GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE MOLOCH LIBRARY 6 AN ATLAS OF PRACTICAL ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. AN ATLAS OF PRACTICAL ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY BY G. B. HOWES, 7 DEMONSTRATOR OF BIOLOGY, NORMAL SCHOOL OF SCIENCK AXU ROYAL SCHOOL OF MINKS. LECTURER ON COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, ST. GEORGE'S HOSI-ITAL MKDICAL SCHOOL, LONDON. WITH A PKEFACE BY PEOFESSOE HUXLEY, P.E.S. MACMILLAN AND CO., 1885. BIOLOGY LIBRA F G PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN, AND CO., HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. TO A. H., FRIEND AND ADVISER, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THIS work lias been designed with a view of furnishing the beginner with an evenly balanced series of drawings, illustrative of the typical facts in the structure of living things. The types chosen are for the most part identical with those adopted in Huxley and Martin's "Elementary Biology." The information imparted by a competent teacher ought to receive ample illustration at his hands, and while it is hoped that this book may be of service to the student thus happily placed, in producing it the author has been especially mindful of the less fortunate inquirer, compelled to work unaided in a field beset with snares and pitfalls, and byways which lead O7ily to a laborious idleness. An extensive and fully illustrated literature is within reach of the student, when once he has acquired that method which can alone enable him to use it rightly ; and where this is the case for the organisms here dealt with, attempts have been made to supplement it as far as possible. All the figures are drawn, unless otherwise stated, from preparations made specially with a view to the capacity of this work, and the plates are arranged in that order in which it is most desirable the beginner should work them over. The paper used in printing will take colour, provided the ordinary precautions are observed to avoid going over the same surface twice while wet. The text is confined exclusively to a description of the precise manner in which each preparation was made, and as a number of valuable papers on man}* of the Vlll PREFACE. subjects dealt with have appeared since the publication of our current zoological text- books, I append a bibliography of them, together with certain classical monographs indispensable to those desirous of extending either their own knowledge, or that of their fellows, in the matter concerned. The titles of the above-named works are arranged under heads and numbered for purposes of reference in the text. In preparing this work, it has been my good fortune to have had the counsel of Professor HUXLKY, and I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professors T. J. PARKER and E. E. LANKESTEE, and to Mr. P. 0. BOWER. My friend Mr. M. M. TERRERO and certain of my pupils have rendered me welcome aid in the matter of cutting sections, and my thanks are due to my lithographer, Mr. M. P. PARKER, for the able manner in which he has carried out my wishes. GEO. BOND HOWES. NORMAL SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND KOYAL SCHOOL OP MINES, SOUTH KENSINGTON, February, 1885. PREFACE. WHEN, in the year 1872, the system of practical instruction, which is at present pursued in the Biological Laboratory of the Normal School of Science and Eoyal School of Mines, was established, one of my first cares was the creation of a teaching collection for the use of the students who were following that course of instruction. This collection was to contain, in the first place, a series of preparations and dissections illustra- tive of every important fact in the structure of the animals and plants selected for study ; and, in the second place, a corresponding series of drawings of the dissections, of large size and executed in such a manner as to facilitate the comprehension of the structures represented. The construction of such a teaching collection as this has involved the expenditure of a great deal of time and skill ; and the whole burden of the work has fallen upon my former demonstrator, Mr. T. J. PARKER (now Professor of Biology at Otago), and Mr. GEORGE HOWES, who succeeded Mr. PARKER, and now holds the office. Ten years ago, assisted by Prof. MARTIN, I published "A Course of Practical Instruction in Elementary Biology," which exemplifies the method of instruction pursued in the Bio- logical Laboratory, and is intended to take the place of the oral instruction which we supply there. The absence of illustrations, however, has greatly interfered with the usefulness of this work, and I am therefore veiy glad that Mr. HOWES has undertaken to make good the defect by the publication of the present Atlas, which, while starting from part of the work with which he has been occupied in our Laboratory, contains so many accurate and well- devised additional illustrations that it will be hardly less useful to students who are engaged in the Laboratory than to those who work independently of it. No doubt, the direct instruction of a teacher is very valuable ; but, with the aid of this Atlas, I think that an intelligent student, who is unable to obtain that advantage, will find no difficulty in working through "The Course of Practical Instruction in Elemen- tary Biology " by himself. T. H. HUXLEY. SOUTH KENSINGTON, April 24A, 1885. CONTENTS. THE FEOG (PLATES I. TO VII.) ..... THE CRAYFISH (PLATES VIII. TO X.) ... ... ,,31 THE EARTHWORM (PLATES XI., XII.) 45> THE SNAIL (PLATES XIII., XIV.) ... 5 * THE MUSSEL (PLATES XV. r XVI.) ... 61 THE HYDRA (PLATE XVII.) .... THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS (PLATE XVIII.) . 73 THE FUNGI (PLATE XIX.) ,,77 THE STONEWORTS (PLATE XX.) .... ,,81 THE FERN (PLATES XXL, XXII.) THE FLOWERING PLANT (PLATES XXIII., XXIV.) .. APPENDIX AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 105 ' H E FROG PLATES I. TO VII. ERBATA. Page 59, foot-note, for Sinnerepithelien read Sinnegepithelien. ," 89, 98, and elsewhere, for protophloem read protophloem. 108, for canula read cawwula. 111), middle paragraph, transpose the words "letter" and "numeral." PLATE I t,d -c MPP.i-k.rhth. & Co imr THE FROG. PLATE I. THE FROG. EXTEENAL CHAKACTEKS. THE GREAT CAVITIES OF THE BODY, AND THE GENEBAL DISPOSITION OF THE ORGANS CONTAINED THEREIN. THE MODE OF SUSPENSION OF THE VISCERA. Unless otherwise stated, all the figures of Plates I. to VII. refer to the Common Frog, Bana temporaries. FIG. I. Head of Bana esculenta, . Body wall. c. Calcar. ca. Carotid artery. cl. Cloaca. cV. Epidermal-lined portion of the same. Sub-vertebral lymph sinus.'. Its cut edge. co. Rudimentary cfecum. cce. Cceliaco-mesenteric artery. cp.a. Corpus adiposum. Dorsal aorta. dph. So-called diaphragm. (lit. Duodenum. e. Eye. e.l. Eye lids. .. Eye muscles. e.n. External nostril. eu. Eustachian recess. Gall bladder. ijl. Glottis. h. Heart. hy. Hyoid cartilage. i. Ileum. it. Ilium. i.n. Internal nostril. K. Right kidney. k". Left kidney. l.b. Levator bulbi muicle. l(j. Right lung. Icf. Left lung. I. int. Large intestine. lv'. Right lobe of liver. to*. Left lobe of liver. ly. Sub-cutaneous lymph-spaces. Ix. Larynx. in. Mouth. in.hy. Mylo-hyoid muscle. inn. Mandible. MX. Mesentery (dorsal mesentery). iim'. Ventral mesentery. m.tij. Metnbrana tyrapani. mx. Maxilla. my. Myelon. no,. Nasal sac. n. Neural canal. THE FROG. n.sp. Spinal nerves. Sympathetic nerves. ce. CEsophagus. p. Pancreas. pc. Cut edge of pericardium. p.m. Pulmo cutaneous artery. pr.c. Vena cava superior (precaval vein). pt. Peritoneum. pt.c. Vena cava inferior (postcaval vein). r. Kectum. s. Sternum. x.iiit. Small intestine. Supra scapula. sk. Skull. sp. Spleen. st. Stomach. t. Tongue. th. Thyroid gland. tin. Thymus gland. ts. Testis. So-called urinary bladder.'. Orifice of the same. ur. Genito-urinary duct v Vltl THE FROG. 18 PLATE IV. THE FKOG. THE SKELETON. THE MUSCLES OF THE HIND-LIMB. J I IG . I. The entire axial skeleton, with the limb-girdles and the limbs of the right side, drawn from above with the body in the resting attitude.* Macerated preparation, x 1|. The humerus and the metacarpal of the second digit in the manus, drawn separately, are those of the male. FIG. II. The first vertebra, seen from the front. FIG. III. The fourth vertebra, seen from the same aspect. FIG. IV. The fifth and sixth vertebrae, from the side, in the natural position. FIG. V. The ninth (sacral) vertebra, seen from behind. The articulations of the centra are shown in section in Fig. XIII., Plate I. FIG. VI. The shoulder-girdle, seen from the front, the left scapula having been straightened out. FIG. VII. The left half of the hip-girdle, from the side.f (Figs. II. to VII., all x li.) FIG. VIII. The skull (cranio-facial apparatus), after removal of the membrane bones of the right side, seen from above. The mandible and hyoid are excluded. Wet preparation.^ FIG. IX. The same, seen from beneath. In both this and the above, the membrane bones removed are drawn independently ; in this figure, however, one half of the parasphenoid is indicated in situ. FIG. X. The same, seen from the side, with both mandible and hyoid in place. FIG. XI. Back view of Fig. VIII. FIG. XII. Sectional view of the above, exclusive of the hyoid. Meckel's cartilage has been exposed. (Figs. VIII. to XII., all x 2.) FIG. XIII. The body of the hyoid, of a young frog, x 2. (In all the above figures the cartilaginous parts are stippled.) " The so-called calcar, c., is generally composed of two or more pieces, and represents the remnant of a sixth digit. Compare Born, " Die sechste Zehe der Anuren," Morjth. Jahrk., vol. i., 1875 ; Wiedersheim, " Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie," Jena, 1883. See also Marsh, " The Limbs of Sauranodon," American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. six., 1880. t The upper cartilaginous articular-end of the ilium may be appropriately termed the supra-ilium. 1 See Appendix F. 14 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. XIV. The muscles of the hind-limb, ventral aspect. The superficial muscles are shown on the right side ; the sartorius was reflected, the adductor-longus, adductor-magnus, and gastrocnemius were slightly displaced. On the left side the sartorius was left uninjured; it and the adductor-magnus were a little displaced and the rectus-internus reflected, in order to render visible the semi-tendinosus. FIG. XV. The muscles of the hind-limb, dorsal aspect. On the left side, the vastus externus, and on the right the biceps-femoris have been reflected. The semi-membranosus and the head of the gastrocnemius of the right side were displaced. FIG. XVI. The deep muscles inserted into the head of the femur. Bight side from without. The cut ends of the muscles removed are all shown. (Figs. XIV. to XVI. x 11. i n all the bones are stippled.) ac. Acetabulum. ad. Adductor magnus. ad'. Adductor longus. ad". Adductor brevis. ar. Splenial. 03. Tibiale. UK. Periotic capsule. i/. Biceps femoris. c. Calcar. c.a. Columella auris. ca. Fibulare. cd. Occipital condyle. cd'. Mandibular condyle. cl. Clavicle. en. Vertebral centrum. co. Coracoid. cp. Carpus. cr. Os cruris. d. Dentary. dl.c. Deltoid crest. e.c. Extensor cruris brevis. e.o. Exoccipital. /. Femur. fb. Fibula. fo.a. Anterior fontanelle. fo.p. Posterior fontanelle. f.ov. Fenestra ovalis. Fronto-parietal. f.t. Flexor-tarsi anterius. y. Glenoid cavity. yl. Gluteus. . Labial cartilages. m.cp. Metacarpus. md.c. Medial crest. mk. Meckel's cartilage. Mento-meckelian bone. m.tx. Metatarsus. m.r. Maxilla. IKI. Nasal u.a. Neural arch. n.c. Neural canal. n.p. Pre-nasal process. n.p'. Ali-nasal process. n.sp. Neural spine. ob. ObturatoriuB. THE FROG. 15 nr.p. Antorbital process. ji. Pubis. jia.s. Parasphenoid. jic. Pectincus. per. Peroneus. ph. Phalanges. pi. Palatine. Pre-maxilla. pr.o. Pro-otic. pt. Pterygoid bone. pt'. Pterygoid cartilage. pi/. Pyriformis. q.j. Quadrato-jugal. qu.f. Quadratus femoris. rd. Radius. r.f. Rectus femoris. rh.p. Rhinal process. r.i. Rectus internus major. r.i'. Rectus internus minor. . Sacrum. sa. Sartorius. sc. Scapula. Supra scapula. sli.y. Shoulder-girdle. s.mb. Semi-membranosus. s.n. Septum nasi. ip. Suspensorium. sj>'. Its dorsal crus. sp". Its pedicle. sp.e. Sphenethmoid. sq. Squamosal. st. Stapes. st'. Omosternum. si". Xiphisternum. s.t. Semitendinosus. *.'. Its union with the adductor magnus. tb. Tibia. tb.a. Tibialis anticus. tb.p. Tibialis posticus. tb.p'. Notch for the tendou of the above. tr.f. Triceps femoris. tr.p. Transverse process. ts. Tarsus. id. Ulna. ust. Urostyle. v.c. Vertebral column. v.ex. Vastus externus. Vastus internus. vo. Vomer. zij'. Anterior zygapophysis. zy". Posterior zygapophysis. t. to v. Digits i. to v. I. to X. Foramina of exit for cranial nerves I. to X. THE FR<>(!. 17 PLATE V. THE FBOG. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BRAIN, THE ANATOMY OF THE OLFACTORY, VISUAL, AND AUDITORY ORGANS. FIG. I. The cerebro-spinal axis and the course of the fifth cranial nerve, displayed from above. The whole dorsal integument was removed, and the neural cavity opened iip from above ; on the right side the nasal bone has been removed, and the eye dissected out. x 2. FIG. II. The cerebro-spiual axis, with the great nerve trunks including the sympa- theticdissected from the ventral aspect. The origins of all the cranial nerves except the iv* are shown, and the sympathetic is indicated on one side for its whole length. The entire ventral body-wall, together with the viscera and the floor of the mouth, were removed. After carefully dissecting the aorta away from the sympathetic, that system was removed on the left side. The whole neural canal was next laid open, by removal of the vertebral centra and tlie floor of the skull ; the eye on the left side, the hinder portion of the upper jaw on the right, and the floor of the auditory capsules of both sides, were dissected away. The VH cranial, i spinal, and sympathetic nerves are all shaded darkly, x 2. FIG. III. The cranial nerves, irrespective of those connected with the olfactory, visual, and auditory organs, together with the first five spinal nerves, and sufficient of the sympathetic to show the origin of the splanchnic nerve. The whole integument covering the head was removed, together with the eye and hinder portion of the upper jaw with its associated parts ; the left arm and shoulder-girdle were also removed. The body-cavity and the cisterna-magna were both opened up and the spinal nerves n to v turned forwards, to render clear the relations of the sympathetic. The vii cranial and sympathetic nerves are tinted as in Fig. II., and all the spinal nerves are drawn in black, * 2. FIG. IV. The leading nerves of the hind limb, seen from the dorsal aspect. The gastrocnemius, peroneus, and tibialis-auticus muscles have each been reflected, and those of the upper segment of the limb pulled apart, sufficiently to display the nerves drawn. Nat. size. FIG. V. A transverse section, taken immediately behind the exit of the second spinal nerve, to show the relations of the nerve roots and investing membranes, x 6. FIG. YI. The brain, seen from above in situ, before the removal of the pia rnater. * This is sMyn in Fig, VIII, 18 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. VII. Ventral aspect of the same, after removal from the hody.* FIG. VIII. The same,- seen from the left side. The origiu of the fourth cranial nerve is shown. FIG. IX. A dissection of the same from ahove, to show the ventricles. The lateral and optic ventricles have been exposed on the right side, and the median portion of the cerebellum removed. On the left side the whole system of cavities has been laid bare to the level of the foramen of Monro, in order to show the relationships existing between the axial and lateral portions of the brain. FIG. X. The lateral and optic ventricles, exposed from the left side. FIG. XI. Vertical longitudinal section of the entire brain, cut a little to one side of the middle line. Figs. VI. to XI. were drawn from brains preserved in alcohol. All x 3. The stippled surfaces represent cut edges. It is doubtful if the parts lettered ol. really represent the olfactory lobes, and the morphology of the nervous tract connecting them has yet to be ascertained. It is also a question if the body here termed pineal gland,, is the strict homologue of that of other vertebrates. The latest researches in this direction are those of Osborne (1?A). FIG. XII. The right olfactory sac, opened up from without, along the line a, b of Fig. XIII. The elevation in its floor overlies the vomer, and the forward growth from the lower lip of the anterior nostril is supported by the aliuasal cartilage. (n.p. 1 Fig. VIII., PI. IV.) x 4. FIGS. XIII., XIV., XV. Three figures of the eye-muscles and their nerves, the nictitating membrane, and Harderian gland. All x 2j. XIII. Dorsal view. The whole integument covering the head was removed, and the superior-rectus of the left side reflected. XIV. Ventral view. The mucous membrane of the roof of the mouth, and the levator-bulbi muscle of the right side, were removed. A portion of the auditory capsule has also been dissected away,, to expose the 6th nerve. XV. The same ; the inferior-oblique and recti muscles, and, on the left side, the outer portion of the face, have all been removed. FIG. XVI. The eye, seen from without, in the living animal. FIG. XVII. Section of the left eye and eyelids, taken through the plane of the optic nerve. * The pituitary body is not nnfreqnently produced into a pair of Literal expansions, thus becoming trilobed. THE FRUG. 1!) FIG. XVIII. 'The outer half of an eye, bisected at right angles to the plaue of the optic nerve. FIG. XIX. The inner half of the same. In both figures the internal surface is drawn. All * 3^. FIG. XX. Transverse section of the head, immediately behind the occiput, especially designed to show the relations of the auditory organ. On the left side all structures, excluding the post auditory cranial nerves, have been removed to the level of the columella auris and hind wall of the skull ; on the right the auditory capsule has been opened up to the level of the vmth cranial nerve. x 3. FIG. XXI. The menibrana tyrnpani, seen from without. The dotted lines indicate the course of the mucous membrane lining the Eustachian recess, and in both this and the preceding figure, the tympanic annulus is indicated in black, x 3. FIG. XXII. The membranous labyrinth of the left side, seen from without, after removal from the body. Holding the auditory capsule between the finger and thumb, the bone was sliced away piecemeal with a small scalpel. x 6. FIG. XXIII. The same, seen from within, a portion of the auditory nerve having been removed with it. x 6. The structural details of this organ have recently been fully worked out by Ketzius, in his classical monograph, " Das Gehororgan der Wirbelthiere," vol. i., Stockholm, 1881. Figures reproduced in Wiedersheim and Ecker (2 a.c. Anterior commissure. am'. Ampulla of the anterior semicircular canal. am". Ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal. am'". Ampulla of the horizontal semicircular canal. uij.c. Anterior (aqueous) chamber. ai/.s. Aqueduct of Sylvius (Iter). a.s.c. Anterior-vertical semicircular canal. at. First vertebra. a.tij. Annulus tympanicus. ait. Auditory capsule. Brachial plexus. b.s. Brachial enlargement, c. Cornea, c'. Commisa^e between 7th and 9th cranial nerves. c". Commissure between palatine and maxillary nerves. c.ti. Columella auris. el. Cerebellum. cil. Occipital condyle (tig. III. cardiac nerve). cli. Optic chiasma. c.h. Cerebral hemisphere. did. Choroid. ej. Conjunctiva. Choroid plexus. c.ty. Chorda tympani. (I. in. Dura mater. du. Duodenum. e.l. Upper eyelid. el'. Lower eyelid. e.l.t. Tendon of the same. 20 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. <'.)i. External nostril. <.;. External rectus. an. Eustachian recess. <'.(-.(/. Extensor digitorum muscle. J'H/. Crural nerve. ./'). Foramen of Monro. /.tin. Filum terminale. ;/. Gastrocnemius. Ganglion of nerve-root. l>. Optic lobe op'. Ventricle of the same. j>. Periosteum. /. Pancreas. ILC. Posterior commissure. /ic. Poroneus muscle. p.'jl. " Pineal gland." /'/. Palatine nerve. ]i.m. Pia mater. l>.n. Peroneal nerve. ji.s.i-. Posterior-vertical semicircular canal. jit. Pterygoid muscle. I' Pituitary body. jud. Pulmonary branch of vagus. r. Ifctiua. Retractor bulbi muscle. r.d. Dorsal ramus of glosso-pharyngeal nerve. r.d'. Dorsal ramus of vagus. *. Saeculus. sc. Sciatic nerve. scl. Sclerotic. s.wb. Semimembranosus. s.ub. Superior oblique. l>.n. Splanchnic nerve. s.r. Superior rectus. st. Stomach. xtji. Stapes. .si/. 8 . Third ventricle. 4 . Fourth ventricle. co. Vomer. /. to JV. Cranial nerves I. to X. 1 to 10. Spinal nerves 1 to 10. PLATE VI. .Pj .Hciwc THE FROG. PLATE VI. THE FBOG. GENEBAL HISTOLOGY (see Appendix G). FIG. I. Ciliated epithelium. Scraped from the roof of the mouth of a recently killed frog. Normal salt solution, afterwards stained with eosin. D. 3. FIG. II. Columnar epithelium. Scraped from the lining membrane of the small intestine. Treated as for Fig. I., D. 3. The four cells to the left retained their natural relationships, and in connection with those numbered i and ii, the mucin secretion is indicated; ii is drawn in the act of discharging the same. FIG. III. A portion of the Frog's mesentery, examined in water after two hours' exposure to the sun's rays in silver nitrate solution D. 2. FIG. IV. i. A small piece of interrnuscular connective tissue. Spirit material, stained with borax carmine. If no white fibres are readily visible, a piece of tendon should be teased up. ii. Pigment cells (of the mesentery) in various stages of development. D. 4. FIG. V. Hyaline cartilage. i. Thinnest part of the xiphisternum, after removal of its fibrous investment. Fresh, D.2. ii. One group of cells of the above, more highly magnified. F. 4. The nucleus of the uppermost cell has divided, prior to the division of the cell itself. FIG. VI. The fat-cell. i. Section of the corpus adiposum. Alcohol and borax carmine. F. 3. ii. Cells of the above, teased up fresh. Stained with eosin. D. 3. iii. A ripe fat-cell. The fat-drops have united to form one large globule. For an account of the morphology of the corpus adiposum see Mai-shall (16) and Bourne (3). FIG. VII. The blood, examined immediately after death. D. 4. i. Three phases in the life of the same corpuscle, at successive intervals of two minutes each. ii. Phases in the union of two corpuscles. iii. A late stage in the fission of a white corpuscle. F. 3. At iv. are a number of red corpuscles seen on end. FIG. VIII. Transverse section of the spinal cord. On the right side the pia mater is shown, and more especially the large multipolar nerve-cells of the anterior cornu. A. 3. Chromic Acid. Alcohol. Borax carmine. 22 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. IX. Transverse section across the sciatic nerve. Alcohol and luematoxyliu. A. 3. The sheath, p.n., is often laden with fat. FIG. X. A small portion of one of the nerve-bundles of Fig. IX. highly magnified. F. 3. FIG. XI. A series of preparations to show the structure of the nerve-fibre, and the leading types of nerve-cells. i. A small portion of a nerve-fibre, teased up, and exposed to the action of 1 p.c- osmic acid for two hours. The segment between the two nodes of Kanvier figured, is seen to bear one nerve-corpuscle. D. 2. ii. An isolated fibre from a nerve-trunk, examined immediately after death. The lower portion of the preparation is drawn after treatment with 1 p.c. osmic acid. F. 4. iii. A small portion of a dead nerve-fibre similar to the above. F. 4. iv. A unipolar nerve-cell from the ganglion of a spinal nerve. Teased fresh in eosin. D. 3. These cells vary very much in size ; that drawn was a small one. v. A bipolar nerve-cell from a sympathetic ganglion. Teased fresh in eosiii. F. 2. vi. A multipolar nerve-cell from the anterior cornu of the spinal cord (* of Fig. VIII.). This preparation shows the continuation of the nerve-cell into an axis-fibre, and was obtained by teasing up a portion of an anterior nerve-root, isolated together with a small piece of the grey matter of the cord. Fresh, stained eosin. D. 3. vii. One of the smaller fusiform nerve-cells from the grey matter of the spirnil cord. Teased fresh. Eosin. D. 4. In Figs. IV. and V. the sheath is indicated by a faint line. FIG. XII. Transverse section of the retina. Picric acid. Alcohol. Borax carmine. F. 3. The parts shaded darkly are those which stain deepest. The cells, n.o., usually but two rows deep, may sometimes be three deep as here figured. FIG. XIII. Transverse section across the middle of the belly of a small muscle of the hind limb. For purposes of comparison with the nerve, the section drawn was of the same absolute size as that of the nerve-trunk, Fig. IX. Alcohol and borax carmine. A. 3. The ingrowths of the perimysium marked * are very delicate, but they may be readily traced as they are generally pigment-laden, FIG. XIV. One fibre of the above muscle-section, more highly magnified. Drawn to the same scale as the nerve-fibres in Fig. X. FIG. XV. Two preparations of striped muscular fibre. i. A fresh fibre one portion of which has been ruptured, rendering clear the so-called sarcolemma. D. 3. THE FROG. 23 The muscle-corpuscles are drawn as seen after treatment with 1 p.c. acetic acid and magenta ; they can, however, be readily observed in the fresh fibre. ii. A small portion of a similar fibre, examined fresh in normal salt-solution. The so-called fibrils, fb, were obtained by subsequent teasing-up after death.* F. 4. FIG. XVI. Unstriped muscular fibre. Obtained by teasing up a small piece of intestine, after maceration for some days in Miiller's fluid. Borax carmine. D. 4. These cells hang together very tenaciously, and the left-hand portion of the figure represents a small piece of the entire muscular wall of the above-named viscus, the two layers of which overlie each other as in life. Appearances of this kind often constitute serious sources of error. FIG. XVII. Transverse section near the middle of the shaft of the femur. Decalcified with ^ p.c. chromic acid. Alcohol and borax carmine. A. 2. FIG. XVIII. A small portion of the above, more highly magnified. The middle lamella, hn, separates the periosteal bone from that formed by the marrow ; the direction of growth of these is indicated by arrows. D. 3. FIG. XIX. Two adjacent bone-corpuscles, from the thinnest portion of the above section, drawn under Gundlaeh's -^th immersion. FIG. XX. An entire transverse-section of the ileum ; the muscular and epitheloid layers are shaded darkly. FIG. XXI. A small portion of the same, more highly magnified. Alcohol and borax carmine. D. 3. No note is taken of the mucous drops borne by the epitheloid cells (the goblet-cells of histologists. See Fig. II., i. and ii.) FIG. XXII. Section of a small poi-tion of the liver. Alcohol and borax carmine. D. 3. The bile-capillaries were distended by gently squeezing the biliary fluid back into them from the gall-bladder, the bile-duct being first ligatured. The isolated cells, drawn under F. 3, were teased out from the fresh liver in salt solution. f The most reliable preparations of striped muscle are to be obtained by the use of the freezing-microtome. The (rolding Bird or Pritchard Machines can be recommended. The most recent reliable accounts of the modern aspects of the vexed muscle-striation question are those of Kanvier (19), and Rutherford (H4). The system of nomenclature here employed in connection with nerve, muRcle, and bone, is Huxley 'p. 24 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. XXIII. Three figures illustrating the structure of the kidney. i. Portion of a section. Alcohol and borax carmine. D. 4. The blood-vessels indicated are generally full of corpuscles not here drawn. ii. The ventral surface of a portion of the right kidney after removal of the peritoneum. Slightly magnified. The small oscula3 represent the apertures of communication (uephrostomes) between the uriniferous tubules and the body-cavity. For details see Spengel (22). iii. A glomerulus from a section of the kidney injected from the dorsal aorta. See Appendix D. Alcohol. D. S. FIG. XXIV. Transverse section of skin. Alcohol and borax carmine. D. 3. Of the two cutaneous glands figured, the left hand one is represented en face. FIG. XXV. Two young ovicells with their investing follicular epithelium. Alcohol and borax carmine. D. 2. i. Optical section, ii. Surface view. The young ovicells such as are here figured, may be easily identified by the absence of that pigment so characteristic of the ripe ovum (see PI. VI ) They are very small and quite white, and do not always completely fill the follicle as did the one drawn in section above. For figure of a section of the Frog's ovary see Marshall (16). Fig. XXVI. Spermatozoa, obtained by teasing up a small portion of the testis. The head is often carried as at *, thus giving rise to very deceptive appearances. Of the spermatozoan aggregates figured, that of the left side had attached to it a cell of the germinal epithelium. See Bloornfield (1). a. Artery. a. i- . Axis fibre. b.m. Muscle bundle (fasciculus). b.n. Nerve bundle. b.v. Blood vessels. c. Cones. c.a. Anterior cornu. c.b. Bile capillaries. c.B. Bowman's capsule. e.c. Canalis centralis. c.ep. Ciliated epithelium of t)ic same. c7. Cilia. .cp. White corpuscles, Ci>\ .Red corpuscles, c.p. P cp.b. E cp.c. C cp.m. IV cp.n. Is cp.t. C c.v. I d. I d.m. IV d.p. P ame, . Epithelium. /. Flagellum. fb. So-called fibrils. f.d. Fat drops. /.o. Periosteum. p.o'. Osteogenic layer of the same. ps. Pseudopodium. r. Rods. r.e. Efferent renal vessels. sc. Sarcolemma. se. Serous (peritoneal) layer. sh. Primitive sheath. sh'. Medullary sheath. up. Processus spiralis. th. Uriniferous tubule. tb'. Ciliated segment of the above. ur. Ureter. v. Vein. v.c. Vascular connective tissue. PLATE VII. -.-lifli. t Nennnua SCo. i. THE FROG. 27 PLATE VII. THE FKOG. EMBRYOLOGY AND LARVAL METAMORPHOSES. FIG. I. The segmenting ovum, on the appearance of the first cleavage farrow. FIG. I 11 .* Section of the same, at right angles to the furrow. FIG. II. The same, on the appearance of the second furrow, viewed slightly from above. FIG. II a . The above, seen from beneath. FIG. III. The same, on the appearance of the third first horizontal furrow. FIG. III" 1 . The same, seen from above. FIG. IIP*. Longitudinal section of the same. FIGS. IV". and IV'. Two phases in the segmentation of the ovum, on the appearance of the fourth and fifth furrows. FIG. V,* Longitudinal vertical section, at a slightly later stage than the above. FIG. VI.- A later stage. The upper pigmented pole is seen to be dividing more rapidly than the lower. FIG. VII. A still later phase in the same. FIG. VII ft . Longitudinal vertical section of Fig. VI F. FIG. VIII. The segmenting ovum, at the blastopore stnge. FIG. VIII a . Longitudinal vertical section of the same. (Figs. VII". and VHP. x 10. All the others x 5.) Eauber (20) has recently made an elaborate study of the details of the early segmenta- tion of the Frog's ovum. FIG. IX. Surface view at a stage somewhat later than Fig. VIII. The medullary folds are seen to be approximating at one point ; they finally meet there and continue to close in opposite directions, as indicated by the arrows, x 10. FIG. X. The young tadpole, at the first appearance of visceral arches. Dorsal view. ' The nuclei of these figures are diagrammatic ; they are only occasionally visible in cells so large. 28 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. X ft . The same, from the left side. FIG. X h . The anterior end of the above, ventral view. FIG. XI. The tadpole, at the first appearance of external gills, body segments and the organs of the higher senses. The animal is at this period still enclosed within the egg-membranes, the tail being curved to one side as indicated. FIG. XP. The head of the same, ventral view. FIG. XII. The tadpole, on the assumption of the free swimming stage. The external gills are at their maximum. Dorsal view. FIG. XTI a . The head of the same seen from beneath. FIG. XII 1 '. The root of the tail of the same, ventral view. FIG. XIII. The head of a tadpole, on the appearance of the opercular fold, seen from the left side. FIG. XIV. The tadpole's head, during the period at which external and internal gills coexist. Ventral view. FIG. XIV a . The same, the branchial chamber being opened up on the right side. FIG. XV. The tadpole, at the period in which the last remnants of suckers and first traces of hind limbs are visible. Ventral view. FIG. XV a . The same. Both branchial chamber and body-cavity having been opened up, showing that internal gills and lungs coexist. FIG. XVI. A late stage of the frog's tadpole. Both fore and hind limbs are visible, the former still buried up beneath the larval integument. Ventral view. FIG. XVII- The late larva, on the assumption of a prehensile-mouthed exclusively air-breathing stage. The tail was partly absorbed. Seen from the left side. (Figs. X. to XVII. all x 5.) FIG. XVIII. Longitudinal vertical section of the embryo, at a stage slightly earlier than that of Fig. X. x 10. FIG. XIX. A similar section of a later tadpole.* From nature, after Goette (8). x 10. * The blastopore is stated bj- Spencer (Zwil, ^n^,, February 23rd, 1885) to persist as the apus. THE FROG. 29 Fig. XX. Transverse section of Fig. IX., to show the mode of origin of the nervous axis. D. 2. FIG. XXI. Transverse section, taken across the middle of Fig. XI. Owing to the tendency of the body-wall to shrink under the reaction of reagents, the body-cavity, b.c., rarely appears as spacious as it is here figured. On the left side a slightly earlier stage in the development of the prorenal duct, re, is represented, than would be seen at this period. See Furbringer (7), and Sedgwick (21). D. 2. FIG. XXII. The anterior portion of a section, through the plane i. ii. of Fig. XI., showing the origin of the visceral clefts and arches, and of the external gills. The right half of the figure indicates, in outline, the same parts at a later stage ; those clefts which open up are thus represented, and the opercular fold and a third external gill which had by this period come into existence, are both indicated by dotted lines. D. 2. The surfaces marked thus * are those which eventually bear the internal gills. FIG. XXIII. A section across the plane iii. iv. of Fig. XI., to show the mode of origin of the essential parts of the eye, taken as a type of the higher sense organs. The right half of the figure illustrates the same at a later stage, after the lens has lost all connection with the epiderma. D. 2. Note. Only the initial stages in the segmentation of the ovum are here figured, and the central row of drawings, connected together by a longitudinal line, represents sections through the same plane of a progressive series. Except in Fig. IX., the arrows follow the direction of growth of the cells at the point indicated. al. Archenteron (midgut). a/'. Postanal gut. an. Aorta. a/>. Epiblast. /./. Fore limb. fr. Fronto-uasal process. h. Heart. hj. Horny jaw. h.l Hind limb. lip. Hepatic diverticulum. liy. Hyoid arch. /'. Coiled intestine. /, Crystalline lens. so ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. /./. Yolk-hearing lower-layer cells. >il. Mandihular arch. m.f. Medullary fold. .//. Medullary groove. ii'. />. Muscle plate. ma. Undifferentiated mesoblast. na. Nasal involution (anterior nostril). it.ii. Neural (cerebro-spinal) axis. lie. Nucleus. n.f. Neural canal. n.e. Nenrenteric canal. ce. (Esophagus. op. Optic cup (retina). op'. Optic stalk (optic nerve). prt. Proctodreura. //'/'. Aperture of involution of the same (cloacnl aperture). }il. Pulmonary sue (lung). /iji. Oral papillfe. iv. Prorenal Isegmental) duct. t. Head suckers. K'l. Stomodfenm. ml'. Aperture of involution of the same (oral aperture). KIII. Somatic mesohlast. */'. Splanchnic mesoblast. tij. Tympano Eustachian cleft. tii' . Membrana tympani. r.r. Posterior cardinal vein. V THE C II A Y F 1 S H PLATES VIII. to XI THE CRAYFISH. PLATES VIII. TO X. THE CRAYFISH. a. Anus. a' Anal valve. a.a. Antennary artery. ali. Abductor muscle. ali. 1-0. Abdominal appendages, 1-C. Arthrobranchia, external set.' ' . Arthrobranchia, internal set. aliil. Abdomen. (i.e. Alary muscles. ml. Adductor muscle. ad.m. Adductor muscle of mandible. n.y. Anterior gastric muscle. a.h. Auditory hair. al. Archenteron. a.m. Articular membrane. amh. Ambulatory legs. an. Antennary muscles. cm'. Antennule. an". Antenna. a. p. Abdominal papilla. ar. Articular facet. an. Auditory sac. MI'. External aperture of the same. lie. Branchiostegite. li.c. Branchio-cardiac trunks. Branchial chamber. l>.d. " Bile-duct." lil. Blastopore. 1: Gill. l>r.a. Afferent branchial vessel. ln:c. Branchio-cardiac groove. lir.e. Efferent branchial vessel. tot. Basipodite. c. Carapace. c.a. Anterior transverse nerve-commissure. Annulate corpuscle. cd. Cardiac chamber. cd'. Dorsal cardiac ossicle. riJ". Median cardiac ossicle. cd.l. Lateral cardiac ossicle. c.i). Constrictor muscles of stomach, ch. Chela. c.L c.m. en. ece. r.nv. ep. .p. C.},'. e.r. rt'. et". cv-it- cts. c.r.s. dr. e. eh. ee.o. en. e.n.o. e.o. ep. e.n. e.xt. ex. tx.a. f.e. f.f>- f.a. /.*. a- (j.a. i/.ali. 1-20. Longitudinal nerve-commissure. Muscles of chela (basal joint of). Cornea. Coecum. Ovoid corpuscle. Carpopodite. Cardio-pyloric muscle. Posterior transverse nerve-commissuro. Crystalline rods. Cuticular lining of fore gut. Cuticular lining of hind gut. Cervical groove. Coxopodite. Coxopoditic setse. Dactylopodite. Depressor muscles of stomach. Dilator muscles of stomuch. Epistoma. Epiblast. Ectostracum. Endopodite. Endostracum. Epiostracum. Epipodite. Endopleurite. Epimeron. Eyestalk. Endosternite. Exopodite. Extensor abdominis muscle. Follicular epithelium of ovisac. Fore gut. Flexor abdominis muscle. Fatty connective tissue. Gastrolith. Genital aperture. Abdominal ganglia. Cerebral ganglion. Green gland, aperture of. Subo3sophageal ganglion. Ganglia 1-20. Optic ganglion. 34 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. i>. Muscles of eye-stalk. in. I'. Mandibular palp. in. /i)>. Membrana propria. mt, Metastoma. m.t. Median tooth. m.r 1-2. Maxillae 1 and 2. mxp 1-8 Maxillipedes 1 to 8. Auditory nerve. tic. Nucleus. .//. Ganglionic nerves. n.iij, Interganglionic nerves. 'it.n/i. Optic nerve. n.v'. Anterior visceral nerve. 11. r". Posterior visceral nerve. i).r. Ovicell. <>.t. Otoliths. or'. Ovary, anterior lobe. or". Ovary, posterior lobe. p. Pericardial sinus. l>.li. Pleurobranchia. p.b'. Rudimentary pleurobranchia. pc. Ferment cells. pc'. Secretionary product of the same. p.c. Procephalic process. Pore canals. 1>.ij, Posterior gastric muscles. }il. Pleuron. pr. Propodite. pt. Protopodite. pi/. Pyloric chamber. pi/'. Dorsal pyloric ossicle. py". Median pyloric ossicle. py.l. Lateral pyloric ossicle. r. Rectum. re. Green gland. re,'. Vestibule of the same. . Stomach. .f.a. Superior abdominal artery. se. Setae. xif. Scaphognathite. x..i. Sternal sinus. s..s-//. Striated spindle. nt. Sternal artery. at 1-20. Sterna 1 to 20. sir. Swimmerets. t. Telson. t.f. Tail fin. in. I'. Longitudinal muscles of alimentary canal. HI.I: Radiating fibres of mesentery. m.s. Mesenteric septum. n.. Circumneural arcade. nc. Nucleus. no'. Corpuscles of red blood. nc' . . Heads (nuclei) of developing spermatozoa. n. e. Nerve-cells. /(.;/. Ganglionic nerves. luterganglionie nerves. n. I. Lateral neural vessel. n.s. Supraneural vessel. n.s'. Subneural vessel. oil. Oviduct. od'. Internal aperture of the same. od". External aperture of the same. IB. Oesophagus. '. Crop. n:.y. Gisophageal (calciferous) glands. ix.g'. Apertures of the same. IK. I. Lateral oesophageal blood-vessel. of. Ovary. uc'. Young ova. 01". Ripe ovum. I*. Peritoneal membrane. . 2>.d. Dorsal porf. pg. Pigment. lih. Pharynx. ph'. Muscles of the same. ph". Sucker-like fold of pharynx. p.m. Protractor muscles of seta2. p.s. Prostomiurn. pr.s. Peristomium. Retractor muscles of setse. *.' Functional seta. *''. Follicle, bearing young setse. sy. Segmental organ. sy'. Its thin-walled segment. sy". Its thick-walled segment. sy"'. Its muscular segment sy.e. External aperture of segmental organ. \ ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. f.i. Internal aperture of segmental organ. sli. Integumentary sheath of seta. sh'. Cuticular sheath of seta. s.l. Lateral setae. KIII. Semitic constriction. .n. Muscular sheath of nervous system. *.'. Tubular fibres of the same. *p. Sperinathecse. up'. Apertures of the same. s.s. Sac of setee. t.v. Ventral setw. lj>. ts. v.d. v.d'. v.d". v.d'". v.s. zn. Typhlobole. Testis. Vas deferens. Internal aperture (mouth or ciliated rosette) of the same. External aperture of the same. Coiled loop of the same. VesiculiB seminales. Zonitic constrictions. 1. to 86. Body segments 1 to 30. BLAT"E XL. ?.j f t y r- THE EARTHWORM. 49 PLATE XI. THE EAKTHWOEM. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES. THE EXCRETORY ORGAN, ETC. pio. I. Dorsal view of the anterior end of the body of a sexually mature worm. The zonitic markings, zn., may often be more than one in number for each segment, especially in the generative region.* FIG. II. Ventral view of a portion of the same. FIG. III. Ventral view of the terminal segments of the same, the anus slightly upturned. Figs. I. to III., all x 2. FIG. IV. Ventral view of the first seventeen segments, after removal of the cuticle ; a portion of the integument of the left side has been pinned out, to show the openings of the spermathecae. The apertures of the segrnental organs are not indicated. (Compare Fig. V., Plate XII.) x 3. FIG. V. The same, seen from the left side. Either spermatheca may open by two apertures, as did the hinder one in the specimen figured, x 2. FIG. VI. Two setse, drawn to the same scale. The right hand one is from the genital region, and the left from a postgenital segment. : Indicates an axial differentiation. A. 3. FIG. VII. A small portion of the cuticle, with the cuticular sheath of a seta. * These refractive dots appear to be due to the presence of enclosures. D. 3. FIG. VIII. The alimentary canal exposed from the dorsal aspect, its roof having been subsequently removed on the right side, x 2^. The two hinder pairs of calciferous glands may often be absent, and the mesenteric septa in the crop-gizzard region are subject to variation, t * In this and the following plate, the numbers of important segments are indicated wherever desirable in small Arabic numerals. f The brownish-yellow tissue, usually termed liver, has no direct connection with the lumen of the alimentary canal. It is always associated very largely with the blood-vessels, and is in all probability a direct derivative of their walls. It appears to be active in the production of some constituent of the blood, similarly to that tissue described by Lankester in the Leeches as vaxifacticr. See Lankester " On the Vasifactive and Connective Tissues of the Medicinal Leech," Q. J. M. S., vol. xx., 1880. Also papers by Weldon on the Vertebrate Kidney and Supra-renal bodies, the same journal, vols. xxiv. and xxv. I have observed, in cells of the alimentary epithelium teased up shortly after death, the presence of ini/estfil particles of decomposing vegetable matter. In the absence of true digestive glands, and of any knowledge of the physiology of alimentation in this animal, the probability of an intracellular digestion of this solidly ingested food material must not he overlooked. (Compare Hydra, PI, xvii,, fig. v., et se J . Its cut edge. d. Dart sac. d'. Valves of the same. d". Spiculum amoris. Depressor muscles. ep. Epiblast. /. Foot. fl. Flagellum. ij.ti. Genital aperture. ;/.. Labial nerve. I.m. Leva tor muscle. 1.x. Lateral blood sinus. l.t. Lateral (racbidian) teeth. li: So-called liver. la'. Liver, right lobe. Ic". Liver, left lobe. Mi. Mouth. Accessory glands. ms. Mesosoma. m.t. Median teeth (uucini). nc. Nucleus. n.c. Nerve collar. n.t. Nerve to tentacle. n.t'. Nerve to optic tentacle. o.c. Odontophoral cartilage. od. Oviduct. . (Esophagus. op. Visual organ. op'. Optic nerve. ot. Otolithic mass. p. Peritreme. pc. Pericardium. I'll. Pedal ganglion. pd'. Pedal nerves. p.yl. Pedal gland. pi. Pulmonary sac. lit'. Pulmonary chamber. pi". Respiratory aperture. /il.m. Pallial muscle. p.m. Protractor muscle. pn. Penis. p.n. Pallial nerve. 56 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY pr. Prostate. p.s. So-called Parieto-splanclmic ganglion. p.v. Afferent pulmonary vessels. p.v'. Efferent pulmonary vessels. r. Rectum. r'. Cut edge of the same. ;>/. Radula. rd'. Sac of the radula. re. Renal organ. re*. Renal duct. re". Renal aperture. r.m. Columellar (retractor) muscles. r.m '. Retractor pedis muscle. r.m". Retractor muscle of buccal mass. r./>. Retractor muscle of penis. r.t. Retractor muscle of tentacle. r.t). Afferent renal vessels. r.w'. Efferent renal vessels. s. Shell. '. Its cut edge. sd. Stomodasum. s.i/. Shell gland. xl. Salivary gland. */'. Salivary duct. si". Aperture of the same. s. n. Nerves to the same. s/i. Spormatheca. st. Stomach. t. So-called olfactory tentacle. t'. Optic tentacle. t.a. Tentacular artery. t/ilt. Intestinal valve. v. Subteutacular lobe (modified remnant of velum). For Plate XIII., ventricle. fa. Auriculo-ventricular valves, r.c. Blood sinus of visceral sac. r.c.p. Circulus venosus puhnouis. v.d. Vas deferens. vy. Vagina. v.n. Visceral nerve, c.s. Visceral sac. .*'. Its cut edge. XIII. THE SNAIL. 57 PLATE XIII. THE SNAIL (Helix aspersa). EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. THE SHELL. THE ALIJIENTAEY, CIRCULATORY, RESPIRATORY, AND EXCRETORY ORGANS. FIG. I. The living animal, from the right side. FIG. II. The same, from the front. FIG. III. The shell, in median longitudinal section through the columellar axis. The attached ends of the great retractor muscles were left. FIG. IV. The hybernaculum (hypophragm), after removal from the shell. (Figs. I. to IV. all nat. size.) FIG. V.--The alimentary canal, with its appended glands and associated muscles, from the right side. On cutting open the pulmonary chamber, dissecting out the rectum and removing the generative organs and nervous system, the parts fall naturally into the positions here figured. The stomach and portions of the bile-ducts and intestine have been opened up. x 2. The so-called liver of the gasteropod is stated by Barfurth (56) to perform, among other functions, those of a hepato-pancreas. (Compare Astacus, Plate IX., Fig. VI.) FIG. VI. The horny jaw, viewed from the front in situ, * 3. FIG. VII. Median longitudinal section of the buccal mass and pedal gland, from the right side, x 4. Sochaczewer (80) claims for the above gland an olfactory function. FIG. VIII. Transverse section across the sac of the radula. x 8. FIG. IX. A portion of the radula, magnified. The middle row of teeth has been stippled. A. 2. FIGS. X. and XI. The median and first lateral tooth of the right side, in situ. FIG. XII. One of the outer lateral teeth of the same side. D. 2. FIG. XIII. Dissection to show the heart, pericardium, and the excretory organ. The pulmonary sac was slit open in a line with the respiratory aperture, and the outer wall of the excretoiy organ removed, to show its internal structure. Both the pericardium and he^irt were opened up. x 2. 8 58 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. The excretory groove, gr., cut across, lies in life altogether to the left of the respirator orifice. The reno-pericardial communication is not figured ; it is very small, and differs in no important respect from that drawn and described by Niisslin (76) for Helix pomatia. FIG. XIV. Obliquely transverse section through the whole body and shell, taken just in front of the columella. Spirit preparation. * 3. FIG. XV. Dissection from the right side, after injection from the large pulmonary vein, p.v .', to show the chief arteries. The visceral sac and body-wall of the right side were dissected away in toto ; the retractor muscles, genital ducts, and rectum were all in part removed, as shown by their cut ends drawn. The rectum was turned back, and the heart and right lobe of the liver a little displaced. All else is figured in situ, x 2. The artery running longitudinally along the foot overlies the pedal gland. FIG. XVI. Dissection, after injection, to show the leading venous sinuses, together with the respiratory and renal capillary systems. The arteries were injected from the pulmonary vein (afferent pulmonary vessel), p.v.', and the venous lacuna?, pulmonary circulus, and afferent pulmonary vessels from the point marked *. The pulmonary sac was severed close alongside the rectum, in order to show the whole respiratory plexus in one view. x 2. The position of the lateral pedal sinus, l.s., is indicated in life by a light band which runs along the side of the foot. On withdrawal of the body into the shell this sinus becomes greatly distended by displacement of the perivisceral fluid, and I know of no more satisfac- tory means of demonstrating a lacunar blood system, than that afforded by injection from this receptacle. WCB ill suduat M P THE SNAIL. 59 PLATE XIV. THE SNAIL. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS. THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND THE GASTEROPOD LARVA. FIG. I. Dissection to show the leading ganglia and nerves, from the right side. The lung-sac was opened up, cutting along the edge of the rectum, the rectum itself being next severed and reflected, as drawn. The body-wall was then removed on the right side from the head to the albumen gland, and along with it the tentacles, a good portion of the foot and the greater part of the genital apparatus, x 2. FIG. II. Dissection from above, to show some of the important nerves, and incidentally the tentacular and other retractor muscles. The pulmonary sac and body cavity were opened up from above by a clean cut, passing to the right side of the excretory organ, and the two halves were reflected. The tentacles of the left side were cut open. The crop, retractor muscle of the buccal mass, and the genital apparatus, were all for the most part removed, their cut ends being drawn, x 2. In both the above figures the whole nervous system is drawn in deep black. The sheath of the nerve-collar, having been for the most part removed, is not indicated. FIG. III. The circumoasophageal nerve-collar, after removal from the body, seen from behind, x 3. The dotted lines indicate the limits of its sheath. The so-called parieto-splanchnic ganglia, p.s., represent those known as visceral, pleural, and abdominal, in allied forms. Spengel (81) has recently instituted an elaborate inquiry into the whole question of their morphology. FIG. IV. An enlarged view of the tentacles of Fig. II., to show their nerves, ganglia, and the visual organ, in situ.f x 6. FIG. V. The otocyst, seen in situ. D. 3. FIG. VI. The generative apparatus, after removal from the body. The vestibule, cl., and adjacent parts have been opened up, at * is exposed the fold which incompletely subdivides the lower part of the hermaphrodite duct, x 2. The ovotestis is best got at by removing it together with the right lobe of the liver, and then dissecting it out carefully. (Compare Figs. V. and XV., Plate XIII.) t The condition of the nervous structures lodged within the optic tentacle clearly points to the conclusion that it performs a double function. See W. Flemming, " Untersuchungen uber Sinnerepithelien der Mollusken," Archv. Mk. Anat, vol. vi., 1870. 60 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. VII. The dart-sac in transverse section, x 2. Careful examination shows that the hlades of the dart are slightly twisted, so that it miist leave its sac in the fashion of a revolving gun-shot. FIG. VIII. The spermatozoa. F. 3. i. Two isolated spermatozoa. ii. A spermatozoan aggregate. iii. A group of immature spermatozooids. FIG. IX. Two ova, obtained, as were the above spermatozoa, by teasing up a small piece of the ovotestis in eosin solution. D. 3. FIG. X. The ovum of the Pond snail* (Lymnceus stagnalis) during segmentation, seen from beneath. D. 2. FIG. XI. Side-view of the same. FIG. XII. The same, at the gastrula stage, in optical section. D. 2. FIG. XIII. The early larva of the same. Surface view from the side. D. 2. FIG. XIV. The above in optical section. FIG. XV. A twelve days' embryo of the same, from the left side. D. 2. All from life, after treatment with 1 p.c. osmic acid. Figs. X. to XIII. after Lankester (72). The cilia are exaggerated. M * This type is chosen on account of the facility with which its larvae can be obtained. THE MUSSEL. PLATES XV., XVI. THE MUSSEL. 63 PLATES XV., XVI. THE MUSSEL. a. Anus. a.o. Anterior adductor muscle. * a.u'. Nerve to the same. Anterior aorta. at. Albuminous fluid. a.m. Adductor muscle. a./i. Posterior adductor muscle.* a.ji'. Nerve to the same. an'. Wight auricle. an". Left auricle. t>.tl. Bile-duct.'. Aperture of bile-duct. li.n. Branchial nerve. lit: Branchife. lir.n. Afferent branchial vesst 1 '. lir.a. Afferent branchial trunk. br.f. Efferent branchial vesse 1 . br.c' . Efferent branchial trunk. , In:/'. Left outer gill lamina. br.l". Left inner gill lamina. lnj. Byssus. hi/'. Byssus gland, c.c. Suprarcsophagcal commissure. r.. Cerebro-pedal commissure. <.//.. Cerebro-splanchnic commissure. 1 e.s. Exhalent siphon. /. Foot. (j.a. Genital aperture. ij.d. Genital duct. ij.ijl. Genital gland. //.. Germinal spots. ij.i: Germinal vesicle. i. Intestine. i.b.c. Ini'rabranchial chamber. i.s. Inhalent siphon. kb. Keber's organ. ly. Ligament. lp. Labial palps. lp'. Artery to the same. l/i". Nerve to tho same. Iv. "Liver." HI. Mouth. me. Micropyle. IIH. Nacreous layer. nc. Nucleus. ce. (Esophagus. JIM'. Right anterior pallial artery. JIM". Left posterior pallial artery. II.MI. Posterior aorta. Posterior aorta of right side. /i. an". Posterior aorta of left side. pc. Pericardium. jnl. Pedal ganglion. jid.a. Pedal branch of anterior aorta. //. Cells of embryonic mantle. jil'. llight pallial lobe. II./H. Pallial muscle.* I*. >i. Pallial nerve. po. Periostracum. //.//. Protractor pedis muscle.* pi: Prismatic layer. /i.s. So-called parieto-splanchuic ganglia. ji.r. Efferent pallial vessels. r. Rectum. ;'. Its cut edge. re. Glandular portion of excretory organ. re' . Nonglandular vestibule of excretory organ. re". Renal aperture (or stylo passed into the same). re.c. Interrenal aperture. re.ji. Reno-pericardial aperture. r.m'. Anterior retractor muscle.*". Posterior retractor muscle.* i\ in,'' 1 . Lesser retractor muscle.* r.v. Afferent renal vessel. r.v'. Efferent renal vessel. s. Valves of shell. '. Inturned edge of shell. s.b.c. Suprabranchial chamber. Note. The references marked thus, *, refer in Fig. III. to the crests of attachment of these muscles. ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. s.n. Siphonal nerve. at. Stomach. tc. Tactile organs of larva. ty. Typhlosole. u. Umbo. v. Ventricle. va'. Right auriculo-ventricular valve. va". Left auriculo-ventricular valve. v.c. Central blood sinus. v.m. Vitelline membrane. vs. Visceral branch of anterior aorta. PLATE XV. THE MUSSEL. 65 PLATE XV. THE FBESH-WATER MUSSEL. THE EXTERNAL CHABACTEBS AND THE SHELL. THE ALIMENTARY AND EXCRETORY ORGANS. THE HEART, ETC. FIG. I. The living animal drawn from the left side, as seen in a deep, laterally com- pressed glass vessel half filled with sand, the surface level of which is represented by a transverse line. The arrows indicate the course of the induced ciliary currents. FIG. IL The same, seen from behind.* FIG. III. The right valve, from within. If carefully dissected from the body under water, it will be seen that the superficial chitinous layer is continuous on the haemal side, between the points i. n., and also for the area marked s'., where it is turned in and reflected on to the pallial muscle. (Compare the transverse sections figured on Plate XVI.) FIG. IV. Dissection from the side, the left valve and pallial lobe alone removed. The cut edge of the mantle is specially shown, as it indicates the line of attachment of the gills and labial palps, and consequently that of demarcation between the supra and infra- branchial chambers. In the specimen figured the external gill lamina was fully distended with embryos. FIG. V. The same, dissected to the level of the alimentary canal ;f this, the pericar- dium, heart, and aortae, have all been opened up. The labial palps were cut down to the level of the middle line. In this figure the suprabranchral chamber, incompletely subdivided by the suspensory ligament of the branchiae, is also seen (compare Figs. VII. and VIII. of Plate XVI.) (Figs. I. to V. all nat. size.) FIG. VI. The excretory organ, dissected from the left side, shortly after death. The left half of the mantle-lobe was first removed as for Fig. IV., and after that the greater part of the outer, and a small portion of the outer wall of the inner gill laminae, as indicated by their cut ends drawn. The genital and excretory apertures being thus exposed, * The larger tentacles of the inhalent siphon are undoubtedly sensory, and I have witnessed the ejection of embryos through the pore marked *, first figured and described by Keber (70). Compare Figs. IV. and V. f If any difficulty is experienced in following the coils of the alimentary canal, it can bo overcome by first injecting with pluoter of Paris. This method should, however, be used with caution, as the parts are liable to be unnaturally distended. 9 66 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. the left half of the pericardium was removed, and the auricle of that side reflected. The excretory organ was then opened up from the side, and its contained excreta gently washed away. * 1. The fold seen emhracing the genital and excretory orifices is derived from the lower lip of the genital aperture. The mussel is at all times best dissected in its shell, but if otherwise, pins should be preferably passed through the adductor muscles. If, with the animal thus quite rigid, the above directions are closely followed, there can be no difficulty in following the relations of the excretory organ, provided it is clearly remembered that that organ is altogether outside and below the pericardium. (Compare Fig. VII. , and also Figs. VI. and VII. of Plate XVI.) FIG. VII. Dissection of the pericardium and excretory organ from above. The roof of the pericardium was cut away, the auricles in part removed, and the rectum reflected. On the left side the floor of the pericardium and the roof of the excretory vestibule, re', (confluent in life), have been removed ; the point at which this is most obvious indicates the interrenal aperture. The limits and relations of the organ of Keber are shown, and the anterior aorta has been opened up on the right side.* Nat. size. FIG. VIII. The heart in situ, laid open from above. The greater part of the roof of the ventricle and of the auricle on the left side have been removed, to the level of the auriculo- ventricular valve. * 3. The student must not be misguided by the apparent anomaly in the passage of the alimentary canal through the heart ; for be it remembered that in most animals, at one period or other of their existence, the two things are closely related. * I cannot satisfy myself that the supposed communications between the blood-vascular system and the pericardium first described by Keber (70) have any real existence. They appear to me to have been the products of undue pressure used in injecting, and my own observations are entirely in harmony with those of Cattie (63) and Lankester (74), and opposed to those of Griesbach (65). p J,ATB: ^ THE MUSSEL. 07 PLATE XVI. THE MUSSEL. ORGANS or CIRCULATION. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. THE EMBRYO, ETC. FIG. I. The arterial system, seen from the right side, after injection from the ventricle. With the exception of a small anterior portion marked *, the right pallial lobe has been removed, and with it the gills of that side. The pericardium was opened up, and the mesosoma removed to the level of the alimentary canal. Nat. size. FIG. II. The efferent pallial, efferent branchial and related vessels, seen from the left side after injection from the auricle. The efferent branchial trunks are drawn, as seen after removal of the mantle, and no note is taken of the extensive system of pallial sinuses connected with the trunk, br.e'. Nat. size. FIG. III. Dissection from the right side, to show the great veins in relation to the excretory organ. The mantle lobe was removed, and the external gill lamina opened up. The afferent branchial trunk and its branches, and the so-called vena cava were injected direct, after removal of the right auricle. For further details see Langer (71). Fleming (64) records some observations upon the blood corpuscles and lacunae of this animal, together with an ingenious method of injection. Nat. size. FIG. IV. Slightly diagrammatic representation of a transverse section across the middle pericardial region, after injection, x li. The channels shaded lightly, with the exception of that adjacent to the letter/., are those carrying the aerated blood, x 1|. FIG. V. Transverse section across A. of Fig. VI. of Plate XV., seen from the front, to show the relations of the adductor muscle to the valves, and of the labial palps to the mouth. FIG. VI. Transverse section across B. of the same, the excretory and genital ducts having been opened up on the left side. FIG. VII. Transverse section across C. of the same, passing through the auriculo- ventricular valves and the great aperture of communication between the supra and infra- branchial chambers. FIG. VIII. Transverse section across D. of the same. 68 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. IX. Oblique transverse section across B. of the same, to show the so-called liver, the main bile-ducts, and the relations of the lesser retractor muscles. The above sections were made from a fresh specimen, some few hours after death. All x li, FIG. X. The nervous system, dissected from the left side, only such additional parts being indicated as are concerned in ascertaining its course. The pallial lobe and gills were removed, the excretory organ of the left side was slit open, and its contents washed out. The cerebral ganglia having next been found, the body-wall, liver, and genital gland were in part removed as indicated cutting in a line with the tendon of the protractor pedis muscle, in order to expose the whole course of the cerebro-splanchnic commissure, c.p.s. Nat. size. The so-called parieto-splanchnic ganglia of the Lamellibrancli have been shown by Spengel (81) to represent the olfactory ganglia of other molluscs. FIG. XI. Oblique transverse section across the oral region of Fig. X., to show the relations of the supraoesophageal nerve-commissure, the pedal ganglia, and, on the left side, the whole course of the cerebro-pedal commissure. The valve and labial palps of the left side were for the most part removed, the origins of the tendon of the anterior pedal muscles being shown incidentally. Nat. size. FIG. XII. Ciliated and other cells, scraped from the lining membrane of the intestine. The two lower ones were active in the production of a secretion. D. 3. FIG. XIII. Three ovarian ova, at different stages, teased out in eosin solution. D. 3. The protoplasmic filament passing through the micropyle, inc., represents the torn neck of attachment to the germinal epithelium. See Von Jehring (67). FIG. XIV. Transverse section of the valve, cut at right angles to its long axis. Prepared as described for the Crayfish shell (Plate X., Fig. VIII.) A. 3. FIG. XV. Tangential section across the prismatic layer of the same. D. 2. i FIG. XVI. The GlocMdium larva, from the gills of an animal killed under chloroform. Spirit material, stained with magenta. FIG. XVII. The same, seen from the left side. The dots on the valve represent pore canals. PI- ATE XVII. ... J.i, ., ..Hi THE HYDRA. 09 PLATE XVII. THE HYDEA. FIG. I. The green Hydra, at the maximum of contraction and elongation of its body. The animal is drawn in the act of seizing a small Cypris, marked *. A. 2. FIG. II. The same, looked at from above. FIG. III. The above, with the hypostome everted. In this specimen two young tentacles were just appearing, the numerals i. to v. indicate the order of development of these organs. Compare Jung (90). FIG. IV. Transverse section across the body of a Hydra, in the digestive cavity of which a small crustacean was present. At * are seen the remnants of the digestible parts of that organism, not yet assimilated. Hydra fusca. A. 4. FIG. V. Outline sketches of portions of two sections across the body of the same animal, showing the variable extent to which the central cavity may be obliterated by the amoeboid activity of the endoderm cells. At d. a diatom is seen, bodily ingested. H. fusca. A. 4. The most recent researches upon this intracellular digestion in the Hydrozoa, are those of Laukester (95). A paper on the subject generally, by Mentschnikoff, will be found in vol. xxiii. of the same journal. FIG. VI. A small portion of one of the tentacles, in the contracted condition. Surface view. D. 2. FIG. VII. The same in elongation. In both these figures, only the nematocyst-beariug cell aggregates are shown. The small nematocysts, alone drawn in Fig. VII., are fixtures. FIG. VIII. The same, contracted under the influence of an irritant (1 p.c. acetic acid ) The larger nematocysts are drawn as observed to become everted. They stain very readily with magenta solution. D. 3. FIG. IX. The leading types of thread-cells, drawn after liberation from the body. i represents the functional, and ii the resting condition of the larger nematocysts ; in i, the nucleated mass at the base and the fragment marked * represent the remains of the parent cell. 70 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. iii. A younger example of the same, everted, iv. The small fixed nematocysts. v. The resting and active conditions of a third variety. The filaments of these stain very deeply with magenta. All drawn to same scale. F. 3. Hartog (87) has accounted for the occasional presence of thread-cells in the endoderm. FIG. X. Small portion of a transverse section across the body of a green Hydra. Picric acid, alcohol, borax carmine. The cilia are drawn from an osmic acid preparation. (See Parker 97.) D. 3. FIG. XI. Isolated examples of the chlorophyll-bearing bodies of the same. Teased up fresh in water. Gundlach's T T 6 th immersion. FIG. XII. A small portion of a similar section to Fig. X., with a piece of the support- ing lamella, c.L, seen en face. Neither interstitial tissue nor endoderm cells are drawn. H.fusca. Osmic acid. D. 3. FIG. XIII. Larger cells of the ectoderm, isolated by bichromate of ammonia. F. 3. FIG. XIV. Cells of the interstitial tissue, treated in the same manner.* FIG. XV. The greater portion of a solitary endoderm cell from H. fusca, isolated. Picric acid, and borax carmine. F. 4. FIG. XVI. One of the sooty-particle bearing portions of the same. Gundlach's -^th immersion. Lankester (94) has suggested the most recent interpretation put upon these bodies, and has finally set at rest the real natiire of the chlorophyll-bearing bodies of H. viridis, referred to above. The facts set forth in his paper have a most important bearing upon the probable unity of the green and brown Hydra?. FIG. XVII. A large brown Hydra, bearing at the same time asexually produced buds and sexual organs. A. 2. FIG. XVIII. a testis, and XIX. an ovary of the above, at a later stage of develop- ment. FIG. XX. Outline sketches of portions of two brown Hydrae. The left one bore three ovaries, two of which are figured. The right-hand one bore nine testes, of which four are figured. This drawing does not by any means represent the maximum development of the male organs, but it suffices to show that the testes need not necessarily appear only at the bases of the tentacles. * I am strongly of opinion that these often form syncytia. THE HYDRA. 71 FIG. XXI. The ovum of Fig. XVII., liberated under gentle pressure. D. 2. FIG. XXII. Two ripe spermatozoa from the same. F. 4. FIG. XXIII. The ovum, at a late stage of segmentation, still enveloped in its membranes. D. 2. The sexual reproduction of Hydra has long been a vexed question; the last contribution to the subject is that of Korotneff (92). al. Digestive (body) cavity. lil. Mouth (blastopore). e. Cilia. cl. Chlorophyll-forming bodies. e/'. Chlorophyll corpuscles. c.l. Supporting lamella. c.ji. Kleinenberg's fibres. J. An ingested diatom. ec. Ectoderm. fv'. Larger ectoderm cells, ec". Smaller ectoderm (interstitial) cells. en. Endoderm. 6'.*-. Egg shell. /. So-called foot. ij.s. Germinal spots. . //.e. Germinal vesicle. lift. Hypostome. nc. Nucleus. ne. Nematocysts (various). nr'. Larger nematocysts, before rupture. or. Ovary. ne'. Ovum. jm. Pseudopodia. t- Tentacles. t'. Young (last formed) tentacles. ts. Testis. vc. Vacuole. vc'. Amyloid vacuole of endoderm cell. i/.//. Yolk granules. PLATE XVHI. THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. 73 PLATE XVIII. THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. Vorticella. FIG. I. A group of Vorticellae, showing the animal in various positions. A. 3. For a summary of the numerous species of this prolific genus see Kent (113). FIG. II. The same animal, in the extended and retracted states. Surface views. FIG. III. Another individual, drawn in optical section during the process of extension. FIG. IV. Two views of the same. In the right hand one (erroneously lettered Fig. III.) a series of food vacuoles are drawn, one of them in the act of being ingested. The arrows indicate the course taken by these, and the top left-hand one marks the point at which egestiou most frequently takes place. The left-hand figure represents the nucleus, after treatment with acetic acid and magenta. (Figs. I. to IV., all drawn under Zeiss. D. 4.) FIG. V. The initial phase in the process of multiplication by fission. Two hours later, two equal-sized organisms resulted from this. FIG. VI. An example in which two individuals, unequal in size, resulted from the same process. The smaller one was drawn in the act of liberating itself. FIG. VII. The same, after liberation. FIGS. VIII. and IX. Two successive phases observed in the process of conjugation. FIG. X. (Erroneously lettered IX.) An encysted Vorticella. (Figs. V. to X. all drawn under D. 2. The cilia are represented only in VI. and VII.) Amoeba. Figs. XI. to XVIII. represent successive phases in the life-history of an Amoeboid organism, kept under constant observation for three days. See Appendix I. XI. The locomotor phase. At * the ectoplasm is seen in the act of protrusion to form a pseudopodium, the endoplasm passed into it later and quite suddenly. 10 74 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. XII. A period in the ingestive phase. The animal was observed to move round the glassy fragment figured *, for a period of twenty minutes, finally rejecting it in favour of the small vegetable organism,/.^. ; in all probability, any nutritive matter which may have been adherent to it was meanwhile taken up. XIII. A portion of Fig. XII., after the organism,/.^., had been ingested. XIV. AND XV. Successive stages in the assimilative and excretive processes ; XV. was drawn 19 20 hours later than Fig. XIII. The digestible parts of the ingested organism were assimilated by the Amoeba, and the refuse ejected, as figured, in a distorted disintegrating condition.* The contractile vacuole. c.v., is drawn in Fig. XV., at both systole and diastole. Engelmann (103) has made some observations upon the physiology of this organ. XVI., XVII., XVIII. Successive stages observed in the reproductive process of the same organism, two days later. XVI. represents the nuclear-division stage, and the two remaining figures are phases in the division of the cell. The organism figured above was a small Amoeba having a conspicuous nucleus, found in the sediment from a small fresh-water aquarium. Its probable specific identity is left an open question, and the observations of Wallich (125) show how far such a determina- tion might be reliable upon purely external appearances. Gruber (107 to 110) has recently entered upon investigations of the greatest value, concerning both this subject and the behaviour of the nucleus among unicellular animals. FIG. XIX. A similar organism, encysted. Three or four hours later the cyst disintegrated, liberating the animal. (Figs. XI. to XIX. all drawn under Zeiss. D. 3.) The Protocoecus. Figs. XX. to XXII. represent successive stages observed in the life-history of Protococci, scraped from the bark of a tree. A somewhat similar difficulty arises here as with Amoeba, with reference to the specific identity. The latest paper on the subject is that of Klebs (114). XX. A group of organisms in the dried state. The three stages in division figured, were observed in one individual. : The appearances presented were such as to presuppose a digestive action on cellulose. THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. 75 XXI. Oue of the same, after two or three days' immersiou in water under the microscope. XXII. Later phases in the motile stage assumed by the above. The black spot indicates the red colouring-matter present, and the extreme left-hand figure is that of an individual destitute of cellulose investment. (Bergh, Morph. Jahrb., vol. vii., 1881, has discovered a cellulose investment for certain chlorophyll-bearing Protozoa.) The Yeast Plant. FIG. XXIII. Cells of ordinary brewer's yeast, i.-iv. Stages in division of the same cell. D. 4. i. a Fig i. as seen under Gundlach's ^th immersion. v. A branching colony, still retaining their original connections. Schmitz, Stzb. Bonn, August, 1878, has described in the yeast-cell, and in certain other low organisms, Mucor among their number, what he considers to be a nucleus. FIG. XXIV. The endogonidia (ascospore) phase of reproduction, as seen in a sample of yeast sown on a slab of gypsum. F. 3. Bee Huxley (111) and Eees (120). FIG. XXV. Further development of the endogonidia, after transfer to Pasteur's solution. F. 3. The Bacteroid. FIG. XXVI. Micrococcus. FIG. XXVII. Bacterium. FIG. XXVIII. Bacillus. The central filament of this series segmented up, as drawn, within ten minutes of its detection. FIG. XXIX. Spirillum. i., ii. represent the so-called Vibrio. It is probably but a stage of Spirillum. FIGS. XXX. and XXXI. Two giant Spirilla. FIG. XXXII. A drop of the surface scum, showing a Spirillum aggregate in the resting state. ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. XXXIII. The so-called spore-forming stage iu Spirillum. The specimen segmented up as indicated, while being drawn. Brefeld (99) gives figures of the germination of the so-called spores of Bacillus, drawn at recorded intervals of time. All the ahove Bacteroids were observed in some hay-infusion, allowed to stand two days in a warm room. They are all with the exception of Fig. XXXII. drawn to the same relative scale, as viewed under Gundlach's ^th immersion. Dallinger (102) has demonstrated the presence of cilia in the motile stages of Bacterium and Bacillus. b. Bud. c. Cyst. cj. Contractile fibre. cl. Cilium. d'. Posterior ring of cilia. c.w. Cell-wall. d. Disc. dt. Ingested diatom. eg. Endogonidia (ascospores). /. Fat drops. f.p. Food particle. 7ic. Nucleus. nc'. Nucleolus. l>. Peristome. ps. Pseudopodium. up. So-called spores. sji'. Encysted spore-like masses. v. Vacuole. v.c. Contractile vacuole. i'./. Food vacuole. rs. Vestibule. PLATE Xli. . . M P 1-krkcr hth . West .Nevrmfcn S Co. THE FUNGI. 77 PLATE XIX. THE FUNGI. M'licor mucedo. FIG. I. Spore-bearing hyphaj of mucor, as seen in life, standing out from a piece of horse-dung. FIG. II. A small portion of the same fungus, teased out with needles. A. 4. FIGS. III., IV., V. Successive stages in the development of the sporangium. IV. is represented in optical section. V. A ripe sporangium crushed under pressure (the mucilaginous fluid, me., is represented too darkly). The small figure to the right is one of a portion of V. in optical section. FIG. VI. The central colurnella of the above. (Figs. III. to VI. all D. 2.) FIG. VII. Isolated spores of mucor. FIG. VIII. Germinating spores of the same. FIG. IX i. to vii. successive stages in the germination of a single spore. Only a portion of vii. is drawn. Object glass culture, see Appendix I. (Figs. VII. to IX. all D. 4.) FIG. X. The product of twenty-four hours' growth from a single spore, itself indicated as a slight enlargement. Object glass culture. A. 3. FIG. XI. A chlamydospore bearing hypha of the same. One spore is seen breaking away. D. 4. FIG. XII. The torula stage of Mucor, from a growth kept submerged in a saccharine solution. D. 4. See Max Eees (120) and Huxley (111). FIGS. XIII., XIV., XV. Successive phases in the conjugative process of Mucor. From Brefeld (128). 78 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. Penicillium glaucum. FIG. XVI. A small portion of the crust of Penicillium in transverse section. A. 2. FIG. XVII. A piece of the above, teased up. i., ii. Two adjacent conidia. For further varieties see Brefeld (129). D. 4. iii. One series of stylo-gonidia of the same, more highly magnified. F. 3. FIG. XVIII. Successive stages observed during one day's (10 hours) growth of a coni- diophore of Penicillium . Object glass culture. D. 4. FIG. XIX. A group of germinating Penicillium spores. Object glass culture. D. 2. FIG. XX. The same, sixty hours after sowing. A. 2. FIG. XXI. Isolated spores of this fungus. Many are germinating. D. 4. FIG. XXII. Successive phases in the germination of a single spore. D. 4. FIG. XXIII. Phases in the conjugative reproduction of Penicillium. FIG. XXIV. Germination of one of the ascospores, produced as the result of con- jugation.* [Figs. XXIII. and XXIV. after Brefeld (129).] Aspergillus, FIG. XXV. Spore-bearing hypha of this fungus, from a slice of bread exposed to a warm moist atmosphere for 15 days. D. 3. FIG. XXVI. The conjugative phase of the same. Obtained by teasing up the yellow portions of the fungus, grown as above. The hypha' marked * are two last developed ones of a great number (not drawn) which formed the investing peritheca, the limits of which are indicated by a dotted line. D. 4. FIG. XXVII. Portion of a spore-bearing carpogonial hypha of the above, at a later stage. F. 3. [Figs. XXV. to XXVII. from life, after de Bary and Woronin (126).] * The chances of the student's obtaining a cultivation of the conjugativo phase of this fungus being but slight, tho Eurotium stage of aspergillus is supplemented, as it can be readily obtained. THE FUNGI. a. Ascus. ns. AscoRpore. Carpogonial hyplm. cl. Colurnclla. c.n. Nutritive branch of carpogonial hypha. (p. Carpogonium. cs. Chlamydospore. c.s. Ascus forming branch of carpogonial hypha. en. Endogonidia (ascospores). f.r. Exosporium. h.a. Aerial hyphne. /t.s. Submerged hypliir. Ii.xt. Sterile hyphne of sclerotinm. inc. Mucilage. my. Mycelium. 1>1. Pollinodium. sij. Sterigma. ji. Sporangium. st. Stylogonidia. !/. Zygoapore. PLATE XX . J.-...W XVIII /ft. .' '' 'I ...T-;. THE STONEWORTS. 81 PLATE XX. THE STONEWOETS. FIG. I. An entire actively-growing plant of Chara.* Growth at the summit was making good disintegration and death at the base, resulting in a separation between the main and the oldest lateral axes, as figured. The rhizoids are indicated for but one node. Nat. size. FIG. II. The same, from internode 5 6 upwards. The appendages of whorls 2 to 4 were slightly displaced, to render visible the apex. x 8. One segment of the descending cortical lobe has, in the case of two internodes and of two lateral axes, been shaded darkly. The parts lettered n.c. represent one cortical node. Only one lateral bud is drawn, ax'., and no note is taken of the fruits. FIG. III. Median longitudinal section through the terminal bud of a similar plant. The growing apices are left white, and the nodal and cortical elements are shaded darkly. D. 3. Osmic acid and alcohol. See Parker (137). The arrows indicate the directions of growth of the cortex. The nuclei of the old cells are not drawn, being in the condition described by Stras- burger (142) as fragmentary. See also Johow (135). FIGS. IV. to VII. Four teased preparations of dividing apical cells, preserved as for Fig. III. As drawn, they represent in order four successive phases in the developmental history of the growing apex. The sub-apical (segmental) cell is, in Fig. VI., and its products are in Fig. VII., shaded darkly. D. 3. FIG. VIII. A fertile leaf of Nitella, bearing both male and female organs. Seen from the side. A. 3. FIG. IX. A similar leaf, bearing female organs alone. Seen from above. A. 3. * A synopsis of British Characese will be found in Groves (184). 11 S2 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY PIG. X. A fertile leaf of Chara, viewed from the same aspect and drawn to the same scale as that of Nitella, Fig. VIII. FIG. XI. One set of reproductive organs from the same, magnified. A. 3. FIG. XII. The apex of the carpogonium of Nitella. FIG. XIII. The same in Chara, looking down on the micropyle. FIGS. XIV. and XV. Two stages in the development of the reproductive organs of Chara, in section. From nature after Sachs. (Figs. VIII., X., XI., XIV., and XV., are all drawn in the same position relative to the axis.) FIG. XVI. One antheridial shield of Chara, with its male reproductive apparatus. An immature example, crushed. D. 2. A few segments of a ripe antheridial filament are drawn below, and to the right one antherozooid, liberated by pressure. F. 3. FIG. XVII. The above antheridial shield, etc., seen from within. All the filaments are represented. A. 3. FIGS. XVIII. and XIX. Two stages in the growth of the pro-embryo ; the older one shows the origin of the young plant arising from it, set free by disintegration of the pro-embryo, as the lateral axes are liberated by that of the adult plant. (Compare Fig. I.) [For further details and a full bibliography, see Sach's " Text Book of Botany," and Luerssen (136).] a. Antheridium. a'. Mother cell of the same. a.e. Axis of young plant. a,f. Antheridial filaments. a./'. Parent cells of the same. a?;. Apical cell of axis. a//. Apical cell of pro-embryo. a.s. Antheridial shield. ax. Main axis. ax' . Lateral axis. az. Antheridial filament, cells of. an'. Mature antherozooid. I. Bracteole. b.c. Basal cell of reproductive organ c. Cilia. v.(j. Chlorophyll granules. cy. Carpogonium. c.l'. Ascending cortical lobe. c.l". Descending cortical lobe. cj>. Capitulum. vj>'. Secondary capitula. cr. Crown of carpogonium. c.s. Carpospore. ct. Cortex. i.e. Investing cells. in. Intel-node. in.a. Last formed iiitemode. in.c. Cortical internode. THE STONE WORTS. 83 /. Leaf. /'. Leaflets. /". Sterile leaflets. I. rt. Apical cell of leaf. m. Manubrium. inc. Micropyle. 77. Node. n.a. Last formed node. n.c. Cortical node. ne. Nucleus. n.l>. Leaf-bearing node of pro-embryo. n.r. Root-bearing node of the same. nr. Oosphere. r. Primary root. )//. Rootlets (rhizoids). s.a. Segmental cell. re. Sap vacuole. 1 to 5. Nodes or their appendages, 1 to 5. i. to v. Internodes, i. to v. THE FERN PLATES XXI., XXII. THE FERN. PLATES XXI., XXII. THE FEKN. a. Archegonium. a . Neck of the same. u.c. Apical cell. an. Annulus. up. Growing apex of stem. ay/. Growing apex of leaf. at. Antheridium. at'. Parent cell of the same. az. Parent cells of antherozooids. i.e. Basal cell. t-. Cilia (for Fig. XIII. PL XXII. Cushion). ca. Ventral canal cell. ca'. Central cell of neck. c.c. Central cell. cl. Chlorophyll grains. tt. Cotyledon. /. So-called foot. i. Indusium. i.e. Investing cells of sporangium. ('.. Intercellular space. /. Leaf stalk (rachis). /'. Leaflet. /.//. Lateral bud. /./. Lateral line. in*. Mesophyll. /it. Nucleus. n.c. Dividing neck cell. oc. Oosphere. p. Pinua. yjc. Parenchyma. pc'. Conjunctive parenchyma. p.p. Protophloam of Ilussow. pt. Prothallus. r. Roots. r'. Root hairs. r". Primary root hairs. rh. Rhizome. r.ji. Primary root. ./. Sclerenchyma. .id'. Peripheral sclerenchyina. scl". Central sclerencliyma. sij. Ripe sporangium. s. Subsidiary cells. se. Sepals. ./. Stigma. s.l. Spiral layer of anther. SIM. Stamens. sp. Spiral vessels. x.p. Sieve plate. st. Style. x.t. Sieve tube. su. Suspensor. ?/'. Basal cell of suspensor. sy. Synergidae. t. Testa. tc. Trichomes. tp. Tapetum. ut. Primordial utricle. v. Vacuole. Vascular bundle. .i:/i. Xylem parenchyma. .ri/. Xylem. .c//'. Protoxylem. .)!/". Xylem sclerenchyma. .vy.r. Xylem rays. PLATE XXIII. THE FLOWERING PLANT. 97 PLATE XXIII. THE FLOWEKING PLANT. EXTEENAL CHARACTERS. THE VEGETATIVE Axis. Unless otherwise stated, all the figures on Plates XXIII. and XXIV. illustrate the structure of the French Bean plant, Phaseoliis vulgaris. FIG. I. The entire seed, viewed from its attached surface, after a few hours' immersion in water. FIG. II. The same, after removal of the testa. FIG. III. The same, after removal of the right cotyledon. Seen from within. FIG. IV. A similar seed during germination, just on leaving the soil. Grown in damp sawdust, the surface level of which is indicated hy the line i ii. (Figs. I. to IV. all nat. size.) FIG. V. A twelve-days' plant, grown as for Fig. IV. The unlettered transverse line represents the surface level of the sawdust. The arrows indicate the direction of growth of the original main axis. The cotyledons, colourless in Fig. IV., were here quite green. \ nat. size. FIG. VI. Median longitudinal section through the embryonic axis of Fig. III. The arrows indicate the direction in development of the procarnbium of one lateral axis, differentiation having commenced at the point marked by the adjacent line. Picric acid and alcohol. Eosin stained, preserved in Canada balsam. A. 2. FIG. VII. A portion of the hypocotyledonary axis of the above. D. 3. The several tissi;es figured, graduate into each other as the apex is reached. FIG. VIII. Section of a cotyledon of the above. F. 2. Fresh, stained eosin. It is important to guard against mistaking cut corners of cells for intercellular spaces. FIG. IX. The apical cone of Fig. V. teased out with needles. The internodes are shaded darkly. D. 3. The apex of AnacUaris may profitably be teased up for comparison. FIG. X. Transverse section across the main root of Fig. V. Nat. size. 13 98 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. FIG. XL Median longitudinal section of the epicotyledouary axis of Fig. V. x 10. FIG. XII. Transverse section of the same, across the point marked * * in Fig. V. x 10. FIG. XIII. A similar section across the same axis of an older plant, x 5. (In Figs. XI. to XIII. the cambium layer is represented as a black line.) FIG. XIV. The bundle-system of the French Bean, seen from the side. Dissected as for the Fern, Fig. VI., Plate XXI. From nature, after Nageli. See De Bary (132).* The bundles of the left side are shaded darkly, x 2. FIG. XV. Thin transverse section of a portion of Fig. XII. The protoxylem elements, xy'., may often be at once recognized in transverse sections, as the spiral or annular thickenings frequently tear away in cutting and hang ragged. D. 3. FIG. XVI. Kadial-longitudinal section of a similar stem, taken through the axis of a young bundle. D. 3. FIG. XVII. Portion of a thin transverse section of Fig. XIII. The phloem parenchyma and the rays of the vascular bundle are here shaded. D. 2. In Figs. XV. and XVII., the trichonies are for the most part omitted, and no note is taken of the chlorophyll present in the cells of the parenchymas. The only structures in which the protoplasm is drawn, are the sieve tubes ; it is repre- sented in them in the contracted post-mortem state. (See below.) FIG. XVIII. Sections of the sieve tube in the above. i. The protoplasm, drawn as in life. ii. The protoplasm, drawn in the shrunken post-mortem condition, iii. Portion of a sieve-tube bearing both transverse and lateral sieve plates. Iodine. Gundlach's -^th immersion. FIG. XIX. A cambium cell, isolated under treatment with nitric acid, as for the fern- stem, Figs. XIV., etc., Plate XXI. D. 3. FIG. XX. A similar cell, as seen in tangential section of the cambium layer. D. 3. FIG. XXI. A dividing cambium cell, drawn from the layer, cb'., of Fig. XVI., as seen in radial-longitudinal section. D. 3. * Large models of this and certain other bundle-systems, after Nageli and others, are made by H. Gasser, of the Botanical Institute, Graz. THE FLOWERING PLANT. 99 FIG. XXII. A portion of an isolated pitted vessel, seen en face. FIG. XXIII. Section through the partition wall between two pitted vessels. Gund- lach's th immersion. FIG. XXIV. Transverse section across i. -ii. of the main root of Fig. V., after harden- ing in alcohol. The section passed through a young lateral root. A. 2. FIG. XXV. The greater portion of the same, more highly magnified.* No note is taken of the intercellular spaces. D. 3. FIG. XXV. a The bundle- sheath of the above enlarged. Gundlach's ^th immersion. * Sections such as this, to show the typical arrangement of the parts of the root, must be cut low down near the apex. PLATE XXIV. \ THE FLOWERING PLANT. 101 PLATE XXIV. THE FLOWERING PLANT. THE LEAF AND FLOWER. THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS, AND DEVELOPMENT. FIG. I. Transverse section across the oldest leaf of a young bean-plant. The whole leaf was rolled up and cut in the fresh state. D. 3. FIG. II. A portion of the epidermis of the same stripped off, showing the characters and relations of the stoma and guard-cells, the subsidiary cells, and the trichome. D. 4. The glandular hairs arise as central cells of a series, similarly to the trichome figured. Examined fresh in water, the details of cell-structure being drawn after treatment with 1 p.c. osmic acid. FIG. III. Slightly diagrammatic representation of a developing stoma. The entire parent cell is drawn, and the septa by which it was divided up are num- bered i. to iii., in order of development ; iii. would have finally split to form the stoma. The specimen figured was obtained from near the edge of a young leaf. Fresh. F. 3. FIG. IV. Section through a stoma of Fig. I. F. 4. FIG. V. Median longitudinal section of a Buttercup, x 3. FIG. VI. Similar section of a Bean-flower, x 2. FIG. VII. Transverse section of the anther of a nearly matured Buttercup. Alcohol and weak glycerine. D. 2. By ciitting the whole flower-head between the finger and thumb, most instructive sections may be obtained, cut at all possible levels. FIG. VIII. A small portion of Fig. VII., more highly magnified. F. 3. FIG. IX. Three pollen-grains, teased out from the stigma of an open Buttercup. (See Fig. XL) Taken in the order numbered, they represent stages in the development of the pollen tube. Such stages may be obtained with ease, by object-glass culture in a saccharine fluid. 1 p.c. osmic acid. D. 3. The smaller nucleus js stated by Strasburger (143) to be alone the active agent in fertilisation, 102 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. i FIG. X. Developing pollen-grains, from the anther of a young Buttercup. Teased. F. 3. FIG. XI. Surface view of a thick longitudinal section, through the stigma of an open Buttercup. The central shaded portion * represents the central cavity of the style. Alcohol and weak glycerine. D. 3. FIG. XII. Slightly diagrammatic longitudinal section of the entire carpel of an open Buttercup, at the period of fertilization. This figure represents the facts, as pieced together from observations made upon a number of sections, obtained as for Fig. VII. * Indicates a single well-differentiated layer of cells, surrounding the central canal of the style. FIG. XIII. Transverse section of the carpel of an unopened flower of Lilium, to show the general relations of the ovules, etc. The parts indicated in black represent the passage open to the pollen tube, when once it has entered the central canal of the style. A. 2. FIG. XIV. An ovule from the same, more highly magnified. D. 2. FIG. XV. A similar section from the carpel of a much younger flower. D. 3. FIG. XVI. Three embryo sacs from the same carpel as Fig. XIII., to show the changes undergone prior to fertilization. D. 2. As numbered in order i. to iii. they represent successive stages in the development of an individual. Figs. XIV. and XV. present still earlier phases in the same development. The above sections (Figs. XIII. to XVI.) were prepared from fresh material, transferred as cut into a half-and-half solution of methylated spirit and glycerine, and kept exposed in a warm room until the spirit had evaporated. FIG. XVII. An ovule, teased up from the fruit of the Shepherd's Purse. A. 3. FIG. XVIII. The embryo drawn in Fig. XVII. i. liberated under gentle pressure. D. 4. FIGS. XIX. and XX. Two embryos, teased from younger fruits of the same plant. D. 4. The three embryos above figured represent successive stages in development, and only such are here drawn as can be readily seen with ease by teasing up the fruits with needles. For further details see Hanstein's figures, reproduced in all the text-books. THE FLOWERING PLANT. 103 FIG. XXI. A much older embryo of the same plant, at this stage quite green. The curvature of the cotyledons becomes intelligible on considering the natural position of the embryo, shown at ii. in Fig. XVII. In life, the cotyledon marked* overlay its fellow, as indicated by the dotted lines in Fig. XVII., thus hiding the apex from view. A. 3. FIG. XXII. Median longitudinal section of the fruit of Potamogeton (the Broad Pond- weed), to show the relations of the endosperm to the embryo. Alcohol and weak glycerine. A. 2. Each fruit of the above plant contains but one embryo, and if, holding the fruits between the finger and thumb, the sides are sliced away, most satisfactory preparations can be readily obtained. FIG. XXIII. A portion of the above more highly magnified, showing the nuclei of the endosperm, and the embryo in detail. D. 4. The distinctive characters of the Monocotyledon embryo are here di'awn, as compared with those of the Dicotyledon represented in Fig. XXI. APPENDIX AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. APPENDIX. 107 APPENDIX, A. The terms right and left are always used in anatomy, with reference to the right and left sides of the subject's body. Similarly, by the anterior is always meant the head end, and by the posterior the hinder end. The terms dorsal and ventral apply to the back and the belly respectively ; they are, however, often replaced by terms bearing directly upon the position of the nervous axis, viz., neural and hasinal for the vertebrate, haemal and neural for the invertebrate. B. The method of dissection from the side here employed has long been recognized as yielding results second to no other, where a general survey of the animal's entire anatomy is recpaired. Moreover, by cutting thus to one side of the middle line, the attachments of the organs are not interfered with, and they, therefore, remain in position for detailed examination. In dissecting all the animals dealt with in this work, some such stand as that figured above will be found useful; the rests for the arms may conveniently be lengthened to suit individual requirements, but the swinging-arm, carrying a watchmaker's lens, will be found a necessity in examining delicate structures. All dissections should be performed under water, with the subject in a perfectly rigid position. For this purpose a dish, such as is here figured, is necessary ; it should be preferably of glass, one-third filled with paraffin blackened by the admixture of a little lamp-black. A slab of the above material admits of the subjects being pinned down, and it should always be weighted at the bottom with lead, to avoid floating up. Should the water become clouded in dissecting, it must be at once changed, the cause of the obstruction being, if possible, washed away. While dissecting, it is highly desirable that living specimens of the animal under consideration should be kept constantly under observation, as many a structural feature is only intelligible on a knowledge of the creature's habits. 108 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. C. Whole animals, or dissections, are best preserved in alcohol. The ordinary methylated spirit of com- merce, diluted with ^rd its bulk of water, answers admirably ; delicate structures, such as the brain, must be placed at once into strong methylated spirit, and in all cases the preservative medium should be replaced after the first twenty-four hours. With the above exceptions, it is not desirable to submit any preparation at once to the action of strong methylated spirit, as such a course is apt to result in a too rapid dehydration of the superficial parts, thus preventing that complete permeation necessary for successful preservation. Where very careful preservation without shrinking is desired, it is well to use in succession, 50 p.c. for twenty-four hours, 75 p.c. for the next forty-eight, methylated spirit ad injinitum, being careful to prevent the access of air. D. For ordinary coarse injection of the blood vessels, a mixture of French blue, in the proportions of a teaspoonful to a tumbler of water, cannot be surpassed. It is cheap, sufficiently finely divided to enter all but the capillary vessels in a small animal, and it can be used with little trouble. Moreover, the fact that it is insoluble in water renders it the more valuable, as injection can be carried on piecemeal as circum- stances may require. In dealing with the animals adopted for this book, a small canula, provided with a tight-fitting india- rubber ball or nipple, as figured below, is all-sufficient as a syringe. For histological purposes, a gelatine injection is best suited, made as follows : Allow a given quantity of Nelson's gelatine to stand for twenty-four hours in twice its bulk of water, boil and stir well, adding either French blue or vermilion to colour as required. This fluid should be injected at a temperature such as the hand can comfortably bear. In preparing a Frog for injection with gelatine, an incision should first be made along the whole ventral integument (care being taken to injure nothing else), and the two halves reflected. Eaising the xiphoid process with a pair of forceps, next insert the point of the scissors under this, and carefully remove the whole ventral portion of the shoulder-girdle. By this means the heart will be exposed without injury, the pericardium should now be laid open, and an incision made into the apex of the ventricle, to allow the escape of as much blood as possible. When the animal is sufficiently well bled, a canula* should be tied into the heart, and connected, by means of an inch or two of india-rubber tubing, with the syringe, injection being performed under a gentle, steady pressure. When the syringe is removed, the tube by which it was connected to the canula should be plugged with a piece of glass rod, and the whole animal placed in water for two or three hours, that the injection may set. After the above treatment, the parts to be preserved should be dealt with as recommended for the uninjected tissues. E. The term branch as applied to blood-vessels is often very vaguely employed. Defining an artery as a vessel carrying blood from the heart, and a vein as one conveying it to the heart, it will be well to restrict the term branch to those vessels formed by the breaking up of an artery into smaller trunks, and that of factor to those uniting to form larger veins ; arteries and branches being efferent, factors and veins being afferent, as related to the heart. F. By a wet preparation is meant one that has never been allowed to dry. The skeleton of the Frog may be readily prepared by allowing the body to lie in water for a few days, after having first removed the skin, viscera, and as much of the flesh as possible. Maceration having gone as far as is desirable, the whole should be put under running water for a clay, before it is allowed to dry. * This must be made to the required size by drawing out a piece of glass tubing, either in a flame or by means of the blow- pipe. It should be slightly constricted near the apex, to allow of its being firmly tied into the heart. APPENDIX. 109 The process of maceration may be materially hastened by using warm water instead of cold ; this method should, however, be adopted with caution, as the parts rarely hold together so successfully as under the first- named treatment.* When careful preparation of both bony and cartilaginous parts is needed, as in the case of the skull figured in this work, the only reliable method is that of dissecting away the soft parts under water, preserving the whole in spirit as in the case of an ordinary dissection. G. By far the most successful preservative fluids for histological work are alcohol and picric acid ; of the latter, either a cold saturated solution or Kleiiienberg's preparation will suffice for the purposes of this work.f The tissue to be preserved should be removed from the body as soon as possible after death, cut up into small pieces, and put at once into the preservative medium. For most tissues six to eight hours' immer- sion will be found to suffice, after which the preparation must be transferred to alcohol of gradually increasing strength, viz., 50 p.c., 75 p.c., methylated spirit, and absolute alcohol. Should any excess of acid be present, as can readily be seen from the colour of the spirit, the latter must be repeatedly renewed until it is removed. When this stage is reached the tissue is ready for cutting, and if preserved longer should be kept in absolute alcohol. Where the tissues are transferred at once from the body to alcohol, the method of treatment should also be as above stated ; if osmic acid is used, the preparation should be transferred from it to 50 p.c. alcohol, as soon as it begins to assume a black tint. The requisite length of exposure to osmic acid will be found to vary for different tissues, and experience alone can enable the student to use this reagent with success. Where decalcifieation is necessary, the tissue to be operated upon should be placed for twenty-four hours in ^ p.c. solution of chromic acid, then for a similar time in 1 p.c. solution, this being either renewed or replaced by a still stronger when necessary. Decalcifieation completed, the tissue must be transferred to alcohol as above. For purposes of staining there is no reagent which gives such uniformly good results as Grenadier's solution of borax carmine. The preparation may be allowed to remain in this for a couple of days, without fear of overstaining. When stained, it should be again transferred to methylated spirit and absolute alcohol, before imbedding, in order that any water or excess of staining fluid may be got rid of. Imbedding. The best imbedding material is paraffin, preferably that which shall melt at from 50 3 to 60 C. A block of this substance of the calibre of a candle, and about an inch and a half in length, will suffice for all requirements here needed. A pit should be made at one end, large enough to take the prepara- tion with case. The preparation, previously soaked in turpentine to saturation, should be first transferred to paraffin, the temperature of which must not exceed that of its melting-point, and allowed to remain in the same until permeated thereby ; it must next be finally transferred to the block prepared to receive it, and completely covered in paraffin, the whole being then allowed to cool. Section cutting. For the purposes of this book an ordinary razor will suffice with which to cut sections ; but where a successional series of slices are required, recourse must be had to one of the many microtomes now in use. Before cutting the sections, it is desirable to remove as much of the imbedding material as possible from around the preparation. When once mastered, the following is the least laborious of all methods of cutting and mounting. The results of a long experience, in this and other matters which pertain to the preparateur's art, will be found embodied in Wilder and Gage's "Anatomical Technology," New York and Chicago, 1882. t The mode of preparation of these and other preservative and staining reagents, will be found fully stated in Huxley and Martin and other similar works, and the student will find of great service a list of those reagents which have yielded such admirable results in connection with the zoological station, Naples. See Jour. R. M. Soc., Series 2, vol. ii., 1882. 110 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. Transfer the sections as cut, together with the imbedding material in which they lie, to a slide, the surface of which has been previously painted over with a heated solution of white shellac in kreasoto. Submit the whole to the temperature of the melting-point of the paraffin, until the kreasote is evaporated, when the sections will become firmly adherent to the shellac. The slide must next be immersed in turpentine, which will dissolve up the remaining imbedding material, thus leaving the sections fixed in place and ready to be covered with Canada balsam. For final mounting well-powdered Canada balsam, first thoroughly dried, must be dissolved in benzole or chloroform, to the consistency of glycerine. A drop of the balsam thus prepared should be deposited upon the slide by means of a glass rod, and allowed to diffuse itself among the sections ; the cover-slip should then be let down gently and obliquely upon the objects, its under surface first having been smeared with Canada balsam. Under the above method of preparation the sections may be cut with a dry razor, but where, as in the case of vegetable stems, etc., they are to be taken from material which has not been submitted to any such treatment, both razor and preparation must be kept moistened during the process with the fluid in which the preparation has been preserved. Fresh preparations of animal tissues, when not frozen, must always be examined in serum or normal salt solution. For the examination of fresh vegetable tissues, water will suffice. The microscope used in making the drawings for this volume was one by Zeiss of Jena, and in the formulae given in the text (example D. 2) the letter refers to the eye-piece, and the numeral to the objective employed. In no case should a high-power eye-piece be resorted to unless absolutely indispensable, as the sharpness of definition obtained by low ones, such as Zeiss 2 or 3, is highly desirable. A micrometer of some kind is indispensable to the student of histology, and the purpose to be aimed at in its use, is that of a knowledge of the size of the objects under examination, rather than that of merely ascertaining the magnifying power of the microscope. Most satisfactory results are to be obtained by using an eye-piece micrometer ruled in squares, and by drawing both these and the object to the proportions observed. Having thus a record of objects, drawn in proportion relative to squares of unknown value, it remains but to ascertain the dimensions of these. This is best done by using, in conjunction with the eye-piece micrometer mentioned above, a stage micrometer, ruled to known intervals, whereupon there will be superposed lines of known and unknown value. The actual value of the squares of the eye-piece micrometer may now be once for all calculated, and a record kept of the same for each lens combination. H. Preparations of shells and similar hard parts are best made as follows : A small piece of the structure to be prepared should be first isolated, and then cemented with Canada balsam to a piece of plate glass. When quite set it can be ground down on a rough surface to the required thinness, and finally dislodged for mounting, by submerging the whole in benzole. It may then be put up in Canada balsam in the usual manner. I. For object-glass culture it is best to use either a small cell of the ordinary type, or a slide which is excavated. Filling this with the nutritive fluid water for protococcus, Pasteur's fluid for the moulds, sugar- solution for the pollen-grain, etc. next introduce the organisms upon which observation is to be made, and place a cover-slip over the whole, the edges of which should be oiled to check evaporation. If the observation be a prolonged one, it is well to place the nutritive medium in communication with a reserve of the same fluid, by means of a cotton thread. APPENDIX. Ill J. The animals dealt with in this work are best killed as follows : The Frog. Place the animal beneath an inverted tumbler, together with a piece of cotton-wool an inch square, saturated with chloroform, and cover the whole with a cloth. The Crayfish. Easily killed under chloroform as above. Crayfish may be kept alive and active for some days in a moist atmosphere, and fed upon sopped bread. They thrive much better in captivity under this treatment, than any other known to me. The Earthworm. Earthworms may be killed, with the body naturally extended, by immersing them for two minutes in methylated spirit, and then in running water for half-an-hour. The Snail. Snails can be killed with their tentacles often fully extended, by placing them in water as hot as the hand will comfortably bear it. The Mussel. Place the animal in cold water, and heat slowly to 40 C. The foot will generally be well protruded at death, under this treatment. 112 ATLAS OF BIOLOOY. Ann. y. Hist. Ann. Sci. Nat. Arb. Wiirz. Archv. Mk. Anat. Archv. Mas. Paris. ArcJir. X. P'.vp. Ber. Gie*. Bot. Zeit* C/>t. I{,-ml. Denk. Kais. Akail. Knc. Brit. Jour. Anat. Jour. /?. M. Soc.t Mem. Akad. St. P. Morjih. Jalirli. Phil. Tram. Pr. E. Soc. Pr. Z. Sor. Q J. M. S. Rev. Sci. Stzb. Bonn. Stzlt. Wien. Zeitsch. Jena. Zeit. W. Zool. Zool. Anz.* BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Arbeiten aus dern Zoologisch-Zootomischen Institut der Uuiversitiit. Arcbiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomie. Nouvelles Archives. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale. Berichte der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde. Botanische Zeitung. Comptes Rendus de l'Acadmie Fran^aise. Denkschriften der K-iiserlichen Akadetnie der Wissenschaften. Encyclopedia Britannica. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Mmoires de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Revue Scientifique. Sitzungsberichte der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Sitzungsberichte der Kniserlichea Akademie dor Wissenschaften. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Zoologischer Anzeiger. London. Paris. Wiirzburg. Bonn. Paris. Paris. Giessen. Leipzig. Paris. Vienna. 9th Edition. London and Cambridge. London. St. Petersburg. Leipzig. London. London. London. London. Paris. Bonn. Vienna. Leipzig and Jena. Leipzig. Leipzig. * A systematic record, giving the full titles of all monographs, etc., produced from time to time in its own branch of natural science, will be found in this periodical. t Brief translations and abstracts of certain of the more important biological papers published, exclusive of those on gross vertebrate anatomy, are issued with this Journal. FROG. 1. BLOOMFIELD, J. E. On the Development of the Spermatozoa in Helix and Rana. Q. J. M. S., vol. xxi., 1881. 2. BOAS, J. E. Y. TJeber den Conus Arteriosue, und die Arterienbogen der Amphibien. Morpli. Jahrb., vol. vii., 1881.. 8. BOURNE, A. G. On Certain Abnormalities in the Common Frog. Q. J. M. S., vol. xxiv., 1884. 4. DE WATTE VILLE, A. A Description of the Cerebral and Spinal Nerves of Rana esculenta. Jour. Anal ToL ix., 1876, 5. ECKEB, A. Icones Physiologicse. Leijizi//, 1851-0. 6. ECKER, A. Die Anatoinie des Frosches. Part I. Brunswick, 1864. 7. FURBRINGER, M. Zur Vergleichenden Anatoinie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Excretionsorgane der Vertebraten. Morj>h. Jahrb., vol. iv. 1878. 8. GCETTE, A. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Uuke. Lfijiziy, 1875. 9. HOFFMANN, C. K. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. Vol. vii., Amphibien, Leiyziy und Utidelbery, 1878-8, BIBLIOGRAPHY. 113 10. HOFFMANN, C. K. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des BeckensderAirphibiengpdReptilien. Li. Wien, 1866. 7, 8, and Ann. X. Hist., 1868. 18. KLEIN AND NOBLE SMITH. Atlas of Histology, Lomlon, 1879-80. 14. KNAUER, F. K. Naturgeschichte der Lurche. Vienna, 1878. 15. LEYDIG, F. Die Anuren Batrachier der Deutschen Fauna. P,mm, 1877. 16. MARSHALL, A. M. Certain Abnormal Conditions of the Reproductive Organs in the Frog. Jour. Anat., vol. xviii., 1884. 17. MULLER, W. Ueber Entwicklung und Bau der Hypo- physis und des Processus infundibuli cerebri. Zeitsch. Jena., vol. vi., 1871. 17A. OSBORNE, H. J. Observations upon the Urodelc Amphibian Brain. ZooL An:., vol. vii., 1884. 18. PARKER, W. K. On the Structure and Development of the Skull of the Common Frog. I'hil. Trans. 1871. 19. RANVIER, L. Techuisches Lehrbuch der Histologie, German Translation. Leijiziy, 1877. 20. RAUBER, A. Neue Grundlegungen zur Kenntniss der Zelle. Morph. Jahrb., vol. viii., 1882. 21. SEDGWICK, A. Early Development of the Wolffian Duct., etc. Q. J. M. S., vol. xxi., 1881. 22. SPENGEL, J. W. Das Urogenitalsystem der Amphi- bien. Art>. Wurz., vol. iii., 1876. 28. WHITNEY, W. N.- The Changes which accompany the Metamorphoses of the Tadpole, etc. Q. J. M. S., vol. vii., 1867. 24. WIEDERSHEIM UND ECKEB. Die Anatomic des Frosches. Parts ii. and iii. Brunswick, 1881-2. CRAYFISH. 25. ALBERT F. V. Das Kaugeriist der Dekapoden. | 88. Zeit. W. ZooL, vol. xxxix., 1883. 26. GERSTAECKER, A. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. Vol. v., Arthropoda. Leipzig, 1866 to date. 84. 27. HERRMANN, G. Spermatogenesis de Crustaces Podo- phthalmiques. C'pt. Rend., 1881. 85. 28. HUXLEY, T. H. On the Classification and Distribu- tion of the Crayfishes. Pr. Z. Sue., 1878. 29. HUXLEY, T. H. The Crayfish, etc. International Scientific Series, 1880. 86. 80. JOUBDAIN, S. Sur les cylindres sensoriels de 1'autenne interne des Crustaces. Opt. Rend., 1880. 87. 81. MOCQUARD, M. F. Recherches anatomiques sur I'estomac des Crustaces podophthalmaires. Ann. Sci. Nat. ZooL, 1883. 37 a 32. RATHKE, H. Ueber die Bildung und Entwicklung des Flusskrebses. Leijiziy, 1829. REICHENBACH, H. Die Embryonanlage und erstc Entwicklung des Flusskrebses. Zeit. W. Zuol . 1877. Abstract Inj T. J. Paiker, Q. J. M. S. vol. xviii., 1878. RUTHERFORD. On the Structure of Arthropod Muscle Pr. R. Soe. Edinburgh, 1883. SARS, G. 0. Om Hummerens postembryonale udvikling. Christiana, 1874. See also a paper by S. J. Smith, in Trans. Con- necticut Acad. of Arts and Sciences, vol. ii., 1878. WASSILIEW, E. Ueber die Niere des Flusskrebses. ZooL An-., vol. i., 1878. WEBER MAX. Ueber den Bau und die Thiitigkeit der sogenannten Leber der Crustaceen. Archc. Mlt. Anat., vol. xvii., 1880. WOODWARD, H. Article " Crustacea," Enc. Brit., 9th Edit. EARTHWORM. 88. BEDDABD, F. E. On the Anatomy and Histology of Pleurochajta Moseleyi. Trans. Royal Soc. Edin. bunjh, 1882. 89. BEDDABD, F. E. Note on Some Earthworms from India. Ann. N. Hist., 1883. 40. BEDDABD, F. E. On the Anatomy of a Gigantic Earthworm, etc. Pr. Z. Soc., 1884. 41. BLOOMFIELD, J. E. On the Development of the Spermatozoa of Lumbricus. Q. J. M. S., vol. xx., 1880. 42. CLAPABEDE, E. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber den Regenwurm. Zeit. W. ZooL, vol. xix., 1869. 43. DABWIN, C. The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, etc. 1881. 15 114 ATLAS OF BIOLOGY. 44. GEGENBAUR, C. Ueber die nogonaimten Respira- tionsorgane des Regenwurms. Zeit. W. ZooL, vol. iv., 1853. 45. HERING, E. Zur Anatomie und Physiologie dcr Generationsorgane des llegenwunus. Zeit. IT- ZooL, vol. viii., 1857. 46. KLEINENBEKG, N. The Development of Lumbricus trapezoides. Q. J. M. 6'., vol. xix., 1879. 47. KOWALEVSKY, A. Embryologische Studien an Wiir- mern und Artbropoden. Mem. Akad. St. P., vol. xvi., 1871. 48. LANKESTER, E. R. The Anatomy of the Earthworm. Q. J. M. S., vol. iv. and v., 1804-5. 49. LANKESTEK, E. R. The Red Vascular Fluid of the Earthworm a Corpusculated Fluid. Q. J. J/. S., vol. xviil, 1878. 50. MOJSISOVICS, A. v. Die Lumbricideu Hypoderinis Stzb. Wien, vol. Ixxvi., 1877. 51. PERRIER, E. Ktudes sur 1'organisation des Lorn- briciens terrestrcs. Archr. /.. K.f/>., vol. ix. 52. PEKRIER, E. Memoirs pour servir a 1'histuire des Lombriciens terrestres. Archc. Mns. 1'nrix, 1872. 58. POWER, D. On the Endothelium of the Body Cavity and Blood Vessels of the Common Earthworm, etc. Q. J. M. S., vol. xviii., 1878. 54. ROBINET, CH. Recherches Physiologiques sur la Secretion des glandes de Morren du Lumbricus terrestris. Cpt. Rend., vol. xcvii. 1888. 55. ROLLESTON, G. The Blood-corpuscles of the Anne- lids. Jour. Anat., vol. xii., 1878. SNAIL AND MUSSEL. 56. BAHFURTH, D. Ueber den Ban und die Thiitigkeit der Gasteropoden Leber. Archc. 31k. Anat., voL xxii., 1888. See also Preliminary Note, ZooL AIIS., 1880. 57. BAUDELOT, M. E. Sur 1'Appareil Generateur des Mollnsques Gasteropodes. Paris, 1863. 58. BLOOMFIELD, J. E. See No. 1 this list. 59. BOHRING, L. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Central- nervensystems einiger Pulmonateu Gasteropoden. Leipzig, 1888. 60. BRAUN, M. Postembryonale Entwickelung der Siiss- wasser-Muscheln. Zoologisclter Garten. 61. BHONN AND KEFERSTEIN. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. Vol. iii. Malacozoa. Leipzig, 1862-6. 62. CARRIERE, J. Die Embryonale Byssusdriise von Anodonta. ZooL Am., 1884. 68. CATTIE, J. Ueber die Wasseraufnahme der Lamelli- branchiaten. ZooL Anz., 1883. 64. FLEMMING, J. Ueber die Blutzellen der Acephalen und Bermerkungen ueber deren Blatbahn. Also Bemerkung zur Injectionstechnik bei Wir- belloeen. Archr. Mk. Anat., vol. xv., 1878. 65. GRIESBACH, H. Wasseraufnahme bei den Mollnsken. ZooL Anz., 1884. 66. JHERING, H. VON. Ueber die Entwickelung von Helix. Zeitsch. Jena., vol. ix., 1875. 67. JHERING, H. VON. Znr Kenntnifs der Eibildung tei den Muscheln. Zeit. W. ZooL, vol. xxix., 1877. 68. JUERING, H. VON. Zur Morphologic dcr Nicrc der tjogcnauntcn Mollusken. Zeit. W. ZooL, vol. xxix., 1877. 69. JOURDAIN, S. Sur la conformation de 1'Appareil dc la Generation de 1'Helix aspersu dans le jeunc iige. Rev. Sci., 1880. 70. KEBER, G. A. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiolo- gie der Weichthiere. Koniysberg, 1851. 71. LANGER, K. Das Gefilss-System der Teichmuschel. Dnik. Kais. Akad., 1855-6. 72. LANKESTER, E. R. On the Development of the Pond Snail. Q. J. M. S., vol. xiv., 1874. 78. LANKESTER, E. R. Article " Mollusca," Enc. Brit., 9th Edition. 74. LANKESTER, E. R. The Supposed Taking-in and Shedding-out of Water, in Relation to the Vascu- lar System of Molluscs. ZooL Anz., 1884. 75. MITSUKURI, K. On the Structure and Significance of some Aberrant Forms of Lamellibranchiate Gills. Q. J. M. S., vol. xxi., 1881. 76. NUSSLIN, 0. Beitriige zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Pulmonaten. TuMnijen, 1879. 77. PECK, R.H. The Minute Structure of the Gills of Lamel- libranchiate Mollusca. Q.J.M.8., vol. xvii., 1877. 78. PENROSE, F. G. Note on the Vascular System of Lamellibranchs. Report of the Committee on the ZooL Station, Naples. British Association Reports, 1882. 79. RUCKER, A. Uber die Bildung der Radula bei Helix pomatia. Ber. Gies., 1888. 80. SOCHACZEWER, D. VON. Das Riechorgan der Land- pulmonaten. Zeit. W. ZooL, vol. xxxv., 1880. 81. SPENOEL, J. W. - Die Geruchsorgaue und das Nerveiisystoui dur Molluiskeii. Zeit. \V. ZooL, vol. xxxv., 1861. BIBLIOGRAPHY. HYDRA. 115 82. ALLMANN, G. J. On the Gymnoblastic Hydroids. liny Soi-ii'ty'x l'ul>licti