GIFT OF Circular Relating to Enrollments in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps United States Naval Reserve Force ' WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 Circular Relating to Enrollments in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps United States Naval Reserve Force WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 CIRCULAR RELATING TO ENROLLMENTS IN THE NAVAL RESERVE FLYING CORPS CLASS 5. NAVAL RESERVE FLYING CORPS. 1. ELIGIBILITY. The following citizens of the United States shall be eligible for membership in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps. (a) Officers and student flyers who have been transferred from the Naval Flying Corps to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps. ( & ) Enlisted men of the Naval Flying Corps transferred under the same condition as enlisted men of the Navy are transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve. (c) Surplus graduates of the aeronautic school may be com- missioned as ensigns in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps and promoted therein under such regulations as may be prescribed by the President. (d) Civilians skilled in the flying of aircraft, or in their de- sign, building, or operation, shall be. eligible for membership in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps, United States Naval Reserve Force. (e) Other members of the Naval Reserve Force may be trans- ferred to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps upon qualification for aviation duties. Class 5 (a). Officers; provisional. (a) Must furnish satisfactory evidence as to character, abil- ity, and citizenship. (6) Must qualify professionally for a provisional rank before the commandant or an officer designated by 'the commandant for that purpose and physically before a medical officer of the Navy. Class 5 (6). Officers; confirmed. m.- (a) Former officers of the Naval Flying Corps who have left the service under honorable conditions or officers who may be transferred to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps from the Naval Flying Corps ; provisional appointment not necessary. (&) Surplus graduates of the aeronautic school may be com- missioned as ensigns in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps; pro- visional appointment not necessary. (c) After three months' active service an officer may be con- firmed in his provisional rank by qualifying professionally be- fore a board of three officers not below the rank of lieutenant commander and physically before a board of two medical officers of the Navy. Class 5 (c). Men; provisional. (a) Must furnish satisfactory evidence as to character, ability, and citizenship. (&) Must qualify professionally for a provisional rating be- fore an officer designated by the commandant and physically before a medical officer of the Navy. Class 5 (d). Men; confirmed. (a) Men who have been honorably discharged from the Naval Flying Corps after one or more four-year terms of enlistment in the Navy or after a term of enlistment during minority. No provisional rating required for this class. (&) After three months' active service a member may be confirmed in his provisional rating by qualifying before an officer designated by the commandant for that purpose. Class 5 (e). Members of this class do not enroll and are not discharged, but are transferred from the regular Naval Flying Corps to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps in the same manner as men transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve. Their status corresponds more closely to those on the retired list. Any enlisted man of the Naval Flying Corps with 16 years' naval service may, on the authority of the Secretary of the Navy, upon voluntary application on the expiration of his enlistment, if entitled to an honorable discharge, be transferred to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps in the rating in which then serving. Class 5 (/). 'Any enlisted man in the Naval Flying Corps with 20 or more years' naval service may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, to be transferred to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps in the same manner as in the pre- vious case, except that the transfer may be made at any time during the man's current enlistment. 2. PAY OF THE NAVAL RESERVE FLYING COBPS. Class 5 (a). Officers; provisional. Annual retainer pay, $12. (&). Officers; confirmed. Annual retainer pay, two months' base pay of the corresponding rank or grade in the Navy. Class 5 (c). Men; provisional. Annual retainer pay, $12. Class 5 (d). (a and 6) Two months' base pay of the corre- sponding rate in the Navy. Class 5 (e). One-third of the base pay they were receiving at the date of transfer, plus all permanent additions thereto. Class 5 (/). One-half of the base pay they were receiving at the date of transfer, plus all permanent additions thereto. NOTES. (a) Members of the Volunteer Naval Reserve en- rolled for the Naval Reserve Flying Corps, or for any other class of the Naval Reserve Force for which qualified, receive no retainer pay or uniform gratuity in time of peace. When on active duty they receive the active-service pay of their rank or rating. The only distinction between a Naval Reserve Fly- ing Corps Reservist and a Volunteer Naval Reservist enrolled for duty in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps is the one of re- tainer pay and uniform gratuity in time of peace. (&) Members of the Naval Reserve Flying Corps who enroll for a term of four years within four months from the date of termination of their last term of enrollment and who shall have performed the minimum amount of active service required during preceding term of enrollment shall, for each enrollment, receive an increase of 25 per cent of their base retainer pay. (Base retainer pay is two months' base pay of the correspond- ing rank or rating in which serving.) (c) When actively employed, either under provisional or con- firmed rank or rating, the pay of officers and men in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps shall be the same as the pay of officers and men in the Naval Flying Corps on active duty of cor- responding rank or rating and of the same length of naval service. 6 (d) The retainer pay is in addition to the active-service pay. (e) Officers and men of the Naval Reserve Flying Corps will have their retainer pay accounts carried by the Disbursing Officer, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D. C., and will be paid quarterly by check. (/) Upon first reporting for active duty for training, officers receive a uniform gratuity of $50; men, $30. This uniform gratuity is given for each enrollment. Upon reporting for active service in time of war or national emergency the uniform gratuity is $150 for officers and $60 for men, less any previous uniform gratuity credited during the current enrollment. Should a member sever -his connection with the service without compulsion on the part of the Government before the expiration of his term of enrollment the amount so credited shall be de- ducted from any money that may be or may become due him. (g) Members who shall have completed 20 years of service in the Naval Reserve Force, and who shall have performed the minimum amount of active service required in their class for maintaining efficiency during each term of enrollment, shall, upon their own application, be retired with the rank or rating held by them at the time, and shall receive in lieu of any pay a cash gratuity equal to the total amount of their retainer pay during the last term of enrollment. (h) Pay penalties are given under paragraph 3. 3. DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE NAVAL RESERVE FLYING CORPS. (a) Three months' active duty each enrollment. This does not apply to class 5 (e) and class 5 (/). The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to assign officers and men to active duty on application. This also applies to men of class 5 (e) and class 5 (/). This service may be taken in one or more periods of not less than three weeks. Penalty for noncompliance. If a member fails to perform three months' active service during an enrollment, he shall on reenrollment receive a retainer pay at the rate of $12 per year until such time as he shall have completed the three months' active service during current enrollment. (&) Enrolled members of the Naval Reserve Force shall be subject to the laws and regulations for the government of the Navy only during such time as they may by law be required to serve in the Navy, in accordance with their obligations, and when on active service at their own request, as herein provided, and when employed in authorized travel to and from such active service in the Navy. (c) Make such reports concerning movements and occupations as may be required. Penalty for noncompliance. Retainer pay may be forfeited. (d) An officer or man of the Naval Reserve Flying Corps shall not be an officer or enlisted man in any branch of the military service of the United States or any State thereof, but may accept employment in any other branch of the public service. 4. ENROLLMENTS, TRANSFERS, APPOINTMENTS, PAY ACCOUNTS, DISCIPLINE, ORDERS TO ACTIVE SERVICE, UNIFORM, DISCHARGES, RECORDS OF THE NAVAL RESERVE FLYING CORPS. ENROLLMENTS. (a) Officers designated by the commandant of the naval dis- trict shall enroll men who are eligible under the rules given. Enrollments shall be for a period of four years. ( & ) Every officer enrolling a man in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps shall (1) Explain to the man that the commandant of the naval district is the man's commanding officer. (2) Explain that all requests shall be made to the com- mandant either by letter or in person. (3) Explain that any change in address must be promptly reported to the commandant and disbursing officer, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. (4) Make out and forward account cards in triplicate to the disbursing officer. (c) To be given a provisional rating a man must have the technical knowledge of the corresponding rating in the Naval Flying Corps; to be confirmed in a provisional rating a man must, in addition, have a fair knowledge of naval discipline and customs; to be advanced in rating a man must have the technical knowledge of the corresponding rating in the Naval Flying Corps, and a good knowledge of naval customs and methods. 8 (d) After a man is confirmed in his rating he receives retainer pay of class 5 (d). In case he does not perform the minimum active service required in an enrollment, upon reenrollment he shall receive the pay of class 5 (c) until such time as he shall have completed three months' active service. TBANSFEES. (e) Officers and student flyers may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be transferred from the Naval Flying Corps to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps. APPOINTMENTS. (/) Former officers of the Naval Flying Corps or graduates of aeronautical schools may make application for enrollment to the Bureau of Navigation, stating briefly his Naval and Naval Flying Corps service. The procedure is as follows : (1) Applicant applies to the Bureau of Navigation for en- rollment. (2) If the application is approved, the bureau authorizes the applicant to report for medical examination. (3) If physically qualified, appointment is issued to grade or rank last held in the Navy. Appointment is for four years. (4) Bureau of Navigation forwards appointment with let- ter of transmittal and blank form "Acceptance of office and oath of allegiance." (5) Form is returned to the Bureau of Navigation prop- erly accomplished. Pay and allowance and eligibility for service begin from date of acceptance. (6) Orders issued to report by letter to commandant of naval district. (7) Officers are detailed for active service upon their own request, orders for such being issued either by the Bureau of Navigation or the commandant of naval district. (#) An enrolled man eligible for appointment to a provisional rank or grade may be examined professionally by the com- mandant or an officer designated by the commandant for that purpose and examined physically before a medical officer of the Navy. The physical requirements shall be the same as for officers of the Naval Flying Corps. 9 (ft) A civilian eligible for appointment to a provisional rank or grade may likewise be examined. (t) The commandant shall make recommendation to the Bureau of Navigation for appointment to provisional rank or grade. Appointments are issued by the Bureau of Navigation, and upon receipt of "Acceptance and oath of office " the Bureau of Navigation will issue orders to officers to report by letter to commandant of the naval district. (/) Officers must complete not less than three months' active service in a provisional rank or grade to become eligible for confirmation. The commandant is authorized to order such eligible officers as have been satisfactory in their provisional appointment to appear before a board of two medical officers for physical examination, and before a board of three naval officers not below the rank of lieutenant commander, for pro- fessional examination for confirmation of provisional appoint- ment. The boards shall conduct examinations in accordance with the department's precepts of October 16, 1916, and subse- quent modifications which have been furnished the commandants in blank. Upon the receipt of records of examination in the department the commandant and candidates will be notified of the department's action thereon. The commandant is authorized to appoint supervisory boards in special cases when it is deemed impracticable for the candidate to appear before the regular boards above named. (7c) For appointment to a provisional rank the technical requirements shall be the same as those for an officer in the Naval Flying Corps. (I) An officer to be confined must have, in addition to the knowledge required for provisional appointment, a general knowledge of the customs and discipline of the service and a good knowledge of the tactics of the Naval Flying Corps. PAY ACCOUNTS. (m) Account cards are made out in triplicate by the com- mandants of naval districts, as follows: (1) Upon enrolling or reenrolling a man in the Naval Re- serve Flying Corps. (2) Upon the receipt of records of the man when first en- rolled. 10 (3) Upon appointment of an officer under his command to the Naval Reserve Flying Corps. (4) Upon receipt of records of man transferred after 16 or 20 years' service. (n) Account cards are sent to the disbursing officer, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Account cards may be obtained from the supply officer, navy yard, Washington, D. C. (o) Account cards will be made out in accordance with in- structions on the back thereof. (p) Any change in rank or rating or any change that would in any way stop or affect pay shall be reported at once to the disbursing officer. DISCIPLINE. (q) Members of the Naval Reserve Flying Corps when on active service shall be subject to the discipline of the Navy. RETIREMENTS. (r) Enrolled members who have completed 20 years of serv- ice in the Naval Reserve Force and who shall have performed the minimum amount of active service required in their class for maintaining efficiency for each term enrolled shall, upon their application, be retired with the rank or rating held by them at the time, and shall receive in lieu of any pay a cash gratuity equal to the total amount of their retainer pay during the last term of their enrollment. ACTIVE-SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS. (s) To order a man to active service upon his own request the following procedure shall be followed: (1) The commandant of a naval district issues orders, provides transportation and subsistence, and for- wards enrollment and health records, with copy of orders to the commanding officer of the ship or sta- tion to which the man is ordered. (2) The commanding officer enters on his enrollment rec- ord the date of reporting, the date of detachment, and proficiency marks. The record is handled in the same manner as that of a regular enlisted man. 11 (3) The commanding officer shall, on completion of the active service training period, as indicated by orders, or as soon thereafter as practicable, detach the man and procure for him transportation and subsistence to his home (or other place, provided this can be done at no greater expense) and forward the en- rollment record and health record to the comman- dant of the naval district. (4) The pay officer of ship or station will pay members of the Reserve Force on active duty as are paid officers and men of the Navy. (Active service counts from date of reporting to date of detachment.) Mileage of officers ordered to active service shall be paid in same way as to officers of the Navy. UNIFORM. (t) Men in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps shall keep on hand such part of the clothing outfit as may be prescribed. DISCHARGES. (u) In time of peace men shall be discharged upon their own request or by proper authority. BECORDS. (v) An enrollment record shall be kept in the same manner as enlistment record and the health record used shall be the same as the service health record, but shall have written on the face "Naval Reserve Flying Corps," and shall be kept in the same manner as the service health record. (w) During the period of active service an entry shall be made in the health record to indicate the physical condition of the reservist. Upon completion of active service, fitness re- ports shall be made out for officers ; enrollment records of men shall be marked, and all records shall be returned to the com- mandant of the naval district. TRANSFERS TO OTHER CLASSES OF THE NAVAL RESERVE FORCE. (a?) Members of the Naval Reserve Force may, upon applica- tion, be transferred from one class to another for which they 12 are qualified, and may in time of war volunteer for and be as- signed to duties prescribed for any class which they may be deemed by their commandant competent to perform. (y) Although men of class 5 (e) and class 5 (/) are trans- ferred in the same manner as men of the Fleet Naval Reserve, the entire class 5, " Naval Reserve Flying Corps," will be handled by the commandants of the naval districts. The records, etc., of men in class 5 (e) and 5 (/) will be sent to the commandant of the naval district instead of the commanding officer of the recruiting district. L. C. PALMER, Chief of Bureau. NAVY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, Washington, D. C., November 27, 1916. o AS BIAL OVERDUE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY