-,- - - --.--- If 7 i*f*i :"-% Up To Date LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class Railway Shop Up To Date A Reference Book of Up to Date American Railway Shop Practice Compiled by the EDITORIAL STAFF of the RAILWAY MASTER MECHANIC MAHAM H. HAIG, Managing Editor B. W. BENEDICT. Editor ADVISORY COMMITTEE C. A. SCHROYER, Superintendent Car Department, Chicago & Northwestern Railway M. K. BARNUM, Mechanical Expert, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad R. D. SMITH, Mechanical Expert, New York Central Line* O r THE UNIVERSITY OF 1907 CRANDALL PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO : SECURITY BUILDING NEW YORK: 132 NASSAU STREET Copyright by Bruce V. Crandall 1907 CONTENTS Page Introductory ---_.. . *j Layout --._.. 9 Locomotive Shop ------ 36 Blacksmith Shop - 74 Freight Car Shop - - - - - 92 Passenger Coach and Paint Shops - - - 1 07 Planing Mill | J 7 Foundry _ . . . - 126 Power Plant - - . . J4Q Storehouse - - . . - 1 70 Roundhouse - - - - . . |97 173045 Preface This book goes forth as a record of what is found to exist as the best in railroad shop practice, design, con- struction and equipment. The editor has striven earn- estly and long to compile all the available data valuable to the railroad official seeking information, whether it be for the purpose of building a new shop to meet modern and future conditions, or increasing the efficiency of an existing plant. It was not originally intended to make this book so broad and comprehensive : but there was found to be such a vast quantity of related data and information on the subject, that it was deemed advisable to extend its scope to its present proportions. All material has been condensed as much as possible without sacrificing necessary details or impairing the lucidity of any descriptions, so that each kind of shop or particular kind of practice followed, may be clearly understood and comprehended. The value of such a compilation as this depends large- ly upon the proper arrangement of facts in their natural and logical sequence so that the effects and results of the evolutions continually in progress, in the up to date railway shop, are readily arrived at by the reader. We have based our statements upon and drawn our conclu- sions from conditions as we have found them and have not theorized upon ideal conditions. We want this work to stand for exactly what its name implies. There are so many good shops, each apparently the best under the peculiar governing conditions and each new shop .to be built hereafter will be subject to its own governing conditions, not possible to predict here, that it would be manifestly the sheerest folly to lay down a rigid policy or standard to be followed. We give what are found to be facts and governing conditions, but we know that there are new questions yet to be raised and unknown quantities in shop problems to be deter- mined before any given problem can be solved. It is necessary to go from the known to the unknown in this as in other lines of progress and we have attempt- ed to supply information to help as far as we may. There is no doubt but that there will be found here one or more illustrations which will approximately fit the conditions to be met in building a new plant or modernizing an old one. While it is unlikely that an attempt would be made to plan one shop as an identical counterpart of another, each shop illustrated or described contains some features worthy of being emulated. Our aim has been attained if we have shown clearly the various types of modern railway shops. We wish to express our appreciation of the kindly assistance rendered by the railroad officials with whom we have come in contact during the course of this work. It has been a pleasure indeed to note the willingness to assist and the interest evidenced in our undertaking. We only hope that our readers will find as much interest and pleasure in these pages as we have found in the asso- ciations formed in gathering the information for RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE. M. H. H. OF THE c^ > _-. i UNIVERSITY V OF Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter I INTRODUCTORY A STUDY of American railway shops of to-day reflects the fact that each railroad contem- plating the construction of a new shop or preparing plans to remodel an old one, will find it necessary to work out its own destiny according to its own requirements and peculiar governing conditions. Present railroad shops embody many features worthy of being emulated and in many instances there are a number of details in the shop of one railroad which may be used to advantage in the shop of another. However, an at- tempt to plan a shop under the mere specification that it shall provide for a given number of locomotives, with- out a thorough investigation and study of all governing conditions, would hardly result in success. The same may be said of an attempt to lay out and construct one shop as an identical counterpart of another on a foreign road, for the reason that governing conditions would hardly be alike and these conditions would necessarily modify the shop design. The preparation of plans for a new shop is universally preceded by a comprehensive study of the most success- ful shops in operation both old and new. However, the progress of shop construction has not adhered to such lines that a precedent can be established or any rules formulated by which shops can be prepared to meet all conditions. Comparative data regarding the equipment and out- put of different shops is apt to be misleading on ac- count of the difference in demand upon the shops of va- rious systems consequent upon conditions affecting loco- motive repairs. The character of traffic, grade, curv- ature water supply, type and size of locomotives, etc., varies for each locality and affects the demands upon the shop. Each shop therefore is designed and equipped according to the dictates of local surrounding conditions and influenced by the personal preference of those super- vising the design. It may be said that the general layout of a shop is not always representative of an arrangement considered the most satisfactory for the work to be accomplished, but rather the most practical under the circumstances governing at the time the shop was built. Its location is dependent upon the convenience pro- vided for the accommodation of the system, or portion of the system, which it serves; convenience with respect to centers of supply of labor and material and advantages with respect to cost of land, buildings, taxes, etc. Plans have been influenced by shape and size of avail- able land, by location of property with relation to direc- tion of main line, by provision for construction of new shops or remodeling of old, by character and quantity of work to be done, whether for manufacture as well as re- pair, and whether for maintenance of cars, locomotives or both, by the demand to be made on the shop by de- partments other than the mechanical and by prevalent ideas of economy. In earlier shops the use of the transfer table was the principal factor in determining the most practical lay out in providing communication among the buildings. The introduction of the powerful overhead traveling crane, capable of lifting the heaviest locomotive, is shown to have modified the arrangement of buildings. This is especially noticeable in the locomotive department, though the variation is evident in repair and building plants as a whole. In the small plants built to meet the demand of railway equipment in its early stages of de- velopment, the effort was to locate buildings containing machinery so that power could be delivered by line shafts driven from one engine and it was thought that the rope drive would facilitate such an arrangement. Later de- velopments include the delivery of steam from one boiler house to two or more engines located at different points about the plant for driving line shafts. It is now gen- erally conceded that the distribution of electrical power from one central plant provides the most satisfactory method of power transmission and permits the most flex- ible arrangements of buildings and equipment. Prac- tically all recent designs of railroad shops include a power house centrally located or nearly so and con- taining all apparatus for power and light, and frequently the principal heating apparatus. Many' of the older shops have been extended and electrical apparatus installed liberally. It may be said then that the introduction of electrical apparatus and traveling cranes, together with the use of air driven small tools and appliances and heavier machine tools with high speed steel, have been the prominent feat- ures in the evolution of the railway shop to meet the de- mand of the constantly growing motive power and roll- ing equipment. The railroads of the country are found to have shops varying in degree of development. Some of them were built about forty years ago for the repairs of about twen- ty-five engines and they are still in operation. The fact that most of the large roads of to-day represent the RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE growth and absorption of the small roads of the past, is largely responsible for the "back number" shops found at division points of so many systems which in a general sense are considered up to date. Some railroad com- panies, noticeably the New York Central and the Balti- more & Ohio, are providing small repair plants, standard to their respective systems, for light repairs and remote roundhouses and these are found to be of material assis- tance in relieving the principal shops. Railroad managements are waking up to the necessity of good terminal facilities for maintaining running re- pairs on the heavier equipment of to-day and for quickly turning the power in minimum time consistent with its condition upon arrival at the terminal. This is reflected particularly by the terminal plants at Elkhart, on the L. S. & M. S. Ry. and at East Altoona on the Pennsyl- vania. The tendency in recent years has been to build a prin- cipal or main shop at some central point on a system where the greatest number of locomotives will be access- ible for repairs and at which the freight traffic centers. Such a point is not usually found to be the geographical center, but rather the business center of the system. There is evidence of but little improvement in the way of new shops at division points and the tendency seems to be to concentrate the heavy repairs at the main shops and maintain the light and running repairs at the outside points. This would seem to be conceded by the following from the report of the committee on shop layouts at the 1905 convention of the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association : "No matter how large and complete the main shop may be, the outlying points can advantageously and profitably use a moderate tool equipment for taking care of running and light accidental repairs, leaving heavy repairs and manufacturing to be done at the main shops. With such an equipment and organization, we believe that relatively small shops are undesirable, expensive and unprofitable, and that the larger, completely equipped main shops will handle the repairs in the most satisfac- tory manner." Granting then that the railroad main shops have re- ceived the most marked attention in improvement and provision for modern facilities, it is natural to turn to these as representative of the trend of shop progress. For this reason the diagrams and tables here presented are compiled principally from data descriptive of the main shops, including those most recently constructed and the . most prominent among the older shops. Shop kinks and devices for saving time and labor have been developed by individuals to meet the requirements of conditions surrounding their work. Such kinks often have been found worthy of imitation, sometimes with greater or less modification to meet conditions in other surroundings. New shops have felt the need of jigs, templates and methods, and have progressed but slowly until such devices and systems have been installed. The value of such items in the old shops was hardly appre- ciated until their want was felt in putting new shops into commission. Hence, items of older shop practice, where found efficient, are given prominent notice and in all cases governing conditions are considered in reach- ins: conclusions. OF THE UNIVERSITY ) OF Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter II LAYOUT GROUPING OF BUILDINGS. FROM a careful comparison of shop layouts and an observation of the trend of progress repre- sented by successive years, it is apparent that the aim in preparing plans has been to so arrange the buildings and several departments as to group those provided for the same class of work, locating those serving two or more groups on sites equally accessible to the several groups served and providing throughout for inter-com- munication among the buildings so as to facilitate the movement of material with the least amount of unpro- ductive travel. The transfer table is prominent as the vehicle for com- munication and distribution at older and smaller shop plants and the buildings at such plants are seen to be largely grouped around one or more transfer table pits as principal avenues or thoroughfares. The same ten- dency to group buildings around a main thoroughfare of movement and distribution is apparent in the layout plans of recently constructed large shops. In them, how- ever, the transfer table is not the controlling feature, the seeming tendency being to minimize its use in order to remove the obstruction offered by the pit, to econ- omize the space which it covers and to reduce the num- ber of doors which would be required in the side of a building served by a table. In the large modern plants the transfer table is found very generally to serve the passenger car department buildings, operated between the paint and repair shops, and the tendency, becoming more pronounced, is to group the other principal buildings about a long narrow space or thoroughfare served by a yard traveling crane. Such a layout provides for the location of the passenger car department at a remote part of the plant where the transfer table pit will offer no impediment to general yard traffic. In this arrangement of buildings and ac- cessories of large modern plants lies a marked similarity to the grouping of buildings in the smaller shops about the transfer table pit as a main thoroughfare, for exam- ple at the smaller shops planned about 1898. GOVERNING CONDITIONS. Size, shape and topography of available land together with the condition of providing new shops throughout or remodeling old shops, have influenced the arrangement of buildings and layout of some shop plants as a whole. As a result there are shops which are representative, not of the most desirable design, but of the most practical arrangement under peculiar governing conditions. This fact accounts for some features which otherwise would be open to criticism and which include disadvantages, duly realized and reckoned with by the local officials when planning the shops. Such examples, fortunately, have emphasized the necessity of a freer scope for those preparing shop plans and there is now more noticeable effort to procure land to suit the shop. Further argument for a large tract of land in allowing free scope for a shop layout is the necessity of provid- ing for future extensions, for yard room in which to store material for the several departments, for sufficient distance between buildings as a prevention against fire risks, as well as for open roadways to facilitate move- ments of wagons and fire fighting equipment. The criterion by which a shop design is tested is its facility of operation and its capacity for returning equip- ment to service in minimum time. Results obtained in the operation of certain new shops have served to dem- onstrate more clearly to recent designers that utility is of greater importance than seeming economy in first cost. Such false economy has often proved very expensive by necessitating changes and alterations after shops were put into commission. COMPACTNESS PROVIDED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE. About the period of 1898 to 1903 several shops were built in which there is a marked similarity in the layout and arrangement of buildings and accessories. In fact there is a greater resemblance among the general lines along which these shops were plannd than is noticeable among shops built at any other period, until very re- cently. These are the shops of the Chicago Great West- ern at Oelwein, la. ; Colorado & Southern at Denver. Col. ; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy at Hannibal, Mo. : \\ isconsin Central at Fond du Lac; Fort Worth & Den- ver City at Childress, Tex. ; Oregon Short Line at Poca- tello, Idaho, and Southern Pacific at East Los Angeles, Cal. Diagrams of several of these shop layouts are shown and by reference to them it will be seen that the principal. buildings are grouped around a single transfer table. At these plants the locomotive erecting shops con- tain nine, ten and fifteen pits and are built to maintain repairs of from 150 to about 200 locomotives. For shops of this capacity and such size that a single transfer table can be used to advantage, it seems to be conceded gen- erally that such a type is the most satisfactory. For the main shop of a comparatively small road or for a divi- sion shop of a large road, then, these shops establish a precedent for compactness and convenience. At shop plants of larger capacity the size of build- ings and size and shape of available land has usually re- stricted the advantages of the single transfer table and these conditions have been met by grouping some de- partments about two or more transfer tables and by modifying the track arrangements of the locomotive and car shops. ACCESS TO SHOPS. This brings the question to a point concerning the 10 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE transverse or longitudinal arrangement of erecting or re- pair stalls. Due consideration of these arrangements ap- pears in later chapters referring particularly to the indi- vidual buildings. Their features for the present are re- stricted to such discussion as affects the layout. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP. Some older arid small plants provided entrance to cross erecting shops by a fan tail track approach radiating from the roundhouse turn table or a shop lead and others provided a similar approach for a longitudinal shop. In earlier years a large transverse shop required a transfer table and the longitudinal shop required as many lead tracks as there are tracks in the erecting shop. The introduction of the large traveling crane, capable of lifting the heaviest of locomotives, has provided advan- tageous features for both transverse and longitudinal shops. It has brought about improved facilities by which locomotives are delivered to and from the shop and such features naturally affect the layout of the shop plant in, so far as it is influenced by the locomotive shop as one of the factors. The inference to be drawn from the design and ar- rangement of a number of the most recently constructed shops is that the transfer table is no longer generally considered a necessary adjunct to the transverse locomo- tive shop and by dispensing with this, the space pre- viously occupied by the transfer table pit is available for yard room. Dispensing with the transfer table reduces the number of doors necessary in one side of the build- ing, and removes an impediment to general yard traffic. Where such an arrangement prevails, engines enter and leave the shop over one track, either at one end or at the center of the building. If the building is parallel with the general line of yard tracks, engines must be delivered over a turntable, convenient to the entering lead, unless the roundhouse is so situated that the roundhouse turn table is available. If the building is arranged trans- versly with the general line of yard tracks, no turntable is necessary. Longitudinal shops are usually arranged parallel with the general line of yard tracks and locomotives enter and leave the shop on the central of three working tracks. No turntable or transfer table is necessary with such an ar- rangement as a locomotive is transferred from the enter- ing track to the working spaces of the other tracks, by the traveling cranes. At the Angus shops of the Cana- dian Pacific Ry. locomotives usually enter the shop on the center track, though each shop track is connected with the yard line, where they are stripped, and are de- livered by the traveling crane to the working spaces. They leave the shop from the side track nearer the wall, where they are fired up within the shop as there is no roundhouse at this repair plant. FREIGHT CAR SHOP. Recent general practice indicates the more common use of longitudinal tracks in freight car repair and build- ing shops, though two railroad companies use round- houses in such capacity. The instances are the Pennsyl- vania Railroad at Altoona and Columbus and the Nor- folk & Western Railroad at Roanoke. Access to the longitudinal freight car erecting shop is usually by a track approach at one or both ends of the main building, though at a few railroad shops built previously to 1900 and at a number of freight car manufacturing plants, the plan provides for a yard approach at one end of the main building and a transfer table at the other. PASSENGER CAR SHOPS. Both old and new shops, with a few exceptions, ad- here to the common practice of providing transverse re- pair and paint shops served by a transfer table, for the passenger car department. Exceptions are the old shops of the Norfolk & Western at Roanoke, the Pennsylvania at Altoona and the more recently built (1902) shops of the Mexican Central at Aguas Calientes, Mex., and the Pittsburg & Lake Erie at McKees Rocks. FLEXIBILITY PROVIDED BY ELECTRICAL POWER. The effect upon shop layouts produced by the intro- duction of electrical transmission of power, is to permit greater flexibility in the location of buildings with re- spect to the requirements of departments which they serve and with regard to convenience of the shop plant as a whole. It is now possible for practically all appa- ratus for the generation of power to be confined to a single power plant located as nearly as possible at the center of the shop plant and in practically all recently constructed shops this arrangement is found to obtain. Individual buildings are located as requirements demand and the direction of the line shaft is no longer a controll- ing feature. STOREHOUSE. The location of the storehouse is a very essential fac- tor. Its position practically determines the base of sup- plies. As a store house at a main shop usually supplies the system, this building requires a convenient arrange- ment of tracks to provide for the receipt and delivery of material. The storehouse is also the principal point of supply for the shop plant and as such its place is one easy of access to all departments. The most improved store- house, together with its supply and store platform, usual- ly constitutes a long narrow structure and the de- partment includes scrap platforms, sheds and bins. It is frequently placed between the locomotive and car de- partments, however, its most convenient location is de- pendent upon the facilities provided for distribution of material. It is evident, therefore, that much depends on the location of the storehouse, from the standpoint of the efficiency of the individual shop plant at which it is lo- cated as well as convenient facilities for receiving and distributing material for the line. At those shops concentrating the buildings about a transfer table the storehouse is located usually at one end of the transfer table pit in order that the table may be used as a vehicle for distribution. The storehouse plat- form of the Colorado & Southern at Denver has a sec- tion lowered to the level of the transfer table to facilitate handling material in this manner. It is significant to note the similarity between this loca- LAYOUT 11 tion of the storehouse with regard to the transfer table pit as a thoroughfare of distribution and inter-communi- cation and the location of the storehouse in shop plants having a crane covered thoroughfare or midway, as the principal avenue. This may be seen by reference to the diagrams illustrating the layouts of the Canadian Pacific at Montreal and the Big Four at Indianapolis. It is noticeable that a portion of the storehouse platform is served by the yard crane and that the crane so serves the principal buildings as to establish efficient communi- cation between the storehouse and the several depart- ments, and among the principal buildings. ROUNDHOUSE. It is substantially an established practice to locate the roundhouse near the locomotive, or machine and erect- ing shop and connect it with the same by a standard track. At Elizabethport, Central Railroad of New Jer- sey, the transfer table pit is between the roundhouse and the locomotive shop. This is unusual and is probably ac- counted for by the arrangement of buildings to suit the shape of available land and to place the roundhouse at a point convenient to the main line and to branch lines which diverge at this point. There is a growing tendency to provide a small shop equipped to maintain roundhouse repairs independent of the main shop and thus establish light repair facilities close to the work, and at the same time relieve the locomo- tive machine shop of jobs which are constantly coming up and which necessarily are of such nature that it is diffi- cult to prepare for them in advance. This usually in- cludes machine and blacksmith shop facilities to handle running repairs only, for it is considered cheaper to send an engine requiring accidental repair work to the adja- cent main or division shop, rather than attempt to main- tain a large machine shop at the roundhouse for such emergency repairs as are apt to overtax their ordinary running repair facilities. At the same time it is still common to find a few ma- chine tools in a roundhouse at a main shop for machine work at night, and at other times that the shop may be shut down, yet the machine shop is depended upon for the heavier machine work required for running repairs. At Collinwood, on the Lake Shore & Michigan South- ern, there is a small independent machine and blacksmith shop for running repairs exclusively. This roundhouse is located some distance from the locomotive shop and hardly may be considered as a portion of the locomotive and car shop plant. It is fairer to consider this round- house in the light of an independent small plant. The same may be said of the Elkhart roundhouse of the same road. At each of these roundhouses, there is a main or division shop sufficiently close to send driving wheels dropped in the roundhouse and requiring journals to be turned. The East Altoona roundhouse of the Pennsylvania Railroad is located at a greater distance from the repair shop and is equipped to be more independent than either of those just mentioned, and driving wheel work is done at the roundhouse machine shop. The details of this feature of roundhouse equipment are considered at greater length in a later chapter and are here presented as concerning the effect in preparing plans for a shop layout. By thus providing for roundhouse equipment, the roundhouse can be conveniently situated at a point iso- lated from the shop and yet more convenient for either the freight yard, passenger station or both. The round- house being then isolated from the shop yard, the entire available land may be used as best suited to the require- ments of the shop. The conditions governing the loca- tion of certain buildings to accommodate the require- ments of the roundhouse are thus eliminated and a freer scope is allowed in locating the buildings to the best ad- vantage of the several shop departments. BLACKSMITH SHOP. At shops for both locomotives and cars, there is usu- ally one blacksmith shop to serve both departments. This shop, therefore, is usually so located as to be easy of ac- cess to both departments. Frequently its ground -plan is L shaped, one section being devoted to the work of each department, each wing paralleling the department which it serves. FOUNDRY. The iron foundry is usually located at such a point that castings can be delivered conveniently to the store- house for line shipments and direct to the several shops where castings are machined or assembled. At the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific, there are two foundries. The gray iron foundry is situated on the midway in order that the output may be handled by the yard crane and the wheel foundry is located near the freight car de- partment so that wheels may be delivered directly across the wheel storage yard to the truck shop where wheels and axles are mounted and assembled. PLANING MILL. Planing mills are commonly so placed that the finished lumber may follow the shortest path of productive move- ment from the lumber yard and through the various machines to the freight car erecting shop. Also in ar- ranging the layout, it is customary to so locate the plan- ing mill with reference to the power house that shavings from the various machines may be delivered readily tc the boiler room by air ducts. This to some extent deter- mines the location of the power house, in order to pro- vide for use of shavings for fuel of one or more boile.rs. Except for this controlling feature the natural location of the power house is at the center of the plant. LUMBER YARD. Lumber yards, dry kilns, etc., are naturally located within easy access to the planing mill and effective trans- fer of material requires good track facilities throughout the lumber yard and connecting with the mill. SCRAP DEPARTMENT. Older shops made but little provision for storing, clas- sifying, separating and disposing of scrap material. In view of the capital represented by scrap and the large amount which has been found to accumulate at principal shops, from both road and shops, the newer shops have 12 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE been made to include a scrap department as an important feature of the shop layout. This is usually in connection with the stores department. The use of traveling hoists located over several tracks in one portion, of the scrap de- partment is becoming more noticeable. Such hoists are found very useful in unloading cars of scrap that come in from the line and in sorting heavy material. AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS. The smaller departments, such as brass foundries, bolt and nut shops, tin shops, upholstering shops, paint shops, etc., are located as best suited to the requirements of larger departments which they serve and they are consid- ered more in detail in connection with the buildings in which they are usually located, instead of in connection with the general layout. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL. Naturally the prime motive of the shop is to make re- pairs with maximum expediency and to return equip- ment to service in minimum time. Each building stands much in the same relation to the entire shop plan as the several component parts of a machine bear to the com- pleted mechanism. This signifies the requirement of ef- fective inter-communication among buildings. Distribu- tion of material rapidly, economically and with least un- productive movement, then, is the keynote in the general arrangement of buildings, facilities and equipment. Beginning with new supplies this includes the delivery of material from the store house to the several depart- ments. The peculiar character of repair work requires a cer- tain amount of retroactive movement, for instance the movement of a locomotive frame to and from the black- smith shop and the movement of other parts to and from the repair gangs, etc. Blacksmith shops and foundries, therefore, are so located as to provide for effective move ment to and from the storehouse, locomotive erecting shop, car department shops, etc. The arrangement and equipment of individual build- ings are provided to suit their immediate needs and re- quirements of departments which they serve. Also the buildings are so located as to secure most effective opera- tion, to provide for the movement of hand trucks of the industrial system and to include thoroughfares of inter- communication. CLASSIFICATION. Basing the classification of large shops for repairing both locomotives and cars upon the leading characteris- tics of the layout and the grouping of the principal de- partments, Mr. Walter G. Berg, chief engineer of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, who has given the subject of shop design much careful study, has classified American shop systems as follows : A. Complete transfer table layout. (a) All departments combined along one transfer table. (b) The various departments grouped along separate transfer tables. B. Combination of transfer table and longitudinal lay- out. (a) Longitudinal freight car shop; all other depart- ments, transfer tables. (b) Longitudinal locomotive erecting shop, longitu- dinal freight car shop, and transfer table passenger car shop. C. Combination of a transfer table and a cross loco- motive erecting shop with traversing crane for lifting engines over each other. (a) Cross locomotive erecting shop with crane for lift- ing engines over each other, otherwise transfer tables for all other departments. (b) Cross locomotive erecting shop with crane for lift- ing engines over each other, passenger car shop with transfer table, and longitudinal freight car shop. D. Layouts without transfer tables. (a) All longitudinal layout. (b) Cross locomotive erecting shop with crane for lift- ing engines over each other, otherwise, longitudinal lay- out. This classification is claimed to cover practically all railway shop systems of the country. The several combi- nations existing in any one shop have resulted from gov- erning conditions and the personal preference of officials having the deciding vote. The system of serving all departments by one transfer table seems to be commonly preferred for shops having a capacity of about fifteen locomotive stalls or less, to serve as the principal shop of a small road or as a divi- sion shop of a large road. It was said before that there is a greater similarity among the shops of this type than among any others until very recently. While the various systems may be included in Mr. Berg's classification, there is a marked dissimilarity among the general feat- ures of the ground plan layout of shops built about the same time and during successive years. There is now a growing tendency, evident from the general layout of re- cently built shops, to concentrate the departments about one crane served thoroughfare as an avenue of inter- communication and serving much in this capacity as did the transfer table in the shop system served by a single table. In such systems the groups are arranged around the avenue of inter-communication and each department is arranged within itself as requirements demand. The plants at Angus, on the Canadian Pacific, and Indianap- olis on the Big Four, are arranged much on the same general principles, though the former includes a longitu- dinal locomotive shop and the latter a transverse loco- motive shop. Each has a longitudinal freight car erect- ing shop and at each the passenger car repair and paint shops are arranged transversely and served by a common transfer table. The storehouse and locomotive shop are at one end of the midway and opposite to each other. The freight car repair shop and yard are at the farther end of the midway and the blacksmith shop, foundry, car ma- chine shop, truck shop, etc., are grouped along the mid- way where they can be served by the yard crane. The LAYOUT 13 only transfer table in either of these plants serves the car department. In this connection it is interesting to note that the Col- linwood shops of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, built in 1902, are soon to be provided with a crane to serve a storage yard extending across the plant and oc- cupying a position between two rows of the principal buildings. This area is between the locomotive shop, storehouse, power plant and passenger car department on one side and the brass foundry, bolt, blacksmith and car machine shops, mill building and new freight car re- pair shop (now under construction) on the other side. Provision for the future extension of all buildings is in two directions away from this area and the crane served yard will provide a thoroughfare among the principal buildings and a storage space controlled by the several departments. In the locomotive shop the erecting pits are arranged transversely and this shop is not served by a transfer table. In the new freight car shop the repair tracks will be arranged longitudinally and the passenger car depart- ment is provided for by three transverse buildings served by two transfer tables. New cabooses are built in one of these buildings. This department occupies a corner of the plant in order that the transfer tables will offer no impediment to general yard traffic. From a strictly up to date standpoint, the best practice for large shops is found to include a longitudinally or transversely arranged locomotive shop (according to the personal tastes of officials having the deciding vote) equipped with traveling cranes for transferring locomo- tives from the entering track to the erecting pit : a freight car erecting shop with longitudinal tracks, and two build- ings served by a transfer table for the passenger car de- partment, one located on each side of the pit, used for coach repair shop and paint shop respectively. All of these are commonly long narrow buildings and the problem re- solves itself largely into the matter of best locating these buildings to suit local governing conditions. The ten- dency has been to do away with the transfer table, except in connection with the passenger car department, espe- cially in colder climates, and the passenger car depart- ment is usually located as remotely as possible in order that the transfer table pit will offer least impediment to general yard traffic. The storehouse and minor shop buildings are located with relation to these buildings as best suited to the de- partment or departments which they serve. In the comparatively new plants the leading feature is the provision for inter-communication and compact- ness to contribute to delivery of material at the same time making due allowance for storage space to serve the principal departments and sufficient distance between buildings to guard against fire risks. It would, there- fore, seem that the older shops represent more of a mon- grel growth and a present day classification would group modern shops as follows : 1. All department buildings combined along one transfer table pit as a principal avenue of distribution and inter-communication. 2. Principal buildings arranged along crane served runway as avenue of distribution and inter-communica- tion with transfer table serving passenger car department only. 3. Arrangement of yards without transfer tables in which the principal buildings are provided with longitu- dinal tracks, or in which there is a cross locomotive shop with other buildings arranged with longitudinal tracks. 4. Mongrel growth to provide for increased capacity according to available facilities. EVOLUTION OF OLD SHOPS. The older shops, while including many up to date features, hardly represent the best general layouts or ground plan arrangements. Though these shops were considered ideal in every particular when built, improved facilities have been introduced which the older con- struction and arrangement of buildings prohibit unless the plant should be entirely rebuilt. In some instances this has been done either by securing new r land at a dis- tant point and erecting a new plant or by acquiring ad- jacent land and supplanting one or more departments at a time. In making such improvements, as the new buildings provided for transfer of departments, the space thus vacated has been utilized by other departments. Where enlargements have been made to introduce modern facilities in an old plant, the new buildings are not always situated so as to produce the most economical movement of material. While not intended as a criticism of the older shops, this is mentioned to illustrate how the latest shop plans show more compactness in the location of buildings and greater facilities for distribution of material among the various shops. INDIVIDUAL EXAMPLES OF SHOP LAYOUTS. In order to portray more clearly the characteristic feat- tures of railroad shop layouts, a number of the older shops are shown as well as several of the more modern, from which conclusions may be drawn as to the best practice. For this purpose the following are good ex- amples : I. C. R. R. BURNSIDE. At the Burnside shops of the Illinois Central Railroad the original plans provided for a blacksmith shop and boiler shop in the same building, separated by a fire wall, and located across the transfer table pit from the loco- motive erecting and machine shop. The latter shop con- tains 24 transverse pits, served by a crane of 100 tons ca- pacity, and the original ground lavout provided for a fu- ture possible extension of this building to embrace 40 or 50 pits. This building originally included the principal car wheel work and wheels and axles were stored in the space beyond the locomotive shop. During recent years the machine tool capacity has been largely increased by the construction of two long narrow galleries, or balconies, in the machine bay and by the re- moval of the car wheel department to a new shop which 14 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE has been built in addition to the passenger car repair shop. In order to provide greater facility in both black- smith and boiler work, a new boiler shop has been built and the present locomotive department of the blacksmith shop is to be extended to include the old boiler shop. The new boiler shop is located at a point beyond the old blacksmith shop and boiler shop and the pits are ar- ranged transversely, served by an overhead traveling crane and includes the use of a transfer table. These im- provements represent the provision of facilities for in- creasing work in the boiler, blacksmith and machine de- partments without increasing the capacity of the locomo- tive shop as a storage plant and will provide for a larger and more economical output with the same number of repair pits. The boiler shop contains 24 erecting pits, or stalls, and this provision is made to meet the demand of the next 15 or 20 years, which accounts for the construction of a boiler shop of almost the same length as the locomotive erecting shop. A new roundhouse has been added to the original plan, thus doubling the facility for roundhouse work. A. T. & S. F. TOPEKA. The Topeka shops of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, are an example of the extension of the original plant, em- bracing car and locomotive shops, to provide a new loco- motive department, modern in every particular, as well as an addition to the freight car repair department. The new shop buildings were erected on acquired land ad- jacent to the old shop plant and the area previously oc- cupied by the locomotive shop has been converted to meet the requirements of auxiliary departments. The old locomotive shop was on the side of the main line tracks to Atchison, opposite to the present site. The conditions peculiar to this plant are such that yard tracks enter from one end only and transverse traffic among the several buildings and departments is depen- dent upon cross tracks equipped with small turntables for push cars, at the intersections of longitudinal and cross tracks. While the location of the storehouse is conve- nient for line shipments in being near the main tracks, its position would appear out of the way so far as conve- nient distribution of material throughout the shop plant is concerned. The passenger coach shop and present paint shop is served by two transfer tables and there are no transfer tables in the other departments. The use of two transfer tables in the passenger car department is unusual and the second table is probably provided for de- livery between the planing mill, storage yard and truck shop and the coach shop. Arguments have been presented in favor of serving a passenger car shop with more than one transfer table, where the shop tracks are of such length as to provide a standing capacity of two or more cars on each track ; but in view of the impediment to general yard traffic on ac- count of the transfer table pit and the inconvenience pro- vided by the accumulation of snow, the general tendency has been to dispense with transfer tables wherever pos- sible. The planing mill at Topeka is conveniently located with regard to the passenger and freight departments. The freight car repair shed is the most liberal provision of its kind for this class of work of which information is at hand. Practically the entire freight repair yard is under roof. The principal buildings included in the additions providing for the locomotive department are the locomo- tive, blacksmith and wheel shops, powerhouse and iso- lated lavatory. The locomotive shop occupies a position at one ex- tremity of the plant, though later development included in the additional freight car department will extend the shop yard beyond the site of this building. The locomotive erecting pits are arranged longitudinally and the building includes the erecting, machine, boiler and tank depart- ments. The central pit track extends the full length of the building and engines are stripped and finished on this track. In order that no congestion might result from this practice, a turntable is located east of the building and adjacent to the boiler department and tanks enter the shop over this table. To further facilitate this plan and the crane service, transverse stall tracks are provided for tender frame and tank work. Additions are now being made at Topeka which include a new passenger car paint shop, and a new freight car plant which will be considered as an extension of the present freight car repair facilities. The new paint shop will be situated 50 feet south of the present paint shop. It will be 320 feet long by 110 feet wide and will be served by a transfer table operating at the south side of the new building. The additions to the freight car department will be in a group of new buildings situated on a tract of land about 1,300 feet east of the locomotive shop. This will include a freight car repair shed, 208 feet 6 inches by 900 feet, which, it will be observed, is larger than the present re- pair shed of the original plant ; a freight car planing mill, 75 feet by 350 feet ; a dry kiln, 50 feet by 60 feet ; freight car structural steel shop, 80 feet by 200 feet ; wheel shop, 60 feet by 100 feet, and scrap bins constructed of old sills. Adjacent to the freight car planing mill is a boiler and engine room, 44 feet by 50 feet and 36 feet by 50 feet re- spectively. On each side of the dry kiln is a small 6 foot transfer table to facilitate distribution from the dry kiln to the freight car planing mill. c. & N. w. CHICAGO. At the Kinzie street, Chicago, shop of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, all departments were originally grouped around several transfer tables before this plant was extended in 1901. Since that time a new longitu- dinal freight car repair shop has been built and the trans- fer table serving the locomotive shop has been extended to serve a newly constructed boiler shop which is modern in its equipment and includes the service of overhead traveling cranes. The erecting and machine shop is not served by overhead traveling cranes and locomotives en- tering the shop for' all classes of repairs are stripped and LAYOUT 15 unwheeled in the boiler shop where crane service is avail- able and, when necessary, boilers are removed from frames in the boiler shop. The skeleton and machinery are then transferred to the erecting shop by the transfer table and wheels are handled by a traveling jib crane. P. & L. E. MC KEES ROCKS. The Pittsburg & Lake Erie shops at McKees Rocks, represent successive improvements for the locomotive and later for the car department and illustrate additions to provide for gradual improvements. The layout of this plant is limited by the shape and size of available land, being included in a peculiarly shaped narrow strip between the main tracks and the side of a hill. The present caboose repair and tank shop and the coach repair shop are in old buildings once occupied by the locomotive shop. A few years ago a new locomotive shop was built which includes 20 transverse pits served by an overhead traveling crane capable of lifting an engine over those standing on the pits and a crane of small ca- pacity for handling lighter parts, operating on runways at different heights. In this plant the boiler shop is in a separate building arranged at right angles to the locomo- tive shop. The blacksmith shop and storehouse are par- allel to the boiler shop and this group of buildings repre- sents a convenient arrangement for efficient service where it is preferred to place the boiler department in an iso- lated building. On the opposite side of the erecting and machine shop are two roundhouses and the power house. Both roundhouses are connected with the erecting shop and engines entering the shop for repairs are delivered over the roundhouse turntable. This arrangement ob- viates the necessity of a turntable to serve the erecting shop, and the whole layout represents a very compact grouping of buildings. One roundhouse is being used temporarily as a steel car repair shop. The passenger car paint shop, \\hile in a modern and convenient building, is peculiarly located on account of the lack of space and is some distance from the other car shop?. A modern freight car shop has recently been completed. This shop is the best equipped, especially for \vork on steel cars, of which information is at hand. The shop arrangement includes longitudinal tracks. One bay is to be devoted entirely to repairs of steel cars and provision is made to include space for furnaces and other apparatus in handling parts of such car?. B. R. & P. DU BOIS. The locomotive shops of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts- burg at Du Bois, are comparatively new and modern shops and represent up to date practice. The locomotive shop includes the longitudinal arrangement of tracks with the erecting bay in the center and machine bay on each side. The shop originally included the boiler department at one end and the shop as then built was expected* to turn out about 12 locomotives per month. Its present out- put averages 24 to 26 per month. In order to secure this increased capacity a new boiler shop ha? been constructed so that the space heretofore oc- cupied by machine tools for boiler work has been sup- planted by machine tools for locomotive work and the standing capacity on the pits has been similarly increased. The boiler shop is in a new, modern building located at a distance of 145 feet from one end of the locomotive shop and is arranged transversely with the latter. The stall tracks are transverse and are served by a crane of 30 tons capacity. The shop is served by a 45-foot transfer table which provides communication between any stall of the boiler shop and the longitudinal tracks of the erecting and machine shop, as well as with an entering or lead track. The blacksmith shop is north of the erecting and machine shop with a distance of 40 feet between the two buildings. The roundhouse is located south of the erect- ing and machine shop with a distance of 275 feet from this shop to the center of the turntable. A straight trans- verse track across the erecting and machine shop, con- nects with the roundhouse on one side and with the black- smith shop on the other. This track does not enter the blacksmith shop, but intersects a longitudinal track through the shop. The power house is north of the erect- ing and machine shop and east of the blacksmith shop. The storehouse is north of the erecting and machine shop. It is entirely surrounded by a platform at the height of an ordinary box car floor and is well served by track con- nections. The oil house is south of the storehouse and west of the roundhouse and is well situated with relation to both. It is interesting to compare the general ground plans of the B. R. & P. shops with that of the locomotive depart- ment of the P. & L. E., as representative of two shops with about the same capacity, in one of which the loco- motive erecting pits are arranged transversely and served by overhead traveling cranes, and in the other the pits are arranged longitudinally and served by overhead traveling cranes. In both plants the buildings are closer together than is usually customary and would indicate that with present day structures and fire protection equipment, shop designers are justified in planning for greater compact- ness in the arrangement of buildings. At Du Bois the buildings are capable of extension to meet greater de- mands of the future, while at McKees Rocks there is T.O further available land for the extension of shop buildings. C. P. ANGUS. As compared with shops previously built the ground plan, or general layout of the Angus shops of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway represents an innovation in the gen- eral arrangement of principal buildings to provide for the several departments. The principal governing features are the disposition of the only transfer table, namely, that serving the passenger car department at a remote point in the plant where the transfer table pit does not impede general yard traffic and the introduction of a crane served thoroughfare as the principal avenue of inter-communica- tion. The use of a traveling crane in the yard was not original with the Angus shop plant, nor did the idea of grouping the buildings about one thoroughfare of inter- 16 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE communication originate with this shop layout. Other shops had used overhead traveling cranes to advantage in the yards and several shops, referred to in the early part of this chapter as being similar to each other with regard to certain principal points and constructed about 1899, represented an arrangement of grouping buildings along a single transfer table pit which serves as an avenue of inter-communication. The Angus shop represents a layout using both feat- ures to advantage, but omitting the transfer table as the principal vehicle of distribution. The buildings are grouped around a principal thoroughfare and the crane provides a vehicle for transferring material. At the same time the ground space covered by the crane is available for material tracks and as a road for teams and instead of offering an impediment to general yard traffic as would the transfer table pit, it provides greater facility in this connection. The crane also offers greater convenience as a means of delivery than does a transfer table. The buildings are at right angles to the midway and a system of standard gauge material tracks for both lon- gitudinal and cross traffic among the buildings is con- nected with thfe tracks of the midway by 8 foot turn- tables at track intersections. The system of material tracks, while of standard gauge, is independent, in that the 8 foot turntables will offer no impediment to loco- motive traffic. The plant is served by a system of through tracks connected with a belt line surrounding the yards for delivery of material in carload lots to the various storage spaces. All departments are provided with large storage spaces which are particularly essential in view of the shop being largely a manufacturing concern. The minimum distance between the buildings is 75 feet which, while providing against fire, is arranged princi- pally to provide for storage space and trackage room throughout the yard. The land on which the plant is sit- uated is of such size and the buildings are so located as to provide for the increase of all buildings in large ratio. Such additions may be made without interfering with fu- ture yard traffic and without greatly increasing travel among departments. Cross travel of material from the lumber yard to and from the mill is provided for by a small transfer table at each end of the mill. The pits are quite shallow and do not interfere with foot traffic in the vicinity of the mill building. The passenger car shop is served by a transfer table which is located beyond the zone of general yard traffic in order that no impediment may be offered by the pit. The transfer table travels parallel with tracks provided for yard traffic and cars are delivered to and from the trans- fer table over a curve. In view of the unlimited ground for the location of buildings it would appear that these shops would have been more convenient had this transfer table pit been arranged transversely with the yard tracks. In view of the large size of this shop plant it would ap- l>ear to be extremely well arranged and while ample pro- vision is made for storage, the arrangement of the build- ings is at the same time quite compact. The locomotive shop and general storehouse are at the south end of the midway and on opposite sides. The blacksmith shop, gray iron foundry, pattern shop, car machine shop, truck shop, car erecting shop and planing mill are also adjacent. The planing mill and freight car shop are on opposite sides of the midway and are in the same straight line to provide for economical movement of material direct from the lumber yard through the mill machinery and to the car erecting shop. The gray iron foundry is near the locomotive shop to provide for the de- livery of heavier castings. The blacksmith shop is lo- cated to serve both the locomotive and car departments and car material from this shop passes in natural se- quence through the car machine shop and truck shop on its way to the car erecting shop. The wheel foundry is located contiguous to the freiglT- car department with wheel and axle storage yard between it and the truck shop so that this building too is a feeder to the freight car erecting shop. The locomotive shop provides for erecting, machine, boiler and tank departments within a single building which also includes work on pilots, running boards and other wooden parts. The erecting pits are arranged longitudinally. The freight car paint shop is practically a continua- tion of the erecting shop so that transferring a car from the erecting shop to the paint shop consists in merely moving the gar forward as in advancing from one stage of construction to the next. The mill, erecting and paint shops are located in a straight line with the lumber yard and dry kiln contiguous to the mill, an arrange- ment which presents most desirable features for deliv- ery of material and for productive movement. C. C. C. & ST. I,. INDIANAPOLIS. The Big Four shop at Indianapolis is also an entirely new plant throughout and in general layout re- minds one of the Angus shop. The prin- cipal features differ somewhat and are arranged to suit the governing conditions and tastes of those respon- sible for the design. In this shop the principal build- ings are grouped around a midway 75 feet wide served by a 10-ton crane. As was said with regard to the Angus shop, the transfer table serving the car department is placed in a remote location. However, the direction of the transfer table pit appears more desirable inasmuch as it is arranged transversely to the general line of yard tracks and delivery to the table is more direct. All departments and all principal buildings are directly tributary to the midway and the layout is somewhat in- fluenced by the fact that the shop yard is adjacent to a large double hump gravity freight yard. A general sys- tem of tracks parallel to the main line track serves all de- partments and is connected to the main line at both ends of the shop yard. Cross travel among the several de- partments is provided for by transverse standard gauge industrial tracks and 8 foot roller bearing turntables at track intersections. The erecting and machine shop is a modification of the locomotive shop at Sayre, on the Lehigh Valley, the erecting pits being arranged trans- verselv in two rows with the machine space between LAYOUT 17 them. These pits are parallel with the shop tracks so that a turntable is not absolutely necessary in delivering locomotives to the shop. However, a turntable is intro- duced which serves to assist inter-communication be- tween the boiler shop and tank shop and erecting and machine shop, which are in separate buildings. The blacksmith shop is conveniently located to serve both the locomotive and- car departments. The store- house is located very near the center of the yard from which point it serves the several departments conve- niently. The iron and brass foundry are at the extreme west end of the yard so that the transportation of raw material at this point does not impede general yard traf- fic. One side of the iron foundry is served by the yard crane and a platform, one side of which is partly under the yard crane, extends from the iron foundry to the storehouse. Raw material enters one end of the foundry and finished castings are delivered directly to their desti- nation in the shop plant or delivered to the storehouse for .-torage and for line shipments. The pattern shop, although convenient to the iron foundry, is isolated from all other buildings for fire protection. The freight car repair yard is adjacent to the main freight switching yard so that the switching of repaired and bad order cars will be reduced to a minimum. The freight car repair shop is practically at the center of the south edge of the repair yard. The ffeight car depart- ment is across the midway from the passenger car depart- ment at the east end of the yard with the planing mill lo- cated on the north side of the midway, and between the passenger and freight car buildings. Lumber is stored at the extreme east end of the yards away from all build- ings and lumber passes in regular sequence through the dry kiln, dry lumber shed and mill directly to its destina- tion without doubling its course. The wheel shop is located just north of the storehouse and is so situated as to serve equally well the car depart- ment, the tank shop and a depressed track for shipment of wheels to outside points. The power house is situated at the center of the north side of the midway where it is at the center of distribu- tion when all requirements of power are considered, and is so located with relation to the mill building as to pro- vide for delivery of shavings by an exhaust system to the boiler room. All buildings using power are within a radius of 1,000 feet. Lavatories and closets are in general located inside of or adjacent to all buildings with proper enclosures and ventilations. There is a minimum distance of 75 feet between build- ings for fire protection and there is ample yard area tributary to each building for storage space. The loca- tion and arrangement of buildings is such as to provide for 50 per cent increase in all departments without inter- fering with future yard traffic and without greatly in- creasing the necessary travel among the departments. The principles adopted in the general arrangement are not affected by the necessity of providing roundhouse equipment and facilities. There will be two 25 stall roundhouses at a point convenient to both the shops and terminal tracks of the eastbound and westbound yards. L. & N. SOUTH LOUISVILLE. At the South Louisville locomotive and car shops pro- vision for inter-communication is made by grouping the principal buildings tributary to two thoroughfares ar- ranged at right angles with each other and assuming the form of an L. One of these avenues is a trans- ter table pit about 920 feet long and the transfer table serves the locomotive shop on one side, and the freight car erecting shop, planing mill, coach, paint and tender shops and storehouse on the other side of the pit. The other wing of the L is a storage yard, 1,000 feet long by 40 feet wide, for raw and semi-finished material and is served by an overhead, high speed, traveling crane of 1U tons capacity. All departments are served by a system of standard gauge tracks which are tributary to a belt line encircling the entire shop plant. These tracks serve as the indus- trial system for the delivery of material among the build- ings on hand cars and, inasmuch as delivery across the general line of tracks is provided for by the transfer table, there are no turntables in the track system, a feat- ure which provides greater scope for general yard switching 'service throughout the plant. The pits in the locomotive shop are arranged trans- versely and the boiler shop is included within one end of the locomotive shop. While engines entering the loco- motive shop are commonly delivered over the transfer table, this shop is not entirely dependent upon the table as an engine may be delivered over a track entering the locomotive shop at about its center, and transferred by the traveling crane to any desired pit by lifting it over the others standing on the erecting floor. This arrange- ment presents an excellent provision against congestion, and while in general every day service the table is used only about five per cent of the time by the locomotive shop as against 95 per cent by the car department, either the crane or the transfer table may relieve the other in case of emergency, and it is hardly likely that both of them will be out of order at the same time. The entire arrangement of buildings is for the eco- nomical movement of material, beginning with raw ma- terial in the storage yards and advancing to objective points near the center of the plant. All lumber enters at the south end of the yard and is distributed from the planing mill as required. Metal enters at the north end of the yard and the metal working shops are on that side of the plant, so that movement from storage yards to the individual shops will be over the shortest and most direct route. Similarly, the semi-finished product is de- livered from one shop to the other, etc. Such progres- sive movement and delivery is particularly adaptable in that the shop plant is largely for manufacture and con- sequently there is much less retroactive movement than would obtain if the plant was devoted to repair work- entirely. The freight car repair shop and yard are accessible from the storage yard and the planing mill is in the RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE path between them and the lumber yard. The freight car erecting shop for new cars is on one side of the mill and the passenger car shops on the other and the trans- fer table provides communication among them. The location of the general storehouse is such as to make it accessible to the transfer table pit, as an avenue of delivery, and near the belt line where switching facil- ities are available, thus serving the shop and the line to good advantage. The power house is near the mill building to provide for delivery of shavings to the boiler room for use as fuel and considering the large amount of power required by the mill, as well as considering the general layout of the several shop buildings, the power house is not really far from the center of the plant as a whole. Provision is made for extension of all buildings and such extensions will be made in directions away from the transfer table pit. A space has been retained for a new boiler shop so that by placing the boiler department in a new building, that portion of the locomotive shop now devoted to boiler work may be used for locomotive repairs and machine work, thus increasing the capacity of that shop. In describing the transfer table it was explained that the locomotive shop is not entirely dependent upon the table, and in the event of accident to the transfer table, entrance to car and tank shops may be made by means of the yard tracks and all tracks in the buildings would be so accessible with the exception of two tracks in the coach shop. C. R. R. OF N. J. ELIZABETHPORT. The Elizabethport plant of the Central Railroad of New Jersey presents an interesting example of a shop layout governed by the shape of available land, in which a transfer table serves both the locomotive and pas: erger car department and illustrating the effect of the loca- tion of the roundhouse as a prominent factor in the dis- tribution of buildings. The available land, in this case, was in the form of a right angle triangle, two sides of the triangle being formed by the main line of the road and by a branch line. Another diverging branch line joins the main line at the same point, so that the most desirable location for the roundhouse was in the rec- tangular corner of the shop yard, near the juncture of the diverging lines. The oil house is naturally located near the roundhouse, and while it is generally consid- ered desirable to arrange the oil house in connection with, or adjacent to the storehouse, it is, of course, nat- ural to place the oil house near the roundhouse, where the location of store and round houses is such that the other practice cannot be followed. As the roundhouse is not equipped with an independent small shop for the maintenance of running repair work, it is essential that the locomotive shop should be near the roundhouse and communication between the two is provided by a straight track connected with the transfer table. While it is un- usual to place a transfer table pit between these two shop buildings on account of the impediment which it offers to traffic, it is reported by the shop management that no difficulty is experienced on this account. The passenger car repair and paint shops are grouped on opposite sides of the transfer table pit and the black- smith shop occupies a position convenient to both the locomotive and car shops. The storehouse, also, is lo- cated to be of equal access from both the locomotive and car departments and is well provided with track connections. The power house occupies a position which will be at the center of the plant when contem- plated freight car shops have been erected. The arrangement of the buildings provides for ample extensions and tributary to er.ch building is liberal stor- age space. C. & E. I. DANVILLE. The arrangement of buildings in the locomotive de- partment of the Danville shop plant of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois would indicate the application of a prin- ciple of making the other buildings tributary to the roundhouse. The oil house, storehouse, blacksmith shop, erecting and machine shop and boiler shop are all ad- jacent to the roundhouse and while they are laid out squarely and on straight lines, their grouping assumes much the form of an arc of a circle with the turntable as a center. The erecting and machine and boiler shops are served by a common transfer table and are on the same side of the transfer table pit. A straight track passing be- tween these two buildings connects the roundhouse turn- table with the transfer table. Plans for contemplated car shops to be embraced with- in the same general plant, provide for passenger coach and paint shops to be located across the transfer table pit from the erecting and boiler shops and to be served by the same table. A planing mill and freight repair yard are to be situated beyond the present power house and when these additions have been made, the power house will occupy a place practically at the center of power distribution. While the arrangement of buildings is most compact, provision is made for the future extension of all de- partments. c. R. i. & P. SILVIS. The Silvis shop of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa- cific is another example of the locomotive shop being constructed and plans provided at the same time for the addition of a car department in the future. This shop is an instance wherein practically no restrictions were provided as to shape and arrangement of buildings. Taking the shop plant as a whole, and including the car department as it is contemplated, one of the governing elements is the elimination of the transfer table from all departments except for serving the passenger coach and paint shops. The shop yard is adjacent to the main line and a gen- eral system of through tracks parallel to the main line serve all departments and is connected with the main LAYOUT line at both ends of the yard. There are nine miles of track in the yard. Two tracks extend through the erect- ing shop and one through the blacksmith shop. The storehouse is served by two tracks at each side and the power house is served by one track to provide for coal- ing facilities. At the east end of the locomotive shop are tracks for the storage of wheels. The roundhouse is located west of the locomotive shop where it will be convenient to both the shop and the yard terminal, and engines entering the shop are headed in the desired direction by the roundhouse turn table. The buildings constituting the plant are separated by a mini- mum distance of 50 feet and there is ample yard space, tributary to each building to provide necessary storage area. The principal buildings of the locomotive depart- ment are ranged near together and the buildings of the car department are conveniently grouped. The erecting, machine and boiler departments are in one building and the arrangement of erecting pits represents a rather novel feature. Locomotives enter the shop on a longi- tudinal track and are placed on erecting pits situated at an acute angle with the longitudinal track and represent- ing what is known as the "herring bone" system. The blacksmith shop is near the locomotive shop and one end of the building is used as a brass foundry. While not in a central position between the locomotive depart- ment and the proposed car department, the blacksmith shop is in a position which will be accessible to the latter when built. Its situation nearer the locomotive shop pro- vides for immediate needs and material for car work is of such nature as to be more readily transferred than that which passes between the blacksmith and locomo- tive shops. A scrap platform occupies a position east of the blacksmith shop and just north of the boiler department of the locomotive shop. The location of the storehouse is nearly central as regards the locomtive and car de- partments and a very interesting feature in connection with the storehouse is a large supply platform which is served by a crane of five tons capacity, having a span of 80 feet and traveling on a runway 400 feet long. This crane extends over one of the delivery tracks and over a part of the platform for its entire length. A de- livery platform. 15 feet 8 inches wide, extends along each side of the building and at the west end is a platform 1? feet 8 inches wide, which extends to the refined oil house. The oil house is so situated as to be convenient to both the rourdhouse and the storehouse. The power ho;.se is at the north side of the locomo- tive department aii-1 will occupy a position nearly at the center of electrical distribution when the car department has been erected and when all classes of power are con- sidered. While the car department has not yet been constructed, the plans as now arranged provide for a passenger coach and paint shop served by a common transfer table, the pit to be arranged transversely with the general line of yard tracks. The freight car erecting shop will be east of the passenger coach shop at a distance of 230 feet. One end of this shop will include a car machine shop. The planing mill is located southeast of the freight car repair shop where it is in position to serve both the freight and passenger departments, but nearer to the freight car shop, in view of the larger percentage of ma- terial naturally delivered to the latter. Lumber is stored at the extreme east end of the yard and its location with regard to the dry kiln, planing mill and covered shed for storage of dry lumber, is such that lumber works through the dry kiln, planing mill arid covered shed directly to its final destination without doubling in its course. Provision is made for future extension of all buildings in both the locomotive department, which is already in service, and in the car department, not yet constructed. RAILWAY CAR SHOPS. Prevailing practice indicates a tendency to erouo car j o r and locomotive departments in one general plant and including a number of buildings used jointly by both departments. The only shops devoted entirely to car work and operated strictly by railroads, are those of the York New Haven & Hartford at Readville, the & Western at Scranton, the Mis- East Decatur. At the Kingsland shop of the Delaware Lackawanna & Western, while originally planned for a combination car and locomotive plant, the car department was in operation before construction work began on the buildings of the locomotive department. X. Y. X. H. & H. READVILLE. The Readville shop is operated for the maintenance and repairs of both freight and passenger equipment. In preparing for this shop plant, a site was selected at a convenient point* near Boston, between two branch lines, the available land providing for good track arrange- ment and facilities and offered no restrictions as to shape and size of buildings. The plant consists of the follow- ing principal buildings, passenger coach paint and erecting shop, freight car repair shop, mill building, storehouse, blacksmith, iron machinery, truck and cab- inet shops, and piping, turning and buffing shop, power house, dry kiln and hardwood shed. The property pro- vides ample room for shop approaches and while the plant is a large one, the buildings are arranged very compactly. The minimum distance between buildings is 50 feet, while there are but few instances in which there is a maximum distance of over 100 feet. The general layout plan provides for an arrangement of buildings, material yards, working tracks, supply tracks, etc., by which ma- terial passes from its source through the various build- ings, machinery and departments to its destination with productive movement and without doubling in its course. The arrangement of buildings, providing standing ca- pacity for cars, in both passenger and freight depart- ments, are representative of prevailing ideas in this con- nection. The passenger car erecting shop contains 10 tracks RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE at 24-foot centers, each holding 3 cars, providing a total standing capacity of 30 cars. This building is 25 feet from the transfer table. The transfer table pit is 75 feet wide, and 100 feet east of the transfer table is the paint shop which has the same standing capacity as the erecting shop. There is a second story in the south end of each building providing for varnish rooms, up- holstery shop and toilet rooms. The space provided be- tween the paint shop and transfer table is used for strip- ping and scrubbing cars and for storing them while waiting to enter the shop. The freight shop includes the longitudinal arrange- ment of tracks and contains 7 tracks at 20 foot centers, having a standing capacity of 60 cars. These two de- partments are arranged with reference to the mill build- ing, lumber yard and other buildings serving these de- partments jointly, so as to provide for the movement of material in natural working sequence. The capacity of the shop under ordinary circumstances is 180 passenger cars per month for all classes of re- pairs and 1,000 freight cars receiving general repairs. The shop was constructed to concentrate the heavy car work of the railroad system at one point. The storehouse is located south of the passenger car department and 100 feet from the blacksmith and iron machinery shop. It is on the opposite side of the plant from the car shop. The storehouse, machine shop, oil house, truck shop and coal storage space of the power house are served by two parallel tracks, thus providing for wheel work, heavy parts, material for the storage de- partment, etc., in a comparatively narrow territory while buildings for lighter work are placed and grouped con- veniently. Electrical distribution of power is. used throughout and those buildings requiring power are grouped near together and within a short radius of the power house. The lumber yard is in the western portion of the shop yards away from all buildings and its location is such, when taken in connection with the location of the hard- wood shed, dry kiln, mill building and the other depart- ments, that lumber follows a progressive movement without doubling in its course through these several de- partments to its final destination. The passenger car department is very close to the several auxiliary shops and is connected with the mill by two through tracks. A space, or avenue, 100 feet wide, separates the tracks of the freight car department from the through track to the lumber yard so that both the freight shop and freight car repair shop tracks are lo- cated conveniently to the source of supply. The hardwood shed is 300 feet by 50 feet and the dry kiln is 125 feet by 75 feet. These buildings are larger than is common to most car departments, but is necessi- tated by the amount of cabinet work done on sleeping cars, parlor cars, etc., and required by the demand of a rather large cabinet shop. Yard traffic throughout the plant is provided for by a system of parallel tracks which connect with a loop en- circling the plant and all tracks converge near the east end of the yards. Cross traffic is provided for only by the transfer table and by an avenue 100 feet wide ex- tending transversely across the plant. Freight repair facilities include a system of tracks evenly spaced and arranged on 20-foot centers, west of the freight shop, and a system of tracks similarly ar- ranged east of the shop with a standing capacity of 500 cars. The tracks of both yards converge and are con- nected by leads at opposite ends of the plant. D. L. & W. SCRANTON. The Keyser Valley shops of the Delaware, Lacka- wanna & Western, located at Scranton, are designed and operated for the construction and repair of freight car equipment. The road maintains about 29,000 freight cars and the principal work is concentrated at this point. The capacity of the shop is about 1,200 heavy repairs per month, the construction of about 400 new box cars with steel reinforced under-framing, in addition to light repairs of about 7,000 cars in adjoining repair yard, per month. Practically no passenger work is clone here save for the construction of a few baggage and milk- cars. While the plant contains no shop building espe- cially equipped for the repair of all steel cars, a num- ber of steel hopper cars have been repaired very success- fully, on which the principal work has been done in the blacksmith shop. The general ground plan layout includes no transfer table service and the buildings are arranged according to a longitudinal system of tracks, the stall tracks of the various buildings and light repair yard being approached by leads connecting with the yard system of transfer tracks. Track approach to the shop yard is from one end only and there is no belt line encircling the yard. The shop buildings are between the point of approach and the principal storage yard and all cars loaded with raw iron, lumber, etc., to be delivered to the yard must traverse the length of the shop yards and are delivered over tracks passing between the buildings and within the limits of the industrial track system. The principal buildings are arranged along both sides of a wide thoroughfare, toward the south end of which the storehouse and office building is located. They are placed at such distances as to provide ample room for yard storage of material, to allow for extension of all buildings and to insure against fire risks, as well as to admit liberal daylight. They are arranged in such a manner as to provide for the progressive movement of material from the iron and lumber storage yard at the east end of the plant through the several shops and stages without doubling. Inter-communication among the shop buildings for the distribution of material is provided for by a narrow gauge industrial track system. At the intersections of industrial tracks are turn tables which permit of transverse as well as longitudinal traffic and all industrial tracks through the various buildings are tributary to the transverse tracks through the prin- cipal yard thoroughfare. LAYOUT The plant includes the following principal buildings : Two freight car repair shops, with a capacity of 48 cars each, one being used for the construction of new equip- ment and the other for heavy freight car repairs. On the side of the main thoroughfare opposite to the car re- pair shops are the mill, blacksmith and machine shops, all of which are of comparatively easy access from the repair shops. The mill is~on the same center line as the shop for heavy freight repairs. Near the mill is the lumber shed, with open sides, for the storage of finished lumber. The blacksmith and machine shops form the two wings of an L, this arrangement providing for quick and convenient movement of material from the black- smith shop, through the various machines on its way to the car shops. Nearby is a storage space for wheels and axles, from which they pass through the machine shop to cars on a depressed track, and they are deliv- ered either to the car erecting shop or to the line, as needed. Just outside of the blacksmith shop is an iron shed and beyond the blacksmith shop is a coal house for the storage of coal used in this shop. The coal house is served by a trestle to facilitate delivery and unloading. The power house occupies a position next to the ma- chine shop and adjacent to the principal thoroughfare. Its location is such that all buildings requiring power are within a convenient radius and considering the supply of air required for the freight car repair shop, oil house, light repair track, etc., its situation conforms with the character of the plant. The storehouse is at the north end of the principal thoroughfare. On each side is a platform of convenient height to a car floor and to the rear is a storage plat- form, 200 feet by 75 feet. The basement, first floor and portion of the second floor are occupied by the stores de- partment, while the offices of the master car builder and his staff, and a drawing room for the car department, occupy a portion of the second floor. The oil house and paint shop annex occupy a long narrow building, 280 feet by 20 feet and the two are separated by a fire wall. This building is located at a distance of 120 feet from the paint shop and 118 feet from the car erecting- shop. The paint shop is west of the car repair shop and the car erecting shop and has no direct track connection with either. It has a standing capacity of 60 cars. Directly in front of the storehouse and office building is the yard for light repairs, in which about 250 or 300 cars are repaired per day. This yard contains 8 tracks arranged on 20 foot centers and between every alter- nate pair of tracks is a narrow gauge track of the indus- trial system. In this yard one track is reserved for the repairs of steel cars. For convenience in storage and delivery of material this yard contains a series of long narrow material sheds in which are kept bolts, nuts, finished lumber, sheathing, car doors, couplers, etc. There are two scrap platforms, or docks, in the yards, one of which is near the blacksmith shop and the other near the light repair tracks. Both are equipped with air operated shears, and the various kinds of scrap are sorted into classified bins. The platforms are level with a car floor and industrial tracks traverse the length of each platform. All lavatories are outside ol' the buildings. There are four of these located at various points of convenience, each 50 feet by 25 feet. Lumber entering the mill from the lumber yard passes through doors at the end of the mill building, while lum- ber from the finished lumber shed passes through a side door conveniently located. From these entrances lum- ber follows paths of progressive movement through the various machines until finally loaded for delivery to the car erecting and machine shops. While much material is delivered from the mill on cars traveling over the in- dustrial tracks, a great deal of it is transferred to the car building shop in box cars. Scrap pieces, shavings, etc., are loaded into special cars for delivery to the boiler room. Raw iron for the blacksmith shop is stored nearby in order to facilitate quick delivery to the machines and hand forges. Progressive movement carries material through the machine shop, and onward to the car build- ing shop or freight car repair shop. WABASH EAST DECATUR. The East Decatur shops of the Wabash Railroad are located at a point convenient for serving the middle west- ern district of the Wabash R. R. They are located on a tract of land containing 78 acres, which is well drained and which provides no limitation in the arrangement and layout of the buildings, tracks, etc. On account of the mild climate and the almost com- plete absence of snow at Decatur, it is possible to repair freight cars out of doors during most of the year and for this reason no large provision is made for repairing freight cars under roof. The plant has a sufficient 'capacity for 150 to 200 bad order cars per day and to build 12 to 15 new freight cars per day, as well as to give general repairs to from 15 to 20 passenger cars per month. Repair tracks for bad order cars occupy the extreme southern portion of the yards. There are 4 repair tracks arranged in two groups of 2 tracks each, placed at 20- foot centers. Between each pair of repair tracks is a material distribution track and between the two groups are 3 material racks each 8 feet by 56 feet arranged at convenient intervals. The main repair shop is 463 feet long and 188 feet wide and is intended chiefly for repairs of passenger cars. There are 4 repair tracks in this building arranged lon- gitudinally and the principal buildings are located par- allel with this shop and the freight car repair tracks. The buildings, therefore, are parallel with the general line of tracks. They are arranged compactly while pro- viding for large future extensions, and the plant in- cludes no transfer table. The buildings serving both 22 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE departments are located between the car shop and the freight car repair tracks. The blacksmith and machine shop occupy one build- ing, 294 feet by 80 feet which is located next to the bad order tracks. In line with this building is the power house, 60 feet by 108 feet, which is located quite close to the planing mill and directly south of it. This not only places the power house near to the building which will consume the greatest amount of power, but also provides for the delivery of shavings and other refuse from the planing mill. The planing mill is 238 feet long by 80 feet wide and contains two longitudinal tracks, one of which completely connects the two systems of track on the east and west side of the shop plant. North of the blacksmith and machine shop is a long shed 210 feet by 90 feet for iron, coal and coke. The store house is 464 feet by 40 feet a'nd is situated between this shed and the car shop. This places the store house tactically at the center of distribution. ."he offices occupy a position in one end of this build- ing and on the second floor. The oil and paint shop is at the opposite end of the building. North of the car shop is a long building, 40 feet wide, which contains a cabinet shop 112 feet long; tin, upholstery and glazing shops, each 56 feet long, and a department for electrical work which is 70 feet long. Other minor buildings include a dry kiln 80 feet by 20 feet; two dry lumber sheds; a concrete pit for fuel oil, 40 feet by 12 feet, and a septic tank, 45 feet by 12 feet. There are three depressed tracks with concrete walls at the sides of the excavations. One of these tracks is at the northwest corner of the yard and is 250 feet long. It is adjacent to a scrap shed, 20 feet by 28 feet, and is intended for loading and unloading scrap. The minimum distance between buildings is 15 feet, while there are but few instances in which there is a maximum distance of over 85 feet. There is a complete system of drainage and the sew- erage is taken care of by the septic system, the tank for this purpose being located at the extreme east end of the shop ground and of dimensions as heretofore given. There are two laboratory buildings conveniently located, each 42 feet 8 inches long by 22 feet wide. The general layout provides for an arrangement of buildings, material yard, working tracks, supply tracks, etc., by which material passes from its source through the various buildings, machinery and departments to its destination with productive movement and without doub- ling its course. SUMMARY, These several examples are cited for the purpose of calling attention to certain characteristic features prom- inent in the layout arrangement of the plants mentioned. It is believed that by pointing out such features of the individual shops, greater weight will attach to each case than would obtain as a result of a mere general refer- ence and more reasonable deductions may be drawn. The selection of a single existing shop typical of Amer- ican ideas, or representative of best practice for all con- ditions or to meet the requirements of any road is prac- tically impossible, and it is therefore necessary to study the peculiar governing conditions affecting the require- ment of a single shop and 'design accordingly, as no special rule can be devised in such regard. LAYOUT 23 GENERAL LAYOUT L OCO11OTIVE AND CAR SHOPS OF THE ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN RT. AT BARING CROSS, ARK. ACCESS TO LOCOMOTIVE SHOP BY INDIVIDUAL, TRANSFER TABLE, TO FREIGHT CAR SHOP BY TRACK APPROACH, TO PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS BY INDIVIDUAL, TRANSFER TABLE. Oepof GENERAL, LAYOUT LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR SHOPS OF THE CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RY. AT OELWEIN, IA. ALL DEPARTMENTS SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE GENERAL LAYOUT LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR SHOPS OF THE CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RY. (H. & ST. J.) AT HAN- NIBAL. MO. ALL DEPARTMENTS SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE. GENERAL LA TOUT LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR SHOPS OF THE COLORADO & SOUTHERN RY. AT DENVER ALL DEPART- MENTS SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE. UWVtKbl I Y c t c . >^ LAYOUT LOCOMOTIVE SHOP BY TRACK APPROACH AND TRANSFER TABLE. I 26 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE GENERAL LAYOUT-LOCOMOTIVE SHOPS OF THE CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RT. AT DANVILLE, ILL -ALL BUILD- INGS TRIBUTARY TO ROUNDHOUSE LOCOMOTIVE AND BOILER SHOPS SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE PROPOSED PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS WILL BE SERVED BY COMMON TRANSFER TABLE AND ACCESS TO FREIGHT CAR SHOP WILL BE BY TRACK APPROACH. GENERAL LAYOUT LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR SHOPS OF THE CENTRAL R. R. OF NEW JERSEY AT ELIZABETHPORT, N. J. ACCESS TO LONGITUDINAL LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AND TO PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS BY SINGLE TRANS- FER TABLE PROPOSED LONGITUDINAL FREIGHT CAR SHOP WITH TRACK APPROACH. LAYOUT 27 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE LAYOUT 30 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE (J0lj<5y300j-pplft I _______ J3+SUOM. p LAYOUT 31 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE LAYOUT 33 34 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE I Passenger Pa/'nf Snap 100' rer/ng fore ffoom Offices ZmJF/oor \WA60' SO// 'House 8' GENERAL LAYOUT-CAR SHOPS OF THE MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RY. AT SEDALIA. MO.-ALL DEPARTMENTS SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE. \ GENERAL LAYOUT-OAR SHOPS OF THE NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD R. R. AT -ACCESS TO FREIGHT CAR SHOP BY TRACK APPROACH AT BOTH ENDS. PASSENGER COACH SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE. PAINT LAYOUT 35 GENERAL LAYOUT FREIGHT CAR SHOPS OF THE DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA & WESTERN R, R. AT SCRANTON, PA. TRACK APPROACH TO ERECTING SHOPS AT ONE END. GENERAL LAYOUT CAR SHOPS OF THE WABASH R. R. AT EAST DECATUR, ILL. LONGITUDINAL ERECTING SHOP WITH TRACK APPROACH FREIGHT REPAIRS IN THE OPEN. Railway Shop Up to Date Chapter III LOCOMOTIVE SHOP THE SHOP DU1LDING. THE many prevailing conditions affecting the repairs of locomotives on a business basis, have brought about extensive changes in the buildings and equipment devoted to this class of work. Modern shops bear no resemblance to the antiquated structures once used for locomotive repairs. While the buildings are free from expensive architec- tural embellishment, locomotive shops now are splendid structures, representative of the latest and most careful design, embracing stability, strength, natural lighting, heating, ventilating and sanitary requirements, and compare well with the facilities of modern industrial concerns. Up-to-date locomotive shops are housed in brick buildings, in which the walls are tied to steel skeletons for stability. The roofs are supported by the steel skeleton structures and not only provide protection against the elements for men and equipment, but ample natural lighting. The design of the locomotive shop building is made from an engineering viewpoint rather than an archi- tectural one, and the details of placing machine tool equipment, erecting pits, provision of crane service and all auxiliary features, are as carefully .planned for the particular purpose of the shop as are the details of a machine for a given class of work. The practice at present is to build the locomotive shop with a clear height from floor to roof trusses, to provide for the operation of overhead traveling cranes and to offer no obstruction to natural lighting through- out the building, as well as to insure against shadows. In some instances a long narrow balcony, or gallery, occupies a position along one side wall and is located over a section of the main floor containing such ma- chine tool equipment and minor departments as do not require continuous crane service. Such departments are then dependent upon windows in side walls for light. Inasmuch as the buildings are long and narrow with usually at least three bays, the windows in the end walls provide but little light except at the extreme ends of the building and the windows in the side walls are at such distance from the central bay as to provide but little light therein. Therefore the most effectual buildings are those having side walls with windows extending nearly to the roof and in which the con- struction is such as to provide large windows above the roof of the lower bays to admit light to the higher bay. For instance, where the erecting floor is in the main, or central, bay such construction provides for large windows above the roofs of the side bays to ad- mit light to the central bay, and a similar construc- tion is modified to provide windows to admit light above the roof of the machine tool bay when the erect- ing floor occupies the side bay. In recent years the saw tooth type of roof has been largely introduced in locomotive shops to provide nat- ural light. The tendency is to place the glass in sky- lights in a vertical plane or nearly so, in order to pro- vide against the uncomfortable effects of the direct rays of the sun. The most prominent instances of the use of the saw tooth roof are at the Topeka shop of the Atchison To- peka & Santa Fe, where such a type of roof is used over the two side bays containing the machine tool equipment; at the Sayre shop of the Lehigh Valley; where the entire roof is nearly flat and the inner bays are dependent upon the skylights for the principal daylighting, and at the McKees Rocks shop of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie, where the two machine tool bays are on the same side of the erecting bay and where both of these bays are covered by the same flat roof at a lower level than the roof over the erecting bay. The principal dimensions of the shop depend on the number and size of locomotives maintained and built per year, the class of work, and the amount of manu- facturing done for shops along the line and for other departments. As the latest design of locomotive shops has been confined largely to main shops, the examples of best practice are selected from among those erected for gen- eral and heavy repairs. It is the custom in some of these to build a few new locomotives each year, as such work provides an equilibrium of the forces, during pe- riods of light and heavy work on repairs, and aids a satisfactory and permanent organization. For locomotive shops it has long since been decided that the erecting and machine departments should be in the same building, but different opinions exist with re- gard to their relative locations and to the arrangement of pits. There are mechanical men who advocate ar- ranging the erecting floor in two wings at right angles to the machine floor as at the West Albany and Depew shops of the New York Central. The arrangement of pits in one side bay and the location of machines in paral- lel side bays, as at the Angus shop of the Canadian Pacific and the McKees Rock shop of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie, is preferred by others, while, still others prefer an arrangement with a center bay containing the erecting pits and machine bay on each side, as at the Topeka shop of the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe and at the Du Bois shop of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg. Attention is just now directed toward the plan of locating the machine bays between two rows LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 37 of transverse erecting pits as at the Sayre shop of the Lehigh Valley. While several different plans have been mentioned, 'the' prevailing shop construction indicates a preference for a long building with erecting and machine floors in par- allel bays. Though there is a marked difference in the details of various shops, this feature is generally used in up to date shops, as securing the most intimate rela- tion between the two departments. The design and construction of several locomotive shops conceded to be representative of good modern practice, and erected in such sequence that their char- acteristics might justly be considered as tending to es- tablish a precedent, embrace the boiler and tank shop within the same building as the erecting and machine shop. Such a locomotive shop is regarded with much favor among a large number of railway mechanical of- ficials, but there are many, on the other hand, who prefer the boiler and tank shop in a separate building. The most common arrangement according to the former practice provides for an assemblage of long nar- row bays, within the limits of a single building, and the location of the boiler and tank department as a continuation of the erecting and machine departments without a definite division between them. Such an ar- rangement secures an extended scope for the use of traveling cranes, and allows a large area to be served without necessitating an excessive crane span. By lo- cating the boiler department as an extension of the other two, a free use of the crane is available for trans- ferring boilers, tubes, plates and other material, and by dispensing with a curtain wall, or other limitations of the boiler shop area, a more flexible arrangement of the shop is provided. LOCATION OF BOILER DEPARTMENT. The operation of large locomotive shops shows that in designing shops of this kind it is difficult to deter- mine definitely how much space should be devoted to each department, and, as locomotive designs change, or as the motive power becomes older, or as the amount of manufacturing for other points on the road in- creases, one department is likely to become over- crowded. It is therefore considered expedient that the erecting, machine and boiler (including tank) de- partments should be so arranged that their limits may be changed readily to suit new conditions. This practice, however, was not followed in the con- struction of the Louisville shop of the Louisville & Nashville Railway. The erecting floor is separated from the boiler department by a permanent curtain wall which determines absolutely the limits of each department. The w r all is of such height as to permit continuous crane service between the two depart- ments ; but the management considers it more satis- factory to impose a limit to the floor space of each de- partment. At the Collinwood shop of the Lake Shore and Mich- igan Southern, while the boiler department is within the locomotive shop building, it occupies a side bay and is not arranged as a longitudinal continuation of the other two departments. This shop is composed of four long narow bays. The locomotive erecting floor and the boiler department occupy the outer bays, while the machine tool department occupies the two inter- mediate bays, with the heavier machine tool equip- ment in the bay nearer the erecting floor. Such a re- lation between the erecting floor and boiler department requires a greater amount of handling in the delivery of tubes, etc., between the two departments than obtains in a shop where both are served by the same crane and also requires a greater number of movements over the middle track connecting the departments and serv- ing as the delivery track for locomotives. PROPORTION OF DEPARTMENTS. Of prime importance in the locomotive shop is the proper proportions between the various departments. In general, these are based on the locomotive erecting stall as a unit and the output of the shop is dependent upon the proper proportion of the other departments to so supply and promote work on the erecting floor that locomotives are repaired economically and returned to service in minimum time. There is an evident diversity of opinion among rail- way officials regarding the proper proportions of loco- motive shops. The areas of some recent shops are hardly indicative of best practice, in view of the addi- tions to some departments which have been necessary in order to keep pace with the erecting department. Principles upon which certain shops were designed, and the proportions based, have since been rudely up- set by changes and developments in locomotive de- sign. Greater steam pressures and larger boilers have increased the demands upon the boiler department, though, in some cases, this has been partially compen- sated for by the introduction of water treating meth- ods which have materially increased the life of boil- ers; the introduction of cast steel in many details for which forgings were formerly used almost entirely, has affected the necessary size of the blacksmith shop by decreasing the demands upon that department ; and the larger, heavier locomotives of today require greater machine tool equipment and more developed facilities for maintaining repairs. In general, the machine tool area required to main- tain locomotive repairs at minimum cost and maxi- mum output, is considered to be at least fifty per cent larger than the area of the erecting floor. A shop equipped with from 6 to 8 machine tools per erecting pit might be expected to repair two locomotives per pit per month when operated with a good organization admin- istered under a capable management. The output of the machines is the criterion, rather than the area of the department or the number of machines provided. The figures, therefore, are but approximate. Generally speaking the required area of the boiler department is looked upon as being at least equal to the area of the erecting floor, and in many instances a boiler department 33 per cent larger is favored. The 38 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE proportion naturally depends upon governing condi- tions, such as the amount of new boiler construction, amount of work for other points on the road, character of water used, etc. Considering the various factors involved in properly proportioning the departments as well as the condi- tions affecting locomotive repair work, it may be just- ly said that the size and standing capacity of the erect- ing floor does not limit the output of the shop. This limit is usually the machine space and machine tool equipment and by making them large in proportion to the erecting floor, a greater number of locomotives may be repaired per year on each standing space than could be turned out otherwise. The amount of work which can be obtained from one locomotive standing, or erecting space, is dependent upon the number of men employed and the work is flexible. If the machine space and equipment are not large enough to meet this demand, it is impossible to overcome this diffi- culty. STORAGE OF LOCOMOTIVE SKELETONS. A feature which should not be overlooked in con- nection with the locomotive shop is the provision of ample outside storage space for temporarily standing the skeletons of locomotives that are in the shop for firebox repairs. By placing the skeletons on special trucks and running them outside, while boiler work is being done, the machine work is taken care of at the same time and the frames, cylinders, etc., are not tak- ing up valuable pit space which may be used to ad- vantage by other engines. NUMBER OF LOCOMOTIVE ERECTING PITS. It has been said that good modern practice is to provide a number of locomotive repair pits equal to about 8 per cent of the number of locomotives to be maintained. However, information along this line is hardly conclusive and depends on a number of varia- ble conditions. ARRANGEMENT OF ERECTING PITS. The arrangement of erecting pits, or stalls, for standing locomotives during repair work, is of much interest, though the selection of either the longitudinal or transverse system, seems rather one of personal preference than of actual advantage. While no conclu- sive evidence is available to show that a greater out- put is directly due to either arrangement, the selection of transverse pits for several shops on which construc- tion work has been recently begun and for several others in which plans are now in preparation, would indicate that this arrangement is meeting with greater favor. While earlier transverse shops required the service of a transfer table to facilitate delivery of locomotives to and from the several erecting pits, the introduction of overhead traveling cranes, capable of lifting and transferring the heaviest engines over others stand- ing on the erecting floor, has so modified this re- quirement that there is a marked tendency to dispense with the transfer table as an adjunct to the locomotive shop. At the same time certain experiences would in- dicate that the transfer table is being considered again with favor in some instances in which it had been once precluded. Early transverse shops, not served by transfer tables, required a fan tail approach to the erecting pits, con- necting with the system of yard tracks or with the roundhouse turntable, and while there are a few old shops with such an approach still in service, this ar- rangement is no longer used for new designs. Before the introduction of traveling cranes, longi- tudinal shops required an entering track for each work- ing track and it was necessary for a locomotive to re- main on the same track on which it entered the shop, until repairs were made and the locomotive was ready for delivery. With present facilities, a locomotive may be stripped on one track and later delivered to any desired work- ing space on the erecting floor. When it is ready for delivery, it is again transferred by the cranes, and no confusion need arise on account of a locomotive being blocked by others not as far advanced in the stages of repair. It is now the universal practice to serve an erecting shop in which the stalls are arranged longitudinally, by at least two cranes traveling on the same level and of such capacity that a locomotive may be lifted and transferred by both of them operating together. A crane of smaller capacity traveling on the same run- ways, is sometimes installed to serve the boiler de- partment and thus relieve the larger cranes. At the Silvis shops of the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railway an unusual arrangement of pits has been introduced. The direction of the working pits is neither transverse nor longitudinal but is diagonal. This layout is known as the "herring bone" arrange- ment and provides for the erecting pits at an acute angle with a longitudinal pit traversing the center of the bay, on which engines enter the shop. From the entering track a locomotive is transferred to a repair pit by two traveling cranes. The angle of the pits should be such as would be made by an average length locomotive, hanging from the hooks of two cranes when the cranes are about to approach each other. Due to an error in laying out the pits at Silvis the actual angle is such" that the cranes interfere and it is necessary to lower one end of a locomotive and swing the other end into place when the first crane has moved a sufficient distance to allow the second crane to approach. The inconvenience caused by this condition has not been serious enough to justify tear- ing up the pits and rebuilding them at the proper angle. The experience of the Silvis shop would indicate that while this error causes some inconve- nience, it does not by any means condemn the prin- ciple of so arranging locomotive repair pits. The cen- ter track has no pit except at the ends of the shop beyond the end diagonal pits. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 39 The erecting shop of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Altoona contains three longitudinal pits, each extend- ing the length of the shop. The entire floor is served by two cranes of 130.000 Ibs. capacity. Each side pit is served by three wall cranes of 4,000 Ibs. capacity. Locomotives enter and leave the shop on the center track, on which they are unwheeled and stripped upon entering and rewheeled after repairs have been made. They are transferred from the center track to the desired location on one of the other tracks where they are dismantled and erected, by the two traveling cranes. The length of the arms of the wall cranes is such as to serve both sides of a locomotive conveniently and at the same time there is sufficient space between the ends of these arms and a locomotive stand- ing on the center track, to allow a locomotive, being transferred by the heavy cranes, to pass between the center row of locomotives and the wall cranes without interference. Such an arrangement allows a free scope for the cranes in both light and heavy service. The work of one set of cranes is allowed to continue without limit- ing the operation of the other and the congestion of crane service sometimes experienced on account of the limitations provided by both sets of cranes span- ning the entire width of the floor is obviated. Transverse erecting shops served by a transfer table are usually served by one crane capable of lifting a locomotive for unwheeling and wheeling, as at the Burnside shop of the Illinois Central and at the Dan- ville shop of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois. Such a shop is sometimes served by a crane of light capa- city for handling the smaller parts and by a crane cap- able of lifting a locomotive for unwheeling and wheel- ing, but which is not capable of lateral movement and is dependent upon the lighter crane for transportation. This method is followed at the Baring Cross shop of the Saint Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern and at the Oelwein shop of the Chicago Great Western. At the Grand Rapids shop of the Pere Marquette locomotives are wheeled and umvheeled by a stationary electric hoist serving a single pit. The erecting floor is served by a traveling crane of 20,000 Ibs. capacity. In transverse shops not provided with transfer table service, the erecting floor is served by a crane operat- ing at such height and of sufficient capacity as to lift A locomotive and transfer it above those standing on the floor, and by a crane of about 10 tons capacity, operating at a lo\ver level, for handling the lighter parts, as at the Collimvood shop of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, the McKees Rocks shop of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie, at the Sayre shop of the Lehigh Valley and others. In a shop of this type, having 24 or more pits on one floor, operated to turn out more than two locomo- tives per month on each pit. the erecting floor should be equipped with two cranes on the upper level and each crane should be of such capacity as to transfer the heaviest locomotive when the boiler contains three gauges of water and there is a fire on the grate. Advocates of both long and cross shops advance arguments in regard to dimensions of buildings, floor area, etc., in favor of one arrangement or the other but either arrangement chosen should be selected on ac- count of its advantages from an operating standpoint rather than with regard to original cost of construc- tion. It is worthy of note that a long shop seldom contains the number of engines at which its standing capacity was originally rated when the shop was put into commission. Both designs lend themselves readily to a desirable general layout as is shown by the ground plan ar- rangements of the Angus shops of the Canadian Pa- cific and the Indianapolis shops of the Big Four. The former is a long shop and the latter is a cross shop. Each forms a part of a layout which presents great similarity in many respects and each is tributary to a crane served runway. Much argument has been presented with regard to the necessity of a turntable in connection with a cross shop, for the purpose of heading engines into the shop, unless the shop is situated transversely with the line of yard tracks. Practically the same argument obtains with regard to the longitudinal shop, for, if the shop is not parallel with the yard system of tracks, engines entering the shop must traverse a turntable or curve. With regard to the choice between cross and long shops it is interesting to note that in the two most recently constructed shops on the Pennsylvania Lines East, Olean, N. Y., and Trenton, N. J., the former is a transverse shop while the latter is longitudinal, a fact which would seem to indicate that the preference is not determined even among officers of the same road. Inasmuch as the choice in arrangement of pits seems to be largely a matter of personal taste, it is interesting to view the discussion of the report of the committee on shop layouts presented at the 1905 meet- ing of the American Railway Master Mechanics' As- sociation. The committee reproduced in part the work on this subject by Mr. R. H. Soule, published in the American Engineer, who was originally chairman of the com- mittee. Following a discussion of the two arrange- ments, Mr. Soule sums up the situation briefly in nine items of comparison and, in totaling these several items, attributes greater flexibility to the longitudinal shop for general use. His summary may be expressed as follows : Item 1. With regard to layout the longitudinal shop can be placed parallel to a general line of tracks and entered by direct track connections, while with the transverse shop, if placed parallel to a general line of tracks, it must be entered by a turntable. Item 2. From a structural standpoint, the distance between roof trusses over erecting floor in the Ion- 40 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE gitudinal shop can be determined by conditions of economy alone. In the transverse shop this distance must be the same as spread of stalls tracks whether economical or not. Item 3. The longitudinal shop is less compact and the transverse shop more compact. Item 4. Considering access from other shops, in the longitudinal, traffic must be across the pits. In the transverse shop it is not necessary to cross the pits. Item 5. Lighting, both day and night, is more dif- ficult in the longitudinal shop and in the transverse shop is easier and better. Item 6. In lifting engines in the longitudinal shop, it is necessary to lift them only high enough to clear driving wheels, consuming less time, while in the trans- verse shop engines have to be lifted high enough to clear adjacent engines, consuming more time. Item 7. In moving engines horizontally in the lon- gitudinal shop less distance is covered under average conditions. In the transverse shop more distance is covered under average conditions. Item 8. In dropping engines on their wheels in the longitudinal shop this work includes more use of cranes and less manual labor (in handling wheels), while in the transverse shop this work is clone with less use of cranes and more manual labor. Item 9. As a summary of these various points, greater flexibility is attributed to the longitudinal shop and less to the transverse shop. In discussing these several items Mr. F. F. Gaines, then mechanical engineer of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, argues as follows : Item 1. The first item may be stricken out from general consideration as it applies only to localities where the ground space is limited and governs a design rather than the general utility of the shop itself. Item 2. From data given in report it is seen that the width of bays necessary with either class averages nearly the same, being 65^ feet for the longitudinal, 68 feet for the transverse with cranes on one level and 63}4 feet for transverse with cranes on two levels. Item 3. Admits desirability of transverse arrange- ment. Item 4. Admits desirability of transverse arrange- ment. Item 5. Admits desirability of transverse arrange- ment. Item 6. Lifting engines: Unless at all times the middle track of the transverse shop is kept open, or sufficient space between the tracks is left for stand- ing an engine, it will be necessary to lift the engines over other engines, either to bring them in or take them out. If the middle track is kept open or space between the tracks is allowed it becomes a very uneco- nomical distribution of floor space. On the other hand, granting it takes more time to lift engines in a transverse shop, which is questionable, the amount of such time is small and affects only a very small per- centage of the force. Item 7. For the same reasons as given under Item 6, it is questionable if it is at all favorable to a longi- tudinal shop. Item 8. If the work is handled properly there is absolutely no difference in either system, in either time or manual labor. Mr. Gaines adds two items not included in Mr. Soule's summary which cover the distribution of ma- terial. One refers to access to machines and move- ment of men to and from tool room and is very deci- dedly in favor of the transverse arrangement ; and the other covers the storage of wheels, handling and stor- ing locomotive parts during repairs, the transverse shop affording much more flexible arrangement as well as keeping the shop looking much neater. Item 9, being a summary of various points for and' against the two systems, would then appear as fol- lows: With Items 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8 equally favorable and Items 3, 4 and 5, in addition to the two items by Mr. Gaines, he considers the summary in favor of the transverse arrangement. SIZE OF SHOPS. The size of the shop is determined by the number of locomotives to be maintained and by the number which it is decided to turn out per year or per month. This determination is based upon the locomotive erect- ing or standing space as a unit, whether the arrange- ment of the erecting floor is on the transverse, longi- tudinal or diagonal plan. The past and present pro- portions of areas are hardly conclusive of best practice, yet to some extent they naturally form a guide for other shops under consideration, when sufficient data is available concerning the various governing condi- tions. WIDTH OF ERECTING BAY. In the longitudinal shop the distance between pits is an essential factor in the width (distance between crane columns) of the erecting bay. General usage has established three pits or tracks as common practice. In the earliest shops the distance between centers of pits was IS feet and later 19 and 20 feet, until 22 feet is now con- sidered the most satisfactory distance, though there are instances where this has been exceeded as at the Union Pacific shops at Omaha and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe shops at Topeka, where the distance between centers of pits is 23 feet, and at the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific, where the distance is 2-1 feet 9 inches. In transverse shops, distance bet\veen pits naturally has no effect upon the width of the erecting bay. The governing factor determining the distance between pits is the same in both long and cross shops and de- pends upon the space required for workmen and for handling material, the location of work benches, the disposition of such parts of the locomotive as are not distributed to different departments and machines. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 41 provision for storing cabs, and the use of portable ma- chine tools on the erecting floor, etc. The width of the bay in the cross shop is governed by the length of the largest locomotive likely to be repaired in the shop, the provision for an open pas- sage way or aisle forward of the locomotives stand- ing on the pits and of sufficient width to provide for handling boiler tubes in a manner that will not ob- struct the passage way. The necessity for a bay wider than that to meet these requirements, depends upon the provision for the disposition of driving wheels. In some shops driving wheels are stored back of the engine to which they belong and on an extension of the pit and driving boxes are fitted to the axles while in this location. This is the practice of the Burnside shops of the Illinois Central Railroad, where the width of the bay between inner faces of crane columns is 74 feet 6 inches. At the Collimvood shops of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway a comparatively narrow erecting bay is secured by a satisfactory provision for handling driving wheels. The tracks of the erect- ing pit extend into the adjacent bay and when wheels are removed they are rolled back of the engine into the heavy machine tool bay, where they are handled by the lighter crane, an arrangement which has the furter advantage of relieving the cranes over the erect- ing floor. Wheels are handled similar!}- at the McKees Rocks Shops of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie. Sometimes engine trucks are repaired on the erect- ing pits in front of an engine, but this practice would not seem to justify its being a factor in widening the erecting bay to accommodate this work. It would seem more satisfactory to handle all truck work in a section reserved for this purpose, where it could be handled by a special gang repairing all trucks for the entire shop. Where this is not provided for, it would seem more satisfactory to repair the truck on the floor between the pits where it will not form an obstruc- tion to movement up and down the shop and will not interfere with the erection of scaffolds and other provi- sions necessary in handling boiler tubes. With cross shops the erecting bay is sometimes made wider than the requirement of the erecting de- partment in order to provide for the location of a few heavy tools within the limits of the erecting bay where they can be served by the erecting floor crane. This practice is followed at the Danville shop of the Chi- cago and Eastern Illinois and to some extent at the Richmond Hill shop of the Long Island Railroad. "The greatest distance between crane columns in a lon- gitudinal erecting bay, of which information is at hand, is in the shop of the Central Railroad of New Jersey at Elizabethport. N. J.. where this distance is 79 feet 4 inches. The distance between centers of pits is 22 feet and the distance from centers of outside pits to crane columns is 17 feet 8 inches. This latter dis- tance is greater at the Elizabethport shop than at the other shops, and therefore necessitates a wider erecting floor bay. The more common distance from center of outside pit to inner face of crane column is between eleven and twelve feet. Assuming 11 feet 6 inches as repre- senting general practice and that 22 feet between cen- ters of pits provides ample space for ordinary working conditions, it would seem fair to draw the conclusion that the width of erecting bay between faces of crane columns for longitudinal shops is 67 feet. By examining the available dimensions of several locomotive shops having cross pits it is found that the maximum width of bay between faces of crane columns is 74 feet 6 inches, at the Burnside shops of the Illinois Central. This is an extreme case and is hardly conclusive of desirable practice. Wheels are stored behind engines -standing on the pits, and be- tween ends of pits and the crane columns is a wide passage way or aisle which at one "time contained a standard gauge track, since removed. At one end of the shop, a portion of this space has been used for the location of a large wheel lathe within range of the erecting floor crane. While the minimum is represented by the Chicago Great Western shop at Oelwein, and the Wisconsin Central shop at Fond du Lac, where width of bay is 57 feet 4 inches and 57 feet 8 inches respectively, an approach to a very satisfactory width of bay seems to have been determined upon at Collinwood on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway where this dis- tance is 64 feet 2 inches. At the McKees Rocks shop of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie very satisfactory results appear to be obtained with an erecting bay 60 feet 2 inches wide. The arrangement of erecting and ma- chine bays at McKees Rocks is very similar to that at Collinwood, where there are two machine bays, both on the same side of the erecting bay. It would seem then that a narrower locomotive erecting bay may be used to advantage with the trans- verse shop than with the longitudinal shop, though the difference is so small as hardly to be considered. MACHINE BAY. The practice of modern shops points to a custom of providing at least two machine tool bays. One bay is crane served and contains the majority of machines for heavy work, wheel lathes, tire boring mills, frame planers, slotters, drills, etc. The bay containing the heavy tools is naturally next to the erecting floor in order to minimize travel in delivery of material be- tween erecting floor and machines. The second bay usually contains lighter tools and is not often served by long distance traveling cranes. It is not unusual to find many machines in this bay served by traveling hoists or swinging jib cranes. The tool room and office are frequently placed in this bay. In a number of modern shops the bay containing lighter tools is often entirely or partially covered by a gallery or balcony in order to enlarge the area of machine 42 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE tool space without increasing the ground area of the buildings as a whole. Such a balcony commonly contains machine tools for lightest service, such as brass work, light turret lathes, etc., and commonly the tin and cop- per smith departments. AREA OF ERECTING FLOOR. In cross locomotive shops the erecting floor area per pit varies in present shops of which information is avail- able, from about 1,300 square feet to 2,288 square feet. This area at the St. Paul shop of the Omaha Railroad is 1,320 square feet; at Fond du Lac, 1,420; Reading, 1,523; Denver, 1,599; McKees Rocks, 1,598; Baring Cross, 1,500; Collinwood, 1,535; Sayre, 1,647; Oak Grove, 2,288. These figures are selected from large as well as small shops, and from old and new shops and indicate that the area of the erecting floor per pit does not vary according to the size of the shop, and while this area varies in different shops, it cannot be said either to have increased or decreased with the progress of time. With longitudinal shops the area of erecting floor per pit varies from 1,667 square feet at Omaha, Union Pacific Railway to 2,000 square feet at Elizabethport, Central Railroad of New Jersey. There are so many shops in which the area of erecting floor per pit is about 1,700 square feet as to indicate that this ratio is satisfac- tory in long shops. The larger area noted at Elizabeth- port is due to the greater distance from outside pit to limits of floor than obtains in most shops. At the Silvis shop of the Rock Island Railroad, which is arranged according to the herring bone plan, the area of erecting floor per pit is 1,910 square feet. The number of peculiar governing conditions which enter as factors in determining the proportion between machine floor and erecting floor, renders difficult any attempt to formulate a rule governing this relationship. The relative proportions existing between these two departments and the demand for machine tool space gen- erally felt at practically all shops, would indicate the necessity of a much larger area per pit for the machine floor than for the erecting floor. The figures represent- ing the area of machine floor per pit are very similar to those representing the erecting floor, and vary from .85 to 1.5 of the area of the erecting floor per pit. AREA OF MACHINE FLOOR. Quotations from those shops just mentioned in con- nection with the erecting floor would indicate the trend in this connection. The machine floor area per erecting pit is as follows : St. Paul shops of Omaha Railroad, 1,426; Fond du Lac, 1,419; Reading, 2,123; Denver, 1,419; McKees Rocks, 2,340; Baring Cross, 1,365; Col- linwood, 2,208; Sayre, 2,039; and Oak Grove, 1,294. While none of the shops now in operation would warrant the conclusion, the experience of many shops for want of space would seem to justify a recommendation of machine floor area per pit equal to at least twice the erecting floor area per pit. The indications are that pres- ent erecting floor areas are sufficient to meet require- ments. That greater machine floor space is required is evident at many shops. A certain mechanical official expressed the opinion that present railroad shops lead him to the conclusion that the general tendency is to pro- vide machine tool space entirely too small for the erect- ing floor and his recommendation would be three to one. Such an opinion is shared by others as well. By concentrating a large number of men around a locomotive to push erecting and boiler repair work, rapid progress can be made when the finished material is available. Unless the machine work and that of the sub-departments can be made to keep pace with or ahead of the erecting floor, it would seem uneconomical to use a large number of pits as storage spaces rather than working spaces. Where the practice is followed of inspecting engines before they leave the divisions to which they belong for the purpose of ordering necessary material in advance and thus be prepared when the engines arrive at the main shop, it is possible to push forward a certain portion of the machine work. This provides another factor which commends the larger machine floor area. There is a difference of opinion concerning the num- ber of machine tools which should be provided per pit in a locomotive repair shop. The argument in favor of increasing the machine floor area naturally refers to an enlarged tool capacity. At the same time, however, the general reference to machine space includes space pro- vided for the several sub-departments which are main- tained within the limits of the machine floor. RELATIVE AREAS OF ERECTING AND MACHINE FLOORS. Existing shops are not sufficiently alike in all details to determine a definite opinion or to allow specific con- clusions to be drawn. Though the more recently con- structed shops are much larger than the older shops and are designed to handle the larger power of the present, the relative size of the machine floor as based on the size of the erecting floor is not much larger than in the older shops and there is as much variation among the new ones as among the old. A selection of several examples shows that the ratio of the machine floor area to erecting floor area varies from .65 to 1.66. Referring now particularly to shops which may be considered among the old ones built at a time when engines now looked upon as light represent- ed modern power, it is interesting to note that the area of the erecting shop at Oelwein is larger than the machine shop and that the ratio of machine floor to erecting floor is .65. At the West Burlington shop of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and at the Bloomington shop of the Chicago & Alton these floors are of the same size. Among the older shops remodeled to meet the condi- tions of the present date practice, the ratio of machine floor to erecting floor is 1.48 at thf Omaha shop of trie Union Pacific, and 1.8 at the Chicago shops of the Chi- cago and Northwestern. Considering some of the new shops built since 1902 there is as much variation as among those previously considered. This ratio is .87 at the Silvis shop of the Chicago. Rock Island and Pa- cific ; 1.00 at the Danville shop of the Chicago and East- LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 43 ern Illinois ; 1.02 at the Indianapolis shop of the Big Four Railway now under construction; 1.42 at the Col- linwood shop of the Lake Shore and Michigan South- ern ; 1.43 at the McKees Rocks shop of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie, and 1.5 at the Topeka shop of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe. While these figures show that it is coming to be ap- preciated that a larger machine floor area is necessary, they do not indicate this^ fact to the same extent as is evident from the additions being made to some present shops. In most cases this addition is being provided for by a balcony or second floor. However, at the Reading shop of the Philadelphia and Reading additional build- ings are being erected in connection with those already erected. Where the original erecting bay contained 103,- 600 square feet and the orignal machine bay contained 44,400 square feet, 100,000 square feet have been added by extensions, now making the total area of the machine bay 144,400 square feet and providing a ratio of machine floor area to erecting floor area of 1.39. FLOOR SPACE PER MACHINE, Because of the irregular sizes and shapes of the ground plans of the various classes of machine tools and the difference in the nature of the work handled, it is practically impossible to assign a definite amount of space per machine, even in proportion to the area occu- pied by the machine itself, that will apply to all machines. It has been said that for each machine the floor space re- quired for operator, proper handling of work, etc, is very nearly equal to twice the area occupied by the machine itself, the area occupied by a machine being considered as equal to the product of its extreme dimensions, and that the floor space required in aisle room and general pass- ageway will be approximately equal to 25 per cent more than the space occupied by the machine. It is impossible, however, to formulate a definite rule which might be considered at all practical for all ma- chines because of the many varying conditions which govern not only the location of the machine but the space which must be provided around it. It would seem, there- fore, that the most practical method of arranging the machine tool layout is the old-time drawing-board method with pieces of paper cut to the same scale as the draw- ing of the shop floor plan. In following this each ma- chine may be provided for individually according to the group in which it belongs and according to the class of work to be handled by the particular machine. AISLE SPACE. The provision for the movement and delivery of ma- terial is a very important factor in arranging the ma- chine tool layout. Those shops which are operated most successfully are so arranged as to maintain an aisle ex- tending the full length of each bay as an avenue for delivery, with transverse aisles at intervals, for transpor- tation across the machine bay, to the erecting bay, or leading to a door connecting with the shop yard. Where sufficient space is not provided for standing material around each machine, such aisle space is infringed upon to the extent of seriously obstructing and interfering with distribution of material. GROUPING OF .MACHINES. The machine tool layout and arrangement of sub-de- partments of new shops and progressive changes in the older ones, together with the now more general practice of gang work, shows a keener appreciation of economy in working methods and increase in output obtained by grouping and specializing all work of the same class. This applies to the systematic grouping of machines in order that, after an engine has been stripped, the parts cleaned and delivered to a gang or sub-department, the various parts will require the least possible amount of movement while undergoing repair. An example of such organization is manifest in con- nection with work on driving wheels, in \vhich is in- cluded tires, journals, hub plates, driving box work, ec- centrics, straps, etc. By locating near together the several sub-departments in which all such repair work is done, the movement necessary in advancing from one stage to the next is reduced to a minimum. It is now very com- mon practice to pursue all wheel work on the machine floor, so that when a pair of driving wheels is returned to the erecting floor there is little more to be done by the floor gang beyond putting up the binders, shoes and wedges and connecting the motion work. Therefore, by grouping machines and all necessary facilities the movement of wheels is reduced. This in- cludes such location of large and small boring mills, wheel lathes, quartering machine, driving box equipment, tire setting equipment, etc.. that there will be the smallest possible amount of movement of the several parts con- cerned after a pair of wheels has been delivered to the machine floor. In both machine tool bays good practice indicates the use of swinging jib cranes and traveling hoists to facili- tate handling material in sub-departments. For instance the movement of driving boxes to and from benches, planers, boring mill, drill, etc., and in laying out equip- ment provision is made to group the several machines in order to serve a specific sub-department, and thus minimize the travel of material. In the heavier machine tool bay good practice is to serve individual machines and groups of machines by swinging jib cranes or hoists in order to relieve the traveling cranes. Planers are sometimes placed in bays not served by cranes, yet they are so situated that their tables may be run out under the crane of the next bay. so that they are practically crane served. This is notice- able at the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis shop at East St. Louis: McKees Rocks shop of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie; at the Danville shop of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois, and others. In the Sayre shop, practically all machine tool equip- ment is under crane service. This is an excellent feature However, the departments for rod work, motion work, air brake lubricators, gauges, etc., are under the gallery, and while this location is not dark in the Sayre shop, such a location as a general proposition does not seem 44 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE preferable in view of the nature of the work required at the benches. At the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific, there are two machine bays, both on the same side of the erecting floor. The wider bay, next to the erecting bay, is crane served throughout and contains the larger machine tools. The benches for motion work, rod work, air brake repairs, etc., are located in this bay. The benches are placed in the same vicinity, so that these several de- partments are practically grouped, and this arrangement commends itself as superior to placing benches for such work along walls, in corners, or in out of the way places. Above the outer bay is a gallery in which the tin and coppersmith departments are located. The bay beneath the gallery is not served by a traveling crane, except in a small section, where engine truck repairs are made. Machine tools for lighter work are located in this bay. The arrangement of machine tools in the Angus loco- motive shop is representative of systematic grouping in order to reduce the cost of repairs and to increase the output of the shop. The machines are located in large groups, each arranged for a certain class of work. The machines for wheel work are located at the end of the shop nearer the midway. There is a wheel storage track beside the central supply track. Adjacent to this track on the erecting side are five wheel lathes and the quar- tering machines. The machine shop traveling crane covers this space and is used for placing the wheels in and out of machines. The wheel press is located at the end of the building in line with the lathes. This press is served by a jib crane attached to a steel column, and has a small electric chain hoist. The open space in front of the press is used for the setting. All the machines for driving and truck wheels, such as boring mills, axle lathes, milling machines, etc., are located on the other side of the central supply track. The next group of machines is for cylinders, trucks and driving box fittings. There is a clear floor space for some distance, with lateral tracks and numerous jib cranes, supporting air hoists used for repairing engine trucks. The large cylinder planer and cylinder boring machine are placed in line with the wheel lathes and are served by the shop crane. Across the track are located machines for driving box fittings. The cleaning vats are placed in an addition just outside of the machine shop wall. The next machines are the large frame planer, triple head frame slotter and multiple spindle frame drill. Across the track from these are machines for cross- head and piston work, as well as machines for lighter framework. The next group of machines consists of planers, slotters, milling machines, etc., for rod work. There are also a number of benches for fitting in this group. There are a large number of jib cranes in this section. The next group of machines is used for valve motion and general machine shop work. Following these are the machines and floor space for brake and spring work, scale repairs, air brake work and steam- pipe fitting. The rest of the main floor of the machine side is taken- up with machines for boiler work. The first part has the flue department, with the regulation machines and furnaces, and a chain wet flue rattler. The latter machine is of interest on account of the small amount of time required in changing flues. This work has been accom- plished in six minutes. The other boiler shop machines are arranged on either side of the central track to the end of the building and include a number of hydraulic punches and shears, as well as those driven by motors. This section has a large number of jib cranes with chain hoists, driven by air motors. The hydraulic pump and accumulator are located in the corner on this side of the building. The hydraulic riveters, of which there are two, one with 17 ft. gap and one of 6, are located at this end on the erecting side, where fitting up boilers and tank work is done. In the gallery are located the small machines of all kinds for light work, including a tin shop, bolt depart- ment, brass work, tool work, etc. STORAGE OF DISMANTLED PARTS. Provision for the storage of dismantled locomotive parts which are not delivered to special repair depart- ments or to some of the various machines is a very important consideration. The practice of providing pits beneath the floor, with movable covers, for the storage of such parts has generally been looked upon with dis- approval, and this method is now seldom installed. Several shops have used a specially designed rack on which the parts are stored while an engine is in the shop, and this arrangement has proved very satisfactory. In some instances a plan adopted provides for storing the cabs on this rack, supported by specially designed arms. This arrangement has not proved successful, and it would seem more expedient to store the cabs outside of the shop and preferably in a space served by an outdoor crane in order that they may be handled at minimum expense. At the Louisville shop of the Louisville & Nashville Railway provision for dismantled parts is made in a very satisfactory manner by a platform supported by the col- umns between the erecting and machine bays. This platform extends from one column to the next through- out the length of the erecting floor and is carried at such height that it does not interfere with transportation or passage between the two bays. By storing these parts above the floor they are kept out of the way, and not only located where they are not susceptible to damage, but are also placed where they will offer no obstruction on the floor. In addition to this platform, lockers are placed by each post and all small material, boiler fittings, cab appliances, etc., are placed in these lockers until such time as they are replaced on the locomotive from which they were removed. As soon as an engine is dismantled, all parts requiring repairs are distributed to the various depart- ments. After repairs have been made these parts are LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 45 returned to the erecting floor and stored on the platform or in the lockers and are not allowed to obstruct any part of the shop. The platform is so situated as to be served by the erecting floor crane. Those parts not requiring repairs, such as brake rods, beams and levers, hangers, column brackets, pipes, hand rails, casings, jackets, etc.. are stored on the platform as soon as the locomotive i- dismantled. SANITARY REQUIREMENTS. In considering the sanitary requirements of a shop a number of peculiar features enter into the determination as to the most desirable facilities to be provided for the convenience and comfort of the men. While the state- ment in this connection might seem extraordinary, the amount of facilities required depends, like a number of other features in shop design, upon the organization. The facilities provided in modern shops vary as to the number of each item provided per 100 men. From information gathered at several shops it is found that the number of wash basins per 100 men varies from 7 to 33: closets. 8 to 32, and urinals, 3 to 20. While these figures vary to such an extent as to be hardly sufficient to warrant conclusions, the following would seem to be a reasonable provision per 100 men : 33 wash basins, 15 closets and 10 urinals. Many of the men do not stop to wash up carefully before leaving the shop, and it is fair to assume that at least three men can use the same basin. It is preferable to provide ample closet and urinal accom- modations rather than not enough. It has been said that the introdnction of piece work at a certain shop reduced the necessary closet facilities about 50 per cent. The experience of a number of shops in which the best kind of plumbing was installed would suggest the query as to whether such facilities are thoroughly appreciated. It is believed that the men are better satisfied with good and healthful ventilation than with elaborate fixtures. Such thorough ventilation may be provided with mod- ern equipment that many shop managers approve of lo- cating all toilet facilities within the building. This not only removes the necessity of men going out of the build- ing during working hours and provides against their going out of doors ill clad during cold and stormy weather, but further removes an opportunity for them to go beyond the observation of the foreman. Some officials approve of placing a number of urinals at various places of convenience about the shop where they may be screened from view. This arrangement has the advantage of providing accessible conveniences with- out the necessity of a long walk where the shop is large. In the locomotive shop building at Silvis there are four lavatories so disposed as to serve four territories of about equal areas in the shop. The lavatories are located on balconies. At the Angus shop the lavatory is in a wing of the building, or lean to. At the Collin- wood shop it is on the ground level, in a position near the center of the shop. At McKees Rocks it is on a balcony. The most comfortable arrangement of lockers is the provision of one locker for each man, though not infre- quently two men occupy the same locker. Best practice indicates the more general use of metal lockers so con- structed as to permit a free circulation of air and to pro- vide for easy inspection to guard against the accumu- lation of inflammable material. At Silvis the lockers are grouped beneath the bal- conies in which the lavatories are located. These are placed within an enclosure and access thereto may be had during certain hours only. At other times it is necessary to secure admission from the foreman. At Collinwood the locker room is on a balcony above the lavatory. At Sayre the locker room and toilet facilities are on the balcony, and it is found that the men are not favorably inclined to such a location for the lockers. In a few shops the toilet facilities include shower baths. The new shops of the Brown Hoisting Machinery Company have been equipped with shop toilets of new design which seem practicable and serviceable. The de- sign comprises a series of stalls, or compartments, sep- arated by concrete steel partitions of the Ferroinclave construction, attached to light angle supports covered by one concrete steel hood. This hood is also of Ferro- inclave construction and runs to an apex at about an equidistance from either end partition, and which apex is a ventilating pipe. With the exception of the two ends, the partitions do not extend up to the hood, thus giving sufficient air circulation. The hood extends out over the doors. The doors are hung from light angles, which extend across the partitions. These doors consist of steel plates rolled in the form of semi-cylindrical shells, and are hung from the top instead of from the side, being so adjusted that in rotating on rollers they describe the path of a cylindrical shell about its vertical axis. Among the advantages claimed for the design are : A saving of space (practically three feet being saved by this door) over the ordinary side hinged style, in a sani- tary way, the excellent hood or ventilating system, tak- ing away all odors, and the concrete walls allowing easy cleaning with a hose. The interior is at all times closed to the outside view, thereby making it practicable to erect the same at points in a building that would be too exposed for the types of closets in ordinary use. It can readily be seen by the door whether a closet is or is not occupied. A closet cannot be occupied without the door being out. This fact, together with the lack of light and the partitions, is the means of a great saving in time, in that it eliminates the usual causes for the men loafing. SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. The systems of motor driving now on the market pro- viding speed variations electrically have been worked out with a great deal of ingenuity, and all of them have some points in their favor for certain classes of service. The problem before the railroad repair shop, however, is peculiar, and has certain features which are not com- mon to any other line of manufacture. The success or failure of any system in a railroad repair shop will de- pend largely upon the simplicity and reliability of the 4(5 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE system for obtaining a given result. Railroad repair work, in general, is not susceptible to such great refine- ment as are certain lines of manufacture which dupli- cate standard parts indefinitely, and for this reason a system of distribution adapted to the needs of the repair shop must be flexible. It is also important that, as far as possible, the system be capable of sub-division, in so far as the generating units are concerned, due to the fact that considerable overtime work is necessary, and at such times it is desir- able to shut down parts of the generating equipment, operating only such machines as necessary. There was a time, a number of years ago, when the railroad shop was extremely conservative in the matter of taking up new ideas, and was probably working to less advantage than any manufacturing establishment, for the reason that railroad repair work is practically devoid of competition. Some of the railroads have been extreme- ly progressive in adopting new methods of production as applied to repair work, and they have virtually set a pace which must eventually be followed by the others. This will be more true as reliable reports of the better results obtained by the use of 'modern machinery and methods become public. Second only in importance to the rapid production of work is the economy and reliability of the installation. Economy in operation means a reduction in the capacity of the engines and boilers operated in the power plant, and should also logically include the cost of maintenance and repairs to the apparatus installed. Third in importance is the question of cost. Before any particular system is installed, complete costs should be obtained, including not only the cost of the machinery proper, but also the cost of wiring and special fixtures which in many cases constitutes a very appreciable per- centage of the total cost of the installation. Next in importance is the matter of simplicity. The average mechanic to-day is not a skilled electrician, and the installation of apparatus which is so simple that it may be maintained by the operator will save much time on the part of the regular repair man, who is usually busy with more important duties than the maintenance of in- dividual motors throughout the plant. In many cases individual drive will be found desirable, particularly for the larger machines, such as wheel lathes, frame planers and slotters, boring mills, axle and crank pin lathes, and in general machines doing comparatively heavy work. For the lighter machines, the group drive seems to be preferable, chiefly on account of its smaller cost. It is not the intention to discuss the relative merits 'of the individual and group drive to any considerable length. It is deemed desirable, however, to call atten- tion to the fact that the individually driven tool is capable of being used independently of the rest of the equipment, and that, when so operated, it calls upon the power plant for only the power necessary to supply the driving motor. In making an installation it is usually possible to arrange for such a combination of group and individual drive that, when it becomes necessary to work- part of the shop equipment overtime, there will be oper- ated, as a rule, only the tools required for the work in hand. Broadly speaking, the various systems of electric driv- ing which admit of speed variation applicable to machine shop work are as follows : (1) Multi- voltage systems; ( 2 ) Double commutator systems ; (3) Systems in which the speed regulation is obtained by means of field control on one or two voltages ; that is, a 2-wire single-voltage system or a balanced-voltage 3- wire system. MULTI-VOLTAGE SYSTEM. Considering first the multi-voltage system, it may be stated that this method, in general, consists of a number of wires between which various voltages may be obtained, the differences in voltages being produced by means of a series of boosters, or motor-generator sets, in combination ' with the main generator. This system originally involved the use of the following voltages: 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240, and required for its distribution four wires. For the reason that the horsepower output in a given motor is practically proportional to the horsepower input, it is evident that the lower voltages, in order to transmit a definite horsepower, the current must be quite large as compared with that required at the higher voltages. This being the case, considerably larger conductors will be required for a given horsepower transmitted at the lower voltage than would be the case were the voltage main- tained at a higher value. For this reason, as stated else- where, it is essential that the cost of the wiring be care- fully considered before the multi-voltage system is adopted. One of the principal characteristics of the multi-volt- age system is due to the fact that the horsepower which may be developed by a motor increases directly with the voltage impressed on the armature terminals, the field strength remaining constant. This can be stated in an- other way, which may tend to bring out some interest- ing information relative to motors operating on the multi-voltage systems, under the present scheme of nor- mal ratings adopted by the manufacturers of multi-volt- age apparatus, the horsepower delivered by the motor decreases directly with the decrease in voltage from about 120 volts to whatever voltage may be called the starting voltage of the system. Since, in machine tool work, approximately constant output is demanded of the motor, it can be readily seen 'that, as the capacity of the motor decreases, the amount of the metal which can be removed decreases, and with it the value of the extreme range of speed variation ; for speed variation in itself is of no value; it must be accompanied by the ability to operate the driven tool at its maximum capacity at all points within the limits of speed range claimed for the multi -voltage advocates, making approximately 1 to 3 and 1 to 8 in speed variation which are made by the system. This condition will qualify the claims of 1 to 10 the. effective working range, unless the motor is ab- normally large, and but a fraction of its possible output LOCOMOTIVE SHOP is utilized at the higher speeds. It is essential that the purchaser of a variable speed motor obtain a continuous horsepower output over the entire speed range claimed for the motor, in order that he may be fully informed as to its suitability for the work in hand. One of the advocates of the multi-voltage system has made the statement that 1 to 3 variation in speed is suf- ficient for machines requiring a constant horsepower out- put, such as lathes, boring mills, milling machinery, etc. It should be noted that this is the maximum speed range possible with the multi-voltage system, using as a mini- mum voltage about 120 volts, which is the lowest com- mercial voltage at which power may be generated, dis- tributed and utilized without making the size of feeders abnormally large. For machines involving a reciprocat- ing motion, such as planers, slotters, etc., the same manu- facturer has made the statement that the horsepower increases directly with the speed. This statement is incorrect, for the reason that if the machine tool be worked anywhere near its capacity, the horsepower -at the tool actually increases with a decrease in speed, within the working limit. Adding to this the increase due to the greater friction of the machine itself, it will be found that on machines involving reciprocating motion the horsepower required at the varying speeds will not fluctuate greatly. For this reason it is evident that the multi-voltage system as applied to machine tools should only be used throughout such a range of speeds as will permit of constant horsepower being obtained at every speed. In fact, this point is now realized by the manu- facturers of multi-voltage apparatus to such an extent that one of them has made the statement that the lower voltages are to be used "for starting and light cuts only." It is a remarkable fact that the advocates of the multi- voltage systems are gradually abandoning the lower voltages and tending toward a single, or at most, two voltages in combination with field control, with a cor- responding decrease in the total variable speed range, and a corresponding increase in the range of speed per- mitting constant horsepower to be taken from the motor. Thus one manufacturer has abandoned 40 and 80 volts, while the second has abandoned 60 and 80 volts and is now using 90 volts as a minimum. In both of these sys- tems the intermediate speeds are obtained by means of field control thus tacitly approving of this method of obtaining speed variation. The controller used in connection with the multi-volt- age system must handle a number of voltages, in addi- tion to the field current, and is of necessity more com- plicated than would be the case were the machine operated on a single or two voltages. DOUBLE COMMUTATOR MOTORS. The use of double commutator motors has been lim- ited, more or less, to the operation of printing presses, in which service the horsepower varies approximately as the speed; in other words, the minimum speed requires the minimum horsepower. The construction of the double commutator motor in- volves the use of one commutator on each end of the armature. The armature windings connected to these commutators may comprise either the same number of turns or a different number of turns, the principle of operation remaining the same. As the speed of a motor on constant voltage depends upon the number of turns in series in the armature, it is evident that by connecting both of these commutators in series, the number of arma- ture turns may be increased, thereby producing a slow speed. As it is desired to increase the speed of the motor, one of the sets of windings in series is cut out, and, on one system, the speed is further increased by connecting the two commutators, so that the two sets of armature windings having a different number of turns oppose on* another. The charactersistics of the double commutator motor may be fairly represented by the performance of an ordinary motor on the multi-voltage system, in which the horsepower increases approximately with the increase in speed, but as a rule the controller used in connection with the double commutator machine is extremely cum- bersome on account of the numerous functions which it has to perform, that is, connecting the commutators in series, connecting them to the circuit individually, and finally connecting them in parallel, and, in addition to this, the field current must also be varied for the purpose of obtaining the intermediate steps in speed. One of the principal objections to the double commu- tator motor for machine tool driving is that, where the double commutator motor is used, the overhang from the center of the motor frame to the point of attachment of the pinion, if the machine be gear driven, is consid- erably greater than would be involved were the com- mutator, and consequently the extension of the bracket on the pinion end, absent. The importance of a rigid frame, with the point of application of the pinion for gear driving as close to the point of support at the base of the motor as possible (this distance being measured per- pendicularly to the shaft), cannot be overestimated. Gears have imposed upon the shafts, bearings and end brackets of motors much more severe conditions than they ever encountered when belt drive was used, and this is a feature which is well worthy of careful consideration in installing motors for individual drive. A second objection to the double commutator motor is the duplication of perishable parts, such as the commu- tator and brushes. While the renewal of brushes in a properly designed and well constructed direct current motor should not of necessity be very frequent, at the same time the double commutator motor doubles the op- portunity for wear. The rear brushes, that is, the brushes on the pinion end, will very frequently be found more or less inaccessible, for the reason that the pinion end of the motor is frequently crowded closely into the machine tool, and it is the opinion of one of the largest machine tool builders in the country that this constitutes one of the principal objections to the use of a motor of this character. This system has without question some advantages over the straight multi-voltage system, but the fact that double commutator machines have been built for a num- 48 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE ber of years, and that these machines have not come into general use, indicates possibly better than any other argument the feeling of machine 'tool builders and manufacturers as regards this system. THE ALTERNATING CURRENT SYSTEM. Because of the ease with which alternating current may be transformed either in voltage or phase it presents many advantages over any other system of distribution. Long distance transmission may be effectively accom- plished by means of the alternating current. The alternating current motor is peculiarly adapted to severe service, and for driving line shafting, or individ- ual machines, the speed of which may be changed by mechanical devices, gives all the advantages obtained by the use of electrical distribution in general, together with a motor which is the acme of simplicity so far as mechanical construction is concerned. The absence of commutator and brushes contribute to produce a motor on which the maintenance is extremely small, and many large installations are now operating by means of alter- nating current motors exclusively. The alternating current motors may be used in connec- tion with direct current motors, both alternating current and direct current being obtained fom a single generator, or from rotary converters, and it would not be surpris- ing if the mixed systems became quite common for in- dustrial and railroad plants. In the railroad shop in- stallations now in service the main generators are of the polyphase alternating current type, direct current being obtained by means of rotary converters of the 3-wire even voltage type. These rotaries possess all of the advantages of the 3-wire generators, giving a 3-wire even voltage circuit from a single machine, using highly efficient stationary balancing coils in place of the waste- ful motor-generator balancing units. SYSTEMS IN WHICH SPEED VARIATION IS OBTAINED BY FIELD CONTROL. Referring now to the third general division, that is, systems in which the speed variations is obtained by field control : There are on the market to-day a number of manufacturers advocating this means of speed variation. The system involves the insertion of resistance in the shunt field of the motor, and while the general scheme used by different manufacturers is the same, the details have been worked out differently by the various com- panies building machines of this class. One manufac- turer uses a so-called reaction winding, the purpose of which is to neutralize the armature reaction. This method has in its favor the possibility of considerable range in speed on a single voltage, while on the other hand, it involves considerable complication in construc- tion, as compared with the ordinary motor. A further objection to this construction is that this reaction winding interposes in the armature circuit con- siderable resistance, and the introduction of resistance in the armature circuit has always been accompanied by undesirable results, so far as machine totol driving is concerned. The greater the resistance in the armature -circuit, the greater will be the drop in speed between no load and full load, and it is evident that on many classes of work, such, for example, work involving intermittent cuts, a tool would very quickly be ruined. It is possible on a machine of this type, by giving the brushes back lead, to produce a certain demagnetizing armature reaction which will counteract the resistance drop in the reaction winding at normal speeds. This, however, is a dangerous procedure, for the reason that when the higher speeds are reached the field is extremely weak and there is a possibility of the field being re- versed, in which case the motor will draw an abnormally heavy current, and in all probability be burned out, pro- vided the fuses or other protective devices do not open the circuit promptly. It is claimed by the manufacturers of this motor that a range of speed as high as 1 to 6 on single voltage is entirely possible, the horsepower remaining constant throughout the whole speed range. While it is not the intention to go into the matter of the practical speed range on an electric motor for machine tool driving, it is sufficient to say, however, that the size and weight of a variable speed motor of given out- put, operating on any system, whether it be multi-voltage or field control, will increase as the minimum speed of the motor decreases. When a range of speed of 1 to 6 is obtained the minimum speed must be kept fairly low for mechanical reasons, and there is some question as to whether speed range of 1 to 6 on a single voltage repre- sents the best practice. A properly designed shunt or compound wound motor may for machine tool service be operated throughout a speed range of 1 to 2 on a single voltage by field control without the use of reaction windings, or in fact any de- vice especially intended to minimize the sparking at the commutator. This system presents the simplest variable speed mechanism yet developed for moderate speed ranges. The motor is a standard motor; the number of wires is reduced to a minimum and the speed range is sufficient to eliminate a considerable amount of interme- diate gearing, the coarser increments being obtained by gears, frequently in combination with clutches, or belts and cone pulleys. With this range of speed, at a given output, a motor of normal size may be employed with a corresponding decrease in the cost as compared with the wider speed ranges, and the generating outfit presents the simplest possible solution for a power and lighting distribution plant. Some of the machine tool builders of to-day have adopted a speed range of 1 to 2 as the standard, claiming thereby that they can produce motor driven machines cheaper, using a 1 to 2 motor with the decreased amount of gearing, than would be possible were a constant speed motor used, and that the machine tool may be produced cheaper than would be the case were a greater range obtained electrically with a decreased amount of gearing. This system has been consistently advocated by one of the large manufacturing companies, and there are to-day many installations in which motors having a speed range of 1 to 2 on a single voltage are operating with LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 49 entire satisfaction. The horsepower output is constant throughout the whole speed range and the commutation is all that could be desired. The controller has but one armature voltage to handle, while the field current is com- paratively small and may be handled without difficulty. A natural extension of this system leads to the 3-wire, 2-voltage system, using equal voltages on either side of the neutral wire and eliminating the rotating balancing set. The rotating balancing set, while a comparatively small machine, cannot be particularly efficient, and ope- rating as it does all day, its losses in the course of a year represent an appreciable amount. Its elimination, aside from the compilation which it introduces into a system is, therefore, desirable on the ground of econ- omy. On the 3-wire system, 120 and 240 volts are available at the motors, and, because of the fact that the speed of the motor varies approximately as the voltage applied to its terminals, it is evident that on the 120 volts a speed range of 1 to 2 by field control may be obtained ; that after the motor has reached the highest speed on 120 volts, its armature may be thrown on 240 volts, and a further speed range of 1 to 2 may be obtained, giving a total range of 1 to 4 The system of distribution used in the Edison Three- Wire system, which involves a minimum amount of cop- per for the transmission of a given horsepower, and the controller handles but two voltages in addition to the field current. By decreasing the minimum speed, with the consequent increase in the size of the motor, a greater speed range than 1 to 4 may be obtained ; it is question- able, however, whether a greater speed range is economi- cal for any class of machine tool work. Under the ratings given by the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company the horsepower which may be obtained from a motor operated on the 3-wire 2-voltage system is con- stant throughout the whole speed range. The application of motors operated on the 3-wire system to the driving of all classes of machine tools requiring variable speed gives increments in speed between the successive steps of the controller of about 12 per cent, which is considered fine enough for even the most modern practice involving the use of high speed steels and machine tools adapted to their use. For group driving, so-called, constant speed motors may be operated from the 240 volt circuit obtainable when a 3-wire generator is used, but it should be noted in this connection that these motors are capable of ;i certain amount of speed variation by means of rheostats placed in their fields; for example, on certain sizes as much as 50 per cent variation in speed may be obtained ; that is, the line shaft may be speeded up 50 per cent merely by the insertion of a rheostat in the field of the driving motor. With the rapid change in manufacturing conditions, such as the introduction of high speed steels, it is frequently a matter of prime importance that the speed of the line shaft may be increased by small incre- ments from time to time, thereby speeding up the driven machinery. This method has been used to advantage, and the production has been known to increase in spite of the opposition of the various machine tool operators. This system adapts itself well to illuminating purposes, the lights, standard 110-120 volt lamps, being operated between the neutral and either outside wire of the 3-wire circuit. By the use of the 3-wire circuit it is possible to so balance the motors on either side of the neutral when running on the lower voltage, that the quantity of current flowing through the neutral wire will be a minimum ; if the motors were so distributed as to draw exactly the same amount of current from either side of the 3-wire system, the neutral wire would carry no current what- ever. This condition is, of course, ideal, but can be approximated very much more closely with the 3-wire balanced system than is possible with any of the so-called multi-voltage systems. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION AT ANGUS. There are three alternating-current and one direct- current circuits from the power house entering the ma- chine shop. Each circuit comes to a large distributing board, from which circuits are distributed in the shop. Each of these circuits serve approximately 100 h. p. of motor capacity. The leads are taken from the distribut- ing board, which is located in the gallery, above and outside the machine gallery, by three heavy insulated wires, carried on porcelain insulators along the roof trusses. The motor connections are made directly to these leads at the most convenient point. On each lead, just before the motor connection is taken off, is located an oil circuit breaker in a convenient position. There are no fuses, switches or other instruments in this cir- cuit up to this breaker. The leads to the motors are car- ried through piping down the posts or walk to the start- ing box of the motor. This starting box is arranged in the form of a street railway controller, and each notch cuts out resistance as the motor gains in speed. There is a no-voltage release at each oil circuit breaker. The direct current machines, of which there are com- paratively few, are taken from a circuit running the full length of the building, at the nearest available point. They have variable speed controllers and circuit break- ers located on each machine. All crane motors are con- nected to this circuit. The lighting circuits are taken from the three-phase line through transformers to the lighting points. The transformers are arranged in pairs, one being connected to wires 1 and 2, and the other to wires 2 and 3. These transformers change the voltage from 550 volts to 110 volts. The light distributing boards, or panels, contain two copper buss bars, from which the several lighting circuits are carried through fuses and switches. Each of these small circuits carries not more than one enclosed arc or 12 incandescent lights. There are 15 transform- ers in the locomotive shop and 29 lighting panels. The lighting in the erecting shop is mostly by arcs hung from the roof trusses and with incandescents along the side walls, while that in the machine shop is practically by incandescent lights. There are plug receptacles located at short distances in all pits and along the posts, as 50 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE well as at benches and any other place where they may possibly be needed. NUMBER OF MACHINE TOOLS. The peculiar local governing conditions affecting the operation of each shop, together with the fact that most shops do a certain amount of manufacturing work not only for the immediate plant, but also for various plants along the line, render it almost impossible to present a list of tools which will provide for any given or indi- vidual shop chosen at random. Consideration must be given to the kind and class of repairs necessary owing to the peculiar conditions of the road, or the section of the road, on which the locomotives to be maintained are operated. Other conditions necessarily provided for are special defects in design, such as weak frames, cylinders and other special parts. Another consideration is the amount of manufactured material carried in stock. It is believed that some roads are inclined to force the amount of material in stock, especially manufactured material, to too low a point. An important factor in determining the number of machine tools in the locomotive shop is the question of standard and special machinery. Where parts of loco motives are well standardized, more special machinery may be utilized, which will increase the output of the shop. An opinion prevails that present locomotive shops would be capable of a greater output and hold locomo- tives out of service for a shorter period of time during repairs, if the number of machine tools per locomotive pit was increased. For this reason from 8 to 10 ma- chines per pit have been advocated. However, the ratio of from 6 to 8 machine tools per pit is more nearly rep- resentative of the equipment in existing shops most lib- erally provided and many shops are operated with 5 or 6 machines per pit. It should be explained that the following tables are acknowledged to indicate ratios of machine tools per pit more liberal than actually to be found in most ex- isting shops. The various conditions effecting locomo- tive repairs in different localities necessarily influence the proportions of the several types of tools. It is, there- fore, impossible to produce a table from which a list of tools could be selected without modification to suit local conditions. In placing a new shop in operation it is customary to install. but a portion of the machine tool equipment planned for and to add to the equipment as the shop becomes organized. In most instances the final requirements have surpassed the original plans. Percentage of total number of machine tools for each of the various types : Turning tools 5 Cutting tools 25 Drilling tools H Grinding tools Miscellaneous tools Number of machine tools of each class per pit: Lathes 3 11-12 3.925 Boring Mills % 875 Planers 1 1.00 Shapers Y-Z 5 Blotters 11-24. ....... .458 Millers H 375 Drills 1 1-12 1.083 Grinders 2-3 .666 Miscellaneous . 17-24.. .708 Total 100 Total 9.590 The conditions surrounding boiler work are such that it is even more impracticable to select a list of machine tools which will meet the requirements of any given boiler shop, than prevails in connection with the gen- eral machine tool equipment. There are many of the larger machines which are required singly by a locomo- tive shop maintaining general boiler repairs and the numbers of such machines per so many pits vary ac- cording to wide limits only. For this reason the following list of the principal machine tools for the boiler shop has been selected, based on the requirements of a shop containing 24 or 30 erecting pits, and it is understood that the smaller or special tools should be added according to requirements of local conditions : List of principal machine tools for boiler shop serving 24 or 30 locomotive erecting pits : Rotary splitting shear. No. 10 milling machine. 36-inch vertical drill. Staybolt drill. Staybolt cutter. 72-inch radial drill. Hydraulic accumulator. Hydraulic riveter. Flange fire. 120-inch flange clamp. Single punch, 34-inch plate and 36-inch Jiroat. Multiple punch. 120-inch flange clamp. Sectional hydraulic flange press. Annealing furnace. Flange punch. Plate bending roller. (Large, 16 ft. long.) Plate bending roller. (Small.) 72-inch punch 72-inch shears. Plate planer. Multiple drill. Cold saw. Angle shears. Punch 1^2-mch holes, 1-inch plate. Total, 24 tools. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP Machine Tool Equipment for the Locomotive Shop 51 MACHINE TOOLS FOR 1, 12, 15, 24, 48 ERECTING SHOP PITS. Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines for 1 pit for 12 pits for 15 pits for 24 pits for 48 pits Lathes 3.925 47" 60 94 188 Boring Mills. .875 10 14 21 Planers 1.00 12 15 24 48 Shapers 5 6 8 12 24 Slotters 453 6 7 11 Millers 375 569 Drills 1.083 13 16 26 Grinders 666 8 9 16 Miscellaneous .70S 9 10 17 34 9.590 116 145 230 460 MACHINE TOOLS FOR 15 ERECTING PITS. LATHES. 90-inch wheel lathe for turning tires 1 100-wheel lathe for turning tires 1 Quartering machine, 34-inch throw 1 42-inch lathes 2 36-inch lathes 4 30-inch lathes 5 24-inch lathes 6 20-inch lathes 7 18-inch lathes 12 16-inch lathes 12 2-inch by 24-inch turret lathes 2 2^-inch by 24-inch turret lathe 1 4j-inch by 24-inch turret lathes 2 6-inch turret lathe 1 Special bolt turning machine 1 Cylinder lathe 1 Double axle lathe 1 Total " '. 60 BORING MILLS. 96-inch boring mill 1 84-inch boring mill 72-inch boring mill 1 62-inch boring mill 1 51-inch boring mills , 3 42-inch boring mills 2 Double rod boring machine 1 3-spindle cylinder borer 1 60-inch horizontal boring mills 2 36-inch boring mill- turret 1 Total 14 PLANERS. 72-inch by 84-inch by 12-foot cylinder planer 1 72-inch by 72-inch by 3fi-foot frame planer 1 60-inch by 60-inch by 18-foot planer 1 48-inch by 48-inch by 10-foot planers 4 36-inch by 36-inch by 10-foot planers 6 30-inch by 30-inch by 8-foot planers 2 Total 15 SHAPERS. 18-inch double head shapers 3 16-inch stroke shapers 3 14-inch stroke shapers 2 SLOTTEKS. Double head frame slotter 1 18-inch slotters 2 16-inch slotter 1 14-inch slotters 2 12-inch slotter . 1 Total Total - MILLERS. Vertical millers 2 Universal miller 1 Universal milling machine tool room 1 Horizontal miller tool room 1 Heavy horizontal miller 1 Total 6 DRILLS. 72-inch Universal radial drill 1 72-inch radial 1 3-spindle frame drill 1 60-inch radial drill presses 5 36-inch vertical drills 3 24-inch vertical drills 2 Drill centering machine 1 Total 14 GRINDERS. Universal grinder 1 72-inch guide bar grinder 1 Universal tool grinder 1 Drill grinders 2 Piston rod grinder 1 Horizontal grinders 4 Total 10 MISCELLANEOUS. 400-ton wheel press . . .-. 1 Pipe cutters 2 SJ/2-inch single head bolt cutter 1 2-inch double head bolt cutter 1 1^-inch double head bolt cutter 1 Tool dresser furnace 1 Tool dresser trip hammer 1 Press for driving boxes and rod bearings 1 Universal cold saw 1 Grind stones 2 Total 12 MACHINE TOOLS FOR 24 ERECTING PITS. LATHES. Quartering machine, 34-inch throw 1 90-inch wheel lathe for turning tires 1 100-inch wheel lathe for turning tires 1 42 inch lathes 2 36 inch lathes 6 30 inch lathes 3 24 inch lathes 10 20 inch lathes 12 18 inch lathes 20 16 inch lathes 20 2 inch x 24 inch turret lathes 2 ? : ^ inch x 24 inch turret lathes 2 4M inch x 24 inch turret lathes 3 6 inch turret lathe 1 Specil bolt turning machine i 52 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Cylinder lathes 2 Double a.xle lathes 2 94 BORING MILLS. 96-inch boring mill 1 84-inch boring mill 1 72-inch boring mills 2 51-inch boring mills 6 42-inch boring mills 4 Double rod boring machine 1 Cylinder borer 1 3 spindle cylinder borer 1 60-inch horizontal boring mills 2 no-inch boring mills, turret 2 21 PLANERS. 72-inch by 84-inch by 12-foot cylinder planer 1 72-inch by 72-inch by 36-foot frame planer 1 60-inch by 60-inch by IR-foot planers 2 48-inch by 48-inch by 10-foot planers 6 36-inch by 36-inch by 10-foot planers 10 30-inch by 30-inch by 8-foot planer 4 24 SHAPERS. 18-inch double head shapers 4 16-inch stroke shapers 6 14-inch stroke shapers 2 12 BLOTTERS. Double head frame slotter 1 18-inch slotters 2 16-inch slotters 2 14-inch slotters 4 12-inch slotters .2 MILLERS. Vertical millers 2 Universal millers 2 Universal milling machine, tool room 1 Horizontal millers 2 Heavy horizontal and vertical 2 9 72-inch Universal radial drills 2 72-inch radial drill i 3 spindle frame drill i 60-inch radial drill presses 8 36-inch vertical drills 6 24-inch vertical drills , 3 High speed drills 3 Drill centering machines 2 26 GRINDERS. Universal grinders 2 72-inch guide bar grinders 2 Universal tool grinders 2 Drill grinders 2 Piston rod grinders 2 Horizontal grinders 6 16 MISCELLANEOUS. 400-ton wheel press i Pipe cutters 3 2^-inch double head bolt cutters 2 2-inch bolt cutters 2 1^2-inch bolt cutters 2 Tool dresser furnace 1 Tool dresser trip hammer 1 Presses for driving boxes and rod bearings 2 Universal cold saw i Grind stones .2 11 17 Classified List of Machine Tools for i, 1 2 , 15, 24 and 48 Erecting Shop Pit LATHES. 100 in. 90 in. Per Pit 1/24 1/24 Per 12 Pits 1/2 1/2 Per 15 Pits 5/8 5/8 Per 24 Pits . 1 1 Per 48 Pits . .22 42 in. 1/12 1 1 1/4 2 4 36 in. 1/4 3 4 6 12 30 in. 1/3 4 5 8 16 LATHES Continued. 2^x34 in. 4^x24 in. Per Pit 1/12 Per 1 Pit 1 Per 12 Pits 1 1/4 Per 24 Pits 2 Per 48 Pits . 4 96 in. Per Pit 1/24 Per 12 Pits 1/2 Per 15 Pits 5/8 Per 34 Pits 1 Per 48 Pits. . . 2 6 in. 1/8 1/24 1 1/2 1/2 1 7/8 5/8 3 1 6 2 BORING MILLS. Special Bolt 1/24 1/2 5/8 1 2 24 in. 20 in. 18 in. 16 in. 2x24 in. 5/12 1/2 5 6 6 1/4 7 1/2 10 12 20 24 Cyl. 1/24 1/2 5/8 2 4 84 in. 72 in. 51 in. 1/24 1/12 1/4 1/2 1 3 5/8 1 1/4 4 1 2 6 2 4 12 42 in. 1/6 2 2 1/2 4 8 36 in. 1/12 1 1 1/4 2 4 Borer 1/24 1/2 5/8 1 2 5/6 5/6 1/12 10 10 1 12 1/2 12 1/2 1 1/4 20 20 2 40 40 4 Wheel Axle Quartering 1/12 1/24 1 1/2 1 1/4 5/8 2 1 4 2 Total 3 11/12 47 53 94 188 D Rod Cyl. Spindle 60 in. Borer 1/24 1/2 5/8 1 2 Cyl. 1/24 1/2 5/8 Hori. Total 1/12 7/8 1 10 1/2 1 1/4 12 2 21 4 42 LOCOMOTIVE SHOP -VJ PLANERS. 72 in. 60 in. 48 in. 36 in. 30 in. 72 in. Total Per Pit 1/24 1/12 1/4 5/12 1/6 1/24 1 Per 12 Pits 1/2 135 2 1/2 12 Per 15 Pits 5/8 1 1/4 3 3/4 6 1/4 2 1/2 5/8 15 Per 24 Pits 1 2 6 10 4 1 24 Per 48 Pits !.. 2 4 12 20 8 2 48 SHAPERS. 18 in. 16 in. 14 in. Total Pei Pit 1/6 1/4 1/12 1/2 Pei 12 Pits 231 6 Per 15 Pits 21/2 33/4 11/4 7 1/2 Per 24 Pits 462 12 Per 48 Pits 8 12 4 24 BLOTTERS. Double 18 in. IGin. 14 in. 12 in. head frame Total Per Pit 1/12 1/12 1/6 1/12 1/48 21/48 Per 12 Pits 11 21 1/4 5 1/4 Per 15 Pits 11/4 11/4 21/2 11/4 15/48 6 27/48 Per 24 Pits 2 2 4 2 1/2 11 Per 48 Pits 4 4 S 4 1 21 MILLERS. Univ. Vert. Ilori. Tool room Heavy Hori. Total Per Pit 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/24 1/12 3/8 Per 12 Pits 1 1 1 1/2 1 4 1/2 Per 15 Pits 11/4 11/4 11/4 5/8 1 1/4 5 5/8 Per 24 Pits 2 2 2 1 2 9 Per 48 Pits 4 4 4 2 4 18 GRINDERS. Piston Universal 72 in. Guide Drill rod Horizontal Universal Tool Total Per Pit 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/4 1/12 1/12 2/3 Per 12 Pits 1 1 1 3 1 1 8 Per 15 Pits ... 11/4 11/4 11/4 33/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 10 Per 24 Pits 2 2 2 6 2 2 16 Per 48 Pits 4 4 4 12 4 4 32 DRILLS. 3 spindle 72 in. 60 in. 36 in. 24 in. Highspeed Centering frame Total Per Pit 1/8 1/3 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/12 1/24 1/2 Per 12 Pits 11/2 4 3 11/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 Per 15 Pits 17/8 5 33/4 17/8 17/8 1 1/4 5/8 16 1/4 Per 24 Pits 3 8 6 3 3 2 1 26 Per 48 Pits ... 6 16 12 6 6 4 2 52 MISCELLANEOUS. Wheel Pipe Bolt Tool Trip Cold Grind Press Cutter Cutter Furnace Hammer Press Saw Stone Total Per Pit ]/24 1/8 1/4 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/12 2/3 Per 12 Pits 1/2 1 1/2 3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 8 Per 15 Pits 5/8 17/8 33/4 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 1 1/4 10 Per 24 Pits 1 3 6 1 1 2 1 2 17 Per 48 Pits 2 6 12 2 2 4 2 4 34 54 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE *r^ nsphalt SGravel Roof 6 " (ri/ffer. 1 Top o/ Bearing Stone- n Bearing 5rorie /o"&'-6 3-' t'6',10" tocomof/vc Cr:ctinq - -t'flsphairs, GrviKl ttwflitf J * ^ .0 I Machine- Shop Top of floor SecT./on CROSS SECTION OP LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT BARING CROSS, ARK,, ST. L. 1. M. & S. RY. ERECTING FLOOR AND BOILER DEPARTMENT IN MAIN BUILDING. MACHINE DEPARTMENT IN SIDE BAY. TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS. CROSS SECTION AND END ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT OELWEIN, IA., C. G. \V. RY. ROOF TRUSS SPANS EN- TIRE WIDTH OF SHOP. AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS AND PORTION OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN BALCONY. TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS. CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT DU BOIS, PA., B. R. & P. RY. ERECTING FLOOR IN CENTRAL BAY WITH MA- CHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO SIDE BAYS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF ERECTING BAY. LONGITUDINAL ERECTING PITS. BOILER SHOP IN ISOLATED BUILDING. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 55 CROSS SECTION AND PARTIAL, SIDE ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT OMAHA, NEBR-, U. P. R- R. ERECTING FLOOR AND MACHINE TOOL DEPARTMENT IN PARALLEL BAYS OF SAME WIDTH. AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS AND PORTION OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN BALCONY. LONGITUDINAL ERECTING PITS. CROS3 SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT DANVILLE, ILL., C. & E. I. R. R. ERECTING FLOOR IN MAIN BAY, WITH MA- CHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN SIDE BAY. HEAVY MACHINES IN MAIN BAY UNDER ERECTING FLOOR CRANE. TRANS- VERSE ERECTING PITS. CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. ERECTING FLOOR IN MAIN BAY WITH MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO SIDE BAYS ON SAME SIDE OF ERECTING BAY TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS 56 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Pit ItO'tony, btyina IP 1 ffftvctr.offficp+Zo'fonff, Pit tfO 'lontr, t tains fmm 3. int* of shoo Tnrctr fu/f ftnafh ofshnp from s. end of sho -T. IK.. Dj iu Li c - -tsz'o ^ ^ CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT TOPEKA, KAN., A. T. & S. F. RT. ERECTING FLOOR IN CENTRAL BAY WITH MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO SIDE BAYS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF ERECTING BAY. AUXILIARY DEPART- MENTS AND PORTION OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN BALCONY. LONGITUDINAL ERECTING PITS. BOILER DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF ERECTING AND MACHINE BAYS. Patters I'*}* tO" Crane Carder Capacity Iff} Tons. CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL., T. R. R. OF ST. L. ERECTING FLOOR IN MAIN BAY WITH MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN SIDE BAY AND HEAVY MACHINES IN ONE END OF ERECTING BAY SERVED BY CRANE. TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS. vefiti&forj One* Cartel, T : III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I II III 111 IIIIIIIIIIII I IIIUMI I I I I I I 1 1 Order JaPft n ng Position tf Tf 'jifJ n SIDE ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP, WITH BLACKSMITH SHOP AT END. EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL., T. R. R. OF ST. L. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 57 CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT COLLINWOOD. O., L. S. & M. S. RT. ERECTING AND BOILER SHOP IN OUTSIDE BATS WITH MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO INTERMEDIATE BAYS. TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS. L ivu. -ji -\-^l - - -IIBW 4-"- - -PF^T^'- 1 END ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT COLLINWOOD, O.. L. S. & M. S. RT. vqqtsffa ffoof for Transfer Table CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AND ENGINE HOUSE AT GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., P. M. R. R. ERECTING SHOP AND SQUARE ENGINE HOUSE SERVED BY COMMON TRANSFER TABLE. CROSS SECTION OF ERECTING BAY THROUGH PIT SERVED BY STATIONARY ELECTRIC HOIST, AND SIDE ELEVA- TION OF ERECTING SHOP AT GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., P. M. R. R. 58 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT ANGUS (MONTREAL), C P. RT. ERECTING FLOOR AND MACHINE TOOL DE- PARTMENT IN PARALLEL BAYS OF SAME WIDTH. AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS AND PORTION OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN BALCONY. LONGITUDINAL ERECTING BAYS. BOILER DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF ERECT- ING AND MACHINE BAYS. END ELEVATION OF' LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP ._;_ _i^_^-JX_ SAYRE SHOPS. LEHKJH VALLEY-CROW SECTION SHOWING ERECTING SHOPS, MACHINE SHOPS, AND COVERED YARDS CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SAYRE, PA., L. V. R. R. ERECTING FLOORS IN TWO OUTSIDE BAYS. TWO COV- ERED YARDS ADJACENT TO ERECTING FLOORS. MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO INTERMEDIATE BAYS AND AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS IN CENTRAL BAY. TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS. BOILER DEPARTMENT CON- TINUATION OF ERECTING AND MACHINE BAYS. DD )Gi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiujuuy PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SAYRE, PA., L. V. R. R. 3XD ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SAYRE, PA., L.V. R. R. GO RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SILVIS, ILL., C. R. I. & P. RY. ERECTING FLOOR IN CENTRAL BAY WITH MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO SIDE BAYS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF ERECTING BAY. DIAGONAL ERECT- ING PITS. BOILER DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF ERECTING AND MACHINE BAYS. ** Compo Tfoo-f- 5/a re aEl 5 Compo Tfoo-f Compo Roo 4 fflffl PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SILVIS, ILL., C. R. I. & P. RY. END ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SILVIS. ILL.. C. R. I. & P. RY. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP Gl Section taken at nest end thro. Section take* ot easfenct thro, frecting &. Boiler 5nop Machine -S/rqp. CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KY., L. & N. R. R. ERECTING FLOOR IN MAIN BAY WITH MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN TWO SIDE BAYS ON SAME SIDE OF ERECTING BAY. TRANSVERSE ERECTING PITS. BOILER DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF ERECTING AND MACHINE BAYS. Port- of ncftlt PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION OF ERECTING SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE. KY., L. & N. R. R. UVJUT-1/UTJ a - B BEBQG END AND r'"- T \L SIDE ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE. KY., L. & N. R. R. 68 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF MACHINE AND ERECTING SHOP AT BATTLE CREEK, MICH., GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. CROSS SECTION OF BOILER AND TANK SHOP AT BATTLE CREEK, MICH., GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT 8CRANTON. PA., DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 63 CROSS SECTION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT BEECH GROVE (INDIANAPOLIS), IND., C. C. C. & ST. L. RY. MODIFICATION OF LEHIGH VALLET RY. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SAY RE, PA. PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT BEECHGROVE, C. C. C. & ST. L. RY. END ELEVATION OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT BEECH GROVE, C. C. C. & ST. L. Ri. f.4 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE MACHINE TOOL LAYOUT IN EAST END OF LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT BARING CROSS, ARK., ST. L. I. M. & S. KY. cQ' I b r i sittrrtK; p^ , , w~ l OKtrtom ~~5 fixm 1 -.-..... i . A FLOOR PLAN OF LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR SHOP AT OELWEIN, IA., C. G. W. RT. SHOWING LAYOUT OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENT OF ERECTING PITS. AND LOCATION OF AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS ON BALCONY THE LOWER ILLUSTRATION SHOULD BE READ AS A CONTINUATION OF THE UPPER. LIST OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT AT OELWEIN, IA., C. G. W. RY. No. Description. 1 Freight elevator. 2 Straightening plate. 3 Flange clamp. 4 Flange fire. 5 Power rolls, 8 to 10 h. p. 6 Punch and shears, 5 h. p. 7 Forges. 8 Flange punch, 2% h. p. 9 Drill press. 10 Bevel shears. 11 Drill. 12 Rattle (under floor). 13 Flue saw. 14 Flue stand. 15 Annealer. 16 Furnace. 17 Flue welder. 18 Air swager. 19 Flue tester. 20 Double head bolt cutter. No. Description. 21 Grindstone. 22 Cold saw, % h. p. 23 Screw press (hand). 24 Single head bolt cutter. 25 Double head bolt cutter. 26 Shaper, 1% h. p. 27 Emery grinder, 1 h. p. 28 Guide grinder, 1 h. p. 29 Horizontal borer, 2 h. p. 30 30-in.xlO-ft. lathe, 2 h. p. 31 Bench for rod work. 32 Drill press. 33 Racks. 34 Grinder. 35 Saw. 36 Small drill press. 37 Universal grinder, 1 h. p. 38 Tape grinder, % h. p. 39 Milling machine, 1 40 'Grinder, % h. p. h. p. No. Description. 41 24-in.xlO-ft. lathe, 1% h. p. 42 Bench. 43 Cupboard. 44 72-in. wheel press, 7 h. p. 45 Quartering machine, 3 h. p. 46 Wheel lathe, 7 h. p. 47 Shaper, 1% h. p. 48 Bench, general uses. 49 Bench, piston and cross head fitting. 50 36-in.xl2-ft. 6 in. lathe, 2% h. p. 51 Small drill press. 52 25-ln.xl8-ft lathe, 1% h. p. 53 30-in.xl6-ft. lathe, 2 h. p. 54 Radial drill, 2 h. p. 65 18-ln.xlO-ft. lathe, % h. p. 56 Centering lathe, 1 h. p. 57 20-in.xlO-ft. lathe, 1 h. p. No. Description. 58 60-ln.x60-in.x20-ft. planer, 5 h. p. 59 36-ln.x36-in.xl2-ft. planer, 3 h. p. 60 26-ln.x26-in.x6-ft. planer, 2 h. p. 61 Drill press, 1 h. p. 62 Blotter, 2 h. p. 63 Drill press, 1 h. p. 64 Grindstone. 65 Hydraulic press (hand). 66 Bench for link work. 67 Bench for eccentric strap work. 68 Bench for driving box fitting. 69 51-ln. boring mill, 2 h. p. 70 Emery grinder, 1 h. p. 71 Turret screw machine, 1 h. p. 72 Stud lathe, 1 h. p. 73 Flat turret lathe, 1 h. p. 74 84-in. boring mill, 4 h. p. 75 Rack. 76 Brass lathe, % h. p. 77 Brass lathe, % h. p. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 67 V_..J . 68 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE v^r osirt oc-iOirtifti-t-L--irtto ^ In Q) OJ e :o.So -.5342 :a ; : na -tuftoft : :ofco -Wft oaco ! J 0) O Ui 'd-a'a : ' : 0) "o s||||||||||||5^ii|=?5S2s|-s-5d ^- - eo* tt< coi-iHcaco-*io(MCO^' -OrH t-- * V* us 10 10 us S ew " > g o M oust-ot oioc-m 10 H PM H J O O B i &;; I O cS r- <- : o u n * oj rt S rt rt cd oJ w 033 3^ o o 3 a) Q a! 3 S.S S oo -v o : :^3 H SS : i 2 SgSctow> P"-l-JS!M"|^"#|lSf^ LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 69 >. ,-^,-,-.7.3/7. f . _- .-Avt^. dOHS ^., TfflS *: Is #27/09- ii. 2 a K - O a T. H o o o fc o 2: a K O O - b 30 31 3L ZJ h, M 9609,3 *Jau H.- F i P IK T-*r* . : a 55 I >' 03 i 0< o K on S O 2 K O O J L* 70 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE o a C=3 II I M . ri^o*; | I*** T / yy - . .3 ft o O" "' I j r LAY OUT OF MACHINE TOOL, EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENT OF PITS IN LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. LIST OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. Mach. Class of No. Machine. Size. Maker. 178 Side Rod Drill 3 Spindles Bertram Vertical Drill S6-in Bertram ! 20 A.C. Vertical Drill 24-ln 123 Miller 5 ft.x5 ft.x!2 ft... Ingersoll 251 Side Rod Shaper. .24-in. 2 heads Bertram 2-5 A.C. 284 Double Planer 4 ft.x4 ft.x!4 ft.... Pnn( > , 15 A.C. 149 Turret Lathe 6-in VG \ 2-2 A.C. Vertical Drill 40-in Bardons & Oliver..- 19 Double Slotter 12-in. stroke Bement Miles 50 Double Drill Bertram 176 Vertical Drill 36-in Craven Bros 184 Slotter 16-ln Craven Bros 44 Double Planer Bertram 66 Cotter Mill 4-Splndle 1 166 Vertical Drill 40-in Bement Miles ko A.C. .24-in J .12-in Bertram .24-in Bertram 66 Crank Planer 18 In.xlS In.xlS In.. Craven Bros Chucking Lathe. ..24-ln Craven Bros 64 Chucking Lathe. ..20-in Gardner J- 20 A.C. 62 Engine Lathe 16 in.xS ft.x6 in Craven Bros 63 Chucking Lathe. .24-in Niles 174 Turret Boring MI1130-m McGregor Engine Lathe 20 in.xS ft Bridgeport Co... Suspended Emery Wheel 20-ln 176 Vertical Drill.. 60 Shaper 61 Shaper Side Bar Grinder. Engine Lathe 12 in.x2 ft. 6 In. 227 Link Grinder 6-ft. radius Grindstone 6-ft. 236 Double Buffer 30 in.xS in 214 Emery Grinder 20-in. wheel ... Lapping Lathe 231 Grinder . ...Lea No. 1 Anderson T. Co... . . Bertram ..Smith & Coventry. ..Smith & Coventry. ..Niles B. Pond ' f 20 A.C. ..Niles B. Pond ..Can. Pac. Ry 81 Engine Lathe ..... 24 in.xS ft 4 In.. 224 Shaper ........... 24-in ............ 79 Engine Lathe ..... 18 in.xS ft ........ 78 Engine Lathe ..... 16 in.xS ft ....... 92 Shaper ........... 4-in ............. 206 Engine Lathe ..... 24 in.x6 ft ....... 204 Engine Lathe ..... 30 in.xS ft. 6 in. 210 Engine Lathe ..... 18 in.xS ft. 6 in.. 95 Vertical Drill ..... 20-in ............ 96 Vertical Drill ..... 20-in ............ 225 Shaper ........... 16-in ............ Centering Machine ................. Engine Lathe ..... 22 in.xS ft. 6 in.. 86 Vertical Drill 17 Planer Vertical 88 Vertical 84 Planer ........ 83 Planer ......... 231 Vertical Drill.. 183 Slotter .M'Greg. & Gourlay^i .Flather .Bertram .Gardner Drill. Drill. 87 Vertical Drill 124 Engine Lathe 10 Extension Lathe. 218 Boring Mill 51-ln. .36-in. .4 ft.x4 ft.x!2 ft... .24-ln .36-in .2 ft.x2 ft.x6 ft... .2 ft.x2 ft.x4 ft.... .36-in .16-in .36-in .24 in.xS ft. 6 in... 36 in.x72 in.xlO ft, .Bertram I . Bertram I .LeBlond f 20 A.C. . Craven Bros . Craven Bros ', .Bertram .D. E. Whiton .Craven Bros ) .Flather '20 A.C. .Craven Bros .Craven Bros .Bertram .Craven Bros .Bertram ^15 A.C. .Bertram .Bertram .Gardner . Bertram ) .. .Niles J10A.C. Mach. Class of No. Machine. Size. Maker. 93 Double Shaper 6-in Craven Bros 182 Turret Lathe 3 in.x36 in Pratt & Whitney.. Turret Lathe 2 in.x24 in A. Herbert 217 Horz. Boring Mill. 3-in. bar Bement Miles 200 Cutting-Off Mach. .5-in Bertram 33 Hor. Boring Mach Craven Bros 48 Radial Drill 192 Engine Lathe 59 Double Shaper... 29 Engine Lathe 190 Engine Lathe Vertical Drill 168 Vertical Drill 169 Vertical Drill 59 Double Drill Screwing Machine 4 Spindle Drill... 37 Slotter 39 Slotter 38 Slotter Emery Grinder. . . 189 Engine Lathe 26 Engine Lathe 6-ft Hulse & Co. 24 in.xS ft Bertram 14-in. 20 in.x5 ft 30 In.x6 ft Bertram 45-ln Bertram 36-in Bertram 36-in Bertram Bertram 3-in Smith & Seacock.. Up to M in Foote Burt 12-in W. Collier 10-in W. Collier 10-in W. Collier 20-in. wheel Can. Pac. Ry 24 in.x22 ft Bertram 24 in.x9 ft Smith & Coventry. 18 in x3 ft 6 in . . LeBlond -^ 55 Vertical Drill 36-in 285 Pipe Threader. . . 10-in . . Cox & Sons 1 235 Pipe Threader... 4-in ..Williams Tool Co..:j 286 Pipe Threader 4-in 12-in Can Pac Ry . J r% 282 Emery Grinder. . . 20-in. wheel . . Can. Pac. Ry ~) Emery Grinder. . . 20-in. wheel ..Can. Pac. Ry No 2 Ill Tool Grinder No 1 Drill Grinder Sellers . 252 Universal Miller LeBlond 255 Vertical Drill 30-ln No 7 , 99 Plain Miller 22 in x3 ft 6 In.. 20 In x4 ft. 6 In 244 Engine Lathe 14 in.x2 ft. 8 in.. ..Pratt & Whitney.. No 1 ... Chas Besly 24-ln 254 Vertical Drill 30-ln 6-in wheel 4-in 100 Universal Miller No 3 Turret Lathe 2 in.x24 in . . Jones & Lamson. . ~| 16 in x3 ft . 105 Engine Lathe 14 in.xS ft ..Smith & Coventry. 104 Engine Lathe 16 in.x2 ft 16 in x3 ft 103 Engine Lathe 16 in.xS ft . . Brown & Sharpe . . 105 Engine Lathe 16 in.x4 ft. 6 in.. ..Smith & Coventry.: 24 in xlO ft 101 Engine Lathe 12 in.xS ft ..Smith & Coventry. 243 Hack Saw . . Patterson Tool Co. 18 in x9 ft LeBlond 10 in x3 ft Wet Grinder . 42-in. wheel.. . . Bridsecort . . . 15 A.C. !-10 A.C. ,.10 A.C. A.C. 15 A.C. 20 A.C. 20 A.C. LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 71 LAYOUT OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENT OF PITS IN LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RT. LIST OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT ANGUS. C. P. RT. Mach. Class of No. Machine. Wheel Press. ..90-in. ..51-ln. ..51-in. 121 Boring Milli! 64-in Bertram. 122 Car Wheel Borer Size Maker. ..300 tons Bertram Niles ... . )2-5 D.C. ............. Bullard .......... v' ............. Nlles ............ f7.5 D.C. 134 Boring Mill... 61 Boring Mill... Boring Mill... _ _ x**> xxw ^ - r lo A.C. 28 Engine Lathe 30 In.x4 ft Pond V'l 145 Emery Wheel 20-in. wheels Niles-Be't Pond .... ' 132 Wheel Lathe 90-in Niles..... 3 A.C. & 30 A. C. 8 Boring Mill 84-in Craven Bros i 5 K A : C A 9 Quarter-g Machine90-in Bertram 2-5 A.C. 129 Planer 4 ft.x4 ft.x!2 ft Bertram 20 .AC. 7 Horz. Miller 4Z in.x42 in.x!4 ft. Bement Mills 20 D.C. 6 Axle Lathe 259 Axle Lathe 14 in.xS ft. 140 Shaper .. ' Il2"4'-in."stroke.'. Niles ^30 A.C. 2 Planer 32 in.x32 in.xS ft.. Craven Bros. 1J5 Shaper 14-ln. stroke Craven Bros. 21 Boring Mill 37-in Niles 14 Radial Drill. 4-ft - 3 Wheel Lathe 72-in. Bertram.... 1 2 Wheel Lathe 84-in German Niles j., 1 Wheel Lathe 84-in | 4 Wheel Lathe 60-in. Bertram ) 141 Blotter 20-in. stroke Bertram.... 287 Vertical Drill 50-in Bement Miles 34 Blotter 14-in Craven Bros Cylinder and Frame Department. I 30 A C 6 ft.x6 ft.x22 ft.. ..Pond i 5 A.C. 9-ft Bement Miles 5 A.C. 6-ft Bertram 5 A.C. 5 ft.x5 ft.x8 ft. Sharp, Stewart Co.~ Craven Bros. 14-in. stroke Newton 24 in.x5 ft Lodge & Shipley.. .Bertram. 30 A. C. 10 A.C. 158 Planer 167 Radial Drill 16 Radial Drill 13 Planer 16 Cylinder Borer... 36 Blotter Engine Lathe Blotter for valve bush 166 Cylinder Borer... 160 Boring Mill 21 Chucking Lathe.. 147 Extension Lathe. 193 Engine Lathe SO Engine Lathe 22 Chucking Lathe.. 162 Planer, Frame... 32 Chucking Lathe.. 146 Engine Lathe 28 Engine Lathe 43 Planer 24 Chucking Lathe.. 45 Crank Planer 62 Drill sn A u A - o-in. stroke 3 bars 60-in 30-in 36 in.x?2 in.xlO ft 36 in.x9 ft.x6 In.. 24 in.x7 ft. 6 in... 30-in 6 ft.x6 ft.x32 ft.. 36-in 30 in.xlO ft 30 In.x6 ft 32 in.x32 in.x8 ft. 24 in.x4 ft 24 in.x24 in.x24 in. 36-in .Can. Pac. R'- ... .Bement Miles .10 D.C. .Niles 10 D.C. .Craven Bros -. .Bertram Pond UQ A.C. .Bertram .Craven Bros J . T. N. Shanks 20 A.C. . Craven Bros _- .Pond .Stewart .Craven Bros : J.20 A.C. . Bertram Craven Bros .Craven Bros.... No. Machine. Mach. Class of 164 4-Spindle Drill.... 11 Extension Lathe.. 88 Horz. Boring Mill. 18 Planer 67 Vertical Miller Emery Grinder. . . . 49 Radial Drill 46 Shaper 165 Crank Planer 156 Cotter Drill 163 Triple Blotter 20 Triple Blotter Size. Maker. For Frames Beraent Miles 4-6 D.C. 36 in.x72 in.xlO ft. Bertram 4 in. barx9 ft Binsse 5 ft.x5 ft.x20 ft.. .Bertram No. 6 Becker Bralnard.. Lj A o 20-in. wheel Nilea-Be't Pond.... T 5-ft Huls & Co... 24-in. Flather 2 ft.x2 ft.x2 ft Craven Bros.. No. 3 Bement Miles , 24-ln. stroke -..Bertram 20 A. C. 8-ln. stroke 10 A.C. kOA.C. Brass Department. 348 Engine Lathe... 343 Turret Lathe... 335 Forming Lathe.. 300 Engine Lathe... 309 Turret Lathe 303 Turret Lathe.... 310 Engine Lathe... 304 Turret Lathe 341 Turret Lathe.... 313 Turret Lathe 302 Valve Miller ..12 in.x3 ft. 9 In...: ..24-in ..18-in. ..20 in.x3 ft. 6 in... ..24-in. 1 ..14-in ..24-lnJC4 ft. 8 in...! ..20-in. 1 ..22-in : ..20-in ' 2 Spindles ' 301 Chucking Lathe. 315 Chucking Lathe Turret Lathe. . . . 316 Turret Lathe.... 306 Turret Lathe Emery Grinder. . 320 Saw 321 Valve Grinder. . . ..15-in. ! ..16-in ..16-ln. ..16-ln ..16-in. ..6-ln. wheel .......... ........... 344 Vertical Drill... 314 Forming Lathe. ..30-in ..16-in .1 in.xlO In. Disc Grinder 343 Sensitive Drill.. 312 Speed Lathe 336 Turret Lathe 308 Speed Lathe 307 Turret Lathe Turret Lathe... 317 4-Spindle Drill ..No. 4 ..16-in ..13-in. ..16-ln ..16-in : To % in : 311 Turning Lathe.. 324 Buffer ..14-ln. Buffer . Bertram Am. Tool Co Warner & Swasey. Bertram Smith & Coventry Bertram LeBlond Bertram Bullard , Warner & Swasey.: fZO A.C. Warner & Swasey Smith & Coventry Smith & Coventry Smith & Coventry Warner & Swasey. Smith & Coventry Can. Pac. Ry Can. Pac. Ry Warner & Swasey. - Bertram. Warner Pratt & Charles Besly Can. Pac. Ry Am. Tool Co. Warner & Swasey.' Am. Tool Co 1 Smith & Coventry MO A.C. Niles-B.-Pond Foote Burt Am. Tool Co.. Can. Pac. Ry. Can. Pac. Ry . Tacker Levett : f 20 A.C. Dickerman J & Swasey.-. i & Swasey.] L i Whitney.. I Besly J 10 A.C. "i^S. / >' Of THS UNIVERSITY \ i *^S RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE LIST OF MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT IN LOCOMOTIVE SHOP AT SILVIS, ILL., C. R. I. & P. RY. Mach. Class of Maker. H P. No. Machine. Size. Motor. 1 Driving Wheel with Quart'r'g Attach. 79-in Niles 15 2 Driv. Wheel Lathe, Double Head 79-in Niles 15 3 Driv. Wheel Lathe, Double Head 69-in Niles 15 4 Driv. Wheel Lathe, Double Head 69-in Niles 15 6 Hydraulic Wheel Press 84-in Chicago Shops 10 6 Hydraulic Car Wheel Press 42-in Niles 5 7 Driv. Wheel Lathe90-in Chicago Shops 15 8 Steel Tire Car Wheel Lathe. ..42-in Pond 10 9 Car Wheel Boring Machine 42-in 5 10 Locomotive Axle Turning Lathe.. 15 11 Double Axle Lathe 15 12 Single Axle Lathe. 10 13 Horz. Milling Mach. for Keyways Beaman & Smith... 14 Double Head Ver- tical Bor'g Mach.84-in 10 16 Double Head Bor- ing Machine 72-in 10 17 Double Head Bor- ing Machine 60-in 7% 18 Key Seater Mach. . No. 3 Grant, Mitts & Mer. 19 Engine Lathe 32 in.x!2 ft 5 20 Engine Lathe 32 in.x!2 ft 5 21 Engine Lathe 32 in.x!4 ft .- 5 22 Portable Crank Wheel Press.... Watson & Stillman. 23 Duplex Mill'g Mch. Beaman & Smith . . . 24 Double Head Frame Planer.. 54 in.x34 ft 20 25 Horizontal Boring Machine No - 4 Bement 26 Radial Drill Press. 5 :* 1 Niles : 27 Drill Press 4 -m Aurora 28 Double Shaping Machine 20 in.x!2 ft Bement 29 Double Shaping Machine 20 in.x!2 ft Bement 30 Planer 30 in.xSO in.x6 ft 31 Engine Lathe 30 in.x!2 ft Chicago Shops 32 Pillar Shaper 30-f t Cincinnati 33 Cylinder Planer.. 60 i"-x60 In.xlB ft.. Chicago Shops 20 34 Blotter 24-in Chicago Shops 35 Blotter .. 18 -in Bement 15 36 Slotter 18-ft Niles 37 Drill Press 40-ft Aurora 38 Locomotive Cylin- der Borer Bement 10 39 Locomotive Cylin- der Planer 72 in.x84 in.x!6 f t 27% 41 Radial Drill, with Tapping Attach. ' 2 -' n ^'Ues 43 Portable Valve Seat Miller 44 Draw Stroke Shaper 24-in Morton 45 Draw Stroke Shaper 30-in Morton 46 Planer 30 in.xSO in.x6 ft.. ." 47 Planer 30 in.xSO in.x6 ft.. 48 Triple Geared Lathe 36 in.x!2 ft 5 49 Triple Geared Lathe 36 in.x!4 ft 5 50 Back Geared En- gine Lathe I 8 i- x 8 tt Lodge & Shipley 51 Back Geared En- gine Lathe 1S in.xS ft Lodge & Shipley 52 Back Geared En- gine Lathe 18 in.xlO ft Lodge & Shipley 53 Double Head Ver- tical Bor'g Mill. 37 - in Niles 54 Double Head Bor- tical Bor'g Mlll. 37 - in Niles 55 Vert. Turret Bor'g and Turn'g Mch. 30-in Niles 56 Vert. Turret Bor'g and Turn'g Mch. 30-in Nijes 57 Radial Drill 60-in. 58 Radial Drill 60-in. 69 Drill Press 40-in. 61 Pillar Shaper 24-in 62 Double Head Vert Boring Mill 37-in 65 Engine Lathe 46 in.x!6 ft.. 66 Horz. Drilling and Boring Machine. No. 2 67 Planer 36 in.x36 In.xS ft. .Bement 68 Engine Lathe 42 in.xlB ft. 70 Drill Press 40-in. . 71 Shaper 24-inch. 72 Planer 30 in.xSO In.x9 ft. 73 Planer 30 in.xSO in.xlS ft 74 Engine Lathe 24 in.x!2 ft 75 Planer 48 in.x48in.xl2 ft. Pond 15 76 Planer 48 in.x48 in.x!2 ft. Pond 15 77 Engine Lathe 24 in.x!2 ft 78 Guide Bar Grinder 84-in Springfield ...- 79 Portable Wrist Pin Machine Pedrick & Ayer Rod Planer 38 tn.xSS in.xlS ft.Niles 15 .Niles . Niles . Aurora . . .Cincinnati .Niles .... .Bement Aurora . . .Cincinnati LOCOMOTIVE SHOP 73 81 Planer 82 Blotter 83 Slotter 84 Blotter 85 Drill Press . 86 Universal Milling , 38 in.x48 in x!2 ft. 14-in. . . . 14-in. . . . 14-in. ... 50-in. ... .silts .Mies .Mies IN lies Pond in.xl - ft . Jniversal Milling Becker-Brainerd .... Machine W- 87 Portable Bushing Watson & Stillman. Press - u 88 Back Geared En- gine Lathe S9 Radial Drill 2~C ''"' Aurora 90 Drill Press In < " ' " 91 Drill Press *"' m - "Bement 92 Planer 5*'"'- "Cincinnati 93 Shaper ;J'" 1 - "Cincinnati 94 Shaper - 4 ' ln 95 Vertical and Horz Beaman & Smith... Milling Machine. L- 96 Boring Mill KlSr " 97 Boring Mill ts invrTiVi '-z'ii'it 'Putnam 98 Swing Gap Lathe. 58 m.x27 in.x 1 ; cinctoliat i 99 Shaper an in "Aurora 100 Drill Press " *" "Lodge ii Shipley.... 102 Engine Lathe 20 in - xl rt 103 Vertical Milling Becker Machine 94 j n "Cincinnati 104 Shaper SttTi-fti'in Jones & Lamson 105 Screw Machine....- In - x - "Hoefer 106 Drill Press - 1 " 111 108 Universal Grinding Machine i; * " Bement 110 Crank Planer. - liu ^raiin. jr*o.n~*.. * , c ** 111 Compound Shaper. 28 In.xj ft 112 Compound Shaper. r? , ln - xs "Cincinnati 113 Shaper 011!;' '" "Cincinnati 114 Drill Press a-; 115 Engine Lathe |< in.xl. ft Hoefer 117 Drill Press ' Hoefer 118 Drill Press JJ-" Lodge 6. Shipley.... 119 Engine Lathe 16 m.xb It. Pratt & Whitney... 120 Tool Room La the. 14 m.xb It 121 Tool Room Lathe . 14 m.xb It Gould & Eberhart. . 1 99 QVimipi* ...... 16 "in. ...... 123 F?aner 24 in.x24 In-xBtt.. ' 124 Universal Tool fcCiiJMft*-*Horton Grinder 125 Universal Milling Hendey Machine "- * "Yankee 126 Twist Drill Grinder "Gisholt 128 Tool Grinder ; Hoefer 129 Drill Press il-in. Barnes 130 Frict'n Drill Press .-_ Pratt & Whitney... 131 Tool Room La the. 10 in XD ft 132 Universal Grinder.No. I 133 Double Wet Grind- Springfield er for Tool No. 134 Brass Tur. Lathe. 24 in.xS ft 137 Sq. Arbor Lathe.. 15 in.x6 ft 138 Sq. Arbor Lathe.. ID in.x6 ft 139 Brass Lathe |i { " 140 Brass Tur. Lathe. Iiin.x6 i ft.. 141 Brass Tur. Lathe. 18% n.x6 ft 142 Brass Tur. La the. 18% In.x6 ft 143 Valve Milling Ma- American n 145 Engine Lathe ..... 22 m.xlO ft ........ Barnes ' " 146 Frict'n Drill Press.. 147 Drill Press J n uclcl 148 Drill Press -1 -In. Hoefer ... 150 Drill Press Si 1 "American 151 Oil Separator ] 152 Two-spindle Cen- tering Machine.; Aurora Hoefer Whiton .No. 3 Landis ii'T'vfi'Vt Lodge & Shipley.. -. in xo Norton ^'n-rPfi'in Pratt & Whitney.. 2 m.X/b in Vratt X- Whitnpv 2 in.x26 in ^ rau * wm 154 Buffing Lathe 156 Planer Grinder. 158 Engine Lathe . . . 159 Disk Grinder... 160 Turret Lathe... 161 Turret Lathe... 162 Turret Lathe. Gis- . Hoefer . holt ;{-}" ' "Hoefer . 163 Drill Press a-- Bradford 165 Bolt Lathe 1* ln - i5 rt Hoefer . 168 Drill Press a - ln - ' ' Barnes 171 Frict'n Drill Press.. "Niles . 174 Boring Mill 0-! n N 175 Drill Press 50-in 179 Radial Drill H'S" 180 Radial Drill '-- ln 235-240 Double Emery Diamond Wheel Grinders .No. 6 241-247 Engine Lathe. 16 in.x6 ft Lodge & Shiplej 248-254 Engine Lathe.14 in.x6 ft. - .Lodge & Shipley. 169 Radial Drill .. 101 Drill Press ... 149 Drill Press ... 183 Pipe Machine. 184 Pipe Machine. .Niles .Aurora . Hoefer . Jarecki Forbes .Bement .Bement . Bement 60-in. 28-in. 21-in. 1-in. to 2-in 186 Band Saw "'.'.'. '.'. 36-in. ' Carse 187 Combined Rip and Cut-oft Saw 188 Hand Joiner , Fa V 189 Single Spindle Ver- tical Borer No. 2 190 Hydraulic Riveter.l7-ft 5 e , ment " 4ft 191 Bending Rolls ....14-ft Niles 192 Rotary Bevel Shear ................. Lenox 194 Hydraulic'Punch.. 60-in Bement 195 Hydraulic Shear.. 54-in Bement 196 Hydraulic Die Block Punch 36-in Bement 197 Hydraulic Punch. 25-in Bement 198 Hydraulic Angle Shear 199 Hydraulic Univer- sal Shear 200 Hydraulic Horiz. Flange Punch 201 Quick-Acting Hy- draulic Punch... 20-in. 202 Bending Rolls 86-in. 203 Power Punch with Spacing Table.. 28-ft. H ,ViS, 204 Drill Press 40-in. 205 Drill Press 25-in. 206 Drill Press 21-in. 207 Drill Press 21-in -Hoefer 208 Radial Drill with Tapping Atch... 60-in Niles . 209 Hydraulic Flanging Press, Sectional.. gS3slte :::::::::::::: - * 212 FO S U h r ee S t P . F1 . Ue -' Niles 213 Bolt Cutter 4-in ACK 214 Triple Bolt Cutterl-m- 215 Double Bolt Cutterl%-m. 173 Six Spindle Arch . Bar Drill 176 Forging Hammer. 20 177 Forging Hammer. 20 178 Forging Hammer. 200 Ibs. 181 Bolt Header 1-W- 182 Bold Header 216 Hydraulic Bar Shears 2-ft. diam Bement 217 Double Bolt Cutterl%-in Acme . 218 Bolt Pointer Acm - 219 Forging Machine.. No. 3 Acme . Acme Brad ley AJax Ib ........... Chambersburg 01b ........... Chaznbersburg O lb ........... Chambersburg in.xl2 in ....... Bement 225 226 227 Double Stand . Steam Hammer, a, 001 228 Single Stand Steam Hammer W" 228 Single Stand Steam Hammer. 1,000 lb 230 Double Staybolt Cutter 1%-m 231 Double Staybolt Cutter 1%-ln V,;"' 232 Hammer Riveter. .84-m Alle 233 234 P 173 Six Spindle Arch Bar Drill 181 Bolt Header ..... 1-in 182 Bolt Header ..... 1-in & Ayer Pedrick & Ayer **" Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter IV BLACKSMITH SHOP LOCATION. THE location of the blacksmith shop is an essential feature not only as influencing the design and ar- rangement of the building, and the layout of the tools, hammers, forges, etc., but also as affecting the out- put of the shop. The nature of the work and the condi- tions surrounding it, require the building to be in an iso- lated location in order to provide light and air on all sides. In repair work much material travels from the erecting and assembling shops to the blacksmith shop and back again, especially in locomotive work. A large proportion of the material passing between the locomo- tive and blacksmith shops is heavy and bulky. For this reason the blacksmith shop should be so situated in re- lation to the locomotive department as to provide for movement over the shortest and most direct route. Such material is usually transported on push cars and trucks so that distances are important in economizing time and increasing output. With the increased use of forging machines and the general introduction of time and labor saving devices for rapidly forming parts entering into car construction, a large volume of material is delivered to the car de- partment, especially where the construction of new cars is carried on. This material is principally in small pieces ; but includes a large number of the same kind and meth- ods of rapid production must be supplemented by efficient means of quick distribution. From the standpoint of shop production the black- smith shop is looked upon as a feeder for the other shops. Of prime importance, then though sometimes over- looked in preparing original plans is the provision for feeding the blacksmith shop. The blacksmith shop at the principal shop plant of a large railway system turns out the forgings entering into the construction of new cars, the bulk of the car forgings required in keeping up the repairs of both freight and passenger car equipment on the line, as well as the forgings for locomotive repairs and on some systems a certain amount of switch and frog work, together with other repair work for the road de- partment. While in one building, it is very common practice to separate the work for the locomotive and car departments and place each under the jurisdiction of an individual foreman. As there is a difference in the nature of the work for the two departments, each occupies a section common to itself and the machines, forges and equipment are arranged accordingly. Naturally the equipment for each department is situated in that portion of the black- smith shop building nearest to the principal shop which it serves. 74 LAYOUT. A ground plan in the shape of an L is a convenient ar- rangement for the blacksmith shop accessible to both the locomotive and car departments, and such a form has been used in several places as at Angus, Collinwood and Burnside. Large hammers with their furnaces are located in the end of the building nearer the locomotive shop, while the open fires occupy convenient positions, and bolt headers, shears, upsetting and forging ma- chines, etc., are placed to provide for rapid movement of finished material to the car department. In shops of the ordinary rectangular form, the layout of equipment is arranged on the same principle. For instance at South Louisville, on the Louisville & Nash- ville Railroad, the blacksmith shop is parallel with and next to the locomotive shop. The yard crane passes one end of the shop and the freight car repair shop is parallel to this end, beyond the yard served by the crane. Here the equipment for car department work is in the end adjacent to the crane runway to provide for rapid intake and delivery, while the heavy hammers, etc., for locomotive work are at the other end of the shop and are accessible from the locomotive shop. SIZE OF SHOP. The many conditions affecting the demands upon the blacksmith shop and the difference in the dimensions of the shops on the various railway systems, render it im- practical to attempt to give a definite proportion based upon any given unit. The introduction of cast steel in many details for which forgings were formerly used al- most entirely, has affected the necessary size of the black- smith shop so far as the locomotive department is con- cerned and the increased scope of forging machines, as- sisted by the extended use of formers and dies for rapidly duplicating standard parts of cars, has increased the pos- sible output of car forgings without enlarging the area required by the shop building. The dimensions of several prominent shops will in some measure serve as a guide for others where condi- tions may be expected to be somewhat similar. In this connection it is worthy of note that in several instances the building for the blacksmith shop is partially given over to some other work, in some cases for temporary work or until the enlargement of principal departments increases the demands on the blacksmith shop. At Silvis one end of the blacksmith shop is used as a brass foundry. At Collinwood a brass foundry and a bolt shop are included within the smith shop building. The spring shop frequently occupies a portion of the smith shop, BLACKSMITH SHOP 75 though a small, individual building is sometimes built for this work exclusively. For both car and locomotive work, the smith shop at Topeka, A. T. & S. F. Ry., is 400 feet by 100 feet, pro- viding an area of 40,000 square feet. At Angus, C. P. Ry., where much freight car building is done in addition to locomotive repairs and the construction of new passen- ger cars, the area is approximately 84,200 square feet. One wing of the building is 303 feet by 146 feet and the other 303 feet by 130 feet. At Danville, C. & E. I. R. R., the smith shop is 136 feet by 100 feet, an area of 13,600 square feet. At Elizabethport, C. R. R. of N. J., the dimensions are 300 feet by 82 feet, an area of 24,600 square feet. At Silvis, C. R. I. & P. Ry., the build- ing is 465 feet by 99 feet and with 85 feet used as a brass foundry, the area of the smith shop is approximately 33,000 square feet. At Collinwood, L. S. & M. S. Ry., the area of the smith shop proper is approximately 25,000 square feet. While not as large as the shop at Angus, yet greater than the average, the area at South Louis- ville, L. & N. R. R., is approximately 60,000 square feet. The blacksmith shop at McKee's Rocks, P. & L. E. R. R., contains about 14,000 square feet. CONSTRUCTION. The construction of blacksmith shops on different rail- way systems varies principally in the span of roof trusses between side walls, the design of the roof structure and the form of the roof for the disposition of smoke. The \valls are usually of brick, though at Elizabethport the walls are of concrete and at Topeka the ends of the build- ing above the windows are enclosed with corrugated gal- vanized iron supported by steel framing. A very general practice has been to span the entire floor without providing intermediate supports for the roof trusses and in a number of cases this distance equals 100 feet. The trusses are usually supported by the side walls which carry the weight of the roof structure and roof. At Topeka the steel skeleton is entirely independent and the roof structure is carried by built up steel columns, to which the walls are secured to provide stability. The roof trusses span a distance of 100 feet. The elimination of supporting columns and the long span of roof trusses without intermediate supports, allows a free scope in the distribution of equipment on the floor. The method of handling heavy work in the blacksmith shop by means of swinging jib cranes requires freedom of action for the crane arms and the absence of obstruc- tions facilitates the arrangement of these cranes. The long span of roof trusses together with the require- ment of a stiff frame construction to withstand the addi- tional load imposed by supporting the upper ends of the crane columns, calls for heavy parts and careful design of the roof structure. The horizontal loads imposed by the swinging jib cranes, require stiff lateral bracings. Good design to meet these requirements are particularly noticeable at Topeka and Collinwood. In some shops of recent construction, and at others not yet completed, the shop is divided into three bays, or sec- tions, by two rows of columns supporting the roof struc- ture. Such an arrangement prevails at Angus, South Louisville and Beech Grove (Indianapolis, Big Four). The central bay is narrower than the other two. DOORS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL. A very essential feature in the construction of the blacksmith shop, especially where a large amount of work is done for freight car construction, is a provision for a large number of doors in the walls toward the storage yard, in addition to the usual doors for the delivery and distribution of material. By providing such doors at intervals of a few yards, raw material may be so stored that it will be easily acces- sible to the several machines through which it will pass in the process of manufacture. Through these doors it will travel over the shortest and most direct route and workmen consume minimum time in securing material for their work. HEIGHT FROM FLOOR TO ROOF TRUSS. While the distance from the floor to roof trusses at some of the older shops is about 20 feet, there is a de- cided tendency to increase this height, noticeable at the prominent shops of recent design and a height of 28 feet has been recommended. The actual dimensions of a num- ber of shops are instructive. At Elizabethport, C. R. R. of N. J., the height of bottom of roof truss above floor of blacksmith shop is 20 feet ; at Sedalia, Mo., M. P. Ry., this height is 22 feet ; at Collinwood, L. S. & M. S. Ry.,' 24 feet; at Danville, C. & E. I. R. R., 24 feet; at Silvis, C. R. I. & P. Ry., 25 feet 6 inches; at McKees Rocks, P. & L. E. R. R., 25 feet 9?{ inches; at Topeka, A. T. & S. F. Ry., 30 feet. At South Louisville, L. & N. R. R., the bottom line of roof trusses is 35 feet 3 inches above the floor of the cen- tral bay, while this distance in the side bays is 20 feet. At Angus, C. P. Ry., this distance is 32 feet and 20 feet in the center and side bays respectively. At Beech Grove the central bay is to have a clear height of 38 feet. FLOOR. Almost without exception, the floor of a blacksmith shop is of earth of some kind. This is frequently covered with a coating of cinders well tamped, or with clay. CRANE SERVICE. With few exceptions, crane service in blacksmith shops has been confined almost entirely to the use of swinging jib cranes. The impression has prevailed that there is not sufficient service for a traveling crane to justify the cost of its installation and maintenance and the amount of smoke and gas present in some blacksmith shops would make it very uncomfortable for an operator of an over- head crane. In later years, however, the use of traveling cranes has gained in favor and improved ventilation has rendered it more practical. The entire floor of the blacksmith shop of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad at Reading, is served by an overhead traveling crane and the central bay of the shop at South Louisville is served by one of 10 tons' capacity. In order that the crane operator may suffer no discomfort from the effect of gases that might accumulate near the roof, the cage for the crane operator at South Louisville is only 10 feet above the floor. The central bay of the smith shop at Beech Grove, Big Four, also is to be served by a traveling crane of 10 tons' ca- pacity. 76 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE VENTILATION AND LIGHT. The ventilation necessary in a blacksmith shop and the amount of natural light needed, require a high, free space not only to allow the smoke and gas to rise away from the floor, and forges but to permit the wide diffusion of light from long windows. It is a very noticeable fact that the cleanest, brightest and most airy blacksmith shops are those with high walls. Without criticism of the appear- ance of other shops, the condition always to be found in the blacksmith shops of the New York Central at Depew and the P. & L. E. at McKees Rocks, is particularly com- mendable. While the roof of the blacksmith shop is usually sur- mounted by a wide monitor extending nearly the entire length of the roof, this is provided for the sake of ventila- tion rather than to distribute light. The windows in the walls are depended upon principally for natural light and it is generally considered that the window area should equal at least sixty per cent of the wall area. In order to offer least obstruction to the free circula- tion of air throughout the shop in warm weather and in warm climates, when it is desired to have the windows open, it is very common for at least some of the sashes in each window, usually at or near the top, to be hung on pivots. A greater opening is thus provided than by mere- ly raising and lowering the sashes. At South Louisville all. sashes of the windows in the side walls are hung on pivots. At some shops the roof is built with a high pitch and a. comparatively narrow monitor, while at others the roof ' almost flat with a wide monitor. Where the buildinc : s divided into three sections by two rows of columns suo- porting the roof structure, the roof of the central section is higher than the roofs of the side sections and the higher roof is surmounted by a monitor, of ample dimensions. Windows above the roofs of the side sections admit light to the central section and aid in ventilation. An arrangement frequently followed in the construction of the monitor is to alternate the windows along the sides with spaces having wooden slats built in on an angle, thus permitting the circulation of air while excluding rain or snow. The entire length of both sides of the monitor is sometimes equipped with glass sashes. In some cases all of the sashes are hung on pivots and in others alternate sashes are permanent and those between are pivoted. HAND FORGES. Hand forges are usually arranged in a row along the wall, placed conveniently according to the class of work which they serve. The distance between centers of forges varies from 14 to 16 feet and 15 feet is a very common spacing. A spacing of 18 feet between centers of forges has been used successfully for heavy locomotive work, and it is believed that this distance will become more com- mon in shops of the future. In the case of single forges a distance of 5 feet from wall to center line of forges is con- sidered ample, with a free space of about 20 feet from the center line toward the interior of the shop for work- ing room. This gives an area of about 375 square feet per forge. The arrangement of the forges in the blacksmith shop of the P. & L. E. at McKees Rocks is a good example of the use of double forges. Here, a row of double forges is situated on a center line 15 feet from the wall and each forge is placed at an angle of 5-1 degrees with this line. They are spaced 15 feet between centers and an area 20 feet wide from the center line of the forges toward the interior of the shop is allowed for working room. Such an arrangement provides a working area of 525 square feet for each double forge or about 262 feet for each fire. In addition to the floor space gained, this arrangement has the further advantage of reducing the number of stacks and holes in the roof by one half, where hoods are used over the forges. Forges are arranged at uniform height, say about 24 inches and are usually of uniform shape and size. Careful provision for tool racks is a necessary detail not to be overlooked, for while the care and maintenance of tools and equipment is the duty of the energetic foreman, it is within the province of the designer to prepare for maximum output by providing for such seemingly minor details as well as for the larger details. The removal of smoke and gases from the forges is provided for by different methods. In some shops the air supply and exhaust are carried in underground ducts and placing the forges in groups of four simplifies the ar- rangement. Individual exhaust connections from the forges lead into a main duct and smoke and gases are discharged by fans through short stacks above the roof. In other shops each forge is served by the ordinary hood with a stack extending through the roof, or one stack serves two forges placed back to back. It is not uncommon for blast pipes to be carried along the wall with individual leads between the main blast pipe and the several forges. The equipment, then, is all above ground and is accessible at all times. At still other shops there are no hoods or stacks over the forges and all smoke and gas is expected to pass out of the building through windows in the sides of the moni- tors and through ventilators above the monitors. The experience at some shops, where great care was used in their design to provide for efficient ventilation, is said to have proved that smoke hoods are unnecessary and that the interior of the building is clear and free from smoke and gas at all times. FUEL FOR FURNACES. Oil is the most common fuel used in blacksmith shop furnaces. In later years it has rapidly displaced coal and coke, not only proving more satisfactory and economical as a fuel, but it improves the appearance of the shop by removing the necessity of unsightly coal and coke boxes about the shop. Comparative costs'of coal and coke for fuel as against oil depends upon the locality in which the shop is situated. It has been demonstrated by practice that with oil as fuel it is possible to obtain a larger output, better grade of work, greater intensity of heat, as well as a more even heat, to eliminate the necessity of attending to fires, to shorten the time required to bring the furnace to the desired working temperature and to improve the conditions under which furnace men work. It is worthy of note that at the Altoona and Juniata BLACKSMITH SHOP 77 shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the furnaces for heavy work burn gas as fuel and a gas producer plant is operated in connection with the blacksmith department at each of these points. FURNACE EQUIPMENT. It is a noticeable fact that in a majority of the new shops particular attention has been paid to the furnace equipment, the design of the various furnaces for the vari- ous machines and their location in relation to the ma- chines and movement of material. No part of the general railroad repair plant has under- gone a greater change during the past ten or fifteen years than the blacksmith shop, for the reason that, whereas, a few years ago a majority of the work passing through that shop was done on open fires and a large quantity of the new material was purchased from manu- facturing concerns, today, due to the introduction of forg- ing machinery, a majority of the work in the new shop is. or should be machine work. The output of the machines using heated material being primarily governed by the rapidity with which the ma- terial can be furnished has led to careful consideration of the shop furnace proposition. Properly designed oil fur- naces occupy approximately 50 per cent less shop space than coal or coke furnaces, and, due to the absence of coal or coke bins, trucking of coal to or ashes from blacksmith shop, permit of almost ideal arrangement of the tools and furnaces, and a good economical movement of raw ma- terial to the machines and finished material to storeroom. In machine blacksmithing it is very important that the material be heated in a nice, soft, reducing heat, as excess scale or oxidation is detrimental to good die work and hard on the dies. Furnaces should be designed to meet the particular requirements of each class of machines, so that the maximum output may be obtained, the opera- tion of the furnaces may be as economical as possible, and as nearly as possible ideal shop conditions for the machine operators prevail. BLAST. In connection with furnace equipment and open fires particular attention should be paid to the layout of blast piping. Efficient blast is a very important consideration to the blacksmith shop, as it practically governs the heat- ing capacity not only of the furnaces but of the open fires. \Yhere blast is inefficient, not only are the fires and fur- naces poor heaters but combustion is poor owing to the tendency of the men to crowd the fires and furnaces, and poor blast conditions make an expensive proposition gen- erally. A majority of the new shops are furnishing blast to open fires and furnaces at a velocity equal to about 8 or 9 ozs. In laying out blast lines it is very important that main delivery pipe be of sufficient size not only to supply the required tuyere area, but also to take care of some future extensions. Otherwise it is necessary to resort to the ex- pensive practice of speeding up the fan equipment. Bends in blast piping should be calculated so as to give the least frictional resistance. Several of the new shops have had considerable difficulty due to extreme frictional losses in their blast systems. ARRANGEMENT OF EQUIPMENT. Properly grouping machines and equipment minimizes the expense of manufacture and repair by reducing the extent to which it is necessary to handle material. Bolt headers, forging machines, bolt cutters, are grouped near together and the punches and shears are situated con- veniently to the headers as well as to the bulldozers and belt hammers. In locating machines care is required in providing ample space not only for working room about the individual machine, but also for tracks to pro- vide for the movement and delivery of material. The classes of work done in the blacksmith shop re- quire the use of steam hammers varying in size from 800 pounds to 6,000 pounds. The equipment to serve each hammer depends on the class of work to which it is devoted and the extent to which it can be kept in continual service. In some instances a single large fur- nace will keep one heavy hammer busy almost continually. In others one steam hammer will serve two large forges and for some classes of work, one hammer will serve six forges. The extent to which oil furnaces are used in blacksmith shops, allows many machines to be served by individual furnaces. The furnace and the machine are so close to- gether that material is handled rapidly and in large quan- tity. By placing the machine and furnace near a door providing entrance from the storage yard material for a given class of work will be piled adjacent to the machine through which it passes and delivery from the yard is simplified. This provision is supplemented by conven- ient crane and track service. For instance, each bulldozer and the oil furnace adjacent to it are usually served by a swinging jib crane, so arranged as to cover the ma- chine, furnace and an adjacent track. Where a large amount of work of certain classes is tor be done, provision for rapid movement and minimum handling reduces the cost of operation and increases the output. For instance, take the manufacture of truss rods. By placing two sets of machines of the same type in proper locations, rods may be passed from furnace to , machines in such manner that both ends of the same rod are heated, upset and threaded without reversing the rod, opposite ends being worked in different furnaces and machines. METHODS OF OPERATION. The design, arrangement and layout of the shop are so dependent upon the class and amount of work to be turned out that it is interesting to study some of the methods introduced for rapid delivery in large bulk. In ordering raw material for new rolling stock it is the practice of some shops to order iron cut to lengths for the various purposes required. For instance, in order- ing arch bar iron, instead of calling for standard bars, the iron is ordered in pieces of required length. Such practice eliminates waste and the expense of frequent handling and allows material of a given class to be di- RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE rectly unloaded and piled together in locations con- venient to the various machines, and advances the in- terest of contract workers, but it increases the difficulty of checking deliveries. At one large railway shop where twenty-eight or thirty new box cars are built per day, in addition to the passen- ger car and locomotive work, such large quantities of ma- terial are delivered that a system has been developed for checking the intake and output of the shop for certain orders by determining the amount of material used in each car and recording the iron used by a count of the cars built each day. The record of all material received is then checked according to the tally of material entering into the construction of the car. To illustrate the magnitude of the problem in checking the intake of a blacksmith shop operated on a large scale and to give some idea of the large volume of iron to be delivered for car construction work alone, attention is called to the fact that in a thirty-ton box car there are about 5,600 pounds of wrought iron and mild steel and about 23,000 pounds in a standard coach or diner. Some of the smaller pieces made in the blacksmith shop, such as nuts, bolts, etc., require so much handling during the process of manufacture, that unless trans- ferred in bulk the cost of handlin'g equals or exceeds the cost of forging. The necessity of cheap and rapid move- ment has developed methods whereby the pieces are not allowed to touch the floor. This includes the use of specially designed boxes, in some cases mounted on wheels, so that in passing through the several machines material passes from one box or wagon to another and all deliveries are made in bulk. List of Equipment in Representative Railway Blacksmith Shops A., T. & S. F. RY.TOPEKA. Machine. Size. Maker. 4 Steam generating furnaces . . 90 h. p A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1 large furnace No. 3 A., T. & S. F. Ry. 3 Spring furnaces A., T. & S. F. Ry. 2 Band furnaces A. T. & 8. F. Ry. 6 Miscellaneous furnaces Small A., T. & S. F. Ry. 2 Feed water pumps No. 8 Knowles 2 Double frame steam hammers. 5,000 Ibs. 1 Double frame steam hammer. 4,000 Ibs. 1 Single frame steam hammer. . 2,500 Ibs. 1 Single frame steam hammer.. 1,500 Ibs. 1 Single frame steam hammer.. 1,100 Ibs. . . Chambersburg Eng. Co. .Niles, Bement, Pond Co. .Niles, Bement, Pond Co. .Niles, Bement, Pond Co. .Niles, Bement, Pond Co. Hammer 3,500 Ibs. Hammer 1,200 Ibs. Hammer 3,000 Ibs. Hammer l,2f0 Ibs. Hammer 1,500 Ibs. Upsetting machine 5 ins. .. Hammer 600 Ibs. . Hammer 400 Ibs. . Hammer 600 Ibs. . Hammer 250 Ibs. Hammer 250 Ibs. 1 Single frame steam hammer. . 1,100 Ibs Morgan 2 Single frame steam hammers. 250 Ibs Morgan 1 Single frame steam hammer. . 150 Ibs Morgan 2 Single frame steam hammers .250 Ibs Bement 1 Single frame steam hammer. . 850 Ibs Bement 1 Single frame pneu. hammer A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1 Forging machine 4 ins Ajax Manufacturing Co. 1 Bulldozer Large Williams, White & Co. 2 Bulldozers Small A., T. & S. F. Ry. 3 Bolt headers 1% in Oliver 1 Bolt header 2% ins. ...Ajax Manufacturing Co. 1 Bolt header % in Burdick 1 Bolt header 2 ins National 1 Motor-driven punch and shear. 2% ins Williams, White & Co. 1 Steam punch and shear 3 ins Hercules Iron Works 1 Washer punch 13-in. throat 1 Punch and shear % In Colton 1 Spring punch and shear John Evans' Sons 1 Taper rolls John Evans' Sons 1 Eye bolt machine Williams, White & Co. 1 Brake lever rolls Ajax Manufacturing Co. 1 Arch bar drill 6 spindle. . .Niles-Bement- Pond Co. 1 Heavy grinder (double) 24 Ins A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1 Emery grinder 24 Ins A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1 Band press Tinnis, Oleson & Co. 1 Nibber and trimmer John Evans' Sons 1 Spring tester Riehle 1 Case hardening furnace A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1 Annealing furnace A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1 Pressure blower No. 10 B. F. Sturtevant & Co. 1 Pressure blower No. 9 B. F. Sturtevant & Co. 1 Pressure blower No. 8 B. F. Sturtevant & Co. 40 Smith fires B. R. & P. RY. DU BOIS. Machine. Size. Maker. 1 Double frame steam hammer. 3,000 Ibs. ...Niles-Bement-Pond Co. 1 Single frame steam hammer. .800 Ibs Nlles-Bement-Pond Co. 1 Dead stroke hammer 50 Ibs Scranton & Co. 1 Comb, power cutting-off saw. No. 2.. Newton Machine Tool Wks. 1 Flue cleaner Otto 1 Flue-welding machine Hartz 1 Flue- welding furnace Railway Materials Co. 1 Pair flanging clamps, air op- erated 12 ft 1 Pair flanging clamps, hand op- erated 9 ft 1 Spring forming machine 2 Tube rolling and cutting out machines Acme Machinery Co. 1 Band saw 48 ins Clement 1 Heavy pattern single spindle radial vertical right-hand boring machine No. 6B Greenlee Bros. & Co. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ANGUS. Machine. Size. Maker. Motor H.P. Hammer 2,000 Ibs. . . . Niles-Bement-Pond Co Hammer 6,000 Ibs. . . . Nlles-Bement-Pond Co Bolt cutter Upsetting machine Bolt cutter Nut burring . Davy Bros .Davy Bros . Niles-Bement-Pond Co . Davy Bros .Niles-Bement-Pond Co .Ajax Manufacturing Co 16 . Davy Bros . J. Bertram & Sons Co , Davy Bros .Niles-Bement-Pond Co Punch and shears J. Bertram & Sons Co.'.] Beaudry hammer Beaudry Manufacturing Co... 3 Flat iron saw C. P. R Spring rolls Craven Bros ]| 5 Spring taper machine Craven Bros 5 Hammer 200 Ibs C. C. Bradley & Son.. Hammer 100 Ibs C. C. Bradley & Son.. Hammer 100 Ibs C. C. Bradley & Son . . Hammer 100 Ibs C. C. Bradley & Son . . Eye bolt machine Williams, White & Co Bolt header 1% Jn National Machine Co... 5 Eye bolt machine Williams, White & Co ,. 3 Forging machine 2 Ins Ajax Manufacturing Co 10 Rivet Machine 1% in Ajax Manufacturing Co 6 Forging machine Ajax Manufacturing Co 6 Single shears J. Bertram & Co Upsetting machine ..2 ins Ajax Manufacturing Co 10 .2 ins J. Bertram & Co 3 .3 ins Ajax Manufacturing Co 10 .2 ins J. Bertram & Co 3 2 ins Ajax Manufacturing Co 3 Forging machine 3 ins Ajax Manufacturing Co 10 Nut burring machine. 1% in Ajax Manufacturing Co 3 Nut machine 1% in National Machine Co 10 Nut burring machine Ajax Manufacturing Co... Nut machine % in National Machine Co... Bolt header 1% In National Machine Co... Round iron shears J. Bertram & Co Round iron shears J. Bertram & Co Bolt header 1% in National Machine Co... ,. 5 Round Iron shears J. Bertram & Co... Bolt header 2 Ins National Machine Co... Bulldozer No. 6 Williams, White & Co... 15 Bulldozer No. 5 Williams, White & Co 10 Bulldozer No. 6 Williams, White & Co.. Bulldozer No. 4 Williams, White & Co... .10 Bulldozer No. 5 Williams, White & Co 10 Bulldozer No. 4 Williams, White & Co... "lO Punch and shears J. Bertram & Co 10 Hammer 2,000 Ibs. ...J. Bertram & Co... Hammer 1,200 Ibs. ...J. Bertram & Co.. Hammer 2,000 Ibs. ... Niles-Bement-Pond Co . Punch and shears J. Bertram & Co ..15 Punch and shears J. Bertram & Co 10 Bulldozer No. 4 Williams, White & Co 10 Punch and shears J. Bertram & Co 15 Hfljnmer 600 Ibs Davy Bros Bolt header 1% In National Machine Co... . 5 Fire brick crusher C. P. R Hyd. Buckles press C. P. R Hammer 4,400 Ibs. ...Niles-Bement-Pond Co Hammer 2,000 Ibs. ... Niles-Bement-Pond Co. . Upsetting machine ...2 ins Ajax Manufacturing Co Eyebolt machine Ajax Manufacturing Co.. Beaudry hammer 350 Ibs Beaudry Manufacturing Co. . 5 Hammer 200 Ibs Brake key rolls .............'.'.'. LIST OF FURNACES AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. Extra large forging furnace, 6 ft. 6 ins. deep x 18 ft. long, with two doors, for 6,000-lb. hammer. BLACKSMITH SHOP 79 furnace, 5 ft. deep x 7 ft long. with two doors for . 5 f, x 7 ft., standard des^ clear opening Larg n e * furnace, 5 ft. deep x 7 ft. Ion., with two doors, for mpact g;;;; ibj... ...C. C. Bradley * Son. -...... };;;;; g. ggg | Son. gammer ...... 50 Ibs... Size. Maker. 4 ft 2 ins. deep x 36 ins. long, with one door &** ej"-c3 * AT a r* ninfi SmaU r fo 1 r 5 g?ng lb fu^c me for upsetting machine. L. & N. R. R.-SOUTH LOUISVILLE. S? \ JS3SS SSS Sry na= l |team Hammer . . - --MOO feSggSg&.S Small (9iKln.tr furnace fo^brajcejcey roUs.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fSJjjg"- '. "WOO S^^SSESSS&SB 5 -^ n - T^foSFflttSS ? 1355 E! Jers: :::::::::: . ..I:K ^^jggffgSA go. side, for four I 200 Ibs C. C. Bradley & Son nibbing furnace, for spring rolls. 1 No. 9 Forging Machine ^- j A ^ ax Manufacturing Co. 5fT2S furnlc e e for gSdlg htrnmer! """"""IJ''^. 1 ;.^ liSSSSSSS Co! No! I forfinf f, \ gSJgSI ^chines":.'.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.'! ta...".V.Aj Manufacturing Ca 5 ft deep 28 ins. wide with one door, for nut 30 Forg^fu-rnace. 5 ft! deep! 28 ins. wide with one door, for nut S '^EE^. i^ndle::^ jT* 1 ^?"& ^"^h 8 ft : 11 "n". long x 36 ins. wide, with one door L Nut Tapper ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^^^ ^ ^"A^ne Mach. Co. L Nut Tapper *^ ^ spindl e, with two furnaces for heating material \ % ? II^ '.".T-S in'.. 6 spindles. .1^^ ^ 36 ins. wide, with one door Railway Materials Co. "furnace. 8 ft. U ins. long x 36 ins. wide, with one ^Railway Material Co. ins. long x 36 ins. wide, with one Box ^^^ ' ' '^ r ^^' m '''' f '.'.".". Railway Materials Co. as. deep x 36 ins. long, with one Ax , F *mtce ..Railway M ^^^ C ^ , x 7 ft. long, with two doors for Emery Grinder 8 ft. 11 ins. long x 36 ins. wide, with one PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OLEAN. Railway Materials Co. Hydraulic bar shears Bolt pointer Forging machine R. I- & P. RT. SILVIS. f 'ff ' , OU nd Niles-Bement^Pond Co. cutter ....... IH-ln..- -'-^ e ^^ 8Si iio "a " ' ' 'Ajax Manufacturing Co. ... ......... igOO ibs.'.'.'chambersburg Engr. Co. Long-stroke hamm( r ........ i son Ibs Chambersburg Engr. Co. Single-stand hammer ....... i*JS B " Chambersburg Engr. Co. Single-stand hammer .......... 1.& 00 1 bs .^mo^ pond Co _ Hydraulic bar shears.........l* by 12 ' ^J^' Beme nt, Pond Co. Hydraulic punch and snear " ,V^ n 's" " \jaxManufacturingCo. haer ."... Tempering Furnace 250 Ibe ...... Chambersburg X^ Ibs. . ..Chambersburg Double Frame Steam Hammer .......... 4,000 Frame Fire ......... Scrap Furnace ...... case Hardening Fur- na ce ............. Flue Tester Ibs. Materials 2 e . ' F. en Hammer riveter, pneumatic .84 in. P Portable mud ring riveter, Pedrick & Ayer pneumatic ................... .Pedrick & Ayer Portable riveter .............. ow"nindie" ................... Arch bar drill ................ Ion Ibs " C C. Bradley & Son Cushioned hammers ......... fiL " Xiax Manufacturing Co. 2 Bolt headers ................ L ~ T a , vr q RY _ COLLINWOOD. Machine. Sze ^ Co 50 HaU . nS . ng Annealing Furnace .......... Spring Band Heat- Ing Furnace ....... Hydraulic Spring Unhanding Press.. Hydraulic Spring Banding Press .. . . Flu^Welding Fur- Flue Welding Ma- I-H. p. Triple Head Bolt Cut- 2 Head Bolt Cut- Co Combined Nipper and irvRns' Sons Trimmer Machine ................. John Evans Combined Punch and Snear ................. jQ}m S<)M Upset tUig and 15 . B u Cutter ........ 2 spin. 3 s ........... BoU Cutter ........ 2 spin. 2 in..Acn Bolt Cutter . 2 spin. l^in.Acme ........... 80 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF BLACKSMITH SHOP AT OLEAN, P. R. It 3SS SECTION OF BLACKSMITH SHOP AT DANVILLE, ILL \*. f:t 3 a a g I g H 3 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE /Zj," ir i _i BLACKSMITH SHOP 90 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 7>-ff3 s A. ffratce #oe3 Stop Ar-cn Bar A neovy Suiteozing Strop oar sixf. I ^-/ OH lilli'ny ana Clay to >. v bt iA/1 tamptd ]M * ' -* . _ Ull *^_ \IA? ^ L \IOOfonBtjll I f ifOaar '\ f a:rHoi,f V \,For Cooler |" H. ^~^*- --_---! '-^f-^ PLAN OF BLACKSMITH SHOP AT M'KEBS ROCKS, P., & L. E. R. R. /5Kli^ -Z5 * /s ^ 2f= r ^ O/xrtrtor JTC^^Z^ mter&Hh 3 \toff-tozer\ ^feoyfom/mr ^\ ^ 'fron 6aagt\ a-r ni ^=j PLAN OF BLACKSMITH SHOP, SHOWING LAY-OUT AND ARRANGEMENT OF MACHINES AND FORGES AT SCRANTON FREIGHT CAR SH^PS, D., L. & W. R. R. BLACKSMITH SHOP 91 PLAN OF BLACKSMITH SHOP, SHOWING LAY-OUT OF EQUIPMENT AT TRENTON. N. J., P. R. R. foJ\ O PLAN OF BLACKSMITH SHOP, SHOWING LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AT DU BOIS, B., R. & P. RT. O ; forget O I O | -,. Vci LJ . cirmce r> Q Q o ap.nqfurn.* n ' / ^" 77 n : i'srffi Ifr*. i 9/ff!e^~~~^ I I Office D ^ . - PLAN OF BLACKSMITH SHOP, SHOWING LAYOUT OF EQUIPMENT AT TOPEKA, KAS., A., T. & S. F. RY. Railway Shop Up to Dale Chapter V. FREIGHT CAR SHOP THE freight car department includes the equip- ment for the construction of new cars, heavy repair work, and light or running repairs to cars. Pro- visions for these several classes differ to some extent at tlie shops of the various railway systems. At the An- gus shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway, practically all freight car work is confined to the construction of new cars. The shops at Angus include a locomotive depart- ment and a passenger car department, as well as that for freight car work. The Keyser Valley shops of the D. L. & W. Railroad at Scranton, Pa., are operated almost exclusively for the construction and repairs of freight cars and include no other departments. The Wabash Railroad has built new car shops -at East ' Decatur, 111., to provide for the repair of both passen- ger and freight car equipment. The Readville, Mass., shops of the N. Y. N. H. & H. are operated for the maintenance and repair of both freight and passenger car equipment, and the Sedalia, Mo., shops of the M. K. & T. Ry- are operated entirely for car work. LOCATION. The majority of American shops include both locomo- tive and car departments and the several buildings of each shop plant are placed according to requirements for the most economical operation of the plant as a whole. Inasmuch as the freight car shop is an assembling point for a large amount of material, both wood and metal, the principal features are its location with regard to delivery, ample storage space adjacent to the shop and facilities for the rapid handling of material in large quantities. In view of the large amount of material assembled, communication with the several auxiliary or sub de- partments, should be direct and convenient, for in- stance, from the mill, storage yard, truck shop, car ma- chine shop, blacksmith shop and foundry. Where a single foundry serves both the locomotive and car de- partment, its location near the locomotive shop is pre- ferable inasmuch as heavier castings go to the locomo- tive shop and the smaller castings of the car department are more easily delivered in bulk over the greater dis- tance. The freight car repair shop is usually adjacent to the freight car repair yard or covers a portion of the yard tracks. This provides for minimum amount of switching of bad order cars and locates both heavy and light repair work adjacent to the same base of supplies. BUILDING. The structural work of the freight car repair shop is comparatively simple. The principal requirements are a long narrow building, protection for men and equip- ment against the weather and ample natural light. The modern freight car shop is similar to the other principal shop buildings in being constructed with a steel skeleton and brick walls. The introduction of heavier cars, both wood and steel, makes overhead cranes desirable in at least a portion of both the freight car re- pair shop and the shop for erecting new cars. With the larger cars of today, the cost of construction and main- tenance is increasing, so that the need of cranes and other facilities for the economical operation of the shop is felt. By arranging four longitudinal tracks on 20-foot centers and so placing them that the centers of the outer tracks will be 15 feet from the faces of crane columns, a span of 90 feet may be had for the crane. Assuming that it is desired to provide a standing capacity of 80 cars, a floor area of 90,000 square feet would be required. Allowing 50 feet per car, the length of each track would be 50 x 20 1,000 feet. With four tracks arranged on 20-foot centers and with 15 feet from centers of outer tracks to face of col- umns, the width of floor between columns would be (3 x 20) + (15 x 2) = 90 feet and 1,000 (length of track) x 90 (width of floor) = 90,000 square feet, area of floor. A feature very necessary for the construction of new cars is ample entrances to the building by which delivery of material may be made. ARRANGEMENT OF TRACKS. It is generally conceded that longitudinal tracks are the most satisfactory, both for the erection of new cars and the repair of old. Such an arrangement provides a feasible method of handling cars in strings, and lends itself most readily to an economical distribution of mate- rial due to the large amount of comparatively light mate- rial to be handled and to the frequency with which one car is replaced by another on the same working space. Some shops still in existence would indicate that several years ago there was a question as to the most desirable arrangement of tracks. However, such shops are confined principally to the smaller and older ones, and the more recently constructed are almost uniform in providing longitudinal tracks for freight car work. Those plants at which the principal departments are served by a single transfer table, as well as some others of a different general layout, include a trans- verse freight car shop to which access is usually had by a system of ladder tracks at the side of the shop opposite the transfer table, as at the Colorado and Southern shops at Denver, the Wisconsin Cen- tral at Foud du Lac, the Oregon Short Line at Pocatello, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas at Se- dalia and others. At the Oelwein shops of the FREIGHT CAR SHOP U3 Chicago Great Western access to the freight car shop is by the transfer table only. At the Collinwood shops of the L. S. & M. S. Railway the freight car shop was originally in a building in which the tracks are arranged transversely and are served by a transfer table. This building has since been assigned to caboose repairs and other work and a new longitudinal shop has been erected. The freight car shops and yards recently built indi- cate that a distance of 20 or 22 feet between centers, with an even spacing between the tracks throughout, is found most satisfactory. Some yard tracks for light repairs are placed evenly on 16- to 20-foot centers, while the yard tracks for heavy repairs and those in the shop are spaced from 20- to 22-foot centers. Usually with this arrangement, ma- terial tracks are placed in each space between tracks. At other points the working tracks are grouped in pairs on centers from 16 to 20 feet, and the groups are spaced from 20 to 26-feet apart with material tracks between the groups. Where the even spacing prevails the tracks are from '20 to 22 feet between centers with usually a distribution track in every alternate space. INDUSTRIAL TRACKS. \Yhile narrow and standard gauge distribution tracks are both in use, the standard gauge now meets with greater general favor for the industrial system of communication and delivery. This system pro- vides greater scope for the movement of push-cars, as it allows of their transportation over any of the tracks of the yard and the standard track facilitates the delivery of mounted wheels. While using stan- dard gauge, material tracks are frequently made up of lighter rails than those used in working tracks and road tracks. METHODS OF OPERATION. In the construction of new cars the most economi- cal operation, for the assemblage of large quantities of material and for the erection of cars in stages by gangs of specially trained men, provides for the ad- vancement of each car from one stage to the next in regular sequence. In accomplishing this result trucks, sills and other material from the auxiliary shops are delivered at one end of the erecting shop where erect- ing work is begun and as the stages of construction advance, each car is pulled forward. Thus there is a string of cars in different stages of construction advancing along each longitudinal track, until, at the opposite end of the shop, each car is delivered, com- plete, painted and ready for service. A satisfactory method of moving a string of cars as the work of construction progresses is to locate a motor, or motors, at the end of the shop to which the finished car advances, provide coupling rods for coup- ling the cars of a length standard to the shop, and pull each track as the work requires. By installing a shaft located beneath the floor and suitable clutches, together with a drum at each track, one motor will serve four or six tracks. The motor for this purpose is sometimes placed in a cabin beyond the end of the shop, but its location within the shop would seem the more desirable. A coupling rod about 10 feet in length is recom- mended. This keeps the cars separated a certain dis- tance at all times and allows free movement among the cars, a feature which is especially desirable in the vicinity of doors in the sides of the shop for the delivery of material from the storage yard. In a shop of great length, much material is delivered through side doors instead of at the end where construction work begins, thus economizing in the delivery of material by shortening the distance between points of storage and assemblage and reducing time consumed in delivery. Consistent with ample storage space is the provision for classifying and piling material. Rods for framing of box cars may be ordered in required lengths and when threaded, sorted and stored in racks, the rods are made to follow the most direct route from the storage pile to the car. Such racks should be carefully stenciled with the length and diameter of rod, so that laborers in transferring material can make no mistake. This sys- tem also provides a simple means by which a store de- partment clerk may readily determine an estimate of the amount of material of each size on hand. A similar plan may be applied to the classification and storage of the various castings which enter into car con- struction. This method not only classifies the castings and keeps them together, but requires much less time in storing them, in that they may be dumped into bins from the trucks of the industrial system, whereas the time necessary to pile and segregate small pieces is decidedly wasted. The same plan applies well to the distribution of bolts, nuts, cotter keys, washers, lag screws, nails, etc. For bolts and nuts large bins may be provided and as a truck load is delivered the boxes may be dumped directly into the bins. This plan serves to classify and store bolts and nuts in a place where a given size is always to be found duly labeled. It further removes the un- sightly piles which are difficult to maintain and seg- regate. The most economical method of distributing small material is to handle it in bulk, either in small wagons specially designed for the purpose or in sheet iron boxes arranged to be handled by light cranes as well as by trucks. The latter arrangement lends itself readily to the method of storing bolts, nuts, etc., in bins, for the boxes may be handled by air hoists in transferring them from the trucks to the bins. Where this method is followed the bins are served by traveling air hoists. Bins for bolts are not covered so that material may be delivered over side partitions. To facilitate get- ting in and out of these bins when the stock is low, a wooden strip is nailed along the outside and on the inside an old grab iron is bolted in order that work- men mav climb in and out of them convenientlv. The 94 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE bins in which nuts, washers, cotter keys, lag screws, etc., are stored are equipped with hinged covers and these covers are locked after the bins have been filled. A hole in the side partition near the floor provides a means for workmen to get at stock. A little thought concerning the large number of kegs which would be required for the storage of nuts, nails, etc., for a shop turning out, say 28 to 30 cars per day, will show the advantage obtained by storing this material as ' described. CANADIAN PACIFIC ANGUS. The freight car erecting shop of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Angus has been used exclusively for the con- struction of new cars. It is located at one edge of the area devoted to shop buildings and is tributary to the "Midway," or avenue of distribution which traverses the entire shop area and is served by an overhead traveling crane as well as by standard gauge tracks the industrial system. The car erecting shop is directly across the midway from the mill building. Next to the car erecting shop is the truck shop ; while the car machine shop is just beyond. The lumber yard is so situated with regard to the mill building, and the blacksmith shop, car wheel foundry, etc., are so placed with relation to the car machine shop and truck shop and the storage yard is so disposed around the car erecting shop, that material entering into the construction of cars advances from the several sources of supply and through the various departments in regular sequence, to the point of assemblage. The shop building is 540 feet long by 107 feet wide and is well lighted naturally. It is divided into two bays and there are three standard tracks in each bay, two of which are used for erecting work and the cen- tral track is kept open for the delivery of material throughout the shop. The tracks in each bay are spaced evenly at a distance of fifteen feet between centers. Between the centers of the adjacent tracks of the different bays is a distance of 20 feet. The erection of cars is begun at the end of the shop near the Midway, where trucks are delivered from the truck shop. A portion of each bay near this end of the shop is served by three traveling cranes driven by air and operated by hand from the floor. In the construction of box cars the roof frames are built on the car decks and are then hoisted by these cranes while the supporting frame is constructed between them. As the work of construction progresses the cars are gradually moved to the further end of the shop in order that each gang of men may handle that class of work at which they are specialists. The first gang applies sills and draft rigging, the deck is ap- plied by the second gang, the roof and frame by the third, and so the car proceeds until it is finished at the further end of the shop. The cars are hauled for- ward by a motor at the end of the shop. Bolts, nuts, washers, lag screws, etc., are stored in bins to facilitate storage and classification. In the storage yard along one side of the erecting shop, is a system of bins for the storage of small castings. In the storage yard on the opposite side of the shop a number of forgings, castings, springs, etc., are stored and it is intended to provide for this storage by con- structing a long shed about 40 or 50 feet from the building to protect this material from snow in winter. The paint shop is practically a continuation of the erecting shop and is separated from the latter by a fire wall and rolling steel doors. Cars are handled through this shop by motors as described for the erecting shop. In this connection it is appropriate to call attention to the advantage provided by the location of the paint shop in such relation to the erecting shop, an arrange- ment which seems far superior to that which exists in some other railroad shops where it is necessary to transfer and switch cars over several tracks in moving from the erecting to the paint shop. Tracks beyond the paint shop provide a standing capacity for about the same number of cars as the paint shop and during the summer months a large portion of the cars are painted outside on these tracks. At Angus freight cars are painted with air ma- chines. D., L. & W. SCRANTON. The Keyser Valley shops of the D. L. & W. Rail- way at Scranton are devoted almost entirely to the construction and repair of freight car equipment. In addition to other facilities, the shop plant includes a car erecting shop, a car repair shop for heavy repairs, and a repair yard for light repairs. The car erecting and repair shops are similar in size, construction and arrangement, except that the central bay of the erecting shop is served by a 15-ton traveling crane and contains some equipment for the construction of new cars, while the car repair shop is not so provided Each building is 400 feet long by 150 feet wide and has a capacity of 48 cars. The buildings are of brick supported by structural steel frame work, and while they are plain as regards architectural embellishment, they present a very neat appearance. They are extremely well lighted by natural light, ample space between buildings aiding in this particular. In addi- tion to the ordinary windows, which are large, much of the wall space above is fitted with window sashes, which adds much to the diffusion of light throughout the interior. Above the centers of the roofs are moni- tors which extend nearly the full length of the build- ings and the sides of these monitors are equipped with glass lanterns. Saw-tooth skylights are placed at intervals along the roof. All glass surfaces are verti- cal with the exception of those in the skylights, so that there is very little opportunity for discomfort to be caused by direct rays of the sun pouring down upon the floor beneath. Each building is divided into three bays. In the main, or central bay, there are two standard gauge tracks extending the full length of the building and FREIGHT CAR SHOP 95 connected with yard leads. These tracks are arranged on 22-foot centers and in each side bay are two work- ing tracks, similarly spaced. The adjacent tracks of the different bays are spaced 24 feet between centers. The center bay is served by three narrow-gauge tracks. In the side bay one narrow-gauge track is between the two working tracks, while the other dis- tribution track is between two outer tracks and the wall. The floors are of concrete. In the yard for light repairs about 250 or 300 cars are repaired per day. This yard contains eight tracks arranged on 20-foot centers, and in every alternate space between working tracks is a narrow-gauge track of the industrial system. In this yard one track is reserved for the repair of steel cars. For convenience in storage and delivery of mate- rial the yard contains a series of long, narrow material sheds in which are kept bolts, nuts, finished lumber, sheathing, car doors, couplers, etc. There are two scrap platforms, or docks, near the repair yard for the accumulation of scrap material gathered from cars undergoing repairs. Each one is equipped with air operated shears, and the various kinds of scrap are assorted into classified bins. The platforms are level with a car floor and industrial tracks traverse the length of each platform. The freight car repair shop is situated near the mill building and the centers of distribution, where sills and other comparatively heavy material may be de- livered conveniently. Beyond the fact that cars held for heavy repairs are repaired under cover, there is practically little difference between the work done here and that at the average yard. The greatest interest centers in the freight car erect- ing shop, where the bulk of the material from the va- rious shops and sub-departments is assembled. At the time that work was begun on a large order of box cars having underframes reinforced with steel frames of commercial shape, the. erecting shop was equipped to handle steel and other work economically, and it is interesting to note the methods followed. In ordering steel for the construction of this framing, the practice of the company is to purchase proper lengths for the various parts. This material is delivered either in the yard at the end of the shop or just within the shop. Both side bays are equipped with scaffolds suspended from the roof trusses to facilitate work on the super- structure. In the center way. served by a crane, trucks are erected, the steel reinforcing frame is assembled, sills are mounted and decks laid. In the side bays box frames are erected, roofs built, sheathing applied, trimming work is done, and before leaving the shop one coat of paint is applied. A drill press and a punch and shear are located in the end of one side bay nearer the machine shop. In the same end of the main bay are air-operated riveters, port- able forges and other equipment for assembling the re- inforcing frames, for riveting couplers, yokes, etc. Over a portion of one track in the main bay is a raised track supported on cast iron pedestals. Trucks are erected on this raised track and the arrangement pro- vides facility for the truck erecting men in getting at bolts. One end of this raised track is inclined to a height sufficient to reach the deck of a flat car. Cars loaded with wheels are switched into the shop and delivered to a point at which wheels can be unloaded easily over this incline. When trucks have been completed they are piled one above the other by the crane, in order that they will occupy minimum floor space until required. This pro- vides a convenient method of storing trucks in an acces- sible location when the supply exceeds the demand, and when needed they are readily delivered by the crane to the car erecting track. During the erection of trucks, bolsters are delivered by the crane, so that truck erecting men have practically no handling of bolsters. All parts of trucks, bolsters, sand planks, arch bars, boxes, brasses, bolts, etc., are delivered by laborers within easy reach of erecting men, so that work of erection pro- gresses rapidly and without unnecessary interruption. In drilling and punching the several I-beams used in the construction of the reinforcing frames, the webs are punched according to forms. Holes are then laid out according to templates and pass to the drill press, whence they are delivered to the riveters. A portion of flanges on draft beams are sheared off to provide for application of couplers, and this work is done cold. Angle irons, queen posts, malleable castings, etc., are riveted by air riveters and the parts pass to the assem- bling gang. To provide convenience in forwarding this work rap- idly and at the same time insure accuracy and proper angles, the frames are constructed on specially designed tables, two of which are provided in this end of the shop in order that two reinforcing frames may be constructed at one time. These tables are illustrated by line draw- ings presented at the end of this chapter. Upon completion the frames are transferred by the traveling crane to the center of the shop or to the further end, where they are lowered upon the trucks which are previously placed in proper position to receive them. Frames are transferred by a specially designed carrier hung from the crane hook. The carrier is composed of 9-inch channels, 15 pounds per foot, 24 feet 11 inches long, having a chain attached to its centr for connection with the crane hook and a chain at each end to which the frame is secured. When not in use this carrier is stored at some point on the floor near the frame erect- ing tables. After the reinforcing frame is placed on the trucks, sills are applied, brake rigging attached, deck nailed down and frame castings placed on deck before the car is moved. Following this work, cars are pulled out of the main 96 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE bay by an electric motor located in a shanty near the main bay lead and about 300 feet from the shop build- ing. In good weather decks are nailed down after cars have been pulled out of doors. Cars are switched by yard engines from the main bay lead to the side bays, where the erecting work is finished as before described. Sills are transferred from the mill to the erecting shop on industrial cars and inside the shop they are handled by the crane. When laying the sills the crane is again used. Castings entering into car construction are brought in from the storage yard in wheelbarrows and placed where they will be conveniently loaded upon the cars. Air brake cylinders and rigging are started near the point of erection so as to avoid further transfer when ready for application. Lumber for sheathing frames, purlines, roofs, etc., are delivered from the mill to the erecting shop in carloads and placed in side bays easy of access to the various cars under construction. Where such lum- ber is delivered when partially finished cars are standing either in the main bay or on the outside leads, it is placed on the truss rods so that it will be transferred with the car in its movement to either side bay for completion. The car repair and erecting shops are situated side by side with a distance of 70 feet between them. The freight car paint shop is situated a distance of 166 feet beyond the ends of these shops and on a center line passing mid- way between them. Cars are transferred from the erect- ing shop to the paint shop by the yard engine, and by the time a car has been switched from the central bay of the erecting shop to the side bay and again to the paint shop, it would seem to have been moved several times unproductively. While the shop under discussion has many points of advantage and is well equipped, it would seem that an arrangement whereby a car advances from one stage of construction to the next without doubling in its course would give greater output. N. Y., N. II. & H. READVILLE. At the Readville car repair plant of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, the freight car repair shop is situated between two car repair yards and spans the track extensions of these yards. The shop is 350 feet long and 160 feet wide and has a standing capacity of 60 cars. The tracks in the shop and yards are spaced on 20-foot centers. The yard at the east end of the shop will accommodate about 500 cars at one time. Cars enter through the yard at the east end and move progressively through the shop and out at the west end. The location of the shop and- yards with reference to the other buildings of the plant is such that raw material may be delivered easily from the various sources of sup- ply and other departments. The freight car erecting shop is a brick building in which the roof trusses and supporting columns are of yellow pine. The columns supporting a second floor at one end of the building are of cast iron. The roof of this portion is covered with slate, while the remainder is covered with eastern granite roofing. Natural day light- ing is provided for by large windows in the side walls and by sashes in the end doors. The flooring is of con- crete. L. & N.- SOUTH LOUISVILLE. At the South Louisville locomotive and car plant of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad the freight car repair shop is situated between a storage yard having a capacity of 325 cars and a repair yard capable of standing about 50 cars. The building is 400 feet 7^ inches long by 145 feet wide and contains six working tracks spaced 20 feet between centers, as well as a material track which extends along one side of the building. The shop has a standing capacity of 60 cars. With the exception of two, the tracks in the yards are continuations of those in the shop and are spaced the same distance apart. The shop for the construction of new cars is tributary to the transfer table and is situated next to the mill building. The building is 300 feet 7^4 inches long by 134 feet 8 inches wide. It contains six working tracks arranged in three groups, with two working tracks in each group. The working tracks of each group are spaced 20 feet between centers and the adjacent tracks of the different groups are spaced 22 feet 6 inches be- tween centers. Between the working tracks of each group is a material delivery track of standard gauge. This shop has a capacity of 42 cars. Both the freight car repair and erecting shops are of steel construction with side sheathing of corrugated iron. In the erecting shop for new cars the bays in which the working tracks are situated are separated by the rows of columns supporting the roof trusses. The ends of the building are covered with corrugated galvanized iron to within 16 feet 9 inches of the ground, and the sides are of the same material to within 10 feet of the ground. Both the sides and ends of the building are equipped with rolling steel doors. Above the roof over the center of the main bay is a monitor extending the full length of the building, the sides of which are equipped with glass lanterns. A row of skylights, placed at intervals, extends along the roof above the center of each side bay. Above the corrugated iron sheathing much of the wall space is fitted with stationary window sashes. The building is covered with a composition roof- ing and the floor is of concrete with a granitoid finish. The scaffolding for the building tracks are of perma- nent construction and are suspended by angles hung from the roof trusses. The platforms are -i feet wide and are situated about 7 feet above the floor. The plat- forms are provided with extensions 2 feet 6 inches wide on each side, which are so hinged that they may be swung out of the way when not in use. When in use the extensions are held in position by *4-inch wire rope cables secured to the roof trusses. Ordinarily, erecting work is done on three of the working tracks at one time, while material is being brought in and placed conveniently for the other three. FREIGHT CAR SHOP 97 If necessary, however, all six tracks may be used at the same time. In such an event maximum output would be obtained by delivering material at night. Car sills and the larger material from the planing mill are delivered to the erecting shop over the transfer table, while the lighter material is delivered direct by push cars. Trucks and other material pass to the shop in sequence and are delivered direct to the shop from the transfer table, much of it being delivered to the table by the yard crane which serves the storage yard located at right angles with the transfer table pit. Much of the small material delivered to the erecting shop, such as bolts, nuts, washers, lag screws, etc., is stored beneath the scaffold platforms along the sides of the shop. Larger and heavier surplus material is stored between the tracks, just outside of the shop at the end further from the transfer table. While the cross-section of the freight car repair shop is very similar to that of the erecting shop for new cars, the building is lower and the arrangement of trusses is different. The roof trusses are supported by a single row of columns and the shop is divided into two sections only. The arrangement of glass in the monitor, sky- lights and stationary side sashes is similar to that of the erecting shop. The sides and ends of the building are equipped with rolling shutters. The floor is of cement with a granitoid finish. In alternate spaces between pairs of tracks are air connections attached to hose ex- tending from an air system carried along the roof trusses. The foreman's office is situated in the northwest cor- ner of the building and is elevated at such a position as to furnish a good view of the interior of the entire shop as well as over the freight car repair tracks. Along the west side of the building is a long platform or balcony for the workmen to store their tool boxes. A row of work benches is located along the east side of the shop. Stoves are situated at different points throughout the building to provide means for the men to warm them- selves during severely cold weather. In both the repair and erecting shops the natural day lighting is ample and is well distributed. WABASH RAILROAD EAST DECATUR. At the new East Decatur shops of the Wabash Rail- road no large provision has been made for repairing freight cars under roof. The climate is comparatively mild at this point, and due to the almost complete absence of snow it is possible to repair freight cars out in the open most of the year. The repair yard is situated at the extreme south side of the plant and contains four working tracks. The tracks are arranged in two groups, those of each group being spaced on 20-foot centers. Each group is served by a material track located between the working tracks, and a third material track passes near the adjacent shop buildings. Between the two groups of working tracks are three material racks 56 feet long by 8 feet wide. The repair tracks have a capacity of 170 cars. The shop plant includes a large repair shop 463 feet long by 88 feet wide, containing four longitudinal tracks spaced 20 feet between centers. Though this shop is intended principally for passenger coach repair work, a portion of it may be used for heavy repairs to freight cars during bad weather. C. C. C. & ST. L. BEECH GROVE ( INDIANAPOLIS ). At the Beech Grove shops of the Big Four Railway, situated near Indianapolis, the freight car repair yard is adjacent to the main freight switching yards, so that the switching of bad order and repaired cars will be reduced to a minimum. The freight car repair shop, 403 feet by 156 feet, is approximately at the center of the south edge of the repair yard. The working tracks through shop and yard are spaced alternately on 18-foot and 22-foot centers. In the wider space between tracks a narrow-gauge track is installed for the delivery of material. p. & L. E. M'KEES ROCKS. The freight car repair shop of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad at McKees Rocks, Pa., is a brick and steel structure 654 feet 7 inches long by 154 feet wide, arranged in three longitudinal bays. An extension on the east side of the shop, 23 feet wide by 450 feet long provides a convenient location for the furnaces, straight- ening presses, storage rooms, and machine shop. The walls are of brick with steel framing conforming to the uniform design of the other shop buildings. The roof is of saw tooth construction with transverse sky- lights, and is supported by steel trusses resting upon steel columns. The windows in the skylights are ver- tical and face toward the north so that an abundance of light is admitted to the shop from above. Large win- dows in the side and end walls also contribute materially to the natural lighting. The hot air system of heating is installed, with over- head supply pipes and down drop outlets. The shop is piped with both air and natural gas, for the operation of tools and heaters. Two of the three longitudinal bays are devoted to the repair of wooden cars, while the third or east bay is given over entirely to steel car work. In each bay are two longitudinal working tracks on 24 foot centers, with a standard material gauge track located centrally between them. The centers of the two outer tracks are 14 feet 3 inches from the crane columns and the center of the inner tracks 12 feet from the main columns, allowing ample space for carrying on repairs simultaneously on all tracks, without confusion or interference. The span of each outside bay is 53 feet and that of the center bay 48 feet, with a clear height from floor to roof truss of 30 feet. Each bay is served by an overhead electric crane operating the full length of the shop, the crane in the west bay being of 40 tons and those in the other bays 20 tons capacity each. The wood working shop and lumber storage house are located adjacent to the main shop, on the west and are arranged for direct handling of material. A system of standard gauge material tracks provides a convenient method for the distribution of material from one building to another. The store room, although located a greater 98 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE distance away than the mill, is easy of access and through the system of material tracks is provided with a ready means of communication with all departments. The scrap platforms and bins are located beyond the store house. The platforms are level with a car floor for con- venience in loading and unloading scrap, while a material track extends the length of the platform for handling the scrap from the shop. According to the practice common to longitudinal shops, cars undergoing repairs advance progressively. Bad order cars enter the north end of the shop and as repairs are made they are 1 moved toward the south end where the finished cars leave. In this shop repair men are not organized in gangs of specialists assigned to cer- tain classes of work, but each gang is capable of making all classes of repairs. Thus a gang assigned to a car en- tering the shop is held responsible for all repairs marked up against the car. All air brake work, packing journal boxes and a few other special jobs are assigned to regular men. While up to date practices are followed through- out the shop there is nothing absolutely distinctive in the methods of repairing wooden cars. The bay devoted to the repairs of steel cars provides space under cover for 30 cars, assigning 15 cars to each working track, and approximately 43 feet is allowed to each car. The machine shop extension practically con- stitutes a separate bay adjacent to the east bay, so that direct access is afforded to all machines, furnaces, etc. At the south end is a large oil furnace for heating bent parts. When a large number of bent parts has accumulated they are heated in the furnace and straightened on the table or by presses provided. Near the furnace is a coke fire for heating the rush parts which are necessary to prevent delay to the movement of cars. A large pneu- matic press is within convenient reach of the furnace and dies are provided to fit all regular repair parts. For straightening angles, beams, stakes, etc., is a large pneu- matic press. Adjacent to this press is a horizontal pneu- matic riveter, for riveting all parts which can be con- veniently handled. Beyond the riveter are the storage rooms, containing a stock of end sills, extension center sills, side stakes, buffer plates, center pockets, structural iron, etc. At the north end of this bay a carpenter and pipe shop are partitioned off and equipped with the neces- sary tools. An overhead trolley line crane and 2 hand cranes operate the full length of the machine shop and storage room, on a line of 10 inch I beams, suspended about 12 feet above the floor. This provides an easy method of handling material undergoing repairs and also for the delivery of heavy parts in stock. This bay is well lighted by windows and has a plank floor similar to that in the remainder of the shop. The ordinary service of a car in the ore and iron trade in the Pittsburg district is much shorter than in other localities and the severe handling which cars are subject to. makes it necessary to give heavy repairs to a large proportion of those going to the shops. Common causes for shopping steel cars are derailments, cornering, etc., ' which distort or twist the body. Repairing a car in this condition is generally a slow and expensive operation. To meet the requirements of this class of repairs a steel car repair frame has been erected. The design and con- struction of this frame are original and its operation is unique. The frame is of steel construction, firmly secured upon a concrete foundation. It supports a number of screw jacks which may be adjusted readily in various positions. The frame is so strongly constructed and so carefully devised that a steel car having a twisted body may be jacked into shape without removing the body from the trucks. Actual service tests have demonstrated that by this method of straightening steel cars a saving of 400 hours per car is effected. The jack frame is built of 12-inch channels arranged in 5 pairs forming a skeleton steel box. Horizontal braces of 12-inch channels riveted to the tops of the ver- tical members bind them firmly together. Diagonal braces of 3 by 2 inch angles and longitudinal braces of 6 by 6 inch angles, connect the five sections of the frame. A system of braces at the lower end of the vertical mem- bers similar to that employed at the upper ends com- pletes the structure making a frame work having a width inside of 13 feet, height of 11 feet 6 inches and a total length of 30 feet 9% inches. The vertical and cross channel members are arranged in pairs 3^4 inches apart and form the supports for screw jacks of special con- struction which may be adjusted at any place and clamped in position. ISOLATED REPAIR YARDS. In view of the economy and advantage of keeping the number of bad-order cars at a minimum, a word in be- half of the isolated repair track seems appropriate. The facilities afforded for the repair of freight equipment at isolated points are, in most cases, totally inadequate. The fact that a repair yard is not near a shop makes it all the more necessary that such a point should be well equipped with tools and facilities as well as a generous store of those parts apt to be required on short notice. On most roads the freight cars held for repairs each day average from 2 to 3 per cent of the total equipment owned, but if the "bad orders" increase to over 3 per cent, the situation becomes serious and calls for special atten- tion. Much that concerns the equipment and facilities of isolated repair yards applies as well to the terminal re- pair yards and those run in connection with building and repair tracks. The importance of good facilities is quite frequently underrated, and it is difficult to estimate the loss of car service resulting from inferior repair facilities. Among the items of most importance for the prompt repair of freight cars are a sufficient supply in conven- ient locations, of all standard kinds of car repair mate- rial, such as bolts, castings, mounted wheels, framed timbers, etc. ; it is almost equally important to have good facilities for handling material between the point of storage and the cars to which the same is to be applied. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 99 For this purpose material tracks with push cars running between the car repair tracks are exceedingly useful and not very expensive. There are various handy devices for moving such heavy material as draw-bars, journal boxes, car wheels, and also the heavier tools such as jacks, many of which have been illustrated in the tech- nical papers. It is a rare thing to find a gang of car repairers fully equipped with the right kind of tools to do their work to the best advantage, as they almost always lack a suf- ficient number of jacks, air-boring machines, or even of \vrenches or similar small tools, the first cost of which could be saved every day. The capacity of a car repair track which turns out more than eight or ten cars a day will be very largely increased by furnishing a few wood- working machines, with the necessary power to operate them, the most essential being a rip-saw, cross-cut saw, and boring and mortising machine. There is an instance on record where such tools were furnished to a repair gang turning out 50 to 75 cars a day, and the consequent increase in the output represented an addition of at least ten or fifteen men to the force, and also caused a reduc- tion in the average time required per car for repairs. A blacksmith fire near the repair track for straighten- ing bent brake connections and other odd jobs will save a great deal of loss of time both to the car repairers and to the cars, unless the main blacksmith shop is very near the repair yard. A sufficient supply of compressed air has come to be one of the most essential requisites for prompt car repair work, as it is generally used for boring, and frequently for jacking up cars. The prompt switching of repair tracks and removing of finished cars and replacing them with bad-order cars is most important and should be done at such time as it will interfere least with the car repair gang. Freight repair sheds are generally furnished through- out the south for protecting car men from the sun, but are seldom seen in the north, where they would be fully as useful in protecting men from rain, snow and wind storms. There are many places where such sheds would enable men to work instead of going home during bad weather, and thereby shorten time cars are held for re- pairs. A system of air pipes installed throughout freight re- pair and switching yards will save much loss of car serv- ice, besides insuring greater safety to trains on the road, but very few yards are so equipped. There are not many places on a railroad where a com- paratively small expenditure will bring such large re- turns as in providing better facilities for freight car repair yards. ion RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Mil Building I Svfperfs\ for Cran* Oiraen at ma of old tvi/di'ncf mjf\s>ioirn ! I j j 1 I ' \ (__) \ kfeS.*^ 1 _L._f L T' T T I Puth CarfomfaWe i I , ..*_.! ' Cfr. I irk o I Br'lJf of Tract. I _ i : i ' -! ' S 'o'- Sl8'o--r-\ j ^ 1 i ^. PARTIAL, PLAN OF FREIGHT CAR SHOP AT BURNSIDB, ILL., I. C. R. R. -T \ re \ !o \ 20'- \ Z6O -4HJ'- C, HO fff: ^5 SO $P 02 ,.5, D**- CH S+t PLAN OF CAR REPAIR SHOP, PLANING MILL AND PAINT SHOP AT FOND DU LAC, WIS., WISCONSIN CENTRAL RT. 1 ! / 1 / j ' m>0<7 nortrrng ^,/tfff j,tfnft>- - -I ^7. ~ noffovn ,#*-A-- ' | : - \ J^ 7^ ' ^ ! : ' i -^ 1 TO^si^t.-- 1 - L r*" 1_ F""^^ i ?7r -V- -'--:' : .---." v I 1 * 1 B t J / i E 1 *" r 1 ' 1 <= f P h r~ ._ . Zl _._._ 1 &Zu '-^ jceE:r^i.__._ j f i 5 | t ...4 p jJJJ i i \ i 1 ^ fi ^ ~l ^/^/A ' l-t"AJr i . i * ^~ 6 1 ? h E r j r r . r f*".? *:r N j y ' ' F I i -"/*; ?tii< fr"" "' s=a t n '- .-f 22' 4*. >y i N .5 ^ E 1 1 f i* B i i L ^IflirnaeConaiap-amh.arfMofnrS IS 1 _; .^_. .^^ N H^H"= ^1 i \ -\ ^"= ^ ^- - ^ ''' n ^fSlftf "- rif for Haft iaaffs j , / PLAN OF FREIGHT CAR SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. FREIGHT CAR SHOP 101 V V v v CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAK REPAIR SHED AT BARING CROSS, ARK., ST. L. I. M. & 8. RY. &jd , yr 0*03*-? * w f. - .. ,,.. i |M[ *'* **^znn **" * * mi ^**r****' [^ ^ ^ * |H1 1 3 ^ J ^i ,h: DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION OF FREIGHT CAR SHOP AT ANGUS C. P. RY. 102 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO JATE p/rcni"fern- i 2"Oan Poor Bear*}' L_J CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR PAINT SHOP AT SCRANTON, PA., D. I,. & W. K. R. HALF CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR SHOP AT BURNSIDE, ILL., I. C. R. R. FREIGHT CAR SHOP 103 CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR BUILDING SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KT., L. & N. R. R. HALF LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR BUILDING SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR SHOP AT FOND DU LAC, WIS., SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KT., L. & N. R. R. WISCONSIN CENTRAL RT. at'trr if *a fax- - fi*pyrt>*>*Hii*m 'lot' i tmOMr - - - , * trtf#> SfJ-*tf'tj- D * k M . . > . . . CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT SCRANTON, PA., D., L. & W. R. R. 104 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Transverse Section CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KY., L. & N. R. R. SIDE ELEVATION OF FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KY., L. & N. R. R. 75 on sty li'g/rt ?!. * 7* 5+' . . :--^-- ~ ---=j tang****! Section '\ ~-- *&cmyotod iron Bars ^f== =->- L T. !"' t?--'i-.-^-J PARTIAL, LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KY., L,. & N. R. R. FREIGHT CAR SHOP 105 Hill HIM HIM Mill Hill Illll Mill Mill Hill Hill Illll Illll Hill Illll Illll Illll IIHI Hill Illll Illll HIM Illll mi| Illll Illll HIM Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll III I Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll Illll IIHI Hill Illll IIHI IIHI Illll Illll III I IIHI Illll Illll Illll IIHI Illll Illll Illll Illll .. .. .. < .- .. .< .. .. ti || (| HI | inn inn inn inn inn inn mil mil mil CROSS SECTION OF FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT MCKEES ROCKS, PA.. P. & L. E. R. R. PARTIAL, SIDE AND END ELEVATION OF FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. 106 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE -7-t- -7-6- "^ /?~-35" 'C/ionne/ '! " 9 1 .-,' _| \ * \ ., " f , jt-fl* ^ y forC/ioin . "; rrwi/ Ties [rnt/eoded /n Concrete I i I _J END ELEVATION OF STEEL, CAR REPAIR FRAME FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. IN "" 4/flt $F Concrtft ~ K -- J ^<- " PLAN AND SIDE ELEVATION OF STEEL CAR REPAIR FRAME IN FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. SIDE AND END ELEVATIONS OF SCREW JACK USED WITH STEEL CAR REPAIR FRAME IN FREIGHT CAR SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter VII PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS IX considering the passenger car department, the paint and coach shops should be treated collectively. The nature of the work on passenger cars and the effect of dust and dirt on the finished surfaces requires that construc- tion and painting should be done in different shop build- ings. The class of work required and the length of time that a passenger car is held in the shop during repairs or the time consumed in construction, demands that cars and workmen must be thoroughly and carefully housed. Passenger equipment is usually put through the shop once in twelve to fifteen months and as traffic is heaviest during three months of the year and requires practically all available equipment, it is considered on many roads that there are but nine months left for passenger car repair work. To keep the men employed during the slack season and to provide an equilibrium of forces, it is not unusual for a certain amount of building to be done at car repair shops. The layout of the average passenger car repair shop is equally suitable for new car construction and there is information at hand of a passenger car depart- ment built for repair work having been operated for the construction of new cars during several years. LOCATION. Except at those shops where all principal departments are served by a single transfer table, there is a decided tendency to place the passenger car department in an isolated location where the transfer table pit will offer the least impediment to general yard traffic. At several shop plants of recent construction, maintaining both locomo- tive and car departments, the transfer table of the pas- senger car department is the only one on the property. Where the principal departments are grouped around a single transfer table, the coach repair and paint shops are usually on the same side of the transfer table pit. placing the buildings of the car department as compactly as possible. Where the passenger shops are served by an individual table the prevailing practice is to locate the coach and paint shops on opposite sides of the trans- fer table pit, in parallel buildings, with the table operat- ing between them. BUILDING. The principal details of the coach and paint shop are very similar. Both shops require ample natural light to be admitted through the roof as well as through windows in the walls, and to be so diffused as to light the space between the tracks rather than immediately over them. Modern passenger car shops have brick walls with large window area. Wooden roof trusses and supports, as well as steel, have been used in the construction in some of the most prominent shops. At Readville and at 107 Angus the roof trusses and supporting columns are of wood and at Coliinwood they are of steel. Examination of the dimensions of a number of promi- nent shops shows that a width of 90 feet is provided for several shops having a standing capacity of one car per track; 100 feet for a number of others having the same capacity per track and the Readville shop, where three cars are stood per track, is 225 feet wide. A clear height of 20 feet from floor to lower chord of roof truss is considered suitable in both the coach and paint shops. At some prominent shops this height is 19 feet and sometimes a few inches higher. NATURAL LIGHTING. A number of paint shops have saw tooth roofs and this type is considered particularly well adapted for the re- quirements of the paint shop. For the most satisfactory diffusion of light between the cars saw tooth skylights are arranged transversely with the tracks. The provision of liberal natural lighting at Coliinwood is worthy of special attention. The total amount of glass in the side and end walls of the buildings equals 45 per cent of the total wall area. The tot vl glass area in both roofs and walls equals 75 per cent oi \he total floor area. In the roof of the paint shop is a skyhght 42 feet 4 inches wide by 245 feet long in the monitor and to this is added 34 separate skylights 21 feet by 11 feet. This gives an area of glass equal to 38 per cent of the projected area of the roof. The coach shop has a skylight 22 feet 4 inches wide by 335 feet long, extending the full length of the building and also 32 separate skylights, making 33 per cent of the projected area of the roof. In both the paint and coach shops at Angus there is a transverse skylight in the roof above each space be- tween working tracks. There are 27 skylights in each shop and each skylight is 49 feet long by 12 feet wide. ARRANGEMENT OF WORKING TRACKS. The most satisfactory arrangement of working tracks for the repair and construction of passenger equipment seems to have been decided beyond question and is well exemplified by the large number of shops now in opera- tion, both old and new. This provides for standing cars on transverse tracks, or working spaces, and as access by a system of ladder tracks would be uneconomical of ground space and as passenger equipment cannot be handled to advantage with traveling cranes, the transfer table is the most suitable means of access to the passenger car shop. It does not seem possible to formulate a definite rule by which to determine the size of shop or number of working tracks in accordance with the number of cars owned by the road. In general it may be said that the 108 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE average working space required by each car standing in the shop is about 270 square feet. A consideration of the most likely examples of passenger car shops would lead to the conclusion that a suitable spacing for work- ing tracks provides a distance of 20 feet between centers in the coach shop. At most places the same distance between tracks prevails in the paint as in the coach shop. However, at Collinwood on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway and at Burnside on the Illinois Central Railroad, the tracks in the paint shop are spaced 18 feet between centers while those in the coach shop are spaced on 20-foot centers. It is thought by some that a spacing of 18 feet in the paint shop is sufficient in all cases. At the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway and at the Readville shops of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway, the tracks in the coach shop are spaced 34 feet between centers. At the former this is probably due to the fact that the shop was planned largely for the construction of new cars and it was thought ad- visable to provide greater working space between tracks. At Readville the shop is unusually wide and the roof trusses are supported by columns located between the working tracks and the additional space is provided on this account. The length of the shop, then, is determined by the number of working tracks it is desired to pro- vide. A shop of such width as to house but a single car on each working track has the advantage of providing free- dom of movement of each car in the shop as it is com- pleted. On this basis many shops have been constructed to stand but one car per track. This practice does not prevail in all cases, however. The Burnside shop of the Illinois Central Railroad stands two cars on each work- ing track and at Readville, on the New York, New Haven & Hartford, three cars are placed on each track. Such an arrangement requires greater care in the opera- tion of the shop to prevent a finished car from being obstructed by others not so far advanced in the stages of repair. TRANSFER TABLE SERVICE. Arguments have been presented in favor of serving a passenger car shop with more than one transfer table, where each track has a standing capacity of two or more cars. Such an arrangement would remove the objection to the longer working tracks ; but would have the dis- advantage of taking up valuable space with the addi- tional transfer table, besides the additional first cost of the table and the expense of maintenance. At Topeka, on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way, the present coach and paint shops are served by two transfer tables and a new paint shop now under consid- eration is to be served by a third transfer table. Each working track stands but a single car and the present second transfer table is probably provided for delivery between the planing mill, storage yard and truck shop and the coach shop. The length of the transfer table pit naturally depends upon the length of the shop, and the width of the pit is governed by the length of table necessary to accommo- date the longest cars of the road. While the passenger car department of three prominent shops are served by tables operating in pits 80 feet in width, 75 feet seems ample for present day requirements and this width pre- vails at many recently constructed shops. The distance from the transfer table pit to each shop varies materially and prevailing practice has not estab- lished a precedent in this particular. At some shops the distance on both sides of the pit are equal and at others there is a greater space on one side. At those shops at which the spaces between the transfer table pit and the buildings are unequal, the greater space is more often on the coach shop side. This condition does not prevail in all cases and no general practice seems to have been followed in this particular. Unless sufficient space is provided to stand a car between the pit and one of the buildings, it would seem a waste of valuable ground to allow a greater space than that required for opening doors. It is now usual to pro- vide for truck erecting and repair in a separate truck shop or on special tracks set aside for this work, so that the additional space between the pit and buildings is not required by truck repair work. If a space of this kind is provided and is not used it is apt to accumulate more or less scrap and junk or develop into a storage yard. A space of one hundred feet on the paint shop side will allow for standing cars while being scrubbed and stripped and for storage while waiting to get into the shop. Where the coach shop stands three cars per work- ing track, as at Readville, it permits clearing these tracks promptly without waiting for cars to be removed from the paint shop tracks. At Angus, on the Canadian Pacific there is a space of 100 feet between the coach shop and the pit and this space is used for finishing cars as they are removed from the interior of the shop. Since being built this shop has been used principally for the construction of new cars, and the provision of this outdoor working space permits clearing the erecting tracks earlier and provides for a greater output by allowing work to be begun on a new car before the one formerly occupying the track has been entirely completed. At the Sputhern Railway shops at Knoxville, Tenn., there is a space of 100 feet on each side of the transfer table pit, between the pit and the shop building. At the Long Island Railroad shops at Morris Park, there is a space 15 feet on each side of the pit. OPERATION OF TRANSFER TABLE. Electric power has been so generally adopted in rail- way shops that it is safe to say this is the only power considered for operating the transfer table, except, per- haps, at old shops where peculiar conditions will not permit. A single direct current motor of 50 horse power is capable of handling the heaviest car at a good speed. The speed of tables varies from a minimum speed of 100 feet per minute up to about 300 feet per minute when running light. The transfer table is usually equipped PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS 1.0!) with a winding drum by which cars are warped in and out of the shop. Power is delivered to the table motors by various means. In some instances it is delivered by trolley wires carried on poles along one side of the pit; in others by wires suspended above the center of the pit, and some- times the wires are secured to the stringers carrying the track rails. FLOOR. Floors of coach shops are of wood and of concrete. Floors of paint shops are usually of concrete and so sloped as to lead toward a gutter to drain the water drip- ping from cars while cleaning. The most suitable ar- rangement is a gutter running the full length of each space between tracks and covered with an iron grating. At Kingsland, on the D., L. & W., the coach shop has a level floor of concrete. The paint shop has a vitrified brick floor laid on concrete, the brick work being arched for drainage. The wooden floor absorbs moisture and has a tendency to keep the interior of the shop damp. It is said that on this account varnish will dry nearly a day quicker where the car is standing over a concrete floor than when the floor is of wood. TRUCK REPAIRS. \Yhile some shop plants provide a small shop building for the repair and erection of trucks, others provide two or more tracks at one end of the coach shop for this pur- pose. In the more prominent shops these tracks are served by hoists to facilitate the work and, while not always used, air hoists are considered very suitable. In the coach shop of the D., L. & W. at Kingsland, two tracks in one end of the building are reserved for truck work and are served by a 15-ton crane. FIRE PROTECTION. At several coach and paint shops the buildings are divided into sections by fire walls to prevent the rapid spread of flames in case of a conflagration. Such walls include doors wide enough to provide for trucking and other traffic and the opening is usually about 6 feet. These doors are usually kept open at all times, but have an automatic feature in their hanging that insures certain action in case of fire. They are hung on an inclined track and held open by means of counterweights which are released and allow the doors to close by gravity upon a rise of temperature sufficient to melt a fuse which con- trols the weights. SCAFFOLDS. There are many different types of scaffolds in use, as a number of prominent shops have worked out designs adapted to existing conditions. Adjustable scaffolds are now generally used and are far superior to the station- ary scaffold or the old-time method of using trestles and plank. PAINT MANUFACTURE. The manufacture of paint is carried on more exten- sively by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway than by any other railway of which information is at hand. De- posits of ore occur near the line of the Chicago & North- western, so that the ore is obtained at a very reasonable cost. Ore is mined by the company, delivered to the paint manufacturing department of the company's shop at Chi- cago and the entire process of paint manufacture, from mining the ore to painting cars and locomotives, is con- ducted by the company. Many other railway companies have paint mixing and grinding machines as part of the paint shop equipment ; but it is not usual for paint manufacture to be carried on to any great extent by the railways. PAINT SHOP AT MCKEES ROCKS P. & L. E. R. R. The paint shop of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad is constructed according to a design peculiar to itself and is different from the more common design of shop for the same class of work. Due to the shape of the ground on which the McKees Rocks shops are built, the paint shop is situated in an isolated location. It in- cludes a number of interesting features with regard to both design and facilities provided. The building is 204 feet long by 85 feet wide, inside, with a clear height of 19 feet 3 inches from floor to roof truss. The roof is supported between walls by three rows of steel columns, of five columns each, dividing the shop into six sections. The section at the south end, 34 feet wide, is partitioned off to provide accommodations for the washing and varnishing departments, office, etc. The partitions are built of concrete 3 inches thick, on ex- panded metal, all of which are covered up to the roof. Natural day lighting is provided by saw tooth skylights traversing the entire width of the floor and having northern exposure. Convenience for the workmen is provided for by a suitable arrangement of lavatories and closets in one cor- ner of the workroom. The closets are located on an elevated platform or balcony 9 feet above the floor and the wash basins are situated beneath. There are four longitudinal tracks in the shop spaced on 20 foot centers and each track has a standing capacity of 2 cars. The tracks are provided with working pits of concrete construction and the floor of the shop is of concrete. COACH AND PAINT SHOP AT PORTSMOUTH, S. A. L. As representative of a shop which may be constructed rapidly and at small cost as well as one suitable for a mild climate the coach and paint shop of the Seaboard Air Line at Portsmouth, Va., is worthy of attention. This shop was built to replace the passenger car repair facili- ties which had been destroyed by fire and the work of construction was begun so soon after the debris from the fire had been cleared away that there was not time to prepare elaborate plans and the building was erected from rough pencil drawings. The building is 330 feet long by 80 feet wide, con- taining 16 repair tracks, placed on 20 foot centers and served by a transfer table operating in a pit 330 feet long by ?0 feet wide. The building is of brick construc- tion to the height of the bottom of the windows above 110 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE which a wooden frame is covered by corrugated galvan- ized iron. Between the doors are high windows extend- ing from the brick wall almost to the roof, providing ample light and their location is such as to distribute the light between the working tracks. In the roof is a monitor extending the entire length of the building with side window lights. The flooring is of cement between the tracks, the cement extending to a jacking beam on each side of the track and flush with the flooring; the space between the .rails is left open above the cross ties, except at the end of the tracks near the doors, which is boarded over for trucking material up and down the shop. Gutters are provided on each side of each track in such a position as to be immediately under the eaves of the car, and these gutters are so sloped as to drain towards the transfer table pit. The roof is covered with five-ply ta-r paper, over which is spread a coating of tar and pebbles. The doors through which cars are taken into the building are of the rolling steel type and at the back of the building there are double swing iron sheathed doors, 8 feet high through which trucks are rolled to the tracks extending about 25 feet beyond the building on which truck repair work is done. In the east end of the building a section within the monitor is floored over, and constitutes a room in which upholstery work is done. This is connected by a stair- way with the first floor and a small elevator for deliver- ing material. The building is heated by a direct steam system, pipe radiatiors being arranged longitudinally between the posts and beneath work benches, which are supported by the posts, the arrangement being such that a radiator is located between each track. Lockers for the use of the workmen are arranged along the end and one side of the building, and these include a set which are numbered to correspond to the several working tracks, each large enough to hold the brass trimmings, lamps, etc., from one car. No separate department has been provided for paint work and all varnishing, etc., is done within the coach repair and paint shop. The only provision made against dust, while cars are being painted, is the systematic loca- tion of the cars as they are brought into the shop ; by this method two or three cars are standing between those on which repair work is being done and those which are being varnished. In order to gain space, four tracks on the side of the transfer table opposite to the shop building are used for stripping and trimming coaches so that by the time they are brought into the shop they have been thoroughly .stripped and cleaned, thereby keeping the objectionable and dirty work outside of the shop. The coach repair and paint shop is connected with the mill building by a board walk to facilitate the delivery of material. HEATING SYSTEM IN PAINT SHOP AT MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., N. Y. O. & W. RY. The arrangement of the delivery pipes of the heating system in the paint shop of the New York, Ontario & Western, at Middletown, N. Y*., represents an innova- tion in paint shop heating. In more common arrange- ments of the blower system the air is distributed through overhead pipes extending across the roof and provided with long discharge pipes extending downward nearly to the floor. At Middletown the distributing pipes are carried beneath the floor. The paint shop is a building with brick walls in which the roof structure is of wood and supported by two rows of wooden columns. The building as at pres- ent erected is 384 feet long, but designed for an addition of 80 feet. Its total width is 66 feet. There are three longitudinal working tracks arranged on 22 foot centers. The heating equipment consists of an 8-foot fan wheel enclosed in steel plate casing connected with a casing of the same material containing the heater. In this heater are compactly arranged 10 sections containing 6,800 feet of 1-inch pipe, across which the air is drawn into the fan and thence discharged to the distributing system. The rapidity of air flow produced by the fan increases the efficiency of the heating surface from 300 to 500 per cent above that of the same area exposed in still air. A direct- connected 8 by 12-inch steam engine drives the fan up to a maximum speed of over 200 revolutions per minute, which is sufficient to insure a velocity of about 3,500 feet per minute through the discharge pipe. The heater is designed for the use of high pressure steam, and ar- ranged so that the exhaust from the fan engine may be completely utilized. The complete apparatus is placed in a small lean-to mid-length of the main building. Its central position reduces to a minimum the cost of the distributing system. Beneath the floor and alongside each of the walls and the column piers run four tile distributing pipes branch- ing from the main brick cross duct from fan. Branches from these pipes lead to floor level, the upper portion of each being constructed of heavy galvanized iron, and so designed as to throw the escaping air at an angle to the floor. As a consequence, there is maintained at floor level a constantly changing volume of warm air which naturally ascends across the painted surfaces of the cars, thereby increasing the rate, of drying. The constant replacement of the rising air by the incoming heated vol- umes insures a fresh warm atmosphere, which is par- ticularly conducive to rapid drying. The outlets, which range from G inches to 8 inches in diameter, are spaced 16 feet apart so that practically per- fect distribution and mixing is procured. Those in the middle of the building are protected from injury by the adjacent columns. The building is warm where warmth is desired at the floor. The small rooms at the end of the building are heated by the same system through ris- ers extending up from the underground ducts. PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS 111 CROSS SECTION OF PAINT SHOP AT SEDALIA, MO.. M. P. RY. CROSS SECTION OF COACH SHOP AT SEDALIA, MO., M. P. RT. TYPICAL SECTIONS OF PASSENGER CAR SHOPS AT KINGS LAND. N. J., D , L. & \V. R. R. 112 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE _&_ fifflfflS lAAAJlAA/OlPJ UXOAAAAAAJU SIDE ELEVATION OF PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE. KT., L. & N. R. R. fbrf lonoituoinol. PARTIAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF PASSENGER COACH AND PAIN1 SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KY., L. & N. R. R. PARTIAL END ELEVATION OF PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KT., L. & N. R. R. PARTIAL CROSS SECTION OF PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KT., L. & N. R. R. PLAN, ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS OF PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOP AT EAST DECATUR, ILL., WABASH R. R. PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS 113 -20' >|< 20' >)< 2 0' 4f 20'- 80' /60- CROSS SECTION OF PAINT .HOP AT BURNSIDE, ILL., T. c. R R. I -fe m m m CD n g!niniHDiai[igDD.DHaDDiiD ODDDDQODDDDDDDlD \^\\\WW>mAwW/WW{\\vnH//Htn/l\\\\ttw\\\\f> SIDE ELEVATION OF PAINT SHOP AT BURNSIDE, ILL., I. C. H. R. ,- * \ *> ' jjj ( y f*~ "^*~ "^ j 1 ^ ^ ^ - T Cleaning i 1 i 1 ^x s, tot/tt ^ | i , CQ CfJ B Ljj Ljj L [ : 'D > | i r ^ r -^ Varnish ffL&Q'-S ijrvndoqrts^ _ L - . cemerjr .. 5 1 i 1 L k- -562-2"- /00- PLAN OF PAINT SHOP AT BURNSIDE, ILL., I. C. R. R. 114 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE i UPHOLSTE/tMG ROOM ^^\ k> GAttfftY /z'o**8ore noo# 4. I ^"f I ^^ I e- , 8O'0- 4-//-'- >ikJ 2OO PARTIAL PLAN OF PASSENGER CAR REPAIR SHOP AT COLLINWOOD, OHIO, L. S. & M. S. RY. -9Z- V M-I--I 20 I n x I I I 1 D P rOi mr~ ~~^-Up ) Room for $t/rer/f?c[ Mirrors ?- Drawers under \ Corereet Gutter^ / <^ Washin gr Tariff S \ <.~9'o'> / Jftjf Corerecf Gutter*/ ! Sit/f ROOM Bench OLE AN/ NO, ROOM Bench 70'O* >i< AouffLjya//^ . /eo'o- PARTIAL PLAN OF PASSENGER CAR PAINT SHOP AT COLLINWOOD, OHIO, L. S. & M. S. RY. PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS 115 SECTION A-B. SUPPLY over ^ ^/al *,j& */* __j ?f*J fy&~) "2?*^ (fx 2v i ^^ i\5 '*[ ** ^J //^ " RETURN Ol/CT COACH BOOM p a Drops ^j.^ t /OJZ?l-' 1 ^J3T ~3T ' a=l~ ARRANGEMENT OF HEATING SYSTEM IN PAINT SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. Longitudinal Section. r ' 'I in f$f from etrch fr>c* I pn '& -^e- WASH ROOM Cfrrenf Ffoor rft^naraffeff^f^/ J^/s Rartrticc cJojf up 1 VARNISH ROOM I 1. LI I .,i.L .Li I H ^ I -.LLlJ -noo- PLAN, PARTIAL SECTION AND ELEVATION OF PASSENGER CAR PAINT SHOP AT McKEES ROCKS. PA., P. & L. E. R. R 116 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF PAINT SHOP, SHOWING LOCATION OF FAN, DISCHARGE PIPE, DISTRIBUTING PIPES AND OUTLETS AT MIDDLBTOWN, N. T., N. Y. O. & W. RT. 2' \ 6 |! 6'10-OfVW fioesn""' T,',:, ' Y f "% # VUeKfOBSK i -* & ft ~~'~~~ m Tfc 1 ^ -- jg. * /J?- I ! MkCyHV^ UpA&foftr/fjg fit ffas/itag ftoo/n /b//7/ . /to/> , t ^^_, _r PLAN OF PAINT SHOP, SHOWING LOCATION OF DISTRIBUTING PIPES AND OUTLETS AT MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., N. Y. O. & W. RT. ^ETJ J* i Q Lavatory A3/T./f] . ,*-., : ? ,' -* t ,#>./( M rf-. rt .- ^ r : : ; ; i i- i 1 4- .-* "i ; ; -i ! i . * *- *-' * f' 1 - ij 'i- ! -, If "fire tfOH 1 J - rt| f*": ' . *' <: i i -i- - 1 1 1 1 > iii i ; i h r^i ii 1 ( 1 r '-i' ! -i-"j ! -, -i ' I ' ^ -J , *v ftotfrf Store < * L r^c> - ' Transfer Table PJ?~ ^ *. /' N r5 K W : a ;f j L, i * * "^ ' f -i-> i; :*: :i iri : -i- i 1 -^ U- ! i- ; . , .._ , r ,^ * * ' . : I I * r i: i i ' i oden r/o ij . ' + ir J -"*"! 4 ; f- t ft-; 1 : ^ ' '* 4 rrooaerr " i^ 1 rti .' , - t , ' +' I 9 Floor *1 ' f ' \ A J L < ff\ Faf> H iovotoru 8 Java toy fiwfl I, *' 1 TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER COACH AND PAINT SHOPS SERVED BY SINGLE TRANSFER TABLE! PLAN OF PASSENGER CAR SHOPS AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter VIII PLANING MILL LOCATION. THE planing mill is naturally located to provide facility in receiving stock in large bulk and for delivering it conveniently to the points of greatest consumption. As the lumber yard covers a large area it is placed at one end or side of the property, and as this supplies the pl-ming mill, the mill building is usually at one side of the territory covered by the shop build- ings. It is so situated as to give ready access to the rough lumber and pass stock through the various opera- tions until 'the finished material is ready for delivering after passing in natural sequence over the shortest and most direct route. The freight car shop consumes the greater portion of the output of the planing mill, so that the logical position for this building is between the lumber yard, dry lumber shed, dry kiln and the freight car shop. This provides a convenient arangement for ease in handling both rough and finished work. Where both freight car construction and repair work are carried on at the plant, the mill is the point of centralization of a large area and the rough material is directed toward this shop and delivered from it to each point of consumption for the different classes of work. As the volume of material delivered to the passenger car department, either for construction or repair, is com- paratively a very small per cent of that delivered to the freight car department, the location of the mill with regard to the passenger car department is of secondary importance. At the same time, however, the shorter the distance to this department and the more direct the route, the more economical will be the delivery of material and the greater the output of the department. The planing mill also handles a certain amount of material for the locomotive department, for the engineer- ing department, as well as for general repair work con- stantly arising from time to time. As there is, then, more or less general delivery to be provided for the mill build- ing should be situated adjacent to the principal avenue of distribution and where this is a crane served runway, or midway as it is called, the mill is commonly placed contiguous to the midway. BUILDING. As in the case of most of the other principal buildings of the railroad shop plant a long narrow building lends itself most readily to the requirements of the planing mill. In view of the varying conditions governing the demands upon the planing mill whether providing for construction or repair, the consumption of lumber by departments other than the car departments there is not sufficient similarity in the size of the mill buildings of the many shops throughout the country to justify an attempt to formulate a rule determining the size of the floor area in proportion to any given unit, such as work- ing space per locomotive, freight car or passenger car, number of freight cars per day, or passenger cars turned out per month. At the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific, including locomotive, freight car construction and passenger car departments, the dimensions of the mill are 500 feet by 125 feet, providing an area of 62,500 square feet. At Collinwood, on the L. S. & M. S. where locomotive, freight car repair, freight car construction and passenger car repair are carried on, the mill is 300 feet by 70 feet, giving an area of 21,000 square feet. At Readville, where the plant is devoted entirely to freight and pas- senger car work, the mill is 350 feet by 125 feet, an area of 43,750 square feet. At the D., L. & W. freight car building and repair shops at Scranton, the mill is 400 feet by 90 feet, providing an area of 36,000 square feet. At the East Decatur car shops of the Wabash the mill is 238 feet by 80 feet, an area of 19,040 square feet. The floor area of the mill is necessarily large in pro- portion to the area covered by the machine equipment. The large volume of material passing through the mill, as well as its nature, size and shape, requires ample space for its disposition and movement and a large' proportion of the stock uses temporary standing space both before and after passing each machine through which it travels. The construction of the mill is in many respects simi- lar to the other buildings of the car department. The roof trusses, supporting columns, etc., are of the same material and either wood or steel has been used in some of the most prominent shops recently constructed. In the earlier and older shop buildings the roof struc- ture was designed for greater stiffness than now required, to provide for the additional loads and the vibrations of shafts, pulleys, belts, etc. Power for the mill was usually delivered from an engine in an adjoining building, and all shafts, etc., were carried by the roof structure. The introduction of electrical apparatus and equipment has largely changed this and prevailing practice is to drive the larger machines by individual motors and the smaller machines in groups. The motors are usually placed upon the floor close to the machines, though the motors for group drive and for the smaller machines are some- times suspended from the roof trusses. NATURAL LIGHTING. In mill buildings of the most recently constructed shops a noticeable feature is the provision for ample natural lighting. In some of them the space occupied by win- dows begins a short distance above the ground and ex- tends as close to the roof as the limits of the wall will 117 118 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE allow. Light from windows in the wall is supplemented by skylights in the roof. At Collinwood the skylight is 260 feet long by 36 feet 6 inches wide and provides an area equal to 45 per cent of the area of the roof. At Angus there are 23 skylights in the roof, arranged trans- versely, and each skylight is 29 feet by 10 feet 4 inches in size. The absence of belts, shafts, pulleys, etc., in a planing mill adds materially to the efficient distribution of light and freedom from shadows. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL. Convenience in the distribution of material necessitates its entrance at the end of the mill adjacent to the lumber yard and delivery at the other end. This requires large doors in the ends of the building and delivery tracks extending the full length of the building. Larger plan- ing mills are equipped with two tracks traversing the building and the spaces which they occupy are kept open for the movement of light wagons or buggies, as well as for the transportation of push cars. In accord with the general sentiment in favor of standard gauge industrial tracks for delivery and distribution of material, the tracks through the mill are more commonly of standard gauge. In the mill building at Kingsland. on the D., L. & W., there is a third rail between the rails of the standard gauge track, making a narrow gauge track for connec- tion with the narrow gauge industrial system of the plant. Two other narrow-gauge tracks in the mill con- nect with the general industrial system of tracks. At the Scranton shops of the same road, the mill is served by narrow gauge industrial tracks, as well as being entered by a standard gauge track from the lumber yard. Serving the mill building by tracks of standard gauge provides the advantage of allowing cars of lumber to be switched into the building and unloaded near the ma- chines, thus reducing the cost of handling and removing the additional expense of unloading and stacking in the yard. Such a method is not practical at all times, but some shops make a practice of delivering a certain amount of material on order, direct to the mill and un- loading it at night where it will be ready for the regular shop force in the morning. The shop tracks are sometimes supplemented by short stub tracks immediately outside of the building for tem- porarily storing truck loads of lumber. A convenient and practical arrangement for the delivery of truck loads of material both to and from the planing mill is the provi- sion of a small hand transfer table, operating in a shal- low pit, at each end of the building. This method is fol- lowed to good advantage at Angus and the transfer tables permit convenient access to the several tracks of the lumber yard, mill building, car erecting shop or gen- eral delivery. The use of side doors in the wall of the building near the dry kiln or dry lumber storage shed facilitates the rapid delivery of material. Such a method permits mate- rial to follow the most direct route from the point of storage to the machines through which it will pass. Not only is this delivery quicker, but it relieves congestion around the end doors where sills and other heavy material enter the building. FLOORS. Wooden floors prevail generally in the planing mill. ARRANGEMENT OF MACHINES. Among the most important features of the planing mill is the arrangement and distribution of machines to provide for the progressive movement of material in natural sequence and to provide for handling bulky and heavy pieces of stock, as well as a large volume of small material. There are many very interesting examples illustrating great care in the layout of machines so that the work will progress, naturally avoiding the necessity of moving timber backward in its course. The layout of machines is usually such that those for machining sills occupy a large portion of one side of the mill, while the remaining large portion is occupied by the various machines used in light lumber dressing. The arrangement of machines in sequence in that section through which the heavier material passes is naturally of greater importance than in the section for lighter mate- rial. The arrangement of the tools in the paths of prog- ress are such as to bring the material to the roughing machines first, through the supplemental machines and finally to those for finishing. In both sections, the most satisfactory arrangement provides for the movement of material in such manner that it will touch the floor as little as possible. For in- stance, in the path of sills are placed wooden skids of about the same height as the machine tables, so disposed that the sills may be moved longitudinally or transversely according as the machines are situated in its path, but always the general movement is forward. The systematic arrangement of skids in the path of other material is more difficult than in the case of the sills. However, it is often possible to arrange such paths over short distances and for certain classes of work. Where this cannot be done, the most economical method is to deliver small material to each machine in wagon loads and load it directly upon a wagon on the other side of the machine. In the rapid handling of material much work is done to templates, thereby minimizing the labor of laying out. The planing mill at Angus is operated in two distinct departments, one of which is under the jurisdiction of the foreman of the freight car erecting shop and is used for dressing freight car material only. The other section is under the jurisdiction of the passenger car foreman and serves his department only. The machines in both de- partments are arranged largely in straight lines and even- facility is provided for the rapid movement of lumber with minimum amount of handling. SHAVINGS EXHAUST SYSTEM. An essential feature of the planing mill is the collector system for disposing of shavings, dust, etc. This system PLANING MILL 119 is connected with the boiler room where one or more boilers of the power plant are fed by shavings and chips from the mill. Exhaust blowers are located at conven- ient positions within the building and from them suction pipes lead to hoods covering the cutters or saws of the various machines, so as to draw in instantly all chips and shavings produced by the cutting tools. Floor sweep openings are provided at those machines which can not be served to advantage by hoods over the cutters and at various places to accumulate sweepings from the floor. Everything that may be consistently raked or swept to these openings will be drawn away quickly by the suction. The collector system is usually so effectual that it will readily remove rather large sticks and blocks. The result of this system is that the planing mill may be kept in a very neat and clean condition at a comparatively small expense while the delivery of refuse to the boiler room is at a nominal cost. The shavings exhaust system at Angus employs 17 fans from 50 to 90 inches in diameter, and running from 665 to 1,700 revolutions per minute, the maximum speeds of the fans in the planing mill being 880 feet per minute. The longest run of conduit in this system is 700 feet. In deciding upon the capacity for the equipment computa- tions were made upon the difference between finished and rough dimensions of timber in a 30-ton box car. This amounts to 860 feet board measure, or 72^2 cubic feet per car, and this volume will fill two or three times that space when put into the form of shavings and saw- dust. List of Wood-Working Machinery in Representative Railway Shops Planing Mill CANADIAN PACIFIC ANGUS. Machine. Size. Maker. 2 Planers and sizers No. 8 Berlin Machine Co. Inside moulder No. 125 Berlin Machine Co. 2 Self feed rip saws No. 3 Greenlee Bros & Co. Self feed rip saw No. 3 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Vertical heavy automatic cut- off saw No. 5 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Heavy vertical cutoff saw No. 5 Extra range automatic car gaining machine Greenlee Bros. & Co. 2 Horizontal tenoners No. 5 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Special automatic vertical car sill tenoning machine No. 4 Vertical boring machine 4-spindIe Greenlee Bros. & Co. Extra range heavy car boring machine Greenlee Bros. & Co. Heavy vertical boring ma- chine 5-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Extra car range boring ma- chine Greenlee Bros. & Co. Vertical boring machine 3-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Standard heavy vertical car boring machine 3-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Boring machine 3-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Heavy single spindle radial horizontal borer Greenlee Bros. & Co. 2 Standard heavy vertical hol- low chisel mortisers Greenlee Bros. & Co. H. C. mortising machine No. 14 Greenlee Bros. & Co. 3 Self feed rip saws No. 1% Greenlee Bros. & Co. Large car ripping saw No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. 2 Improved rip saws No. 2 Fay & Egan Co. Band saw Fay & Egan Co. Band saw No. 00 Fay & Egan Co. Car mortiser and borer No. 72 Fay & Egan Co. 4 Automatic cutoff saws No. 1 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Automatic cutoff saw No. 2 Greenlee Bros. & Co. 2 Planers and matchers No. 46 Berlin Machine Co. Planer and matcher No. 44 Berlin Machine Co. Band saw No. 3 MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Automatic vertical cutoff saw Fay & Egan Co. Vertical automatic cutoff saw and gainer No. 3 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Vertical heavy automatic cut- off saw No. 6 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Vertical boring machine 3-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Medium heavy boring ma- chine 3-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Perfection buzz planer 20-ins MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Shaping machine MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Dimension saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Outside moulding MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Small rip saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Rip saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Improved rip saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Large band saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Self feed rip saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Chain saw mortiser Band saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Burring saw J. Bertram & Sons Large rip saw J. Bertram & Sons Small rip saw Cowan & Co. Swing saw MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Swing saw Dimension planer Fay & Egan Co. Buzz planer MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Surface planer No. W 14 J. Bertram & Sons Dimension planer MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Large matcher and dimension planer 4-headed J. Bertram & Sons Matcher and dimension planer4-headed Cant-Gourlay Sticker 4-headed. . .MacGregor-Gourlay Co. H. C. mortiser Atlantic Small sash and door mortiser Machine. Size. Maker. --. C. mortiser Atlantic Vertical boring machine 3-spindle Fay & Egan Co. Single horizontal borer Vertical gainer Fay & Egan Co. Horizontal gainer J. Bertram & Sons Large matcher 4-headed Fay & Egan Co. Large horizontal tenoner Light tenoning machine McKechnie & Bertram Double headed shaper MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Vertical end tenoning machine McKechnie & Bertram Sticker 4-headed. . .MacGregor-Gourlay Co. H. C. mortiser Greenlee Bros. & Co. Boring machine 5-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. 2 Iron frame swing saws Boring machine 3-spindle Horizontal gainer Fay & Egan Co. Boring machine 5-spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co. Self feed saw Greenlee Bros. & Co. Variety wood-worker No. 2 Fay & Egan Co. P. H. shaper MacGregor-Gourlay Co. Horizontal tenoner Buck Car tenoner No. 5 Fay & Egan Co. 2 Horizontal gainers J. Bertram & Sons Planer and matcher No. 24 Berlin Machine Co. Single horizontal boring ma- chine Vertical car sill tenoning ma- chine Gainer and checker Rip saw 2 Swing saws Iron frame swing saw D., L. & W. SCRANTON (KEYSER VALLEY). Machine. Size. Maker. Double planer and matcher Berry & Orton Co. Swing saw -. 30 ins D. L. & W. R. R. Rip saw up to 24 ins D. L. & W. R. R. Double planer and matcher. .. .No. 17... 8. A. Woods Machine Co. Outside moulder 6 ins C. B. Rogers & Co. Cross-cut saw 40 ins. No. 188 S. A. Woods Machine Co. Sill tenoner No. C. B. Rogers & Co. Cross boring machine No. 350.. S. A. Woods Machine Co. Boring machine, 4 spindles .... No. 325.. S. A. Woods Machine Co. Vertical car boring machine... 3 spindles C. B. Rogers & Co. Rip saw D. L. & W. R. R. Automatic cross-cut saw 36 ins. No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Rip saw 24 ins. No. 175 S. A. Woods Machine Co. Sticker 5-head Housten Upright shaping machine No. C. B. Rogers & Co. Matcher Fay & Egan Co. Gaining machine S. A. Woods Machine Co. Gaining machine (pneumatic) D. L. & W. R. R. Hollow chisel, hollow mortiser. No. 7 S. A. Woods Machine Co. 3-spindle boring machine Berry & Orton Co. 2 Wood turning lathes Saw grinding and sharpening machine No. 231.. S. A. Woods Machine Co. Automatic knife grinder N'o. 221.. S. A. Woods Machine Co. Band saw filer Chas. E. Wright Band saw 36 ins. No. 3....C. B. Rogers & Co. Swing saw 22 ins. No. 232 S. A. Woods Machine Co. Hand planer C. B. Rogers & Co. Door and sash tenoning ma- chine No. 3% Fay & Egan Co. Extra heavy sizer 6-roll, 4 sides Fay & Egan Co. No. Ill Flooring machine, fast speed... No. 17 Fay & Egan Co. Double cutting-off machine 40 ins. No. 5.. Greenlee Bros. & Co. Vertical car boring machine, 4 spindles Greenlee Bros. & Co. 120 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Vertical car boring machine, 4 spindles, with universal at- tachment Greenlee Bros. & Co. Heavy self-feed saw No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Combination vertical borer and gainer No. 3 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Small vertical hollow chisel mortiser No. 11 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Hollow chisel mortiser No. 8 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Vertical car tenoning machine.. No. 4 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Double tenoning machine No. 540 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Car brace cutting-off machine Greenlee Bros & Co. Cross-cut saw D. L. & W. R. R. Wood turning lathe Cut-off saw 22 ins. No. 2 Fay & Egan Co. Groove saw 12 ins Box bound matcher Grindstone Heavy combined buzz planer No. 97.. S. A. Woods Machine Co. Hollow chisel sharpener Atlantic Band resawing machine American Wood Wkg. Mach. Co. Sharpener for circular saw Atlantic Band saw filing and setting ma- chine Atlantic Lathe Rip saw S. A. Woods Machine Co. Jig saw Single surfacer No. 88... S. A. Woods Machine Co. Band saw C. B. Rogers & Co. Emery grinder and dust guard machine Mortiser R- Ball & Co. Shaper .- H. D. Stovers Knife grinder L. S. & M. S. RT. COLLINWOOD. Motor Machine. Size Maker H. P. Timber planer Four-side ...Fay & Egan 35 Timber planer Four-side ...Amn. W. W. Mach. Co 35 "Lightning" matcher Fay & Egan Co 25 Matcher No. 27 S. A. Woods Mach. Co 35 Automatic cut-off saw.No. 6 Greenlee Bros. & Co 20 Vertical end tenoner. .No. 4 Greenlee Bros. & Co 15 Rip saw No. 4 S. A. Woods Mach. Co 20 Cut-off saw, auto- matic No. 4 Greenlee Bros. & Co 15 Vertical saw and gain- er No. 8 Fay & Egan Co 20 Automatic cut-off saw.No. 3 Greenlee Bros. & Co. 15 Rip saw No. 3 Greenlee Bros. & Co 20 Automatic saw and dado Greenlee Bros. & Co 15 Bevel band saw 40 Ins Williamsport Mach. Co 10 Band saw 42 Ins Fay & Egan Co 7% Horizontal mortiser ..H. C Fay & Egan Co 15 Vertical mortiser and borer No. 7... Greenlee Bros. & Co 15 Gainer No. 3 Fay & Egan Co 15 Tenoner No. 70 Fay & Egan Co 7% Horiz. boring machine. Four-spin ...Greenlee Bros. & Co 10 Jointer Fay & Egan Co 7% Pony planer 24 ins S. A. Woods Mach. Co 10 Gainer with 4-spindle borer No. 3 Greenless Bros. & Co 10&15 Shaper Double head.Grosvenor Automatic saw flier Automatic knife grind- er Automatic saw grinder Band Saw Filer Wood lathe Fay & Bgan Co L. & N. R. R. SOUTH LOUISVILLE. Motor Machine. Size. Maker. H. P. Short sill dresser 20-in. blade. S. A. Woods Mach. Co 100 Cut-off saw 40-in Greenlee Bros. & Co i ,. Cut-off saw 40-in Greenlee Bros. & Co f 10 Matcher 15-ln. blade. Fay & Egan Co 30 Matcher 10%-in. bl'deFay & Egan Co 50 Matcher 10*4-in. bl'deFay & Egan Co 30 Cut-off saw 34-in Fay & Egan Co 8 Cut-off saw 34-in Fay & Egan Co 14 Cut-off saw 32-ln. ..,...Fay & Egan Co 30 Surfacer 26-ln. blade. Fay & Egan Co Heavy rip saw 28-in. No.153 S. A. Woods Machine Co... Light rip saw 28-in Greenlee Bros. & Co Borer 5 spindle Greenlee Bros. & Co Vertical hollow chisel mortiser with trav- eling table No. 164 Fay & Egan Co Sill tenoner 3 cutters. . ..Fay & Egan Co 30 Gainer Greenlee Bros. & Co 14 Swing cut-off saw 24 in L. & N. R. R 5 Borer 5 spindle. . ..Fay & Egan Co "| Vertical hollow chisel mortiser with trav- eling table No. 154 Fay & Egan Co Automatic car gainer. No. 150 Fay & Egan Co J Universal car tenoner Fay & Egan Co Horizontal borer Fay & Egan Co Vertical single spindle borer Bentel & Margedant Band saw No. 2 Fay & Egan Co Dimension planer 24 in. blade. Fay & Egan Co Universal w o o d- worker . Fay & Egan Co 8 M. P. RY. SEDALIA. Machine. Size. Maker. Universal wood worker Ifj-in Greenlee Bros. & Co. Variety wood worker No. 62. : Fay & Egan Co. Four-side moulder No. 12 ^ . .Fay & Egan Co. Surfacer % 30-in S. A. Woods Machine Co. Six-roll cylinder planer No. 129 Fay & Egan Co. Vertical car tenoner Fay & Egan Co. Tenoning machine No. 6 Fay & Egan Co. Car gaining machine Fay & Egan Co. Hand gaining machine Fay & Egan Co. Mortiser Greenlee Bros. & Co. Mortiser No. 300. .S. A. Woods Machine Co. Four-spindle horizontal boring machine Greenlee Bros. & Co. Cut-off saw No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Cut-off saw No. 2 Fay & Egan Co. Swing saw No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Self -fed rip saw No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Band saw No. 1 Fay & Egan Co. Band saw No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Scroll saw No. S Fay & Egan Co. Automatic saw sharpener Band saw setter No. 3 Fay & Egan Co. Knife grinder Fay & Egan Co. Fox trimmer Superior setting down machine Raymond wiring machine Raymond large turning ma- chine Raymond small turning ma- chine Groover 20-in Buffalo Double seamer Moore Beader No- 2 Niagara List of Wood-working Machinery in Representative Railway Shops Cabinet Shop. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ANGUS. Maker. Motor H. P. Machine. Size.' Double combination glue spreader Window blind mortiser J. Bertram & Sons Window blind slot mortiser McGregor, Gourley & Co.. Boults carver McGregor, Gourley & Co. . J Royal invincible sand- er Berlin Machine Works 40 Jig saw C. P. R ") Sash and door mor- [_,, tiser J. Bertram & Sons \' A Band saw No. 3 McGregor, Gourley & Co. J Double tenoning ma- 10 in to 6 ft. chine Bin McGregor, Gourley & Co 15 Chsin mortiser No. 66 New Britain Mach. Works. |, Sash sticker McGregor, Gourley & Co. . .J Finishing saw, miter- ing work Herbert Baker & Co Band saw 36 in. wheeLMcGregor, Gourley & Co...) Inside moulder 4-headed . . . McKechnie & Bertram ....!., Pony planer Fay & Egan Co J Grindstone 72-in Niles-Bement-Pond Co. . . Emery wheel C. P. R. Dimension saw table.. 16 ins. wide, 3 ins. thickMcGregor, Gourley & Co. . . f- Saw, double-headed ..16 ins McGregor, Gourley & Co... Perfection buzz planer and Jointer McGregor, Gourley & Co..J Dimension planer, siz- ing and straighten- ing McGregor, Gourley & Co 15 Swing saw 16-in C. P. R % to 1 1-12 Feed rod machine .... in McGregor, Gourley & Co... Wood lathe 24-in McGregor, Gourley & Co.. Wood lathe 20-in Smith & Coventry Swing saw 16-in C. P. R Universal Woodworker. Fay & Egan Co Rip saw 12-ln McGregor, Gourley & Co. . Panel planer McGregor, Gourley & Co. . Tenoning machine McGregor, Gourley & Co. . Rip and cross cut saw. 14-in McGregor, Gourley & Co.. Inside moulder 3 sided McGregor, Gourley & Co.. Chain mortiser No. 66 New Britain Mach. Works Chain grinder ."; New Britain Mach. Works Shaping machine McGregor, Gourley & Co. . Shaping machine McGregor, Gourley & Co.. Single spin- Boring machine die McGregor, Gourley & Co.. Friezing machine Fay & Egan Co Carver 2-splndle . . . Blouts > 20 ! ir> ,,, 10 ylO L. S. & M. S. RY. COLLINWOOD. Machine. Size. Maker. Sticker American Wood Working Mach Co. Jointer Clement Band saw 42 Ins Fay & Egan Co. Tenoner 3% Ins Fay & Egan Co. Shaper No. 3 Clement Surfacer 7x24 ins Whitney Scroll saw No. 6 Fay & Egan Co. Sander 84 ins Wood-carving machine Wood lathe PLANING MILL 121 Pattern lathe 24 ins Fay & Egan Co. Universal saw bench American Wood Working Mach. Co. Sash mortiser Greenlee Bros. & Co. Combination rip and cut-off saw S. A. Woods Machine Co. Self-feed rip saw No. 3 Greenlee Bros. & Co. Tools In this list are belt driven from two line shafts. L. & N. R. R. SOUTH LOUISVILLE. Machine. Size. Maker. Carriage cut-off saw. No. 2 Fay & Egan Co Rip saw Bentel & Margedant... Rip saw ..Bentel & Margedant... Planer and matcher. .No. 8 Fay & Egan Co Tenoning machine No. 2 Fay & Egan Co Combination universal woodworker and moulder No. 3 Fay & Egan Co 4-side 4-in. moulder. .No. 1V4 Fay & Egan Co Pony planer 24-in. blade. Goodell & Waters Co.. Mortiser No. 71 Fay & Egan Co Vertical double spin- dle boring machine. No. 2 Fay & Egan Co Double spindle shaper.No. 2% Fay & Egan Co Mortiser and relisher. .No. 93 Fay & Egan Co Combination saw and dado No. 5 Fay & Egan Co Single head shaper Fay & Egan Co Grindstone L. & N. R. R Motor H. P. :i Sand papering ma- chine No. 4 Fay & Egan Co Combination panel carver and frlezer..No. 4 Fay & Egan Co Plug cutter Fay & Egan Co Scroll saw Fay & Egan Co Marquit veneer saw L- & N - R - JV 22-in. x 12-ft. lathe Putnam Machine Co. List of Wood-Working Machinery in] Representa- Railmay Shops Pattern Shop \ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SOUTH ALTOONA. Motor Machine. Size. Maker. H. P. Rio saw 36x72 in. ta- ble P. R- R 5tt Rip saw 48x76 in. ta- ble L. Wright 3H Band saw Berry & Orton 2% Band saw, type B % in. saw blade Oliver Machine Co 3% Lathe 25 and 50 in. swing, 8 ft. bed Putnam Machine Co Power band saw filing and setting mach Atlantic Works Drill press P- R- R Core box machine J. A. Crane & Co Grindstone 28 ins Automatic knife grind- er 30 ins. No. 40 Springfield Mfg. Co Lathe 20 ins. x 6 ft. 9 ins... P. R. R Lathe 30 ins.xll ft.P. R. R Lathe 30 ins.x22 ft. P. R. R Face lathe 90 ins P. R. R Band saw, type B % in. saw blade Oliver Machine Co 3% Universal saw bench. 14 in. saw. ..Oliver Machine Co 3% Universal saw bench. 14 In. saw. ..Oliver Machine Co 3% Hand planer and jointer 20 Ins Oliver Machine Co 3% Buzz planer and jointer L. Power & Co 3% Heavy planer and sur- facer 24 Ins Atlantic Works 5% Face plate lathe, type D Oliver Machine Co 3% Planer 30 ins R. Ball & Co 5% L. & N. R. R. SOUTH LOUISVILLE. Machine. Size. Maker. 25 to 50 ins. swing, 10 ft bed.. Pattern makers' gap lathe Putnam Machine Co. Wood lathe 16 ins. x 8 ft. Metal lathe 12 ins. x 4 ft Wm. Sellers & Co. Oliver hand planer and jointer. 20 ins.. Am. Wood Wkg. Mach. Co. Hand surface planer 24 ins Fay & Egan Co. Oliver Universal Saw Bench American Wood Working Mach. Co. Band saw Fay & Egan Co. Drill 20 Ins W. F. & J. Barnes Fox trimmer Grand Rapids Machy. Co. Crank shaper 18 ins.. Am. Wood Wkg. Mach. Co. Grindstone The machine tools are arranged In one group and driven by a 14-h.p. motor. 122 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF PLANING MILL AT SCRANTON, PA., D. L & W. R. R CROSS SECTION OF PLANING MILL AT SEDALIA, MO., M. P. RT. SECTION OF PLANING MILL AND COACH SHOP AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE. KY., L. & N. R. R. PLANING MILL 123 PLAN, ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS OF PLANING MILL AT EAST DECATUR, ILL., WABASH R. R, 120'- w 1 ' Engine Room \ - 4-5 'A /OO t1toter\ 1 m */r 6^' / Mo, J20 f> f' wafer Main- One2fc~/ ~~ TO se Conn 5 DrfoA/figttoferCann. * v6t/t - f/Lme S 038 ES ; 19 itTTtm r m ' PAT A H 6 * 1 I Db J QE EI a . H^ * PLAN OF PLANING MILL AT OELWEIN, IOWA. C. G. W. R. R. PLAN OP PLANING MILL AT KINGSLAND, N. J., D., L. & W. R. R. 6aaf [-Tr' Circa/or f>ip4" L CarSraceCutter l Morfuer or/trf7&c/> 'Hirimna Mac/! ' ' orf, Waner \Ctltoffiart ^3S-<9" "I C Or c5/// TprtOff er // \ffoVorr Ctiise/ Morf/ser /ffrt 1 / 1 1 l l| (54i I- 8O/}03a w<5ftar/>rter 3- ft/it fe 6r/r7&er Z-Sorr St/msr??* -f-'Po/fern Motrers lofa PLAN OF PLANING MILL AT EAST DECATUR, ILL., WABASH RT. PLANING MILL 125 .-. - ft ~? \ u as PLAN OF PLANING MILL AT SCRANTON, PA., D. L. & W. R. R. EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR DELIVERY OF SHAVINGS FROM PLANING MILL TO POWER HOUSE AT ANGUS, C P. RY. PLAN OF PLANING MILL. SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF SHAVINGS EXHAUST DUCTS, AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. VX f ] "- CD m /,/, ~~ -t O * .a-*** r~~3*"" T -^~ PLAN OF WHEEL FOUNDRY AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. CROSS SECTION OF WHEEL FOUNDRY AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. 134 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE FOUNDRY 135 CROSS SECTIONS OF FOUNDRY AT READING, PA., P. & R. R. R. r i /** I Co*- Movldr 9 Bras Fourxlry f ^forog^ Oven 5 J_ *o : j; t~ 5 ' / " *^\ *" " "* " ' ^^ ^ 3 "* \^ ^/ Castings ft Crvrnf Tbn, 2S'S*r/nff \ Stanford G&irc "^ jTJfcff \GTr<7* x- >]htOMM *>v! rr*""?^/ **_j_j < ^ ^ 3 ' N. Cn" S ^ ^ . . fc". . - . ^ y - ' - . JL C [ 'tfonivay for Ont Ton irvrn* * \- *! ! Churning r 1 JJ | Machines 8 1 s- 8'ower Room A/SV ?0 ir^g q Ffffafor- /V TOy to- eirr, 3&a Cm | ^ | j-f/g: Ptat-form J Coo. JW /A*. *''*' Vn-rrrPH 1 1 H ' Wash] Room 8?W l*'rf K """"lUlUl '_/* ra !J iT^^* 1 PLAN OF FOUNDRY AT READING, PA., P. & R. R. R. 'U ui _ '== ''"t i-! -? ? _ u DiiD D li ; ; _ : : :: ' n n on nn nnn onn nn tq '( i i ! 9 - 11 -I on nn nn PLAN. ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS OF PATTERN SHOP AND STORAGE BLDG. AT S. ALTOONA, PA.. P. R. R. 136 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE tf 01 Q o FOUNDRY 137 END ELEVATION OF GRAY IRON FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF GRAY IRON FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA. PA., P. R. R. SIDE ELEVATION OF GRAY IRON FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA.. P. R. R. 138 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE n END ELEVATION OP WHEEL FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF WHEEL FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. J PARTIAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION OP WHEEL FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. Shipping Piatfonrt s, Cleaning K'oam QOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO Capofa Room \kborn Cupola ffoom C(-fofa fbo/n ' I .cof/n 11=, Cleaning ftxm PLAN OF WHEEL FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 139 DETAILS OF CORE OVENS IN WHEEL FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. ' " '.'; ~^~~" ":'////////. . / ARRANGEMENT OF HOT LADLE CARS IN FRONT OF CUPOLA IN WHEEL FOUNDRY AT SOUTH ALTOONA. PA., P. R. R. Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter X POWER PLAN'i THE power plant of the modern railway shop has been developed into one of its most important features. Until about fifteen years ago power for a' railway shop was generated in several boiler and engine rooms situated at different points about the jhop plant. At some shops a single boiler house pro- vided steam for several engines situated at different points. The latter were usually located in annexes to the principal shop buildings and belted to line shafts At a number of shops built within a later period this same practice was followed in providing for the dis- tribution of power. It is only within comparatively recent years that a single power house has been installed as the center of generation and distribution of all power for a railway shop plant. The introduction of electrical equipment into rail- way shop operation has brought about the concentra- tion of all power generating apparatus in a single building. It is now the universal practice to generate power at one central point and distribute electrical power to the various points of consumption. A plant capable of developing all power necessary for the ope- ration of the entire shop is located as near as possible to the theoretical center of distribution. All power for driving machines and for providing artificial light, is led from this central plant to the various buildings by electric current. The railway shop power plant of to-day exemplifies a state of development representative of the best engi- neering skill and experience. The character of the building in which the power generating apparatus is housed indicates careful design, and illustrates a prac- tical provision for the peculiar requirements which the plant must meet. The details of the steam, me- chanical and electrical apparatus are worked out to advantage and it may be said that the building with its equipment and machinery is but a complete machine for the generation of power and for the delivery of power to the transmission lines. LOCATION. Che location of the power house should be as near as possible to the center of distribution, determined by the power consumption of the machinery in the various shop buildings. The point of greatest consumption is the loco- motive machine shop and next in order is the planing mill. The refuse produced by the planing mill is commonly delivered to the power house where it is used as fuel for at least a portion of the boiler equipment. In view of the large bulk- of the shavings', etc., its economical delivery represents a considerable factor in expense. By situating the power house near the planing mill, refuse from the lumber passing through the machines is deliv- ered by a system of air ducts direct from the floor of the mill to a vault in the power house and from the vault the shavings are led to the grates beneath the boilers as required. BUILDING. It is generally considered that architectural embel- lishment is out of place in connection with any of the buildings of a railway shop plant. The power house is made to conform to the general architectural scheme of the other buildings, yet it is usually more attractive and pleasing in its appearance. Being a comparatively small building and at the same time a very prominent one, additional care in improving its appearance does not seem out of place. The power house is usually a rectangular building, and almost square. The material is generally the same as that of the other buildings of the plant and is most com- monly brick. The power house at the Elizabethport shops of the Central Railroad of New Jersey is of concrete and in keeping with the other shop buildings at that point. The building is usually divided longitudinally by a wall extending the full length. Occasionally this dividing wall is built transversely. This provides separate rooms for the boilers and engines. The roof is generally supported by steel trusses, rest- ing on the side walls, which are sometimes reinforced by pilasters, but the trusses are occasionally supported by independent steel columns tied to the walls for stability. The roof usually slopes outward from the dividing wall to the exterior side walls. This is reversed at the Milwaukee power house of the C., M. & St. P. Railway where the roof slopes inward toward the dividing wall. The modern power house is well lighted, a large pro- portion of the walls being given to the windows. Venti- lation is provided for by a monitor over the roof of each room. The height of floor above grade varies and seems to follow no general rule. The more common arrange- ment is with the floor of the boiler room on a level with the ground and the floor of the engine room sev- eral feet higher. In some cases both are on the ground level and occasionally both floors are on the same level and elevated above the ground. It is now very common practice to provide a base- ment beneath the engine room to accommodate aux- iliary apparatus, exhaust piping, etc., and in a few instances live steam pipes are carried in the basement. The provision of a basement beneath the boiler room depends on the arrangement of the coal and ash hand- ling equipment. In some plants each is delivered to 140 POWER PLANT 141 a conveyor system beneath the floor and sometimes a commodious tunnel is provided for this purpose. The dimensions of power houses naturally vary at different points and it is interesting to note the sizes of several prominent ones. The power house at Topeka, A., T. & S. F., Ry., is 176 feet by 57 feet &/> inches ; at Du Bois, B., R. & P. Ry., 90 feet by 60 feet ; at Angus, C. P. Ry., 160 feet by 100 feet; at Danville, C. & E. I. R. R., 100 feet by 90 feet; at Milwaukee, C., M. & St. P. Ry., 100 feet by 97 feet; at Silvis, C, R. I. & P. Ry., 154 feet 6 inches by 104 feet 11 inches ; at Elizabethport. C. R. R. of N. J., 118 feet by 101 feet; at Collinwood, L. S. & M. S. Ry., 132 feet by 85 feet; at South Louisville, L. & X. R. R., 141 feet 4 inches by 110 feet; at Reading, P. & R. R. R., 175 feet by 112 feet; at McKees Rocks, P. & L. E. R. R., 100 feet by 75 feet. While the rule is not followed without exception, the boiler room is usually of the same dimensions as the engine room, the interior of the building being divided equally by a longitudinal wall. At Topeka, the build- ing is divided by a transverse wall and the building is long and narrow as compared with other power houses. This is probably due to the rather limited space which could be allotted to the power house. The longitudinal division is considered more satis- factory as providing for a shorter distance between boilers and engines and thus requiring shorter piping connections. The modern engine room is universally served by an overhead traveling crane serving the entire floor and operated by hand from below. The crane is usually of about 7*/2 or 10 tons capacity, though in rare cases this has been increased to 20 tons. Feed water pumps, heaters, fire pumps, and other auxiliaries are frequently provided for in the base- ment beneath the engine room, thus removing them from plain sight and at the same time locating them where they will be free from the dust and dirt of ihe boiler room. COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT. Coal and ash handling equipment vary in degrees of development in the railway shop power plant. At many prominent shops, however, very complete auto- matic systems of handling coal and ash are in service and no manual handling of coal is necessary from the time it leaves the car on which it is delivered until reaching the grates. The method by which fuel is handled from the car to the grates is a very essential factor in the operation of the power plant. Owing to the comparatively cheap cost of fuel to a railroad company and the small expense for delivery, the price of fuel delivered to the outside of the power house is not great. This, how- ever, does not represent the entire cost of the fuel. The final cost includes all the expense of handling coal between the delivering cars and the grates, in addition to the expense of removing and disposing of a propor- tionate amount of ashes. Therefore the more econom- ical the method of handling coal after it leaves the car the cheaper the cost of fuel. As the amount of coal used is from ten to twenty times the weight of the ashes to be removed, it is more economical to pro- vide for handling the coal cheaply. Nevertheless the amount of ash to be disposed of is an item sufficiently large to justify economical methods of handling it as well. Those plants having complete automatic sys- tems for handling coal, usually handle ash with the same apparatus, using separate hoppers for its tem- porary storage. *. At those power plants containing the most modern equipment, mechanical stokers are generally employed to reduce the fire room force, and it is desirable to chute coal down from storage bins overhead to the stoker hoppers. Even with hand firing, it is more desirable to chute the coal in a similar manner, rather than to have it shoveled into cars or wheel barrows and dumped in front of the boilers or shoveled from the cars direct to the grate. The chutes or spouts by which coal passes down from the storage hoppers overhead should be designed to avoid clogging Coal, like gravel, has a tendency to form arches between the walls of the chute through which it is passing and when this occurs it is necessary to clear the chute by poking the coal from time to time. Square chutes are less liable to become clogged than round ones, and the larger the pipe, the less the liability to clog. The most common system for the delivery of coal to overhead storage hoppers is the bucket conveyor system. It is possible to provide for horizontal and vertical runs for the conveyor system and this system lends itself most readily to railroad shop power plant conditions. A feature of this system which is likely to produce a failure is the high fibre stress to which the pins are subjected. Continued care is necessary to guard against the pins being cut to a dangerous degree within a comparatively short time. For this reason automatic clutches have been recommended to hold the conveyors in case of an accident or failure. By the conveyor system, coal is dumped from cars standing on a track adjacent to the power house, into a receiving pit. From this it is led by a gravity feed conveyor to a crusher. Coal from the crusher either falls directly into the buckets of the conveyor system, or falls into a hopper and then to the buckets. An endless chain bucket conveyor then hoists the coal to the upper portion of the building and dumps it into storage bins located above the boilers, from which it is led by chutes to the stoker hoppers. A few concrete examples will best serve to illustrate the methods of handling coal and ash in the railway shop power houses of to-day. COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT AT DANVILLE, C. & E. I. RY. At the Danville shops of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, the floor of the boiler room is on the 142 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE ground level and along one wall of this room the coal bunkers are arranged. As originally constructed the bunkers were of such height that coal could be shov- eled by hand from cars standing on the track along- side. Provision has been made for the arrangement of tracks over the bunkers in order to dump coal directly from hopper cars. The bottoms of the bunkers are hopper shaped and the delivery of coal from them is controlled by gates operated by a shaft and hand wheel, the latter being arranged in the boiler room within reach of the fire- man. Coal from the bunkers is delivered into hand cars which may be drawn forward to positions acces- sible to the firing doors. From the cars coal is fed directly to the grates by hand. Ash is handled by a telpher system. Directly in front of the ash doors is a trench of such width as to accommodate a specially designed bucket. When this bucket is lowered into the trench ashes are drawn from the ash pits to the bucket. When filled the bucket is drawn up by a motor and conveyed along an overhead track through a door in the wall of the boiler room and dumped directly into a car placed on a switch track near the boiler room, to receive ashes. COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT AT COLLINWOOD, L. S. & M. S. RY. At Collinwood, on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, the automatic system of handling coal and ash is ver)' complete and the labor necessary in the 'boiler room is reduced to a minimum. The coal storage pockets and ash bins are of steel and concrete, built permanently into the upper portion of the boiler room. The coal pockets are supported upon 21 inch built up plate girders, 18 feet 6 inches long, which extend from steel posts set in the wall of the boiler room to similar steel posts located between the boiler settings. Upon these girders rest special triangular shaped plates arranged to support the sloping portions of the base of the bin, these portions being built up of 9 inch 18 Ib. I beams laid longitudinally and filled in between with concrete. The ends of the trough shaped bottom of the bunkers are so constructed as to slope from the edge of the stoker feed holes to the end walls, preventing the accumulation of coal at the ends. These end portions are of similar construction as that described for the sloping base. The side and end walls of the pockets are built up of 8 inch 18 Ib. I beams with solid concrete filling between them. The ash bin is similar in construction to that of the coal pockets, with the exception of being smaller and of different shape. The entire base slopes in one direc- tion, at an angle of 45, toward the outer wall of the boiler room. The lower end of the base terminates in a chute extending through the wall and having a 24 inch clearance. The outer end of the chute terminates in a lip hinged to the wall and so counter-weighted as to swing up and down easily. When raised up, the lip acts as a door to close the chute, and when down, as a trough for delivery to a car placed on an adjacent track. Coal is delivered to the power house by dumping direct from the car into a pit located outside of one corner of the boiler room. This pit is directly under- neath the side track which extends along the side A the boiler room and from this pit coal enters the con- veyor system. The pit contains a receiving hopper of Y^ inch steel plate, which receives coal as it is dumped from the car and directs it into a short aux- iliary open feed conveyor, carrying it to the crusher and main conveyor within the boiler room basement. The open feed conveyor discharges the coal into a hopper feeding into the coal crusher and the crusher breaks it up, if necessary, to the size required for the stokers. After leaving the crusher the coal drops into a hopper below, from which it is fed into the main bucket conveyor system for delivery to the coal pock : ets above. The open feed conveyor feeds into the crusher's hopper in regular quantities, avoiding clogging or overloading the crusher. The crusher is of a very heavy pattern, 24 inches by 24 inches in size, with a solid tooth roll. Both the crusher and the apron feed conveyor are run by a 22 horse-power electric motor. The main conveyor is of the pivoted bucket tvpe, con- sisting of malleable iron buckets, 18 inches by 24 inches in size, pivoted to two strands of 24 inch pitch chain, which is fitted with self oiling flanged rollers for running on the conveyor track. The buckets have overlapping ends, thus forming a continuous trough, which does not open anywhere in transit except when on vertical section of conveyor track or when passing the dumping carriage, and thus does not require a feeder hopper. The dumper carriage is a tripping mechanism arranged below the conveyor track over the coal pockets, which will dump the pockets as they pass. The dumper carriage may be placed at any loca- tion over the pockets for dumping and filling the sec- tion desired, its position being adjustable from the boiler room floor. This main conveyor provides for the removal of ashes from the furnaces. Ash pits of bowl shape are located in the boiler foundations below the stokers from which the ashes may be scraped into the con- veyor passing in front. By properly adjusting the dumper carriage over the ash bin above, the conveyor buckets dump their contents into the bin, where the ash is ready to be loaded into cars outside. The main bucket conveyor is operated by a l l / 2 horse-power electric motor, through a special set of equalizing gears transmitting an even motion. The conveyor travels on a track of 16 Ib. T rails. Ash is dumped from the bins to cars standing on the same track on which loaded coal cars are received for delivery to the power house. Thus the same cars may be used for the removal of ashes and no addi- tional switching is required. POWER PLANT 143 COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT AT MCKEES ROCKS, P. & L. E. R. R. The system by which coal and ash are handled at McKees Rocks, P. & L. E. R. R., is to a certain extent similar to that described for Collinwood. Coal is delivered to the power house in cars over a spur track leading past one corner of the boiler room. This track passes over a receiving hopper, into which the coal may be dumped directly from hopper cars. The coal thence passes through a proper grating and is hoisted by an endless chain bucket conveyor to the top of the building. Here it is dumped upon a horizontal con- veyor, which deposits it at the points desired in the coal storage bins located in the upper part of the boiler roo'm and arranged to feed into the stoker hop- pers directly by chutes. The hoisting mechanism is operated by a 10 horse power electric motor located in the basement and the horizontal conveyor is ope- rated by a iy 2 horse power motor. The actual power required by the two conveyors when running is about l l / 2 and 4 horse power respectively. The capacity of this hoisting and conveying equipment is 40 tons per hour, the total storage capacity of the coal bunkers being 200 tons. Ashes are handled by the same hoisting conveyors as those used for coal delivery, an ash receiving and storage pocket having been arranged upon an elevated structure above the coal receiving track. When a car load of coal has been dumped into the receiving pocket below, the car may be used for removing the ashes without further switching Ashes are dumped directly from the bin to the car. Ashes are handled from the ash pits beneath the boilers by special wheel barrows and then dumped into the hoisting conveyor, which may be arranged to deliver at the top into the ash hopper side. The ash bin is of concrete upon steel frame work, with the lowest point of the hopper 16 feet above rail level. The coal hoppers, six in number, are of similar construction, with their outlets 12 feet above the boiler room floor. The coal outlets are controlled by special gate valves operated from the floor by chains passing over the wheels. Coal is distributed to the various pockets by the horizontal conveyor, which may be arranged to dump at any point. A protection for the top of the hoisting conveyor is provided for by a small enclosure above the roof. COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT AT READING, P. & R. R. R. At the Reading power house of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, coal is stored in a series of elevated hopper bins, of 300 tons capacity, located above the fire room, from which it is delivered direct to the stokers by chutes. The bins are of built up steel construction and are supported partially from the side wall and partially from the roof trusses, which are extra heavy in order to provide additional strength for this purpose. By this construction the fire room is free from obstructions. Coal is delivered into the bins by a conveyor system, having a capacity of 100 tons per hour, which carries it from a receiving pit under a delivery track at one side of the building and dis- tributes it, in connection with a scraper conveyor above the pockets, into any desired bin. The coal used is buckwheat grade, containing about 20 per cent of ash. The ash conveyor system is entirely separate from the system handling coal. It consists of a scraper line leading through an ash tunnel under the ash dumping portions of the grate and it delivers underground into a separate ash storage building outside of the boiler room. In this ash building another elevator conveyor raises the ashes to elevated bins, from which the ashes are dumped into cars for removal. The ash storage building includes a number of interesting features. The bin floor slopes at an angle of about 45 toward the dumping side and it is lined with 1 inch glass plate. This produces an absolutely non-corrosive surface, upon which the ashes slide with great freedom. COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT AT SILVIS, C., R. I. 4 P. RY. The arrangement of the coal and ash conveying ma- chinery at the Silvis power house of the Chi- cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, is simple and direct. Coal is delivered directly from hopper cars to a hopper just above the steam driven coal crusher and after passing through the crusher is conveyed to over- head storage hoppers by an endless chain bucket con- veyor system, which has a capacity of 50 tons of coal per hour. Each boiler has a storage bin of 32 tons capacity. The conveyor also carries ashes from the ash pits to a hopper located in a wing and over the coal hop- per, so that the hopper car when it has been emptied of its load of coal may be filled with ashes. The steam engine which drives the conveyor is situated in the upper portion of the building above the level of the coal pockets. Steam is used in preference to electricity as a motive power for the crusher and con- veyor, as it was believed by the designers of this plant that occasions may arise when it is desired to handle coal or ashes when the generators are not running and also because in case of stalling the motor would be liable to injury while the engine would simply slow down and stop. COAL AND ASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT AT SOUTH LOUIS- VILLE, L. & N. R. R. In principle, the coal and ash conveyor system installed in the power house of the Louisville & Nash- ville Railroad at South Louisville is similar to those already described. Coal is delivered from a track at one side of the building and ash is dumped by gravity from elevated bins into cars on the same track. Coal and ash are elevated by an endless chain bucket con- veyor system. Coal is fed to the stokers from overhead storage pockets, of steel and concrete construction, which have a capacity of 1,000 tons, sufficient to operate the plant 144 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE for at least three weeks. From the cars coal is shov- eled into,curved chutes, which conduct it to a crusher and feeding device, after which it passes to the con- veyor. The coal crusher is operated by a 20 horse power motor. The conveyor travels at the rate of 40 feet per minute, delivering 40 tons of coal per hour. BOILERS. There are many different makes of boilers installed in railway shop power houses. As a type, however, the water tube boiler is used with but few exceptions in representative power houses. The horizontal water tube boiler is used so extensively that it may be said almost to cover the field. At Reading on the Phila- delphia & Reading Railroad, at Sayre on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and at Grand Rapids on the Pere Marquette Railroad, vertical water tube boilers are in service, and at Topeka on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, fire tube boilers of the locomotive type have been installed. The increasing use of water tube boilers arises largely from the fact that this type permits steam to be raised very rapidly in response to sudden demands, owing to the smaller quantity of water contained in proportion to the heating surface and due to the better circulation. While no boiler is absolutely safe from explosions, such accidents seldom occur in water tube boilers, though the tubes burst occasionally. The water tube boiler requires a firing aisle of sutfficient width to allow the removal and insertion of tubes without obstruction. BOILER PRESSURE. A review of a large number of representative rail- way power plants would lead to the conclusion that 150 Ibs. pressure is considered the most satisfactory for this class of work. Frequently one boiler is installed having a capacity of 250 or 300 Ibs. pressure, for use in testing locomotives and provided with reducing valves for use with other boilers. They are usually arranged in batteries of two boilers in each with intervening spaces for access. As originally constructed, space is usually left for the future installation of at least one additional battery of boilers. The boilers are arranged in a single row. The horse power of each boiler varies at different plants from 200 to 500. Due to the comparatively low cost of fuel to the rail- road companies incentives to fuel economy have not been so great as in commercial power stations. At the same time the single central power house has illustrated that the boiler room offers a great opportunity to reduce operating expenses. The result is that the boiler room of the new central power house compares favorably in equipment with the boiler room of manufacturing con- cerns. STOKERS. While there are still many stationary boiler plants which are fired by hand, mechanical stokers are now generally used in the larger central power stations. This system not only reduces labor in the boiler room, but prevents cold air from impinging on the hot tubes and plates of the boiler and causing leaks. There are a number of mechanical stokers on the market, which are divided naturally into two classes, the underfeed and the overfeed. The overfeed, almost exclusively is used in railway shop power stations, and generally with natural draft. The underfeed cannot be used without forced draft. The type of mechanical stoker which seems to have received the greatest favor in railway shop power sta- tions is the traveling chain grate stoker. This consists of a wide band or chain, made up of short link like sections of grate Tsars pivoted after the fashion of a sprocket chain. The chain is endless and travels around two drums in the firebox, being so driven that the upper side moves backward from the boiler front toward the arch. Coal is fed evenly on the moving chain as it recedes by a feeding hopper in front of the boiler, the hopper being supplied directly by coal chutes leading from storage pockets above. The fuel burns as it travels with the grate, the speed of travel being so adjusted that when the rear drum is passed, the coal is entirely consumed, leaving ashes only to be dumped off at the end. With this system, it is therefore not necessary to open the door to clear the grates or "bar" the fire. The stokers are driven by small vertical steam engines geared to drive the drums very slowly through ratchet mechanisms. It is appropriate to say that steam engines are usually considered preferable to electric motors for this service, inasmuch as they may be run when getting up steam or at any time that steam is on, and are not dependent on the dynamos being in operation. The entire chain grate mechan- isms are mounted in frames with wheels running on tracks embedded in the boiler room floor, in order that the stokers may be easily withdrawn from the boiler settings for inspection or repairs. Where a planing mill is operated in connection with the shop plant, it is customary to fire some of the boilers by hand and so dispose of shavings, sawdust and other wooden refuse. For instance, at Angus, of the seven boilers installed, three are equipped with mechanical stokers and four are arranged for hand firing and to receive shavings, etc., from an extensive shavings exhaust system from the planing mill and cabinet shop. At Collinwood one boiler is fitted with stationary grates instead of a stoker in order to bum shavings and refuse. At South Louisville two, of the boilers having chain grates are equipped to burn shav- ings -and two boilers are hand fired to use the same kind of fuel. CHIMNEYS. Tall chimneys for draft production continue to be built in connection with railroad shop power stations. While a few power houses are equipped with mechan- ical draft, notably Silvis, C, R. I & P. Ry. ; Jackson, M. C. Ry., and Angus. C. P. Ry., the larger number depend on draft obtained by tall chimneys. Except for some of the short stacks used in connec- tion with mechanical draft equipment, steel chimneys have not been installed. The chimneys are built of POWER PLANT 146 common brick or radial brick, usually the latter. A common form is a chimney with a square base built of common brick, with the upper portion circular in form and built of radial brick. The brick in the cir- cular portion of the chimney is often of specially baked clay. While not confined to these limits the heights of chimneys at a number of prominent shops vary from 120 feet to about 185 feet. The chimney of the power plant of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, at South Louisville, is of careful design and worthy of mention. It is 182 feet high, with a flue 9 feet 6 inches in diameter. For a height of 60 feet the wall is 40 inches thick, and the cross- section of the chimney is square. Above this height the cross-section is circular. The wall is built in sec- tions 16 feet 5 inches in length. The thickness of the wall of each succeeding section is made smaller, until for the top section it is only 8^5 inches thick. The chim- ney is topped with a cast-iron cap. The lining of the chimney is of fire brick carried on bracket projections, making it possible to renew any section of the lining without dsturbing the rest and allowing for expansion in various parts. The chimney is built of perforated radial bricks, made from specially selected clay and burned in a high temperature to render them dense and impervious to moisture. Opposite to the opening for the flue is a balance opening of the same shape and size in order that the settlement on the two sides will be equal and therefore prevent cracking or a tendency of the chimney to cant to one side. The balance open- ing is closed on the outside by a dummy wall. MECHANICAL DRAFT. Comparatively few power stations operated in con- nection with railway shop plants are equipped with apparatus for providing mechanical draft. With nat- ural draft it is rarely possible to burn more than 40 Ibs. of coal per square foot of grate area per hour, while with forced or induced draft the amount of coal burned may be as high as desired. Among the ad- vantages to be obtained with mechanical draft may be mentioned reduced size of chimney, smaller boiler plant, control of draft in a manner that may be regu- lated to suit requirements, use of low-grade fuel. The disadvantages of the mechanical draft system lie in the addition of the mechanical equipment which must be maintained, and in the expense of operation of the apparatus. As the combustion of fuel depends upon the in- tensity of draft available, the draft is an important factor, for the operation of the power plant is de- pendent upon the combustion of fuel. The intensity of the draft required depends upon the quality of fuel used and upon the quantity to be burned per square foot of grate area per hour. Therefore insufficient draft is a cause of serious trouble. By means of a strong draft it is possible to force boilers in case of overload, and sufficiently strong draft is equivalent to a certain amount of additional boiler heating sur- fac. With a strong draft the use of cheap, low-grade fuel is successful. Mechanical draft as applied to railway shop power station service is usually induced draft and is pro- duced by fans. The fans deliver smoke and gases through short steel stacks varying in height from about 48 feet to 70 feet, and the mechanical apparatus is depended upon entirely for the draft produced. The mechanical draft is under complete control at all times and may be regulated to suit the load carried. The apparatus is usually installed in duplicate, and while each fan is capable of disposing of all smoke and gases from the entire boiler installation, one fan is held in reserve in order to shut down one engine and fan in case of necessary 7 repairs. DRAFT SYSTEM AT READING, P. & R. R. R. At the Reading shop power house of the Philadel- phia & Reading Railroad, natural draft is provided by a brick stack 125 feet high with an inside diameter of 10 feet. The chimney draft is supplemented by a fan on the forced draft system, the requirements call- ing for both an air pressure below the grate and an exhaust above. The undergrate forced draft is fur- nished by a 10-foot blower fan delivering through an underground flue in front of the boilers. Dampers are provided at each boiler to regulate the air pressure as well as to regulate the effect of the natural draft. The reason for providing both natural and forced draft is that both were required with the stoker as installed in order to obtain the desired working efficiency of 10.5 Ibs. of water evaporated per pound of combustible. DRAFT SYSTEM AT SILVIS, C., R. I. & P. RY. The more common system, where mechanical appa- ratus is installed, is induced draft produced by fans. The induced draft apparatus at the Silvis plant of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway con- sists of two exhaust fans 12 feet in diameter and 6 feet wide driven by 12 by 12-inch horizontal single cylinder engines. The speed of the engines is regu- lated by regulating valves. Either of these fans is of sufficient capacity to handle all the gases from the complete boiler equipment, and dampers are provided to cut off whichever fan is not in use. The stack is of steel, 60 feet high and 7 feet 8 inches inside diameter. DRAFT SYSTEM AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. Induced draft in the boiler plant of the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway is produced by two 10-foot fans, operated in connection with a steel stack 70 feet high and 8 feet in diameter. Each fan is con- nected with all of the boilers and runs at about 200 revolutions per minute. DRAFT SYSTEM AT JACKSON, M. C. RY. The boiler plant of the Michigan Central shops at Jackson, Mich., is operated with induced draft. The apparatus consists of two 7-foot blast fans operated in connection with a steel stack 48 feet high and 60 inches diameter. Each fan is direct connected to a vertical steam engine having a cylinder 8 inches in diameter and 6-inch stroke. The fans are arranged one above the other for economy of space, the upper fan and its engine being supported upon a steel plat- form of I beams. 9 feet 4 inches above the floor. The 146 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE blast wheel of each fan is mounted directly upon an extension of the engine's shaft. The blast wheel is 84 inches in diameter, with a face 42 inche? wide. Each fan has a delivery outlet 48^ by 42 inches. Either fan is capable of handling the gases from all of the boilers. ECONOMIZERS. The boiler plants operated in connection with me- chanical draft appliances have usually been equipped with economizers. However, comparatively few econ- omizers have been installed in railway shop power houses, and the extent to which they have been omit- ted would lead to the conclusion that they have been so far looked upon as refinements somewhat beyond immediate needs, in view of the comparatively low cost of fuel. Economizers introduce considerable friction in the flue system in addition to the loss of draft caused by the heat abstracted from the waste gases, the drop varying from 0.20 to 1.00 inch of water, according to the length of the economizer, its area and the number of elbows it causes in the gas passage. The straight passage economizers cause less friction than those with staggered tubes, but the staggered tubes should be more efficient as heat absorbers. PIPING. With the development of the central power plant, the piping represents a marked improvement. This is noticeable not only in the material provided and in the improved construction of joints, but also in the arrangement of easy bends of large radius to provide for expansion and to eliminate the obstruction due to elbows and short curves, as well as in the convenient disposition of the pipes. By dividing power houses longitudinally with a single wall separating the boiler and engine rooms, and by locating boilers and engines with a comparatively short distance between them, the length of piping is reduced. The main steam header is supported back of the boilers on specially designed suspensions or supports. The header is usually 10 or 12 inches in diameter and of the same diameter throughout its length. Steam is led from each boiler to the header through a pipe having an easy bend of large radius. Connections to the engines are led from the header to the engine throttles in easy curves. Separators are placed in the steam pipes leading to the engines either just above the headers or above the engine throttles. The pipes are connected to the headers on top in order that no water of condensation will be entrained in the pipes and provision is made for draining the header. Steam pipes are either carried through the partition wall and direct to the engine throttles or are carried through the basement. There is a tendency in power house practice to dispense with all piping above the floor, in which case the pipes are carried in the base- ment beneath the engine room floor. This arrange- ment not only removes an unsightly obstruction from the engine room but places the pipes in position where they are easy of access. ENGINE EQUIPMENT. As the development of the central power plant in railroad shop practice is a result of a demand for the generation of power at one point, with electrical dis- tribution to the various points of consumption, it nat- urally follows that the engine equipment of such sta- tions is selected for driving electrical generating ma- chines. For this work, horizontal, cross-compound, non-condensing engines are usually employed, though tandem-compound and vertical engines are installed in some railway power plants, and the condensing en- gines in the power house of the C. M. & St. P. at Mil- waukee are exceptional. It has not been considered that the advantages in the line of economy gained by triple or quadruple expansion engines pay for the added complications in- troduced. Such engines show up to their best advan- tage only under practically constant load, and in an electrical generating plant the load is very variable. The engines are usually non-condensing, as the ex- haust steam is used for heating the shop buildings, and the cost of fuel is such that condensers seem to be a refinement beyond present-day requirements. Each engine is direct connected to an electrical generator, and in the central power plant a belt-driven dynamo is a rarity. The speed of the dynamo is then dependent upon the speed of the engine, and as the larger engines operate at a comparatively low speed, the smaller unit is more economical and satisfactory. Of the information at hand the engine of largest ca- pacity installed in a railway shop power plant is one of 900 horsepower at the West Albany plant of the New York Central Lines. It is usual to install two or more main units for the maintenance of power for the operation of the plant under the usual conditions of service, while a smaller unit is installed for supplying power for lights at night and for light power at such times as it may be un- necessary to operate the larger machines. STEAM TURBINES. Thus far there are very few examples of the instal- lation of steam turbines, or rather, turbo-generators in railway shops. In 1903 three units of 300-h. p. each di- rect connected to two generators were adopted in the Aguas Calientes shops of the Mexican Central. This year the new El Paso shops of the El Paso & South- western Ry. have been equipped with three turbo- generator sets, each consisting of a 150-h. p. De Laval steam turbine, direct connected to two 50-k. w. 250-volt generators. The new shops of the Big Four at Indianapolis are to be equipped with Curtis turbo-gen- erators, and the new shops of the D., L. & W. R. R., now under construction at Scranton, Pa., will be pro- vided with turbo-generators. The steam turbine is a splendid power generator, and under conditions favoring its use probably excels steam reciprocating engines in several respects. How- ever, it is well recognized that under less than its full load its economy falls off more rapidly than the recip- rocating engine. Also it is imperative that it should POWER PLANT 147 be operated condensing, and in many railway shops it is preferable to use the exhaust steam for heating the buildings. Again, the cost of providing water for con- densing purposes often renders it more desirable to operate non-condensing. Tribe says that 20-foot lift and 500 feet of pipe should be regarded as the limit distance through which condensing water should be drawn by the vacuum of the condenser. This explains the very general use of compound non-condensing en- gines in most railway shops. GAS ENGINES. There is no information at hand of railway shops where the gas engine has been introduced to supply the power. The increasing use in other fields of the gas engine in connection with gas producer plants of either the suction or pressure type, however, causes one to be safe in thinking that the great economy of such plants will cause them to be considered for rail- way shop use before long. ELECTRICAL CURRENT. The various installations which have been placed in the most prominent railway shop plants put in opera- tion within comparatively recent years are not suf- ficiently alike to lead to a conclusion as to the elec- trical system considered most satisfactory under con- ditions peculiar to railway shop work. The arrange- ment looked upon with greatest favor is the installa- tion of alternating current circuits for the operation of all constant speed motors, for instance, those driv- ing wood-working machines and groups of metal- working machines, as well as for lighting, and direct current circuits for driving individual variable speed motors attached to large metal-working machines and motors for traveling cranes and transfer tables. There is an opinion more or less widely circulated that individual driving of metal-working machines has been carried to too great an extent, and that better results would be obtained with fewer machines direct connected. In- a number of instances railway shop power sta- tions provide power for lights not only throughout the immediate shop plant, but also to passenger stations, freight yards, etc The distances over which this power must be transmitted are frequently great, and alter- nating current is eminently the most satisfactory, as this current is particularly adapted for long-distance transmission, due to its high voltage. Owing to the different methods of distribution in service in various shops, it is instructive to note the individual methods of distributing electrical power at several prominent shops. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER AT COLLINWOOD, L. S. & M. S. RY. The general electrical distribution of the Collinwood shops of the L. S. & M. S. Ry. is a two-wire system operating at 240 volts, and in addition to this is a four-wire multiple voltage system for use in obtaining variable speeds at the motors of the motor driven me- chanical tools in the locomotive shop. The distances from the power house to the various points of power consumption are not great. The point of consumption located at the greatest distance is the roundhouse, where power is used for operating the turntable and which is lighted electrically. The roundhouse is about three thousand feet from the power house. The distribution of power at the McKees Rocks shops of the P. & L. E. R. R. is by the same system as that at Collinwood. .DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER AT DANVILLE, C. & E. I. RY. At Danville, on the C. & E. I., the distribution of electrical power is by a 250-volt direct current system using the two-wire system of distribution for motors and the three-wire system for lighting. The average distance of transmission is not over 800 feet. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER AT SILVIS C, R. I. & P. RY. Direct current transmission is used at the Silvis shops of the C., R. I. & P. Ry. For power deliv- ered to cranes, heating fans and constant speed ma- chine motors, distribution is by the two-wire system at 230 volts. For variable speed machine motors and for lighting, distribution is by three-wire 230-115 volt lines. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. At the Angus shops of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way both alternating and direct current systems are used. The direct current system is used only for the transfer table, traveling cranes and for a few individ- ually driven machine tools requiring variable speed motors. The alternating current is 3-phase, 60-cycle and 600-550 volts. The direct current is at 275-250 volts. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER AT JACKSON, M. C RY. During the year 1903 a modern power plant was completed at the Jackson, Mich., shops of the Michi- gan Central Railway. This provided for the electrical distribution of power from a single point and replaced four separate isolated power plants of boilers and engines which were scattered around adjoining various shop buildings. This plant also provided power for lights at several points removed some distance from the shop. The alternating current system alone has been in- stalled and provides power for all machine tools, cranes and lights. This is the alternating current, 3-phase, 60-cycle system operating at 480 volts. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER AT WEST ALBANY, N. Y. C. LINES. At the West Albany power plant of the New York Central Lines alternating current generators supply 3-phase current at 60-cycle per second at 480 volts for light and power. As the main power circuits are all alternating, direct current is supplied for the cranes by a motor generator set. The set consists of a 60- cycle, 3-phase alternating motor of 900 revolutions per minute and 480 volts, and a multipolar 250-volt direct current generator. to O m 00 O oo O o rH O rH o o t- o t- 00 n rH O O CO tO CO rH i> CO Jo co to co O O o m oo Jo tO * rH o in 10 o o o in rH IN o o CO co to in rH CM Tf 10 o in o t- to t- at rH rH IN in t- rH O c- to o 'c * * to CO CO N * CO -f M n V in CO H 01 I s ! d. o .u 'n y> d. U +J (/) >U d. "3. u "a E i/5 Be O U ffiu d J tr> s u ** E <" 0. .u N U o ^j"o. g|.E V a E i75 Turbines *&t o o in CO o o CO rH o to o o o CM o rH o o o CO CO O o CO o m rH o in rH o o o CM o o o CO o o 00 CM o o U V V V u 11 V V V V CD V IU 4) m ll "5 " "2*3 "5 "3 "5 " ' " 3 " 'B's 3 "*" si J! J3 *J u o H 0^ o 6 " 1 o H t ^'rt'S It o^ 1 ^ 1? |H H H _N C .H 3 .2 N cu .S 'v .2 5 "j & .S o O 00 o m o o o m O in in tO CM w i" rH CM rH rH i ( rH rH rH rH rH CM rH rH rH rH CO 1 " in rH *r :L ' O T O O 00 to 00 CO 10 Ci O O CM O o 00 O o 00 O to O o o O o o 00 in 10 in O g o rH CM CM rH w '|| o to *** o to o O o 1 m o to O o O m J O g 8*p CM CM "* W CO CO CO CO CO CM in CM CM CM in * sS 1 d l- in rH *" * to to 00 "* * 00 in CO to 2 as to IO X to CO o X OS CM CO S X to o IS as X o o rH 1 o X to oo 00 X to o rH rH to 00 91 i> CO 1 rH rH t- rH 00 X 91 00 t- X rH O rH X 00 00 1 91 CM rH X O! CM in CO CO rH CO rH O CO o> rH CO 10 rH rH rH to Location C3 O. DiiBois cfi U n 1 (75 Collinwood S. Louisville Jackson C rt Ja Reading McKees Rocks yi B) O U b5 u Elizabethport Indianapolis PLH 'A =3 J _ c/5 &; I-H LO 4 g W s c 1 | 41 =8 w =3 r-l =3 st u K J K EH RJ PH o3 35 BJ c/i =3 U >H =3 =3 rJ K :* ac < CQ U u u U J ' J ^ E fc t/3 U S 148 POWER PLANT 149 1 . CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT BARING CROSS, ARK., ST. L. L M. & S. RY. s'Tzr ' : '^1 tit I CROSS SECTION OF I'OWER HOUSE AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L E. R. R. 150 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE r "- 1- *:::$ f-.Zl'.vi CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT DANVILLE, ILL., C. & E. I. R. R. 7=5 ton Hand Crane Shop CROSS SECTION OF ENGINE ROOM IN POWER HOUSE AT TOPEKA, KAS., A. T. & S. F. RY. POWER PLANT 151 Coal Storage 300 Tons iM^J fttfakxt: CROSS SECTION OF BOILER ROOM IN POWER HOUSE AT TOPEKA, KAS., A. T. & S. F. RT. o 01 LONGITUDINAL, SECTION OF BOILER ROOM AND COAL HOPPER PIT AT TOPEKA, KAS., A. T. & S. F. RT. or DIVERSITY 152 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE HHU Htffi \EitKniJSf-frvrn 3O0H.F JSmcfem Com/to CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT READING, PA., P. & R. RY. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH BOILER ROOM IN POWER HOUSE AT COLLINWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RY. POWER PLANT 153 CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT COLLINWOOD, O.. L. S. & M. S. RY. PARTIAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION' OF POWER HOUSE AT COLLINWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RT. 154 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE ELEVATION OP POWER HOUSE AT ANGUS (MONTREAL), C. P. RY CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT ANGUS, C. P. RT. POWER PLANT 155 CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT SILVIS, ILL., C. R. I. & P. RT. throvqh E&ifer Tfoom SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT SILVIS. ILL.. C. R. 1. & F. RT. 156 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE TmiTfFTTiTT CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT MILWAUKEE, WIS., C. M. & ST. P. RY. /&' f r-e a fters . fur/>/ies lO"-fS* io"- IS" CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT SOUTH LOUISVILLE, KY., L. & N. RY. POWER PLANT 157 *> Yihitin$ 5 000/0 Crone * '/ion-ffefi/rnaf/e Cfteck tofte I CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE AT OLEAN, N. T., P. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF PO^'ER HOUSE AT GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.. PERE MARQUETTE R. R. 158 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT BARING CROSS, ARK., ST. L. I. M. & S. RY. PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT TOPEKA, KAS., A. T. & S. F. RT. POWER PLANT 159 PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT McKEES ROCKS. PA., P. & L. E. R. R. 160 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT DANVILLE, ILL., C. & E. I. R. R. POWER PLANT 161 -I - - - PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT COLI.IXWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RY. 162 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT SILVIS, ILL,., C. R. I. & P. RY. oqpgoooo Constant Cf/rprnaftrfgr Cvrrenf Tr frr/tcfj BecrrcJ-A . L& PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT READING, PA., P. & R. RY. POWER PLANT 163 PLAN OF POWER HOUSE AT MILWAUKEE. WIS.. C. M. & ST. P. RY. 164 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Coot Hunkers - Mocfiinz Shops 10 TO Foundries S. froo Strop Two Air Compressors > ?000CtfFf FA Cap Foch lighting Circuit* Ho. i t& Lamps Ho ? 10 lamps HO^ IS lamps all Ho 4 IS lamps DIAGRAM OF POWER DISTRIBUTION AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. POWER PLANT 167 C^^@ >*/ 'iftwvM 'f"' r OfO^"HfMC C^^> n""f^"vti (^^@ / t.tui.ena Sr VOV^MUt DIAGR-\M OF POWER DISTRIBUTION AT ANGUS, C. P. RT 1 08 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 3ZE itifc O3 tri{,ond**f,mr Lamp* IS /r>c&nr Loer>/y* TIII Atot/ttM^A -jf>o/o i T T T /> >*^ Losyo* \Srort, //owue (^ O'/ /to /72 lr*onJ ^-^'^ :S /-/Xrfjce. 4-5 Drt/f OtjJ Jer."te Oof J ^fc=fc ;a:ne, - fc/^ 1 if'Pond Lorht. 3tP ^ '/r.r'K.ol Qoriny ^ Turmry /?/// < "V ^^ Jar a-** ^-"? w/ *** J fli^* JO'iJo' Putnam Plortfr 'J fOo Quarfcrtfy flfrothm it=C=S: r*fcr' B D- k V "~rt^ s >^~ ,* t i * ! I -_ o - f ' ^ = 's 1 7-Sr-t ^r5F | ^ Oojjf JhOfl (CJ ^^ ( TCT f e - -t ^^T^ 7J*0 Horiionral Soring Plilt IS *P 4A'forn Sofirtf ^ Qrill.rtg /fffc/l Tin* 'Jitoffr /J /* Ci3" >/<6/ itf,'/ 1 * AS /* -A2'Cc- *>*<:.' Z.04&* I /OXP J f*tu<.GrineJ<,r YA fA'Ji UAAH 5e*/ O/>* l*> ,36" ^?/-/// Jg) 7* A^ JJ" Puo&^ , %S/.*or fvn for Oii A i AS/^ ^ , /0>W> Pun&Ai 3'^* W^o" DIAGRAM OF POWER DISTRIBUTION AT DANVILLE, ILL., C. & E. I. R. R POWER PLANT 1C/J M0Cf>ir>Q 5ft0J- if^frfy *nfa/tif>g ff0or&5 /?> 21 me Cnv,+i ? 5 >f bolotcea etpvoly ^4 ' ' / * 1 J QovnfoBosenenf^ ^,r*<. SECOND i- LOOT PL i v PLAN OF OFFICR BUILDING AND STOREHOUSE AT BARING CROSS, ARK., ST. L. I. M. & S. RT. =g an pi ma U^rl s" 8 Bg n j L, u PLANS AND ELEVATION OF STOREHOUSE AND OFFICE BUILDING AT EAST DECATUR, ILL.. WABASH RY. 178 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE PARTIAL SECTION OF STOREHOUSE AT LA JUNTA, COLO., A. T. & S. F. RY. fast Elevation Section af West End ELEVATIONS AND PARTIAL SECTION OF STOREHOUSE AT LA JUNTA, COLO., A. T. & S. F. RT. STOREHOUSE 179 r ,-~. .*'; T (/> lr /Mk ; s '*! I v FIKT FLOOR PLAH PLAN AND ELEVATION OF STOREHOUSE AND OFFICE BUILDING AT EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL., T. R. R. ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOUIS. "<"< Tronsrerse Zed/on'*-* fna Clcrotion. 5x3e deration Longitudinal Section SECTION AND ELEVATION OF STOREHOUSE AT SILVIS, ILL., C. R. I. & P. RY. cffouND nooR PLAT* PLAN OF STOREHOUSE AT SILVIS, ILL., C. R. I. & P. RY. PLAN OF STOREHOUSE AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. 180 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE y i :,..-, ? \ --. r PARTIAL CROSS SECTION OF GENERAL STOREHOUSE AT BURNSIDE, ILL., I. C, R. R. Stti-e ffoetn I 1 '''**"'" Jv/,^. I 3.7*i' '-* n n * "'"" PLAN OF STOREHOUSE AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT AT OMAHA, NEB., U. P. RY. STOREHOUSE 181 I fTfoit ^ -* '<0 I ir> ~y "<4 V - jSL?> P'/on/t ' ? 1 II 1 p i '4r& - <5 " ! 1 : 1 i Cross Section tfirouyfi Roofed Fort of Bins farf S/Oe E/erofion -1 I I M I I I \ \ \ t-i-r-i-r | Ml i i i i -. . t- V /> e**-^ - 4" 3O*0 *yz -K^ - V/S-t ? * - !*: "''"' 3&0 r /Z-^ e- -.* - ^^ -SO-* | :I ? j 3 ^ ; SfG j L IT- fit ^ { h I" 1^ ~rarfr S^ -,-- 7~racx ^^ "--''- - J SCRAP PLATFORM AT DALE ST., ST. PAUL SHOPS, OF THE GREAT NORTHERN RY. SECTION OP SCRAP PLATFORM AT COLLINWOOD SHOPS, OF L. S. & M. S. RT. II 1 So NCLMC .j >W>H 1 i -y^tl JgjBl || j ! i i - 1 i L ' i J y^ yi _ - _ . Hhr .^If^^^, i . . i r'- -1 ii -TOTAL LtHGTH tCNGTM Of StO 310-0' SCRAP PL.A.TFORM AT COLLTNTVOOD SHOPS, L. S. & M. S. RT. 182 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 5 -. - I" 1 ^ -V, ^ } I s ; ' IGfltOn T*KK 1 i; ,j " ^ fAVCfTSp^^^ f* v r ' V -/-"' /v *" f *'? 1 ^ v S ! 5 - ! ill 5 - M * x.% ~* i 1 0!""^ ^* Se*Kiff& f/f tj3@ If -"5-* c^p m \2" r^yyj 'o * i *M g " ^1 B Jpg V 11 y - J 4.SOM-M?*"?'' s gl-aw^s a'-/o"io*& : &" L - /c^* 1 nf Z = i!S ('13' ' i :?.., 't.Sm ^T^ --'1 ' X / //^ ^ | ',) 3! \ K S -y 9 ^ n JJ! ? .1 y * M 1 ,A k 7 -- s L * ! 7~ ^- i r T _i .*. ^r ' for /^ctrrouT ccex-' ) ^CUTOUT coci 3* ", ', ' x nurr LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF OIL HOUSE AT SCRANTON CAR SHOPS, D. L. & W. R. R. ^""H WflSrf STORAGE RQQM |i? 'S-j x| _-- -H 11 !"! 5 v *T|>'^ *" V- ^j" .'? ^ I "-**, "~ -* ^j, - " *-"9 J5 -FRfl6*TC*KOI> ', ~' 5i",f/n, K?JtJ *-'! N._' rf .-L- > C PLAN OF GROUND FLOOR OF OIL HOUSE AT SCRANTON CAR SHOPS, D. L. & W. R. R. TANK N 1 , 1, i ; y. I TANK N?"3 I I O- : - -O 1 t>r -\cy- - ~vr/ - ;' ', ( w i V 5 j ^ ^ 1 i s8 C C fi nrN^ N ?H to d o - H H s EH - ^ a, Q 2 s STOREHOUSE 185 PORTION OF STOREHOUSE PLATFORM SERVED BY MID- WAY CRANE, ANGUS SHOPS, C. P. RY. CRANE SERVED THOROUGHFARE. OR MIDWAY, STANDARD GAUGE AND INDUSTRIAL TRACK AND CAR AT LEFT; PORTION OF STOREHOUSE PLATFORM AT RIGHT. ANGUS SHOPS, C. P. RY. VIEW SHOWIXG TURNTABLE IN STOREHOUSE AT ANGUS SHOPS. C. P. RY. BRASS AND COPPER TUBE RACK IN STOREHOUSE, AT ANGUS SHOPS. C. P. RY BRASS ROOM IN STOREHOUSE AT ANGUS SHOPS. C. P. RY. 186 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE mmsm mm INTERIOR OF IRON HOUSE AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. IRON SHED ADJACENT TO BLACKSMITH SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. SYSTEM OF STORING BOLTS TEMPORARILY IN FREIGHT CAR ERECTING SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. RACKS FOR STORING CAR BODY BRACE RODS AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. STOREHOUSE 18? CLASSIFIED BINS FOR STORING CAR CASTINGS ADJACENT TO FREIGHT CAR ERECTING SHOP AT ANGUS, C. P. RY. METHOD OF TRANSFERRING CASTINGS ON STANDARD GAUGE INDUSTRIAL CARS AT ANGUS, C 190 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Railway Store Keepers' Association. EXTERIOR VIEW OF GENERAL STOREHOUSE AT COLLINWOOD, OHIO, L. S. & M. S. RY. Railway Store Keepers' Association. SIX UNITS OF SECTIONAL, INTERCHANGEABLE SHELVES. Railway Store Keepers' Association. SIX UNITS OF SECTIONAL, INTERCHANGEABLE SHELVES EACH UNIT DIVIDED INTO FOUR PARTS. STOREHOUSE 191 Railway Store Keepers' Association. METHOD OF STORING MATERIAL ON FIRST FLOOR OF GENERAL STOREHOUSE AT COLLJNWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RT. Railway Store Keepers' Association. METHOD OF SUB-DIVIDING UNITS OF SECTIONAL, INTER- CHANGEABLE SHELVES. Railway Store Keepers' Association. METHOD OF SUB-DIVIDING UNITS OF SECTIONAL, INTER- CHANGEABLE SHELVES. 192 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE WAGONS FOR TRANSPORTING BOLTS IN BULK AT COLLIN- WOOD SHOPS.. L. S. & M. S. RY. Railway Store Keepers' Association. RETAIL ROOM IN GENERAL, STOREHOUSE AT COLLINWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RT. STOREHOUSE 193 PAINT STOCK ROOM AT ANGUS, C. P. RT. 1TTHWI Railway Store Keepers' Association. ARRANGEMENT OF STORAGE SHELVES IN GENERA!, STOREHOUSE AT COLLrNWOOD, O.. L. S. & M. S. RT. 194 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Railway Store Keepers' Association. CASTING PLATFORM OF GENERAL STOREHOUSE AT COLLINWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RY. Railway Store Keepers' Association. MATERIAL YARD OF COLLINWOOD SHOPS, L. S. & M. S. RY. STOREHOUSE 195 Railway Store Keepers' Association. METHOD OF STORING MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES FOR LOCOMOTIVES IN GENERAL, STOREHOUSE AT WEST ALBANY, N. T., N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Railway Store Keepers' Association. ' r ' CASTING PLATFORM OF GENERAL STOREHOUSE AT WEST ALBANY. N. Y., N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. 196 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Railway Store Keepers' Association. CRANE USED IN STORAGE YARD AT ANGUS SHOPS, C. P. RY. Railway Store Keepers' Association. SCRAP PLATFORM AT WEST ALBANY SHOPS, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter XI. ROUNDHOUSE THE roundhouse is a repair shop for the maintenance of locomotives in service. As such its efficiency depends upon the facility, with which locomotives may be received, turned, repaired and dispatched with minimum detention. A number of variable conditions affect the movements of locomotives at a terminal and for this reason a consideration of the roundhouse should include the general layout of the auxiliaries in the yard tributary to the roundhouse. Roundhouses and engine terminal yards now in service on American railways represent many different degrees of development. It is a matter of very common knowl- edge that as a general thing engine house and terminal facilities have not kept pace with locomotive development and growth. At the same time, however, a number of terminal plants have been placed in commission within recent years which include roundhouses of excellent design, containing the best and most complete equipment and yard facilities arranged to move locomotives with quickness and precision. The variable conditions affecting the arrangement of locomotive terminals and the difference of opinion among officers and designers, have produced types of round- house buildings and arrangements of terminal yards, that are very unlike in point of detail. In the main, the differ- ent designs and arrangements follow certain general principles ; but beyond these, individual ideas have been followed to such an extent that it is impractical to at- tempt to outline a precedent according to which round- houses have been designed and terminal yards have been arranged. At the end of this chapter a number of plans are presented which have been selected as representative of existing practice. Ideas of detail may be gathered to better advantage by referring to the individual drawings rather than by following extensive descriptive matter, and for this reason the text of this chapter is devoted principally to general features representative of practices which have been used successfully. LAYOUT. Locomotive terminals are either in connection with main or division shops, or constitute isolated plants in close proximity to a large terminal yard or passenger station. Where the roundhouse forms a part of a shop plant, its location is naturally as near as possible to the point at which locomotives are needed for road work. The presence of a roundhouse at a shop plant frequently influences the entire arrangement of the shop buildings and equipment. The layout of the shops is sometimes restricted by locating some of the buildings to serve the interests of the roundhouse, instead of arranging them in locations which advance the most economical and pro- ductive movement of material. The roundhouse is commonly in close proximity to the locomotive shop where the delivery of wheels and other parts requiring machine work will be over the shortest route. It is also essential to provide easy access from the boiler and blacksmith shops. In recent years several main shops have been built from which the roundhouse has been excluded. In some of these instances the roundhouse is near the shop plant, but is in no way a component part of it. Where this condition prevails a small shop plant is built in connec- tion with the roundhouse to supply its immediate needs and the main shop is not called on to do roundhouse work, except on driving wheels or on emergency repairs which are too large for the roundhouse shop equipment. At some isolated roundhouses driving wheel lathes are included in the machine tool equipment. With the development of freight terminal yards a number of isolated roundhouses have been built in close proximity to the yards to provide improved engine handling facilities near the points where the engines are required for service, thereby reducing the delay which frequently occurs between engine house and train, a fea- ture of no small moment where a large number of engines are turned in 24 hours. A practice now becoming more and more common is to locate a roundhouse, with its necessary locomotive terminal facilities, between two freight classification yards handling cars for opposite directions. Several railway companies have developed standard roundhouse and other facilities to meet the requirements of their various terminals. Even these, however, are subject to variation to meet the local conditions. In many of the details and in the equipment for handling work the general design of the standard system may be adhered to. It is not only very common for a roundhouse terminal to handle engines from several divisions, but a single terminal frequently cares for the engines of several dif- ferent railroads running into the same center. Separate terminals are often provided for freight and passenger equipment, but it is very common practice to handle both at the same terminal. There are many different arrangements for meeting these various conditions, but none of them are governed by any general rule. At Clinton, Iowa, the terminal is arranged to care for engines of two divisions and a sep- arate house is provided for engines of each division. 197 196 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Railway Store Keepers' Association. CRANE USED IN STORAGE YARD AT ANGUS SHOPS, C. P. RY. Railway Store Keepers' Association. SCRAP PLATFORM AT WEST ALBANY SHOPS, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Railway Shop Up To Date Chapter XL ROUNDHOUSE THE roundhouse is a repair shop for the maintenance of locomotives in service. As such its efficiency depends upon the facility, with which locomotives may be received, turned, repaired and dispatched with minimum detention. A number of variable conditions affect the movements of locomotives at a terminal and for this reason a consideration of the roundhouse should include the general layout of the auxiliaries in the yard tributary to the roundhouse. Roundhouses and engine terminal yards now in service on American railways represent many different degrees of development. It is a matter of very common knowl- edge that as a general thing engine house and terminal facilities have not kept pace with locomotive development and growth. At the same time, however, a number of terminal plants have been placed in commission within recent years which include roundhouses of excellent design, containing the best and most complete equipment and yard facilities arranged to move locomotives with quickness and precision. The variable conditions affecting the arrangement of locomotive terminals and the difference of opinion among officers and designers, have produced types of round- house buildings and arrangements of terminal yards, that are very unlike in point of detail. In the main, the differ- ent designs and arrangements follow certain general principles ; but beyond these, individual ideas have been followed to such an extent that it is impractical to at- tempt to outline a precedent according to which round- houses have been designed and terminal yards have been arranged. At the end of this chapter a number of plans are presented which have been selected as representative of existing practice. Ideas of detail may be gathered to better advantage by referring to the individual drawings rather than by following extensive descriptive matter, and for this reason the text of this chapter is devoted principally to general features representative of practices which have been used successfully. LAYOUT. Locomotive terminals are either in connection with main or division shops, or constitute isolated plants in close proximity to a large terminal yard or passenger station. Where the roundhouse forms a part of a shop plant, its location is naturally as near as possible to the point at which locomotives are needed for road work. The presence of a roundhouse at a shop plant frequently influences the entire arrangement of the shop buildings and equipment. The layout of the shops is sometimes restricted by locating some of the buildings to serve the interests of the roundhouse, instead of arranging them in locations which advance the most economical and pro- ductive movement of material. The roundhouse is commonly in close proximity to the locomotive shop where the delivery of wheels and other parts requiring machine work will be over the shortest route. It is also essential to provide easy access from the boiler and blacksmith shops. In recent years several main shops have been built from which the roundhouse has been excluded. In some of these instances the roundhouse is near the shop plant, but is in no way a component part of it. Where this condition prevails a small shop plant is built in connec- tion with the roundhouse to supply its immediate needs and the main shop is not called on to do roundhouse work, except on driving wheels or on emergency repairs which are too large for the roundhouse shop equipment. At some isolated roundhouses driving wheel lathes are included in the machine tool equipment. With the development of freight terminal yards a number of isolated roundhouses have been built in close proximity to the yards to provide improved engine handling facilities near the points where the engines are required for service, thereby reducing the delay which frequently occurs between engine house and train, a fea- ture of no small moment where a large number of engines are turned in 24 hours. A practice now becoming more and more common is to locate a roundhouse, with its necessary locomotive terminal facilities, between two freight classification yards handling cars for opposite directions. Several railway companies have developed standard roundhouse and other facilities to meet the requirements of their various terminals. Even these, however, are subject to variation to meet the local conditions. In many of the details and in the equipment for handling work the general design of the standard system may be adhered to. It is not only very common for a roundhouse terminal to handle engines from several divisions, but a single terminal frequently cares for the engines of several dif- ferent railroads running into the same center. Separate terminals are often provided for freight and passenger equipment, but it is very common practice to handle both at the same terminal. There are many different arrangements for meeting these various conditions, but none of them are governed by any general rule. At Clinton, Iowa, the terminal is arranged to care for engines of two divisions and a sep- arate house is provided for engines of each division. 197 198 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE The Elkhart terminal of the L. S. & M. S. Ry. cares for both passenger and freight engines of two divisions ter- minating at that point. A roundhouse of 34 stalls is provided for freight engines and one of 1C stalls for passenger engines. A similar provision is made for freight and passenger engines of the Baltimore & Ohio terminal at Baltimore. The Union Terminal in Wash- ington, D. C, cares for the passenger equipment of five different roads. It is very necessary to provide for the rapid handling and dispatching of all locomotives of the several roads, and as a single roundhouse with one table would hardly be capable of handling the power without detention, even under most favorable conditions, two semi-circular houses, of 25 stalls each, are used, each house being served by an individual turntable. To meet the demands of the large passenger traffic centering at St. Louis during the exposition in that city, a large ter- minal was erected which included three square engine houses served by transfer tables. Engines are turned on a Y near the passenger station. Where two houses serve the same terminal the most convenient location of the small auxiliary shops is be- tween the two roundhouses to provide for the movement of material, supplies and equipment, over the shortest possible distances. This practice is not always adhered to, as the layout is often governed by conditions requir- ing relative locations of the houses which will not permit such an arrangement. Both houses are sometimes served by the same cinder pits. Frequently, however, individual pits are provided for each house. A single coaling sta- tion commonly provides for all locomotives at a terminal regardless of the number of houses. At the most modern roundhouses the arrangement of service auxiliaries is devised to expedite the movement of locomotives as much as possible. This provides for the location of the coaling station, sand house, cinder pits, water plugs, etc., in such relation to each other and to the roundhouse, that incoming and outgoing engines will not interfere and that an engine requiring an unusu- ally large amount of cinder pit work will not block others which should be run into the house without loss of time. Comparatively recent innovations are outside inspection pits and locomotive storage yards. The former provides for the inspection of an engine as soon as it reaches the terminal in order that necessary repairs may be anticipated and arranged for before an enginv. enters the house. By the use of the storage yard the roundhouse maintains its true function as a repair shop and not as a storage space, and engines requiring no repair work may be placed on the storage tracks as soon as their fires are cleaned and coal, water and sand have been taken. COALING STATION. Coaling stations are generally constructed of wood throughout. According to the requirements of the rail- road they are made with small individual pockets or large storage pockets. The latter type are provided sometimes with automatic weighing devices, which have improved this type of chute. An example of the small-pocket type is the station erected by the Chicago Great Western Railway at Oelwein, Iowa. It consists of 280 feet of level trestle and 696 feet 6 inches of incline, giving a total length of 976 feet 6 inches. There are 14 pockets in all, seven on each side. The chute is designed to use hopper-bottom cars, which are pushed up by switch en- gines. The outside aprons are pressed steel and counter- balanced. The gates are of very heavy construction, so that when released they will fall and stop the flow of coal at any desired point. Another plan is that which has been used considerably by the Chicago & Alton Railway. The coal, ashes and sand are all handled in the one plant. Water cranes are located so that water may also be taken at the same time, and all the outside work on the engiu r s can be done at one time and at one place. One man can take care of such a plant as this. The details of the plant consist of large pockets capable of holding from 60 to 100 tons of coal, which are- suspended on scales. Autographic rec- ords of the amount of coal delivered from these pockets are made for the attendant and the engineer. A large storage pocket is also provided. Two tracks are covered, one for the receipt of coal and the other for the use of the locomotives. The coal is received in the underground hopper from the cars and delivered to the delivering pockets or storage bin as may be desired. The same conveyor takes the ashes from the ash hopper to the ash storage bin, from which they are delivered to cars. The sand, after being dried out, is elevated to the dry sand bin, from which it is passed to the locomotive. Small gasoline engines of from 15 to 20 horse power are used with these plants. SAND HOUSE. For the drying of sand, small houses are often specially provided, but a tendency is noticeable in all recent con- struction to combine the sand apparatus with the coal chute, as in the Chicago & Alton stations. The general method of drying the sand is to use a stove of heavy cast-iron construction around which the sand is held by a suitable hopper. The wet or green sand is fed into this hopper, and the dry sand passes out of holes pro- vided at the bottom. After drying, it is screened and is then ready for the storage bin. Steam driers are used to some extent ; especially where some steady supply of exhaust steam is available. They usually consist of some sort of hopper through which a large number of pipes are passed, and so located that the sand cannot pass through without being thoroughly dried and roasted. Steam sand driers have not been found to give the same satisfaction as the stoves for the reason that the sand is said to be more thoroughly dried by the stoves and gives less trouble in operation on the road. Some good re- sults in drying sand have been had with an adaptation of the rotary mineral roaster. The sand house at Oelwein,, C. G. W. Ry., is at the extreme end of the station, and is so arranged that the green sand is shoveled from the car into an inclined ROUNDHOUSE 199 hopper, from which it is let into the heaters by the opera- tor. i'Vom the heaters it drops to a lower tank, and is then raised by air pressure to the dry-sand bin at the end of the trestle. From the latter it discharges by gravity to the engine sand-box through a 4-inch pipe and controlling valve. CINDER PIT. The method most widely used for handling ashes from locomotives is by means of the depressed track cinder pit. It is thought by many to be more satisfactory for the general requirements than any form of more elab- orate equipment, provided it can be made long enough to handle a sufficient number of engines at one time. The amount of depression and the depth of the ash pit are almost invariably controlled by the problem of drain- age. Both are made as low as possible so as to avoid any excessive lifting of the ashes. Air hoists are used in some cases for raising the ashes from the pits and depositing them in the cars. Electric cranes also are used, and a special form of traveling hoist is found at some points. This latter is so arranged in its relation to the coal supply cars and ash pits that it can with its clam-shell dipper coal up the engines directly from the cars as well as take the ashes out of the pits. These spe- cial forms of ash-handling devices are ordinarily adopted only when the space allowable will not permit the use of a suitable depressed pit. Their details also are spe- cially adapted to the individual plant. At some roundhouses there are short cinder pits in out-bound tracks for cleaning ash pans of out-bound engines and for cleaning fires of switch engines. The most desirable location for the cinder pit is as near the roundhouse as possible in order to reduce to a minimum the movement of locomotives after the fire has been knocked out. At the 1906 convention of the Traveling Engineers' Association the committee reporting on the care of loco- motive boilers suggested that on arrival at terminals the fire should not be knocked out on an outside pit; but that cinder pit buggies should be provided in every roundhouse pit, so that if it is necessary to knock the fire, the engine can be run into the desired pit and the fire knocked into the buggy. After knocking the fire the ash pan dampers should be closed, the stack covered and the engine allowed to stand until wanted. STAND PIPES. The proper location of stand pipes is at points where they may furnish water to engines on both in-bound and out-bound tracks. I NSPECTION PITS. At several large terminals elaborate inspection pits have been installed io provide an opportunity for engi- neers and inspectors to examine all parts of a locomo- tive immediately upon its arrival at the roundhouse tracks. This method provides for promptly forwarding reports to the roundhouse foreman, in order to eliminate unnecessary delay in making repairs while preparing- a locomotive for its return trio. A pneumatic system pro- vides a means of sending reports from the inspection pits to the roundhouse foreman's office. STORAGE TRACKS. A comparatively recent innovation is the provision of engine storage tracks on which locomotives that do not require boilers to be washed or repairs to be made, are held under steam and awaiting orders, thereby relieving congestion in the roundhouse and reserving the round- house as a repair shop and not as a storage shed. Where space permits the most satisfactory arrangement of stor- age tracks is in* a gridiron form and so connected with lead tracks that any desired engine may be run out with- out disturbing the others TURNTABLES. In addition to the turntable serving an individual roundhouse an outside turntable is sometimes installed at one end of an engine terminal yard for the purpose of heading engines in the direction desired and thus reliev- ing the roundhouse turntable. The report of the committee on locomotive terminal facilities, presented before the American Railway Mas- ter Mechanics' Association, in 1905, recommended a turntable not less than 85 feet long. The turntable in- stalled at the Elkhart roundhouse of the L. S. & M. S. Ry. is 85 feet long, and that of the East Altoona termi- nal of the Pennsylvania Railroad is 100 feet long. The standard length of turntable adopted by the Erie and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroads is 80 feet. A table of ample length facilitates the movements of engines in and out of the house, in that the hostler in charge of an engine has greater freedom in balancing an engine on the table regardless of the height of water in the tank, and therefore will "spot" the engine more quickly. A long table further facilitates movement over the table by providing room for a small yard engine when necessary to handle a dead engine. Where electric power is available both day and night electric motors are most satisfactory as providing motive power for a turntable. Where electric power is not available, good results have been obtained with both gas- oline motors and air motors. Push bars for revolving a table by hand are provided in case of accident to the motors or to the mains providing power. Tracks leading to the turntable are so arranged that those at opposite ends of the table, at any position of the table, are in true alignment. It is generally agreed that frogs are unsatisfactory around a turntable and are expensive to maintain. CONSTRUCTION OF ROUNDHOUSE. Roundhouses have been built most commonly with brick outer walls ; wooden posts on the inner circle with wooden doors, and with wooden intermediate columns supporting the roof. In recent years concrete has been used extensively in the construction of roundhouse walls and in several instances the walls and roof have been made of concrete with the steel supporting structure en- tirely protected by concrete against the action of gases common to the roundhouse. While the roof structure 200 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE has sometimes been built of steel, it is generally believed that wood is preferable as all material subject to corro- sion should be avoided unless thoroughly protected, as in the case of concrete construction. When steel construc- tion is used cast-iron door posts have been recommended as liable to cause least damage to the structure in the event of an accident to the door column. An accident to the cast-iron column will merely carry away a portion of the column, whereas a bend in a steel column would tend to drag down a portion of the roof. CROSS SECTION. The best cross section of a roundhouse is far from being determined. The end to be attained is to provide good ventilation ; but this has been sought by so many different ideas that there are many cross sections recom- mended for each of which certain advantages are claimed. Several illustrations are presented in connection . with this chapter which are reproduced from drawings of round- houses that are believes to have given good results. The cross section of the roundhouse at Elkhart has met with much favorable comment and the experience of several winters with this roundhouse has proved its design very practicable in providing against the accumu- lation of gas and smoke. The outer circle of the house, in which the smoke jacks are located, a space 45 feet wide, is spanned by a roof in which the ridge pole is 41 feet above the rail and the bottom of the roof truss is 24 feet above the rail. The slope of the roof in both direc- tions from the ridge pole is at an angle of about 35 deg. The roof over the inner circle, a space 45 feet wide, is nearly flat and has a gradual slope from the point at which it joins the higher roof to the door columns. The roof is supported by the brick outer wall, two rows of intermediate cast-iron columns and cast-iron door col- umns. The distance from the door columns to the inner face of the wall is 90 feet. At the East Altoona roundhouse, the single row of intermediate columns divides the building into two bays. The main bay, nearer the turntable, is 65 feet wide and the outer bay is 25 feet wide. The steel structure sup- porting the roof of the inner bay is 35 feet 6 inches above the rail and the bottom of the roof truss is 30 feet above the rail. The roof of this bay has a gradual slope in each direction from a monitor above the center of the bay, which encircles the entire house. The bottom of the roof truss in the outer bay is 18 feet above the rail and the roof has a gradual slope from the outer wall, a point 26 feet above the rail, to the structure of the inner bay join- ing it at a point about 2 feet below the bottom of the roof truss. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad standard roundhouse is 95 feet wide with a roof supported by three interme- diate columns. The roof has a gradual slope from the outer wall toward the door columns. At the outer wall the roof is about 30 feet above the rail and at the door columns, the roof is about 22 feet above the rail. The smoke jacks extend through a monitor encircling the roof on a center line 25 feet from the inner face of the wall. The cross section of the Erie standard roundhouse is similar to that of the B. & O. However, the slope of the roof is reversed and the height of the roof at the door is 25 feet 5 inches and at the outer wall 19 feet 6 inches. This 'arrangement was provided to drain the roof toward the outer wall in order that drippings from the roof would not accumulate and freeze in such a manner as to obstruct the movement of doors. There is a ventilator over each pit at about the center of the roof span. This design reverses general practice, as the more usual custom is to build a high wall with windows ex- tending almost to the roof in order to admit light in that portion of the roundhouse in which the forward part of the engine is standing when headed away from the turntable. In order to avoid the accumulation of ice at the doors, drainage from the roof is generally pro- vided for by a gutter around the inner edge, connecting with a down spout leading down inside of the house and connecting with drain pipes leading from the pits. A cross section representing a design which has been followed on several roads and which seems to meet with favor, provides for the main portion of the roof to slope gradually upward from the outer wall to a point just back of the cab of the average locomotive when standing with its stack under the smoke jack and headed away from the turntable. The roof over the inner portion of the house in which the tanks stand, is lower than the main, portion and slopes toward the doors. The vertical portion of the structure between the two sections of the roof is equipped with swinging glass sashes, thus admit- ting light at a point above the cab and adding to the means of ventilation. LIGHTING. A roundhouse has been described as "a semi-circular structure with a questionable roof, surrounded by all walls and no light." Doubtless such a description applies to many roundhouses. Nevertheless, the necessity of good natural lighting, and the added efficiency to be gained thereby, has been duly recognized and round- houses may now be seen in many parts of the country where ample provision has been made to admit natural light. Where proper provision is made for natural light, the greater amount is admitted through windows in the outer wall. It is general practise to head engines away from the table when standing in the house and light admitted through windows in the wall has its greatest effect near the forward part of the locomotive and around the ma- chinery. Light admitted through the upper portion of the windows is diffused over a greater distance and the most satisfactory results are obtained from those win- dows which extend almost from one pilaster to the next. At some roundhouses the doors contain as much glass as is consistent with good construction and where there is wall space above the doors this space is fitted with glass as well. Monitors in the roof frequently have ROUNDHOUSE 201 glass sides and there are occasional examples of skylights in the roofs parallel with the pits. A complete circle of glass sash in the upper portion of the roundhouse, be- tween two sections of the roof on different levels, has given good results. The efficiency of skylights in the roof where the glass surface is flat or nearly so, has been questioned because of the tendency for the glass to become dirty, in view of the generally smoky atmosphere surrounding an engine house. It is conceded that best results are obtained from glass in a vertical plane. Artificial light in the up-to-date roundhouse is pro- vided by electric lamps. A common custom is to pro- vide arc lamps in the outer circle near the wall and to suspend three incandescent lamps between pits through- out the house. Objection has been made that arc lights cast a shadow which tends to throw a portion of the house in darkness, and to obviate this it has been sug- gested to light the outer circle with clusters of incandes- cent lights arranged at intervals along the wall. An ad- ditional advantage claimed for this method is that a greater portion of the wiring could be carried along the outside of the walls, with leads to the several clusters passing through pipes inserted in the wall. Portable lamps are used extensively in fireboxes and other points where light is inaccessible and suitable con- nection plugs are located on posts between the pits. Inasmuch as an engine terminal is as busy during the night as in the day time, the yards, coaling station, cin- der pits, etc., are lighted artificially by arc lamps. HEATING. The method of heating roundhouses which has received greatest favor is the system of delivering hot air through ducts. The air supply is taken from the exterior of the building ; is heated by passing through a system of steam coils and is delivered from the point of supply by a fan. The coils are usually heated by exhaust steam from the engine operating the fan. The delivery ducts are usually carried around the house beneath the floor and just within the outer wall. From the main ducts lead con- nections are made between every alternate pair of pits and hot air is delivered to each pit through two openings in one side, so located that the blast will strike an engine where it will work to best advantage in melting ice formed on the machinery. Dampers placed in the open- ings at the pits serve to regulate the flow of air at each pit. The circulation of hot air through the house results from the heated air rising and escaping through ventila- tors and smoke jacks. This is considered more satisfac- tory than attempting to secure a horizontal movement of the air by mechanical means. The report of the com- mittee on recommendations relative to the requirements of a modern roundhouse, presented at the annual meet- ing of the American Railway Engineering and Mainte- nance of Way Association in 1905, particularly specifies that "no re-circulation of air should be allowed." Many roundhouses are heated by direct radiation from coils of steam pipe arranged along- the sides of the pits, and the Parsons roundhouse of the M. K. & T. Railway is heated by a gas furnace and direct air heater in con- nection with a fan system. VENTILATION. Ventilation is provided for in roundhouses according to various methods. In some houses ventilators for dis- posing of steam and gases are placed in the roof imme- diately above and parallel with the locomotive pits; in others a monitor in the roof encircles the entire house, about midway between the two walls; in still others the entire roof or a portion of the roof is built with a high pitch in order to provide a large volume of space with high head room so that gases will readily rise away from the floor and escape through monitors or specially de- signed jacks. The smoke jacks in the Elkhart roundhouse of the L. S. & M. S. Railway are of wood and rectangular in form. Around that portion of each jack that extends above the roof, is a box with a space of about 6 inches between the box and the jack on all sides. This space is open at the point of juncture with the roof and the draft caused by this chimney around the jack tends to remove all smoke and gas which accumulates in the upper portion of the house. By delivering air in the pits either by direct radiation or by hot air ducts, the heated air is not only directed where it will do most good in melting ice on a locomo- tive, but the hot air naturally rises and the tendency is to carry the gas, smoke and steam with it. The exterior air entering beneath the doors, etc., naturally tends to rise toward the jacks and ventilators with the air inside of the building. DOORS. Roundhouse doors are generally made of wood with a portion of the door including an area of glass sash for the admission of light. Wooden doors are considered preferable, both on account of cost and resistance to corrosion, when compared with steel doors of either the rolling or ordinary type. Swinging doors are usually hinged to swing toward the turntable, though there are instances of doors swinging inward. The swinging door is subject to damage from wind and storm and in the event of its not being properly fastened it is liable to damage from moving engines. Lifting doors are neater in appearance than the swing- ing doors, but are more susceptible to minor accidents and are frequently out of order. Lifting doors require a greater height of the house at the inner circle, and an additional height at this point seems unnecessary inas- much as the tank ordinarily stands near the doors, and there is comparatively little work done in this portion of the house. Door openings are at least 12 feet wide and 17 feet high. PITS. In a modern roundhouse capable of caring for large engines of present day service working pits are 65 feet long. The outer end is about 14 feet from the wall and the inner end about 11 feet from the door posts. The 202 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE pit tracks extend within about 10 feet of the wall in order that an engine may be moved over a portion of a revolution of a driving wheel if necessary in making repairs. The pit is usually about 3 feet 11 inches wide and 2 feet t> inches deep at the outer end, sloping to a depth of 3 feet at the end toward the turntable. The best drainage of the bottom of the pit is obtained with a convex floor so arranged that water will run off along the sides of the pit. The bottom, sides and ends of the pit are usually of concrete with a wooden beam along each side to which the rails are spiked. Each roundhouse has one or more sets of tracks arranged for dropping driving wheels and truck wheels. Driving wheel drop pits and truck wheel drop pits are usually in connection with different working pits, though the same working pits are sometimes equipped for drop- ping both truck and driving wheels. Truck wheel drop pits are usually at the end of the repair pits toward the outer wall and the pits are con- nected by a tunnel. On the bottom of this tunnel is a light, narrow gauge track on which the transfer carriage and jack travel so as to provide for lateral movement when removing and replacing wheels. At Elkhart the . truck wheel drop pits are toward the turntable end of the pit and engines requiring wheel work are backed into the house from the turntable. Smoke jacks are placed above both ends of the pits equipped for dropping wheels. At principal roundhouses on the C, M. & St. P. Ry. a pit is put in which is capable of dropping a complete engine truck. The pit is 8 feet 8 inches by 10 feet. The arrangement of driving wheel drop pits whereby one drop pit includes three repair pits is considered with greatest favor. By this arrangement wheels dropped from engines standing on either of the outer pits may be moved transversely on the jack carriage and delivered to the center track, instead of running the wheels over the floor between pits. Drop pits constructed on circular lines, on a radius with the center of the turntable as a center, are looked upon with greater favor than those built on straight lines. At the East Altoona roundhouse of the Pennsylvania four drop pits are installed in the house next to a through running track leading out past the machine shop. One pit is 55 feet long for removing an entire set of wheels under an engine ; two have double tables 8 feet G inches long for removing a single pair of drivers by dropping the wheels on one table and running them along the bottom of the pit to be raised by the other table; and the fourth is 24 feet long for work on engine trucks, tenders or use in emergency. In addition to these pits a fifth is fitted with removable rails for removing tires without dropping the wheel centers. The tables are lowered and elevated by elevating screws, the operating mechanism being driven by electric motors. CRANE SERVICE. Within recent years several roundhouses have been constructed with provision for installing traveling cranes. While the construction of the houses has been arranged for this purpose, the cranes have not always been in- stalled. At the East Altoona roundhouse of the Penn- sylvania Railroad provision is made for traveling cranes to span the inner bay toward the turntable. With this arrangement the crane would not be interfered with by the smoke jacks. The design of the roundhouses built at Pueblo and Denver on the Denver & Rio Grande Rail- road, provides for one section of each house to be equipped with a traveling crane. According to this de- sign the crane section is so constructed that the roof over the bay next to the outer wall is higher than the remainder of the roof to provide room for the crane. The flare of the smoke jacks is within this bay and the jacks are so offset that for a short distance they are parallel to the floor and extend upward to the roof in the next bay. Telescoping smok % e jacks have been designed to provide for crane service, and the lower portion of the jack may be lifted sufficiently to allow a crane to pass beneath. Swinging jib cranes are usually suspended from col- umns of the outer row in order to serve the forward por- tion of a locomotive for the purpose of handling steam chest covers, pistons, rods, etc. At the Rensselaer roundhouse of the New York Cen- tral Lines an air hoist is used to remove driving wheels from the drop pit and place them on cars for delivery to the shop. Frequently a swinging jib crane is suspended from a column near a door for use in loading material upon a locomotive tank for shipment to an outlying point. FLOORS. Roundhouse conditions require a good, substantial floor that may be readily drained. Dirt floors are filthy and unsatisfactory. Floors of wooden planks have long been used with success and are still looked upon favorably. Concrete floors have been installed in many roundhouses within recent years and flooring of vitrified brick set on edge in tar has given very satisfactory results. To in- sure good drainage floors are elevated to a height of two inches above the rail midway between the pits and slope gradually toward the pits. The report of the committee on up-to-date round- houses presented before the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association in -1905 suggests "a good floor, adopted by the New York Central for roundhouses, is prepared as follows : Upon a level sub-grade an 8-inch bed of cinders is placed and thoroughly rammed. Upon this is placed a 5-inch layer of concrete, consisting of one part of Portland cement, four parts sand and seven and one-half parts of broken stone. Upon this is a top dressing, one inch thick, composed of one part Port- land cement and one part of sand. This is deposited simultaneously with the concrete to insure a perfect bond. The top is surfaced true with long straight edges and is floated to be smooth. Drainage is secured by raising ROUNDHOUSE 203 the floor to a height of two inches above the rails, mid- way between the pits." SMOKE JACKS. The many different designs of smoke jacks in Use and the difference of opinion regarding certain makes ren- ders it difficult to determine upon a jack that meets with general favor. To allow flexibility in placing engines as required for different details of repair work it is very essential to provide a smoke jack with a long base in order to increase the scope of its usefulness. In a paper before the American Society of Civil Engi- neers, Mr. R. D. Coombs says: "Smoke jacks have been constructed of a variety of materials. Wood, cast iron, tile and asbestos have given satisfactory results. Smoke jacks of thin rolled plate have a very short life and, in the writer's estimation, are not worth installing. Wood lasts rather better than might be expected and, in con- nection with a fireproof roof, should prove economical and safe. It is not necessary to sand the interior, though the exterior should be well painted. "Cast iron, if heavy, has a fair length of service. Tile is more expensive, and its weight and liability to break, if detachable, are objectionable features. Asbestos is light in weight and is fireproof, but is more expensive in first cost. "A telescoping jack, provided with a bell having a diameter of about 4 feet, would be the writer's prefer- ence." TRACK STOPS. Track stops to provide against engines 'running beyond the ends of the tracks are wise provisions and have pre- vented accidents which might have caused damage both to locomotives and roundhouses. PIPING. Piping for water, air and steam in the more recently constructed houses is usually carried in ducts encircling the house just within the door columns or within the outer wall. Where the house is heated by hot air deliv- ered by a fan, the hot air duct is utilized for carrying the pipe lines. From the duct the pipes are led to conven- ient connections on columns between the pits. BOILER WASHING SYSTEMS. Several systems of washing and refilling locomotive boilers with hot water and of blowing off boilers with- out filling the house with steam have been developed. Some of these systems have proven very economical in the expense of washing boilers and in reducing the nec- essary detention of locomotives at terminals. In addi- tion they have improved working conditions in round- houses by eliminating fog and steam and further tend to lengthen the life of metal structures by doing away with the presence of moisture liable to cause corrosion. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE A. R. E. & M. OF \V. ASSX. The report of the committee on buildings presented before the annual meeting of the American Railway En- gineering and Maintenance of Way Association in 1905 recommends that a modern roundhouse be designed and equipped as follows : (1) That in a circular roundhouse the locomotives should stand in the house normally, with the tender toward the turntable. (2) That distances from center of turntable to the inner side of roundhouse shall be determined by the num- ber of stalls required in the full circle. That length of stall along center line of track should not be less than 85J feet in clear. (3) That clear openings of entrance doors should be not less than 12 feet in width and 17 feet in height. That the angle between adjacent tracks should be an even factor of 180 deg., so that the tracks at the oppo- site ends of the turntable will "line up" with it. (4) The turntable should be not less than 75* feet in length. The table should be operated by power, pref- erably electric. (5) The material used in construction of the house- should be non-corrosive, unless proper care be taken to prevent corrosion. (6) Engine pits should be not less than 60j feet in length, with convex floor, and with drainage toward the turntable. The walls and floors may be of concrete, and proper provision should be made in construction for the support of the jacking timbers. (7) Roundhouse doors should be made of non-corro- sive material. (8) Smoke jacks should be fixed, having large hoods: constructed preferably of non-corrosive material and supplied with dampers. The cross-section of the stack should be not less than 30 inches in diameter. (9) The floor should be of permanent construction on a concrete foundation and grouted. It should be crowned between pits, and that part adjacent to pits within jacking limits should be of wood. (10) Drop pits should be furnished for handling truck wheels, driving wheels and tender wheels. These can be most economically constructed in pairs. (11) If the building be heated with hot air it should be by the indirect method, and the supply should be taken from the exterior of the building (no re-circulation of air should be allowed). The air should be delivered to the pits under the engine portion of the locomotive. Air ducts should be located under the floor and spe- cial precaution should be taken to keep them dry. (12) As much good light should be obtained from exterior of the building as good construction will allow. (13) There should be an arc light, and a plug outlet for incandescent lights in each space between stalls. (14) The contents of boilers should be taken care of and discharged outside of the building in a suitable re- ceptacle and the heat units used as may be deemed best. (15) Cold water should be supplied at each alternate *More recent practice indicates 85 ft. Editor. fMore recent practice indicates 65 ft. Editor. More recent practice indicates 95 ft. Editor. Unless jack is made to lower and fit over stack a minimum of 42 in. is considered necessary. Editor. 204 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE space between stalls from an outlet not Jess than 2y 2 inches, located at a point about opposite front end of firebox ; the water pressure should be not less than 80 Ibs. The hydrants should be located below the floor in properly constructed pits amply drained. Modern practice requires the use of hot water in the maintenance of boilers. (16) Compressed air is used for mechanical hoisting and blowing* operations. Overhead outlets should be furnished in each space between stalls opposite front *Steam is considered more economical for blowing. Editor. end of firebox. The pressure should be from xu i<> 100 Ibs. (17) A roundhouse should have facilities for the lo- cation of a few necessary machine tools, preferably elec- trically driven. (18) Air hoists, or portable goose-neck cranes with differential blocks on wheels, should be furnished for handling heavy repair parts. (19) The turntable pit side walls should be of con- crete with wooden coping not less than f> inches thick, and the ties under the circular rail should be supported on concrete walls. Pivot masonry may be of concrete with stone cap. ROUNDHOUSE 205 a I 1 / V # 5 r i ! M- B i ^ H X 2: >> Z -- X o S 5- B . o o o p a 206 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Bl I K d m 6 o ffi J < g s 95 K O s o O O J o j i z H O ^,q S/I..3/ 00. snl 1 Sfa! J i ! u-*f "*5 i|'l '.'rlJi'/i r- \ ;; w*7i *. M ) ROUNDHOUSE 207 I L'D.S RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE ROUNDHOUSE 209 GENERAL LAYOUT OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT CLINTON. IA., C. & N. W. R. R. Tank, GENERAL LAYOUT OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT COLLIXWOOD, O., L. S. & M. S. RY. &=_ = ^__ _^ -^ _ GENERAL LAYOUT OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT ST. LOUIS, MO., T. R. R. ASSN. OF ST. LOUIS. 210 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Sou f ft Track of Prvposzcf Cocr/ Storage GENERAL LAYOUT OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT HAMMOND, IND.. ERIE R. R GENERAL LAYOUT OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT ONEONTA, N. Y., D. & H. R. R. ROUNDHOUSE 211 CROSS SECTION OF STANDARB ROUNDHOUSE, B. & O. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF STANDARD ROUNDHOUSE, ERIE R. R. CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT ONEONTA. N. T., D. & H. R. R. 212 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT LANDERS. ILL., WABASH R. R. Smoke Jack "\ Tar A Oravel Roof Pitch li' Gutter' fan House. CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT INMAN YARD, GA.. SOUTHERN RY. CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT McKEES ROCKS, PA., P. & L. E. R. R. ROUNDHOUSE 213 PARTIAL SECTION OK KOITNDHOUSE AT EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL., T. R. R. ASSN. OF ST. L. These P/rs Orotnra to/ matte Cellar Drain. CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT LA JUNTA, COLO., A. T. & S. F. RY. 214 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE These Jacks to go over Trades, above Orop Pits only CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT ELKHART, IND., L. S. & M. S. RY. "tfaSfifa Traveling Crane tiros/or runway CROSS SrOOTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT EAST AI/TOONA, PA., P. R. R. ROUNDHOUSE 215 CROSS SECTION OF LOW PORTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT PUEBLO, COLO., D. & R. G. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF HIGH PORTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT PUEBLO. COLO., D. & R. G. R. R. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE CROSS SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE AT WAYCROSS, GA., A. C. L. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR ENGINE HOUSE, C H. & D. R. R. SfCTIOH THROUGH PIT 28'S 1 ' CROSS SECTION OF RECTANGULAR ENGINE HOUSE AT GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., PERE MARQUETTE R. R. ROUNDHOUSE 217 lorry Tract SEGMENT OF STANDARD ROUNDHOUSE OF B. & O. R. R. PLAN OF ROUNDHOUSE AT PUEBLO, COLO., D. & R. G. R. R. PLAN OF ROUNDHOUSE AT ATLANTA, GA.. SOUTHERN RT. 218 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Sect/on B- Sectmn of. Truck Pif. PLAN AND DETAILS OP STANDARD ROUNDHOUSE OF ERIE R. R. Section of Orop Pit'. PLAN AND SECTION OF ROUNDHOUSE, SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF HEATING APPARATUS AT MIDDLETOWN N. Y., N. T. O. & W. R, R. ROUNDHOUSE 219 utafj Room anct Wafer Closet Machine Shop, f^f anct Smffh Shop 28JO So. P. Radiating Svrfacr PLAN OF HEATING AND PIPE DUCTS FROM POWER HOUSE AND FAN HOUSE AT EAST ALTOONA LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL. P. R. R. PLAN OF ROUNDHOUSE. SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF HEATING APPARATUS AT PARSONS, KANS., M. K. & T. RY. 220 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE t Itngt/i of movable Rail Longitudinal Section Thro' Engine Pits jV*ff S Bl 1 J,'. ' %t x% Brace [ * i HH J t/rt'/g" Plate ^H J--x L ,- i 3%" > l^l'lj'^l. J ^'i'"-'* ,s -V-^- > ^^ :-:5. ; -*' : ^ ( W Anchor tiolts IS"o.c. \ ' 1 Sec f ion D-D III ^Bottom to have 3' fa/I to Cesspool "-."/ "*". V^y:v^,*->^>-?>;V'K-. > ^:-i'^ ^.!K- : .>;:?i:-^.;^ SECTION OF ENGINE PITS IN ROUNDHOUSE AT ATLANTA, GA., SOUTHERN RT. V*^r^lllll "-.---fc.-.-;---.--"zv:rpJ T J J 1 I - - -' ^^r- 1 ? '^j \ frTJ X - 1 : X ^ A ^ i i X i -tl^ 5i ^Ballaif "l ^ ^ *tt rr-ri '^ _J r^u n J&* \*" V 1 r - (*$'xf? J 3 e Cfrji.<. l l _ J 4 J_ - inJc . i J a fe=- _-, f! 8>i? mo. < p^ u L 1 j . -47//7^ L f * i -par * U r- * * t *i = ^ H imw :-qiy:-:i=f E 1 1 _j . a " L_r J * M i J HHH t^- Scarf Joint \ ^ 1 -i' ! l ' 1'1 1 ' 4 '4'tt' ^Salbst'. Plan i honing Jlrrant,e(nenf of F/eor Si/tt Cra " Stction of Pit. DETAILS OF ENGINE PITS AND ROUNDHOUSE FLOOR AT EAST ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. ROUNDHOUSE 221 Section t Motor End. CROSS SECTION THROUGH DROP PIT IN ROUNDHOUSE AT EAST ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. PLAN OF MACHINERY IN DROP PIT, EAST ALTOONA ROUNDHOUSE, P. R. R. 8V- -S4'8- P 2 L. H. Screirs - - "1 JL ii toff: Spetdof fhfor 46Of?.f>* Moremenf of Tabte 2 ff. per rrtfj. - g'tf- ae.saoo, i?o wfs ?7H.P. focf Suspemiorr kiM . -- -- .- -'V-T-.-v. , IJ.M. ' '.^-/-""^~ r 7 f r' 1 " r r--' H 1 ' C*,c ^ refe I I 1 l". Concrete ' JJ SECTIONS THROUGH DROP PITS AT EAST ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. 222 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE j f CTirn p-f* I, iL-i , %Kfi}: ' 1""*''"' *"'">,,,, LONGITUDINAL SECTION OP PIT, INCLUDING SECTION TOWARD TURNTABLE, SECTION OF DRIVING WHEEL DROP PIT AND SECTION OP TRUCK DROP PIT IN ROUNDHOUSE AT PUEBLO COLO D. & R. G. R. R. CROSS SECTION OF PIT IN ROUNDHOUSE AT PUBBLO. COLO., D. & R. G. R. R. BticK. CROSS SECTION OF DROP PIT IN ROUNDHOUSE AT ONE- ONTA, N. Y., D. & H. R. R. PNEUMATIC LIFTING DOOR IN ROUNDHOUSE AT EAST ALTOONA, PA., ?. R. R. QjcT -** ->\ 3* f - ,7$ ^ I ^ f- 1 f-j -4T ^ f \- ii [ il lt! i lJ * 22_ ., *-J-'-H \-k' 1 [.- .... 'IV -i ~SJ- Y /T' , *~ *H Y * ^ \ /"> \ ^ v^5 } ^ 1 r~n ^~~~ - ""^1 -^^r-^"j i-. . 1 ' ' ' r^'i TRACK STOP USED IN ROUNDHOUSE AT EAST ALTOONA, PA.. P. H, R. ROUNDHOUSE , r - y Their Srts -Vk-Z-O'-Tfif LerltFi if Pit 2-2-3 PLAN AND LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF DROP PIT IN ROUNDHOUSE AT ONEONTA, N. T., D. & H. R. R. Lateral Section of Tunnel SECTION OF ENGINE PIT, SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF SECTION OF TUNNEL IN ELKHART ROUNDHOUSE, L. S. STEAM HEATING PIPE ALONG SIDES OF PIT IN & M. S. RY. ROUNDHOUSE AT ELKHART, 1ND., L. S. & M. S. RY. ! A x < 1 i iJL I -- - ' DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING AVASHING OUT SYSTEM IN ROUNDHOUSE AT ELKHART. IND-, L. S. & M. S. RY. 224 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE /7'.9 BGILER ROOM LJ aj;> Wrff> PIPING CONNECTIONS AT HEATERS FOR BOILER WASHING SYSTEM IN ROUNDHOUSE AT ELKHART INI) L. S. & M. S. RT. . \ ARRANGEMENT OF PIPING IN BOILER WASHING SYSTEM IN ROUNDHOUSE AT ELKHART, IND., L. S. & M. S. RY. (o) fo) ~Lj*f Steam ffO'bs DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING BOILER WASHING SYSTEM IN ROUNDHOUSE AT McKEES ROCKS, P. & L. E. R. R. ROUNDHOUSE 225 rmnnnnnn nnnnn ! Stcfion TTrrvuffA . DETAILS OF INSPECTION PIT AT EAST ALTOONA LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAJU P. R. R. 5 Ton c/ecr irar. Crone " H ^f^S^\ iii3 - -A EZ-21- - CRANE SERVING ASH PITS AT EAST ALTOONA LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL, P. R. R. 226 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE jjl ftae ewnrfta S57W1 Z"6*P'Pe <<:-,--LL^f^-A SECTION OF DOUBLE ASH PIT, B. & O. R. R. cie eef> \ ^or sending re- ' I ports thru pneu- ' Js matic i^ubes to ^ I I -TT ! I -4 80' -- Plan Section C-D LOCOMOTIVE INSPECTION PIT, B. & O. LOCOMOTIVE TERMINALS. ROUNDHOUSE 227 ~,f. I Htt J I r ^,\.-lwrt>*ii/ PNEUMATIC COAL CHUTE GATE ON LOCOMOTIVE COALING STATION OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT EAST ALTOONA, PA., P. R. R. I J. i i i SAND DRYING AND STORAGE PLANT OF LOCOMOTIVE TERMINAL AT EAST ALTOONA, PA.. P. R. R. 232 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE " SIDE ELEVATION OF COALING STATION AT ST. LOUIS, MO., T. R. R. ASSN. OF ST. L. END ELEVATION OF COALING STATION AT ST. LOUIS, MO., T. R. R. ASSN. OF ST. L. ROUNDHOUSE 233 5iC3 Elerar/on on Coo/ing Tryc* ~ni K-rr of Cooi ft f rotor //far r~--i P/an oifer Top of St/7 COALING STATION AND SAND DRYING PLANT OF PERB MARQUETTE R. R. SECTION OF COALING STATION OF PERE MARQUETTE R. R. 234 ROUNDHOUSE PLAN OF COALING STATION, PERE MARQUETTE R. R. SAND DRYING PLANT OF PERE MARQUETTE R. R. ~\ ARRANGEMENT OF MECHANISM FOR ELEVATING CARS AT COALING STATION, C. & N. W. RT. SECTION OF DOUBLE CHUTE COALING STATION, C. & N. W. RY. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 235 References to Articles Descriptive of Railway Shops Armour Car Lines, Union Stock Yards. Car shops at Chicago, 111. R. R. Gaz., Jan. 23, 1903. Ry. Age, Jan. 23, 1903. Armour Car Lines. Air Brake Testing Department of Car Re- pair Shops at Chicago. Ry. M. M., Dec., 1902. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Locomotive Shops at Cleburne, Tex. Loc. Eng., April, 1900. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Locomotive and Car Shops at Fort Madison, Iowa. R. R. Gaz., May 4, 1900. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Locomotive and Car Shops at Topeka. Kan. Ry. M. M., serial, April to Oct., 1903. R. R. Gaz., Nov. 7, 1902. Ry. Age, July 2, 1907. Am. Eng., June, 1901 ; Sept., Oct., 1903. Eng. News, April 2, 1903. Atlantic Coast Line Railway. Locomotive Terminal at Way- cross. Ga. Ry. M. M., April, 1906. Atlantic Coast Line Railway. Locomotive and Car Shops at \Vaycro55, Ga. R. R. Gaz., June 9, 1905. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Locomotive Terminal at Hollo- way, O. Ry. M. M., June, 1903. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Locomotive Terminal at Keyser. \Y. Ya. Ry. M. M., Nov., 1902. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Locomotive Terminals. Ry. Rev., Dec. 2is M * t Jlo - ^2 fr ?l LOCOMOTIVE WEIGHING APPA RATUS FOR ASCERTAINING WEIGHT ON EACH AXLE. OIL BURNER SPECIALTIES AND FORGES.SAND BLASTS. PAINTING AND WHITEWASHING MACH INES . ETC. 2 1 3 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 10 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Car Springs. Pittsburg Spring & Steel Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Car Trucks. Bettendorf Axle Co.. Davenport, la. Car Ventilation. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., New York. Car Wheels. Vulcan Iron Works. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Car Wheel and Crank Pin Presses. WaUon-Stillman Co., New York. Cars. BettendDrf Axle Co.. Davenport, la. Ralston Steel Car Co., Columbus, O. Cars, Dump, Ballast, etc. Ralston Steel Car Co.. Columbus. O. Cars, Steel. Bettendorf Axle Co., Davenport, la. Cars, Tank. Bettendorf Axle Co., Davenport, la. Car Wheel Plants. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Car Window Strips, Metallic. Metal Plated Car & Lumber Co.. New York. Castings, Brass. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh. Pa. Castings, Railway. Chester Steel Castings Co., Phila., Pa. Gould Coupler Co., New York. National Malleable Castings Co., Cleve- land, O. Vulcan Iron Works, Wllkis Barre, Pa. Castings, Malleable Iron. Gould Coupler Co., New York. National Malleable Castings Co., Cleve- land, O. Chucks, Drill. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Clamping Machines. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Smith, H. B. Mach Co., Smithville, N. J. Cleaners and Polishing Compound. Cleanola Co., Allegheny, Pa. Clevis Nuts. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., Cleve- land. O. Coach Roof Paints. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Cock Grinders. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, O. Cold Water Calcimine. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. Cold Water Paints. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. Colors. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co.. Chicago. Lucas & Co.. John, Philadelphia, Pa. Combination Tap and Drill. Standard Tool Co.. Cleveland. O. Continuous Platform and Buffers. Gould Coupler Co.. New York. Contractors' Equipment and Supplies. Vulcan Iron Works, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Contractors' Light. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Wells Light Mfg. Co., New York. Contractors' Locomotives. Vulcan Iron Works, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Core Ovens. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland. O. Couplers, Car. Gould Coupler Co., New York. McConway & Torley Co., Pittsburg. National Malleable Castings Co., Cleveland. Couplers, Pilot. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Cranes, Hand, Steam, Electric. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Case Mfg. Co., Columbus, O. Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Crank Pin Presses. Watson -Stlllman Co., New York. Crank Pin Turner. Underwood, H. B., & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Crucibles. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland. O. Crucible Tool Steel. Mclnnls Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Crushed Steel. Pittsburg Crushed Steel Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. Cupolas and Cupola Blocks. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland, O. Curled Hair. Bneder, Adamson & Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. Cutting-Off Saws. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Smith. H. B. Mach. Co., Smithville, N. J. Cutting-Off Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago, 111. Cutters, Milling. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Cutting-Off Machine for Self-Hardening Steel. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Cylinder Packing. Franklin Mfg. Co.. Franklin, Pa. Dado or Grooving Heads. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Depot and Station Paints (See Paints). Die Heads, Adjustable, Self-Opening. Geometric Tool Co., New Haven, Conn. Die Steel. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Disc Grinders. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Draft Gears and Draft Rigging. Farlow Draft Gear Co., Baltimore, Md. Gould Coupler Co., New York. McCord & Co., Chicago. Draftsmen's and Engineers' Supplies. Kolesch & Co., New York. Draftsmen's Tools. Starrett Co., L. S.. Athol, Mass. Draughting Room Supplies. Kolesch & Co., New York. Draw Bar Attachments. Farlow Draft Gear Co., Baltimore, Md. Draw Bridge Machinery. Nichols, Geo. B. & Bro., Chicago. Drill Chucks. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Drill Holders. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Drill Presses. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Drills, Reamers, Etc. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry. Pa. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Drill Sockets. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Drilling Machines. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Sellers & Co.. Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. GENUINE RAILROAD FINISHES CROCKETT'S RAILWAY VARNISHES Railway Body. A varnish, very durable and brilliant, and spe- cially adapted to finishing passenger coaches and trolley cars. It has a good body, works freely and dries dust-free in ten or twelve hours. Railway Rubbing. A varnish, made expressly for undercoats on passenger coaches and trolley cars. It works easily, and can be rubbed in forty-eight hours. Inside Car. A varnish, drying with a fine and durable lustre in eight hours. It works easily and is more elastic than ordinary inside varnishes. Open Car. For one coat use on electric open cars for the entire surface, including seats, dries hard and with durable lustre. Engine Finishing. A medium drying, finishing varnish, made from the hardest gums, designed to withstand the rough usage on a locomotive. Engine Rubbing. A varnish for undercoats on locomotives and similar purposes. It works easily, dries quickly, and can be rubbed in from twenty-four to thirty- six hours. Locomotive Black Finish. A medium drying and durable black finish or enamel, made from the best materials, and de- signed to withstand the rough usage on a loco- motive. Smoke Stack. A slow drying black varnish for locomotive iron work and similar purposes, designed to re- sist the action of heat and exposure. Coach Japan. This japan has been a standard article with railroad painters for many years, and has an unrivaled reputation. It is a very powerful dryer, absolutely reliable and uniform. Brown Japan. For freight paints. Floor Finish. Where a varnish is required that can be fre- quently washed with hot or cold water. Can be rubbed or left with a gloss. Spar Composition. Composed of the best materials purchasable, is the most durable, the best known and has the largest sale of any Marine Varnish manufac- tured. Positively salt and fresh water-proof, is invaluable for Exterior Marine Work of any kind, and as its name indicates particularly adapted for Spars of Steamships, Yachts and Canoes. Also a finish for Decks, Outside Doors, Piazza Floors, Store Fronts, etc. It will not crack, turn white or blister. Primelac. After making many experiments we have pro- duced this article, which we consider indis- pensable. It fills the pores of the wood and kills all resinous matter and prevents sweating. It dries hard in a few hours, with smooth surface, and is a firm foundation for the after coat. THE- DAVID B. CROCKETT COMPANY BRIDGEPORT, CONN. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 11 FERGUSON OIL FURNACES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York TOWER AND CLIMAX COUPLERS In Malleable Iron or Cast Steel Malleable Castings for Railroad Purposes The National Malleable Castings Go. CLEVELAND INDIANAPOLIS CHICAGO TOLEDO SHARON The Modern Draft Gear FARLOW It is giving universal satisfaction and being extensively used. It does not cause cars to go to the repair track, because it does not fail. FARLOW DRAFT GEAR CO. BALTIMORE, MD. CHICAGO OFFICE, FISHER BLDG. Drawing Material Complete Outfits for the Drafting Room. Triangles, Squares, Drawing Boards, Inks, Drawing and Tracing Papers, etc. SLIDE RULES. KOLESCH&CO. Established 183. ' 138 Fulton St., New York Write for catalogue. For Use on Railroad Wrecking Cars, Switching, Track Laying and Repairs Generally. No. 5 4.000 C. P. Over 25,000 Wells Lights now in use. Every light tested before it leaves factory. Made in three sizes 800, 2,000 and 4,000 candle power. Send for catalogue and prices. Ask about our Tire Expansion System. Wells Light Manufacturing Co. 44 and 46 Washington Si, NEW YORK The Perfect Car and AND VA RIM ISM CLEANOLA CLASS CLEANER THE CLEANOLA CO.. Fulton Bids., Pittsburp. Pa Locomotive Cleaner PRESERVATIVE CLEANOLA SICNAL CLEANER CHICAGO OFFICE 53 West Van Bur en Street 12 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Drilling Machines, Portable. Coates Clipper Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Driver Brake Shoes. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Drop Hammers. Chambers burg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Drop Test Machines. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Dump Cars. Ralston Steel Car Co., Columbus O Duplex Drill Lathes. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Oust Guards. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Eccentric Rolls. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. Electric Crones. Case Manufacturing Co., Columbus O Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Electric Drills and Grinders. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O Electric Lamp Brackets. Wells Light Mfg. Co., New York. Electric Storage Batteries. Gould Storage Battery Co., New York Emery Cloth and Paper. Baeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia Pa. Emery Steel. Plttsburg Crushed Steel Co., Plttsburg, Pa. Emery Wheel Dressers. Diamond Saw & Stamping Wks., Buf- falo, N. Y. Engineer's Intruments and Supplies. Kolesch & Co., New York. Engineers' Supplies. Kolesch & Co., New York. Expanded Metal. Merritt & Co., Philadelphia. Expanders, Tube. Henderer's Sons, A. L., Wilmington, Del. Files and Rasps. Nicholson File Co., Providence, R. I Fillers. Lucas, John & Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St Louis, Mo. Fireproof Building Materials. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Fireproof Paints. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Flanges, Pipe. Jefferson Union Co.. Lexington, Mass. Flanging Machines, Hydraulic. Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Flexible Shafting. Coates Clipper Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Flue Cleaners. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Spring- field, O. Flue Expanders. Faessler. J. Mfg. Co., Moberly, Mo. Flue Welding Machines and Furnaces. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Flue Rollers. Faessler. J. Mfg. Co., Moberly, Mo. Flue Sheet Drills. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Forging Hammers. Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Forging Machines. Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland, O. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Forgings. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., Cleveland, O. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Monarch Tool Works, St. Louis, Mo. Forming Machines. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Foundry Equipment and Supplies. Ph. Bonvillian & E. Ronceray, Paris, France. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland, O. Four-Way Valves. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsbure Pa. Freight Car Pains See Paints. Friction Buffers. Gould Coupler Co., New York. A Rare Opportunity 24-inch B. (i. Crank Shaper \Y7E will place a B. G. Crank Shaper in your shop, without order from Pur. Agent, freight prepaid, as a test machine. If not as represented, return at our expense. If the best of its type, pass a requisition for it. ^J We know our shaper is best adapted to R. R. Shop requirements. We want to prove it to you. Queen City Machine Tool Co. Cincinnati, Ohio A PIPE CUTTING EQUIPMENT of Williams Machines will meet all require- ments of modern work COMPLETE LINE OF PIPE CUTTING MACHINES For Up-lo Date Shops Newly designed, strong construction, rapid and convenient in op. eration. Quick open- ing and adjustable dies. Six speed changes without shift- ing a gear. 7 sizes, capacities 1-4 in. to 12 in. WILLIAMS TOOL CO. ERIE, PA. Best Paint m and Varnish Remover On the Market Under License by Chadelvid Chemical Co. Manufacturers of the Highest Grade Gar and Ll Locomotive Varnishes Established 1846. THE PARROTT VARNISH CO. FERGUSON OIL FURNACES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 13 Nicholson Files THE CHOICE OF ALL CRITICAL MECHANICS Uuequaled in CUTTING POWER DURABILITY UNIFORMITY NICHOLSON FILE CO. PROVIDENCE. R. I., U. S. A. WOLFE BRUSH COMPANY Suc (I.r, Use It PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS CHICAGO !U ' S' A You'll Like It 14 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Railway Master Mechanic ($1.00 per Year) Is the leading mechanical journal of railroading, because it is read by more motive power and car shop officials than any other paper. It also carries more advertising in these departments than any other paper. Just as a bank's growth is the measure of confidence in it by its patrons so is a newspaper's growth. The Railway Master Mechanic has shown a greater growth in the past two years (400 per cent.) than any railway journal. It brings many times one! dollar's worth of news to its sub- scribers, and therefore results to its ad- vertisers. Crandall Publishing Co. Security Building CHICAGO 130 Nassau St. NEW YORK BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Friction Draft Gear. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Frogs and Crossings. Indianapolis Frog & Switch Co., Springfield, O. Front End Paint. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia. Fuel Oil Equipment for Shops. Best American Calorific Co., W. N., New York. Rockwell Engineering Co., New York. Furnaces, Annealing, Melting, Etc. Best American Calorific Co., W. N., New York. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Rockwell Engineering Co., New York. Simpson. W. M., Chicago. Furnaces, Tire Heating. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Wells Light Mfg. Co., Chicago. Furnaces, Foundry. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Furnaces, Natural Gas. Railway Materials Co., Chicago Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Furnaces, Oil. Best American Calorific Co., W N New York. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Rockwell Engineering Co., New York. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Furnaces, Rivet Heating. Best American Calorific Co., W. N., New York. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Rockwell Engineering Co., New York. Simpson. W. M., Chicago. Gang Drills. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Gang Planer Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool. Co., Chicago. Gang Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Gantry Cranes. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, HI. Gas Furnaces. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Gaskets. McCord & Co., Chicago. Gauges, Measuring. All Kinds. Starrett Co., L. S., Athol, Mass. Gauges, Surface. Starrett Co., L. S., Athol, Mass. Gear Cutters. Becker-Brainerd Milling Machine Co.. Hyde Park, Mass. Standard Tool Co.. Cleveland, O. Graphite. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland, O. Graphite Paints. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis Surface & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Graphite Pipe Joint Compound. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Granite Roofing, Stowell Mfg. Co., Jersey City, N. J. Grinding Holders. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Grinding Machines. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Backer- Brainerd Milling Machine Co., Hyde Park, Mass. Bentel & Margedant Co.. Hamilton, O. Coates Clipper Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Landis Tool Co.. Waynesboro, Pa. Sellers & Co.. Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, H. B. Mach. Co., Smithville. N. J. Grinding Machine Attachments. Landis Tool Co., Waynesboro, Pa. Grinding Materials and Machinery. Pittsburg Crushed Steel Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Springfield Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Grip Sockets. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Hack Saw Blades. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works. Buf- falo, N. Y. Starrett. L. S. Co.. Athol. Mass. Hack Saws. Daimond Saw & Stamping Works, Buf- falo, N. Y. Hack Saw Machines, Power. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works, Buf- falo, N. Y. Hair Felt for Insulation. Baeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Hammers, Steam. Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg. Pa. OF THE " UNIVERSITY OF RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 15 The Only White That Remains White In the Vicinity of a Railroad IS Oxide of Zinc Paints based on Oxide of Zinc will not discolor in the presence of sulphur gases. Such paints are the only ones that will give satisfactory service on station build- ings, shops, etc. The New Jersey Zinc Co. 71 Broadway, New York FREE, OUR PRACTICAL PAMPHLETS : The Paint Question Paints in Architecture Specifications for Architects French Government Decrees 16 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE No. 19. BARRETT and DUFF CAR JACKS are THE acknowledged lifting jacks of the world The No. 19 Barrett Jack is especially designed for car repairing. Easily carried and easily operated. Designed also to grapple low set loads. Lifts and lowers on down stroke of lever only. Capacity, 15 tons. No. 130 Barrett Geared Ratchet Lever Jack has a capacity of 35 tons and is particularly de- signed for the rapid handling of loaded freight cars and heavy loads in general. Single acting, raising the load on the downward movement of the lever only. This Jack permits of -great ease of operation and is quick acting. No. 58 Cone Bearing Journal Jack weighs 39 pounds and has a raise of 5 inches. One man can easily replace the brasses in a truck with one of these jacks. The Duff Ball=Bearing Screw Jacks are made to interchange with Duff Roller Bearing Screw Jacks, so that any shop having our jacks equipped with roller bearing can easily change them to ball-bearing jacks if desired. We shall be pleased to send full information regarding our complete line of Jacks, which are made in capaci- ties of from 1 to 75 tons. No. 58. Bali-Bearing Jack. The Duff Manufacturing Company PITTSBURG, PA. Works, Allegheny, Pa. New York Office, 26 Cortlandt St. BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Hand Lathes. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Hand Pipe Cutters. Armstrong Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Hand Power Saws. Marston Co., J. M., Boston, Mass. Headlights, Acetylene. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Heating Furnaces, Gas. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Heat Proof Enamel. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. High Pressure Valves. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsburg Pa. High Speed Steel. Baldwin Steel Co., New York. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. High Speed Cutting Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. High Speed Tire Steel. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Hoisting Machinery. Case Mfg. Co., Columbus, O. Hoists, Electric, Hand Power, Etc. Case Mfg. Co., Columbus, O. Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland, O. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Hollow Chisel Mortlsers. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co.. Hamilton O Greenlee Bros. & Co.. Chicago Hot Pressed Nut Machines. Ajax Mfg. Co.. Cleveland, O. Hydraulic Jacks. Henderer's, A. L. Sons, Wilmington, Del. Watson-Stillman Co.. New York Hydraulic Machinery and Tools. Henderer's Sons, A. L., Wilmington. Del. Watson-Stillman Co., New York Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Hydraulic Punches. Slocomb & Co., F. F., Wilmington, Del Watson-Stillman Co., New York. Index Center. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O Stockbrldge Machine Co., Worcester Mass. India Oil Stones. Baeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia, A a. Injectors. Nathan Mfg. Co.. New York City. Instruments, Engineering and Surveying Hanna Mfg. Co.. Troy, N. Y. Kolesch & Co.. New York. Insulating Felt. Baeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia, Iron Fillers and Paints. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Iron for Staybolts. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., Cleveland, O. Jacks. Duff Mfg. Co., Allegheny, Pa. Henderer's, A. L. Sons, Wilmington, Watson-Stillman Co., New York Jacks, Hydraulic. Henderer's, A. L. Sons. Wilmington, Watson-Stillman Co., New York. Japan Oil. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. Jib Cranes. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Journal Boxes. Gourd Coupler Co.. New York. McCord & Co., Chicago. Journal Box Packing. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Journal Packing. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin. Pa. Knife Grinding Machinery. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Lagging, Asbestos. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Lamp Brackets, Electric. Wells Light Mrs- Co., New York. La np Jacks. Globe Ventilator Co., Troy. N. Y. Lamps, Electric. Cooper-Hewitt Electric Co., New York. Lamps, Mercury Vapor. Cooper-Hewitt Electric Co. New York... Lathe Dogs. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 17 Portable Pneumatic Punch ONE MAN operates this machine. QuicK, Durable, Efficient Punch, Size 3. Pneumatic Compression Riveter Fewer Parts Than Less Air Consumption rAny Less Weight j Other Write for Catalog C Riveter. Size 5. F, F, SLOCOMB & CO,, * BUILDERS Wilmington, Delaware Manufactured and For Sale by The WESTERN TOOL & MFG, CO, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, L. S. A. Makers of Famous "CHAMPION" Tool Holders Expanding Mandrels, Portable Stands, Etc. SELF-FEED TUBE EXPANDERS HYDRAULIC JACKS A. L. HENDERER'S SONS. 733 Maryland Aie., Wilmington. Dtl. RAILWAY MASTER MECHANIC ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR NICHOLS TRANSFER TABLES TURNTABLE TRACTORS DRAWBRIDGE MACHINERY Our Transfer Tables or Turntable Tractors, or both, are in operation at the shops in the following list of those described in this book. A number of the roads named are using both machines at other shops or roundhouses on the system. They are also used by many roads not mentioned in this work. We have also equipped many important drawbridges with electric operating and interlocking machinery. A., T. & S. F. Ry. B. & O. R. R. Can. Pac. Ry. Cent. R. R. of N. J. C. & E. I. R. R. C. & N. W. Ry. C. & W. I. Ry. C., B. & Q. Ry. C., M. & St. P. Ry. C., R. I. & P. Ry. C., C., C. & St. L. Ry. Colo. & So. Ry. Del. & Hud. Co. D., L. & W. R. R. D. & R. G. R. R. El Paso & S. W. Ry. Erie R. R. Great Northern Ry. 111. Cent. R. R. L. S. & M. S. Ry. Lehlgh Valley R. R. L. & N. R. R. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Pennsylvania R. R. P. & L. E. R. R. Pere Marquette R. R. Phil., Bal. & Wil. R. R. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Ter. R. R. Assn. of St. L. Union Pacific R. R. GEO. P. NICHOLS & BRO. 1090 Old Colony Building, Chicago FERGUS OIL FURNACES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York 18 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Lathe Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Spring- field, O. Lathe Tool Cabinets. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Lathes. Bentel & Margedant Co.. Hamilton, O. Billiard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Prentiss Tool & Supply Co., New York. Stockbridge Machine Co., Worcester, Mass. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, O. Lathes, Wood, Pattern Makers. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Lights, Contractors. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Wells Light Mfg.. Co., New York. Lighting of Shops, Etc. Cooper-Hewitt Electric Co.. New York. Lockers, Metal. Merritt & Co., Philadelphia. Locking Cocks. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Plttsburg, Pa. Lock Nuts. Columbia Nut & Bolt Co., Bridgeport, . Conn. Locomotive and Front End Paints. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. Locomotive Appliances. American Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. Locomotive Axles. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Locomotive Bells. Vanduzen Co., E. W., Cincinnati, O. Locomotive Blow-Off Valves. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Plttsburg, Pa. Locomotive Castings. Chester Steel Castings Co., Phila., Pa. Locomotive Couplers. McConway & Torley Co., Plttsburg, Pa. Locomotive Fire Kindlers. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Locomotive Forgings See Forglngs. Locomotive Guide Liners. Starrett, L. S. Co., Athol, Mass. Locomotive Headlights. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Locomotive Injectors. Nathan Mfg. Co., New York. Locomotive Oil Pumps. Sight Feed Oil Pump Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Locomotive Lagging. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Locomotive Supplies. Nathan Mfg. Co., New York. Locomotive Track Sanders. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Locomotive Turntable Tractors. Nichols, Geo. P. & Bro., Chicago. Locomotive Valves. American Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. Locomotives. Vulcan Iron Works, Wilkesbarre, Pa Locomotives, Contractors. Vulcan Iron Works/ Wilkesbarre, Pa, Locomotives, Logging. Vulcan Iron Works, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lubricants, Graphite. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Lubricating Oils. Galena Signal Oil Co.. Franklin, Pa. Lubricators. McCord & Co., Chicago. Machinery and Machinery Tools. Acme Machinery Co.. Cleveland, O. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. Becker-Bralnerd Milling Machine Co., Hyde Park, Mass. Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Cincinnati Punch & Shear Co., Cin- cinnati, O. Cleveland Punch & Shear Co.. Cleve- land, O. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Merrell Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. National Machinery Co.. Tiffin, O. NATHAN FC. CO. 85 Liberty St. NEW YORK MaKers of MONITOR, SIMPLEX and NATHAN Western Office, 485 Old Colony Bldg. CHICAGO Injectors and Lubricators Specially Constructed for High Pressures Grading from 20 to 300 IBs. Nathan's Sight Feed Lubricators for Cylinders and Air Brakes. Steam Fire Extinguishers for Switching and Yard Engines. Boiler Washers, Rod and Guide Oil Cups, Etc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Coole Muffled and Plain Pop Safety Valve Buffalo Brake Beam Co. Patented Special" Section and Forged Fulcrum Forged Steel Brake Head. General office, 30 Pine Street New York St. Louis office Lincoln Trust Building Works: Buffalo New York Richardson Sight Feed Oil Pumps For Power Plants. For Pumping Stations. For Steam Wreckers. For one, two, or three kinds of oil. For Gas Engines. For Air Compressors. For Steam Engines For the asking catalogues, imformation, etc. For those who want the best. Made fcy Oil Pump Specialists. Sight Feed Oil Pump Company. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. FERGUSON OIL FURNACES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 19 Hydraulic Equipment Is your shop equipped with all the latest up to date Hydraulic Machinery and appli- ances which have been manufactured for Railway Use? We have a full line of Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Presses, Crank Pin Presses, Pumps, Accumulators, Valves and Fittings, Bar Straighteners, and in fact all Hydraulic Tools that are used by Railroad Men, and every tool guaranteed too. SEND FOR RAILROAD CATALOGUE The WATSON STIUMAN CO. Main Office, 26 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK CITY Branch Office, 453 The RooKtry, - CHICAGO, ILL. Hanna Instruments FULFILL ALL RAILROAD REQUIREMENTS /^\UR Engineering Instruments give better re- sults and are superior in every respect, because they embody the best principles of con- struction, material and workmanship. Write for our Catalogue fully illustrated and free. The Hanna Mfg. Co, 280 River St., Troy, N. Y. Railway Engineering' and Maintenance of Way ($1.OO per Year) Is the only journal published entirely de- voted to railway engineering questions. Its circulation is confined to engineering and track officials, and railway contractors, and in the past year has shown a phenomenal growth. The Railway Master Mechanic and Railway Engineering cover separately the two departments of railroading, a field oth- ers have attempted to cover with one journal. Our plan is to give each official what he wants no more-=and the advertiser buys no "dead" circulation. The success of the idea affirms our judgment. 20 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE THE STANDARD TOOL GO MILLING CUTTER* MADE OF EITHER Carbon or High Speed Steel Regular Cutters carried in stock. We make Special Cutters for milling accurate and intricate forms. Inserted Blade Cutters, with or with- out high-speed blades. Cleveland, 0., and 94 Reade St., New York ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Brown Metallic Window Strip The BEST CAR WINDOW STRIP IN THE WORLD 2 Absolutely prevents all rattling of windows, and is air and dust proof. All metal and therefore everlasting. FULLY COVERED BY PATENTS SOLE MANUFACTURERS METAL PLATED CAR , LUMBER CO, 17O Broadway, NEW YORK CITY COLD PUNCHED AND HOT PRESSED SQUARE AND HEXAGON For Locomotive Construction, or Shop Use, "Milton" Nuts render the best service for the following reasons: First Because of their SUPERIOR QUALITY. Second They are made ACCURATE TO DIMENSIONS. Third Their General Efficiency REDUCES LOSS TO A MINI- MUM. TRY US WITH A TRIAL. ORDER The Milton Manufacturing Co. HILTON, PENNSYLVANIA THe UNIVERSAL MOULDING MACHINE A Revolution in Machine Moulding. Two Men will turn out 15 to 20 Large Castings an Hour. PH. BONVILLIAN a E. RONCERAY PARIS. FRANCE Jersey BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Prentiss Tool & Supply Co., New York. Queen City Machine Tool Co., Clncln- Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Stockbrldge Machine Co., Worcester, Mass. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, O. Williams Tool Co., Brie, Pa. Underwood, H. B. & Co., Philadelphia. Machinery Paint. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Machinists' Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works. Buffalo, N. Y. _ Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Starrett Co., The L. S., Athol, Masr Main Valves. American Balance Valve Co., Shore, Pa. Malleable Iron Draft Arms. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Malleable Iron Castings. Gould Coupler Co., New York. National Malleable Casting Co., Cleve- McCoriway & Torley Co., Plttsburg, Pa Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Springfield. Ohio. Measuring Tapes. Hanna Mfg. Co., Troy, N. Y. Kolesch & Co.. New York. Mercury Vapor Lamps. Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., New York. Melting Furnaces, Lead, Portable. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Metal Roof Paint. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Metallic Window Strip. Metal Plated Car & Lumber Co., New York. Metallic Paint. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., g Lote, Mo. Micrometers. Starrett Co., L. S., Athol, Mass. Milling Cutters and Cutter Grinders. Becker-Brainard Milling Machine Co.. Hyde Park, Mass. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland O. Starrett Co., The L. S.. Athol, Mass. Milling Machines. Becker-Brainerd Milling Machine Co.. Hyde Park, Mass. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Prentiss Tool & Supply Co., New Yoik Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Mine Car Wheels. Vulcan Iron Works, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Mine Locomotives. Vulcan Iron Works, Wilkes Barre, Pa Molders Tools and Machines. Ph. Bonvillian & E. Ronceray, Paris. Smith? Ce j. D., Foundry Supply Co.. Cleveland, O. Monitor Lathes. Garvin Machine Co. New York Mortlsers (See Car Shop Machinery.) Mfg. Co., Worce-ter. Mass. Mud Ring Drills. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Nipple Machines. Merrell Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. Columbia Nut & Bolt Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Nut Machines. Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland. O. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Nut Tappers. Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland, O. Landis Machine Co., Waynesboro. Pa. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Williams Tool Co., Erie, Pa. Nuts. Milton Mfg. Co., Milton, Pa. Oil Burning Equipment for Locomotives. Best American Calorific Co., W. N., New York. Oil Cups. Milton Mfg. Co., Milton, Pa. Oil Furnaces. Best American Calorific Co., W. N., New York. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Rockwell Engineering Co., New York. Simpson, W. M., Chicago. Oil Pumps, Locomotives. Sight Feed Oil Pump Co., Milwaukee, Wis. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 21 JACK WILSON VALVE Double Admission and Exhaust Correctly Balanced Throughout Stroke For High or Low Pressure With a Record of 168,324 miles without facing Valve Seats BOTH TYPES GUARANTEED STEAM TIGHT FOR PRESSURE UP TO 250 LBS. AMERICAN BALANCE VALVE CO. 1SSJH3t AMERICAN - PISTON VALVE Running over Ports WITHOUT BRIDGES With a record of 91,341 miles without cost and in perfect condition Modern Machinery IS a monthly journal devoted to iron and wood- working machinery, steam, gas and electric power, shops, tools, machinery and supplies; the best practices in machine construction and design, time and labor-saving devices and all new ideas that make for results and improv- ments in this industry. Its circulation is among manufacturers and builders of machinery, foremen, superintendents of shops, machine shop owners and progressive machinists. We furnish adver- tisers a daily news service free, consisting of inquiries for machinery in all lines. This service alone is worth what the advertising costs. Ask us about this. Crandall Publishing Co Security Bldg. CHICAGO 132 Nassau Street NEW YORK 22 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE For Stay bolt Cutting and General Bolt Work; The Landis Die IS WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Correct Pitch is Acquired without the aid of a Lead Screw No annealing, bobbing, re-tempering or grinding in the throat ever required. Life of dies many times that of any others, owing to shape and manner of holding same. The rake is flexible and can readily be ground to suit kind of metal to be cut. The Landis Die possesses all the good features found in any other die and has many advantages other dies cannot have. LANDIS MACHINE CO. Manufacturers of Bolt Cutting and Nut Tapping Machinery , Landis Patent Die Head WAYNESBORO, PA. Poage Style D Water Crane Five Foot Vertical Adjustment, Three Fool Lateral Movement, Non-Freezable; No Water Wasted American Valve and Meter Company CINCINNATI, OHIO Manufacturers Poage Automatic Water Cranes, Automatic Shut-off Inlet Valves Tank Valves, Tank Fixtures, Economy Switch Stands (Ground Throw) Cincinnati and Acorn Water Meters Brass Valves, Unions, Etc* Send for the Pictures and Description If you want other books on Railway, Mechanical or Engineering Subjects write to us and we will furnish them to you. If you want to look over our list write for it and we will gladly send it. Crandall Publishing Company Chicago New York BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Oil Pumps, Tanks, Etc. Bowser & Co., Inc., S. F. ( Ft. Wayne, Ind. National Oil Pump & Tank Co., Day- ton, O. Oil Systems and Outfits for Shops, Etc. Bowser & Co., Inc., S. F., Ft. Wayne, Ind. . National Oil Pump & Tank Co., Day- ton, O, Oils. Galena Signal Oil Co., Franklin, Pa. Oxide of Zinc. New Jersey Zinc Co., New York. Packing. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Painting Machines. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Paints. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. New Jersey Zinc Co., New York. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Paint Brushes. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. McKim & Co., Jno., Philadelphia, Pa. Wolfe Brush Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Paints, Graphite. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, ' Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Paint, Waterproof. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis. Mo. Pattern Makers' Machinery. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Smith. H. B. Machine Co., Smithville, N. J. Pillar Cranes. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Pintsch Gas. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., New York. Pipe. Spencer Otis Co., Chicago. Pipe Coverings, Asbestos. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Pipe Bending Machinery. Stoever Foundry & Mfg. Co., Myers- town, Pa. Pipe-Cutting and Threading Machines. Acme Mach. Co., Cleveland, O. Armstrong Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Merrell Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Stoever Foundry & Mfg. Co., Myers- town, Pa. Williams Tool Co., Erie, Pa. Pipe Joint Cement. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Pipe Unions. Jefferson Union Co., Lexington, Mass. Piston Valves, Balanced. American Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. Planer Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Spring- field, O. Planer Jacks. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Planing Machines, Metal. Bentel & Margedant Co.. Hamilton, O. Planing Machines, Wood. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Smith, H. B. Machine Co., Smithville. N. J. Platforms, Steel. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Polishing Oils. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Portable Punches. Slocomb & Co., F. F., Wilmington, Del. Portable Tool and Vise Stands. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohio. Portable Tools. Slocomb, F. F. & Co., Wilmington. Del. Underwood, H. B. & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Power Hack Saws. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works, Buf- falo. N. Y. Power Pumps. Bowser & Co., Inc., S. P., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Presses Hydraulic. Watson-Stillman Co., New York City. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 23 Durable Paints for Railway Equipment THOROUGH knowledge of shop practice, exceptional fa- cilities for manufacture, and experience in preparing paints to give desired service, constitute three good reasons for using the "D.G.flI."RAILWAY Paints Write for Data and Color Cards covering paints for STEEL CARS FREIGHT CARS TANK CARS CANVAS ROOFS METAL ROOFS SIGNAL APPARATUS TRUCKS CAR FLOORS HAND RAILS We manufacture Railway standards and meet the requirements as any specifications. DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG. CO. DETROIT, MICH. NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO BUFFALO CLEVELAND ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY ATLANTA 24 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE THE STANDARD TOOL Co. REAMERS FOR ALL, PURPOSES All Standard Reamers are made of the best of ma- terial, in the proper way, tc the correct standards and can be relied on for Accuracy and Durability. CLEVELAND, 0. ( and 94 Reade St., NEW YORK You Can Always Tell When a freight car begins to look streaky or dull that a "cheap mineral" paint has been used and "doused" with a Japan oil or ben- zine. It requires painting every few months, and then never has that hard gloss, dirt-defy- ing surface produced when using Sacul Freight Car Color We have made a study of this subject and are prepared to furnish you with an article far dif- ferent from anything you have ever used. Sacul Freight Car Color will last five times longer than any other freight car coating. It is a tremendous money saver. Why not specify it in your next requisition ? John Lucas Company PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Pressure Regulating Valves. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsburg. Pa. Pump and Throttle Packing. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Pumps, Boiler Test. Henderer's A. L. Sons, Wilmington, Del. Pumps, Locomotive Oil. Sight Feed Oil Pump Co., Milwaukee, Wls. Pumps, Self Measuring for Oil*, Varnish, Paint Oils, Etc. Bowser & Co., Inc., S. F., Ft. Wayne, Ind. National Oil Pump & Tank Co., Day- ton, O. Punches, Hydraulic. Henderer's A. L. Sons, Wilmington, Del. Slocomb & Co., F. F., Wilmington, Del. Watson-Stlllman Co., New York. Punches, Portable. Slocomb, F. F. & Co., Wilmington, Del. Watson-Stillman Co., New York. Punches, Screw. Henderer's A. L. Sons, Wilmington, Del. Watson-Stillman Co., New York. Punching and Shearing Machines. Cincinnati Punch & Shear Co., Cincin- nati, O. Cleveland Punch & Shear Co., Cleve- land, O. Watson-Stlllman Co., New York. Rail Benders. Watson-Stillman Co., New York. Rail Braces. Indianapolis Switch & Frog Co., Spring- field, O. Railroad Equipment and Supplies. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works. Buf- falo, N. Y . Indianapolis Switch & Frog Co., S-prlng- fleld, O. McCord & Co., Chicago. Railway Shop Machinery. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margadant Co.. Hamilton, O. Cincinnati Punch & Shear Co., Cincin- nati, O. Cleveland Punch & Shear Co., Cleve- land, O. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Greenlee Bros. & Co., Chicago. Watson-Stillman Co., New York City. Railway Specialties. Farlow Draft Gear Co., Baltimore. Md. Rasps and Files. Nicholson File Co., Providence, R. I. Ratchet Drills. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Reamers. McCrosky, F. B. Mfg. Co., Meadville, Pa. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohio. Reamers, Pipe. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Rivet Headers. Acme Machinery Co.. Cleveland. O. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland. O. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Riveting Machines. Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Watson-Stillman Co., New York. Rivet-Making Machines. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. Rolling Mill Machinery. Cincinnati Punch & Shear Co., Cincin- nati, O. Rolls, Bending, Straightening, Etc. Cincinnati Punch & Shear Co.. Cincin- nati, O. Cleveland Punch & Shear Co., Cleve- land, O. Roofing. Drake & Wiers Co., Cleveland. O. Stowell Mfg. Co., Jersey City, N. J. Roofing, Asbestos. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Roof Paints. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit. Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Roofing Slates and Shingles, Asbestos. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Rules, All Kinds. Starrett Co., L. S.. Athol, Mass. Rust Proof Paints (See Structural Iron Paints). Sand Paper. Baeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 25 MclNNES EXTRA STEEL The Best Tool Steel for Railroads MclNNES EXTRA HIGH SPEED; STEEL "EASY TO WORK, BUT HARD TO BEAT MclNNES "EXTRA" for turning all kinds of material at "HIGH SPEED." MclNNES CRUCIBLE Tool Steel for Punches, Dies and Chisels. We furnish all our Steels well an- nealed. We not only Take your order, but we Fill it, out of our well assorted stock in our warerooms. Our new Booklet, "TOOL STEELS" will be of interest to you. May we send it? We make all kinds of steel forgings. Mail us your Blue Prints for quotations. "The Man Behind Mclnnes Steels" ALEXANDER MclNNES, Sr. Originator of "Mclnnes" Tool Steels. MclNNES STEEL COMPANY,^ CORRY, PENN., U. S. A. Agents The White Tool & Supply Co., Cleveland, Ohio Qustave H. Schrock, 291 Pearl St., New York City Roy Machinery Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 26 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE STAY BOLT TAPS We manufacture Spindle Stay Bolt Taps as shown, also Regular Stay Bolt Taps with any length of Reamer, Thread or Shank. Standard Taps cut clean threads. Cleveland, 0., and 94 Reade St., New York BUYERS' GUIDE Continued. Sand Polishing Machines. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Sand Blast Apparatus. Smith, J. D., Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland, O. Sand Driers. Parkhurst & Wilkinson Co., Chicago. Sand Polishing Machines. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Smith. H. B. Mach. Co., Smithville, N .J. Sash, Window, Strips, Metallic. Metal Plated Car & Lumber Co.. New York. Saw Benches. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Saws, Hand, Foot and Steam Power. Marston Co., J. M., Boston, Mass. Saw Mandrels. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co.. Hamilton, O. Smith, H. B., Machine Co., Smithville, N. J. Sawmill Machinery. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Greenlee Bros. & Co., Chicago. Bentel & Margedant Co.. Hamilton, O. Smith, H. B.. Machine Co.. Smithville, N. J. Saws Hack. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works. Buffalo, N. Y. Saws Hack Frames. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works, Buffalo, N. Y. Saws Hack, Power Machines. Diamond Saw & Stamping Works, Buffalo, N. Y. Screw Cutting Die Heads. Geometric Tool Co., New Haven, Conn. Screw Machines. Garvln Machine Co.. New York. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, O. Self -Measuring Oil Tanks. Bowser, S. F. & Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Shapers. Queen City Machine Tool Co., Cincin- nati, O. Stockbridge Machine Co., Worcester. Mass. Shears and Punches. Cincinnati Punch & Shear Co., Cincin- nati, O. Cleveland Punch & Shear Co., Cleve- land, O. Watson & Stillman Co., New York. Sheath ings, Asbestos. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Shingles, Asbestos. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Shop Lighting. Cooper-Hewitt Electric Co., New York. Shop Oil Cabinets. Bowser, S. F. & Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Side Bearings. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Side Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Sight Feed Locomotive Oil Pumps. Sight Feed OH Pump Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Signal Colors Lucas & ., John, Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Signal Tower Oil Tanks. Bowser, S. F. & Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Side Rules. Kolesch & Co., New York. Slide Valves. Amer. Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. Slotting Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago, 111. Smoke Jacks, Asbestos. Frankling Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Special Machinery. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Stockbridge Machine Co., Worcester, Mass. Special Pipe Machinery. Merrell Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. Special Railroad Machinery. Nichols, Geo. P. & Bro., Chicago. Speed Indicators. Starrett Co., L. S., Athol, Mass. Speed Lathes. Stockbridge Machine Co., Worcester, Mass. Spelter. New Jersey Zinc Co., New York. Spike Machines and Shears. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Spring Collers. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Spring Dampeners. McCord & Co., Chicago. Springs. Pittsburg Spring & Steel Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. Spring Steel. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Stand Pipes. American Valve & Meter Co., Cincin- nati, O. Staybolt Machinery. Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland, O. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. Landis Machine Co., Waynesboro, Pa. National Machinery Company, Tiffin, O. Staybolt Sleeves. Am. Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. Staybolt Taps. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Staybolt Threading Machines. Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland. Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, O. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Staybolts, Flexible. Flannery Bolt Co., Pittsburg. Steam Couplers. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., New York. Steam Hammers. Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Steam Traps (Automatic, Car Service). Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., New York. Steam Valves. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Steel. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Steel Axles. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., Cleveland, O. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Steel Car Paints. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co.. Chicago. Lucas & Co.. John, Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co.. St. Louis, Mo. Steel Castings. Chester Steel Castings Co., Phila., Pa. Gould Coupler Co., New York. McConway & Torley Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Steel Emery. Pittsburg Crushed Steel Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. Steel Foundry Equipment. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Steel Lockers. Merritt & Co., Philadelphia. Steel Platforms. Gould Coupler Co., New York Steel, Tool. Baldwin Steel Co., N. Y. City. Mclnnes Steel Co.. Corry, Pa. Steel Trucks. Bettendorf Axle Co., Chicago. Stocks and Dies. Armstrong Manufacturing Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Storage Batteries. Gould Storage Battery Co., New York. Storage Systems for All Kinds of Oil. Bowser & Co., Inc., S. F., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Structural Iron Paints. Detroit Graphite Co., Detroit, Mich. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Surfacers, Coach and Locomotive. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. Surveying Instruments. Hanna Mfg. Co.. Troy, N. Y. Kolesch & Co., New York. Swing Saws. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Smith, H. B. Mach. Co., Smithville. N. J. Switches & Swltchstands. Indianapolis Switch & Frog Co., Springfield, O. Tanks. American Valve & Meter Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Tanks and Pumps, Oil Storage. Bowser & Co., Inc., S. F., Ft. Wayne. National Oil Pump & Tank Co.. Day- ton. O. Tank Valves, Locomotive. American Valve & Meter Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Tapping and Reaming Machines. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Taps and Dies. Geometric Tool Co., New Haven. Conn. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Taps, Collapsible. Geometric Tool Co.. New Haven, Conn. Taps, Pipe. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Tender Trucks. Bettendorf Axle Co., Davenport, la. Tenoning Machines. (See Wood Working Machinery.) Threading Machines, Pipe. Armstrong Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Merrell Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. Threading Tools. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago, Landis Machine Co., Waynesboro, Pa. Three-Way Valves. Homestead Valve & Mfg. Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. Tire Heating Apparatus. Macleod & Co.. Walter^. Cincinnati, O. Railway Materials Co., Chicago. Simpson. W. M., Chicago. Wells Light Mfg. Co., New York. Tool Grinders. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Tool Holders. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Springfield, O. Tool Posts. Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago. Tool Stands. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Springfield, O Tool Steel. Baldwin Steel Co., New York. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Tool Steel Forgings. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Tools for Machinists. McCrosky, F. B. Mfg. Co., Meadvllle. Pa. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry Pa. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Track Bolt Headers. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Track Drills. Baldwin Steel Co., New York. Mclnnes Steel Co.. Corry, Pa. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland. O. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 27 Books for Railway Shop Men Y V 7E carry the largest stock of mechanical and technical books in the United States, and have unequalled facilities for promptly supplying any book published. We issue catalogues describing the authorities on Loco- motive Running and Shop Work, Foundry and Forge Prac- tice, Car Building and Painting, Boiler Design and Construe- tion, Handling of Electrical Machinery, and Mechanical and Technical Hand and Shop Books, which we supply gratis on application, and solicit inquiries on all works relating to these or other mechanical branches. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Publishers and Booksellers 23 MURRAY, and 27 WARREN STS., NEW YORK. 28 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Track Tools. Mclnnes Steel Co., Corry, Pa. Track Wrenches. Goes Wrench Co., Worcester, Mass. Transfer Cranes. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Transfer Tables. Nichols, Geo. P. & Bro., Chicago. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, m. Trap Door Rigging. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Transmission Machinery. Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Triple Drum Sanders. Smith, H. B. Mach. Co., Smlthvllle, N. J. Trucks, Cars and Barrows. Smith, J. D.. Foundry Supply Co., Cleveland, O. Truck Bolsters. Bettendorf Axle Co., Chicago. Turnbuckles. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., Cleve- land. O. Turning Lathes. American Wood Working Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Garvin Machine Co., New. York. Prentiss Tool & Supply Co., New York. Smith, H. B. Mach. Co., Smithville, N. J. Turn and Transfer Tables. Nichols, Geo. P. & Bro., Chicago. Sellers & Co., Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Har- vey, 111. Turntable Tractors. Nichols, Geo. P. & Bro., Chicago. Turret Lathes. Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Prentiss Tool & Supply Co., New York. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, O. Twist Drills and Reamers. Mclnnes Steel Co., Correy, Pa. Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, O. Uncoupling Brackets. Gould Coupler Co., New York. Unions, Pipe. Jefferson Union Co., Lexington, Mass. Universal Forging Machines. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. Upsetting and Forging Machines. Acme Machinery Co., Cleveland, O. Ajax Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. The National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Williams Tool Co., Erie, Pa. Valve Grinding Material. Pittsburg Crushed Steel Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. Valve Millers. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, O. Valves. American Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. American Valve & Meter Co., Cincin- nati, O. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Valves, Main Balanced. American Balance Valve Co., Jersey Shore, Pa. Vapor Lamps, Mercury. Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., New York. Varnish Remover. Ellis-Chalmers Co., Dedham, Mass. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia, Pa. Parrott Varnish Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Varnishes. Anglo-American Varnish Co., Newark. N. J. David B. Crockett Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. Lucas & Co., John, Philadelphia. Parrott Varnish Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Vertical Spindle Milling Machines. Garvin Machine Co., New York. Ventilators. Globe Ventilator Co., Troy, N. Y. Vestiblues. Gould Coupler Co., New York. McConway & Torley Co., Pittsburg. Pa. Vises, Pipe. Henderer's A. L. Sons, Wilmington, Del. Vises, Quick Acting. Armstrong Manufacturing Co., Bridge- port, Conn. National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Vise and Tool Stands. Western Tool & Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohio. Washer Machines. The National Machinery Co., Tiffin, O. Waste, Wool and Cotton. Franklin Mfg. Co., Franklin, Pa. Water Columns. American Valve & Meter Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Water Tanks. American Valve & Meter Co., Cincin- nati, O. Weighing Apparatus, Portable, for Cars and Locomotives. Macleod & Co., Walter, Cincinnati, O. Wheel Presses. Chambersburg Engineering Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Sellers & Co., Wm.. Philadelphia, Pa. Window Strip, Metallic. Metal Plated Car & Lumber Co., New York. Woodworking Machinery. American Woodworking Machinery Co., New York. Bentel & Margedant Co., Hamilton, O. Greenlee Bros. & Co., Chicago. Marston Co., J. M., Boston, Mass. Smith, H. B. Mach. Co., Smlthvllle. N. J. Wrecking Lights. (See Contractor's Lights.) Wrenches. Armstrong Mfg. Co.. Bridgeport, Conn. Coes Wrench Co., Worcester, Mass. Zinc and Zinc Oxide. New Jersey Zinc Co., New York. TWIST DRILLS We make Taper and Straight Shank Drills of either Carbon or High Speed Steel. All kinds of drills to fit track drilling machines, such as Buda, Paulus, Thompson, etc. Also Ratchet Shank Drills. Cleveland, 0., and 94 Reade St., New YorK Railway Master Mechanic ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR JOHN McKIM GO, (Established 1825) Successors to OEO. W. METZ & SONS BRUSH MANUFACTURERS for Railroads, Factories, Institutions, Churches, Schools, Stores, Offices, Homes. 131 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, FERGUSON OIL FURNACES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 29 WOOD WORKING TOOLS For Car and Railroad Shops Heavy Car Timber Boring, Sawing, Ten- oning, Gaining, Grooving, Mortising, Moulding, Planing and Matching Ma- chines, Timber Dress- ing Machines, Uni- versal Woodworkers, etc., all of the latest, new and superior de- sign. Pull Description and Prices Upon Application THE BENTEL & MARGEDANT GO. HAMILTON, OHIO, U. S. A. Ii Original Neutral Paint and Varnish Remover I1ENOID TRADE MARK TT AS been found by up to date railway * * shops of the country to have no equal in quickness of action, power of penetration and lack of all the disagreeable features characteristic of the ordinary kind of remover. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Ellis=Chalmers Co, 100 William Street, NEW YORK CITY. BecKwitH-Chandler Co. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH-GRADE VARNISHES NEWARK, N. J. 2O1 EMMETT STREET NEW YORK 32O FIFTH AVENUE HOLMES' METALLIC PACKING ORDER IT // you want Packing that lasts and. saves Contin* ual Packing Bills. Guaranteed 5 years. 30 Days' Trial. Less Oil. No Friction on the Rod. ffo Pay Unless Satisfactory Beware of Imitator* Holmes' Metallic Packing Co. WILKES-BARRE. PA. The Standard Refrigerator Car Hair Felt INSULATION Baeder = Adamson & Co. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO 30 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE THE WARNER & SWASEY COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. NEW YORK OFFICE: Singer Building, 149 Broadway. Hollow Hexagon Turret Lathes Turret Screw Machines Brass-working Machine Tool No. 2 Machine. 23ix24 HOLLOW HEXAGON TURRET LATHES Every modern facility for the rapid and accurate production of lathe work provided. Built in four sizes i$4x\8, 2^4x24, 3^x36 and 4^8x36 inches. See also Turret Screu Machines, Universal Turret Lathes and Plain Turret Lathes, pages 31, 32, 33 No. 4 Machine, 4Vx36" RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 31 THE WARNER & SWASEY COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. NEW YORK OFFICE: Singer Building, 149 Broadway. Hollow Hexagon Turret Lathes Turret Screw Machines Brass-working Machine Tools No. 4 Machine Capacity: I ^ inch bar stock: 1 4 inches twins TURRET SCREW MACHINES New designs: Automatic Chuck and Bar Feed Geared Feeds; positive; changeable instantly Independent Stops for turret. Great strength and rigidity. Built in eight sizes 5/8 to 35 s capacity, bar stock; 10 to 20 inch swing. See also Hollow Hexagon Turret Lathes, Universal Turret Lathes, and Plain Turret Lathes, pages 30, 32, 33 No. 8 Machine Capacity: 3?g inch bar stock: 20 inches swing 32 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE THE WARNER & SWASEY COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. NEW YORK OFFICE: Singer Building, 149 Broadway. Hollow Hexagon Turret Lathes Turret Screw Machines Brass- working Machine Toolf 18-inch Swing UNIVERSAL TURRET LATHES Especially adapted for general manufacturing work, repair parts etc., in brass and iron. Built in sizes 1 6 to 24 inch swing. See also Hollow Hexagon Turret Lathes, Turret Screw Machines and Plain Turret Lathes, pages 30, 31 , 33 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 33 THE WARNER & SWASEY COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. NEW YORK OFFICE: Singer Building, 149 Broadway. Hollow Hexagon Turret LatJ Turret Screw Machines Brass-working Machine Tools 16-inch Machinr with Geared-rricn'on Head, Cut-off and Independent Adjustable Stops for Turret. TURRET LATHESFOR BRASS AND IRON WORK Built in a variety of styles and sizes, particularly adapted for the manufacture of Valves and Cocks as well as other duplicate parts in bras and iron. See also Hollow Hexagon Turret Lathes, Turret Screw Machines and Universal Turret Lathes, Pages 30, 3 1 , 32. 1 6-inch Machine with Plain Head, Automatic Chuck, Cutt-off Forming Attachment and Independent Adjustable Slope for Turret. 34 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Standard Arch Bar Drill Built in two sizes, six and eight spindles. Designed and built with great care, with absolute rigidity a feature. Cross Rail, Uprights and Table of heavy section throughout to prevent deflection under cut, occasioned by the fact that all the drills are fed through the Arch Bar simultaneously. Miter Gears are all forged with Planed Teeth, are of large pro= portions, securely housed in bearings which are a part of the spindle head, depending in no way for support upon driving shafts or spindles. Table well supported between housings, fed through Rack and Pinion under center line of spindles. Feed is positive and powerful, through gearing provided with automatic knock off at any desired point. Machine is susceptible to minor changes to meet practically any Arch Bar proposition. Full specifications and details cheerfully furnished. The Foote=Burt Company, Makers CLEVELAND, OHIO RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 35 No. 5 Independent Feed Drill Spindles adjustable along the rail for different center distance. Any one or number of spindles can be thrown out by means of individual clutch while the machine is in operation, overcoming the necessity of stopping all the spindles if but one or a part of the drills need attention. Closest centers between any two heads, 8 inches. Outside spindles when adjusted to greatest center distance, 97 inches. Power feed to spindles >,f 12 inches with automatic knock-off. Table adjusts vertically on uprights 14 inches. Maximum distance nose of spindle to top of table, 26 inches. Width of table, 24^ inches. For railroad shop use, we generally equip this tool with arch bar fixtures as shown in cut, and when so furnished, we can give an output of drilled arch bars nearly equal to any standard arch bar drill in the market. At the same time the user has a machine that can be used on any other class of drilling, running 6 spindles with one operator on brake levers, truck frames, steam chest covers and general car and locomo- tive work, cutting the piece cost of drilling from a single spindle drill with one operator to the output of 6 spindles with same operator. Built in various sizes to meet the general conditions of Locomotive and Car Shop work We would like to tell you of some of the roads using these tools. A card will bring you complete details. FOOTE-BURT COMPANY Makers CLEVELAND, OHIO 36 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Stop Breaking Drills! This drill of ours has a capacity up to and including 2% -in. high speed drills, to their full cutting capacity in steel, without splitting the drill. The reason for this is that the machine is extremely rigid and there is absolutely no deflection between the nose of spindle and the table. The No. 25 High Duty Drill does not allow the drill to dig in and take two or three times the feed it is capable of, which results in breakage. It gets the full efficiency out of any drill, either high speed or carbon, up to the capacity of its cutting edge. Built in sizes 24 in., 36 in. and 44 in.; and there are a lot of good interesting facts about these tools that are yours for the asking. The FOOTE-BURT COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO BACK GEARED AND RIGHT ANCLE DRIVE THE RELIANCE Bolt Cutter There is a reason why this is such a satisfactory machine, and a lot of this reason is in the Die Head We will gladly give you some facts worth having about this tool. Built in all standard sizes TheFoote=BurtCo. (Maker.) CLEVELAND, OHIO RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 37 Mud Ring and Flue Sheet Drill These machines provided with auxiliary cross rails, which are movable on the main cross rail, on which are mounted a suitable number of drilling heads, easily adjustable to any multiple of the rivet spacing in Mud Rings or Flue Sheet Holes in Flue Sheet and, by the movement of auxiliary cross rails latterly and cross movement of the table, the complete layout in this class of work is completed without individual udjustment of spindles. Each spindle has independent power feed automatically knocked off at any desired point, or disconnected by operator without stopping machine or interfering with any of the other spindles. Furnished in sizes suitable for both Mud Ring and Flue Sheet work or specially adapted for either. Complete Details Promptly Furnished THE, FOOTE-BURT COMPANY (MAKERS) CLEVELAND, OHIO 38 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Forging' Machinery FOR The Forge Shop AJAX No. 9 BULLDOZER, REVERSIBLE CROSS HEAD Ajax Bulldozers Built in Sizes from No. 3 to No. 12 AJAX UPSETTING AND FORGING MACHINE-MOTOR DRIVEN Built in Sizes from ^ in. to 6 in. MAKING MACHINERY FOR MAKING FORCINGS IS OUR SPECIALTY. WRITE US FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF FORCINGS. THE AJAX MFG. CO., Cleveland, Ohio New York Office, 149 Broadway Chicago Office, 621 Marquette Bldg. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 39 CLEVELAND CITY FORGE & IRON CO. FORCINGS OF ALL KINDS For Cars, Locomotives and Machinery THE LARGEST MAKERS OF Perfect Turnbuckles IN THE WORLD Clevis Nuts, Brake Jaws, Pins, Drawbar Yokes, Upset Rods Etc. CLEVELAND CITY FORGE & IRON CO CLEVELAND, OHIO 40 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE GAD VIM MILLING /\KVlIl MACHINES Especially Adapted for Railroad Shop Work QARV1N No. 2-A UNIVERSAL MILLING MACHINE. We build four sizes of Universal*, and seven sizes of Plain .Tilling Machines Belt or Hotor Driven. WRITE FOR CATALOG Special Advantages Direct constant feed. Power doubled. SOLID TOPSS?KIIEE Thirty per cent, more grip of knee on main frame. Square lock and taper gib sad- dle fit on knee. No jamming under heavy overhung loads. Dividing Head with quick in- dex. Cuts all numbers to 150. All even numbers and by five to 300. All numbers by three to 360. Deep, wide table. Large table feed screw. Steady feed noticeable in cut- ting spirals. Spindle speeds in geometrical progression. Range from 8 to 440 rev. Heavily back geared. Positive drive to arbor. Arbor forced in or out by screw rod. Elevating screw telescoping and ball thrust. No hole needed in floor. Fine positive feeds from spin- dle. Fast feeds from countershafts. Instantaneous changes. Ten slow and ten fast. Steel change gears in oil bath. Safety shear pin. Feeds in all directions, table in and out, and up and down. Range from .004 inches per turn to 12 inches per minute Start, stop and reverse all feed motions by one handle. Table swivels clear around, in line with spindle, on Uni- versals. Interchangeable hand wheels on knee. Micrometer reading to all feeds. Hammered, crucible steel spin- dles. THE GARVIN MACHINE CO. SPRING AND VARICK STREETS, NEW YORK CITY. AGENTS Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit, Manning, Maxwell & Moore. Providence, Thornton Machinery Co. Boston, Thos. Crowther & Co., 170 Oliver St. Philadelphia, E. L. Fraser, 622 Arch St San Francisco, J. L. Hicks, 967 Howard St. Los Angeles, L. Booth & Son, 262 S. Los Angeles St. Charlotte, N. C., Textile Mill and Supply Co. Mexico, Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Apartado 416 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 41 Philadelphia, Pa. Modern Machine Tools Among the Tools, etc., of our manufacture which should be in every Railway Shop Up to Date, the following are particularly commended: OUR NEW DRIVING WHEEL LATHE WITH TURRET RESTS OUR NEW "DOUBLE HEAD" AXLE LATHE WITH SPECIAL DRIVERS OUR NEW CAR WHEEL BORING MILL WITH AUTOMATIC CHUCK AND AUTOMATIC CRANE OUR NEW ROD DRILLING MACHINE OUR NEW PLANING MACHINES WITH PNEUMATIC CLUTCHES, OR WITH SHIFTING BELTS, AS PREFERRED OUR NEW LOCOMOTIVE CYLINDER BORING MACHINE OUR NEW LONG STROKE STEAM HAMMERS OUR TOOL GRINDING AND DRILL GRINDING HACHINES OUR SYSTEM FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER OUR INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES 42 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 24=Inch Stockbridge GSXJ Crank Shaper MOTOR CONNECTED "IT'S A WORKER" SOME SPECIAL FEATURES: STOCKBRIDGE PATENT (TWO-PIECE) CRANK MOTION gives to all Stockbridge Shapers an even cutting speed thru the entire length of cut, with a quick return of between three to four times the cutting speed. AUTOMATIC DOWN FEED TO HEAD is absolutely "Fool Proof" and positive. AUTOMATIC CROSS FEED TO TABLE in either direction. TELESCOPIC SCREW with ball thrust bearings for raising and lowering table. RAM that can be set and adjusted to any length of stroke. ADJUSTMENTS can all be made while the machine is in operation. TAPER PACKINGS adjusted from either end by means of screws to take up all wear and assure perfect alignment. TABLE SUPPORT that supports. This Table Support is automatically adjusted to the different heights of table and gives a bearing the entire length of table. MICROMETER COLLARS graduated to read to one thousandths of an inch. The above cut shows motor arrangement with our Belt Drive. Notice that the Idler is connected with the Motor Pulley thru gears. The advantage in this is very obvious. Were it possible for the belt on Motor Pulley to slip, the Idler, thru gears, would then become the 'Driver. The large amount of effectual belt contact thus obtained makes this about as positive as a Chain Drive. The Shaper is Back Geared and, with Variable Speed Motor, gives fifty-two changes in ram speed. Ram can be stopped or started in any position without stopping the motor. Silent Chain Drive will be furnished if desired. Ask for sheet numbered B-l for complete specifications. We make a full line of Shapers and Attachments. Special Attachments to order. STOCKBRIDQE^ACHINE COMPANY WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, U. S. A. Agents: Niles-Bement-Pond Co., New York, N. Y. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 43 The "GEOMETRIC" Line Self-Opening- and Adjustable Screw Cutting Die Heads for all makes, sizes and conditions of Automatic Screw Machines and Hand Operated Turrets. Adjustable Collapsing Taps, made in several types and in sizes from ^4-inch standard pipe up, also for special tapping in proportionate sizes, and made for use on Drill Press or Turret Lathes. Adjustable Hollow Milling Tools, specially made for Brass Finishing and can also be used for various classes of light cutting on any metal, and can be furnished in a large variety of sizes. Taper Threading Die Heads for use on Hand Operated Turrets, made to special order and for any diam- eter, length and taper of thread desired. Improved Reversing Tap Holders for Drill Press or other Live Spindle for handling all sizes of common hand taps, reversing at three times the speed of tapping. Expanding Reamers, made for various classes of special work, and furnished only to order. SPECIAL TOOLS AND MACHINERY Send us drawings or complete specifications of the work to be done, and we will gladly submit estimate on a suitable outfit of tools to meet the requirements. THE GEOMETRIC TOOL COMPANY, NEW 44 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE "Tried in vain for several days with all kinds of steel saws, and finally, WITH A STARRETT SAW (Jglobt- Jtemmrat. ST LOUIS. SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 6. 1907. VICKSBIRG, MISS., HAS A NEW $60,000 JAIL BUILT ON UP-TO-DATE PRINCIPLES Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. VICKSBURG, MISS., Jan. 4. The new $60,000 jail in Warren county, which sits in the heart of Vicksburg, is not .only nr xiern and up-to-date in appearance, but is fitted with the best appliances for keep- ing criminals. This jail will be completed and occupied probably within the coming month. The placing in of the steel cages, which are being put in for the purpose of holding daring or desperate criminals, and the United States prisoners, many of whom are held here pending terms of fed- eral c'ourt, is surrounded with an unusual amount of general interest, as these steel cages, four in all, are a separate and dis- tinct contract from the jail itself, and in their building the Warren county board of supervisors have taken action which has startled the entire south. When the contract for building the jail was let, it was decided that in addition to the original plan of building the structure, which was given to the Hull Construction Company of Jackson, that bids be adver- tised for to place in it these steel cells with the view of getting something which was entirely safe for holding criminals, as our old jail met with several jail deliveries in recent years through weakness of con- struction. The board of supervisors de- cided to make the effort to get something proof against escapes, so bids were adver- tised for tool-proof cells, and such con- struction as the most astute and clever criminal could not escape. It was also said that practical tests would be made, so the contractor or firm had best offer something good. A St. Louis house, at a cost of $17,000, agreed to take the build- ing of these cells, and they were put up. Not satisfied with the mere testimonials, the board of supervisors then engaged John Christian, a local steel and iron worker, and made him the offer that if he could cut his way out of these cells he would be given \% per cent, of the con- tract price. Christian tried in vain for several days with all kinds of steel saws, and finally with a Starrett saw, an inex- pensive one, out of all the lot, in four hours sawed out of the bars. It was amazing to the board of course, and will be equally so, no doubt to the St. Louis firm, as it will now either have to furnish a new set of cells that are tool-proof, or forfeit the contract. The forethought and discretion of the board of supervisors has been given much praise here, and many cities in the state are getting ready to make a similar test of their "so-called tool-proof" jail cells. THIS IS THE SAW No. 250. Flexible Back. Common teeth, 1 4 to the inch. Made in 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 0, 1 1 and 1 2 inch sizes. .022 thick. One of our eleven styles of Hack Saws that "cut quicker and last longer". Send for Catalogue No. E K> and Special HacK Saw BooHlet. THE L. S. STARRETT CO., ATHOL, MASS., U.S.A. New York. 123 Liberty St. Chicago. IK So. Canal St. Liimlnn < 65 Oueen Victoria St.. E. C. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 45 "The Cincinnati" improved Power Punches, Shears and Rolls Heavy Double Punch Direct Hotor Drive with Cranes and with Patent Automatic Stop and Clutch. Up=to=Date Railway Shop Equipment Triple Geared Pyramid Roll Direct Connected Variable Speed Motor, Running One Direction Only. Control- ing all the Eight Operations of Machine. Drive with the Mechanical Reverse Patent applied for. The Cincinnati Punch and Shear Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, U. s. A. I I Ml lvr-_ 46 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE NATIONAL BOLT CUTTER. NATIONAL BOLT HEADER. National Bolt Cutters. National Bolt Headers for square and hex. bolts. National Forging Machines for miscellaneous work. National Rivet and Track Bolt Headers for single blow work. National Nut Tappers. National ' ' Tools " are built for discriminating users. No. 180 Hydraulic Riveter (pat- ented), multiple pressures, outsidft hemp packed, dies flush with top and bottom of ram. Chambersburg Engineering Company CHAMBERSBURG, PENNA. Manufacturers of Railway Boiler Shop and Smith Shop Equipment Steam Hammers, Steam Drop Hammers, Hydraulic Riveters, Wheel Presses, Flanging Presses, Cranes, Accumulators and Pumps Largest Line of Hammer Patterns in the United States No. 194 Single Frame with guided ram and steel > Hammer frame. Send for Catalog Send for Halftones No. 135 Double Frame Forging Hammer, with guided rod. No. 2O1-Hydraulic Wheel Press, 100 tons to 600 tons capacity, 30 inches to 120 inches between tie bars, triple pump and balanced release valve. No. 195 Hydraulic Universal Flanging Machine. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 47 BIG TOOLS FOR BIG WORK Try a 6-foot Wrench or a 4- inch Wrench in any way and see that they are all we claim in finish, strength and material. 5O Sizes, 5 Styles THIS SHOWS A 6-FOOT Key Model Wrench and the other end of the line, a 4-inch Steel Handle Wrench, both perfectly adapted to the work they are intended for. GOES QUALITY and GOES WARRANT assures to the user the most for his money. 72-Inch Wrench Weight, i66> Ibs. Opens i 2 inches. Jaws, 8X inches deep. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND CATALOG GOES WRENCH CO, WORCESTER, MASS. 48 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Electric m Hand Power-AC or DC Motors CRANES AND HOISTS THE CASE MFG. COMPANY, - Columbus, Ohio NEW YORK-MCUve, Rimmer & Co. , West Street Bldg. PITTSBURGH A. W. Wyckoff Co., Farmers Bank Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO Lilley & Thurston, 82 Second St. CHICAGO P. S. Hlckok, Mirquette BIdj. CINCINNATI Cincinnati Iron Store Co., Front and Freeman Sts. CLEVELAND Chas. E. Stamp & Co., New England Bldg. ARMSTRONG'S Stocks and Dies, Pipe Cutting and Threading Machines. Vises, Adjustable Bushings, Ratchet Attachments, Nipple Holders and Wrenches. Look for our name and trademark. Complete Catalogue upon request. The Armstrong Mfg. Co. Bridgeport, Conn., U. S. A. 55* ACME BOLT AND RIVET HEADERS Acme Single Double and Triple BOLT CUTTERS Cutting from */a inch to 6 inches diameter ALSO F- SEPARATE HEADS and DIES The Acme Machinery Co. Cleveland, Ohio. No. 17 flap Grinding Machine, Self-contained with automatic Feeds, 16 in. and 32 In. swing, 96 In. between centers. 406 m-m and 813 m-m swing, 2438 m-m between centers. This machine is adapted for grinding all work that can be carried by a face plate or chuck, internal or external. Also for tool room work, a general line, including regular and special tools, which are common to rail- road shops, and by the use of special attachments a large variety of addi- tional grinding operations can be performed. This machine is indispensable for grinding and regrinding spiral-solid and inserted tooth surface mills. Send for catalogue. MANUFACTURED BY LANDIS TOOL CO. WAYNESBORO, PA., U. S. A. AGENTS-W. E. Flanders, 3098chofleld Building. Cleveland. Ohio, and 933 Mon- adnock Blk.. Chicago, 111. Walter H. Foster Co. 114 Liberty St., New York. C. W. Burton, Griflths & Oo,, London. Schurhardt A Schutte, Berlin, Vienna, Stock holm, St. Petersburg Alfred H, Schntte, Cologne, Hnis-.rU. Liege. Paris. Milan and Bilbao. A. E. William^ Machinery Co., Toronto. Williams A Wilson, Mon. treal, Canada. Landis Grinding Machines ADAPTED FOR Railway Shop Service Thee machines not only are manufacturing tools, but are indispensable for repairing piston rods and valve stems after service, producing a degree of accuracy impossible to obtain by turning. The emery wheel and center are special design, being offset for grinding close to piston heads and shoulders. The gaps are made any suitable width; No. 17 will admit work or projections up to 32". RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 49 REAMERS That Reduce Cost in Up-To-Date Railroad Shops The New Patent Adjuitable Reamers We make Machine, Hand and Shell Reamers. They have ad- vantages no others possess. Let us tell you about them. Write (or catalogue and list today. The F. B. McCROSKY MFG. CO. MEADVILLE, PA., U. S. A. LIST OF SPECIAL PORTABLE RAILWAY TOOLS as manufactured by H.B. UNDERWOOD & CO. 1025 Hamilton and 1022 Buttonwood Sts. PHILA., PA. The following list of tools we carry in stock when we can. It is a great satisfaction to us to know that our product has become so well known and : adopted STANDARD Portable Boring Bars for all purposes. Rotar Planers for valve seats from 18 inch to 36 inch. Crank Pin Truing Machine from 8 inch to 20 inch diameter. Dome Jointers to face 13 inch to 36 inch diameter. Radius attachment for planing links on regular planer Portable Milling Machine. Facing Anns for Boring Bars. Double opposed Air or Steam Motor for driving special tools Lathe Bars for all purposes. All from new designs, with all the very latest ideas. Sec our New Catalog out soon MERRELL MACHINES PAY Because they do your work in a quicker, easier and better manner than any other. These Power Pipe Threading Machines are designed for heavy, per- sistent service. They have standard quick opening and clos ing die head with con- venient cam movement and improved cut- M ting off knife, besides other important features you ought to know about. Our Pipe Threading Machines are better and more rapid than any others on the market. Let us send you our cata- logue and prices. l MERRELL MFG. CO. Toledo, Ohio. PITTSBURGH SPRING & STEEL COMPANY 14 16- 16 A- 17 Farmers Bank Building PITTSBURGH, PA. SPRINGS Elliptic and Coil, for Locomotives, Passenger, Freight and Interurban Cars, and for all other requirements. Send Us Your Inquiries. CHICAGO, Fisher Bldg. ST. PAUL, Pioneer Press Bldg. NEW YORK, 12 John St. ST. LOUIS, Granit Bldg. 50 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE No. ZZS Vertical Automatic Hollow Chisel Mortiser. No. 912 Extra Range Automatic Car Gainer with- Boring Attachment. No. 218 Extra Range Automatic Hollow Chisel Car Mortiser. Q R E E N L E E No. 321 Vertical Car Boring Machine with Universal Spindles No. 306 Extra Range Horizontal Car Boring Machine. No. 525 Vertical Automatic Car Sill Tenoning Machine. FINEST IN DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP. FASTEST IN OPERATION Green lee Bros. & Co. ROCKFORD, ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 51 z CO 3 O VI 2 o 3 c N n - c. rn ? o 1 = I I? x =i 3 a r. c = Si ? ' S n : 7 r . 8. o fi. I ir> o 2 rn O o - Send for Circulars and Catalogue 52 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE T=TTCE NewYork 341-7 Chicago The Rookery Depew N . Y. Axlerorxje- Depew N Malleable Iron Depew Cast Steel Depew Compare these Diagrams with similar ones for other gears. Note the high capacity or large yielding resist- ance, the small recoil action, the length of travel and the smooth action without jerks 01 irregularities. GOULD FRICTION DRAFT GEAR RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 53 TRAIN LIGHTING tStorag'e Batteries ^^^ Are fully described in our Catalogue J Part IV GOULD TRAIN LIGHTING BATTERIES Are made in various types and styles and have been very generally adopted by many of the large AMERICAN TRUNK LINES We shall be pleased to send you full particulars and literature on the subject BOSTON 95 State St. SAN FRANCISCO Alonadnock Bldg. to^^^tt^ . CHICAGO Rookery Bldg. TORONTO, ONT., 62 Wellington St., W. 341=347 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK WORKS: Depew, N. Y. 54 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE O "TN a permanent structure, a good roof is ^ only second in importance to a good foundation." Franklin. The truth embodied in the above axiom is apparent to ev- eryone. We firmly believe in it and are making a roofing of Asphalt, Gravel, Cork and Asbestos which is impervious to the action of fire, lightning, water and acids. A roofing which, from its man- ner of construction, forms a pro- tection from heat, cold and the fumes of sulphur and other injur- ious gases. Being light in weight, it is especially adaptable to car roofs and, in fact, any roof where the above conditions are to be taken into consideration. We guarantee its durability and shall be pleased to corre- spond with railroad, steamship and manufacturing companies with reference to covering cars, freight and passenger depots, roundhouses, machine shops, wharf sheds, factories, coal break- ers, etc. For samples and prices address Stowell Manufacturing Co., Jersey City, N. J. &'>rtfw**< - : '4* ' . Rexoid , - < Stoivell Manufacturing Co. Jersey Ciiy, ^Ne^w; Jersey. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 55 CLARK'S E SAND DRIER THE accompanying illustration shows one of the Clark "Perfect" Sand 1 Driers, which are manufactured by J. J. Parkhurst, of Chicago. This sand drier received the premium as the best sand drier at the National Exposition of Railway Appliances, and it is in extensive use not only throughout the United States but in Canada, Europe and South Amer- ica. These driers are built in the fashion of an hour glass, the wet sand being shov- eled against the stove, and as it dries it runs out through apertures in the perfor- ated ring which surrounds the bottom of the hopper. The amount of sand that will pass through this machine in a given time is variable and depends largely upon the conditions under which it is used; that is to say, how wet the sand is when it is put in the hopper and also the intensity of the fire maintained in the stove. The furnace is arranged to use any kind of solid fuel such as hard or soft coal or wood. The driers are for use with clear sand only, as earth or clay will merely bake and will not discharge itself from the machine. These driers are claimed to be the best ever put upon the market for prepar ing sand for use on locomotives and street cars. SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF THESE DRIERS ARE NOW IN USE Capacity: No. i dries about 10 tons and No. 2 dries 5 tons per day, according to conditions. W< <.);(/ extra parts itt ?twk, mi/1 can Jill unit rs for reji/iirs without delay. PARKHURST WILKINSON CO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 56 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Reinforced Corrugated Asbestos Roofing and Sheathing NO PAINT NO RUST Asbestos "Century" Sheathing and Shingles ASBESTOS LUMBER SMOKE JACKS K. M. 85 c^t Magnesia Locomotive Lagging ASBESTOS PIPE COVERING AND ASBESTOS RAILWAY SUPPLIES Wool and Cotton Waste FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING Co. C. J. S. MILLER, President Franklin, Pennsylvania RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE The SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING CO. United States Express Building Trinity Place & Rector St., New York City CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA ST- LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO Pintsch System Car and Buoy Lighting Has been applied to 31,000 cars by 200 railroads in the United States, Canada and Mexico. In the world, 148,000 cars, 6,600 locomotives, 1,900 buoys and bea- cons, 125 lightships and vessels are using this system, and 375 gas works have been established. Gold medals for excellence at the World's Expositions at Moscow, Vienna, St. Petersburg, London, Berlin, Paris, Chicago, Atlanta and Buffalo. Grand Prize St. Louis Exposition, 1904. NEW INVERTED MANTLE Illumination increased over three times without additional gas consumption. A revolution in the lighting of Railroad Cars. LAMPS FOR PINTSCH CAS Safety Heating Systems Practical service for the past 19 years has demonstrated the reliability, effici- ency and adaptability of the Safety Systems of direct steam and hot water heating. Straightport Couplers and Automatic Steam Traps. 160 railroads using these devices on 19,000 cars. Grand Prize St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 58 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE THE McCONWAY & TORLEY CO PITTSBURCH, PA., U. S. A. The original manufacturers of the M. C. B. type of coupler for locomotives, freight cars and passenger equipment. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF JANNEY The KELSO The PITT The JANNEY "X" Couplers The BuhOUp 3=Stem Equipment for passenger service and The Buhoup Vestibule All strictly UP-TO-DATE devices RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 59 THE STEEL CAR COMPANY.. COLUMBUS, O. GONDOLA DUMP CARS. STEEL UNDERFRAMES The Tate Flexible Staybolt LE OLT FOR LOCOMOTIVE FIREBOXES THE PERFECT STAY In Service on Eighty-Seven Railroads IT DOES ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT SKEPTICISM AND DOUBT regarding Flexible Bolts, and their advantage over the ordinary rigid bolt for locomotive water space staying prevailed for a long time, and little or no enthusiasm existed. This was due largely to the fact that most of the Flexible Staybolts in use were errors of design, weak in construction, ungainly in appearance, and in consequence, unreliable for service conditions. Certain results, however, as to the action of the firebox plates, and other indications from service, covering all designs of bolts used, excited attention, and in justice to the subject in general, the progressive minds were not satisfied to let the matter drop, and it was manifested that much depended on a perfect method of staying to overcome the annoyance and expense resulting from the use of the rigid stay, and the prevailing mechanical opinion forecasted great possibilities for a perfect Flexible Staybolt to effect the results looked for. Experiments continued, new bolts were devised, con- structed and tested, and all modifications and experiences based thereon, ultimately led to the most perfect design, satisfactory to meet all requirements. The Tate Flexible Staybolt has won distinction on its remarkable service showing, and has proved beyond doubt a most economic and reliable factor towards effecting an ideal condition in the staying and construction of the locomotive firebox to cope with high pressure service. B. E. D. STAFFORD, General Manager MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY THE FLANNERV BOLT COMPANY SUITE 308 FRICK BUILDINQ PITTSBURQ, PA. FACTORY: BRIDGEVILLE. PA. 60 . RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE The McKim Gasket Resilient non-vulcanizing packing enclosed in a copper shell. Forms a natural expansion joint, which cannot be blown out. Made in almost any size or shape and of a variety of materials. Capable of being reapplied. Samples gladly furnished. The McCord Force Feed Lubricator Made in different styles to meet varied requirements : Stationary, locomotive, automobile, etc. Separate pumps for each outlet capable of independent adjustment. Its Use Insures: Unfailing, regular and instantaneous delivery of oil to parts to be lubricated and in proportion to speed. Easy, positive and individual regulation of oil to be delivered to each bearing. Automatic delivery and cessation of oiling when the engine starts and stops. McCORD AND COMPANY 1424 Old Colony Building, NEW YORK OFFICE : CHICAGO 24 Broad Street BUILDERS OF LIGHT LOCOMOTIVES FOR ALL CLASSES OF WORK 5 to 50 Tons All Types All Designs Vulcan Iron Works WILKES-BARRE, PA., U. S, A. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 61 BETTENDORF CAST STEEL TRUCK IS BUILT: To withstand hard service To reduce flange wear To adjust itself to all track conditions. It is the SIMPLEST, STRONGEST and MOST ECONOMICAL TRUCK on the Market Betterdorf Axle Company, Works and General Office: DAVENPORT, IOWA. Old Colony Building, Chicago, III. OFFICES: 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Common wealth Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. WE MARE 7 different patterns of Roller Flue Expanders 3 different patterns of Improved Sectional Beading Expanders The Fastest Flue Cutter on the MarKet Any Kind of Special Tools for Boiler NaKers We Guarantee Everything Made by Us. Send for Catalog J. Faessler Mfg. Co. Moberly, Mo. ue 608 Burlington Bldg. ST. LOUIS 618-619 Fither Bldg. CHICAGO 62 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE IN A UNION THERE IS STRENGTH, IF IT'S A JEFFERSON UNION ADAPTED FOR AIR, STEAM, WATER, GAS AND OIL Used Extensively by RAILROADS. Gas Companies, Factories, Steam Fitters and in all HIGH PRESSURE WORK ITS ADVANTAGES :J J. Always keeps the joint tight. 2. Requires no packing:. 3. Consists of a bronze metal seat, firmly encased in malleable iron. 4. Ball joint shoulder. 5. Shape allows the use of any kind of a wrench. 6. Self-aligning. The JEFFERSON FLANGE HAS A LOOSE COLLAR Bronze Metal Packing. No ... , , . ., gasket used. Neither i< the Which SaVCS SO much time in Connecting that those Using It Once always SpeCliy Spherical joint overcoming time wated in filling it. . , . disalignment. it alterward. FOR SALE BY LEADING JOBBERS Manufactured by JEFFERSON UNION COMPANY, LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE FERGUSON OIL FORNAGES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York COLUMBIA LOCK NUTS "The nut that will not shake off." For Use on Locomotives Cars and Machinery Of all Kinds CRANES, DROPS, HAMMERS, ETC. Every place where nuts shake loose. INEXPENSIVE SIMPLE EFFECTIVE Samples Free for the Asking COLUMBIA NUT , BOLT CO. Inc. "Original Columbia" Assembled Bridgeport, Conn. New York, 25 Broad St. "Improved Columbia" Assembled OPEN HEARTH Steel Castings of every description, for Electrical Ma- chinery; Dredging, Rolling and Sugar Mill Machinery; Locomotive, Railroad and Bridge Work, etc. McHAFFIE CASTINGS Steel Castings of all shapes and sizes, from I Ib. up. Superior for Crankshafts. Gearing and other purposes where great wearing results are required. Correspondence Solicited. CHESTER STEEL CASTINGS COMPANY Worki, CHESTER, PA. Office, 407 Sinsom St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. "HOMESTEAD" LOCOMOTIVE BLOW-OFF Holds proud First Place. THE WORLD'S BEST BLOW-OFF Also made for station- ary boiler blow-off and for high pressure work of any descrip- tion. Some Good Points Quick and easy open- ing. Freedom from wear. Best materials, work- manship, and other reasons too many to mention here. Get our Booklet Homestead Valve Mfg. Co. Works, Homestead Pittsburg, Pa. Asphalt Car Roofing . THE ORIGINAL TORSION- PROOF CAR ROOF Plastic Car Roofing DRAKE & WEIRS CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE MARSTON'S Patent Hand and Foot and Steam Power Wood Working Machinery 24-Inch Band Saw J. M. Marston Co, 205 Ruggles St., Boston, Mass., U. S. A. THE INDIANAPOLIS SWITCH & FPOG CO. SPRINGFIELD, O. MAKE ONLY HIGH GRADE Crossings, Frogs, Switches and Special Track Work Galena -Signal Oil Company FRANKLIN, PENNSYLVANIA Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Galena Coach, Engine and Car Oils, Sibley's Perfection Valve and Signal Oils GUARANTEE COST per thousand miles for from one to five years, when conditions warrant it. MAINTAIN EXPERT DEPARTMENT, which is an or. ganization of skilled railway mechanics of wide and varied experi- ence. Services of experts furnished free of charge to patrons inter- ested in the economical use of oils. STREET RAILWAY LUBRICATION A SPECIALTY GALENA RAILWAY SAFETY OIL. Made especially for use in Headlights, Cab, Classification and Tail-lights, and for Switch and Semaphore Lamps. Burns equally well with long-time as with the one-day burner, with or without chimney, as the burner requires. Is pure water white in color; high fire test; low cold test, and splendid gravity. Please write to home office for further particulars. CHARLES MILLER, President. ILLUMINATION OF THE MODERN RAILWAY SHOP Cooper H e w itt Lamps Give the best quality of light for the least total cost. For all departments of the Shop; and also for Drafting Rooms, Foundries, Piers, and Freight Houses. Write for list of Railway Installations. Cooper Hewitt Electric Co. 220 West 29th St. New YorK ^ OF THE " ^ UNIVERSITY 1 OF RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 65 Up-to-Date Oil Storage Bowser Pumps in Use in L. S. & M. S. Storehouse at Collinwood, Ohio Up-to-date Railway Shops must be modem in every partic- ular. And oil storage is a very important particular for consid- eration. A system of oil storage that meets all requirements for all kinds of oils, for all kinds of con- ditions, can be called up-to-date. The Bowser is that kind of a system. Because it has been adopted by many of the leading railroads of the United States and Can- ada, it is recognized as The Standard Railway Oil Storage System With the Bowser you can store all your oils in one central oil house, in a cellar or vault, or underground, without vault or other protection, and draw the oil to as many different places as you wish. When stored in a Bowser the oil requires the minimum amount of at- tention. Once the oil is in the tank, it stays there, safe from leakage and evaporation until it is wanted for immediate use. Then with the Bowser Long Distance Pump, the oil is drawn in just the quantity desired at just the point desired. There is no loss from spilling or careless handling; there is no carrying the oil from a distance in cans. The Bowser System is ideal for both the shop and storehouse, no matter what the conditions. Master Mechanics and others interested in oil storage should have a copy of our Bulletin No. 22. A request will not obligate you in any way. Send for it today. S. F. BOWSER Cut 41. Showing the idea of the Bowser Long Distance System. CO., ic. FORT WAYNE, IND. 66 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE POWER HACKSAW DOLLARS AND SENSE IT'S Common Sense that " a Poor Article is dear at any price " " Sterling " Power Hack Saw Blades and " Sterling " Power Hack Saws, though not lowest in price, are the cheapest because most economical and serviceable. They cut quick, saving time they cut true and Straight, saving labor and material they break very few blades, saving money. " Sterling " Hack Saw Blades in a "Sterling " Power Hack Saw Machine make a combination which saves money in any machine shop. If interested, it will pay you to look into this question. DIAMOND SAW , STAMPING WORJtS, 357-361 Seventh St., BUFFALO, N. Y., U. S. A. RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE (57 COACH AND CAR (METAL) SURFACER DURABLE ECONOMICAL The Smoothest of Surface" and an HALF^AND HALF CjT-Lov 1 1 T m tvNi-AcrM "% I KJPEt I A i-TlgjL/ ^ D!RtCTION> . "* ampostd ol hjil Pnmtt unJ half Filler. t '' - Thin with turpmtint only. ^W LOUIS SURFACER IV- , (o m c ,,. ,_i ,,,..1 ^- *^ BOONS' METAL SURFACER' ELASTIC and DURABLE Groundwork RrAC :R PAINT co- For Coach and Car Work also Adapted for Surfacing All- Steel Coaches TRADE KOONS (METAL, SURFA FOR "METAL" CANVAS For New Work "Metal" Canvas Preserver Priming Coat "Metal" Canvas Roof Paint Other Coats COACH AND CAR ROOFS PRESERVER " METAL" CANVAS ROOF PAINT For Old Work 'Metal" Canvas Roof Paint HIGH-CLASS, PURE OIL FREIGHT CAR PAINTS "METALSTEEL" PAINT Best Steel Protective for STEEL BRIDGES STEEL CARS STEEL TANKS ST. LOUIS SURFACER <& Cor. Commercial, Walnut and Levee MAKERS PAINT CO. St. Louis, U. S. A. 08 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE ELECTRIC TRAVELERS AND CRANES of EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR RAILROAD SERVICE Gantry Cranes Transfer Cranes Jib Cranes Pillar Cranes Transfer Tables The new Whiting Pat- ent Circular Round House Orane should be be in every modern round house. Travels in a circle, serving everv stall. Write for infor- mation, photos, etc. Also Complete Equipment for all Classes of Foundries and Car Wheel Plants Two 4-raotor Whiting Electric Travplers: capacity 60 tons each; span 70 ft. Lifting 120-ton locomotive in shops of A. T. &S.F. Ry., Topeka, Kas., described in this book. We designed and completely equipped the modern 600 wheels per day car wheel plant of the C. M. & St. P. By. at Milwaukee, Wis. Railroad Men Should Have Our Catalog 45 C ENGINEERS DESIGNERS MANUFACTURERS WHITING FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT Co. HARVEY, ILL. (Chicago Suburb) In Consulting' TKe Advertisements In this book and in writing to the manufacturers with regard to catalogues, prices, etc., it will be appreciated by the publishers if mention is made of Railway Shop Up To Date. Such an act will be a favor to the advertiser, a kindness to the publisher, justice to the reader, and most far reaching in its effect for good and lasting friendly relations among the three of us. It is the tie that binds mutual interests more closely together than aught else. Crandall ing' Company RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE 69 Cleveland Tools are STANDARD for CAR SHOPS BOILER SHOPS SHIP YARDS ROLLING MILLS STRUCTURAL SHOPS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS We manufacture all styles of punches and dies, rivet sets, drift pins, punch stems, coupling nuts, flue and hand hole punches and dies. Tools are guaranteed and immediate deliveries can be made. RAILROAD REPAIR SHOP PUNCH The Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co. St. Clair, Cor. E. 40th Street CLEVELAND, OHIO "Our Name Denotes Quality" 70 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE For Turning Tires and Axles For Planing Engine Frames HUDSON BEST FOR LOCOMOTIVE SHOP WORK Quality Uniformity Efficiency Accuracy BALDWIN STEEL WORKS BRANCHES BOSTON CHICAGO The Best Steel Makes the Best Tools Hudson Tools are the perfectionof fine workmanship and steel co-mbined. Twist Drills, Milling Cutters, Gear Cutters, End Mills, Taper Locomotive Reamers, Fluted Chucking Reamers, Shell Reamers, carried in stock for immediate delivery. BALDWIN STEEL Go, MAKERS 133 Read a Street NEW YORK CITY BRANCHES PITTSBURGH PHILADELPHIA T. N. MOTLEY Firing Locomotives. Sinclair. . .50 Locomotive Firing. Reilly 50 EXPERIMENTAL ENGINEER- ING. Experimental Engineering. Car- penter S 6.00 Hand Book on Engineering Laboratory Practice. Smart. 2.50 BOILERS. Care of Locomotive Boilers. Wells . .50 Steam Boiler Explosions in Theory and Practice. Thurs- tpn 1.50 Boiler Making for Boiler Mak- ers. Ford 1.00 On Boiler Incrustation. Rowan. Revised by Idell 50 Care and Management of Loco- motive Boilers 50 Boiler Maker's Assistant. Court- ney 1.00 Steam Boiler Construction. Hut- ton 6.00 Boiler Construction, only book on locomotive boilers. Klein- hans 3.00 Boiler Waters. Christy 3.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book. Kent $ 5.00 Mechanical Engineer's Refer- ence Book. Suplee 5.00 Engineering and Electric Trac- tion (Pocket Book). Dawson 5.00 Safety Valves. Le Van 2.00 History of the Growth of the Steam Engine. Thurston . . . 2.50 Materials of Machines. Smith.. 1.00 Elements of Steam Engineer- ing. Spangler. Greene, Mar- shall 3.00 Steam and Electrical Engineer- ing. Spangenberg 3.50 Engineers' Pocket Book. Traut- wine 5.00 Modern Machine Shop Tools. Vandervoorst 4.00 Friction and Lubrication. Davis 2.00 Mechanical Drawing. Johns... 1.25 Train Rules and Train Dispatch- ing. Dalby. Leather 1.50 Railroad Men's Catechism. Sin- clair 1.00 Manual for Resident Engineers. Molitor and Beard. Cloth 1.00 Builders' and Architects' Hand Book. Kidder. Leather 5.00 Railroad Construction. Webb. Leather 5.00 Handbook for Superintendents o f Construction. Richey. Leather 4.00 Pocket Book for Bridge Engi- . neers. Waddel!. Leather 3.00 Hand Book for Street Railway Engineers. Andrews. Leather 1.25 Eminent Engineers, (achieve- ments of 32 great engineers). Goddard 1.50 Reinforced Concrete. Taylor . . 5 00 Cements. Mortors and Con- cretes. Falk 2.50 Cost Data (actual cost of all kinds of construction). Gillette 4.00 Earthwork and its Cost. Gillette 2.00 Rock Excavation. Gillette . 3 00 7t5 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE Our Business Thrives when We Attend to Your Business YOU may be too busy to leave the shop or office for a few days or hours to see what beneficial changes have been made in the design and construc- tion of machine tools that are rapid producers and interest- earning tools no".' being employ- ed in up-to-date shop practice. WEj have a representative in your section of the country looking after the interest of our other clients; a letter from you asking him to call will not obligate you in any way. We want you to know more about the TWENTIETH CEN- TURY TOOLS that are busy- bodies. 48-lnon UOLBURN Boring and Turning Mill, with Two Swivel Heads OUR BUSINESS IS TO TELL YOU THE BEST TOOL FOR YOUR BUSINESS PRENTISS TOOL & SUPPLY CO. BUFFALO NEW YORK BOSTON SYRACUSE RAILWAY SHOP UP TO JATE 77 Rockwell Flue Welding Furnace (OIL OR GAS FUEL) Flue Welding Furnace This furnace will take flues up to 4 inches diameter and will heat this size to a weld- ing heat easily in \V 2 minutes. With two tubes in the fire a weld can be made every 45 seconds or less. Smaller sizes can be heated faster in proportion to size. It has two burners and may be fired with either oil or gas. Under full heat it consumes "! gallons of oil per hour or about 700 cubic feet of gas. Requires 10 minutes to raise heat to welding temperature, starting cold. The burners may be operated with fan blast (10 to 12 ounce pressure) for either fuel. Xcw tiles or tiles of different diameter openings may be put in, front and rear, without changing the body of the furnace. Rockwell Rivet Heating Furnace This furnace is used for heating rivets rapidly for either machine or hand rivet work. It will heat rivets up to \ l / 2 inches diam- eter, and will keep any gang supplied. It carries a soft uniform heat under easy control of the operator. The rivets are always in plain sight and are easily reached. It may be operated with fuel oil or gas. If oil is used it may be atomized with either steam or compressed air. The amount of air required is from 20 to 26 cubic feet per minute. REMEMBER THAT We have been manufacturing and installing Fuel tankage of any capacity. Rivet Heating Furnace We contract for complete equipment, including Oil Burning Appliances for the past twenty years. We guarantee every installation. Our appliances are the most economical, effective and durable on the market. We design and build furnaces for every pur- pose using oil as fuel. Send for Catalogs. The name "Rockwell" is a guarantee. MANUFACTURED BY Rockwell Engineering Company 26 Cortlandt Street, New York 78 RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE FERGUSON OIL FURNACES Chicago The Railway Materials Company New York Unit-Link Flexible Shafting' Coates Center Grinder You can run your lathe to grind the center, why not use the same power to run your grinder ? Grind arbors, cutters, reamers, etc. Do your surface grinding all with the same device. way is put the heavy motor on the floor and use the drill with facility. Electric outfits of all kinds for all systems. Stop and start your drill instantly. Don't touch the motor. We stock outfit to drill up to 2 in. holes. We furnish multipliers for grinding, giving a speed 2 1000 R. P. M. SEND FOR BOOK. COATES CLIPPER MFG. COMPANY, WORC 1 ST S ER A MASS We want every railway official in the mechanical department to know that the RAILWAY MASTER MECHANIC contains more articles of real Railroad interest to all branches of the Motive Power De- partment every month than any other paper. Its editors are practical railroad men. They are as much interested in railroad problems as railway officials themselves. Their aim is to make a paper that appeals to practical men and provides practical information in an interesting manner. A paper that gives suggestions and facts on exisiting practice so that each one of its readers can become better in- formed. A copy will be sent free to those asking for it. Railway Master Mechanic Security Building, Chicago The National Oil=Handling System for Railroad Shops We build self-measuring, registering and computing oil outfits of any size or capacity. All tanks are thoroughly inspected and tested before shipment. Let us have your requirements. THE NATIONAL OIL PUMP AND TANK CO. DAYTON, OHIO RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE To Railway Officials This book is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted wholly to the discussion of best practices as followed by the various railway companies. The second part begins with the advertising section in which are displayed the products and devices of a great many of the leading railway supply firms and manufacturers of the country. The busy official reading the first part will get ideas from the best practices of other roads outlined therein, which he may find advantageous to adopt. He will find also in the advertising pages the manu- facturer of new and improved machinery with which to carry out these and other ideas. These pages have been carefully prepared and arranged with the view of affording the railway official such help and convenience as he needs in selecting the requirements of his shop. We are confident that all who read them will do so with interest and that they will be consulted often and be a constant source of knowledge and use when the purchase of supplies and equipment is contemplated either for a new shop or for regular needs. The names of the advertisers found in the index to these pages guarantee the quality and character of the supplies and devices illustrated and described. We commend these pages to you for careful perusal and consideration. Crandall Publishing Company so RAILWAY SHOP UP TO DATE BOLLARD BOLLARD BORING AND TURNING MILLS 30-INCH TO 86-INCH INCLUSIVE THE 36-INCH VERTICAL TURRET LATHE A Multipurpose Machine Tool for in- creasing output and decreasing cost of all face plate work within its range. ullard Mach ineToof Co* 601 Broad St., Bridgeport, Conn., U. S. A. AGENTS Marshall & Huschart Machin- ery Co., Chicago, 111.; The Motch & Mer- riweather Machinery Co., Cleveland, O.; Chas. G. Smith Co., Pittsburg, Pa.; C. H. Wood Co., Syracuse, N. Y.; Pacific Tool & Supply Co., 556 Howard St., San Fran- cisco, Cal.; Williams A Wilson, Montreal, P. Q.; Chas. Churchill & Co., Ltd., London, K. C., England; Fenwick Freres & Co., Paris, France; Helnrich Dreyer, Berlin. Germany; Landre& Glinderman, Amsterdam, Holland. ^ nALIFO 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. -. .;. >, i 7\ -' - fc TTgS - ^V HER feoTAOKt MftR^>7] BHfewk_ REC'D LD JUN 7 71-3PM49 LIBRARY USE MAR 2 '88 FE8 1 3 1996 RECEIVED APR t B WIR * ' 1 iJJD C/Rr?l H ATII'MLI rv 'ivuLMTfON DfcPT; LD21A-60m-3,'70 (N5S82slO)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley YF 01145 I/H/I