Work, were consumed, together with the Copper- plates, &c. in a Ij^ire which happened on Sunday, the 28th of April, 1793, at the House of the Copper-plate Printer, Mr. Pushee, in Tottenham-street. As, however, he had adver- tized the Work for publication previous to the Accident, he deemed it more consistent to present it to the World at a greatly reduced price, than to with-hold it altogether. — Lon- don, May 13th, 1793." 20 282 HAMPSlilKE. III. The AiN^NUAL Hampshire Repository : or, Histo- rical, Economical, and Literary Miscellany: a pro- vincial Work of entirely original Materials, compri- sing all Matters relative to the County, including the Isle of Wight, &c. under the following Heads: — County History, Chronicle, Registry, Navy, Army, Church, Law, Civil and Municipal Affairs, Public V/orks, Commerce, Schools, Slate of the Poor, Eco- nomy, Charities, Agriculture, Natural History, Phi- losophy, and Curiosities ; Antiquities and Topo- graphy ; Arts and Sciences ; Letters, Biography, Projects, Miscellanies, Notices to Correspondents, &c. Sec. In Two Volumes. *' Fuhlica Materies privati juris erit." HOR. (Winchester:) Printed by Robbins: sold also by him and Bur- don, Winchester ; Messrs. White, London ; and to be had at all Booksellers in the County. Octavo. No date. VOL. L Title-page as above. Advertisement, dated March 31, 1799- Preface. — To the Public, dated Winchester, Mayl, 1798, p. iii- xxii. Civil and Political History of Hampshire, or the Public Con- duct of it as a County, &:c. [a-q4] 128 pages. State of the Poor, Population, Economy, Charities, Agriculture, Anticjuities, [2a-2t3] p. 1-150.* Notice to Correspondents, 1 page, concluding thus : " End of Vol. L" Appendix, or Part II. — Contents and Errata, 2 pages. Biography, [*2a-2d2] 28 pages. Poetry, Essays, and Criticisms, [3a-3u5] 161 pages. * Tlicre is an apparent omission in this part of the work from the sifjnn- turcs not following in repulur and ali)huhctical order: the Editor has been very an\ioiis to ascertain tiie fact positively ; hut as the book was pii!'- lii^htd in the country, and is little known, he has been unable to prcx-uio the inspection of more than two copies besides that in the library of the Lundon Institution, which are precisely tlje same as the one above de- ^tribcd, HAMPSHinK. 283 PLATES. 1. Plate of the Pitch of a Wheel Plough, p. 91, of Agricul- ture. 2. A Balance on the Principle of the Steel-yard, to show the Draft of a Plough, p. 9 1 , of Agriculture. 3. Plan of the ancient Clausentum, a Roman Station, now Bittern, with the new Bridge and Road making there. Folded, p. 92, of Antiquities. 4. Two Plants, coloured ; viz. Ophrys apifera and Ophrys non- descript. Folded. Sowerby del. p. 1 22, of Botany. Also a folded Statistical Table, (No. 4.) p. 46, of the Sup- plement to County History. VOL. II. Title-page as in Volume I. Contents, and List of Plates, p. 3-6. Preface, dated Winchester, April 15, 1801, p.vii-xii. Civil and Political History of Hampshire, [a-2 q] 296 pages. Between pages 82-3 are two leaves containing a List of Ma- gistrates for the County, not paged. Miscellanies. — Survey of Hampshire, &c. [4a-4E3] 78 pages. Letters, beginning with " Prize Exercises," [3 a-3 P 3] 1 1 6 page*. Criticisms, and Supplement to Poetry, [3P4-3Dd] p. 117-207. Erratum : — p. 29 of the Chronicle for p. 26. PLATES. 1-2. Mechanism of a fraudulent E O Table detected at V/in- chester. 3. Mr. Taylor's Patent Machines for raising Water. Folded. T. Younge del. Southampton, p. 94, of Civil and Po- litical History. 4. A Chinese Dwarf Tree. Coloured. W. Fitzhugh, Esq. del. T. Medland aq. fort. fee. p. 301. 5-9. Antiquities of Ancient Clausentum, now Bittern. Five Plates. Sir H. C. Englefield del. J.Basire sc. p. 300. 10. A View of the New Bridge at Northam. Folded. Money- penny, Architect. Drawn by T. Younge, engraved by T. S. Seed. p. 301. 11. Bursledon Bridge, and View. Engraved by Tho. Scott Seed, Soiith". p. 301. 284 HAMPSHIRE. IV. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchester : containing all the In- scriptions upon the Tombs and Monuments ; with an Account of the Bishops, Priors, Deans, and Preben- • daries: also the History of Hyde Abbey. — Begun by the Right Honourable Henry, late Earl of Clarendon, and continued to this time by Samuel Gale, Gent, Adorned with Sculptures. London : Printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, mdccxv. Octavo*. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Rt. Rev. Father in God .Jonathan (Trelawney), Lord Bishop of" Winton, signed S. Gale, 6 pages. Preface, dated Sep, 8, 1715, signed S. G. 7 pages. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Winton. By Samuel Gale^ Gent, " Delicta, majornm iniiieritus lues, Romane, dunec templu re/ecerls." Hon. Edit. Bent, London : Printed in the year mdccxv." The History of the Cathedral Church, [a y-c 2] p. 3-35. Donationes Terrarum Ecclesise Winton, 4 pages. Charters and Records in the Tower of London relating to the Church of Winton ; several Rehgious Houses, Chapels, Col- leges, and Hospitals in and about that City, 24 pages. The Antiquities of the Cathedral, beginning with its Dimen- sions, [b5-f6] 9i pages. Index to the Antiquities, 2 pages. Some Account of the Bishops, Priors, Deans, and Prebendaries of the See of Winchester, [f6-i 4] p. 91-136. Addenda, Errata, and Corrigenda, [k] p. 137-144. Index, 4 pages. Pages go and 91 arc repeated, with an *, containing the In- scription from the Monument of the Rev. Thomas Fletcher. * Some copies have a reprinted Title-page, wiili tlie following imprint: ♦' London : Printed for W. Meurs, at the Lamb without Temple Bar; and J. Hoolce, at the Flowcr-dc-liicc against St. Dunstan's Church in Tlect Street. MDCCXXin," TIAiMPSrilRE. 285 PLATES. 1. View of Winchester Cathedral. Dedicated to Jonathan (Trelawney), Lord Bishop of Winchester, and Prelate of the Most Nohle Order of the Garter. Folded. M.V. d"" Gucht sc. p. 1 , of the Hist, of the Cathedral. 2. An ancient square Font in Winchester Cathedral : this and the four following Plates are dedicated to Samuel Gale. Folded. C. Woodfield del. M. V. d-^ Gucht sc. p. 23. 3. 4, 5, C. Bas reliefs on each side of the Font. p. 24. 7. The Entrance to the Choir, the Work of Inigo Jones. De- dicated to the Dean and Chapter of the Cath' Church of Winton. C. Woodfield del. M. V. d^ Gucht sc. p. 25. 8. The Chests of the West Saxon Kings, &c. on the North \^'all of the Presbytery, and the Tomb of William Rufus before y^ Altar. Folded, Dedicated to Mr. William Lock, of London, Merchant. C. Woodfield del. M. V. d*" Giicht sc. p. 27. 9. South View of the Chantry of Bishop Fox. Dedicated to the Rev. the President and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Oxon. C. Woodfield del. M. V. d-" Gucht sc. p. 29. 10. Monument of William Wainfieet, Bp. of Winton. Dedi- cated to the Rev. the President and Fellows of Magda- len College, Oxon. C. Woodfield del. M. V. d^ Gucht sc. p. 30. 1 1 . Monument of Richard, Son of William the Conqueror. Dedicated to Ralph Throsby, of Leeds, Esq. p. 30. 12. Monument of Richard Weston, Earl of Portland. Folded. Inscribed to Roger Gale, Esq. C. Woodfield del. M.V. d"" Gucht sc. p. 33. 13. Monument of W*" of Wyckham, Bishop of Winchester. In- scribed to the Rev. the Warden and Fellows of New Col- lege, Oxon. H. Hulsbergh sc. p. 39. 14. Monument of Baptista Levinz, Bishop of Sodor and Man, and inscribed to the Lady Levinz. p. 42. 15. Monument and Statue of Sir John Clobery, and inscribed to his Co-heirs. H. Hulsbergh sc. p. 45. 16. Monument of the Rev. John Nicholas, Prebendary of Win- chester. Dedicated to Edward Nicholas, Esq. H. Huls- bergh sc. p. 59. J 7. Monument of the Rev. William Harris, Prebendary of Win- chester. Inscribed to Charles Savage, Esq. H. Huls- bergh sc. p. 84, '2S6 HAMPSHIRE. 18. Seals of Winchester Cathedral, and of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester. Folded. Inscribed to Peter Le Neve, Esq. M. V. d^ Gucht sc. p. 13G. N. B. There are copies of this work upon Large Paper. V. A Description of the City, College, and Ca- thedral of Winchester : exhibiting a complete and comprehensive Detail of their Antiquities and l)resent State. Illustrated with several curious and authentic Particulars, collected from a IVIanuscript of Anthony Wood, preserved in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford ; the College and Cathedral Registers, and other original Authorities. To which is added an authentic Account of the most remarkable Events and memorable Occurrences from its earliest State to tlie present Time. (By the Rev. Thomas Warton.) Winchester: Printed and sold by W. Greenville. Duodecimo, 84 pages. VI. The History and Antiquities of Winchester, setting forth its original Constitution, Government, Manufactories, Trade, Commerce, and Navigation : its several Wards, Parishes, Precincts, Districts, Churches, Religious and Charitable Foundations, and other public Edifices. Together with the Char- ters, Laws, Customs, Rights, Liberties, and Privileges of that ancient City. — Illustrated with a variety of Plates. — In Two Volumes. WiNTON : Printed and sold by J. Wilkes : sold also by S. Crow- der and R. Baldwin in Paternoster-row, London ; and by J. Hodson and Co. in SaHsbury, mdcclxxtii. VOL. L Title-page as above. HAMPSHIRE. 287 Dedication to the Worshipful Sir Paulet St. John, Bart. Mayor, and to the Corporation and Citizens of Winchester, dated Winton, Sep. 2, 1772. Preface, 6 pages. Directions for placing the Cuts to both volumes, 1 page. The History and Antiquities of Winchester, [b-l 11] 237 pages. PLATES. 1. Frontispiece: Justice resting on a Shield bearing the Arms of Winchester. W. Cave del. Winton. I. Taylor sc. 2. A View of the Ruins of the King's Palace at Winchester, W. Cave del. Dent & Junes sc. p. 6. 3. A View of the Cathedral Church of Winchester. W. Cave del. I. Taylor sc. p. 3-2. 4. A View of the Episcopal Palace of Winchester. W. Cave del. I. Taylor sc. p. 86. 5. A View of St. Mary's College in Winchester. Folded. W. Cave del. I. Taylor sc. p. 90. 6. The Trusty Servant. W. Cave del. p. 92. 7. A View of the College of Clergymen's Widows at Win- chester. W. Cave del. I. Taylor sc. p. 224. 8. Winchester Cross. W. Cave del. I. Taylor sc. p. 227. VOL. II. Title-page as in Volume I. Errata to both Volumes, 1 page. Historical Part continued, [b-o 4] 299 pages. Errata : — page 340 for 240 ; — p. 223 for 252 ;— pages 265 to 269 are omitted ; — p. 266 for 296. PLATES. 1. Florence de Lunn, Esq. first Mayor of Winchester A.D. 1184. I. Taylor sc. as a Frontispiece. 2. The County Hospital at Winchester. W. Cave del. I.Tay- lor sc, p. 149. 3. A View of the original State of the Magdalen Hospital. W. Cave del, I. Taylor sc. p. 155. 4. A View of the Ruins of Magdalen Hospital. W. Cave del. Dent & Innes sc. p. 201. 5. A View of the Hospital of St. Cro^s. Folded. V.'. Cave del. I. Taylor sc. p. 230. 2^8 TIAMPSTIIRE. VII. The History Civil and Ecclesiastical, and Sur- vey of the Antiquities of Winchester. By the Rev. John Milner, M.A. F.S.A. In Two Volumes. " Gtdntoniam lilii/is chnum gfirjs(jue i-epletnm Noverunt veteriim lempora prisca patium. Sed fum sacra fumes aiiri jam Circiix hubcndi Vrhibus egr't'giis panerc ne.icit amor." Ai.EX. Necham. Poetn Sac. I'J. Winchester: Printed and sol to have been paid by the tenants according to the values of their estates. They empowered Mr. John Wliiie to carry on the suit, but had not reimbursed him at the time of iiHs death, 1699.— GOUUH. 296 HAMPSHIRE. • Ego Apis Matina More modogue Grata cur pent in— per luborem Plu7imum." HoR. " Omnia bene describere, qute in hoc inuiido, a Deo facia ^ uut Nalura creuta virilnis eloburutajuernnt, opus tsl non unius hannnis, ntc unius PLATES. 1. A new and accurate Map of the Isle of Wight, with a Plan of Newport at the bottom corner. Folded. Tho. Bowles sc. 2. View of the Needle Rocks in the year 1760. Hixon sc. p. 200. 3. Six Roman Coins found in the Isle of Wight. Folded. Hixon sc. p. 1, of the Appendix. V. A Picture of the Isle of Wight, delineated upon the Spot in the Year 1793. By H. P. W. (Wynd- IIAM.) " All is here that the whole earth yields, ^ Variety without end : Sweet interchange Of hill and valley, rivers, woods, and plains, Now land, now sea, and shores with forest crown'd, Rocks, dens, and caves !" Milton. Par. Lost, book vii. 1;541. and book ix. 1. 115. London: Printed by C. Roworth, for J. Egerton, Military Li- brary, Whitehall, mdccxciv. Octavo. Title-page as above. Preface, v-xii. Descriptive Part, [a-t] 146 pages. Index, 6 pages. With a sheet Map of the Island, dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Tho- mas Orde Powlett, Governor {the same as in Alhin's Hi- story) . 310 HAMPSHIRE {hie of JVight). VI. Tour of the Isle of Wight. The Drawings taken and engraved by J. Hassell. Dedicated, by per- mission, to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cla- rence. In Two Volumes. " I wish I had been mith you to see the Isle of Wight." — JoHNsON. London : Printed by John Jarvis, for Thomas Hookham, in New Bond-street, mdccxc. Octavo. VOL. L An engraved Title-page, with the Arms of the D. of Clarence as a Vignette. The printed Title-page as above. Dedication, signed T. Hookham, and dated New Bond-street, May 1, 1790, 2 pages. Introduction and Errata, 4 pages. List of Subscribers, 1 2 pages. Contents of the First Volume, 4 pages. The Tour, [b-p 8] 224 pages, and seventeen Plates, neither numbered nor described. VOL. IL Engraved and printed Title-pages as in Vol. I. Table of Contents, 6 pages. Continuation of the Tour, [b-r4] 248 pages, and thirteen plates. N. B. There are copies of this work on Large Paper. VII. A Tour to the Isle of Wight (in 1793), illustrated with Eighty Viem^s drawn and engraved in Aqua Tinta. By Charles Tomkins. In Two Volumes. London: Printed for G. Kearsley, Fleet-street. 1796. Royal octavo. VOL. L Title-page as above. HAMPSHIRE {Isle of fVight). 3 1 1 Dedication to Sir John Bairingtonj Bart, signed Charles Tom- kins. Preface, 2 pages. Directions for placing the Prints, 1 page. The Tour, [without signatures after b] 186 pages. PLATES. 1 . Plan of the Isle of Wight, surveyed and engraved by Charles Tomkins. Folded. To face p. 1. 2. West View of Netley Abbey, p. 43. 3. Inside View of Netley Abbey, p. 43. 4. Netley Abbey Fort. p. 3 1 . 5. Calshot Castle, p. 52. 6. Cowes Harbour, p. 34. 7. Cowes Castle, p. 36. 8. Norton Lodge, the Seat of Mr. Binstead. p. 120. 9. Hurst Castle, p. 121. 10. AUuni Bay and the Needles, p. 122. 1 1. West End of the Isle of Wight, p. 123. 12. Black Gang Chine, p. 128. 13. Northwood Church, p. 142. 14. Entrance into Newport, p. 134. 13. Coffin of Elizabeth, 2"'^ Daughter of King Charles I. p. 167. I 16. Medina River, p. 181. 17. Another View of Medina River, p. 182. 18. Fairlee, the Seat of John White, Esq. p. 162. 19. Newport from Fairlee. p. 183. VOL. II. Title-page as in Vol. I. List of Plates, 2 pages. A Continuation of the Tour, beginning with "Carisbrook Castle," [without signatures] 133 pages. Errata in both volumes, on the reverse of p. 133. Index to Vol. I. and II. 8 pages. PLATES. 1. Entrance of Carisbrook Castle, p. 6. 2. The Keep at Carisbrook Castle, p. It?. 3. (Interior of) Carisbrook Castle, 'p. \6. 4. (Distant View of) Carisbrook Castle, p. 41. 5. Ancient Monument at (in) Carisbrook (Church.) p. 43. 312 HAMPSHIRE {Isle of JV'tght), 6. (N.E. View of) Carisbrook Church, p. 47- 7. Swainston, the Seat of Sir John Barrington, Bart. p. 52. 8. Monument at Calborne. p. 55. Q. Calborne Church, p. 55. 10. Westover, the Seat of L. T. Holmes, Esq. p. 55. 1 1 . Froghill, the Seat of Fitz Barrington, Esq. p. 56. 12. (South View of) Shalfleet Church, p. 61. 13. Thorley Church, p. 62. 14. Yarmouth Castle, p. 63. 15. Yarmouth Church, N.W. View. p. 64. 16. Norton Cottage, the Retreat of Sir A. Snape Hammond. p. 66. 17. (S.W. View of) Freshwater Church, p. 68. 18. Entrance of Freshwater Cave. p. 69. 19. Cave at Freshwater, p. 70. 20. Distant View of St. Catherine's, p. 70. 21. Freshwater, p. 71. 22. Freshwater-gate and Mainbench. p. 71. 23. Brook Church, p. 74. 24. (North View of) Motteston Church, p. 75. 25. (N. West View of) Brixton Church, p. 76. 26. (N. East View of) Shorwell Church, p. 77. 27. Monument at (in) Shorwell (Church), p. 77. 28. Culver Cliffs, p. 85. 29. Path to Hermits Hole. p. 85. 30. (S. View of) Brading (Church), p. 90. 31. St. Helen's (Tower), p. 93. 32. Spithead from Priory Rocks, p. 94. 33. Barnsley Wood. p. 96. 34. (View of) Ride. p. 97. 35. (S.E. View of) Binstead Church, p. 98. 36. (View of) Wootton River, p. 102. 37. Wootton Church, p. 103. 38. (South View of) Whippingham Church, p. 104. 39. (View of) Shide Bridge, p. 106. 40. Gatcombe Church, p. 107. 41. Monument at Gatcombe. p. I07, 42. Chale Church, (looking westward.) p. 109. 43. Black Gang Chine, looking to Sea. p. 110. 44. Chale Bay. p. 111. 45. St. Catherine's, p. 112. 46. (S. View of) Niton Church, p. 113. 47. Knowlc?, looking west. p. 1 14. HAMPSHIRE {Isle of Wight). 3 1 3 48. Mirables, from Cripple Path. p. 115. 49. Wolverton Undercliff. p. 117. 50. (W. View of) St. Laurence's (Church), p. 118. 51. Steep Hill. p. 11 9. 52. (View of) Western Lines, p. 120. 53. Ventnor Mill. p. 121. 54. Bon Church Village (looking westward) . p. 122. 55. (S.West View of) Bon Church, p. 122. 56. Dunnose (a Promontory), p. 126. 57. Bon Church Shute. p. 127. 58. Luccombe Chine, p. 127- 59. (S.W. View of) Shanklin Church, p. 128. 60. Antique Chest at Shanklin, p. 128. 61. Shanklin Chine, p. I29. 62. Horse Ledge, p. 129. N. B. There are copies of this work on Large Paper, in Two Volumes Quarto. VIII. A Journey from London to the Isle of Wight. By Thomas Pennant, Esq. In Two Volumes. London : Printed at the Oriental Press, by Wilson and Co. for Edward Harding, No. 98, Pall Mall ; and sold by West and Hughes, No. 40, Paternoster-row. 1801. Quarto. VOL. L From London to Dover. Half Title. Title-page as above. Preface and Advertisement, 5 pages. List of Plates in Volume I. 1 page. The Journey from London to Dover, [B-Dd3] 205 pages. PLATES. Map of the Road from London to Dover, Folded and co- loured. To face the Title. 1. The Temple Stairs. Tomkins del- Harding sc. p. 1. 2. Trinity Hospital, Deptford. Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 10. 3. Whole-length Portrait of Sir John Packington, from an ori- ginal Drawing in the Collection of R. Bull, Esq. Hard- ing sc. p. 12. 4. Marie la Duchesse de Chevreuse, from a scarce Print in the Collection of R. Bull, Esq. Harding sc. p. 13. 2s 314 HAMPSHIRE {hit of JVlght). b. Norfolk Hospital, Greenwich. Tomkins del. Harding sc. p. 21. f). Perry's Dock-yard, Blackvvall. Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 26. 7. Charlton Manor House. Tomkins del. S. Sparrow sc. p. 35. 8. Lesnes Abhey. E. Tomkins del. W. Angus sc. p. 41. 9. Portrait of Edward Brown, M.D. F.R.S. in the Collection of the Earl of Buchan. Harding sc. p. 57- 10. Tilbury Fort. Tomkins del. Eastgate sc. p. .59. 1 I . Rochester Castle, Cathedral, Bridge, River Medway, and Town of Stroude J. Nixon, Esq, del. Comte sc. p. 73. 12. The Starred Waxen Vein (a Fossil), p. 83. 13. A Plate of Fossils, p. 88. 14. Feversham Abbey. Tomkins del. Sparrow sc. p. 91. 15. Robert Plot, LL.D. from the Picture Gallery, Oxford. Harding sc. p. 94. )6. Reculver. Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 98. 17. Dandelion (in the Isle of Thanet). J. Nixon, Esq. del. S. Sparrow sc. p. 105. 18. Forland Light-house. J.Nixon, Esq. del. S. Sparrow sc. p. 110. 19. St. Augustine's Monastery and Ethelbert's Tower, Canter- bury. Tomkins del. Sparrow sc. p. 159. 20. Canterbury Castle. Tomkins del. Sparrow sc. p. 164. 21. Deal Castle. Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 175. 22. Walmer Castle. Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 176. 23. Dover Castle. Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 178. 24. Ancient Chapel and Roman Watch Tower, Dover Castle. Tomkins del. Sparrow sc. p. 180. 25. Portrait of Sir Thomas Erpingham. Harding sc. p. 181. 20. The " Maison Dieu." Tomkins del. Angus sc. p. 193. 27^ Shakespeare ChfF. Tomkins del. Sparrow sc. p. 20-1. VOL. II. From Dover to the Isle of Wight. Half Title. Title-page as before. Advertisement, 1 page. List of Plates in the Second Volume, 1 page. 'ihe Tour continued, from Dover to the Land's End, [B-Dd4] 207 pages. Index to both Voliuncs, p. 'JOU-21 7- H A M PSIl IRE (Jsk of JVight). 3 I J PLATES. 1 . Map from Dover to the Isle of Wight. Folded and coloured. To front the Title. 2. Portrait of W. Harvey, M.D. but is called William Chij- lingworth on the Plate. Harding sc. p. 5. [Not in the printed List of Plates.] 3. Sandgate Castle and Town. J. Nixon del. Comte sc. p. 7. 4. Winchelsea Church. J. Nixon del. Harding sc. p. 26. 5. Battle Abbey. J. Nixon del. Newton sc. p. 36. 6. Sir Ant>' Brown on Horseback. R. H. Cromek sc. p. 41. 7. Pevensey Castle. J. Nixon, Esq. del. Comte sc. p. 48. 8. Newhaven, Sussex. J. Nixon del. Sparrow sc. p. 65. 9. Pavilion at Brighton. Folded. Gardiner del. Newton sc. p. 68. 10. New Shoreham Church. J. Nixon, Esq. del. Newton sc. p. 86. 11. InsideViewof Arundel Castle. J.Nixon del. Newtonsc. p.QS. J2. View of Chichester. J. Nixon, Esq. del. Comte sc. p. 105. 13. View of Emsworth. J. Nixon, Esq. del. Comte sc. p. 118. 14. Warblington. J, Nixon, Esq. del. Sparrow sc. p. 130. 15. Cowes Castle. J. Nixon, Esq. del. Sparrow sc. p. 157. 16. Carisbrook Castle, from the Newport Road. J. Nixon, Esq. del. Comte sc. p. 16-2. 17. The Coffin of Elizabeth, 2'^'^ Daughter of K. Charles V\ p. 167. 1 8. St. Catherine's Tower, Isle of Wight. Turner del. Spar- row sc. p. 186. 19. St. Catherine's Light-house Point, Isle of Wight. J.Nixon, Esq. del. Comte sc. p. 188. 20. Yarmouth. F. Grose, Esq. del. Angus sc. p. 200. N. B. Some copies were printed on Large Paper. IX. VFXTIANA ; or a Companion to the Isle of Wight, comprising the History of the Island, and the Description of its local Scenery, as well as all Objects of Curiosity. By John Albin. Printed for and sold by J. Albin, Newport, Isle of Wight, con- taining an engraved Title-page, with a vignette View of Ca- risbrook Castle. — Duodecimo, 106 pages, no date, and a po- etical Dedication to the Rt. Hon''"= Lord Fitzharris. With a Map of the Island, the same as in the Author's History of the Isle of Wight in octavo. 316' iiAUVSUlRE {Lie of IVight). X. A New Picture of the Isle of Wight, illustrated with Thirty-six Plates of the most beautiful and in- teresting Views throughout the Island, in imitation of the original Sketches, drawn and engraved by Wil- liam Cooke. To which are prefixed an introduc- tory Account of the Island, and a Voyage round its Coast. Second Edition, with Improvements. " A precious stone set in the silver sea." Southampton : Printed by and forT. Baker; and for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-row, London ; sold also by J. Fletcher, Southampton, and neighbouring Booksellers. 1813.* Octavo. Title-page as above. Prefaces to both P2ditions, 6 pages. Contents, 4 pages. List of Plates, 2 pages. Introductory account of the Isle of Wight, signed J. E. and dated Islington, Sept. 4, 1608, 28 pages. Half Title : " The Plates ; with Descriptions." Description of the Plates, [c8-k4] p. 31-136. Half Title : " Voyage round the Island." * This publication appeared for the first time in 1808 in quarto and oc- tavo; but tlie preface of the second edition states " tiiat the Kditors have rejected some of the plates the least worthy of notice, and liave added new ones of the most intcre^^tini^ views. In tiie descriptive jjart such altera- tions have be<;n made as time and circimistanccs required ; and some addi- tional information i;iven :"' they add likewise, " that the plates are executed in a far more finisiied style than before." An edition has also been printed \n duodecimo in 1813, with twcnl i/six of the plates only, and a reduced coloured map of the island engraved by W. Jeffreys: which plates are as follow: 1. Norris. — 2. Carisljrook Castle. — 3. G:rtc«ay to Carisbrook Castle. — 4. Rocks in Freshwater Bay- — 5. Freshwater Bay and Cliffs. — 6. Needles. — 7. Lii^ht-house on Freshwater CUiffs. — 8. Yarmouth. — 9. Fernliill. — 10 Binstead Cottaiie and Church. — 11. St. Joim's. — 1'2. Lodge, or Cottage Entrance to St. Joim's. — 13. I'he Priory. — 14. llock Cottage. — 13. Under- cliff.— IG. Mirabies.— 17. Stecphill Cot'tag^.— 18. St. Boniface.— 19. Bon- Church Villa^'c. — 20. Shanklin Chine.— 21. Black Gang Chine. —2'2. Appul- dnrconibe. — 23. Godshill. — 24. Cowes Castle and Harbour.— 25. Westhill Cottage.— 2t3. Cottage at East Covvcs. HAMPSHIRE {Ide of Wight). 3 1 7 The Account of the Voyage, p. 139-130. Half Title : " Routes of the Island." The Routes, p. 153-158. Index and Directions to the Binder, 4 pages. PLATES. Map of the Isle of Wight. Coloured and folded. To pre- cede the Frontispiece. 1. Norris, the Seat of L'* Henry Seymour, at East Cowes, Isle of Wight, as a Frontispiece, [p. ]43, Jirst edit J] 2. Carisbrook Castle, p. 31 . [p. 4b, first edit.'\ 3. Gateway to Carisbrook Castle, p. 34. \j(t. 48, Jirst cdit.^ 4. Village of Carisbrook. p. 39. [p. 54, Jirst edit.'] 5. Rocks in Freshwater Bay. p.41. [p. 56,^r5^ edit^ 6. Arched Rock in Freshwater Bay. p. 4^. [p. bT , Jirst edit.'] 7. Freshwater Cliffs, p. 43. [p.b8, Jirst edit.] 8. Needles, from Scratchell's Bay. p. 52. [p. 67, Jirst edit.] 9. Light-house on Freshwater Cliff, p. 54. [p. 6g, first edit.] 10. Farringford Hill, the Seat of Ed. Rushworth, Esq. [p. 70, Jirst edit.] 11.* Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. G. Cooke sc. p. 57. [Not in the Jirst edit.] 12. Shalfleet Church, p. 61. [p. 7 4, Jirst edit.] 13. Swainston, the Seat of Sir John Barrington, Bart. p. 63. [p. 7b, Jirst edit.] 14. Fernhiil, the Seat of Mrs. Shute. New plate, p. 64. [p. 7 7, Jirst edit.] 15. Binstead Cottage and Church, p. 67. [p. 80,^rj< edit.] 16. Appley near Ryde, the Seat of Captain Hutt. p. 83. [p. 7^,, first edit.] 17. St. John's, the Seat of Edward Simeon, Esq. p. 74. [p. 86, Jirst edit.] 18. Lodge, or Cottage Entrance to St. John's, p. 77. [p. 90, frst edit.] 19. The Priory, the Seat of Sir Nash Grose, Knt. p. 80. [p. 93, Jirst edit.] 20. Niton, p. 83. [p. 96, Jirst edit.] 21*. Sandrock Hotel, near Niton. G. Cooke sc. p. 85. [Not in t fie first edit.] 22. Undercliff, taken near Mirables. p. 90. [p. 9S,Jirst edit.] 23. Mirables, the Villa of Mrs. Arnold, p. 94. [p. \0^, Jirst edit.] 318 nAMPsniUE (Lie of /Vig/it). 24. Marine Villa of the late Sir Richard Worsley, Bart, and now of the Hon. C. A. Pelham. p. 96. [p. \0A, first edit.] 25. Steep Hill, Cottage Villa of the Earl of Dysart. p. 98. [p. \06, first edit.'] 26. St. Boniface, formerly the Villa of Thomas Bowdler, Esq. and late of Lieut'. Col. Hill. p. 101. [p. log, first edit .] 27. Bon-Church Village, p. 105. [^. \ 13, fiirst edit.] 28. Shanklin Chine, looking outwards, p. 107. [^. 121, first edit.'] 29. Gatcombe House, the Seat of Col. Campbell, p. 115. [p. \26, first edit.] 30. Black Gang Chine. {A new plate.) G. Cooke sc. p. 117. 31. Appuldurcombe, the Seat of the late Sir Rich*^ Worsley, Bart, and now of the Hon. C. A. Pelham. p. 121. [p. \ 32, first edit.] 32.* Godshill, taken in the Road to Newport, p. 123. [Not in the first edit.] 33. Cowes Castle and Harbour, p. 126. [p. \34, first edit.] 34. Westhill Cottage near Cowes, the Residence of Lord Fitz- harris, late of General Whitelock. p. 129. [p. 137, first edit.] 35. Mrs. Lambert's Cottage at East Cowes. p. 131. [p. 139, first edit.] 36. East Cowes Castle, the Villa of J. Nash, Esq. p. 132. [p. 140, first edit.] The plates marked with an asterisk are not in the first edi- tion ; and the following, which are there given, are omitted in the present one : The Marina, near Ryde. p. 89, but serving as a Frontispiece. Shanklin Chine, looking inwards, p. 1 16. Black Gang Chine, looking outwards, p. 127- Black Gang Chine, from the Beach, p. 130. XI. Poetical Excursions in the Isle of Wight. ■Casia, atqiic aliis intcxens snavihus habis, Afollia iuteo/fi piuf^it vaccinia call ha. Fa tos, Laiiri, carpum : et Te, prorima, mtirte ; Sic posit a: quoniam suaves miscctis odores." — ViRG. Eclog. ii. 49. HAMPSHIRE {Isk of Wight). 319 London: Printed for N. Conant (Successor to Mr. Whiston), in Fleet-street, mdcclxxvii. Qwar^o, 42 pages; and are de- dicated to Lord Camden. With a large vignette View of Carisbrook Castle in the Title- page, under which is this motto : "An awful Pharos to each British king !" There has likewise been published VECTIS; or The Isle of Wight, a Poem in Three Cantos, by Henry Jones. Lond. 1766. Quarto. XII. Tiie Delineator : or a Picturesque, Historical, and To- pographichal DESCRIPTION of the Isle of Wight. By James Clarke, (Land Surveyor, Newport.) Printed and sold by Tayler and Co. Newport. (1812.) Diiode- cimoy go pages. Illustrated with a Sheet Map, coloured, entituled, " A Military, Marine, and Topographical Survey of the Isle of Wight, by James Clarke, Land Surveyor, Newport. 1812." XIII. Tlie Isle of Wight Magazine, from January 1799 to December, and Supplement. Newport, Isle of Wight : Printed by and for John Albin, Duo- decimo, containing 630 pages, four pages of Index, and four of Preface. XIV. Twelve Views in the Isle of Wight. 22 Inches by 17. Drawn and etched by J. King and S. Barth. London: Published by W. Cribb, Tavistock-street, 1813, [in colours.) 1. Carisbrook Castle. — 2. Carisbrook. — 3. Wooton Bridge. — 4. St. Helen's Sea Mark. — 3. Brading. — 6. Sandown Bay. — 7. Newport. — 8. Yarmouth. — 9. Ashey Down, — 10. Nightou House." — 11. St. Laurence. — 12. Steep Hill. 320 HAMPSHIRE {Isle of Wight). XV. Twelve Select Views in the Isle of Wight, from Drawings by T. Walmesley. 27 Inches by 21. London : Published by James Daniell and Co. Strand, 1810-15, both plain and in colours. 1. Brixton Church. Cartwright sc. 2. View of Mirables. Hassell sc. 3. Carisbrook Castle. Cartwright sc. 4. View of St. Catherine's Head. Chesham sc. 5. View of Ryde, opposite Portsmouth. Cartwright sc. fi. View of Steephill. Cartwright sc. 7. Entrance to the Village of Carisbrook. Bluck sc. 8. Carisbrook Castle near the Village. Bluck sc. 9. View of a Cottage near Ryde. Cartwright sc. 10. View of the Mirables among the Rocks. Cartwright sc. 11. Distant View of Freshwater Cliff from Staples Heath. Bluck sc. 12. View of the Needles. Cartwright sc. N. B. The same set of plates were pubHshed in a smaller size in 1813 ; viz. \b\ inches by 12-i-, both plain and in colours. XVI. Six Views in the Isle of Wight and of Netley Abbey. Drawn and published by R. B. Hahraden of Cambridge, and aquatinted by J. B. Harraden. 1814. Size 17 Inches by llf. 1. Shankhn Chine.— 2. Black Gang Chine.— 3. Bon- Church Village.— 4. Carisbrook Castle.— 5. Netley Abbey. — Q. An- other View of Netlev Abbev. 321 HEREFORDSHIRE. I. Introductory Sketches towards a Topograpiit- CAL History of the County of Hereford. By tlie Rev. John Lodge, B.A. "Pleasant SiLURiA, land of various views, Hills, rivers, woods, and lawns, and purple troves Pomaceous, min".sq. N. li. Tliis should be. called Pienclopie Stone. 1 . The Author's Picture before the Title. 2. Map of the County, p. 1, 3. nroadfield House, p. 72. 4. Kushden {Risden) Place, p. T8. HERTFORDSHIRE. 335 Folded. H. Moll fee. presented to J, Savage sc. 2. Map of the County of Hertford. 1700. p. 1. 3. Manor House at Broadfield. Dedicated and the Worpi' Pulter Forester, Esq. Folded, p. 74. 4. Risden House. Presented to the Worp" Pienelopie Stone, the Relict of Thomas Stone, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 79. 5. Hyde Hall, presented to the Right Worp" Sir Nicholas Mil- ler, Knt. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 81. 6. New Sills, Bury Presented to the Worp" Thomas Newland, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 99. 7. Cockenhatch. Presented toy'" Worp" Edward Chester, Esq. Folded. .J. Drapentier sc. p. 10'2. 8. Widyall Hall. Pres'* to y*^ Worp" James Goulston, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 111. 9. Parsonage House at Throcking. Presented to the Worp" Robert Elwes, Esq. Folded. J. Savage sc.p. 1 18. 10. Aspeden Hall. Presented to the Right Worp" Ralph Free- man, E^q. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 125. " The Names of the Gentlemen tliat gave the Plates. Sir Nicholas Miller, Knight. Thomas Newland, Esq. Edward Chester, Esq. James Gonlston, Esq. Robert Elwis, Esq. Ralph Frenian, Esq. Thomas Turner, Esq. Francis Flyer, Esq. William Earners, Esq. Lady Wiseman, Baronette;s. Sir Robert Jocelin, Baronet. The same. Lady Wiseman, Baroiiettess. The same. The same. Henry Gore, Esq. The same. Edmond Field, E-^q. Matthew Bliick, Esq. Walter, Lord Aston, Sir Thomas Brograve, Baronet John Dimsdale, Gent. Mayor. The Lady Harrison. Richard Harrison, Esq. 5. Hide-Hall in Sandon. 6. Nusels-Biiry. p. 7. Cockenhach. p. 8. Windihale-Hall. 9. Throcking-Honse 10. Aspenden-Hall. 11. Little Court, p. 12. Pelham-Hall. p, 1.3. More-Place, p. 14. Pisho-Bury. p p. 82. 100. 102. p. 112. p. 118. p. 124. 130. 142. 160. 179. 15. Hide-Hall in Sabrid^eworth. p. 182, 16. Two small Monuments, p. 185. 17. The Monument of Sir Thomas Hewyt, Knight and Baronet. 18. The Monument of George, Lord Vis- count Hewyt, p. 185. 19. The Monument of Sir Will. Hewyt, Kt, p. 186. 20. New-Place, p. 190. 21.Twosma]l Monuments {separateplaies.) p. 191. 22. Stansted-Bury. p. 195. 23. Honsdon-Hoii-e. p, 199. 24. Standon-Lordship. p. 220. 25. Hamells. p. 227. ' 26. Hertford -Town. p. 260. 27. Balls, p,265. 336 HEllTrORDSHIIlE. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. IS. Litle Court. Presented to y*" Worp" Thomas Turner, Esq. Folded. J Drapentier sc. p. 131. Pelhani Hall. Pres'^ to y^ Worp" Francis Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 142. Pres'' to y- Worp" William Earners, Esq. Drapentier sc. p. I60. Burnt (Brent) Flyer, Esq. Mores Place. Folded. J Pisho Bury Folded. Hide Hall. Presented to the Hon^'*^ the Lady Wiseman. 17. 18. J. Drapentier sc. p. 179. Presented to the Right Worp" Sir Robart Jos- ling, B'. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 182. Monuments of John Jocelin, Esq. and Philippa his Wife, (erroneously called the Monuments of Sir John Leven- thorpe, Bart, and his Lady by Mr. Savage in his Libra- rian, vol. i. p. 57.) Presented to the Right Worp" Sir Robert Josling, of Hide Hall, Bart, marked p. 81. J. Drapentier sc. p. 184. Monument of Sir Thomas Hewyt, K' and Bart, with a Vail opening above the Table, supported by two Cupids, p. 185. Monument of Geo. Lord Hewyt, Viscount Hewyt of Goran, with his Effigy in Armour, p. 185. " The Names of the GenUemeii that gave the Plates. Jo. Cullin, Esq. Thomas Atkins, Esq. Thomas Priestley, Esq. Sir William Litton, Knijrht. Sir Ralph Raicliffand other Inhabi- ? tants of Hilchin. ^ Francis Bragge, 1!.D. and other habitants of Hitchin. Sir Edwin Sadleir, Haronct. '"■} Sir John Spencer, Baronet. Richard H elder, l<',sq. Sir Robert [Jokn) Austen, Baronet Sir Jonathan Keat. Sir Robert Marsham, K' and B'. The same. The same. Edward Saver, Esq. The Honourable Ilcnry <'Iuy, Esq. Sir Richard Anderson, Bart. 2^. The Park-House, p. 272. '29. Bedwell-Paik. p. 276. 30. Canifield Place, ibid. 31. Kneb worth Place, p. 553. .32. Hitchin Town. p. 590. 33. Hitchin Church, p. 392. 428. 34. Temple-Dinseley. p. 396. 5.i. Offlv Place, p. 405. 36. Little Offly. p. 406. 37. Sta2;enhoe. p. 414. 38. The Town of St. Alban's. 39. The Hoo. p. 5 10. 40. The South Prospect of Bushy-Hall, p. 540. 41 . The East and West Prospect, p. 542. 42. The North Prospect, ibid. 43. Rarkhamsted Place, p. 577. 44. I'ring-Ilouse. p. 592. 45. Pendlcy-House, p. 593. N. B. Reckoning No. 22 as two separate plates will make the wliole number of plates to correspond with the preceding list in the text. %* Four caiKclIcd leaves, viz. the first, page 5; the second, page 121 tlie third, page 253 ; the fourth, page 303." HERTFORDSHIRE. 337 1 9. Monuments of Sir William Hewyt, Knt. and Ellz^ his Wife. p. 186. 20. New Place. Presented to the Worp" Hcnery Gore, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier so. p. IQO. 21. Monument of Bridget, Daug' of Sir John Gore^ Kt. hold- ing a Branch in her right hand. p. igi. 22. Momiment of Sir .lohn Gore, K'. p. IQl. 23. Stansted Bury. Presented to Edmund Feilde, Esq. Folded* J. Drapentier sc. p. 193. 24. Honsdon Hou^e. Presented to y*^ Worp" Mathew Bluck^ Esq. Folded. J, Drapentier sc. p. 199. 25. Standon Lordship. Presented to the Right Hon**'^ and truely Noble Walter, Lord Aston. Folded. J. Dra- pentier sc. p. 220. 26. Hamells. Presented to the Right Worp;full S"" Thomas Brograve, Bart. Folded. .1. Drapentier sc. p. 227. 27. The North Prospect of the Town of Hertford from PorthilL Presented to the Right Worshipfull the Mayor, Re- corder, and Aldermen of Hertford. Folded. J. Dra- pentier sc. p. 262. 28. Balls, (n^ Hertford.) Presented to the Worp" Rich'^ Herri- son, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 26.5. 29. The Parke. Presented to the Worp" .John Cullen, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 2/2. 30. Bed well Parke. Presented to the Worp" Thomas Atkins, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 276. 31. Camfeild Place (at Wildhill in y'^ Parish of Easenden). Presented to the Worp" Thomas Prcstley (Priestley), Esq. Folded. .T. Drapentier sc. p. 277, marked 272. 32. Knebworth Place. Presented to the Right Worp:fidl Sir Will. Lytton. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 356, marked 353. 33. The Town of Hitchin. Presented to the Right Worp" Sir Ralph Radcliffe, Knt. and other Gentlemen, Inhabiters of y' Town. Folded, ,1. Drapentier sc. p. 388, marked 391. 34. Hitchin Church (St. Marys). Presented to the Reverend Mr. Francis Bragge, Batchelor of Divinity, and Minister of Hitchin. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 392. 35. Temple Dinsley. Presented to the Right Worp" Sir Edwin Sadler, B'. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 397. 36. Offley Place. Presented to the Right Worp" Sir John Span- cer^ B'. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 404. 2x 338 HERTJFORDSHIRE. 37. Little Offley. Presented to Richard Helder, Esq. Folded. J. D. sc. p. 407. 38. Stagen Hoe. Presented to the Right Worp" S"" John Aus- tin, Bart. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 414. 39. Map of St. Alban's. Dedicated to the Right Worp" the Mayor, and the Worp'' the Recorder, and Aldermen of this Antient Borough. Folded. John Oliver sc. p. 428. 40. The Hoo. Presented to Gilbert Hoo Keate, Esq. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 5 10. 41. The South Prospect of Bushey Hall. Presented to y^ Right Worp" Sir Robt. Marsham, K' & BaV'. Folded. ' J. Dra- pentier sc. p. .540. 42. The East and West Prospect of Bushey Hall. Presented to y'^ Right Worp" Sir Robt. Marsham, K^ & Bar'. Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 54 1 . 43. The North Prospect of Bushey Hall. Presented to the Right Worp" Sir Robt. Marsham, 10 & Bar^ Folded. J. Drapentier sc. p. 54 1 . 44. Barkhamstead Place, or the Mannor House. Dedicated to the Worp" Edward Sayer, Esq. Folded. John Oliver sc. p. 577. 45. Mannor House of Tring. Dedicated to the Honourable Henry Guy, Esq. Folded. J. Oliver sc. p. 593. 46. Mannor House of Penley. Dedicated to the Honourable Sir Richard Anderson, Bart. Folded. J. Oliver sc. p. 594. II. The History of Hertfordshire : describing the County and its antie^it Monuments, particularly the Ronian. With the Character of those that have been tlic cliief Possessors of the Lands ; and an xVccount of the most memorable (3ccurrences. By N. Sal- mon, LL.B. " Pascua, Rttra, Duces." Viiio. London: Printed in the year mdccxxviii. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Honourable the Earl of Hertford, dated Bishop's Stortford, May 1, 1728, 4 pages. List of Subscribers, 2 pages. HERTFORDSHIRE. 339 History of Hertfordshire, printed in double columns, [B-vyyy] 358 pages. Appendix : beginning with a List of " Knights for the County of Hertford, as far as they can be recovered," p. 339-368, and ending with the word "finis." Another "Appendix to the History of Hertfordshire," p. 869. To which is prefixed a folded Map of the County, engraved by J. Clark. III. SPECULUM BRITANNIJE ; an Historical and Chorographical Description of Middlesex and Hartfordshire, by John Norden. Quarto, See Middlesex. IV: The History of the Ancient and Eoyal Foundation called the Abbey of St. Alban, in the County of Hertford, from the Founding thereof in 79^ to its Dissolution in 1539: Exhibidng the Life of each Abbot, and the principal Events relating to the Mo- nastery during his Rule and Government. Extracted from the most faithful Authorities and Records, both printed and Manuscript; with Plates, and a new Map of the County. By the Reverend Peter Newcome, Rector of Shenley, Herts. London : Printed for the Author, by J. Nichols : and sold by Messrs. White, in Fleet-street; T. Payne, at the Mews Gatej Robson and Faulder, in Bond-street ; and Hooper and Flex- ney, in Holborn. mdccxcv. Quarto. Title-page as above. Errata in both parts, 1 page. Names of the Abbots, 1 page. Preface, p. iii-xiii- The History of the Abbey, including both Parts, (Part L ending at page 234,) with Appendixes, [b-4b] 547 pages. 340 HERTFORDSHIRE. PLATES. 1 . A Sheet Map of the County, with Additions, Corrections, and Improvements, drawn and engraved for this Work. Folded. F. Vivares sc. To face the Title. 2. St. Alban's Abbey. Metcalfsc, p. 1. 3. A Sketch of the Ground Plot of the Monastery of St. AI- ban, as it was in the Time of Henrv III. 1250. T. Jones del. F. Vivares sc. p. 235. 4. Ground Plan of the Abbey Church of St. Alban, with the Altars and Chapels as it was in the Time of Henry VI. Folded. F. Vivares sc. p. 342. V. Some Account of the Abbey C'hurch of St. Al- ban. Illustrative of the Plans, Elevations, and Sec- tions of that Building. London : Printed by Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Pas- sage, Fleet-street. 1813. Atlas foLio. Title-page as above. Advertisement at the back of the Title. Observations on the Abbey Church of St. Alban, 7 pages. Monuments and Epitaphs, p. 9-20. Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Specimens of the Architecture and Ornaments of the Abbey Church of St. Alban. By J. Carter, Architect, 8 pages. PLATES, (Engraved by James Basire from Drawings made by Mr. John Carter, yVrchitect.) i. Ornamental Title-page. ii. Plan of the Abbey Church of St. Alban, at the Site of the Monastical Buildings that were once attached to it. Folded, iii. Elevation of the West Front of the Abbey Church. iv. Elevation of the South Front of the Abbey Church. Folded. V. Longitudinal Section (from West to East), presenting the North side of the intei i(jr of the Abbey Church. Folded, vi. Transverse Section (from North to South), j)resenting the East side of the Transepts in the interior of the Abbey Church. HERTFORDSHIRE, 341 vii. Parts of the West Front of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale. viii. Seventh Division of the Nave on the South Front of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale. ix. Fourth Division of the Choir on the South Front of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale. X. Divisions on the eastern part of the South Front of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale. xi. Third Division, internally, of the Nave (style thirteenth Century) of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale, xii. Sixth Division, internally, of the Nave (Saxon work) of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale, xiii. First Division, internally, of the North Transept (Saxon work) of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale. xiv. First Division, internally, of the Choir (style fifteenth Cen- tury) of the Abbey Church, drawn to a larger scale. XV. Divisions of the double eastern Aile of the Choir ; Our Lady's Chapel, grand Avenue ; and the upper Loft of centre Tower; with Specimens of Columns, of the Abbev Church, drawn to a larjjer scale. xvi. Elevation of St. Cuthbert's Altar Screen, or Entrance into the Choir of the Abbey Church (style fourteenth Cen- tury.) xvii. Elevation of the high Altar Screen of the Abbey Church, xviii. Sculptures in the Abbey Church. xix. Sculptures and Paintings in the Abbey Church. VI. A Survey of the present State of Aspeden Church, Herts, June 1793. London : Printed for Henry Chapman, Woodstock-street, Ox- ford-street. 1796. Qwa?/o, 13 pages. PLATKS. 1 . View of Aspeden Church. To face the Title. 2. The Remains of a Figure armed in Mail, with a Spear in his Hand, in the West Window. Coloured, p. 3. 3. Head of Sir Raufe Jocelyn*, from the Chancel Window. p. 4. * Sir Ralph Jossclyu, Kniglit of tlic Bath, Lord Miiyor of Loudon Uf)4 and 1476. 342 HERTFORDSHIRE. 4. Aspeden Hall, at present belonging to Charles Boldero, Esq. p. 6. It has been erroneously mentioned in many Booksellers' Cata- logues that no notice is made of this Church by Sir Henry Chauucv in his History of Hertfordshire ; — but a reference to page 125 of that work will prove such assertion to be wholly groundless. VII. PALMOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA : or Dis- courses on Antiquities in Britain : No. I. Containing ORIGINES ROYSTONIANM: or an Account of the Oratory of Lady Roisia, Foundress of Royston, disco- vered at Royston in August 1742. By William Stukeley, Rector of All Saints in Stamford " Superasqne evadere ad auras, Hie labor, hoc opus est . . . ." ViKGIL, London : Printed for R. Manby, on Ludgate Hill, over against the Old Bailey, mdccxlih. Quarto. No. L Title-page as above. Dedication to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Hardwick, signed William Stukeley, 2 pages. Pal^ographia Britannica, dated igOctob. 174 2^ [b-o 2] 52 pages. PLATES, i. A Section of Roisia's Mausoleum at Royston. W. Stuke- ley del. J. Mynde sc. As a Frontispiece, ii. The South side of Lady Roisia's Oratory at Royston. Folded. W. Stukeley del. J. Mynde sc. p. 28. iii. The West side of Lady Roisia's Oratory at Royston. Folded. W. Stukeley del. J. Mynde sc. p. 33. NUMBER n. r'AL/EOGRAPHU BRITANNICA: or Discourses on An- ti(juities in Britain. Title-page: ^'Oriffines Roystoniana^ : Part IL or A Defence of Laccxlviii. Quarto. Title-page as above. The hitroduction, 2 pages. A Reply to the Doctor's Preface, with Errata, 4 pages. The Continuation of the Reply, [b-f 4] 40 pages. PLATES. i. A Section of the Oratory, as before. Frontispiece, ii. The South side of the Oratory, as before, p. 9. iii. The West side, as before, p. ] J. iv. A Carving over the Arch of the Steeple Door of St. Lau- rence's Church, Norwich, p. 18. X. Amwell: a Descriptive Poem. By John Scott, Esq. London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, 1776. Quarto, 28 pages. With a View of Amwell as a Vignette in the Tide-page. E. F. del. Godfrey sc. — and Amwell Church as a Tail-piece. A. Restieau del. Godfrey sc. 2Y 346 HERTFORDSHIRE. XL Account of the Proceedings at a IMeeting held on the 2l5th January 1815, in the Church of North IVIiMMS, in the County of Hertford, for the Elec- tion of Eight new Trustees of the Charity Estates belonging to and for the Use of the Poor of the Pa- rish of North Mimms : Together with an Account of the original Foundation of the Charities, of the Exchanges which have taken place in the Lands be- longing thereto, of the present State and Condition of the Property, and of the past Management and Expenditure of the Funds. Also the Plans and Re- gulations proposed and adopted at the Meeting for the future JVIanagement and Administration of the Charities. With a supplementary Statement of the Proceedings of the Trustees, up to the 1 st of August 1815. London : Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, Shoe-lane, Octavo, 64 pages. The impression consists of 200 copies only, which were printed for private distribution. XIL General View of the Agriculture of the County of Hertford ; with Observations on the ^Means of its Improvement. By D.Walker, No. 14, Upper Marybone-street. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improve- ment. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. mdccxcv. Quarto, 86 pages. XIIL General View of the Agriculture of Hert- fordshire. Drawn up for the Consideration of HERTFORDSHIRE. 347 the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. By the Secretary of the Board (Arthur Young, Esq.) London : Printed by B. M'^Millan, Bow-street, Covent-Garden, for G. and W. Nicol, Pall Mall, &c. 1804. Octavo, 253 pages. With a coloured Map of the Soil of Hertfordshire, folded. — Seven Plates of various Fences (p. 30), and two Plates of the moveable Sheep-house of the Hon*'''^ George Villiers. Folded, (p. 234,) all engraved by S. J. Neele, 348 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. I. The Arminian Nunnery ; or, a Briefe Description and Relation of the late erected Monasticall Place called the Arminian Nunnery at Little Gidding in HuNTlNGDOX-SHlRE. Humbly recommended to the wise Consideration of this present Parliament. The Foundation is by a Company of Farrars at Gidding. Printed by Thomas Underbill, mdcxu. Q^ar^o, 10 pages. With a View of the Nunnery, and a whole-length Figure of a Nun in the Habit of the Order, as a Vignette in the Tide- page. This tract was reprinted by T. Hearne in the first Volume of Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. p. cxxv-cxl of the Publisher '« Preface. II. Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Nicholas Ferrar. By P. Peckard, D.D. Master of Magdalen Col- lege, Cambridge. Cambridge : Printed by J. Archdeacon, Printer to the Univer- sity; and sold by J. Merrill and J. Bowtell, in Cambridge; and T. Payne and Son, at the Mews Gate, London, mdccxc. Octavo, 332 pages. With a Portrait of Nicholas Ferrar, A.M. born Feb. 22, 1592, died Dec. 2, 163?. Drawn by C. Johnson, and engraved by P. W. Tomkins, to front the Title-page ; also a folded Genea- logical Table to face page 1 . HUNTINGDONSHIRE. 349 III. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Huntingdon ; and Observations on the Means of its Improvement ; with an Appendix, containing an Account of the Advantages to be derived from an improved Outi'al at the Port of Lynn, and Answers to the Objections which it is supposed will be urged against that Measure. . Drawn up for the Considera- tion of the Board of A2;riculture and internal Im- provement. By George Maxwell, of Fletton, near Stilton. London: Printed by J. Nichols, mdccxciii. Qiiarto, 47 pages. IV. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Huntingdon. Drawn-ijp for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improve- ment. By R. Parkinson. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, 7, Bridge-street, 1811; and for Messrs. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, in 1813. Oc- tavo, 338 pages. With a coloured Map of the Soil of Huntingdonshire and Whit- tlesea Mere, both folded, (p. 19.) and engraved by Neele. 3oO KENT. A Perambulation of Kent: conteining the De- sciij)tion, Hystorie, and Ciistomes of that Shyre. Written in the yeere 1570 by William Lambarde, of Lincohies Inne, Gent. : first pubhshed in the yeere 1576, and now increased and altered after the Au- thor's owne last Copie. Imprinted at London by Edm. Bollifant, 1396. Small quarto, in black letter. Title-page as above, within a broad Border. Dedication to the Right woorshipfuU and vertuous M. Thomas Wotton, Esquier, dated from Seintcleres, this last of lanuarie, 1570. A Second Dedication to his Countriemen, the Gentlemen of the Countie of Kent, signed T. W. 3 pages. The Saxon Characters, and their Values, 1 page, with a Map of the English Heptarchie on the reverse. The Exposition of this Map of the English Heptarchie, or seauen Kingdoms, 6 pages. The description and historic, of the shyre of Kent, [b 1-pp 3] p. 7-588. A Table, comprising the principal! places, men, and matters, handeled in this Perambulation, 5 pages. Errors of paging : — page 35 is numbered 13; — p. 139 for 239. Besides the above Map on the letter-press, there is likewise a folded one, at page 70, entituled *' A Carde of the Beacons in Kent." N. B. The first edition of this work was printed by Henry Middleton in quarto in 1576, with an Account of the Nobility of the County, omitted in succeeding Editions.— The second edi- tion (the one above noticed) in 151)6 — The third edition, cor- rected and enlarged, is in duodecimo, without date. — ^The fourth, in 1640, and the last in 1656, in octavo. KENT. 351 11. The Perambulation of Kent ; containing the De- scription, History, and Customs of that County. Written bv William Lambard of Lincohi's Inne. Corrected and enlarged. To which is added the Charters, Laws, and Privileges of the Cinque Ports, never before printed. London: Printed for Matthew Walbancke and Dan. Pakeman, 1656. Octodecimo, containing nothing more than " A Ge- neral Charter and Confirmation of the Liberties granted by the King's Majesty to the Cinque Ports and their Members," , 76 pages. III. A TopoCxRAPliiE, or Survey of the County of Kent; M-ith some Chronological, Historicall, and other Matters touching the same ; and the several Parishes and Places therein. By Richard Kil- burne of Hawkherst, Esq. " Nascimur partim Patrice." London : Printed by Thomas Mabb, for Henry Atkinson ; and are to be sold at his Shop at Staple-Inn-Gate in Holborne, 1659. Quarto*. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Nobility, Gentry, and Commonalty of Kent, 4 pages. The Contents of this Book, 2 pages. * Two years preceding tl)e publication of this volume, viz. in 1657, when at the age of fifty-two years, this author printed in an oblong form, in va- rious columns, " A brief Survey of the County; viz. the Names of the Pa- rishes in the same; in what Bailywick, Hundred, Lath, Division of the County, and Division of the Justices, every of the said Parishes is; what Liberties do claim in the same ; the Day on which any Market or Fair is kept therein ; the antieut Names of the Parish Churches; in what Hundred or what Township every of the said Parishes doth stand; and in what Diocese every of the said Parishes was." 352 KENT. The Topographic, or Survey, [B-Hhh3] 422 pages. An alphabetical! Table of the Names of Persons and Families mentioned in this Tract, and Errata, 12 pages. Errors of paging: — pp.48 and 49 repeated^ and pp.46 and 47 omitted ; — p. 220 marked 320 ; — pp. 254-255 for 262-3 j — p. 238-259 for 266-267 ; — and pages 262-3 for 270-271. To which is prefixed a Portrait of the Author, aged 52 years, Sep. 24, 1657. T. Crosse sc. IV. VILLARE CANTIANUM: or Kent surveyed and illustrated. Being an exact Description qf all tiie Parishes, Burroughs, Villages, and other r*^- spective Mannors included in the County of Kent ; and the original and intermedial Possessors of them, even until these Times. Drawn out of Charters, Escheat- Rolls, Fines, and other publifc Evidences; but especially out of Gentlemen's Private Deeds and Muniments. By Thomas Philipott, Esq. formerly of Clare-Hall in Cambridge. To which is added, an historical Catalogue of the High-Sheriffs of Kent; collected by John Philipot^^ Esq. Father to the Authour. London : Printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold at his House over against the Anchor Inne, in Little Brittain. MDCLix. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Nobility and Gentry of Kent, signed Thomas Philipott, 2 pages. A Table of Addenda or Omissions, 3 pages. Lines addressed to the Author by John Bois of Hode, Esq. 1 page. A Second Table of Addenda or Omissions, 4 pages. The Preface to the Reader, 4 pages- The Historical Part, [B-Ddd4] 391 pages. The Etymology, Derivation, and Definition of all the Hundreds and Parishes mentioned in the Map of Kent, as they are de- rived from some Saxon Radix, [£ee] p. 393-401. Errors of paging:— p. 259 for 258;— 374, 375 for 372 and 373; — 377 for 378. KENT. 353 PLATES. 1 . Map of the County, called " A New Description of Kent, by the Travayle of Phil. Symonson of Rochester, Gent, and printed and sold by P. Stent in Giltspur St. 1659, with a View of Dover Castle and Towne from the Land- side, at the top of the Map. Folded. W. Hollar fecit. To face p . 1 . 2. The Banner of the Romans, bearing the Nine Maritime Towns of Great Britain. On letter-press of p. 8. 3. The Arms of Yarmouth. On letter-press of p. 10. 4. Monument to the Memory of Catigern, vulgarly called Cits- Cote- House. On letter-press of p. 49. 5. The Arms of W"" James of Eigtham, and of an ancient Family named Haestrecht. On^letter-press of p. 374. V. FILL ARE CANTIANUM : or Kent surveyed and illustrated. By Thomas Philipott, Esq. The Second Edition corrected. Lynn : Printed and sold by W. Whittingham : R. Baldwin, Pa- ternoster-row ; H. Gardner, Strand; W. Lane, Leadenhall- street, London ; W. Mercer, Maidstone ; Smith and Son, Canterbury; T. Fisher, Rochester; J. Sprange, Tunbridge Wells; J. Hogben, jun.Rye; J. Hall, Tenterden. mdcclxxvi. Folio. Title-page as in the preceding article. Dedication to the Nobility and Gentry of Kent, 1 page. Lines addressed to the Author, signed John Bois, Esq. of Hode. The Preface to the Reader, 4 pages. ViLLARE Cantianum : or Kent surveyed, [b-3 g 2] 390 pages. The Etymology, &c. [5h-3i 2] p. 393-100. Index, [5K-5M2] 11 pages. PLATES. 1 . Map of the County. Folded. 2. The Banner of the Romans, and Cits Cote-House, p. 8. 3. Bromley College. From Harris's History of Kent. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. 2 z ri5l! KENT. VI. The History of Kent, in Five Parts : containing I. An exact Topography or Description of the County. II. The Civil History of Kent. ill. The Ecclesiastical History of Kent. IV. The History of the Royal Navy of England. V. The Natural History of Kent. By John Harris, D.D. and F.R.S. " Qui bonam Famam Bonorum, qua sola vert Gloria nominari potest, e.vpetit : Aliis quN. Ornt. pro P. iSextio. " Et nullum Virtus aliutn Mercedem Luborum Periciiloriimij; nunc habet, pretcr haiic Laudis 4' Gloriie : Qua quidein detrarld, oiiid est, quod in hoc turn brcvi VitfE curr-iculo &■ turn exiguo, tantis non in laboribns, exer- cenmusY Certe si nihil Animus praseutiret in posterum, &■ si, quibus Re- f:umibus Vita spatium circtimseiiptum est, iisdem omnesCo^itutiouis ter- minuret suus : A'cc tantis se Lobonbus fruugeiet, tieque tot cu7-is vigiliisq; angeretur," — Kjusdeiu pro A. Liciiiio. London : Printed and sold by D. Midwinter, at the Three Crowns in St. Paul's Chvirch-yard. mdccxix. Folio, N. B. Some copies, ])articularly those on Larf>e'Paper, have the following imprint : " London Printed: and sold \)y D. Midwinter, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, mdccxix." VOL. I. Title-page as above. Dedication to the King, (George I.) with the Royal Arms at the head, 3 pages. Preface, 4 pages. An Ode in Praise of Kent, signed P. Motteux, 2 pages. List of Subscribers ; an Account of the Anti(]uities in Mr. God- frey's Plates, page 248 ; and Errata, 4 pages. The History of Kent, [B-Ffft-4] 39'2 pages, ])rinted in doubk- Columns*. Index, [4g-4o2] p. i-xxxi. Additions and Emendations, p. xxxii-xl. * Dr. Harris sprnl eii;lit years in niakint; colioctions for a History of tlii^ County; but lie did not live to sec tlie fate ol' Ins transcripts, as this first volume was puLlislicd a few months after his rjeath. VVhit proiircss lie had made towards liis second volume, which was never published, is not known: but dying insolvent his papers were dispersed ; and thous^h every inquiry has been made after them, yet no knowledi^e has been gained what is be- come of ihem. — Hasted. KENT. 3.55 PLATES. 1 . Portrait of the Author. A. Russel piux. G. Vertue sc. 1719. To face the Title. 2. Sheet Map of the County of Kent, with the Arms of the Subscribers. Folded. To face p, 1. 3. Preston Hall in Aylesford, the Seat of Sir Thomas Cole- peper, Bart. Folded. Thomas Badeslade del. J.Kipsc. p. 32. 4. Broome, the Seat of Sir Basill Dixwell, Bt. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 35. 5. Chilson Maunor, the Seat of the Hon. William Hamilton, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. John Harris sc. p. 48. 6. Boughtou Court, the Seat of Sir Barnham Rider, Kt. Folded. Thos. Badeslade del. J.' Harris sc. p. 49. 7. Wierton, the Stat of Sir Christopher Powell, Bt. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc p. 49. 8. Chart Sutton, the Seat of Sir Christopher Des Bouverie, Knt. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 69. 9. The S.E. Prospect of Tragnall, alias Tragpool, the Seat of Rowland Tryon, Esq. Folded. T.B del. J. H. sc. p. 72. 10. Chevening, the Seat of the Rt. Hon*'''-' James Stanhope, Earl Stanhope, &:c. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J.Kipsc. p. 74. 11. High-street House, the Seat of Henry Streatfield, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. p. 75. 12. Chepsted Place, one of the Seats of David Polhill, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 75. Urns found on Tremworth Down. On the letter-press of P-89. 13. Aldington West Court, the Seat of Richard Sheldon, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 98. 14. Smith's Hall, one of the Seats of John Brewer, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 120. 15. Tutsham Hall, the Seat of Edward Goulston, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 121. 16. Goodneston, the Seat of the Hon'''^ Sir Brook Bridges, Bart. Folded, p. 132. 17. Mount Morris, the Seat of Morris Drake Morris, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J.Harris sc. p. 156. 18. Ightham Court, the Scat of William James, Esq. Son of S'' Demetrius James, Knt Folded. J. Kip sc. p. 162. 19. Knowltoa Court, the Seat of Sir Thos. D'Aeth, B^ and Dame Ehzabeth his Wife. Folded. T.B. del. J.Kipsc. p. 171. 20. The Grange and Laybourn Castle, the Seats of W"" Saxby, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 172. 356 KENT. ai. Leeds Abby, humbly inscrii)ed to Roger Meredyth, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 176- 22. The Mote, one of the Seats of tlie Right Honourable the Lord Romney. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 192. 23. Beachborough, the Seat of William Brockman, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. ^216. A Roman Urn. On the letter-press of p. 218. 24. Oxen Hoath, the Seat of Leonard BartholomevVjEsq* Folded. J. Kip sc. p. 235. 23. Pensherst, the Seat of the Right Honorable John, Earl of Leicester. Folded. J. Kip sc. p. 236. 26. Roman Antiquities. The Plate is the Gift of John Godfrey of Norton Court, Esq. J. Harris sc. p. 248. 27. View of Rochester, with six Elevations of the principal Buildings round the View. Two Sheets pasted and folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 231. 28. The West Prospect of Knole, Sec. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 278. 29. The South Prospect of Knole, &c. Folded. J.Kipsc. p. 278. 30. Kippington, the Seat of Sir Charles Farnaby, Knt. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 278. 31. The House and Garden of Tho. Fuller, M.D. at Seven Oake. p. 279. 32. Lees Court, the Seat of the R' Hon'''^ the Lord Sondes. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc, p. 280. 33. Tunbridge Wells. Dedicated to Thomas Pellet, M.D. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc p. 292. 34. Sundridge Place, Bore Place, and Sharps Place, the Seats of John Hyde, Esq. Folded. J.Kipsc. p. 305. 33. Ingries, at Greenhith, the Seat of Jonathan Smith, Esq. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 309. 36. The Isle of Thanet. Folded. J. L. del. 1717, et done dedit. S. Parker sc. p. 313, (marked p. 373.) 37. Mappa Thaneti Insule. Ex dono J. Lewis. Folded. p. 3 15. 38. Waldershare, the Seat of Sir Rob' Furnese, Baronett. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Kip sc. p. 325. 39. Squerries, at Westram in Kent. Folded. T. Badeslade del, J. Harris sc. p. 329- 40. The Seat of Pendock Price, Esq. at Westram. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 330. 41. Deane, the Seat of Sir Henry Oxenden, Bart. Folded. T. Badeslade del. J. Harris sc. p. 333. KENT. 357 42. A Map of the Beacons in Kent, as they were appointed b\ S'' William Brooke, Lord Cobham, L"^ Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth, L'' Lieut, of Kent, from Lanibard's Perambulation ; and a Prospect of the Church called the Reculvers. Folded, p. 345. 43. Romney Marsh, Walland Marsh. Folded. S. Parker sc. p. 349. Denge Marsh and Guildford Marsh. From Dugdale's His- tory of Imbanking and Draining. 44. Dover Castle, Kitts Coty House, and the Figure of a Janus Head found in Kent. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. J. Harris sc. p. 371. The Seal of Rocliester Castle. On the letter-press of p. 383. N. B. There are copies of this work upon Large Paper. *^* Thirty-six of these plates, of the Seats and Towns, were afterwards published separately. VII. A New Topographical, Historical, and Com- mercial Survey of the Cities, Towns, and V^il- lages of the CouNTY of Kent, arranged in alpha- betical Order. This Work includes a minute and interesting Account of the antient and present State of Kent, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military, from the earliest Times to tliis Centurv, with all the Improvements of the Arts, of Civilization, and Luxury. It comprehends all the chief Harbours, Bays, Rivers, Docks, Forests, Hills, Valleys, Medicinal Springs, and other Curiosities both of Nature and Art : and not only takes notice of all the Manors and Seats in the County, but also points out the old Military Ways Camps, Castles, and other remarkable Ruins of Roman, Saxon, Danish, and Anglo-Norman Antiquity. It shew, particularly the Estates that were formerly Abbev Landss and mentions the Manufacture and Trade, the Privilege*; and Customs, the principal Buildings and Charitable Foundations of the two Cities, Corporations, and the most noted Villages, with their Distcuces from London in measured Miles. — The antient and obscure Terms of the Feudal Law, and the o))solete Tenures and Cus- toms relative to it, are also explained. 358 KENT. By Charles SEYMOifii, Teacher of the Classics, &c. Canterbury. Printed for the Author: and to be had of Mr. Flacton, Book- seller, at Canterbury ; Silver and Crow, Margate ; Smith, Tunbridge Wells ; Stephen Doorne, Feversham ; and at the Apartments of the Author, at Mr. James Abbot's, Baker, Canterbury, mdcclxxvi. Octavo. Title-page as before. Dedication to the Right Honourable Lord Sondes, 2 pages. Introduction, p. v-xxxvi. The Survey of the County of Kent, [c-3g6] 807 pages. Addenda and Errata, p. 808-810. Subscribers' Names, p. 81 l-8t23. Chronological Succession and Sketch of the Characters of some of the latter Bishops of Rochester, p. 824. Errors of paging : — pages 825-G for p, 826-7. VIII. The History and Topographical Survey of the County^ of Kent : containing the antient and pre- sent State of it, Civil and Ecclesiastical; collected from public Records, and other the Authorities, both Manuscript and printed; and illustrated vvith Maps and Views of Antiquities, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, &c. By Edward Hasted, of Canterbury, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. — In I'our Volumes *' Kx his omnitui, longi sunt /uimanmslmi qui Canduni iiicolunt, creantiirfortibiis et bonis, Ncc iniheliciii fi'ioces progenejaut." Canterbury : Printed for the Author, by Simmons and Kirby. MDCCLXXVIJl. VOL. I. Title-page as above, with the Arms of the Author as a Vignette. Dedication to the King, dated Precincts, Canterbury, May I , 1778, with an emblematical Head-piece, containing the Por- trait in profile of Mis Majesty, engraved by Walker. Preface, 8 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Introduction to the History of Kent, printed in double columns, 2 pages. KENT. 359 The General History of Kent, p. iii-cli. The Contents of the General History, 1 page. The Topographical Survey, or History, [y r-8 z] 580 ])ages. An alphabetical List of the several Parishes described in Vol. I, 2 pages. Index of Places and Persons, with miscellaneous Index and Glossarv, p. 3-35. Index of Heraldry, p. 36-39. Additions and Corrections, p. 40-42. List of Plates in Vol. I. 1 page. Errors of paging : — p?~ge cxxxii of the Gen. Hist, for cxxxiii ; p. 228 of the History is numbered 128 ; and signature 9 G is re- peated ; but the pages agree. PLATES. 1 . Sheet Map of the County of Kent : taken from a late ac- tual Survey, 1783. Folded. Dovvnes sc. To face the Title. 2. Arms on the Title-page. 3. Emblematical Head-piece to the Dedication. 4. Two British Druids. Dedicated to John Henniker, Esq. M.P. for Dover. Susanna Duncumb inv. & del. W.Wal- ker sc. On the letter-press of p. I, of Introduction. 5. The Seal of Odo, Bishop of Baieux, Earl of Kent. On the letter-press of p. lix, of the General History. 6. A Map of the Hundred of Blackheath. Folded. To face p. 1, of the Topographical Survey, or History. 7. Plenty and Liberty presenting their Attributes to the Genius of Kent. S. Duncumb del. Walker sc. On letter-press of p. 1, of the Topographical Survey, or History. 8. Janus's Head. On letter-press of p. 10. 9. Ground Plot of part of the antient Palace of Eltham, taken A.D. 1509, and inscribed to the Author by J. Bayly, p. 52. 10. An antient Coin (Peny-yard pence) found at Eltham. On letter-press of p. 61. 1 1. Map of the Hundreds of Brondey and Beckenham, and the Ilundred of Ruxlcy. Folded, p. 80, 12. Beckenham Place, the Seat of John Cator, Esq. J. Bayly del. & sc. p. 83. 13. Langley Park, the Seat of Mrs. Burrell. R. Godfrey del. & sc. 1776. p. 84. 14. The antient Episcopal Palace of Bromley. Inscribed to the Memory of the Rt, Rev. Dr. Joseph Wilcocks, late Lord Bishop of Rochester. J. Bayly sc. p. 91- 60 KKNT. 15. The Front Elevation of Bromlev College. Bayly del. & sc. p. 94. 16. Wickham Court, late the Seat of Sir Samuel Lennard, Bart, and now of Miss Mary Lennard, his Descendant, and given by her to the Work. p. 108. 17. Plan of the Roman Camp at Keston, 1775, contributed by John Thorpe, Esq. Folded. J. Bayly del. & sc. p. 112. 1 8. North Cray Place, the Seat of the Rev. WiUiam Hethe- rington, A.M. J. Bayly del. & sc. p. 154. 19. Extraordinary Insects. On letter-press of p. I66. 20. Map of the Hundreds of Little, Lesnes, Dartford, and Wil- mington. Folded, p. 167. 21. Belvidere, the Seat of Sir Sampson Gideon, Bart. R. God- frey del. & sc. p. 198. 22. Map of the Hundred of Axstane. Folded, p. 236. 23. N.W. View of Sutton Place, taken in the year 1 766, and inscribed to the Memory of John Lethieullier, Esq. Bayly del. & sc. p. 239- 24. N.W. View of the Remains of the Chapel of St. Margaret Hilles. On the letter-press of p. 251. 25. Map of the Hundred of Codsheath. Folded, p. 315. 26. Ruins of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Otford. Inscribed to the Hon'''^ and most Rev*^ Frederick (Cornwallis), Archbishop of Canterbury. J. Bayly sc. p. 324. 27. South Aspect of Knole in Sevenoke. Dedicated to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 349. 28. Bradbourn-Place, the Seat of Sir Rich'' Betenson, Bart. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 350. 29. Montreal, the Seat of Lord Amherst of Holmsdale. T.Sandby del. W. Watts sc. p. 354. 30. Plan and Elevation of Chevening House, and the Tomb of John Lennard, Gent. Godfrey sc. p. 361. 31. Moa' of John Lennard, Es(i. and Eliz. his Wife; also that of Sampson Lennard, Esq. and Marg' Lady Dacre, his Wife. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 361. 32. Map of Westerham and Eaton-Bridge Hundred, with the Parish and Ville of Brasted, and of the Hundred of So- merden. Folded, p. 375. 33. Hever Castle, the Seat of Sir Timothy Waldo, Knt. R. T. del. R. Godfrey sc. p. 397. 34. A View of Penshurst Place. Engraved in 174 7 by G. Ver- tue for W"' Perry, Esq. and presented to this Work by Mrs. Eliz. Perry, his Widow, the only remaining Heir of the Noble Family of Sidney. Folded, p. 415. KENT. S6\ 35. View of tlie Lodge in South Park near Pensluirst, built by Richard AHnutt, Esq. T. Milton sc, p. 413. 36. A View of tlie Manor House called the Temple, in Stroud. Catharina Thorpe del. 1767. Bayly sc. On letter-press of p. 438. 37. Map of the Hundreds of Toltingtrough and Shamel. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 438. 38. Portrait of Queen Edyve. From an original Picture in the Library of Canterbury Cathedral, A.D. 1777. Bayly del. & sc. Contributed by Dr. Ducarel. p. 464. 39. Cobhani Hall, the Seat *of the Right Hon'^'^ the Earl of Darnley. Bayly del. & sc. p. 497. 40. Map of the Hundreds of Hoo, and of Chatham and Gil- Hngham. Folded, p. 557. VOL. H. Title-page as in Vol. I. dated mdcclxxxii, with the following Motto : " Nihil est aptius ad delectationem lectoris, quam tempornm varietates, fortiineque vicissitudlnes: qua: etui nuhis optabiles in experiendo nonfuerunt, in legendo tamen erunt jncunda." Cicero. Epist ad Fam. lib. v. Dedication to the Rt. Hon. JefFry, Lord Amherst, dated Nov. 1 7, 1782. Preface and additional List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Notice relating to the Errata, within a border, 1 page. The History of Kent continued, [b-9y] 817 pages. An alphabetical List of the several Parishes described in Vol. U. 2 pages. An alphabetical List of Places, p. 3-16. An alphabetical List of Persons, and Miscellaneous Index and Glossary; with an Index of Heraldry, p. 17-65. Additions and Corrections, p. 66-72. List of Plates in Vol. II. 1 page. EiTors in the paging: — pp.247 and 248 are repeated, and follow; — pp.251 and 252 are omitted; — and p. 437 is num- bered 374. PLATES. 1. Arms on the Title-page, as in Vol. I. 2. Map of the Liberty, formerly called the Hundred of Ro- chester, and of the Hundred of Larkficld. Folded. Bayly sc. j). 1 . 3 .V 362 KENT. 3. A View of the Castle and Bridge at Rochester, taken in the year 1759. The Plate contributed by Thomas Astle, Esq. Godfrey so. On the letter-press of p. l . 4. Seals belonging to the Wardens and Commonalty of Ro- chester Bridge. On letter-press of p. 21. 5. The Seal of Rochester Priory, contributed by John Thorpe, Esq. Bayly sc. On letter-press of p. 25. 6. Map of the Hundreds of Hoo, and of Chatham and Gil- lingham. Folded, p. 65. N. B. This is a repetition of the Map in Vol. I, p. 557. 7. A View of Maidstone Bridge, contributed by Dr. Ducarel. W. Ellis sc. 1776. On the letter-press of p. 94. 8. Map of the Hundred of Maidstone. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 94. 9. The ancient Archiepiscopal Palace at Maidstone. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 96. 10. The Seal of the Priory of Boxley. On letter-press of p. 124. 1 1 . Preston Hall, the Seat of the Rev'' Joseph Milner, who con- tributes this plate. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 1 75. 12. An ancient Date on the Window Frame at Preston Hall. On the letter-press of p. 175. 13. 14. View of Kits Coty House near Aylesford, taken in 1757, and an ancient Monument near the same. Godfrey sc. On letter-press of p. 178. 15. Bradburne, the Seat of Sir Roger Twisden, Bart, who con- tributes this plate. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 212. 16. A Quintin on Ofham Green. On the letter-press of p. 224. 17. Map of the Hundreds of Wrotham and Littlefield. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 232. 18. Wrotham Palace. Dedicated to the Rev. James Cornwallis, LL.D. Dean of Canterbury Cathedral. Eleanora John- son del. J. Bavlysc. p. 235. 19. Plan of the Roman Camp on Old Berry Hill in Ightham. Folded, p. 250. 20. A View of Mereworth House, belonging to the Earl of West- morland, (iodfroy del. Sc sc. p. 268. 21. Votes, the Seat of W"' Daniel Master, Esq. who contributes this plate. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 270. 22. Map of the Hundred of Twyford. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 273. 23. A Representation of the Dumb Borsholder of Watringbury. On letter-press of p. 284. 24. Ancient Doorcase at Pimpes Court. On letter-press of p. 287. KENT. 3(73 25. Teston, the Seat of Mrs. Bouverie. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. '292. 26. A Map of the Lowy of Tuubridge. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 308. 27. Tunbridj^e Castle, the Property of Thos. Hooker, Es(|. R. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 332. 28. S. East View of Summer Hill, the Seat of Henry Woodgate, Estj. Godfrey del. Sc sc. p. 341. 29. Map of the Hundred of Wachlingstone. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 352. 30. Map of the Hundreds of Brenchley, Horsemonden, and of West Barnefield. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 363. 31. Map of the Hundred of Eyhorne. Folded. Bayly sc, p. 390. 32. The Seal of the Priory of Mottenden in Hedcorne. On letter-press of p. 392. 33. Sutton Castle. On letter-press of p. 414. 34. Chilston, the Seat of Thomas Best, Esq. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 435. 35. Leeds Castle, the Seat of the Rt. Hon. Lord Fairfax. God- frey sc. p. 478. 36. Castle Rough on Kemsley Downs, in Milton. J. Schenebe- lie fee. On letter-press of p. 530. 37. Map of the Hundreds of Middleton, alias Milton, and of Tenham. Folded, p. 531. 38. Ruins at Hartlip. On letter-press of p. 540. 39. Roman Urns, &;c. found in Crock-field near Newington. p. 562. 40. Seal of the Prior of St. Johns. On letter-press of p. 599. 41. Map of the Hundred of Faversham. Folded, p. 697. 4 2. The Seal of Faversham Abbey. Inscribed to Edward Ja- cob, Esq. J. Mynde sc. On letter-press of p. 702. 43. The Seals of the Mayor and Corporation of Faversham. Inscribed to Edward Jacob, Esq. On letter-press of p. 710. VOL. HI. printed 1790. Title-page as before, dated mdccxc, with the following Motto : " Quo nie cunquc rapit tem-iestas deferor hospes." Dedication to the Archbishop of Canterbury, dated Mar. 23, 1790. Preface, 2 pages. History of Kent continued, [b-9 1] 765 pages. 364 KENT. . An alphabetical List of the several Parishes described in this Volume, 2 pages. Index of Places and Persons, p. 3-41. Miscellaneous Index and Glossary, and Index of Heraldry; with Additions and Corrections, p. 42-31, List of Plates, 1 page. PLATES. 1. Arms on the Title, as in Vols. I and II. 2. Ground Plot of the Camp on Shottington Hill, in Selling. On letter-press of p. 1 . 3. Map of the Hundred of Boughton Blean, the Liberty of Sea- Salter, and the Liberty of the Ville of Dunkirk, antiently the King's Forest of Hlean. Folded. To front page 1, 4. Nash Court, the Seat of Thomas Hawkins, Esq. p. 4. 5. Map of the Hundred of Marden. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 27. 6. Map of the Hundreds of Cranbrooke, Barkley, and Rolven^ den. Folded, p. 44. 7. Sisinherst, the Property of Sir Horace Mann, B'. now in ruins. Godfrey del. & sc. p. 48. 8. Milkhouse Chapel, near Cranbrooke. On letter-press of p. 50. 9. Map of the Hundreds of Great Barnfield and Selbrittenden. Folded. Dovvnes sc. p. 68. 10. Map of the Hundreds of Tenterden, Blackborne, Oxnet, and Ham. Folded, p. 93. lit View of the Fortifications at Kenardington. On letter- press of p. 117. 12. Map of the Hundreds of Felborough and Wye. Folded. p. 123. 13. The Ichnography of the ancient Castle of Chilham. On letter-press of p. 123. 14. Chilham Castle, the Seat of Thos. Heron, Esq. Sam, Rastall del. 1777- Bayly sc. 1779. p- 131. 13. Pedigree of the Family of Heron; with Fragments of the Pedigrees of the Greys of Horton Castle ; the Lumleys, Earls of Scarborough ; the Ogles, Baron Ogle ; and the Cavendishes, Dukes of Newcastle, p. 133. 16. Godmersham Park, the Seat of Thomas Knight, Esq, W. Watts del. & sc. p. 158. 17' Roman Urns and Vessels dug up at Crundal and Godmer-. sham. On letter-press of p. 183. 1 8. Map of the Hundreds of Calehill, and Chart and Long- bridge. Folded. Dowries sc. p. 203. KENT. 365 19. Ancient Date at Ashford. On letter-press of p. 264. 20. Mersham Hatch, the Seat of Sir Edward Knatchhull, Bt. To front p. 286. 21. Map of the Hundreds of Stowting, Street, and Heane ; and of Bircholt Barony and Franchise. Folded, p. 290. 22. Altar in Braborne Church. On letter-press of p. :^02. 23. Map of the Hundreds of Loningborough and Folkestone. Folded, p. 328. 24. The Park House near Folkestone, part of the Possessions of the Rt. Hon. Jacob, Earl of Radnor. J. Barlow sc. p. 374. 25. View of the Town and Port of Folkestone from the South East. Inscribed to the Memory of the R' Hon. William Bouverie, Earl of Radnor. Folded. To face p. 380. 26. Beachborough. R. Godfrey sc. p. 394. 27. Map of the Hundreds of Worth, Newchurch, Aloesbridge, St. Martin's-Pountney, and Langport. Folded, p. 421. 28. View of Linine Hill. On letter-press of p. 443. 29. South View of t)ie Ruins of Hope Church. On letter-press of p. 504. 30. Roman Altar at Stone. On letter-press of p. 539. 31. South View of Limne Church and Castle. On letter-press of p. 549. 32. Map of the Hundreds of Westgate, Whitstable, Blengate, and Preston. Folded. Downes sc. p. 553. 33. Ancient Shrine at Fordwich. On letter-press of p. 607. 34. Reculver Church in the Isle of Thanet. F. Perry sc. On letter-press of p. 636. 35. Map of the Hundreds of Downhamford, and of Bridge and Petham, &c. Folded, p. 649. 36. Lee, the Seat of Thos. Barrett, Esq. from the Designs of Mr. James Wyatt. J. Dixon del. T. Medland sc. p. 664. 37. Well Chapel, near Wingham. F. Perry sc. On letter-press of p. 666. 38. Map of the Hundreds of Wingham and Kinghamford. Folded, p. 675. 39. Goodnestone, the Seat of Sir Brook Bridges, Bt. A. Devis del. T. Medland sc. p. 705. 40. Wootton Court, the Seat of the Rev'^ Edward Tymewell Bridges. J. Plaw del. T. Morris sc. p. 763. S66 KENT. VOL. IV. Title-page as in the former Volumes, dated mdccxcix, with tliis Motto : " Deus dedit huic qaocjuefincm," Dedication to the R' Hon'''' Will"' Pitt, dated London, June 24, 1799. Preface, 2 pages. History of Kent continued, [b-9o 2] 7S8 pages. Index of Parishes, Places, Persons ; Miscellaneous Index and Glossary ; Index of Heraldry ; Additions and Corrections, [9p-]0c] 46 pages. List of Plates to Vol. IV. N. B. Pages 388 and 389 are repeated with an asterisk, and contain the references to the Plan of Canterbury. PLATES. 1. Arms on the Title-page, as in the three preceding Volumes. 2. Map of the Hundreds of Cornilo and Bewsborough, with the Liberty of the Town of Deal. Folded. To face page 1. 3. The Ichnography of the antient Fortification at Coldred. On the letter-press of page 1 . 4. The Seal of the Abbey of West Langdon. On letter-press of p. 19. 5. The Remains of the antient Church, and the Roman Pharos; with the principal Gate or Entrance of Dover Castle. Barlow sc. p. 58. 6. Plan of Dover Harbour in the Reign of Q. EHzabeth. De- dicated to Charles Small Pybus, Esq. James Basire sc. ]). 82. 7. Seal of the Prior and Convent of St. Martin in Dover, A" 1397, with the Seal of Office^of Robert, Prior of St. Martin's Priory, A" 1 1 97- On letter-press of p. 107. 8. The Ruins of the Priory of St. Martin in Dover, divested of the Buildings added since the Suppression of it. p. 108. 9. Remains called Dane Pitts, near Ripple. On letter-press of p. 134. 10. View of Deal Castle. On letter-press of p. 165. 11. Map of the Hundred of Eastry, with the Liberty of the Town and Port of Sandwich. Folded, p. 179* 12. View of the Mount at Woodnesborough, near Sandwich. Barlow del. & sc. On letter-press of p. 179- KENT. 367 13. Waltlcrsharc, the Scat of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Guil- ford. J. Barlow del. & sc. p. 191, 14. The East end of Barfriston alias Barston Church. On letter-press of p. 201. 15. The Figures of Langlev and his two Wives in painted Glass, in Tilmanstone Church. On letter-press of p. 207. 16. Knowlton Court^ the Seat of Sir Narbrough D'Aeth, Bart. p. 21 1. 17. The Effigy of Langley, formerly in Knolton Church. On the letter-press of p. 213. 18. Eastry Church. Inscribed to W"^ Boteler, Esq. J. G. Wood del. J. Landseer sc. p. 226. 19« The Roman Burial Ground at Ash, near Sandwich. On letter-press of p. 246. 20. Map of the Hundred of Ringslow, containing the Island of Thanet. Folded, p. 288. 21. A Map of the Rutupian Ports. Barlow sc. p. 288. 22. Monument of Edila de Thorne, Dna. del Espiue, in Min- ster Church. On letter-press of p. 324. 23. Roman Urn found at Margate. On letter-press of p. 353. 24. Arms of the City of Canterbury, the Archbishopric, and of the Dean and Chapter. On letter-press of p. 388. 25. Plan of the City of Canterbury and Suburbs. Folded. Bavlv sc. To face p. 388, with an asterisk. {The same as in " Gostling's Walk about Canterhury .") 26. The Dungeon Hill, inscribed to James Simmons, Esq.— A View of the Castle and of the antient Worthgate at Can- terbury. Barlow sc. p. 409. 27- Riding Gate, Canterbury. On the letter-press of p. 4 14. 28. Chart of the Coasts of England and France in the time of the Romans, p. 417. 29. A Parhelion seen at Canterbury in I696, On letter-press of p. 434. 30. An ancient Stone Font in St. Martin's Church, Canter- bury. To face page 494. 31. Marble Stone on the Pavement of the same Church. On letter-press of p. 495. 32. A South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury. On letter-press of p. 502. {The same Plate as is given in " Duncnml'e's Description of Canterbury Cathedral.") 368 KENT. 33. Ichiiography of the Church of Canterbury, as built by Arch- bishop Lanfranc ; and of the Crypt as at the Dissolution of the Priory in 1540. p. 505. 34. Eadwin's Drawing of the Cathedral and Priory, p. 509. 35. Plan of the Cathedral, Cloysters, and other Buildings ad- joining to it, as in 1787* p. 519. 36. Christ Church Gate, Canterbury. On letter-press of p. 557. 37. St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury. On letter-press of p. 635. {The same Plate as in " Gostl'mg's Walk.") 38. Drawing of the High Altar in the Monastical Church of St. Augustine, Canterbury, with the Shrines of Relics standing round it, and their Inscriptions, as inserted in an antient MS. once belonging to that Monastery, but now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Barlow sc. p. 654. {Copied from ^' Somner's Antiq. of Canterbury .") 39. East View of the Abbey of St. Augustine near the City of Canterbury, p. 658. 40. Seal of the Convent. On letter-press of p. 659. 41. The North View of the Ruins of St. Augustine's Abbey at Canterbury. Barlow sc. p. 660. 42. Second Seal of the Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury. On letter-press of p. 695. 43. St. Thomas's Chapel, Canterbury. On letter-press of p. 701 . 44. Stone Coffin found in the Cathedral, and a leaden Seal of Pope Gregory II. On letter-press of p. 720. 45. The Arms of Archbishop Moore. On letter-press of p. 76I . N. B. A very limited number of copies of this work were printed on Large Paper. IX. The History and Topographical Survey of the (yOUNTY of Kent : containing the ancient and pre- sent State of it, Civil and Ecclesiastical : collected from Public Records and other Authorities. Illus- trated with ]\Iaps, Views, Antiquities, &c. The Se- cond Edition, improved, corrected, and continued to the present Time. By Edward Hasted, Esq. E.R.S. and S.A. late of Canterbury. In Twelve Vo- lumes. KENT. 369 " Ex his omnibus, longe sunt hvinanissimi qui Canlium incolnnt. Fortes creanturfortibus ei bonis, Nee imbellem feroces prugenerant." Canterbury : Printed by W. Bristow, on the Parade, MDccxcviT. Octavo. VOL. I. Title-page as above, with the Author's Arms as a Vignette. Dedication to the Right Honourable Charles Marsham, Lord Romney, dated London, January 1, 1797, 2 pages. Preface, 13 pages. Index, p. xv-xxvi. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. The General History of the County of Kent, [b-y 8] 336 pages. Half Title : '' A Topographical Survey, or History of the se- veral Laths and Hundreds in the County of Kent, and of each particular Town and Parish within it." The Topographical Survey, beginning with " the Lath of Sut- ton at Hone," [z S-pp] p. 339-570. PLATES AND MAPS. 1. An emblematic Frontispiece representing ^' Wisdom and Commerce the Guardians of Britain under the Auspices of K. George HI." The Arms of the Earl of Romney at the head of the Dedi- cation. The British Channel. On the letter-press of p. 1. 2. Two British Druids. Folded. Sus'' Duncombe inv. et del. W.Walker sc. p. 12. The North East View of the Remains of Eltham Palace. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 339. 3. A Map of the Hundi'ed of Blackheath. Folded, p. 339- A Janus's Head found in the Road to New Cross. On the letter-press of p. 345. Two Lh-ns found on Blackheath. On the letter-press of p. 376. 4. The antient Royal Palace at Greenwich. Barlow sc. p. 395. An antient Coin found at Eltham. On the letter-press of p. 458. 5. Map of the Hundred of Bromley and Beckenhai.), and the Hundred of Ruxley. Folded, p. 527. VOL. n. Title-page as before. 3b 370 KENT. Dedication to the Right Honourable Thomas, Lord Viscount Sydney, dated London, April 30, 1797j 3 pages. Index and Errata, p. vii-xxii. The Topographical Survey of Kent continued, beginning with "the Hundred of Rokesley otherwise Ruxley," [B-Nn4] 552 pages. Appendix : containing Additions and Corrections to the First and Second Volumes, [nu 5-Pp] p. 533-578. Directions to the Binder, I page. PLATES AND MAPS. 1 . An emblematic Frontispiece : '• Plenty and Liberty pre- senting their Attributes to the Genius of Kent." S. Dun- combe del. Walker sc. The Arms of Lord Viscount Sydney, at the head of the De- dication, N.W. View of Rokesley Church. Barlow sc. On the letter- press of p. 1 . 2. A Plan of the Remains of the antient Camp at Keston, taken in 1774, with the Alterations since, in turning the High Road along the western bounds of it, and inclosing the whole Area as private property, p. 38. 3. Map of the Hundred of Little and Lesnes, and the Hun- dred of Dartford and Wilmington. Folded, p. 184. 4. The Ruins of Lesnes Abby in Kent, with the Ground plot of it, and of the Mansion of the Priors, now the Farm- house, taken in 1753. p. 235. Remains of the Priory, now called the Place, at Dartford, in Kent. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 286. 5. Map of the Hundred of Axstane. Folded, p. 343. 6". The N.W, View of the Remains of the Chapel of St. Mar- garet Hilles. p. 382. A Roman Milliare, or Mile-stone, dug up in the Parish of Southfleet. On the letter-press of p. 423. VOL. in. Title-page as before. Dedication to Sir John Henniker, Bart, dated London, Aug. 15, 1797, 2 pages. Index, and Directions to the Binder, p. v-xxviii. The Topographical Survey continued, beginning with *' the Hun- dred of Codsheath," [B-Nn8] 560 pages. PLA TES AND MAPS. 1. Plan and Elevation of Chevening House, from the Design of Inigo Jones. To front the Title. KENT. 371 The Arms of Sir John Heniiiker, Bart, at the head of the Dedication. 2. A Map of the Hundred of Codsheath. Folded, p. 1. (View of) Knole, Kent. On the letter-press of p. 1 . 3. The Monument of John Lennard, Es((. and Elizabeth his Wife (in Cheveninji; Church), p. 124. 4. The Monument of Sampson Lennard, Esq. and Margaret Lady Dacre his Wife (in the same Church), p. 124. 3. Map of Westerham and Eatonbridge Hvmdred, with the Parish and Ville of Brasted ; and of the Hundred of Somerden. Folded, p. 158. (View of) Penshurst, Kent. Barlow so. On the letter- press of p. 1 89. Upnor Castle, Kent. Barlow sc. On letter-press of p. 301. 6. A View of the Manor House called the Temple, in Stroud. Catherina Thorpe del. 1767. Bayly sc. p. 548. VOL. IV. Title-page as before, dated MDccxcviir. Dedication to the Honorable and Right Reverend Brownlow (North), Lord Bishop of Winchester, dated London, January 10, 1798, 2 pages. Index, p. i-xxii. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. The Topogi-aphical Survey of Kent continued, beginning with " the Hundred of Hoo,'' [B-Nn6] p. 1-555. Appendix: containing Additions and Corrections to the Third and Fourth Volumes, p. 556-572. PLATES AND MAPS. 1. View of Rochester Ca'stle : Frontispiece. The Arms of the Lord Bishop of VVinchester. Barlow sc. At the head of the Dedication. The East View of Sheerness. Barlow sc. On the letter- press of p. 1 . 2. A Map of the Hundreds of Hoo and of Chatham and Gil- lingham. Folded, p. 1 . 3. A Map of the Liberty, formerly called the Hundred of Rochester, and of the Hundred of Larkfield. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 45. Maidstone Bridge. On the letter-press of p. 259. 4. A Map of the Hundred of Maidstone. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 259. 37 Q - KENT. 5. A View of Kits Coty House near Aylesford. p. 420. 6. Antieut Monument near Kits Coty House, p. 422. VOL. V. Title-page as in Volume IV. Dedication to Charles Small Pybus, Esq. dated London, May 12, 1798, 2 pages. Index, and Directions to the Binder, p. v-xxxvi. The Topogra})hical Survey of the County continued, beginning with "the Hundred of Wrotham," [B-pp7] 390 pages. N.B. Page 361 is numbered 50 \. PLATES AND MAPS. 1. Sutton Castle. Frontispiece, or at page 363. The Arms of Charles Small Pybus, Esq. Barlow so. At the head of the Dedication. 2. Map of the Hundred of Wrotham and the Hundred of Littlefield. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 1 . Plan of the Roman Camp on Oldberry Hill in Ightham. Barlow sc. p. I . 3. Map of the Hundred of Twyford. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 91. 4. Map of the Lowy of Tunbridge. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 173. 3. Map of the Hundred of Wachlingstone. Bayly sc. p. 233. 6. Map of the Hundred of Brenchley and Horsemonden, and the Hundred of West Barnefield. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 280. 7. Map of the Hundred of Eyhorne. Folded, p. 323. Bicknor Church, Kent. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 323. VOL. VI. Title-page as in the preceding Volume. Dedication to Thomas Astle, Esq. F.R.S. and F.S.A. date4 London, Sept. 1, 179S, 2 pages. Index, p.v-xxxviii. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. The Topographical Survey continued, beginning with " the Lath of Scray," [n-Nu 6] 333 pages. Appendix, containing Additions and Corrections to the Fifth and Sixth Volumes, [the reverse of Nn 6-pp 2] p. 336-380. PLATES AND MAPS. 1 . The Seal of Faversham Abbey. To front the Title, or at p. 330. KENT. 373 Miscellaneous Plate. Bavlow sc. At the head of the De- dication. 2. Map of the Hundreds of Middieton alias Milton^ and of Tenham, Folded, p. 1. Castle Rough on Kemsley Downs, in Milton. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 1 . The Ruins of a Building near Ilartlip. Barlow sc. On the letter -press of p. 17. Queenborough Castle, Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 207. 3. Map of the Hundred of Faversham. Folded, p. 317. Seals of Faversham. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 317. VOL. VII. Title-page as before, dated MDCCXCVin. Dedication to .Joseph Musgrave, Esq. of Kypier, in the Bishopric of Durham, dated London, Dec. 10, 1798, 2 pages. Index, and Directions to the Binder, p. v-xlviii. The Topographical Survey continued, beginning with "the Hun- dred of Boughton under Blean," [B-Rr] 602 pages. Further Directions to the Binder, 1 page. PLATES AND MAPS. 1 . A Plan of Chartham Downs, called in antient Deeds, Danes Banks, with the Tumuli or Barrows interspersed over them. Barlow sc. To face the Title. The Arms of Joseph Musgrave, Esq. at the head of the De- dication. 2. Map of the Hundred of Boughton Blean, the Liberty of Seasalter, and the Liberty of the Ville of Dunkirk, an- tiently the King's Forest of Blean. Folded, p. ]. Ground Plot of the Camp on Shottington Hill in SelHng. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. i . 3. Map of the Hundred of Marden. Folded. Bayly sc. p. 51, 4. Map of the Hundreds of Cranbrooke, Barklev, and Rolven- den. Folded, p. go. 5. Milkhouse Chapel near Cranbrooke, and a View of the For- tifications at Kenardington. Barlow sc, p, 103. 6. Map of the Hundreds of Great Barnfield and Selbrittenden. Folded, Dovvnes sc. p. 142. 7. Map of the Hundreds of Tenterden, Blackborne, Oxney, and Ham. Folded, p. 200. 374 KENT. 8. Map of the Hundreds of Felborough and Wye. Folded, p. 262. The lehnography of the antient Castle at Chilham. Bar- low sc. On the letter-press of p. 263. . 9. Roman Urns and Vessels dug up at Crundal and Godmers- ham. p. 370. 10. Map of the Hundreds of Calehill and Chart and Long- bridge. Folded. Downes sc. p. 412. An antient Date on Ashford Church Steeple. On the let- ter-press of p. 542. VOL. vin. Title-page as before, dated mdccxctx, Dedication to William Boys, Esq. F.S.A. of Walmer, dated London, June 24, 1799, 2 pages. Index and Directions to the Binder, p. v-xlii. Further Directions to the Binder, 1 page. The Topographical Survey continued, beginning with " the Hundred of Bircholt Franchise," [ij-Mm4] 536 pages. Appendix: containing Additions and Conections to the Seventh and Eighth Volumes, [nu-go 2] p. 537-555. N. B. Page 479 is numbered 279. PLATES AND MAPS. 1 . South View of Limne Church and Castle. Frontispiece, or at p. 301. The Arms of William Boys, Esq. Barlow sc. At the head of the Dedication. 2. Map of the Hundreds of Stowting, Street, and Heane, and of Bircholt Barony and Franchise. Folded, p. 1 . An antient Altar. On the letter-press of p. 1. 3. Map of the Hundreds of Loningborough and Folkestone. Folded, p. 78. . 4. Map of the Ilundreds of Worth, Newchurch, Aloesbridge, St. Martin's Pountney, and Langport, including Rom- ney Marsh. Folded, p. 253. Plate of a moving Hill near Limne. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 281. 5. South View of the Ruins of Hope Church, p. 419. An antient Altar, formerly in Stone Church. On the letter- press of p. 478. The Pudding Pan Rock near Whitstaple, Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 498. KENT. 375 6. Map of the Hundreds of Westgate, Whitstable, Rlengate, and Preston. Folded. Downes sc. p. 499. VOL. IX. Title-page as before, dated mdccc. Dedication to William Roteler, Esq. of Eastry, dated London, Dec. 1, 1799, 2 pages. Index, page v-1. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. Topographical Survey continued, beginning with " the Hundred of Westgate," [B-Rr2] 610 pages, PLATES AND MAPS. 1 . Dover Castle. Barlow sc. To front the Title. The Arms of William Boteler, Esq. with a View of Eastry Church. Barlow sc. At the head of the Dedication. Reculver Church in the Isle of Thanet. Darlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 1 . An antient Stone Shrine, formerly in Fordwich Church. On the letter-press of p. 56. 2. Map of the Hundreds of Downhaniford and of Bridge and Petham, with the City and County of the City of Can- terbury, and the Liberty of Fordwich. Folded, p. 142. Well Chapel near Wingham, in Kent. F. Perry sc. On the letter-press of p. 176. 3. Map of the Hundreds of Wingham and Kinghamford. Folded, p. 191. The antient Fortification at Coidred. On the letter-press of p. 373. 4. Map of the Hundreds of Coruilo and Bewsborough, with the Liberty of the Town of Deal. Folded, p. 374. VOL. X. Title-page as in Vol. IX. Dedication to the Rev. Edward Hasted (the Author's Sou), \ 1- car of Hollingbourne, dated London, July 1, l&OO, 2 pages. Index, p. v-xxxvii. Address to the Public, 2 pages. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. The Topographical Survey continued, beginning with " the Town and Parish of Deal,'' [B-Ee4] 424 pages. Appendix : containing Additions and Corrections to the Ninht and Tenth Volumes, [ec 5-Gg 2] p. 425-452. 576 KENT. PLATES AND MAPS. 1. View of the Mount at Woodnesborough, near Sandwich. Barlow del. & sc. To front the Title. The Arms of Hasted. J. Barlow sc. At the head of the Dedication. A View of Deal Castle, as it was in the year 1640. On the letter-press of p. 1. 2. Map of the Hundred of Eastry, with the Liberty of the Town and Port of Sandwich. Folded, p. 35. East end of Barfriston, alias Barson Church. Barlow so. On the letter-press of p. 35. A View of Sandwich, taken in the year 1719'. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 152. The Tomb of Edila de Thome. On the letter-press of p. 217. 3. Map of the Hundred of Ringslow, containing the Island of Thanet. Folded, p. 398. VOL. XL Containing the History of Canterbury. Title-page as in Vol. X. Dedication to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, dated London, Dec. 1, 1800, 2 pages. Preface, p. v-x. The Contents of this Volume, p, xi-xiii. Index, p. xv-lx. History of the City of Canterbury, [B-Nn2] 547 pages. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. PLATES. 1. South View of the City of Canterbury. Folded. M.Tho- mas del. T. Medlaiid sc. To face the Title. 2. Plan of the City and Suburbs of Canterbury, A.D. 1800. Folded. Barlow sc. p. I . 3. The Arms of the Archl)ishoi)ric, the Dean and Chapter, and of the City of Canterbury. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 1 . 4. Canterbury Castle. M. Thomas del. R. Pollard sc. p. 61. 5. St. George's Gate. M. Thomas del. R. Pollard sc. p. 74. C. A North View of West Gate. M. Thomas del. R. Pollard sc. p. 76. KENT. ^1"! 7. St. Martin's Church. M. Thomas del. R. Pollard sc. p. 284. Anns on the Tomb of Edward the Black Prince in Canter- bury Cathedral. Marrable del. Barlow sc. On the letter-press of p. 41 1. VOL. XII. Title-page as before, dated mdccci- Dedication to the Reverend the Dean and Chapter of the Me- tropolitical Cathedral of Christ Church of Canterbury, dated London, May 1, 1801. Index, and Directions to the Binder, p. v-lxiv. The Continuation of the History of Canterbury, [B-Qq2] 595 pages. Additions to the History of Canterbury, [the reverse of Qq 2- uu8] p. 596-672. PLATES. 1 . A View of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, from an original Drawing in the possession of the Rev'* the Dean, taken by J.Johnson in the year 1654. Folded. To front the Title. North East View of Canterbury. M. Thomas del. R. Pol- lard sc. At the head of the Dedication. 2. Canterbury Cathedral. J. G. Wood del. J. Newton sc. p. 1. Dean Wotton's Monument. R. Pollard sc. On the letter- press of p. 1 . 3. Arches over the River Stour, Black Friars, Canterbury. W. Groombridge del. Ravenhill sc. p. 129. 4. West View of Ethelbert's Tower, St. Augustine's Monas- tery. M. Thomas del. R. Pollard sc. 5. South West View of the Gate of St. Augustine's Monastery. M.Thomas del. R. Pollard sc. p. 215. Coffin of Archbishop Islip, &c. On the letter-press of p. 393. 6. An antient Drawing of the City and Church of Canterbury. p. 596. X. A Dissertation upon the Surface ^f the Earth, as delineated in a Specimen of a Philosophiro-Cho- 3C 378 KENT. rographical Chart of East Kent, herewith humbly presented to and read before the Royal Society, Nov. 25, 1736, in a Letter to Cromwell Morti- mer, M.D. F.R.S. Seer. By Cuiustopiier Packe, M.D. London: Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford Arms in War- wick-lane. MDCCXXXVii, Quarto, 18 pages. XL ANKOrPAcMA; sive Convallium Descriptio. In which are Briefly but Fully expounded the Oi igine, Course, and Insertion ; Extent, Elevation, and Con- gi^uity of all the Valleys and Hills, Brooks and Ri- vers (as an Explanation of a new Philosophico-Cho- rographical Chart) of East-Kent. Occasionally are interspers'd some transient Remarks that relare to the Natural History of the Country ; and to the Military Marks and Signs of Caesar's Rout thro' it, to his Decisive Battle in Kent. By Christopher Packe, M.D. " Rura mihi, et rigui placeant in vallibus Amnes" — 485 " Felix qui potuit Rerum cognoscere Causes." — 490. Virgil. Georgic. lib. 5. Canterbury : Printed and sold by J. Abree, for the Author. MDCCXLiii. Quarto, 1 10 pages, and one page of Errata*. * The raap, printed on four sheets of atlas paper, was published ill 174S, coutaininp " A Graphical Delineation oi the Country sixteen Miles round the City of Canterbury; wherein are described the Rise and Pn»i;rehs of the Vallies, the Directions of Loth the greater Chains of Hills, ai>d the lesser Ridges, with their several Elevations, or different perpendiriilar Heights, as vvell Absolute from the Sea at Sandwich Bay, as Relative to one another in many the most remarkable Places of the Country: also the Sea, Creeks, Bays, and Harbours; the Course of Rills, Bro()k^, Aillxmins. and Rivers; Springs of Fresh and Medicinal Waters; Pools; Woods; Quarries; Gravel, Sand, and Chalk Pits; Minerals; Soils. To which are added byway of ornament, the Churches; Citv of Canterhury ; 1 owns. Villages, Streets, Castles, Camps, Ruins. The llou>es of Nohlcnan and Gentlemen, with many others of less note; and other Marks that are use- ful in seliiMg oflaiMl conducting the Vallies, from their Rise to their Deter- KENT. 379 XII. Specimens and Parts : containing a History of the County of Kent, and a Dissertation on the Laws, from the Reign of Edward the Confessour to Ed- ward the First : of a Topographical, Commercial, Civil, and Nautical History of South Britain, with its gradual and comparative Progi^ess in Trade, Arts, Polity, Population, and Shipping, from au- thentic Documents. By Samuel Henshall, Clerk, A.M. Fellow of Brazen-nose College, Oxford. " Floreat Historia Britonnica. Recordis authcnticisque exprmnatur. Scri- batur lente, mature, ordinate, sincere, dilucide : sine partium studio, sinepravo consiiiu, sine umni vili affectu viris literatis indigno." Disceptatio Epist. TuoMiE Madox. " Truth requires Sobriety to qualify you for the noble Employment of thinking freely and tliiiiking justly." — WarbURTON. London : Printed for the Author : R. Faulder, Bond-street, and F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-yard. 1798. Quarto. Title-page as above. Prospectus, dated January 10, 1798, p. iii-vi. " Sketches of our Arrangement, and Queries for Information," p. vii-viii. To the Reader, with an Explanation of an annexed Map of Kent, and of the following Table, 6 pages, or p. ix-xviii, (pages xi- xiv being omitted, but the catch-words agree). A summary Table of Lands in Kent, with their Situation, Hun- dred, Value, Proprietors, Occupants, Inhabitants, &c. in the Reigns of Edward the Confessor and William the Conqueror, compiled from the Autograph of Domesday, 1 6 pages. The History of South Britain, [b-o 4] concluding thus : " End OF THE Topographical Dissertation," 104 pages. The History of South Britain, Vol. II. Chapter I. beginning with " the Nature of the Laws," &c. [b-g] 41 pages. With a Map of Kent from the Autograph of Domesday, Anno 1086. Folded. S. Henshall del. J. Neele sc. p.x. minations : also Downs, Parks, Groves, Tolls, and Rows of Trees. In fine. Whatever is curious, both in Nature and Art, that Diversifies and Adorns the Face of the Earth, is herein carefully presented to the View in their proper Situation and Aspect, that the exact Harmony of the whole, and tlie beautiful Distinction of the several Parts of the Country, may ap- pear as in aLandskip, as well as the main Design of the Work will allow." 380 KENT. XIII. A Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. By William Somner. Published by James Brome, AI.A. Rector of Cheritoo, and Chaplain to the Cinque Ports. To which is prefixt a Life of Mr. Somner. Oxford : Printed at the Theatre ; and are to be sold by George West, John Crosley, and Henry Clements, Booksellers, in Oxford. 1693. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord Vis- count Sydney, of Shepey, signed James Brome, 7 pages. The Life "of Mr. Somner, addressed to the Rev"^ Mr James Brome, by White Kennett, dated Edm. Hall, Oxon. Feb. 15, IG93, [b-iS] 118 pages. List of Mr. Somner 's posthumous Manuscripts, now in the Li- brary of Christ's Church, Canterbury, 2 j)ages. History of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, [a-i 3] 117 pages. A Catalogue of the Lord-Wardens of the Cinque-Ports, 4 pages. The hidex of Things remarkable, 8 pages. The Index of Authors quoted or amended, 3 pages. With a Portrait of the Author. M. Burghers del. & sc. To front the Title. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work. XIV. JuLii Ctesaris Portus Iccius Illustratus: sive, 1. Gulielmi Somneri ad Chiffletii Librum de Porta Iccio, Responsio: nunc primum ex MS. edita. 2. Caroli Du Frcsne Dissertatio de Portu Iccio. Tractatum utrumque Latine vertit, et Nova Disser- tatione auxit Edmundus Gibson, Art. Bac. e Coll. Reg. Oxon. T^S a,\n6iiai, TO KarnXiiToiJLXMov al/rr,; avaXfiXis ylvirai Imynfia." — PoLVB. lib. 1. OxoNii : E Theatro Sheldoniano, Anno Dom. MDCXCiv. Octavo, KENT. 381 Title-page as before. Dedication to White Kennett, signed Edm. Gibson, and dated Queen's Coll. Ox. I694, 3 pages. De Portu Iccio Duseriaiio Nova, [a-c 4] p. i-xl. Julii Ccesaris Porhis Iccius ; contra Chtffletium, [a-h4] 120 pages. Index, 8 pages. PLATES. 1. Portrait of William Somner. M. Burghers del. & sc. To face the Title-page. 2. Map of the Roman Ports. Folded, p. 1. XV. The History of Gavel-Kind ; with the Etymology thereof: containing also an Assertion that our En- glish Laws are for the most part those that were used by the Antient Bry tains, notwithstanding the several Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Nor- mans : with some Observations and Remarks upon many especial Occurrences of British and English History. By Silas Taylor, Gent. To which is added a short History of William the Conquerour, written in Latin by an anonymous Author in the time of Henry the First. London : Printed for John Starkey ; and are to be sold at his Shop at the Mitre in Fleet-street, between the Middle-gate and Temple-Barr. 1663. Small quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to Sir Edward Harley, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, &c. 4 pages. The Preface, 6 pages. A Table of the chiefest Passages and Denominations in the fol- lowing Tract, 13 pages. The History of Gavelkind, [B-Aa2] 180 pages. Title-page : " Brevis Relatio de Willelmo, Nobilissimo Comite Normannorum, Quis fuit & unde Originem duxit, &c. Al) Authore Anonymo, Temp. Hen. Primi. &:c.'' 382 KENT/ Latin Dedication to Henry Howard, Esq. The Life of William the Conqueror, in Latin, p. 185-210. Genealogical Table of the Dukes of Normandy in Latin, folded, and forming page 211. Error of paging: — page 165 is marked 365. XVI. A Treatise of Gavel-kind, both Name and Thing. Shewing the true Etymologic and Derivation of the one ; the Nature, Antiquity, and Original of the other. With sundry emergent Observations, both pleasant and profitable to be known to Kentish-men and others, especially such as are studious either of the ancient Customc, or the Common Law of this Kingdome. By (a Well-wilier to both) William Somner. The Second Edition, corrected from the many Errors of the former Impression. To which is added the Life of the Author, wTitten, newly revis'd, and much enlarged by the present Lord Bi- shop of Peterborough (WiiiTiE Kennett). *' FceUx qui potidt rerum cognoscere causas." ViRG, Georg. lib. 2. " Nemo slbi hlandiutur de auctoritate veterum, quibus etsifabulte displicue- runt, non tamen habebant undefahitutem earum courguere possent. Sed nostra atate crebrescentibus Uterurum monumentis, inexcusabilis torpor est infabulis scicntes, prudentesque permanere.^' Cranz. lib. 2. Metrop. 9. London : Printed for F. Gyles in Holborn ; J. Woodman and D. Lyon, in Russel-street, Covent-garden j and C. Davis, in Hatton Garden. MDCcxxvi. Quarto. Title-page as above. The Preface, 9 pages. The Postscript and Saxon Alphabet, 2 pages. The Life of Mr. Somner, the same as in his Treatise on the Ro- man Ports and Forts in Kent, [u-s 4] 136 pages. List of Mr. Somner's posthumous Manuscripts, now in the >^i- brary of Christ's Church, Canterbury, 2 pages. A Catalogue of the Lords and Gentlemen whose Estates have been disgavelled, 2 pages. The Treatise of Gavel-kynd, [b-z 4] 1 72 pages. KENT. 383 An Appendix of such Muniments (viz. Charters, and other Escripts) as are quoted, [a 2-Ff 2] p. 173-216. A Table or Index of the principal Contents, 8 pages. With a plate of Somner's Monument, to front the Title-page. XVII. The Common Law of Kent: or, the Customs of Gavel- kind ; with an Appendix concerning Borough-English. By Thomas Robinson, of Lincohi's Inn, Esq. In the Savoy : Printed by R. and B. Nutt, and F. Gosling, (As- signs of Edw. Sayer, Esq.) for F. Cogan, at the Middle Temple Gate, Fleet-street, mdccxlt. Reprinted in 1788. Octavo, Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Hon. Philip Lord Hardwicke, p. iii-vi. The Preface, p. vii-xii. The Contents and Errata, p. xiii-xxiv. The Customs of Gavel-kind, [B-oq 2] 300 pages. Appendix : Of the Custom of Borough-English, (not paged) ] 5 pages. XVIII. The Monuments and Painted Glass of upwards of One Hundred Churches, chiefly in the Eastern Part of Kent, most of which were examined bv the Editor in person, and the rest communicated by the resident Clergy. With an Appendix, containing Three Churches in other Counties. To which are added a sm.all Collection of detached Epitaphs, with a few Notes on the whole. By Philip Parsons, A.M. JMinister of Wye, in Kent. "• Lee us read The moral stone : few doctors preach so well, Few orators so tenderly can touch The feeling heart. What pathos in the dates!" Young. " When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out. When I meet with the grief of parents on a tomb- stone, my heart melts with compassion : when I see the tombs of pa- rents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow." — AddISON. Canterbury : Printed and sold by Simmons, Kirkby, and Jones: sold also by all the Booksellers in London. Muccxci v. Quarto. 384 KENT. Title-page as before. Introduction, signed P. Parsons, p. iii-viii. Copies of the Monuments, beginning with Wye Church and College, [b-ooo2] 471 pages. Appendix : containing the Monuments and painted Glass of the Churches of Hadleigh and Lavenham in Suffolk, and of Ded- ham in Essex; and Notes, [ooo3-Aaaa] p. 473-549. Errata and Indexes, 4 pages. N. B. Pages 424-428 are omitted, but the signatures cor- respond. XIX. Etchings from original Drawings of Antiquities in the County of Kent, by Fred'^. Wilton Litch- field Stockdale. London : Published for the Proprietor, by Messrs. J. and A. Arch, Cornhill : and sold by the principal Booksellers in Lon- don. 1810 (1811). Quarto. Title-page as above, with a View of Canterbury Cathedral as a Vignette. Introduction, dated Lamb Farm, near Hackney, Aug. 1, 1811. List of Subscribers, 2 pages. Descriptive letter-press, [b-GS]. List of the Plates, 1 page. PL-ATES. 1. The Title-page. 2. View of Dartford, Kent. Drawn and etched by F. W. L. Stockdale, from a Sketch by G. Shepherd taken in 1807. 3. Remains of Dartford Priory. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale, 1810. 4. Cowling Castle. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 5. Cowling Church. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stock- dale. 6. View of Rochester. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stock- dale. 7. Rochester Castle. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale after a Sketch by G. Shepherd. 8. St. Margaret's (Church), Rochester. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 9. Ncwington Church near Rainham. F. W. L. Stockdale deU 1808. KENT. 385 10. Ospringc Church near Faversham. F.W. L. Stockdale del. 1 1. Norman Doorway, North side Ospringe Church. F.W. L. Stockdale del. 12. Ancient Chapel of St. Nicholas, Harbledown, near Canter- bury. F.W. L. Stockdale del. 13. Canterbury Cathedral, taken near the Ruins of St. Augus- tine's Abbey. F.W. L. Stockdale del. from a Sketch by G. Shepherd. 14. Remains of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury. F.W. L. Stockdale del. 15. Part of the Ruins of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury. F.W. L. Stockdale del. 16. St. Martin's Church, Canterbury. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 17. Ancient Font in St. Martin's Church, Canterbury. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 18. Holy Cross Church, Canterbury. F.W. L. Stockdale del. 19. Entrance to Strangers Hall, or Domus Hospitum, Canter- bury. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale after a Sketch by .J. Hawksworth. 20. Green Court Gate, Canterbury. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale after a Sketch by W. Woolnoth. 21. View of Canterbury Castle and St. Mildred's Church. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale after a Sketch by G. Shepherd. 22. Pillar on Dane John Hill, Canterbury. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale. 23. St. Nicholas, Isle of Thanet. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale. 24. View of Kingsgate, Isle of Thanet. Etched from a Draw- ing by F.W. L. Stockdale after a Sketch by W. Woolnoth. 25. St. Lawrence Church, Isle of Thanet. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 26. St. Clement's Church, Sandwich. Etched from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale after a Sketch by J. Hawksworth. 27. Remains of St. Radigund's or Bradsole Abbey, near Dover. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 28. Hythe Church. Drawn and etched by F. W. L. Stock- dale. 29. Limne Castle, near Hythe. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 30. Limne Church and Castle. Drawn and etched by F.W.L. Stockdale. 3 D 386 KENT. 31. Entrance to Leeds Castle. Drawn and etched by F.W.L. Stockdale. 3 2. Leeds Castle near Maidstone. Etched from a Drawing by G. Shepherd by F.W. L. Stockdale. 33. View of Allington Castle. Etched by J. Hawksworth from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale. 34. Interior of Allington Castle. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 35. Dove House at Allington Castle. Drawn and etched by F.W.L. Stockdale. 36. View of Aylesford. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stock- dale, 37. Remains of Leyborne Castle. Drawn and etched by F.W.L. Stockdale. 38. Halhng Church, near Rochester, Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 39. Remains of Hailing Palace, near Rochester. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. 40. Starkey's at Woldham, near Rochester. Drawn and etched by F.W. L. Stockdale. N. B. The impression consisted of 250 copies in Quarto ; be- sides 20 worked off on a Folio size, many of the engravings being placed two on a sheet, in order to bind up with Hasted's History of Kent ; and containing, in addition, the following : Northfleet Church. Engraved by J. Hawksworth from a Drawing by G. Shepherd after a Sketch by F.W. L. Stock- dale. — Remains of St. Andrew's Priory, Rochester. (Plate J.) Drawn by S. Prout, etched by J. Tyrel. — Ancient Tomb in Newington Church. Etched by J. Hawksworth from a Drawing by F.W. L. Stockdale. XX, The Kentish Traveller's Companion: in a De- scriptive View of the Towns, Villages, reiuarkahle Buildings and Antiquities situated on or near the Road from London to Margate, Dover and Canter- bury. Illustrated with a correct Map of the Road, on a Scale of one Inch to a Mile ; and a Table of Distances in measured Miles from London, and be- KENT. 387 tvveen the principal Towns. The Fourth Edi- tion, with considerable Additions. " — — — O famous Kent, " What county hath this isle, that can compare with thee ! That liatli within thybeit'as mucli as thou canst wish; Thy rabbitts, venison, fruits, thy sorts of fowl and fisli ; ^s what with strenu;tii comports, thy hay, thy C(jrn, tliy wood, Not any thing doth want tliat any wliere is i;ood.'' Drayton's Poly-Olbion. Printed and sold by T. and A. Etherington, Rochester and Chat- ham : and sold by all the Booksellers in West Kent ; also by J. Evans, Paternoster-roWj London. 1794. Duodecimo, 348 pages. With a Table of Distances from London, and Three Maps of the Roads, engraved by J. Ellis, folded. N. B. The author of this useful pocket volume was the late Mr. T. Fisher, a well known and truly respectable bookseller and printer residing at Rochester, of whom some interesting particulars may be found in Nichols's Anecdotes, vol. iii. p. 675, It first appeared in 1777; a second edition, considerably en- larged, was printed in 1/79, and being the last edited by the author is esteemed the best. The third edition was printed at Canterbury in 1787; "the fourth, noticed above, in 1794, and a fifth in 1 799. CANTERBURY. I. The Antiquities of Canterbury : or a Survey of that ancient Citie, with the Svbvrbs and Cathedral). Containing principally Matters of Antiquity in them all. Collected chiefly from old Manuscripts, Liegcr- i)Ookes, and other like Records, for the most part never as yet printed. With an Appendix here annexed : wherein (for better Satisfaction to the Learned) the Manuscripts and Records of chiefest consequence are faithfully exhibited. All (for the honour of that ancient Metropolis, and his good Affection to Anti- 388 KENT (Canterburij). quities) sought out and published by the Industry and Goodwill of William Somner. " Cic. ill Oratore. " Nescire quid antea quum natus sis ucciderit, est semper esse puerum." London : Printed by I. L. for Richard Thrale, and are to be sold at his Shop at Pauls- Gate, at the signe of the Crosse- Keyes. 1640. Title-page as above, with the Arms of the See impaling those of Archbishop Laud on the reverse. Dedication to Archbishop Laud, 3 pages. The Preface to the Reader, 9 pages. Table of Chapters contained in this Booke, 1 page. The Antiquitie of Canterburie, [A-rtt 2] 316 pages. The Table, [xttS-vvv-l] 12 pages. Error of paging : — p. 454 for 505. PLATES. 1. The Mapp of Canterbury. Folded, p. I. 2. The high Altar in St. Augustin's Monastery, with the Cha- pels about it. Folded, p. 4 6. 3. Font in Canterbury Cathedral, given and consecrated by the Right Reverend Father in God John (Warner), L*^ Bishop of Rochester, p. 181 . N. B. A new Title-page was printed in 1662, II. The Antiquities of Canterbury. — In Two Parts. The FIRST PART. The Antiquities of Canterbury: or a Survey of that ancient City, with the Sul)urbs and Cathedral, &c. Sought out and published by the hidustry and good Will of Wii-LiAM Somner. The Second Edition, revised and enlarged by Nicholas Batielv, M.A. Also Mr. Somner's Discourse called Chartham News : or a Relation of some strange Bones found at Chartham in Kent. To which are added some Observations concern- ing the Roman Antiquities of Canterbury. And a Pre- face, giving an Account of the Works and Remains of the learned Antiquary Mr. William Somner, by N. B. KEN-r {Canter bur If). 3S9 The SECOND PART. Canluaria Sacra : or the Antiquities, i. Of the Cathedral and Metropohtical Church, ii. Of the Arehhishoprick. III. Of the late Priory of Christ-Church; and of the pre- sent Collegiate Church founded by K. Hen. VIII. with a Catalogue of all the Deans and Canons thereof, iv. Of the Archdeaconry of Canterbury, v. Of the Moucistery of St. Augustin ; of the Parish-Churches, Hospitals, and other religious Places that are or have been in or near that Citv : Enquired into by^ Nicholas Battely, Vicar of Beakshorn. Illustrated and adorned with several use- ful and fair Sculptures. London : Printed for R. Knaplock, at the Angel and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, mdcciii. Folio. Title-page as above. A second Title-page to the First Part. Dedication to the Most Reverend Father in God William (San- croft), Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, signed William Som- ner, 1 page. The Preface to the Reader, signed William Somner, 3 pages. A Preface to this New Edition, 7 pages. A Ta))le of Chapters contained in the First Part, 1 page. The Antiquity of Canterbury and Chartham News, [b-ccc 2] 192 j)ages. Account of the Chantries, Free Chapels, Fraternities, &c. within and near the City of Canterbury, (not paged,) 3 pages. Appendix, [*a-*u] SO pages. Tlie Table, [*x and a '-j] 4 pages. Title-page to the Second Part. Preface, 2 pages. The History of Christ-Church in Canterbury, [b-zz] 1 78 pages. Appendix to the Supplement, [a-s] 70 pages. Table to the Second Part, and Errata, [*y] 4 pages. Errors in the paging: — The Appendix at the end of Part I. p. 14, is numbered p. 4; — p. 24 for 42; — p. 32 for p. 4!), and p. 49 for p. 32; — p. 87 for p. 78; — and p. 168 of Part II. i^ numbered 164. PLATES TO FART I. 1 . View of Canterbury. Dedicated to the Right Wor.shipfull the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of Canterbury, by N. B. J. Kip so. To front the Title. 390 • KENT {Canterhury). 2. The Mapp of Canterbury, p. 1. 3. The high Altar in St. Augustin's Monastery, with the Cha- pels about it. p. 23. 4. Ancient Teeth found at Canterljury. p. 192. PLATES TO PART II. 5. The West Prospect of Canterbury Cathedral. Folded. J. Kip sc. p. 1, of Part II. 6. The Ichnography of the Old Church before Lanfranc, and the Shrine and Bones of Thomas a Becket. p. 7. 7. Plans of the Cathedral and Crvpt, as built by Lanfranc. p. 9. 8. The South Prospect of the Cathedral. Folded. Tho. John- son del. Wenceslaus Hollar sc. p. 14. 9. The Ichnography of the Cathedral. Folded. T. Johnson del. W. Hollar fee. p. 25. 10. The Monument of King Henry the IV. and his Queen. J. Kip sc. p. 31. 11. The Monument of Edward the Black Prince. J. Kip sc. p. 32. 12. Tomb of Thomas, Duke of Clarence; John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset ; and Margaret, Daughter of Thomas, Earl of Holland, their Wife. W. Hollar sc. p. 32, (num- bered 302.) 13. Tombs of Walter Reynolds and Hubert Walter, Arch- bishops, p. 33. 14. The Tomb of Archbishop John Stratford, p. 33. 15. The Tomb of Archbishop Simon Sudbury. J. Collins del. &: sc. p. 34. 16. Tombs of Archbishops William Courtney and Theobald. J. Collins del. & sc. p. 34. 17. The Monument of Henry Chichcly, Archbp. of Canterbury. Folded. E. Taylor del. 1/03. p. 34. IS. Tomb of Archbp. John Kemp. J. Collins del. & sc. j), 34. 19. ichnograj)hv of Canterbury Cathedral and Places belonging to It. Folded. Thos. Hill del. p. 87. 20. The Prospect of y' Rcliciues of the Abbey of St. Austin, Canterbury, from the high Tower of Christ Church, in the same Citty. Tho. Jolmson del. D. King sc. p. 161. N. B. There are Large Pai'kk copies of this edition. K^.i^i: {Canterbury). 391 III. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the once-adjoining Monastery : containing an Account of its first Esta- blishment, Building, Re-e(htications, Repairs, Endow- ments, Benefactions, Chapels, Altars, Shrines, Re- liques, Chauntries, Obiits, Ornaments, Books, Jewels, Plate, Vestments ; before the Dissolution of the Mo- nastery, and the INIanner of its Dissolution.— A Sur- vey of the present Church and Cloysters, Monu- ments and Inscriptions, with other Things remark- able, which, with the several Prospects of the Church, are engraven bv the best hands. The Lives of the Archbishops, Priors, &c. of Christ-Church; with an Account of learned Men there flourishing in their se- veral Times. — An Appendix of ancient Charters and Writings relating to the Church and Monastery- A Catalogue of the Church-Wealtli in Prior Estrey"s Time. An ancient Saxon Obituary, and a large one continued thence downward. By the Reverend Mr. J. Dart. London : Printed and sold by J. Cole, Engraver, at the Crown in Great Kirby-street, Hatton-garden ; J. Hoddle, Engraver, in Bridewell-Precinct, near Fleet Bridge ; J. Smitb, at Inigo Jones's Head near the Fountain-Tavern in the Strand ; and A. Johnson, on the Pav'd Stones in St. Martin's Lane. MDccxxvi. Folio Title-page as aljove. Dedication to the Most Reverend WilUam (Wake), Archbishop of Canterbury, signed James Cole, 2 pages. The History of the Cathedral of Canterbury, [b-r] 91 pages. Title-page: — "The Lives of the Archl)ishops of Canterbuiy. London: Printed Anno mdccxxvi." The Lives of the Archbishops, [s-Mm 2] p. 94-1 76. The Lives of the Deans and Priors of Christ Church, [Nn-Qq] p. 177-190. An Account of the Arch-Deacons of Canterbury, [Qq2-Tt2] p. 191-204. 39^2 KENT {Caydcrbury). The Appendix, [a-p] p. i-lviii. Errors in the pagiiig : — pages Ivii-lviii of the Appendix are misprinted Iv— Ivi. PLATES, (Drawn and engraved by James Cole.) 1 . Arms of the Subscribers to this Work, on 9 pages. 2. South View of Canterbury Cathedral. On letter-press of 3. The South Prospect of Canterbury Cathedral. Dedicated to Archbishop Wake. Folded. Numbered a, and form- ing p, 27. 4. A Prospect of the inside to the Choir of the Cathedral. Dedicated to Dr. Lamelot Blackburn, Lord Archbishop of York. Folded. Numbered b, and forming p. 28. 5. A Prospect of the Choir of the Cathedral. Dedicated to D^ Edmund Gibson, Lord Bishop of London. Folded. Numbered c, and forming page 3 1 . 6. The Chapel of the Holy Trinity, where stood the Shrine of Archbishop Becket. Dedicated to D'^ William Talbot, Lord Bishop of Durham. Folded. Numbered d, p. 32. 7. The Ichnographv or Plan of the Cathedral. Dedicated to D"^ Richard Willis, Bishop of Winchester. Numbered e, p. 33. 8. The Chapel of St. John Baptist. Dedicated to Dr. John Hough, Lord Bishop of Worcester. Numbered f, and forming p. 35. 9. Tlie Chapel of our Lady in criptis. Ded. to D"" George Hooper, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. Numbered g, and forming p. 30. 10. The West Prospect of the Cathedral. On letter-press of p. 3 8. 11. South View of the Cathedral, as on p. 1. On letter-press of p. 3y. 12. Moimnient of Dean and Alexander Nevil. Numbered h, and forming p. 4 I. 13. Monument of Rich'' Ncvil, Esq. Numbered i, and forming p. 44. 14. Mon'" of D' John Turner and D' Richard Cole. On the letter-press of p. 47. 15. Mon' of Sir John Boys, Knt. Numbered k, and forming p. 49. 16. Mon''* of D"^ Adrian Saravia, and Orlando Gibbon-s Musician. On letter-press of p. 51. KENT {Canterbury). 3.93 1 7- Mon' of Dean Fotherby, in Mezzotinto. Numbered 1, and forming p. 54. 18. Mon' of Dr. Boys, Dean of Canterbury. Numbered m^ and forming p. 57. 19. Mon* of Dean Bargrave. Numbered n, and forming p. 58. 20. Monument of Dr. Turner. Numbered o, and forming p. 59. 21. Monument of the Rev^John Gierke and Priscilla, Daughter of Thomas Fotherby, Esq. On letter-press of p. 61. 22. Monument of Dr. Chapman. Numbered p, and forming p. 62. 23. Monuments of Dr. John Battelyand Jane Hardress, Daughter of Sir Thomas Hardress. On letter-press of p. Gb. 24. Monument of Thomas Duke of Clarence and John Earl of Somerset, and their Lady. Numbered q, and forming p. 67. 25. Monument of Will™ Prude, Esq. Numbered r, and form- ing p. 70. 26. Monument of Sir Thomas Thornhurst, Knt. Numbered Sy and forming p. 71. 27. Monument of Lady Thornhurst. Numbered t, and forming p. 72. 28. Monument of Dame Dorothy Thornhurst. Numbered u, and forming p. 73. 29. Monument of Mrs. Ann Milles. Numbered w, and form- ing p. 76. 30. Monument of Sir George Rooke, Admiral. Numbered x, and forming p^ 77. 31. Monument of Sir James Hales, Knt. Numbered y, and forming p. 78. 32. Monument of Francis Godfrey, Esq. Numbered z, and forming p. 81. 33. Monument of Edward the Black Prince. Numbered a a, and forming p. 82. 34. Monument of Odo Colligtiie, Bishop Elect of Bauvois, and Cardinal Chastillion. Numbered Bb, and forming p. 83. 35. Monument of Henry IVth and Joan his Queen. Numbered cc, and forming p. 84. 36. Monument of Dean Wotton. Numbered Dd^ and forming p. 87. 37. Monument of Lady Mohun. Numbered Ee, and forming p. 88. 3ii 394 ' KENT (Canterburi/). 38. Monument of Isabel Countess of Athol. Numbered Ff, and forming p. 89. 39. A Tail-piece on the letter-press of p. 91. 40. A Head-piece from the Chapel of St. Michael. On letter- press of p. 94. 41. Monument of Archbishop Theobald. Dedicated to Dr. Benj" Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Salisbury. On letter- press of p. 123. 42. The Shrine of Archbp. Becket. Dedicated to Dr. John Wynn, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. Numbered Gg, and forming p. 124. 43., Monument of Hubert Walter, Archbishop* Dedicated to Dr. John Potter, Lord Bishop of Oxford. On letter- press of p. 131. 44. Monument of Archbp. Langton. Dedicated to Dr. Edward Chandler, Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. On letter-press of p. 134. 45, Monument of Archbp. Peckham. Dedicated to Dr. Sa- muel Bradford, Lord Bishop of Rochester. Numbered Hh, and forming p. 137. 4:6. Monument of Archbp. Mepham. Dedicated to Dr. Tho- mas Green, Lord Bishop of Ely. Numbered li, and forming p. 142. 47. Monument of Archbp. Reynolds. Dedicated to Dr. White Kennett, Lord Bishop of Peterborough. On letter-press of p. 143. 48. Monument of Archbishop Stratford. Dedicated to Dr. Ri- chard Reynolds, Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Numbered Kk, and forming p. 145. 49. Monument of Archbp. Bradwarden. Dedicated to Dr. Jo- seph Wilcox, Lord Bishop of Gloucester. On letter-press of p. 149. 50. Monument of Archbp. Islip. Dedicated to Dr. William Ba- ker, Lord Bishop of Bangor. On letter-press of p. 151. 51. Monument of Archp. Sudbury. Dedicated to Dr. John Long, Lord Bishop of Norwich. Numbered iJ, and forming p. 154. 52. Monument of Archbishop Wittlesey. Dedicated to Dr. John Waugh, Lord Bishop of Carlisle. On letter-press of p. 155. 53. Monument of Archbishop Courtney. Dedicated to Dr. Henry Egerton, Lord Bishop of Hereford. On letter- press of p. 156. KENT {Canterbury). S95 54. Monument of Archbp. Chicheley. Dedicated to Dr. Richard Sniallbroke, Lord Bishop of 8t. David's. Numbered m m, and forming p. 159. 55. Monument of Archbp. Kemp. Dedicated to Dr. William Bradshaw, Lord Bishop of Bristol. Numbered n n, and forming p. 160. 56. Monument of Archbp. Bourchier. Dedicated to Dr. Ste- phen Weston, Lord Bishop of Exeter. Numbered o o, and forming p. i63. 57. Monument of Archbp. Morton. Dedicated to Dr. Robert Clavering, Lord Bishop of Landaff. Numbered p p, and forming p. 164. 58. Moimment of Archbp. Warham. Dedicated to Dr. Edward Waddington, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Numbered Q q, and forming p. 1 67. 59. Monument of Reginald Pole, Cardinal, and Archbishop of Canterbury. Dedicated to Samuel Peploe, Lord Bishop of Chester. Numbered R r, and forming p. 1 70. Go. West Prospect of the Cathedral, as on p. 38. Tail-piece on letter-press of p, 176. 61. South Prospect of the Cathedral, as on p. 1. Head-piece on letter-press of p. 177. N. B. There are copies of this work upon Large Paper. IV. An Accurate Description and History of the Metropolitan and Cathedral Churches of Canter- bury and York, from then- first Foundation to the present Year. Illustrated with 117 Copper-plates, consisting of different Views, Plans, Monuments, An- tiquities, Arms, &c. London : Printed for W. Sandby, Bookseller, in Fleet-street ; and sold by J. Hildyard, Bookseller, in York, mdcclv. Folio, Title-page as above. The History of the Metropolitan Church of Canterbury, &:c. [b-o] 54 pages. A Catalogue of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to 1747, '■2 pages. Title-page to the Description of York Cathedral, with a Head and Tail-piece. J. Pine sc. 396 KENT (Ciuiterburi/). Description of York Cathedral, with Appendix, [p2-Nn2] p. 59-144. A nominal and alphabetical Index of Monuments and Inscrip- tions in both Cathedrals, 3 pages. List of Plates of the Buildings, ^'c. 1 page. N. B. Page 92 is numbered 86. jPLATES OF CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, (Engraved by J. Cole.) 1. S.View of Canterbury Cathedral. On letter-press of p. 1. 2. The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Canter- bury. Folded, p. 12. 3. A Prospect of the inside to the Choir of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury. Folded, p. 13. 4. Prospect of the Choir. Folded, p. 13. 5. Monument of Odo Collignie, Bishop Elect of Bauvois, and Cardinal Chastillion. p. 14. 6. The Chapel of St. John Baptist, p. 16. 7. The Chapel of Our Lady in Criptis. p. 16. 8. The Chapel of the Holy' Trinity. Folded, p. 18. 9. Tomb o*" Thomas a Becket. p. 18. 10. S.View of the Cathedral, as on page 1. On the letter- press of p. 20. 11. Plan of the Cathedral, p. 20. • 12. Monuments of Dean and Alex'' Nevil. p. 22. 13. Monument of Rich'* Nevil, Esq. p. 24. 14. Monument of Archbishop Wittlesey. On letter-press of p. 25. 15. Monuments of Dr. J. Turner and Dr. R. Coje. On letter- press of p. 27. 16. Monument of Sir Jno. Boys, Knt. p. 28. 17. Monuments of Dr. Saravia and Orlando Gibboris. On let- ter-press of p. 3 I . 18. Monument of Dean Fotherby. Mezzotinto. p. 35. 19. Moiuimeiit of Dr. Boys, Dean of Canterbury, p. 36. 20. Monument of Dean Bargrave. p. 36. 21. Momnnent of Dr. Turner, p. 36. 22. Momnneut of Dr. Chapman, p. 38. 23. Monuiuents of the Rev'' .Jno. Clerke and Priscilla, Daughter of Thomas Fotherl)y, Es([. On letter-press of p. 39. 24. Monuments of Dr. John Battely and Jane Hardress. On letter-press of p. 42. KENT {Cfnitcrhunj). 3.97 23. Monument of Thomas Duke of Clarence and John Earl of Somerset, and their Lady. p. 46. 26. Monument of William Prude, Esq. p. 46. 27, 8, 9. Monuments of Sir Thomas, Lady, and Dame Dorothy Thornhurst. p. 46. 30. Monument of Mrs. Annes Milles. p. 48. 31. Monument of Sir George Rooke, Admiral, p. 48. 32. Monument of Sir James Hales, Kut. p. 48. 33. Monument of Francis Godfrey, Esq. p. 48. 34. Mormment of Edward the Black Prince, p. 51. 35. Monument of Henry IVth. and Joan, his Queen, p 52. 36. Monument of Dean Wotton. p. 54. 37. Monument of Lady Mohun. p. 54. 38. Monument of Isabel Countess of Athol. p. 54. 39. Monuments of Arch])ishops Theol)ald and Walter, p. 54. 40. Monuments of Archbishops Langton and Reynolds, p. 54. 4 1. Monument of Archbishop Peckham. p. 54. 42. Monument of Archbishop Mepham. p. 5\. 43. Monument of Arclibishop Stratford, p. 54. 44. Monuments of Archbishops Bradwardyn and Islippc. p. 54. 45. Monument of Archbishop Langham. p. 54. 46. Monument of Archbishop Courteney. p. 54. 47. Monument of Archbishop Sudbury, p. b4. 48. Monument of Archl)ishop Chicheley. p. 54. 49. Monument of Archbishop Kenipe. p. 54. 50. Monument of Archbishop Bourchier. p. 54. 51. Monument of Archbishop Morton, p. 54. 52. Monument of Archbishop Warham. p. 54. 53. Monument of Reginald Pole, Cardinal, p. 54. PLATES OF YORK CATHEDRAL. 1. Plan of the City of York. Dedicated to the Common Council of the City of York by Francis Drake, 1736. Folded, p. 57. 2. The Mitre, Crozier, and Staff of an Archbishop. On the letter-press of p. 59. 3. An internal Perspective View of the Chapter-House at York. Folded. J. Haynes del. J. Harris sc. 173G. p. 66. 4. Curiosities in the Vestry, p. 70. 5. S.View of York Minster. On letter-press of p. 75. 6. E.View of York Minster. On letter-press of p. 7 7. 7. Two Figures over the Chapel of St. Michael. On letter- press of p. 80. 8. Tombs of Dean Langton and Archbp. Sevyal. On letter- press of p. 81. 3<^S KENT {Canterbury). 9. The Tomb of Archbishop Walter Grey. On letter-press of p. 82. 1 0. The supposed Tomb of Godfrey de Kimeton, Archbishop. On letter-press of p. 83. 1 1. Dean Higden's Monument. On letter-press of p. 85. 12. Monument of Egremond Williams, Bishop of Dromore, mider the Lanthorn Steeple. On the letler-press of p. 86. 13. Tomb of Archbp. Greenfield. On letter-press of p. 87. 14. Tomb of John Haxby. On letter-press of p. 92. 15. Tomb of Archbishop Roger. On letter-press of p. 93. 16. Monument of Thomas Dalby. To face p. 94. I 7. Monument of Lady Mary Fenwick. To face p. 96. 18. Monument of Sir Hemy Bellassis. To face p. 95. 19. Tomb of Archbishop Savage. On letter-press of p. 93. 20. Monument of Dr. John Swinburne. To face p. 96. 21. Three ancient Images. On letter-press of p. 97. 22. Monuments of Mrs. Penelope Gibson, Dr. William Pearson, and the Rev. Samuel Terrick. J. Basire sc. p. 98. 23. Tomb of Archbishop Sterne, p. 98. 24. Tomb of Frances Cecil, Countess of Cumberland. P. Har- rison del. J. Basire sc. p. 99- 25. The Tomb of Archbp. Scrope. On letter-press of p. 99- 26. Monuments of Nicholas Wanton, William Palmer, and Jane Hodson. P. Harrison del. p. 101. 27. Monument of Sir William Gee. p. 102. 28. Monument of Archbishop Hutton. p. 103. 29. Monument of Archbp. Lamplugh. p. 104. 30. Monument of Archbp Dolben. J. Haynesdel. J. Basiresc. p. 104. 31. Monument of Mrs. Anne Bennett. On letter -press of p. 106. 32. Monument of William W.mtworth, Earl of Strafford. J. Haynes del. C. Du Bosc sc. p. 106. 33. Monument of the Hon. Thomas Watson Wentworth. Gul. Kent, Arch', del. G. Vertue sc. p. 107- 34. Monument of Archbp. Piers. On letter-press of p 108. 35. Monument of Archbp. Sharp. J. Haynesdel. J. Basire sc. To face p. 109. 36. Monument of Archbp. Bovvet. J. Haynes del. On letter- press of p. 109. 37. 38. Monuments of Archbishop and Mrs. Matthew, p. 111. 39. Tomb of Archbp. Rotherham. On letter-press of p. 112. 40. Monument of Archbp. Frewen. p. 112. KENT {Cantcrhiirif). . 399 41. Monument of the Hon. Henry Finch, Dean of York. J. Haynes del. J. Basire sc. p. 1 14. 42. Monument of Mrs. Maria Raynes. On letter-press of p. 1 1 6. 43. Monument of Lyonell Ingram. On letter-press of p. 117. 41. Monument of Sir William Ingram. On letter-press of p. 1 18. 45. Monunjent of Mrs. Annabella Wickham. On letter-press of p. 1 19. 46. Plan of York Cathedral, with the Old Pavement. Folded. p. 120. 4 7. Plan of Y'ork Cathedral, with the New Pavement. Folded. W. H. Toms sc. p. 120. 48. An internal perspective View of the Choir-End of the Ca- thedral Church of York. Folded. .1. Haynes del. Har- ris sc. p. 120. 49. An internal perspective View of the Cathedral Church at York, from the West end. Folded. J. Haynes del. J. Harris sc. p. 124. 50. An internal perspective View of the Cathedral Church at York from the South Cross. Folded. .1. Havnes del. B. Cole sc. p. 124. 51. The West Whidow of York Cathedral, p. 126. 52. The Windows of the Middle Isle. On letter- press of p. 126. 53. The Window Armorial in the North Isle. p. 126. 54. Other Windows in the Side Isles. On letter-press of p. 127. 55. The East Window. W. H. Toms del. & sc. p. 127- 56. Windovv at the South Cross end. p. 128. 57. Arches of the North part of the Transept. On letter-press of p. 130. 58. The Embroidered Window at the North Cross end. p. 130. 59. Windows on the Lanthorn Tower. On letter-press of p. 131. 60. Different Arms in Stone over the Arches in the West end of the Church, and in the Lanthorn Steeple, p. 132. 61. The different Arms and Bearings of the Kings, Princes, Earls, Barons, with others of the Nobility aud Gentry of England, &c. which were depicted in the Windows of the Cathedral Church aud Chapter-IIou^e of York : drawn from thence Anno 1 64 I by some curious Person, most of which are apparent there at this Day. Folded, p. 132. 62. The particular \)evices or Family Arms belonging to several Archbishops of York. p. 132. 400 KENT {Canterbury). N. B. The separate plates are mostly dedicated to various in- dividuals, which may be seen under the atticle " Drake's His- tory of York." NUMBER OF PLATES. Canterbury Cathedral . . . 5^ Head-piece and Tail piece in the Title-page to the Description of York Cathedral 2 York Cathedral . . . . 62 Total, as specified in the Title-page . 117 N. B. All the illustrations of this publication are worked from the coppers originally engraved for Dart's History of Canterbury Cathedral, and Drake's History of York. V. A Walk in arid about the CitY of CANTERBURYy with many Observations not to be found in ariy De- scri])tion hitherto published. By William Gost- LTNG, M.A. a Native of the Place, and Elinor Ca-' non of the Cathedral. Embellished with a new and correct Plan of the City ; in which is (are) introduced the Old Church of St. Andrew, Archbishop Abbot's Conduit, and a North View of St. Augustine's Monas- tery. Also an elegant Engraving of the Church Gate, and a Chart of'^those Parts described in a Tour through East Kent. Canterbury : Printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby, and W. Flackton. mdcclxxiv. Small octavo. Title-page as above. Preface, 5 pages. Measures of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1 page. Contents, 2 pages. The Descriptive Part, [A-Ff3] 230 pages. Index, 6 pages. Errata, 2 pages. N.B. Pages 235-238 are numbered pp. 135-138. PLATES. 1. Plan of the antient City of Canterbury, A.D. mdcclxXIV. with the Old Church of St. Andrew^ Archbp. Abbot's KElsT (Can/erbmy). 401 Conduit, and St. Augustine's Monastery. A large folded Plate, with references to the Plan. Bayly so. To front the Title. 2. Christ Church Gate, Canterbury, p. 43. 3. A Chart of the Places mentioned in the Tour of East Kent. p. 195. The Form of the Cathedral. On the letter-press of p. 2! 7- VI. A V/alk in and about tlie CiTY of Canterbury, with many Observations not to be found in any Descrip- tion' hitherto published. By William Gostlixg, M.A. The Second Edition. Canterbury : Printed by Simmons and Kirkby. riecclxxvii. OctUDO. Title-page as above. Advertisement, signed Hester Gostling, 2 pages. The Preface, p. v-ix. Table of the Plates, 1 page. List of Subscribers, 21 pages. ^ Measurement of Christ Church Cathedral, 1 page. Contents and Errata, 4 pages. The Walk in and about Canterbury, and Addenda, [n-Dd] 402 pages. Index, l6 pages. TLATES. 1. Portrait of the Author. Met?: pinx. Raymond Cantuar. del. R. Godfrey so. To front the Title-page. 2. Plan of Canterbury, (as in the former Edition), with Refe- rences to the Plan (a separate Sheet) j both folded, p. I. 3. Riding Gate. R. Godfrey sc. p. G. 4. West Gate and Holy Cross Church. 11. Godfrey sc. p. 1>. 3. Arches in the Town" "\^'all demolished iu 17^i9. R- Godfrey sc. p. 10. 6. The Castle. R. Godfrey sc. p. 15. 7. All Saints Church. R. Godfrey sc. p. 51. 8. Christ Church Gate. p. 65. Q. South Prospect of the Cathedral Church, p. 72. 3 0. Capitals in Grymbald's Crypt, Oxford, and in tlu- Fveiu-h Ciiurch. Cuiitci bury. Hayiy bc. j). SO. 3 f 4()i! KENT {Canterbury). 11. Tlio Deaiuy. K. Godfrey sc. p. 149. 12. The Kinj^'s' School. R. Godfrey sc. p. IfiS. 13. Green Court G.ite. R. Godfrey sc. p. 173. 14. Tiie inside of the Baptistry, p. 184. 13. The Baptistry. R. Godfrey sc. j). 185. Ifi. The Font. Jno. Raymond del. p. 204. 17. The Screen and North Windows of the Dean's Chapel, formerly that of the Virgin Mary. J. Raymond del. J. Basire sc. Folded, p. 212. 1 S. The East Window of the Dean's, or Virgin Mary's, Chapel. J. Raymond del. J. Basire !?c. p. 213. 19. The Screen. Folded. Jno. Raymond del. J. Basire sc. p. 227. 20. Vaults allotted to the First Prehendarv. R. Godfrey sc. p. 2.18. 21. Becket'h Crown and Tomb. J. Raymond del. R. Godfrey •sc. p. 26:^. 22. Patriarchal Chair, p. 279. Plan of the circular Window in the North head of the Build- ing. On letter-press of p. 324. ^Plan of the Church. On letter-press of p. 326. 23. Chart of the Places mentioned in the Tour of East Kent. p. 351. 24. Map of Sandwich, Richborough, and its Environs. G. B. del. Bayly sc. p. 354. VII. All Historical Descriptiox of the jVIetropolt- TiCAL CiiTTECii of Christ, Caxtekbury: con- taining an Account of its Anti(juities and of its Ac- cidciUs, and Iin))rovpments, since the first Establish- ment; nith an English Translation of the Epitaphs, and a Soutii Pros])cct of the Cathedral. The Se- CONJ) Edition, greatly enlarged, with a Preface containing Observations on the Ciothic Arcliitccture, ■^mi\ an liibtorical Acconnt of the Archbishops oi (yanterbury from Augustin to the present Time. To- gether with an Elegy written by the Rev. John DuNCOiMBE, 1\I.A. KENT {Canlerbiirif). 403 Canterbury: Printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. 1783. Octavo. Half Title. Title-page as before ; witli a Quotation from Milton's " II Pen- seroso" on the reverse. Introduction, 2 pages. Preface, containing Observations on the Gothic Architecture, 6 pages. Description of the Cathedral, and Appendix, [b-u4] 152 pages. Index, 4 pages. Errors of paging: — pages 137 and 138 are repeated, and follow. With a Plate of the South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, VIII. Twelve Perspective Views of the exterior and in- terior Parts of the Methopoeitical Church of Canterbury; accompanied by Two Ichnographic Plates and an historical Account, by Charles Wild. (€ban 31 munrc mp foitb, tlje .Cl^Dnjitcrc to hnotucn ?tiib aujaineij tDoon u.ioiitJtn-l)j tijct p-biliJ, iDitf) arcijca on tDcDitb, an& ibeHioclSie p-CEiben, iDir}) lii-ocf]ctrfi on cornevetf, witft hnotics" of oolb— JOriDc U)^ntio»3PC£f p-iaiougbt, ji-tovittcn full tbicf^c .^^ifjrinEn aiitb irfljapcii ^JjelDe^. Pierce Plowman's Crede, edit. 1563. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland Row : and published by the Author, No. 1, Charlotte-street, Pimlico ; IMoheno, Pall Mall ; and Taylor, at the Architectural Library, Holborn. 1807. Half Title. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Most Reverend Charles Archbishop of Can- terbury, dated Aug. 1, 1807. JScale of Dates and Dimensions j being References to the tv,o plans, 1 page. Account of Canterbury Cathedral, 16 pages. PLATES. Ground Plan of Canterbury Cathedral. Folded. Drawn and engraved by Ch. Wild, 404 K E N T ( Card CI -bu) -y). The Substructure of the Eastern parts of Canterbury Ca- thedral. Folded. Drawn and engraved bv Ch. Wild. 1. South West View of Canterbury Cathedral, p. 6. 2. The Nave. p. 6". 3. Part of the Western Tran.sept. p. 8. 4. The Martyrdom, p. 8. 5. The Cloisters, p. Q. 6. The Choir, p. 1 1. 7. The Western part of the South Aisle, p. 12. 8. The Eastern Part of the South Aisle, p. 12. 9. The Eastern Transept, p. 13. 10. The Baptistery, p. 13. 1 1. The Trinity Chapel, p. 14. 12. The exterior of Becket's Crown, p. 15. N. B. Some copies have coloured impressions of the plates. IX. The TRUE CoriE.s of some Letters occasioned by the Demand for Dilapidatioxs in the Akchie- riscoPAL See of Canterbuhy. (By Archdeacoii -^ Texison.) Parti. 171u\ Quarto. X. Tiie Sl RVEY and Demaxd for Dilapidatiox.s in tlic Arciiiepiscopal See of Caxterbury justi- iicd, against the Cavils and Misrepresentations con- tained in some Letters lately published by Mr, Arch^ deacon Tenisox, (signed JoHX James, and dated Greenwich, Feb. SOth, 1716-7.) " FirluncKjue dulci Ebrhis " Hou. " l^e nulla qucreris, nidli maledicis Auici Rmtior ait liiigna le tamen esse irmla:." Mart. i^oNDQN: Printed by William Hunter, in Jewin-street. MDCCXVii. Quarto, 16 pages. XI, A Letter to Mr. Archdeacon Texison, detecting se- veral Misrepresentations in his Pamphlots relating to, KENT {Caulcrbitrij). 40.3 the Demand for Dilapidatioxs, (signed Henry Tarrant, Doctors' Commons, Feb. 11, 1717.-) Also a Copy of I\lr. Warren's Paper, i)art of the Instruc- tions for the Libel, signed Ambrose Warren. Printed in the yrar 1717. Quarto, 15 pages. XII. . A Repertory of the Endowiments of Vicarages in the DioCESESof Caxterbcry and Rochester. By Dr. Andrew Coltee Ducarel, F.R. and A.S.S. Commissary of the City and Diocese of Can- to rbnry. London: Printed by J. Nichols, mdcclxxxii. Small octavo. (First printed by Charles Rivington, for the Author, in 1763, Quarto, 40 pages.) Title-page us above. Advertisement, dated Doctors' Commons, Oct. 7, 1781, 2 pages. Tiie Repertory of the Endowments, and Addenda, [b-k 5] 137 pages. A List of the Terriers exhibited and remaining in the Registry of tlie Consistory Court, and in the ' Registry of the Arcli- deacon of Canterbury, p. 138-135. Half Title : " Endowments of Vicarages in the Diocese of Ro- chester." The Endowments of Vicarages in the Diocese of Rochester, [l8-p] p. 159-209. Indexes of Churches in the Diocese of Canterbury and Ro- chester, p. 210-215. With a plate, representing one of the Calces annually given at Biddenden Church on Easter Sunday. On the letter- press of p. 137. XIII. A CATALO(;i,UE of Bishops, containing the Succession of Archbishops and Bishops of the Provinces of Canterbury and York, from the glorious Revo- lution of 16\S8 to the present Time. By John Sa- muel Browne. 406' KENT {Canter bur I/). London : Printed by W. Gilbert, Salter's-hall-court, Caunan- street, for tbe Compiler, No. 11, West-street, Walworth: sold also by F. C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-yard. 1812. Octavo, 38 pages. XIV. Some Account of the Deans of Canterbury : from the new Foundation of that Church by Henry the Eighth to the present Time. To Avhich is added, a Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Church Library. By Henry John Todu, M.A. Minor Canon of the Church, Chaplain to the Lords Fife and Kilinorey, and Vicar of jNIiiton, Kent. Canterbury : Printed and sold by Simmons, Kirkby, and .Tones : sold also by Flackton, Marral)le, and Claris ; and Bristovv, Canterbury: and by T. Cadell, Strand, London. MDCCXCiii. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Rev. William (Buller) Lord Bishop of Exeter. Preface, 4 pages. Introduction and Contents, 8 pages. The Lives of the Deans, [b-s] 2.57 pages. Half Tide: "Catalogueof the Manuscripts in the Church Library." The Catalogue, [s 3-u 3] p. 261-298. Errata, 1 page. XV. Tlie History and Antiquities of the Three Ar- ciliEPiscoPAL Hospitals, and other Charitable Foundations at and near CANTERBURY. By j\lr, Duncomre and the late j\Ir. Battely. London : mdcclxxxv. See Nichols's " Bihlioth. Tnpog. Drita7in.'" No. xxx. Also the History and Anticpiities of Saint Radigund's or Brad- sole AniiEY, near Dover. — A Collection of Tradesmen's Tokens issued in the Isle of Thanet, &c. — A Description of the Moat near Canterbury. — Sketch of Hawkhurst Church.rr- Original Letter from Mr. Essex on Canterbury Cathedra^. — Dissertation on the Urbs Rutupias of Ptolemy by Mr. Doug- las. — Memoirs of William Lambarde. LoND. MDCCLXXXVll. See Nichols's " BilUoth. Topog. Brilatin." No. xlii. KENT (Canterhury). 407* XVI. Vestiges of Antiquity: or, A Series of Etchings and Engravings of the ancient Monastery of St. Au- gustine, with the Cathedral, Casde, and other Anti- quities in the Suburbs of the Metropolitan City of Canterbury; illustrated by a corresponding Ac- count, taken from the best Authorides. By T. Hast- ings, Esq. Associate of the Liverpool Royal Aca- demy, late Captain and Assistant Quarter-master-ge- neral in the Army. London : Published by the Author : and sold by MurraVj Albe- made Street ; Lloyd, Harley Street ; Hatchard, Piccadilly ; Colnaghi, Cockspur Street ; Taylor, High Holborn ; and Cra- dock and Joy, Paternoster Row. — Printed by T. H. Coe, Little Carter Lane, St. Paul's. 1813. Imperial folio, PLATES, Etched by the Author, unless otherwise noticed. 1. Bell Harry Tower of Canterbury Cathedral, from the Cloi- sters. T. Hastings del. W. Woolnoth sc. Frontis- piece. 2. The Ruins of St. Pancras, and a distant View of St. Mar- tin's. T. Hastings deL 3. The Cemetery Gate of St. Augustine's Monastery. T. Hast- ings del. 4. The Great Gate of St. Augustine's Monastery. T. Hast- ings del. 5. S.E. View of the Ruins of the Abbey of St. Augustine, with Ethelbert's Tower in the Environs of Canterbury, T. Hastings del. 6. Ethelbert's Tower, Canterbury. T. Hastings del. 7. Christ Church Gateway, Canterbury. T. Hastings del. W. Woolnoth sc. 8. Canterbury Castle and St. Mildred's Church. T. Hastings del. 9. Vilest Gate, and the Holy Cross Church of West Gate, Can- terbury. T. Hastings del. 10. Part of the Wall of Canterbury, near Lady Wooton*s Green. T. Hastings del. 408* KENT {Cantcrhurij). 11. Back part of the Tower between the Postern Gates, Can- terbury. T. Hastings del. 12. View (S.E.) of the Great Gate of St. Augustine's Abbey. T. Hastings del. With Twelve pages of descriptive Letter-press, including the Title, Preface, and List of Plates. *^* There are copies with proof impressions of the Plates. KENT. 407 R O C H E S T E R. I. Textus Roefensis : accedunt Professlonum antiquo- rum Ant*;lias Episcoporum Fonimlfe, cle Canonica obedieniia Arcliiepiscopis Can'J'UARIENSIBUS pra.^- standa, et Leonakdi Hutteni Disscrtatio, Anglian consciipta, de Antiquitatibus Oxoniensibus. E Co- dicibus ]\1SS. dcscripsit ediditciue I'lio. IIearnius. OxoNii : E Theatro Sheldoniano. mdccxx. Octavo. Tide-page as above. Tho. Hearnius Lectori, [a2-f3] p. iii-xlv. Subscribers to this Work, p. xlvi-liv. Errata and Advertisement, 2 pages. Textus Roffensis, [a-h1i] 241 pages. Professionum antiquoruni Anglis Episcoporum formulae de Ca- nonica obedientia Archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus priestanda, &c. beginning with a Half Title, [nh 2-l1 4] p. 243-27 1. Antiquities of Oxford, beginning with a Half Title, [Mm-Bbb] p. 273-378. Appendix, [ubb 2-Fff ] p. 379-410. Index, [Fff2-Ggg] p. 411-417. Operum nostrorum haetenus impressorum Catalogus, [p. 418- 423] PLATES. i. A View of the Remains of South Osnev from the East, taken in the year 1720 ; also a \ lew of the Remains of South Osney from the West, taken in the same Year. Folded. M. Burg (hers) del. et sc. p. 317. ii. Fig, 1 . The great and little Outer Gate as we enter into Rewley Abbey- — Fig. 2. A View of the Remains of North Osney, or Rewley Abbey, from the South, taken in the year 1720. — Fig. 3. A View of the Remains ot North Osney, taken from the West ; taken in the year 1720. — Fig. 4. A View of the Ren^ains of North O^ney, or Rewley Abbey, from the North, taken in tlic year 1 720. Folded. M. Burghers del. et sc. Univ. 0:<. N. B. There are copies of this publication on Koyaj, Tapjuu 408 KENT (Roc/iestcr). II. REGLSTRUM ROFFENSE: or a Collectio.v of ANCIENT Records, Cfiakters, and Instru- JIENTS of divers kinds, necessarv for iDustratino; tlie Ecclesiastical History and Antiquities of the Diocese and Cathedral Clmrch of Rochester. Transcribed from the ori!j;inal3 by John Thoilpe, late of Ro- cliester, ■\r.D. F.R.wS. and published by his Son JoriN Thorpe, Esq. A.M. F.S.A. Together with the Monumental Inscri()tions in the seyeral Churches and Chapels witiiin the Diocese. London : Printed for the Editor by W. and -T. Richardson : and sold by T. Longman in Paternoster-ro\V ; R. Dodslev, in Pall Mall ; J. Murray, in Fleet-street; T. Smith, in Canterbury; W. Mercer, in Maidstone ; and E. Baker, at Tunbridge. MDccLXix. Folio. Title-paqe as above, with the Ruins of the anticnt Chapter- House at Rochester as a Vignette. Dedication to Sir .Joseph Aylotre, Baronet, F.R.S. dated Bex- ley, April £0, MDCCLXIX, with Head-piece. To the Reader, G pa^cs. List-, of Subscribers Names, 2 pages. Regisirum Rofffvse, [b-8pJ 697 pages. Half-Title : " Rcgisfrnm Rofflusc, Part II. contaiuing the Mo- numental Inscriptions in the several Churches and Chapels within the Diocese of Rochester." The Monumental Inscriptions, &c. [8q-12m 2] p. 701-1036. hidix Nowiiiariiin el Loconayi, \5 pages. Errata, I page. Errors of paging : — page G3-2 for 732: — jj. 587 for 7S7 ; — p. 918 for 919. PLATES. 1 . Portrait of Dr. John Thorpe, with his Arms. Wollaston pinx. J. J^>avlv sc. To front the Title. C. Ruins of the ancient Chapter-House at Rochester. A Vig- nette on the 'i'itle-))agc. .'^. Head-piece to the Dedication. ■i. .Kncieut Couventiu-1 Seal of Rochester. On the letter-pr?s* of }). 1 . ivENT {Rochester). 40.0 III. CUSTUMALE ROFFENSE, from the original I\Ia- nuscript in the Archives of tlie Dean and Chapter of Rochester: To which are added, Memorials of that Cathedral Church ; and some Account of the Re- mains of Churches, Chapels, Cliantries> etc. whose Instruments of I'oundation and Endowment are for the most part contained in tlie Reoistrum Rojfense ; with divers curious Pieces of Ecclesiastical Anti- quity, hitherto unnoticed, in the said Diocese. The whole intended as a Supplement to that Work. Il- lustrated with Coppei'-plates, from accurate Draw- ings taken principally under the Editor's Inspection. By John Thoepe, Esq. M.A. E.S.A. " Non minor est virtus, quam guarere, purta titeri." OviD. London: Printed by and for John Nichols, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street, mdcclxxxvhi. Folio. Title-page as above, with a Vignette. Preface, signed J. Tliorpe, and dated Bexley, High-street House, Mar. I,"l788, 2 pages. Custumale Roffense, and Appendix, [fi-Yyy] 264 pages. Directions for placing the Plates, and Errata, 2 pages. PLATES. Portrait of John Thorpe, A.M. k F.A.S. aetat. 72. W. Hardy pinx. T. Cook sc. To front the Title. i. Fig. 1. South-west View of the Chapel of St. Laurence de Longsole. (p. 63.) — Fig. 2. South East View of the Chapel of St. Bartholomew's Hospital at Chat- ham, and Plan. (p. 87.) — Fig. 3. North East View of Eslingham Chapel in Frindsbury. (p. 1 l6.) The Plate contributed by Sam". Thoyts of Farningham, Esq. Tracy del. Cook sc. p. 63. ii. Fig. 1 . Gateway to the Hospital of the Holy Trinity at Aylesford. (p. 66.) — Fig. 2. Front Elevation of the Hospital of the Holy Trinity, (p. 66.)— Fig. 3. South East View of the Bridge Chapel at Rochester, (p. 131.) Tracy del. p. 66. iii. Fig. 1 . Plan of Tottington, and part of the Grounds above it. (p. 6/.) — Fig. 2. View of the Stone called 3G 410 KENT (Rochester). the Coffin, in the Hedge above Tottington Yard Gate, (p. 67.) Tracy del. 1776. p. 67. iv. Fig. 1. View of the Monument called Kits Cot) House, (p. 68-75.) — Fig. 2. North View of the Lower Mo- nument in its present state, (p. 74.) Bayly del. 1772. p. 68. V. Plan of the Wood, &c. near Horsted, with the reputed Situation of Horsa's Tomb. Inscribed to the Me- mory of Mr. Charles Green of Hinckley. J. Tracy del. p. 70. •vi. Monumental Figure of Thomas Sparrow, p. 77. vii. Ancient Horn. — Figure of Gundulpbus, Arms, &c. p. 78. viii. Two Views of the Parsonage House at Bexley in 1767. C E. Thorj)e del. p. 85. ix. Monumental Figure of John de Cobham. p. 88. X, Monumental Figures of Richard Etclesscy. (p. 139.) — Thomas Wylkinson. (p. 137.) — and Sir Nicholas Hawberk. (p. 89.) T. Cooksc. p. 89. xi. View of the Chancel End and Font in Darent Church, p. 94. xii. North East View of the Tower of St. Margaret Helles in Darent, and Ichnography of the Chapel. Bayly del. p. 103. xiii. Inscription on the Grave-stone of John Crepehege. p. 104, xiv. Monumental Stones in the Grounds of Mr. Bartholo- mew, at Addington Place, in Kent. (Marked plate xiv.) Serres del. F. Cary sc. p. 68. XV. Elevation of the North Door of Stone Church, (p. 253.) — Inner West Door of Orpington Church, (p. 137.) — Elevation of the Inner Door-way of the Belfry in Eynesford Church, (p. 108.) — Gothic Arch and Re- cess on the North side, within the West End of Orp- ington Church, (p. 137.) Jasper Harrison, of New- castle, Esq. contributes this Plate, p. 108. xvi. Fig. 1 . North-west View of the Remains of Eynesford Castle, (p. 109.) — Fig. 2. Elevation of the Chancel End in Eynesford Church, (p. 108.) — Fig. 3. View of the Free School in South Fleet. The Plate con- tributed by Cuthbert Potts, Surgeon. Cook and S. Currey del. p. 109. xvii. Three Fonts, — Farningham, South Fleet, and Shorne. Bailydel. p. 110. KENT {Rochester). 4 1 1 xviii. Window in Fawkeham Church. The Plate contributed by William Manwood, of East End, Esq. J. Latham del. Cook sc. p. 1 14. xix. Monumental Figure of Sir Thomas Bullen, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond. p. 113. XX. Fig. 1 . View of the School at West Mailing. Tracey del. (p. 130.) — Fig. 2. North East View of the Ruins of the ancient Manor-House at Fawkeham. (p. 116.) — Fig. 3. North West View of the Chapel or Oratory at Shorne. The Plate contributed by Robert Pearson, of Matfen, in Northumberland, Esq. Bailydel. p. 1 l6. xxi. Fig. 1. West end of the Remains of the Chantry at Milton, (p. 135.) C. E. Thorpe del.— Fig. 2. South East View of the Chapel of St. Lawrence at Hailing, (p. 118.) Baily del. — Fig. 3. West View of the Abbey at Town Mailing, (p. 130.) Tracy del. T. Cook sc. The Plate contributed by Laurence Hol- ker, of Bourne House, Bexley. p. 118. xxii. Fig. 1. North West View of the Remains of Dode Church. J. Thorpe del. p. 125. — Fig. 2, 3. North West and South East Views of the Remains of Higham Abbey. C. E. Thorpe del. Contributed by Thomas Meggison, of Whalton, in Northumberland, Esq. p. 122. xxiii. Monumental Figures of John de Grovehurst and Sir Thomas Nevile. Cook sc. p. 121. xxiv. Fig. 1. North View of the Ruins of Maplescombe Church, (p. 122.) — Fig. 2. North West View of Rokesley Church, (p. 246.) — Fig. 3. South West View of the Ruins of Lullingstane Chapel. Bailydel, &sc. Contributed by Samuel Walsh, Esq. p. 122. XXV. The South East Prospect of Frinsbury Church, near Rochester. Hubbuck del. F. Cary sc. p. 116. xxvi. Brasses of John Gower, (p. 137.) — John Sundressh. (p. 258.)— and George Hattcliff. p. 128. xxvii. Fig. 1. South East View of St. Leonard's Tower at West Mailing, (p. 130.) — Fig. 2. North West View of the Chapel at Newhith in East Mailing, (p. 5 32.) — Fig. 3. North West View of the Remains of Padles- worth Church, (p. 138.) Baily & Tracy del. Con- tributed by Henry Thoyts, of Farningham, Esq. p. 130. xxviii. Monumental Figure of Peter de Lacy. Cook sc. p. 133. 412 KENT {Rochester). xxix. Fig. 1. Grave-stone of W. Hesill. (p. 136.) — Fig. 2. William Lye and his Grave-stone, (p. 136.) — Fig. 3. East Window of the Chancel in Dartford Church before the late alteration, (p. 106.) — Fig. 4, 5. Seals, p. 136. Monumental Figures of Sir W"" and Lady Rikhill. John Ilolkar, of Rouen, in Normandy, contributes this Plate, p. 136. Monumental Figures of Paul and Agnes Yden. p. 141. Roman Urns, &c. found at Rochester, (p. 148.) — Fos- sil Shells found near Southfleet. (p. 2.54.) — Seal of Lawrence de St. Martin, (p. 243.) — and the ancient Conventual Seal of Rochester, (p. 243.) p. 148. Perspective View of the South Wing of the Cathedral at Rochester, (p. 175.) — and a View of the Record Room at the Foot of Rochester Bridge, (p. 151.) Tracy del. p. 151. Specimens of Gum lulph's Architecture. T. Fisher del. Rovce sc. p. 154. North West View of Rochester Cathedral, in outline, p. 155. Elevation of the W'est Door of the Cathedral at Ro- chester. Contributed by Dr. Ducarel. Bayly del. p. 155. Remains of the Colonnades of the Cloyster on the East side, with the Three West Windows of the ancient Chapter-House of the Priory, taken A" 1 769. Folded, p. 161. Elevation of tlie Door-way from the East Cloister into the Old Ciiupter- House, with the Figures of the Arch in relievo, taken A° I769. Folded, p. I6I. South Transept of the Nave, and a Window in the Choir. J. Tracv and T. Fisher del. p. 165. The Ichnography of the Cathedral Church of Rochester. Folded, p. 17 J. Elevation <»f the Door-way in the Soutli Wing of the Choir in the Cathedral, which led to the ancient Chapter- House, .fohii Nichols, F.S.A. Edinb, con- tributes this Plate. J. Skinner del. T. Cook sc. p. 175. xlii. Monument of Gill)ert de Glanville. J. Tracy del. J. Royce sc. Contributed by Joseph Brooke, of West Mailing, Escj. p. I8y. xliii. Four Monuments of Bishops in Rochester Cathedral. XXX. XXXI . XXX ii. xxxiu. xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. xl. xli. KE'i^T (Rochester). 413 Folded. J. Carter del- 1783. T. Cook so. Contri- buted by Ricbard Gough, Esq. p. 1 92. xliv. Monument of Walter de Merton, Bisbop of Rochester, (and Founder of Merton College, Oxford, ) in Rochester Cathedral. J. Bayly del. & sc. 1768. Contributed by the Rev. Hen. Barton. (The same Plate as in the Account of Pythagoras's School, Cambridge.) p. 194. xlv. Stalls on the South side of the Presbytery. T. Fisher del. Royce sc. The Dean and Chapter of Rochester contribute this Plate, p. 202. xlvi. North View of the Monument of Bishop Lowe. Folded. Basire sc. p. 215. xlvii. East and West Views of the same Monument. Folded. Basire sc. p. 215. xlviii. Shield from the same Monument. (T. Fisher del.) p. 234. xlix. Fig. 1. Front View of Southfleet Parsonage-House. C. E. Thorpe del. 1 768. Cook sc. (p. 248.)— Fig. 2. West end of Greenhithe Chantry, in the Parish of Swanscombe, with the Alms-houses adjoining, (p. 2 56.) C. E. Thorpe del. 1774. Cook sc. p. 248. 1. John Lumbarde's Brass Plate at Stone, p. 253. li. Monumental Figures of Reynold Peckham and William Payne, p. 258. Hi. South East View of Wrotham Church. T. B. Pouncy del. 1772. F. Cary sc. p. 258. liii. Fig. 1 . Front View of the Gate-house leading into the Friers at Aylesford. Cath*^ Thorpe del. 1773. — Fig. 2. Perspective View of the Court within the Gate at the Friers. Tresse del. 1778. p. 261. liv. East View of the Ruins of Hailing Palace. Bayly del. 1767. p. 267. Iv. Seal and Arms of Bishop Wellys. p. 262. Ivi. The Six Shields on Bisliop Lowe's Tomb. p. 262. N. B. The remaining copies of this work were destroyed by the Fire of Messrs. Nichols's Printing Olfice in 1808. IV. An Historical Account of that venerable Monu- ment of Antiquity the Textus Rgffensi.s ; inchid- ino; Memoirs of the learned Saxoniets Mr. \V'illianv 4 1 4 KENT {Rochester). Elstob and his Sister. By Samuel Pegge, M.A. To which are added, Biographical Anecdotes of Mr. Johnson, Vicar of Cranbrooke ; and Extracts from the Registers of that Parish. London, mdcclxxxiv. Quarto. See Nichols's " Biblioth. Topog. Brifann." No. xxv. V. The HisTOKY and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Rochester : containing i. The local Statutes of that Church. li. The Inscriptions upon the Monuments, Tombs, and Grave-stones. III. An Account of the Bishops, Priors, Deans, and Arch- Deacons. IV. An Appendix of Monumental Inscrip- tions in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury ; sup- plementary to Mr. Somner's and Mr. Batteley's Ac- counts of that Church, v. Some original Papers re- latins to the Church and Diocese of Rochester. " En Morti Sucratos Lapides ! " QuTNTlL. London : Printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible near St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street. 1717. Octavo. Re- printed in 1723. Title-page as above. Preface, dated London, Feb. 19, llL", 4 pages. Contents, 2 pages. Some Account of the Cathedral Church, [b-i 4] 1 20 pages. Anti(|uities of the same, and Appendix, [*a-*f 2] 84 pages. Some Account of the Bishops of this See, with the Priors and Deans and Arch-Deacons, &;c. [*f3-*g8] p. 85-109. "index of Persons Name-s who are interred in this Cathedral, and mentioned in thi^ Work, 3 pages. N. B. This publication has been ascribed to John Lewis, but it is generally understood to have been written by Dr. Richard Rawlinson. K'EKT {Rochester'). 415 VI. The History and Antiquities of Rochester and its Environs: To wiiich is added a Description of the Towns, ViUages, Gentlemen's Seats, and ancient Build iugs situate on or near the Road from London to Marinate, Deal, and Dover. Embellished with Coppei"-plates. *^ As the know/edge of ancient things is pleasant^ so is the ignorance as shame- J'ul, and oftentimes exposes men to the scorn and contempt of strangers." Preface to SomNEr's Antiq. of Canterbury. Rochester : Printed and sold by T. Fisher: sold also by S. Crow- der, Bookseller, in Paternoster-row, London, mdcclxxii. Small octavo. Title-page as above. Advertisement and Contents, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 10 pages. The History of Rochester, &c. [B-Yy 5] 353 pages. Table of Errata, 1 page. PLATES. 1 . Plan of the City of Rochester, from the Bridge to the Vic- tualling Office. Folded. F. Baker. Surveyor. To face the Title. 2. Rochester Castle, p. IQ. 3. The West end of Rochester Cathedral. F. Baker del. p. 57. 4. The ancient Conventual Seal. p. 73. 5. Ruins of the ancient Chapter-House at Rochester, p. 96. 6. The Seal of the City of Rochester, p. 257- A Silver Greek Coin found at Chatham. On the letter- press of p. 274. Errors of paging: — pages 193, 196, 7, 8, 9, and 200 (*cc) are repeated with an asterisk; — as also pp. 281-288 (*oo). VII. Articles of Enquiry, with a Letter to the Clergy, in order to a Parochial Visitation of the several Churches and Chapels, and of the Houses of all Rec- tors, Vicars, and Curates in the Archdeaconry of 4 1 6 K ENT (Rochester). Rochester; to be made by John Denne, D.D. Archdeacon of Rochester. Printed in the year mdccxxxii. Quarto, 19 pages. viir. An authentic Copy of the Charter and Bye-Laws, &c. of the City of Rochester, in the County of Kent. Published for tlie Infornmtion of tlie Mem- bers of that Corporation, in the Year 17A9, by order of John Waite, then Mayor. London : Printed by John Hughs, near Lincohi's-Inn-Fields. Folio, 35 pages. IX. Articles of the High Court of Chancery for settling and governing Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School at Rochester. Printed by T. Fisher, mdcclxxxi. Quarto, !2 pages. X. City of Rochester. — A Particular of the several Estates, Lands, and I'cneincnts belonging to Mr. Watts's and St. Catharine's Charities : and also the City Estates : describing the several Lessees, the Term of Years granted, and the Time the Leases expire, the yearly Rent and Taxes, with Remarks. Printed for the use of the Members of the Corporation in the Mayoralty of William Spice, Escj. by T. Fisher, 1 7 79- Quarto, 27 pages. Fijti/ copies printed. XL A Collection of Statutes concerning Rochester Bridge. London : Printed by .John Baskett, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1733. Folio, in double coKmins, 13 pages. KElUT (Faversham). 417 XII. Proposals made in the Year 1 720 to the Parishioners of Stroud, near Rochester in Kent, for build- incT a Work-house there ; "with an Account of the good Success thereof, and hkewise of several Work- houses in Essex, &c. Published to encourage all large and populous Parishes to pursue the same De- sign ; it being very advantageous to the Rich as well as the Poor. By the Minister of Stroud. " Learn to do well, seek judgement, relieve the oppressed, judge the Father- less, plead for the Widow." — Isaiah i. v. 17. London : Printed and sold by J. Downing, in Bartholomew- Close, near West Smithfield. 1725. Quarto^ 24 pages. FAVERSHAM. MONASTICON FAVERSHAMIENSE in Agro Cantiano : or A SuRVEiGH of the Monastry of Faversham, in the County of Kent. Wherein its Barony and Right to sit in Parlament is disco- vered. Together with its antient and modern Estate described, as also its Founder and Benefactors re- membered. By Tho. Soutiiouse, of Greys-Inne, Esq. " Olim meminissejuvabit." To which is added an Appendix of the Descent of King Stephen, by Tho. Philipot, Esq. London : Printed for T. Passenger, living at the Sign of the Three Bibles upon London Bridge. 1 67 1 . Duodecimo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Worshipful Sir George Sonds, signed Tho. Southouse, 2 pages. 3 H 418 KEUT (Faversk am). The Epistle to the Reader, 5 pages. Lines addressed to the Author by Thomas Philipot, Robert Piatt, and Thomas Cater, 4 pages. Monaslicon Favershamiensej [a3-l4] 167 pages. Error of paging : — After page 1 . page 6 &c. follow. A Plate of the Habbit of a Monck of the Order of St. Benedict irouts the Title. II. The History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of Favresham in Kent: of the adjoin- ing Priory of Davington, and Maison-Dieu of Ospringe, and Parish of BocroN subtus le Blevne. To which is added a Collection of Papers relating to the Abbey, &c. and of the Funeral Mo- numents and other ancient Inscriptions in the several Churches of Favresham, Shelwicli, Bocton under le Bleyne, Ospringe, Graveney, and Throwley, with the charitable Benefactions thereto given. (By John Lewis.) " Antiquitutcf,, sm HUturiurinn Heliquie, sunt taiiqiiam Tabula Naufrugtj quus Itomincs industrij et saguies ex Geueulogijs, Fastis, Titulis, Nuniis- matibus, Archivis, et. lastrumentis tain pub/uis quani privatis a Teiiu- poris Diluvio eripiunt et cunservaitt." — 13acon' dt Augment. Scieut. Printed mdccxxvii. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Honourable Lewis Earl of Rocking- ham, signed John Lewis, with his Arms. Preface, dated St. .lohn Baptist's Day, 1727, 4 pages. Funeral Monuments in the Church of Faversham, and a Collec- tion of Papers, &c. [b-k 3] 69 pages. Directions to the Binder for placing the Cutts, on the reverse of p. 6y. Account of the Abbey of Faversham, &;c. [b-n 2] 91 pages. PLATES. 1. A Prospect of y^ Remains of Faversham Abbey, p. 1, of the History. 2. An ancient Benedictine of Cluni. p. 7, of the History. KENT (Fat'ersham). 419 3. The Abbey Seal, p. 20. - ' 4. A Benedictine or Black Nun of Davington. p. 77. 5. The ancient Habit of the Chaplains of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, p. 81. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. i. The Arms of the Earl of Rockingham. Head-piece to the Dedication. 2. Monumental Figure of Thomas Hart kneeling, &c. On letter-press of p. 1, of the Funeral Monuments in Fa- versham Church. 3. The Arms of the Family of Valentine Baret, &c. On letter-press of p. 25 of ditto. 4. Two Coats of Arms on letter-press of p. 28, of ditto. 5. Tail-piece. J. Pine so. On p. 69 of ditto. — [The same as in Lewis's Hist, of the Isle of Tenet, page 204.) 6. Arms of the Family of North. On letter-press of p. 26 of the History. III. The History of the Town and Port of Faver- SHAM, in the County of Kent. By Edward Ja- cob, Esq. F.S A. Illustrated with Copper-plates. London : Printed for the Author by J. March : and sold by B. White, in Fleet-street; L. Hawes and Co. in Paternoster- rOw ; S. Patterson, in Essex-street > and by S. Doorne in Fa- versham. mdcclxxiv. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Right Honourable Lewis Lord Sondes, signed Edw** Jacob, with his Arms as an Head-piece, engraved by Hall. Preface, p.vii-xii. The Contents, and List of Plates, 4 pages. The History of Faversham, and Errata, [b-p 7] 222 pages. PLATES. 1. Plan of the Town of Faversham. Inscribed to the Mayor, Jurats, and Commonalty of Faversham. Folded, p. 1. 2. Ancient Seals of the Town' and Abbey, Deanry of Ospringe, and the Arms of the Cinque Ports. Dedicated to the Hon*''' Sir Charles Frederick, Knt. of the Bath. p. 1 6. 420 KENT (Faversham). 3. Present Seals of the Town and of Mayoralty. Inscribed to John Ives, Esq. of Yarmouth, p. 1 7. 4. The Town Gate or outward Abbey Gate. Inscribed to the Rev. Edward Thomas, M.A. p. 31. 5. The Inner Abbey Gate. Inscribed to Mr. John White, Merchant, of London, p. 31. 6. The Last Seal of the Abbey. Inscribed to William Boys, Esq. J. Mynde sc. p. 36. 7. The North East View of Faversham Church. Folded. Inscribed to Thomas Knight, Esq. of Godmersham. J. Chapman sc. p. 39. 8. Section and Plan of the Church. Inscribed to David Pa- pillon, Esq. of Acrise. p. 41. 9. The Chapel under the same. Inscribed to the Rev. St. Barrett, M.A. Rector of Hothfield. p. 43. 10. Arms in the Windows of the same. Inscribed to Thomas Barrett, Esq. of Lee, M.P. for Dover, p. 49. 11. The Free Grammar School. Inscribed to Daniel Newman, Esq. p. 53. 12. The Seal of the Grammar School. Inscribed to Thomas Smith, Esq. of Preston, p. 59. 13. The Market House. Inscribed to Edward Wilks, Esq. of Faversham. p. QO. 14. Miscellaneous Plate of Medals and Coins. Inscribed to Edward Hasted, Esq. Hall sc. p. 108. \5, West Door of Davfngton Church, Arms, &c. Inscribed to -; A. C.Ducarel, LL.D. p. 112. 16. Medal of James 2""^ and his Queen, struck on the Birth of the Pretender. On the letter-press of p. 205. N. B. There are copies on Large Paper; and the Editor has seen two copies on small paper, having the following plates, which are not inserted in the printed list, but appear to have been engraved about the same time : Feversham Abby in Kent. Folded. F. Perry sc. p. 33. Gateway of Feversham Abbey, p. 33. The West front of the Nunnery and Church of Davington. Folded, p. 112. King Stephen and his Queen Matilda, from an ancient Carv- ing in Wainscot, in the House on the East side of the Ab- bey Gate. Folded. KENT {Cim/ice Ports). 421 IV. PLANTJE FAVERSHAMIENSES A Catalogue of the more perfect Plants growing spontaneously about Favershaim, in the County of Kent; with an Appendix, exhibiting a short View of the Fossil Bo- dies of the adjacent Island of Shepey. By Edward Jacob, Esq. F.S.A. " Consider the lilies of the field, liow they grow." — MAtth. vi. 28. London : Printed for the Author by J. March, on Tower- Hill : sold by B. White, at Horace's Head, Fleet-street; and T, Evans, Paternoster-row. mdcclxxvii. Duodecimo. Title-page as above. Dedication to Mr. John White, Merchant, of London, dated Faversham, Aug. lo, 1777.- Preface, with the Abbreviations explained, 4 pages. Plantce Favershamicnses, [b-m 4] 127 pages. Fossilia Shepeiuna, beginning with a Title-page and Introduc- tion, p. 129-146. Index of the English Names, p, i-xxxii. Index of the Linnaean Names, p. xxxiii-liii. Errata and Omissions, 1 page. PLATES. The Portrait of the Author. C. Hall del. & sc. To front the Title. Orchis Moriofceminaflorepleno. C. Hall sc. p. 75. •N. B. There are copies of this publication on Large Paper in octavo. CINQUE PORTS. I. Charters of the Cinque Ports, Two ancient Towns, and their Members. Translated into English, with Annotations historical and critical thereupon. 4L'2 KENT {Cinque Ports). Wherein divers old Words are explain'd, and some of their ancient Customs and Privileges observ'd. By Samuel Jeake, sen. of Rye, one of the said an- cient Tom n?.. London: Printed for Bernard Lintot, at the Cross Keys be- tween the Temule-Gates in Fleet-btreet. MDccxxvin. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Grace the Duke of Dorset, 2 pages. Advertisement, and List of Books printed for the Publisher, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 2 pages. The Charters, with the Table, [b-ccc] 190 pages. N. B. To which may be added the following; viz. The great and antient Charter of the Cinque Ports of our Lord the King, and of the Members of the same. Printed in Latin at Cambridge in 1675, and in English at London in 1682. Octavo. Collection of the Statutes relating to the Cin30, 131, 132 are repeated with an asterisk. KENT {Greemvich). 449 PLATES. 1 . A perspective View of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, taken from the River Thames. Folded. Thos. Lancey, Greenwich, del. et scrips*. Engraved by James Newton. To front the Title. 2. Elevation of the East front of the Inhrmary. J. Newton sc. p. 117. 3. Elevation of the East front of the Boys School and Dormi- tory. J. Newton sc. p. 125. 4. A View of the ancient Royal Palace call'd Placentia, in East Greenwich. Copied from an Engraving published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. J. Newton sc. p. 131. XVIII. A Description of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, with a short Account of the present Establishment of Officers, Pensioners, Out Pen- sioners, Nurses, and Boys. Published by the Chap- lains. Sold gnly at the Hospital. 1801. Duodecimo. On the Subject of Abuses which have taken place in this Ho- spital, there have appeared — XIX. 1 . The Case of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich: containing a comprehensive View of the internal Government; in which are stated the several Abuses that have been intro- duced into that great National Establishment, wherein Land- men have been appointed to Offices contrary to Charter ; the ample Revenues wasted in useless Works ; and Money ob- tained, by Petition to Parliament, to make good Deficiencies ; the Wards torn down, and converted into elegant Apartments for Clerks and their Deputies ; the Pensioners fed with Bull Beef, and sour Small Beer mixed with IVater ; and the Con- tractors, after having been convicted of the most enormous Frauds, suffered to compound the Penalties, and renew their Contract, — With an Appendix : containing original Papers, 3 M 4o0 KENT {Blackheath). Extracts from the Charter, Book of Instructions, &c. Pro- ceedings of the General Courts, Board of Directors and Council, with other authentic Documents. And also a Me- morial to the General Court of Commissioners and Governors, from the Lieutenant-Governor of the said Royal Ho>pital, in behalf of the Pensioners, &c. (By Captain Thomas Baillie, Lieutenant-Governor.) — Royal Hospital, March 2, 1778- — Quarto, 1 16 pages. 2. State of Facts relative to Greenwich Hospital, (1779) Quarto, 80 pages. 3. Also ** Another State of Facts relative to Greenwich Ho- spital, March, 1779." Qttar/o, 22 pages. 4. True Copies of Affidavits filed in the Courtof King's Bench, in answer to an unauthenticated Pamphlet, called " A State of Facts relative to Greenwich Hospital." mdcclxxix. Quarto, 1 10 pages. 5. The Speech of the Earl of Sandwich in the House of Lords, on Friday, the 14th Day of May, 1779, being the fourteenth Day of the Sitting of the Committee of Enquiry into the - Management of Greenwicii Hospital. London : Printed for T. Cadell^ opposite Catherine-street, Strand, mdcclxxix. Quarto, 20 pages. I. Blackheath : a Poem, in Five Cantos. — Lumena ; or the Ancient British Battle : and various other Poems ; including a Translation of the First Book of the Ar- gonautica of C' Valerius FlacCus, by T. NoBLE. London : Printed for the Author, by H. K. Causton, Birchin- lane, Cornhill: Published by J. B. Courthope, Rotherhithe : and sold by Richardsons, Cornhill ; Harris, St. Paul's Church- yard; and Chappie, Pall Mall. 1808. Quarto. An engraved Title-page as above, with a Vignette View of Black- heath. W. Noble del. S. Noble sc. Dedication to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, 1 leaf. An enlarged Dedication to the same, signed Thomas Noble, and dated Blackheath, June, 1800, 3 pages. List of Subscribers, 7 pages. KENT {Blackheath). 4.5 1 Half Title : " Blackheath j or, A Morning Walk in the Spring of ] 804," &c. Preface, p.vii-x (misprinted iv). Argument, or Contents of the Five Cantos, and Errata, 4 pages. The Poem, [b-t] p. 9-145. Half Title: " Lumena; or the Ancient British Battle, a Poem." Preface, 5 pages. The Poem, [u 2-Y 4] 21 pages. Miscellaneous Pieces, beginning with a half Title, [z-2 D 2] p. 23-57. Half Title : " The First Book of the Argonautica of C. Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus." Preface, [2 D 3-2 K 3] p. i-xlviii. Half Title, and Argument on the reverse. The First Book of the Argonautica, with Notes critical and ex- planatory, [2L-3D3] 134 pages. Directions to the Binder, 1 page. PLATES. 1 . Engraved Title-page. 2. Remains of Wricklesmarsh House. W. Noble del. S.Noble sc. p. 12. 3. Lewisham. W. Noble del. S. Noble sc. p. 40. 4. Vanbrugh House, from Greenwich Park. W. Noble del. S. Noble sc. p. 67. 5. Blackheath. W. Noble del. S. Noble sc. p. 87. 6. Charlton Church. W. Noble del. S. Noble sc. p. 134. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS, (Engraved on Wood by Austin.) 1. Lee Church, p. 22. 2. Arch in Lady Dacre's Park. p. 48. 3. Reservoir in Greenwich Park. p. 86. 4. Gateway in Vanburgh Fields, p. 126. 5. Lon Bridge in Lee Vale. p. 145. 6. A Cromlech, p. 21 of " Lumena." 7. Dartmouth Point, Lewisham Hill. p. 57 of " Miscellaneous Pieces." 8. A Vessel, from the Antique, p. xlviii of the Preface to the Argonautica. 9. AnotherVessel, from the Antique, p. 1 of The Argonautica. 10. Tail-piece, from the Antique, p. 86. 452 KENT {Eltham). II. HoRTUS Elthamensis, sen Plantarum rariorum quas in Horto suo Elthami in Cantio coliiit Vir ornatis- simus et prasstandssimus Jacobus Shekakd, M.D. Soc. Reg. et Coll. Med. Lond. Soc. Guilielmi P. AI. Frater, Delineationes et Descriptiuiies quarum Historia vel plane non, vel imperiecte a Rei herbariae Scriptoribus tradita fuit. Auctore Johaxne Jacobo DiLLENIO, M.D. LoNDiNi : Sumptibus Auctoris. mdccxxxii. Folio. Title-page as above. Preface, p.v-viii. Plantce Rariores Horti Elthamensis, [a-sssss2] 437 pages. Addenda, Corrigenda, and Errata, 1 page. With Three hundred and twenty-four Plates. N. B, This work is often divided into Two Volumes. *^* The coppers from which these plates were taken, like se- veral other expensive pubhcations about that period, found their way into Holland, and vvere re-worked at Leyden under the fol- lowing Title without any letter-press, except a descriptive list of the plates of eight pages : *' Horti Elthamensis Plantarum rariorum Icones et Nomina a Job. Jac. Dillenio, M.D. descriptarum Elthami in Cantio, in Horto Viri ornatissinii atque praestantissimi Jacobi Sherard, M.D. Soc. Reg. et Coll. Med. Lond. Soc. additis Deuominati- onibus Linnaeanis. — Lugduni Batavorum, apud Cornelium Haak. MDCCLXXiv." In two volumes folio ; the second beginning with plate clxv. III. The Royal Charter of Coxfirmation granted by His most Excellent Majesty King James II. to the Trinity House of Deptford-Strond, for the Go- vernment and Encrease of the Navigation of England, and the Relief of poor Mariners, their Widows, and Orphans, &c. London: Printed in the year mdccxxx. Octavo, 180 pages. KENT; 453 Likewise the following on the same subject; viz. 1. Grants of ballastage to the Corporation of Trinity House. London, 1733. Duodecimo. 2. The Answer of the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Corporation and Hospital of Trinity-House, humbly of- fered concerning certain pretended Abuses complained of by some Masters of Ships trading to Newcastle and Sun- derland. Qniirto. No date. 3. The Grants, Charters, and Letters Patent of the Corporation of Trinity-House, relative to shewing their Authority to erect and maintain Light-houses and Sea-marks. To- gether with their ancient Duty of buoyage and beaconage, for and towards the relief of old decayed Seamen, their Widows, and Orphans. To which is added, an Account of the several Light-houses, Buoys, and Beacons, &:c. on the Coast, with a curious Set of Tables for computing the respective Duties on Ships inward and outward ; with Rules for measuring of British and Foreign Ships, in order to ascertain their true Tonnage for the King and the Mer- chant, &c. 1768. IV. General View of the x\gkiculture of the County of Kent, with Observations on the Means of its Im- provement. By John Boys, of Betshanger, Farmei-. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agri- culture and internal Improvement. Brentford : Printed by P. Norbury. mdccxciv. Quarto, pp. 107, with a folded Table of Wood Lands, to face p. qQ. V. General Vieav of the Agriculture of the County of Kent ; with Observations on the IMeans of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Impro\ement, from the original Report transmitted to the Board ; with additional Remarks of several respectable Coun- try Gentlemen and Farmers : To which is added a 454 KENT. Treatise on Paring and Burning. By JoHN Boys, of Betshanger, Farmer. The Second Edition, with Amendments and Additions. " Kent, in tlie Commentaries C-'E'^AR writ, Is termed the civil'st place of all this isle ; Sweet is the country, because full of riches: The penple liberal, valiant, active, wealthy."— ShaKSPEAHE. London : Printed byB. M«=Millan, Bow-street, Covent-garden, for G. and W. Nicol, Pall Mall. 1805. Octavo, 317 pages. With a folded Table of the principal Wood Lands of the Western part of the County, the same as in the preceding Edition ; also Plates of the Kentish Turn-wrest Plough, and a small South Down Ram belonging to Mr. Boys ; engraved by Neele. VI. Views in Kent, etched by F. Perry. The East View of the Abby of St. Augustine, in the City of Canterbury. — An antient Stone Font in St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, 1 760. — Riding Gate, Canterbury. — St. Thomas's Chapel, Canterbury. — The Castle at Canterbury. — The Castle at Canterbury, with the Roman post (erroneously inscribed Rochester Castle). — Rochester Castle. — Well Chapel near Wingham.— Upnor Castle. — Milkhouse Chapel near Cran- brook.— Faversham Abby. — Gateway of Faversham Abby. — Dover Castle. — An antient Chapel within the Walls of Dover Castle. 45.5 LAI^JCASHIRE. The Natural History of Lancashire, Che- shire, and the Peak in Derbyshire : with an Ac- count of tiie British, Phcenician, Armenian, Gr. afid Rom. Antiquities in those Parts. By Charles Leigh, Doctor of Physick. Oxford : Printed for the Author ; and to be had at Mr. George West's and Mr. Henry Clement's, Booksellers there; Mr. Ed- ward Evet's, at the Green Dragon, in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Mr. John Nicholson, at the King's Arms in Little Bri- tain, London, mdcc. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Grace James, Duke of Ormond, Chancellor of Oxford; the Vice-Chancellor, the Doctors, Proctors, Heads of Colleges and Halls, and the rest of the learned Members of that University, 4 pages. A Second Dedication to His Excellency William, Duke of De- vonshire; Rt. Hon. William, Earl of Derby; Rt. Hon. Ri- chard, Earl Rivers; with the rest of the Nobility and Gentrv, Encouragers of this Work, 4 pages. The Epistle to the Candid Reader, 2 pages. The Preface, 8 pages. Verses addressed to his Ever honoured Friend Dr. Charles Leigh upon his Natural History of Lancashire, &:c. signed R. J. 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Advertisement, 1 page. The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire, Book L [s-Tt 2] 164 pages. Errata in the First Book. To follow p. 164, which ends with the catch-word " Book" An Explication of Mr. Burgher's first Plate (not paged), 1 leaf. An Explication of the Cuts contained in the second Plate. En- grav'd by Mr. Sturt, [signature ^*^] (not paged,) 4 pages. An Explication of the Cuts contain'd in the Plate marked Fig. 1 . (not paged) 3 pages. An Explication of the Cuts contain'd in the second Plate, marked Fig. 2. (not paged) 2 pages. 456 LANCASHIRE. An Explication of the Cuts contain'd in the third Plate, marked Fig. 3. (not paged) 2 pages. An Explication of the Cutts contain'd in the fourth Plate, marked Fig. 4. [signature a a a] pages 181-183. An Explication of the Cutts contained in the fifth Plate, marked Fig. 5. page 184. ^ An Explication of the Cutts contain'd in the sixth Plate, mark'd Tab. VI. of Fishes, pp. 185-6. An Explication of the Cutts contain'd in the sixth and seventh Plates, mark'd Tab. vi-vii. relating to Pooles-Hole in Derby- shire, and the Arch near Castleton, p. 187-194. An Explication of the Plate of Birds, marked Table the First, of Birds, p. 195-6. The Author's Vindication of himself from some Calumnies lately cast upon him, 2 pages. The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire, Book II. [A-Bb] 97 pages. Errata in the Second Book, 1 leaf. The Natural History continued. Book III. [a-v 2] 86 pages, but numbered 80. Postscript, 1 leaf. Errata in the Third Book, 1 leaf. An Explanation of the Cutts, [x-Ee 2] p. 81-1 12. The Index, [Ff-oo2] 35 pages. Errors of paging : — Book I. page igi for 193, and p. 1 90 for iy6. — Book III. pages 72 to 80 for pp. 80 to 88. PLATES. 1 . Portrait of the Author. W. Faithorn del. J. Savage sculp. To front the Title. 2, 3. One hundred and twelve Coats of Arms of the Sub- scribers. To follow the Advertisement. 4. A New Map of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire, in which are delineated most of y*^ Towns, Rivers, Meers, and Places relating to y'' Natural History of these Countries, by Charles Leigh, Doctor of Physick, co- loured and folded. H. Moll sc. 1700. p. I. 5. The fatal Effects of an Hail Storm, &c. del. M. Burg. sc. Uni. Ox. To face p. 167; or the Explication of Mr. Burgher's first Plate, marked Tab. i. 6. Various Barometers, &;c. To front p. 169, or the Explica- tion of the second Plate (not numbered), engraved by Mr. Sturt. LANCASHIRE. 457 7. Various Fossils, marked (l). To face the description of Fig. I. or p. 1 74. 8. Various Fossils, marked (2). Ja. Collins so. To face the description of Fig. ii. or page 177. 9. Various Shells, marked (3). To face the Description of Fig. hi. or page l 79. 10. An Indian Canoe, &c. marked (4). p. 181. 1 1. Head of a Stag of Canada, marked (3). p. 184. 12. Plate of Fish, (Sturgeon, Seal, &c.) marked (6). p. 185. 13. Pooles Hole in Derbyshire, &c. marked Tab. vi. p. I87. 14. The Devil's Arse, near Castleton, in Derbyshire, with the Portrait of Mary Davis, marked Tab. vit. p. 192. 15. Various Birds, (the Sea Crow, &;c.) marked Tab. y« 1. of Birds, p. 193. 16. Various Trees, a curious Telescope, &c. marked Tab, it. M. Burg, del, et sc. p. 19 of Book H. 17. Miscellaneous Plate of Antiquities, marked Tab. i. p. 81 of Book HI. 18. Miscellaneous Plate of Antiquities, marked Tab. ii. p. 84 of Book III. 19. Ribchester and Lancaster Coins. Tab. ill. R. Spofforth sc. p. 83 of Book III. 20. Chester Coins. Tab. iv. R. Spofforth sc. p. 89 of Book III. 21. Miscellaneous Roman Coins, del. M. Burg, sculpt. Univ. Oxon. Tab. v. p. 92 of Book III. 22. Miscellaneous Plate of Roman Coins, marked Tab. vi. p. 93 of Book HI. 23. Miscellaneous Plate of Roman Coins, marked Tab. vit. p. 93 of Book III. 24. Miscellaneous Plate of Roman Coins, marked Tab. viii. p. 101 of Book III. 23. Miscellaneous Plate of Roman Coins, marked Tab. 9. p. 103 of Book III. 26. Miscellaneous Plate of Roman Coins, Tab. 10, but marked Tab. 9, the first Coin being " Julia Domna Aug." p. 108 of Book HI. N.B. Some copies of this work were printed on Large Paper. II. An Account of the Besinnincr and Erection of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster, and ot 3 N 458 LANCASHIRE. the Additions made thereunto ; and of the Honours, Royalties, Privileges, and Exemptions which have been o-ranted and confirmed unto John Duke of Lan- caster (called John of Gaunt). And also unto all the Officers, Tenants, and Residents therein, and throughout all the Duchy Possessions. And also of the Honour of Tutbury : and how, and to whom the right of Inheritance, of and in the Offices of Feodary and Bailiff, Escheator, Clerk of the jMarket, and Co- roner doth belong, and hath been executed therein. Proper to be known to all such as have any Estates or Interests in the said Premises. Derby: Printed in the year 1735. Quarto, 15 pages. III. The History of Manchester, in Four Books. By John Whitaker, B.D. F.S.A. and Fellow of C.C.C. Oxford. Sold'by Messrs. Dodsley, in Pali-Mall; White, and Lowndes, in Fleet-street; Payne, at the Mews- Gate ; Cadell, in the Strand ; Davis, in Holbourn ; Baker and Leigh, in York- street, Covent-garden ; and Brotherton and Sewell, on Corn- hill : by Parker at Oxford, and the Merrils at Cambridge : and by Newton, Clarke, and Harrop, at Manchester, mdcclxxi. Quarlo. VOL. L Title-page as above. Half Title : " The History of Manchester, Eook the First, con- taining the Roman and Roman-British Period." Preface, dated February 4, 1771, and the Order in which the Plates are to be disposed, p. v-x. The History of Manchester, [b-ooo3] 469 pages. Additions and Corrections, the Conclusion and Appendix, [ooo4-xxx4] p.i-lxii. Index, [*Yyy-*zzz2] p. Ixiii-lxxiii. PLATES. 1. British Battle-Axes. Inscribed to Ashton Lever, Esq. of Alkrington. J. June sc. p. 16. LANCASHIRE. 459 2. The Ground Plot of the British Mancenion, taken August 8, 1765. Inscribed to the Rev. Dr. S. Peploe, Chancellor of Chester, &c. Folded. Clarke del. Smith sc. p. 26. 3. The Ground Plot of the Roman Mancunium, taken Aug. 8, 1765. Inscribed to Roger Sedgwick, M.B. of Man- chester. Folded. H. Clarke del. Smith sc. p. 38. 4 Three Roman Inscriptions found at Manchester. Inscribed to the Rev^ Mr. Ashton, Fellow of Christ College, Man- chester. H. Clarke del. J. Taylor sc. p. 46. 5. Roman Remains found at Manchester. Inscribed to George Lloyd, Esq. of Hulme. Folded. Collier del. Smith sc. p. 50. 6. Roman Remains found at Cambodunum. Inscribed to the Rev'^ Mr. Watson, Rector of Stockport. Folded. Clarke del. Smith sc. p. 89. 7. A Plan of the Summer Station of Mancunium. Inscribed to the Rev'' Mr. Aynscough, Fellow of Christ College, Manchester. Folded. Clarke del. Smith sc. p. 186. 8. A Plan of the original Town of Manchester about A.D. 300. Inscribed to Charles White, Esq. of Manchester, F.R.S. Folded. John Ryland sc. j). 354. Errors in the paging: — page 218 is numbered 18: — p. 226 for 326; — and page Ixx of the Index numbered p. Ixxx. N. B. This portion of the work was reprinted in two volumes octavo, in 1773. VOL. II. Title-page: "The Principal Corrections made in the His- tory of Manchester. Book the First, on republishing it in octavo. Sold by White (and) Lowndes, Fleet-street; Dodsley, Pall Mall; Payne, Mews Gate; Baker and Leigh, York- street, Covent- garden ; Evans, Strand ; Davis, Holbourne ; and Newton, Clarke, and Harro}), Manchester, mdcclxxiii." Memorandum on the reverse of the Title, stating that " there are some minute corrections of the History of Manchester in the present Supplement which are not to be found in the oc- tavo edition of it, as thev did not occur to the Author before that Edition was printed off." A second Memorandum and Advertisement, [b] 4 pages. The principal Corrections in Book I. [B3-Bb 3] 186 pages. Half Title to the Second Book, containing the Saxon Period. Title-page : " The History of Manchester," and dated " MDCCLXXV." 460 LANCASHIRE. Memorandum and Advertisement, 2 leaves. The History of Manchester, Book the Second, [b-sss] 497 pages. Appendix, [sss2-4g] p. 499-394. Index and Table of Errours, [4 g 2 (misprinted Gg 2) -4 k] 24 pages. PLATES ON THE LETTER PRESS. 1. An ancient British Coin. p. 7. 2. A Roman Bulla, p. 22. 3. 4. Three ancient British Coins, pp. 44 and 45, 5-7- Seven ancient British Coins, pp. 46 and 47. 8. Roman Lady's Head-dress found at Bath. p. 49« 9-15. Miscellaneous Coins. . pp. 34-39. 16. A Crowned Head. p. 60. 17* Ancient Coins, supposed of Manchester, p. 65. 18. Coin of Cunobeline, with the Word " Tacio." p. 68. 19. Five Coins of Cunobeline. p. 72. 20. A Coin of Cunobeline. p. 81. 21. The Lancashire Hound, p. 83. 22. Epitaph to the Memory of Prince Arthur, p. 66 of Book H. 23. The Gothic, Saxon, and Roman Alphabets, p. 330. 24. A Latin Inscription, in Roman-British Characters, on the Tomb-stone of Cadvan, a Welsh Prince, in the Isle of Anglesey, p. 331. SEPARATE PLATES. 1. A Plan of the original Town of Manchester, A.D. 446. Inscribed to Mr. James Whitaker, Attorney, at Salford, the Brother and the Friend (of the Author). H. Clarke del. John Ryland sc. p. 1 of Book II. 2. Plan of the present Town of Manchester about the Year 627, with a View of the original Town and its Castle. Inscribed to Robert Jones, Esq. Park-street, near the Abbey, Westminster. Folded. H. Clarke del. J. Tay- lor sc. p. 404. 3. A Ground Plot of the present Town of Manchester about the Year 800. Inscribed to the Rev'* Mr. Cradock, of Asheton, near Manchester. Folded. H. Clarke del. J.Taylor sc. p. 498. N. B. A very limited number of this publication were printed on Large Paper. LANCASHIRE. 461 IV. Curious Remarks on the History of Manches- ter. By MusciPULA, sen. (John Collier, a Schoolmaster, better known by tlje Signature Tim Bobbin.) — " With a judicious incredulity of spirit let uh enquire and think for our- selves. " — Frcface to the Hixluri/ of Muncne.ster, pa<^e 7. London : Printed for and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country. 1771. Octavo. Title-page as above. Introduction " To all whom it may concern," p. iii-v. Remarks on the Preface, p. vi-ix. P-emarks on the History of Manchester, [b-i 5] 63 pages. V. The Manchester Guide : A Brief Historical De- scription of the Towns of Manchester and Sal- PORD, the Public Buildings, and the Charitable and Literary Institutions. Illustrated by a Map, exhi- biting the Improvements and Additions made since the Year 1 770. Manchester : Printed and sold by Joseph Aston, No. 8-J, Deans- gate: sold also by all the Booksellers in Manchester; and R. Bickerstaff, Bookseller, Strand, London. 1 S04. Octavo, 298 pages. With a Plan of Manchester and Salford, with the latest Im- provements. Folded. Slack sc. To front the Title. VI. An Account of the Wardens of Christ's Col- lege Church, Manchester, since the Founda- tion in 1422, to the present Time. Illustrated with an elegant View of Christ Church. London : Printed by W. E. and sold by A. and J. Clarke, Booksellers, at the Bible and Crown, Market Place, Man- chester, MDCCLXXiii. Octavo, 16 pages. With a folded View of the Church. 462 LANCASHIRE. VII. Manchester Vindicated : being a compleat Col- lection of the Papers lately published in Defence of that Town in the Chester^ Courant. Together with all those on the other side of the Question, printed in the Manchester Magazine or elsewhere, which are answered in the said Chester Courant. " hiclyta Brundusium, cut jam convicia sola Ignavos homines ingeminare juvut, Sustimiit cunctas clarissima Villa proceUus, Rupibus haud impar stubUitate suis. Vos, qinhus untiqiuc placuit constuntia Mutris, Htcc mea suavisonajungite verba Lyris- Dura totam peteret Rabies Fanatica ^entem, Solam lion potuit RuMPERE Brundusium." Chester: Priuted by and for Eliz. Adams, mdccxlix. Duo- decimo. Title-page as above. Preface, p. iii-x. A Table, specifying the Numbers of such Papers on both sides as are Answers to each other, p. xi-xii. Manchester Vindicated, (63 Numbers,) [b-p6] 324 pages. VIII. Characteristic Strictures: or, Remarks on upwards of One Hundred Portraits of the most emi- nent Persons in the Counties of Lancaster and Chester ; particularly in the Town and Neighbour- hood of Manchester. Now supi)osed to be on Ex- hibition. Addressed to John Asdey, Esq. of Duck- infield Lodge : in Imitation of a late ingenious Pub- lication entitled Sketches from Nature. Inters})ersed with critical and explanatory Notes. London : Printed for J. Millidge, in Maiden-lane, Covent-gar- den. 1779. Q"ar/o, 4 G pages. IX. A Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles round Manchester: containing its Geography, Natural and Civil; principal Produc- LANCASHIRE. , 463 tions; River and Canal Navigations; a particular Account of its Towns and chief Villages ; their His- tory, Population, Commerce, and Manufactures; Buildings, Government, &c. The Materials arranged, and the Work composed, by J. AiKlN, M.D. Em- bellished and illustrated with Seventy-three Plates. "• The echoing hills repeat The stroke of axe and hammer; scaflblds rise, And growing edifices; heaps of stone Beneath the chissel beauteous shapes assume Of frieze and column. Some with even line New streets arc marking in the neighb'ring fields, And sacred domes of worship." Dyer's Fleece. London : Printed for John Stockdale, (June 4, 1793.) Quarto. An engraved Title-page, with a Vignette, representing an Arch thrown across an Arm of the Sea, under which a Fleet of Merchant Sliips is passing in full Sail while a Vessel sails over the Aqueduct above. Stothard del. Audinet sc. Printed Title-page as before. Prefatory Advertisement, signed John Stockdale, p. iii-ix (mis- printed xi.) List of Plates, 3 pages. Contents, p. xiii-xvi. List of Subscribers, 8 pages. Introduction, 8 pages. Description of the Country round Manchester, [0-4 e 3"] p. 9- 581. Additions. [The reverse of 4e3-4k] p. 582-618. Index, p. 619-S24. Errors in the paging :— Page ix of the Prefatory Advertisement is misprinted xi; and in the Descriptive Part, p. 258 for 270. PLATES. 1 . Allegorical Frotitispiece, representing Agriculture, Industry, Plenty, and Commerce. Stothard del. Grignion sc. 2. Engraved Title-page as befo'-e mentioned. Stothard del, Audinet sc. 3. Index Map to the Canals, Rivers, Roads, &c. J. Mutlow sc. 1794. p. 1. 4. Map of Lancashire, p. 9. 5. Map of Cheshire, p. 39. 6. Map of Derbyshire, p. 65. 7. Map of the West Riding of Yorkshire, p. S'j. 8. Map of JStafFordshirc. p. 98. 464 LANCASHIRE. 9. Map of the Canal from Manchester to Runcorn. J. Mut-' low sc. p. 112. 10. View of Barton Bridge. J. Swertner del. Pollard sc. 1794* p. 1 13. 1 1. Plan of the Canal from the Trent to the Mersey, p. 1 IC. 12. Plan of the Canal from Liverpool to Leeds. Mutlow sc. p. 123. 13. Plan of the Rochdale Canal. J. Mutlow sc. p. 130. 14. Plan of the Canal from Huddersfield to Ashton under Lyne. J. Mutlow sc. p. 131. 15. Plan of Lancaster Canal. J. Mutlow sc. p. 133. 16. Plan of Ellesmere Canal. J. Mutlow sc. p. 135. 17. Lock for a Canal, p. 137. 18. Aqueduct for a Canal, p. 137. 19. Bridge for a Canal, p. 138. 20j 21. Accommodation Bridge for a Canal, and a Plan of Me- landra Castle, (on one plate.) J. Mutlow sc. p. J 38. 22. View of Christ's Church, Manchester. E. Daves del. Re- cord sc. p. 149. 23, 24. View of Hartshead Pike. E. Dayes del. Storer sc. — View of Ancoats. E. Dayes del. P. Rothwell sc. (On one Plate.) p. 21 1. 25. View of Manchester (from Kersall Moor). E. Dayes del. W.Wilson sc. p. 212. 26, 27. Views of Jailers Chapel and the Dungeons at Ashton under Lyne. (On one plate.) E. Dayes del. R. New- man and Sansom sc. p. 226. 28. View of Old Hall at Ashton under Lvne. E. Daves del. Sparrow sc. p. 226. 29. View of Ashton under Lyne. Swertner del. Pollard sc. p. 227. 30. 31. Views of Staley Hall and Bridge. (On one plate.) E. Dayes del. Murray and Eastgate sc. p. 230. 32. View of Scout Mill. E. Dayes del. Eastgate sc. p. 231. 33. View of Fairfield. J. Swertner del. Walker sc. p. 232. .34. View of Heaton House. E. Dayes del. Storer sc. p. 236. 35. View of Royton Hall. .1. Swertner del. Wilson sc. p. 239- 36. Viewof Chadderton Hall. E. Dayes del. Newman sc. p. 241. 37. 38. Plans of Castle Croft at Bury, and Castle Steads in Walmesley. p. 269. 39. Plan of Liverpool. Palmer sc. p. 331. 40. Viewof Liverpool. E. Dayes del. Wilson sc. p. 376. 41. Another View of Liverpool, from the Cheshire Shore. E. Dayes del. W. Ellis sc. p. 383. LANCASHIRE. 465 42. Plan of Chester. J. Mutlow sc. p. 384. 43. View of Tatton Hall, Cheshire. E. Daves del. Pollard sc. p. 423. 44. View of Booth's Hall, E. Dayes del. Sparrow sc. p. 424. 45. View of Dunham Massey. E. Dayes del. Pollard sc. p. 426. 46. View of Macclesfield. E. Dayes del. Walker sc. p. 439. 4 7. View of Lime Hall. E. Dayes del. VV. Wilson sc. p. 440. 48. View of Poynton. E. Dayes del. Pollard sc. p. 44 1. 49. View of Stockport. E. Dayes del. Storer sc. p. 447. 50. View of Harden Hall. E. Dayes del. Wilson sc. p. 44 9. 51. View of Hyde Hall. J. Swertner del. Sparrow sc. p, 450. 52j 53. View of Dukinfield Hall and Bridge (on one plate). E. Dayes del. Walker and Sparrow sc. p. 452. 54. View of Dukinfield Lodge. E. Dayes del. W. Ellis sc. p. 453. 55. Portrait of the Rev'' Benjamin La Trobe. Jno. Astley,;E6q. del. W. Bromley sc. p. 455. 56. Plan of the Environs of Mottram in Longdendale. p. 457. 57. View of Mottram Church. E. Dayes del, R. Newman sc. p. 458. 58^ 59. View of a Cottage at Roe-Cross. E. Dayes del. Spar- row sc. — Monument of Ralph Stealey and his Wife. T. Barrett del. (On one plate,) p. 459. 60. View of Mottram. E. Dayes del. E. Shirt sc. p. 459- 61. View of Broad-bottom Bridge. E, Dayes del. T. Milton sc. p. 464. 62. View of Cat Tor. E. Dayes del. Sparrow sc. p. 465. 63. 64. Plan of Castle Shaw in Sadleworth, and Buckton Castle in Micklehurst. p, 471, 65. View of Buxton. E. Dayes del, Storer sc. p. 491. 66. View of Chatsworth. E. Dayes del. Pollard sc. p. 493. 67. View of Castleton. E. Dayes del. Newman sc. p,498. 68. View of Ashbourn. E. Dayes del. Sparrow sc. p. 503. 69. View of Matlock. E. Dayes del. Storer sc. p. 508. 70. View of Smith-Field. E. Dayes del. W. C. Wilson sc. p, 517. 71. View of Leek. E. Dayes del. Sparrow sc. p. 538. 72. A New Map of the Country round Manchester. (On two Sheets.) Folded. At the end of the Volume, 73. A Topographical Plan of Manchester and Salford, \vith the adjacent Parts. By C. Laurent, Engineer. (On two Sheets.) Folded. At the end of the Volume. 3 o 456 LANCASHIRE. Herein is a Time Account of a mos-t notorious, fraudu- lent, and inhuman Act, contrived and carried on to the Dej3iivation of a Cart Road from a voung Cler- gvnian'.s Hall to Manchester; with a luh Account of all concerned in it, now discovered and rei;ained, with the Place where and how discovered. And also ironi the said Hall to Uocliilaie and that Road. Duodtcinio, 1 7 pages. XI. An Essay towards the History of Leverpool, drawn ■up from Papers left by the laie Mr. George Perry, and from other Materials since collected, by Wil- liam Enfield. With Views of the principal Pub- lic Structures, a Chart ot the Harbour, and a Map of the Environs. The Second Edition, with Addiuons. " IMiratur nmlem JEneus, nianwos." Hoa. Ep. lib. i. v. 52. Liverpool: Printed for and sold by R. Philhps, Castle-street; sold also byW. Richardson, Royal Exchange, London. 1795. (Reprinted in 1797.) Octavo. Title-page as above. Introduction, 2 pages. General and Descriptive History, [a-z4] 301 pages. Errata, 1 page. 468 LANCASHIRE. XIII. The History of Liverpool, from the earliest authen- ticated Period down to the present Time : Ilkistrated Avith Views of the principal Buildings in the Town and its Vicinity; a JNIap of the Town, -and one of the adjacent Country. Hie effuditur portus; Oiim, " tantnm siiuis, et statio malefida curinii; JE(juora lata silent: hicfessas non vlncula nates Vila tenent, unco non alligat uncltora morsii. Miratur violem jEneus, inagaliu quonduiit : Miratur porius, strepitumque et strata viarum Instant ardentes Tyrii: hicalta theutris Fundamenta locunt alii, immancsque cohnnvus Hupihns excidunt, scents decora ultafaturis. Fervct opus; redolentq; tlii/mofragrantia mella-" — ViRG. Liverpool : Printed and sold by William Robinson, Castle- street. 1810. Quarto. Half Title. Title-page as before. Contents, p.v-viii. Introdnction to the History of Liverpool, 6 pages. Half Title: "The History of Liverpool.— Ancient State." The Historical Part, [b-3 d 3] 389 pages. — Colophon: " Printed by R. and W. Dean, 33, Market-street-lane, Manchester." N. B. Page 373 is numbered 33 7. PLATES, (All engraved on Wood except the Maps.) 1. Plan of Liverpool. 2. Map of the Country round Liverpool. 3. View of the ancient Tower in Bank -street, (now Water- street,) as it appeared in 1406. Inscribed to Thomas Hinde and James Drinkwater, Gents, p. 48. 4. View of Liverpool, as it appeared in le.'iO, from a Painting in the possession of Ralph Peters, Esq. Inscribed to Richard Statham, Es(|. Town Clerk, p. 37. 5. View of a Cottage, Prince Rupert's Head-Quarters, Ever- ton. Inscribed to His Royal Highness William, Duke of Gloucester, p. 58. 6. View of Liverpool, as it appeared about the Year 1 704, from a Painting in the possession of M. Gregson, Esq, Inscribed to Thomas Golightly, Esq. p. 74. LANCASHIRE. 4^9 7. View of Liverpool. Inscribed to His Royal Higlmess the Duke of Clarence. J. Pen" del. H. Hole sc. p. 76. 8. The Town Hall. Inscribed to Generals Gascoyne and Tarle- ton. p. 285. '^.' > 9. View of the Public Infirmary. Inscribed to Doctors Joseph Brandreth, .lames Gerard, John M'Cartney, John Lvon; Mr. Joseph Brandreth, Mr. Richard Forshaw, and Mr. William Gresley. p. 290. 10. View of the Dispensary, Church-street. Inscribed to John Bridge Aspinal, Esq. p. 297. 11. View of the School for the Blind, with the intended addi- tional Building. Inscribed to Pudsey Dawson, Esq. p. 300. 12. Another View of the School for the Blind. Inscribed to the Earl of Wilton, President, p. 301. 13. View of the Blue Coat Hospital, Scliool-lane. p. 306. 14. View of the Liverpool Work-house, or House of Industry. Inscribed to the Churchwardens, Sidesmen, Overseers, &c. p. 309. 15. View of the Fever Ward (or Recovery Hospital). Inscribed to Drs. Thos. Renwick, W'" Barrow, W"^ Briggs, John W. Purseil, James Carson, Thomas Jeffreys, & James C. Lynch, p. 313. 1 6. View of the Alms House, p. 3 1 7. 17. View of the Theatre, Williamson-square, p. 320. 18. View of the Music Hall. Inscribed to Thomas Wiatt, Esq. p. 326. 19. View of the Exchange Buildings. Inscribed to John Foster, Esq. p. 329- 20. View of the Corn Exchange in Brunswick-street. Inscribed to G. Marsden, Esq. p. 335. 21. View of the Custom House. Inscribed to J. Swainson, Esq. p. 338. 22. View of the King's Tobacco Warehouses, situate on the East side of the King's Dock. p. 339. 23. View of the Post Office, Church-street, p. 339. 24. View of the Lyceum and Library. Inscribed to Mr. Har- rison, Architect, p. 342. 25. View of the Athenaeum. Inscribed to George Case, Esq. p. 344. 26. View of the Union (News Room). Inscribed to Thomas Leyland, Esq. p. 345. 27. View of the Free Masons' Hall. Inscribed to Elias Joseph, Esq. p. 352. 470 LANCASHIRE. 28. View of the Corporation Water- Works, Berry-street, p.36'2. 29. View of the Lodges or Entrance to the Botanic Garden. Inscribed to Dr. John Bostock. p. 365. 30. Another View of th.e same. Inscribed to Dr. John Bostock. p. 365. 31. View of the Conservatory in the Botanic Garden. Inscribed to WilHam Roscoe, Es(|. p. SCS. 32. View of St. Nicholas's Churcli. Inscrilx'd to the Rev*^ Sam' Renshaw and the Rev'' R. H. Roughsedge^ Rectors, p. 370. 33. View of St. Peter's Church. Inscribed to the Rev^ J. Kidd, L. Pughe, J. Pulford, 8c J. Gildert, Curates, p. 37-2. 34. View of St. George's Church, situate between Pool-kme and Castle -street, p. 3/4. 35. View of St. Thomas's Church, p. 3 76. 36. View of St. Paul's Church, St. Paul's Square, p. 3 77. 37. View of St. Ann's Church, St. Ann's Square, p. 379. 38. Viewof St. John's Church, situate near the Infirmary, p. 379. 39. View of St. James's Church. Inscribed to the Rev'' John Smith, p. 380. 40. View of Trinitv Church, St. Anne's Street. Inscribed to the Rev'' Richard Formby, LL.D. p. 3 SO. 41. View of St. Catherine's Church, Temple Court, p. 381. 42. View of St. Stephen's Church, p. 381. 43. View of Christ Church. Inscribed to John Houghton, Esq. p. 38-2. 44. View of St. Mark's Church. Inscribed to the Rev'' Richard Blacow, Chaplain, p. 384. 45. View of All Saints' Church. Inscribed to the Rev'' Robert Banister, B.A. p. 384. 46. View of St. Andrew's Church, Church-street, p. 385. 47. View of St. Peter's the Poor, situate near the Aims-Houses. p. 385. 48. Vievv of the Presbyterian Chapel, Paradise-street, p. 386. 49. View of the Scotch Kirk, Oldham-street. p. 386. 50. Vievv of the Catholic Chapel, Seel-street. p. 387. 51. Viewof Leeds-street Chapel, p. 387. 52. Viewof the Quakers' Mceting-House, Hunter-street, p. 389- 53. View of the New Synagogue. Inscribed to Mr. John Har- rison, Architect, p. 389. Placed at the end of the Volume. 54. View of the ancient Lodge or Gateway leading to the vene- rable Ruins of the " Haut/' or Hut, in Hale Wood. In- LANCASHIRE. 471 scribed to John Blackburne, Esq. of Hale, M.P. H, Hole sc. 55. View of the Ruins of the Abbey of Birkenhead. Inscribed to Francis Richard Price, Esq. Brynypys, Flintshire. H. Hole sc. 56. View of AUerton Hall, the Seat of William Roscoe, Esq. Inscribed to Mrs. Roscoe. 57. View of the Pier Head. Inscribed to Mr. Matthew Gregson. 58. View of the Mount. Inscribed to Henry Clay, Esq. Mayor. 59. View of the Ruins of Burscongli Priory. Inscribed to the Earl of Derby. (Jo. View of the beautiful and ])icturesque Creek and Dingle, commonly called Knott's Hole. Inscribed to the Earl of S eft on. 61. View of an ancient Well at Wavertree, with the Cross, as it formerly stood. Inscribed to J. Myers, Esq. 62. View of Runcorn. Inscribed to Sir R. Brooks, Bart, of Norton Priorv. J. Pen", del. H. Holesc. 63. View of the North Shore. Inscribed to Mr. James Finchett. Branston sc. 64. View of the Isle of Hilbra, and part of the Welch Moun- tains. Inscribed to His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales. J. Pen", del. H'. Hole sc. 63. View of the Rock Perch. Inscribed to John Bolton, Esq. J. Pen", del. H. Holesc. 66. View of the ancient Land mark adjoining the Sea Shore in the Township of Bootle cum Linacre. Inscribed to Thomas Rodie, Esq. H. Holesc. 67. View of Formbv Hall. Inscribed to Mrs. Formby. 68. View of the ancient Ferry called Wood Side, on the Western Shore of the River Mersey. Inscribed to Patrick Black, Esq. 69. Picturesque View of the anticnie Gothic Abbey of Ince Blundell. Inscribed to H. Blundell, Esq. of Ince Blun- dell. Lord of the ancient Manor of Lydiate. 70. View of St. Michael's Church, Kay-street. 71. View of the Goree Vv'arehouses. Also twelve wood-cuts on the letter-press. *^* The Editor having had the opportunity of collating only two copies of this work, but little known in London, which differ from each other in the number of the embellishments : he therefore cannot vouch for the accuracy of the preceding de- scription. 472 LANCASHIRE. XIV. A correct Translation of the Charter of Liver- pool. With Remarks and explanatory Notes. By Philodemus, (Joseph Clegg, a Common-Council Man.) Printed for the Proprietors, and sold by R. Williamson, near the Exchange. (1757.) QitQ'fo, 46 pages, and reprinted with additional Charters, in octavo, in 1783. XV. A correct Translation of tlie Charter granted to the Burgesses of Liverpool by King William IIL with Remarks and explanatory Notes : to which are added the Charter granted by King George IL, the Order of the Common Council, and the Petition for obtain- ing that Charter ; with the Report of the Attorney and Solicitor-General thereon. Liverpool: Printed in the year 17S2. Octavo. XVL The History of the original Parish of W^iial- LEY, and Honor of Clitheroe, in the Counties of Lancaster and York. By Thomas Dunham WiHTAKER, LL.D. F.S.A. The Second Edition, "with Additions, (and Eight new Engravings.) London: Printed by J. Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street : and sold by T. Payne, Castle-street, St. Mar- tin's ; J.White, Fleet-street; Hatchard, Piccadilly; Long- man and Co., Paternoster-row ; and Edwards, Halifax. 1 8o6. Royal quarto. Title-page as above. Advertisement, Table of Contents, and Directions to the Binder, 2 pages. List of Plates and of the PedigreCvS, on loose Sheets, 1 page. The History of Whalley, [a-5 n '2] 408 pages. Additional Corrections to Part L IL [5 p] (not paged) 4 pages. Addenda and Corrigenda (not paged), 4 pages. History of Whalley continued, [5 R-6 m] p. 41 1-483. LANCASHIRE. 473 Additional Corrections to Parts I. and II,; Addenda et Corri- genda, Part III.; Appendix, No. I and II.; General Addi- tions and Corrections (not paged), 9 pages. Index, 4 pages. Errors of paging: — page 31 is repeated; — pp. 35-6 are omitted ; — page 1 10 ends with the catch-word " May " — pages 111-112 have an asterisk; and page 113 is generally pasted over with blank paper; — pp. 113 to 124 (*Eei^-*Hh) are re- peated with asterisks; — pp. 127-128 (li 2) are likewise repeated \vith an asterisk, and follow page 126; — pages 223-224 are omitted; — pages 325-328 (^4 q) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 353-354 also repeated with asterisks; — pp. 355-356 (*5 a) repeated with asterisks; — pages 428-429 are repeated, containing Letters from Bishop Tilson and Savile Radclifte, and follow p. 428. PLATES. A Sheet Map, adapted to the History of the original Pa- rish of Whalley, and Honor of Clitheroe, and princi- pally formed upon the Orthography of Charters. De- dicated to the Rev. Dr. Thomas Drake, Vicar of Roch- dale. Folded. Engraved by James Basire, 1801. To face the Title-page, or p. 1. i. Roman Fragments found at Ribchester. J. Basire del. & sc. 1800. p. 22. ii. Roman Fragments found at Ribchester. From the Mu- seum of Charles Townley, Esq. and dedicated to him. J. Basire del. & sc. 1800. p. 22. iii. Various 'ancient Crosses. Dedicated to Dr. W'" Cleaver, Bishop of Bangor. (Numbered PI. IV.) W'" Turner del. James Basire sc. 1800. p. 31. iv. The Remains of Whallev Abbey. Dedicated to Baroness Howe. (Marked PI. VI.) W. Turner del. James Ba- sire sc. 1800. p. 48. V. The Cloisters of Whalley Abbey. Dedicated to Richard Henry Beaumont, Esq. (Numbered PI. VII.) W.Tur- ner del Jas. Basire sc. 1800. To face p. 70. vi. Ground Plan of the Abbey of Whalley, with the Shields of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, King of Castile and Leon. (Marked PI. IX.) Folded, p. 104. vii. Remains of Whallev Abbey. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Asheton, Lord Curzon. '(Marked PI. VIII.) W. Turner del. Jas. Basire sc. 1800. p.*124. 3 P 474 LANCASHIRE. viii. Seals of Whalley Abbey. Dedicated to the Rev, Thomas Starkie, Vicar of Blackburn. (Marked PI. III.) J. Ba- sire sc. p. 111. ix. Seals of the Lords of Blackburnshire. Dedicated to the Rev. Thomas Wilson of Clitheroe. (Marked PI. X.) J. Basire sc. p. 142. X. View of Clitheroe from Eadsford Bridij;e. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Ribblesdale. (PI. XL) W. Turner del. .T. Basire sc. 1 gOO. p. 151. xi. View of Browsiiolme. Dedicated to Thomas Lister Par- ker, Esq. (PI. XIL) W, Turner del. Jas. Basire sc. 1800. p. 20S. xii. fView of Whitewell, and the Keeper's Lodi;e in the Forest of Bowland. Dedicated to His Grace Henry, Duke of Buccleugh, by T. L. Parker. Basire sc. p. 211. xiii. fPortrait of Edward Parker, Esq, in the Costume of Bow-bearer of Bowland, circ. IflQO. — Legionary Stone from Ribchester, now at Brovvsholme. — Ancient Dog- gange of the Forest. — Ancient Wooden Tankard at Browsholme. — Inscription. — Seals, and Autographs of K. Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell. J. Basire sc. 1 806. p. 212. xiv.f Portrait of Henry Tilson, Painter. Folded. H. Tilson pinx. H. Meyer sc. p. 212. XV. Portrait of Sir Richard Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knight and Baronet. J. Basire sc. p. 236. xvi.f Anotlier Portrait of Sir Richard Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knight and Baronet. H. Meyer sc. p. 236. xvii.f Portrait of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knight, Deputy Governor of Sheffield Castle, From the original at Wliitley Hall. J. Basire sc. p 237- xviii.f Another Portrait of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knt. From the original Picture at Cusworth Jas. Basire sc. p. 237. xix.f View of Read Hall, as it appeared A,D. 1750. In- scribed to Alexander Nowell, Esq. Jas. Basire sc. 1806. p. 244. XX. Huntroyd, the Seat of Legendie Piers Starkie, Esq. to whom it is inscribed, G. B. del. &; sc p. 2'i{). xxi. View of Gawthorj). Drawn and engraved by James Ba- sire, 1801. p. 320. -xxii.f View of Townley Hall and Park. Dedicated to (the late) Charles Townley, Esq. J. Basire sc. 1806. p. 321. LANCASHIRE. . 475 xxiri. View of Tovvnley Hall. Dedicated to (the late) Charles Townley, Esq. (PI. V.) W. Turner del. J. Basire so. 1800. p. 322. xxiv. The Hall of Radcliffe Tower, with the Seal of Rodnlph de Radclif; and Monumental Figures of James de Radcliffe and Family. J. Basire sc. I SOI. p. 402. XXV. View of Stonyhurst. Inscribed to Thomas Weld, Esq. W. Turner del. J. Basire sc. 1801. p. 445. xxvi. The Hall of Little Mitton. Dedicated to Richard Henry Beaumont, Esq. Folded. W. M. Craig del. Jas. Ba- sire sc. ISOI. p. 447. xxvii. The Sherburne Chapel in Mitton Church. Inscribed to Thomas Weld, Esq. W. Turner del. Jas. Basire sc. 1801. p.448. PEDIGREES, OX LOOSE SHEETS. 1 . Pedigree of the Family of Parker, of Browsholme. Folded. To face p. 210. 2. Pedigree of the Family of Braddyll. Folded, and forms pp. 219 and 220. 3. Pedigree of the Family of Assheton, to follow the last Pe- digree, and forms pp. 2-21, 222. 4. Pedigrees of the Families of Whalley, Gardiner, and Smythe [3o]. Folded, and form pp. 233-234. 5. Pedigree of the Family of Nowell, of Read [3 s]. Folded, forming pp. 243 and 246, with the Seal of Laurence Nowell pasted thereon. 6. Pedigree of the Family of Radchffe [4d]. Folded, forming pp. 279, 280. 7. Pedigree of the Family of Townley, of Tovvnley [4q]. Folded, and forming pp. 325, 6, '7, and 328, and faces p. 328 with an asterisk. 8. Pedigree of the Family of Whitaker [4t]. Folded, forming pp.337, 338. 9. Pedigree of the Family of Laurence Townley [5 f]. Folded, forming pp. 377, 8. 10. Pedigree of the Family of Radclyffe, of Radclyffe Tower [5 l]. Folded, forming pp. 397, 398, 399, 400. 11. Pedigree of the Family of Holden [5o]. Folded, forming pages 409 and 410. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PRESS. 1. Seal of John De Lasey (Lasi). Pasted on p. 48. 2. Seal of John De Topclill. Pasted on p. 126. 3. Seal of Alice de Lasey. Pasted on p. 148. 476 LAXCASHIRE. 4. The Seal for Approbation of Ministers. Pasted on p. 210. 3. A mysterious Diagram, p. 272. 6. Inscription on the Font at Chipping, p. 446. ^*jjj The first edition of this work appeared in 1801. The second edition is in fact the same book, with the addition of a new title-page, the plates and letter-press with an asterisk, and the corrections inserted in the body, and at the end of the vo- lume. — The preface and list of subscribers in the first edition are omitted in the present one ; and those plates marked with a f are additional, and not in the first edition. N. j3. There are Large Paper copies of this publication. XVII, ANTIQUITATES BREMETONACENSES: or, The Roman Antiquities of Overborovgii : wherein OvERBOROVGH is proved the Bremetonacae of Antoninus. The Year when, emd the Roman who erected this Station, collected out of Tacitus. An Account of the Garrison there ; also of the Idol who was tutelar Deity of Overboroiigh. To which is added a Description of as many jMonunients of Antiquity as have been dug up or discovered there lately, tending to illustrate tlie History of this once famous Station, (By Richard Rauthmell.) " Quibus rebus multre civitates, quee in ilium diem ex aquo egerant, datis ofti sidibus iram pnsvere, et prasidiis CastkllisquE circ-zuidatre.^' Tacitus, V^ita Agricolae, London : Printed by Henry Woodfall, without Temple Bar, MDCcxLvr. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to Robert Fenwick, Esq. signed Richard Rauthmellj^ and dated BoUand, March 24, 1738-9, p. iii-xi. Contents of the Chapters, p. xii-xv. The Roman Antiquities of Overborovgh_, [b-p 4] 1 11 pages, PLATES. 1. Map of the Roman Millitary Way from Chester to Lan-s caster. Folded, p. 1. 2. The Form and Plan of the Fortress of Bremetonacae whilst in possession of a Roman Garrison. Folded, p. 64, 3. Map of the Garrisons. Folded, p. 74. LANCASHIRE. 477 4. An Altar and other Antiquities discovered at Overborough. p. 96. 5. Various Antiquities found in tlio Fortress of Overborough; viz. the Bulla aurea of the Romans, a Patera, a Praeferi- culum, Medal of Flavins Vespasian, &c. p. JOl. N. B. There are copies of this publication on Large Paper, XVIII. The Antiquities of Furness ; or, an Account of the Royal Abbey of St. Mary, in the Vale of Nightshade, near Dalton in Furness, belonduir to the lli*iht Ho- norable Lord George Cavendish. London : Printed for the Author, by T. Spilsbury, in Cook's- court, Carey-street, Lincoln's Inn: and sold by J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-yard; J. Ridley, in St. James's-street ; and S. Leacroft, at Charing-cross. mdcclxxiv. Qjiarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Rt. Hon. Lord George Cavendish, first Uncle to His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, signed Thomas West, and dated Titcup, in Furness, 1774, 4 pages. Preface, — To the Gentlemen and Customary Tenants of Furness, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, 5 pages. Contents and Errata, 4 pages. Explanation of the Ground Plan of St. Mary's Abbey, 2 pages. Descriptive View of Furness, [b-h 3] p. i-liv (erroneouslv marked Ivi). Half Title : " The Antiquities of Furness." The Antiquities of Furness, [b-oo 4] 2SS pages. Appendix (not paged) and Conclusion, [3 a^3 R 4] 136 pages. PLATES. 1 . The East Prospect of the Ruins of Furness Abbey, in Lan- cashire. Folded. Bayly sc. To face the Title. 2. Plan of the Abbey of St. Mary in Furness. hiscribed to the Right Honourable Lord George Cavendish, the Pro- prietor. Folded. T. West del. W. Darhng sc. To face the Explanation of the Ground Plan. 3. Map of the Liberty of Furness, in the County of Lancaster, as survey'd by W"" Brasier in 1745, and copied by T. Richardson in 1772. Folded. W. Darling fee. To face the Descriptive View of Furness, p. 1. 478 LANCASHIRE. 4. The Seal of the Abbey of Furness, com. Lane, appendant to the Deed of Surrender in the Augmentation Office. J. Bayly sc. To face No. XIII of the Appendix. XIX. The Antiquities of Furness. Illustrated with En- gravings. By Thomas West. A new Edition, wdth Additions, by William Close. Ulverston : Printed and sold by George Ashburner. 1 803. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Rt. Hon. Lord George Cavendish, first Uncle to His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, signed Thomas West, 4 pages. Preface, — To the Gentlemen and Customary Tenants of Fur- ness, 2 pages. Advertisement, signed William Close, dated Dalton, Nov. 26, 1804. Contents, Directions for placing the Plates, and Errata. List of Subscribers, 8 pages. A Descriptive View of Furness and its Antiquities, with Appen- dix, [li-iJ D S] 426 pages. Index, 6 pages. PLATES. 1. North-West View of Furness Abbey. Drawn by W. Close. Frontispiece. 2. A Map of Furness. W. Close del. R. Hixon sc. p. 1. 3. North-East View of the Ruins of Furness Abbey. Drawn by W. Close, p. 69 or 339. 4. The Ground Plan of the Abbey of St. Marvin Furness. W. Close del. R. Hixon sc. p. 72. 5. Anti([nities of Furness. W. Close del. R, Hixon sc. p. I9I. 6. West View of the Ruins of Gleaston Castle. — The Castle or Tower of Dalton. Drawn by W. Close, p. 346. 7. North View of the Ruins of the Castle or Pile of Fouldrey. Drawn by W. Close, p. 369. P LA PES ON THE LETTEll-PRESS. i. Plan of Dalton Castle. On p. 345. 2. Ground Plan of the Remains of the Castle or Pile of Foul- drey. p. 372. 3. Ground Plan of Gleaston Castle. On p. 387. LANCASHIRE. 479 4. Sketch of ancient Works upon the Site of Aldingham Ilall, p. 391. 5. Plan of two ancient Inclosures, near Urswick, called Stone Walls, p. 397. XX. The Guild ^fEiicnANT of Prestox : or Preston Guild Companion Being an exact Representation, on Nineteen Copper-plates, curiously drawn and en- graved, of that ancient Procession, with a letter-press Explanation. The whole laid down so easy and ex- pressive, as to render it a proper Help to those Gen- tlemen and Ladies resorting to Preston. — Williams inv. et del. Darlev sc. Manchester : Printed in the year 1762. Duodecimo. A Description of Blackpool, in LA?>fCASiiiRE, fre- quented for Sea-Bathing. By W. Hutton, F.A.S.S. The Second Edition. London : Printed by and for J. Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street; and sold by F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-yard, and T. Payne, Castle-street, St. Martin's. 1804. Octavo. Half Title. Title-page as above. Preface, 4 pages. The Descriptive Part, [b-f 8] p. 9-86. List of Books published by the same Author, 1 page. The first edition, consisting of 720 copies, was printed in 1788, and was altogether subscribed for by seven of the inhabitants of Blackpool. XXII. General View of the Agricultur r of the County of Lancaster ; with Observations on the jNIeans of its Improvement. By John Holt, of Walton near Liverpool Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improvement. 480 LANCASHIRE. London : Printed by J. Nichols, mdccxciv. Quarto, 1 13 pages. With a coloured Map of Lancashire, sketched from a Survey of the Gountv by William Yates : also Dicas's Lactometer, both engraved for this publication, p. 103. XXIII. General View of tlie Agriculture of the County of Lancaster ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal Improve- ment, from the Communications of Mr. John Holt, of Walton near Liverpool; and the additional Re- marks of several respectable Gentlemen and Farmers ill the County. '• Friin^i Ceres fcrro mortales vertere terrum Tnxtituit Dkendum est, que sint duris ai^restibvs arma. Quels sine, nee potucie seri, nee surgere 7>nsses." — GeorgiCA. " See the smi J ' vi. Plan of Leicester, taken about the year 1600;— also a Mosaic Pavement at Leicester, taken in 17 10. B. Gar- land del. ji. 9. *vi. Fig. 2. The same Mosaic Pavement at Mr. Worthington's m Leicester. From a drawing taken by Mr. Carter, 1788, and now in the Library of the Society'of Anti- quaries. Coloured. J. Schnebbelie sc. p. 10. vii-vni. Two Mosaic Pavements found in a Piece of Ground call'd the Black Friars, in the Borough of Leicester, belonging to Rogers Ruding, Esq. October 1734. F Gary sc. p. 1 1. ix. A Third ^Mosaic Pavement, from the Black Friars, 1 754 —Fig. 2. Another from the Cherry Orchard, Leicester' 1782. p. 11. ' X. Fifty-four Coats of Arms of the early Earls of Leicester p. 14. xi. Five Seals of the early Earls of Leicester. Drawn and engraved by B. Longmate. p. 23. xii. Fourteen Seals of the early Earls of Leicester. Drawn and engraved by B. Longmate. p. 99. xni. Sixteen Seals of the early Earls of Leicester ; also the Portrait of John, King of Castile and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, taken from a MS. in the Cotton Library. Longmate del. &: sc. 1795. p. 221. xiv. Monument of Edmund Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster 1296. J. Basire del. & sc. p. 222. XV. Wliole length Figures from the same Monument,— one on Horseback of Edmund Crouchback. J. Basire del. & sc. p. 222. 488 LEICESTERSHIRE. PLATES ON THE LETTER PRESS. 1 . The Remains of High Cross, which marked the site of \\v£ Roman Venones, afterwards the City of Cleycester. p. chii of the introductory portion of the Work. 2. Two Seals, one of MatiUla, Countess of Mellent. Svvaine sc. p. 48 of the Appendix. VOL. I. PART II. Containing a Continuation of the History of the Town of Lei- cester; including an Account of its religious Foundations, public Institutions, and parochial History, with Annals of that ancient Borough ; consisting of original Charters, authentic Corporation Records, and miscellaneous Events, digested ac- cording to the Series of Time. To which are added. General Indexes to the whole Work, with an Appendix of Additions and Corrections. 1815. Title-page as above. Prefatory Advertisement, p. iii-vi, signed J. Nichols, Septuage' narius, and dated Highbury Place, [Feb. 2, O.S.] Feb. 14, N.S. 1815. Brief Memoirs of the Author, I page. Contents, and List of Plates, 1 page. The History and Antiquities of the religious Foundations in Lei- cester, [Ttt-jYI p. 231-625. Brief Index to the Second Part of the First Volume, p. 626. Appendix, beginning with No. XVII. Leicester Abbey; also an Appendix of Additions and Corrections, [i»-Si] p. 53-158; page 158 concluding thus : " Feb. 14, 1815. — Laus Deo." N. B. Pages 115 and II 6 contain a List of the Plates in- tended for the Third and Fourth Volumes, and addi- tional Plates for the General History of the Town; also Directions to the Binder. Abstract of Answers and Returns to the Population Act of 51 George III. 1811, [a-a 5] p. 1-10. Index to the Names in the First Volume, [b-h 2] p. 1-28. General Index to the First Volume, [b-3g] p. 1-113. Index to the Arms in the Four Volumes of the History of Lei- cestershire, [4A-4B2] p. 1-8. General Index to the Pedigrees, [4 c-4 c 2] p. 9-1 1 . Personal Index to the Second, Third, and Fourth Volumes, [4D-4Y] p. 13-86. Local and Miscellaneous Index to the Second, Third, and Fourth Volumes, [5 a-5 D 2] p . 1-16. LEICESTERSHIRE, 489 Supplementary Index to the Additions and Corrections, Domes- day, §cc. and Arrangement of the Indexes, [5e-5g] p. 1 7-^5. Enlarged Directions to the Binder for the complete Arrangement of the whole Work, p. 26. Errors of paging : — signature 4 K is nunihered 6k; — p. 466 (6d3) is repeated with an asterisk, the reverse is blank; — p. 572 is numbered 72. PLATES IN VOL. I. PART IT. Portrait of John Nichols, F.S.A. aetat. Ixvi. J. Jack- son pinx'. 1811. H. Meyer sc. Frontispiece, xvii. Portrait of Cardinal Wolsey. — An Augustine Monk of St. Mary de Pratis J, Swaine sc. — Seals of Lei- cester Abbey, — Procession to a Funeral, and Auto- graphs. Longmate sc. p. 272. xviii. Four Views of Leicester Abbey. Ruck del. 1730, and J. Pridden del. July 8, 1786'. Royce sc. p. 293. xix. Fig. 1. View of Leicester, and of the Abbey Wall. — Fig. 2. View of the same, taken within the Abbey Wall. Malcohn del. 1794-6.— Fig. 3. A View from the Abbey Meadow. Rev'' Rob^ Throsby del. 1796. F. Cary sc p. 294. XX. Three Dominican and Franciscan Friars of Leicester. p-295. xxi. An Eremite Augustine of Leicester. — A Friar and Nun of the Order of Penance of Leicester, p. 300. xxii. Bow Bridge, the Property of Joseph Cradock, Esq. M.A. F.S.A. (Schnebbelie del.) p. 301. xxiii. View at Leicester. — Chapel of St, John's Hospital. — The Spital House in Belgrave Gate. — Plan for re- building St. Leonard's Churcli, and Five Coats of Arms. F. Carv sc. p. 30-2. xxiv. N.E. View of All-Saints Church.— S.W. View of St. Mary's Church. — A distant View (of Leicester), with the Canal, and Eighteen Shields of Arms. Malcolm and the Rev'' Rob' Throsby del. 1794-5. Malcolm & J. Swaine sc. p. 303. XXV. S.E. View of St. Mary de Castro Church. — Arches in the North and South Chancel. — N. &: S. Sides of the Old Chancel, and East end. — Font. — INIonumental Figures of Gerard Danet and his Wife. — Stone with Cross, Sec. — Twenty-six Coats of Arms, &c. Long- mate del. &; sc. p. 304. 3 R 490 LEICESTERSHIRE. xxvi. Monument of John Ruding and Joice (Pnrefoy) his Wife, in the Chancel of St. Mary's Church in Lei- cester, (1343). R. R. se. — and Three Shields of Arms. p. 31fi. xxvii. Monumentof Richard Rudingand Anne (Driver) hisWife, in the Chancel of St. Mary's Church in Leicester, 1.582. R. R. sc. — and Four Shields of Arms, p 317. xx\iii. The Castle, Free School, County Gaol, Town Gaol, Exchange, and N. & S. Views of the Infirmary. Longmate del. & sc. 1796. p. 326, xxix. Two Views of Newark Gate. — Two Views of Trinity Hospital, 1776 and 1796, and Seal of the same. — Tomb. — Inscriptions, &c. an ancient Pot, and Eleven Shields of Arms. J. Pridden & Longmate del. &:sc. p. 329- XXX. Monument of Bishop Dudley in Westminster Abbey, 1483. Schnebbelie del. Basire sc. p. 335. From " Gough's Sepulchral Monuments " xxxi. Leicester Cross, built 1357, taken down 1769, and painted Glass, p. 333. Blue Boar Inn at Leicester ; K. Richard the Third's House and Bedstead ; also a Pipe found near the Lord's Place in Leicester. Throsby pinx^ Walker sc. p. 380. Ornaments to the Juriers and Chamberlains' Oaths. — Leicester Tokens. — The Great Seal and the Signet of Robert, Earl of Leicester; with the Autographs of K. Charles I. Prince Rupert, and Robert Earl of Leicester, p. 428. xxxiv. E. View and South end of Wigston's Hospital. — Seals of the same. — Inscriptions on the Windows. — Brass of William Fyssher, and Eight Coats of Arms. Long- mate del. &: sc. 1795, p. 493, XXXV. The Hotel and Assembly Rooms. — Elevation of Four Houses, built by the Founder of the Conscmguinila- rium, and the Consanguivitarium. The Plate con- tril)uted by John Johnson, Esq. the Founder. Long- mate sc. p. 328. xxxvi-xxxvii. Painted Glass at Mr. Stephens's, Leicester. Throsby del. 1788. Royce sc. (erroneously num- bered xxvi-xxvii.) p. 514. xxxviii. Inscription, Font, &c. in All Saints Church. — A View of North Bridge, or St. Sunday's Bridge, erected in 1796. p. 349. xxxn. xxxui. LEICESTERSHIRE. 491 xxxix. South East View of St. Margaret's Church. — Stone Seats and Piscina. — Font. — Altar Monument of John Penny, Abbot of Leicester, and Nine Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie del. Oct. 22, 1790. R. Basire so. p. 5.58. xl. S.W. View of St. Margaret's Church. Edw. Blore del. p. .558. xli. Two Niclies in the Chancel. — Official Seals. — Seals af- fixed to Deeds, ancient Key, and Five Coats of Arms, p. 558. xlii. View of Eastington Church, and Tomb of Edward Ste- phens, Esq. and Joan his Wife, 1587. p- 588. xliii. S. View of St. Martin's Church, Monuments, Thirty- five Coats of Arms, &c, T. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. p. 590. xliv. Monument in Memory of Mr. John Johnson and Frances his Wife, in St. Martin's Church, Leicester. J. John- son inv^ J. Bacon sculp, p. 604. xlv. S.E. and N.W. Views of St. Nicholas Church.— The Jewry Wall. — Roman Coins, and Seventeen Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Rt. Rev'^ William Bennet, D.D. Lord Bishop of Cloyne. p. 608. xlvi. Fragments of Roman Antiquity found near the Jewry Wall, Leicester. Longmate sc. p. Gl8. xlvii. St. Mary's Church, Leicester; representing its Spire as it appeared after it was split bv Lightning, July 10, 1763. Throsby pinx^ W. & J." Walker sc. p.' 6 19. xlviii. Plan of a Reservoir near Gumley and Saddington, sur- veyed by J. Varley, jun. 1797. Inscribed to Joseph Cradock, Esq. Longmate sc. p. 624. xlix. Trinity Hospital, as it appeared in 1790. Throsby del. Walker sc— Seals of Leicestershire Canals and Ec- clesiastical Seals. Longmate del. & sc. p. 624. 1. Sepulchral Relics found at Queneborrow, &c. Long- mate del. & sc. p. 136 of the Appendix, li. Fig. 1. New Chapel in Charnwood Forest. — Fig. 2. Two Stones found at Garthorpe. — Fig. 3, 4. A Hal- berd or Pike, and Broche found in BosworXh Field, p. 149 of the Appendix, lii. Portrait of Mr. John Ward of Hinckley, aetat.45, March 8, 1810. T. Bass del. J. Basire sc. p. 149 of the Appendix, liii. Plan of Lea-Grange Estate, 1813. p. 151 of the Ap- pendix. 492 LEICESTERSHIRE. liv. Map and Survey of Manduessedum, with part of the Fields adjoining, made in October 1812, by Ralph Thompson, of Witherley. Longmate sc. p. 156 of the Appendix, (erroneously numbered p. 138.) VOL. II. PART I. Containing Framland Hundred, mdccxcv. Title-page as before. Dedication to the Most Noble John-Henry Manners, Duke of Rutland, dated April 23, 1795. The History of the County of Leicester continued, [b-5q] 424 pages. Appendix to the History of Leicestershire, [A-Mm 2] 140 pages, ending with the catch-word " Appendijx," A brief Index to Framland Hundred, pp. 425-426. Errors of paging; — pages 17-20 (d 3-4) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 16 ; — pages 232-3 (*ooo 2) are repeated with asterisks, and follow ; — p. 259 is twice repeated ^'ith one and two asterisks ; — p. 261 is twice repeated with two and three asterisks; — p. 262 is twice repeated with one and two asterisks; — p. 383 is omitted, but is accounted for thus: 382-384, pp. 4 17-4 18, (5o 2) are repeated with asterisks. PLATES IN VOL. II. PART I. A Map of Leicestershire from the best Authorities. Engraved by ,1. Gary. To face the Title, i. A Map of Framland Hundred. J. Cary sc. p. 7. ii. Fifty-four Miscellaneous Coats of Arms. Lcngmate sc. p. 10. iii. Twenty-eight Seals of Belvoir Priory. (Pl.V.) Schneb- belie del. & sc. p. 22. iv. S.W. and N.W. Views of Belvoir Castle on one Plate. Inscribed to His Grace John, Duke of Rutland. Folded. Badeslade del. W. H. Toms sc. 1731. p. 23. V. Monumental Figures of the Ancestors of the Rutland Family in Bottesford Church, &c. with an Arch of that Church. (PI. X.) J. S. and W. M. del. Long- mate sc. p. 29. vi. Momnnent at Shoreditch for Four Ladies of the Rut- land Family. — Monument of Sir Richard de Burley in St. Paul's ; Seals and Autographs of the Rutland Family. (PI. XII.) Longmate sc. p. 35. LEICESTERSHIRE. 493 vii. Monument of Edmond Lord Ros, and the Tomb of Joice, Lady Tiptoft, at Enfield. (PI. XIV.) The Plate contributed by the late Richard Gough, Esq. Schnebl)elie del. Bas,ire sc. p. 40. From the " Sepulchral JMofiz/jnevta." viii. Figure of Joice, Lady Tiptoft. (PI. XIV.) Schnebbe- lie del. Basire sc. p. 40. Frajn the same. ix. Brass of Sir Thomas S' Letter, and Anne, Duchess of Exeter, his Wife, with their Arms, &c. and the Seal of Halewell Priory. Drawn .luiic 4"^, 1792, by B. Longmate jun. from the original Brass in the Rutland Chapel, Windsor. (PI. XV.) Longmate sc. p. 41. X. Four Sides of the Tomb of Lord and Lady Ros, with their Effigies, in the Rutland Chapel, Windsor. (PI. XVI.j B. Longmate jun. del. 1792. B. Long- mate sc. p. 42. xi. Monumciit to the Memory of Lord Robert Manners, Captain Blair, and Captain Bayne, in W'estminster Abbev. Inscribed to His Majesty King George the Third. (PI. XVII.) Cook sc. p. 63. xii. Plan of Belvoir Priory. — Ancient leaden Coffins in Two Vaults at Bottesford. — Cornices, paving Tiles, Coats of Arms, Stone Coffin, &;c. (PI. XIX.) J. Schneb- belie & Longmate del, & sc, p. 79. xiii. Fig. 1. Remains of a Chantry at Bottesford. — Fig. 2. Bottesford Cross. — Fig. 3. Fragment with Inscrip- tion. — Fig. 4. Mens Hospital. — Fig. 5. The School. — Fig. 6. The Arms and Quarterings of Manners at the West end of the School. — Fig. 7. An ancient Brass Pot in the Parsonage House. — Fig. 8. Stone in the Church-yard, with half length Female Figure and Cross. — Fig. 9-16. Coats of Arms, and Brass of .John Freeman. — Fig. 17, 18. Inscriptions on the Helmet of a Knight on the South side of the Com- mtmion Table of Bottesford Church. (PI. XXII.) Longmate sc. p. 90. xiv. Brass Figure of Henry de Codvngton in Bottesford Church. (Pl.XXIli.) B. Longmate jun. del. B. Longmate sc. p. 98. XV. Prospect of Margidunum from WcUs-hill, by y* Barn upon Foss, S'jpt. 8, 1 722. Inscribed to the Duke of Kingston. W. Stukeley del. E. Kirkall sc. p. 120. xvi. Portrait of Stephen Greenaway, M.A. Rector of Ne- 494 LEICESTERSHIRE. xvii. XVUl. XIX. XX. XXI. XXI 1. ther-broughton, and Minister of Dalbv on the Woulds. (PL XXVII.) Rev'i W. Peters deh J. Basire sc. p. 121. Fig. 1 . Part of the Old Mansion at Buckminster. — Fig. 2. Ground Plan of Buckminster Church. — Figs. 3-6. Arms. — Fig. T . Stone Coffins in the Church-yard. (PI. XXVIII.) Longmate sc. p. 123. Fig. 1 . S.E. View of Buckminster Church. — Fig. 2. The ancient Sexagon Font. — Fig. 3. Remarkable Arch under the great East Window. — Fig. 4. Fragment of a Cross in Sewstern-street. — Hg. 5. Stone Seats in Buckminster Church. Inscribed to Sir William Man- ners, Bart. (PI. XXIX.) Schnebbelie & J. Pridden del. Sept. 21, 1791. Basire sc. p. 126. Interior of Buckminster Church. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 2 i, 1791. Liparoti sc, p. 126. Fig. 1 . S. View of Long Claxton Church. — Fig. 2. Oc- tangular Font. — Fig. 3. Figure of a cross-legged Knight in Armour. — Fig. 4. A Cross. — Fig. 3. Altar in the Chancel. — Fig. 6. The Pedestal and remains of a Cross in the Church-yard. — Fig. 7-10. Shields of Arms. (PI. XXXI.) Schnebbelie del. Sept. 1 7, 1791. Liparoti sc. p. 132. View of Cold-Overton Hall. Inscribed to .John Frewen Rob' Throsby 139. Turner, Esq. (PI. XXXII.) Rev'^ -Sexagon Font. — xxni. XXIV. XXV. del. 178.^. Rich'* W. Basire sc. S.E. View of Cold-Overton Church.- Stalls at Cold-Overton and Coston, and Nine Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Memory of Mr. Jacob Schnebbelie. (PI. XXXIII.) J. S. del. Sept. 23, 1791. Cooksc. p. 140. Coston Church and a Fossil Oyster. The Plate contri- buted by the Rev'* James Douglas. (PI. XXXIV.) Schnebbelie del. Sept. 21, 1791. p. 144. S. View of Croxton Kyriel Church. — N.View of Crox- ton Park House. — Fig. 3-3. Brassless Slabs under the N. Arch of the Tower, &:c. — Fig. 6. West end of the Church. — Fig. 7-16. Arms and Rebuses on the Seats. (PI. XXXV.) Schnebbelie & J. Pridden del. 1791-2. F. Carysc. p. 149- Two Croxton Monks in the common Dress, and in the Habit for the Choir. — Seals, Autographs, &c. (PI. XXXVI.) H. Rooke & Longmate del. & sc. 1791-3. p. 151. LEICESTERSHIRE. 495 XXYl. Fig. 1. N.E. View of Little Dalby Church.— Fig. 2. Three Stone Seats and a Piscina on the South side of the Chancel. — Fig. 3. The Font. — Fig. 4. An an- cient cumbent Figure, apparently of an Ecclesiastic, on the South side of the Church-yard. — Fig. 5. Sketch of the same, and the l^ase of a Cross. — Fig. 6. Little Dalby Hall and Three Coats of Arms. (PI. XXXVIL) Schnebbelie & J. Pridden del. Sept. XXVll. XXVIU. xxix. XXX. XXXI. xxxu. 23,1790-1. F. Carysc. p. 163. Fig. 1. S.W. View of Eaton Church. — Fig. 2. Monu- mental Figure under a Gothic Arch on the North side of the Altar. — Fig. 3. Grave-stone with Cross. — xxxni. xxxiv. Fig.4. S.W.Viewof Eastwell Church. (Pl.XXXVIIL) Schnebbelie del. Sept. 17, 1791. p. 168. Twenty-one Coats of Arms, Monuments, Font, &:e. at Edmondthorpe, (PI. XL.) F. Cary sc. p. 178. Fig. 1. S.E. View of Garthorpe Church. — Fig. 2. N. Wall of the Chancel. — Fig. 3. Arms. — Fig. 4. Font in Garthorpe Church. — Fig. 5. Font in Godeby Mau- reward Church. — Fig. 6-18. Arms, kc. — Fig. ig. S.W.Viewof Godeby Maureward Church. — Fig. 20. Portrait of Francis Peck, M.A. Rector of Godeby. (PI. XL I.) J. Pridden ik B. Collins del. Cook & Longmate sc. p. 192. S.W. View of Harby Church and Cross. — S.E. and S. Views of Hareston and Hose Churches. (PI. XLII.) J. Pridden & Schnebbelie del. Sept. 17, 1791-2. R.W. Basire sc. p. 2 1 2. S.E. View of Kirkby-Beler Church. — Monumental Fi- gures and Arms. Schnebbelie del. Oct. 22, 1790. Cook sc. — An Augustine Monk and Nun of Kirkbv- Beler. (Pl.XLIII.) J. Swaine sc. p. 228. Knipton Church and Parsonage. — S.W. View of Knip- ton Church. J. Pridden del. June 8, 1792. — Reli- gious House at Knipton ; Font, Arms, &c. Schneb- belie del. Sept. 20, 1791. Basire sc. (PI. XLIV.) p. 233. Seals of the Families of Beler, Mowbray, Vilers, Sec. (PI. XLV.) Longmate sc. p. 239. A Cluniac Monk of Melton Mowbray, with and with- out his Cowl.— Twelve Bricks formerly near the Chancel Door of Melton Mowbray. — Arms, Trades- mens Tokens, &c. (PI. XLVL) J. p. 240. 496 LEICESTERSHIRE. XXXV. View of Melton Mowbray Church. Inscribed to tlie Rev'^ Thomas Ford, LL.D. Vicar, and engraved at his expense. (PI. XLVII.) J. Basire del. & sc. p. 260, but numbered 25 1 . xxxvi. Three Figures of cross-legged Knights ; viz. Rafe de Beler, Alexander de Vilers, Nicholas de Viilers. — Seals. — Brasses of Bartholomew Viilers, and Mar- garet his Wife. (PI. XLVIII.) Longmate sc. p. 235. xxxvii. Fig. 1 . An octagonal Pinnacle, serving as a Chimney to Mr. W. Underwood's House at Melton Mowbray. — Fig. 2. Figures on the Spout of the Church Tower. — Fig. 3. Inscription on one of the Bells. — Fig. 4. Inscription over the East Window of the Vestry. — Fig. 5. St. Peter, over the North Door of the Church. — Fig. 6. Niche near the West Door. — Fig. 7-8. Stained Glass. — Fig. 9-10. Piscinas on the South side of the Altar, and in the North Transept. — Fig. 11. An Helmet in the Vestry. — Fig. 12. The Arms of Mowbrav. — Fig. 13. An Altar Monument, with a Female Figure, in the Church. — Fig. 1 i. A cross-legged Knight in the South Aile. — Fig. 1 5-20. Arms, and Flat Stones with the Brasses gone. — Fig. 21 . A double Cofiin Tomb on the North side of the Church-yard. (PI. XLIX.) Basire del. & so. p. 257. xxxviii. N.W. View of Biuton Lazars Churcli. .1. Pridden del. Sept. 23, 1791.— S.E. View of Welby Church. J. P. del June 8, 1792. — N.W. View of Sisonby Church. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 23, 179I. — S.E. View of Freathby Church. J. P. del. June 9, 1792. — Frag- ment of an old Cross at Melton Mowbray, Font in Frebv or Freathby Church, and Twenty-seven Coats of Anns. (PI. L ) F. Cary sc. p. 269. xxxix. Fig. 1. S.E. View of Muston Church. Schnebbelie del. 1759. Basire sc. — Fig. 2. Picturesque \'iew of the Remains of the old Cross at Muston. Schnebbelie del. F. Carv sc. — Fig. 3. The Font, and inside View of one of the Arches of the Church. F. Cary sc. — Ficf. 4. A Slab with Cross in the Chancel, in Memory of Will'" Hulle. — Fig. 5. Inscriptions on the Church Bells.— Fig. 6-8. Seals. — Fig. 9-17. Nine Coats of Arms. (PI. LI.) Longmate sc. p. 29I. LEICESTERSHIRE. 497 xl. Fig. 1. S.E. View of Plungar Church. Pridden del. Sept. IS, 1791. F. Carysc. — Fig 2,3, 4. Bas-re- liefs in the Church. — Fig. 5. The Font. — Fig. 6. S.E. View of Redmile Churcli. (PI. LII.) Schneb- belie del. 1789. Basire sc. p. 297. xli. Fig. 1. Foulding Dvkes on Saltby Heath. — Fig. 2. King Lud's Intrenchnients on Saltby Heath. — Fig. 3. Sil- ver Coin of K. Edward. — Fig. 4. S.E. View of Saltby Church. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 24, 1791. — Fig 5. Fragment of a Pillar in the Church Porch. — Fig. 6. The Font. — Fig. 7- The Grave-stone of Richard War- ner. — Fig. 8-9. Inscriptions on the Bells of Saxby Old Church. — Fig. lO.View of the Old Church at Saxby. —Fig. 11. S.View of the New Church. (PI. LIII.) Basire sc. p. 303. xlii. Fig. I. S.E. View of Scalford Church. — Fig. 2. Pointed Arch in the North Wall. — Fig. 3. A remarkable Hole or Passage through the Pillar in the Wall between the Nave and Chancel. — Fig. 4. The Font. — Fig. 5. A Stone, with a Cross thereon. — Fig. 6-26. Coats of Arms. — Fig. 27. A Stone, with a Brass, of a Man in an ornamented Gown. — Fig. 28-9 Coats of Arms. — Fig. 30. A Piscina in the South Chapel. (PI. LIV.) Schnebbelie del. Sept. 20, 1 791 . F. Gary sc. p. 315. xliii. Fig. 1. Font, &c. at Redmile. — Fig. 2. N.E. View of S.)merby Church, and Stone Seats in the Chancel. — Fig. 3. The Font at Somerby. — Fig. 4-5. Arms. — Fig. 6. The Seal of Thomas de Ros. — Fig. 7-13. Arms. — Fig. 14. Painted Glass in the Window of the Chancel of Stathern Church. — Fig. 15. A Vv'ell on the S.E. side of Stonesby, with Inscription. — Fig. 16- IS. Arms. — Fig. 19, 20. Fonts in Stathern and Stonesby Churches. (PI. LV.) Schnebbelie del. June 21, 1791. p. 320. xliv. Fig. 1. S.E. View of Sproxton Church. — Fig. 2-6. Arms. — Fig. 7. The Font. — Fig. 8. A Tomb-stone near the .Mtar. - Fig. 9. A Grave-stone, with Two Crosses Fleury, — Fig. 10. The Base of a Cross. — Fig. 11, 12, 13. Ornaments on the Pillar, now used as a Foot Bridge across a Ditch. — Fig. !4, 15. Ini- tials in the Window of the Vicarage House. (PI. LVI.) Schnebbelie del. Sept. 29, 1791. Swaine Sc Li])aroti sc. p. 329. 3 s 498 LEICESTERSHIRE. xlv. The ancient part of Stapleford Hall, erected bv Thomas Sherard, Esq. in 1500. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Robert Sherard, Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his expense. (PI. LVH.) Basire sc. p. 337. xlvi. Fifteen whole-length Statues on the same Building: also inscribed to the Earl of Harborough, and en- graved at his exi)ense. (PI. LVIII.) p. 3-57- xlvii. Ancient Sculpture from the Building at Stapleford Hall, Leicestershire. Inscribed to the Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his expense. (PL LIX.) J. Basire del. & sc. p. 338. xlviii. N. View of the Leitrim Building. — W. Front of Staple- ford Hall. — Arms over the Stables, &c. and Twenty- two Coats of Arms. (PL LX.) Schnebbelie del. May 14, 1790. p. 338. xlix. Arms and Figures from Painted Glass in Stapleford Church. (PI. LXI.) p. 339. L S.E.View of Stapleford Chuich, erected bv the Rt. Hon. Robert Sherard, Earl of Harborough. — Also Thirty-eight Shields of Arms. The Plate is inscribed to the Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his ex- pense. (PL LXII.) p. 340. li. Figures of Geoffry and Joan Sherard, 1490, with Fif- teen Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Ro- bert Sherard, Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his expense. (PL LXIIL) Basire del. & sc. p. 340. lii. The Moniunent 'of William, Lord Sherard; and the Busts of William Sherard, Earl of Harborough ; Bennet Sherard, Baron of Letrym ; aiid Bennet-^he- rard, Earl of Harborough. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Robert Sherard, Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his expense. (PL LXIV.) Jas. Basire del. &: sc. p. 342. liii. A Bird's-eve View of the same Monument, Avith the Fi- gures round it. lnscril)ed to the Rt. Hon Robert Sherard, Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his expense. (PL LXV.) J. Basire del. & sc. p. 342. liv. Monument of P)cnnet, first Earl of Harborough, ;-,nd his Countes';, by M. Rysljrach. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Robert Sherard, Earl of Harborough, and engraved at his expense. (PI. LXVI.) J. Basire del, & sc. p. 342. Iv. Forty-two Seals from the Sherard Pedigree. (Pl.LXVII.) p. 333. LEICESTErvSHIRE. 499 Ivi. S.E. and S. Views of Statliern and Stonesby Churches. (PI. LXVIII.) Schnehhelie & J. Piidden del. Sept. 17 & 22"'^ I7i)l. R.W. Basire sc. p. 358. Ivii. S.W. View of Thorpe-Ernald Church. — Fig. 1. Seal of Wilhani de Pjosco. — F\s;. -2, 3. The Font, with Figures thereon. — Fia^ -1. A Pi-cina in the South Aiie. — Fii;-. 3-1 1. Arms. — Fig. 12, 13. Stones found in the Church-yard. Fig. 14. An Inscription. — Fig. 15. N.E.Viewof Breiiiingl)v Church. Inscribed to the ReV^ .lohn Pridden, M.A. F.S.A. (PI. LXIX.) J. Pridden del. Sept. 22, I 79!, & July 1793. F. Cary sc. p. 365. Iviii. N. View of V/altham Church. — Fig. 1, 2. Ornamented Columns in the same. — Fig. 3-7- Arms. — Fig. 8. Stalls at Walrhani. — Fig. 9, 10, 1 1. Waltham, Harby and Howes Fonts. — Fig. 12. Iron Frame for an Hour Glass near the Pulpit in Waltham Church, in 1791- — Fig. 13. A Waltham Halfpenny. — Fig. 14. Stone, with Monument-d Figures. (PI. LXX.) Schnebbelie del. Sept. 19, 1791. F. Cary sc p. 382. lix. S.E. View of Withcote Church and Parsonage. J. Prid- den del. July II, 1793. F. Cary sc. — Portrait of Henry Smith of Withcote, Lecturer at St. Clement's; and Twenty-two Coats of Arms. (PI. LXXI.) Jas. Basire sc. p. 392. Ix. Fig. 1,2. S.&E. Views of Wyfordby Church.— Fig. 3. The Font. — Fig. 4. Piscina. — Fig. 5. An Episcopal Chair in Alelton Church, given by Bishop Pretvman. —Fig. *3-35. Coats of Arms at iMelton. (PI. LXXII.) Schnebbelie del. Basire sc. p. 39S. Ixi. South View of Wymondham Church. — Font. — Cross- legged Knight.— Tomb.— Arms, &c. (PI. LXXIII.) Basire del. ra])hs. J. Sebnebbeliedel. Basiie sc. p. 407. Ixxxii. S.W.Vievv of Bowden Magna Church and Font. — Mo- numental Inscription — S.E. View of Bowden St. Ni- cholas Church and Font ; also Thirty-two Coats of Arms. Longuiate & J. Priddcn del. June 1!?, 1791. F. Gary & Longmatc sci p. 4 74. Ixxxili. S.W.Vievv of St. Mary in Ardcn Church. — Door-way of Old Church. — Broken Figure in the Church-yard. — Four Sepulchral Urns and a Patera. .1. Pridden & Schnebbelie del. .lune 15, 1791- — -Vntient Encamp- ment at Market-Harborough. — Antient Camp at Lu- benham. T. Reynolds del. — Twelve Coats of Arms, and Token, p. 478- Ixxxiv. S. and N.E. Views of Market Harborough Church. — The Bridge and Town Hall. — Remains of the Cross, and Tradesmen's Tokens. Prattent del. 8c sc. 1792. p. 494. Ixxxv. E. Views of Bradley and Holyoke Priories. — Plan of the Encampment at Burrow, made from a Survey taken May 9"' and 30"', 1796, by J. Tailby.— S.W. View of Burrow Hill, taken about half a Mile distant. J. Tailby del. F. Cary sc. p. 509- Ixxxvi. N.E. and S. Views of Bringhurst and Great Easton Churches. — Inside and exterior Views of the Old Chapel at Drayton. — An antient Figure on a Tomb- stone within the North Wall, under an Arch in G' Easton Church, and Three Coats of Arms. Long- mate & Malcolm del. & sc. 1 794- p- 5 1 2. Ixxxvii. Portrait of Francis North, Lord Guilford, Lord Keeper of the G' Seal of England. D. Loggan ad vivum del. G. Vertue sc. p. 322. Ixxxviii. Portrait of the Hon**'*^ S"" Dudley North, Knt. G. Ver- tue sc. 1743. p. 522. Ixxxix. Portrait of the Honourable Roger North, Esq. aetatis cir. 30. P. Lely pinx. I68O. Geo. Vertue sc. 1740. p. 522. {From " Nortlis Lives of Ike Norths," and the " Exaviev") xc. Prospect of Burrow Hill from the Leicester Road, Sept. 8, 1722. Dedicated to W'" Cheselden. Stukeley del. E. Kirkall sc. {From '' Siukehy's Itinerary") Also a Key found at Burrow Hill, from the Rev^ G. LEICESTERSIIIHE. 503 Ashby's Museolum at Barrow, Suffolk, 1791 . T. Lyns del. p. 521. xci. Burrow Hill; Relit^ious House at Burrow; and W.View of the Ciuirch. Schnebbelie & F, Cary del. & bC. 1791. p. 52p. xcii. S.E. Views of Burrow and Burton Overy Churches. — Font and Monumental Fif;ures in Burrow Churcii. — Seal of Roger de Everdon ; Eii;hteen Shields of Arms, and the Autograph of John Onebye, 1657. J- Prid- den del. Sept. <-28, 1791, and Prattent del. & sc. 1792. p. 5H0. xciii. View of Carlcton Curlieu Hall. Inscribed to Thomas Palmer, Esq. Longmate del. &; sc. 1796. p. 543. xciv. N.E. View of Carleton Curlieu Church. — Portrait of Sir Geoffrev Palmer, Bart. Attorney General. J. Ba- sire sc. — Tomb of Sir John Ball and his Lady; also Twenty-four Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 545* xcv. N.W. View of Ilston Church and Font. — Stone Seats therein. — Mural Monument in Memory of Elizabeth, Wife of John Needham, Gent. ir)'^9- — A Cross in the N.Wall of Mr. Warner's House at Cranhoe. — Seal of Ladv Rhoda Cavendish, and Six Armorial Bearings. Longmate del. & sc p. 532. xcvi. S W. and E. Views of Cranhoe and Evington Chmches. — Figure of St. Dennis, in a Niche over a Window of Evington Church. — Font in the same ; and Twelve Armorial Bearings. Malcolm del. & fee. p. S')!}. xcvii. S.E. View of Foxton Church. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 18, 1791. Cook sc. — S.W. View of Galby Church. — Font and Piscina, and Twelve Coats of Arms. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. p. 565. xcviii. S.E. View of Glen Magna Cliurch. J. Pridden deL June 13, 1791. F. Cary sc. — S.E. View of Stretton Maijna Church. Prattent del. & sc. 179-'. — N.W. View of Glooston Church. J. Pridden del. July 12, 1793. F. Cary sc. ai;d Sixteen Coats of Arms, p. 576. A Funeral Vignette, from the " Elogia SepidchraUa" by Edw. Popham. On the letter-press of p. 582. xcix. The Griffin Monument in Braybrooke Church. Long- mate sc. p. 588. {From " Bridget's History of Nor t ham p'ofis hire.") c. View of Gumley Hall. Inscribed to Joseph Cradock, 504 LEICESTERSHIRE. Esq. Drawn and engraved by B. LonjE^mate, I796. p. 389. ci. S.View of Guniley Church. — Roman Urn — Five Coats of Arms, &c. Inscribed to Joseph Cradock, Esq. Longmate del. & sc. 179f)- p. "jgo. cii. East View of Hallaton Hall, and Encampment, taken Sept. 4, 179''- Malcolm del. (b: sc. — N.E. View of Drv-Stoke Church, and Two Coats of Arms. J. Prid- deii del. Sept. y, 1793. F. Cary sc. p. 60O. ciii. N.E.View of Hallaton Church. — Distant West View of Hallaton, from a Station near the Castle. Malcolm del. & sc. 1794. — An old Carving in the side Wall of the Porch on the North side. — Stone Seats, Font. — Tradesmen's Tokens, and Seventeen Armorial Bear- ings. — Seal of John de Woderington, &c. Longmate del. & sc. p. 603. civ. N.E.View of Horninghold Church. — View of the Church of Houghton on the Hill — Arches, Fonts, and Piscina. Malcolm (Sc Longmate del. & sc. 1793. p. f)09. cv. S.E.Viewof Houghton Church. Malcolm del. & sc, 1793. — S. View of Kibworth Church. — Arms, Seals, and Autographs. Longmate del. & sc. p. (513. cvi. Portrait of Mary Bond, Wife of John Eyrick, Esq. died 161 I , a.iied 97 years. Basire sc. p. G-I^. cvii. Portrait of Robert Herrick the Poet. J. Basire sc. On the letter-press of p. 6i3. cviii. N.E.View of Kibworth Church. — Stone Seats, Piscina, Font, Cros*.;, (Joins, &c. and Three Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 15, 1791. Basire sc. p. 041. cix. The Monument of Walter de Merton, Bishop of Ro- chester, and Founder of Merton College in Oxford, in Rochester Cathedral. Inscribed to the Memory of John Thorpe. Es(j. of Bexley, Kent. J. Bayly del. & sc. 1768. p. 648. From the " Cwitumale Rojfense ;' the same plate is aUo in the ^^ Account of Pytkagoruis School, Cam- bridncr ex. Brass Plate in Memory of John Bloxham and John Whytton. p. 649- cxi. S.E.Viewof Knawston or Knossington Church. Schneb- belie del. Sept. 'i3, 1791. F. Cary sc. — Grave-stone in Memory of Thomas ]5ayle, Vicar, with some of its Ornaments. — A Fossil Oyster found in Kil)worth- Harcourt. — Font in Medbourne Church. — The Shaft LEICESTERSHIRE. 505 of a Cross in the Cliurch-yard. — Roman Coins and Pottery found in Medbourne Field. — A whole-length Figure kneeling; a Seal^ and Ten Coats of Arms. Longmate so. p. 657. cxii. S.W. View of Church Langton Church. — Mausoleum containing the Remains of the Rev'^ William Han- bury, Rector, in the Church-yard. J. P. Malcolm del. & sc, — Stone Seats and Piscina. — Tomb and Effigies in Memory of Thomas de Langton, in the South Aile. — A mural Monument in Memory of Tho- mas Stavelie, Esq. — Seals of Alice and John de La- timer, and Eighteen Coats of Arms. Longmate so. p. 664. cxiii. The Rev'^ Mr. Hanbury's House. — N.W. and S.W. Views of Thorpe-Langton and Tur-Langton Churches, and Eight Armorial Bearings. Malcolm del. & sc. 1792. p. 666. cxiv. Tomb of Walter de Langton, Bishop, 1321. J. Basire sc. p. 674. (From '^^ Gough's Sepulchral Monuments") cxv. Autographs of several eminent Persons of tlie County, p. 678. cxvi. Portraits of Thomas Staveley, Esq. and Maria Oneby, his Wife, Inscribed to, and engraved at the expense of, the Rev. Richard Gilford, and Elizabeth his Wife. p. 678. cxvii. N.W. View of Laughton Church, Font, and Four Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 1791. Swainesc. On the letter-press of p. 693. cxviii. Fig. I. S.W. View of Lubbenham Church. — Fig. 2, Lubbenham Manor House. — Fig. 3. Papillon Hall. — Fig. 4. Portrait of David Papillon, Gent. aet. G5. — Fig. 5. Portrait of Thomas Papillon, Esq. — Fig. 6. Thorpe Lubbenham, from Lubbenham Church-yard, T. R. del. 1795. F. Carysc. — Fig. 7-12. Arms. — Fig. 13-15. Arches and Ornament. — Fig. 16. The Font. — Fig. 17. An Inscription. — Fig. 18-24. Arms, p. 701. cxix. S. View of Holt Church and Hall. Malcolm del. & sc. 17S5. p. 728. cxx. Arms and Monuments at Holt. Malcolm del. & sc. 1793.. p. 729. cxxi. N.E.Viewof Norton Church. Longmate del, & sc. 3t ■>06 LEICESTERSHIRE. 1794. — S.W.Vievv of the Church of Stretton Parva. Prattent del. & sculp. 1792. — A Free-stone Monu- ment within an Iron Balustrade, in Memory of Wil- liam Fortrev, Esq. — Whole-length Figures of Wya- marus and Stephen Whalley, and Forty- two Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 733. exxii. S.W.Vievv of Noseley Church and Parsonage. Inscribed to the Memory of Sir Arthur Hesilrige, Bart, who died March 23, 1763. Malcolm del. & sc. 1793. p. 749. cxxiii. N.W. View of Noseley Church. Prattent del. & sc. 179-2. — N.E. View of Sadington Church. Schneb- belie del. Sept. 18, 1791. Cook sc. — Windows. — Brass of Richard Holland. — Token of Jonathan Tailcote. — Autographs of Arthur and Robt. Hesil- rige ; and Thirty-seven Coats of Arms. Longmate sc. p. 751. Monuments and Arms of the Hesilriges at Noseley. p. 753. Ouston Abbey and Church, with Plan. — Font, Seals, and Seventy-six Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie del. (from Buck's Antiquities.) R. Basire & Longmate sc. p. 761. N.E. View of Ouston Church. — S.E. View of Pickwell Church. — Stone Seats, Piscina and Font in the same. — Sadington Font and Piscina. — An Arch, and Ten Coats of Arms. J. Priddcn del. Oct. 15, 1796. F. Cary sc. p. 763. cxxvii^ N.W. View of Scraptoft Church. — Font and Monu- ments. — The Cross. — Seven Coats of Arms and Seal. J. Pridden del. June 17, 1791- F. Cary sc. p. 785. exxviii. N. E. View of Shankton Church. — Font, Monument, and Arms. — Also a N.E. View of Slawston Church. Longmate & Malcolm del. & sc. 1793. p. 793. cxxix. Brass of Sir Bertin Entwysell, and Tomb of Robert de Wyvile, in Stamiton Wyvile Church, p. 802. cxxx. N.E. View of Staunton Wyvile Church. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 16, 1791. F. Cary sc. — Stone Seats and Font. — Tomb of Edmund Brudenell, Esq. 1590.— Thirty-six Coats of Arms, and Autographs of Tho. Brudenell, Robt. Cotton, and William Burton the Antiquary. Longmate sc. p. 808. cxxiv. cxxv. exxvi. LEICESTERSHIRE. 507 cxxxi. Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth Drury, died 1610, in her IS''^ year. G. K. Ralph del. 1782. From the ori- ginal Painting in the possession of Sir J. Culluni, Bart. James Basire sc. 1 784. p. 817- {From " Sir John Culhim's History of Hawsted.") cxxxii. S.E. View of Stockerston Church. — Interior of the same. — Monuments, and Thirty Coats of Arms, p. 820. cxxxiii. Painted Glass at Stockerston. J. Basire sc. p. 821. cxxxiv. S. and N.E. Views of Thedingworth Church. — Mo- numents, and Seven Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Rev"^ Sir Charles Cave, Bart. J. Pridden del. June 15, 1791, and July 8, 1793. F. Cary sc. p. 827. cxxxv. S.E. Views of Thurnby and Stoughton Churches. — Monuments, and Sixty-three Coats of Arms. Long- mate del. & sc. 1793. p. 848. cxxxvi. Inscription on an Oak Plank found behind the Wain- scot of Stoughton Grange, and copied by Sir Tho- mas Cave in 1768. On the letter-press of p. 832. cxxxvii. N.E. View of Wei ham Church. Malcolm del. & sc. — Gartre Bush in Shankton Lordship. — Eleven Coats of Arms, and Autographs. Inscribed to Mr. John Tailby of Slawston. Longmate sc. p. 866, mis- printed 865. exxxviii. N.E. View of Wistow Church. Longmate del. & sc. 1794. — Wistow Hall. — Monuments in the Church, and Four Coats of Arms. T. Prattent del. & sc. 1793. p. 872. cxxxix. S.E. View of Wistow Church and Font. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. — S.E. Views of Fleckney and Kilby Churches, with the Font at Fleckney. Longmate del. & sc. 1 794. — N.E.View of Newton Harcourt Church, and Seven Coats of Arms. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. p. 876. Seal of Bishop Morton. From Hutchinson's History of Durham. On the letter-press of p. 882. cxl. Portrait of Dr. Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham, and Arms. From the sameWork. — Roman Coiivs, and the Wymondham Pavement. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon**" Robert Sherard, Earl of Harborough. p. 882. 506 LEICESTERSHIRE. VOL. III. PART I. Title-page as before, dated 1 SOO, containing East Goscote Hundred ; a Mausoleum with the Motto " iVon ormiis mo- riar." E. P. iuv. 17 SO, as a Vignette. Dedication to the Right Honourable Robert Shirley, Earl Fer- rars. Viscount Tarn worth. Advertisement, [b-f] p.v-xxii. The Continuation of the History, beginning with " Goscote Hundred," [b-6p3] pp. l-*3r6. Additions and Corrections in Framland Hundred, [6q-6s] pp. 317-526. Additions and Corrections in Gartre Hundred, [6 s 2-7 a 2] pp. 327-55!. Additions and Corrections in East Goscote Hundred, [the re- verse of 7a 2-7 c 2] pp. 552-360. Appendix, [b-e] pp. 1-12. Brief Index to East Goscote Hundred, [f] pp. 13-15. List of Plates in Vol. HI. Part I. and Directions to the Binder, p. 16. Errors of paging : — pp. 5, 6 (b 3) are repeated with aste- risks ; — pp. 61-66 (q3-q5) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 60 ; — pp. 167-1 70 (uu-iiu 2) are repeated with aste- risks, and follow p. 166; — p. 1 15-1 16 (lii 3) are repeated, and follow ; — pp. 5 1 3-5 1 6 (6 H 2-3) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 516. PLATES IN VOL III. PART I. i. Miscellaneous Frontispiece, drawn and engraved from Subjects actually existing in the County, and in- scribed to the Author, bv B. Longniate. ii. Map of East Go'^cote Hundred. J. Gary sc. p. 1. iii. S.E.View of Allexton Church. — Seals of John de Bake- puz. — Portrait of Richard Blount, a Piscina, Monu- mental Figures, and Eighteen Coats of Arms. J. Prid- den del. Sept. 1 6th, 1791. F. Gary sc. p. 11. iv. S.E.View of Ashfordby Church — Town Cross. — Font, Stone Seats, a rude Figure with a Crucifix, against the West side of the North Cross. — A Figure with a Sword in the Church Window, Two Coats of Arms, &c. Schnebbelie del. 1791. Prattent sc. p. 17. V. N.W. View of Ashby-Folvile Church, Monuments_, Pis- cinas, and Thirty-seven Coats of Arms. J. P. Mal- colm del. &: sc. 1793. p. 29. LEICESTERSHIRE. 509 vi. S.W.View of Barkby Church and Font; Piscina, Arch, Monuments, and Twenty Coats of Arms : — also a View of Barkby Hall. Inscribed to William Pochin, Esq. M.P. J.Pridden del. June 17, 1791. p.47. vii. S.E. View of Barrow Church and Ho pital. — Monu- ments, and Twenty-one Coats of Arms. — Portrait of Dr. W'" Beveridge, Bp. of St. Asaph, his Autograph, and those of his Family. J. P. Malcolm sc. IJO'-^- p. 71. viii-ix. Fossils ; particularly some remarkable Fish found at Barrows p. 82-3. X. Market House at Mountsorrell, built in 1793. W. Thomas Arch'. J. Swaine sc. — View of Castle Hill, 1737. Grose del. 1767. Royce sc. — Seals and Auto- graphs, p. 85. xi. Fig. 1. N.E. View of Mountsorrell Church. — Fig. 2. S.W. Vievv of Quorndon Church. — Fig. 3, 4. Two Views of Mount Sorrell Hill, by Mr. Throsby. — Fig. 5, 6. The Cross. — Fig. 7, 8, 9- Ornaments. — Fig. 10-12. Tradesmen's Tokens. — Fig. 13. An an- cient Spur. — Fig. 14-35. Twenty-two Coats of Arms. J. P. Malcolm del.&sc. 1792. p. 91- xii. Three Coats of Arms and Autographs of the Family of Smallev- On the letter-jjress of p. 93. xiii. View of the House of Edward Farnham, Esq. at Quorn- don, to whom this Plate is inscribed. J. Basire sc. p. 100. xiv. View of Quorndon Hall. Inscribed to Hugo Meynell, jun. Esq. J. Basire 3C. p. 101. . XV. Vievv of the House of Saville John Hyde, Esq. at Quorn, to whom this Plate is inscribed, Longmate del. & sc. 1793. — [Curious Door at Castor in Northampton- shire. — Boundary Stone at Croyland, forming Plate XXIX.] Carter del. Basire sc! p. 102. xvi. Monuments of the Farnhams, &:c. at Quorndon. Long- mate del. & sc. p. 107. xvii. S.E. View of Woodhouse Church. Schnebbelie del. May, 1791. Cook sc. — N.E. View of the same. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. — Woodhouse School. J. Pridden del. July 13, 1793. Longmate sc. — Four Views of Forest Scenery. F. Cary sc. — The Font, and Seventeen Coats of Arms. p. 115. xviii. Monuments of the Herrick Family, and Ornaments in 510 LEICESTERSHIRE. Woodhouse Church. — Twenty-seven Coats of Arms, and Autographs of Sir Walter Mildmay, Archbp. Laud, the Herrick Family, the Earls of Suffolk, Sa- lisbury, Sussex, sc. Longmate del. & sc. 1797. p. 116. xix. An Eremite Augustine and Nun of Charley. On the letter-press of p. 120. XX. A Cluniac Monk of Alderman's Haw, with and without his Cowl. On the letter-press of p. 123. xxi. South View of Bardon Hill and Hall. Inscribed to the Memory of Mr. John Hood. Malcolm del. & sc. 1792.— Windmill on Markfield Hill, 1792, and de- tached Rocks near Markfield. Malcolm del. & sc. 1796. p. 12fi. xxii. S.E. View of Bredon Hill. — Bredon Limekilns, and Bredon Hill, from the Forest. Inscribed to the Rt. Honb'' George Harry Grey, Earl of Stamford and Warrington. Malcolm del. & sc. 1794. p. 127. xxiii. A Plan of Charnwood Forest, 1754 p. 131. xxiv. Three Views on Charnwood Forest. — The House in which the Countess Howe was born. — Four Coats of Arms, and various Autographs of eminent Men. Malcolm & Longmate del. & sc. 1794. p. 133. XXV. Bradgate Ruins. Rev'^ Rob. Throsby del. 1 7y6. F. Cary sc. — View near Newton Linford ; and another View in Bradgate Park. Malcolm del, & sc. 1792. Inscribed to the Right Honb'^ George Harry Grey, Earl of Stamford and Warrington, p. 134. xxvi. BurleyHall. — View from the Nottingham Road. — View on the Forest, and View from the Moors near Remp- ston. J. P. Malcolm del. Longmate sc. p. 133. xxvii. Antient and modern Views of Beaumanor House. Se- ven Coats of Arms, ike. Inscribed to William Her- rick, Es([. T. Prattcnt del. & sc. 1793. p. 147. x.wiii. Portraits of Sir William, and Joan Lady Herricke. In- scribed to John Herrick, Esq. of Beaumanor. J. Ba- sire sc. p. 151. xxix. Croyland Boundary Stone, &;c. See Plate XV. XXX. N.W. View of Beby Church, with the Monument of William Villers and Cecilia, his Wife ; also Six Coats of Arms. J.Pridden del. July 17, 1791. Liparoti & Longmate sc. p. 170. xxxi. S.View of Belgrave Church. — N.W. View of Burstall, LEICKSTERSIIIRE. 511 and S.E. View of Thurinaston Cliurches. — Relgrave Mill. Malcolm del. & sc— N.W. View of North- Thuimaston Chapel — Piscina, &c. and Twenty-two Coats of Arms. Inscribed to tlie Rt. Rev. Thomas Percy, Lord Bishop of Dromore. J. Pridden del. Jnne \G, 1792. Longmate sc. p. 178. xxxii. S.E.View of Brokesby Church and Parsonage. J, Prid- den del. July 9, 1793. F. Cary sc. — Monument of William Villers, Esq. and his Two Wives. — Mural Monument of the last Sir William Villiers and his Lady, and Twenty-four Coats of Arms. Longmate sc. p. 193. xxxiii. Portrait of Sir Nathan Wright, Kn' Lord Keeper. R. White pinx'. Royce sc. — Monument of Sir N. Wiight ana Son in Gothurst Church, Bucks ; and Au- tographs, p. 21fi. Cossington Rectory. — Seals, Arms, Monuments, Font, &c. Longmate del. & sc. 1794. p. 228. S.W. View of Cossington Church. — Monuments, Stone Seats, and Arms. Longmate del. &c sc. 1794. p. 229. N.E.View of South Croxton Church. Malcolm del. 8c sc. 1792. — S.E.View of Great Dalby Church and Font. — Frisby Font and Cross. — Stump Cross. — Seal of Hugo de Chaucumb, and Nineteen Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie del. Sept. 27, 1791. Basire sc. p. 233. xxxvii. S.W. View of the Chapel of Dalby on the Woulds, and Monuments. Malcolm del. Sc sc. 1 793 — and Twenty- seven Armorial Bearings. Longmate del. & sc. 1 794. p. 256. xxxviii. The Patten and Chalice presented to Nether Broughton Church, by t!ie Earl of Radnor, in 1799. Mrs. Mor- res del. p. 256. xxxix. S.E.View of Frisby Church. Schnebbelie del. May 15, 179'- Prattent sc. — Monument and Font. — Seal of the Prior of the Hospit&l of Jerusalem, and Twenty- five Coats of Arms. Longmate del &sc. 1796. p. 262. xl. S. and S.E. Views of Hoby, Hoton, and Humberston Churches. Malcolm del. & sc. 1792. p. 266. xli. N.W.View of Hungerton Church. — Whole-length Mo- numental Figure of Mary, Wife of Brian Cave, Es(|. Autographs of the Family of Ashby, and Twenty Coats of Arms. J. Swaine sc. p. 282. XXXIY. XXXV. XXXVl. 5 1 2 LEICESTERSHIRE. xlii. Bagrave Hall. — Sepulchral Relics, and Eight Coats of Arms. p. 289- xliii. Quenby Hall. This Plate contributed by Mrs. Latham. M. E. Latham del. 1790. F. Gary sc. p. 296. xliii.* Quenby Hall, with a Plan of tbe Ground Floor. T.L. del. 1791. J. Swaine & Longmate sc. p. 297. xliv. View of Launde, the Seat of John Simpson, Esq. to whom this Plate is inscribed. F. Gary sc. p. 301. xlv. Portr-aits of Thomas Gromwell, Earl of Essex, and Gre- gory, Lord Gromwell. Engraved by James Basire. p. .323. xlv.* S.VV. View of Launde. — N.E. Viewof the Ghapel. — Monument of Gregory, Lord Gromwell, Seal, and Twenty Armorial Bearings. F. Gary & Longmate sc. p. 326. xlvi. Monuments, Font, Arms, &:c. in Launde Chapel, the Seal of tlie Priory, and Autographs. Longmate sc. p. 327. xlvii. S.E.Viewof Loddington Church. J. Pridden del. Sept. 16, 1791. Liparoti sc. — Font, Piscina, Six Goats of Arms, &c. p. 330. xlviii. N.Vievv of Loseby Church. — N.E. View of the Chancel, and Forty-four Goats of Arms. Malcolm &: J. Prid- ded del. F. Gary & Longmate sc. p. 340. xHx. View of Prestwould Hall. Inscribed to Charles James Packe, Esq. J. Basire sc. p. 355. 1. Portrait of Sir Christopher Packe, Kn' Lord Mayor of London, 1655. Inscribed to Charles James Packe, Esq. J. Basire sc, p. 355. li. S. View of Prestwould Church. — Figures and Monu- ment of Richard Neel and Isabella his Wife, 1476; and Fourteen Coats of Arms. Malcolm del. & sc. 1792. p. 333. lii. Three Monuments in Prestwould Church. —Eleven Armorial Bearings and Autographs. Inscribed to Charles James Packe, Esq. Malcolm del. & sc. 1795. p. 359. liii. S.W.Viewof Queneborow Church.— Font, Piscina, Mo- numents, and Four Coats of Arms. J. Pridden del. Oct. 16, 1796. F. Gary&: Longmate sc. p. .-("S. liv. S.E. View of the Church of Radcliflfe on the Wreke. J. Pridden del. June 17, 1791- Liparoti sc. Oa the letter-press of p. 382. LEICESTERSHIRE. 513 Iv. N.E.View of Radcliffe Church. — Monument of an Ec- clesiastic, under an Arch in the North Side of the Chancel. — Stone Seats. — Seal of the Priory of Can- well. — Carvings over and Pillars of the Parlour Chim- ney in the old Mansion House at Rakedale, &c. Longmate del. & sc. 1795. p. 3S3. Ivi. View of the old Mansion House at Rakedale. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon'''* Robert Shirley, Earl Ferrers. Mal- colm del. & sc. p. 3S6. Ivii. S. W. View of Rakedale Church. — Font. — Piakedale Hall, 1799- — Coat of Arms carved in Stone over the Porch of the old Mansion House. — Seal. — Orna- ments, and Twelve Coats of Arms. Malcolm & Longmate del. & sc. p. 386. Iviii. Portrait of Sir Robert Shirley, Bart. p. 387.* lix. N.E.View of Reresby, and S.W. View of Rotherby Churches. — Font, Inscription, &c. and Twenty-six Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie & J, Pridden del. 1791, and July 9, 1793. Prattent & F. Cary sc. p. 391. Ix. N.W.View of Sa.xulby Church. — Monuments, Font, Pis- cina, and Four Coats of Arms. Malcolm & Long- mate del. &; sc. p. 403. Ixi. N.W. View of Segrave Church. — Font. Malcolm del. & sc. — S.W. View of Sileby Church. — Seals of John, Duke of Northumberland ; Margaret, Countess of Northumberland, &c. and Eleven Armorial Bearings. Longmate del. & sc. 1794. p. 4 13. Ixii. Portrait of Robert Burton, Author of The Anatomy of Melancholy. Jas. Basire sc. p. 41 8. Ixiii. Skeffington Hall, the Seat of Sir William Charles Far- rell Skeffington, Bart, to whom this Plate is inscribed. M. Linwood del. F. Cary sc. p. 440. Ixiv. S.E.View of Skeffington Church, and a View of Skef- fington Hall ; and Arms. Longmate del. & sc. 1 794. p. 442. Ixv. Monuments, Font, and Piscina in Skeffington Church. — Great Seal of K. Henry I. and Nineteen Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. 1794. p. 444. Ixvi. S.E. View of Syston Church. Schnebbelie del. May, * This portrait, although mentioned in the printed list of plates as be- longing to page 387, is inserted at page 713 of Vol. III. Part II. 3 U 514 LEICESTERSHIRE. 1791. — An Arch on the outside of the Church, the Font, Stalls, and Piscina on the N. side of the Chan- cel. — A Piscina in the S. Aile — Carvings, &c. — N.W.View of Thmssington Clnircii, drawn 1792, and Ten Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p 434. Ixvii. S.E.View of Tilton Church. — Stone Seaf-, Font, Pis- cina, and Monuments : also Two Armorial Bearings, and the Autograph of J. Dighye. Longmate del. & sc 1794. p. 470. Ixviii. S.E.View of Tugby Church. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. N.E.View of East Norton Church. — Font, Piscina, and Painted Glass. — Seals, and Fifteen Coats of Arms. J. Pridden del. July, 1793. F. Cary sc. p. 483. Ixix. Portraits of Isaac and Peter Oliver. Painted by them- selves, and engraved by J, Miller and T. Chambers. p. 490. {From IValpole's ^'Anecdotes of Painters.") Ixx. S.E.Views of Twyford and Thorpe Sachevile Churches. — Font in Tvv^'ford Church. — An ancient Chair in Lubbenham Church, and Twenty-eight Coats of Arms. J. P. Malcolm & Longmate sc. 1792. p. 494. Ixxi. S.Vievv of the Church of Walton on the Wolds. — Base of a Cross, and Remains of a Figure in a Niche in the Church -yard. — S.W.View^of Wimeswold Church. Fragment in the Tower. — Monument in Memory of William Leeke, Esq. and Twenty-eight Coats of Arms. Malcolm del. & sc. 1 794. p. 499- Ixxii. Monument and Figures of the Wingficld Family on the S. side of Letheringham Church. J. Johnson del. J. Basire sc. p. 513. Ixxiii. Monument of the same Family on the N. side of Le- theringham Church. J. Johnson del. J. Basire sc. p. 513. {The two preceding Plates are from Cough's " Sepulchral Momiments") Ixxiv. Monuments of the Naunton Family in Letheringham Church, and Seven Armorial Bearings. p,*514. l.xxv. Inscription on the Monument of Sir Robert Naunton ; worked from the original Brass. Folded, p. *5l6. VOL. III. PART II. Containing West Goscote Hundred, dated 1804. LEICESTERSHIRE. 515 Title-page as before, with the following Motto : " Si qui sint in urhe sua hospiti s, in patria sua peregrini, et cognitione semper pueri esse velint, sibi per me p/areunt, sibi donniunt ; iion ego Hits hac conscripsi, non illis vigilavi." — Camden. and a Vignette View of Leicester. Dedication to the Right Honourable Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Earl of Moira, dated Feb. 2, 1804. The History of Leicestershire continued, beginning with *' Ab- bey Gatie," [7D-13G3] pp. 5S1-1126. Additions and Corrections in Gartre and East Goscote Hun- dreds, [13h-13l] pp. 1127-1140. Additions and Corrections in West Goscote Hundred, [13l2- ]3N2] pp. 1141-1150. Continuation of the Appendix in Vol. HL Part I. beginning with " No. IV. Civil War in Leicestershire," [g-u] pp. 17-69- Brief Index to West Goscote Hundred, and Directions to the Binder, pp. 70-72. N. B. For the List of Plates in this Hundred, seepage 1126. Errors of paging: — pp. 637-640 (7y 3-4) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 636; — pp. 657-664 (Se 3-6) are re- peated with asterisks, and follow p. 660; — pp. 715-720 (8u 3, 4, 5) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 720; — pp. 721-2 have asterisks; — pp. 731-734 (8 z 3-4) are repeated with as- terisks, and follow p. 732; — pp. 783-4 (9o 2) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 791-2 (9P4) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 859-860 (10 1 2] are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 873- 876 (ION 3-4) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 876 ; — — pp. 883-886 (lOP 2-3) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 979- 990 (1 iT-l 1 u 2) are repeated with asterisks, and follow p. 990; — pp. 1007-1010 (1-2K-12B2) have asterisks; — pp. 1011-12 (12b 3) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 1047-1050 (12K3-4) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 1095-1096 (12y 3, misprinted Y3) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 1125-1126 (13G2) are repeated with asterisks. PLATES IN VOL. III. PART II. Portrait of the Earl of Moira. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, engraved by J. Jones. Frontispiece. Ixxv. A Map of West Goscote Hundred. J. Cary sc. p. 561. Ixxvi. Seals and Arms at Ashbv de la Zouch. — Market-House. —Autographs of K. Henry VI P'\ Edward VI"', Philip and Mary, and Q. Elizabeth ; also of the Earls of Huntingdon. Longmatc sc. p. 562. 516 LEICESTERSHIRE. Ixxvii. The Screen of St, Stephen's Chapel at Windsor, wherein William Lord Hastings was buried, 1483. Longmate del. & sc. 1793. p. 573. {From " Cough's SepJilchral Monuments.") Ixxviii. Paintings in Lord Hastings's Chapel at Windsor. Long- mate del. & sc. 1793. p. 574. [From the same work.) Ixxix. Portrait of Edward Hastings, Lord Loughborough. From Painted Glass at Stoke Pogeis. p.579- Ixxx. Whole length Portrait of Mr. Hastings of the Wood- lands. From the original Picture in the Collection of the Earl of Shaftes])ury, to whom this Plate is in- scribed by J, Bretherton, the Engraver, 3^'^ June, 1782. p. 592. Ixxxi. General Plan of Ashby Church, and the Castle, as it remains at present; drawn by Memory, 1800. — Ge- neral South-west View of Ashby de la Zouch Castle, taken 1782. — A View looking South-east, in the Kitchen, taken 1600. J. Basire sc. p.6lO. Ixxxii. S.W.View of Ashby de la Zouch Church. — Inside View of the Castle Chapel. — The Font.— English Coin, and the Token of John Allatt. Malcolm del. R.W. Basire sc. p. 618, misprinted p. 6 16. Ixxxiii. Monument of Francis Earl of Huntingdon, at AshKy, taken in 1800, and Portrait, p. 619- Ixxxiv. Portraits of Bishop Hall, Margery Wright, and Arthur Hijdersham. — Monument and Bird's-eye View of a Pilgrim at Ashby. Carter del. p. 623. kxxv. Fac-simile of the Hand-writing of Mary Queen of Scots. — S.W. View of Blacktordby. S. Shaw del. 1794. F. Cary sculp, p. 634. Ixxxvi. N.E.View of Belton Church. — Distant View of Belton. — Monumental Figure of a Lady (Roesia de Verdon) in a close Veil Head-dress, on the North side of the Altar, with the Ornaments around it. — Font, &e. and Nine Coats of Arms. Malcolm del. ^: sc. 1791-2. p. 647. Ixxxvii. A View of Gracedieu Priory, 1730. Buck del. Basire sc. — S.E.View of the same in 1794. Malcolm del. & sc. 1 794. — A Cistertian Nun. — Seals of the Abbey, and Five Coats of Arms. p. 65 1 . Ixxxvii.* Portraits of Francis Beaumont, the Poet. W. Bauer pinx^ — and of Francis Beaumont, the Dramatic Writer. Copied from Vertue. Basire sc. On the letter- press of p.*662 Erroneously numbered PI. LXXVH. LEICESTEKSIIIRE. 517 Ixxxviii. Portraits of Edward IV. and his Queen Elizabeth^ at Canterbiny. p. 6G2. Ixxxix. Portrait of Lady Jane Grey, aet. 16, with her Autograph. Copied from Vertue by J. Basire. — Ruins at Brad- gate. Throsby pinx*- Walker sc. p. 673. xc. N.E.View of Old Bradgate. Knyff del. Malcolm sc. 1794. — S.W.Viewof JBradgate Ruins, Sept. 9, 1795. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. George Harry Grey, Earl of Stamford and Warrington. J. Pridden del. F. Gary sc. p. 680. xci. S.W. and N.E. Views of Bradgate. — Monument of Henrv Lord Grev of Groby, and his Lady, in Brad- gate Chapel. — Seals and Autographs of the Family of Grey. Schnebbelie del. 1791- Prattent sc. p. 681. xcii. S.W.Viewof Bredon Church. — N.W. and S.W. Views of Staunton Harold and Worthington Churches, p. 688. xciii. Monuments of the Shirley Family in Bredon Church. — Twenty-eight Coats of Arms. — Fragments of antient Sculpture in various parts of the Church, &c. &c. Malcolm sc. 1795. p. 6&9. xciv. Seal of Robert de Ferrers. T. Donaldson sc. On the letter-press of p. 694. xciv.* Whole-length Portrait in Armour. On the letter-press of p. 697- xcv. Portrait of Sir Robert Shirley, Bart, who died Nov"" 6, 1656. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Robert Shirley, Earl Ferrers. Js. Basire sc. p. 715. xcvi. Fac-simile of a Letter writ from King Charles y^ 2. to the Lady Shirley, upon the Death of her Husband S"^ Robert Shirley, who died in the Tower after Seven Times being imprisoned there, and suspected to be poisoned by the Usurper Oliver Cromwell. — Seals and Monument, p. 715. xcvii. View of Staimton Harold, the Seat of the Rt. Hon. Robert Shirley, Earl Ferrers, Mscount Tamworth, to whom this Plate is inscribed, which is contributed by his Lordship. Malcolm del. &;sc. p. 7 17. xcviii. View of Staunton- Harold Park. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Robert Shirley, Earl Ferrers, who contributed this Plate. Malcolm del. & sc. p. 717. xcix. Seals of the Families of Staunton and Shirley. In- scribed to, and contributed by, the same. Longmate deL&sc. p. 720*. 518 LEICESTERSHIRE. c. Portrait of Sir Rob' Shirley, Bart, from the Collection at Petworth. Contributed by Mr. John Scott. W. Gardiner del. Birrell sc. p. 720. ci. S.E.View of Cole-Orton Church. Malcolm del. & sc. 1 792. — Tomb of Sir Henry Beaumont, Kn' and Lady Elizabeth hii^Wife. — Cole-Orton Hospital and School. — Eleven Coats of Arms, and Autograph. S. Shaw del. 1794. F. Cary sc. p. 740. cii. Portrait of William Lilly the Astrologer. — N.E.View of Diseworth Church. — Font, and Four Coats of Arms. Schnebbelie del. May 18, 1791- Basire sc. p. 753. ciii. S.W, and N.E.Views of Dishley Church, and Mr. Bake- well's Sheep. Longmate del. & sc. 1 796. Schneb- belie del. April, 1790. Liparoti sc. p. 763. civ. Two Views in Donington Park, and the Old Mansion House. Malcolm del. & sc. in 1792-4-5. p. 778. civ.* Two Views of Donington Park Hall, the Seat of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Moira. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 778. cv-cvi. Two Views of Donington Hall in its present State. Contributed by the Rt. Hon. Francis Rawdon Hast- ings, Earl of Moira, to whom this Plate is inscribed. Drawn by W.Wilkins jun. Jas. Basire sc. p. 778. cvii. Cavendish Bridge. — A Bridge of Thirteen Arches near Loughborough. — Zouch Bridge near Kegworth, built in 1793. Malcolm del. & sc. 1796. cviii. S.E.View of Castle Donington Church. Malcolm del. &sc. 1794. — N.E.View of the Remains of the Castle; and a N.E.View of Donington Hospital. J. Pridden del. July 5, 1792. F. Cary sc. p. 781. cix. Monuments, Brasses, Font, Arches, Piscina, &c. in Castle Donington Church ; also Sixteen Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. 1796. p. 782. ex. A Monument at Castle Donington. On the letter-press of p. 785. cxi. A Cistertian Monk of Garendon, with and without his Cowl. — Abbey Seal, &c. and the Autograph of Am- brose Phillipps, I6S9. Longmate sc. p. 766. cxii. Garendon Hall (the Garden View). Inscribed to Tho- mas March Phillipps, Esq. James Basire sc. p. 8D2. cxiii. The old Front of Garendon Hall. — Antient Seals and Hand-writing. Longmate del. &: sc. 1 795. p. 802. cxiv. Triumphal Archway in Garendon Park. p. S03. cxv. Teniple of Venus in Garendon Park. p. 804. LEICESTERSHIRE. 519 CXVl. cxvi. CXVll. CXVlll. CXIX. cxx. cxx. CXXl. CXXll cxxiii.* CXXl 11 S.E.View of Hatliern Church. — Font, Cross, and Brasses of Henry Hughley and Elizabeth his Wife. — Monu- ment and Autograph of Francis Beaumont, Esq. at the Charter House. — Monument of Wilham Lambe at Lambe's Chapel. — Figures of St. Matthew, St. James, St. Peter, and St. Matthias; also Five Coats of Arms. J. P. Malcolm del. & sc. 1792. p. 843. Portrait of Richard Pulteney, M.D. F.R.S. Born at Loughborough, 1730, died at Blandford, 1801. T. Beach del. 1788. Jas. Basire sc. p. 848. S.E.View of Kegworth Church. — Font, and Stone Seats. Malcolm del. & sc. — Figure of John Ireton, 1603. — N.E.Vievv of Isley Walton Church. — Font. — Seals, and Fourteen Coats of Arms. J. Schnebbelie del. 1790, and May 18, 1791. Cook sc. p. 855. A Benedictine Nun of Langley and Two Coats of Arms. — Langley Hall, the Seat of Richard Cheslyn, Esq. p. 860. Lockington Hall. — A distant View of Hemington. — Monument in Lockington Church, and Twelve Coats of Arms. (Malcolm del. & sc ) p. 87,'j. Another View of Lockington Hall. Inscribed to the Rev** Philip Story. J. Basire sc. p. 873. S.E. Views of Lockington and Hemington Churches. — Monument of Elizabeth Lady Ferrers of Chartley, and Thirteen Coats of Arms. J. Schnebbelie & Mal- colm del. & sc. 179O-2. p. 876. W. and N.W.Views of Loughborough Church and Rec- tory. — Arms and Ornaments within the Arch of the West Window of the Belfry. — Brassless Figures in the Church. — Six Tradesmen's Tokens and Thirty- three Armorial Bearings. Inscribed to the Rev"^ Francis Wilcox, B.D. Rector of Loughborough. Longmate del. & sc. 1794. p. 897. S.E.View of Loughborough Church and Font. J. Prid- den del. June 18, I7S9. J. Cook sc. — Also Four Brasses with Inscriptions. Schnebbelie del. 1 790. Basire sc. p. 90 1 . View of Loughborough. Throsby pinx*- Walker sc. — View of the old Mansion in Loughborough Park. Inscribed to Henry Whatton, Esq. B. Longmate del. & sc. 1795. p. 91 I. Portrait of John Cleiveland, Esq. Painted bv Fuller, en- graved by J. Basire. — Portrait of Joseph Webster, 520 LEICESTERSHIRE. CXXIV. cxxv. CXXVl. cxxvii. cxxviii. cxxix. cxxx. cxxxi. cxxxu. CXXXliJ. CXXXJll. Painter. — Arms, Ring, &c. On the letter-press of p. 918. S.E.View of Osgathorpe Church. — The Hospital. Mal- colm del. & sc. 1793. — Monuments at Rothle\v Seals, and Six Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 920. N.W. View of Packington Church. Schnebhehe del. 1 790. — N.View of Snibston Church. — Font, and Re- mains of an old Grave-stone in the Church-yard. Malcolm del. 1793. — S.E.View of the same Church, Six Coats of Arms, &;c. J. Pridden del. May 23, 1795. F. Carysc. p. 923. S.W.View of Ravenston Church. — The Hospital and Ground Plan. — Coins and Nineteen Coats of Arms. Malcolm del. & sc. 1793. p. 933. Figures of a Knight Templar and a Knight Hospitaller, and Seals, p. 943. Fac-simile of an Inscription over the little Door next the Cloister of the Temple Church, London, which was broken by the Workmen in 1695. Geo. Holmes del. On the letter-press of p. 944. S.E.View of Rothley Church. — Rothley Temple, Runic Cross, and Monumental Figure in the Church -yard. Pieces of Coat Armour, Sword, and Thirteen Shields of Arms. Schnebbelie del. 1 791 . F. Carysc. p. 938. Monuments, Font, and Arches in Rothley Church —Seals and Autograph (Svvaine sc. — Ruins of the Manor-house of Lubhesthorpe. Malcohu sc. — and Eighteen Seals and C'oats of Arms. Lon^uiate del. & sc. p. 29. xiii. Whole-length Figure of William Ileathcott, Rector of Aylcstuii, 1394. — J. Pridden del, June 22, 1791. Longmate sc. p. 30. xiv. S.E.View of Rittcswell Church. J. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. — Font, an Arch and Seal. J. S. del. — also Brasses of William and Mabill Townysynd, and Six Shields of Arms. p. 45. XT. S.E.View of HIahy, and N.E. View of Countess-thorpe Churches. — Twenty-four Shields of Arnis at Brough- ton Astley, and the Autograph of Zach. Duckett. J. Pridden del. June 22, 1 791 • F. Cary sc. p. 33. xvi. N.E.View of Broughton Astley Church. J. Pridden del. June 22, 1791. J. Swaiue sc. p. 61. xvii. S.E.View of Bruntingthorpe Church. — Two Views of the Rectory, and a Coat of Arms. Inscribed to the Memory of the Rev"^ Sanibrook Nicholas Russell, M.A. Rector, who died Nov. 29, 1795. Prattent & Longmate del. & sc. 1 792-3. p. 67. xviii. Antient Painting from the Abbey of St. Mary de Pratis. Portraits of King Henry VI 11. and Edward VI. p. 72. jcix. S.E.View of Cat-thorpe Church. — Font, Roman Coins, and Seven Coats of Arms. Prattent del. &; sc. 1 792. - — S.E.View of Lilbom Church. Longmate del. & sc. p. 70. XX. Tripontium, or DowI)ridge. B. Longmate del. & sc. 1796- On the letter-press of p. 81. xxi. S.E.Views of Claybrook and Wibtoft Churches. — Clav- brook Vicarage. — S. E. View of Little Wigston Church. — 'High Cross, 1805. — Fonts. — Roman Coins, Date on the Chancel Wall of Wibtoft Church, and Twenty- five Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Rev'' Aulay Mac- aulay, M.A.F.S.A. Longmate del. Sc sc. 1796. p. 107. xxii. View of Bennonis, Sept. 9, 1722. — Two Views of High Cross, and Coins found near it. Stukeley del. J. V*^* Gucht sc. p. 126. (FroTw " Stukeley' s Itinerary") 526 LEICESTERSHIRE. xxiil. S.E. Views of Cosby and Cottesbach Churches, and Thirteen Coats of Arms. J. Pridden del. June 1 791-3. Liparoti sc. p. J40. xxiv. N.E.View of Diuiton Basset. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. — Twenty-two Coats of Anns at Foston, &c. p. I 55. XXV. N.E.View of Whetstone Ciiurch. J Piidden del. hme 22, 1791. Easirc sc. p. 157.— N.E.View of En- derby Church. — Seals and Anns. J. P. Malcolm del. & sc. p. 137. xx\i. S.WAlew of Enderby Church. Grifr-th del. 1790. Li- paroti sc. — Enderby Kail, the Seat of C. Loraine Smith, Es(j. Tinosby pinx^- Walker sc. p. 138. xxvi.* Portrait of the Right Honourable John Smith, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland. Inscribed to William Collins, E&(j. of Greenwich in Kent. James Basire sc. p. 183. Church. — N.E.View of Froles- Hospital. — Altar Tombs, Font, Pridden, del. J 789-92. B. Long- xxvu. xxix. xxx. S.W View of Foston worth Church and Arms, and Seals. J. mate sc. p. 186. xxviii. S.View of Gilmorton Church, and N.E.View of Kim- cote Church. — Arms and Seal. Prattent del. & sc, 1792. p. 194. S.E.Viewof North Kilworth Church.— NW. and S.E. Views of Soutli Kilworth. Church. — View of the Two Kilworths. — Tomb. — Font of S. Kilworth^ and Six Coats of Arms. Prattent del. & sc. p. li)9. S.E. View of Kirncote Church. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. Printed on the same Sheet as Plate xxviii, and noticed at p. 21 1. xxxi, numbered xxx. Mr.Wells's and Mr. Arnald's Plans of Knap- toft Encampment and Tomb, with Six Coats of Arms. xxxii. N. and Vv'est Views of Knaptoft, and Three Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Rt. Rev"^ Richard Watson, D.D. Lord Bishop of Landafif, Rector of Knaptoft, &c. Schnebbelie del. Sept, 13, 1791,& J. Pridden del. July 2, 1792. F. Cavysc. p. 221. xxxiii. Aerial Bow seen near Mowsley, Sept. 14, 179'. Schneb- belie del. & sc. - S.W. View of Mowsley Church. — Plan and Font. — Seals and Arms. Swainesc. p. 229. xxxiv. S.E. View of Shearsby Church. Inscri'oed to the Bishop of Landaff. Prattent del. k sc. 1 792. — Font, Piscina, Stone Seats, and Eighteen Coats of Arms. Long- mate del. &; sc. p. 234. LElCESTEnsiIIRE. 5^1 xxxv-xxxvi. N.E.Vievv of Knighton Church. J. P. Malcolm del. & so, 1791. — Font, Piscina, Stoiie Seats. — Right Coats of Arms at Kinicote, &;c. — S.E. View of Leire Church, and Six Coats of Arms. Prattent del. & sc. 1792. p. 238. xxxvii. Portraits of K. Edward IV. and Mary Qncen of Fraiice, Dutchess of Suffolk, and Daughter of K. Henry VII. p. 231. xxxviii. S.E. View of Lutterworth Church. Prattent del. & sc. 179>?- — Fij.mres of John Feilding and .loanna his Wife, 1428 — Pulpit and Font. — Wickliffe's Chair. — Tradesmen's Tokens, and Tiiirty two Shields of Arms. Longmate sc. p. 263. xxxix. Monuments of the Feildings in Lutterworth Church. — The Meeting-house. — Autographs and Arms. Long- mate del. & sc. 179-3. p. 265. xl. Bras-ses in the Vestry at Lutterworth. Longmate sc. p. 265. xli. Figures and Arms of the Feildings at Newnham, Long- mate sc. p, 282. xlii. Portrait of John Wickliffe, Rector of Lutterworth. J. Basire sc. p. 29S. xliii. Misterton Hall, the Seat of Jacob Henry Franks, Esq. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 312. xliv. S.E. View of Misterton Chui-ch. — Font, Piscina, Stone Seats, Carvings, Tomb of Michael Pukeney, Esq. and Twenty-nine Shields of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 313. kIv. Monument of John de HardreshuU in the Church of Ashene or Aston, Northamptonshire, and Six of his Seals. F. Cary sc. p. 316. xlvi. N.View of Oadby Church, J. Pridden del. June 15, 1791- F. Cary sc. — Font, Piscinas, Stone Seats. — Two Pieces of antient Sculpture, and Six Coats of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 323. xlvii. S.E.View of the Church of Peatling Magna. — Font. — Monuments of the Family of Jervis, 1.^97 and 1614, and Six Shields of Ai'uis. Prattent del. & sc, 1792- p. 328. xlviii. S.E.View of the Church of Peatling Parva. — Monu- mental Figure of William Bradgate of Peatling, 1480. Prattent del. ^ sc, 179?- P- 333. xlix. S.E.View of Shawell Church. — Dow-Bridge. — S.W. and S. Views of Round Hill, and Twelve Armorial Bearings. Longmate del. (S: sc. 1795-6. p. 339- 528 LEICESTERSHIRE. 1. Stanford Hall, the Seat of the late Sir Thomas Cave, Bart. Throsby del. Walker so. p. 354. li. Three Views of Stanford Church, and a View of Stan- ford Hall. Inscribed to the ReV* Sir Charles Cave, Bart. C. Cave & Lonyniate del. & sc. p. 355. lii. Monuments (Brasses) of the Caves of Stanford. In- scribed to the Rev'' Sir Charles Cave, Bart. Long- mate del. & sc. p. 35fi. liii. Tombs and Monuments of the Cave Family. Inscribed to the Memory of Sir Thomas Cave, Bart, who died Aug' 7, 1 778. Longmate del. & sc. p. 357. liv. S.E.View of Swinford Church. — Font, Nine Coats of Arms, &:c. Prattent del. & sc. 179'2. p. 365. Iv. Sepulchral Remains found at Great Wigston. Long- mate del. & sc. p. 377 . Ivi. S.E.View of S' Wolstan's, and N.E.View of All Saints Churches, Wigston. Schnebl)elie del. April 1790. Liparoti sc. — S.W. View of Wigston Two Steeples. — Nineteen Coats of Arms. Prattent del. Cary sc. p. 378. Ivii. Portrait of the Rev'' Samuel Ayscough, F.A.S. — Rec- tory House of Houghton, in the County of Durham, built by George Davenport of Great Wigston. J. Ba- sire sc. p. 3S7. Iviii-lix. Natural History, from Great Wigston and other Parts of the County, p. 390. Ix. S.E. and N.EA'icws of Willoughby Waterless Church. — Font, Piscina, Stone Seats, Arms, &c. Longmate k Prattent del. & sc. 1792-95. p. 393. Ixi. Fac-simile of an original (irant to the Abbot and Con- vent of Gerendon. From the original Deed in the Possession of William Hamper, Escj. Longmate sc. p. 411. VOL. IV. PART II. Containing Sparkenhoe Hundred; with a Phoenix as a Vig- nette, dated 1811. Title-jjage as before. Dedication to the Right Honourable Henry Grey, Earl of Stam- ford and Warrington, and to the Rt. Hon'"' Thomas Noel, Viscount Wentworth, Baron Wentworth. Preface to Volume IV. Part II. dated Dec. 16, 1811, 2 pages. List of Subscribers, j)p. vii-viii. General Index to the Parishes and Hamlets, p.ix-xi. LEICKSTERSIIIHE. 529 General Index to the Pedigrees, pp. xii-xiv. Tlie History of the County continued, begiiniing with " Spar- kenhoe Hundred," [3q-12g2] pp. 425-1038. Additions and Corrections, [l2H-12i] pp. )039-1014. Additions and Corrections to Volumes II and III. and Additional Subscribers, [I2i2-12K 2] pp. 1045-1019. Pedigree of Shirley, of Preston, Sussex, p. 1050. Brief Index to Sparkenhoe Hundred, with Directions to the Binder, [I2l] pp. 1051-1053. List of Plates in this Volume, and for Volume I. Part II. p. 1054. N.B. The continuation of the Pedigree of Clarke Jervoise, a separate leaf, to face p. 602. Errors of paging: — p. 444 is numbered 144 ; — pp. 451-452 (5 Y 3, but misprinted 5 v 2) are repeated with asterisks ; — pp. 519-524 (6s-6s3) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 525- 526 (6s 4) have asterisks ; — pp. 53-1-5 are numbered 536-7 ; — pp. 629-630 (7 U 3) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 633-4 (7x3) are repeated with asterisks; — p. 725(8x3) being the Pedigree of Parr of Kendall, Co. Westmorland ; Greens Norton, Northamptonshire, &c. is repeated with an asterisk; — pp. 807-808 " (9T3, numbered 9x2) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 841- 844 (10D3-4) have asterisks ; —pp. 845-856 (I0n5-10E2) are repeated with asterisks; — pp. 853-4 (lOG 3) are likewise repeated with asterisks ;— pp. 867-868 are omitted, but are ac- counted for thus — 866-868; — pp. 889-892 (IOP3-4) are re- peated with asterisks; — pp. 9 15-9 16 (lOv 2) are also repeated with asterisks; — pp. 963.964 (llL3) are likewise repeated with asterisks; — pp. 979-984 (IIP 3-5) are repeated with as- terisksj and follow p. 978. PLATES IN VOL IV. PART II. Ixi. Portrait of George Harry, Earl of Stamford and War- rington, President of the Royal Humane Society, en- graved by James Basire. Frontispiece. Ixii. Map of Sparkenhoe Hundred. J. Carv sc. p. 425. Ixiii. S.W. and N.E. Views of Appleby Churcii. Glover & Schnebbelie del, 1790. — Old Moated House at Ap- pleby. Glover del. 1790. F. Cary sc. p. 431. Ixiv. Rude Sculpture and Inscription over a Mantle-piece of the Moated House at Applebv. Longmatesc. p. 431. Ixv. Arms and Monuments at Appleby, the Font and School. Ravenhill sc. p. 435. 3 Y 530 LEICESTEKSHIRE. Ixvi. Ixvii. View of the House of the Rev'^ John Moore at Ap- pleby, to whom this Plate is inscribed. James Ba- sire sc. p. 4 40. S.W.Vievv of Aston Flamvile Church. Prattent del. & sc. 1793. — Font. — Initials and Date, and Monu- ments. — S.E. View of Burhach Church. — Roman Coin, &:c. and Thirty-seven Coats of Arms. Schneb- belie del, 1790. p. 45-3. View of the House of David Wells, Esq. at Burbach ; engraved at his Expense, and to whom this Plate is inscribed, p. 4fil . Portrait of David Wells, Esq. F.S A. p. 4^1 . A Groupe of Figures in Alto-relievo : St. John the Bap- tist, &:c. From the Collection of the late David Weils, Esq. F.S. A. Schnebbelic del. 1789. p. 4t)l. Whole-length Figure of St. Peter, from a fine Frag- ment of painted Glass in the possession of J. Throsby. Schnebbelie del, & sc. p. 46i . St. Bartholomew, from painted Glass at Burbach, Lei- cestershire, p, 46 I . Natural History from Burbach and Hinckley, p. 462. Mural Monument in Memory of the Rt. Hon. Anthony Grey, Earl of Kent. — Tomb of Richard Wightman, and Font, in Burbach Chmch ; and Nineteen Coats of Arms. Lougmate del. & sc. p. 463. Leicester Grange, the Seat of John Foster, Esq. p. 4 70. S.E.Viev/ of Barwell Church. — Font. — Monuments. — Capt. Shenton's Tree, and Twenty Coats of Arms. S. Griffith del. J. Basire sc. p. 4 77- S.W. View of Stapleton Church. J. Robinson del. — N.E. View of Potters Marston Church and Potters Marston Hall — also Seven Seals, and Nine Shields of Arms. Longmate del. 8c sc. p. 485. S.E. View of Market Bosworth Church; the Font, Pis- cina, and Monument in Memory of the Rev'' John Dixie, A.M. J. Pridden del. July 6, 1792. F, Gary sc, — Bosworth Hall and Free School. — Seal of Sir Richard de Harcourt. — Token of Hugh Adcock, and Twenty-four Shields of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. 1794. p. 497. Ixxviii.* Portrait of Sir Wolstan Dixie, Lord Mayor, 1385. From the original Picture in Christ Church Hcspital. T. Trotter sc. p. 497. Ixviii. Ixix. Ixx. Ixxi. Ixxii. Ixxiii. Ixxiv. Ixxv. Ixxvi. Ixxvii. Ixxviii. LEICESTERSHIRE. 531 Ixxix. Bosworth Hall. Inscribed to Mrs. Pocliin, Daughter of Sir Wolstan Dixie, the 4"' Baronet, of" Bosworth Park, and Relict of George Pochiu, late of Bonn, in the County of Lincoln, Esq. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 500. Ixxx. Woodcroft House in Elton Parish, in Northamptonshire, where Dr. Michael Hudson v\as murthered, 6 June, 1648. — Modern View of Woodcroft House. R. Hen- son del. 181 1. p. 508. Ixxxi. Portrait of Anthony Blackwall, M.A. Master of Bos- worth School, p. 509. Ixxxii. S.W.Views of Barleston and Shcnton Churches. — N.W View of Carleton Church. — Font. — Mural Monu- ment, and Twenty Shields of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. 1795. — Shenton Hall. J. Pridden del. June 17, 17S9. A. Bannerman sc. p. 517. Ixxxiii. Two Views of Osbaston Hall, the Seat of Josias Cock- shutt Twisleton, Esq. Throsby & Prattent del. Wal- ker & Prattent sc. p. 524. Ixxxiv. Shenton Hall. Inscribed to Frederick William Wol- laston, Esq. J. Basire sc. p. 529. Ixxxv. Mezzotinto Portrait of Mr. (William) WoUaston. J. Fa- ber sc. p. 531 . Ixxxvi. Another Portrait of the same. Jas. Basire sc. p. 540. Ixxxvii. Dr. WoUaston's Monument at Clifton. — S.E.View of Sutton Cheynell Church. — The Font, Monuments, and Six Coats of Arms. — Viewof Sutton Hall. J. Prid- den del. 1789. Longmate sc. p. 544. Ixxxviii. Map of the Country Five Miles round Hinckley. J. Ro- binson del. 1785. p. 555. Ixxxix. Plan of the Battle of Bosworth, and of the Neighbour- hood, June 17, 1789. J. Pridden del. p. 556. xc. Richmond's Army advancing on the Eve of Battle to meet Richard's. Throsby pinx^ W. & J. Walker sc. p. 556. xci. Portraits of K. Richard III. and his Queen; — also a Crucifix, p. 557. (Copied from " Walpoles Historic Doiibls.") xcii. Curiosities found in Bosworth Field. Inscribed to the Memory of the brave Heroes who fell in Bosworth Field. Longmate sc. p. 557. xciii. Westcotes, the Scat of Walter Ruding, Esq. to whom this Plate is inscribed. J. Basire sc. p. 567. 53^ LEICESTERSHIRE. xciv. Westcotes, the Seat of Walter Ruding, Esq. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 367. xcv. Arms of the Family of Ruding. On the letter-press of p. 568. xcv.* Danet's Hall, the Seat of Edward Alexander, M.D. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 571. xcvi. S.View of Cadeby Church. — S.E.^'iew of Congeston Church. — Figures mider the North Window, and Twenty-four Coats of Arms. J. Pridden del. April 24, 1793. F. Gary sc. p. 574. xcvii. S.W.View of Croft Church. Griffith del. 1790. Lipa- roti sc. — S.E.View of Desford Church. — Font, Mu- ral Monument in Form of a Book, and Five Coats of Arms. p. 384. xcviii. S.E.View of Drayton Church. Schnebbelie del. April, 1790. Liparot: sc. — Monuments, &:c. and Twenty- eight Shields of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 592. xcix. S.W. and N.E.Views of Elmesthorpe Church. — Painted Glass of St. Cecilia. — Saxon Crucifix. — Elmesthorpe Provincial Token struck by Richard Fowke, and Eight Shields of Arms. Inscribed to the Rev*^ Tho- mas Leman, M.A. J. Pridden del. July 8, 1792. Longmate sc. p. 606. c. S.East View of Glenfield Church. Malcolm del, & sc. — Effigy of a Lady against the North Wall. — Seal of Roger de Quincv, Earl of Winton.— Fragment at Glenfield. — Mommient at Hether, and Fourteen Coats of Arms. p. 612. ci. Braunston Hall, Two Views, the Seat of Clement Win- stanley, Esq. Prattent & Walker del. & sc. 1792. p. 620. cii. N.E. and S.E. Views of Braunston Chapel. — Font. — Ancient Tomb with a Cross. — Gothic Arch, Auto- graphs of the Family of Hastings, and Eight Coats of Arms. J. Swaine sc. p. 621. ciii. N.E. View of the Chapel of Kirby Muxloe. — Distant View of, and Ruins of, the Old Castle at Kirby, Malcolm del. &: sc. 1796. p. 625. civ. S.E. and N.E.Views of Groby and Steward Hays. In- scribed to the Rt. Hon. George Harry Grey, Earl of Stamford and Warrington, Baron of Groby. Long- mate & Rev'' Rob' Throsby del. 1 796. Longmate & F. Carysc. 1796. p. 634. LEICESTERSLllRE. 633 cv. S.E.View of Hetlior Church. Malcohu del. 5; sc. 1 796. — Two \'ie\vs of Groby Pool. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 634. cvi. S.W.View of Higham Church. Rev'' J. Griffith del. 1790. J.Basiresc. — N.E. View of the same. J. Prid- deu del. July 4, 1 792. — Lindley, the Seat of W. Bur- tou. Author of the History of Leicestershire. — Lind- ley Chapel, 1 793. — Monuments, Coins, and Eighteen Coats of Arms. J. Pridden del. J.Swainesc. p. 641. evii. Two \'iews of Lindley Hall. Throsby & .] . Pridden del. 1791-3. Walker & F. Gary sc. p. 647. cvii.* Another View of Lindley Hall, taken in 1811. In- scril)ed to the ReV* Samuel Bracebridge Heming, M.A. Loui^mate sc. p. 647. cviii. Portrait of Wilham^ Burton. See Frontispiece to Vol. L Part I. but is here mentionedj agreeably to the printed • List of Plates. cix. Seals and Arms of the Burton Family, with Autographs of William Burton the Historian, &c. Longinate sc. p. 661. ex. Plan of the Town of Hinckley, taken in 17Si2. J. Ro- binson del. 1 782. p. 669.' cxi. View of Hinckley from the Entrance to the Coventry Road, taken in 1791. J. Walker del.&sc p. 67o'. cxii. The Hall House on the Site of Hinckley Priory, and a N.E View of Hinckley Church, p. 680. cxiii. Fig. 1, 2. Original Habit of a Hinckley Monk; also without his Cowl. — Fig. 3. Dress of a Hinckley ]\Ionk when removed to Montgrace. p. 680. cxiv. N.E.View of Hinckley Church, and Plan; aho Four Coats of Arms. Rev'' J. Pridden del. 1 7S9, & W. J. Watson del. 1781. p. 683. cxv. West Front of Hinckley Church. W. Bass del. p. 683. cxvi. S.E. View of Hinckley, and S. View of Dadlington Churches. J. Pridden del. 1788, & June 21, 1791. F. Gary sc. — Wykin Hall, and Sixteen 'Shields of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 684. cxvii. A Beam in Hinckley Church. — Monuments, Tokens, &c. W. Bass del. p. 689. cxviii. Portraits of the Rev'' John Cole Gallaway, M.A. Vicar of Hinckley; and of Mr. John Robinson of Hinck- ley, born March 6% 1723-4, died Nov. 10'^ 1792. p. 693. cxix. Portraits of John Onebye of Hinckley; John Onebye 534 LEICESTERSHIRE. of Barwell ; Emmet Oneby, married to Dr. Mason ; and Dorothy Mason, married to William Cradock. — Autographs and Seals, p. 698. cxx. S.E.View of the Dissenting Meetin.g-house at Hinck- lev. Longmate sc — S.E.View of Stoke Church. — Inscription against the Wall in the North Aile. — Seal of Amicia de Limescy, and Fourteen Shields of Arms. J. Griffith del. Cook sc. p. 718- cxxi. W.View and N.W.View of Ibstock and Hugglescote Churches. Malcolm del. & sc. — Medal and Auto- graphs of Archbishop Laud. — Seals, and Twenty Coats of Arms. Longmate sc. p. 752. cxxii. Old House at Dunnington on the Heath. — Key, Old Pestle and Mortar, and Six Coats of Arms. J. Prid- den del. May 23, 1795., F. Gary sc. p 756. cxxiii. View of Kirkby Malory Hall, the Seat of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Noel, Viscount Wentworth. Contributed by, and dedicated to, his Lordship, p. 77 i. <;xxiv. Two Views of the same. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 772. -cxxv. S.E.View of the Churcb of Kirkby Malory. — Font, Mo- numents, and Twenty-six Armorial Bearings. J. Grif- fith del. 1790. Cook sc. p. 772. cxxvi. S.View of the Church of Earl's Shilton, and Four Shields of Arms. Schnebbeliedel. 1 790. F.Carysc. p. 779. cx:ivii. S.E.View of Markfteld Church, and Six Coats of Arms. (Malcolm del. & sc.) p. 800. cxxviii. South View of Bardon Hill and Hall. Inscribed to the Memory of Mr. John Hood. Malcolm del. & sc. 17Q2. — Another View of the same. Inscribed to William Hood of Bardon Park. Throsby del. Wal- ker sc. p. 804. Arms of the Family of Hood. On the letter-press of p. 806. cxxix. S. W.View of Nailston Churcb. — Font, Arms, and Ef- figy of Thomas Corbet, ob. 1586, aet. 94. J. Prid- den del. July 6, 1 792. F. Carysc. — Baptist Meeting at Barton. — S.E.View of the Church of Normanton on the Heath. Malcolm del. & sc. 1792. p. 808. cxxx. S.E.View of Narborongh Church, and Eight Shields of Arms. J. Pridden del. June 22, 1791. F. Carysc. p. 816. cxxxi. Portrait of Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham. {Prom "Hutchinson's Hist, of Durham.") — View LEICESTERSHIRE. 535 of Steane, Northamptonshire. Longmate sc. — N.E. View of Newl)()!(l Verdon, and Seventeen Shields of Arms. Prattent del. & se. 1792. p. 824. cxxxii. S.E. View of the Chureh of Norton by Twyeross. J. Glover del. June 1791. Cook sc. — The Seal of the Monastery of Polesworth, from the original in the Augmentation Office, June 18'^, 1789. B. Pouncy del. F. Carvsc. — and Ten Coats of Arms. p. 851.* Portrait of the Rev'' William Whiston, born at Norton, 1067, died 1752. p. 854.* S.E.View of the Church of Orton on the Hill. — Two Views of Orton Hall. Inscribed to the Memory of Samuel Steele Perkins, Esq. J. Glover del. 1790.' F. Gary sc. p. 847. Monuments at Orton. J. Glover del, 1790. p. 850. Portrait of William Perkins, D.D. F. Eginton sc. Birmingham, p. 852. The Arms of the Family of Perkins, of Orton on the Hill. On the letter-press of ]). 854.* Elevation and Plan of the principal Floor of Gopsal. Inscribed to the Hon'"'" Penn Assheton Curzon, M.P. (misprinted cxxvii.) p. 857. Gopsal Hall, the Seat of the Rt. Hon'^''^ Sophia Char- lotte, Baroness Howe. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 857. Inside View of Gopsal Chapel. Longmate del. & sc. 1795. — Brass of William Foster and Modwene his Wife. — Ionic Temple and Cenotaph in Memory of Mr. Edward Holdsworth. — Antient Tomb for one of the early Vicars of Orton, in the South Aile of Or- ton Church. — Antient Spur. — S.W. View of Tv^y- cross Church. — Coins, &nd Seventeen Coats of Arms. Inscribed to the Rt. Hon. Lady Sophia Charlotte Curzon, eldest Daughter of Earl Howe. J. Pridden del. July 4, 1792. F. Gary sc. p. 858. cxl. S.E. View of Peckleton Church. J. Pridden del. July 3, 1792. F. Gary sc. — Font, Stone Seats, Pijcina, Monuments, and Thirty Shields of Arms. Longmate del. & sc. p. 872. cxli.* A Plan of Ratby Camp, 1758. — Coin of K. Charles I. found at Ratby. — The Wether Meadow at Ratb\ . p. 879. cxli. S.E. and N.W. Views of Ratby and Newton-Linford Churches. Malcolm del. & sc. — Monument in Me- cxxxm, exxxiv cxxxv. cxxxvi. cxxxvn. cxxxvni cxxxix 536 LEICESTERSHIRE. mory of Henry Sacheverell, Esq. in Ratby Church. — Font, ornamented Window, and Twenty-four Shields of Arms. Burton del. p. 883. cxlii. N.E. and S.E. Views of Sapcote Church. — Font, and Grave-stones. — Sapcote Bath, N.W. — House of In- dustry. — Coins, Great Seal of K. Richard the Se- cond, and Eighteen Coats of Arms. W. Spencer jun. del. 1810. Longmate sc. p. 900. cxliii. S.W.View of Shakerston Church, Stone Seats, Sixteen Shields of Arms, &c. J. Pridden del. April 24, 1793. F. Carysc. p. 909. cxliv. Sharnford Cimrch and Parsonage House. Earl pinx'- Malcolm sc. p. 919- cxlv. See Plate clvii. cxlvi. N.E. View of Shepey Church, and S.E.View of Rad- clive Chapel. — Font, Stone Seats, Brasses, and Thirty-nine Shields of Arms. J. Pridden del. F. Cary sc. p. 92s. cxlvii. S.W.View of Sibbesdon Church. — Stone Seats, Monu- ments, and Thirty Shields of Arms. J. Pridden del. April 24, 1793. F. Carysc. p. 954. cxlviii. S.E). View of Stoney Stanton Church, and the South Door. J. Pridden del. April 21, 1/88. A. Banner- man sc. p. 971- cxhx. S.E.View of Tiiornton Church, taken about half a Mile from Thornton. J. Gundy del. 181 1. Longmate sc. — S.W.View of the same. — Font, and Five Shields of Arms. Prattent del. &:sc. I792. — N.E. View of Bag- worth Church and Bardon Meeting-House. J. P. Malcolm del. & sc. p. 983. ci. S.View of Thurleston Church, before and since it was rebuilt. — Water Scene at Normanton Turvile, and N.E. View of Thurleston Church. J. Griffith del. 1790. Liparoti sc. p. 997- cli. Monuments, Piscina, Stone Seats, &c. in Thurleston Church, and Twenty-six Shields of Arms. Longrnate del. & sc. 1793. p. 999. clii. Two Views of Normanton Turvile Hall, the Seat of the late HoUcd Smith, Esq. — New Hall and Tooley Hall. Throsby & J. Pridden del. 1791. Walker sc. p. 1002. cliii. S. and West Views of Witherley Church, and Four Shields of Arms. SchncbbeUe del. Oct. 1791. Ba- sirc sc. p. 1009. LEICESTERSHIRE. 537 cliv. South West View of Ansley Hall, the Seat of John Newdigate Lndfoid, Esq, to whom this Plate is in- scribed. J. A. del. F. Carysc. p. 1017. civ. Ansley Church. — Arms from tlie same ; and Tomb of Alicia Ludford, in Witiierley Church. Boultbee del. Basire sc. p. 101 8. clvi. Map of the Arden. p. 102S. clvii. Plan of JMandnessedum Romanorum, Celts, &c. and a Fossil Tootli found at Shepey, (which forms Plate cxlv.) J. Glover del. 1791. Longmate sc. p. 1031. clviii. Map of the Parish of Manceter. p. 1033. clix. A South View of Manceter Church. — Arms from the same, Seals, &c. J. Boultbee del. F. Cary sc. p. 1034. clx. S. VV. View of Oldbury, and the Fort at Oldbury. p. 1035. clxi. A Cottage on Hartshill Green called the Chapel, and Seals. J. Atkins del. 1783. F. Cary sc. p. 1035. clxii. Churches and Buildings seen from Hart's Hill. In- scribed to, and engraved at the expense of, John Newdigate Ludford, Esq. Longmate sc. p. 1036. clxiii. N.E.View and Ground Plan of Hartshill Castle. — Saxon Door-way of Ansley Church. J. Atkins del. 1785. F. Cary sc. p. 1036. clxiv. The South Elevation of Atherston Chapel. — The Earl of Stafford's Arms at Maxtoke Castle, &c. J. Royce sc. p. 1037. clxv. N.E.View of Atherston Chapel. — Seals of Richard Ne- vil, Earl of Warwick, and Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Schnebbelie del. p. 1038. clxvi. Roman Coins. — Tradesmen's Tokens, and the Seal of the Free Grammar School in Atherston. p. 1038. clxvii. Portrait of the Right Honourable John Smith, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, and one of the Barons of the Exchequer in England, Founder of the Hospital at Frolesworth. Inscribed to William Collins, Esq, of Greenwich in Kent. James Basire sc. p. 1041. (The same plate as in Vol. IV. Part I. page 185,) N.B. There are Large P.\fer copies of this very laborious and valuable undertaking : but in consequence of the fatal Fire which destroyed the Printing Office of the Author in 1808, the whole impression of the work was consumed. With the excep- 3Z 53S LEICESTERSHIRE. tion of Two huiiflred of the Large and Small Paper copies ori- ginally subscribed for, a complete set is, therefore, rarely to be found. — 1815. IV. CoLLECTioxs towards the History and Antiqui- ties of the Tow:^ and County of Leicester. Pablibhed by John Nichols, F.S.A. Edinb. and Perth. London : Printed by and for the Editor, mdccxc. Quarto. See " Biiliotheca Tojjographica Br'ilrnuiica," Vol. vii. and viii. No. 1. and li. V. The ^Iemoirs of the Town and County of Lei- cester : Displayed under an Ejiitonie of the Reign of each Sovereign in the English Ili'^tory : containing the Antiquities of each, and the historical and bio- grapliical Relations at large. To which is added, a brief Supplementary Account of the present State of Leicestershire. By John Throsby. Li Six Vo- lumes. " Solicit not thy thoughts with matters hid, Heaven is tor tliee too hiuh To know what passes there; he lowly wise. ■ ask How first this world and face of thini^s beii;an, And what before thy memory was done." MiLTON. Leickster : Printed for the Author : and sold by S. Crowder, in London 5 and by J. Gregory, in Leicester. 1777« Duo- decimo. VOL. L Title-page as above. Dedication to the Subscribers to the Leicestershire Memoirs, p. i-iv. Epistle to the Reader, p. i-vi. Contents of the First Volume, p. vii-viii. The Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester, and Er- rata, [b-x 4] p. 9-176. LEICESTEKSIIIIJE. 529 PLATES. 1. A New Map of Leicestershire. Folded. J. Banister sc. p. 9- 2. Jewry Wall. Rass del. p. 34. 3. Stones of the Wall, mentioned by the Rev'' Mr. Cart. p. 46. 4. An Arch over the Entrance to the Garden near the Jewry Wall. p. 4 8. 5. Arms of the Mercian Kings, p. 83. VOL. IL Title-page as before. Contents of the Second Volnme, 2 pages. The Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester continued, [a-z2] p. 3-1 79- PLATES. 1. Arms of Leicester. p.G. •■2. A Remnant of Wicklilf 's Vestment and Sound-board, p. 1 1 5. 3. E. of Lancaster's Arms. p. 118. 4. The Thorn taken from the Crown of Jesus, p. 125. 5. The Magazine (at Leicester), p. 128. 6. The Old Hospital, No. L p. 140. VOL. in. Title-page as before. The Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester continued, and Errata, [a-n 7] p. 3-1 75. The Contents of the Third Volume, 2 pages. PLATES. 1 . Fitz-Parnel's Seal. p. 45. 2. Montfort's Seal. p. 30. 3. John of Gaunt's Seal. p. 51. 4. Kirby Ruins, p. 87- 5. A Black Canon, p. 152. 6. Ruins of Leicester Abbey, 1777- Folded. Throsby del. Banister sc. p. )68. VOL. IV. Title-page as before. Contents of the Fourth Volume, 2 pages. The Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester continued, and Errata, [a-x4] p. 3-1 66. PLATES. 1 . Portrait of Lady Jane Grey. Walker sc. p. 26. 540 LEICESTERSHIRE. 2. Portrait of Hugh Latimer, Bp. of Worcester. Walker sc. p. 43. VOL. V. Title-page as before. The Contents of the Fifth Volume, 2 pages. The Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester continued, and Errata, [a-m 3] 1 70 pages. PLATES. 1. A Piece of Antiquity discovered in 1675 oppo.^ite St. John's Hospital, Leicester, p. 29. 2. Tessellated Paven.ent, Coins, &c. p. 32. 3. Roman Milliary found near Leicester, and a Ring with Arabic Characters, as given in Burton's Leicestershire, p. 36. 4. Portrait of Will"' Beueridge, Bp. of St. Asaph. Walker sc p. 64. 5. Leicester Infirmary, p. 133. VOL. VL Title-page as before. Contents of the Sixth Volume, 2 pages. The Present State of Leicestershire, [b-s 3] p. 5-137. Index, List of Subscribers, and Directions to the Binder, 1 8 pages. PLATE. Fossil Fish, 8ic. found at Barrow, p. 60. VI. Select Views in Leicestershire, from original Drawings : containing Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, Town Views and Ruins, acconij)anied witli descriptive and historical Relations. By J. Throsby. In Two Voknnes. " Contemplate the lapse of aijes ; read of" the devastations of war, and wonder that there are inoiiuiuents of antiquity and grandeur still re- maining;." Published by ,L Throsby, Leicester, Sept. 4"^ 1789, and sold by W. and J. Walker, Rosoman's-street, London. Quarto. VOL. I. An engraved Title-page as above, with a View of Leicester as a Vignette. LEICESTERSHIRE. .541 Dedication to the Most Noble Henry Somerset, Duke of Beau- fort, dated Leicester, August 28, 1789. List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Introduction, 8 pages. Descriptive letter-press, [b-4 t] 331 pages. Index, Directions to the Binder, and Errata, 3 pages. PLATES, (Drawn by J. Throsby, and engraved by W. and .1. Walker.) 1. Portrait of the Author, aet. 50. J. Walker del. W. & J. Walker sc. To face the Title. 2. View of Ashby de la Zouch Castle. (PI. XIX.) p. 5. 3. Prince Rupert summoning the Garrison of Leicester to sur- render to the Army of Charles the First, May 30, 1645. (PI. XI.) p. 14. 4. Leicester Castle, from Braunston-gate-Bridge, (PI. XXVI I.) p. 91. 5. Two Views of Castle Hill, Mountsorrel ; and Two Views near Grooby Pool. (PI. XX.) p. 34. 6. View of Leicester and its Abbey. (PI. XXI.) p. 82. 7. Ulverscroft Priory. (PI. XVI.)' p. 89- 8. Belvoir Castle, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Rut- land. (PI. VIII.) p. 104. 9. Four Views : viz. 1 . Belvoir Castle, from Barston. — 2. N.W. View of Burrow Hill. — 3. Bradgate Ruins. — 4. Belvoir and Knipton. (PI. XXIV.) p. 117. 10. Ruins at Bradgate. (PI. IV.) p. 118. !1. Portraits of Bp. Latimer, Lady Jane Grey, and Bp. Beve- ridge. p. 124. 12. Staunton Harold, the Seat of the Right Hon. Earl Ferrers. (Pl.V.) p. 126. 13. Fac-siniile of a Letter of King Charles 2""^ to Lady Shirley. p 135. 14. Stapleford, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Harborough. (PI. XVII.) p. 147. 15. Kirkl)v Hall, the Seat of the Right Hon''''^ Viscount Went- worth. (PI. XXIX.) p. 15 7. 16. Donington Park Hall, the Seat of the Right Hon. Lord Rawdon, now Earl Moira. (PI. XXXVI.) p. 166. 17. Stanford Hall, the Seat of Sir Thomas Cave, B»- (PJ. xxxii.) p. 179. 18. Wistow Hall, the Seat of the late Sir Charles Halford, Bart^ (PI. XIII.) p. 187. 542 LEICESTErvSIIlllE. 19. Carlton Hall, the Seat of Sir John Palmer, B'- (PI. XVIII.) p. 102. 20. Bosworth Hull, the Seat of Sir Wolstan Dixie, B'- (PI. XLVI.) p. 197. <-2l. Four Views: — 1. The Hanging Stone. — 2. Swithland Hall, the Seat of Sir John D'Anvcis, B^ — 3. Button Wood View. — 4. Ship View. (PI. XXXIX.) p. 202. 22. Skeffington Mall, the Seat of Sir Vv'illiani Charles Farrell Sketfingtoii, Bar^- (PI. XIV.) p. 207. 23. Bardon Park Hall, the Seat of W'" Hood, Esq. (PI. XXXVIII.) p. 221. 24. Beaumanor Park Hall, the Scat of W'" Herrick, Esq. (PI. XXXVII.) p. 227. 25. Autographs taken from original Instruments at Beaumanor. (Plate 1.) p. 230. 26. Autographs taken from oiiginal Instruments at Beaumanor. (Plate 2.) p. 241. 27. Autogra|)hs taken from original Instruments at Beaumanor. (Plates.) J). 243. 28. Braunston Hall, the Scat of Clement Winstanley, Esq. (Pl.XLI.) p. 257. 29. Danet's Hall, the Seat of William Bentley, Esq. (PI. VI.) \i.<262. 30. Edmond-thorp Hall, the Seat of W'" Pochin, Esq. (PI. XXX.) p. 266. 31. Enderhy Hall, the Seat of Lorain Smith, Esq. (PI. XXIII.) p. 270. 32. Gerendon Ahbey, the Seat of Sir Will"" Gordon, Kn^' and Rothely Temple, the Seat of Thomas Babington, Esq. (Pl.XLIV.) p. 276. 33. GopshiiU Hall, the Seat of Penn Ashton Curzon, Esq. (PI. XXXV.) p. 280. 34. Guudey Hall, the Seat of Joseph Cradock, Esq. (PI. XII.) p. 286. 35. Guinlcv Groves, Three Views, and Claybrooke. (PI. XXXIV.) p. 287. 36. Four Views : viz. I. Laund Abbey, the Seat of Jn". Simp- son, Esq. — 2. Ulveston Priory. — 3. Beaumanor Old Hall. — 4. Grace Dicu Nunnery. J.Wigleysc. p. 289- 37. Lcestborp Hall, the Seat of John Suffield Brown, Esq. (PI. L.) J). 291. 38. Lindlcy Hall, the Seat of Rob^ Abuey, Esq. (PI. XLVII.) p. 292. LEICESTERSIIIIIE. .543 39. Loddiiigton Hall, the Seat of Charles Morris, Esq. (PI. XXXIII.) p. 294. 40. Misterton Hall, the Seat of Isaac (H.) Franks, Escj. (PI. XLVHI.) p. 29fi. 41. Normatiton Hall, the Seat of Holed Smith, Esq. (PI. XXVI.) p. 297. 42. Four Views; viz. 1. Swithland Slate Pit. — 2. N.E. View of Leicester, — 3. View near Norniauton Hall — 4. Piclgrave Mill. (PI. XXVllI.) p. 299. 43. Nouselv (Noselev) Hall, the Seat of Charles Hasehigg, Esq. (Pl.'XLIlI.)' p. 299. 44. Osbaston Hall, the Seat of Josias Cockshut, Esq. (PI. XLIX.) p. 30L 45. Prestwould Hall, the Seat of Charles James Packe, Esq. (PI. XXV) p. 305. 46. Quenbv Hall, the Seat of Shugburgh Ashbv, Esq. (PI. XXII.) p. 307. 47. Quorndon Hall, the Seat of Hugo Meynel, Esq, (PI. XLII.) p. 309. 48. Scraptoft Hall, the Seat of Hartop Wigley, Esq. (PI. XLV.) p, 312. 49. Stoughton Hall, the Seat of Peers Anthony James Keck, Esq. (PI. II.) p. 3 19. 50. Wanlip Hall, the Seat of Grave Hudson, Esq. (Sir Cha* Grave Hudson, P,ar*- (PI, XV.) p. 322. 51. Westcotes, the Seat of Walter Ruding, Esq. (PI X.) p. 324. 52. Nine Village Churches. (Plate I.) p. 327. 53. Nine Village Churches. (Plate II.) p,330. 54. Richmond's Army advancing on the Eve of Battle to meet Richard's, p. 333. 55. Nine Village Churches. (PI. Ill,) p. 334. 56. (K.) Richard the Third's House and Bedstead. (PI. XL.) p. 336. 57. Nine Village Churches, (PI. IV.) p. 338. 58. Nine Village Churches. (PI. V.) p. 342. 59. View of Hinckley. (PI. XXXI.) p. 344. 60. Nine Village Churches, termed Oddities, p. 346. 61. Trinity Hospital. (PI. VII.) p. 348. 62. View of Loughborough. (PI. III.) p. 349. 63. View of Melton Mowbray. (PI. IX.) p. 350. PLATES ON THE LETTER-PKESS. 1. Fitz-Parnel's Seal, &c. &;c. p. 22. 544 LEICESTERSHIRE. 2. Cross at Mountsonel ; ancient Spur, &c. p. 36. 3. Bow-Bridge, and a Copy of the old Oaths, p. 47. 4, Ancient Spur, and Seal of St. Leonard's Hospital, p. 56. 5, Nine Seals of Religious Houses. p.9S. N. B. The Pedigree of the Skeffington Family, on a separate Sheet, folded, faces p. 210. VOL. n. Title-page: " The SuprLEME?4TARY Volume to the Leices- TERSHiRE Views : containing a Series of Excursioms in the Year 1790, to the Villages and Places of Note in the County. By John Throsby. To which are added, in Notes, the most valuable Parts of Burton, Nichols, and other antecedent "Writers on Leicestershire. London : Printed for the Author, by .John Nichols ; and sold by G. G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater- noster Row, and by all the Booksellers and Printsellers in Town and Country, mdccxc." Dedication to the Most Noble John-Henry Manners, Duke of Rutland. Introduction, p. 5-10. The Excursions, [b2-xxx] heginning with p. 1 1-529. General Index to the Leicestershire Views and Excursions, p. 530-535. Directions for placing the Plates, and Errata, p. 536. PLATES. Map of Leicestershire. Folded. J. Cary sc. To face the Title. 1 . Detached Parts of K. Richard the Third's Bedstead, Ruins, &c. Sec. p. 14. 2. Fifty Coats of Arms. p. 25. 3. Coins, Fac-simile, Monument, &c. p. 48. 4-5. Various Fossils and Petrifactions found at Barrow, p. 115. 6. Forty-three Coats of Arms. p. 124. 7. Coin of K. Charles I. — Autographs, Kirkby Fossils, &c. p. 127. 8.. Harborough Chapel, and Bottesford Church, p. 154. [). Nine Buildings: viz. 1. Emmington Chapel. — 2. Lul)0- thorpe Ruin. — 3. Dotmington Castle. — 4. Knaptoft Ch. Ruin. — 5.Donington Chapel. — 6. Elmesthorpe Church. — 7. Marston Chapel. — 8. N.E. View of Ulvescroft Priory. — 9. Shcnton Church, p. 188. (Numbered Plate 8.) LEICESTERSHIRE. 545 10. Monumental Figure, from the Altar Tomb of Staunton in the Church of Castle Donnington, with a Remnant of Wickliff's Vestment and Sounding-board, &c. (Num- bered Pi. 9 and 10.) p. IQO. 11. Four Brass Figures in Loughborough Church. Schnebbelie del. Basire so. p. 273. 12. Monuments in Skeffington Church, with the Seal of K. Henry l^*^ affixed to a Deed in the Possession of Sir W"" Skeffington, Bart. J.Wigleysc. p. 328. 13. Natural History of Hinckley, p. 403. 14. Ashby de la Zouch Castle, p. 419. 15. Plate of Stars, p. 453. 16. The Foss Plan; or Roman Route from London to Lincoln. p. 513. N. B. There are copies of this work on Large Paper. VII. The History and Axtiquities of the ancient Town of Leicester: attempted by JohnTiirosby. " General knowledge is to be drawn from particularities." — Wartox. Leicester : Printed by J. Brown, for the Author, mdccxci. Ouarto. Title-page as above, with a Coat of Arms; viz. Gules, a Cinque- foile pierced, Ermine, as a Vignette. Dedication to the Right Honourable George Townshend, Earl of Leicester, 2 pages. Preface and Contents, 2 pages. The History and Antiquities of Leicester, and Errata, [b-4 f 3] 420 pages. Index, and Directions for placing the Plates, 4 pages. PLATES. 1. Portrait of the Author, the same as is prefixed to the Lei- cestershire Views. J. Walker del. W. & J. Walker sc. To front the Title. 2. Plan of Leicester, 1792. To face p. 1. 3. Jewry Wall, with the Arms of the Kings of Mercia, and Seals of Leicester, Ike. p. 3. 4. Ancient Inscription on a Stone in Leicester, 8cc. (Num- bered Plate 11.) p. 9. 4 a 546 LEICESTERSHIRE. ; 5. Jewry Wall, considered as the Janua of the old City; with an Eai.t View of the same, without the Hut. p. 1 7. C), 7. Roman Pavements, one called Diana and Actaeon. p. IQ. 8. Roman Coin'' found in Leicester, with a Fac-simile of Domesday Book. .1. Wigley so. p. 19- 9. A Mosaic Pavement, fron) the Cherry Orchard, Leicestfer, 1752. p. 20. 10. Plate of Roman Coins. J. Wii,dey sc. p. 21. 11. Plan of Leicester, taken about IfiOO. p. 22. 12. Fitz-Pfiiiicrs Seal, &c. p. 3?. 13. Richmond's yVrmv advancinc^ on the Eve of Battle to meet Richard's, finoshy pinx'- W. & J. Walker sc. p. 60. 14. Richard the Third's House and Bedstead. Throsby pinx. Walker sc. p. 61. 15. Leicester High Cross, &c. p. 62. 16. Fig. 1. Specimen of the Pannel of an old Door in K. Ri- chard's House. — Fig. 2. King Richard's Bridge, taken in 1791. — Fig. 3. Vermilion Painting — Fig. 4, Handle of a Cross Bow found in Bosworth Field. — Fig. 5. Frag- ment of K. Richard's Coffin. — Fig. 6. Cannon Balls, &c. found in Sutton Field. — Fig. 7. K. Richard's Signature, K. Henry's Monogram, and their Portraits p. 64. 17. Bow-Bridge, and a Copy of the old Oaths, p. 60. 18. Autographs of K. Charles 1^'' Prince Rupert, &c. p. 114. 19. Prince Rupert summoning the Garrison of Leicester to sur- render to the Army of Charles the First, May 30, 1645. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 120. 20. Plate of Tradesmen's Tokens, p. 124. 21. Twelve Portraits of Characters noticed in the History of Leicester, p. 1 75. 22. Two Portraits; " Companions in Simplicity, probably also in Chastity." J. Throsby del. & sc. p.' 205. 23. St. Mary's Church, Leicester; representing its Spire as it appeared after it was split by Lightning, July 10, 1783. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 222. 24. St. Nicholas and All Saints Churches. Cockshaw deL & sc. p. 232. 25. St. Martin's and St. Margaret's Churches. Cockshaw del. & sc. p. 240. 26. Curious Roof Supporters in St. Martin's Church, p. 241. 27. The Thorn taken I'rom the Crown of Jesus, and Fac-simile from the Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Martin's Pa- rish, p. 246. LEICKSTKHSlIIRFi. 547 28-31. Four Plates of painted Glass at Mr. Stephens's, Lei- cester. Throshy del. 1788. Royce so. p. 274. 32. All Saints Church Font. — St. Mary's Font.— Tomb in the Chapel of Trinity Hospital. — Bishop Penny's Tomb, &c. p. 275. 33. View of Leicester and its Al)hcy. p. 281 . 34. View of Leicester Abbey in 1775. p. 2S8. 35. Trinity Hospital (Pl.VIl.) Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 294. 36. Painted Glass in Wigstou's Hospital. — Brass Figure. — Arms over the Entrance into the Hospital, &:c. p. 310. 37. The North and South Front of Leicester Infirmary. — Tri- nity Hospital, rebuilt by His Majesty George HL and the County Gaol. J. Walker sc. p. 312. 38. Fig. 1. The Town Gaol in 1793. — Fig. 2, 3. Consanguini- tarium, and the Buildings. — Fig. 4. Wigston's Hospital, p. 315. 39. Leicester Castle, p. 349- 40. Leicester Castle, from Braunston-gate Bridge. Throsby del. Walker sc. p. 353. 4 1. Newark Gate, Two Views, p. 355. 42. Roman Route, from London to Lincoln, laid down by J. Throsby from Observations upon an Excursion over it in October 1791- p- 357. 43. Plan of an ancient Encampment near Ratby, and Survey of the Raw-dikes near Leicester, p. 363. 44. Extraordinary Horse Race in 1783. On the letter-press of p. 364. 45. St. Peter, from a fine Fragment of painted Glass in the possession of the Author. Schnebbelie del. & sc. p. 384. 46. Recent Discoveries, (Plate L) — Roman Brick, &c. p. 384. 47. St. John's Chapel, p. 386. 48. Saxon Arch, Cell, and ancient Column. — Seal of St. Leo- nard's Hospital, Ancient Spur, &;c. p. 387. 49. Recent Discoveries, (Plate 2.) — Roman Pitcher, &c. p. 388. 50. Recent Discoveries, (Plate 3.)— Roman Pottery. Folded.^ p. 389. 51. Roman Fragments, p. 397. N. B. There are copies of this work upon Large Paper. VIII. Letter to the Earl of Leicester on the recent Dis- covery of the Roman Cloaca, or Sewer, at Lei- 548 LEICESTERSHIRE. C ESTER ; with some Thoughts on Jewry IVall. (By John Throsby.) Leicester : Printed by John Ireland, mdccxciii. Octavo, 39 pages. IX. A Walk through Leicester ; being a Guide to Strangers, containing a Description of the Town and its Environs ; with Remarks upon its History and Antiquities. (By SusANNA Watts.) " Within this iiour it will be diiiiier-tiine: Till that I'll view the manners of the town, Peruse its tradci-s, i;fi2e upon its buildirii:s, And then return and sleep within mine inn." — SHAKESPEARE. Leicester : Printed by T. Combe ; and sold by T. Hurst, Pa- ternoster-row, London. 1S04. Duodecimo. Title-page as above. Address, ] page. The Walk through Leicester, [b-u2] 148 pages. With a Plan of the Town of Leicester, published by J. Combe, 1802, folded. X. The History of MARKET-HARBOROtrOH, in Leices- tershire, and its Vicinity. By W. Harrod, iVuthor of Stamford, IVlanstield, &c. " On vcnt'rcjiis win<; in qiiest of Fame I ^o, j\iKi leave the ^ajjini; multitude l)ek)w." Market-Harborough : Printed by and for the Author : sold in London by Messrs. Wilkie and Robinson, Paternoster-rowj and Mr. Burnham, Northampton. 1S08. Octavo. Title-page as above. Preface and Dedication, 1 page, hidex, 4 pages. The History of Harborough, its Vicinity, and Appendix^ [1-13-3] 102 pages. LEICESTERSHIRE. 549 PLATES, (From Nichols's History of Leicestershire, and Gentleman's Magazine.) 1. A Plan of the Town of Market Ilarhorough, taken A.D. 1776, by Samuel Turner, who having the same in a very iu)hnished state, the Deficiencies have been supplied bv Mr. Rowland Rouse ; with an Elevation of the West Front of the Free Grammar School, founded in 16 14 by Mr. Robert Smyth, Citizen of London. Folded. R. Rouse del. 1/69. (Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. iii. p. 1125.) p. 1. 2. Antient Encampment at Market Harborough; Arms, Trades- man's Token, and Four Sepulchral Urns and a Patera. Folded, p. 4. 3. S. and N.E. Views of Market-Harborough Church, Town Hall, and Bridge. — Tradesmen's Tokens. Folded. Prat- tent del. & sc. 1792. (Nichols, vol. ii. part ii. p^4y4.) p. 16. 4. S.W. (View of) St. Mary's (Church) in Arden.— Door-way of Old Church. — Figure in the Church-yard, and Arms. (Nichols, p. 478 ) p. 67. 5. S.E.View of Bowden St. Nicholas Church; with the Fonts of Bowden St. Nicholas and Bowden Magna. Longman del. & fee. 1795, p. 83. 6. S.W. View of Bowden Magna Church : hiscription, and Arms. Folded. J. Pridden del. .hme 15, 1791. F. Cary sc. (Nichols, vol. ii. part ii. p. 474.) p. 84. 7. Antient Camp at Lubenham. T. Reynolds del. p. S6. 8. N.W.View of Brampton Church. (From Gentleman's Ma- gazine, 1703.) Folded. J. P. Malcolm del. p. 96. With a folded List of the 72 ancient Cottages belonging to Har- borough. To face page 102. XL A Collection of the Charities and Donations given for any religious or other public Use to the Town of Market Harborough, in the County of Leicester. To which is added, the Decree issued out of the High Court of Chaacery, 1 3'^ of Charles I. confirming the Proprietors of certain ancient Cot- 5,50 LEICESTERSHIRE. tages in Harborough in the Ritrht of Commons, Acre- Ilades, Sec. in the Common Fields of Great-Bowden. The whole compiled from the I^arish Registers, De- crees, Wills, Old Feoffments, Terriers, Town Books, and other authentic Records ; and interspersed with some occasional and incidental Remarks. By Row- land Rouse. " Rememher the words of the Lord Jesus, ])r)w he- said, Distribute unto the poor (whom) ye have always with you, and thou siialt have tren- sure ill Htaven; (and) " It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts XX, v. 33. Luke xviii. v. 2'2. Matthew xxvi. v. 11. Market-Harborough : Printed by William Karrod. MDccLXvni. Octavo. Half Tide : " Harborough Charities and Donations." Title-page as above. The Request of certain Inhabitants to print the Collections, dated Nov. 23, 17G7, 1 page. Advertisement and Errata, 1 page. Dedication to the hihabitants of Market-Harborough, with a Note to be inserted at page 86f 2 pages. Preface, dated Harborough, Ascension Day, 1768, p.vii-xiv. The Collection of Charities and Donations, with Appendix, [b-s 5] 1 29 ^p ages. Index, 5 pages. XII. The History and Antiquities of Claybrook, in the County of Leicester : inchiding the Hamlets of BiTTESBY, Ullesthorpe, Wibtojt, and Little WiGSTON. By the Rev. A. Macauley, M.A. London : Printed for the Author, by J. Nichols : and sold by Charles Dilly, in the Poultry; .1. Gregory and Anne heland, Leicester ; W. Adams, Loughborough ; W. Ward, Hinckley ; and T. Dicey and Co. Northampton, mdccxci. Octavo. Title-page as above, with a Wood Cut as a Vignette. Letter addressed to Mr. Nichols, p. iii-viii. The Historical Part, [b-k 4] 13G pages. Additions, and List of Books sold by C. Dilly, 4 pages. LEICESTERSHIRE. ' 551 PLATE. S.W.View of Claybrook Church, Leicestershire. Drawn Auj2^. 178'2, by T. Parker, and etched Jan>' lyyi ; and an Engrav- ing on Wood, representing a Man at Plough with Oxen, as a Tail- piece to p. 136. XIII. The History and Antiquities of Hinckley, in the County of Leicester; inchiding tlie Hamlets of Stoke, Dadlington, Wykin, and the Hyde. With a large Appendix, containin^^ some Paiticulars of the ancient Abbey of Lira in isonnandy : Astro- nomical Remarks, adapted to the MeridiiMi of Hinck- ley; and Biographical Memoirs of several Persons of eminence. By John Nichols, F.S.A. Edinb. Cor- rcsp. and Printer to the Society of Antiquaries of London. London : Printed by and for J. Nichols, Printer to the Society of Anticjuaries ; and sold by all the Booksellers in Great Bri- tain and Ireland, mdcclxxxii. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to Mr. John Robinson, of Hinckley, dated Nov. I, 17&2; with References to the Plan of Hincl 18i7j p. i-viii. Contents, and List of Subscribers, p. ix-xii. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. James Bentham, [a-c 2] 20 pages. Half Title : ^' Addenda to the History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, from the Year 1771 to 1812." An Acknowledgement of Communications from the Bishop of Ely, &c., with Contents of the Addenda on the reverse, 2 pages. Addenda to the History of the Cathedral, [a-d 2] 28 pages. Supplement to the History of the Cathedral, [b-n 2] 92 pages. Notes, Biographical, Historical, Architectural, and Explana- tory, with additional Remarks by Wm. Gunn, preceded by an Half Title, [b-u] 134 pages. *** Signatures t and u of the Notes are repeated with asterisks. Appendix to the Supplement of Mr. Bentham's History and Antiquities of Ely, [u-Bb4] p.*l-*44. Half Title to the Indexes. index to the Chancellors, Vicars General, Officials Principal, &c. ; also to the Personages mentioned in Henry of Hunting- don's Letter, [cc] p. *47-*48. Index to the Supplement and to the Notes, [cc 2-Dd 2] p. *49- *54. Catalogue of the Plates, and Errata, 1 page. PLATES. 1. North East View of the Cathedral. Engraved at the ex- pe«se of Hudson Gurney, Esq. M.P. to whom this Plate is inscribed. John Buckler, F.S.A. del. B. Howlett so. To face the Title-page. 2. Portrait of James Bentham, M.A.F.A.S, Prebendary of Ely. T. Kerrich del. Facius's sc. p. 1 of the Memoirs. The Pedigree of the Bentham Family. Folded, p. sa of the Memoirs. SUPPLEMENT {Camhridgeshiri). *5y5 3. Outlines of the Figures of the Saxon Bishops, Henry VII. the Convent Seal, &c. presented by Hugh Rob' Evans, Esq. to whom this Plate is inscribed. Engraved by Ed- wards, p. 23 of the Addenda, (p. 69 of the Edition of 181-2.) Ovin's Cross. On the letter-press of p. 28 of the Addenda. 4. South East View of Ely Cathedral. Inscribed to Robert Sutton, Esq. by whom this Plate was presented to the Work. J. C. Buckler del. B. Howlett sc. p. l of the Supplement. 5. South View of Ely Cathedral, Prior Crowden's Chapel, &c. Inscribed to W"* Bentham, Esq. by whom this Plate was presented. J. C. Buckler del. B. Hewlett sc. p. 41. 6. South View of Prior Crowden's Chapel. Inscribed to the Rev. Geo. Leonard Jenyns, by whom this Plate is pre- sented. J. C. Buckler del. B. Howlett sc. p. 47. 7. -E/y Porta, or Gate of the Monastery. Inscribed to the Rev. John Dampier. J. C. Buckler del. B. Howlett sc. p. 50. 8. The West Prospect of Ely Cathedral (before the Altera- tions), the North side of which is ruined. J Harris del. & sc. p. 57. {From ^^ Willis's Survey 0/ //ic Cathe- drals:') 9. North West View of the Cathedral. Inscribed to the Rev. W™ Pearce. .1. C Buckler del. B. Howlett sc. p. 59. 10. Interior of the Galilee in Ely Cathedral, Inscribed to John Eardley Wilmot, Esq. by whom this Plate is pre- sented. J. C. Buckler del. B. Howlett sc. p. GO. 1 1 . The North East Prospect of the Cathedral, and Trinity Church, alias St. Mary's Chapel!, at Ely. J. Harris del. & sc. p. 6!. (p. 72 of the Edition of 1812.) {From " Willis's Survey of the Ca'chedralsJ") 12. Interior of the Lady Chapel at Ely. Inscribed to Elisha De Hague, Esq. by whom this Plate is presented. F. Mackenzie del. S. Rawle sc. p. 62. 13. The North Transept and Lady Chapel at Ely. Inscribed to the Rev. Sir Henry Bate Dudley, Bart. *^ J, C. Buck- ler del. G. HolHs sc. p. 71. 14. The Ichnography of the Cathedral Church of Ely. J.Har- ris del. & sc. p. 73. {From " Willis's Survey of the Cathedrals.") 1 .5. Plan and Elevation of the Choir, as designed by Mr. Essex. Inscribed to John Wilmot, Esq. Folded. J. Essex des*. k del, P. S, Lamborn sc. p. 74. 596* SUPPLEMENT {Cambridgeshire). 1 6. Wisbech Castle or Palace, from an old Painting in the Pa- lace at Ely. Inscribed to Jonathan Peckover, Esq. by whom this Plate is presented. G. Hollis sc. p, 77. 17. The Palace, Ely. Inscribed to Rob* Partridge, of Norwich, Esq. and to Hen. Burrell, Esq. J. C. Buckler del. G. Holhs sc. p. 82. 18. The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter (oliin St. Etheldreda) in Ely. J. Harris del. 8c sc. p. 92. {From " JVillis's Survey of the Cathedrals.") *^* Twenty -five copies only were printed on Elephant quarto paper, with proof impressions of the Plates on India paper, N. B. The variations in the Supplement to the Edition of 1812, from the preceding Article, are as under : An Alteration in the Title-page; viz. "A Supplement to the Second Edition of Mr. Bentham's History and Antiquities of the Cathedral and Conventual Church of Ely," &c. &c. By William Stevenson, F.S.A. Editor of the Second Edition of the above History of Ely Cathedral, published in 1812. *' Res ardua,vetustis novitutem dure, nvois auctoritutem, obsoletis nitoremy obscuris lucem, fastiditis grattam, dubiisfidem^ omnibus vero naturam, et Nature sua: o?«?i/a."— Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. 1. The Memoirs of Mr. Bentham and Addenda are omitted ; also Plates 2 and 13; in other respects the work is the same. %* Only eighty-four copies of this Supplementary Volume are printed. XV. A Short Account of the Parish of Waterbeach, in the Diocese of Ely. By a late Vicar, mdccxcv. Octavo, 56 pages. With a Frontispiece, shewing the Remains of Denny Abbey, mentioned at page 46. This Tract is among the scarcest on the subject of Topo- graphy. It was written by the Rev. Thomas Martin, and wa^ never published. He caused the impression to be destroyed, ex- cept five or six copies, which at his death were sold with his ef- fects in Bow Street, Covent Garden, SUPPLEMENT Cambridgeshire), 596** XVI. A History of the UNivEiisiTY of Cambridge, its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. In Two Vo- LUi\[ES. London : Printed for R. Ackermann, 101, Strand, by L. Harri- son and J. C. Leigh, 373, Strand. MDCCcxv. hnperial quarto, VOL. L Half Title, and Title-page as above. Dedication to His Royal Highness William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, Chancellor, by the Publisher. Introduction, Arrangement of Plates, with or without the Found- ers, and List of Subscribers, 8 pages. History of the University, [B-pp 4] 296 pages. • Index to the First Volume, [aq-Rr] 6 pages. COLOURED PLATES. 1 . View of Cambridge, from the Ely Road. W. Westall deU J. C. Stadler sc. 2. Whole-length Portrait of His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. Drawn by R. W. Satchwell from a Painting by J. Opie, R.A. Engraved by Henry Meyer. To face the Dedication. 3. Part of St. Peter's College, from the Private Garden. W. Westall del. .1. Stadler sc. p» 2. 4. Court of Peter-house. F. Mackenzie del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 9. 5. Chapel of St. Peter's College. A. Pugin del. D. Havell sc. p. iO. 6. P^xterior of St. Peter's College. A. Pugin del. J. C. Stad- ler sc. p. 12. 7. Clare Hall. A. Pugin del. J. Bluck sc. p. 34. 8. Clare Hall Chapel. F. Mackenzie del. J. Stadler sc. p. 35. Q. Entrance to the Avenue from Clare Hall Piece, with the New Buildings of King's. W. Westall del. J. Stadler sc. p. 36. 10. Pembroke Hall, &c. from a Window at Peterhouse. F. Mack- enzie del. .L Stadler sc. p. 52. 11. Pembroke College. A. Pugin del. J. Stadler sc. p. 56. 12. Caius College. A. Pugin del. D. Havell sc. p. 82. 13. Chapel of Caius College. F. Mackenzie del. J. Stadler sc. p. 92. 14. Front of Trinity Hall. A. Pugin del. J. Stadler sc. p. 131. 15. Chapel of Bene't College. W. Westall dell. D. Havell sc. p. 170. 597** SUPPLEMENT (CambrUIgesJwr). 16. Plan and Section of the Roof of King's College Chapet. F. Mackenzie del. J. Bluck sc. p. I96. 17. Chapel of King's College. A. Pugin del. J. C. Stadler sc« p. 197. 18. The Choir of King's College Chapel. F. Mackenzie del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. igS. ig. West Entrance to King's (College Chapel. Idem. p. igg'i 20. South Porch of King's College Chapel. A. Pugin del. J. Bluck sc. p. 200. 21. South side of King's College Chapel. F. Mackenzie del. D. Havell sc. p. 203. 22. West end of King's College Chapel. Idem. p. 204. 23. Court of King's College. Idem. p. 205. 24. Queen's College. W. Westall del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 244. 25. Queen's College, from the private Walk. W. Westall del. J. Bluck sc. p. 250. 26. Hall of Queen's College. A. Pugin del. J. Bluck sc. p. 252. 27. Chapel of Catharine Hall. F. Mackenzie del. J. Bluck sc^ p. 282. VOL. II. Half Title. Title-page as before. The History of the University continued, [c-Qq] 298 pages. Account of the Members of the UniversitVj with their respec- tive Costume, [aq 2-tt 2] p. 299-324. Index to the Second Volume, [uu] 8 pages. PLATES. 1. Colonnade under Trinity Library. W. Westall del. J. Stad- ler sc. Frontispiece. 2. Jesus College, from the Close. Idem. p. 10. 3. Ante Chapel of Jesus College. F. Mackenzie del. J. Bluck sc. p. 12. 4. Christ College, from the Street. W. Westall del. J. Bluck sc. p. 49. 5. Chapel of Christ College. A. Pugin del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 50. 6. Second Court of St. John's College. W. Westall del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 8). 7. St. John's College, from Fisher's Lane. Idem. p. 83. 8. Chapel of St. John's College. F. Mackenzie del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 91. 9. St. John's Library. W. Westall del. D. Havell sc. p. 9K 10. St. John's College, from the Gardens. V. Mackenzie del* R. Reeve sc. p. 92. SUPPLEMENT {Cambridgeshire). 598** il. Ciiapel of Magdalen College. F. Mackenzie del. J. Bluck sc. p. 151. 12. Magdalen College Library. W. Westall del. J. Stadler sc. p. 13 2. 13. Trinity Gate. W. Westall del. J. Stadler sc. p. 176. 14. Hall of Trinity College. A. Pngin del. .1. Bluck sc. p. ISO. 15. Quadrangle of Trinity College. W. Westall del. J. Bluck sc. p. 181. 16. Chapel of Trinity College. F. Mackenzie del. J. Bluck sc. p. 182. 17. Kitchen of Trinity College. W. H. Pyne del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 183. 18. Library of Trinity College. A. Pugin del. D. Havell sc. p. 184. 19. Trinity College Bridge. W. Westall del. J. Stadler sc. p. 185. 20. Trinity Library, from St. John's Gardens. Idem. p. 190. 21. Emanuel College. F. Mackenzie del, J. C. Stadler sc. p. 223. 22. Front of Emanuel College. A. Pugin del. J. Stadler sc. p. 232. 23. Chapel of Emanuel College. Idem. p. 233. 24. Hall of Emanuel College. A. Pugin del. J. Bluck sc. p. 23G. 25. Hall of Sidney College. A. Pugin del. D. Havell sc. p. 268. 26. Downing College. W. Westall del. D. Havell sc. p. 283. 27. Law School. F. Mackenzie del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 289. 28. Theatre of Anatomy. A. Pugin del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 290. 29. Public Library and Senate House. F. Mackenzie del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 291. 30. Public Library (Interior). F. Mackenzie del. D. Havell sc. p. 292. 31. Senate House (Interior). A. Pugin del. D. Havell sc. p. 293. 32. St. Mary's Church. A. Pugin del, D. Havell sc. p. 294. 33. Interior of St. Mary's Church. W. Westall del. J. Stadler sc. p. 296. 34. Botanic Garden. W. Westall del. J. Stadler sc. p. 297. DRESSES, Drawn by T. Uwins, and engraved by J. Agar. 35. Doctor iu Divinity in the Ermined Robe, or Cope. p. 312. 699*^' sut'PLEMENT (Cambridgeshire). S6. Doctor in Divinity in the Scarlet Gown. p. 312. 37. Doctor in Law or Physic, in Congrejijation Robes, p. 312, ^8. Doctor in Piiysic. p. 312. — SQ. Doctor in Mnsic. p. 313. — 40. Master of Arts of the Non Regent or Lower House, p. 3 13. — 41. Bachelor of Arts. p. 313. — 42. No- bleman, p. 313. — 43. Fellow Commoner, p. 313. — • — 44. Pensioner, p. 313. —45. Proctor, p. 313. 46. Pensioner of Trinity Hall. — Common Dress of the Doctor in Law and the Doctor in Physic, p. 314. 47. Fellow Commoner of Emanuel College. — Nobleman.— Fel- low Commoner of Trinity College. p.*314. 48. Pensioner of Trinity College. — Master of Arts, with the Hood squared. — Sizer. — Master of Arts of the Regent or Upper House, p. 314, 49. Doctor in Divinity in his ordinary Dressj and in the Surplice. — Esquire Beadle. — Yeoman Beadle, p. 314. 50. St. Sepulchre's. — The Round Church. A. Pugin. J. Hillsc. p. 316. 51. St. Sepulchre's (Interior). A. Pugin del. .1. Hill sc. p. 316. 52. Trinity Church. A. Pugin del. D. Havell sc. p. 317. d3. Prison and Castle, from the Huntingdon Road. W, West- all del. J. C. Stadler sc. p. 318. PORTRAITS OF THE FOUNDERS, Copied by Athew, and engraved by Robert Cooper and others* VOL. L — Hugh de Balsham — St. Peter's College, p. 1. Elizabeth de Clare — Clare Hall. p. 27. Countess of Pembroke — Pembroke Hall. p. 51.. Dkr. Caius — Gonville and Cains College, p. 81. William Bateman — Trinity Hall. p. 119. Henry Duke of Lancaster — Corpus Christi or Bene't College. p. 155. King Henry VL — King's College, p. 195. Margaret of Anjou — Queen's College, p. 243. Robert Woodlark — Catherine Hall. p. 277. VOL. n. — John Alcock — .Jesus College, p. 1. Margaret Countess of Richmond — Christ College, p. 45. Margaret Countess of Richmond — St. John's College, p. 79. Edward Stafford, D. of Buckingham — Magdalen College, p. 147. King Henry VHL — Trinity College, p. 169. Sir Walter Mildmay — Emanuel College, p. 227. Frances Sidney — Sidney College, p. 261. *^* A few copies were printed in folio, with the Plates co- loured} also oil Indian paper, proof impressions , not coloured. 597* CHESHIRE. A Sketch of the Materials for a New History of Cheshire ; with short Accounts of the Genius and Manners of its Inhabitants, and of some local Customs peculiar to that County Palatine ; in a Let- ter to Thomas Falconer, Esq. of the City of Chester. The Second Edition ; with an entire new Preface, an Account of further Materials for this History, and a Plate of Hugh Lupus's Sword of Dignity. Quarto. Title. — Preface to this Edition, p. iii-x. Advertisement and Preface, 2 pages. The Sketch, Postscript, and Miscellaneous Addenda, [b-Y 3] 94 pages. With a folded Plate of the Sword of Dignity of the Earldom of Chester, at p. 21. IL History of the City of Chester, from its Founda- tion to the present Time. Collected from public Records, private Manuscripts, and other authentic Sources ; with an Account of Parochial and other Charities, never before published, and a Chronolo- gical Register of important Events to the Year 1815. Illustrated with Five Etchings. By G. CuiTT. Chester : Printed for T. Poole : and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Rowj and Walker, Strand, London. 1815. Octavo. Title-page as above; with an Etching of Eastgate Row by G. Cuitt, as a Vignette. To the Reader, signed l. M. B. P. Nicholas Street, March 1816. Historical Part, Chronological Register and Index, [A-Pp4] 336 pages. etchings. 1. The Vignette in the Title-page. PART I. SUPP. 4 H* 598* SUPPLEMENT {Cheshire). 2. St. Michael's Church, and Bridge Street, Chester, p. "] i. 3. Chester Bridge, Castle, &c. p. 141. 4. The Grand Entrance to the Castle. T. Harrison, Archi- tect, p. 142, or as a Frontispiece. 5. Chester Castle, p. M/. III. The Charter of the City of Chester, granted by King Henry VI P^^' with a Contirmation thereof by Queen Elizabeth; now hrst published from a faithful Translation made before the Civil Wars. "Lex est Vinculum Civitatis, Fundament mn Libertutis, equilutis f'ons, 7nens, miimiis, consilium, sentcritio : el lit corpuru noslra sine mente, sic ClVirAI'IS SINE ESSE NON POTESl." Chester: Printed by J. Monk; and sold by J. Bulkeley, J. Poole, and J. Cowley, mdcclxxii. Quarto, 28 pages, in- cluding Title, and Dedication to the Citizens of Chester. IV. History of the Siege of Chester during the Civil Wars in the Time of King Charles I. " Concordid res parva cre^cunt — discoi'did rnuxinice diluluntnr." — S.ALT.UST. London : Printed for R. Faulder, New Bond Street, by Broster and Son, Chester. (1805.) Small octavo, 135 pages, which include the Title, References to the Plan of the Fortifications, and a List of Persons " att an Assemblie houlden in the Com- mon-hall of Please 3'^^ Feb. 1643." With a folded Plan of the Fortifications of the City of Chester, A.D. 1643, engraved by Murray and Stuart, and Five Wood- cuts on the Letter-press. V. An Illustration of the Architecture of the Ca- thedral Church of Chester. By Charles Wild. l©j[)en tfje :t^u^)^tance^ of tfte^e ^atricjf ^ftaH tiabc pai^^eti atMap, tfttir teene ^ftatJOVD^ win 6c acceptafctC to poptcntip.— Fuller's Church History. London : Printed by W. Buhner and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's ; and published by the Author, No. 1 2, Arabella Row, Pimlico ; Molteno, Pall Mall -, and Taylor, at the Architectu- ral Library, Holborn. 1813. Imperial quario. SUPPLEMENT {Comzvalt). 599 * Title-page as above. Dedication to the Rigiit Reverend George Henry (Law), Bishop of Chester, dated May 1, 1813. Succession of the Bishops of Chester, continued from Godwin, (History of) Chester Cathedral, p. 3-6* PLATES. 1 . Ground Plan of Chester Cathedral, and Shrine of St. Wer- burgh in its present state. — 2. South West View of Chester Cathedral.— 3. The Nave of Chester Cathedral.— 4. The Chapter-House.— 5. The Choir. — 6. The East end. *^* Some copies have an additional set of Etchings. VI. Etchings by George Cuitt, entitled " Etchings of Ancient Buildings in the City of Chester, Castles in North Wales, and other Miscellaneous Subjects. By Georoe Cuitt. Chester : Published and sold by the Author. 1816." Folio, viz. 1. Six Etchin^ijs of Select Parts of the Saxon and Gothic Build- ings now remaining in the City of Chester : 1 . West Entrance of Chester Cathedral. 1814. — 2. South Porch of Chester Ca- thedral. 1810.— 3. Saxon Arch, St. John's, City of Chester. 1810. — 4. Part of St. John's Church, City of Chester. 1811. —3. The Abbey Gate, City of Chester. 1810.— 6. Part of the Cloisters of Chester Cathedral. 1811. 2. Eight Etchings of Old Buildings in the City of Chester. 1809- 1814. 3. Twelve Etchings of Picturesque Cottages, Sheds, &c. in Cheshire. Folio. 1816. CORNWALL. A History of this County, compiled by Fortescue Hit- chins, Esq. and edited by Mr, Samuel Drew, is in course of printing at Helston by W. Penaluna, with Plates : to be completed in Ten Parts, (forming Two Volumes quarto,) six of which are already published (July 1817). Some copies are printed on Large Paper. 600* CUMBERLAND. I. Magna Britannia : being a concise Topographical Ac- count of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Rev. Daniel Lysons, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. and Samuel Lysons, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. Volume the Fourth, containing Cumber- land. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand. 1816. Quarto. Half Title, and Title-page as above. Contents, and List of Plates, 4 pages. General History of Cumberland, beginning with an Half Title, [a-dd] 210 pages. Parochial History, with Additions and Corrections, [b-ae] 177 pages. Index to Names and Titles, [Aa2-Bb2] p. 179-188. General Index, and Errata, [eb 3-cc3] p. 189-198. PLATES. 1. Map of Cumberland. Folded. Mutlow sc. p. i of the General History. 2. View of the Bowder Stone, and Borrowdale. Folded. Jos. Farington, R.A. del. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. civ. 3. View of the Roman Station at Moresby. Folded. S. Ly- sons del. p. cxliv. 4. Inscribed Stones discovered in Cumberland. S. Lysons del. & sc. p.clxiii. 5. Roman Altar found at Ellenborough. S. Lysons del. & sc. p. clxxii. 6. Roman Antiquities discovered in Cumberland. Rich. Smirke del. J. Lee sc. p. clxxxvii. 7. Roman Sculptures found at Plumpton-Wall. C. H. Sto- thard del. Moses sc. p. clxxxviii. S. Part of the Nave of Carlisle Cathedral. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc, p. clxxxix. SUPPLEMENT (Cumba'luml). 601* 9. Part of the Choir of Lanercost Priory Church. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. exc. IO4 Part of the Nave of Lanercost Priory Church. L. VuUiamy deh J. Lee sc. p. cxc. 11. Elevation of the West end of Lanercost Priory Church. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. cxc. 12. Elevation of the East end of the Choir of Carlisle Cathe- dral. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. cxc. 13. Part of the Choir of Carlisle Cathedral. Folded. F. Nash del. J. Lee sc. p. cxc. 14. Plans and Section of Newton -A rlosh Church. L. Vulliamy del. H. Weddell fee. p. cxci. 15. South West View of Newton-Arlosh Church, and Plans of the Tower of Burgh on the Sands Church, p. cxci. Painted Glass in the Chancel of Edenhall Church. On the letter-press of p. cxcii. 16-17. Four sides of Bridekirk Font. C. H. Stothard del. J. Lee fee. p. cxciii. 18. The Four sides of the Font in Dearham Church, p. cxciv. 19. Ancient Grave-stones in Aspatria and Irthing Church Yards, and in Dearham Church, p. cxciv. 20. Ancient Grave- stones in Dearham and Bassenthwaite Churches. S. Lysons del. & sc. p. cxcv. 21. Ancient Grave-stones in Great Salkeld, Ainstaple, and Mel- merby Churches. S. Lysons del. & sc. p. cxcv. Grave-stone of the Family of De Greystoke, in the Chancel of Greystoke Church. On the letter-press of p. cxcvi. 22. Grave-stone of William Stapleton, Esq. and Margaret his Wife, in Edenhall Church. S. Lysons del. J. Lee sc. p. cxcvii. 23. Ancient Obelisk in Bewcastle Church Yard. Folded. S. Ly- sons del. & fee. p. cxcix. 24. Cross in Irton Church Yard. C. H. Stothard del. & fee. p. cci. 25. Four sides of Gosforth Cross, Dearham Cross, RocklifFe Cross, and Cross in Muncaster Church Yard. Folded. S. Lysons del. & sc. p. cci. 26. Ancient inscribed Pillar in the Church Yard of Beckermet- St. Bridget's. — Sculptured Stone in Dearham Church. — Fragment of an ancient Stone Cross at Lanercost Priory. S. Lysons del. & sc. p. cci. 27. Plan of Carlisle Castle, from a Drawing in tlie British Mu- seum. — Plan of the Dungeons in Naworth Castle. Mutlow sc. p. cciii. if)<)2* SUPPLEMENT {Cumberland). 28. Plan of the principal Floor of Naworth Castle. F. JSJacti del. .1. Warner sc. p.cciv. 29. Plan and Sections of a vaulted Chamber attached to the Wall of Carlisle, and Figure of Saxon Ornament found at Kirk-Oswald. J. Lee sc. p. ccvii. 30. Ancient Glass Vessel called the Luck of Edenhall. Co- loured. S. Lysons del. & fee. p. ccix. 31. Plan of Whitehaven. Mutlowsc. p. 23 of the Parochial History. 32-33. North and South Views of Whitehaven. Folded. Jo- seph Farington, R.A. del. Etched by EHzabeth and Le- titia Byrne, p. 23, 24. 34. View of the Court of Naworth Castle, taken from the West- ern Angle. S. Lysons del. &; fee. p. 32. 35. Cockermouth Castle. Joseph Farington del. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 41. 3G. Plan of the City of Carlisle. Mutlowsc. p. 56. 37- North West View of Carlisle. Folded. Jos. Farington del. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 56. 38. Ancient Plan of the City of Carlisle, from a Drawing in the British Museum. Folded. J. Lee sc. p. 58. 39. Plan of Carlisle Cathedral. Folded. F. Nash del. J.Leesc. p. 71. 40. Plan of the Entrance to the City of Carlisle from the South, with the Courts of Justice. Folded. R. Smirke jun. R.A. del. H. Mutlow sc. p. 74. 41. Egrcmont Castle. Jos. Farington del. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 102. 42. View of Ravenglass and Black Comb Mountains. Joseph Farington del. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 141. 43. View of Workington. Joseph Farington del. Etched by Letitia Byrne, p. 172. Likewise One hundred and twenty-one Coats of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry on the letter-press. A few impressions have been taken off separately and coloured. N.B. There are Large Paper copies of this volume. II. BiifTANNlA Depicta ; Part V. containing Twenty- eight Views in Cumberland, eneraved from Draw- ings made by J. Farington, R.A. Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, Booksellers to the Royal Academy. I8I6. Oblong quarto. SL'PPLEMEXT (Cumberland). 603* List of Plates, and descriptive Letter-press. PLATES. Scene at Niinnerv. p. cii. Ulswater from Pooley Bridge, p. ciii. Ulswater and Lyulpli's Tower. John Pye sc. p. ciii. The Head of Ulswater, Patterdale, and the Mountain Helvellvn. p. ciii. Saddleback and the River Greta, p. ciii. Water Millock, and th.e lower end of Ulswater. p. ciii. The Grange, in Ror:owdale. p. ciii. Muncaster Castle and Eskdale. p. ciii. The Head of Ulswater, from Gobarrow Park. p. civ. Derwentwater from Brough Top. p. civ. View on the Road from Keswick to Borrowdale. p. civ. Honi^ter Crag. p. civ. Thirimere. p. civ. East side of Derwentwater, looking towards Lowdore Waterfall. p. civ. Skiddaw and Derwentwater, from Lowdore Waterfall, p. civ. Castle Crag and Bovvder Stone, p. civ. Buttermere and Crummoch Water, p. civ. Wastdide Village, p. civ. Bassenthwaite Lake, from the Hill above Armathwaite. p. civ. Lowdore Vvaterfall. J. Landseer, F.S.A. sc. p. civ. Naworth Castle. J. Landseer sc. p. 3. View of the Village of Lowswater. J. Scott sc. p. 26. Cockermouth. J. Landseer, F.S.A. sc. p. 40. View of Maryport. F. R. Hay sc. p. 54. North East View of Carlisle, p. 56. View of Carlisle from Stanwix. J. Landseer, A.R.A. sc. p. 56, View of Ke^uick and Skiddaw. p. 86. View at Gilsland Spa. S. Middiman sc. p. 133. *^* Twenty-five of these Engravings are impressions from the same Plates as noticed in the following article. There are also some sets struck off, proof impressions, to accompany the Large Paper copies of Lysons's ''Magna Britannia." IIL The Lakes of Laxcashire, Westmorlaxd, and Cumberland, delineated in Forty-three Engravings from Drawings by Joseph Farington, R.A. ; with Descriptions Historical, Topographical, and Pictu- 604* suprLR]\iENT {Cumhcrland). resque; the Result of a Tour made in the Summer of the Year 18 16. By Thomas Hartwell Horne. London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, by J. M'Creery, Black Hprse Court, Fleet Street. 1816. Im^ perial quarto. Title-page as above. Preface, Table of Contents, and Directions for placing the Ei^- gravings, p. iii-viii. Descriptive Letter-press, [b-n 4] 9G ptiges. PLATES. 1. Map of the Lakes in the Counties of Lancashire, West- morland, and Cumberland. Folded, and coloured. He- bert del. H. Mutlow sc. p. 1. 2. South View of Lancaster. W. Woolnoth sc. p. 2. 3. East View of Lancaster. S. Middiman sc. p. 3. 4. Bowness, and the Lake Windermere. J. Scott sc. p; 9. 5. Windermere from below Bowness, looking to the North. J. Scott sc. p. 10. 6. Windermere from Calgarth Park, looking to the South. F. R. Hay sc. p. 14. 7. Windermere from Low Wood. J. Byrne sc. p. 14. 8. Head of Windermere. J. Scott sc. p. 15. 9. Ambleside. J. Pye sc. p. 18. 10. Waterfall at Ambleside. S. Middiman sc. p. 19. 11. Cnlleth Force. S. Middiman sc. p. 21. 12. Coniston Lake. F. R. Hay sc. p. 22. 13. Hawkshead and Esthwaite Water. F. R. Hay sc. p. 23. 14. Waterfall at Rydal. S. Middiman sc. p. 27. 15. Rydal Mere. W. Woolnoth sc. p. 27. 16. Grassmere. J. Pye sc. p. 28. 17. Thirlmere. F. R. Hay sc. p. 32. 18. Derwentwater from Brough-top. F. R. Haysc. p. 34. 19. Keswick and Skiddaw. J. Byrne sc. p. 36. 20. View on the Road from Keswick to Borrowdale. F. R. Hay sc. p. 39. 2 1 . East side of Derwentwater, looking towards Lowdore Wa- terfall. F. R. Hay sc. p. 40. 22. Lowdore Waterfall. J. Landseer, F.S.A. sc. p. 41. 23. Skiddaw and Derwentwater, from Lowdore Waterfall. J. Scott sc. p. 42. 24. The Grange in Borrowdale. J. Scott sc. p. 43, 25. Castle Crag and Bovvder Stone. J. Byrne sc, p. 44. SUPPLEMENT {Cumherlaml). 605* 26* Wastdale Village. J. Landseer, F.S.A. sc. p. 50. 72. Muncaster Castle, and Eskdale. John Pye sc. p. 51. 28. Honister Crag. S. Middiman sc. p. 32. 29. Buttermeie and Cromoch Water. F. R. Hay sc. p. 53. 30. The Village of Loweswater. J. Scott sc. p. 55. 31. Cockermouth. J. Landseer, F.S.A. sc. p. bQ, 39. Maryport. F. R. Hay sc. p. 57. 33. Bassenthvvaite Lake, from the Hill above Armathwaite. F. R. Hay sc. p. 57. 34. Saddleback," and the River Rothay. W. Woolnoth sc. p. 61. 35. Scene at Nunnery. S. Middiman & John Pye sc. p. 68. 36. Ulsvvater from Pooley Bridge. S. Middiman sc. p. ^Q. 37. Water Millock, and the lower end of Ulswater. J. Scott sc, p. 70. 38. Ulsvvater and Liulph's Tower. John Pye sc. p. 71. 39. The Head of Ulswater from Gobarrow Park. F. R. Hay sc. p. 73. 40. The Head of Ulswater, Patterdale, and the Mountain Hel- vellyn. S. Middiman sc. p. 76. 41. North East View of Carlisle. W. W^oolnoth sc. p. 84. 42. View of Gilsland Spa. S. Middiman sc. p. 88. 43. Brougham Castle. S. Middiman sc. p. 94. 44. Hawswater. S. Middiman sc. p. 95. N. B. There are copies of this volume with proof impressions of the Plates, PARTl. SUPP. 41* 606* DERBYSHIRE. I. The River Dove; a Lyric Pastoral. By Samuel Bej^^tley. " Surgit, et atherii spectans oi-ientia soils Lumina, rite cuvis undam dejiumine palmis Sustulit, ac tales effiindit ad iethera voces. Qualis spelunca subito commota columba, Cui domus et dukes lutebroso in pumice nidi, Fei'tur in ai'va volans, pluusumque txterrita pennis Hat tectu ingentein : mox dere lapsa quieto, Radit iter liquidum, celeres neque connnovet alos." ViRGlL. London : Printed for the Author : and published by Elizabeth Stevens, at the Bible and Crown over against Stationers' - Hall, London, mdcclxvui. QtiarlOf 14 pages. II. General View of the Agriculture of Derbyshire. By John Farey, sen. Mineral Surveyor. Vol. III. Containing a full Account of the various Breeds of Live Stock, their Food, Management, Uses, and comparative Advantages ; their Houses, Stalls, &;c., with Accounts of the Preparation of Cheese, Butter, Bacon, &;c. — Rural Details regarding Modes and Prices of Labour, Cottages, Prices of Provisions, Fuel, &;c. — Politico-Economical Details regarding Game, Roads, Railways, Canals, Fairs, Markets, Weights and Measures, various Manufactures, Commerce ; Parish Maintenance of the Poor, and their own Benefit Societies, Sec. ; and regarding the Increase of the Population, their Healthiness, Modes of Living, &,c. — The Obstacles to Improvements, and Facilities for their Adoption ; with a concluding brief Recapitulation of the various Hints and Suggestions, of Measures cal- culated for Improvement, scattered through these Vo- lumes. Illustrated by a Map of Roads, Canals, &c. and Two Plates, SUPPLEMENT (Devomhirc). 607* London : Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row. 181 7. Octavo, J 52 pages. With Plates of a Lambing Fold, p. 128 ; — Sheep Wash, p. 144; •^Map of Derbyshire, and parts of the seven adjacent Coun- ties, folded, p. 1 93, engraved by Neele ; and two folded Tables of Poor Rates and Population Returns. DEVONSHIRE. Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire. Part II. The Environs of Exeter; and Cornwall. — Dawlish, Luscombe, and Teignmouth ; with Five Engravings. By T. H. Williams. " How cold the heart that owns not Nature's pow'r. For whom the tow'ring oak, or gay-ey'd flow'r. For whom the morning's blush, or ev'ning'sglow, Unfelt, unraark'd, their splendid tints besto'v!" — BiDLAKE. London : Printed for T. Macdonald, Poets' Gallery, Fleet Street, by P. Hedgeland, No. 53, High Street, Exeter. Royal oc- tavo. See Page 153. Title-page as above. Descriptive letter-press, [e-l] 50 pages, not numbered. PLATES. 1. South Front of Luscombe, the Seat of Ch. Hoare, Esq. W. Deeble sc. Frontispiece. 2. View of Dawlish. T. Ranson sc. 3. Part of Dawlish Church. W. Deeble sc. 4. View of Luscombe. J. Smith sc. 3. View of Teignmouth. J. C. Varrall sc. 608 » DORSETSHIRE. I. A History of the Forest or Chace known by the Name of Ckanborn Chace ; collected from au- thentic early Records, and continued to a late Pe- riod : with a brief Description of its present State. By William West. GiLLiNGHAM : Printed by E. Neave : and sold by J. Hatchard, Piccadilly, and J. Asperne, Cornhill, London : also by Brodi? and Doweling, Salisbury ; J. Shipp, Blandford ; and T. Adams. 1816. Octavo. Title-page as above. Introduction, p. iii-viii. The History of the Chace, [c-t 2] 132 pages. Errata, 1 page. II. Rules for the Government of the Gaol and House of Correction at Dorchester, 1810. Sherborne : Printed by James Cruttwell, Octavo, 82 pages. 6oy' D U R H A M. The History and Antiquities of the County Pala- tine of Durham ; compiled from original llecords preserved in public Repositories and private Collec- tions ; and illustrated by Engravings of Architectural and Monumental Antiquities, Portraits of eminent Persons, 8cc. &c. By Robert Surtees, of Mains- forth, Esq. F.S.A. London : Printed by and for Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street; and G. Andrews, Durham. 18lC. Folio. VOL. I. Title-page as above. Introduction, p. 5-11. The General History and Appendix, Vol. L Part L beginning with an Half Title, [a-tt] p. i-clxv. Half Title to the Topographical History, Vol. L Part II. Introduction to Part II. and Contents, p. iii-iv. Topographical History, beginning with " Easington JVard" [b-4a2] 276 pages. Appendix, [4b-4 i 2] p. 277-308. Indexes to Parts I and II. and Errata, [4k-4m] p. 309-318. List of Plates, 1 page. *^* Pages cxl-cxlii of the Appendix are omitted, but a,re thus accounted for: " cxxxix-cxliii ;" — pages QQ and 67 of the Topographical Hist, for 70 and 71, PLATES TO PART I. 1 . Episcopal Seals, from Bishop William to Nicholas Farnham, E. Blore del. H. Le Keux sc. p. xv. 2. Portrait of Dr. John Cosin, Bp. of Durham. I660. Edw. Scriven sc. p. cvi. 3. Portrait of Dr. Joseph Butler, Bp. of Durham. 1750. Rob' Cooper sc. p. cxxi. 4. Portrait of the Hon. Dr. Shute Barrington, Bp. of Durham. I8I7. A. Robertson del. Caroline Watson sc. p. cxxiv. PLATES TO PART II. }, Female Effigy in the South Wall of Easington Church. — 610* SUPPLEMENT {Durham). Front and side View of the Tomb of Bowes, in the Chancel of Dalden Church. Edw. Blore del. George Cooke so. p. 1.^. Kelloe Church, a Wood-cut by Green. On the letter-press of p. 67. 2. Houghton Hall. — Monumental Effigy of Le Spring, and Tomb of Bernard Gilpin, in Houghton Church, with his Autograph. E. Blore del. Geo. Cooke sc. p. 248. 3. Saxon Architecture in the Church at Pittington, and West end of the Church at Houghton-le- Spring. E. Blore del. & sc. p. 116 or 132. 4. S.E. Views of the Churches of Easington and Houghton- le-Spring. E. Blore del. & sc. p. 13 or 132. 5. Miscellaneous Plate: 1. Dalden Church. — 2. Effigy of a cross-legged Knight in Pitting Church Yard. — 3-4. Castle Eden Vase. — 5. Horden Hall. — 6. Ornamented Niche in the Ruins of Dalden Hall. — 7. North Door of Dalton-le-Dale Church. E. Blore del. & sc. p. 24. 6. Portrait of the Rev. Sir George Wheler, Knt. of Charing, Kent. William Bromley sc. p. 1 71. 7. Iron Bridge at Sunderland. Edw. Blore del. Geo. Cooke sc. p. 226. 8. Monument of the Ettrick Family at High Barnes. Edw. Blore del. Geo. Cooke sc. p. 239. PLATES Belonging to subsequent Portions of the Work. 1. Interior of the Choir of Durham Cathedral. Edw. Blore del. H. Le Keux sc. 2. Entrance from the Cloisters, Durham Cathedral. E. Blore del. J. Byrne sc. 3. S.W. View of Hartlepool Church. Edw. Blore del. John Le Keux sc. 4. Lambton Hall, the Seat of John George Lambton, Esq. M.P. J. Glover del. Etched by S. Middiman, and en^ graved by John Pye. 5. Seals of Knights— Bruce, Baliol, &c. (Plate 7-) E. Blore del. G. HoUis sc, 6. Seals of Nevill, Percy, Douglas, &:c. (Plate 8.) E. Blore del. H. Le Keux sc. 7. Seals of private Gentry, (Plate 9.) E, Blore del. R, Sands 8C. SUPPLEMENT {Durham). 6\ 1 # 8. Seals of private Gentry continued. (Plate 10.) Drawn and engraved bv Edw. Blore. Likewise Three Coats of Arms on the letter-press. *^;* To be completed in Three Volumes, including the History and Antiquities of North Durham ; by the Rev. James Raine. N. B. There are copies on Large Paper, with proof impres- sions of the Plates. II. Symeonis MoNAcni Dunhelmensis Libellus De Exordio atque Procursu DuNiiELMENSis Ecclesia?, cui prteniittitur Reuerendi Viri Thomas Rudd erudita Disquisitio, in qua probatur non Turgotum, sed Sy- meonem fuisse verum hujus Libelli Auctorein. E Co- dice IMS. perantiquo in Bibliotlieca publica Episco- porum Dunhelmeiisium descripsit ediditque Thojmas Bedford. Accedunt, prater alia, ex eodem Codice Historian Dunhelmeiisium Episcoporum Continuatio : et Libellus, De injusta Ve.vatioue Willelmi I. Epi- scopi, nunc primum editus. LoNDiNi : Typis Jacobi Bettenham. mdccxxxit. Octavo. Title-page as above. Ediloris Prcefalio, p. iii-xvi. De vero jluclore hujus Historice, [a-c 2] p. i-xxxv. List of Subscribers, 13 pages. Testimonia qucedam de Symeoney not paged, [*a] 6 pages, Prcefalio Symeonis, [*b] 8 pages. Incipit Apologia Symeonis Monachi, p. 9-14. His tori a Ecclesice Dimhelmensis, [b 8-u 3] p. 15-294. Editoris Nolce el variantes Lectiones, [u 4-z 3] p. 295-342. Appendix, [z4-cc] p. 343-386. Index, and Errata, not paged, [cc2-Dd] 1 6 pages. N.B. There are copies of this work on Large Paper, III. C!;e Eegentl of §)t Cut!)bert, with the Antiquities of the Church of Durham ; revised and corrected, with explanatory Notes and Illustrations. To Mhich is prefixed a concise Account of Robert Hegge, the Au- thor. By John Brough Taylor, F.S.A. Sunderland : Printed by George Garbutt : and sold by Ni- 612* SUPPLEMENT {Durham). chols, Son, and Bentley; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London. 1816. Small quarto. An ornamented Title-page, printed in red Ink, copied from the Original printed in 1625, entitled " St. Cuthbert : or the His- tories of his Churches at Lindisfarne, Cuncacestre, and Dun- holme." The second Title-page as before. Memoir of Robert Hegge, p. v-xv. The Legend of St. Cuthbert, beginning with an Half Title, which is succeeded by an Address from the Author to the Reader, dated 1st July 1626, 72 pages. IV. Additional Tracts relating to Durham, privately printed by George Allan, of Darlington, Esq. See p. 213—219. 1. A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Right Ho- nourable and Reverend Richard Trkvor, Lord Bishop of Durham ; with a particular Account of his last Illness. " Qiiis desiderio sit pudor, aut modus Turn cari ctipitis '( Quutido uUuvi invenient parem ? Multis tile bonis Jlebilis occidit.'" DARLrNGTON : Printed by Messrs. Darnton and Smith. MDCCLXXvi. Quarlo, 16 pages, including the Title, Address to the Reader, and Errata. With his Episcopal Seal at the Head of p. 1. 2. Statuta et Ordinationes Ecclesiae Cathedralis Christ! et BeataeMariae Virginis Dunelmensis, SOMartii 1353. Quarto, 4 pages. V. A History of Hartlepool. By Sir Cuthbert SiiAiiP, Knight, F.S.A. Durham: Printed by Francis Humble and Co.: Published by George Andrews, Durham ; Nichols, Son, and Bentley; and Baldwin, Cradock, and Jov, London ; Edward Humble, New- castle ; Robert Rcnney, Bishopwearmouth ; Christopher and .Icnnett, and T. and H. Eeles, Stockton, lb 16. Octavo, Engraved Title-page. SUPPLEMENT (Durham). *6 1 3 Printed Title-page as before. Dedication to George Allan, Esq. M.P. Advertisement, Contents, and Notice respecting the Plates, 3 leaves. History of Hartlepool, [d-cc2] 180 pages. Appendix, [a-c 4] p. iii-xxvi. Errata, and List of Plates, 2 leaves. PLATES. 1 . Engraved Title-page, with a Vignette View of Hartlepool from the S. West. 1 *. Seals of Margaret de Ros and of Robert de Brus, a Wood- cut, p. 14. 2. Obverse of the Great Seal of Robert de Brus, King of Scot- land, p. 27. A Penny of Robert de Brus, King of Scotland, engraved by the Author. On the letter-press of p. 27. 3. Tovvn Seals. The Plate presented by John Cooke, Escj» of Broom. Sir C. Sharp del. T. L. Busby sc. p. 93. 4. South Entrance to the Church of Hartlepool. The Plate presented by the Earl of Darlington. T. L. Busby del. & sc. p. 100. 5. View of Hartlepool Church. The Plate presented by the Rev. W. Wilson, Curate. T. L. Busby del. & sc. p. 102. 6. Figure, kneeling, of Matilda de Clifford, in the South Win- dow of the Choir of St. Mary's Church, Warwick, Co- loured. J. Nicholson sc. p. 104. 7. Whole-length Monumental Figure of Jane Bell, *^ the Wyfe to Parsavel Bell nowe Maire of Hartinpdoell, 1593," in the Chancel of Hartlepool Church. Sir C. S. del. R. Stamper sc. p. 106. 8. The Friary. C. I. p. 1 15. 9. Views of the antient Walls at Hartlepool. Folded, p. 121, 10. Remains of a Tower at the Entrance of the Inner Harbour, The Plate presented by George Pocock, Esq. M.P. F. Grose del. 1778. T. L. Busby sc. p. 128. 1 1 . Part of the Old Walls. The Plate presented by Robert Wdson, Esq. of Woodhouse, East Ham, Essex, F. GrQ?© del. T. L. Busby sc. p. 131. 12. Plan of Hartlepool. Folded. Presented by William Vol- lum, Esq. Measured and drawn by Sir C. Sharp. En* graved by R. E. Bewick, p. 145. 13. N.West View of Hartlepool. Presented by George AHaJi^ Esq. M.P. p. 146. t'AET I, SUrVa 4. K* 614* SUPPLEMENT {Durham). 14. Part of South-gate Street. Sir C. S. fecit, p. 147. 15. A Fisherman— Hartlepool Costume. Coloured. Drawn by T. L. Busby. Etched by Sir C. S. p. 150. 16. A Fisherman's Wife — Hartlepool Costume. Coloured. Drawn bv T. L. Busby. Etched by Sir C. S. p. 15 1 . 17. A Coble (Fishing Boat). Coloured. Drawn by T. L. Busby. Etched by Sir C. S. p. 154. 18. Monumental Figure, kneeling, of Mr. Henry Smith, in the Chancel of Wandsworth Church, Surrey. S. Humble sc. p. l65. 19. Font in Hart Church. A. I. p. 179. With the Pedigrees of the Families of Brus and Cliflford, folded, at p. 14 and p. 29. Likewise Fifty- four Shields of Arms, and Twenty-four Wood-cuts of Buildings, initial Letters, &c. by Bewick and Nicholson, on the letter-press. *^* Mr. Busby the Engraver is now employed in further il- lustrating the History of Hartlepool by a series of Etchings, the Manners and Costume of the Fishermen. VI. The Interest of the Church defended against the At- tempts of Papists and others ; being the remarkable Account of the late Rebuilding JVinlaton Chapel, in the Bishoprick of Durham. (By Jonathan Story.) " Pro tanto, si non toto.^' London : Reprinted in the Year mdccxxi. Quarto, 24 pages, including the Title, Dedication, and Postscript. 615* ESSEX. I. A Statistical Account of the Hundreds of Harlow, On- gar, and the Half Hunch'ed of Waltham ; with the Particulars of the Expenditure of the Poor's Rates in 42 Parishes of these Divisions. By a Magistrate of the County of Essex (Montague Burgoyne). London : Printed by the Philanthropic Society, St. George's Fields : and sold by Hatchard, Piccadilly, and Richardson, Royal Exchange. 1817. Oc/ayo, 11 pages. With a short Table of " Questions and Answers of the Overseers in the Hundreds of Harlow, Ongar, and the Half Hundred of Waltham." II. A True Copy of the Charter of Havering-atte-Bower, in Essex, from King Edward the Fourth. Renevv'd in Anno 5 Ed. IV., 7 Hen.VII., 2 Hen.VIIL, 1 Mar., 1 Eliz., 2 Jac, 7 Car. I., \6 Car. II. London : Printed in the Year mdcclvii. Quarto, 18 pages. 616* GLOUCESTERSHIRE. I. County Curiosities; or, A New Description of Gloucestershire ; containing, 1. A particular Survey of the County, both Geographical and Histo- rical. II. An ample and accurate Account of all the Boroughs, IVlarket Towns, Villages, Rivers, Royal Pa- laces, Noblemens and Gentlemens Seats. III. The . Fairs, Trade, Commerce, and Product of the same. IV. Of the Rarities, both Natural and Artificial. V. Of the eminent Persons born, or who have resided in them, and of the extraordinary Events that have happened there. Printed by J. Sketchley and S. Warren, 1757. Octavo^ 1-22 pages. II. Rules and Orders for the Government of the Glo- cester Infirmary. Gloucester : Printed by R. Raikes, 1790. Octavo, 42 pages. First printed in duodecimo in 1755. III. A Candid Enquiry concerning the Benefactions of the late Mrs. Rebecca Powell, in Favour of the Town of Cirencester, by a Native of the Place. London : Printed for W. Bathoe, in the Strand, 1765. Octavo, 24 pages, including the Title. IV. Annnlia Dvbroma : Vpon the yeerely Celebration of Mr. Robert Dovers Olimpick Games vpon Cots- wold Hills. Written by Michaell Drayton, Esq. Ben Jonson, &c. 8cc. London : Printed by Robert Raworth for Mathewe Walbancke, 1636. Quarto, [a-k 2] 72 pages, not numbered. With a Print of the Games, as a Frontispiece. 617* HAMPSHIRE. I. A Short Viem^ of the History and Antiquities of Winchester ; with a brief Account of the Seats of the neighbouring Nobility, Gentry, &c. Being chiefly extracted from the Rev. j\Ir. Mihier's History and Survey of Winchester. " Non indignemnr mortalia corpora solvi Diim putet exemplis oppida posse mori." Winchester : Printed and sold by Robins. 1799. Octavo, 50 pages. II. An Historical and Critical Account of Winchester Cathedral; with an engraved View and Ichno- graphical Plan of that Fabric. Extracted from the Rev. Dr. Milner's History and Antiquities of Win- chester. To which is added a Review of its modern Monuments. " Redditus his primum terris tibi, Christe, sacravit Sedem banc Bimnu?,, posuitque immania tempta." — ^NEID. vi. 18. Third Edition. Winchester : Printed and sold by James Robbins, College Street. 1809- Octavo, 144 pages, exclusive of an Advertise- ment and Explanation of the Plan. With a North West View of the Cathedral. J. Carter del. 1 789. Basire sc. and a folded Plan. III. Memoranda of the Parishes of Hursley and North Baddesley, in the County of Southampton. (By John Marsh.) Winchester: Printed by James Robbins, College Street. 1808. Royal octavo. Title-page as above. 618* stippLEMENT {Hampshire). Half Title to the Parish of Hursley. Dedication to Sir William Heathcote, Bart, dated Hursley^ Aug. 10, 1808. Advertisement and Contents, 2 leaves. Memoranda of the Parish of Hursley, [b-i l] 63 pages. Half Title to the Parish of North Baddesley. Dedication to Sir Nathaniel Holland, Bart. Memoranda of the Parish of North Baddesley, [k 3-o 2] 32 pages. PLATES Drawn and etched by J. Powell. 1. Front of the Old Lodge in Hursley Park. p. 1 . 2. Plan of the Encampment on Cranbury Common, p. 36. 3. The Tower of Hursley Church, p. 41. 4. North Baddesley Church, p. 21 of the Description. IV. A Companion in a Tour round Southampton; comprehendinf]f various Particulars, Ancient and Mo- dern, of New Forest, Lymington, Christchurch, Rom- sey. Bishop's Waltham, Titchfield, &c. ; with Notices of the Villages, Gentlemen's Seats, Curiosities, Anti- quities, &c. occurring in the different Roads described. By John Buller. " Ille terrarum mihi prater omnes Arigutus ridet." The Third Edition, improved and enlarged. Southampton : Printed and sold by Baker and Fletcher. IBGQ. Duodecimo^ [A-Aa6] 281 pages, and 4 pages of Index. V. The Ruins of a Temple ; a Poem. By the Rev. Jo- seph Jefferson. To which is prefixed an Account of the Antiquity and History of Holy Ghost Chapel, Basingstoke, Hants ; with an Appendix, containing historical and explanatory Notes. " Omnium rerum, heus ! VlCISSITUDO est." — TERENCE. *' While oft some temple's mould'ring top between With venerable grandeur marks the scene.'' Goldsmith's Traveller. SUPPLEMENT {Me of JVlght). G ] 9* London : Printed for the Author by T. North, Little Tower Street, mdccxciii. Quarto, 24 pages. With a View of the Chapel, drawn by Terrell as a Vignette. VI. Tiie History of the Blacks of Waltham in Hamp- shire; and those under tlie like Denomination in Berkshire. London : Printed for A. Moore, near St. Paul's. 1723. Octavo, 32 pages, exclusive of the Title. ISLE OF WIGHT. I. A Description of the principal Picturesque Beauties, Antiquities, and Geological Pha^nonjena of the Isle of Wight. By Sir II ekry C. Englefield, Bart. With additional Observations on the Strata of the Island, and their Continuation in the adjacent Parts of Dorsetshire, by Thomas Webster, Esq. Illustrated by Maps and numerous Engravings by W. and G. Cooke, from original Drawings by Sir H. Englefield and T. Webster. London : Printed by William Hulmer and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's, for Payne and Foss, Pall Mall. 18 IG. Rvijal quarto. Half Title, and Title-page as above. Dedication to Mrs. Spencer. Contents, l page. Preface, [a 1-3] p. i-vi. Explanation of the Plates, [a4-d 2] p. vii-xxvii. Description of the Isle ot Wight, beginning with an Hall" Title, [B-Hh3] 238 pages. Index, 4 pages. 620* SUPPLEMENT {Mc of JVight). PLATES. Portrait of Sir Henry Englefield in a Circle within a border. E. Scott del. W. Evans so. To face the Title. — I. Clay Cliffs, White Cliff Bay. p. 23.-2. Chalk Cliffs, White Cliff Bay. p. 78. — 3. Dunnose Cliffs, p. 72. — 4. Black Gang Chine, p. 83. — 5. Freshwater Cliff, p. 27 or 79. — 6. Fresh- water Cave. p. 27. — 7- Knighton House, p. 105. — 8. Chale Farnj. p. 100. — 9. Yaverland Church, p. 102. — 10. The Ivy House. On the letter-press of p. 113. — 11. Long Stone. On the letter-press of p. 89. — 12. Quarr Abbey, p. 93. — 13. An- cient Chapel at Swainston. p. 104. — 14. Yaverland Church, South Door, and Shalfleet Church, North Door. W. Alex- ander del. p. 101. — 13. Vertical and Curved Strata, White Cliff Bay. p. 1 19.— 16. Vertical Clay Cliffs, White Cliff Bay. p. 120.— 17. No. 1. White Cliff Bay from Culver Cliff. — No. 2. Colvvell Bay. — No. 3. AUum Bay and the Needles. Folded, p! 120 or )60 — 18. Culver Cliff from the Sea. p. 120. — 19. No. 1. Sandown Bay and Culver Cliff from the South side near Shanklin. — No. 2. Sandown Bay and Dun- nose Head from the Fort. — No. 3. Allum Bay and Headen Hill from the Needles. Coloured, p. 123, or 21 1, 212. — 20. Chalk Pit on Brading Down. p. 123. — 21. Binnel V>?l)) below Wolverton. p. 136. — 22. Compton Bay. p. 132. — 23. Curved Strata and Sand Pit in Headen Hill, Allum Bay, as it appeared in 1811. p. 159. — 24. Curved Stratum, Hea- den Hill. p. . — 25. Scratchell's Bay and the Needles, Folded, p. 80. — 26. No. 1. Handfast Point, one Mile off. — No. 2. Swanwich Bay from Peverel Point. — No. 3. Studland Bay, South side. Folded, p. I69. — 27- Handfast Point in Dorsetshire. Folded, p. I66. — 28. Insulated Chalk Rocks, Handfast Point, p. 163. — 29. No. 1. Swanwich Bay, from the North side. — No. 2. Durlstone Bay. Folded, p. I69 or 17 1. — 30. Contorted Strata, Durlstone Bay. p. 172. — 31. Breccia at Durlstone Head. p. 173. — 32. No. 1. Durlstone Head. — No. 2. Windspit Quarries. Folded, p. 173, or )91.— 33. Tilly Whim Quarry, p. 174. — 34. No. 1. Clay Pit near Newport. — No. 2. Chalk Pit, Mount Joy. p. 24, or 208.— 33. Coast of Dorsetshire and Portland Island from Worthbarrow. p. 183. — 36. No. I . Durdle Cove, with Barn Door. — No. 2. Arish Mell, in Worthbarrow Bay. p. 194. — 37. No. 1. The Coastof Dorsetshire from Flovverbarrow to St. Adhelm's Head. — No. 2j Worthbarrow Bay, looking East. — No. 3. View from St. I^(\- helm's Head, looking West. Folded, p. 186.— 38. West Lul- SUPPLEMENT {Islc of JVight). 62 1* Worth and Cove. p. 185. — 39. Nos. 1, 2. Liilworth Cove, West and East sides, p. 185. — 40. St. Adhelm's Head. p. 188. —'41. St. Adhelm's Chapel, p. 189. — 42. St. Adhehn's Cha- pel, Plan, &c. p. 191. — 43. Interior of St. Adhelm's Chapel, p. 189.— 44. Stare Cove. p. 193. — 45. Durdle Cove. p. 193. — 46. No. 1 . Coast of Dorsetshire from Bat's Corner to Wey- mouth. —No, 2. Bat's Corner. — No. 3. White Nore, Dorset- shire. Folded, p. 196. — 47. Theoretical Sections, p. 201, 204, or 21 9.— 48. Map of the Isle of Wight. Folded. T.Web- ster del. J. Walker sc. p. 1. — 49. Map of the Coast of Dor- setshire from Handfast Point to the Isle of Portland. Folded. T.Webster del. J. Walker sc. p. 1.— 50. Geological Map of the Isle^of Wight, and the adjacent Parts of Hampshire and Dorsetshire. Folded^ and coloured. T. Webster del. J. Walker sc. p. 1 . *^* There are copies of this volume in Folio, with proof im^ pressions of the Plates. 11. A Catalogue Raisonn^ of the principal Paintings, Sculp- tures, Drawings, &C.&C. at Appuldurcombe House, the Seat of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Worsley, Bart, taken June 1, 1804. " The practice of Architecture Is directed by a few general and even me- chanical rules. But Sculpture, and above all, Pai?uing, propose to themselves the imitation not only of the forms of nature but of the charaeters and passions of the human soul. In those sublime arts the dexterity of the hand is of little avail unless it is animated by fancy, and guided by the most correct taste and observation." — GiBBON. London : Printed by William Buhner and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's. 1804. Folio. (Not published.) Half Title. Title-page as above. The Select Catalogue ; List of Painters whose Pictures are de- scribed ; List of Pictures, Drawings, Gems, and other Curio- sities °, and Addenda, [b-q 2] 55 pages. With a View of Appuldurcoriibe House. Davis del. Fittler sc. as a Frontispiece. N. B. Pages 33-36 are repeated, and follow. *^* An ample analysis and collation of the '^Museum IVors- leyanum" is given in Savage's Librarian, vol. i. 1808. SUPPL. PART I. 4L* 622* HEREFORDSHIRE. The First Part of Earl Coningsby's Case relating to the Vicaridge of Leinpster in Herefordshire : Wherein is contain'd a full Account of all the Tricks which the Lawyers, Ecclesiastical and Temporal, have made use of to deprive the said Earl of his undoubted Right to present to the said Church of Lempster (not worth Twenty Pounds per Annum) from the Year 1712 to the last Summer Assizes at Hereford, when the present Lord Chancellor, on pretence that it was His Majesty's Right to present to the said Vicaridge of Lempster, though there is no such Vicaridge in the King's Books, with Mr. Kettleby Recorder of Ludlow (confirm'd in that Place by his Lordship's Interest) for his Council ; and Sir George Caswall the Cashier of the South Sea Company (made by his Lordship a Justice of the Peace for that purpose) for his Assistant ; Thomas Price, the Earl of Oxford's Steward of his Courts, for his Attorney ; and Thomas Rodd, the vilest of all Attornies, for Price his Coadjutor, prosecuted a Quare impedit against the said Earl, at the said Summer Assizes, with Success ; but how that Success was obtain'd, the Second Part of this Case will shew. London : Printed in the Year mdccxxi. Folio, 27 pages* 2. Proofs to make good the Assertions in the Title-page to my Case, relating to the Vicaridge of Lempster. Folio, 24 pages* 3. The Case of Thomas Lingen, Clerk, and Edward Wither- stone, Esq. and others, in relation to a Breach of Privilege charged on them by the Right Hon. Thomas Earl Coningsby in dispossessing the said Earl of a Tenement in the Parish of Marden. Folio, 4 pages. 6^3* HERTFORDSHIRE. I. The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford; compiled from the best printed Autho-. rities and original Records preserved in public Repo- sitories and private Collections. Embellished with Views of the most curious Monuments of Antiquity, and illustrated with a ]\Iap of the County. By Ro- bert Clutterbuck, of Watford, Esq. F.S.A. London : Printed by and for Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street. 1815. Folio. VOLUME THE FIRST. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy of the County of Hertford. Preface, 3 pages. List of Subscribers to the Large and Small Paper copies, 4 pages. Introductory History of the County, beginning with a Geogra- phical Description, [a-i 2] p. i-xxxvi. Topographical History, containing the Hundreds of Cashio and Dacorum, [b-6 s] 526 pages. Appendix, [a-m 2] 48 pages. Indexes of Places, Pedigrees, and Arms, [n] p. 49-50. General Index and Errata, [n 2-dd] p. 51-106. N. B. Pages 471 and 472 are cancelled j ajid page 36 of the Appendix is misprinted 32. *^* A separate leaf of two pages, being a Description of Cashiobury Park, the Seat of the Earl of Essex, has been printed by John Britton, F.S.A., for the purpose of being inserted in the work. PEATES. 1. British Map of Hertfordshire, by Thomas Leman, 1814. Introduction, p. vii. 2. Roman Map of Hertfordshire, by Thomas Leman, 1814. Introduction, p. xiv. 624* SUPPLEMENT {Hertfordshire), 3. Plan of the Site of the City of Vciulam, taken A.D. 1814. Surveyed and drawn by T. Godman. J. Lambert sc. — > Coins struck at Verulam, engraved by H. Moses, p. 3. 4. View of St. Alban's. C. Varley del. G. Cooke sc. p. 55 of Topog. History. 5. Portion of the South side of the Nave, St. Alban's Abbey Church. Drawn and engraved by E. Blore. p. 59. 6. High Altar Screen, St. Alban's Abbey Church. F. Nash del, H. Le Keux sc. p. 65. 7. Brass Monument of an Abbot in the Choir of St. Alban's Abbey Church. E. Blore del. E. Turrell sc. p. 67. 8. Portion of the East side of the South Transept. E. Blore del. & sc. p. 77- 0. Monument of Lord Bacon in St. Michael's Church, St. Al- ban's. W. Alexander del, George Cooke sc. p. 101. 10. Aldenham Church. W. Alexander del. W. B. Cooke sc, p. 138. 11. Abbot's Langley Church. R. Clutterbuck, Esq. del, W. B. Cooke sc. p. 174. 12. East Window of Rickmersworth Church, erected A.D. I8O6, The Plate presented by the Rev. Edw. Hodgson^ Vicar. Coloured. E. Blore del. T. Woolnoth sc. p. 203, 13. Sarret Church. T. Hearne del. W. B. Cooke sc. p. 225, 14. Brass Monument of Sir Ralph Verney and Elizabeth his Wife, in Aldbury Church. Presented by William Bray, of Shere, Esq. R. Clutterbuck, Esq. del. James Basire sc. p. 287. 13. Brass Monument of Richard Torrington and Margaret his Wife, in Berkhamsted Church. R. Clutterbuck, Esq, del. John Lee sc. p. 305. 16. Monument of the Torrington Family in Berkhamsted St. Peter's Church. E. Blore del. John Le Keux sc. p. 305, 17. Bushey Church. T. Hearne del. W. B. Cooke sc. p. 341. 18. Fac-simile of a Letter from King Charles the First to Cap- tain Titus : also another, in a feigned Hand and Signa- ture, when a Prisoner in Carisbrooke Castle. (Audinet 6C.) p. 344. 19. Flaunden Chapel. H.Munrodel. W. B. Cooke sc. p. 3G9, 20. Brass Monument of Robert Albyn and Margaret his Wife, in Hemel Hempsted Church. R. Clutterbuck, Escj. del, John Lee sc. p. 422. *it* The General Map of the County, and several Engravings of Monuments, &c, described in this volume, will, on account of SUPPLEMENT {Hertfordshire). 625* the unequal distribution of the subjects of antiquity throughout the several Hundreds, be given in the subsequent volumes. N. B. There are Large Paper copies of this work, which will be comprised in Three Volumes. II. History of Verulam and St. Alban's; containing an historical Account of the Decline of Verulam and Origin of St. Alban's, and of the present State of the Town, the Abbey, and other Churches, Public Buildings, Dissenters' Places of Worship, Incorpora- tion of the Borough, its Government ; Ruins in the Vicinity, Seats, &c. &c. With Engravings, Printed and published by S. G. Shaw, Stationer, Bookseller, and Binder, Market Place, St. Alban's. 1815. Small octavo, 280 pages, including the Title, Preface, Contents, Reference to the Ground Plan of the Abbey, Appendix, and Addenda. PLATES. 1. S.E. View of the Abbey Church. Engraved by J. Storer. To face the Title. 2. Ground Plan of the Monastery and Abbey Church of St. Alban's. Folded, p. 1. 3. Fac-simile of an Engraving of Judas Iscariot's Coin, pre- served in the Abbey Church, p. 124. 4. Interior View of Duke Humphrey's Vault. A Wood-cut. p. 125. III. Descriptive Sketch of Widdiall in Hertfordshire. • Octavo, 8 pages. With a View of the Church, and a Fragment of the Window, Coloured. IV. A Designe for brinijina; a Navigable River from Rick- mansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Gyles in the 6^6* SUPPLEMENT (HertJ'ords/iirc). Fields ; the Benefits of it declared, and the Objec- tions against it answered. By FoRDE. London: Printed for John Clarke. 1641. Small quarto, 10 pages. With a Plan of the River, as a Vignette in the Title-page ; and a Map of Colne River, with all its Branches and Mills^ and the p~ticular Place whence the Navigac~on is to be taken, which forms page 1 1 . %* This Pamphlet, and the Answer by Sir Walter Roberts, of 32 pages, dedicated to the King, were reprinted together in 1 720 in a quarto pamphlet of 24 pages. ry* 627 KENT. I. A Graphical Illustration of the IMetropolitan Cathedral Church of Canterbury ; accompanied by a His- tory and Description, collected from the most au- thentic Documents, and drawn up from repeated Sur- veys of that venerable Fabric : Avitli Descriptions of its ]\Ionumental Structures, and an Account of its Chapels, Altars, Shrines, and Chantries. Also com- prising Biographical Sketches of the Lives of the Archbishops and Deans of Canterbury; and Histori- cal Notices of the celebrated Convent of Christ- church ; with Lists, and interesting Particulars of its Deans, Priors, and distinguished Monks. By W. WoOLNOTH ; containing Twenty Plates, engraved by himself from Drawings by T. Hastings, Member of the Royal Liverpool Academy. London : Printed by Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Pas- sage, Fleet Street : Published by T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, and J. Murray, Albemarle Street : and sold by R. and W.C. Warder, Change Alley j E. Greenland, Finsbury Square; and Cribb and Son, Holborn : and at Ciinterburv by Rouse, Kirkbv and Lawrence, and Wood and Godwin. 1 S 1 6. Quarto. Title-page as above. Dedication to the Most Rev'' Charles IVL^nners Sutton, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, dated May 1, 1816. Preface, Errata, Directions to the Binder, and List of Subscribers, 4 pages. Historical and Descriptive Letter-press, [b-y 3] 167 pages. Addenda to Section V. and Index, p. 169-174. PLATES. 1. Door in the Cloisters. Forming an engraved Title-page. 2. Ground Plan, shewing the Situations of the Tombs, p. 1. 3. S.W. View of the East Transept, p. 10. 4. East end of the Cathedral, p. 44. 5. The Cathedral from St. Martin's. p.4g. 6. VVest Entrance, p. 50. 628* SUPPLEMENT (Kait). 7. West Towers, p. 51. 8. St. Anselm's Chapel, p. 53. 9. View of the Cathedral from the North West. p. 54. 10. View of the Chapter House and Cloisters, p. 55. 11. South Porch, p. 57. 12. View of the Nave from the South Aile, p. 58. 13. The Undercroft of Canterbury Cathedral, p. 65. 14. Capitals in the Crypt and intersecting Arches on the S^ side. p. 65. 15. Capitals in the Choir. Drawn by H. S. Storer. p. 66. 16. View of the Choir from the N.E. Transept, p. 68. 17. Capitals in the Lady (Trinity) Chapel. DrawnbyH.S. Storer. p. 71. 18. View from Becket's Crown, p. 73. 19. Tomb of Edward the Black Prince. Drawn by H. S. Storer. p. 89. 20. Tomb of Hubert Walter. On the letter-press of p. 167. ^*^ There are Large Paper copies of this work, with proof impressions of the plates; also a small number worked on India paper. II. The True Copies of some Letters occasion'd by the Demand for Dilapidations in the Archiepiscopal See of Canterbury. Two Parts, By Mr. Arclideacon Tenisox. Printed in the Year mdccxvi. Quarto, 16 pages, printed in double columns. in. A Letter to Mr. Archdeacon Tenison, detecting se- veral iNIisrepresentations in his Pamphlets relating to the Demand for Dilapidations. (By Henry Far- RANT and Ambrose V^^arren.) Printed in the Year 1717. Quarlo, 15 pages. IV. The Survey and Demand for Dilapidations in the Archi- episcojial See of Canterbury, justified against the Ca- vils and Misrepresentations contained in some Letters supri-EMENT {Kent). 629* lately published by Mr. Archdeacon Tenison. (By John James, and dated from Greenwich.) London : Printed bv William Hunter, in Jewin Street. MDCtxvii. Quarto, 16 pages. V. Catalogus Librorum BibliothecfE Ecclesiaj Christi Cantuariensis. Cantuari^: Typis Jacobi Abree. mdccxliii.' Octavo^ 105 pages. VI. Catalogue of the Books, both Manuscript and Printed, which are preserved in the Library of Christ Church, Canterbury. 1802. Octavo, 237 pages, including Two Titles and an Adver- tisement. VII. Magna et Antiqua Charta Quinque Portuum Domini Reiiis et INIembrorum eorundem. Cantabrigi.e : Excudebatur pro Majore et Juratis Hastinglae, 1675. Octavo, 95 pages, including the Errata and Corri- genda. VIII. An Account of Cinque Ports Meetings called Bro- therhoods and GuESTLlNGS. By T. Mantell, Esq. F.A.S. F.L.S. "Antiguam obtinens.^' Dover : Printed by Ledger and Shaw. 1811. Octavo, 20 pages. IX. Horn's Descriptiox of Dover ; containing a con- cise Account of the Castle, Heights, Harbour, and Town ; also of the Plan for its Improvement and PART I, SUPP. 4 M* 630* SUPPLEMENT {Kent)* Enlargement; likewise some useful Information tO Travellers respecting the Custom House, Passage Vessel>, &c. &c. Embeliished with an accurate co- loured View of Dover Casde and the Town. l)ovER : Printed by and for J. Horn, King Street, Market Place; and sold bv Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row, London. 181 7- 130 pages, including the Title and Address to the Public. X. Testdcea Mimita Rariora : A Collection of the Minute and Rare Shells lately discovered in the Sand of the Sea Shore near Sandwich, by William Boys, Esq. E.S.A. Considerably augmented, and all their Fi- gures accurately drawn, as magnified with the ]\Ii- croscope. By Geo. Walker, Bookseller at Fa- versham. London : Printed by J. iNiarch, and sold by B. White, in Fleet Street; Messrs. Scatcherd and ^Vhitaker, in Ave Maria Lane; and W. Humphrey, St. Martin's Lane, near Charing Cross ; and at by the Author. Quarto, 33 pages, includ- ing Title, Dedication, and hitroduction. With Three Plates drawn by G. Walker^ and engraved by D. Mackenzie. XI. A General History of :\Ia idstoxe, the Shire Town for the County of Kent ; containing its ancient and present State, Civil and Ecclesiastical, collected from public Records, &c. by Walter Rowles. ♦' Maidstone, (where Providence has cast ray lot,) Where noble persons burn — but not forgot, Are here recorded in historic page, To court tlie notice of a future ag,e." RoWLES. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by him and all the Booksellers at Maidstone j also by W. Walker, 1 28, Lower Holborn, London. 1809. Octavo, 90 pages, including Ad- Vtrtisement and Errata. SUPPLEMENT (/iTf^?/), 631* XII. A Copy of the Charter of the Town and Pariish of Maidstoxe, in the County of Kent. Cakterbury : Printed by J. Abiec ; and sold at Mrs. Bailefs, the Corner of Mill Lane in Maidstone, i^and no where else.) J 748. Octavo f 36 pages. XIII. Picturesque Views of Ramsgate, with Descrip* tions. By H. IMosES. To which is prefixed an Historical Account of Ramsgate. LoxVpoN ; Published by H. Moses, 6, Upper Thornhaugh Street, Bedford Square. 1817. Imperial octavo > Title-page as above. Historical Account of Ramsgate, p. 3-8, Explanatory Letter-press of each Plate. ETCHINGS. Plan of Ramsgate Harbour. 1. The advanced Head of the East Pier, 2. Old Head of the East Pier, 3. View across the Harbour. 4. View of the Harbour and Light House. 3. View of the Light House and Watch House. 6. View of the Light House, taken from an Angle of the old Head of the East Pier. 7. View taken from the Deck of a Vessel, the Water in the Ba* sin nearly out. 8. View taken across the Basin from the Foot of the Chff, 9. View looking towards Jacob's Ladder. 10. View of tlie Store House, Pier House, and the Residence of the Harbour Master. 1 1 . View of Cliff House, the Seat of Sir William Curtisj, Bart, 12. The Isabella Baths. J 3. View across the Basin, the Water nearly out. 14. View of the Harbour and Basiti, from the same Point as Plate III. 15. View of that part of Ramsgate which leads from Hajbouf Street to the Pier. J 6. /^uQther View of the Town, including the Wharf, J 7. A Vessel in the Diy Dock undergoing Repair. 63S1* SUPPLEMENT (Kent). 1 8. View of the Light House and Watch House from the Pa- rapet. 19. View looking towards the Light House, Vessels lying near the Pier. 20. Jacob's Ladder, from the same Point as Plate XHL 21. View across the Basin from a Point amongst the loose Stones. 22. Another View from the same Point, looking towards the Steam Engine. 23. One of the Ramsgate Mills. XIV. Flora Tonbrigensis : or, A Catalogue of Plants growing Mild in the Neighbourhood of ToNBRlDGE Wells, arranged according to the Linneean System, from Sir J. E. Smith's Flora Britannica. With Three Plates of rare Plants. By T. F. Forster, F.L.S. &c. " Tti nidvm servas, ego laudo runs amcmi Rivos, et nnisco circumLltu suxa, nevmsque." HORAT. " Juvat inlegrus accedacfuntes Atque haurire,juvalqae novoH dixerperejlores." Lucret. de Rer. Nat. London : Printed bv Richard and Arthur Taylor, Shoe Lane : and sold by J. and A. Arch, Cornhill ; and J. Sprange, Li- brary, Tonbridge Wells. 18 16. Croum octavo, 224 pages. With Three coloured Plates : 1 . Hymenophyllum Tonbrigense. — 2. Buxbaumia foliosa. — 3. Blasia pusilla. XV. An Historical and Topographical Sketch of Knole, in Kent; with a brief Genealogy of the Sackville Fa- mily. Embellished with Engravings. By John Buidgman. " At domus interior regcdi splcndida Insti-uitur." VlRG. *' See, with majestfc priHc, the work of years, ]ts rcv'rend front tlie htattly niaiisioii roars; "Within whose ample bpace tlic eye surveys The labour'd excellence of former days, Tlie model which perfection's art supplies, Sculpture's lijjht touch, and I'ainting's deathless dyes." BuuuoyGii's Knole. SUPPLEMENT (Kent). . 633* London: Published by W. Lindsell, 87, Wimpolc Street; W. HodsoU and T. Clout, Sevenoaks ; and Strange and Nash, Tonbridge Wells. 1817. Octavo, 172 pages, and a slip of Errata. PLATES. 1. The Front of Knole. J. Bridgman del. 1796. R. Reeve so. p. 1. 2. Buckhurst, the ancient Seat of the Sackvilles. J. Bridgman del. 1796. R. Reeve sc. p. 10. 3. The Hall at Knole. J. Bridgman del. 1796. R. Reeve sc. p. 15. 4-8. Forty-four Shields of Arms of the Sackville Family. J. Bridgman del. 1797. Adolpho sc. 9. Shields in the Room formerly a private Chapel. J. Bridg- man del. R. Reev^ sc. p. 146. XVI. An Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive Account of tiie Weald of Kent. By T. D. W. Dearn. With Eight Engravings and a Map. " Old Andred's Weald at lent^th doth take her time to tell The cliangcs of the world that since her youtli befell ; When yet upon her soil scarce huuiaii foot had trode, A place where only then the sylvans made abode: Where, fearless of the hunt, the Hart securely stood, And every where walk'd free, a Buikjher of tiie woud." Drayton's Poly-alLion, Song 18. Cranbrook : Printed for and sold by S. Reader : sold also by B. and R. Crosby and Co. Stationers' Court, Paternoster Row, London ; and by all the Booksellers in Kent and Sus- sex. 1814. Octavo. Title-page as above. Dedication to Thomas Law Hodges, of Hemsted, Esq. List of Subscribers, and Errata, 8 pages. Introduction, [a-g4] p. i-lvi. History of the Weald of Kent, alphabetically arranged, [a Mm 3]. 277 pages, Ii?dex, 5 pages. PLATES IN AQUATINT, Drawn by T. D. W. Dearn, and engraved by ^L Dubourg. 1. View in Cranbrook, with the Market House. To frolit the Title, or p. 75. 634* SUPPLEMENT {Kent)'. 2. Map of the Weald of Kent. p. 1 of the Introduction. 3. Hemsted, in Benenden, the Seat of Thomas Law Hodges, Esq. p. 16. 4. Benenden Church and Parsonage, p. 18. 5. Bonnington Church, and the Remains of Trinity Chapel, Milk House Street, Cranbrook. p. 78. 6. Anglev House, Cranbrook. p. 61. 7. Elfords, in Hawkhurst, the Property of Mr. Richard Winch. p. 1 14. 8. Moor House, Hawkhurst, the Seat of Jesse Gregson, Esq. p. 1 14. 9. Fowlers, near Hawkhurst, the Property of Alex. Balmanno, Esq. p. 116. XVII. Bromley Hill, the Seat of the Right Hon. Charles Long, M.P. ; a Sketch by George'Cumberland. "Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures, Whilst the landscape round it measures; Russet lawns and fallows i^ray, Where the nibbling flocks do stra}', INIountains on vvhose barren breast The labouring clouds do often rest, Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks." ALLEGRO. XovDON : Printed by T. Bensley and Son, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, for R. Triphook, 23, Old Bond Street. 1816. Octavo, 59 pages. XVIII. Greenwich ; a Poem, descriptive and historical. By James Sansom. London : Printed for the Author by G. E. Miles, 127, Oxford Street. 1808. Octavo, 1 10 pages, including Title, Dedica- tion, Preface, List of Subscribers, and Lines addressed to a Friend, with the Poem. XIX. A Solemn Appeal to the Public from an injured Officer^ (Captain Baillie,late Lieutenant-Governor of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich ; arising out of a Series of authentic Proceedings in tlie Court of King's Bench on Six Prosecutions against him for publishing SUi'PLEMENT {Kent). ()35 « certain T.ibels (as it was alleged) in a printed Book, entitled The Case and Memorial of Greenwich Ho- spital, addressed to the General (lovernors, in behalf of Disabled Seamen, Widows, and Children ; and the Evidence given on the subsequent Enquiry at the Bar of the House of Lords, in consequence of the several Prosecutions being; discharged with Costs. London : Printed for Captain Baillie by. J. Almon, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly : and may also be had of Cap- tain Baillie, at ^h•. Roberts, China Mr,n, near Hatton Street, Holbourn. Price Two Guineas, stitched in Sheets, with a fine Engraving of Captain Baillie in Mezzotinto, by James Watson, Esq. painted by Nathaniel Hone, Esq. of the Royal Academy, or separately, One Guinea each, mdcclxxix. Folio. Title-page as above. Dedication to His Grace the Duke of Richmond^ &c. Contents and Advertisement, 2 pages, A copious General hidex, 4 pages. Introduction to the Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, p. i-xliv. Introduction to the Enquiry into the Abuses and Mismanagement of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, at the Bar of the House of Lords, printed in double columns, [b-3 c] 190 pages. XX. . Excursions in the Counties of Kent, Gloucester, Hereford, JMonmouth, and Somerset, in the Years 1802, 1803, and 1805; illustrated by descriptive Sketches of the most interesting Places and Build- ings, particularly the Cathedrals of Canterbury, Ciloucester, Hereford, and Bristol; with Delineations of Character in diti'erent Ranks of Life. By J. P. Malcolm, F.S.A. Author of Londinum Redivi- imm, &c. The Second Edition, embellished with Twenty-two highly finished Plates. London t Printed by and for Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street : and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row. 1814. Royal oc- lavo. 636* SUPPLEMENT {Kent). Title-page as before. Advertisement, Contents, and List of Plates. The Excursions, [b-q8] 243 pages. PLATES, Drawn and etched by the Author. 1. Frontispiece, dated 1813. — A Ruin at Bath described. p. 244. 2. Ruins of St. Augustine's and St. Martin's, Canterbury, with the Remains of the Priory, Dover, p. 26. 3. Cliffs at Dover, p. 34. 4. France from Dover, p. 36. 5. Shakspeare's Cliff, p. 37. 6. Barracks in the Chff near Dover, p. 39. (Fell down in 1 806.) 7. St. Mary's Priory, and that in the Castle, Dover, p. 4 1. 8. The late Capt. Smith's House and the Maison Dieu, Dover, p. 43. g. Sections of Windows in Hereford CathedraL p. SQ. 10. North Porch of Hereford Cathedral, p. 96. 1 1. North Dore Abbey, p. 102. 12. Leominster Church, p. 148. 13. Sides of the West Door of Leominster Church, p. 149. 14. Temple Church, Bristol, p. 197. 15. Redcliff Church, Bristol, from the Water, p. 203. 16. Sections of Doors on the North side of Redcliffe Church. p. 203. 17. Distant View of St. Vincent's Rocks, p. 220. 18. Dundry Church, p. 222. 19. The Avon, Severn, and Wales, p. 223. 20. St. Vincent's Rocks, p. 233. 21. Stapleton Prison, p. 238. 22. Redland Chapel, p. 238. 637 ■7* LANCASHIRE. I. A Description" of Manchester ; giving an histo- rical Account of those Limits in which the Town was formerly included ; some Observations upon its public Edifices, present Extent, and late Alterations : with a succinct History of its former original Manu- factories, and their gradual Advancement to the pre- sent State of Perfection at which they are arrived. By a Native of the Town. Manchester : Printed by C. Wheeler, for M. Falkner in the Market Place, mdcclxxxiii. Duodecimo^ 94 pages. 11. Hules and Orders of the Public Infirmary at Man- chester. Manchester : Printed by Joseph Harrop, opposite the Ex- change. 1769. Oc^flfo, 28 pages. HI. An Account of the Rise and present Establishment of the Lunatic Hospital in Manchester. Manchester : Printed by J. Prescott, near the Exchange. MDccLxxviii. Octavo, 23 pages. IV. The Charters of the Collegiate Church, the Free Gram- mar School, the Blue Coat Hospital, and the Last Will and Testament of the late Catharine Richards, with other ancient Curiosities. Manchester : Printed by T. Harper, in Smithy Door. MDCCXci. Octavo^ iCO pages. PART I. SUPP. 4N* 638* SUPPLEMENT {Laticashii^e). V. The Guild Merchant of Preston: or Preston Guild Companion; being an exact Representa- tion, on Nineteen Copper-plates, curiously drawn and engraved, of that ancient Procession, with a Letter- press Description. The whole laid down so easy and expressive as to render it a proper Help to those Gen- tlemen and Ladies resorting to Preston. Manchester : Printed and sold by T. Anderton : sold also by Mr. Smally, Printer, in Preston ; and by Messrs. Hitch and Hawes, in Paternoster Row, London, mdcclxii. Oblong octavo. See page 479. Title-page as above. An Account when the Guild Merchant has been held within the Borough of Preston, and of the Mayors of the said Guilds, 2 pages. Explanation of the Plates, 2 pages. PLATES Drawn by W. Williams, and engraved by Darley. 1. Arms of the Corporation and of the then Mayor, to whom the Plates are inscribed by Thos. Anderton. 2. The Standard of Preston, and Mayor's Mace. 3-5. Ensigns Armorial of the Twelve various Companies. 6. The^Beginning of the Procession ; viz. The Marshall. 7. Tanners' Company. 8. Weavers' and Clothworkers' Company. Folded. 9. Masons' Company. B. Mayor del. & so. 10. Cordwainers' Company. Folded. 11. Carpenters' Company. Folded. 12. Butchers' Company. B. Mayor sc. 13. Vintners' Company. 14. Tailors' Company. Folded. Williams del. 15. Skinners' and Glovers' Companies, 16. Smiths', &c. Companies. 17. Mercers', &c. Companies. 18. The Corporation Procession. Folded, 19. Clergy, Ladies and Gentlemen, SUPPLEMENT {Leicestershire), 639^ An Account of the Guild Merchant of Preston ; with a List of the Nobility and Gentry who appeared at the Balls and Assemblies at Preston Guild, Sept. 1762. Printed for William Stuart, Bookseller, in Preston. Octavo, 18 pages, VII. The Guild Merchant of Preston ; with an Ex- tract of the original Charter granted for holding the same ; an Account of the Processions and public En- tertainments ; an authentic List of the Nobility and Gentry ^vho dined with the Mayor and his Lady ; also separate Lists of the Subscribers to the Ladies' and Trade Assemblies. Published at the Request of the Nobility, &c. by Permission of the Mayor. Manchester: Printed and sold by J. Harrop, and Mr. Newton, Booksellers. Octavo, 40 pages. In the Press, printed on Foolscap Folio, embellished with nume- ious Engravings on Wood, Fragments of the History of the County of Lancaster j by Matthew Gregson. LEICESTERSHIRE. Honesty yet to be Found ; a Poem in Praise of Leicestershire. By J. B. Printed at Stamford, Lincolnshire, 1721. Quarto, 16 pages. 640* *• LINCOLNSHIRE, I. The History of Lincoln ; containing an Account of the Antiquities, Edifices, Trade, and Customs of that ancient City ; an Introductory Sketch of the County; and a Description of the Cathedral. To which is added an Appendix, comprising the Charter, and a List of Mayors and Siieriffs. Lincoln : Printed by and for Drury and Sons ; and for Taylor and Hesrsey, 93, Fleet Street, London. I8I6. Crown octavo and Medium octavo, 244 pages; including a Dedication to Lady Monson, Preface, Contents, hitroduction, and Index. PLATES. 1. West Fror.t of Lincoln Cathedral. Engraved by C. War- ren. To front the Title. 2. View of the Chequer Gate, Lincoln. B. Howlettsc. p. 133, 3. View of St. Mary's Conduit. B. Howlettsc. p. 148. 4. The Stone Bow. B. Howlett sc. p. 149. II. Some Observations on Lincoln Cathedral. By Mr. James Essex, of Cambridge. London : Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, mdcclxxvi, Quarto, 12 pages. With a Plan and West end of the Cathedral. IIL Statutes and Constitutions for the Government of an Infirmary or Hospital, to be established at Lincoln, for the Sick and Lame Poor in that County and City. J 745. Octavo, 54 pages. SUPLEMENT (Lhicohishire). 641 # IV. Tlie History o Crowlanp Abbey, digested from the Materials oUected by Mr. Gough, and published in Quarto in 783 and 1797 ; including an Abstract of the Observtions of Mr. Essex respecting the an- cient and presat State of the Abbey, and the Origin and Use of tb Triangular Bridge. (By Benjamin HOLDICH.) "Nihhcriptum 7nlracula causal Tac. To which is aded an Appendix, concerning the Rise and Progress c the Pointed Architecture, from the Essays coUectd by Mr. Taylor. Stamford: Printecand published by J. Drakard ; and sold in London by Baldwi, Cradock, and Joy; Nichols and Co.; Longman, Hurst, and Co.; Sherwood and Co.; and Simp- kin and Marshall 1816. Octavo, 198 pages, including the Title, Advertisemot, and Introduction. With a West View o Crowland Abbey, to face the Title ; also an East View, p^p 1 U . Drawji and epgraved by H. Bur- gess. *^* A Modern Iistory of Stanford is preparing for the press, uniform with the Account of the PubHc Schools, to be embellished with Vievs executed in the first style by j^ble Artists, V. A TOPOGRAPHKAL ACCOUNT of the ISLE of Ax- HOLME, being he West Division of the Wapentake of Manley, in tie County of Lincoln. By W. Peck, Author of " Topography of Bawtry," &c. " Veteri- nary Medicine" &c. &c. In Two Volumes. DoNCASTER : Printd for the Author, by Thomas and Hunsley; and may be had if them and Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church' Yard, Loidon. 1815. Quarto. VOL. I. Title-page as abovf, within an ornamented border, printed with red Ink. 642 * SUPPLEMENT (Lincobisirc), anley Wapentake, Advertisement, 1 page. Descriptive letter-press, beginning with [b-4c 2] 281 pages. Nine Appendices, each one being separate! paged, forming in the whole 77 pages. With Seven Plates, Three of then^n colours. *^* The Second Volume is not yt printed. N. B. The impression is limited to One lundred copies, and Tiventy on Royaj. Papbr. THE END OE PARII* '(^ ^ \J-^ w :■; i MM i^jO^ -Jllitii'^wiiri ■