NRLF 472 M65 B M 351 DflS ilANDSCAPEAMITECTVRE =$EL,L & BE R K Ell Y { l.RY j *NIA J Date PERSONAL LIBRARY OF JOHN WM. GREGG Value COPYRIGHT 1911 MORELL & NICHOLS landscape Architecture^ i IMORELL & NICHOLS! ,, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS *J MINNEAPOLIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE GIFT HE practice of Landscape Architecture as a pro- fession and art is one of the most recent, yet one of the most important to be recognized in America. For many centuries this art has been developed by the highly cultured nations of the eastern world, but in America the former generations have been so occupied with the building up of the country that little thought, until the last few decades, has been given to this outdoor art. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, and eventually all the civilized nations of Europe gave great attention to the development of Landscape Archi- tecture and produced results which today speak for themselves. In our travels we admire the stately Italian Villas surrounded with their forests of cypresses and with their arrangement of terraces, gardens, fountains, statues, pergolas, etc. We are also impressed with the suburban English cottages covered with vines and with their broad lawns, walks bordered with old fashioned perennial flowers and shade trees. It is with the recognition of these beau- ties and with the knowledge that the rapid development of this country was crowding the grounds to a minimum that gradually more and more attention has been given to beautifying our cities and towns and making the surroundings of public buildings and private homes as attractive as skill can make them. Already there are a great many accomplishments of which this country can be justly proud, and there is no reason why America should not lead in this profession, as nature has lavishly bestowed great ranges of mountains and hills covered with virgin forest, great rivers, lakes, and water-falls, all of which form the most beauti- ful natural landscape effects and which only wait to be developed and made available for public and private use. 120 As an Architect studies the design of his building and considers its relation both to an artistic impression and to a practical use- ful purpose, and as the painter studies his color scheme for the most realistic effect, so the Landscape Archi- tect studies the development of grounds, whether public or pri- vate, in their relation to the scheme which will give both the most attractive and practical results. As it is necessary for the Archi- A Corner of City Flower Garden. MORELL ft NICHOLS. tect to plan for the building, so it is necessary for the Landscape Architect to plan for the grounds at large, and the work of the two should go hand in hand to produce a harmonious whole. Board of ParJ( Commissioners, Duluth, Minn. One of Ten Bridges on Snivel^ Road. MORELL & NICHOLS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Up to the present time few of the American cities have been built with a comprehensive P ^ an ^ r ^ uture ex P ans i n > but with the rapid growth of these cities has come the recognition of the need for looking forward to the future so that the location of Public Buildings, Parks, Boulevards, etc., will be such as to meet the ultimate demands of the city and give a properly focal- ized scheme. It is with careful study of these needs that the Landscape Architect considers the problems of civic development and plans for the ultimate growth and needs of a community. ir P\HK ( OMMISSIOM H- PLAN TOR AR > Vy?$& $/,- , .-,-'. RgMK 4 - ^^ ^ ^ ' ^*&Mliti && .-sakrlj E 1 1 ms&Pva* *mmi% /or Par^ on Rock]) Hillside. In each city or town there is more and more real- ization of the need of some larger or smaller Pub- lie Parks where the public can enjoy the beauties of nature and gain the recreation which is only to be found among the trees and flowers. A city can have no greater asset than the possession of beautiful Parks, Squares, Children's Playgrounds, Boulevards, etc. Beside the pleasure afforded to the inhabitants themselves, the fame of such civic improvements soon spreads and eventually repays the involved expense many Arrangement for Small C/Vp ,,, . % I ' ' K$e If | .@i^i?5^i HOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS >i FOR LELSTE.3R.' times over. Fortunate is the community which has foreseen this need and secured such spots as possess natural beauties and ac- quired them before they are destroyed by the expansion of the city. Example of such foresight is well illustrated by the city of Duluth, which has secured the most beautiful ravines with their streams and some of the rocky hillsides which otherwise are of little value and which are being improved as shown by some of the accompanying plans. Such natural beauties offer great opportunities to the Landscape Architect to transform them into natural parks. Although every city cannot be situated so as to possess these natural advantages, there is the greater reason that some areas should be made into charming parks by means of careful planning and development. The need of a Landscape Architect to plan ^ or ^ e Development f various kinds of Insti- tut i ons i s seen today in many instances by the sad result which has been the outcome of build- ing from time to time without any given plan for the future growth. It has been the aim of Landscape Architects to study as far as possible the future requirements and ultimate growth of these In- stitutions and so to plan for their arrangement that as the time goes on and as the Institutions grow, year by year the plan for this arrangement can be followed and thus by looking towards the ultimate scheme can procure a result which will always be harmonious in itself. An illustration of this comprehensive plan- ning for the future growth is shown in the accompanying illus- tration for the development of the Industrial School for Girls at Sauk Centre, Minnesota. ;::; ) > v 1 )> :> i 3.5 s > -j ./-.<: Private (grounds One of the largest fields for the Landscape Architect is that of the development of Private Grounds. Whether these be large or small, city or country, it is his aim to produce such surroundings to the home as will give the greatest enjoyment to the owner and furnish him with a bit of nature and its beauty. Wheth- er it be a walk or drive, tiny bird pool or fountain, rustic arbor or pergola, garden gate or massive entrance, flower gardens or formal terraces, or the informal grouping of trees and shrubs that enters into the scheme, it receives his most careful study as to their City Lol Treatment. arrangement and with reference to the general color effect, both by foliage and bloom, which will make the ground attractive throughout the entire season. In the treatment of private grounds it is not necessary to discuss the matter of formality or informality, as each has its own merits and every prcblem must be solved to its own individual advantage. Very often in connection with the house a formal garden will act as an outdoor living room, and will be a great addition to the house itself. An example of such formal arrangement of flower garden in relation to the house on a small private place in the city is shown by the accompanying illustration. City Grounds Treatment. Oftentimes two adjoining places can be treated in a co-oper- ative manner and produce a simple open treatment as a whole and thus avoid the division of property into separate schemes with the usual hedge or fence between. In such a case the entire scheme is much simplified as one drive, one garage, and one court serve both properties and each has more room for lawn and gar- den. The possibilities of such co-operative treatment of two places is shown herewith. hri With the growing demand for country life and the country now made so accessible by modern transportation facilities comes the natural growth of the country estate and the possibil- ities for Landscape Architecture in its largest sphere. Naturally, with the larger grounds, available space can be given over to various games and recreations, and the arrangement of flower gardens, vegetable gardens, orchards, paddocks, and numerous other features in keeping with the country estate can be made in such a manner as to give each its proper place of advantage and produce a scheme from which the owner can derive a maximum ,, U ,,, M,. .J.-..-V ..-.,. SKETCH FOR AKH \NUKMIM GROUNDS &^4fr; x'' k .^i^^^^LJ^ '% . . * . ,-,^4^ t3 Another gradual change which is being J\6Qt &Stdte noticed in the development of our cities ^giteloonient anc ^ towns * s ^ e pi annm s f r rea ' es- ' tate development, especially in the res- idential and suburban districts, so as to make the most of any natural advantages and so arrange the roads and lots in such a way as to conform to the natural topography. In a rolling coun- try the great advantage of this over the usual rectangular blocks can easily be seen and is invariably of great interest to the pros- pective purchaser in view of the fact that such a scheme gives each lot an individuality of its own and each lot holder has his own peculiar advantages and chance for individual arrangement. A small example of such a scheme is shown in the plan of an at- tractive piece of property fronting on a lake. The same principles as apply to the parks and larger estates make the matter of planning for the Development f Club Grounds of great interest, so arranging the location of buildings and spaces for sports as not only to give a feasible practical arrangement, but also to lend that touch of nature which the clubman leaving his business for recreation craves, so that he will feel he is enjoying the true pleasures of country life. Probably no field of the practice has been up J* QCtOfy to the present time so neglected as that of fac- Cl rQlinds tory rounc ^ s anc ^ vet there ls no greater ad- * vertising medium and nothing to which a work- ingman will go with greater pride than to the factory whose grounds are made attractive and surrounded with trees, shrubs, flowers, and it has been very markedly demonstrated that the in- fluence of such development extends beyond the beautification of the factory grounds and extends to the workingman's home where he desires to make his little grounds attractive and bright. It is through this influence that the development of factory grounds is everywhere receiving more and more attention. .1 . , i . M I I , , v*'3~ T -'' v^ ..> v> *JT# V O kJi ; J^ jfas W * ! J > ' H < { f - ! ^. yy^M,m ^ >+<**4&A I J - 4i ..f: / s SS^S^ o > Proposed Treatment for Factory Grounds. It is the aim of the Landscape Architect to meet a ^ problems of development of property, public or private, with the sole aim of planning for that development in such a way as to produce the results which will give the greatest enjoyment and answer all practical needs. ^N MORCLU a, NICHOLS ~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITEXT5 MORELL & NICHOLS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS MINNEAPOLIS 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LANDSCAPE ARCHtt LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 10. 1975 or LD 21-50m-6,'59 (A2845slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley