^j -"''''^imiM mmmmaas s i siniiKmi I UB!?t^rW' UNIVERSITC <>' CALIFORHUK I SAN OIBttO J THE BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE Of this hook eleven hundred numbered copies have been printed, one hundred on Japan paper. No., my. THE BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY BY SEYMOUR DE RICCI THE ROSENBACH COMPANY 1320 WALNUT STREET 273 MADISON AVENUE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK 192 I COPYRIGHT I92I BY SEYMOUR DE RICCI THE TORCH PRESS CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA DEDICATED TO CHARLES W. CLARK IN MEMORY OF THE PLEASANT HOURS SPENT AMONG HIS BOOKS BY A FRENCH SOLDIER ERRATA P. 1 Comic Hist, of England, note, 20 parts (in 9), should be in ig. P. 7 Merwyn Clithero, should be Mervyn. P. 13 Indispensible Accomplishments, should be Indispen- sable. P. 100 Last item, Apology for Don Juan, should be a hyphen between Cantos I-IT. P. 105 Carlell (Dodowick), should be Lodowick. P. 142 Last three lines should be rc-arranged, the last first, and the first last. P. 172 Memoirs of Grimaldi. fifth line should read $45 for Hoe copy, not £45. P. 255 George A. Greene, Hoe copy should be $32fi. not £325. P. 303 Eslie Venner, should be Elsie Venner. P. 383 Lc Morte d' Arthur, Lord Jersey copy sold for £^950, not $1950. P. 565 Ilillingdon Hal!, 1845. This edition was not illus- trated. PREFACE It is a matter of surprise that, since the days of Lowndes and of Henry Bohn, no serious attempt should have been made to supply British and American book-collectors with a trustworthy and satisfactory guide. For the early sixties, Lowndes's Bibliographer's Manual, in Henry Bohn's able recast, was quite a remarkable production. In view of the present requirements, both of bibliographers and bibliophiles, it is desperately antiquated. First of all, we know much more about English and Amer- ican books than half a century ago. In various fields, the labours of such eminent men as William Blades, Henry Brad- shaw, Gordon Duff, Alfred Pollard, William Greg, Thomas J. Wise, and in America, Wilberforce Fames and Luther S. Liv- ingston, have, so to speak, given to English bibliography the status of an exact science. Even Hazlitt's shortcomings should not close our eyes to his painstaking and meritorious efforts. Many elaborate monographs, much detail work of high value by scholars too numerous to be even briefly mentioned, several extensive and accurate catalogues of great collections or im- portant loan exhibitions, lastly the publications of such learned societies as the London Bibliographical Society or the New York Grolier Club, supply the student with a vast quantity of the most valuable material. The present book should — if it really does serve its purpose — prove a useful guide through these great bibliographical storehouses, furnishing the collector with a certain amount of indispensable information and telling him, in almost every case, where he may obtain a more minute knowledge of the same subjects. In this new Book Collector's Guide are described, in the viii BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE alphabetical order of the authors, the two or three thousand British and American books which fashion has decided are the most desirable for the up-to-date collector. Any such selection is obviously open to criticism and I crave the indulgence of any reader who may reproach me for the omission of his or her favourite title. It may not therefore be quite unnecessary to explain in a few words what I have attempted to include and what, on the other hand, I have purposely omitted. First of all and as the backbone of my work, I have sought to list, with a certain amount of completeness, the first editions of the cJiicf works and in many cases of all the works of the greater British and American authors from Chaucer to Swin- burne. With the exception, for some nineteenth century au- thors, of Slater's First Editions ( 1894), a book which did much good service in its day, there is nowhere a list anything like as full as the one contained in this volume: it incorporates the substance of all the latest monographs on each individual author and in several instances will supply the only conveniently ac- cessible list of an author's first editions. As might be expected, the authors on whom this Guide gives the fullest and most reliable information are those for whom special bibliographies have already been published. In such cases, the compiler of a handbook has no alternative but bare- faced plagiarism and his soundest excuse for appropriating the labours of other workers is a natural desire to give a larger public the benefit of elaborate but often unobtainable mono- graphs. That he has, in many instances, received the most liberal permission so to do is a clear testimony to the unselfish- ness of fellow-bibliographers. With a view to the great attention paid by modern collectors to English dramatic literature, I have endeavoured to be fairly complete in this direction and have included the first editions (but not the subsequent impressions) of practically all Eng- lish plays of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In this field, I have derived invaluable assistance from W. W. Greg's PREFACE ix List of English Plays (1900) and List of Masques (1902) copies of which should be on the reference-shelf of every col- lector. For English books before 1600, those which are chiefly of typographical interest have, in spite of their rarity and market value, been very sparingly included. For the earliest period, Gordon Dufl:'s Bnglish books of the Fifteenth Century (1916) supplemented by my Census of Caxtons (1909) and, for the beginning of the sixteenth century, by the Bibliographical So- ciety's Handlists of Bnglish Printers will supply much of the information here withheld. May I further observe that, as regards the inclusion or omission of many rare literary items of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the rule I have followed has been to take into account, not only the intrinsic interest of each volume, but also the accidental fact of a copy having turned up in a recent great sale. For many of the more prolific authors of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, lack of space has com- pelled me to give but a selection of their works. It has not been my purpose, for instance, to attempt a full bibliography of Swift or Defoe. Likewise, for modern writers, I have been in many cases ex- tremely exclusive and I pray the many admirers of such men as Andrew Lang, George Moore, Bret Harte, and Mark Twain, to excuse me for having reduced to a minimum the paragraphs relating to these and a few other authors. Shall I add that such first editions, althoug-h already collected with much ardour, are not yet all real collectors' books, stricto sensu : their market value, for instance, is still, in most cases, extremely indefinite. Illustrated books have always appealed to collectors of every country. Due regard has been therefore paid to all English books of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries remarkable for the plates they contain, and particular care has been expend- ed on the early nineteenth century books with coloured engrav- X BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE ings. Admirers of Aiken, Cruikshank, and Rowlandson will find here an ample selection of their works. Likewise Blake has been, with the kind assistance of Dr. Geoffrey Keynes, as fully listed as space permitted. Americana have received special attention and a number of valuable items have been entered, more with a view towards selective illustration than towards absolute completeness, since full information on this branch of bibliog-raphy is to be found in the works of Sabin, Eames, Evans, and others, as also in the Carter Brown catalogue and in G. W. Cole's elaborate volumes on the Church collection. The bulk of the other books included in this Guide consists of the numerous standard works "no gentleman's library should be without," sets, series, and single items consecrated by two centuries of fashion, found in all great British and American libraries and covering a variety of volumes from the stately countv histories to the earliest Bradshaw, and Gould's or Audu- bon's ponderous ornithological folios. Books are arranged in the alphabetic order of authors, the productions of each writer being listed chronologically. Much might be said in favour of listing alphabetically under each author his various works : the merits of both systems have been carefully considered and the chronological order been finally adopted, as emphasizing better the development of each author's genius, the rarity and value of many juvenilia and the great literary interest of series so classified. It is a matter of some regret that it has not proved feasible to print in full the title and imprint of every book described. For sake of brevity the titles have been in many instances nota- bly shortened, the spelling in most cases completely modernized and the imprints considerably abbreviated. The object has always been to give enough to insure identification, but by no means to supply a full bibliographical description of every item. However, when variations occur between the copies of a partic- ular edition, the fact has been usually noted and the "points" PREFACE xi distinguishing the earUest issues placed on record. Collectors of nineteenth century volumes will frequently find noted the ex- istence of a publisher's wrapper or cover. Collations have been systematically omitted (this again for sake of brevity), but the presence of portraits and frontispieces, the existence and num- ber of plates has usually been carefully registered. For it must be kept in mind that this book, although compiled by a bibliographer, is not a bibliography but a collector's guide. The information given is such as a collector seems likely to require, the information omitted, such as he does not, as a rule, seem anxious to possess. Experience alone will prove how cor- rectly I have gauged the average collector's needs and wishes. A prominent feature in this and all other handbooks of the same kind is the much vexed question of prices. Prices there must be or the Book Collector's Guide would be unworthy of, its title; but what prices? Prices at which the books can be bought or prices at which they may be sold ? Prices in London or prices in New York? Prices in small semi-confidential auc- tion-rooms or record prices paid in famous sales? So many considerations influence the market value of a printed book that it is in many cases quite hopeless to lay down a hard and fast rule. However, for the vast majority of volumes, it is in my opinion quite possible to quote prices zvJiich to a first, class book- seller may serve as a practical basis for the purchase or sale of a good standard copy. The prices here given are the result of a long and careful study of the English and American book market and represent as a rule the averages of a number of sales of each book in the most recent New York and London auctions. Any reader may test the accuracy of these valuations with the help of such in- valuable reference works as Book Prices Current (London, since 1887), American Book Prices Current (New York, since 1895) ^^^ Livingston's Auction Prices of Books (1905). All I claim is that such a valuation gives a general indication as to the kind of price a good copy might bring in a well advertised xii BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE sale, under normal competition; but it is quite likely that the copy might sell for much less or much more. To emphasize this more strongly, the general valuation of each book is, in most cases, followed by examples taken from recent sale-records showing what prices have actually been obtained at auction for individual copies. This will, as often as not, enable book- buyers to form an independent opinion, as care has been taken to note only such prices as are fairly representative. This has been carried so far that, for many early plays, no price has been quoted, merely because no recent and representative record could be discovered. The great Huth sale in London and, in New York, the recent Hoe, Huntington, Hagen, and Herschell V. Jones sales, have supplied me with a number of "record prices" showing how highly really fine books are valued by the modern collector. When a book has once sold for an enormous price and another copy turns up unexpectedly, the price of the new example is always strongly influenced by the former record. Such fancy prices are not, as many people believe, sporadic instances of an individual collector's excitement, but have in many cases a per- manent influence on the book-market of the world. The approximate valuations prefixed to these lists of auction records are in every case given in dollars and may be taken on the whole — except for some works in which only English col- lectors seem to specialize — to express the prices prevailing rather on the New York than on the London market. In estab- lishing them, I have received much invaluable assistance from the late George D. Smith, who had hoped to be able to publish this Guide and who gave me on innumerable occasions the benefit of his extensive knowledge of the American book-market. I now come to the most pleasant part of an author's duties: to thank the many book lovers who have helped me in my work. First of all, Mr. Charles W. Clark, to whose encouragement this book, born in the trenches of the Somme, owes its present shape and without whose generous assistance it would possibly never PREFACE xiii have been published. And secondly, Miss Henrietta C. Bart- lett, whose share in my labours has been so considerable that in all fair justice her name should have appeared on the title page. Not only did she continually assist me in the collection of data, the preparation of the copy, and the arduous reading of the proofs, but her accurate mind and well-balanced judgment have done more than I am able to express towards making this Guide acceptable to the public and useful to the general reader. Bibliography is a path full of pitfalls. If I have escaped many a treacherous trip I owe it to the kindness of two eminent specialists who with unfailing courtesy and untiring patience have continually revised both my manuscript and my proof- sheets. What Mr. Beverly Chew does not know about old English books and what has escaped Mr. Thomas J. Wise con- cerning English authors of the nineteenth century, everybody will grant is of scant interest to anyone. It is an extraordinary and undeserved piece of good fortune to have secured their unlimited cooperation and I am glad of it for my reader's sake, even more than for my own. If this Guide is, to a certain extent, a rough survey of the latest born American private libraries, it is to the owners of these libraries that I must tender the expression of my grati- tude. My book would lose much of its interest \i I had not been able to place on record the most recent purchases of Messrs. Charles W. Clark, William A. Clark, Jr., J. L. Claw- son, Carl Pforzheimer, A. E. Newton, Cortlandt F. Bishop, and Mortimer L. Schiff, to name only a few. Among the older collectors, Mr. W. A. White and Mr. Bev- erly Chew have proffered me the most hospitable welcome and allowed me full use of the elaborate manuscript catalogues of their libraries prepared some years ago by Miss Bartlett. If my bibliographical labours have been conducted in Amer- ica under the most favourable conditions, I owe it especially to the hospitality of the Grolier Club, to the riches of the Club's library and to the constant help of the Club's librarian, Miss xiv BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE Ruth Granniss. In Cambridge, Mr. G. P. Winship and Mrs. Luther S. Livingston assisted me in exploring the H. E. Wid- ener collection. In New York, Miss Thurston and Miss Greene threw open to me many of the treasure cupboards of the great Pierpont Morgan library. Regardless of all other considera- tions than the desire to aid a fellow-bibliographer, Mr. George Watson Cole and his entire staff of expert cataloguers have placed at my disposal the unpublished results of several years' hard work and have spared no trouble to supply me with the fullest details on the vast English and American library gath- ered by Mr. Henry E. Huntington. Readers of these pages will, thanks to his kindness, be able to form a fairly adequate idea of some of the principal treasures brought together by that most enthusiastic and successful of modern bibliophiles. The subjoined bibliographical notes give a short list of some of the most useful working tools of the British and American bibliographer. May the compiler of this Guide conclude these prefatory remarks by craving the indulgence of his readers. In spite of the pains he has taken, many erros, he knows it only too well, must have escaped his attention. He would be glad to hear about them from fellow-workers in the great bibliographi- cal field. Fair criticism of his efforts would, in his opinion, be the pleasantest and most acceptable reward. Se:ymour dE Ricci, Paris, i8 rue Boissiere BIBLIOGRAPHY xv BIBLIOGRAPHY Lowndes (William T.). The bibliographer's manual of English liter- ature. 2d edition revised by H. G. Bohn (London, H. G. Bohn, 1857-1864. 11 vols. \2^). Hazlitt (William Carew). Handbook to the popular, poetical, and dra- matic literature of Great Britain from the invention of printing to the Restoration (London, J. R. Smith, 1867. 8«). Completed by: Collections and notes (1876), Second series (1882), Third series (1887), Supplements (1889), Second supplement (1892), Fourth series (1903), and General index by J. G. Gray (1893). In all 8 vols. 8^ Catalogue of original and early editions of some of the poetical and prose works of English writers -from Langland tO' Wither (New York, Grolier Club, 1893. 4°). Catalogue of original and early editions of some of the poetical and prose works of English writers from Wither to Prior (New York, Grolier Club, 1905. 3 vols. 4°). Corset (Thomas). Collectanea Anglo-poetica, or a bibliographical and descriptive catalogue of a portion of a collection of early English poetry (Manchester, Chetham Society, 1860-1883. 11 vols. 4«). Greg (W. W.). A list of English plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700 (London, Bibliographical Society, 1900. 4°). Greg (W. W.). A list of masques, pageants, etc., supplementary to a list of English plays (London, Bibliographical Society, '1902. 4°). Bosanquet (Eustace F,). English printed Almanacks and Prognostica- tions, a bibliographical history to the year 1600 (London, Bibliogra- phical Society, 1917. 4«). Esdaile (Arundell). List of English tales and prose romances printed before 1740. (London, Bibliographical Society, 1912. 4°). Slater (J. H.). Early editions, a bibliographical survey of the works of some popular modern authors (London, Kegan Paul, 1894. 8*'). Slater (J. H.). Illustrated sporting books (London, L. Upcott Gill, 1899. 12^). Harper (Francis P.). Colored plate books and their values (Princeton, Harper, 1913. 12°). xvi BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE PRINTING Duff (E. Gordon). Fifteenth century English books, a bibHography of books and documents printed in England and of books for the Eng- lish market printed abroad (London, Bibliographical Society, 1917. 4°). Blades (W.). The life and typography of William Caxton, England's first printer (London, J. Lilly, 1862-1863. 2 vols. 4°). Ricci (Seymour de). A census of Caxtons (London, Bibliographical Society, 1909. 4^). Duff (E. Gordon), and others. Handlists of English printers, 1501- 1556. (London, Bibliographical Society, 1895-1913. 4 vols. 4"). Duff (E. Gordon). A century of the English book-trade, 1457-1557. (London, Bibliographical Society, 1905. 4°). McKerrow (R. B.). A dictionary of the printers and booksellers at work in England, Scotland and Ireland, 1557-1640. (London, Bib- liographical Society, 1910. 4°). Plomer (H. R.). A dictionary of the printers and booksellers at work in England, Scotland and Ireland, 1641 to 1667. (London, Biblio- graphical Society, 1908. 4°). Arber (Edward). A transcript of the registers of the Company of Sta- tioners of London, 1554-1640. (London, 1875-1894. 5 vols. 4°). Eyre and Rivington. A transcript of the registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers from 1640-1708. (London, 1913-1915. 3 vols. 4°). Arber (Edward). The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709. (London, 1903- 1906. 3 vols. 4°). Madan (Falconer). Oxford books, a bibliography of printed works relating to the University and City of Oxford or printed or published there, vols. I-II, 1468-1650 (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895-1912. 2 vols. 8°). Edmond (John Philip) and Robert Dickson. Annals of Scottish print- ing from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century. (Cambridge, Macmillan and Bowes, 1890. 4°)- BIBLIOGRAPHY xvii AMERICANA Sabin (Joseph). A dictionary of books relating to America (New York, Sabin, 1868-1892. 20 vols. 8«). Evans (Charles). American bibliography, a chronological dictionary of all books, pamphlets and periodical publications printed in the United States of America, vols. I-VIII, 1639-1792 (Chicago, 1903-1914. 8 vols. 4°). Foley (P. K.). American authors, 1795-1895, a bibliography of first and notable editions chronologically arranged with notes (Boston, 1897. 8°). CATALOGUES Catalogue of books in the library of the British Museum printed in Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland and of books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640 (London, British Museum, 1884. 3 vols. 8°). Sayle (C. E.). Early English printed books in the University Library, Cambridge, 1475-1640 (Cambridge, University Press, 1900-1907. 4 vols. 8°). The Huth Library, a catalogue of the printed books, manuscripts, auto- graph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth (London, Ellis and White, 1880. 5 vols. 4«). The Rowfant Library, a catalogue of the printed books, manuscripts, autograph letters, drawings and pictures coillected by Frederick Locker-Lampson (London, 1886-1900. 2 vols. 8°). A catalogue of . . . the library of Robert Hoe (New York, 1903- 1909. 16 vols. 4°). Cole (G. Watson). A catalogue of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and S'outh America forming a part of the library of E. D. Church (New York, Dodd, Mead, 1907. 5 vols. 4°). English literature and miscellanea (New York, Dodd, Mead, 1909. 2 vols. 4"). Bartlett (Henrietta C). Handlist of early English books mostly of the Elizabethan period collected by W. A. White (Brooklyn, 1914. 8°). Rosenbach (A. S. W.). A catalogue of the books and manuscripts of Harry Elkins Widener (Philadelphia. 1918. 2 vols. 4"). To this should be added three special volumes on the works of R. L. Steven- son (1913), Cruikshank (1918) and Dickens (1918). xviii BOOK COLLECTOR'S GUIDE Cole (G. Watson). Check-list or brief catalogue of the library of Heftry E. Huntington, English literature to 1640 (New York, privately printed, 1919. 8°). Clark (Charles W.). The library of Charies W. Clark, vols. I-V (San Francisco, 1914-19. 6 vols. 4°). Cowan (R. E.) and W. A. Clark, Jr. The library of William Andrews Clark, Jr., vol. I (San Francisco, 1920. 4°). Wrenn (H. B.) and T. J. Wise. A catalogue of the library of the late John Henry Wrenn (Austin, University of Texas, 1920. 5 vols. 8°). AUCTION RECORDS Slater (J. H.). Book-prices current. (London, Elliot Stock, 1887-1919. 33 vols. 8° and 3 vols, of indices). Livingston (Luther S.), and others. American book-prices current. (New York, Dodd, Mead now Button, 1895-1919. 25 vols. 8°). . Livingston (Luther S.). Auction prices of books (New York, Dodd, Mead, 1905. 4 vols. 4°). A'BECKET (Gilbert Abbott). 1811-1856 The Comic Blackstone. London, Punch Office, 1844- 1846. 2 parts in i vol. S**. Front, and 2 vignettes by Cruikshank. In orig. white boards $10-15, but more in parts. The Quizziology of the British Drama. London, Punch Office, 1846. 12^ Illustrations by Leech. In orig-. cloth $5-6. The Comic History of England. London, Punch OMce, 1 847- 1 848. 2 vols. 8^ 20 coloured pi. and 240 woodcuts by Leech. In orig. cloth $20-25 and, in 20 parts (in 9), $60-80. — i 15 Hornstein (Apr. 1916, n. 1401) in parts; $75 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 3), in parts; $205 Norton (Nov. 1918, n. 1) in parts, with an orig. drawing added. Usually sold with the follozving: The Comic History of Rome. London, Bradbury and Bvans [1848]. 8^ 10 coloured pi. and 98 woodcuts by Leech. In orig. cloth $20-25 and, in 10 parts (in 9). $60-80. — $54 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 5) in parts, minor defects; $185 Norton (Nqv. 1918, n. 2) in parts. The above 3 vols, together, in orig. parts, with all covers and advertise- ments $225 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 543). ABSTRACT (An) OR ABBREVIATION An Abstract or Abbreviation of some few of the Many (later and former) Testimonys from the Inhabitants of New Jersey. London, T. Milbourn, i68i. 4°. 32 pp. The second of the seven "Scottish Proprietors' Tracts." Some five copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Carter Brown; 3. Hunt- ington (Church) ; 4. $1600 Crane (March 1913. n. 678) mor.. by Lortic; 5. $950 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 239) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). 2 ACCOUNT ACCOUNT OF THE TREATY Account of the Treaty held at Albany with the Indians of the Six Nations. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1746. Fol. 20 pp. $975 Walpole Galleries, 16 Febr. 1917, n. 90, mor. See also Treaty. ACKERMANN (Rudolph). 1764-1834 See W(yatt) P(apworth), Notes and Queries, IVth series, IV (1869) pp. 109-112 and 129-131. The Microcosm of London. London, R. Ackermann, 1808- 1810. 3 vols. 4". 3 dedicatory pi. by Ashby and 104 coloured pi. by Pugin and Rowlandson. Originally published in 26 parts. Fine copies are scarce : $120-150. — £ 32 Sotheby's, 29 July 1918, n. 562, mor.; $195 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 1012) mor. The Yates Thompson copy contains Pug-in's original sketches and the plates in duplicate, both plain and coloured ; this is apparently the copy sold for £ 61 Quaile (May 1901, n. 104). A History of the University of Oxford. London, R. Ack- ermann, 1 81 4. 4°. Coloured pi. Exists on large paper. $60-80 (and more if with the 33 portraits of founders). — £35 Sothe- by's, 30 July 1919, n. 509, mor. A History of the University of Cambridge. London, R. Ackermann, 181 5. 4°. Portr. and 79 coloured pi. Exists on large paper. $60-80 (and more if with the 16 portraits of founders). — £37 Sothe- by's, 30 July 1919, n. 508, mor. A History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton and West- minster . . . London. R. Ackermann, 181 6. 4°. 48 coloured pi. Some plates are known with variations, such as "Charter House from the Play Ground." $150-200. — £28.10.0 Puttick's, 24 Oct. 1907, n. 195; £22.10.0 Sothe- by's, 25 Nov. 1912, n. 561 ; £ 14.5.0 Sotheby's, 30 March 1914, n. 942, plates on India paper; £ 52 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 3) mor. Costumes of the British Army. London, R. Ackermann, ACKERMANN 3 1 840- 1 854. 61 coloured pi. by W. Heath, H. de Daubrawa and H. Martens. To this should be added a New Series (1855-1858) with 15 colored pi. £83 Sotheby's, 18 March 1904, n. 659, only 56 pi.; £ 160 Milne (Febr. 1913, n. 2) with extra plates showing variations. Costumes of the Indian Army. London, R. Ackermann, 1 845- 1 847. Fol. 27 coloured pi. Very scarce complete. ACTOR'S (The) REMONSTRANCE The Actor's Remonstrance or Complaint for the Silencing of their Profession and Banishment from the several Play- Houses . . . Printed for Bdzv. Nickson, 24. Jan. 1643. 4°- Only 2 copies known: Brit. Mus. (reprinted, 1822, 100 copies) and £20 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 24) calf, by Bedford (now H. E. Widener Library). ADAM (Robert). 1728-1792 Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalato in Dalmatia. London, for the Author, 1763 (or 1764). Fol. 71 pi. $10-20. — i 12.5.0 Christie's, 26 March 1902, n. 181, George Ill's copy, old mor., with royal arms. ADAM (Robert and James) Works in Architecture. London, iyyyi^22. 3 vols. Fol. 105 pi. by Bartolozzi, Cunego and others. Some copies have the ceilings coloured. — £ 108 Sotheby's, 18 Nov. 1913, n. 1, half-mor.; £ 128 Arthur (July 1914, n. 249) half-mor. ADDISON (Charles Greenstreet). 18. .-1866 Damascus and Palmyra. London, R. Bentley, 1838. 2 \'ols. 8°. 10 coloured pi. by W. M. Thackeray. • In orig. cloth $5-8, but much more for the rare copies with 18 pi. — £34.10.0 Sotheby's. 31 May 1907, n. 113, orig. cloth, 18 pi.; $260 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 800), orig. cloth, 18 pi. 4 ADDISON ADDISON (Joseph). 1672-1719 Remarks on several Parts of Italy. London, for J. Ton- son, 1705. 8°. i 33 Elton (May 1916, n. 2) old calf, presentation copy to Sacheverell. The Campaign, a Poem to His Grace the Duke of Marl- borough. London, Jacob Tonson, 1705. Fol. 22 leaves. $20-30. — £ 15 Hodgson's, 31 May 1905, n. 516, uncut; $32.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 2) calf, by Riviere, uncut. The Spectator. London, S. Buckley and A. Baldwin, 171 1- 1712. Fol. A complete set contains 556 numbers (1-555, 1 March 1711-6 Decem- ber 1718), two different parts being numbered 165. £38 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 3) calf (Rowfant copy, now C. T. Crocker) ; i 28 Hodgson's, 3 Apr. 1913, n. 397. To this may be added Nos.. 556-636 [read 635] (18 June 1714-20 De- cember 1714) and a further, but spurious, continuation (by William Bond), 3 January-5 August 1715. With the continuations $950 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 17) in 2 vols, (the Earl of Munster's copy, now H. E. Widener Library). Cato, a Tragedy. London, for J. Tonson, 171 3. 4°. There are two editions under the same date. $15-25. — £ 14.5.0 Sotheby's, 20 June 1904, n. 157, uncut ; $47.50 Hagen (May, 1918, n. 2) mor. ; $52 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 3) calf, uncut, by Riviere. Works. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1761. 4°. Portr. and plates by Grignion after Hayman. Most copies are more or less stained. In calf $15-20; in mor. $50-60. — £ 15 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 3) mor., with the arms of the Earl of Clare. ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR COMICUS The Adventures of Doctor Comicus, or the Frolics of For- tune. London, for B. Blake [1815]. S"*. 15 coloured pi. by Illman. An imitation of the first Tour of Dr. Syntax (See Combe). In orig. boards $50-60. — $55 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 641) mor. by Riviere. ADVERTISEMENT 5 ADVERTISEMENT (An) An Advertisement concerning the Province of East-New- Jersey in America. Bdinburgh, J. Reid, 1685. 4°. 24 pp. The seventh and last of the "Scottish Proprietors' Tracts." Only three copies are known: 1. New York Public Library (Lenox) ; 2. Huntington (Church); 3. $3800 Crane (March 1913, n. 680) mor., uncut, now J. Carter Brown, probably the copy sold i 206 at Puttick's, 7 Oct. 1909, n. 261. ADVICE TO SPORTSMEN Advice to Sportsmen, Rural or Metropolitan, Noviciates or Grown Persons, with Anecdotes of the most renowned Shots of the Day by Marmaduke Markwell. London, Tegg, 1809. 8°. 16 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. boards $20-30. — $70 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 619) mor., by Riviere. ^SOP The Fables of Aesop in English. London, F. B. for An- drew Hebb, 1647. 8°- The last edition of the version printed by Caxton in 1484. £18 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 61) old calf (now H. E. Widener Library). The Fables of Aesop paraphrased in Verse by John Ogilby. London, T. Warren for A. Crook, 1651. 4°. Frontisp. by F. Clein and 80 etchings (numbered 1-81, a single etching bear- ing nos. 14 and 15). $190 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 8) old mor. Aesop's Fables with his Life ... by Th. Philpott and R. Codrington. London, W. Godbid for Francis Barlow, 1666. Fol. Engravings in the text. It is believed that many copies were burnt in the Fire of London. £8 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 64), mor., by C. Lewis. Fables. London, H. Hill, 1687. Fol. Same illustrations by Barlow as in the 1666 edition. Plate 17 is often missing. 6 JESOP $30-40 (and more on large paper) — £12 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 116) mor. ; $72.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, 11, n. 30) mor., large paper. Fables. London, Stockdale, 1793. 2 vols. 8°. 112 pi. by Stothard and others. Often sold with the companion volume of Gay's Fables, 1793. $25-30 (and more on large paper) — $72.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 4) mor., by Cuzin ; i 15 Sotheby's, 3 Apr. 1913, n. 5, mor., large paper, uncut ; $225 (with Gay's Fables) Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 4) mor., by Bedford, large paper, uncut. Fables. Newcastle, £. Walker, 1818. 8°. Woodcuts by Bewick. $15-20; large paper $25-50; largest paper $50-100. AINS WORTH (William Harrison). 1805-1882 See Slater, Early editions (1894), pp. 1-22. Rookwood, a Romance. London, R. Bentley, 1834. 3 vols. 8° $75 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 31) calf, by Riviere, presentation copy. Rookwood. London, J. Macrone, 1836. 8°. Portr. by Ed- wards, title and 11 pL by Cruikshank. In orig. green cloth $30-40. A set of undivided proofs, from the Bru- ton coll., is in the H. E. Widener Library. Jack Sheppard. London-, R. Bentley, 1838-1839. 3 vols. 8°. 27 pi. by Cruikshank, and portr. In orig. green cloth, or in 15 parts with wrappers. $80-100. — £ 19.5.0 Truman (May 1906, n. 16) in parts; £55 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 10) in parts; $350 Townsend (Jan. 1916. n. 125) mor., 4 orig. drawings inserted. The 1840 edition is worth $30-40. The Tower of London. London, R. Bentley, 1840. 8°. 40 (or sometimes 41) pi. and 58 woodcuts by Cruikshank. The first issue of the wrappers has the numbers of the parts printed, not manuscript. In orig. cloth $40-50 or in 13 parts $80-100. — £17 Hill (May, 1912, n. 12) in parts, with wrappers and advertisements; $55 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 5) cloth, presentation copy to Beckford; $97.50 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 201) in parts. Guy Fawkes or the Gunpowder Treason. London, R. Bent- AINSWORTH 7 ley, 1841. 3 vols. 8°. 3 frontisp. and 19 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. red-brown cloth $50-60. Old Saint Paul's. London, H. Cunningham, 1841 (or 1847). 3 vols. 8°. 20 pi. by J. Franklin and Phiz. In orig. doth $30-40 (also in 12 parts). — £10.10.0 Howard (June 1898, n. 7) with proofs of every plate added; £34.10.0 Hill (May 1912, n. 10) in parts (the 1847 edition) ; $75 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 7) cloth, pre- sentation copy. The Miser's Daughter. London, Cunningham and Morti- mer, 1842. 3 vols. 8°. 20 illustrations by Cruikshank. In orig. black cloth $50-60 (the 1843 and 1848 editions, cheaper). — £42 Stewart (March 1888, n. 123), Mrs. Cruikshank's copy, resold £26.10.0 Wright (June 1899, n. 9) and $160 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 8); £9.9.0 Howard (June 1898, n. 9) with proofs of every plate added; $150 Hermann (March 1909, n. 7) presentation copy, orig. drawing of frontis- piece added. Windsor Castle. London, H. Colburn, 1843 (o^ 1^44) • 3 vols. 8°. Portr., title, 18 pi. and 87 woodcuts, by Cruikshank and others. In orig. blue cloth $15-20 or in parts $30-40. — £ 11.10.0 Howard (June 1898, n. 2), the 1844 edition, with proofs of every plate added ; $51 Taylor (Jan. 1913, n. 6) in parts. St. James's or the Court of Queen Anne. London, J. Mor- timer, 1844. 3 vols. 12°. 9 pi. by Crtiikshank. $30-40 — $40 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 41) half-mor. ; $45 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 209) boards. Crichton. London, Chapman and Hall, 1849. 8°. Illus- trations by Phiz. The plates exist plain and coloured. In orig. boards $15-25. — £ 10 Sotheby's, 30 Oct. 1912, n. 1068, uncut. Merwyn Clitheroe. London, G. Routledge, 1857-1858. 8°. Illustrations by Phiz. In parts $25-30 — $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 9) in parts; $35 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 10) in parts. ALABASTER (William). 1567-1640 Roxana, Tragaedia. London, IV. Jones, 1632. 12°. En- 8 ALABASTER graved title (by Gaywood?) showing the interior view of a theatre. £15 Sotheby's, 4 Dfec. 1902, n. 49, mor. ; £5.5.0 Htith (Nov. 1911, n. 75) calf, by Ramag-e ; $55 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 12) calf (now Huntingr ton); $37.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917. V, n. 1) mor., by Riviere; £10 Sotheby's, 29 July 1918, n. 1032, orig-. vellum. ALARUM FOR LONDON Alarum for London, or the Siege of Antwerp [a Play]. London, for W. Ferhrand, 1602. 4°. £ 17 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 80) half-calf (now Library of Congress). ALBION [A merry Play both pithy and pleasant of Albion, Knight]. London, T. Cohvell [1566?]. 4° Only known by a fragment in the Huntington (Devonshire) coll., and the entry in the Stationers' register. ALDRICH (Thomas Bailey). 1836-1907 American bibliophiles collect his early editions, most of which may be picked up for $5-6 a piece. Presentation copies have sold for as much as $80 and $90. ALEXANDER (William), EARL OF STIRLING 1567(?)-1640 The Tragedy of Darius. Edinburgh, R. Waldgrave, 1603. 4- Very scarce. Huntingdon (Bridgewater copy) ; £ 102 Huth (July 1918, n. 7089) modern calf (now W. A. White). The Monarchic Tragedies [Croesus; Darius]. London, V. S. for B. Blount, 1604. 4°. $250 Hoe (Jan. 1912. H, n. 62) mor., by Bedford; £75 Huth (July 1918, n. 7090) bound with "Aurora" and "Paraenesis" (Corser copy). The Monarchic Tragedies: Croesus, Datius, the Alexan- draean, Julius Caesar. London, V. Simmes for B. Blount^ 1607. 4°. $202.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIIT, n. 5) inlaid throughout (Devon- ALEXANDER 9 shire copy) ; $185 Hagen (May 1918, n. 6) mor., by Bedford (Gaisford- Lefferts copy, now Beverly Chew) ; £75 Huth (July 1918, n. 7090) mor. (Corser copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $180 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 17) mor., by Pratt; i 88 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 1) unbound. Both in the 1604 and 1607 editions of the Monarchic Tragedies, "Croe- sus" and "Darius" are merely unsold sheets of separate editions of these plays, published singly in 1604. [Another edition]. London, W. Stansby, i6i6. 8°. Two or three copies are said to contain a portrait. £8 Huth (July 1918, n. 7091) mor., by Bedford. Aurora containing the first Fancies of the Author's Youth. London, R. Field for B. Blount, 1604. 4°* $1/^5 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 57) mor., by Riviere ; $90 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 4) inlaid throughout (Devonshire copy) ; $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 4) mor.. by Bediford (Rowfant copy), resold $145 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 17). A Paraenesis to the Prince. London, R. Field for B. Blount, 1604. 4°. $160 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 61) mor., by Riviere, resold $107.50 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 4) ; $70 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 3) inlaid throughout (Devonshire copy) ; $120 Hagen (May 1918, n. 5) mor., by Riviere. Recreations with the Muses. London, T. Harper, 1637. Fol. There are copies on large paper ; the portrait by Marshall is only found in a few copies. $8-10 and much more in fine condition. — $760 McKee (Dec. 1901, n. 2717) orig. calf, with the portrait, resold $1500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 56") mor., by The Club Bindery (Earl of Westmoreland-Jolley copy), now Huntington; $460 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 5) mor., by Riviere, portrait mounted; i 80 Huth (July 1918, n. 7088) orig. calf, large paper, with the portrait (Corser copy). ALEYN (Charles). 15.. -1640 The Battles of Crescey and Poitiers. London, T. Harper for T. Knight, 1633. 8°. $37.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 7) mor. The History of that wise and fortunate Prince, Henry VH. 10 ALEYN London, T. Cofcs for W. Cooke, 1638. 8". Portr. by W. Mar- shall. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911,' I, n. 58) mor., by Riiban, resold $40 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 6) ; $75 Hagen (May 1918, n. 8) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts copy). ALKEN (Henry). 1787-1851 Published (1811-1840) a number of books with coloured plates, chiefly relating to horses and horsemanship, a rough Hst of which is to be found in The Boston Transcript, 20 July 1910. Qualified Horses and Unqualified Riders. London, S. and J. Puller, 181 5. Oblong 4°. 7 coloured pi. $120 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 3) orig. wrapper; $145 Townsend Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 448) mor., by Riviere; £5.10.0 Cower (Oct. 1912, n. 553). BOSWELL (James).' 1740-1795 The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel John- son. London, H. Baldivin for C. Dilly, 1785. 8°. In orig. boards $50-60. — £9.15.0 Grant (May 1900. n. 28) uncut, pre- sentation copy; $610 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 519) russia, uncut, Boswell's 62 BOSWELL own cogy, with his notes; £9 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1913, n. 18, uncut, Ma- lone's copy, with his notes; $75 Hagen (May 1918,, n. 70) boards. The Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson. London, H. Baldwin for C. Dilly, lygi. 2 vols. 4°. In orig. boards $100-150. — i 38 Sotheby's, 21 May 1900, n. 204, un- cut, presentation copy; £46 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 116) uncut, autographs added (now R. B. Adam coll., Buffalo) ; $186 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 207) boards (now C. W. Clark). BOTANICAL (The) MAGAZINE Complete sets starting from 1787 and continued to the present day fetch in uniform binding $600-800. BOUHOURS (Dominique). 1628-1702 The Life of St. Francis Xavier of the Society of Jesus. London, for J. Tonson, 1688. 8°. Translated from the French by Dryden. BOURNE (Rev. Henry). 1696-1733 History of Newcastle upon Tyne. Nezvcastle, 1736. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. Extremely scarce on large paper. On small paper $10-15. BOWDITCH (Mrs. T. Edward). 1791-1856 The Fresh Water Fishes of Great Britain. London, R. Ackermann, 1828- 1838. 12 parts. 4°. 42 coloured and 3 un- coloured plates. £76 Ashburnham (June 1897, n. 773) mor. ; i33 Sotheby's, 30 Oct. 1906, n. 1309, mor. ; $977 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 250) in parts, autogr. on each cover. BOYD (Zachary). 1585(?)-1653 The Garden of Zion. Glasgozv, George Anderson, 1644. 2 vols. 8°. £70 Gray (March 1907, n. 4912) minor defects, mor., by Riviere. BOYDELL (John). 1719-1804 Collection of Prints after the most capital Paintings in BOY DELL 63 England. London, Boydell, 1 769-1 772. 9 vols. Fol. 571 pi- See collation in Lowndes. Complete sets are very seldom met with. — Vols. I-VII only, £210 Sotheby's, 29 Apr. 1918, n. 552, russia. Collection of one hundred Views in England and Wales. London, Boydell, 1790. Fol. $50-60. — £ 15 Sotheby's, 23 Oct. 1917, n. 1038, half-mor. Heads of Illustrious Persons. London, 181 1. Fol. $20-25. BOYS (Thomas Shotter). 1803-1874 London as it is. With notes by E. Oilier. [London, 1840]. Fol. Title and 26 lithogr. pi. (plain or coloured). Complete copies are very scarce. £ 16 Hodgson, 4 Nov. 1914, n. 612, wanting- 3 pi. BRACKENRIDGE (Hugh Henry). 1748-1816 See Charles F. Heartman, A bibliography of the writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge prior to 182^ (New York, 1917. 8°) 37 pp. (51 copies printed). Modern Chivalry. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, J. McCul- loch and J. Scull, 1792- 1793- 1797. 4 vols. 12°. Very scarce complete with the half-titles and the unnumbered page "Conclusion." Only two perfect copies were said to be known, but a few others have since been discovered. • $530 Taylor (Jan. 1913, n. 75) mor. (now Huntington). Modern Chivalry, part IL Carlisle {Pennsylvania) Arch- ibald Laudon. 1804- 1805. 2 parts in i vol. 12". Only two or three copies seem to be known: 1. $90 Anderson's, 13 Apr. 1908, n. 68, half-roan, then Halsey, now Huntington ; 2. $360 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 32) orig. sheep; 3. A third copy belongs to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. BRADSHAW (George). 1801-1853 Railway Time Tables. Northern Portion, loth Mo., 19th. Shepherd and Sutton, 1839. 16°. The earliest issue of "Bradshaw." In orig. green cloth $40-50. — £25 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 252 (then Halsey, now Huntington). 64 BRADSTREET BRADSTREET (Anne). 1612-1672 The Tenth Muse lately sprung up in America or several Poems. London, S. Bowtell, 1650. 8°. $100 Brinley (Nov. 1886, n. 6800) resold $460 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 63) calf (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $875 Taylor (Jan. 1913, n. 86) orig. sheep. Several Poems. Boston, John Foster, 1678. 16". $250 French and Chubbuck (Febr. 1904, n. 201) calf (then Halsey, now Huntington) . Several Poems. [Boston]. 1758. 8°. $40-50. , BRANDON (Samuel) The Tragicomedy of the virtuous Octavia. London, for W.Ponsonhy, 1598. 8°. Bodl., and Dyce coll. BRANDT (Sebastian). 1458-1520 Stultifera Navis. The Ship of Fools. London, J. Cawood, 1570. Fol. Woodcuts. The earlier editions (1509 etc.) of Barclay's translation are practically unobtainable. $150-200. — £42 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 9(H) old russia ; i 50 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 49) mor., by Bedford; $170 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 64) mor., by Matthews; $155 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 211) old calf. BRATHWAITE (Richard). 1588(?)-1673 A selection of his more important works : A Strappado for the Divell. London, LB. for R. Redmer, 1615. 8". £30.10.0 Sotheby's, 28 July 1904, n. 65, orig. sheep; $210 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 483) russia (Mitford copy, now Huntington) ; £13.1.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 909) mor., by C. Lewis (Corser copy, now Beverly Chew) ; $390 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 38) orig. veil. (Bridgewater copy) resold $510 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918. n. 212) now C. W. Clark. A Solemne joviall Disputation theoreticke and practicke briefely shadowing the Law of Drinking. Oenozpsthopolis, at the Signe of Red-Byes, 161 7. 8°. Contains also "The Smoaking Age" . . . Oenozpsthopolis , BRATHWAITE 65 at the Signe of Teare-Nose, 1617. Two frontisp. by Marshall. In one or two copies, each frontispiece is accompanied by a leaf of ex- planatory text. i48 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 55, orig. vellum; $350 Hoe (Apr. 1911 I, n. 484) orig. vellum; £31 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 910) old mor., resold $750 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 213), now J. L. Clawson. Nature's Embassie. London, for R. Whit aker, 1621. 16°. £21 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 916) mor. ; $185 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 544) mor., by Lortic (now Huntington) ; $170 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 105) mor., by Lortic, resold $190 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 130). The Shepheards Tales. London for R. Whit aker, 1621. 8". Only three copies on record. $1075 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 485) mor.. by the Club Bindery (now Huntington); £95 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 915) mor., by Bedford (Park- Utterson-Mitford copy, now W. A. White) ; $1060 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 214) mor., by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (now J. L. Clawson). The English Gentleman. London, J. Haviland for R. Bos- tock, 1630. 4°. Engr. title by Vaughan, with folding leaf of explanation. Pages 459-487 containing "Three choice Characters of Marriage" are only found in very few copies. $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 486) mor., ty the Club Bindery ; £ 7.7.6 Huth (Nov. 1911, ,n. 917) orig. calf ; $135 Hagen (May 1918, n. 74) orig. veil., with an early state of the engr. title (now S. N. Levy) ; $290 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 215) orig. veil, (now C. W. Clark) ; £ 140 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 4) mor., by Riviere, with pp. 459-487 (now H. E. Hunt- ington). The English Gentlewoman. London, B. A hop and T. Fazvcet for M. Sparkc, 1631. 4°. Engr. title by Marshall, with folding leaf of explanation. $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 75) veil. The Arcadian Princess. London, T. Harper for R. Bos- tocke, 1635. 8°. Front, by Marshall. £21.10.0. Sotheby's. 6 May 1901. n. 86. calf; $50 Hoe CApr. 1911, I, n. 488) mor., by Murton. resold $50 Huntington (Jan. 1920. XL n. 61) now Beverly Chew; £7 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 920) calf; $82 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIH. n. 35) calf (now W. A. Clark. Jr) ; $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 77) mor.; $90 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 217) old calf. 66 BRATHWAITE Barnabees Journall. London [J. Haviland, 1638]. 16°. Front, by Marshall. $170 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 489) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; £80 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 922) mor., by Bedford (now J. L. Clawson) ; $265 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 548) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $495 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 128) now Beverly Ohew; $400 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 51) mor., by Bedford (Chew copy) resold $610 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 218) ; $510 Hagen (May 1918, n. 78) mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Ar't Asleep Husband? A Boulster Lecture. London, R, Bishop for R. B., 1640. 8°. Front, by Marshall. $170 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 490) mor., by Pratt, resold $127.50 Hunting- ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 52) ; £20 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 930) old calf ; $195 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 220) mor., by Riviere. Mercurius Britannicus or the English Intelligencer, a Tragic-Comedy. London, 1641. 4°. Two editions differing in collation (A-D^E^ and A-D*). $33 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 493) mor., bv Riviere (now Huntington) ; £20 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 21) unbound. BRAYLEY (Edward Wedlake). 1773-1854 Topographical History of Surrey. Dorking, 1841-1848. 5 vols. 4°. $15-25 and on large paper $30-40. — £24 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 309). BRERETON (John) A brief and true Relation of the Discovery of the North Part of Virginia. London, G. Bishop, 1602. 4". 12 leaves. Only 4 copies are known: Huntington (Britwell) ; Grenville Kane (Church copy) ; Carter Brown (Hardwicke) ; $480 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 36) mor., wanting title (Halsey copy). [Second edition]. London, G. Bishop, 1602. 4°. 24 leaves. Nearly as scarce as the first edition, about nine copies being known. $4050 A. T. White (Febr. 1920, n. 18) half-mor. (S. Simon copy). BRETON (Nicholas). 1545(?)-1626(?) Much as his works are valued by collectors of early English literature BRETON 67 it has not seemed feasible to include even a summary account of them in these pages. Fairly full details will be found in Corser's Collectanea, (passim). A number of them exist in only one or two copies, chiefly in the Hun,tington and W. A. White collections ; the latter includes most of the Huth copies, whereas the 12 items in the Britwell sale (nn. 4-15: total price £ 6730) are now all in the Hunting-ton library. BREWER (Anthony) The Country Girl, a Comedy, by T. B. London, for A. R., 1647. 4°- £8.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 22) unbound. The Love-sick King, an English tragical History, with the Life and Death of Cartesmunda, the fair Nun of Winchester [a play]. London, for R. Pollard and J. Szueeting, 1655. 4°. £6 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 994) vellum (now Huntington). BRIDGES (John), 1666-1724, and Rev. Peter WHALLEY, 1722-1791 History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. Oxford, 1 79 1. 2 vols. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $40-50. — £ 14.10.0 Buccleuch (March 1889, n. 267) uncut. BRIEF (A) DESCRIPTION OF CAROLINA A brief Description of the Province of Carolina. Lon- don, for Rob. Home, 1666. 4°. £46 Martin (March 1888, n. 137); i42 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 53) mor., uncut. BRIEF (A) RELATION ... OF NEW ENGLAND A brief Relation of the Discovery and Plantation of New England. London, J. Haviland for W. Bladen, 1622. 4°. $850 Huntington (Jan. 1917, IV, n. 232) mor., by Riviere (Britwell copy) ; $1125 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 33, mor., double, by Bedford (Lefferts-A. T. White copy). 68 BRISTOL BRISTOL (Earl of). See Digby (George) BRITISH GALLERY OF PICTURES The British Gallery of Pictures [by Tresham, Ottley and Tomkins]. London, 1818. Fol. On large paper $60-80. — £ 26 Puttick's, 13 May 1901, n. 372, mor. BRITTON (John). 1771-1857 Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. London, 1805- 1826. 5 vols. 4°. $20-40 and, on large paper $40-50. — The 1835 edition, $15-25. Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. London, 1814- 1832. 14 vols. 4°. $40-50 and, on large paper $60-80. — On largest paper with duplicate set of proofs £38 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 135) mor. The 1835 edition, in 5 vols. 4° is worth $25-30. Picturesque Antiquities of English Cities. London, Long- man, 1 828- 1 830. 4°. 6 parts in i vol. 60 pi. On large paper $15-20; 12 copies exist on largest paper. A companion volume is his : Picturesque Views of the English Cities. London, 1827. 4 parts in 1 vol. 4". 32 pi. ($10-15). BROADWAY (The) JOURNAL The Broadway Journal. Edited by E. A. Poe, C. F. Briggs and H. C. Watson. New York, 1845. 2 vols. Fol. Poe's own copy with notes in his autograph, $240 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 601), then Halsey (now Huntington). BROME (Alexander). 1620-1666 Songs and other Poems. London, for H. Brome, 1661. 8°. Portr. by Hertoch. Perfect copies should have 4 unpaged leaves after p. 32 and duplicate pages 127-142, also a slip of errata at the end. In that condition $50-60. — $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 118) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The 1664 edition, £7.10.0 Bunbury (July 1896, n. 69) calf. BROME 69 The Cunning Lovers, a Comedy. London, W. Sheares, 1654. 4°. £4 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1023) calf; $65 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 570) mor., resold $47.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 51) ; $51 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 48) half-mor. The Rump or a Collection of Songs and Ballads made upon those who would be a Parliament. London, for H. Brome and H. Marsh, 1660. 8°. $350 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 571) mor., by Hering (Perkins copy, now Huntington). See also Chauce:r. BROME (Richard). 15..-1652(?) Lachrymae Musarum, the Tears of the Muses, expressed in Elegies written by divers Persons of Nobility and Worth upon the Death of Henry Lord Hastings. London, T. N., 1649 (o^ 1650). 8°. 98 pp., front, and folded epitaph. Contains (pp. 88-92) Dryden's first printed poem (see the Huth cata- logue). Two issues varying in the date. £25.10.0 Grant (May 1900, n. 306) calf; i 45 Sotheby's, 31 May 1907, n. 38, orig. sheep, with duplicate and cancelled leaves; $375 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1118) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £31 Huth (June 1913, n. 3514) old russia; $385 Hagen (May 1918, n. 394) mor., by De Coverly (Rowfant copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.)- Five new Plays. London, for H. Moseley, etc., 1(353. ^°- Portr. by T. Cross. — Five new Plays. London, for A. Crook and H. Brome, 1659. 8**. Portr. by T. Cross. Ten plays in 2 volumes. — The portrait is often missing. The two volumes, £24 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 59; £44 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 28-29) orig. sheep. The Northern Lasse, a Comedy. London, A. Mafhewes for N. Vavasour, 1632. 4°. £6 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 242, calf; £2.2.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1024) half-mor.; $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 526) calf (now Hunting- ton) ; $55 Huntington (Dec. 1917. V, n. 58) calf (McKee copy). The Antipodes, a Comedy. London, J. Okes for F. Consta- ble, 1640. 4°. £8.10^0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1025) half-mor.; $85 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 578) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 70 BROME The Sparagus Garden, a Comedy. London, J. Okes for F. Constable, 1640. 4°. Two issues, the first giving the Epilogue twice (A 4 recto and L 4 verso), the second only once (L 4 verso). £8.10.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1026) half-mor. ; $25 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 527) mor., by Kaufmann (now Huntington) ; $47.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 39) inlaid throughout (Devonshire copy); £13 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 26) unbound. A Joviall Crew, or the Merry Beggars. London, J. T. for B. D. and N. £., 1652. 4°. £2.18.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1027) calf, by Zaehnsdorf ; $45 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 579) calf (Perkins copy) resold $40 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 47). The Queen's Exchange, a Comedy. London, H. Brome, 1657. 4°. £5.15.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1028) half bound; $12.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 528) mor. (now Huntington). The Debauchee, or the Credulous Cuckold, a Comedy. Lon- don, for J. Amery, 1677. 4°. Not as sometimes stated, by Mrs. Aphra Behn, but a new edition of R. Brome's "The Mad Couple well matched," first published in the Five Plays of 1653. $30 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 530) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington) ; $17.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 25) half-mor. ; $16 Hagen (May 1918, n. 37) half-calf. BRONTE (Charlotte) 1816-1855. BRONTE (Emily) 1818-1848. BRONTE (Anne) 1820-1849 See T. J. Wise, A bibliography of the tvritings in prose and verse of the members of the Bronte family (London, 1917. 4°). xv-255 pp. (100 copies printed). Poems by Currer, ElHs and Acton Bell. London, Aylott and Jones, 1846. 8°. In orig. green cloth $100-150. — £ 28 Clarke (March 1899, n. 32) cloth; £39 Sotheby's, 14 Jan. 1914. n. 109, cloth, earliest issue; £70 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915. n. 1700). Charlotte Bronte's own copy, resold $525 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 231); $205 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 713) orig- cloth. The second issue with a title bearing the name of Smith and Elder, dated 1846 (but only published in 1848) is worth $10-15. Copies of this issue should contain at the end a slip of Errata. BRONTE 71 Jane Eyre, an Autobiography, edited by Currer Bell [Char- lotte Bronte]. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1847. 3 vols. 8^ In orig. red cloth $100-150 and more. — £ 38 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 60; £33 Hodgson's, 26 Nov. 1913, n. 208; $100 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 989) cloth (Rowfant copy) ; $205 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 109A) cloth; $330 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 232) cloth, autogr. added. The original MS. belongs to Mrs. Yates Thompson. Jane Eyre. Second Edition. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1848. 3 vols. 8^ Contains for the first time the eulogistic dedication to Thackeray. $430 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 93) autogr. of Thackeray added. Shirley, a Tale, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Bronte]. Lon- don, Smith, Elder and Co., 1849. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. red cloth $15-20. — $25 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 585) half-mor. ; $24 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 50) cloth (Halsey copy) ; $26 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 233) cloth. Villette, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Bronte]. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1853. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $15-20. — $25 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 586) half- mor. The Professor, a Tale, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Bronte]. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1857. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. purple cloth $12-15. — $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 587) half- mor. Wuthering Heights, a Novel, by Ellis Bell [Emily Bronte] ; Agnes Grey, a Novel, by Acton Bell [Anne Bronte]. London, T. C. Newby, 1847. 3 vols. 12°. Vol. Ill contains Agnes Grey. In orig. red cloth $80-100. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Acton Bell [Anne Bronte] London, T. C. Nezvhy, 1848. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. red cloth $20-25. The author's own copy, with MS. corrections, £32 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 79. 72 BROOKE BROOKE (Fulke Greville, Baron). 1554-1628 The Tragedy of Mustapha. London, for N. Butter, 1609. 4 • £7.5.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1033) calf; i41 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 141) unbound. Certain learned and elegant Works. London, B. P. for H. Seyle, 1633. Fol. Pages 1-22 are suppressed in all known copies. $15-25 and more on large paper. — £ 30.10.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1034) mor., by Bedford, Ben Jonson's copy with his autograph; $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 511) mor., by the Club Bindery, large paper, resold $180, Huntington (Dec. 1917. V. n. 61) ; $145 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 53) mor., by Bedford (Lefiferts copy). BROUGH (Robert Barnabas). 1828-1860 The Life of Sir John Falstaff. London, Longman, 1857- 1858. 8°. 20 pi. and i woodcut by Cruikshank. Published in 10 parts ; the plates exist plain and coloured and are found without the text in a special wrapper. In orig. cloth $25-30 and in parts $60-80. — £ 14.15.0 Chambers (May 1914, n. 38) in parts; $1525 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 797) the etchings only, India proofs, with 5 of the orig. drawings. BROWNE (Sir Thomas). 1605-1682 Religio Medici. London, A. Crooke, 1642. 8°. Front. by Marshall. Two unauthorized editions appeared in 1642 ; the first authorized edi- tion is dated 1643 ($100-150). The surreptitious editions are worth $100-150. — £38 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 137) calf.; $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 518) mor., by Bedford. Hydriotaphia, Urn-Burial, or a Discourse of the Sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk. London, for H. Brome, 1658. 8°. 2 pi. $40-50. — $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 92) mor., by the Club Bindery. Certain Miscellany Tracts. London, for C. Mearne, 1683. 8°. Portr. by Vandrebane. £41 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 152, in a fine contemporary binding. BROWNE 73 Letter to a Friend upon the Occasion of the Death of his intimate Friend. London, C. Brome, 1690. Fol. 6 leaves, i 10.15.0 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 113) unbound. BROWNE (William). 1591-1643(?) Britannia's Pastorals. London, T. Snodhani for G. Norton, [i6i3]-i6i6. 2 vols. Folio. $150-200 and more on large paper. — i 87 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1053) orig. limp vellum, on large paper; $350 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 597) mor., by The Club Bindery (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £ 74 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 52) mor., by Bedford. BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett). 1806-1861 S'ee H. Buxton Forman. Blicabcth Barrett Browning and her scarcer books, a bio-bibliographical note, in Literary Anecdotes, II, 1896, pp. 81- 101 ; T. J. Wise, A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Elisabeth Barrett Broivning (London, 1918. 4°) xv-247 pp. The Battle of Marathon, a Poem. London, printed for IV. Lindsell, 1820. 8°. No wrapper. Of the 50 copies printed, only nine, as yet, have been traced. 1. T, J. Wise, uncut, presentation copy to Miss J. Whingates ; 2. B. B. Mac- george; 3. H. E. Widener Library, old blue calf; 4. Univ. of Texas (Wrenn coll.) presentation copy to S. M. Barrett ($425 Arnold, May 1901, n. 25) calf; 5. Huntington (Halsey) presentation copy to Trep- sack (bought in New York, June 1899) old russia ; 6. $330 F®ote (Jan. 1895, n. 13) mor., by Riviere, resold $1125 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 14; 7. $410 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 3), resold $625 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 169, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; 8. J. A. Spoor (the presentation copy to Mrs. James formerly in the Rowfant coll.) ; 9. John S Phipps, mor., by Riviere. ^In addition, the following records may be quoted: i60 E. C Gent (12 Dec. 1907, n. 622) calf, by Zaehnsdorf ; £80 Sotheby's, 17 Dec. 1908, n. 186, orig. calf, presentation copy to the Poet's Grandmother; i97 Sothe- by's, 18 March 1909, n. Z6, old calf; £70 Sotheby's, 13 Aug. 1917, n. 194, mor. An Essay on Mind with other Poems. London, J. Duncan, 1826. 12°. In orig. grey or drab boards with label $50-60. — $57 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918", n. 57) boards with label,_ uncut; $81 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 170) same condition. 74 BROWNING Prometheus bound, translated from the Greek of ^schylus. London, A. J. Valpy, 1833. 12°. In orig. dark blue cloth with label $60-80. — £ 38 Puttick's, 16 July 1903, n. 390, presentation copy, autogr. inserted. The Seraphim and other Poems. London, Saunders and Otley, 1838. 12°. In orig. purple cloth $10-15. — £ 10 Sotheby's, 18 March 1909, n. 41, presentation copy; i 18.10.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 433) presentation copy. Poems. London, B. Moxon, 1844. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $25-30. — $125 Arnold (May 1901, n. 28) presen- tation copy; i21 Sotheby's, 7 July 1913, n. 429, presentation copy. Sonnets by E. B. B. Reading [not for publication] 1847. 12°. No wrapper. Was at one time practically unknown ; but some twenty copies were found in 1886 by Dr. W. C. Bennett. $440 Arnold (May 1901. n. 29) mor. ; $285 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 8) mor. ; $490 Allis (March 1912, n. 126) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; £67 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 116) mor.. by Riviere; $910 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 101) mor., by Riviere; $720 Wallace (March 1920, n. 103) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; copies belong to the Pierpont Morgan Library, the H. E. Widener Library, the Wrenn Library (Lapham copy), W. A. White, J. A. Spoor, Pluntington (Halsey), Clement K. Shorter and T. J. Wise (Miss Mitford's copy, with the manuscript of one sonnet inserted). The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point. London, B. Moxon, 1849. 8°. In orig. buff printed wrapper £ 20-30. — The Halsey-Huntington copy is in unopened sheets; same condition, $250 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 78). This poem had first appeared in "The Liberty Bell, by Friends of Free- dom." Boston, National Anti-Slavery Baaaar, 1848. The manuscript has recently been brought to the United States. Casa Guidi Windows, a Poem. London, . Chapman and Guidi Hall, 1851. 8°. In orig. green cloth $10-15. — $200 S'tedman (Jan. 1911, n. 416) the author's copy with autographs added. The manuscript has recently been brought to the United States. Aurora Leigh. London, Chapman and Hall, 1857. 8°. In orig. red or green cloth $15-20. — £ 18.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. BROWNING 75 62) mor., uncut, with autogr. note by R. Browning; $65 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 82) cloth, autogr. added. The manuscript was last in the Browning sale (1913). Poems before Congress. London, Chapman and Hall, i860. 8". In orig. red or blue cloth $15-20. — i 235 Browning (May 1913, n. 441) presentation copy to R. Browning (now J. A. Spoor coll.). Last Poems. London, Chapman and Hall, 1862. 8°. In orig. purple cloth $10-15. — $85 Arnold (May 1901, n. 36) presen- tation copy; £30 Browning (May 1913, n. 445) presentation copy. The Greek Christian Poets and the English Poets. Lon- don, Chapman and Hall, 1863. 8°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. Psyche Apocalypte, a lyrical Drama projected by EHza- beth Barrett Browning and R. H. Home. London and Ayles- bury, Hasell, Watson and Viney, i8y6. 8°. 19 pp. No wrap- per. A scarce private Teprint (65 copies) from the St. James's Magazine. Letters addressed to Richard Hengist Home, edited by S. R. Townshend Mayer. London, R. Bentley, 1877. 2 vols. 8°. Purple cloth. The Religious Opinions of Elizabeth Barrett Bro^wning. London, privately printed, 1896. 8". Vellum boards. Thirty copies printed. The first published edition (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1906) was issued in white marbled wrappers. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, edited by Frederic G. Kenyon. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1897. 2 vols. 8°. Dark-blue cloth. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, 1845-1846. London, SmitJi, Elder and Co., 1899. 2 vols. 8°. Dark-green cloth. A Song. London, 1907. 8°. 4 pp. Twenty copies printed. 76 BROWNING (► The Enchantress and other Poems. London, 1913. 8**. Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Leila, a Tale. London, 1913. 8°. Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise, who owns the original manuscript. Epistle to a Canary, 1837, edited by Edmund Gosse. Lon- don, 1913. 8°. Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise.. The manuscript belongs to Edmund Gosse. The Poet's Enchiridion. Boston, The Bibliophile Society, 1914. 8". Brown boards with vellum back. Edited by H. Buxton Forman (500 copies). — $5-6. Hitherto unpublished Poems and Stories. Boston, The Bibliophile Society, 1914. 2 vols. 8°. Brown calf. Edited by H. Buxton Forman (453 copies). — $25-30. New Poems by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, edited by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon. London, Smith, Elder mid Co., 19 14. 8°. Olive cloth. Letters to Robert Browning and other Correspondents. London, 1916. 8^ Buff printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise.. The Art of Scansion, with an Introduction by Alice Mey- nell. London, December 1916. 4°. Green wrapper. Twenty-five copies printed for Clement K. Shorter. A Note on William Wordsworth, with a Statement of her Views on Spiritualism. London, 191 9. 8°. Pink wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise.. Alfred Tennyson, Notes and Comments, . . . London, 1918. 8°. Pale blue wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise., Charles Dickens and other "Spirits of the Age" discussed and analysed. London, 19 19. 8". Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise.. BROWNING 77 Edgar Allan Poe, a Criticism, with Remarks on the Morals and Religion of Shelley and Leigh Hunt. London, 1919. 8°. Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise.. Only a Curl. Baltimore, 10 June 1861. 4°. Single sheet. An unauthorized reprint of a poem originally published in the New York Independent of 16 May 1861. $67 Clark (March 1918, n. 69). See also under Browning (Robert), Two Poems (1854). BROWNING (Robert). 1812-1889 See F. J. Furnivall, A bibliographv of Robert Brozvning, 1833-1881, in The Browning Society's Papers, 1881-1884, pp. 21-116; T. J. Wise, A complete bibliography of the writijigs in prose and verse of Robert Broiwi- ing (London, 1897. 8°) 243 pp. and in Literary Anecdotes I (1895) pp. 359-627. Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession. London, Saunders and Otley, 1833. 8°. The rarest of all Browning's works, not more than eig-hteen copies being known, of which the following is a tentative list. 1-2. British Museum; 3. Victoria and Albert Museum (Forster coll.); 4. Manchester, John Rylands Library (M. D. Conway copy) ; 5. T. J. Wise coll. (given by Edw. Fitzgerald to his niece) ; 6. H. E. Widener Library (Walter B. Slater copy) ; 7. £ 145 Crampon (June 1896, n. 33) resold i 225 S'amuel (July 1907, n. 12) mor., autogr. note by author; 8. $210 Foote (Jan. 1895, n. 30), then W. T. Emmet coll. (New York), boards; 9. Halsey (now Huntington) coll., boards uncut; 10. Sold by Hutt to C. B. Foote; $260 Maxwell (Apr. 1895, n. 86), resold $720 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 21), $1025 Appleton (Apr. 1903. n. 76), $810 Dillman (March 1907, n. 98), finally $1610 Hagen (May 1918, n. 95) now J. L. Clawson (Reuben Browning's copy) ; 11. i 325 Sotheby's, 13 June 1904, n. 29, boards uncut, presentation copy to J. Dykes Campbell (now J. A. Spoor) ; 12. £120 Sotheby's, 3 Dec. 1900. n. 751. resold $700 Arnold (May 1901, n. 41), $1275 Anderson's, 11 Apr. 1905, n. 99, $1425 Ives (Apr. 1915. n. 86) and $1400 Wallace (March 1920, n. Ill), boards uncut; 13. The Rowfant copy given by Browning to Locker-Lampson (now Miss Amy Lowell, Boston) ; 14. £480 Browning (May 1913, n. 467) orig. boards; the same copy £310 Hornstein (Febr. 1918. n. 3009) ; 15. £ 164 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 334, half-calf, bound with two other works (now in America) ; 16. Pforzheimer coll. (formerly C. Baker), mor., by C. Walters, probably n. 15 rebound; 17. $2560 Buxton Forman (March 1920. n. 114) orig. boards (now also Pforzheimer) ; 18. Wrenn coll., orig. boards. Reprinted in 1886 by T. J. Wise in close fac-simile (p- 71, the word October is in thin italics). 78 BROWNING Paracelsus. London, B. Wilson, 1835. 8°. In orig. drab boards with label $60-80 and more. — £26.10.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 474) presentation copy; $85 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 87) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, presentation copy. Strafford, a historical Tragedy. London, Longman, 1837. In orig. drab wrappers with label $25-30. — £8 Browning (May 1913, n. 475) ; £ 5 Arthur (July 1914, n. 86) mor., uncut; £23 Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 357, presentation copy. Sordello. London, B. Moxon, 1840. 8°. In orig. drab boards with label (extremely scarce) $80-lCX) or olive cloth (a remainder) $20-25. — £8.5.0 Sotheby's, 14 Jan. 1907, n. 995, presentation copy; £31 Browning (May 1913, n. 477) presentation copy with autograph notes. Bells and Pomegranates. London, B. Moxon, 1 841 -1846. 8°. In orig. cloth $50-60 and much more in 8 parts as first issued with yel- low green wrappers especially if all parts are of the first edition. — £ 120 Samuel (July 1907, n. 14) mor., uncut, presentation copy, with 6 of the wrappers, resold $300 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 92 (now H. E. Wid- ener Library) ; $165 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 527) mor., by Riviere; £ 19.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 74) orig. cloth; $175 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 91) in parts, part 5 of the 2d ed. ; $550 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 173) half- mor., the author's copy; $1000 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 118) in parts, some presentation copies (now Pforzheimer the manuscript of part VI, $1200 same sale, n. 127 (now Pforzheimer). Poems. London, Chapman and Hall, 1849. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. clothj $5-10. — £ 14.15.0 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 92) presenta- tion copy to Sir Fred. Leighton ; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 100) cloth. Christmas Eve and Easter Day, a Poem. London, Chap- man and Hall, 1850. 8°. In orig. green cloth $5-10. — £ 12.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 May 1900, n. 95, presentation copy; £ 15.10.0 Samuel (July 1907, n. 16) presentation copy; £ 17 Puttick's, 30 May 1912, n. 177, presentation copy ; £ 6 Browning (May 1913, n. 481), the corrected proofs. Two Poems, by Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. London, Chapman and Hall, 1854. 8°. In orig. printed buff wrapper $20-25. — £41 Arthur (July 1914, n. 72) mor., autogr. added, the presentation copy to Tennyson. BROWNING 79 Cleon. London, B. Moxon, 1855. 8". In sheets $50-60, but much more in 'orig. wrapper. — $55 Buxton For- man (March 1920, n. 119) mor., by Tout. Men and Women. London, Chapman and Hall, 1855. ^ vols. 8°. In orig. g-reen cloth $10-15. — $155 Alhs (March 1912, n. 127) mor., by Doves Bindery; £ 11.10.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 482) presentation copy; $120 Anderson's, 18 Febr. 1916, n. 9, mor., by Riviere; £24.10.0 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 54) presentation copy. The Statue and the Bust. London, B. Moxon, 1855. 8°. In sheets $30-40, but much more in orig. wrapper. — $57.50 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 89) in sheets. Dramatis Personae. London, Chapman and Hall, 1864. 8°. In orig. red cloth $20-25. — $160 Arnold (May 1901, n. 52) ; $455 Arnold (May 1901, n. 51), the corrected proof sheets; £ 10.10.0 Brown- ing- (May 1913, n. 485) another set of corrected proofs; $90 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 183) presentation copy. The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Gold Hair, a Legend of Pornic. London, W. Clozves, 1864. 8". In sheets $40-50, but much more in orig. wrapper. — $66 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 90) in sheets. The Ring and the Book. London, Smith, Blder and Co., 1868-1869. 4 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $10-15. — $680 Arnold (May 1901, n. 54), the corrected proof sheets, resold $300 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 95; £40 Swinburne (June 1916, n. 105) presentation copy to Rossetti. Balaustion's Adventure, including a Transcript from Euri- pides. London, Smith, Blder and Co., 1871. 8°. In orig. red brown cloth $5-10. — £ 7 Sotheby's, 20 Apr. 1899, n. 977, presentation copy to Rossetti ; £ 13 Samuel (July 1907, n. 17) presentation copy to E. Benzon (now H. E. Widener Library). Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society. Lon- don, Smith, Blder and Co., 1871. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $3-4. — £ 11.5.0 Sotheby's, 16 July 1913, n. 66, pre- sentation copy; £21 Watts-Dunton (March 1917, n. 112) presentation copy to Rossetti. 80 BROWNING Fifine at the Fair. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1872. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $2-3. — £ 10.10.0 Samuel (July 1907, n. 18) pre- sentation copy to Mrs. Benzon. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country or Turf and Towers. Lon- don, Smith, Elder and Co., 1873. 8°. In orig. g-reen cloth $5-10. — £ 11 Samuel (July 1907, n. 19) presenta- tion copy to Mrs. Benzon (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £ 18 Sotheby's, 7 July 1913, n. 238) presentation copy; several sets of corrected proofs were in the Browning sale (May 1913, nn. 487-488: £ 10-12). The Inn Album. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1875. ^°- In orig. green cloth $5-10. — £ 10 Samuel (July 1907, n. 22) presenta- tion copy. Aristophanes' Apology, including a Transcript from Euri- pides, being the last Adventure of Balaustion. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1875. 8°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. — ill Samuel (July 1907, n. 20) presenta- tion copy to Mrs. Benzon (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £ 15 Samuel (July 1907, n. 21) the corrected proof sheets; £29 Browning (May 1913, n, 489) presentation copy. Pacchiarotto and how he worked in Distemper, with other Poems. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1876. 8°. In orig. grey cloth $2-3. — £ 11 Samuel (July 1907, n. 23) presentation copy to Mrs. Benzon (now H. E. Widener Library); £28 Browning (May 1913, n. 490) presentation copy. The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, transcribed by Robert Browning. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1877. 8°. In orig. green cloth $2-3. — £70 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 43) the cor- rected proof sheets; £21 Browning (May 1913, n. 492) presentation copy. La Saisiaz; the two Poets of Croisic. London, Smith, El- der and Co., 1878. 8°. In orig. blue-green cloth $2-3. — £31 Browning (May 1913, n. 494) presentation copy; corrected proof sheets $165 Emmet (Oct. 1918, n. 107). Dramatic Idyls. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1879-1880. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $10-15. — £31 Browning (May 1913. n. 496) autogr. note; £19 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 93) presentation copies to Sir Fred. Leighton ; the corrected proof sheets of the 2d series, £ 67 Arthur (July 1914, n. 77). BROWNING 81 Jocoseria. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1883. 8°. In orig. red cloth $2-3. Ferishtah's Fancies. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1884. 8°. In orig. green cloth $2-3. — The corrected proof sheets are in the H. E. Widener Library. Parleyings with certain People of Importance in their Day. London, SmitJi, Elder and Co., 1887. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $2-3. — f 13 Sotheby's, 20 May 1909, n. 136, pre- sentation copy to Sir Fred. Leighton; i 27.10.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 498) presentation copy. Asolando, Fancies and Facts. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1890. 8°. In orig. red cloth $2-3. — i 50 Browning (May 1913, n. 499) the cor- rected proof sheets. The autograph manuscript, i410 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 2868). The Death of EHzabeth Barrett Browning. London, 1916. 4°. Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Letters to my Son. London, igiy. 4°. Twenty-five copies printed for Clement K. Shorter. The last Hours of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. London, 1919. 8^ Pale buff wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Reflections on the Franco-Prussian War, July-October, 1870. London, 191 9. 8°. Yellow wrapper. , Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Edward Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Lon- don, 1 919. 8°. Red-lilac wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Some Records of Walter Savage Landor. London, 1919. 8**. Pale green wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Letters from Le Croisic. London, 1919. 8". Lilac wrap- per. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. 82 BROWNING Critical Comments on Algernon Charles Swinburne and D. G. Rossetti, with an Anecdote relating to W. M. Thackeray. London, 19 19. 8°. Light blue wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. BRYANT (William Cullen). 1794-1878 See Bibliography of the principal editions of Bryant's works, I: 1808- 1847, in The Bibliographer. II (1903) pp. 388-399. The largest collection of Bryant's works probably belongs to Henry Cady Sturges, of New York who has published valuable Chronologies of the life and writings of William Cullen Bryant with a bibliography of his tvorks in prose and verse. (New York, Appleton, 1903. S'*) cxxvii pp. (110 copies). Only the earlier works are here recorded : The Embargo, or Sketches of the Times, a Satire, by a Youth of Thirteen. Boston, printed for the purchasers, 1808. 16°. 12 pp. Some seven copies are known: 1. Harvard; 2. Boston Athenaeum; 3. Sturges (C. E. Norton copy) ; 4. S. H. Wakeman (a duplicate from the Boston Athenaeum) ; 5. $3350 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 530) mor., by Matthews (Hofifman-Hawkins-Pope copy), resold $1500 Wallace (March 1920, n. 125) ; 6. $3000 Merwin's, 5 Dec. 1912, n. 101, orig. wrapper, uncut (now Huntington) ; 7. $1010 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 28, sewed, uncut, title damaged, resold $1650 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 152a. The second Edition . . . together with the Span- ish Revolution and other Poems, by William Cullen Bryant. Boston, B. G. House, 1809. 16°. 36 pp. $50-60. — $230 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 531) mor., by Matthews, presen- tation copy (the Hawkins copy, now Huntington). An Oration, delivered at Stockbridge, July 4th 1820. Stock- bridge, diaries Webster, 1820. 12°. 12 pp. Only two copies are said to be known, one in the Huntington coll., from the Pierson sale (Febr. 1908, n. 101: $145 to Halsey) ; the other, $175 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 4) mor., by Bradstreet. Poems. Cambridge, Hilliard and Met calf, 1821. 12°. In orig. boards or printed wrapper $50-60. — $55 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 6) wrapper; $46 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 532) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). BRYANT 83 Poems. New York, B. Bliss, 1832. 12°. In orig. boards $10-15. Also published at London, J. Andrezvs, 1832. 12°. Subsequent edi- tions in 1834, 1836, 1839, etc. Popular Considerations on Homoeopathia. New York, W. Radde, [1841]. 8°. In printed wrapper. — $400 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 38, lacking front cover. The Fountain and other Poems. New York and London, Wiley and Putnam, 1842. 12°. In cloth or yellow boards. $10-12. — $27 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 27) presentation copy. An Address to the People of the United States in behalf of the American Copyright Club. New York, 1843. S°- 20 pp. Sewn as issued. $10.50 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 28). The White-Footed Deer and other Poems. New York, I. S. Piatt, 1844. 16°. A very scarce book, especially with the buff printed wrapper. $285 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 162) wrapper; $185 Owre (Dec. 1909 n. 87) wrapper. — The Halsey copy (with wrapper) is in the Huntington coll. BUCK (Samuel) 1696-1779, and Nathaniel BUCK Views of Ancient Castles, Abbeys, etc., in England and Wales. London, 1727- 1740. 2 parts in 4 vols. Fol. Copies contain from 420 to 438 plates. $150-200. — £ 59 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 203) mor., with 438 pi. Antiquities or venerable Remains of Castles . . . and perspective Views of a hundred Cities and chief Towns. Lon- don, 1774. 3 vols. Fol. A reissue of 428 plates of the Viezvs with a 3d vol. of larger size con- taining 83 pi. $120-150. — £ 56 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 136) mor. BUCKHURST (Thomas Sackville, Lord). See Norton 84 BUCKINGHAM BUCKINGHAM (George Villiers, Duke of). 1628-1687 The Rehearsal [a Comedy]. London, T. Bring, 1672. 4°. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 486) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). The Chances, a Comedy. London, A. B. and S. M., 1682. 4- $40 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 487) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). BUDD (Thomas). 16. .-1698 , Good Order established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in America [Philadelphia, William Bradford], 1685. 4°. The first or second book printed in Philadelphia (see Hildeburn, The issues of the press in Pennsylvania, I, pp. 4-5). Extremely scarce. Only ten copies can be traced. 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. New York Public Library (Lenox) ; 3. Carter Brown; 4. Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania; 5. Philadelphia, Friends' Library; 6. Newbery (Ayer) ; 7. £ 101 Hodg-son's, 21 Nov. 1907, n. 42, calf, resold $1700 Crane (March 1913, n. 120), then Halsey, now Hunting-ton; 8. $160 Brinley (March 1880, n. 3042) mor., last leaf in facs. (a Lenox dupl.), then Church, resold $485 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI n. 37) ; 9. $400 Barlow (Febr., 1890, n. 370) mor., resold $600 French and Chubbuck (Febr. 1904, n. 262) ; 10. i 125 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 41) 2 leaves in facs. The copy in mor., sold $155 Rice (March 1870, n. 274) and $150 Menzies (Nov. 1876, n. 257) is apparently one of the above. BUGG (Francis). 1640-1724(?) News from Pensylvania: Or a Brief Narrative of Several Remarkable Passages in the Government of the Quakers in that Province . . . Printed and sold by the Booksellers, 1703. 8°. £22.10.0 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1081) calf by Pratt (now Huntington). BULKELEY (Gersham) The People's Right to Election or Alteration of Govern- ment in Connecticut. Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1689. 4°. 8 leaves. Exceedingly scarce. $235 Brinley (March 1879, n. 2043) mor.; i 150 Huth (Nov. 1911, 1082) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington). BULLOCK 85 BULLOCK (William) Virginia impartially examined. London, J. Hammond, 1649. 4°- Becoming scarcer and scarcer. £27 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 42) ; £24 Hodgson's, 21 Nov. 1907, n. 38, calf; £21 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1090) nior., by Pratt, some head-lines shaved; $300 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 618) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $335 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 137) ; $250 Crane (March 1913, n. 124) mor., by Stikeman ; $700 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 20) mor., by Riviere (Britwell copy). BULWER (Edward), LORD LYTTON. 1803-1873 Most of his first editions are still fairly cheap, but some of his juvenilia are quite unobtainable. Ismael, an Oriental Tale, with other Poems. London, print- ed for J. Hatchard and Son, 1820. 12°. Grey boards with label. T. J. Wise coll. Delmour, or a Tale of a Sylphid and other Poems. London, printed for Carpenter and Son, 1823. 8°. Plain grey wrap- per. T. J. Wise coll. Weeds and Wildflowers, by E. C. L. B. Paris, not pub- lished, 1826. 8°. Green printed wrapper. T. J. Wise coll. ; a copy lacking the wrapper was in the Buxton For- man coll. The Last Days of Pompeii. London, 1834. 3 viols. 12°. $22.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 108) mor.. uncut. The Pilgrims of the Rhine. London, 1834. 8°. Exists on large paper. Not so bad as we seem, a Comedy. London, 185 1. 8°. Dickens's copy, with additions in his autograph, brought $150 at Bangs', 15 Jan. 1900, n. 235. BULWER (John) Anthropometamorphosis. London, 1653. 4°. Portr. by Faithorne, frontisp. by Cross and woodcuts. 86 BULWER ' £12 Chomley (Nov. 1902, n. 156) calf; $85 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 175) orig'. calf (Lefferts copy). The first edition is dated 1650. 8°. Chirologia. London, T. Harper, 1644. 2 parts in i vol. 8°. 2 frontisp. by Marshall. $77.50 Lefferts (Apr. 1902, n. 166) mor. ; $101 Robinson. (Febr. 1918, n, 98) mor., by the Club Bindery, BUNBURY (Henry William). 1750-1811 Prints illustrative of Scenes in Plays of Shakespeare. Lon- don, 1 792- 1 796. Fol. Issued in parts. $30-40. — £ 15.10.0 Foljambe (Jan. 1890, n. 243). See also Gambado (Geoffrey). BUNYAN (John). 1628-1688 See Contributions to a catalogue of the Lenox Library, no. IV: Bun- yan's Pilgrim Progress, etc. (New York, 1879. 4°) 49 pp. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come. London, for Nath. Ponder, i6y8. 8°. The first edition of part I of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress is one of the rarest books in the English language, only seven copies being known : 1. British Museum; 2. Holford (from Lord Vernon); 3. Rylands; 4. New York Public Library (Lenox copy, 3 leaves in facs., bought from Pickering, 1851) ; 5. Pierpont Morgan Library (from Sotheby's, 26 July 1907, n. 175, 3 leaves in facs. orig. calf) ; 6. Huntington, the Church copy, sold for £ 1475 at Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 1900; 7. £ 22 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 102, wanting many leaves. The Huntington copy contains a remarkable frontispiece by R. W. with the Sleeping Pilgrim ; this engraving is found again in later editions, but with the word Destruction instead of Vanity on the left. The Second Edition. London, forNath. Ponder, 1678. 12^ Some ten copies are known. The Third Edition. London, for Nafh. Ponder, 1679. 12°. Front. Only five copies seem to be known: 1. British Museum; 2. Bodleian; 3. New York Public Library (Lenox) ; 4. Huntington (the Horner-Row- fant-Church copy);; 5. i 55 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 56), resold i 205 Sotheby's, 8 Apr. 1919, n. 421 (minor defects). BUNYAN 87 The Fourth Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1680. There are three issues : without advertisement on verso of title, with advertisement signed N . P. and with advertisement signed A'^. Ponder. £ 12 Birket Foster (June 1894, n. 3) mor. (now Elizabethan Club, Yale). The Fifth Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1680. £ 52 Amherst (Dec. 1908, n. 156) mor., by Riviere; £70 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 57) orig. calf. The Sixth Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1681. 12°. Front. £92 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 103, mor.; $1200 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 250) mor., by Bedford. The Seventh Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder. 1681. I2\ New York Public Library, the only available copy. The Fifth Edition [reprinted]. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1682. 12°. Portr. and 12 engravings. £76 Amherst (Dec. 1908, n. 157) orig. calf. The Eighth Edition, London, for Nath. Ponder, 1681. 12°. The Ninth Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1683. 12°. £ 12 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1099) orig. sheep. The Tenth Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1685. 12\ £60 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902, n. 1433, unbound; £ 15 Reed (Dec. 1913, n. 21) mor. The Eleventh Edition. London, for Nath. Ponder, 1688. 12°. £36 Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1901, n. 877, orig. calf; £8.8.0. Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 59) mor. (now Huntington). The Twelfth Edition, London, for Robert Ponder, 1689. 12°. £20.10.0 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 60) mor. (now Huntington). The Thirteenth Edition. London, for N. Ponder, 1692. 12\ 88 BUNYAN The first American edition. Boston, Samuel Green for Samuel Sewall and John Usher, 1681. 12°. Only three copies are known: 1. Boston (Brinley's copy, not in his sale) wanting- 5 leaves; 2. $1360 Scott's, 8 Dec. 1916, n. 43, orig. calf (now Huntington) ; 3. £ 18.10.0 Sotheby's, 1 Dec. 1902, n. 349, unbound, want- ing several leaves. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come. The second Part. London, Nathaniel Ponder, 1684. 8". Nearly as scarce as the first edition of part I, especially with the por- trait. Some five or six copies are known : Rylands Library, New York Public Library, Huntington (Church copy) etc. — £80 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 17) orig. sheep, slightly defective. A spurious Second Part was printed in 1683 {London, for T. Malthus), and reprinted in 1684 (Edinburgh, the Heir of A. Anderson) ; this 1684 ed. was sold for £ 52, Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1901, n. 878, old calf. The Second Edition. London, AL Ponder, 1687. 8°. i79 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902, n. 1434, unbound; £25 Reed (Dec. 1913, n. 22) mor. The Third Edition. London, for R. Ponder, 1690. 8°. The Holy War made by Shaddai upon Diabolus. London, for D. Newman and B. Alsop, 1682. 8°. Portr. and folding plate. $200-250 and more. — £ 149 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 157, calf; £ 100 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 18) orig. sheep; $320 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 101, mor., by Riviere; $650 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 251) mor., by Riviere. Sighs from Hell or the Groans of a Damned Soul . . . Belfast, Printed by Patrick Neill and Company, and sold at his Shop, 1700. 12°. The first book printed at Belfast. British Museum, bought in 1890, the only copy known. BURGER (Gottfried August). 1748-1794 Leonora, a Tale, translated by J. T. Stanley. London, S. Gosnell for W. Miller, 1796. 4°. Front, and 2 vignettes by Perry after W. Blake. Copies exist with the German text added. See also Scott (Sir Walter). BURGO 89 BURGO (Thomas de). 1710(?)-1776 Hibernia Dominicana. Cologne [Kilkenny, Edmund Kinn] 1762. 4°. $30-40 for perfect copies, with cancelled leaves 137-146 and the rare Supplement dated 1772, containing pp. 798-950. BURNELL (Henry) Landgartha, a Tragicomedy. Dublin, 1641. 4°. £39 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 32) unbound. •BURNET (Gilbert). 1643-1715 The History of the Reformation of the Church of Eng- land. London, 171 5. 3 vols. Fol. 23 pi. by White and Vir- tue. This, the best edition, is exceedingly scarce on large paper, i 106.1.0 Duke of Grafton (1815, n. 901) to Lord Spencer, but might not fetch that price today. BURNET (WilHam) An Essay on Scripture Prophecy. [New York, William Bradford], 1724. 4°. $255 Scott's, 18 Febr. 1916, n. 11, old sheep. BURNEY (Frances), Madame D'ARBLAY. 1752-1840 Evelina, or a Young Lady's Entrance into the World. Lon- don, for T. Lozundes, 1778. 3 vols. 12°. $60-80. — $245 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 900) mor., uncut, by David, resold i46 Hornstein (Dec. 1915, n. 161). Evelina, a History of a Young Lady's Introduction into the World. London, B. Mason, 1821. 8°. 7 coloured pi. by Heath. $120 Snook (May 1916, n. 299) half-calf. Evelina or Female Life in London, being the History of a young Lady's Introduction to Fashionable Life and the gay Scenes of the Metropolis. . . London, Jones, 1822. 8° Front, and 6 coloured pi. by Heath. $60-80. — £ 15 Sotheby's, 6 Apr. 1914, n. 543. mor.; $115 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 251) boards; i 34 Sotheby's, 21 July 1919, n. 192, old calf. 90 BURNEY The Wanderer or Female Difficulties. London, Longman, etc., 1814. 5 vols. 12°. In orig. boards with labels $50-60. — $175 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 904) mor., by David (now Huntington). BURNS (Robert). 1759-1796 See Bibliotheca Burnsiana, Life and Works of Burns, title-pages and imprints of the i^arious editions in the private library of James McKie, Kilmarnock, prior to date 1866. (Kilmarnock, McKie, 1866. 8°) 43 pp. ; [J. McKie], The bibliography of Robert Burns (Kilmarnock, McKie, 1881. 8°) viii-340 pp.; W. Craibe Angus, Notes on the first and early editions [of Burns] in Annual Burns Chronicle, 1893, pp.*83-90. Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock, Print- ed by John Wilson, 1786. 8**. Reprinted in facs., in 1867 (50 copies). About 600 copies of the orig- inal edition were printed, but nearly all the extant examples are defective or in poor condition. Only three or four uncut copies (9x6 in.) are known, with the original blue wrappers : Burns Cottage Museum at Ayr (the Veitch copy, bought in 1903 for i 1000) ; £ 572.5.0 A. C. Lamb (Febr- 1898, n. 149) uncut, wrappers (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £ 350 Brown (Apr. 1903, n. 252) uncut, but with 3 leaves inlaid; £700 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 19) uncut, wrappers; $5800 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 557) uncut, wrappers bound in, mor., by Bedford (Kalbfleisch copy, now J. L. Clawson) . A fair copy, about 1900, fetched $500 but is now worth $2000-3000. — i730 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 1129) orig. calf; $2750 Hagen (May 1918, n. 132) mor., by Bedford (Hibbert copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.); i 700 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 17) mor., by Bedford; the Rowfant copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. The only known copy of the broadside prosp^ectus of the book £ 275, Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 506. Poems . . . Bdinhiirgh, IV. Creech, 1787. 8°. Portr. by Beugo. Contains 27 poems not in the Kilmarnock edition. As discovered by Miss Bartlett, there are two editions (not as usually believed two issues), the earlier having amongst other variants the cor- rect spelling skinking not stinking on p. 263, line 13. The whole book has been set up twice, except the preliminary leaves of which there is only one printing; the misprint Boxbnrgh for Roxburgh in the list of subscribers was corrected during the printing. In orig. boards or uncut $100-150. — £88 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 165) presentation copy; £ 98 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 20) old mor., presentation copy (Lamb copy) ; $340 Allis (March 1912, n. 139) orig. BURNS 91 * boards, autogr. added.; $800 Hunting-ton (March 1916, I, n. 300) orig. calf with many autogr. corrections; $925 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 77) presentation copy, with autogr. notes. Poems ... Dublin, for W.Gilbert, 1787. 12°. Portr. by P. Halpin. $50-60. — $100 Burton (Nov. 1915, n. 414) orig. calf. Poems . . . London, for A. Strahan, tic, 17S7. 8°. Some copies have misprints on p. 267. Uncut copies $80-100. — i 20.10.0 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 213) Gif- ford's copy. Poems . . . Philadelphia, for Peter Stezvart and George Hyde, 1788. 12°. $200 McKee (May 1902, n. 4869) mor., resold $160 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 185) ; $239 Walpole Galleries, 8 Nov. 1915, n. 53, orig. sheep. Poems . . . New York, J. and A. Maclean, 1788. 8°. Portr. by Scot. i 27 Angus (Dec. 1902, n. 460) mor., by Zaehnsdorf ; $260 Hagen (May 1918, n. 136) mor., by Bedford (Menzies-Ives copy, now C. W. Clark). Poems . . . Edinburgh, for T. Cadell and IV. Creech, 1792. 2 vols. 8°. $60-80. — £ 187 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 166) presentation copy; $600 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 305) vol. I only, with autograph corrections by Burns. Poems . . . Edinburgh, for T. Cadell and W. Creech, 1793. 2 vols. 8". Portr. by Beugo. In orig. boards $60-80. — £250 Angus (Dec. 1902, n. 462) presentation copy, resold $740 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 147) and $1500 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 191) ; i 178 Sotheby's, 30 Oct. 1903, n. 70, presentation copy; $2000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 563) orig. calf, presentation copy (now H. E. Widener Library). Poems . . . Edinburgh, for T. Cadell, 1794. Portr. by Beugo. The last edition published by Burns himself. $60-80. — i 65 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 39, presentation copy. To the collected editions of the Poems, collectors of Burnsiana join the follozving various items: 92 BURNS Verses to the Memory of James Thomson. A^". p., n. d. [1791]. 8". 4 leaves. Only three copies are said to be known (one in the Brit. Mus.). — i 31 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 110) uncut and unopened; $125 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 146) 2 leaves remargined at top. The Jolly Beggars or Tatterdemallions, a Cantata. Glas- gow, Stewart and Meikle, 1799. 12°. Front. £ 11 Ang-us (Dec. 1902, n. 465) R. L. Stevenson's copy. Letters addressed to Clarinda. Glasgozv, Niven, Napier and Rhidl, for T. Stewai't, 1802. 12°. £ 12 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 156, uncut; $80 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 642) mor. (now Pforzheimer). The Auld Farmer's Salutation to his Auld Mare Maggie. Stirling, C. Randall, 1802. 12°, $115 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 156) half-mor. The Merry Diversions of Halloween. Stirling, C. Randall, 1802. 12°. $32.50 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 157) half-mor. Aloway Kirk, or Tam o' Shanter. A^ p., n. d. [ab. 1791]. 12". The second -issue has the spelling "Alloway" and a vignette on the title- page. $121 McKee (May 1902, n. 4872) mor., by Bradstreet. resold $80 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 62) ; $132.50 and 100 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, nn. 144 and 145) half-mor., both issues. An Address to the Deil. A^. p., 1795. 12°. $100 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 149). BURROUGHS (Edmund). 1634-1662 A Declaration of the sad and great Persecution and Martyr- dom of the People of God called Quakers, in New England. London, for R. Wilson, 1660. 4°. $50-60. — $65 Gleason (May 1912, n. 444) mor. BURTON (John). 1710-1771 Monasticon Eboracense and the Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, vol. I. York, 1758. Fol. No more was published (see collation in Lowndes). $5-10 and, on large paper $15-20. BURTON 93 BURTON (Robert). 1577-1640 The Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford, J. Lichfield and J. Short for H. Cripps, 1 62 1 . 4°. $200-250. —$260 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 13) mor. ; £51 Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 1039, mor., by Clarke and Bedford; £60 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 68) mor., by Bedford; £47 Sotheby's, 17 Dec. 1917, n. 439, mor., by Lortic; $292.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 146) mor., by Riviere; $360 Wallace (March 1920, n. 163) orig-. calf (Allis copy). Subsequent folio editions (Oxford 1624, 1628, 1632, 1638, 1651, 1652, 1676, etc.) fetch about $30-50. BURTON (William). 1575-1645 Description of Leicestershire. Lynn, lyyy. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $10-15 and more on large paper. BURY (Thomas Talbot). 1811-1877 Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. London, R. Ackermann, 183 1 -1832. 4°. 13 coloured pi. Some copies have 3 extra pi. In orig. wrapper $30-40 and more. — $66 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 71) half-mor. Six coloured Views of the London and Birmingham Rail- way. London, R. Ackermann, 1837. 4°. Title and 6 pi. coloured. (No text.) $15-25. BUTLER (Samuel). 1612-1680 Hudibras. London, 1663-1678. 3 vols. 8°. The difficult tangle of questions connected with the first issues of Hudi- bras has been unravelled by Beverly Chew, Some notes on the three parts of Hudibras, in The BibUographcr, I (1902) pp. 123-138. Part L Pirated. First issue: Hudibras. The first Part. Written in the time of the late Wars. London, Printed in the year, 1663. Rose and thistle on title-page. Errata on last leaf (H8). Part I. Pirated. Second issue. Same title-page. No er- rata, the text having been corrected. 94 BUTLER Part I. Pirated. Third issue. Same text on title-page, but, instead of the rose and thistle, a triangle of typographical ornaments. Part I. Authorized. First issue. London, Printed by J. G. for Richard Harriot, under Saint [written in full] Dnnstan's Church in Pleetstreet, 1663. Part I. Authorized. Second issue. The title page bears St. instead of Saint. (Collation A-H^). Part I. Authorized. Third issue. Title-page as in second issue, but 12° instead of 8°. (Collation A-E^'F''). The Impri- * matur is either on the verso of Ai or on the verso of A2. Part II. Genuine. First issue. Hudibras. The Second Part. (Ornament). London, Printed in the year 1663. Part II. Spurious. Second issue. Instead of the orna- ment, we have an extra line with the words: The last Edition corrected. Part II. Genuine. First issue. Hudibras. The Second Part. By the Authour {sic) of the First. London, Printed by T. R. for John Martyn and James Allestry . . . 1664. Part II. Genuine. Second issue. Same wording but Au- thor and not Authour. Part III. First issue. London, Printed for Simon Miller . . . 1678. With a leaf of errata. The A of PART is under the letters rd of Third. Part III. Second issue. Without the leaf of the errata, these having been corrected in the text. Same title-page, but A of PART is under the letters ir of Third. The present value of copies depends more on their condition than on the actual issue to which they belong. £ 60 Sotheby's, 20 June 1904, n. 125, orig. sheep the 3 parts ; £ 43 Sothe- by's, 1 July 1902, n. 892, part I only, presentation copy; $240 Hermann (March 1909, n. 90) mor., by Riviere, the 3 parts. BUTLER (T.) Portraits of Race Horses. London, 1741-1751. Fol. 33 pi. 1 18 Auchinleck (June 1893, n. 241) half-bound. BUTLER 95 Horses with Pedigrees. London, 1753. Fol. 30 pi. £ 18.10.0 Puttick's, 26 March 1903, n. 291. BYFIELD (Nathaniel). 1653-1733 An Account of the late Revolution in New England. Lon- don, for R. Chiswell, 1689. 4°. $40-50. — $100 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 652) mor. BYNG (John). 1704-1757 The Trial of the Hon*"^ Admiral Byng. London, for J. Lacy, 17S7' 8°. General Wolfe's copy with his MS. notes (see The Times, 28 May 1914) was sold for i85 at Sotheby's, 23 July 1914, n. 548 and is now in the Hunting-ton coll. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). 1788-1824 A full bibliography of Byron will shortly be published by Mr. T. J. Wise. Meanwhile the collector will have to consult the lengthy bibliog- raphy by E. H. Coleridge in vol. VII of The Works of Lord Byron (Lon- don, J. Murray, 1904. 4°). A fine set of Byron's works, uniformly bound by Riviere was sold en bloc for i890 at the Huth sale (Nov. 1911, nn. 1153-1186). Fugitive Pieces. Nezvark, S. and J. Ridge, 1806. 4°. Only 100 copies were issued and all but 4 were destroyed: 1. T. J. Wise, the Becher-Buxton Forman copy in orig. wrapper, from which a facsirpile was reprinted (Ouaritch 1886) ; 2. Roe coll., the John Pigot copy, wanting pp. 17-20 and 58-66, afterwards at Newstead Abbey, sold at Sotheby's, 3 June 1918, n. 305 (i200) ; 3. J. P. Morga^i, a copy in orig. wrappers, corrected by Byron for reissue in 1807, £ 182 Sotheby's, 31 May 1907, n. 349; 4. J. A. Spoor, the Holland-Brammall copy, i 445 Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1912, n. 54, manuscript notes, with some misprints, already corrected in the Becher copy. Written by Lord Byron at the Crown Hotel, Harrowgate, 1806, to a beautiful Quaker. London, J. Whitfingham, 1806. 4- Two leaves, printed on one side. — J. A. Spoor (the Huth copy). Poems on various Occasions. Nezvark, printed by S. and J. Ridge, 1807. 8". A hundred copies of this, the second edition of Byron's poems were 96 BYRON printed and nearly all of them were destroyed by the author. — i 68 Sothe- by's, 13 May 1892, n. 1120, boards uncut, Miss Becher's copy (afterwards Huth) ; £129 Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1901, n. 116, presentation copy with 3 autograph verses; £50 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 120) mor., uncut, by Bed- ford, resold $425 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 229) ; £ 168 Arthur (July 1914, n. 126) orig. boards with label (now Pforzheimer) ; £ 132, Sotheby's, 3 June 1918, n. 306, orig. boards (now C. W. Clark) ; $1410 Boyle (May 1919, n. 155) orig. boards (Augusta Byron's copy; a copy in orig. boards is in the T. J. Wise coll. Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems. Nezvark, S. and J. Ridge, 1807. 8°. The third impression (but the first published edition of Byron's poetical works). In orig. boards $40-50. — £ 130 S'otheby's, 29 Jan. 1903, n. 1026, russia, the.author's copy with his corrections; £29.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 115) presentation copy. Mr. T. J. Wise has a copy with pages 21-22 in two states. The so-called "large paper" issue of this edition is a contemporaneous reprint, easily recognized by the two misprints (aiuee and v«/(et) in the Greek quotation on the title page. (See The Athenaeum, 27 April 1912.) In orig. boards with label $80-100. — £43 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 69. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire. London, Printed for James Cawthorn [1809]. 8°. The most desirable copies have the watermark "E. & P. 1805" ( 1804 in a very few copies). There are two pirated reprints, one without water- mark, the other with the watermark "S. & C. Wise 1812." (See Red- grave, The Library, 1899, pp. 18-25). ' In orig. grey boards $60-80. — £46 Samuel (July 1907, n. 27) with part of the manuscript inserted ; £ 29 Hodgson's, 3 Nov. 1910, n. 402, presentation copy; £7 Arthur (July 1914, n. 110) mor.; £ 15 Sotheby's, 3 June 1918, n. 307, orig. printed boards; $420 Meacham (March 1917, n. 422) presentation copy. The edition dated "London 1811" is much scarcer: Boswell's copy, £29 Crampon (June 1896, n. 59), resold £ 17 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1899, n. 154; an uncut copy, with autograph notes, £6.15.0 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 111. The whole of the "Fifth Edition" {London, J. Cawthorn, 1816. 8°) was destroyed, with the exception of two or three copies with the Fourth Edition title-page and one single copy with the alleged genuine "Fifth Edition" title, which sold for £15 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 116). The Curse of Minerva. London, T. Davison, 181 2. 4°. 14 leaves and dark wrapper. Very scarce. — £ 100 Cooke (June 1892, n. 248) boards, uncut; £60 Comyn (March 1893, n. 658) boards, uncut; £97 Sotheby's, 4 Apr. 1898, BYRON 97 n. 190, presentation copy ; a copy with an autograph correction is in the C. W. Clark coll.; Mr. T. J. Wise has the fine copy with a note by S. Rogers sold for £ 495 Sotheby's, 12 Nov. 1919, n. 379, mor., by Bedford. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. [Cantos I-II]. London, John Murray, 1812. 4°. Canto the Third. London, John Murray, 181 6. 8". Canto the Fourth. London, John Mur- ray, 1 81 8. 8°. In orig. boards $30-40. — £56 Sotheby's, 6 Apr. 1914, n. 612, Cantos I-II (presentation copy). Part of the MS., with proof sheets of Canto II, £ 108 Cooke (June 1892, n. 93) resold £ 174 Samuel (July 1907, n. 30). Part of the manuscript is in the British Museum ; other portions are in the John Murray coll. Waltz, an apostrophic Hymn by Horace Hornem Esq. Lon- don, S. Gosnell, 181 3. 4". 14 leaves. Extremely scarce. — i 78 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 125) ; £ 125 Sotheby's, 31 July 1913, n. 220, unbound; a copy sewn as issued is in the C. W. Clark coll. The manuscript and successive proofs (showing variations in the im- print) are in the John Murray coll. The Giaour, a Fragment of a Turkish Tale. London, T. Davison for Jo Jin Murray, 181 3. 8°. In orig. wrapper $20-30. — £8 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 70; $325 Meacham (March 1917, n. 424) mor., by Bedford, a fragment of the manuscript inserted. The manuscript is in the John Murray coll. The Bride of Abydos, a Turkish Tale. London, John Mur- ray, 1 81 3. 8°. In orig. green wrapper $40-50. — £36 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 113, autograph inserted; £42.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 July 1910, n. 211, wrap- per, with a slip of Errata only known in a very few copies. The Corsair, a Tale. London, John Murray, 1814. 8°. In orig. brown wrapper $15-25. — £ 30 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 114, autograph inserted. Corrected proofs are in the Huntington coll. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. London, John Murray, 1814. 8°. 8 leaves. In orig. printed wrapper $40-50. — £6.5.0 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 360) unbound. 98 BYRON Lara, a Tale; Jacqueline, a Tale [by Rogers]. London, J. Murray, 1814. 8°. In orig. boards $15-20. — $21 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 25) mor., by The Club Bindery. Hebrew Melodies. London, J. Murray, 181 5. 8°. In orig. wrapper $8-10. — $22.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 125) mor., ad- vertisements bound in. A Sketch from private Life. London, 181 6. 4°. 4 pp. Extremelv scarce. £30 Sotheby's, 12 Nov. 1919, n. 38 (now E. K. Butler). Poems on his domestic Circumstances. London, W. Hone, 1816. 8°. A pirated edition. $10-15. Fare thee well. London, Sherwood, Neely and Jones, [1816]. 4°. A pirated edition. £6 Sotheby's, 21 May 1900, n. 209; $28 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 621) calf. Poems. London, J. Murray, 181 6. 8*. No wrapper. The first authentic edition of the genuine poems by Byron contained in the above surreptitious volumes, $20-25. Lord Byron's Farewell to England with three other Poems. London, J. Johnston, 18 16. 8**. Wrongly ascribed to Byron. Monody on the Death of the Right Honourable R. B. Sheri- dan. London, J. Murray, 181 6. 8°. 7 leaves. No wrapper. $30-40. — i 6.5.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 124). The Prisoner of Chillon and other Poems. London, J. Murray, 1816. 8". In orig. wrapper $10-15. The Siege of Corinth, a Poem; Parisina, a Poem. London, J. Murray, 1816. 8°. In orig. wrapper $15-20. BYRON 99 Modern Greece, a Poem. London, i8iy. 8°. Not by Byron, but by Mrs. Hemans. $5-10. The Lament of Tasso. London, J. Murray, iSiy. 8°. lo leaves and 6 leaves of advertisements. No wrapper. $30-40. — i 8.15.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 118) ; $65 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 622) half-calf. Manfred, a Dramatic Poem. London, J. Murray, 1817. 8°. In orig. wrapper $10-15. — £ 55 Samuel (July 1907, n. 28) with alleged autograph additions (now H. E. Widener Library) ; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 168) orig. wrapper. Beppo, a Venetian Story. London, J. Murray, 1818. 8°. In orig. wrapper $100-120. — $26.50 Hinckley (Febr. 1912, n. 172) calf, by Zaehnsdorf ; $60 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 623) wrapper. Lines on John William Rizzo Hoppner born at Venice on the eighteenth of January 1818, translated into eleven different languages. Printed in the Seminary of Padua, n. d. 8**. Only 6 copies were printed. — £ 29.10.0 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 117). Mazeppa, a Poem. London, J. Murray, 1819. 8°. In orig. wrapper $15-20. Don Juan [Cantos I-II]. London, T. Davison, 1819. 4^ Cantos III, IV and V. London, T. Davison, 1821. 8°. Can- tos VI, VII and VIII. London, John Hunt, 1823. 8°. Can- tos IX, X and XL London, John JJunt, 1823. 8°. Cantos XII, XIII and XIV. London, John Hunt, 1823. 8°. Cantos XV and XVI. London, John and H. L. Hunt, 1824. 8°. The first volume being of larger size than the rest was promptly reis- sued in 8° to sell with the 5 other volumes. Sets may include either the original 4° volume or the 8° reissue. The six volumes in orig. boards with labels, $150-200. — £ 16 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 130) ; £51 Sotheby's, 25 May 1906, n. 268, Cantos I-II only, presentation copy; £30.10.0 Sotheby's, 27 July 1909, n. 29, Cantos I-II only, with autograph alterations; $215 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 88) boards. The Irish Avatar. A^. p., n. d. [1821]. 8°. 8 pp. No wrapper. Buxton Forman, now T. J. Wise, the only copy known. 100 BYRON Sardanapalus, a Tragedy; the Two Foscari, a Tragedy; Cain, a Mystery. London, J. Murray, 1821. 8°. In orig. blue boards with label $10-15. — i 69 Sotheby's, 25 May 1906, n. 269, presentation copy with MS. corrections. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, an historical Tragedy . . . The Prophecy of Dante, a Poem. London, J. Murray, 1 82 1. 8°. Two issues, one with additional lines in Act 5, Scene i. In orig. boards with label $10-15. — £ 20.10.0 Samuel (July 1907, n. 29) boards, autogr. added. Letter to [John Murray] on the Rev. W. L. Bowles' Stric- tures on the Life and Writings of Pope. London, J. Murray, 1821. 8°. Letter to Sir Waher Scott in Answer to the Remonstrance of Oronsensis on the pubhcation of Cain, a Mystery. London, 1822. 8^ $16 Dreer (Apr. 1913, n. 176) presentation copy. The Age of Bronze, or Carmen Seculare et Annus haud mirabilis. London, Jolin Hunt, 1823. 8°. In orig. drab wrapper $25-30. The Island, or Christian and his Comrades. London, John Hunt, 1823. 8°. In orig. drab wrapper $25-30. — £7 Arthur (July 1914, n. 117) mor., uncut; $30 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 561) mor. (Halsey copy). Werner, a Tragedy. London, John Murray, 1823. 8°. In orig. wrapper $5-10. The Deformed Transformed, a Drama. London, for J. and H. L. Hunt, 1824. 8". In orig. wrapper $15-25. — $30 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 629) calf (Huth copy). An Apology for Don Juan, cantos I II. London, T. Green, 1824. 8°. Not by Byron. In orig. boards with label $15-20. — $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 176) orig. boards (now Huntington). BYRON 101 Astarte, a Fragment of Truth concerning George Gordon, sixth Lord Byron, recorded by his Grandson Ralph Milbanke, Earl of Lovelace. London, Chiswick Press, printed for private circulation, 1905 4°. $80-100.— i 17 Hodgson's, 27 Jan. 1915, n. 217, boards; $110 Ander- son's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 177, boards. Dallas, Private correspondence of Lord Byron. London, 1824. 8^ 168 pp. (no more printed). The whole edition was withdrawn and destroyed, only four or five copies being said to exist, one belonging to Mr. J. Murray; another, kept by Dallas, sold for £ 3.15.0 at Puttick's, 30 Nov. 1908, n. 630, orig boards, uncut; a third in the Abbotsford Library; a fourth, imperfect, bought for Harvard at the Boyle sale (May 1919, n. 277: $52.50). C. (J.) A pleasant Comedy called The Two Merry Milk-Maids, or the Best Words wear the Garland. London, B. Alsop for L. Chapman, 1620. 4°. £22 Huth (June 1912, n. 1229) calf (now Huntington); $210 An- derson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 23, half-mor. (Mitford-Locker- White copy). C. (W.) A plain Description of the Barmudas now called Summer Islands. London, W. Stansby for W. Welby, 1613.' 4°. A reprint of Silvester Jourdain's Discovery of the Barmudas. $600 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1905) mor., by Riviere; £76 Huth (June 1912, n. 1236) mor., by Pratt; $750 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 25) mor., by Bedford (Britwell copy). C^SAR (Caius Julius) Opera. London, Tonson, 171 2. Fol. 87 pi. Perfect copies should have the plate of the wild bull on p. 135 undam- aged. $15-25 and $30-40 on large paper, of which 25 only were printed. These latter, in Dibdinian days were worth £ 30-40 and a copy even brought i 64.1.0 at the Duke of Grafton's sale (1815, n. 813). — But 102 C^SAR now: £11 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 139) mor. (large paper) and even less. CALEF (Robert) More Wonders of the invisible World. London, N. Mil- lar and J. Collyer, 1700. 4°. $450 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 621) calf, uncut, by Bedford; $225 Hunt- ing-ton (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 44) orig-. calf. CALLIOPE Calliope or English Harmony. London, H. Roberts [1739]. 2 vols. 8°. Engraved throughout. Fronts, and 400 head- pieces. $15-25 and more. For the companion work, see Clio and Euterpe. CAMBRIDGE JESTS Cambridge Jests or witty Alarms for melancholy Spirits by a Lover of Ha Ha He. London, R. Ware and J. Hodges, 1742. 12". £9.10.0 Huth (July 1914, n. 4014), russia (now Hunting-ton). CAMDEN (William). 1551-1623 Britannia. Enlarged by R. Gough. London, 1789, 3 vols. Fol. (and again Z^on^on, 1806. 4 vols. Fol.). $10-20. The 1789 edition exists on large paper. — The first edition was pub- Hshed in 1586 ($20-25). CAMOENS (Luis de). 1524(?)-1579 . The Lusiad. Translated into English by Richard Fanshaw. London., for H. Moseley, 1655. Fol. 3 portraits by Cross. $25-30. — £ 15.15.0 Wodhull (Jan. 1886, n. 579) calf, 2 portr. added, presentation copy, resold £29.10.0 Butler (Apr. 1913, IV, n. 2880) ; $45 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 550) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $135 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 66) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; $125 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 50) orig. calf (Bridgewater copy). CAMPBELL 103 CAMPBELL (Colin), J. WOOLFE and J. GANDON Vitruvius Britannicus. London, 171 5-1 771. 5 vols. Fol. $30-40. Exists on large paper. CAMPION (Thomas) Description of a Mask in Honour of Lord Hayes and his Bride. London, J. Windet for J. Brown, iGoy. 4°. Woodcut. $485 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 630) mor., by Bedford (now H. E. Widener Library). A Relation of the late Royal Entertainment given by the Lord Knowles ... to Queen Anne. London, for J. Budge, 1 61 3. 4°. Contains also the Lord's Masque. Some copies spell the author's name "Campian." £45 Huth (June 1912, n. 1275) half-mor. (Jolley copy, now Hunting- ton). The Description of a Mask presented at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset. London, B. A. for Lisle, 1614. 4°. Known as the Squire's Masque. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Dent-Heber-Devonshire copy). CANNON (Richard). 1779-1865 Historical Records of the British Army comprising the History of every Regiment in His Majesty's Service. London, Printed by Authority, 1835-1853. 8°. 68 vols. (26 Cavalry and 42 Infantry Regiments). Numerous coloured pi. Published in cloth or mor. bindings of various colours, with the Royal Arms. Complete sets are exceedingly scarce. — i 44.10.0 Royal Military Col- lege of Camberley (Dec. 1905, n. 231) orig. cloth; £77 Hodgson's, 29 March 1906, n. 271, orig. mor., the author's own copy, wanting 1 vol. CARELESS (John). See Chatto CAREW (Thomas). 1595(?)-1639(?) Coelum Britannicum, a Masque at White Hall. London, for T. Walkley, 1634. 4°. Two editions under the same date. $75 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 76) calf ; $110 Hagen (May 1918, n. 104 CAREW 179) half bound (Rowfant copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $135 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 278) mor., by Riviere; £ 17 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 34) unbound. Poems. London, J. D. for T. Walkley, 1640. 8°. The leaf of Errata is often missing; page 93 is in most copies a cancel. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 559) mor., by Ramage (now Huntington) ; x^ 28.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1307), calf, by Bedford; $155 Hagen (May 1918, n. 180) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). RepubHshed with additions in 1642 and 1651. CAREY (David). 1782-1824 Life in Paris. London, J. Fairburn, 1822. 8°. 21 colour- ed pi. and 22 woodcuts by Cruikshank. The earliest issue in 21 parts has a different text on pp. 143-144 and 335-336. The leaf "to the Binder" is often missing. In orig. wrapper $100-120 and in parts $150-200, but more on large paper. — £ 58.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 March 1904, n. 36, large paper; £46.10.0 Puttick's, 4 Dec. 1905, n. 172, large paper, uncut; $128 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 169, mor., by Riviere, large paper ; £ 65 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 4186) large paper, in parts ; $227 Gooch and Fowler (Apr. 1915, n. 149) orig. boards, large paper. For the companion volume, Life in London, see P. Egan. CAREY (Elizabeth), LADY FALKLAND The Tragedy of Mariam, the fair Queen of Jewry. Lon- don, T. Creede for R. Hazvkins, 161 3. 4°. The Huth and W. A. White copies contain an additional leaf with a dedicatory sonnet. , ' £56 Huth (June 1912, n. 1305) calf (now Huntington) ; £ 130 and 124 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 35 and 36) unbound (one of these now J. L. Claw son). CAREY (Henry), LORD FALKLAND. 16. .-1663 The Marriage Night [a Play]. Londqn, W. G. for R. Crofts, 1664. 4°. £6 Huth (June 1913, n. 2802) half-calf, resold $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 291) ; $30 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 198) calf, (Bridgewater copy; £7 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 40) unbound (now Pforzheimer). CAREY 105 CAREY (Henry). 16. .-1743 Poems on several Occasions. The third Edition. Lon- don, E. Say, 1729. 4°. Portr. by Faber. The first edition was published in 1713; this, the third, contains the first appearance in print of "Sally in our Alley." $55 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 635) mor. (now Huntington) ; $72.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 185) orig. calf (the Harleian-Daniel-Rowfant copy, now Beverly Chew). CARICATURE (the) MAGAZINE The Caricature Magazine. London, Tegg, 1 807-1816. 5 vols. Oblong fol. 499 coloured pi. by Rowlandson, Wood- ward, Cruikshank, and others. Absolutely complete sets are extremely scarce, only one having been sold for many years ($1325 Dulles, Dec. 1912, n. 105, half-calf) . Two im- perfect sets were sold at Sotheby's: 27 July 1893, n. 886 (460 pi.) £22.10.0 and 21 March 1904, n. 133: £75. CARLELL (Dodowick) The Deserving Favorite. London, for M. Rhodes, 1629. 4 • $57 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 637) mor., by David; £7.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1311) calf (now Huntington). Arviragus and Philicia. London, J. Norton, for J. Crooke and R. Sergier, 1639. 12". £ 14 Huth (June 1912, n. 1312) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington). The Passionate Lovers, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for H. Moseley, 1655. 8°. $40 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 638) calf. Also exists in 4° size. Two new Plays. [The Fool would be a Favorite; Osmond, the Great Turk]. London, for H. Moscly, 1657. 8°. Heraclius Emperor of the East. [By P. Corneille, trans- lated by Carlell]. London, for J. Starkey, 1664. 4°. $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 639) half-mor. '(now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; £2.4.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1314) half-mor. (now Huntington). 106 CARLYLE CARLYLE (Thomas). 1795-1881 See R. H. Shepherd, The bibliography of Carlyle (London, Elliot t^tock, 1881. 8°) xi-60 pp. In spite of the interest attached to Carlyle's productions, so few col- lectors have as yet attempted to bring them together that I must refrain from giving here a complete list. In the 1912 Ashburton sale were many of his first editions in presentation copies, which sold for £ 10-12 and more. A late edition (1873) of his Life of Friedrich Schiller sold for £30 Browning (May 1913, n. 551) , but it was a presentation copy to Browning. The rarest Carlyle and perhaps the most interesting is : Sartor Resartus. In three Books. Reprinted for Friends from Fraser's Magazine. . . London, James Praser, 1834. 8°. Some fifty copies were reprinted and only one has been sold of late years: £4.12.0 Sotheby's, 26 Febr. 1912, n. 52, calf. — A copy is in the C. W. Clark coll. CARROLL (Lewis). See C. L. Dodgson CARTE (Thomas). 1686-1754 General History of England. London, ly^y-iy^^. 4 vols. Fol. Even large paper copies are not worth more than $5-6. Life of the Duke of Ormonde. London, 1736. 3 vols. Fol. $6-8. CARTER (C.) Complete practical Cook or a new System of the whole Art and Mystery of Cookery. London, 1730. 4°. 60 pi. Very scarce. $40-50 and perhaps more. CARTIER (Jacques). 1494-1555(?) A short and brief Narration of the two Navigations . . . to New France. London, H. Bynneman, 1580. 4°. Extremely scarce. — $1000 Ives (March 1891, n. 149) mor. (then Church, now Huntington) ; £235 Huth (June 1912, n. 1332) green mor., CARTIER 107 by Pratt; the Brit. Mus., Lenox and Carter Brown copies seem to be the only others known. CARTWRIGHT (George) The Heroic Lover or the Infanta of Spain. London, R. W. for J. Symmes, 1661. 8°. i 15.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 39) orig. sheep. CARTWRIGHT (William). 1611-1643 Comedies, Tragi-Comedies with other Poems. London, for H. Moseley, 1651. 8°. Portr. by Lombart. Copies should have pp. 301-306, containing suppressed passages, in duplicate. $15-25 or with the duplicate leaves $30-40. — $45 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 570) mor., by Bedford, with duplicate leaves (now Huntington). The Royal Slave, a Tragi-Comedy. Oxford, W. Turner for T. Robinson, 1639 (or 1640). 4°. i 20.10.0 Sotheby's, 18 June 1903, n. 798, unbound, uncut; $2250 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 615) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery, resold $52 Hagen (May 1918, n. 186). CARYL (John) The English Princess or the Death of Richard the III, a Tragedy. London, for T. Dring, 1667. 4°. $21 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 74) mor., by Riviiere; i 3.5.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1344) half-calf, resold $28 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 52) ; $24.50 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 95) half-mor. , Sir Salomon, or the Cautious Coxcomb, a Comedy. London, for H. Herringnian, 1671. 4°. An adaptation of Moliere's Bcole des Femmes. $22.50 and $15 Anderson's, 13 Febr. 1918, nn. 169 and 170. CASTELL (William). 15. .-1645 A Petition . . . for the propagating of the Gospel in Arnerica and the West Indies. [London], 1641. 4". Exceedingly scarce. i23 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 63) mor. (then Church, now Huntington). 108 CASTE LL A Short Discovery of the Coasts and Continent of America. London, 1644. 4°. i46 Sunderland (Dec. 1881, n. 2493) calf; £23 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 95) mor.; $450 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 26) half-mor. (Britwell copy). CATESBY (Mark). 1679(?)-1749 The Natural History of CaroHna, Florida and the Bahama Islands. Z^cnoJon^ 1731-1743 [or 1754 or 1771]. 2 vols. Fol. 200 coloured pi. $30-40. CATLIN (George). 1796-1872 Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8°. Coloured pi. In orig. cloth $15-25. North American Indian Portfolio. London, 1844. Fol. Some copies have 31 pi. $100-150. —$165 Gilbert (June 1909, n. 156) half-mor. CATO Cato's Moral Distichs. Philadelphia, B. Pranklin, 1735. 4**. 12 leaves. Translated in English verse by James Logan. Extremely scarce. — ^ £92 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 73) mor.; $1300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1378) mor., by Riviere. CAVENDISH (George). 1500-1561 (?) The Negotiations of Thomas Wolsey. London, for W. Sheaves, 1641. 4°. Portr. ascribed to Marshall. $40-50. — $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 662) mor., by David (now Hunt- ington) ; $42.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 76) old calf. See also Ke^lmscott Press. CENTLIVRE (Susannah). 1667(?)-1723 The first editions of her plays usually sell for $4-5 (see Huth sale 1912, nn. 1392-1405) ; prices of $10 to 30 were obtained in the Hoe sale (Apr. CENTLIVRE 109 1912, III, nn. 589-596) ; the Hunting-ton coll. contains a fine set combin- ing the best items of both the above sales. The Works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre. London, for J. Knapton, and others, 1 760-1 761. 3 vols. 12". Portr. by Taylor. $25 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 598) mor., uncut, by Bedford (now Hunt- ington). CERVANTES (Miguel de). 1547-1616 The History of the valorous and witty Knight Errant Don Quixote. London, W. Stansby for B. Blount and IV. Barret, 1612. 4°. The first part of Shelton's translation and the first edition. Very few copies are known and nearly all are imperfect. — £ 205 Hodgson's, 24 June 1915, n. 371, old calf. This edition may easily be told from the following by the ruling of the pages : the first edition alone has border lines on the sides, the second is only ruled at top and bottom. The History of Don-Quichote. London for B. Blount, 1620. 2 vols. 4°. The second edition of part I and the first of part II ; each has an en- graved title-page (the title-page to part I bears no date). There seems to be no printed title-page for part I. Fine copies are scarce. $250-300. — $325 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 670) mor., by Bedford; $300 Alhs (March 1912, n. 165) old calf; i51 Huth (June 1912, n. 1425) mor. CHALKHILL (John) Thealma and Clearchus. London, B. Tooke, 1683. 8°. Edited by Isaac Walton. The first issue has on the title-page the misprint "Edward" Spenser. $60-80. — $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 680) morr., by Lortic, 1st issue (now H. E. Widener Library). CHALON (John James). 1778-1854 Costumes of Paris. London, 1820- 1822. Fol. 24 colour- ed plates. £ 13.15.0 Philpott (Nov. 1901, n. 210) uncut. 110 CHAMBERLAIN CHAMBERLAIN (Robert). 1607-1660 The Swaggering Damsel, a Comedy. London, T. Cotes for A. Crooke, 1640. 4°. Copies differ (both varieties in the Huntington coll.) £ 19 Huth (June 1912, n. 1457) half-mor. CHAMBERLAINE (John). 1745-1812 Imitations of original Drawings by Hans Holbein for Por- traits of Persons of the Court of Henry VUI. London, 1792- 1800. Fol. 84 portraits on 83 tinted pi. by Bartolozzi and oth- ers. Complete copies include the coloured portraits of Holbein and his wife and those of the Dukes of Suffolk. $100-150. — £43.10.0 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 416) russia ; £ 15 Spence (Nov. 1906, n. 257) plates in 2 states; $210 Baldwin (Dec. 1908, n. 305) mor.; £79 Arthur (July 1914, n. 548) old mor. (Talleyrand's copy) ; $255 Anderson's, 12 June 1916, n. 437, half-mor. ; £ 64 Sotheby's, 29 Apr. 1918, n. 164, half-mor. The 4° ed. of 1812 and the fol. ed. of 1828 are worth $25-40. Original Designs of the most celebrated Masters of the Bo- lognese, Roman, Florentine and Venetian schools. London, 1796-1811. Fol. PI. by Bartolozzi and others. $20-25. Also under the date 1812. CHAMBERLAINE (William). 1619-1689 Love's Victory, a Tragi-Comedy. London, B. Cotes, 1658. r 4- $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 650) mor.. by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; £8.5.0 and £9.15.0 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 42 and 43) unbound (one of these now T. J. Wise). Republished in 1678 as Wits led by the Nose or a Poet's Revenge, a Tragi-Comedy. Pharonnida, a Heroic Poem. London, R. Clavell, 1659. 8°. Portr. by Hertochs. $45 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 651) mor., by Chambolle ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 57) Bridgewater copy (now Beverly Chew) ; $52.50 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 89) mor., by Matthews (Griswold-Chew copy). CHAMISSO 111 CHAMISSO (Ludwig von). 1781-1831 Peter Schlemihl. London^ IVhittaker, 1823 (or 1824). 12°. 8 pi. by Cruikshank. The 1823 issue is by far the scarcer: $20-25. CHAPMAN (George). 1569(?)-1634 The Blind Beggar of Alexandria. London, for W. Jones, 1598. 4°. $370 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2241) mor. (Perkins copy); i62 Huth (June 1912, n. 1471) mor., by Riviere, resold $550 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 84) and $700 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 300) ; $625 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 58) inlaid throughout (Roxburghe-Kemble- Devpn shire copy, now J. L. Claw son). A Humorous Day's Mirth, a Comedy. London, V. Sims, 1599- 4°. Very scarce: Brit. Mus., Dyce, T. J. Wise (Rowfant), Bodl., Hunt- ington ( Bridgewater ) . i311 and £235 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 44 and 45) unbound. All Fools, a Comedy. London, for T. Thorpe, 1605. 4°. £84 Sotheby's. 18 Apr. 1904, n. 1122. uncut (now T. J. Wise) ; $250 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 690) mor.. by Murton ; £29 Huth (June 1912. n. 1471*) mor., by Bedford; $460 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 301) calf, by Riviere (Ross Winans copy, now J. L. Clawson). Eastward Hoe. London, for W. Aspley, 1605. 4°. By Chapman, Ben Jonson and Marston. , Two editions varying in minor details {oppos'd or opposde in line 5 of Prologue, etc.). $150 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 92) mor. (now J. L. Clawson) ; $230 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 59) half-mor. ; $255 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 308) mor. (now Pforzheimer) ; £160 Ailesbury (March 1919, n. 119) unbound; £122 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 54) unbound. Monsieur d'Olive, a Comedy. London, T. C. for IV. Holmes, 1606. 4°. Two issues, one with Chapman on the title. $185 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 691) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £29 Huth (June 1912, n. 1473) mor. (now Huntington) ; $190 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 85) half-calf. 112 CHAPMAN The Gentleman Usher. London, V. S. for T. Thorppe, 1606. 4°. $180 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2245) mor. ; £27.10.0 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 189), resold £21 Huth (June 1912, n. 1472) mor., by Riviere; $360 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 302) mor., by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (now C. W. Clark). Bussy d'Ambois, a Tragedy. London, for W. Aspley, 1607. 4 • £ 19 Huth (June 1912, n. 1474) mor., Bedford; $200 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n 664) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Huntington). The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron. London, G. Bid for T. Thorppe, 1608. 4°. $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 692) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; £27 Huth (June 1912. n. 1475) mor., by Pratt; $160 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 86) calf (Bridgewater copy). May-Day, a witty Comedy. London, for J. Brozvne, 161 1. 4- $225 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 694) mor., by Riviere ;£ 25.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1477) half-mor., by Riviere; £ 122 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 49) unbound. The Widow's Tears, a Comedy. London, for J. Browne, 1612. 4°. £ 106 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904. n. 1123, uncut (now T. J. Wise) ; $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 695) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington); £20 Huth (June 1912, n. 1479) half-mor. The Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois, a Tragedy. London, T. S. for J. Helme, 161 3. 4°. $295 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 698) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; £ 19.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1480) russia (now Elizabethan Club, Yale); $180 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 88) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Wars of Pompey and Caesar. London, T. Harper for G. Bniondson and T. Alchorne, 1631. 4°. Two issues, the second, bearing the title : Caesar and Pompey, a Roman Tragedy. £ 16.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1483) half-mor. CHAPMAN 113 The Ball, a Comedy. London, T. Cotes for A. Crooke and W. Cooke, 1639. 4°. By Chapman and J. Shirley. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 701) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington); $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 205) half-calf; £11 Huth (July 1918, n. 6835) now Pforzheimer. The Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France. London, T. Cotes for A. Crooke and W. Cooke, 1639. 4°. By Chapman and Shirley. $95 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 700) mor., by David (now Huntington); i 10.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1484) half-mor. ; $87.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 204) calf (Lefferts copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Tragedy of Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany. Lon- don, for H. Moseley, 1654. 4°. More probably by George Peele. $155 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 702) mor., by Bedford, resold $77.50 Hunt- ington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 100) now W. A. Clark, Jr.; ill Huth (June 1912, n. 1486) mor., by Bedford, resold $75 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 305). Revenge for Honour, a Tragedy. London, for R. Harriot, 1654- 4°. ilO Huth (June 1912, n. 1487) half-mor.; £17.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 52) unbound. In addition to the plays listed above, the following works of Chapman have recently brought high prices: Euthymias Raptus or the Tears of Peace. London, H. L. for R. Bonian and H. W alley, 1609. 4°. $495 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 693) mor., by Mackenzie (Griswold-Mc- Kee copy, now Huntington) ; £63 Huth (June 1912, n. 1476) russia. An Epicede or funeral Song on the Death of Henry Prince of Wales. London, T. S. for J. Budge, 1612. 4°. Plate by Hole. The plate is often wanting. $40-50. — $305 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 696) mor., by Matthews, wanting plate, but presentation copy to Inigo Jones (now Huntington) ; £ 51 Huth (June 1912, n. 1478) vellum, with the plate, resold $310 Hagen (May 1918, n. 201) now Huntington. 114 CHAPMAN The memorable Masque of the two honorable Houses or Inns of Court. London, G. Eld, for G. Norton, [1614]. 4°. $385 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 697) mor., by Matthews (now Huntington) ; £40 Huth (June 1912, n. 1481) half bound; $440 Huntington (Apr. 1918, Vni, n. 65) inlaid throughout (Devonshire copy, now J. L. Claw- son) ; the Rowfant copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. Another undated edition bears the imprint f. K. for G. Norton. Skia Nuktos, The Shadow of Night. London, R. F. for W., Fonsonby, 1594. 4°. Very scarce. £62 Huth (June 1912, n. 1470) calf (Corser copy, now Huntington). See also Hesiod and Homer. CHARLES II The Confirmation and Enlargement of the Incorporation of the Company of Cooks in London. . . 16 Feb. 1663. Broadside. The only copy on record £28 Puttick's, 25 June 1914, n. 236. CHATTO (William Andrew). 1799-1864 The Old English Squire, a Poem, by John Careless. Lon- don, T. McLean, 1821. 8°. 24 coloured pi. In orig. boards with labels $60-80. — $101 Tillotson (Febr. 1910, n. 110) orig-. cloth, large paper; i 13 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3468) boards; $310 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 1039) orig. boards, large paper. CHAUCER (Geoffrey). 1340(?)-1400 The Canterbury Tales. A^. p., n. d. [Westminster, Wil- j liam Caxton, ab. 1478]. Fol. This, the first edition of one of the great monuments of English liter- | ature, is only known by eleven copies, nearly all imperfect. The last three sold were: £ 1880 Saunders (June 1896, n. 1182) wanting 2 leaves (now J. P. Morgan) ; $5000 Hoe (Jan. 1912, 11, n. 757) wanting 18 leaves (now Huntington) ; £905 Huth (June 1912, n. 1547) wanting 16 leaves. Caxton's second edition (ab. 1484) is also only known by a dozen copies, only one being perfect. Pynson's edition (ab. 1490) is equally scarce, the best copy sold being Lord Ashburnham's (June 1897, n. 1046: i233) wanting 2 leaves; while of Wynkyn de Worde's 1498 edition only two or three copies seem to be CHAUCER 115 on record, one in the British Museum, lacking the first 4 leaves, and one in the Pierpont Morgan Library, perfect (£ 1000 Ashburnham, June 1897, n. 1048). The only separate edition of the Canterbury Tales published af- ter 1500 was issued in 1526 by Pynson (£260 Huth, June 1912, n. 1548) mor., by Bedford (now H. E. Widener Library?). The Works. London, TJiomas Godfray, 1532. Fol. The first collected edition of Chaucer's works. Perfect and fine copies are extremely scarce. Several indifferent copies have sold for $200-250. — '$565 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 722) mor., by Riviere, 2 leaves remargined (now Huntington) ; $475 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 97) old calf (Chew copy) resold $1225 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 313). The Works. London, W. Bonham (or others), 1542. Fol. This edition is found with the names of several different booksellers on the title-page. £59 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 646, mor.; $550 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 758) mor., by Bedford, minor defects (now Huntington) ; £60 Huth (June 1912, n. 1549) russia, by C. Lewis; $725 Hagen (May 1918, n. 216) mor., by Hering, large paper (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Works. London, T. Petit for R. Kell, R. Toy (or oth- ers), [ab. 1550]. Fol. $200-250. — £30 Huth (June 1912, n. 1550) mor., by Bedford; $300 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 691) mor., by Joly ; $150 Hagen (May 1918, n. 217) orig. stamped calf (Wilbraham copy, now Huntington) ; $700 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 314) mor., by Sangorski and S'utcliffe. The Works. London, J. Kyngsfon for J. Wight, 1561. Fol. Two issues, the second with no woodcuts in the prologue. $150-200. — $195' Hoe (Apr. 1911. 1, n. 723) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $325 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 759) mor., by Joly (now Hunt- ington) ; $180 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 101) old calf (Chew copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $260 Hagen (May 1918, n. 21§) orig. bind- ing (Lefferts copy). The Works. London, A. I slip for B. Norton, 1598. Fol. Portr. Three issues with variations. $40-50. — $170 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 761) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Works. London, A. Islip (or G. Bishop), 1602. Fol. Portr. There are two different imprints. $40-50. — $130 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 724) mor.. bv Bedford, resold $95 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 100) and $135 Robinson (Apr. 1918, 116 CHAUCER n. 168) now W. A. Clark, Jr. ; £ 16.15.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1551) mor., by Bedford; $110 Hagen (May 1918, n. 219) mor. (now Pforzheimer) ; $120 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 316) mor. The Works. London, 1687. Fol. Portr. $20-30. — $75 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 762) mor., by David (now Hunt- ington). A Canterbury Tale translated out of Chaucer's old Eng- lish into our now usual Language. London, 1641. 4". Modernized by Alexander Brome. Only three or four copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. T. J. Wise; 3. £26 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 184, mor., by Riviere, resold $465 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 569) now Huntington. The Canterbury Tales, edited by Tyrwhitt. London, 1822. 5 vols. 8". $20-25 and, on large paper $60-80. For the Kelmscott edition (1896), see Kelmscott Press. CHAUNCY (Sir Henry). 1632-1719 Historical Antiquities of Herfordshire. London, 1700. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. Many copies lack the leaf with list of plates and three plates (p. 99: New Sills ; p. 262 : North Prospect of Hertford ; p. 220 : Standon Lord- ship). $50-60 if complete. — £15.15.0 Bateman (July 1896, n. 1027), the Roxburghe copy, mor. Was worth in 1820 £ 25-30. CHETTLE (Henry). 15.. -1607 Kind-Heart's Dream. London, for William Wright, [1593]. 4°. This and the following contain important Shakespearian allusions. Only five copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus.; 2. T. J. Wise; 3. Bodl. (Malone), imperf . ; 4. Bodl. (Burton), imperf. ; 5. £ 20 Huth (June 1912, n. 1562) mor., by Bedford (Charlemont copy, now W. A. White). England's Mourning Garment. London, V. S. for T. Mil- lington (and W. Burre), [1603]. 4°. Very scarce. — £ 101 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 190, unbound; £72 Huth (June 1912, n. 1563) half mor. (now Huntington). CHETTLE 117 The Tragedy of Hoffman or a Revenge for a Father. Lon- don, J. N. for H. Perry, 1631. 4°. $120 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 731) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; £ 52 Huth (June 1912, n. 1564) mor., by Riviere, resold $260 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 321) ; $205 Anderson's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 212, calf by Riviere. CHIPPENDALE (Thomas) The Gentleman and Cabinet-maker's Director. London, for the Author, 1754 [or 1755 or 1762]. Fol. 160 pi. The third edition (1762) contains 200 pi. Fine copies $100-150 irrespective of date. — i 29 Sotheby's, 14 Nov. 1912, n. 36) calf; $200 Hoe (Jan. 1912. H, n. 773) mor., by Lortic (Seilliere copy) ; $210 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 649) calf, by Riviere. CHOICE BANQUET A Choice Banquet of witty Jests, rare Fancies and pleasant Novels. London, T. J. for P. Bring, 1660. 8°. Portr. £27 Huth (July 1914, n. 4009) calf, by Bedford (now Huntington). CHURCH (Thomas) Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's War . . . as also of Expeditions ... in the Eastern Part of New England. Boston, B. Green, 171 6. 4°. £ 165 White Kennett (July 1917, n. 200). CHURCHYARD (Thomas). 1520(?)-l604 All his writings are rare and valuable. See the records in the Hoe and Huth sales. Churchyard's Chips. London, T. Marsh, 1575. 4°. £41 Huth (June 1912, n. 1585) mor., by Ramage (now Huntington) ; $205 Hagen (May 1918, n. 224) mor., by Riviere (McKee copy) resold $240 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 323) now J. L. Clawson. A general Rehearsal of Wars. London, B. White [1579]. 4 • $200 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 175) mor., by Riviere; £ 16 Huth (June 1912, n. 1587) mor., by Bedford, resold $175 Hagen (May 1918, n. 225) 118 CHURCHYARD now J. L. Clawson; $215 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 324) mor., by Ri- viere. Churchyard's Challenge. London, J. Wolfe, 1593. 4°. $1100 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 785) mor., by Morrell (now Huntington) ; £41 Huth (June 1912, n. 1590) mor., by Hering (Corser copy) resold $580 Hagen (May 1918, n. 226) ; $550 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 105) mor., by Ramage (Halsey copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $690 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 327) mor. (the Utterson-Locker-Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew). CHUTE (Anthony). 15. .-1595(?) Beauty dishonoured written under the Title of Shore's Wife. London, J. Wolfe, 1593. 4°. Only two copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. (from Jadis, Hibbert, Bright and Corser) ; 2. £350 Huth (June 1912, n. 1594) orig. calf (from Steevens, Bindley, Perry, Jolley and Daniel, now H. E. Widener Library). CIBBER (Colley). 1671-1757 The early editions of his plays brought $15-20 a piece at the Hagen sale (May 1918, nn. 227-235). See also Huth sale (June 1912, nn. 1596-1605). CICERO (Marcus Tullius) Tullye of Old Age, Tullius de Amicicia, Declamacyon de Noblesse. Westminster, William Caxton, 1481. Fol. Some 26 copies are known, nearly all imperfect. — £ 1000 Huth (June 1912, n. 1621) old russia, now Mortimer L. Schiff ; £ 1800 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 24) old mor. (Jersey-Crawford copy). M. T. Cicero's Cato Major, or his Discourse of old Age. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1744. 4°. The earliest issue has misprints on pp. 27 and 142. Not very scarce but always very dear ($300-400). — £87 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 109) uncut; $825 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1379) mor., by Bedford, uncut; $460 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 144) orig. wrapper; $450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 84) mor., by David (Brinley-Ives copy). CIPRIANI (Giovanni Battista). 1727-1785 A Collection of Prints after the Sketches and Drawings of Cipriani, engraved by R. Earlom. London, 1789. Fol. $40-50. The 1819 reissue is worth $15-25. CLANVOWE 119 CLANVOWE (Sir T.). See Kelmscott Press CLARENDON (Edward Hyde, Earl of). 1609-1674 The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Oxford, 1 702- 1 704. 3 vols. Fol. Portr. by R. White. $10-15 and, on large paper $15-20. $310 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 662) mor., by Holloway, many portraits added (now Huntington). [Another edition]. Oxford, 1826. 8 vols. 8". The standard edition. " $25-30 and, on large paper $50-80. CLARK (John). 1609-1676 111 News from New England. London, H. Hills, 1652. 4°. Very scarce. $150-200. — £26 Huth (June 1912, n. 1640) vellum. CLAUDE LORRAIN. 1600-1682 Liber Veritatis or a Collection of Prints after the original Designs . . . engraved by R. Earlom. London, 1777- 1819. 3 vols. Fol. The earliest impressions are on bluish paper and have the lettering in scratched upright letters. Ivater issues are from retouched plates with a new lettering. In the early issue the engraver's name on pi. 1 is spelt Barlolom and pi. 132 of vol. II is numbered erroneously 182. $80-100. — £45 Aylesford (March 1888. n. 420) half-russia. The later issue (all volumes dated 1819) and Boydell's undated re- print (ab. 1830) are worth $30-40. CLEMENS (Samuel Langhorne) [MARK TWAIN]. 1835-1910 A full bibliography of Mark Twain is beyond the scope of this hand- book. Readers are therefore referred to Merle Johnson, A bibliography of the zvork of Mark Tivaiti (New York and London, Harper, 1910. 8°) and to [Livingston], The ivorks of Mark Tivain (New York, Dodd and Livingston, [1911] 8°). A very fine series is in the Huntington collection ; another was in the Tomlinson sale (New York, 20 Jan. 1914). Perhaps the most desirable item for the general collector is his first book: The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County and 120 CLEMENS other sketches. By Mark Twain. Edited by John Paul. New York, C. H. Webb, \S67. i6°. In orig. blue cloth, first issue $20-30. — $43 Powers (Apr. 1911, n. 238) presentation copy. In the same sale and in the Tomlinson sale other first editions of Mark Twain, also inscribed by the author, brought similar . prices (up to $62.50). CLEVELAND (John). 1613-1658 Amongst his works, of which numerous contemporary editions are known, the two most important are possibly : The Character of a London Diurnall. London, 1644. 8°. Several editions under same date. $52 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 759) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunting- ton) ; $52.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 109) calf. Poems, with Additions. London, 1651. 8°. At least four editions under the same date. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 760) orig. calf (now Huntington). CLIO AND EUTERPE Clio and Euterpe or British Harmony, a Collection of cele- brated Songs and Cantatas. London, H. Roberts, [1758- 1762]. 4 vols. 8°. Engraved throughout. The fourth vol. is the rarest. $60-80 and more. — $455 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 333) mor., by D. Cockerell. For the companion work see CaIvLIOPE. CLUTTERBUCK (Robert). 1772-1831 The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford. London, Nichols and Bentley, 181 5-1827. 3 vols. Fol. $40-50 or on large paper $80-100 and sometimes less (used to bring more sixty years ago) ; £21.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1661) large paper, red mor., by Bedford. CLYOMON AND CLAMYDES. See History COCKER (Edward). 1631-1675 Arithmetick. London, Passinger and Lacy, 1678. 12*". Only a few copies are known, not all perfect. £24.10.0 Ashburnham (June 1897. n. 1139) mor.; £68 Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 411, orig. sheep; £ 36 Huth (June 1912, n. 1673) mor. CO CRT ON 121 COCKTON (Henry). 1807-1853 The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox the Ventrilo- quist. London, R. Tyas, 1840. 8°. PL by T. Onwhyn. In parts $40-50. — $85 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 116) in parts. CODDINGTON (William). 1601-1678 A Demonstration of true Love unto You the Rulers of the Colony of the Massachusetts. London, 1674. 8°. £63 Huth (June 1912, n. 1678) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington). COKAYNE (Sir Aston). 1608-1684 The Obstinate Lady, a New Comedy. London, W. God- bid for L Pridmore. 1657. 4°. £10.5.0 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 217) unbound; $90 Hoe (Apr. 1912, IH, n. 683) mor., by the Club Bindery (now Huntington). Small Poems of Divers Sorts. London, W. Godhid, 1658. 8°. £ 36 W. H. Crawford (March 1891, n. 783) russia ; $75 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 812) mor., by Pratt, resold $215 Hagen (May 1918, n. 250) now Beverly Chew. The same sheets were also reissued the same year under the title A Chain of Golden Poems. $210 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 684) mor., by C. Lewis, resold $186 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 75) [dated 1659] now Beverly Chew; i 28 Huth, June 1912, n. 1686, russia, by Bedford. Again reissued with a new title and some additional matter as "Poems." London, for Ph. Stephens junior (or for F. Kirkman) , 1662. 8". Two different imprints. £27 Huth (June 1912, n. 1687) mor., by Roger Payne. Choice Poems of several Sorts. London for Fr. Kirkman, 1669. 8°- Portr. A fourth issue of the same sheets of 1658. £ 12.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 62) orig. sheep. COKE (Lady Mary) Letters and Journals, ed. by J. E. Home. Edinburgh, 1886-1896. 4 vols. 8°. (100 copies privately printed.) £35 Andrew Lang (Dec. 1912, n. 79). 122 COLDEN GOLDEN (Cadwallader). 1688-1776 The History of the five Indian Nations, depending on the Province of New York. Nezv York, W. Bradford, \'J2j. 12°. $860 McKee (May 1902, n. 4482) orig. sheep, then Halsey, resold $1100 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 57) ; $900 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 772) mor., by Bedford. The 1747, 1750 and 1755 editions are worth $10-15. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). 1772-1834 Full information is supplied by T. J. Wise's elaborate monograph : A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Samuel Taylor Coler- idge (London, Bibliographical Society, 1913. 4^). This easily supersedes the works of R. H. Shepherd, The bibliography of Coleridge (London, Hollings, 1900. 8°), published by Col. Prideaux, and of J. L. Haney, A bibliography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Philadelphia, printed for pri- vate circulation, 1903. 4°). Mr. Wise has just printed Coleridgeiana, beitig a Supplement to the bibliography of Coleridge (London, Biblio- graphical Society, 1919. 4°). A number of interesting copies are de- scribed in [Pearson's] Catalogue of a unique Coleridge collection. N. p., 11. d. 8°. 127 pp. The Fall of Robespierre, an historic Drama. Cambridge, B. Floiver for W. H. Lunn, etc., 1794. 8°. No wrapper. £8.5.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 151) calf, uncut; $27.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 251) calf, by Bedford (Rowfant copy). A moral and political Lecture delivered at Bristol. Bris- tol, G. Routh, [1795]. 8°. No wrapper. $38 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 125) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). Conciones ad Populum or Addresses to the people. [Bris- tol], 1795. 8°. In orig. dark-blue wrapper $10-15. — £7.10.0 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 746) wrapper. The only known presentation copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Plot discovered or an Address to the People against Ministerial Treason. Bristol, lygS- 8°. Exists in plain unlettered drab boards or in blue-grey printed wrappers ■(only 3 copies known) bearing the title: A Protest against certain Bills. — $10-12. — i 20.10.0 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 747) with printed wrap- per (now Huntington) ; $125 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 127) mor., by Riviere. The T. J. Wise coll. contains both varieties of covers and the only presentation copy on record. COLERIDGE 123 An Answer to "A Letter to Edward Long Fox, M.D," Bris- tol [lyg^']. 8°. No wrapper. Only two copies known (T. J. Wise coll. and Bristol Central Library). The Watchman, published by the Author, S. T. Coleridge. Bristol, 1796. 8°. 10 parts (i March-13 May). £5 Sotheby's, 14 Jan. 1914, n. 265, mor. ; T. J. Wise (uncut). A prospectus of 4 pp. issued in January 1796, is only known by three copies: 1. Mrs. H. G. Watson; 2. $60 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 182) ; 3. i 3.3.0 Sotheby's, 29 June 1916, n. 147, resold £5.15.0 Sotheby's, 5 Nov. 1918, n. 176. Poems on various Subjects. London, for G. G. and J. Rob- insons, and J. Cottle. Bristol, 1796. 8°. In orig. boards with label $40-50. — i 18 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 187) mor., uncut; £23 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 94) calf, by Bedford; $82.50 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 181) boards, uncut. In the T. J. Wise coll. is the celebrated copy partly rewritten in MS. by the author while preparing the 1797 edition. Sonnets from various Authors. A^. p., n. d. [Bristol, 1796]. 8". 16 pp. Victoria and Albert Museum (Forster coll.) the only copy known. Ode on the departing Year. Bristol, N. Biggs for J. Par- sons. London, I ygG. 4°. 16 pp. No wrapper. $170 Anderson's, 27 Oct. 1911. n. 35, half-mor. ; £31 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 95) mor., presentation copy; $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 254) mor. (Rowfant copy). Poems. Second Edition, to which are now added Poems by- Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd. Bristol, N. Bi^gs for J. Cottle and Robinsons. London, 1797. 8°. In orig. green boards with label $30-40. — $40 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 686) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now Huntington). Fears in Solitude written in 1798 during the Alarm of an Invasion. London, for J. Johnson, lygS. 4°. No wrapper. $40-50. — £11.10.0 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 409); $47.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 257) mor. (Rowfant copy). The contents of this pamphlet were reprinted privately under the title : Poems. By S. T. Coleridge, Esq. London, Law and Gil- bert, [1812]. 8°. 16 pp. 124 COLERIDGE Of this reprint T. J. Wise has only been able to trace 6 copies: £5.5.0 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1899, n. 189; £4.8.0 Sotheby's, 13 June 1904, n. 78; £11 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 741). The Piccolomini . . . translated from the German of Fr. Schiller. London, Longman and Rees, iSoo. 8°. In orig. drab wrapper $10-15. Shortly after issued in one volume with : The Death of Wallenstein . . . translated from the German of Fr. Schiller. London, Longman and Rees, i8oo. 8°. In orig. blue-grey boards with label $15-20. The Friend, a Hterary, moral and political weekly Paper, conducted by S. T. Coleridge. Penrith, J. Brown, for Long- man, 1 809-18 10. 8°. 28 parts numbered 1-27, plus an unnum- bered part between 20 and 21. £9.15.0 Sotheby's, 28 Oct. 1901, n. 1247, in parts; £ 13.10.0, Sotheby's, 14 Jan. 1914, n. 257, with the duty stamp on each part, a sure sign of the genuine 1809 edition. A folio ''Prospectus of the Friend" in 4 pp. was printed by Coleridge (in 1808) and is extremely scarce. The 1812 edition of The Friend consists of reprints of the first 12 parts (considerably revised) bound with unsold original sheets of the remain- ing portion. Remorse, a Tragedy. London, for IV. Pople, 181 3. 8°. The prologue is by Charles Lamb. In orig. drab wrapper $15-20. — £ 15.10.0 Samuel (July 1907, n. 36) mor., by Riviere, presentation copy with numerous autograph alterations (now T. J. Wise coll.) ; $310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 777) old half-calf, presentation copy to Arnold with numerous autograph corrections ; ^27 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 100) mor., by Riviere; $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 260) mor., presentation copy from Charles Lamb. Remorse was a recast of Osorio, a play only known by a manuscript for- merly in the Hoe coll. (Apr. 1911, I, n. 775: $75), and now belonging to Mr. H. E. Huntington. *&' Christabel ; Kubla Khan, a Vision ; the Pains of Sleep. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1816. 8°. Some copies contain at the end 4 pages of advertisements. In orig. drab wrapper $20-25. — £ 16 Sotheby's, 1 July 1901, n. 7, pre- sentation copy. The manuscript of Christabel belonged in 1907 to Miss Edith Coleridge. COLERIDGE 125 The Statesman's Manual, a Lay Sermon addressed to the Higher Classes of Society. London, Gale and Fenner, etc., 1816. 8°. In orig. blue-green printed wrapper $10-15. A presentation copy to ^outhey of the 2d ed. (1817) sold for £ 16.10.0 Blyth (March 1901, n. 397). Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of my Liter- ary Life and Opinions. London, Rest Fenner, 181 7. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. green boards with labels $6-8. — $50 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 247) boards. Copies exist on large paper. Sibylline Leaves, a Collection of Poems. London, Rest Fenner, 181 7. 8°. In orig. drab boards with label $20-25. — $36 Dunne (March 1915, n. 115) orig. boards. Copies exist on large paper. Zapolya, a Christmas Tale. London, Rest Fenner, 181 7. 8°. In orig. green boards or drab wrapper $8-10. — £ 14 Samuel (July 1907, n. 40) orig. wrapper, numerous autograph corrections (doubtless the copy sold £ 11.10.0 Blyth, March 1901, n. 398) ; the same ( ?) resold, $28 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 162). A Hebrew Dirge, chaunted in the Great Synagogue . . . by Hyman Hurwitz, with a Translation in English Verse by S. T. Coleridge. London, H. Barnett, etc., 181 7. 8°., 16 pp. In orig. printed brown wrapper $10-15. — $40 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n.* 159) presentation copy. Prospectus of a Course of Lectures. London, J. Adlard, [1818]. 4°. 4 pp. Only five copies are known (two being in the Brit. Mus.). General Introduction or Preliminary Treatise on Method. N. p., n. d. [London, 1818. 4°]. A private off-print from the Bncyclopaedia Metropolitana, vol. I. Only two copies known (E. H. Coleridge and T. J. Wise coll.). Remarks on the Objections which have been urged against 126 COLERIDGE the Principle of Sir Robert Peel's Bill. London, W. Clowes [1818]. Folio. 4 pp. The only known copy belongs to Mrs. H. G. Watson. The Grounds of Sir Robert Peel's Bill vindicated. London, W. Clowes \^i^i^']. Folio. 4 pp. The only known copy likewise belongs to Mrs. H. G. Watson. Prospectus of a Course of Lectures historical and biograph- ical. . . N. p., n. d. [London, 181 8]. 4°. 4 pp. Only two copies known (E. H. Coleridge and Mrs. H. G. Watson). Chronological and historical Assistant to a Course of Lec- tures on the History of Philosophy. London, J. Adlard, 1818. 8°. 16 pp. No wrapper. Only two copies known (E. H. Coleridge and Mrs. H. G. Watson). The Tears of a grateful People, a Hebrew Dirge . . . by Hyman Hurwitz, translated into English Verse by a Friend. London, H. Barnett [1820]. 8°. In orig. brown printed wrapper $15-20. — £6.10.0 Scott (March 1890, n. 94) presentation copy. Three copies are known on satin : one belonged to Robert Alfred Potts, the second is in the T. J. Wise coll. (formerly Buxton Forman's) ; the third, presented to George IV, $49 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 169). On the Prometheus of -ffischylus. London, J. Moyes [1825]. 4°. 22 pp. No wrapper. Of the 25 copies printed, only two have been traced (one in the T. J. Wise coll.). Aids to Reflection in the Formation of a manly Character. London, for Taylor and Hessey, 1825. 8°. In orig. drab boards with label $20-25. — £ 11 Blyth (March 1901. n. 401) presentation copy to Southey; $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 782) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Devil's Walk, a Poem by Prof. Porson [read: Cole- ridge and Southey]. London, Marsh and Miller, etc., 1830. 12°. Frontisp. and 5 woodcuts by R. Cruikshank. In orig. drab printed w^rapper $10-12. The names of the true authors only appear in the third edition (also 1830). COLERIDGE 127 On the Constitution of the Church and State. London, Hurst, Chance and Co., 1830. 8°. In orig. drab boards with label $6-8. Specimens of the Table Talk of the late S. T. Coleridge. London, J. Murray, 1835. ^ vols. 8°. In orig. drab boards with labels $8-10. Letters, Conversations and Recollections of S. T. Cole- ridge. London, B. Moxon, 1836. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. blue-grey boards with labels $8-10. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Lon- don, W. Pickering, 1836- 1839. 4 vols. 8°. In orig. blue cloth, with labels $10-15. The Thorny Path of Literature. London, igiy. 4°. 8 leaves. Grey printed wrapper. Twenty-five copies printed for Clement K. Shorter. Marriage. London, 1919. 8°. 22 pp. Old-gold printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. See also Annuai, Anthology, Kelmscott Press, Lloyd, Words- worth. COLGANUS (Johannes). 15. .-1657(?) Acta Sanctorum Veteris et Majoris Scotise seu Hibernise. Louvain, B. de Witte and C. Coenestenius, 1645- 1647. ^ vols. 8°. Very scarce. — £40 Huth (June 1912, n. 1691) mor. COLLECTION (A) OF OLD BALLADS A Collection of old Ballads corrected from the best and most ancient Copies extant with Introductions historical and critical. London, for J. Roberts and D. Leach, 1 723-1725. 3 vols. 12°. 45 pi. A collection ascribed to Ambrose Phillips. The pi. of the Szvimining lady, vol. II, p. 133 is often missing, and vol. I is seldom of the first edition. $30-40. — $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 123) calf (now Huntington) ; 128 COLLECTION $90 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 31) mor., by Stikeman ; $57.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 69) calf, by Bedford. COLLECTION OF THE NAMES Collection of the Names of the Merchants living in and about the City of London. London, S. Lee and Dan Major, 1677. The earliest London directory. £22 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1913, n. 27. COLLIER (John Payne). 1789-1883 Punch and Judy. London, for S. Prozvett, 1828. 8°. 24 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. cloth $20-30. — £ 10.10.0 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1913, n. 280, one of 18 copies with plates in 2 states (India proofs and coloured) ; $140 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 300) plates in 2 states, 2 orig. drawings added; £27 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 106) plates in 3 states (plain, coloured and India proofs) mor., by Bedford. COLLINS (Arthur). 1690(?)-1760 Historical Collections of the noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, Harley and Ogle. London, 1752. Fol. 10 portr. and 2 pi. by Vertue. See collation in Lowndes. $15-20 and, on large paper $20-25. COLLINSON (Rev. John). 1757(?)-1793 The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, collected from authentic Records. Bath, R. Crutwell, lygi. 3 vols. 4°. Map and 41 pi. See collation in Lowndes. $30-40. — i 12 Huth (June 1912, n. 1700) old mor. COMBE (William). 1741-1823 History of the River Thames. London, Bulwer, 1794- 1796. 2 vols. Fol. 76 coloured pi. $60-80. — £18.5.0 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 2980) half mor., by Zaehnsdorf. COMBE 129 The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. London, R. Ackermann, 1812. 8°. Front., title and 29 col- oured pi. by Rowlandson. — The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of Consolation. London, A. Ackermann, 1820. 8°. 24 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. — The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of a Wife. London, R. Ackermann, [1821-1822]. ^°. 24 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. The first Tour is the rarest and brings $80-100 in boards. The second and third Tours exist in parts (8 per volume) and are worth in that condition $80-100 each, and more. Uncut sets of the three Tours bring about $200-250. — £92 Samuel (July 1907, n. 45) orig. boards, very fine set (now H. E. Widener Li- brary). Rowlandson's second set of plates for the first Tour first appears in the 5th edition (1815). The 1823 reissue of the three Tours in 3 vols. 8° brings in orig. boards $25-30. Poetical Sketches of Scarborough. London, for R. Acker- mann, 18 1 3. 8°. 21 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. cloth with label $40-50. — $75 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 621) mor., by Riviere; $87 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 340) orig. cloth. The English Dance of Death. London, J. Diggens, 1814- 1816. 2 vols. 8°. Front., engr. title and 72 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. boards $80-100 and in 24 parts $150-180. — £ 100 Warner (Nov. 1912, n. 11) in parts, fine copy; £50 Sotheby's, 25 May 1914, n. 296, in parts ; $305 Walpole Galleries, 24 May 1916. n. 298, ©rig. boards, an orig. drawing inserted; $620 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 601) in parts with 3 of the orig. drawings inserted ; $800 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 702, in parts. Copies with vol. I dated 1815 have about the same value. 33 of the orig. drawings £385 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 489). The Life of Napoleon, a Hudibrastic Poem by Dr. Syntax. London, T. Tegg, W. Allason and J. Dick, 1815 (or 1817). 8". 30 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. boards $150-200. — £ 23 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 160) mor.; $170 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 155) mor., by Canape (plates both plain and coloured) ; $220 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 218) orig. boards. 130 COMBE The Dance of Life. London, R. Ackermann, 1817. 8°. Front., engr. title and 24 colotired pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. boards with label $30-40 and in parts $150-180. — £ 37 Sothe- by's, 25 May 1914, n. 295. in parts ; $130 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 604) orig. boards; £22 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3071) orig. boards. Doctor Syntax in Paris. London, for IV. Wright, 1820. 8°. 18 coloured pi. by Williams. In orig. boards $30-40. — $80 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 629) mor., by Riviere; £ 10.10.0 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3167). The Tour of Doctor Syntax through London. London, J. Johnston, 1820. 8°. 19 coloured pi. Not by Combe. $30-40 and, in 8 parts $150-180. The Tour of Dr. Prosody in Search of the Antique and Picturesque. London, M. Iley, etc., 1821. 8°. 20 coloured pi. by Read and Williams. Not by Combe. In orig. boards $30-40. — $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 934) mor. History of Madeira. London, Ackermann, 182 1. 8°. 27 coloured pi. $25-30. Journal of sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France. London, R. Ackermann, 1821. 8°. 18 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. boards $40-50. — $120 and 125 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, nn. 2840- 2841) mor. (two different issues). The History of Johnny Quae Genus. London, R. Acker- mann, 1822. 8°. 24 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. $30-40 and in parts $150-180. — i 52 Warner (Nov. 1912, n. 14) in parts; $60 Barrow (Apr. 1916, n..438) mor., by Riviere, large paper. COMFORTS (The) OF BATH The Comforts of Bath. London, 1798. Oblong 4". 12 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. £ 28 Puttick's, 30 July 1902, n. 142. COMIC 131 COMIC ALMANACK. See Cruikshank COMMON CONDITIONS An excellent and pleasant Comedy termed after the Name of the Vice Common Conditions. London, W. Hozu for J. Hunt- er [ab. 1576]. 4°. i255 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 437, now Elizabethan Club, Yale, the only copy known. Another edition is only known by the imperfect Wright-Steevens-Rox- burghe-Heber-Devonshire copy, now in the Huntington coll. COMPLAISANT (The) COMPANION The Complaisant Companion or new Jests, witty Reparties, Bulls, Rhodomontados and pleasant Novels. London, H. B{rome), 1674. 8°. £30.10.0 Huth (July 1914, n. 4010) calf (now Huntington). COMPLETE HISTORY Complete History of the Murder of Mr. Weare. London, 1824. 8°. 3 coloured pi. by Aiken. $65 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 34) calf, by Riviere. CONFESSION (The) OF FAITH The Confession of Faith and the larger and shorter Cate- chisme, first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at West- minster and now appointed by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland to be a part of the Uniformity in Religion be- tween the Kirks of Christ in the three Kingdomes. Amster- dam, printed by Luice Blsever^ for Andrew Wilson and are to be sold at his shop in Edinburgh, 1649. ^°- The only book in English bearing the Elzevirs' name, but the imprint is certainly fictitious (Willems, Lcs Ehcvicr, n. 2120). An indififerent copy (no other known), £35 D. Laing (n. 799), resold £27 Makellar (Nov. 1898, n. 648) and £ 36 Scott (March 1905, n. 484). CONFESSION (A) OF FAITH A Confession of Faith owned and consented to by the El- 132 CONFESSION ders and Messengers of the Churches of Connecticut assembled at Say Brook, Sept. 9, 1708. New London, Thomas Short, 1710. 8°. The first edition of the Saybrook Platform and the first book printed in Connecticut. $500 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 846) orig. calf; $610 American Art Asso- ciation, 22 Apr. 1919, n. 119, orig. sheep (Lefferts copy); the Menzies- Ives-Church copy is in the Huntington coll. CONFESSIONS (The) OF AN OXONIAN The Confessions of an Oxonian. London, Stockdale, 1826. 3 vols. 8°. 36 coloured pi. by Findlay. £22.10.0 Puttick's, 30 July 1902, n. 56, uncut. The Huntington (Halsey) copy contains 10 of the orig. drawings. CONGREVE (William). 1670-1720 Works. London, for J. Tonson, lyio. 3 vols. 8°. $15-20 and, more on large paper. — $105 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 848) mor., by Riviere, large paper (now Huntington). Incognita or Love and Duty reconcil'd. A- Novel. Lon- don, for P/ Buck, i6g2. 12°. £61 Sotheby's. 18 May 1903, n. 100, orig. calf (now T. J. Wise) ; £ 115 Sotheby's, 14 Dec. 1906, n. 174, orig. calf; $510 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 774) mor. (now Pforzheimer). The Old Batchelour, a Comedy. London, for P. Buck. 1693. 4°. £ 10.15.0 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 172, uncut; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 272) calf. The Double Dealer, a Comedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1694. 4°. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 711) mor., uncut (the Grant copy, now Huntington). The Mourning Muse of Alexis, a Pastoral. London, for J. Tonson, 1694. Fol. £ 14 Huth (June 1912, n. 1743) half-calf. Love for Love, a Comedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1695. 4°. Two issues varying in the dedication. $46 Hagen (May 1918, n. 274) calf. CONGREVE 133 A Pindarique Ode to the King on his taking Namur. Lon- don,forJ. Tonson, 1695. Fol. $55 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 847) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntin^on) ; $19 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 133) half-mor. The Mourning Bride, a Tragedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1697. 4°. $30 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 78) mor. (Halsey copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $45 Hagen (May 1918, n. 277) mor. The Way of the World, a Comedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1700. 4°. $72.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 279) calf, by Riviere. The Judgment of Paris, a Masque. London, for J . Tonson, 1700. 4°. £ 13.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1748) vellum. Two Tales. London, J. Roberts, 1720. 4*". 10 leaves. The half title reads: Two Tales and the title An Impossible Thing, a Tale. Of this unsigned poetical pamphlet only two copies are known (Brit. Mus. and T. J. Wise coll. 1 CONINGSBY (Thomas, Earl of). 1656(?)-1729 Account of the Manor of Harden in Herefordshire [ab. 1722]. Fol. The signatures and pagination are eccentric. $100-120 and sometimes less. » In 1813 a companion volume was issued under the title: Collections concerning the Manor of Marden. London, 1813 (or 1815) Fol. (Worth about $50.) CONSTABLE (John). 1776-1837 Various Subjects of Landscape characteristic of English Scenery. London, 1830. Fol. 22 pi. engraved by D. Lucas. The choicer copies have India proofs, signed. They are worth $120- 150. — i68 Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1901. n. 644, 20 pi. being before all letters ; £135 Fairfax Murray (March 1918, n. 191) mor., wrapper preserved, plates before all letters. The 1855 ed., with 40 pi, brings $15-25. 134 CONTENTION CONTENTION (The) BETWEEN LIBERALITY AND PRODIGALITY A pleasant Comedy showing the Contention between Lib- erahty and Prodigahty. London, S. Stafford for G. Vincent, 1602. 4°. Huntington (Devonshire). COOK (James). 1728-1779 Three Voyages round the World. London, 1 773-1 785. 9 vols. 4° and fol. $40-50. — An exceptional copy with duplicate variations of most of the plates, £ 142 Beckford (June 1882, n. 2113), mor. His New Voyage around the World (New York, J. Rivington, 1774. 2 vols. 8°) is worth $100-150 and more on account of a folding plate by Paul Revere. It may here be mentioned that a single leaf of the original journal of Cook's first voyage, in Cook's autograph, sold for i451 at Sotheby's, 27 July 1911, n. 251. COOKE (John) Greene's Tu Quoque or the City Gallant. London, for J. Trundle, 1614. 4°. £13.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 May 1897, n. 122; $700 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 854) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $365 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 80) half-mor. COOKE (Joshua). See How a man may chose a good wife COOPER (James Fenimore). 1789-1851 Most of his first editions may be obtained at about $4-5 apiece, even The Last of the Mohicans (Philadelphia, 1826. 2 vols. 12°) seldom brings more than $15-20. These low prices should not last long. COPLAND (Patrick), ab. 1570-ab. 1655 Virginia's God be thanked, or a Sermon of Thanksgiving . . . London, J. D. for W. Sheffard and J. Bellamie, 1622. 4 • $420 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 826) mor., by Bedford; $1010 Huntington (March 1919, X, n. 53) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (Church copy). COPLEY 135 COPLEY (Anthony). 1567-1607(?) A Fig for Fortune. London, R. Johnes for C. A., 1596. 4°. Of this scarce poem only three or four copies are known. £115 Huth (June 1912, n. 1771) half-mor. (Daniel-Harper copy, now Huntington). Wits, Fits and Fancies. London, B. Allde, 1614. 4°. i 36 Huth (June 1912, n. 1772) mor. CORBET (Richard). 1582-1635 Certain elegant Poems. London, R. Cotes for A. Crooke, 1647. 8°. Two issues, one containing 53, the other 85 pp. $60-80. — $85 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 885) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); £15 Huth (June 1912, n. 1777) blue mor., uncut; $117 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 82) mor., by Matthews; $156 Hagen (May 1918, n. 285) mor., by Wright. CORYAT (Thomas). 1577(?)-1617 Coryat's Crambe or his Colwort twice sodden. London, W. Stanshy, 161 1. 4°. $245 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 867) mor., by Bedford (Edwardes copy, now Huntington); £28 Huth (June 1912, n. 1804) mor., by Bedford; $210 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 367) old blue mor. Coryat's Crudities hastily gobbled up. London, W. S., 161 1. 4°. Engraved and printed titles. $300 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 898) mor., by Riviere; £30 Huth (June 1912, n. 1803) mor., by Clarke; $295 Hagen (May 1918, n. 288) old calf; $350 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 368) old brown mor. The Odcombian Banquet. London, for T. Thorp, 161 1. 4°. £34 Huth (June 1912, n. 1805) old blue mor. (now Huntington). Thomas Coriate, Traveller for the English Wits, Greeting from the Court of the Great Mogul. London, IV. laggard, 1 61 6. 4°. Woodcuts. $127.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 868) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton). 136 CO RYE CORYE (John) The Generous Enemies or the Ridiculous Lovers, a Comedy. London, H. Lloyd for J. Magnus, 1672. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 869) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). COSTLY (The) WHORE The Costly Whore, a comical History. London, A. Math- ewes for W. Shear es, 1633. 4°. A scarce play. $185 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 870) mor.; £ 19 Huth (June 1912, n. 1813) half-roan, resold $90 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 111). COTTON (Charles). 1630-1687 The Compleat Angler. Part 2. London, Richard Mar- riott, 1676. 8°. $40-50 and more. — £ 16 Hodgson's, 2 Apr. 1894, n. 463, sewn ; £ 49 Huth (June 1912, n. 1816) orig. calf. See Walton. COTTON (John). 1584-1652 All his works are collected as Americana but most of them are fairly easy to obtain. The scarcest seems to be: Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes in either England. Cam- bridge, S. G. for Hezekiah Usher, 1656. 8°. $400 Livermore (Nov. 1894, n. 1129) sewn. COVELL (William) Polimanteia. London and Cambridge, J. Legate, i^g^. 4°. Contains a mention of Shakespeare. Ascribed to WilHam Gierke or Clarke. Very scarce. — £40 Huth (June 1912, n. 1641) mor. (now Hunting- ton) ; £84 Dowden (Dec. 1913, H, n. 566) orig. vellum, wanting last leaf, but a different issue signed in full at the end of the dedication. COVENT-GARDEN (The) MAGAZINE The Covent-Garden Magazine or Amorous Repository. London, 1772- 1775. 4 vols. 8°. PI. $80-100. COWLEY 137 COWLEY (Abraham). 1618-1667 Poetical Blossoms. London, B. A. and T. F. for H. Siele, 1633. 4°. Portr. by Vaughan (existing in 2 states). $510 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 891) old mor. (Corser copy, now Hunting- ton) ; £36 Huth (June 1912, n. 1835) mor., by Bedford; £84 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 100) mor., by C. Lewis; $680 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 112) mor., by Riviere (Chew copy, with 1st state of portrait, now Huntington). Love's Riddle, a pastoral Comedy. London, J. Dazuson for H. Siele, 1638. 8°. Portr. $87.50 HolHngsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 394) mor., by Lortic (now Hunt- ington) ; $175 Hoe (Jan. 1912. H, n. 910) mor., resold $150 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 113) and $215 Hagen (May 1918, n. 290) now W. A. Clark, Jr. ; $225 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 374) mor. (McKee copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; £ 134 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 65) unbound, uncut. The Mistress or several Copies of Love Verses. London, H. Moseley, 1647. 8°. Two editions under the same date, the earliest with Errata on H 4 verso. £20.10.0 Sotheby's, 18 June 1903, n. 571, mor.; $180 Hoe (Jan. 1912, n, n. 912) old mor. (now Huntington). The Guardian. London, for J. H olden, 1650. 4°. £20, Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 1128, uncut; $141 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 892) mor., by Riviere, resold $105 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 154) and $110 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n 375). This play was republished in 166^ under the title: Cutter of Coleman-Street, a Comedy. London, for H. Her- ringman, 1663. 4°. $70 Hoe (Apr. 1911, L n. 895) mor., resold $20 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 157) ; $32.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 89) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 376) now Pforzheimer. Poems. London, H. Mosely, 1656. Fol. $120 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 893) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunting- ton) ; $405 Hagen (May 1918, n. 291) mor., presentation copy to Lady Hanmer (now C. W. Clark). Poems of Mr. Cowley and Others composed into Songs and Airs by William King. Oxford, 1668. Fol. £23 Sotheby's, 28 July 1902, n. 692, mor., uncut. 138 COWLEY The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1668. Fol. Portr. by Faithorne. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 767) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). The Works. London, H. Herringman, 16^1. Fol. Portr. by Faithorne. £ 126 Bunbury (July 1896, n. 265) in a beautiful contemporary binding; $150 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 211) contemporary mor., inlaid and tooled. COWPER (William). 1731-1800 Olney Hymns in three Books. London, W. Oliver, J. Buck- land and J. Johnson, iyy(). 8°. $10-20. — $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1898) mor. Poems. London, for J. Johnson, 1782. 8°. A few copies have a preface which is suppressed in the others. There is a cancel, pp. 117-118 and 123-124. $40-50. To this should he added: The Task, a Poem in 6 books. London, for J. Johnson, 1785. 8^ The good copies have a half title. An uncut copy of the 2 vols, in orig. boards, £ 47 Sotheby's, 16 July 1903, n. 788; the 2 vols. £26 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 102) mor., uncut, by Bedford. The Diverting History of John Gilpin. London, C. Tilt, 1828 (or 1832). 8°. 6 woodcuts by Cruikshank. In orig. pink wrapper $15-20. — $20 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 189) mor., by Riviere, with a second set of the plates in India proofs before letters. COX (Nicholas) The Gentleman's Recreation, in four Parts. London, H. Plesher, 1674. 8° Folding plate. $60-80. — $125 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 842) mor. (now Huntington) ; £19.10.0 Gilbey (June 1915, n. 78); $127.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 93) calf (Bridgewater copy). CRANFORD (James). 1592(?)-1657 The Tears of Ireland. London, A. N. for J. Rothwell, 1642. 8". $50-60. — £ 16.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1854) mor., by Bedford. CRASH AW 139 CRASHAW (Richard). 1613(?)-1649 Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems. London, T. IV. for H. Moseley, 1646. 8°. i 29.10.0 Sotheby's, 17 June 1904, n. 92, uncut; $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 910) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; £35 Huth (June 1912, n. 1860) mor.; $510 Hagen (May 1918, n. 300) uncut, unbound (now J. L. Clawson). [Second edition]. London, for H. Moseley, 164.S. 8°. Frontisp. by Cross. $50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 928) mor., by Riviere; $65 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 184) mor., by Riviere; $37.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 301) mor. (Lefferts copy). Carmen Deo Nostro, Te Docet Hymnus, Sacred Poems. Paris, P. Targa, 1652. 8°. 12 vignettes by Messager and others. Two plates show variations. $90 Hagen (May 1918, n. 302) mor., by Riviere (now Beverly Chew). CRIPPS (John) A true Account of the Dying Words of Ockanickon, an In- dian King. London, for B. Clark, 1682. 4°. 8 pp. Only five or six copies are known (see Church catalogue). i 165 Huth (June 1912, n. 1880) calf, by Pratt. ' Reprinted in 1683, / CROFTS (Robert) The Lover, or Nuptial Love. London, B. Also p 'and T. F. for R. Meighen, 1638. 8°. Front, by W. Marshall. i20 Huth (June 1912, n. 1883) calf, by Ramage (now Huntin^on). CROMPTON (Hugh) Pierides or the Muses Mount. London, J. G. for C. Webb, 1658. 8°. Very scarce. £16.5.0 Daniel (July 1864. n. 423). resold £55 Huth (June 1912, n. 1887) old calf (now Huntington); £8.10.0 W. H. Crawford (March 1891, n. 874) mor., title mended; £ 10.15.0 Bliss (Apr. 1898, n. 59) russia, title mended, headlines shaved. 140 CROMPTON Poems. London, B. C. for T. Alsop, 1657. 8°. Only two or three copies seem to be known. £6.10.0 Bateman (May 1893, n. 359) mor., wanting A 2 (then Beverly Chew, now Huntington) ; £48 Huth (June 1912, n. 1886) russia, by C. Smith (the Skegg-Corser copy). CROMWELL (Oliver). 1599-1658 Several proclamations relating to Cromwell bring good prices : Proclamation by His Highness and the Parliament appoint- ing Cromweil Chief Magistrate. London, H. Hills, i6^y. Fol. £ 15.10.0 Sotheby's, 18 June 1896, n. 979. CROSSE (Henry) Virtue's Commonwealth or the Highway to Honour. Lon- don, for J. Newbury, 1603. 4°. £50 Huth (June 1912, n. 1890) calf (Jolley copy, now Huntington). CROWE (Sir Joseph Archer) 1825-1896 and G. B. CAVALCASELLE Before the publication of recent editions by Langton Douglas and Bore- nius, their works on the history of Italian painting fetched high prices, as much as £24 having been given (Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 479) for the 5 vols, of the History of painting in Italv. London, 1864-1871. 5 vols. 8". CROWN (The) GARLAND The Crown Garland of Golden Roses, gathered out of Eng- land's Royal Garden set forth in many pleasant new Songs and Sonnets, with new Additions. . . London, J. M. for W. and T. Thackeray, 1662. 8°. Contains the "Ballad of King Cophetua" twice referred to by STiake- speare. Extremely scarce. £ 9 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 309, calf, some leaves mended. CROWNE (John). 16. .-1703(?) Juliana or the Princess of Poland, a Tragi-Comedy. Lon- don, for W. Cademan and W. Birch, 1671. 4°. Two issues, one without Birch's name. 16 sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 1897) calf (now Huntington). CROWN E 141 The History of Charles the Eighth of France. London, T. R. and N. T. for A. Isted, 1672. 4°. 10 sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 1898) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 94) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Country Wit, a Comedy. London, T. N. for J. Mag- nes and R. Bentley, 1675. 4". £2 Huth (June 1912, n. 1901) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (now Huntington) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 95) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Andromache, a Tragedy. London, T. R. Ratcliife and N. Thompson for R. Bentley, 1675. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 921) mor. (now Huntington) ; $20 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 96) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Calisto or the Chaste Nymph, the late Masque at Court. London, T. Newcomh for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1675. 4''. £2 Huth (June 1912, n. 1900) calf (now Huntington) ; $30 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 97) half-mor. The Destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian. London, for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1677. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 922) mor. (now Huntington); $21 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 98) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Ambitious Statesman or the Loyal Favourite. Lon- don, for W. Abington, 1679. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 923) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 99) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Misery of Civil War, a Tragedy. London, for R. Bent- ley and M. Magnes, 1680. 4°. • $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 924) half-mor. (now Huntington); $19 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 100) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Henry the Sixth, first Part. [A play]. London, for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1681. 4°. $15 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 925) mor. (now Huntington) ; $21 Ander- son's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 789. calf by Riviere; $21 Huntnigton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 101) half-mor. (with the following, Bridgewater copy). Henry the Sixth, second Part. [The Misery of Civil War]. London, for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1681. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 926) mor. (now Huntington). 142 CROWNE Thyestes, a Tragedy [adapted from Seneca]. London, for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1681. 4°. $17.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 927) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunt- ington) ; $18 Hagen (May 1918, n. 307) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). City Politiques, a Comedy. London, for R. Bentley and J. Hindmarsh, 1683. 4°. Sir Courtly Nice, or It Cannot Be, a Comedy. London, H. H. for R. Bentley and J. Hindmarsh, 1685. 4°. £ 1.1.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1907) calf (now Huntington) ; $18 Hagen (May 1918, n. 308) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). Darius, King of Persia, a Tragedy. London, for J. Knight and F. Saunders, 1688. 4°. £ 1.1.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1908) calf, by Zaehnsdorf ; $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 103) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The English Friar, or the Town Sparks, a Comedy. Lon- don, for J. Knapton, 1690. 4°. $16 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 930) half-calf (now Huntington); $18 Hagen (May 1918, n. 309) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). The Married Beau, or the Curious Impertinent, a Comedy. London, for R. Bentley, 1694. 4°. $16 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 931) half-mor. (now Huntington); $19 Huntmgton (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 104) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Regulus, a Tragedy. London, for J. Knapton, 1694. 4°. 5 sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 1911) half-calf (now Huntington). Caligula, a Tragedy. London, J. Orme for R. Wellington.. 1698. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 932) mor. (now Huntington). CRUIKSHANK (George). 1792-1878 See G. W. Reid, A descriptive catalogue of the zvorks of George Cruikshank (London, 1871. 3 vols. 4°) ; R. J. H. Douglas, The works of George Cruikshank classified and arranged with references to Reid's catalogue and their approximate values (London, J. Davy, 1903. 4°) vi- 301 pp. ; Albert M. Cohn, A bibliographical catalogue of the printed works illustrated by George Cruikshank (London, Longmans, 1914. 8°) 226 pp.: The finest collections of Cruikshankiana recently dispersed were those 1915. 8°) 24 pp. the same, A feiv notes on some rare Cruikshankiana (London, Karslake, CRUIKSHANK 143 of H. W. Bruton (sold 10 June 1897), of Edwin Truman (sold 7 May 1906) and of Captain R. J. H. Douglas (sold 9 February 1911) ; the choicest items in these three sales are now in the H. E. Widener Library at Harvard and are fully described in the elaborate special catalogue by A. S. W. Rosenbach, A catalogue of the zcorks illustrated by George Cruikshank and Isaac and Robert Cruikshank in the library of Harry Blkins Widener (Philadelphia, 1918. 4°) 279 pp. The Meteor or Monthly Censor, a critical, satirical and liter- ary Magazine. London, Lewis, etc., 1813-1814. 2 vols. 8°. 32 pi. by Cruikshank (30 being coloured) and 8 woodcuts. Complete copies, which are exceedingly scarce, contain vol. I. Nov. 1813 to Apr. 1814, and vol. II. May 1814- July 1814, ending on p. 152, or even in one copy, p. 160 (Douglas copy, now H. E. Widener Library). £73 Bruton (June 1897, n. 239) not quite perfect; £85 Puttick's, 7 Dec. 1903, n. 69, perfect; £53 Truman (May 1906, n. 524), resold £71 Hill (May 1912, n. 267). The Humourist. London, J. Robins, 1819-1820. 4 vols. 8". 40 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. The first issue has not vol. I on title-page and all the plates are dated 1819. In orig. pink boards $150-200 and more. — £ 107 Truman (May 1906, n. 389). resold £127 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 311) orig. boards; $360 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 156) mor., by Riviere; $460 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 20) mor.; $1050 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 271) orig. boards, 1st issue. A set of undivided unlettered proofs of the plates, £21 Truman (May 1906, n. 970), resold £27.10.0 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 313) ; another set $225 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 118) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. Copies with vol. I dated 1822 are considerably cheaper. The Queen's Alphabet. London, 1820. 4°. 28 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. , £ 5.5.0 Sotheby's, 22 Febr. 1897, n. 763, half-mor., uncut. The Progress of a Midshipman. London, Humphreys, 1821. 4°. Title and 7 coloured pi. by Cruiskhank. £24 Puttick's, 18 Nov. 1909, n. 621. Inconveniences of a Trip on the Continent. London, 1821. 8°. 8 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. £ 17.15.0 Bruton (June 1897, n. 206) half-mor. Points of Humour. London, C. Baldzvin, 1823-1824. 2 parts in i vol. 8°. 20 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. brown wrappers $50-60. 144 CRUIKSHANK Holiday Scenes. London, 1826. Oblong 4°. 4 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. $97.50 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 169) calf, by Riviere. Phrenological Illustrations. London, G. Cruikshank, 1826 (or 1830). 4°. 6 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. The plates exist in India proofs. $10-15. — $57 Rogers (Oct. 1908, n. 348) mor., by Riviere, Cruik- shank's own copy, autograph added. Reprinted in 1873. Illustrations of Time. London, published by the Artist, 1827. Oblong fol. 6 pi. by Cruikshank. The plates exist plain and coloured. $15-25. London Characters. London, I. Robins, 1827. 8°. 24 col- oured pi. by G. and R. Cruikshank. Two issues, the second bearing Cruikshank's name on the title. $25-30, and more on large paper. — £ 10 Bruton (June 1897, n. 224) large paper, resold $62.50 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 88). Scraps and Sketches. Parts 1-4. London, publisJied by the Artist, 1828-1832. Oblong 4°. 24 coloured pi. by Cruik- shank. The plates exist also in India proofs. $30-40. — $110 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 233) mor., uncut, with one of the orig. drawings. . There is a reissue with the same date, on small and large paper, worth $10-15. Illustrations to popular Works. Part I [no more publish- ed]. London, for the Author [1830]. 8°, 6 pi. by Cruik-' shank, with explanatory text. The plates exist plain and coloured. On large paper with orig. brown wrapper $15-25. — i 15 Burrell (July 1897, n. 15) half-mor., uncut. Illustrations to Smollett, Fielding and Goldsmith. Lon- don, 1832 (or 1836). 8°. 41 pi. by Cruikshank. The plates exist plain and coloured. $15-25. CRUIKSHANK 145 My Sketch-Book. London, C. Tilt, i Dec. 1834-25 June 1836. 9 parts. 4°. 37 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. The plates exist also in India proofs. In parts $80-100. — £ 22.10.0 Stewart (March 1888, n. 178) mor. ; $120 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 188) in parts, first issue. The Comic Almanack. London, C. Tilt, 1835- 1853. 19 vols. 8°. 195 pi. by Cruikshank. In the vols, for 1835-1847, each 12 pi; 1848: 6 pi.; 1849: 5 pi.; 1850- 1853, each 7 pi. Contains contributions by Thackeray and others. The series has been reprinted. In orig. buff wrappers $80-100. — A tine set £40 Wood (March 1891, n. 910) mor., wrappers and advertisements bound in ; $105 Hermann (March 1909, n. 143) wrappers; $140 Barrow (Apr. 1916, n. 289) wrap- pers; $177.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 388) wrappers. A Comic Alphabet. London, G. Cruikshank, 1837. S° 24 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. Exists on large paper. $25-30. — £9.15.0 Bruton (June 1897, n. 114) mor., 2 sets of pi. (plain and coloured). George Cruikshank's Omnibus. London, Tilt and Bogue, 1842. 8°. 3 ports. 19 pi. and 78 woodcuts by Cruikshank. In orig. cloth $25-30 and more in 9 parts. — $65 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 146) mor., presentation copy; $76 Stickney and Wilson (Nov. 1914, n. 216) in parts, presentation copy; $195 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 284) in parts. There are folio sets of India proofs of the pi. and woodcuts : £ 14 Harvey (June 1900, n. 246) mor. The Bachelor's Own Book. London, Bogue, 1844. Ob- long 8°. 12 pi. by Cruikshank (plain or coloured). In orig. boards $15-25. — $111 Hinckley (Febr. 1912, n. 282) mor., with 2 orig. drawings; $40 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 20) boards, coloured pi. George Cruikshank's Table Book, edited by G. A. A'Beck- ett. London, Punch Office, 1845. 8°. 12 pi. and 116 wood- cuts by Cruikshank. $15-25 and in 12 parts $40-50. — $67 Hermann (March 1909, n. 146) in parts; $72.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 61) in parts. The Bottle. — The Drunkard's Children. London, D. 146 CRUIKSHANK Bogtie, 1 847- 1 848. Fol. 2 sets of 8 pi. each, by Cruikshank. $15-25. — £20.10.0 Mackenzie (March 1889, n. 528) presentation copy, some drawings inserted; the same (?) resold, i31 Wright (June 1899, n. 271). The Fairy Library : Hop o' my Thumb, Jack and the Bean- stalk, Cinderella and the Glass Slipper, Puss in Boots. London, Bogue, [18^2,-1864]. 4 vols. 8°. 24 pi. by Cruikshank (plain or coloured). In orig. green wrappers $60-80 and more. — £34 Sotheby's, 30 June 1914, n. 73; $200 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 226) wrappers, all 1st issues; $550 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 231, wrappers, all 1st issues, 3 draw- ings added. The ilkistrations alone (India proofs) $190 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 796) mor., by Riviere; $240 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 381) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. George Cruikshank's Magazine. Nos. 1-2 [no more pub- lished]. London, D. Bogue, 1854. 8°. 5 pi. and 7 woodcuts by Cruikshank. In orig. yellow wrapper $10-15. — $17 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 107) half-mor., wrapper preserved; $27.50 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 227) in parts. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac Robert). 1789-1856 Picture of the Fancy going to a Fight at Moulsey House. lY. p., n. d. 42 coloured scenes mounted on a roller. £ 13 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 37 orig. wrapper. CUCKOLD'S (The) CHRONICLE The Cuckold's Chronicle, being select Trials for Adultery . . . London, H. Lemoine, i/g^)- ^ vols. 8°. PI. $80-100. — £48 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 178) mor., by Bedford. CUPID'S GARLAND Cupid's Garland set round about with gilded Roses, contain- ing many pleasant Songs and Sonnets. London, E. Crouch, for F. Colet, T. Vere and J. Wright, 1674. 12°. £9 Daniel (July 1864, n. 654), resold $100 at Bangs, 18 Nov. 1895, n. 380, $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 941) and $165 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 315) calf, the Utterson copy (now Huntington) the only one on record. CUPID 147 CUPID'S POSIES Cupid's Posies for Bracelets, Handkerchers and Rings . . . London, J. Wright, 1642. 12°. i 8.15.0 Sotheby's, 22 Apr. 1895, n. 623, mor., by Riviere. [Another edition]. London, B. C. for J. Wright, 1674. 12". £ 10.15.0 Daniel (July 1864, n. 436) russia (boug-ht by the Brit. Mus.). CURTIS (John). 1791-1862 British Entomology. London, for the Author, 1824- 1839. 16 vols. 8°. Coloured plates. $80-100. — i 24 Collins (Apr. 1883, n. 287) uncut. CURTIS (William). 1746-1799 Flora Londinensis. London, 1 777-1 798. 2 vols. Fol. Coloured pi. $15-25. — i 13.10.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 590) russia. Flora Londinensis. Enlarged by G. Graves and Sir W. Hooker. London, 1835. 5 vols. Fol. Coloured pi. $100-150. — £73 Crawford (June 1887, I, n. 753) russia. CUSHMAN (Robert) A Sermon preached at Plimmoth in New-England, Decem- ber 9, 1 62 1. London, J. D. for J. Bellamie, 1622. 4''. 14- leaves. The earliest printed New England Sermon, and one of the scarcest Americana. Some 5 copies are known: 1. Bodleian; 2. Yale (Dexter copy); 3. Huntington (Gardner-Church copy) ; 4. Newbery (Ayer copy) ; 5. $1000 Deane (March 1898, n. 951) mor., by Bedford (Crowninshield copy), resold $2400 A. T. White (Febr. 1920, n. 32). CUSSANS (John Edwin). 1837-1899 History of Hertfordshire. London, 1870-1881. 3 vols. Fol. Coloured pi. $20-30 and more on large paper. 148 CYCLOPEDIA CYCLOPEDIA Cyclopaedia of British Costumes from the Metropolitan Repository of Fashions. Lont/ow, 1823 (?) -1847. Oblong 4°. No complete set seems to have been sold by auction. D D. (J.) The Knave in Grain, new vampt, a witty Comedy. London, J. O. for J. Nicholson, 1640. 4°. £8.5.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1949) half-mor. ; $26 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 868) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $102.50 Anderson's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 279, mor.; £ 11.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 68) unbound. D. (T.) The Bloody Banquet, a Tragedy. London, T. Cotes, 1639. 4°. Has been ascribed to Robert Davenport. As discovered by Mr. G. W. Cole, the 1620 edition does not exist, al- though a copy with the alleged date 1620 was sold for only 14 shillings in the Mostyn sale (March 1919, n. 84) ; but the imprint was cut into, hence the obvious misreading of the date. $42.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 980) calf, by Bedford (Jolley copy, now Huntington) ; £ 5.5.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1951) calf, by Pratt, resold $30 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 116); i 11.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. .85) unbound. DABORNE (Robert). 15.. -1628 A Christian turn'd Turk. London, for W. Barrenger, 1612. 4°. $26.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 869) calf, resold $72.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 312) ; $81.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 106) calf (Bridge- water copy), resold $72.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 395) ; £ 11.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 70) unbound. The Poor Man's Comfort, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for R. Pollard and J. Sweeting, 1655. 4°. There are variations between the copies. £7 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 439, unbound; $15 Hoe (Nov. DABORNE 149 1912, IV, n. 908) mor., resold $31 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 172) ; $50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 107) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). DAGLEY (Richard). 17. .-1841 Takings, or the Life of a Collegian. London, J. Warren, 1 82 1. 26 coloured pi. $10-15. Death's Doings. London, 1826. 8°. 24 pi. $5-10. Death's Doings. London, J. Andrezvs and W. Cole, 1827. 2 vols. 8°. 60 pi. $5-10. DALLAWAY (James) and Edward CARTWRIGHT History of the Western Division of the County of Sus- sex. London, Bensley and Nichols, 1815, 1819, 1830. 3 vols. 4**. Numerous pi. Vol. II was reprinted in 1832, the whole of the first issue, with the ex- ception of 30 copies, having been destroyed in a fire. — See collation in Lowndes. Fine sets (with both editions of vol. II) have fetched £60 Wood (March 1891, n. 1881) and i 62 Sotheby's, 1 Dec. 1896, n. 576. Ordinary copies seldom bring more than $200. DANCE (George) A Collection of seventy-two Portraits of eminent Charac- ters sketched from Life since the Year 1793. Loildon, 1809- 1814. 2 vols. Fol. 72 pi. by Dance, engraved by W. Daniel. Published in 12 parts. $15-25 and on large paper $30-40. The 1854 edition contains 142 pi. and is worth a little less. DANCER (John) Agrippa, King of Alba, or the False Tiberinus. London, J. C. for N. Cox, 1675. 4°. A play, translated from the French of Ouinault. $15 Huntington (Apr., 1918, VIII, n. T08) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). 150 DANCING-MASTER DANCING-MASTER (The) The Dancing Master or Directions for dancing Country Dances. London, 1670. 8° Front, by Hollar. £7.10.0 Halliwell (July 1889, n. 139) calf, by Pratt. -d The 1706 and 1721-1728 editions are worth $15-25. ^' DANIEL (George). 1789-1864 The Modern Dunciad. London, 18 14. 8*^. Front, by Cruikshank. In orig. boards $5-10. — $19 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 150) boards. Merrie England in the Olden Time. London, R. Bentley, 1842. 2 vols. 8°. Plates by Leech. In orig. cloth $10-15. — i 55 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 222) the author's copy, with proofs of the illustrations, etc., mor. ; $25 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 118) orig. cloth, one of 12 copies on "fine paper." DANIEL (Samuel). 1563-1619 The Worthy Tract of Paulus Jovius, containing a Dis- course of rare Inventions ... by Samuel Daniell. London, for Simon Waterson, 1585. 8**. $270 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 947) mor., by Chafnbolle ; $285 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 396) mor. (Ross Winans copy). Delia containing certain Sonnets with the Complaint of Ros- amond. London, /. C. for S. Waterson, 1592. • 4°. There are at least three editions under the same date, all of extreme scarcity. $3800 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 948) mor., by Bedford (Griswold copy, now Huntington) ; £ 105 Huth (June 1912, n. 1973) calf (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £ 265 Hodgson's, 6 Dec. 1917, n. 117, mor., by Riviere. The first four Books of the Civil Wars. London, P. Short, 1595- 4'- Three editions under the same date. $300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 949) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; £41 Huth (June 1912, n. 1975) russia (Corser copy) ; £41 Sotheby's, 6 Apr. 1914, n. 615, orig. vellum. The poetical Essays. London, P. Short for S. Waterson, 1 599. 4°. DANIEL 151 $210 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 950) mor., by Murton (now Huntington) ; £40 Huth (June 1912, n. 1970) mor., by C. Lewis (now W. A. White) ; £86 S'otheby's, 7 Aug. 1918, n. 487, vellum (now Beverly Chew). The Works. London, for S. Waterson, i6oi. Fol. $550 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 952) mor., resold $450 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 319) ; $280 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIH, n. 109) calf, by Pratt (now J. L. Clawson). The Works. London, for S. Waterson, 1602. Fol. The date alone has been altered from the 1601 edition. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 953) mor. ; $140 Hagen (May 1918, n. 315) mor., by Riviere. A Panegyric congratulatory delivered to the King. . . London, V. S. for B. Blount [1603]. Fol. Two issues with variations. £20.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 1978) mor., by Bedford (now Beverly Chew) ; $320 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 397) mor., by Zucker (now C. W. Clark). [Second edition]. London, for B. Blount, 1603. 8"" $125 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 954) mor., by Bedford, resold $110 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 174). The True Description of a Royal Masque. London, B. Allde, 1604. 4°. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. Another edition, apparently the one authorized by Daniel, was published the same year under the title : The Vision of the 12 Goddesses presented in a Mask. Lon- don, T. C. for S. Waterson, 1604. 4°. Bodl. Certain Small Poems lately printed, with the Tragedy of Philotas. London, G. Bid for S. Waterson, 1605. 8°. $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 955) mor., by Bedford; £25 Huth (June 1912, n. 1977) mor., by Bedford (now W. A. White) ; $195 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 156) mor. ; $200 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 398) orig. calf (Dog- niersfield copy). The Queen's Arcadia, a pastoral Tragi-Comedy. London, G. Bid for S. Waterson, 1606. 4°. £ 13 Huth (June 1912, n. \9*79) minor defects (now W. A. White). 152 DANIEL The Tragedy of Philotas. London, M. Bradwood for E. Blount, 1607. 12°. ^ The Order and Solemnity of the Creation of Prince Henry, whereunto is annexed the Royal Maske. [Tethys's Festival]. London, for J. Budge, 1610. 4°. $305 Lefferts (Apr. 1902, n. 323) mor. (Fuller-Russell copy); £40 Huth (June 1913, n. 3592) calf ( Freelin^ copy, now Huntington) ; $580 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 226) mor., by Bedford ; $390 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 243, old half-calf. The first Part of the History of England. London, N. Okes, 1 61 2. 4°. $300 Hagen (May 1918, n. 319) mor., by The Club Bindery. Hymen's Triumph, a pastoral Tragic-Comedy. London, for F. Constable, 1615. 8°. The whole Works. London, N. Okes for S. Waterson, 1623. 4"^. The Civil Wars has an engraved title-page by T. Cockson (1609). $45 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 947) mor; (now Beverly Chew) ; i 18 Huth (June 1912, n. 1969) russia, by Bedford ; $150 Hag-en (May 1918, n. 320) mor., by The Club Bindery (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). DANIELL (Samuel). 1775-1811 African Scenery, being Illustrations of the Animals and native Inhabitants in Southern Africa. London, 1804. 2 vols. Fol. 30 coloured pi. £ 10 White (Apr. 1902, n. 656) calf. A picturesque Illustration of the Scenery, Animals and na- tive Inhabitants of the Island of Ceylon. London, 1808. Ob- long fol. 12 coloured pi. $15-25. — £7.10.0 Puttick's, 21 Nov. 1912, n. 196. DANIELL (Thomas and William) Oriental Scenery or Views of Hindustan. London, 1795- 1808. 6 vols. Fol. 144 coloured pi. Complete sets are very scarce and sold for £ 100-120 about 1820. £35 Sotheby's, 15 Dec. 1902, n. 197, half-bound. The 1812-1816 ed. in 6 parts (or 3 vols.) oblong 4° is worth $10-20; the plates, 150 in number, are much smaller and usually uncoloured. DAN I ELL 153 Picturesque Voyage to India by way of China. London^ 1810. Oblong 4°. 50 coloured pi. $10-15. DANIELL (William). 1769-1837 Views of Scotland. Lo/iofon [1819]. Fol. 42 coloured pi. $15-25. DANIELL (William) and Richard AYTON A Voyage around Great Britain. London, Longman, 1814- 1826. 8 vols. 4°. 308 coloured pi. $250-300. — £A7 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 487) mor., one of 25 copies mounted on cardboard and retouched by hand (now H. E. Widener Li- brary) ; £82 Sotheby's, 29 Apr. 1918, n. 830, russia, with the Duke of S'utherland's arms; i 96 Hollams (March 1919, n. 277) russia. DARIUS. See Interlude DARLY (Matthew) Comic Prints of Characters, Caricatures, etc. London, 1776. Fol. 100 pi. i 5.12.6 Huth (May 1889, n. 740) calf, by Riviere. DART (John). 16. .-1730 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury. London, 1726. Fol. 61 pi. $10-15. Westmonasterium or the History and Antiquities of . . . Westminster Abbey. [London, 1723]. 2 vols. Fol. 145 pi. See collation in Lowndes. $10-15 and on large paper $15-20. DAVENANT (Charles). 1656-1714 Circe, a Tragedy. London, for R. Tonson, 1677. 4°. With Prologue by Dryden. and Epilogue by the Earl of Rochester. £ 1.15.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2005) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $42.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 117) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). 154 DAVENANT DAVENANT (Sir William). 1606-1668 The Tragedy of Albovine. London, for R. M., 1629. 4°. $17.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 912) veil, (now Huntington) ; £ 16.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 73) unbound. The Cruel Brother, a Tragedy. London, A. M. for J. Waterson, 1630. 4°. $16 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 914) calf; $37 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 175) calf (Bridgewater copy); £8.10.0 and £6.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 74 and 75) unbound. The Just Italian. London, T. Harper for J. Waterson, 1630. 4°. $4 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV. n. 913) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $49 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 180) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; $45 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 406) old half-calf; £8.10.0 and £8.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 76 and 77) unbound. The Temple of Love, a Masque. [By Inigo Jones and Davenant]. London, for T. Walkley, 1634. 4°. B 4, a cancel, is said to be known in only one copy. $40 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 925) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $55 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 455) calf (Bridgewater copy); £12.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 176) unbound. The Triumphs of the Prince d'Amour, a Masque. Lon- don, for R. Meighen, 1635. 4°. $17.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 915) mor.. by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £31 Huth (June 1912, n. 2010) calf by Bedford. The Platonic Lovers, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for R, Meighen, 1636. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 917) mor. (now Huntington) ; $25 Hunt- ington (Febr., 1918, VII, n. 181) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Wits, a Comedy. London, for R. Meighen, 1636. 4°. $20 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 916) calf (now Huntington) ; $30 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 956) mor., by Riviere, wanting leaf of license (now Huntington) ; £17 Cummings (May 1917, n. 562) , half-calf ; $47 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 182) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; £7.10.0 Mos- tyn (March 1919, n. 79) unbound. Britannia Triumphans, a Masque. London, J. Haviland for T. Walkley, 1637. 4**. £21 Huth (June 1912, n. 2011) half-mor. DAVENANT 155 Madagascar, with other Poems. London, J. Haviland for T. Walkley, 1638. 12°. £\7 Huth (June 1912, n. 2012) orig. calf; $62.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 322) orig. calf (Rowfant copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Salmacida Spolia, a Masque. London, T. H. for T. Walk- ley, 1639. 4"- $50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 926) mor., by Kaufmann (now Hunting- ton) ; $62.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 125) mor. (McKee copy) ; $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 183) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Unfortunate Lovers, a Tragedy. London, R. H. for F. Coles, 1643. 4°- $12.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 918) half-mor. (now Huntington). Love and Honour. London, for H. Robinson and H. Mose- ley, 1649. 4°- $20 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 919) mor., by David (now Huntington). Oondibert, an heroic Poem. London, 7\ Newcomb for J. H olden, 1651. 4°. Not a play. $125 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 957) mor., by Ruban, presentation copy; $40 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 185) calf (Chew copy, now again Chew) ; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 323) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $70 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 407) mor., by Sangorski. Gondibert, an heroic Poem. London, for J. H olden, 1651. 8°. $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 973) old mor. (now Huntington) ; $31 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 186) calf (Chew copy, now again Chew). The Siege of Rhodes. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1656. 4°. £9 Cummings (May 1917, n. 563) half-mor. The First Day's Entertainment at Rutland House. Lon- don, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1657. 8°. $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 974) old mor.. resold $155 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 408); £24 Huth (June 1912, n. 2017) half-calf; £26 Cummings (May 1917, n. 564) mor. The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru [a play]. London, for H. Herringman, 1658. 4°. $12.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 920) boards (now Huntington); 156 DAVENANT / 18.10.0 Cummings (May 1917, n. 565) half-mor. ; £6 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 81) unbound. The History of Sir Francis Drake [a play]. The first part. London, for H. Herringinan, 1659. 4°. No more was published. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 921) calf, by Lloyd (Lefferts copy, now Huntington). The Rivals, a Comedy. London, for W. Cademan, 1668. 4°. 19 sh. Huth (June 1912. n. 2021) half-bound (now Huntington) ; $37.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 120) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Man's the Master, a Comedy. London, for H. Her- ringman, 1669. 4°. $12 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 924) half-calf; $42.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 189) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). Macbeth, a Tragedy. London, for P. Chetwin, 1674. 4". An adaptation of Shakespeare's play. The Works of Sir W. Davenant. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1673. ^^^l. Portr. by Faithorne. $60-80. — $122.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 975) mor., by Riviere; $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 326) mor., by De Coverly; $115 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 409) mor., by S'angorski. DAVENPORT (Robert) A pleasant and witty Comedy called A new Trick to cheat the Devil. London, J. Okcs for H. Blimden, 1639. 4°. $110.Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 979) calf (now Elizabethan Club, Yale). King John and Matilda, a Tragedy. London, for A. Pen- ny cuicke, 1655. 4°. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 981) mor., by Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The City Night-Cap, or Crede quod habes et babes, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. Cottrcl for S. Speed, 1661. 4**. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 982) mor., by David (now Huntington); $37.50 Huntington, (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 125) half-mor., inlaid through- out (Kemble-bevonshire copy); £8.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 87) unbound. DAVIES 157 * DAVIES (Sir John). 1569-1626 Nosce Teipsum. London, R. Field for J. Standish, 1599. A° 4 • $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 987) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting-ton) ; $260 Hagen (May 1918, n. 328) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $360 H. Y. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 412) mor., by Bedford (now C. W. Clark). DAVIES (John) of Hereford. 1565(?)-1618 Mirum in Modum. London, W. Aspley, 1602. 4°. Very scarce. The Rowfant-Halsey copy is now in the Huntington coll.; $57.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 988) mor., resold $70 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V,n. 133). Microcosmos. Oxford, JosepJi Barnes for John Barnes, 1603. 4°. Contains on p. 215 a Shakespearian allusion. $102.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 989) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; £24 Huth (June 1912, n. 2032) mor., by Clarke; $120 Huntington (March 1916. I, n. 1003) mor., by De Coverly (Rowfant copy), resold $210 m V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 413). The Scourge of Folly. London, B. A. for R. Redmer [ab. 1610]. 4^ $380 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 992) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington) ; £31 Huth (June 1912, n. 2036) mor., by Bedford; $310 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 135) mor., by Riviere. Wit's Pilgrimage. London, for J. Brozvne [ab. 161 1]. 4°. $135 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 991) mor. (now Hunting-ton) ; £30 Huth (June 1912, n. 2034) mor., by Bedford; $130 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 1004) mor., by Riviere, wanting 2 leaves (Rowfant copy) ; $250 Hagen (May 1918, n. 327) mor., by Bedford (McKee copy). The Muses' Sacrifice. London, T. S. for G. Norton, 161 2. 8°. Engr. title by Hole. $525 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 415) mor., by De Coverly (Rowfant copy, now J. L. Clawson). The Muses' Tears for the Loss of Henry Prince of Wales. London, G. Bid for J. Wright, 1613. 4°. $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 993) mor. (now Huntington) ; £22 Huth (June 1912, n. 2037) mor., by Clarke; $145 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 416) mor., by Bedford (now J. L. Clawson). 158 DAVISON DAVISON (Francis) A poetical Rhapsody. London, V. S. for John Baily, 1602. 8". Only two copies are known: 1. Bodleian (imperfect) ; 2. £60 Sothe- by's, 10 Nov. 1891, n. 117, then Rowfant, now W. A. White. [Second edition]. London, N. Okes for R. Jackson, 1608. 8°. Very scarce. The Mitford-Rowfant copy is in the W. A. White coll. [Third edition]. London, W. Stansby for R. Jackson, 161 1. 8°. i 152 Huth (June 1912, n. 2049) orig. veil. (Heber-Corser copy, now Huntington). [Fourth edition, under the title: Davison's Poems]. London, B. A. for R. Jackson, 1621. 8**. $100 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 966) mor., by Mercier, resold $190 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 137) now Beverly Chew; £46 Huth (June 1912, n. 2050 )mor., by Pratt (now Huntington). DAVY (Henry) Series of Etchings iUustrative of the architectural Antiqui- ties of Suffolk. Soiitlnvold, 1827. Fol. 70 pi. PubHshed in 11 parts. — $20-25. DAWE (George). 1781-1829 The Life of a Nobleman. London [ab. 1810?]. Fol. 9 coloured pi. $15-25. DAY (John). 1566-1628 The Fair Maid of Bristow [a play]. London, for T. Pav- yer, 1605. 4°. $550 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 932) mor., by The Club Bindery; $530 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 138) mor. (Roxburghe-Devonshire copy), resold $550 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 417). The Isle of Gulls [a play]. London, J. Jlodgets, 1606. 4°. $855 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1000) mor., uncut (now Huntington); DAY 159 $97.50 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 1006) mor., by De Coverly (Row- fant copy), resold $1310 H: V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 418) now H. C. Folger. The Travailes of the three English Brothers. London, for J. Wright, 1607. 4°. This play is by Day, Rowley and Wilkins. $165 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 126) half-mor., inlaid through- out (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Congress). Humour out of Breath, a Comedy. London, for J. Helmes, 1608. 4°. £ 30 Huth (June 1912, n. 2054) mor., by Bradstreet (McKee copy), re- sold $290 Hagen (May 1918, n. 330) ; $200 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 194) half-roan (Chew copy), resold $610 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 419; $165 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 127) half-mor., in- laid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Congress) ; £ 182 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 89) unbound; an uncut copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. Law Tricks, or Who would have thought it [a play]. Lon- don, for R. More, 1608. 4°. $855 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1001) mor., uncut (now Huntington) ; £29 Huth (June 1912, n. 2055) mor.; $470 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 195) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $500 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 420) now J. L. Clawson ; £ 146 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 90) unbound. The ParUament of Bees. London, for W. Lee, 1641. 4°. Woodcut. £27 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 91) unbound. The Blind-Beggar of Bednal-Green [a play] . London, for R. Pollard and T. Bring, 1659. 4°. . $130 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1004) mor.. by David (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; £ 19 Huth (June 1912. n. 2057) mor., by Bedford (now W. A. White); $260 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 197) calf (Lefferts- Chew copy), resold $220 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 421) now J. L. Clawson; £60 Mostyn (March 19i9, n. 92) unbound. Information would be welcome concerning a copy with the alleged date of 1653, sold for £6.10.0 at Christie's, 18 June 1902, n. 210, mor. DAY'S (A) JOURNAL OF A SPONGE. See Pyne DEFOE (Daniel). 1660(?)-1731 See William Lee, A chronological catalogue of the works of Daniel 160 DEFOE Defoe {London, 1869. 8*^) reprinted (12 copies only) from his Life of Defoe, which may be usefully supplemented from the catalogues of the Huth sale (June 1912, nn. 2105-2297) and the Wrenn Library,^ In this handbook, it has seemed advisable to include only three or four of Defoe's innumerable works. Robinson Crusoe [vol. I]. London, W. Taylor [April] 1 719. 8°. — Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, being the second and last Part of his Life [vol. II]. London, W. Taylor y lyig. 8^ — Serious Reflections during the Life and surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [vol. III]. London, 1720. 8**. There are two or three variations between copies of the first edition: it is commonly believed (without any decisive reason) that copies of the earliest issue have in vol. I the misprint apyly for apply in the preface, in vol. II, p. 295 wrongly numbered 215 and the verso of the last page of the preface blank. Irrespective of these "points" good sets are worth about $1000. — £223 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902, n. 403, vol. I only, partly on thick paper, orig. calf; £307 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 309, orig. calf; $1425 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1016) mor., by Bedford; $1000 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 184) mor., by Riviere, resold $1525 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 451); $1000 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 211) by Riviere; $2050 Wallace (March 1920, n. 302) calf, by Pratt (Amherst copy). Robinson Crusoe also appeared serially in nos. 125 to 289 of The Orig- inal London Post beginning 7 October 1719. The Grenville set in the Brit. Mus. is very defective, but a fine set (from the Bliss coll.), only want- ing one number, was sold £115 Gott (March 1908, n. 79) and again £ 50 Gott (July 1910, n. 282) ; it now belongs to Mr. A. E. Newton. The Life and strange surprizing Adventures of Robeson Cruso. London, printed for the Book-Sellers of London and Westminster, lyig. 12°. The recently discovered and much discussed "o" edition, doubtless a very early piracy, badly printed, but showing textual variations possibly derived from De Foe's proof sheets. Three copies are on record: 1. Dr. Laidlaw Purves ; 2. Brit. Mus.; 3. £12 Browning (May 1913, n. 605) imperfect. See The Library, IV (1913) pp. 204-220 and 338-352. Robinson Crusoe. London, T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1820. 8°. 20 pi. and 2 vignettes by Heath. $30-40 on large paper. — £ 14 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 235) mor. Robinson Crusoe. London, W. NicJiol for J. Major, 1831. DEFOE 161 2 vols. 8°. 2 frontisp. by Cruikshank and 35 engravings in the text. $15-25 and on large paper $30-40. — £10.15.0 Mackenzie (March 1889, n. 452) mor., large paper. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. London, IV. Chetwood, 1721. 8°. $200-250 and more. — £ 130 Sotheby's, 28 July 1904, n. 263, orig. calf ; $870 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1021) mor. ; $220 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 174) calf, by De Coverly, resold $350 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 257) ; $635 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 453)- orig. calf. A Journal of the Plague Year. London, for B. Ntitt, 1722. 8". $100 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 147) old calf (Halsey copy). The Fortunate Mistress. London, T. Warner, etc., 1724. 8°. $80-100 and more. — i 25 Ford (May 1902, n. 181) mor. (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, ii. 1025) mor.; %77 Wood and Whitney (Febr. 1914, n. 134) calf; £42.10.0 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 998) calf, by Riviere (dated 1721); $410 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 456) mor., by Sangorski. Conjugal Lewdness or Matrimonial Whoredom. London, T. Warner, 17 2y. 8°. In subsequent issues, the title reads : A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed . . . etc. $10-15, and much more with the first title. — £ 16.10.0 Grant (May 1900. n. 103) calf; $210 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1034) calf, by Riviere. DEGREVAUNT. See Kelmscott Press DEKKER (Thomas). 1570(?)-1641(?)' Plays : . The pleasant Comedy of Old Fortunatus. London, S. S. for W. Aspley, 1600. 4°. £ 70 Huth (June 1912, n. 2065) calf, by Murton (Corser copy), resold $860 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 203) and $1560 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 464) now C. W. Clark. The Shoemaker's Holiday. London, V. Sims, 1600. 4". $1150 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 204) old calf (Heber-Devon- shire copy), resold $2500 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 465) now J. L- Clawson. 162 DEKKER Satiro-Mastix, or the Untrussing of the humorous Poet. London, B. White, 1602. 4°. $300 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 845) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, resoH $270 Hunting-ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 140) ; £ 65 Huth (June 1912, n. 2066) mor., by Bedford; £115 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1913, n. 46, unbound. The pleasant Comedy of Patient Grissill [by Dekker, Chettle and Haughton]. London, for H. Rocket, iGo^,. 4°. Brit. Mus. and Huntington (Heber-Devonshire) the only copies known. The Honest Whore. London, V. S. for J. Hodgets, 1604. 4 • This play is by Dekker and Middleton. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Bridge water). The magnificent Entertainment given to King James, Queen Anne and [Prince] Henry. . . London, T. C. for T. Man, 1604. 4°. $71 Poor (Jan. 1909, n..339) mor., by Kalthoeber; $335 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 846) mor. (now Huntington) ; $375 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 130) mor. (now J. L. Clawson) ; $425 Hagen (May 1918, n. 332) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts copy) ; $320 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918. n. 466) old mor. Other editions : Edinburgh, T. Finlason, 1604. 4'' and London, B. Allde for r. Man, 1604. 4°. Northward Hoe [by Dekker and Webster]. London, G. Bid, 1607. 4°. £42 Huth (June 1912, n. 2071) mor., by Clarke and Bedford (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; $300 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 854) calf, resold $250 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 147) and $445 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 471); $360 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 216) half-mor. (Halsey copy) now J. L. Clawson; i 57 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 96) unbound, minor defects. Westward Hoe [by Dekker and Webster]. London, J. Hodgets, 1607. 4°. £45 Huth (June 1912, n. 2072) mor., by Bedford, resold $220 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V„ n. 142) now J. L. Clawson; $405 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 1007) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy), resold $475 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 472) ; $385 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 217) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; £ 140 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 98) un- bound. The Whore of Babylon. London, for N. Butter, 1607. 4°. $860 Hoe (Jan. 1912, n. 970) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now DEKKER 163 H. E. Widener Library) ; i 68 Huth (June 1912, n. 2070) calf, by Bed- ford (now Huntington) ; $360 Hkmtington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 206) calf, minor defects (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; £ 100 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 93) unbound; $825 Henkels', 26 June 1919, n. 149, calf. The famous History of Sir Thomas Wyat. [By Dekker and Webster]. London, B. A. for T. Archer, 1607. 4°. Only four or five copies are known. £74 Huth (June 1912, n. 2069) half-mor., resold $305 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 141). Troja Nova Triumphans, London Triumphing. London, N. Okes, for J. Wright, 161 2. 4°. £64 Huth (June 1912, n. 2080) half-mor. (now Huntington); $390 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 143) mor. If it be not good the Devil is in it. London, for L T. and B. Mar chant, 161 2. 4°. £35 Huth (June 1912, n. 2081) half-mor., resold $215 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 209) now J. L. Clawson; £46 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 95) unbound. The second Part of the Honest Whore. London, B. Allde for N. Butter, 16^0. 4°. $170 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 850) mor.. by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $160 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V. n. 144) mor.. by Bedford (Locker- Church copy), resold $230 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 469) ; $130 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 131) calf (Bridgewater copy). A Tragi-Comedy called Match me in London. London, B. Alsop and T. Fawcet for H. Seile, 1631. 4°. $125 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 851) mor., by David, part of title in facs. (now Huntington) ; £ 15.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2084) half'-mor. (now W. A. White) ; $150 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 213) calf (Bridge- water copy, now J. L. Clawson). The Wonder of a Kingdom. London, R. Raworth for N. Vavasour, 1636. 4°. $225 Hoe (Apr. 1912. III. n. 852) calf, by Worsfold (now Hunting- ton) ; £13 Huth (June 1912, n. 2085) mor., by Bedford (now W. A. White) ; $100 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 146) half-mor.; $150 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 215) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Claw- son) ; $200 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 470) half-mor. In addition to the above mentioned plays, the follozmng works of Dekker have sold for high prices: 164 DEKKER A Knight's Conjuring, done in Earnest, discussed in Jest, London, T. C. for IV. Barley, 1607. 4°. £65 Huth (June 1912, n. 2073) mor., by Tuckett (Tite copy, now Huntingdon). The Bellman of London. London, for N. Butler, 1608. 4°. £50 Huth (June 1912, n. 2075) mor. (now Huntington). The Dead Term, or Westminster's Complaint for long Va- cations. London, J. Hod gets, 1608. 4°. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 847) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $300 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 207) ; $700 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 467) now J. L. Clawson. The Gull's Horn-Book. London, for R. S., 1609. 4°. £ 175 Huth (June 1912, n. 2077) mor., by Bedford (Charlemont copy, now H. E. Widener Library). The Raven's Almanack. • London, B. A. for T. Archer, 1609. 4°. £52 Huth (June 1912, n. 2079), Corser copy (now Huntington). O per se O, or a new Crier of Lanthorn and Candlelight. London, for J. Bnsbie, 1612. 4°. Woodcut on title. $210 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 848) mor., by Mackenzie (now Hunting- ton) ; $260 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 210) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $400 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 468) now J. L. Clawson. A Strange Horse-Race. . . London, for J. Hunt, 1613 4 • £46 Huth (June 1912, n. 2082) mor.. by Bedford (now Huntington). DENHAM (Sir John). 1615-1669 The Sophy, as it was acted. . . London, R. Hearne for T. Walkley, 1642. Fol. $145 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 994) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunting- ton). Cooper's Hill. London, T. Walkley, 1642. 4°. Much less complete than the 1655 edition. The 1642 ed.. $85 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 995) mor.. by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $47.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 333) half mor. (Lefferts copy) ; Izaak Walton's copy (from the Park-C. N. Bancker-R. H. Stod- DEN HAM 165 dard — B. Chew collections) now belongs to Mr. H. E. Huntington ; an un- cut copy is in the T J. Wise coll. Poems and Translations, with the Sophy. London, for H. Herringman, 1668. 8°. $40 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 998) mor., bv Riviere (now Huntington) ; $15 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 869) mor./ by The Club Bindery (now Beverly Chew) ; $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 335) orig. calf, rebacked. DENNY (Sir William) Pelecanicidium, or the Christian Adviser against Self-Mur- der. London, for T. Hucklescott, 1653. 3 parts in i vol. 8°, Front, by Barlow and 3 pi. il3 Gaisford (Apr. 1890, n. 589) mor.; i 7.15.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2331) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington) ; $37.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 222) mor., by Bedford, front, inlaid. DENNYS (John). 15. .-1609 Secrets of Angling. Fourth edition. London, 1652. 8°. £36 SnO'W (Nov. 1898, n. 152) mor., headlines shaved. DENTON (Daniel) A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands. London for John Hancock and William Bradley, 1670. 4°. 14 leaves, the ist blank. Most of the few known copies have the date cut off. $525 Barlow (Febr. 1890, n. 752), resold $615 Ives (March 1891. n. 258) bound in vellum; £400 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 244) unbound (then Church, now Huntington) ; £350 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 97) unbound; $3300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1057) mor., by Bedford, un- cut (John F. McCoy copy) ; $2450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 67) mor., by Bradstreet (Halsey copy). DE QUINCEY (Thomas). 1785-1859 Confessions of an English Opium Eater. London, Tay- lor and Hessey, 1822. 8°. In orig. boards with label $60-80. — £ 13 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 40, boards; $65 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 479) boards, rebacked. 166 DEUCHAR DEUCHAR (David) Etchings after Masters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools. Bdinhurgh, 1803. 3 vols. Fol. $15-25. DEVIL (The) AMONG THE FANCY The Devil among the Fancy or the Pugilistic Courts in an Uproar. London, 1822. 8^ Coloured front, by J. R. Cruik- shank. £5.10.0 Puttick's, 28 Nov. 1902, n. 46, calf, uncut. DEVONSHIRE GEMS A quarto collection of plates (in all 99?) engraved about 1724 by a Frenchman named Gosmond from the antique gems in the Duke of Dev- onshire's collection. The work was never completed and only eight copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. (from Cracherode, 101 pi; see Beloe, Anecd., 1, 1807, pp. 182-186) ; 2. Rylands (from Lord Spencer, 99 pi. ; see Aed. Althorp., I, pp. 166-172) ; 3. Chatsworth; 4. Glasgow, Hunterian (from West's sale, 1773, n. 2790: 39 pi.) ; 5. Lord Bessborough's sale (1848) ; 6. £9 Craw- ford (June 1887, I. n. 710) calf; 7. £ 5 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 272) old mor., then T. W. Greene, now S. de Ricci ; 8. Sold in 1832 by Piayne (n. 5922) to Beriah Botfield, possibly the Dent copy (1827, I, n. 1112). DIAL (The) The Dial. An occasional Publication, edited by C. S. Rick- etts and Charles Shannon. Chelsea, The Vale Press,. 1889- 1897. 5 parts. 4°. $30-40. — £ 16.10.0 Sotheby's, 7 March 1901, n. 922, plates in early im- pressions, unnumbered. DIALOGUE (A) IN THE SHADES A Dialogue in the Shades between the celebrated Mrs. Cib- ber and the no less celebrated Mrs. Woffington. London, Bla- don, 1766. 4°. £62.10.0 Mackenzie (March 1889, n. 295) uncut; £17 Wright (June 1899, n. 61) mor., uncut, by Riviere. DIED IN 167 DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Frognall). 1776-1847 A selection of his bibliographical works which fetched much higher prices during his lifetime, especially with "suppressed plates" and proofs inserted : Bibliomania, or Book-Madness. London, 1809. 8°. The first edition, worth $5-6. — The second edition (1811) fetches about the same price, but the third (1842), much enlarged, is to be pre- ferred : $10-15 and on large paper $15-20. — £6.10.0 Stanley (June 1901, n. 836) mor., large paper. At the Quaile sale (May 1901, n. 44) Dibdin's own copy of the 1811 edition enlarged to 5 vols, with numerous plates and autographs added, brought £ 14.5.0. 't5' The Bibliographical Decameron. London, W. Bulwer, 1817. 3 vols. 8°. Perhaps the most interesting of all Dibdin's works. $40-50 and on large paper $100-120. — i 38 Edwards (May 1901, n. 171) mor., large paper; £90 Darby (June 1904, n. 54) extra-illustrated. Bibliotheca Spenceriana. London, IV. Bulwer. 1814-1815. 4 vols. 8^— -ffides Althorpianae. London. W. Nicol, 1822. 2 vols. 8°.— Catalogue of the Cassano Serra library. Lon- don. W. Nicol. 1822. 8". A complete set of these seven volumes, describing the celebrated library of Lord Spencer (now in the John Rylands Library, at Manchester) has a place on the shelves of every English book-lover. $60-80 and on large paper $80-100. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. London. W. Bidzver and W. Nicol, 1821. 3 vols. 8°. Some copies have a suppressed plate of Diane de Poitiers and a series of etchings by Lewis. $40-50 and on large paper $80-100. — £29.10.0 Perkins (July 1889, n. 623) russia, large paper. The 1829 reprint is worth $8-10. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and Scotland. London, C. Richards, 1838. 2 vols. 8°. $25-30 and on large paper $80-100. — £ 28.10.0 Perkins (July 1889, n. 628) russia, large paper. 168 DICK DICK (Sir William). 1580(?)-1655 The lamentable Estate and distressed Case of Sir W. Dick. London, 1644. Fol. i22 Perkins (June 1873, n. 390) mor., inlaid throughout. DICK BOWYER. See Trial oi Chivalry DICKENS (Charles). 1812-1870 See John F. Dexter, Hints to Dickens collectors (London, 1870. 8°). James Cook, Bibliographv of the writings of Charles Dickens (Paisley, 1879. 8°) . R. H. Shepherd, The bibliography of Dickens (London, Elliot Stock, [1880]. 12^). Ch. Plumptre Johnson, Hints to collectors of original editions of the ■works of Charles Dickens (London, Redvvay. 1885. 12°). Fr. G. Kitton, The novels of Charles Dickens^ a bibliography and sketch (London, Elliot Stock, 1897. 12°). Fr. G. Kitton, The minor writings of Charles Dickens, a bibliography and sketch (London, Elliot Stock, 1900. 12°) xi-260 pp. J. C. Thomson, Bibliography of the zvritings of Charles Dickens (War- wick, J. Thomson, 1904. 8°)'. William Glyde Wilkins, First and early American editions of the works of Charles Dickens (Cedar Rapids, 1910' 8°). John C. Eckel, The Urst editions of the zvritings of Charles Dickens and their values, a bibliography (London, Chapman and Hall, 1913. 8°). [Ruth S. Granniss], Catalogue of an exhibition of the zvorks of Charles Dickens (New York, Grolier Club, 1913. 8°). A. S. W. Rosenbach, A catalogue of the zvritings of Charles Dickens in the library of Harry Elkins Widener (Philadelphia, 1918. 4**) 111 pp. The three last named works give full particulars of the innumerable "points" by which the various issues of Dickens's early editions may be distinguished: only the more important of these are mentioned in the following pages. On the Dickens manuscripts, most of which are in the Forster collection (Victoria and Albert Museum), see the Boston Evening Transcript, 25 May 1904. Sketches by Boz. First [2 vols.] and Second [i vol.] Ser- ies. London, J. Macrone, 1836-1837. 3 vols. 8°. 16 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. cloth, green for the First Series and pink for the Second, with labels, $100-120 and more, if both series are first editions. — £37 Bruton (June 1897, n. 140) with 2 extra pi.; $400 Allis (March 1912, n. 244) vols. 1-2 only, presentation copy to McGillivray (now A. E. Newton) ; DICKENS 169 $220 Cogg-eshall (Apr. 1916, n. 71) mor., with 5 orig. drawings by Cruikshank; $315 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 424) cloth; $650 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 257, presentation copy to Fr. Salmon; $320 Wallace (March 1920, n. 316) cloth (now Miss Ida O. Folsom). The presentation copy to J. P. Harley of the Second Series is in the H. E. Widener Library. [Another edition]. London, Chapman and Hall, 1839. 8°. 40 illustrations by Cruikshank. The plates exist in India proofs. In orig. brown cloth $30-40, and in 20 parts (1837-1839) in pink wrap- pers $300-350. — i46 Wright (June 1899, n. 301) in parts; £56 Chris- tie's, 31 May 1900, n. 290, orig. wrappers and advertisements; £70.10.0 Truman (May 1906, n. 241) ; £65 Hodgson's, 21 Nov. 1907, n. 143, in parts; $385 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 208) in parts; $435 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 265) in parts; $585 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 74) presentation copy to Fr. Salmon, resold $650 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 257; $500 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 139) in parts, autograph added. Sunday under three Heads, by Timothy Sparks. London, Chapman and Hall, 1836. 8°. 3 illustrations by Phiz and vig- nette on the title-page, repeated on the wrapper. The fac-simile reprints, says Slater, have invariably one of the illustra- tions as a frontispiece ; the original has not. In orig. drab printed wrapper $40-50 (and more with untrimmed edges). — $85 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 170) wrapper; £14.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 206) calf; $420 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 75) presentation copy to Th. Mitton (now A. E. Newton) ; $62.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 76) wrappers, minor defects. The Village Coquettes, a Comic Opera. London, R. Bent- ley, 1836. 8°. In orig. boards (or uncut in sheets) $30-40. — £36.10.0 Wright (June 1899, n. 289), presentation copy to J. P. Hullah, play-bill inserted (after- wards in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; £64 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901. n. 622, advanced proof, presentation copy to J. P. Harley, resold $152.50 Bangs', 21 Oct. 1901, n. 199, and $210 Maier (Oct. 1902, n. 52), now H. E. Wid- ener Library; $430 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1072) another presentation copy to J. P. Harley, resold $740 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 78). Songs, Choruses and Concerted Pieces in the Operatic Burletta of the Village Coquettes. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1837. 8°. Extremely scarce. £25 Leigh (Dec. 1889, n. 1053). 170 DICKENS Songs from the Operatic Burletta of the Village Coquettes. London, Cramer [1837]. Fol. Title-page in colours, i 6.6.0 Wrig-ht (June 1899, n. 292) mor. Is she his Wife? Or Something Singular. London, 1837. 8". Of this Burletta only one copy had survived which was destroyed in a fire at Osgood's, of Boston, in December 1879. About 1870, the play was reprinted in London under the title: Is she his Wife? Or Something Singular, a comic Burletta in one Act by Charles Dickens. A^. p., n. d. 12°. Of this reprint, only three copies are known, all three in America; one of them, in the orig. drab wrapper, $425 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 211) ; an- other (?) is in the H. E. Widener Library. The first published edition was issued at Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1877. 16° and is worth in the orig. brown cloth $10-15. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. London, Chapman and Hall, 1837. 8°. Front., engraved title and 41 pi. by Seymour, Buss and Phiz. Issued in 20 parts (in 19) in green wrappers and subsequently in one volume in cloth. A number of the parts were reprinted several times with re-etched or different plates. This makes it an exceedingly difficult task to obtain a copy throughout of the earliest issue. The eleven "points" required are, according to Eckel : (1) All covers of the parts must bear the date 1836. (2) Parts I and II must carry the words "With four illustrations by Seymour." (3) Part III, the words "With illustrations by W. Buss." (4) Part IV must have four plates by Seymour, unsigned, and not re-etched by Phiz. (5) Part II must have three plates by Seymour, signed. (6) Part III must have the two plates signed "Drawn and etched by R. W. Buss" and the page numbers on them ; these plates were subse- quently cancelled. (7) Part IV, the two plates must be indistinctly signed "Nemo" and not "Phiz." (8) Parts II, III, X and XV must have the addresses by the Author. (9) Parts XVII, XVIII and XX must have addresses by the Pub- lishers. (10) Plates in parts I to XII must have no captions only numerical references to the pages where they fit; in parts XIII to XX, they should have neither titles nor numerical references. (11) On the engraved title-page the name "Veller" on the sign-board over the door should be spelt with a V, not a W. It is doubtful whether there be half-a-dozen copies in existence satisfy- DICKENS 171 ing all these requirements (the most perfect in that respect being the Cog- geshall and Austin copies) ; but many fill a more or less considerable pro- portion of them. That is why ordinary copies are worth bound from $5-10 and in parts from $100-150, while those with the various points com- mand fancy prices from $500 to $5000 according to their individual merits. The following are a few auction records of remarkable copies : £63 Wright (June 1899, n. 311) contemporary mor., presentation copy to the publisher Edward Chapman (now J. W. Ellsworth) ; £ 105 Wright (June 1899, n. 309) in parts, presentation copy to Mary Hogarth (after- wards in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; £85 Wright (June 1899, n. 310) in parts ; £ 52 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 322, presentation copy to W. H. Ainsworth (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £ 142 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 895, in parts; $1450 Laphani (Dec. 1908, n. 315) in parts, resold $3500 Wallace (March 1920, n. 317); $1125 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 814) in parts; £34 Burgess (May 1894, n. 334), resold £495 Sotheby's, 25 May 1914, n. 331, and $5350 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 82) in parts, with 1 page of the MS., one of the finest copies known (now W. Bunker) ; equally fine $4500 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 425) in parts (the Douglas copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr..) ; $1385 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 362) in parts (now Pforzheim- er) ; £ 126 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 219) presentation copy to Mrs. H. Dela- combe. Five pages of the manuscript were obtained for £ 450 by Lady Wern- her at the Red Cross sale (Apr, 1915, n. 1550) ; other fragments are known (a chapter from the Foote sale, now in the W. A. White coll., etc., the leaf in the Bunker copy and a page given by W. A. White to the Brit- ish Museum). A leaflet announcing the publication of the first number $160 Osborne (, Dec. 1916, n. 361). The Strange Gentleman, a Comic Burletta. London, Chap- man and Hall, 1837. 8°. Front, by Phiz. Very rare with the frontispiece. In orig. lavender wrapper $400-500. — £84 Wright (June 1899. n. 306) with the orig. drawing of the front, (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; £ 141 Sotheby's, 21 March 1904, n. 69, wrapper, resold (?) $470 Cogge- shall (Apr. 1916, n. 77) ; $1500 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 429) wrapper, with a contemporary playbill inserted, resold $1675 Wallace (March 1920, n. 319). A copy is known on large paper. There is a very deceptive fac-simile reprint (see the catalogue of the Grolier Club Exhibition). Sketches of Young Ladies, by Quiz. London, Chapman and Hall, 1837. 8°. 6 pi. by Phiz^ Ascribed to Dickens, but more probably by E. Caswell. In orig. boards $20-25. The Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller. London, 172 DICKENS Chapman and Hall, 1836-1837. 2 vols. 8°. 14 illustrations by Seymour, Buss and others. Contains "The Tuggs at Ramsgate" and "A little Talk about Spring and the Sweeps" both by Dickens. In orig. blue cloth $30-40, but much more in the orig. 14 parts in grey wrappers (extremely scarce). — £13.10.0 Mackenzie (March 1889, n. 647) mor., uncut, by Riviere. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. London, R. Bentley, 1838. 2 vols. 8°. Portr. and 6 pi. by Cruikshank. Dickens was only the editor of this work. The first issue is bound in pink cloth and has no border to the last plate. In orig. cloth $30-40. — £45 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1076) mor., by Riviere. Oliver Tv^ist. London, R. Bentley, 1838. 3 vols. 8°. 24 pi. by Cruikshank. Copies of the first issue have on the title the author's name as "Boz" (and not Charles Dickens) and contain in vol. 3 the Fireside plate (subse- quently replaced by the plate Rose Maylie and Oliver at Agnes's tomb). In orig. brown cloth $30-40. — £50 Wright (June 1899, n. 345^ pre- sentation copy to T. N. Talfourd; £26 Argyll (July 1900, n. 888) pre- sentation copy to J. P. Harley (now Hi E. Widener Library) ; £44 Sothe- by's, 20 May 1909, n. 454, presentation copy to Macready (now A. E. Newton) ; $430 Matthews and Johnson (Nov. 1910, n. 95) presentation copy to T. Hill; $85 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 245) orig. cloth, resold $875 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 90) ; $120 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 91) orig. cloth; £ 120 Puttick's, 29 Apr. 1919, n. 502, presentation copy to T. Mitton. The 2d ed. (1839) and the 3rd (1841) retain a certain value on account of Cruikshank's illustrations; the 1846 ed., with the same plates, is worth in 10 parts in green wrappers $50-60 and more: £23 Christie's, 31 May 1900, n. 300, in parts; £23.10.0 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 188) in parts; with a duplicate Part I in a blue (not green) v/rapper, resold $260 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 445) ; $145 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 96) in parts. A presentation copy to Prof. Felton of the 1842 ed., $825 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 105. Sketches of Young Gentlemen. London, Chapman and Hall, 1838. 8°. 6 pi. by Phiz. In orig. blue boards $20-25. — $39 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 172) boards; $37.50 Coggeshall (Dec. 1911, n. 172) boards. • The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Lon- don, Chapman and Hall, 1838- 1839. 8°. Portr. (and 39 pi. by Phiz). In 20 parts in green wrappers $60-80 and much less in cloth. — £ 5.15.0 DICKENS 173 Hawkins (March 1895, n. 185) presentation copy to S. Rogers, resold $975 Cog-g-eshall (Apr. 1916, n. 100) ; i 69 Wrig-ht (June 1899, n. 362) presentation copy to J. P. Harley (now A. E. Newton) ; £25.10.0 Sothe- by's, 18 July 1900, n. 32, presentation copy to Mrs. G. Cattermole, resold $700 Allis (March 1912, n. 247) ; £39 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 323, pre- sentation copy to W. H. Ainsworth; $180 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 99) in parts (an orig. drawing added) ; £35 Sotheby's, 3 Aug. 1916, n. 335, presentation copy to Dr. EHiotson, resold $910 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 434 A) ; $250 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 264) mor., by Riviere, with 2 of the orig. drawings. The presentation copy to Macready is in the H. E. Widener Library. Part of the original manuscript is in the W. A. White collection. Sergeant Bell and his Raree-Show. London, for T. Tegg, 1839. 8^ Engravings by Cruikshank and others. Scarce, but wrongly ascribed to Dickens and probably by George Mo- gridge. In orig. cloth $30-40. — £ 13 Sotheby's, 3 Dec. 1900, n. 629, orig. cloth (then Halsey, now Huntington). The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. London, C. Tilt, 1839. 16". II pi. by Cruikshank (plain or coloured) and i pi. of music. Also ascribed to Thackeray. The .first issue has the page numbers in the centre of the upper margin. In orig. cloth, 1st issue, $50-60. — $50 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 817) cloth, 1st issue; $55 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 515) cloth, 1st issue; $950 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 968) presentation copy from Cruikshank, with a drawing by Thackeray. Sketches of Young Couples. London, Chapman and Hall, 1840. 8°. 6 pi. by Phiz. In orig. blue boards $30-35. — £ 32 Wright (June 1899, n. ^70) mor., by Bedford, with the 6 orig. drawings by Phiz; $41' Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 177) boards; $32 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 103) boards. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. Master Humphrey's Clock. London, Chapman and Hall, 1840-1841. 3 vols. 8°. 3 frontispieces and 168 woodcuts by Phiz. Includes "Barnaby Rudge" and "The Old Curiosity Shop." In orig. cloth $10-12 and in parts (20 monthly parts in green wrappers or 88 weekly parts in white wrappers) $60-80. — £23 Hodgson's, 10 Oct. 1899, n. 1050, presentation copy to W. Savage Landor (subsequently in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; $60 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 250) in weekly parts; 174 DICKENS $540 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 436) in weekly parts with 7 of the orig. draw- ings; $540 Wallace (March 1920, n. 337) in weekly parts (now Miss Ida O. Folsom). The presentation copy to J. P. Harley is in the H. E. Widener Library ; the manuscript is in the Forster collection. Barnaby Rudge. London, Chapman and Hall, 1841. 8°. A few sets of sheets were issued separately. i 11.11.0 Wright (June 1899, n. 379) presentation copy to T. N. Tal- fourd; $375 Allis (March 1912, n. 249) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, presentation copy; $370 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 107) presentation copy to Mrs. Smithson. The Old Curiosity Shop. London, Chapman and Hall, 1841. 8°. A few sets of sheets were issued separately. i21 Samuel (July 1907, n. 61) presentation copy to D. MacHse ; $650 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 108) presentation copy to Mrs. Smithson. A presentation copy to Prof. Felton of the 1842 ed., $825 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 104. The Pic Nic Papers, by various Hands. London, H. Col- burn, 1^41. 3 vols. 8°. 17 plates by Cruikshank, Phiz and Hamerton. Written by Dickens and others for the benefit of John Macrone's widow. In orig. cloth $15-25. — $170 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 179), with 6 orig. drawings by Phiz, resold $215 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 110). The presentation copy to H. Vincent is in the H. E. Widener Library. Report of the Dinner given to Charles Dickens in Boston, February i, 1842. Boston, W. Crosby, 1842. 16°. Contains a speech by Dickens (pp. 10-15). Extremely scarce in the orig. buff wrapper. American Notes for general CircU'lation. London, Chap- man and Hall, 1842. 2 vols. 8°. Copies of the earliest issue have a faulty pagination beginning with p. xvi, owing to the omission of the intended preface. In orig. brown cloth $15-20. £7.10.0 Framingham (May 1895, n. 206) presentation copy to Lady Blessington, resold £29 Christie's, 31 May 1900, n. 298 and later in the Harry B. Smith coll.; £61 Wright (June 1899, n. 382) presentation copy to Carlyle, resold £45 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 437. $1050 Allis (March 1912. n. 250) and $1750 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. Ill) now in a private collection at Detroit; $164 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 135) presen- tation copy to J. Quincy, resold $405 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 252) ; £21 Sam- DICKENS 175 uel (July 1907, n. 62) presentation copy to S. Rogers (now H. E. Wide- ner Library) ; $710 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 106, presentation copy to C. C. Felton, resold $910 Halsey (Febr. 1919. n. 348) ; £66 Hodgson's, 19 Nov. 1918, n. 585, presentation copy to Dr. Qiiinn ; $650 Titus (Febr. 1919, n. 171) presentation copy to Fr. Salrtion. The presentation copy to C. Davis, formerly in the Church coll., now belongs to C. Pforzheimer. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. A Christmas Carol. London, Chapman and Hall, 1843. ^°- 4 coloured pi. by Leech. The first of Dickens's five Christmas Books {A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, the Battle of Life, and The Haunted Man). Copies of the first issue read "Stave I" (not "Stave one") have a red and blue title-page and green (seldom yellow) end-papers. In orig. brown cloth $40-50. — i 71 Wright (June 1899, n. 388) pre- sentation copy to Mrs. H. Austin; £48 Samuel (July 1907, n. 63) presen- tation copy to T. Beard (now A. E. Newton) ; $270 Tapham (Dec. 1908, n. 325) presentation copy to A. Fonblanque, resold $1000 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 118) ; £71 Hodgson's, 29 May, 1911, n. 128 presentation copy to Talfourd (last belonged to Harry B. Smith, who also owned a presentation copy to D. Jerrold) ; $410 Allis (March 1912, n. 251) presen- tation copy to F. Salmon ; £25 Sotheby's, 6 Apr. 1914, n. 580, a trial copy, dated 1844, with yellow end-papers and red and green title; $360 Cogge- shall (Apr. 1916, n. 119) presentation copv to A. W. Irvine; $60 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 440) orig. cloth; $75 Hagen (May 1918, n. 338) orig. cloth. The manuscript, formerly T. Mitton's, then sold by Robson to Stuart Samuel, is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. Lon- don, Chapman and Hall, 1843-1844. 8°. Front., engraved title and 38 pi. by Phiz. Two issues, the first with "100 £" the second with "£100" on the en- graved title. In orig. blue cloth $30-40 (1st issue) and in 20 parts in green wrap- pers $40-50. — £ 35 Wright ( June 1899, n. 386) presentation copy to Fr. Salmon; £29.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 395, orig. cloth, 3 cor- rected proofsheets inserted, resold £31 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 86; $625 Hermann (March 1909, n. 179) mor., bv Riviere, with 5 of the orig. drawings; $75 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 122) in parts; £40 Puttick's, 15 Oct. 1918, n. 343, presentation copy to Thomas Chapman. The presentation copy to H. P. Smith is in the H. E. Widener Library, The manuscript is in the Forster collection. 176 DICKENS The Chimes. London, Chapman and Hall, 1845. 8°. Front., engraved title and 1 1 woodcuts by Leech and others. The second of the Christmas Books. There are two variations of the engraved title, the first with the pub- lishers' names engraved, the second with the names printed. In orig. red cloth $10-15. — £ 25 Cosens (Nov. 1890, n. 1525) presen- tation copy to Lady Blessington; £66 Wright (June 1899. n. 392) mor., with 5 orig. drawings by Leech (1 unpubHshed) ; $20 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 443) cloth, 1st issue. A copy of the 1858 edition presented by Dickens to his son, $775 Allis (March 1912, n. 259), resold $1000 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 126) now A. E. Newton. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. The Cricket on the Hearth. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1846. 8°. The third of the Christmas Books. In orig. red cloth $10-15. — £ 26 Wright (June 1899, n. 394) presenta- tion copy to F. Salmon ; £ 22 Sotheby's, 20 July 1899, n. 760, presentation copy to D. Jerrold ; £40 Samuel (July 1907, n. 65) presentation copy to T. Beard (now A. E. Newton) ; £22 Puttick's. 29 Oct. 1908, n. 489, pre- sentation copy to Victor Hugo (later in the Harry B. S'mith coll.) ; $700 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 127) presentation copy to Mrs. De La Rue; $1250 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918. n. 487) presentation copy to Cruikshank. The presentation copy to Macready belongs to A. E. Newton. The manuscript belonged to Miss Georgiana Hogarth. See also A. R. Smith. Pictures from Italy. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1846. 8". 4 woodcuts by S. Palmer. In orig. blue cloth $8-10. — £ 15 Wright (June 1899, n. 398) presenta- tion copy to T. N. Talfourd (later in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; $790 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 130) presentation copy to D. Jerrold; $712.50 Scott's, 27 Apr. 1916, n. 43, presentation copy to Count d'Orsay; $735 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 365) presentation copy to Browning. The presentation copy to T. Mitton is in the H. E. Widener Library. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. The Battle of Life. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1846. A 8°. Front., engraved title and 11 woodcuts by Leech and oth- ers. The fourth of the Christmas Books. There are four distinct issues of the engraved title : 1. Imprint in 3 lines ; A Love; Story printed. 2. Imprint in 3 lines ; A Love Story engraved on a scroll. DICKENS 177 3. Imprint in 1 line ; A LovE Story engraved on a scroll held by a Cupid. 4. No imprint ; A Love; Story engraved on a scroll held by a Cupid. The first issue is only known by 3 or 4 copies: 1. William B. Osgood Field coll. ; 2. C. E. Lauriat ; 3. Bought in America by a London book- seller. — One of the above ( ?), in orig. cloth $575 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 447 A) . — The 2d and 3d issues are also scarce ($100-120 and $60-80) . In orig. red cloth (4th issue) $30-40. — £ 19 Wright (June 1899, n. 395) presentation copy to T. Mitton; $110 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 260) orig. cloth. The autograph manuscript £400 Wright (June 1899, n. 391), now in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Address written for the Occasion of the Amateur Perform- ance at Manchester, July 26, 1847. ^- P-j> ^^- d. 8°. Very scarce in the orig. buff wrapper. Proceedings at the Second Anniversary Festival of the Gen- eral Theatrical Fund. London, 1847. 12**. Bufif wrapper. There are speeches by Dickens in the anniversary volumes for 1847, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1858, 1863 and 1866. All are extremely scarce (for the 1858 volume, see Thackeray). An incomplete set (1847-1880) £ 128 Puttick's, 18 Apr. 1912, n. 205. Dombey and Son. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1848. 8°. Front., engraved title and 38 pi. by Phiz. In copies not of the 1st issue several of the plates are lithographed in- stead of engraved. In orig. cloth $10-15 and in 20 parts in green wrappers $40-50. — £21 Sotheby's, 28 July 1903, n. 27, presentation copy to Lady Normanby (later in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; $260 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 239, in parts, with 2 of the orig. drawings ; $350 Park (March 1910, n. ,333) mor., by Bedford, presentation copy to P. Rackham (now H. E. Widener Li- brary) ; $40 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 262) in parts. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain. London, Brad- bury and Evans, 1848. 8°. Front., engraved title and 15 woodcuts by Tenniel, Leech and others. The fifth of the Christmas Books. According to some bibliographers, the date of the imprint reads in the first issue "M.D.CCC.XLVIII" and in the second "1848"; but no copy of the earlier variation has been available for our inspection. In orig. cloth $15-25. — £27 Wright (June 1899, n. 397) presentation copy to T. N. Talfourd; £24 Grant (May 1900, n. 127) presentation copy 178 DICKENS to J. T. Gordon (later in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; £21 Samuel (July 1907, n. 66) presentation copy to MacHse (now A. E. Newton) ; $360 Allis (March 1912. n. 256) presentation copy to T. Beard, resold $775 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 139) ; £60 Puttick's 23 Febr. 1916, n. 349, pre- sentation copy to W. H. Ainsworth, resold $620 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 366). The presentation copy to Dr. Elliotson is in the H. E. Widener Library. The personal History of David Copperfield. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1 849-1 850. 8°. Front., engraved title and 38 pi. by Phiz. The first issue has always the date 1850 on the engraved title-page. In orig. green cloth $30-40 and in 20 parts in green wrappers $80-100. — £38 Wright (June 1899, n. 406) presentation copy to Rev. W. S. Cooksley; £30 Hodgson's, 12 March 1902, n. 415, presentation copy to R. Watson; $625 McKee (May 1902, n. 4983) the author's own copy; £ 11 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1903. n. 636. presentation copy to Dr. Elliotson (now H. E. Widener Library) ;£44 Sotheby's, 20 May 1909, n. 455, pre- sentation copy to Macready (now A. E. Newton) ; £ 70 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 268, presentation copy to W. H. Wills; $485 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 142) presentation copy to W. C. Kent; $145 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918. n. 489) in parts. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. [Evidence concerning Thomas Powell]. A^. p., n. d. [London, 14 Dec. 1849]. 4°- 4 PP- The only copy known, sent by Dickens to Charles Kent, editor of the Sun, was last in the Harry B. Smith coll. The Public Health, a Public Question, first Report of the Metropolitan Sanitary Association, February 6, 1850. Lon- don, 1850. 8°. Contains a speech by Dickens (pp. 24-26). Very scarce (no wrapper). Household Words, Christmas numbers, 1850-1858. 9 parts. — All the Year Round. Christmas numbers, 1859-1867. 9 parts. Only the years 1863-1867 have wrappers (dark blue). $15-25, the set of 18 numbers. — $27.50 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 451) as issued. Mr. Nightingale's Diary, a Farce in one Act. London, 1851. 12°. By Dickens and Mark Lemon. Of the original edition only three copies are known: 1. Victoria and DICKENS 179 Albert Museum; 2. In a private American coll.; 3. Huntington (Wilkie Collins's copy, from the Daly sale, March 1900, n. 871 : $75 and the Hal- sey coll.) ; a fourth copy was burnt in Osgood's fire, in 1879. The 1877 reprint is worth $10-15. To be read at Dusk. London, 1852. 8°. First appeared in the Keepsake for 1852. Very scarce, only half a dozen copies being on record. $60-80. — $101 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 336) in sheets; $115 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 207) calf, by Zaehnsdorf. Bleak House. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1852- 1853. 8". Front., engraved title and 38 pi. by Phiz. There should be a white slip facing- p. 257. In orig-. cloth $10-12 and in 20 parts in blue wrappers $30-40. — i 25 Wright (June 1899, n. 408) presentation copy to P. Rackham (later in the H, B. Smith coll.) ; £ 18.10.0 Hodgson's, 8 Dec. 1899, n. 578, presen- tation copy to R. Bell, resold $275 Allis (March 1912, n. 257) and $450 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 149) ; £99 S'amuel (July 1907, n. 68) presen- tation copy to the author's daughters (later in the H. B. Smith coll.) ; £65 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 269, presentation copy to W. H. Wills ; $80 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 150) in parts. — The presentation copy to D. GDstello is in the A. E. Newton coll. and the presentation copy to E. De La Rue in the H. E. Widener Library. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. A Child's History of England. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1 852- 1 853- 1 854. 3 vols. 8°. 3 frontispieces by Top- ham. In orig. red cloth $10-15. — £5.15.0 Wiper (Jan. 1891, n. 1065) cloth. The* manuscript is in the Forster collection. Hard Times for these Times. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1854. 8°. In orig. green cloth $8-10. Speech delivered at the Meeting of the Administrative Re- form Association, June 27, 1855. London, E. Wilson (or M. S. Rickerby), 1855. 8". Two issues varying in the imprint. In orig. wrapper $8-10. — $21 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 153) wrapper. The corrected proof-sheets £15 Hughes (May 1900, n. 351), resold £19.5.0 Sotheby's. 25 Febr. 1901, n. 617 and £31 Sotheby's, 21 March 1904, n. 81 (now Huntington). 180 DICKENS Little Dorrit. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1855-1857. 8°. Front., engraved title and 38 pi. by Phaz. Copies should have inserted at p. 481 a slip correcting a misprint in part XV. In orig. green cloth $8-10 and in 20 parts in blue wrappers $40-50. — i85 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 270, presentation copy to W. H. Wills; $55 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 155) in parts ; $460 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 156) presentation copy, apparently to Rev. G. Wilkinson (now A. E. Newton). The manuscript is in the Forster collection. Royal Dramatic College for aged and infirm Actors and Actresses. London, IV. Clowes, 1858. 12°. Contains (pp. 12-14) a speech delivered by Dickens on July 21, 1858. Very scarce in orig. yellow wrapper. The Case of the Reformers in the Literary Fund, stated by Charles W. Dilke, Charles Dickens and John Forster. A^. p., n. d. [1858]. 8". 16 pp. — Royal Literary Fund, a Summary of Facts. . . A^. p., n. d. [1858]. 8°.— Royal Literary Fund, the Answer to the Committee's Summary of Facts, by C. W. Dilke, Charles Dickens and John Forster. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1858. 8°. 16 pp. Three very scarce pamphlets (no wrappers). A Tale of Two Cities. London, Chapman and Hall, 1859. 8". Front., engraved title and 14 pi. by Phiz. The plates exist in two states. In the earliest issue of the text, p. 213 is misnumbered 113. In orig. red (or occasionally green) cloth $40^50 and in 8 parts in blue wrappers $100-150.— £ 11.10.0 Yates (Jan. 1895, n. 124) presentation copy to E. Yates, resold $700 Meacham (March 1917, n. 547); ;£28 Wright (June 1899, n. 417) presentation copy to T. Mitton (later in the Harry B. Smith coll.) ; £70 Sotheby's. 1 May 1911, n. 271, presentation copy to W. H. Wills (now A. E. Newton) ; £41 Sotheby's, 30 June 1914, n. 92, in parts; $130 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 271) in parts; $170 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 455) in parts; £49 Sotheby's. 21 July 1919, n. 164, in parts. The manuscript is in the Forster collection. Speech on Behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. Lon- don, R. Folkard, i860. 16°. $20 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 160) sewed. DICKENS 181 Speech at the Dinner on Behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. London, 1867. 16°. In orig. wrapper $10-15. — $30 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 168) wrap- per. There is an 1874 reprint of this speech. A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree. [London, i860]. Is certainly by Dickens, as the autograph MS. in his hand was recently in the Borden collection. There are two issues, the second having a para- graph on p. 19 printed in heavy type. In orig. wrapper (purple for the first issue, pink for the second) $15-25. — iS.S.O Stewart (March 1888, n. 251) mor. ; $100 AlHs (March 1912, n. 258) mor., uncut. • Great Expectations. London, Chapman and Hall, 1861. 3 vols. 8^ In the earliest issue, the advertisements at the end are dated May 1861. (But see The Boston Evening Transcript, 12 May 1920). The first issue is scarce in good condition. In orig. purple cloth $80-100 but much less if rebound. — i 10.10.0 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1903, n. 638, presentation copy to Dr. Elliotson ; i 110 Hornstein (Dec. 1915, n. 385) presentation copy to H. F. Chorley (now A. E. Newton) ; $150 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 457) cloth. A presentation copy to E. Yates of the 1862 edition, £S Yates (Jan. 1895, n. 126), resold £ 19.5.0, Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 49 (now H. E. Widener Library). The manuscript is in the Wisbech Museum (Chauncey Hare Town- shend bequest). The Uncommercial Traveller. London, Chapman and Hall, 1 86 1. 8°. In orig. lilac cloth $10-20. — i 4 Yates (Jan. 1895, n. 125) presentation copy to E. Yates; £ 18 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1903, n. 639. presentation copy to Dr. Elliotson, resold £21 Samuel (July 1907, n. 69). The presenta- tion copy to Sir R. Bromley is in the H. E. Widener Library. Part of the original manuscript is in the Harvard Library. Our Mutual Friend. London, Chapman and Hall, 1864- 1865. 2 vols. 8°. 20 pi. by Marcus Stone. Copies should contain, inserted at the beginning, a slip explaining the title of the book. In orig. cloth $8-10 and in 20 parts, in green wrappers $30-40. — £24 Stewart (March 1888. n. 258), resold £28 Wright (June 1899. n. 426) presentation copy to T. Mitton; £70 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 272, pre- 182 DICKENS isentation copy to W. H. Wills (now A. E. Newton) ; $75 Coggesball (Apr. 1916, n. 164) in parts; $610 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 165) pre- sentation copy to J. Rae. The manuscript is in the George W. Childs coll., Philadelphia. Speech at the Dinner on Behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. London, 1867. ^6°. In orig. wrapper $10-15. — $30 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 168) wrap- per. There is an 1874 reprint of this speech. The Charles Dickens Dinner, an authentic Record of the public Banquet given to Mr. Charles Dickens, November 2, 1867. London, Chapman and Hall, 1867. 8°. Contains speeches by Dickens and others. Sewn as issued $8-10. The Great International Walking Match of February 29, 1868. . . A broadside printed at Boston (15 copies only) signed by Dickens and others as umpires. £20 Wright (June 1899, n. 484) ; $90 French (May 1901, n. 1429) A. V. S. Anthony's copy. The manuscript was in the William F. Johnson sale (New York, 1890). Address deHvered at the Birmingham and Midland Institute on the 27th September 1869. Birmingham, J. Allen, 1869. 8°- In orig. wrapper $8-10. — The corrected proof sheets £ 30 Samuel ( Julv 1907, n. 73) mor., by Riviere, resold £43.10.0 Marshall (Nov. 1909. n. 91) now H. E. Widener Library; $13 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 171) wrapper. > The Mystery of Edwin Drood. London, Chapman and Hall, 1870. 8°. 6 parts. Portr., engraved title and 12 pi. by Luke Fildes. Parts I to VI, no more published. In orig. cloth $8-10 and in parts with green wrappers and advertise- ments $20-25. — $62.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 174) in parts; $175 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 173) presentation copy from Mamie Dickens (now A. E. Newton). As is well known, Dickens left this book unfinished ; several attempts have been made to complete the work and solve the "Mystery," e.g. John Jasper's Secret, a Sequel to Edwin Drood (London, October 1871-May 1872. 8°), 8 parts ($75 H. V. Jones, Dec. 1918, n. 493. in parts) ; A great Mystery solved, being a Sequel to The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Lon- don, Remington, 1878. 3 vols. 8**) ; W. H. Harrison, Rifts in the Veil DICKENS 183 (London 1878. 8*^) ; The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Part the second, by the Spirit Pen of Charles Dickens through a Medium (Brattleboro, 1874. 8«). The unfinished manuscript is in the Forster collection. Speeches literary and social, by Charles Dickens, now first collected. London, J. C. Hotten, 1870. 12°. Portr. In orig. green cloth $5-6. Hunted down, a Story. London, J. C. Hotten [1870]. 8° In orig. green wrapper $5-10. First published in The New York Ledger, 20 Aug., 27 Aug. and 3 Sept. 1859; reprinted at Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson [1861]. 8°, with other tales, after The Lamplighter's Story (extremely scarce). The manuscript was in the George H. Holliday sale (New York, 1870) and is now in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Lamplighter, a Farce. London [R. H. Shepherd] 1879. 12°. Printed (250 copies) from a MS. in the Forster collection. In orig. grey wrapper $10-15. — $22 McCurdy (Oct. 1916, n. 356) wrapper. Gad's Hill Gazette. London, 1864- 1866. 8°. A private magazine printed on Dickens's own press (reprinted, London, 1895, from S. Causley's copy). — Nine numbers (from 22 July 1865 to 3 Febr. 1866) £ 220 Sotheby's, 3 June 1918, n. 562. No complete set seems to have ever come on the market. Charles Kent's copy is in the G. B. McCutcheon coll. DICKENSON (Jonathan) God's protecting Providence Man's surest Hel]D and De- fence in the Times of the greatest Difficulty. PhiladelpJiia, Reinier Jansen, 1699. 4°. Only four copies seem to be known: 1. $87.50 Brinley (March 1880, n. 3391) imperfect (Fisher copy, now New York Public Library) ; 2. $340 Brinley (March 1880, n. 3390) then Church, now Huntington; 3. $380 Ives (March 1891, n. 273) mor. (now Hisit. S'oc. of Pennsylvania) ; 4. Newbery (Ayer copy). DIGBY (George), Earl of Bristol. 1612-1677 Elvira, or the Worst not always true, a Comedy. London, B. Cotes for H. Brome, 1667. 4"- $16 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 223) calf (Bridgewater copy). 184 DIGHTON DIGHTON (Richard) The Nuisances of London. London, T. McLean, 1830. Fol. 6 coloured pi. $55 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 373) orig. wrapper. DILKE (Thomas) The Lover's Luck, a Comedy. London, for H. Playford, 1696. 4°. $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1047) calf, resold $15 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 224) ; $14.50 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 198) half-mor. (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The City Lady or Folly Reclaimed, a Comedy. London, for H. Nezvman, 1697. 4°. $22.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1048) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 134) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $14 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 199) half-mor. (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Pretenders or the Town unmasked, a Comedy. Lon- don, for P. Buck, 1698. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1049) half-mor. ; i 3 Huth (June 1912, n. 2394) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $27 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 135) mor., by Riviere; $10 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 200) half- mor. (Bridgewater copy). DIRECTIONS ■r Directions for breeding and fighting Game Cocks. Lon- don, 1780. 8°. £20.17.6 Stewart (March 1888, n. 107) mor., uncut. DISRAELI (Benjamin), EARL OF BEACONSFIELD. 1804-1881 The Star Chamber, vol. I, nos. 1-9 [all published]. Lon- don, 1826. 8°. In orig. boards $25-30. — £10.15.0 Ellis (Oct. 1902, n. 268) boards (W. Pickering's copy). Vivian Grey. London, 1826-1827. 5 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $10-15. DISRAELI 185 Contarini Fleming. London, J. Murray, 1832. 4 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $8-10. The Wondrous Tale of Alroy. London, Saunders and Ot- ley, 1833. 3 vols. 8°. $20 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 988) calf. The Revolutionary Epick. London, B. Moxon, 1834. 2 vols. 4°. In orig. boards with label $10-20. — £9.9.0 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 753, resold $36 Peirce (May 1903, n. 163) boards, uncut, 2 pages of the manuscript inserted ; $82.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 989) calf, by Bedford, autograph added. Sybil. London, H. Colburn, 1845. 3 vols. 8°. $22.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 992) mor., by David. Tancred. London, H. Colburn, 1847. 3 vols. 8°. $37.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 993) mor., by David. Lothair. London, Longmans, 1870. 3 vols. 8°. $40 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 994) mor., by David. DOBSON (Austin) See Francis Edwin Murray. A bibliography of Austin Dobson (Derby, Frank Murray, 1900. 4^) xviii-347 pp. Most of his first editions may be obtained for $5-10. Presentation copies have sold for $20-30. The record price is probably the one quoted hereafter : Old-World Idylls and other Verses. London, Kegan Paid, 1883. 8°. 50 copies were printed on large paper. £20 Sotheby's, 27 Apr. 1905, n. 83, large paper, presentation copy. DODGSON (Charles Lutwidge) [Lewis CARROLL]. 1832-1898 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. London, Macmillan, 1865 (o^ 1866). 8°. 42 illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. Copies with the date of 1865 in orig. red cloth are extremely scarce and command fancy prices; £70 Samuel (July 1907, n. 31) presentation copy, with 5 of the orig. drawings; $315 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 148) 186 DODGSON orig. veil, (from the author's sale at Oxford, 10 May 1898) ; i 200 Ar-^ thur (July 1914, n. 289) Dalziel's copy, with 2 letters inserted. The 1866 issue in orig. red cloth sells for $150-200. — i 36 Sotheby's, 14 May 1918, n. 778, cloth; $205 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 112 A) cloth; $260 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 281) cloth. A number of the original drawings are in the J. E. Widener copy. Through the Looking Glass. London, Maanillan, i%y2. 8°. 50 illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. In orig. red cloth $40-50. — i 14.10.0 Sotheby's, 27 Febr. 1899, n. 392, the author's own copy, in sheets ; £30 Samuel (July 1907, n. 32) with 5 of the orig. drawings; £80 Montefiore (Nov. 1912, n. 284) with orig. China paper corrected proofs of 27 illustrations. DOGGETT (Thomas). 16. .-1721 The Country-Wake, a Comedy. London, for S. Briscoe, R. Wellington and R. Parker, 1696. 4°. $20 H'oe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1126) half-mor., resold $11 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 169). DONE (John) Polydoron, or a Miscellania of moral, philosophical and the- ological Sentences. London, Th. Cotes for G. Gibbes, 1631. 12°. On account of the similarity of names this work has been frequently ascribed to the better-known John Donne. $200 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 500) old half-calf (now Huntington). DONNE (John). 1573-1631 A very full and satisfactory account of his works is given by Geoffrey Keynes, Bibliography of the works of Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's (Cambridge, Baskerville Club, 1914. 4^) xii-167 pp. The more important for the collector seem to be : An Anatomy of the World. London, for S. Machanty 161 1. 8°. Huntington, the EHesmere copy, only one other known (Corser sale). The First Anniversary: an Anatomy of the World. — The Second Anniversary. London, M. Bradwood, for S. Macham, 1 61 2. 2 parts in i vol. 8°. $275 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1131) mor., by The Club Bindery (now DONNE 187 Huntin^on) ; £27 Huth (June 1912, n. 2430), resold $185 Hagen (May 1918. n. 354) mor. by Riviere (now Beverly Chew); £18.10.0 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 180) mor., by Bedford. The 1625 edition $125 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1133), resold $165 Hagen (May 1918, n. 358) mor., by David (now Beverly Chew). A Sermon . . . preach'd to the Honourable Company of the Virginian Plantation. London, A. Mat. for T. Jones, 1622. 4°. $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1132) mor., by David (now Huntington). Poems. London, M. P. for John Harriot, 1633. 4°. $135 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1136) mor., by Joly (now Huntington); $225 Hagen (May 1918, n. 361) mor., by The Club Bindery, autograph inserted; £30 Sotheby's, 22 July 1918, n. 1082, orig. vellum; $150 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 501) mor., by Riviere. Juvenilia or Certain Paradoxes and Problems. London, B. P', 1633. 4°- $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1134) mor., by Riviere; $107.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 362) mor., by The Club Bindery. Poems. London, M. P. for John Harriot, 1635. 8°. Portr. by Marshall. Two issues, the second with errata on Dd 8 recto. $50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1024) mor. (Mitford copy) ; $70 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 213) mor., by Bedford. Letters to several Persons of Honour. London, J. Plesher, for R. Harriot, 16^1. 4°. Portr. by Lombart. $65 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 196) mor.. by Riviere; $95 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 24) mor., by Riviere, resold $102.50 Clawson (Jan. 1^17, n. 45) ; $120 Hagen (May 1918, n. 371) orig. vellum; $75 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 503) mor., by Riviere. DOUGLAS (Gawin) The Palis of Honour. London, William Copeland [1553]. 4 • Fine copies of this poem are extremely scarce. £81 Ashburnham (June 1897, n. 1425) russia (Chalmers- Bright copy), resold £95 Scott (March 1905, n. 634) and $585 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1148) now Huntington; £95 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 678. mor.; $1210 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 505) mor., by Riviere (now C. W. Clark). For his translation of the ^^neid, see Virgil. i'- 188 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS (Sir Robert). 1694-1770 The Baronage of Scotland. Vol. I (no more published). Bdinhiirgh, 1798. Fol. $15-25 and $30-40 on large paper. — £ 11.10.0 Gibson Craig (June 1887, 1887, n. 852) mor., large paper. The Peerage of Scotland. Edited by J. P. Wood. Edin- burgh, 181 3. 2 vols. Fol. $15-25 and $30-40 on large paper. — £9.15.0 Gibson Craig (June 1887, n. 853) mor., large paper. The 1764 edition is worth $10-15. s DOVER (John). 16. .-1725 The Roman Generals or the Distressed Ladies [a play]. London, for S. Herrick, 1667. 4°. $36 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1152) half-mor., resold $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 139). DOYLE (John). 1797-1868 H. B.'s Political Sketches. London, 1829 and foil. Fol. 917 pi. in 9 vols. $50-60. — Copies should have the i^^v' attached, of which there are several issues printed as the plates increased in number (1-600, 1-800, 1-900). £ 25 Sotheby's, 13 Dec. 1892, n. 374. DRAKE (Sir Francis). 1540(?)-1596 A summary and true Discourse of Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage. London, R. Field, 1589. 4°. 5 maps. By Walter Bigges and others. Three editions under the same date. £700 Huth (June 1912, n. 2450) mor., by Riviere, 1st edition (now Huntington, who also owns the Lefferts-Church copy of the 2d edition) ; $5600 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 13) vellum, by Bedford (Christie- Miller copy). See also Nichols (Philip). DRAKE 189 DRAKE (Francis). 1696-1771 Eboracum, or the History and Antiquities of the City of York. London, IV. Bowyer, 1736. Fol. 53 pi. See collation in Lowndes. In large paper copies the plates are often coloured by hand. $15-25 and on large paper $30-40 or more. — £ 27 Thornhill (Apr. 1889, n. 185) nissia, large paper; £63 Beckford (June 1882, I, n. 2617) large paper, mor., by Kalthoeber, resold £ 10.10.0 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 282) and £13 Sotheby's. 27 June 1906, n. 896; £9 Huth (June 1912, n. 246i) russia, by Bedford. DRAKES (Thomas) Ten Counterdemands propounded to those of the Separa- tion. N. p.,n. d. [161^']. 4°. 4 leaves. Suggests that the' Separatists should proceed to Virginia. $1050 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 235) mor. (now Huntington), the only copy known. DRAYTON (Michael). 1563-1631 Idea, the Shepherd's Garland. London, for T. Woodcocke, 1593- 4°- Extremely scarce. — £ 17.10.0 Ouvry (March 1882, n. 482) mor., the Earl of Essex' copy ; the Row f ant copy is in the W. A. White coll. and a fine copy belongs to T. J. Wise. The tragical Legend of Robert Duke of Normandy. Lon- don, J. Roberts for N. L., 1596. 12°. Contains a reference to Shakespeare's Lucrece. Only four copies are known: Brit. Mus., Britwell (Heber), W. A. White and £ 135 Huth (June 1912, n. 2468) mor. (now H. E. Widener Library). The Owl. London, B. A. for B. White and N. Ling, 1604. 4°. Woodcut on title. The few known copies show variations. $100 Huntington (Dec. 1917, n. 152) mor., by Pratt (the Griswold- Chew copy), resold $150 Hagen (May 1918. n. 380) and $185 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 511) now J. L. Clawson. Poems. London, for N. Ling, 1605. 8°. $330 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 218) mor.; $112.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 381) mor., by Bedford (now C. W. Clark). 190 DRAYTON Poems lyric and pastoral. London. R. B. for N. L. and J. Flasket [1606?]. 8°. £ 34 Huth (June 1912, n. 2469, mor., by Bedford (now H. E. Wide- ner Library) ; $510 Hagen (May 1918, n. 382) mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $325 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 512) unbound (now J. L. Claw- son). Poems. London, IV. Stansby for J. Smethzvicke [161 9]. Engr. title by Hole. The printed title was set up twice ; in one issue it has a portrait by Hiole on the verso. $45 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1040) mor. (both issues of title) now Beverly Chew; $90 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 219) mor., by Riviere; $110 Hagen (May 1918, n. 385) mor., large paper (McKee copy). Poly-Olbion. London, for M. Lownes, J. Browne, J. Helme and J. Busbie [161 2]. Fol. Engraved title by Hole, portr. and 18 maps. The first issue of the first book (no printed title). $450 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1111) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £29 Huth (June 1912, n. 2475) orig. veUum (now H. E. Widener Library)^ Poly-Olbion. London, 1613-1622. Fol. 2 parts in i vol. Engraved title, portr. and 30 maps. This issue contains in addition a printed title and a table. This is the first complete edition. $440 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 951) mor.. by Clarke and Bedford (now Huntington); $290 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 155) mor. (Halsey copy) ; $255 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 203) mor., by Bedford (Row- fant-Chew copy, now Pforzheimer). Poly-Olbion. London, for J. Harriot, etc., 1622. Fol. 2 parts in i vol. The second complete edition. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1912, lit, n. 952) russia, by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $125 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 141) old calf (Bridgewater copy). The Battle of Agincourt. London, for W. Lee, 1627. Fol. Portr. by Hole. $180 Hoe (Tan. 1912, II. n. 1113) mor., bv Mercier, resold $160 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 156) ; i9 Huth (fune 1912, n. 2477) mor., by Bedford; $200 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII. n. 229) mor., by Bedford (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $227.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 387) DRAYTON 191 mor., by Stikeman (now J. L. Clawson) ; $305 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 513) orig. vellum (now Pforzheimer) ; two or three copies exist on large paper. The Muses Elizium. London, T. Harper, 1630. 4°. $130 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1115) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £21 Huth (June 1912, n. 2474) mor., by Winstanley (now H. E. Wide- ner Library) ; $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 388) mor., by Mercier (now Beverly Chew) ; $110 H. V. Jones (Dec." 1918, n. 514) mor., by Pratt (Chew copy, now J. L. Clawson). DRESSER (H. E.) and R. B. SHARPE Birds of Europe. London, 1871-1881. 8 vols. 4°. Col- oured plates. A supplement forming a 9th vol. was published 1895-1896. $200-225. — £ 61 Sotheby's, 10 Nov. 1903, n. 173. Monograph of the Meropidae. London, 1886. Fol. Col- oured plates. $15-25. DRUE (Thomas) The Life of the Duchess of Suffolk [a Play]. London, A. M. for Jasper Emery, 163 1. 4°. $65 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1162) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £ 12.10.0 and £8.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 100-101) unbound. DRUMMOND (H.) Histories of British Families. London, 1846. 2 vols. Fol. $40-50. — £ 15.15.0 Gibson Craig (June 1887, n. 859) hal'f-mor. DRUMMOND (William) of Hawthornden. 1585-1649 Poems. Bdinhurgh, Andro Hart, 1616. 4°. Britwell, the Gordonstoun-Lloyd-Inglis-Heber copy (no other known?). Poems. The Second Impression. Bdinhurgh, Andro Hart, 1616. 4^ A reissue with a new title. $1250 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1163) mor., by Mercier, wanting 2 leaves (now Huntington) ; £ 170 Huth (June 1912, n. 2489) half-calf (now H. E. Widener Library) ; the Rowfant copy is in the W. A. White coll. 192 DRUMMOND Forth Feasting. Edinburgh, Andro Hart, 1617. 4°. $1210 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1165) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, the author's copy with his autograph (now Hunting-ton) ; £ 100 Huth (June 1912, n. 2490) calf (Corser copy, now H. E. Widener Library). Poems. London, W. H. (or for R. Tomlins), 1656. 8°. Portr. by Gaywood. The leaf of dedication is often lacking. There are two states of the portrait. $25-50 and more, according to condition. — $305 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1164) russia, by Bedford (then Beverly Chew, now Huntington). Another issue, dated 1659, £24.10.0 Scott (March 1905, n. 647) old calf. DRYDEN (John). 1631-1700 The only attempt towards a Dryden bibliography is the Catalogue of an exhibition of first and other editions of the zvorks of John Dryden. (New York, GroHer Club, 1900. 8°) 101 pp. Mr. T. J. Wise, Mr. Henry E. Huntington and Mr. William A. Clark, Jr., own very complete collections of Dryden's first editions. The finest series sold were in the Hoe sales and the Winston H. Hagen sale (13 May 1918). Dryden's first printed production is a poem inserted in R. Brome's Lachrymae Mnsaruni, 1650 (described under Brome). Three Poems upon the Death of His Late Highness OUver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, William Wilson, 1659. 4°. The three poems are by Dryden, Waller and Bishop Sprat. For sep- arate editions of Dryden's poem, see hereafter. $210-Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 3355) mor., by The Club Bindery; $55 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 891) boards, uncut (Chew copy) ; $32.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 395) calf (Lefiferts copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness OHver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. Written by Mr. Dryden. London, for William Wilson, 1659. 4°. Aa recently discovered by T. J. Wise, this separate edition of Dryden's poem was not printed in 1659 buf about 1690, to be inserted in sets of Dryden's works. It has therefore no claim to be considered as a first edition. $262.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 961) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $300 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 234) sewn (Halsey copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $290 Hagen (May 1918, n. 396) calf, by DRY DEN 193 Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $225 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 517) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer). A Poem upon the Death of the Late Usurper Oliver Crom- well, by the Author of the H(in)d and the P(anthe)r. Lon- don, for S. H., 1687. 4°. A scarce pirated reprint of the above poem, published by Dryden's enemies. $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 443) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). Astraea Redux, a Poem on the Happy Restoration ... of Charles II. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1660. Fol. $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 397) unbound (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). To His Sacred Majesty, a Panegyric on his Coronation. London, for H. Herringman, 1661. Fol. $170 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 962) mor. (now Huntington) ; $65 Hagen (May 1918, n. 398) unbound. To my Lord Chancellor, presented on New Year's Day. London, for H. Herringman, 1662. Fol. 4 leaves. Extremelv scarce. £ 19.10.0 Hodgson's, 31 May 1905, n. 501 (now T. J. Wise) ; $760 Hagen (May 1918, n. 399) unbound (the Rowfant copy, now Hunting- ton). Annus Mirabilis, the Year of Wonders, 1666, an historical Poem. London, for H. Herringman, iGGy. 8°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 964) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 235) ; $26 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 339) mor.; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 400) mor., by The Club Bind- eiy (Lefferts copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $25 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 518) orig. calf. (Arnold copy). Of Dramatic Poesie, an Essay. London, for H. Herring- man, 1668. 4°. i 15 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 552, mor.; $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 966) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $65 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 236) ; $37.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 145) half-mor. (Bridge- water copy) ; $51 Hagen (May 1918, n. 401) half-mor. (Rowfant copy, now Pforzheimer). 194 DRY DEN Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco. Lon- don, 1674. 4°. Very scarce. An attack on Elkanah Settle's play. $305 Hagen (May 1918, n. 411) half-mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). His Majesty's Declaration defended in a Letter to a Friend. London, for T. Davies, 1681. Fol. Ascribed without serious grounds to Dryden. $42 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 178) half-mor. (now Huntington). Absalom and Achitophel, a Poem. London, for J. T. and W. Davis, 1681. Fol. — The Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel, a Poem. London, for J. Tonson, 1682. Fol. There are two issues of part II, one zvith the other mithont a hyphen in Fleet-Street in the imprint ; likewise Mr. Wise informs us that he owns two distinct varieties of part I. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, nn. 983-984) mor. (now Huntington) ; $82.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 423) half-mor. (Lefferts copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). In the Hagen sale was a remarkable broadside attack on this poem en- titled "Absolon's IX Worthies" (n. 425: $46, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Mac Flecknoe or a Satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant Poet T(homas) S(hadwell) by the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. London, for D. Green, 1682. 4°. 7 leaves. Very scarce. An uncut copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. £40 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 'l98) half-mor. (now Wrenn) ; i 44- Fenn (Nov. 1917, n. 963) ; $180 Hiagen (May 1918, n. 426) mor., by The Club Bindery (Rowfant copy), resold $260 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 525) now W. A. Clark, Jr.; $330 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 249) sewn (now J. L. Clawson). Satyr to his Muse, by the Author of Absalom and Achito- phel. London, for T. W., 1682. 4°. 18 pp. Not by Dryden. Huntington (Bridgewater copy). Satyr to his Muse. . . London, D. Green, 1682. 4°. Huntington (Beverly Chew copy). Prologue to His Royal Highness upon his first Appearance at the Duke's Theatre since his Return from Scotland. Writ- DRY DEN 195 ten by Mr. Dryden. Spoken by Mr. Smith. London, for J. Tons on [1682]. Fol. A very scarce broadside of which two copies are in the Huntington coll.; another, T. J. Wise. Prologue to The Duchess, on her Return from Scotland. London, for J. Tonson, 16^2. Fol. 2 pp. Huntington coll. (Bindley copy) ; T. J. Wise. The Medal, a Satyre against Sedition. London, for J. Ton- son, 1682. 4°. Some copies contain on the last page two additional 'lines in Latin. $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 986) mor., by The Club Bindery; $36 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 249) mor., by Riviere; $30 and $25 Hagen (May 1918, nn. 427-428) half-mor. In one of the Hagen copies was bound in E. Settle's reply The Medal reversed. London, 1682. 4°. A Prologue written by Mr. Dryden to a new Play [by T. Southern] called "The Loyal Brother." London, for J. Ton- son [16821. Fol. 2 pp. $32.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 429) now W. A. Clark, Jr.; other copies C. W. Clark coll. and T. J. Wise. Religio Laici or a Layman's Faith, a Poem. London, for J. Tonson, 1682. 4°. Two editions, varying in the collation, the earlier with 2 leaves (not 4) in signature b. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 985) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); $21 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 248) half-mor.; $37.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 430) mor., by The Club Bindery (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). ' The Vindication or the Parallel of the French Holy League and the English League and Covenant. . . London, for L Tonson, 1683. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 987) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $24 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 161) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $23 Hagen (May 1918, n. 433) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now J. L. Clawson). Prologue to the Duke of Guise . . . Epilogue . . . Another Epilogue. London, for J. Tonson, 1683. Fol. 4 pp. Huntington coll (Bindley copy) ; C. W. Clark coll. ; T. J. Wise ; Wrenn ; Abbotsford. 196 DRY DEN Prologue to the King and Queen at the Opening of their Theatre . . . Epilogue . . . London, J. Tonson, 1683. Fol. 4 pp. Huntington coll. ; C. W. Clark coll. ; T. J. Wise. Prologue to the Opera . . . Epilogue . . . A^. p., n. d. [1683?]. Fol. 2 pp. T. J. Wise coll. A True Copy of the Epilogue to Constantine the Great, that which was first published being false printed and surrepti- tious. London, for J. Tonson, 1684. Fol. Broadside. Huntington (Bridgewater copy) ; T. J. Wise. Miscellany Poems . . . by the most eminent Hands. London, for J. Tonson, 1684. 8°. There are variations in pages 55-60. $62.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 251) mor. (pp. 55-60 in dupli- cate) ; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 437) orig. calf (now J. L. Clawson). This is the first volume of a series of six, the last two published after Dryden's death, the first editions of each being: (II) Sylvae, or the second Part of Poetical Miscellanies. London, for J. Tonson, 1685. 8°. $31 Hagen (May 1918, n. 439) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). (III) Examen Poeticum, being the third Part of Miscel- lany Poems. London, R. B. for J. Tonson, 1693. 8". There are variations in pp. 306-307. $106 Hagen (May 1918, n. 452) mor., by The Club Bindery (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). (IV) The Annual Miscellany for the year 1694, being the fourth Part of Miscellany Poems. London, R. B. for J. Tonson, 1694. 8°. Front, by M. Burghers. $20 Hagen (May 1918, n. 455) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). (V) Poetical Miscellanies, the fifth Part. London, J. Tonson, 1704. 8°. Front. DRY DEN 197 (VI) Poetical Miscellanies, the sixth Part. London, J. Tonson, 1709. 8°. Front. The frontispiece is the same in the last three vokimes. $27.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 919) mor., by The Club Bindery. A set of the 6 vols. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 989) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). Threnodia Augustalis, a Funeral-Pindarique Poem [on] King- Charles 11. London, for J. Tonson, 1685. 4°. $57.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 990) mor. ; $41 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VIH, n. 253) half-mor. (Beverly Chew copy); $31 Hagen (May 1918, n. 438) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now J. L. Clawson). The Hind and the Panther, a Poem. Lgndon, for J. Ton- son, 1687. 4°. Three issues are known under the same date. The first has a leaf of License, but no Errata on p. 145 ; some copies have a slip of errata in- serted before p. 145. $195 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 992) mor.. by Riviere ; $95 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 202) mor., by Riviere ; $140 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 26) mor., by Riviere; $176 Hagen (May 1918, n. 441) mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $82.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 442) mor. (Rowfant copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $235 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 255) mor., uncut, by Riviere. Annus Mirabilis [and other poems]. London, for H. Her- ringnian, 1688. 4°. The first collected edition of Dryden's Poems. $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 444) half-mor., by The Club Bindery. Britannia Rediviva, a Poem on the Birth of the Prince. Lon- don for J. Tonson, 1688. Fol. • It is quite certain that this edition preceded the 4° reprint. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1912. HI, n. 994) mor., by The Club Binderv, resold $80 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 255) ; $45 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 165) half-mor. (Beverly Chew copy) ; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 445) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts copy). Britannia Rediviva, a Poem on the Birth of the Prince. London, for J, Tonson, 1688. 4°. A reprint published about 1695 ; there are two issues varying in the imprint. $32.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 166) half-roan (McKee-Poor copy) ; $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 446) mor., by Riviere (Bement copy). The complete copy in the W. A. Clark, Jr., coll. has a final leaf with a list of Dryden's works ; this leaf is usually lacking. 198 DRY DEN The Address of John Dryden, Laureat to His Highness the Prince of Orange. London, R. Taylor, 1689. Fol. 6 pp. $260 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 995) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). Eleonora, a Panegyrical Poem dedicated to the Memory of the late Countess of Abingdon. London, for J. Tonson, 1692. 4°. $41 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 259) sewn (Halsey copy) ; i 12 Wheatley (Apr. 1918. n. 678) unbound, large paper; $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 450) calf, by Riviere (Lefferts copy). An Ode on the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell, the Words by Mr. Dryden and set to Music by Dr. Blow. London, H. Hep- tinstall for H. Play ford, 1696. Fol. . $140 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 1004) mor. (now Huntington); £25 Wheatley (Apr. 1918. n. 707) mor.; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 458) boards, uncut (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Alexander's Feast, or the Power of Music, an Ode in Hon- our of St. Cecilia's Day. London, for J. Tonson, 1697. Fol. $300 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1005) mor.. by David (now Huntington) ; $130 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV. n. 1084) mor.. uncut; i 36 Wheatley (Apr. 1918. n. 717) mor., by Riviere; $275 Hagen (May 1918, n. 461) mor., by The Club Bindery (Rowfant copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Fables ancient and modern . . . with occasional Poems. London, for J. Tonson, 1700. Fol. $55 Hoe (Apr. 1912. Ill, n. 1006) mor.. by The Club Bindery, resold $77.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 263) ; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 464) mor., by Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Works of Mr. John Dryden. London, for J. Tonson, 1691 (or 1695). 4 vols. 4°. The first collected edition of Dryden's works, consisting of 35 separate impressions of various dates bound together with collective titles for each of the four volumes. These titles are known with the dates 1691 and 1695. Extremely scarce, as nearly all copies have been broken up by book- sellers for the sake of the five or six first editions contained in the set. Only one complete copy has appeared for many years in the sale-room ; there is no copy in the British Museum or in any of the more important private libraries. Mr. W. A. Clark. Jr., has recently obtained a nearly perfect set, with a duplicate of vol. I showing variations. DRY DEN 199 The Works of the late famous Mr. John Dryden. London, for J. Tonson, T. Bennet and R. Wellington, 1701. 4 vols. Fol. Portr. by Edelinck. $55 Hagen (May 1918, n. 46(i) half-calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Fables. London, T. Bensley, 1797. Fol. 9 pi. and numer- ous vignettes by Bartolozzi. $760 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 238) mor., large paper, coloured plates; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 460) old mor., large paper (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; £65 Sir John Thorold (Dec. 1884, n. 722) resold only $75 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1012) on vellum, with the etchings on satin, old mor. (now Huntington) ; the Galitzin copy, also on vellum, which sold for $110 Clark (Nov. 1909, n. 88) is now in the Theodore N. Vail coll. For sake of convenience, Dryden' s plays are listed apart: The Rival Ladies, a Tragi-Comedy. London, IV. W. for H. Herringman, 1664. 4°. $170 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 963) mor., by David; £26 Wheatlev (Apr. 1918, n. 692) mor., by Riviere; $110 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 143) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Indian Emperor or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1667. 4°- $130 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 965) mor., by David; £25 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 656) mor. Secret Love or the Maiden Queen. London, for H. Her- ringman, 1668. 4°. £ 18 Huth (June 1912, n. 2495) veil, (now Huntington) ; $70 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 146) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Sir Martin Mar-All, or the Feigned Innocence, a Comedy. London, for H. Herringman, 1668. 4°. $135 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI. n. 967) mor.. by David ; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 402) half-mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Wild Gallant, a Comedy. London, T. Newcomh for H. Herringman, 1669. 4°. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 968) mor., by David, resold $55 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 237) ; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 403) half- calf (Leiiferts copy). 200 DRY DEN The Tempest or the Enchanted Island, a Comedy. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, i6yo. 4°. By Dryden and Davenant, after Shakespeare. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1014) mor., by David, resold $95 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 238) ; £7 Huth"(June 1912, n. 2500) veil, (now Huntington) ; $50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 147) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); £21 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 690) mor.; $42.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 405) half-mor. Tyrannick Love, or the Royal Martyr, a Tragedy. London, for H. Herringman, 1670. 4°. $85 Hoe (Apr. 1912. Ill, n. 969) mor. (now Huntington) ; $62.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 404) mor., by Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). An Evening's Love or the Mock Astrologer. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1671. 4°. Two editions varying in the collation. $95 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 970) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $18 Anderson's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 302, calf, by Riviere ; $30 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 148) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 406) half-calf (Lefferts copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $62.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 520) half-calf (now W. A. White) . The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards, I-II. Lon- don, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1672. 2 parts in i vol. 4°. $110 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 971) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $117.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 241) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy) ; $72.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 149) half-mor. (Bridge- water copy) ; $145 Hagen (May 1918, n. 407) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer). Marriage-a-la-Mode, a Comedy. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1673. 4°. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 974) mor., uncut, by David (now Hunt- ington) ; $95 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 243) sewn (Halsey copy) ; $60 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 150) half-mor. (Bridgewater cot»v^ ; $51 Hagen (May 1918, n. 409) boards (Lefiferts copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $52.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 523) calf, by Riviere (now C. W. Clark). The Assignation or Love in a Nunnery. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1673. 4°- $70 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 973) mor.. by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); $60 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 151) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy), resold $30 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 522) now C. W. Clark; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 410) half-mor. (Lefiferts copv). I DRYDEN 201 Amboyna, a Tragedy. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, J673. 4°- $65 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 972) mor., by David, resold $85 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 242) ; $51 Hagen (May 1918, n. 408) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now J. L. Clawson). The Mall or the Modish Lovers, a Comedy. London, for W. Cademan, 1674. 4°. Signed J. D. and usually ascribed to Dryden. $70 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI. n. 975) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $55 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI. n. 152) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $55 Hagen (May, 1918. n. 412) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (McKee copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; i 34 Mostyn (March 1920, n. 69) unbound, uncut (now T. J. Wise). Aureng-Zebe, a Tragedy. London, T. N'. for H. Herring- man, 1676. 4°. The first issue has errors in the pagination (pp. 34-35 and 38-39). $125 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 977) mor., by Smith (now Huntington) ; $90 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 160) calf, by Riviere ; $35 Hagen (May 1918, n. 414) half-mor., by Riviere (Lefiferts copy, now Pforzheimer). The State of Innocence and the Fall of Man, an Opera. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1677. 4°. The 1676 edition apparently does not exist. $106 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 978) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 415) half-mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). All for Love or the World well lost, a Tragedy. London, T. Newcombe for H. Herringman, 1678. 4°. $80 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 979) half-calf, resold $80 .Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 247) ; $72.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 417) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now Pforzheimer). CEdipus, a Tragedy. London, for R. Bentley and M. Mag- nes, 1679. 4°. By Dryden and Nathaniel Lee. $42.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1015) calf; $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 419) calf (now Pforzheimer). Troilus and Cressida or Truth found too late, a Tragedy. London, for J. Tonson and A. Szvall (or for A. Swall) 1679. 4 °. Two issues, one without Tonson's name. $47 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 438) mor., by David; $20 Hoe (Apr. 1912, 202 DRY DEN III, n. 980) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $76 Hagen (May 1918, n. 418) calf, by Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Kind Keeper or Mr. Limberham, a Comedy. London, for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, i68o. 4°. $85 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI. n. 981) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 162) mor.; $32.50 Huntington (Apr, 1918, VIII, n. 158) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); $27 Hagen (May 1918, n. 420) boards (Halliwell copy, now Pforzheimer). The Spanish Fryar or the Double Discovery. London, for R. and J. Tonson, 1681. 4°. Two issues, differing in the title. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 982) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $42.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 164) mor., by Riviere; $37.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 159) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 422) veil. (Huth copy, now Pforzheimer). The Duke of Guise, a Tragedy. London, T. H. for R. Bent- ley and J. Tonson, 1683. 4°. By Dryden and Nathaniel Lee. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912. Ill, n. 1017) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $20 Huntington (Dec. 1917. V, n. 166) mor.; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 432) half-mor. ; $45 H, V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 532) half-mor., uncut, Albion and Albanius, an Opera. London, for J. Tonson, 1685. Fol. $160 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 991) mor., uncut, by David (now Hunt- ington) ; $115 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 254) mor., uncut, by Riviere; $98 Hagen (May 1918, n. 440) calf, by Riviere (now J. L. Claw- son). Don Sebastian King of Portugal, a Tragedy. London, for J. Hindmarsh, 1690. 4°. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 997) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $87.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 256) mor., by Riviere (H^lsey copy) ; $42.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 167) half-mor. (Bridge- water copy). Amphitryon or the Two Sosias, a Comedy. London, for /. and M. Tonson, 1690. 4°. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 996) mor., by David (now Huntington). King Arthur or the British Worthy, a Dramatic Opera. Lon- don, for J. Tonson, 1691. 4°. Two issues under the same date. $55 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 998) mo/., by The Club Bindery (now DRY DEN 203 Huntington) ; $41 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VH, n. 258) mor., by Masson- Debonnelle; $31 Hagen (May 1918, n. 449) half-mor. (now J. L. Claw- son). Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero, a Tragedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1692. 4°. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1000) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $26 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 260) mor., by Masson-Debonnelle (Hal- sey copy) ; $27.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 451) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now Pforzheimer). Love Triumphant or Nature will prevail, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1694. 4". $130 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1003) mor., uncut, by David (now Hunt- ington) ; $65 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 262) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy) ; %27 Hagen (May 1918, n. 454) half-calf (Lefferts copy, now J. L. Clawson). The Pilgrim, a Comedy [by Fletcher, adapted by Dryden]. London, for B. Tooke, 1700. 4°. $5 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1253) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $42.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 465) Rowfant copy (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). For a play by Sir Robert Howard, The Indian Queen, partly written by Dryden, see Howard. For anonymous plays in which Dryden perhaps had a hand, see D. (J.) and Mistaken Husband. For other works to which Dryden contributed, see Bancroft, Bou- HouRS, Davenant (C), Dueresnoy, Juvenal, Maimbourg, Ovid, Plu- tarch, Virgil. Among the numerous pamphlets on Dryden's death, may be quoted : To the Memory of Mr. Dryden, a Poem. London, for Charles Brome, 1700. Fol. Portr. • $80 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1007) mor. (now Huntington). DUFFET (Thomas) The Amorous Old Woman, or Tis well if it take, a Comedy . . . written by a Person of Honour. London, for S. Neale, 1674. 4°. Ascribed to Duffet. $70 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 1143) mor.. by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $42.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 168) roan, inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; $26 Huntington (Apr. 191S, VIII, n. 173) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). 204 DUFFET The Empress of Morocco, a Farce. London, for S. Neale, 1674. 4". $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1172) mor., by Bedford (McKee copy); $42.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 169) roan, inlaid throughout ('Kem- ble-Devonshire copy). The Spanish Rogue. London, for W. Cademan, 1674. 4°. $40 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1173) mor.; $30 Hxintington (Febr. 1913, VII, n. 267) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Mock Tempest, or the Enchanted Castle. London, for W. Cademan, 1675. 4°- £2 Huth (June 1912, n. 2534) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington); $37.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 175) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $30 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 226) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Beauty's Triumph, a Masque. London, 1676. 4". Huntington (the Kemble-D'evonshire copy). Psyche debauched, a Comedy, by T. D. London, 1678. 4°. DU FRESNOY (Charles Alphonse). 1611-1665 De Arte Graphica, the Art of Painting. Translated into English by Dryden. London, J. Heptinstall, i6g^. 4°. Front, by Gribelin. This, the first edition, is very scarce, especially on large paper. $65 Hagen (May 1918, n. 456) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). DUGDALE (Sir William). 1605-1686 Monasticon Anglicanum. London, R. Hodgkinsonne, 1655 (or i682)-i66i-i673. 3 vols. Fol. Plates by Hollar and King. See collation in Lowndes. $25-50 and more on large paper (vol. 3 is always on small paper). A beautiful large paper copy, nearly uncut, is in the Rylands Library, i 16.10.0 Huth (Tune 1912, n. 2538) mor., by Derome (now Hunting- ton). Monasticon Anglicanum. London, T. Taylor, etc., 1718. Fol. $15-25 with vols. II-III (1723) published by J. Stevens. — £ 21 Orford (June 1895, n. 94) mor., large paper; £7 Fountaine (June 1902, n.' 296) russia. DUGDALE 205 Monasticon Anglicanum. London, 1 817-1830. 8 vols. Fol. $100-150 and $150-200 on large paper. — £ 51 Sotheby's, 27 Febr. 1899, n. 177, russia, large paper. The 1846 reprint is worth about $75. The Antiquities of Warwickshire. London, T. Warren, 1656. Fol. Plates by Hollar, etc. Copies should contain the Peto monument and the plate at p. 58. $40-50. — £21 Huth (June 1912, n. 2540) mor., by Bedford; $105 An- derson's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 322, russia, autograph inserted. The Antiquities of Warwickshire. Revised by W. Thom- as. London, J. O shorn and T. Longman, 1730 (or 1740). 2 vols. Fol. $80-100 and $120-150 on large paper. — i 36 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 285) mor., large paper, uncut. The Coventry edition (1765. Fol.) is worth $15-25. History of Saint Paul's Cathedral. London, T. Warren, 1658. Fol. $20-30. The 1716 ed. is worth $10 and on large paper $15-25. The 1818 ed. by Sir Henry Ellis fetches $15-20 and on large paper $20-25. The History of imbanking and drayning divers Fenns and Marshes. London, A. Warren, 1662. Fol. $30-40. — £13.13.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 631) mor. The 1772 ed. (which exists on large paper) is cheaper. Origines Judiciales. London, P. and T. Warden, 1666. Fol. Portraits by Hollar. $15-25 and on large paper $30-40. — The 1671 and 1680 editions are cheaper. The Baronage of England. London, T. Newcomb, etc., 1:675-1676. 3 parts in 2 vols. Fol. $15-25 and on large paper $50-60. — £20.10.0 Hartley (Apr. 1887, n. 1329) mor., large paper. A short View of the late Troubles in England. Oxford, M. Pitt, 1 68 1. Fol. Portr. of Charles I by Faithorne. $10-15 on large paper. 206 'DUGDALE A Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments. London, S. R. for R. Clavell, 1685. Fol. $5-10 and more on large paper. DULCKEN (Augustus) Scenes from the Pickwick Papers. London, Bickers and Bush, 11. d. Obi. fol. 4 pi. (no more published) in a wrapper, i 8.5.0 Wrig-ht (June 1899, n. 340). DUNCUMB (John). 1765-1839 Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford. Hereford, 1S04-1S12. 2 vols. 4°. See collation in Lowndes. $15-25 and more. — £ 10.10.0 Gilchrist (July 1896, n. 85) half-mor. DUNKIN (John). 1782-1846 The History and Antiquities of the Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley, Oxfordshire. London, 1823. 2 vols. 4°. $10-15 and more. — £6.15.0 Whatman (July 1887, n. 70) uncut. D'URFEY (Thomas). 1653-1723 Choice new Songs, never before printed. London, J. Play- ford for J. Hindniarsh, 1684- 1685. 3 parts in i vol. Fol. $145 Clawson (Jam 1917, n. 428) mor., by Riviere (now Huntin^on). Collin's Walk through London and Westminster, a Poem. London, for J. Btdlard, 1690. 12°. $15 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1211) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $25 Hag-en (May 1918, n. 483) mor., by The Club Bindery. Songs complete, pleasant and divertive [a title which be- comes in vol. VI and in the second issue of vols. I-V: Wit and Mirth or Pills to purge Melancholy]. London, W. Pearson for J. Tonson, 1 719-1720. 6 vols. 8°. Portr. by Vertue. D'URFEY 207 $60-80. — £49.10.0 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 268) mor., uncut, by Bed- ford, first issue, resold $126 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1158), now Beverly Chew. The follotving list of D'Urfey's single plays is largely founded on the excellent account in the catalogue of the Huth sale (June 1912, nn. 2557- 2589) : The Siege of Memphis, or the Ambitious Queen, a Tragedy. London, for W. Cademan, 1676. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1199) calf, by Riviere (now Huntin^on) ; $26 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 178) half-mor., inlaid throughout ( Kemble-Devonshire copy). A Fond Husband or the Plotting Sisters, a Comedy. Lon- don, R. B. for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1676. 4°. Very scarce. — $51 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 177) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). Madam Fickle or the Witty False One, a Comedy. London, T. N. for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1677. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1200) mor., by ChamboUe (now Huntington) ; $20 Hunting'ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 180) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy); $29 Hagen (May 1918, n. 480) calf, by Riviere. The Fool turned Critic, a Comedy. London, for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1678. 4°. £ 1.1.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2560) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 181) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); £5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 103) unbound. Trick for Trick or the Debauched Hypocrite, a Comedy. London, for L. Curtiss, 1678. 4°. , $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1202) calf (now Huntington) ; $19 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 182) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Dev- onshire copy) . Squire Oldsapp or the Night Adventurers, a Comedy. Lon- don, for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1679. 4°- $22.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1203) half-mor.; 14 sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 2562) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $18 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 183) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Virtuous Wife or Good Luck at last, a Comedy. Lon- don, T. N. for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1680. 4°. $22.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1204) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; 14 208 D'URFEY sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 2563) half-calf, resold $19 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 190) ; $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 184) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). Sir Barnaby Whigg or No Wit like a Woman's, a Comedy. London, A. G. and J. P. for J. Hindmarsh, i68i. 4°. $21 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1205) half-mor. (now Huntington); $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 185) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kem- ble-Devonshire copy) ; $30 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 217) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Injured Princess or the Fatal Wager. London, for R. Rentley and M. Magnes, 1682. 4°. An adaptation of Cymbeline. £ 1.5.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2566) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $32 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 187) half-mor. (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Royalist, a Comedy. London, for J. Hindmarsh, 1682. $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1207) calf (now Huntington) ; $20 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 188) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Banditti, or a Lady's Distress, a Play. London, J. B. for R. Bentley, 1686. 4". $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1208) calf; 19 sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 2568) half-calf (now Huntington). A Commonwealth of Women, a Play. London, for R. Bentley, 1686. 4°. $28 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1209) calf; i 1.15.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2569) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 189) half-mor. (Kemble-Devonshire copy). A Fool's Preferment, or the Three Dukes of Dunstable, a Comedy. London, for J. Knight and P. Saunders, 1688. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I. n. 1210) calf, resold $26 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 272) ; $22.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 190) half- mor. (Bridgewater copy). Bussy d'Ambois or the Husband's Revenge, a Tragedy. London, for R. Bentley, 1691. 4°. An adaptation from Chapman. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1213) half-mor. (now Huntington). D'URFEY 209 Love for Money, or the Boarding School, a Comedy. Lon- don, for J. Hindmarsh (or for A. Roper), 1691. 4°. 12 sh. Huth (June 1912, n. 2573) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $25 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1155) old mor. (now Huntington). The Marriage Hater matched, a Comedy. London, for R. Parker, 1692. 4°. t The Richmond Heiress, or a Woman once in the Right, a Comedy. London, for S. Briscoe, i6g;^. 4°. Two issues with variations. £ 1 and 14 sh. Huth (June 1912 nn. 2575 and 2576) half -calf, both issues (now Huntington). The Comical History of Don Quixote. London, for S. Briscoe, 1694- 1696. 3 parts in i vol. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1214) half-mor. (now Huntington). A new Opera called Cinthia and Endimion. London, W. Onley for S. Briscoe, 1697. 4°. $18 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 191) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) . The Intrigues at Versailles, or a Jilt in all Humours, a Comedy. London, for B. Saunders, iGgy. 4°. £ 1 Huth (June 1912, n. 2580) half-calf (now Huntington). The Campaigners, or the pleasant Adventures at Brussels, a Comedy. London, for A. Baldwin, i6gS. 4°. i 3.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2581) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $18 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 192) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Bath, or the Western Lass, a Comedy. Londdn, for P. Buck, 1 70 1. 4°. i 1.10.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2583) half-calf (now Huntington). Wonders in the Sun, or the Kingdom of the Birds, a Comic Opera. London, for J. Tonson, iyo6. 4°. $6 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 382) old mor. (Lefferts copy, now Huntington) ; $40 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1157) mor., by David, resold $92.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 484) now J. L. Clawson. The Modern Prophets or New Wit for a Husband, a Com- edy. London, for B. Lint ott [lyog]. 4°. i 1.5.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2586) half-calf (now Huntington). 210 D'URFEY The Old Mode and the New or Country Miss with her Fur- beloe, a Comedy. London, for B. Lintott [1709]. 4°. i 1.5.0 Huth (June 1912, n. 2587) half-calf (now Huntington). EDDY (Mary Baker). 1821-1910 Science and Health. Boston, 1875. 8°. The leaf of errata is often missing. In orig. cloth $60-80. — $100 Talbot (Febr. 1911, n. 451) autogr. in- serted. EDEN (Sir Frederick Morton). 1766-1809 The State of the Poor, or an History of the labouring Class- es in England. London, 1797. 3 vols. 4°. $30-40. EDEN (Richard). See Martyr (Peter) EDMONDSON (Joseph). 17.. -1786 Baronagium Genealogicum or the Pedigrees of the Eng- hsh Peers. London, 1764- 1784. 6 vols. Fol. $25-30 and more on Jarge paper. — £ 12 Hodgson's, June 1894, n. 561, russia. A Complete Body of Heraldry. London, 1780. 2 vols. Fol. $15-25 and more on large paper. EDWARDS (George). 1694-1773 A Natural History of uncommon Birds. 4 vols. — Gleanings of Natural History. 3 vols. London, ij/^y 1^6^. 7 vols. 4°. See collation in Lowndes. With both French and English text $15-25. The 2d edition {London, 1802-1806. 7 vols. 4° or fol.) exists with plates plain or coloured ($25-50). A copy on largest paper (25 printed) with coloured plates £ 25 Wilson (May 1916, n. 226) mor. EDWARDS 211 EDWARDS (John) The British Herbal. London, 1770. Fol. 100 coloured pi. $10-15. — i 3.13.0 Buccleuch (March 1889, n. 575) calf. EDWARDS (Richard). 1523(?)-1566 The excellent Comedy of two the most faithfullest Friends, Damon and Pithias. London, R. J ohnes, 1^71 {or 1^82). 4°. Of extreme rarity. Both the 1571 and the 1582 editions are in the British Museum. The Hjuntington coll. has only the imperfect Bridge- water copy of the 1571 edition. — £ 14.10.0 Corser (Aug. 1869, n. 288) mor. (1571 ed.). The Paradise of Dainty Devices. London, Henry Disle, It is from this book that Shakespeare quotes a celebrated song in Romeo and Juliet, act IV. Two copies known: 1. £220 Sotheby's, 14 Febr. 1889, n. 659, wanting A 4 (from the coll. of Col. L. G. Phillips, of Dublin, then Irwin, now J. P. Morgan) ; 2. £ 1700 Christie Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 70) mor., by C. Lewis, the Farmer-Ellis-Heber copy, now Huntington. All the early editions of this work are of the greatest scarcity. London, Henry Disle, 1577. 4°. Herbert refers to a copy belonging in his days to Sir John Hawkins. London, Henry Disle, 1578. 4°. £250 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 71) mor., by Bedford, wanting 22 leaves ; the only other copy on record also lacking several leaves, was successively in the Heber, Collier, Ouvry and Row f ant libraries. London, Henry Disle, 1580. 4°. » Bodl. (Malone) imperfect; £400 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 72) mor., by C. Lewis (Roxburghe-Rice copy). London, R. W aide grave for B. White, 1585. 4". £40 Huth (July 1917, n. 5558) russia, imperfect at end ( Park-Jolley- Corser copy) ; £ 760 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, .n. 73) mor,, by C. Lewis (Haslewood copy, now Huntington) ; the latter is possibly the copy in the Hibbert sale (1829, n. 2875). London, B. Allde for B. White [ab. 1590]. 4°. $11 Sewall (Nov. 1896, n. 1233) russia, wanting 1 leaf, date on title cut off, resold £ 3.12.6 Harris (Apr, 1897, n, 819) now W. A. White, the Brand-North-Heber-Utterson-Corser copy, no other known. 212 EDWARDS London, B. Allde for £. White, 1596. 4^ Three copies known. 1. Brit. Mus. (Steevens copy) ; 2. Capell coll. (imperf.); 3. £680 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 74) mor., by Pratt (Lamport copy, now Hunting-ton). London, for B. White, 1600. 4°. £460 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 75) mor., by C. Lewis (Farmer- Roxburghe copy, now Huntington). London, for B. White, 1606. 4°. i390 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 76) mor., by C. Lewis (now Hunt- ington) ; a copy was in the Nassau sale. EDWARDS (Sydenham Teak). 1769(?)-1819 The Botanical Register of exotic Plants. London, 181 5- 1847. 33 vols. 8°. About 3000 coloured pi. $150-200. No more was published, except a 34th vol. containing an index to vols. 1-23. EFFIGIES POETICAE Effigies Poeticas or the Portraits of the British Poets. Lon- don, J. Carpenter, 1824. 2 vols. Fol. 140 portraits. Text by Bryan Waller Procter. £ 12.10.0 Perkins (July 1889, n. 1513) mor., proofs before letters; $25 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1167) half-mor., large paper (now Huntington). EGAN (Pierce). 1772-1849 Boxiana. London, 1818-1829. 5 vols. 8°. Exists also undated or with the dates 1823-1829, 1824-1829, or 1830- 1829. $150-200 irrespective of date. — i 24 Sotheby's, 11 July 1902, n. 22, mor., uncut, with wrappers and advertisements ; $150 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. .268) calf, by Root; £27 Hollams (March 1919, n. 329) calf; $200 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920. n. 392, calf, by Riviere. An exceedingly scarce continuation. The Boxing Mirror, nos. 1-2, » May- June 1814, 2 pi., wrappers, sold for £25 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 204). Life in London or Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Haw- thorn, Corinthian Tom and Bob Logic. London, Sherwood, EGAN 213 Neely and Jones, 1 820-1 821. 8°. 36 coloured pi. by J. and R. Cruikshank. In the 1st issue the printer's name is at the bottom of the reverse of the half-title. The best copies should have on page 9 a footnote beginning ''Second edition" and should contain in part 11 the extra leaf "To the Subscribers." In 12 parts $300-350. — i 48 Sotheby's, 11 July 1902, n. 23, mor., uncut; £45.10.0 Truman (May 1906, n. 457) in parts; £56 Samuel (July 1907, n. 75) in parts, with the advertisements; £50 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 205) in parts; £ 72 Hollams (March 1919, n. 330) mor.; £ 100 Sotheby's, 21 July 1919, n. 181, orig. boards. The 1822 edition is worth nearly as much, but the 1823 and [1830] reprints are cheaper. A folio broadside prospectus for the 1823 ed., $60 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1919, n. 538).. Sporting Anecdotes. London, 1820 (or 1825). 8°. Col- oured pi. by Cruikshank and others. $40-50. — $75 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 225) mor., uncut. Real Life in London. London, Jones, 1821-1822. 2 vols. 8°. 32 coloured pi. by Aiken, Rowlandson and others. Ascribed to Egan. The better copies have 2 extra plates and an extra leaf at the end "A Word to the Wise." In orig. boards $60-80 and much more if in 14 parts or on large paper. — £ 59 Hill (May 1912, n. 106) in parts ; $125 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 223) mor., by Riviere with 2 extra plates; $415 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 222) in parts; $340 American Art Association, 26 March 1917, n. 223, in parts; £82 Hollams (March 1919, n. 605) in parts. The 1824, 1827 and 1830-31 editions are worth about $30. Real Life in Ireland by a real Paddy. London, Jones, 1821. 8°. Front, and 18 coloured pi. by Aiken, Heath and others. Ascribed to Egan. In orig. wrappers $100-150. — $160 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 13) mor., by Riviere; $150 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 796) half-mor., large paper; $225 Barrow (Apr. 1916, n. 201) in spite of minor defects; $230 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 78) orig. boards, rebacked ; £34 Hollams (March 1919, n. 603) mor., by Riviere. The Life of an Actor. With poetical Descriptions by T. Greenwood. London, C. S. Arnold, 1825. 8°. 27 coloured pi. by Theodore Lane. In orig. printed boards $60-80 and more in 9 parts. — £ 14 Mackenzie 214 EGAN (March 1889, n. 883) mor., uncut, wrapper; $145 Hermann (March 1909, n. 41) in parts; $116 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 227) mor., by Riviere; £ 15 Sotheby's, 25 May 1914, n. 353, in parts. Anecdotes of the Turf, the Chase, the Ring and the Stage. London, Knight and Lacey, 1827. 8°. 13 coloured pi. by Lane. In the orig. wrapper $100-120. — i 18 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 208) uncut; $150 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 213) mor., by Lloyd. Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, in their Pursuits through Life in and out of London. London, G. Vir- tue, 1830. 8°. 36 coloured pi. by Cruikshank. The first issue bears the date 1829 on the engraved title-page and has a woodcut on p. 7. In orig. boards $100-150. — £ 59 Sotheby's, 11 July 1902. n-. 24, mor., uncut; £63 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 206) uncut; £ 53 Hill (May 1912, n. 247) boards; $250 Dulles (Dec. 1912. n. 229) mor. ; $265 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 181) mor., by Riviere; $515 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 481) mor., by Riviere, with 4 of the orig. drawings ; $380 Scott's, 6 June 1917, n. 85, mor., by Bedford; $300 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 540) boards, 1st issue; £ 106 Sotheby's, 21 July 1919, n. 188, boards, uncut. EGERTON (D. T.) Necessary Qualifications of a Man of Fashion. London, T. McLean, 1823. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. £ 11 Hbward (June 1898, n. 306) mor., uncut; $110 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 483) orig. wrapper. Country versus Town. London, T. McLean, 1823. Ob- long 4°. 12 coloured pi. $290 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 437) wrapper. Fashionable Bores or Coolers in High Life. London, W. Sams, 1824. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. £ 10 Howard (June 1898, n. 307) mor., uncut ; $120 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 484) orig. boards, wanting title. EGERTON (M.) Airy Nothings, or Scraps and Naughts and Odd-cum-Shorts, by Olio Rigmaroll. London, Pyall and Hunt, 1825. 4°. 23 coloured pi. by G. Hunt. $50-60. — £12.15.0 Puttick's, 30 July 1902, n. 21, calf; $83 Dulles EGERTON 215 (Dec. 1912, n. 231), half-mor.; $155 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 438) mor., by Riviere. EGLINTON (The) TOURNAMENT The Eglinton Tournament or Days of Chivalry, London, Colnaghi and Puckle, 1843. Fol. 22 coloured pi. i26 Irving (Dec. 1905, n. 251) the Hamilton copy. The 8° 1823 ed. with 24 coloured pi. is worth $15-20. EIKON BASILIKE The exceedingly numerous editions of this celebrated book are minutely described by Ed. Almack, A bibliography of the King's Book or Bikon Basilike. (London, Blades, 1896. 4°). The edition believed to be the first is dated 1648, has no publisher's name and has several faults in the page numbers of signature G. It is worth $40-50 and not more than a dozen copies are on record. — $112.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 206) mor., by The Club Bindery (now C. W. Clark). Other editions fetch $10-30 according to condition and binding. Daniel's copy of the 1649 ed., with the arms of Charles II on the old mor. binding, i 81 Orford (March 1902, n. 28) now H. E. Widener Li- brary) ; one of the 1648 eds. in a fine old binding £ 30 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 127) ; a copy dated 1648 with a presentation inscription in French from Charles II (1649), i 58 Puttick's, 15 Jan. 1908, n. 128, old black mor., with the Royal cipher; a copy of a 1649 ed., in a similar binding, $315 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 316). ELDRED (William) The Gunner's Glasse. London, R. Boy del, 1646. 4°. £ 7.5.0 Ashburnham (June 1897, n. 1476) old calf. ELEGANCIES OF FASHION Elegancies of Fashion and general Remembrances of Taste and Manners. By Florio Honeysuckle. London, 1804. 4°. 24 coloured pi. £4.15.0 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 387) calf. ELEGANT (The) GIRL The Elegant Girl, or Virtuous Principles the true Source of 216 ELEGANT elegant Manners. London, i'^it^. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. by Allais. i 6.15.0 Tuer (July 1900, n. 86) calf. ELIOT (George) [Mary Ann EVANS, alias]. 1819-1880 The following first editions of this author seem to be the most valuable ; the others may be obtained at lower prices. The manuscripts of all George Eliot's works are in the British Museum. Scenes of clerical Life. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1858. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. red brown cloth $50-60. — £ 14.5.0 Puttick's. 9 Dec. 1914, n. 378; $42.50 Lovejoy (Nov. 1914, n. 185) cloth; $72.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 311) cloth. Adam Bede. Bdinhnrgh, W. Blackzuood, 1859. 3 vol?. 8°. In orig. orange cloth $40-50. — £7 Puttick's, 28 Oct. 1914, n. 432, cloth; $56 Walpole Galleries, 1 May 1917, n. 125; $800 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 266) presentation copy to Thackeray. Romola. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1863. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $40-50. — i 19 Christie's, 18 Dec. 1901, n. 177, presentation copy; £7.5.0 Sotheby's, 14 Jan. 1914, n..l45, cloth; $87 Cog- geshall (Apr. 1916, n. 316) cloth, autograph added. Agatha. London, Triibner, 1869. 8"*. $15-20. — £8.15.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 300) mor., uncut; $35 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 314) in sheets. Brother and Sister, Sonnets by Marian Lewes. London, for private circulation only, 1869. 8°. Blue wrapper. Printed for private circulation and very scarce. £8.15.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 301) mor., uncut, wrapper preserved; $25 Gooch and Fowler (Apr. 1915, n. 201) wrapper; $31 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 319) wrapper. The Legend of Jubal and other Poems. Edinburgh, 1874. 12^ In orig. red-brown cloth $5-6. Twenty copies were printed on stouter paper. — One of these $105 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 322) orig. cloth, autograph added; another $95 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 485A) presentation copy. ELIOT 217 ELIOT (John). 1604-1690 See W. Eames in Pilling, Bibliography of the Algonquian Languages (Washington, 1891. 8°) pp. 127-184. Eliot's eleven "Indian Tracts' are all scarce and highly valued by Amer- ican collectors. The following is the list : I. New England's First Fruits. London, R. O. and G. D. for H. Overton, 1643. 4°- Contains the first printed accoimt of Harvard College, $420 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 233) mor., by Bedford, lacking leaf of errata (Britwell copy) ; £41 Huth (July 1917, n. 5270) calf, by Bed- ford, also lacking errata. II. The Day-Breaking, if not the Sun-Rising of the Gos- pel with the Indians in New England. London, R. Cotes for F. Clifton, 1647. 4"- Possibly by Thomas Shephard. $325 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 261) half-mor., uncut (Britwell copy) ; i70 Huth (July 1917, n. 5271) calf, uncut, by Bedford. III. The clear Sun-Shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England. By Thomas Shephard. London, R. Cotes for J. Bellamy, 1648. 4°. $210 Huntington (Jan. 1917. Ill, n. 263) half-mor., by Riviere (Brit- well copy) ; $245 De Vinne (May 1919, n. 174) mor. IV. The glorious Progress of the Gospel among the In- dians in New England. Published by Edward Winslow. Lon- don, for Hannah Allen, 1649. 4°- $130 Deane (March 1898. n. 1212) half-mor., then Church, 'resold $425 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 323) calf; $230 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1194) mor., short at top; £ 34 Sotheby's, 16 July 1913, n. 121. V. The Light appearing more and more towards a perfect Day or a farther Discovery of the present State of the Indians in New England. Published by Henry Whitfield. London, T. R. and B. M. for John Bartlet, 165 1. 4°. Two issues, one with the misprint "Chuch of Christ" on the title. $500 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3381) mor., uncut; $330 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 299) mor., by Pratt (Church copy) ; £61 Huth (July 1917, n. 5273) calf, by Bedford; $375 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 318) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 218 ELIOT VI. Strength out of Weakness or a glorious Manifesta- tion of the further Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. London, M. Simmons for J. Blague and S. Howes, 1652. 4°. There are at least 3 editions and 5 varieties of the title-page. VII. Tears of Repentance or a further Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England [by J. Eliot and Thomas Mayhew]. London, P. Cole, 1653. 4°. Two (or more) issues with variations. £17.17.0 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. Ill) unbound; $265 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1196) mor., by Pratt. VIII. A late and further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. London, M. S., 1655. 4". i 21.10.0 Sotheby's, 2 Febr. 1898, n. 121, mor.; $325 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1197) mor., by Bedford (Crawford copy) ; i 33 Reed (Dec. 1913, n. 49) mor. IX. A further Accompt of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. London, M. Simmons, 1659. 4^ i49 Crawford (June 1889, n. 57) mor.; $385 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1 198) mor., by Bedford. X. A further Account of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. London, J. Macock, 1660. 4". This and the following are the rarest of the series and were wanting in several of the greatest collections. XI. A brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England in the Year 1670. Lon- don, for John Allen, 1671. 4°. $385 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1199) mor., by Pratt (Stevens copy) ; $570 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 75) mor., by Bradstreet. Among Eliot's other works, the most remarkable is perhaps: The Indian Grammar begun, or an Essay to bring the In- ELIOT 219 dian Language into Rules. Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, J 666. 4°. Some ten copies are known. — £ 200 Sotheby's, 21 March 1910, n. 435, mor., by Riviere, a few leaves defective. ELIZABETH (Queen). 1533-1603 Christian Prayers and Meditations. London, J. Day, 1569. 4 • The' first edition of Queen Elizabeth's celebrated Prayer-Book, long believed to be extant only in a copy on vellum at Lambeth ; two imperfect copies on paper have been recently discovered; one is now in the Carter Brown Library, the other, sold for $2700 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1200) mor., by The Club Bindery, is now in the Huntington coll. A Book of Christian Prayers. London, J. Day, 1578. 4°. Leaves a 3 and a 4 do not occur in all copies. The second edition of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book and long the earliest obtainable by collectors. $600 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1226) mor.. by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £ 60 Sotheby's, 18 Dec. 1916, n. 90, orig. calf. ELLIOT (Daniel Giraud) Monograph of the Pittidae or Family of the Ant Thrushes. New York, 1863. Fol. 31 coloured pi. $80-100. Monograph of the Tetraonidae or Family of the Grouse. New York, 1865. Fol. 79 coloured pi. $80-100. New and heretofore unfigured Species of Birds of North America. New York, 1869. 2 vols. Fol. y2 coloured pi. $150-200. — i 36 Wood (Oct. 1889, n. 322 A). Monograph of the Phasianidae or Family of the Pheasants. New York, 1872. 2 vols. Fol. 78 coloured pi. $250-300. — £56 L. Huth (May 1905, n. 306). Monograph of the Paradiseidae or Birds of Paradise. New York, 1873. Fol. 36 coloured pi. $80-100. 220 EMERSON EMERSON (Ralph Waldo). 1803-1882 See George Willis Cooke, A bibliography of Ralph Waldo Bmerson (Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1908. df"). 340 pp. The foUoiving list includes only a selection of some of his more valuable productions : Letter from the Rev. R. W. Emerson to the Second Church and Society. Boston, I. R. Butts [1832]. 16°. 8 pp. Very scarce. $187 American Art Association, 3 Febr. 1916, n. 480. A historical Discourse delivered before the Citizens of Con- cord, 1 2th September 1835. Concord, G. P. Bemis, 1835. 8°. 52 pp. Blue wrapper. $36 Everett (Nov. 1910, n. 635) orig. wrapper, presentation copy (now H. E. Widener Library). Original Hymn. N. p., n. d. [Concord, 1836]. A single 24° sheet. $71 Heartman's, 19 Jan. 1917, n. 193. Nature. Boston, /. Munroe, 1836. 12°. 95 pp. Black cloth. $23 Anderson's, 30 Apr. 1903, n. 104, cloth ; $20 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 328) cloth. The American Scholar, an Oration. Boston, J. Munroe, 1837. 8°. 26 pp. Wrapper. Man the Reformer. London, Mudie, 1841. 12". Wrap- per. $30 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 40) unbound. Essays. Boston, J. Munroe, 1841. 16°. Cloth. With a preface by Carlyle. $47.50 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 28) mor., autograph added. The Young American, a Lecture. London, J. Chapman, 1844. 8°. 23 pp. Wrapper. $11.50 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 187), half-mor., resold $15 Arnold (May 1901, n. A 1) and $25 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 90). Essays, second Series. Boston, J. Munroe, 1844. 16°. Cloth. $72.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 329) J. R. Lowell's copy. EMERSON 221 Poems. Boston, J. Mimroe, 1847. 16°. In orig. boards or cloth $10-20. — $180 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 219) mor., by Cobden Sanderson, resold $390 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 143). The London issue (Chapman Brothers, 1847. 12°. Cloth) shows in- teresting variations and is bound with a slip of errata. See Livingston, The Bibliographer I (1902) pp. 456-459 and facs. Representative Men. Boston, Phillips, Sampson and Co., 1850. 12°. Cloth. $56 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 97) presentation copy. The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Conduct of Life. Boston, Ticknor and fields, i860. 12°. Cloth. $25 Bartlett (May 1903, n. 473) presentation copy. May-Day and other Pieces. Boston, Ticknor and fields, 1867. 16°. Cloth. $58 Whipple (Apr. 1903, n. 378) presentation copy. Emerson's first appearance in print was on pp. 52-53 of "The Offering for 1829." Cambridge, Hilliard and Broimi, 1829. 24". Cloth. — Sold $54 Anderson's, 24 May 1909, n. 190. ENDERBIE (Percy) Cambria Triumphans or Britain in its perfect Lustre. Lon- don, for A. Crooke, 1661. Fol. $15-25. — ill Puttick's, 7 Apr. 1892, n. 605, russia (Sykes copy); £6 Huth (June 1913, n. 2655) russia (now Huntington). ENGLEBACH (Lewis) Naples and the Campagna Felice. London, R. Acker- mann, 181 5. 8°. 15 coloured pi. by Rowlandson and 3 maps. In orig. brown cloth $40-50. ENGLISHMAN'S (The) MENTOR The Englishman's Mentor. The Picture of the Palais- Royal. London, W. Hone, 1819. 8°. Front, by G. Cruik- shank. $15-25. 222 ENTICK ENTICK (John). 1703(?)-1773 A new and accurate History and Survey of London, West- minster, Southwark and Parts adjacent. London, 1766. 4 vols. 8°. £ 5.7.6 Gibson Craig (June 1887, n. 924) calf. ERDESWICKE (Sampson). 15.. -1603 A Survey of Staffordshire. London, lyiy (or 1723). 4°. See collation in Lowndes. £5.10.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 751) calf. ESQUEMELIN (Alexander Oliver). 1645(?)-1707 Bucaniers of America. London, for W. Crooke, 1684- 1684- 1 684- 1 685. 4 vols. 4°. (Generally bound in 2 vols.). Portraits and plans. $200-250 (and more) if vols. I-III are of the 1st ed. — i 55 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 97) mor., believed to be on large paper; the same (?) resold $460 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1246) mor. and $560 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 249); $330 Bofden (Febr. 1913, n. 215) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; i51 Sotheby's, 3 Apr. 1913, n. 71, mor.; i 49 Huth (June 1913, n. 2775) mor., by Bedford. If vols. I-III are of the 2d ed. (same date) $80-100. ESSAY ON HUNTING An Essay on Hunting. By a Country Squire. London, 1733- 8". $25-30. — £9.12.6 Ford (May 1902, n. 329) mor., by Gosden. The 1820 reprint exists on large paper, ETHEREGE (Sir George). 1635(?)-1691 The Comical Revenge or Love in a Tub. London, for H. Herringman, 1664. 4°. Extremely scarce. $90 Hagen (May 1918, n. 500) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). The second edition (1669) $10 Hagen (May 1918, n. 502) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). ETHEREGE 223 She would if she could, a Comedy. London, for H. Her- ringman, 1668. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1251) mor., by Riviere; £5 Huth (June 1913, n. 2736) half-russia (now Huntington) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 194) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 501) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). The Man of Mode or Sir Fopling Flutter, a Comedy. Lon- don, /. M acock for H. Herringman, 1676. 4°. Contains an epilogue by Dryden. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1253) mor.. by Chambolle ; $30 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 195) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 503) half-mor., by The Club Bindery. EVELINA. See Burney EVELYN (John). 1620-1706 The French Gardiner. London, J. Crooke, 1658. 8°. i 8.5.0 Sotheby's, May 1901, n. 407,old sheep; $37.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1125) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). Sculptura or the History and Art of Chalcography and En- graving in Copper. London, J. C. for G. Beedle, 1662. 8°. Mezzotint by Prince Rupert. £40 Sotheby's, March 1901, n. 261, old calf, presentation copy, resold £ 69 Sotheby's, June 1902, n. 349, and £ 38 Sotheby's, 17 July 1903, n. 30. Sylva or a Discourse of Forest-trees. London, J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1664 (also 1665, 1670). Fol. The first book printed by order of the Royal Society. ' $15-25. — $190 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 402) mor., presentation copy; £24 Hodgson's, 22 May 1919, n. 8, old calf, presentation copy. Sylva. York, 1786. 2 vols. 4°. Coloured pi. $15-25. — £ 15 Peel (June 1900, n. 344) mor., Sheridan's copy. The Compleat Gardener. London, 1693. Fol. £3.10.0 Sotheby's, Jan. 1900, n. 668, old calf. Acetaria, a Discourse of Sallets. London, for B. Tooke, 1699. 8°. £10.15.0 Hardwicke (June 1888, n. 14) mor., presentation copy; $90 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 551) orig. calf, presentation copy. 224 EVERY EVERY WOMAN IN HER HUMOUR Every Woman in her Humour, London, B. A. for T. Archer, 1609. 4°. A very scarce anonymous play. il03 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 442, unbound (now T. J. Wise); $700 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1264) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); £88 Huth (June 1913, n. 2768) half-mor. ; $300 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 1013) half-mor., wanting 1 leaf (Row- fant copy) ; $600 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 552) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $590 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 552) now J. L. Clawson. EXCURSIONS Excursions in various Counties of England and Ireland. London, 1818-1824. 13 vols. 8°. Numerous pi. The 13th vol. contains County Biographies. The plates are found in proofs and India proofs. On large paper $25-30. EYTON (Robert William). 1815-1881 Antiquities of Shropshire. London, J. R. Smith, 1854- 1860. 12 vols. 8°. $80-100. — £38 Huth (June 1913, n. 2782) mor., by Bedford, one of three copies on large and thick paper. F F. (J.) The Rewards of Virtue, a Comedy. London, J. Cottrel, 1661. 4°. $25 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 288) calf (Bridgewater copy). FAIRBURN Fairburn's Everlasting Songster. London [ab. 1820- 1825]. 2 vols. 12°. Coloured pi. by Cruikshank. $15-25. FAIR 225 FAIR EM. See Shakespeare FAIR (The) MAID OF BRISTOW The Fair Maid of Bristow [a play]. London, for T. Pav- yer, 1605. 4°. i89 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 1129, numerous MS. corrections. FAITHORNE (William). 1616-1691 The Art of Graving and Etching. London, W. Faifhorne, 1662. 8°. Title and 10 pi. engraved by the author. $60-80. — $220 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1276) mor., by Riviere; $205 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 201) old calf. FAMOUS (The) HISTORY The Famous History of the Life and Death of Captain Thomas Stukeley [a play]. London, for T. Pavyer, 1605. 4°. $55 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3158) mor., by Bedford; $345 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 824) calf (Bridgewater copy); £68 Huth (July 1918, n. 7134) mor., by Bedford. FANCY Fancy or the the True Sportsman's Guide. London, 1822- 1826. 2 vols. 8°. Coloured pi. Published in 52 parts. $322.50 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 240) in parts ; $340 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 55) calf, by Riviere; $210 Barrow (Apr. 1916, n. 240) mor., by Tout. FANE (Sir Francis). 16. .-1689(?) Love in the Dark or The Man of Business, a Comedy. Lon- don, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1675. 4°- $19 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 243) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Sacrifice, a Tragedy. London, J. R. for J. Weld, 1686. 4- £2.15.0 Huth (June 1913. n. 2806) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 199) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). 226 FANSHAWE FANSHAWE (Richard). See Guarini FARQUHAR (George). 1678-1707 Comedies. London, B. Lintott [ab. 1705?]. 8°. £13.15.0 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 324) russia, large paper; $70 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1135) mor., by The Club Bindery, large paper (now Huntington). Love and a Bottle, a Comedy. London, for R. Standfast and P. Cog gen, 1699. 4°. £4 Huth (June 1913, n. 2813), calf, uncut (now Hlintington). The Constant Couple or a Trip to the Jubilee, a Comedy. London, for R. Smith, 1700. 4°. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1283) half-mor., resold $31 Hagen (May 1918. n. 508) ; £6.10.0 Huth (June 1913. n. 2814) half-calf (now Hunt- ington) ; $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 201) half-mor. (Bridge- water copy( now Library of Congress). Sir Harry Wildair, being the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubi- lee, a Comedy. London, for J. Knapton, 1701. 4°. There are two issues. $45 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1284) half-roan; £5.5.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2815) half-calf. The Inconstant, or the Way to win him, a Comedy. Lon- don, for J. Knapton, 1702. 4". $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1285) half-mor., resold $40 Hagen (May 1918, n. 509) ; £ 3.15.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2817) half-calf. The Twin-Rivals, a Comedy. London, for B. Lintott, 1703. 4 • $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1286) half-mor., uncut, resold $32.50 Ha- gen (May 1918, n. 510) ; £6.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2818) half-calf (now Huntington). The Recruiting Officer, a Comedy. London, for B. Lintott [1705]- 4"- Huntington coll. The Stage Coach, a Comedy. London, B. Bragg, 1705. 4°. Huntington coll. FARQUHAR 227 The Beaux Stratagem, a Comedy. London, for B. Lintott [1707]. 4°. There are two editions, both undated. $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1287) half-mor., resold $31 Hagen (May 1918, n. 511); £6.5.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2819) half-calf, resold $25 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 296). FARREN (Elizabeth), Countess of Derby. 1759(?)-1829 Memoirs of the present Countess of Derby, late Miss Far- ren. By Petronius Arbiter. London [iygy~\. 4°. $50-60. FARTHER (A), BRIEFER AND TRUE RELATION A farther, briefer and true Relation of the late Wars risen in New England, occasioned by the quarrelsome Disposi- tion and perfidious Carriage of the barbarous and savage In- dian Nations there. London, J. D. for M. K., 1676. 4°. 6 leaves. £ 109 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 222) unbound, 2 last top mar- gins damaged. FASCICULUS FLORUM Fasciculus Florum or a Nosegay of Flowers, translated out of the Gardens of several Poets and other Authors. London, A. M., 1636. 12°. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1290) mor., inlaid by Riviere (now Hunt- ington) ; $20 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 272) mor., by Riviere. FATAL (The) DISCOVERY The Fatal Discovery or Love in Ruins, a Tragedy. Lon- don, J. Orme for R. Wellington and B. Lintott, 1698. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1221) mor., by Mercier. FELISSA Felissa, or the Life and Opinions of a Kitten of Sentiment. London, for J. Harris, 181 1. 8°. 12 coloured pi. $10-15. — $60 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1296). 228 FENELON FENELON (Francois de Salignac de La Mothe) 1651-1715 The Adventures of Telemachus. Translated by T. Smol- lett. London, 1776. 8°. $30-40. FERREX AND PORREX. See Norton FERGUSSON (Robert). 1750-1774 Poems. Parts i and 2. Edinburgh, 1773- 1779. 8°. FIDGE (G.) The Great Eater of Grayes-Inne or the Life of Mr. Mar- riot the Cormorant. London, 1652. 4°. £7 Beckford (Dec. 1882, n. 2231) old calf (Bindley copy), resold iS Sotheby's, 17 Dec. 1900, n. 726 and £ 11.5.0 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 486. FIELD (Barron). 1786-1846 First Fruits of Australian Poetry. Sidney, 181 9. 8°. One of the first books printed in Australia (for the first, see Parau). £8 Hodgson's, 21 May 1903, n. 486, presentation copy to Mrs. Ayrton. FIELD (Eugene). 1850-1895 His works are sought for by American bibliophiles, the scarcest item among them being: The Tribune Primer. Denver [1882]. 16°. A presentation copy in orig. wrapper was sold $250 French (Apr. 1901, n. 532) and resold $300 Peirce (May 1903, n. 682) ; $260 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 557) wrapper; $330 Alexander (Apr. 1914, n. 158) wrap- per; $314 Hanvey (May 1915, n. 47) wrapper, presentation copy); $315 Scott's, 20 Febr. 1917, n. 124, wrapper, presentation copy. FIELD (Nathaniel). 1587-1633 A Woman is a Weather-Cock, a new Comedy. London, for J. Budge, 1612. 4^ £ 16 Huth (June 1913, n. 2854) half-mor., resold $87.50 Huntington FIELD 229 (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 298) ; $55 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 257) half- mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). Amends for Ladies, a Comedy. London, G. Bid for M. Walhancke, i6i8. 4°. Two issues under the same date. $10 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1311) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; £12 Huth (June 1913, n. 2855) half-mor. ; £76 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 108) unbound, FIELDING (Henry). 1707-1754 The Adventures of Joseph Andrews. London, for A. Millar, 1742. 2 vols. 8°. $25-30 and more. — £ 16 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 236) calf, by Bedford; ' £ 19.10.0 Puttick's, 4 Dec. 1912 n, 389, calf, with the advertisement leaves; £70 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 669) calf, Thackeray's copy, with 17 drawings by him. Miscellanies. London, for the Author, ly^^)- 3 vols. 8°. $20-25 and $60-80 on large paper. — £ 16 Sotheby's, 16 May 1901, n. 222, mor.; £30 Sotheby's, 31 May 1907, n. 43, orig. boards, uncut; $100 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 216) orig. half-calf, large paper. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. London, A. Mil- lar,, 1749- 6 vols. 8°. Two distinct editions under the same date, as established by L. S. Livingston (in the New York Evening Post, 26 December 1908) ; the earlier has a leaf of Errata. $50-60 and more. — £ 96 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 924, orig. boards, uncut; £80 Hodgson's, 21 Nov. 1907, n. 128, uncut, the second edition with the Errata corrected. To this may be added a 7th vol. : History of Tom Jones in his married state (London, 1750. 8°). The original contract for the publication of Tom Jones (from the Huth sale) is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. An Enquiry into the Cause of the late Increase of Robbers. London, A. Millar, 1751. 8°. $20-25. — £7.5.0 Ford (May 1904, n. 232) orig. wrapper, uncut. Amelia. London, for A. Millar, iy^2. 4 vols. 8^ $20-25. — $30^Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1276) orig. calf; $50 American Art Association, 7 Jan. 1916, n. 90, mor., by Riviere; £48 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 1368) orig. blue boards, uncut. 230 FIELDING The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. London, A. Millar, 1755- . 8;. \ Two editions under the same date. $20-25. — $75 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 306) mor., uncut, by Riviere. A number of Fielding's comedies were sold in the Huth sale (1913, nn. 2856-2884) . FIELDING (Theodore Henry Adolphus). 1781-1851 A Picturesque Tour of the English Lakes. London, R. Ackermann, 1821. 4°. 48 coloured pi. by Fielding and J. Walton. $20-30 and more on large paper. — £ 8.5.0 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 197, large paper, uncut ; £ 10.10.0 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 2956) mor. ; £ 14 Sotheby's, 3 Febr. 1919, n. 20, half-mor. Scenery of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire. London, 1822. Fol. Coloured pi. $30-40 and more on large paper. British Castles. London, 1825. Oblong 4°. 25 coloured pi. $30-40. FILSON (John). 1747-1788 The Discovery, Settlement and present State of Kentucke. Wilmington, J. Adams, 1784. 8°. Only 4 or 5 copies are known with the original map (Harvard, Phila- delphia Ivibr., Col. R. T. Durrett, etc.). — The Church-Huntington copy has the map in contemporary MS. (probably the original drawing), from the J. R. Bartlett coll. ; $1250 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1284) mor., by Brad- street, with the map. resold $3400 De Puy (Jan. 1920, n. 890) ; $210 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 81) mor., by Riviere, without the map. • FINDEN (William). 1787-1852 Landscape and Portrait Illustrations of the Life of By- ron. London, J. Murray, 1833- 1834. 3 vols. 4°. (or 24 parts). $5-10 and on large paper $15-25. FIN DEN 231 Portraits of the Female Aristocracy of the Court of Queen Victoria. London, 1849. ^ vols. Fol. $15-25. FISHER (Payne). 1616-1693 Marston Moor. London, 1655. Fol. Portr. i7 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 805) calf. Piscatoris Poemata. London, T. Newcomh, 1656. Fol. Portraits (by Faithorne and others) and coats of arms. See collation in Lowndes and in the Huth catalogue. £10 Beesley (Nov. 1896, n. 887) calf, presentation copy; £31 Huth (June 1913, n. 2913) mor., by Bedford, presentation copy. FISHER (Thomas). 1781(?)-1836 Collections for Bedfordshire. London, 1821-1836. Fol. $5-10 and more on large paper. FITZGERALD (Edward). 1809-1883 See Col. W. F. Prideaux, Notes for a bibliography of Edward Fitzger- ald (London, Rollings, 1901. 8°) xii-88 pp. Translations into Verse from Comedies of Moliere and Casimir Delavigne ... to which are added original Poems . . . and the Magic Lantern, a Satire. By E.-F. Paris, N. W. Galignani, 1829. 12°. 103 pp. Plain green wrapper. The Aldis Wright copy (no other known) is in the T. J. Wise coll. Euphranor, a Dialogue on Youth. London, W. Pickering, 1851. 8°. In orig. green cloth $25-30. A copy of the 1855 ed. with autogr. corrections £ 11.10.0 Sotheby's, 1 July 1901, n. 118. Euphranor, a May-day Conversation at Cambridge. Guild- ford, 1882. 8°. 50 copies printed. In orig. half-binding $20-25. Polonius, a Collection of wise Saws ^nd modern Instances. London, W. Pickering, 1852. 8°. In orig. green cloth $15-25. — £11.10.0 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 658, autogr. notes. \ 232 FITZGERALD Six Dramas of Calderon, freely translated by Edward Fitz- gerald. London, W. Pickering, 1853. 8°. In orig. cloth $40-50. — A copy in blue wrappers (no other known?) is in the H. E. Widener Library. [Pedro Calderon. The Mighty Magician and Such Stuff as Dreams are made of, translated by Edward Fitzgerald. London, 1865]. S°- Grey wrapper. (No title page). £30.10.0 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 660, presentation copy; another, £32 Sotheby's, 1 July 1901. n. 117; i 10 Hodg-son's, 12 Febr. 1913, n. 434, orig. wrapper ; $80 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 466) wrapper, autogr. corrections (now Huntington). Salaman and Absal, an Allegory, translated from the Per-, sian of Jami. London, J. W. Parker, 1856. 8*'. In orig. blue cloth $60-80. — £31 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 885 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. London, B. Quaritch, 1859. Small 4°. One of the most desirable of English first editions. 250 copies were printed, most of which were sold by Quaritch, as a remainder, for the small sum of a penny a piece. In orig. brown wrapper $300-350 and more. — £41 Sotheby's, 31 May 1907, n. 195; £51 Sotheby's, 21 March 1910, n. 596; $390 AUis (March 1912. n. 302) mor., by Zaehnsdorf ; £ 66 Sotheby's, 28 March 1912. n. 363, wrapper; £62 Potts (Febr. 1913, n. 313) mor., by Riviere; $425 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 350) wrapper; £ 81 Sotheby's, 22 July 1918, n. 1092, wrap- per; $910 Wheeler (July 1919, n. 1186) wrapper, in very fine condition. The second edition (Madras, 1868) is also a rare book (£22 Lang, Dec. 1912, n. 503, wrapper) ; there is also a private reprint (Madras, 1862. 8°) of which 50 copies only were made (£ 13 Potts, Febr. 1913, n. 314). Agamemnon, a Tragedy taken from .^^schylus. [London, 1865]. 8°. $15-20. — The first published ed. (London, B. Quaritch, 1876. 4°) was sold £ 18 Sotheby's, 18 July 1900, n. 1008, uncut, autograph correc- tions, doubtless the copy now in the H. E. Widener Library. The Two Generals [Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Sir Charles Napier]. A^. p., n. d. [before 1868]. 4^ 4 leaves (in blank verse). £5.5.0 Hodgson's, 9 Apr. 1915, n. 68. FITZGERALD 233 Readings in Crabbe. Guildford, Billings, 1879. 8°. Red or green cloth. Privately printed and very scarce. Reissued: London, B. Quaritch, 1882. 8° ($20-25). The Downfall and Death of King CEdipus. Guildford, 1880-1881. 2 parts. 8^ 50 copies printed. In orig. blue wrapper $60-80. FLECKNOE (Richard) Some of his works were doubtlfess printed in very small issues, as copies are of extremely scarce occurrence. Miscellanea, or Poems of all Sorts. London, T. R., 1653. 8^ £10.10.0 Sotheby's, 10 March 1897, n. 752, sheep; ill Huth (June 1913, n. 2928) old calf (now W. A. White). Diarium or Journal. London, for H. Herrington, 1656. 8°. £ 5 Crampon (June 1896, n. 177) mor. ; $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1330) mor. Enigmatical Characters. London, 1658. 8°. £6.5.0 Sotheby's, 16 May 1901, n. 224, mor.; £8.15.0 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 261) mor. Heroic Portraits with other miscellany Pieces. London, R. Wood, 1660. 8°. £ 12.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2933) old calf. Love's Kingdom, a pastoral Tragi-Comedy. London, R. Wood, 1664. 12°. Contains Shakespearian allusions. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1331) calf, by Bedford (Mitford copy, now Huntington) ; $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 323) calf (Chew copy, now W. A. White). Sir William Davenant's Voyage to the Other World, a poetical Fiction. London, for the Aufhor, i668. 8°. Brit. Mus. (Corser copy). Les Demoiselles a la Mode, a Comedy. London, for the Author, 1667. 8°. Huntingdon (Bridgewater copy). 234 FLECKNOE Epigrams of all Sorts. London, for the Author and W. Crook, 1670. 8°. $40 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1332) niger (now Huntington); £9.15.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2935). The 1671 ed., £9.5.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2936) calf (now Hunting- ton). Collection of the choicest Epigrams and Characters. Lon- don, for the Author, 1673. 8°. £ 10 Sotheby's, 3 Dec. 1900, n. 662, sheep. Euterpe revived or Epigrams made at several Times. Lon- don, 1675. 8°. £ 17 Huth (June 1913, n. 2937) old calf. A Treatise of the Sports of Wit. London, S. Neals, 1675. 8^ Two copies known: Huntington (Bridgewater) and £24 Huth (June 1913, n. 2938) calf, by Pratt. FLETCHER (Giles) Christ's Victorie artd Triumph in Heaven and Earth over and after Death. Cambridge, printed by C. Legge, 1610. 4**. Two issues, one with printed, the other with engraved titles. $115 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n., 285) calf (now Beverly Chew). FLETCHER (John). See Beaumont (Francis) FLETCHER (Phineas). 1582-1650 Locustae vel Pietas Jesuitica. Cambridge, T. and J. Biicke, 1627. 4°. $185 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1344) mor., by David, resold $95 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 320) : $167.50 Hagen (May 1918. n. 530) mor.. by The Club Bindery • $150 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 587) mor., by Stikeman (now C. W. Clark). Sicelides, a Piscatory [Play]. London, J. N. for W. Shear es, 163 1. 4". $120 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 1304) calf (now Huntington) ; £8.5.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2958) vellum (now White). FLETCHER 235 The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man. Cambridge, Uni- versity Printers, 1633. 4°. $180 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1305) old mor., resold $115 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 588) ; £45 Huth (June 1913. n. 2957) mor., by Bedford, large paper (Tite copy) now Beverly Chew; $110 Walpole Galleries, 1 May 1917, n. 139, mor., by Bedford; $115 Hagen (May 1918, n. 531) mor., by The Club Bindery; $210 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 288) mor., by Bedford. The large paper copies have two emblematical plates and on the verso of the first title the two coats of arms of Quarks and Benlowes. FLINDERS (Matthew). 1774-1814 Voyage to Terra Australis. London, 18 14. 2 vols. 4*" and folio atlas. $40-50 and more on large paper. — £ 16.15.0 Perkins (July 1889, n. 751). FLORA'S FAIR GARLAND Flora's Fair Garland deckt and adorned with new Songs. London, 1688. 12°. £9.5.0 Daniel (July 1864, n. 660) resold $30 Griswold (Dec. 1880, n. 496) calf. FLORIO (John). See Montaigne FLOWER-GARDEN (The) The Flower Garden displayed in above four hundred curi- ous Representations of the most beautiful Flowers. London, 1732 (or 1734). 4°. i 8 Sotheby's, 21 March 1898, n. 720, calf ; £ 13.13.0 Burra (May 1897, n. 1028) calf. FORBES (Edward) and S. HANLEY History of British Mollusca and their Shells. London, 1853. 4 vols. 8°. Coloured pi. In orig. cloth $10-15 and on large paper $25-30. — i 9.5.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 485) large paper. FORBES (James) Salicetum Woburnense, a Catalogue of the Willows in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford. London, 1829. 8". $60-80. 236 FORBES Pinetum Woburnense, a Catalogue of the coniferous Plants at Woburn Abbey. London, 1839. 8°. $40-50. . • FORBES (Joseph) Oriental Memoirs. London, 181 3. 4 vols. 4". $20-25 and sometimes more. FORD. (John). 1586-1640(?) The Lovers Melancholy. London, for H. Seile, 1629. 4°. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1355) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; $82.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 593) half-mor. (now C. W. Clark). The Broken Heart, a Tragedy. London, J. B. for Hugh Beeston, 1633. 4°. $80 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 331) calf, by Worsfold (McKee- Chew copy), resold $77.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 594) now C. W. Clark; i 22 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 116) unbound. Love's Sacrifice, a Tragedy. London, J. B. for Hugh Bees- ton, 1633. 4°- $125 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1356) mor., by Bedford; £9.15.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2991) half mor., by Bedford (now Huntington); $82.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 330) calf (Bridgewater copy); $72.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 595) calf, by Riviere (now C. W. Clark). 'Tis Pity she's a Whore. London, N. Okes for R. Collins, 1633. 4°. $185 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1357) mor., by The Club Bindery; $77.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 535) veil. (Rowfant copy) ; $200 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 596) mor., by Sangorski (now C. W. Clark). The Chronicle History of Perkin Warbeck. London, T. P. for Hugh Beeston, 1634. 4°. $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1358) mor., by Bedford; £9 Huth (June 1913, n. 2994) mor. (now Huntington) ; $90 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 184) mor., by Broca; $65 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 333) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; $100 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 214) half- mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Con- gress). The Fancies, Chast and Noble. London, B. P. for H. Seile, 1638. 4°. FORD 237 $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1359) mor., by Bedford; £13 Huth (June 1913, n. 2995) veil., uncut (now Huntington) ; $85 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 334) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Lady's Trial. London, B. G, for H. Shephard, 1639. 4". $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1360) mor. by Riviere; £9.9.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 2996) half-bound (now Huntington) ; $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 536) mor., by Riviere; $100 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 335) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $80 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 597) now C. W. Clark. The Sun's Darling, a moral Masque. London, J. Bell for A. Pennycuicke, 1656 (or 1657). 4°. By Ford and Dekker. There are two varieties of the 1657 issue. The 1657 issue, $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1361) mor. (now Hunting- ton) ; same date, £ 12.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 120) unbound. FORD (Philip) A Vindication of William Penn, Proprietary of Pennsil- vania from the late Aspersions spread abroad on Purpose to defame him. London, for Benjamin Clark, 1683. Fol. 2 pp. Only five copies seem to be known : 1-2. Brit. Mus. ; 3. London, Friend's Library; 4. Huntington (Church); 5. £23 Huth (June 1913, n. 2999) vellum. FORRESTER (Alfred Henry) [alias Alfred CROW- QUILL]. 1804-1872 Paris and Dover, or To and Fro, by Roger Book'em. Lon- don, H. Pores, 1821. 4°. 48 coloured pi. by Crowquill. In orig. boards with label $40-50. — £ 7.5.0 Campbell (March 1902, n. 283). The Holiday Grammar by Alfred Crowquill. London, for S. knights, 1825. 4°. Front, and 6 pi. by Cruikshank. Very rare with orig-. wrapper and plates complete. — £37.10.0 Truman (May 1906, n. 196) ; £31.10.0 Puttick's, 27 June 1910, n. 569; £ 50 Doug- las (Febr. 1911, n. 135), coloured pi., resold £42 Hill (May 1912. n. 237) ; £41 Sotheby's, 2 June 1915, n. 756; £85 Puttick's, 29 Apr. 1919, n. 605, wrapper. 238 FORRESTER Absurdities in Prose and Verse. London, T. Hurst, 1827. 8°. 13 coloured pi. by Crowquill. By Crowquill and his brothers. In orig. wrapper $10-15. A Peep into Alfred Crowquill's Folio. London [1836]. Ob- long fol. 8 coloured pi. In orig. wrapper $10-15. Pictures picked from the Pickwick Papers. London [1837]. 8". 40 pi. In orig. wrapper $25-30. Phantasmagoria of Fun. London, 1843. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. wrapper $5-10. A good-natured Hint about California. London [1849]. Oblong 4^ 35 coloured pi. In orig. wrapper $15-20. — $24 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 121) wrapper. Guide to the Watering Places. London, n. d. 8°. 8 col- oured pi. $20-25. Leaves from the Memorandum Book of Alfred Crowquill. London, iS^^. 3 parts. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. $10-15. — $37.50 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 67) in parts. FOUNT AINE (John) The Rewards of Virtue, a Comedy, by J. F. London, J. Cottrel for H. Fletcher, 1661. 4°. £ 10 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 447, unbound. — The Hal- sey copy is in the Huntington coll. FOX (George). 1624-1691 The following of his numerous works have sold for high prices : The Secret Works of a cruel People made manifest. Lon- don, 1659. 4°. £29 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 103) mor„ uncut, 1 leaf mended (then Church, now Huntington) ; the only other copy on record belongs to the Library Company of Philadelphia. \-\ FOX 239 A Battle-Door for Teachers and Professors to learn Singu- lar and Plural. London, for R. Wilson, 1660. Fol. £22.5.0 Sotheby's, 21 Dec. 1901, n. 886, calf. Caesar's Due rendered unto Him according to his Image and Superscription. [London], 1679. 4°. i 19.10.0 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 105) mor. A New England Fire-Brand Quenched. London, 1678 (or 1679). 4°. £30 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 106) mor. (the 1679 ed.). FOXE (John). 1516-1587 Acts and Monuments of these latter and perilous Days touching Matters of the church. London, J. Day, 1563. Fol. For the collation, see Lowndes and the Huth catalogue. For many years no absolutely perfect copy of this celebrated book, com- monly called Foxe's "Martyrs," was known, even Grenville's (Brit. Mus.) and Douce's (Bodl.) lacking- each one leaf. With great difficulty Lord Ashburnham (June 1897, n. 1636: £150, now Carysfort coll.) and Huth (June 1913, n. 3019: £ 180, mor., by Bedford, minor defects, now Hunt- ington coll.) succeeded in making up practically complete copies. FOXE (Luke). 1586-1635 North-West Fox, or Fox from the North-West Passage. London, B. Alsop and T. Fazvcet, 1635. 4°. Folded map. Very scarce with the map and the 4 cancelled leaves. £66 Huth (June 1913, n. 3022) mor., by Bedford, map mounted, resold $310 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 261); $410 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 137) orig. vellum (Church copy) ; $450 A. T. White (Febr. 1920, n. 16) mor., by Bedford (Lefferts copy). FRANCK (Richard). 1624(?)-1708 Northern Memoirs, to which is added the Contemplative and practical Angler. London, H. Mortclock, 1694. 8". $60-80. — £9.10.b Ashburnham (June 1897, n. 1647) russia, resold £11.5.0 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 440); £16.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3032) russia (Bindley copy). 240 FRANKAU FRANKAU (Julia) Eighteenth Century Colour Prints. London, Macmillan, 1900. 4°. 52 coloured pi. $50-60 and was worth about $100 in 1902-1903. — $152.50 Hirsch (Oct. 1916, n. 226) mor., proofs added. 150 copies printed. FRANKLAND (Robert) Indispensable Accomplishments. London, H. Humphrey, 181 1. Oblong 4°. 6 coloured pi. $77.50 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 458) half-mor. Representatives of Shooting. Cambridge, 181 3. Oblong . 8 coloured pi. by Woodman and Turner. £ 12 Oarmichael (March 1903, n. 442). 4 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). 1706-1790 See H. Stevens, Benjamin Franklin's life and ivritings (London, Stev- ens, 1881. 4°) 40 pp. ; P. L. Ford, Franklin bibliography (Brooklyn, 1889. 8°) lxxi-467 pp.; [Luther S. Livins^ston], Books printed by Benjamin Franklin (New York, Dodd, Mead, Apr. 1906. 8°) 29 pp. ; Luther S. Liv- ing-ston, Franklin and his press at Passy (New York, GroHer Club, 1914. 4") xii-216 pp; William J. Campbell, The collection of Franklin imprints in the Museum of the Curtis Publishing Company, unth a short-title check list of all the books, pamphlets, broadsides, etc., known to have been printed bv Benjamin Franklin (Philadelphia, Curtis Publishing Company, 1918. 4°)" 333 pp. The two best collections of Franklin's works belong to William S. Mason, of Evanston, Illinois, and to the Curtis Publishing- Company of Philadelphia ; this latter collection was formed by Henry V. Massey and John Gribbel. The Henry Stevens collectdon is now in the Library of Congress. The following list only embodies a selection of his works. A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. Printed in the Year 1725. 8°. 16 leaves. Only four copies can be traced: L Brit. Mus. (Ashbee bequest); 2. Library of Congress (Stevens copy) ; 3. Boston; 4. £1005 H'uth (June 1913, n. 3033) half-calf (doubtless the Stevens-Hotten copy). Poor Richard Almanack. Philadelphia, B. Franklin {and D. Hall), 1 733-1 792. 12°. FRANKLIN 241 The first years are of extreme scarcity. 1733 is only known by the copy belong-ing to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (reprinted in 1894; 1739 sold for $565 Hurst (May 1904, n. 299) sewn, uncut; later volumes bring $40-80 apiece and occasionally more. Good sets (but far from complete) were in the Proud sale (May 1903) and in Bishop Hurst's sale (May 1904). From 1767 onwards, the almanack was published by Hall and Sellers of Philadelphia. Some Observations on the Proceedings against the Rev. Mr. Hemphill. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1735. 8°. No copy has been sold for many years. The Speech of Samuel Chew, Esq., Chief Justice of the Government of New-Castle. . . Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1 741. 4°. 16 pp. It is said that only two copies are known (Beverly Chew coll. and His- torical Society of Pennsylvania). Proposal for promoting useful Knowledge among the Brit- ish Plantations in America. [Philadelphia, B. Franklin] 1743. Fol. 2 pp. and a blank leaf. $1300 Henkels', 5 Dec. 1918, n. 315, unbound (Cadwallader Colden's copy). An Account of the New Invented Pennsylvania Fire Places. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1744. 4°. Folding plate. $230 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1380) mor., covers bound in. A Catalogue of choice and valuable Books. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1744. 16°. 16 pp. $60 Brinley (March 1880, n. 3201), resold $345 McKee (May 1902, n. 4506) calf. Reflections on Courtship and Marriage. Philadelphia, B. franklin, 1746. 4°. $40-50. Plain Truth, or serious Considerations on the present State of the City of Philadelphia. [Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1747]. $40-50. Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsyl- 242 FRANKLIN vania. Philadelphia, [B. Franklin and D. Hall], 1749. 8°. $15-20. A Pocket Almanac. Philadelphia, B. Franklin {and D. Hall), 1 742- 1 769. 24°. Scarcer still than the Poor Richard Almanack. Single years sell for $20-30. Experiments and Observations on Electricity. London, E. Cave, 1 75 1. 4°. £ 5 Hodgson's, 27 Febr. 1901, n. 263, boards, uncut. New Experiments and Observations on Electricity. Parts I to 3. London, D. Henry and R. Cave, 1754. 4°. $15-20. Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1754. 4°. $20-30. Father Abraham's Speech to a great Number of People at a Vendue of Merchant Goods. Boston, B. Mecom, iyS7- ^''• $10-15. Another edition (New London, T. Green, n. d. 12°) $95 Scott's, 26 Apr. 1917, n. 80, sewed. Some Account of the Success of Inoculation for the Small Pox in England and America. London, W. Strahan, 1759. 4°. $20-30. An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. London, for R. Griffiths, 1759. 8**. $10-15. The Interest of Great Britain considered with Regard, to her Colonies. London, for T. Becket, 1760. 8°. $10-15. Continuation of the Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1761. 4°. $15-20. Advice to a Young Tradesman written by an Old One. Bos- ton, New Printing Office, [1762]. 8°. 4 pp. FRANKLIN 243 Boston Public Library, the only copy known. Another edition (Phil- adelphia, Daniel Humphreys, ab. 1785) is likewise only known by a single copy (Brit. Mus.). See Worthington Chauncey Ford, Franklin's Advice to a Young Tradesman, tzi'o unique impressions, in The Bibliographer 1 (1902) pp. 89-96 and pi. Cool Thoughts on the present Situation of our pubhc Af- fairs, Philadelphia, W. Dtinlap, 1764. 8°. $15-20. — $27.25 Heartman's, 7 May 1915, n. 79, boards. Narrative of the late Massacres in Lancaster County. [Philadelphia, A. Armbruster, 1764]. 8°. $53 Eames (Apr. 1910, n. 222) mor. FRASER (Sir William). 1816-1898 All his works on Scottish local and family history are valuable and bring high prices ; copies are usually found in the original cloth, the later volumes with morocco backs. The Stirlings of Keir. Edinburgh, 1858. 4°. $50-60. — £20 Makellar (Nov. 1898, n. 1296); £21 Scott (March 1905, n. 746) half-mor. Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls of Eghnton. Edin- burgh, 1859. 2 vols. 4^ 150 copies printed. In orig. cloth $50-60. — £ 19 Stewart (March 1888, n. 309). Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok. Edinburgh, 1863. 2 vols. 4°. 150 copies printed. In orig. cloth $50-60. — £ 17 Stewart (March 1888, n. 307). The Pollok-Maxwell Baronetcy. Edinburgh, 1866. 4°. 50 copies printed. In orig. cloth £5 Stewart (March 1888, n. 311). History of the Carnegies, Earl of Southesk, and their Kin- dred. EdinburgJi, 1867. 2 vols. 4°. 100 copies printed. $50-60. — £20 Makellar (Nov. 1898, n. 1299) ; £ 18.10.0 Scott (March 1905, n. 749) mor. 244 ERASER The Red Book of Grandtully. Bdinbiirgh, 1868. 2 vols. 4- 100 copies printed. In orig. cloth $40-50. — £ 15.10.0 Stewart (March 1888, n. 311). The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country. BdinburgJi, 1869. 2 vols. 4°. 150 copies printed. In orig. cloth $30-40 and more. — £ 12.15.0 Stewart (March 1888, n. 302). Registrum Monaster!! de Cambus-Kenneth. Edinburgh, 1872. 4°. Coloured pi. In orig. cloth i 5 Stewart (March 1888, n. 301). The Book of Carlaverock. Edinburgh, 1873. 2 vols. 4**. 150 copies printed. In orig. red cloth $50-60. The Lennox. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 vols. 4°. In orig. red cloth $40-50. — £ 13 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 243) mor. The Earls of Cromart!e. Edinburgh, 1876. 2 vols. 4°. In orig. red cloth $40-50. — i 14 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 244) mor. The Scotts of Buccleuch. Edinburgh, 1878. 2 vols. 4°. 150 copies printed. In orig. red cloth $80-100. — i 40 Stewart (March 1888, n. 312). The Erasers of Ph!lorth. Edinburgh, 1879. 3 vols. 4°. 150 copies printed. In orig. cloth $40-50. The Red Book of Mente!th. Edinburgh, 1880. 2 vols. 4°. In orig. cloth $40-50. — £ 14.5.0 Stewart (March 1888, n. 308). The Chiefs of Grant. Edinburgh, 1883. 3 vols. 4°. In orig. cloth $80-100. — i 24 Stewart (March 1888, n. 305) The Douglas Book. Edinburgh, 1885. 4 vols. 4°. In orig. red cloth $80-100. — i 25 Scott (March 1905, n. 756). Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss. Edin- burgh, i^'^'B>. 3 vols. 4°. In orig. red cloth $50-60. — £ 17.10.0 Puttick's, 29 Jan. 1897, n. 512. ERASER 245 Memorials of the Earls of Haddington. Bdijibitrgh, 1889. 2 vols. 4°. In orig. red cloth $40-50. — £9 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 447). The Melvilles, Earls of Melville and Leslies, Earls of Leven. Bdinhiirgh, 1890. 3 vols. 4". In orig. red cloth $40-50. — £ 12.10.0 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 448). The Sutherland Book. Bdinhiirgh, 1892. 3 vols. 4°. 100 copies printed. In orig. red cloth $40-50. — i 14.5.0 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 449). The Annandale Family Book. Bdinhiirgh, 1894. 2 vols. 4 • In orig. cloth $50-60. — £ 15.5.0 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 450). 4' The Elphinstone Family Book. Bdinhiirgh, 1897. 2 vols. In orig. cloth £ 10 Carmichael (March 1903, n. 451). FRAUNCE (Abraham). 1570(?)-1633 The Countess of Pembroke's Yvychurch [parts I-II]. Lon- don, Thomas Orwyn for W. Ponsonhy, 1591. • 4°. — The third Part of the Countess of Pembroke's Yvychurch, entitled Amin- tas Dale. London, for T. Woodcock, 1592. 4°. Of extreme scarcity in perfect condition : the 3d part is said to be com- plete only in the Brit. Mus. copy from the Roxburghe sale, and in the W. A. White copy (from Huth sale. June 1913. n. 3038: £80) ; Iput it is also found in the Beverly Chew copy (now H. E. Huntington) from Gaisford's sale (Apr. 1890, n. 765 : £ 38) and in the copy in orig. veil, sold for £ 160 Ailesbury (March 1919, n. 224) now Beverly Chew. Part II of the 1591 portion is a reprint of an earlier work by Fraunce, "The Lamentations of Amintas for the Death of Phillis" of which four editions are known (1587, 1588. 1589, 1596). — The 1588 ed. £ 120 Huth (June 1913, n. 3037, Bright-Corser copy, now Huntington), said to be the second copy known (one in Brit. Mus.). The Countess of Pembroke's Emanuel. London, for W. Ponsonhy, 1591. 4°. Possibly an additional part of the Yvychurch, with which it is bound in the Huth-White and in the Ailesbury-Chew copies. 246 FREEMAN FREEMAN (Sir Ralph) Imperiale, a Tragedy. London, T. Harper, 1639. 4". Huntiington (Heber-Devonshire copy), etc. FREEMAN (Thomas) Rubbe and a great Cast. Epigrams. London, at the Tig- er's Head, 1614. 2 parts. 4°. Contains (II, 92) an epigram addressed to Shakespeare. Extremely scarce. £ 120 Huth (June 1913, n. 3043) russia, by Hering (Brand-Heber-Cor- ser copy) ; the imperfect Utterson-Rowfant copy is in the W. A. White coll. FREISCHUTZ TRAVESTIE. See Globus (Septimus) FRENEAU (Philip). 1752-1832 A iirst attempt to list his writings is Fred Lewis Pattee's BibUo^^raphy of Philip Freneau, in The Bibliographer, I (1902) pp. 97-106. This is superseded by an elaborate essay from the pen of Victor Hugo Palsits, A bibliography of the separate and collected za'orks of Philip Freneati, to- gether zvith an account of his nezvspapers (New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1903. 8°). All are scarce an4 do not always fetch in auctions such high prices as they deserve ; several items of which no copy can now be traced are omitted in the following list. The American Village, a Poem, to which are added several other original Pieces in Verse. New York, S. Inslee and A. Car, 1772. 12°. The James Luckey copy, the only one known, was purchased in 1902 for the Library of Congress. A Poem on the Rising Glory of America. Philadelphia, J. Cruikshank for R. Aitken, 1772. 12°. $68 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 612) wrapper. American Liberty, a Poem, New York, J. Anderson, 1775. 12^ Only two copies have been traced (Library of Congress and Philadel- phia, Library Company). The Last Words, Dying Speech and Confession of J[ame]s FRENEAU 247 R[ivin]g[to]n P[rin]t[e]r . . . 1775. A quarto broad- side. New York Public Library (Ford coll.) ; the only other known copy belonged in 1896 to Dodd, Mead. Tom Gage's Proclamation versified . . . 1775. A folio broadside. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the only copy on record. A Voyage to Boston, a Poem. New York, J. Anderson, [1775]. 12°. A Voyage to Boston, a Poem. Pliiladelphia, W. Wood- Jiouse, 1775. 12°. A reprint of the above, but equally scarce. ^7 Nelson (Nov. 1915, n. 407) half-mor. General Gage's Confession [Mezv York, Hugh Gaine~\, 1775- 8°. The Travels of the Imagination, a true Journey from New- castle to London. Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1778. 12°. Also issued as "Miscellanies for Sentimentalists, n. VI." Historical Society of Pennsylvania (both issues). The British Prison-Ship, a Poem. Philadelphia, P. Bailey, 1781. 12°. New Year Verses, addressed to those Gentlemen who have been pleased to favour Francis Wrigley with their Custom. January i, 1783. A folio broadside. Library of Congress, the only known copy. Nevy^ Year's Verses, addressed to the Customers of the Free- man's Journal by the Lad who carries it. January 8th, 1783. A folio broadside. Library of Congress, the only known copy. New Travels through North-America. Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1783. 8°. Translated from the French of Abbe Robin (also Boston, 1784. 8°). New- Year Verses for those who carry the Pennsylvania Ga- 248 FRENEAU zette to the Customers, January i, 1784. A folio broadside. Historical Society of Pennsylvania (the only copy traced). The Poems of Philip Freneau, written chiefly during the late War. Philadelphia, P. Bailey, 1786. 8°. $10-12. —$55 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 491) mor., by Bradstreet. A Journey from Philadelphia to New- York, by Way of Burlington and South-Amboy, by Robert Slender, Stocking Weaver. Philadelphia, P. Bailey, 1787. 12°. Another edition : A laughable Poem or Robert Slender's Journey. . . Philadelphia, Thomas Neversink, 1809. 12°. The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. Philip Freneau, contain- ing his Essays and additional Poems. Philadelphia, P. Bailey, 1788. 12°. $8-10. Proposals for a Monmouth Newspaper. A'czu York, Febr. 15, 1791. A folio broadside. $140 Heartman's, 30 Nov. 1917, n. 65A, apparently the only copy on record. The Village Merchant, a Poem. Philadelphia, Hoff and Derrick, lyg^. 8°. $51 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 615) spotted, title mounted, half-roan. The Monmouth Almanac for the Year 1795. Middletozvn- Point, printed and sold by P. Preneau [1795]. 12°. 24 leaves. Only 3 copies are known : in the Library of Cong'ress, the New Jersey Historical Society and in the former W. J. Mills coll., at Jersey City Heights (wanting 2 leaves). Poems written between the Years 1768 and 1794. Mon- mouth, at the Press of the Author, 1795. 8°. $6-8. — $21 Hollingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 692) calf, by Riviere; $11 Nelson (Nov. 1915, n. 410) orig. calf. The Probationary Odes of Jonathan Pinder Esq. Phila- delphia, Benj. Pranklin Bache, 1796. 12°. Means for the Preservation of Public Liberty. New York, T. Greenleaf and H. Judah, lygy. 8°. New York Public Library, the only copy on record. FRENEA U 249 Letters on various interesting and important Subjects . . . by Robert Slender. Philadelphia, D. Hogan, 1799. 12°. $25 Nelson (Nov. 1915, n. 412) wrapper, with corrected pagination and leaf of advertisements. Poems written and published during the American Revolu- tionary War. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, L. R. Bailey, 1809. 2 vols. 12°. $8-10. — $42.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1398) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. A Collection of Poems on American Affairs. . . Neiv York, D. Longworth, 181 5. 12°. $22 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 492) orig. boards, McKee copy. FROBISHER (Martin). See Best (George) and Settle (Dionyse) FROISSART (Jean). 1337-1410(?) Chronicles. Hafod, 1803-1805. 4 vols. 4°. 60 pi. $10-15 but much more on large paper (25 copies printed) with the pi. both plain and coloured. £29.8.0 F. Perkins (July 1889, n. 782) half-russia, large paper, plates in two states. For the edition of Froissart projected by William Morris, see KeIvM- scoTT Press. ' FULLER (Thomas). 1608-1661 History of the Worthies of England. London', J. G. W. L. and W. G., 1662. Fol. Portr. by Logan. Contains a well-known account of Shakespeare. $30-40. — $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 540) half-calf ; $52.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 609) mor., by C. Smith. FULTON (Robert). 1765-1815 Torpedo War and Submarine Explosions. New York, 1810. Oblong 4°. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1408) mor., wrappers bound in, presentation copy (now Huntington). 250 FULWELL FULWELL (Ulpian) An Interlude entitled "Like will to Like" quoth the Devil to the Collier. London, J. Allde, 1568. 4°. Bodleian (the only copy on record). [Another edition]. London, B. Allde, 1587. 4°. Brit. Mus.; i 101 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 448, unbound; .another copy, £240 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 123) unbound (now Hunt- ington) . G. (J.). See Mask (The) 0/ Flowers G. (R.). See Gray (Robert) GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas). 1727-1788 Prints illustrative of English Scenery. London, Boydell, 1802-5 (or 1819). Fol. 60 pi. $5-10 and more. — $115 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1355) old mor. Engravings from his Works. London, n.d. Fol. 125 pi. Very scarce, many copies having been cut up. $100-150. GALLERY OF FASHION • Gallery of Fashion. London, N. Heideloff, v. d. 4°. A complete set of this periodical should apparently contain 10 vols, from 1794-1803. Several copies sold in late years for i 50-60 contained only 8 vols. (Apr. 1794-March 1802) with 331 coloured figures. S'ucb v/as for instance the copy in old mor.. which brought £ 76 at Sotheby's,- 23 July 1906, n. 453. The titles are often missing. GAMBADO (Geoffrey) [i.e. Henry William BUNBURY. 1750-1811] An Academy for grown Horsemen. London, 1787. Fol. 12 pi. by W. Dickinson after Bunbury. $25-30. •.f GAMBADO 251 Annals of Horsemanship. London, 1791. Fol. 17 pi. $15-20. Of both these works numerous editions exist several with coloured plates, the latter worth $30-40 apiece. GAMMER GURTON'S NEEDLE A right pithy pleasant and merry Comedy entitled Gammer Gurton's Needle. By Mr. S. [John Still?]. London, Thomas Colwell, 1575. 4°. One of the earliest comedies in the English language. Only twelve copies are known : 1. Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; 2. Dyce (Rox- burghe-Heber) ; 3. Bodl. ; 4. T. J. Wise (sold at Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 961 : £ 180) ; 5. H. E. Huntington (from Hoe, Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3018: $1010, russia, the Jolley-Lefferts copy) ; 6. W. A. White (from Rowfant, doubtless the Tite copy) ; 7. H. C. Folger, wanting last 4 leaves Ash- burnham) ; 8. J. L. Clawson (Huntington-Devonshire copy); 9. i 700 Huth (July 1918, n. 7085), resold $10,000 H. V. Jones mec. 1918, n. 623) old red mor. (The Bindley-Daniel copy); 10. i 21 Sotheby's, 29 March 1916, n. 366, blue mor., wanting title and E2-3 ; 11-12. £ 1000 and £ 1200 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 327 and 328) unbound (now C. W. Clark and C. Pforzheimer). GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). 1829-1902 History of England, 1603-1616. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1863. 2 vols. 8°. All but some twenty copies of this edition are said to have been de- stroyed. In orig. dark red cloth $60-80. — $96 Cramer (Apr. 1910, n. 324) cloth; £ 18.10.0 Crockett (Oct. 1912, n. 107). GARDYNER (George) A Description of the New World. London, for R. Ley- bourn and T. Pirrepoint, 165 1. 8°. Some seven or eight copies are known. $140 Barlow (Febr. 1890, n. 986) mor.; £44 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 599) bound with 3 other works, resold £26. Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 970, wanting 1 leaf; £152 Huth (June 1913, n. 3136) brown mor., by Bedford ; $470 De Puy (Jan. 1920, n. 942) old mor. The Brinley copy was bought for the Lenox Library ; the Lefferts- Church and Halsey copies went to the Huntington coll. ; there is a copy at Harvard. 252 GASCOIGNE GASCOIGNE (George). 1525(?)-1577 See Felix E. Schelling, The Life and writings of George Gascoigne in Publications of the Univ. of Pennsylvania, philol. series II, 4. A Hundreth sundry Flowers bound up in one small Posy. London, for R. Smith, [1573]. 4*". Contains the Comedy of Supposes and the Tragedy of Jocasta. £ 150 Huth (June 1913, n. 3144) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $1510 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 268) mor. (Steevens-Hosmer-Griswold copy). The Posies of George Gascoigne. London, H. Bynneman for R. Smith, I ^y^. 4°. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1425) mor., by Ruban, title inlaid ; £ 80 Huth (June 1913, n. 3145) mor., by C. Lewis (now Beverly Chew), bound with "The Steel Glass." The Glass of Government, a tragical Comedy. London, H. M. (or H. Middleton) for C. Barker, 1575. 4°. Two issues under the same date. £97 Sotheby's [Mostyn] 31 May 1907, n. 449, unbound; $235 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1426) mor., by Chambolle ; $225 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 221) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Congress). The Steel Glass, a Satire. London, for R. Smith [1576]. 4 • $300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1427) mor., by Ruban. The Droomme of Doome's Day. London, for G. Cawood, 1576. 4°. $125 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1428) mor., by Hayday, minor defects (Bools copy); £42 Huth (June 1913, n. 3146) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $450 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 269) mor., by Riviere; $255 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 222) pigskin, inlaid throughout (Kem- ble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Congress). The pleasauntest Workes of George Gascoigne. London, A. Jeffes, 1587. 4°. Contains amongst other works the comedy of Supposes and the tragedy of Jocasta. In some copies the title reads The ivhoole Workes. $250 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1429) mor. (now Huntington) ; $250 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 270) mor. (Utterson copy), resold $400'H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 627) mor. (now Pforzheimer) ; £ 105 Ailesbury (March 1919, n. 232) orig. veil., various defects. GASKELL 253 GASKELL (Mrs. Elizabeth). 1820(?)-1865 Cranford. London, i860. 8°. The first illustrated edition. A presentation copy fetched the fancy price of £ 31 at Manchester, 17 Febr. 1914 (see Book prices current, 1914, p. 314). GAUCI (M.) The Costume of the British Army. London, Bnglemann, Graf, Coindet and Co., 1828-1830. Fol. Engraved title and y2 coloured pi. (after E. Hull). There are two pi. numbered 68 and no no. 71. £100 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 18) half-mor., uncut; £128 Milne (Febr. 1913, n. 143) with pi. 1-12 of the Navy series. The Costume of the British Navy. London, Bnglemann, 1829. 4°. Engraved title and 18 coloured pi. Only two or three copies are known, all imperfect. £ 19 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 11) wanting 3 pi., resold £6.17.6 Hornstein (Apr. 1916, n. 1924). GAY (John). 1685-1732 His works are too numerous to be listed here ; the following are perhaps the most important for the collector : Wine, a Poem. London, for W. Kehle, 1708. Fol. $295 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1462) mor., resold $260 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 630). The Wife of Bath, a Comedy. London, B.,Lintott, 1713. £13 Grant (May 1900, n. 278) mor., uncut; $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1464) half-mor., resold $40 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 632). The Fan, a Poem. London, J. Tonson, 1714. Fol. £21.10.0 Sotheby's, 20 June 1904, n. 516, sewn, uncut (now T. J. Wise). The Shepherd's Week. London, P. Burleigh, lyi^. 8". 7 pi. by Du Guernier. £ 11.11.0 Hibbert (Apr. 1902. n. 335) mor.; $130 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1465) mor., by The Club Bindery, large paper (now Huntington) ; $40 Hoe (Apr. 1912. HI, n. 1257) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold %66 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 631) now S. N. Levy. 254 GAY Poems on several Occasions. London, J. Tonson, 1720. 4°. 2 parts in i vol. $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1466) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery, resold $85 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 634). Epistle to Henrietta Duchess of Marlborough. London, J, Tonson, 1722. Fol. The Rowfant copy is in the Huntington coll. To a Lady on her Passion for Old China. London, for J. Tonson, 1725. 4°. The only known copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. Fables. London, J. Tonson and J. Watts, 1727 — /. and P. Knapton, 1738. 4°. Illustrations by Gravelot and others. It was once believed that only 25 copies of vol. I and 50 copies of vol. II were printed. $100-120. — £28.10.0 Hazlitt (Nov. 1893, n. 202) mor.; $310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1467) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington, who also owns the Rowfant copy) ; $195 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 394) mor., by Riviere (now Beverly Chew). The Beggar's Opera. London, for J. Watts, 1728. 8°. Two issues, the first witJi, the second without three lines of music on p. 53. $115 Hagen (May 1918, n. 545) mor., by Riviere. Fables. London, for John Stockdale, iyg2>- ^ "^o^s. 8°. Engr. title and 69 pi. Two editions the earlier with the long s, the second with the short s. Worth $20-30 (but usually sold with the A^sop of the same date). — $95 Bell (May 1917, n. 190) mor., by The Club Bindery (Hoe copy). The Distressed Wife, a Comedy. London, for T. Astley, £17.15.0 Sotheby's, 7 Dec. 1904, n. 836; $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1471) mor., uncut. GENTLEMAN'S (The) MAGAZINE Complete sets (1731-1868) with the 5 vols, of Indexes, bring $120-150, especially if in uniform binding. GENTLEMAN'S (The) POCKET MAGAZINE The Gentleman's Pocket Magazine and Album of Litera- GENTLEMAN'S 255 ture and the Fine Arts. London, J. Robins, 1827-Febr., 1831. 12". 49 parts. Numerous plates by G. and R. Cruikshank. £ 50 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 258) in parts, orig. wrappers. GEORGE A GREENE A pleasant conceited Comedy of George a Greene the Pinner of Wakefield. London, S. Stafford for C. Burby, 1599. 4°. Usually ascribed to Robert Greene. £ 109 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 450, unbound (now T. J. Wise) ; £ 120 Huth (June 1913, n. 3350) half-mor. (Daniel copy), resold $710 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 199) and $2150 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 692), now C. W. Clark; i400 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 139) un- bound (now J. L. Clawson). Another edition (1632) : i 325 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1542) calf (now Huntington), GERARDE (John). 1545-1612 The Herball or general History of Plants. London, J. Nor- ton, 1597. Fol. Engr. title by W. Rogers, portr. on B 6 verso and numerous woodcuts. The first edition, very difficult to find in good state. $80-100 and more. — $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1485) mor., now Huntington; $155 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 191) mor., by Riviere; $165 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1718) orig. veil. (Bridgewater copy). GERM (The) The Germ. Nos. 1-4. London, 1850. 8°. 4 pi', by Hol- man Hunt, J. Collinson, F. M. Brown and W. H. Deverell. Contains contributions by D. G. Rossetti and others. Copies should contain in part 3 a leaflet announcing the change of the name The Germ to Art and Poetry. Sometimes the new title is found on a pasted slip. The name of the month on cover no. 4 is always May or else is cut out but some copies have a printed slip with April pasted over. In orig. wrappers $150-200. — $975 French (Apr. 1901, n. 1353) ; i48 Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 249, wrappers; $300 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 244) mor., by The Doves Bindery; £70 Stephens (June 1918, n. 100) cloth, with the very rare Address. The Rowfant copy in parts is now in the Pforzheimer coll. 256 GESSNER GESSNER (C.) Military Evolutions. London, 1801-1803. Fol. 30 col- oured pi. £29.10.0 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 522, orig. wrapper. GESTA GRAYORUM Gesta Grayorum, or the History of . . . Henry Prince of Purpoole . . . together with a Masque. . . London, for W. Canning, 1688. 4*'. £35 Huth (June 1913, n. 3206) half-russia (now W. A. White). GILBERT (Sir Humphrey). 1539(?)-1583 A Discourse of a Discovery for a new Passage to Cataia. London, H. Middleton for R. JJiones, iS7^- 4°- Some five or six copies known: 1. New York Public Library (Lenox) ; 2. Carter Brown; 3. Philadelphia (Library Company); 4. Huntington (Church) ; 5. $475 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1493) mor., by C. Smith (Heber copy), resold $2010 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 98). GHOST (The) The Ghost, or the Woman wears the Breeches a Comedy. London, W. Bentley for T. Heath, 1653. 4°. £15 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 126) unbound. GIBBON (Edward). 1737-1794 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London, for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1 776-1 788. 6 vols. 4°. Portr. in vol. H. $50-60. — $1626 Hurst (May 1904, n. 8) George Washington's copy with his autograph; £17 Samuel (July 1907, n. 78) presentation copy, half-mor. GILL (S. T.) Australian Sketch Book. Melbourne, Hamel and Fergu- son [1865]. Oblong fol. Title and 24 coloured pi. $15-25. ' ; : GILLRAY 257 GILLRAY (James). 1757-1815 Caricatures. London, J. Miller, etc. [ab. 1800]. 9 parts. Oblong 4°. Wrappers. Copies contain from 80 to 90 coloured pi. $60-80. — $170 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 216) in parts with wrappers, 79 pi. ; $112.50 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 503) half-mor., 87 pi. on 83 sheets; $205 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 732) in parts. Works. London, 1828. 2 vols. Fol. $40-50. Bohn's reprint is worth $15-25, even with the additional plates, some- times wanting. A fine collection of over 800 engravings by Gillray in 8 vols., sold for £255 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3233). GLAPTHORNE (Henry) Poems. London, R. Bishop for D. Pakeman, 1639. 4°. $97 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 313, mor., by Riviere; $85 H'oe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1415) mor., by Mackenzie (now Huntington) ; $85 Hunting- ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 93) old calf (Corser-Lakelands-Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew). Single plays : Argalus and Parthenia. London, R. Bishop for D. Pake- man, 1639. 4°. Quite distinct from Quarles's poem under the same title. $82.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1416) half-mor., resold $40 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 92). The Tragedy of Albertus Wallenstein. London, T. Paine for G. Hiitton, 1639 (or 1640). 4°. $65 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1417) calf (1640 ed.), resold $31 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 355). The Hollander, a Comedy. London, J. Okes for A. Wilson, 1640. 4^ $105 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1420) mor., by The Club Bindery j $67.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 353) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Lady's Privilege. London, J. Okes for F. Constable, 1640. 4*'. $55 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1419) mor., resold $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 553); $55 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 354) calf (Bridgewater 258 GLAPTHORNE copy), resold $75 H). V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 667) ; £12.10.0 and £12 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 129-130) unbound (the second now Pforz- heimer). Wit in a Constable, a Comedy. London, J. Okes forF. C, 1640. 4°. $100 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1418) mor., uncut, by David (now Hunt- ington) ; $36 Hunting-ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 196) mor., by Lortic (Halsey copy), resold $75 Hagen (May 1918, n. 554). GLASSE (Mrs. Hannah) Art of Cookery made plain and easy. London, for the Au- thor, 1747. 4°- I £32 Ford (May 1902, n. 263) mor., by Lortic; £27 Sotheby's, 29 Apr. | 1918, n. 776, old mor., Montague arms. GLOBUS (Septimus) Der Freischutz Travestie. London, for C. Baldwyn, 1824. 8". 12 etchings after A. Crowquill by G. Cruikshank. $15-20 and on large paper $30-40. — $75 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 161) mor., by Riviere, plates coloured, with a note in Cruikshank's autograph. GODFREY OF BOLOYNE. See Kelmscott Press GOFF (Thomas). 1591-1629 See George Saintsbury, Thomas Goff, in The Bibliographer, II (1903) pp. 291-298. The Raging Turke or Bajazet the Second, a Tragedie. London, August Mathezves for Richard Meighen, 1631. ^. $62.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1437) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $27.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 357) calf (Bridgewater copy) resold $30 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 669). One of the T. J. Wise copies reads Raning instead of Raging on the title-page. The Couragious Turke or Amurath the First, a Tragedie. London, B. Alsop and T. Fawcett for Richard Meighen, 1632. 4°. $135 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1502) mor., by Kaufmann (now Huntmg- GOFF 259 ton) ; $42.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 358) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Tragedy of Orestes. London, I. B. for Richard Meigh- en, 1633. 4°- $85 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1503) calf, by Riviere. Three excellent Tragedies . . ., the second Edition. London, for G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1656. 8°. A collected reprint of the three plays described above. $11 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 232) calf. The Careless Shepherdess, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for R. Rogers and IV. Ley, 1656. 4*'. Contains an important list of all early EngHsh plays up to that date, i 27.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 134) unbound. GOLDSMITH (Ohver). 1728-1774 The Memoirs of a Protestant condemned to the Galleys of France. London, for R. Griifiths and B. Dilly, 1758. 2 vols. 8°. Translated from the French by James Willington [i.e. Oliver Gold- smith]. $15-25. — $260 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1294) mor., with Goldsmith's original receipt for the payment of his translation; £50 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 154) mor., uncut, by Bedford. The Bee, being Essays on the most interesting Subjects. Lon- don, for L Wilkie, 1759. 8°. Issued in 8 weekly parts from 6 October to 24 November 1759. $65 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1295) mor., by Ramage (now Huhtington). An Enquiry into the present State of polite Learning in Eu- rope. London, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. 8°. $15-25 and more. — £17.10.0 Ford (IVIay 1902, n. 265) orig. boards, uncut; $710 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1438) mor., uncut, autograph added. The Citizen of the World, or Letters from a Chinese Phil- osopher residing in London to his Friends in the East. Lon- don, J. Nezvbery, 1762. 2 vols. 8°. Two issues under the same date, one bearing in the imprint the words Printed for the Author. $15-25 and more. — £ 106 Ford (May 1902, n. 267) orig. boards, un- I 260 GOLDSMITH cut; £44 Truman (May 1906, n. 509) orig. boards, uncut; $47.50 Robin- son (Apr. 1918, n. 401) mor., by Riviere. The Life of Richard Nash. London, for J. Newbury and IV. Frederick, 1762. 8°. Portr. by A. Walker. The second edition was also published in 1762. $20-30. — £8 Sotheby's, 18 July 1900, n. 162, mor., uncut; $70 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1440) mor., by The Club Bindery, large paper; $55 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1299) mor., by Meunier, large paper (now Hunting- ton) ; $36 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 252) mor., uncut; $65 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 282) larg-e paper, calf, uncut, by Bedford; $40 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 363) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (Halsey copy) ; $41 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 234) calf, by Zaehnsdorf. The Art of Poetry on a new Plan. London, for J. New- bery, 1762. 2 vols. 8°. Front, by A. Walker. $10-15 and more. — i 20 Ford (May 1902, n. 270) calf, uncut; $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1297) calf, uncut, by Bedford (now Huntington). A Description of Millenium Hall and the Country adja- cent. London, for J. Nezvbery, 1762. 12°. The Mystery revealed, containing a Series of Transactions and authentic Testimonials respecting the supposed Cock-Lane Ghost. London, 1742 [1762]. 8°. $15-25 and more. — £10.10.0 Ford (May 1904, n. 246) ; $275 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1296) mor., by Chambolle (now Huntington) ; £22.10.0 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 258) mor. The Martial Review or a general History of the late Wars. London, for J. Nezvbery, 1763. 8°. Contains a preface by Goldsmith. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1300) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). A Prospect of Society. [London, 1763]. 4°. The earliest printed form of The Traveller. £63 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, the proof-sheets, discovered by Bertram Dobell and bought for the British Museum (The Library, 1902, pp. 327- 332). No other copy is known. By a curious blunder of the printer, the poem, in this trial impression, was set up hackivflrds, beginning with the last page and ending with the first (see The Bibliographer I, 1902, pp. 231-232). The Traveller or a Prospect of Society. London, for J. Nezvbery, 1764. 8°. GOLDSMITH 261 £96 Sotheby's, 19 Febr. 1896, n. 761, mor. ; £ 216 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 78) mor., by De Coverly (Rowfant copy, then Hialsey, now Hunt- ington) ; £94 S'amuel (July 1907, n. 80), resold £26 Sotheby^s, 17 Dec. 1908, n. 281, mor., wanting half-title (said to be not the same issue as the Rowfant copy) ; £350 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 155) mor., by Bedford. The Traveller or a Prospect of Society. London, for J. Newbery, iy6^. 4°. The first published edition. With the half-title $150-200. — £ 20 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 695) calf; £30 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 79) the Rowfant copy (then Beverly Chew, now Huntington) ; $180 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1442) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $65 Hoe (Apr. 1912. HI. n. 1304) mor., by Bedford, resold $180 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 236) ; £ 20 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 259) mor., by Bedford; $245 Hagen (May 1918, n. 558) mor., by Riviere; $275 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 671) mor., by Riviere. A presentation copy of the second edition (also dated 1765), $425 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1443) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery, now A. E. Newton; a presentation copy of the 1770 edition, bound with two other works, $1155 Meacham (March 1917, n. 664) old half -calf. An History of England in a Series of Letters from a Noble- man to his Son. London, J. Newbery, 1^64. 2 vols. 8°. Usually ascribed to Goldsmith. $10-15. — £26 Sotheby's, 21 July 1902, n. 1551, half-calf, uncui; £31 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 63, the author's receipt for payment for the book inserted, resold £55 Sotheby's, 22 July 1918, n. 1099; $31 Hagen (May 1918, n. 557) orig. calf. Essays. London, W. Griffin, 1765. 8°. Two editions, the first with 187, the second with 236 pp. $20-25. — £ 27 Arthur (July 1914, n. 321) mor., uncut ; $31 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 366) orig. calf (Arnold copy). The Vicar of Wakefield. Salisbury, B. Collins for F. Nezv- bery, 1766. 2 vols. 8°. The earliest issue has the misprint WaekcHeld in the headline of II, p. 95. In fine condition $500-600. — £ 126 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1901, n. 286, orig. calf; £ 134 Ford (May 1902. n. 274) orig. calf ; $1450 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1444) orig. calf, author's autograph on title, resold $2350 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 456) ; £145 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 156) mor., by Bed- ford ; $500 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 369) mor., by Bedford (Lock- er-Church copy) ; $500 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 237) orig. calf (Chew copy) ; £ 125 Red Cross sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2513) mor., by Bed- 262 GOLDSMITH ford; $605 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 672) mor., by Riviere; $830 Wal- lace (March 1920, n. 508) orig. calf (Lapham copy). ^ The Vicar of Wakefield. Paris, A. A. Renoiiard [i8oo]. 8°. Two copies were printed on vellum: 1. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale; 2. £71 Huth (June 1913, n. 3255) mor., by Bozerian (now Hunting-ton). The Vicar of Wakefield. London, R. Ackermann, 1817. 8". 24 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. boards $100-120 and more. — £28 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 705) boards; £38.10.0 Sotheby's, 26 Nov. 1909, n. 88, boards; $150 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 470) mor., by Riviere; $235 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 605) boards. Another edition, dated 1823, is worth nearly the same price : $90 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1457) mor., by Cuzin (now Huntington). The Beauties of English Poesy. London, for W. Griffin, 1767. 2 vols. 8°. $8-10. — $35 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 370) calf, by Bedford (.Fraser copy). The Good Natured Man, a Comedy. London, W. Griifin, 1768. 8°. $15-25 and more. — £ 12 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 347, mor.; £76 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 81) unbound, uncut, with Epilogue, but wanting half-title; £38 Puttick's. 1 Nov. 1909, n. 519, unbound, uncut, with half-title and Epilogue; $37.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 403) mor., by Riviere; ^51 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 255) mor., by Riviere; $45 Os- borne (Dec. 1916, n. 505) mor., by Riviere; $65 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 371) mor., by Ruban (Chew copy). The Roman History. London, for S. Baker and G. Leigh, 1769. 2 vols. 8°. $15-25. — £ 15 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 349, orig. half-binding, un- cut; $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912. Ill, n. 1307) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Life of Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. London, for T. Davies, 1770. 8°. $10-15. — £62 Ford (May 1902, n. 275) orig. wrapper, uncut; $290 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 1310) mor., by The Club Bindery, blue wrapper preserved; $91 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 403) half-mor. (now Hunting- ton). The Deserted Village. London, W. Griffin, 1770. 4°. GOLDSMITH 263 The second, third, fourth and fifth editions were also pnbhshed in 1770. $100-150 and more. — £ 100 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 387*, orig. wrapper, on thick paper; £ 36 Ford (May 1904, n. 366) wrapper, 2 leaves mended; i 50 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 83) calf, by Pratt, on thick paper (Rowfant copy) ; $575 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1446) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Hunting-ton) ; $200 Hagen (May 1918, n. 562) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; $220 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 673) calf, by Riviere; $240 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 444, orig. blue wrapper. The Deserted Village. London, W. Griffin, 1770. 8°. 24 pp. Very few copies are known. — i 25 Crampon (June 1896, n. 194) calf; $190 Arnold (May 1901, n. 140) mor., resold $125 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 182) and $125 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 502); £29.10.0 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 1524) half-mor. ; $205 Hagen (May 1918, n. 561) sewn, uncut (now Pforzheimer). Another issue, with various misprints corrected, was in the A. C. Lamb coll., at Dundee. (See The Athenaeum, 20 June and 8 Aug. 1896) ; this is possibly the copy sold for $105 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1447) boards, uncut. Yet another, entirely reset, with no period after "De" on the title, $85 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1448) mor., double, by The Club Bindery. Several bibliographers believe one or more of these octavo editions to I be earlier than the well known quarto^ edition described above. The Life of Thomas Parnell, Archdeacon of Clogher. Lon- \don, for T. Davies, 1770. 8°. $20-30. — $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1308) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The History of England from the earliest Times to the Death of George II. London, for T. Davies, lyyi. ,4 vols. 8°. Portraits. $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1308) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery; $29 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 373) old calf. Threnodia Augustalis. London, for W. Woodfall, 1772. :4°. To the memory of the Princess Dowager of Wales. Extremely scarce. Three copies are known : 1. John IMurray ; 2. £ 300 Huth (June 1913, n. 3257) calf, by Pratt (now Huntington) ; 3. $2000 Wallace (March 1920, n. 517) mor., by Riviere (Horace Walpole's copy, now Elkins). 264 GOLDSMITH She stoops to conquer or the Mistakes of a Night, a Com- edy. London, F. Newbery, 1773. 8°. "" In the first issue the pages are numbered erratically (1-64, 56, 66-74, 83, 68-69, 86-87, 72-73, 90-91, 76-77, 94-95. 80. 97-114). $50-60 and the first issue $250-300. — £ 26.10.0 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 564, mor. ; £90 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 84) orig. blue wrapper, uncut; i39 Hodgson's, 26 Nov. 1913. n. 434, uncut; $210 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 374) mor., by Leighton, first issue (Halsey copy) ; $305 Hagen (May 1918, n. 563) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; $405 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 312) old red mor. Retaliation, a Poem, inckiding Epitaphs on the most distin- guished Wits of this Metropolis. London, for G. Kearsly, 1774. 4°. Small portr. on title. The earliest issue has a list of errata at the end ; the half-title is often missing. $100-120. — i 26 Ford (May 1904, n. 367) mor. ; $200 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1450) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $150 Alhs (March 1912, n. 338) mor., by Rieviere; £46 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 160) mor., by Bedford ; $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 564) calf, by Riviere ; $370 Hunt- ington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 279) bound with The Haunch of Venison, the vignette portrait in proof state (Rowfant copy). An History of the Earth and animated Nature. London, for J. Nonrse, lyy^. 8 vols. 8°. $10-15. "In some copies," says Lowndes, "is a leaf in which the celebrated math- ematician Maclaurin is represented as being subject to fits of yawning. The leaf was cancelled." The Grecian History. London, lyy^. 2 vols. 8°. A Survey of experimental Philosophy. London, for 7\ Carnan and F. Nezvbery, 1776. 2 vols. 8°. 24 pi. by Proud. $10-15. — $65 Hoe (Apr^ 1912, III, n. 1314) mor., uncut by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Haunch of Venison, a poetical Epistle to Lord Clare. London, for G. Kearsly and J. Ridley, 1776. 4°. $200-250. — £ 28.10.0 Ford (May 1904.*n. 369) mor. ; £43 Sotheby's. 31 May 1907, n. 347, uncut ; $635 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1453) mor., by The Club Bindery. Poems and Plays. Dublin, for W. Wilson (or for Messrs. Price, Slater, etc.), 1777. 8°. GOLDSMITH 265 The first collected edition. Exists on thick paper. $50-60. — £14 Ford (May 1902, n. 280) calf; $185 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1315) mor., by The Club Bindery (Malone-Jolley copy) ; $190 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1316) mor., by The Club Bindery, on thick paper (now Huntington) ; $55 Hagen (May 1918, n. 565) orig. calf. GOMERSALL (Robert). 1602 (?) -1 646 (?) The Levite's Revenge. [London.] 1628. 8°. i 9.5.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3265) mor. (Corser copy, now Hunting- ton). The Tragedy of Lodovick Sforza, Duke of Milan. Lon- don, for J. Marriott, 1628. 8°. Engraved title by Th. Cecill, with a leaf of explanation. $125 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1468) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £ 13 Huth (June 1913, n. 3264) mor., by Riviere. Poems. The Tragedy of Lodovick Sforza, Duke of Milan, and the Levite's Revenge. London, M. F. for John Marriott, 1633. 8°. 2 frontispieces by Cecill. The first collected edition. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1331) mor., by Ruban, resold $40 Hunting- ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 197) ; $35 Huntington, (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 380) calf (Chew copy). GOOCH (Thomas) The Life and Death of a Race-Horse. London, for B. Jef~ fery, 1792. Fob 6 coloured pi. £9 Auckland (Nov. 1897, n. 884) half calf. GORDON (Sir Robert). 1580-1656 Encouragements for such as shall have Intention to bee Under-takers in the New Plantation of Cape Briton, now New Galloway, in America. Edinburgh, J. Wreittoun, 1625. 4°. Only four copies seem to be known. 1. Brit. Mus. (the Earl of Stir- ling's copy) ; 2. Huntington (the Halsev copy, sold for £ 140, Hodgson's, 21 Nov. 1907, n. 37) calf; 3. £76 Auchinleck (June 1893. n. 112^ mor. (doubtless the Gordonstoun copy) ; 4. $1500 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 148) mor., by Bedford, 1 leaf in facs. (Christie-Miller copy). 266 GORGES GORGES (Sir Ferdinando). 1566(?)-1647 America painted to the Life. London, for M. Brook, 1659. 4 parts in i vol. 4°. Very scarce complete with the maps and the folding- frontispiece. $1100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1513) mor., by The Club Bindery; $530 H'untington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 149) old calf, wanting- frontispiece; $1750 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 104) mor., by Matthews (Church copy). GOUGH (John) The Strange Discovery, a Tragi-Comedy. London, E. G. for W. Leake, 1640. 4°. Two issues, one signed in full, the other with the author's initials only. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1514) mor., by David (now Huntington); £5.5.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3295) uncut; $30 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 198) mor., by The Club Bindery. GOUGH (Richard). 1735-1809 Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain. London, 1786- 1796. 5 vols. Fol. 243 pi. by Basire. See collation in Lowndes. Nearly all copies are stained. $80-100. — i 30 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 302) mor. ; i 15 Huth (June 1913, n. 3296) half-calf, uncut, with extra plates (now Huntington). GOULD (John). 1804-1881 His celebrated works on natural history, though not as dear now as they were about 1880-1890, still find an honoured place in every great English library. A complete set ('including hones Avium) contains 44 folio vols. Such a set, in mor. by Zaehnsdorf, $3900 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 257). A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. Lon- don, 1832. Fol. 80 coloured pi. The earlier copies have the grounds uncoloured. $50-60. — £22.10.0 Larking (Apr. 1892, n. 510). The Ramphastidae or Family of Toucans. London, 1834. Fol. 34 coloured pi. $10-15. The 1854 ed., with 52 pi. is worth $30-40. — i 15.10.0 Walker (May 1893, n. 466). GOULD 267 The Birds of Europe. London, 1837. 5 vols. Fol. 449 coloured pi. $200-250. — i87 Sotheby's, 18 July 1895, n. 101. Occasionally found in 22 parts, as issued. Icones Avium. London, 1837- 1838. Fol. 18 coloured pi. $40-50. — i 17 Larking (Apr. 1892, n. 512). The Trogonidse or Family of Trogons. London, 1838. Fol. 2,6 coloured pi. $25-30. — £ 12 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 843). A later edition (London, 1875. Fol.) is worth $30-40. — £ 15 Walker (May 1893, n. 467). The Birds of Australia. London, 1848. 7 vols. Fol. 600 coloured pi. To this should be added a vol. of Supplement (London, 1869. Fol. 81' coloured pi.) and the Handbook (London, 1865. 2 vols. 8°). $600-800. — £220 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 846); £165 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1913, n. 489. Occasionally found in 36 parts, as issued. A Monograph of the Trochilidae or Humming Birds. Lon- don, 1849-1861. 5 vols. Fol. 360 coloured pi. To this should be added the Supplement (London, 1887. Fol. 61 col- oured pi.). $200-250. — £65 Baring (Nov. 1897, n. 465). A Monograph of the Odontophorinae or Partridges of America. London, 1850. Fol. 32 coloured pi. $30-40. — £ 1410.0 Walker (May 1893, n. 465). The Birds of Asia. London, 1850-1883. 7 vols. Fol. 530 coloured pi. $250-300. — £ 99 Walker (May 1893, n. 459) . • The Mammals of Australia. London, 1^62,. 3 vols. Fol. 182 coloured pi. $120-150. — £45 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 848). The Birds of Great Britain. London, 1873. 5 vols. Fol. 367 coloured pi. ^ $180-200. — £ 105 Christie's, 25 Apr. 1889, n. 131. 268 GOULD The Birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan Islands. London, 1875- 1888. 5 vols. Fol. 320 coloured pi. $200-250. — i69 Walker (May 1893, n. 463). GOULD (Robert). 16. .-1709(?) The Rival Sisters or the Violence of Love, a Tragedy. Lon- don, for R. Bently, 1696. 4°. £ 1.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3298) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). Innocence Distressed or the Royal Penitent, a Tragedy. London, foi' T. Longman and J. Roberts, lyz^- ^°- GOWER (John). 1325(?)-1408 Confessio Amantis. Westminster, W . Caxton. 1493 [''cad 1483]. Fol. Twenty-one copies known, of which only seven are perfect. £810 Jersey (May 1885, n. 738), resold $10,500 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1349) a fine and perfect copy (now Huntington) ; the Devonshire copy, also very fine, is in the J. L. Clawson coll.; an imperfect copy £175 Huth (June 1913, n. 3301) mor., by Bedford (now C. W. Clark). [Second edition]. London. T. Berthelet. 1532. Fol. $80-100. — $170 Lefferts (Apr. 1902, n. 635) calf. [Third edition]. London, T. Berthelet, 1554. Fol. $60-80. — $115 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1517) mor., by Riviere (now 1906, n. 727) old calf. GRAFTON (Richard). 15..-1572(?) A Chronicle at large. . . London, H. Denham, for R. Tottel and H. Toye, 1568 1569. 2 parts in i vol. Fol. Most copies are irhperfect. $60-80. — $115 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1517) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington ) . GRAHAM (Dougal). 1724-1779 A full particular and true Account of the Rebellion in the Years 1745-6. . . Glasgow, printed and sold by las. Duncan . . . 1746. I2^ GRAHAM 269 The first and exceedingly scarce edition of this curious poem. £ 171 Gray (March 1907, n. 263) mor., together with the second edition (Glasgow, Douglas Graham, 1752. 12°) and the third (Glasgoiv, John Robertson, 1774. 12°). GRAY (Robert) Virginia's Cure, by R. G. London, W. Godhid for H. Brome, 1662. 4°. Only 7 or S^copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Harvard; 3. Carter Brown; 4. New York Public Library (Barlow) ; 5. Huntington (Lefferts- Church) ; 6. £76 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 328) unbound; 7. $710 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1479) mor., by The Club Bindery; 8. £48 Huth (June 1913, n. 3325) mor., by Bedford. GRAY (Thomas). 1716-1771 See Clark Sutherland Northup, A bibliography of Thomas Gray (New Hiaven, Yale University Press, 1917. 8°) xiii-296 pp. An Ode on a distant Prospect of Eton College. London, R. Dodsley and M. Cooper, 1747. Fol. 4 leaves. Only one copy has been sold for many years: £50.10.0 Hodgson's, 11 Jan. 1910, n. 222, unbound, uncut (now T. J. Wise). A damaged copy is in the J. A. Spoor coll. ; two copies are in the British Museum and there is one at Mentmore. An Elegy wrote in a Country Church Yard. London, printed for R. Dodsley in Pail-Mall, and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Rozv, 1751. 4°. 11 pp. The rare first edition of Gray's Elegy. The F of FINIS has usually punched a hole in the last leaf? £205 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 86) mor., by Riviere; $4500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1522) mor., by Bedford (now H. P. Whitney) ; £295 Arthur (July 1914, n. 480) mor., last leaf mended; $4350 Hagen (May 1918, n. 574) mor., by Riviere (the Foote-Codman copy, now C. F. Bishop) ; £ 655 Pittar ( Nov. 1918, n. 289) mor., by Tout ; £ 750 Christie- Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 32) mor.. by Pratt, with the old blue wrapper pre- served (now Pforzheimer). The author of the recent Bibliography of Thomas Gray only locates copies in the British Museum and Advocates Library, Edinburgh ; should he not also have mentioned the beautiful copies owned by several Amer- ican collectors such as H. E. Huntington, Beverly Chew, W. A. Clark, Jr. (Rowfant copy), J. A. Spoor, J. L. Clawson, Pforzheimer, C. F. Bishop, and H. P. Whitney, not to mention the copy in the H. E. Widener 270 GRAY Library. Copies show variations : some have on p. 10 Some hidden in- stead of Some kindred. The 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th editions, all printed in the same year (1751) brought at the Hagen sale prices varying from $55 tO' $111. An undated folio edition of the Elegy, thought by some to be earlier than the quarto but more probably a piracy of the time, is only known by a copy sold for £49 at Sotheby's, 17 March 1902. n. 555. A copy of the Elegy, throughout in Gray's autograph, is in the British Museum. Odes. Strazvherry Hill for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757. 4°. The first issue of the Strawberry Hill Press. $30-40 and much more if uncut. — £40 Hodgson's, 8 Jan. 1902, n. 101, uncut; £17 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 87) mor., uncut (Rowfant copy, now H. E. Widener Library) ; $375 Hoe (Apr. 1911, L n. 1525) mor., uncut; $115 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 385) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark). The Penn-Daniel copy, with numerous and interesting autograph notes by the poet, £370 Eraser (Apr. 1901, n. 749) ; Horace Walpole's own copy, with his MS. notes, is in the Beverly Chew coll. A Soliloquy on the Eve of a late Coronation. London, G. Kearsley, 1761. 4°. Ascribed to Gray. The Candidate. By Mr. Gray. A^. p., n. d. [Cambridge, 1764.] 4°. 4 pp. Only two copies are on record : 1. T. J. Wise coll. ; 2*. The other extant copy was in the remarkable volume of poems by Gray from the Daniel coll., sold for £ 195 Eraser (Apr. 1901, n. 750) now J. A. Spoor. Designs by R. Bentley for Six Poems by Mr. T. Gray. Lon- don, R. Dodsley, 1753. Fol. $10-15. — Gray's own copy with important autograph additions, £30 Daniel (Tuly 1864. n. 738). resold £400 Eraser (Apr. 1901, n. 754) and £420 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1913. n. 67; $16 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1359) old mor., large paper (now Huntington) ; $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 239) old calf (Chew copy). Ode performed in the Senate House at Cambridge, July i, 1768. Cambridge, J. Archdeacon, 1769. 4°. $100-150. — £25 Arthur (Julv 1914, n. 481) ; $235 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 387) mor., by Bedford (now C. W. Clark) ; $365 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 680) orig. blue wrappers. GREEN 271 GREEN (Valentine). 1739-1813 The History and Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of Worcester. London, 1796. 2 vols. 4°. See collation in Lowndes. $5-8 and on thick paper $10-12. — £9 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 254) mor., thick paper (Beckford copy). GREEN (William). 1761-1823 Aquatint Views of Seats in Kent. A^. p., n. d. Fol. 8 parts. 23 coloured pi. by W. Green after J. G. Wood. £ 19 Puttick's, 30 Oct. 1912, n. 623, orig. wrappers. GREENAWAY (Kate). 1846-1901 Books illustrated by this able artist have already for many years been collected, but few of them as yet command high prices. GREENE (Alexander) The Polititian cheated, a new Comedy. London, for R. Crofts, 1663. 4°. $26 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1537) mor., by Riviere, resold $17.50 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 388) ; £S Mostyn (March 1919, n. 136) un- bound. GREENE (J.) A Refutation of the Apology for Actors. London, W. White, 161 5. 4°. An answer to Heywood's "Apology for Actors." » $150 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 201) mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy), resold $170 Hagen (May 1918, n. 592) now J,, L. Clawson. GREENE (Robert). 1560(?)-1592 It is not possible to attempt to list here his numerous works, all of which are ardently sought for by collectors of Elizabethan literature. All are scarce and command high prices. (See for instance the records in the Huth sale, nn. 3334-3362 and in the Christie-Miller sale, 1919, nn. 33-52). The five following being his only contributions to dramatic literature, it may be found convenient to have them listed hereafter (the Bridgewater copies of all five are in the Huntington coll.) : 272 GREENE The honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bongay. London, for B. White, 1 594. 4". Extremely scarce. $42.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 389) wanting- 3 leaves (Devon- shire copy, now W. A. White). The History of Orlando Furioso. London, J. Danter for C. Burble, 1594. 4°. The second edition (1599) $425 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 391) calf (Bridgewater copy) and £112 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 140) un- bound. The first Part of the tragical Reign of Selimus. London, T. Creede, 1594. 4°. £170 Huth (July 1918, n. 6690) russia (Heber-Corser copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; £ 525 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 138) unbound. The Scottish History of James the Fourth slain at Flodden. London, T. Creede, 1598. 4°. The comical History of Alphonsus King of Aragon. Lon- don, T. Creede, 1599. 4°. $1000 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 282) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Devonshire copy, now J. L. Clawson). For a play ascribed to Greene, see above Ge^orge a GrEEne;, GREVILLE (Fulke), BARON BROOKE. See Brooke GRIMM (Ludwig Jakob and Wilhelm Karl) ' German Popular Stories. London, C. Baldzvyn, 1823, and J. Robins, 1826. 2 vols. 8°. 22 pi. by G. Cruikshank. The earliest issue has no diaeresis in the word Mdrchen on the title. $250-300 and in orig. boards $1000 and more. — £ 56 Holland (Febr. 1906, n. 258) mor., by Bedford; i 82 Truman (May 1906, n. 331) orig. boards, uncut; £100 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 273) mor., plates in two states, brown, and black on India paper; £281 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 274) orig. boards, with all the advertisements, resold $2100 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 157) ; $1725 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 230a, orig. board's (Bruton copy). A set of undivided proofs is in the Pforzheimer coll. GROLIER 273 GROLIER CLUB A full bibliographical description of the publications of the Grolier Club has been issued by the Club itself: List of publications and exhibi- tion catalogues, 1884-1916 (New York, Grolier Club, 1917. 12°) 88 pp. Auction records of a number of these volumes are to be found in Auction Prices of American Book-Chib Publications, 1857-1901 (Cleveland, Row- fant Club, 1904. 16°) pp. 28-46. GROTIUS (Hugo). 1583-1645 Sophompaneas or Joseph, a Tragedy. London, W. H. [1652]. 8°. 2 portr. by Cross. Translated by Francis Goldsmith. $20 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 360) mor., by Stikeman (Chew copy), resold $35 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 670) ; $40 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 233) mor., by Riviere (Lefferts-Poor copy). GUARINI (Battista). 1537-1612 II Pastor Fido, or the Faithful Shepherd, translated out of Italian into English [a play]. London, for S. Waterson, 1602. £30 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 142) unbound. II Pastor Fido, the Faithful Shepherd, a Pastoral. London, R. Razvorth, i6^y (or 1648). 4°. Portr. by Cross and plate. Translated by Richard Fanshawe. $210 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 292) orig. calf (Chew copy now C. W. Clark) ; $245 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 200) orig. calf (Halsey copy) ; $215 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 557) old panelled calf. GUILLIM (John). 1565-1621 A Display of Heraldry. London, 1^24. Fol. The standard edition (the first appeared in 1611). See collation in Lowndes. $30-40 and on large paper $40-50. — i 20 Thornhill (Apr. 1889, n. 198) mor., large paper; £ 35 Ellis (Nov. 1885, n. 1535) calf, the 1734 ed. H HABINGTON (William). 1605-1654 Castara. London, A. Griffin for W. Cooke, 1634. 4°. A leaf of errata is occasionally found after the title. $180 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1570) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; 274 HABINGTON $120 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 205) mor., lacking errata (the Locker- Chew copy, now again in the Beverly Chew coll.). [Second edition]. London, B. A. and T. P. for IV. Cooke, 1635. 12°. $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912, 11, n. 1532) mor., by Riviere (now Beverly Chew) ; the Locker-Chew copy is in the Huntington coll. [Third edition, the first complete]. London, T. Cotes for IV. Cooke, 1640. 12°. Engr. title by Marshall. $26 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1400) mor., by Cuzin (now Beverly Chew) ; £10.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3435) mor., by Bedford; $50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 204) mor. (Chew copy) ; $50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 699). The Queen of Aragon, a Tragi-Comedy. London, T. Cotes for W. Cooke, 1640. Fol. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1571) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $85 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 240) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy), resold $62.50 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 700) ; $62.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 604) half-mor. HADEN (Sir Francis Seymour)., 1818-1910 Etudes a I'Eau-forte. Paris, 1866. Fol. A portfolio containing 25 etchings and 5 vignettes mounted on the let- terpress ; 250 copies were printed but only 180 issued. $800-1000. — £ 200 Russell (June 1907, n. 6344) ; i 190 E. J. Reiss, 12 March 1914, n. 103. HAKLUYT (Richard). 1552(?)-1616 Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America. Lon- don, for T. Woodcocke, 1582. 4°. 2 folding maps. Some ten copies are recorded mostly without the maps: 1-2 Brit. Mus. ; 3. Bodl. ; 4.. Carter Brown; 5. Lenox; 6. Ayer ; 7. Huntington (Kalb- fleisch-Lefferts-Church copy) with both maps genuine; 8. $950 Crane (March 1913, n. 358) mor., by Bedford, maps in facs. ; 9. $1400 Hunting- ton (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 155) mor.. wanting maps (Christie-Miller copy) ; 10. $5000 De Puy (Jan. 1920, n. 1002) orig. veil, with one of the maps. The principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation. London, G. Bishop and R. Nezvherie, 1589. Fol. HAKLUYT 21 S A few copies contain the map of the world and Drake's voyage (after p. 643). £31 Huth (June 1913, n. 3446) mor., by Bedford, with the map; $850 Hunting-ton (Jan. 1917, III, n. 156) mor., by Bedford, with the map (Christie-Miller copy). • The principal Navigations. . . London, G. Bishop, R. Newherie and R. Barker, 1 598-1 599-1600. 3 vols. Fol. A second issue of vol. I is dated 1599. Complete copies contain (I, pp. 607-619) the "Voyage to Cadiz" of which three issues exist and (in some fifteen copies only) the rare map of the world by Molyneux. See full collation in the Church catalogue, n. 322. Copies without the map may be obtained for $200-250. For copies with the map the following records are available: £131 Stevens (July 1881, n. 1429) mor.; $225 Brayton Ives (March 1891. n. 388) mor., by Riviere, resold $3400 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1576) ; £375 Langham (June 1894, n. 39) calf ; £275 Ashbumham^ (Dec. 1897, n. 1862) calf ; $2000 Hunting- ton (March 1919, X, n. 95) old calf (Bridgewater copy). Copies with the map are in the libraries of H. E. Huntington (Church and Britwell copies) J. W. Ellsworth and Grenville Kane. Virginia richly valued by the Description of the main Land of Florida her next Neighbour. London, F. Kingston for M. Lozvnes, 1609. 4''. Translated by Hakluyt from a Portuguese original (probably by Fer- nando de Soto). $325 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1577), double mor., by Bedford, resold $450 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 307) ; $350 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 109) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). HALL (Joseph). 1574-1656 Virgidemiarum [Books I-III]. London, T. Creede for R. Dexter, 1597. 8°. Miss Bartlett has discovered that there are two distinct editions of 1597, the first in 44 leaves (A-E* F*). the second in 40 (A-E"). Capell coll.; Huntington (Rowfant-Chew copy, 1st ed.) ; Beverly Chew (Park-Rogers copy, 2d ed.). The subsequent editions of 1598 and 1602 are always found bound be- fore Books IV-VI (1597 or 1599) and Certain zvorthy manuscript Poems (1597). The 1602-1599-1597 volume $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I. n. 1588) orig. veil, (now Huntington) ; £ 31 Huth (June 1913. n. 3456) double mor., bv Hering; $80 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 207) mor. (now Beverly Chew). 276 HALL Characters of Virtues and Vices. London, M. Bradwood for B. Bdgar and S. Macham, 1608. 12°. $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1589) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). HALLAM (Arthur Henry). 1811-1833 Poems. [London, 1830]. 8°. Extremely scarce. £36 Crampon (June 1896, n. 200) mor., uncut, presentation copy to J. M. Kemble; $200 McKee (May 1902, n. 5101) orig. boards, uncut, pre- sentation copy to W, Kingslake (then Halsey, now Huntington). Tiie presentation copy to W. Donne is in the T. J. Wise coll. HALLE (Edward). 14.. 1547 The Union of the two noble and illustrious Families of Lan- caster and York. London, R. Grafton, 1548 (or 1550). Fol. Commonly known as Halle's Chronicle. Several issues are known. (See collation in Lowndes). $80-100. — $360 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1512) mor., by Hering (Heber copy, now Huntington) ; £29 Huth (June 1913, n. 3464) mor., by Bed- ford. HALLECK (Fitz-Greene). 1790-1867 Poems by Croaker, Croaker and Co. and Croaker jun. A^^ze; York, published for the Reader, 1819. 12°. Wrapper. $65 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 587) mor., uncut. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (James-Orchard). 1820-1889 A number of his publications are extremely scarce ; nearly all have a considerable documentary interest for the student of Shakespeare and his times. A full list will be found in Justin Winsor, Halliwelliana, a bibliog- raphy of the publications of James Orchard Halliwcll-Phillipps (Cam- bridge, Mass., 1881. 4"*) 30 pp. [Harvard, Bibliographical contributions, 10]. HALS (William). 1655-1737(?) The Complete History of Cornwall. Part H, being the parochial History. [Truro, about 1750]. Fol. No more was published (see Lysons' Cornivall). $200-250. — £150 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 864) russia ; only £ 13 Huth (June 1913, n. 3466), one of the 4 known copies with the original printed wrapper. HALSTEAD 277 HALSTEAD (Robert) Succinct Genealogies of the Noble and Ancient Houses of Alno, etc. London, 1685. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. One of the scarcest books on genealogy, only 24 copies having been printed: 1. Brit. Mus. (King's Library, Towneley copy) ; 2. Brit. Mus. (Grenville, Lord Peterborough's copy) ; 3. Rylands (bought by Lord Spencer from White for £63); 4. £74.11.0 Sykes (1824, I, n. 1373), General Mordaunt's copy, in old red mor., resold £98 Lord Berwick; 5. £71 Hardwicke (June 1888, n. 148) calf, resold £9 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 307) rebound in mor. Copies were in the sales of the Duke of St. Albans (1796: £56.14.0), J. Dent (1827, I, n. 1340: £32.11.0) and Sir S. Taylor (1833: £ 52.10.0). HAMERTON (Philip Gilbert). 1834-1894 Etching and Etchers. London, Maanillan, i868. 8°. 35 pl- $40-50. — $400 Hoe (Apr. 1911, L n. 1596) mor.. by Zaehnsdorf ; $70 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 179) in publisher's half-mor., uncut. HAMILTON (Anthony). 1646(?)-1720 Memoires du Comte de Grammont. London, Bdivards [1793]. 4^ 78 pi. See collation in Cohen's Livrcs a gravures, col. 472-473. $40-50. — $475 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1546) mor., on vellum, with proofs on satin. Five copies exist on large paper with the portraits coloured by hand. HAMOR (Ralphe) A True Discourse of the present Estate of Virginia. Lon- don, J. Beak for W. Welby, 161 5. 4°. Two issues under the same date (see Church catalogue nn. 365-366). Reprinted at Albany [18601. ^o\. $400-500. — £98 Lefferts (June 1902. n. 124) mor.; $625 Eames (Apr. 1910, n.. 252) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; $710 Hoe (Apr. 1911. L n. 1607) mor.. by Riviere; $1075 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. Ill) mor., by Bedford. 278 H ANN AY HANNAY (Patrick). 15. .-1629(?) The Nightingale, Sheretine and Mariana. London, N. Butter, 1622. 8". Engraved title by Crispin De Pass. Only eight copies seem to be known: 1. Brit. Mus. (Bindley-Perry- Sykes-Rice-Corser) ; 2. Bodl. (Pearson-Charlemont) ; 3. Britwell (He- ber?) ; 4. $625 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1619) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson (now Huntington), possibly the copy in orig. veil., sold for £49, Put- tick's, 19 Dec. 1888, n. 562; 5. H. E. Huntington (Chew copy, wanting 6 leaves); 6. £36.10.0 Crawford (March 1891, n. 1478) mor., portraits added, resold $290 Lefiferts (Apr. 1902, n. 700) mor., by Pratt; 7. Lord Rosebery; 8. £95 Huth (June 1913, n. 3471) orig. veil. (Wrangham- Daniel copy, now E. Marion Cox). Copies belonged in 1875 to Major Rainsford-Hannay and to Thomas Russell (Pinkerton-Chalmers copy). HANSARD (Thomas Curson). 1776-1833 Parliamentary Debates. London, 1803-19 19. Fol. A complete set (more than 600 vols.) of this celebrated historical col- lection is worth $400-500 and more. £ 185 Hodgson's, 17 July 1918, n. 442, in 643 vols. 4 HARDING (John). 1378-1465(?) The Chronicle. London, R. Grafton, 1543. 4°. Two issues under the same date. Good copies bring $80-100. — $155 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI. n. 1417) mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; $175 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 208) mor., by Bedford. HARDING (Samuel). 1618(?)-1642(?) Sicily and Naples or the Fatal Union, a Tragedy. Ox- ford, W. Turner, 1640. 4*^. £9 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 143) unbound. HARDING (Silvester). 1745-1809 A Series of Portraits to illustrate the Earl of Orford's Cata- logue of the Royal and Noble Authors. London, 1798-1803. 4". 41 parts containing 167 pi. i 45.10.0 Hodgson's, 30 Apr. 1902, n. 205, in parts,, with wrappers. HARDING 279 Portraits of the Royal Family. London, 1806. 22 colour- ed pi. i 43.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 March 1904, n. 259. HARDY (Thomas) See A. P. Webb, A Bibliography of the works of Thomas Hardy (London, Fr. Rollings, 1916, 8°) xiii-128 pp.; H. Danielson, The first editions of the writings of Thomas Hardy and their values (London, G. Allen and Unwin [1916]. 16^'). 40 pp. Only a few of T. Hardy's earlier works are here quoted : Desperate Remedies, a Novel. London, Bradbnry, Evans, 1871. 3 vols. 8". Published anonymously. In orig. red cloth $250-300. — £47 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3312) cloth; $265 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n, 709) cloth. Under the Greenwood Tree. London, Tinsley, 1872. 2 vols. 8^ In orig. green cloth $60-80. — i 15 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3313) cloth. A Pair of Blue Eyes. London, Tinsley, 1873. 3 vols. 8". In orig. green cloth $100-120. — $135 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 711) cloth. Copies in blue cloth are of a second issue. Far from the Madding Crowd. London, Smith, Elder, 1874. 2 vols. 8^ 12 illustr. by Peterson. In orig. green cloth $50-60. — $60 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 712) cloth. , The orig. MS. £230 Red Cross Sale, 22 Apr. 1918, n. 2069 (now A. E. Newton). HARIOT (Thomas). 1560-1621 A brief and true Report of the new found Land of Virginia. London, 1588. 4°. 24 leaves. Of this, the first book in English on any portion of the LTnited States, only 7 copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. fGrenville) ; 2. Bodl. ; 3. Leyden Univ. ; 4. Taunton coll. ; 5. New York Public Library (Lenox), 4 leaves in facs. ; 6. Huntington (Drake-Kalbfleisch-Lefferts-Church copy) ; 7. £1290 Huth (June 1913. n. 3482) mor., by Riviere (now W. L. Clements). A fac-simile reprint was given in The Biblio(^raphcr. vol. I (1902). 280 HA RIOT A brief and true Report of the new found Land of Virginia. Frankf ort J De Bry, I ^go. Fol. The only volume in Eng-lish of De Bry's celebrated set of Voyag"es. The 1590 edition of Harlot's Virginia (Reprinted by W. H. Reynolds, Manchester, 1888. 4°) is hardly less scarce than the 1588 edition. About 12 copies seem to be on record: 1. Brit. Mus. (Harleian) ; 2. Brit. Mus. (imperf.) ; 3. Bodl. ; 4. Hoi ford ; 5. Lord Crawford; 6. T. F. Fenwick (imperf.) ; 7. New York Public Library (Lenox) ; 8. Cai-ter Brown; 9. Harvard (imperf.) ; 10. Huntington (A. T. White copy) ; 11. McCoy (Britwell copy) ; 12. Theodore N. Vail (Lefferts-Church copy in double mor., by Bedford). — One of the above sold for £ 195 H. Stevens (Apr. 1870, n. 2487). HARLEQUIN AND HUMPTY DUMPTY See Thackeray HARRIS (John) History of Kent. Vol. I (no more published). London, 1719. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $10-15 and $20-30 on large paper. — £ 11.10.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 866) russia, large paper. HARRIS (Joseph) The Mistakes, or the False Report. London, for J. Hind- marsh, 1 69 1. 4**. With a prologue by Dry den and an Epilogue by N. Tate. $4 Poor (May 1909, n. 276) half-calf (Roxburghe-Gardiner-Jolley copy). Love's Lottery and Woman the Prize. London, for D. Brown, 1699. 4*". i 2.18.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3494) half-calf (now Huntington). HARRISON (Francis) English and Low-Dutch Schoolmaster. New York, W. Bradford, 1730. 8**. $650 Henkels', 23 Febr. 1915, n. 103A, orig. calf. % HARTE 281 HARTE (Francis Bret). 1839-1902 None of his early editions command as yet high prices ; prices of $20- 40 have been obtained at various American sales for presentation copies, chiefly of his earlier works. A set of 124 vols., sold for $1380 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 492) and is now in the Huntington Library. HASTED (Edward). 1732-1812 The History and topographical Survey of the County of Kent, Canterbury, Simmons and Kirkly, 1778- 1799. 4 vols. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. If complete $80-100 and more. — £26 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 373) russia; £40 Huth (June 1913, n. 3512) orig. boards, uncut. Eight copies were printed on large paper. [Another edition]. Canterbury, 1797-1801. 12 vols. See collation in Lowndes. $25-30. HAUGHTON (William). 1575(?)-1605 See A, C. Baugh, William Haughton's Bnglishmen for my Money (Philadelphia, 1917. 8°) 236 pp. Englishmen for my Money, or a pleasant Comedy called: A Woman will have her Will. London, W. White, 161 6. 4°. Very scarce: Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Boston (Holgate copy) ; W,. A. White (Rowfant copy); £152 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 144) unbound (now Huntington). The third edition (1631) bears only the title "A Woman will have her Will" and is worth $20-30. HAUSTED (Peter). 15.. -1645 The Rival Friends, a Comedy. London, A. Matthewes for H. Robinson, 1632. 4**. $20 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 1517) mor., bv The Club Bindery (now Huntington); £4.12.0 Huth (June 1913. n. 3516) calf, by Riviere; £8 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 146) unbound (now Pforzheimer). 282 HAWKINS HAWKINS (William). 1605(?)-1637 Apollo shroving, composed for the Scholars of the Free- School of Hadleigh in Suffolk, and acted by them. . . Lon- don, for R. Mylbourne [1626]. 8°. £ 15 Huth (June 1913, n. 3524) calf, by Bedford. HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel). 1804-1864 See W. H. Cathcart, Bibliography of the zuorks of Nathaniel Haiv^ thorne (Cleveland, Rowfant Club, 1905. 8°) ; Nina E. Browne, Nathaniel Hazvthorne, a bibliography (Boston, Houg-hton, Mifflin, 1905. 8°) ; J. C. Chamberlain, First editions of the zvorks of Nathaniel Hawthorne (New- York, Grolier Club, 1905. 8°) xi-77 pp. The finest set of Hawthorne's works yet sold was in the collection of J. Chester Chamberlain (New York, 16 Febr. and 4 Nov. 1909). The earlier items are practically unobtainable in really good condition and of some, only one or two copies appear to have come on the market. The following list does not include the second and third editions which, for several works, show noteworthy variations from the ftrst and, for that reason, are well worth the attention of the specialist. Fanshawe, a Tale. Boston, Marsh and Capen, 1828. 12°. Hawthorne's first and rarest book, always highly appreciated by collec- tors; about thirty copies have been traced in various collections. In orig. boards $500-600. — As much as $840 Conely (Oct. 1902, n. 658), resold $350 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 748) ; $500 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 132) ; $435 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 203) ; $420 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 375) ; $660 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 813) ; $825 Wal- lace (March 1920, n. 555). Peter Parley's Universal History on the Basis of Geogra- phy, for the Use of Families. Boston, American Stationers' Company, J. B. Russell, 1837. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. cloth, at least $100. Nearly all copies sold were in poor condi- tion. —$166 Chamberlain (Febr. 1919, n. 140) ; $152.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 814). Twice-told Tales. Boston, American Stationers' Company, J.B.Russell, 1^2)7 • 12°. In orig. cloth $30-40. — $75 Haber (Dec. 1909, n. 784), mor., by Mat- thews, with autogr. letter added. The second volume of these tales first appears in the Boston edition, 1842. 2 vols. 16^ HAWTHORNE 283 Time's Portraiture, being the Carrier's Address to the Pa- trons of the Salem Gazette, for the First of January 1838. A foho broadside. Of extreme rarity, only three copies being known (one in the Essex Institute, at Salem). — $550 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 144), resold $450 Wallace (March 1920, n. 565). The Sister Years, being the Carrier's Address of the Salem Gazette for the First of January 1839. Salem, 1839. 8°. Exceeding-ly scarce. — $290 French and Chubbuck (Febr. 1904, n. 834), sewn; $260 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 149), resold $130 Wallace (March 1920, n. 570). The Gentle Boy, a thrice-told Tale. Boston, Weeks, Jor- dan and Co., 1839. 4°. In orig. wrappers, $50-60. — $143 Conely (Oct. 1902, n. 659) ; $100 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 145) with autogr. letter added. Grandfather's Chair, a History for Youth. Boston, E. P. Feabody, 1841. 18°. In orig. cloth, $30-40. — p6 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 235) ; $28 Purdy, (Apr. 1917, n. 382). Famous Old People, being the second Epoch of Grandfa- ther's Chair. Boston, B. P. Peabody, 1841. 24°. In orig. cloth $30-40. — $76 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 236) ; $40 Pettit and Noggle (Mar. 1910, n. 267), orig. cl., presentation copy; $30 Claw- son (Jan. 1917, n. 66). Liberty Tree, with the last Words of Grandfather's Chair. Boston, B. P. Peabody, 1841. 8°. » In orig. cloth $30-40. — $48 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 123). The Sunday School Society's Gift. [Boston, 1842]. 18". Very scarce. — $115 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 154), wanting wrap- pers. Biographical Stories for Children. Boston, Tappan and Dennet, 1842. 18°. There are two issues. In orig. cloth, $20-25 and more. — $42 Chamberlain (Febr., 1909, n. 158), 1st issue; $86 HolHngsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 859) orig. cloth, pre- sentation copy. 284 HAWTHORNE The Celestial Railroad. Boston, Wilder, 1843. 24°. $380 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 161), orig. wrapper; same condition, with sHght faults $140 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 779); $210 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 385) wrapper; $280 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 437) wrapper. A Visit to the Celestial City. Philadelphia [1844]. 16°. In orig. cloth $30-40. — ^32 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 162). Journal of an African Cruiser [edited by Hawthorne]. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1845. 12°. In orig. wrapper $8-10. — $32 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 163). Mosses from an old Manse. Nezv York, Wiley and Put- nam [1845- 1 846]. 2 vols. 12°. In the first issue, on the verso of the title to part 1, the printer's name is "Craighead" ; in later issues "Osborn." In orig. cloth, $20-25 ; in two parts, with orig. wrappers, $80-l(X). — $110 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 612), mor., bound from parts; $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1637), same condition. The Scarlet Letter. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and fields, 1850. 12°. In the first issue, p. 21, line 20 reads "re-duplicate" and in the second "repudiate." In orig. cloth, 1st issue, $25-30 (Second issue $5-10.), — $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1638), 1st issue, red mor., by David; $45 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 447) mor., by The Club Bindery. The House of the Seven Gables. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851. 12^ In orig. cloth $6-8. — $51 Poor (May 1909, n. 280) mor., mosaique binding; $10 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 359) mor., by Riviere. True Stories from History and Biography. Boston, Tick- nor, Reed and fields, 185 1. 16". The first issue has 335 pp., the second 343. In orig. cloth, 1st issue, $8-10. A Wonder Book for Cxirls and Boys. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and fields, 1852. 12°. In orig. cloth $6-8. The Blithedale Romance. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and fields, 1852. 12*'. HA WTHORNE 285 In orig. cloth $6-8. — $25 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1641), resold $17 Huntington (Febr. 1917, n. 207) mor., by David. Also found with a London imprint, 1852. 2 vols. 8". The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Life of Franklin Pierce. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852. 12°. In orig. cloth $5-6, or in wrapper $6-8. The Snow Image, and other twice-told Tales. London, 1 85 1. 16*' (or Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852. 12°). In orig. cloth $3-5. Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys, being a second Won- der-Book. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields. 1853. 12". In orig. cloth, 1st issue, $6-8. Time's Portraiture, being the Carrier's Address to the Pa- trons of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mercury, for the First of January, 1853. [Salem, 1853]. 8^ Very rare. $60 French and Chubbuck (Febr. 1904, n. 848) ; $80 Cham- berlain (Febr. 1909, n. 185); $91 Chamberlain (Nov. 1909, n. 314) in sheets. A Rill from the Town Pump. London, 1857. 8°. Published anonymously and wanting in most collections. The Marble Faun, or the Romance of Monte Beni. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, i860. 2 vols. 12°. Two issues, the second containing additional matter paged 284-288. In orig. cloth, 1st issue, $6-8. — $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1044) mor., by David; $21 Huntington (Febr. 1917, n. 208), mor., by Zaehnsdorf. The first English edition appeared under i-he title: Transformation, or the Romance of Monte Beni. London, Smith Elder, 1860. 3 vols. 12°. (In orig. cloth $4-5). Our Old Home, a Series of Sketches. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1863. 12". In orig. cloth, $6-8. — $42 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 193), resold $53 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 362), orig. cloth, presentation copy. Pansie: a fragment. London, J. C. Hotten [1864]. 16". In orig. wrapper, $6-8 and more. — $17 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 364) orig. wrapper, the Appleton-Maier copy. 286 HAWTHORNE Passages from the American Note-Books. Boston, Ticknor and fields, 1868. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. cloth $5-6. Passages from the English Note-Books. Boston, Fields, Osgood and Co., 1870. 2 vols. 12". In orig. cloth $5-6. — $85 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 363) orig. cloth, Longfellow's copy with his signature. The originals of all Hawthorne's note-books are in the Pierpont Mor- gan Library. Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books. Lon- don, Strahan, 1871 (or Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1872). 2 vols. 12°. In orig. cloth $5-6. Septimius Felton, or the Elixir of Life. Boston, J. R. Os- good (or London, H. S. King), 1872. 12°. In orig. cloth $4-5. — $15 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1439) blue mor., by The Club Bindery. The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Dolliver Romance and other pieces. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1876. 12°. In orig. cloth $4-5. Part of the manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Legends of New England. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1877. In orig. cloth $5-6. Legends of the Province House. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1877. _ 32°. In orig. cloth $5-6. * Tales of the White Hills. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1877. 32". In orig. cloth $5-6. A Virtuoso's Collection and other Tales. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1877. 32°. In orig. cloth $5-6. Collected editions of Hawthorne's works include the Boston edition (1876 and foil. 25 vols. 16°), the Riverside edition, prepared by G. P. Lathrop (Boston [1883-1884]. 13 vols. 8^ the Old Manse edition (Bos- HAWTHORNE 287 ton and New York, 1900. 22 vols. 12°) and the Autograph edition (Bos- ton, 1900. 22 vols. 8°) each being worth from $40-60 or, in full mo- rocco bindings about $100 the set. The Chamberlain collection contained also the three following scarce items ascribed by some authorities to Hawthorne : The Carrier Boy's New Year Address to the Patrons of the Essex Register. Salem, January i, 1834. A broadside poem. Fol. $12.50 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 135), resold $45 Wallace (March 1920, n. 558). The Carrier's New Year Address to the Patrons of the Salem Mercury, January i, 1835. A broadside poem. 4°. $12.50 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 136 and n. 137), resold $45 and $42.50 Wallace (March 1920, nn. 560 and 561). The Carrier's Address to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette, January i, 1847. 8°. $57.50 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 168). HAYES (Michael Angelo). 1820-1877 Costumes of the British Army. London, William Spoon- er, 1840-1843. Fol. 53 coloured pi. Known as "Spooner's Oblong Series" or "Military Landscape Series." £135 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 13) mor., 2 pi. in duplicate; £115 Milne (Febr. 1913, n. 127). "Costumes of the British Army. London, H. Graves and Co., 1 845- 1 846. Fol. 15 coloured pi. in borders. ^ £56 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 14) mor. HAYLEY (WiUiam). 17451820 The chief interest of his works lies in the illustrations by W. Blake. Designs to a Series of Ballads. Chichester, J. Seagrave, for P. Humphrey and R. H. Bvans, 1802. 4°. 4 parts. 6 plates and 8 vignettes by Blake. Very scarce in the orig. blue wrappers. — $200 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 89) mor.. bv Riviere, resold $180 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 400) and $370 H. V.^Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 188). 288 HAY LEY The Triumphs of Temper, a Poem. Chichester, J. Sea- grave, 1803. 8°. Front, and 5 pi. engraved by Blake after designs by Maria Flaxman. $5-10 and on large paper $10-15. The autograph MS. was sold at Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 790. Ballads. Chichester, J. Seagrave for R. Phillips, 1805. S°- Contains fewer iUustrations than the 1802 edition. $365 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 139) contemporary calf, presentadon copy. The Life of George Romney Esq. Chichester, W. Mason for T. Payne, 1809. 4°. 12 pi. (i engraved by Blake). $25-30. — £9.10.0 Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1901, n. 595, uncut. HAYWOOD (John). 1753-1826 The Civil and political History of Tennessee. Knox- ville, Heiskell and Brown, 1823. 8°. A few copies contain after the title a copyright slip. $60 Hubbard (May 1914, n. 937) mor., by Lortic; $50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 116) orig. calf (Halsey copy). The natural and aboriginal History of Tennessee. Nash- ville, G. Wilson, 1823. 8°. $142 Hubbard (May 1914, n. 936) mor., by Lortic; $190 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 117) orig. calf (Church copy). HAZLITT (William Carev^). 1834-1913 Handbook to the popular, political and dramatic Literature of Great Britain. London, 1867. 8^ To which should be added the following, a complete set of the 8 vols, selling for $30-40: Collections and Notes, 1876; Second Series, 1882; Third Series, 1887; Supplements, 1889; General Index, 1893; Second Supplement, 1892; Final Series, 1903. HEAD (Richard). 1637(?)-1686(?) Hie et Ubique, or the Humors of Dublin, a Comedy. Lon- don, R. D., 1663. 4**. i20 Huth (June 1913, n. 3543) half-mor. (now Huntington). HEARN 289 HEARN (Lafcadio). 1850-1904 His early editions are steadily increasing in value ($5-10). The scarc- est item seems to be "Some Chinese Ghosts" (Boston, 1887. 8°) which in orig. cloth, brings $20-25 ; "Stray Leaves from Strange Literature" (Boston, 1884. 12°) has about the same value. HEARNE (Thomas). 1678-1735 His works, especially on large paper, were highly valued by English bibliophiles of the early XlXth century such as Lord Spencer, the Duke of Devonshire, Grenville, etc. Full details may be found in Lowndes of the extraordinary prices paid for them about 1815-1820. Of late years, hardly any fine sets have come on the market. A series of 67 vols. (57 on large paper) in uniform mor., by Bedford, £39 Sothe- by's, 27 March 1906, n. 11, wanted only 1 vol.; it was resold £33.10.0 at Sotheby's, 3 February 1913, n. 377. HEATH (Henry) Demonology and Witchcraft. London, C. Tilt [about 1826]. Oblong 4°. 6 coloured pi. $30 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 535) calf. Old Ways and New Ways. London, C. Tilt [about 1830]. Oblong 4°. Title and 6 coloured pi. $19 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 537) calf; $47.50 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 759) orig. wrapper. For the numerous other sets of coloured plates by Henry and by Wil- liam Heath, see the list in the catalogue of the H. E. Widener Library. HEATH (William) Military Costume of the British Cavalry. London, J. Wat- son, 1820. 4°. 16 coloured pi. £58 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 16) mor.. with duplicates and variations (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £46 Milne (Febr. 1913, n. 130) wanting 2 pi.; $190 Brady (Dec. 1917, n. 125) old half-russia, 18 pi. The Life of a Soldier. London, W. Sams, 1823. 4**. 18 coloured pi. $61 Hollingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 867) mor.; $50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 460) half-mor., pi. both plain and coloured; $72.50 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 289) orig. boards, rebacked ; £ 17 Hollams (March 1919, n. 375) calf, by Riviere. 290 HEATH Studies from the Stage. London, W. Sams [1823]. Ob- long 4°. Title and 20 coloured pi. $50 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 516) orig. half-calf. A Trip to Margate. London, T. McLean [1824]. Ob- long 4°. 6 coloured pi. $25 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 534) half-mor. ; $55 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 758) orig. wrapper. Household Servants. London, 1829. Fol. 6 coloured pi. $70 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 268) orig. wrapper. Omnium Gatherum. [Two series]. London, C. Tilt [1830-1831]. Oblong 4°. 13 coloured pi. $25 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 538) calf. Fashion and Folly, or the Buck's Pilgrimage. London, W. Sams, 1832. Fol. Title and 23 coloured pi. on 12 sheets. A series made to illustrate Pierce Egan's "Life in London." $110 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 232) calf; $80 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 539) orig. wrapper. Nautical Dictionary. London, 1834. Oblong 4°. 6 col- oured pi. $18 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 540) calf, by Riviere. HECTORS (The) The Hectors or the False Challenge, a Comedy. London, for G. Bedel and T. Collins, 1656. 4°. Ascribed to Edmund Prestwich. £8.8.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 148) unbound. HEIDELOFF (N.). See Gallery of Fashion HELYAS The History of Helyas, the Knyght of the Swanne. Lon- don, Wynkyn de Worde, 15 12. 4°. Only one copy is known and that on vellum: i410 Christie's, 11 June 1899, n. 311, resold $21,000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1655) orig. calf (now Chicago, Cyrus H. McCormick coll.). HEMANS 291 HEMANS (Felicia Dorothea). 1793-1835 Poems. Liverpool, 1808. 4°. In orig. boards, $12-15. Songs of the Affections, with other Poems. Bdinburgh, W. Blackzvood, 1830. 12''. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1657) mor., by Riviere, presentation copy to Wordsworth. HEMING (William). 1602-1632(?) The Fatal Contract, a French Tragedy. London, for J. M., 1653. 4^ $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1658) mor. ; $25 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 306) half mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Eunuch, a Tragedy. London, J. B. for R. Taylor, 1687. 4°- The same play as "The Fatal Contract." $20 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 307) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Jew's Tragedy. London, for M. Imnan and R. Gam- mon, 1662. 4°. £ 14 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 150) unbound. HENNEPIN (Louis). 1640-1706 A New Discovery of a vast Country in America. London, Bentley, Tonson, etc., 1698. 2 parts in i vol. 8". Front., 6 folding plates and 2 folding maps. Two editions, known as the "Bon" and "Tonson" editions, from the word ending the first line of the imprint. $150-200. — $155 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1660) mor., by Pratt; £24 Sotheby's, 3 Apr. 1913, n. 20, orig. calf ; $180 Hubbard (May 1914, n. 963) mor., maps mounted; $175 Dtmwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 549) old calf; $215 and $190 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, nn. 161 and 162) old calf ; $180 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 847) mor., by Lloyd (now C. W. Clark). HEPPLEWHITE (Alice, widov/ of George) The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Guide. London, 1787. Fol. 292 HEPPLEWHITE Other editions are dated 1788, 1789 and 1794. The number of plates varies from 125 to 128; most copies are in poor condition. $100-150. — $150 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 465) calf, by Riviere, minor defects. HERBERT (George). 1593-1633 See A Herbert bibliography being a catalogue of a collection of books relating to George Herbert, gathered by George Herbert Palmer (Cam- bridge, Mass., 1911. 8") 61 pp. {Harvard bibliographical contributions, n. 59). The Temple. Cambridge, T. Buck and R. Daniel, 1633. 12 . This (and not the undated issue described hereafter) is the genuine first edition of Herbert's Temple. $410 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 213) orig. calf (Halsey copy, now Beverly Chew) ; $930 Hagen (May 1918, n. 616) orig. veil, (now A. E. Newton) ; $570 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 850) mor., by Bedford (now Pforzheimer) ; $705 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 394a, mor., by Bedford (Hoe copy). Cambridge, T. Buck and R. Daniel for Fr. Green, n. d. [1633]- 12^ This is identical with the above, except for the title page which is a cancel, the original leaf having been cut out and replaced by a fresh leaf with the name of Fr. Green added and the date suppressed. Only three copies of this rare undated issue have yet been discovered: 1. Huntington (from Hoe, Apr. 1911, I, n. 1670: $2000) old olive mor. (Brand-Heber- Daniel-Foote copy) ; 2. Huntington (Bridgewater) ; 3. £250 Huth (June 1913, n. 3598) old red mor. The second edition. Cambridge, T. Buck and R. Dan- iel, 1633. 8^ Reset throughout. There are likewise two issues, with and without the name of Fr. Green. £ 10.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3599) mor., by Pratt (now Beverly Chew) ; $70 Hagen (May 1918, n. 617) mor., by Bedford (now Beverly Chew). HERRICK (Robert). 1591-1674 Hesperides or the Works both humane and divine. London for /. Williams and P. Bglesfield {for Th. Hunt), 1648. 8°. Portr. by W. Marshall. Copies exist luith and zvithout Hunt's name in the imprint. The first HERRICK 293 are extremely scarce. There are also three cancelled leaves. (See A. W. Pollard', The Library, IV, 1903, pp. 206-212 and 328-331). £75 Roberts (March 1905, n. 1137) old mor. ; i 57 Sotheby's, 11 June 1907, n. 233, orig. calf; $755 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1676) mor., by The Club Bindery (now John C. Tomlinson) ; $430 Allis (March 1912, n. 373) mor., by Riviere; £136 Steeves (May 1916, n. 260) mor. (Rowfant copy) ; £ 160 Prideaux (Oct. 1916, n. 1744) old mor.; $1010 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 407) mor., by Roger Payne (Warton-Corser-Crawford copy) ; $1075 Hagen (May 1918, n. 622) orig. calf (Lefferts copy, now Pforz- heimer) ; $1235 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 854) mor.; £228 Sotheby's, 7 July 1919, n. 39, orig. mor. See also Kelmscott Press. HERRING (John Frederick). 1795-1865 Portraits of the Winning Horses of the Great St. Leger Stakes, at Doncaster, i8i 5-1824. Doncaster, Sheardozvn and Son, and London, Sams [1824] . Fol. 1 1 coloured pi. by Suth- erland after Herring. £ 200 Kennedy (July 1918, n. 52) orig. boards, uncut, with 13 pi. HESIOD The Georgics of Hesiod, translated by G. Chapman. Lon- don, H. L., for Miles Martrich, 161 8. 4°. $215 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 689) mor. (now Huntington). HEYWOOD (John). 1497-1580 His plays are only known by one or two copies, hardly any being in private hands. A merry Play between John John the Husband, Tyb his Wife and Sir John the Priest. London, W. Rastell, 1533. Fol. Pepysian Library (Cambridge) and Bodleian. A merry Play between the Pardoner and the Frere, the Curate and Neighbour Pratte. London, W. Rastell, 1533. Fol. Pepysian and Huntington (the Dyson-Smith-Nassau-Heber-Devonshire copy). The Play of the Weather, a new and very merry Interlude. London, W. Rastell, 1533. Fol. 294 HEYWOOD Cambridge (Univ.), Pepysian and St. John's Coll., Oxford (Crynes copy). [Another edition]. London, Anth. Kytson [ab. 1570]. 4 • Bodl. and Cambr. [Another edition]. London, John Awdeley [ab. 1570]. 4^ i90 Sotheby's, 30 June 1906, n. 965 (now Elizabethan Club, Yale). A Play of Love, a new and merry Interlude. London, IV. Rastell, 1534. Fol. Pepysian. [Another edition]. London, John Waley [ab. 1560]. A^ 4 • Bodl. (wanting title). The Play called The Four P. London, J. Allde, 1569. 4". Brit. Mus. and Pepysian. [Another edition]. London, IV. Myddylton [ab. 1545]- 4°- Brit. Mus. [Another edition]. London, W. Copland [ab. 1560]. A"- Bodl.; £151 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 451, unbound [ap- parently the copy now at the Elizabethan Club, Yale] . Of Gentleness and Nobility, a Dialogue. London, J. Ras- tell [ab. 1530]. Fol. Ascribed to Heywood. Brit. Mus., Cambr. and Pepysian. To the above plays should be added the following books by Heywood: The Spider and the Fly. London, Th. Pozvell, 1556. 4". $950 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1683) mor., by Joly (now Theodore N. Vail) ; £60 Huth (June 1913, n. 3636) old russia (Sykes copy), resold $500 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 876), now Pforzheimer ; $500 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 214) mor. (now J. L. Clawson). John Hey wood's Works. London, T. Pozvell, 1562. 4*". Contains Heywood's Epigrams. HEYWOOD 295 $310 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1606) mor., by Riviere; $300 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 215) mor., by Stikeman; $455 Hagen (May 1918, n. 632) mor., by Lortic (McKee copy, now J. L. Clawson). Other editions dated 1566, 1576-1577, 1587 and 1598 are also scarce and valuable. HEYWOOD (Thomas). 1575(?)-1650(?) The first and; second Parts of King Edward the Fourth. London, F. K. for H. Lozvnes and J. O.venbridge, i6oo. 4". i 26.15.0 Perkins (July 1889, n. 981) calf ; Huntington, the Bridgewater copy, apparently the only other on record. The second edition (1613) $255 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1689) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $205 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 879) Rox- burghe copy (now J. L. Clawson). If you know not me you know no body, or the Troubles of Queen Elizabeth. London, for N. Butler, 1605. 4". Bodl. ; $375 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1684) mor., by Bedford, minor de- fects; £80 Huth (June 1913, n. 3641) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton). The Second Part of If you know not me you know no body. London, for N. Butler, 1606. 4**. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Devonshire); $500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1685) mor., by The Club Bindery. The Fair Maid of the Exchange. London, for H. Rockit, 1607. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Bodl,; Huntington; $235 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1686) mor., by Bedford, minor defects (now W. A. White). A Woman killed with Kindness. London, IV. laggard for J. Hod gets, 1607. 4°. Brit. Mus. The third edition (1617) $52.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 421) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Rape of Lucrece, a True Roman Tragedy. London, for J. B., 1608. 4°. Bodl. ; the Inglis-Heber-Devonshire copy is in the Huntington coll. ; £90 Huth (June 1913. n. 3643) mor.. by Bedford (Tite copy, now Hunt- ington) ; $160 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 416) calf, imperf. at end (Bridgewater copy). The 3rd edition (1614) £86 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 156) unbound. 296 HEY WOOD The Golden Age. London, for IV. Barrenger, 1611. 4°. Two issues of the title-page (defining and deifying). $250 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1687) calf, by Pratt, minor defects; £20 Huth (June 1913, n. 3644) mor., by Bedford (now Huntin^on) ; $210 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 418) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $265 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 878) now J. L. Clawson ; $310 Wallace (March 1920, n. 609) mor., by Walters. The Brazen Age. London, N. Okes for S. Rand, 161 3. 4°. i27 Huth (June 1913, n. 3647) mor. (now Huntington) ; $150 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 420) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Silver Age. London, N. Okes for B. Lightfoote, 161 3. 4 • $60 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1491) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $120 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 880) calf, by Bedford (now J. L. Claw- son) ; £43 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 153) unbound. The Four Prentices of London, with the Conquest of Jeru- salem. London, for J. W., 161 5. 4°. Bodl. ; Dyce coll. The Fair Maid of the West, or a Girl worth Gold. Lon- don, for R. Royston, 1631. 4°. 2 parts in i vol. $75 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1691) mor., by Bedford, minor defects, resold $70 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 220) now W. A. White; £27 Huth (June 1913, n. 3650) half-mor. (Mitford copy, now Huntington) ; $155 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 423) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $120 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919,' n. 882) now J. L. Clawson; £50 Mcstyn (March 1919, n. 158) unbound. The Iron Age. London, N. Okes, 1632. 4°. 2 parts in 1 vol. There are two issues of the second part varying in the title. £ 18 Huth (June 1913, n. 3652) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington) ; £35.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 159) unbound. The English Traveller. London, R. Razvorth, 1633. 4°. $45 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1493) mor., by Matthews (now Hunting- ton) ; $42.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 250) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; £ 11.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 160) unbound. The Late Lancashire Witches, a well received Comedy. London, T. Harper for B. Fisher, 1634. 4°. $50. Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1612) mor., by David (now Huntington); ( HEYWOOD 297 $55 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 435) calf ( Bridgewater copy), resold $70 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 892) now J. L. Clawson. A pleasant Comedy called a Maidenhead well lost. Lon- don, N. Okes for J. Jackson and F. Church, 1634. 4°. 2 wood- cuts, $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1692) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; £9 Huth (June 1913, n. 3657) half-mor. (Roxburghe copy), resold $250 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 885) ; $265 Hagen (May 1918, n. 635) mor., by Bedford (now J. L. Clawson). A Challenge for Beauty. London, R. Razvorth for J. Bcck- et, 1636. 4°. The leaf of Epilogue is often missing. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1495) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $75 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 224) half-mor., uncut (Lefferts copy) ; $82.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 886a) inlaid throughout (Kemble-Dev- onshire copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; £ 12.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 162) unbound. Love's Mistress, or the Queen's Masque. London, R. Ra- worth for J. Crozvch and J. Bniery, 1636. 4°. Two issues with differences. $790 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1694) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Royal King and the Loyal Subject. London, N. and J. Okes for J. Becket, 1637. 4°. $195 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1695) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $70 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 227) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy) ; $57.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 253) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Wise Woman of Hodgson, a Comedy, London, M. P. forH.Shephard, 1638. 4°. $290 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1697) mor., by David; $210 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 431) mor., by Murton (Chew copy), resold $250 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 890) now J. L. Clawson. Fortune by Land and Sea, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for J. Szueeting and R. Pollard, -1655. 4". By Heywood and Rowley. £7.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3672) calf, uncut. In addition to the above plays the following works of Heywood should he noted: 298 HEYWOOD Troia Britanica, or Great Britain's Troy. London, W. lag- gard, 1609. Fol. Contains an important Shakespearian allusion. $66 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 573) mor., by Murton (Lefferts copy) ; $51 Hoe (Apr. 1912. Ill, n. 1489) mor., by Bedford, resold $72.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 877) ; £ 14 Huth (June 1913, n. 3643*) mor., by Clarke; $70 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 411) mor. ; $75 Huntin^on (D'ec. 1917, V, n. 218) mor. (Chew copy, now ag-ain Beverly Chew) ; $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 633) calf (Arnold copy). Gunaikeion, or nine Books of various History concerning Women. London, A. I slip, 1624. Fol. Engr. title. $65 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 219) mor., by Riviere; $82.50 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 239) mor. ; $75 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 249) orig. calf (Bridgewater copy). England's Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles. London, J. Beak, 1631. 8°. $92.50 Hag-en (May 1918, n. 634) mor. The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angels. London, A. I slip, 1635. Fol. Engr. title by T. Cecil! and 9 pi. by Marshall and others. $170 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1693) mor., by Chambolle; $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 636) half-mor. (Lefferts copy) ; $45 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 886) orig. calf. Pleasant Dialogues and Dramas. London, R. O. for R. H. and T. Slater, 1637. 8°. $45 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 226) mor., by Riviere. Londini Speculum or London's Mirror. London, G. Okes, 1637. 4°. $240 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 225) mor. (Devonshire copy). A Curtain Lecture. London, R. Young, iG-^y. 12°. Front. $120 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 428) calf (Chew copy), resold $147.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 887) now J. L. Clawson. HIGDEN (Ralph). 12.. -1364 Polycronicon. Westminster, William Caxton, 1482. Fol. Translated from the Latin by Trevisa and continued by Caxton. This is the only Caxton which is comparatively easy to obtain, as some 40 copies are known; but only 8 of these are perfect ($8000 Hoe, Jan. HIGDEN 299 1912, II, n. 1618, now Hunting-ton) ; the last imperfect copy sold was in the Wallace sale (March 1920, n. 209) $2700, now Van Antwerp. Polycronicon. London, Wynkyn dc Worde, 1495. ^^o^- Nearly all copies are imperfect. With one or two leaves in facs., worth $500-600. Polycronicon. Southwarke, Peter Treveris, i^2y. Fol. $200-300. — $300 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1619) mor., by Joly; $1050 Wallace (March 1920, n. 614) last leaf in facs. HIGGINSON (Francis). 1587-1630 New England's Plantation, written by a reverend Divine novv there resident. London, T. C. and R. C. for- M. Sparke, 1630. 4°. Three editions under the same date, varying- in the imprint. £98 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 35) calf; $1^500 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 164) mor., by The Club Bindery (Church copy) ; $1350 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 118) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (Halsey copy). The Britwell copy is in the Huntington coll. HILTON (William) A Relation of a Discovery lately made on the Coast of Flor- ida. London, J. C. for Simon Miller, 1664. 4°. Extremely scarce. $1275 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 119) unbound (Halsey copy). HISTORIC, MILITARY AND NAVAL ANECDOTES See Orme HISTORY (The) OF TWO VALIANT KNIGHTS The History of two valiant Knights, Sir Clyomon . . . and Clamydes. London, T. Creede, 1599. 4". An extremely scarce play, often ascribed to Peele. £100 Huth duly 1917. n. 5676) mor. (Heber copv), resold $1420 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1291) now C. W. Clark; £320 and £250 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 58 and 59) unbound (one of these, now J. L. Clawson). 300 HISTRIOMASTIX HISTRIOMASTIX Histriomastix, or the Player whipped. London, for T. Thorp, 1610. 4°. This anonymous play which has nothing to do with Prynne's Histrio- mastix, contains a Shakesperian allusion. £38 Huth (June 1913, n. 3710) half-mor. (JolIey-McKee copy, now Hunting-ton); $95 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 229) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; $70 Huntington (Feb. 1918, VII, n. 436) calf, piece cut fromi title (Bridgewater copy). HOARE (Sir Richard Colt). 1758-1838 Ancient History of North and South Wiltshire. London, 181 2- 181 9. 2 vols. Fol. History of Modern Wiltshire. London, 1822-1843. 6 vols. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $150-200 and more on large paper. — £ 110 Brabourne (May 1891, n. 463) mor., uncut, large paper. HOBBES (Thomas). 1588-1679 Leviathan, or the Matter, Form and Power of a Common- wealth. London, for A. Crooke, 1651. Fol. Engraved title and folding table. Three editions under the same date (see Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 1085, and 28 July 1919, n. 243). $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1704) mor., by The Club Bindery. HODGSON (John). 1779-1845 History of Northumberland. Neivcastle, 1 820-1858. 3 parts in 7 vols. 4°. $100-120 and more on large paper. — £40 Thornhill (Apr. 1889, n. 143) russia; £52 Toovey (Febr. 1894, n. 1657) mor., large paper. HOGARTH (William). 1697-1764 Original and genuine Works. London, Boydell [1790]. Fol. Copies contain from 105 to 110 pi., including 3 suppressed pi. $50-60. — £ 18.10.0 Sotheby's, 29 Apr. 1918, n. 783 (103 pi). HOGARTH 301 The Whole Works, re-engraved by Thomas Cook. Lon- don, J. Stockdale, J. Walker and G. Robinson, 1812. Fol. Portr. and no pi. (including "Before" and "After" often miss- ing)- $40-50. — £30 Sotheby's, 29 Oct. 1907, n. 1015, uncut; £27 Puttick's, 21 March 1912, n. 629, half mor. The 1801, 1802 and 1806 ed. are worth $25-30. The original plates were restored by J. Heath and reprinted London, Craddock [1822]. Fol. (parts) : $20-30 with the 2 extra plates. HOLIDAY (Barten). 1593-1661 Technogamia, or the Marriages of the Arts, a Comedy. London, W. Stansby for J. Parker, 161 8. 4°. ill Huth (June 19i3, n. 3761) mor.; £18.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 167) unbound. HOLINSHED (Raphael). 1500-1580(?) The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Lon- don, Lucas Harrison and John Hunne (or others), 1577. 2 vols. Fol. The first edition. Complete copies with the map of Edinburgh are scarce. $400-500. — £106 Sotheby's, 1 Dec. 1896, n. 645. russia; $560 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1711) mor., by Bedford, 2 leaves of Errata in facs. (now Huntington) ; $500 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 329) mor., by Riviere. Pages 74-78 and 90-91 of vol. I were cancelled ; uncancelled copies of these leaves were in the Hanrott-Heber copy and are now in the Grenville copy (Brit. Mus.). Chronicles. London, for J. Harrison, etc., 1 586-1 587. 3 parts in 2 vols. Fol. $100-150. — £32 Edwardes (May 1901. n. 314) mor.; $110 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1651) pigskin, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £ 12 Huth (June 1913, n. 3751) mor., by Bedford (Steevens copy), resold $210 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 121). Pages 421-424, 433-436 and 443-450 of vol. II, 1328-1331 and 1420- 1537, of vol. Ill were cancelled (uncancelled copies at Britwell and in the Grenville Library) ; these "Castrations" were reprinted in 1723 and in- serted into a number of copies. HOLLAND (Henry). 1583-1650 Baziliologia, a Book of Kings. London, for H. Holland 302 HOLLAND and C. Holland, 1618. 4°. Engr. title and 28 portr. of Eng- lish Sovereigns. See H. C. Levis's elaborate monograph, Baziliologia (New York, Gro- lier Club, 1913. 4°) xviii-188 pp. Only 10 copies are known: 1-2. Brit. Mus.; 3-4 Bodl.; 5. Oxford, Hope coll.; 6. Windsor; 7. Sir T. Brooke; 8. Bibl. nationale; 9. H. C. Levis; 10. Beverly Chewt A second edition (London, Thomas Geele, 1630. 4°) is only known by a few stray plates and a copy sold for only £ 5 Inglis (June 1900, n. 365). Heroologia Anglica. Arnheim, Crispinus Passaeus and Jansonins, 1620. Fol. Engr. title and 67 portraits. See collation in Lowndes. $80-100 and more. — £42 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902, n. 798; £20.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3753) mor., by Pratt (now Beverly Ghew). HOLME (Handle). 1627-1699 The Academy of Armory. Chester, 1688. Fol. Complete copies have an unpaged leaf between pp. 220 and 221. $50-60. — A large paper copy containing only the first two' of the three books, in old mor., with royal arms, the dedication copy to James II, £ 47 Amherst (March 1909, n. 451); £25.10.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3756) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington). According to Lowndes, part of book IV was actually set up in type, but only one copy is known. HOLMES (Oliver Wendell). 1809-1894 See George B. Ives, A biblio^raphv of Oliver Wendell Holmes (Bos- ton. Houghton, Mifflin, 1907. 8°) xi-337 pp. The following is but a selection of his works : The Collegian, in six Numbers. Cambridge, Hilliard and Brown, 1830. %76 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 918) in parts. Poems. Boston, Otis, Broaders and Co., 1836. 8°. Urania, a rhymed Lesson. Boston, W. Ticknor, 1846. 8°. 32 pp. Blue wrapper. $20 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 473) wrapper. Astraea, the Balance of Illusions, a Poem. Boston, Ticknor^ Reed and Fields, 1850. 12°. In orig. boards or cloth $4-5. HOLMES 303 The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Boston, Phillips, Sampson and Co., 1858. 8°. There are two issues, with and zmthont the engraved title. Iri.orig. cloth $6-8. — $25 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 475) mor., by The Club Bindery; $77.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 374) mor., autograph added. The MS. is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. A large paper presentation copy to Dickens of the 1859 ed., £6.10.0 Hughes (May 1900, n. 398), resold $200 Allis (March 1912, n. 381) and $180 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 369) ; a similar presentation copy to G. A. Bethune, $130 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1646) mor. The Professor at the BreakfastTable, with the Story of Iris. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, i860. 8°. Exists on large paper. In orig. brown cloth $5-6. — £41 Smith and Gilbert (Oct. 1909, n. 214) cloth, large paper, presentation copy. Eslie Venner, a Romance of Destiny. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1 86 1. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. cloth $3-5. Songs in many Keys. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1862. 8^ In orig. cloth $4-5. — $29 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 583) presentation copy. Lecture, 1863. Private Copy. Boston, 1863. 4°. Wrap- per. Only 6 copies were printed. $15.50 Livermore (Nov. 1894, n. 1426), resold $112 French-Chub- buck (Febr. 1904, n. 906) and $745 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 299). New England's Master-Key. Boston, 1864. 4". Wrap- per. Only 6 copies were printed. $16 Livermore (Nov. 1894, n. 1425), resold $110 French-Chubbuck (Febr. 1904, n. 907) and $750 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 292). Lecture, 1865. [Boston, 1865]. 4°. 54 pp. Only two copies are known, one in the S. H. Wakeman coll. The Guardian Angel. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1867. 8". The Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1872. 12°. In orig. cloth $8-10. 304 HOLMES Songs of many Seasons. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1875. 12°. Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle as she saw it from the Belfry. Private copy. [Boston, 1875. Fol.]. 10 PP- Only 6 copies printed. One is in the Boston Public Library. HOMER Seven Books of the Iliad. Translated by G. Chapman. London, J. Windet, 1598. 4''. Extremely few copies are known. $3000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 687) orig. veil., bound with another (now H. E. Widener Library). Homer Prince of Poets translated ... in twelve Books of his Iliads by G. Chapman. London, for S. Macham [ab. 1 610]. Fol. Engr. title by Hole. The leaf of dedication to Oueen Anne is often missing-. $75 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 620) orig-. calf (now Huntin^on) ; $132.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 62) orig. veil. (Bridgewater copy) ; $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 199) mor., by Lloyd and Wallis (Lefferts copy) with 2 leaves of S'onnets not in the Hoe copy. The Whole Works of Homer. Translated by G. Chapman. London, for N. Butter [ab. 161 6]. 2 parts in i vol. Fol. Portr. The Iliad was published first alone, about 1611 and reissued about 1616, with an altered title; the Odyssey was printed about 1614. There are therefore two varieties and possibly more, one without the portrait. $310 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H. n. 745) mor., douMc, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $610 Hagen (May 1918. n. 200) mor., by Bedford (Lefferts copy) with the 2 rare leaves of Sonnets. The Crown of all Homer's Works Batrachomyomachia, translated by G. Chapman. London, /. Bill [1624]. Fol. Engr. title by W. Pass showing the author's portrait, etc. The earlier state of the engraved title shows the open book before Homer blank (and not printed). Complete copies should contain the 2 unnumbered leaves of Epilogue (aa and aa2). $650 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 688) mor., by Bedford, resold $490 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 66) ; £70 Huth (June 1913, n. 3773) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 94) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). HOMER 305 The Iliad of Homer translated by Mr. Pope. London, W. Bozvyer for B. Lintott, 171 5-1 720. 6 vols. 4^ Portr., map and 2 pi. The Odyssey of Homer. London, for B. Lintott, 172^^. 5 vols. 4°. Portr. The genuine first editions have in vol. I of each series the list of sub- scribers. $40-50. — $65 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2743) the Odyssey alone, on large paper. Pope's rough draft of his version is in the British Museum. HOOD (Thomas). 1799-1845 The Epping Hunt. London, C. Tilt, 1829. 8°. 6 wood engravings after Cruikshank. ' The plates exist in India proofs. In orig. wrapper $8-10. HOOKES (Nicholas or Nathaniel). 1628-1712 Amanda, a Sacrifice to an unknown Goddess. London, T. R. and B. M., 1653. 8°. Front, by Faithorne. $510 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1718) calf, by Smith (now Huntington) ; $310 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1570) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Beverly Chew) ; $315 Purdy (Apr. 1917. n. 419) mor., by Ruban (Mc- Kee copy), resold $325 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 477) ; $1000 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 906) old calf (Freeling-Ouvry-Prideaux copy, with leaf a4 cancelled and uncancelled) ; $810 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 403a, mor., by Riviere (Gaisford-Chew copy). HOPKINS (Charles). 1664(?)-1700(?) Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, a Tragedy. London, for S. Bris- coe, 1695. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1664) half-calf (now Huntington). Boadicea Queen of Britain, a Tragedy. London, for J. 7'onson, 1697. 4''. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1665) half-calf (now Huntington). Friendship improved or the Female Warrior, a Tragedy. London, for J. Tonson, 1700. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1666) half-mor. (now Huntington). 306 HORATIUS HORATIUS (Quintus) FLACCUS Opera. London, J. Pine, 1733-1737- 2 vols. 8°. Engraved throughout. The first issue has the mistake Post est for Potest on p. 108 of vol. II. $60-80 for the first issue, and more in old mor. — £ 101 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 914, old mor., by Derome. A copy, sold for 7,520 fr, in the Lacarelle sale (1888, n. 128) and for 9,000 fr. in the Franchetti sale (1890, n. 143), was in a beautiful mosaic binding by Derome; other sim- ilar copies are quoted in Cohen's Livres a gravures, col. 497-498. See also Ben Jonson. HORSFIELD (Thomas Walker). 17. .-1837 History arid Antiquities of Lewes and its Vicinity. Lewes, 1 824- 1 827. 2 vols. 4°. $8-10. History, Antiquities and Topography of Sussex. Lezves, 1835. 2 vols. 4°. $10-15 and on large paper $15-20. — £ 11.10.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 988) russia, large paper. HORSLEY (John). 1685-1732 Britannia Romana. London, 1732. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $30-40 and more on large paper. — i 18 Sotheby's, 22 Apr. 1895, n. 350, mor., large paper. HORSMANDEN (Daniel). 1691-1778 A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Con- spiracy ... for burning the City of New York in Amer- ica, by the Recorder of the City of New York. Nezv York, J. Parker, 1744. 4°. $200-250. — i51 Hodgson's, 21 Nov. 1907, n. 1641. unbound, uncut; $700 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 1700) mor., by Bedford, wanting half-title. HOUBRAKEN and VERTUE. See Birch HOUGHTON GALLERY The Houghton Gallery. London, Boydell, 1788. 2 vols. Fol. 129 pi. The pictures reproduced are now in the Hermitage at Petrograd. HOUGHTON 307 $100-120. — £50 Dent (Jan. 1911, n. 145) old russia, Dawson Turner's copy; £ 33 Sotheby's, 7 July 1915, n. 431, russia. HOW A MAN MAY CHOSE A GOOD WIFE A pleasant conceited Comedy wherein is showed How a Man may chose a good Wife from a bad. London, for M. Lazve, i6o2. 4°. Ascribed to Joshua Cooke. Extremely scarce. HOWARD (Edward) The Usurper, a Tragedy. London, for H. Herringman, 1 668. 4^ $14 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 259) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Women's Conquest, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1671. 4°. $140 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1702) mor., by The Club Bindery; $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 260) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Six Days Adventure or the New Utopia, a Comedy. London, for T. Bring, 1671, 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1703) mor.. by The Club Bindery; $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 261) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Man of Newmarket [a play]. London, J. C. for W. Crook, 1678. 4°. $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 262) half-mor. ('Bridgewater copy. HOWARD (Henry) EARL OF SURREY. 1517(?)-1547 See W. W. Greg, The Library, 1904, pp. 113-133. Songs and Sonnets, written by the Right Hon. Lord Henry Howard late Earl of Surrey. London, R. Tottel, 5 June 1557. 4 • The first edition of Tottel's Miscellany the earliest of Elizabethan an- thologies ; the eight early editions of this book (1557-1587) are all among the rarest of rare volumes ; the following list gives a fairly complete cen- 308 HOWARD sus of extant copies, but does not include some copies mentioned in early Egnlish sale catalogues. The first edition is only known by the Bodleian copy. [Second edition]. London, R. Toftel, 31 July 1557. 4- Two issues, known by four copies in all: 1. Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; 2. W. A. White (Singer-Tite-Locker copy) ; 3. Capell coll. (with the para- graph sign before Songes on the title) ; 4. £2400 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 56) mor., by Bedford (with the paragraph sign) now Pforz- heimer. [Third edition]. London, R. Tottel, 1^39- 4°- Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; Holford. [Fourth edition], London, R. Tottel, is6S- S\ Bodl. [Fifth edition]. London, R. Tottel, 1567. 8°. Three copies known; Rylands ; Glasgow (Hunterian) ; £41 Gaisford (Apr. 1890, n. 1963) mor., by Bedford, resold $1100 Lefiferts (Apr. 1902, n. 772). [Sixth edition]. London, R. Toftel, 1574. 8°. Three copies known: Brit. Mus. (Grenville); Huntington (Locker- Chew copy) ; E. G. Duff, then $4125 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1210) mor., by The Club Bindery (now J. L. Clawson). [Seventh edition]. London, John Windet, 1585. 8°. Four copies known: Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; Capell coll.; Huntington (Locker-Chew copy) ; £69 Way (July 1881, n. 64). resold $1680 Adee (Nov. 1895, n. 473), $925 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 3169) and $625 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 366) now H. C. Folger. [Eighth edition]. London, R. Robinson, 1587. 8°. Three copies known: Bodl.; Huntington (Bridgewater copy); £500 Huth (July 1918, n. 7162) mor., by Bedford (now Pforzheimer). HOWARD (James All Mistaken or the Mad Couple, a Comedy. London, H. Brugis for J. Magnes, 1672. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 263) boards, resold $11 Huntington (Apr. 1918,VIII, n. 263). The English Mounsieur, a Comedy. London, H. Brugis for J. Magnes, 1674. 4°. $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 264) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). HOWARD 309 HOWARD (Sir Robert). 1626-1698 Four New Plays, viz. : The Surprisal, The Committee, Comedies. The Indian-Queen, The Vestal-Virgin, Tragedies. London, for H. Herringman, 1665. Fol. The Indian Queen was partly written by Dryden. $15 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1706) mor., by Chambolle, resold $75 Hagen (May 1918, n. 647). The Great Favourite or the Duke of Lerma [a play]. Lon- don, for H. Herringman, 1668. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1707) half-mor., by Riviere, resold $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 266). Five New Plays. London, for H. Herringman, 1692. Fol. Portr. by White after Kneller. The five plays are those contained in the two impressions described above. $75 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1708) mor., by David, bound with another. HOWITT (Samuel). 1765(?)-1822 British Field Sports. London, 1807. Fol. 20 coloured pi. $150-200. — i 50 Sotheby's, 1 Dec. 1896, n. 703, russia. The British Sportsman. London, 181 2. 4°. 70 coloured pi. First published at London, J. Scott, 1798-1806. 4°. Foreign Field Sports. £on(i(9n, 1814 (or 1819). 4°. no coloured pi. $50-60. — $105 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 84) mor. An earlier undated edition [1813] only contains 50 pi. and is worth $20-30. — $67 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 993) orig. half-mor. HUBBARD (William). 1621(?)-1704 A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New Eng- land. Boston, J. Foster, 1677. 4**. The rare map of New England should bear the lettering White Hills not Wine Hills. £ 100 Sotheby's, 14 Dec. 1906, n. 449, small defects, modern calf; £450 310 HUBBARD Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 110) orig. sheep, the Hawthorne copy, very fine; $565 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1767) mor., minor defects; $2900 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 166) orig. sheep. Usually bound with a sermon "The Happiness of a People," Boston, J. Foster, 1676. 4°. The present State of New England. London, The. Park- hurst, 1677. 4°. The London reprint of the Narrative, with the Wine Hills map. £49 Hodgson's, 7 Dec. 1905, n. 614; £50 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 159) unbound; $275 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1606) mor., by Gruel; $625 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 167) orig. sheep; $600 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 341) orig. calf; $575 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 125) orig. calf (Halsey copy). HUDSON (The) RIVER PORTFOLIO The Hudson River Portfolio. New York, Megarey and Carvill [1824]. Oblong fol. 20 coloured pi. by J. Hill after W. G. Wall. $205 Holden (Nov. 1910, n. 249) boards; i 58 Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1912, n. 381, half-mor, HUGHES (Thomas). 1822-1896 Tom Brown's School Days. Cambridge, Macmillan, 1857. 8^ In orig. cloth $40-50. HULL (E.). See Gauci (M.) HUMILIATIONS FOLLOWED WITH DELIVER- ANCES Humiliations followed with Deliverances, whereto is add- ed a Narrative of Hannah Swarton containing a great many wonderful Passages relating to her Captivity and Deliverance. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen for Samuel Phillips, 1697. 12°. $2000 Scott's, 18 Febr. 1916, n. 125, sewn, believed to be the only per- fect copy in existence. HUMOURIST 311 HUMOURIST (The). See Cruikshank HUNSLEY (W.) Costumes of the Madrass Army. Printed by W. Porter, 1841. 4^ 36 coloured pi. (including title). £ 17 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 19), several pi. cut short, the only complete copy on record. HUNT (James Henry Leigh). 1784-1859 His works are too numerous to be listed here although several collectors have deemed them worthy of their attention ; a fine set of his first editions exists in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Slater (Barly editions, pp. 133- 140) describes some twenty items, which usually fetch in sales some $5-10 a piece, although one or two scarce items and a few presentation copies have brought higher prices. See also Alexander Ireland, List of the zvritings of William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt. . . (London, J. R. Smith, 1868. 12«) xxiv-233 pp. HUNTER (Joseph). 1783-1861 Hallamshire. London, 1819. Fol. $10-15. Exists on large paper. South Yorkshire. London, 1 828-1 831. 2 vols. Fol. $30-40 and on large paper $60-80. — £25.10.0 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 1053) russia, large paper. HUTCHINS (John). 1698-1773 The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. Lon- don, lyy^.. 2 vols. Fol. $8-10. A more complete edition was published at London, 1796-1815. 4 vols. Fol. Vols. I and II are scarce. $30-40 and more on large paper. — i 29 May (July 1891, n. 1282) calf, large paper. See collation of both the above in Lowndes. Reprinted 1861-1870 (same value). 312 INGE LEND I INGELEND (Thomas) A pretty and merry new Interlude called The Disobedient Child. London, T. Colwell [ab. 1575]. 4°. Extremely scarce. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Kemble-Devonshire copy); £233 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 968 (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; i 310 and 300 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 170 and 171); $225 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 449) title damaged (Bridgewater copy), resold $680 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 924) mor., by Murton (now W. A. White). INTERLUDE Nothing is scarcer, nothing is more desirable for a collector than these Interludes, the earliest plays in English literature. In addition to the following anonymous Interludes listed in chronological order, other Inter- ludes will be found entered under the authors' names, viz. : Bale (John), FuLWELL (Ulpian), Heywood (John), IngelEnd (Thomas), Med WALL (Henry), Skelton (John), WagER (Lewis), WagER (W.), and Wever (Robert). Of hardly any Interlude more than four or five copies are known. A proper new Interlude of the World and Child, otherwise called Mundus et Infans. London, Wynkyn.de IVorde, 1522. Trinity Coll., Dublin. A new Interlude of Impatient Poverty. London, John King, 1560. 4°. * £ 150 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 971 (now Brit. Mus.) the only copy known. [Another edition], A^. p., n. d. 4°. £610 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 169) unbound (now Huntington). A pretty new Interlude called Nice Wanton. London, J. King, 1560. 4°. Huntington (Devonshire) and Brit. Mus. [Another edition]. London, John AUde [ab. 1565]. Two copies known : £ 165 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 964 (now Brit. Mus.) ; £740 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 263) unbound (now Huntington). INTERLUDE 313 A new Interlude of godly Queen Hester. London, W. Pickering and T. Racket, 1561. 4°. Huntington (Devonshire). A pretty new Interlude both pithy and pleasant of the Story of King Darius. London, T. Cokvell, 1565. 4°. Only 6 copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus ; 2. Pepysian ; 3. £85 Huth (June 1912, n. 2000) mor. (Roxburghe-Daniel copy, now Huntington) ; 4. $525 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n.- 123) old calf ( Rhodes-Jolley-Dev- onshire copy), resold $1310 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 404), now C. W. Clark; 5 and 6. £360 and 340 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 71 and 72, un- bound; one of these, now J. L. Clawson). [Another edition]. London, HngJi Jackson, 1577. 4°. £122 Sotheby's 27 June 1906, n. 956 (now Brit. Mus.) the only copy known. A new and merry Interlude called the Trial of Treasure. London, T. Purfoote, 1567. 4°. Five copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus.; 2. Bodl. (Malone) ; 3. Hunting- ton (Roxburghe-Blandford-Heber-Devonshire copy) ; 4. £ 160 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 955 (now W. A. White) ; 5. £630 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 338) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). A new merry and witty Comedy or Interlude treating upon the History of Jacob and Esau. London, H. Binneinan, 1568. 4^ Brit. Mus.- Bodl.; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; Huntington (Kemble- Devonshire) ; £ 148 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 962 (now Elizabethan Club, Yale); £640 and £630 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 174 and 175) now Pforzheimer and J. L. Clawson. A new Interlude no less witty than pleasant entitled New Custom. London, W. How for A. Veale, 1573. 4". ' Brit. Mus.; Bodl.; Worcester Coll., Oxford; Huntington (Devon- shire) ; H. V. Jones; Huth; £ 155 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 970 (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; £450 and 500 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 261 and 262), the second now Pforzheimer. — A duplicate from Worcester Coll. was sold at Sotheby's, 29 Apr. 1920. n. 326. A new Comedy in English in manner of an Interlude . wherein is shown and described as well the Beauty and good Properties of Women as their Vices and evil Conditions. Lon- don, J. Rastell [ab. 1530]. Fol. Also known as Calisto and Mclibea. Bodleian (West-Ratcliffe-Reed-Malone copy). 314 INTERLUDE The Moral Play of Every Man. London, John Skot [ab. 1530?]. 4°. Britwell (the Lincoln-S'pencer-Heber copy). Another edition was in the Daniel and Huth coll. (now Brit. Mus.). And two others, printed about 1525(?) by Richard Pynson are known by very imperfect (but unique) copies in the Bodleian and Brit. Mus. Hyckescorner. London, Wynkyn de Worde [ab. 1525]. 4° Brit. Mus. The Interlude of Hyckescorner. London, John Wa- ley [ab. 1565]. 4^ Bodleian. A new Interlude for Children to play named Jack Juggler. London, William Copland, Three Crane Wharf [ab. 1560]. 4°. £870 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 173) the only copy known (now H. V. Jones). [Another edition]. London, William Copland, in Lothbury [ab. 1565]. 4°. Hunting^ton, the Ing-lis-Heber-Devonshire copy, no other known. A new and pleasant Interlude entitled the Marriage o£ Wit and Science. London, Thomas Marsh [ab. 15. •]. 4°. Bodleian. A new interlude and a merry of the Nature of the Four Elements. London, John Rastell [ab. 1530]. 8°. Brit. Mus. (imperf.). Necromantia, a Dialogue of the Poet Lucian [in the form of an Interlude]. London, John Rastell [ab. 1530]. Fol. Only known by the Harleian catalogue. [Interlude of Somebody, Avarice and Minister]. A^ p., n. d. Only known by 2 leaves at Lambeth. A new Interlude called Thersytes. London, John Tysdale [ab. 156.]. 4°. ' Three copies are known: 1. Huntington (Inglis-Heber-Devonshire copy) ; 2. £210 Puttick's. 26 June 1918, n. 182. unbound, resold $3300 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 875A) mor., by Riviere (now J. L. Clawson) ; 3. INTERLUDE 315 il30 Sotheby's [Mostyn] 31 May 1907, n. 469, resold £510 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 333) unbound. An Interlude of Wealth and Health. [London, ab. 1557?]. 4°. Two copies are known: £ 195 Sotheby's, 30 June 1906, n. 966 (now Brit, Mus.) ; £ 105 Sotheby's [Mostyn] 31 May 1907, n. 472 (now T. J. Wise). The Interlude of Youth. London, John Waley [ab. 1565]. 4 • Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Hunting-ton ; £ 230 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 969 (now EHzabethan Club, Yale) ; i 700 Alostyn (March 1919, n. 361) un- bound (now J. L. Clawson). [Another edition]. London, Williani Copland [ab. 1565]. 4°. Brit. Mus.; £250 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 362) unbound (now Hunt- ington). IRELAND (Winiam Henry). 1777-1835 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. London, J. Pairburn and J. Cumberland, 1823- 1828. 4 vols. 8°. 27 folding pi. by Cruik- shank (24 coloured). In the orig-inal issue all the plates bear the Fairhurn imprint. $300-350 and much more if in 64 parts. — £ 109 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 325) in parts, resold $2600 McMillin Norton (Nov. 1918, n. 82) ; $510 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 778) mor., by Riviere; $520 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 148) mor., by Riviere. IRVING (Washington). 1783-1859 Salmagundi or the Whim-Whinis and Opinions of Launce- lot Langstaff Esq. New York, D. Longworth, 1807- 1808. 2 vols. 12". $80-100 and much more in the orig. 20 parts, first issues. — $65 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1798) calf, uncut, by Bedford, wrappers preserved (now Huntington) ; $280 Bell (May 1917, n. 964) orig. calf, first issue through- out. A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty by Diedrich Knickerbocker. New York, Inskeep and Bradford, 1809. 2 vols. 12°. Fold- ed view of New York. $100-150 and more in orig. boards. —$292 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 362) 316 IRVING boards; $140 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1800) half-mor. ; $181 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1762) mor., by The Club Bindery. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon. New York, C. S. Van Winkle, 1 819- 1820. 7 parts in i vol. 8°. Very scarce with the orig. brown wrapper. In old calf $30-40 and much more in parts. — $235 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 478) in parts, first issue throughout. An 1854 ed., $1550 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1804) mor., by Matthews, with part of the original manuscript. Bracebridge Hall or the Humourists, a Medley by Geoffrey Crayon. New York, C. S. Van Winkle, 1822. 2 vols. 8°. Two editions under the same date. $42.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1806) mor., uncut (now Huntington). Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Philadel- phia, or London, J. Murray, 1824. 8°. A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Colum- bus. Nezu York, G. and C. Carvill, 1828. 3 vols. 8° (or Lon- don, J. Murray, 1S28. 4 vols. 8°). Astoria or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia, Carey, Lee and Blanchard, 1836. 2 vols. 8°. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1816) mor., by David. Oliver Goldsmith, a Biography. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1849. 8°. The 1853 ed. with autograph corrections and additions, $450 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1818) mor., by Matthews, now Isaac N. Seligman, who owns the original manuscript bought for $4250, same sale, n. 1819. Life of George Washington. Nezv York, G. P. Putnam, 1855-1859. 5 vols. 4°. Plates. 110 copies were printed on large paper, with India proofs. $82 Rogers (Oct. 1908, n. 498) large paper. JACK 317 JACK DRUM'S ENTERTAINMENT Jack Drum's Entertainment, or the Comedy of Pasquill and Katherine. London, for R. Olive, 1601. 4°. Sometimes ascribed to Marston. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Bridgewater and Devonshire copies); W. A. White (Rowfant) ; T. J. Wise. JAMES (Henry) See Le Roy Phillips, A bibliography of the writings of Henry James (Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1906. 8°) Lx-187 pp. JAMES (Thomas). 1593(?)-1635(?) The strange and dangerous Voyage of Captain Thomas James in his intended Discovery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea. London, J. Leggaft for J. Partridge, 1633. 4". Folding map. The map is often wanting. There are two editions, the Advise at the end being signed "W.W." in the first, and "XZ' in the second. £60 Huth (July 1914, n. 3990) mor., by C. Smith, resold $315 Robin- son (Apr. 1917, n. 348) ; $350 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 169) pig- skin; $610 same sale (n. 170) mor., by Bedford. JAMES I. 1566-1625 The Essays of a Prentice in the divine Art of Poesy. Bdin- hurgli, T. Vantroidlier, 1584 (or 1585). 4^ $510 McKee (Dec. 1901, n. 3010) mor., ^1584 issue; $1035 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1828) mor., 1584 issue (now Huntington) ; $1350 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 930) mor.. by Sangorski and Sutcliffe, 1584 issue (now Pforzheimer) ; i460 Hamilton (Febr. 1920, n. 628) orig. veil., Lord Burleigh's copy ; i 235 Sotheby's, 9 June 1920, n. 446, mor. His Majesty's Poetical Exercises at vacant Hours. Bdin- hurgh, R. W aide grave [1591]. 4°. $350 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1829) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £81 Huth (July 1914, n. 3977) mor. 318 JAMES Daemonology in form of a Dialogue. Bdinhurgh, R. Wal- de grave, 1597. 4°. $275 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1830) mor. (now Hunting-ton) ; $250 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 931) mor., by Mackenzie (now Pforzheimer). A Counter-Blast to Tobacco. London, R. B., 1604. 4°. Only two or three copies known. Bodl.; $500 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 550, stitched (now Hunting- ton). Works. London, R. Barker and J. Bill, 161 6. Fol. En- graved title by Elstrack and portrait by S. De Pass. $25-50. — $92.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1831) mor., by The Club Bind- ery (now Huntington) ; $75 Learmont (March 1917, n. 316) orig-. calf with royal arms; $135 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 233) calf (Halsey copy) with pages 570-622 (often missing, as they were not printed until 1620). JEFFERSON (Thomas). 1743-1826 Notes on the State of Virginia. [Paris], 1782. 8°. $200 Eames (Apr. 1910, n. 300) orig. calf, presentation copy to Bou- tin; $400 Robinson (March 1917, n. 350) orig. calf (Lefferts copy) ; $320 American Art Association, 19 Nov. 1917, n. 445, orig. calf. JENKINS (J.) The Martial Achievements of Great Britain and her Allies from 1799 to 181 5. London, L. Harrison for J. Jenkins, 1814. 2 vols. 4°. Engr. title and 53 coloured pi. by W. Heath. $50-60. — $130 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 724) old mor., plate proofs; $80 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 192) half-mor. (now Huntington). The Naval Achievements of Great Britain from the Year 1793 to 1817. London, L. Harrison for J. Jenkins [1816-1817], 4". Engr. title and 55 coloured pi. $60-80. —$105 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 192) half-mor. (now Hunting- ton) ; $125 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 245, old half-mor., uncut. "JERDON (Thomas Claverhill). 1811-1872 The Birds of India. Calcntta, 1862-1864. 3 vols. 8". j| $15-25. — The author's own copy with much MS. additional material, many coloured drawings, etc., £250 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1907, n. 281, JERROLD 319 JERROLD (William Douglas). 1803-1857 Men of Character. London, Henry Colhiirn, 1838. 3 vols. 12°. 12 pi. by Thackeray. In orig. boards with label $30-40. — $300 Lambert (Febr._ 1914, n. 799) mor., with the orig. proofs of the plates, the title to each in Thack- eray's autograph; $21 Walpole Galleries, 10 March 1916, n. 313, mor., uncut, by Riviere. A Man made of Money. London, Punch Oifice, 1849. 12''. 12 pi. by Leech. In orig. cloth $6-8 and in 6 parts $20-25. — $26 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 79) in parts; $31 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 592) in parts. JOHNSON (Charles) A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers. London, J. Janeway, 1734. Fol. 26 pi. $60-80 and more. — £33 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 426) mor., uncut; $175 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 362) mor., by Riviere; $135 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 942) calf, by Riviere. Reprinted in 1736 and 1742. JOHNSON (Edward). 1599(?)-1672 A History of New England, 1628-1652. London, for N. Brooke, 1654. 4^ $150-200. — £37.10.0 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 14) sheep; $245 Hol- lingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 967) mor., by Zahn. JOHNSON (James). 17.. -1811 The Scots Musical Museum. Edinburgh, 1787- 1803. 6 vols. 8°. A set of vols. I to IV (1787-1790) with many MS. notes by Burns fetched the high price of £610 Nichols (Oct. 1903, n. 70). JOHNSON (Robert) Nova Britannia, offering most excellent Fruits by planting in .Virginia. London, for S. MacJiam, i6og. 4°. Copies show variations. $475 Crane (March 1913, n. 479) mor., by Bedford (Griswold-Ives- 320 JOHNSON Lefferts copy); $475 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 171) half-mor., minor defects; £134 White Kennett (July 1917, n. 82) unbound; $550 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 173) mor., by Bedford; $750 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 21, mor., by Matthews (A. T. White copy). The New Life of Virginia . . . being the second Part of Nova Britannia. London, P. Kyngston for W. Welhyy i6i2. 4°. $1100 Crane (March 1913. n. 480) mor. (Lefferts copy) ; $2200 Hunt- ington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 172) mor., uncut, by Bedford (Christie-Miller copy) ; $1250 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 174) mor., by Bedford. JOHNSON (Samuel). 1709-1784 See W. P. Courtney, A bibliography of Samuel Johnson. Revised, by D. N. Smith (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1915. 8°) viii-186 pp.; Catalogue of an exhibition . . . relating to Samuel Johnson (Yale, University Library, 1909. 12°) 12 and 24 pp. ; Catalogue of an exhibition commemora- tive of the bicentenary of the birth of Samuel Johnson (New York, Gro- lier Club, 1909. 12°) Viii-106 pp. London, a Poem. London, for R. Doddesley, 1738. Fol. Very scarce. T. J. Wise coll. The Vanity of human Wishes. London, for R. Dodsley and M. Cooper, 1749. 4''. $49 Hermann (March 1919, n. 380) half-calf, by Riviere (stated to be of 1748) ; $50 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 657) calf, by Riviere; $80 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 270) calf, by Bedford; $155 Hagen (May 1918, n. 662) mor., by Riviere (now A. E. Newton). Irene, a Tragedy. London, R. Dodsley and M. Cooper, 1749- 8". £ 10 Grant (May 1900, n. 199), resold $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1877^ and £22 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 364) mor., uncut; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 660) calf (now Huntington). The manuscript is in the British Museum. The Rambler, edited by Samuel Johnson. London, J. Payne, 1753. 2 vols. Folio. Published from 20 March 1750 to 17 March 1752 in 208 numbers. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1878) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; £13 Huth (July 1914, n. 4045) calf, uncut, by Bedford (now C. W. Clark) ; $235 Hagen (May 1918, n. 663) calf; the Wodhull copy in old calf is in the A. E. Newton coll. 1 JOHNSON 321 A Dictionary of the English Language. London, W. Strahan, etc., 1755. 2 vols. Fol. $30-40 and more if uncut. — i 21 Stewart (March 1888, n. 385) mor., uncut; $76 Arnold (May 1901, n. 174) uncut (now A. E. Newton) ; $80 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1879) mor., uncut, by Bedford (now Huntington). The Prince of Abyssinia, a Tale. London, R. and J. Dods- ley and W. Johnston, 1759. 2 vols. 12°. The first edition of "Rasselas." $50-60. — $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1880) orig. calf ; $65 Hagen (May 1918, n. 665) mor. JONES (John) Adrasta, or the Woman's Spleen and Love's Conquest, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for R. Royston, 1635. 4°. £6 Huth (July 1914, n. 4056) old calf. ' JONSON (Ben). 1573-1637 The Works of Benjamin Jonson [vol. I]. London, W. Stansby for R. Meighen, 161 6. Fol. Engraved title by Hole. A few copies are known on large paper. There are three variations of the title, two without Meighen's name. $300-400. — £49 Ashburnham (Dec. 1897. n. 2174) large paper, pre- sentation copy; £61 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 434) Charles Vs copy; $3750 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1901) mor., by Cuzin, large paper, with vol. II (Griswold copy, now Huntington) ; £34 Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1913, n. 504, orig. sheep; £100 Huth (July 1914, n. 4061) mor., by Bedford, large paper (now Beverly Chew) ; £ 175 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 191) mor,, large paper; £ 120 Sotheby's, 8 Apr. 1919, n. 699, orig. mor., two leaves in dupl., with differences. Presentation copies of vol. I, on large paper, are in the Pierpont Mor- gan and W. A. White collections. » The Works of Benjamin Jonson, vol. II. London, for R. Meighen, 1640. Fol. Three plays bear the date 1631 and were doubtless already printed at that date. Exists on large paper. Vol. I was reprinted in 1640 (London, R. Bishop for A. Crooke) to ac- company this second vol. ; this reprint, which contains a portrait by Vaughan, ia also found on large paper. The two vols, are worth $400-500 and a little less when vol. I is dated 1640. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1734) mor., by Riviere, large paper, vol. 322 JONSON I of 1640 eel. (now Beverly Chew) ; $525 Hagen (May 1918, n. 676) mor., by Ramagfe. The Works of Ben Jonson. London, T. Hodgkin, etc., 1692. Fol. Portr. by Elder. $60-80. — $40 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1788) mor., by Riviere (now Beverly Chew) ; $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 682) orig. calf. Single plays. The Comical Satyre of Every Man out of his Humour. Lon- don, for N. Linge (or for W. Holme), 1600. 4". i 122 Sotheby's, 14 July 1902, n. 63, half-calf, in poor condition ; $1750 IToe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1891) mor., Holme imprint, from the Halliwell sale, 1856 (now Huntington) ; $700 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 338) Holme imprint, inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now J. L. Clawson); $1550 Henkels', 26 June 1919, n. 191, half-bound; $1600 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 55, mor., by Lortic, Linge imprint (McKee- W. A. White copy). Every Man in his Humour. London, for W. Burre, 1601. £ 145 Huth (July 1914, n. 4062) half-mor., resold ( ?) $660 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 265) half-mor. (Halliwell copy) ; $310 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 946) half-mor., last 2 leaves in facs. (now Pforzheimer) ; $510 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 55A, half-mor. (Wolfreston-W. A. White copy). The Fountain of Self-Love, or Cynthia's Revels. Lon- don, for W. Biirre, 1601. 4*^. Huntington (Roxburghe-Devonshire copy) ; $155 Ives (March 1891, n. 518) mor. (now W. A. White) ; T. J. Wise (Rowiant copy). Poetaster, or the Arraignment. London, for M. L., 1602. 4°. $500 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1802) calf, resold $525 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 456) now J. L. Clawson; i 275 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1913, n. 45, unbound, uncut (now T. J. Wise) ; $550 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 437A, mor. (Kemble-Devonshire copy). His Part of King James his Royal and Magnificent Enter- tainment. London, V. S. for B. Blount, 1604. 4°. Contains (with separate pagination and signatures) : A particjdar Bn- iertainnient of the Queen and Prince to Althorpe. £ 116 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904. n. 1143, uncut, resold $1310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1892) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1893) mor., by Matthews (now Huntington), the Althorpe Entertainment alone; £ 176 Huth (July 1914, n. 4063) mo'r., JONSON 323 by Bedford (now J. L. Clawson) ; $710 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 328A) mor., by Bedford; $900 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 947) mor., by Riviere, with the original blank leaves (now C. W. Clark). Seianus his Fall. London, G. Blld for T. Thorpe, 1605. 4°. £106 Daniel (July 1864, n. 951), resold £900 Huth (July 1914, n. 4064), large paper, with autograph dedication (now Huntington) ; $410 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1894) mor., by Lortic, resold $370 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 236) ; $410 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIH, n. 274) half- mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $775 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 948) mor., by Hall (Cope copy, now Pforzheimer). Hymenaei or the Solemnities of Masque. . . London, V. Sims for T. Thorp, 1606. 4°. Performed at the marriage of 'the Earl of Essex. $610 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1895) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $1010 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 458) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $910 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 949) now J. L. Clawson. Ben Jonson, his Volpone or the Fox. London, for T. Thorpe, 1607. 4°. £27 Sotheby's, 21 Dec. 1907, n. 48, rough edges; $320 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1896) mor., by Riviere, title mended (now Huntington) ; £95 Hodg- son's, 21 March 1917, n. 449, half-calf (Corser copy). The Characters of two Royal Masques, the one of Black- ness, the other of Beauty. London, for T. Thorp [1608]. 4°. $535 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1897) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunting- ton) ; the McKee copy is in the W. A, White coll. The Description of a Masque . . . celebrating the Marriage of Lord Ramsey. [London, 1608]. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Cambr. (imperf.). The Masque of Queens. London, N. Okes for R, Bonian and H. W alley, 1609. 4**. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington ; W. A. White. The autograph manuscript is in the British Museum. Ben Jonson, his Case is Altered. London, for B. Sutton {and IV. Barrenger), 1609. 4°. Two issues, one without Barrenger's name. Catiline, his Conspiracy. London, for W. Burrc, 161 1. 4°. $540 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1803) mor., bv Leighton (Rowfant copy), resold $550 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 460) and $1050 H. V. Jones 324 JONSON (Jan. 1919, n. 951) now J. L. C law son ; $650 Hagen (May 1918, n. 677) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts copy, now C. W. Clark). The Alchemist. London, T. Snodham for W. Bnrre and J. Stepneth, 1612. 4°. $445 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1898) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $725 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 952) mor., by Sangorski and Sutchffe (now Pforzheimer). Lovers made Men, a Masque. London, 161 7. 4°. Bodleian. The Silent Woman, a Comedy. The third Edition. Lon- don, IV. Stansby for J. Brozvne, 1620. 4*^. The earliest edition yet discovered. $400 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1804) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Masque of Augurs. London, 1621. 4^ Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; T. J. Wise (Rowfant copy). Neptune's Triumphs for the Return of Albion, celebrated in a Masque. [London, 1623]. 4°. Brit. Mus. (imperf.) ; Bodleian. The Fortunate Isles and their Union, celebrated in a Masque. A^. p., n. d. [London, 1624]. 4^ £600 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 177) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). Love's Triumph through Callipolis performed in a Masque at Court. London, J. N. for T. JValklcy, 1630. 4°. By Ben Jonson and Inigo Jones. The Bridgewater copy is in the Huntington coll.; $825 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII. n. 467) mor. (Devonshire copy), resold $775 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 956). Chloridia, Rites to Chloris and her Nymphs. London, for T. JValkley [1630]. 4°. £145 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904. n. 1144, uncut, resold $1550 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1899) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $500 Huntington (Dec. 1917. V. n. 236*) mor., by The Club Bindery (now W. A. White) ; $775 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 462) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $1110 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 953) now J. L. Clawson; £200 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 178) unbound. JONSON 325 The New Inn or the Light Heart, a Comedy. London, T. Harper for T. Alchorne, 1631. 8°. $510 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 328B) calf, by Pratt (now Hunting-ton). Execration against Vulcan. London, J. O. for J. Benson, 1640. 4°. Portr. by Vaughan (the same as in Works, 1640). $210 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1900) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy), resold $200 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 238) now Beverly Chew; $350 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 954) mor., uncut, by Bedford (now C. W. Clark) . Q. Horatius Flaccus, his Art of Poetry. London, J. Okes for J. Benson, 1640. 12°. Engr. title by Marshall. There are 3 cancelled leaves after e 12, missing from nearly all copies. The engraved title is known in two states one bearing the name of an additional publisher W. Ley. $51 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1733) calf, by Bedford (now Beverly Chew) ; $140 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 504) mor.; $360 Hagen (May 1918, n. 680) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Pforzheimer) ; $335 PI. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 955) mor., by Bedford. JORDAN (Thomas). 1612(?)-1685 Poetical Varieties. London, T. C. for H. Blunden, 1637. 4- $17.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1789) calf (now Beverly Chew). The Walks of Islington and Hogsdon . . ., a Comedy. London, T. Wilson, 1657. 4°. Another issue bears the title: "Tricks of Youth . . .'. $15 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1790) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $55 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 468) calf (Bridgewater dopy), re- sold $47.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 957) ; £ 12.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 181) unbound; $105 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 439A. mor. (Kemble copy). Fancy's Festivals, a Masque. London, T. Wilson, 1657. 4°. £16.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 180) unbound. Money is an Ass, a Comedy. London, P. LilUcrap for F. Kirkman, 1668. 4°. $40 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1795) half-mor., resold $72.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 276) and $100 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 958) now J. L. Clawson; $115 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 439B, mor. (Kemble copy) 326 JORDAN London in Luster . . . disposed into several Repre- sentations of Scenes and Pageants. London, for /. Playford, iGyg. 4°. $60 Huntin^on (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 470) half-mor. (Chew copy), resold $65 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 959). JOUTEL (Henry) A Journal of the last Voyage performed by Mons. de La Sale to the Gulph of Mexico. London, A. Bell, 1714. 8°. Folding map with view of Niagara. $100-150. — $455 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 175) orig. blue wrap- per. JUVENALIS (Decimus Junius) The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, translated into English Verse by Mr. Dryden and several other eminent Hands. London, for J. Tonson, 1693. Fol. Dryden translated 5 satires of Juvenal and the whole of Persius. $55 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1002) old mor., large paper (Clayton copy, now Huntington) ; $32.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 261) old calf;" $31 Hagen (May 1918, n. 453) orig calf. K KEATS (John). 1795-1821 Poems. London, C. and J. Oilier, 1817. 8° In orig. boards with label $600-800. — $500 Arnold (May 1901, n. 177) old mor., presentation copy to J. Byng Gattie, resold £90 Van Ant- werp (March 1907, n. 121) and $1950 Ha^^en (May 1918, n. 687) now W. A. Clark, Jr.; £ 177 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902, n. 1029. presentation copy to B. R. Haydon; £ 140 Brown (Apr. 1903, n. 755) orig. boards; $400 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 1922) mor.. by Bedford; £101 S'otheby's, 4 Dec. 1911, n. 800, orig boards; $275 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1833) mor., by Mercier (now Huntington) ; $600 Lovejoy (Nov. 1914, n. 289) old mor., presentation copy to G. A. Wylie ; $500 Anderson's, 17 Dec. 1906, n. 283, resold $750 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 534) orig'. boards, Rowfant copy, with a few autog-r. corrections by Keats; $2400 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 965) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, presentation copy to C. Wells; $1060 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 563) orig. boards; $1750 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 357) Fanny Brawne's copy, now Pforzheimer. KEATS 327 Endymion. London, Taylor and Hessey, 1818. 8°. The first issue has only one Hne of erratum (not five) and at end two leaves (not iive) of advertisements. In orig. boards with label $250-300. — i 58 Sotheby's, 27 March 1906, n. 387; $1000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1923) mor., by Riviere, autogr. add- ed; £60 Arthur (July 1914, n. 372) mor., uncut; $350 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 966) orig. boards ; $700 Anderson's, 28 Oct. 1918, n. 527, pre- sentation copy to W. Haslam, resold $860 Brooks (Apr. 1919, n. 545). Wordsworth's copy is now in the A. E. Newton coll. The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes and other Poems. London, Taylor and Hessey, 1820. 8°. Copies should contain the half-title and 8 pages of advertisements at [.the end. In orig. boards, with label, $250-300. — i 96 Brown (Apr. 1903, n. 756) orig. boards; $300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1924) mor., by David ; $405 Anderson's, 17 Dec. 1906, n. 284, boards, Rowfant copy, autograph in- serted, resold $340 Ives (Apr. 1915, n., 536) now C. W. Clark; $4050 BHixton Forman (March 1920, n. 359) presentation copy to Fanny Brawne (now Miss Amy Lowell). The manuscript of Lamia is in the W. A. White coll. See also Ke;ivMScott Press. KEITH (George). 1639(?)-1716 His numerous and valuable works may be found described in Sabin, le Church desirable is the Church catalogue and other lists of Americana. One of the most A Journal of Travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck on the Continent of North America. London, J. Dozvning for B. Aylmer, 1706. 4". $455 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 177) calf, by Riviere. KELMSCOTT PRESS Of all the publications of private presses, the Kelmscott Press books are the most celebrated and although their value declined after a period of very high prices (1895-1897), they all remain of permanent interest to every collector of English books. The following list emibodies the 53 items which are reckoned to be necessary in a complete set. but specialists add a number of leaflets, broadsides, advertisements and trial proofs. A complete set of the publications brought £255, Sotheby's, 11 Dec. 1903. n. 776. The finest set sold in late years was M. C. D. Borden's, beautifully 328 KELMSCOTT bound by Zaehnsdorf and comprising no less than 42 items printed on vellum. The trial proofs for projected publications include the Froissart (for which see infra n. 46) and single pages (all extremely scarce) of a re- print of Wynkyn de Worde's Vitas Patrnni, of an edition of Gower's Confessio Amantis (a copy of this leaf on vellum £ 10 Sotheby's, 20 Apr. 1899, n. 1045) and of the plays of Shakespeare. The Shakespeare leaf is a most valuable literary relic and one of the few copies in existence sold for $625 Bangs', 7 May 1901, n. 254. 1. William MORRIS, The Story of the Glittering Plain. London, Reeves and Turner, 1891. 4°. Printed 4 April 1891 (200 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — $95 Robinson (Apr. 1918. n. 530) mor., by Riviere. — On vellum £ 114 Ellis (Nov. 1901. n. 33) ; £ 51 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 1296. 2. William MORRIS, Poems by the Way. London, Reeves and Turner, 1891. 4°. Printed 24 September 1891 (300 copies on paper and 13 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. — On vellum^ £ 39.10.0 Sotheby's, 21 May 1900, n. 943; £60 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 34) ; £25 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 1297. 3. Wilfrid Scawen BLUNT, The Love-Lyrics and Songs of Proteus and other Poems. London, Reeves and Turner, 1892. 4°. Printed 26 January 1892 (300 copies on paper). In orig. vellum $20-30. — $45 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 376) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 4. John RUSKIN, The Nature of Gothic. London, G. Allen, 1892. 4°. Printed 15 February 1892 (500 copies on paper). In orig. vellum $10-12. — $25 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 377) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 5. William MORRIS, The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems. London, Reeves and Turner, 1892. 4°. Printed 2 April 1892 (300 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum £ 40 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 37) ; £ 16 Humphries (May 1913, n. 73). 6. William MORRIS, A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson. London, Reeves and Turner, 1892. 4°. Printed 13 May 1892 (300 copies on paper and 11 on vellum). KELMSCOTT 329 In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum $190 Peirce (March 1903, n. 146) ; £ 16 Hodson (Dec. 1906, n. 407). 7. Jacobus de VORAGINE, The Golden Legend, trans- lated by William Caxton. London, B. Quaritch, 1892. 3 vols. Fol. Printed 12 September 1892 (500 copies on paper). In orig. boards $40-50. — $105 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 380) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 8. Raoul LE FEVRE, The Recuyell of the Histories of Troye, translated by William Caxton. London, B. Quaritch, 1892. Printed 14 October 1892 (300 copies on paper and 5 on vellum). In orig. vellum $50-60.. — $175 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 570, calf, by Chivers ; on vellum $155 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 381) mor., by Zaehns- dorf. 9. J. W. MACKAIL, Biblia Innocentium. London, Reeves and Turner, 1892. 8°. Printed 22 October 1892 (200 copies on paper). The last Kelmscott book issued with untrimmed edges. In orig. vellum $25-30. 10. William CAXTON, The Historye of Reynard the Foxe. London, B. Quaritch, 1892. 4°. Printed 15 December 1892 (300 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum i 12.10.0 Willard (July 1907, n. 173). 11. William SHAKESPEARE, Poems and S'onnets. London, Reeves and Turner, 1893. 8°. Printed 17 January 1893 (500 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum £61 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905. n. 1302. 12. William MORRIS, News from Nowhere, or an Epoch of Rest. London, Reeves and Turner, 1892. 8°. Printed 22 November 1892 (300 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum £39 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 43). 13. The Order of Chivalry, reprinted from Caxton's edi- tion. London, Reeves and Turner, 1893. 4°. Printed 24 February 1893 (225 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. 330 KELMSCOTT 14. George CAVENDISH, The Life of Thomas Wol- sey, edited by F. S. Ellis. London^ Reeves and Turner, 1893. 8^ Printed 30 March 1893 (250 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. — $35 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 387) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 15. The History of Godfrey of Bologne and of the Con- quest of Iherusalem, reprinted from Caxton's edition. Lon- don, 1893. 4°. Printed 27 April 1893 (300 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig". vellum $50-60. — $162.50 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 533) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. — On vellum i 56 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 52). 16. Sir Thomas MORE, Utopia, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, Reeves and Turner, 1893. ^°- Printed 4 August 1893 (300 copies on paper and 8 on vellum)'. In orig. vellum $20-25. — On vellum $85 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 389) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 17. Alfred Lord TENNYSON, Maud, a Monodrama. London, Macmillan, 1893. 8°. Printed 11 August 1893 (500 copies on paper and 5 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-25. 18. William MORRIS, Gothic Architecture, a Lecture. London, 1893. ^6". Printed 21 October 1893 (1500 copies on paper and 45 on vellum). In orig. boards $8-10 and on vellum $25-30. — $40 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 571, mor., by The Doves Bindery. 19. Wilhelm MEINHOLD, Sidonia the Sorceress, translated from the German by Lady Wilde. London, 1893. 4- Printed 15 September 1893 (300 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. vellum $40-50. — On vellum $175 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 532) ; £ 53 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 376) ; $250 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 572). 20. Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI, Ballads and narrative Poems. London, Ellis and Blvey, 1893. §". Printed 14 October 1893 (310 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. KELMSCOTT 331 2oa. Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI, Sonnets and lyrical Poems. London, Bllis and Blvey, 1894. 8". Printed 20 February 1894 (310 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. 21. William MORRIS, The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. London, 1893. 16". Printed 16 December 1893 (350 copies on paper and 15 on vellum). In orig. boards $15-20. — On vellum £ 38 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 62). 22. William MORRIS, The Story of the Glittering Plain. London, 1894. 4°. Printed 13 January 1894 (250 copies on paper and 7 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. — $180 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 573, mor., by Zaehnsdorf. — On vellum i 75 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 64). 23. William MORRIS, Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. London, 1894. iG**. Printed 13 March 1894 (500 copies on paper and 15 on vellum). In orig. boards $15-20. — $55 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 574, mor., by The Doves Bindery. — On vellum $75 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 397). 24. John KEATS, The Poems, edited by F. S. Ellis. Lon- don, 1894. 8''. Printed 7 March 1894 (300 copies on paper andl 7 on vellum). In orig. vellum $60-80 (was worth $100-120 in 1900). — $160 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 371) mor., by The Club Bindery; $255 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 410). — On vellum $600 French (Apr. 1901, n. 905) ; i74 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 66). 25. Algernon Charles SWINBURNE, Atalant^ in Cal- €don, a Tragedy. London, 1894. 4". Printed 4 May 1894 (250 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. — $100 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 398) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 26. William MORRIS, The Tale of the Emperor Cous- tans and of Over Sea. London, 1894. 16°. Printed 30 August 1894 (525 copies on paper and 20 on vellum). In orig. boards $15-20. — On vellum $100 French (Apr. 1901, n. 913). 27. William MORRIS, The Wood beyond the World. London, 1894. 8°. Printed 30 May 1894 f350 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum £21 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 1310. 332 KELMSCOTT 28. SULKHAN-SABAH ORBELIANI, The Book of Wisdom and Lies, translated by Oliver Wardrop. London, B. Quaritch, 1894. 8°. Printed 29 September 1894 (250 copies on paper). In orig. vellum $20-30. 29. Percy Bysshe SHELLEY, The poetical Works, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1894-1895. 3 vols. 8°. Printed 21 August 1895 (250 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $60-80. — $500 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 401) pigskin, by The Doves Bindery. — On vellum £ 61 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 1313. 30. Psalmi Penitentiales, an English rhymed Version, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1894. 8°. Printed 15 November 1894 (300 copies on paper and 12 on vellum). In orig. boards $20-30. 31. SAVONAROLA, Epistola de Contemptu Mundi, edited by C. Fairfax Murray. London, 1894. 8°. Printed 30 November 1894 (150 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). - In orig. boards $25-30. — $30 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 403) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. Savonarola's original manuscript was in the G. C. Thomas collection. 32. The Tale of Beowulf done out of the old English Tongue by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. London, 1895. 4°. Printed 10 January 1895 (300 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $40-50. 33. Syr Perecyvelle of Gales. London, 1895. 4". Printed 16 February 1895 (350 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $60-80. — i 26 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 1314. 34. William MORRIS, The Life and Death of Jason, a Poem. London, 1895. 4°. Printed 25 May 1895 (200 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $60-80 (and was worth in 1900 $100-120). 35. William MORRIS, Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. London, 1895. 2 vols. 16*'. Printed 25 July 1895 (600 copies on paper and 12 on vellum). In orig. boards $15-20 and on vellum $50-60. — $95 Anderson's. 9 Febr. 1920, n. 577, calf. KELMSCOTT 333 36. Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI, Hand and Soul. Lon- don, 1895. 16°. Printed 24 October 1895 (525 copies on paper and 21 on vellum). In orig. vellum $20-30. — $50 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 575, mor., by The Club Bindery. 37. Poems chosen out of the Works of Robert HER- RICK, edited by F-. S. Ellis. London, 1895. 8°. Printed 21 November 1895 (250 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $40-50 (and was worth in 1900 $80-100). — On vellum £59 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 84). 38. Poems chosen out of the Works of Samuel T. COLERIDGE, Edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1896. 8^ Printed 5 February 1896 (300 copies on paper andr8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $15-20. 39. William MORRIS, The Well at the World's End. London, 1896. 4''. Printed 2 March 1896 (350 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $60-80. — On vellum £ 56 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 88) ; i 58 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 1296. 40. The Works of Geoffrey CHAUCER, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1896. Fob Printed 8 May 1896 (425 copies on paper and 13 on vellum). The handsomest and most valuable of the Kelmscott books. In orig. boards $400-500. — £ 115 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902. n. 1124; $775 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 642) pigskin, by The Doves Bindpry; £ 131 Swinburne (June 1916. n. 426) presentation copy to Swinburne; $830 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 445, inlaid mor., by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Several of the copies on vellum have been sold by auction. — £ 510 EUis (Nov. 1901, n. 94); £520 Sotheby's. 3 June 1902, n. 1290; £300 Sotheby's. 21 March 1905. n. 1320; £260 Hodson (D'ec. 1906, n. 422); £915 Sotheby's, 7 July 1919, n. 223. 41. William MORRIS, The Earthly Paradise. London, 1896-1897. 8 vols. 4°. Printed 7 May 1896 — 27 September 1897 (225 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $80-100 (and was worth in 1900 $120-130).— On vellum £90 Hodson (Dec. 1906. n. 428). The manuscript £ 330 C. F. Murray (July 1919, n. 61), now in Amer- ica. I 334 KELMSCOTT 42. Laudes Beatae Mariae Virginis, edited by S. C. Cock- erell. London, 1896. 4°. Printed 7 July 1896 (250 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. boards $30-40. 43. Sir Thomas CLANVOWE, The Floure and the Leaf, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1896. 4°. Printed 21 August 1896 (300 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. boards $30-40. — $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 749) mor., by De Sauty, resold $135 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 156). 44. Edmund SPENSER, The Shepheardes Calendar, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1896. 4°. Printed 14 October 1896 (225 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. boards $30-40. 45. William MORRIS, The Water of the Wondrous Isles. London, 1897. 4°. Printed 1 April 1897 (250 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $30-40. — On vellum £ 70 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 1297. 46. FROISSART, Chronicles. 8 leaves of a projected edition (no more printed). 32 sets were struck off in 1896 (all on vellum). £96 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1899, n. 1540. S'ets of two leaves only are by no means so scarce and sell for $40-50. — $85 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 421). 47. Sire Degrevaunt, edited by F. S. Ellis. London, 1896. 8^ Printed 14 March 1896 (350 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. boards $20-30. 48. The Romance of Syr Ysambrace, edited by F. S. El- lis. London, 1897. 8". Printed 14 July 1897 (350 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. boards $20-30. — On vellum £20 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 104). 49. Sidney C. COCKERELL, Some German Woodcuts of the fifteenth Century. London, 1897. Fol. Printed 15 December 1897 (225 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. boards $20-25. — On vellum £ 25 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 1325. KELMSCOTT 335 50. William MORRIS, The Story of Sigurd the Vol- sung and the Fall of the Niblungs. London, 1898. Fol. Printed 19 January 1898 (160 copies on paper and 6 on vellum). In orig. vellum $80-100 (and was worth in 1900 $120-130). — On vel- lum £ 39 Hodson (Dec. 1906, n. 429) ; £ 66 Sotheby's, 8 Apr. 1919, n. 687. In 1897, 32 copies were printed of some trial leaves: £8.10.0 Sotheby's, 27 May 1914, n. 1056. 51. William MORRIS, The Sundering Flood. London, 1897. 8^ Printed 15 November 1897 (300 copies on paper and 10 on vellum). In orig. boards $30-40. — On vellum £ 41 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 1298. 52. William MORRIS, Love is enough or the Freeing *of Pharamond. London, 1897. 4°. Printed 11 December 1897 (300 copies on paper and 8 on vellum). In orig. vellum $25-30. — On vellum $210 Peirce (March 1903, n. 211). The manuscript £72 C. F. Murray (July 1919, n. 63). 53. A Note by William MORRIS on his Aims in found- ing the Kelmscott Press together with a short Description of the Press by S. C. Cockere:IvIv and an annotated List of the Books printed thereat. London, 1898. 8*^. Printed 4 March 1898 (525 copies on paper and 12 on vellum). In orig. boards $20-25. KENDALL (Timothy) Flowers of Epigrams out of sundry the most singular Au- thors. London, J. Shepperd, 1577. 8°. Extremely scarce. — $120 Huntington-Church (March 1916, I, n. 1074) calf, by Riviere, title in facs. (Paine-Rowfant copy, now Huntington). KENRICK (Thomas) The British Stage and Literary Cabinet. London, J. Chap- pell, 181 7-1822. 6 vols. 8°. Numerous portraits plain and coloured. Edited by J. Broughton and J. Pulham. Complete copies are extremely scarce. — £ 53 Truman (Mav 1906, n. 444), MS. notes by Cruikshank; £68 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n.'342) half mor., uncut; $510 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 312) mor., by Riviere, wanting 2 pi. 336 KEY MIS KEYMIS (Lawrence). 15.. -1618 A Relation of the second Voyage to Guiana. London, T. Dawson, 1596. 4°. Two issues, one with the author's name spelled Kemys. i29 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 438) mor., title mended; i62 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 174) mor.; $350 Huntmgton (Jan. 1917, III, n. 178) calf. KILLIGREW (Henry). 1613-1700 The Conspiracy, a Tragedy. London, J. Norton for A. Crooke, 1638. 4^ $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1940) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); $55 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 472) calf (Bridge-, water copy) ; £16.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 182) unbound. Republished in 1653 under the title "Pallantus and Eudora." KILLIGREW (Thomas). 1612-1683 The Prisoners and Claracilla, two Tragi-Comedies. Lon- don, T. Cotes, for A. Crooke, 1641. 12°. $32.50 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 542) calf. Comedies and Tragedies. London, for H. Herringman, 1664. Fol. Portr. by Faithorne. $300-350. — £50 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 443) mor., King Charles H's copy; $330 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 657) mor., by Riviere (now C. W. Clark) ; £38.10.0 Abdy (Nov. 1911. n. 241) orig. calf; $245 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1826) mor., by Bedford, portr. in earliest state; $352.50 Rob- inson (Apr. 1918, n. 543) russia, by Bedford; $310 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 973) russia, by Pratt. KILLIGREW (Sir William). 1606-1695 Three Plays: Selindra, Pandora, Ormasdes. London, T. Mabb for J. Play fere and T. Horsman, 1665. 8°. $36 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1824) russia; $55 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 544) russia. Four new Plays. Oxford, H. Hall for R. Davis, 1666. Fol. $70 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 1771) mor., by Bedford, bound with The Imperial Tragedy (now Huntington) ; $90 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 474) mor.^ by The Club Bindery. KILLIGREW 337 The Imperial Tragedy. London, for W. Wells and R. Scott, 1669. Fol. KILTS AND PHILIBEGS Kilts and Philibegs, the Northern Excursion of Geordie Emperor of Gotham and Sir WilHam Court-his. London, 1822. 2 parts in i vol. 8°. 2 coloured frontispieces by Cruikshank. $105 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 154) half-mor., wrappers preserved. KINGSBOROUGH (Edward King, Viscount). 1795-1837 The Antiquities of Mexico. London, 183 1 -1848. 9 vols. Fol. There are 2 copies on vellum (Brit. Mus. and Bodl.). $250-300 and with the plates coloured $400-500 and more. KINGSLEY (Charles). 1819-1875 The two most desirable of his early editions are: Hypatia. London, 1853. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. cloth $20-30. Westward Ho! Cambridge, Macmillan, i^^^. 3 vols. 12°. In orig-. cloth $20-30. £ 4.2.6 Hodg-son's, 20 May 1914, n. 309. KIP (Johannes). 1653-1722 Nouveau Theatre de la Grande-Bretagne ou Description exacte des Palais du Roy et des Maisons des Gentilshommes. Londres, D. Mortier, 1714-1716. 3 vols. Fol. 272 pi. and 40 maps. There are several editions, the last and best (including a supplement) being in 5 vols. Fol. 1724-1728. $80-100 and more. — £ 29 Hodgson's, 1 Nov. 1906, n. 260, old calf; £65 Robert Peel (June 1900, n. 624) mor. KIPLING (Rudyard) What is practicallv a bibliographv of Kipling's first editions was printed in 1901 by Luther S. Livingston, The works of Rudyard Kipling, the de- 338 KIPLING scription of a set of the first editions of his hooks in the library of a New York collector [i.e. Tracy Dows Esq.], zmth facsimiles. (New York, Dodd, Mead, 1901. 8°) viii-91 pp. {77 copies printed). See also the New York Evening Post, 7 S'ept. 1907. A fine collection of Kipling's works belong's to Mr. Ellis Ames Ballard of Philadelphia. The following list only includes Kipling's Juvenilia printed at Lahore and Allahabad. School Boy Lyrics. Lahore^ Civil and Military Gazette Press, 1 88 1. 8°. In orig. brown wrapper $300-350 (and sold in 1899 for fancy prices: i 135, £76, i90; in 1900£ 40-45 ; then the prices decreased for a time).— $380 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 448) wrappers; £72 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2552) cloth, no wrapper. Echoes by Two Writers. Lahore, Civil and Military Ga- zette Press [1^84']. 8°. In orig. wrapper $300-350. — $300 Williamson (March 1915, n. 3) wrapper; i 94.10.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1728) wrapper; £94 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2550) mor., presentation copy; $400 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 976). Quartette. The Christmas Annual of the Civil and Military Gazette by Four Anglo-Indian Writers. Lahore, Civil and Military Gazette Press, 1885. 8°. In orig. wrapper $100-120. — £ 20 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1727) presentation copy; $180 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 977) presentation copy. Departmental Ditties and other Verses. Lahore, Civil and Military Gazette Press, 1886. S°. Not so scarce as was at one time believed. In the orig. envelope wrapper $80-100. — $180 Williamson (March 1915, n. 7) ; £32 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2551) wrapper; $105 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 978) wrapper. Wee Willie Winkie and other Child Stories. Allahabad, Wheeler a?td Co. [iS^S]. 8\ In orig. wrapper $25-30. — $100 Williamson (March 1915, n. 26) the author's copy with MS', corrections. In Black and White. Allahabad, Wheeler and Co. [1888]. 8^ In orig. wrapper $25-30. — £ 20 Sotheby's, 3 July 1899, n. 168, cor- KIPLING 339 rected proofs; $95 American Art Association, 26 March 1917, n. 341, wrapper, with an autograph note. The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Tales. Allahabad, Wheeler and Co. [i888]. 8°. The first issue has an apostrophe before the R of 'Rickshaw. In orig. wrapper $30-35. — $50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 552) wrapper. Plain Tales from the Hills. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., i888. 8°. In orig. cloth $30-35. — £ 15 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1726) pre- sentation copy. Copies are said to exist with the date 1887, Soldiers Three. Allahabad, Pioneer Press, i888. 8°. In orig. wrapper $40-50. — $47.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 949) wrapper. The Story of the Gadsbys. Allahabad, Wheeler and Co. [i888]. 8^ In orig. wrapper $30-40. Under the Deodars. Allahabad, Wheeler and Co. [i888]. 8^ In orig. wrapper $30-40. The City of Dreadful Night and other Places. Allahabad, Wheeler and Co., 1890. 8°. In orig. grey wrapper $80-100. — £22 Sotheby's, 17 Dec. 1898, n. 679. The 1891 ed. is worth $10-20 and more. — $80 WilHamson (March 1915, n. 32) wrapper. » Smith Administration. Allahabad, 1891. 8°. £26 Sotheby's 17 Dec. 1898, n. 680. Letters of Marque. Allahabad, Wheeler and Co., 1891. 8°. In orig. red and blue cloth $50-60. — $70 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 980). Early contributions by Kipling are to be found in the two following periodicals, both extremely scarce and highly valued by collectors. The United Services College Chronicle. Bide ford, 1878- 1894. 4°. 58 parts. An incomplete set £ 101 Sotheby's. 28 July 1899, n. 423 ; another set, wanting 13 parts $500 Williamson (March 1915, n. 1). 340 - KIPLING The Week's News. Allahabad, 7 Jan.-i5 Sept. 1888. 8°. 36 parts. An incomplete set £20 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1899, n. 668; $140 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 450) wanting- one number. KIRK (R.) Secret Commonwealth, or a Treatise displayeing the chiefe Curiosities as they are in Use among diverse of the People of Scotland to this Day (published by Sir W. Scott). Edinburgh, 181 5. 4°. (100 copies). $5-10. — £34 Andrew Lang (Dec. 1912, n. 485) half-calf, presentation copy. KIRKE (John). 15. .-1642(?) The Seven Champions of Christendom [a Play]. Lon- don, J. Okes for J. Becket, 1638. 4°. $52 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1779) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $75 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 479) calf, one leaf damaged ( Bridg^ewater copy). KIT-CAT CLUB The Kit-Cat Club. London, Tonson and Faber [1735]. Fol. Engraved title and 48 mezzotint portraits by J. Faber af- ter Kneller. $150-200, in original impressions. — £49 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 949) mor.; $300 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1831) mor., by Bedford, wanting- 1 pL, resold $280 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 282) now W. A. Clark, Jr. The 1821 ed. is worth $15-25. KNACK (A) TO KNOW A KNAVE A most pleasant and merry new Comedy entitled A Knack to know a Knave. London, R. Jones, 1594. 4°. Brit. Mus. ; Bo-dl. ; Dyce coll.; Huntington (Devonshire). KNACK (A) TO KNOW AN HONEST MAN A pleasant conceited Comedy called A Knack to know an honest Man. London, for C. Bnrby, 1596. 4°. $650 Hunting-ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 482), resold $1110 H. V. Jones KNACK . 341 (Jan. 1919, n. 997) mor., the Inglis-Heber-Devonshire copy (now W. A. White). KNEVET (Ralph. 16001671 Rhodon and Iris, a Pastoral. London, for M. Sparke, 1631. 4- £7.10.0 Fountaine (June 1902,, n. 474) unbound; $10 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1848) mor.. by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $80 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 483) calf ( Bridgewater copy, now W. A. White). KNIGHT (Richard Payne). 1750-1824 Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus. Lon- don, 1786. 4°. PI. $30-40. — £10.10.0 Beckford (Dec. 1882, n. 1340) mor.; $140 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1784) russia, by Hering, presentation copy to J. Bos- well. The 1865 and 1894 reprints are of smaller value. KOSEWITZ (W. F. von) Eccentric Tales. London, Robins, 1827. 8°. 20 pi. by Cruikshank after A. Crowquill. In orig. boards $60-80. — $130 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 784) boards, coloured pi., autograph added. KYD (Thomas). 1557(?)-1595(?) Cornelia. London, J. Roberts for N. L. and J. Biisbie, 1594- 4 • Translated from the French of Robert Garnier. , Brit. Mus.; Bodl. ; Huntington (Devonshire) ; W. A. White (Rowfant copy) . The second issue with a fresh title-page (Pompey the Great his faar Cornelia's Tragedy. London, for N. Ling, 1595. 4°) £112 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 124) unbound. The Spanish Tragedy. London, A. Jeffes for B. White, 1594. 4^ Goettingen Univ., apparently the only copy known. The First Part of leronimo. London, for T. Pavyer, 1605. 4^ Usually ascribed to Kyd. Only four copies recorded: 1. Brit. Mus.; 2. Bodl.; 3. Huntington 342 KYD (Bridgewater) ; 4. $2000 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 328) mor., in- laid throughout (Roxburghe-Kemble-Devonshire copy). LACYorLACEY (John). 16. .-1681 The Old Troop or Monsieur Raggou, a Comedy. London, for T. Dring, 1672. 4°. $10 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 284) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) . The Dumb Lady or the Farriar made Physician, a Comedy, London, for T. Dring, 1672. 4°. Adapted from Moliere's Mcdecin malgre lid. $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 283) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) . Sir Hercules Buffoon or the Poetical Squire, a Comedy. London, for J. Hindmarsh, 1684. 4°. With an epilogue by J. Haynes and a prologue by T. Durfey : the latter is also found printed separately as a folio broadside. $10 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 285) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Sauny the Scot, or the Taming of the Shrew, a Comedy. London, B. Whitlock, 1698. 4°. The Lefferts copies of these four plays, in 1 vol., half-mor., $55 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1859), now Huntington. LADY ALIMONY Lady Alimony or the Alimony Lady, an excellent pleasant new Comedy. London, T. Vere for W. Gilhertson, 1659. 4°. Ascribed to T. Lodge and R. Greene. $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1956) mor.. by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunt- ington) ; $82.50 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 363) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy); £11 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 185) unbound. LAMB (Charles). 1775-1834 Luther S. Livingston, A hibliography of the first editions in hook form of the zvritings of Charles and Mary Lamb, published prior to Charles LAMB 343 Lamb's death in 1834 (New York, De Vinne Press, 1903. 8^) xv-209 pp. (100 copies printed). See also, by the same, Some notes on three of Lamb's Juveniles, in The Bibliographer I (1902) pp. 215-230; J. C. Thomson, Bibliography of the writings of Charles and Mary Lamb (Hull, Tutin, 1908. 12°) xiv-141 pp. Selected Sonnets from various Authors. Bristol, privately printed, 1796. 8°. By Bowles, Lamb and Coleridge. Very scarce. Lamb's first appearance in print seems to be in Coleridge's "Poems on various Subjects" (1796). See also L1.0YD. A Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind Margaret. Bir- iningham, T. Pearson, 1798. 8°. Exceedingly scarce; the Rowfant and Church (now Huntington) copies were long the only copies known. £80 Sotheby's, 14 May 1902, n. 518, with another book, resold $900 Wallace (March 1920, n. 759) ; £ 122 S'otheby's, 23 July 1906, n. 336 (now J. A. Spoor). A Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind Margaret. Lo7i- don, Lee and Hurst, 1798. 8°. The same as the above but with a reprinted title-page. $300-350. — £93 Hodgson's, 29 Nov. 1906, n. 155, orig. boards, prob- ably the only known copy in that condition; $360 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 703) orig. half-leather; $355 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 487) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). Blank Verse by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb. London, T. Bensley for J. and A. Arch, 1798. 8°. $60-80. — £30 Sotheby's. 5 March 1913, n. 571) orig. .boards and label; $160 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 56) mor., by Riviere. John Woodvil, a Tragedy. London, T, Plummer for G. Robinson, 1802. 8". $40-50. — £25 Sotheby's. 13 June 1904, n. 202, orig. boards, presenta- tion copy; similar copies £29 Hodgson's. 11 July 1906, n. 552; £ 35 Sothe- by's. 15 March 1913. n. 446; £26 Hodgson's. 28 June 1910, n. 538; £33 Sotheby's. 5 March 1913, n. 572; $60 Ives (Apr. 1915. n. 573) boards; $70 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 53) mor., by Riviere ; $325 Meacham (March 1917, n. 909) old calf, presentation copy; $475 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 512) boards, presentation copy. The King and Queen of Hearts. London, for Th. Hodg- kins, 1805. 12". Plates plain or coloured. 344 LAMB Exceedingly scarce. Copies have been sold with the following dates on the cover : 1806: i240 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 606, orig. pink cover (now in America) ; same condition, £340 Sotheby's, 13 Dec. 1911, n. 280. 1808: £ 155 Puttick's, 28 Nov. 1902, n. 65 ; £ 50 Puttick's, 7 Dec. 1903, n. 163; £21.10.0 Sotheby's, 20 June 1904. n. 299 ; $430 Hermann (March 1909, n. 400) ; $600 Wallace (March 1920, n. 762) now A. E. Newton. 1809: £222 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 736, now in America (is it the copy in the H. E. Widener Library?). 1818: £ 5 Sotheby's, 28 July 1902, n. 662, slightly defective. This book was long unknown to Lamb collectors ; the first copy was discovered in 1901 by E. V. Lucas who reproduced it in facsimile. Tales from Shakespear. London, for T. Hodgkins, 1807. 2 vols. 8°. 10 pi. In the first issue the imprint appears on the back of p. 235 ; in the sec- ond issue the back of p. 235 is blank. In orig. boards with label $400-500 and more. — £ 110 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 613, orig. boards; £71 Hodgson's, 19 Oct. 1911, n. 517, vol. 11 only; $650 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1002) orig. boards. Seven of these tales were also printed separately in little chap-books (1807-1811) listed hereafter; the only complete sets on record are in the Folger and T. J. Wise collections. Othello Moor of Venice. London, T. Davison, 1807. 12°. $530 Anderson's, 20 Oct. 1904, n. 298, orig. wrapper (now Folger?) ; $450 Wallace (March 1920, n. 764) no wrapper. — A copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. Timon of Athens. London, for T. Hodgkins, 1807. 12°. King Lear. London, Juvenile Library, 1808. 12°. The Merchant of Venice. London, Juvenile Library, 1808. 12^ The Adventures of Ulysses. London, T. Davison, 1808. 8°. In orig. boards with label $50-60. — £ 30 Sotheby's, 17 June 1903, n. 45, orig. boards; £31 Sotheby's, 15 March 1907, n. 440, orig. boards. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the Time of Shakespeare, with Notes by Charles Lamb. London, Longman, etc., 1808. 8°. In orig. grey boards with label $40-50.' — $142 McKee (May 1902, n. 5218) presentation copy. LAMB 345 Mrs. ]Leicester's School or the History of several young Ladies related by themselves. London, M. J. Godzvin, 1809. 8°. Copies of the earliest issue have only one advertisement on last leaf and the table of contents gives the headings to the chapters and not the double titles as in later issues. In orig. blue boards with label $80-100 and more. — i 58 Puttick's, 7 Dec. 1903, n. 164; $205 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 710) mor., uncut; $120 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 578) mor., uncut; $230 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 513) boards. Poetry for Children entirely original. London, for M. J. Godwin, 1809. 2 vols. 12°. Exceedingly scarce. $2220 Daly (March 1900, n. 1957) orig. boards with leather back (now J. A. Spoor) ; $3300 Wallace (March 1920, n. 772) same condition (Row- fant copy). The Winter's Tale. London, foi- M. J. Godzvin, 1809. 12°. Cymbeline. London, for M. J. Godzvin, 181 1. 12°. $280 Wallace (March 1920, n. 777) mor. The Midsummer Night's Dream. London, for M. J. God- zvin, 181 1. 12°. Prince Dorus. London, M. J. Godzvin, 181 1 (or 1818). 16". Coloured pi. $200-250 for the 1811 edition in blue or yellow covers and $100-150 for the 1818 edition in yellow brown wrapper. i62 Puttick's, 16 July 1902, n. 75, orig. wrapper (1811 issue). Beauty and the Beast. London, M. J. Godzvin [1813]. 16°. Doubtfully ascribed to Charles Lamb. There are at least two editions under the same date showing slight variations. $100-150. — £52 Sotheby's, 15 Dec. 1902, n. 37, orig. boards in orig. printed paper case; same condition $515 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1995). Mr. H. or Beware a bad Name, a Farce in two Acts. Phil- adelphia, M. Carey, 18 13. 12°. Extremely scarce and wanting in most collections. $655 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 493) sewn (Halsey copy), re- sold $460 Wallace (March 1920, n. 781). 346 LAMB The Works of Charles Lamb. London^ C. and J. Oilier, 1818. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. boards with label. $40-50. — i69 Puttick's, 16 July 1902, n. 76, presentation copy; $1010 Allis (March 1912, n. 500) old calf, W. Ayrton's copy (now Hunting- ton) ; $390 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 458) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, presenta- tion copy. Poetical Recreations of the Champion and his Literary Cor- respondents. London, 1822. 8°. Contains 13 pieces by Charles Lamb and one by Mary Lamb. $30-40. — £ 19.10.0 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 614, orig. boards. Elia, Essays which have appeared under that Signature in the London Magazine. London, for Taylor and Hessey, 1823. 8°. Two issues, the first giving as address Fleet Street and not Fleet Street and Waterloo Place, and not having the half-title and the 6 pages of ad- vertisements. In orig. boards with label $100-150. — i 88 Puttick's, 16 July 1902, n. 77, boards, presentation copy; $290 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 714) mor., by Riviere, with the Last Essays; $1325 Allis (March 1912, n. 503) with the Last Essays, presentation copies to Mrs. Ayrton; $375 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 515) mor., by Riviere, richly tooled, with the Last Essays. Elia . . . Second Series. Philadelphia, Carey, Lee and Carey, 1828. 8°. In orig. boards with label $40-50. Album Verses, with a few others. London, B. Moxon, 1830. 8°. In orig. boards with label $15-25. — $55 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1999) mor., uncut (Southey's copy) ; $140 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 56) mor., by Riviere. Satan in Search of a Wife. London, B. Moxon, 1831. 8". In orig. pink wrapper $25-30. — £ 10.2.6 Hodgson's, 4 Febr. 1902, n. 531, orig. wrapper; $75 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2000) mor., uncut. The Last Essays of Elia. London, B. Moxon, 1833. 8°. In orig. boards with label $100-120. LAMBARDE 347 LAMBARDE (William). 1536-1601 A Perambulation of Kent. London, H. Middleton, for R, Newherie, 1576. 4". $30-40. [Another edition]. London, B. Bollifant, 1596. 4°. $15-25. LANDOR (Walter Savage). 1775-1864 The fullest details on Landor's literary career will be found in the re- cent elaborate monograph by T. J. Wise and Stephen Wheeler, A bibli- ography of the ztritings in prose and verse of Walter Savage Landor. (London, Bibliographical Society, 1919. 4'') xxii-426 pp. A number of Landor's works are so difficult to obtain that no library or collection owns them all or nearly all ; the finest series belong to Mr. Walter B. Slater and to Mr. T. J. Wise. Poems. London, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1795. 8°. In orig. blue boards $60-80. — i 21 Christie's, 18 June 1902, n. 347, mor., uncut;" part of the proof sheets £ 14.15.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 851) ; $105 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1006) mor., by Riviere. The Rowfant copy contained numerous autograph alterations. Moral Epistle respectfully dedicated to Earl Stanhope. Lon- don, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, lygS- ^*'- ^9 PP- No wrapper. Forster Library. Gebir, a Poem. London, Rivington, 1798. 8°. In orig. greenish wrapper $80-100. — i 23 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 922, orig. wrapper; £70 Browning (May 1913, n. 816) presentation copy to Browning. Some copies contain a leaf of errata. The second edition (Oxford, 1803) is also a scarce book. Iambi (incerto Auctore) primi ad Morseum de Cambacerio et Bonaparta, posteriores ad Cambacerium Cos. A^. p., n. d. [Oxford, 1800]. 8°. 16 pp. No wrapper. T. J. Wise coll., the only copy known. Poems from the Arabic and Persian. Warzvick, H. Sharpe, 1800. 4^ Two issues, one in 10, the other in 12 leaves. 348 LANDOR $80-100. — i21 Browning (May 1913, n. 822) autograph note; $115 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1007) sewn (now Huntington). Poetry by the Author of Gebir. Warwick, Sharpe [i8oo]. S"*. iv-iii pp. Printed, but never published in this form. Two copies are in the For- ster coll. In 1802 the sheets containing pp. 65-111 were destroyed and pp. 1-64 were issued with a new title as : Poetry by the Author of Gebir. London, F. and C. Riving- ton, i802. 8°. In orig. blue wrapper $40-50. — £50 Browning (May 1913, n. 837) presentation copy. The earlier copies of the 1802 book bear on p. 64 stamped in by hand Sharpe's imprint, lacking in the later copies. Gebirus, Poema. Oxonii, R. Slatter and J. Miinday and Lon- dini, R. S. Kirby, 1803. 8°. Boards. £31 Browning (May 1913, n. 818) presentation copy with autograph corrections. Dr. Parr's copy, also with autograph corrections, was in the Beaufoy Library. Simonidea. Bath, W. Meyler for G. Robinson [1806]. 8°. SonTe eight copies are known; 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Forster coll.; 3. W. B. Slater ; 4. T. J Wise. — £ 19 Hodgson's, 8 Jan 1902, n 93, orig. blue boards, uncut. Guy's Porridge-Pot, a Poem. London, for the Author, 1808. 8°. Wrongly ascribed to Landor. The Dun Cow, an hyper-satyrical Dialogue in Verse. Lon- don, W. and T. Dart on, 1808. 8°. 12 leaves. Blue wrapper. An answer to Guy's Porridge-Pot. Extremely scarce. Three Letters written in Spain to D. Francisco Riguelme. Cintra, for J. Robinson and /. Harding, London, 1809. 8°. 18 leaves. No wrapper. Forster coll., the only copy known. Ode ad Gustavum Regem, Ode ad Gustavum Exulem. Lon- don, Valpy, 1 8 10. 4°. 12 pp. No wrapper. $10-15. — £20 Browning (May 1913, n. 839) presentation copy. LANDOR 349 Count Julian, a Tragedy. London, J. Murray, 1812. 8°. In orig. grey boards $10-15. — Exists on large paper. Commentary on Memoirs of Mr. Fox. London, T. Davi- son and J. Murray, 181 2. 8°. 227 pp. Lord Crewe, Southey's copy, no other known. Reprinted in 1907 by Stephen Wheeler. Letters addressed to Lord Liverpool and the Parliament on the PreHminaries of Peace, by Calvus. London, H. Colburn, 1 814. 8°. 100 pp. Only two copies are known (see The Athenaeum, 7 and 21 July 1900), both in the T. J. Wise coll., one imperfect, corrected throughout by the author, the other found bound with other tracts in a collective volume bearing the title: "Offerings to Buonaparte." London, H. Colburn, 1814. 8°. Letter from Mr. Landor to Mr. Jervis. A^ p. [1814]. 4°. 2 pp. Forster coll., the only copy known. Idyllia nova quinque Heroum atque Heroidum. Oxford, Miinday and Slatter, and London, Longman, 181 5. 12*'. Only three or four copies are known. One of them sold for the small sum of £1.1.0 at Swinburne's sale (June 1916, n. 441), calf (now T. J. Wise). Sponsalia Polyxenae. Pistoia, 1819. The only known copy belonged in 1899 to Willard Fiske. Idyllia Heroica decern. Pisis, apud S. Nistriuiu, 1820. 8°. £20.10.0 Sotheby's, 5 March 1913, n. 569, orig. boards and.label, uncut; £2.12.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 846). Exists on large paper. Poche Osservazioni sullo Stato attuale di que' Popoli che vogliono governarsi, per Mezzo delle Rappresentanze. [Na- ples], 1 82 1. 8". 12 pp. Brit. Mus., the only copy known. Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen. London, 1824- 1829. 5 vols. 8°. Boards or cloth. $25-30. — $90 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 402) vols. 1-3 only, half-mor., some proof sheets added (now Huntington). Vols. 1-2 were reprinted in 1826 with alterations. A small portion of the manuscript belongs to C. Pforzheimer. 350 LANDOR Gebir, Count Julian and other Poems. London, B. Moxon, 1 83 1. S°. Boards with label. Contains a number of poems not published before. Citation and Examination of William Shakespeare . . . before Sir Thomas Lucy. London, Saunders and Otley, 1834. 8°. In orig. brown boards with label $6-8. Terry Hogan, an Eclogue lately discovered in the Library of the Propaganda at Rome ... by Phelim Octavius Quarle. London, J. Wertheimer and Co., 1836. 12°. 36 pp. Brown wrapper and label. Very scarce; ascribed with probability to Landor. A Satire on Satirists and Admonition to Detractors. Lon- don, Saunders and Otley, 1836. 12°. In orig. brown wrapper with label $10-12. The Letters of a Conservative. London, Saunders and Otley, 1836. 12°. In orig. brown wrapper with label $6-8. Pericles and Aspasia. London, Saunders and Otley, 1836. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. blue-green half-cloth with labels $6-8. — $16.50 Poor (Apr. 1909, n. 590) the author's copy, with autograph corrections (now Hunt- ington) ; $70 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 403) Whittier's copy, autograph added. The Pentameron and Pentalogia. London, Saunders and Otley, 1837. 12°. In orig. purple cloth with label $6-8. — $45 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 447) E. Fitzgerald's copy. Andrea of Hungary and Giovanna of Naples. London, R. Bentley, 1839. 8°. In orig. purple cloth or boards with label $10-15. Fra Rupert. London, Saunders and Otley, 1840. 8°. In orig. brown boards with label $15-20. LANDOR 351 To Robert Browning. A^. p. [1845]. 8°. 2 pp. The only known copy of this leaflet, reprinted from the Morning Chronicle, 22 Nov. 1845, belongs to the University of Texas (Wrenn coll.). The Hellenics. London, B. Moxon, 1847. 8". In orig. green cloth $6-8. Reprinted with additions : Bdinhurgh, J. Nichol, 1859. 8°. Green cloth, Poemata et Inscriptiones. London, B. Moxon, 1847. 12^ In orig. blue cloth $6-8. Imaginary Conversation of King Carlo-Alberto and the Duchess Belgioioso on the Affairs and Prospects of Italy. Bath, and London, Longmans [1848]. 16". 26 pp. No wrapper. $100 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 448) calf, by Riviere. The Italics. London, Reynell and Weight, 1848. 8". 16 pp. No wrapper. Very scarce. Epistola ad Romanos. N: p., n. d. [1849?]. S"- 2 pp. No wrapper. Of extreme scarcity. Statement of Occurrences at Llanbedr. N. p. [1849]. 8°. 12 pp. No wrapper. Only two copies on record (Forster coll. and T. J. Wise). On Kossuth's Voyage to America. A^. p., n. d. [1851]. A 4° broadside. Extremely scarce. A copy printed on satin belonged to H- Buxton Forman. Tyrannicide. A^. p., n. (i. [1851]. 8^ 2 pp. No wrapper. Popery, British and Foreign. London, Chapman and Hall, 185 1. 8". In orig. drab printed wrapper $6-8. Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans. London, B. Moxon, 1853. 8°. In orig. cloth (the colour varies) $6-8. The Last Fruit off an old Tree. London, B. Moxon, 1853. 8". Purple cloth. 352 LANDOR $37 Haber (Dec. 1909, n. 1038), resold $46 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 329) mor,, by Stikeman, with the MS. of the preface (now Hunting- ton) ; $16 Walpole Galleries, 1 May 1917, n. 188, presentation copy to J. T. Fields, the author's copy with numerous manuscript notes. Letters of an American, mainly on Russia and Revolution. London, Chapman and Hall, 1854. 8°. In orig. drab printed wrapper or half green cloth with label $6-8. Antony and Octavius, Scenes for the Study. London, Brad- bury and Evans, 1856. 8°. In orig. drab printed wrapper $6-8. Letter from W. S. Landor to R. VV. Emerson. Bath, B. Williams [1856]. 12^ No wrapper. Walter Savage Landor and the Honorable Mrs. Yescombe. [London, 1857]. 12°. 16 pp. No wrapper. Two or three copies known. — $152.50 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 450) mor., by Riviere. Mr. Landor threatened. [London, 1857]. 12°. 14 (or 12) PP- Two editions varying in the number of pages. Extremely scarce. — ^$150 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 449) mor., by Riviere, 1st edition. Dry Sticks Fagoted. Edinburgh, J. Nicol and London, J. Nisbet, 1858. 8°. In orig. dark green cloth $6-8. Mr. Landor's Remarks on a Suit preferred against him at the Summer Assizes in Taunton, 1858. London, Holy oak e and Co., 18^9. 8°. No wrapper. The only known copy (now lost) was in Swinburne's library and a set of the proofs belongs to Mr. T. J. Wise. Savonarola e il Priore di San Marco. Florence, i860. 8°. 7PP- 1000 copies printed and sold for 30 centesimi for the benefit of the Tuscan wounded. Heroic Idyls with additional Poems. London, T. C. Nezvby, 1863. 12°. In orig. cloth (the colour varies) $5-6. 4 LANDOR 353 Letters and other unpublished Writings of Walter Savage Landor, edited by Stephen Wheeler. London, R. Bentley, 1897. 8". Green cloth. Letters of Walter Savage Landor, private and public, edit- ed by Stephen Wheeler. London, Duckworth, 1899. 8°. Red cloth. An Address to the Fellows of Trinity College, Oxford, on the Alarm of Invasion. London, igiy. 8^ 17 pp. Green printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. To Elizabeth Barrett Browning and other Verses. Lon- don, 191 7. 8°. 22 pp. Green printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. A Modern Greek Idyl. London, i()iy. 4°. 14 pp. Green printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. Garibaldi and the President of the Sicilian Senate. London, igiy. 4°. 14 pp. Green printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. LANDSEER (Sir Edwin Henry). 1802-1873 Works. London, H. Graves, n. d. Fol. 100 pi. $60-80. LANG (Andrew). 1844-1912 Most of his early editions are soug'ht for by collectors, especially copies on larg^e paper, but as nearly all can be obtained for prices not exceeding $10 to $25 a piece, it has not been thought necessary to referi to each of them separately. LANGBAINE (Gerard). 1656-1692 Account of the English Dramatic Poets. Oxford, L. L. for G. West and H. Clements, 1691. 8°. $8-10. — $22.50 Buchanan (May 1916, n. 409) half-calf (W. E. Bur- ton's copy). 354 LANGFORD LANGFORD (John) A just and clear Refutation of a false and scandalous Pam- phlet entitled Babylon's Fall in Maryland. London, printed for the Author, 1655. 4°. An answer to L. Strong-. Only six copies seem to be known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Boston Athe- naeum; 3. Huntington (Church) ; 4. $1800 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 185) half-mor., by Riviere (a Brit. Mus. duplicate, afterwards in the Christie-Miller coll.) ; 5. £ 182 Bishop White Kennett (July 1917, n. 89) unbound, resold i 142 Sotheby's, 20 Febr. 1918, n. 294; '6. £158 Bishop White Kennett (July 1917, n. 90) unbound, title defective. LANGLAND (William) The Vision of Pierce Plowman. London, Robert Crow- ley, 1550.^ 4". Three editions under the same date. The 1st ed. : $150 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1947) russia (now Hunting- ton) ; £ 12 Huth (July 1914, n. 4242) mor. (now Beverly Chew) ; $380 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1015) mor., by Bedford (Lefferts-Winans copy) . The 2d ed. : $180 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 1948) mor., by Stikeman (now Huntington) ; $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 1877) mor., by Hering (now Beverly Chew). The 1561 ed. £33 Huth (July 1914, n. 4243) mor., by C. Lewis (now Beverly Chew). LAS CASAS (Bartolome de). 1474-1566 The Spanish Colony or brief Chronicle of the Acts and Gests of the Spaniards in the West Indies. London, T. Dazv- son for W. Bronie, 1583. 4*'. Translated from the Spanish by M. M. S. Very scarce. $72.50 Barlow (Febr. 1890. n. 1414) mor., by Bedford, the last 2 leaves probably in facs., resold $185 Ives (March 1891. n. 561), £30 Leflferts fjune 1902, n. 59) and $46 Anderson's, 16 Apr. 1903, n. 148. LAUDONNIERE (Rene de) A Notable History containing four Voyages made by cer- LAUDONNIERE 355 tain French Captains unto Florida. London, T. Dawson, 1587. 4^ Translated from the French by Richard Hakluyt. Exceedingly scarce. $390 Ashburnham (Dec. 1897, n. 2288) mor. (then Church, now Hunt- ington). LAWRANCE (Mary) [Mrs. Krease] A Collection of Roses from Nature. London, iy<^g. Fol. Front. 90 coloured pi. 2 pp. letterpress. £48 Sotheby's, 7 July 1915, n. 436, old mor.; £65 Lady Lucas (Apr. 1919, n. 640) old mor., by Staggemeier. LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas). 1769-1830 Engravings from the choicest Works of Sir Thomas Law- rence. With text by S. C. Hall. London, H. Graves, 1835- 1844. Fol. 50 mezzotints by Cousins, Lncas, S. W. Rey- nolds, etc. Copies vary greatly, the plates being known in many different states. £ 122 Hodgson's, 14 Jan. 1904. n. 220, chiefly proofs ; £ 72 Hodgson's, 9 Oct. 1906, n. 951, proofs; £95 Hodgson's, 29 Apr. 1909, n. 527, proofs. LAWS OF MASSACHUSETTS The Book of the General Laws and Liberties concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusetts, collected out of the Rec- ords of the General Court. Cambridge [Mass.], Printed ac- cording to Order of the General Court, 1648. Fol. Of this extremely important volume only one copy is known, discov- ered in England in 1906, purchased by E. D. Church (n. 487A) and now in the Huntington coll. Of a later edition (Cambridge, S. Green, 1660. Fol.) only a few copies are known: £ 109 Puttick's, 13 Dec. 1893, n. 214, uncut. A later edition (1672) $625 Price (March 1913, n. 94) old calf. Here may also be mentioned the "Acts and Laws passed by the Great and General Court of Assembly begim at Boston, June 8, 1692," (Bos- ton, Benj. Harris, 1692. Fol.) of which a copy sold for $625 at Henkels', 23 Febr. 1915, n. 375, in the same sale as several other early official pub- lications of a similar character. 356 LAWS LAWS OF NEW JERSEY The Laws and Acts of the General Assembly of His Ma- jesty's Province of Nove Csesarea or New Jersey. Nezv York, William Bradford, lyiy. Fol. $1200 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 731, orig. calf (other items of a similar nature were in the same sale). Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of Nova Csesarea or New Jersey. Burlington, James Keimer, 1728. Fol. Very scarce. $810 Nelson ((Nov. 1915, n. 798) mor., damaged by fire and protected throughout with gauze. LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA The Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia, A. Bradford, 1714. Fol. Some 12 copies are known. £47 Ffoulkes (Dec. 1903. n. 295) old calf; $725 Pennypacker (Dec. 1906, n. 379) half-bound; $650 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n 256) mor. (Church copy). LAWSON (John). 16.. -1712 A New Voyage to Carolina. London, 1709. 4°. $80-100 and much more on large paper. LAY (Benjamin). 1677-1759 All Slave-Keepers that keep the Innocent in Bondage. Phil- adelphia [B. Franklin]. 1737. 8°. $910 Scott's, 8 Dec. 1916, n. 72, sewn, uncut, slightly defective. LEANERD (John) The Rambling Justice or the Jealous Husbands, with the Humours of Sir John Twiford [a play]. London, B. P. for T. Orsell and J. Vade, 1678. 4**. £8.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 186) unbound. i LECHFORD 357 LECHFORD (Thomas). 1590-1644 Plain Dealing or News from New England. London, IV. B. and J. G. for N. Butter, 1642. 4°. £ 17 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 190) unbound; $260 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 1917) mor., uncut, by Bedford (now Huntington); £41 Huth (July 1914, n. 4293) mor., by Bedford; $950 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 192) half-bound (Brit. Mus. duplicate, afterwards in the Christie-Miller coll.) ; $800 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 189) half-calf (Church copy); $650 Huntington (March 1919, X, n. 121) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). LEDERER (John) The Discoveries of John Lederer in three several Marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina. London, J. C. for Samuel Hey rick, 1672. 4°. 18 leaves, with a folding map by Cross. Perfect copies have a leaf of License, facing- the title. £102 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 467), unbound; £120 Sotheby's, 9 June 1902, n. 181, mor. (Lefferts copy) ; £136 Hodgson's, 24 fan. 1911, n. 438; $850 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1976) mor., double, by The Club Bindery; £ 144 Huth (July 1914, n. 4297) mor., by Bedford, resold $675 Robinson (Apr. 1917. n. 381) ; £ 182 Bishop White Kennett (July 1917, n. 95) unbound; $1150 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 190) old mor. (Halsey copy). LEE (Nathaniel). 1653(?)-1692 Several of his plays contain prologues or epilogues by Dryden. The Tragedy of Nero, Emperor of Rome. London, T. R. and N. T. for James Magnns, etc., 1675. 4°. $5 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1977) blue mor., resold $18 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 508) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 291) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Sophonisba or Hannibal's Overthrow. London, for J. Mag- nes and R. Bentley, 1676. 4°. $15 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1980) red mor. (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 294) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 724) old half-calf. Gloriana or the Court of Augustus Cc-esar. London, for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1676. 4°. $15 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II,' n. 1978) calf by Pratt, resold $18 Huntington 358 LEE (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 509) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 292) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $28 Hagen (May 1918, n. 723) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Piso's Conspiracy, a Tragedy. London, T. M. for IV. Cad- eman, 1676. 4°. The same play as the Tragedy of Nero. $10 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1979) red mor. (now Huntington) ; $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 293) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Rival Queens, or the Death of Alexander the Great. London, for James Magnes and Richard Bentley, 1677. 4°. $15 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1981) red mor., by Mercier (now Hunt- ington) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 295) half-mor. (Bridge- water copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $28 Hagen (May 1918, n. 725) half- mor. Mithridates King of Pontus, a Tragedy. London, R. B. for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1678. 4". $22 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2463) unbound. [Second edition with an epilogue by Dryden.] Lon- don, R. B. for R. Bentley, 1685. 4°. $10 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1986) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington). Caesar Borgia, son of Pope Alexander the Sixth, a Tragedy. London, R. B. for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1680. 4°. $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1982) calf, by Pratt, resold $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 510) ; $21 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 296) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Theodosius or the Force of Love, a Tragedy. London, for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1680. 4°. No copy sold recently. The second edition (1684) $10 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1985) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). Lucius Junius Brutus, Father of his Country. London, Richard and Jacob Tonson, 1681. 4°. $10 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 1983) calf, by Pratt, resold $21 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 511) ; $19 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 297) calf, by Riviere; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 726) half-mor. Constantine the Great, a Tragedy. London, JJ. JJills for R. Bentley, 1684. 4^ $10 Hoe' (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1984) calf, by Pratt, resold $20 Hunting- LEE 359 ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 512) ; $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 298) half-mor., (Bridge water copy) ; $27 Hagen (May 1918, n. 727) half-mor. The Princess of Cleve. London, 1689. 4°. $11 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2466) unbound. The Massacre of Paris, a Tragedy. London, R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1690. 4°. $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 1987) calf, by Pratt, resold $20 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 513) ; $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 300) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). LEECH (John). 1817-1864 See William Powell Frith, Jolm Leech,' his life and zvork, 2d ed. (Lon- don, R. Bentley, 1891. 2 vols. 8°) ; [Ruth S. Granniss], Catalogue of an exhibition of works by John Leech (New York, Grolier Club, 1914. 8°) xxiii-187 pp. ; also the list in the catalogue of the H. E. Widener Library. The following list only includes a few characteristic sets of plates which happen to have occurred in recent sales. The Rising Generation. London [1848]. Fol. 12 col- oured pi. $42.50 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 96) orig. half-mor. Coming Home, a Comic Panorama. London [1851]. Ob- long 12°. A single folding coloured sheet. $187.50 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 99) orig. cloth. Hunting, and Sports and Pastimes. London, T. Agnew and Sons, 1 865- [1866]. 2 vols. Fol. 21 coloured pi. $310 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. Ill) orig. boards. Follies of the Year. London, Bradbury and Bvans, n. d. Oblong 4^ 21 coloured pi. In orig. covers $15-20. Mr. Briggs and his Doings. Fishing. London, Bradbury and Bvans, n. d. Fol. 12 coloured pi. $36 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 105) orig. boards. Young Troublesome. London, Bradbury and Bvans, ~d. Oblong 12^ II coloured pi. In orig. boards $15-20. — $40 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 269) mor.. by Riviere. 360 LEEDS LEEDS (Daniel). 1652(?)-1720 The Temple of Wisdom for the Little World. Philadel- phia, William Bradford, 1688. S''. Contains the first American edition of Witlier's Poems and Bacon's Essays. Only two copies are known: 1. New York Public Library, from Stev- ens (1854, n. 584: £8.18.6), Menzies (1876, n. 1219: $190) and Kalb- fleisch, mor., by Bedford; 2. With an extra leaf, but wanting 4 leaves, sold in 1890 by Dr. George H. Moore to the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. (See W. Eames, The Bibliographer, 1902, pp. 11-21). A fragment was sold at Henkels', 26 June 1919, n. 342: $18. The Innocent vindicated from the Falsehood and Slanders of certain Certificates sent from America on behalf of Samuel Jenings. [New York, William Bradford], 1695. 12°. 24 pp. $750 Scott's, 8 Dec. 1916, n. 34, sewed, the only copy on record. News of a Trumpet sounding in the Wilderness. Nezv York, William Bradford, i6gy. 12°. $185 Brinley (March 1880, n. 3427) orig. sheep; $400 Scott's, 8 Dec. 1916, n. 35, orig. sheep. News of a Strumpet co-habiting in the Wilderness or a brief Abstract of the spiritual and carnal Whoredoms and Adul- teries of the Quakers in America, delineated in a Cage of twen- ty unclean Birds. [New York, William Bradford], 1701. 4°. $1100 Merwin's, 5 Dec. 1912, n. 181, sewed, the author's copy, with autograph additions. The Great Mystery of Fox-Craft discovered. [New York, William Bradford], 1705. 4°. $700 Merwin's, 5 Dec. 1912, n. 183, sewed. The Second Part of the Mystery of Fox-Craft, introduced with about thirty Quotations truly taken from the Quakers' Books. New York, William Bradford, 1705. 4°. $710 Merwin's, 5 Dec. 1912, n. 184, sewed. LE FEVRE (Raoul) The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, translated from the French by William Caxton. [Bruges, Caxton, 1474. Fol.]. LE FEVRE 361 The first book printed by Caxton and the first book printed in Enghsh, Seventeen copies are known (only 3 perfect), the two finest being- the Pierpont Morgan copy (from Lord Jersey's sale, 1885, n. 967: £1820) and the Devonshire copy (now H. E. Huntin^on) from the Roxburghe sale (1812, n. 6350: £1060.10.0), wanting 1 leaf, but having a unique frontispiece; the Pembroke copy (June 1914, n. 125: £500), wanting a number of leaves, is now in the Pforzheimer coll. For the 1892 edition, see Kelmscott Press. LESCARBOT (Marc). 1590-1630 Nova Francia, or the Description of that Part of New France which is one Continent with Virginia. London, G. Bishop, 1609 (or A. Hebb/n. d.). 4°. Translated from the French by P. Erondelle. There are two issues varying in the imprint. $500 Huntin^on (Jan. 1917, III. n. 200) half-mor., by David (Church copy) ; $475 Hunting-ton (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 193) calf (Halsey copy). LEVER (Charles James). 1806-1872 The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Dublin, W. Curry, 1839. 8°. Engraved title and 21 pi. by Phiz. $5-6 and in 11 parts $30-40. — $65 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 479) in parts. Charles O'Malley. Dublin, W. Curry, 1841. 2 vols. S\ Engraved title and 21 pi., by Phiz. In orig. green cloth $15-25 and more in 22 parts. — £8 Howard (June 1898, n. 142) calf, uncut; $85 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 480) in parts. Our Mess. Dublin, W. Curry, 1843-1844. 3 vols. 8". Portr. and 70 pi., by Phiz. Vol. I contains Jack Hinton the Guardsman and vols. II-III Tom Burke of "Ours." In orig. cloth $5-6 and in 35 parts $15-20. — £ 13.2.6 Howard (June 1898, n. 143) calf, uncut; $36 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 481) in parts. Arthur O'Leary. London, H. Colburn, 1844. 3 vols. 8°. 10 pi., by G. Cruikshank. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — £17.5.0 Stansfield (June 1898. n. 363) presentation copy; $105 Allis (March 1912, n. 523) cloth, 2 sets of plates, ziHth and before letters. 362 LEVER Nuts and Nutcrackers. London, IV. S. Orr, 1845. 8°. 6 pi., by Phiz and 52 woodcuts. In orig. red cloth $5-6. The O'Donoghue. London, W. Curry, 1845. 8°. 26 pi., by Phiz. In orig. cloth $8-10 and in 13 parts $12-15. St. Patrick's Eve. London, Chapman and Hall, 1845. ^°- Engraved title and 5 pi., by Phiz. In orig. green cloth $5-6. Tails of the Trains. London, W. S. Orr, 1845. 8°. 15 pi., by Phiz. In orig. cloth $15-20 and much more in parts (very scarce). — £ 18.10.0 Wright (June 1899, n. 592) in parts. The Knight of Gwynne. London, Chapman and Hall, 1847. 8°. Engraved title and 39 pi., by Phiz. In orig. cloth $5-6 and in 20 parts $12-15. Diary and Notes of Horace Templeton. London, Chap- man and Hall, 1848. 2 vols. 8"^. $4-5. Confessions of Con Cregan. London, W. S. Orr and Co. [1849]. 2 vols. 8°. 2 engraved titles and 27 pi., by Phiz. In orig. cloth $10-15 and in 14 parts $25-30. Roland Cashel. London, Chapman and Hall, 1850. 8°. Engraved title and 39 pi., by Phiz. $5-6 and in 20 parts $12-15. The Daltons. London, Chapman and Hall, 1850-1852. 2 vols. 8"*. 22 pi., by Phiz. $6-8 and in 24 parts $15-20. The Dodd Family abroad. London, Chapman and Hall, 1852-1854. 8°. Engraved title and 39 pi., by Phiz. $6-8 and in 20 parts $LS-20. — $27.50 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 484) in parts. Maurice Tiernay. London, Thomas Hodgson [1855]. 8°. In orig. green boards $8-10. LEVER 363 Sir Jasper Carew. London, TJiomas Hodgson [i8ss~\- 8°. In orig. boards $6-8. — $19 Alexander (March 1895, n. 3040) half- mor. The Martins of Cro' Martin. London, Chapman and Hall, 1856. 8°. Engraved title and 39 pL, by Phiz. In orig. green cloth $5-6 and in 20 parts $12-15. The Fortunes of Glencore. London, Chapman and Hall, 1857. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $8-10. * Davenport Dunn. London, Chapman and Hall, 1859. 8°. Engraved title and 43 pL, by Phiz. $6-8 and in parts $15-20. — $30 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 485) in parts. One of them. London, Chapman and Hall, 1S61. 8°. En- graved title and 29 pi., by Phiz. In orig. cloth $6-8 and in 15 parts $15-20. A Day's Ride. London, Chapman and Hall, 1863. 2 vols. 8^ $6-8. Barrington. London, Chapman and Hall, 1863. 8°. En- graved title and 25 pi., by Phiz. $5-6 and in parts $12-15. Cornelius O'Dowd. Edinburgh and London, Blackzvood, 1864. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. cloth $6-8. Luttrell of Arran. London, Chapman and Hall, 1865. 8°. Engraved title and 31 pi., by Phiz. In orig. cloth $5-6 and in 16 parts $12-15. A Rent in a Cloud. London, Chapman and Hall [1865]. 8°. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — £21 Sotheby's, 6 Apr. 1914, n. 557, earliest issue; $102.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919. n. 1038) presentation copy. Tony Butler. Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood, 1865 3 vols. 8^ In orig. green cloth $12-15. — $50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1974) cloth, presentation copy. 364 LEVER Sir Brook Fossbrooke. Bdinburgh and London, W. Black- zvood, 1866. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $8-10. The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. London, Smith, El- der and Co., 1868. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. red cloth $12-15. — $34.50 Alexander (March 1895, n. 3043) half-mor. Paul Gosslett's Confessions. London, Virtue, 1868. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $8-10. That Boy of Norcott's. London, SmitJi, Elder and Co., 1869. 8°. In orig. green cloth $25-30. Lord Kilgobbin. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1872. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $15-20. — $34.50 Alexander (March 1895, n. 3030) half-mor. LEVETT (Christopher) A Voyage into New England begun in 1623 and ended in 1624. London, IV. Jones and E. Brezvster, 1628. 4°. Only four copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Carter Brown; 3. Maine Historical Society; 4. £720 Huth (July 1914, n. 4366) calf. LEWIN (William). 17.. -1795 The Birds of Great Britain. London, 1789- 1794. 7 vols. 4° (or 1 795-1801. 8 vols. 4°). 324 coloured pi. S'ee collation in Lowndes. $50-60. — £27 Sotheby's, 27 Febr. 1899, n. 123, mor. ; £31 Sotheby's, 10 Nov. 1916, n. 303, mor. Four copies are known on vellum. LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Charter, Laws and Catalogue of Books of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757. 8". An exitremely scarce Franklin imprint. $1850 Scott's, 18 Febr. 1916, n. 46, orig. half-calf. LIFE 365 LIFE AND ADVENTURES The Life and Adventures of Common Sense, an historical Allegory [London], for Montagu Lawrence, iy6(^. I2^ Contains a most curious passage on Shakespeare, apparently ascribing to Bacon the first thoughts of Shakespeare's plays, $1825 Walpole Galleries, 10 March 1916, n. 270, orig. half-calf, uncut. LIFE (The) AND DEATH OF JACK STRAW The Life and Death of Jack Straw, a notable Rebel in England, who was killed in Smithfield by the Lord Mayor of London. London, J. Danter for W. Barley, 1593. 4". A very scarce play (colophon dated 1594). Brit. Mus. The Heber-Devonshire copy of the 1604 ed. is in the Huntington coll. ; $102 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 333), old calf, 1604 ed., title in facs. ( Bridgewater copy, now W. A. White). LILFORD (Thomas Littleton Powys, fourth Baron) 1833-1896 W Birds of the British Islands. London, 1885- 1897. 7 vols. 8° (or 36 parts). Numerous coloured pi. fc $150-200 and was worth more. — £ 81 Carmichael (March 1903, n. H 691) mor. [Second edition]. London, 1891-1897. 7 vols. 8° (or 36 parts). $150-180 and was worth more about 1900. — £56 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902, n. 1051 ; £63, Sotheby's, 10 Nov. 1903, n. 148. Birds of Northamptonshire and the Neighbourhood. Lon- don, 1895. 2 vols. 8". $15-25 and $20-30 on large paper. LILLY (John). See Lyly LINGUA Lingua, or the Combat of the Tongue and the Five Senses 366 LINGUA for Superiority, a pleasant Comedy. London, G. Bid for S. Water son, 1607. 4°. Extremely scarce. Brit. Mus. LIPSCOMB (George). 1773-1846 History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham. ^ London, J. and W. Robins, 1831-1843. 4 vols. 4°. $60-80 and on large paper with proof plates $80-100. — £30 Bra- bourne (May 1891, n. 26) mor., uncut, large paper. LLOYD (Charles). 17751839 Poems on the Death of Priscilla Farmer, by her Grandson. Bristol, N. Biggs, 1796. Fol. 28 pp. Contains a sonnet by Coleridge and one of Lamb's earliest works. The Grandam. Extremely scarce in the original marbled wrapper. — £ 50 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 912, wrapper; $223 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 664) wrapper, presentation copy, resold $530 Wallace (March 1920, n. 755) ; $205 John- ston (Oct. 1912, n. 577) mor., uncut . For Blank Verse (1798), see supra C. Lamb. LOCKE (John). 1632-1704 An Essay concerning human Understanding. London, B. Holt for T. Basset, 1690. Fol. Two issues with variations in the title-page. The first issue contains an undated dedication to the Earl of Pembroke. $50-60. — $100 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 297) mor., by Bedford, the author's corrected proofs for the 2d edition inserted throughout ; $92.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 302) calf, by Maclehose. LOCKER-LAMPSON (Frederick). 1821-1895 London Lyrics. London, Chapman and Hall, 1857. 8°. Front, by Cruikshank. In orig. cloth $20-25. — $40 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 775) mor., auto- graph added. Lyra Elegantiarum. London, B. Moxon, 1867. 16°. This edition had to be suppressed because it contained copyright poems by Land or. In orig. cloth $12-15. — $60 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 710) mor., inlaid and tooled. LOCKER 367 Poems. London, L Wilson, 1868. 8°. Front., by Cruik- shank. 100 copies printed, 20 being- on large paper. $15-20 and on large paper $20-25. — $62.50 Bangs's, 19 March 1900, n. 421, half-mon, large paper; $30 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 482) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. Patchwork. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1879. 12°. In orig. green cloth $5-6 and on large paper, in brown cloth, as issued for the Philobiblon Society $15-20. London Rhymes. London, 1882. 12''. In orig. cloth $4-5. — $28 Edelheim (March 1900, n. 1460) mor; $24 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 779) mor. The Rowfant Library Catalogue. London, 1886- 1900. 2 vols. 8°. Front., by Cruikshank. The extremely interesting catalogue of the library sold en bloc to E. D. Church. In orig. red-brown leather half-binding $30-40. — £ 15.5.0 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 622, Lockers own copy of vol. I, with his corrections and additions. LODGE (Edmund). 1756-1839 Portraits of illustrious Personages of Great Britain. Lon- don, 1821-1834. 4 vols. Fol. 240 pi. $80-100 and on large paper $150-200. — £58 Wheble (Dec. 1887, n. 261) large paper; $200 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 483) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. There are several 8° editions (1823-1834, 1829-1835, etc., in 12 vols.) worth $15-20 and on large paper $25-30. • LODGE (Thomas). 1558(?)-1625 Collectors of plays should endeavour to obtain his tzvo dramatic pro- ductions : A Looking Glass for London and England. London, T. Creede for W. Barley, 1 594. 4°. By Lodge and R. Greene. Huntington, the Devonshire copy, perhaps the only one on record. The Wounds of Civil War. London, J. Danfer, 1594. 4". Brit. Mus. ; Dyce coll.; Bodl. ; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; £250 Mos- 368 LODGE tyn (March 1919, n. 189) unbound; $100 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 457) old calf, the last 2 leaves in facs. His other works include amongst various important and interesting volumes : Rosalynde, Euphues' Golden Legacy. London, T. Orwin for T. G. and J. Bushie, 1590. 4°. Two copies known: 1. Britwell (imperfect); 2. £210 Sotheby's, 24 July 1901, n. 1209, calf (now in America). The 1592 ed., Brit. Mus. and Bodl. (the only copies known). The 1596 ed., £295 Sotheby's, 17 June 1904, n. 212, unbound (then Perry, now Huntin^on). Catharos, Diogenes in his Singularity. London, W. Hos- kins and J. Danter for J. Bushie, 1591. 4°. $425 Hunting-ton (March 1916, I, n. 1078) mor., by Riviere (Rowfant- Church copy, now Huntington). A Fig for Momus. London, for C. Knight, 1595. 4**. £81 Sotheby's, 18 June 1903, n. 790 mor., resold $395 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2053) now Huntington. LOGGAN (David). 1635-1700(?) Oxonia illustrata. Oxford, 1675. Fol. Portr. and pi. $40-50. — £ 18.10.0 Normanby (Jan. 1891, n. 358) mor. ; £ 40 Amherst (March 1909, n. 560) in a fine Mearne binding. Exists on larg^e paper. Cantabrigia illustrata. Cambridge [1688]. Fol. Portr. and pi. $40-50. — £11.5.0 Sotheby's. 27 June 1905, n. 198, calf; £18 Dunn (Febr. 1913, n. 560) old mor. Exists on large paper. LONDON (The) CHAUNTICLERES The London Chaunticleres, a witty Comedy. London, for S. Miller, 1659. 4°. £10.5.0 Huth (July 1914, n. 4446); £15.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 191) unbound. LONGFELLOW (Henry Wadsworth). 1807-1882 Bibliographers long used with satisfaction a charming anonymous booklet [Beverly Chew], The Longfellow collector's hand-book, a bib- LONGFELLOW 369 liography of first editions (New York, W. E. Benjamin, 1885. 16°) 56 pp.; this has been superseded for practical purposes by Luther S. Living- ston, A bibliography of the first editions in book form of the writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, compiled largely from the collection formed by the late J. C. Chamberlain (New York, 1908. 8°) ix-131 pp. (500 copies printed). This elaborate and very complete bibliography had as a basis the re- markable collection of first editions brought together by J. C. Chamber- Iain, of New York, sold by auction in 1909. There are still in Miss Longfellow's library at Cambridge the poet's own copies of practically all his works. Miscellaneous Poems selected from the United States Lit- erary Gazette. Boston, Cummings, Hilliard and Company and Harrison Gray, 1826. 16". Contains no less than fourteen poems by Longfellow. Very scarce in orig. boards with label : $25-30 and more. — $12.50 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 1169) boards ; $26 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 543) mor., by Matthews; $51 Joline (Dec. 1914, n. 644) boards (Arnold copy). Further poems by Longfellow occur in The Atlantic Souvenir, 1827, 1828, 1832, etc. Elements of French Grammar by M. Lhomond . . . translated from the French . . . by an Instructor. Port- land, S. Cohnan, and Brunszvick, Griffin, 1830. 12°. On pages 34, 38, 60, 7Z and 78 are pasted errata slips of which two different impressions are known, the earlier being in a smaller type. In orig. doth with label $20-30. — $185 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 445) cloth, with 7 errata slips. The second edition (1831) is the first book to bear Longfellow's name on the title-page. French Exercises ... by M. Lhomond. Portland, S. Cohnan, and Brunszvick, Griffin, 1830. 12^ In orig. brown cloth with label $15-20. — $31 Peirce (May 1903, n. 852) cloth. Manuel de Proyerbes dramatiques. Portland, S. Cohnan, and Brunszvick, Griffin, 1830. 12°. Vol. I, no more published. Two editions, the 1st in 156, the 2d in 288 pages. In orig. cloth with label $30-40 and less for the 2d ed. — $50 Cham- berlain (Febr. 1909, n. 447) cloth, presentation copy. The same year was published a volume of Novclas Bspafiolas with a preface by Longfellow ($15-20) and in 1831 a French translation of the Vicar of Wakefield, the latter doubtless under Longfellow's supervision. 370 LONGFELLOW Le Ministre de WakeHeld has sold for $52 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 362) crig. boards. "The Bowdoin Portfolio" (Brunszvick, 1830. 8°, Nos. 1 to 8) may also be quoted here, as it contains Longfellow's Leaves from Hyperion. — $36 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 466) orig. wrappers. Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne. Boston, Gray and Bowen, 1832. 12". The earliest issue, says Livingston, has the misprint la traite (instead of le traite) on p. Ill of the Advertisement, line 13. In orig. red cloth label $10-15. — $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2055) mor., by David (now Huntington). Saggi de' Novellieri Italiani d'ogni Secolo. Boston, Gray and Bozven, 1832. 12°. In orig. red cloth with label $10-12. Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique, translated from the Span- ish. Boston, Allen and Ticknor, 1833. 12°. In orig. red cloth with label $6-8. — $35 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2058) mor., by Matthews. Outre-Mer, a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. No. I. Boston, Hilliard, Gray and Co., 1833. 8**. — No. IL Boston, Lilly, Wait and Co., 1834. 8°. Ex-tremely scarce in the orig. printed wrappers. — $310 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 366) ; $795 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 460) ; $1175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2056) mor., by David, with wrapper for No. II only. Outre-Mer . . . New York, Harper, 1835. 2 vols. I2^ About half of the work appears here for the first time. In orig. cloth $6-8. — $40 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2057) mor., by David; $55 Freiligrath (Oct. 1911, n. 157) presentation copy; $140 Coggeshall (Apr, 1916, n. 428) cloth, presentation copy. Hyperion, a Romance. New York, S. Colman, 1839. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. boards with label, or cloth $15-20. — $24 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 371) boards; $80 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 467) boards, autograph added; $55 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2060) mor., by The Club Bindery; $185 Freiligrath (Oct. 1911, n. 158) boards, presentation copy (now H. E. Widener Library). Voices of the Night. Cambridge, John Owen, 1839. 16°. In orig. boards with label $15-20. — $25 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 369) boards; $47.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2059) mor., by The Club Bindery. LONGFELLOW 371 Ballads and other Poems. Cambridge, John Ozven, 1842. 16°. In orig. boards with label $40-50. — $54 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 376) boards; $92 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 294) mor., presentation copy, resold $40 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 623). Poems on Slavery. Cambridge, JoJin Ozven, 1842. 12°. In orig. printed wrapper $60-80. — $205 May (Jan. 1903, n.' 898) J. R. Lowell's copy; $255 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2061) mor., by David, wrap- per preserved, presentation copy to S. Rogers (now Huntington)) ; $135 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 329) wrapper. The Spanish Student, a Play. Cambridge, John Owen, 1843. 12^ In orig. boards with label $15-20. — $47.50 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 379) boards. The Waif, a Collection of Poems. Cambridge, John Ozven, 1845. 12°. In orig. printed wrapper or plain boards with label $8-10. — $18 Arn- old (Jan. 1901, n. 381) boards ; $22 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 299) boards. The Poets and Poetry of Europe. Philadelphia, Carey and JJart, 1845. 8^ In orig. cloth $6-8. Poems. Philadelphia, Carey and JJart, 1845. ^°- Printed about a month before the following and contains many of the same poems. In orig. cloth $6-8. The Belfry of Bruges and other Poems. Cambridge, John Ozven, 1846. 12°. In orig. printed wrapper $20-25. — $42.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2062) mor., by David, wrapper preserved (now Huntington) ; $85 Freiligrath (Oct. 1911, n. 178) wrapper, presentation copy; $37 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 324) wrapper. The Estray, a Collection of Poems. Boston, IV. D. Tick- nor, 1847. 8°. In orig. cloth or printed wrapper or boards with label $8-10. — $57.50 Freiligrath (Oct. 1911, n. 182) wrapper, presentation copy; $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 2008) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $15 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 330). 372 LONGFELLOW Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie. Boston, W. D. Ticknor, 1847. 12°. The earliest copies are in unglazed brown boards, the later ones in yellow glazed boards. Copies of the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th editions (1848) have been occasionally supplied with a forged 1847 title-page and sold as first editions (see details in Livingston). In orig. boards with label $60-80. — $137 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 300) mor., uncut, resold $60 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 628) ; £ 26 Samuel (July 1907, n. 101) boards, presentation copy ; $140 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2063) mor., by Riviere. Kavanagh, a Tale. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849. There are four issues varying in slight details (see Livingston). In orig. brown cloth $6-8. — $22 Whipple (Apr. 1903, n. 688) cloth, presentation copy; $135 Freiligrath (Oct. 1911, n. 186) cloth, presenta- tion copy (now H. E. Widener Library). The Seaside and the Fireside. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850. 12*'. A few copies exist on large paper. In orig. brown cloth (two distinct varieties of binding) or in orig. boards with label $20-25. — $51.50 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1053) boards, presentation copy; $26 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1995) mor., by Meunier. The Golden Legend. Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851. 12\ In orig. cloth $6-8. — $40 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2064) mor., by The Club Bindery. Driftwood. A^. p., n. d. [1852]. A volume of essays and fragments planned and partly printed. The text was included in the Prose Works of 1857, vol. I, pp. 321-450. No copy of the 1852 proof sheets has yet been discovered. The Song of Hiawatha. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1855. 12^ In orig. brown or red cloth $10-15. — $35 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1996) mor., by David. Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1857. 2 vols. 18°. In orig. blue cloth $6-8. The Courtship of Miles Standish and other Poems. Bos- ton, Ticknor and Fields, 1858. 12°. LONGFELLOW 373 In orig. brown or purple cloth $6-8. — £4.6.0 Na]>ier (Nov. 1912, n. 383) presentation copy; $17 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1997) cloth. The New England Tragedy. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, i860. 8°. A trial edition of "Wenlock Christison" in prose. Only five or six copies seem to have been printed and only two can be traced, both in sheets, one in the Longfellow Library, the other sold for $2200 Chamber- lain (Febr. 1909, n. 507). Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1863. 12°. In orig. cloth $6-8. — $125 Bryant (Nov. 1908, n. 220) doth, presen- tation copy; $21 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2010) mor., by David. NoeL Cambridge, 1864. 12°. 8 pp. A scarce privately printed leaflet of which Livingston could only trace five copies: 1. Longfellow Library; 2. The late C. E. Norton; 3. W. S. Appleton ; 4. The Greene copy, formerly in the Chamberlain coll. ; 5. $55 W. H. Arnold (Jan. 1901. n. 403) mor., uncut, resold $510 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 510) and $400 Wallace (March 1920, n. 861) doubtless the copy presented by Longfellow to Salmon P. Chase. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, translated by Henry Wadsworth Longellow. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1 865 -1 866- 1 867. 3 vols. 8°. The very scarce privately printed edition of which only ten copies were printed (Longfellow Library, C. E. Norton, etc.). Only one copy (G. W. Greene's) seems to have come on the market: $680 American Art Association, 3 Febr. 1916, n. 755, resold $450 Wallace (March 1920, n. 862). Household Poems. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 16°. In orig. blue printed wrapper $5-6. Flower-de-Luce. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1867. 16*'. In orig. cloth $10-12. — $35 Whipple (Apr. 1903, n. 696) cloth, pre- sentation copy; $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, L n. 2066) mor., by David, resold $16 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 333). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1867. 3 vols. 8°. The first published edition, quite different from the private edition, the volumes containing about twice as much matter. In orig. green cloth $8-10. 374 LONGFELLOW The New England Tragedies. I. Wenlock Christison. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. [Boston], Privately printed, 1868. 12°. Half-mor. Wenlock Christison [later renamed JoJin Bndicott] occurs here in verse. The 1868 private edition consisted of ten copies, all of which have been traced by Livingston: 1. Sent to Routledge ; 2. G. W. Greene, then $500 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 517), resold $240 Wallace (March 1920, n. 865) ; 3. Charles Sumner (now Hiarvard) ; 4. T. B. Aldrich; 5-7. Long- fellow Library ; 8. Formerly in the Chamberlain coll. ; 9. George Stewart, Quebec ; 10. Longfellow Library. The New England Tragedies, by Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. I. John Endicott. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1868. 12°. The first published edition, with some alterations, chiefly in the names. In orig. cloth $6-8. — - $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2067) mor., by Meunier. The Divine Tragedy. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1871. 16° or 8°. In orig. cloth $8-10. — $51 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 523) cloth, presentation copy; $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2068) mor., by Meunier, Three Books of Song. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1872. 16*'. In orig. cloth $5-6. — $22.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2069) mor., by Meunier. Christus, a Mystery. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1872. 3 vols. 12°. The first uniform edition of the trilogy formed by: 1. The Divine Trag- edy; 2. The Golden Legend ; 3. The New England Tragedies. In orig. cloth $8-10. — $60 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 527) cloth, presentation copy. Aftermath. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1873. 16". In orig. cloth $5-6. — $40 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 529) cloth, pre- sentation copy. The Hanging of the Crane. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1874. A privately printed poem of which only two copies seem to have escaped destruction (Longfellow Library and W. S. Appleton coll.). The first published edition was issued at London, by G. Routledge, 1874. 16°, whereas the first American edition appeared with illustrations in 1875. 1 LONGFELLOW 375 The Masque of Pandora and other Poems. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1875. 16°. In orig. cloth $4-5. — $35 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 534) cloth, presentation copy. Poems of Places, edited by Henry W. Longfellow. Bos- ton, J. R. Osgood, 1 876- 1 879. 31 vols. 16°. In orig. red cloth $8-10. — $34 American Art Association, 3 Febr. 1916, n. 760, cloth, presentation copy. Keramos. A^. p., n. d. [Cambridge, 1877]. 8°. 12 pp. A private issue believed to be of six copies only ; three are in the Long- fellow Library and two were in the Chamberlain coll. ; $400 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 540), resold $110 Wallace (March 1920, n. 870). Keramos and other Poems. Boston, Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1878. 12°. In orig. cloth $4-5. — $25 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 541) cloth, presentation copy, resold $23 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 436). A copy is known uncut in boards. Bayard Taylor. A^. p., n. d. [Cambridge, 1879]. 12°. 4 pp. Of this privately printed leaflet only two copies can be traced (Long- fellow Library and Stephen H. Wakeman). From my Arm-Chair. To the Children of Cambridge who presented to me, on my seventy-second Birthday, February 27, 1879, t^'^^s Chair, made from the Wood of the Village Black- smith's Chestnut Tree [1879]. 12°. .4 pp. A scarce leaflet $50-60. — $35 McKee (Apr. 1903, n. 6333) signed at end; $150 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 544) autograph added. Ultima Thule. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880. 16°. In orig. cloth $4-5. On Account of Illness, Mr. Longfellow finds it impossible to answer any Letters. . . Cambridge [1881]. A 12"^ sin- gle sheet. $15 S'cott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 233. In the Harbour. Ultima Thule, Part II. Boston, Hough- ton, Mifflin and Co., 1882. 16°. Longfellow's last work. In orig. cloth $4-5. 376 LONGFELLOW Michael Angelo. London^ G. Routledge, 1883. 8°. A very scarce private reprint from the Atlantic Monthly. Only one copy can be traced; $17 Foote (Nov. 1894, n. 173) now Wrenn coll., University of Texas. Origin and Growth of the Languages of Southern Europe and of their Literature, an inaugural Address delivered Septem- ber 2, 1830. Bowdoin College, 1907. 16°. In orig. cloth $4-5. LOOK ABOUT YOU A pleasant Comedy called Look about you. London, for W. Ferbrand, 1600. 4°. £ 135 Huth (July 1914, n. 4454) half-calf (Corser copy, now W. A. White) ; $100 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 336) mor., inlaid through- out (Kemble-Devonshire copy). LOVE A LA MODE Love a la Mode, a Comedy. London, 1663. 4°. Contains a Shakespearean allusion. £ 5.5.0 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 1022, unbound. LOVELACE (Richard). 1618-1658 Lucasta. London, Tho. Harper for Tho. Bzvster, 1649. ^*'- Title and frontispiece by Faithorne. There are two issues, sheet B having been reprinted (1st issue: warres; 2d issue: zuars). $200-300 and more. — $705 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2093) calf, by Smith (now Beverly Chew) ; £ 145 Huth (July 1914, n. 4474) Perry-Haslewood- Daniel copy; £ 132 Prideaux (Febr. 1917, n. 2330) mor., by De Coverly; $875 Hagen (May 1918. n. 738) mor., by S'tikeman (Foote copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $925 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1048) mor., by De Cov- erly, 1st issue (now C. W. Clark). Lucasta. Posthume Poems. London, W. Godbid for C. Darby, 1659-1660. 12°. Portr. by Hollar, i pi. by Faithorne and engraved front, to p. 108. Very scarce with the three engravings. $60 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2033) calf, by Smith (now Beverly Chew) ; £ 98 Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1912, n. 33, orig. calf. LOWELL 377 LOWELL (James Russell). 1819-1891 See George Willis Cooke, A bibliography of James Russell Lowell (Bos- ton, Houghton, Mifflin, 1906. 8°) ix-268 pp.; Luther S. Livingston, A bibliography of the first editions in book form of the ivritings of James Russell Lowell, compiled largely from the collection formed by the late J. C. Chamberlain (New York, 1914, 8°) xvii-136 pp. (500 copies print- ed).' The following is only a selection : Class Poem. A^. p. [Cambridge], 1838. 8°. In origf printed wrapper $25-30. — $40 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 573) wrapper; $74 Peirce (May 1909, n. 862) presentation copy; $100 Hoe (Jan. 1912, \l, n. 2119) mor., by David, presentation copy, resold $32.50 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 338). A Year's Life. Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1841. I2\ Copies should contain at p. 182 a slip of Errata. In orig. grey boards with label $15-20. — $375 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 574) presentation copy to Tennyson; $30 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2120) mor., by ChamboUe (now Huntington) ; $92.50 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 439) presentation copy. The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Pioneer, a literary and critical Magazine, edited by J. R. Lowell and R. Carter. Nos. 1-3. Boston, Leland and Whiting, Jan.-March, 1843. 8°. In parts with printed wrappers $150-200. — $270 French-Chubbuck (Febr. 1904, n. 1175) wrappers (now Boston Athenaeum) ; $190 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 1303) wrappers; $150 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2121) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $228 Libbie's, 23 Jan. 1912, n. ^13, wrap- pers. Poems. Cambridge, J. Owen, 1844. 12°. In orig. boards with label $20-25. — $330 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 582) half-mor., large paper, resold $115 Wallace (March 1920, n. 883). Conversations on some of the old Poets. Camhidge, J. Owen, 1845. i-°- In orig. wrapper $20-25. — $140 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 587) presentation copy; $225 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 254) vellum, by Cobden- Sanderson. A Fable for Critics. Nezv York, Putnam, 1848. 12°. In orig. boards with label $10-12. — $150 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 602) presentation copy; $35 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2125) mor. 378 LOWELL Poems, second Series. Cambridge, G. Nichols, and Boston, B. B. Mnssey, 1848. 12°. In orig. boards with label $6-8. The Biglow Papers. Cambridge, G. Nichols, 1848. 12°. In orig. cloth or wrapper $10-15. — $101 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 245, presentation copy. Mason and Slidell, a Yankee Idyll [Boston, 1862. 8°]. Extremely scarce. — $255 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 628) mor., by Bradstreet, resold $95 Wallace (March 1920, n. 900); $231 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 589) sewn, autograph correction. II Pesceballo, Opera Seria. [Boston, 1862. 16'']. No wrapper. J. C. Chamberlain distinguished three editions, varying only in typo- graphical details. $40-50. — $90 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 629) sewn, playbill added. Fireside Travels. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1864. 12°. In orig. cloth $4-5. Ode recited at the Commemoration of the living and dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. Cambridge, 1865. 8°. Fifty copies were printed. In orig. boards with label $500-600. — $875 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 638) presentation copy, autographs added, resold $770 Wallace (March 1920, n. 904) ; $775 Lambert (Jan. 1914, n. 538) presentation copy. LOWELL (Maria). 1821-1853 The Poems of Maria Lowell. Cambridge, privately print- ed, 1855. 12°. Edited by J. R. Lowell. Extremely scarce (50 copies printed). In orig. cloth $100-120. — $205 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 617) pre- sentation copy from Lowell, resold $65 Wallace (March 1920, n. 911) ; a similar copy $195 Maier (Nov., 1909, n. 1344). LOWER (Sir William). 1600(?)-1662 The Phaenix in her Flames, a Tragedy. London, T. Har- per for M. Young, 1639. 4*^. $32.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2019) calf, by Lloyd and Wallis (now LOWER 379 Huntington); £10 Huth (July 1914, n. 4476) mor. ; $32.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 246) mor., by Riviere. Polyeuctes or the Martyr, a Tragedy [by P. Corneille]. London, T. Roy croft for G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1655. 4°. $2.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2034) half-mor., resold $18 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1049) ; £8 Huth (July 1914, n. 4477) half-calf; $15 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 304) half-mor. ( Bridgewater copy). Horatius, a Roman Tragedy [by P. Corneille]. London, for G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1656. 4°. $15 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2035) calf, resold $15 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 523) ; i 5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 192) unbound. The Enchanted Lovers, a Pastoral. Hague, A. Vlack, 1658. 12°. $55 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1050) mor. (now J. C. Williams). The Noble Ingratitude, a Pastoral-Tragi-Comedy [by Ph. Quinault]. Hague, J. Ramsey, 1659. 12°. The Amorous Fantasme, a Tragi-Comedy [by Ph. Quin- ault]. Hague, J. Ramsey, 1660. 12°. Three New Plays. London, for Pr. Kirkman, 1661. 12°. Portr. This, the first English issue of the three last-named plays, is merely a reissue of the same sheets with a new title-page. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2036) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). LUMINALIA Luminalia or the Festival of Light personated in a Masque at Court. London, J. Haviland for T. Walkley, 1637. £25.10.0 Huth (July 1914, n. 4498) mor. ; $61 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 362) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). LUPTON (Thomas) A moral and pitiful Comedy entitled All for Money. Lon- don, R. Warde and R. Mundee, 1578. 4°. Extremely scarce (Brit. Mus. ; Bodl.). i 380 LYLY LYLY (John). 1554(?)-1606 Of his works, the eight following are dramiatic productions (all ex- tremely scarce) : Campaspe. London, for T. C adman, 1584. 4°. , Two issues with different titles. One of these variations is only known by the copy sold £240 Huth (July 1914, n. 4586) mor., now Huntington. Sapho and Phao. London, {T. Dawson) for T. Cadman, 1584. 4^ Brit. Mus. «. Endymion, the Man in the Moon. London, J. Charlewood for the widow Broome, I '^gi. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Bridgewater). Galathea. London, J. Charlezvood for the widozu Broome, 1592. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Devonshire). Midas. London, T. Scarlet for J. B., 1592. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Dyce coll.; Bodl. ; Huntington (Bridgewater); W. A. White. Mother Bombie. London, T. Scarlet for C. Burby, 1594. 4". Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. The Woman in the Moon. London, for W. Jones, 1597. 4 • Brit. Mus.; Dyce coll.; Bodl.; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; $300 Mc- Kee (Apr. 1901, n. 2472) mor. (Bridgewater-Griswold copy, now W. A. White); £120 Fountaine (June 1902. n. 506) unbound, minor faults; $1320 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2033) mor., by The Club Bindery (now T. J. Wise). Love's Metamorphosis, a witty and courtly Pastoral. Lon- don, for IV. Wood, 1 601. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Dyce coll.; Bodl.; Huntington (Bridgewater). The above (save the last tzvo) are reprinted in : Six Court Comedies. London, W. Stansby for B. Blount, 1632. 12°. Two issues of the title, one with the misprint Witten for Written. $51 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V. n. 245) russia ; $110 Hagen (May 1918, n. 733) mor.; £31 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 187) orig. sheep. LYLY 381 His other works include: Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit. London, for G. Cawood [1578]. 4°. Brit. Mus. ; Capell coll. A second undated edition, printed in 1579, is only known by an imper- fect copy at Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Of the third edition, dated 1579, several copies are known. Euphues and his England. London, for G. Cawood, 1580. 4 • Extremely scarce. .i» [Another edition]. London, J. R. for G. Cazuood, 1597- 4°- $155 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2054) mor., double, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); $310 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1061) mor., by Riviere (Huth copy). See also The; Maid's Metamorphosis. LYNDSAY (Sir David). 1490-1555 Ane Dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour. A^. p., n. d. [Saint Andrews, J. Scot, 1554]. 4°. Extremely sicarce: Brit. Mus.; Bodl. ; Edinburgh Univ.; Britwell (Inglis-Heber copy) ; Huntington (Rowfant copy). [Second edition]. N. p., n. d. [Saint Andrews, J. Scot, 1559]. 4°. Equally scarce : Bodl. ; Lambeth ; Britwell ; York Cathedral. [Third edition]. London, T. Purfoote and W. Picker- ing, 1566. 4°. Two issues, the earlier with the reading posys for pieces in the title. Very scarce. £32 Ashburnham (Dec. 1897, n. 2405) calf (now Brit. Mus.); £41 Sotheby's, 23 Jan. 1902, n. 304, orig. binding; $700 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2099) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). [Fourth edition]. London, T. Purfoote, 1575. 4°. $250 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2167) mor., by Riviere; £30 Huth (July 1914, n. 4598) mor., by Clarke (now Beverly Chew). [Fifth edition]. London, T. Purfoote, 1581. 4°. $175 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 2168) mor., by The Club Bindery; £18 Huth (July 1914, n. 4599) mor. (Jolley copy, now Beverly Chew) ; $180 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1040) mor. 382 MACAULAY M MACAULAY (Thomas Babington, First Baron). 1800-1859 Lays of Ancient Rome. London, Longmans, 1842. 4° In orig. cloth $8-10. — $60 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 597) mor., by Riviere. MACCRINGER (Joel). See Rowlandson MACHIN (Lewis). See Markham MACK AIL (J. W.). See Kelmscott Press MACKENNEY (Thomas Lorraine) and James HALL History of the Indian Tribes of North America. Phila- delphia, Biddle, etc., 1836- 1842- 1844. 3 vols. Fol. 120 col- oured portraits. Vol. I exists with the dates of 1836, 1837 and 1838. $80-100. — £33 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1912, n. 302; $122.50 Chapman (Apr. 1913, n. 299) half-russia; $270 American Art Association, 3 Febr. 1916, n. 786, in parts. MAID'S (The) METAMORPHOSIS The Maid's. Metamorphosis [a play]. London, T. Creede for R. Olive, 1600. 4°. Has been ascribed to John Lyly. $490 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2034) mor., by Riviere, resold $560 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 516) now W. A. White. MAIDWELL (L.) The Loving Enemies, a Comedy. London, for J. Guy, 1680. 4°. 15 sh. Huth (July 1916, n. 4633) half-russia (now London Library). MAIMBOURG (Louis de). 1610-1686 The History of the League. Translated [from the French] by Dryden. London, M. Flesher, 1684. 8°. MAIMBOURG 383 Some copies contain at the end "The Postscript" and "The Table." $35 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 988) old mor., large paper (Bishop War- burton's copy, now Huntington) ; $50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 162) mor., by The Club Bindery; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 436) orig. calf. MALKIN (Benjamin Heath). 1769-1842 A Father's Memoirs of his Child. London^ Longman, i8o6. 8°. The border to the portrait was engraved by R. H. Cromek after a de- sign by W. Blake. MALORY (Sir Thomas) Le Morte d' Arthur. Westminster, William Caxton, 1485. Fol. Of this celebrated chivalry romance only two copies are known, one im- perfect in the John Rylands Library, the other perfect and very fine, sold for $1950 Lord Jersey (May 1885, n. 97) and $42,800 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2110) now in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Story of the most noble and worthy King Arthur. Lon- don, W. Copland, 1557. Fol. Only two perfect copies are known; Brit. Mus. and £210 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 292) mor. The most ancient and famous History of the renowned Prince Arthur King of Britain. London, W. Stansby for J. Bloome, 1634. 3 parts in i vol. 4°. $80-100. — £35 Beckford (June 1882, L n. 420) mor., by Hering; £75 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 20) mor., elaborately gilt, by Hering. » Le Morte Darthur reduced into Englysshe by Sir Thomas Malory Knyght. Chelsea, Ashendene Press, igi^,. Fol. Wood- cuts. A beautiful edition, limited to 145 copies. $50-60. MALTON (Thomas). 1748-1804 A picturesque and descriptive View of the City of Dublin. London, 1792- 1797. Fol. 25 coloured pi. $60-80. — £29.10.0 Howard (June 1898, n. 223) mor., plates in dupl., plain and coloured. 384 MALTON A picturesque Tour through the Cities of London and West- minster. London, 1792. 2 parts in i vol. Fol. 2 engraved titles and 100 coloured pi. $50-60. — £ 12.15.0 Fisher (Dec. 1906, n. 325) ; £ 16.5.0 Bolton (March 1912, n. 625) old half-russia. MANNING (Owen). 1721-1801, and William BRAY, 1736-1832 The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey. London, 1804- 18 14. Fol. PI. S'ee collation in Lowndes. $100-120 and sometimes less. Similar prices on large paper. — £34 May (July 1891, n. 1372) mor., large paper. MANSION (L.) and L. ESCHAUZIER Costume of the Officers of the British Army. London, W. Spooner, 1833- 1836. Fol. 60 or 61 col. pi. by C. H. Mar- tin and C. Bowen. Known as "S'pooner's upright series." £ 146 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 24) 4 duplicates added; £ 135 Milne (Febr. 1913, n. 176) half mor., with the arms of the Duke of Sussex. MANUCHE (Cosmo) The Loyal Lovers, a Tragi-Comedy. London, T. Bgles- Held, 1652. 4°. The Bastard, a Tragedy. London, for M. M., T. Collins and G. Bedell, 1652. 4°. £ 12.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 195) unbound. The Just General, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for M. M., T. C. and G. Bedell, 1652. 4°. £12.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 196) unbound. MANWARING (Robert) The Cabinet and Chair-Maker's Real Friend and Com- panion. London, 1765. 8°. 40 pi. $40-50. MARKHAM 385 MARKHAM (Gervase). • 1568(?)-1637 A Discourse of Horsemanship. London, J. C. for R. Smith, 1593- 4°. Only one copy is known of this, Markham's earliest extant work ; £ 82 Huth (July 1916, n. 4703) mor., by Bedford. The Young Sportsman's Delight and Instructor in Ang- ling, Fowling, Hawking, Hunting . . . by G. M. Sold at the Ring in Little Britain [ab. 171 2]. 48°. The Huth copy was at one time considered as unique, but several copies have since been discovered. — £57.10.0 Huth (July 1916, n. 4717) mor. (Heber-Corser copy). The Famous Whore or Noble Curtizan. London, N. 0. for J. Budge, 1609. 4°. $270 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2197) mor., by Bedford (now H. V. Jones). Among his numerous other works, may be quoted two plays : The Dumb Knight, a pleasant Comedy. London, N. Okes for J. Bache, 1608. 4°. Three issues with differences in the title-page ; one issue gives Lewis Machin as the author. £72 Huth (July 1916, n. 4619) mor., by Pratt; £ 140 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 193) unbound. The Heber-Devonshire copy is in the Huntington coll. The True Tragedy of Herod and Antipater. London, G. Eld for M. Rhodes, 1622. 4°. Two editions, one with an epistle by Rhodes, the other with an epistle by Sampson. » $35 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2199) mor., by David, margins mended, re- sold $40 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 252) ; £8.5.0 Huth (July 1916, n. 4711) calf, by Pratt. MARLOWE (Christopher). 1564-1593 His earlier quartos are extremely scarce. Tamburlaine the Great. London, R. Jones, 1590. 8''. Only two copies known, Bodleian (Malone) and Huntington (Devon- shire). Part I had been published separately, the same year, by R. Jones (Huntington, the Bridgewater copy, no other known). 386 MARLOWE The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage. London, Widow Orwin for T. Woodcocke, 1594. 4°. By Marlowe and Nash. Three copies known: 1. Bodleian (Malone) ; 2. Huntington (Bridge- water) ; 3. H. V. Jones (Reed-Steevens-Roxburghe-Kemble-Devonshire- Huntington copy). The Troublesome Reign and lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England. London, for W. Jones, 1594. 4°. Cassel, Konigliche Bibliothek, the only known copy. The tragical History of D. Faustus. London, V. S. for Thomas Bushell, 1604. 4°. Bodl. (Malone). The 1631 ed., $471 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 313) half-mor., inlaid throug'hout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta. London, J. B. for N. Vavasour, 1633. 4". $350 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2202) mor. (now Huntington) ; $160 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 254) mor., by Birdsall (Devonshire copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $430 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 533) calf (Bridge- water copy), resold $575 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1076) ; $550 Hagen (May 1918, n. 745) mor., by Riviere; £130 Ailesbury (March 1919, n. 358) unbound; £95 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 199) unbound. Lust's Dominion or the Lascivious Queen, a Tragedy. Lon- don, F. K. for R. Pollard, 1657. 12°. $510 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 535) mor., by Birdsall (Devon- shire copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $700 Huntington (April 1918, VIII, n. 314) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $925 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1077) now Pforzheimer. The Massacre at Paris, with the Death of the Duke of Guise. London, B. A. for B. White [ab. 1600]. 8". $1175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2200) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $525 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 255) mor.. by Birdsall (Kemble-Dev- onshire copy) ; $1025 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 531) calf (Bridge- water copy, now C. W. Clark) ; the Corser-Rowfant copy is in W. A. White's coll. Of his non dramatic zvorks, the most important is : Hero and Leander, begun by C. Marlowe and finished by G. Chapman. London, P. Kingston for P. Linley, 1598. 4°. MARLOWE 387 This, the first complete edition is only known by two copies (Brit. Mus. and Britwell) both discovered at Lamport Hall in 1867. The subsequent editions are all scarce and valuable. Marlowe's portion (Sestiads I and II) had also been published sep- arately in 1598 (Britwell, no other copy known). See also Ovid. MARMION (Shakerley). 1603-1639 Holland's Leaguer, an excellent Comedy. London, /. B. for J. Grove, 1632. 4°. $80 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2090) mor. (now Pforzheimer) ; $50 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 259) mor., inlaid throughout ( Kemble-Devon- shire copy) ; $40 Hagen (May 1918, n. 746) mor., by Riviere. A Fine Companion. London, A. Matthewes for R. Meigh- en, 1633. 4°' $55 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2091) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $40 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 258) mor., by Riviere; $35 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 537) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; $36 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 315) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $35 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1079) ; £ 10 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 202) unbound (now Pforzheimer). The Antiquary, a Comedy. London, F. K. for J. W. and F. B., 1641. 4°. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2145) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington); $35 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 538) calf (Bridge- water copy); $45 Hagen (May 1918, n. 747) mor., by David; £8.5.a Mostyn (March 1919, n. 203) unbound. A moral Poem entitled the Legend of Cupid and Psyche. London, N. and J. Okes for H. Sheppard, 1637. 4°. Engr. title by Marshall. Two issues, with variations in A4 (marked A3 in 1st issue) and in signature I. $510 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV. n. 2092) mor., by Riviere, with cancelled leaves in both states (now Huntington) ; £23 Huth (July 1916, n. 4728) calf, by Bedford; $155 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1080) calf (now J. C. Williams). MAROCCUS EXTATICUS Maroccus Extaticus or Bankes Bay Horse in a Trance. By 388 MAROCCUS John Dando [a pseudonym]. London, for C. Burby, 1595. 4". Referred to in Love's Labors Lost. Only three copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. (Heber-Daniel-Tite copy) ; 2._Britwell; 3. i 110 Huth (Nov. 1911, n. 452) calf (the Gordonstoun- Bindley-Perry-Jolley-Corser copy) now W. A. White. MARPRELATE (Martin) ' See William Pierce, A historical introduction to the Marprelate Tracts (London, Constable, 1908. 8°) xvii-350 pp., and The Marprelate Tracts edited with notes (London, Clarke, 1911. 8°) xxviii-431 pp. MARSTON (John). 1575(?)-1634 The Scourge of Villany. London, J. R., for J. Busbie, 1598. £110 Huth (July 1916, n. 4741) orig. veil, (now Huntington). The Scourge of Villany. London, J. R., 1599. 16°. Two issues with variations. This, the second edition, contains a tenth satire with Shakespearian allu- sions. The Brig'ht-Rowfant copy is in the W. A. White coll. The Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image. London, J. Roberts, for B. Mafts, 1598. 16°. The Whipper of the Satyre, his Penance in a white Sheet. London, for T. Pavier, 1601. 8°. Ascribed to Marston. Three copies known. The Brit. Mus. copy belonged to Steevens ; the Britwell copy is now in the Huntington coll. The History of Antonio and Mellida, the first Part. Lon- don, for M. Lownes and T. Fisher, 1602. 4°. $440 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 393) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now J. L. Clawson). Antonio's Revenge, the second Part. London, for T. Fish- er, 1602. 4". i46 Huth (Julv 1916, n. 4742) mor. (Holgate copy), resold $400 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919. n. 1085) ; $105 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 539) mor., inner margins extended throughout; $290 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, . 394) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). MARSTON 389 The Malcontent. [By Marston and Webster]. London, V. S. for W. Aspley, 1604. 4°. Three editions under the same date. £70 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 1164, uncut and unopened (now T. J. Wise) ; $205 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2217) mor., minor defects fnow Hunt- ington) ; £ 48 Huth (July 1916, n. 4743) mor., by Riviere, resold $500 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1086) now J. L. Clawson; i 68 and 50 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 204 and 205) unbound. The Dutch Courtezan. London, T. P. for John Hodgets, 1605. 4^ $600 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 395) half-mor., inlaid throug-hout (Kemble- Devonshire copy, now J. L. Clawson). Parasitaster or the Fawn. London, T. P. for W. C, 1606. 4 • Two editions under the same date. ^ $975 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2219) mor., uncut (now Huntington) ; £ 100 Huth (July 1916, n. 4745) mor., uncut, by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $365 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 540) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $360 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 396) half-mor., in- laid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Wonder of Women, or the Tragedy of Sophonisba. London, J. Windet, 1606. 4°. £ 100 Hodgson's, 19 Oct. 1904, n. 363, uncut (now T. J. Wise) ; $275 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 541) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $300 Huntington (Nov. 1918. IX, n. 397) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy); $450 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1087) mor., by Riviere. What you will. London, G. Bid for T. Tlwrppe, l6oy. 4°. $950 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2218) mor.. uncut (now Huntington) ; i 54 Huth (July 1916, n. 4747) mor., by Bedford; $450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 261) half-mor. (Halsey copy), resold $550 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1088); $210 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 542) calf, title mounted (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $300 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 398) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devon- shire copy). The Insatiate Countess, a Tragedy. London, T. S. for T. Archer, 161 3. 4*". Tragedies and Comedies collected into one Volume. Lon- don, A.M. for W. Sheares, 1633. 8°. i 7.7.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 207) orig-. calf. 390 MARSTON Reissued the same year with reprinted individual titles, a dedication to the Countess of Falkland and a new general title-page reading : The Works of Mr. John Marston being Tragedies and Com- edies. . . London, for IV. Sheaves, 1633. ^''^ £ 19 Huth (July 1916, n. 4739) calf, by Bedford. MARTYN (Thomas). 1735-1825 Psyche. Figures of nondescript lepidopterous Insects or rare Moths and Butterflies. London, lygy. Fol. Coloured pi. i40 Adams (Dec. 1912, n. 315). His other works on natural history (insects, shells, etc.) also contain coloured plates. MARTYR (Peter) of Anghiera. 1455-1526 The Decades of the New World or West India. London, W. Seres and IV. Powell, 1555. 4°. Translated by Richard Eden. The second English book on America. $400 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2229) mor., by The Club Bindery; £145 Huth (July 1916, n. 4780) mor., by Bedford) ; $1300 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 204) old mor. (Strickland-Halsey copy). The History of Travel in the West and East Indies. Lon- don, R. Jugge, 1577. 4\ Translated and edited by Richard Eden. £50 Huth (July 1916, n. 4781) russia, by Bedford; $300 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 207) old calf ; $310 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 245) mor., by Bedford. MARVELL (Andrew). 1621-1678 Miscellaneous Poems. London, for R. Boulter, 1681. Fol. Portr. $310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2230) mor., uncut, by Riviere (now Hunt- ington) ; £12.5.0 Huth duly 1916, n. 4785) calf, by Bedford; $152 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI. n. 316) mor., by The Club Bindery; $135 Hagen (May 1918, n. 749) mor., by The Club Bindery; $105 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1091) mor., by Riviere. All copies of this book collate irregularlv. several leaves having been excised (Portr., 2 leaves. B-C^ D-Q* R\ S\'T\ 2 leaves, V\ X^) ; a few years ago (see Notes and Queries, 1 June 1907) a unique uncancelled MARVELL 391 copy was discovered in England, ending on p. 144, but containing several otherwise unknown leaves with three poems on Cromwell. MARVY (Louis) Sketches after English Landscape Painters. With Notices by W. M. Thackeray. London, D. Bogue [1850]. Fol. 20 pi. (usually coloured). In orig. cloth $30-40. — $75 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 967) half-mor., autograph added. MASCALL (Leonard). 15. .-1589 A Book of the Art and Manner how to plant and graft all Sorts of Trees. London, H. Denhani for J. Wright, 1572. 4°. The husbandly Ordering and Government of Poultry. Lon- don, T. Pnrfoot for G. Dezvse, 1581. 8°. The first Book of Cattle. London, /. Wolfe, 1587. 4°. A Book of Fishing with Hook and Line. London, J. Wolfe for B. White, 1590. 4°. Woodcuts, including a folded plate. Two issues with variations. MASK (The) OF FLOWERS The Mask of Flowers presented by the Gentlemen o,f Gray's Inn. London, N. O. for R. Wilson, 1614. 4°. $300 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 2181) mor., by Mackenzie; $105 Hunt- ington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 401) mor., by Birdsall (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now W. A. White) ; £ 112 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 208) unbound. MASON (John) The Turk, a worthy Tragedy. London, B. A. for John Bus- by, 1 610. 4°. $75 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2114) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $105 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 547) calf { Bridgewater copy, now Pforzheimer) ; £34 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 209) unbound. 392 MASON MASON (John). 1586-1635 A brief Discourse of the New-Found-Land. Edinburgh, Andro Hart, 1620. 4°. Only a few copies are known. $925 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 210) calf (Christie-Miller copy). MASON (Major John). 1600-1672 A Brief History of the Pequot War. Boston, S. Knee- land and T. Green, 1736. 8°. Very scarce. $445 Balcom (Febr. 1901, n. 1426) sewn, uncut, rseold $750 Hollings- worth (Apr. 1910, n. 1205) mor., by The Club Bindery; $1850 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2233) mor., uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, resold $2000 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 207). MASSINGER (Philip). 1583-1640 The Virgin Martyr, a Tragedy. London, B. A. for T. Jones, 1622. 4°. £88 Huth (July 1916, n. 4810) calf, by Bedford (now Huntington). The Duke of Millaine, a Tragedy. London, B. A. for B. Black more, 1623. 4°. £30.10.0 Huth (July 1916, n. 4811) half-calf (now Huntington). The Bond-Man, an ancient Story. London, B. Allde for J. Harison and B. Blackmore, 1624. 4°. £44 Huth (July 1916, n. 4813) mor.. by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $115 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 317) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; £ 51 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 430) mor. The Roman Actor, a Tragedy. London, B. A. and T. F. for R. Allot, 1629. 4°. $205 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2238) vellum (now Huntington); $95 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 263) mor., by Bedford; $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 750) mor., by Riviere (now C. W. Clark) ; $130 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1113) calf (now Pforzheimer). The Picture, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. N. for Thomas Walkley, 1630. 4*^. $120 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2239) mor. (Perkins copy, now Hunting- ton) ; $85 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 319) half-mor., inlaid through- out (Kemble-Devonshire copy). MASSINGER 393 The Renegado, a Tragi-Comedy. London, A. M. for John Water son, 1630. 4°. $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2240) calf, by Bedford, resold $75 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 265) ; $110 Hagen (May 1918, n. 751) mor., by The Club Bindery (now C. W. Clark); £26 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 211) unbound. The Emperor of the East, a Tragi-Comedy. London, T. Harper for J. Waterson, 1632. 4°. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2241) vellum, uncut, by Riviere; $75 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 266) mor., by Riviere; $82.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 753) half-mor. ; $65 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1114) mor., by Sangorski and Sutcliffe; £11 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 212) unbound. The Fatal Dowry, a Tragedy. Written by P(hilip) M(as- singer) and N(athaniel) F(ield). London, J. Norton for F. Constable, 1632. 4**. $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2243) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton; $90 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 272) mor., by Riviere; $80 Hunt- ington (Nov. 1918, IX. n. 402) half-veil. (Chew copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.); $150 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 666) mor., by Riviere; £21 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 221) unbound. The Maid of Honour. London, J. B. for R. Allot, i6t,2. 4°. $80 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2242) mor. (Perkins copy) ; $70 Hunting- ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 267) mor., by Bedford (Hibbert copy); $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 752) mor.; £ 16.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 213) unbound. A New Way to pay Old Debts, a Comedy. London, B. P. for H. Seyle, 1633. 4°. $235 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2244) calf, by Riviere, resold $l60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 754) now C. W. Clark; $140 Huntington (Apr. 1918, Vin, n. 324) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson). The Great Duke of Florence, a Comical History. Lon- don, for J. Marriott, 1636. 4°. $95 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2246) mor., by Matthews; $60 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 269) mor., by Riviere; $75 Hagen (May 1918, n. 755) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (now C. W. Clark) ; £23.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 214) unbound. The Unnatural Combat, a Tragedy. London, B. G. for J. Waterson, 1639. 4". $60 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2249) mor. (Perkins copy) ; $45 Huntington 394 MASSINGER (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 559) half-vellum (Chew copy), resold $67.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1117) ; $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 756) mor. (now Pforzheimer). Three New Plays, viz. The Bashful Lover, The Guardian, The Very Woman. London, for H. Moseley, 1655. 8°. Portr. by Cross. £20 Huth (July 1916, n. 4824) mor.; $45 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 560) orig. calf, wanting portr. (Bridgewater copy) ; £84 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 218) orig. sheep The excellent Comedy called The Old Law, or a New Way to please you, by P. Massinger, T. Middleton, W. Rowley. London, for B. Archer, 16^6. 4°. $260 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2251) vellum, resold $200 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 564) and $255 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1118) now J. L. Clawson. The City Madam, a Comedy. London, for A. Pennycuicke, 1658 (or 1659). 4;°. Two issues varying in the date, the earliest by far the scarcer. $60 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2252) mor. (Perkins copy, now Hunting- ton) ; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 757) old half-mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). A copy of the 1658 issue in the T. J. Wise coll., has alone preserved the cancelled dedicatory epistle to Mr. Lee (replaced by an epistle to the Countess of Oxford). MATHER (Cotton). 1663-1728 All his works are valuable ($50-100 and more). A number are de- scribed in the Church Catalogue and other lists of Americana. The record price is apparently $3450 paid for "The Wonders of the Invisible! World" {Boston, B. Harris for S. Phillips, 1693. 8°) at the Huntington sale (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 209) mor., by Riviere. MATHER (Increase). 1639-1723 It is likewise impossible to do more here than draw attention to the market value of nearly all his works and quote one or two as examples : The first Principles of New England concerning the Sub- ject of Baptism and Communion. Cambridge [Mass.], S. Green, 1675. 4". $405 American Art Association, 8 Febr. 1917, n. 834, half-mor., uncut. 1 MATHER 395 A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New Eng- land. Boston, John Foster, 1676. 4°. Extremely scarce. £400 Huth (July 1916. n. 4841) mor., by Bedford; $1200 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 217) half-mor. [Another edition]. London, for R. Chiswell, 1676. 4°. Not quite as scarce as the Boston edition. $450 Hunting-ton (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 218) half-mor. (Christie-Miller copy) ; $420 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 430) mor., by Riviere; $475 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 214) mor. (Halsey copy). The Voice of God in stormy Winds. Boston, 1704. I2^ $355 Scott's, 18 Febr. 1916, n. 87, old sheep, presentation copy (now Huntington). MAXWELL (William Hamilton). 1792-1850 History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798. London, Baily, 1845. S°- 6 portr. and 21 etchings by Cruikshank. In the orig. 15 parts $100-150. — $195 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 212) in parts. MAY (Thomas). 1595-1650 The Heir, an excellent Comedy. London, B. A. for T. Jones, 1622. 4°. The Tragedy of Antigone, the Theban Princess. London, T. Harper for B. Fisher, 1631. 8°. The Tragedy of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. London, T. Harper for T. Walkly, 1639. 12". £6 Huth (July 1916, n. 4868) half-bound (Roxburghe copy). The Tragedy of Julia Agrippina, Empress of Rome. Lon- don, R. Hodgkinsonne for T. JValkly, 1639. 12". $28 Lefiferts (Apr. 1902, n. 909) calf. The Old Couple, a Comedy. London, J. Cottrel for S. Speed, 1658. 4°. $15 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2215) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $31 Pluntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 571) calf (Bridgewater copy); £5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 223) unbound. 396 MAY HEW MAYHEW (Henry) 1812-1887 and MAYHEW (Augus- tus Septimus) 1826-1875 The Greatest Plague in Life or the Adventures of a Lady in Search of a good Servant. London, D. Bogue [1847]. 8^ 12 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. pink cloth $15-20 and in 6 parts $25-30. — $32.50 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 217) in parts; £7 Sotheby's, 14 May 1918, n. 754, in parts. Whom to marry and how to get married. London, D. Bogue [1848]. 8°. 12 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. blue cloth $15-20 and in 6 parts $25-30. MAYHEW (Henry) The World's Show. London, D. Bogue, 1851. 8°. 9 pi. by Cruikshank. India proofs exist. In orig. blue cloth $15-20 and in 8 parts $25-30. MAYHEW (Horace). 1816-1872 The Tooth-Ache, imagined by Horace Mayhew and realized by George Cruikshank. London, Bogue \^i^/[oi]. 12°. 43 col- oured engravings by Cruikshank on a folded sheet. In orig. wrapper with woodcut $20-25. — ' $40 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 220) mor. (Truman copy). MAYNE (Jasper). 1604-1672 The City Match, a Comedy. Oxford, L. Lichfield, 1639. Fol. $55 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1723) mor., by Macdonald (now J. L. Clawson). The Amorous War, a Tragi-Comedy. London, printed in the Yeare [sic] 1648. 4°. Brit. Mus. and T. J. Wise, the only copies on record. Most of the other copies existing (if not all) are merely portions of the 1658 edition of both plays in one volume: "Two Plays, The City Match, a Comedy, and The Amorous War, a Tragi-Comedy" (Oxford, H. Hall for R. Davis, 1658. 4°) in which "The Amorous War" has a separate title, spuriously dated 1648 as in the original edition. J MEAD 397 MEAD (Robert). 1615-1653 The Combat of Love and Friendship, a Comedy. Lon- don, for M. M. G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1654. 4°. £9.5.0 Sotheby's, 16 May 1901, n. 400, mor. ; $12.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2163) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, Vni, n. 330) calf (Bridgewater copy); £8.8.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 225) unbound. MECOM (Benjamin) A Poem addressed to a young Lady. St. John's, Antigua, printed in the Year iyS7- 4"'- 15 leaves. The first book printed in Antigua. £28.10.0 Sotheby's, 12 Dec. 1907, n. 561. MEDWALL (Henry) A goodly Interlude of Fulgens, Senator of Rome, Lucres his Daughter, Gayus Flaminius and Publius Cornelius. Lon- don, John Rast ell \_3h. 1^20-1 ^2)^']. 4°. Probably the earliest printed English secular play. £3400 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 226) unbound, the only copy known (now Huntington) ; two leaves are in the British Museum (Bagford fragments). A goodly Interlude of Nature. A^. p., n. d. [London, W. Rastell, ab. 1530]. Fol. Only known by two copies (Brit. Mus. and Cambr.) a fragment in the Bodleian and 3 leaves formerly in the Huth coll. (n. 3025). MEINHOLD (William). See Kelmscott Press MELANGE OF HUMOUR Melange of Humour. J^ondon, W. Lezvis [iSt^o]. 4". 30 coloured pi. by Aiken, Atkinson and Delpech. 21 of these pi. are from Aiken's Ideas. $130 Barrow (Apr. 1916, n. 202) half-calf. 398 MENNIS MENNIS (Sir John). 15991671, and SMITH (James). 1605-1667 Musarum Deliciae or the Muses Recreation. London, for H. Herrington, 1655. 8°. £10 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 129) mor., by Bedford; $80 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 577) mor., by Bedford. MEREDITH (George). 1828-1909 See Arundell Esdaile, Bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of George Meredith (London, W. T. Spencer, 1907. 8^) 70 pp. ; the same, A chronological list of George Meredith's publications (London, Con- stable, 1914. 8°) 65 pp. [also in Meredith's Works, Memorial edition, vol. XXVII (1911) pp. 303-370] ; [Luther S. Livingston], First editions of George Meredith being the description of a collected set of his books (New York, Dodd and Livingston, [1911]. 8*>) 37 pp. (See also the New York Evening Post, 30 March 1912). Poems. London. J. W. Parker and Son [1851]. 8°. Complete copies should have a half-title and, at the end, a slip of errata. In orig. blue green cloth $100-150. — £61 Sotheby's, 15 May 1911, n. 474, presentation copy, with a few autograph corrections ; £ 33 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1741) ; $200 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1131) cloth. The Shaving of Shagpat: an Arabian Entertainment. Lon- don, Chapman and Hall, 1856. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $20-30. — $210 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1119) pre- sentation copy; £ 19 Puttick's 19 March 1914, n. 234, presentation copy; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 763) mor., covers preserved. Farina, a Legend of Cologne. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1857. 8°. In orig. green cloth $40-50. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, a History of Father and Son. London, Chapman and Hall, 1859. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $30-40. — $37 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 612) cloth. Evan Harrington, or He would be a Gentleman. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1861. 3 vols. 8°. The first English edition. Only copies in black stamped cloth are in the original binding. In orig. cloth $30-40. — $51 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 613) cloth. The earlier American edition {Neiu York, Harper and Brothers, 1860. 12°) was unauthorized. MEREDITH 399 Modern Love and Poems of the English Roadside. Lon- don, Chapman and Hall, 1862. 8°. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — £ 10 Sotheby's, 21 July 1902, n. 419, presentation copy; $110 Owre (Dec. 1909, n. 538) cloth, auiograph cor- rections; £30 Pu'ttick's, 22 Febr. 1911, n. 203, cloth, presentation copy; £21.10.0 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1912, n. 411, mor., presentation copy; £35.10.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 916) presentation copy to Browning; £56 Swinburne (June 1916, n. 503) presentation copy to Swinburne; $120 Phillips (March 1918, n. 434) presentation copy. Emilia in England. London, Chapman and Hall, 1864. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. purple cloth $10-15. — £22.10.0 Jessopp (Dec. 1911, n. 249) presentation copy; £29 Puttick's, 27 Apr. 1911, n. 215, presentation copy. Reprinted in 1886 under the title: "Sandra Belloni" (London, Chap- man and Hall, 1886. 8°). In orig. cloth $5-6. — £ 15 Puttick's, 30 Aug. 1913, n. 104, presentation copy. Rhoda Fleming. London, Tinsley Brothers, 1865. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $10-15. — $26 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 616) cloth. Vittoria. London, Chapman and Hall, 1867. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. purple cloth $40-50. The Adventures of Harry Richmond. London, Smith, Elder and Co., i8yi. 3 vols. 8". In orig. red cloth $30-40. Beauchamp's Career. London, Chapman and Hall, 1876. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — $40 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 656) cloth. The House on the Beach, a realistic Tale. New York, Harper and Brothers, iSyy. 24°. In orig. grey wrapper or green cloth $30-40. The Egoist, a Comedy in Narrative. London, Kegan Paid, 1879. 3 vols. In orig. brown cloth $15-25. An arrangement for the stage by George Meredith and Alfred Sutro was privately printed in January 1920 by Clement K. Shorter (4°. Grey printed wrapper. 30 copies only). 400 MEREDITH The Tragic Comedians. London, Chapman and Hall, 1880. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. olive cloth $15-25. — $29 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 621) cloth. Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth. London, Macmil- lan, 1883. 12°. Two editions, the earlier printed by Clay and Taylor (see p. VI), the second by R. and R. Clark. In orig. blue cloth $5-6. — $17.50 Anderson's, 24 May 1909, n. 370, presentation copy. Diana of the Crossways, a Novel. London, Chapman and Hall, 1885. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. cloth $15-25. Mother to Babe. [London, 1886. 4°]. i leaf. Doubtless a private proof sheet of the EngHsh Illustrated Magazine for October 1886. Only one copy is known. Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life. London, Macmillan, 1887. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $4-5. A Reading of Earth. London, Macmillan, 1888. 8°. In orig. dark blue cloth $4-5. — i 30 Prideaux (Febr. 1917, n. 2456) presentation copy. Jump-to-Glory Jane, a Poem. London, 1889. 16". 16 pp. . A privately printed and doubtless unauthorized issue. In orig. printed wrapper $15-20. The manuscript £25 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 440). The Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. New York, John IV. Lowell, 23 June 1890. 8°. In orig. brown wrapper $5-6. The Tale of Chloe. Nezu York, John W. Lowell, 1890. 8°. In orig. brown wrapper $5-6. — The original manuscript is in the H. E. Widener Library. The Tale of Chloe, The, House on the Beach, The Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. London, Ward, Lock and Bozvden, 1894. 8°. The first English edition. In orig. cloth $4-5. MEREDITH 401 One of our Conquerors. London, Chapman and Hall, 1891. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. blue doth $5-6. — $10 Hagen (May 1918, n. 765) cloth. Poems, the Empty Purse, with Odes to the Comic Spirit, to Youth in Memory and Verses. London, Macmillan, 1892. 16°. In orig. blue cloth $4-5. — $50 Wood and Whitney (Febr. 1914, n. 347) cloth, presentation copy to Alfred Austin. Lord Ormont and his Aminta. London, Chapman and Hall, 1894. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $6-8. — $15 Hagen (May 1918, n. 766) cloth. The Amazing Marriage. London, Constable, 1895. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. — $10 Hagen (May 1918, n. 767) cloth. An Essay on Comedy. London, Constable, 1897. 12**. In orig. brown cloth $2-3. Odes in Contribution to the Song of French History. Lon- don, Constable, 1898. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $2-3. Last Poems. London, Constable, 1909. 8°. In orig. brown cloth $2-3. Twenty Poems. London, 1909. 12". 25 copies printed. In orig. cloth $12-15. Celt and Saxon. London, Constable, 1910. 8°. , In orig. red cloth $2-3. MERES (Francis). 1565-1647 Palladis Tamia. Wit's Treasury, being the second Part of Wit's Commonwealth. London, P. Short for C. Burble, 1598. 8°. Contains a celebrated passage on Shakespeare, the most valuable con- temporary printed account of the poet's works. Some 8 or 9 copies are known, several imperfect : Brit. Mus. ; Capell coll.; H. C. Folger (Warwick); W. A. White; Huntington (Church); Huntington (Chew), etc. 402 MERES [Second edition, under the title: Wit's Commonwealth] London^ W. Stansby for R. Royston, 1636. 12°. With a printed title dated 1634 and an engr. title by Droeshout dated 1636. MERITON (Thomas) Love and War, a Tragedy. London, for C. Webb, 1658. 4". i 8.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 227) unbound. The Wandering Lover, a Tragi-Comedy. London, 7\ L. for T. C. and W. Burden, 1658. 4°. i 2.6.0 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 457, unbound ; $42.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2248) mor., by Riviere, resold $32.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 578). MERRY (The) CONCEITED HUMOURS OF BOT- TOM THE WEAVER The Merry Conceited Humours of Bottom the Weaver. London, 1661. 8°. Ascribed to Robert Cox. Extremely scarce. £ US Mostyn (March 1919, n. 67) unbound (now W. A. White) ; £80 Huth (July 1918, n. 6767) half-mor. (Kershaw copy, now Huntington). MERRY (A) DIALOGUE BETWEEN BAND, CUFF AND RUFF A merry Dialogue between Band, Cuff and Ruff . . . acted in a Show in the famous University of Cambridge. Lon- don, W. Stansby for M. Partrich, 161 5. 4°. The second edition (1615) bears the title: "Exchange Ware at the sec- end Hand." See also Work for Cutlers. MERRY (A) JEST r — Here beginneth a Merry Jest of a shrewd and cursed Wife. London, H. Jackson [ab. 1580]. 4**. This scarce poem, of Shakespearian interest, is only known by two copies: 1. Bodl. (Selden), imperfect; 2. £210 Huth (July 1916, n. 4943) mor. (Heber-Daniel copy, now Huntington). I METEOR 403 METEOR (The). See Cruikshank MIDDLETON (Thomas). 1570(?)-1627 Single plays : Blurt Master Constable, or the Spaniard's Night Walk. London, for H. Rockytt, 1602. 4°. i 27.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 229) unbound. Michaelmas Term. London, for A. L, 1607. ^. $200 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2297) mor., by Bedford (Griswold copy, now Huntington); $410 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 480) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $450 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1134). The Phoenix. London, A. B. for A. L, 1607. 4^ £62 Huth (July 1916, n. 4962) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington). Your Five Gallants. London, for R. Bonian [1607?]. 4". £100 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 591) unbound; $725 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2298) mor., by De Coverly ; £160 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 232) unbound, now J. L. Clawson ; $1000 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 360) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Family of Love. London, for J. Helmes, 1608. 4°. £32 Huth (July 1916. n. 4965) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington); £ 138 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 231) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). A Mad World my Masters. London, H. B. for W. Burre, 1608. 4°. $450 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2299) mor., by Bedford, resold $410 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 581) and $450 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1135) now C. W. Clark; £30 Huth (July 1916, n. 4967) calf, by Pratt (now J. L. Clawson). A Trick to catch the Old One. London, G. Eld {for H. Rockytt), 1608. 4\ Two issues of the title, one without Rockytt's name. Bodl. ; Huntington (Kemble-Devonshire); £38 Huth (July 1916, n. 4966) calf (now Huntington) ; £140 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 230) un- bound (now J. L. Clawson). The Roaring Girl or Mbll Cut-Purse. London, for T. Archer, 161 1. 4^ Woodcut on title. By Middleton and Dekker. The Rowfant copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. £158 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 241) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). 404 MIDDLETON The Triumphs of Truth, a Solemnity. London, N. Okes, 1613. 4°. Two issues, both in the Brit. Mus. Civitatis Amor, The City's Love, an Entertainment. Lon- don, N. Okes for T, Archer, 161 6. 4°. Brit. Mus.; £52 Huth (July 1918, n. 4969) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington). The Triumphs of Honor and Industry, a Solemnity. Lon- don, N. Okes, 161 7. 4^ Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Devonshire). A Fair Quarrel. London, for J. T., 161 7. 4°. By Middleton and Rowley. Two issues under the same date, one "with new additions." $230 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 336) half-mor. ; i 24 and £22 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 242-243) unbound. The Triumphs of Love and Antiquity, an honourable So- lemnity. London, N. Okes, 161 9. 4°. The Inner-Temple Masque or Masque of Heroes. Lon- don, for J. Brozvne, 161 9. 4*'. $350 Hoe (Jan. 1912. H, n. 2300) mor., by Bedford (Griswold copy, now Huntington) ; $210 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 583) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; £150 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 233) unbound. A Courtly Masque, the Device called The World Lost at Tennis. London, G. Purslozve for B. Wright, 1620. 4°. By Middleton and Rowley. Two issues under the same date. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Bridgewater and Devonshire copies); £12 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 244) unbound, various defects. Honorable Entertainments. London, G. B., 1621. 4°. $925 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2301) mor., by Lortic (now Huntington) ; is this the copy sold for £ 70 Martin (March 1888, n. 114) ? The Sun in Aries, a noble Solemnity. London, B. Allde for H. G., 1621. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Devonshire). MIDDLETON 405 The Triumphs of Honor and Virtue, a noble Solemnity. London, N. Okes, 1622. 4", Only two copies seem to be known: Brit. Mus. (imperfect) and Hunt- ington ( Devonshire) . The Triumphs of Integrity, a noble Solemnity. London, N. Okes, 1623. 4°. Huntington (Devonshire), the only c6py on record. A Game at Chess. London, 1625. 4^ There are four distinct editions, the 4th bearing the imprint of Leyden, Jan Mnsse, n. d. Cambridge (1st ed.) ; $1250 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 2303) mor., by Riviere, 1st ed. (now Huntington) ; $225 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 2304) mor., by Bedford, 3d ed. (Griswold copy, now Huntington) ; $75 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 2305) mor., by Bedford, 4th ed. (now Huntington) ; £51 Huth (July 1916, n. 4970) calf, by Bedford, 4th ed. ; i 30 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 228) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). The Triumphs of Health and Prosperity. London, N. Okes, 1626. 4*^. Guildhall Libr. ; Huntington (Devonshire). A Chaste Maid in Cheap-Side, a pleasant conceited Com- edy. London, for f. Constable, 1630. 4''. £15 Huth (July 1916, n. 4971) calf; £59 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 234) unbound, now J. L. Clawson. The Widow, a Comedy. London, for H. Moseley, 1652. 4°. By Ben Jonson, Fletcher, and Middleton. The Spanish Gipsy. London, J. G. for R. Harriot, 1653. 4^ By Middleton and Rowley. £ 16 Huth (July 1916, n. 4973) half-mor., by Riviere, resold $47.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 592) and $120 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1140). The Changeling. London, for H. Moseley, 1653. 4*. . By Middleton and Rowley. There are two issues with variations. $110 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2307) mor., by Bedford, resold $70 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 337) ; $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 770) old veil. (Rowfant copy) ; £ 13 Mostyn (March"l919, n. 245) unbound (now Pforzheimer). 406 MIDDLETON Two New Plays. More Dissemblers besides Women ; Wo- men beware Women. London, for H. Mosely, 1657. 8°. Portr. $67.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 586) mor., by Ruban, wanting portr. (Chew copy). No Wit, (no) Help like a Woman's, a Comedy. London, for H. Moseley, 1657. 8°. Portr. $50 Hoe (Jan.'l912, II, n. 2308) mor., by Riviere, resold $100 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 585) and $110 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1136). The Mayor of Quinborough, a Comedy. London, for H. Herringnian, 1661. 4°. $75 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2309) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, resold $82.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 334) ; $87.50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1137) mor., by Riviere. Anything for a quiet Life, a Comedy. London, T. Johnson for Fr. Kirkman and H. Marsh, 1662. 4°. $100 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n, 2295) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $35 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 588) calf (Bridge- water copy) ; £22 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 240) unbound. In addition to the above plays, the following works of Middleton may he noted: The Wisdom of Solomon paraphrased. London, V. Sems, ^597- 4°. £105 Huth (July 1916, n. 4961) mor. (now Huntington). The Ghost of Lucrece. London, V. Simmes, 1600. 8°. 24 leaves. A continuation of Shakespeare's Lucrece. The only known copy is in the Burton volume of Shakespeareana, cata- logued for sale at Sotheby's, 23 March 1920, and privately purchased by a New York collector. The Black Book. London, T. C. for J. Chorlton, 1604. 4°. $350 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2296) mor., double, by The Club Bindery (Steevens-Bindley copy, now Huntington). MILLER 407 MILLER (Cincinnatus Hiner, better known as Joaquin) 1842-1913 His rarest zvork is : Pacific Poems. London, Whittingham and Wilkins, 1871. 12°. Cloth. Suppressed by the author and extremely scarce. $335 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1145) presentation copy. MILTON (John). 1608-1674 See Contributions to a catalogue of the Lenox Library, n. VI : works of Milton (New York, 1881. 4°) 46 pp.; WilHamson, Milton tercentenary, the portraits, prints and writings of John Milton, exhibited at Christ's College, Cambridge (Cambridge, 1908. 4°). A. W. Pollard, The bibliography of Milton, in The Library, X (1909) pp. 1-33. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorative of the tercentenary of the birth of John Milton (New York, Grolier Club, 1909. 12°) vi-116 pp. A fine collection of Miltoniana belong-s to Mr. Wynne E. Baxter {The Bibliophile, 1909, pp. 119-127). From a Latin letter addressed by Milton to Alexander Gill, we have reason to believe that his first printed work was a fly-sheet containing some Latin verses composed for distribution among the Doctors present in Cambridge at the Philosophical Act in June 1628. No copy is known to exist. Next in date comes Milton's celebrated epitaph on Shakespeare, dated 1630, and published in the Second Folio (1632). A Maske presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, . .. . be- fore the Right Honorable John Earl of Bridgewater, Viscount Brackly. London, F. H. Robinson, i6^y. 4°. The first edition of Milton's Comus. Very few copies are known (some twelve or fifteen in all). — i 162 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 132) mor., by Bedford (Tite-Rowfant copy, now Pierpont Morgan Library); i317 Sotheby's, 13 July 1908, n. 81, calf (now T. J. Wise) ; I 520 Sotheby's. 27 June 1912, n. 430, mor., by Bedford; £800 Huth (July 1916, n. 4990) mor., by Bedford (now J. L. Clawson) ; $9200 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 595), resold $14,250 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1167) calf, the copy originally owned by Viscount Brackley (now Pforzheimer) ; the fine copy described in the Huntington duplicate sale catalogue VHI (Apr. 1918. n. 339) was pre- sented by Mr. Huntington to the Elizabethan Club, at Yale. 408 MILTON Justa Edouardo King naufrago ab Amicis moerentibus. Cambridge, T. Buck and R. Daniel, 1638. 4°. Contains the first edition of Milton's Lycidas. £400 Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 432, mor., by Clarke and Bedford (Andrew C. Drummond's copy), resold $4400 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1168) ; £475 Huth (July 1916, n. 4991) calf, by Riviere (now Pforz- heimer) ; $2750 Huntin^on (Dec 1917, V, n. 284) mor., by Bedford (Ives-Halsey copy), resold $3500 Hagen (May 1918, n. 771) now C. W. Clark. Of Prelatical Episcopacy. [London], 1641. 4°. £20.10.0 Sotheby's, 31 May 1907, n. 207, unbound, uncut (then Halsey, now Hunting-ton) ; $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 773) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts copy). Another edition under the same date bears the imprint : London, R. O. and G. D. for I. Underhill. Of Reformation touching Church-Discipline in England : and the Causes that hitherto have hindred it. [London]. Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641. 4°. $115 Hagen (May 1918, n. 774) mor.. by The Club Bindery (Lefiferts- Winans copy) ; $105 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1170) mor., by Riviere. Animadversions upon the Remonstrants, Defence against Smectymnuus. London, for T. Underhill, 1641. 4°. $155 Hagen (May 1918, n. 772) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (Lefferts-Winans copy, now Huntington). The Reason of Church-Government urged against Prelaty. London, B. G. for J. Rothwell, 1641. 4*^. $140 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 596) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 775) mon, by The Club Bindery (Lefferts-Winans copy) ; $90 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1169) mor., by Riviere. An Apology against a Pamphlet called A modest Confu- tation of the Animadversions upon the Remonstrant against Smectymnuus. London, B. G. for J. Rothzvell, 1642. 4°. $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 777) mor., by The Club Bindery (Winans copy, now Huntington). A Reply to the Answer (printed by His Majesty's Com- mand at Oxford) to a printed Book intituled Observations upon MILTON 409 some of His Majesty's late Answers and Expresses. London, for M. Walbancke, 1642. 4°. $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 779) cropped, half-bound (Winans copy, now Huntington) ; $40 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1171) cropped. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce restored to the Good of both Sexes. London, T. P. and M. S., 1643. 4°- [Second edition]. London, 1644. 4°. This edition contains for the first time the admonition to Parliament. $35 Hagen! (May 1918, n. 781) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy, now Huntington). The Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce. Lon- don, M. Simmons, 1644. 4°. Published anonymously and very scarce. Of Education, to Master Samuel Hartlib. A^. p., n. d. [London, 1644]. 4°. 8 pp. Only five copies are on record : 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. T. J. Wise; 3. £ 74.10.0 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 177,. mor., then Halsey, now Huntington; 4. £ 172 Payne (Jan. 1912, n. 418) mor. (now T. J. Wise) ; 5. £ 110 Sothe- by's, 10 Nov. 1916, n. 1001, bound in old calf with five other tracts by Milton, including the Judgment of Martin Bucer (this is possibly the copy recently obtained by Mr. W. A. White). Areopagitica, a Speech for the Liberty of unlicenced Print- ing. London, 1644. 4°. $200-250. — £63 Britwell duphcates (Febr. 1910, n. 143) uncut; £33.10.0 Payne (Jan. 1912, n. 368) mor., uncut; $310 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 525) mor.. by Riviere; $310 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 597) mor., by The Club Bindery (Church copy) ; $365 Hagen (May 1918, n. 783) mor., by The Club Bindery (Winans copy, now Pforzheimer) . Tetrachordon, Expositions upon the four chief Places in Scripture which treat of Marriage or Nullities in Marriage. London, 1645. 4°- $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 788) mor.. by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy) ; $75 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1174) mor., by Macdonald. Colasterion, a Reply to a nameless Answer against the Doc- trine and Discipline of Divorce. [London], 1645. 4°. $95 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 598) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $75 Hagen (May 1918, n. 785) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefiferts- Winans copy). I 410 MILTON Poems, both English and Latin. London, R. Raworth for H. Moseley, 1645. 2 parts in i vol. 8^ Portr. by Marshall (frequently missing). Through a careless folding of the sheets, the pagination is often cut into. The imprint shows two variations in the last line : Pauls and S. Pauls. $500-600. — $1520 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2290) orig. sheep, presenta- tion copy to Heimbach with Mihon's autograph (afterwards in the Bixby coll.); $440 Allis (March 1912, n. 572) mor., by Riviere; £160 Huth (July 1916, n. 4992) mor.; $675 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 599) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $725 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 340) mor., by Mercier (Ghew copy) ; $860 Hagen (May 1918, n. 786) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; $1050 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1173) orig. calf; i 200 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 59) mor. A Treatise of Magistracy, showing the Magistrate hath been and for ever is to be the chief Officer in the Church, out of the Church and over the Church and that the two Testa- ments hold forth. London, 1647. 4"- The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. London, M. Sim- mons, 1649. 4°. $175 Hagen (May 1918, n. 794) mor., by Chambolle (Lefferts-Winans copy) ; the second edition (also dated 1649, but with additional matter, pp. 47-60), $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 795) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). Eikonoklastes in Answer to a Book intitled Eikon Basilike. London, M. Simmons, 1649. 4°. $65 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2293) mor., by Riviere, resold $72.50 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 342) ; £27 Payne (Jan. 1912, n. 394) mor., uncut; $230 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 527) mor., by Riviere; $100 McCurdy (Oct. 1916, n. 484) mor., by Riviere; $105 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1175) orig. calf. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi alias Salmasii Defensionem Regiam. London, Du Card, 1650. 4°. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio secunda. London, T. Newcomh, 1654. 8°. £48 Sotheby's, 16 June 1910, n. 475, orig. calf, large paper, presenta- tion copy, with Milton's autograph; $70 Hagen (May 1918, n. 797) orig. calf (Winans copy, now Huntington). MILTON 411 A Declaration of His Highness, by the Advice of His Council, setting forth on behalf of this Commonwealth the Jus- tice of the Cause against Spain. Bdinburgh, Christopher Hig- gins, 1655. 4°. The first edition in English yet discovered. $67.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 798) mor. (Winansi copy, now Hunting- ton). Pro se Defensio contra Alexandrum Morum. London, T. Newcomb, 1655. 8°. $97.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 799) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy). Considerations touching the likeliest Means to remove Hire- lings out of the Church. London, T. N. for L. Chapman, 1659. 12". £29 Payne (Jan. 1912, n. 380) orig. calf, resold £16 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 378) ; £26 Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 424, orig. sheep; $205 Hagen (May 1918, n. 801) mor., by The Club Bindery (Winans copy) ; $155 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1176) orig. calf. The Halsey copy is in the Huntington coll. A Treatise of civil Power in ecclesiastical Causes, shewing that it is not lawful for any Power on Earth to compell in Mat- ters of Religion. London, T. Nezvcomh, 1659. 12°. $72.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 800) orig. calf (Winans copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). Brief Notes upon a late Sermon titled the Fear of God and the King. London, 1660. '^. ' $200 Hagen (May 1918, n. 802) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy). The ready and easy Way to establish a free Commonwealth and the Excellence thereof compared with the Inconveniences and Dangers of readmitting Kingship in this Nation. Lon- don, T. N {ewcomh) , 1660. 4°. Two editions under the same date. $87.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 803) half-mor. (Winans copy, now Hunt- ington). Paradise Lost. London, 1667. 4°. The problems connected with the earliest editions of "Paradise Lost" 412 MILTON are so intricate and, to some extent, still so obscure, that hardly more than a general account of the various issues can be given in these pages. What seems certain is that there are at least six different title pages, two of 1667, two of 1668, and two of 1669, but that the text itself was only set up twice during these three years, although minor variations occur in various parts of the volume. A certain number of the copies have at the beginning 14 additional pages with "Arguments" tO' the books. This ad- ditional matter apparently occurs with every one of the six known titles and not, as formerly believed, only with the later issues. In accordance with a time-honored tradition the titles are listed here according to Lowndes-Bohn's numbering, which is generally used by bibliographers. Facsimiles of the whole set are to be conveniently found in The Biblio- grapher II (1903) pp. 73-91. It may be added that there is a certain amount of evidence prov- ing the so-called "First title," with the author's name in large capitals, to be really the earliest in date. For instance it has been ascertained (from the Hagen-Newton copy) that the "First title" is part of a signature and not (like the "Second title") a cancel leaf. On the other hand Mr. Wise informs us that he has seen a "Second title" also forming part of the first signature ; so that from that fact alone little if anything can be proved. Part of the manuscript of book I is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. I. Paradise Lost. A Poem written in ten Books by John Milton. London, Peter Parker, Robert Boulter and Matthias Walker, 1667. 4°. The "first title" with Milton's name in large sloping capitals. $1000-1200 and more. — i 355 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 740, orig. sheep; i 192 Gott (March 1908, n. 148) mor., by Clarke; $1510 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2318) orig. calf; $1425 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 528) mor., by Riviere; $1510 Hagen (May 1918. n. 805) mor., by The Club Bindery (now A. E. Newton) ; $2000 McMillin Norton (Nov. 1918, n. 99) orig. calf; £460 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 60) orig. sheep. II. Same title-page, but with Milton's name in small slop- ing capitals; otherwise from the same set up. The "second title." $600-800. — i 155 Gott (March 1908, n. 147) mor., by Clarke; $1750 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2294) mor., by Bedford, presentation copy to Fran- cis Rea, with Milton's autograph; $905 Hagen (May 1918, n. 806) orig. calf. III. Paradise Lost. A Poem in ten Books, the Author J. M. London, Peter Parker, Robert Boulter and Matthias Walker, 1668. 4". The "third title." $150-200. — i47 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 555) russia; $170 Hoe (Nov. MILTON 413 1912, IV, n. 2205) mor., by Marius-Michel (now Huntington) ; $180 Hagen (May 1918, n. 807) mor., by Riviere. IV. , the Author John Milton. London, S. Simmons for S. Thomson, H. Mortlack, M. Walker and R. Boulter, i668. 4°. The "fourth title" (N. B. Bohn's "fifth" and "sixth" titles apparently do not exist). $150-200. — i40 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 891, orig-. sheep; $410 Whiting (Apr. 1909, n. 301) mor. (Foote copy) ; $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2295) mor., by Hering, £ 56 Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 331, orig. calf; il45 Huth (July 1916, n. 4998) mor.; $240 Hagen (May 1918, n. 808) mor., by Hay day. VII-VIII. . London, S. Simmons for T. Helder, 1669. 4°. The "seventh title," with the word Angel in Roman type. The "eighth title" has the word Angel in italics. $120-150. — The "seventh title" £27 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 871, russia; £29.10.0 Morgan (March 1908, n. 527) mor., by Zaehnsdorf ; $150 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2319) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $155 Hagen (May 1918, n. 809) mor., by Riviere. A copy with the same imprint as the seventh and eighth title, but dated 1667, is said to have been discovered, in 1909, in a Boston collection. Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve Books. The Author, John Milton. The Second Edition revised and augmented by the same Author. London, S. Simmons, 1674. 8°. $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 811) mor., by Riviere (now A. E. Newton). The Third Edition. London, S. Simmons, 1678. 8°. Portr. by Dolle. The finest copies have two blank leaves at the end. . London, M. Flesher for J. Tonson, 1688. Fol. Portr. by White and plates. The first illustrated edition. $105 Hagen (May 1918, n. 813) calf. Accedence commenc't Grammar. London, for S. S., 1669. 12^ Two issues, one with the author's name in full, the other giving only his initials. $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 804) orig. calf (Lefiferts-Winans copy). 414 MILTON The History of Britain, that Part especially now call'd England. London, J. M. for J. Allestry, 1670. 4°. Portr. by Faithorne. $75 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 669) mor., by Bedford; $105 Hagen (May 1918, n. 835) mor., by The Club Bindery (now A. E. Newton) ; $50 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1178) calf, by Riviere. Reissued in 1671 (/. M. for Spencer Hickman) with a fresh title-page: $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 843) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefiferts copy). Paradise Regain'd, a Poem in IV Books, to which is added Samson Agonistes. London, J. M. for J. Stark ey, 1671. 8°. Perfect copies should contain before the title a leaf for the Licence, should have a separate title for Samson and, at the end, a leaf of errata. $150-200. — £70 S'otheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 741, sheep; £94 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 136) mor., uncut, by Riviere; £92 Hodgson's, 20 March 1907, n. 417, unbound, uncut; $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 836) mor., by Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The second edition (London, for J. Starkey, 1680. 8°) is worth $20-25. Artis Logicae plenior Institutio. London, Spencer Hick- man, 1672. 12°. Portr. by Dolle. $35 Hagen (May 1918, n. 844) orig. calf (Winans copy, now Hunt- ington). Poems, &c. upon several Occasions. London, for T. Bring, 1673. 8°. The second edition, containing much additional matter. $90 Hagen (May 1918, n. 845) old red mor. (Winans copy). Of True Religion, Hseresie, Schism, Toleration, and what best Means may be used against the Growth of Popery. Lon- don, 1673. 4*'. Very scarce and wanting in most collections of Milton's works. $155 Hagen (May 1918, n. 846) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy, now Huntington) ; $205 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 489) sewn. A Declaration or Letters Patents of the Election of the pres- ent King of Poland. London, for B. Aylmer, 1674. 8°. Ascribed to Milton by most authorities. Epistolarum familiarium Liber unus. London, for Braba- son Aylmer, 1674. 8°. MILTON 415 $92.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 847) orig. vellum (Winans copy, now Huntington). Literae Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani Cromwellii reliquorum- que Perduellium Nomine ac Jussu conscriptse a Joanne Miltono. London, 1676. 12*'. Two editions under the same date. $105 Hagen (May 1918, n. 848) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy, now Huntington) ; $25 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1181) orig. calf. Character of the Long Parliament and Assembly of Di- vines in 1 641. London, for H. Brome, 1681. 4°. 8 leaves. $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 849) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefiferts- Winans copy) ; $90 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1183) mor., by Riviere. A Brief History of Moscovia and of other less-known Countries lying eastward of Russia as far as Cathay. Lon- don, for M. Flesher, 1682. 8°. $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 850) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy, now Huntington). Defence of the People of England, in Answer to Salmas- ius's Defence of the King. London, 1692. 8°. The first English translation of Milton's Pro Poptdo Anglicano De- fensio. $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 851) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy). Letters of State written by John Milton to most of the Sov- ereigns, Princes and Republicks of Europe from the Y^ar 1649 till the Year 1659. London, 1694. 8°. The first English translation (by Edward Phillips) of Milton's Literae P seudo-Seiiatus, $105 Hagen (May 1918, n. 852) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy, now Huntington). The Secrets of Government and Mysteries of State plainly laid open in all the several Forms of Government in the Chris- tian World. [London], 1697. 8°. Written by Sir Walter Raleigh and edited by Milton. $105 Hagen (May 1918. n. 853) mor., by The Club Bindery (Lefferts- Winans copy, now Huntington). 416 MINUTES MINUTES OF CONFERENCES Minutes of Conferences held at Lancaster in August 1762 with the Sachems and Warriors of several Tribes of Indians. Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1763. Fol. $510 Lewis (Nov. 1910, n. 220) half-mor., uncut, title inlaid. MIRROR (A) FOR MAGISTRATES See Henrietta C. Bartlett, The Mirror for Magistrates, in The Library, III (1912) pp. 22-32. A Mirror for Magistrates. London, T. Marshe, 1559. 4°. This first edition contains 19 tales in verse, by various authors, chiefly William Baldwin ; these form part III of the 1610 edition. £100 Huth (July 1916, n. 5015) mor. (Corser copy); $2650 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 710) mor.; i800 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 61) old calf (Chalmers copy, now J. L. Clawson). [Second edition of part III]. London, T. Marshe, 1563. 4°. Contains 27 tales. (Reprinted in 1571, 1574, 1575 and 1578). $300 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 285), resold $675 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1186) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Pforzheimer) ; $610 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 711) mor. (Ross Winans copy). The first Part of the Mirror for Magistrates. London, T. Marshe, 1574. 4". Contains 16 tales [Part I of the 1610 edition], (Reprinted in 1575 and possibly in 1578). Edited by John Hig-gins. The second Part of the Mirror for Magistrates. London, R. Webster, 1578. 4^ Contains 12 tales by T. Blennerhasset [Part 11 of the 1610 edition]. $105 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 614) mor., by Riviere, resold $150 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1187). The Mirror for Magistrates. London, H. Marsh, 1587. 4°. Contains parts I (40 tales) and HI (39 tales) of the 1610 edition. £70 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 416) mor. (Turner copy); $160 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2325) mor. (now Huntingiton) ; $85 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 288) mor., by C. Lewis (Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew). A Mirror for Magistrates. London, P. Kyngston, 1610. 4°. MIRROR 417 Contains parts I, II and III, in all 80 tales. A few of the tales in- cluded in the 1587 edition are not reprinted. $75 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2225) mor., by Bedford (now Beverly Chew) ; $101 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 615) mor., by Pratt (Chew copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $122.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 879) mor. ,by Riviere. Republished in 1619 under the title The Falls of unfortunate Princes. MISSALE AD USUM SARUM A long and fairly complete catalogue of this and the other early Missals for the use of English churches (e.g. Hereford and York) will be found, with a substantial list of located copies, in W. H. J. Weale, Bibliographia Liturgica (London, B. Quaritch 1886. 8°) xii-296 pp. MISTAKEN (The) BEAUTY The Mistaken Beauty or ihe Liar, a Comedy. London, S. Neale, 1685. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2307) half-mor. MISTAKEN (The) HUSBAND The Mistaken Husband, a Comedy, by a Person of Quality. London, P. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1675. 4°. Has been often ascribed to Dryden who possibly wrote some portions of it. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 976) calf, resold $42.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 245) ; i 10 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 650) calf; $40 Hagen (May 1918, n. 413) calf, by Riviere; i 12.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 246) unbound. MITFORD (John). 1782-1831 The Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome. Lon- don, for P. Martin, 181 5. 8". 15 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. Has also been ascribed to David Roberts. $30-40. — $40 Austin (April 1917, n. 602) mor.; $75 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 856) mor., uncut. The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy, by Al- fred Burton. London, W. Siinpkin and R. Marshall, 1818. 8°. 16 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. Commonly ascribed to J. ]\Titford. In orig. cloth $60-80. — $75 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 431) mor., uncut. 418 MITFORD by Riviere; $90 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 606) clodi; $100 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 552) mor., by Riviere, with one of the orig. drawings. The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy, by John Mitford. London, Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1819. 8°. 20 coloured pi. by Williams after Rowlandson. Both the poem and the illustrations are different from the above. . Reprinted in 1823 with the same plates. My Cousin in the Army, or Johnny Newcome on the Peace Establishment. London, Hodgson and Co. [1822]. 8°, Col- oured pi. $20 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 194) half-mor. MOHAWK PRAYER-BOOK The Morning and Evening Prayer. A'ezv York, W. Brad- ford, 1715. 4". Translated by Lawrence Classe. Very scarce. $1300 Hurst (Nov. 1904, n. 1008) mor. (now Pierpont Morgan Li- brary) ; $950 Henkels', 26 June 1919, n. 433, orig. calf. The Morning and Evening Prayer. Boston, Richard and Samuel Draper, 1763. 4''. Of this edition of the Mohawk Prayer Book, only two copies are known : 1. $50 Brinley (Apr. 1881, n. 5708) half-mor., uncut (Stevens copy), re- sold $115 Ives (March 1891, n. 704), now New York Public Library; 2. $1010 Scott's, 18 Febr. 1916, n. 88, unbound. MONARDES (Nicholas). 15 .. -1578 Joyful News out of the new found World. London, W. Norton, iS77- 4"- Translated into Eng-lish by John Fram.pton. $65 Allis (March 1912, n. 583) mor. (Lefiferts copy, now Huntingiton) ; $285 Huntington (March 1919, X, n. 150) calf (Barlow copy). [Second edition]. London, W. Norton, 1580. 4°. $400 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H. n. 2335) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington). [Third edition]. London, B. Allde for B. Norton, 1596. 4°. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2351) mor., by Mackenzie (now Hunting- ton). MONTAGUE 419 MONTAGUE (Walter). 1603(?)-1677 The Shepherd's Paradise, a Comedy. London, for T. Bring, 1629 [read 1659] or for J. Starkey, 1659. 8°. Two issues varying onJy in the imprint. £ 13.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 247) orig. sheep. MONTAIGNE (Michel Eyquem, Seigneur de). 1533-1592 The Essays or moral, politic and military Discourses of Lord Michael de Montaigne [translated] by John Florio. Lon- don, V. Sims for B. Blount, 1603. Fol. Portr. by Hole. The 2 leaves of errata are often wanting. $561 Poor (Dec. 19()8, n. 798) mor., by Riviere; $605 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2357) orig. calf with Oueen EHzabeth's arms, resold $700 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 718), now Elizabethan Club, Yale; £78 Arthur (July 1914, n. 562) old mor.; $400 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 690) mor., by Riviere ; $385 Hagen (May 1918, n. 534) orig. calf, with rose and crown (now C. W. Clark) ; £ 100 Sotheby's, 22 July 1918. n. 1141, mor.; $610 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1191) old calf; $725 Wallace (March 1920, n. 965) mor., by Riviere (H. Poor copy). A copy in the British Museum bears Shakespeare's signature, but the authenticity of this autograph has been often questioned. MONTEMAYOR (Jorge de). 1520(?)-1561 Diana of George of Montemayor, translated out of the Span- ish by Bartholomew Yong. London, B. Bollifant for G. B., 1598. Fol. Shows striking analogies with. Two Gentlemen of Verona. $150 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3302) mor., by Riviere (now Hunting- ton), with a duplicate title-page bearing Ben Jonson's autograph; $60 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1194) calf, by Cecil and Larkins. MOORE (A.) Annals of Gallantry or the Conjugal Monitor. London, M. Jones, I March 1814-1 Aug. 181 5. 8°. 18 parts. Wrappers. 20 pi. (18 coloured). £80 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 27) in parts, with most of the wrappers; £78 Hornstein (Dec. 1915, n. 918) mor., uncut, by Riviere. 420 MOORE MOORE (George) Collectors are already picking up his first editions which, up to 1910, were hardly appreciated. The following- items are among those which command the highest prices : Flowers of Passion. London, Provost, 1878. 4°. In orig. black cloth $20-25. — £ 5.10.0 Hodgson's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 105. Pagan Poems. London, Newman, 1881. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $20-25. — i 15 Puttick's, 20 Jan. 1915, n. 141, the author's autograph initials on title; $540 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1196) presentation copy (now Huntington). Literature at Nurse, or Circulating Morals. London, 1885. 8°. Sewn as issued $20-25, Confessions of a Young Man. London, 1888. 8°. In orig. cloth $15-20. MOORE (Thomas). 1779-1852 The Loves of the Angels. London, 1823. 8°. $165 Allis (March 1912, n. 586) mor., by Riviere, 14 pp. of corrected proofs inserted. Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance. London, Longman, etc., 18 1 7. 8°. $8-10. — $40 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 338) contemporary mor., by Daw- son and Lewis. Exists on large paper. The MS. and proof-sheets £330 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 1135). MORANT (Philip). 1700-1770 The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. London, T. Osborne, etc., 1768. 2 vols. Fol. Numerous pi. See collation in Lowndes. Copies should contain (11, p. 550) the Aud- ley End plate, which is however seldom missing. "$50-60 and on large paper $80-100. — f 36 Huth (July 1916, n. 5102) russia, by Bedford, large paper, with coats of arms emblazoned by hand. MORE (Nicholas). 16.. -1689 A Letter from Dr. More, with Passages out of several Let- ! MORE 421 ters from Persons of good Credit relating to the State and Im- provement of the Province of Pennsilvania, pubHshed to pre- vent false Reports. Printed in the year 1687. 4°. 12 pp. With a preface by William Penn. Very few copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Carter Brown; 3. £ 155 Hodgson's, 5 July 1907, n. 749, last leaf defective (probably now Hunt- ington, from the Halsey coll.) ; 4. $950 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 225) mor., by Lortic (Church copy). MORE (Sir Thomas). 1478-1535 A fruitful and pleasant Work of the best State of a public Weal and of the new He called Utopia . . . translated in- to English by Raphe Robynson. London, Abraham Vele, 1551. 8°. £49 Roberts (March 1905, n. 1147) mor., by Riviere (W. Cole copy). See also Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (William). 1834-1896 See H. Buxton Forman, The hooks of William Morris described (Lon- don, Hollings, 1897. 8°) xv-224 pp. ; Temple Scott, A bibliography of the works of William Morris (London, Bell, 1897. 12°) vii-120 pp. A number of his works have already been described under the heading Kelmscott Press. Sir Galahad, a Christmas Mystery. London, Bell and Dal- dy, 1858. 8°. $110 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 499) mor., by Riviere, presen- tation copy. The Defence of Guenevere. London, Bell and Daldy, 1858. 8^ In orig. cloth $10-15. — $70 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 730) mor., elaborately tooled, by Prideaux. The Life and Death of Jason, a Poem. London, Bell and Daldy, 1867. 8°. In orig. red cloth with label $6-8. — $75 Peirce (March 1903, n. 268) presentation copy to Swinburne (then Halsey, now Huntington). The Earthly Paradise. London, F. S. Ellis, 1868- 1870. 3 vols. 8° (or, on large paper, 6 vols. 8°). 422 MORRIS In orig. cloth $8-10 and much more on large paper. — £31 Stanley (June 1901, n. 1614) large paper. Love is enough or the Freeing of Pharamond, a Morality. London, Ellis and White, 1873. ^°- In orig. blue cloth $8-10 and on large paper (25 copies printed) $40-50. — £ 177 Ellis (Nov. 1901, n. 26) in a beautiful binding by Cobden-San- derson; $20 Peirce (March 1903, n. 278) large paper (then Halsey, now Huntington). Three Northern Love Stories and other Tales. London, Ellis and White, 1875. 8°, In orig. boards $8-10 and on large paper $30-40. — £ 11 Stanley (June 1901, n. 1619) large paper. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung. London, Ellis and White, 1877. 4^ In orig. boards $6-8 and on large paper (25 copies printed) $30-40. — £ 12.12.0 ElHs (Nov. 1901, n. 29) large paper; £ HI Ellis (Nov. 1901, n 30) the 1887 ed. large paper, richly bound by Cobden S'anderson; $70 Peirce (March 1903, n. 284) large paper (then Halsey, now Huntington). Hopes and Fears for Art. London, Ellis and White, 1882. 8°. In orig. boards $5-6 and more on large paper (25 copies printed). — £8 Stanley (June 1901, n. 1622) large paper. In 1901 L. W. Hodson paid about £ 1250 for 36 of the original manu- scripts of William Morris's published works ; 34 of these came up in his 1906 sale and brought about the same price ; five or six of the most im- portant were then secured by the late C. Fairfax Murray who presented two of them to the British Museum, MORTON (Nathaniel). 1613-1685 New England's Memoriall. Cambridge, S. G. and M. J. for John Usher of Boston, 1669. 4°. The first historical book printed in New England. , £87 Lefiferts (Twne 1902, n. 224) mor., by Bedford, with Evelyn's auto- graph (?), resold $700 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 2394) ; $575 AlHs (March 1912, n..609) mor. ; $540 Alofifat (May 1912. n. 435) calf (Brinley copy) ; $1750' Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 227) orig. calf (Christie-Miller copy). MOUNTFORT 423 MOUNTFORT (William). 1664(?)-1692 The Injured Lovers or the Ambitious Father, a Tragedy. London, S. Manship, 1688. 4^. $22.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2345) mor. ; $16 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 412) half-mor. The Successful Strangers, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. Blackzvell, 1690. 4°. $55 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2346) mor., by Kanfmann. Greenwich Park, a Comedy. London, for J. Hindmarsh, 1691. 4°. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2347) half-mor. King Edward the Third, an historical Play. London, J. Hindmarsh, 1691. 4°. $17.50 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 415) half-mor., inlaid through- out (Kemble-Devonshire copy). MOURT (George). 15851628 A Relation or Journal of the Beginning and Proceedings of the EngHsh Plantation settled at Plimoth in New-England. London, for J. Bellamie, 1622. 4". ■*^eaf A4 (doubtless a blank) is missing in all known copies, ^here are two issues varying in the heading to page 1 of text. £350 Huth (June 1913, n. 3031) mor., by Pratt; $2150 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 229) mor. (Christie-Miller copy) ; $2250 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 229) mor. (Deane-French copy). MUDFORD (William). 1782-1848 An Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands. London, H. Colhiirn, 181 7. 4°. . 4 parts. 28 coloured pi. by G. Cruikshank. $91 Whiting (Apr. 1909, n. 144) mor., uncut, by Riviere; £40 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 432) orig. boards, in parts; $250 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 339) orig. boards, rebacked. MUNDAY (Anthony). 1553-1633 Fedele and Fortunio, the Deceits in Love, excellently dis- 424 MUNDAY coursed in a very pleasant and fine conceited Comedy of Two Italian Gentlemen. London, for Thomas Hacket, 1585. 4°. i3020 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 107) unbound, the only copy known of this important play, the foundation of Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona (now H. C. Folger coll.). [Another edition]. A^. p., n. d. 4°. This edition is only known by two copies, both wanting the title and the second lacking also the dedication: 1. Huntington (Trevelyan copy) ; 2. H. V. Jones (Inglis-Heber-Devonshire copy). The Death of Robert Earl of Huntington [a play]. Lon- don, for W. Leake, 1601. 4°. $315 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2389) mor., by Bedford; $420 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1239) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; i 155 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 250) unbound. The Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington [a play]. London, for W. Leake, 1601. 4°. $152 Poor (Nov. 1908. n. 853) mor. (Perkins-McKee copy), resold $575 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 626) ; $560 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1238) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer). The follozving seven pageants performed at the Lord Mayor's install- ment are all of the greatest scarcity. The Triumphs of re-united Britannia. London, W. lag- gard, [1605]. 4". Three copies known: 1. Brit. Mus. (imperf.) ; 2. Bodl. ; 3. Huntington (Roxburghe-Devonshire copy). Campbell or the Ironmonger's Fair Field. [London, 1609. 4°]. Brit. Mus., wanting quire A, the only copy known. Chruso-thriambos, the Triumphs of Gold. London, W. Jaggard, 161 1. 4°. Two copies on record : 1. Capell coll. ; 2. Huntington (Devonshire copy). Himatia-poleos, the Triumphs of old Drapery, or the rich Clothing of England. London, B. Allde, 1614. 4^ Brit. Mus. Metropolis Coronata, the Triumphs of ancient Drapery or 1 MUNDAY 425 rich Clothing of England in a second Year's Performance. Lon- don, G. Purslozve, 1615. 4°. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Devonshire copy); £20 Huth (July 1916, n. 5181) mor., by Pratt, resold $605 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 711). Chrysanaleia, the Golden Fishing, or Honour of Fishmon- gers. London, G. Purslozve, 161 6. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Bodl.; i 30 Huth (July 1916, n. 5182) half bound (now Huntington). Sidero-Thriambos or Steel and Iron triumphing. London, N. Okes, 1618. 4°. Brit. Mus. N NABBES (Thomas). 1605-1641(?) Hannibal and Scipio, an historical Tragedy. London, R. Oulton for C. Greene, i6^y. 4°. %7S Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2403) mor., by David; £9.15.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5208) half-mor.; $42.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 301) mor., by Bedford (Halsey copy) ; £ 10.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 251) unbound. Microcosmus, a moral Mask. London, R. Otdton for C. Greene, 1637. 4^ $35 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2402) mor., by Lortic (now Huntington) ; £ 19 Huth (July 1917, n. 5209) veil, (now Library of Congress) ; $40 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 628) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (Chew copy); $125 Hagen (May 1918, n. 889) mor., by Bra'dstreet ; £ 18.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 252) unbound; $160 Henkels', 26 June 1919, n. 175, calf. Covent-Garden, a pleasant Comedy. London, R. Oulton for C. Greene, 1638. 4**. Reissued in 1639 with a fresh title-page. The 1638 ed., £5.15.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5210) half-mor.; £25.10.0 Alostyn (March 1919, n. 253) unbound. Tottenham Court, a pleasant Comedy. London, R. Oulton for C. Greene, 1638 (or 1639). 4°. $130 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2405) mor.. by David (Roxburghe copy, now Huntington) ; $100 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 304) half-mor., by 426 NABBES The Club Bindery (Chew copy) ; $70 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 629) caif (Bridgewater copy). The Spring's Glory, a Mask [also his Poems]. London, J. D. for C. Greene and N. Fuss ell, 1638 (or 1639). 4°. Two issues varying only in the date and preliminary matter. $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2404) mor., by Mackenzie (Roxburghe copy, now Huntington) ; $47.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 303) mor. (McKee-Chew copy). The Bride, a Comedy. London, R. H. for L. Blaikelocke, 1640. 4°. $130 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2406) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 305) old half-roan (Chew copy) ; $42.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 630) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Unfortunate Mother, a Tragedy. London, J. O. for Daniel Frere, 1640. 4°. $120 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2407) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $40 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 353) calf (Bridgewater copy). NASH (Thomas). 1567-1601 See R. B. McKerrow, The Works of Thomas Nashe (London, A. H. Bullen, 1904-1905. 3 vols. 8°). The first Part of Pasquil's Apology. [London], 1590. 4°. Only five or six copies are known. $725 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2525) mor., by Cuzin (now Huntington) ; T. J. Wise coll. Pierce Penniless his Supplication to the Devil. London, R. Jones, 1592. Three editions under the same date. In the W. A. White coll., are the Rowfant copies of two of these edi- tions. £71 Huth (July 1917, n. 5225) mor. The Terrors of the Night or a Discourse of Apparitions. London, J. Danter for W. Jones, 1594. 4°. Three copies are known: Britwell (cropped), Huntington (Bridge- water) and T. J. Wise. Have with; you to Saffron Walden, or Gabriel Harvey's Hunt is up. London, J. Danter, 1596. 4°. $675 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2410) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunt- NASH 427 ington) ; £ 120 Huth (July 1917, n. 5229) mor., by Mackenzie (now J. L. Clawson) ; i 420 Ohristie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 66) mor., by Pratt (Lam- port copy); i360 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 67) old mor. (Corser copy). Nash's Lenten Stuffe containing the Description and first Procreation and Increase of the Town of Great Yarmouth in Norfolk. London, for N. L. and C. B., 1599. 4''. i84 Huth (July 1917, n. 5230) mor. (Utterson copy) ; $470 Hunting-- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 632) old mor. (Locker-Church copy). A pleasant Comedy, called Summer's Last Will and Testa- ment. London, S. Stafford for W. Burre, 1600. 4°. $610 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2527) mor., by Pratt (now Huntington) ; £ 186 Huth (July 1917, n. 5231) mor., by Bedford (now J. L. Clawson) ; £ 168 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 257) unbound. NASH (Treadway Russell). 1725-1811 Collections for the History of Worcestershire. London, 1 78 1 -1 782 (and Supplement, 1799). 2 vols. Fol. See collation in Lowndes, $40-50 and more on large paper. — i 20 Thornhill (Apr. 1889, n. 376) russia; £24 Brabourne (May 1891, n. 478) russia, large paper. NATTES (John Claude). 1765(?)-1822 Views of Bath. London, W. Miller, 1806. Fol. 30 col- oured pi. $40-50. — £ 15.5.0 Hodgson's, 8 Jan. 1902, n. 595, half-mor. , Views of Versailles, Paris and St.-Denis. London, W. Mz7/^r [1805-1809]. Fol. 40 coloured pi. $120-150. — £25.10.0 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 1186) half-mor.; £43 Hodgson's, 12 May 1916, n. 300, boards, uncut. NEGLECTED VIRTUE Neglected Virtue or the Unhappy Conqueror, a Play. Lon- don, for H. Rhodes, 1696. 4". Edited by Hildebrand Horden. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 1695) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; £2 Huth (July 1917, n. 5264) veil, (now London Library). 428 NEVILLE NEVILLE (Robert). 16. .-1694 The Poor Scholar, a Comedy. London^ T. Johnson, for P. Kirkman and H. Marsh, 1662. 4°. £2.10.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5261) half-mor. ; £5.15.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 259) unbound. NEWBOLT (F.) The Etched Work of Frank Brangwyn. London, Fine Art Society, 1908. Fol. with 4 etchings by Brangwyn. 100 copies printed. £ 12.15.0 Sotheby's, 22 Dec. 1913, n. 306. NEW (The) BON TON MAGAZINE The New Bon Ton Magazine. London, May 1818-April 1 82 1. 6 vols. 8". 32 coloured pi. $60-80. — $70 Armstrong- (Oct. 1909, n. 504) half-mor. (31 pi.) ; $138 Alexander (Apr. 1914, n. 468) half-mor. NEWCASTLE (Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of). 1624(?)-1674 See Henry Ten Eyck Perry, The first Duchess of NezvcastJe and her husband as figures in literary history (Boston, Ginn, 1918. 8°) pp. 320- 325 [Harvard Studies in English, IV]. Poems and Fancies. London, T. R. for F. Martin and F. Allestyre, 1653. Fol. Portr. £ 36 Ford (May 1902, n. 397) mor.. by Bedford, with the Earl of West- moreland's autograph, resold $300 Hoe (Jan. 1912, U, n. 2542) now Huntington. Plays. London, A. Warren for J. Martyn, etc., 1662. Fol. Portr. The Errata is often lacking. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, Hl.^n. 2388) mor.. by The Club Bindery, want- ing Errata (now Huntington) ; $115 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 422) orig. calf (Bridgewater copy). Life of William Cavendish, Duke, Marquess and Earl of Newcastle. London, A. Maxwell, 1667. Fol. A copy in the British Museum has autograph notes by the author. NEWCASTLE 429 Plays never before printed. London, A. Maxwell, 1668. Fol. Portr. by Van Schuppen. $55 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 423) mor., by Riviere (Hoe copy). NEWCASTLE (William Cavendish, Duke of). 1592-1676 See H. Ten Eyck Perry, The first Duchess of Neivcastle (1918) pp. 317-320. The Country Captain and the Variety, two Comedies. Lon- don, for H. Robinson and H. Moseley, 1649. 12°. £ 17.10.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5265) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington). The Humorous Lovers, a Comedy. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1677. 4°. £3.10.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5266) half-mor. ; $19 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 425) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Triumphant Widow or the Medley of Humours, a Comedy. London, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1677. 4". £2 Huth (July 1913, n. 5267) half calf; $19 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 426) half-mor. ( Bridgewater copy). NEW ENGLAND A DEGENERATE PLANT See Rous (John) NEWHOUSE (C. B.) The Roadster*s Album. London, Fores, 1845. ^^^- Title and 16 coloured pi. £ 46 Hodgson's, 4 June 1908, n. 223, orig. cloth. NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND News from New England being a true and last Account of the present bloody Wars betwixt the Infidels, Natives and the English Christians. London, J. Coniers, 1676. 4*'. 4 leaves. £118 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 226) unbound; £110 White Kennett (July 1917, n. 115) unbound; $550 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 236) mor., by Bedford (Church copy). The Bridgewater copy is in the Huntington coll. 430 NEW TESTAMENT NEW TESTAMENT. See Bible NEWTON (Sir Isaac). 1642-1727 See George J. Gray, A bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Nezvton, 2d ed. (Cambridge, Bowes, 1907. 4°) 80 pp. NEW YORK DIRECTORY The New York Directory, by David Franks. New York, Shepard Kollock, 1786. 8°. Extremely scarce. $2500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2422) mor., by Bedford, orig. blue wrap- pers preserved. NICHOLAS (Henry) Comoedia, a Work in Rhime, containing an Interlude of Minds, set forth by H. N. A^. p., n. d. [ab. 1574]. 8°. Extremely scarce. $810 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2549) mor., by Lortic (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; £37 Huth (July 1917, n. 5314) russia (Jolley-Corser copy). The Kemble-Devonshire copy is in the Huntington coll. ; the H. V. Jones copy is in the original vellum wrapper. NICHOLL (John) An Hour Glass of Indian News. London, for N. Butter, 1607. 4°. A very scarce narrative of the captivity of 67 Englishmen in Guiana. i220 Huth (July 1917, n. 5320) mor., double, by Tuckett. NICHOLS (John). 1745^1826 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester. Z.ow- ^0^,1795-1815. 4 vols. Fol. Complete sets are very scarce as the "West Goscote Hundred" and the "Guthlaxton Himdred" were, with the exception of a few copies, de- stroyed in a fire at Nichols. The latter has been reprinted, but on small paper only. Page 466* in vol. I is also seldom met with. il85 Brabourne (May 1891, n. 236) mor., large paper; :£ 165 Peel (June 1900, n. 652) russia, large paper; £88 Dent (Jan. 1911, n. 166) orig. boards, uncut, presentation copy; £ 119 Sotheby's, 2 March 1911, n. NICHOLS 431 627, mor., large paper; £83 Huth (July 1917, n. 5321) old russia, large paper (Sykes-Perkins copy) ; £ 66 Sotheby's, 23 Oct. 1917, n. 1108, russia, by Pratt. NICHOLS (Philip) Sir Francis Drake revived ... in a third Voyage made by him to the West Indies. London, B. A. for N. Browne, 1626. 4°. $675 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1154) orig. veil, resold $560 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 231) ; $700 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 125) mor., by Bedford (Christie-Miller copy). NOBODY AND SOMEBODY No-Body and Some-Body, with the true Chronicle History of Elydure who was fortunately three several Times crowned King of England. London, for John Trundle [ab. 1606?]. 4°. Two woodcuts. Reprinted in 1877 by Alexander Smith. $525 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2402) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now Huntington) ; i 100 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 264) unbound. NORTON (John). 1716-1778 The Redeemed Captive. Boston, 1748. 8". $1350 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2438) mor., by Cobden Sanderson (then Halsey, now Huntington). NORTON (Thomas). 1532-1584 The Tragedy of Gorboduc, whereof three Acts were writ- ten by Thomas Norton and the two last by Thomas Sackville [Lord Buckhurst]. London, William Griffith, 1565. 4*'. The first English tragedy. Huntington (Bridge water copy) ; apparently no other known. The Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex. London, John Day, [ab. 1570]. 8°. The same play, but under a different title. The first authorized edition. £250 Huth (July 1918, n. 6516) old russia. 432 NORTON The Tragedy of Gorboduc. London, B. Allde for J. Per- rin, 1590. 4°. £120 Huth (July 1918, n. 6517) pig-skin; i 165 Mostyn (^March 1919, n. 265) unbound (now Pforzheimer). NOTES AND QUERIES Complete sets of this periodical from the origin in 1849, in uniform binding, with the volumes of Indices, in all some 130 vols., are worth $100-150. o OHIO COMPANY Articles of an Association by the Name of the Ohio Com- pany. New York, Samuel and John Loudon, 1787. 12°. There are apparently two issues. $124 Van Rensselaer (June 1915, n. 156) sewn. . OMAR KHAYYAM. See Fitzgerald ORDER (The) OF CHIVALRY. See Kelmscott Press ORME (Edward) British Field Sports. London, B. Or me, 1807. 20 col- oured pi. £ 75 Sotheby's, 21 March 1904, n. 267. Foreign Field Sports. London, B. Orme, 18 14. 4°. loi coloured pi., not including a supplement of 10 pi. for New South Wales. $30-40. Historic, military and naval Anecdotes of the Armies of Great Britain and her Allies in the last War. London, B. Orme, 1819. Fol. 40 coloured pi. by J. A. Atkinson and oth- ers. $60-80 and on large paper $80-100. — $70 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 194) orig. half-calf, uncut. ORMEROD 433 ORMEROD (George). 1785-1873 The History of the County Palatine, and City of Chester. London, Lackington, Hughes, etc., 1819. 3 vols. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $50-60 and on large paper $80-100. — i 40 Thornhill (Apr. 1889, n. 381) russia, large paper; i 34 Huth (July 1917, n. 5433) mor., large pa- per, by Bedford; in the Dent sale (1827, II, n. 932: £64.1.0) was a large paper copy with the plates in 3 states : etchings, proofs and India proofs, OTWAY (Thomas). 1652-1685 Alcibiades, a Tragedy. London, for W. Cademan, 1675. 4°. Two distinct editions, the earlier (T. J. Wise coll.) having the head- lines of pages 25-32 in capitals. $24 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2452) calf, by Riviere, resold $24 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 411). Don Carlos Prince of Spain, a Tragedy. London, for R. Tonson, 1676. 4°. i 6.6.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5461) boards; $22 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 359) half-mor., inlaid throughout ( Kemble-Devonshire copy). Titus and Berenice, a Tragedy, with a Farce called the Cheats of Scapin. London, for R. Tonson, 1677. 4°- Adapted from the plays of Racine and Moliere. $27.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2453) calf, by Riviere, resold $20.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 412) ; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 899) half- mor. (Lefferts copy). Friendship in Fashion, a Comedy. London, B. F. for R. Tonson, 1678. 4°. Two issues : the dedication is signed in full in one, in initials in the other. $28 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV. n. 2454) mor., resold $20.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 413) ; $37 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 429) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); £7.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 266) unbound. The Orphan or the Unhappy Marriage. London, R. Bent- ley and M. Magnns, 1680. 4". $28 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 2457) mor.. resold $20.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 414) ; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 900) half-mor., uncut (Lefferts copy). 434 OTWAY The History and Fall of Caius Marius. London, T. Flesh er, 1680. 4°. An adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. £6.10.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5465) veil.; $20 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2456) calf, by Riviere, resold $27 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 642). The Soldier's Fortune, a Comedy. London, for R. Bentley and M. M agues, 16^1. 4°. $28 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2458) mor., by Lortic, resold $16.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 415) ; $42 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 432) half- mor. (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; £4.15.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 267) unbound. Venice Preserved or a Plot discovered, a Tragedy. Lon- don, for J. Hindmarsh, 1682. 4°. $26 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2459) calf, bv Riviere, resold $15.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 416); $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 901) half-calf (Lefferts copy). The Atheist, or the Second Part of the Soldier's Fortune. London, for R. Bentley and J. Tonson, 1684. 4°. $28 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2460) mor., resold $19.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 417) ; $26 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 434) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The nine plays described above are occasionally found (but not all in first editions) bound together in one volume with a specially printed title- page: The works of Mr. Thomas Otway. London, for R. B£ntley, 1692. 4«. This volume is extremely scarce and seems to be unknown to all bibliographers. OUSELEY (Sir William Gore). 1797-1866 Views in South America. Loudon, McLean [i860]. Fol. 25 coloured pi. and plan of Obligado. $40-50 and more. — £21 Hodgson's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 323, said to con- tain 26 pi. OUVILLY (Georges Gerbier d') The False Favourite disgraced and the Re\vard of Loyalty, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for R. Crofts, 1657. 8°. £8.8.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 125) orig. sheep. II OVERBURY 435 OVERBURY (Sir Thomas). See Wife (A) now a Widow OVIDIUS (Publius) NASO All Ovid's Elegies [translated by C. Marlowe and Sir John Davies]. Middleborongh,n.d.[i^g6?]. 8°. Contains a contribution ascribed to Ben Jonson, doubtless his first ap- pearance in print. $105 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2087) mor., by Riviere, resold $60 Hunt- ingfton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 256) and $200 Hagen (May 1918, n. 744) now C. W. Clark; $40 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 257) calf (Corser-Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew) ; $330 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1078) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer). Ovid's Epistles, translated by several Hands. London, for J. Tonson, i68o. 8*'. Translated by Dryden and others. $34 Hagen (May 1918, n. 421) calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). PAINTER (William). 1525(?)-1594 The Palace of Pleasure beautified, adorned and well furn- ished with pleasant Histories and excellent Novelles selected out of divers good and commendable Authors. London, H. Denham for R. Tottell and IV. Jones, 1566 and H. Bynneman, 1567. 2 vols. 4°. Of great Shakespearian interest ; nearly all known copies are imperfect. £ 170 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 247, mor., by Riviere, the las{ 2 leaves in facs., resold $525 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 570) and $1375 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1000) ; £ 131 Ashburnham (Dec. 1897, n. 2795) old calf, part 1 of the 2d edition (1569), resold $1000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2499), now Huntington; vol. I only (1566) £6.6.0 Ashburnham (Dec. 1897, n. 2796) mor., by C. Lewis, resold $650 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2498) now Huntington; £111 Huth (July 1917, n. 5528) old mor., vol. I of the 3d edition (1575); £1400 Christie-Miller (June 1920, n. 133) mor. (Stan- ley-Sykes-Heber copy, now in America). PAPWORTH (John Buonarotti). 1775-1847 Select Views of London. London, for R. Ackermanny 1816. 8°. 76 coloured pi. 436 PAPWORTH £ 18 Hodgson's, 3 Apr. 1913, n. 272, boards, uncut; £ 32 Phipson (Apr. 1918, n. 885) mor., uncut, by Riviere. PARADISE OF DAINTY DEVICES. See Edwards PARAU Parau no lesu Christ te Temaid ; no te Atua : e no Te Mou Pipi Nona [Gospels and Acts abridged in Tahitian]. Sydney, Printed by G. Howe, 1814. 12°. Title and 38 leaves. The first book printed in Australia, a distinction hitherto claimed for Barron Field, "The first fruits of Australian Poetry" (Sydney, G. Howe, 1819) which in turn had displaced Busby, "Treatise on the cuhure of the vine" (Sidney, R. Howe, 1825) long considered as the earliest Australian printed book. £ 17.5.0 Hodgson's, 12 Aug. 1915, n. 297, the only copy yet discovered. PARKER (Henry). 14. .-1470 Dives and Pauper. London, R. Pynson, 1493. Fol. Long believed to be Pynson's first book. ilOO Edwardes (May 1901, n. 280) mor.; £92 Huth (July 1917, n. 5566) mor., wanting 1 leaf. PARKINSON (John). 15671650 Paradisi in Sole. London, H. Lownes and R. Young, 1629. Fol. One of the earliest treatises on gardening. $200-300. — $850 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2516) mor., by The Club Bind- ery; £ 30 Houblon (June 1916, n. 656) orig. calf. PATHOMACHIA Pathomachia, or the Battle of Affections, shadowed by a feigned Siege of the City Pathopolis. London, T. mid R. Coats for P. Constable, 1630. 4°. This allegorical prose play, ascribed to H. More, contains on p. 28 a curious reference to Virginia. $95 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2541) mor., by David (now Huntington). PAYNE 437 PAYNE (Nevil) The Fatal Jealousy, a Tragedy. London, for T. Bring, $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2564) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 369) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $35 Hagen (May 1918, n. 904) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). The Morning Ramble or the Town Humours, a Comedy. London, for T. Bring, 1673. 4". $15 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2563) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $12 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 370) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; £3 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 269) unbound. The Siege of Constantinople, a Tragedy, London, T. Bring, 1675. 4°- £5.10.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5647) half-calf (now Huntington); $12 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 371) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). PEACHAM (Henry). 1576(?)-1643(?) Minerva Britanna or a Garden of heroical Devises. Lon- don, W. Bight [1612]. 4°. Engraved title and 204 woodcuts. $260 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2488) old mor.. resold $250 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 372) ; $310 Hagen (May 1918, n. 905) mor., by C. Lewis (Dyneley-Bement copy). PEAPS (William) Love in its Ecstasy, or the Large Prerogative, a kind of Royal Pastoral. London, W. Wilson for M. Meighen, G. Be- dell and T. Collins, 1649. 4°- PECKHAM (Sir George). 16. .-1608 A true Report of the late Discoveries, and Possession . . . of the Newfound Lands. . . London, L C. for John Hinde, 1583- 4°- 3,7 leaves. Very few copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Brit. Mus. (imperf.) ; 3. Holford; 4. New York Public Library (Collier-Kalbfleisch copy); 5. i300 Sotheby's, 1^ March 1911, n. 563, unbound, two margins cut short, then Dodd, Halsey, now Huntington; 6. $2950 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 243) old half-roan (Christie-Miller copy). 438 PECKHAM There are two issues varying in the preliminary matter (see the New York Evening Post, 26 August 1911). PEELE (George). 1558(?)-1597(?) Only his dramatic productions are listed here. The Arraignment of Paris, a Pastoral. London, H. Marsh, 1584. 4^. Brit. Mus.; Capell coll.; Huntington (Heber-Devonshire) ; i 500 Mos- tyn (March 1919, n. 271) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). The Device of the Pageant born before Woolstone Dixi Lord Mayor of the City of London. London, B. Allde, 1585. 4°. Bodleian (West-Farmer-Gough copy). Descensus Astraeae, the Device of a Pageant born before M. William Web, Lord Mayor. . . London, for W. Wright [1591]- 4^ Guildhall Libr., the only copy on record (apparently the Bindley-Jol- ley copy). The Famous Chronicle of King Edward the First [a play]. London, A. Jeffes for W. Barley, 1593. A"- Brit. Mus.; Bodl. ; Huntington (the imperfect Kemble-Devonshire copy) . The 1599 ed., $725 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2571) mor., by Bedford, re- sold $800 Huntin,gton (Febr. 1918. VH, n. 649) and $875 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1289) now C. W. Clark; £95 Huth (July 1917, n. 5675) mor., by Mackenzie, resold $810 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1290) now J. L. Clawson). The Battle of Alcazar [a play]. London, B. Allde for R. Bankzvorth, 1594. 4°. $1060 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2570) mor., by Pratt (Gaisford copy, now Huntington) ; $1200 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 647) calf (Bridge- water copy), resold $1100 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1287) now C. W. Clark; £ 190 Huth (July 1917, n. 5673) mor. (now J. L. Clawson) ; i310 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 272) unbound; $1000 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 407) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Old Wives' Tale, a pleasant conceited Comedy. Lon- don, J. Danter for R. Hancocke and J. Hardie, 1595. 4°. $1175 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 648) mor. (Steevens-Rox- PEELE 439 burghe-Devonshire copy), resold $1530 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1288) now J. L. Clawson ; the Bridgewater copy is in the Huntington coll. The Love of King David and fair Bethsabe, with the Trag- edy of Absalon. London, A. I slip, 1599. 4°. Huntington (Bridgewater); Boston; Elizabethan Club, Yale (Row- fant); i 92 Huth (July 1917, n. 5674) half-mor., resold $1085 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1292) ; £167 and £200 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 273 and 274 ) unbound (the latter now J. L. Clawson). See also History (The) oi^ Clyomon and Clamym;s and Chapman (1654). PEMBROKE (Mary Herbert, Countess of). 1555-1621 A Discourse of Life and Death [by Ph. Duplessis Mornay]. Antonius, a Tragedy [by R. Garnier] both done in English by the Countess of Pembroke. London, for IV. Ponsonby, 1592. 4^ Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Roxburghe-Devonshire copy). The Tragedy of Antony [by R. Garnier], done into Eng- lish by the Countess of Pembroke. London, for IV. Ponsonby, 1595. 16°. £ 560 Sotheby's, 1 June 1905, n. 802, odg. veil., bound with the 1600 ed. of "A Discourse"; $155 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 313) mor., by Bradstreet; $500 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 650) mor., by Kal- thoeber (Devonshire copy, now C. W. Clark). PEMBROKE (William Herbert, Third Earl of). 1580-1630 Poems whereof many of which are answered by way of Re- partee by Sir Bengemin Ruddier Knight. London, M. Inman for J. Magnes, 1660. 12°. £20 Sutherland (Nov. 1906. n. 1261) old calf; $120 Hoe (Apr. 1912,' HI, n. 2490) mor., double, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £ 31 Huth (July 1917, n. 5685) orig. calf. PENHALLOW (Samuel). 1665-1726 The History of the Wars of New England with the East- ern Indians. Boston, T. Fleet for S. Gerrish and D. Hench- man, 1726. 8°. Most of the few extant copies lack one or more leaves. 440 PENHALLOW $490 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 808) orig. sheep, contemporary MS. notes; $530 Richardson (Nov. 1908, n. 985) orig. sheep; $600 Crane (March 1913, n. 752) orig. sheep, 1 leaf in facs. ; £ 140 Huth (July 1917, n. 5687) mor., by Bedford. PENN (William). 1644-1718 All his works relating to Pennsylvania are rare and valuable. Some Account of the Province of Pennsilvania. London, B. Clark, 1 68 1. 4°. $500 Lewis (Nov. 1910, n. 433) half-mor. ; $455' Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 254) mor., by Riviere. Letter from William Perm Proprietary and Governor of Pennsylvania in America to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders in that Province. London, A. Sowle, 1683. Fol. 6 leaves, including a plan of Philadelphia. £61 Huth (July 1917, n. 5689) calf, by Pratt. PERECYVELLE OF GALES. See Kelmscott Press PERFECT (A) DESCRIPTION OF VIRGINIA A perfect Description of Virginia. London, for R. Wod- enoth, 1649. 4°. Extremely scarce. $875 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 288) mor., double, by Pratt (Church copy) ; $600 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 311) mor., by Mat- thews (Ives-Halsey copy). PETERS (Samuel). 1735-1826 A General History of Connecticut. London, Printed for the author, 1781. 8°. £31 Hodgson's, 8 Apr. 1908. n. 500, orig. boards, uncut; $150 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 257) mor., by Pratt (Church copy). PETTRICH (Ferdinand) Portraits of distinguished Indians who visited Washing- Ion in 1837. Baltimore, 1842. Fol. 4 pi. $325 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 482) half-mor., wrappers preserved. PHILLIP 441 PHILLIP (John) S'ee W. W. Greg, John Phillip, notes for a bibliography in The Library I ( 1910) pp. 302-328 and 395-423. The Comedy of patient and meek Grissill. London, T. Colwell [ab. 1567]. 4°. Reprinted for the Malone Society ( 1909) . £250 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 458 (now Elizabethan Club, Yale), the only copy known. PHILOTUS A very excellent and delectable Treatise entitled Philotus wherein we may perceive the great Inconveniences that fall out in the Marriage between Age and Youth. Bdinbnrgh, R. Char- teris, 1603. 4°. Advocates Library, Edinburgh. A very excellent and delectable Comedy, entitled Philotus wherein we may perceive the great Inconveniences that fall out in the Marriage between Old Age and Youth. Bdinhurgh, for A. Hart, 1612. 4^ Brit. Mus. ; Advocates Library, Edinburgh. — £150 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 275) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). PICKERING (John) A new Interlude of Vice containing the History of Orestes. London, William GryfHtt, 1567. 4**. Brit. Mus., the only copy known. PIETAS ET GRATULATIO Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novang- los. Bostoni-Massachseftensium Typis J. Green et J. Russell, 1761. 4". Poems on the death of George II and the accession of George III. The book contains the first instance of printing of Greek in America. ' £20.10.0 Hodgson's. 21 Nov. 1907, n. 46, old calf, with Royal Arms. Copies exist on thick paper. 442 PLANTAGENET PLANTAGENET (Beauchamp) A Description of the Province of New Albion. 1648. 4°. 16 leaves. Contains one of the earliest mentions of the "Manhatas Isle." Some 7 or 8 copies are known. i 185 Sotheby's, 15 March 1911, n. 562, unbound; £305 Huth (July 1917, n. 5831) mor., by Bedford. Another edition (London, J. Moxon, 1650. 4°) £205 Huth (July 1917, n. 5832) mor., by Bedford. PLATFORM (A) OF CHURCH DISCIPLINE A Platform of Church Discipline gathered out of the Word of God and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge, New England. Cambridge [Mass.], S. G., 1649. 4"- 22 leaves. The earHest known book from the press of Samuel Green and the first edition of the Cambridge Platform. Some seven or eight copies are on record. $3425 Alexander (Febr. 1913, n. 195) mor.; $6750 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 51, half-calf (Barlow-A. T. White copy, now W. G. Mather). PLUTARCH The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans . . . translated by Thomas North. London, T. Vautroullier {and J. Wight), 1579. Fol. One of the most important Shakespeare source-books. Two issues, one without J. Wight's name in the imprint. £28 Sotheby's, 21 May 1900, n. 749, mor. ; £ 20 Sotheby's, 31 July 1912, n. 185, old calf; $380 Lossing (Apr. 1918, n. 861) russia, by Riviere; $260 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1307) mor., by Riviere. Plutarch's Lives translated from the Greek by several Hands. London, for J. Tonson, 1683- 1686. 5 vols. 8°. Por- traits by Collins and others. Translated by Dryden and others. $10-12 and on large paper $15-20. $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 434) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). POE (Edgar Allan). 1809-1849 There is no recent monograph on the bibliography of Poe, the most POE 443 satisfactory substitute being apparently the appendix to J. A. Harrison, The life and letters of Bdgar Allan Foe (New York, 1903. 12°) pp. 431- 455. Tamerlane and other Poems, by a Bostonian. Boston, Cal- vin F. S. Thomas, i^2y. 12°. 40 pp. Wrapper. Poe's first work and one of the rarest and most valuable books in the Eng-lish language. Only four copies have yet been discovered: 1. Brit. Mus.; 2. Huntington, from a sale at Libbie's, 28 Apr. 1892, Ives (1893: $1850), Maxwell (Apr. 1895, n. 431: $1450), McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 591 : $2050) and Halsey, in mor., by Lortic, with the wrapper pre- served ; 3. $11600 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 787) unbound, in a case, with the orig. wrapper (now in a private New York coll.) ; 4. Rosenbach Co., a copy recently discovered in Massachusetts. Part of the manuscript of Tamerlane is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Al Aaraf, Tamerlane and minor Poems. Baltimore, Hatch and Dunning, 1829. 8°. Nearly as scarce as Tamerlane. Copies in the original blue boards command fancy prices: $1100 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 592) boards uncut, (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $75 Moore (May 1893, n. 1934), resold $1825 Peirce (May 1903, n. 961) and $2900 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 1691) in poor condition, but an interesting copy presented by Poe to his cousin Elizabeth, with MS. alterations for the 1845 reprint (now Wakeman) ; $1300 French (Apr. 1901, n. 1304), resold $2900 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 704) and $1800 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1026) boards, uncut, presentation copy from Rose M. Poe; $1200 Mitchell and Kervey (March 1909, n. 754A) boards, trimmed, title discoloured; $1460 Hermann (March 1909, n. 473) boards, trimmed; $785 Hollingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 1413) boards, uncut; $95 Libbie's, 2 Apr. 1890, n. 893, resold $1150 Henkel's, 15 Nov. 1912, n. 708, boards, uncut, foxed, two ink-stains; $835 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 780) boards; $925 Walpole Galleries, 1 May 1917, n. 226, boards. ' Poems. Nezv York, Elam Bliss, 1831. 16°. In orig. cloth $150-200. — $150 Brinley (Nov. 1886. n. 6915), resold $360 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 593), then Halsey, then $850 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 383) orig. cloth; $410 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 705) cloth, presentation copy to T. S. Fay; $315 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 706) cloth. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. New York, Harper, 1838. 12°. In orig. cloth with label or brown calf $12-15. — $20 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909. n. 707) cloth, uncut, resold $17 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 442) ; $320 Henkel's, 10 June 1910, n. 1023, presentation copy to Thom- as Wyatt. 444 POE The Conchologist's First Book. Philadelphia, Haswell, etc., 1839. 12^ 12 pi. In orig. pink printed boards $12-15. — $8.50 McKee (Nov. 1900, n. 596) then Halsey, now Huntington; $21 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 708) orig. half-roan, plates coloured. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard, 1840. 2 vols. 12". In the first issue page 213 is wrongly numbered. In orig. purple cloth with labels $80-100. — $320 Peirce (May 1903, n. 969) cloth; $390 Appleton (Apr. 1903, n. 346) mor., autograph added; $290 Richardson (Nov. 1909, n. 1513) mor., presentation copy; $110 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 781) mor.; $460 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1033) mor., by Bradstreet (H. W. Poor copy). The Stephen H. Wakeman copy of vol. I has numerous autograph corrections and alterations. Prose Romances. No. i. Containing The Murders in the Rue Morgue and The Man that was used up. Philadelphia, William Graham, 1843. 8°. Extremely scarce, only two or three copies known. $1000 French (Apr. 1901, n. 1305) orig. brown wrapper (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $3800 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 1703) lacking back cover. The Raven and other Poems. Nezu York, Wiley and Put- nam, 1845. i^**. In orig. wrapper $60-80. — $140 Peirce (May 1903, n. 949) wrapper; i39 Samuel (July 1907, n. 109) presentation copy; $245 Maier (Nov. 1909, n. 1706) wrapper, autograph added; $125 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 782) mor., autograph added. Part of the manuscript of the Raven is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Tales. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1845. 12°. In orig. buff wrapper $50-60. — $90 Peirce (May 1903. n. 970) wrap- per; $205 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 868) mor., autograph added; $85 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 783) mor., by Walters. Mesmerism "In Articulo Mortis." London, Short, 1846. 8°. 16 pp. $15-20. — $25 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 896) sewn. Eureka, a Prose Poem. Neu; York, G. P. Putnam, 1848. 12\ POE 445 In orig. black cloth $25-30. — $530 Hurst (March 1905, n. 3484) cloth, with autograph corrections (R. W. Griswolcl copy). ,o The Literati. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1850. 12 Published after Poe's death by R. W. Griswold. In orig. black cloth $12-15. See also Broadway Journal. POPE (Alexander). 1688-1744 The best bibliographical account of Pope's works is A catalogue of the first editions of the zvorks of Alexander Pope (New York, Grolier Club, 1911. 18") with full descriptions, compiled we believe, by Miss H. C. Bartlett and mainly derived from the copies brought together by Mr. Beverly Chew. A previous effort in the same direction was L. S. Liv- ingston's Alexander Pope, notes tozmrds a bibliography of early editions of his writings, a catalogue of Marshall C. Lefferts' great collection. (New York, [ab. 1905]. 8°), 50 pp. This collection was presented to Harvard by an anonymous donor. Further information will be found in G. A. Aitken's Azotes on the bib- liography of Pope in Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, 1911- 1913, pp. 113-143. Pope's first appearance in print was his Pastorals printed in vol. VI of Dryden's Poetical Miscellanies (1709, pp. 721-751). An Essay on Criticism. London, for W. Lewis [W. Tay- lor and T. Osborn], 171 1. 4". The first issue; has a half-title and the name of only one publisher (Lewis) in the imprint. £ 19.10.0 Sotheby's, 16 May 1901, n. 465, mor., uncut; £ 15.5.0 Sothe- by's. 14 Jan. 1907, n. 1224. orig. wrapper; $10 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2738) half-roan (Grant-McKee copy), resold $80 Huntington (Febr. VII, n. 661) now C. W. Clark; $160 Hagen (May 1918, n. 920) .mor., by Riviere. Miscellaneous Poems and Translations by several Hands. London, for B. Lintott, 171 2. 8°. Contains the first edition of The Rape of the Lock (I-II) and of other poems by Pope ; additional poems were added in subsequent editions of the collection. $75 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VIT, n. 683) half-mor., by Stikeman (Chew copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 921) mor., by The Club Bindery. Ode for Music. London, for B. Lintott, 171 3. Fol. 6 leaves. Very scarce. 446 POPE Windsor-Forest. London, for B. Lintott, 1713. Fol. 10 leaves. £40 Hodgson's, 31 May 1905, n. 508, uncut; £48 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 147) uncut, unbound; $330 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2740) mor., uncut (now Huntington) ; $160 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1310) uncut, unbound. The Rape of the Lock. London, for B. Lintott, 1714. 8°. Front, and 5 pi. by Du Guernier. The first edition of Cantos HI, IV and V. $100-120. — £61 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 843, sewn; £51, same sale, n. 844, calf, large paper ; £ 36 Sotheby's, 28 July 1902, n. 620, calf ; $460 Hoe (Jan. 1912, n. 2741) mor., by The Club Bindery, on thick paper; $155 Hagen (May 1918, n. 923) old calf, large paper; $115 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1312) mor., by Riviere. A Key to the Lock ... by Esdras Barnivelt. Lon- don, for J. Roberts, lyi^. 8°. 16 leaves. A mock criticism on The Rape of the Lock, written by Pope himself. $17.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 664) roan (Chew copy). The Temple of Fame, a Vision. London, for B. Lintott, 1715. 8°. $127.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 925) mor., by De Coverly. Court Poems. London, for J. Roberts, 1706 [read 1716]. 8°. Two of the three poems in this volume are by Pope. £ 15 Hodgson's, 31 May 1905, n. 511, uncut (now T. J. Wise). The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope. London, IV. Bozvyer, for B. Lintot (or for J. Tonson and B. Lintot), 1717. Fol. Folding portr. by Vertue. The first collected edition of Pope's works. There are at least six issues. Exists on large paper. $10 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 666) orig. calf (McKee-Poor copy). The Court Ballad. London, R. Burleigh [171 7]. A folio broadside. Only two copies seem to be known: Wrenn (now Univ. of Texas) and Aitken (now T. J. Wise). Several Copies of Verses on Occasion of Mr. Gulliver's POPE 447 Travels. London, for B. Motte, i'/'2y. 8°. i6 leaves, the last a blank. A separate issue of the verses prefixed to the 1727 Gulliver. $23 Hagen (May 1918, n. 929) half-mor., by De Coverly. Some copies contain two additional leaves. The Dunciad. London, for A. Dodd, 1728. 8". There are a number of various editions and issues, first classified by Thorns (in Notes and Queries, reprinted by Col. Grant, with additions, in Elwin and Courthope's edition of Pope's Works) and subsequently re- arranged by Lefiferts and Miss Bartlett. N. B. Thoms "A" does not exist. The following rough list has no claim to be final : First edition, 1st issue. (Thoms B; Lefferts i). Owl frontispiece. Verso of H 2 blank. The 1st line reads ''Book (not Books) and the man I sing." £75 Grant (May 1900, n. 353) mor., uncut, resold $1800 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2723) now Huntington; $910 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2569) mor., by Bedford (now Beverly Chew) ; $2025 Hagen (May 1918, n. 930) mor., uncut, by Macdonald (now C. W. Clark) ; a fine uncut copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. First edition, 2d issue. (Thoms C; Lefferts i A). Owl frontispiece. Verso of H 2 with an advertisement. Page VIII has 15 lines. $610 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2724) mor., by Chambolle (now' Hunting- ton) ; $600 Hagen (May 1918, n. 931) mor.. by Riviere (now Pforz- heimer). First edition, 3rd issue. (Lefferts 2). A different Owl frontispiece. Page VIII has 22 lines. £50 Grant (Mav 1900, n. 354) mor., resold $105 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2581) and $400" Hagen (May 1918, n. 932). Second edition. (Thoms D; Lefferts 3). Two issues, the earliest having the misprint Dudlin on the title. £32 Grant (May 1900. n. 357) mor.. uncut, resold $160 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2725) now Huntington; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 933) mor., by Riviere, with both states of the title. Third edition. (Lefferts 4). First Dublin edition. Dublin, for G. Faulkner (and oth- ers), 1728. 8°. No frontispiece. The first edition bearing Pope's name. 448 POPE The Dunciad Variorum, with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. London, for A. Dod, 1729. 4°. (Thoms F; Lefferts 6). With the Ass vignette, 1st variety. $675 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2727) mor., by The Club Bindery, presenta- tion copy. The Dunciad Variorum. . . Lo7tdon, for A. Dob, 1729. 8". (Thoms G; Lefferts 7). With the Ass vignette, 2nd variety. $50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 2729) mor., uncut, by The Chib Bindery; $35 Hagen (May 1918, n. 934) half-mor., by The Club Bindery. The Dunciad . . . Dublin, J. Hoey and G. Faulkner, 1729. 8°. The Dunciad . . . Dublin, for the Booksellers, 1729. 12°. (Lefferts 8). With the Ass vignette. $20 Hagen (May 1918, n. 936) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (now Huntington). The Dunciad . . . London, for L. Gilliver, iy2g. 8°. (Thoms H; Lefferts 9). With both the Ass and the Owl frontispiece. $30 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 2730) mor. ; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 937) orig. wrapper, uncut. The Dunciad . . . Second Edition. London, for L. Gilliver, 1729. 8°. (Thoms K; Lefferts 10). $40 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2731) mor. The Dunciad . . . London, for L. Gilliver [ly^^]. 8°. (Thoms L; Lefferts 13). With the Owl frontispiece. $30 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2732) mor. ; $20 Hagen (May 1918, n. 938) orig. calf. The Dunciad . . . London, for L. Gilliver, i72>^. 8°. (Thoms M; Lefferts 15). With the Owl frontispiece. The same as the preceding with a reprinted title. The Dunciad. . . . vol. IV of Pope's Works. London, for L. Gilliver and J. Clarke, 1736. 8°. (Thoms N ; Lefferts 17)- No frontispiece. POPE 449 The New Dunciad as it was found in the Year 1741. Lon- don, for T. Cooper, 1742. 4°. (Thorns O; Lefferts 19). The first edition of book IV. 24 leaves. $15 Hagen (May 1918, n. 940) half-mor. A copy on large paper is in the T. J. Wise coll. The New Dunciad . . . London, for T. Cooper, 1742. 4°. (Thorns P; Lefferts 20). In 26 leaves. The New Dunciad . . . Dublin, A. Reilly for G. Bwing, 1742. 12°. The Dunciad. London, for M.Cooper, ly/^^^. 4^ (Thorns R; Left'erts 25). $15 Hagen (A/[ay 1918, n. 941) orig. calf (Bierstadt copy). An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Bur- lington. London, L. Gilliver, 1731. Fol. 8 leaves. The first edition of the epistle "Of Taste" or "Of False Taste" as the half-title reads in the second edition published the same year. $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 667) boards (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $16 Hagen (May 1918, n. 942) half-mor. Of the Use of Riches. London, J. Wright for L. Gilliver, 1732. Fol. II leaves. A second issue contains 12 leaves. £ 15 Hodgson's, 31 May 1905, n. 509, uncut; $37.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 668) sewn (now C. W. Clark) ; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 943) half-mor. An Essay on Man. London, for J. Wilford, [i 732-1 734]. 4 parts. Fol. Exists; also 4° and 8". As ascertained by Aitken there are at least 4 dififerent editions or issues of part I, 3 of part II and 2 of part HI. none bearing the author's name. The folio edition: £ 190 Ford (May 1902, n. 436) mor., with autograph ^corrections in part I; $110 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2755) mor., by The Club Bindery; $480 Hagen (May 1918, n. 944) mor., by Riviere (now C. W. Clark) ; $100 Hagen (May 1918, n. 945) calf (part I is of 2nd edition). The 8° edition, parts 1-2 only, $65 Hagen (May 1918, n. 946) half-calf (now Huntington). The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The first Satire of the second Book of Horace imitated in a 450 POPE Dialogue. London, L. G. for A. Dodd and E. Nutt, 1733. Fol. 10 leaves. The earliest issue does not give the price "One ShilHng" on the title- page. $88 Hagen (May 1918, n. 948) calf, uncut. The second Satire first appears in the 5th edition (1734)- $40 Hagen (May 1918, n. 949) half-mor., uncut, resold $10 Hunting- ton (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 428). This last exists both 4°, small folio and large folio. An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Lord Visct. Cobham. London, for L. Gilliver, 1733. Fol. 10 leaves. $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 669) boards (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark); $31 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 384) sewn; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 947) half-mor. The Impertinent or a Visit to the Court, a Satyr. London, for J. Wilford, 1733. Fol. 8 leaves. Exists also in 4° size, both very scarce. The Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. London, J. Wright for L. Gilliver, ly^^. Fol. 12 leaves. $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 672) boards (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $15 Hagen (May 1918, n. 950) boards. Sober Advice from Horace to the young Gentlemen about Town. London, for T. Borernan [1734?]. Fol. 12 leaves. Ascribed with good grounds to Pope. $40 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 779) boards. Of the Characters of Women, an Epistle to a Lady. Lon- don, J. Wright for L. Gilliver, 1735. Fol. 10 leaves. $35 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 673) half-mor.. by Bradstreet (H. W. Poor copy, now C. W. Clark) : $20 Hagen (May 1918, n. 951) half-mor. The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, volume II. London, J. Wright for L. Gilliver, 1735. Fol. A few copies have one or two extra leaves. Exists on large paper. Is also found reimposed in quarto size, with an additional piece. Mr. Pope's Literary Correspondence for thirty Years, from 1704 to 1734. London, for B. Gurll, i'/^yiy7,y. 6 vols. 8°. POPE 451 The First Epistle of the. First Book of Horace imitated. London, forR. Dodsley and T. Cooper, 1737. Fol. 11 leaves. Some copies have the word "Price" on the title spelt "Pric." $25 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 674) boards, uncut (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $19 Hagen (May 1918, n. 952) half-mor. The Sixth Epistle of the First Book of Horace imitated. London, for L. Gilliver, 1737. Fol. 10 leaves. $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 953) half-mor. The First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace imitated. London, for T. Cooper, 1737. Fol. 14 leaves. $35 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 675) boards, uncut (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 954) half-mor. The Second Epistle of the Second Book of Horace imitated. London, for R. Dodsley, iy2>7- ^^^- ^o leaves. $25 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 676) boards, uncut (Halsey copy) ; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 955) half-mor. Horace, his Ode to Venus . . . imitated. London, for J. Wright and J. Roberts, 1737. Fol. 5 leaves. $60 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 678) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy) ; $31 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 386) sewn. Letters of Mr. Alexander Pope. London, J. Wright for J. Knapton and others, 1 737-1 741. 2 vols. Fol. The author's own edition uniform with his Works. One Thousand seven Hundred and thirty eight, a Dia- logue something like Horace. London, for T. Cooper [1738]. Fol. 8 leaves. Two editions under the same date ; the second has 2 lines of Errata at the foot of p. 10. $16 Hagen (May 1918, n. 957) half-mor. One Thousand seven Hundred and thirty eight. Dialogue II. London, for R. Dodsley, 1738. Fol. 8 leaves. $15 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 681) boards (Halsey copy, now C. W. Clark). The Universal Prayer. London, for R. Dodsley, 1738. Fol. $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 682) calf (Halsey copv), resold $75 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1313) ; $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 956) half-mor. 452 POPE A Blast upon Bays,or a new Lick at the Laureat. London, for T. Robbins, 174.2. 8°. Very scarce (T. J. Wise coll.). An Essay on Man, being the first Book of Ethic Epistles. London, 1744. 4°. Printed three weeks before Pope's death and containing the character of the Duchess of Marlborough as Atossa. Brit. Mus. ; T. J. Wise (uncut). See also Homer. PORDAGE (Samuel). 1633-1691(?) Troades Eng-lished by S. P. London, IV. G. for H. Marsh and P. Bring, 1660. 8°. Huntington (Lefferts-Chew copy). Herod and Mariamne, a Tragedy. London, W. Cade- man, 1673. 4°- $15 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2790) half-mor. (now Huntington). The Siege of Babylon [a play]. London, for R. Tonson, 1678. 4". $20 Fuller (Febr. 1907, n. 501) unbound (then Halsey, now Hunting- ton). $24 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 446) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Azaria and Hushai, a Poem. London, for C. Lee, 1682. 4- Huntington ( Lefiferts-Chew copy). PORTER (Henry) The pleasant History of the Two Angry Women of Abing- ton. London, for W. Ferbrand (or for J. Hunt and W. Fer- brand), 1599. 4". This scarce play is known in two issues differing in the imprint. i 168 Huth (July 1917, n. 5911) mor. (Tite copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $240 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 447) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). PORTER 453 PORTER (Thomas). 1636-1680 The Villain, a Tragedy. London, for H. Herringman, 1663. 4". $55 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2792) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Hunting-ton); $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 685) calf (Bridge^ water copy) ; £5 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 278) unbound. A Witty Combat or the Female Victor, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for T. Roberts, 1663. 4°. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2651) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $27.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 686) calf (Bridge- water copy) ; £8.8.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 277) unbound. The Carnival, a Comedy. London, for H. Herringman, 1664. 4". $42.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2793) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $25 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 687) now Pforzheimer; £ 5 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 279) unbound. The French Conjurer, a Comedy. London, for L. Curtis, 1678. 4^ $24 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 449) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; £3.3.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 281) unbound. POWELL (George). 1658(?)-1714 The Treacherous Brothers, a Tragedy. London, for J. Blackzvell and R. Taylor, 1690. 4°. Alphonso King of Naples, a Tragedy. London, for A. Roper and T. Dever, 1691. 4**. ' $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2601) half-mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $22 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 450) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). A Very Good Wife, a Comedy. London, S. Briscoe, 1693. A" £1.18.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5931) half-mor. (now London Library). Bonduca or the British Heroine, a Tragedy. London, for R. Bentley, 1696. 4**. The Cornish Comedy. London, for D. Broivn, T. Bennet and K. Gately, 1696. 4°. 454 POWELL A new Opera called Brutus of Alba or Augusta's Triumph. London J W. Onley for S. Briscoe, 1697. 4°. i 2.15.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5932) half-calf (now Huntington). The Imposture Defeated or a Trick to cheat the Devil. London, for R. Wellington, i6g8. 4°. Two issues, with difference in the preliminary matter. £4.4.0 Huth (July 1917, n. 5933) half-calf (now Huntington). PRESBYTERIAN (The) LASH The Presbyterian Lash or Noctroff's Maid whipped, a Tragi-Comedy ... by NoctrofTe the Priest. London, 1661. 4^ £ 10.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 281) unbound. PRESENT (A) FOR AN APPRENTICE A Present for an Apprentice, by a Citizen of London. Lon- don, Tegg, 1838. 12°. Front, and engraved title by Cruik- shank. $250 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 790), the orig. drawings and proofs. PRESTON (Thomas). 1537-1598 A lamentable Tragedy containing the Life of Cambyses. London, Edward Allde [ab. 1575]. 4°. Very few copies are known. £169 Sotheby's, 30 June 1906, n. 967 (now T. J, Wise coll.) ; £62 Huth (July 1917, n. 5970) mor., by Clarke (now J. L. Clawson) ; $1550 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 453) mor., by Murton (Bridgewater copy), resold $1200 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1395) ; i 300 and £265 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 282 and 283) unbound; the Devonshire copy is in the Pforzheimer coll. ; the Church copy is in the Huntington coll. Another and equally scarce edition is likewise undated, but bears the address of John Allde [ab. 1570]. 4«. Brit. Mus.; Huntington (Rowfant copy). 4 PRESTWICH (Edmund). See Hectors (The) PRIEST (Josiah). 1790(?)-1850(?) The Captivity and Sufferings of Gen. Freegift Patchin of PRIEST 455 Blenheim, Schoharie County, among the Indians, with some Account of Joseph Brant. Albany, 1833. 12^ Plate. Very scarce. $355 Scott's, 9 June 1916, n. 152, sewed. PRIMER See E. Hoskins, Horac Bcatae Mariae Virginis or Saruni and York Primers imth kindred books (London, Longmans, 1901. 8°) lvi-578 pp., containing a very full bibliography of all the early Primers. The 1539 edition sold for £ 560 Huth (July 1916, n. 4673) old calf. PRIMER (THE NEW ENGLAND) All the early editions are in different degrees scarce and valuable. See P. L. Ford, The Nezv England Primer, a history of its origin and development, zmth a reprint of the unique copy of the earliest knoimi edi- tion (New York, Dodd, Mead, 1897. 4°) 354 pp. ; C. F. Heartman, The Nezv England Primer, printed in America prior to 18^0, a bibliographical check list (New York, 1915. 8°) 117 pp. The 1761 edition, $380 Hollingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 1339) orig. boards. PRIOR (Matthew). 1664-1721 A larger selection of his works is listed in Grolier Club Collations and Notes. See also G. A. Aitken, Notes on the bibliography of Matthezif Prior in the Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, XIV (1915-17) pp. 39-66. Poems on several Occasions. London, for R. Burrongh and J. Baker, 1707. 8". $350 Hoe (Jan. 1912, XL n. 2812) orig. sheep (Rowfant copy, now H. E. Widener Library) ; $150 Hoe (Apr. 1912. HI, n. 2615) mor., by The Ckib Bindery (Grant copy, now Huntington). Poems on several Occasions. London, for J. Tonson, 1709. 8°. $70 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 2813) mor., by Bedford; $85 Hagen (May 1918, n. 981) mor., by The Club Bindery. Exists on large paper. The Revolter, a Tragi-Comedy. London, 1687. 4". 456 PRYNNE PRYNNE (William). 1600-1669 Histrio-Mastix, the Players' Scourge or Actors' Tragedy. London, B. A. and W. J. for M. Sparkc, 1633. 4''. It was for passages in this book that Prynne was sentenced to have his ears cut off. $60 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2672) mor., by Bedford (the Duke of Sussex copy, now Huntington) ; £ 10 Huth (July 1917, n. 6004) russia, by Bed- ford. PSALMS The Whole Book of Psalms collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold and John Hopkins. London, J. Day, 1562. 4°. The first complete edition of Sternhold and Hopkins' celebrated version of the Psalter, portions of which had been published as early as 1548. The innumerable editions of this version are fully listed in Darlow and Moule's Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. PURCHAS (Samuel). 1575(?)-1626 Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrims. London, W. Sfansby for H. Pctherstone, 1625-1626. 5 vols. Folio. See Sabin for the variations between the first and second issue. A few copies have the first volume dated 1624, such as the Edwardes copy, in orig. vellum, sold £170 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 152) and $925 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 325) now W. L. Clements. The 1625-1626 issue i 64 Hodgson's, 24 Jan. 1911, n. 447, mor.; $450 Crane (March 1913, n. 781) orig. veil, (now Huntington) ; $300 Hunting- ton (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 248) calf (Church copy) ; $890 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 526) mor. (Bement copy). PUTTENHAM (George). 15. .-1590 The Art of English Poesie. London, R. Field, 1589. 4°. Portr. of Queen Elizabeth. Also ascribed to Richard Puttenham, brother of the above-named. Copies should have 4 extra leaves between N and O. Extremely scarce. i 10.10.0 Turner (June 1888, n. 2264) calf (Horace Walpole's copy), resold £9.15.0 Sotheby's, 27 June 1892, n. 732, and $650 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 2821) rebound in mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £86 Huth PUTTENHAM 457 (July 1917, n. 6059) mor., by Bedford, resold $760 H. V. Jones (IMarch 1919, n. 1326) ; $672.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 984) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Pforzheimer) . PYNE (William Henry) [Ephraim HARDCASTLE] 1769-1843 The Costume of Great Britain. London, 1804 (or 1808). Fol. 60 coloured pi. $20-30. The History of the Royal Residences. London, for A. Dey, 1 8 19. 3 vols. 4°. 100 coloured pi. $80-100. — $350 Learmont (Apr. 1917, n. 1609) mor., uncut, large paper ; £ 32 Hornstein ( Febr. 1918, n. 3689) half-mor. ; $140 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 763) mor. A Day's Journal of a Sponge. [By] Peter Pasquin. Lon- don, W. Bgerton, 1824. Oblong fol. 6 coloured pi. £7 Howard (June 1898, n. 293) mor. QUARLES (Francis). 1592- 1644 A Feast for Worms. London, F. Kyngston for R. Moore, 1620. 4^ $600 H;oe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2675) mor., by Mackenzie (Ives-Lefferts copy) ; $350 Anderson's, 27 Oct. 1911, n. 121, mor., by Riviere; i80 Huth (July 1918, n. 6065) mor., by Bedford. Hadassa, or the History of Queen Esther. London, for R. Moore, 1621. 4°. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2676) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $45 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 390) calf, by Bedford (Chew copy), resold $55 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1327) now C. W. Clark; £ 11 Huth (July 1918, n. 6066). Sion's Sonnets. London, W. Sfansby for T. Dezve, 1625. 4°. $90 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1328) mor., by Riviere. Divine Poems. London, for J. Marriott, 1630. 8°. Engr. title by Cecill. $190 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2679) mor., by Meunier (now Hunting- 458 QUARLES ton) ; $80 Hunting-ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 699) mor., by Riviere ( Chew copy), resold $115 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1329) mor., by Riviere. Divine Fancies. London, M. F. for J. Marriott, 1632. 4". $177.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 989) mor., by The Club Bindery (Mc- Kee copy, now J. L. Clawson). Emblemes. London, G. M. for J. Marriott, 1635. 4". Engr. title, and frontisp. of Qiiarleis by Marshall, and 78 en- gravings in the text by Marshall and others. $300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2680) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $575 Hagen (May 1918, n. 991) mor., uncut, by Bedford (Row- fant copy). Elegy upon the . . . Death ... of Sir Julius Caesar. London, for J. Marriott, 1636. 8**. 8 leaves. £ 72 Huth (July 1918, n. 6074) mor., by Ramage, the only copy known. Sighs at the contemporary Deaths of the Countess of Cleave- land and Mistress Cicily Killegrue. London, T. Cotes for N. Alsop, 1640. ^\ Contains also the "Elegy upon the^ death of Sir John Wolstenholme." Enchiridion. London, T. Cotes for G. Hntton, 1641. 12°. $310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2684) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; ill Huth (July 1918, n. 6076) orig. purple velvet (now Beverly Chew). The only known copy of the 1640 edition of this work is in the British Museum. Solomon's Recantation entitled Ecclesiastes paraphrased. London, M. F. for R. Royston, 1645. 4°. $85 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n."2689) mor., by Bedford, resold $110 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 702). The Virgin Widow, a Comedy. London, for R. Royston, 1649. 4°- $240 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2690) calf, bv Riviere, resold $170 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 703) and $165 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n 1331). QUEEN (The) The Queen, or the Excellency of her Sex, an excellent old Play. London, T. N. for T. Heath, 1653. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2693) mor., by David (now Huntington); £3.15.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 135) unbound (now Pforzheimer). ^ II QUIZ 459 QUIZ The Grand Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi ? in Hindostan. London, T. Tegg, 1816. 8°. 28 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In orig. boards $50-60. — $71 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 436) mor., uncut. R RABELAIS (Francois). 1490(?)-1553 The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais. London, R. Badde- ley, etc., 1653-1653-1693-1694-1694. 5 vols. 8" and 12*'. The first edition of the famous translation by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Motteux. $250-300. — £55.10.0 Sotheby's, 16 May 1901, n. 493, mor. ; $325 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2706) mor., by Riviere. RALEIGH (Sir Walter). 1552(?)-1618 See T. N. Brushfield, A bibliography of Sir Walter Raleigh Knt., 2d ed. (Exeter, J. G. Commin, 1908. 4°). ' The Discovery of the large, rich and beautiful Empire of Guiana. London, R. Robinson, [i^g6~\. 4°. Three issues tmder the same date. $305 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2719) mor., by Pratt; $80 Gooch and Fow- ler (Apr. 1915, n. 483) mor., by Riviere; $220 Huntin^^on (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 250) mor., by Pratt (Christie-Miller copy) ; $175' Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 531) mor., by Hayday. RANDOLPH (Thomas). 1605-1635 Aristippus or the Jovial Philosopher. London, T. Harper for J. Harriot and R. Mynne (or for R. Allot), 1630. 4°. Two editions varying' in the imprint. $195 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2726) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $40 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 396) half-mor., inlaid through- out (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; £ 15 Huth (July 1918, n. 6144) half-mor. The Jealous Lovers, a Comedy. Cambridge, the Printers io the University, 1632. 4**. $17.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2655) calf (now Huntington). 460 RANDOLPH Poems, with the Muses' Looking Glass and Amyntas. Ox- ford, L. Lichfield for F. Bozvman, 1638. 4**. The two plays have separate titles. The engraved title-page (by Mar- shall) with the author's portrait first appears in the second edition (1640). $75 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2875) old calf (now H. E. Widener Li- brary) ; $45 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 792) old calf; $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. 997) mor., by Bedford. RARE (The) TRIUMPHS The rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune [a play]. Lon- don, B. A. for Edward White, 1589. 4**. Huntington (the Bridgewater copy, no other on record). RAVENSCROFT (Edward) The Citizen turned Gentleman. London, for T. Dring, 1672. 4". This comedy, reprinted in 1675 under the title Mamamouchi, is an adaptation of Moliere's Bourgeois G entilhomme . The Careless Lovers. London, for W. Cademan, 1673. 4°. $21 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 458) half-mor., inlaid throughout ( Kemble-Devonshire copy). Scaramouch, a Philosopher, Harlequin, a School-Boy Bravo, Merchant and Magician, a Comedy. London, R. S oilers, 1677. 4- $5 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2877) cloth (now Huntington) ; $20 Hunt- ington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 461) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Wrangling Lovers or the Invisible Mistress, a Com- edy. London, for W. Crook, i6yy. 4^ $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2731) half-mor., resold $22.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 717). King Edgar and Alfreda, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for M. Turner, i6yy. ^. $18 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2732) half-mor., by Stikeman (now Hunt- ington) ; £3.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6228) half-calf. The English Lawyer, a Comedy. London, J. M., 1678. 4°. $18 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2733) half-mor.. bv The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £3.12.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6230). RAVENSCROFT 461 The London Cuckolds, a Comedy. London, for J. Hind- marsh [1682]. 4°. $51 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1002) half-mor. ; £9.15.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6231) half-calf. Dame Dobson, or the Cunning Woman. London, for J. Hindmarsh, 1684. 4°. £S Huth (July 1918, n. 6233) half-calf, uncut; $22 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 464) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Titus Andronicus, or the Rape of Lavinia, a Tragedy [adapted from Shakespeare]. London, J. B. for J. Hind- marsh, 1687. 4°. Of considerable Shakespearean interest. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2734) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; i20 Huth (July 1918, n. 6232) half-calf. The Canterbury Guests or a Bargain broken, a Comedy. London, for D. Brozvn, 1695. 4°- $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2735) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; i 4.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6234) half-calf. The Anatomist or the Sham Doctor, with the Loves of Mars and Venus. London, R. Baldzvin, 1697. 4°. i 3.5.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6235) half-calf (now London Library). The Italian Husband, a Tragedy. London, L Cleave, 1698. 4 • £1.2.0 Van Antwerp (March 1907. n. 154) half-mor. (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1003) half-mor. RAWLINS (Thomas). 1620(?)-1670 The Rebellion, a Tragedy. London, L Okes for D. Frere, 1640. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2737) mor., by Matthews (now Hunting- ton) ; $26 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VH, n. 718) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; £ 10.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6240) mor.; £8.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 286) unbound. The Extravagant Shepherd, a pastoral Comedy, written in French by T. Corneihe, EngHshed by T. R. London, J. G. for 7\ Heath, 1654. 4°. 462 RAWLINS Tom Essence or the Modish Wife, a Comedy. London, 1677. 4°- Ascribed to Rawlins. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2738) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $22.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1004) half-mor. Tunbridge-Wells or a Day's Courtship, a Comedy. Lon- don, H. Rogers, 1678. 4°. Ascribed to Rawlins. RAWSTORNE (Laurence) Gamonia, or the Art of preserving Game. London, R. Ac- kermann, 1837. 8°. 15 coloured pi. by J. T. RawHns. The slip of Errata is often missing. $30-40. — £ 10 Howard (June 1898, n. 57) mor., uncut. REEVE (Lovell Augustus). 1814-1865 Conchologia Iconica or Illustrations of the Shells of mol- luscous Animals, continued by G. B. Sowerby. London, 1843- 1878. 20 vols. 4°. Over 2700 coloured pi. with over 20,000 figs. Published at £ 178. £87 Bateman (July 1896, n. 163) half-russia; £72 Hodgson's, 1 Nov. 1905, n. 495. RELATION (A) OF MARYLAND A Relation of Maryland. London, W. Peasley and J. Mor- gan, 1635. 4°. Folding map. The map is wanting in several of the few known copies. £165 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 23) unbound; £ 160 Huth (July 1916, n. 4799) mor., by Pratt. RETURN (The) FROM PARNASSUS The Return from Parnassus, or the Scourge of Simony. London, G. Bid for J. Wright, 1606. 4**. Two editions under the same date, the first collating A-H* P, the sec- ond A-H^ Ascribed to John Day. Contains important Shakespearian allusions. The first portions, here omitted, were first printed in 1886. RETURN 463 i 106 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 1163, uncut (now T. J. Wise) ; $115 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2683) mor., by Mackenzie (now Hunting-ton) ; $22.50 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2695) mor., by Bedford, resold $165 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 719) now J. L. Clawson; £47 Huth (July 1918, n. 6293) calf ; $190 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 330) mor., by Bedford (S'ykes-Locker-Church copy) ; $335 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1006) mor.; £160 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 287) unbound. REVET (Edward) The Town-Shifts or the Suburb Justice, a Comedy. Lon- don, for T. Dring and W. Cademan, 1671. 4°. £ 3.12.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6300) half-calf. REYARD [or BAYARD] (Col. Nicholas) and Lt. Col. Charles LODOWICK A Journal of the late Actions of the French in Canada. London, for R. Baldzvin, 1693. 4"- ^4 leaves, the last a blank. Extremely scarce, only eight or nine copies being known. £ 70 Puttick's, 19 Febr. 1908, n. 252. unbound ; £ 127 White Kennett (July 1917, n. 17) unbound; £185 Huth (July 1918, n. 6301) mor., by Pratt (now Pforzheimer). REYNARD THE FOX. See Kelmscott Press RHODES (Richard). 16. .-1668 Flora's Vagaries, a Comedy. London, for W. Cademan, 1670. 4°. £6 Huth (July 1918, n. 6316) half-russia, uncut. RICHARDS (Nathaniel). 1612(?)-1654(?) The Celestial Publican, a Sacred Poem. London, F. Kyng- ston for R. Michell, 1630. 8°. Only 4 copies seem to be known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Beverly Chew coll., orig. calf; 3. £3.3.0 Sotheby's, 28 Jan. 1914. n. 473, old calf, imperf; 4. £ 110 Huth (July 1918, n. 6337) old calf (Bindley-Lloyd-Freeling-Corser copy, now Huntington). 464 RICHARDS Poems, divine, moral and satyrical. London, for J. Boler, 1632. 8°. The same book with a different title. £72 Huth (July 1918, n. 6338) orig. veil., the only copy known (from Jolley and Corser) now Beverly Chew. Poems, sacred and satyrical. London, T. Paine for H. Blunden, 1641. 8". Portr. by Rawlins. Two issues, one with the dedication in verse. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2695) mor., by De Coverly (now Hunting- ton) ; $95 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 720) mor. (Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew) ; £ 19.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6339) mor., by Pratt. The Tragedy of Messallina, the Roman Empress. Lon- don, T. Cotes for D. Frere, 1640. 8''. Engraved title-page (with a view of a theatre) and portrait of the author by Raw- lins. The portrait exists in two states. £ 16.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6340) calf, by Riviere. RICHARDS (Thomas) A merry and pleasant Comedie called Misogonus. Nov. 1577- Only known by a contemporary manuscript copy in the Huntington (Devonshire) coll. RICHARDSON (Samuel). 1689-1761 Pamela or Virtue rewarded. London, Rivington and Os- born, 1 74 1. 4 vols. 8^ Very scarce. i21 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900, n. 855, calf; £71 Cower (Oct. 1912, n. 1024) calf ; £46 Sotheby's, 8 Apr. 1914, n. 549, orig. calf ; $175 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2698) orig. calf, rebacked ; same copy (?) $200 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 756). Clarissa [Harlowe] or the History of a Young Lady. Lon- don, A. Millar (and others), ly 4.8. 7 vols. 8^ In old calf $15-25. — i 22 Dennis (Dec. 1892, n. 567) calf; £53 Sam- uel (July 1907, n. 114) uncut, presentation copy with autograph addi- tions, resold $535 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 2906) now H. E. Widener Li- brary; $40 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 757) calf. RICHARDSON 465 History of Sir Charles Grandison. London, S. Richard- son, etc., 1754. 7 vols. 8°. In old calf $15-20. — £ 6.10.0 Sotheby's, 14 July 1902, n. 935, calf; $40 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 758) calf; $85 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2709) mor., resold $90 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 473). RIDER (William) The Twins, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for R. Pollard and J. Szveeting, 1655. 4°. $17.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2778) half-calf (now Huntington); $32 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 474) calf ( Bridgewater copy). RILEY (James Whitcomb). 1853-1916 Fine sets of his works, chiefly in presentation copies, occurred in the sale of Charles F. Haseltine (Philadelphia, 28 April 1915). The most desirable of his first editions seems to be : The Old Swimmin' Hole and 'leven more Poems. Indian- apolis, G. C. Hilt and Co., 1883. 16°. In orig. wrapper $100-150. — $165 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 808) presenta- tion copy; $185 Haseltine (Apr. 1915, n. 224) presentation copy; $185 Hale and Hunter (Jan. 1917, n. 315) presentation copy. A deceptive photographic facsimile reprint was made in 1909 for the Bobbs-Merrill Company ; but the paper of this reprint, as shown by the water-marks, is 8° instead of 16°; the wire-lines are vertical and the small- er vers:cnres horizontal. ROBERTS (David). 1796-1864 Sketches of the Holy Land. London, 1842-1843. . 3 vols. Fol. Coloured pi. $30-40 (is sometimes found in parts). — £13 Brice (July 1887), n. 650) mor. ; $290 Ames (March 1919, n. 354) mor., with the following. Sketches in Egypt and Nubia. London, 1846- 1849. 3 vols. Fol. Coloured pi. $30-40 (is sometimes found in parts). ROBIN HOOD A merry Gest of Robin Hood and of his Life, with a new Play. . . London, William Copland [ab. 1560]. 4°. Brit. Mus. (Garrick coll.) the only copy known. 466 ROBIN HOOD A later edition {London, for Edzvard White [ah. 1594] 4°) is only known by two copies, one in the Bodleian, the other sold for i 114 Huth (July 1918, n, 6371) mor., by C. Lewis (Luttrell-Farmer-Heber-Daniel copy) . / The Noble Birth and Gallant Achievements of Robin Hood. London, 1678. 8°. £32 Daniel (July 1864, n. 1342), resold i21 Tite (May 1874, n. 2601) mor. Robin Hood and his Crew of Soldiers, a Comedy. Lon- don, for /. David, 1661. 4°. £ 15 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 288) unbound. ROCHESTER (John Wilmot, Earl of). 1647-1680 Poems on several Occasions. Antwerp [London], 1680. 12". $230 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 817) mor. (Bhss-Lefferts copy). Valentinian, a Tragedy. London, for T. Goodwin (or for H. Herringman and others), 1685. 4''. Two issues varying in the imprint. $31 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2733) calf (Ouvry copy, now Huntington) ; $17 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1021) half-mor. ROGERS (Samuel). 1763-1855 Italy, a Poem. London, T. Cadell, 1830. 8°. 55 vignettes by Turner and Stothard. Copies of the first issue have a misplaced vignette to the poem "on a tomb" (on p. 91 instead of p. 88). $15-20 and with proof or India proofs $30-40. — $390 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 354) mor., by Bedford, proofs and autographs inserted; $60 Bor- den (Febr. 1913, n. 609) mor., by Riviere. Poems. London, for T. Cadell and B. Moxon, 1834. 8^ 72 vignettes by Turner and Stothard. $15-20 and with proofs or India proofs $30-40. — £ 10.10.0 Craig (June 1887, n. 2236) boards, uncut; $37.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 814) mor., uncut, by Chambolle; $72.50 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 800) mor., richly tooled, by Riviere. ROMANS 467 ROMANS (Bernard). 1720(?)-1784(?) Concise Natural History of East and West Florida. Vol. I (all published). New York, for the Author, 1775. 8°. Copies should contain 10 or 11 plates, the latter being the most valuable. $410 Conely (Oct. 1902, n. 1331) calf, 11 pi. ; $810 HoUingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 1509) old calf, 9 pi.; $380 Crane (March 1913, n. 805) orig. sheep, 8 pi.; $450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 269) orig. sheep, with 8 pi., 3 maps and a folding table (Halsey copy). Copies of the second edition (1776) contain only 6 or sometimes 7 plates and have brought $90 and more. ROSIER (James). 1575-1635 A true Relation of the most prosperous Voyage made this present Year 1605 in the Discovery of the Land of Virginia. London, G,. Bishop, 1605. 4". Only 8 or 9 copies seem to be known: 1. £301 Drake (1883) then Kalbfleisch, Church, Ayer, now Newbery; 2. Huntington (Kalbfleisch- Lefferts-Church copy) ; 3. John Carter Brown (Brinley-Kalbfleisch copy) ; 4. Brit. Mus. (Inglis-Grenville copy) ; 5. New York Public Library; 6. New York, Hist. Soc. ; 7. $450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 270) mor., by Riviere, title in facs. (Halsey copy) doubtless the copy sold for £58, Sotheby's, 20 Oct. 1902, n. 1177, wanting title, unbound; 8. Holford. — One of the above is probably the copy sold for $1825 Barlow (Febr. 1890, n. 2158) mor., by Clarke and Bedford. ROSSETTI (Christina). 1830-1894 * Verses. London, G. Polidori, 1847. 12". Privately printed. Pages 55-56 exist uncancelled and cancelled. In orig. cloth $40-50. — $210 Allis (March 1912, n. 688) mor., uncut by Riviere, with both states of cancelled leaf. The Goblin Market and other Poems. London, Macmillan, 1862. 8°. In orig. cloth $10-15. The Prince's Progress and other Poems. London, Macmil- lan, 1866. 16°. In orig. cloth $10-15. 468 ROSSETTI Sing Song, a Nursery Rhyme Book. London, Macmillan, 1872. 8\ £3.12.0 Sothd>y's, 20 Apr. 1899, n. 975, presentation copy to D. G. Rossetti. A Pageant and other Poems. London, Maanillan, 1881. $16 Bang's, 5 June 1902, n. 499, presentation copy to Lewis Carroll. Roses and Roses. A^. p., n. d. [London, June 1884]. A single 8° sheet. Printed for a charity bazaar and extremely scarce. T. J. Wise coll. ROSSETTI (Dante Gabriel). 1828-1882 See William Michael Rossetti, Bibliography of the works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti in The Bibliographer, I (1902) pp. 420-430 and II (1903) pp. 34-44 (see pp. 243-247). Sir Hugh the Heron, a legendary Tale. London, G. Poli- dori's private Press, 1843. 4*'- ^4 PP- ^^^^^ wrapper. Uncut copies are worth $200-250. — £ 35.10.0 Hodgson's, 25 March 1903, n. 158, sewn, with a letter added; $240 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 931) mor., by Riviere; $165 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 820) mor., by Bedford; i 52 C. F. Murray (July 1919, n. 82) mor., by Riviere. On the Site of a Mulberry-Tree planted by Wm. Shake- speare [1853]. A single 8"^ sheet. T. J. Wise coll. Sister Helen, a Ballad. Oxford, for private circulation, 1857. 8°. Scarce, as only a few copies were printed. — £ 19.10.0 Sotheby's, 10 June 1903, n. 415, mor., autograph added; $55 Bixby (Febr. 1917, n. 980) in sheets. The Early Italian Poets from Ciullo d'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri. London, Smith, Elder, 1861. 8°. In orig. cloth $12-15. — £ 13.5.0 Sotheby's, 7 March 1890, n. 353, half- calf, presentation copy, with a drawing added; £ 11.15.0 Ashburton (Apr. 1912, n. 1072) ; £34 Browning (May 1913, n. 1043) presentation copy to Browning. ROSSETTI 469 Rossetti had designed an engraving for the title, but only a few proofs were struck off. Dennis Shand [1869]. 8°. 4 pp. Only one copy is known (T. J. Wise) from Swinburne's library. Poems. London, Strangeways and Walden, Printers [1869]. 8". 166 pp. Very scarce. A few copies were printed for Rossetti's personal use and all remained in sheets. — i 26 Hodgson's, 25 March 1903, n. 159, with au- tographs added. Hand and Soul. London, Strangezvays and Walden [1869]. 8°. 22 pp. Brown wrapper. A reprint (same set up) from the above volume, struck off for private circulation among Rossetti's friends. In orig. brown wrapper $20-25. — $85 AUis (March 1912, n. 693) pre- sentation copy from W. M. Rossetti. After the French Liberation of Italy, [ab. 1869]. An 8" fly-sheet. This little poem is extremely scarce. Poems. London, 1870. 8°. 231 pp. Another private issue of the Poems, more complete, including the verses recovered in October 1869 from his wife's cofifin. Very scarce. £50 Browning (May 1913, n. 1044) presentation copy to Browning; $105 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 826) in sheets. Poems. London, P. S. Bllis, i^yo. 8°. In orig. cloth $12-15 ; on large paper (25 copies) in orig. boards $80- 100. — £24.10.0 Stanley (June 1901, n. 1985) large paper, orig. boards; £69 Swinburne (June 1916, n. 670) presentation copy to Swinburne. Poems. London, Bllis and White, 1881. 8^ In orig. cloth $8-10; on large paper (25 copies) in orig. boards $12-15. — £6.6.0 ElHs (Nov. 1901, n. 116) large paper. Verses. London, privately printed, 1881. 8°. 14 pp. Pink wrapper. Three copies were printed on vellum (one in the T. J. Wise coll., one in the Buxton Forman coll., one in the H. E. Widener Library). In orig. pink wrapper. Ballads and Sonnets. London, Bllis and White, 1881. 8^ In orig. cloth $10-12; on large paper (25 copies) in orig. boards $60-80. — £ 16.10.0 Watts-Dunton (Alarch 1917, n. 803) presentation copy. Corrected proof sheets are in the H. E. Widener Library. Part of the 470 y ROSSETTI manuscript belonged to Stuart Samuel and was sold for £ 52 C. F. Murray (July 1919, n. 86). Dante's Dream on the Day of the Death of Beatrice. [Lon- don, i88i]. A 4° broadside. The Ballad of Jan Van Hunks. London, 191 2. 8^ Printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. Watts-Dunton. i 5.15.0 Watts-Dunton (March 1917, n. 812) wrapper. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. John Keats, Criticism and Comment. London, 191 2. 8°. Printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. See also KeivMSCott Press and Swinburne. ROSSETTI (Maria Francesca). 1827-1876 The Rivulets, a Dream not all a Dream. London, sold by the Author, 1846. 24°. Green wrapper. Withdrawn by the Author. The only copy known is in the T. J. Wise coll. In Morte di Guendalina Talbot Principessa Borghese, Ode del Cavaliere G. P. Campana Romano, con Traduzione inglese di Maria F. Rossetti. London, G. Polidori, 1841. 12°. 16 pp. Pink wrappers. Extremely scarce. T. J. Wise coll. — $10 Buxton Forman (Apr. 1920, n. 890). ROUS (John) New England a degenerate Plant. London, 1659. 4**. Very scarce. $1250 Lovejoy (Nov. 1914, n. 436) mor., lacking part of first leaf; i390 Huth (July 1917, n. 5275) mor., by Bedford. ROWLANDS (Samuel) All his works are extremely scarce and bring high prices. See the re- cent records in the Huth sale (July 1918, nn. 6443-6453). No attempt has been made to list them here. ROWLANDSON , 471 ROWLANDSON (Thomas). 1756-1827 S'ee A catalogue of books illustrated by Thomas Rowlandson (New York, Grolier Club, 1916. 8°) xx-124 pp., compiled by Ruth S. Granniss and giving full bibliographical details. See also the ample list in the cata- logue of the H. E. Widener Library. A large number of the artist's orig- inal drawings are in the Jules S. Bache collection. Picturesque Beauties of Boswell. London, B. Jackson, 1786. Oblong fol. 20 pi. A series of caricatures on Dr. Johnson's Tour to the Hebrides. Published in two parts in grey wrappers. $40-50. The Rhedarium for the Sale of all Sorts of Carriages, by Gregory Gigg. London, B. Jackson [1791?]. Oblong fol. Engraved title and 8 coloured pi. $98 Park (March 1910, n. 627) half-mor. The Comforts of Bath. [London, S. W. Fores, 1798]. Ob- long fol. 12 coloured pi. $101 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 420) mor., by Riviere; $115 American Art Association, 26 March 1915, n. 465, half-mor.; $150 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 988) mor.; £26 Hollams (March 1919, n. 834) mor., by Riviere. Hungarian and Highland Broad Sword Exercise. Lon- don, H. Angelo, 1798 (or 1799). Fol. 24 coloured pi. (in- cluding title) in a grey wrapper. £ 16.10.0 Howard (June 1898, n. 320) mor., uncut. Soldiers. London, R. Ackermann, 1798. Oblong fol. 5 coloured pi. $155 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 452) half-mor. Loyal Volunteers of London and Environs. . . London, R. Ackermann [1798- 1799]. 4°. 87 pi. (including title) of uniforms and drill in gold and colours. $100-150. — £28 Sotheby's, 28 Jan. 1914. n. 483, mor., bv Riviere; $185 Austin (Apr. 1917. n. 588A) mor., by Riviere; $190 Anderson's, 9 Febr. 1920, n. 836, half-mor. Horse Accomplishments. London, R. Ackermann, 1799. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. $135 Peavey (Dec. 1912, n. 455) orig. wrapper, with label; $190 Town- send (Febr. 1919, n. 995) wrapper. 472 ROWLANDSON Matrimonial Comforts. London, R. Ackermann [1799]. 8 coloured pi. by Rowlandson after Woodward. £ 16 Hill (May 1912, n. 331) calf, uncut, orig. wrapper and label. Cries of London. London, R. Ackermann, i7g<). Fol. 8 coloured pi. The plates are known in various states. $230 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 589) half-mor., pi. in first state. Masqueroniens. London, R. Ackermann, 15 Aug. 1800. Oblong fol. 6 coloured pi. Wrapper, i 44. 10.0 Sotheby's, 21 March 1910, n. 650. A compendious Treatise on modern Education . . . by the late Joel McCringer. London, J. Smeeton, 1802. Ob- long 8"^. 8 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. Very rare. — i 30 Hodgson's, 1 Nov. 1905, n. 435, orig. blue boards, uncut; $195 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 457) boards; £30 Hill (May 1912, n. 311) calf, uncut; $230 American Art Association, 26 March 1917, n. 467, mor., uncut, by Riviere. Miseries of human Life. London, R. Ackermann, 1808. Fol. Title and 49 coloured pi. Boards with label. There are variations in the label. $80 Andierson's, 14 Dec. 1909, n. 498, mor., uncut, by Riviere. Twelfth Night Characters. London [ah. 181 1?] 8°. 24 coloured plates. $40-50. Sixteen coloured Views in Cornwall. London, 1812. 4°. i 9.15.0 Sotheby's, 1 July 1901, n. 414, boards with label. Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders. London, for S. Leigh [1820?]. 8°. 54 coloured plates. $25-30. — $52.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 993) half-calf. A Trip to Town. London, 1822. 8°. 12 coloured plates. £ 17 Howard (June 1898, n. 321) mor., uncut. ROWLANDSON (Thomas) and Henry WIGSTEAD An Excursion to Brighthelmstone. London, Stephenson ROWLANDSON 473 for Robinson, 1790. Oblong fol. 8 coloured pi. by Aiken after Rowlandson. i 20.10.0 Sotheby's, 3 Apr. 1913, n. 359, orig". half mor., open letter proofs. ROWLEY (Samuel). 1580(?)-1633(?) When you see me you know me, or the famous Chronicle History of King Henry the Eighth. London, for N. Butter, 1605. 4°. A very scarce play. Bodleian; £5.15.0 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 460, unbound. The Noble Soldier, or a Contract Broken justly revenged, a Tragedy. London, for N. Vavasour, 1634. 4". $145 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2845) half-mor., by Riviere; $80 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 729) half-mor. (Chew copy) ; £27 Huth (July 1918, n. 6455) calf; £ 18 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 289) unbound. ROWLEY (William). 1585(?)-1642(?) A new Wonder, a Woman never vexed, a pleasant con- ceited Comedy. London, G. P. for Francis Constable, 1632. 4 • $70 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2842) mor., by Riviere; $42.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917. V, n. 321) calf (Perkins-Lefferts-Halsey copy); £20 Mos- tyn (March 1919, n. 290) unbound. A Tragedy called All's lost by Lust. London, T. Har- per, 1633. 4^ $155 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2844) calf, by Lloyd (now Huntington) ; $105 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 403) calf (Bridgewater copy), re- sold $100 H. V. Jones (March 1919. n. 1357) ; £ 15.10^.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 292) unbound, minor defects. A Match at Midnight, a pleasant Comedy. London, A. Mathezves for W. Sheares, 1633. 4°. $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2843) mor.. by Bedford, resold $80 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 322) ; $100 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 402) calf (Bridgewater copv). resold $90 H.V. Jones (March 1919. n. 1356) now C. W. Clark; £21 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 291) unbound. A merry and pleasant Comedy, called A Shoemaker a Gen- tleman. London, J. Okcs for J. Cozvper, 1638. 4°. 474 ROWLEY $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 732) mor., inlaid throughout ( Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Witch of Edmonston, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. Cottrel for B. Blackmore, 1658. 4°. Woodcut on title. i52 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 293) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). For The Birth of Merlin, see Shakespeare. ROXBURGHE CLUB A list of the publications of this celebrated Club would fill up too much space to be given here. The only extensive set recently sold was in E. J. Stanley's sale (July 1908, nn. 811-956: £375) and comprised 160 vols., nearly all in the orig- inal club binding (see the list in the sale catalogue). ROYAL (The) BOOK The Royal Book. Westminster, William Caxton [ab. 1488]. Fol. One of the most valuable books from Caxton's Press ; only twelve copies are known. £ 1550 Sotheby's, 29 July 1901, n. 586, resold £ 1400 Sotheby's, 28 July 1902, n. 771 (now H. E. Widener Library) ; £2225 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 987 (now Pierpont Morgan Library) ; £ 1800 Huth (July 1918, n. 6464) now Huntington. RUDDER (Samuel). 17. .1801 New History of Gloucestershire. Cirencester, iyy(^. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $25-30. RUMP (The). See Brome (Alexander) RUSKIN (John). 1819-1900 [Richard Heme Shepherd], The bibliography of Rnskin (London, Elliot Stock. [1881]. 12°) 74 pp., is not up to the present standard of bib- liography and is entirely superseded by T. J. Wise and J. P. Smart, A complete bibliography of the zm'itin<^s in prose and verse of John Ruskin (London, 1893". 2 vols. 4°) xxvii-32'9 and xi-263 pp. The following are a few of Ruskin's works particularly interesting for the collector: RUSKIN 475 Salsette and Elephanta, a Prize Poem. Oxford, J. Vin- cent, 1839. 8°. 19 pp. In orig. drab or blue wrapper $25-30. — $45 Peirce (March 1903, n. 378). The Scythian Guest, a Poem. Printed for the Author, 1849. 4°. vi-15 pp., buff printed wrapper. Privately printed and extremely scarce (T. J. Wise coll., etc.). i 10.5.0 Sotheby's, 10 June 1903, n. 606, mor. The copy in the Ry- lands Library sold for £ 65 in 1892. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. London, Smith, El- der, 1849. 8^ In orig. cloth $25-30. — $55 Peirce (March 1903, n. 381). Poems. J. R., 1850. [London, 1850]. 12°. In orig. green or brown cloth $200^250. — $600 Peirce (March 1903, n. 382) presentation copy from Ruskin's father, resold $390 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1150) ; $200 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 845) cloth; $245 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1363) cloth (now C. W. Clark). The King of the Golden River. London, Smith, Elder, 1851. 8°. In orig. boards $25-30. — $85 Peirce (March 1903, n. 383). The Stones of Venice. London, Smith, Elder, 1851-1853- 1853. 3 vols. 8^ In orig. cloth $50-60. — $90 Ives (March 1891, n. 863) mor., uncut; £40 Ashburton (Apr. 1912, n.' 1083) presentation copy to Carlyle. See also Kelmscott Press. RUTTER (Joseph) The Shepherd's Holiday, a pastoral Tragi-Comedy. Lon- don, N. and J. Okes for J. Benson, 1635. 8°. $80 Hoe (Apr. 1911. L n. 2852) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; £ 20 Huth (July 1918, n. 6478) calf, by Pratt. The Cid, a Tragi-Comedy [translated from the French of Pierre Corneille]. London, J. Haviland for T. Walkly, 1637. 12°. The second Part of the Cid. London, J. Okes for S. Brozvne, 1640. 12^ 476 RYMER RYMER (Thomas). 1641-1713 • Edgar, or the EngHsh Monarch, a heroic Tragedy. Lon- don, R. Tonson, 1678. 4°. $11 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2818) mor. ; $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1036) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). 1 s. (J.) An excellent Comedy called the Prince of Priggs' Revels or the Practices of that grand Thief Captain James Hind. London, for G. Norton, 165 1. 4^ Very scarce. $65 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 285^) mor.. by Matthews (Payne Collier copy), resold $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 737) now Library of Congress; £ 12 Huth (July 1918, n. 6492) mor., by Bedford. The Dev- onshire copy is in the Huntington coll. S. (S.) The Honest Lawyer [a play]. London, G. Pursloive for R. Woodroffe, 1616. 4^ $25 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2803) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now Huntington); £45 Huth (July 1918, n. 6498) mor.; $250 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1367) calf. S. (S.) The Jovial Crew, or the Devil turned Ranter, being a Char- acter of the roaring Ranters of these Times represented in a Comedy. London, for W. Ley, 165 1. 4°. i38 Huth (July 1918, n. 6499) mor. (Heber-Inglis-Smith copy). SABIN (Joseph). 1821-1881 A Dictionary of Books relating to America. Nezv York, 1 868- 1 892. 8°. 116 parts, forming vols. 1-19 and 20 part i (no more published). $300-350 and on large paper $400-450. I SAGE 477 SAGE (Dean). 18. .-1902 The Ristigouche and its Salmon Fishing with a Chapter on AngHng Literature. Edinburgh, D. Douglas, i888. Fol. 19 pi. and numerous engravings. 105 copies printed. In orig. cloth $120-150. — f 32 Sotheby's, 30 Oct. 1906, n. 1323; $220 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 647) mor. SALMON (Nathaniel). 1675-1742 History of Hertfordshire. London, 1728. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $8-10. History and Antiquities of Essex. London, 1740. Fol. Unfinished (pp. 1-428 and 433-460). $8-10. SAMPSON (William). 1590(?)-1636(?) The Vow Breaker, or the Fair Maid of Clifton. London, J. Norton for R. Ball, 1636. 4°. A very scarce play. $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 407) half-mor., inlaid throughout ( Kemble- Devonshire copy) . SANDERS (Daniel Clarke). 1768-1850 History of the Indian Wars with the first Settlers of the United States. Montpelier, Vermont, 18 12. 18°. $80-100. — $130 Hollingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 1541) mor., uncut, by Sanford. The later edition (Rochester, N. Y., 1828. 8*') is worth $40-50 in orig. boards. SANDYS (George). 1578-1644 Christ's Passion, a Tragedy. London, John Legatt (or /. L. for W. Leake), 1640. 8°. Two issues varying in the imprint, etc. Translated from the Latin of Hugo Grotius. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2910) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £3.3.0 Huth (June 1913, n. 3381) calf, by Bedford (now Beverly Chew). 478 SAXTON SAXTON (Christopher) Maps of England and Wales. London, 1579. Fol. 35 plates. The 1st issue has opposite the arms of the peers a blank space instead of the Catalogus urhiiim. Perfect and clean copies are extremely scarce ($400-500) but copies with minor defects are fairly common. $900 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, 2924) old calf, resold $410 Hunting^ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 408). A copy exists on vellum. SCOT (George). 16. .-1685 The Model of the Government of the Province of East Jersey in America. Edinburgh, John Reid for Alexander Og- ston, 1685. 8°. Two issues with variations on page 37. £ 120 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 597, orig. calf; £42 Sotheby's, 10 Nov. 1908, n. 133, half-calf; $550 Crane (March 1913, n. 836) calf (Lefferts copy) ; $360 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 277) orig. sheep; £65 Huth (July 1918, n. 6645) calf, by Riviere ;£ 84 Sotheby's, 7 Aug. 1918, n. 512, orig. sheep. SCOT (Reginald). 1538(?)-1599 The Discovery of Witchcraft. London, William Brome, 1584. 4°. $80-100. — $155 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 958) mor., by Riviere, title and last leaf mended, resold $145 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 329) ; $101 Park (March 1910, n. 646) orig. veil, (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; £21 Huth (July 1918, n. 6650) mor., by Riviere. A copy on large paper was in the Ashburnham and Perry collections ; another, £25 Sotheby's, 3 Febr. 1919, n. 157, mor., by Bedford. SCOTT (Sir Walter). 1771-1832 See John P. Anderson's bibliography in Clarence Duke Yonge, Life of Sir Walter Scott (London, W. Scott, 1888. 8°) pp. i-xlix; John Thomson, Descriptive catalogue of the zmtings of Sir Walter Scott (Philadelphia, 1898. 8°) 106 pp. ; neither of the above is written from the collector's standpoint. Few of his works are really scarce but many are difficult to find in thoroughly good condition. Half-titles are frequently missing and their presence is essential in a collector's copy. The following list of his books is by no means complete. Copies in inclififerent state are worth much less than the prices quoted. A most desirable item is the collected series of the Waverley Novels in first editions (1814-1832, in all 74 vols.) worth in fine condition from SCOTT 479 $1200 to $1500 and more ; a particular well chosen set, in orig. boards, sold for $2005 Osborne (Dec. 1916, n. 868). A number of Scott's manuscripts were in Robert Cadell's sales (6 July, 1867 and 9 July, 1868). The Chase and William and Helen, two Ballads, from the German of G. A. Burger. Edinburgh, Mundell and Son, 1796. 4- In orig. boards $15-25. — £5.5.0 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 157) calf, by Bedford (Rowfant copy). An Apology for Tales of Terror. Kelso, James Ballan- tyne, 1799. 4°. 12 copies printed. The first book from Ballantyne's press. £38 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 353) the title reading only "Tales of Terror" (now Yale Univ.) ; £ 23 Hodgson's, 1 June 1916, n. 240, with the fuller title. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Kelso and Edinburgh, 1802-1803. 3 vols. 8°. $8-10. Sir Tristrem, a metrical Romance of the Thirteenth Cen- tury. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne for A. Constable, 1804. 8°. In orig. boards $6-8. — £ 13.10.0 Christie's, 18 June 1902, n. 604, boards, presentation copy; £15.10.0 Hunter (June 1907, n. 68) large paper, presentation copy. The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne for A. Constable, 1805. 4^ In orig. boards with label $8-10. — £ 72 Hunter (June 1907, n. 132) half-mor., uncut, autograph poem added, one of four copies on large paper; £36 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 348) presentation copy to Southey; $7 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1048) old russia (now C. W. Clark). , Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne, 1806. 8°. In orig. boards with label $8-10 and more on large paper. The Wife of John Dryden. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne, 1808. 4°. $6-8 and more on large paper. Marmion, a Tale of Flodden Field. Edinburgh, J. Ballan- tyne, 1808. 4°. ' In orig. boards $15-20. — £44 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 894, boards, 480 SCOTT presentation copy to Wordsworth; £ 12 Hunter (June 1907, n. 133) half- mor., uncut, one of 4 copies on large paper. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 1, is in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh (Fraser bequest). English Minstrelsy. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne, i8io. 2 vols. 8°. $6-8. The Lady of the Lake. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne, iSio. 4°. In orig. boards with label $15-20 and more on large paper. — i 25 Sothe- by's, 16 March 1903, n. 1180, half-calf. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 2. The Vision of Don Roderick. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne, 181 I. 4^ In orig. boards with label $10-12. A private issue of 50 copies was printed: £55 Napier (Nov. 1912, n. 591) presentation copy. The manuscripts, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 3, and 1868, n. 8. Rokeby, a Poem. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne, 181 3. 8°. In orig. boards with label $10-15 — $15 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2868) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £45 Lang (Dec. 1912, n. 354) presentation copy. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 4. The Bridal of Triermain, or the Vale of St. John. Edin- burgh, J. Ballantyne, 181 3. 18°. In orig. blue-grey boards with label $10-15. Part of the manuscript, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 9. Waverley or 't is sixty Years since. Edinburgh, J. Ballan- tyne for A. Constable, 1814. 3 vols. 8°. The! first issue may be told by a misprint in vol. II, p. 136, line 1 {our instead of your). Waverley is the most valuable of Scott's works, very scarce in boards with the genuine half-titles ($600-800). — £ 150 Sotheby's, 24 April 1899, n. 1160, boards; £162, Sotheby's, 21 July 1902, n. 791, boards; £200 Arthur (July 1914, n. 604) boards; £ 150 Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 536, mor., by Bedford. The manuscript was given in 1850 by James Hall to the Advocates' Library; two pages only £42 Samuel (July 1907, n. 133), resold £40 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 189. See also Cadell sale, 1867, n. 9. The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. Lon- don, Longman, Hurst, etc., 1814-1817. 2 vols. 4°. 94 pi. by Greig. $8-10 and on large paper $15-20, with proofs or India proofs; a few copies exist with the etchings. SCOTT 481 The Field of Waterloo. Bdinburgh, J. Ballantyne for A. Constable, 1815. 8°. In orig. buff wrapper $15-20. Guy Mannering or the Astrologer. Bdinburgh, J. Ballan- tyne for A. Constable, 181 5. 3 vols. 8°. After "Waverley" the most desirable of Scott's works. In orig. boards $400-500 and sometimes less. — i 99 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 814; £42 Puttick's, 27 May 1914, n. 512. Copies lacking the half-titles and imprint leaves are quite common and sell for $10-15. The Lord of the Isles. Bdinburgh, A. Constable, 181 5. 4*^. In orig. boards with label $8-10 and more on large paper. — £ 34.10.0 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 886, boards, presentation copy to Wordsworth. The manuscript, £350 Sotheby's, 28 July 1919, n. 417 (Cadell sale, 1867, n. 5). The Antiquary. Bdinburgh, J. Ballantyne for A. Con- stable, 18 1 6. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $20-25. — £ 11.10.0 Ford (May 1902, n. 469) boards. Paul's Letters to his Kifisfolk. Bdinburgh, 181 6. 8°. In orig. boards $6-8. Tales of my Landlord, First Series. Bdinburgh, for W. Blackzvood, 1816. 4 vols. 8°. Contains "The Black Dwarf" and "Old Mortality." The first series in orig. boards is worth $400-500. — £ 101 Hodgson's, 14 Jan. 1904, n. 417. boards ; £ 106 Hodgson's, 29 March 1906, n. 166, boards. The manuscript of "The Black Dwarf," Tite sale, 1874, n. 2693. Second Series, Bdinburgh, for A. Constable, 18 18. 4 vols. 8°. Contains "The Heart of Mid-Lothian." , Third Series. Bdinburgh, for A. Constable, 18 19. 4 vols. 8°. Contains "The Bride of Lammermoor" and "A Legend of Montro'se." Fourth Series. Bdinburgh, for R. Cadell, 1832. 4 vols. 8°. Contains "Count Robert of Paris' and "Castle Dangerous." Each O'f the above (2d, 3d and 4th series) is worth in orig. boards, about $15-20. Part of the manuscript of "Count Robert of Paris" sold for £30 Sotheby's. 9 June. 1920, n. 35 (Cadell sale, 1867, n. 12) ; the manu- script of "Castle Dangerous," Cadell sale, 1867, n. 11. 482 SCOTT Harold the Dauntless. Bdinhurgh, J. Ballantyne, for Longman and A. Constable, 1817, 8°. In orig. boa°rds $6-8. Rob Roy. Bdinhurgh, J. Ballantyne for A. Constable y 1 818. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $50-60. Miscellaneous Poems. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1820. 8". In orig. boards with label $8-10. Ivanhoe, a Romance. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1820. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $25-30. — £ 19.10.0 Ford (May 1902, n. 470) boards Part of the manuscript, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 9. The Monastery, a Romance. Edinburgh, for A. Constable and J. Ballantyne, 1820. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $15-20. — £8.15.0 Sotheby's, 21 July 1902, n. 796, boards. The Abbot. Edinburgh, for A. Constable and J. Ballan- tyne, 1820. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $20-25. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 2, now John Murray coll. Kenilworth, a Romance. Edinburgh, for A. Constable and J. Ballantyne, 1821. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $15-20. The manuscript is in the British Museum. The Pirate. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1822. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $12-15. The corrected proofs, Cadell sale, 1868, n, 14- The Fortunes of Nigel. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1822. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $10-12. The corrected proofs, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 12. Peveril of the Peak. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1822. 4 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $12-15. The manuscript, Tite sale, 1874, n. 2692; the corrected proofs, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 13- Halidon Hill, a Dramatic Sketch from Scottish History. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1822. 8°. In orig. drab wrapper $6-8. SCOTT 483 Quentin Durward. Bdinbiirgh, for A. Constable, 1823. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $12-15. The manuscript, £ 700 Sotheby's, 28 July 1919, n. 279 (Cadell sale, 1868, n. 1) ; the corrected proofs, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 12. St. Ronan's Well. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1824. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $12-15. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 7. Redgauntlet, a Tale of the Eighteenth Century. Edin- burgh, for A. Constable, 1824. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $12-15. Tales of the Crusaders. Edinburgh, for A. Constable,. 1825. 4 vols. 8^ Contains "The Betrothed" and "The Talisman." In orig- boards $15-20. The manuscripts, Cadell sale, 1868, nn. 5-6; the corrected proofs, same sale, n. 11 ; the n-^anuscript of "The Betrothed," i 265 Sotheby's, 28 July 1919, n. 280. Provincial Antiquities and picturesque Scenery of Scotland. London, 1826. 2 vols. 4° (with 52 plates). $8-10 and on large paper $15-20 with proofs or India proofs ; a few copies exist with the etchings. Woodstock, or the Cavalier. Edinburgh, for A. Constable, 1826. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $12-15. The manuscrip,1» Cadell sale, 1868, n. 4, resold Tite (1874, n. 2694) ; the corrected proofs, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 10. The Life of Napoleon. Edinburgh, Ballantyne, 1827. 9 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $10-12. The corrected proofs, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 9. Chronicles of the Canongate. Edinburgh, for Cadell and Co., i%2y. 2 vols. 8^ Second series, ibid., 1828. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $20-25. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1868, n. 3. now John Murray coll. Anne of Geierstein, or the Maiden of the Mist. Edinburgh, for Cadell and Co., 1829. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $10-12. The manuscript, Cadell sale, 1867, n. 8. 484 SCOTT Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. London, J. Mur- ray, 1830. 8°. Exists with the 12 plates by Criiikshank in black ($8-10), in black and in colours ($12-15) and in proofs on India paper ($25-30 with the three states). Most copies are rebound. The Doom of Devorgoil, a Melo-Drama. Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire Tragedy. Edinhiirgh, Cadell, 1830. 8°. In orig. boards with label $8-10. The manuscript of "Auchindrane," Cadell sale, 1867, n. 7. SCOURGE (The) The Scourge, or Monthly Expositor of Imposture and Folly. London, for M. Jones, 1811-1816. 12 vols. 8° with 73 coloured plates by Cruikshank and others. Vols. 3 and 7 exist in two issues ; pi. 56 of vol. 12 was cancelled. In orig. boards $300-400; copies lacking vol. 12, which is scarce, are worth $100-150. $300 Hermann (March 1909, n. 127) calf, with the suppressed plate, resold $385 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 108) ; $355 Doane (Apr. 1914, n. 192) boards, uncut (but vol. 12 from a shorter copy; $455 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 97) calf, uncut (vol. 12 trimmed). SCROPE (William). 1772-1852 The Art of Deer Stalking. London, J. Murray, 1838. 8°. 29 engr. and 9 vignettes by Landseer and the author. In orig. cloth $40-50. — £ 20 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 717) presentation copy. Often sold ivith the folloivung: Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1843. 8°. Illustrations by Landseer and the author. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — £ 16 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 718) mor. Days of Deer-Stalking in the Forest of Atholl. London, 1847. 8"- $4-5. SEDLEY (Sir Charles). 1639(?)-1701 The Mulberry-Garden, a Comedy. London, for H. Her- ringnian, 1668. 4°. $6 Church (March 1916, n. 1117, boards (Rowfant copy, now Hunt- ington). SEDLEY 485 Antony and Cleopatra, a Tragedy. London, for R. Ton- son, 1677. 4°. Adapted from Shakespeare. $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3007) mor., by Mercier (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 412) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; i 7.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6678) half-calf. Bellamira or the Mistress, a Comedy. London, D. Mallet for L. C. and T. Godzvin, 1687. 4°. After the prologue leaf comes a leaf of advertisement sometimes miss- ing. $22.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2943) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, resold $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 740). Miscellaneous Works. London, J. Nutt, 1702. 8°. Contains the first edition of the tragedy "The Death of Marc Antony." $35 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2944) mor., resold $27.50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 741). The Works. London, for S. Briscoe and T. Bickerton, 1722. 2 vols. 12°. Portr. The first collected edition, SENECA (Lucius Annaeus) Seneca his ten Tragedies translated into English. Lon- don, T. Marsh, 1581. 4°. The first collected edition (single plays had been published in English as early as 1559). Edited by Thomas Newton; the plays were trans- lated by Jasper Heywood and others. $15 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 771) old calf (now Beverly Chew) ; $97.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 893) calf, with the rare initial blank; £ 16.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6700) old russia. SETTLE (Dionyse) A true Report of the last Voyage into the West and North- west Regions . . . achieved by Captain Frobisher. Lon- don, H. Middleton, 1577. 8°. There are two issues varying in the collation, both extremely scarce. $6900 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 142) mor. (Christie-Miller copy, now New York Public Library) ; $4750 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 92) russia. 486 SETTLE SETTLE (Elkanah). 1648-1724 Cambyses King of Persia, a Tragedy. London, W. Cade- man, 1 67 1. 4°. I $24 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1058) half-calf; £3.6.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6716) half-calf. The Empress of Morocco, a Tragedy. London, IV. Cade- man, 1673. 4''. With six engravings (by Sherwin and W. DoUe) of stage-scenery; the first illustrated English play. $130 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2579) mor. ; $220 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. , 3017) red mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $52.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1059) mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy) ; £22 Huth (July 1918, n. 6717) calf. Love and Revenge. London, W. Cademan, 1675. 4°. $35 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3018) mor.. by Chambolle (now Hunting- ton) ; $37 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 489) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Conquest of China by the Tartars, a Tragedy. Lon- don, T. M. for W. Cademan, 1676. 4°. $35 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3019) half-roan (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 415) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Pastor Fido or the Faithful Shepherd, a Pastoral. London, W. Cademan, 1677. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3020) mor. (now Huntington) ; $35 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 490) half-mor^ (Bridgewater copy). Ibrahim the illustrious Bassa, a Tragedy. London, T. M. for W. Cademan, 1677. 4°. $19 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2961) mor., by Zaehnsdorf ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 416) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $27.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1060) calf, by Riviere. Fatal Love or the Forc'd Inconstancy, a Tragedy. London, W. Cademan, 1680. 4°. $40 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 3022) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 417) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Female Prelate being the History of the Life and Death of Pope Joan, a Tragedy. London, W. Cademan, 1680. 4". $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 3021) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 418) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). SETTLE 487 The Medal revers'd, a Satyre against Persecution. Lon- don, Charles Lee, 1682. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3023) mor. (now Huntington). The Heir of Morocco, with the Death of Gayland. London, W. Cademan, 1682. 4°. Huntington ( Bridgewater copy) ; $25 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n, 484) half mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). [Second edition]. London, Th. CJiapman, 1694. 4°, $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2963) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- .ton). Distressed Innocence or the Princess of Persia, a Tragedy. London, B. J. for Abel Roper, 1691. 4°. $36 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3024) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 419) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; i 4.8.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6725) half-calf. The Triumphs of London, performed October 29, 1691. London, A. Milhourn for A. Roper, 1691. 4°. £ 14.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6726) calf, uncut, by Bedford. The Triumphs of London, performed October 29, 1692. London, J. Orme, 1692. 4°. £ 14 Huth (July 1918, n. 6727) calf, by Bedford. The Triumphs of London, performed October 30, 1693. London, J. Orme for B. Johnson, 1693. 4°. £28.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6728) calf, by Bedford. The Ambitious Slave or a Generous Revenge, a Tragedy. London, A. Roper and B. Wilkinson, 1694. 4**. ' $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2962) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $30 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 420) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Philaster or Love Hes a bleeding, a Tragi-comedy. London, R. Bentley, 1695. 4°- $37.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3025) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; i 4.5.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6730) boards. The World in the Moon, an Opera. London, Abel Roper, 1697. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3026) half-mor. (Lefferts copy, now 488 SETTLE Huntington); $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 421) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Sacellum Honoris, a Congratulatory Poem to the Marquis of Tavistock. London, Baldzvin, 1700. Fol. $16 Lefferts (Apr. 1902, n. 1188) mor., resold $9 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 928) now Huntington. Carmen Natalitium. London, 1700. Fol. £9 Bools (June 1903, n. 1426) mor. The Virgin Prophetess or the Fate of Troy, an Opera. London, for A. Roper and R. Basset, 1701. 4°. i 4.5.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6733) boards. , Minerva Triumphans. London, J. Nut, 1701. Fol. A poem on the foundation of the Cotton Library. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2964) old green mor. (now Huntington) ; £7 Huth (July 1918, n. 6732) old mor. Eusebia Triumphans, Hannover Succession to the Imperial Crown of England. London, John Nutt, 1702. FoL The Cosens-Toovey-CoUier-Beverly Chew copy, in old mor. with Bed- ingiield arms and autograph dedication, is in the Huntington coll. Fears and Dangers fairly Display'd. London, 1706. 4°. Carmen Irenicum. London, Printed for the Author [1707]. Fol. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2965) old blue mor. (now Huntington) ; £7 Huth (July 1918, n. 6735) old mor. Another edition, dated 1702, £9.15.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6734) old mor. The Protestant Succession as now established and secured by the happy Union of the Imperial Crowns of Great Britain. London, 1709. Fol. The City Ramble or a Play-House Wedding. London, B. Lintott and B. Sanger [lyiil. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3027) half-calf (now Huntington). Rebellion displayed. London, 171 5. Fol. Thalia triumphans. London, printed for the Author, n. d. 8°. SEYER 489 SEVER (Samuel). 1757-1831 Memoirs of Bristol. Bristol, 1821-182^^. 4 vols. Fol. On largest paper, only 12 copies were printed. SEYMOUR (Robert). 1800(?)-1836 The Heiress, a Farce. London, T. McLean, 1830. Ob- long fol. 6 coloured pi. $40 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 615) orig. wrapper; $47.50 Townsend (Febr. 1919, n. 1100) half-roan, wrapper preserved. Living made easy. London, T. McLean, 1830. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. in a wrapper. £ 11.15.0 Howard (June 1898, n. 325) mor., uncut. The Omnibus. London, McLean, 1830. Oblong fol. 28 coloured pi. $40 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 616) orig. wrapper. The Schoolmaster abroad. London, 1832. Oblong fol. Title and 9 coloured pi. $40-50. — £5 Howard (June 1898, n. 325) calf. The 1834 edition is somewhat cheaper. Sketches. London, G. S. Tregear [1835- 1836]. 5 parts in I vol. 8°. 5 titles and 180 plates printed on paper of various colours. $30-40. — $90 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 208) mor. Humorous Sketches, illustrated in Prose by R. B. Peake. London, 184.6. 8°. 92 coloured plates. ' $15-20. SEYMOUR (Mrs. Robert) Account of the Origin of the Pickwick Papers, with Mr. Dickens's Version and her Reply. London, for the Author, n. d. A very curious, and scarce Pickwickian item. £72 Mackenzie (March 1889. n. 749) mor.; £64 Streatfeild (June 1889, n. 415) orig. binding; $1700 Daly (March 1900, n. 823) half mor., inlaid, with drawings, plates and autographs added (then Halsey, now Huntington). Buss's autograph account of the same transactions was also in the Daly coll. (then Halsey, now Huntington). 490 SHADWELL SHADWELL (Thomas). 1644(?)-1692 The Works of Tho. Shadwell. London, for J. Knapton, 1693. 4°- The first collected edition of Shadwell's plays containing 17 plays (5 in first editions) under various dates (1670-1693) bound together with a specially printed general title. Unknown to all bibliographers and apparently wanting in all the larger libraries (C. W. Clark coll.). The Sullen Lovers or the Impertinents, a Comedy. [Lon- don], in the Savoy, H. Herringman, 1668. 4°. $16 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2915) half mor., title mended, by Riviere, resold $31 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1391) ; $32.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 422) half-calf (the Poor copy). The Royal Shepherdess, a Tragi-Comedy. London, H. Herringman, 1669. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2916) mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1061) half-calf (Lefferts copy) ; $36 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 423) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Humourists, a Comedy. London, H. Herringman, 1671. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI. n. 2918) mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1062) half-mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy) ; $36 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 494) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). The Miser, a Comedy. London, T. Collins and J. Ford, 1672. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2919) mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; $34 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 495) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Epsom-Wells, a Comedy. London, J. M. for H. Herring- man, 1673. 4°. $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1063) half-calf; £6.15.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6746) calf. Psyche, a Tragedy. London, T. N. for H. Herringman, 1675- 4^ $65 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2920), resold $45 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 424) mor., by Joly; $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1064) half-calf (Lefiferts copy) ; £43 Huth (July 1918, n. 6747) handsome Mearne bind- ing. I I SHAD WELL 491 The Libertine, a Tragedy. London, T. N. for H. Herring- jiian, 1676. 4°. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 2924) mor., by Joly, resold $30 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 747) ; $21 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1065) half- calf (Lefferts copy). The Virtuoso, a Comedy. London, T. N. for H. Herring- jnan, 1676. 4°. The first issue has pages 41 and 82 numbered by error 42 and 72. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2922) 1st issue, mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; $23 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1066) half-calf (Lefiferts copy). The second issue, with corrected pagination, $20 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2923) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington). The History of Timon of Athens, the Man-Hater. Lon- don, J. M. for H. Herringman, 1678. 4". An adaptation of Shakespeare's play. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2925) mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; £7.15.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6750) calf. A True Widow, a Comedy. London, B. Tooke, 1679. 4°. The prologue is by Dry den. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2926) mor., by Joly (now Huntington) ; $24 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1067) half-calf (Lefiferts copy). The Woman-Captain, a Comedy. London, S. Carr, 1680. 4 • $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2927) mor., by Joly, resold $20 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 749) ; $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 425) calf (Ouvry-Poor copy) ; $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1068) half-mor., by Riviere (Lefiferts copy). The Lancashire Witches and Tegue O Divelly the Irish Priest, a Comedy. London, J. Starkey, 1682. 4°. $51 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2929) mor., by Joly, resold $52 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1392) ; $46 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1069) half-mor. (Lef- ferts copy). The Medal of John Bayes [i.e. Dryden], a Satyr against Folly and Knavery. London, R. Janczuay, 1682. 4°. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2928) boards, resold $26 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 490) ; $11 Hagen (May 1918, n. 473) unbound. Some Refliexions upon the pretended Parallel in the Play 492 SHADWELL called The Duke of Guise, in a Letter to a Friend. London, Fr. Smith, 1683. 4^ $11 Hag-en (May 1918, n. 1070) sewn. The Squire of Alsatia, a Comedy. London, J. Knapton, 1688. 4'. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2930) calf (now Huntin^on) ; $27 Hunt- ington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 504) half-mor. (Kemble-Devonshire copy). Bury-Fair, a Comedy. London, J. Knapton, 1689. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2931) calf (Ouvry copy), resold $32 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 750). The Amorous Bigotte, with the Second Part of Tegue O Divelly, a Comedy. London, J. Knapton, 1690. 4". $25 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2932) calf, resold $15 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1393) ; $25 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1071) half-mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy). The Scowrers, a Comedy. London, J. Knapton, 1691. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2933) calf (now Huntington) ; $10 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1072) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). The Volunteers, or the Stock-jobbers, a Comedy. London, /. Knapton, 1693. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2934) half-mor., by Riviere (now Hunt- ington) ; £ 4 Huth (July 1918, n. 6758) half-mor. ; $19 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1394) calf. SHAKESPEARE (William). 1564-1616 The only full bibliography of Shakespeare, perhaps not minutely ac- curate, but on the whole remarkably satisfactory, is William Jaggard's SJiakespeare bibliography ( Stratford-on-Avon, 1911. 4°). Much briefer, but thoroughly reliable in detail, is Miss H. C. Bartlett's, Catalogue of the Exhibition of Shakespeareana held at the Nezv York Public Library, 1916 (New York, 1917. 8°). Copies of the First Folio have been Hsted by Sid- ney Lee in an appendix to his reprint (Oxford, 1902. Fol.) ; extant copies of Venus and Adonis, Lucrece, the Sonnets, etc., and likewise of Pericles have been catalogued by the same author in his introductions to the re- prints of these works (Oxford, 1905. 4°). Finally all known copies of the Quartos are registered by Henrietta C. Bartlett and Alfred W. Pollard, "A Census of Shakespeare's Plays in Quarto, ifjg4-i/op (Yale University Press, 1916. 4°). The following notes — which owe much to the above works and to the kind and direct assistance of Miss Bartlett — describe the rarer editions of 1 I SHAKESPEARE 493 Shakespeare in the foHowing order : first the Four Folios and other col- lected editions ; secondly the various poems ; thirdly (in alphabetical order) the Quarto editions of the genuine plays printed in the XVIth and XVIIth century; fourthly the Spurious plays; fifth and last, the very scarce anony- mous plays, the prototypes of several of Shakespeare's most celebrated dramas. THE FOUR FOLIOS [The First Folio]. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Orig- inall Copies, London, Printed by Isaac laggard and Bd. Blount, 1623. Fol. The title bears Droeshout's celebrated portrait of Shakespeare existing in two states^ the earlier known only by the Bodleian (Malone) and Folger (Halliwell) copies. The fly-leaf opposite the title, bears on the verso Ben Jonson's verses on the portrait. The order of the seven other preliminary leaves varies in individual copies. S'ee G. Watson Cole, The First Folio of Shakespeare, a further word re^ordin^ the correct arrangement of its preliminary leaves (New York, 1909. 8°). Halliwell Phillipps, Sir Sidney Lee and other l^bliographers have taken some pains to note variations, chiefly typographical, between extant copies of the First Folio, pointing to considerable editorial activity while the vol- ume was passing through the press. For instance, in two or three copies, page 278 of Hamlet contains over fifteen misprints, gradually corrected as further copies of that sheet were struck off. Three or four copies have at the top of page 333 of Othello the reading "and hell gnaws his bones." Lastly, the Burdett Coutts and Pierpont Morgan copies have preserved an earlier state of the first page of Troilus and Cressida, subsequently cancelled, with the end of Romeo and Juliet (and not the prologue to Troilus) on the recto of the leaf. » Although the First Folio is not an extremely scarce book (about 180 copies have been traced), nothing is scarcer than an absolutely perfect and clean copy. The fiy-leaf with the verses is in most cases missing and the title page with Droeshout's portrait is very seldom in really fine condition. As stated before, the extant copies are elaborately listed by Sir Sidney Lee in an appendix to his facsimile reprint of the Chatsworth (now Hunt- ington) copy. (See a supplement in The Library, VII, 1906, pp. 113- 139). The finest extant copies are apparently the Grenville, Burdett-Coutts and Carter-Brown copies. The largest set of copies in any single collection is undoubtedly the stately array of over thirty First Folios in the library of Mr. H. C. Folger. 494 SHAKESPEARE The following are the prices of a few celebrated copies in sales (all were complete unless otherwise stated). £716 Daniel (July 1864, n. 1416) russia (now Burdett Coutts). M i420 Ouvry (March 1882, n. 1345) mor. (now Lord Crawford). $4200 Brayton Ives (March 1891. n. 893) mor. (now W. A. White). £ 1700 Christie's, 11 July 1899, n. 309, old calf (now J. E. Widener). | £ 1720 Christie's, 16 July 1901, n. 132, mor. (now Huntington). ' £3600 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 191) mor., by Bedford (now H. E. Widener Library). $13,000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2978) old mor. (now H. C. Folger). $7800 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 661) mor., by Riviere, verses and title in facs., resold $8000 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1169) now Beverly Chew. i2100 Lord Vernon (June 1918, n. 460) mor., several leaves defective. A corrected proof of one page £115 Huth (July 1918, n. 6760); a series of leaves in duplicate showing typographical variations £ 80 Huth (July 1918, n. 6761). [The Second Folio]. Mr. William Shakespeares Come- dies, Histories and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Coppies [or Copies]. The second Impression. London, T. Cotes for R. Allot, 1632. Fol. The names of five different publishers (R. Allot, J. Smethwick, R. Hawkins, W. Aspley and R. Meighen) occur on the title-page; in addi- tion to this, copies with the Allot imprint sometimes read Coppies and sometimes Copies. We thus have six variations of the title-page. Copies with the Allot imprint are fairly common,, the others are all scarce. » Prices of the Second Folio in various sales : £148 Daniel (July 1864, n. 1417), resold £540 Orford (June 1895, n. 281), Allot imprint, orig. calf, very tall (now J. E. Widener). £350 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 726) Allot imprint, mor. (Jolley copy). £690 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 1273, Smethwick imprint, mor. (then M. J. Perry). £615 Sotheby's, 28 July 1902, n. 767, Smethwick imprint, calf. £ 850 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903. n. 1056, Hawkins imprint, old calf. $1350 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2979) Allot imprint, mor., by Riviere. $2950 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1073) Allot imprint, green mor., by Riviere (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Second Folio is a reprint of the First Folio. The only variations noted between individual copies are purely typographical, such as page- numbers, etc. In a few copies, leaf 5 is a cancel, reading on line 17 ypointed instead of ypointing (see Notes and Queries, VIII, 1913, pp. 141-142). [The Third Folio. First issue]. Mr. William Shakes- peare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Published ac- SHAKESPEARE 495 cording to the true Original Copies. The Third Impression. London, Printed for P. Chetzvind, 1663. Fol. Some copies have Droeshout's portrait on the title-page; in others the space has been left blank. The 1663 issue of the Third Folio is a volume of considerable scarcity : only two or three copies have appeared in recent sales. It does not contain the seven additional plays. [The Third Folio. Second issue]. Mr. William Shakes- pear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published ac- cording to the true Original Copies. The third Impression. And unto this Impression is added seven Playes, never before Printed in Folio, viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigall. The History of Thomas L"^ Cromwell. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A York-shire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. London, Printed for P. C, 1664. Fol. In this issue the portrait is on a leaf opposite the title and is placed above Ben Jonson's verses. This issue contains for the first time the seven additional plays. The Third Folio is scarcer than the Second and the Fourth : it has been often stated that part of the edition was destroyed in 1666 in the Fire of London. Prices of the Third Folio in recent sales : £755 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 727) both 1663 titles, mor., by Bedford (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). £510 Sotheby's, 8 May 1903, n. 410 (1663 issue), russia, 2 first leaves inlaid. £570 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 1058 (1664 issue) russia. £ 1550 Buckley (31 May 1907, n. 423), 1663 issue with portr., orig-. calf. $3200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2980), 1664 issue, mor., by C. Lewis (Daniel copy, now Beverly Chew). ' $2600 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 3030). 1664 issue, mor., by Mercier. $3000 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2894), 1664 issue, mor., by Bedford. $5900 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1075), 1664 issue, red mor., by Bedford (now W. A. Clark. Jr.). £2400 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 83), 1664 issue with 1663 title added, orig. calf (Farmer copy). [The Fourth Folio]. Mr. William Shakespear's Come- dies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, Seven Plays, Nev- er before Printed in Folio. . . The Fourth Edition. Lon- 496 SHAKESPEARE don, Printed for H. Herringman, B. Brezvster and R. Bentley, 1685. FoL Three variations of the imprint are known : 1. As given above, "for H. Herringman, E. Brewster and R. Bentley." 2. With a fourth name, "for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, R. Chis- well and R. Bentley." 3. "Printed for H. Herringman and are to be sold by J. Knight and F. Saunders." The first variation is the more common of the three (see the New York Evening Post, 14 Sept. 1907). Prices of notable copies of the Fourth Folio (the average price of a fairly good copy being about $500) : £ 118 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 728) mor. £ 142 Sotheby's, 15 Dec. 1902, n. 371, orig. calf. i215 Sotheby's, 8 Dec. 1903, n. 12 (Knight-Saunders imprint), calf, partly uncut (then M. J. Perry). $750 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2981) mor., by Bedford. $910 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 830) orie. calf. $780 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1076) old calf, Chiswell imprint ( now Pforz- heimer) . SUBSEQUENT EDITIONS The innumerable subsequent editions of Shakespeare are described in Jaggard's bibliography. A few of the more important from the collector's point of view are : Rowe's edition. London, J. Tonson, 1709-1710. 7 vols. 8°. $200-250 and more on large paper. Hanmer's edition. Oxford, Printed at the Theatre, 1743- 1744. 6 vols. 4°. $15-20 and more on large paper. Capell's edition. London, D. Leach for J. and R. T'onson, lyGy-iyG^. 10 vols. 8°. $15-20 and more on large paper. Steevens's final edition. London, Longman, etc., 1793. 15 vols. 8". $25-30 and more on large paper. — £ 38 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 506) uncut, presentation copy . Boydell's edition. London, Boy dell and Nicol, 1802. 9 vols. Folio. $40-50. SHAKESPEARE 497 Malone and Boswell's edition. London, F. C. and J. Riv- mgton, 1 82 1. 21 vols. 8°. $40-50. Halliwell's great edition. London, C. and J. Adlard, 1853- 1865. 16 vols. Folio. $350-400. Scholars will prefer the Cambridge edition (of which there are several issues, $15-20) and, as far as it is completed, H. H. Furness's monu- mental Variorum edition. The first edition printed in America bears the imprint Philadelphia, Bioren and Madan, 1795-1796. 8 vols. S*', — $265 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1097) orig. calf (now C. W. Clark). VENUS AND ADONIS I. Venus and Adonis. London, Imprinted by Richard Field, 1593. 4". Bodleian (Malone), the only copy known. II. London, Richard Field, 1594. 4°. Only four copies known: British Museum (Jolley-Grenville), Hol- ford, Bodleian (Caldecott) and Elizabethan Club, Yale (Daniel-Huth). A single leaf is at Stratford-on-Avon. III. [London (?), ab. 1595]. 8°. (Title and date unknown). Only known by an imperfect copy (wanting quire A) formerly in the Marsden J. Perry coll., now belonging to H. C. Folger. IV. London, R. F. for John Harison, 1596. 8°. Only two copies known: £315 Daniel (1864, n. 1455), now British Museum (the Bolland-Bright copy) ; Bodleian (Malone). V. London, for William Leake, i^gg. 8°. £ 15,100 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 85) the Lamport copy, no other known, bound with The Passionate Pilgrim (now Huntington). VI. London, for William Leake, 1599. 8**. The only copy known (wanting 1 leaf) is in the Burton volume of STiakespeareana, catalogued for sale at Sotheby's, 23 March 1920 and sold privately to a New York collector. — In spite of some variations, a copy (lacking the title) in the Bodleian (Malone coll.), is possibly of this edition. 498 SHAKESPEARE VII. London, for William Leake, 1602. 8°. Three copies known: British Museum (the Chauncey-Steevens-Bindley- Strettell-Daniel copy), Bodleian (Burton) and Lord Macclesfield. The Brit. Mus. copy has a comma instead of a colon on the title-page. A stray leaf is among the Bagford fragments. VIII. London, for W. B., 1617. 8°. Bodleian (Caldecott), unique. IX. London, for L P., 1620. 8". Capell coll., unique. X. Edinburgh, John Wreittoiin, 1627. 8°. Only two copies known : British Museum (Chalmers-Bright) and Hunt- ington (the Griswold copy, $3850 Hoe, Jan. 1912, II, n. 3040, old vel- lum, uncut). XL London, J. H. for Francis Coules, 1630. 8°. Bodleian (Wood), unique. XII. [London, ab. 1630-1635]. 8°. Bodleian (Malone), wanting title, but unique. XIII. London, Francis Coules, 1636. 8°. Only two copies known: British Museum (Hibbert) and Marsden J. Perry ($1150 Ives, March 1891, n. 1114), now H. C. Folger. XIV. London, E. Hodgkinsonne for F. Coles, etc., 1675. 8°. H. C. Folger (Nassau copy) ; W. A. White (Duff copy) ; $450 McKee (Dec. 1901, n. 3144) mor. LUCRECE I. Lucrece. London, Richard Field for John Harrison, 1 594. 4". Eleven copies are known, none in recent sales. — A fragment of 16 leaves $2950 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 84. II. London, P. S. for John Harrison, 1598. 8°. Capell, unique. III. London, /. H. for John Harison, 1600. 8°. Bodleian, two copies ; a third copy, possibly of an earlier issue, is in the Burton volume of Shakespearana (Sotheby's, 23 March 1920). SHAKESPEARE 499 IV. London, N. O. for John Harison, 1607. 8°. Two copies known: Huntington (Bridgewater) and Capell. V. London, T. S. for Roger Jackson, 1616. 8°. Four copies known : British Museum, Bodleian (Caldecott) , New York Public Library and Huntington (Ouvry-Rowfant copy). VI. London, I. B. for Roger Jackson, 1624. 8°. Six copies known, two in the British Museum, the others in America: $1925 McKee (Dec. 1901, n. 3142) mor. (now Huntington) ; £ 130 Sothe- by's, 18 Tune 1903, n. 574 (now H. C. Folger) ; Halliwell's copy (now H. C. Folger?); £350 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 206), Rowfant copy. VII. London, R. B. for John Harrison, 1632. 8°. Five copies known. VIII. London, J. G. for John Stafford and William Gil- bertson, 1655. 8°. Frontispiece by Faithorne. Over fifteen copies are known. — $5000 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 835) orig sheep (Steevens copy). SONNETS Shake-Speares Sonnets, never before imprinted. London, G. Eld for T. T. and are to he sold by William Aspley [or John Wright^, 1609. 4°. Twelve copies are known (four with the Aspley imprint, six with the Wright imprint and two lacking the title) : 1-2. Brit. Mus. ; 3-4. Bodleian ; 5. Capell coll. ; 6. Rylands Library (Farmer) ; 7-8. Huntington (Ellesmere and Steevens-Daniel-Griswold copies) ; 9. Elizabethan Club (Huth) ; 10. W. A. White (Corser) ; 11. £800 Mildmay (April 1907, n. 473) old mor., inlaid throughout; 12. $10,500 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1402), the Jolley-Utterson-Tite-Rowfant copy, with 2 leaves in facs. (now H. C. Folger). POEMS Poems written by Wil. Shake-speare Gent. Printed at Lon- don by Tho. Cotes and are to be sold by John Benson, 1640. 8°. Collation: 97 leaves: frontispiece by William Marshall (with Shakes- peare's portrait), 4 prel. leaves and 92 leaves signed A-L^ M*. Complete copies have two printed title pages, the second (which is leaf Al) not bearing the date. Upwards of fifty copies are known, but extremely few have the front- ispiece and both titles. 500 SHAKESPEARE £ 106 Turner (June 1888, n. 2427), resold $2700 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2928) mor., by C. Lewis, subsequently in the Bixby coll. (now Pforz- heimer) ; $2750 Allis (March 1912, n. 731) mor., by Riviere; i 330 Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 896, orig. calf, portrait shaved; $2950 Claw- soni and Wilson (Jan. 1917, n. 466) mor., by Bedford; $5010 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1074) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy) ; $4250 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1415) orig. calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). See also Kei^mscott Press. PASSIONATE PILGRIM L The Passionate Pilgrime. By W. Shakespeare. At London, Printed for W. laggard, and are to be sold by W. Leake, 1599. 16°. A pirated collection of poems, several of which are not by Shakespeare. Only three copies are known: 1. Capell coll.; 2. £ 15,100 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 85) bound with Venus and Adonis, 1599 (Lamport copy, now Huntington) ; 3. An imperfect copy, partly of a different edition from 1 and 2, is in the Burton volume of Shakespeareana, catalogued for sale at Sotheby's, 23 March 1920. IL No copy yet discovered. IIL The Passionate Pilgrime. . . . The third Edi- tion. Printed by W. laggard, 161 2. Only two copies are known: Bodleian (Malone) and H. C. Folger (Loveday). To the Malone copy has been added a different set-up of the title-page without the name of Shakespeare. QUARTO EDITIONS OF SEPARATE PLAYS HAMLET I. The Tragical! Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. London, for N. L. and John Trundell, 1603. Only two copies known: Brit. Mus., lacking title; Huntington (Devon- shire) lacking last leaf. IL London, L R. for N. L., 1604. Three copies are known: Huntington (Devonshire), Folger (Howe) and Elizabethan Club, Yale (Huth). III. London, L R. for N. L., 1605. Two copies known : Brit. Mus. and Capell collection. IV. London, for John Smethzvicke, 161 1. Over fifteen copies known. — £ 400 Howe (Dec. 1907, n. 2) half-mor. ; « SHAKESPEARE 501 $3150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2972) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson (now Huntington) ; i 290 Cope (March 1913, n. 185), resold $5900 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1404) mor. (now C. W. Clark); $1550 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 439) inlaid throughout (Devonshire copy, now Folger) . V. London, W. S. for John Smethwicke [ab. 1630]. Over fifteen copies known. — £ 180 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 482, unbound; i 105 Sotheby's, 1 Dec. 1910, n. 134, unbound; i 305 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 587) mor. VI. London, R. Young for John Smethwicke, 1637. Over twenty-five copies known. — £ 107 Hodgson's, 29 Nov. 1906, n. 96, unbound ; $150 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 2937) mor., by Riviere. VII-VIII. London, A. Clark for J. Martyn and H. Herringman, 1676. Two editions (of equal rarity) the imprint being respectively in four and five lines. IX. London, H. Herringman and R. Bentley, 1683. i8 Sotheby's, 25 May 1905, n. 643, mor.. by Riviere, resold i 20.10.0 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 745) now C. W. Clark; $75 Poor (Apr. 1909, n. 969) half-mor. X-XI. London, for H. Herringman and R. Bentley (or for R. Bentley alone), 1695. Two different imprints. XII. London, for R. Wellington and E. Rumball, 1703. There are numerous small variants between the extant copies. $36 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 638) mor., by Riviere; $25 Ottinger (Apr. 1916, n. 972) ; $25 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1419). HENRY IV, PART I 0. Four leaves of an otherwise unknown edition, discovered by Halliwell and now in the Folger collection. 1. The History of Henrie the fourth. London, P. S. for Andrew Wise, 1598. Only three copies known: Brit. Mus., Capell and Huntington (Devon- shire). 502 SHAKESPEARE II. London, S. S .for Andrezv Wise, 1599. About ten copies known. — $1900 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 428) last 7 leaves in facs. (Rowfant copy, now W. A. White). III. London, Valentine Simmes for Mathew Lazv, 1604. Only three copies known : Bodleian, Capell and Crichton-Stuart col- lection. IV. London, for Mathezv Lazv, 1608. Eight copies known. — £ 1000 Sotheby's, 28 July 1905, n. 381, boards, minor defects (then M. J. Perry). V. London, IV. W. for Mathezv Law, 161 3. Ten copies known. — $2500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2973) mor., by Ri- viere. VI. London, T. P. for Mathezv Lazv, 1622. Twelve copies known. VII. London, John Norton for William Sheares, 1632. Eleven copies known. VIII. London, John Norton for Hugh Perry, 1639. About twenty copies known. — £ 165 Vernon (June 1918, n. 470). IX. London, for R. W. and John Deeve, 1700. HENRY IV, PART II I. The Second Part of Henrie the fourth. London, V. S. for Andrezv Wise and William Aspley, 1600. First issue with 4 leaves in signature E. Ten copies known, II. The same, with 6 leaves in signature E. Nine copies known. — £ 1035 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 1182, mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now Huntington). HENRY V I. The Cronicle History of Henry the fift. London, Thomas Creede for Thomas Millington and John Busby, 1600. Six copies known. — $5000 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 432) mor., SHAKESPEARE 503 by Bedford, resold $5450 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1397), a fragment of 7 leaves (now H. C. Folger). II London, Thomas Creede for Thomas Pavicr, 1602. Only two copies known (Huntington and Capell coll.). III. London, for T. P., 1608 [Thomas Pavier, 1619]. Over thirty copies known. — $810 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2970) mor,, by Marius Michel; $700 Church (March 1916. n. 1118) mor., minor de- fects; £ 280 Vernon (June 1918 .n. 468) mor. (now C. W. Clark) ; $1750 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1400) red mor. This is part of a collected edition of nine quartos, published in 1619 by Pavier, and of which all copies except one (H. C. Folger coll.) have been broken up and bound separately. JULIUS CAESAR I. Julius Caesar. London, H. H. for H. Herringnian and others, 1684. £10.15.0 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 759) mor., by Riviere; $560 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 449), resold $880 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1417) mor. (now A. E. Newton coll.). II-V. Same imprint but midated. (Four distinct ed- itions, with variations). £7 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 292, mor.; £7.5.0 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 757) unbound; £ 10.15.0 same sale, n. 758, mor., by Riviere. VL London, for H. Herringman and R. Bentley, 1691. $210 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1418) mor. (now Huntington). KING LEAR I. . . . True Chronicle Historie of the Life and Death of King Lear and his three Daughters. London, for Nathaniel Butter ''at the signe of the Pide Bull," 1608. The rare "Pide Bull" edition, of which only twelve copies are known. — £250 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 481, unbound (now W. A. White). II. London, for Nathaniel Butter, 1608 [Thomas Pa- vier, 1619]. About thirty copies are known. — £395 Hussey (May 1906. n. 380) unbound; £300 Sotheby's, 14 Dec. 1906, n. 393, mor., Daniel copy; $660 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3035) mor., by David; $2800 Huntington (Apr. 504 SHAKESPEARE 1918, VIII, n. 438) mor., by C. Lewis (now C. W. Clark) ; £400 Vernon (June 1918, n. 466) mor., by Hayday. III. London, Jane Bell, 1655. Some fifteen copies known. — $700 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n, 446) mor. (now H. C. Folger). LOVE'S LABORS LOST I. A pleasant conceited Comedie called Loves Labors lost. London, W. W. for Cutbert Burhy, 1598. Twelve copies known. — $2700 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 427) mor. (Rowfant copy, now C. W. Clark). II. London, W. S. for John Smethwicke, 1631. Over twenty copies known. — i 82 Sotheby's, 28 July 1903, n. 492, mor., by Riviere; $700 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2976) mor., by Bedford; $1360 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1408) mor., by Riviere (now J. L. Clawson). MACBETH I. Macbeth, a Tragedy. London, for William Cademan, 1673. i25 Sotheby's, 15 March 1911, n. 526. calf. MERCHANT OF VENICE I. The most excellent Historic of the Merchant of Venice. London, /. R. for Thomas JJeyes, 1600. Seventeen copies known. — £ 510 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 478, unbound (now W. A. White) ; $3450 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 434) mor., by Hayday (now Pforzheimer). II. London, J. Roberts, 1600 [Thomas Pavier 1619]. Over twenty-five copies known. — £460 Hussey (May 1906, n. 377) unbound; i 290 Gott (March 1908, n. 238) mor., by C. Lewis; $800 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3032) mor.. by Mansell ; $3200 Huntin^on (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 433) mor., by Bedford (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; £310 Vernon (June 1918. n. 467) mor. III. London, M. P. for Laurence Hayes, 1637. Some twenty copies known. — £40 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, SHAKESPEARE 505 n. 479, unbound; £35.10.0 Sotheby's, 26 July 1907, n. 352, old calf; $275 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3038) mor., by Chambolle (now Folger) ; £ 130 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 302) unbound. IV. London, for William Leake, 1652. The same as the preceding with a new title. Fourteen copies known. — £ 200 Sotheby's, 28 July 1905, n. 379, boards (now Hunting-ton) ; i 72 Christie's, 5 Dec. 1906, n. 180, mor. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR I. A most pleasant and excellent conceited Comedie of Syr John FalstafTe and the Merrie Wives of Windsor. London, T. C. for Arthur Johnson, 1602. Five copies known. — $2350 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 436) wanting 1 leaf (now H. C. Folger). II. London, for Arthur Johnson, 1619. About thirty copies known. — i 295 Hussey (May 1906, n. 381), un- bound; £ 100 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 480, unbound; $825 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2893) mor., inlaid, by Riviere (now J. L. Claw- son) ; i440 Vernon (June 1918, n. 469) mor., by Hayday (now C. W. Clark); $1900 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1405) mor., by Bedford (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). III. London, T. JJ. for R. Meighen, 1630. Twelve copies known, none in recent sales. MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM I. A Midsummer Nights Dreame. London, for Thomas Fisher, 1600. Eight copies known, none in recent sales. II. London, James Roberts, 1600 [Thomas Pavier, 1619]. Over twenty-five copies known. — £ 480 Sotheby's, 6 Dec. 1905, n. 927, mor.; $2050 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2975) double mor., by Lortic; $2350 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 430) mor.. by Hayday (now C. W. Clark) ; $2850 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1399) mor., by Riviere (now J. L. Clawson). MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING I. Much adoe about Nothing. London, V. S. for Andrezv Wise and William Aspley, 1600. Sixteen copies known. — £ 1570 Sotheby's, 6 Dec. 1905, n. 926, double 506 SHAKESPEARE mor., by Lortic (now C. W. Clark) ; $10,100 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VII, n. 431) mor., by Murton, resold $11,900 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1398) now J. L. Clawson ; i 2200 Christie-Miller {Dec. 1919, n. 87) mor., by Bedford (now Pforzheimer) . OTHELLO I. The Tragedy of Othello the Moore of Venice. Lon- don, N. O. for Thomas Walkley, 1622. Fifteen copies known. — £ 104 Sotheby's, 28 July 1903, n. 497, un- bound, wanting 6 leaves (now H. C. Folger). II. London, A. M. for Richard Hazukins, 1630. Over twenty-ifive copies known. — £ 101 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 484, unbound, minor defects; i 85 Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1912, n. 39, unbound. III. London, William Leak, 1655. At least eighteen copies known. — i200 Sir Henry Irving (Dec. 1905, n. 373) mor., uncut, by De Coverly (then M. J. Perry). IV. London, W. Weak, etc., 1681. Over fifteen copies known. V. London, R. Bentley and S. Magnes, 1687. Some eig'ht or ten copies known. VI. London, R. Bentley, 1695. Over fifteen copies known. — $160 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3039) mor., by Bedford. VII. London, R. Wellington, 1705. Some fifteen copies on record. — £ 5.5.0 Wheatley (Apr. 1918, n. 760) mor., by Riviere. PERICLES I-II. The late and much admired Play called Pericles Prince of Tyre. London, for Henry Gosson, 1609. 4°. There are two editions under the same date with various differences ; they are commonly distinguished by the reading "Enter Gower" (1st edition) or "Eneer Gower" (2d edition) on A2 recto, line 3. Some fifteen copies known. III. London, S. S., 161 1. Only two copies known: Brit. Mus. (imperf.) and Marsden J. Perry (now H. C. Folger). IV. London, for T. P., 161 9. Some twenty-five copies known. — $1000 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, SHAKESPEARE 507 11. 441), resold $1260 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1407) mor. (now C. W. Clark). The signatures continue those of the Whole Contention, published the same year. V. London, I. N. for R. B., 1630. There are two issues, one without the publisher's address on the title- page. At least sixteen copies are known. VI. London, Thomas Cotes, 1635. About twenty copies are known. — $525 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2977) mor., by David, resold $510 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 579) ; £ 162 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 588) mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; £ 138 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 301) unbound (now Pforzheimer). RICHARD II I. The Tragedie of King Richard the second. London, Valentine Simmes for Androw Wise, 1597. Only three copies known: Brit. Mus. (Huth), Capell and Hunting- ton (Devonshire). II. London, Valentine Simmes for Andrezv Wise, 1598. Eight copies known, none in recent sales. III. Same imprint, but entirely reset. Only one copy known, discovered by Miss Bartlett in the W. A. White coll. IV. London, W. W. for Mat hew Law, 1608. Nine copies known. — £ 250 Sotheby's, 28 July 1905, n. 380, wanting 2 leaves (then M. J. Perry). The Bodleian copy is of a later issue, the title being reprinted with additions. V. London, for Mathezv Lazv, 161 5. Thirteen copies known. — $1810 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2974) mor., by Riviere (now J. L. Clawson). VI. London, John Norton, 1634. Some twenty copies known. — £ 56 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 882 ; £ 29 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 476, unbound; $710 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1412) mor., by Riviere (now C. W. Clark). The Crichton-Stuart copy shows variations in the first page. 508 SHAKESPEARE RICHARD III I. The Tragedy of King Richard the third. London, Val- entine Sims for Andrew Wise, 1597. Only five copies known, none in recent sales. II. London, Thomas Creede for Andrew Wise, 1598. Seven copies known, none in recent sales. III. London, Thomas Creede for Andrew Wise, 1602. Only four copies known: Brit. Mus., Capell, Huntin^on (Devonshire) and a copy wanting 3 leaves sold for £ 82 Drake (July 1901, n. 500) bound with other plays. IV. London, Thomas Creede for Mathew Lazve, 1605. Only six copies known. — £ 1750 Sotheby's, 10 July 1905, n. 1004, boards (then Marsden J. Perry). V. London, TJiomas Creede for Mathew Lawe, 161 2. Eleven copies known, none in recent sales. VI. London, Thomas Purfoot for Mathew Lazv, 1622. Six copies known. — $270 Ives (March 1891, n. 892) mor. VII. London, John Norton, for Mathezv Lazv, 1629. About fifteen copies known. — i 111 Sotheby's, 28 July 1903, n. 491, unbound (now W. A. White); i 80 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 477, unbound; $300 Hermann (March 1909, n. 514) mor., by Riviere. VIII. London, John Norton, 1634. Some seventeen copies known, none in recent sales. ROMEO AND JULIET I. An excellent conceited Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. London, John Danter, 1597. Five copies known. — £ 830 Vernon (June 1918, n. 464) mor., title and prologue in facs., other leaves mended and completed. II. London, Thomas Creede for Cuthhert Burby, 1599- Twelve copies known. — $350 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 429) mor., by Bedford, wanting 6 first leaves (now J. D. Batchelder). III. London, for John Smethzvick, 1609. Six copies known. — £ 520 Cope (March 1913, n. 184) mor. (now H. C. Folger). SHAKESPEARE 509 IV. London, for JoJin Smethwick [ab. 1630]. Two issues exist, one without Shakespeare's name on the title. Eleven copies known, none in recent sales. V. London, R. Young for John Smethwicke, 1637. Some twenty-five copies known. — £ 120 Sotheby's, 25 May 1905, n. 640, resold £30 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 204) mor., by Riviere; $900 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1414) mor., by Riviere (now C. W. Clark) ; £ 200 Sotheby's, 8 Apr. 1919, n. 638, old half-calf. TAMING OF THE SHREW I. A wittie and pleasant Comedie called the Taming of the Shrew. London, W. S. for John Smethwicke, 1631. Over twenty copies known, — £ 51 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 202) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy). TITUS ANDRONICUS I. The most lamentable Romaine Tragedie of Titus An- dronicus. London, John Danter for Bdzvard White and Thom- as Millington, 1594. The only known copy of this long-lost edition was discovered at Lund in Sweden, in 1904, and immediately purchased for £ 2000 by H. C. Fol- ger. II. London, I. R. for Edward White, 1600. Only two copies known: Edinburgh University and Huntington (Bridgewater). « III. London, for Bdzvard White, 161 1. Some fifteen copies known. — £ 620 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 1506, partly uncut; £155 Cope (March 1913, n. 186) mor., by Riviere; $3750 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1403) mor., by Riviere. TROILUS AND CRESSIDA I. The Historie of Troylus and Cresseida. London, G. Eld for R. Bqnian and JJ. W alley, 1609. Four copies known: Brit. Mus., Holford, Huntington (Devonshire) and Elizabethan Club (Huth). 510 SHAKESPEARE I, second issue. The famous Historic of Troylus and Cres- seid. London, G. Eld forR. Bonian and H. IValley, 1609. With the prologue, not in the first issue. Eleven copies known. — $7300 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2892) mor., by Bedford; $13,400 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1401) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant-Church copy, now H. C. Folger). SPURIOUS PLAYS It has been thought advisable to list here the following plays commonly added by collectors to the genuine Shakespeare Quartos. The real au- thorship is in most cases unknown. The lamentable and true Tragedie of M. Arden of Fever- sham in Kent. London, for Edward White, 1^92. Only three copies known: Bodleian, Dyce coll. and Huntington (this last. Lord Mostyn's copy, bought for £ 1210 at Sotheby's, 31 May 1907, n. 485, unbound, was afterwards in the Marsden J. Perry coll.). London, J. Roberts for Edzvarde White, 1599. Only two copies known, both in the Huntington coll. (Devons'hire and Bridgewater) . London, Elis. Allde, 1633. Some sixteen copies known. — ^ i 53 Derby (June 1904, n. 162) un- bound ; $275 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 96) mor., by Bedford; $1550 Hunt- ington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 444), resold $1750 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1411) mor., by Leighton (now J. L. Clawson). The Birth of Merlin . . . written by WiUiam Shakes- pear and William Rowley. London, T. Johnson for Pr. Kirk- man and H. Marsh, 1662. Doubtless by Rowley alone. $490 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 3041), resold $830 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 447) and $690 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n.^1416) mor., by Lortic; £132 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 303) unbound (now W. A. White). The Raigne of King Edward the third. London, for Cuth- bert Burby, 1 596. Some five or six copies known. — £ 420 Sotheby's, 19 June 1914, n. 113, cropped, half-calf. London, Simon Stafford for Cnthbert Bnrby, 1599. Some ten copies known. — £85 Bools (June 1903, n. 511) mor., slightly mended. i:i 1 SHAKESPEARE 51 A pleasant Comedie of Faire Em. London, for T. N. and L VV. [ab. 1610?]. Bodleian, the only copy known. London, for John Wright, 1631. $225 Ives (March 1891, n. 907), resold $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1274) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $650 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 443) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $960 H V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1410) mor., by Bedford (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The lamentable Tragedie of Locrine. By W. S. London, Thomas Creede, 1595. Reprinted in the Third Folio. £120 Howe (Dec. 1907, n. 31) half-mor. ; $7600 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 426), resold $7900 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1396) mor. (now J. L. Clawson). The London Prodigal!. By W^illiam Shakespeare. Lon- don, T. C. for Nathaniel Butter, 1605. Reprinted in the Third Folio. £51 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 487, unbound. The true Chronicle Historie of the whole Life and Death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. Written by W. S. London, for William Jones, 1602. Reprinted in the Third Folio. £222 Howe (D«c. 1907, n. 29) half-mor. London, Thomas Snodham, 161 3. £ 16.10.0 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 488, unbound ; £ 10 Cope (March 1913, n. 187) headhnes cut. The Merry Devill of Edmonton. London, Henry Ballard for Arthur Johnson, 1608. Only four copies known: Capell, Huntington (Devonshire), W. A. White (F. Perkins) and £300 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 585) unbound (then M. J. Perry). London, Thomas Crede for Arthur Johnson, 1612. Only two copies known : St. John's College, Oxford, and £ 565 Huth (July 1916, n. 4942) half-mor., (now Huntington). London, G. Bid for ArtJiur Johnson, 161 7. £69 Sotheby's, 7 Dec. 1904, n. 911, mor. 512 SHAKESPEARE London, A. M. for Francis Palkner, 1626. $156 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2515) hal'f-russia. London, T. P. for Francis Palkner, 1631. i41 Sotheby's, 5 May 1890, n. 237, mor. ; $975 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1409) calf (Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson). London, for William Gilbertson, 1655. Brit. Mus., etc. A most pleasant Comedie of Mucedorus. London, for Wil- liam Jones, 1598. Only three copies known: Brit. Mus., Folger, and Huntington (Dev- onshire). London, for William Jones, 1606. Dyce coll. London, for William Jones, 1610. £400 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 248) unbound (now Huntington). London, for William Jones, 161 1. Bodl. ; Huntington (Rowf ant copy). London, for William Jones, 1613. Brit. Mus. ; Boston. London, N. O. for William Jones, 161 5. Brit. Mus.; £80 Fountaine (June 1902, n. 608) unbound (then Perry, now Huntington). London, for John Wright, 161 8. Only one copy known: £205 Huth (July 1916, n. 5169) half-russia (now Huntington). London, for John Wright, 1619. Brit. Mus. ; Huntington (Devonshire) ; £85 Cope (March 1913, n. 188) mor. London, for John Wright, 1621. Dantzig Library, the only copy known. London, for JoJin Wright, 1626. Dyce coll.; Huntington (from Marsden J. Perry). London, for John Wright, 1631. Brit. Mus. SHAKESPEARE 513 [London, betw. 1631 and 1634]. Capell (wanting title) the only copy known. London, for John Wright, 1634. Brit. Mus. (Roxburghe copy). London, for John Wright, 1639. Capell, J. P. Morgan, etc. London, for Francis Coles, 1663. Bodl., etc. London, B. O. for Francis Coles, 1668. Brit. Mus., etc. London, for Francis Coles [ab. 1660- 1670]. Brit. Mus. ; Capell coll. The first Part of the true and honorable History of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle. London, V. S. for Thomas Pavier, 1600. Reprinted in the Third Folio. Now known to be by Drayton, Hath- away, Munday and Wilson. Very scarce. Bodl.; J. L. Clawson; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; £620 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 90) mor. (Fr. Perkins copy). London, for T. P., 1600 [1619]. 4*'. $350 Lefferts (Apr. 1902, n. 1206) mor.; $200 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3033) mor., by Chambolle ; i 220 Vernon (June 1918, n. 465) mor.; $1800 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1420) half-mor. (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; £200 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 300) unbound. The Puritaine or the Widdow of W^atling-streete. Written by W. S. London, G. Bid, 1607. » Reprinted in the Third Folio. $710 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3034) mor., by Bedford, minor defects; $450 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2891) mor., by Bedford, uncut, last leaf in facs. The Two Noble Kinsmen, by John Fletcher and W. Shakes- peare. London, Tho. Cotes for John Waterson, 1634. £33 Sotheby's [Mostyn]. 31 May 1907. n. 491 unl>ound (now T. J. Wise) ; £62 Howe (Dec. 1907, n. 34) half-mor.; $410 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 1335) mor., by David; £47 Huth (June 1913, n. 2947) mor.; $600 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 445) calf (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $835 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1413) mor., by Bedford. 514 SHAKESPEARE A Yorkshire Tragedy, by W. Shakespeare. for Thomas Pavier, 1608. Reprinted in the Third' FoHo. Very scarce (Brit. Mus., etc.). London, for T. P., 1619. London, R. B. $525 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3037) nior., by Cuzin; $700 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 440) calf ( Bridgewater copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $825 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1406) mor., by Riviere; £ 130 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 299) unbound (now Pforzheimer) . SOURCE PLAYS The following anonymous plays, largely drawn upon by Shakespeare, may be with advantage added to the quarto editions of his genuine drama- tic productions; except the Whole Contention, all are of the greatest scarcity : The Troublesome Raigne of John King of England [parts I-II]. London, for Sampson Clarke, 1591. 2 parts in i vol. The source of Shakespeare's King John. Two copies known: Capell coll. and £510 Sotheby's, 25 Apr. 1899, n. 471, various defects (then Marsden J. Perry, now Huntington). The first and second Part of the troublesome Raigne of John King of England, by W. Sh. London, Valentine Simmes for John Helme, 161 1. $2075 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2971) mor., by Riviere. by W. Shakespeare. London, Aug. Mathewes for Thomas Dewe, 1622. $375 Hermann (March 1909, n. 513) mor., by Riviere; £170 Huth (July 1914, IV, n. 4031) vellum. The true Tragedie of Richard the third. London, Thomas Creede for William Barley, 1 594. Drawn upon for Shakespeare's Richard III. Only two copies known: 1. £2000 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 89) mor. (Fr. Perkins copy, now Pforzheimer) ; 2. Huntington wanting first two leaves (Rhodes-Dent-Devonshire copy). SHAKESPEARE 515 A pleasant conceited Historic called the Taming of a Shrew. London, Peter Short for Cutbert Bnrbie, 1594. Huntington coll., the Inglis-Heber copy, no other known. London, P. S. for Cnthbert Bnrbie, 1596. Brit. Mus. ; Huntington (Bridgewater), London, V. S. for Nicholas Ling, 1607. Bodleian; Huntington (Devonshire); $1825 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 437) calf (Bridgewater copy, now H. C. Folger). The first Part of the Contention betwixt the two famous Houses of York and Lancaster. London, Thomas Creede for Thomas Millington, 1 594. The earliest form of Henry VI, part II. Bodleian; the only other known copy i 1910 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 474, unbound, then Marsden J. Perry (now Folger). London, Valentine Simmes for Thomas Millington, i6oo. 4°. Only three or four copies known. London, W. W. for Thomas Millington, i6oo. 4°. Greg quotes no available copy, and it is doubtful whether this edition exists. The True Tragedy of Richarde Duke of York. London,, P. S. for Thomas Millington, 1595. 4". The earliest form of Henry VI, part III. Bodleian. London, W. W. for Thomas Millington, 1600. 4°. $2050 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 435) mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; £385 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 586) mor. The Whole Contention betweene the two famous Houses Lancaster and Yorke, by William Shakespeare. London, for T. P. [1619]. The early form of Henry VI, parts II and HI. $710 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3036) mor., inlaid, by The Club Bindery; $635 Church (M,arch 1916, n. 1119) mor. The true Chronicle History of King Leir. London, Simon Stafford for John Wright, 1605. Only five or six copies known. — i 480 Sotheby's, 5 July 1905, n. 227, 516 * SHAKESPEARE mor., by Pratt, title in facs. (then Marsden J. Perry) ; £ 2470 Huth (July 1914, IV, n. 4289) mor.; £ 1950 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 298) unbound. The famous Victories of Henry the fifth. London, Thom- as Creede, 1598. Drawn upon for Henry IV and Henry V. , Bodleian; Huntington (Devonshire). London, Barnard Alsop (or Barnard Alsop, for Tyni- othie Barlow), 161 7. Both issues are in the British Museum. il97 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 685, mor.; £360 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 183) unbound (now W. A. White). SHARPE (Lewis) The Noble Stranger [a play]. London, J. O. for James Beckcf, 1640. 4°. $27.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 2990) calf (Perkins copy) ; $25 Ander- son's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 818, mor.; £ 10 Huth (July 1918, n. 6769) half- mor. SHARPHAM (Edward) Cupid's Whirligig [a play]. London, B. Allde for A. John- son, 1607. 4°. £ 74 Huth (July 1918. n. 6770) mor.. by Riviere; £ 139 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 304) unbound ; $950 Henkels', 26 June 1919, n. 140, with a forged signature of Shakespeare on the title-page. The Fleire [a play]. London, P. B., 1607. 4^ Three copies known: Brit. Mus. ; Huntington (Devonshire); $465 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 752) calf (Bridgewater copy). The second edition (London, for N. Butter, 1610. 4") $230 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 2991) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). 1792-1822 The rarer' editions of Shelley are the joy and despair of the collector: to own them all is a glorious and unattainable dream. The best guide to their knowledge is H. Buxton Forman, TJic Shelley Library, an essay in hihliography (London. Shelley Society, 1886. 8°) to which should be added the Hand-list of nianuscripts, letters, printed books and personal relies of Percy Bysshe Shelley and his eirele, exhibited in the Guildhall Library (London^ Blades. 1893. 12°). i SHELLEY ' 517 Zastrozzi, a Romance. By P. B. S. London, prinied for G. Wilkie and J. Robinson, 1810. 12°. Extremely scarce in oris;', blue boards with label (T. J. Wise coll.). i 150 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 738) calf, uncut, by Bedford (now Pforz- heimer) ; $550 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2912) mor., uncut (now Hunting- ton) ; $270 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 878) mor., uncut (Rowfant copy). Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire. Worthing, C. and W. Phillips for the Authors and sold by /. /. Stockdale and all other booksellers. 1810. 8°. 64 pp. Since 1860 this book had been vainly sought for by collectors and bibliographers, when a copy at last turned up in 1898 among the Hussey books, and was purchased by T. J. Wise ; since then two other copies have been discovered and both have been obtained by the same collector, one privately, the other at the A. F. Nichols sale (30 Oct. 1903, n. 628: i600, half-russia) ; the Nichols copy is now in the Huntington coll. (from Halsey) ; the Hussey copy is in the Wrenn Library ; the third copy, un- cut, is still in the T. J. Wise coll. Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, being Poems found amongst the Papers of that noted Female who attempted the Life of the King in 1786. Edited by John Fitz- victor. Oxford, printed and sold by J. Miinday, 181 o. 4°. 29 pp. Only five copies have been traced: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Victoria and Al- bert Museum (Forster coll.) ; 3. Huntington (the Stainforth-Gardyne- Locker-Halsey copy) wanting the half-title; 4. $6750 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 630) (the Hogg copy, now Pforzheimer) ; 5. T. J. Wise the only uncut copy. There is a facsimile reprint on thick paper, by R. H. Shepherd. St. Irvyne, or the Rosicrucian, a Romance, by a Gentleman of the University of Oxford. London, printed for J. and J. Stockdale, 181 1. 12°. In orig. drab boards $120-150. — $340 McKee (May 1902. n. 5433) boards, uncut; $330 Lapham (Dec. 1908. n. 1188) mor.. by Riviere, un- cut; £200 Sotheby's. 22 July 1908, n. 217, uncut, presentation copy to Shelley's uncle; $110 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV. n. 2913) mor., uncut; $190 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 879) mor., by Riviere (Rowfant copy). An Essay on Love. [Horsham, about 1811 ?]. No copy is now known of this Essay, which Shelley mentions in a letter dated 16 January 1812. 518 SHELLEY Leonora. [Abingdon, King, about 1811?]. This novel was almost completely set up in type, but not a single copy, proof sheet or manuscript has yet been traced. But was it by Shelley or by Hogg? The Necessity of Atheism. IVorfJiing, printed by B. and W. Phillips, sold in London and Oxford [181 1]. 8°. 16 pp. The celebrated tract which led to Shelley's expulsion from Oxford. It was carefully destroyed at the time and only three copies' are in exist- ence, one (from the Hookham collection and the Shelley family) now in the Bodleian (wanting half-title) ; the second perfect, given by Shelley to John Rose, and now in the T. J. Wise coll. ; the third, from the Shelley family, sold for £ 630 Sotheby's, 22 July 1918, n. 755, and now belonging to J. A. Spoor. A poetical Essay on the existing State of Thingc, by a Gen- tleman of the University of Oxford, for assisting to maintain in Prison Mr. Peter Finnerty imprisoned for a Libel. London, sold by B. Crosby and Co., 181 1. This pamphlet is only known by contemporary mentions and an adver- tisement in The Oxford Herald, 9 March 1811. But was it not the same as the Posthiunous Fragments'^ Poem on a F*ete at Carlton House. 1811; A poem of about 50 lines no copy of which is now extant. Lines addressed to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on his being appointed Regent, by Philopatria J.un. London printed [by Hamelin and Seyfang] for Sherzvood, Neely and Jones, 181 1. 8''. 22 pp. A copy of this rare anonymous pamphlet belonged to Buxton Forman who at one time considered it to be possibly by Shelley and thought it could be identified with a satirical poem to which Shelley makes several allusions; $2350 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 632) now Huntington. An Address to the Irish People. Dublin, 181 2. 8°. Title and 22 pp. Copies afe in the Brit. Mus., the Bodleian, H. E. Widener Library (G. C. Thomas copy) and the collections of T. J. Wise (given by Shelley to Jane Clairmont), J. L. Clawson and C. Pforzheimer; $710 McKee (May 1902, n. 5434) sewn, uncut (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; £ 114 Sothe- by's, 1 May 1911, n. 411. uncut; £ 140 Arthur (July 1914, n. 612) mor. (from Carrick House Library) ; $510 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 846) old • SHELLEY 519 black mor. ; i220 Sotheby's, 22 July 1918, n. 755, unbound, uncut, auto- graph corrections (from the Shelley family, now C. W. Clark) ; $1100 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 634) unbound, uncut. Proposals for an Association of those Philanthropists who convinced of the inadequacy of the moral and poHtical State of Ireland to produce Benefits which are nevertheless attainable, are wilHng to unite to accomplish its Regeneration. Dublin, printed by I. Eton. [1812]. 8°. Title and 18 pp. Only two copies are known : the first, which belonged to Sir Francis Freeling and Lord Carlingford and was sold for £ 530 at Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 684; bought by the late F. R. Halsey, it is now in the Hunt- ington coll. ; the second is in the Bodleian. Declaration of Rights [Dubhn, 1812]. A folio broadside. Only three copies appear to be known, two in the Public Record Office at London, and one attached to the Halsey copy of the Proposals for an Association described above. A fourth copy is stated by Lowndes to have been seen bound with a copy of Queen Mab. The Devil's Walk, a Ballad. 1812. A folio broadside. The only copy known is in the Public Record Office, at London. A Letter to Lord Ellenborough, occasioned by the Sentence which he passed on Mr. D. L Eaton, as Publisher of the third Part of Paine's Age of Reason. A^. p., n. d. 8°. Title and 23 PP- The Hookham copy belonged to the Shelley family and is now in the Bodleian; no other has yet been found. Queen Mab, a philosophical Poem, with Notes. London, printed by P. B. Shelley, 1813. 8°. The title, dedication and imprint were removed by Shelley from, a num- ber of copies. In orig. boards $500-600. — $190 Ives (March 1891. n. 912) presenta- tion copy to Mary Godwin, boards, resold $615 Frederickson (May 1897, n. 1561); £25.5.0 Sotheby's, 28 Febr. 1900. n. 1357, wanting title and last leaf, presentation copy to Leigh Hunt ; £ 166 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 820. boards; £168 Slater (Febr. 1906, n. Ill) boards; $875 Hermann (March 1909, n. 521) boards, presentation copy; $320 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 880) mor., by Riviere (Rowfant copy); £116 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 273) mor., uncut; $660 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1127) mor.. uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Pforzheimer) ; $6000 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 635) with numerous autograph corrections by Shelley; $2750 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1187) boards, presentation copy. 520 SHELLEY A Vindication of Natural Diet, being one of a Series of Notes to Queen Mab, a philosophical Poem. London, Smith and Davy, for J. Callow, 1813. 12*'. 2 leaves and 43 pp., wrapper. Only three copies were known to Buxton Fomian: seven or eight are now on record: 1. Brit. Mus. (imperfect) ; 2. T. J. Wise (uncut in wrap- per) ; 3. $1000 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 638A) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; 4. Pierpont Morgan Library; 5. H. E. Widener Li- brary (Leicester Warren copy) ; 6. Huntington (bought in 1901 by Hal- sey) ; 7. £83 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 693, unbound (now J. A. Spoor). A Refutation of Deism, in a Dialogue. London, printed by Schulze and Dean, 1814. 8°. 4 leaves, loi pp. Only five copies can now be traced: 1. Brit. Mus., bought in 1874; 2. T. J. Wise coll., with autograph corrections ; 3. Pierpont Morgan Library (Garnett copy) ; 4. Huntington (Halsey copy) the uncut copy sold for £33 at Sotheby's, 13 May 1892. n. 290; 5. $3450 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 466) the copy given by Shelley to "Mary" (Godwin?) picked up at Dublin by Prof. Dowden (now J. A. Spoor). Mr. T. J. Wise informs me that the above five copies are not identical and belong to two distinct issues, the earliest having a half-title and no printed erratum, the second having a list of errata and no half-title. Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude and other Poems. Lon- don, Baldwin, Cradock, etc., 1816. 8°. 4 leaves, loi pp. In orig. brown boards, with label $200-250. — £23 Sotheby's, 17 Dec. 1898, n. 889, orig. boards, presentation copy to Leigh Hunt ; $500 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 479) boards, presentation copy to the Critical Review; $340 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1128) mor. (Appleton copy). A Proposal for putting Reform to the Vote throughout the Kingdom, by the Hermit of Marlow. London, C. and J. Oilier, 1817. 8°. Title and 13 pp. £21 Sotheby's. 18 June 1896. n. 405, sewn; $625 McKee (May 1902, n. 5438) sewn; £132 Kelsall (23 July 1906, n. 318) sewn; $300 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 636) unbound (now Pforzheimer). The original manuscript, £390 Samuel (July 1907, n. 139). History of a six Weeks' Tour through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland. London, T. Hookham and C. and J. Oilier, 181 7. 12°. By Shelley's wife, but revised by him. In orig. drab boards with label $20-30. SHELLEY 521 We pity the Plumage but forget the dying Bird. An Ad- dress to the People, on the Death of the Princess Charlotte, by the Hermit of Marlow. [London, 1817. 8°]. Only 20 copies were printed of this Address and not one has yet been discovered. Collectors are compelled to be satisfied with a reprint issued in 1843 by Rodd from tbe lost original; this reprint sells for $10-15. Laon and Cythna or the Revolution of the Golden City, a Vision of the Nineteenth Century in the Stanza of Spenser. London, Sherzvood, Neely, etc., 1818. 8°. Buxton Forman's copy and a few others contain after p. xxxii a fly-title with a quotation from Pindar. The leaf of Errata is often missing. In orig. boards with label $200-250. — £62 Nichols (Oct. 1903, n. 629) half-calf, uncut, presentation copy to Hookham ; $360 Allis (March 1912, n. 718) boards; £78 Arthur (July 1914, n. 618) mor. ; $270 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 884), calf, uncut, by Bedford (Hibbert copy, now Pforz- heimer) ; $490 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 885) mor., autograph added. The sheets of Laon and Cythna, were withdrawn shortly after publica- tion and reissued with 26 cancel leaves and a fresh title : The Revolt of Is- lam, a Poem in tivelve Cantos. London, C. and J. Oilier, 1818 [a few copies are dated by error 1817]. Buxton Forman owned the actual printed copy of Laon and Cynthia used by Shelley in remodelling the poem ($1700 his sale, March 1920, n. 640) . The "Revolt of Islam" in orig. drab boards with label brings $40-50, but a presentation copy fetched $380 French (Apr. 1901, n. 1455) and a copy dated 1817 sold for $660 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1446) mor.; another, with the same date. $950 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 638) orig. boards (now Pforzheimer). Rosalind and Helen, a modern Eclogue with other Poems. London, C. and J. Oilier, 1819. 8°. Wrapper and label. In orig. wrapper with label $80-100. — $90 French (Apr. 1901. n. 1459) wrapper; $135 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 115) mor., by De Sautv ; $'80 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 887) wrapper; $190 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 88) mor., pre- sentation copy to Charles Lloyd from the publishers. The Cenci, a Tragedy in five Acts. Italy, for C. and J. Oilier, London, 181 9. 8*^. In orig. blue boards with label $200 and more. — £70 Gray ( March 1907, n. 524) boards; £78 Arthur (luly 1914, n. 614) mor., by Cobden- Sanderson; $170 Ives (Apr. 1915, n.' 888) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy) ; $180 Barrow (Apr. 1916, n. 463) mor., by Miss Prideaux ; $235 Hagen (;May 1918, n. 1131) half-mor., uncut (McKee copy) ; $300 Bux- ton Forman (March 1920, n. 641) mor., by De Coverly. 522 SHELLEY Prometheus unbound, a lyrical Drama in four Acts, with other Poems. London, C. and J. Oilier, 1820. 8°. In orig. blue boards with label $60-80 and more. — i 43.10.0 Sotheby's 1 July 1901, n. 41, boards (now T. J. Wise) ; £ 101 Sotheby's, 7 Dec. 1904, n. 639, presentation copy; $135 Hermann (March 1909, n. 524) boards; $85 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 890) mor., uncut; $86 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1133) mor., uncut (now Pforzheimer). In nearly all copies the third leaf (Contents) is a cancel, the leaf hav- ing been replaced on account of a misprint (misellaneous for miscella- neous). Oedipus Tyrannus or Swellfoot the Tyrant, a Tragedy in two acts, translated from the original. London, J. Johnston, 1820. 8^ 39 pp. Withdrawn from publication and the whole edition destroyed. Only seven copies are now known to have escaped destruction. 1. Brit. Mus.; 2. Dyce coll. ; 3. $6100 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 643) sewn (now Pforzheimer) ; 4. T. J. Wise (Trelawny Coll copy) ; 5. Huntington (Locker-Halsey copy) ; 6. Bodl.; 7. £ 130 Crampon (June 1896, n. 365) mor. Epipsychidion, Verses addressed to the noble and unfor- tunate Lady Emilia V — now imprisoned in the Convent of — . London, C. and J. Oilier, 1821. 8^ 31 pp. With half-title $400-500. — $500 Hermann (March 1909, n. 525) sewn, autograph on title; £ 106 Arthur (July 1914, n. 615) mor., uncut; $290 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2922) mor., by Riviere (now H. E. Wide- ner Library) ; $270 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 681) mor., uncut, by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $500 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 892) mor., by Riviere, re- sold $416 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 709) ; $1100 Buxton Forman (March 1920, h. 645) sewn. Adonais, an Elegy on the Death of John Keats. Pisa, with the types of Didot, 1821. 4^ 25 pp. In orig. blue printed wrapper $800-1000. — £270 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 747) mor., by Riviere, presentation copy; $2125 McKee (May 1902» n. 5445) mor., by Riviere, with wrapper, presentation copy to Leigh Hunt ; £ 195 Sotheby's, 28 July 1903, n. 459. wrapper; £92, Sotheby's, 15 March 1907, n. 425, half-mor., uncut ; £ 165 Puttick's, 13 Apr. 1908, n. 510, wrap- per; $1525 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2921) wrapper (now H. E. Widener Library) ; $1200 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 680) mor., by Riviere, presenta- tion copy to Sir C. Hyde (now Huntington) ; £ 150 Sotheby's, 5 March 1913, n. 593, wrapper; £299 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 274) mor., wrapper preserved; $1250 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1134) mor.; £195 Pittar (July 1918, n. 1165) orig. mor., with a drawing for a projected frontispiece;, $1366 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1447) mor., uncut, by Wood. SHELLEY 523 Hellas, a lyrical Drama. London, C. and J. Oilier, 1822. 8°. The half-title is frequently missing. In orig. wrapper with label $80-100. — $115 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 682) mor., uncut, by Riviere, resold $180 American Art Association, 7 Jan. 1916, n. 271 ; £ 52 Arthur (July 1914, n. 617) mor., uncut; $95 Rob- inson (Apr. 1918, n. 848) mor., by Bedford. Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. London, /. and H. L. Hunt, 1824. 8". In orig. drab boards with label $30-40. — i 12.10.0 Sotheby's, 1 July 1901, n. 640, boards; $75 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1199) mor., by Zaehns- dorf ; $60 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 683) mor., uncut, by Riviere. The Masque of Anarchy, a Poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, now first published with a Preface by Leigh Hunt. London, B. Moxon, 1832. 8^ In orig. drab boards or green cloth with label $20-25. — $90 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 684) mor., uncut, by Riviere. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. ; the corrected proofs $350 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 658). The Shelley Papers, Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley by T. Medwin Esq., and Original Poems and Papers by Percy Byssse Shelley, now first collected. London, WJiittaker, Teach- er and Co., 1833. 18°. In orig. boards with label $5-6. Essays, Letters from abroad, Translations and Fragments by Percy Bysshe Shelley, edited by Mrs. Shelley. London, B. Moxon, 1840. 2 vols. 8°. $15 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2933) mor., uncut. Relics of Shelley edited by Richard Garnett. London, B. Moxon, 1862. 8°. $5-6. See also Kelmscott Pre;ss. SHEPHARD (Thomas). 1604-1649. See Eliot SHERATON (Thomas). 1751-1806 The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book. Lon- don, 1 793- 1 794. 4°. (Also 2d ed. 1794, 3d ed. 1802). 524 SHERATON With appendix and accompaniment, in good condition $80-100 (date indifferent).— $120 Ives (1915, n. 900) mor. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). 17511816 The Love Epistles of Aristsenetus. London, lyyi. 8°. $41 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1222) mor., by Riviere. The Rivals, a Comedy. London, for John Wilkie, 1775. 8°. $80-100. — $200 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2631) calf; $370 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3006) mor., by Bradstreet; £ 16 Sichel (13 Dec. 1911, n. 197) lialf-calf ; $270 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 901) mor., uncut, by Riviere, presen- tation copy; £27 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 601) mor., by Riviere, 1st issue. Verses to the Memory of Garrick. London, T. Evans, 1779. 4 • $40 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3008) old mor. (now Huntington). The School for Scandal, a Comedy. Dublin, for J. Bwling [1781]. 8^ Two editions, one without Ewling's name. $150-200. — $410 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3007) mor., by Bradstreet. The manuscript, damaged by fire, was sold for $1750 Daly (March 1900, n. 3058) and resold for £ 75 Sotheby's, 16 June 1910, n. 361. The Critic or a Tragedy rehearsed. London, for T. Becket, 1781. 8^ Two editions, one with 98, one with 96 pages. There is a copy dated 1780 in the British Museum. $19 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1225) mor. (98 pages); £2 Huth (July 1918, n. 6803) calf (now Pforzheimer). A Trip to Scarborough, a Comedy. London, for G. IVilkie, 1781. 8°. $20-25. — $115 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3010) calf, uncut, by Riviere (now Huntington). The Duenna or the Double Elopement, a Comic Opera. Lon- don, G. Woodfall for T. N. Longman, 1794. 8°. A surreptitious edition bears the date of 1786. $22 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1228) mor., by Riviere (1794 ed.). The Camp, a Musical Entertainment. London, 1795. 8°. £20.10.0 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 823; $172.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3014) mor., by The Club Bindery, orig. blue wrappers preserved (now Huntington), SHERIDAN , 525 Pizarro, a Tragedy. London, for J. Ridgezvay, 1799. 12°. $55 Hermann (March 1909, n. 529) mor., uncut, by Riviere. Clio's Protest, or the Picture varnished, with other Poems. London, J. Arnould, 1819. 8°. In orig. blue wrapper $30-40. — $40 Hermann (March 1909, n. 530) wrapper; $85 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3016) mor., wrappers preserved, by The Club Bindery; $127.50 Huntington (Jan. 1920, XI, n. 512) mor., uncut, by Wood (Halsey copy). SHIPMAN (Thomas). 1632-1680 Henry the Third of France stabbed by a Fryer, with the Fall of the Guise, a Tragedy. London, B. G. for S. Heyrick, 1678. 4". $22 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 512) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). SHIRLEY (Henry). 15.. -1627 The Martyr'd Souldier. London, L Okes for Fr. Bgles- neld, 1638. 4°. $115 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3022) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $82.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V. n. 332) ; $70 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 763) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $72 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1454). SHIRLEY (James). 1596-1666 The Wedding. London, for John Grove, 1629. 4*'. $305 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 3023) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $260 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 1449) calf (Bridge- water copy), resold $200 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1449). The Grateful Servant, a Comedy. London, B. A. and T. P. for John Grove, 1630. 4°. $180 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3024) calf, by Pratt (now Huntington); $115 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 765) calf (Bridgewater copy); £30 Huth (July 1918, n. 6818). The School of Compliment. London, B. A. for Francis Constable, 1631. 4**. $190 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I. n. 3025) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $55 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 463) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy); £16.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6820) calf; $270 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 757) sewn. 526 SHIRLEY Changes, or Love in a Maze, a Comedy. London, G. P. for William Cooke, 1632. 4°. $145 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3026) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $77.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 333) half-veil. (Chew copy), resold $80 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1450). A Contention for Honour and Riches. London, B. A. for William Cooke, 1633. 4"'- $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3025) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $95 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 767) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1144) mor., by Riviere. The Wittie Faire One, a Comedy. London, B. A. and T. F. for W. Cooke, 1633. 4°. $185 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3030) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $85 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 336) mor., by Riviere; $75 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1451) calf, by Zaehnsdorf. The Bird in a Cage, a Comedy. London, B. Alsop and T. Pawcet for William Cooke, 1633. 4°. $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3027) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $80 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 334) calf, by Worsfold (McKee copy) ; $60 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII. n. 465) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; i 15 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 308) unbound (now Pforzheimer) . The Triumph of Peace, a Masque. London, John Norton for William Cooke, 1633. 4°, There are four distinct editions under the date 1633. $90 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 3029), resold $65 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 335); £23.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6825) veil.; £24 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 309) unbound. The Traitor, a Tragedy. London, for William Cooke, 1635. 4 • $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3031) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $90 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 769) calf (Bridgewater copy), re- sold $80 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1452). Hyde Park, a Comedy. London, Tlw. Cotes for Andrew Crooke and William Cooke, 1637. 4°. $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3034) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $70 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 337) calf (Roxburghe copy). SHIRLEY 527 The Lady of Pleasure, a Comedy. London, TJw. Cotes for Andreiv Crooke and William Cooke, 1637. 4°. $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3035) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1147) calf; i 18.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6828) half-mor. The Young Admiral. London, Tho. Cotes for Andrew Crooke and William Cooke, 1637. 4°. $80 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3036) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $60 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 775) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Example. London, John Norton for Andrew Crooke and William Cooke, 1637. 4°. $150 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3032) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $120 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 770) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Gamester. London, J. Norton for Andreiv Crooke and William Cooke, 167,'/. 4°. $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3033) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $105 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 771) calf (Bridgewater copy). The Duke's Mistress. London, John Norton for William Cooke (or for Andrew Crooke), 1638. 4°. Two issues, varying in the imprint. $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3037) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $110 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 474) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy) ; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1148) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (now Pforzheimer) ; $90 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1453) calf, by Riviere. The Royal Master. London, T. Cotes for Thomas Allot and Bdmond Crooke, 1638. 4°. Another issue has the title reprinted with the address of T. Cotes for John Crooke and Richard Sender. $55 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3039) mor., by David (now Huntington); $45 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 339) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy). The rare Dublin edition (1638), $265 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3038) mor., by David (now Huntington). The Maid's Revenge, a Tragedy. London, T. C. for Wil- liam Cooke, 1639. 4". • $160 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3040) mor., by David (now Huntington) ; $85 HuiTtino-ton (Dec. 1917. V, n. 340) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy), resold $87 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1455). I 528 SHIRLEY Love's Cruelty, a Tragedy. London, TJio. Cotes for An- drew Crooke, 1640. 4°. $115 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3044) Perkins copy, resold $60 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 344). The Humorous Courtier, a Comedy. London, T. C. for William Cooke and James Becket, 1640. 4°. j $70 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3043) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 345) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy), resold $50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1457). A Pastoral called the Arcadia. London, J. D. for John Williams and P. BglesHeld, 1640. 4". $200 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3046) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $115 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 781) calf ( Bridgewater copy); $100 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1459) mor., by David. The Opportunity, a Comedy. London, Thomas Cotes for Andrew Crooke and William Cooke, 1640. 4°. $85 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3045) calf, by Pratt, resold $70 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 783) and $75 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1458) now J. L. Clawson; i 13 Huth (July 1918, n. 6843) veil, (now Pforz- heimer). Another issue exists, differing only in the title, which is undated : $75 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3059) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Hunting- ton). St. Patrick for Ireland, the first Part [no more published]. London, J. Raworth for R. Whitaker, 1640. 4°. $205 Hoe (Apr. 191 i, I, n. 3047) mor., by Riviere, resold $190 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918. VII. n. 782) and $130 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1460). The Constant Maid, a Comedy. London, J. Raworth for R. Whitaker, 1640. 4°. $55 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3041) mor., by Riviere, resold $55 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 478) ; $42.50 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 342) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy), resold $60 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1456) ; £8.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 316) unbound. The Coronation. London, 1640. 4*^. See Be:aumont and Fletche:r. SHIRLEY 529 Poems. London, for H. Moseley, 1646. 8°. Portr. by Marshall. $155 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3049) mor., resold $115 Huntington (Apr. 1918, Vni, n. 483) now W. A. Clark, Jr.; $195 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1150) mor., by Bedford (now Pforzheimer) ; $200 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1461) mor., by Riviere. Via ad Latinam Linguam complanata. London, R. W. for Jo Jin Stephenson, 1649. S°- $75 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3050) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £ 10 Huth (July 1918, n. 6852) mor., by Mackenzie (now Pforzheimer). Six New Plays. London, for H. Robinson and H. Moseley, 1653. 8°. Portr. by Marshall. Contains : The Brothers, the Sisters, the Doubtful Heir, the Impos- ture, the Cardinal, the Court Secret. Each play has a separate title, five being dated 1652 and one 1653. The volume has been occasionally broken up and portions have been sold as first editions of single plays, e.g. "The Cardinall," $250 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3051) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). The whole volume $135 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 3048) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $170 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 851) mor. ; $177 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1462) mor., by Riviere (Lefferts copy). Cupid and Death, a Masque. London, T. W. for J. Cook and J. Baker, 1653. 4°. Brit. Mus.; i 21.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 318) unbound. This and the following exist also 8°. The Gentleman of Venice, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for H. Moseley, 1655. 4°. $220 Hoe "^( Apr. 1911, I. n. 3053) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $175 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VHI. n. 485) now W. A. Clark, Jr.; $155 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VH, n. 785) mor., by Riviere. The Polititian, a Tragedy. London, for H. Moseley, 1655. 8^ $80 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3054) calf, by Zaehnsdorf (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; $70 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 786) half-mor. (Lef- ferts copy). Honoria and Mammon, vvhereunto is added the Contention of Ajax and Ulisses for the Armour of Achilles. London, for John Crook, 1659. S''. Portr. by Gaywood. There are three variations of the title-page. 530 SHIRLEY $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3055) mor., by Chambolle (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $65 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 487) calf, by Zaehns- dorf (Chew copy) ; $72.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1151) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now Beverly Chew). Andromana, or the Merchant's Wife. London, for John Bellinger, i66o. 4°. Signed J. S. and ascribed to Shirley. $100 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3057) mor. (now Huntington). Love will find out the Way, an excellent Comedy by T. B. London, J a. Cottrel for Samuel Speed, 1661. 4°. A reprint of Shirley's Constant Maid. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3058) mor.. by David (now Huntington) ; i 13.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6850) veil, uncut (now Pforzheimer) ; £8.10.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 317) unbound. \ SHOBERL (Frederic). 1775-1853 Picturesque Tour from Geneva to Milan by way of the Simplon. London, Ackermann, 1820. 8°. Map and 36 col- oured plates. $12-15. The World in Miniature, edited by F. Shoberl. London, R. Ackermann, 1821, etc. 43 vols. 8°. Coloured plates. $50-60. SHRIGLEY (Nathaniel) A true Relation of Virginia and Maryland with the Com- modities therein, which in part the Author saw, the rest he had from knowing and credible Persons. London, T. Milbourn for T. Hodson, 1669. 4°. Brit. Mus. ; Carter Brown; Huntington (Church) ; £78 Spence (Nov. 1906, n. 466) mor., title damaged. SIBTHORP (John). 1758-1796 Flora Graeca, Characteres omnium, Descriptiones et Syno- nyma elaboravit J. E. Smith. London, R. Taylor, 1806- 1840. 10 SIBTHORP 531 vols. Fol. and Prodromus by Smith. 2 vols. 8°. 966 col- oured pi. by Sowerby after Baur.* 25 copies only were printed. £168 Gennadius (March 1895, n. 2654) mor. ; £ 175 Duke of Suther- land (Nov. 1906, n. 1526) calf.; £200 E. Brown Lees (Nov. 1912, n. 357) half-mor., uncut. SIDNEY (Sir Philip). 1554-1586 The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. London, for Will- iam Ponsonhie, {or John Windet for William Ponsonhie) , 1590. 4- An unauthorized edition less complete than the following. Extremely scarce, nearly all known copies being defective. £ 450 Sotheby's, 21 March 1905, n. 285, mor., title inlaid (then Halsey, now Huntington) J. Crossley's copy; $1525 Anderson's, 14 Dec. 1909. n. 538, orig. calf ; $800 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3065) 2 leaves and part of title in facs.; £355 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 277) mor., by C. Lewis (Bright copy), resold $4900 H. V. Jones (March 1919. n. 1466) now Pforzheimer ; £355 Huth (July 1918, n. 6860) mor., by Bedford, 1 leaf in facs. ; £ 1000 Ghristie-Miller (Dec. 1919. n. 93) mor.. by Clarke and Bedford, (now J. L. Clawson) ; $3800 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1223) orig. calf (now C. T. Crocker). The Halsey-Huntington copy has the verso of the last page of the dedication blank ; other copies have an advertisement beginning : "The Division and Summing of the Chapters. . ." , Augmented and ended. London, For W. Ponsonhie, 1593. Fol. $375 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 3080) mor., by Mercier ; $360 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 347) mor., by Riviere (Church copy, now W. A., White). [Third edition]. London, for W. Ponsonhie, 1598. Fol. $450 Hoe (Apr. 1912. IH. n. 2972) mor., by The Club Bindery, with the old binding, bearing Queen Elizabeth's arms, preserved (now Hunt- ington) . [Fourth edition]. Bdinhurgh, R. Waldgrave, 1599. Fol. A pirated reprint of the 1598 ed. (See H. Plomer, The Library, 1900, pp. 195-205). Extremely scarce. Copies in Brit. Mus., Bodl. and Trin- ity Coll., Cambridge. 532 SIDNEY [Fifth edition]. London, for M. Lozvnes (or for Si- mon Waterson), 1605. Fol." Two issues varying in the imprint. $60 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2951) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $310 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1152) mor., by Riviere; £20 Huth (July 1918, n. 6861) mor., by Pratt (now Pforzheimer). [The sixth edition]. London, H. L. for M. Lozvnes, 1613. Fol. £ 12 Huth (July 1918, n. 6862) mor., by Clarke and Bedford. Astrophel and Stella. London, for Thomas Newman [1591]- 4^ Two editions with the same imprint, one containing a preface (Brit. Mus.) ; of the other, two copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; 2. £580 Huth (July 1918, n. 6863) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). [Another edition]. London, for Matthew Lozvnes [1591]- 4^ Three copies are known: 1. Bodl. ; 2. £200 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 249, mor. (now W. A. White) ; 3. £270 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 94) mor., title in facs. (now Huntington). An Apologia for Poetrie. London, H. Olney, 1595. 4*". Very scarce. £420 Huth (July 1918, n. 6864) mor., by Bedford (now Pforzheimer) ; $1725 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 87, mor., by Stikeman. The same work as the following: The Defense of Poesie. London, for W Ponsonbie, 1595. £ 120 Sotheby's, 6 May 1901, n. 110, mor. ; £ 110 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 210) old russia (Rowfant copy, now Brit. Mus.) ; $3125 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3066) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). SIDONIA THE SORCERESS. See Kelmscott Press SIMCOE (John Graves). 1752-1806 Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers. Exe- ter, printed for the Author [1787]. 4°. 10 folding pi. of plans. $245 Knapp (Febr. 1905, n. 1260) mor. (Menzies-Ives-Chubbuck copy) ; $660 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3075) orig. boards, uncut, resold $525 Robin- son (Apr. 1918, n. 852) ; $370 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1469) mor. SIR 533 SIR GILES GOOSECAP Sir Gyles Goosecappe Knight, a Comedy. London, J. Win- det for B. Blount, 1606. 4°. Very scarce. $60 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3078) calf, by Riviere (now Huntington) ; £60 Huth (July 1918, n. 6880) half-calf, uncut (Freeling-Corser copy), resold $700 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1470) ; £290 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 323) unbound. — Elizabethan Club, Yale (Rowfant copy). SKELTON (John). 1460-1529 All his works are extremely scarce and may with justice rank among the most treasured possessions of any collector of early English poetry. The Bowge of Courte. Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde [before 1500]. 4". 12 leaves. Edinburgh, Advocates' Library, the only copy known. The Bowge of Courte. London, Wynkyn de Worde [ab. 1 505-1 5 10?]. 4^ 10 leaves. Cambridge, the only copy known. The Nigramansir, a moral Interlude and a pithy. London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1504. 4°. If this book ever existed, the only surviving copy was shown to Warton by Collins over a century ago. A right delectable Treatise upon a goodly Garland or Cha- pelet of Laurel. London, R. Faques, 1523. 4°. Brit. Mus. (King's Library), the Pearson copy, no other known. A Ballad of a Scottish King. London, R. Faques [1513]. 4 • Brit. Mus., the only copy known, found in a farm house at Whaddon, in 1878. Skelton, Laureate, agaynste a comely Coystrowne that curyowsly chawntyd. . . [London, Richard Pynson(?), ab. 1525]- 4°- 4 leaves. £1780 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919. n. 95) mor., the Heber copy, now Huntington (no other known), bound with the unique copies of the two following. 534 S KELT ON Dyvers Balettys and Dyties solacyous [London, Richard Pynson(?), ab. 1525]. 4°. 4 leaves. Huntington, the Heber copy, from the Christie-Miller sale. A Replycacion agaynst certayne yong Scolers. London, Richard Pynson [ab. 1525]. 4°. 10 leaves. Huntington, the Heber copy, from the Christie-Miller sale. Magnificence, a goodly Interlude. [London, J. Rastell, ab. 1530]. Fol. Two copies known: Brit. Mus. (imperfect) and Cambridge; there is a fragment of 2 leaves in the Bodleian (from Farmer and Douce). The existence of an edition printed by Rastell and dated 1533 is doubtful. A little Book called Colin Clout. London, T. Godfray, 1530. 8°. 32 leaves, the first and last blanks. Woburn Abbey, the Duke of Bedford's coll., the only copy known (al- though Hazlitt refers to a copy at Br it well). [Another edition]. London, R. Kele [ab. 1545]. 8^ Brit. Mus. (Freeling-Corser copy) ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Locker-Hagen copy. £72 Sotheby's, 3 June 1902, n. 918. calf; the same copy ( ?) $1025 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 3089) mor., by The Club Bindery, wanting last leaf (then Huntington, now J. L. Clawson) ; £95 Huth (July 1918, n. 6886) mor., by Riviere, wanting last leaf (Daniel copy, now Pforzheimer). [Another edition]. London, A. Veale [ab. 1560]. 8°. illO Huth (July 1918, n. 6887) mor., by Riviere (Corser copy, now Huntington). [Another issue]. London, A. Kytson [ab. 1560]. 8°. London, J. Wallye [ab. 1560]. 8°. London, J. Wyghte [ab. 1560]. 8°. Brit. Mus. [Another issue]. Brit. Mus. [Another issue?] Brit. Mus. (Bright copy). Hereafter followeth certain Books compiled by Master Skel- ton. London, R. Lant, for H. Tab [ab. 1545]. S''. Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; Bodl. ; £ 50 Ashburnham (May 1898. n. 3425) old calf; $9700 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1155) mor., the Tite-Locker copy (now Huntington) bound with Kele's editions of Colin Clout, Why come ye not to Court, and Philip Sparrow; £ 55 Huth (July 1918, n. 6884) mor., wanting last 2 leaves (Daniel copy, now Pforzheimer). SKELTON 535 [Another edition]. London, J. Kynge and T. MarsJie [ab. 1550]. 8°. Brit. Mus.; £150 Huth (July 1918, n. 6885) mor. (Chalmers-Corser copy, now J. L. Clawson). [Another issue]. London, John Day [ab. 1560]. 8" Brit. Mus. Why come ye not to Court. London, R. Kele [ab. 1545]- 8^ Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; Huntington (Locker-Hag-en copy); i 68.5.0 Ashburnham (May 1898, n. 3424) old calf, resold $2250 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3080) mor., by Mercier (then Huntington, now J. L. Clawson) ; i 305 Huth (July 1918, n. 6888) mor., by Riviere. [Another edition]. London, R. Toy [ab. 1550]. 8"^. Brit. Mus. (Bright copy). [Another edition]. London, A. Veale [ab. 1560]. 8". £ 150 Huth (July 1918, n. 6889) mor., by Riviere (Corser copy, now Pforzheimer). [Another issue]. London, A. Kytson [ab. 1560]. 8". Brit. Mus. [Another issue]. London, J. Wallye [ab. 1560]. 8°. [Another issue?]. London, J. Wyghte [ab. 1560]. 8°. The Book of Philip Sparrow. London, R. Kcle [ab. 1545]. 8^ Brit. Mus.; Bodl. ; Huntington (Locker-Hagen copy); i 265 Huth (July 1918, n. 6890) mor., by Riviere (Daniel copy). [Another edition]. London, R. Toy [ab. 1550]. 8^ [Another edition]. London, A. Veale [ab. 1560]. 8^ Brit. Mus. (Sykes-Heber-Corser copy). [Another issue]. London, A. Kytson [ab. 1560]. 8". Brit. Mus. [Another issue]. London, J. Wallye [ab. 1560]. 8^ £ 140 Huth (July 1918, n. 6891) mor., by Riviere^ (Corser copy, now Pforzheimer). 536 SKELTON [Another issue?]. London, J. Wyghte [ab. 1560]. 8°. Brit. Mus. Poems. [London, A. Scoloker, ab. 1550], No copy available. 16°. Merry Tales. London, T. Colwell [1567]. 8". £360 Huth (July 1918, n. 6892) mor. (the Chauncey-Steevens-Heber- Daniel copy, now Huntington, no other known). Pithy, pleasant and profitable Works. London, T. Marshe, 1568. S\ The first collected edition. Brit. Mus. (3 leaves defective) ; Brit. Mus. (Grenville) ; Bodl. (Ma- lone) ; Capell coll. (imperfect) ; Huntington (Locker-Chew copy) ; A. E. Newton; H. C. Folger; $1710 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 861) mor., by Bed- ford, title damaged. SMEDLEY (Francis Edward). 1818-1864 Frank Fairleigh, or Scenes from the Life of a private Pupil. London, Hall, Virtue and Co., 1850. 8°. 30 illustrations by Cruikshank. In orig. cloth $15-20 and in 15 parts $30-40. — $20 Townsend (Jan. 1916, n. 128) calf, by Riviere. Lewis Arundel or the Railroad of Life. London, Virtue, Hall and Virtue, 1852. 8°. 42 Illustrations by Phiz. In orig. cloth $15-20 and in 21 parts (in 20) $30-35. — The Huntington (Halsey) copy contains 13 of the orig. drawings. Harry Coverdale's Courtship. London [1854]. 8°. 30 etchings by Phiz. In orig. cloth $10-15 and in parts $25-30. SMITH (Charles Hamilton). 1776-1859 Costume of the Army of the British Empire, according to the last Regulations, 1814. London, Colnaghi, 181 5. 4". Frontisp. and 60 coloured pi. $200-250. — £ 56 Terry (Febr. 1907, n. 37) mor.. 2 duplicate pi. added; £38 Puttick's, 13 Nov. 1913. n. 209. calf. SMITH 537 SMITH (Albert Richard). 1816-1860 Beauty and the Beast. London, W. S. Orr [1843]. 4°. 12 pi. and woodcuts by A. Crowquill. In orig. pictorial wrapper $12-15. The Wassail-Bowl. London, R. Bentley, 1843. 2 vols. 8°. Frontispieces and 2 vignettes by Leech. In orig. cloth $15-20. — $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3089) calf, uncut, by Riviere. The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his Friend Jack John- son. London, R. Bentley, 1844. 3 vols. 8°. 18 pi. by Leech. $20-25. — $65 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3090) mor., by The Club Bindery. The entirely new and original Drama in three Parts entitled The Cricket on the Hearth [after Ch. Dickens]. London, W. S. Johnson, 1845. 16°. Was at one time extremely scarce. In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $95 Hinckley (Febr. 1912, n. 347) (now Huntington). The Fortunes of the Scattergood Family. London, R. Bentley, 1845. 3 vols. 12". 14 pi. by Leech. In orig. brown cloth $25-30. The Marchioness of Brinvilliers. London, R. Bentley, 1846. 8°. Front, by Leech. In orig. cloth $5-6. The Physiology of Evening-Parties. London, R. Bent- ley, 1846. 12°. Woodcuts by Leech. • In orig. boards $5-6. The Man in the Moon, edited by Albert Smith and Angus B. Reach. London, Clarke [1847-1849]. 5 vols. 12°. 20 pi. by Phiz and others. Issued in 30 monthly numbers, the first 20 containing each a folding plate. $15-25 and much more in parts. The Natural History of Stuck-Up People. London, D. Bogue, 1847. 16°. Front. In orig. wrapper $6-8. 538 SMITH The Natural History of the Ballet Girl. London, D. Bogue, 1847. 16". Front. In orig. yellow wrapper $6-8. The Natural History of the Gent. London, D. Bogue, 1847. 16°. 45 woodcuts. In orig. wrapper $6-8. The Natural History of the Flirt. London, D. Bogue, 1848. 16°. Front. In orig. wrapper $6-8. The Natural History of the Idler upon Town. London, D. Bogue, 1848. 16^ Front, and 53 woodcuts by A. Henning. In orig. wrapper $6-8. — $10 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3093) half-mor. The Natural History of Tuft Hunters. London, D. Bogue, 1848. 16". In orig. wrapper $6-8. A Bowl of Punch. London, D. Bogue, 1848. 16°. 152 woodcuts. In orig. pictorial wrapper $8-10. A Pottle of Strawberries to beguile a short Journey. Lon- don, D. Bogue, 1848. 16°. Front. In orig. wrapper $6-8. The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at Home and abroad. London, R. Bentley, 1846- 1848. 8°. Portr. by Baugniet and 32 pi. by Leech. In orig. cloth $15-20 and in 16 parts $30-40. — $24 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 216) calf, by Bedford ; $50 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 162) in parts; $1000 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 609) mor., with the orig. drawings and a leaf of the manuscript. The Pottleton Legacy, a Story of Town and Country Life. London, D. Bogue, 1849. 8°. 20 pi. by Phiz. In orig. cloth $15-20 and more in 10 parts. Gavarni in London, Sketches of Life and Character. Lon- don, Bogue, 1849. 8°. 24 pi. after Gavarni. In orig. red cloth $4-5. SMITH 539 The Natural History of Evening Parties. London, D. Bogue, 1849. 16°. In orig. wrapper $6-8. A Month at Constantinople. London, D. Bogne, 1850. 12°. Front, and engravings. $7 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3094) half-mor., resold $8 Hunting-ton (March 1916, I, n. 218). The Town and Country Miscellany. London, 1850. 8°. Nos. I to 5 (all published). $12 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2988) roan, wrappers preserved. The Miscellany, a Book for the Field and Fireside. Lon- don, D. Bogue, 1850. 12°. $12.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2989) roan. The Month, a View of passing Subjects and Manners, by Albert Smith and John Leech. London, 1851. 12°. Illustra- tions by Leech. Issued in 6 parts (July to December 1851). In orig. pictorial boards $20-25 and more in parts. — $62 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 165) in parts. Comic Tales and Sketches. London, R. Bentley, 1852. 12^ Illustrations by Leech. $2-3. Pictures of Life at Home and abroad. London, R. Bentley, 1852. 12°. $3-4. The Story of Mount Blanc. London, D. Bogue, 1853. 8°. Woodcuts and coloured front. In orig. orange cloth $4-5. Another edition bears the imprint : London, privately printed, 1852. The English Hotel Nuisance. London, D. Bryce, 1855. 1 2**. Illustrations by Leech. The folded leaf with the "Carte" of the "Three Moors" at Augsburg is often missing. $5-6. 540 SMITH To China and Back. London, for the Author [1858]. 8''. Coloured front. In orig. wrapper $3-5. Sketches of London Life and Character. London, Dean and Son, 1859. 12°. $3-4. Wild Oats and Dead Leaves. London, Chapman and Hall, i860. 12°. In orig. cloth $4-5. The London Medical Student. London, Routledge, 1861. 12^ In orig. wrapper $4-5. SMITH (John). 1579-1631 A True Relation of such Occurrences and Accidents of Noate as hath hapned in Virginia. London, W. W. for John Tappe, 1608. 4°. There are five distinct editions varying throughout in typographical de- tails (see L. S. Livingston, in the New York Evenmg Post, 25 May 1907). $1425 Deane (A'larch 1898, n. 3271) boards (Drake copy, afterwards Church, now Huntington) ; $4500 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 264) half-mor., by Bedford (Christie-Miller copy) ; $4850 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 19, mor., by Riviere (Kalbfleisch-Lefferts-A. T. White copy). A Map of Virginia, with a Description of the Country of Oxford. Oxford, J. Barnes, 161 2. 4°. Nearly all copies lack the map, of which Mr. Eames has catalogued nine distinct states. $1200 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 283) mor.. by Pratt, map in 3rd state (Halsey copy) ; i 220 Huth (July 1918, n. 6912) mor., by Bedford. A Description of New England. London, H. Lozvnes for R. Gierke, 1616. 4°. Folding map. The extremely scarce map exists in nine different states. $540 Moffat (May 1912, n. 599) half-calf (Brinley copv) : %Z7S Stiness (Apr. 1914, n. 1151) mor., wanting map and 2 leaves; $3950 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III. n. 272) old limp vellum f Christie-Miller copy) ; $875 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 284) mor., by Mackenzie (Halsey copy, with the map from Hulsius) ; £200 Huth (July 1918, n. 6913) mor. SMITH 541 The Generall Historic of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles. London, I. D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624. Fol. Engraved title, 2 portraits, 2 folding maps and 2 large folding maps. The 2 folding maps (Old Virginia and the Summer Isles) and the 2 large folding maps (New England and Virginia) are known in several states and are very often missing. The 2 portraits (the Duchess of Richmond and Pocahontas) are nearly always missing and doubtless were only issued with a few copies. Quire O (pages 97-104) does not exist. There are copies on large paper. Good copies, without the portraits sell for $500-6CX). Copies with the portraits and all the maps and copies on large paper command fancy prices. — $1800 Brinley (March 1879, n. 364) large paper, old mor. with the arms of King James I and the Duchess of Richmond (now New York Public Library) ; same condition £605 Beckford (July 1883, III, n. 2049), portraits inlaid, resold $2500 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3093) ; $1900 Barlow (Febr. 1890, n. 2297) calf, large paper, 1 map inlaid (now Pierpont Mor- gan Library) ; £204 Bunbury (July 1906, n. 1306) calf, with a unique printed title dated 1625 (then Church, now Huntington) ; £405 Sotheby's, 13 July 1908, n. 150, orig. calf with arms of James I, with 1 portr. (now Grenville Kane) ; the Holford copy, in a similar binding, contains on a fly- leaf a long autograph presentation inscription from the author; $500 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 267) mor., by The Club Bindery, wanting portraits (Chew copy, now Pforzheimer) ; £210 Huth (July 1918, n. 6914) orig. calf, with the Duchess of Norfolk's arms, wanting portraits (now Grenville Kane). The 1626, 1627, 1631, and 1632 editions are also extremely valuable with the genuine maps and portraits. $800 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 268) 1626 ed., orig. calf with arms, 1 portr. only (Christie-Miller copy) ; £ 450.5.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6915), 1631 ed., the only copy known, mor., by Bedford (now Carter Brown Library. A Sea Grammar, with the plain Exposition of Smith's Accidence for young Seamen. London, J. Haviland, 1627. 4°. Extremely scarce. $775 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 285) mor., by The Club Bindery (Halsey copy) ; $149 Huth (July 1918, n. 6917) calf, by Bedford (now Carter Brown Library) . The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captain John Smith. London, J. H. for Thomas Slater, 1630. Fol. Folding plate by John Payne. £42 Edwardes (May 1901, n. 632) mor., by Bedford, resold $400 An- derson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 40; $590 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3094) mor., by 542 SMITH Matthews; $250 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 271) mor., by Pratt (Church copy) ; £92 Huth (July 1918, n. 6916) mor., by Bedford. Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of New England. , London, John Haviland for R. Milbonrne, 1631. 4°. Map. £ 160 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 728) unbound; $510 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 2993) mor.; $1400 Hunting-ton (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 265) mor., by Bedford (Christie-Miller copy) ; $625 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 286) mor., by Pratt (Halsey copy) ; $1500 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 41, unbound (A. T. White copy). SMITH or SMYTH (John). 1662-1717 Win her and take her or Old fools will be meddling, a Com- edy. London, for J. Hindmarsli . . ., 1691. 4°. $12.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 3008) half-mor. (now Huntington). SMITH (John) Catalogue raisonne of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish and French painters. London, 1829- 1842. 9 vols. 8". $20-30. — Before the publication of a recent reprint (worth $15-20) this invaluable book of reference brought from $150 to $200. — £ 49 Ed- wardes (May 1901, n. 511) half-mor. SMITH (John Chaloner). 1827-1895 British Mezzotint Portraits. London, SotJieran, 1878. 5 vols. 8*", with 125 plates or 1884. 4 vols. 8". The illustrated edition $100-150, the second edition $80-100. — £ 430.10.0 Christie's, 6 June 1910, n. 19, Alfred Whitman's copy with important manuscript additions, now in the Pierpont Morgan Library. SMITH (Joseph, Jr.). 1805-1844 The Book of Mormon. Palmyra, B. B. Grandin, 1830. 8". The first edition. In orig. sheep $25-30. — $40 Learmont (March 1917, n. 441) orig. sheep; $56 Church (Jan. 1919, n. 995) fine copy. SMITH 543 SMITH (Samuel). 1721-1776 The History of the Colony of Nova-Csesaria or New Jersey. Burlington, J. Parker, 1765. 8°. Exists on large paper. $30-40 and more. — $410 Weeks (March 1902, n. 306) mor., uncut (Rice-Menzies-Ives copy). SMITH (Wentworth) The Hector of Germaine or the Palsgrave Prime Elector, a new Play. London, T. Creede for J. Harrison, 161 5. 4''. $130 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3100) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunt- ington) ; $130 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 792) calf (Bridgewater copy) ; i33 Huth (July 1918, n. 6925) calf, by Bedford. SMITH (William). 1728-1793 The History of the Province of New York from the first Discovery to the Year M.DCC.XXXII. London, for Thomas Wilcox, 17 S7- 4"- $100-120 and on large paper $300-400. — $2300 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3101) mor., by Pratt, uncut, large and thick paper. SMOLLETT (Tobias George). 1721-1771 High prices are paid for uncut copies of his first editions. The Adventures of Roderick Random. London, J. Os- born, 1748. 2 vols. 8". In orig. calf $15-20. — $70 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 3001) mor. A very scarce set of 6 coloured plates for Roderick Random by Row- landson (London, Ackermann. 12 May 1800. Oblong fob, Wrapper) sold for £25.10.0, Sotheby's, 21 March 1910, n. 649; $165 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 456). wrapper. A smaller edition (London, 1792. 8°) also contains 6 folding coloured pi. by Rowlandson after Woodward. — $115 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 588) mor., by Riviere. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. London, printed for the AntJior, 1751. 4 vols. 8". In orig. calf $20-25. — £31.10.0 Crauford (March 1892, n. 520) un- cut; $71 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3003) mor.; $65 HuntinsT^on (Febr. 1918, VIT, n. 795) mor., by De Sauty ; $41 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1159) orig. calf. 544 SMOLLETT The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom. London, for T. Johnson, 1753. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. calf $30-40. — £9.10.0 Puttick's, 7 Febr. 1895, n. 436, uncut in old wrappers; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1160) calf; the Hoe copy is in the M. L. Schiff coll. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. London, J. Coote, 1762. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. calf $40-50. — i 19 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 515) calf, by Bed- ford ; £22 Sotheby's, 15 June 1914, n. 399, old calf. The History and Adventures of an Atom. London, Rob- inson and Roberts, 1749 [read 1769]. 2 vols. 8°. In the second issue the date is corrected to 1769. Both issues, in orig. calf, $12-15. — £20.10.0 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1899, n. 1278, orig. boards, uncut; £21 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 511) calf, by Bedford, 3 advertisements, added ; £ 63 Hodgson's, 16 Febr. 1910, n. 387, orig. half-binding, uncut; $42.50 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 845) old calf; $58 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1161) orig. calf; £24 Murray (March 1918, n. 743) old manuscript notes., orig. half -binding, uncut. The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. London, for IV. Johnston and B. Collins, lyy I. 3 vols. 8°. Vol. I is dated by error 1671. In orig. calf $25-30. — £20 Young (Dec. 1895, n. 371) orig. boards, uncut; $35 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 846) old calf; $77.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1162) mor., by Riviere. SOLIMON AND PERSEDA. See Tragedy SOUTHERNE (Thomas). 1660-1746 The Loyal Brother or the Persian Prince, a Tragedy. Lon- don, for IV. Cademan (or for J. Tonson), 1682. 4°. The Prologue and Epilogue are by Dryden. $30 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV. n. 2970) calf, by Pratt, resold $22.50 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 350). The Disappointment or the Mother in Fashion, a Play. Lon- don, for J. JJindmarsh, 1684. 4**. £1.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6961) half-calf. Sir Anthony Love or the Rambling Lady, a Comedy. Lon- don, for J. Fox and A. Roper, 1691. 4°. £2.5.0 Huth (July 1918. n. 6962) half-calf, uncut. ■A SOUTHERN E 545 The Wives' Excuse or Cuckolds make themselves. Lon- don, for W. Freeman, 1692. 4°. i 3.5.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6963) half-mor. The Maid's last Prayer, or Any rather than fail, a Comedy. London, for R. Bentley and J. Tonson, 1693. 4°. Two editions under the same date. $43 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2971) half-calf. The Fatal Marriage or the Innocent Adultery, a Play. Lon- don, for J. Tonson, J694. 4°. Two editions under the same date. $26 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2972) half-mor.; $30 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1167) half-mor. Oroonoko, a Tragedy. London, for H. Play ford, 1696. 4". $20 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 492) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Fate of Capua, a Tragedy. London, for B. Tooke, 1700. 4". $41 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2973) half-mor., resold $9 Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 496) now Huntington; $28 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1168) half- mor., uncut. The Spartan Dame, a Tragedy. London, for W. Chefzvood and T. Jauncy, 17 1(). 4°. i 2.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6968) half-calf (now Pforz'heimer). Money the Mistress. London, for J. Tonson, 1726. 8°. £3.12.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 6969) old mor., dedication copy to Lord Boyle. , SOUTHEY (Robert). 1774-1843 Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem. Bristol, 1796. 4°. £19 Brown (Apr. 1903. n. 361) calf, Coleridge's copy with his notes; £6.10.0 Samuel (July 1907, n. 144) with part of the manuscript inserted; $31 Robinson (Febr. 1918, n. 132) mor., autograph added. Poems. Bristol, N. Biggs for J. Cottle, 1797. 8^ There should be at the end a leaf of advertisement. In orig. marbled boards with label $30-40. — $70 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3120) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $36 546 SOUTHEY Hagen (May 1918, n. 1169) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery (Lefferts copy) ; $39 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 532) boards (Halsey copy). The Curse of Kehama. London, i8io. 4°. £5 Samuel (July 1907, n. 147) uncut. The manuscript is in the British Museum. Omniana or Horse Otiosiores. London, Longman, 1812. 2 vols. 12°. Published by Southey and containing numerous contributions by Cole- ridge. In orig. boards with label $15-20. The Lay of the Laureate, Carmen Nuptiale. London, 1816. 12°. $12.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3122) mor., uncut, by Riviere (now Hunt- ington). A Summary of the Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington. London, for G. Mullens, 1816. 4^ SPECTATOR (The). See Addison SPENSER (Edmund). 1552(?)-1599 See [Beverly Chew], An exhibition of the original editions of the works of Edmund Spenser (New York, Grolier Club, 1899. 16") 19 pp. The Shepherd's Calendar. London, Hugh Singleton, 1579- 4°- Extremely scarce. £ 720 Huth (July 1918, n. 7012) mor., by Bedford, now J. L. Clawson; £ 1280 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 97) mor., first 4 leaves inlaid (now Pforzheimer) ; the Gott-Church copy in old red mor. is now in the Hunt- ington coll. [Second edition]. London, T. Bast for J. Harrison the Younger, 1581. 4°. £ 180 Hodgson's, 29 Nov. 1906, n. 84, old calf; £ 195 Huth (July 1918, n. 7013) mor., by Riviere (Corser copy). [Third edition]. London, J. Wolfe for J. Harrison the Younger, 1586. 4°. £ 100 Vernon (June 1918, n. 477) mor. [Fourth edition]. London, J. Windet for J. Harrison, 1591. 4^ $90 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 806) russia (Bridgewater copy. SPENSER 547 now J.. L. Clawson) ; $150 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3034) mor., by C. Lewis (Utterson copy), resold $175 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1173); $270 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 869) mor., by Murton. [Fifth edition]. London, T. Creede for J. Harrison the Younger, 1597. 4"^. $180 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3121) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $150 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1177) now Pforzheimer. The Faerie Queene. London, for William Ponsonbie, 1 590- 1596. 2 vols. 4°. In vol. I, copies of the first issue have on p. 332 a blank space for Welsh words. The second edition of vol. I is dated 1596. Exists on thick paper. £240 Sotheby's, 20 June 1904, n. 437, old vellum; $1900 Allis (March 1912, n. 774) old calf; $1210 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 867) mor. (Griswold copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $975 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 356) mor., by Riviere, second edition (Chew copy, now Pforzheimer) ; $950 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1484) mor., by Sangorski and Sutclifife ; £ 400 Chris- tie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 99) mor. Daphnaida. London, for William Ponsonbie, 1591. 4°. Very scarce. The Church copy is in the Huntington coll. Complaints. London, for William Ponsonbie, 1591. 4°. £81 Hodgson's, 29 Nov. 1906, n. 85, old calf; $195 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 360) mor. (Halsey copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $315 Hunting- ton (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 805) mor., by Bedford (Chew copy, now C. F. Bishop) ; $360 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1172) old mor. (Roxburghe-Sykes- Heber copy, now C. W. Clark) ; $250 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3ll6) mor., by C. Lewis, resold £61 Steeves (May 1916, n. 386) and $355 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1485); £135 Huth (July 1918, n. 7017) mor., uncut, by Bedford. ' Amoretti and Epithalamion. London, for William Pon- sonbie, 1595. 4°. Very scarce. — £ 1200 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 100) mor. (now H.V.Jones). Colin Clouts come Home againe. London, for William Ponsonbie, 1595. 4^ $290 Poor (Nov. 1908. n. 967) mor.. by Riviere; $300 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II. n. 3118) mor.. by The Club Bindery, resold £61 Sotheby's, 25 May 1916, n. 391 and £60 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 611) : $230 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 362) mor. (now C. W. Clark) ; $315 Huntington (Febr. 1918, 548 SPENSER VII, n. 807) mor,, by Riviere (Chew copy, now C. F. Bishop) ; $340 Hag-en (May 1918, n. 1174) mor., by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; £70 Huth (July 1918, n. 7019) mor., by Hayday; $470 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1486) mor., by Bedford (Rowfant copy, now A. E. Newton); £ 105 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 101) mor. Prothalamion or a spousall Verse. * London, for William Ponsonbie, 1596. 4°. Two issues, varying in the catchword on B 2 recto (1st To; 2d From). £82 Sotheby's, 22 Jan. 1903, n. 192, mor.; $500 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3120) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Elizabethan Club, Yale) ; $800 Bixby (Febr. 1917, n. 1028) old vellum; £ 170 Huth (July 1918, n. 7018) russia, by Bedford; £840 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 102) mor., bound with the following (now Pforzheimer). Fowre Hymnes. London, for IVilliani Ponsonbie, 1596. 4°. $500 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 3119) mor., by The Club Bindery; $700 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2980) mor., by The Club Bindery; $560 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 808) veil. (Locker-Halsey copy, now T- L. Clawson) ; $610 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 494) russia (Bridge- water copy) ; $700 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1176) mor.. by The Club Bind- ery; £ 180 Huth (July 1918, n. 7020) russia, by Bedford. Britain's Ida. London, for T. Walkley, 1628. 8°. Only three or four copies are known: 1. Rylands ; 2. Huntington (Church) ; 3. £115 Huth (July 1918, n. 7021) mor., by Bedford. A View of the State of Ireland. Dublin, printed by the Society of Stationers, 1633. Fol. Two editions, the second containing also Campion's History of Ireland. See also Kelmscott Press. SPENSER (Edmund) and Gabriel HARVEY Three proper and witty familiar Letters. London, H. Binneman, 1580. 4*'. Very scarce. £ 220 Huth (July 1918, n. 7022) calf (now Huntington) ; £ 420 Christie- Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 98) mor. (now Pforzheimer). SPORTSMAN'S (The) CABINET The Sportsman's Cabinet or Delineation of the various Dogs used in the Sports of the Field. London, 1803- 1804. 4°. 25 pi. by G. Scott after Reinagle, woodcuts by Bewick. $15-25. — £42 Gilbey (June 1915, n. 514) russia, by Gosden. SPORTING 549 SPORTING MAGAZINE The Sporting Magazine. Complete sets from 1793 to 1870 command high prices. £315 Blyth (March 1901, n. 316) half-calf ;'i 500 Sotheby's, 19 July 1909, n. 240, resold £920 Hargreaves (11 July 1910, n. 56) calf, by Root, entirely uncut and with nearly all the wrappers, the finest set known ; £ 378 Gilbey (9 March 1910) half-calf; £336 Bass (July 1913, n. 468) mor. ; £260 Gilbey (June 1915, n. 401) calf, by Riviere. STANLEY (Thomas). 16251678 Aurora and the Prince. Oronta. London, H. Moseley, 1647. 8^ Aurora, Ismenia and the Prince. Oronta. London, W. Wilson for H. Moseley, 1650. 8°. Poems and Translations. London, printed for the Author and his Friends, 1647. ^°- £52 Huth (July 1918, n. 7055) old mor. (Tite copy, now Hunting- ton). Europa, Cupid crucified, Venus' Vigils. London, W. W. for H. Moseley, 1649. 8°. $9 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 2992) mor. (now Beverly Chew). Poems. [London], printed in the year 165 1. 8°. $30 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV. n. 2993) mor.. by Riviere (now Beverly Chew) ; £20 Huth (July 1918. n. 7057) mor.. by Clarke. Poems. London, H. Moseley, 1652. 8°. The same edition as above with a fresh title-page. STAPYLTON (Sir Robert). 16. .-1669 Musaeus or the Loves of Hero and Leander. London, P. B. for H. Moseley, 1647. 12°. Front, by Marshall. The Slighted Maid, a Comedy. London, for Thomas Bring, 1663. 4;. Two editions under the same date. $30 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 3134) mor., bv The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; £7.15.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 7059) half-calf. 550 STAPYLTON The Stepmother, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. Streater for T. Twyford, 1664. 4°. $13 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 498) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy); i 5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 325) unbound. The Tragedie of Hero and Leander. London, for Thomas Dring, 1669. 4°. $25 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3049) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton). STEELE (Sir Richard). See The Tatler STEPHENS (John) Cynthia's Revenge, or Msenander's Ecstasy. London, for R. Barnes, 161 3. 4°. Two issues one zvithoiit, the other ivith the author's name on the title. Has been also ascribed to John Swallow. i96 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 326) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). STERNE (Laurence). 1713-1768 The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. London, R. and J. Dodsley, 1760- 1767. 9 vols. 8°. The author's autograph should be found in vols. 5, 7 and 9. In many sets, vols. 1-2 are of the second edition. In orig. calf $100-150. — £37.10.0 Ford (May 1902. n. 489) mor.; £83 Hodgson's, 25 Apr. 1906, n. 397; £130 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 286) mor., uncut, by Bedford; $145 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 502) orig. calf; $165 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1193) calf, by Riviere; £40 Huth (July 1918, n. 7076) calf, by Bedford. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. London, T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1768. 2 vols. 8^ In orig. calf $40-50 and much more if uncut or on large paper. — £ 28 Puttick's, 10 Nov. 1903, n. 408, in orig. wrapper, uncut, minor defects; £29 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 722, large paper, calf, with the leaf of advertisement, apologizing for the sudden interruption of the publica- tion; same condition. $500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3147) ; £60 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1913, n. 152, orig. boards, uncut; £66 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 287) mor., uncut, by Bedford. The manuscript is in the British Museum. STEVENS 551 STEVENS (George Alexander). 1710-1784 A Lecture on Heads. London, Vernor, Hood, etc., 1808. 12°. Coloured front, and 24 pi. by Rowlandson. $15-20. STEVENSON (Rdbert Louis). 1850-1894 One of the earliest critical attempts to catalogue the rarer editions of R. L. Stevenson was made in 1901 by George M. Williamson. He had purchased a very fine set formed by Charles B. Foote and not included in his three sales ; to these Williamson added many scarce items and had the whole catalogued in Luther S. Livingston's Bibliography of Steven- son, catalogue of the collection of the hooks of Robert Louis Stevenson in the Library of George M. Williamson, Grand Vieiv on Hudson (New York, Marion Press, 1901) 95 pp., 150 copies printed. The Williamson collection formed the basis of the great H. E. Widener collection fully described by A. S'. W. Rosenbach, A catalogue of the books and manuscripts of Robert Louis Stevenson in the library of the late Harry Blkins Widener (Philadelphia, 1913. 4'') xii-266 pp. (with a supplement in A. S. W. Rosenbach, A catalogue of the books and manu- scripts of Harry Blkins Widener, vol. II, 1918, pp. 171-172). This should be supplemented by A bibliography of the zvorks of Rob- ert Louis Stevenson by Colonel W . P. Prideaux, a new and revised edi- tion edited and supplemented by Mrs. Luther S. Livingston (London, Hollings, 1917. 8°) viii-401 pp. Slater's bibliography of Stevenson ( 1914) is superseded by the above. See also [Ruth Granniss] Pirst editions of the works of Robert Louis Stevenson (New York, Grolier Club, 1914. 8°) viii — 74 pp. The Pentland Rising. Edinburgh, A. Elliot, 1866. 8°. In orig. green wrapper $150-200. — $400 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 922) au- tograph added; £ 22.1.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1917, n. 1938) ; $200 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1503). The Charity Bazaar, an allegorical Dialogue. [Edinburgh, 1868]. 4°. 4 pp. Copies should bear the author's autograph. £ 16.10.0 Sotheby's, 23 fuly 1914, n. 6()2, unsigned; £25 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1917, n. 1939); $215 Crawford (Febr. 1919, n. 746). The Edinburgh University Magazine, nos. 1-4 (no more published). Jan. -Apr., 1871. $180 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 708) mor. (now Huntington) ; £71 Sothe- by's, 23 July 1914, n. 600, with list of contents in Stevenson's autograph ; $345 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 490) in parts. 552 STEVENSON Notice of a new Form of intermittent Light for Lighthouses. Bdinhurgh, Neill mid Co., 1871. 8°. No wrapper. $60-80. — $51 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1654) presentation copy; $115 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 625) sewed; £24.3.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1917, n. 1940). Grand Hotel Godam. [Mentone, 1873]. A small advertisement card, in French and English ; the only known copy is in the H. E. Widener Library. On the thermal Influence of Forests. Bdinhurgh, Neill and Co., 1873. 8". Two issues, the earlier in light blue, the second in dark blue wrapper. $20-30. An Appeal to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland. Bdin- hurgh, IV. Blackzuood, 1875. 8". No wrapper. Very scarce. — $80 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 891) presentation copy (now H. E. Widener Library). An Inland Voyage. London, Kegan Paul and Co., 1878. 8°. Front, by W. Crane. In orig. blue cloth $50-60. — £ 10.15.0 Hamerton (Nov. 1895, n. 99) presentation copy; £ 10.5.0 Hodgson's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 76; $76 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 629) ; $76 Garvey (May 1916, n. 499) presentation copy; £21 Sotheby's. 29 Apr. 1918, n. 434; $75 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1504); $110 Haines (Febr. 1919, n. 232). Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes. London, Seeley, Jackson and Haiti day, 1879. Fol. . In orig. blue cloth $30-40. — £9 Sotheby's, 27 July 1915. n. 1009; ^3 Huntington (Febr. 1918, YII, n. 1023) cloth; $50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1505). Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. London, Kegan Paul and Co., 1879. 8°. In orig. green cloth $50-60. — £ 12.5.0 Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1901, n. 1318, presentation copy; £ 10 Hodgson's, 5 Nov. 1913. n. 110; £ 18.10.0 Watts- Dunton (Febr. 1917, n. 3296) ; $80 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1506). The Surprise. Vol. I. Saturday, June. San Francisco. Alamada County. No. 3. Bdited and puhlished by S. L. Os- bourne and Co. [iSyS-i^^o?]. 8°. 4 pp. The only part known and that only in two copies. STEVENSON 553 £21.5.0 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1080, resold $225 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 902) now H. E. Widener Library; £ 71 Sotheby's, 24 May 1911, n. 612. Deacon Brodie, or the Double Life, by R. L. Stevenson and W. E. Henley. Edinburgh, i88o. 8°. . Privately printed. In orig. lilac wrapper $80-100. — $95 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1663) pre- sentation copy; £13.10.0 Lang- (Dec. 1912, n. 387) presentation copy; $237 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 631) numerous autograph corrections, re- sold $275 Crawford (Febr. 1919, n. 754) ; $455 Walpole Galleries, 1 May 1917, n. 294, also with many autograph corrections and with proof sheets added; $275 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1507) with an autograph correction. Virginibus Puerisque and other Papers. London, Kegan Paid and Co., i88i. 8°. In orig. orange cloth $50-60. — £ 10.15.0 Puttick's, 15 July 1914, n. 181 ; £84 Sotheby's, 4 Apr. 1916, n. 726, on large paper, the only copy so printed; $100 Haines (Febr. 1919, n. 234) ; $92.50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1508). To F. J. S. Davos-Plats, i88i. 8°. i p. $20-30. — $81 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 908) now H. E. Widener Library. Black Canyon. Davos-Plats, printed by the Author, n. d. i6\ 8 pp. £ 11 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1049; $48 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1669) To-day is published by S. L. Osbourne & Co. "Black Can- yon." Davos-Plats, n. d. 8°. i p. $20-30. — $16 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 912) now H. E. Widener Library. Not I and other Poems. Davos-Plats, i88i. 8°. 4 leaves. $40-50 and more. — £ 22 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1071 ; $162.50 Xavier (March 1911, n. 790) ; £34.13.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1917, n. 1944). Moral Emblems. First and Second Series. Davos-Plats [1881-1882]. 8^ 6 and 12 leaves, not including a leaf of advertisement for each series. $50-60 and more. — £30.10.0 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1081; £26 Sotheby's, 23 July 1914, n. 604. 554 STEVENSON Hotel Belvedere. Two programmes for concerts ( 14 Febr. and 4 Apr. 1882). A Martial Elegy for some Lead Soldiers. Davos-Plats, n. d. 8°. I leaf. $20-30. — $51 Klein (Febr. 1911. n. 1668); iS Sotheby's, 24 May 1911, n. 611; £31.10.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1917, n. 1948). S. L. Osbourne & Co. Job Printers. A single leaf adver- tisement. To M. I. Stevenson, Feb. 11, 1882, from R. L. Stevenson and S. L. Osbourne. Davos-Plats, 1882. 32°. 2 leaves on blue paper. Also known as "The Marguerite." $30-40 and more. — i 14.5.0 Sotheby's, 24 A'lay 1911, n. 606. The Graver and the Pen. Bdinburgh, S. L. Osbourne and Co. [1882]. 12\ In orig. grey wrapper $150-200 (especially with the leaf of advertise- ment added). — i 12.5.0 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1067; i 31 Sotheby's, 23 July 1914. n. 605, wrapper and advertisement defective ; $320 Cogge- shall (Apr. 1916, n. 491) wrapper; £47 Red Cross sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2781) wrapper. Rob and Ben, or the Pirate and the Apothecary. Davos- Plats [1882]. 8°. £ 16.5.0 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1075 ; £ 32 Sotheby's, 23 July 1914, n. 607. There are also in existence five or six woodcuts from the Davos Press, with or without letter-press. The Story of a Lie. London, Hay ley and Jackson, 1882. 8°. Withdrawn and suppressed before publication. $50-60 and] more. — £30.10.0 Sotheby's, 28 Julv 1899. n. 451; $64 Taylor (Jan. 1913, n. 720) sewed; £31.10.0 Red* Cross sale (Apr. 1917, n. 1946) ; P7 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 542) sewed. Familiar Studies of Men and Books. London, Cliatfo and Windns, 1882. 8°. In orig. green cloth $10-15. Reprinted in 1888. Large paper (100 copies) from the same stereotype plates. STEVENSON 555 New Arabian Nights. London, Chatto and Windus, 1882. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. green cloth $150-200. — £48 Prideaux (Febr. 1917, n. 3301) ; $365 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1509). The Silverado Squatters. London, Chatto and Windus [1883]. 8°. 14 pp., green wrapper. A trial issue of chapter I, published to secure copyright. Extremely scarce (10 copies printed). £20.10.0 Sotheby's, 28 July 1899, n. 455, resold $65 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 921) now H. E. Widener Library; $500 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 645). The Silverado Squatters. London, Chatto and Windns, 1883. 8°. The first published edition. The first issue contains a list of books published by Chatto, wanting in later issues. In orig. green cloth $10-15. — £4 Hodgson's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 80. Treasure Island. London, Cassell, 1883. 8°. In orig. green or red cloth $30-40. — £ 4.6.0 Hodgson's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 79; S. Steevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 637) ; $72.50 American Art Asso- ciation, 7 Jan. 1916, n. 226, cloth; $100 Haines (Febr. 1919, n. 237) cloth. "We found him first in the Dells of May" [Davos-Platz, 1883]. 4\ I leaf. £ 11 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1078 (now H. E. Widener Library). Penny Whistles. Cambridge, University Press, 1883. 12°. 22 pp. The first draft of A Child's Garden of Verses (1885) and the 'rarest of all Stevensoniana, only a few sets of proofs, probably six, having been struck off for the author. Two copies are known, the first sold for $2500 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 709) mor.. by Stikeman (now H. E. Widener Library) and the second, formerly belonging to W. E. Henley, for £ 300, Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1918. n. 2783). To the Thomson Class Club from their Stammering Laur- eate. Edinburgh, Constable, 1883. 8°. 2 leaves. Verses for a meeting of former pupils of Prof. D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson. £230 Sotheby's, 14 Febr. 1917, n. 3304; £ 120 Sotheby's, 25 July 1917, n. 817; the original manuscript £ 190 Sotheby's, 25 July 1917, n. 818. 556 STEVENSON Admiral Guinea, by W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Bdinhurgh, R. and R. Clark, 1884. 8°. Printed for private circulation. In orig. printed wrapper $60-80 (and less). — i 19.5.0 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1028; $175 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 641) wrapper, auto- graph corrections, resold $232.50 Crawford (Febr. 1919, n. 764). Beau Austin, by W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Bdin- hurgh, R. and R. Clark, 1884. 8°. In orig. printed wrapper $50-60 (and less). — i 15 Lang (Dec. 1912, n. 157) ; $225 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 640) wrapper, autograph correc- tions, resold $232.50 Crawford (Febr. 1919, n. 765). Macaire, by W. E. Henley and R, L. Stevenson. Bdin- hurgh, R. and R. Clark, 1885. 8°. Printed for private circulation. In orig. printed wrapper $40-50 and more. — £ 175 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 642) wrapper, resold $177.50 Crawford (Febr. 1919, n. 770). The H. E. Widener copy is of an earlier issue with variations. The Laureat Ste'enson to the Thamson Class. burgh, 1885]. 8°. 4 pp. Very scarce. [Edin- Prince Otto, a Romance. London, CJiatto and Windiis, 1885. 8°. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — i 22 Puttick's, 23 Jan. 1913, n. 148, pre- sentation copy; £6.6.0 Hodgson's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 81; $80 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 431) cloth. A Child's Garden of Verses. London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1885. 16°. In orig. blue cloth $25-30. — $30 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 930) cloth; £88 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1759) the author's copy with two auto- graph notes (now A. E. Newton) ; $300 Riviere (Febr. 1916, n. 91) mor., elaborately tooled ; £ 12.10.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1916, n. 2302) cloth. More New Arabian Nights, the Dynamiter. London, Long- mans, Green and Co., 1885. 8**. By Stevenson and his wife. In orig. green wrapper $10-15 and in red cloth $15-20. STEVENSON 557 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. London^ Longmans J Green and Co., 1886. 8°. In orig. printed wrapper or pink cloth $20-25. — £20 Sotheby's, 23 July 1914, n. 597, presentation copy. Kidnapped. London, published for the Author, n. d. 8°. A very scarce trial issue printed for copyright purposes. ' i30 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1030 (then Williamson). Kidnapped. London, Cassell and Co., i886. 8°. The first published edition. In orig. blue (or red, brown or green) cloth $5-6. — £ 51 Sotheby's, 21 Dec. 1915, n. 349, presentation copy. Some College Memories. Edinburgh , i886. 8°. A reprint from The New Amphion (30 copies only). In orig. printed wrapper $30-40. — £ 12 Puttick's, 14 June 1897, n. 247. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. Nezu York, Scribner, 1887. 8". In orig. red cloth $5-6. — £ 36 Sotheby's, 21 Dec. 1915, n. 363, presenta- tion copy. A single uncut copy is known. The Hanging Judge, a Drama in three Acts and six Tab- leaux. Edinburgh, R. and R. Clark, 1887. 8°. A trial proof, 68 pp., printed on one side only, for private circulation. £90 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2880) half-mor. An edition of 30 copies was printed in 1914 for T. J. Wise. Thomas Stevenson, Civil Engineer. London, for private distribution, 1887. 8°. In orig. blue wrapper $15-25. — $31 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1697); £4.6.0 Sotheby's, 31 July 1912, n. 37. Memories and Portraits. London, Chatto and JVindus, 1887. 4°. In orig. blue cloth $8-10 and more on large paper bound in white cloth (50 copies printed). Underwoods. London, CJiatto and Windus, 1887. 8". In orig. green cloth $8-10 and more on large paper bound in white cloth (50 copies printed). — £26.10.0 So>theby's. 19 Dec. 1910, n. 203, presentation copy; £23 Crockett (Oct. 1912, n. 350) presentation copy; £30.9.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1755), the corrected proof sheets with an autograph dedication. 558 STEVENSON Ticonderoga. Bdinhurgh, R. and R. Clark, 1887. 4°. 50 copies only were printed to secure copyright. In orig. vellum $30-40. — i 5.15.0 Hodgson's, 5 Nov. 1913, n. 114. In 1889 two copies were printed of a special edition dedicated to King Kalakaua. One was sent to the Hawaiian King, the other sold for $105 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 956) and is now in the H. E. Widener Library. The Merry Men and other Tales and Fables. London, Chat- to and Windus, 1887. 12°. In orig. blue cloth $8-10. — $55 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 650) cloth. The Black Arrow. London, Cassell and Co., 1888. 8°. In orig. red cloth $6-8. — $40 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 959) cloth; $32.50 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 653) cloth. The Master of Ballantrae. London, [Cassell], 1888. 8°. A very scarce trial issue known as "The Author's edition" ; only ten copies printed for copyright purposes. $100 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 961) now H. E. Widener Library ; i 123 Sotheby's, 21 Dec. 1915, n. 348, orig. bufif wrapper. The Master of Ballantrae. London, Cassell and Co., 1889. 8^ In orig. red cloth $6-8. The Misadventures of John Nicholson. New York, M. J. I vers [1888]. 8^ A scarce pirated reprint from a magazine. In orig. printed wrapper $40-50 and more. — $140 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 964) half-mor. (now H. E. Widener Library). 8^ The Wrong Box. London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1889. By R. L. Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. In orig. red cloth $5-6. I'll sing you a song of a tropical sea On board of the old Equator. A broadside presented to each guest at a dinner given by R. L. Stev- enson, in 1891, at the Tivoli Hotel, Apia. i 130 Sotheby's, 23 July 1914, n. 609, Lloyd Osbourne's copy, now in the H. E. Widener Library. Thirty copies were reprinted in facsimile in 1914 for A. S W. Rosen- bach. STEVENSON 559 The South Seas, a Record of three Cruises. London, Cas- sell, 1890. 8°. 22 copies only were printed, for copyright purposes. $150 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 973) now H. E. Widener Library ; $500 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 655) wrapper, many autograph corrections; $550 Stevenson (Jan. 1915, n. 516) orig. red cloth, also with autograph corrections; £71 Perkins (March 1916, n. 311) half-mor. Father Damien. Sydney, 1890. 8°. 25 copies only were printed. Care must be taken to distinguish the very scarce genuine first edition from the reprints bearing the same date. £ 41 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 1032, presentation copy ; £ 38 Puttick's, 19 March 1914, n. 237, resold i31 Puttick's, 25 June 1914, n. 102; $220 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 654). Ballads. London, Chatto and Windus, 1890. 12°. In orig. blue cloth $5-6 and more on large paper, bound in white cloth. — £14 Puttick's, 23 Jan. 1913, n. 416, autograph note. Across the Plains, with other Memories and Essays. Lon- don, Chatto and Windus, 1892. 4°. In orig. blue cloth $5-6 and more on large paper, bound in white cIoth„ The Wrecker, by R. L. Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. Lon- don, Cassell and Co., 1892. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $4-5. The Beach of Falesa. London, Cassell and Co., 1892. 8". 128 pp. Red cloth. Only a few copies were printed to secure English copyright. il52 Sotheby's. 21 Dec. 1915, n. 364, orig. red cloth; £160 Perkins (March 1916, n. 312) cloth. Another trial edition printed the same year contains .also The Bottle Imp and runs to 222 pages. For the first published edition, see infra Island Nights' Entertainments. A Footnote to History. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. London, Cassell and Co., 1892. 8°. In orig. blue or green cloth $4-5. An Object of Pity or the Man Haggard. Amsterdam [Sidney], 1892. 8°. In orig. vellum $100-120. — £ 59 Sotheby's, 25 Febr. 1901, n. 1278. 560 STEVENSON To this should be joined the reply: Objects of Pity, or Self and Com- pany, by a Gentleman of Quality. Amsterdam [Sidney], 1892. 8°. War in Samoa. London, 1893. 8°. A private reprint from the Pall Mall Gazette, Sept. 1893. In orig. red wrapper $15-25. — $28 Taylor (Jan. 1913, n. 722) ; $55 Pluntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 1026) wrapper. Island Nights' Entertainments. London, Cassell and Co., 1893. 8^ In orig. cloth (several colours) $4-5. Catriona. London, Cassell and Co., 1893. 8°. In orig. blue cloth $2-3. — $89 Porter (Dec. 1910, n. 556) presentation copy. The manuscript $4400 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 710) now H. E. Widener Library. The Ebb Tide, a Trio and a Quartette, by R. L. Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. London, Heinemann, 1894. 8°. In orig. red-brown cloth $4-5. The American edition (Chicago and Cambridge, Stone and Kimball) was actually published two months earlier. Prayer. R. L. S., 1894. A single leaf of pink paper. $19 Walpole Galleries, 24 May 1916, n. 322; $30 Brooks (Apr. 1919, n. 803). The Amateur Emigrant, from the Clyde to Sandy Hook. Chicago, Stone and Kimball, 1895. 8°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. Vailima Letters being Correspondence addressed by R. L. Stevenson to Sidney Colvin. London, Methuen and Co., 1895. 8". In orig. red brown cloth $8-10 and more on large paper. The original letters are in the H. E. Widener Library. Fables. Nezv York, Scrihner, 1896. 16°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. Weir of Hermiston. Chicago, Stone and Kimball, 1896. 3 parts. 8° in green wrappers or in i vol. in green cloth. Scarce trial issues. — $90 Williamson (Jan. 1908, n. 1005) cloth (now H. E. Widener Library). STEVENSON 561 Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished Romance. London, CJiat- io and Windus, 1896. 8°. The first published edition. In orig. dark bhie cloth $4-5. — Z6 pp. of the manuscript £ 228 Sothe- by's, 23 July 1914, n. 593. Songs of Travel and otiier Verses. London, CJiatto and Windus, 1896. 8°. In orig. dark blue cloth $4-5. Familiar Epistle in Verse and Prose. London, 1896. 8°. 20 pp. Vellum boards. 27 copies printed for T. J. Wise. $32.50 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1742). A Mountain Town in France. London, J. Lane, 1896. 8°. In orig. grey wrapper $8-10. St. Ives being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in Eng- land. Nezv York, Scrihner, 1897. 8°. Completed by Sir A. Ouiller Couch. In orig. brown cloth $3-4. Three short Poems. London, for private Distribution, 1898. 8°. Thirty copies printed. In orig. vellum boards $15-20. — £4.15.0 Puttick's, 29 Oct. 1913, n. 469. R. L. S. Teuila. Printed for private circidation, 1899. 8*'. In orig. grey wrapper $20-30. — $50 Wood and Whitney (Febr. 1914, n. 497) mor. Memoirs of Himself. For private distribution onlyl 19 12. 4°. Grey boards. Printed for H. E. Widener from the manuscript in his library. £12 Prideaux (Febr. 1917, n. 3489). Works. Edinburgh, 1894- 1903. 34 vols. 8**. Cloth. The standard library edition, a complete set comprising: Works, 28 vols. ; Letters, 2 vols. ; Life, 2 vols. ; Stevensoniana, 1 vol., and Bibliogra- phy, 1 vol. 4 copies were printed on Japanese vellum. The present price on ordinary paper varies from $250-300. The two other editions of the Works (Pentland edition, 1906-1907, 20 vols. 8°; Swanston edition, 1911-1912. 25 vols. 8°) sell for $60-80. 562 STEVENSON Testimonials in favour of Robert Louis Stevenson Advocate. [Edinburgh, 1881]. 8". Wrapper. $20-30. — $85 Stevenson (Nov. 1914, n. 634) wrapper. STILL (J.). See Gammer Gurton's Needle STOWE (Harriet Beecher). 1811-1896 Uncle Tom's Cabin or Life among the Low^ly. Boston, John P. Jezvett and Co., 1852. 2 vols. 12°. In orig. cloth $60-80. — $290 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3072) orig. cloth, with autograph inscription; $140 Ward (Dec. 1913, n. 541) orig. wrapper. To this may be added : A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Boston, John P. Jewett and Co., 1853. 8°. STOWE (John) A Survey of London. London, J. Wolfe, 1598. 8°. $50-60. — ill Perkins (July 1889, n. 1872) old calf, presentation copy (now W. A. White) ; £20 Huth (July 1918, n. 7099) russia; $25 Ander- son's (28 Oct. 1918, n. 322) red mor. (now Huntington). A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Sixth edition. London, 1754-1755. 2 vols. Fol. 132 pi. The standard edition. $40-50. — £ 13.13.0 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 796) mor. STRANGE NEWS FROM VIRGINIA Strange News from Virginia being a true Relation of a great Tempest in Virginia. London, W. Thackeray, iGGy. 4°. 8 pp. £21 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 359) unbound. Strange Nev^s from Virginia, being a full and true Account of the Life and Death of Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. London, for W. Harris, 1677. 4°. 8 pp. Only 4 copies seem to be known: Huntinsfton (Church): Harvard;' New York Public Library; i 99 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907, n. 360) unbound. STRODE 563 STRODE (William). 1602-1645 The Floating Island, a Tragi-Comedy. London, T. C. for H. Tzviford, N. Brooke and J. Place, 1655. 4°. £5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 329) unbound. STUKELEY (Thomas). See Famous History SUCKLING (Sir John). 1609-1642 Aglaura [a Play]. London, J. Haviland for T. Walkley, 1638. Fol. Very scarce. Bodleian; Hunting-ton (Brid'gewater) ; $235 Hunting- ton (Apr. 1918, Vni. n. 504) half-mor., title cut close (Devonshire copy, now W. A. White) ; £ 10.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 7141) half-calf. The Discontented Colonell [a play]. London, E. G. for Francis Baglesfield, [1639]. 4''. £7 Hodgson's, 8 Jan. 1902, n. 235, half-mor.; $120 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 3081) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Huntington) ; $90 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 825) calf (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. White) ; £32 Huth (July 1918, n. 7142) half-mor. Fragmenta Aurea, a Collection of all the incomparable Pieces written by Sir John Suckling. London, for Humphrey Moseley, 1646. 8^ Portr. by Marshall. $150-200. — £51 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 803) mor.; $200 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3162) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) ; $160 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1203) mor.. by Riviere (now Pforzheimer) ; $242.50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1552) orig. calf. The Last Remains of Sir John Suckling. London, for H. Moseley, 1659. 8°. $76 Anderson's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 878, orig. calf. Earl Gower's arms. SUNDAY IN LONDON Sunday in London. London, B. Wilson, 1833. 12°. 14 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. pink boards $10-15. 564 SURREY SURREY (Earl of). See Howard (Henry) SURTEES (Robert). 1779-1834 The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Dur- ham. London, 1S16-1S40. 4 vols. Fol. Raine's North Durham, 1852, usually forms a 5th vol. of the set. $100-120 and on large paper $150-200. — - i 50 Huth (July 1918, n. 7163) russia, large paper. SURTEES (Robert Smith). 1803-1864 A favourite set with collectors is the series of his five Sporting Novels, viz.: Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour (1853), Handley Cross (1854), Ask Mamma (1858), Plain or Ringlets (1860) and Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds (1865). The set sells for $120-150 and more: $340 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 951) orig. cloth; $660 American Art Association, 26 March 1917, n. 515, in parts; $730 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 627) in parts. The Horseman's Manual being a Treatise on Soundness . . . London, Alfred Miller, 1831. S"*. In orig. green cloth $10-15. Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities. London, W. Spiers, 1838. 8°. 12 pi. by Phiz. In orig. doth $100-150. — i 23 Sotheby's. 11 July 1902, n. 65, mor. ; $130 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 642) cloth; $215 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1554) now Grenville Kane. The 1839 reprint has nearly the same value. Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities. London, R. Ackermann, 1843. 8^ 15 coloured plates by H. Aiken. In orig. green cloth $150-200. — £45.15.0 Puttick's, 30 July 1902, n. 168, cloth; £47 Hill (May 1912, n. 188) cloth; $450 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 222) cloth ; $390 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 56) cloth; $500 Wal- lace '(March 1920, n. 1264). Handley Cross or the Spa Hunt. London, Henry Colburn, 1843. 3 vols. 8°. In orig. boards $5-6. Handley Cross or Jorrock's Hunt. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1854. 8°. 17 coloured plates (and 84 woodcuts and engravings) by Leech. In orig. cloth $30-40 and in parts $60-80. — $411 Anderson's, 14 Dec. SURTEES 565 1909, n. 570, mor., by Riviere, with 5 of the orig. drawings ; £ 66 Hill (May 1912, n. 191) in parts; £ 16 Gilbey (June 1915, n. 410) cloth; £42 Sotheby's, 25 May 1914, n. 497; $117.50 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 176) in parts. Hillingdon Hall or the Cockney Squire. London, H. Col- burn, 1845. 3 vols. S"*. 12 coloured pi. by Wildrake, Heath and Jellicoe. In orig. boards $10-15. — $30 Whiton (Febr. 1911, n. 649). The Analysis of the Hunting Field. London, R. Acker- mann, 1846. 8°. 7 coloured plates by H. Aiken and 43 wood- cuts. In orig. green or red cloth $60-80 and more. — £ 15.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 641) cloth ; $100 Hermann (March 1909, n. 21) mor. ; $190 Claw- son (Jan. 1917, n. 143) cloth ; $250 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 89) cloth; £27 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3601) cloth. Hawbuck Grange, or the Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott Esq. London, Longmans, etc., 1847. 8°. 8 plates by Phiz. In orig. red cloth $25-30 and more. — £ 10.10.0 Sotheby's, 29 Oct. 1914, n. 522, cloth; $36 Heckscher (March 1909, n. 2766) mor., by Riviere; $97.50 Halsey (Febr. 1919, n. 950) cloth. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1853. 8°. 13 coloured plates (and 84 woodcuts) by Leech. In orig. cloth $20-25 and in 13 parts $40-50. — £ 12 Sotheby's, 25 May 1914, n. 499, in parts; £ 19 Hodgson's, 10 June 1914, n. 37, in parts; $135 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 175) in parts. • "Ask Mamma" or the richest Commoner in England. Lon- don, Bradbury and Evans, 1858. 8°. 13 coloured plates (luid 69 woodcuts and engravings) by Leech. In orig. cloth $25-30 in parts $40-50. — $110 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 177) in parts. Plain or Ringlets? London, Bradbury and Evans, i860. 8°. 14 coloured plates (and 44 woodcuts) by Leech. In orig. cloth $15-20 and in 12 parts $60-80. — £ 19 Sotheby's, 25 May 1914, n. 503, in parts; $200 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 178) in parts. 566 SURTEES Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1865. 8°. 24 coloured plates by Leech and Phiz. In orig. cloth $15-25 and in 12 parts $30-40. — i 14.10.0 Hill (May 1912, n. 194) in parts; £ 10 Sotheby's. 25 May 1914. n. 505. in parts; $85 Wilson (Apr. 1916, n. 179) in parts. SWETNAM Swetnam the Woman-Hater arraigned by Women, a new Comedy. London, for R. Meighen, 1620. 4°. Woodcut. $250 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3173) mor., by Bedford (now Huntington) , $150 Hunting-ton (Dec. 1917, V, n. 367) calf, by Riviere (Halsey copy) resold $197.50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1556) ; £ 27 Huth (July 1918, n. 7168) mor. ; the Rowfant copy belongs to the Elizabethan Club, Yale. SWIFT (Jonathan). 1667-1745 No attempt has been made to list here the numerous works of this cele- brated author. A Tale of a Tub. London, for John Nutt, 1704. 8". In orig. calf $40-50. — £ 11.15.0 Sotheby's, 21 July 1902, n. 1447, calf; £9 Puttick's, 16 Nov. 1911, n. 137, calf, large paper; $50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1211) calf, by Bedford; $67.50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1557) orig. calf. Baucis and Philemon, a Poem. London, H. Hills, 1710. 8°. Travels into several remote Nations of the World, by Lem- uel Gulliver. London, for Benj. Motte, 1726. 2 vols. 8''. The first issue has a separate pagination for each part and has the in- scription below (not round) the portrait. Further, vol. I, part I, p. 35, line 5 should read "Subsidies" and have the date 1724 on page 64; vol. II should have 155 pages to part HI and page 74 should be misnumbered 44. Copies exist on large paper and are very scarce. In orig. calf, 1st issue, $100-150 and more. — £ 100 Hibbert (Apr. 1902, n. 809) calf, portr. in 1st state; £ 132 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 220) old calf (the Rowfant copy, with Goldsmith's autograph, now in the H. E. Widener Library) ; $865 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3175) mor., by The Club Bindery, large paper, portr. in 1st state (now Huntington) ; i250 Arthur (July 1914, n. 646) orig. calf, a very fine copy (now in America) ; $1425 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 505) orig. calf, large paper, portr. in 1st state (Lloyd-Church copy). SWIFT 567 Cadenus and Vanessa. London^ N. Blandford for Peek, 1726. 8^ One of three editions under the same date. ;flO-15. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles). 1837-1909 R. H. Shepherd, The bibliography of A. C. Sninburne (London, G. Redway, 1887. 8°) 40 pp. Now of fittle value. T. J. Wise, A bibliographical list of the scarcer zvorks and uncollected writings of A. C. SziHnbnrne (London, 1897. 8°) 112 pp. (Only 50 copies printed) and in Literary Anecdotes II (1896) pp. 291-374. [Luther S. Livingston] First editions of Algernon Charles Swin- burne, the bibliographical description of a collected set of the first editions of the zvritings of the last of the great Victorian poets (New York, Dodd and Livingston, [1913]. 8°). T. J. Wise, A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Alger- non Charles Sunnburne, vol. I (London, 1919. 4"*) xvi-507 pp. This, when completed, will truly be the last word on the subject. Undergraduate Papers. Oxford, W. Mansell, 1857-1858. 3 parts. 8°. 186 pp. All that was published of this magazine to which Swinburne contributed four papers. Of the greatest scarcity not more than five or six complete copies being known. — $105 Rogers (Jan. 1888, n. 1300) half-mor. ; $1650 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1783) G. Birkbeck Hill's copy (now in the H. E. Widener Li- brary) ; Huntington (Halsey copy, bought in 1896) ; J. A. Spoor; T. J. Wise; F. Madan; $825 H. Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 820) half- calf; E. K. Butler (parts I and II in orig. wrapper) ; James H. Aitken (part I in wrapper). No copy of part III in the orig. wrapper has yet been discovered. ^ All that exists of the manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Queen-Mother. Rosamond. Two Plays. London, Basil Montagu Pickering, i860. 12°. Grey cloth with a label bearing the misprint A. G. Swinburne. The first issue, with the rare Pickering imprint. In orig. grey cloth $60-80. The half-titles and leaf of Errata are sometimes missing. The dedication copy to Rossetti, inscribed, £ 14 Sotheby's, 20 April 1899, n. 985, resold £66 Van Antwerp (March 1907. n. 221) and $400 Lapham (Dec. 1908. n. 1267) now in the H. E. Widener Library; $170 McKee (May 1902, n. 5506) half-mor.. presentation copy to Pauline Trevelyan; £32.10.0 Marshall (July 1904, n. 540) presentation copy; 568 SWINBURNE $125 Poor (Apr. 1909, n. 1025) mor., by The Club Bindery; $110 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1559) ; a second dedication copy to Rossetti £ 54 C. F. Murray (July 1919, n. 106). After a few copies were sold, the book was transferred to Moxon, who issued it with a fresh title (also in 1860) and later to Hotten (1866). Copies with these later addresses are worth only $5-8 in the orig. green cloth. The manuscript of Rosamond is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Children of the Chapel, a Tale. London, J. Masters, 1864. S\ Written by Swinburne's cousin Miss Gordon, but corrected by him and with portions from his pen. (The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll.). In orig. red, blue, or brown cloth $30-40. Dead Love. London, John IV. Parker and Son, 1864. 12°. In orig. red wrapper $30-40. — $50 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1268) wrap- per (now H. E. Widener Library) ; $80 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 823) wrapper. A deceptive fraudulent reprint has the L of London on the title page to the right of (instead of above) the R in Parker. Atalanta in Calydon, a Tragedy. London, B. Moxon, 1865. 4°. Ill pp. A hundred copies were printed. In orig. white cloth $50-60. — £ 66 Ellis (Nov. -1901, n. 123) mor., presentation copy; $200 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 727) mor., by The Doves Bindery. Part of the manuscript is in the Fitzwilliam Museum. The second edition published the same year contains 130 pp. Chastelard, a Tragedy. London, B. Moxon, 1865. 16°. In orig. red or blue cloth $10-15. — $30 Stedman (Jan. 1911, n. 2904) mor., presentation copy; £25 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1916, n. 2315) pre- sentation copy; $25 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 824) a set of final proofs with variations (now Pforzheimer). The manuscript $2000 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 726). Sonnet "O Virgin Mother of gentle days and nights." N. p.,n.d. [1865?]. A lithographed broadside, the onlv known copy of which belonged to Dodd and Livingston ($81 Dodd. Nov. 1918, n. 766). The sonnet is printed in "The Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts MDCCCLXV." London, W. Clowes, 1865. 8*'. This has no claim to be listed as a first edition. SWINBURNE 569 Cleopatra. London, J. C. H often, 1866. 16°. In orig. buff wrapper $40-50. — $60 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1276) wrapper (now H. E. Widener Library). Laus Veneris. London, B. Moxon, 1866. 8°. Privately printed. Was at its highest price about 1900, before several copies in folded sheets came on the market. Now worth in sheets $60-80. — £ 23.10.0 Sotheby's, 22 Febr. 1897, n. 1248; i 16 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 223) folded sheets. Poems and Ballads. London, B. Moxon, 1866. 16°. Several pages were cancelled during the printing; pages 181-182 seem to be cancelled in all copies. Copies of the first issue bear Moxon's imprint ; the second issue has J. C. Hotten's name. The first issue, in orig. green cloth $30-40. — £22.1.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915, n. 1754) presentation copy; $60 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1560). Copies with the imprint of Carleton and Moxon and the title "Laus Veneris and other Poems and Ballads" are of an American reprint of the same year ($10-12). Notes on Poems and Reviews. London, J. C. H often, 1866. The first edition shows on the verso of the title the imprint "S'avill and Edwards," altered to "Savill, Edwards and Co." in the second edition. $5-6 and less for the second edition. Moxon's Miniature Poets, a Selection from the Works of Lord Byron, edited and prefaced by Algernon Chas. Swinburne. London, B. Moxon, 1866. 16°. In orig. cloth $4-5. A Song of Italy. London, J. C. H often, 1867. 16*'. The first issue was bound in green cloth, copies bound in red and blue cloth being of later issues. $4-5. Two autograph manuscripts are in existence: one of these $740 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 725). An Appeal to England against the Execution of the con- demned Fenians. MancJiesfer, reprinted from the Morning Star, 1867. 12°. 12 pp. In orig. grey printed wrapper $15-20. The poem was also published as a broadside, the only known copy of which is in the T. J. Wise coll., together with the manuscript and a con- temporary poster. 570 SWINBURNE Dolores. London, J. C. H often, .1867. 16°. 24 pp. The first separate edition. In orig. wrapper $20-30. — $30 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1278) wrapp€r. The manuscript was in the Walter B. Slater coll. William Blake, A Critical Essay. London, J. C. Hotten, 1868. 8°. Illustrations. The first issue has the word Zamiel below the woodcut on the title. In orig. cloth $15-25. — £ 16 Hodgson's, 2 Dec. 1914, n. 170, presenta- tion copy. The T. J. Wise copy contains two proof sheets of the title with striking variations. Siena. London, 1868. 12^ 16 pp. Orange or cream wrapper. One of the rarest of all Swinburniana, only six copies having been print- ed: 1. Brit. Mus. (no wrapper) ; 2. T. J. Wise; 3. $107.50 Buxton For- man (March 1920. n. 829) presentation copy to F. Gledstanes Waugh (now Pforzheimer) ; 4. J. A. Spoor; 5. Harvard (Langmore copy, bought in 1910) ; 6. £ 134 Sotheby's, 29 June 1916, n. 26 (Chatto copy), after- wards Quaritch. There is a very deceptive early reprint, fraudulently published by J. C. Hotten; in this, verse 5 is slig'htly longer than verse 6, whereas, in the original, verses 5 and 6 are exactly of the same length. The first American edition (Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1868. 18°. 24 pp.) is worth, in orig. wrapper, $6-8. Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1868. Part I. By Wm. Michael Rossetti. Part II. By Algernon C. Swin- burne. London, J. C. Hotten, 1868. 8*". In orig. buff printed wrapper $5-6. Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic. Lon- don, F. S. Ellis, 1870. 8^ In orig. orange printed wrapper $5-6. — $8 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1283) wrapper; $70 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 830) presentation copy. One of the two original manuscripts, £ 61 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1914, n. 158, probably the one now belonging to H. E. Huntington. Songs before Sunrise. London, P. S. Ellis, 1871. 12°. In orig. blue cloth $5-10; on large paper (25 copies printed) $60-80 and more. — i 30.10.0 Sotheby's, 1 May 1911, n. 440, large paper. Under the Microscope. London, D. White, 1872. Leaf pp. 41-42 is replaced by a cancel in all but 3 or 4 copies (the un- cancelled page reads line 3 "strumpets and scoundrels"). SWINBURNE 571 In orig. grey printed wrapper, with the leaf cancelled, $20-25. — i 12.10.0 Willard (July 1907, n. 316) with the uncancelled leaf; £38 Humphries (Dec. 1910, n. 35) with both states of the leaf and the Errata slip at end. The manuscript is in the H. E. Widener Library. Le Tombeau de Theophile Gautier. Paris, A. Lemerre, 1873. 4^ Contains, amongst other contributions, six poems by Swinburne. In orig. wrapper $5-10 and more on China paper. — £ 12.5.0 Watts- Dunton (March 1917, n, 569) presentation copy from Swinburne. Bothwell, a Tragedy. London, Chatto and VVindus, 1874. 12^ In orig. blue cloth $5-6. Two sets of proofs exist of an earlier impression, set up in 1871: 1. T. J. Wise; 2. £67 Sotheby's, 4 March 1920, n. 273 (from Rowfant). George Chapman, a critical Essay. London, Chatto and Windus, 1875. 12^ In orig. green cloth $3-4. The manuscript, £ 155 Sotheby's, 7 Nov. 1918. Essays and Studies. London, Chatto and JVindus, 1875. I2^ In orig. green cloth $3-4. Songs of two Nations. London, -Chatto and Windus, 1875. 12^ In orig. green cloth $2-3. Auguste Vacquerie. Paris, Michel Levy freres, 1875. 8"*. In orig. pink wrapper $10-12. m t The Devil's Due, a Letter to the Editor of the Examiner, by Thomas Maitland. [London], for private circidation, 1875. 16". 12 pp. (no covers). Very scarce (some fifteen copies are known) . — £ 12.10.0 Willard (July 1907, n. 319) uncut; $48 Gooch and Fowler (Apr. 1915, n. 580) in sheets; $52.50 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 892) mor., by Riviere; £ 16 Pittar (Nov. 1918, n. 630) in Sheets. Erechtheus, a Tragedy. London, CJiatto and Windus, 1876. 12^ In orig. green cloth $2-3. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. 572 SWINBURNE Notes of an English Republican on the Muscovite Crusade. London, Chatto and Windus, 1876. 8°. 24 pp. In orig. grey wrapper $1-2. A Note on Charlotte Bronte. London, CJiatto and Win- dus, 1877. 12^ The first issue is in blue cloth, the others in green. In orig. blue cloth $3-4. Lesbia Brandon. [London, Chatto and Windus, 1877]. Two sets of galleys of a portion of this novel are in existence: 1. T. J. Wise; 2. Formerly belonged to Andrew Chatto. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. Poems and Ballads. Second Series, London, Chatto and Windus, 1878. 16'' or S\ Exists in two sizes. In orig. green cloth $5-10. — £18.10.0 Christie's, 8 June 1915, n. 38, presentation copy. Songs of the Springtides. London, Chatto and Windus, 1880. 12°. In orig. green cloth $1-2. — £ 5.12.6 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900, n. 1409. Specimens of modern Poets. The Heptalogia, or the Sev- en against Sense, a Cap with seven Bells. London, Chatto and Windus, 1880. 12''. A series of seven Parodies. In orig. green cloth $10-12. — $206 Hinckley (Febr. 1912, n. 842) pre- sentation copy to Joseph Knight, with autograph additions ; £ 69 Sothe- by's, 29 June 1916. n. 30, the author's copy with numerous corrections. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. Studies in Song. London, Chatto and Windus, 1880. 12°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. — i 5.10.0 Sotheby's, 20 Apr. 1899, n. 992, presentation copy; £ 10 Puttick's, 23 Jan. 1913, n. 137, presentation copy. A Study in Shakespeare. London, Chatto and Windus, 1880. 12". In orig. green cloth $4-5. — i 11.5.0 Puttick's, 23 Jan. 1913, n. 136, presentation copy. Mary Stuart, a Tragedy. London, Chatto and Windus, 1881. 12°. In orig. green cloth $2-3. — £5.15.0 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900, n. 1410, presentation copy; £7 Christie's, 8 June 1915, n. 36, presentation copy. SWINBURNE 573 Euthanatos. M. T. 23rd January 1881. 12°. 4 pp. Verses on the death of Mrs. Thehisson. An extremely scarce leaflet, privately printed, and of which a copy was in the Rowfant collection (now J. A. Spoor) ; the only other copy known and the manuscript are in the T. J. Wise coll. Tristram of Lyonesse and other Poems. London, Chatto and Windiis, 1882. 12°. In orig. green cloth $5-10. — £ 8.2.6 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 1062, presentation copy; $100 Groves (Dec. 1917, n. 425) presentation copy. A Century of Roundels. London, Chatto and Windus, 1883. 8". In orig. green cloth $10-15. — $250 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 728) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson. Six copies were printed on thick white drawing paper and bound in white cloth. One of these £18.10.0 Watts-Dunton (March 1917, n. 1035) presentation copy; another $10 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1561), now C. W. Clark. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. [Dolorida]. In the Album of Adah Menken. [1883]. 12**. 4 pp. A poem of eight lines. Very scarce. $5-10 and more. A Midsummer Holiday and other Poems. London, Chat- to and Windus, 1884. 12". In orig. green cloth $5-10. — £ 10.5.0 Puttick's, 23 Jan. 1913, n. 138, presentation copy. Marino Faliero, a Tragedy. London, Chatto and Windus, 1885. I2^ In orig. green cloth $2-3. — £5.17.6 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900. n. 1413, presentation copy; $66 Klein (Febr. 1911. n. 1832) presentation copy. The manuscript, £300 Watts-Dunton (March 1917, n. 994) now in an American collection. Miscellanies. London, Chatto and Windus, 1886. 12''. In orig. green cloth $5-10. The Commonweal. Reprinted from the Times, July ist, 1886. A broadside. The only known copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. 574 SWINBURNE A Study of Victor Hugo. London, Chatto and W Indus, 1886. 12°. In orig. green cloth $2-3. — $70 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1834) presenta- tion copy. Note on Epipsychidion. [1886]. 8''. 8 pp. The unique proof sheet of this paper is in the T. J. Wise coll. Locrine, a Tragedy. London, Chatto and Windus, 1887. In orig-. green cloth $10-15. — £6 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900, n. 1414, presentation copy. Gathered Songs. London, Charles Ottley, Landon and Co., 1887. ^. Green wrapper. 25 copies were printed on paper and 4 on vellum. $50-60. — $290 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 836) on vellum. The Jubilee, 1887. London, Charles Ottley, Landon and Co., 1887. 12°. Green wrappers. 25 copies were printed on paper and 4 on vellum. $50-60. — $17 Poor (Apr. 1909, n. 1042) calf, uncut. The Question, 1887, a Poem. London, Charles Ottley, Lan- don and Co., 1887. 12*'. Green wrapper. 25 copies were printed on paper and 4 on vellum. $30 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1308) wrapper. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. A Word for the Navy, a Poem. London, Charles Ottley, Landon and Co., 1887. 12°. Green wrapper. 25 copies were printed on paper and 4 on vellum. $47 Poor (Apr. 1909, n. 1041) mor., by Riviere. An earlier impression made in July 1886 for George Redway only exists in two proofs, one in the British Museum ; the other sold for i 21 Samuel (July 1907, n. 154) and belonged in 1918 to Messrs. Robson. Spurious reprints of these proofs are in existence. The manuscript is in the Wrenn coll., at Austin (University of Texas). A Word for the Navy. Landon, G. Redzvay, 1887. Grey wrapper. Of this second edition 250 copies were printed. $11 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1307) wrapper. 12" SWINBURNE 575 Poems and Ballads. Third Series. London, Chatto and JVindns, 1889. 12°. In orig. green cloth $5-10. — $120 Klein (Febr. 1911, n. 1844) pre- sentation copy. A Study of Ben Jonson. London, Chatto and Windus, 1889. 12^ In orig. green cloth $4-5. — £6.2.6 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900, n. 1415, h presentation copy. The Ballad of Dead Men's Bay. London, printed private- ly, 1889. 16°. 14 pp. Printed wrapper. $51 Poor (Apr. 1909, n. 1043) mor., by The Club Bindery. The Bride's Tragedy. London, printed privately, 1889. 16°. 16 pp. In orig. buff wrapper $12-15. — $92.50 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 840) unbound. The Brothers. 1889. 12°. 8 pp. Blue wrapper. Very scarce. $20 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 494) mor. (now Huntington). The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. Russia an Ode. A^. p., n. d. [1890]. 4". 4 pp. Only known by a unique proof in the T. J. Wise coll. A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning. London, printed for private circidation, 1890. 4°. 16 pp. Grey printed wrapper. $50-60. — $26 Poor (Apr. 1909. n. 1044) mor., by The Club Bindery. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Sisters, a Tragedy. London, Chatto and Windus, 1892. 12°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. $60 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1311) cloth, presentation copy. Music, an Ode. Christmas 1892. 4°. 4 pp. Only two copies are known, one in the T. J. Wise coll. ; the other (im- perfect) last belonged to Messrs. Maggs. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. 576 SWINBURNE The Ballad of Bulgarie. London, printed for private cir- culation, 1893. 12°. 16 pp. Yellow wrapper. Twenty-five copies printed for T. J. Wise. $21 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 756) mor., by The Club Bindery. Grace Darling. London, printed for private circulation, 1893. 4°. 22 pp. Vellum boards. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise on paper and three on vellum. Two manuscripts are known, one in the T. J. Wise coll. Astrophel and other Poems. London, CJiatto and JVindus, 1894. 12^ In orig. g-reen cloth $6-8. — ill Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 224) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson, Studies in Prose and Poetry. London, Chatto and Win- dus, 1894. 12''. In orig. green cloth $5-6. — £ 5.17.6 Sotheby's, 30 July 1900, n. 1416, presentation copy; £9.15.0 Christie's, 8 June 1915, n. 40, presentation copy. The Tale of Balen. London, Chatto and Windus, 1896. 12°. In orig. green cloth $5-6. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. Robert Burns, a Poem. Bdinbiirgh, printed for the mem- bers of the Burns Centenary Club, 1896. 12°. 12 pp. Pink printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed. $51 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1315) wrapper. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards, a Tragedy. London, Chatto and Windus, 1899. 12°. In orig. cream cloth $1-2. The manuscript is in America. Corrected proofs are in the T. J. Wise coll. A Channel Passage. London, W. Heinemann, 1899. 4°. 8 pp. No wrapper. Twenty-five copies printed for copyright. SWINBURNE 577 English Literature. Percy Bysshe Shelley. Philadelphia^ J. B. Lippincott, 1903. 8°. 18 pp. Mauve wrapper. Some 25 copies were printed for copyright. The manuscript is in America. A Channel Passage and other Poems. . London^ Cliatto and IVindus, 1904. 12''. In orig. green cloth. Love's Cross-Currents, a Year's Letters. London, Chatto and IVindus, 1905. 12°. In orig. bkie cloth $1-2. The Age of Shakespeare. London, Chatto and IVindus, 1908. 8^ In orig. blue cloth $1-2 and on large paper (110 copies printed) $6-8. The Duke of Gandia. London, Chatto and Windus, 1908. In orig. blue cloth $1-2 and on large paper (110 copies printed) $6-8. Shakespeare. Oxford, University Press, 1909. 16°. In orig. cloth $2-3. The Marriage of Monna Lisa. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Seven copies printed, for T. Watts-Dunton. i30 Prideaux (Febr. 1917, n. 3406). The manuscript is in the Wrenn coll. Lord Soulis, a Ballad. London, igog. 12°. Printed wrap- per. Seven copies printed, for T. Watts-Dunton. , £32 Prideaux (Febr. 1917, n. 3405). The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. In the Twilight, a Poem. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Ten copies printed, for T. J. Wise. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. Lord Scales, a Ballad by a Borderer. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed, for T. Watts-Dunton. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. 578 SWINBURNE Burd Margaret, a Ballad by a Borderer. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed, for T. Watts-Dunton. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Portrait. London, 1909. 12". Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed, for T. Watts-Dunton. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Chronicle of Queen Fredegond. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. To W. T. W. D. [London, 1909]. 12°. 4 pp. Twenty copies printed. Border Ballads. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters from Algernon Charles Swinburne to T. J. Wise. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Ode to Mazzini. London, 1909. 8°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. M. Prudhomme at the International Exhibition. London, 1909. 12". Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Of Liberty and Loyalty. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. The Saviour of Society, two Sonnets and a Controversy. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The Worm of Spindlestonheugh, a Ballad by a Borderer. London, 1909. 12^ Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. . SWINBURNE 579 Letters on the Works of George Chapman. London, 1909. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The Balade of Villon and Fat Madge. London, 1910. 8°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. A Criminal Case, a Sketch. London, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. A Record of Friendship. London, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. The manuscript is in the T. J. Wise coll. A Ballade of Truthful Charles and other Poems. London, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters on William Morris, Omar Khayyam and other Subjects of Interest. London, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters, chiefly concerning Edgar Allan Poe from Alger- non Charles Swinburne to John H. Ingram. London, 1910. 12^ Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters on the Elizabethan Dramatists [to A. H.,Bullen]. London, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters to Thomas Purnell and other Correspondents. Lon- don, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters from Algernon Charles Swinburne to A. H. Bullen. London, 1910. 12". Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. 580 SWINBURNE Letters from Algernon Charles Swinburne to John Churton Collins. London, 1910. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters from Algernon Charles Swinburne to Edmund Gosse. Series I-V. London, 1910-1911. 5 vols. 12°. Print- ed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Letters from Algernon Charles Swinburne to Frederick Locker. [London], 191 3. 12°. Printed wrapper. Twenty copies printed. Charles Dickens. London, CJiatto and IVindns, 191 3. 12°. Edited by T. Watts-Dunton. In orig. blue cloth $1-2. A Romance of Literature by Algernon Charles Swinburne and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1919. 8°. Red printed wrapper. Thirty copies printed for T. J. Wise. ' See also Kelmscott Press. On more than one occasion {e.g. Klein sale. Febr. 1911, nn. 1849 and 1851) proof sheets of contributions to periodicals were sold as if they were independent first editions. They are not included in the above list. SWINHOE (Gilbert) The Tragedy of the Unhappy Fair Irene. London, J. Streater for J. Place, 1658. 4°. $35 Hoe (Apr. 1911. I. n. 3177) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Hunt- ington) ; $12 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3185) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting-ton) ; $52.50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1565) uncut. SYMONDS (John Addington). 1840-1893 Most of his first editions bring in sales from $5 to $6 apiece. Wine, Women and Song. London, 1884. 8°. Exists on large paper (50 copies). $10-15. — £15.10.0 Humphries (May 1913, n. 156) large paper, pre- sentation copy. TAILOR 581 TAILOR (Robert) The Hog hath lost his Pearl, a Comedy. London, for R. Redmer, 1614. 4°. $75 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3187) mor., by Mackenzie (now Hunting-- ton) ; $27 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 846) calf, title cropped ( Briclgewater copy); $30 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 521) half- mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Con- gress). TASSO (Torquato). 1544-1595 Godfrey of Bulloigne or the Recoverie of Hierusalem, [cantos I-V] translated by R(ichard) G(arew). London, J. Windet for T. Man (or for C. Hunt), 1594. 4''. Two issues varying in the imprint. $270 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1574) mor., by Tuckett (Ross Wi- nans copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; i51 Huth (July 1919, n. 7211) mor., now in America. The Osterley Park copy is at the Elizabethan Club, Yale. The 1600 ed., $300 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 171) mor., by Gruel (Hanmer copy). TATE (Nahum). 1652-1715 The Island Princess or the Generous Portugal, a Comedy. London, for H. R. and A. M., etc., 1669. 4°. An adaptation from Beaumont and Fletcher. $35 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV. n. 3090) half-mor. (now Hmitingtpn) ; $16 Huntington, Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 511) half-mor. (Brid*ewater copy). Poems. London, T. M. for B. Tooke, 1677. 8°. $12 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 3091) mor.. by Chambolle. resold $56 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1254); $90 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1576) mor., by Ruban, Charles Cotton's copy (now J. L. Clawson). Brutus of Alba or the Enchanted Lovers, a Tragedy. Lon- don, B. f. for Jacob Tonson, 1678. 4°. $15 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3092) mor.; $20 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1255) half-calf. 582 TATE 'M The Loyal General, a Tragedy. London, for Henry Bon- wicke, 1680. 4°. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3093) mor., by Mercier (now Hunting- ton) ; $12 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 513) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; £6 Huth (July 1919. n. 7216) half-calf. The History of King Richard the Second. London, for R. and J. Tonson, 1681. 4''. An adaptation of Shakespeare's play. $15 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3094) calf (now Huntington). The History of King Lear. London, for B. Plesher, R. Bent ley and M. Magnes, 1681. 4°. An adaptation of Shakespeare's play. $17 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3095) calf (now Huntington); $47.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 514) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Ingratitude of a Common-Wealth or the Fall of Caius Martius Coriolanus, London, T. M. for J. Hindmarsh, 1682. 4°. An adaptation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3096) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington, 1918, VIII, n. 516) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). A Duke and no Duke, a Farce. London, for H. Bonwicke, 1685. 4°. $38 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3097) half-mor. Cuckolds-Haven or an Alderman no Conjurer, a Farce. London, J. H. for Bdzvard Poole, 1685. 4°. $14 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3098) half-mor. (now Huntington) ; $15 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 517) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). The Innocent Epicure or the Art of Angling, a Poem. Lon- don, for S. Crouch, etc., 1697. 8**. Written by J. S. and prefaced by N. Tate. $14 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3100) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 839); i 36 Huth (July 1918, n. 6493) mor., by Gosden. Injured Love or the Cruel Husband, a Tragedy. London, for R. Wellington, 1707. 4°. £3.15.0 Huth (July 1919, n. 7220) half-calf. I TATHAM 583 TATHAM (John) The Fancy's Theater. London, J. Norton for R. Best, 1640. 8^ Contains the pastoral "Love crowns the End," with a separate title. $65 Huntington (Dec. 1918, V, n. 369) mor., by Bedford (Lefferts- Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew) ; £ 18 Huth (July 1919, n. 7222). The Distracted State, a Tragedy. London, W. H. for John Tey, 1 65 1. 4". Two issues with variations. $32.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 3144) mor., by Riviere (now Hunting- ton) ; £4.4.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 331) unbound; £19.10.0 Huth (July 1919, n. 7223) veil., uncut. The Scot's FiggaHes or a Knot of Knaves, a Comedy. London, IV. H. for John Tey, 1652. 4°. $22.50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 3145) mor., by Riviere (now Hunting- ton) ; $27.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1257) half-mor. The Rump or the Mirror of the late Times, a new Comedy. London, W. Godbid for R. Bloome, 1660. 4°. $30 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3146) mor. (Jolley copy). Knavery in all Trades or the Coffee-House, a Comedy. London, J. B. for W. Gilhertson and H. Marsh, 1664. 4°. £5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 332) unbound. TATLER The Tatler, the Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstafif Esq. from 12 April, 1709, to 2 January 171 1 (nos. 1-271). Folio. By Sir Richard Steele. An additional number (272) dated 4 January 1711, is occasionally met with. In calf $60-80 (and more if with no. 272). — $550 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3140) vellum uncut (the Earl of Munster's copy, now H. E. Wid- ener Library). TAYLOR (John). 1580-1653 All the Works of John Taylor the Water-Poet being sixty and three in Number. London, J. B. for James Boler, 1630. 584 TAYLOR Fol. Engraved title by T. Cockson with the author's portrait. Pages 201-224 are lacking in all copies. $110 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3155) mor.. by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $55 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 370) mor., by Bedford (Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew) ; $130 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 520) mor. (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.). There are early separate editions of a great number of his works, all of considerable scarcity. See the catalogue of the Huth sale, nn. 7241- 7292. TAYLOR (John). 1757-1832 Monsieur Tonson. London, Marsh and Miller, 1830. 12°. Illustrations by Robert Cruikshank [assisted by G. Cruik^ shank]. $185 Dunwoody (Apr. 1916, n. 304) mor., by Riviere with the orig. drawings and an interesting autograph note by G. Cruikshank, stating his share in the illustration. TEMPEST (Pierce). 1653-1717 The Cryes of London. London, 171 1. Fol. 74 pi. $40-50. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord). 1809-1892 American collectors will again have the opportunity to avail themselves of the valuable work of Luther S. Livingston by using his Bibliography of the first editions in hook form of the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, the description of a set brought together by Dodd, Mead and Co. [and subsequently purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan], with notes referring to items not included in the set (New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1901. 8°) [to which may be added a Supplement of 16 pages, never issued and quite a rarity in itself]. This is far more than a bookseller's catalogue, though of course it does not pretend to compete with T. J- Wise's elaborate re- searches as condensed in A bibliography of the zvorks of Alfred Lord Ten- nyson (London, 1908. 2 vols. S"*) xv-363 and 209 pp., 100 copies print- ed. The market value of the scarce "trial" editions, which are such a curi- ous feature of Tennyson's bibliography, is not yet a fixed one and recent sales supply astonishingly conflicting data, especially for the books printed after 1870. We believe that, in course of time, prices of these, as of many other similar items, will become steadier, as the demand for them is bound to be greater than the supply. TENNYSON 585 Poems by two Brothers. London, Simpkin and Marshall, J. and J. Jackson, 1827. 16''. By Tennyson and his two brothers Charles and Frederick ; the original manuscript, sold about 1892 for £ 480, is at Trinity College, Cambridge. In orig. 'drab boards, with label $150-200 and more on large paper. — i51 Sotheby's, 10 June 1903, n. 751, boards; $360 French (Apr. 1901, n. 1552) on large paper, boards; $600 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 958) mor., large paper, presentation copy to C. R. Haddelsey ; $500 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3214) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson, resold $410 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 966). Prolusiones Academicae Prsemiis annuls dignatae et in Curia Cantabrigiensi recitatse Comitiis Maximis A.D.M.DCCC- XXIX. Cambridge, John Smith, 1829. 8°. Contains (pp. 5-13) Tennyson's poem "Timbuctoo," of which a few copies were printed separately for the author, forming a pamphlet of 16 pages (only four copies have yet been traced: Arnold coll.; T. J. Wise coll.; $330 Hagen, May 1918, n. 1262, mor., by Tiffin, now J. A. Spoor; Maggs Rowfant copy, from Sotheby's, 4 March 1920, n. 277: £78). The Prolusiones, as issued, sewn $15-20. — $40 McKee (May 1902, n. 5522). Another separate edition of Timbuctoo (n. p., n. d., 12 pp.), quite different from the above and printed about 1875), sells for $15-20 and should not be mistaken for the genuine 1829 edition. te^ Poems, chiefly lyrical. London, Bifinghaui 'Wilson, 1830, 16°. In the first issue p. 91 is numbered 29 and on p. 72 in some copies Car- canet is printed for Coronet. In orig. drab or pink boards with label $60-80 and much more for the first issue. — £32.10.0 Sotheby's, 20 June 1904. n. 614, boards; $180 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3216) mor., uncut, 'by The Club Bindery; £ 136 Arthur (July 1914, n. 685) presentation copy. The Lover's Tale. London, B. Moxon, 1833. 16''. The rarest of all Tennysonian items. Only six copies were printed and of these but four have been traced: 1. £64 Thompson (May 1887, n. 1148) with autograph corrections, bound in calf with "Poems" 1842 (now T. J. Wise coll.); 2. £4.12.0 Sotheby's, June 1870, resold £40 Pickering (1879) then Locker, now J. A. Spoor; 3. C. Templeton Crocker; 4. Messrs. Maggs (Gladstone's copy). Poems. London, B. Moxon, 1833. 16". In orig. drab boards with label $80-100. — £ 27 Hookins (Apr. 1893, n. 524); £25 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 1184, presentation copy to Southey; £20 Samuel (July 1907, n. 160) autograph corrections; $80 586 TENNYSON Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1360) mor., by Riviere; $410 Haber (Dec. 1909, n. 1604) autograph inserted; $105 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 897) mor., by Riviere. Morte d'Arthur, Dora and other Idylls. London, B. Mox- on, 1842. i6^ No wrapper. A very rare private trial impression of part of the poems contained in the volume described hereafter. — $490 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 357) mor., uncut (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; £ 10 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 225) unopened sheets; £ 16 Samuel (July 1907, n. 163) mor., by Riviere, resold £ 20 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 192. Poems. London, B. Moxon, 1842. 2 vols. 16''. In orig. drab boards with labels $80-100. — £26 Hodgson's, 21 May 1903, n. 493; $205 Hollingsworth (Apr. 1910, n. 1673) mor., by The Doves Bindery. The Princess, a Medley. London, B. Moxon, 1847. 16°. In orig. green cloth $10-12. — $35 French (Apr. 1901, n. 1554) ; £46 Ashburton (Apr. 1912, n. 1286) presentation copy to Carlyle; $42 Cog- geshall (Apr. 1916, n. 506) mor., by Zaehnsdorf ; $110 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 507) cloth, with 6 lines of the original manuscript. In Memoriam. London, B. Moxon, 1850. 16°. On p. 198, line 3, copies of the first issue read "baseness" instead of "bareness." Likewise, the advertisement is dated February 1850. The first issue, in orig. purple cloth $15-20. — $80 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3218) mor., by Riviere; $125 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 121) mor., inlaid and tooled. The original manuscript is at Trinity College, Cambridge. Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. London, B. Moxon, 1852. 8°. In orig. grey wrappers $8-10. — The author's copy, with many correc- tions and additions £ 155 Puttick's, 26 June 1913, n. 181. Maud and other Poems. London, B. Moxon, 1855. 16°. In orig. green cloth $10-12. — £25.10.0 Samuel (July 1907. n. 163) mor., by Riviere, autograph corrections; $110 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 284) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson ; $60 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 746) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson. There once existed a trial issue of Maud entitled "Maud or the Mad- ness" of which the only known copy was destroyed by Coventry Pat- more. A few pages from it, formerly in Sir John Simeon's coll., now belong to W. H. Arnold. TENNYSON 587 The Charge of the Light Brigade. London, B. Moxon, 1855. 4^ A leaflet of 4 pages reprinted from Maud at Tennyson's expense, 1000 copies, for distribution among the soldiers in Crimea. Extremely scarce. A corrected proof on one page folio $440 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 345) ; the same ( ?) £ 100, Sotheby's, 20 June 1904, n. 688. Enid and Nimue or the True and the False. London, B. Moxon, 1857. 8°. A "trial" edition of two further Idylls. Only two copies are known, one presented to the British Museum in 1893 by Palgrave, the other in the Forster Library; a set of proof sheets, lacking the title, £210 Sothe- by's, 20 June 1904, n. 694 (now in the W. H. Arnold coll.). Wedding Verses. 25 January 1858. A single sheet. Stanzas on the marriage of the Princess Royal. The only known copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. The True and the False, four Idylls of the King. London, £. Moxon, 1859. 8°. A second "trial" edition of Bnid and Nimue. Two issues exist each being now known by a single extant copy (W. H. Arnold and Forster coll.) ; yet a third issue is represented by a copy belonging to Messrs. Maggs. On these "trial" editions, see T. J. Wise, The building of the Idylls, in his Literary anecdotes of the nineteenth century, II (1896) pp. 222-272. Idylls of the King. London, B. Moxon, 1859. 16°. In orig. green cloth $8-10. — $120 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 796) mor., in- laid binding by The Club Bindery. The Sailor Boy. London, Bniily Faithfull, 1861. 16°. 8 pp., cream printed wrapper. A reprint of 25 copies for the author's use from The Victoria Regia, a Christmas Miscellany. $275 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 426) mor., uncut; $305 Poor (Dec. 1908, n. 961) mor., by Riviere, resold $85 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1291); $72.50 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 567) wrapper. Helen's Tower. Clandeboyc, 1861. 4°. Privately printed for Lord Dufferin about 1850; then consisted of a green wrapper, an engraved title and 4 leaves, the last blank; for this final blank was substituted in 1861 a leaf with Tennyson's verses ; in 1870, a double leaf with a poem by Browning (on the recto of leaf 1) was again added at the end. The book should thus contain a title and 6 leaves, the last being blank. — £ 56 Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1899, n. 1389, mor. ; $390 588 TENNYSON Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1367) with the autograph of Browning's verses (now H. E. Widener Library). Several copies without the last leaf which contains Browning's verses have sold for $100-120. Ode for the Opening of the International Exhibition. Lon- don, B. Moxon, 1862. 16°. No wrapper. i 5.5.0 Sotheby's, 18 Apr. 1904, n. 727; $46 Hermann (March 1909, n. 558). This Ode is also found with the Music by Sterndale Bennett in 4 parts folio, possibly an earlier impression. Idylls of the King. New Edition. London, B. Moxon, 1862. 16". Dedicated to the memory of the Prince Consort. A few copies of the preliminary leaves were printed for special distribu- tion by the author. Poems. MDCCCXXX. MDCCCXXXIIL Privately print- ed, 1862. 16° in blue wrappers. A scarce pirated volume published by Hotten and suppressed after legal proceedings had been taken. $15-20. See "Amended Bill of Complaint filed by Alfred Tennyson in Chancery against John Camden Hotten. . ." A Welcome. London, B. Moxon, 1863. 16*'. A leaflet of 4 pages, the earliest issue of the poem described hereafter. There are two issues with slight typographical dififerences. $10-12. A Welcome to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. London, B. Moxon, 1863. 8°. In orig. cloth $6-8. Idylls of the Hearth. London, B. Moxon, 1864. 16°. The first issue of Enoch Arden, extremely scarce, nearly all copies hav- ing been destroyed when it was decided to alter the title. $85 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 390) mor., uncut (then Halsey, now Hunt- ington) ; $52 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 980) mor., uncut, by Riviere; $75 Hunt- ington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 479) mor., uncut, by Riviere. No less than nine sets of corrected proofs are known: $225 Foote (Jan. 1895, n. 242) ; i 50 Samuel (July 1907, n. 167), etc. Enoch Arden. London, B. Moxon, 1864. 16°. The same book as the Idylls of the Hearth, but with the first sheet re- printed. In orig. green cloth $8-10. — £ 19 Samuel (July 1907, n. 166) presen- TENNYSON 589 tation copy, with autograph corrections, resold £ 14 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 193; £56 Browning (May 1913, n. 1156) presentation copy to Browning. Property. N. p., n. d. [1864]. 10 pp. Of this "trial" edition only one copy is known (T. J. Wise, from the Rowfant coll.). A Selection from the Works of Alfred Tennyson. London, B. Moxon, 1865. 16°. In orig. cloth $4-5 but much more in 8 parts in lilac printed wrappers. Morte d' Arthur. Canford Manor, 1866. 8°. A reprint made at the private press of Sir Ivor Guest. — $410 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 393) mor., said to be the only copy known. The Window or the Loves of the Wrens, Canford Manor, 1867. Fol. Likewise printed at the private press of Sir Ivor Guest and very scarce. £ 46 Sotheby's, 22 Apr. 1895, n. 786, mor., presentation copy to Sir J. Simeon; $400 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 394) mor. (then Halsey, now Hunt- ington coll.); i 56 Samuel (July 1907, n. 168) presentation copy, resold £49 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 194; £30 Samuel (July 1907, n. 169) corrected proofs. The Victim. Canford Manor, 1867. Fol. £32 Sullivan (June 1890, n. 6221) mor., uncut; £75 Crampon (June 1896. n. 450) mor., uncut; £ 51 Puttick's, 23 Nov. 1904, mor. The sheets had first been set up as an 8° : of this small size impression only one copy is known (W. H. Arnold coll.). Lucretius. Cambridge, Mass., 1868. iG". Cloth. Privately printed, about 20 copies. In orig. brown cloth $35-40. — £ 12 Crampon (June 1896, n. 451). The Last Tournament. A^. p., n. d. [1868]. 8°. A "trial" edition of which only one copy is known (T. J. Wise, from the Rowfant coll.). The Birth of Arthur. N. p., n. d. [1868]. S\ A "trial" edition of which likewise only one copy has been traced (T. J. Wise, from the Rowfant coll.). The Lover's Tale. London, 1869. Of this the second private edition, Tennyson destroyed all copies ex- cept two, one he kept (subsequently in the Rowfant collection, then Sothe- by's, 4 March 1920, n. 276, now Messrs. Maggs) and the other retained by his publisher Strahan (now T. J. Wise coll.). 590 TENNYSON The Holy Grail and other Poems. London, Strahan, 1870. In orig. green cloth $10-12. — $85 Allis (March 1912, n. 815) cloth, presentation copy; £21.10.0 Samuel (July 1907, n. 171) with part of the manuscript inserted (now Wrenn coll.? A similar copy belongs to Mr. Herbert T. Butler). The Lover's Tale. London, 1870. 16°. A pirated edition of which 50 copies were printed by R. H. Shepherd. $20-25. — $51 Lapliam (Dec. 1908, n. 1371) sewed. The Window, or the Loves of the Wrens. [London, 1870]. 16*'. 16 pp. Also a pirated edition printed for Shepherd. Poems. [London, 1870]. i6^ 16 pp. A pirated edition printed for Shepherd. The Last Tournament. London, Strahan, i8yi. I6^ No wrapper. A scarce second "trial" edition, only six or seven copies being known. The first published edition is in Gareth and Lynette. — $245 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 399) mor., uncut; £ 15.10.0 Samuel'duly 1907, n. 172) mor.. by Riviere, resold £ 18 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 196; $300 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1373) mor., by Riviere; £ 15.5.0 Sotheby's, 20 Jan. 1909, n. 131,' mor., by Zaehnsdorf; £30 Sotheby's, 17 July 1916, n. 1106, mor., uncut. Gareth and Linette. N. p., n. d. [1872]. 8°. A "trial" edition of which the only extant copy (formerly in the Row- fant Library) belongs to Mr. T. J. Wise. Gareth and Lynette. London, Strahan, 1872. 16°. In orig. green cloth $6-8. — Corrected proof sheets £80 Samuel (July 1907, n. 173) now H. E. Widener Library; other sets of proofs are in the Wrenn library and the Herbert T. Butler coll. England and America in 1782. London, Strahan, 1872. 8°. No wrapper. Privately printed and very scarce. The manuscript belongs to Mr. Bonner, of New York. To the Queen, 1873. 8°. No wrapper. Very scarce (50 copies printed). — $380 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 863) mor., by Riviere; the only other available copy is in the T. J. Wise coll. TENNYSON 591 A Welcome to Her Royal Highness Maria Alexandrovna Duchess of Edinburgh. London, H. S. King and Co., 1874. 8°. 8 pp. Very scarce (40 copies printed). Tliere is a 4° reprint in 2 leaves, showing- the name Alexandrovna wrongly spelt with a w. This latter is equally scarce if not more so. The 2 leaf edition. $170 Bang's, 31 March 1898, n. 507; $112.50 Mor- gan (Apr. 1902, n. 401). Queen Mary, a Drama. London, Henry S. King, 1875. 16°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. — i 58 Browning (May 1913, n. 1151) pre- sentation copy to Browning. The New Timon and the Poets. Privately printed [for Shepherd], 1876. 16'. A pirated edition. — $410 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 865) mor., by Riviere. Harold, a Drama. London, Henry S. King, 1877. 16°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. Becket, a Tragedy. London, 1879. 12*'. Cloth. A private "trial" edition of which only three or four copies have been traced. The Halsey copy now belongs to Mr. H. E. Huntington. The Falcon. London, printed for the Author, 1879. 12°. Wrapper. A private stage edition of this play, only a few copies having been printed. $40-50. — $410 Arnold (May 1901, n. 322) orig. wrapper (Ihen Hal- sey, now Huntington) and less in recent sales. The Lover's Tale. London, Kegan Paul, 1879. 16°. The first authorized edition. In orig. green cloth $4-5. Ballads and other Poems. London, C. Kegan Paul, 1880. In orig. green cloth $3-4. — $100 Osborne (Dec. 1916. n. 930) presen- tation copy to Browning: £79 Sotheby's. 7 July 1915, n. 238, the author's proof sheets with many autograph alterations. 592 TENNYSON Child Songs. London, C. Kegan Paul, 1880. 8°. 8 pp. A private reprint of "The City Child" and "Minnie and Winnie." Very scarce. — $155 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 867) sewn; $310 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1304) mor., by Riviere. The Cup. London, printed for the Author, 1881. 12°. Drab wrapper. A private stage edition. $40-50. — $340 Morg-an (Apr. 1902, n. 411) mor. (then Halsey, now Huntington) and less in recent sales. The Foresters. A^. p., n. d., 1881. 8°. A very scarce "trial" edition. Only one copy is known (T. J. Wise coll.). Hands all round, a national Song. London, Boosey and Co., 1882. Fol. The Cup and the Falcon. Loudon, Kegan Paid, 1882. 8". Grey wrapper. The second private edition of these plays. Only one copy is known (T. J. Wise coll.). The Promise of May. London, printed for the Author, 1882. 12°. Yellow wrapper. A private stage edition $40-50. — $430 Arnold (May 1901, n. 323) wrapper (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $331 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 414) mor., uncut (and less in recent sales). The Promise of May, a Rustic Drama. London, Kegan Paid, 1883. 8°. Grey wrapper. The second private edition of this play. Only one copy is known (T. J. Wise coll.). A third private edition was perhaps printed in 1886 (6 copies only). Perhaps these were only proof sheets of the Lockslcy Hall volume. Early Spring. London, Macmillan, 1883. 8°. Lavender wrapper. Only six copies were printed for copyright purposes (T. J. Wise coll.; Herbert T. Butler, etc.). Becket. London, Macmillan, 1884. 16**. The first published edition. In orig. green cloth $4-5.' TENNYSON 593 The Cup and the Falcon. London, Macniillan, 1884. 16°. The first published edition of these two plays. In orig. green cloth $4-5. — £21 Browning (May 1913, n. 1152) pre- sentation copy to Browning. The Passing of Arthur. London, Macmillan, 1884. 16°. A rare separate impression. In orig. printed wrapper $25-30 and more. — £ 14 Sotheby's, 3 July 1899, n. 1472) ; $77.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 988) wrapper. Tiresias and other Poems. London, Macmillan, 1885. 16°. In orig. green cloth $4-5. — i 19 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1916, n. 2320) presentation copy. Gordon Boys' Morning & Evening Hymns. London, Boosey and Co., 1885. Fol. 8 pp. No wrapper. Scarce. To H. R. H. Princess Beatrice. London, July 1885. A 4° broadside. Very scarce. Of 100 copies printed, only 3 or 4 are extant (Brit. Mus., T. J. Wise, etc.). A second issue of 50 copies (on paper ivithout a watermark) is equally scarce. Ode on the Opening of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. London, IV. Clozues, 1886. 4°. 4 pp. Very scarce. $205 Walpole Galleries. 16 Febr. 1917, n. 263, unbound. Locksley Hall sixty Years after, etc. London, Macmillan, 1886. i6^ Contains the first published edition of "The Promise of May." In orig. green cloth $5-6. — £31 Browning (May 1913, n. 1153) pre- sentation copy to Browning. Carmen Saeculare, an Ode in Honour of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria. London, Macmillan [1887]. 8°. Fifty copies were printed. Carmen Saeculare, an Ode in Honour of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria. London, printed for private distribution, 1887. 12°. Wrapper. About 20 copies were printed. $155 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 421) wrapper; $245 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1378) mor., by Riviere. 594 TENNYSON The Throstle. London, Macmillan, 1889. 16°. 4 pp. A "trial" edition of about 12 copies. £ 26 Dew Smith (June 1906, n. 539) mor., by Riviere, corrected proofs; $345 Buckler (Dec. 1907, n. 408) mor., by Riviere (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $190 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 990) mor., by Riviere, resold $105 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1310). The manuscript is in the Edmund Gosse coll. Demeter and other Poems. London, Macmillan, 1889. 16°. In orig. green cloth $2-3. — $60 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 122) presen- tation copy to A. Austin. The Death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. A^. p., n. d. [1892]. 8°. 4 pp. An extremely scarce leaflet. The Foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. London, Macmillan, 1892. 16". In orig, green cloth $2-3. — $25 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 123) presen- tation copy to Browning. This book was published in New York before it came out in England. The Silent Voices. London, Macmillan, 1892. 16°. 4 pp. A private edition of a very few copies. $140 Morgan (Apr. 1902, n. 426) mor. (then Halsey, now Hunting- ton) ; $200 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 993) mor., by Riviere, resold $115 Wal- lace (March 1920, .n. 1312). Order of Service at Lord Tennyson's Funeral, October 12 1892. 4". 2 leaves. Contains "The Silent Voices." $5-6. Programme of the Memorial Service held at Westminster Abbey, Sunday, October 16, 1892. Also contains "The Silent Voices." The Death of CEnone, Akbar's Dream and other Poems. London, Macmillan, 1892. 16°. In orig. green cloth $3-4 and on large paper, with the five additional portraits. $6-8. Rifle Clubs. Nezv York, [Dodd, Mead], 1899. 4° Printed from the manuscript in the W. H. Arnold coll. Boards. TENNYSON 595 The Antechamber. London, printed for private circula- tion, 1906. 8°. Orange wrapper. See also Kelmscott Press. TENNYSON (Charles). 1808-1879 Sonnets and Fugitive Pieces. Cambridge, B. Bridges, [for John Richardson, London], 1830. 16°. Copies exist with and without Richardson's name in the imprint. In orig. brown boards $6-8. — £ 300 Hodgson's, 22 Oct. 1902, n. 113, Thackeray's copy with 3 sketches by him and an autograph poem of 12 verses, resold £ 140, Sotheby's, 17 June 1903, n. 71 and $600 Anderson's, 7 Dec. 1904, n. 445. THACKERAY (William Makepeace). 1811-1863 Richard Heme Shepherd, The bibliography of Thackeray (London, Elliot Stock, 1880. 8°) viii-62 pp., is no longer of much value. It can be supplemented by Charles Plumptre Johnson, Hints to collectors of original editions of the zvorks of William Makepeace Thackeray. (Lon- don, G. Redivay, 1885. 8°). 48 pp. By far the most reliable information is to be found in [Ruth S. Gran- niss], Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the hundredth anni- versary of the birth of William Makepeace Thackeray (New York, Gro- lier Club, 1912. 8°). xii-141 pp. The most important collection of Thackerayana sold in recent years was that of Major Lambert of Philadelphia (New York, 25 February 1914) ; the finest series in private hands belongs to H. S. Van Duzer, of New York and is described by him in A Thackeray Library, belonging to Henry Sayre Van Duzer (New York, 1919. 8°). xiii-198 pp. The Snob, a literary and scientific Journal, not "conducted by Members of the University." Cambridge, W. H. Smith, 1829. 12°. II weekly parts (9 April-i8 June). Printed on variously tinted papers, with coloured wrappers ; the first page of each part bears in most copies the words second, third or fourth edition, but a set is known without any such designation (Cambridge Free Library). Also found in book form, in buff printed boards, but with margins trimmed. This magazine, and the Goimisman contain Thackeray's first printed productions. $150-200. — $1000 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 776) boards; $2000 Lam- bert (Febr. 1914, n. 774) boards. 596 THACKERAY The Gownsman, formerly called "The Snob," a literary and scientific Journal now conducted by Members of the University. Vol. II. Cambridge, W. H. Smith, 1830. 12°. Published in 17 weekly parts (5 Nov. 1829-25 Febr. 1830). Exists in book form, in green printed boards, with margins trimmed. $480 Hermann (March 1909, n. 564) boards; $1000 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 777) boards; $850 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 775) boards. Flore et Zephyr, Ballet mythologique . . . par Theo- phile Wagstaff. London, J. Mitchell, and Paris, Rittner et Goupil, I March 1836. Folio. 9 plates (including wrapper title) lithographed by Edward Morton after Thackeray. In nearly all copies these lithographs are coloured. The title exists in at least two states. £226 Hodgson's, 17 Nov. 1911, n.^81 ; £250 Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 349; $1325 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 778) mor., by Riviere, an orig. draw- ing inserted; $1200 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 780) now J. L. Clawson. King Glumpus, an Interlude in one Act. London, for private circidation only, 1837. 12°. 3 pi. Yellow wrapper. Contains 16 lithographed pp. of text (doubtless by John Barrow) on blue wove writing-paper, with 3 lithographed plates by Thackeray col- oured by hand. Extremely scarce. — £ 101 Sotheby's, 23 July 1906, n. 240; £ 153 Sothe- by's, 15 March 1907, n. 449; £ 148 Hodgson's, 26 Nov. 1908, n. 469; £90 Sanderson (Febr. 1912, n. 22) ; $1900 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 782) mor. (now Van Duzer). The Yellowplush Correspondence. Philadelphia, B. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1838. 8°. In orig. boards with label $50-60. The Whitey-Brown Paper Magazine. London, [1838- 1839]. 4^ This magazine never came into being; all that remains of it are the proofs of ten lithographed leaves with 9 illustrations, formerly in Joseph Grego's collection and sold for $3800 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 806) ; the 9 original drawings, formerly in the Burgess coll., belong to Mr. H. E. Huntington. The Exquisites, a Farce in two Acts. London, for private circidation only, 1839. 8°. 4 plates, plain yellow wrapper. Contains 22 leaves, printed on blue wove writing-paper, with 4 litho- graphs by Thackeray ; the text is doubtless by John Barrow. THACKERAY 597 Extremely scarce. £58 Sotheby's, 17 Dec. 1898, n. 922, wrapper; i 85 Hodgson's, 9 March 1904, n. 76, wrapper; £ 76 Sotheby's, 15 March 1907, n. 450, wrapper; $2100 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 805) wrapper (now Van Duzer). " The loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. London, Charles Tilt, 1839. 24°. Frontispiece, i pi. of music and 10 pi. by Cruikshank. The text has also been ascribed to Dickens and even to Cruikshank. See supra under Dickens. The Paris Sketch Book, by Mr. Titmarsh. London, John Macrone, 1840. 8°. 12 plates. In orig. dark brown cloth $40-50. — $65 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1384) cloth; $215 Hermann (March 1909, n. 567) mor., by Riviere, an orig. drawing inserted; $65 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3185) calf, uncut. Part of the manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. London, H. Hooper, 1840. 8°. 17 etchings and 39 woodcuts by Cruik- shank. The plate Philoprogenitiveness is often lacking. In orig. cloth $10-15. — $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1283) cloth. The Second Funeral of Napoleon in three Letters to Miss Smith of London and the Chronicle of the Drum, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. London, Hugh Cnnnmgham, 1841. 24°. Wood- cuts. A close reprint was published about 1880 with the illustrations litho- graphed. In orig. brown or blue printed wrapper. $500-600. — £4^ Holland (Febr. 1906, n. 520) ; $560 AlHs (March 1912. n. 833) wrapper; $590 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 775) wrapper; $825 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 842) wrapper; $620 Behrend (Febr. 1915, n. 31) wrapper; $660 Cogge- shall (Apr. 1916, n. 518) wrapper. Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and illustrated by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh. London, H. Cunningham, 1841. 2 vols. 8''. Engraved title, frontispiece and 10 plates. Vol. I contains a reprint of the YcUoivplnsh Correspondence. In orig. brown cloth $60-80. — $127 Lapham (Dec. 1908 n. 1386) cloth; $105 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3186) cloth. 598 THACKERAY The Irish Sketch-book by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. London, Chapman and Hall, 1843. - vols. 8°. Frontispiece and 39 woodcuts by Thackeray. In orig. green cloth $30-40. — £61 Wright (June 1899, n. 761) presen- tation copy; $43 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1284) cloth. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. . . By M. A. Titmarsh. London, Chapman and Hall, 1846. 8°. Frontispiece (coloured by hand) and woodcuts by Thackeray. In orig. red cloth $8-10. — $15 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1388) cloth; $180 Hermann (March 1909,. n. 568) cloth, 3 orig. drawings inserted; $300 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 882) cloth, autograph inserted; $300 Lam- bert (Febr. 1914, n. 881) presentation copy; $200 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 928) presentation copy ; $26 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1286) cloth. Mrs. Perkins's Ball by M. A. Titmarsh. London, Chapman and Hall [1847]. 8°. Frontispiece, title and 20 plates by Thackeray (which exist both plain and coloured). The first of Thackeray's Christmas Books. Of the three editions published in 1847, the first alone omits the letter- press beneath the plate facing the title. In orig. boards $30-40. — £ 13.5.0 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 851, boards; $610 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 893) presentation copy, resold $740 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 524); $500 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 894) boards, 2 orig. drawings inserted; $75 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1287) boards; i! 78.15.0 Red Cross S'ale (Apr. 1917, n. 2043) presentation copy. Our Street. Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. London, Chapman and Hall, 1848. 12**. Frontispiece, title and 14 plates by Thack- eray (which exist both plain and coloured). The second of Thackeray's Christmas Books. In orig. pink boards $8-10. — £ 131 Sotheby's, 8 Apr. 1903, n. 166. auto- graph poem added; $375 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 896) mor., by Riviere, an orig. drawing inserted, resold $330 Behrend (Febr. 1915, n. 37) ; $380 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 131) boards, with a page of the manuscript; $51 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1289) boards. Vanity Fair, a Novel without a Hero, by William Makepeace Thackeray, with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by the Author. London, Bradbury and Bvans, 1848. 8°. 20 parts in 19, yel- low printed wrappers. In copies of the first issue the heading Vmiity Fair on p. 1 is in rustic type; on p. 336 is a portrait of the Marquis of Steyne (subsequently omit- ted) and on p. 453 we read Mr. Pitt (subsequently altered to Sir Pitt). THACKERAY 599 In cloth $15-20, in parts, 1st issue, $600-800 and more, 2d issue, $100- 120. — £ 102 Sotheby's, 21 March 1904, n. 220, in parts; £ 170 Hill (May 1912, n. 199) in parts; $1150 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 900) in parts; $990 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1000) in parts; $1225 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 525) in parts, autograph added; $2160 Walpole Galleries, 17 Nov. 1916, n. 278, in parts; $2150 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 630) in parts, very fine (now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $2600 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1592) in parts, a particularly complete copy. Nine of the original drawings were in a copy sold $1700 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 899) which also contained many proofs of the illustrations. A large portion of the manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. The Book of Snobs. London, Punch Office, 1848. 12°. The earliest issue has a misprint on p. 126. In orig. green wrapper $30-40. — $55 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1391) wrapper; $150 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 923) wrapper, autograph added; i 9.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 699) wrapper; $95 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1001) wrapper; $65 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1288) mor., uncut, by The Club Bindery. Dr. Birch and his young Friends. London, Chapman and Hall, 1849. 8°. PI. (plain or coloured). The third of Thackeray's Christmas Books. In orig. pink boards $15-25. — $27.50 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 937) mor.; £5.5.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 702) ; $35 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 528) calf, by Riviere ; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1291). Part of the manuscript, $1700 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 939). An Interesting Event, by M. A. Titmarsh. London, Bogue, 1849. 16°. Only one copy with the orig. wrapper seems to be known. $50-60. — $121 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1393) sewn; $95 Hinckley (Febr. 1912, n. 885) sewn; £ 10.10.0 Hill (May 1912, n. 204). The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty Diamond. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1849. 4°- The fourth of Thackeray's Christmas Books. In orig. pictorial boards $30-40. The History of Pendennis. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1 849- 1 850. 2 vols. 8°. 24 pi. In orig. cloth $8-10 and in 24 parts with yellow wrappers $50-60. $900 I.ambert (Febr. 1914, n. 948) mor., bound from parts with an orig. drawing and a page of the manuscript, resold $375 Behrend (Febr. 19i5, n. 39) U 14.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 705) in parts ; $75 Coggeshall 600 THACKERAY (Apr. 1916, n. 532) in parts; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1290) in parts; $950 Titus (Febr. 1919, n. 502) Sophia Hobhouse's copy, with a drawing by Thackeray for a frontispiece. Part of the manuscript is at Trinity College, Cambridge. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1850 (or 1851). 8°. PI. (plain or coloured). The fifth of Thackeray's Christmas Books. In orig. pink boards $15-20. — $60 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 938) mor., by Matthews, with the pink leaf containing the publisher's announcement of the work; $60 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1293) boards. Rebecca and Rowena. London, Chapman and Hall, 1850. 8^ PI. by Doyle (plain or coloured). The sixth of Thackeray's Christmas Books. In orig. pink boards $30-40. — £ 10.15.0 Hill (May 1912, n. 206) boards; $210 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 963) mor., by Riviere, with one of Doyle's orig. drawings; $585 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 964) presentation copy, autographs added; $385 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 136) calf, auto- graph added; $205 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1294) boards, a drawing by Thackeray inserted. Harlequin and Humpty Dumpty, or Robin de Bobbin and the First Lord Mayor of Lun'on, a grand historical Pantomime by E. Fitzball Esq. First performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, December 26, 1850. London, S. G. Fairbrother [1850]. 12^ 20 pi. by W. West. Thackeray is believed to have had a share in this production. $275 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 969) orig. wrapper (now Van Duzer). The History of Henry Esmond. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1852. 3 vols. 12°. In orig. brown cloth, with labels $20-30. — £43 Sotheby's, 24 Apr. 1899, n. 769. presentation copy; $535 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 973) cloth, autograph added, resold $425 Behrend (Febr. 1915. n. 46) ; $120 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1295) mor., by Stikeman. The manuscript is at Trinity College, Cambridge. The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century. Lon- don, Smith, Elder and Co., 1843. 12°. In orig. blue cloth $15-25 and more. — $285 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 993) cloth, presentation copy, resold $350 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 543) ; £ 115 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1916. n. 2321) presentation copy; $90 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1296) cloth, autograph added. THACKERAY 601 The Newcomes, Memoirs of a most respectable Family. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1853- 185 5. 2 vols. 8°. 24 pi. In orig. cloth $8-10 and in 24 parts (in 23) with yellow wrappers $40- 50. — i45 Samuel (July 1907, n. 184) with proof sheets of the first three chapters; $550 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n, 1005) mor., bound from parts, with a page of the manuscript, resold $300 Behrend (Febr. 1915, n. 47) ; £7.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 712) in parts; $230 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 139) mor., by Wood, autograph added; $65 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1297) in parts ; $65 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1593) in parts; $475 Anderson's, 13 May 1919, n. 777 , mor., by Sangorski, with a page of the manuscript. Part of the manuscript belongs to Charterhouse School, London. Ballads. London, Bradbury and Evans, i'^^^. 12°. In orig. yellow wrappers $5-10. — $21 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1401) mor., by Riviere, wrapper preserved. The Rose and the Ring or the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. London, SmitJi, Elder and Co., 1855. 8°. Ti- tle, pi. (always uncoloured) and woodcuts by Richard Doyle. In orig. pink boards $60-80. — $60 Peavey (Dec. 1911, n. 549) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; £23.10.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 716); $95 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1012) boards; £28 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3709) boards; $150 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1301). The manuscript, $23000 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 1016) now Pierpont Morgan Library. The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan. Lon- don, Bradbury and Evans, 1855. 12°. In orig. yellow wrapper $12-15. The Fatal Boots and Cox's Diary. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1855. 8°. In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $12 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1300) wrapper. A little Dinner at Timmins's and The Bedford-Row Con- spiracy. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1856. 8°. In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1303) wrapper. Burlesques. A Legend of the Rhine : Rebecca and Rowena. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1856. 8°. In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1304) wrapper. 602 THACKERAY The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon Esq., of the Kingdom of Ireland. London, Bradhnry and Bvans, 1856. 8°. In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1305) wrapper. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush and the Diary of C. Jeames De La Pluche Esq. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1856. 8°. In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1306) wrapper. Novels by eminent Hands and Character Sketches. Lon- don, Bradhnry and Bvans, 1856. 8°. In orig. yellow wrappers $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1307) wrapper. The Fitz-Boodle Papers and Men's Wives. London, Brad- hnry and Bvans, 1857. 8°. Ill] orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1309) wrapper. A Shabby Genteel Story. London, Bradhnry and Bvans, 1857. 8^ In orig. yellow wrapper $8-10. — $9 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1311) wrapper. Sketches and Travels in London. London, Bradhnry and Bvans, 1856. 12°. In orig. yellow wrapper $15-25. The Virginians, a Tale of the last Century. London, Brad- hnry and Bvans, 1857- 1859. 8**. In orig. cloth $10-12 and in 24 parts with yellow wrappers $50-60. — £91 Samuel (July 1907, n. 185) presentation copy; $835 Lambert (Febr. 1914. n. 1049) autographs added, resold $475 Behrend (Apr. 1915, n. 49) ; £ 13.13.0 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1915. n. 1762) in parts ; $200 Claw- son (Jan. 1917, n. 507) in parts, a page of the manuscript inserted; $67.50 Hagen (May 1918. n. 1312) in parts. The greater portion of the manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Li- brary. THACKERAY 603 Proceedings at the 13th Anniversary Festival of the General Theatrical Fund, W. M. Thackeray in the Chair, March 29, 1858. London, Frederick Ledger, iS^S. 12°. Only two or three copies have yet been traced of this rare pamphlet which also contains a speech by Dickens. — $610 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 928) orig. wrapper. The Four Georges. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1861. Copies of the first issue have on the title the words Sketches of Man- ners, Morals, Court and Toum Life and contain at the end a catalogue dated November (not December) 1861. The first American edition is dated 1860. In orig. green cloth $12-15. Parts of the manuscript are in the Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, and in the H. E. Widener Library. Lovell the Widower. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1861. 8^ In orig. purple cloth $12-15. — $15 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1314) cloth. The manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. A Leaf out of a Sketch-Book. London, Emily Faithfull andCo.,iS6i. 8". Two woodcuts after Thackeray. 25 copies only, printed for the Author. £45.10.0 Sotheby's, 28 July 1903, n. 411, orig. green stifif printed wrap- per; $180 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 542) wrapper. The Adventures of Philip on his Way through the World. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1862. 3 vols. 12°. In orig. brown cloth $20-25. — $77.50 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 1099) cloth; $300 Coggeshall (May 1916, n. 150) mor.. by Riviere, a page of the manuscript added; the manuscript $12100 Lamljert (Febr. '1914, n. 1104) now Huntington; a single page £16 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1918, n. 2223). Roundabout Papers. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1863. i2\ 4 pi. The first issue has 16 pp. of advertisements dated November 1862. In orig. purple cloth $6-8. — $17.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1316) cloth. William Makepeace Thackeray at Clevedon Court. A'^. p., n. d. [about i860]. 4°. 18 pi. Privately printed and extremely scarce. 604 THACKERAY $1025 Lambert (Febr. 1914, n. 1087) mor., drawings and autographs added; $530 Coggeshall (Apr. 1916, n. 145) mor., by Riviere, autograph added (now Van Duzer). Denis Duval. Nezu York, Harper and Brothers, 1864. 8°. In orig. wrapper $12-15. A considerable portion of the manuscript is in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Denis Duval. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1867. 8°. The first English edition. In orig. red cloth $8-10. — $10 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1317) cloth. A favorite set (worth $300-350) is formed by bringing together Thack- eray's seven Christmas books, viz.: A4rs. Perkins's Ball [1847], Our Street (1848), Dr. Birch (1849). Samuel Titmarsh (1849), The Kickle- hury's (1850), Rebecca and Rozvend (1850) and The Rose and the Ring (1855). The. seven vols., $390 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1390) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. THEVET (Andre). 1502-1590 The New Found World or Antarctike. London, H. Bynneman, for T. Hacket [1568]. 4°. Believed to be the first book in English relating to Canada. $750 Huntington (Jan. 1917. Ill, n. 281) calf, by Riviere (Church copy) ; $580 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 620) mor., by The Club Bindery. THOMAS (Gabriel) An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania and of West-New- Jersey in Amer- ica. London, for J. Baldwin, 1698. 8°. 2 parts in i vols,, folding map. $805 McKee (May 1902, n. 4691) mor.; £109 Lefferts (June 1902, n. 295) mor.; $900 Hoe (Apr. 191, I, n. 3243) mor., by The Club Bind- ery; £99 Hodgson's, 30 May 1907, n. 463, old calf (rebacked) ; $660 Huntington (Dec. 1917., VI, n. 297) mor. ( Brinley-Church copy). THOMSON (James). 1700-1748 Winter, a Poem. London, for J. Millan, J. Roberts and N. Bland ford, 1726. Fol. 10 leaves. Huntington (Locker-Chew copy). THOMSON , 605 Summer, a Poem. London, for J. Millan, iy2y. 8°. Huntington (Chew copy). Spring, a Poem. London, A. Millar and G. Strahan, 172S. 8^ Huntington (Chew copy). The Seasons. London, 1730. 4°, Contains the first edition of Autumn. The Seasons. London, T. Bensley for P. W. Tomkins, 1797. Fol. 21 pi. by Bartolozzi and Tomkins after W. Ham- ilton. With plates in black $25-30, but with coloured plates fetches very high prices, only four or five copies being known. £54 Hastings (May 1893, n. 250) mor., coloured plates; £600 Barratt (31 July 1917, n. 73) old mor. (by Edwards of Halifax?), coloured plates; £400 Sotheby's, 4 Dec, 1918, n. 1280, mor., title frayed, coloured plates. THOREAU (Henry David). 1817-1862 The bibliography of Thoreau has been exhaustively treated in two excellent monographs: S. A. Jones, Bihliographx of Henry Daz'id Tho- reau (Cleveland, Rowfant Club, 1894. 8°) 80 pp' Only 90 copies print- ed ; Francis H. Allen, A bibliography of Henry David Thoreau (New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1908. ^8°) xviii-201 pp. Fine collections of Thoreau's works belong to Stephen H. Wakeman, of New York, and to Herbert W. Hosmer, of Concord, Mass. A good set was in the J. Chester Chamberlain sale (New York, 16 Febr. 19()9). A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Boston and Cambridge, J. Munroe; Neiv York, Putnam; Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blackiston ; London, J. Chapman, 1849. 12°. 1000 copies printed (of which more than half were not sold and reis- sued with a new title: Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1862. Worth $8-10). In orig. cloth $60-70. —$105 Merwin-Clayton's, 15 Febr. 1906, n. 610, in sheets; $85 Pyser (March 1908, n. 400) presentation copy; $81 Her- mann (March 1909, n. 577) cloth, uncut. Thoreau's own copy, with his autograph corrections belongs to Mr. Paul Lemperly, of Cleveland. Walden, or Life in the Woods. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1854. i6^ Although the book was only issued in August 1854, copies are found having at the end advertisements dated April or May 1854. In orig. cloth $12-15. — $30 Arnold (Jan. 1901, n. 547) cloth. 606 THOREA U Thoreau's own copy, with his autog'raph corrections is in the Lemperly collection. Excursions. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1863. 16°. In orig. cloth $6-8. The Maine Woods. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1864. 16°. In orig. cloth $6-8. — $17.50 May (Jan. 1903, n. 1528) presentation copy. Cape Cod. Boston, Ticknor and Fields [or London, Samp- son Lozv^, 1865. 16°. In orig. cloth $6-8. Letters to various Persons. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 16°. Edited by R. W. Emerson. In orig. cloth $5-6. A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. J Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1866. 16°. In orig. cloth $5-6. * Early Spring in Massachusetts, from the Journal of Henry f D. Thoreau. Boston, Houghton, Miiflin, 1881. 12°. $6-8. Summer, from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Boston, Houghton, MiMin, 1884. 12°. $6-8. 'I Winter, from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Boston, ^'^ Houghton, Mifflin, 1888. 12°. "' $5-6. Autumn, from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1892. 12°. $3-5. These last four volumes were edited by H. G. O. Blake from Thoreau's manuscript Journal subsequently in the Stephen H. Wakeman collection, now in the Pierpont Morgan Library, and published in vols. VH-XX of the Manuscript edition of Thoreau's Works. There are two collected editions of Thoreau's Works : The Riverside edition (Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1894. 10 vols. 8°, also on "Large Paper" with the imprint: Cambridge, Riverside Press) and the Manu- THOREAU 607 script edition (Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1906. 20 vols. 8°, with a leaf of Thoreau's autograph in each copy) also issued in 20 vols. 12° as the "Walden edition.'"' THORNTON (Alfred) The Adventures of a Post Captain, by a Naval Officer. London, J. Johnston [1817]. 8°. 24 coloured pi. by Williams. In orig. boards $40-50. — $57.50 Cooper (June 1918, n. 63) mor., un- cut, by Riviere. Don Juan and Don Juan in London. London, for T. Kel- ly, 1 82 1 -1 822. 2 vols. 8°. 31 coloured pi. by Atkinson. In orig. boards $100-150. — $125 Hermann (March 1909, n. 117) mor., by Zaehns'dorf; i 18.18.0 Bass (July 1913, n. 382) uncut. THOROTON (Robert). 1673-1678 The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire. London, 1677. Fol. $30-40. — £ 12 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 1907) russia. At least one copy is known on thick paper. TIGNONVILLE (Guillamne de) The Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres. Westminster, IVilliam Caxton, i^yy. Fol. Probably the first book printed in England. Eleven copies are known, only six of which are perfect. — £ 1320 Ash- burnham (June 1897, n. 1384) now Pierpont Morgan Library; £2900 Christie-Miller (Dec. 1919, n. 104) mor., by Hering (now in America). A copy of Caxton's third edition (ab. 1489) sold for £ 1050 Pembroke (June 1914, n. 82), now Huntington. TIMES (The) Complete sets of the "Times" Newspaper are scarce and val- uable. A good series fom 1 August 1828 to 1912 bound in 283 vols., £ 106 Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1912, n.'ll9. TOMKINS (John). 1586-1638 Albumazar, a Comedy. London, N. Okes for IV. Burre, 1615. 4". Two editions, the first collating A-B-L*, the second A-P. 608 TOMKINS $200 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3247) mor., by The Club Bindery; £9S Huth (July 1919, n. 7479) mor., by Ramage. TOM TYLER Tom Tyler and his Wife, an excellent old Play, as it was printed and acted about a hundred Years ago. London, i66i. 4- The first edition [ab. 1565] has never been discovered. The 1661 ed. $17.50 Huntington (March 1916, I, n. 1137) half-mor. ( Row f ant copy). TOURNEUR (Cyril). 1575(?)-1626 The Revenger's Tragedy. London, G. Bid, 1607 (or 1608). 4^ Two issues, varying in the date. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3232) mor., by Riviere. 1607 issue (now Huntington) ; $55 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3133), mor., by Zaehnsdorf. 1608 issue; £28 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 335) unbound, 1607 issue (now J. L. Clawson). The Atheist's Tragedy, or the Honest Man's Revenge. London, for J. Stepneth and R. Redmer, 1611 (or 1612). 4°. Two issues varying in the date. $50 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3233) mor., by Chambolle, 1611 issue (now Huntington). TOWNSEND (Aurelian) Albion's Triumph, personated in a Masque, London, A. Mafhezvcs for R. Allet, 1631. 4°. Two issues, one without the author's name. £ 14.10.0 Huth (July 1918, n. 7500). Tempe restored, a Masque. London, A. M. for R. Allet and G. Bakek [sic], 1631. 4°. i 15 Hiuth (July 1918. n. 7499) half-mor. TRAGEDY (The) OF C^SAR AND POMPEY The Tragedy of Caesar and Pompey, or Caesar's Revenge. London, G. B. for J. Wright, [1607]. 4°. Only three copies are known: 1. Dyce coll.; 2. Huntington (Devon- TRAGEDY 609 shire) ; 3. $220 McKee (Apr. 1901, n. 2229) half-mor., resold £34 Huth (June 1912, n. 1245) rebound in yellow mor. Is found also with the title reprinted : London, for A^ Fosbrookc and J. Wright, 1607 (Brit. Mus. and Bodl.). TRAGEDY (The) OF CLAUDIUS TIBERIUS NERO The Tragedy of Claudius Tiberius Nero, Rome's greatest Tyrant. London, for F. Burton, 1607. 4". The Bodleian copy has a different title-page, reading: The statelie Tragedie of Claudius Tiberius Nero. . . $365 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 2416) mor., by Zaehnsdorf; i7Z Huth (July 1917, n. 5253) veil; $750 H. V. Jones (Jan. 1919, n. 1248) mor., by Bedford; £111 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 258) unbound. TRAGEDY (The) OF SOLOMON AND PERSEDA The Tragedy of Solomon and Perseda. London, B. Allde for B. White, 1599. 4*'. Greg distinguishes four issues under the same date, all four in the Brit. Mus, ; one of these he has established to be an early XlXth century reprint, not infrequently sold as an original. TREATY The Treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations at Phil- adelphia in July 1742. Philadelphia, B. franklin, 1743. Fol. Extremely scarce. $600 Lewis (Nov. 1910, n. 203) uncut; $425 American Art Associa- tion, 22 Apr. 1919, n. 172, mor. (H. Stevens copy). See also Account. TRIAL (The) OF CHIVALRY The History of the Trial of Chivalry, with the Life and Death of Cavaliero Dick Bowyer. ^ London, S. Stafford for N. Butter, 1605. 4*. Another issue of this anonymous play has the same imprint but the title reads : "This Gallant Cavaliero Dick Bowyer, newly acted." TRUE (A) AND SINCERE DECLARATION A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends 610 TRUE of the Plantation begun in Virginia. . . London, for J. Step- nett [1610]. 4°. 16 leaves. Some four or five copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Harvard; 3. Huntington (Kalbfieisch-Lefiferts-Church copy); 4. £305 Sotheby's, 15 March 1911, n. 561, unbound, resold (same copy?) $1110 Huntington (11 Dec. 1917, VI, n. 307) mor., by Riviere. TRUSTY (Simon) An odd Letter on a most interesting Subject to Miss K — F-h-r by Simon Trusty, Esq. London, 1760. 8°. Relates to Kitty Fisher. £ 10.15.0 Mackenzie (March 1889, n. 943). TUKE (Sir Samuel). 168-1674 The Adventures of five Hours, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for H. Herringman, 1663. Fol. T. J. Wise coll.; $12.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 3270) mor. TURNER (Joseph Mallord William). 1775-1851 The Itinerant. London, 1799. Folio. 104 pi. $15-20. Liber Studiorum. London, i^i2-i^\g. Folio. 71 pi. (in- J eluding frontispiece) in 14 parts, and 20 unpublished plates. J The price of a set varies from $500 to $50,000 according- to the number .'^ of variations of the plates. The finest set in existence is doubtless that ;J: acquired in 1913 with the Bullard bequest by the Boston Museum of Fine '\. Arts, as it comprises the pick of the Edward Brown Lees, J. E. Taylor and W. G. Rawlinson collections. This particular copy is fully described < in an elaborate monograph by G. L. Winthrop. A catalogue of the collec- tion of prints from the Liber Studiorum of Joseph Mallord William ,; Turner formed by the late Francis Bullard (Boston, 1916. 4°). '-•' A good standard set £566.10.(3 Christie's, 22 Nov. 1904, n. 27. .^ Views in Sussex. Part I [no more published]. London, 1819. Fol. Map and 5 pi. The best copies have proofs on India paper. Views in Richmondshire. London, 1821. Fol. 32 pi. The best copies have India proofs. TURNER 611 Picturesque Views of the Southern Coast of England. London, 1814-1827. 2 parts in i vol. 4°. 80 pi. by W. B. and G. Cooke, after Turner, letterpress by W. Combe. $20-25 and on large paper $40-50. — i 15 Sotheby's, 17 July 1913, n. 1412, mor., by Clarke. The plates are known in various states. River Scenery of England. London, W. B. Cooke, 1827. Fol. Engr. title and 20 pi. by Turner and T. Girtin, with text by Mrs. Hofland. $20-25 and more with proofs or India proofs. Picturesque Views in England and Wales. London, Longmans, 1827- 1832. 2 vols. 4*^. 96 pi. $15-20 and on large paper $40-50 or on largest paper $200-250; very scarce in 24 parts. — £67 S'otheby's, June 1891, n. 831, largest paper, mor. The plates exist in various states. Annual Tour, Wanderings by the Rivers Loire and Seine. London, 1833- 1834- 183 5. 3 vols. 8°. 61 pi. $15-20 and more on large paper with India proofs. Reissued as: Liber Fluviorum or River Scenery of France. London, H. G. Bohn, 1857. 4°. 62 pi. $8-10 and more with India proofs. Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour round the Southern Coast of England. London, 1849. 4°. $10-12. The Harbours of England. London, Gambart, 1856. Folio. 12 plates. Text by Ruskin. $8-10. 6 of these plates had already been published in 1825 under the title: "Views of the Ports of England." TUSSER (Thomas). 1524(?)-1580 A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry. London, R. Tot- tel, 3 February 1557 [1558, new style]. 4°. Frequently reprinted. 612 TUSSER Five Hundred Points of good Husbandry. London, R. Tottel, 1573. 4^ Reprinted a great number of times in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. TWO (The) MERRY MILK-MAIDS. See C. (J.) TWO WISE MEN Two Wise Men and all the rest Fools, or a Comical Morall censuring- the Follies of this Age, as it hath been divers times acted. London, 1619. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Bodl. U UDALL (Nicholas). 1505-1556 Roister Doister. [London, ab. 1567]. 4°. The only known copy of this early comedy (at Eton College) lacks the title-page. UNDERHILL (John). 16. .-1672 News from America, or a new and experimental Discovery of New England. London, J. D. for Peter Cole, 1638. a°. 24 leaves and a folding plate of an Indian fort or "Palizado." The plate is nearly always missing. £245 Earl of Sheffield (Nov. 1907. n. 353) unbound, with the plate; $525 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 285) mor., by Bedford (Britwell copy, without the plate) ; $2800 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 302) mor., by Riviere, with the plate. UNGRATEFUL (The) FAVOURITE The Ungrateful Favourite, a Tragedy, written by a Per- son of Honour. London, J. Cottrcl for S. Speed, 1664. 4°. $30 Hoe rjan. 1912, II. n. 3275) calf, resold $11 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 858) ; £5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 339) unbound. UNIVERSAL 613 UNIVERSAL (The) SONGSTER The Universal Songster, or Museum of Mirth. London, 1825-1827. 3 vols. 8°. Illustrations by Cruikshank. Also under the date of 1828. In orig. boards $15-20. URQUHART (Sir Thomas). 1611-1660 Epigrams, divine and moral. London, B. Alsop and T, Fawcet, 1641. 4°. Portr. by Glover. Epigrams, divine and moral. London, for William Leake, 1646. 4°. Portr. and front. A reissue of the above. The frontispiece only exists in three copies. $125 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 859) mor., by Riviere (Gais- ford-Chew copy), with the front. The Discovery of a most exquisite Jewel found in the Kennel of Worcester Streets. London, J. Cottrel for R. Badde- ly, 1652. 8°. $10 Anderson's, 13 Febr. 1918, n. 905, calf (now Huntington). See also Rabelais. VANBRUGH (Sir John). 1664-1726 Aesop, a Comedy. London, for T. Bennet, i6gy. 2 parts in I vol. 4°. £ 2.4.0 Huth July 1919, n. 7659) veil. The Relapse or Virtue in Danger, a Comedy. London, for Samuel Briscoe, 1697. 4°. $35 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3301) mor.. by The Club Bindery, resold $25 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 860). The Provok'd Wife, a Comedy. London, J. O. for R. JVel- lington, 1697. 4**- $20 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 3302) calf, uncut, resold $6.50 H. V. Jones (Nov. 1916, n. 552) ; $44 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1338) half-calf. 614 VANBRUGH The False Friend, a Comedy. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1702. 4°. $32.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3303) mor., by Zaehnsdorf, resold $32.50 Hunting-ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 861). The Confederacy, a Comedy. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1705. 4°. $31 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3304) half-mor. (now Huntington). The Mistake, a Comedy. London, for Jacob Tonson, 1706. 4°. $35 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3305) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- * ton) ; $36 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 862) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (Flalsey copy). The Provoked Husband, or a Journey to London, a Comedy [completed by Cibber]. London, for J. Watts, 1728. 8°. The Cornish Squire. London, for J. Watts, 1734. 8°. $35 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1341) half-mor., uncut. VAUGHAN (Henry). 1622-1695 Poems, with the tenth Satyre of Juvenal. London, G. Bad- ger, 1646. 8°. $112.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1343) old calf. The Corser-Locker-Chew^ copy is in the Huntington coll. Silex scintillans or Sacred Poems and private Ejaculations. London, T. W. for H. Blnnden, 1650. 8°. Engraved title. The marginal note on p. 21 is usually cut into. £40 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 858, orig. sheep; £30 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 98, orig. sheep; $230 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3306) mor., by The Chib Bindery, resold $400 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1344) ; $235 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III. n. 3282) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Beverly Chew) ; £68 Huth (July 1919, n. 7680) mor. [Second edition]. London, for JJ. Crips and L. Lloyd, 1 650- 1 65 5, 2 parts in i vol. 8°. Engraved title (as above). Although the title bears the words "The second edition" part II ap- pears here in print for the first time. Part I is a second issue with an altered dedication and changes in the poem on Isaac's marriage. £22 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903. n. 859, old sheep; $310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3305) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $100 Hunt- VAUGHAN 615 ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 865) mor., by Bedford (Chew copy, now again Beverly Chew, who also owns the Rowfant copy with variations). Olor Iscanus, a Collection of some select Poems and Trans- lations. London, T. W. for H. Moseley, 1651. 8°. Front. by R. Vaughan. £ 14 Sotheby's, 21 May 1900, n. 854, old sheep; £ 17 Sotheby's, 2 June 1908, n. 120, orig. sheep; $230 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3306) mor., by The ^lub Bindery (Horace Walpole's copy, now Huntington) ; $97.50 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 865) mor., by Riviere (Chew copy, now again Beverly Che\^) ; $126 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1345) mor., by Riviere ; (Lefferts copy) ; $210 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1617) mor., by Wallis. Floras Solitudinis. London, H. Moseley, 1654. 12°. Thalia rediviva. London, R. Pazvlet, 1678. 8°. Only four or five copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. (Corser) ; 2. Bodl. (Louise I. Guiney copy) ; 3. Huntington (Locker-Chew) ; 4. Belonged to Joseph of Brecon. VAUGHAN (William). 1577-1641 The Golden Fleece, divided into three Parts. London, for F. Williams, 1626. 4". With the map $60-80 and more. — $185 Hoe (Apr. 1912, HI, n. 3285) mor., by The Club Bindery. VESPUCCI (Amerigo). 1451-1512 Of the new Lands and of the People found by the Messen- gers of the King of Portugal named Emanuel. . . Ant- werp, Jan van Doeshorch, 1^21. 4°. * The first English book relating to America. Only two copies are known: 1. Brit. Mus. (West-Caldecott-Gren- ville copy) ; 2. Huntington (Church) wanting 9 leaves. Tliere are 2 leaves in .the Bodleian (see the New York Bvening Post, 28 March 1908). VINCENT (Philip). 1600-1638(?) A true Relation of the late Battell fought in New England between the English and the Salvages. London, M. P. for N. Butter, 1637. 4°. 616 VINCENT Extremely scarce. Of this edition the Carter-Brown copy was long the only one on record. The Halsey copy is in the Huntington coll. i650 Bishop White Kennett (July 1917, n. 159) unbound. Of the two 1638 editions several copies are known. VIRGILIUS or VERGILIUS (Publius) MARO The XIII Bukes of Eneados of the famose poete Virgill (translated by Gawin Douglas). London, [W. Copland], 1553- 4°- Perfect copies have an extra leaf x4, numbered CLXIII. £53 Ashburnham (May 1898, n. 3878) mor., with the additional leaf; $950 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 1149) mor., by The Club Bindery (Herbert's copy, with the add. leaf) ; $415 Hagen (May 1918. n. 378) mor., by The Club Bindery (Crawford-Stewart copy) ; $560 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 506) mor., inlaid, by Riviere (now Pforzheimer). The Works of Virgil, translated into English verse by Dry- den. London, for J. Tonson, 1697. Fol. PI. by Lombart, Hollar and others. $25 Hagen (May 1918, n. 459) half-calf (now W. A. Clark, Jr.). The Pastorals of Virgil adapted for Schools, 3rd ed. Lon- don, J. McGozvan, 1821. 16". 230 engravings. Contains 17 woodcuts by W. Blake. VORAGINE (Jacobus de). 1230(?)-1298 The Golden Legend. Westminster, William Caxton, 1483. Folio. About 40 copies known, nearly all imperfect. i 1300 Gott (March 1908, n. 58) perf. Other editions printed by W. de Worde (1493, 1498, 1512, 1527) and by Julian Notary (1503). A fine copy of the 1527 ed., i 176 Lord Jer- sey (May 1885, n. 1876), russia, resold $3100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 579). See also Kei^mscott Press. W w W. (J.) The Valiant Scot [a play]. London, T. Harper for J. Waterson, 1637. 4". W, (/.) 617 $50 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 871) calf (Bridgewater copy); $25 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 530) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). W. (L.) Orgula or the Fatal Error, a Tragedy. London, T. M. for S. and T. Lewis, 1658. 4°. i 5.5.0 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 340) unbound. WAGER (Lewis) A new Interlude ... of the Life and Repentance of Mary Magdalen. London, John Charleivood, 1566 (or 1567), 4°. _ Two issues, varying only in the date, both known by a single copy: the 1566 issue is in the W. A. White coll. (Adee copy) ; the 1567 issue is in the British Museum. WAGER (W.) A very merry and pithy Comedy called The longer thou livest the more Fool thou art. London, W. Hozv for R. Johnes [ab. 1575]. 4^ British Museum. The Cruel Debtor. [London, T. Colwell, 1565 or 1566?]. 4 • This play is only known by a single leaf in the British Museum (Bag- ford fragments) and by the entry in Stationers' Registers. » A Comedy or Interlude entitled Enough is as good as a Feast. London, John Allde [ab. 1565]. 4". £2600 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 341) the only copy known (now Hunt- ington). WALKER (Thomas). 1698-1744 The Wit of a Woman. London, for R. Bassett, 1705. 4". $105 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3400) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton). 618 WALKER WALKER (William) Victorious Love, a Tragedy. London, for R. Smith, 1698. 4 • $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3401) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton). WALLER (Edmund). 1606-1687 The succession of the first editions of Waller's Poems, 1645 has been established by Beverly Chew, llie first edition of Waller's Poems in The Bibliographer, I (1902) pp. 296-303. I. The Workes of Edmond Waller. . . as Walkley, 1645. II. Poems &c. written by Mr. Ed. Waller. T. W. for Humphrey Mosley, 1645. The same book with the first quire reprinted and 4 additional leaves at the end. London, Thom- . . London, III. A reprint of II from the same press. On the title, the letters // of Chappell are above at of Private (in edi- tion II, they are above a of Private). The prose speeches are omitted. iV. Poems &c. written by Mr. Ed. Waller. . London, L N. for H. Mosley, 1645. This last exists on large paper. There is little difference in value between the 2d, 3d and 4th editions but the first is very scarce. $125 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II. n. 3399) mor., by Riviere, 3rd edition (?), now Huntington; $125 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3400) mor., by Cuzin, large paper. 4th edition; $130 Hagen (Mav 1918, n. 1354) orig. calf, large paper, 4th edition; £ 100 Huth (June 1920, n. 7873) calf, by Riviere, ist edition. WALPOLE (Horace). 1717-1797 Fugitive Pieces in Verse and Prose. Strawberry Hill, 1758. 8°. $10-12. — £15.5.0 Fraser (Apr. 1901, n. 1783), calf, Lady Hervey's copy with various manuscript notes. Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England. Strawberry Hill, 1758. 2 vols. 8". $12-15. — £8.10.0 Hodgson's. 30 Apr. 1902. n. 122, boards, uncut; $70 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3404) old mor. WALPOLE 619 Anecdotes of Painting in England. Printed by Thomas Farmer at Strawberry Hill, 1762-1771-1763. 5 vols. 4*'. $zK)-50. — i25 Turner' (June 1888, n. 2932) mor. ; £32 Hodg-son's, 30 Apr. 1902, n. 133, unbound, uncut, with manuscript notes by the author. The Castle of Otranto. London, for T. Lozvnds, 1764. 8". $15_20. — $110 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3405) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). The Mysterious Mother. Strawberry Hill, 1768. 8°. $600 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3406) beautifully bound by Roger Payne (now Huntington). The Castle of Otranto, Parma, Bodoni, 1791. 8". $60 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 3419) mor., by Bedford (Abrantes copy, one of six on vellum, now Huntington). WALTON (Izaak). 1593-1683 See T. Westwood, The Chronicle of the "Compleat Angler" (London,. Willis and Sotheran, 1864. 4^) xvi-64 pp. ; J. Sabin, A bibliographical cata- logue of the Waltonian library of R. W. Coleman (New York, Brad^ street Press, 1866. 8°) 149 pp.'; Thomas Satchell, Bibliography of Izaak Walton's Compleat Angler (London, 1882. 4°) ; Contributions to a cata- logue of the Lenox Library, n. VII : the Waltonian collection (New York, 1893. 4°) 56 pp. ; Arnold Wood, A bibliography of the Complete Angler (New York, Stribner, 1900. 4°) viii-208 pp. The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recrea- tion. London, T. Maxey for Rich. Marriot, 1653. . 8°. 6 en- gravings in the text. The first edition, very rare in fine condition. The earliest » issue has contention instead of contentment in the last line but 1 of Donne's poem, p. 245. Good copies should measure 5>4x3^ in. and fetch from $2000 to $3000 and more. — i 4LS Young (Dec. 1896, n. 704) orig. sheep; £405 Sothe- by's, 18 May 1903, n. 866, contemporary tooled mor., resold (the same copy?) $3500 Xavier (March 1911, n. 850) ; £ 1290 Van Antwerp (March 1907, n. 235) orig. sheep, the very fine Rowfant copy (now Pierpont Morgan Library) ; $3900 Heckscher (Febr. 1909. n. 2009) mor., by Riviere; £ 1085 Sotheby's, 18 March 1909, n. 214. orig. calf; £900 Sothe- by's, 24 May 1911, n. 644. mor., resold £750 Sotheby's, 13 Dec. 1911, n. 413; $2600 Hoe (Jan. 1912. H. n. 3426) russia ; $3250 Allis (March 1912, n. 882) orig. calf, resold $2200 Wallace (March 1920, n. 1441); £500 620 WALTON Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1912, n. 34, mor. ; £ 560 Sotheby's, 10 Dec. 1913, n. 175, contemporary mor.; $2475 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1065) orig. sheep. A very fine copy in the C. W. Clark collection has several pages of sheet Q (pages 225 and following) wrongly imposed. The second Edition. London, T. M. for Rich. Mar- riot, 1655. 8° $780 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 2010) mor., by Lortic; $700 High (Febr. 1911, n. 763) old calf. The third edition. London, J. B. for R. Harriot, 1661. 8^ $350 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 2011) mor. ; $225 Hoe (Jan. 1912, H, n. 3428) mor., by The Club Bindery; $275 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 900) mor., by Riviere (Chew copy, now C. W. Clark), The fourth Edition. London, for R. Harriot, 1664. 8°. i 5?V $545 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 2012) mor., first 4 leaves trimmed. The fifth edition. London, for R. Harriot, and Charles Harper, 1668. 8^ $400 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 2013) mor.; $305 High (Febr. 1911, n. 675) old russia; $125 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 901) mor., by Pratt (Chew copy, now C. W. Clark). Part II (by Cotton) was first published in the edition. Lon- don, for R. Harriot, 1676. 8*^. $150 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 2014) mor., by Lortic, contemporary MS. notes; $150 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 902) old mor. (Chew copy, now C. W. Clark). A few sets of the five first editions have been sold, as a lot, for high •*. prices: £800 Lord Ashburnham (May 1898, n. 3931) orig. calf and f sheep (from Corser coll.) ; a similar set $5900 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1630). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton. Mr. Rich- ard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. London, T. Nezvcomb for R. Harriott, 1670. 8°. $70 Heckscher (Febr. 1909, n. 2143) orig. calf, presentation copy to Dr. Fell (now A. E. Newton) ; £60 Sotheby's. 27 June 1912, n. 409 orig. calf, presentation copy; $230 Hagen (Mav 1918, n. 1366) orig. calf, pre- sentation copy to G. Akley (now C. W. Clark). 'V The Life of Dr. Sanderson. London, for R. Marriott, 1678. 8\ £40 Puttick's, 23 Jan. 1913, n. 509, mor., presentation copy. 4 WAPULL 621 WAPULL (George) The Tide tarrieth no Man, a most pleasant and merry Com- edy. London, Hugh Jackson, 1576. 4°. Only five copies seem to be known: Brit. Mus. ; Huntington (Devon- shire); £176 Sotheby's. 30 June 1906, n. 963; £400 and 440 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 342 and 343) unbound, now J. L. Clawson and Pforz- heimer. WARNER (Richard). 1763-1857 * Collections for the History of Hcimpshire. London, 1795. 6 vols, in 3. 4°. See collation in Lowndes. $20-25 and more on large paper. — £29 Aylesford (March 1888, n. 1853) large paper, russia. WARNER (William). 1558(?)-1609 Albion's England. London, G. Robinson for T. Cadman, 1586. 4°. $350 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3414) old mor. (the RatcHffe-Dent-Heber- Corser-Addington copy, now Huntington). The First and Second parts of Albion's England. London, T. Orwin, 1589. 4°. The second edition. $337.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1370) mor. by Pratt (Mitford-Locker copy, now Beverly Chew). Menaecmi, a pleasant and fine conceited Comedy, taken out of Plautus. London, T. Creede for W. Biirley, 1595. 4°. Huntington (Bridgewater) ; H. V. Jones. WARNING (A) FOR FAIR WOMEN A Warning for fair Women, containing the most tragical and lamentable Murder of Master George Sanders of London [a play]. London, V. Sims for W. Aspley, 1599. 4°. Bodleian; £105 Sotheby's [Mostyn], 31 May 1907, n. 470, unbound 622 WARNING (then Halsey, now Huntington) ; $875 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3415) mor., by Bedford, resold $525 Huntington (Dec. 1917, V, n. 375) ; £405 Huth (June 1920, n. 7917) calf (Daniel copy, now J. L. Clawson). WARS (The) OF CYRUS The Wars of Cyrus, King of Persia, against Antiochus, King of Assyria, with the tragical End of Panthsea [a play]. London, B. A. for William Blackzval, 1594. 4°. Brit. Mus. ; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; $395 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 169) old calf (Heber-Devonshire copy), resold $1540 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 394). WASHINGTON (George). 1732-1799 The Journal of Major George Washington sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddle. Williamsburg, William Hunter, 1754. 8°. 14 leaves. Washington's first appearance as an author. Only six copies are known: 1. $560 Brinley (March 1880, n. 4189) now New York Public Library; 2. Huntington (Church) ; 3. J. Carter Brown; 4. Pennsylvania Hist. Soc. ; 5. Newbery (Ayer) ; 6. £405 Har- ford (May 1907, n. 6) bound with other tracts. WATSON (Thomas). 1557(?)-1592 The Hekatompathia or Passionate Century of Love. Lon- don, J. Wolfe for G. Cawood [1582]. 4°. $2000 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3480) mor. (Bright-Daniel-Corser-Asay copy). WATTS (Isaac). 1674-1748 Hymns and spiritual Songs. London, J. Humphreys for J. Lawrence, 1707. 8°. $150-200. — i 55 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 318) mor. Divine Songs attempted in easy Language for the Use of Children. London, for M. Lazvrence, lyi^. 8°. Only two or three copies known. £ 155 Sotheby's, 28 July 1902, n. 24, old mor., presentation copy (now Pierpont Morgan Library) ; £ 55 Sothe- by's, 15 March 1907, n. 339, old mor. (See Wilbur Macey Stone, The Divine and Moral Songs of Isaac Watts. New York, 1918. 8°). WEAKEST 623 WEAKEST (The) GOETH TO THE WALL The Weakest goeth to the Wall [a play]. London, T. Creede for R. Olive, 1600. 4". Huntington (Bridgewater copy) ; $610 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 541) half-mor., inlaid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy). WEAVER (Thomas). 1616-1663 Plantagenet's tragical Story, or the Death of King Edward the Fourth. London, M. F. for R. Tomlins, i64g. 8°. Portr. by Marshall. $70 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3424) calf (now Huntington) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1372) mor., by The Club Bindery. WEBSTER (John). 1580(?)-1625(?) The White Devil or the Tragedy of Paulo Giordano Ursini. London, N. O. for Thomas Archer, 1612. 4". By Webster and Rowley. $210 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV. n. 3262) calf, by Pratt, resold $170 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 913), now J. L. Clawson; £ 100 Huth (June 1920, n. 7947) calf, by Aitken (Kershaw copy). The Devil's Law Case, a new Tragi-Comedy. London, $210 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I. n. 3428) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Hunting- ton) ; $205 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 820) calf (now J. L. Clawson) ; $280 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1642) half-mor. ; £ 37 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 345) unbound; £72 Huth (June 1920, n. 7949) mor. (Inglis copy). The Tragedy of the Duchess of Malfy. London, N. Okes for J. Waterson, 1623. ^. £15.5.0 Pearson (Nov. 1916, n. 321) mor., by Bedford; £158 Huth (June 1920, n. 7948) mor., by Ramage (Kershaw copy). Appius and Virginia, a Tragedy. London, 1654. 4°. £ 17 Huth (June 1920, n. 7950) half-bound. Two new Plays, viz. A Cure for a Cuckold, a Comedy; Tl^.e Thracian Wonder, a Comical History. London, T. Jame- son for F. Kirkman, i66i.- 4''. Each play has a separate title. The general title is of extreme rarity. 624 WEBSTER A Cure for a Cuckold, alone: $140 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3430) mor., by Zaehnsdorf (now Huntington). The Thracian Wonder, alone: $120 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3431) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). WESTALL (Richard). 1765-1836 Victories of the Duke of Wellington. London, Rodwell and Martin, 1819. Fol. 12 coloured pi. by T. Fielding after Westall. $15-20 and more on large paper. WESTALL (William) and Samuel OWEN Picturesque Tour of the Thames. London, R. Ackermann, 1828. 4**. 24 coloured pi. In orig. cloth $40-50. WESTMACOTT (Charles Molloy) Points of Misery. London, Sherzvood, Jones and Co., 1823. 8°. 20 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. wrapper $10-12 and more on large paper. — $15 Henkels', 8 June 1916, n. 34, calf, uncut. 't^ The English Spy. London, Sherwood, Jones and Co., ^ 1825-1826. 2 vols. 8°. 36 coloured pi. by R. Cruikshank, % Rowlandson, etc. '"^; In orig. boards $250-300. — £ 65 Puttick's, 28 Nov. 1902, n. 113, boards. i uncut; i 132 Hill (May 1912, n. 215) boards, uncut; £ 145 Sbtheby's. 25 J May 1914, n. 535, in parts, with all the wrappers and advertisements ; $270 } Huntington (March 1916, 1, n. 226) mor., by Riviere; $340 Clawson ^' (Jan. 1917, n. 205) half-mor., uncut; £98 Christie's, 22 July 1918, n. 79, ■•! boards, uncut. WESTMORELAND (Mildmay Fane, Earl of). 16. .-1666 Otia sacra, optima Fides. London, Richard Cotes, 1648. 4". Very few copies are perfect. With the two folded leaves $80-100. — $1000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3444) orig. calf (Bliss copy, now Huntington). ■'*■ WESTON 625 WESTON (John) The Amazon Queen, a Tragi-Comedy. London, for H. Herringnian, 1667. 4°. $12.50 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, 11. 3445) half-mor. WEVER (R.) An Interlude called Lusty Juventus. London, William Copland [ab. 1565]. 4°. Only three copies are on record: Brit. Mus. ; Huntington (Heber- Devonshire) ; i 220 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 347) unbound. [Another edition]. London, AbraJiam P^elc [sh. i^^o- 1560]. 4°. Bodleian, the only copy known. [Another edition]. London, John Awdely [ab. 1565- 1570]. 4°. Two copies known: £ 140 Sotheby's, 27 June 1906, n. 958 (now Brit. Mus.) ; £790 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 348) unbound (now Huntington). WHETSTONE (George). 1544(?)-1587 The right excellent and famous History of Promos and Cassandra. London, R. Jhones, i^y^. 4°. Only three or four copies are known of this play. WHISTLER (James McNeill). 1834-1903. See Catalogue of an exhibition of IVhistleriana from the collection of Walter S. Brezvster, exhibited by the Caxton Club (Chicago, 1917. 8°'). Whistler versus Ruskin. Art and Art Critics. London, CJiatto and Windus, 1878. 12°. In orig-. brown wrapper $10-12. — $122 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1453) mor., by Riviere, presentation copy. Correspondence, Paddon Papers, the Owl and the Cabinet. A^. p., n. d. [London, 1882]. 4^ Privately printed and very scarce. 626 WHISTLER Ten O'clock. London [T. Way], 1885. 12°. Brown wrapper. The genuine first edition, very scarce. The 1888 reprint sells for $6-8. The Gentle Art of making Enemies. Edited by Sheridan Ford. Paris, Delabrosse et Cie, 1890. 12**. The first edition, unauthorized. Very scarce. A second issue bears the imprint: Nezv York, Frederick Stokes and Brother. $62.50 Robinson (Apr. 1918, n. 965) wrapper. The first authorized edition was published at London, by Heinemann and is also dated 1890. Eden versus Whistler, the Baronet and the Butterfly, a Valentine with a Verdict. Paris, Louis-Henry May [1899]. 4- 250 copies printed. Wilde V. Whistler, being an acrimonious Correspondence on Art between Oscar Wilde and James A. McNeill Whistler. London, privately printed, 1906. 8*'. 800 copies printed, 400 on large and 400 on small paper. WHITAKER (Thomas Dunham). 1759-1821 History of Richmondshire. London, 1819-1823. 2 vols. Fol. See collation in Lowndes (who also describes the other works of the same author). $40-50 and on large paper $60-80 ; sometimes found in 12 parts. — i 30 Fr. Perkins (July 1889, n. 2034) mor., large paper. engravmgs. In orig. boards $80-100. — i 31 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1902. n. 1391, boards, uncut; $l90 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3452) mor., uncut; £25 Hodgson's, 6 May 1915, n. 276, mor., uncut. The manuscript i 294 Sotheby's, 1895, resold £ 750 Samuel (July 1907, n. 191). I % 3 WHITE (Gilbert). 1720-1793 See Edward A. Martin, A bibliography of Gilbert White (London, Roxburghe Press, n. d. 12°) 274 pp. J The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. London, T. Bensley for B. White, 1789. 4°. Frontisp., vignette and 7 WHITE 627 WHITE (James) The Adventures of Sir Frizzle Pumpkin. Bdinhiirgh, W. Blackzvood, 1836. 8^ Plates by Cruikshank. $10-12. — $45 Hinckley (Febr. 1912, n. 278) mor., by Sangorski. WHITFIELD (Henry). 1597-1660(?). See Eliot WHITMAN (Walt). 1819-1892 Franklin Evans, or the Inebriate, a Tale of the Times, the New World Extra for Nov. 1842. Nezv York, 1842. 8°. Sewed. $15-20. — $30 Hermann (March 1909. n. 601) half-mor. Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, 1855. 4°- Portr. The scarce first edition, containing only 12 poems. To a number of copies have been added four leaves of press notices printed at the time. In orig. green cloth $60-80. — $95 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3459) cloth; $115 Cowdin (Febr. 1916, n. 1118) cloth. The second edition {Nezv York or Brooklyn, 1856., 8**) contains 32 poems and is worth in orig. cloth $15-20. Walt Whitman's Drum Taps. Nezv York, 1865. 12°. The first issue contains 72 pages, the second has additional poems un- der the heading: "Sequel to Drum-Taps." In orig. cloth $20-25. — $40 Henkels's, 3 June 1910, n. 325, cloth, pre- sentation copy. After all not to create only. Boston, Roberts, 1871. 12°. 11 pages of proof sheets $14 Haber (Dec. 1909, n. 1720) ; another set of these folio proof sheets $46 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 935). As a strong Bird on Pinions free., Washington, 1872. 12°. $70 Poor (Nov. 1908, n. 1029) orig. cloth, presentation copy. 'Two Rivulets, including Democratic Vistas, Centennial Songs and Passage to India. Camden, 1876. 12°. $137.50 Chamberlain (Nov. 1909, n. 668) half-calf, the author's copy with his autograph corrections. 628 WHITNEY WHITNEY (Geoffrey). 1548(?)-1601(?) * A Choice of Emblems and other Devices. Leyden, P. Ra- phelengiiis for C. Plantin, 1586. 4°. Woodcuts. There are two issues with variations in the prayer at the end of the dedication. The only English book from the Plantin press. $175 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3504) mor., by Bedford (now Hunting- ton) ; $400 Purdy (Apr. 1917, n. 998) mor. (Narcissus Luttrell's copy) ; $390 Hunting-ton (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 922) mor., by Riviere (Halsey copy, now J. L. Clawson) ; $240 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1649) mor., • by De Coverly. The original manuscript is in the W. A. White coll. WHITTIER (John Greenleaf). 1807-1892 A number of his first editions may be obtained at moderate prices. The more valuable seem to be the following. The finest set sold was in the Chamberlain sale (16 Febr. 1909). Legends of New England. Hartford, 1831. 12°. In orig. boards $30-40. — $48 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 767) boards. Moll Pitcher, a Poem. Boston, Carter and Hendee, 1832. 8°. 28 pp. In orig. blue wrapper $80-100. — $370 Richardson (Nov. 1908, n. 2056) wrapper; $500 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 768) wrapper. Justice and Expediency, or Slavery considered with a View to its rightful and effectual Remedy, Abohtion. Haverhill, 1833. 8°. $370 Scott's, 12 Apr. 1917, n. 338, sewn, with autograph corrections. Mogg Megone, a Poem. Boston, Light and Sterns, 1836. In orig. green cloth $50-60. — $90 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 778) 5 cloth. .'-y Poems written during the Progress of the Abohtion Ques- tion. Boston, 1837. 12°. Two issues, the earlier in 96 pp.. the second in 103 pp. In orig. cloth $10-15, but much more for the first issue. — $61 Cham- berlain (Febr. 1909, n. 780) cloth, 1st issue (Arnold copy) ; $29 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 988) mor., by Bradstreet, 2d issue. 1 WHITTIER 629 Address at the Opening of the Pennsylvania Hall. Phila- delphia, 1838. 12°. Exists on thin and on thick paper. $36 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 787) sewn, thin paper (Foote copy) ; $35 Chamberlain (Febr. 1909, n. 788) sewn, thick paper. WHITTY (Michael James) Tales of Irish Life. London, J. Robins, 1824. 2 vols. 8°. 6 pi. by Cruikshank. $25-30. — $29 Hermann (March 1909, n. 137) mor., plates in 2 states, plain and coloured. WIFE (A) NOW A WIDOW A Wife now a Widow. London, for L. L'Isle, 1614. 8°. • The first edition of this curious work on the death of Sir Thomas Over- bury. Three other editions were published the same year and the "ninth" is dated 1616. Capell coll. WIGHT (John) Mornings at Bow-Street. London, for Charles Baldwyn, 1824. 8°. 21 pi. by Cruikshank. In orig. boards $10-12. This and the following" are sometimes found with India proofs, before letters. More Mornings at Bow-Street. London, James Robins, 1827. 8°. 9 pi. and 17 woodcuts by Cruikshank. • In orig. boards with label $12-15. Sunday in London. London, B. IVilson and T. Hurst, 1833. 8°. 14 illustrations by Cruikshank. In orig. boards $8-10. I WIGSTEAD (Henry) Excursions to Brighthelmstone. London, 1790. Fol. $40-50 and more. — i 28 Puttick's, 30 July 1902. n. 39, boards, uncut. 630 WILDE WILDE (Oscar). 1856-1900 See Stuart Mason, A bibliography of the poems of Oscar Wilde. (Lon- don, Grant Richards, and New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1908. 8°) xii- 148 pp.; Stuart Mason, Bibliography of Oscar Wilde (London, T. Wer- ner Laurie, 1914. 8°) xxxix-605 pp. The finest Wilde collection recently dispersed was that of John B. Stetson, Jr., of Philadelphia (sale at Anderson's, 23 April 1920, with an excellent catalogue). Ravenna, Newdigate Prize Poem. Oxford, Chas. Shrimp- ton and son, 1878. 8°. 16 pp. In orig. grey printed wrapper $6-8. — £5 Hodgson's, 26 Apr. 1911, n. 454, presentation copy; £16.10.0 Browning (May 1913, n. 1210) pre- sentation copy to Browning; $65 Walpole Galleries, 16 Febr. 1917, n. 285, presentation copy; $125 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 1) presentation copy. A pirated reprint, issued in 1904, has no arms on the title. Vera or the Nihilists, a Drama in four Acts. London, Ran- ken and Co., 1880. 8°. Grey printed wrapper. A very scarce privately printed edition. Only two copies are known, one in the Bruce Ingram coll., the other sold in 1912 by Quaritch and resold $570 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 3). The manuscript $925 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 6). Vera or the Nihilists, a Drama in a Prologue and four Acts. [New York], 1882. 8*^. Interleaved. Grey printed wrapper. This edition is also very scarce. i 26 Sotheby's, 19 July 1907, n. 284, the author's copy with autograph alterations, resold $240 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 4) ; i 15 Sotheby's, 27 July 1911, n. 214; i 10.15.0 Sotheby's, 30 March 1914, n. 575 ; $220 Rob- inson (Apr. 1917, n. 673) wrapper. Poems. London, David Bogue, 1881. 8°. In orig. white vellum $30-40. — £ 76 Browning (May 1913, n. 1211) presentation copy to Browning; £ 10 Humphries (May 1913, n. 171) ; $50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1089) veil; $66 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 529) veil. Rose Leaf and Apple Leaf by Rennell Rodd, with an Intro- duction by Oscar Wilde. Philadelphia, J. M. Stoddart and Co., 1882. 8°. In orig. green cloth $6-8, but much more for the edition de luxe printed in brown ink on thin transparent paper, interleaved with green paper. £9.5.0 Hodgson's, 7 Jan. 1908, n. 562; $185 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 169) the author's copy. The manuscript $1075 same sale, n. 173. WILDE 631 The Duchess of Padua, a Tragedy of the XVI Century. Privately printed as Manuscript. A^. p., n. d. [1883]. S"". Plain grey-green wrapper. Twenty copies were printed and only four are now known : 1. Biit. Mus. (given by Robert Ross in 1910) ; 2. £41 Sotbeby's, 31 May 1907, n. 117 (now Walter E. Ledger) ; 3. Bruce Ingram; 4. Miss Minna K. Gale (pos- sibly the copy now belonging to W. A. Clark, Jr.). Roses and Rue. A poem of 64 lines printed in the summer number of Society, 1 June 1885. No copy of this number seems to be available anywhere for refer- ence, but the page containing Wilde's poem was sold separately for i 14.10.0 Sotheby's, 27 June 1911, n. 209. The Happy Prince and other Tales. London, D. Nutt, 1888. 4**. 3 pi. by Walter Crane, head and tail-pieces by J. Hood. In orig. vellum boards $8-10 and $30-40 on large paper (75 copies) with illustrations in duplicate. — $34.50 Poor (Jan. 1909, n. 997) boards large paper ; $27.50 Ives (Apr. 1915. n. 1090) boards; $60 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 531) boards, large paper; $245 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 25) with 10 of the orig. drawings; $150 same sale, n. 26, presentation copy. The Picture of Dorian Gray. London, privately printed, 1890. 8". Boards with label. Very scarce. — $175 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 33). The type-written manuscript $670 same sale, n. 47. The Picture of Dorian Gray. London, New York and Melbourne, [1891]. 8^ The first published edition. In orig. grey boards $10-15 and on large paper (250 copies) ^30-40. — $100 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3384) presentation copy; $160 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 1004) presentation copy ; i 18.10.0 Sotheby's, 28 Apr. 1913, n. 39, presentation copy to Wilde's mother, resold $340 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 42); i 23.10.0 Payne (Oct 1916, n. 395) presentation copy to John Payne. Intentions. London, James R. Osgood, Mcllvaine and Co., 1891. 8^ In orig. green cloth $15-20. — £7.7.0 Sotheby's. 18 Febr. 1909, n. 87, presentation copy; $26 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 1002) mor., uncut; $35 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 677) cloth; $340 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 51) presentation copy to Lord Alfred Douglas. 632 WILDE Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and other Stories. London, James R. Osgood, Mcllvaine and Co., 1891. 8°. In orig. salmon boards $10-15. — $22 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1473) boards; $36 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 1003) boards. A House of Pomegranates. London, James R. Osgood, Mcllvaine and Co., 1891. 4". Illustrations by Ricketts and Shannon. In orig. stamped boards, cloth back, $10-20. — $75 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3512) presentation copy; $27.50 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1094) cloth; $260 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 62) presentation copy to Lord Alfred Doug- las. Salome, Drame en un Acte. Paris, Lihrairie de I'Art In- dependant, Londres, Blkin MattJiezvs et John Lane, 1893. 8°. In orig. purple wrapper $25-30 and more on hand-made paper (50 copies printed). — $116 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 1015) mor., by Riviere, au- tograph added; £32 Swinburne (June 1916, n. 921) presentation copy to Swinburne; $45 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 540) wrapper; $310 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 67) presentation copy to R. Le Gallienne. The corrected proof sheets are in the collection of Mrs. G. Blumenthal. Salome, a Tragedy in one Act, translated from the French [by Lord Alfred Douglas]. London, Blkin Mathezvs and John Lane, 1894. 4°. 10 pi. by Aubrey Beardsley. The first edition in English. In orig. blue cloth $15-20 and on large paper (100 copies) in green silk $30-40. — $38 Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1477) cloth. Lady Windermere's Fan, a Play about a good Woman. London, Blkin Mathezvs and John Lane, 1893. 4". In orig. red cloth $20-30 and on large paper (50 copies) in yellow cloth $40-50. — $140 Glaenzer (Nov. 1911, n. 152) presentation copy; $22.50 Johnston (Oct. 1912, n. 1005) cloth; £6.15.0 Arthur (July 1914, n. 803) ; $300 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 84) presentation copy to Lord Al- | fred Douglas. '; The type-written manuscript $450 same sale, n. 83 ; the autograph man- uscript is in the British Museum. 'A The Sphinx. London, Blkin Mathezvs and John Lane, 1894. > 4°. Illustrations by C. Ricketts. M In orig. veil. $15-20 and on large paper (25 copies) $50-60. — $37 ^ Glaenzer (Nov. 1911. _n. 154) veil.; $100 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 543) veil., large paper; $285 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 93) presentation copy to Lord Alfred Douglas. I 'M. WILDE 633 The manuscript was given in 1909 by R. Ross to the British Museum but two early dtafts. were sold for £143 at Sotheby's, 27 July 1911, nn. 205-206; one of these $1350 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 96). A Woman of no Importance. London, John Lane, 1894. 4 • In orig. red cloth $10-15 and* on large paper (50 copies) in yellow cloth $30-40. — $44 Poor (Jan. 1909. n. 1000) cloth, large paper; $26 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II. n. 3516) large paper; £5 Arthur (July 1914, n. 805) large paper; $26 Ives (Apr. 1915, n. 1096) large paper; $330 Stet- son (Apr. 1920, n. 99) presentation copy to Lord Alfred Douglas; in the isame sale (n. 98: $420) was a unique proof copy with the imprint: Mathetvs and Lane. The manuscript is in the British Museum; a type-written manuscript $210 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 103). The Chameleon, a Bazaar of dangerous and smiling Chances Vol. I, No. I (no more published). London, Dec. 1894. 4°. Green wrapper. Contains a contribution by Wilde and a tale wrongly ascribed to his pen. Very scarce (100 copies printed).— £ 3.10.0 Hodgson's, 14 Oct. 1908, n. 382, wrapper; $20 Poor (Febr. 1909, n. 1017) half-mor. ; $60 Ander- son's, 13 May 1919, n. 833, wrapper. The Soul of Man. London, privately printed, 1895. 4°. In orig. brown printed wrapper $6-8. The Ballad of Reading Gaol by C. 3. 3. London, Leonard Smithers, 1898. 8". In orig. cinnamon cloth (800 copies printed) $10-12 and on Japanese vellum (30 copies printed) $20-30. — f 5.15.0 Puttick's, 7 Oct. 1909. n. 472, presentation copy; $20 Ives (Apr. 1915. n. 660) cloth; $80 Claw- son (Jan. 1917, n. 545) half-veil.. Japanese paper; $250 Stetson (Apr. 1920. n. 110) presentation copy to Max Beerbohm; the corrected proofs, $310 same sale, n. 117. The Importance of being earnest, a trivial Comedy for serious People. London, L. Smithers and Co., 1899. 4°. In orig. red cloth $10-15 and on large paper (100 copies) $20-30. but more on Japanese vellum (12 numbered copies). — $87 Glaenzer (Nov. 1911, n. 172) presentation copy; i 10.5.0 Montefiore (Nov. 1912, n. 308) Japanese vellum ; $155 Clawson' (Jan. 1917. n. 547) veil.. Japanese vellum ; $310 Stetson (Apr. 1920. n. 120) presentation copy to Frank Harris ; three type-written manuscripts $220. $155 and $500, same sale, nn. 126-128; an early autograph draft is in the British Museum. 634 WILDE An Ideal Husband. London, L. Smithers and Co., 1899. 4°. In orig. red cloth $10-15 and on large paper (100 copies) $20-30, but more on Japanese vellum (12 numbered copies). — £5.10.0 Puttick's, 7 Oct. 1909, n. 475, presentation copy; $80 Glaenzer (Nov. 1911, n. 176) presentation copy; £ 10.5.0 Montefiore (Nov. 1912, n. 309) Japanese vellum; $40 Clawson (Jan. 1917, n. 550) cloth, large paper; $155 Claw- son (Jan. 1917, n. 549) veil., Japanese vellum; $385 Stetson (Apr. 1920, n. 129) presentation copy to Lord Alfred Douglas ; two type-written man- uscripts, $400 and $500, same sale, nn. 135-136; a third, with parts of the manuscript, is in the British Museum. De Profundis. London, Methuen and Co., 1905. 4^ In orig. blue cloth $6-8 and on hand-made paper (200 copies) $10-15 or on Japanese vellum (50 copies) $20-25. The manuscript is in the British Museum. The suppressed Portion of "De Profundis," now for the first Time published by his hterary Executor Robert Ross. Ne7v York, Paid R. Reynolds, 191 3. 8°. Grey printed boards. 15 copies were printed. WILKINS (David). 1685-1745 Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae. London, 1737. 4 vols. Fol. £19.10.0 Lawley (April 1906, n. 796); £21.10.0 Sotheby's, 4 Dec. 1913, n. 57, calf; £35 Huth (June 1920, n. 8043) russia, by Bedford. WILKINS (George) The Miseries of enforced Marriage. London, for G. Vin- cent, 1607. 4**. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Devonshire); £205 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 349) unbound (now W. A. White). WILKINSON (Rev. Joseph) Select Views in Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lanca- shire. London, R. Ackermann, 1810. Fol. 48 pi. With an introduction by Wordsworth afterwards rewritten by him and published separately as : A Description of the Scenery of the Lakes in the North of England. In orig. drab boards or in 12 parts $30-40. WILLIAMS 635 WILLIAMS (Roger). 1604(?)-1683 Key into the Language of America. London, Gregory Dexter, 1643. S°- Very scarce. £ 134 Bishop White Kennett (July 1917, n. 172) orig. sheep. The bloudy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience discussed. London, 1644. 4° Two issues, the first with errata at end. $440 Crane (March 1913, n. 986) orig. calf, 1st issue; $350 Stiness, (Apr. 1914, n. 1253) mor., 1st issue; $500 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 322) mor., by Tout, 1st issue (Church copy) ; $500 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 47, mor. WILLIAMSON (Thomas). See Orme WILLOBIE (Henry). 1574(?)-1596(?) Willobie his Avisa, or the true Picture of a modest Maid and of a ch^st and constant Wife, in hexameter Verse. Lon- don, J. Windet, 1594. 4**. The earliest book mentioning Shakespeare by name. Only four copies are known : 1. Brit. Mus. ; 2. Britwell ; 3. £ 400 Huth (June 1920, n. 8063) russia (Bright-Corser copy), wanting the last 4 leaves (now J. L. Clawson) ; 4. John Williams coll. (Morristown, N, J.) obtained in Germany, also wanting the last 4 leaves. WILMOT (Robert). 1550(?)-1591(?) The Tragedy of Tancred and Gismund. London, T. Scar- let for R. Robinson, i^gi (or 1592). 4°. Two issues, differing only in date. The 1591 issue is only known by the Huntington (Bridgewater) copv. $280 Huntington (Nov. 1918, IX, n. 624) half-mor., inlaid throughout, 1592 issue (Kemble-Devonshire copy). WILSON (John). 1627(?)-1696 Andronicus Commenius, a Tragedy. London, for J. Star key, 1664. 4°. $20 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3475) half-mor., by Riviere (now Hunting- * 636 WILSON ton) ; $31 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 545) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy). Some bibliographers quote a 1663 edition. The Cheats, a Comedy. London, for G. Bedell, T. Collins and C. Adams, 1664. 4°. $16 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIH, n. 546) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $35 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1378) half-mor. The Projectors. London, for J. Playfere and W. Crook, 1665. ^\ $19 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 547) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy, now Library of Congress). Belphegor or the Marriage of the Devil, a Tragi-Comedy. London, J. L. for L. Meredith, 1691. 4°. $15 Hoe (Apr. 1912, III, n. 3390) calf (now Huntington). Another issue bears the address /. Leake for R. Taylor. WILSON (Robert). 1560(?)-1593(?) A right excellent and famous Comedy called The Three La- dies of London. London, R. Warde, 1584. 4**. Brit. Mus. ; Bodl. ; Huntington (Bridgewater). The second ed. (London. J. Danter, 1592. 4«) $340 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 873), resold $2125 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1663) mor. (Devonshire copy, now H. C. Folger) ; £300 and £310 Alostyn (March 1919, nn. 351 and 352) unbound (now Pforzheimer and J. L. Clawson) ; the Bridgewater copy is in the Huntington coll. k i The pleasant and stately Moral of the Three Lords, and Three Ladies of London. London, R. J hones, 1590. 4°. Brit. Mus.; Bodl.; Huntington (Bridgewater); J. L. Clawson, the Roxburghe-Devonshire copy, purchased for $1625, H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1662) mor. The Cobbler's Prophecy. London, J. Danter for C. Bur- by, 1594. 4^ Brit. Mus.; Bodl.; Dyce ; Pepysian ; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; £300 4 and £230 Mostyn (March 1919, nn. 353 and 354) unbound. The Pedlar's Prophecy. London, T. Creede for W. Bar- ley, 1595. 4°. The ascription to Wilson is conjectural. Brit. Mus.; Bodl.; Huntington (Bridgewater); £305 and £250 Mos- f WILSON 637 tyn (March 1919, nn. 355 and 356) unbound (one of these now J. L. Clawson). WILY BEGUILED A pleasant Comedy called Wily beguiled. London, H. L. for Clement Knight, i6o6. 4°. $310 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3479) calf (Perkms copy). WINSLOW (Edward). 1595-1655 Good Newes from New England. London, J. D. for IV. Bladen and J. Bellamie, 1624. 4°. Two issues under the same date (see the New York Bvening Post, 27 June 1908). . £240 Ashburton (Nov. 1900, n. 852) calf; $1600 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 303) calf, by Mackenzie, wanting the leaf of postscript; $700 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 324) mor., by Bedford, 2 leaves in facs. (Church copy). See also Eliot. WINTHROP (John). 1588-1649 The humble Request of His Majesty's loyal Subjects, the Governor and the Company late gone for New England. Lon- don, for J. Bellamie, 1630. 4°. Five copies known: 1. Bodleian; 2. Huntington; 3. Boston (Prince Library) ; 4. Huntington; 5. $2000 Huntington (Jan. 1917, III, n. 305) half-mor., by Riviere. A Declaration of former Passages and Proceedings be- twixt the English and the Narrowgansetts. [Cambridge, S. Daye, 1645]. 4". One of the first books printed in what is now the United States. Four copies are known: 1. $215 Brinley (March 1879. n. 754) mor. (then Lenox, now New York Public Library) ; 2. $10,000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3484) mor., by Bedford (Kalbfleisch copy, now Huntington) ; 3. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. ; 4. Private library, Boston. „ WISDOM (The) OF DOCTOR DODYPOLL The Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll. London, T. Crede for R. Olive, 1600. 4°. A very scarce anonymous play. i 638 WISDOM i SO Huth (June 1912, n. 2413) mor. (the Jolley-Holgate copy, now Huntington) ; $180 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII, n. 549) half-mor., in- laid throughout (Kemble-Devonshire copy, now Library of Congress). WITHER (George). 1588-1667 j The following is only a selection of his more important works. A large series occurred in the Gutch sale (1858). -ii -^ Abuses stript and whipt or Satirical Essays. London, G. Bid for F. Burton, 1613. 8°. At least four editions exist with this imprint. A Satyre dedicated to His Most Excellent Majesty. Lon- don, for G. Norton, 1614. 8°. $170 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1380) mor., by The Club Bindery (Row- fant copy). Another edition, n. p., 1614, is only known by an imperfect copy in the Pierson sale (Febr. 1908, n. 828). The Shepherd's Hunting, being certain Eglogs written during the Time of the Author's Imprisonment in the Marshal- sey. London, T. Snodham (or W. White) for G. Norton, 161 5. 8°. The late H. Buxton-Forman discovered three distinct editions with the same date (Buxton-Forman and T. J. Wise coll.). $52.50 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1665) mor., by Bradstreet (now J. L. Clawson; $760 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 971) mor., by Aitken. Fidelia. London, N. Okes, 161 5. 8°. Bodleian, the only copy known. A Preparation to the Psalter. London, N. Okes, 1619. Fol. Front, by F. Delaram. The frontispiece is of the highest quality. The printed title is extremely scarce. $45 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1382) mor. . The Works of Master George Wither. London, J. Beak for T. Walkley, 1620. 8°. Leaf L8 is cancelled in most copies. $10 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3285) calf (now Beverly Chew); $245 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1383) orig. veil. *^ WITHER 639 Fair-Virtue, the Mistress of Philarete. London, for J. Grismand, 1622. 8". Three issues are known bearing on the title Written by Geo. Wither, by George Wither, or by Himself e. $205 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3497) mor., by David, resold $175 Hunt- ington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 929) now Beverly Chew; $100 Hagen (May 1918, n 1385) mor., by Riviere (now Huntington) ; $77.50 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1387). Juvenilia, a Collection of those Poems which were hereto- fore imprinted. . . London, for J. Budge, 1622. 8°. En- graved title by R. Elstracke. Two issues. Britain's Remembrancer, containing a Narration of the Plague lately past. . . London, for J. Grismon, 1628. 12°. Front, by John Payne. $160 Hoe (Apr. 1912. Ill, n. 3401) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $30 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 930) calf, by Bedford (Chew copy, now again Beverlv Chew); $95 Hagen (May 1918, n. i389) mor.. by Bradstreet; $325 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1666) old mor., presentation cop.y (now C. W. Clark). A Collection of Emblems ancient and modern. London, A. M., for R. Royston, (or for H. Taunton), 1635. Fol. En- graved title by Marshall, portr. by Payne, vignettes by Crispin de Passe and two woodcut dials with moveable pointers. Two issues varying in the imprint. The pointers are nearly alwavs missing. $40 Hoe (Nov. 1912. IV, n. 3286) old calf, now Beverly Chew; $150 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1390) mor., by Riviere. Vaticinium Causuale, a Rapture occasioned by the jate mi- raculous Deliverance of His Highness the Lord Protector from a desperate Danger. London, for T. Ratdiife and B. Motter- shed, 1655. 4°. $180 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3501) mor., bv The Club Bindery, resold $74 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 934). ' WIT (The) OF A WOMAN A pleasant Comedy wherein is merrily shown The Wit of a Woman. London, for B. White, 1604. 4°. Has been ascribed to Henrv Chettle. $160 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII. n. 102) calf (Bridgewater copy). 640 WITS WIT'S MAGAZINE The Wit's Magazine and Attic Miscellany. London, 1818. 2 vols. 8°. 40 coloured plates by Cruikshank (16) and Row- landson (24). Complete copies are of extreme rarity. — £ 56 Bruton (June 1897, n. 320) mor., 1 pi. in facs. ; i205 Douglas (Febr. 1911, n. 647) uncut, with 3 of the orig-. wrappers (now H. E. Widener Library). WOLLEY (Charles) A two Years Journal in New York and Part of its Terri- tories in America, by C. W., A. M. London, for J. IVyat and B. Tracy, (or for Dickenson Boys in LozvfJi and G. Barton in Boston), 1 70 1. 8". Three issues, two with the first and one with the second imprint, the first issue showing misprints in sheet C. Extremely scarce. $2400 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3506) mor.. by The Club Bindery; $1925 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 325) mor. (Church copy). WOLLSTONECRAFT (Mary).* 1759-1797 Original Stories from real Life. London, J. Johnson, 1791. 16". Front, and 5 engraved pi. by W. Blake. 10 original drawings by Blake for this work, $1000 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 65). WOOD (WilHam) New England's Prospect. London, T. Cotes for J. Bella- mie, 1634 (or 1635). 4°. Map. $425 (Hoe (Apr. 1911. I, n. 3510) mor., by The Club Bindery, 1635 ed.; $750 Huntington (Jan. 1917, HI, n. 306) mor., by Lortic, map shaved, 1635 ed. (Church copy) ; $725 Robinson (Apr. 1917, n. 697) mor.. 1635 ed. ; $1500 Huntington (Dec. 1917, VI, n. 326) veil., 1634 ed. (Church copy) ; $525 Huntington (Dec. 1917. VI. n. 327) old half- calf, 1635 ed. (Halsey copy) ; $2800 Anderson's, 6 Febr. 1920, n. 43, double mor., by Matthews, 1634 ed. (Lefiferts-A. T. White copy). WOODES (Nathaniel) An excellent new Comedy entitled The Conflict of Con- science. London, R. Bradocke, 1581. 4°. Two editions under the same date. WOODES 641 Brit. Mus. ; Bodl.; Elizabethan Club, Yale; Huntington (Bridgewater) ; W. A. White (Gaisford-McKee) ; £305 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 359) unbound (now J. L. Clawson). WOODWARD (George Murgatroyd). 1760(?)-1809 Elements of Bacchus or Toasts and Sentiments given by distinguished Characters. London, IV. Holland, 1792. 4". 40 portraits. $15-20. Everybody in Town and Everybody out of Town. Lon- don, S. IV. Fores, 1796- 1800. 8°. 12 coloured pi. by Wood- ward. Very scarce. $50-60. Eccentric Excursions. London, Allen and West, 1796- 1798. 4°. 1 01 coloured pi. engraved by Isaac Cruikshank. £17 Sotheby's, 18 May 1903, n. 1019, mor. ; $211 Dulles (Dec. 1912, n. 191) mor., by Riviere; $115 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 402) mor. Other editions, 1807 and 1814. Horse Accomplishments. London, R. Aekermann, 1799. Oblong 4°. 12 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. £40 Hornstein (Febr. 1918, n. 3693) mor., by Riviere. Le Brun travestied or Caricatures of the Passions, designed by G. M. Woodward, etched by T. Rowlandson. London, Ae- kermann, 21 Jan. 1800. 4°. Title and 19 coloured pi. $115 Austin (Apr. 1917, n. 591) orig. wrapper, 1st issue. Olio of Good Breeding. London, 1801. 4°. Coloured pi. Very scarce. Attempts at Humor, poetical and physiognomical. London, B. Crosby, etc., 1803. 4"^. 8 coloured pi. Very scarce. The Eccentric Magazine or Hudibrastic Mirror. By G. M Woodward. London, 1806- 1808. 2 vols. Oblong fol. 90 coloured pi. by Rowlandson, Cruikshank and others. £20 Writ^ht (June 1899. n. 675). Another work, not by Woodward, was published under the same title in 1814. 642 WOODWARD WOODWARD (G. M.) and T, ROWLANDSON Grotesque Borders for Screens, Billiard-Rooms, Dressing- Rooms, etc. London, R. Ackermann, 1799- 1800. Oblong fol. Engraved title and 24 coloured pi. £ 18.10.0 Pearson (Jan. 1914, n. 484) uncut. WORDSWORTH (William). 1770-1850 See T. J. Wise, A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of William Wordsworth (London, 1916. 4°., xv-279 pp.; Collection of W ordszvortJnana made by the late Mrs. Cynthia Morgan St. John [Ithaca, 1920] . S''. 30 pp. An Evening Walk an Epistle in Verse. London, for J. Johnson, ly^'}^. 4°. No wrapper. Some eight or ten copies are known, not all perfect. $100-120. — £64 Hodgson's, 8 Jan. 1902, n. 87, uncut; $190 Ander- son's, 27 Oct. 1911, n. 169, half-mor. ; $590 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1397) sewn, uncut. Descriptive Sketches in Verse, taken during a pedestrian Tour in the Italian, Grison, Swiss and Savoyard Alps. Z,07i- don, for J. Johnson, iy()2)- 4°. Some eight or ten copies are known. $100-150. — £66 Hodgson's, 8 Jan. 1902, n. 88, uncut; $210 Ander- son's, 27 Oct. 1911, n. 170, half-mor.; $600 Borden (Febr. 1913, n. 836) mor., by Riviere, the author's copy, with manuscript notes, given by Dorothy Wordsworth to Coleridge; $480 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1398) sewn, uncut. Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems. Bristol, printed by Biggs and Cottle for T. N. Longman, London, 1798. 8°. Drab boards. Contains two poems by Coleridge. Pages 63-68 and the leaf of Contents were cancelled and the poem Lewti replaced, first by Domiciliary Verses and subsequently by The Nightingale. These three issues are known in all by only eight copies : A. First issue. Lord Latymer. Wanting title and 3 preliminary leaves. — B. Second issue. T. J. Wise (R. A. Potts copy). — C. Third issue. 1. Brit. Mus. (Southey's copy, with the four uncancelled leaves added from the 1st is- sue) ; 2. Herbert T. Butler (from Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, n. 417: £91) calf, autograph alterations by Coleridge ; 3. H. E. Widener Library ; 4. 4 WORDSWORTH 643 The late Airs. Henry A. Morgan St. John, Ithaca; 5. A. H. Turnbull, New Zealand (obtained in 1915 from Messrs. Maggs) ; 6. W. A. White, with important autograph alterations by Coleridge ; 7. Messrs. Maggs. Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems. London, printed for J. and A. Arch, 1798. 8°. A fourth issue of the above with a new title-page. In orig. drab boards with label .$200-250. — £ 39 Sotheby's, 6 Tunc 1907, n. 441, boards (now T. J. Wise) ; $46 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 99) old calf. Lyrical Ballads with other Poems. Second edition. Lon- don, printed for T. N. Longman and O. Recs, by Biggs and Co., Bristol, 1800. 2 vols. 8°. The first volume alone is designated on the title as Second Edition. In orig. drab boards with label $80-100. Reprinted with variations in 1802 (3rd ed.) and 1805 (4th ed.). Poems in two Volumes. London, for Longman, Hurst, Rees and Ornie, 1807. 2 vols. 8°. In orig. boards with label $60-80. — f 22 Hodgson's, 8 Jan. 1902, n. 89. uncut; £51 Sotheby's, 16 March 1903, n. 1150, uncut, presentation copy; $110Lapham (Dec. 1908, n. 1501) boards, uncut. Pages 69-72 of vol. I and pages 3-4 of vol. II were cancelled; both states of these leaves occur in the T. J. Wise copy. Concerning the Convention of Cintra. London, Longman, 1809. 8". A second issue with a cancel for pp. 97-98 and 103-104, showing an alteration on p. 97, bears the title: "Concerning the Relations of Great Britain, Spain and Portugal." London, Longman, 1809. 8''. The first issue of the title is only known by two copies (one in the T. J. Wise coll.) but several other copies have p. 97 cancelled. The second issue, in orig. boards (no label) $10-15. The Excursion, being a Portion of the Recluse, a Poem. London, Longman, 18 14. 4°. In orig. drab boards with label $20-30. — £7.15.0 Sothebv's. 16 March 1903, n. 1223. calf, presentation copy; $49 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1403) boards. Poems. London, Longman, 181 5-181 5-1820. 3 vols. 8°. 2 fronts. Vol. Ill was made up from the remainders of four books printed 1816- 1820 (Thanksgiving Ode, etc.) with a general title-page. In orig. paper boards with labels $40-50. 644 WORDSWORTH The White Doe of Rylstone or the Fate of the Nortons, a Poem. London, Longman, 1815. 4°. Front, by Bromley. In orio-. drab boards with label $20-30. — $75 Hoe (Apr.. 1911, I, n. 3513) calf, by Bedford; $170 Herbert (Febr. 1916, n. 981) boards, the author's copy with autograph alterations for a new edition ; $41 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1405) boards. A Letter to a Friend of Robert Burns. London, Long- man, 1 81 6. 8°. In orig. drab wrapper $10-15. — $34 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1406) half- mor., by Riviere (now Huntington). Thanksgiving Ode, January 18, 18 16, with other short Pieces. London, T. Davison, for Longman, 1816. 8°. In orig. dark green wrapper with label $10-15. Two Addresses to the Freeholders of Westmoreland. Ken- dal, Airey and BelUngham, 1818. 8°. No wrapper. $10-15. Peter Bell, a Tale in Verse. London, Strahan and Spottis- woode for Longman, 1819. 8". Front, by Bromley. In orig. wrapper with label $20-30. — $45 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3514) mor., uncut. The Waggoner, a Poem. London, Strahan and Spottis- woode for Longman, 1819. 8°. In orig. drab wrapper with label $20-30. — £21.10.0 Ford (May 1902, n. 591) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson. The River Duddon, a Series of Sonnets. London, Long- man, 1820. 8". In orig. drab boards with label $15-20. — $36 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1409) boards. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent. London, Long- man, 1822. 8°. In orig. drab boards with label $15-20. — £ 14 Sotheby's, 22 Dec. 1902, n. 344, presentation copy; $45 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3516) mor., by The Club Bindery, resold $27 Huntington (Febr. 1917, IV, n. 517). Ecclesiastical Sketches. London, Longman, 1822. 8°. In orig. grey or drab boards with label $10-12. — £ 13 Sotheby's, 22 Dec. 1902, n. 345, presentation copy, $97.50 Bixby (March 1916, n. 967) mor., by Riviere, with 15 pages of the manuscript. m WORDSWORTH 645 Ode to the Memory of Charles Lamb. N. p., n. d. [Lon- don, E. Moxon, 1835]. 8°. 8 pp. Lavender wrapper. Some five or six copies are known. — £28 Hodgson's, 20 Nov. 1901, 1). 597, presentation copy, resold £30 Sotheby's, 17 March 1902, n. 1228; £21 Puttick's, 17 Apr. 1905, n. 466, wrapper; £49 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 391) wrapper. Yarrow revisited and other Poems. London, Longman and Moxon, 1835. 12°. In orig. drab cloth with label $8-10. — £ 27 Red Cross Sale (Apr. 1916, n. 2338) mor., by Cobden-Sanderson, presentation copy, resold $152.50 Brooks (Apr. 1919, n. 943) ; $15 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1412) boards. The Sonnets of William Wordsworth. London, B. Moxon, 1838. 8°. In orig. green cloth $6-8. Poems, chiefly of early and late Years, including The Bor- derers, a Tragedy. London, B. Moxon, 1842. 8°. In orig. green cloth $6-8. Poems on the Loss and Re-Building of St. Mary's Church Cardiff, by William Wordsworth, James Montgomery, Thomas William Booker, John Dix. Cardiff, IV. Bird, 1842. 8°. 24 pp. Very scarce. Grace Darling. A^. p., n. d. [Carlisle, Charles Thurman, 1843]. 8°. 4 pp. Printed for presentation. Some five or six copies are known, all bear- ing the author's signature. • £32 Crampon (June 1896, n. 491) mor.. uncut; £32 Browning (May 1913, n. 1226) ; £21 Dowden (Dec. 1913, II, n. 393).' Verses composed at the Request of Jane Wallis Penfold. A^ p., n. d. [1843]. 4°- 4 PP- ^^o wrapper. The only copy known is in the T. J. Wise coll. Kendal and Windermere Railway, two Letters re-printed from the Morning Post. Kendal, R. Branthzvaite and Son [1845]. 8^ 24 pp. No wrapper. $105 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 989) sewn. 646 WORDSWORTH To the Queen, dedicatory Verses. Kendal, R. Branthwaite and Son, 1846. 8°. 8 pp. No wrapper. Some eio^ht or ten copies are known. — $165 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 991). Ode performed in the Senate-House, Cambridge, on the sixth of July 1847, at the first Commencement after the Installa- tion of H. R. H. the Prince Albert, Chancellor of the Univer- sity. Cambridge J University Press, 1847. 4°- ^ PP- No wrapper. Some five or six copies are known. £ 15 Hodgson's, 20 Nov. 1901, n. 598; $130 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1414) mor., by Riviere. The first pubHshed edition (London, G. Bell, 1847. 4°. 8 pp.) is scarce, and equally valuable: $132.50 Buxton Forman (March 1920, n. 990). The Prelude or Growth of a Poet's Mind, an autobiographi- cal Poem. London, B. Moxon, 1850. 8°. In orig. dark red cloth $8-10. — $45 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3517) mor., by Zaehnsdorf. The Recluse. London and Nezv York, Macmillan, 1888. 8°. In orig. green cloth $3-4. The Law of Copyright. London, printed for private circu- lation, 1 91 6. 4°. 10 pp. Thirty copies reprinted for T. J. Wise from The Morning Post, 23 April 1838. See also Wilkinson. WORK FOR CUTLERS Work for Cutlers, or a merry Dialogue between Sword, Rapier and Dagger, acted in a Show in the famous University of Cambridge. London, T. Creede for R. Meighen and T. Jones, 161 5. 4°. $175 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3518) mor.. by The Club Bindery (now Huntington). For a similar dialogue, see Merry Dialogue between Band, Cuff AND Ruff. I WORLD 647 WORLD IN MINIATURE The World in Miniature. London, R. Ackermann, 1816. 8°. 40 coloured pi. by Rowlandson. In some copies pi. 39 is incorrectly numbered 40. Very scarce in parts. $80 Brady (Dec. 1917, n. 463) mor. [Another edition]. London, R. Ackermann, i^iy. 8°. 40 pi. In orig. boards $20-30. — £ 10.15.0 Wright (June 1899, n. 729) mor., plates in two states, black and coloured. WRIGHT (James). 1643-1713 The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. London, for B. GrifUn, 1684. Fol. See collation in Lowndes. $10-12. WYCHERLEY (William). 1640(?)-1716 Love in a Wood or St. James's Park, a Comedy. London, J. M., 1672. 4°. $365 Hoe (Jan. 1912. II, n. 3555) mor., by The Club Bindery (now Huntington) ; $95 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VIII," n. 553) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1421) half-mor. (Lefferts copy); $67 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1676) half-cloth (now J. L. Clawson). The Gentleman Dancing Master, a Comedy. London, J. M. for H. Herringman and T. Dring, 1673. 4°. $52.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3558) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunt- ington) ; $102 Hoe (Nov. 1912, IV, n. 3295) half-calf (now Huntington) ; $52.50 Huntington (Apr. 1918, VHI, n. 554) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy, now W. A. Clark, Jr.) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1422) half-mor. (Lefferts copy). The Country-Wife, a Comedy. London, for T. Dring, i6)'5. 4°. $60 Hoe (Ian. 1912, II, n. 3556) mor., by Chambolle (now Hunting- ton) ; $105 Huntington (Apr. 1918. VIII, n. 555) half-mor. (Bridgewater copy) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1423) half-mor. (Lefferts copy) ; £11 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 360) unbound. 648 WYCHERLEY The Plain Dealer, a Comedy. London, T. N. for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1677. 4°. $52.50 Hoe (Jan. 1912, II, n. 3557) mor., by Chambolle, resold $27 Huntington (Febr. 1918, VII, n. 942) ; $80 Hagen (May 1918, n. 1424) hal£-mor. (Lefferts copy). Miscellany Poems. London, for C. Brome, J. Taylor and B. Tooke, 1704. Fol. Portr. by J. Smith. , $2000 Hoe (Apr. 1911, I, n. 3526) orig. calf, large paper, presentation copy to Mrs. Jane Twisden; $810 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1677) old morocco, large paper, presentation copy to Lord Radnor (from the Foun- taine coll., now Pforzheimer). YARINGTON (Robert) Two lamentable Tragedies, the one of the Murder of Mas- ter Beech a Chandler in Thames-Street and his Boy, done by Thomas Merry. The other of a young- Child murdered in a Wood by two Rufhans with the Consent of his Uncle. Lon- don, for M. Lazve, 1601. 4°. Huntington (Roxbnrghe-Kemble-Devonshire copy). YATES (Edmund). 1831-1894 Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates and the Garrick Club, the Cor- respondence and Facts stated by Edmund Yates. London, Tay- lor and Greening, 1859. 8°. 15 pp. Printed for private circulation and of considerable interest for Dickens and Thackeray collectors. There are two issues (the earliest with the misprint "Dickes" on p. 14) and a deceptive facsimile reprint. $50-60. — £40 Mackenzie (March 1889, n. 639) mor. • " YEAR BOOKS A bibliography of the early English Year-Books has been attempted by C. C. Soule in the Harvard Law Rcz'ic7i\ XIV. pp. 557-587. But un- described editions have been continually turning up. »5 YOUNG 649 YOUNG (Edward). 1681-1765 The Complaint and the Consolation. London, R. Noble for R. Edzvards, 1797. Fol. 43 engravings by Blake (4 plates and 39 borders). $40-50 and much more with the plates coloured. — £ 170 Crewe (March • 1903, n. 13) half-mor., uncut, coloured; £52 Puttick's, 15 Jan. 1908. n. 643, coloured; £83 Arthur (July 1914, n. 848) mor., coloured; $240 H. V. Jones (Dec. 1918, n. 186) half-mor., coloured. YSAMBRACE (Sir). See Kelmscott Press ZOUCH (Richard). 1590-1661 The Sophister, a Comedy. London, J. O. for H. Mosley, 1639. 4°. $20 Huntington (Febr. 1918. VII, n. 945) calf (Bridgewater copy), resold $35 H. V. Jones (March 1919, n. 1707) ; £4 Mostyn (March 1919, n. 363) unbound. CENTRAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY University of California, San Diego DATE DUE o. rvn IQQ*^ f tB 02 i^bJ t 1 C/i9 UCSD Libr. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY EACILITY AA 000 318 229