OF AMATEURS University of California Berkeley Gift of Sheldon Cheney Estate PRINTING APPARATUS CONTAINING FULL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THF, USE -OF COWPER'S PARLOUR PRINTING PRESS. ALSO THE DESCRIPTION OF LARGER PRESSES ON THE SAME PRINCIPLE, AND VARIOUS OTHER APPARATUS FOR THE AMATEUR TYPOGRAPHER. TIIE WHOLE MANUFACTURED AND SOLD ONLY BY HOLTZAPFFEL & Co., ENGINE, LATHE, AND TOOL MANUFACTURERS, LONDON. THK PAMPHLET CONTAINS LIKEWISE, NUMEROUS SPECIMENS OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL TYPES, BRASS RULES, CHECKS, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, CORNERS, ARMS, &C. !.) INCLINED GALLEY. The ordinary galley used by printers is simply a thin board with ledges on one side and end, and not inclined : on this galley the compositor places the types he has composed, and when he has set up a page, he ties a string round it, and lifts the whole page of type in his fingers with little or no risk of accident. As however this might be found too difficult for the amateur the inclined galley is made to stand at an angle of 10 degrees from the horizontal, and with the right hand corner the lowest, it is also provided with a thin taper moveable board, and upon this the types are placed. When the page of type is set up, a string should be tied four or fives times round it, the page of type should be then drawn into the middle of the thin moveable board of the inclined galley, upon which it may be readily carried about. To remove the type from the board it is only necessary to place the latter flat upon the spot where it is desired the type should be deposited, and then, whilst holding the type in its place with the left hand, to draw the taper board from beneath the type with the right hand, this is very easy and entails no risk of accident. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF THE FOLIO FOOLSCAP PRESS AND APPARATUS. The main differences in the use of the parlour and the folio foolscap apparatus are in the composing sticks in tying up and imposing the two or more pages of type for the larger press and in the use of the register points, these several matters will therefore be next described in the order in which they are above mentioned. " The ordinary printer's composing stick is employed with the larger type case, because the quantity of type to be set up is greater, and in general those amateurs who use the larger press, will have gained some experience in the management of types from using the smaller press, so as to enable them to use the printer's composing stick without much difficulty ; whereas had this instrument been employed at first, it is probable some amateurs might have met with failures and disappointments and have thereby become discouraged. The printer's composing stick fig. 8, page 40, is a trough of sheet iron or brass, with an L formed sliding piece a, which can be fixed at any distance from the head /;, according to the width of page required ; the width having been determined, and space 40 PRINTER'S COMPOSING STICK. line leads provided of the requisite length, a piece of brass rule of the same height as the type, is cut to the exact length of the intended lines and with a small projecting knib at the one end, this is called a setting rule, and is placed in the composing stick Fig. 8. which is held in the left hand, with the thumb reaching over the slide and resting on the setting rule as represented. It will be observed that in using this composing stick the inclination is exactly the reverse of that requisite for the transfer composing stick described on page 19, and in like manner the direction in which the types are placed is also reversed; that is, in the printer's composing stick the nick of the letter is always placed upwards or in sight, and the commencement is made from the left hand side instead of the right. One line of type is first composed and justified, a space line lead is placed over it, and the setting rule is lastly lifted out by its knib and placed upon the line of type just composed ; a second line is then set up, and so on until about seven or eight lines have been put in the composing stick, this quantity which is as much as the stick will conveniently hold is generally called a ' stickfulV The next operation is to remove the type from the composing stick to the galley, for this purpose the printer generally places the setting rule over the last line of type, and grasps the type firmly with both hands, the two forefingers being placed over the / setting rule, the two thumbs over the space line lead in front of the types, and the sides of the middle fingers being ^pressed tightly against the ends of the lines ; in this manner the type is usually lifted out bodily, and carried in the same manner to the galley. The amateur will however be more certain of success, if before grasping the type, he places the composing stick upon the table, sideways but nearly vertical, and resting against the front of his COMPOSING STICK ; REGISTER I'OINTS. I I person, the two forefingers may then be slid under the space line lead in front of the type, the thumbs placed over the setting rule, and as the type is drawn out of the composing stick the middle fingers are to be pressed upon the ends of the lines. By this method the types will always lie on their sides which are supported by the space line leads, and the danger of the types slipping through the fingers will be avoided. In the manner above described the type may be easily carried to the galley, in which it is placed as near its position as possible and with the forefingers touching the bottom of the galley. The whole is then turned over to bring the types upright, grasping the mass firmly at the moment and turning it over steadily, but so rapidly that the type has scarcely time to fall. In practice this will be found very easy, and if the first attempts are made with only two or three lines of type success is almost certain ; the number of lines may be gradually increased as the operator becomes more dexterous. Each stickfull of type is added in the same manner to the matter previously composed, until enough has been set up to form a page, which should then be tied up and removed to the press. To tie up the page, a piece of fine twine is very tightly wrapped four or five times around the page of type, and secured at the right hand corner either by tying it firmly, or by folding the end of the string three or four times around the coil, and drawing the end tight. The page of type may then be removed as explained at page 39, and placed either on the press or upon a stout sheet of paper, which latter enables the page of type to be afterwards moved with facility. If any danger is apprehended in carrying the page of type, a little water may be applied upon it with a sponge, the capillary attraction will cause the water to become disseminated amidst the types, and make them so far to adhere, that with ordinary care an accident can scarcely occur in their removal. REGISTER POINTS. When both sides of a sheet of paper have to be printed, it is of importance that the one impression should be placed exactly on the back of the other, so that if the sheet be held up between the eye and the light no difference in their positions may be perceptible. To attain this exactness, a pair of register points is used, each point consists of a steel wire rivetted into a shank 42 REGISTER POINTS ; IMPOSING. about 3 inches long, made of thin steel and having a groove, for the reception of the screw by which it is secured to the platten. The groove admits of any position being given to the point within certain limits, and by which abundance of range is obtained. In all cases when the paper is backed^ or has two impressions, the form, frisket, &c. for the first side are made ready, and pins are placed for giving the position of the impression on the first side as formerly directed at pages 28 to 29, the register points are then passed under the blanket and thrust through the tympan just within the margin of the sheet of paper to be printed, and each at about an equal distance from the center of the page; the register points are then secured firmly in their places by the same screws that fix the tympan ; some prefer to fix the register points above the blanket and tympan, and it is desirable that the points be fixed near the top of the sheet, and opposite each other or square across the page. The act of printing the first side, then causes two holes to be likewise pricked by the points, exactly in the same relative position to the impression on every sheet of paper, notwithstanding that the paper itself may vary in size, or be imperfectly placed in the first working. In making ready for printing the second side, the position of the chase should be carefully adjusted, so that when the paper is turned over and so placed that the register pins exactly enter the holes formerly made in the paper, the second side may appear truly on the back of the first when the sheet is held between the eye and the light. The necessary exactness having been obtained by trial on one or more sheets, the chase is then secured, and if the indentations of all the remaining sheets are in like manner placed upon the register points, the same accuracy will be thus obtained throughout. Should it be more convenient, the position of the register points instead of that of the chase, may be adjusted for obtaining the true register of the second side. IMPOSING, OR ARRANGING SEVERAL PAGES TO BE WORKED TOGETHER. The instructions offered at pages 22-3 on locking up the form were intended principally to refer to those cases in which but one impression or page is printed on each sheet of paper, or at most when a second impression was added at the back, which is called backing, or working the reiteration. But if four or eight pages are to be printed on one sheet of paper at two impressions, one on IMPOSING TWO OR MORE PAGE8. 43 each side, it becomes necessary first to set up the whole four or eight pages, and then to arrange them in two forms, the one for the outside of the sheet or ' the outer form, the other for the inside or * the inner form? so that when both sides of the sheet of paper are printed, and it is folded, the pages may follow in their proper sequence. The arranging the pages of type for this purpose is called imposing, and this term also includes the placing of the furniture between the pages so as to make the necessary margin. The sizes that may be advantageously worked in the folio foolscap press are as follows, one page of folio foolscap, measur- ing about 11 by 6 inches in the type. Two pages of quarto foolscap, 7 by 5, or two pages of octavo demy, about 7 by 4. Four pages of octavo foolscap, 5 by 3, or four pages of 16mo. demy, 4^ by 3 inches. Other sizes may be worked, but the above will be found the most generally convenient. Each page of folio foolscap may be set up and printed separately if desired, and therefore no imposing is necessary in this case. It will however be found more convenient to set up two pages, and to print the second page immediately after the first, whilst the paper is still damp, otherwise it may be necessary to wet the paper a second time, which is not desirable. Two pages of quarto foolscap, or octavo demy, may be printed on one leaf, by imposing the two pages in one form, and using paper of double the size. The one impression will then, produce the first page of one leaf, and the second page of the other ; and when the sheet is turned over end for end, or the reiteration is worked, each leaf will be completed. If however, four pages of quarto foolscap, or octavo demy, have to be printed on two sides of a half-sheet, it will be necessary to impose them in two forms, as shown beneath. OUTER FORM. INNER FORM. When the sheet is printed and folded, page 2 will be on the back of 1, and page 4 on the back of 3. IMPOSING POOR OR MORE PAGES. Four pages of octavo, foolscap, or 16mo demy, to form two leaves, may be arranged as shown beneath, and two impressions worked together, both sides of the paper being printed from the same form, so that pages 2 and 3 back 1 and 4. If however eight pages have to be printed upon the half-sheet of foolscap or the quarto sheet of demy, they should be imposed in two forms as shown beneath, and printed at twice, when page 2 will come on the back of page 1, and so with the rest. OUTER FORM, INNER FORM, By the modes above described any number of pages that can I -HINTING IN TWO COLOURS. 45 be printed in the press may be imposed so as to be worked oft* correctly. For security however, it is in all cases advisable to fold the first printed sheet to ascertain whether the pages have been properly imposed, before working off the bulk of the impressions. In dressing the chases for printing two or four pages, it is of importance that the same space be kept between the pages throughout the work, otherwise, when the various sheets are printed they will have different widths of margin ; to avoid this very objectionable result, it is usual carefully to proportion the margin in the first form intended for a book, and to use the same pieces of furniture for all the rest of the forms. In imposing four pages in one chase, it will be found desirable to have chases with crosses, which form a separate compartment for every page. The printing of the paper, and subsequent operations, are the same with both the foolscap and parlour apparatus, and have been already described at pages 24 to 35. PRINTING IN Two COLOURS. It is sometimes desired to print in two or more colours on one page, for instance, with red and black lines alternately ; the two colours require to be printed at two impressions, which fit each other accurately. Frequently for this purpose the type is set up in two chases, one for each colour ; but great care is then requisite to make the second impression fall exactly in true position on the first ; and the amateur will be more certain of success by pursuing the first method, which will be found sufficient for those cases in which one or two lines of small type have to be printed in ink of a different colour from that of the body of the page. The whole of the type should be set in one chase as for ordinary work, and when corrected, the one or two lines to be printed red should be taken out, and the vacancy filled up with quadrats of the same body as the type ; this leaves the lines blank, and in this condition the whole of the sheets should be printed with the black lines ; register points being employed as a pre- paration for the subsequent part of the work to be printed red. The form should be now carefully washed, the quadrats pre- viously substituted for the lines of words to be printed red should 46 PRINTING IN TWO COLOURS. be taken out, and a piece of space-line lead should be cut with a penknife, to the exact length and width of these lines, and placed at the bottom of the vacancy left by the removal of the quadrats, and lastly the removed types should be pushed down upon the underlay or the space-line lead ; the types to be printed red, will thus be raised above the general surface, as much as the thickness of the space-line lead beneath. The frisket is now to be covered with strong paper, and an impression taken upon it with red ink from the raised types, and which red impression is to be carefully cut out from the frisket- sheet; the half-worked impressions, being now placed one at a time upon the register-points, may then have the red lines printed upon them with certainty of success. To enable the amateur to replace the form, after it has been cleaned, to the precise spot it occupied when the black lines were printed, it will be found desirable to mark with a pencil on the bed of the press, a line to show the exact position the form occu- pied thereupon ; this of course should be done before the form is released. The removal of the form for cleaning might be altogether avoided if the types near to those to be printed with red ink, were covered with a piece of parchment having an aperture of the exact size necessary to expose the red line of types to the action of the roller, the parchment being secured to the wooden furniture either with tacks or paste, and the frisket sheet would prevent the red ink taken up by the parchment from being transferred to the printed impression. When however the quantities of the work to be respectively printed black and red are more nearly equal, it will be better to print the work at two impressions from the dissected form, with- out the employment of space-line leads beneath the types. Thus, beginning with the red impression, let the black lines be all removed, quadrats from the same fount being substituted for them, and the red impression is then first to be worked with register points. For the second impression, the quadrats are removed and replaced by the types laid aside for the black lines, and the types just previously used for red are then to be removed, other quadrats being as before substituted for them. In this as well as in the last case it is to be observed, that the positions of the chase upon the bed of the press, and also of the PRINTING IN BRONZES AND GOLD LI- \ I . 47 register points, should neither of them be shifted in the least between the intermediate stages of the work, or the difficulty will be greatly and unnecessarily enhanced ; and it is also desirable that separate rollers should be always used for the two kinds of ink, or otherwise that the roller should be most carefully cleaned between the two processes, either with water or turpentine. PRINTING IN BRONZES AND GOLD LEAF. Printing in gold, silver, and copper bronzes may be exe- cuted by the amateur in the following manner. The form should be prepared exactly as for printing with the usual ink, except that to remove all trace of the printing ink, it is desirable that after the corrections have been made, the form should be thoroughly cleansed with lye, and this again well washed away with water, as explained under the head " cleaning the type," page 32. A small quantity of the lest japanner's gold size is then to be spread upon a clean distributing plate, with a clean roller, exactly the same as in printing with ordinary ink, and the types are to be " rolled" and the impression taken with the gold size, just after the usual method, but care must be taken in raising the sheet of paper from the types, to prevent any part of the surface from being torn, as the gold size is much more adhesive than print- ing ink. The bronze powder is then applied to each impression as it is taken from the press ; this is usually done by means of a soft puff about 1^- inch diameter, made of wash leather stuffed with cotton wool. The puff is gently dipped into a small heap of the bronze to pick up a thin coating of the powder, which is transferred to the impression by gently dabbing the puff in lines over the paper from side to side, or in the direction of the lines of type, com- mencing at the top of the page and proceeding gradually down- wards, care being taken not to smear the gold size. Another impression is then proceeded with in like manner, and so with the remainder until the requisite number is completed; after which the printing should be set to dry for about 24 hours, when the few surplus particles of bronze that remain may be wiped off with a small piece of cotton wool. One coating of the bronze powder upon the puff usually serves for five or six impressions, which if as large as 20 inches square require a ball or puff of 3 inches diameter. 48 PRINTING IN BRONZES AND GOLD LEAF. Should it be desired to introduce one or more lines of a different coloured bronze, it may be effected by carefully using a separate puff for each bronze, but of so small a size as not to endanger touching the neighbouring lines. When the bronzed impression has been dried the work will how- ever present a dull appearance, and the concluding process is to glaze or burnish the printing to give it a solid and metallic lustre. On the large scale, this if effected by placing the face of the im- pression upon a highly polished plate of steel, a sheet of glazed milled board is laid on the back of the paper, and all three are passed through a copper-plate printing press ; the intense pres- sure to which the bronze is thus subjected, in contact with the polished steel plate, suffices to glaze or burnish the printing, which is then complete. On the small scale the burnishing may be done either with an ordinary agate burnisher, or with a small flat piece of any hard and smooth stone, the edges of which have been rounded to pre- vent the paper from being torn. The burnishing will be readily performed by laying the sheet of paper upon a smooth surface of metal, stone, glass, or even on thick Bristol card-board, and traversing the burnisher with moderate pressure over the face of the printing, until it assumes the desired brightness. Printing may also be executed with gold or silver leaf, which does not require burnishing, and is besides brighter and more solid in appearance than the bronze, but is at the same time more expensive. In printing with the leaf gold, the impression is taken with gold size just the same as for bronze ; the leaf gold is then carefully laid on in the ordinary manner of gilding, to cover the whole of the printing ; when dry the waste is lightly rubbed off with a small piece of wool, and the paper only requires a gentle pressing to remove the indentations caused by the types. It is to be observed that in printing either with gold leaf or bronzes, it is indispensable to use enamelled paper or card, or else paper that is very highly glazed, all of which must be used quite dry, whether for gold size or common ink. Should ordi- nary printing papers be used, the bronze or gold would fill up the interstices in the rough surface of the paper, and the whole would appear imperfect and confused, besides using a much larger quantity of bronze.* * The above particulars on printing in gold and bronzes were kindly furnished by Mr. J. Brimmer. PRINTING MUSIC FROM MOVEAHLIC TYPES. PRINTING Music JTKOAI MOVEABLK TYPES. Many amateurs have expressed a wish to be provided with the means of printing a small page of music in the parlour printing press ; as the mode of printing music from pewter plates indented by punches, is not suitable to the wants of amateurs. Holtzapffel and Co. have therefore provided cases containing a small supply of music type; the cases are made of deal, and are similar in size and appearance to those usually furnished with the parlour press, and described at page 11. The music cases have each four drawers, and which are divided into 200 compartments for receiving that number of varieties of the characters required in printing music by means of rnoveable types. An entire fount of music type comprises about 260 characters, but the selection contained in the cases will be found sufficient for most purposes, and should any other sorts be required they will seldom exceed 10 or 12 kinds. From the comparative expense of music type, and with the view of keeping the cost of the first supply of these as moderate as is consistent with utility, only a small number of any one character is supplied; the fount however contains in all about 2800 types, and will in general be found sufficient for printing an octavo page of demy paper, but of course the quantity of music type can be increased to any required extent. The specimen at the head of this article shows the size and appearance of 'the music type when set up or combined, and which size has been selected partly with the view of using the pica type supplied in the ordinary cases, for printing the wi.rds of the music. The following specimen shows on the left a bar containing four PRINTING MUSIC CASTING ROLLERS FOR PRINTING. crotchets printed in the usual manner, and on the right the various characters requisite to compose this one bar are shown separated, so as to explain the mode of combination, and which will be better understood by an inspection of the specimen than by any lengthened description ; it may however be observed that the five lines of the stave are all set up simultaneously, and that the mode of combination is highly ingenious and admits of some choice of method in the composition, which gives consider- able interest to the above process. Types are also cut for the old Catholic music with square notes, which is still used in some of our cathedral choirs, and has been printed in the little apparatus these pages are intended to explain. CASTING COMPOSITION ROLLERS FOR PRINTING. When a new roller becomes requisite, the amateur will find it most advisable to purchase one ready for use, provided it can be obtained with facility, as the preparations and inconvenience of making rollers will more than equal the expense of purchasing several of them. It sometimes however happens that from locality, a new roller cannot be purchased at all, and it then becomes necessary for die amateur to make them for his own use, in the mode now to be described: Rollers for printing are made of a composition of treacle and glue melted together, and cast in a mould around a central wooden core about one inch less in diameter than the roller, so that the composition is about half an inch thick whatever may be the size of the roller. The mould for the roller should be a perfectly cylindrical tube of pewter, brass, or other metal, of the required diameter, and about half as long again as the intended roller ; it should have a smooth internal surface and be uniformly oiled with either neatsfoot oil or with sweet oil. The mould should also be fitted to a stand to hold it steady and prevent leakage; a circular disk being pro- vided to form the bottom of the tube, with a fixed central wire to CASTING COMPOSITION ROLLERS FOR PRINTING. 51 keep the wooden core in its proper position in the mould. The core should be of the same length as the roller, and when it has been placed around the central wire of the mould, a triangular plate of metal fitting the tube and having a central hole, should be passed over the wire to fix it quite centrally, and also to denote the length of the roller when cast : a weight of some kind should in addition be slid over the wire to keep the wooden core from floating in the composition, the preparation of which will be next described. The composition of which the rollers are made consists of glue and treacle in the proportions of about l Ib. of glue added to 2 Ibs. of treacle, although the exact proportions depend somewhat on the state of the atmosphere. Sometimes a little Paris white is added ; this however is not essential, and being of a poisonous nature it is not to be recommended. The glue should first be broken into pieces not exceeding about one inch square, put into a pan or bason and barely covered with cold water ; it should then be allowed to soak for a few hours. The glue is next to be melted in an ordinary carpenter's glue kettle, which is a double vessel, the outer one to contain water, the inner to contain the glue ; this arrangement prevents the composition from being overheated and burnt. If a glue kettle is not at hand, a small saucepan supported inside by a larger one containing water will answer the same purpose. When the glue is completely melted, the treacle should be added, and the whole kept gently simmering over the fire for one or two hours, that the composition may become thoroughly incorporated ; to facilitate which, the whole should be frequently but gently stirred with a stick. The composition should be kept on the fire until the water in which the glue was soaked has been evaporated, and the composition has become of a nearly black colour, perfectly uniform, and of such a consistency that it will just admit of being poured in a small stream without forming lumps ; the usual test for this is to lift the stick out of the coin- position, and if the latter just hangs to the stick sufficiently '<> draw into threads without becoming ropy it is considered to be in the right condition. If the boiling is continued too long, the composition will bro'in. a thick glutinous mass that does not easily admit of being again softened; and therefore if this condition be approached a littli* 52 CASTING COMPOSITION ROLLERS FOR PRINTING. water may be sparingly added. Should the stirring or boiling be carried on too actively, air bubbles would be mingled with the composition, and these would make the surface of the roller full of small holes, which are very objectionable. When the composition has been thoroughly melted, it should be taken off, but allowed to stand near the fire for half an hour, that the impurities and air bubbles may rise to the surface; these may then be skimmed off, and the composition is ready to be poured into the moulds, which should have been previously pre- pared, and are then quite filled, in order that the upper part of the composition, which almost always contains air bubbles, may be cut off, still leaving the sound roller below of the full measure required, that it may fill out the length of its frame. After the roller has been poured 10 or 12 hours it may be removed from the mould; this must be done very carefully, rather allowing the roller to slide out by its own weight than by any force applied to it. If the roller should not readily slide out, it shows either that the internal surface of the mould is not per- fectly cylindrical and sound, or that it was not sufficiently oiled. If either of these faults exist in the mould, the roller will hang, and in applying force to remove it, its surface will probably be torn, and the roller rendered useless; care is therefore necessary to ensure that the surface of the mould is cylindrical, smooth, and uniformly oiled. When the roller has been removed from the mould it may be cut off to the length, which will be indicated by the points of the triangular plate placed on the core ; the cut- ting will be best effected by wrapping a piece of fine twine or catgut around the roller, and drawing the string tight; this will cut through the composition very cleanly. Old rollers may be remelted to make new, but this will be found rather more difficult to manage. The old roller should be washed, cut into small pieces, and soaked in cold water ; and some new composition should be added with rather a full proportion of glue. But although manufacturers, from economical motives, always mix a large proportion of the old composition with some of the new, and which answers perfectly on a large scale, the amateur will find it easier and better to use new composition every time. In a warm and moist atmosphere the first-named proportions of treacle and glue will make the roller rather too soft, and in a cold dry atmosphere it will be rather too hard. If COMPOSITION BALLS OR DABHERS ; CASES FOR TV. .".*> therefore in practice the roller is found too soft, a little more glue should be added, and if too hard, a little less, as by altering the proportion of glue, the composition may be made of any required consistency. The above particulars relate entirely to rollers, which for ordinary use will be found far superior to the < balls ' or Jobbers' formerly employed. If however, the amateur is so situated that he can neither procure a roller nor a mould in which to make one, a pair of composition balls may be produced without any mould as follows : Some composition should be mixed, as above described, taking care that it is quite free from lumps or air bubbles ; a piece of coarse cloth or canvas may be then stretched on a horizontal board, and some melted composition gently poured into the middle of it, this will gradually extend itself according to the quantity poured on, in a circle to any size that may be required, but about 6 inches diamater, and inch thick will be sufficient for the parlour or folio foolscap presses. When the composition is cooled it is to be turned over, some wool is put upon the cloth, which is gathered up at the edges and tied or nailed to a central handle. SECTION III. CASES FOR TYPE. It frequently happens that amateurs possessed of either the parlour, or folio foolscap apparatus, wish to extend their selection of types by the addition of small numbers of different kinds, for instance, small type for foot notes, Italics for ordinary compo- sition, or ornamental types to give variety in headings, title pages, or other purposes requiring embellishment. To provide for the orderly arrangement of these various sorts, in a compact form and at a sufficiently small cost, three additional kinds of cases are provided that vary in capacity according to the purposes for which they are intended, the smallest being suitable to a very few types, the largest capable of holding a tolerably large supply. These cases will be now described SMALL TYPE TRAY. This is shown in fig. !) and measures 11 inches by 5 i O* SMALL TYPE TRAY ; LARGE TYPE BOOK. it is made of mahogany and inclosed in a case with cover ; this type tray has 65 circular compartments which are sufficient to accommodate a small fount of 600 Bourgeois types, which consti- tute a fount suitable for foot notes, or it will contain about 300 Fig. 9. pica Italic types, a number that is generally sufficient for use in the parlour printing press. Should it be wished, a proportionate number of any of the smaller sizes of types may of course be substituted. Fig. 10. TZAPJEEL'S BOOK OF TYJPE, LARGE TYPE BOOK. The Type Book fig. 10 measures 15 inches by 11. This in ex- ternal appearance nearly resembles a book and has two clasps to LARGE TYPE TRAY J HAND CHASE. secure the lid, which is padded to keep the types in their cells. The type book has 180 circular compartments, and is usually furnished with a selection of about 1500 types, including eight varieties, with their requisite stops, spaces, and quadrats, namely: Of Small Pica Roman, No. 15, large capitals and small capitals. Of Bourgeois Roman, No. 1 7, large capitals, small capitals and lower case letters. Of Small Pica Black letter, No. 22, large capitals and lower case. Of Bourgeois Antique, No. 23, large capitals. The type book when furnished with the above selection of type, will be found a very useful addition to the parlour printing apparatus, and the selection may be increased in number or varied in kind. LARGE TYPE TRAYS. Large type trays measuring 22 inches by 14, exactly resemble the drawers shown in fig. 7, page 38, except that they have no knobs, in fact the type trays form the drawers of the large type case; the boards that constitute the bottoms of these trays project as fillets, so that any number of these trays may be afterwards fitted into a case with appropriate grooves should it be desired. When the type trays are supplied without a case, to effect their orderly arrangement, a hole is bored through the centre of the end of every tray, and the upper parts of the holes are fitted with dowels or projecting pins, which fit into the lower part of the holes in the tray next above ; they will thus fit one upon another in a regular tier, and when furnished with a lid may be secured together by passing two straps around the whole. Two large trays will hold a complete fount as explained at page 36-7, and one tray will suffice for a moderate quantity of capitals and lower case, or for two sets of capitals. The large type trays are found by far the most suitable for additions of type to the folio foolscap apparatus. HAND CHASE. The hand chase shown in the cut on page 56 is intended to hold a few lines of types, not exceeding altogether three inches in length or one inch in breadth, and for all purposes within that size it will be found very efficacious. As for instance the printing of small labels, the headings of account and other books ; the stamping or endorsement of various business papers, such as bills of exchange, script, coupons, &c. ; the printing of the titles of drawings or maps; marking linen, directing parcels, and numerous 56 HAND CHASE AND APPENDAGES. other cases, where it is desired to print a few explanatory words, but to which several purposes either from the large size of the paper or other circumstances the ordinary printing press is inapplicable. Fig. 11. The hand chase is made to suit the length of the three inch leads, some of which are supplied with it, and in use the types are set up exactly the same as in the printer's composing stick, filling each line rather tightly, and when the whole of the type has been set up, it is locked securely in the chase with the wedge as shown in the wood-cut. The hand chase is fitted in a painted case 18 inches by 5| containing in addition a 3-inch inking roller, a box of ink, an inking tray, and a cushion upon which to lay the paper to be printed. When the type has been set up, the ink should be distributed on the tray as explained at page 26, and the type inked with the roller, the chase being held in one .hand, the roller in the other. The cushion should next be slid under the part of the sheet to be printed, and the hand chase placed steadily in its proper posi- tion, the pressure should then be gradually applied, observing that no stamping blow should be given, on the contrary, that the weight of the body should be quietly thrown on the chase, and that, without any direct muscular exertion on the part of the in- dividual. It will be found that impressions may be produced in this manner equal to those of ordinary printing, especially if the paper is slightly damped in any way; a ready mode of doing which is to place a few thicknesses of moistened blotting paper above and below the part to be printed upon. The small type tray, fig. 9, is usually supplied along with the hand chase, and will be found to contain a sufficient supply of one fount of type for ordinary purposes, and where ornament is desired any selection of type may be made. C. HOLTZAPFFEL'S MONOTYPE PRINTING I' I 57 MONOTYPE PRINTING PRESS. Some time prior to the invention of Mr. Cowper's ingenious parlour printing press, previously described, Charles Holtzapffel contrived the Monotype press for printing labels, or short descriptions, of which from their nature but one single copy is required, as the labels for specimens of natural history, works of art, &c., which objects commonly differ in almost every respect, as to character, structure, or locality. The principal inducement for the trouble of arranging types in a chase, as in ordinary printing, namely the facility of after- wards multiplying copies, does not exist in this case, and in con- sequence, the labour of printing would be rarely undertaken for such single copies. By the arrangement of the monotype press however, the trouble of the process is on the whole much diminished, as the types or letters, are only picked out of the trays one at a time, and printed from separately by means of a blackened paper, the types are immediately returned to their places in the tray, and the entire process is then accomplished, and that with considerable facility of manipulation. As in common printing, the perfection of the result is mainly dependent upon the accurate structure and uniformity of the types, which has been explained at page 13; we will now proceed to describe the monotype press represented in fig. 12, over leaf. The Monotype press consists of a small casting, in iron, with a little sliding table A, which is guided in a straight line, by the ledge or rib on the principal piece, and is fixed to the latter by the little binding screws E, E, (one only being lettered,) the card or paper to be printed upon, with a piece of the prepared blackened paper laid above it, is attached to the table A, by means of the little clamps and screws upon the surface of the table. Suppose it to be desired to print the word ASBESTOS, the letter A is held in the notch at the end of the arm B, with the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, with its face downwards and the nick of the type outwards or towards the operator, and the type is then pressed down by means of the lever C, with the right hand. The small screw in the lever is adjusted once for all to touch the arm A, so as to prevent the letters and stops 58 MONOTYPE PRINTING PRESS. from being pressed so hard upon the paper as to indent its surface. When the first letter has been printed, ifc is necessary to move the table and paper to the left hand, as otherwise the following' letter of the word would be impressed upon the same spot as the preceding one. Fig. 12. The quantity the table must be shifted will be given by the shaft of the type itself, as the width of the shaft of every letter has been fixed by the typefounder, so as to be exactly propor- tioned to the sizes of the respective letters. To proceed, the type for the next letter of the word ASBESTOS, namely, s is placed with the nick outwards, between the arm E of the table and the loose, stop D: (in fact the type is as it were pinched between them in the direction of its width, > the stop D ? is then fixed; the table A, is loosened and re-fixed in contact with D, and it will then have been shifted, exactly the space necessary for the letter s, or the precise width of the particular type, and lastly the letter s is to be impressed on the paper and the type returned to the tray. The same routine is gone through with the succeeding letter B, namely, the stop is shifted exactly the width of the B, and the table is run up to its new position, and then B the third letter of the word is impressed, and replaced in its cell; after a little practice, this routine will be found by no means a slow operation. It should have been observed, that one of the screws E, (not lettered,) is purposely left stiff; it is adjusted to allow the table to slide freely without shake, and is not afterwards disturbed. MONOTYPE PRINTING PRESS. 59 Some prefer holding the type in the nick B, with the thumb only, placing the fore finger at the back of the sliding arm. In common printing, apaces and quadrats, or blank letters, are placed between every word for their separation ; it is best to take up the quadrat and the first letter of the following word together, otherwise two adjustments of the table would be necessary. To separate the letters thus, the types and the particular spaces should be used together as above.* One line having been completed, the apparatus is shifted for a new line by releasing the screw F, and advancing the arm B. To save the expense of P stop similar to D for that purpose, and in fact as the most convenient arrangement, the face of the in- strument is graduated; three of the divisions will be found equal to the height of the small type, called Pica, and four to that of the large, or Great Primer, but 5, 6 5 7, 8, or any other number of divisions may be used, for giving more space between the lines; which purpose would be effected in ordinary printing by inserting leads between the lines of type as already noticed. As the fount of type required for the Monotype press is only a single letter of each kind, the variety of sorts may be extended without a great increase of expense ; six alphabets, &c., accom- panying the press, namely, Great Primer, A A a Pica, A A a And a duplicate set of each is also added, in case of accident ; making a total of 472 types. The blackened paper which accompanies the press, called also camp paper, is prepared for the purpose of writing by means of a style or blunt point, in the method familiarly known as manifold writing, in which the original letter and the copy are written at the one operation ; or even two, three, or more letters may be written at the same time. The camp paper may be made by grinding together lamp black, and any unctuous sub- stance that will not dry, such as neat's-foot oil, sperm oil, lard, soap, &c.; the first seems to answer best. The pigment, which is laid on the one or both sides of thin hard paper with a sponge or brush, is allowed to remain on for a few hours, and tho * This method of distinguishing particular words is called German Italics, and is adverted to on page 63. 60 PRINTING ARCHITECTURAL DIAGRAMS. greater part is then rubbed off. Colours may be employed instead of lamp black. In printing upon paper, it is necessary to put two or three thicknesses of waste paper or card beneath, to serve the pur- pose of the blanket in the common press ; card does not require anything beneath it. Two or even three impressions may be made at once, by placing alternately the white and the pre- pared papers ; two copies succeed very fairly, especially when the lower is on card, and of course, the thinner the papers, the greater will be the distinctness of the impressions. The Monotype press may also be used with printing ink, but in that case its application is limited to one impression at a time, and it becomes necessary to have an inking cushion arid a distri- buting roller, as in the method of printing explained in the following article, and which proceeding is accomplished without a press of any kind. PROFESSOR WILLIS'S MODE OF PRINTING ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, &c. A very useful application of Monotype Printing has been very recently introduced by Professor Willis, of Cambridge indeed whilst these papers have been passing through the press ; namely, its employment in the production of diagrams used in the illustration of architectural science ; but the mode is also more or less applicable to diagrams and objects of other kinds. It is well known that on looking at the ground plans of architectural buildings, the majority of them will be found to be either parallelograms, as in ancient temples and numerous other buildings ; or in the form of a cross, as in the ground plans of most cathedrals and churches ; and that in all cases the walls consist of various rectilinear parts, occasionally mingled with parts of circular outline. And further, that the walls are fre- quently surrounded externally or internally with rows of columns, pilasters, or buttresses, arranged in a variety of ways, the columns being commonly circular, sometimes semicircular, or rectangular as in pilasters, and that various other mixed and complicated forms occur in architectural plans, as in the piers and clustered columns of gothic architecture. It becomes a very lengthy and tedious business to draw these PRINTING ARCHITECTURAL DIAGRAMS. C 1 numerous columns and details individually, and then to fill them with black or colours, with a due regard to their equality of size and form ; but the matter admits of very easy and rapid execu- tion when the typographic art is called in to assist. Suppose, for example, it is desired to represent a Grecian temple surrounded by one or two rows of columns ; the general outline of the building is first drawn in pencil, with additional cross lines, the intersections of which denote the exact centres or positions of all the columns. A type is next obtained of the exact diameter of the shaft of the columns, as for instance, the uncut extremity of an ordinary drawing pencil, if its size should happen to correspond ; the type is then moistened with printing ink, and impressed upon the intersecting lines that denote the position, say of the column at the one angle of the building, and the wooden type is alternately inked and pressed upon the draw- ing at every succeeding intersection ; but which process, after one or two trials, may be done with considerable facility, and is obviously far more rapid and exact than first drawing the out- lines and then filling in the spaces with Indian ink or colours. The saving of time is of course the greater the more complex the section of the column ; but whether the section is semi- circular as in half columns, rectangular for pilasters, or of the curious mixed outlines met with in gothic columns and buttresses, it is only necessary to shape the flat- ended stick or piece of wood with the penknife, or still better with the chisels, gouges, and files used by the cabinet-maker, and the type once prepared, the monotype method reduces the most complex forms to the same facility of execution as all others. The method is equally applicable to printing the plans of the walls ; suppose the latter should be .j inch thick on the drawing, two or three pieces of wood, of one quarter of an inch thick, one inch wide, and of various lengths, are provided. The edge of the slip of wood is inked, and pressed on the paper ; of these slips one is wanted as short as the shortest piece of wall shown on the plan, one as long as can be conveniently used, and one or two of intermediate lengths, as then any arbitrary length of wall may be printed on the plan, provided the wall type is shorter than the entire length of such piece, but longer than the half of the same ; the type is placed first to the one extremity of the wall, and then to the other extremity, and therefore some portion 62 PRINTING ARCHITECTURAL DIAGRAMS, ETC. of the central part will have received two impressions, which is immaterial. In this manner the apertures for doors and windows may be avoided, and the precise terminations of internal and external angles, may be impressed ; and in a similar manner, if the wall should be at places thicker than the type, these may be completed at two or more impressions, varied laterally. It only remains to be observed, that for the convenient inking of the types, it is best to employ a composition cushion, namely a layer of the glue and treacle cast upon a flat board ; the ink is first spread or distributed with a roller upon the cushion, and the types are then applied at various parts of its surface, before a re-distribution of the ink upon the cushion becomes necessary. When certain parts are distinguished from the rest by colours, such as red, blue, green, brown, &c., a roller and cushion must be provided for every colour. The office of the blanket used by printers, will be rendered by a few sheets of soft paper, or a stout table-cover, placed beneath the drawing. The same method of printing may be used for representing various other forms required in diagrams for lectures, such as the teeth of wheels and racks, threads of screws, straight, circular, and dotted lines ; and with the further assistance of a few printer's types, all the letters of reference and inscriptions may be printed on diagrams, railway plans and sections, and even on finished drawings, with great distinctness, by this useful modification of typographic printing. SECTION IV. SPECIMENS OF TYPES, &c. IT will be imagined, that these specimens introduced in the con- cluding section of this pamphlet, are quite insignificant in point of number compared with those types which are more or less used by printers ; as some of the enormous types for posting bills are two or three feet high, or nominally above 200 lines pica, (see foot of page 14,) and others called diamond types are so minute us only to be legible to those possessed of good visual organs. Of the plain types various intermediate sizes, as well as those larger and smaller than the specimens, will be supplied to order ; and the same may be also partially said of the ornamental types, which, however, are far less numerous in their varieties of size. ROMAN AND ITALIC ITPKS, KKIT IN STOCK. < No. 1. Five Line Pica. Price of CapitaU & Figures, 6$. fid. the dozen. Roman TYPE. No. 2. Five Line Pica. Price of Small letters, points, and spaces, 4s. 6d. the do/m. Italic The distinction conferred on certain words of a sentance by printing tl. m tit Italics, may be attained by the method sometime^ culled Herman Italics, that is by the separation of tlic letter^ \\ith thin spaces. The mode of separation is almost imperative in (Jerman typography, in which the tftmitan Crxt ^arartrr. "lh-d in i-:n-lani i5 l a r fe It 1 1 1 t t t is almost always used and which mode of separation although jcrlia])s inelegant, may be sometimes Ci A]M[, the Metropolis of Holland, is a large, rich, populous and commercial city, seated at the mouth of the Amstel, where it falls into an arm of the sea, called the Wye. The principal streets are intersect- ed by canals, whence it has been contrasted to Venice. No. 24. Great Primer Antique type. Price 8d. the dozen. MADRID, the most ele- vated capital in Europe, is upwards of 220O feet above the level of the sea. No. 25. Two Line Small Pica Antique type. Price Is. Od. the dozen. MECCA the birth place of Mahomet COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE FOREGOING 8PRCIMKNR OF TYPK. fi.O No. 1. ETNA No. 3. ETNA,aceI ETNA, a celebrated b No. 7. ETN A, a celebrated burning ETNA, a celebrated burning mountai No. 11. ETNA, a celebrated burning mountain of Sici No. 13. ETNA, a celebrated burning mountain of SICILY, which is No. 15. ETNA, a celebrated burning mountain of SICILY, which is called No. 17. ETNA, a celebrated burning mountain of SICILY, which is called by the natives No. 19. ETNA; a celebrated burning mountain of SICILY, which is called by the natives Monte Qibctto. Pliny No. 21. & CHECKS AND BRASS RULES. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. ^X/^/N^^/X/X/X^ No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. tzyyywz No. 80. No. 81. xxxxxxxxxxxxx: No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 90. ORNAMENTAL BORDERS. No. 91. 75 ORNAMENTAL BORDERS. No. 92. No. 93. No. 94. No. 95. No. 90. No. 97. No. 99. No. 100. No. 101. 76 CORNERS, BRASS RULES, AND ORNAMENTS. No. 114. The Dashes 103 to 109 are composed of from 8 to 7 pieces, and admit of numerous interchanges. CORNERS, BRASS RULES, AND ROYAL ARMS. 77 Various other Ornaments and Royal Anns, in addition to those shown, may be had if mjuirrd. PRICE LIST OF HOLTZAPFFEL & CO.'S PRINTING APPARATUS. SECTION I. COWPER'S PARLOUR PRESSES AND APPARATUS. COWPER'S PARLOUR PRINTING PRESS, with a galley-chase, a box of ink, a composition inking roller, and a distributing tray SMALL DEAL TYPE CASE, painted with four drawers ; three of them partitioned to contain an assortment of about 2500 types, and a proportionate supply of leads and brass rule ; the fourth drawer contains reglet, furniture, side and foot sticks, quoins, &c. .......< SET OF EXTRAS comprising transfer composing stick, bodkin, forceps, mallet, shooting-stick, plainer, brush, and turpentine for cleaning the type, two quires of demy printing paper, cut into suitable sizes for the press, and one pair of damping slates. . ......... GALLEY CHASE seven inches square inside Total amount of the plain Apparatus complete COWPER'S PARLOUR PRINTING PRESS, japanned and finished in the best manner, and^fitted with a drawer, in other respects as above . SMALL MAHOGANY TYPE CASE, with brass lock and handles, in other respects as above ............. SET OF EXTRAS, comprising Transfer Composing-stick, &c., as above GALLEY-CHASE seven inches square inside Total amount of the best Apparatus complete DUPLICATE SET OF 2500 TYPES, and which may be contained in either of the above cases SECTION II. FOLIO FOOLSCAP PRESSES AND APPARATUS. FOLIO FOOLSCAP PRINTING PRESS, on the principle of Cowper's Parlour Press, suitable to printing the half sheet of Foolscap, or the quarto sheet of Imperial, external measurement of the press 21 by II inches, measurement of the bed 15 by 10 inches, with two iron chases, register points, &c. The press varnished and japanned, complete . ......... LARGE DEAL TYPE CASE, with six drawers, and measuring externally 24 inches by 18, and 11 inches high, with iron handles, lock and key .... Four of the drawers are partitioned after the Printer's method for holding 9000 types of the following varieties. GREAT PRIMER, ROMAN, .Specimen No. 9; viz., capitals, figures, points, spaces, quadrats, &c. PICA, ROMAN, No. 13; large and small capitals, lower case (small letters), with accented vowels for printing the foreign languages, figures, points, spaces, quadrats, and space line leads, complete. BOURGEOIS ROMAN, No. 17 ; capitals, figures, points, spaces, quadrats, &c. BOURGEOIS ANTIQUE, No, 23 ; capitals, figures, points, spaces, quadrats, &c. Two of the drawers contain space line leads, furniture, side and foot sticks, quoins, and reglet ; also a mallet, shooting stick, planer, bodkin, Printer's composing stick 9J inches long, brush for cleaning the type, a pair of thick damping slates, die., proportioned to the size of the Foolscap Press . . . Six inch composition inking roller in frame and case . .... Large box of superfine printing ink Total charge for the Foolscap Press and, Apparatus in the less complete form FOLIO FOOLSCAP PRINTING PRESS, exactly like the one last described, but with the following additions, namely, an iron bed half an inch thick, planed quite level and true, to increase the permanent accuracy of the Foolscap Press, and an iron counterpoise, to facilitate the working of the same i. d. 1 14 2 16 12 040 220 440 12 040 1 12 4 14 6 990 10 6 080 15 2 770 PRICE LIST OF HOLTZAPFFEL AND CO.'s PRINTING APPARATUS. 79 SECTION Il.-Continued. t. d Folio Foolscnp Printing Press brought forward . . . -770 LARGE DEAL TYPE CASE with eight drawers, similar to the case with six drawers above described, but three inches higher, and containing a considerably greater supply of each of the kinds of type specified in the foregoing descrip- tion, together with the addition of Great Primer No. 9. lower case letter-, I'K a Italic No. 14. capitals, lower case letters, points, and spaces, and Bourgeois Antique No. 23. lower case letters, making the total number of types about 17,000 ; together with a proportionate increase of space line leads, furniture, &c., and with the addition of 21 pieces of brass rule of three varieties, and all 16 inches long 16 J6 Six inch composition inking roller in frame and case 10 6 Large box of superfine printing ink 080 Composing frame to receive the drawers of the type case . . . . . .140 Inclined galley with moveable bottom . . . 0180 Four extra chases, two of them with crosses . . . . . . . . 10 Total charge/or the Foolscap Prest and Apparatut in the more complete form . . 27 13 6 SECTION III. CASES FOR ADDITIONAL TYPES. SMALL TYPE TRAY, 10 by 6 inches, with a selection of about 600 Roman or Italic types of small size, of either of the numbers 17 to 20 15 The empty type tray . . . . . 050 TYPE BOOK 15 by 12 inches, with a selection of about 1500 types, comprising 8 varie- ties of small types for headings, cards, &c., as described on page 55 . .220 The empty type book 12 LARGE TYPE TRAY 22 by 24 inches, partitioned after the mode of the printing office, for containing larger quantities of type of any kind ; namely, the tray without types 070 MUSIC TYPE CASE of deal, painted, uniform in size with the Small Deal Type Case described on page II. The Music Type Case contains four drawers, the whole of which are partitioned to receive an assortment of 2800 music types, of 200 different kinds, as described on page 49. The case with music types complete .- . . . . . . . 5 15 6 HAND CHASE, in a painted case, with cushion, roller, ink, and inking tray . .0150 The Hand Chase alone 076 UOLTZAPFFEL AND CO'S. MONOTYPE PRINTING PRESS, for labels, &c. with a brass table, 4 inches by 2j inches (see cut page 58) contained in a mahogany case, 1 1 inches by 9 inches, and six inches deep, with a lock and key ; two trays with 120 cells in each, containing the six alphabets of type, &c. ; a dupli- cate or reserve set of type, in all 472 pieces, prepared black paper, and 250 blank cards, as large as the table, which is the limit of size to which this press applies ... . ...... 5 15 o SECTION IV. TYPES OF VARIOUS KINDS. (Types kept in Stock.) The plain types kept in Stock, Nos. 1 to 25 ; pages 63 to 69 are sold In small quan- tities at the prices per dozen quoted at the head of the specimens ; which prices serve for all numbers below 50 dozen. When more than that number of one fount is supplied at the same time, a reduction in the charge is made proportionate to the quantity furnished. When the weight of the types sup- plied of one fount exceeds ten pounds, they are sold at a further reduction of price, and by the pound weight, instead of by the number of dozens. A few dozens of the smaller sizes of types may, if required, be readily and economi- cally forwarded by pott but in this case the lowest price that can be charged for any parcel is one ihilling / exclusive of the postage. Ornamental Types procured to order. The Ornamental Types Nos. 26 to 72 pages 70 to 73 may be considered in general to be about twice the price of the plain types of similar sice* already particular- ized ; but some few of the ornamental types are about four times the price of common types of equal size. It is however, in all cases desirable, that the entire quantity of ornamental types required should bo ordered at the same time, as however small the quantity, the lowest price that can be charged for one parcel of any particular fount is two shillings ; but more exact details of the prices of these and the other specimens of printing materials will be fur- nished on specific application. 30(A June, 1846, 64, Glaring Croit, and 127, Long Acre, London. HOLTZAPFFEL & Co., - 64, ENGINE, LATHE, & TOOL MANUFACTURERS, AND GENERAL MACHINISTS, Co tf)e &on. ISoacl! of rtrnance, t^e f^on. IBast Jtrtria Company, &c., &c. TURNING, PLANING, SCREW AND WHEEL CUTTING, FRAMING, &c. IN METAL AND WOOD TO DRAWINGS OR MODELS. ARE SUPPLIED WITH THE APPARATUS, TOOLS, AND MATERIALS, THAT ARE REQUIRED IN TURNING AND THE MECHANICAL ARTS GENERALLY, AND ARE ALSO PRACTICALLY INSTRUCTED IN THEIR USE. ARCHITECTS. COPPERSMITHS. MASONS. SEAL ENGRAVERS. BOOKBINDERS. ENGINEERS. MILLWRIGHTS. SILVERSMITHS. BRUSHMAKERS, ENGRAVERS. MODELLERS. SMITHS. BUILDERS. GARDENERS. OPTICIANS. SURVEYORS. CABINETMAKERS. GUNMAKERS. PAINTERS. TINSMITHS. CARPENTERS. HARNESSMAKERS. PLASTERERS. TURNERS. CARVERS. HATTERS. PLUMBERS. WATCHMAKERS. CLOCKMAKERS. JEWELLERS. PRINTERS. WHEELWRIGHTS. COACHMAKERS. MACHINISTS. SADDLERS. WIREDRAWERS. AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF TOOL CHESTS, DRESSING CASES, DRAWING AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, PRINTING PRESSES, GARDEN TOOLS, Ac. MANUFACTORY, 127, LONG ACRE. FOREIGN ORDERS, RECEIVED EITHER DIRECT OR THROUGH AGENCY HOUSES, EXECUTED WITH EXACTNESS AND DISPATCH. STEREOTYPE IMPRESSION. PRICE SIXPENCE. 1844.