AGRIC. DEFT, PRACTICAL FARM BUILDINGS Practical Farm Buildings Plans and Suggestions By A. F. Hunter PUBLISHED BY F. W. BIRD A SON NEW YORK Established 1817 EAST WALPOLE, MASS., U. S. A. WASHINGTON Canadian Factory and Office, Hamilton! , '\ ia ' / / /. Fie. 27 \!r. Huston's " Coloay " liouse. 2. BARNS, STABLES, ETC. FIG. 28 A t illage stable for a horse and cow. There is great diversity in plans of barns and stables, the taste of indi- vidual owners seeming to favor this or that plan, a; they think it hrst adapted to their needs. We have thought it wise to give here a few simple, practical plans, which have approved themselves in actual use. Barns and stables need not be expensive in construction nor elaborate in fittings; the important considerations are the convenience of the owner and the adapt- ability of the building to its purpose. In Kigs. 28, 29 and 311 we give a plan for a village stable, for the man who keeps a horse and one or two cows, and the ground Hoor also provides room for the work-bench I which is most desirable where there are boys in the family ), besides standing room for the carriage, wagon, and sleigh. This stable is planned to be twenty-six feet long by eighteen feet wide, is ten feet from floor level to eaves, and fourteen feet from floor to ridge of roof. More pitch can lie given to roof if desired, but with a good rooting like Paroid the roof slope may be slight. It would be better to make the walls two feet higher if more storage space is desired above the scaffold floor. The doorway is eight by eight feet, anil stall space eight by eight feet is made in each front corner; a box stall is provided for the horse and two cw stalls in the left-hand corner, with a small door opening into the cow linter. Hay scaffolds seven feet above I TT Ir -I 1^- I Cross-section. the floor extend across each end and may be joined at the rear if desired; a scaffold floor above the large doors extends from front to rear, or to the drop-scaffold walk connecting the two side scaffolds at the rear. A basement six or seven feet deep under the whole is a valuable addition to such a stable, making room for storing and rotting the manure, and a storage room for roots, etc. , in one corner. Six-inch-square sills, posts, and floor stringers are amply strong for the strain usually put upon a small stable, and the center posts, set at corners of box stall and cow stalls, help carry the main floor and the storage floor above. If preferred, the intermediate posts may be set in the center and the stall-spaces extended a foot, making them 8x9 feet. With the roof covered with Paroid roofing, and the sides with Neponset Red Rope Roofing battened on laps and halfway between laps, a very neat and economically constructed stable is made. [12] w PflK BE NCH Q , | , BOX STALL S'X a cow STALLS); 1 Tin 1 farm ham is a most important aid to economy of labor, if "rightly |>laiim-il. and c give on this page the plans of a small barn, for a farm where eight or ten cows are kept, such as is quite common in New England and the Middle States, and which gives excellent satisfaction everywhere. On the farm where this plan was studied the pair of horses were housed in a small horse kirn nearer the dwelling house, the Democrat wagon, canopy top carriage and sleigh, etc., being under the same roof. This barn is forty-four feet long by thirty-four feet wide, and is built in four "bays" of eleven feet in length each. The main floor is twelve feet wide, anil hay wagons drive in at either erd and out at the other. The cow stalls occupy all of the linter on the south side, a door at the end opening into the lane to the pasture. The first bay on the north side is ceiled up with tongued and grooved hoards, lias a tight floor overhead, and is used as a grain storeroom; the other three bays on that side are hay mows from floor to roof. Over the main floor and fifteen feet above it is a floor for hay, or corn, or used for general storage at different seasons. There was no floor on the collar- beams when the present owner bought the farm. Strong poles had been laid across the space and surplus hay thrown on them; since being floored over the Ku;. H A barn for a small dairy farm. -44- ?2. Ground plan. owner says it is the best part of the barn, and invaluable for drying out crops not fully cured. A basement about six feet in depth receives the manure from the cows, and three or four hogs have the run of the cellar and manure heaps, thoroughly rotting and "fining" the manure for the next season's crops. The frame of this barn is of eight-inch square hemlock timber, the braces three by four inch hem- lock mortised into posts and stringers, the floor stringers three by nine inches, two feet apart and well cross- bridged, the floor of three-inch plank. The scaffold floor is of inch boards laid on two by six inch stringers three feet apart, and is amply strong for any load put upon it. Grain bins along two sides of the grain room may be four feet wide, and, fitted with drop fronts, may be five feet high and divided into two or more compart- ments. Two small bins may be fitted in each side of the window; the window may be in the end if preferred. FIG. 33 Cross-section. |''K.. H- A complete dairy barn, wit!) silo. A COMPLETE DAIRY BARN Modern dairy farming means an up-to-date dairy barn, and we give herewith the plans of one which is warmly endorsed by the owner and carries fifty cows in perfect comfort. This is a truss-frame barn, ninety-three feet long by forty feet wide, the basement (or ground) floor being wholly occupied by cow stalls and calving pens, the main floor being a hay-storage room. Two bays on one side are used for grain storage, all the remainder of the bays on both sides being for hay; a driveway fifteen feet wide extends through this Moor, and inclined driveways at each end give access from the fields in either direction. The ground floor is concrete throughout. A walk five feet wide extends along each side and cross walks three feet wide are between each row of stalls at both front and rear, one for feeding and the other for the cows and the milkers. A shallow gutter, eighteen inches wide by six inches deep, extends along the rear of the stalls to receive the droppings and urine, which is removed twice a day and drawn at once to the fields or heaped for tramping over and rotting under wide-roofed sheds. The calving stalls, four at each end of this floor, are eight by seven and three quarters feet in size, and one or two of them can be occupied by bulls, if desired. The watering system may be either a wooden gutter extending along the front of each row of stalls or a east-iron semicircular pan set between each pair of stalls so as to supply a cow on either side. Whether troughs or pans are used there should be an automatic cock and tank, which keeps the water always at the desired level, and check valves which prevent the water once in the trough or basin returning to the pipe and contaminating others. All the food is stored on the main Moor, whence convenient chutes convey it to feeding troughs or push-carts on the walks below. , ^ , , The ensilage from the silo is loaded directly into the push-carts just /\ DAIRY outside the door, or could be chuted to the walk inside. The soiling crops fed in summer are cut up on the main floor and sent down to the waiting push-carts in the walks below. The roof and sides of this barn are covered with Paroid roofing. The tying arrangement may be either chains, straps, or swing stanchions as desired, and all three methods are in use on up-to-date dairy barns. The stock kept may have an influence upon the length of the stalls; those given are seven and one half feet long by three feet three inches wide. V J- GRAIN CHUTS FLOOR. I'l . U (iixiLUKt floor plan of basement story. 1_ "1 n or U LJ LJ , MAY CHUTE V' 'N, IIIIIHIIIIIA, GRAIN ROOM c 1 HL Kir,. ?7 Floor plan of main floor. [15] FiG. 38 A stable for a suburban place. A STABLE FOR A SUBURBAN PLACE A convenient and well-arranged stable is greatly appreciated] aiul we present plans for a stable for four horses, with carriage room, harness room, man's room, etc., hayloft, platform for drying the bedding, and other ac- cessories of a modern stable for a suburban home. It is built without cupola or other ornamental features, is just a plain, simple stable. This building is forty-four by twenty-four feet in size, the sides and roof rough boards covered with P.-roid Roofiing. There is a basement under the whole. The walls and ceiling of the entire lower floor are sheathed with hard pine, a wooden partition separating the horse stalls from the carriages, and abundant windows give light and air to all purls. The ventilation of the horse room is such that no gases reach the carriages, and " Hydrex " waterproofing felt between the floorings of the carriage room cuts off the steam and gases from the manure pit. The iron gutter along the rear of the stalls is covered with a maple or birch plank, and the stall floors are either maple or birch. Run- ning water is piped to the water basin in the horse room, and a hose cock on the other side of the partition receives the hose for washing carriages, or a revolving, overhead hose-fixture can be installed, just above the washing-floor if desired. A hot-water heater may be installed on the main floor, but better be in the basement, where the coal bin would be; radiators may be set as desired, with one at least in rear of the box stall and one on the carriage floor, and a small one in the man's room on second floor. The roof is drained by galvan- ized iron pipes emptying into blind wells. The carriage room floor is con- creted, and a drain pipe leads from the depression where carriages are g | washed to a blind well. At one end is a platform for drying the bedding, and ventilation is so well provided for there are almost no odors. As it is planned this is a practical, conven- ient, well-arranged stable, adapted to the needs of a family of moderate means on a suburban place. L_ . 6 I* BOX STALL HARNESS ROOM n FIG. 40 Second story Plan. FIG. 39 Flour plan. ,6] A PLANK=FRAME BARN. The plank-frame barn has been very popular in several sections of the West, the considerable saving in lumber and ease of building recommending it to I radical men. Less men and time are required to build one of these barns; they art- stronger, the excellent "bracing" of the frame making them effective to stand the pressure of hay and grain within or strong winds without. In some sections a solid frame foundation is used, in Maine the entire structure is of plank; the barns are built either with or without basement, accord- ing to the taste of the owner. A good, firmly built stone and cement foundation is advisable; with this foundation to rest the plank upon the frame is raised. Do not be sparing of spikes, they are an essential feature. No sills are used, and the upright studs take the place of posts. Two for each post are set on the foundation on each side, between these is placed and spiked the cross-plank, which extends the width of the bam and ties the two sides together. The scantlings on each side of barn floor, forming center posts, are then raised and spiked in place. Upon outside of each upright is spiked a plank of same size as, and par- allel with, the first cross plank; this gives three 2x8's for cross sills through center of barn, each joint or band being fixed in this way. Knd joints, using boards FIG. 41 A plank frame barn. Fl<;. 4> Cross-section. instead of plank on outside, give the bedwork of the barn. At the sides, between uprights in place of sill, a plank is firmly spiked; this holds the uprights firmly in place and prevents working sideways, while the thoroughly spiked cross planks prevent all movement in other directions. Some barns are boarded diagonally, some horizontally; both methods give excellent satisfaction. Many of these barns are built with a hip-roof, as in the illustration given, and these give a great amount of storage room in the loft. The steepei single-slope roof gives equally good results, looks well, and is a little moie economical to build. Paroid on roof and sides makes it wind ind water-proof. f 17 1 COW STALLS HORSC STALLS FIG, 42 Ground plan. THE ECONOMY OF A GOOD ROOF Nearly one hundred years ago we began making paper and felts, and for over twenty-five years have been making ready roofings. NEPONSET RED ROPE ROOFING was the first ready roofing ever made and it filled and is filling a long-felt want for a low cost roofing and siding. It was not intended for a permanent roofing, but has lasted in many instances over ten years. If it averages five to seven years, users say they get more than their money's worth. About ten years ago we foresaw a large and growing demand for something more permanent. We had been making practical tests and experiments for years along this line and we placed PAROID Roofing on the market. It immediately became the standard ready roofing of the United States Government, the largest railroads, manufacturers, farmers and poultrymen all over the country, and it continues to hold their favor because it is a ready roofing of " quality.'* The farmer uses a large part of our output for barns, silos, sheds, poultry buildings, and his dwelling house. It gives the same good results on all kinds of buildings. We might go into detail and tell how we make PAROID, but we want to devote all the space we can to plans and specifications which will help you get up-to-date and economical buildings. Perhaps you have had some experience with tarred roofings, so we want you to know that PAROID and NEPONSET contain no tar. Here are a few reasons for PAROID'S success. It is made of the most durable materials, which do not lose their vitality for many years. It is rain and cold proof, and this especially recommends it for poultry and farm buildings. A warm, dry building is very essential to successful farmers and poultry men. Of course no ready roofing is absolutely fireproof, but PAROID is proof against fire from sparks or embers, and buildings will never burn on account of PAROID being on the roof. It does not taint water, is of light slate color, and is acid, gas, and fume proof. You don't need experienced men to apply PAROID. You or your own men can do it. We were the originators of the complete roofing kit, fixtures, and complete directions for laying packed inside of each roll. PAROID is so pliable that it can be easily laid in winter as well as in summer. PAINTING We don't advise painting PAROID for eighteen months to two years, and it is not necessary to do so then, but we recommend it because it is a better insurance for longer life and good service. The cost is very small and a coat every few years is a good investment. SIDING You cannot imagine the neat effect PAROID gives when applied to the sides of a building with cleats or battens. You can, without extra expense, make your buildings look neat, at the same time make them warm and dry by using PAROID on roof and sides. NEPONSET RED ROPE ROOFING Has more good qualities than any other roofing made for the money. It has stood the test of time, and those who first used it are still using it, which is proof enough of the good work NEPONSET will do. It is waterproof anH windproof, does not taint rain water, and is easily applied. Each roll contains fixtures and complete directions for applying. A GOOD COMBINATION The farmer's and poultryman's most economical combination is PAROID for the roof and NEPONSET applied with battens, for the sides, unless, of course, you feel you can afford PAROID for sides also. F 18 1 Tin caps, nails, cement, and complete directions for lay- ing: are packed in each roll. LINING PAPERS Some people prefer to use a sheathing paper for lining their poultry houses or other buildings, and others use it under roofing and siding. Of course it makes a tighter and warmer building, but it is not absolutely necessary. NEPONSET BLACK WATERPROOF PAPER is an inexpensive paper when one wishes a lining paper. PAINTS Brooder bouse, roof covered with PARO1D. White Leghorn Poultry Yards, Watervilie. N. Y. Because ordinary paints do not wear well on PAROID and NEPONSET, we make PARINE (black) and NEPONSET (dark brown) PAINTS. These do not cost as much as the ordinary lead and oil paints. Our paints are made especially for our roofings, and are sure to stick, whereas lead and oil, not having any affinity for the PAROID coating, are liable to peel off. SIZE OF ROLLS PAROID is put up in rolls thirty-six inches wide, which contain two squares and enough extra for a two-inch lap. (A square is ten by ten feet.) NEPONSET is put up in rolls thirty-six inches wide, which contain one hundred, two hundred and fifty and five hundred square feet. Fixtures and complete directions for applying are packed inside of each roll of PAROID and NEPONSET. Send us the dimensions of your buildings and we will tell you what enough PAROID and NEPONSET to cover will cost, delivered to your nearest railroad station. We realize that you may be considering some other roofing material which is perhaps cheaper than PAROID, and that the temptation to buy this imitation will be great. We also realize that the imitation may look like and appear to be equal to PAROID, but do not be deceived by the appearance. We claim emphatically PAROID covers a Vermont farm barn. Duck breeding house, roof and sides covered with PAROID. Weber Bros.. Pondville Mass. Colony chicken bouses on farm of G. M. Gowell, of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono. Maine. The roofs are covered with PAROID, sides with NEPONSET. that the imitations of PAROID grow brittle with age, are liable to buckle on the roof, are hard to apply, and in a short time are unsightly in appearance, all of which make a dissatisfied customer. The manufacturers themselves do not know how long they will last, for most of them have been on the market only a year or two. PAROID may cost a little more than these imitations, but the difference in cost is not the difference in the profit which we make, but is the difference in the quality of the material. You cannot afford to use a cheap roofing at any price. The most recent endorsement given by the United States Government was the choosing of PAROID for work on the Panama Canal. The specifications for this work called for "PAROID or equal," and while nearly a hundred bids were received on imitations of PAROID, the whole order was placed with us. The Government has used many million square feet of PAROID in this country, Cuba, and the Philippines. If you will look up the records of PAROID and the imitations before you place your order, and choose the one with the best record, we will both be satisfied. We have only told you some of the things you ought to know about roofings and have devoted the test of the space to up-to-date economical farm buildings and specifications, which we trust will be helpful when you build. Please remember that we are here to help you with your building troubles in any way that we can. Don't fail to write us. r i PAROID on a Canadian farm barn. Meadow Brook Farm poultry plant. Dallas. Pa Roofs arc covered with 1'AROlD. KENDALL MILLS, N. Y. F. W. Bixn A SON. Dear Sirs: Please send me your agent's address at Rochester. We want to use some of your Neponset Red Rope Building Paper. We have some and think nothing can beat it. Yours and oblige. FHED WINTER. riNi'HR SANDWICH, N. H. Gentlemen : I am very much obliged to you for your booklet. 1 am perfectly delighted with Paroid Roofing. Have used it on my chicken and squab houses. I bought of Mr. Brown of Ashland, N. H., who handles your goods. I expect to send you a large order soon. Will do my utmost for you in this section. Respectfully, FRED WILLIAMS, SR. EAST NORTHFIKLD, MASS. F. W. BIRD A SON, EAST WALPOLE, MASS. Dear Sirs : Your communication of the 18th at hand. Sample of Paroid arrived in due time, and 1 am much pleased with it and shall give it a trial. 1 shall want some at our farm in Montville, Conn., in the Spring. 1 have used your Nepunset for the past ten years and like it very much. Yours very truly, J. R. COLTON. EAST LYME, CONN. Gentlemen : Enclosed please find P. O. order for SS.OO. Please send me by freight five hundred feet Neponset Red Rope Roofing. You furnished us in 1891 for our brooder house covering quite a large amount of this paper. 1 inclose a small sample of it. It is as good as the day it was put on. H. F. Cutter A Co. was the firm you sent it to. I consider it the best roofing of the kind 1 have ever seen. Yours very truly. WM. T. CI/TTEK. Barn on the largest stock farm in Minnesota. Eight hundre.1 squares of PAROID put on roof of this barn by the farm hands themselves. [2,] PAROID covers tlie Plant Industry Buildings, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C BALTIMORE, Mn. F. W. BIRD A SON, EAST WAI.POI.E, MASS. Gentlemen : We have just paid a visit to our farm at Relay, Md., and are greatly pleased to find tlic Paroid Roofs of our dairy barns and poultry buildings in such a fine state of preservation. If you will remember, it is some five years since we put the first roof of Paroid on one of the bin poultry houses, as an experiment, and it stood so well, even though we had never used a drop of paint on it, that we forgot it ;is there. Two years later our big barns were destroyed by fire, and with the barns went all the buildings but this one poultry house, which was un- doubtedly saved by its Paroid Roof. So impressed were we with this fact that on rebuilding, we covered the big new dairy barns. 242 feet in length, with 2-ply Paroid. A year ago, on the 28th of January, our house was burned to the ground and alt the buildings were again subjected to a baptism of sparks from thr burning building, but thanks to Paroid. none of the outbuildings were burned. No leaks have occurred during the year past and the roofs seem to be in perfect condition. Faithfully yours, CLEMENT A CLEMENT. BURLINGTON, Vr. MESSRS. HAGAK BROTHERS, BURLINGTON, VT. Dear Sirs: I think it was three years ago this spring that the horse barn at our farm on North Avenue, this city, was covered with Paroid Roo .'ing bought of you. It has never leaked a drop, presents a good appearance, and, apparently, it is as good as when first put on. I am satisfied. Respectfully, A. B. KlNGSLAND. A hog house on a Vermont farm, cove ed with PAROID. Duck plant of James Kan kin, South Kaston, Mass. West side of lane, showing 250-foot brooding house 125-foot breeding house and 100-foot barn. The roofs are covered with PAROID. [22] MARRLK HILL, GA. MISSRS. J. M. ALEXANDER A Co., ATLANTA, GA. Gentlemen; We are pleased to he able to testify tliat the Paroid Roofing (sixty-three squares) bought from you in June, 1901, has given us entire satisfaction. We have not spent a penny for repairs since putting it UN. We were so well pleased with it that we ordered ninety squares more in September, 1902, to cover the extension to our new mill. We believe it to be the best and most economical roofing that can be used. Yours truly, THE SOUTHERN MARBLE Co. WALBROOK, BALTIMORE, MD. Mrs^ns. F. W. BIRD A SON. EAST WALI-OI i , MASS. Grntlrmen : The Paroid Roofing bought of you last fall for cow stable roof on one of my farms has given great satisfaction in fact it is far superior to steel, that cost me just four times the price. Tor those wMiiuj; yiiur routine, in my section, you can refer to me for reference. I thought you should know this. With regards. Yours truly, FRANCIS SANDERSON. FUTURE ROCKS. PA. F. W. BIRD A SON, EAST WALPOLE. MASS. Gentlemen ,- \ received sample of Paroid Roofing, also Red Rope Roofing. 1 have used fifteen squares of your Red Rope Roofing in the last eleven years. I have some in use as siding tliat has been on ten years, and is good for that many more. Your Paroid is all right, and I shall need some next fall. Do you make candy boxes of one quarter and one half pound si/e, like draft f If so, send me samples and prices. Yours truly, WILLIAM H. STEELE. Monmouth Poultry I 'arm. Freneau, N. J. Roof covered with PARO11). PAROID on cattle shed on Beechfield farm Arlington. Baltimore Co., Md. PAROID covers a Vermont barn and silo A cow barn. East Greenwich, R. 1. Roof covere.i will, PAROID. I). J. Lambert says: "PAROID is all right;" and he knows. PAROID covers a farm kirn, Burlington. Vt. -n iv i H SO O TO ? f > I O Om O 1 1 c O 3 P rn O w O 7 m rn II c -< ^ ^n u j a ^ o w> g. s sg 100 5 O c m i s- s 1 m g55 a -45m-9,'6 | -i n O ! e. < 3 Cn to f| * rri ^ 3 S" > I Q TO TJ " 3 S 3 ^"Z rn _< m fe " X 5 o A O D u * O ^< m i ~n m n 09 y < Jo ^ C m D 70 it '3* 5 >o O 70 > Z 5 ? CO ^ m ***t* S> 3- Z _4 PO* O " a. P DD m c 3. A i o " m * 3 YC 65649 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY