THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES n CATALOGUE OF R ARE BOOKS ORIGINAL DRAWINGS .... EXTRA ILiLiaSTRATED W0RKS AND OTHER INTERESTING LITERARY MATERIAL CHIEFLY FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE AUGUSTIN DALY WITH MANY INTERESTING AND VALUABLE ADDITIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES ON SALE, FOR CASH. AT THE AFFIXED PRICES BY GEO. D. SMITH 4 EAST 42d STREET NEW YORK 1900 PRESS OF THE MILLS PPTINTINQ COMPAN 3 18-320 EAST 23D ST. NEW YORK 997 THE DALY SALE. %•' HIS IS A CATALOGUE of some of my purchases at the recent sale of the library of the late Augustin Daly, I and also of some books secured from other sources. I The Daly sale was a melancholy affair. The S books, in the first place, were wretchedly catalogued, and the whole English press, led by no less an author- ity than the Athenaeum, has gibed at the printed de- scriptions of the volumes. It is not enough to say the cata- logue was worthless to prospective buyers, it was absolutely misleading. For instance, a manuscript of the "School for Scandal" was described as "the original manuscript entirely in the handwriting of Sheridan." Before the sale I advised at least one customer not to bid on it, and congratulated another, who was the under- bidder, upon his not becoming the purchaser. Now the Athencvum says the original manuscript is in the posses- sion of Mr. Algernon Sheridan, at Frampton Court, England ! A collection of portraits of Shakespeare (which I bought and which is described in this list) was catalogued as lacking the first issue of the Droeshout print. Of course this statement was of equal value with the one about the so-called "Sheridan" manuscript. There was no excuse for either assertion. The offered copy of the "School for Scandal," I have ^ good authority for saying, was probably written by the o prompter of the theatre at which it was produced, and his ^ handwriting bore about as much resemblance to Sheridan's as [j does General Washington's to my own. ^i It is not my intention or desire to recapitulate all the errors n and omissions of the catalogue (my business is to sell books) but to speak in a general way of the depreciation of prices caused by them and the injudicious arrangements made by the firm to which the disposal of the books was entrusted. Money was de- manded of those who desired to examine the books, and no matter how often the private buyer wished to enter the auction rooms previous to the days of sale he was compelled to pay fifty cents for die privilege. After this sum had been :fh^_L< o < paid, so great was the conf usi les and so carefully were the more important items secluded in a locked room, to which access was ouly to be had by a special written order and at certain hours, that only the most persistent v/ere en- abled to see desired books. Again, a rigorously exacted sum of one dollar was required before a catalogue could be had. On top of all this the auctioneer (without any legal right, by the way,) was careful to announce at each session of the sale that neither the descriptions in the catalogue nor the condition of books were guaranteed and that buyers must take goods as they were, without recourse. When to these conditions is added the gross incivility of some of the attendants, is it any wonder that many of the Daly books were sacrificed? Private buyers would not submit to the treatment they received and, to a great extent, let the sale alone. What was the consequence? Those dealers who recog- nized the probable effect of prevailing conditions, and had the courage of their convictions, secured some startling bargains. In purchases for stock I was the largest of the buyers and at present have more of the Daly books for sale than all the other booksellers combined; in fact, the present catalogue really offers the last chance to secure any quantity of the books of the late Augustin Daly. So far as the effect upon my own pocket, the worse catalogued the books, and the worse managed the sale, why so much the better. But even a bookseller takes some pride in his profes- sion, and to see the whole bookselling fraternity of this city made into a laughing stock by the ignorance of a few individuals is unpleasant. To the English critics I would say that there are people in America just as competent to describe and sell a library of fine books as any one in London, and that the Daly sale was managed by careless hands, (the cataloguer an En- glishman, by the wayj, should not reflect upon the whole body of American booksellers. I have in preparation a catalogue of the Daly autographs, of which portion of his collection I was also the largest buyer, and it will be sent free and postpaid to persons applying for it. GEORGE D. SMITH. CataloQue n 1 ^l^f CTORS by Daylight, Pencillings or in the Pit, the original articles cut from a paper and mounted in a folio scrap book. Half roan. London, 1838-9. $7.50 \* These Twenty-three chapters are extra illustrated by the insertion of 31 engraved jxirtraits. From the Daly collection. 2 ADDISON (Joseph). Maxims, Observations and Reflections, Moral, Political and Divine, engr-WED portrait by Van der Gucht after Kneller. First EDITION. 12mo, half green, roan, yellow edges. London, 1719-20 $12.60 *4(.* From the Daly library. Both parts complete. Verj' scarce. 3 AFFECTING NARRATIVE of the Loss of the Thames Smack, 1809; also the Sufferings of Alexander Selkirk, on which the Story of Robinson Crusoe is founded. Folding ptate. 12mo, half straight-grained levant morocco, gilt top, London, 1820. $2.50 4 AIKEN (Dr.) Select Works of the British poets with biographical and critical prefaces, engraved TITLE, 8vo, calf. London, 1820. $1.75 \* With bookplate of Edward Barnard. 5 ALDRICH (T. B). The Bells: a Collection of Chimes, by T. B. A. N. Y.: /. C. Derby 1855. 12mo, full crimson straight grained levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. $12.50 *** First edition of this very scarce volume in beautiful condition. 6 ALLIBONE (S. A.) Dictionary of English Literature, containing over 46,000 articles, 3 vols, also the Supplement by J. F. Kirk, con- taining 37,000 articles and over 93,000 titles, together with 5 vols, imp. 8vo, half leather. Phila., 1900. " $15.00 \* Latest edition of this valuable work, as good as new and offered at a bargain price. 7 ALPINE Beaumont, (.^lbanis). Travels from France to Italy through the Lepontine Alps, with Topographical and Plistorical Descriptions. 27 plates, including 2 tnaps. Folio, half roan. London, 1806. $6.00 8 AMES' Astronomical Diary; or. An Almanack for 1741. 12mo, sewn. Boston, {John Draper) 1741. $5.25 *^* Poetical Essay on the Microscope occupies two pages at end. 9 AMERICAN. A Journal of the Life, Travels and Gospel Labours of Job Scott (in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey, etc). 8vo, sheep. Warrington, 1798. $1.00 10 AMUSEMENTS. The Touchstone, or, Hi.storical, Critical, Political, Philosophical, and Theological Essa^-s on the Reigning Diversions of the Town. By a Person of some Taste and Some Quality. 12mo, half green levant, gilt top. London, 1728. $8.50 \* A scarce and interesting volume; the subjects treated of are Cock Pits, Pup- pet Shows, Public Auctions, Prize Fighters, Beer Gardens, etc., etc. i Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 11 ANDRE (Major). Monody on, by Miss Seward, also letters addressed to her by Major Andre, with a short account of the author. Andre's last letter to General Washington, etc. 12nio, original half roan, uncut, (privately printed). Penzance, 1809. $12.00 Edited by H. Giddy. With MS. inscription "the Gift of the Editor to Anna Hewett, Feb. 23, 1813." From the Daly collection with bookplate. 12 ARBER (Edward). A List, based on the Registers of the Stationers Com- pany of 837 London Publishers . , . between 1553 and 1640. 4to, boards. Birmingham, 1890. $1.50 \* Useful to collectors of old English books. 13 ARNOLD (Sir Edwin). Potiphar's Wife and other Poems. First Edition. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892. $5.50 14 AUTOGRAPHS OF Scottish Celebrities. An exceptionally fine and important collection, including Robert Burns' original and earliest version of " Queen Mary's Lament," 3 pp., folio, substant- iated BY Gilbert Burns, the poet's brother ; a long love letter to " My Dr. Countrywoman," folio, in which Burns speaks of "the black story at home," etc.: and MS. verses, 5 stanzas; James Hogg, auto- graph letter, 3 pp., 4to, October 15, 1811, and MS., 2 pp., 4to. An exceedingly fine letter of Adam Smith, 3 pp. 4to, to Thomas Cadell, relating to his work, " The Theor}^ of Moral Sentiments." Long and INTERESTING LETTERS OF SiR WALTER ScoTT to Joseph Cooper Walker, 3j4 pp., 4to, 1809; another, 1817, 4to ; one to W. Laidlaw, January 21, 1825, "The great disaster of Constable here and Hurst and Robinson in London stopping payment was the news which welcomed my arrival here," etc.: to Wm. Hewes, 1825, 2 pp., 4to ; to George Handley, 1826, 2 pp., 4to ; one of 2X PP-. 4to, December 26, 1810, with "Epitaph on William Seward," in response to invitation from the Dean of Lich- field; February 16, 1830, 2 pp., 4to ; December 28, 1832, 4to ; one ot 2)4 pp., 4to; to General Ainslie ; April 30, 1828, 1^ pp., 8vo ; July 13, 1826, 4to ; May 15, 1828, 4to ; April 6, 1'^ pp., 4to ; June 13, 1826, 2 pp., 4to ; March 21, 1826, 3 pp., 4to, a very fine letter; besides 2 pp., MS. OF Life of Bonaparte, 2 pp., from MS. of Tales of a Grand- father, and various others. There are, in addition, autograph letters of his father, Walter Scott, Lady Scott, Walter Scott, his son, and let- ters of Robert Bloomfield, relating to him ; a very fine letter of James Ballantyne, dated Abbotsford, September 24, 1822, and relating to Sir Walter ; seven long and interesting letters from Sir David Wilkie to Thomas Phillips, R. A., and one to Sir Thomas Lawrence ; four of Allen Cunningham; one of Allan Ramsay, the painter ; two of Thomas Camp- bell ; an unusually important letter of Dr. James Beattie, addressed May 22, 1773, to Garrick ; two of Lord Monboddo ; one of David Mallet (Malloch), November 2, 1762; three exceedingly interesting 3 pp., 4to, letters from Andrew Brown to George Chalmers ; four letters of James Macpherson, author of Ossian ; 3 page letter, folio, of Dr. James Currie ; letters of Dugald Stewart, Wm. Aytoun, Wm. McGavin, Felix McDonough, John Burnet, the artist : Mrae. Creech, relating to Burns ; Sir James Mackintosh, Sir Wm. Forbes, the friend of Dr. Johnson and Boswell, 4 pp., 4to, 1795, to Edmund Malone, respecting papers and Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books, 5 A rrOGRAPHS— Continued. letters left by Bosvvell to be looked over; Henry Mackenzie (3), Sir John Sinclair (2), James Druraniond, fourth Earl of Perth ; Sir Samuel Auchmuty. Lord Erskine, Wm. third Marquis of Lothian ; Lady Glen- orchy (2), Thomas Somerville (2), and many others. Carlylr is RErRESHNTKD by no less than Jo interesting letters of 2 to 4 pp. each, besides 17 receipts to his publishers or other documents, and 2 pp., folio, of the MS. of "A Picture of Husbandry in Annandale." Mrs. Jane Welsh Carlyle by one very interesting 3 page letter. There is, in addition, a large number oe excellent portraits, many India proofs before letters, of Burns, Scott, Hogg, Wilkie, Sir Wm. Forbes, Carlyle, etc., and a superb proof before letters, on India paper, of the scarce " Broken Jar, " after Wilkie; as well as 2 original draw- ings of Scott and 2 of Carlyle. Bound in half morocco, folio. $1150.00 *^f*This magnificent collection could not be duplicated for twice the money. The Sir Walter Scott portion of it alone would bring more money in England. From the Daly collection. J6 AUTOGRAPHS. Scott and Davey. Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents, Literary Manuscripts, and Autograph Letters, etc. Fac- similes. 4to, half claret, levant, gilt top, uncut edges. London. 1891. $7.50 *4t*Autographs. I have in preparation a catalogue of the numerous au- tograph letters secured from the SALE of the late Augustin Daly's col- lection with numerous others from other sources which I shall be pleased to send gratis and post free to intending purchasers. 16 AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS OF THE GREEN ROOM for 1802, with bio- graphical, critical and characteristic sketches of the performers. Eti- graved portrait of Mrs. Billmgton. J6mo, half morocco, gilt tops, un- cut. London, 1802. $5.50 *»*The portrait is very scarce. This volume is from the Daly sale. B 17 ^J^ ADDELEY (Mrs. Sophia). Memoirs of. Late of Drurj- Lane Theatre by Mrs. Elizabeth Steele, 3 vols, 12mo, half straight grained blue morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT by Riviere. Dublin, 1787. $21.00 *jt*A sprightly series of memoirs from the Daly collection. Very rare in such beautiful uncut shape. 18 BADDELEY (Mrs. Sophia) Memoirs oe. Late of Drury Lane Theatre, by Mrs. Eliz.\beth Steele. First edition. 6vols., 12rao, full calf. London, 1787. $18.50 \*In this copy formerly belonging to Chas. Mathews (with his book plate) and the late Augustin Daly are inserted 5 scarce old dramatic portraits. The book itself is lively reading, and is not often to be met with. 19 BARON-WILSON (Mrs. C.) Our Actresses, or glances at stage favorites past and present, portraits on steel and further extra illustrated by the insertion of over 60 fine portraits of actors and actresses, etc. Some of them very rare. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf gilt, gilt tops uncut by R. W. Smith. London, 1844. $35.00 \* A very interesting book, well ilhistrated. It came from the Daly sale. 20 BEHN (Mrs. Aphra) All the Histories and Novels written by; published by Mr. Chas. Gildon, unabridged edition, 2 vols., KJmo, original calf, nice copy, scarce. London, 1751. $7.50 S Geo, D, Smitn's Catalogfue of Books. 21 BELLAMY (Thomas). The London Theatres, with sentiments of pity for the fair unfortunate and free reflections on the Lobby Lounger, the Orange Woman, the Place-keepers and other nuisances. 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco gilt tops. London, (for the Author) 1793. $13.50 %* Extra illustrated by the insertion of thirty-four portraits nearly all rare. From the Daly collection. 22 BELTON (Fred). Random Recollections of an Old Actor. 8vo, half crushed brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut by R. W. Smith, London, 1880. $4.50 23 BENJAMIN (Park). Shakings. Etchings from the Naval Academy, engraved by John Andrew. Oblong 4to, cloth. Boston, 1867. $2.50 24 BERGEN (Tennis, G). A History of the Town of New Utrecht, N. Y. Illustrated. 4to, paper, uncut. Brooklyn. 1884. $4.50 \* 30 copies printed. This copy No. 11. 25 BETTY (W. H. W. "The Young Roscius"). Memoirs, with a general estimate of his talents and criticisms, on his principal characters. Beauti- ful engraved portrait inserted. 12mo, half calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Liverpool, 1804. $8.50 \* Nice copy from the Daly collection. 26 BETTY (W. H. W.). Another Life. With three scarce portraits. 12mo, new half calf gilt, gilt tops. New York, 1806. $10.00 27 BETTERTON. The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent tragedian wherein the action and utterance of the Stage Bar and Pulpit are distinctly considered, finely engraved portrait after Kneller by Van der Gucht, 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges by Francis Bedford. London, 1710. $12.50 *^* Choice copy from the Daly collection. In addition to the Life the volume contains Betterton's Comedy "The Amorous Widow or the Wanton Wife." 28 BILLINGS (Peter). Folly Predominant; or, the Town taken in. Rare caricature portraits of Foute, Mackli?i, Stephens, etc. Folio, half calf. London, 1755. $8.50 \* Scarce. The Late Augustin Daly's Copy. 29 BILLINGTON (Mrs.). Memoirs of, from her birth, with copies of Original Letters, etc. Unique copy, inlaid from 8vo. to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of 116 plates, etc., and a supplementary text consisting of. An ANSWER to the memoirs of Mrs. Billington, with the Life and ADVENTURES of Richard Daly." The illustrations include WATER COLOR DRAWINGS of Mrs. Weichsel, Digges, and Richard Daly, FIVE LARGE COLORED CARICATURES of Mrs. Billington and her friends; Madame Grassini, a superb colored print; Mrs. Crouch, by Bartolozzi; 2 caricatures of Mrs. Billington by Gillray; her famous Reynolds portrait in folio, autograph letters of Mrs. Billington and Madame Mara, the latter very curious ; and a colored frontis- piece of considerable value, by Freschi, supposed to represent Mrs. Billington as a harpist. Folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. London, 1792. $350.00 30 ' BINDING. A Collection of Prayers and Devotions arrranged for the use of Prince Clement August of Bavaria by his Chamberlain, beautifully ejtgraved upon copper plates with vignettes, etc. 8vo. in the original binding of crimson morocco, tooled back, silk linings, with the Prince's crest and initial on back. Preserved in a slip case. Bonn, 1729. $35.00 •»^*The binding is in a remarkable state of preservation having from its begin- ning been carefully preserved in case. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 7 31 BLADES (William). The Pentateuch of Printing, with Memoir by T. B. Reed. If VM portrait of Caxton, facsimile plates, etc. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, roxburghe style. London, 18'Jl. $5.50 %* Larj^e paper copy, of which but loo were printed, each signed and numbered by the publisher. This is No. 13. 32 BLAKK (William ), Works. Reproduced in facsimile; colored plates. Folio, half leather, gilt top, roxburghe style. London [^Privately printed^ 187(3. 12.00 \* Large paper. Only 100 copies printed. 33 BLEEKER. The Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, 4to, Large Paper, paper uncut. New York, (Sabin) 18()5. $3.50 34 BO ADEN (James). Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. Autograph letter of the author, and numerous scarce portraits inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1827. $27.50 35 BOADEN (Tames). Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons interspersed with anecdotes of Authors and Actors. Portraits. Svo, cloth. Large Paper, entirely uncut. London, 1893. $7.50 *** 150 copies printed. This copy No. 8. 36 BOCCACCIO (J). De Casibus Virorum Illustrium. editio princeps. printed in ©otitic fetter. Folio, full brown, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lewis. [No place, circa, 1468] $225.00 \*0f this famous work by the author of the "Decameron" but two or three copies of the original edition are known. It is supposed to have been printed by Ulric Zell, but there is no certainty about this. 37 BODLEY (Sir Thomas). Life, written by himself, portrait after the rare origi- nal aiid another plate,sq.,'[6mo,psiper cowtiTs uncut. London, 1894. $1.50 Privately printed for presents only, by John Dare. Includes an account of the founding of " The Bodley Head". 38 BOOK-PLATES. Allen, C. D. American Book-Plates. A Guide to their Study, with Examples. Svo, paper, entirely uncut. N. Y. and London- 1894. $22.50 \*Copy No. 52 of 75 copies printed on fapanese vellum, with forty-one full- page plates printed from the original coppers. Fast rising in value. 39 BOOK-PLATES. French Book-Plates. By Walter Hamilton. Illustrated. Second Edition. Svo, paper, entirely uncut. London and N. Y., 1890. $12.50 \* 38 copies printed on X.q\\ fapanese I'cllum. This copy No. 10. 40 BOOTH (Barton). Memoirs of the Life of, with his character, to which are added several poetical pieces, translations from Horace, etc. To which is likewise annexed the case of Mr. Booth's last illness; the Quick-silver found in his intestines in the presence of Sir Hans Sloane, etc. Finely EX'^^RA ILLUSTRATED by the insertiofi of 5 old and fine portraits, including a mezzotint. Post Svo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, extra gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1733. $27.50 41 BOOTH MEM0RL4LS. Passages, Incidents and Anecdotes in the Life of Junius Brutus Booth the Elder. By His Daughter. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top. New York, 1876. $250.00 %* Enlarged from 1 2nio to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of 184 por- traits, autograph letters, etc. The autographs include j. b. booth (4), J. WILKES BOOTH, etc., and among the portraits are waTER-COLOR drawings of Booth, Blake, and J. Wilkes Booth. The last portion of this volume contains the LIFE, crimb and capture of JOHN wilkes booth, by G. A. Townsend, and original play-bills pertinent to the text lend "alue to both portions of this volume. 8 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books, 42 REVOLUTIONARY BROADSIDE RELATING TO THE BOSTON PORT BILL. "The Committee consisting of the following members, namely Mr. Samuel Adams, [ here follow 25 other names, includmg Nathaniel Appleton, John Adams, Joseph Warren, Josiah Quincy, etc.^ appointed by the town of Boston to receive donations for the charitable purpose of relieving and employing the poor, suffering by means of the Act of Parliament commonly called the Boston Port Bill would gratefully acknowledge, " etc., etc. $95.00 *** Graphically explaining the destitute condition of the people of Boston in consequence of the closing of the port, i page, folio. Dated at foot, " Boston, Sept. 22, 1774." On the back, under date of Oct. 25, 1774, ten additional names are printed. In choice shape and doubti^ess UNIQUE. 43 BOUCHOT (Henri). De La Reliure, exemples a imiter ou a rejeter. Numerous plates of choice bi7idings. 12mo, full crushed blue levant mor- occo, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf, with his pictorial mark at the end. Paris, 1891. $12.50 %* Original covers bound in. Zaehnsdorf only adds his pictorial mark to his finest work. 44 BRADFORD NEWSPAPER. The American weekly mercury from Thursday, June 17, to Thursday, June 24, 1742. Wood cut at head with views of Philadelphia. 4pp. 4to unbound. Philadelphia (Andrew BRADFORD at the Sign of the Bible), 1742. $12.50 A very interesting old paper. 45 BRADFORD. Wallace, J. W. Address delivered at the Celebration by the New York Historical Society of the Two Hundredth Birthday of William Bradford. Report of the Committee of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, of their visit to New York at the Celebration of the Two Hun- dredth Birthday of William Bradford, Phil. 1863. Extra illustrated, 15 portraits and views. 8 vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1863. $20.00 %* Very fine and well illustrated copy. 46 BRATHWAIT (Richard). Drunken Barnaby 's Four Journeys to the North of England, together with Bessie Bell. With curious plates on copper, including the ' 'Puritane one'" a hafiging of his cat on Monday for killing of a mouse on Sutiday. 12mo, sprinkled calf gilt, yellow edges. Nice copy. London, 1723. $8.50 %* The first fully illustrated edition, the earlier ones having frontispiece only. Third edition of the work and scarce. 47 BRITISH DRAMA (The). Comprehending the best plays in the English language, by Beaumont and Fletcher, Massinger, Dryden, Otway, Lee Congreve, Vignette o?t title. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1804. {Scarce.) $10.50 48 BRIDGES (Robert). The Growth of Love. H. Daniel. 4to, boards, uncut. Oxford, 1890. $21.00 *^* Only 100 copies privately printed. 49 BROADSIDES. The Whores Petition to the London Prentices and the Citizens Answer. 2 poetical broadsides (one restored and mended) bound in a limp morocco, folio. London, 1668. $20.00 *»* Extremely curious and rare. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 60 51 55 BROWNE (H. K. "Phiz"). Original pen and ink djiawiwg, "bleak HOUSE. " showing the artist, his dog and a lady in a cyclone with "Bleak House •• going to pieces on top of a nearby hill, in spite of the efiforts of a much disturbed individual to hold it up. $50.00 A delightful specimen of "Phiz's" humor. BROWNING (Robert). A Selection from the works of. Engraved por- trait. Sq. l2mo, cloth, uncut. London Moxon, 1865. $2.50 *^* Contains a new preface by Browning. 52 BROWNING. The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, i^row/- isbiece and proof-plates. 6 vols 8vo, buckram, entirely uncut, London, 1889. ^^^"''^ V Printed on hand-made paper. Edition limited to 125 copies. Fine set now difficult to obtain. 53 BULLOCK. (Christopher). A Woman's Revenge ; oR, a Match in New- gate. Engraved frontispiece. IGmo, half morocco, gilt tops, London, (E. Curll), 1715. ^^-^^ VThe frontispiece is curious, and represents a marriage of one of the con- demned in Newgate. From the Daly sale. 54 BURR (Aaron) . Fine folio lithograph portrait of Madame Jumel, widow ol Aaron Burr. Scarce. ^^• BYRON. The Life, Letters and Journal of Lord Byron. By Thomas Moore. I vol. 8vo, inlaid and extended to 2 vols., thick 4to, by the insertion and inlaying of over 300 autograph letters and manuscripts ot the distinguished persons (for the greater part literary) mentioned in the volumes, and handsomely bound in red morocco, super extra watered silk end leaves, etc., by RiviivRE. London, 1844. $2,7o0.00 The following is a very brief resume of the contents of these most important volumes, as roughly noted in the Daly sale catalogue : Lord Byron.— Th^ original of the famous ' ' letter in verse. " Only a portion of this letter was published in the early editions of " Moore's Life." Another letter, addressed to Wedderburn Webster. This letter refers to his financial troubles, and is entirely unpublished. The original wages account book of Lord Byron's household, with most curious entries. TheBvron Ffl;«//v.— Captain John Byron (the poet's father), C. G. Byron (mother), Lady Noel Byron (wife). Lady Lovelace (daugh- ter). Sir Ralph Milbank (father-in-law). G. A. (7th Lord Byron), and letters of fifteen other members of the family. All are important letters on family matters. Lord Byron's Various Biographers.— ]ohn. Gait, Sir Henry Bulwer, Edward Everett (U. S. Minister to England), R. C. Dallas, Sir Egerton Brvdges, J. C. Hobhouse. Sir A. Allison, Leigh Hunt, Lady Bless'ington, George Ticknor (splendid 4to letter to Southey), A. C. Swinburne, F. Nathan, C. C. Colton, Allan Cunningham. Tom Moore.— \ fine 4to letter to his publisher in reference to "Lalla Rookh," Samuel Rogers, Sir Walter Scott (to whom the book is dedicated), John Murray, the Duke of Wellington. Hogg (the Poet), Mrs. Hemans. autograph letters, and a poem in her autograph, 4 pages, 4to ; George III., Count d'Orsay, William Robertson, Lady Caroline Lamb, autograph letters, and a poem in her autograph; Canova, Voltaire, H. R. H. Duke of York to George IV., H. R. H. Duke of Gloucester, George Canning, S. T. Coleridge, fine 4to letter; William iO Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. £ yROJV—CoHtinued. Wilberforce, Horace Walpole, Robert Southej^ W. ly. Bowles; 4 very important letters relating to Lord Byron and his works. /saac Disraeli. — B. W. Proctor, ("Barry Cornwall"), autograph letters, and poem in his autograph ; J. Wilson Croker, a long and important letter to Southey in reference to Byron ; Horace Smith, autograph letters, and poem in his autograph ; Joel Barlow, Benjamin Franklin, a fine letter to his publisher, Strahan ; Alexander Pope, Wieland (poet), Rossini, a splendid letter, 4 pages, 4to. /. P. Ctirrafi. — A splendid letter, 4 pages, 4to, closely written. Robert Southey. — The original drafts in Southey 's autograph of the famous letters written by him to the editor of The Courier, replying to Byron's attacks ; these most valuable letters, which refer to one of the most important periods of Byron's life, occupy 24 4to pages. Leigh Hunt. — The longest of his letters, 4 pages, 4to. William Cowper. — A very early and extraordinarily worded letter, dated June 12, 1759; Rousseau (described in " Childe Har- olde"), J. G. Lockhart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Murat, Lady Morgan, Washington Ir\'ing, dated from Alhambra, July 29, 1829; Lord Brougham, Reginald Heber, Dr. Chalmers, General Napier, Leigh Hunt, autograph letters and manuscript in his autograph ; Benjamin West, Shelley, a fine 4to letter, and also a cheque entirely in his autograph ; Sir Walter Scott, William Pitt, James Harris ("Hermes"), in verse, 5 pages, folio ; Countess of Jersej^ Lord Liverpool, Miss Fanshawe (authoress of the lines " 'Twas Whispered in Heaven " — often attributed to Byron) ; Samuel Rogers, Lord Chancellor Ers- kine, Mrs. Shelley, Miss Seward, Major Cartwright, (author of "American Independence "), Congreve (the dramatist), an exceedinglj'^ rare autograph ; Queen Caroline, Lord Carlisle (Byron's guardian), R. B. Sheridan, Bruce (the African trav- eller), "Monk" Lewis, autograph letters, and poem, in his autograph ; Goethe, letter in reference to " Wilhelm Meister, " with translation ; R. W. EHiston (actor and manager), Charles Mathews (the actor), Fawcett (the actor), Julia Glover (singer), Sir Robert Peel, Maria Edgeworth, Sir Humphrey Davy, "Tom" Campbell, Frederick the Great, a letter signed with long autograph postscript ; Wordsworth, Lord Chancellor Eldoa, James Beattie, Madame d'Arblay, Sir Thomas Law- rence, George IV., Hoppner, Ugo Foscolo, "Tom " Dibdin, a poem in his autograph, 3 pages, 4to ; Dr. Parr, William Gifibrd to Robert Southey, Princess Charlotte, "Tom" Paine, auto- graph letters, and poem in his autograph ; George Steevens (eminent Shakespearian critic), H. Fuseli, R. A. (illustrated Byron's poems). Madame de Stael to Robert Southey. — Raymond (actor), Sir James Bland Burges, T. Warton, Sir Francis Chantrey to Southey, George Colman, Marquis of Hastings, 6 pages, 4to, to Sir Joseph Banks ; William Cobbett, Jeremy Bentham, Mrs. Spen- ser Smith (Byron's "Florence "), The Earl of Rochester. Tom Moore. — The original manuscript of his poem, "Account of an Extraordinary Dream." This fine manuscript consists of 2/^ pages, and contains many corrections. James Perry'. — (Byron's great champion in the English press;) Dr. Butler (Headmaster of Harrow). Geo. D, Smith's Catalogue of Books. J J HyROX—Coultnued. George Washinglon. — This is a very fine letter, and is on the sub- ject of Mrs. Washington's health; Lord Melborne to Will- iam Cobbett, Lord Palmerston, Mrs. Pioz/.i, Robert Orme, The Countess Guiccioli, Galignani, etc. The only printed insertion is the original prospectus of "The Greek Telegra])h," first published at Missolonghi, March, 1824. A long account of this paper and Lord Bjron's connec- tion with it is given by Moore. This most interesting docu- ment is probably unique. With the sole exceptions of the Frederick the Great and Napo- leon letters, the whole of the letters and MS. are holograph. Nor are the letters mere specimens, for the greatest care has been taken to choose fine literary letters. € '^^ ^t~^ AMPBELL (Captain Donald). Life and Adventures, on leaving Goa for Madras, May 21. 1782. With Curious Anecdotes. Large folding plate. 12mo, half straight-grained morocco, gilt top. London, n. d. $2.50 *^<.* Very curious. 57 CATLIN (George). Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. With Letters and Notes. 360 engravings from the author's origiiial paintings. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. London: Bohn, 1857. $7.50 *^* A cheap copy. 58 CATLEY (Miss). A Brief Narrative of the Life of the Celebrated Miss Catley ; containing the adventures of that lady in her public character as a singer, and private one of a courtezan, with many curious anecdotes never before published. ]2mo, boards uncut. London, n. d. $27.50 Very rare. %* From the Daly collection ; contains a highl}- curious engraved por- trait of Miss Catley, and loosely inserted, several clippings; scarce portrait; also, portrait of Col. Lascelles. One of the most scandalous theatrical memoirs, or, rather libels. 59 CAULFIELD (James). Calcographiana. The Printseller's Chronicle and Collector's Guide to the knowledge and value of engraved British Portraits ; portrait and extra ii,lustrated by the insertion of one hun- dred and fifty portraits, many very rare. 8vo, in a fine old binding of straight grained blue morocco, gilt edges, gold borders, etc. By C. Smith, with label. London, 1814. $37.50 %*A very handsome book. Among the prints may be mentioned Elizabeth Boucher, wife of Oliver Cromwell, with the monkey, Jacob Hall, Robert Herrick, Marchioness of Buckingham, by Passe, etc. See also "Ireland ( W. H.) " for companion volume. 60 CHAMBERLAYNE (Wm.). Piiaronida, an heroic poem [ also Love's Victory, a tragi-comedy] . 3 vols, foolscap 8vo, brown polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. A pretty copy at very low price. London, 1«20. J7.50 %*"A poet who has been undeservedly ^eglected^ and in whose works are many beautiful paSvSages. " — Mitford. \2 Geo* D* Smith's Catalogue of Books* 61 CHELWOOD (W. R.)- General History of the stage from its origin to the present time, with Memories of the principal performers that have ap- peared on the English and Irish stage for these last fifty years. Old and curious portraits inserted, including Quiji, Gatrick, Foote, Mrs. Gibber, etc., etc. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1749. $7.50 *:^ Nice copy of this scarce and curious little work from the Daly collection. 62 GIBBER (Colley). An Apology for the Life of. Portrait. Unique copy of the original edition, illustrated by the insertion of 350 portraits, etc. These portraits include large mezzotints of Colley Gibber, Better- ton, Mrs. Oldfield, Kitty Glive, Quin, Kneller, Penkethman, the Duchess of Gleveland, Robt. Wilks, Jonston, Vanbrugh, McSwiny, Pur- cell, Antony Leigh, Joe Harris, Mrs. Gross, Leveridge, Sacheverell, Foote, Duke of Shrewsbury, John Harper, Sir Robt. Walpole, Gorelli, Queen Anne, Tonson, Bernardi, etc.; drawings of Tom Sheridan, Ghar- lotte Gharke, Kitty Glive, Nell Gwyn, Peg Woffington (colored), Mrs. Hughes (colored), etc.; rare plates of Dr. Busby, Aphra Behn, Doggett, Kynaston, Spranger Barry, Wm. Gartwright, Mrs. Porter, Garrick, Theophilus Gibber, as Antient Pistol; Tom Davies (with autograph letter); the large Vertue prints of Pope, Beaumont, ^Fletcher, and Gow- ley, and other valuable items. In addition, the text has been widened by the addition of a preface by Bellchambers, the Apology of Theophilus Gibber, 1740; A Lick at a Liar, and other interesting data. 3 vols., royal folio (from 1 vol. 4to), half green levant morocco, gilt top, by Stikeman. London. 1740. $750.00 *jj* Broken up, the contents of these volumes would bring three times the amount now asked for them. 63 GIBBER (Mrs. Susannah Maria). Account of the Life>f.^ Large paper copy, extra illustrated by the insertion of various engravings inchtding two mezzotints besides a water color drawing of Garrick, playbills, etc. 4to, new half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1887. $23.00 *^ At the end is the trial for Crim, Con. Gibber against Sloper. An interesting copy from the Daly collection. 64 CLARKE (Mary Ann). Authentic Memoirs in which is portrayed the Secret History and intrigues of many characters in fashion and high life, the Duke of York's love letters, etc., by Mrs. E. Taylor; beautiful colored portrait of Mrs. Clarke, which is very scarce. 12mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut by Tout. London, 1809. $15.00 %* Choice copy of this scandalous little book containing many anecdotes of the fair but frail lady. 65 COCKER, (Edward). Cocker's Decimal Arithmetic, perused, corrected and published by John Hawkins. Post 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London, 1685. $18.00 *^t* First edition. Very rare. Good clean copy. 66 Cole (John). The Talents of Edmund Kean Delineated, 8vo, new half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1817. $35.00 *,* The authors own copy and with autograph inscription by Kean, two au- tograph letters by Charles Kean and 23 other extra illustrations includmg very rare colored caricature and character portraits, etc. From the Daly collection. Geo. D, Smith's Catalogfue of Books. f3 67 COLLINS (Wilkie). An Original Unpublished Manuscript Novel of about 57,000 words. loldni ; or Tahiti as it was, a Romance. Complete. Written on 1(50 4to pages, unbound. $100.00 •^f* Would well repay publication. (j8 COLMAN LETTERS. Posthumous Letters from Celebrated Men to Fran cis Colman and George Colman the Elder, with Annotations and Re- marks by George Colman the Younger, etc., etc. 4to, illustrated by THE INSERTION OF AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY THE PRINCESS Augusta (mother of George III.), and GH portraits of eminent CONTEMPORARIES, AND THEATRICAL AND SOCIAL CELEBRITIES (13 0/ which are india proofs), morocco extra, borders of gold tooling, uncut, top edges gilt, by Riviere. London, 1820. $85.00 \* Includes a portrait of Sheridan, bearing his orij^nnal autograph, Washing- ton by Prevoost, proof, Horace Walpole by Pari.^et, etc., etc. A beautiful book from the Daly collection. 69 CONGREVE (William). Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Amours of; interspersed with Essays, Letters and Characters, also some very curious Memoirs of Mr. Dryden, etc., by Charles Wilson, engraved portrait by Van der Gucht, inserted 8vo, calf gilt, scarce. London, 1730. $5.50 70 CONTAT, (Mile. Louise). 2 autograph letters, document signed, and por- trait. From Edmond dk Goncourt's collection, and with his auto- graph and notes. Bound in cloth, 4to. $22.50 *j^* One of the letters is signed with initials and is a curious specimen. 71 COSTUME. A folio volume containing forty-five large colored plates of costumes of various ages and countries, half calf [Paris, n. d.] $12.50 *^* I'Vom the Daly collection. A choice collection. 72 CROUCH (Mrs.). Memoirs, including a retrospect of the stage during the years she performed by M. T. Young, 2 vols., l<3mo, half green levant morocco, gilt tops. London, ISOG. $35.00 %* Choice copy, extra illustrated by the insertion of 115 scarce dramatic portraits, including Mrs. Siddons, Henderson, Ann Bellamy, etc., etc. From Augustin Daly's Library. 73 CROWQUILL (Alfred). Pantomime to be played at home as it was, is, and will be. Humorous plates with descriptions. Oblong, 4to, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, by Riviere. London, 1841). $13.50 *** Very scarce. 74 CRUIKSHANK (George). The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman, with preface and illustrations, by George Cruikshank, first edition, sq., 16mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1839. $65.00 %* Has a double SET of the plates plain and colored, and the original illustrated cloth cover pre.scrs-ed. C. I". Johnson s-ays: " The preface and notes are by Dickens, and the poem has been attributed both to him and Th.vckekay." The present copy is from the Daly Library. 75 CRUIKSHANK. Rejected addresses or the New Theatrum Poetarum Portrait, zind spirited cuts on zcood by George Cruikshank, 12mo, cloth, uncut, London, (J. IMurray) 1852. $<).50 *** Twenty third edition of the book, but the first with Cruikshank's marvellous illustrations. 76 CRUIKSHANK. A collection of 230 engravings by George Cruikshank. Includes complete set and outside cloth cover to Lord Bateman, 1839; Punch and Judy, co 1 red. -^rvrXy Lottery Posters; Life of Grimaldi; the J 4 Geo, D, Smith's Catalogue of Books. CR UIKSHANK— Contin ued. Dancing Lesson, 4 plates, colored; Cato Street Conspiracy, 3 colored broadsides; Life of Napoleon, 9 colored plates; The Queen and the Union, a rare broadside. And many others, all neatly mounted on drawing paper and bound in 2 vols., folio, full brown levant morocco, inside borders, gilt tops. v. y. $100.00 %*A very extensive and choice collection, with specially printed title to each volume. 77 CRUIKSHANK (George). The; bee and the wasp. A set of the four plates, proofs on large India paper. 4to. $7.50 78 CUMBERLAND { Richard ). Memoirs by himself, with anecdotes and characters of distinguished persons, engraved portrait. Also autograph LETTER and several portraits inserted. 2 vols, 8vo, new half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1807. $22.50 *#* An interesting copy from the Daly sale. 79 CURIOUS. HisTORiE DE L 'EMPIRE DES CHERiFS EN AERiQUE, avec la Vie de M. de Santa-Crux. Folding 7nap and plan. 12mo, original calf, gilt, arms of a former owner on side. Paris, 1733. $3.25 80 CURIOUS. The Weekly Magazine. Portraits. 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1760. $12.50 *^j.* Includes a life of Theophilus Gibber, poems on Garrick, etc. From the Daly collection. ^* f^^ ^W ^W (^* ^* (^* ^* 81 1^^^ ALY (Augustin). Privately printed copies of the plays produced by him, each extra illustrated with various unique and inter- esting additions (as severally mentioned ) and including the original water COLOR DRAWINGS of the costumes for the actors and actresses. Very few copies of each play were issued. These volumes cost Mr. Daly over $300 each and such illustrations of the private photographs, original costumes, etc., cannot be duplicated at any price. a. Love's Labor Lost, by Shakespeare. Illustrated by the insertion ot 115 portraits, scenes, play -bills, autograph letters, and over 50 original drawings of costumes, and portraits. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. New York, 1891. $250.00 b. The Foresters, by Alfred Tennyson. Illustrated with 220 portraits of the Daly Company, etc., including 42 colored drawings of costumes and highly interesting autograph LETTERS OF Tennyson and Lady Tennj'son, etc. 2 vols., folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York, 1892. $350.00 c. The Recruiting Officer, by John Farquhar. Illustrated by the inser- tion of 60 portraits, play bills, etc., including colored drawings of Woffington, Tom Barry, Mr. Abbott, Plenry Placide, Mrs. Vernon, Bullock, and Farquhar; mezzotint of Quin ; WoflSngton, byMarchand, etc. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York. 1885. $125.00 d. School for Scandal, by R. B. Sheridan. Illustrated by the insertion of 178 portraits, play -bills of famous performances in America and F,ngland, views, programmes, etc., including a fine mezzotint of King, Geo. D. Smith's Cataloj^ue of Books, 15 DALY—Contiuued. Smith, Palmer, and Mrs. Abiugton, in the chief characters; auto- graph i.El^TERS OF SHERIDAN, Tom King, and Marie Foote, Kemble as Charles Surface, by Dighton, (colored), etc. Folio, halfolive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York, 1891. $275.00 e. The Inconstant, by George Farquhar. Illustrated by the insertion of nearly 150 plates, play-bills, etc., including many rare engravings, 18 colored drawings of costume, and the original text of 1702. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman New York 1«S''- $165.00 f. The Critic, by R. B. Sheridan. Illustrated by the in.sertion of 114 portraits, etc., including Chatham Street Theatre play -bills, 8 original drawings, etc. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York, 1H89. $105.00- *** Splendid series of colored and other photographs of Miss Rehau, Miss Davenport, and other ladies and gentlemen of the Daly Company. MR. DALY'S FAMOUS WOFFINGTON. 82 DALY (Augustin). WOFFINGTON. A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman. Extra illustrated by 600 portraits, views, water-color drawings, autograph letters, play-bills, etc., in addition to the fol- lowing important items : Drawings, mostly in Water Colors: Portraits of Augustin Daly, John Cunningham, W. H. W. Betty, Isaac Sparks, Mrs. J. M. Davenport, Clara Fisher, Mossop, Elrington, John Rich, Peg Woffington, Est- court. Mrs. Mills, Theop. Gibber, Thomas Walker, Mrs. Gifford, Charles Fleetwood, J. B. Booth, Jr., Blake, Woffington as the Recruit- ing Officer, Mrs. Bellamy, the Clive-Woffington Fight, Mile. Dumes- nil, Mrs. Behn, Mrs. Baddeley, Mrs. Wells (Sumbel), John Rich, Ada Rehan, and Mrs. Gilbert, Clara Morris, Mrs. Porter, Digges as Sir John Brute, Tom Sheridan as Brutus, Woffington and bird, Woffing- ton in bed, Shad well, Mrs. Gibber. Rare Mezzotints: Dora Jordan; Robt. Wilks, by Faber ; Boaden, Sir Robert Walpole, Mrs. Cross, Robt. Wilks, Mrs. Prichard, Lord Carteret, Griffin and Johnson; Quin, by Faber ; Shuter, by Dawe ; Garrick, Burton, and Palmer in the Alchemist; Garrick, by McArdell; Vanbrugh, by Faber ; McSwiny ; Mrs. Oldfield, by Fisher ; Gibber and daughter, by Fisher ; Young Pretender : Scene in the Careless Husband, by Faber ; Mrs. Gibber as Cordelia, Miss Bellamy, William III., Miss O'Neill; Harry Woodward, by Smith (proof); Steele, Arthur Murphy, Mrs. Oldiield; :McSwiny, by Faber; Maria Gunning,' by Patton ; Lord Buckhurst and his sister; Duke of Dorset, George III., Woodward as "Ye I?ine Gentleman;" Mrs. Barry, by Paul; Tate Wilkinson ; Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy, by Fisher ; Garrick as Abel Drugger, James I., Nell Gwyn, Mary, Queen of Scots ; Vanbrugh, by Faber ; Miss Catley as Euphrosyne, Kitty Fisher, and 6 of Peg Woffington herself, by Faber (3), McArdell, Jackson, etc. Autograph Letters, etc.: Tom Moore, Clara Fisher, W. H. W. Betty, J. P. Kemble, Wilks, Gibber, and Booth, Tom Davies and wife, Macklin, i6 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books, DA L Y— Continued. Sir Robt. Walpole, Arthur Murphy, Garrick's mother, Samuel John- son, Mrs. Siddons, Sir Theodore Martin, Tate Wilkinson, Garrick, Horace Walpole. Other Important Prints : Nell Gwyn (the large Valck engraving), Mossop as Bajazet ; Mrs. Gibber, by Marchand ; Garrick, by Purland (20 privately printed); Cleopatra and Cupid, both by Strange ; Mrs. Siddons, by Jukes (colored); Goldsmith, by Bunbury ; Macready as Romeo, by Woodman (colored); Quin as Coriolanus ; Mrs. Crouch, and Mary, Queen of Scots, both by Bartolozzi ; Mrs. Prichard, by Ravenet; Shuter as the Old Man in "Lethe," Charlotte Charke as Scrub, Mrs. Abingdon, after Reynolds (colored), etc. 'The other 600 illustrations include many rarities of considerable value, portraits that in any other company would be a suflBcient attraction in themselves, pla5^-bills of the Smock Alley and other theatres in which WoiEngton appeared, and the original text of the " Monody," colored views of Dublin, etc. Only Twenty-five cojjies were printed of this size ; this is No. 3. 3 vols, royal folio, with extra title pages, half olive green, crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman Printed for the author. New York, 1888. $3500.00 This magnificently illustrated work was a great favorite of the late Mr. Daly. It was one of his show books and many of his friends will recall the pride and pleasure with which he was wont to exhibit it. It is in itself a glorious tribute paid by the greatest manager of his day to the greatest actress of a by-gone time. 83 DALY'S BILLS OF THE PLAY. Grand Opera House. Season, 1873-4. 4to, half morocco. $8.50 Season (Fifth Avenue Theatre) 1875-6-7. 2 vols., 4to, half brown morocco. $10.00 Season of 1881-2 and 1884-5. 2 vols., 4to, half red morocco. $10.00 '84 DALY'S THEATRE. Bills of the Play. New York, 1890 96. 5 vols., 4to, half brown morocco. $22.50 Programmes. Season, 1897-8. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. $12.50 85 DALY'S PROGRAMMES. Seasons of 188G-7 and 1890-1. 2 vols , 4to, half brown morocco. $12.50 86 DAPPER (O). Die Unbekante Neue Welt oder Beschreibung des Welt- teils Amerika, etc. Copper-plate engravings incliidivg THE RARE view OF New York. Folio, vellum. Amsterdam, 1673. $25.00 *^*The engravings also include views of various cities, large maps, etc. 87 DARLEY (F. O. C.) Original Sepia Drawing. "The Battle of New Orleans," highly finished. 8vo, size. $15.00 A favorable example of Barley's manner. In beautiful condition and from the collection of the late N. Q. Pope. 88 DENNIS (John). A Plot and No Plot. A comedy. First edition, 4to, half citron levant morocco. London, n. d. $4.75 *»* The prologue was spoken by Joe Hains and the principal parts were played by Colley Gibber, Miss Allison, Mrs. Kent, etc. From the Daly collection. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Eooks. 17 80 D'EON (Chevalier). Autograph letter signed, ii pp. 4to, Bath. April 5, 1796, to Colonel Burgoyne, icith 6 portraits, including a folio mezzotint, 177/; 4to stipple, after Angelica Kauffman ; another by C. Turner from a cast, etc. Mounted and bound in 1 vol. 4to, limp morocco, gilt, by Pratt. $G5.00 *^* Rare and curious collection relating to this enigmatical personage. 90 DICKENS (Charles). Biuuography 1833-82. By R. H. Shepherd, en- larged edition. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, n. d. $7.50 %* Only 50 copies printed for private circulation. 91 DICKENS (Charles). Sketches by "Boz." Illustrations of Every-day Life and Every-day People, both Series . . . The excessively rare, GENUINE FIRST EDITIONS. Illustrated with 28 Jine illustrations by George Crjiikshank. 8 vols, crown 8vo, beautifully bound in polished calf, gilt edges, by Tout. London, 1836-7. $90.00 *^* Dicken's first work. The second series has the two extra plates, which appeared in the second edition, inserted. The above are fine, clean copies. A genuine first edition of the first series very seldom occurs for sale. The above is really brilliant and a bargain at the price. 92 DICKENS (Charles). The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain; a Fancy for Christmas Time. With illustrations by Tenniel, Stanfield, Leech and Stone. 12mo, full green morocco, gilt edges, original cover bound at end, by Bradstreets. London, 1848. $10.50 *^* First edition. 93 DICKENS (Charles). Tale of Two Cities, with 16 illustrations by "Phiz " [H. K. Browne]. First edition. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by Tout. London, 1859. $18.50 %* Fine copy, bound from the numbers with an original cover preserved. 94 DICKENS (Charles). Hints to Collectors of original editions of the works of Charles Dickens. By C. P. Johnson. Svo, full crimson cru.shed levant morocco extra, gilt top [by Reviere]. London, 1885. $12.50 %* Large paper copy, of which but fifty copies were printed. 95 DICKENS (Charles). Letters To Wii.kie Collins. Edited by Laurence Hutton, ivith portraits and facsimiles. P'olio (inlaid from 12mo), half blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York, 1892. $85.00 *^ Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of ninety-three portraits and views, including many fine India proofs. From the Daly collection. 96 DICKENS (Charles). Catalogue of his Pictures objets d'art, etc. Sold at auction at Christie's, with printed prices and purchasers' names. 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1870. $6.25 THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY SEYMOUR TO ILLUSTRATE THE PICKWICK PAPERS 97 DICKENSIANA. An account of the origin of the Pickwick Papers, by Mrs. Seymour, widow of the distinguished artist who originated the work, with Mr. Dicken's Version and her reply thereto, showing the 18 Geo* D. Smith's Cataloi^ue of Books* DICKENSIA .\A —Con tin ued. fallacy of his statements. Also letters of her husband's and other dis- tinguished men. Svo, (inlaid to 4to), half red morocco, gilt tops. Printed for the author. London, n. d. $2,250.00 %* Contains FOUR of the ORIGINAL DRAWINGS to the PICKWICK PAPERS, also TWO UNPUBLISHED DRAWINGS by Robert Sry- MOUR. a long letter by R. Seymour, Jr., speaking of his father's connection with Pickwick; Seymour's visiting card and two very rare original colored prints bv R. Seymour, besides an original unpublished pencil portrait of the' artist from life. Also THE ORIGINAL LETTER from Charles Dickens to Seymour, with his critical rem.\rks on thb DRAWINGS. 98 DICKEXSIANA. Sam Weller's Budget of Recitations; a superior collec- tion of all the most new and popular Tales, Dramatic Scenes, Burlesqtie Parodies, etc., with many excellent Original Productions. Thirty htimorous woodcuts. Svo, original cloth. London, 1838. $3.75 %* From the Daly Sale. 99 DIXON (W. H.). New America, with illustration, best edition, 2 vols., Svo, half calf. London, 1867. $2.75 100 DIXON (W. Hepworth). Her Majesty's Tower with numerotis portraits and views further elaborately extra illustrated by the insertion of 242 prints, including portrait, views, etc., some old and rare proofs, etc., and all germane to the text. 2 volumes extended to 4, large Svo, new half blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Blackwell. London 1SS5. $135.00 *^*A beautiful and interesting copy which must have cost over double the money now asked. 101 DOBSON (Austin). Proverbs in Porcelain, to which is added "Au Revoir, " a Dramatic Vignette. Illustrated by B. Partridge. Svo, buckram, entirely uncut. London, 1893. $6.50 *^* Large paper edition; copy No. 26 of 250 copies printed. 102 DOBSON (Austin). Eighteenth Century Vignettes, etched portraits on Japan paper of Steele, Pope, Hogarth, Gray, etc. first edition on largb PAPER, Svo, half crushed levant morocco gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892, $7.50 %*One of 250 copies printed. This is No. 196, and is from the Daly collection. 103 DODSLEY, (J.). A Collection of Poems, with the Collections by Moses Mendez and Geo. Pearch, 11 vols., post Svo, new, half morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. London, 17C6-75. $32.50 %*The set of eleven volumes not often found together. This is a fine set, and from the Roos Collection. 104 DOYLE (Richard). Autograph letter signed by Richard Doyle addressed to the Rev. W. H. Brookfield, presenting him with a box of smuggled cigars, and including three humorous pen and ink sketches on the letter, one containing a portrait of Th.-vckeray on the deck of a ship bound to New York. 3 pp. Svo. $55.00 %* An item from the Brookfield correspondence the major portion of which sold for $16,200 at the Daly sale. The sketches are very pretty. 105 DRAMA. The Players, a satyr. Svo, half blue, crushed levant morocco* gilt tops, by Blackwell. London, (about 1750.) Scarce. $3.50 %* Uncut copy from the Daly sale. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 19 106 DRAMA. A Guide to the Stage, etc., with some account of the Players, 8vo, half olive crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. Smith. London, 1751. $5.50 *»* From the Daly sale. 107 DRAMA. A collection of interesting old plays formed by the late Augustin Daly, most having scarce portrait of an actor or actress pre- fixed. 4 vols., 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by R.W. Smith. London, 1777, etc. $:J2.50 %*This interesting collection includes the Beggar's Opera, Milton's Corners, Grorge Barnwell. The Virgin Unmasked, Sir John Cockle at Court, and other curious plays, many hardly obtainable. Mr. Daly had the book lettered "Stage Journalism." 108 DRAMA. Original MS. Play. The Power of Friendship. A Tragedy, by Unknown Writer. The original manuscript on 100 4to pages, bound in vellum. $2.50 109 Original MS. Play, written about 1700, containing the Characters of King of Sicily, Prince of Calabria, etc., etc., in blank verse. 4to, vellum. $2.50 110 DRAMA. The Spectre Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself, by W. T. Moncrieff. IGmo, paper Wrappers. London, 1821. $5.50 %*With autograph of James McCloskey, New York City. Prompt copy, marked throughout. 111 DRAMA. The Rosciu.s consisting of Original Memoirs of the Principal Actors and Actresses; strictures on the Drama and its interests, green room gossips, anecdotes, etc., engraved portrait of Mrs. Waylett, the complete series of seven numbers bound in 1 volume, with all the ORiGiN.'M, WRAPPERS. 12mo, half morocco, (rubbed) gilt tops, uncut. London, 1825. $10.50 112 DRAM.\. An E.ssay on the Science of Acting, by a Veteran Stager, engraved porlrait of Shakespeare, l2mo, half calf. London, 1828. $2.50 %*The Late Augustin Daly's copy. 113 DRAMA. Supplementary History of the Stage. Autograph letters, portraits, play-bills, etc., extra illustrated with 335 portraits, autographs, bills, etc. 2 vols. 4to., half blue levant. Bath, 1832, $110.00 %* Intended by Mr. Daly as a supplement to his extra illustrated copy of Genet's History of the Stage. The above volumes include many valuable items. 114 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life, Amorous Adventures and Wonderful exploits of Madam Vestris, also public and private life of Miss Chester. with numerous Amatory Anecdotes of his majesty at the festive board and private boudoir, etc. Full length engraved portrait of Vestris and Chester, and a view, thin, 8vo, half claret levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, n. d. $15.00 *^* A rare and curious volume from the Daly sale. 115 DRAMATIC. [Hifferman, Paul). A letter from the Rope-Dancing Monkey in the Haymarket to the Acting Monkey, [Garrick] of Drury Lane on the Earl of Warwick. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1767. $4.50 20 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books. 116 DRAMATIC MAGAZINE. The Theatrical Inquisitor or Literary Mirror, By Cerberus, with the complete series of beautifully erigraved full page portraits, upo?i copper. 14 vols., 8vo/ new half-blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; by R. W. Smith. London, 1812. $135.00 %*Of the utmost rarity. Of this magazine i6 volumes in all were pub- lished ; but, as a well-known collector remarked: "You might scour America and England and not find half a dozen volumes." Handsome set, in uniform binding. 117 DRAMATIC REVIEW (The), or Mirror of the Stage/ with 1 8 fine old character portraits of actors inserted. Svo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. By R. W. Smith. London, 1795. $12.50 *^* Among the portraits are beautiful mezzotints of Miss Pope and Mr. Palmer, a proof before letters of Mrs. Powall, etc. From the Daly collection. 118 DRYDEN (John). Tyrannick Love ; or, The Royal Martyr. A Tragedy. 4to, half calf (stained). London [facob Tonson), 1702. $5.50 *#*The plot of this play is founded on history, and the scene laid in Maxi- min's camp under the walls of Aquileia. Nell Gwyn appeared in the cast as Valeria, daughter of Maximin , also Epilogue spoken by Nell Gwyn. Very scarce. 119 DUANE (Judge). Decree of the Admiralty Court on Captures "Within Neutral Bounds. Svo, paper, uncut. New York, 1794. $3.50 120 DUMAS (Alexander). Le Chevalier D'Harmentil. Numerous illustrations by f. A. Beance. Imp. Svo, half morocco. Paris, 1854. $2.25 121 DUNLAV (William). History of the American Theatre. Unique copy. Inlaid to 4to, and extra illustrated by the insertion of 375 rare portraits, autographs, views, theatres, play-bills, original drawings, etc. Among the rarities may be mentioned : Dunlap (i. p. b. 1.), Garrick (p. b. 1.), Henry Cruger, Farquhar, Hugh Kelly (mezzo), Myles Cooper, Kemble (mezzo) ; Cooper as Hamlet and as Leon, by Edwin ; O'Keefe (i. p.), Ezra Stiles, "The Late Mrs. Morris " ; Fred Reynolds, lay Heath; Hodg- kinson, by Leney ; Mrs. Hodgkinson, by Tiebout, and i. p. by Hollyer ; Mrs. Melmoth as Elvira, bj^ Tiebout ; Fennell, Francis ; J. E. Harwood. by Edwin ; Jefferson and Blissett ; Mr. Ricketts. by Scoles ; T. A. Cooper, by Harris, also a proof by Mayer ; Mrs. Siddons (i. p.), by Tiirner ; Warren and Mrs. Warren, by Edwin ; Park Theatre and Corner Stone, original drawings ; Mr. and Mrs. Wood, by Edwin and by Ellis ; Gen. Wolfe ; Mrs. Darley, by Edwin and by Leney ; Sadlers Wells, original drawing; Mrs. Wignell, by Edwin; Mathew Carey, J. W. Wallack (i. p.) ; Master Payne, by Lenej' ; Master Betty, John Howard Payne (lith.), Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Duff, Edmund Simpson (first issue), Stephen Price (lith.), Burning of Richmond (i. p.), Jas. H. Celdwell, Cooke as Lear and by Scriven, Cooke's Tomb, Kean in Indian dress (original), Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, Burke ; Forrest, by Meyer ; Hackett as Fal- staff (rare lith.), 13 bills of John St. Theatre, 8 of Park, and 1 of Rickett's Circus, etc. 4 vols., 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut edges. New York, 1832. $400.00 *:^ Probably the finest copy of Dunlap extant. A great bargain. 122 DUTHIE (William). A Tramp's Wallet, stored by an English Gold- smith, during his wanderings in Germany and France. 12mo, full crimson, crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. London, 1858. $6.50 %* Dedicated to Charles Dickens, by whom the articles, as they appeared in Household Words, were revised. € Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books, 21 ^28 ^^^ARLY BOSTON IMPRINT. COLEMAN ( Benjamin ). The doctrine and law of thh HOLY SARBATH, Preached at the Lecture at Boston, Oct. 15 and Dec. 10, 1724. 12mo, paper. Boston {T. Fleet for Thomas Han- cock) 1725. $3.75 %* Fine copy. 124 EARLY PRINTING. Fasciculus Temporum. Chronica que dicitz/r Fasi- culus temporr/w.edita p^r quendaw carthusie«sem [Werner Rolewinck]. Curious old woodcuts of the Ark, Toivcr of Babel, the Deity, and of cities [including one of Nineveh), etc. [Anno dfii. 1480] . $22.50 %* Nice copy of this curious popular old Chronicle. A reference to the art of printing will be found in it. 125 EARLY WOOD ENGRAVING, "Christ Curing the Sick." Folio. About 1470. $10.00 %* A line example of the art anterior to Albert Durer's time. 126 EBERS (John). Seven Years of the King's Theatre, lithographic portraits of Mdlle. Branibilla, Mdes. Camporese, Allan, Sontag, Pasta and De Begnis. Svo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London ( Wm. Har- rison Hinswell) \S2?>. $8.50 %* Choice copy from the Daly collection. Rarely found with all the portraits. 127 ELLSLER (Fanny, the Famous Dancer). The Letters and Journal of. Unique copy, inlaid from Svo to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of 134 portraits, views, play-bills, etc. The portraits include all the known portraits of EHsler, and a colored drawing of Stephen Price. The views embrace many New York rarities, and a colored plate of the interior of the Park Theatre, and the autograph letters are from Ellsler, and Inman, the painter. Royal folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. $175.00 128 ELZEVIRS. Complete Catalogue of all the publications of the Elzevier Presses, with introduction notes, list of forgeries, etc., by H. Goldsmid. 3 vols, in 1, thick, Svo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh (pri- vately printed) 18S8. $7.50 *^* A very useful work of reference. 12i> ENGRAVINGS. Scrapbook containing a large number of various engrav- ings, including portrait of Miss Tree as " Ion ;" Battery, N. Y., 1830; New York from Brooklyn, 1834; portraits of C. J. Mathews, Fenimore Cooper, Byron, George and Martha Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Mon- roe, etc., etc. 1 vol. 4to, half morocco. $5.50 %* An interesting collection. "^ t2r' t^ t2^ *2^ *5^ *3^ «^ 130 ^^^ACETIAK. The Merry Dames, or the Humorist's Triumph over the Poet in Petticoats, and the Gallant Exploits of the Knight of the Comb, a Comedy by John MinshuU. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York (printed for the author) 1804. $0.00 *jf* Rare. From the Daly collection. 181 FARQUHAR (George). Love and Business in a collection of Occasionary Verse and Epistolary Prose, etc. First edition, 12mo, lialf red morocco gilt tops. London (Lintoll) 1702. $5.50 *^^* Contains inscription " Augustin Daly, Esq., conips. of W. S. Keiley, with the hope that this little book may form the nncleus of a library as superior to the one destroyed as the new theatre is to the late Fifth Aveime, New York, Jan. 23, 1873." f 22 Geo. D« Smitti^s Catalog^ue of Books. 132 FARMER (John S.) Musa Pedestris, three centuries of Canting Songs, 1536-1896. Collected and Annotated. 12mo, boards, uncut. Privately printed for subscribers only, 1896. $8.50 %* Brought and including Albert Chevalier's " I^ittle Nipper : " " I'm just about the proudest man that walks ; I've got a little nipper when 'e talks. I'll lay yer forty shiners to a quid You'll take him for the father ; me, the kid." 133 FENEIvON (L'Abbe). Adventures of Telemachus, translated by John Hawksworth and revised by C. Gregory, with the complete series of twelve beautiful engravings by Bromley after Stothard, printed in colors. 4to, contemporary red morocco, gilt edges, w^atered silk end leave?!. London, 1795. $45.00 *^^* A splendid example of the art of printing in colors, at its zenith at the time of the issue of this book. It is a gem in the finest possible condition. Would probably sell for twenty guineas in England. 134 FIELDS (Jas. T.) Yesterdays with Authors, illustrated; 2 vols., 8vo> full crushed olive levant, morocco inlaid with crimson levant, on sides and back, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdore. Boston, 1882. $55.00 *#* A beautiful copy, extra illustrated by the insertion of sixty portraits, many India proofs, including several of Dickens, Thackeray, Carlyle, Miss Mit- ford, Cruikshank, etc. From the Daly collection and cost Mr. Daly $75.00. 135 FIELDS (Jas. T.) Yesterdays with Authors, unique cofy illustrated by the insertion of one hundred portraits and views, many of them Proofs ON India paper. 2 vols., 8vo, full poli.shed calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut by RiviiiRE. Boston, 1882. $50.00 *^* A very pleasing copy, the tasteful illustrations forming a very interesting literary gallery. From the Daly collection. 136 FIELD (Eugene). Field Flowers. Published under the auspices of Mrs. Eugene Field, with the approval of the Monument Committee. Illus- trated. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, by BlackwELL. Chicago, 1896. $5.00 137 FITZGERALD (Percy). Lives of the Sheridans. Portraits. 2vols.,8vo. half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1886. $15.00 *:^ A few very fine plates inserted. The late A. Daly's copy. 188 FOOTE (Samuel " The English Aristophanes ") Memoirs of the Life and Writings, with Bon-Mots, Repartees and Good things, said by that great wit. 12mo, full straight grained red morocco, gilt tops, uncut by Morrell. London, n. d. (about 1760). $8.50 139 FORREST ( Edwin ). Life, by W. R. Alger. No. 9 of 100 copies. 2 vols., 4to. Half crushed levant morocco, gilt, uncut edges, by Stikeman, and each volume protected by a slip case lined with soft leather. Philadelphia, 1877. $900.00 Extended to6 vols. by the insertion ofover 1,160 illustrations, beautiful water-color drawings of Forrest (14) Alger, Jas. Oakes. Satchell, E. N. Thayer, J. R. Scott, Wm. and Mrs. Pelby, "Jim Crow, " Rice, Geo. W.Dixon, Chas. Durang. Henry Placide. (2), A. J. Allan, J. B. Booth, (2). Mrs. Forrest, Joseph- ine Clifton, Sanford, Mme. Ponisi, Jameson, Mrs. Wheatleigh, J. W. Booth, Finn, Fenno, Nealie, etc. Two autograph letters of Forrest; satin play-bill of his benefit and 20 others; Park Theatre, Pittsburg, 1834, Philadelphia, 1827-1840; Franklin Theatre, Chatham Theatre, Brougham's Lyceum, etc. A large number of unusual engraved portraits of Forrest in various Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 23 FORREST— Continued. characters. Many India proofs before letters, etc., and a mullitude of dramatic and other rarities, including Franklin, by Bisi, (before letters); Washington (India proof before letters), etc. (3), Alex. Wilson, Wallack as Alcibiades, Finn and Kilner, May- wood, Thos. A. Cooper, by Meyer; Kean, by Heath; John Howard Pavne (India proof before letters), Jas. H. Caldwell, Lafayette (India proof before letters), Conway, Dr. Bird, I'hilip Hone, by Durand; Wm. Dunlap (India proof before letters), Kemble, by Turner (India proof before letters), Forrest as Rolla, by Durand, (India proof); ''Master Payne," oval; Garrick, by Heath, ( India proof ) ; Fanny Kemble by Picart (India prool); Stephen Price (India proof), Henry Placide, by Gimber; Vandenhoflf, as Hamlet, Alfred Bunn (India proof), Cooke as Richard, Mrs. Woffington, by Freeman; Cooke (proof before letters), Kean as Brutus, by Stump, (India proof), Milton (mezzo), by Faber; Francis as Sir Geo. Thunder (proof before letters),' Mrs. S. Chapman, by Gimber; Master Jas. Speaight, Mrs. Porter, G. C. Howard, Geo. W. Dixon. Cooper as Pierre, Henry Russell, Garrick, after Pine (proof before letters), etc. 140 FOX (Caroline). Memories of Old Friends; being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox, from 1835 to 1871. Edited by H. N. Pym. Etched portrait by Herkomer. Imp., 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1882. S'^-^O Original edition. 141 FOX (C. H.). The Celebrated Wig Maker. The Art of making Up, for Public and Private Theatricals, advice to amateurs, etc.. Many illustra- tions including portraits of Actors and Actresses. Svo, new half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, London, n. d. $5.00 *^* From the Daly collection. 142 FURNITURE. One hundred and ten large colored plates exhibiting many designs for Furniture of different periods. Folio: unbound (from the Daly collection) $20.00 148 FURNITURE. A Series of five original water-color designs, for Furniture mounted on 4to cards. $u.oO 144 ^^AEDERTZ (K. T.). Zur Kenntnis der altenglischen Biihne, Interior mJLk viewof ancient Theatre, etc. 8vo, paper. Bremen, 1888. $1.60 145 B^BaLE (Norman). A Country Muse, new series, first edition, 12mo, Xji cloth, gilt tops, uncut, London, 1893. $100 140 GALE (Norman). Orchard Songs, pictorial title page, first edition, 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. $1.00 147 GARCIA (Gustave). The Printers Art, a Practical Treatise on Stage Declamation, Public Speaking and Deportment for the use of Artists, Students and Amateurs. Many spirited illustrations by Forestier, 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, choice copy, London, 1882. $4.50 148 GILLRAY (James). Original Pen and Ink Drawing for his caricature "Buonaparte leaving Egypt," with his autograph memoranda, ac- companied by a fine colored impression of the print published March, 1780. ' 1^0.00 24 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 149 GILLRAY (Jas.). Original Pen and Ink and Sepia Sketch for his- caricatitre of Napoleon as Alexander the Great, folio, (13 in. by 8>^in. $50.00 , %* Fine example of this artists genius. Autograph memoranda on sketch. 160 GILLILAND (Thos.), The Dramatic Mirror. Portraits and plates. 2 vols., post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges, London, 1808. $22.5a *** A very fine copy from the Daly sale. 161 GOETHE (J. W. von). Faust, traduit en Franjais par Albert Stapfer. With portrait on india paper , and seventeen full-page plates after designs by Eugene Delacroix, beautifully lithographed by Ch. Molle. Folio, full straight-grained green morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. Paris, 1828. $22.50 %* A very handsome volume. 162 GRAY (Thomas). Poems, with memoirs of his life and writings, by W. Mason; beautifully engraved portrait by asire, 4to, calf, gilt. London, 1775. $7.50- 153 GRANGER (James). Biographical Sketches of Eminent Persons. 8vo, russia gilt (back loose) London. $22.50 \* Unique copy •with over one hundred plates inserted, many both scarce and valuable. From the Daly sale. 154 GRANGER (James). Biographical History of England. Largest paper copy, imth over loo portraits inserted, chiefly from the Woodburn and Richardson series. 3 vols., folio, half russia. London, 1824. $27.50 \* From the Daly collection. 165 GRANGER (Rev. J.). Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great, to the Revolution, many memoirs etc., extra illustrated by the i7isertion ' IV.. Clarendon, Duchess of Richmond, Charles II., and Lord Chesterfield, many other rare portraits will be found in these volumes, including Nell Gwyn, by Ogborne (be- fore the name was changed to Bartolozzi); Jacob Hall (colored), Charles I., the three heads unfinished; Duke of Hamilton, un- finished plate; Arabella Churchill (2), rare portraits by White, etc. 4 vols., 4to, (extended from 2), full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1811. S400.00 165 HAMILTON (Walter). French Book Plates. A handbook for ex-libris collectors. Illustrated 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. London, 1892. $3.50 166 HANCOCK (Gen. W. S.). Scrap-book lettered "Newspaper Clippings by a Staff Officer of Gen. Hancock's staff," containing many newspaper accounts of his first Presidential campaign, besides numerous original telegrams to and from Hancock, one saying, "You will win certain;" the last one, "You were slaughtered last night;" also Hancock's tele- gram marked "not sent," declining nomination for Vice-President; also one speaking of an affair with Stanton, etc., etc. $12.50 \* An interesting and valuable collection. 167 HARRISON (Mrs. Burton). Externals of Modern New York. Numerous illustrations of the City. Small 4to, cloth, gilt. New York. $2.50 168 HARRISON (Gabriel). Edwin Forrest. No. 1 of 200 copies. Unique copy, inlaid to folio and extra-illustrated with 224 portraits, bills, autograph letters, original drawings, rare pamphlets on the riot. 26 Geo. D. Smithes Catalogfue of Books, If A RRISON— Continued. divorce, etc. 3 vols., folio, half brovi^n crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut edges. Brooklyn, 1889. $550.00 The text embraces two accounts of the Forrest Divorce case and subsequent records, and much matter relative to the Macready- Forrest Riot. Edwin Forrest (original drawing, i. p. litho.), 1847, Edwin Booth, 1862, Mrs. Siddons (proof on satin), Forrest, autographed proof (i. p.), 1836, James H. Hackett, Forrest as Rolla (L. P. proof), original drawing as Metamora, Barry as Alexander, Hibernian Mag., autograph letters of Forrest, 1834, Kemble, by Floyd ; autograph letters of Forrest. 1841, Mrs. Forrest (original drawing), autograph letters of Forrest, 1839 (2), another, 1838, Byron (folio, mezzo.), auto- graph letters of Macready, 1839, autograph letters of James Oakes, autograph letters (4 pp.), Miss Sinclair (Mrs. Forrest), autograph letters of Forrest, 1832, 1861. 1862, and many of latter dates; 1 folio lith., of Astor Place Riot; J. B. Booth (folio lith.), etc. *j^* Magnificently illustrated copy from the Daly collection. i69J [HASLEWOOD (Joseph)]. Green Room Gossip, or Gravity Gallinipt ; consisting of anecdotes, bon-mots, drollery, gibes, by Gridiron Gabble (i. e. J. Haslewood). 12mo, calf, uncut. London, 1809. $12.50 %* A very scarce and entertaining collection of anecdotes of famous actors, actresses and authors. From Mr. Daly's library. 170 HAWKINS (Frederick). French Stage in the Eighteenth Century; two portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, extra gilt tops, uncut. By R. W. Smith. London, 1888. $7.50 171 HAYES (Miss Catherine, " The Swan of Erin "). Memoir, by a con- tributor to the Dublin University Magazine, with fine lithographic por- trait, and the words and music of ''Kathleen Mavourneen.'" Small 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges; scarce. London, 1852. $9.50 %* Choice copy from the Daly library. 172 HAZLITT (Wm.) Notes of a Journey through France and Italy. First edition, 8vo. full polished calf gilt. London, 1826. $8.50 %* From the Daly sale. 173 HAZLITT (W. C). Oi,d Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. Large paper ; small 4to half-brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, Roxburghe style. New York, 1886. $4.76 174 HEDELIN (L'Abbe). The Whole Art of the Stage ; containing not only the rules of the Draramatick Art, but many curious observa- tions about it, which may be of great use to the authors, actors and spectators of plays. Large paper copy, small 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London (for the author), 1684. $12.50 %* This very curious work was written by order of Cardinal Richelieu. 175 HERRICK (Robert). Hesperides. Poems and other Remains, now first collected, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, engraved portrait after Marshall. 2 vols., 12mo, polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut by Tout. London, 1869. $9.00 ■'■../'■■ Nice copy from the Daly sale. Geo. D, Smith's Catalogfoc of Books. 27 176 HEYWOOD (Thomas). An Apology for Actors, containing three brief treatises. 1 Tlieir Antiquity, 2 Their Ancient Di<;nity, ^i The Trace use of their Quality. 4to, full olive green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London, printed by Nicholas Okes, 1G12. $75.00 %* First edition, and from the Daly sale. It was reprinted by the Shakespeare Society. In the Socielv's introduction to the tract it is said. " It is not only the most complete but the latest regular defense of the profession prior to the closing of the theatres. Lo\vn^>'>0 %* One of six copies printed on Japan Paper. This is No. 3 and from Augustin Daly's library. 185 HOWITl' (William). Student Life of Germany, containing nearly forty of the most famous songs with the original music, adapted to the ^\a.noior\.Q diViA illustrated with engravings by Sargent, Woods and other eminent artists. 8vo, original cloth uncut. London, 1841. $7.50 *^* Nice copy from the Daly sale. 28 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books. 186 HUGHES (John). History of the Siege of Damascus, etc. Useful for readers of the tragedy. 8vo, half calf. London, 1720. $2.25 %* From the Daly collection. 187 HUTTON (Laurence). Opening Addresses written for and delivered at the first performances in American Theatres 1752-1880, collected and an- notated. Blue china plate view of the Park Theatre, etc. 8vo, half crimson, crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut with the original covers bound in. New York, 1889. $4.50 1 188 "If FFLAND (Aug. Wm.). A Collection of Portraits, etc. (120); some in character. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. $25.00 *»* From the Daly sale. A collection of curious interest and which would take considerable time and money to duplicate. 189 ILEX (E.) MoEURS Orientales ; les huis-clos de I'Ethnographie ; de la circoncission des filles. Virginity, Infibulation, etc., etc. 12mo, paper covers, uncut. Londres (imprimerie particuliere de la Society d 'Anthropologic). 1888. $3.75 190 INRAGE (Selwyn). Poems and Carols. 16mo, boards uncut. London, (Elkin Mathews) 1894. $1.00 %* With Carl Edelheim's book plate. 191 IRISH STAGE. Familiar Epistles to Frederick J S. on the present state of the Irish Stage. 18mo, half claret levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Dublin, 1804. $6.50 *^f* From the Daly collection. 192 IRELAND. Crosby's Irish Musical Repository, a choice selection of es- teemed Irish Songs, vignette on title and engraved frontispiece besides the original music to the songs. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt tops. London, 1808. $7.50 *4t* From the Daly collection. 193 IRELAND (W. H.). Chalcographimania or the Portrait Collector and Print Sellers Chronicle, extra illustrated by the insertion of 50 old and scarce engravings including Napoleon, printed in colors after a miniature, and other choice prints. 8vo, fine old straight grained blue morocco gilt, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by C. Smith. London, 1814. $36.00 %* A beautiful copy in a choice old binding. See also " Caulfield " for com- panion volume. 194 IRELAND (W. H.). Scribbleomania or the Printer's Devils Polichronicon, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of ly old engraved portraits includ- ing C.J. Fox, Sheridan, Tom Paine, by Mackenzie, Lord Nelson by the same, etc., etc. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. London, 1815. $12.50 195 IRELAND (Alexander). List of the Writings of William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt, chronologically arranged, also the works of Charles Lamb. 12mo, full calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1868. $12.50 *.j* Fine copy of this scarce volume from the Daly sale. 3 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfuc of Books. 29 196 IRELAND (Alex.). BOOK-LOVER'S ENCHIRIDION. Extended to 3 vols., EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 2')0 portraits, including many India proofs, as well as the rare prints of Bartholin, South, etc., and an origin.\l signature attached to the roRTR.\iT of the author. 3 vols., crown 8vo, full green levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides, silk linings, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, (London), 1888. $110.00 %* Choice copy from the Daly sale. 197 IRVING (Henry). Life by Austin Brereton, with ij full page photogravure portraits and extra illustrated by the insertion of a sigfted proof por- trait on India paper by S. Hollyer. 4to, new half calf gilt, gilt tops, un- cut by R. W. Smith. Scarce. London, 1883. $18.00 %* From the Daly collection. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF ANCIENT AND MODERN WOOD ENGRAVINGS. 198 ^^ACKSON & CHATTO. A Treatise on Wood Engraving; extended to three volumes, imperial folio, half red morocco, gilt edges. Lon- don, 1839. $225.00 %* A splendid collection of prints, formed with the text of Chatto and Jackson as a working basis, including every known process of engraving from wood-cuts to lithographs, portraits of printers and engravers, specimen and trial plates, and such representative prints as are mentioned in the text, together with many originals repro- duced in the book by way of illustration, including original Diirer's, proof Berwick's colored portraits of Holbein and his wife in large folio print, and many other valuable engravings. From the late Augustin Daly's library. 199 JOHNSON (Chas. P.) Hints to Collectors of original editions of the works of Charles Dickens. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1885. $7.50 *»* Scarce. The late Mr. Daly's copy. Only 550 copies were printed. 200 JUNIUS. Letters. Notes by John Almon. Engraved portraits hy Caroline Watson. 2 vols., 12mo, board.s, uncut. London, 1806. $3.50 201 ^ ^EAN (Charles). Life and Theatrical Times of, including a sum- mary of the English stage for the last fifty years, and a detailed account of the Princess Theatre, 1850-59, by J. W. Cole. Extra ILLUSTRATED <^>' //!<• /«.yd'r/ib« f>er. 2 vols., 12mo, original boakds, red leather backs, AS ISSUED. London.. 1809. ;f;2,750.00 32 Geo, D, Smithes CataIog:ue of Books, LAMB— Continued. The only copy known in the original binding. The following is Mr. Foote's note on this extremely rare book : In 1827 Lamb writes to Bernard Barton : ' ' One likes to have one copy of everything one does. I neglected to keep one of ' Poetry for Children, ' the joint production of Mary and me, and it is not to be had for love or money." It was not until 1877 that a copy of this First Edition came into the possession of a collector, of which the following announcement appeai-ed in the London Athenceutn of June 16 of that year : ' ' A discovery of much literary interest has been made in a region that would have seemed unlikely enough to yield such a treasure. The long-lost ' Poetry for Children, ' by Charles and Mary Lamb, published in two tiny volumes at Godwin's Juvenile Library in 1809, has, at last, been found in South Australia. ' ' -214 LAMB (Charles). Klia ; essays which have appeared under that signa- ture in the London Magazine ; also the Last Essays of Elia, first edition of BOTH SERIES. 2 vols., post 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by RiviERE. London, 1823-33. $47.50 \* Choice copies of both series, bright and clean. The essays of Elia are sure to remain favorite books with collectors, and will rise steadily in value. :215 L'ART DE LA MODE; many colored and other plates of costumes, fac- similes of MSS., etc. 2 vols, in 1 folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, Paris, 1881. $4.50 21 6 LEECH (John). Pencillings by the Way by N. P. Willis, with por- trait engraved on steel and vignette : also, TWO HUMOROUS PLATES byJOHN Leech. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Very scarce. London, $7.50 *„* From the Daly sale. 217 LEECH (John). Two Original Pencil Sketches on One Sheet: " Gog and Magog, " apparently very drunk, lying down, and depicting the frenzied ■eflforts of a crowd of citizens to set them on their feet. The second drawing being a study for Punch's theatrical portraits, and shows M. Julien borne in triumphal procession, preceded by a banner inscribed : "A bas le Shakespeare," etc., etc. 1 page, 4to. $75.00 \* Highly characteristic and interesting drawings from the Daly collection. :218 LESCARBOT (Marc). Histoire de la NouvellE, France, contenant les navigations decouvertes et habitations, etc., with maps ; thick 8vo, in a fine old binding of red morocco, richly tooled backs, gilt edges. Paris (Adrian Perior), 1618. $125.00 *^* Fine copy of this rare work. Not in the Ives' sale, and Barlow's copy, with the " Muses," sold for $220.00. The " Muses " alone sold for $12.00. 219 LINTON (W. J. Wood Engraver). The Religion of Organization. ^vo, paper covers, ^xnc\xt. Boston, 1869. $1.25 *^* Scarce. 220 LOCKHART (J. G.). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Unique copy, with 110 portraits and views inserted, also an autograph letter. 2 vols., large, 8vo, purple morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Edin- burgh, 1847. $75.00 221 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Voices of the Night, first editon, 12mo, half grey levant, morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge, 1839. $15.00 %* One of the scarcer Longfellow's. The late Augustin Daly's Copy. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 33 22'2 LONG ISLAND. (BuKi,. Samuel.) A faithful narrative of the remarkable Revival of Religion in the Congregation of East-Hampton, on Lonij Lsland, in the Year of our Lord 17f54 . . . and also an account of the Revival of Religion in Bridgehampton and Kast Hampton in the year 1800. Portrait. Post. 8vo, half sheep. vSag Harbor, 1808. $8.50 223 LONG ISLAND. (Fl'rman, Gabriel) Notes, Geographical and Histor- ical, relating to the town of Brooklyn, in Kings County, on Long Island. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. uncut, by Bradstrket. Brooklyn. 1824. $32.50 *#* Fine copy of this very rare book. 224 LONG ISLAND. (Fish, F. G.) St. Ann's Church (Brooklyn, New York), from the year 1784 to the year 1845, with a Memorial of the Sunday Schools. To which is added an Appendix, etc. Frontispiece and ait. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top by Stikeman. Brooklyn, 1845. $5.50 225 LONG ISLAND. (Prime, Nath. S.) History of Long Island, from its First Settlement by Europeans to the year 1845. Map. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1845. $7.50 22(i LONG ISLAND. (Onderdonk, Henry Jr.) Documents and letters intended to illustrate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queens County. map, 1846; Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and Kings Counties, with an account of the Battle of Long Island and the British Prisons and Prison-Ships at New York, 1849. 2 vols., in 1. 12mo. New York. $8.50 :227 LONG ISLAND. (Hedges, PIenry P.) An address delivered on the . . . Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town of East- Hampton, together with an Appendix containing a General History of the Town from its first Settlement to the year 1800. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Sag Harbor, 1850. $8.50 228 LONG ISLAND. (Riker, James. Jr ) The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County. New York. Map. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F, Bedford. New York, 1852. $25.00 *»* Fine copy of this rare book. 221» LONG ISLAND. Williamsburgh. Charter of the City of Williamsburgh; with the Officers of the Corporation for 1852-55. Rules of Order, and By-Laws and Ordinances of said City. 8vo, half morocco, Williams- burgh, 1852. $.3.50 230 LONG ISLAND. (M.\ndevillk. G. Henry.) Flushing, Past and Present: an Historical Sketch. Illustrated. Post 8vo, dark olive crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, hy the Club Bindery. Flushing, 18()0. $8.50 231 LONG ISLAND. (Macdonald. James. M.) Two Centuries in the History of the Presbyterian Church, Jamaica, L. I. . . . With an Appendix. Frontispiece. l2mo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1862. $7.50 34 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books, THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED UPON LONG ISLAND. 232 LONG ISLAND. THE RIGHTS OF ANIMALS: An Oration delivered at the Commencement of Providence College, September 7, 1791, by Hermann Daggett, candidate for the Masters Degree. l6mo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Francis Bedford. Sagg Harbor, 1792. $75.00. *^* Beautiful copy of this rare little volume. 2iou; that if you choose to send me any more letters, I shall itUnu Uiein to vou unopened and that if you call here you will not be adniitled. ^ ' W. M. Thackeray. 239 MAETERLINCK (Maurice). Pelleas and Melisanda, and the Sightless. Two plays, cloth. London, n. d. '^ %* From the Daly collection. 36 Geo. D. .Smith's Catalogue of Books. 240 MAGAZINES. Oxford Magazine for June, 1709; Oct. 1771; July, Aug. 1772; London Museum, April, 1770; Matrimonal Magazine, Feb. 1775; Convivial Magazine, 1775; The Gentleman and Lady's Museum, Jan. 1777; The Humorist's Magazine, Jan. 1787. Oifious Plates. 8vo, half calf. $5.50 %* From the Daly collection. 241 MANNING (Cardinal). Life, by Edmund S. Purcell, pot trait. 2 vols., Svo. New York, (MacMillan) 1896. $3.75 242 MARTIN (Henri), A History ok France. From the Revolution to the Present Time. Translated by Mary L. Booth and A. L. Alger, with concluding Chapters by Frederick Martin, numerous illustrations, and further extra illustrated by the insertion of over ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY extra plates including choice portraits and vieivs. 6 vols., imp. Svo, full polished calf gilt inlaid with red calf on back and side, gilt tops, uncut, by Kaufmann. Boston, 1880. $110.00 %* Handsome set from the Daly librarj-. 213 M.ARMONTEL (M). Belisarius, with his Philosophy. Beautiful engravings upon copper after designs by Stothard, 12mo, full straight grained crimson levant morocco, extra gilt edges; a fine old binding in brilliant condition. London, (Harding) 1794. $12.50 %* From the Daly collection. A SPLENDID GALLERY ON THE MODERN STAGE. 244 MATTHEWS (Brander) and HUTTON (Laurence). Actors and actresses OP Great Britain and the United States, from the days of David Garrick to the present time. Large paper copy of which but 100 were printed, and richly extra illustrated by the insertion or over 1,500 portraits, scenes from plays, interiors and exteriors of theatres, play- bills, autograph letters, and several original drawings. A large number of the portraits are proofs, both before letters and on India paper, includ- ing the Society portrait of William Dunlap and a superb print of Madame Vestris. The mezzotints are numerous and some are very fine. Each subject of a memoir is represented by an unusual group of engravings, Edmund Kean being given 23; in spite of the rarity of such prints, Liston is favored with a LARGE NUMBER oF colored portr.\its, all sufficiently scarce, and curious to command attention, and Henry West Betty (10), Garrick, Mrs. Siddons, Fanny Kemble, Macready, Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean, Placide, Mathews, Fechter, Charlotte Cu.shman, Macklin, Kitty Clive, Quin, Peg Woffington, Mrs. Oldfield. Edwin Booth, Henry Irving, Mary Anderson, Joseph Jefferson, Lester Wallack, Ellen Terry and other stars of thestage have been liberally provided for with illustra- tions directly applying to the text. Autograph letters of Mrs. Siddons, J. P. Kemble, Mrs. Jordan, John Howard Payne, Mrs. Mathews, EHiston, and others are of wide interest, and rare portraits from the Hibernian Magazine, etc., are frequent. 10 vols., 4to, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York, 1886, $1000.00 *s*A magnificent collection which must have cost Mr. Daly over double the sum now asked. No subject could be more thoroughly illustrated, and to the lover of the drama no book could appeal more strongly or directly. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 37 24') MELLON (Harriet, Duchess, of vSt. Albans). Ln-K of the i.ate Thomas CouTTS, Eso., with biographical and entertaining anecdotes of his first wife Betty Starkey, and of the present Mrs. Coutts, (H.-\kr!ET Mui.i.on) to which is added an account of the manner in which this immense property has 1)een bequeathed. Svo. half red morocco. London, n. d. ?i:52.50 %* Very rare, having been rigidly suppressed. Under the guise of a frieiidlv account venonious attacks are made on the actress' character. This copy. which belonged to the late Augustin Daly, has inserted an original check for Miss Mellon 's salary, autograph letter of Thomas Coutts, rare portraits plaj'-bills, etc. 24(1 MORLKY (Henry). Memoirs ok Bartholomkw Fair, numerous fac- simile illustrations engraved upon wood by the Brothers Dalziel, Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1859. f l.')0 *^*From the Daly collection. 1:47 MOLIERE (J. B. P. de). Dramatic Works Complete, translated with a Pre- fatory memoir, introductory notes, etc., by H. Van Laun ; icxtra ILLUSTRATED xvith tipivards of 22s plates, including the choice Bor- cher series, those by Morkau on Indi.a paper, \'ernkt set on Lnpia p.\PER, 2S portraits of Moliere, etc. and the plate belonging to the book; all ON Indi.a p.\phr. () vols., 8vo, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut by Riviere. Edinburgh, 1878. $14!\00 *.y* A splendid set in beautiful condition. From the Daly library. 24S MONTAIGNE (M. de.). Essays translated by John Florio and edited by Justin Huntly McCarthy, portrait, large papep copy of which but 100 were printed. 4 vols., 12nio, boards uncut. London, 1889. $1(!.50 %*" To Augu.stin Daly with the kind regards of Justin Huntly r>IcCaiihy." The Daly bookplate in each volume. 249 MONSELET (Charles). Les Premieres Representations Celebres thick 12uio, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1867. $80.00 %* From the Daly collection. Proof portrait inserted and extra illustk.\TED by the insertion of skvk.nty-kour oricinal autoc;r\ph lettkks. The letters include specimens of Scribe, Sardou, Robert Houdin, Ivouis Philippe, Mile. Mars, Lamartine, F. Lemaitre, Judith, Houssaye, Dumas. Brolian, Mile. F'avart, etc., etc. A decided bargain at the price quoted. 250 MURPHY (Arthur). Life of, by Jesse Foot, Esq., his Executor. Illustr.ited and PVRTHHR extended by the insertion 0/ two hi'ndreo and twkntv- FIVE engravings including scarce colored portraits of literary and drama- tic celebrities, rare prints of Peg WoflTington, Garrick. James Lacy, Lord George Gordon, Garrick and wife, Mrs. Bellamy (colored), Mrs. Yates (mezzotint), Mrs. Clive (colored), George Steevens, and numerous other colored plates, mezzotints, etc. 2 vols., 4to. half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1811. $125.00 261 MURRAY (John). Memoirs and Correspondence with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 17G8-184;?. by .SAMftL S.milks, porlr.iits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth uncut. London, 1891. $3.A0 *»* (From the Daly sale with bookplates). 45i8S:-3 38 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 252 ^A APOLEON III. Undercurrents of the Second Empire, by A. D. Vandam. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1896. $1.50 *^.*From the Daly sale. 253 I ^ELSON (John). History, etc., of Islington. 17 engravings, 2 vols., 4to, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges, finely extra illus- trated copy, having 294 illustrations inserted, from the Upcott collec- tion, many of great rarity ; including the valuable Hollar plates, 26 drawings, and 33 autographs. London, 1811. $80.00 *^* From the Daly collection. 254 NEW YORK. Review of the Administration and Civil Police of the State of New York, 1807-1819, by Ferris Pell. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1819. $1.00 255 NEW YORK. History of the City of New York, by D. T. Valentine, folding maps. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1853. $5.50 256 NEW YORK. The Rejected Addresses together with the Prize address, on the opening of the New York Theatre in the city of New York, folding plate of the interior of the theatre (mended). 16mo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Scarce. $18.00 *** From the Daly sale. 257 £^ LD PLAYS. Miss in Her Teens ; or, the Medley of Lovers. A farce. 8vo, half citron levant. London, 1747. $4.50 *** From the Daly collection. 258 ^^ OLDFIED (Ann). Authentick Memoirs of that celebrated actress Mrs. Ann Oldfield, containing a genuine account of her trans" actions from her infancy to the time of her decease. Small 4to,tulI orange levant morocco gilt tops, uncut by RiviERE. London, 1730. $30.00 *^.* Choice copy, from the Daly collection, of this rare book. 259 OMAR KHAYYAM. The Quatrains of, now first completely done into English verse from the Persian in accordance with the original forms, with a biographical and critical introduction by John Payne. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco gilt tops, uncut. London, (Villon Society) 1898. $16.50 Limited number privately printed. This is No. 141. 260 OMAR KHAYYAM. Verses read at the Dinner of the Omar Khay- yam Club on Thursday, 25th March, 1897, by Austin Dobson. 8vo, paper, uncut. Chiswick Press, 1897. $10.50 100 copies printed ; this copy Nor 96. A scarce piece of Rubayaitana. 261 "U^^AINE (Tom). Consolation: being a Replication to Thomas Paine, by James Jones Willmer of Maryland. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt top, by Chambolle-Duru. Phila , 1794. $6.50 %* Dedicated to George Washington " agreeably to order." Cut a little crooked. A rare Paine item. 262 PARTON (James). Eminent Americans of Modern Times, portraits 0/ Commodore Vanderbilt, Theodosia Burr, and others inserted. 12mo, half morocco, Boston, 1867. $4.50 %* From the Daly sale. P Geo* D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 39 263 "PASS TWO! " A remarkable collection of passes, commencing with " Two to the pit " by Mrs. Siddons, and followed by similar orders of admission signed by Mrs. Jordan. Edmund Kean, Macready, Mathews, C. Kemble, Chas. Kean, J. VV. Wallack, C. M. Young. EUiston. Sheri- dan, Powell, Lee Lewes, Miss Decamp, Betty, T. A. Cooper, Miss Mel- lon, Barnum, Stephen Kemble, Henry Siddons. Ellen Terry, Sir Henry Irving, J. B. Booth, Theo. Hook, Lewis Hallam, Wignell, Edwin For- rest, J. Howard Payne, Edwin Booth, Holcroft, Matilda Heron. Adelaide Neilson, Braliam, Dignum. the Palmers, W. T. Lewis. Harley. Ban- nister, Munden. Liston, Buckstone, Paul Bedford, and many others. Folio, brown levant morocco extra, by Bedford. $li")0.00 %*On the side is tooled in golC PAYNE (John Howard, author of "Home, Sweet Home.") Life and WAITINGS, by Gaurikl H.\rrison, it'ith illustrations, and further extra illustrated by the insertion of nearly 200 autograph letters, play-bills, portraits, engravings, etc., many being india proofs. 2 vols., 4to, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1885 $275.00 %* Among the additional items inserted in the above by the late Augustin Daly may be mentioned : an L. S. of Payne, (a pp.,4to), 1S07; portrait of Dunlap (p.b.l.); Kemble. by Shepheard; Payne, autograph letter, 1S21, 12]; auto- graph letter of Kemble, 181 2; Payne as Norval, by Bond; Payne (original drawing), autograph letter of Paviie, 1825, Cooper from Polyanthos, I'anny Kemble as Juliet; autograph letter of R. W. Klliston. 1824, Forrest ( i.p. ); original drawing of Finn and Kilner. Jas. H. Caldwell; autograph letter of Payne (3pp.), 1842; original drawing of Kean as Shylock, and THH original MS. in PAYNE'S HAND, of "Mrs. Smith" ; or, Husband, Wife and Widow, 45 pp. etc., etc., etc. 267 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA, with the Rape of Colombine; or, the Fly- ing Lovers in five interludes, the Serious by M. Roger and the Comic by John Weaver. Dancing Masters, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. 8vo, half citron levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1728. S"*-^"^ %*The late Augustin Daly's copy. 268 PETITOT. Les Emaux de Petitot du Mus^e Imperial du Lountc. 50 beautifully engraved steel portraits after Petitot by Ceroni. With bio- graphical notices. 2 vols., -4to. boards, uncut. Paris. 1862. $12.50 *»*FiNE INDIA PROOF IMPRESSIONS HKFORK THE LETTERS. 40 Geo. D. Smithes Catalogue of Books, 209 PHILOBIBLON. A Treatise on the Love of Books, by Richard de Bury, the English translation thereof by J. B. Inglis, with introduction by Chas. Orr, of the Caie Library, Cleveland. Square, 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1899. $10. Oa *** Only twenty-five copies printed on Japan paper, each numbered, and now entirely out of print. 270 PHILISTINE (The). Vols. I to VIII. S vols., 12mo, original covers, un- cut edges. Roycroft Press, 1895-99. $35.00 *^*Tlie last 3 vols, are in the monthly parts. 271 PLAY-BILLS (American). First nights, Anniversaries and Special Bills of the Washington Theatre. Walnut St. Theatre, Baltimore Theatre, Broadway, and other New York Theatres, from 1812. An important collection from the Dah' librar3^ mounted in one volume. Oblong folio, half morocco. $75.00 272 PLAYERS' CLUB. An interesting collection of autograph letters and memoranda relative to the conception and final establishment of the Players' Club, with its first Year Book, a printed account of the Booth Dinner, and other intimate data. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1887-9. $500.00 ■^** This valuable volume has been enriched with numerous water-colors and other drawings by D. E. Cronin, and the autograph letters include relevant conmmnications from Edwin Booth, General Sherman, Mark Twain, Lau- rence Barrett, John Gilbert, A. M. Palmer, General Horace Porter, etc. It is filled with original matter relating to the inception and founding of the club and the most intere.sting documents possible upon the subject. 273 PLUMPTRE (James). A Collection of Songs, moral, sentimental, in- structive and amusing. 3 vols.. 12mo., old, calf. London, 1806. $3.50 %* A scarce and curious collection. 274 POOLE (Edwin). Iixustrated history and biography of Brecknock- shire from the earliest times to the present da}', engravings and por- traits. 4to, half maroon levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Brecknock (printed and publi.shed by the author) 1886. $4.50 275 PONTANO (J. I). Rerum et Urbis Amstelodamensium Historise. Maps and many curious plates. P'olio, vellum. Amst. 1611. $12.50 ■\* First edition. From the Westmoreland Collection, with the motto of Westmoreland on fly-leaf opposite title, written by himself. Thii interest- ing volume contains an account of the early voyages from Amsterdam to the North and to Amei-ica, including notices of Henrv Hudson. 27o PORTRAIT GALLERY OF EMINENT AMERICANS: Statesmen, Generals, etc. loo portraits Ofi steel, proofs on india paper. Imp. 4to, half morocco, cloth sides. Nevv' York, n. d. $12.00 %*Portraits suitable for framing. 277 POWELL (George). The Treacherous Brothers; a tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, half citron levant morocco, gilt tops, London, 1696. $4.50 *.;f.*From the Daly sale. The foundation of this tragedy is taken from a romance called the Wall Flower, written by Dr. Baily. 278 POWELL (George). A Very Good Wife; a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, half citron levant morocco, gilt tops. London, 1693. $4.50 ***This play contains a prologue written by Congreve and the scene lies in the Park. 279 PRINCE OF WALES. The Christening Procession of Prince Taffy. 24 pages of colored caricature plates of the procession. Oblong 12nio, polished calf gilt, by RiviERE. London, 1842. $18.50 *.^*Rare, from the Dalv sale. Geo, D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 4J 280 PYNCHON (William). The time when the Sabbath was Ordained. 4to, calf. London, 1654. $75.00 %*First edition of this rare and well-known volume. Pyuchon was the founder of Springfield, Mass. and works from his pen are of very rare occurrence. ^^' ^^ UEEN (Jeremy). The Farthing Journal, a pearl of small price but a great literary curiosity; woodcuts, 8vo, blue boards. Lon- don, 1841. $3.75 %*From the Daly sale. '!%'! QUIN (James). Life of. Large paper copy, with rare portraits in- serted, including the famous Coriolanus print and the mezzotint of Quin by Faber, after Hudson. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1887. $27.50 *4j.*Froni the Daly sale. 283 QUINAULT (Mile.). Actress of the Comedie Fran9aise. Autograph letter of Mile. Quinault, no date 2 pp., 4to, bound in 1 volume, 4to, cloth. $17.50 *^*Froni the Goncourt collection with autograph of Hdniond de Goncourt. It is a curious letter commencing: Je ne sais si c' est de hop manger ntais j'' ai la valeur de quatre indisgestious, and ending ^' ines chats et ntoi vous baisons les pattest Inserted are also copies of three letters of Mile. Quinault. 284 ]J^ A CHEL (Madame). Me.moirs, by Madame de B . Full length engraved portrait, and extr.\ iuli'STr.^ted by the insertion oj autograph letter and several portraits. 2 vols., l2mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, iincut. Scarce. London, 1858. SIS. 50 285 READE (A. Arthur). STUDY AND STIMULANTS; or, the use of Intoxi- cants and Narcotics in relation to Intellectual Life, as illustrated by personal communications on the subject from Men of Letters and of vScience. Unique copy; the original autograph letters, the "per- sonal communications," referred to above, being boiind with the printed text. Sir Johu Lubbock "would rather not express anj- opinion." Wilkie Collins endorses the use of tobacco in sickness and health. Dr. Darwin drinks wine under the advice of all his doctors, and confesses that snuff affords him a great stimulus. Prof. Edison accepts chewing tobacco as more beneficial than smoking or drinking., writ- ing through his secretary, detests smoking, but drinks about four glasses of claret, etc., per day. Oliver Wendell Holmes tolerates, but does not advocate the use of stimulants. Ruskin abhors the use of tobacco as tending to idleness and spitting. Mark Twain smokes at least three hundred cigars a month, and finds two glasses of champagne an admirable stimulant to the tongue. Perhaps the most luminous letter in the group comes from Hubert Howe Bancroft. He writes: "vSome constitutions are benefited by a moderate use of tobacco and alcohol; others are not." Folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. $127.50 ***This book would be a good one to Jay on a drawing-roura table. It will alw.iys excite interest and .stimulate conversation. 42 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfuc of Books. 286 READ (T. Buchanan). Sheridan's Ride. 4to, half blue levant morocco. New York, 1867. $75.00 %* Privately printed (sixty copies), with autograph letter of the author in reference to the poem; and four beautiful original water color draw- ings by Ferris, and an India proof portrait of Sheridan. From the Daly sale. £87 REDE (Leman). The Royal Rake [George IV.] and the Adventures of Alfred Chesterton. Numerous plates. 4to, cloth. London, 1842. $15.00 Printed for private circulation only and very scarce. This copy is from the Daly library. 288J [REMBRANDT. Anastatius. After Rembrandt, by Petrus de Ballin. ON COPPER. Fine original impression from the collection of the late N. Q. Pope. Mounted, with margin. $7.50 289 REVOLUTIONARY BROADSIDE. IN CONGRESS, Feb. 5, 1778. Resolved, etc., etc. 1 leaf, folio, 2pp. Signed Charles Thomson- $27.50 *^* Interesting revolutionary broadside embodying regulations for payment of troops, " conduct and behaviour of all Continental officials," etc. 290 REVOLUTION. An Impartial History of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, to the end of the year 1779. Large folding map and the complete series of rare full length portraits on copper, including George Washington, Gen. Gates, Benj. Franklin, Israel Put- nam, Chas. Lee, Benedict Arnold, Samuel Adams, etc. 8vo, original, calf. London, 1780. $42.50 *4t* Very nice copy w^ith brilliant impressions of the plates. 291 REVOLUTIONARY. Recueil d 'Estampes representant les difFerentes Evenements de la Guerre de 1' Independence de 1' Amerique. 16 fine copper plate engravings by Ponce, with descriptions. Small, 4to, original blue boards. Paris, (Ponce el Godefroy) n. d. $27.50 *^(.* Fine clean copy. Some of the plates exhibit Nevi^ York views. 292 REYNOLDS (G. W. M.) Grace Dafung; or, the Heroine of the Fern Islands, a tale. Numerous etchifigs on steel by Phillips. First edition. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. Very rare. London, 1839. Very rare. $15.00 293 REYNOLDS (Geo. W. M.) Robert Macaire in England, with etchings on steel by '' Phiz'" (H.K.Browne). First edition. 3 vols., 12mo, new half claret calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1840. $22.50 *^.* Choice copy of this scarce and entertaining work from the Daly collection, 294 REYNOLDS (G. W. M.) Master Timothy's Book Case; or. Magic Lant- ern of the world. Numerous engravings on steel. Very scarce. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1844. $8.50 %*From the Daly collection. 295 RICHELIEU ( Cardinal ). Voyages d'Afrique faicts par le Commande- ment du Roy in l62t)-30 sous la conduite de Marroc, in the original bind- ing of olive green morocco, tooled on back and sides with the arms of Cardinal Richelieu vStamped in gold upon each cover, gilt edges. Paris, 1631. $55.00 %*The dedication copy. Written by Mustapha, a Turk who was christened Jean Armand. The binding is in perfet shape and a fine example. In all respects a most interesting copy. Geo. D, Smith's Catalogfuc of Books. 43 RICHELIEU (Cardinal de). Traits qui Contient la Methode pour Con- vertier ceiix qui sont vSeparer de I'lCglise. Portrait. Bound in red morocco, gilt edges, by RuETTE, with arms of Louis XIV. and his wife, letter "/, " regal crown, etc. Folio. Paris, 1651. $37.50 RITCHIE (Anne Thackeray). Chapters from some unwritten Memoirs, 12mo, cloth, as new (with Daly book-plate). New York, 1895. $1.25 ROFFE (Alfred). Handbook of Shakespeare Music, being an account of .'}5() pieces of music set to words taken from Shakespeare, small, 4to, half roxburghe. London, 1878. $2 25 ROGERS (Samuel). Poems, with beautiful vignette engravings on Steel after Stothard and Turner. First edition, 8vo, new half blue crushed levant morocco extra, burnished gilt edges, by Stikkm.\n. London, 1834. $17.50 *#* Very choice copy of this lovely book. ROUSSEAU (J. J.). E-MiLE ou de l'education. Fine plates by Eiseyi. 4 vols. Svo, calf gilt. (Original). La Haye, 17G2. $7.6U RUBAIYAT (The) of Omar Khayyam, translated by Edward Fitzgerald, with a Latin version by Herbert Wilson Greene, 24mo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Privately printed by Nathan Haskell Dole. Boston, ( 1898. $15.00 *,* Very few copies were printed. RYAN (Richard). Dramatic Table-Talk, or Scenes, Situations, and Adven- tures, Serious and Comic in Theatrical History and Biography. Portraits of Peg Woffifigton, Kitty Clive, Garrick, Henderson, K'emhle, Macklin, &c. 3 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1825. §8.50 *jj* From the Daly sale with book-plates. i^tCi^ifi^iftftf 503 ^^ ADLERS WELLS. A True and Exact Account of Sadlers Well, or ^b^ the New Mineral Waters lately found out at Islington, treating ^^ of its Nature and Virtues bj- T. G. Small, 4to, half roan. ^r London, (T. Malthus) 1(584. S15.00 *#* With book-plate of James Comerford, and also from the Daly sale. 104 SAINT-HUBERTY (Mme). Actress of the Opera. Two Autograph Lettcri to the Comte d'Antragiues, whom she married. 7 pp. 4to, bound in 1 volume, 4to cloth. $22.50 Described in the Goncourt catalogue as follows : "Une des lettres a rap- port a Beaumarchais; I'autre, de 4 pages est (icrite de "Metz, le 25 novenil)re 1797, Elleso nt ^t^ reproduites dans le volume consacrd " a la Saint-Hubcrty par M. de Goncourt." "On y joint : 2 lettres autographes du Comte Louis d'Antraigues d Mine. " Saint-Huberty, signdes et datees ler et 24 mai 17S4, 6 pp." %*Froni the Daly and Goncourt collections, with Autograph of Edward de Goncourt. 105 SANDERSON (John). Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of In- dependence ; numerous fine portraits on copper, by Longacke, and fac- similes of the autographs. 9 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1820. $30.00 %*Fine copy from S. h. M. Barlow's library with his bookplate. This work has iucrea.sed considerably in value of late. 44 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 306 S8A.R.RA (Francesco). Il Pomo d'Oro, Festa Theatrale. Large and brilliant folded copper plate illustrations, exhibiting the scenes of the play, interior of theatre, etc. Folio, half red levant, gilt top. Vienna, 1G()8. $17.50 807 SCHCBLCIIER (Victor). Life of Handel, jo plates i7iserted, includifig the portrait by Bartolozzi. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 18r)7. $18.50 *^*lncludes some fine and scarce prints. 308 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Marmion ; a tale of Flodden Field. First edition, 4to, boards uncut, in special cloth Edinburgh, 1808. $8.50 309 SCOTT (Sir Walter). The Vision of Don Roderick, a Poem. First edition. 4to, original boards uncut, in special cloth case. Edinburgh, 1811. $17.50 310 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Rokeby, a Poem. First edition. 4to, boards uncut, in special cloth case. Edinburgh, 1813. $18.50 311 SCOTT (Sir Walter). The Lord of the Isles, a Poem. edition. 4to, boards uncut, in special cloth case. Edinburgh, 1815. $17.50 312 SCOTT (Sir Walter). The Field of Waterloo, a Poem. First edition. Svo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1815. $5 75 313 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Paul.s' Letter-S to his Kinsfolk. First edition. Svo, original boards uncut, in special cloth case. Very sc.a.rce. Edin- burgh, 1816. $8.50 314 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Halidon Hill, a dramatic sketch, first edition. 8vo. in the original printed covers uncut, in a special cloth case. Scarce. Edinburgh, 1822. $12.50 *.^*An immaculate cop}' in every way. Has never been cut open for reading. 315 SCOTT (Sir Walter). The SalE-Room complete. 28 numbers, 1 to 28- with original contributions by Sir Walter Scott. 4to, half olive levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Edinburgh, 1817. $7.50 316 SCOTT (Sir Walter) editor. Trivial Poems and Triolets, written in obedi- ence to Mrs. Tomkins's Commands by Patrick Casey, 20th August, 1651. 4co, half crushed olive levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1820. $5.50 *^*"The reader" .says Sir Walter Scott " is here introduced to a Bard of the 17th century, as .staunch a cavalier, and nearly as good a poet as the cele- brated Colonel Lovelace." 317 SCOTT (Sir V/ alter), editor. Chronological Notes of Scottish afl'airs from 1G80 till 1701 being chiefly taken from the diary of Lord Fountainhall. 4to, original boards uncut, in special cloth case. Very scarce. Edin- burgh, 1822. $12.50 318 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Halidon Hill, a dramatic sketch from Scottish His- tory. EDITION. Svo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1822. $6.75 319 SCOTT (Sir Walter). Life of Napoleon Buonaparte with a preliminary view of the French Revolution. First edition. 9 volumes, 12mo, half calf. F:dinburgh, 1827. $8.50 320 SCOTT (Sir Walter). The Doom of Devorgoil, a melo-drama Auchindrane ; or the Ayrshire Tragedy. First edition, Svo, original boards, uncut, in special cloth case. Edinburgh, 1830. $7.50 Geo. D. Smith's CataIog:ue of Books. 45 321 vSCRAP-BOOK of 8.S portraits and autograph letters, and several bundreil cuttings, relating principally to Thomas King. The portraits include King as Fame, Lissardo. Lucio. Marplot. Ogleby, Perry, Puff, Riraines. and Touchstone. Among the autographs are King s receipts for Drury Lane profits, season of 1782 :{, and for his benefits in 17rt2, ITStl, 1795; 2 statements of account with the theatre, ;j letters to Peake. and 4 pp. from his diary. Other autograph letters of R. B. Peake, Ann Pitt, John Powell, Jane Hamilton, Leonora Pincott (VVigan), J. Willmott. John Cole. Caroline Heath, \V. T. Moncrieff, \V. C. Macready. Henriette Lee, W. T. Lewis. John Brunton (2), Thos. Brunton, G. W. Butler. FitzRoy Kelly, Richard Wroughton, and H lines in Kemble's hand. There are also Drury Lane benefit bills for the Widow King, isoo, and Mr. and Mrs. Pope. 1802. 1 vol. 4to, cloth. $25.00 *»*Kroni the Daly collection. :{22 SEYMOUR (Robert). Three Original Miniature Paintings upon Ivory by this talented artist the creator of " Pickwick," l)eing por- traits of himself, Mrs. Seymour his wife and Mrs. Seymour his mother with an autograph letter of his son, R. Seymour relating to the miniatures. For the lot $350.00 *#*This portrait of Robert Seymour h0 00 *^*A remarkable collection. It was formed by William Bell Scott, and con- tains his book-plate and Sibson's original drawings for illustrating Scott's poem "Mary Anne," pen-and-ink portrait of W. B. Scott; large drawing, "Recollections of David Scott's 'Paracelsus' " — Anatomy of Hap])iiiess; 5 plates, i touched up in water-colors by the artist; illustrations to the "Old Curiosity Shop," " Ten Thousand a Year," a drawing entitled "Delirium," very fine water-color of an inteiior of Smithy, at Munich, and other prints and drawings. A VERY VALUABLE lot of the highest interest. From the N, y. Pope library. 333 SMETU (Henria). Prosodia, edition ultima, beautifully engraved title page, 8vo, original vellum. Amstelodami, (Jodocum Jansonium) 1653. $2.75 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books, 47 334 SMITH (J. T.). Antiquities of London and Westminster, and Antient Topoji^rapliy of London. With all the fine jjlates in color, aquatint, etc. 4 vols, 4to, half green morocco. London, 1791-1807. $75.00 *jf* The author's own copy, with a large number of valuable and interesting plates added. 335 SMITH (John, Ariist). A Skrif.s of 42 beaitikully hxkcitku originai, TiXTED DRAWINGS, being Views in Italy, Germany, etc. Mounted in 1 vol. Oblon.i:: 4to, full russia gilt, gilt edges. Circa, IMO. 5i2'>.00 4t% Artistically meritorious and drawn with considerable technical skill. 33G SMITH (F. Hopkinson). Colonel Carter of Cartersville. rt//// illustralions by E. W. k'emble a7id the Author. l2mo. cloth. Boston, is:»2. $8.50 %* With book-plate of Augustin Daly and autograph inscription. "For my good Friend Augustin Daly. F. Hopkinson Smith, I'eb. i6, '92." 337 SMYTH (William). Lectures on Modern History from the irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution. hest EDITION, 5 vols., 8vo, half maroon, morocco, gilt tops. London. ( Wm. Pickering) 1848. $7.50 338 SONGS. The Dramatic Muse or Jubilee Songster, containing the favorite songs from Shakespeare's works. All the songs sung at the Stratford Jubilee, Vauxhall Gardens, etc., etc., in all 390 songs, odes, etc. 16mo, half leather. Canterbury, n. d. $3 50 %* Curious little volume from the Daly sale. 339 SPENSKR (Edmund). Colin Clouts Come Home Again. Woodcut boidfr to title. First Edition. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. London. (W. Ponsonbie) 1595. $175. 00 4t% Large and clean copy measuring 755 xs's, the last four leaves skillfully repaired. This work contains elegies on the death of Sir Philip Sidnev and at CII. is the well known allusion to Shakkspeakk under the name of miction. 340 SPORTING ENCiRAVINGS (Old English.) From original paintings in Vauxhall Garden. Sliding on the Ice; I^eap Frog; Battledore and Shuttlecock; Blindman's Buff, and See Saw. Five copper plates, en- graved by B. Cole. Oblong 4to, half red levant morocco, very kark. London, (circa 1750). $15.00 *.v.* From the Daly collection. 341 SPORTING. (De Villiers, A. C. E. B. De). Les Deduits de la Chasse du Chevreuil. Plate on India Paper. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, LS70. $5.50 *.;..* The plates are very spirited. One of fortj- copies on "/>, in iSSS. •354 SUE (Eugene) Matilda or the Misfortunes of Virtue. Translated by C. Rochford, and with 21 illustrations o?i steel by G. Standfast. Thick 12mo. half calf gilt, scarce. London, 1845. $4.50 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books. 49 355 SUE (Eugene). The Protestant Leader. A novel. First English edition. 3 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut. very scarce. London (Newl 1849. $10 50 356 SUE (Eugene). Martin, the Foundling: or, Memoirs of a valet de chambre Numerous spirited illustrations on n'ood. Large 8vo, half leather. Scarce. London, 1857. ^. 2«i 357 SUE (Eugene). The Rival Races; or. The Sons of Joel. A legendary romance. First English Edition. 3 vols., post 8vo, half crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. London, 18G3. $15.00 *** ?.?* ^?i^*°" ?"'^, "i"^^^ ^c^rzii. It was originally published in France as Les Mysteries duPeuple," and it attempts to ^xs^ a vivid and faith- ful history of the people of France from an almost mythical period In the guise of tales. *^ 358 SULLIVAN (Sir Arthur). The Original Manuscript Score of the music to "The Foresters, " by Lord Tennyson, as produced by the late Augustin Daly. Signed at the beginning "Arthur Sullivan." Bound in 1 volume, oblong folio, half red morocco. $175.00 VAn extremely interesting and valuable manuscript which appeals* to the collector of Tennysoniana, the collector of music and to his brother of the drama. 359 SYMONDS (Arthur). Aubrey Beardsley, with three portraits ami six illustrations. First edition. Small 4to, original boards, uncut London 1898. .., .,; %*The late Augustin Daly's copy. Sure to rise in value <^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Jt. ^ 360 c 'ALLEYRAND (Prince de). Memoirs, edited with Preface and notes by the Due de Brogli^ and an introduction by Whitelaw Reid facumile letters ajid portraits, 'Busr^mrio^. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth gilt tops. New York, 1891. $8.50 361 TENTNYSON (Alfred, Lord). The Foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Large paper copy with proof portrait on china paper of Ada Rehan added. Large Svo, full crushed green levant morocco, extra gilt tops, uncut. New York, (Macmillan) 1892. $22.50 »\The late Augustin Daly's copy with book plate. Only a few copies were printed upon large paper. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord). The Death of CEnone Akbars Dream and other Poems, 12mo, half levant gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892. 55.50 %* One of 200 copies on large hand made paper. Mr. Daly's copy. TERENCE (N.) COMEDIES, tran.slated by George Colmau. Unique copy, with A large number of copper-plate illustrations inserted. 4to, half morocco. London, 1765. $12.50 ***An extremely interesting copy from the library of Augustin Daly. THACKERAY (W. M.) The National Standard of Literature, Science, Music, Theatricals and the fine arts ; containing a Letter from France by W. M. Thackeray with a wood cut illustration and also inserted, the original drawing by Thackfr.w, to ilhi.strate the article. 4to, half claret levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1833. $125.00 *»* One of the rarest of Thackeray items. 362 363 364 50 Geo, D, Smith's Catalogue of Books. 365 THACKERAY (W. M.) Flore ET Zephyr Ballet Mythologique dedi6 k (Mile. Flore) par Theophile WagstaflFe. Nine large lithographic plates, printed on India paper from original drawings by Thackeray, by Edward Morton, the first plate (being the wrapper) colored, and the others slightly tinted, each page mounted for the purpose of preservation on a folio sheet guarded and bound in full crushed claret levant morocco, gilt tops by Riviere. London, 1836. $650.00 %* In Johnson's Handbook for Thackeray collectors he says "The British Museum copy is uncolored but 3ome copies are slightly tinted.'' It is one of the rarest of Thackerayana and very seldom indeed can a copy be secured. The present copy is from the Daly collection. 366 THACKERAY (W. M.). The Comic Almanacs for 1839 and 1840, wilh 24 illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2 vols., 12mo, original covers. London, 1839-1840. $17.50 %* These two scarce numbers contain the first issue of Thackeray's stories of "Barber Cox" and " Stubb's Calendar; or, the Fatal Boots." 367 THACKERAY (W. M.). Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and illus- trated by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh; numerous full-page engravings by Thackeray. First edition, 2 vols., 8vo, full maroon levant morocco gilt tops, uncut by Riviere. London, 1841. $90.00 ■\* Genuine first edition and a beautiful copy from the Daly sale. In correct state this is one of the rarest of Thackeray's first editions. 368 THACKERAY (W. M.). Mrs. Ferkin's Ball, with full-page engravings by the author; A double set, plain and colored, first edition. Sq. 8vo, full claret crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere, with the original paper covers bound in. London, 1847. $50.00 %* A splendid copy in the finest possible shape. From the Daly collection. 369 THACKERAY (W. M.). Doctor Birch and his Young Friend, by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh, with colored plates by the author; first- edition, square 12mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by Tout. London, 1849. $37.50^ *^(.* A very nice copy from the Daly sale. 370 THACKERAY (W. M.). The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hogarty Diamond, with illustrations by the author. Square, 12mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, a very pretty binding by S. Kaufmann. London, 1849. $15.00 *^* Beautiful copy from Mr. Daly's library. 371 THACKERAY (W. M.). Men's Wives. First Edition, 12mo, half claret crushea levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1853. $7.50 *^* Printed first in Fraser's Magazine, and reprinted in England iu 1857, the above being the genuine first edition. 372 THACKERAY (W. M.) English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century, a series of Lectures. Extra illustrated ^y the insertion of portrait of Thackeray on India paper, a7id about 50 engraved portraits including Dryden, Swift, Stella, Congreve, Chas. Lamb, Pope, Gay, Fielding, Sterne, etc. 12mo, half claret levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. Smith. London, 1853. $22.50 *^*A very interesting copy from the Daly sale. 373 THACKERAY (W. M.) Punch's Prize Novelists, the Fat Contributor, and Travels in London. First edition, 12mo, half claret crushed levent morocco, gilt top. New York, 1853. $7.50 \* First published in book form in England, in 1857. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books, 5f 374 THACKERAY (W. M.) Mr. Brown's Letters to a young man about town, with the Proser and other Papers. First edition, 12mo, half claret crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1853. $7.5a \* First published in Punch, the above being the first issue in book form. The first English volume containing the above was issued in 1856. This editiou contains a large and interesting preface by Thackeray. 375 THACKERAY (W. M.) Ballad.s, first American edition, 12 mo, half claret crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, IH'tG. $3.50 376 THACKERAY (W. M.) The Four Georges, sketches of Manner. Morals, Court and Town Life, zvi'/Zi illustrations. First edition, 12mo, half claret levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 18G0. $9.00 %*The so called " First Edition " issued in England, in 1861, is preceeded by the above. 377 THACKERAY (W. M.) The Four Georges, the original numbers from the Cornhill Magazine, with special title page, and e.xtra illustrated,. by the insertion of a portrait of the author, a privately printed play- bill, with Mr. Thackeray in the cast and about forty engraved portraits some old and scarce. 8vo, half claret crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1860. $62.50 378 THACKERAY (W. M.). The Book of Snobs. 12mo, full crushed claret levant morocco, gilt tops, by Rivi:feRE. New York, 1864. $5.50 379 THACKERAY (Wm. M.). Men's Wives. First edition. 12mo, half maroon levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 18G4. $4.50 *^* Published for the first time as a separate book in the above form. From the Daly sale. 380 THACKERAY (W. M.). Essay on the genius of George Cruikshank^ The original "Westminster Review " article, inlaid to 4to, and enlarged to 3 vols, by the addition of 600 illustrations by Cruikshank, including man}' specimens in color, plates from the Ainsworth, Fielding, Smol- lett, and other novels, portraits, an origin.\l drawing, and many- other interesting examples. 3 vols., 4to, full blue cnished levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf §450.00 381 THACKERAY (W. M.). Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates and the Garrick Club. The correspondence and facts stated by Edmund Yates. 8vo, in a morocco cover. London (privately printed) 1869. $90.00- *^*This was Peter Cunningham's copy and is accompanied by the original article, for writing which, Edmund Yates was expelled from the Garrick Club; and a signed autographic note upon it by Peter Cunningh.vm; also a copy of the reprint of the pamphlet and an article on Yates from " The Hornet," besides the Book-plate of Edmund Yates. The Mackenzie copy of the pamphlet sold for /"40 in 1S89, and it is of the highest degree of rarity. 382 THACKERAY (W.M.). Reading a Poem. A sketch by W.M. Thackeray, communicated by C. P. Johnson to the Sette of Odd Volumes. Frontis- piece. 16mo, half maroon levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Black- well. Cheswick Press, 1891. $5.50 %* First edition, with the original covers bound in. Augustin Daly's copy.. Only 321 copies printed. 383 THACKERAY. See Doyle. 52 Geo* D, Smith's Catalogue of Books, 384 THACKERAY (W.M .) The Students Quarter ; or, Paris Five and Thirty Years Since, colored illustrations by the author. First Edition. 12mo, full maroon levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere- London, n. d. $12.50 *^* Choice copy. 385 THACKERAY (W. M.). AN ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRAWING. "Paradise and Purgatory." lOX x 8^ inches. An interesting, humorous and spirited performance. $200.00 386 THACKERAY (W.M.) An original pen and ink drawing. "The Headsman, " 8>^ by 9^. A spirited drawing and very characteristic. $100.00 *^* Both the above beautiful drawings were buried in a scrap book in the Daly sale, and described in exactly these words : " Thackeray's Angels, Devils and Headsmen " ! One of the angels in the first picture is an excellent likeness of Thackeray himself. 387 THEATRE. Authentic Memoirs of the Green Room, including sketches, biographical, critical and characteristic of the performers of Drury Lane, Covent Garden and the Haymarket .Original lives and anecdotes. Portrait on copper of Miss Stephens. 12mo, half citron levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. Smith. London, n. d. $7.50 %* Nice copy from the Daly sale. 388 THEATRICAL. Green Room Gossip, or Gravity Gallinipt, a Gallinanpry consisting of theatrical anecdotes, bon mots, chit-chat, repartee, stories, etc. 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. Smith. London, 1809. $5.50 *^f* A curious volume from the Daly sale. 389 THEATRICAL OBSERVER (The). From No. 1, Friday, Jan. 19th, 1821. to No. 27, Feb. 19th, 1821. 16mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. (Dublin) 1821. $7.50 ■*^* Scarce. From the Daly sale. •390 TH:feATRES DE LA PLACE DU CH ATE LET. Chatelet, et Lyrique, par Cesar Daly et G. Davioud. Numerous plates. Royal folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. Paris, n. d. $17.50 391 THOMSON (John). Descriptive Catalogue of the Writings of Sir Walter Scott. 8vo, original paper (a valuable and interesting performance). Philadelphia, 1898. $1.00 392 THOMSON (James). The Seasons, with pretty plates engraved by Heath after designs by Westall. 12mo, calf, gilt. London, (Chiswick Press) 1817. $2.50 \* Large paper copy from the Daly sale. 393 THUYCIDIDES. De Bello Peloponnesiaco, libri octo, ex interpretatione Laurential Vallae, ab Henrico Stephani recognita. 18mo, original wrapping vellum. Francofurti, 1594. $2.50 \* A pretty edition from the Edelheim library, with book-plates. 394 TIFFIN (Walter F.) Gossip about Portraits; principally engraved por- traits. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1866. $2.25 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 5J A GALLERY OF THE PRESIDExNTS AND THEIR TIMES. 395 TOWNSEND (V. F.). OUR PRESIDENTS ; or. the Lives of the Twenty- three Presidents of the United States. Unique copy, with aitogkahh u-TTER OF Washington, and 200 portraits inserted ; many india PROOFS. Folio, half red levant morocco, extra, gilt top, by Stikeman New York, 188[>. ■ ^^j-^f^^^ V" The antograpli letter of General Washington is a fine specimen, dated from Mount Vernon, and occupies 4 closely written quarto pages. It is addressed to Sir Edward Newenhani in Ireland, and relates to a ])rojected visit to this country by that gentleman. General Washington infonns him of the modes of travel here. " The stages," he savs, " are not of the best nor worst kind " and further, " A penson mav travel * * * * from Richmond (the metropolis of this vState) to Boston in ten or tv.elve davs." A splen- did volume from the Daly sale. 396 TROLLOPE (Anthony). Autobiography. Portkait. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Loudon, 1883. $2.25- 397 TROLLOPE (Frances). Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong, the factory boy. Etchings by Hervieu, Onv.hyn, etc. First edition, Svo, half green levant morocco, extra gilt tops, uncut. London, 1840. $H.oa %* Nice copy of this scarce book. 398 TROLLOPE (T. A.). Girlhood of Catherine de Medici. Uniquf, copy, with numerous portraits and views inserted. Crown 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt top. uncut edges. London, 1856. $32. 50 \^ A nicely illustrated copy from the Daly collection. 399 TROLLOPE (Anthony). Hk Knew he was Rkuit, wi//i 64 illustrations by Marcus Stone, 2 vols., Svo, new half green crushed levant morocca, gilt tops, uncut, by R. \V. Smith. London, 1.SG9. $17.60 *** First edition with all the original green wrappers and advertisements. Mr. Daly's copy. 400 TURNER (J. M. W.). VicAvs, etc. Some India proofs. Folio. 10 pieces. $(;.5a "** All proofs after Turner have become rare and high-priced abroad. 401 TURNER (J. M. W.). Original Mezzotint. A Lake at Night, with beau- tiful moonlight effects, artists name etclied in the margin, proof be- fore LETTERS on folio paper. S7.50 *^t*Verv choice. 403 ^ ,fi ^ ^ ^ jfi ^ ^ 402 J ||PDIKE (Wilkius). fli.story of the Episcopal Church in Narragausett Rhode Island, Geneological and Biographical Accounts of dis- tinguished men and families, portraits. Kvo. cloth. New York, 1847. \ "cry scarce. $15.00 a u ^ ^ ^ ^* Jfi S ^ rl^i ANITY FAIR. A weekly Show of Political, Social, and Literaiy Wares ; with the well-known series of caricatuPvE por- traits colored. 5S vols., folio, original green cloth. Lon- don, 1868-97. 597.50 #*A complete set from the Dal)- library with bookplate in each volume Com- plete sets are hard to obtain. * * 54 Geo. D. Smithes Catalogfue of Books, 404 VESTRIS and HAl.UWEI.L. The Management ot Covent Garden Theatre vindicated from the attack of an anonymous critic iu a Letter to the 'Editor of the Cambridge Advertiser. By J. O. Halliwell. Witk an autograph letter of Madarn Vestris, a view oj Covent Garden Theatre' a7id four portraits itiserted. 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Chatelin. London, 1841. $29.00 ***From the Daly collection. Very scarce. One of the portraits is the rare print of Samuel Pepys by White. 405 VESTRIS (Madame). A collection of over 100 portraits of this fam- ous actress, many of exceeding rarity, together with 15 of her songs> nearly 150 play bills, and other illustrative material. An exceedingly valuable and comprehensive gathering, bound in one volume. Folio, half red morocco. $225.00 *^*Choice collection from the Daly library. 406 VESTRIS (Madame). Memoirs of the Public and Private Adventures of Madame Vestris, with interesting and curious anecdotes, amusing scenes both in public and private life, before and behind the curtain, etc., engraved portrait and fine full-page colored plates. 12mo, half citron, levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London, n. d. $57.50 \* Very Rare. Immediately on the publication of thfs scandalous book Madame Vestris secured an injunction against the publisher and the work was suppressed. Choice copy from the Daly collection. 407 VIRGINIA BROADSIDE. "Virginia. In the House of Delegates, Thurs- day, 28th November, 1793. Resolved that a state cannot under the Constitution of the United States be made a defendant at the suit of an individual," etc. 1 page 4to. $27.50 408 VOLTAIRE. THE MAID of ORLEANS or La PucellE, translated into English Verse with Notes, Explanatory, Critical, Historical and Biographical, by W. H. Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, with variegated lace border, richly gilt backs and a doublure of blue, red and white crushed levant morocco inlaid and tooled all over with fleur-de-lis, hy 'SiiTr'E,^, probably the f nest example extant of his binding. London, 1822. $165.00 *.,(.* This splendid copy is extra illustrated by the insertion of no LESS than three hundred and thirty-eight inserted plates, including portraits, sets of engravings designed especially to illustrate the work, some of them very rare, india proofs BEFORE LETTERS, etc. Cost at least fsoo to the original owner. 01 O* ^* t^^ Jr^ ^3^ *5^ «^^ 409 ly^ y ALLACK (Jas. WM.). Sketch of the Life of. Unique copy EXTRA ILLUSTRATED with 228 portraits, autographs, play- bills, views of theatres, original drawings, etc., among them being Garrick ; Queen Charlotte, by Evans ; Sheridan, Kemble, by Sharp ; Kemble as Rolla (original drawing); Munden from Thespian Magazine ; Cooke from Cabinet ; Interior of Park Theatre (original drawing); Kean ; Mathews, by H. Meyer (proof); Mathews (mezzo.), by Turner ; Forrest, by Meyer; Cooper as Pi ere ; The Ravels (original drawing); Chas. Kemble; Fanny Kemble, by Picart ; Clara Fisher, by Rogers ; Clara Fisher as Richard, Master Burke, Placide (original drawing), Yankee Hill, J. Vandenhoflf» Geo. D, Smith's Catalogue of Books. 55 IVALLA CK— Continued. de Begnis, Jane Shirreff, National Theatre (original drawing), Miss Van- denhoff as Juliet, Burton's Theatre, (original drawing), Wdlcot, original drawing), Blake (original drawing), Mrs Hoey (original drawing). Cooke printed in red, Cooke as Richard, Scriven, George Holland, etc., J. W. Wallack, by HoU ; autograph LErrERS, J. \V. Wallack, 1829, J. W, Wallack (lith.), A. Newsam, Wallack as Alcibiades, as Mokarra, as Rugantino, as Charlevois (2), as Bolingbroke, as Lucester (original drawing), as Bertuccio (original drawing), as Massaroni. One of 50 copies printed. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt backs and edges. New York, 1865. $350.00 *j(.* Beautiful volume from the Daly collection. 410 WALTON AND COTTON'S ANGLER. An extensive Series of Illustra- tions prepared for extending Bagster's 4to edition to 4 vols. Collection made early in the century. Includes Original Water-Colors of Fish, India Proof and other Portraits, an extensive Series of Views (some proofs), etc., etc. In all, over four hundred and twenty plates, neatly inlaid to size where necessary. $12.'). 00 %* A splendid collection, all ready for insertion in the book, or in good shape for additions. Must have cost several hundred dollars. 411 WARNER (CHARLES DUDLEY.) The People for whom Shakespeare Wrote, twelve illustrations. First Edition, 12mo, new, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1897. $5.50 *^* First Editiun and a very nicely bound copy from the Daly Sale. 412 WASHINGTON (GEORGE) WRITINGS. Correspondence and other papers, official and private with a Life, notes etc., by Jared Sparks, portraits, facsimile, etc. 12 vols., 8vo, half vellum, extra gilt, red edges. Boston, 1858. 22.50 *^* A handsome set from the library of the late S. L. M. Barlow. Sold for $25.20 in his sale. 413 WASHINGTON. Very fine original India Ink and sepia drawing of Gen- eral Washington. 4to, unsigned, on cardboard. $2.50 414 WEBSTER'S ACTING NATIONAL DRAMA. A Collection of Plays by Eminent Writers, Correctly Printed from the Prompter's Copies, with Casts of Characters, Costumes, Scenery, etc. 1840. Illustrated with etched frontispieces, by Pierce Egan, Jr.. and F. Clayton, from draw- ings taken during representation, and portraits of popular performers. 6 vols., ]2mo, original b<)ards, uncut. London, n. d. $12.60 %* Fine copy of this scarce series from the Daly collection. 415 WEBSTER (Noah) DICTIONARY. Portrait and frontispiece on India paper, also ilhisttations ifi the text. 2 vols., folio, half crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W. Smith. Cambridge, 1805. $5.50 *^* Large paper. 416 WHITMAN (Walt). Leaves ov Qvihss, with finely engraved portrait, {by S. Ifollyer), First edition, small folio, original cloth, gilt edges. Brooklyn, New York, 1855. $40.00 "^t* An immaculate copy of this book, which is fast rising in value. 56 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books. 417 WHITTIER (John G.). Poems written during the progress of the Aboli- tion question in the U. S. between 1830 and 1831, engraved frontispiece. 12mo, nice copy in original cloth. Boston, 1837. $16.00 *^(,*Mr. Bierstadt's copy in similar condition brought f 16.50. 418 WILD (Jonathan). Memoirs of the Life and Times of, together with the History and Lives of Modern Rogues. Folding frontispiece, contain- ing portrait of Wild and two very curious plates. 16mo, half leather (foot of title cut into). London (about 1760). $7.50 *#* Very rare and curious. From the Daly sale. 419 WILKES (Thomas). General View of the Stage. Vignette on title page. 12mo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. W- Smith. London, 1769. $6.50 %* Lowndes attributes this to Samuel Derrick, Master of Ceremonies at Bath. From the Daly library. 420 WINTER (William). Henry Irving. Unique copy on large paper, with over 100 portraits of Irving and Miss Terry, souvenir play-bills, etc., inserted. 4to, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. New York, 1885. $57.50 %* A complete record of Henry Irving upon the New York Stage. From the Daly collection. 421 WINTER (Wm.). The Press and the Stage, an oration before the Goethe Society. Unique copy, with autograph of Wm. Winter, and 27 portraits inserted. Only 250 copies of the text were printed. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1880. $22.50 %* Choice copy from the Daly sale. 422 WINTER (Wm.) The Press and the Stage, an Oration before the Goethe Society, 8vo, half gray crushed levant morocco gilt tops, uncut, by BlackwELL. New York, 1889. $5.50 %* The late Augustin Daly's Copy. 423 WITTRAM (S. A.), Cupid's Game with Hearts. Unique illustrations being facsimile letters, new,spaper clippings, telegrams, etc. 4to, padded binding gilt edges. San Francisco, 1897. $3.50 424 WOFFINGTON (Margaret). A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman, by Augustin Daly, with portraits a^id illusti^ations, 2 vols., folio, half green cru.shed levant morocco gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892. $575.00 %* A splendidly illustrated copy with autograph LETTERS, original draw- ings, mezzotints, engraved portraits, etc. The water colors are due to the genius of D. E. Cronin; the autograph letters are largely from distin- guished persons who were fortunate enough to get presentation copies from the author, including "Mark Twain," General Sherman, Austin Dobson, W. K. Vanderbilt, H. H. Furness, and others. The illustrations, inserted comprisemezzotintsof Lord Carteret; NELL Gwyn by Val GrEEn; Garrick (the small oval published by Stewart); John Milton, by Haid ; McSwiny, by Faber; Elizabeth Gunning, Mrs. Barrj-, etc. Also the rare portraits of Dora Jordan, by Bartolozzi; and Ganick by Wood; in addition to over 100 other prints of interest. The volumes conclude with cuttings from many numbers of the Dublin Gazette during Woffington's Irish tour; original pamphlets consulted in the preparation of this work, criticisms of the .same, etc., etc. 425 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfue of Books. 57 V OUNGS NIGHT THOUGHTS. A series of Ten Kngravings upon copper by J. Rolls to illustrate the above. All proofs before LETTERS on INDI.\ PAPER and brilliant impressions. $5.00 *»* Very cheap. jriCi^'jCjCK"*^!*' AN INTERESTING SERIES OF EMILE ZOLA'S PROOF SHEETS. z a. OLA (Emile). Pot Bouille; the original first proof sheets, printed in large 8vo upon one side only, consisting of 349 leaves, quite perfect and uncut; every page is filled with corrections and alterations (some very lengthy and important) in the autograph of Zola. 512.50 La Joie de Vivre; the original first proof sheets, printed in large 8vo, upon one side only, consisting of several hundred leaves, quite perfect and uncut; everj-^ page filled with corrections and alterations (some very lengthy and important) in the autograph of Zola. $42.00 La Joie de Vivre; the second set of proof sheets, in the form in which the book was originally published, with title, quite perfect and uncut; with numerous corrections and alterations in the autograph of Zola. Paris, 1884. S.';r).00 Au Bonheur des Dames; the second set of proof .sheets in the form in which the book was originally published, with title, quite perfect and uncut in wrapper; with numerous corrections and alterations in the autograph of Zola. Paris, 1883. $35.00 NOTE. SIDE NE>CT PA-GEC KO R A. D DITION A.L MATTER. 58 Geo. D. Smitn's Catalogue of Books* n 427 *^ UNECDOTES. Oxberry's Anecdotes of the Stage, etc. Engraved portrait, 12mo, half crushed green levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1827. $9.50 \*Choice copy of this very scarce and amusing little book. From the Daly collection. 428 ^I^OCCACCIO. The Decameron, or Ten Days' Entertainment, to which are prefixed Remarks on the Life and Writings of Boc- caccio, and an Advertisement by the author of Old Nick. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1845. $5.50 D^ tj?w t^* %^^ 429 ^ -^ AGLEY (R.). Death's Doings, consisting of numerous originaj compositions in verse and prose, thirty copperplates, fotfuing a 7iew and origiiial Eyiglish Dance of Death. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. Boston, 1828. $6.50 430 DRAMA. The The.spian Dictionarj' or Dramatic Biography of the Eigh" teenth Century, Anecdotes of the Stage, etc. 12mo, half citron crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1802. $7.50 431 DRAMA, Rosamond, an Opera, inscribed to her Grace the Duchess of Marlborotigh. Frontispiece on copper, exhibiting Rosamond in her bower, the Queen with the dagger and poison. 12mo, half citron levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1713. $4.50 432 DRAMA. A Proposal for the better regulation of the stage, with some remarks on the State of the Theatre among the Ancient Greeks and Romans. 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. London, 1732. $7.50 *^* Dedicated to " The managers of both houses." From the Daly collection. 433 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. The Thespian Dictionary, or Dramatic Biography of the Present Age. Illustrated with portraits (printed in red) of actors, and interleaved throughout with notes in MS. for a new edition. 4 vols, 12mo, half citron crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by R. W. Smith. London, 1808. $22.50 *^*A very interesting copy in nice condition. From the Daly sale. 434 DUNLAP (William). Historj- of the American Theatre. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1832. $4.25 ■*^* Slight stain on title. (^W ^* t^v 435 ^^^ ACETIC. History of Pompey the Little ; or, the Life and Adven- tures of a Lap Dog. By Mr. Coventry. Fine engravings on copper after Corbonld. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreets. Scarce. London, 1785. $4.50 436 FEnELON (F. S. De la Motte). Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. Translated by Percival Proctor. Fi7ic series of engravings on copper, brilliant impressions. 2 vols, 8vo, calf. London {printed for the Translator), 1774. A Poem in his own handwriting. $6.25 437 FIRTH, C. H. {Editor). The Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcas- tle, to which is added the True Relation of ni}^ Birth, Breeding and Life, by Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. Etched portraits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by R. W. Smith. New York, 1886. $5.50 f Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 59 438 FITZGERALD (Percy). The Life of David Garrick. Portraits. 1 vols. 8vo, uncut. London, 18(58. $8.50 %* Now quite scarce and ri.sing in value. 439 FITZGERALD (Percy). The Kemuucs ; an account of the Kemble Family. including the lives of Mrs. Siddons and her brother John Philip Kemble, portrait and further extra illustrated by the insertion of numer- ous portraits, play bills and an autograph letter. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf, gilt top, uncut. London, n. d. $27.50 6 ^JF* fc?* O^ *3^ v^ O^ w^ 4Ui ^^TfALT (John). The Lives of the Plaveks. 2 vols., extended into 5, FINELY EXTRA iLLi'sTR-VTED COPY, upwards of two hun- dred portraits and plates inserted, besides a great number of newspaper cuttings, all neatly mounted, also autograph letters of Garrick, the author, etc., and besides signatures, morocco, g.e. London, 1831. 5120.00 %* Presentation copy by the publishers, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, to William Upcott, 20th, 1837. A beautifully written index of the extra illustrations is bound up in vols. I and III. Illustrated by Upcott and in his usual profuse and liberal manner. 441 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Miscellaneous Works, with Essays and Poems. First American edition 12mo, original sheep. Boston, 1793. $5.50 \* American book-plate of Francis D. Janvier. 442 GOULD (Jay). History of Delaware County and Border Wars of New- York, containing a Sketch of the Early Settlements in the County and a History of the late Anti-Rent Difficulties in Delaware, with other his- torical and miscellaneous matter never before published. Portrait. 12mo, brown crushed levant, gilt top, by Bradstreet. Ver>- scarce. Roxbur>', 1856. $27.50 443 GREVILLE (R. R.) Scottish Cryptogamic Flora, or colored figures and descriptions of crj-ptogamic plants belonging chiefly to the order Fungi. With j6o finely colored plates. G vols., large 8vo, nicely bound in half morocco gilt, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1823-28. (Pub. /IG 16s.) $37.50 %* Very cheap at above price. The plates include umshrooms and other fungi. 444 GROLIER CLUB. The Etching of Aldus in his Printing Oflice at Venice. showing Grolier some bookbindings, by Leopold Flameng, after a paint, ing by Fran9ois Flemeng. Printed upon Japan paper. Handsomely framed and glazed. Signed by both artists. $80.00 445 (iROLIER CLUB.— READE (Charles). Peg WofHngton. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, gilt. 1887. $42 00 *** 250 copies printed from type on Holland paper. 446 GROLIER CLUB.— Conway (M. D.) Barons of the Potomac and Rappa- hannock. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1892. $17.00 447 GROLIER CLUB.— Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of Poetical and Prose Works of English Authors, from Langland to Wither. 8vo, half morocco. 1893. $16.00 448 GROLIER CLUB.— Catalogue of Books with Arms or Devices on THE Bindings. 1893. $5.50 449 GROLIER CLUB.— Catalogue of an Exhibition of Painted Manu- scripts AND Books. 8vo, cloth. 1892. $5.50 60 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 450 GROLIER CLUB. — Poems of John Donne. The text revised by James Russell Lowell. With Notes, etc., by C. E. Norton. Portrait. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. 1895. $16.00 451. GROLIER CLUB.— Koehler (S. R.). Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, etc., of Albert Durer. Plates. 4to uncut, 1897. $18.00 %* 400 printed on Holland paper. 452 GROWOLL (A.). American Book Clubs, their beginnings and history, and a bibliography of their publications. 12mo, half calf, entirely un- cut. New York, 1897. $12.50 *^* One of thirty copies printed on Japan paper. 453 g ^AMERTON (P. G.). The Graphic Arts, numerous fine illustra- tions, LARGE PAPER, folio, full vellum uncut. New York, (Lon- don), 1882. $32.50 *** Very few copies printed upon large paper at seventy dollars each. Now out of print and scarce. 464 HAMILTON. Lady Emma Hamilton, an old stor>' retold by Hilda Gam- lin, portraits facsimiles and other illustrations. 4to, half vellum gilt tops, uncut. London, 1891. $6.50 455 HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel). The Marble Faun or the Romance of Monte Beni. First edition (being the second issue with the additional "Conclusion.") 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1860. $10.50 456 HOUSEHOLD CLASvSICS. Our Village by Miss Mitford; Goldsmiths Vicar of Wakefield ; Lucille by Owen Meredith. Illustrated, 3 vols. New York, 1898. $1.00 457 HORSMANDEN (Daniel). A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy formed by some white people in conjunction with negro and other slaves for burning the City of New York in America, and murdering the inhabitants; by the Recorder of the Citj' of New York. First edition, 4to, most splendidly bound in full crushed dark blue levant morocco, the sides and back beautifully inlaid with orange crushed levant, to an ornate Grolier pattern, and with doublure of white crushed levant morocco, richly tooled^ crimson watered silk end leaves, gilt over marbled edges. New York, 1744. $850.00 *^* A splendid copy of this very rare book in an exquisite binding. INSERTED is A VERY FINE AUTOGRAPH LETTER of THE AUTHOR'S ONE PAGE QUARTO. One of the most interesting books relating to Colonial New York. This copy is protected by a special wrapper and a slip case. From the J. H. V. Arnold collection. 458 HUNT (Leigh). A Day by the Fire ; and other Papers hitherto uncol- lected. First edition, 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1870. $2.25 *** From the Daly sale. 459 HUNT (Leigh). Correspondence, edited by his Eldest Son, photographic portrait. First edition. 2 vols., post Svo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1862. $6.50 *4^* From the Daly collection. 460 HUTCHINSON (Thomas). The Speeches of his Excellency Governor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay. At a session begun and held on the sixth of January, 1773. With the answers of his Majesty's Co'ancil and the House of Representatives respectivel)-. (Pr.blished b}' order of the House). Svo, half morocco. Boston, N. E., 1773. $6.50 *..;.* Important historical tract. 1 Geo, D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. $% 461 •Interesting narrative of the loss of the Porpoise and Cato, by an Officer ; also the Loss of the Doddington, East Indiauiitn. Curious folding frontispiece. 12mo, half straight-grained morocco, gilt tops. London, n. d. $2.26 462 IRELAND. The Great Charter of the Liberties of the City of Dublin, translated with Explanatory Notes addressed to his Majesty, by Charles Lucas, a free citizen. 8vo, half roan. Dublin, 1749. $3.50 %* Other interesting tracts on the liberties of the people bound up. 463 IRVING (Washington). Old Christmas : from the Sketch Book. Illus- trated hy R. Caldecott. Royal 8vo, uncut. London. $5.5(> *#* Copy No. 249 of 250 on Large Paper, 1892. 1 V* ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ *^^ 464 ^BgAMESON (Mrs.). Beauties of the Court of Charles II. A Complete Set of these Engravings. Proofs before letters on India paper. 21 portraits. 4to. $4.50 465 ^BeSUS CHRIST. History of Our Lord and Saviour. Arranged accord- ing to the order of time and in the exact words of the Four Gospels, to which are added the Lives of the Four Evangelists, etc. Beautiful portrait, engraved by Earlom ; also plates engraved by Isaac Taylor. Svo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Blackwell. London, [Boydell) 1809. $9.00 %*A handsome book. 466 JOAN OF ARC. Jeanne d'Arc, par Marius Sepet. Numerous full -page plates. Imp. Svo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Tours, 1891. $7.50 467 JORDAN (Mrs.). The Great Illegitimates, Public and Private Life of that celebrated actress Miss Bland otherwise Mrs. Ford or Mrs. Jordan * * * delineating the vicissitudes attendant on her early life ; numerous re- marks and anecdotes of illustrious and fashionable characters, with the scarce portraits, and additional portraits of Mrs. Jordan inserted. 12mo, calf gilt, gilt edges. London, n. d. ^22.00 *#*Ver3- scarce. Nice copy from the Daly collection. 468 JOHNSON (Capt. Charles). A general and true history of the lives and actions of the most famous highwaymen, murderers, street robbers, etc., with several remarkable trials, etc. Adorned ivith the effigies and other material transactions of the inost remarkable o_ffenders engraved on copper plates, title in red and black. Folio, sprinkled calf gilt, by Pratt. Birmingham, 1742. $42.50 %* A rare and interesting volume from the library of J. PI. V. Arnold, Esq. Cost him a great deal more money. ^5 %^ t^ ^* %^ 1^ c?* v^ 469 ^ ^ALM (Pieter). Reis door Noord Amerika; with the engraved frontis- piece containing views of New York, Philadelphia, Montreal and Quebec, also large folding maps and plates. 2 vols., in 1, 4to, half calf, UNCUT. Utrecht. 1772. Scarce. $12.50 K 62 Geo* D. Smith's Catalog^ue of Books. KBLMSCOTT PRESS BOOKS. 470 The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, by Raoul Lefevre, trans- lated by W. Caxton, edited by H. H. Sparling. Printed in Troy type^ with tables of chapters and glossary in Chaucer type, in black and red, ^fiith borders and woodcut title. 2 vols, large, 4to, vellum. 1892. $87.50 %* One of 300 copies. This is the first book printed in Troy type, and the first also in which the Chaucer type appears. It is, moreover, a reprint of the first book printed in the English language. It was a favorite volume of Mr. Morris's, and he designed a large number of initials and ornaments- purposely for it. 471 Book of the Ordre of Chyvalry or Knyhthode. Chaucer type, black and red. Woodcut by Burne-Jones. Small, 4to, richly bound in full crushed brown morocco, elaborately blind tooled by Zaehnsdorf. 1893. $75.00 472 Syr PerecyvelIvE of Gales, Svo, finely bound, by Zaehnsdorf, in light brown morocco, blind tooled. $50.00 *** A fine example. 473 KELMSCOTT PRESS. Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Printed in Chaucer type in black and red, with borders, woodctit title, and 87 illustrations designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. Folio, original binding. 1896. $575.00 *^* One of 425 copies. The most important work issued from the Kelmscott Press. Years before its publication Mr. Morris had mentally projected an edition of Chaucer, which he hoped to produce in black letter type of special design. The earlier announcement stated that the work would contain about sixty designs by Sir E. Burne-Jones, and that the issue would be 325 copies; but later a circular was issued to the effect that the number of illustrations would be increased, and 100 copies added to the issue. This circular gave subscribers the option of cancelling their orders ; but orders were not withdrawn, and the extra 100 copies were taken up im- mediately. 474 KELMSCOTT PRESS. The History of Reynard the Foxe, by William Caxton. Folio, original vellum, uncut edges. Hammersmith, 1892. $70.00 FIRST EDITIONS OF RUDYARD KIPLING'S WORKS. 475 QuarTETTTE. The Christmas Annual of the Civic and Military Gazette. By Four Anglo-Indian Writers. Tall Svo, with the original front wrapper^ and with 8 pages, of advertisements. Lahore, 1885. $42.50 *^* A copy lacking one of the covers and some leaves of advertisements, sold at auction in England for £\2. 476 The Seven Seas. Crown, Svo, cloth. London, 1896. $5.50- *^* edition. Another copy on large hand-made paper, of which but 150 were printed. $15.00 477 The Horsmonden School Budget. Illustrations, includirig caricature oj Rudyard Kipling by Max Becrbohm, etc. 2 Nos., 12mo, original pink covers, as issued. Horsmonden, 1898. $12.50 *^*The two very rare "Kipling Numbers," containing his contribution to the- Magazine, etc. Issued by the boys at Horsmonden School, Kent, England, for strictly local circulation. The text is lithographed throughout. 478 Letters of Marque, Svo, original blue and red cloth. Allahabad, 1891. $37.60 c Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfoc of Books, 63 •*"•* ^^ANG (Andrew). The Library, with a chapter on Modern Hnglish Illustrated Books by Austin Dobson. Beautiful colored and other plates. Royal 8vo. London, 1H92. $22..')0 *»* Limited edition printed, each copy numbered. Inserted is an ORiGiNAi. AUTOGRAPH POKM signed by Andrew Lang, called "An Old Song, 1748," commencing: "Oh, its hame, hanie, hame. And it's hame I would'na be Till the Lord calls the King, To his ain coiintrie." 480 LAMB, ETC. The Original Manuscript of Poems which appeared in the Annual Authology, 1799, under the editorship of Robert Southey. in- cluding original poems by himself. 12nio, full brown levant morocco, gilt tops. $410.00 %♦ Inserted is a note by J. Payne Collier, the celebrated editor and critic, in which he says : "A highly interesting though not a very curious manuscript. It is mainly in the handwriting of vSouthey. but what is more to my taste tart OF IT IS THK AUTOGRAPH OF Charlbs Lamr, when he was quite a young man; for instance the first poem, and one of the very best ' On a Quid of Tobacco ' is by Lamb, written in his neatest and earliest hand. What is entitled (p. 158) ' The Rhedycinean Barbers' is also by Lamb. J. Payne Colli kr." 481 LA FONTAINE, FABLES CHOISIES, mises en Vers, 4vols., folio, frontispiece with bust of La Fontaine, and 276 engravings after the spirited designs by Oudry, brilliant impressions, the plate of " le Singe et le Leopard" being before the addition of the inscription on the hang- ing picture of the Tiger, fine copy, old gilt calf, with borders of gold, gilt edges. Paris, 1755-59. 90.00 *^^* This work is prized by connoisseurs for its representations of old French Furniture. 482 LEWIS (Lady Theresa). Lives of the Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon, illustrative of portraits in his gallery, j poflraits on wood. 3 vols., 8vo, uncut. London, 1852. $3.60 483 LINCOLN (Abraham). Recollections of Lincoln and Douglas Forty Years Ago, by an Eye-Witness. Portraits and vieits on Japan paper. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Scarce, l^ew York, (Priratelj' printed) I8dd. $4.50 484 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Kavanagh, a tale, first edition. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1849. Scarce. $2.50 486 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). The Seaside and Fireside, first edition, 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1850. $2.25 486 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Keramos and other Poems. First edition. 12nio, original cloth. Boston, 1878. $1.50 487 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Tales of a Wayside Inn. Frontispiece, first EDITION. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1863. $3.50 488 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Song of Hiawatha, first edition. 12mo. original cloth, uncut. Boston, 18')5. $l.5(} 489 LUCIAN'S TRUE HISTORY translated by Francis Hickcs. illustrated by William Strang, J. B. Clark and Aubrey Beardsley, with an introduction by Clias. Whibley, 7'erj curious plates, small 4to, half crushed green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, {Prizatelv Printed) 1894. $22.50 *#*Only54 copies printed on Imperial Japanese paper. 64 Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 490 LU^ILEY (Ben.). Reminiscences of the opera, engraved portrait arid hand- somely e:STra illustrated by the insertion ofjy iiiteresting portraits. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, by RivifeRE. London, 1864. $22.50 \*Cost the late Mr. Daly forty-five dollars. m. 491 ^^^^ ATHER (Samuel) . The Life of the very Learned and Reverend Cotton Mather. First edition. Svo, original sheep. Bos- ton, 1729. $18.50 %*Nice copy of this scarce volume. 492 MATHEWS (C). Memoirs of, by Mrs. Mathews, portrait, and further extra illustrated by the insertion 0/25 scarce dramatic pririts, best edition 4 vols., 8vo, new half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1838. $45.00 *iL*Choice copy from the Daly library. 493 MERIMEE (Prosper). Original Autograph Manuscript signed, en- titled "Mateo Falcone " with original water color portrait, folio bound in half crimson crushed levant morocco. $45.00 *^*This precious MS. occupies 17 pages and is from the library of the Marquis de Queux de Saint Hilaire with his book plate, and more recently frrom the Daly sale. 494 MOLLOY (J. Fitzgerald). Life and Adventures of Peg Woffington, with Pictures of the Period in which she Lived. 2 vols., 12mo, Large Paper, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892. $4.75 \*Very few copies printed. 4^* (^* ^^ *^^ ^^ <^^ t^^ ^3^ 495 H^ APOLEON. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena, by the Count de Las Cases. Finely colored plates arid portraits on copper. BEST Edition. 4 vols., Svo, half red calf, gilt tops. London, 1824. $15.00 *^*Choice copy. 496 NEW JERSEY IMPRINT. Sermons by the Rev. S. S. Smith. Svo, calf (cover loose). Newark, 1799. $1.50 THE BAYARD TRIAL. 497 NEW YORK. An || Account || of the || Illegal Prosecution 1| and || Tryal || of II Col. Nicholas Bayard, || In the Province of New York, || For Sup- posed II High -Treason, || In the Year 170 X. || Collected from several Memorials taken by || divers Persons privately, the Commissioners hav- ing II strictly prohibited the taking of the Tryal in open || Court. || Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at the Sign of || the Bible in New York. Folio, boards. 1702. $250.00 *»*No record has been found of a previous sale. Brinley had only the London reprint. In this copy five leaves (title, preface and pp, 33-36, 41-42 are in excellent facsimile. Col. Bayard was sentenced to death in these words (see page 44): — " It is con- sidered by the Court here. That you be carryed to the Place from whence you came. That from thence you be drawn upon a Hurdle to the place of Execution, That there you be Hanged by the Neck, and being alive, you be cut down opon the Earth, and that j'our Bowels be taken out of your Belly, and your Privy Members be cut off, and j'ou being alive, they be burnt be- fore your face ; and that your Head be cut off, and that your Body be di- vided into four Quarters, and that the Head and Quarters be placed where our Lord the King shall assign. And the Lord have Mercy upon your Soul. ' ' One of the rarest items relating to New York. Geo. D. Smith's Catalogue of Books. 65 49S ^^ LD PLAY. The Royall Slave, a tragic-comedy presented to the King and Queene by the Students of Christ Church in Oxford, August 30, 1630. 4to, half citron levant morocco, extra. Oxford, 1050. 57.00 %*First published in 1639. Title mended but on the whole not a bail copy. From the Daly collection. <^* ^T^ %1F^ Jr^ t3^ tt^ v^ O^ 499 'H'^ENNvSYLVANIA CHARTERS. The Charters and Acts of Assembly of the Province of Peun.sylvania in two volumes. Vol. 1, Contain- ing the Charters; The Titles of all the Laws to the year 1700; The Acts of Assembly 1700 to 1743 now in force; and the Royal Con- firmations and Repeals of the said Acts; — Vol. 2, Containing the Acts of Assembly 1744 to 1758, now in force; Laws formerly in Force, for Regulating Descent, etc. With an Index. 2 vols, in 1. Folio, old calf (cracked). Vh\\., Peter Milter & Co. lliVl. $15.UU 600 PHILLIPS (J.). QydQT, diVoQm, Jine frontispiece. 8vo, original calf. Lon- don, 1708. S6.50 %* First edition and a fine clean copj'; the author was Milton's nephew. 501 PIOZZI ( Mrs.) A sketch of her life, and passages from her diaries, letters and other writings. Edited by L. R. Seeley ; 9 other illustra- tions after Hogarth, Reynolds, and others. Ro3'al 8vo, half maroon, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1891. $4.50 502 PIRATES. Practical Seizure of the brig. Admiral Trowbridge; a narrative by Capt. Alex. Wallace. Large folding plate of the pirates at work. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. London, n. d. (about 1820). $2.25 503 POETICAL REGISTER ; or, the Lives and Characters of all the English Poets, with an account of their writings. Adorned with curious sculp- tures engraven by the best masters. 2 vols., 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Blackwell. London, 1723. $18.00 %* The portraits include Congreve, Pope, Cowley, Waller, Milton, etc. Choice copy of this interesting book. 504 POMPADOUR (Madame de). LETTERS from 1753 to 1762. 2 vols in 1. 12mo, sprinkled calf gilt, yellow edges. London, 1771. $8.50 *^i.* "Though visibly unintended for the public eye, they are impregnated with native wit and sweet with delicacy of sentiment." From the Daly library _ 505 PROLOGUES AND EPILOGUES. A collection and selection of English Prologues and Epilogues, numerous portraits, including the ver}' scarce Nell Gwyn, Mrs. Abington, Miss Young, Sheridan, Garrick etc. 4 vols., 12mo, ftill polished calf gilt, yellow edges, bv Riviere. London, 1779. $45.00 *#* Fine copy from the Daly library. A copy in old calf, sold at Bango's for I52.00 recently. O^ ^J* ^^* ^■' t2r* m^ mJ^ ^Sr' R 506 ^ Ramsay (Allan). The Ever-Green ; a collection of Scot's poems, written before 1600. 3 vols. 12mo, full morocco, gilt edges, Edinburgh 1724. $30.00 *^(.# First edition, and a choice copy. Mr. Foote's sold for $60. 507 RICHARDSON. Pamela, a comedy as it is performed Gratis at the Late Theatre in Goodman's Fields. First edition. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1741. $5.50 *^* Fine copy from the Daly library. 66 Geo. D, Smith's Catalogue of Books* 608 ROBSON (William). The Old Play Goer. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, extra gilt tops, uncut, by Rivere. London, 1846. $45.00 *4^* Handsomely extra illustrated by the insertion of 68 plates, including rare portraits of NELI. GWYN, colored portrait as Liston by Paul Pry, Kean as Richard, colored print by Cruikshank, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Siddons, etc. From the Daly library. 509 ROYAL GEORGE. Dreadful Catastrophe of the Royal George at Spit- head, also the Singular Adventures and Daring Piracies of Capt. Howel Davis. Folding plates of the catastrophe. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. London, n. d. Very curiovis. $2.25 610 ROYAL THEATRICAL FUND PROCEEDINGS AT FESTIVALS, 1854, 1860 AND 1867. 3 vols., 12mo, half crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt, scarce. London, 1854-67. $8.50 *^* Contains addresses by Tom Taylor, Buckstone, Albert Smith, B. Webster and others. From the Daly collection. 511 RUSKIN (John). Political Economy of Art. 12mo original, printed cloth. London, 1857. $2.50 *** Nice copy of the first edition. s: ^^v ^w ^^ ^^ ^^ <^^ ti5^ *^^ 512 j^ COTT (P.) Legends of a State Prison ; or, Visions of the Tower. 12mo, cloth. London, 1867. $8.50 %* Presentation copy to Thomas CarlylE, with his Book-plate. 513 ^^^COTT (Sir Walter). Saint Cloud, a poem in 9 stanzas, dated " Paris, Sept. 5th, 1815." The original manuscript, written on 2 pp. 4to, and bound in full crushed green levant morocco, by Riviere. $115.00 %* The MSS. of Sir Walter Scott command extremely high prices in England. 514 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). A Garland for the Grave of. By Charles Phillips, Esq. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops^ uncut. London, 1816. * $6.50 *^* Dedicated to Samuel Rogers, " The Friend of Sheridan's adversity." 515 SMOLLETT (T.). Humphrey Clinker, with beautiful plates on copper after Burney, choice impressions. Svo, half brown morocco extra, gilt tops, by Bradstreets. London, 1785. $4.50 *** Very beautiful illustrations. 516 STEVENSON (Robert Louis). Father Damien, a letter to the Rev. Dr. Hyde, portrait by Clifford. 12mo, half grej' crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. Portland (Mosher), 1897. $5.50 *x*One of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. This is No. 8 and is from the Daly library. THE SECOND FOLIO SHAKESPEARE. 517 SHAKESPEARE (William). Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Ptib- lished according to the true, original copies, the second ijupression. With portrait engraved by Martin Droeshout, a brilliant impression, and with Geo. D. Smith's Catalogfue of Book?. 67 SHAKESPEA RE-ConUniied. Lo^ndoT'632 ^^" ^''"'°'' o^^o^\x^. Folio, bright russia giit, gilt edges. * * A ' J i" S626.00 * A sound, clean unwashed copy in a fine Old English binding. It measures i2Tff by 83/, being a ^V taller and a i^uartkr of an inch w der than the Daly copy, which was in a"" modern American bind ne The present copy is from the library of Edward Shipperdson Mr T).lv> copy sold for ^650 and this is superior to it in every ^Sy ^ THE FOURTH FOLIO SHAKESPEARE. 518 SHAKESPEARE (William). Comedies, Histories and Tragedies to which IS added seven plays never before printed in folio. Portrait engraved by Martm Droeshout, with the verses underneath. Folio full old red morocco, elaborately blind and gold tooled, gilt edges, by Stagc.kmier andWelcher. London, 1685. ^^o.OO # A remarkably tall and fine copy, being 14 >/ in. by 9'^ in. The Daly coov (in modern binding) was 13?/ in. by 9 in. and sold for I410.00 The I?es copy was 13^! by 834: only. Both it will be noted much smaller and interior to the present copy. J^J'J-J'J.J.J.J. 519 c ►AINE (H. A.). History of English Literature, translated by H. Van Laun. 4 vols., 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. ^^ Edinburgh, n. d. Best edition. %V1 h^ 620 ^i^TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord). IMaud, and other Poems, first edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, (Moxon) 1855. $7.60 521 TENNYSON, (Alfred, Lord.) Enoch Arden, first edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1864. 5(3 5q 522 TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord). Queen Mary. 12mo, original cloth uncut. First edition. London, 1875. C2 5U 523 THACKERAY (Wm. M.). The Comic Almanack for 1839, twelve engravings by George Cruikshank, and containing first edition of Stubb's Calendar. 12mo, half maroon levant morocco, gilt tops. London, 1839. CJ05 qq %* Inserted is Thackeray's Original Autograph Letter to the printer from 13 Great Coram Street, Brunswick Square, March 27, 1839. " My Dear Sir:— I want thirty guineas for the twenty-four' pages this time, and the copyright of Stubbs after such reasonable time as will not hurt the sale of the C. Almanac for 1839." Also speaksof a projected series ot "Comic Tales" etc. With address and seal. 524 THOMSON (James). A of the New Sophonisba, a tragedy in answer to a Criticism on that play by a friend of the Authors' post. 8vo, half calf. London, 1730. $3.50 *#*"Sophonisba" was literally laughed ofT the stage, and the storv- of its pro- duction is celebrated in the annals of the stage. 625 TOM THUMB. The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, as it is acted at the Theatre in the Ilaymarket, with the Annotations of H. Scriblerus Secundus. Svo, new half citron levant morocco, gilt tops. London, (S. Watts) 1751. $4.50 *** A curious volume from the Daly collection. m 526 fy^ jgARD (H. G.) Mexico. Second Edition, enlarged; with an Account of the Mining Companies and of Political Events in that Republic until the present. Two maps and ij plates. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. London: Colburn, 1829. $12.50 *4f* Best edition. Scarce. 527 WALTONIANA. The Incomplete Angler, after Master Izaak Walton, edited by F. C. Burnard; ma?iy humorous illustrations by Harry Furniss; THE PLATES COLORED, 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1887. $22.50 *^e.* One of 26 copies only, with the plates colored. This is No. 16. 528 WARNER (Charles Dudley). The People for Whom Shakespeare Wrote. Illustrated, first edition. 12mo, half crimson crushed le\'ant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1897. $4.50 529 WEWITZER (R.). Brief Dramatic Chronology of Actors, etc., on the London Stage. 12mo, half green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1817. $5.50 *.^ Contains a monody on Sheridan, address on opening the New English Opera House, Lord Byron's address, spoken at the opening of the New Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 1812, etc. From the Daly collection. 530 WHITTIER (J. G.). The Vision of Echard, and other Poems. First edition. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1878. $1.60 531 WILKES (John). The Origin and Progress of Despotism in Africa, Europe and America. Title in red and black. 12mo, calf (cracked). Extremely rare. Amsterdam, 1764. $10.50 *^* The imprint is fictitious. The work, under a thin disguise, is really a plea for the colonies, and was privately printed at Wilkes's celebrated private press. The book was not regularly published until 1773. Fine copy. 997 D17 A catalogue rare books* of 1 A.'. .0. JUL 2 !^ 1949 997 D17