T L I B R A R V -*2 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. , — V OIKT OK • ^^^ Receive, , i88 Accemofis No.-^9 i^ c-<^ ..^ li ^. ^ r > M^ cw^ _^ X ^^;«.«x. tJ/ytjL..t^^<_^^6^a.d^-^-o -/er jn-^i^tn^ ^^^^CZjfi (T'^ /.. e=C ^-K~ « CArALOGUE OF THE >f)al^espeare iHemortal Eibrar^, BIRMINGHAM. BY J. D. MULLINS. PRINTED FOR THE FREE LIBRARIES COMMITTEE, OoS / CHISWICK PRESS : PRINTED BY VVHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. PREFACE. BIRMINGHAM. THE proposal for a Shakespeare Memorial Library was made by Mr. Samuel Timmins in 1858, and first publicly advocated by Mr. George Dawson in 1861. The project was further considered by the local Shakespeare Club in June, 1863; and on July 10, 1863, a meeting was held at the Philosophical Institution, Cannon Street, the Rev. Charles Evans in the chair, at which a committee was formed. Mr. J. H. Chamberlain, Mr. George Jabet, and Mr. Sam. Timmins were appointed Honorary Secretaries, and many donations were secured. On April 23, 1864 — the Tercentenary of Shakespeare's birth — a Public Breakfast was given by William Holliday, Esq. (Mayor), at the Royal Hotel, when a number of volumes were presented, with an Address and Deed of Gift, and were received and accepted by the Mayor, and subsequently by the Corporation, on behalf of the Town. In accordance with the Deed of Gift, the Town Council provided a suitable room set apart for the Shakespeare Library in the Central Reference and Lending Libraries, and after various unavoidable delays, the Shakespeare Library was completed and opened to the public by Thomas Avery, Esq., Mayor, on the 23rd of April, 1868. In the evening a Banquet was given by his Worship in celebration of an event reflecting so much honour on the town, and in recognition of the gene- rous labours of the Shakespeare Memorial Library Committee, consisting of his Worship the Mayor, M. D. Hill, Esq., Q.C., Rev. S. Bache, Rev. G. D. Boyle, Mr. J. T. Bunce, Mr. J. H. Chamberlain, Mr. George Dawson, Mr. Sebastian Evans, Rev. Charles Evans, Dr. Bell Fletcher, iv PREFACE. Mr. James Freeman, Mr.W. Harris, Dr. Heslop, Rev. T. N. Hutchinson, Dr. Ingleby, Mr. John Jaffray, Mr. George Jabet, Mr. G. J. Johnson, Mr. J. A. Langford, Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Mr. Thomas Martineau, Mr. William Martin, Mr. C. E. Mathews, Mr. Arthur Ryland, Mr. George Shaw, Mr. W. L. Sargant, Mr. J. H. Stack, Mr. Samuel Timmins, Mr. Edmund Tonks, and Rev. Charles Vince. The generous donation by Mr. Charles Knight of more than a hundred volumes, used in the preparation of his various editions of Shakespeare; of a copy of the Fourth Folio (1685) by Messrs. Henry Sotheran and Co.; of the fac-simile of the First Folio by Mr. Howard Staunton ; of an original quarto Henry V. (1608), and other volumes by Mr. J. O. Halliwell; of Boydell's folio Shakespeare by Mr. James Hunt; of Knight's Pictorial Shakespeare by the Birmingham Book Club ; of the Shakespeare Society's publications by Mr. Sebastian Evans; of Memorials of the Tercentenary by Mr. Samuel Whitfield ; the purchase by the Shakespeare Committee of the Second (1632) and Third (1663) Folio editions, of Halliwell's folio edition, sixteen volumes, and of many other rare and valuable books, have already made the Library a fair collection of Shakespearian works, and, in the words of Charles Knight, the Library already "realizes the best idea of honouring the memory of the greatest of England's sons." THt CATALOGUE OF THE Sijaktsptait Jiltmorial iifatciru, Btrmiurjljam, FOUNDED APRIL 23, 1864, THE TERCENTENARY OF SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTH. PORTIONS OR REPRINTS OF THE FIRST FOLIO. 5. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, Sc Tragedies. Publifhed according to the True Originall Copies. London Printed by Ifaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. [i vol. Folio] 1623. Three hundred leaves of the First Folio, with facsimiles of the preliminary leaves made by Ashbee. Some of the Plays are complete, as for instance, Henry V, the three parts of Henry VI, Titus Andronicus, and Measure for Measure. 7. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Publifhed according to the True Originall Copies. London Printed by Ifaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. [i vol. Folio] 1623. Reprint by J. Wright, St. John's Square, London, i vol. Folio. 1807. Contains, according to Mr. Upcott, 368 errors of the Press. (See "Notes and Queries," 1853, vol. 7, p. 47.) Another article on Mr. Upcott's collation, containing a list of all the important errors (amounting to 40) appears in "Notes and Queries," 1865, vol. 7, 3rd Series, p. 139. The paper for this reprint u'as made specially, and has the word " Shakespeare " in the water- mark, with the maker's name, and date, 1806. 8. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Publifhed according to the True Originall Copies. London Printed by Ifaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. [i vol. Folio] 1623. Shakespeare as put forth in i6z3. London Re-Printed for Lionel Booth, [i vol. Folio] 1864. This copy contains at the end, the reprint of Pericles, from the Third Folio, 1664. 9. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Publifhed according to the True Originall Copies. London Printed by Ifaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. 1623. Shakespeare as put forth in 1623. London Re-Printed for Lionel Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1864. 10. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Publifhed according to the True Originall Copies. London Printed by Ifaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. [i vol. Folio] 1623. Shakespeare. The First collected Edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. A Reproduction in exact Fac-simile of The Famous First Folio, 1623, by the Newly-discovered Process of Photo-Lithography. Executed, by exprefs permiffion of Lord Ellesmere and the Truftees of the Britifh Muleum, from the matchlefs Copies in Bridgewater House and in the National Library, at the Suggestion, and Under the Superintendence of H. Staunton. R. W. Preston, Photo-Lith. London: Day & Son ("i vol. Folio] 1866. B 2 Sfjaftespcarc fHtmoml Hibrarr?, Birmingj^am. THE SECOND FOLIO. 17. MR- William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Publifhed according to the true Originall Copies. The fecond hnprejfion. London.^ Printed by Tho. Cotes^ for Robert Jllot., and are to be fold at the figne of the Blacke Beare in Pauls Church-yard, [i vol. Folio] 1632. According to Bohn's Lowndes the imprint runs " Printed — and are to be sold at his s/iop at the signe," etc. In this copy "at his shop" is omitted. "There were several Proprietors of this edition, and each one seems to have had a title printed with his own name, so that some bear the name of Robert Allot, others William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, or John Smethvvick. (Mr. Lenox of New York has six variations of this title-page.) A copy of this 2nd edition is in existence, dated 1631. {Sic Lowndes, but he does not give his authority and we have no faith in the assertion.)" — Bohns Lozundcs. COLLATION: — Title-page, with Portrait, Jonson's lines opposite, signed " B. I.," and differing from the first Edition in the use of the letter "v" instead of "u" as in " Grauer," and in using capitals instead of small letters for the words " With," " Wit," " Brafle," and " Face," 2 leaves ; Dedication " To the most noble and incomparable Paire of Brethren, William Earle of Pembroke, and Philip Earle of Montgomery," one leaf; In the bottom line of the first page of the Dedication the word "same" is substituted for the word "like" of the first Edition ; " To the great -variety of Readers,''^ one leaf; " Vpon the Effigies of — " and "An Epitaph on — W. Shakespeare," (by John Milton, but unsigned), one leaf; [The verses on this leaf are not in the first Edition.] Two Poems to the Memory of Shakejpeare, signed L. Digges and I. M., one leaf; "The Names of the Principall Adlors in all these Playes," one leaf; Poems signed Ben Ionson, I.M.S , and Hugh Holland, with " A Catalogue of all the Comedies," etc., three leaves; in all 10 lea-ves ; The Tempest to the JVinters Tale, pp. 1 to 303: (pp. 46, 57, 58, 153, 194, 249, 250, 265, are misprinted 64, 79, 80, 151, 494, 251, 252, 273); King John to Henry IV, part 2, pp. I to 100: (in the paging, numbers 47 and 48 are omitted and pp. 89, 90, are misprinted 91, 92); Then a leaf containing Epilogve, and "The Actors Names" [i.e. characters of the Plays]; Henry V to Henry VIII, pp. 69-232: (pp. 94, 95, 164, 209, are misprinted 49, 59, 194, 120); Troylus and Cressida to Cymbeline, pp. I-168, 269-419: (pp. 96, 154, 286, 287, 341, 342, 351, 352, 355, 389, are misprinted 67, 134, 186, 187, 143, 144, 151, 152, 335, 399.) At the end of the Volume is " Printed at London by Thomas Cotes, for John Smethivick, fVilliam Ajpley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632." THE THIRD FOLIO. 18. MR- William Shakespeares Comedies, Hiftories, and Tragedies. Publifhed according to the true Original Copies. The Third ImpreJJion. London.^ Printed for Philip Chetwinde^ [i vol. Folio] 1663. "Copies with this date do not contain the seven spurious plays [which are printed in those copies dated 1664], and in some a space is left in the title page for the portrait; but in a few copies the portrait is engraved on the title-page, and the verses by Ben Jonson in large type on a leaf opposite." — Bohns Loivndes. This Edition is said to be very rare. COLLATION: — Title-page, including the Portrait; lines opposite, (signed " B. y.," not " B. I.," as in the former Editions; there is also a difference in the spelling of several words, those spelt drawne, out-doo, looke, booke, being in this Edition spelt drawn, out-doe, iook, book); The introductory matter, which is printed in a much larger type than in the second Edition, is arranged as follows : *' To the — Readers," 1 leaf; verses by L. Digges, y.M., Ben. Johnson, J. M.S., John Milton (unsigned), and Hugh Holland, 5 leaves; the names of the ABors and Catalogue of all the Comedies, etc., l leaf; in all 9 Ica-ves. [The Dedication " To — William Earle of Pembroke and Philip Earle of Montgomery " is not in this copy.] The Tempest to Cymbeline, pp. 1-877: (p. 39 is misprinted 36; pp. 108, 196, are misprinted 56, 194; pp. 201, 203, 223, are misprinted 103, 103, 123; pp. 276 and 304 are blank; p. 373 is misprinted 374; pp. 428, 433, are misprinted 433, 428; pp. 560 to 568, are repeated; pp. 576, 579, are misprinted 556, 559; in the paging, numbers 608, 665, and 666 are omitted; p. 619 is misprinted 617; pp. 657, 658, are repeated; pp. 714, 715 are repeated; pp. 779, 798, are misprinted 787, 799; pp. 861, 868, are misprinted 961,669; pp. 873, 875, 876, are misprinted 973, 879, 990.) iSnglis!) Istiitious of SfjaUcspeare's SKlorfts. 3 THE lOURTH FOLIO. 20. MR- William Shakefpear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Publifhed according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added. Seven Plays, Never before Printed in Folio, viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigal. The History of Thomas Lord Cromwel. Sir John Oldcajlle Lord Cobha?n. The Puritan Widow. A Torkjhire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. The Fourth Edition. London., Printed for H. Herringman., E. Brewjler., and R. Bentley., at the Anchor in the New Exchange., the Crane in St. Pauls Church-Yard, and in RuJ/el-Street Covent-Garden. [i vol. Folio] 1685. COLLATION :— Title-page, opposite which is Martin Droeshout's Portrait, with the verses by Ben Jonson underneath, signed " B. J." Shakespeare's name is spelt in this Edition without the final e ; the other differences in the spelling between this and the third Edition are, the words out-doe, Brajp, iurpaffe, which are here spelt outdo, Brais, furpafs. The original Portrait was used for this Edition, after having been re-touched ; it here occupies the leaf preceding the title, 2 leaves; Dedication "To William Earl of Pembroke and Philip E. of Montgomery," I leaf; "To the — Readers," together with verses signed L. Digges, J. M., Ben. Johmon, J. M. S., John Milton (unsigned;, and Hugh HolLnd, 2 leaves ; " The Names of the principal AFtors," and " Catalogue of all the Comedies,'" etc., I leaf (blank on reverse side); in all 6 lea-ve$ ; The Tempest to the Winter s Tale, pp. 1-272 : (p. 33 is misprinted 23 ; in the paging, numbers 97, 98, 161, and 162, are omitted; pp. 107, 109, are misprinted 109, iii; pp. 190, 191, are misprinted 186, 187; pp. 219, 246, are misprinted 221, 234; pp. 253 [misprinted 243] and 254, are repeated) ; King John to Romeo and Juliet, pp. 1-328: (pp. 88, 93, are misprinted 87, 92); Timon of Athens to Locrine, pp. 1-303 ; (p. 67 is misprinted 76). FIRST OCTAVO EDITION. 21. The Works of Mr. William Shake/pear; Adorn'd with Cuts. Revis'd and Correded, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By N. Rowe., Esq ; London : Printed for Jacob Ton/on. [6 vols. 8vo] 1709. Portrait of Shakespeare, engraved by Vander Gucht from the Chandos Picture. Copy of the Stratford Monument, very much altered ; the figures at the corners having, (lie one an hour-glass and the other a spade ; no pen in the hand of the Poet, nor any representation of scroll or book. This is the first octavo Edition, and the first with Plates. These Plates are very curious. That prefixed to Hamlet illustrates the passage " Look here upon this Picture, and on this," etc. [Act iii. sc. 4] and shows portraits hanging on the arras. Title-pages, and Dedication, 6 leaves, not paged. Life, pp. i to xl. There is but one pagination for the whole six vols., viz., from p. 1 to 3324. The following are the errors in pagination : Vol. i, p. 48 is misprinted 46; p. 55 — 53; p- 175 — 171; p. 185 — 181; vol. 2, p. 527 misprinted 727; p. 774— -rjy; pp. 846-47 — 826-27; p. 901—991; vol. 3, p. 1183 misprinted 1184; p. 1247—2247; p. 1454—1455; p. 1455—1454; p. J530— 530 ; vol- 4> p- 1566 misprinted 1567; p. 1567— 1585; p. 1993-1963; P- '99^— 99^5 ^?'- .5' P- ^439 misprinted 2436; pp. 2567-8 omitted in pagination; vol. 6, p. 2667 misprinted 2697; pp. 2701 — 2852; p. 2757—2767; pp. 2905 to 2920 — 3005 to 3020; pp 2937-3036 omitted in paginarion ; p. 3209 misprinted 3299. "Twenty years had been allowed to elapse since the puWicarion of the fourth folio, before popular opinion encouraged any London publisher to venture on a new or portable edition. Rowe unfortunately adopted the fourth and worst of the folio editions for his text, and corrected but few of its errors. His biography however is the most authentic we have." — Bohn's Loivndes. This was Charles Jennens' copy, and has Notes said to be in his handwriting. 21=. [There is a seventh volume added, which is usually found with this Edition, with the follov/ing title :] The Works of Mr. William 4 Si)«»lif6pciirf iilrmovtiil Htlirarj), Birmutgijam. Shakefpeare. Volume the Seventh. Containing Venus & Adonis, Tarquin & Lucrece And His Miscellany Poems. With Critical Remarks on his Plays, ^c. to which is Prefix'd an Essay on the Art, Rife and Progrefs of the Stage in Greece^ Rome and England. [By C. Gildon.] London: Printed for E. Curll. [l vol. 8vo] 1710. With Frontispiece and remarks on the Plays. "This volume is one of the piratical productions of Edmund Curll. It was first intended to be passed off as the ic-ventli volume oi Rowe's edition of Shakspeare. When Rowe published his second edition in 8 vols. 8vo, 17 14, Curll seems to have altered his title-page to 'Volume the Ninth.' The 'Essay' is by Char'es Gildon, whose criticisms and libels obtained for him a niche in the Dunciad." — Notes and ISeries, 2nd series, vol. 12, p. 349. Errors in Pagination: p. 104 misprinted 16} p. 225 — 125 ; pp. 228-29 — 128-29 ; pp. 301-302 omitted in pagination ; p. 461 misprinted 361. 23. The Works of Shakespear. Collated and Corrected by the former Editions, by Mr. Pope. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson in the Strand. [6 vols. 4to] 1723-25. Has two Portraits by G. Vertue ; one with a large ruff, said by Boaden really to represent King James ; the other as a part of the Monument at Stratford, (but very unlike the Bust now there, specially as representing on the Bust a profusion of hair,) seems to be a rough copy of the Chandos Portrait substituted for the one in the Monument. Has Pope's Preface, Rowe's Life of Shakespeare, a List of Subscribers, and an Index of characters, sentiments, speeches and descriptions. Vol. I is dated 1725; the other five vols, are dated 1723. 23^. [There is a seventh volume added, which is usually found with this edition, printed in 1725, with the following title :] The Works of Mr. IVilliam Shakespear. The Seventh Volume. Containing Venus and Adonis, Tarquin and Lucrece, and Mr. Shakefpears Miscellany Poems. To which is Prefix'd, Jn Essay on the Art, Rise, and Progress of the Stage, in Greece, Rome, and England. Jnd a Glossary of the Old Words us'd in thefe Works. The Whole RevisM and Corrected, with a Preface, by Dr. Sewell. London ; Printed by Darby for Bettesworth, etc. [i vol. 4to] 1725. At the end of the Poems in this volume, (pp. 1-324,) the pagination recommences with p. 321 to 454, comprising "Remarks on the Plays of Shakespear" [by C. Gildon,] not mentioned on the title-page. 24. The Works of Shakespear. Collated and Corrected by the former Editions, by Mr. Pope. The Second Edition. London : Tonson. [10 vols, duo.] 1728. There are two Portraits, very unlike each other; one by Du Guernicr, a Medallion, surrounded by Fame blowing a trumpet. Tragedy, Comedy, etc. The other professes to represent the Monument at Stratford, but has a different Bust, as in the Edition of 1723-5. Plates by Du Guernier and Fourdrinier, Preface by Pope, and Life by Rowe. "This edition is said to contain additional notes and corrections." — Bohns Loivndes. 26. The Works of Shakespeare. Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and Corre6led. With Notes, Explanatory, and Critical ; by Mr. Theobald. London: Printed for Bettesworth, Hitch, etc. [7 vols. 8vo] 1733- Has the Arlaud and Duchange Portrait; Preface, and List of Subscribers. "An edition of considerable merit, notwithstanding the abuse of it by Pope and Warburton." "It appears, (by reference to Mr. Tonson's books) that Theobald received £,(i^2. los. as his share of profits on his various editions, of which in all no fewer than 12,860 copies were printed. No other editor had gained so much. Rowe received only ^^36. los. ; Pope, £217.; Warburton, ,^560. ; Dr. Johnson, £4.^0. ; and Capell, /C'i'^'^'- ■^"''"''^ Loiundcs. ((uinvEPv iEuglisJ) iEUitious of SijaUcsiJfaicft astorfes. 5 27. The Works of Shakespeare. London : Tonson. [8 vols, duo.] 1735. Medallion Portrait of Shakespeare, surrounded by allegorical figures Plates by Fourdrinier, Du Guernier, etc. The 8th vol. contains the doubtful Plays. The general title-page to each volume has date 1635, but the titles to each of the Plays have dates 1734, etc. In this Edition is an Advertisement, by Tonson, relating to Walker's "pirated editions." It says " Whereas one R. Walker has propofed to Pirate all Shakefpear's Plays ; but through "ignorance of what Plays are Shakefpear's, did, in feveral advertifements propofe to print "Oedipus King of Thebes, as one of Shakefpear's Plays; and has fmce printed Tate's King " Lear inftead of Shakespear's, and in that and Hamlet has omitted almoft one half of the " Genuine Editions printed by Tonfon and Proprietors. The World will therefore judge how "likely they are to have a compleat Colleftion of Shakefpear's Plays from the faid R. Walker." 29. The Works of Shakespear. Carefully Revised and Corrected by the former Editions, [by SirT. Hanmer,] and Adorned with Sculptures defigned and executed by the beft hands. [Hayman, Gravelot, etc.] Oxford: Printed at the Theatre. [o vols. 410] 1743-44. Portrait from the Chandos, H. Gravelot, sculp. Copy of the Monument in Westminster Abbey, H. Gravelot, delin. et sculp. Copy of the Monument at Stratford, altered as in Pope's Edition, H. Gravelot, sculp. Prefaces by Hanmer and Pope. Life by Rowe. " This edition, though founded on Pope's, and wilder even in conjectural criticism, rose to the value of ;^io. los. before it was reprinted in 1770-71, while Pope's six quartos were at the same period sold off at Tonson's sale for i6s. per copy." — Bohri's Lcnvndes. 30. The Works of Shakespeare. Carefully Revised and Corrected by the former Editions. London : Knapton, Longman, etc. [6 vols. 8vo] 1745. "This edition is exactly copied from that lately printed in Sluarto at Oxford ; but the editor of that [Hanmer] not having thought proper to point out the Alterations he has made from the former Copies, we were advifed to mark thofe Paffages in the Text thus ' *, and place the difcarded Readings at the bottom of the Page, tta.'"— Extract from "Ad-rjerthement." Portrait, by Arlaud, engraved by Duchange. With Preface from Hanmer's Edition, Preface by Pope, and Life by Rowe. 31. The Works of Shakespear. The Genuine Text (collated with all the former Editions, and then correiled and emended) is here fettled : Being reftored from the Blunders of the firft Editors, and the Interpolations of the two Laft : with a Comment and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Mr. Pope and Mr. Warburton. London : J. and P. Knapton, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1747. Has Portrait engraved by Vertue ; Prefaces by Warburton and Pope, and Life by Rowe. "This edition, founded on Pope's, is thought to be the worst of all, and was never esteemed. The editor does little more than make his author a stalking-horse for the display of his own learning, though some of his conjectures and illustrations are happy."- — Bohns Loivndes. At the end of the eighth volume is an "Index of the Characters, Sentiments, Similes, Speeches and Descriptions in Shakespeare^ 32. The Works of Shakespear. With a Glossary. Carefully printed from the Oxford [Hanmer's] Edition, 1744. London: Printed for J. and P. Knapton. [9 vols, duo.] 1747. Portrait from the Chandos, Preface, Life by Rowe, and the Preface by Pope. Also a copy of the Monument in Westminster Abbey. 35. The Works of Shakespear. With a Glossary. Carefully 6 SijaUcspeare iWanon'al 3Ltl)rari), Bt'rmingijam. printed from the Ox/ord Edition^ 1744- London: Printed for Knapton, etc. [9 duo.] 1750-1. Portrait, altered from the Chandos Picture by Vander Gucht. This impression of the Portrait looks to the left ; those in Theobald's Editions, to the right. Has Pope's Preface and Rowe's Life. Vols. I and 9 have date 1751, the rest 1750. 36. The Works of Shakespeare : Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and Corrected : with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical : by Mr. Theobald. The Third Edition. London : Knapton^ Birt^ Longman., etc. [8 vols, duo.] 1752. Portrait, altered from the Chandos, (looking to the right,) engraved by Vander Gucht. Plates by Gravelot, engraved by Vander Gucht. Has Preface, etc. Bobns Lotvndes says this is the second Edition with new title-page. 38. The Works of Shakespeare : Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and Correiled : with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical : By Mr. Theobald. London : Printed for Hitch, Hawes, etc. [8 vols, duo.] 1757. With Portrait, engraved by Vander Gucht, Plates by Gravelot, and Preface. 41. The Works of Shakespeare : Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and CorrecSled : with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical : by Mr. Theobald. London: Printed for Hitch, Hawes, etc. [8 vols, duo.] 1762. Portrait, altered from the Chandos Picture by Vander Gucht. Plates by Gravelot and Vander Gucht. Has Preface, etc. 42. The Plays of William Shakespeare, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators ; to which are added Notes by Sam. Johnson. London: Tonson, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1765. Portrait engraved by Vertue. Has Johnson's Preface, The Players' Preface [Heminge and Condell], and the Prefaces by Pope, Theobald, and Warburton. Life of Shakespeare by Rowe. " Though this edition disappointed public expectation, which had been highly raised, it was acknowledged to be superior to any of its predecessors, and the Preface commanded universal admiration." — Bohn's Loivndes. "The Preface to his Shakespeare certainly is far superior to his other introductory discourses, both fuller of matter and more elaborate. His remarks on the great dramatist are generally speaking sound and judicious j many of them may even, on a subject sufficiently hackneyed, be deemed original. The boldness with which his many critical objections were offered, deserves not the less praise that Shakespeare's numberless and gross faults are easy to discern ; because, in presence of the multitude, one might say, even of the English nation at large, their obvious nature and considerable magnitude has never made them very safe to dwell upon. The Preface is more to be commended than the work itself. As a commentator, he is certainly far from successful." — Lord Brougham : Li-ves of Men of Letters, etc. Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare.^ reprinted by Steevens.^ 1 766. See Selections. 45. The Works of Shakespeare : Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and Corre6led ; with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical : by Mr. Theobald. Printed Verbati?n from the Octavo Edition. London : Printed for Woodfall, Bathurft, etc. [8 vols, duo.] 1767. Portrait, altered from the Chandos, by Vander Gucht. Plates by Gravelot, etc. Has Preface, etc. 47. Mr William Shakespeare his Comedies, Histories., and Tragedies., fet out by himfelf in quarto., or by the Players his Fellows in folio., and now faithfully republiJFd from those Editions ; with an Introduction : whereunto lEnglisi^ ISOitiottS of Sijaftcspcare's affilorfts. 7 will be added^ in fome other Volumes^ Notes^ critical and explanatory^ and a Body of Various Readings entire. [By Edward Capell.] London : Printed by Leach for Tonson. [lO vols. 8vo] 1767-8. Medallion Portrait, vol. I, p. 74. J. Miller, sculp. Has an Introduction of 74 pp. and a table of the early quartos and folios, but no Notes. " Capell was a careful and industrious editor, and is praised for the purity of his collations, but not for any ingenuity ; the notes and various readings promised on the title-page were not printed till 1779-80, and then only in 4to." — Bohns Loivndes. For these volumes of Notes and various Readings He Shakespeariana. 48. TheWorksof 6'/;i?/^«/>^tfr, from Mr. /*5/)^V Edition. Birmingham: Printed and fold by R. Martin. [9 vols, duo.] 1768. Has Portrait in Medallion looking to the right ; figure of Tragedy standing with dagger and cup. Comedy seated, with mask, etc. ; Plate has no engraver's name. " This edition was printed with Baskerville's types, at the suggestion of Mr. Garrick, and sold at Stratford during the Jubilee." — Bohri's Loivndes. 49. The Plays of William Shakespeare, v^^ith the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators ; To w^hich are added Notes by Sam. Johnson. London : Printed for H. Woodfall, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1768. Portrait by Vertue, Prefaces, etc., same as in first Edition, 1765. 51. The Works of Shakespear. [Edited by Sir Thos. Hanmer.] Adorned w^ith Sculptures [by Hayman and Gravelot.] The Second Edition. Oxford, Printed at the Clarendon Press. [6 vols. 4to] 1770-71. Has copy of the Chandos Portrait, of the Stratford Monument, as altered for Pope's Edition, and of the Monument in Westminster Abbey. Advertisement and Preface, 6 pp. Also Pope's Preface, and Life by Rowe. 53. The Plays of Shakespeare, from the Text of Dr. S. Johnson. With the Prefaces, Notes, dfrV., of Rowe, Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, Johnson, and /elect Notes from ?nany other Critics. y/AiJ, the Introduilion of the lafl Editor Mr. Capell ; and a Table /hewing his various Readings. Dublin : Ewing. [7 vols duo., usually bound in 12] I77i' Portrait, (a statue, pointing to the lines " the cloud-capped towers," etc.,) engraved by P. Halpin ; another "from a Portrait which formerly belonged to Sir W. Davenant," drawn by Reilly and engraved by Picot, at the top of p. 3 vol. I. ("The Tempest".) Allegorical Vignettes. The Poems form vol. 7. 54. The Works of Shakespeare. Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and Correded : with Notes, Explanatory and Critical : By Mr. Theobald. London: Printed for R. Crowder, etc. [12 vols, duo.] 1772. 56. The Works of Shakespeare : Collated with the Oldeft Copies, and Correiled ; with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical : by Mr. Theobald. Printed Verbatim from the 06lavo Edition. London : Printed for C. Bathurft, etc. [8 vols, duo.] 1773. Portrait, altered from the Chandos Picture by Vander Gucht. Plates by Gravelot, etc. 8 Sf)tiUfsprarf i*lfmon«il Hibrari), Btrmmgfjam. 57. The Plays of William Shalcespeaie. With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators ; To which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. With an Appendix. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, etc. [lO vols. 8vo] 1773- Portrait, engraved by Vertue. Has Prefaces by Johnson, Heminge and Condell, Pope, Theobald, and Warburton, Life by Rowe, and Steevens' Advertisement to his "Twenty Plays." "This edition, in which were united the native powers of Dr. Johnson, with the activity, sagacity, and antiquarian learning of George Steevens, superseded all previous editions, and became the standard for future editors and publishers." — Bohns Loivndes. 58. BeWs Edition of Shakespeare's Plays, as they are now performed at the Theatres Royal in London ; Regulated from the Prompt Books of each House by Permission ; with Notes Critical and Illustrative ; by the Authors of the Dramatic Censor [/.^. Francis Gentleman.] London : yohn Bell^ etc. [9 vols, duo.] 1774. Portrait, " Wm. Shakespear at the age of 40," engraved by J. Hall, 1772. Vol. 9, contains another, Medallion Portrait, in title-page. Plates by E. Edwards, Isaac Taylor, etc. Vol. I contains an "Essay on Oratory." "This edition is said to be 'the worst ever published,' nevertheless, it had more success than any of its predecessors, and no fewer than 8,000 copies were sold in one week." — Bohti's Loiundes. 59. The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators ; to which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The Second Edition, Revised and Augmented. London, Printed for C. Bathurft, etc. [10 vols. 8vo] 1778. Has the Droeshout and Marshall Portraits ; also Prefaces by Johnson, Heminge and Condell, Pope, Theobald, and Warburton; Advertisement to the Reader, by Steevens j Steevens' Advertisement to his Edition of the " Twenty Plays," and Rowe's Life. 59s. [To this Edition is added the supplement by Malone, with the following title :] Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare's Plays published in 1778 By Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Containing Additional Observations by several of the former Commentators : to which are subjoined the Genuine Poems of the same Author, and Seven Plays that have been ascribed to him ; With Notes By the Editor and others. London, Printed for C. Bathurft, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1780. Has two Plates ; Shakespeare's Birthplace, and Portrait of the Earl of Southampton. 60. StockdaWs Edition of Shakspeare : Including, In one Volume^ the Whole of his Dramatic Works ; with Explanatory Notes compiled from various Commentators [by S. Ayscough.] Embellished with a striking Likeness of the Author. London : Printed for John Stockdale. [i vol. 8vo] 1784. The Portrait is that in the full ruft", by Vertue, 1721. This is the first modern Edition in one volume. 61. The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators ; to which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The Third Edition, revised and lEuglisf) iEUitions of SijaUfsiJcare's astoifts. 9 augmented by the Editor of Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays, [Isaac Reed.] London, Printed for C. Bathurst, etc, [lO vols. 8vo] 1785, Portrait engraved from the Chandos Picture, by John Hall ; also copy of the Droeshout Portrait at p. 177, and of Marshall's Portrait prefixed to the Poems, 1640, at p. 200. Facsimiles of signatures to the will at p. 204; preliminary matter as in Johnson and Steevens' Edition of 1773, with additions. This copy is annotated ; nearly every margin being filled with M.S. Notes, which, according to a Note signed "S. W. S.," are in the handwriting of G. Hardinge, author of "Essence of Malone." "This edition, owing to some arbitrary alterations and omissions, is not preferred to its predecessor." — Bohn's Loivndes. 63. The Dramatick JVr'itings of Will. Shakspere, With the Notes of all the various Commentators ; Printed Complete from the best Editions of Sam. ^Johnson and Geo. Steevens. London : John Bell, [11 vols, duo., bound in 12] 1786-8. Ten volumes, 1786, besides the Prolegomena, 1788. Has the Droeshout and Marshall Portraits, and Plates by Rhamberg, Grignion, Bartolozzi, etc., of Players in character. (Query, the first Edition with Portraits of Players?) The Prolegomena contain the Prefaces by Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, Johnson, and Steevens ; Essay on the Origin of the English Stage ; Rowe's Life of Shakspere, Malone's Chronology ; on the Portraits of Shakspere, etc. The Notes referred to on the title-page are not found in this copy. 65. The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere, With the Notes of all the various Coiyimentators ; Printed complete from the best Editions of Sam. fohnson and Geo. Steevens. London : John Bell. [20 vols, duo.] 1788. With the Annotations, etc. This has Prolegomena, the Chandos, Droeshout, and Marshall Portraits, Portraits of Pope, Hanmer, Warburton, Johnson, Capell, Malone, Garrick, and Rowe. The Plays have scene and character Plates. 66. Shakspeare's Dramatic Works ; with Explanatory Notes. A New Edition. To which is now added, a Copious Index to the remarkable Passages and Words. By the Rev. Samuel Ayscough. Embellished with a striking Likeness of Shakspeare, from the Original Folio Edition — [Engraved by W. Sherwin.] London: John Stockdale. [3 vols. 8vo] 179c. Has two short Prefaces, List of Subscribers, and Life by Rowe. 67. The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare. Collated verbatim with the most authentick Copies, and revised : with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators ; to which are added, an Essay on the Chronological Order of his Plays ; an Essay relative to Shakspeare and Jonson ; a Dissertation on the three Parts of King Henry VL ; an Historical Account of the English Stage ; and Notes; by Edmond Malone. London: Printed by H. Baldwin. [10 vols. 8vo] 1790. Portrait from the Chandos Picture by Ozias Humphry ; also, Portraits of Johnson, Tyrwhitt, Farmer, Edwards, (Shaksperian critics,) J. Lowin, the actor, and of the Earl of Southampton. Volume I is in two parts, and contains the various Prefaces, (including Malone's, of 79 pages,) Rowe's Life, additional Anecdotes of Shakspeare, etc. "Malone has always been accredited as a very painstaking and faithful, though not brilliant, editor ; nevertheless Dr. Symmons, a recent biographer of Shakespeare, says of him, ' Neither the indulged fancy of Pope, nor C 10 SijaUcsjJcare fttcmorial Hiiirarp, Btrmingijam. the fondness for innovation in Hanmer, nor the arrogant and headlong self-confidence of Warburton, has inflicted such cruel wounds on the text of Shakspeare as the assuming dulness of Malone. Barbarism and broken rhythm dog him at the heels wherever he treads.'" — Bohni Lcnvndes. 68. The Plays of William Shalcfpeare. London : Bellamy and Robarts. [8 vols. 8vo] 1791. Contains a Portrait, altered from the Chandos Picture, by Walker. Also two Illustrations to each Play, and sixteen " Allegories." Also a Life of Shakspeare, and Poems by Akenside, Sheppard, Johnson, Cooper, etc. 69. The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators. To which are added, Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The Fourth Edition. Revised and Augmented (with a Glossarial Index) by the Editor of Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. [Isaac Reed.] London : Printed for Longman, Law, etc. [15 vols. 8vo] 1793. Contains the preliminary matter, as in the Edition of 1778-80, and also, an Essay on Shakspeare, Ford, and Jonson, Farmer's Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare, etc. "This, generally called * Steevens' own edition,' is by many considered the most accurate and desirable of all the editions." — Bohri'i Loivndes. 70. The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare ; With Notes by Joseph Rann, A.M., Vicar of St. Trinity, in Coventry. Oxford : At the Clarendon Press. [6 vols. 8vo] 1786-94. 71. The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare. Collated verbatim with the most Authentick Copies, and Revised : with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators j to which are added, an Essay on the Chronological Order of his Plays ; an Essay relative to Shakspeare and Jonson ; a Dissertation on the Three Parts of King Henry VI. an Historical Account of the English Stage, and Notes ; by Edmond Malone. Dublin : Printed by John Exshaw. [16 vols. 8voJ 1794- Portrait, altered from the Chandos Picture by Ozias Humphry, and Plates. Preliminary matter. Prefaces, etc., same as in Malone"s Edition of 1790. 72. The Works of William Shakespeare, in which the Beauties observed by Pope^ Warburton^ and Dodd^ are pointed out. Together with the Author's Life, a Glossary, Copious Indexes, and, a List of the various Readings. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute. [8 vols. 8vo] 1795. Has "The Scots Editors Preface," Pope's Preface, and Rowe's Life of Shakespeare. "This Edition of Shakespeare is correctly printed from the famous Edition of 1753, by Dr. Hugh Blair." — Note at back of title. 73. The Works of William Shakespeare. In which the Beauties observed by Pope., JVarburton^ and Dodd.^ are pointed out. Together with the Author's Life, A Glossary, copious Indexes, and a List of the various Readings. Glasgow: Duncan, Robertson, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1795. Printed from the Text of Blair's Edition, with "The Scots Editors Preface," and Pope's Preface. iEuglisij iSHittons of S^jaftcspcare's aeorftjs. n [The Works of Shakespeare. Philadelphia: 1 795. (The first American Edition.) Not yet in the Library. Much wanted.'] 74. The Plays of William Shakspeare. London : Bellamy and Robarts. [8 vols. 8vo] 1796 Has Portrait, altered from the Chandos, by Walker, two scenes to each Play, and sixteen " Allegories." Also, a Lite of Shakespeare. 77. The Works of William Shakspeare., containing his Plays and Poems \ to which is added a Glossary. London : Robinson. [7 vols. Svo] 1797- Printed in large type, without Notes. The dedication of "Venus and Adonis," to the Earl of Southampton, is placed before the whole works, in vol. I, and is immediately succeeded by The Tempest. 78. The Plays of JVilUam Shakspeare. London : Longman, etc. [6 vols. Svo] 1797. Apparently a reprint of the preceding book, with new title-pages, but without volume 7, the Poems and Glossary; and in place of "dedication" is a leaf containing Advertisement, "to the public." 81. The Dramatic Writings of Will, Shakespeare. With Intro- ductory Prefaces to each Play. Printed complete from the Best Editions. Printed for D. Ogilvie and Sons, London. [9 vols, duo.] 1798. 82. Th^Wovk?, oi Shakespeare. Berwick: [9 vols, duo.] 1800. Head of Shakespeare in title. Life of Shakespeare [by Rowe] pp. v-xxi. Bohn^s Lowndes says " with prefaces to each play ; " this has no Prefaces. 83. The Plays of William Shakspeare. London : Printed by Bensley. [12 vols, duo,] 1800. Has a somewhat uncommon Portrait, "Ridley sculpt." Vignette of swan on title-page, and Plates by Stothard and others. Life by Rowe, Preface by Johnson, Essay by Farmer, and short preliminary observations to each Play. The Plays appear to have been printed singly, and issued separately, as they have independent paginations, and various dates, 1 798-1 799. The general title-page is dated 1800. It is called " Harding's Edition." [J Reprint of the 15 volu?ne Edition of Johnson^ Steevens., and Reed., was printed at Basle., in 1799- 1 802, /or which see '■'■German Editions.'''''] 86. The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, Revised by George Steevens. London : Printed by Bulmer for Boydell and Nicol. [g vols. Folio] 1802. With Plates, by Stothard, Smirke, etc. " A magnificent edition." 87. The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. Revised by George Steevens. London : Printed by Bulmer for Boydell and Nicol. [9 vols. Folio] 1802. This copy does not contain Plates, as the previous one does, but is accompanied by two volumes, elephant folio, of Plates from designs by Fuseli, Northcote, Opie, etc. 88. The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators. To which are added, Notes, by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The Fifth Edition. Revised 12 Sfjaftespcarc fitemonal Hihxaxp, Biimingtiam. and augmented by Isaac Reed, with a Glossarial Index. London : Printed for J. Johnson, etc. [21 vols. 8vo] 1803. Felton Portrait, Neagle, sculpt. Has Advertisement by Reed, " Mr. Richardson's Proposals," Capell's Introduction, Malone's Preface, and the other Prefaces, preliminary matter, etc., as in the previous editions of Johnson and Steevens. " This edition is an amplification of that °f I793> ^rid was left in an advanced state of preparation by Mr. George Steevens, who died in 1800. Mr. Reed received ;£'300 for editing it, Mr. Harrison jQioo for correcting the press."' — Bo/in's Lowndes. 89. The Plays of William Shakspeare, Jccurately printed fro?n the text of the Corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq. With Glossarial Notes. London : Johnson, Baldwin, etc. [9 vols, duo.] 1803. Felton Portrait, " Warren, sculpt." Has Life of Shakespeare by Rowe, Notes at the end of each Play J Advertisement at commencement, signed W. H. 91. The Plays of IFilliam Shakspeare., in miniature. Sharpe's Edition. London: C. Whittingham. [9 vols. 24010] 1803-4. Portrait by R. Corbould, from a gem by E. Burch. 94. The Plays of IVilliam Shakespeare. Edinburgh : Printed by Thomas Turnbull. [9 vols, duo.] 1804. 95. The Plays of William Shakspeare. London : Printed by Bensley for Wynne and Scholey, and Wallis. [10 vols. 8vo] 1803-5. Portrait, from the Picture in the possession of Mr. Richardson, by Thurston, engraved by Warren. Woodcut Vignettes to each Play, after Thurston's Designs. Vol. i contains Rowe's Life of Shakspeare. Each Play has a distinct pagination, and selected "observations" on it. Vol. 9 contains the Prefaces by Heminge and Condell, Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, and Johnson; two Advertisements by Steevens; Capell s Introduction; Monck Mason's Preface to his Comments ; Farmer's Essay on Shakspeare ; Malone's Preface, Essay on the Chronology of Shakspeare's Plays, and History of the Stage. VoL lo consists of selected Annotations from the various Commentators, and Glossary. 96. The Plays of William Shakspeare, Accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq. With a series of Engravings from original designs of Henry Fuseli, and a selection of Explanatory and Historical Notes, from the most eminent Com- mentators ; A History of the Stage., a Life of Shakspeare., l^c, by Alexander Chalmers. London: Rivingtons, etc. [9 vols. 8vo] 1805. Has Portrait, [The Felton,] by Neagle, but wants the Plates. Has Prefaces by Johnson, Pope, and Chalmers. 98. The Plays of William Shakspeare, with Notes of various Commentators. Edited by Manley Wood. London : Printed for George Kearsley. [14 vols. 8vo] 1806. Portrait from a Picture in the possession of Mr. Richardson, engraved by Warren, and Plates by 'I'hurston, etc. Rowe's Life of Shakespeare, and Johnson's Preface. 99. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare : with Explanatory Notes. To which is added, a Copious Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words, by S. Ayscough. London; Stockdale. [2 vols. 8vo] 1807. Has Portrait, engraved by Bennett, two short Prefaces, and Life of Shakespeare by Rowe. This copy wants vol. 3, the Index. Has two title-pages, and is called two vols., but has onlv one pagination, from p. i to 1079. isnglisi^ iHDttions of Sljaftespcav^'g JMKorfts. 13 101. The Family Shakespeare. [By Bowdler.] R. Cruttwell, Bath. [4 vols, duo.] 1807. 102. The Plays of Shaicspeare. Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, and Isaac Reed. London : Longman. [Printed by Ballantyne, Edinburgh. 12 vols. 8vo] 1807. Felton Portrait, engraved by Evans, and Vignettes from Stothard, etc. Has an "Advertisement," but no Prefaces or Lite. 103. The Plays of William Shaicspeare. From the Corrected Text of Johnson and Steevens. Embellished vi^ith Plates, [by Stothard, Fuseli, etc., engraved by Heath] London: Stockdale. [6 vols. 4to] 1807. 105. The Plays of William Shakespeare, from the Correct Edition of Isaac Reed, Esq. London : Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe. [12 vols. 8vo] 1809. With Woodcuts from Thurston's Designs. Rowe's Life, Johnson's Preface, and Farmer's Essay. Shakespeare's Popular Dramatic Works ^ Newcastle on Tyne^ 1809. See Selections. 107. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the Corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq. With Glossarial Notes [by A. Chalmers.] A New Edition. London : Nichols, Rivingtons, etc. [10 vols, duo.] 181 1. Has Rowe's Life of Shakspeare, Advertisement signed " W. H.," and Johnson's Preface. 113. The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators. To which are added. Notes, by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Revised and augmented by Isaac Reed, with a Glossarial Index. The Sixth Edition. London : Printed for Nichols and Son, etc. [21 vols. 8vo] 18 13. Felton Portrait, engraved by W. Holl. "The proof-sheets of this edition were corrected by Mr. Harris, Librarian of the Royal Institution." — Bohn's Loivndes. Vol. 2 has a figure seated, contemplating a Bust of Shakespeare ; figure of a man, big, empty, and self-complacent, seems about to " improve " Shakespeare, whose Bust looks contemptuous and angry. Preliminary matter, the same as in the Edition of 1803. The Plays of Shakspeare^ from the text of Steevens' corrected copy. Leipsic, 1 804-1 8 1 3. See Ger?nan Editions, 117. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. Whittingham's Edition. Chiswick: C. Whittingham. [7 vols. i8mo] 1814. "With two hundred and thirty embellishments, remarks on the Life and Writings, by John Britton, the Preface by Dr. Johnson, and a Glossarial Index ; " also, a list of detached Essays and Dissertations on Shakspeare. 118. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. London : Thomas Tegg. [12 vols. 8vo] 1812-1815. Portrait of Shakespeare, by Thurston, engraved by Rhodes. Plates by Thurston. Has the Life, by Rowe, Johnson's Preface, Farmer's Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare, and Notes at' the end of each Plav. 14 Sljafeespcarc fWcmorial Hitrari), Birmingijam. 120. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. Whittingham's Edition. Chiswick : C. Whittingham. [7 vols. i8mo] 18 18. Embellished with 230 Woodcuts by Thurston, with a Life of Shakspeare by John Britton, (revised,) Preface by Dr. Johnson, and List of detached Essays and Dissertations on Shakspeare. 121. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. Whittingham's Edition. Chiswick: C. Whittingham. [9 vols. i8mo] 1818. An impostor ; has the title-page of Whittingham's Edition, and is illustrated, but is inferior in type, and is printed by Maurice, of Fenchurch Street, for Bumpus, Holborn Bars. Text of Johnson and Steevens, with Johnson's Preface and remarks on each Play. 125. The Plays of Shakspeare. Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, and Isaac Reed. London: Hurst, etc. [Printed by Ballantyne, Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo] 18 19. 130. The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators : Comprehending a Life of the Poet, and an Enlarged History of the Stage, by the late Edmond Malone. IFith a new Glossarial Index. London: Rivingtons, etc. [21 vols, 8vo] 1821. Chandos Portrait, "Fry, sculpt." in vol. i. Portrait after a miniature in the possession of Sir J. B. Burgess, "Agar, sculpt." in vol. 2. "Malone having at his death in 1812 bequeathed the extensive and valuable collections which he had prepared for a new edition to his friend James Boswell, the present edition has the advantage of them." — Bohn^i Loivndes. Contents of Prolegomena in this Edition : Vol. I. Advertisement, (50 pp.) by Boswell. Memoir of Edmond Malone by Boswell. Prefaces of Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, and Johnson ; Steevens' Advertisements, 1766, 1773, 1793, and 1803; Capell's Introduction; Reed's Advertisements, 1785, and 1803; Malone's Preface, 1790; Preface to Mr. Richardson's Proposals; Mr. Richardson's Proposals and Supplement ; Farmer on the Learning of Shakspeare ; Appendix to Colman's Translation of Terence; Ancient Translations from Classical Authors; List of detached Criticisms on Shakspeare ; Shakspeare, Ford, and Jonson ; Rowe's Life of Shakspeare ; Additional Anecdotes. Commendatory Poems on Shakspeare. Essay on Phraseology and Metre. Vol. 2. Malone's Life of Shakspeare, with an Essay on the Chronological Order of the Plays ; Appendix ; Shakspeare's Coat of Arms ; Conveyance from Walker to Shakspeare ; Shakspeare's Mortgage; Declaration of Trust, by Heminge, etc.; Shakspeare's Will; Extracts from the Stratford Register ; Entries on the Stationers' books ; List of the early Editions of Shakspeare ; Dedication and Preface of the Players, 1623; Modern Editions; Plays ascribed to Shakspeare ; Plays altered from Shakspeare ; Character of Aubrey, the Antiquary. Vol. 3. Malone's History of the Stage ; Additions from Henslowe's Register ; Additions by Steevens ; Appendix from Malone's Papers ; Further Account of the Stage, from Chalmers ; Addenda, from the same ; Markland's I)issertation on the Chester Mysteries 131. The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. London : Black. [3 vols, duo.] 1821. Vignette title-pages by Corbould, representing History, Comedy, and Tragedy. These vignette titles have the date 1820. 132. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, from the Text of Johnson, Stevens \sic]^ and Reed ; with Glossarial Notes, his Life, and a Critique on his Genius & Writings, by Nicholas Rowc, Esq. London : Mason and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1822. Portrait [from the Chandos] by Heath, and Frontispiece representing Shakespeare surrounded by various scenes from the Plays, by Heath. Woodcut of the Seven Ages on the title-page. iEnglisi^ 3Etiittons of Si^afeesjjearc's SKlorfts. 15 135. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copies left by the late George Steevens, Esq., and Edmond Malone, Esq., with Mr. Malone's various Readings ; a Selection of Explanatory and Historical Notes, from the Most Eminent Commentators; a History of the Stage^ and a Life of Shakspeare ; by Alexander Chalmers. A New Edition. London : Rivingtons, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1823. Chandos Portrait, engraved by Fry. Plates. Prefaces by Pope and Johnson, and a Glossary. 136. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq. IVith Glossarial Notes. A New Edition. London : Rivingtons, etc. [10 vols, duo.] 1823. Portrait, copy of the Chandos, Dean, sculpt. Has Rowe's Life, Johnson's Preface, Notes, and an Advertisement signed W. H. 137. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ; to which are added his Miscellaneous Poems. London : Printed for J. H. Bohte. [i vol. 8vo] 1823. Portrait by Thurston and Rivers, altered from the Droeshout, published by Sherwin & Co., June, 1 82 1. Life of Shakspeare by Rowe, and Glossarial Notes. 138. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, from the Text of Johnson, Stevens [^/V], and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, his Life, and a Critique on his Genius & Writings, by Nicholas Rowe, Esq. London: Printed for Mason and Co., etc. [i vol. 8voJ 1823. With portrait from the Chandos, by Heath. Frontispiece, representing various scenes from Shakspeare's Plays by Heath. 139. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, with a Glossary. Chiswick : Whittingham. [i vol. duo.] 1823. " In this edition, as originally printed, the play of Midsummer Night's Dream was omitted, but was afterwards inserted." — Bohns Loivndes. See pp. 8 1 to 94, in duplicate, '81 to 94". 140. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, from the correct Edition of Isaac Reed, Esq. With Copious Jnnotations. London: Walker, etc. [i2 vols. 8vo] 1823. Stereotype Edition. Has Rowe's Life of Shakespeare, Johnson's Preface, and Farmer's Essay on Shakespeare. 143. The Plays of William Shakspeare, Accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq. With Glossarial Notes. To which are prefixed. An Account of the Life and Writings of Shakspeare^ By Mr. Rowe, and Dr. Johnson's celebrated Preface to his Edition of Shakspeare, printed in 1765. London ; Otridge and Rackham, etc. [10 vols, 8vo] 1824. Has a new Portrait, with large lace ruft", R. Cooper, sc. 145. The Works of Shakspeare ; from the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed : with a Biographical Memoir, and a Variety of 1 6 StjaUfspfave fHemoital ILibrarg, Birmmgijam. interesting Matter, illustrative of his Life and Writings. By W. Harvey, Esq. Embellished with a Portrait of Shaicspeare ; Eight Portraits of eminent Performers of his Characters ; View of his Birth-Place at Stratford-on-Avon ; His Residence at New Place ; His Monuments in Stratford-on-Avon Church, and Westminster Abbey ; a View of the Globe Theatre ; the Inside of the Red Bull Playhouse, Clerkenwell ; the Falcon Tavern, Bankside ; and Illustrations of his Plays and Poems. For the Proprietors of the ' London Stage ' by Sherwood, Jones, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1825. Jansen Portrait, R. Wilson, sculpt. The "Matter illustrative of his Life and Writings" includes extracts, etc., on Shalcspeare's Monuments and Portraits, chronological order and plots of his Plays, notices of his contemporaries and of eminent Shaksperian Actors, Johnson's Preface, etc. 146. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. London : William Pickering. [ii vols. Svo] 1825. Has Johnson's Preface, but no Notes. 147. The Family Shakspeare ; In which Nothing is added to the original Text ; but those Words and Expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a Family. By Thomas Bowdler, Esq., F.R.S. & S.A. The Fourth Edition. London: Longman, etc. [10 vols, duo.] 1825. Respecting the merits of Bowdler's Family Shakspeare it is curious to contrast the opinions of the two leading quarterlies. " Among the most extraordinary attempts at moral improvement, none, perhaps, is better calculated to excite a sarcastic smile than the publication of a ' Family Shakspeare,' from which all objectionable passages are expunged. This is Jack tearing off the lace from Lord Peter's coat with a vengeance" — S^uarterly Re-vkiv. "We are of opinion that it requires nothing more than a notice to bring this very meritorious publication into general circulation." — Edinburgh Re-vkiv. 148. The Plays of Shakespeare. London : William Pickering. [9 vols. 32mo] 1825. Pickering's miniature Edition ; the smallest ever printed. 149. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ; with Notes, Critical, Historical, and Explanatory, selected from the most eminent Commentators : to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, By the Rev. William Harness, A.M. London: Saunders and Otley, etc. [8 vols. Svo] 1825. With three Portraits; viz. : from the Droeshout, by Swaine; from the Stratford Bust by Roaden, engraved by Striven ; and from the Chandos Portrait by Ozias Humphry, engraved by Scriven j also the Prefaces of Rowe, Pope, and Johnson. 151. The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. London. William Pickering. [i vol. duo.] 1826. Printed in diamond type, by Corrall. Droeshout Portrait, altered by Stothard, engraved by Augustus Fox. Vignette and thirty Engravings, chiefly after Stothard. 156. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copies, left by the late George Steevcns, Esq. and lEnglisI) ^Diuons of SijaUfJspeavc's 2HoiU». 17 Edmond Malone, Esq. With a Glossary. London : Printed for Hurst, Robinson, and Co. [by Childs, of Bungay.] [i vol. 8vo] 1826. 161. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copies, left by the late George Steevens, Esq. and Edmond Malone, Esq. With a Glossary. London : Tegg. [i vol. Bvo] 1827. Printed by Childs, of Bungay. Has Portrait, engraved by J. Thomson ; and illustrated title, dated 1831. 163. Shakspeare's Complete Works : also Dr. Johnson's Preface ; a Glossary ; Sketch of the Author's Life ; and an account of each Play. Illustrated w^ith a Portrait. London : J. F. Dove. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1827.] Portrait by R. Graves, from the Chandos. 169. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ; vv^ith Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of his Life, and an Estimate of his Writings ; Newly Arranged and Edited. By Charles Henry Wheeler. London : Printed at the Caxton Press, by H. Fisher. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. Jansen Portrait, by H. Robinson. A literary and historical Notice is prefixed to each Play. "The present collection of Shakspeare's Flays differs in arrangement from any that has hitherto been published. The Tragedies, Comedies, and Historical Plays, are divided ; and in each division, the consecutive order of the pieces has reference to the country in which the action is laid, or to the epoch at which it is supposed to have taken place. Such as are founded on Grecian or Roman occurrences, are distinctly separated from those which commemorate the events of British history ; and in each class a proper chronological priority is as much as possible maintained. Thus the merry knights of Christendom are not associated with the sober demagogues of Rome; nor the belles and beaux of Venice confounded with the 'worn and withered' phantoms of a Scottish heath." — Extract from Preface. 170. Shakspeare's Dramatic Works : vv^ith a Life of the Author, and a Selection of Notes, Critical, Historical, and Explanatory, by the Rev. W. Harness, A.M. To w^hich are added, the Author's Poems. London: J. F. Dove. [8 vols. 8vo] 1830. The Droeshout Portrait, from the First Folio, Swaine, sc. Prefaces by Rowe, Pope, and Johnson. The Stratford Bust, and the Chandos Portrait, by E. Scriven. 174. The Family Shakspeare ; in w^hich nothing is added to the original Text ; but those Words and Expressions are omitted w^hich cannot Vi^ith propriety be read aloud in a Family. By Thomas Bov^dler, Esq. F.R.S. & S.A. The Sixth Edition. London; Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1831. Portrait in title. " An elegant reprint, with wood-cuts engraved by J. Thompson from the designs in Ballantyne's edition."— £o/;«'s Loivndes. 177. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare : with Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of his Life, and an Estimate of his Writings ; newly arranged and edited. London: Moon, Boys, etc. [i vol. Folio] 1832. Appears to be Wheeler's Edition of 1830, printed with four pages on one, with Boydell's Plates inserted. 179. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the D i8 ^ijaftcspcavc iWnnorial iLibrarg, Jjirmmgijam. Text of the corrected Copies, left by the late George Steevens and Edmond Malone. With a Glossary. London : Tegg. [i vol. 8 vo] 1832. Vignette, by Stothard, with date 1831. Printed by Childs of Bungay. 181. The Poems and Plays of William Shakspeare; with a Life of the Author, and a Selection of Notes, Critical, Historical, Explanatory, and Glossarial ; selected from the Editions of Rowe, Pope, Johnson and Steevens, Malone, and other eminent Commentators : to which are added, the Prefaces of Rowe, Pope, and Johnson : With three Portraits and forty superior Illustrations. London: Scott and Webster. [8 vols. 8vo] 1833. This is a reprint of Harness's Edition of 1825, with the Poems, and Plates, added. Portraits, 1st, from Humphry's Drawing of the Chandos Picture, by Scriven ; 2nd, from the First Folio, bySwainej 3rd, from the Stratford Bust, drawn by Boaden, engraved by Scriven. The Plates, by H. Corbould, R. Smirke, J. M. Wright, etc., engraved by C. Heath and others. 185. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ; with Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of his Life, and an Estimate of his Writings. Newly Arranged and Edited. By Charles Henry Wheeler. London : Fisher, Son, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1834. Has Portrait, from the Jansen, by Robinson ; is a reprint of the Edition of 1830. 186. The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakspeare, with Notes, original and selected, and introductory Remarks to each Play, by Samuel Weller Singer, F.S.A. And a Life of the Poet, by Charles Symmons, D.D. New York : George Dearborn. [2 vols. 8vo] 1834. Has Portrait by Harvey from the Chandos Picture, surrounded by figures representing the characters of the Plays j and Plates by Retzsch, Northcote, etc. 189. The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, with a Life, Glossarial Notes, and one hundred and seventy Illustrations from the Plates in Boydell's Edition. Edited by A. J. Valpy, M.A. London : Printed and Published by A. J. Valpy. [15 vols. 8vo] 1832-4. Chandos Portrait, engraved by Freeman. Has Johnson's Preface, and Historical Notices of each Play. 194. The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare : with Historical Notices, Glossarial Notes, etc. Magnet Edition. London : W. M. Clark. [5 vols. sm. 8vo.] 1834-6. "The Notes are given in a novel form ; such word in the text as requires an explanation, being in italics, and the signification placed in regular order at the bottom of the page." Has Portrait, altered from the Jansen, engraved by Rothwell, and Life. 197. The Complete Works of William Shakspeare : with Dr. Johnson's Preface ; a Glossary, and an Account of each Play ; and a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. William Harness, M.A. With a beautiful Portrait from the Chandos Picture, and forty superior Illustrations, from Designs by Smirke, Westall, Corbould, Stephanoff, and Wright. London: Scott, Webster, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1836. 108. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. Printed from iEnglislj lECitions of ^Ijafersijeare's SSIorfts. 19 the Text of the corrected Copies of Steevens and Malone. With a Life of the Poet, by Charles Symmons, D.D. A Glossary : and sixty Embel- lishments. A New Edition. London : Printed for C. Tilt by Whittingham. [i vol. duo.] 1836. Portrait, from the Jansen, at the top of p. v (Symmons's "Life"), Woodcuts in the text, by Thurston ; and a series of curious Cuts, apparently initials from some other Edition of Shakespeare, but not used as initials here. 200. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copies left by the late George Steevens, Esq., and Edmond Malone, Esq. With Mr. Malone's various Readings ; a Selection of explanatory and historical Notes, from the most eminent Commentators; a History of the Stage, and a Life of Shakspeare ; by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. New Edition. London: Longman, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1837. Chandos Portrait, engraved by Dean. Prefaces by Pope and Johnson, and Glossary. Shakspeare'' 5 IVorks^w'ith Life by Symmons; Leipzig^ 1837. See German Editions. 202. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, collated from the Genuine Editions of his Commentators, George Steevens, Esq., Edmond Malone, Esq., and Dr. Samuel Johnson. With a Sketch of the Author's Life ; a Preface, containing brief Criticisms on his Writings ; and Proemial Observations on each Play. A New Edition, embellished with an admirable Engraving of Shakspeare, from the celebrated Chandos Portrait. London: C.Mason. [i vol. 8vo] 1837. 206. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With a Life, [by C. Symmons] and Glossary. And fifty-three Illustrations. London : C. Tilt. [8 vols. i6mo, n.d., about 1838.] Printed by Whittingham, Chiswick. Portrait from the Jansen at top of p. v. 207. The Complete Works of William Shakspeare : with Dr. Johnson's Preface ; a Glossary, and an Account of each Play. And a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. William Harness, M.A. With a beautiful Portrait [engraved by Cochran] from the Chandos Picture. London : Scott, Webster, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1838. 214. The Plays of William Shakspeare, collated from the Editions of the late George Steevens, Esq., Edward [sic] Malone, Esq., and Dr. Samuel Johnson. A Sketch of the Author's Life, and Glossarial Notes ; with Introductory Observations on each Play, written expressly for this Edition. The whole Revised by Samuel Maunder, author of the " Treasury of Knowledge," etc. London: J. W. Southgate. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. Portrait from the Chandos Picture. The Introduction to each Play consists of historical Notice, Sketch of the Fable, and " Moral." 217. The Plays of Shakspeare. London : L. A. Lewis. [J4 vols. 8vo] 1841. Has Life of Shakspeare, Johnson's Preface, and historical Notice to e.ich Play. 20 Sijaftespcave liflcmonal ILiiirari?, Binmngljam. 224. The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. [With a Biography of Shakspere, Introductory Notices, Notes, Various Readings, Glossary, Music to the Songs, etc.] Edited by Charles Knight. London : C. Knight. [8 vols. 8vo] 1843. Several hundred Woodcuts of views, costumes, scenes, etc. 225. The Complete Works of William Shakspeare. With a Selection of Notes, and Preface by Dr. Johnson. London : J. J. Chidley. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. With Portrait by I. ]. Penstone. 226. Knight's Cabinet Edition of the Works of William Shakspere. London. C. Knight. [ii vols, duo.] 1843. With copies of the various Portraits of Shakspere on the title-pages, (ii Portraits in all), and a Woodcut to each Play. Vol. 1 1 consists of " The Poems of William Shakspere : with Facts connected with his Life ; abridged from ' William Shakspere, a Biography.' " 228. The Works of William Shakespeare. The Text formed from an entirely new Collation of the old Editions : with the various Readings, ■Notes, a Life of the Poet, and a History of the Early English Stage. By J. Payne Collier, Esq. F.S.A. London : Whittaker & Co. [8 vols. 8vo] 1842-4. Has the Droeshout Portrait, engraved by Cook. Vol. l is dated 1844, vols 2 to 6, 1842, and vols. 7, 8, 1843. For "Advertisement" of this Edition, see Collier's "Reasons for a new Edition of Shakespeare," 1841. The Plays and Poetns of Shakespeare^ from the text of Collier. Le'ipxlg^ Tauchnltz. 1843-44. See Ger?7ian Editions. 229. C. Knight's Library Edition of Shakspere. The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. [With Illustrations, critical Notices to each Play, Notes, Index, etc.] The Second Edition. London : C. Knight. [12 vols. 8vo] 1842-44. 235. The Students and School Shakspeare ; or. Plays and Scenes from Shakspeare, with Glossarial Notes, selected from the best Annotators. By the Rev J. R. Pitman, A.M. Third Edition. London : G. Hoby. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1845.] With brief Life of Shakspeare, "extracted from Rowe," and Johnson's Preface. 237. The Works of Shakspere Revised from the best Authorities : With a Memoir, and Essay on his Genius, by Barry Cornwall [Bryan Waller Procter] : Also, Annotations and Introductory Remarks on the Plays, by many distinguished Writers : Illustrated with Engravings on Wood, from Designs by Kenny Meadows. London : W. S. Orr. [3 vols. 8voJ 1846. Portrait from the Chandos Picture. 239. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copies left by the late George Steevens, Esq., iSngltsi) iiHittons of Sfjaftespcare's 2^orfts. 21 and Edmond Malone, Esq., with Mr. Malone's various Readings ; a Selection of Explanatory and Historical Notes, from the most eminent Commentators ; a History of the Stage, a Life of Shakspeare ; by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. New Edition. London : Longman, Rivingtons, etc. [8 vols. 8vo] 1847. Has the Chandos Portrait, engraved by Dean, Prefaces by Pope and Johnson, and Glossary. 251. The Complete Works of Shakspere, revised from the Original Editions. With Historical and Analytical Introductions to each Play, also Notes Explanatory and Critical, and a Life of the Poet : by J. O. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S,, F.S.A., etc. ; and other eminent Com- mentators. Elegantly and appropriately illustrated by Portraits engraved on steel, from Daguerreotypes of the greatest and most intellectual Actors of the age, taken in the embodiment of the varied and life-like Characters of our great National Poet. Tallis and Co., London and New York. [3 vols. 8vo] 1850-51. The volumes are not numbered, but contain, respectively, the Comedies, Histories and Poems, and Tragedies. Prefixed to the Tragedies is a Portrait of Shakspere from the Chandos, surrounded by Portraits of Actors, and views of the Stratford Jubilee, and Monumental Bust, engraved by Hollis ; To the Histories and Poems is prefixed a Portrait from the Jansen, surrounded by scenes from the Plays, engraved by Greatbach ; To the Comedies, another alteration from the Chandos Portrait, by T. D. Scott, engraved by Greatbach ; this also is surrounded by scenes from the Plays. To the Sonnets is prefixed a copy of the Bust, surrounded with scenes from the Poems, by T. D. Scott, engraved by Greatbach. The Life and many of the Notes are signed " H. T.," but are mentioned in Bohns Loivndes and by AUibone as " by J. O. Halliwell." ■ 252. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copies, left by the late George Steevens, Esq. and Edmond Malone, Esq. With a Glossary. London : William Tegg. [i vol. 8vo] 1851. Same as Tegg's Edition of 1827, except title and Frontispiece. The latter was used as a Vignette title-page for Whittingham's Edition of 1823. 253. Knight's Cabinet Edition of the Works of William Shakspere. London : Orr and Co. [12 vols. sm. 8vo] 185 1. The Plays occupy vols. I to lo ; the Poems, a volume not numbered, with the following title — "The Poems of William Shakspere: with Facts connected with his Life; abridged from^ 'William Shakspere, a Biography.'" In the title-pages of these eleven volumes are copies of the various Portraits. There is besides a volume (making twelve in all) entitled "Knight"s^ Cabinet Edition. Studies of Shakspere : Introductory volume, containing a History of Opinion on the Writings of Shakspere ; with the Chronology of his Plays." 258. The Complete Works of Shakespeare; Revised from the Original Text. With Introductory Remarks and Copious Notes, critical, general, and explanatory. By Samuel Phelps, Esq., Embellished with numerous Engravings, designed by T. H. Nicholson. London : Willoughby. [2 vols. 8vo, n.d., about 185 1.] With the Chandos Portrait, engraved by B. Holl, from the Print by Houbraken. 22 Si^afeespeare l^emonal Hiljrarj?, Birmingtam. 260. The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. The National Edition. London : C. Knight. [6 vols. 8vo] 1851-2. With Illustrations, introductory remarks, Notes, etc. 262. The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakspeare. Printed from the Text of Steevens and Malone. With Life, and Historical, Critical, and Explanatory Notices, by A. Cunningham, Esq. A Glossary and many Illustrations. London : Charles Daly. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1852.] 275. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With a Glossary. A New Edition^ corrected and i?nproved. London : William White. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Known as the " Lansdowne Shakespeare," dedicated to the Marquis of Lansdowne. Has the Portrait by Droeshout, engraved by Robinson. The names ot" the characters, titles of the scenes, and stage directions are printed in red. 276. The Plays of Shakespeare : The Text regulated by the old Copies, and by the recently discovered Folio of 1632, containing early Manuscript Emendations. Edited by J. Payne Collier, Esq. F.S.A. London: Whittaker. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Has the Droeshout Portrait, engraved by H. Cook. For list of Emendations, etc., see Collier's "Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare," 1853. 279. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. With a Memoir by Alexander Chalmers. London: H. G. Bohn. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. Portrait, from the Chandos, engraved by Freeman. Has Prefatory Notice signed A. Shortrede and dated 1838. Notice refers to forty Illustrations, but this Edition, or this copy, has them not. Forms a volume "uniform with Bohn's Standard Library." 283. The Works of Shakespeare : The Text carefully restored according to the First Editions ; with Introductions, Notes original and selected, and a Life of the Poet; by the Rev. H. N. Hudson, A.M. Boston and Cambridge [U.S.J : Munroe and Co. [11 vols. 8vo] 1851-56. Has the Chandos Portrait; together with the Vignette Illustrations by Thurston, engraved by Felter, New York. Contains Rowe's Life of Shakespeare, in addition to the Life by Hudson. 284, The Stratford Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. London: Hodgson. [lo vols. 8vo] 1854-6. Vignette Portrait from the Stratford Bust. Contains a Life of Shakspere by C. Knight, and " Notice of Editions," which latter deals especially with Mr. Collier's corrected Folio ot 1632. 293. The Works of William Shakespeare. The Text revised by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London: Moxon. [6 vols. 8vo] 1857. Has a copy of the Bust engraved by Holl, and a Life of Shakespeare. 295. The Works of William Shakspere ; containing his Plays and Poems, from the Text of the Editions by Charles Knight : With Glossarial Notes ; and Facts connected with his Life and Writings, abridged from iSngltsI) tuitions of Sijafecsjpeare's WlovkQ, 23 ' William Shakspere, a Biography.' Illustrated by W. Harvey. Complete in One Volume. Seventh Edition. London : H. G. Bohn. [i vol. 8vo] 1857 Frontispiece, containing copies of the Stratford Bust, the Chandos, Jansen, and Droeshout Portraits, and the Portrait by Marshall, from the Poems, 1640. 301. Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. Edited by J. Payne Collier, Esq. F.S.A. The Second Edition. London : Whittaker and Co. [6 vols. 8vo] 1858. Droeshout Portrait, H. Cook, sc. New Preface, dated March 24, 1858 j Life of Shakespeare; and Indicial Glossary. 312. The Plays of Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staunton. The Illustrations by John Gilbert. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Routledge. [3 vols. 8vo] 1858-60. Has copy of the Stratford Bust, by Robinson, and Life of Shakespeare. Although called only "The Plays" it contains also the Poems, at the end of vol. 3. 320. The Complete Works of William Shakspeare, consisting of his Plays and Poems, from the Standard Text, collated vfixh all trustw^orthy Commentators. New^ Edition. With Biographical and Critical Essay, Introductory Notices to each Play, Explanatory Notes, and a Running Glossary of the Obsolete Words, Customs, etc. Manchester : J. G. Bell. [i vol. 8vo] 1861, Portrait, from the Jansen. Has a new title-page, and the Poems, but is otherwise a reprint of Wheeler's Edition of 1830. 321. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare : Adapted for Family Reading. By Thomas Bowdler, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A. New- Edition, with Steel Engravings. London: Griffin, [i vol. 8vo] 1861. 322. The Stratford Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. [With the Life of Shakspere by the Editor.] London : Griffin, Bohn, etc. [6 vols. 8vo] 1861. With Portrait from the Jansen, and Woodcuts. 324. Chambers's Household Edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by R. Carruthers and W. Chambers. Illustrated by Keeley Halswelle. Chambers, London and Edinburgh. [10 vols. 8vo] 1861-3. With Portrait by Keeley Halswelle, engraved by Bell ; and Life of Shakespeare. " Objectionable words and phrases are omitted, and occasionally a word is substituted^ marked by inverted commas — where the sense or harmony of the passage would be rendered defective by the elision." — Extract from Preface. 328. The Complete Works of Shakspeare comprising his Dramatic and Poetical Works accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq. With a Glossary and Notes and a Memoir by Alex. Chalmers, A.M. Illustrated with Historical Steel Engravings. Cincinnatti Rickey and Carroll [i vol. 8vo] 1864. Chandos Portrait, from Houbraken, by Holl. Four Plates ; one after Guido, two by Peters, and one by West. 24 SfjaUcspcavf f^lemorial ^Lihvaxv, Birmingijam. 329. The Works of William Shakespeare Edited, with a Scrupulous Revision of the Text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. London Bickers and Son [i vol. 8vo] 1864. Droeshout Portrait, engraved by R. C. Bell. 330. The Works of William Shakespeare Edited, with a Scrupulous Revision of the Text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. London Bickers and Son [4 vols. Svo] 1864. Droeshout Portrait, engraved by R. C. Bell. 331. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Based on the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. With Biographical Sketch, by Mary Cowden Clarke. And Illustrations by Keeley Halswelle. Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo. [2 vols. Svo] 1864. Portraits, from the Chandos, by R. C. Bell, and from the Stratford Bust, by Le Conte. Shakspere''s Werke. \_EngUsh Text with German Notes ^ etCy by Delius] 1864. See Ger?nan Editions. 332. The Complete Works of Shakspere. With a Memoir. London: Dicks. [i vol. Svo] 1864. Has a copy of the Chandos Portrait and thirty-seven Illustrations. "This edition was first published in penny numbers [each containing two or three plays] of which about 150,000 were sold. The numbers were then bound in one volume, cloth, for 2s. ; sale, 50,000. The volume was then issued with a paper cover, and from Oct. 1866, to July i, 1868 — twenty months — the sale was about 700,000. Total sale of Dicks' People's Edition, April, 1864, to July, 1868, about 1,000,000 of copies."— Allibone. See also The Bookseller, 1868, p. 451. 333. The Globe Edition. The Works of William Shakespeare Edited by William George Clark and William Aldis Wright. Cambridge and London Macmillan. [i vol. Svo] 1864. 334. The Plays of William Shakspere. Manchester : Ireland and Co. [i vol. Svo] 1S64. 337. The Plays of William Shakespeare. Carefully edited by Thomas Keightley. London : Bell and Daldy. [6 vols. Svo] 1864. Marshall Portrait, Robinson, so. Has a Memoir, " taken from Mr. Dyce's." 338. The Reference Shakspere : A Memorial Edition of Shakspere's Plays, containing Eleven Thousand Six Hundred References. Compiled by John B. A4arsh, Manchester. Manchester : Heywood. [i vol. Svo] 1S64. 339. The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staunton. With Copious Notes, Glossary, Life, &c. London : Routledge. [4 vols. Svo] 1864. Portrait : copy of the Stratford Bust, by Robinson. 340. The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the Text of the Corrected Copies, left by the late George Steevens, Esq. and Edmond Malone, Esq. With a Glossary. London : William Tegg. [i vol. Svo] 1864. Plates by Thurston. Printed by Childs of Bungay. iEnglisIj ?£titUon!3 of Sljaftcspcavc's asiorfts. 25 341. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare With copious Glo<:sarial Notes and Biographical Notice. By Robert Inglis. Eight Steel Engravings. Edinburgh : Gall and Inglis. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1864,] 342. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With a Biographical Introduction by Henry Glassford Bell. William Collins, Queen's Printer, Glasgow, etc. [i vol. Svo] 1864. With Plates by Fuseli, Peters, Hodges, Opie, etc.; and a series of Illustrations lithographed, in a brown tint, by W. H. McFarlane, Edinburgh. Complete Works of Shakespeare^ with Life by Symmons^ Leipzig, 1864. See German Editions. Reprint of the First Folio Edition, 1623, by Booth, 1864 — see Nos. 8 and (^. 347. The Works of William Shakespeare, the Text formed from A new Collation of the early Editions : to which are added all the original Novels and Tales on which the Plays are founded ; copious Archaeological Annotations on each Play ; an Essay on the Formation of the Text ; and a Life of the Poet: By James O. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S. etc. The Illustrations and Wood-engravings by Frederick William Fairholt, Esq., F.S.A. etc. London : Printed for the Editor by C. and J. Adlard. [16 vols. Folio] 1853-65. In addition to the Illustrations and Wood Engravings referred to, this Edition contains facsimiles of title-pages, etc., of the early Editions. One hundred and fifty copies were printed, the Blocks and Plates of the Wood-cuts, facsimiles, and engravings being destroyed after publication and the issue strictly limited. The copies were numbered and signed by the printers and the editor. This copy is number ninety-eight. Reviewed in the Athenaum, 1853, p. 796 ; this review was answered by Mr. Halliwell in the pamphlet entitled " Curiosities of Modern Shaksperian Criticism," 1853. Contains one hundred and forty-two Plates, and many Woodcuts printed with the text. "Mr. Halliwell's 'Life of Shakespeare,' a book which may be fairly held to contain all the documentary evidence of this life which has been discovered." — Charles Knight : " William Shakspere : a Biography,'''' 1867. 348. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With Biographical Introduction, by Henry Glassford Bell. Glasgow : Porteous. [6 vols. Svo] 1865. Portrait from the Stratford Bust. 354. The Works of William Shakespeare The Plays edited from the Folio of MDCXxiii, with Various Readings from all the Editions and all the Commentators, Notes, Introductory Remarks, a Historical Sketch of the Text, an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, A Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay upon his Genius By Richard Grant White Boston [U.S.] Little Brown and Co. [12 vols. Svo] 1857-66. Portrait, R. Burbage, Pinxt., 1 597, H. W. Smith, Sc. The second volume contains letter-press facsimiles of the introductory matter of the First Folio. Vol. 1 is dated 1866, vols. 2 to 5, 1857, vols. 6 to 8, 1859, vols. 9 to 12, 1861. 26 ;^l)iiUcsi)favf fttcniovial ?Lii)vavi?, BtvmuiQljam. 355. The Works of William Shakespeare Edited by William George Clark, John Glover, and William Aldis Wright. Cambridge and London: Alacmillan and Co. [9 vols. 8vo] 1863-66. Known as the "Cambridge Shakespeare." Vol. i is edited by W. G. Clark and John Glover, vols, ii to ix, by W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright. "The main rules which we proposed to ourselves in undertaking this Edition are as follows: i. To base the text on a thorough collation of the four Folios and of all the Quarto editions of the separate plays, and of subsequent editions and commentaries. 2. To give all the results of this collation in notes at the toot of the page, and to add to these conjediural emendations colledled and suggested by ourselves, or furnished to us by our correspondents, so as to give the reader in a compadl form a complete view of the existing materials out of which the text has been construfted, or may be emended. 3. In all plays of which there is a Quarto edition differing from the received text to such a degree that the variations cannot be shown in foot-notes, to print tiie text of the Quarto literatim in a smaller type after the received text. 4. To number the lines in each scene separately, so as to facilitate reference. 5. To add at the end of each play a few notes, {a) to explain such variations in the text of former editions as could not be intelligibly expressed in the limits of a foot-note, (Z>) to justify any deviation from our ordinary rule either in the text or the foot-notes, and [c) to illustrate some passage of unusual difficulty or interest. 6. To print the Poems, edited on a similar plan, at the end of the Dramatic Works." — Extract from Preface. Facsimile of the First Folio Edition.^ 1623, by Staunton.^ 1 866, see No. lO. 356. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With Remarks on his Life and Writings, by Thomas Campbell. London : Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. Has Portrait, engraved from an early copy of the Chandos, by H. Robinson, and Illustrations by John Gilbert. 357. Dicks' Complete Edition of Shakspere's Works. With thirty-seven Illustrations, and a Memoir. London : John Dicks. One Shilling. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1866.] Portrait of Shakspere. Illustrations "drawn by Gilbert, Wilson, &c., expressly for this Edition." See Note to Dicks' Edition of 1 8 64. 358. The Complete Works of William Shakspeare. Consisting of his Plays and Poems. With a Critical Preface, by Dr. Johnson ; Life of the Author ; Commendatory Verses on Shakspeare, by contemporary Poets ; and a Glossary. A New Edition* Halifax : Milner and Sowerby. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. Portrait from the Chandos, engraved by Cochran. 360. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, from the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. With Biographical Sketch by Mary Cou^den Clarke. Edinburgh : Nimmo. [l vol. 8vo] 1866. 365. The Family Shakspeare : in which nothing is added to the original Text, but those Words and Expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read in a Family. By 'Fhomas Bowdler, Esq., F.R.S. & S.A. London: Longman. [6 vols. 8vo] 1865-7. Old Illustrations by Cooke, Thomson, Stothard, etc. 366. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, from the Text iEuglifsfj tuitions of ^fjaftcspcare's JLSHorfes. 27 of Johnson, Stevens, [sic'] and Reed, with Glossarial Notes, Life, &c. A New Edition, by William Hazlitt, E^q. London : Routledge. [5 vols. 8vo] 1865-7. "In four volumes:" has, however, a supplementary volume, (dated 1865) containing the doubtful Plays and the Poems. The first four volumes are dated 1867. Vol. 1 has a copy of the Stratford Bust, as a Frontispiece. 367. The Works of W^illiam Shakespeare. The Text revised by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Second Edition. London : Chapman and Hall. [9 vols. 8vo] 1866-67. Portrait from the First Folio, 1623. In the second volume, a copy of the Stratford Bust, engraved by Holl. With Life of Shakespeare, and Glossary. 368. Blackfriars Edition. The Works of William Shakspere. £"(3'//^^/ Ziy Charles Knight. London: Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. T'be Prince's Shakespere^ edited by Mathias. [Three Plays only.] 1867. See Selections. 369. The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare. With One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations y from Designs by English Artists, Edited by A. J. Valpy, A.M. London : Bell & Daldy. [15 vols. 8vo] 1867. Chandos Portrait, engraved by Freeman, in vol. i ; and another, engraved by Starling, in vol. 15. "The text of Malone, as published in 1821, in twenty-one volumes, is scrupulously followed ; * * * The Illustrations are drawn from the one hundred and seventy plates in Boydell's Edition." — Ad''jertisi:m£>it. Has also a Life of Shakespeare. 371, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, from the Text of Johnson, Steevens & Reed, with Biographical Sketch by Mary Cowden Clarke. London : C. Griffin. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. Nimmo's Edition of 1866 reprinted, with new title-page and two Portraits, one engraved by R. C. Bell, and the other, from the Bust, by Le Conte. Shakespeare abridged for Schools and Families.^ by Shorter^ 1868. See Selections. Shakespeare'' s JVorks^ fro?n the Text of Dyce''s Second Edition. 7 vols. Leipzig: Tauchnitz. 1868, See German Editions. ^12^. The Plays of William Shakespeare. Edited by Thomas Keightley. London: Bell and Daldy. [7 vols, in 13. i6mo] 1868. The seventh volume, which is not numbered, contains the Poems, and Pericles. 373. The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. London: Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. Routledge's Shilling Edition of Shakspere ; paper cover, containing Vignette Portrait from the Stratford Bust. 374. " Chandos Classics.'" The Works of William Shakspeare. Life, Glossary, &c. Reprinted from the original Edition, and compared with all recent Commentators. London: Warne. [l vol. 8vo] 1868. Warne's Shilling Edition of Shakspeare; paper cover, containing Vignette Portrait from the Chandos. 28 Sljaftcsprarc fHcmoiial iLibravj?, Btrmtngtam. 375. The Handy - Volume Shakspeare. Bradbury and Evans, London. [13 vols. i6mo] 1868. Short Preface, signed "Q;_D." 380. CasselPs Illustrated Shakespeare. The Plays of Shakespeare. Edited and Annotated by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. Illustrated by H. C. Selous. London : Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. [3 vols. 8vo, N.D., about 1865-69.] Portrait from the Jansen. Vol. 3 contains "The Story of Shakespeare's Life; " with a copy of the Stratford Monument at p. xxix. 381. The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staunton. IFith Copious Notes^ Glossary^ Life^ &c. London : Routledge. [8 vols. 8vo] 1869. Portrait from the Stratford Bust, by H. Robinson. 384. The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. Revised Edition. London : Virtue & Co. [6 vols. 8vo, N.D., about 1871.] 385. A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare Edited by Horace Howard Furness Vol. i Romeo and 'Juliet Philadelphia [U.S.] J. B. Lippincott. [i vol. 8vo] 1871. Contains also a reprint of the Edition of Romeo and luliet, 1597- " We have no space to do full justice to Mr. Furness's volume. Whether he be able to complete the work on so grand a scale, only the event can show. Meanwhile, every instalment of it is of great value, and complete as regards the play treated. It is a source of much satisfaction to find that this, the most exhaustive work on any one of Shakspeare's plays, comes from America." — At/tenaum, i8 March, 1871. iEnglisi^ lEtJtttons of Sijafcespcare's amorfts. 29 CHRONOLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TABLE AND INDEX TO DESCRIPTION OF THOSE IN THE LIBRARY. The entries marked with an asterisk. (*) are Editions wanted. r«to. Place of Public *l623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1632 1663 ♦1664 1685 1709-10 *i7i4 1723-5 1728 *i73i 1733 1735 *i74o 1743-4 *i 744-6 1745 1747 1747 *i747 *i747 *i748 1750-51 1752 *i753 1757 *i76o *i76i 1762 1765 *ij66 1766 *i766 1767 ♦1767 1767-8 1768 1768 *i769 *i769 1770-71 1771 1771 1772 *N.D. 1773 London „„« London London „„„ London London „ London London ^ London London - London London „^~ London -.^„ London London „„„ London London London Oxford Oxford London London „ London ~ Dublin Dublin London ^ London „„„ London Edinburgh „ London London Edinburgh „ London London „ Glasgow London Dublin London Edinburgh „ London ^ Birmingham London Edinburgh „ Edinburgh „ Oxford Edinburgh „ Dublin London London London laggard and Blount„ Rep., Wright, 1807 Reprint,Booth,i864 Reprint,Booth,i864 Day, 1866 T. Cotes for R. Allot P. Chetwinde -,^ P. Chetwinde H. Herringman, etc. Tonson Tonson ^ ^ Tonson ^ Knapton Bettesworth, etc. Tonson At the Theatre At the Theatre Knapton, etc Knapton, etc Knapton Staunton, Rowe Rowe Pope Pope Pope Theobald Theobald , Hanmer Hanmer Vols. Size. Page. First Edition. Photo-Fac-simile, Second Edition Third Edition ^ Third Edition ^ Fourth Edition Plates .. Knapton, etc., Knapton, etc.. Sands, etc. Hitch, etc Tonson, etc. , Kincaid, etc. , Hitch, etc Tonson, etc. - Foulis Tonson „ Woodfall, etc. Tonson „ „, Martin Woodfall, etc. „, Ruddiman Balfour Clarendon Press, Donaldson Ewing „„„ Crowder, etc Warburton Hanmer Hanmer Warburton Hanmer Hanmer Theobald „ Blair Theobald „ Hanmer Blair Theobald „ Johnson „„ Pope Steevens Johnson — Theobald „ Capell Pope Johnson . Blair Hanmer . Blair Plates. Plates . Plates . Eathurst, etc. . Theobald Theobald Theobald Plates . Plates . fol. fol. fol. 4to fol. fol. fol. fol. fol. 8vo duo. 4to duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo. 4to 4to 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. ? I duo. 6 ! 4to 8 ,8vo 7 duo. 12 j duo. 12 duo. 8 duo. 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 6 41 6 42 45 6 47 7 4i5 7 49 51 5^ 5 3 54 7 56 30 SljaUespcarc |«cmorial Htlirarg, Birmingijam. Date. Place of Fublic.tion Publifthar, etc. Editor, etc Vols. Siie. Page. N... of Entry. 1773 London „„„ Bathurst, etc. Steevens 10 8vo 8 57 »774 London „„„ Bell „„^„ Plates 9 duo. 8 58 *, 773.5 London Bell ' Stage Edition ' „„ 8 8vo 1778-80 London Bathurst, etc „ 12 8vo 8 59 1784 London Stockdale Ayscough „ ,„„ . ^„„ ^ I 8vo 8 60 1785 London Bathurst, etc. Reed 10 8vo 8 61 *i786-90 1786-8 London Nichols Plates'Zl-ZZl, ,\ duo. duo. 9 London Bell .,„„ 63 1786-94 Oxford Clarendon Press Rann ,,,,-,, 6 8vo 10 70 1788 London London Bell Plates ™™„ 20 3 duo. 8vo 9 9 65 66 1790 -Stockdale Ayscough „ 1790 London Baldwin Malone 10 8vo 9 67 1791 London Bellamy, etc Plates 8 8vo 10 68 *i792 London .,„ Ayscough „ .„„, 2 8vo 1793 London Longman, etc. „^„„ Reed , 15 8vo 10 69 1794 Dublin Exshaw „ ,^^ Malone „ 16 8vo 10 71 1795 Edinburgh „ Bell, etc Blair .,,^.^^ ~„„ 8 8vo 10 71 179s Glasgow Duncan, etc. Blair „„ „ 8 8vo 10 73 *i795-6 Philadelphia Bioren, etc. Johnson ,^^«^^ ,^, 8 duo. 1796 London Bellamy, etc Plates 8 8vo II 74 *i797 Edinburgh ^ „„.^ , 8 duo. 1797 London London „„^ Robinson .„ „ — 7 6 8vo 8vo II II 77 1797 Longman, etc. „ 78 *i797 London Steevens Nichols ™,„,^„„. — ™„„ 8 9 9 duo. duo. duo. II #1798 London 179S London „„„ Baldwin, etc 80 1798 London „ Ogilvie, etc -«,-^^ .„ 9 duo. II 81 1800 Berwick London Taylor 9 12 duo. duo. II 82 *i8oo Vernor, etc Reed Woodcuts „„ 1800 London London London Benslev Plates 'Miniature Edition' Plates 12 9 9 duo. duo. fol. II II 83 *i8oo Sharpe 1802 Bovdell, etc Steevens 86 1802 London Boydell, etc Steevens Plates, 2 vols, extra 9 fol. 11 87 1803 London Johnson, etc. Reed „,. ^-^.^^^^■^^^.r^.^,*. 21 8vo 11 88 1803 London Johnson, etc. „ Steevens ,.,.„ ., , 9 duo. 12 89 1803-4 London Whittingham , ' Sharpe's Edition ' 9 24mo 12 91 1803-5 London Wynne, Scholey, etc. Woodcuts 10 8vo 12 95 *i804 London Edinburgh „ London - Bell Plates .,. 20 9 9 duo. duo. 8vo 12 12 1804 Turnbull 96 1805 Rivingtons, etc Chalmers „ *i8o5 London Chalmers „ Typ. Edinburgh Plates 10 2 14 2 8vo 8vo 8vo 12 *i8o6 London London , Miller 1806 Kearsley Wood 98 1807 London „ Stockdale Ayscough „ 8vo 12 99 1807 London „„_ Wright ^,,*^««^ ,„„„ Rep of 1st Folio „ I fol. I 7 *i8o7 Boston(U.S.) ~~~~~~~» ^„„ *«*-^,v*^*^««« ^« * « ^«*«^*^,«.,^,«„ ^ 9 8VQ *i8o7 London Wallis and Scholey „,„„ Woodcuts -„„,„ 10 8vo 1807 Bath Cruttwell Bowdler ,^ ' Family Edition '„ 4 duo. 13 lOI 1807 London Longman ~~„„~~,„ Tvp. Edinburgh 12 8vo 13 102 1807 London Stockdale Plates ™ 6 4to 13 103 *i8o9 Philadelphia ^.^^ Reed ^„„„^ «^«*«s«-»*. 17 8vo 1809 London Vernor, etc Reed Woodcuts -„™„ 12 8vo 13 105 1809 *i8io Newcastle London Mitchell Chalmers - Chalmers „ See Selections 'Miniature Edition' 3 9 9 10 duo. duo. 8vo duo. 13 Sharpe „ *i8ii 1811 London Nichols, etc. 107 *i8ii London Cowie Reed ««««^« «««.««« 12 duo. *i8ii London Miller Steevens 8 duo. *i8ii London Walker ' Walker's Classics' 8 duo. *i8ii London „_„ Reed ^,„^ „„,.,« ««,«..^ 9 duo. 1812-15 London Tegg I'lates 12 8vo 13 118 lEttgUsij iSUittous of Sfjaftcspeare's SiSaotfts. 31 D»te. Place of Publication. Publinher, etc. Editor, etc. VoU. 21 Siie. P«Ke- No. of E„„y. 1813 London Nichols, etc. Reed™ 8vo n 113 *i8i3 Boston(U.S.) „ „„„„ Reed ■^■^„„.r,„„„,.„^.^.j.j. 6 duo. *i8i4 1814 London Chiswick Cowie Reed Woodcuts 12 7 duo. i8mo 13 Whittingham 117 *i8i6 London Edinburgh „ For the Proprietors^ 16 9 8vo duo. *i8i7 Reed_,_ „_ *i8i7 *i8i8 New York ^ London Reed . Chalmers „ 10 9 duo. 8vo 1818 Chiswick ' Whittingham,,™ „„,, Woodcuts „„,„„,„ 7 i8mo 14 120 1818 Chiswick Whittingham „,«„„«„,«„ ,„««„,«.,«,«,„„, 9 i8mo 14 121 *i8i8 London „ Longman „ „„ Bowdler , ' Family Edition '„ 10 duo. *i8i8 London „„,„ .„„,„„„„««, ,«^,,«««««.„ „,. ,«^„™„„„,, I 8vo 1819 London Hurst, etc Reed Typ. Edinburgh 2 8vo 14 I2S *i8i9 London Hurst, etc. „„ Reed ™, „,««.„,«„,«„„,„,„, I duo. *i8i9 London „ Allason „ , ^ 9 8vo *l820 London „ Longman Bowdler . 'Family Edition',, 10 duo. *l820 London Bell 7.0 duo. *l820 London London Reed Reed 12 12 8vo 8vo 14 1821 Walker, etc „ „„ 129 1821 London Rivingtons, etc Malone ' Variorum ' 21 8vo 14 130 1821 London Black Vignetjies ^ duo. 14 131 *l822 London Longman Bowdler „„ 'Family Edition '„ 8 8vo *l822 London Longman Bowdler „„ 'Family Edition '„ 10 duo. 1822 London London ,„,„ I 9 8vo duo. 14 132 *l822-28 Pickering Typ. Corrall „„„„ 1823 London Rivingtons Chalmers „ Plates 8 8vo I'? ns 1823 London „ Rivingtons, etc Steevens „„ 10 duo. H 1^6 1823 London ^ feohtfe , „„ „««„«««„„«,„„,„ I 8vo IS 137 1823 London Mason and Oo. „„,,«.. ,„„,„,v. I 8vo IS 138 1823 Chiswick Whittingham I duo. IS 139 1823 London Walker, etc Reed „ 12 8vo IS 140 *i823 London „„„ Sherwin „„ «««„„«„«^«„„ I 8vo 1823 London Bum pus , — Johnson Woodcuts 9 duo. IS 141 1823 London „ Rivington „, „ „„ „ , I 8vo IS 142 *i824 London Fisher „ Wheeler„„ I 8vo 1824 London Otridge & Rackham Steevens „„ ~„~,.„„„„„„ 10 8vo IS 14^ 1825 London Sherwood, etc. „.,„„ Harvey Woodcuts __„ „ I 8vo IS 14s 1825 London Pickering™ „„„„ , II 8vo 16 146 1825 London ^ Longman, etc „ Bowdler ' Family Edition '„ 10 duo. 16 147 1825 1825 1825 London Pickering „„, 'Miniature Edition' 9 8 32mo 76 148 149 ISO London Saunders and Otley„ Balne „. Harness 8vo t6 London Woodcuts , , I 8vo 16 *i825 London „ Bumpus , Reed Woodcuts „„ I 8vo 1826 London London „ Pickering „ „„,„- Rivington, etc. Chalmers „ Plates „, , I 8 duo. 8vo 16 16 151 isa 1826 *i826 London Trade Chalmers „ „. „, I 8vo *i826 London „ Pickering Singer Typ. Whittingham 10 duo. 1826 London Hurst, etc „„ , Steevens Typ. Childs I 8vo 16 IS6 *i827 London , Bowdler ' Family Edition '„ 8 8vo 1827 London Tegg Typ. Childs „ I 8vo 17 161 *i827 London ,. Wheeler „„ , , „ I 8vo *i827 London Carpenter, etc. Vignettes 8 duo. 1827? London , Dove , , I 8vo 17 163 1828 Philadelphia McCarty, etc. Steevens 2 8vo 17 i6s *i828 Chiswick Whittingham ,.~,™ Woodcuts „, I duo. *i828 London Bowdler ' Family Edition '„ 8 8vo *i829 London ,„„„„„„ „„ Wheeler Woodcuts , I 8vo 1830 London Fisher „ Wheeler„„ ,. „ I 8vo 17 169 1830 *i83o Harness X 8vo 17 170 Chiswick Whittingham Woodcuts I duo. *i83i London „ — Pickering „ „x,„„^ 1 Typ. Corrall I duo. 32 Sfia&espeare l^emorial ILiirarg, Biimmgi^am. 831 831 N.D. 831? 831 832 832 832 832-4 833 833 833 833 .D. 834 834 834-6 835 835 835 S36 836 836 836 837 837 837 838 838 838 838? 838 838 838-43 839 839 .D. 839-43 840 842 842? 842 842 842-4 842-4 843 843? 843 843 844 844 844 844-7 845 Place of Publicatit London London ,,„^ New Vork „ London I London London , London , London London London London London London London „„„ London „ , London New York „ London New york„ London „ London . London London „ London London London London London London London - Edinburgh „ London ^ London „„„ London „„„ London London London „„„ London London „„„ London London ^ London London London „ Glasgow Glasgow London Auburn(U.S.) London London „ London London London London London London „„„ London London BostonlU.S.) New York „ London Longman Richardson Moon, etc. Jones Tegg Valpy Trade „„ Scott, etc. Fisher Vertue „ ,. Fisher, etc. Dearborn Clark Conner„ Chidley Valpy ^ Scott, etc. Tilt Daly Longman „ Mason „ Longman, etc. Moxon Shortrede Tilt Scott, etc. ~~^ Knight Bogue„„ Fisher Tyas , Bohn Southgate, Bohn Lewis Borrenstein» Beardsley , Bohn Whittaker . Knight Longman ,„ Knight Chidley Knight Knight Cox Reed Bowdler , Bowdler Johnson , Wheeler ' Family Edition' ' Family Edition' Plates . Steevens j Typ. Childs^ Valpy Chalmers „ Wheeler Harness Wivell „. Wheeler, Singer„„, Plates Plates pfa'tesTI Plates Valpy, Harness Cunningham Chalmers Campbell . Harness Knight „„ Maunder ' Cornwall ' Valpy Maunder Chid! cy Harness , Harness Johnson Maunder „ Collier Knight „ Bowdler Knight Knight „„ Knight Knight Pcabody Verplanck Chalmers „ Plates „,™ „ ' Magnet Edition ' Woodcuts Plates Typ. Childs Plates „„ Typ. Whittingham Plates Plates . Plates „. Woodcuts . Plates Woodcuts , Woodcuts . Plates , Plates . Plates . Typ. Whittingham Plates 'Library Edition'™ 'Family Edition'„ ' Pictorial Edition ' 14 ' Cabinet Edition ' Woodcuts „„ ' Cabinet Edition ' Woodcuts . Plates „ 8vo duo. fol. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 4to 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. i6mo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. Svo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo Svo 8vo 8vo 8vo Svo Svo Svo duo. Svo duo. Svo Svo duo. iEnglisf) iSUitions of Sfjaftfsjicarc's SStorfts. 33 FUca of Public .845? 1845 1845-51? 1846 [846 [846 [847 [847 [847 [847 1847 .847 ■847 [847-48 5^ [850 [850 r85o-5i is .85 is 185 is .85 .85 ?s is [85 >85 [852 1852? [852 1852 [852 1852 [852 .852-3 .853 .853 .853 ■853 .853 ■853 .853 .853 .853 1853 [853-65 '853 .853 .853 [854 [854 London London London „ London London „ London London London London London London Edinburgh „ New York „ London „^„ London London London London London Philadelphia London London „„„ London London, &c. London London London London Edinburgh „ Philadelphia London , London London , Boston(U.S.) London „„„ London „ Philadelphia London ,„ London „^^ London „ London „™„ London London London ,»_„ London New York „ London ,„,„ London - London London New York „ London London „„„ London „„„ London London , New York „ London „, London London „„„ Hoby Knight „ - Virtue Trade™-,-,™ Orr Orr Longman, etc. Longman „ Knight „~ For the Booksellers Nelson Routledge Burns „ Bohn, Trade. Tallis Tegg — Orr Lewis Nelson - Pitman Knight Stebbing Chalmers „ Procter Chalmers „ Johnson „„ Bowdler Knight Steevens Verplanck Knight „„ Campbell „ Chalmers „ Chalmers „ Bowdler ,„. Steevens Procter ,„, Campbell „ Steevens HalliwelL,,, Steevens „„ Knight „„ Maunder „ Tallis, White . Routledge „ Munroe Willoughby Knight Smith „, Daly Daly Halliwell Hazlitt„„_ Hudson„„,. Phelps I Knight „„ Knight Orr White Trade„„ Knight ™ Tallis Orr Whittaker„ Routledge „ Bohn White Adlard Whittaker - Simpkin Bohn Daly Campbell ,. Knight Procter «.. Bowdler Chalmers - Jewitt „„„ Knight Halliwell „ Procter „„ Collier Collier Hazlitt Chalmers 'Student & School' ' Pictorial Edition ' Plates „ Plates ,. ' Family Edition '„ ' Standard Edition' Woodcuts „„„,„„. ' Cabinet Edition ' Plates ' Family Edition', Plates Plates „, ,„™„, ' Cabinet Edition LansdowneEdition Vignettes „„ Plates „ ' National Edition' Plates „_„ Plates Woodcuts „„ Plates „ „ 'LansdowneEdition ' Family Edition'- ■ National Edition' 'Lansdowne Edition Plates „ 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo Svo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo Svo duo. Svo Svo duo. Svo Svo Svo Svo Svo duo. Svo Svo Svo Svo duo. Svo Svo Svo Svo Svo Svo Svo duo. Svo Svo fol. Svo 23s 250 237 239 245 251 253 253 2S4 2S3 258 260 261 26a Svo 8 ; duo. 22 j274 22 |275 2S 347 22 ,276 22 1279 34 Sijaftespeare l^emorial ltiiirar», Btrmingi^am. Place of Publication. *i854 *i854 1854-6 *i855 *i855-6 I 1855 *i856 1856 *i856 1856 1856 ♦1856 *i856 *i857 1857 *i857 *i857 1857 *i857 1857-60 1857-66 *i858 1858 *i858 1S58 *i858 ♦1858 1858-60 *.859 *i859 *i859 *i859 *i859 *i859 i860 *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86o *i86i 1861 *i86i 1861-3 1861 1861 *i862 *i862 *i862 *i862 '1863 *i863 *i863 *i863 Philadelphia London ^„„ London „„„ New York „ London London London London, etc. London London, etc. Edinburgh „ London, etc. London London London London London London London London Boston(U.S.) London -, London London London London London London London „ Halifax London London London „ London London „„„ London London „ London London „ — London London - London London „ London . Boston(U.S.) New York „ London London Manchester London London, etc. London „ London „ London London „ London London London London „ Boston(U.S.) London ^„^ Routledge Hodgson „ Bell and Daldy, Tegg Knight Singer Steevens„ Chalmers Nelson Routledge Griffin Chambers Bell and Daldy . Bohn Bohn Willoughby Moxon Routledge ,^ Little, Brown, etc. Routledge Tallis Routledge Publishing Co.„~« Whittaker Bohn Tegg and Griffin Milner and Sowerby Routledge „ Bohn. Bohn . Routledge Tegg Bradbury and Evans Longman ,„ Knight „. HalHwell „ Lloyd - Valpy Knight , Knight„„-, Dyce Knight - Knight White Campbell , Halliwell ,. Knight Procter Collier Phelps Reed Staunton. Bowdler „ Griffin „„. Routledge. Griffin Griffin Routledge Griffin Bell Tegg Chambers .,™. Griffin Griffin, etc. „„„ Routledge Rivingtons „. Macmillan Hoby Hudson Routledge. Knight , Knight Hazlitt Steevens Kean , Bowdler „, Bowdler Bowdler Campbell , Knight ^, ' Stratford Edition ' Portraits of Actors ' Cabinet Edition Plates Woodcuts 'Stratford Edition' 'Student's Edition' 'Companion Ed.' ' National Edition' Plates by Meadows Lansdowne Edition Illust. by Gilbert . ' Family Edition', Collier . Clarke , Hazlitt , Steevens Chambers, Bowdler Knight Campbell , Steevens „- Pitman „ Bowdler . Hudson , Staunton - ' Pictorial Edition Woodcuts See Selections ' Family Edition'™ ' Family Edition',. ' Family Edition '„ 'Stratford Edition' Plates . IS Woodcuts Plates „„„„ 'Stratford Edition' Illustrated „ 8vo 8vo 8vo 4to 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo lEnglisii iEtJittons of S^jaftespcare's m^ov^s. 35 1863-9 1863-6 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864? ♦1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864? *i864 •1864 *i864 *i864 *i864 1864 1864 •1864 1864 *i 864-7 1865 *i86s *i865 *i865 1865-7 1865-7 1865-9? 1866 1866 *i866 1866? 1866 1866 *i866 *i866 *i866 *i866 *i866 1866-7 *i866-7 1867 1867 1867 *i867 *i867 *i867 London Cambridge „ Cincinnatti„ London London Edinburgh „ London Cambridge _ Mancliester London London London Manchester London „ London Edinburgh „ Glasgow Edinburgh „ Edinburgh „ London London , London „ London Chiswick Glasgow London Glasgow „„ New York „ Edinburgh „ London „.,^ London London London London „ London Philadelphia London Halifax | Edinburgh _ London „ London „ London London London London „„„ London London London London Philadelphia Boston(U.S.) London London London London London London London London „ London „ London ^~~ Allman, etc.„^~-, — Macmillan ^ Rickey^and Carroll- Bickers Bickers ,„ Nimmo „^ ^ Dicks „,„ Macmillan Ireland. . — Publishing Co. Bell and Daldy„ Heywood „„ Routledge^.. Tegg „. Gall and Inglis- Dicks Dicks ,. Bell and Daldy. Macmillan Booth , Booth „_, Collins Routledge- Porteous„„ Macmillan „ „ Longman Routledge „„„ Cassell, etc. „„ „ Day and Son Routledge Dicks„, Milner and Sowerby Nimmo Macmillan Routledge „ Routledge „„. Griffin Chapman and Hall„ Bradbury and Evans Routledge Bentley , „„ Bell and Daldy Baughan„„ Clark, etc. „ Chalmers ~ Clarke Clarke Clark, etc. See Selections •Cambridge Edition' Plates „. Woodcuts ~ Woodcuts „, * Globe Edition ' Procter ..„, Hazlitt Keightley* Marsh Staunton Plates, H. G. Bell Keightley_ H. G. Bell Knight H. G. Bell Collier Clark, etc. Bowdler Hazlitt Clarke Staunton „ Campbell „ Duyckinck Bell and Daldy Allman Griffin Bell and Daldy Routled ge Warne „ ^ Bradbury and Evans Routledge „„„ Routledge . Staunton,..™ Clark, etc. Knight Knight Knight Dyce Reference Edition' Plates . Plates. Rep of ist Folio, Rep. of 1st Folio , Plates 'Pictorial Edition Knight Mathias Valpy Duyckinck Keightley „ Shorter — Keightley „ Knight Staunton — Singer, etc, Kniijht ' Globe Edition ' „ ' Family Edition'™ Woodcuts „„„_„„ Photo-Lithograph Woodcuts „„„—„ Plates ..~„~™™.™~ Woodcuts „, ™,.™ ' Globe Edition ' „ 'Blackfriars Edition' ' Pictorial Edition ' ' Stratford Edition ' 'Handy Vol. Edition' 'Blackfriars Edition' See Selections Plates ~~ — Plates „^ Handy Vol. Edition' See Selections . 'Shilling Edition ' ' Chandos Classics' •Handy Vol. Edition' 15 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo fol. 4to 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo Svo 8vo 8vo fol. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8VQ 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 13 Entry. 39 526 26,355 23 l3'^8 24 329 24[33o 24|33i 24 332 24I333 24,334 24 335 24I337 24J338 24 339 24 340 25 25 341 9 342 25 348 i6mo 27 8vo I 27 8vo 27 i6mo 28 8vo j 28 8vo 8vo I 365 366 380 10 356 357 358 360 367 368 522 369 525 371 372 373 374 375 36 Si^afeespeare |«cmorial ILtlirarj?, Birmtngi^am. Dftte. Place of PuMication, Publinher, etc. Editor, etc. Vols. Size. Page. No. of Entry. 1871 ? 1S71 London Philadelphia Virtue Knight Furness 'Pictorial Edition' 6 8vo 8vo 28 184. Lippincott 'New Variorum Ed.', 1 28I385 SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL LIBRARY^ BIRMINGHAM. ENGLISH EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. '' <^cIcction^ of tl)c pap^.** 501. Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare^ Being the whole Number printed in Quarto During'his Life-time, or before the Restoration, Collated where there were different Copies, and Publifh"'d from the Originals, by George Steevens, Efq ; London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson, in the Strand^ etc. [4 vols. 8vo] 1766. " The first labour of Steevens, which preceded the edition of Capell by two years, was to reprint in fac-simile ' twenty of the plays of Shakspeare.' * * * Most accurately did he execute this laborious duty." Charles Knight. Studies of Shakspcre. Plays reprinted in these •volumes : Vol. I. A Midfommer Nights Dreame. As it hath beene fundry Times publikely as. 45 CTortolanus. "'The Tragedy of Coriolanus ' was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. 821. The Ingratitude of a Common-Wealth : Or, the Fall of Cains Martius Coriolanus. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By N. Tate. London^ Printed by T. M. for Jofeph Hindmarflj. [i vol. 4to] 1682. Mr. Tate in the Epiftle Dedicatory admits having " Launcht out in Shakefpear's Bottom" ; and states that he has adapted the Flay as a lesson and rebuke to the political faction of the day. 829. Coriolanus. A Tragedy. By Shakespear. London : Printed by R. Walker. [i vol. duo. J 1735. 836. Coriolanus. A Tragedy. As it is Ailed at the Theatre Royal, in Covent-Garden. By the late yames Thotnson. Dublin : Printed by A. Reilly, For G. and A. Ewing, etc. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1754. 842. Coriolanus ; or, the Roman Matron. A Tragedy. Altered from Shakespeare. Printed exactly conformable to the Representation at the Theatre Royal^ Drury-Lane. With the Order of the Ovation. By Permission of the Managers, under the Inspection of James Wrighten, Prompter. London: J. Christie. [i vol. Svo] 1789. Dramatis Personae include Kemble as Caius Marclus Coriolanus and Mrs. Siddons as Volumnia. 844. Coriolanus ; or, the Ro?nan Matron. A Tragedy by IVilUam Shakspeare, Revised by J. P. Kemble, Esq. Js Performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London. C. Lowndes. [i vol. 8vo., N.D., about 1800.] 847. Shakspeare's Coriolanus ; or, The Roman Matron^ A Historical Play, Adapted to the Stage, vi^ith Additions from Thofnson^ by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is Acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London: Longman. [i vol. Svo] 1806. 849. Coriolanus ; or, the Roman Matron ; A Historical Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatre Royalj Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [In Inchbald's British Theatre. Vol. 5.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 851. Shakspeare^s Coriolanus ; or^ The Roman Matron ; a Historical Play, Adapted to the Stage, with Additions from Thomson.^ by J. P. Kemble ; and Published as it is Acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London: Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1812. 857. Shakspeare's Coriolanus ; An Historical Play. From the Prompt Copy of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London : J. l^abby. [i vol. duo.] 1820. VVi^h Preface, by R. W. Elliston. List of actors includes Mr. Kcan as Coriolanus. 46 Sijaftespeare IHcmorial Utiirarg, Btrmingljam. 859. Coriolanus ; or, the Roman Matron^ A Tragedy ; by W. Shakspeare. IVith Prefatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 8] London. Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1820. 865. Coriolanus, a Burlesque, in one act, by James Morgan. Liverpool: Hurton. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. 873. Shakspeare's Tragedy of Coriolanus : With Illustrative and Explanatory Notes, and Numerous Extracts from the History on vv^hich the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London: Longmans, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1870. "'The Tragedie of Cymbeline' was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." C. Knight. 896. Cymbeline : A Tragedy. By Shakespear. London : Printed by R. Walker. [i vol. duo.] 1735. 901. Cymbeline. A Tragedy, altered from Shakespeare. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. By William Havi^kins, M.A. London: Rivington and Fletcher, [ivol. 8vo] 1759. 912. Cymbeline. A Tragedy. As it is A6led at the Theatres- Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Shakespeare. London : J. Wenman. [i vol. 8vo] 1777. 927. Cymbeline ; A Historical Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [In Inchbald's British Theatre. Vol. 4.] London : Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 929. Shakspeare's Cymbeline, King of Britain ; A Historical Play. Revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now^ first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1810. 935. Cymbeline, a T'rtf^^('/y,- by William Shakspeare. J V'lth Prefatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New- English Drama, Vol. 12.] London: Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1821. 946. Cymbeline, King of Britain. A Play, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo,, n.d., about 1864.] Lacy's Acting Edition: with a short Bibliography of the Play; List of Representations in London, to 1864, with casts; Historical Introduction; Notes on costume; and Remarks by D. G. [Dated 1828.1 949. Cymbeline A Play, In Five Acts. By William Shakspeare. Cumberland's British Theatre. 1\ H. Lacy, London. [l V(;l. duo., N.D., about 1870.] iSngltsI^ tuitions of Sfjattcspearea 2L®lorfts. 47 iS>amIct. "The earliest edition of Hamlet known to exist is that of 1603." C. Knight. 968. The Tragicall Historic of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke By William Shake-fpeare. As it hath beene diuerse times acted by his Highnesse seruants in the Cittie of London : as also in the two Vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxford, and else-where At London printed for N. L. and lohn Trundell. 1603. The First Edition of the Tragedy of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Reprinted at the Shakes- peare Press, by William Nicol for Payne and Foss. [l vol. 8vo] 1825. With the last leaf, discovered by Rooney and reprinted by him at Dublin, 1856. 972. The Tragicall Hiftorie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke By William Shake-fpeare. As it hath beene diuerfe times adted by his Highnefle feruants in the Cittie of London : as alfo in the two Vniuerfities of Cambridge and Oxford, and elfe-where At London printed for N:L. and lohn Trundell. 1603. This fac-simile was made by the direction and at the expense of the late Duke of Devonshire, in 1858, under the superintendence of J. Payne Collier. Only forty copies were printed. 977. The Tragicall Hiftorie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By William Shakefpeare. Newly imprinted and enlarged to almoft as much againe as it was, according to the true and perfe6l Coppie. At London, Printed by L R. for N. L. and are to be fold at his (hoppe vnder Saint Dunftons Church in Fleetftreet. 1604. This fac-simile was made by the direction and at the expense of the late Duke of Devonshire, in 1859, under the superintendence of J. Payne Collier. Only forty copies were printed. 979. Hamlet By William Shake-fpeare, 1603 ; Hamlet By William Shakefpeare, 1604: Being exact Reprints of the Firft and Second Editions of Shakefpeare' s great Drama, from the -very rare Originals in the pofejfion of his Grace the Duke of Devon/hire j icith the tivo texts printed on oppofite pages, and Jo arranged that the parallel pafj'ages face each other. And a Bibliographical Preface by Samuel Timmins. London: Sampson Low. [Printed at Birmingham, by Josiah Allen, jun. I vol. 8vo] i860. The Tragicall Historic of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. By William Shakespeare. Newly imprinted, and enlarged to almoft as much againe as it was, according to the true and perfect coppie. At London : Printed for lohn Smethwicke. 1 6 1 1 . Steevens's Reprint, 1766. See Selections p. 38, No. 501. 993. The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By Mr. William Shakespeare : The Text from the Folio of 1623 ; With Notices of the knoivn Editions preuioufy iffued. London. Booth. [l vol. 4to] 1 864. 996. The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. Newly im- printed and inlarged, according to the true and perfect Copy laft Printed. By William Shakespeare. London.^ Printed by R. Young for 'John Smethwicke., and are to be fold at his Shop in Saint Dunjians Church-yard in Fleet-ftteet [sic'] under the Diall. [i vol. 4to] 1637. 48 Sijaftcspcare fWcmorial ILiiirari?, ISivmiitQ^jam. 1000. The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. As it is now A6led at his Highnefs the Duke of Tork\ Theatre. By William Shakespeare. London : Printed by Jndr. Clark^ for J. Martyn^ and H. Herringman. [i vol. 410] 1676. "To the Reader. Th'n Play being too long to he convenhntly AEied, juch places as might be leaji prejudicial to the Plot -jr Sense, are left out upon the Stage : but that ive may no ivay ivrong the incomparable Author, are here inferted according to the Original Copy ivith this Mark " 1004. The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. As it is now Afted at the Theatre Royal, by their Majefties Servants. By William Shakespeare. London : Printed for H. Herringman, and R. Bentley. [1 vol. 4to] 1695, Has same Note to the Reader as the Edition of 1676. 1006. The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. As it is now A£ted by Her Majesties Servants. By JVilUam Shakespeare. London : Printed for Rich. Wellington., etc. [i vol. 4to] 1703. Same prefatory Note, and same list of Players, as in the Editions of 1676 and 1695. 1022. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark : A Tragedy. As it is now a6ted at the Theatres Royal, in Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden. Written by William Shakespear. London : Printed for Hawes, Dodd, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1763. 1024. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. A Tragedy. By William Shakespeare. Collated with the Old and Modern Editions. [By C. JennensJ London, Printed by Bowyer and Nichols, [i vol. 8vo] 1773. With Frontispiece by Hayman, representing Hamlet in costume tetnp. George III. 1030. Hatnlet, Prince of Denmark ; A Tragedy, by Shakespeare ; as performed at the Theatres Royal. Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers. With an Introduction, and Notes Critical and Illuftrative. London: J. Barker. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1800.] 1033. Shakspeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, a Tragedy, revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at the Theatre Royal m Covent Garden. London: Ridgway. [i vol. 8vo] 1804. 1037. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark ; a Tragedy, in Five Acts ; by William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [In Inchbald's British Theatre. Vol. i]. London: Longman, [i vol. duo.] 1808. 1039. Hamlet Travestie : In Three Acts. With Annotations by Dr. Johnson and Geo. Steevens, Esq. and other Commentators. [By John Poole] London: J. M. Richardson. [i vol. 8vo] 1810. iiitglisf) iititttons of t\)t Separate IJlaijs. 49 1041. Hamlet Travestie : In Three Acts. With Burlesque Anno- tations, after the manner of Dr. Johnson and Geo. Steevens, Esq. and the Farious Co?nmentators. By John Poole, Esq. Fourth Edition. London: J. M. Richardson. [l vol. sm. 8vo] i8l2. 1043. The same. Fifth Edition. London : J. A^Iiller. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1814. 1045. The same. Sixth Edition. London : Sherwood. [i vol. duo.] 1817. 1049. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, J Tragedy^ by William Shakespeare, regulated from the Prompt-Book^ by Permission of the Managers. As now performed at the Theatres Royal. With an Intro- duction, and Notes critical and illustrative. London : J. Barker. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1820.] Has inverted commas showing the lines omitted in representation. The Introduction says, *' Hamlet is one of our Jirst rate dramatic productions j it contains many unparalleled beauties, ivith some egregious blemishes. As originally luritten, it must take up four hours in action; hoive'ver, from this, as ivell as all his plays, it may be surmised, that the -vitiated taste of Shakespeare's audience required occasional trifing ; that, going to the play so early as at four o'' clock, they did not mind an hour extraordinary, and possibly ivanted as much as they could get for money. T^he plot of this, is rather irregularly carried on, and the ivinding up exceeding lame ; the Dramatic Censor points out this mure at large." For the Dramatic Censor, see Shakespeariana. 1057. Hamlet, A Tragedy ; by William Shakspeare. With Pre- fatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 3.] London : Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1827. 1073. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. By W. Shakespeare. With Notes, Glossarial, Grammatical, and Explanatory. London : Routledge, etc. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1859. 1083. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol, duo., N.D., about 1869.] 1085. Shakspeare's Tragedy of Hamlet. With Notes, Extracts from the old ' Historie of Hamblet,' selected Criticisms on the Play, etc., etc. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. New Edition. London : Longmans. [i vol. duo.] 1870. 1087. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. J Tragedy.^ in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. With Remarks by D. G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London : T. H. Lacy. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1870.] H 50 Sijafeesjjrare IHemorial Utirarg, Birmmgijam. E\)t Jftrst pun of ii?ntr5 t\)e Jfouvtl). "The first edition of Henry IV., Fart I., appeared in 1598, under the following title: 'The History of Henrie the Fourth ; with the Battell at Shrewsburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Hcnric Hotspur of the North. With the Humourous Conceits of Sir John Falstalfe. Printed by P. S. for Andrew Wise.' Five other editions were printed before the folio of 1623." Knight. The History of Henry the Fourth, with the Battell at Shrewfe- burie^ betweene the King, and Lord Henrie Percy^ fur-named Henrie Hotfpur of the North. With the Humorous Conceites of Sir lohn Fahtaffe. Newly corredled by W. Shakespeare. London., Printed by IV.W. for Matthew Law. 1 613. Stee-vens's Reprint. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 1127. The FirJ} Part o/" Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Sirnamed HotsSpvrre. By Mr. William Shakespeare. 1623. The Text from the Folio of 1623 j luith Notices of the knoivn Editions preuioujly ijfued. London. L. Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1863. 1136. K. Henry IV. with the Humours of Sir John FalftafF. A Tragi-Comedy. As it is A6ted at the Theatre in Little- Lincolns- Inn- Fields by His Majefty's Servants. Revived, with Alterations. Written Originally by Mr. Shakefpear. London., Printed for R. JV. and Sold by yohn Deeve at Bernards-Inn-Gate in Holborn. [i vol. 4to] 1700. 1142. K. Henry IV. With the Humours of Sir John FalstafF. A Tragi-Comedy, By Mr. W. Shakespear. London. Printed for T. Johnson. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1721. 1152. The First Part of Henry IV. With the Life and Death or Henry, Sirnamed Hot-spur. By Shakespear. With Alterations, as per- formed at the Theatres. London : Printed for Hitch., Hawes., etc. [i vol. duo. J 1763. 1158. King Henry IV. The First Part; A Historical Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, Vol. 2.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 1160. Shakspeare's King Henry the Fourth, (The First Part.,) A Historical Play, revised by J. P. Kemble ; and published as it is acted at "^The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1811. 1166. King Henry IV. Part I. A Tragedy; by William Shakspeare. Wi^h Prefatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, Vol. 14.] London : Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1822. iEnglisl) iEDtttons of ti)t Sfparate |)Iai?s, 51 1170. King Henry IV. Part I. A Tragedy, In Five Acts, by William Shalcspeare. Printed from the acting copy, with Remarks, biographical and critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London : G. H. Davidson. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1823.] Shakespeare's Play of King Henry the Fourth, printed from a Contemporary Manuscript. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society. [i vol. 8vo] 1845. Shakespeare Society Publications, Vol. 9. 1181. King Henry IV. Part I. A Play, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1868. 1184. Shakspeare's King Henry IV. Part I. With Explanatory and Illustrative Notes and numerous Extracts from the History on which the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London : Longmans, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1871. ^i)C Sfconti ^art of ii^eurg tijc iTouvtij. "The first edition of Henry IV., Part II., appeared in 1600. Another edition was issued the same year, by the same publishers, for the purpose of supplying the omission of the first scene of the third act. No subsequent edition appeared till the folio of 1623." Knight. The Second Part of Henrie the Fourth, Continuing to his Death, And Coronation of Henrie the Fift. With the Humours of Sir lohn Falstaffe^ and fwaggering Pijfoll. As it hath been fundrie Times publikely a6led by the right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. London printed by V.S. for Andrew Wife^ and William Jfpley. 1600. Stecjem's Reprint. See Se/txtioiis, p. 38, No. 501. This reprint is of the first of the two Editions of 1600, i.e., that which was issued minus sc. i, act 3. 1205. The Second part of Henrie the fourth, continuing to his death, and coronation of Henrie the fift. With the humours of fir lohn Y2\ftaffe^ and fwaggering Piftoll. A$ it hath been jundrie times publikely a6led by the right honourable, the Lord Chamberlaine his feruants. Written by JFilliam Shakespeare. London Printed by V.S. for Andrew Wife and William Afpley. 1600. Facsimiled from the Second Edition Printed at London in the year 1600. By Edmund William Ashbee. London: For Private Circulation only, 1866. Fifty copies printed, nineteen of which were destroyed, thus reducing the total number to thirty-one ; this is copy number nine, signed, J. O. Halliwell. 1208. The Second Part of Henry the Fourth, Containing his Death : and the Coronation ofHcnvy the Fift. By Mr. William Shakespeare. 1623. The Text from the Folio of 1623 ; ivitk Notices of the kiwivn Editions preuioujly {[Jucd. London, L. Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1863. 52 Sljafeespparc f^lemorial ILibrarp, Birmingljam. 1230. Falstaff's Wedding, a Comedy : as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Being a Sequel to the Second Part of the Play of King Henry the Fourth, Written in Imitation of Shakespeare, by W. Kenrick. London, L. Davis, etc. [i vol. 8voJ 1766. 1233. FalstafF's Wedding, a Comedy : As it is acted at the Theatre- Royal in Drury-Lane. Written in Imitation of Shakespeare. By W. Kenrick, LL.D. A New Edition. London : L. Davis, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1773. 1238. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth, altered from Shakespeare^ [by Dr. R. Valpy,] as it was Acted at Reading School^ in October, 1801. Published, as it was performed, for the Benefit of the Humane Society. Reading: Smart and Cowslade. [i vol. 8vo] 1801. 1241. Shakspeare's King Henry the Fourth, (The Second Part.) A Historical Play, Revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Roy a in\ Covent Garden. London : J. Ridgway. [i vol. 8vo] 1804. 1244. King Henry IV. The Second Part; A Historical Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under tlie Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol 2.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 1247. Shakspeare's King Henry the Fourth, (the Second Part), An Historical Play ; Revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal. London: Miller. [1 vol. duo.] 1815. 1249. The Death of Falstaff. A Melodrame. By Z. Jackson. London : Printed for the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1820. 1251. King Henry IV. (The Second Part,) An Historical Play ; revised by J. P. Kemble, Esq. and printed as it was revived at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, on Monday., June the 2^th^ 1821 ; with the repre- sentation of the Coronation, as arranged by Mr. Farley ; (published with the Stage Directions.) London: Miller. [i vol. 8vo] 1821. 1254. The Life and Humours of FalstafF; a Cotntvly formed out of the Two Parts of Shakspeare's Henry the P'ourth, and a i^w Scenes of Henry the Fifth. Compiled, &C. By C. S. London: Calkin and Budd. [i vol. duo.] 1829. 1256. King Henry IV. Part II. An Historical Play, In Five Acts, by William Shakspeare. Revised by J. P. Kemble. Printed from the acting Copy, with Remarks, biographical and critical, by D — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1831.] iingltsi) IHtJitions of tfjc Separate |?Ia»B. 53 1263. King Henry IV. Part II. An Historical Play, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. With Remarks. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1864.] 1266. Shakspeare's King Henry IV. Part II. With Explanatory and Illustrative Notes and Numerous Extracts from the History on which the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M. A. London : Long- mans, [l vol. duo.] 187 1. The Story of FalstafF, selected from King Henry IV.,. for Drawing-Room Representation. By Mark Lemon. With a Shciv in the North. Reminiscences of Mark Lemon. By Joseph Hatton. Together with Mark Lemon's Revised Text of Falstaft". London: W. H. Allen, [i vol. 8vo] 1871. See Shakespeariana. i^cnrp ti)c JFiftlj. Henry V. was first printed in 1600, and was reprinted in 1602 and 1608. The quarto of 1608 runs only to 1,800 lines, whilst the lines in the folio edition of 1623 amount to 3,500. Knight. The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. Containing The Honourable Battell of Agin-Court. As it was adted by the Kinges Majeflies Servants. London, Imprinted by Barnard Alfop^ and are to be fold by Tymothie Barlow^ at his (hop in Paules Church-yard, at the Signe of the Bull-head. [n.d., about 1598.] Reprint, in NkhoPs '■ Six Old Plays,'' -vol. 2. 1779. "'The Famous Victories of Henry V.,' upon the foundation of which Shakspere constructed not only his two parts of Henry IV., but his Henry V." Knight. 1288. The Chronicle Hiftory of Henry the fift, with his battell fought at Agin Court in France. Together with ancient Pistoli. As it hath bene fundry times playd by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. Printed for T. P. [l vol. 4to] 1608. Twenty-seven leaves. "This copy has the original last leaf (blank) of Sig. G. If I recollect rightly, a copy bought by Lilly at Sotheby's, 21 March, 1864, for ,^12, also had this leaf, but it is rarely met with." MS. Note on Jiy leaf, by jf. 0. Halliivcll. The Chronicle History of Henry the Fift. With his Battell fought at Agin Court in France. Together with Ancient Pistoli. As it hath bene fundry Times playd By the Right Honourable the Lord Cham- berlaine his Seruants. Printed for T. P. 1608. Steevens's Reprint. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 1295. The Life of Henry the Fift. By Mr. JVilUam Shakespeare. 1623. The Text from the Folio of 1623 ; ivith Notices of the knoivn Editions preuioujly ifj'ued. London. L. Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1863. 1301. King Henry the Fifth. Or, the Conquest of France., by the English. A Tragedy. As it is A6ted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- 54 SijaUfspcave iHcmorial ILiliravp, iiirmingi^am. Lane^ by His Majesty's Servants. By Aaron Hill, Efq ; London : Printed for W. Chetwood. [i vol. 8vo] 1723. Hill, in the Preface, after acknowledging his obligations to Shakefpear, attacks the fashion- ables of his day for their preference for the ballet, etc. ; or, for wit in the heels rather than that of the head. He has very much the tone of the "Managers" of 1870 on the danger of playing Shakefpear. 1320. Shalcspeare's King Henry the Fifth, A Historical Play, revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Longman, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1806. 1322. King Henry V. A Historical Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under the authority of the Managers from the Prompt Boole. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre. Vol. 2.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 1328. King Henry V. Jn Historical Play; by W. Shakspeare. IFith Prefatory Remarks [signed P.P.] [Oxberry''s New English Drama, vol. 18.] London. Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1823. 1330. King Henry V. An Historical Play, In Five Acts. By William Shakspeare. Printed from the acting Copy, with Remarks, biographical and critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London: Davidson. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1825.] 1337. Shakespeare''s Play of King Henry the Fifth, Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, by Charles Kean,F.S.A. As first performed On Monday, March 28th, 1859. Entered at Stationers' Hall. Fifth Edition. London: J. K. Chapman. [1 vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1859.] 1339. King Henry the Fifth. An Historical Play, in Five Acts, By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [1 vol. duo., N.D., about 1859.] 1345. Shakspeare's King Henry V. With Explanatory and Illus- trative Notes and numerous Extracts from the History on which the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London : Longmans. [i vol. duo.] 1871. iTijf jFiist |)art of ii>fun) t\)t ^ixtlj. "'The First Part of Henry the Sixth ' was originally printed under that title, in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. 1361. The firft Part of Henry the Sixt. By Mr. JVilliam Shake- speare. 1623. In the originall Text from the Folio of 1623 ; With Notices of preu'wui Playi upon Kvhkh this -was founded. London. L. Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1S64. ianglisi) iSUitions of t\)t Separate |JIai)s. 55 1364. Henry the Sixth, The Firft Part. With the Murder of Humphrey Duke of Glocefter. As it was A6ted at the Dukes Theatre. Written by Mr. Crown. London^ Printed for R. Bentley^ and M. Magnes^ in RuJJel-Streety in Covent-Garden. [i vol. 4to] 1681. 2ri)e Seconti ^avt of ?l?cnrp ttje Sixti^. "'Tlie Second Fart of Henry the Sixt, with the Death of the Good Duke Hvmphrey,' was first printed in its complete form, in the folio of 1633." Staunton. Of this Play, the following is the foundation : The First Part of the Contention betwixt the Two Famous Houses of Yorke and Lancaster, with the Death of the good Duke Humphrey : And the banishment and death of the Duke of Suffolke^ and the Tragical! end of the proud Cardinall oi Winchester ^\v\x.\\ the notable Rebellion of lacke Cade : And the Duke of Torkes first claime vnto the Crowne. London Printed by Thomas Creed, for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters Church in Cornwall. 1594- The First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of King Henry the Sixth. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, Esq. Shakespeare Society Publications, vol. 14. 1390. [Henry VL] The Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Eioufes, Lancaster and Yorke. JFith the Trag'icall ends of the good Duke Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the fixt. Diuided into two Parts : And newly corrected and enlarged. Written by IVilliatn Shakefpeare^ Gent. Printed at London, for T. P. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1619.] The Whole Contention Betweene the Two famous Houfes, Lancaster and Yorke. With the tragicall Ends of the Good Duke Hu?nfrey^ Richard Duke of Torke^ and King Henrie the fixt. Diuided into Two Parts : And newly corre6ted and enlarged. Written by William Shakespeare, Gent. Printed at London^ for T. P. [n.d.] Stee"jens's Reprint. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 1394. The fecond Part of Henry the Sixt, with the death of the Good Duke Hvmfrey. By Mr. JVilliam Shakespeare. I^-^S* In the originall Text from the Folio of 1623 ; With Notices of preuious Plays upon -which this •was founded. London. L. Booth. [l vol. 4to] 1864. 1398. Henry the Sixth, The Second Part. Or the Misery of Civil War, As it was Adled at the Dukes Theatre. Written by Mr. Crown. London., Printed for R. Bentley., etc. [i vol. 4to] 1681. "A small portion of the Second Part of Henry the Sixth is introduced ; * * * in the prologue, however, the author unblushingly asserts that he has borrowed nothing from Shakespeare." Halliiveli. 56 ^fjaftrspcare fttcmonal 3Lii)rar», Uirmingtam. m)c ^rfjiiD i3art of ^jmv tije ^ixti). "This tragedy was first printed in its present furm, in the folio of 1623." Staunton. 1417. The third Part of Henry the Sixt, with the death of the Duke of Yorke. By Mr. JVtirta?n Shakespeare. 1623. In the originall Text from the Folio of 1623 5 ivith Notices of preuious Plays upon ivliich this ivas founded. London. L. Booth. [l vol. 4toJ 1S64. 1425. King Henry VI. A Tragedy. As it is A6led at the Theatre- Royal in Drury-Lane., by His Majesty's Servants. Altered from Shakespear, 'ui the Tear 1720, by Theophilvs Gibber. The Second Edition. London: Printed for W. Chetwood. [l vol. 8vo] 1724. 1431. The Roses ; or King Henry the Sixth ; An Historical Tragedy. Reprefented at Reading School. Compiled principally from Shakespeare. [By Dr. R. Valpy.] Reading : Smart, etc. [r vol. 8vo] 1795. 1433. [Shakspeare's] Henry VI. Part the Third. I vol. 8vo, no title page, about 1800. 1437. Richard, Duke of York ; or, the Contention of York and Lancaster. ( Altered from Shakspeare''s Henry FL) In Five Acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal.^ Drury-Lane. London : Richard White. [i vol. 8vo] 1817. 1442. King Henry VI. A Tragedy, In Five Acts, by William Shakespeare. As adapted by Edmund Kean. Printed from the acting Copy, with Remarks, biographical and critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London : Davidson. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1830.] "'The famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth ' was first published in the folio collection of Shakspere's Works in 1623." Knight. 1456. The Life of Henry VIII. By Mr. William Shakespear. \\\ which are interfperfed, Hiftorical Notes, Moral Reflections and Observa- tions, in refpe6l to the unhappy Fate Cardinal Wolsey met with. Never before Publifli'd. Adorned with feveral Copper-Plates, ^y the Author of the History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey. [J. Grove.] Dedicated to Colley Gibber, Esq ; London : Printed for D. Browne. [i vol. 8vo] 1758. 1458. King Henry the Eighth. With the Coronation of Anne Bullen. Written by Shakespear. With Alterations. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for C. Hitch, etc. [ I vol. duo.] 1762. iSuglislj iiDitiouss of tfjc Separate |)Iai)S. 57 1463. Shakspeare''s King Henry the Eighth. A Historical Play, revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for Longman, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1804. 1465. King Henry VIIL A Historical Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shalcspeare. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Lichbald. [Lichbald's British Theatre. Vol. 3.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 1469. King Henry VHL A Historical Play^'m Five Acts: By Will. Shakespeare. As Performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers^ from the Prompt Books. Edinburgh ; Printed at the Caledonian Press, by Oliver & Boyd. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1810.J 1474. King Henry VHL A Play; By W, Shakspeare. IVith Prefatory Remarks^ [signed P.P.] As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, Vol. 19.] London : Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1823. 1485. Shakespere's Historical Play of King Henry the Eighth ; Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, by Charles Kean. Sixth Edition. London: Printed by Chapman. [i vol. 8vo] 1855. 1490. Shakspeare's Henry the Eighth : with Introductory P^emarks ; copious Literpretation of the Text ; Critical, Historical, and Grammatical Notes. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] i860. 1493. King Henry the Eighth. An Historical Play, in Five Acts. By William Shakspeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1866.] 1497. King Henry VHL An Historical Play, in Five Acts, by Shakespeare. With remarks by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumber- land's British Theatre, T. H. Lacv, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1870.] 1500. Shakspeare's Henry the Eighth. With Introductory Remarks and Critical and Explanatory Notes. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. New Edition. London: Longmans, etc. [i vol. duo.] ii']2. 1 58 ^fjaUcsiJcavc iitcmorial 3Liiivari), Bivmmgijam. Sfulius ©aesar. " ' The Tragedy of Julius Cassar was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." — Knight. 1529. Julius Cre(iir. A Tragedy. As it is Now Acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by JVilliani Shakespeare. London^ Printed by H.H. Jun. for Hen Herringman and R Bent ley. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1680.] 1533. Julius Cassar : A Tragedy, as it is now Acted at the Theatre- Royal. Wrmenhy IVilliam Shakespeare. London: Printed by //.//. Jun' for Hen. Herringman., etc. [l vol. ^tc, N.D., about 1684.] 1535. Julius Caefar. A Tragedy. As it is now AcSled at the Theatre Royal. Written by Williarn Shakespeare. London., Printed for Henry Herringman., and Richard Bentley. [l vol. 4toj 1 691. An Imperfect Copy: wanting pp. i — 2 of the text. 1544. Julius Caefar : A Tragedy. As it is now Acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by JVilUam Shakespeare. London.^ Printed by H.H. Jun. for Hen. Herringman., and R. Bentley. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1696.] The three undated quartos differ considerably in the printing, arrangement of the pages, etc. 1561. Julius Cassar, A Tragedy. By William Shakespeare. Col- lated with the Old and Modern Editions. [By C. Jennens.] London, Printed by Bowyer and Nichols. [i vol. 8vo] 1774. 1565. Julius Caesar. A Tragedy. As it is AcSled at the Theatres- Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Shakespeare. London; Harrison, Wenman, etc. [ivol. 8vo] 1780. 1572. Julius C^sar ; a Tragedy, in Five Acts ; by William Shak- speare. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 4.] London: Longman. [l vol. duo.] 1808. 1576. Shakspeare's Julius Cresar, a Tragedy ; adapted to the Stage by J. P. Kemble ; and published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London: Printed ft)r the 'I'hcatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1812. 1581. Julius Ciesar, a Tragedy; by William Shakspeare. IFith Prefatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's Ne.v English Drama, vol. 16.] London: Simpkin, etc. [l vol. duo.] 1822. lEngltsij iSDittons of t\)t Separate |)laijs. 59 1585. Julius Caesar: A Tragedy, In Five Acts, by William Shalc- speare. Printed from the acting Copy, with Remarks, biographical and critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London: Music-Publishing Co. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1824.] The English of Shakespeare Uhistrated in a Philological Cotn- mentary on his Julius Ca-sar, by Craik — 1859 and l86g. See Shake- spear iana. 1604. Shakspeare's Tragedy of Julius Caesar: with Introductory Remarks ; Copious Interpretation of the Text ; Critical and Grammatical Notes ; and numerous Extracts from the History on which the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London: Longman. [l vol. duo.] 1861. 1607. Julius Caesar. A Play, in Five Acts. By William Shake- speare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1866.] Ittng Jf oijn. " The King John, of Shakspere, was first printed in the folio collection of his plays, in 1623." Knight. 1619. Kynge Johan. A Play in Two Parts. By John Bale. [n.d., about 1560.] Edited by |. Payne Collier, Esq. F.S.A. From the MS. of the Author in the Library of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire. London: Printed for the Camden Society 1838. For an account of Bale's Play, and comparison of it with Shakespeare's, i^s. 77 2640. Othello, the Moor of Venice : A Tragedy, in Five Acts, by William Shakespeare, Arranged for the '^^ London Dramatic Cotnpany''^ by JVilliam A'ltken. London: Ballard. [l vol. 8vo] 1869. In this Edition the character of Bianca is restored to the acting Play. 2642. Othello: A Tragedy, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. With Remarks by D — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1870.] ^enclfs. "The first edition of Pericles appeared in 1609." Knight. 2679. The much admired Play^ called, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, IVith the true Relation of the whole Hiftory^ Adventures^ and Fortunes of the faid Prince. Written by VV. Shakespeare, and publiflied in his life time, never before Printed in Folio. London, Printed for P. C. 1664. Reprinted for L. Booth. [l vol. folio] 1865. Bound at the end of Booth's reprint of the First Folio, 1623. 2688. Marina : A Play of Three Acts. As it is A£led at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. Taken from Pericles Prince of Tyre. By Mr. Lillo. London: John Gray. [i vol. 8vo] 1738. lAidjartJ tije ScconU. The Richard II of Shakspere was first printed in 1597. The Tragedie of King Richard the Second : with New- Additions of the Parliament Sceane, and the Depofing of King Richard. As it hath been lately a6led by the Kinges Maiesties Seruants, at the Globe. By William Shake-speare. At London., printed for Mathew Law. 1615. Steeitem'i Reprint, 1766. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 2736. The Life and Death of King Richard the Second. By Mr. JVilliam Shakespeare. 1623. The Text from the Folio of 1623 ; ivith Notices of the knoiun Editions preuioujly ijjued. London. L. Booth. [1 vol. 4to] 1863. 2771. Shakspeare's King Kichard the Second ; An Historical Play. Adapted to the Stage, with Alterations and Additions, by Richard Wrough- ton, Esq. And published as it is performed at The Theatre-Royal, Drury- Lane. London: John Miller. [ivol. 8vo] 1815. "The Play of Richard the Second has been hitherto neglected by the Managers of the London Theatres, being considered too heavy for representation: — as it stood, it certainly was so, and might also be felt as bordering too much on the Mono-drama. That so exquisite a production of our immortal Bard, should not grace, among his other works, the Boards of our National Theatres, was almost Theatrical Treason. The present attempt has been made by a tew alterations and additions (and those taken from the writings of Shakespear), to rescue it from neglect. Whoever is curious, may find the introduced passages in the plays ot Henry the 78 SfjAftfspcarc i^lrmonal 3Lti3van>, Birmingfjam. Sixth, Titus Andronicus, and King Lear ; other lines are here and there necessari Ijinterpolated. The event has justified the deed ; and, like Colley Gibber's alteration of Richard the Third, now acted at both Theatres, the Tragedy of Richard the Second will also most probably long keep posi^ession of the English Stage. It has likewise given an opportunity of fully evincing the complete powers and distinguished judgment of a young Actor, Mr. Kean, whose merit is deservedly rewarded by the loudest plaudits of a discriminating Publick." ^d-vertisement. The Cast includes Mr. Kean as Richard. 2775. King Richard II. A Tragedy, In Five Acts, by William Shalcspeare. With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D — G. [George Daniel.] As performed at the Theatres Royal, London. Cumberland's British Theatre. London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1831.] 2784. Shakespeare's Play of King Richard II. Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, by Charles Kean. Fourth Edition. London : J. K. Chapman. [l vol. 8vo, N.D.^ about 1857.] 2785. Shakespeare's Play of King Richard II. Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, by Charles Kean. Fifth Edition. London : J. K. Chapman. [l vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1857.] 2788. King Richard II. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1866.] 2795. Shakspeare's Tragedy of King Richard 11. With Explana- tory and Illustrative Notes and numerous Extracts from the History on which the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London : Longmans. [l vol. duo.] 1869. 2796. Shakespeare Select Plays The Tragedy of King Richard II Edited by W. G. Clark, M.A. and W. A. Wright, M.A. Second Edition Oxford Clarendon Press [i vol. 8vo] i86g. lAtcijarD tije gTJjirO. "The earliest known copy of this popular tragedy is a quarto published in 1597." Staunton. The True Tragedie of Richard the Third : Wherein is showne the death of Edward the fourth, with the smothering of the two yoong Princes in the Tower : ff^ith a lamentable ende of Shores wife., an example for all wicked women. And lastly the coniunction and ioyniiig of the two noble Houses, Lancaster and Torke. As it was playd by the Qucenes Maiesties Players. London Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by William Barley, at his shop in Newgate Market, neare Christ Church doore. 1594- Reprint: to which is appended the Latin Flay of Richardus Tcrtius, by Dr. Thomas Legge. Bjth anterior to Shakespeare's Drama. With an Introduction and Notes by Barron Field. Shakespeare Society Publications, vol. 14. 1844. iEugltsi) iStfitions of tfjc Separate |)Ians. 79 The Tragedie of King Richard the Third. Containing His treacherous Plots againft his Brother Clarence : the pittifuU murther of his innocent Nephewes : his tyrannicall Vfurpation : with the whole Courfe of his detefted Life, and moft deferued Death. As it hath beene lately a6led by the Kings Maiefties Servants. Newly augmented, By William Shake-speare. London^ Printed by Thomas Creede. 161 2. Stee'vens's Reprint, 1766. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 2844. T/;^ Tr^^, Uivmingfjam. 2899. Richard III. Travestie ; in Three Acts. V^\\.\\ Annotatloyis. By William By. London: Sherwood, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1816. 2906. Shakspeare's Tragedy of King Richard III. As altered By Colley Cibber. From the Prompt Copy of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London: J. Tabby. [i vol. duo.] 1819. 2908. The Historical Play of King Richard the Third: Nev/ly altered, and adapted for Representation, from the Original of Shakespeare. By T. Bridgman. London: Printed by Cope. [i vol. 8vo] 1820. 2915. King Richard III. Travestie, a Burlesque, Operatic, Mock Terrefic Tragedy, in Two Acts. London : Edward Duncombe. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1823.] 2921. Richard the Third, a Tragedy, in Five Acts. By W. Shakspeare, Adapted to the Stage by Colley Cibber. With Prefatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry"'s New English Drama, vol. 3.] London: Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1827. 2934. Richard III. A Burlesque. In One Act. J. Stirling Coyne, Esq. London : Earth. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1844.] 2946. Kinge Richard ye Third or ye Battel of Bosworth Field Being a familiar Alteration of the celebrated History, by a Gentleman from Stratford, in Warwickshire, called Ye True Tragedie of King Richard ye Third, containing his Treacherous Plots against his Brother Clarence ; ye Pittieful Murther of his Innocent Nephews ; his Tyrannical Life and Most Deserved Death : together with ye Landing of ye Earl of Richmond, and ye Battel of Bosworth Field. A Merrie Mysterie in One Act by Charles Selby, Comedian. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1858.] 2950. King Richard the Third. A Tragedy. By William Shake- speare. Adapted by Colley Cibber. T. H. Lacy, London. [l vol, duo., N.D., about 1868.] 2954. Shakspeare's Tragedy of King Richard III. With Explan- atory and Illustrative Notes and numerous Extracts from the History on which the Play is founded. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London : Longmans. [i vol. duo.] 1869. 2956. King Richard the Third. A Tragedy, In Five Acts. Bv William Shakspeare. With Remarks by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. T. H, Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1870.] iSngliBij iSOitions of tfje Separate IJlawB. 8i Momco anO Jfultct. " Romeo and Juliet was first printed in the year i 597" Knight. 2979. An Excellent conceited Tragedie of Romeo and luliet. As it hath been often (with great applaufe) plaid publiquely, by the right Honourable the L. of Hunfdon his seruants. London, Printed by lohn Danter. 1597- Facsimiled by Edmund William Ashbee. London : For Private Circulation only, [i vol. 410] 1866. Only fifty copies printed, nineteen of which were subsequently destroyed, thus reducing the number preserved to thirtv-one. This is number Thirty. Signed by E. W. Ashbee, John Tuckett, and J. O. Halliwell. Another reprint of this Edition luill be found in Steevens's Tiventy Plays. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. The moft Excellent and Lamentable Tragedie, of Romeo and Juliet. As it hath beene fundrie Times publiquely ailed, By the Kings Maiefties Seruants at the Globe. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. London. Printed for lohn Smethwiclc. 1609. Steet'ens^ Reprint, 1 766. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 2995. The Tragedie of Romeo and Ivliet. By Mr. JViUiam Shake- speare. 1623. The Text from the Folio of 1623 5 luith Notices of the known Editions preuioujly ijfued. London. L. Booth [i vol. 4toJ 1S64. 3031. Romeo and Juliet. By Shakespear. With Alterations, and an additional Scene ; by D. Garrick. As it is Performed at the Theatre- Royal in Drury-Lane. London : J. and R. Tonson. [i vol. duo.] 1763. 3042. Romeo and Juliet. A Tragedy. As it is now aited at the Theatres Royal, in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By William Shake- spear. London: W. Oxlade. [i vol, duo.] 1775- 3045. Romeo and Juliet. A Tragedy. As it is A6led at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Shakespeare. London : J. Wenman. [i vol. 8vo] 1778. 3050. Romeo and Juliet. By Shakespeare. With Alterations, and an additional Scene ; by D. Garrick. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. London : J. Whitworth. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1780.] 3069. Romeo and Juliet ; a Tragedy, in Five Acts ; By William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Lichbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol i.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. M 82 Sijafecspeare fK^morial ILihvav^, Birmingljam. 3072. Shakspeare's Romeo and Juliet, a Tragedy ; adapted to the Stage by David Garrick ; revised by J. P. Kemble ; and published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] iSii. 3074. The History and Fall of Caius Marius. A Tragedy. By Thomas Otway. [Otvi^ay's Works, vol. 2.] London : Rivington, etc. [i vol. 8vo] i8i2. Shakspeaie's Romeo and Juliet was largely used in this Flay. Otway, speaking of Shakspeare, says in the Prologue. " Our this day's poet fears he's done htm ivrong. Like greedy beggars that steal shea-ves away. You'll Jind he''s rijicd him of half a play. Amidst his baser dross you'll see it shine Most beautiful, amazing, and di-vine." 3076. Romeo and Juliet Travesty. Li Three Acts. London : Hookham, etc. [i vol. duo.] i8i2. 3085. Romeo and Juliet. J Tragedy ; By W. Shakspeare. Adapted to the Stage by David Garrick. IFith Prefatory Remarks. [Signed W. H.] As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, vol.6.] London: Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1823. 3096. Giulietta e Romeo. Romeo and Juliet. A serious Opera. In Two Acts. The Music by Signor Vaccai. As represented at the King's Theatre, Haymarket, April, 1832. London : Printed by G. Davidson. [i vol. 8vo] 1832. In Italian and English ; with names of Performers. 3104. Romeo and Juliet : " As the Law Directs." Jn Operatical Burlesque Burletta., in One Act. By M. M. G. Dowling, Esq. London : J. Duncombe & Co. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1837.] 3113. Rummio and Judy ; or, Oh, this Love ! this Love ! this Love! A Serio-Comic-Parodi-Tragedi-Farcical Burlesque. In Two Acts. By Horace Amelius Lloyd, Esq. Edinburgh : Menzies. [i vol. duo.] 1841. 3133. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, in Five Acts. Glasgow: Cameron. [i vol. sm. 8vo, n.d., about 1859.] 3134. Romeo and Juliet Travestie ; or, the Cup of Cold Poison. A Burlesque, in One Act. By Andrew Halliday, Esq. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1859.] 3139. Romeo and Juliet; or. The Shaming of the True! An Atrocious Outrage. Perpetrated at Oxford, by the St. John's College Amateurs, during Commemoration, 1868. Oxford : T. & G. Shrimpton. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. iZnglts^ IHDitions of tfft septiratc IJlagft. 83 3140. Castelvines y Monteses. Tragi-Comedia. By Frey Lope Felix de Vega Carpio. Translated by F. W. Cosens. London : Printed at the Chiswick Press. For private distribution. [i vol. 4to] 1869. "To those interested in Sliakespeariana it may be of value to note how two great contemporary dramatists treated the same story for the stage." Extract from Introduction. 3141. Romeo and Juliet. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1869.] 3143. Romeo and Juliet. A Tragedy^ in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. With Remarks by D. G. [George Daniel.] Cumber- land's British Theatre. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1870.] 3146. Shakspeare''s Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. With Explan- atory and Illustrative Notes, Selected Criticisms on the Play, etc. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London : Longmans. [i vol. duo.] 1872. 2rJ)c ^Taming of tlje Sl)r€to. "The Taming of the Shrew was first printed in the folio collection of Shakspere's Plays in 1623." Knight. A Pleafant Conceited Hiftorie, called The taming of a Shrew^. As it v/as fundry times a6led by the Right honorable the Earle of Pembrook his feruants. Printed at London by Peter Short and are to be fold by Cuthbert Burbie^ at his {hop at the Royall Exchange. 1594- The Old Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his Comedy, reprinted from the Edition of 1594, and collated with the subsequent Editions of 1596 and 1607. Edited by Thomas Amyot. Shakespeare Society Publications, vol. 14. 1844. A Pleasaunt Conceited Historic, Called The Taming of a Shrew. As it hath beene fundry Times a6led by the right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke his Servants. Printed at London by V. S. for Nicholas Ling., and are to be fold at his (hop in Saint Dunltons Church-yard in Fleet- ftreet. 1607. Reprint, in Nichols's ' Six Old P/ays,' -vol. I. 1779- A Wittie and Pleasant Comedie called The Taming of the Shrew. As it was adted By his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke Friers and the Globe. Written by Will. Shakespeare. London.^ Printed by W. S. for John Stnethwicke. 1631. Steevens's Reprint, 1766. See Selections, p. 37, No. 501. 3196. The Cobler of Preston. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Johnson. London: W. Wilkins. [i vol. 8vo] 1716. Suggested by Christopher Sly in Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew. 84 ^i)aftcs}jeart iilcmorial iLibrari), Btrmtngijam. 3202. Sauny the Scot : or, the Taming of the Shrew. A Comedy. As it is A6led at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written Originally by Mr. Shakespear. Altered and Improv'd by Mr. Lacey^ Servant to His Majesty. London: [i vol. duo.] 1731. "To the King's house, and there saw 'The Tamelng of a Shrew,' which hath some very good pieces in it, but generally is but a mean play; and the best part, * Sawny,' done by Lacy; and hath not half its life, by reason of the words, I suppose, not being understood, at least by me." Pepvs. 3207. A Cure for a Scold. A Ballad Farce of Two Acts. {Founded upon Shakespear's taming of a Shrew) As it is A6led by his Majefty's Company of Comedians at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By J. IForsdaie^ Fortrzk-PsLinter. London: L. Gilliver. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1735. 3210. A Cure for a Scold. As it is now ailing at the Theatres in London and Dublin., with univerfal Applaufe. By Mr. Worsdale. Dublin : Printed by George Faulkner, for the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1738. 3214. Catharine and Petruchio. A Comedy, In Three Acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Alter'd from Shake- spear'i Taming of the Shrew. [By David Garrick.] London : J. and R. Tonson, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1756^ 3223. Shakspeare's Katharine and Petruchio, a Comedy ; taken by David Garrick from The Taming of a Shrew : revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London: Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1810. 3230. Catherine & Petruchio ; a Comedy, in Three Acts. Altered from Shakespeare, by David Garrick, Esq. As performed at the Theatre- Royal, Covent-Garden. [Inchbald's Farces, vol. 4.] London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1815. 3234. Taming of the Shrew. [With Illustrations by R. Smirke, R.A.] London. Rodwell. [i vol. 8vo] 1821. 3238. Taming of the Shrew ; or, Katharine and Petruchio : a Comedy, In Three Acts, by William Shakspeare. Altered by David Garrick, and Revised by J. P. Kemble. With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1828.] 3256. Shakespeare's Play of Taming of the Shrew : in Five Acts. Glasgow: Cameron. [i vol. sni. 8vo] 1861. iEngltsI) iEDIttous of ti)t Separate ^laws. 85 3259. Katharine and Petruchio. A Comedy, in Three Acts. Altered by David Garriclc from the Taming of a Shrew, by William Shakespeare. London : T. H. Lacy. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1866.] 3263. Shakspeare's Comedy of the Taming of the Shrew. With Critical and Explanatory Notes. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London: Longmans. [i vol. duo.] 1872. S^fje sremjjest "This comedy stands the first in the folio collection of 1623, in which edition it was originally printed." Knight. 3293. The Tempest, or the Enchanted Island. A Comedy. As it is now A61:ed at His Highnefs the Duke of TorFs Theatre. London^ Printed bv T. N. for Henry Herringman. [l vol. 4to] 1674. Altered bv Dryden and Sir W. Davenant. His Preface signed "John Driden." 3296. The Tempest, or the Enchanted Island. A Comedy : As it is now A61:ed at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. London^ Printed by J. Macock^ for Henry Herringman. [i vol. \to\ 1676. 3298. The Tempest, or the Enchanted Ifland. A Comedy : As it is now Adled at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. London^ Priented \}ic\ by J. Macock^ for Henry Herringman. [i vol. 4to] 1676. Preface signed "John Driden." This copy contains many points of difference from the previous one of the same date, and is printed in another type. 3308. The Tempest, or, the Enchanted Ifland. A Comedy. As it is now A(3:ed By His Majesties Servants. London.^ Printed by Tho. Warren.^ for Henry Herringman. [l vol. 4to] 1695. 3311. The Tempest : or, the Enchanted Ifland. A Comedy : As it is now A6led, By His Majesties Servants. London., Printed for J. Tonfon., and T. Bennet. [i vol. 4to] 1701. 3314. The Tempest : or the Enchanted Island. A Comedy. Firft written by Mr. IVilUatn Shakespear. & fince altered by Sr. William Davenant and Mr. John Dryden. London, Printed for the Company. [i vol. sm. 8vo, N.D., about 1710.] 3318. The Tempest : or, the Enchanted Island. A Comedy. By yix. Dryden. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson [i vol. duo.] 1735- 3326. The Tempest. An Opera. Taken from Shakespear. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The Songs from Shakespear, Dryden, ^c. The Music compofed by Mr. Smith. London, J. and R. Tonson. [i vol. 8vo] 1756. 86 ^ijaftcspeare Ittcmoml Hibrarg, Birmingfjam. 3336. The Tempest. A Comedy. As it is Aded at the Theatres- Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Shakespeare. London : J. Wenman. [i vol. 8vo] 1778. 3341. The Tempest ; or, the Enchanted Island. Written by Shakspeare ; with Additions from Dryden : as compiled by J. P. Kemble. And first acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, October 13th, 1789. London: J. Debrett. [i vol. 8vo] 1789. 3351. Tempest. A Mask, by William Shakspere. Manchester^ R. & W. Dean. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1801. 3355. Shakspeare's Tempest ; or. The Enchanted Island^ a Play, adapted to the Stage, with Additions from Dryden and Davenant, by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1806. 3359. Shakspeare's Tempest; or, The Enchanted Island.^ a Play, adapted to the Stage, with Additions from Dryden and Davenant, by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. A New Edition. London : Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1807. 3361. The Tempest ; or, the Enchanted Island ; a Play, in Five Acts ; by William Shakespeare. Adapted to the Stage, with Additions from Dryden and Davenant, by J. P. Kemble. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 5.] London : Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 3369. Tempest. [With Illustrations by R. Smirke, R. A.] London. Rodwell. [i vol. 8vo] 1821. 3371. The Tempest, a Play ; By W. Shakspeare. With Prefatory Remarks [signed P.P.] As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 17.] London. Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1823. 3375. The Tempest : a Play, In Five Acts, by William Shakspeare. With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London : Davidson. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1831.] iSnglisi) iHUitions of ti)e Separate |)la»s. 87 3386. The Tempest : A Pla, bi Wilyam Sacsper. Fonetic Famil'i Edifun. With bref Ecsplanaturi Nots, bi Alecs. J. Elis, B.A. Lundun : Fred Pitman [i vol. duo.] 1849. 3392. La Tempesta. An Entirely New Grand Opera, In Three Acts. The Music composed by Halevy, the Poem by Scribe, founded on "The Tempest" of Shakspeare, and composed expressly for Her Majesty's Theatre Haymarket. Published and Sold at Her Majesty's Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1850. 3401. Shakespeare's Play of The Tempest, arranged for Representa tion at the Princess's Theatre, vi^ith Historical and Explanatory Notes, by Charles Kean, F.S.A. Second Edition. London : J. K. Chapman [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1857.] 3403. The Tempest. A Comedy, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1858.] 3409. Shakespeare's Tempest Edited with Glossarial and Explan- atory Notes by the Rev. J. M. Jephson London Macmillan. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 3411. The Tempest; in Phonetic Spelling. [i vol. 4to] 1864. Forming No. 17 of Vol. 23 of The Phonetic Journal, Saturday 23 April, 1864. "An Offering to the Shakspere Tercentenary Festival." 3413. Shakespeare's Play of The Tempest : With Bibliographical Preface, selected Criticisms, and Explanatory and Illustrative Notes. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London : Longmans, [i vol. duo.] 1865. 3419. Shakespeare's Play of The Tempest : With Bibliographical Preface, selected Criticisms, and Explanatory and Illustrative Notes. By the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. London: Longmans, [i vol. duo.] 1869. 3422. Shakespeare's Tempest. Edited with Glossarial and Explan- atory Notes by the Rev. J. M. Jephson. Second Edition. London and New York : Macmillan. [i vol. 8vo] 1872. ^imon of ^tljcns. '"The LifeofTymon of Athens' was first published in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. 3451. The History of Ti?}ion of Athens, the Man-Hater, As it is Acted by Her Majesty's Servants. Made into a Play. By Tho. Shadwell. [Altered from Shakespear.] London : Printed and Sold by H. Hills^ in Black-Fryars. [1 vol. duo., N.D., about 1700.] 88 Sfjiiferspcare iitrmovuil Hibrari?, iJtrmtugijam. 3453. The History of Timon of Athens, the A4an=Hater. As it is Adled By Her Majesties Servants. Made into a Play. By Tlw. Shadwell. London^ Printed for H. H. and Sold by TV. Davis and B. Lintott. [i vol. 4to] 1703. 3457. 'I he History of Timon of Athens, the Man-Hater. Firji wr'iten by Mr. TVil. Shakespear^ iff fince altered by Mr. Tho. Shadwell. Printed for T. Johnson, Bookfeller at the Hague, [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1712. 3471. Timon of Athens, Altered from Shakespear. [By Richard Cumberland.] A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for the Proprietors of Shakespear's Works, and fold by T. Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1771. 3473. Timon of Athens, Altered from Shakespear, a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Dublin : J. Exshaw, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1772. 3483. Timon of Athens : a Tragedy, In Five Acts, by William Shakspeare. With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland''s British Theatre. London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1831.] 3486. Timon, a Play. Now first printed. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society. [i vol. 8vo] 1842. Shakespeare Society Publications, vol. 13. 1842. STttus anUront'cus. "This Play was firft printed in 1594." Langbaine. 3511. The Most Lamentable Tragedie of Titus Jndronicus. As It Hath Svndry times beene plaide by the Kings Maiefties Seruants, London, Printed for Eedward White, and are to be folde at his flioppe, nere the little North dore of Pauls, at the figne of the Gun. 1611. Facsimiled by Edmund William Ashbee. London : for Private Circulation only, [i vol. 4to] 1867. Only fifty copies printed, nineteen of which were subsequently destroyed, thirty-one selected copies only being preserved. This is number Thirty. Signed, E. W. Ashbee, John Tuckett, and J O. Halliwell. Another reprint of this Edition ivill be found in Stee'vcnis Tiventy Plays. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 3514. The Lajnentable Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. By Mr. William Shakespeare. 1623. The Text from the Folio of 1623 ; luith Notices of the Inoivn Editions preuioujly ijfued. London. L. Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1864. ianglisi) iSUitions of tijc Separate IJIaijs. 89 ^Troilus auU CTicBsttia. "The original quarto edition of Troilus and Cressida, printed in 1609," Knight. The Famous Historic of Troylus and Cresseid, Excellently exprefling The Beginning of their Loues, with the Conceited Wooing of Pandarus Prince of Lic'ia. Written by William Shakespeare. London^ Imprinted by G. Eld for R. Bonian and H. Walley^ and are to be fold at the Spred Eagle in Paules Church-yeard^ ouer againft the great North Doore. i6og. Stee-venss Reprint, 1766. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. Has a Preface, "A neuer writer, to an euer reader. Newes." 2 pp. " The preface is very curious, inasmuch as it settles the question as to the ^Wcf at which these ^wi^rroi were originally issued, viz. 'a Tester,' (Sixpence.)" Bohns Loivndes. The passage referred to runs as follows : ^^ And had I time I ivould comment -vpon it, though I knoiv it needs not, (for jo much as loill make you thinke your tefterne lucll bejioiud) hut for so much ivorth, as euen poore I knoiv to he stuft in it." 3560. The T?'agedie of Troylus and Cressida. By Mr. IFlUiam Shakespeare. 162?. The Text from the Folio of 1623 ; ivith Notices of the knotun Editions preuioujly ijfued. London. L. Booth, [i vol. 4to] 1864. 3564. Troilus and Cressida, or, Trvth Found too Late. A Tragedy As it is Ailed at the Dukes Theatre. To which is Prefix'd, a Preface Containing the Grounds of Criticifm in Tragedy. Written By John Dryden Servant to his Majefty. London., Printed for Abel Swall at the Unicorn at the Weft-end of S. Pauls. TinA Jacob Ton/on at the Judges-Head in Chancery lane near Fleet-Jlreet.^ [i vol. 410] 1679. "'The Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy' . . . contains a more condensed view of Dryden's opinions of Shakspere than any other of his Prefaces. We present it therefore, with some unimportant omissions, as the summary of the judgment of the highest critical authority of this period, — when the public taste had been corrupted with music and spectacle, and comedies of licentious intrigue abounded, in company with the rhyming tragedies of Dryden himself, and the ranting bombast of his inferior rivals." — Knight. 3592. Troilus and Cressida : A Tragedy, In Five Acts, by William Shakspeare. With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. London : Davidson. [i vol. duo , N.D., about 1852.] grtoelfti) Nigljt; or, m\\)M |3ou WL\\h "This comedy was first printed in the folio edition of 1623." Knight. 3616. Love Betray'd ; or, the Agreable Difipointment. A Comedy. As it was A6led at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By the Author of The Ladies Viftting-Day. [ C. Burnaby.] London: Printed for D. Brown., etc. [i vol. 4to] 1703. In the Preface, the "Author" says: "Part of the Tale of this Play, I took from Shakefpear, and about Fifty of the Lines; Thofe that are his, 1 have mark'd with Inverted Comma's, to diftinguifh 'em from what are mine. I endeavour'd where I had occalion to introduce anv of 'em, to make 'em look as little like Strangers as polTible." N 90 St)aUcs)jfavc fWcmorial ILibvaii?, Birmtugljam. 3621. Twelfth -Night : or, What You Will, By Shakespear. London: Printed by R. Walker at Shakefpears Head. [l vol. duo.] 1735. 3635. Twelfth Night ; or, What You Will ; a Comedy, in Five Acts ; By William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 5.] London : Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 3637. Shakspeare's Twelfth Night ; or. What You Will. A Comedy. Revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 18 10. 3646. Twelfth Night ; or. What You Will : a Comedy ; by William Shakspeare. With Prefatory Remarks. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 12.] London : Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1821. 3648. Twelfth-Night: or, What Tou Will. [With Illustrations by R. Smirke, R.A.] London. Rodwell, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1822. 3652. Twelfth Night : or. What You Will : a Comedy, In Five Acts, by William Shakspeare. With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D. G. [George Daniel.] As performed at the Theatres Royal, London. Cumberland's British Theatre. London : Music-Publishing Company. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1824.] 3669. Twelfth Night ; or. What You Will : a Comedy, in Five Acts. By William Shakespeare. T. H. Lacy, London. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1869.] 3671. Shakspeare's Comedy of Twelfth Night or What You Will. With Explanatory and Illustrative Notes, selected Criticisms on the Play, etc. Bv the Rev. John Hunter, M. A. London: Longmans. [i vol. duo.] 1870. Z\)t ^tijo iScntlcmfu of Fciona. "'The Two Gentlemen of Verona ' w.is first printed in the folio collection of Shakspere's plays ... in 1623." Knight. 3710. Songs, Duettos., Glees., and Choruses, introduced in Shakspeare^s Revived Play of the Tivo Gentlemen of Verona selected entirely from the Plays, Poems, and Sonnets of Shakspeare. Aded at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. The Overture and whole of the Mufic (excepting Two Melodies) composed by Mr. Bishop. London: Printed by E. Macleijh. [1 vol. 8\'o, N.D., about 1790.] iEnglisf) iEUitions of ti)t Separate ^lajfj. 91 3713. Shakspeare's Two Genclemcii of Verona, a Comedy, revised by J. P. Kemble; and now first published as it is acted at Thf 'I'hiuitre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 1808. 3721. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. J Comedy ; By William Shakspeare. IVith Prefatory Remarks^ [signed P.P.] As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 17.] London. Simpkin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1823. 3734. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. A Comedv, in Five Acts. By William Shakspeare. With Remarks, by D. G . [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. T. H. Lacy. [London. i vol. duo., n.d., about 1870.] 2rf)e 3^intfi's JTale. "The first edition of this play known is tiiat of the folio, 1623." Staunton. 3763. The Winter's Tale. By Shakespear. London : Printed by R. Walker at Shake/pear's Head. [i vol. duo.] 1735. 3768. The Winter's Tale, a Play. Altered from Shakespear. By Charles Marsh. London : Printed for Charles Marsh. [i vol. 8vo] 1756. 3770. Florizel and Perdita. A Dramatic Paftoral, In Three Acts. Altered from The Winter's Tale of Shakespear. By David Garrick. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson, in the Strand. [l vol. 8vo] 1758. 3785. The Winter's Tale, a Tragedy^ by Shakespeare^ as performed at the Theatres Royal. Regulated from the Prompt-Books, By Permission of the Managers. With an Litroduction, and Notes Critical and Illus- trative. London: J. Barker. [1 vol. duo.] 1794. 3794. The Winter's Tale ; a Play, in Five Acts ; By William Shakspeare. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 3.] London : Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. 3797. Shakspeare's Winter's Tale ; A Play ; adapted to the Stage by J. P. Kemble ; and now first published as it is acted at The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. London : Printed for the Theatre. [i vol. 8vo] 181 1. 92 Sljaftcspcarr fttcmorial Utiirari?, Btrmtitgijam. 3805. The Winter's Tale. A Play; By W. Shakspeare. With Prefatory Remarks^ [signed P.P.] As it is performed at the Theatres Royal. [Oxberry''s New English Drama, vol. 19.] London. Simplcin, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1823. 3817. Shakespeare's Play of The Winter's Tale, arranged for Repre- sentation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, by Charles Kean. As first performed on Monday, April 28th, 1856. Second Edition. London : J. K. Chapman. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1856.] 3819. Perdita or the Royal Milkmaid Being the Legend upon which Shakespeare is supposed to have founded his Winter's 7"ale A New and Original Burlesque by William Brough. London. T. H. Lacy. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1856.] 3821. Zapolya. [Dramatic Works of S. T. Coleridge.] London : Moxon. [i vol. 8vo] 1857. "The form of the following dramatic poem is in humble imitation of the Winter's Tale of Shakspeare, except that I have called the first part a Prelude instead of a first Act, as a somewhat nearer resemblance to the plan of the ancients." — Adverthement. 3824. The Winter's Tale. A Play, in Five Acts. Written by William Shakspeare. With Original Casts, Costumes, and the whole of the Stage Business, correctly marked and arranged, by Mr. J. B. Wright, Assistant Manager of the Boston Theatre. Boston : William V. Spencer. [1 vol. duo., N.D., about 1859.] 3832. A Winter's Tale. By William Shakespere. Arranged for Representation at the Prince's Theatre, Manchester, by Charles Calvert. Manchester: John Heywood. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1869.] With a Preface and Archaeological Notes. 3834. The Winter's Tale : a Play, in Five Acts^ by William Shakespeare, with Remarks by D. — G. [George Daniel.] Cumberland's British Theatre. T. H. Lacy, London, [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1870.] 3838. Shakspeare's Comedy of A W^inter's Tale. With Notes Critical and Explanatory. By the Rev. John Hunter, M. A. London: Longmans. [l vol. duo.] 1872. iEuglisi) ISDitions of tljc Separate |Jlag»» 93 ^Ia»s ^scnlicD to Sijalicspeave. ; lamentable and true Tra Kent."' Knight. A sketch of this Play will be found in Knight's Pictorial S/iahpt-re, 1843, vol. 8, pp. 257-276. "In 1592 was first published 'The lamentable and true Tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham In Kent."' Knight. CIjc ^rrattjitmcnt of ^Bart^. "In 1584 was printed, without the author's name, T/ie Aruygnement of Parish Dyce. The Araygnement of Paris A Pastor all. Presented before the ^leenes Maiestie^ by the Children of her Chappell huprinted at London by Henrie Marsh. Anno. 1584. In The Works of George Peele. With Memoir of the Author and Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London: Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 1861. " This piece is included in Capell's Collection, among the doubtful plays ; but from an epistle to Greene's Arcadia, it appears that it was written by George Peele." Bobni Luivndes. myt 38trff) of ^nttit. "The first known edition of this play was published in 1662." Knight. "Shakespeare is said, on the title page, to have assisted in this play, which is not probable, from the poorness of the composition." H.'^lliwell. A sketch of this Play will be found in Knight's Pictorial Shakspcre, 1843, vol. 8, pp. 3 1 1-3 14. The Play is reprinted in Tauchnitz's Edition of the " Doubtful Plays of William Shakespeare," Leipzig, 1869. 38ottom fljE WittCotx. The Merry conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. See Midsummer Night's Dream, Nos. 2295 and 2300, pp. 71-72. CIjc JBouijIc JTal^rijooir. 3911. Double Falfhood ; or, The Distrest Lovers. A Play, As it is Aded at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written Originally by IV. Shakespeare ; And now Revifed and Adapted to the Stage By Mr. Theobald, the Author of Shakefpeare Rejiord. London: Printed by J. Watts. [I vol. 8vo] 1728. With reasons for ascribing this Play to Shakespeare. " Malone attributes this play to Massinger, Farmer to Shirley, and Reed to Theobald himself." Bohn'i Lowndes. 94 Sl)afe(spearc fWemortal ILitrari?, Birmtngibam. "'The Raigne of King Edward the third' . . was first published in 1596." Knight. The Raigne of King Edward the third : As it hath bin fundr'ie times plaied about the Citie of London. London, Printed for Cuthbert Burby. I59^- Reprint, in Prolusiom j or, feleSi Pieces of antient Poetry. [Edited by Edward Capell.] London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson. [l vol. 8vo] 1760. •'That it was indeed written by Shakespeare, it cannot be faid with candour that there is any external evidence Jt all : iomething of proof arises from resemblance between the ftile ot his earlier performances and of the work in queftion ; and a more conclufive one yet from confideration of the time it appear'd in, in which there was no known writer equal to luch a play." Capell. "If the play is not Shakspeare's, as the English critics maintain, then truly it is a disgrace to them not to have done anything to rescue from forgetfulness this second Shakspeare — this twin brother of their great poet." Ulrici : Shakspeare's Dramatic Art, 1846, p. 457. "FaireEm . . was published in 1631.'" Knight. A sketch of this Play will be found in Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 1843, vol. 8, pp. 301-305. Cljr dTtfH) 0f i!5ol)rml3rr. 3961. The Fifth of November ; or, The Gunpowder Plot. An Historical Play, supposed to be written by William Shalcspeare. London : Baldwin and Cradock, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. The Advertisement says: "This Play is supposed to have been written by Shakspeare during the short period between his retirement into the country and his death, in 1616, and about ten years after the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot. The reasons of it not being published in his lifetime are sufficiently obvious." (f5rorgc-a--<©rrcnc. "The earliest edition known is that of 1599." Knight. A Pleasant conceyted Comedieof George a Greene the Pinner of Wakefield. As it was sundry times acted by the Servants of the Right Honourable the Earl of Sussex. Imprinted at London, by Simon Stafford, for Cuthbert Burby ; and are to be sold at his Shop neare the Royall Exchange, i599- Reprint, in Dodsleys Collection of Old Plays, 1825, -vol. 3. Included also in Dyce's Edition of the Works of Robert Greene. " No English critic, we believe, ever thought of assigning the play to Shakspere ; but the Germans, finding it reprinted in Dodsley's collection as the work of an unknown author, seize upon it as another production of the great English dramatist, rescued by them from the wallet of Time." Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 1843, vol. 8, p. 297. "A copy of this play was in Mr. Rhodes's collection with the following notes upon the title page, in a hand writing of about the time when it was printed (1599). ' Written by .... a minister who acted the piner's pt in it himselfe. Teste. W. Shakespeare. 'Ed. fuby saith it was made by Ro. Greene.' Note in Dodsley's Edition. lEngUsf) iSttitions of tijf Separate ^Ia»a. 95 ILDcriiic. " The tragedy of ' Locrine ' was originally printed in quarto, . . . 1595-" Knight. 3986. The Tragedy of Locrine^ the Eldest Son of King Brutus. By Mr. William Shalcespear. London ; Printed for J. Tonson, etc. [l vol. duo.] 1734. This Edition of Locrine was first issued separately, and afterwards included in Tonson's Edition of the Works of Shakespear, 1735. " This comedy was first published in 1605." Knight. No separate Edition of this Play is yet in the Library. It will be found in the Fourth Folio, 1685; Tonson's Edition of the Works, 1735, vol. 8j Stebbing's Edition of the Works, 1845-51 j and others. itoitf Cramiucn. "The first edition of this play was published in 1602, under the title of 'The Chronicle History of Thomas Lord Cromwell.' " Knight. The History of the Life and Death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. No separate Edition of this Play is yet in the Library. It will be found in the Fourth Folio, 1685, with the Title as given above. Also in Malone's Supplement to Shakspeare, 1780, voL 2; Stebbing's Edition of the Works, 1845-51 ; and others. CIjc j^rrry Scbil of eirmont0n. "'The Merry Deuill of Edmonton' . . . was originally published in 1608 Knight. The Merry Divel of Edmonton. As it hath beene sundry times acted by his Majesties Servants, at the Globe, on the Banke-side. At London. Printed by G. Eld, for Arthur Johnson, dwelling at the signe of the White Horse, in Paule's Church-yard, over-against the great North-doore of Pauleys, 1617. Reprint, in Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays, 1825, -voLc^. With the following Note. "One Kirkman, a Bookseller, who, in the last century, made diligent enquiry after old plays, hath, upon what authority I am unable to say, ascribed this play to Shakspeaie. If a judgment may be formed of the Author from the internal evidence, it certainly will not be assigned to our great dramatic Bard, being in every respect very unworthy his genius." "The first known edition of this 'comedy' is that of 1598." Knight. A sketch of this Play will be found in Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 1843, vol. 8, pp. 306-308. ^tr folju Onirastlc. The first Edition of this Play mentioned in Bohn's Loivndcs is dated 1600. The History of Sir John Oldcaftle, the good Lord Cobham. No separate Edition of this Play is yet in the Library. It will be found in the Fourth Folio, 1685, with the Title as given above. Also in Tonson's Edition of the Works, 1735, vol. 8 ; Malone's Supplement to Shakspeare, 1780, vol. 2 5 Stebbing's Edition of the Works, 1845-51 '■> and others. 96 Sljafeespeare fWcmorial ILibrari?, Birmingijam. €i)E puritan. "The first edition of this comedy was published in 1607." Knight. The Puritan : or, the Widow of Watlingftreet. No separate Edition of this Flay is yet in the Library. It will be found in the Fourth Folio, 1685, with the Title as given above. Also in Tonson's Edition of the Works, 1735, vol. 8; Malone's Supplement to bhakspeare, 1780, vol. 2 ; and otliers. 5ri)C Eioa 0ohlc luusmni. "This play was first printed in 1634." Knight. 4116. The Two Noble Kinsmen : Prefented at the Blackfriers by the Kings Maiefties fervants, with great applaufe : Written by the memorable Worthies of their time ; Mr. yohn Fletcher^ and Mr. JVilliam Shakfpeare. Gent. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes^ for lohn Waterfon : and are to be fold at the figne of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard. [i vol. 4to] 1634. This copy has MS. Notes. "The story of this play is taken from Cliaucer's Palamon and Arcite." Bohns Loiundes. "I can scarcely retain a doubt as to the first act's having been written by Shakspeare.'' Coleridge: Notes on Shakespeare, etc., 1849, vol. i, p. 321. 4117. Another copy of the above, with MS. Notes by C. M. Ingleby, LL.D. 4120. The Two Noble Kinsmen. By Fletcher & Shakspeare. 1812. In The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by Henry Weber. Vol. 13. Edinburgh: Ballantyne. [i vol. 8voj 1812. ©arttgcrn. 4130. Vortigern ; an Historical Play; with an Original Preface. By W. H. Ireland. Represented at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, on Saturday, April 2, 1796, as a supposed newly-discovered Drama of Shaks- peare. London : Joseph Thomas. [i vol. 8vo] 1832. First printed in 1608. Knight. 4143. A Torkshire Tragedy. By Shakespear. London : Printed by R. Walker. [i vol. duo.] 1735. "Shakespeare is supposed to have been concerned, at least, in one production of this description, I'/ie Yorkshire Tragedy (founded upon an event in 1604), which was played at the Globe theatre, and printed with Shakespeare's name in 1 608. The internal evidence, however, of Shakespeare's authorship is much stronger than the external, and there are some speeches which could scarcely have proceeded from any other pen.'' Collier : English Dramatic Poetry, vol. 3, pp. 50-51. lEnglisl) lEDitions of tlje |Jotms. 97 Fenus anU ononis. "It [Venus and Adonis] was entered on the Stationers' Registers ... in 1593, and the first edition was printed in the same year." Staunton. 4173. Venvs and Adonis Vilia m'lretur vulgus : ?nlhi Jiauus Apollo Pociila Cajialia plena minijiret aqua. London Imprinted by Richard Field, and are to be fold at the figne of the white Greyhound in Paules Church-yard. 1593- Facsimiled by Edmund William Ashbee. London : for Private Circulation only. [ivol.4to] 1866. Fifty copies printed ; nineteen of which were destroyed, thirty-one selected copies only being preserved. This is number Thirty. Signed by E. W. Ashbee, John Tuckett, and J. O. Halliwell. 4182, Venvs and Adonis. Villa rniretur vulgus : Tnihi Jiauus Apollo Pocula Caflalia plena minijiret aqua. Imprinted at London for William Leake, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the figne of the Greyhound. 1599. From the hitherto unknown Edition of 1599. Edited by Charles Edmonds. London: H. Sotheran. [l vol. 4to] 1870. The hham Reprints. This is a large-paper copy, No. 5. The work was printed for subscribers only, and the impression strictly limited to 131 copies; 25 of which were on large paper, and six on vellum. Each copy is numbered and signed by the editor, by whom the original was discovered in a lumber-room at Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire, the seat of Sir Charles Isham, Bart. In the same volume are bound reprints of The Passionate Pilgrime, 1599 ; and Epigrammes, written by Sir John Davies, and Certaine of Ovid's Elegies, translated by Christopher Marlowe. An account of the discovery of the volume is given by Mr. Edmonds in the "Gentleman's Magazine," vol. 4, new series, 1867, p. 608; and on p. 785 of the same volume is a facsimile of the first page of the book. For other notes on it, see "The Bookseller," Dec. 1867, p. 1254, and January 1869, pp. 5-6. 4221. Venus and Adonis ; or, the Two Rivals & the Small Boar. Being a full, true, and particular Account, adapted to the Requirements of the present Age of an Ancient Mythological Piece of Scandal. By F. C. Burnand, Esq. T. H. Lacy, London, [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1864.] Hucrccc. "In 1594, a year after the Venus and Adonis, Lucrece was published, and was dedicated to Lord Southampton." Knight. 4258. The Rape of Lucrece. Written by Mr. William Shakefpeare, and dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Southampton. 1707. From Poems on Affairs of State, From 1620. to this prefent Year 1707. Many of them by the moji eminent Hands. London, [4 vols. 8vo] Printed in the Year 1 707. Occupies pp. 143 to 204 of vol. 4. 98 Si)aUcspeare IWrmonal ILibvari), Btrmingtant. S'fje passionate ^tlgnm. "The Passionate Pilgrim was originally published in 1599-" Knight. 4182. The Passionate Pilgrime. By IV. Shakefpeare. Jt London Printed for W. laggard, and are to be fold by W. Leake, at the Grey- hound in Paules Churchyard. 1599' The Passionate Pilgrime, a Collection of Fugitive Poetry published under the name of Shakespeare. Ne^u Edition, accurately reprinted from the original Impression of 1599) in the Possession of Sir Charles Isham, Bart. With a Preface, in which the Claims of Richard Barnfield to the Authorship of two of the Pieces are vindicated from the Objections of Mr. J. Payne Collier, by Charles Edmonds. London : Printed at the Chiswick Press, [i vol. 4toJ 1870. sonnets. "The earliest known edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets is the quarto published in 1609." Staunton. Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. At London By G. Eld for T. T. and are to be folde by lohn Wright^ dwelling at Chrift Church Gate. 1609. Stee-vens's Reprint, 1766. See Selections, p. 38, No. 501. 4315. Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. At London By G. Eld for T. T. and are to be folde by William Jfpley. 1609. To the Sonnets, in this Edition, is added A Louers complaint, by William Shake-speare. Reproduced in Facsimile by the new Process of Photo-Zincography in use at Her Majesty's Ordnance Survey Office. From the unrivalled Original in the Library of Bridgewater House, by Permis- sion of the Right Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere. London : Lovell Reeve, [i vol. 4toJ 1862. 4317. Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. At London By G. Eld for T. T. and are to be folde by JVilUam Ajpley. 1609. Shakespeare's Sonnets, and a Lover's Complaint. Reprinted in the Orthography, and Punftuation of the original edition of 1609. London: John Russell Smith, [i vol. 8vo] 1870. 4340. The Sonnets of William Shakspeare ; to which are added, his Minor Poems, and the Songs from his Plays, Whitehaven : James Steel. [i vol. 8vo] 1822. 4344. The Sonnets of Shakspeare and A-Iilton. London : Edward Moxon. [i vol. 8vo] 1833. 4351. Sonnets. By William Shakspeare. A New Edition. London: Ball, Arnold, etc. [i vol. i6mo] 1840. 4355. The Sonnets of William Shakspere, rearranged and divided into Four Parts. With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. [By Robert Cartwright.] London : John Russell Smith. [i vol. large duo.] 1859. isttglisli isnttions of rtjc ^ocms. 99 4360, Shalcspere's Songs and Sonnets. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London: Sampson Low. [i vol. 8v'o] 1863. 4363. Songs and Sonnets by William Shakespeare [The Gem Edition. Edited by Francis Turner Palgrave'] Macmillan. London and Cambridge [i vol. i6mo] 1865. 4365. Remarks on the Sonnets of Shakespeare ; with the Sonnets. Showing that they belong to the Hermetic Class of Writings, and explain- ing their general Meaning and Purpose. By the Author of *' Remarks on Alchemy," etc. [E.A.Hitchcock.] New York : James A4iller. [i vol. large duo.] 1865. Songs. 4385. Songs of Shakespeare, Illustrated by the Etching Club. London. [i vol. 4to] 1843. Seventeen Etchings, on nine leaves. 4391. Songs from the Works of Shakespeare. Edited with Memoirs and Notes by Robert Bell London Charles Griffin [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1861.] In Songs from the Dramatists. 4397. Songs of Shakespeare. Illuminated by H. C. Hoskyns Abrahall London : Day & Son. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1869.] 4400. The Songs of Shakspere Selected from his Poems and Plays London: Virtue & Co. [i vol. i6mo] 1872. With the Chandos Portrait. CoUecteU iHtitttons of iije |Joems. 4421. Poems : Written by Wil. Shake-speare. Gent. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes^ and are to be fold by lohn Benfon^ dwelling in St. DunJIans Church-yard. [1 vol. sm, 8vo] 1640. " Prefixed to this edition, principally consisting of translations which never proceeded from Shake- speare's pen, is a portrait of Shakespeare, W. M(arshall) sculpsit. — Collation. Title, with date, one leaf 5 to the Reader, signed I.B. two pages; Poems by L. Digges, 3 pages; Poem by John Warren, one page ; the Poems with a second title-page similar to the first, the date only being omitted, A to L in eights, and M, 4 leaves. On L2 commences a head title, 'An addition of some Excellent Poems, to those precedent 'of Renowned Shakespeare, by other Gentlemen.' (Some of these poems are copied from Thomas Heywood's General History of Women.)" Bohns LcivrtJes. 4431. A Collection of Poems, viz. I. Venus and Adonis. II. The Rape of Lucrece. III. The Paffionate Pilgrim. IV. Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Mufick. By Mr. William Shakespeare. London., Printed for Bernard Lintott. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1709.] " y^dvertifement. The Remains of Mr. William Shakejpeare, call'd. The Pajjionate Pilgrime, and. Sonnets to Jundry Notes of Mufick, (at the End of this CoUedion) came to my hands in a little ftitch'd Book, printed at London for W. Jaggard,\n the Year 1599. It is generally agreed he dy'd about the Year 1616. fo that it appears plainly they were publifhed by himlelt, being printed 1 7 Years before his Death. 100 Sfjiiftcspcarc fHcmortiil ILtiirarj?, Birmmgijam. "I win fay nothing of Venus and Adonis, nor of the Rape of Lucrece, they being univerfally allow'd to be S/iaief pear's, only that I have printed them from very old Editions, which I pro- tur'd, as the Reader will find by my keeping clofc to his Spelling. "The Writings of Mr. Shukejpeare are in fo great Efteem, that feveral Gentlemen have fubfcrib'd to a late Edition of his Dramatick Works in Six Volumes; which makes me hope, that this little Book will not be unacceptable to the Fublick. "I Aall not take upon me to fay any thing of the Author, an ingenious Perfon having compil'd fome Memoirs of his Life, and prefix'd it to the late above-mention'd Edition : But I cannot omit inlerting a Paffage of Mr. Shake fpeare\ Life, very much to his Honour, and very remark- able, which was either unknown, or forgotten by the Writer of it. "That moft learn'd Prince, and great Patron of Learning, King James the Firft, was pleas'd with his own Hand to write an amicable Letter to Mr. Shakej'peare ; which Letter, tho now loft, remain'd long in the Hands of Sir VViUiam D'a-venant, as a credible Perfon now living can teftily." "Lintot's edition, according to Malone, is 'full of errors."' Bohn's Loiundcs. 4443. Poems on Several Occasions. By Shakespeare. London : Sold by A. Murden, etc. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1760.] 4454. Poems written by Shakespear London. J: Bell etc. [i vol. duo.] 1774. Medallion Portrait of Shakespear in the Title-page, and two Plates; Life of Shakespeare, pp. 29, (misprinted at the head of p. 29 " Shakesperre";) and Introduction. Uniform with Bell's Edition of the Phys of the same date. 4456. Poems written by Mr William Shakespeare. [London :] Reprinted for T. Evans. [l vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1775.] Portrait of Shakespeare in the Title-page, A. Bannerman, sculp. " This edition is sometimes adjoined to Capell's edition of the Plays." Bohns Loivndes. 4468. The Poetical Works of William Shakspeare; Containing his Venus and Adonis, Tarquin and Lucrece, Sonnets, Passionate Pilgrim, and A Lover's Complaint. To which is prefixed The Life of the Author. Edinburgh: Mundell. [l vol. 8vo] 1793. In vol. 2 of Anderson's Poets of Great Britain. 4471. The Poetical Works of Shakspeare, With the Life of the Author. Cooke's Edition. Embellished with superb Engravings, [by Corbould and Kirk.] London: C. Cooke. [i vol. duo.] 1797. Has Portrait, " Engraved by W. Ridley from a drawing by W. H. Browm taken from an Original Painting." Also, extracts from the Prefaces of Pope and Johnson, 4475. The Poems of William Shakspeare : viz. Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece, Sonnets, The Passionate Pilgrim and The Lover's Complaint, with Mr. Capell's History of the Origin of Shakspeare's Fables. To which is added a Glossary, Ornamented with Three Portraits^ by Bartolozzi., &c. London : Printed for Edward JefFery. [i vol. 8vo, N.D,, about 1798,] I'ortrait of Shakspeare from the Chandos, by S. Harding, engraved by Le Goux ; one of Capell, from the " Model in plaister taken from the Life by Roubilliac," by F. Bartolozzi ; and one of Henry Wriothesly, 3d Earl of Southampton. r : iriVBHSITV iSngltsi) iSUittons of ti^e IJocms. loi 4484. Poems by WiU'iam Shakespeare. With Illustrative Remarks, Original and Select. To which is prefixed a Sketch of the Author's Life. With Engravings. London: C. Chappie. [2 vols. 8vo] 1804. Has Portrait from the Chandos Picture, " Memoir of William Shakespeare, Esq.^' ; by W. C. 0[ulton] ; and Illustrations by W. M. Craig. 4487. The Poems of IVilliam Shakspeare. London : J. Johnson, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1810. In vol. 5 of The Works of the English Poets, Edited by Johnson and Chalmers. Has Life by Chalmers. 4493. The Miscellaneous Poems of William Shakspeare. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author. London : Sherwin. [1 vol. duo.] 1821. With Portrait, from the Stratford Bust. 4496. The Poems of William Shakespeare. London : William Pickering, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1825. 4504. The Poems of William Shakspeare. With Three Engravings [from Designs by H. Corbould.] London : J. F. Dove. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1830.] 4507. The Poems of Shakespeare London William Pickering [i vol. 8vo] 1832 Portrait, engraved by H. Robinson, from the one prefixed to the Edition of the Poems, 1640. " Aldine Edition," vv'ith Memoir of Shakespeare by Alexander Dyce. 4519. The Poems of William Shakspeare. A New Edition. London: L. A. Lewis. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. Portrait, from the Chandos, engraved by Freeman. 4545. The Poems of William Shakspeare Edited by Robert Bell London J. W. Parker [1 vol. 8vo] 1855 With Memoir and Annotations. 4549. The Poems of William Shakspeare Edited with a Memoir by Robert Bell London Charles Griffin and Co. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1856.] 4560. The Poems of William Shakspeare Edited by Robert Bell London: Griffin, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1861. With Life of Shakspeare, [by R. Bell.] 4564. The Poetical Works of William Shakspeare. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. The Text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. Edinburgh : James Nichol. [i vol. 8vo] 1862, Nichol's Library Edition of the British Poets, vol. 10. 102 Sljafeespeare Ittcmorial ILitrarg, Birmingijam. 4572. The Poems of William Shakspeare Philadelphia : Porter & Coates. [i vol. 32mo, n.d., about 1870.] 4574. The Poems of Shakespeare London Bell and Daldy [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1870.] New Aldine Edition, with Life of Shakespeare by Alexander Dyce. This Edition includes the Songs from Shakespeare's Flays. 4576. The Poems of William Shakspeare Edited with a Memoir by Robert Bell London Griffin. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1870.] iSngltsI^ lEtiitiom of tfie ^(jparatc ^Um anti ^oemss. 103 CHRONOLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TABLE OF (with alterations, imitations, other versions, etc.,) ALSO INDEX TO DESCRIPTION OF THOSE IN THE LIBRARY. The entries marked (*) are Editions wanted. "This comedy was first printed in the folio collection of 1623.'' Knight. Dat& Plac« of Publication. Publisher, etc. Editor, etc. Sire. Page. Entry. *i7r4 London duo. *I734 London Tonson „„ „ ^.f**^^^^^**^^^^^^^^^^^^^ duo. 1735 London Walker ^^*,^^^.f*^^ **^,.t^^^*,^^^^^*^*^^*,*,^^^^*.~^ duo. 41 S63 *i778 London Harrison, etc. „„ ^^^^^^^^^ **^^*^^^**^r***s^ M.^,^.^^^^^.*^^ 8vo *i78s „„_„ „ „ Pi Ion „^^ ^^.,«^«^*«««,««««^«^ ^-,— 1793 London ^„„ Debrett Kemble „ 8vo 41 S77 1811 London For the Theatre Kemble,,^,, 8vo 41 580 *l8l2 London „ ^^ „^ „^ «*-««,*«««^«*.«*^««.*«*,«*.^ duo. *i8i5 London Miller Kemble «««««««««« ^^**,*^^^^ duo. 1828 London Cumberland ., duo. 41 587 ^ntonj! anir Cleopatra. Antony and Cleopatra "was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. 1677 *i678 #1692 1696 *i703 1709 *i7io *1J20 1734 *i734 *i740 1758 *i778 1808 1808 *i8o9 *i8i3 *i8i3 *i833 1848? 1856 1866? 1866? 1870 London „„„ London London London London London „.,-, London - London London - London London „„„ London London London „- London London London „- London ^ London London London „ London ,„ Edinburgh „ London „„„ Tonson . Bentley^ Tonson. Tonson Walker,,, Tonson, Longman Longman Davidson, Bradbury & Evans Lacy „„ _, Schenck, etc. Longmans , Sedley , Dryden Dryden Sedley „ Dryden , Dryden „„ Dryden „„ Dryden „* Dryden ,™ Capell Dryden „„ Inchbald „ Dryden „„ Dryden . Dryden . Landor Calvert . Hunter . 'AH for Love \ ' All for Love '- 'All for Love \ ' All for Love \ ' All for Love ',. ' All for Love '. ' All for Love '„ ' All for Love ' ' All for Love' Second Edition „^ Cowie's British Diama, Cumberland's Theatre,,. ' Antony and Octavius ' 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 41 42 613 41 i 621 42 626 643 650 652 42 665 42 670 42 673 42 675 42 I 678 104 Siiai^rspeare Mtmoxial Htbrar^, Btrmingl^am. ^S ^ou EtSc Jrt. As You Like It "was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. Date. Place of Publication. 723 739 741 777 777 791 794 808 810 81S 819 819 819 820 823 823 832 855 i 870.' 872 London London Dublin London „ London „ London „ London „„„ London ^^^ London „„„ London .,-,„ London London ^ London London London London London London New York „ London Glasgow London London „^ London London, etc. For the Author^ Wenman, Oxlade Longman Miller Johnson Carrlngton Wrighten „ Kemble„, Inchbald Kemble Kemble Murray ,„ Simpkin, etc., Murray ., Cumberland™, Caldecott Oxberry Caldecott„„ For the Editor^ Pattie ,™„ „ Cameron . , Lacy Longmans Lacy Rivingtons Oxberry Caldecott ' Love in a Forest ' ' The Modern Receipt ' See Selections As performed by Macready Modern Standard Drama Cumberland's Theatre Rugby Edition ,..„^ 8vo duo. 43 8vo 8vo 43 duo. 43 8vo 8vo duo. 43 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. 43 8vo 39 duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 43 duo. 43 duo. 43 duo. 43 8vo 704 706 715 726 512 742 746 748 750 Comrlru of iSxvav^. The first edition is in the folio Shakespeare, 1623 ; the play, however, is mentioned in Meres' List, printed in 1598, and is alluded to in Decker's " News from Hell," printed in 1605. *i59S 159s *i734 *i779 1779 *i78o *i786 *N.D. *i793 1808 1811 *i8i5 1819 1820? 1827? *i856 1866.? London _„„ London London London «.„., London .,„„ Edinburgh _ Edinburgh ^ London London London London London ,_- London London „ London London Boston, U.S. London ._ Creede, etc. Tonson Nichols , Cadell . Longman For the Theatre.. Miller Low „ Music Pub. Co.. Spencer Lacy ~ — Plautus Plautus „,. Hull Plautus Woods „_ Woods .^ Woods „„ Ritson.., Hull Inchbald „ Kemble Kemble„„ ' Menscmi ' ^, Nicholses Reprint, 1779 8vo duo. 8vo ' The Twins ' „„, ' The Twins ' 'The Twins ' duo. The ' Songs Introduced ' etc. Cumberland's Theatre „ duo. 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. 44 44 44 782 44 784 44 '788 44 j 790 44 793 441 800 i£ngltsi| i£tJition» of tfje Separate ^laijft anti ^oems. 105 "'The Tragedy of Coriolanus ' was first printed in the folio collection of 1623. Dnte. Plsce of Publii Editor, etc. Knight. lie. Pane. Kn i68z *iy20 *1J11 1735 *i748 #1749 *i749 1754 *i755 1789 1800? *i8oi 1806 1808 1812 *i8i4 *i8i8 1820 1820 *i824 1846 *i86o 1870 London London London London London „^ London „^ Dublin London „ London ,„ London London London „„^ London London ^„„ London ,^„„ London „„„ London London London „ Liverpool Boston, U.S. Rugby „„„„ London , London -,„„ Hindmarsh „„ Walker, Ewing, etc. Christie Lowndes Longman „, Longman For the Theatre- Miller Tabby Simpkin, etc. Cumberland ~ Hurton , Spencer Billington - Longmans ,-„, Longmans ,,,.- Tate „™„„ Dennis Dennis Thomson . Thomson . Thomson . Sheridan „ Wrighten . Kemble Kemble Kemble Inchbald „. Kemble Kemble,,-, Oxberry ,,.. Morgan Whitelaw „ Hunter Hunter 'Invader of his Country' ' Invader of his Country ' An Opera „, Preface by EUiston Burlesque „ . ' For use of Rugby School '' 4to 4"; 8vo 8vo duo. 4"; 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 4S 8vo 8vo 45 8vo 4S 8vo 8vo 45 duo. 45 8vo 45 duo. duo. duo. 45 duo. 46 8vo 8vo 46 duo. 8vo duo. duo. 46 1 821 829 836 842 844 847 849 851 857 859 865 Ctimficliur. '"The Tragedie of Cymbeline ' was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. *i682 1734 1735 *i755 1759 *i76i *i762 *i762 *ij6j *i777 1777 *I778 *i788 *i793 *i795 *N.D. *i8oo 1801 1808 1810 *i8i5 *i8i8 1821 *i823 ♦1823 *i839 1864; 1870 ! 1872 Rivington, etc. Wenman™.,- London London Tonson . London Walker „„ London ' London ,„,„ London „„„ London ~«„ London London London „ London London London „ London London London London , London London London „ London London London London London New York „ London „ London London _„„ Barker „ . For Proprietors . Lackington, etc. Longman For the Theatre „ Miller Durfey, ' The Injured Princess ' Marsh Hawkins- Garrick Marsh Garrick Garrick Brooke ~„ Eccles, Kemble Eccles - Inchbald - Kemble Kemble Simpkin, etc. Cumberland , Oxberry- Oxberry- Lacy Lacy - Longmans , Hunter P See Selections Cumberland's Theatre- 4to duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 46 901 912 38, 505 46 927 46 929 46 935 46 j 946 46 949 io6 *i)«iUr6i)carc IWemon'al ILibrarp, Btrmtngfiam. "Tlie earliest edition of Hamlet known to exist is that of 1603." Knight. Dato. Place of Publication. Publishei, etc. Editor, etc. Siie. PaRe. Entry. *i6o3 1603 1603 1603-4 *i6o4 1604 *i6o5 *i6o5 *N.D. *i6o9 *i6ii 1611 1637 1676 *i683 169s 1703 *i7io *I7I2 *I720 ♦1723 *i734 *i75o *i754 *i754 *i759 1763 1766 1773 *i788.? •1789 *i796 1800? *i8oo 1804 *i8o6 J 808 1810 *i8ii 1812 J814 *i8i4 1817 *i8i8 1819 1820 1 S20 .' *i823 *i823 1825 1827 1832 *i834 *i838 *i839 *i846 ♦1846 London „„„ London „ London „„„. London „ London London „„ London London ,, London London ^„, London London London London . London „„. London „„ London London London London „~. London „„. London Dublin London London London London „„. London London London London London „_„ London „ London „ London London London London London London , London London London London London London London „ London London London London London Philadelphia London „„„ London New York ^ London London N.L. & Trundell LR. for N.L. LR. for N.L. Smethwicke . Smethwicke . Smethwicke . Young, etc. Clark, etc. ,. Herringman, etc. Wellington, etc. Tonson „„ „„ Johnson „„„„ Bettesworth Tonson Knapton, etc. Knapton, etc. -.„ Hitch, etc. -,„-.~ Hawes, etc Tonson , Bowyer, etc. ,. Sabine Payne's Reprint, 1 825 „ Co/ Hers Fac- simile y 1858 — Timmins's Reprints, l86o„„ Collier's Fa c- simile, 1 859 HalHiveWs Facsimile, i860 Stee'vens's Reprint, 1766 Steevens , Jennens„ Barker Ridgway . Longman Richardson Richardson „, Miller Miller Sherwood Murray . Murray. Barker . Cumberland Payne and Foss „ Simpkin, etc. For the Editor„^ Kemble Kemble-,„, Kemble Inchbald Poole Poole Poole Poole Kemble Poole Oxberry Caldecott Caldecott-, Oxberry „, An Opera ~„ ' By W. Shakespeare, Esq. Travestie „ Travestie . Travestie Travestie Travestie Oxberry Caldecott-,- Rush Simpkin, etc. Adlard Jones- See Selections ' A Dramatic Prelude ' -,- Burlesque „_, Hind's Acting Edition - Modern Standard Drama. Webster's Edition . 4to 8vo 4to 8vo 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 8vo 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo duo. 48 iEnglisf) lEUitions of t\)t Separate ^lai'S anU fJocms. 107 Hamltt^-contt'mtclf. DUi-. Plate of I'liMi. Siee. Pafe. Entry. London ~„, London London „„, London London London „^. London London „„„ London * Wrexham .. London New York„ London ^ London London „ London Rugby ^ London ^ Oxford Whittaker Mitchell Lacy Webster Collier Collier Routledge . Low Booth Hughes „ Longmans Privately Printed Italian Opera Longmans „„ Longmans Billington „„ Clarendon Press™ Timmins Halliwell„„ Griffiths. Poole „-„ Williams- Hunter Hunter Moberly . Clark, etc Travestie As performed at Windsor™ Reprint from First Folio Tywysog Denmarc (Welsh) Travestie „ An Opera ' For use of Rugby School ' Cumberland's Theatre duo. 4to duo. 4to 47 4to 47 8vo 49 8vo 47 4to 4to 8vo 47 duo. 8vo duo. duo. 49 duo. 8vo 49 duo. 8vo 49 972 977 1073 979 993 1083 1085 1087 €^e dftr^t Part of i^cnry tijc dTflurtlj. "The first edition of Henry IV., Part I., appeared in 1598." Knight. London „- London London ^„„ London London London London „ London „„„ London London ^ London „„^ The Hague. London - London „ London „ London London „ London -.„. London -„. London „™. London London , London > London London . London . London New York . London . London . London „„, London London A. Wise-,. A. Wise™. M. Law M. Law M. Law M. Law Norton, etc. Norton, etc. R. W. etc Johnson „„ . Johnson „ . Tonson . Walker Hitch, etc. Tonson _„, Longman „.,„„. For the Theatre. Miller Simpkin, etc. Davidson Shakespeare Soc. Lacy . Booth Lacy . Longmans Betterton Grenville Steevens „™ Kemble „ Inchbald Kemble Kemble Oxberry Oxbetry ,„. Oxberry Halliwell„„ Ashbee. Hunter , Ashbee'' s Facsimile, l86i. Stee-vens's Reprint, 1 766 — „ Printed at the Hague Cumberland's Theatre.„ From a Contemporary MS, Modern Standard Drama — Reprint from First Folio. 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 8vo 3« 4to 4to 4to 4to so 8vo 8vo so duo. duo. duo. duo. so 8vo 38 8vo duo. SO 8vo SO duo. duo. duo. SO duo. duo. SI 8vo SI duo. duo. 4to 4to 50 duo. SI duo. 51 501 II36 1 142 II52 501 II58 60 66 1 170 1127 1181 1 1 84 to8 Si)aftef3j[jfarc iilcmonal 3Lii)vars, ISivmingfjam. €\)t ^cronU ^3art of ^tnnj ti)C JTourtlj. "The first edition of Henry IV., Part 11., appeared in 1600." Knight. Date. Placeof Publication. I'ubliBhei, etc. Editor, etc i'i *i6oo 1600 *i6oo 1600 1700 •1710 .'' *i7i9 *i733 1734 *i734 *i76o 1766 1766 1773 1801 *i8o3 1804 1808 1815 1820 1821 1829 1831.? *i84i 1863 1864.? 1866 1871 1871 London „„, London „„„ London London London London London „ London „^„ London „ London „ London London „ London , London ,. Reading London London , „ London „ London London ^ London London „ London New York „ London London , ^ London „„,. London London ,. A. Wise, etc. „. A. Wise, etc. „ R. W , etc Tonson „^ Walker„„ Davis, etc. Tonson ^ Davis, etc. Smart, etc. Ridgway „„ Longman Miller For the Author^ Miller Calkin, etc.™ „ Cumberland Booth „„ Lacy -. Longmans, Allen Betterton. Betterton, Betterton, Kenrick Kenrick Steevens Kenrick Valpy Kemble Kemble„„„ Inchbald Kemble„„„ Jackson Kemble C. S „„ Ashbee „ Hunter Lemon „ First Edition ~„ Stee-vcns's Reprint, 1766 „ Second Edition „ ^ Aikheii Facsimile, 1866,. ' Sequel to Henry IV.' ' Sequel to Henry IV.' „,. ' Falstaff's Wedding ' . 'Falstaff's Wedding'. ' FalstafFs Wedding ' „„ 'Death of Falstaff' „„„„ 'Life & Humours of FalstafF' Reprint from First Folio , ' The Story of Falstaff' 4to 8vo 38 4to 4to 51 4to 50 8vo l8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo S2 8vo 38 8vo S2 8vo S2 8vo 8vo Si duo. S2 duo. Sa 8vo ■52 8vo S2 duo. -52 duo. S2 duo. 4to 51 duo. 53 4to 51 duo. 53 8vo 53 Henry V. was first printed in 1600, and was reprinted in 1602 and 1608. Knight. *i598.? 1598? *i6oo *i6o2 1608 1608 *i6i7 *i6i7 *i672 1723 *i734 *i739 *i'j6o 1766 ■ 1779 *i789 *N.D. *i8oi 1806 1808 *i8i5 London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London Alsop, etc. Creede, etc. Creede, etc.„ T. P Alsop Chetwood . Tonson Tonson - Nichols,. Longman, etc. Longman Miller 'The Famous Victories '- Nic/iols's Reprint, 1 779 ~, „„„„ Stee-vens's Reprint, 1 766 , ' The Famous Victories ' , Pkoto-Fac-iimile. fHalliivell Earl Orrery . „„ , Earl Orrery Hill Steevens Wrighten „ Altered by Kemble, Kemble„ Kemble„ Inchbald . Kemble„. 4to 8vo 53 4to 4to 4to 53 8vo 3« 4to fol. 8vo 53 duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 38 8vo 53 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 54 duo. 54' 1 duo. 1 lEnglislj lEDtttons of tije Separate |Jlai>s mti |3oems. lOg Kjmry tijc dftftlj^.coutinttcir. 1823 1825: ^1839 1859- 18591 1863 1871 London London London London London London London Simpkin, etc „ Oxberry Pattie „ Chapman ^„ Lacy . , Booth „ Kean Reprint from First Folio, Longmans ^^, Hunter duo. 54 duo. S4 duo. 8vo 54 duo. 54 4to 53 duo. 54 m)t dftr^t ^3art of !i?ciiry tijc ^t'vtlj. 1328 1330 1337 •339 1295 1345 " ' The First Part of Henry the Sixth ' was originally printed under that title, in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. 1681 *i723 *i734 *i8i3 London London London London London Bentley, etc. ..,. Tonson Booth , Crown Hill _ Reprint from First Folio„ 4to I 55 1364 duo. duo. 4to 54 1361 €tie ^txavits Part of l^cmrj tl;c ^ivrtj. ' ' The Second Part of Henry the Sixt, with the Death of the Good Duke Hvmphrey ' was first printed in its complete form, in the folio of 1623." Staunton. *iS94 1594 *i6oo *i6oo 1619 ; 1619 ! *i68o 1681 1766 *i8i3 1843 London London London London London London London London London London London London Millington Millington „, Simmes, etc., T. P. Bentley, etc. , Tonson «^. Shakespeare Soc. Booth „ Crown „. Crown „. Steevens . HalliwelL ' First Part of the Contention' Sh. Society's Reprint, 1843^ ' First Part of the Contention' ' First Part of theContention' 'The Whole Contention'™ Steevens' s Reprint, 1766 Reprint from First Folio , 4to 8vo 4to 4to 55 4to 8vo 55 38 4to 4to 8vo duo. 55 38 8vo 55 4to 55 1390 501 1398 501 1394 W^t K^itQ Part 0f Hcnrg &^t ^tjrtlj. 'This tragedy was first printed in its present form, in the folio of 1623." Staunton. *i595 1595 * 1 600 1619 ? *i723 .'' ♦1723 1724 *i735 ^795 1800? *i8io 1817 *i8i8 1830? 1843 1864 London . London . London . London , London , London . London . London . Reading , p ? London London London London London Millington Millington T. P Chetwood „ Walker Smart, etc. White, David son„ „„„ Shakespeare Soc. Booth T. Cibber_ Philips ,, T. Cibber „ Valpy Valpy Kean Kean HalliwelL ' Richard, Duke of Yorke ' Sh. Society's Reprint, i843„ ' Richard, Duke of Yorke ' 'The Whole Contention '„ ' Civil Wars,' etc ' Humphrey,of Gloucester ' ' The Roses ' ,,„„„„ [No Title Page] ' The Roses ' ' Richard, Duke of York '„ Cumberland's Theatre Reprint from First Folio. 4to 4to 4to 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo 4to 55 1390 56 1425 56,1431 56 1433 1437 1442 1417 no Sfjaftcspearc Memorial ILiirarg, Birmingfjam. "'The famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth ' was first published in the folio collection of Shakspere's Works in 1623." Knight. Date. Place of Publication. Publisher, etc Editor, etc. Sise. Page. Entt; 1758 1762 *N.D. 1804 1808 *i8o9 1810? *i8i5 1823 *i824 *i837 *i848 185s *i855? i860 1866? ♦1869 1870.? 1872 London London London „ London London , London Edinburgh , London ^ London London ^ New York, New York . London „,„ London „ London London , London London ^ „ London Browne „, Hitch, etc. Longman, etc.^ Longman Oliver & Boyd Miller Simpkin, etc. , Grove ' Plates- Kemble„. Inchbald . Chapman , Lacy Longman , Lacy Longman , Lacy Longmans, Kemble„ Oxberry Kean„„. Hunter . Cumberland's Theatre „- Modern Standard Drama „ Hunter . Hunter . Cumberland's Theatre, 8vo S6 duo. .56 duo. 8vo S? duo. ,S7 duo. duo. 57 duo. 1 duo. 57' duo. duo. duo. 8vo S7 duo. duo. 57 8vo 57 duo. duo. 57: duo. 57, 1456 1458 1463 1465 1469 1474 1485 1490 1493 1497 1500 SuItuS Cacs"ar. Shakspere's " Tragedy of Julius Cjesar was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. *i6o4 1680? London „ London London „ London London Herringman, etc. Herringman, etc. Herringman, etc. Herringman, etc. Stirling fol. 4to 4to 4to 4to duo. 4to 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 1529 1533 1535 1544 1684? 1691 1696? ♦1719 *I722 »i723 *N.D. Dryden Buckingham Buckingham Buckingham London . ., London London London London London „„„ London London London „ London ^ London Manchester London , London „ For the Company 1734 *i74i *N.D. •=1758 ♦1766 *i773 1774 *N.D. 1780 -1803 *i8o7 1808 *i8ii Bowyer, etc. Harrison, etc. Capell Jennens Jennens ^ — , 1561 1565 Longman Inchbald Kemble 1572 l8l2 *i8i4 1822 *i823 1824? *i836 »i838 •1849 *i856 London London London London London New York ., Boston „ , New York -, London For the Theatre Miller Simpkin, etc. Music Pub. Co.„ Kemble Kemble Oxberry Oxberry „ 1576 Cumberland's Theatre 1581 1585 Burckhardt Modern Standard Drama Rendered into Latin „,,.,^^ Parker „., Denison iSnglisi) iSUitioufi of tfjc Separate |3Ia»s auD |)oems. 1 1 1 ^iHiui dacsfar-.'-toitttmirir. *i857 i8s9 *i859 1861 1866? *i866 *i867 1S69 1869 '1869 London „ London London , London ^^~ London ~ — London Boston, U.S. Boston, U.S. Oxford, etc. London „ Chapman, etc. Chapman Lacy ~. Longman _„~. Lacy Ginn Parker Longman Craik The English of Shakespeare Craik Hunter . Craik Craik Craik Denison Hunter ,„„ The English of Shakespeare The English of Shakespeare The English of Shakespeare The English of Shakespeare Latin and English duo. 8vo duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 59 [1604 59 1607 "The King John, of Shakspere, was first printed in the folio collection of his plays, in 1623. Knight. 1560? *i59i *i6ii 1611 1611 1611 1622 *i655 *i662 *i734 *i744 1745 ♦1750 1764 1766 ♦1769 1779 *i784 *i8oo *i8oo 1803 1804 1808 *i8ii 1814 1819 *i823 *i823 1837 ^=1858? 1865.? 1870? 1871 London London London „„„ London London „. London London London „, London London London Dublin London London „ London „„„ London London Reading London „_^ Reading London London „ London London „ London London „„, London London „_, London - New York ^ New York - London London „„, London London London — Clarke Helme, etc. Dewe, etc. Tonson Watts . Horsefield, Tonson ^ Nichols^ Bale Davenport- Davenport- C. Cibber , C. Cibber Steevens Valpy : Kemble„. Smart, etc. „, i Valpy — Longman „„ Kemble„, Longman , 1 Inchbald . ' Kynge Johan,' see 1838 „ 'The Troublesome Raigne' ' The Troublesome Raigne ' Horsefield'' s Reprint, 1 7 64 — Steevens' s Reprint, 1766 Nichols's Reprint, 1779 Two Parts „„ ' King John and Matilda '„ ' King John and Matilda '„ ' Papal Tyranny '„„^ ' Papal Tyranny ' With Choruses, etc. Second Edition Miller . „„ Kemble Simpkin, etc. | Oxberry — „ „„„„„„„-, Oxberry I Strange i A'Beckett„ 1 Camden Society™ Bale Taylor Bradbury Lacy - Sargent . Kean„„. Lacy Longmans ,,„ Hunter . Cumberland's Theatre„ Burlesque ~ -™« ' Kynge Johan '„ -. Cumberland's Theatre. 4to 4to 4to duo. 8vo 8vo 4to 4to 4to duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 4to duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. 59 1619 59 1626 38 59 59 501 1634 60 1650 59 1626 501 59 1666 1668 1670 1674 1676 1683 1619 1687 60 1695 60 1697 60 1699 I 12 Sfjaftcspcare fttemorial Hibrarg, Btrmmgljam. IRiitg ILcar. "The first edition of [Shakspere's] King Lear was published in 1608." Knight. Date. Place of Publicatie Publishei, etc. '1605 1605 1605 *i6o8 *i6o8 1608 1608 *i6oS *i655 *i68i 1689 1699 *i7iz *i723 *I734 *I735 1756 *i759 1760 1761 1766 1766 ♦1767 ♦1768 1770 *i77i *i77i *i774 1779 *i786 ^1793 -1794 1796 *i8oo? 1801 1808 1808 1808 1820 *i823 *i824 *i835 *i848 *i855 '1857? 1865 1866? 1867 ^1869 1870? 1871 London „ London „ London London „«„ London „„„ London London London London London London London London London London London London London London ,„ Cork London London ,. London ^ London London London London , London „ London London London Dublin London London , London ^ London London „„„ Manchester London „„„ London „ London London New York ^ New York „ London London London „„„ London London London London London London „ Rugby Wright, etc. „ Butter Butter „ Butter„ Bell Bentley, etc. „_„ Wellington, etc. Tate Tate Tate Tate Darby „ „ Tonson „„ Walker Hitch, etc. Hitch, etc. „ Tonson, Tonson, Richardson Bell, etc.„. Nichols „ Tate Tate Tate Tate Steevens . Steevens . Tate Tate Colman„ Jennens™, Tate Colman„ Hopkins . Garrick,. Eccles Lackington, etc. For the Theatre™ Dean „ Longman , Simpkin, etc. Ireland Kemble Eccles * Kemble„-, Inchbald , Oxbetry , Oxberry ,. ' History of King Leir ' Stee-vens's Reprint, 1 766 Nichols's Reprint, 1 779 First Edition Second Edition , „„ Stec'vens^s Reprint, 1766 Ashbee's Facsimile, 1867 Third Edition Reprint of Edition of 1605 Reprint of Edition of 1608 As acted , Printed at York In 'Miscellaneous Papers' See Selections Cumberland's Theatre Lacy , Chapman Booth Longman Lacy Kean„-„ Hunter . Longman , Lacy™. Billington Ashbee. Hunter . Moberly Modern Standard Drama„ Burlesque : ' King Queer ' Reprint from First Folio , Cumberland's Theatre 4to 8vo 38 8vo 61 4to 4to 8vo 37 '410 61 4to 4to 4to 4to 61 4to 61 4to duo. : duo. duo. duo. 61 duo. duo. 62 duo. 62 8vo 37 8vo 3« duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo 62 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 61 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 62 8vo 8vo 38 8vo 62 duo. 62 duo. 62 1 duo. 62 duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo 62 4to 61 duo. 62 duo. 62 4to 61 duo. duo. 62 Svo 62 501 SOI 1729 1742 1744 1756 1760 1761 501 501 1769 505 1790 1792 1795 181 = 1734 1815 1817 1729 1822 ^nglisf) iStiitions of tije Separate ^lars antJ ^ocms. 113 "This play was one of the fifteen published in Shakspere's life-time. The first edition appeared in 1598." Knight. Date. Placeof I'uWii *i598 *i63i 1631 *i73S *i735 ♦1762 1766 1838? *i839? *i84i 1862 London London London London London London London London London London London Burby „-._^~ Smethwicke. Walker„ Tonson , Tonson Cumberland „ Booth . Steevens . C.J.. Stee-vens's Reprint, 1766 ' The Students ' Duncombe's Acting Edition ' Regained ' (a continuation) Reprint from First Folio — Si.e. Page. Entry. 4to 4to 8vo 37 501 duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 37 SOI duo. 63 i860 i8mo 8vo 4to 63 1844 "'The Tragedie of Macbeth' was first published in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. 1673 1674 1674 *i695 1710 *N.D. *i73i 1734 1739 ♦1750 *i753 *i755 1768 1768 1770 *i773 1773 1776 *i794 *1797 1799 1 800 I *i8o3 1807 1808 *i8i4 1821 #1823 *i823 *i839 ♦1840 *i847 1850 1853 1853! *i855i London . .„ London London London London London Edinburgh „ London Dublin London Edinburgh „ London London Edinburgh „ London „ London London ^ London „ London York York London London „ London London „ London , London „„„ London London , London „,„ London „„. New York , Mirzapore , Lundun Oxford Norwich London London Cademan, Clark Chetwin , Tonson, etc. For the Company Ramsay „„ Tonson Rhames „„ Knapton Woodfall, etc. „ Martin, etc. Rivington, etc. Bowyer, etc. Oxlade „ Wilson, etc. Whitworth , Mathews, etc. Longman Miller Simpkin, etc. Simpkin, etc. Pitman . Spiers Muskett . Lacy Lacy Davenant Davenant Davenant Davenant Davenant Tate Theobald Lee„ . Jennens,„ Kemble ' H. Rowe ■ ' H. Rowe '■ Kemble_, Reed , Inchbald --. Kemble Oxberry Oxberry „, Ballantyne, Elis 'The Theatre,' vol. i. Second Edition „ With Anecdotes, etc. Cumberland's Theatre ^ Hind's Acting Edition ' Duncombe's Plays ' Modern Standard Drama„ Elwin Taltourd ' Fonetic Famili Edifun ', Burlesque ' Shakespeare Restored ' - ' Somewhat removed ' Travestie 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo i8mo duo. 8vo duo. duo. 4to duo. duo. 1895 63 1906 64 1915 64 1 191 6 1919 1923 930 1932 1937 1939 947 65 1961 65 1962 65 1963 65 1966 Q. 114 S^aftfspcarc ftlrmonal ILtiirarj?, Birmingijam. D.te. Place of Public Pub'iahei, etc. Editor, etc Siie. Page. Entry. ♦1859? *i862 *i864 1866 1870! 1871 Glasgow Edinburgh Edinburgh London London „,- London „-. London ..,. Rugby Oxford London ,.. London „-. Cameron, Nelson . Bosworth Lacy „„„ Billington „„ .. Clarendon Press„ Lacy Longmans „„„„, Dalgieish Dalgleish„, Dalgieish^, Rayne~-^- Hunter Moberly „ Clark, etc. Hunter Arranged for Reading ' For use of Rugby School ' Cumberland's Theatre 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 6S duo. 65 duo. duo. 6S 8vo 8vo 6S duo. 6S duo. 65 1974 1977 1983 1985 1987 iHcnsurc for iHrasurc. " This comedy was first printed in the folio collection of 1623.'' Knight. ♦1578 London . „ Jhones„ Whetstone„ ' Promos and Cassandra ' 8vo 1578 London Whetstone„ Nichols's Reprint, 1779 8vo 66 *i673 1700 London Davenant ~ ' Law against Lovers' fol. London Brown, etc Gildon „„ . ~™-~,~_~™™~~~~_ . 4to 66 2017 *I734 London Tonson „ „ duo. 1761 Dublin Cotter „ „„ „ „^„„ „ duo. 66 2023 1779 London Nichols Whetstone™ ' Promos and Cassandra ' 8vo 66 *i789 London „ „ Kemble ^ 8vo *i796 London „ Kemble 8vo 1803 London Ridgway „ „~ Kemble „ „ „„_™ 8vo 66 2032 *i8o6 London „ duo. 1808 London Longman Inchbald „~ duo. 66 2036 *i8i5 London „ Miller Kemble„™ duo. 1822 London Simpkin, etc Oxberry „„„v .~. ., duo. 66 2042 ♦1823 London „, Oxberry , „ duo. *i824 London „ „ Cumberland's Theatre iSmo ♦1841 New York„ ^^^^^^**^.^**^***^ „„ duo. 1870? London Lacy Cumberland's Theatre duo. 66 2054 CIjc jWrrrt)ant nf ?Fnticc, " The Merchant of Venice . . . was first printed in 1600." Knight. *i6oo 1600 *i6oo •1637 •1652 1701 1711 *i7i3 ♦1732 »734 *i735 1766 *I773 *i777 1777 ♦1783 London London London London London „ London — ^ The Hagje„ London London ^^^ London , — London London „„^ London ! London London London Roberts 1. R. for Heyes™ M. P. for Heyes Leake Lintott Johnson Tonson „ Walker, Tonson,. Wenman Granville„. Granville- Granville^ Granville Steevens . Stee'vens''s Reprint, 1766 , 4to 8vo 4to 4to 4to 'The Jew of Venice ' -, 4to ' The Jew of Venice ' 8vo 'The Jew of Venice' 8vo 'The Jew of Venice ", duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo 37 SOI 67 2086 67 2090 37 501 67 2101 lEnglisf) i£0ittons of f^e Separate |Jlaj?s anU |Joems. 115 Cijc iaflcrdjattt of ?FnTtcc=..contiuucir. Date. Place of Publication. Page. Entry. *i787 *i79S *i797 1800 1802 1805 1806 1808 1810 *i8ii *i8i4 1820 *i823 *i824 *i835 *i849 1849 *i85o.? *i855? 1858 *.859 i860 *i86o *i86i 1862 1862 1867 1870? 1870.? 1871 1871 London London London Manchester Reading Dublin Manchester London London London London London ,™„ London „ London New York „ London Oxford London - London London „„„ London „„„ New York „ Glasgow „^ London ^ London „„„ Bath„„,,^^ New York „ London, etc. Oxford London London London New York-, Manchester Dean „„ Smart, etc. Jones „„ ~ Dean Longman For the Theatre,. Miller Simpkin, etc. Spiers Mitchell Chapman, etc.„.» Low „ Appleton „„„ Cameron „„„ Longman „„„„„ Booth „ Peach ^„„„ Alvord ™„„ Macmlllan „ „ Clarendon Press Longmans„„ Harper „„„„„,.,„ Ireland „„„„ Kemble„„ Kemble,„. Valpy „«„ Eccles „ Inchbald , Kemble„. Kemble~ Oxberry Oxberry Webster „„ Kean ,„„ Hunter „ Earle „ Hinton ,. Clark, etc. Clark, etc. Hunter „„,. Rolfe Calvert „ Cumberland's Theatre Webster's Edition ™»„„ „ Burlesque ~„ As performed at Windsor lUust. by Thomas, etc. . Illust. by Thomas, etc. . Reprint from First Folio . Cumberland's Theatre duo. 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. i8mo duo. duo. duo. 4to duo. 8vo 8vo 4to 8vo duo. 4to 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo duo. duo. duo. 8vo "The first edition of this play was published in 1602." Knight. 68 ZIII 2113 2114 2115 2117 2124 2133 2137 2140 2077 2144 2147 2151 2153 215s 2157 2159 2160 *l602 1602 *i6i9 1619 *i63o 1630 1702 1710? 1733 1734 ♦1766 1766 1766 *i787 1797 1804 *i8o6 1808 London London . London , London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London lohnson Johnson Meighen„ Baldwin , For the Company Tonson ,^ Walker Tonson Tonson „ „„„ Lowndes „„_ Ridgway Longman .»„ Dennis „ Kemble Kemble Inchbald . Sh. Society's Reprint, l842„ Stee-vens's Reprint, 1766,, Stee-vens's Reprint, 1766,. 'The Comical Gallant', Reprint of Edition of 1 619 Reprint of Edition of 1630 4to 8vo 4to 8vo 4to 8vo 4to duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 50X 501 2201 2204 2207 2209 SOI 2219 2222 2227 ii6 Sijaftespeare IWcmonal ILibrarp, Birmingijam. €itt ^crre miibti of Sminasor-.-cnnttitutlr. Date. Place of Publication. Publisher, etc. Editor, etc. '1815 '1820 1820 182I »i823 1824: 1824 *i84i 1842 ^1843 *i855 i860 1862 1870 1872 London London „„„ London London London _„„ London London „ New York „ London , , Boston, U.S. Glasgow London London London Miller, Simpkin, etc. „„ Rodwell, etc. Davidson^ Low < Shakespeare Soc. Cameron „. Booth Lacy Longmans,^ Kemble„ Oxberry, Oxberry Horn, etc. Halliwell„ Hunter . Illustrated by Smirke Cumberland's Theatre — 'Songs, Duetts, Sec' MS., Halliwell Spencer's Theatre ^, Reprint from First Folio - duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 4to duo. duo. ^ :^iU^ummcr i^tgljt'^ Srcam. "A Midsummer-Night's Dream was first printed in 1600." Knight. 70 2235 71 2237 71 2241 71 2243 69 71 2254 69 2190 71 2261 71 2265 *i6oo 1600 *i6oo *i646 1646 *i66i 1661 ♦1672 ♦ 1673 *i68i 1692 *i7i6 *N.D. *I745 *i755 1756 1763 1763 1766 *i77i *i798 *i8o6 1816 1828 *i839 *i840 #1840 *i84i 1853 *i853? *i855? 1856 i860 1861 1862 1866? *i87o 1870 J871 London ^^^ London London London London London „ London „^ London London ™ London London . London London London ^^„ London , London ^ London „„„ London „, London London Birmingham London London London „ New York„ London London New York „ Dublin New York„ London London London Glasgow .„„„ London London Boston London London Roberts - Fishe Kirkman, etc. Kirkman, etc. „ Kirkman, etc. „ Tonson . Tonson Tonson „„ Tonson „„ Miller Music Pub. Co., Pattie „~- McGlashan, Lacy ^ Chapman For the Editor, Cameron Booth „ . Lacy , Cox. Leverldge ,. Lampe . Lampe Garrick Colman,etc. Garrick Steevens Stee-vens's Reprint, 1766 | 8vo 4to 4to 8vo 4to 4to 8vo 'Bottom the Weaver' HallhuelPi Reprint, l86o„ ' Bottom the Weaver ' Ailihee's Facsimile, 1 87 1 'Bottom the Weaver' 'Bottom the Weaver '„„„„ ' Piramus and Thisbe ' 'The Fairy Queen' ' Pyramus and Thisbe " ' Pyramus & Thisbe,' Opera ' Pyramus & Thisbe,' Opera 'The Fairies,' an Opera ' The Fairies,' an Opera ' A Fairy Tale ' Reynolds. Planche Longmans ~~ Hunter. Ashbee 1 Kean Halliwell. ' The Fairy Prince ' ' Pyramus and Thisbe ' . Cumberland's Theatre ~ Plates by Kirk , French's Standard Drama, ' Bottom the Weaver ' Reprint from First Folio With Konewka'sSilhouettes ' Bottom the Weaver ' 4to fol. 4to duo. 4to 8vo Svo duo. 8vo Svo Svo Svo Svo duo. Svo duo. duo. Svo duo. duo. Svo duo. duo. Svo Svo Svo 4to duo. fol. duo. 4to 37 I 501 71 2295 72 72 2300 2311 72 2327 72 12330 72I2332 37 501 72 2346 •350 2368 2375 2295 2378 2289 2381 23S6 2300 iSngltsi) isQttions of tt)e ^fi)»iratc |JIaij» auU |)ocms. 117 iHttrtj 9ir0 Wiaxit ^ottjiiis. "Much Ado about Nothing was first printed in 1600." Knight. Place ,1/ I'ublication. Ful.lUliei, etc. Editar, etc. London London London „„ London London „„ London London London London Edinburgh , London „„ London London London „„. London „,„ London London New York , London London London „„ London London ~~, London London „ , Wise and Aspley Davenant Tonson Hall Walker Watts , Tonson ,„- Williamson- Miller Steevens . Hatton ^ Kemble^ Longman Inchbald. For the Theatre ] Kemble„. Miller j Kemble„ Simpkin, etc. | Oxberry„ Lacy „ ~~ — ^ Booth „ — I ~, Day and Son 1 Staunton.. Day and Son Longmans , Hunter „ Stee-vens's Reprint, 1 766 Staunton s Fac-itmile, 1864 ' Law Against Lovers '„ ' By Ghost ot Shakespear ' 'The Universal Passion' , Cumberland's Theatre Reprint from First Folio- Cumberland's Theatre 4to 8vo 37 4to 73 fol. duo. 4to duo. 73 8vo 73 8vo 37 duo. 74 8vo duo. 74 8vo 74 duo. duo. duo. 74 duo. duo. duo. 4to 73 4to 73 duo. 74 8vo duo. 74 duo. 74 Shakespeare's Tragedy of Othello appears to have been first printed in 1622. SOI 2411 2429 2431 501 H35 2443 2446 2455 2414 241 1 2469 2472 2475 London .-„„ London London „ London London „, London „„^ London ^ London « London , London London London London „,. London London London London London London - London London „„-. Dublin Edinburgh - London ^ London London Walkley Hawkins„~~ ' ~~~. Leak ' ^ „ Dryden . „ Dryden . Weak, etc ~~ i Dryden . Bentley, etc I Dryden . Bentley- Wellington „ „ For the Company Darby . Woodfall, etc., Tonson „„„„,,, Bowyer, etc. Oxlade Garland „-, Dryden Dryden Dryden Dryden Steevens Steevens' s Reprint, I766_~„ 'Jealousy Exemplified' Jennens- 4to 8vo 38 501 4to 75 2498 4to 4to 4to 4to 75 21512 4to 7512515 4to 75,2518 4to 1 4to ! 4to 75 2529 4to duo. 4to 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. 75 2562 8vo 3« SOI 8vo duo. 8vo 75 2569 duo. 76 2572 8vo ii8 Sijafecsjjcare piemonal Hi^jvarj?, JStrmingijam. 1861 London - London London London — ^ London „„-. New York , London - Glasgow „„- 1866 ? ] London ^™ 1872 I London Rodwell Cumberland Simpkin, etc. „„ Shakespeare Soc. Lacy Cameron Lacy „„ Longmans Garrick,etc. Garr'ick Amyot Garrick Hunter Plates by Smirke„ Illustrated by Cruikshank„ Hind's Acting Edition Modern Standard Drama™,, duo. duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. 'Katharine and Petruchio'j Svo „ ' duo. 83 3^34 3238 3256 3259 3263 "This comedy stands the first in the folio collection of 1623, in which edition it was originally printed." Knight. ♦1669 1670 #1673 1674 1676 1676 *i690 169s 1 701 *i7io 1710? 1735 *i735 1756 *i775 *i776 •1778 1778 *i78o 1789 *i797 1801 1806 1806 1807 1808 *i8i5 1821 1823 1831.; *i84o *i849 1849 *i85oi 1850 *i857? 1857? 1858? ♦i860 1864 1864 London „ London „ London „, London London London London London London „.,,. London London London London „ London London „„„ London London London London ~~^ London London Manchester London , London London London „„, London London London London New York , London Lundun — New York. London London „_. London London London London London .„ Herri ngman .„ Herringman Herringman Herringman Dryden Dryden Shadwell Dryden ,,..„ Dryden Dryden Dryden „„„ Dryden Dryden Dryden „,,„ For the Company \ Dryden Tonson ™,_ Dryden Tonson Garrick — Theobald „, , I Sheridan „ , Sheridan „ Wenman , ~~~.-., Herringman Tonson, etc. An Opera . Debrett „ j Kemble„,. „ „.,„_ Waldron ,. Dean ~ Longman „„_ j Kemble — Longman j Kemble — Inchbald „ Kemble Longman Miller Rodwell Simpkin, etc. Davidson Webster Pitman „„„ Theatre, Haymkt Chapman , Bell and Daldy „ Macmillan Oxberry Brough Elis Scribe Kean„„,. Kean „ Jephs 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to 4to duo. Svo duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo I Svo 'The Shipwreck'™ Svo ' The Virgin gueen ' A Mask An Opera. Plates by Smirke Cumberland's Theatre Burlesque : 'Enchanted Isle' Fonetic Fam'tli Edifun „„„ French's Standard Drama „ ' La Tempesta,' an Opera „ First Edition . Second Edition Ulust. by B. Foster, etc. — Phonetic. In Phonetic Jnl. Svo Svo duo. Svo duo. duo. Svo duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. Svo Svo Svo duo. 4to Svo 4to 85 3293 85 3296 85 I3298 85 3308 85 33" 85 3314 85 3318 85 3326 3336 334« 3351 3355 3359 3361 3369 3371 3375 87 3386 3392 3401 3403 3409 3411 iSttglisi) lEDitiottS of tfje Separate IJlajjs auU poems. 123 Date. Placeof Publication. CIjc CentiJC^t"»coittimtElr. Publisher, eto. Editor, etc. 1865 *i866 *i867 1869 *i87i: *i87i 1872 London „ London London ™ London Boston „„„^ London London, etc. Longmans Macmillan „„ MacmiUan Longmans „~ Macmillan Hunter „„. Jephson Jephson Hunter „„ Rolfe Jephson Jephson Ctntoii at ^tljnt^. "'The Life of Tymon of Athens' was first published in the folio collection of 1623." Knight. *i678 *i688 1 700 ? 1703 1712 *i732 *i734 *N.D. *i768 1771 1772 *i8i6 1831.? 1842 London London London London The Hague London „ London „„., London „„„ London „ London Dublin London London „ London Hills H. H. etc. Johnson ™ Tonson ,„ For the Company Becket , Exshaw- Cumberland Shakespeare Soc. Shadwell, ShadwelL ShadwelL ShadwelL Shadwell, Shadwell Love „.„ Cumberland Lamb „„ Dyce, 'Timon, a Play' 4to 4to duo. 4to 8vo duo. duo. duo. duo. 8vo duo. 8vo 87 3451 8 8 3453 88 3457 3471 3473 3483 3486 'This Play was firft printed in 1594." Langbaine. *«594 *i6oo *i6ii 1611 London >, London White White Stee'vens's Reprint, 1766 Ashbee" s Facsimile, 1867 — 4to 4to 8vo 4to 8vo 4to duo. 4to 4to 38 88 38 88 88 501 3511 SOI 3514 3SII 161 1 London „„„ London „ London „^„ London London London „ 1766 *i687 *i8o9 1864 1867 Tonson . — Booth „ Ravenscroft Ashbee Reprint from First Folio CrotluS anlr Crcs'iStlfa. "The original quarto edition of Troilus and Cressida, printed in 1609." Knight. 1609 *i6o9 1679 *i695 ♦1707 *i7o8 *i7i8 *i735 1766 *i8ii 1852! 1864 1872 London London London London London London London London London London London London London London Bonian, etc. Bonian, etc. Swall „ Tonson .» Dryden . Dryden Settle „ Dryden „. Steevens . Davidson Booth Longmans ! Hunter , Stee'vens's Reprint, 1766. ' The Siege of Troy ' . ' The Siege of Troy ' ' The Siege of Troy ' . .,- Cumberland's Theatre „ Reprint from First Folio, 4to 8vo 4to 4to 4to 8vo duo. 8vo duo. 8vo ; duo. duo. 4to duo. 38 501 3564 3592 3560 124 SijiiUfSjJcare i^fmoiial ILiiirarr, Birmtugijiim. Ctoclfrt) J5tsi)t; or, miW ^011 mott. "This comedy was first printed in the folio edition of 1623." Knight. Date. Place of Publication. Publisher, etc Kditor, etc. Size. Page. Entiy. 1703 *i734 1735 *i787 *i79i ^1792 1808 I8I0 »i8ii *i8i5 1821 1822 »i823 1824! »i84i »i84i »i847 ^1855: 1869! 1870 London London London London „ London - London London London London London ^ London London „ London London „ London New York „ New York „ London London London _— . Brown Tonson - Walker Longman For the Theatre Miller , Simpkin, etc. Rodwell Music Pub. Co- Lacy Lacy . Burnaby Wrighten „ Wrighten „ Inchbald Kemble Kemble Kemble Ox berry Oxberry Longmans Hunter . '• Love Betray'd ' Plates by Smirke Cumberland's Theatre- Moderp Standard Drama_, 4to 89 3616 duo. duo. 90 3621 8vo 8vo 8vo duo. 90 363s 8vo 90 3637 8vo duo. duo. 90 3646 8vo 90 3648 duo. duo. 90 3652 duo. duo. duo. duo. duo. 90 3669 duo. 90 3671 Wtft 3rtD0 (SnTtlnnni of 2^n"ona. • The Two Gentlemen of Verona ' was first printed in the folio collection of Shakspere's plays ... in 1623." Knight. 1734 *i734 1790 i 1808 *l8l2 *i8i5 1823 *i83i *i84i 1870! London London London — London London London ,„., London London London New York , London Tonson „_ Walker Macleish For the Theatre Miller Simpkin, etc. . Victor Kemble- Kemble„ Oxberry 'Songs, Duettos,' etc Cumberland's Theatre- Cumberland's Theatre- duo, duo. 8vo 8vo duo. duo. duo. i8mo duo. duo. 3710 3713 91 ^3721 91 '3734 CI)c 212Stntcr'iS Calc. "The first edition of this play known is that of the folio, 1623." Staunton. *i735 1735 *1754 1756 1758 *I762 ♦1767 *I777 *I785 1794 *i799 *l802 London London Dublin London London London Dublin London London London London London Tonson Walker Marsh Tonson „„, Morgan Marsh Garrick,. — Garrick Morgan Colman- Garrick Kemble ' Florizell and Perdita ' ' Florizel and Perdita ' ' Florizel and Perdita ' ' Florizell and Perdita ' ' The Sheep-shearing ' ' Florizel and Perdita ' duo. duo. 91 3763 8vo 8vo 91 3768 8vo 91 3770 8vo duo. 8vo 8vo duo. 91 378s duo. 8vo lEngUsi) iEtiitions of tlje Separate |Jlaijs anU |)ofms. 125 E1)C SlffiJtntn'^ CaIc^-=ronttnuclf. Dato. Place of I'ublU Publishet, c Siie. ra|;g. Entry, 1808 I81I *i8i5 *i8i7 1823 *i823 *i84i *i856 1856? 1856? 1857 1859? 1869? 1870? 1872 London „„„ London London London London London New York„ London London „ London London „ Boston ,„, Manchester London London Longman For the Theatre Miller Slmpkln, etc Chapman ,. Lacy -„ Moxon „ Spencer « Heywood , Lacy ^ Longmans^ Inchbald „ Kemble Kemble Coleridge^ Oxberry ^ Kean „ Kean „ Erough Coleridge^ Wright Calvert Hunter . ' Zapolya ' i 8vo Cumberland's Theatre Second Edition „„, ' Ferdita ' A Burlesque ' Zapolya ' Cumberland's Theatre duo. 91 8vo 91 duo. 8vo duo. 92 i8mo duo. 8vo 8vo 92 duo. 92 8vo 92 duo 92 Svo 9^1 duo. 92! duo. 92' 3794 3797 3805 3817 3819 3821 3824 3832 3834 3838 ^laws ^scriijfH to Sfjafcespeavc. 'Srlrru of jTrbcriSfjam. "In 1592 was first published 'The lamentable and true Tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent.' " Knight. *I592 *i599 *i633 *i77o London London London White. Jacob 4to 4to 4to 8vo EIjc ^rraiflitmntt nf partiS. "In 1584 was printed, without the author's name, T/ie j4raygnement of Paris" Dyce. ♦1584 London „ Marsh , 1 861 I London I Routledge [ Dyce I In the Works of G. Feele 4to 8vo I 93 "The first known edition of this play was published in 1662." Knight. *i662 i London 1 Kirkman, etc. „ [ „ ' 4to I I CT^c SBoiitilc dfal^dj00tf. The first Edition of this Play mentioned in Bo/in^s Loiundes is dated 1728. 1728 London Watts, *I767 London ' ~„ Theobald„„ , 8 93 39 1 1 126 Sljaftcspeare IWemorial ILibrarr, Birmingijam. "'The Raigne of King Edward the third "... was first published in 1596." Knight. Date. Plact of Publication. Fubliahei, He. Editor, etc Site. Page. Bntry. '1596 1596 '599 London ^ London London 1760 I London Burby Stafford, Tonson , 4to 94 CapelPs Reprint, 1 760 ,„„ 8vo 4to Capell In ♦ Prolusions ' , — | 8vo ] 94 jTatr e^m. Faire Em . . . was published in 163 1." Knight. *i63i *N.D. *i75o London Dublin _ Wright, 4to Chetwood's Old Plays | duo. C^c iftfti) at iSolirmbcr. 1830 I London | Baldwin, etc | 8vo 94 3961 (Srov2c=a»W«/, /« Shakespeare Jest- Books. Edited, ivil/i Introduction and Nous, hy W. C. HazVitt. . . . Vol. 3. London: Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4618. f A C, mery Talys. [n.d., about 1525.] '.eprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books ; Reprints of the early and very rare Jest-Books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. Rep , , _ by Shakespeare Vol. I. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 136 £J)alxCspfare iHcmorial iLifirar^, Isinningijam. " Beatrice. Will you not tell me who told you so ? Benedict. No, you shall pardon me. . . . Beatrice. That I was disdainful, — and that I had my good wit out of the * Hundred merry Tales;' — Well, this was signior Benedick that said so." — Much ^du about Nothing, act ii., so, I. 4619. A Hundred Mery Talys. [n.d., about 1525.] From the only perfect Copy known. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Dr. Herman Oesterley. London : J. R. Smith, [i vol. 8vo] 1866. " The only perfect copy known of the ' Hundred Mery Talys' was lately discovered in the Royal Library at Gottingen. This is a verbatim reprint, supplying all the chasms and lost tales in former editions, with copious Notes by the editor, pomting out the origin of the various tales, and authors who have used them." — J. Russell Smith : Catalogue of Shake- speariana, 1 870, p. 35, 4620. A C. Merry Tales. [n.d., about 1525.] Shakspeare's Merry Tales. London : G; Routledge. [i vol. 32mo.] 1845. 4621. The Play of Wyt and Science. [About 1530.] The Moral Play of Wit and Science, and Early Poetical Miscellanies. From an Unpublished Manuscript. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 184.8. 4622. Love-Letters from King Henry the Eighth, to Anne Boleyn: And two Letters from Anne Boleyn, to Cardinal Wolsey ; with her Last to Henry the Eighth. [About 1530-34.] Harleian Miscellany, vol. 3, pp. 47-62. London: White, etc. [l vol. 410] 1809. 4623. II Tales, and quicke answeres, very mery, and pleasant to rede.»{- [n.d., about 1535.] Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. . . . Vol. I. London: Willis and Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1S64. 4624. Tales & Quick Answers. [n.d., about 1535.] Shakspeare's Merry Tales. London: G. Routledge. [i vol. 32mo] 1845. 4625. C Here begynneth the Boke named the Aflyfe of breade, what it ought to weye after the pryce of a quarter of Wheete. And alfo the Aflyfe of Ale, with all maner of wood and Cole, Lath, Bowrde, and tymbre, and the weyght of Butter, and Chefe. C Imprynted by me Robert Wyer. [n.d., about 1540.] Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 7. London, [i vol. 4to] 1869. Black letter. 4626. A brefe Chronycle concerning the Examinacion and Death of the blessed Martir of Christ, Sir Johan Oldcastell the Lord Cobham ; collected together by Johan Bale. . . . Imprinted at London by Anthony Scoloker, and Wyllyam Seres, dwelling wythout Aldersgate. [n.d., about 1544.] Harleian Miscellany, voL 2, pp. 249-280. London : White, etc. [i vol. 4to] 1809. 4627. A brefe Confutacion of this most de-testable^ and Anohapthtical opinion, that Christ dyd not take hys flesh of the blessed Vyrgyn Mary nor any corporal substaunce of her body. For the maintenaunce whereof Jhone iEnglisf) ^Ijnfersprnrtana. 137 Bucher, otherwise called Jhone of Kent, most obstinately suffered, and was burned in Smythfyelde, The ii. day of May. [By me Edmon Beclce. Imprinted at London by John day dwellynge ouer Alderfgate, and William Seres dwellynge in Peter CoUedge.] Jnno do?nini M. D. L. [i550-] Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4.10, n.d., about 1867. j 4628. A Dialogue on Wit and Folly, by John Heywood. [About 1550.] Now first printed from the original Manuscript in the British Museum. To which is prefixed, an Account of that Author, and his Dramatic Works, by F. W. Fairholt. . . . London : Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. 20. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. 4629. The History of Graund Amoure and La Bel Pucell, called the Pastime of Pleasure, Conteynyng the Knowledge of the Seven Sciences, and the Course of Mans Life in this Worlde. Invented by Stephen Hawes, Grome of Kyng Henry the Seventh his chamber. Anno Domini 1555. London: Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. i8. [i vol. 8vo] 1845. 4630. A Dialogue bytwene the Commune Secretary and Jalowsye. [n.d., about 1555.] Reprint, in The OH Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. i. London : Reeves an.l Turner, [i vol. 8voj 1871. Black letter. 4631. A proper new Boke of the Armonye of Byrdes. Imprinted at London by John Wyght dwelling in Poules church yarde, at the sygne of the Rose. [n.d., about 1555.] With an Introduction and Notes [by J. P. Collier.] London : Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. 7. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. 4632. Songes and Sonettes written by the ryght honorable horde Henry Hawardlate Earle of Surrey, and other. Apud Richardum Tottel. 1557. Reprint, in Seven English Poetical Miscellanies. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. I. London, [i vol. 4to] 1867. Contains Poems by Surrey, Wyatt, Grimald, and " Vncertain Auctours." 4633. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of Works entered for Publication. '^SSl'^S'^l- With Notes and Illustrations by J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society. [2 vols. SvoJ 1848-9. 4634. How King Locrinus the eldest Sonne of Brutus liued vitiously, and was slaine in battaile by his wyfe Queene GuendoUne, B.C. 1064. How Queene Elstride the Concubine of Locrinus was drowned by Oueene Guendoline^ B.C. 1064. How Lady Sabrine^ daughter of Locrinus and Elstride, was drowned by GuendoUne., B.C. 1064. How Queene Cordila in dispaire slew her selfe (Lear), B.C. 800. How Caius lulius Ccssar was slaine in the Senate house. How Guiderius, elder sonne of Cimbaline, was slayne in battayle by a Romayne, a.d. 44-46. How Lelius Hamo the 138 Slinftesprare ilHf mortal iLtlirari), i3irmtngi)am. Romayne Captayne was slayne after the slaughter of Guider'ius^ a.d. 46. How Guidericus refused to paye tribute vnto Claudius Casar, etc. [vol. i.] How the Lord Mowbrey^ promoted by King Richard W. to the state of a Duke, was by him banished the Realme, 1398. How King Richard H. was for his euill gouernance deposed from his seat, 1399, and mur- dered in prison. How Owen Glendour tooke vpon him to bee Prince of Wales, and was by Henry Prince of England chased to the mountaynes, where hee miserably died for lack of food, 1401. How Henrie P^rry Earle of Northumberland, was for his couetous and trayterous attempt put to death at Yorke, 1407. How Humfrey Plantagenet Duke of Glocester, commonly called the good Duke, by practise of enemyes was brought to confusion. How Lord lFiUia?n de la Pole Duke of Suftblke, was worthely banished for abusing his King, etc., 1450. How lacke Cade naming himself Mortimer^ trayterously rebelling against his King, was for his treasons and cruell doinges worthily punished, 1450. The tragedye of Edmund Duke of Somerset, slayne in the first battayle at St. Albons, in the 32. yeare of Henry the sixt, 1454. Howe Richarde Plantagenet Duke of York, was slayn through his ouer rash boldnesse, and his sonne the Earle of Rutland for his lack of valiaunce, 1460. How the Lorde Clyfford for his straunge and abhominable cruelty, came to as straunge and sodayn a death, 146 1. How Sir Richard Neuill Earle of Warwicke, and his brother lohn. Lord Marquise Montacute, through their too much boldnesse were slaine at Barnet, 147 1. How King Henry the sixte a vertuous Prince, was cruelly murdered in the Tower of London, 1471. How George Plantagenet was by his brother King Edward wrongfully imprisoned, and by his brother Richard miserably murdered, 1478. How King Edward the fourth through his surfeting & vntemperate life, sodaynly dyed in the middest of his prosperity, 1483. How Syr Anthony JVooduile Lord Riuers and Scales, was with his nephue Lord Richard Gray, causelesse imprisoned, and cruelly murthered, 1483. How the Lord Hastings was betraid by trustino- too much to his euill counsellour Catcshy^ and villanously murdered by Richard Duke of Glocester, 1483. How Richarde Plantagenet Duke of Glocester murdered his brother's children, vsurping the crowne, and was most worthely depriued of life and kingdome, in Bosworth plaine, 1485. How Shore's wife. King Edward the fourth's Concubine, was by King Richard despoyled of her goods, and forced to doe open penaunce. How Thomas Wolsey did arise vnto great authority and gouernment, & how hee fell downe into great disgrace, and was arested of high treason. How the Lord Cromwell exalted from mcane estate, was after by the enuie of the Bishop of Winchester and other his complices brought to vntimely end I The vnfortvnate life and death of King lohn. The lamentable lives and deaths of the two yong Princes, Edward the fifth and his brother Richard Duke of York. The tragicall life and death of King Richard the third. 1559, etc. Mirror for Magistrates. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. London : Lackington, Allen, etc. [2 vols. 4to] 1 8 15. 4635. A pretie and mery new Enterlude, called The Disobedient Child, compiled by Thomas Ingelend, late Student in Cambridge. |[ Imprinted at London, in Fletestrete, beneath the Conduit, by Thomas Colwell. [n.d., about 1560.] Edited by J. O. Halliwell. . . . London: Printed for the Percy Society. Vol.22, [i vol. 8vo] iS+8. 4636. Eglogs Epytaphes, and Sonettes. Newly written by Barnabe Googe : C Imprynted at London, by Thomas Colwell, for RafFe Newbery, dwelyng in Fleetftrete a little aboue the Conduit in the late fhop of Thomas Bartelet. 1563. English Reprints. Carefully edited [with Introduction, etc.] by Edward Arber. . . . London: [i vol. 8vo] 1871. 4637. The Trap-edie of Gorboduc, Whereof three Actes were wrytten by Thomas Nortone, and the two last by Thomas Sackuyle. . . . Imprynted at London, in Fletestrete, at the Signe of the Faucon, by William Griffith : And are to be sold athis Shop in Saincte Dunstones Churchyarde in the West of London. Anno 1565. with Introductory Memoirs. Edited by William Durrant Cooper. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1847. "The earliest Tragedy in the English language." — Introduction^ p. v. 4638. Ralph Roister Doister, a Comedy, by Nicholas Udall. 1566. With Introductory Memoirs. Edited by William Durrant Cooper. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8voJ 1847. "The earliest Comedy in the English language." — Introduction^ p. v. 4639. A Newe Enterlude of Vice, Conteyninge the Historye of Horestes, with the cruell revengment of his Fathers death upon his one naturall Mother. By John Pikeryng. . . . C! Imprinted at London in Fleteflrete, at the figne of the Falcon by Wylliam Gryffith, and are to be folde at his ftiope in S. Dunftons Churcheyearde. Anno 1567. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 2. London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1S66. " With the exception, perhaps, of the ' King Johan ' of Bishop Bale, it is the earliest known specimen of that intermediate species of stage-representation which followed the old 'Morality,' consisting wholly of abstract impersonations, and the more modern 'History,' composed of real characters, such as we find them in the productions of Marlowe and Shake- speare." — Introduction, p. i. 4640. EpitapheSy EpigramSy Songs and Sonets, zuith a Discourse of the Friendly afFections of Ty?netes to Pyndara his Ladie. Newly cor- I40 ^ijafefspraif iBrmorial %\bxm), liirmingtam. rected, with additions, and fet out by George Turbervile, Gentle7nan. Imprinted at London, by Henry Denham. 1567- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. [l vol. 4to, n.d., about 1 868. J 4641. A new and mery Enterlude called the Trial] of Treasure, newly set foorth, and never before this tyme imprinted. . . . Imprinted atLondon,in Paules Churcheyarde, at the signe of the Lucrece, by Thomas Purfoote. 1567- Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London: Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. 28. [1 vi). Svo] 1850. 4642. Merie Tales of Skelton. ' [About 1570.] Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 2. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8v^)] 1864. 4613. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court, in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I., from the Original Office Books of the Masters and Yeomen. [1571-1612.] With an Introduction and Notes, by Peter Cunningham. London: Printed for the Shake- speare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1842. Contains entries relating to " The Moor of Venis " [Othello], " The Merry Wiues of Winsor," " Mesur for Mesur," " The Plaie of Errors," " Loues Labours Lost," " Henry the lift," "The Marchant of Venis," " The Tempest," " Winters Nights Tayle," "The Moore of Venice," " Hamlet," " Caesar," "Twelfth Night," and " Winters Tale." 4644. A Caueat or warening for Common Cursetors, vvlgarely called Vagabones, set forth by Thomas Harman, Esquier, for the vtilitie and profit of his naturall Country. Augmented and inlarged by the first Author hereof. Whereunto is added the tale of the second taking of the counterfet Crank, with the true report of his behauior and also his punish- ment for his so dissembling, most maruelous to the hearer or reader thereof. Newly Imprinted. Anno 1573. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. i. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1 871. 4615. five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, as well for the Champion or Open Country, as for the Woodland or Several ; together with A Book of Huswifery. ^573- Being a Calendar of rural and domestic Economy, for every Month in the Year ; And exhibit- ing a Picture of the Agriculture, Customs, and Manners of England, in the Sixteenth Century. By Thomas Tusser, Gentleman. A new Edition, with Notes, etc. By William Ma-vor, LL.D. . . . London i Lackington, etc. [i vol. Svo] l8l2. 4646. Instructions to the Lord Mayor of London, 1574-5 : Whereby he is to govern himself and the City. By Thomas Norton, Rembrancer, and one of the Members in Parliament for London. Together with a Letter from him to Sir Francis If^al/ingha/n^ refpe£iing the disorderly dealings of Promoters. [About 1 574-1 5 7 7-] From the original Manufcripts, formerly the property of Sir Chriftophcr Hatton. London. Privately Printed. [Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 3. I vol. 4to] 1866. iSngltsf) S'ijnfefsprartana. 141 4647. The Firste Parte of Churchyardes Chippes, containing Twelue seuerall Labours. Deuifed and publijhed^ only by Thomas Churchyard, Gentilman. Imprinted at London in Fletejireate neare vnto Saint Dun- stones Church by Thomas Marfhe. I575- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. [l vol. 410, n.d., about 1869. J 4648. Certayne Notes of Instruction Concerning the making of Uerse or Ryme in English. From the Poesies of George Gascoigne Esquire^ Imprinted at London, by Henrie Binneman for Richarde Smith : Anno Domini 1575* Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London : Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 1815. 4649. The Tyde Taryeth No Man. A moste pleasant and merry commody, right pythie, and full of delight. Compiled by George JVapull. . . . Imprinted at London, in Fleete-streate beneath the Conduite, at the Signe of Saynt John Evaungelist, by Hugh Jackson. IS?^- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1867.] 4650. The Rocke of Regard, diuided into foure parts. The firsty the Castle of Delight: . . . The second, the Garden of Vnthriftinesse : . . . The thirde, the Arbour of Vertue ; . . . The fourth, the Ortchard of Repentance : . . . Zi^-ing all the invention, collection and tranflation of George Whetjione^ Gent. [C bnprinted at London for Robert JValey. 1576.] Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1868. J 4651. Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A Treatise wherein Dicing, Dauncing, Vaine playes, or Enterluds, with other idle pastimes, 6cc., commonly vsed on the Sabboth day, are reproued by the Authoritie of the word of God and auntient writers. Made Dialoguewise by John Northbrooke, Minister and Preacher of the word of God. ... At London Imprinted by H, Bynneman for George Byshop. [About 1577.] With an Introduction and Notes [by J. P. Collier]. London : Reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. Svo] 1843. 4652. Chronicles, . . . First Collected and Published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrisoij, and others. I577> ^^c. Reprint. London: Johnson, etc. [6 vols. 4to] 1807-8. " In the eleven plays that follow, — Macbeth, King John, Richard II, Henry IV 2 parts^ Henry V, Henry VI 3 parts, Richard III, and Henry VIII, — the hiftorians of that time, Hall, Holinshed, Stow, and others, (and, in particular, Holinshed) are pretty clofely follow'd ; and that not only for their matter, but even fometimes in their exprelllons." — Capell : Edition of Shakespeare, 1 767-8, vol. I, p. 53. " His English historical subjects are taken chiefly from Holinshed's Chronicles." — F. Ahn : Memoir of Sbakspere. 142 S^ijnllxfspcarc i^nnorial ILtftiaqi, ISumintjijam. 4653. A gorgious Gallery of gallant Inuentions. Garniftied and decked with diuers dayntie deuifes, right delicate and delightfull, to re- create eche modeft minde withall. First framed and fafinoned in fundrie formes^ by diuers worthy workemen of late dayes : and now, ioyned to- gether and builded vp : By T. P. H Imprinted at London, for Richard lones. 1578. Reprint, in Seven English Poetical Miscellanies. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 3. London, [i vol. 4to] 1867. " From the title-page, we learn that T. P., i.e., Thomas Proctor, was the editor of it." — • Introduction, vol. I, p. vii. 4654. Cyuile and vncyuile life. A difcourfe very profitable, plea- fant^ and fit to bee read ofzW Nobilitie and Gentlemen. Where, in forme of a Dialoge is difputed, what order of lyfe bed befeemeth a Gentle- man in all ages and times : afwel for educatio, as the courfe of his whole life : to make him a parfon fit for the publique feruice of his prince and Countrey, and for the quiet, and cumlynefle of his owne priuate eftate and callinge. Imprinted at London, by Richard f ones., and are to bee folde at his fhop ouer agaynfl SaincSt Sepulchers Church, 1579- Reprint, in Inedited Tracts : illustrating the Manners, ... of Englishmen during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. . . . Printed for the Roxburghe Library, [i vol. 4to] 1868. 4655. The Shook of Abuse., Conteining a plesaunt inuective against Poets, Pipers, Plaiers, lesters, and such like Caterpillers of a Common- welth : Setting vp the Flagge of Defiaunce to their mischieuous exercise, and overthrowing their Bulwarkes, by Prophane Writers, Naturall rea- son, and common experience : A discourse as pleasaunt for Gentlemen that fauour learning, as profitable for all that wyll follow vertue. By Stephan Gosson. Stud. Oxon. . . . Printed at London, by Thomas Woodcocke. i579' With an Introduction regarding the Author and his Works. London : Reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 4656. Euphues. The Anatomy of Wit. By John Lyly. 1579. English Reprints. Collated with early subsequent Editions. . . . Carefully Edited [with Introduction, etc.] by Edward Arber. . . . London : Alex. Murray & Son. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. 4657. The Contract of a Marige betweene wit and wisdome very frutefuU and mixed full of pleasant mirth as well for the beholders as the readers or hearers : neuer before imprinted. . . . I579- An Ancient Interlude. To which are added Illustrations of Shakespeare and the Early English Drama. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1846. , iSngltisf) Si^afefspcanana. 143 4658. H Euphues and his England. Containing his voyage and aduen- tures, myxed with fundry pretie difcourfes of honeft Loue, the difcription of the countrey, the Court, and the manners of that Ifle. Delightfvl to be read, and nothing hurtfull to be regarded : wher-in there is fmall offence by lightneffe giuen to the wife, and leffe occafion of loofenes proffered to the wanton. % By lohn Lyly, Maifter of Arte. Commend it, or amend it. Imprinted at London for Gabriell Cawood, dwelling in Paules Church-yard. 1580. English Reprints. Collated with early subsequent Editions. . . . Carefully Edited [with Intro- duction, etc.] by Edward Arber. . . . London: Alex. Murray & Son. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. " It is evident that Shakespeare was very familiar with this book, wherein I see the origin of many of the famous passages in his works. Shakespeare and Lyly have often the same thoughts, use the same language and phrases, and play upon the same words." — Rushton : Shakespeare's Euphuism, 1 87 1, p. I. 4659. Three Proper, and wittie, familiar Letters : lately passed be- tvveene two Vniuersitie men : touching the Earthquake in Aprill last, and our English refourmed Versifying, With the Preface of a welhviller to them both. Imprinted at London, by H. Bynneman, dwelling in Thames streate, neere vnto Baynardes Castell. 1580. By "Edmund Spenser and Gabriel Harvey," — Introduction, " Of the Contents," p. xx. Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2, London : Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 1815. 4660. Two Other, very commendable Letters, of the same mens writing : both touching the foresaid Artificiall Versifying, and certain other Particulars. More lately deliuered vnto the Printer, Imprinted at London, by H. Bynneman, 1580. Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London : Triphook,- [i vol. 4to] 181 5. 4661. A View of sundry Examples. Reporting many straunge murthers, sundry persons periu-reA, Signes and tokens of Gods anger towards vs. What straunge and monstrous Children haue of late beene borne. And all juemorahle murthers since the murther of Maister Saunders by George Browne, to this present and bloody murther of Jbell Bourne^ Hosyer, who dwelled in Newgate Market, 1580. . . . Gathered by A. M, . . , Imprinted at London for William Wright, and are to be sold at the long shop, adioyning vnto S. Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, [n.d., about 1580.] By Anthony Munday. . . . The Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 185 i. 4662. The Copy of a letter, lately written in meeter, by a yonge Gentihvoman ; to her unconftant Lover. With an Admonition to al yong Gentilwomen, and to all other Mayds in general to beware of 144 Stafersprare i^nnovlal JLihxai}}, Ijtrmingtnm. mennes flattery. By If. W. Newly joyned to a Loveletter, fent by a Bacheler, (a moft faithfull Lover) to an unconftant and faithles Mayden. Imprinted at London, by Richarde Jhones dwelling in the upper end of Fleetlane : at the Signe of the fpred Egle. [n.d., about 1580.] Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, N.n., about 1S67.] 4663. The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene. [About 1580-1592.] With Memoir of the Author and Notes by Alexander Dyce. London: Routledge. [ivol. 8vo] 1861. The Works of George Peek are included in the same volume. 4664. The Dramatic Works of John Lilly, (the Euphuist.) [About 1580-1601.] With Notes and some Account of his Life and Writings By F. W. Fairholt. . . . London : J.R.Smith. [2 vols. 8 vo] 1858. Library of Old Authors. 4665. Of Apolonius and Silla. 1581. In Riche his Farewell to Militarie profession : conteining verle pleasaunt discourses fit for a peaceable tyme. Gathered together for the onely delight of the courteous Gentlewomen bothe of England and Irelande, For whose onely pleasure thei were collected together, And unto whom thei are directed and dedicated by Barnabe Riche, Gentleman. . . . Im- printed at London, by Robart Walley. 1581. Reprinted from a Copy of that date in the Bodleian Library. London: Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1S4.6. Apolonius and Silla " was employed by Shakespeare in his ' Twelfth Night.' " — Preface, p. v. 4666. A breefe and true reporte of the Execution of certaine Traytours at Tiborne, the xxviii and xxx dayes of May e.^ 1582. Gathered by A. M., who was there present. . . . Imprinted at London, for JViUiam Wright.^ and are to be solde at his shop, adioyning vnto S. Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, the middle shop in the rowe. 1582. By Anthony Munday. . . . The Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1851. 4667. 'The Life and Pranks of Long Meg of Westminster. Imprinted at London by William How for Abraham Veale, dwellinge in Paul's Church yard, at the Sign of the Lamb. [1582.] Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4668. A Reply to Stephen Gosson's Schoole of Abuse, In Defence of Poetry .y Musick, and Stage Plays. By Thomas Lodge. [n.d., about 1582.] With Introduction and Notes. [By David Laing.] London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1853. 4669. Clinton, Purser, & Arnold To their Countreymen whereso- ever. Wherein is defcribed by their own hands their unfeigned penitence for their offences paft : their patience in welcoming their Death, and their duetiful minds towardes her most excellent Majestie. London. Imprinted by John JVolfe., and are to be fold at the middle Oiop in the Poultry, joyning to S. Mildredes Church. [n.d., about 1583.] Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, n.d.. about 1867.] iSnglisij 5^t)'ifefspfnnann. 145 4670. The Anatomie of Abuses : contayning A Discoverie, or briefe Summarie, of fuch Notable Vices and Imperfe£tions, as now raigne in many Chriftian Countreyes of the Worlde, but (efpeciallie) in a verie famous Ilande called Aiigna: Together with moft fearefull Examples of Gods Judgementes, executed upon the wicked for the fame, afwell in Aiigna of late, as in other places elfe-where. Uerie godly to be read of all true Christians everie where^ but most needefuU to be regarded in Englande. Made dialogue-wife by Phillip Stubbes. Seene and allowed, according to order. . . . Printed at London, by Richard Jones. I. Maij, 1583. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 1 1, [i vol. 410, n.d., about 1869.] 4671. \_A treatise of the airt of Scottis Poesie : By K. James. From] The Essayes of a Prentise, in the Divine Art of Poesie. Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Thomas VautrouUier. 15^4- Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London : Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 1815. 4672. The Myrrovr of Modestie, wherein appeareth as in a perfect Glasse howe the Lorde deliuereth the innocent from all imminent perils, and plagueth the bloudthirftie hypocrites with deferued punifhments. Shewing that the graie headesof dooting adulterers shall not go with grace to the graue, neither shall the righteous be forsaken in the dale of trouble. By R. G. Maifter of Artes. C Imprinted at London by Roger Warde, dwelling at the figne of the Talbot neere vnto Holburne Conduit. 1584. i?^^n«r, /« Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 3. London: Privately Printed. [l vol. 410] 1866. By Robert Greene. — Introduction, p. i. 4673. An Alarum against Vsurers. Containing tryed experiences against worldly abuses. . . . Heerevnto are annexed the delectable historie of Forbonius and Prisceria : with the lamentable Complaint of Truth ouer England, Written by Thomas Lodge, of Lincolnes Inne, Gentleman. . . . Imprinted at London by T. Este, for Sampson Clarke. 1584. With Introduction and Notes. [By David Laing]. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. 4674. The Dramatic and Poetical Works of George Peele. [About 1584-1598.] with Memoir of the Author and Notes by Alexander Dyce. London ; Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 1861. The Works of Robert Greene are included in the same volume. 4675. The Primrofe of London with her valiant aduenture on the Spanifh coaft, beeing of the burthen of 150. Tunne. . . . H Imprinted at London for Thomas Nelfon. i5^5' Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 20. London, [i vol. 4to] 1871. 146 Stafefispcarc ifHnnotial Hibrarj?, l^irmtngtam. 4676. The Trivmph of Trueth, manifefting the aduanceme[n]t of Vertue, and the ouerthrow of Vice. Wherin Youth is admonifhed to withdrawe his afFedtion from the vain feducements of Fancie. <[ Set down with sundry Inuentions for modest Recreation. Hecrunto is added Ccsfars Triumph^ the Gretians Conquejl^ and the Defert of D'lues. Publifhed by T. P. [N.D., about 1585.] iJf6rinf,fn Illustrations of Old English Literature, Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol.2. London. [i vol. 4to] 1866. By Thomas Procter. — Introduction, p. i. 4677. A Choice of Emblemes, and other Devises, for the mofte parte gathered out of fundrie writers, Englifhed and Moralized. And divers newly devised, by Gefirey Whitney. . . . ytnprinted at Leyden, in the houfe of Chriftopher Plantyn, by Francis Raphelengius. 1586. A Fac-simile Reprint. Edited by Henry Green, M. A. With an Introductory Dissertation, Essays Literary and Bibliographical, and Explanatory Notes. London : Reeve & Co. [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4678. A Discourse of Eng-/ish Poetrie. Together with the Authors iudgment, touching the reformation of our English Verse. By William VVehhe. Graduate, imprinted at London^ by lohn Charlewood for Robert Walley. 1586. Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London : Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 1 81 5. 4679. The pleafaunteft workes of George Gafcoigne Efquyre : Newly e compyled into one Volume, That is to fay : His Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, the Fruites of warre,the Comedie called Suppofes, the Tragedie of locajla, the Steele glafle, the Complaint of Phylomene, the Storie of Ferdinando leronwii., and the pleafure at Kenelworth Caftle. London Imprinted by Abell leffes^ dwelling in the Fore Streete, without Creeplegate, neere vnto Grubftreete. 1587. Now first Collected and Edited from the early printed Copies and from MSS., with a Memoir and Notes by William Carew Hazlitt. Printed for the Roxburghe Library [2 vols. 4to] 1869-70. " It is thought, no doubt rightly, that Shakefpeare, in the Induction to the ' Taming of the Shrew,' had an eye to the Englifli ' Suppofes,' whence he has indeed evidently borrowed the name Petrucchio. But I do not remember to have I'een it pointed out as a probubility that our great dramatift took part of the defign of the 'Winter's Tale' from Gafcoigne and Kinwelmerfh's joint verfion of the ' Pheniffae.'" — Preface, pp. xvii., xviii. 4680. Perimedes the Blaclce-Smith. A golden methode, how to vfe the minde in pleafant and /)r5-fitable exercife : . . . London. Printed by lohn Wolfe, for Edward White. 1588. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. I. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1867.] " What follows is one of Robert Greene's later productions," — Introduction, p. i. 4681. The Anatomie of Absurditie : Contayning a breefe confu- tation of the flender imputed prayfes to feminine perfe6tion, with a fhort I I J5n0ltslj Sfjnfecspcatiana. 147 defcriptlon of the feverall pracStifes of youth, and fundry follies of our licentious times. No lefle pleafant to be read, then profitable to be remembred, efpecially of thofe, who live more licentioufly, or addi6led to a more nyce ftoycall aufteritie. Compiled by T. Nashe. ... At London, Printed by I. Charlewood for Thomas Haclcet, and are to be folde at his fhop in Lumberd ftreet, under the figne of the Popes heade. Anno Dom. 1589. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 3. London: Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4682. The Arte of English Poesie. Contriued into three Bookes : The firft of Poets and Poefie, the fecond of Proportion, the third of Ornament. At London Printed by Richard Field, dwelling in the black- Friers, neere Ludgate. 1589. English Reprints. George Puttenham. Carefully Edited [with Introduction, etc.] by Edward Arber. . . . London: Alex. Murray & Son. [l vol. 8vo] 1869. Reprinted also in Haslewood's Arte of English Poesie, vol. I, 1811. 4683. Lyrical Poems, selected from Musical Publications between the Years 1589 and 1600. Edited by J. P. Collier. London. Printed for the Percy Society. Vol.13, [i vol. 8vo] 1844. 4684. The Rare and moft vvonderfull things which Edvv. Webbe an Englifhman borne, hath feene and pajfed In his troublefome trauailes, in the Cities of lerufalem, Damajko^ Bethlehem and Galely : and in the landes of lewrie, Egypt^ Grecia, Rufsia^ and Prejier lohn. Wherein is fet forth his QX-treame Jlauery fujlained many yeeres /o-gether in the Gallies and warres of the great' Turke^ aga'inji the landes of Perfia, Tartaria^ Spaine^ and Portugale, with the maner of his releafement and comming into England in May laft. Newly enlarged and corrected by the Author. London Printed for WiUiajn Wright. 1590- Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 10. London, [i vol. 4to] 1869. Black letter. 4685. Tarltons Newes out of Purgatorie. Onelye such a jest as his yigge^fit for Gentlemen to laugh at an houre^ &c. Published by an old com- panion of his, Robin Goodfellow. [n.d., about 1590.] With Notes, and some Account of the Life of Tarlton, by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., F. R. S. . . . London: Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1844. Tarlton " was the most celebrated clown of the school against which Shakespeare levelled his satire; [Hamlet, act iii., sc. 2.] and he is also indirectly connected with our great dramatist, as having performed a part in the old play of the ' Famous Victories.' " — Intro- duction, p. viii. 4686. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Written by Sir Philip Sidney, Knt. [^590-] With Notes and Introductory Essay by Hain Friswell. . . . London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 148 5)f)akcspenre iWrmonal 3£ii)iaii), ^mningtam. " It must have been read, and, as we have shovi^n in the notes, made good use of, by Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, and their contemporary dramatists, in whose Bohemia and in the sweet and enchanted forest of Arden." — Introduction, p. xxxi. 4687. Sir Thomas More, a Play. [About 1590.] Now first Printed. Edited by Alexander Dyce. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1844. 4688. The Works of Christopher Marlowe. [About 1590-1593.J With Notes and some Account of his Lite and Writings by Alexander Dyce London Pickering. [3 vols. 8vo] 1850. 4689. [An Apologie of Poetrie. Prefixed to] Orlando Fvrioso in English Heroical Verse, by S' John Harington of Bathe, Knight. Imprinted in the ye ere . 1591. Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London: Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 181 5. 4690. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609. Printed from the Original Manuscript preserved at Dulwich College. Edited by J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A. London: Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1845. Has entries as to the money received at representations of the following plays of Shake- speare: "harey the vj," p. 23; " tittus and ondronicus," p. 33j " Kinge leare," p. 34; " hamlet," p. 35. 4691. The Teares of the Muses. By Ed. Sp. London Imprinted for William Ponfonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the figne of the Bifhops head. i59i- Reprint, in The Works of Edmund Spenser Edited by J. Payne Collier. . . . vol. 4. London Bell and Daldy [i vol. 8vo] 1862. Has the following supposed reference to Shakespeare : " And he, the man whom Nature felfe had made To mock her felfe, and Truth to imitate. With kindly counter under Mimick (hade, Our pleafant Willy, ah ! is de.id of late : With whom all joy and jolly meriment Is alfo deaded, and in dolour drent." — p. 335. 4692. Kind-Harts Dreame. Conteining fiue Apparitions with their Inuectiues against Abuses raigning. Deliuered by seuerall Ghosts vnto him to be publisht, after Piers Penilesse Post had refused the Carriage. Inuita Inuidice. By H. C. Imprinted at London for William Wright. [n.d., about 1592.] By Henry Chettle. From the original Black-letter Tract printed (without Date) in 1592. Edited by Edward F. Rimbault, Esq. London: Reprinted tor the Percy Society, [vol. 5. I vol. 8vj] 1841. . . In the Introduction, — "To the Gentlemen Readers," — Chettle says, refernng, it is supposed, to Shakespeare, " Because myselfe haue seene his demeanor no lesse ciuill than he exclent in the qualitie he professes: besides, diucrs of worship haue reported his vprightness of dealing, which argues his honesty, and his facetious grace in writting, that aprooues his art."- — p. iv. _ _ • 1 - " Chettle is one of the very few persons who have left us any distinct memorial ot Shakspere. He appears to have had some connexion with the writers of his time, in preparing IBnglis^ Sijafefsprarlana. 149 ir manuscripts for the press. He so prepared Greene's posthumous tract, ' The Groat's- rth of Wit,' copying out the author's faint and blotted sheets, written on his sick-bed. their wortl_ ---,-, J ^ ... In this pamphlet of Greene's an insult was offered to Shakspere, and it would appear from the allusions of Chettle that he was justly offended. ... He [Chettle] tenders an apology in all sincerity." — C. Knight: IVdliam Shakspere: Jl Biography, 1843, p. 318-19. 4693. A Qvip for an YTpstart Courtier: or, A quaint difpute between Veluet-breeches and Cloth-breeches. Wherein is plainely Jet downe the diforders in all EJiates and Trades. London Imprinted by lohn Wolfe, and are to bee fold at his (hop at Paules chayne. 1592. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 3. [i vol. 410, n.d., about 1867.] " Robert Greene, the author." — Introduction, p. i. 4694. Fovre Letters, and certaine Sonnets : Especially touching Robert Greene, and other parties by him abused: But incidently of diuers excellent perfons, and fome matters of note. To all courteous mindes, that will voutchjafe the reading. London Imprinted by lohn Wolfe, I592- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. MiscelLineous Tracts, No. 5. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1868.] " Mainly by Gabriel Harvey." — Introduction, p. i. 4695. Pierce Penilesse His Svpplication to the Diuell. . . . Written by TIw. Najh, Gent. London, Printed by Abell Jeftes, for lohn Busbie. 1592. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No 6. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1866.] Said to beimportant as fixing the date of the First Part of Henry VI., to which the following is supposed to be an allusion : " How would it have joyed brave Talbot (the terror of the French) to thinke that after he had lyen two hundred yeare in his toomb, he (hould triumph againe on the Stage, and have his bones new embalmed with the teares of ten thoufand fpedtators at leaft, (at feverall times) who, in the tragedian that reprefents his perfon, imagine they behold him frelh bleeding?" — p. 65. Reprint, also. From the First Edition of 1592, compared with later Impressions. With an Intro- duction and Notes, by J. Payne Collier. . . . London : Reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1842. 4696. Strange Newes, Of the intercepting certaine Letters and a Convoy of Verfes, as they were going Privilie the vicStuall the Lowe Countries. ... By Tho. Nashe, Gentleman. Printed at London by lohn Danter, dwelling in Hofier Lane neere Holburne Conduit. 1592- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 2. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1866.] 4697. The Sea Mans Triumph. Declaring the honorable actions of such gentlemen Captaines and Sailers, as were at the takinge of the great Carrick, lately brought to Dartmouth, with her burthen and com- modities, with the maner of their fight, and names of men of accompt. . . . London Printed by R.B. for William Barley and are to be folde at his fhop in Gratious ftreet. ^59^- Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 27. London, [i vol. 4to] 1872. Black letter. 4698. The Tragedie of Shores Wife. Much augmented., zuith divers T 15° Stafefspfare ifHanorial Etfirarg, l^trmtngtant, new Additions. By Thomas Churchyard. London. Printed by John Wolfe. 1593- Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. Z. London: Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4699. Pierces Supererogation : or A New Prayse of the Old Asse. A Preparative to certaine larger Difcourfes^ intituled N ashes S. Fame. Gabriell Harvey. London Imprinted by lohn Wolfe, 1593* Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 8. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1866.] 4700. A New Letter of Notable Contents. With a ftraunge Sonet, intituled Gorgon, Or the wonderfull yeare. London Printed by lohn Wolfe, 1593. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 7. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1866.] By Gabriel Harvey. — Introduction, p. i. 4701. The Life and Death of William Long beard, the most famous and witty Englifli Traitor, borne in the Citty of London. Ac- companied with manye other moj} pleafant and prettie hijlories, by T. L. of Lincolns Inne, Gent. . . . Printed at London by Rychard Yardley and Peter Short, dwelling on Breadjireat hill, at the Signe of the Starre. 1593. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 2. London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 410] 1866. "As a novelist, it is enough to say that, he [Lodge] furnished Shakespeare with the story of ' As You Like It.' " — Introduction, p. i. 4702. The Affectionate Shepheard. Containing the Complaint of Daphnis for the Loue of Ganymede, . . . London : Printed by lohn Danter. 1594- By Richard Barnfield. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. . . . London. Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 20. [i voL 8vo] 1845. "Barnfield is, perhaps, chiefly remembered by his elegant pieces printed in the ' Passionate Pilgrim,' attributed by some to Shakespeare." — Preface, p. iii. 4703. Newes from the Levane Seas. Defcribing the many perrilous events of the moft woorthy deferving Gentleman, Edward Glenham, Efquire. His hardy attempts in honorable fights, in great perrill. With a relation of his troubles, and indiredt dealings of the King of Argere in Barbaric. Alfo the caufe of his imprifonment, and hys challenge of combat againft a ftranger, mayntaining his Countries honour. Written by H. R. At London., Printed for William Wright. I594« Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol i, London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4704. Thomas Kyd. About 1594, The Spanish Tragedy : or, Hieronimo is mad again. In Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. Vol. 3. [l vol, 8vo] 1780. iHnglisfj £f)a{vpspcannnci. 151 4705. The Book of John a Kent and John a Cumber. [i595'] A Comedy, by Anthony Munday. Printed from the Original Manuscript, . . . with other Tracts by the same Author. The Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier, Esq. London: Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 185 I. 4706. An Apologie for Poetrie. Written by the right noble vertu- ous^ and learned Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight. ... At London, Printed for Henry Olney. Anno 1595. English Reprints. Carefully edited [with Introduction, etc.] by Edward Arber. . . . London : Alex. Murray & Son. [i vol. 8voj 1868. 4707. Colin Clouts Come Home Againe. By Ed. Spencer. Lon- don Printed for JVilUam Ponfonbie^ 1595- Reprint, in The Works of Edmund Spenser. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 5. London : Bell and Daldy [l vol. 8vo] 1862. Has the following supposed allusion to Shakespeare : — " And there, though laft not leaft, is Aetion ; A gentler fhepheard may no where be found : Whofe Mufe, full of high thoughts invention, Doth like himfelfe heroically found." — p. 48. 4708. Maroccus Extaticus, or Bankes Bay Horse in a Trance. A Discourse set downe in a merry Dialogue between Bankes and his Beast : anatomizing some Abuses and bad Trickes of this Age. . . . Printed for Cuthbert Burby. I595- Edited by E. F. Rimbault. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 9. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. 4709. Have With You to SafFron-Walden : or, Gabriell Harveys Hunt Is Up. Containing a full Anfwere to the eldejl fonne of the Halter- maker : Or, Nashe his Confutation of the Sinful! Doctor. . . . Printed at London by jfohn Danter. I59^* Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 9. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1866.] 4710. EiTayes. Religious Meditations. Places of perfwafion and diflwafion. Scene and allowed. At London, Printed for Humfrey Hooper, and are to be fold at the blacke Beare in Chauncery Lane. 1597- English Reprints. A Harmony of the Essays, etc. of Francis Bacon .... Arranged by Edward Arber. . . . London, [i vol. 8vo] 187 1. Lord Bacon is held by W. H. Smith, Delia Bacon, and N. Holmes to be the author of the plays attributed to Shakespeare. 4711. The Trimming of Thomas Nashe Gentleman, by the high- tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico campo^ Barber Chirurgion to Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge. London, Printed for Philip Scarlet. ^597- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 12. [i vol. 4to, N.n., about 1866.] By Gabriel Harvey. — Introduction, p. i, 4712. Cupid's Revenge, Or, An account of a King who flighted all Women, and at length was forced to Marry a Beggar. [Before 1598.] Broadside Ballad, n.d " Armado. Is there not a ballad, boy, of the King and the Beggar ? 152 Sljafefspearf IHemorial ?Li6rarg, IStnntngijani. Moth. The world was very guilty of such a ballad some three ages since : but, I think, now 'tis not to be found." — Lo-ve^s Lai>our''s Lost^ act i., sc. 2. " Young Abraham Cupid, he that shot so trim. When king Cophetua lov'd the beggar-maid." — Romeo and Juliet, act ii., sc. I. "The ballad of King Cophetua and the Beggar-Maid is entitled, ' A Song of a Beggar and a King,' in the earliest known edition, which is given in Johnson's Crown Garland of Golden Roses, 1612. A modernized sheet version of it, printed in the last century, is entitled ' Cupid's Revenge, or an Account of a King who slighted all women, and at length was forced to marry a Beggar.' This version, which was probably originally made at a much earlier period, deserves preservation." — Halliwell : Folio Edition of Shakespeare, vol. 4, pp. 255-6. 4713. A Wished Reformacion of JVicked Rebellion. Newly fet foorth by Thomas Churchyard Esquier. Imprinted at London by Thomas Efte, dwelling in Alderfgate ftreete. 1598- Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 2. London: Privately Printed, [i vol. 410] 1866. 4714. Skialetheia. Or, A shadowe of Truth in certaine Epigrams and Satyres. At London, Printed by I. R. for Nicholas Ling, and are to bee folde at the little Weft doore of Poules. 1598- Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 4. [i vol. 410, tj.d., about 1866.] " The claim of Edward Guilpin [as the author of the tract] cannot be disputed, because, as we pointed out more than twenty years ago, long passages in 'Skialetheia' are assigned to him in 'England's Parnassus,' 1600." — Introduction, p. i. 4715. [A comparatiue discourse of our English Poets, with the Greeke, Latine, and Italian Poets : from] Palladis Tamia. Wits Trea- svry being the Second Part of JVits Gjwwijw-wealth. By Francis Meres Maister Of Artes of both Vniuersities. ... At London Printed by P. Short, for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be solde at his shop at the Royall Exchange. 1598' Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London : Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 181 5. " As the soule oi Eupborbus was thought to Hue in Pythagorus : so the sweete wittie soule of Ouid liues in mellifluous & hony-tongued Shakespeare, witnes his Venus and j4donis, his Lucrece, his sugred Sonnets among his priuate friends, &fc. As Plautus and Seneca are accounted the best for Comedy and Tragedy among the Latines : so Shakespeare, among y*^. English is the most excellent in both kinds for the stage ; for Comedy, wirnes his Gitlemi of Verona, his Errors, his Loue labors lost, his Loue labours ivonne, his Midsummers night dreame, & his Merchant 0/ Venice: for Tragedy, his Richard the 2. Richard the 3. Henry the 4. King lohn, Titus u4ndronicus, and his Romeo and luliet. As Epius Stolo said, that the Muses would speake with Plautus tongue, if they would speak Latin : so 1 say that the Muses would speak with Shakespeares fine filed phrase, if they would speake English." — p. 152. " Meres was personally acquainted with the poet, and so very intimately, that the latter read over to him his sonnets before they were printed.'' — Schlegel : Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, 1846, p. 442. 4716. A Health to the Gentlemanly ^xofefsion of Seruingmen : or, The Seruingmans Comfort : With other thinges not impertinent to the Premiftes, as well pleafant as profitable to the courteous Reader. . . . Imprinted at London by IV. JV. I598. Reprint, in Inedited Tracts : illustrating the Manners ... of Englishmen during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. . . . Printed for the Roxburghe Library, [i vol. 4to] 1868. "On the fly-leaf of his copy of the Seruwgmans Comfort, Douce notes :— * This is in all refpefls a curious work, but particularly fo for having fupplied Shakfpeare with feveral hints, &c., in his play of Love's Libour Loft. See a note by Dr. Fanner in Ste[e]vens's Shak- fpeare, vol. V. p. 236., edir. 1793.'" — IntroduSrion, pp. v., vi. ... "Shakspeare was certainly indebted to this performance tor his present vein of jocularity, the earliest edition of Love's Labour's Lost being printed in 1598."— Steevens : Vaiiorum Shakspeare, 182 1, vol. 4, pp. 333-4. The passage illustrated is in Act iii., sc. i : " Guerdon,— O sweet guerdon ! better than remuneration ; eleven-pence farthing better." 4717. The Pleasant Historie of the two angrie women of Ab'ington. With the hwnorous tnirthe of Dick Coomes and Nicholas Prouerbes^ two Seruingmen. As it was lately playde by the right Honorable the Earle of Nottingham^ Lord high Admirall, his seruants. By Henry Porter Gent. Imprinted at London for Joseph Hunt, and IVilliayn Ferbrand. 1 599. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 5. [i vol. 8vo] 1 841. 4718. The Scourge of Villanie. Three Bookes of Satyres By lohn Marston. At London : Printed by I. R. Anno Dom. 1599. Reprint, hi The Works of John Marston, vol. 3. [i vol. 8vo] 1856. Library of Old Authors. Has a notice of Romeo and Juliet, in Satyre XL p. 301. " Luscus, what's plaid to day ? Faith now I know I set thy lips abroach, from whence doth flowe Naught but pure Juliet and Romeo." 4719. The First Boolce of the Preservation of King Henry the vij. when he was but Earle of Richmond^ Grandfather to the Queenes maielty : Compiled in engliQi rythmicall Hexameters. . . . C I^np^nted at London, by R. B. and are to be folde in Paules Church-yard, at the figne of the Bible. IS99- Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 2. London: Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4720. Nashe's Lenten StufFe : Containing The Description and first Procreation and Increase of the Towne of Great Yarmouth, in NorfFolke : With a new Play, never played before of the Praise of the Red-Herring. Fitte of all Clearks of Noblemen's Kitchins to be read ; and not unnecessary by all serving-men, that have short Boorde-Wages to be remembered. . . . London : Printed for N. L. and C. B., and are to be Sold at the West End of Paule's. 1599- Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. i. London: Reeves and Turner. [l vol. 8vo] 1871. 4721. Edward Alleyn. About 1600. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, Founder of Dulwich College : including some new Particulars respecting Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Dekker, &c. By J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 4722. Edward Alleyn. About 1600. The Alleyn Papers. A Collection of Original Documents illustrative oi the Life and Times of Edward Alleyn, and of the Early English Stage and Drama. With an Introduction by J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1843. 154 Stia'^fspeare IHcmorial Hifirarg, JSirmingfiam, 4723. The Chester Plays. About 1600. A Collection of Mysteries founded upon Scriptural Subjects, and formerly represented by the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Edited by Thomas Wright. . . . London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [z vols. 8vo] 1843-7. 4724. Englands Helicon. ... At London Printed by I. R. for lohn Flasket, and are to be fold in Paules Church-yard, at the figne of the Beare. 1600. Reprint, in Seven English Poetical Miscellanies. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 5. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1867.] On p. 64 is the song by Shakespeare, commencing " On a day, (alack the day)." " John Bodenham was avowedly the editor of the whole work." — Introduction, vol. i, p. x. 4725. Englands Parnajfus : or The choyfeft Flowers of our Moderne Poets^ with their Poeticall comparifons. Defcriptions of Bewties, Perfonages, Caftles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groues, Seas, Springs, Riuers, &c. Whereunto are annexed other various difcourfes, both pleafaunt and profitable. Imprinted at London for N.L. C.B. and T.H. i6oo. Reprint, in Seven English Poetical Miscellanies. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 6. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1867.] Contains numerous quotations from Shakespeare. " Who was the editor of 'England's Parnassus' in 1600 is a matter of speculation, our only guide being the initials R. A. . . . The letters may belong to Robert Armin or to Robert Allot." "It constantly happens that famous passages belonging to one distinguished poet are attributed to another : thus, Shakespeare's speech by Gaunt in ' Richard II ' is transferred to Drayton ; and we might refer to whole stanzas by Spenser that are attributed to Daniel." We have never misrepresented the original edition of ' England's Parnassus.' If Gaunt's speech be there imputed to Drayton, or a long passage in Daniel's ' Civil Wars ' be coolly handed over to Shakespeare, we have left the names precisely as they stand in the old impression : what we have done has been, in our brief bracketted note immediately following 'each quotation, to point out the error and its remedy in the shortest possible form. — Introduction, vol. I, pp. xiv, xvi, xvii. 4726. Mery Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham, [n.d., about 1600.] Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . Vol. 3. London: Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4727. The Dramatic Works of Thomas Heywood. [About 1600-1 615.] With a Life of the Poet, and Remarks on his Writings. By J. Payne Collier. [London.] Printed for the Shakespeare Society. [2 vols. 8vo] 1853. 4728. Thomas Middleton. [About 1600- 162 7.] A Mad World, my Masters. In Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. Vol. 5. [i vol. 8vo] i7»o. 4729. George Chapman. [About 1600- 1634.] The Widow's Tears. In Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. Vol. 6. [i vol. 8vo] 1780. 4730. The Works of John Marston. [About 1600- 1634.] The Works of John Marston. Reprinted from the Original Editions. With Notes, and some Account of his Life and Writings. By J. O. Halliwell. London : J. R. Smith. [3 vols. 8vo] 1856. Library of Old Authors. iSngltsf) Sta'^fspcanana. i5S 4731. Sword and Buckler : or, Serving-Mans Defence. By miUam Bas. ... At London Imprinted for M. L. and are to be fold at his {hop in S. Dunftans Churchyard. 1^02. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1867.] 4732. Observations in the Art of English Poesie. By Thomas Campion. Wherein it is demonstra-?/W/y prooued, and by example con- firmed that the English toong will receiue eight seuerall kinds of nu?n-hers, proper to it selfe, which are all in this booke set forth, and were neuer before this time by any man attempted. Printed at London by Richard Field for Jndrew Wise. ^^°2. Refrmt, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London : Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 1815. 4733. A Poetical Rapsody containing, Diuerse Sonnets., Odes, Elegies^ Madrigalls, and other Poeftes., both in Rime, and Meafured Verfe. Never yet published. . . . Printed at London by V. S.for John Baily, and are to be folde at his Shoppe in Chancerie lane, neere to the Office of the fix Clarkes. 1602. Reprint, in Seven English Poetical Miscellanies. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 7. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1868.] LI • The Dedication is subscribed :— " The deuoted Admirer of your Lordlhips noble virtues, Fra. Davison humbly dedicates, his owne, his Brothers, and Anomos Poems," etc. 4734. Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, and of Bradbourne, Kent, Barrister-at-Law. 1602-1603. Edited from the original Manuscript by John Bruce, Esq., and presented to the Camden Society by William Tite, Esq. . . . Westminster : Nichols and Sons, [i vol. 4to] 1868. Contains the following notices of Shakespeare. Feb. 2, 1601 :— " At our feast wee had a play called ' Twelue Night, or What you Will,' much like the Commedy of Errores, or Menechmi in Plautus, but most like and neere to that in Italian called Inganni. A good practise in it to make the Steward beleeve his Lady widdowe was in love with him, by counterfeyting a letter as from his Lady in generall termes, telling him what shee liked best in him, and prescribing his gesture in smiling, his apparaile, &c., and then when he came to practise making him beleeue they tooke him to be mad." p. 18. " Vpon a tyme when Burbidge played Richard IlL there was a citizen grone soe farr in liking with him, that before shee went from the play shee appointed him to come that night vnto hir by the name of Richard the Third. Shakespeare ouerhearing their conclusion went before, was intertained and at his game ere Burbidge came. Then message being brought that Richard the Third was at the dore, Shakespeare caused returne to be made that WiUiam the Conqueror was before Richard the 'Ihird. Shakespeare's name William. (Mr. Totise P) " p. 39. 4735. Poetical Miscellanies from a Manuscript Collection of the Time of James I. [About 1602-1625.] Edited by J. O. Halliwell. . . . London. Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. 15. [l vol. 8vo] 1845. 4736. England's Mourning Garment; worn here by plain Shep- herds, in Memory of their sacred Mistress, Elizabeth •, Queen of Virtue, while she lived ; and Theme of Sorrow, being dead. To which is added the true Manner of her Imperial Funeral : After which follows the 156 Slia^iifspfare ifHrmorial Eibrarp, 13irmingf)am. Shepherd's Spring-song, for Entertainment of King James, our most potent Sovereign. Dedicated to all that loved the deceased Queen, and honour the living King. [By Henry Chettle.] . . . London, by V. S. for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at his Shop under St. Peter's Church in Cornhill. [1603.] Harleian Miscellany. London : White, etc. [lo vols. 410] 1808-13. V°^- 3> PP- 52.4-46. Contains the following allusion to Shakespeare : — " Nor doth the silver-tongued Melicert Drop from his honied muse one sable tear, To mourn her death that graced his desert, And to his lays open'd her royal ear. Shepherd, remember our Elizabeth, And sing her rape, done by that Tarquin, death." — p. 534. 4737. The Pleasant Comodie of Patient Grissill. As it hath beene sundrie times lately plaid by the right honorable the Earle of Nottingham (Lord high Admirall) his servants. London. Imprinted for Henry Rocket, and are to be solde at the long Shop under S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry. [1603.] By Thomas Dekker, Henry Chettle, and William Haughton. Reprinted from the Black- Letter Edition of 1603. With an Introduction and Notes. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 4738. A Covnterblaste To Tobacco. Imprinted at London by R. B. Jnno 1604. By King James I. Reprint, In The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London : Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4739. A Piece of Friar Bacons Brazen-heads Prophesie. By William Terilo. London Printed by T. C. for Arthur lohnson. [1604.] A Satire on the Degeneracy of the Times. . . . Edited by J. O. Halliwell. . . . London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 15. [i vol. 8vo] 1844. 4740. Jack of Dover, His ^est of Inquirie^ or His Privy Search for the Veriest Foole in England. London, Printed for William Ferbrand, and are to be sold in Pope's Head Ally, over against the Taverne doore, neare the Exchange. 1604. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, ivith Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 2. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4741. The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie : or, the Walkes in Powles. London : Printed by T. C. and are to be solde by Mathew Lawe. 1604. From an unique black-letter Copy in the Bodleian Library. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 5. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. " It has claims on our notice of much more importance than any rarity could impart, for it affords us a curious picture of a very eventful occurrence in the history of our great metropolis, besides the illustrations which it gives to the works ot Shakespeare and con- tRmporary writers." — Preface, p. v. lEnglisf) Stafefsprariana. 157 4742. Pasquils lests, mixed with Mother Bunches Merriments. Whereunto is added a doozen of Guiles. Pretty and pleasant to drive away the tediousnesse of a Winters Evening. Imprinted at London for "John Browne, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstones Church yard in Fleet Street 1604. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, tuith Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt Vol. 3. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4743. The Life and Death of Gamaliel Ratsey, J famous Thief of England. Executed at Bedford the 26 of March laft paft. 1605. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 3. London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4744. <[ Two most vnnaturall and bloodie Murthers : The one by Maister Cauerley^ a Yorkshire Gentleman, practised vpon his wife, and committed vppon his two Children, the three and twentie of Aprill 1605. The other, by Mistris Browne.^ and her seruant Peter, vpon her husband, who were executed in Lent last past at Bury in Suffolke. 1605. Printed at London by V. S. for Nathanael Butter dwelling in Paules churchyard neare Saint Austens gate. 1605. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1867.] " The earlier portion relates to, and materially illustrates, one of the dramas imputed to Shakespeare " [The Yorkshire Tragedy]. — Introduction, p. i. 4745. The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. [1605-1625.] The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. . . . With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by Henry Weber. Edinburgh : Ballantyne. [14 vols. 8vo] x8i2. 4746. The Seven Deadly Sinnes of London : drawne in seven severall Coaches through the seven severall Gates of the Cittie Bringing the Plague with them. . . . Tho : Dekker. Jt London Printed by E. A. for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be folde at his {hop neere Saint Auftens gate. 1606. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Vol. 2. London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. " The literary and dramatic allusions are very remarkable, especially as regards Shake- speare." — Introduction, p. 1. 4747. Honor Trivmphant : or the Peeres Challenge, by Armes defensible, at Tilt^ Turneyy and Barriers. ... At London Printed for Francis Burton. looo. NoM^ first reprinted from the Original Copies. . . . London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1843. ^ " By the celebrated dramatist, and contemporary of Shakespeare, John Forde.' — Introduc- tion, p. v. 4748. The Arraignment and Execvtion Of the late Traitors, with a Relation of the other Traitors, Which were executed at Worcester, The 158 Stafefspcare iHfmonal ILitrars, i^irmingtant. Twenty-seventh of January last past. London^ Printed for Jeffrey Chorlton. 1606. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany .... Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4749. The Return from Parnassus : or the Scourge of Simony. Puhlickly a5iedby the Jludents in faint John's college^ Cambridge. 1606. Reprint, in The Origin of the English Drama By Thomas Hawkins. . . . Oxford, Clarendon Press [3 vols. 8voJ 1773. ^°^- 3j PP- 199-287. Among the Dramatis Persons in this play, are the names of Burbage and Kempe j and in act iv., sc. 3, is the following notice of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson : " Kempe. Few of the univerfity pen plays well ; they fmell too much of that writer Ovid, and that writer Metamorphojis, and talk too much of Projerpina, and Juppiter. Why, here's our fellow Shakejpeare puts them all down ; ay, and Ben Jmjon too. O, that Ben Jonfon is a pellilent fellow, he brought up Horace giving the poets a pill; but our fellow Shakejpeare hath given him a purge that made him bewray his credit." And in act i., sc. 2 : [censure or judgment of the poets.] " William Shakejpeare. " yudicio. Who loves Adonis' love, or Lucrece rape, His fweeter verfe contains heart-robbing life. Could but a graver fubjedt him content. Without love's foolifh, lazy languifhment." 4750. A Knights Coniuring done in earnest : Discouered in lest. By Thomas Dekicer. London : Printed by T. C. for William Barley. [n.d., about 1607.] Edited by E. F. Rimbault. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 5. [i vol. 8vo] 184.2. 4751. Strange Histories, or, Songes and Sonets, of Kings, Princes, Dukes, Lordes, Ladyes, Knights, and Gentlemen, Very pleasant either to be read or songe : and a most excellent warning for all estates. Imprinted at London for W. Barlev. 1607. Principally by Thomas Deloney. . . . With an Introduction and Notes [by J. P. Collier.] London: Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 3. [1 vol. 8vo] I 841. 4752. The Pleasant Conceites of Old Hob son the Merry Londoner. Full of Humourous Discourses and Witty Merriments. Whereat the Quickest Wittes may laugh., the wiser sort take pleasure. Printed at London for John Wright, and are to be sold at his Shoppe neere Christ-Church gate. 1 607. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, ivith Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 3. London: Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4753. The Pleasant Walkes of Moore-Fields. Being the guift of two Siflers^ now beautified, to the continuing fame of this worthy Citty. Printed at London for Henry Goflbn, and are to be fold at the Signe of the Sun in Pater nofter Row. 1607. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier, [i vol. 4to, n. d. , about 1867.] *' The author is the same Richard Johnson who published ' Look on me London,' in 1613." — Introduction, p. i. iSngltsf) Si^afefsprariana. 159 4754. Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peele, Gentleman, some- times Student in Oxford. Wherein is shewed the Course of his Life, how- he lived : a man very well knowne in the City of London, and elsewhere. . . . London. 1607. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, -wit/t Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. . . . Vol. z. London: Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4755. The Dramatic Works of John Webster. [1607- ? 1654.] The Dramatic Works of John Webster. Edited by William Hazlitt. . . . London : J. R. Smith. [4 vols. 8vo] 1857. Library of Old Authors. 4756. A Nest of Ninnies Simply of themselves without Compound. ... By Robert Armin. London : Printed by T. E. for lohn Deane. 1608. with an Introduction and Notes. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1842. " It is enough to make us take a strong interest about Robert Armin, to knovir that he was one of the original performers in Shakespeare's plays, and that his name is inserted in the list of actors which follows the dedication by Heminge and Condell of the folio of 1623." — Introduction, p. viii. 4757. Hvmors Looking Glasse. London, Imprinted by Ed. Allde for WiU'iatn Fere-hv7inA, and are to be fold at his Shop in the popes-head Pallace, right ouer <^-gainft the Tauerne-dore. 1608. Reprint, by J. P. Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. lo. [i vol. 4to, n. d., about 1869.] By Samuel Rowlands. — Introduction, p. i. 4758. The Penniles Parliament of Threed-bare Poets : or. All Mirth and Wittie Conceites. Printed at London, for William Barley. 1608. Edited by T. Wright. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 7. [i vol. 8vo] 1842. 4759. The Gull's Hornbook : .... By T^ Decker. Imprinted at London for R. S. 1609. Reprinted; with Notes of Illustration by J. N. Bristol : J. M. Gutch. [i vol. 4to] 1812. 4760. A Good Speed to Virginia London Printed by Felix Kyngston for IFilUam Welbie^ and are to be fold at his fhop at the figne of the Greyhound in Pauls Church-yard. 1609. Refrint, by J. P. Collier, [i vol. 4to, n. d., about 1867.] "There is some slight reason tor thinking that we are here making an addition to the printed works of . . . Sir Walter Raleigh." — Introduction, p. i, 4761. A Search for Money, Or The lamentable complaint for the lofle of the wandring Knight, Moumieur I' Argent. Or Come along with me, I know thou louest Money. ... By William Rowley. Imprinted at London for Joseph Hunt. 1609. [Edited by J. P. Collier.] London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol, 2. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. i6o 5f)akfspfarc iHemonal ILifirarg, 13trmmgf)am. 4762. Certayne Conceyts & Jeasts. i6og. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, tvith Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 3. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vu] 1864. 4763. Tarltons Jests, Drawn into three parts : His Court Witty Jests ; His Sound City Jests •, His Country pretty Jests ; full of Delight, Wit, and honest Mirth. i6i i. With Notes, and some Account of the Life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halliwell. . . . London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 18+4. 4764. The same. i6ii. Reprint, a/so, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, ivith Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . Vol.2. London: Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4765. The Knave of Clubbs. Tis merry when Knaves meete. Printed at London by E. A. 1611. By Samuel Rowlands. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by E. F. Rimbault. . . . London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 9. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. 4766. A Crowne-Garland of Goulden Roses. Gathered out of England's Royall Garden. Being the Lives and strange Fortunes of many great Personages of this Land. Set forth in many pleasant new Songs and Sonnetts never before imprinted. By Richard Johnson. At London. Printed by G. Eld for John Wright, and are to be sold at his Shop at Christ Church Gate. 1612. Edited by W. Chappell. London : Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. 6. [i vol. 8vo] 1842. Contains a version of the Ballad of King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid, entitled " A Song of a Beggar and a King." 4767. An Apology for Actors. Containing three briefe Treatises. I. Their Antiquity. 2. Their ancient Dignity. 3. The true use of their polity. Written by Thomas Heywood. . . . London: Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1612. From the Edition of 161 2, compared with that of W. Cartwright. With an Introduction and Notes. London : Reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 4768. Look On Me, London. I am an honest Englifhman, ripping up the Bowels of Mifchiefe, lurking in thy fub-urbs and Precincts. . . . London, Printed by N. O. for Thomas Archer, and are to bee fold at his fhop in Popes-Head Palace neere the Royall Exchange. 1613. Reprint, by J. P. Collier. [l vol. 4to, n. d., about 1867.] " Richard Johnson . . . was in all probability the author of the ensuing very rare tract." — Introduction, p. i. 4769. The Knave of Harts. Haile Fellow, well met. London : Printed for John Bache. 1613I By Samuel Rowlands. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by E. F. Rimbault. . . . London: Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 9. [1 vul. 8vo] 1843. (( iBnsIiislj 5!)akfspfanana. i6i 4770. More Knaves yet? The Knaues of Spades and Dimnonds. London: Printed for John Tap. [n.d., about 1613.3 By Samuel Rowlands. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by E. F. Rimbault. . . . London: Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 9. [i vol. 8vo] 1S43. 4771. A Tragi-Coomodie, called The Witch ; Long fince a£led by His Ma''"' Servants at the Black-Friers. Written by Tho. Middleton. [n.d., about 1613.] Reprint, London : Printed by J. Nichols, [i vol. 8vo] 1778. "It was originally the opinion of Steevens and Malone that a play by Thomas Middleton, entitled ' The Witch,' had preceded Macbeth, and that Shakspere was consequently indebted to Middleton for the general idea of the witch incantations. Malone subsequently changed his opinion ; for in a posthumous edition of his ' Essay on the Chronological Order,' he has maintained that * The Witch' was a later production than Macbeth." Knight: Pictorial Shakspere, vol. 7, p. 5. 4772. The Ghost of Richard the Third. Expressing himselfe in these three Parts i His Character 2 His Legend 3 His Tragedie Containing more of him then hath been heretofore shewed ; either in Chronicles, Playes, or Poems. . . . Printed by G. Eld : for L. Lisle : and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Tygers head. 1614. Founded upon Shakespeare's Historical Play. Reprinted from the only known Copy in the Bodleian Library. With an Introduction and Notes by J. P. Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1844. " The following obvious and highly laudatory allusion to Shakespeare commences the second portion of the work : — ' To him that impt my fame with Clio's quill Whose magick rais'd me from oblivion's den, That writ my storie on the Muses' hill, And with my actions dignifi'd his pen ; He that from Helicon sends many a rill, Whose nectared veines are drunke by thirstie men ; Crown'd be his stile with fame, his head with bayes. And none detract, but gratulate his praise.' " — Introduction, p. v. 4773. The same. 1614. Reprint, also, in The Complete Poems of Christopher Brooke for the first ti.Tie Collected and Edited, with Memorial-Introduction and Notes. By Alexander B. Grosart. . . . Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library, vol. 4. . . . [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4774. True and Wonderfull. A Discourse relating a Strange and Monstrous Serpent, or Dragon, Lately Discovered and yet living to the great Annoyance and divers Slaughters both Men and Cattell, by his strong and violent Poyson. . . . Printed at London, by John Trundle, 1614. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London : Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4775. Philomela; the Lady Fitzwater's Nightingale. By Robert Greene. . . . London : Imprinted for George Purslowe. 1615. Reprinted from the Edition of 1615. London: Longman, [i vol. 410] 1814. i62 S)|)cikrspfare i^lcmorial Ettrarg, l^irmtng^am. 4776. The Cold Yeare, 1614. A Deepe Snow: In which Men and Cattell have perished, To the generall losse of Farmers, Grasiers, Husbandmen, and all sorts of People in the Countrie ; and no lesse hurt- full to Citizens. Written Dialogue-wise, in a plaine Familiar Talke betweene a London Shopkeeper, and a North-Country-Man. . . . Im- printed at London for Thomas Langley in luie Lane. 161 5. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4777. J Merrie Dialogue Betweene Band, Cuffe, and Ruffe, Done by an excellent Wit, and lately acted in a Shew in the Famous Univer- sitie of Cambridge. London, printed by W. Stansby for Miles Partrich. 1615. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London: Reeves and Turner. [1 vol. 8vo] 1872. 4778. Worke for Cvtlers : Or, A Merrie Dialogue betweene Sword, Rapier, and Dagger. Acted in a Shew in the Famous Universitie of Cambridge. London, printed by Thomas Creede, for Richard Meighen and Thomas lones ; and are to be sold at S. Clement's Church without Temple-barre. 1615. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 2. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1872. 4779. Euery Man in His Hvmovr. A Comoedie. A6ted in the yeere 1598. By the then Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. The Author B. L . . . London, Printed by William Stansby. [i vol. fol.] 16 16. At the end of the volume is a list of the " principall Comoedians," among vv'hom is the name of " Will Shakespeare." "It is supposed that he [Shakspeare] acted the part of Kno'well, by his name being first in the Dramatis Personje." Inchbald : Remarks [on this Play]. British Theatre, vol. 5, 1808. The Prologue is said to contain, in the following lines, allusions to the " Whole Conten- tion," and " The Tempest." " or, with three ruftie fwrords. And helpe of fome fewf foot-and-halfe-foote words, Fight ouer Torke, and Lancajlers long iarres." » « * * nor tempeftuous drumme Rumbles, to tell you when the ftormedoth come." 4780. Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. About 1616. Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. By J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1846. 4781. The Praise of King Richard the Third. By Sir William Corn- wallis. 16 1 7. Somers Tracts. London: Cadell, etc. [13 vols. 4to] 1809-13. Vol. 3, pp. 316-28. " This work ["Essayes of Certaine Paradoxes"] contains the Prayse of King Richard the Third, in which arc some curious references to plays on the history of that Sovereign by Shakespeare." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2312. JEnglts^ Sfjafeespenriana. 163 4782. Hypercritica ; or A Rule of Judgment for writing, or reading our History's. . . . By Edmund Bolton, Author of Nero Ccesar. [Written originally about the year 1618.] Now [reprinted (with some variations from a copy in Rawlinson's MSS.) from that] first pub- lishd hy Ant. Hall. Oxford, 1722. Reprint, in The Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Vol. 2. London: Triphook. [i vol. 4to] 181 5. At pp. 246-7 is printed what " was probably the original outline of ' Addresse the fourth.'" It contains the following paragraph, relating to the subjects and authors to be treated of in the < Addresse.' — " Shakespere, Mr. Francis Beaumont, and innumerable other writers for the stage, and presse tenderly to be vsed in this Argument." 4783. The Court and Country, or A Briefe Difcourfe betweene the Courtier and Country-man ; of the Manner, Nature., and Condi-tion of their Hues. Dialogue-wife fet downe betwixt a Courtier and Country-man. Con- teyning many Deledlable and Pithy Sayings^ worthy Obfervation. Alfo^ neceffary Notes for a Covrtier. Written by N. B. Gent. London Printed by G. Eld for lohn Wright, 1618. Reprint, in Inedited Tracts: illustrating the Manners, . . . of Englishmen during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. . . . Printed for the Roxburghe Library, [i vol. 4to] 1868. 4784. Follie's Anatomie : or Satyres and Satyricall Epigrams, with compendious History of Ixion's Wheele. Compiled by Henry Hutton, Dunelmensis. London: Printed for Mathew Walbanke. 1619. Edited by E. F. Rimbault. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 6, [i vol. 8vo] 1842. 4785. Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drum- mond of Hawthornden. ... 1619, London: Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1842. " That Shakspeer wanted arte." p. 3. " Sheakspear, in a play, brought in a number of men saying they had suffered shipwrack in Bohemia, wher ther is no sea neer by some 100 miles." p. 16. 4786. A Line of Life. Pointing out the Immortalitie of a Vertuous Name. Printed by W. S. for N. Butter, and are to be sold at his shop neere Saint Austens gate. 1620. Now first reprinted from the Original Copies. . . . London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, [i vol. 8vo] 1843. " By the celebrated dramatist, and contemporary of Shakespeare, John Forde." — Introduc- tion, p. V. 4787. Westward for Smelts, or. The Water-man's fare of mad merry Western wenches whose tongues, albeit like Bell-clappers they neuer leaue ringing, yet their tales are sweet, and will much content you. Written by Kinde Kit of Kingstone. London, Printed for John Trundle. 1620. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, . . . London : Printed for the Percy Society. Vol. 22. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. Contains the story on which part of Cymbeline is founded. " Steevens mentions an edition of 1603, but no copy bearing that date is now known to exist; and Mr. Collier i64 5)f)afeespcarc iHrmotial Hifirarg, 13trmmfli)am. believes, but without assigning any reason beyond that afforded by negative evidence, that the impression of 1620 is the earliest. The question is of some importance, for, supposing Steevens to be correct, Shakespeare might have read JVestivardfor Smelts before the composi- tion of Cymbeline. In the latter case, he must have referred to an earlier version of the tale on which that drama is founded, probably to Boccaccio." — Preface, p. vii. 4788. The Plays of Philip Massinger. [1622-1640.] The Plays of Philip Massinger, with Notes Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford. . . . London: Nicol, etc. [4 vols. 8vo] 1813. 4789. The Whole Works of William Browne, of Tavistock, and of the Inner Temple. [1625.] Now first Collected and Edited, with a Memoir of the Poet, and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt, . . . [London.] Printed for the Roxburghe Library. [2 vols. 4to] 1868-9. 4790. The First and Best Part of Scoggins Jests. Full of Witty Mirth and Pleasant Shifts, done by him in France and other places : being a Preservative against Melancholy. Gathered by Andrew Boord, Doctor of Physicke. London. Printed for Francis Williams. 1626. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, -with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . Vol.2. London: Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4791. Robin Good-fellow ; his mad Prankes, and merry Jests. Full of honest Mirth, and is a fit Medicine for Melancholy. London, Printed for F. Grove. 1628. With an Introduction by J. P. Collier. London : Reprinted for the Percy Society. Vol. 2. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 4792. The Dramatic Works and Poems of James Shirley. [1629-1666.] Now first collected ; With Notes by the late William Gifford, and additional Notes, and some Account of Shirley and his Writings, by Alexander Dyce. . . . London: John Murray. [6 vols. 8vo] 1833. 4793. Wit and Mirth. Chargeably Collected Ovt of Taverns, Ordinaries, Innes, Bowling-Greenes and AUyes, Ale-houses, Tobacco- shops, Highwayes, and Water-passages. [By John Taylor. 1630.] Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, -with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 3. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4794. Jnnales^ or, A Generall Chronicle of England. Begun by lohn Stow : Continved and Augmented with matters Forraigne and Domeftique, Ancient and Moderne, vnto the end of this prefent yeere, 1631. By Edmvnd Howes, Gent. Londini^ Impenfis Richardi Meighen, [i vol. fol.] 1631. 4795. A Restitvtion of Decayed Intelligence : In antiquities. Con- cerning the moft noble, and renowned EngUjh Nation. By the Jiudy^ and travell of R. V[_erstegan']. . . . London : Printed by lohn Norton, for loyce Norton. [i vol. 4to] 1634. Etymology of Shakespeare's name. " In Spear. As Breakefpear, the firname of Nicholas Brcake- lEnglis^ S^altcspeartana. 165 Jpear an Englijhmen of a worfhlpfuU family, the ancient refidence whereof as feme hold was about 5. Albom. He was chofen Pope, and than bore the name of Adnanm S^uartus. Break- Jpear, Shakjpear, and the like, have beene firnames impofed upon the firft bearers of them for valour^ and feat es of armes" 4796. Peculiarities of the later Folio Shakespeares. 1632-1685. " This volume contains original leaves from copies of the second, third and fourth folios, either having peculiarities or variations. Some of the latter are particularly curious, e. g., , . . come in one copy correctly altered to come in another." — Halliwell : MS. Note. 4797. Histrio-Mastix. The Players Scovrge, or, Actors Tragaedie, Divided into Two Parts. . . . By William Prynne, an Vtter-Barrejler of Lincolnes Inne. . . . London, Printed by E. A. and IV. I. for Michael Sparke. [1 vol. 4to] 1633. " In his address to the Christian reader he has a distinct allusion to the popularity of Shak- spere's collected works : ' Some play-books since I first undertook this subject are grown from quarto into folio, which yet bear so good a price and sale, that I cannot but with grief relate it, they are now new printed in far better paper than most octavo or quarto bibles, which hardly find such vent as they.' The two folio editions of Shakspere are the only play-books grown from quarto to folio to which the zealous Puritan can allude, with the exception of Jonson's own edition of his plays, completed in 1631." Knight : Studies of Sbaksf ere, 1851, p. 509. 4798. Aristlppvs, or. The loviall Philosopher ; Prefented in a private Shew. To which is added. The Conceited Pedler. . . . London. Printed for Robert Allot [i vol. 4to] 1635. "By T. Randolph. ... Its curiosity, in a literary point of view, we do not remember to have seen noticed. In addition to allusions to Mulde-Sack, Robin Goodfellow, Taylor the water- poet, Banks' horse, Scoggins' fleas, Skelton, Fennor, &c., there is a ridicule of the prologue of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, and at p. i8 is a line which Milton has nearly ver- bally copied in his poem of I'Allegro." Halliwell: Dictionary of Old English Plays, 1 860, p. 23. 4799. Loves Court of Conscience, Written upon tw^o several Occasions, with new Lessons for Lovers Whereunto is annexed a kinde Husband's advice to his Wife. By Humfrey Crowch. London, Printed for Richard Harper, and are to be fold at his {hop in Smithfield, at the Hofpitall Gate 1637. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. P. Collier. Vol. 2. London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. 4800. Drinke and welcome : or the Famovs Historic of the moft part of Drinks, in ufe now in the Kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland; with an efpeciall declaration of the potency, vertue, and operation of our Englijh Ale. With a defcription of all forts of Waters, from the Ocean fea, to the teares of a Woman. As alfo. The Caufes of all forts of weather, faire or foule, Sleet, Raine, Haile, Froft, Snow, Fogges, Mifts, Vapours, Clouds, Stormes, Windes, Thunder and Lightning. . . . By lohn Taylor. London, Printed by Anne Griffin. i^SZ- Ashbee's Occasional Facsimile Reprints, No. 17. London, [i vol. 4to] 1871. U 1 66 Stnfefspcare iHf mortal ILifirarg, Isirmmg^am. 4801. The Carriers Cofmographie. or A Briefe Relation, of The Innes, Ordinaries, Hofteries, and other lodgings in, and neere London, where the Carriers, Waggons, Foote-pofts and Higglers, doe ufually come, from any parts, townes, fhires and countries, of the Kingdomes of Eng- land, Principality of Wales, as alfo from the Kingdomes of Scotland and Ireland. With nomination of what daies of the weeke they doe come to London, and on what daies they returne, whereby all forts of people may finde direilion how to receiue, or fend, goods or letters, unto fuch places as their occafions may require. As alfo, Where the Ships, Hoighs, Barkes, Tiltboats, Barges and wherries, do ufually attend to Carry PafTengers, and Goods to the coaft Townes of England, Scotland, Ire- land, or the Netherlands ; and where the Barges and Boats are ordinarily to bee had that goe up the River of Thames weftward from London. By lohn Taylor. London Printed by A. G. 1637. Ashbee's Occasional Fjc-simile Reprints, No. 1 1. London. [l vol. 4to] 1869. 4802. The Famous Hiftory of Fryer Bacon. Containing the won- derful things that he did in his Life ; Also the manner of his Death, with the Lives and Deaths of the two Conjurers, Bungey and Vandermaji. Very pleafant and delightful to be read. . . . London, Printed by E. Cotes, for F. Grove. [i vol. 4to] 1637. Black Letter. 4803. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes, and Whimzies. Newly studied, with some Collections, but those never published before in this kinde. London. Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne for Daniel Frere, and are to be sold at the signe of the red Bull in little brittain. ^639* Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, -with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 3. London: Willis & Sotheran, [i vol. 8vo] 1864. " 194. "One asked another what Shakespeares works were worth, all being bound together. He answered, not a farthing. Not worth a farthing ! said he ; why so ? He answered that his plays were worth a great deale of mony, but he never heard, that his works were worth any thing at all." — p. 49. 4804. The Poems of Thomas Carew Sewer in Ordinary to Charles I. and a Gentleman of his Privy Chamber. [1640.] Now first Collected and Edited with Notes from the former Editions and new Notes and a Memoir by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . [London.] Printed for the Roxburghe Library, [i vol. 4to] 1870. " Two years after the appearance of Stipendiarice Lachryma, Samuel Holland publi/hed his little volume entitled Don Zara del Fogo, a mock-romance, and there introduced a group of the Englifh poets, who had lived in the preceding age, comfortably installed in Elyfium, as the author of the Lachryma had done before : ' Spenfer waited upon by a numerous troop of the bed book-men in the world : Shakefpeare and Fletcher furrounded with their life- guard : viz. Goffe, Majfinger, Decker, Webfler, Sucklin, Cartturight, Carew, &c.' " — Introduction, p. xlvi. On p. 58 is " A Pastorall Dialogue." " This Paftoral Dialogue feems to be entirely an imitation of the fcene between Romeo and Juliet, adl iii. fc. 7. The time, the ferjons, the Jentimenti, the exprejfwns, are the fame." Note, signed " D," p. 58. lEnglisf) Sl)afefspfariana. 167 4805. The Workes of Benjamin Jonson .... London : Printed by Richard Biftiop, and are to be fold by Andrew Crooke, in St. Paules, Church- yard. [2 vols, fol.] 1640. The name of Shakespeare as an actor appears in "Every Man in His Humour," and " Sejanus." In the " Explorata : or, Discmerles,'''' Jonson says : — " I remember the Players have often mentioned it as an honour to Shakejpeare, that in his writing, (whatfoever he penn'd) hee never blotted out [a] line. My anfwer hath beene, would he had blotted a thoufand. Which they thought a malevolent fpeech. I had not told pofterity this, but for their ignorance, who choofe that circumftance to commend their friend by, wherein he mod faulted. And to juftifie mine owne candor, (for I lov'd the man, and doe honour his memory (on this fide Idolatry) as much as any.) Hee was (indeed) honeft, and of an open and free nature : had an excellent Phantfie ; brave notions, and gentle expreffions : wherein hee flow'd with that facility, that fometime it was neceffary he ftiould be ftop'd : Siifflaminandus erat ; as Auguftus faid of Haterius. His wit was in his owne power ; would the rule of it had beene i'o too. Many times hee fell into thofe things, could not efcape laughter : As when hee faid in the perfon of C^ejar, one fpeaking to him ; Co'far tbou doft me wrong. Hee replyed : Cajar did never wrcng, but iv'itb juji cauje ; and fuch like • which were ridiculous. But hee redeemed his vices, with his vertues. There was ever 'more in him to be prayfed, then to be pardoned."— ^o/-,^s, vol. 2 ; Disco-veries, pp. 97-8. 4806. A certaine Relation of the Hog-faced Gentlewoman called Miftris Tannakin Skinker., who was borne at Wirkham a Neuter Towne betweene the Emperour and the Hollander, fcituate on the river Rhyne. Who was bewitched in her mothers wombe in the yeare 1618. and hath lived ever fince unknowne in this kind to any, but her Parents and a few other neighbours. And can never recover her true fhape, tell (he be married, &c. Alfo relating the caufe^ as it is fince conceived^ how her mother came fo bewitched. London Printed by J. O. and are to be fold by F. Grove., at his ftiop on Snow-hil neare St. Sepulchers Church. 1640. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. i6. London, [i vol. 4to] 1871. 4807. The Poet's Blind mans bough, or Have among you my blind Harpers : Being A pretty medicine to cure the Dimme, Double, Envious, Partiall, and Diabolicall eyefight and ludgement of Thofe Dogmaticall, Schifmaticall, Aenigmaticall, and nou Gramaticall Authors who Lycentioufly, without eyther Name, Lycence, Wit or Charity, have raylingly, falfely, and fooliflily written a numerous rable of pefteferous Pamphelets in this prefent (and the precedent yeare, juftly obferved and charitably cenfured, By Martine Parker. Printed at London by F. Leach for Henry Marjh, and are to bee fold at his (hop over againft the golden Lyon Taverne in Princes ftreet. 1C41. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 22. London, [i vol. 4to] 187 1. 4808. Archy's Dream, sometimes lefter to his Maieftie ; but exiled the Court by Canterburies malice. With a relation for whom an odde chair flood voide in Hell. Printed in the yeare 1641. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 2. London, [i vol. 4to] 1868. 1 68 Si^aftespcare ifHrmorial Hifirarg, ISirmmg^am. 4809. Bartholomew Faire or Variety of fancies, where you may find a fair e of wares, and all to pleafe your mind. With The feverall Enormityes and mifdemeanours, which are there feene and a6ted. London Printed for Richard Harper at the Bible and Harpe in Smithfield 1641. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. i. London, [i vol. 4to] l868. 4810. A new Play Called Canterburie His Change of Diet. Which flieweth variety of wit and mirth : privately a6led neare the Palace-yard at Weftminfter. . . . Printed Anno Domini, 1641. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simlle Reprints, No. 15. London, [i vol. 410] 1871. 4811. The Generovs Fsvrer M"' Nevell in Thames-Jlreet^ who alloweth his maid ufually a black pudding to dinner. Who once bought a Pullet for his wife when fhee was ficke ; but he would goe to Market himfelfe, becaufe he would not be cofened by the Meflenger ; and brought the feathers home in his hat when it was pulled ; becaufe he would not loofe them ; and how he was troubled there-iy/V^ when the Lord Major feeing hi?n called to fpeak with him. And how he made lamentable moane to his Neighbours, that his maid had robd him ; becaufe fhee gaue her Sweet-hart a piece of bread and cheefe. London Printed for Salomon Johnfon, 1641. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 19. London, [i vol. 4to] 1871. 4812. The Prophesie of Mother Shipton In the Raigne of King Henry the Eighth. Fortelling the death of Cardinall IFolfey, the Lord Percy and others, as alfo what fhould happen in infuing times. London, Printed for Richard Lownds^ at his Shop adjoyning to Ludgate. 1641. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 6. London, [i vol. 4to] 1869. 4813. The Stage-Players Complaint. In A pleafant Dialogue betweene Cane of the Fortune^ and Reed of the Friers. Deploring their fad and folitary conditions for want of Imployment. In this heavie and Contagious time of the Plague in London. London, Printed for Tho : Bates, and are to be fold at his fhop in the Old Bailey. 1641. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 3. London, [i vol. 410] 1868. 4814. Heads of all Fashions. Being, A Plaine DefeiStion or Defini- tion of diverfe, and fundry forts of heads. Butting, Jetting, or pointing at vulgar opinion. And Allegorically fhewing the Diverfities of Religion in thefe diftempered times. Now very lately written, fince Calves-Heads came in Seafon. London Printed for lohn Morgan, to be fold in the Old-baily. 1642. By John Taylor {the ffaler-Poet.) Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 24. London. [i vol. 4to] 1871. iSnglisi) S)t)afefspfanana. 169 4815. Mad Fashions, Od Fashions, All out of Faftiions, or, The Emblems of thefe Diftra61;ed times. By lohn Taylor. London., Printed by lohn Hammond, for Thomas Banks .^ 1642. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 21. London, [i vol. 4to] 1871, 4816. A Three-fold Difcourfe betweene three Neighbours, Algate, Bijhopfgate, and John Heyden the late Cobler of Hounfditch^ a profefTed Brownift. Whereunto is added a true Relation (by way of Dittie) of a lamentable fire which happened at Oxford two nights before Chriji-tide laft, in a religious brothers fhop, knowne by the name of lohn of All-trades. London, Printed for E. Cowles, T. Bates., and /. VFright. 1642. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 23. London, [i vol. 4to] 1871. 4817. Tom Nash his Ghost : To the three scurvy Fellowes of the upstart Family of the Snufflers, Rufflers and Shufflers ; the thrice Treble- troublesome Scufflers in the Church and State., the onely lay Ecclesi-Jss., I call GeneralUssimo's .... Printed first at York, and since reprinted at London, 1642. Reprint, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. I. London : Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1 871. 4818. The Actors Remonstrance, or Complaint : For The filencing of their profeflion, and banifliment from their feverall Play-houfes. In which is fully fet downe their grievances, for their reftraint ; efpecially fince Stage-playes, only of all publike recreations are prohibited ; the exercife at the Beares CoUedge, and the motions of Puppets being ftill in force and vigour. As it was prefented in the names and behalfes of all our London Comedians to the great God Phcebus-Apollo, and the nine Heliconian Sifters, on the top of Pernassus, by one of the Mafters of Requefts to the Muses, for this prefent month. And publifhed by their command in print by the Typograph Royall of the Caftalian Province. 1643. London, Printed for Edw. Nickson. lanuar. 24. 1643. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No, 4. London, [i vol. 4to] 1869, " For fome of our ableft ordinarie Poets, inftead of their annuall ftipends and beneficiall fecond-dayes, being for meere neceffitie compelled to get a living by writing contemptible penny-pamphlets in which they have not fo much as poetical licence to ufe any attribute of their profeflion ; but that of ^id libet audmdif and faining miraculous ftories, and relations of unheard of battels." — p. 7. 4819. The same. ^^43' Reprint, also, in The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 3. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1873. 4820. To day a man. To morrow none ; Or, Sir Walter Ravvleighs Farewell to his Lady, The night before hee was beheaded : Together with I70 Stafefspcare iHcmorial HtlirarB, l^inntngfiam. his advice concerning Her, and her Sonne. London, Printed for R. H. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 26. London, [i vol. 410] 1872. 4821. L' Allegro. [By John Milton. 1645-] Jn The Works of lohn Milton . , . Printed from the Original Editions . . . Vol. I. London : Bickers, etc, [i vol. 8vo. 1863.] " Then to the well-trod ftage anon. If yonsons learned Sock be on. Or fweeteft Shakejpeur fancies childe. Warble his native Wood-notes wilde." — [p. 1 17, lines 1 3 1-4.] "Milton was not afraid to publish these lines, even after the suppression of the theatres by % his own political party. That he went along with them in their extreme polemical opinions it is impossible to believe ; but he would nevertheless be careful not to mention, in connexion with the stage, names of any doubtful eminence. He was not ashamed to say that the learning of Jonson, the nature of Shakspere, had for him attractions, though the stage was proscribed." — Knight : Studies of Shakspere, 1 85 1, p. 506. 4822. Bottom the Weaver. 1646. &e Separate Plays (Midsummer Night's Dream), p. 71, No. 2295. 4823. The Last Will and Testament of CharjngCrosse,Very ufefull for the Wits of the Time. Printed in the yeare 1646. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 28. London, [i vol. 4to] 1872. 4824. The Conceited Humours of Simpleton the Smith, a Theatrical Droll, composed about a.d. 1647. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London : Printed for the Editor. [Thirty copies only. I vol. sm. 8voJ i860. 4825. Crete Wonders foretold byHer crete Prophet of Wales, which fhall certainly happen this prefent year 1647. by ftrange fires, and crete waters, by fpirits and Tivills appearing in many places of tis Kingdome, efpecially in and about te Cities of London and Weftminfter, and the effects that will follow thereupon. Alfo her Kings coming home to her Crete Counfell. Printed with her free confent and leave, to be publifhed and fold to her teere Pretren of England, with all her plood and heart. 1647. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 29. London. [ i vol. 410] 1872. 4826. The Droll of the Bouncing Knight, or the Robbers Robbed ; to which is added the Droll of the Gravemakers, both constructed out of Shakespeare's Plays about a.d. 1647, and acted at Bartholomew and other Fairs. [1647.] Edited by J. O. Halliwell, London : Printed for the Editor. [Thirty copies only. I vol. sm. 8vo] i860. 4827. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons AfTembled in Parliament, For,The utter fuppreffion and abolifhing of all Stage-Playes and Interludes. With the Penalties to be inflidled upon the A6tors and Spe6tators, herein exprcft. Die Veneris H Fehruarii. 1647. Ordered by iSnglisfj 5)fjafef0pfariana. 171 the Lords AJfernhled in Parliament^ TJiat this Ordinance for the fupprejjion of Stage-Playesyjhall be forthwith printed and publijhed. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. Imprinted at Loruion for fohn Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley. 1647. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 9. London, [i vol. 4to] 1869. 4828. The same. 1^4-7- jRf/>Wnf, aAo, ;« The Old'Book Collector's Miscellany. . . . Edited by Charles Hindley. Vol. 3. London: Reeves and Turner, [i vol. 8vo] 1873. 4829. Diary of the Rev. John Ward, A.M., Vicar of Stratford-upon- Avon, extending from 1648 to 1679. From the original MSS. preserved in the Library of the Medical Society of London. Arranged by Charles Severn, M.D. . . . Published by Permission of the Council. London : Colburn. [i vol. 8vo] 1839. *' In the absence of all documents of a date so near the time of Shakspeare as those of the Reverend Vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon, his Diary must be deemed the most credible authority yet published, as it is the only record extant of the income enjoyed by the Poet while living, and of the illness which terminated his existence." — Preface, p. xix. A considerable portion of the book. (pp. 29-87) is occupied with an account of Shakespeare, his name, his youth, his property, his last illness and death, and his friends. The extracts from the diary relating to Shakespeare are as follows : "Shakspear had but two daughters, one whereof Mr. Hall, the physitian, married, and by her had one daughter married, to wit, the Lady Bernard of Abbingdon. " I have heard that Mr. Shakspeare was a natural wit, without any art at all ; hee frequented the plays all his younger time, but in his elder days lived at Stratford, and supplied the stage with two plays every year, and for itt had an allowance so large, that hee spent att the rate of 1,000/. a-year, as I have heard. " Shakespeare, Drayton, and Ben Jonson, had a merle meeting, and itt seems drank too hard, for Shakespear died of a feavour there contracted. " Remember to peruse Shakespeare's plays, and bee much versed in them, that I may not bee ignorant in that matter. " Whether Dr. Heylindoes well, in reckoning up the dramatick poets which have been famous in England, to omit Shakespeare," — Pp. 183-4. 4830. Mr William Prynn his Defence of Stage-Plays, or A Retractation of a former Book of his called Histrio-Mastix. London, printed in the year 1649. Reprinted, [not for sale] [i vol. 4to] 1822. "A forgery. ... In ... . Mr. Heber's Library was a Broad Sheet, containing Mr. Prynne's Vindication of himself from being the Author." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 1988. 4831. John Taylors Wandering, to fee the Wonders of the West. How he travelled neere 600, Miles, from London to the Mount in Cornwall, and beyond the Mount, to the Lands end, and home againe. Dedicated to all his loving Friends^ and free minded Benefactors. . . , Printed in the Teere 1 649. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 8. London, [i vol. 4to] 1869. 4832. Strange and Wonderfull Prophesies by The Lady Eleanor Audelay ; who is yet alive, and lodgeth in White-Hall, . . . London Printed for Robert Ibbitfon in Smithfield near the Queens head Tavern, 1649. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 18. London, [i vol. 410] 1871. 172 ^i^aikespeare immortal Uilirars, Btrminsiiattt. 4833. The English Mountebank : Or, a Phyfical Dispensatory, Wherein is prefcribed, Many ftrange and excellent Receits of Mr Marriot, the great Eater of Grays-Inn : With the manner how he makes his Cordial Broaths, Pills, Purgations, Julips, and Vomits, to keep his Body in temper, and free from Surfeits. ... By J. Marriot, of Grays-Inn, Gent. London, Printed for George Horton, 1652. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints, No. 25, London, [i vol. 410] 1871. 4834. The Pastorals and Other Workes of William Basse. Never before imprinted. .. . 1653. Imprinted at Oxford, &61. Are to be fold, &£l. 1653. Reprint, by J. Payne Collier. Miscellaneous Tracts, No. 13. [1 vol. 410., n.d., about 1867.] 4835. Tragi-Comcedia. Being a Brief Relation of the Strange, and WonderfuU hand of God difcovered at Witny, in the Comedy Adted there February the third, where there were fome Slaine^ many Hurt^ with feverall other Remarkable Passages. Together with what was Preached in three Sermons on that occafion from Rom. i. i8. Both which May ferve as fome Check to the Growing Atheifme of the Prefent Age. By John Rowe. . . , Oxford., Printed by L. Lichfield, For Henry Cripps. [i vol. sm. 4to] Anno Dom. 1653. 4836. Shakespeare's Monument at Stratford-on-Avon. Engraving, with the Inscriptions on the Tombs of Shakespeare and his Family. 1656. In The Antiquities of Warwickshire Illustrated. ... By William D-vgdale. . . . London, Thomas VFarren. [l vol. fol.] 1656. 4837. Sele£l Obfervations on English Bodies: or. Cures both Emperi- call and Hiftoricall, performed upon very eminent Perfons in defperate Difeafes, Firft, written in Latine by Mr. John Hall Phyfician, living at Stratford upon Jvon in Warwick-Jhire. . . . Now put into Englifli for common benefit by James Cooke. . . . London., Printed for John Sherley., at the Golden Pelican., in Little-Britain. [i vol. duo.] 1657. "This writer married Shakespeare's daughter Susanna, in 1607. He herein gives cases of several persons connected with the family, and also of Drayton the poet." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2313. 4838. The Englifh Parnassus : or, a Helpe to English Poefie. Con- taining A Collection Of all Rhyming Monofyllables, Thechoiceft Epithets, and Phrafes : With fome General Forms upon all Occafions, Subjects, and Theams, Alphabetically digefted By Josua Poole. M.A. Together with a fhort Inftitution to Englifh Poefie, by way of Preface. London, Printed for Tho. John/on. [i vol. 8vo] 1657. " Shakespeare " appears among the " Books principally made ufe of in the compiling of this Work." Has passages from Shakespeare, ISitflllsi) S^^afeesprnriana. 173 4839. Broadsides of Speeches, Songs, etc. delivered in the presence of General Monck, chiefly in the Halls of Public Companies of Londan, just anterior to the Restoration. [1659-60.] Reprint, by J. P. Collier. [l vol, 4to] 1863. 4840. Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, Esq. F.R.S. . . . Comprising his Diary from 1659 ^° 1669, Deciphered by the Rev. John Smith, A.B. . . . from the original Short-hand MS. in the Pepysian Library, and a Selection from his Private Correspondence. Edited by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. London: Colburn. [2 vols. 410] 1825. Contains the following references to Shakespeare'' s Plays.— 1660. Oct. II. "To the Cockpitt to see ' The Moore of Venice,' which was well done. Burt acted the Moore ; by the same token, a very pretty lady that sat by me, called out, to see Desdemona smothered." 1660. December 31st. "In Paul's Church-yard I bought the play of Henry the Fourth, and so went to the new Theatre and saw it acted; but my expectation being too great, itdid not please me, as otherwise I believe it would ; and my having a book, 1 believe, did spoil it a little." . ^ . . 1662. March ist. "To the Opera, and there saw 'Romeo and Juliet,' the first time it was ever acted. I am resolved to go no more to see the first time of acting, for they were all of them out more or less." September 29th. " To the King's Theatre, where we saw ' Midsummer's Night's dream,' which I had never seen before, nor shall ever again, for it is the most insipid ridiculous play that ever I saw in my life." 1663. May 28th. " By water to the Royall Theatre ; but that was so full they told us we could have no room. And so to the Duke's house ; and there saw ♦ Hamlett' done, giving us fresh reason never to think enough of Betterton." December loth. "To St. Paul's Church Yard, to my bookseller's, and could not Dr. Fuller's Worthys, etc." 1663-4. January ist. " Went to the Duke's house, the first play I have been at these six months, according to my last vowe, and here saw the so much cried-up play of ' Henry the Eighth 'j which, though I went with resolution to like it, is so simple a thing made up of a great many patches, that, besides the shews and processions in it, there is nothing in the world good or well done." 1664. August 13th. " To the new play, at the Duke's house, of * Henry the Fifth ' ; a most noble play, writ by my Lord Orrery; wherein Betterton, Harris, and lanthe's parts are most incomparably wrote and done, and the whole play the most full of height and raptures of wit and sense, that ever I heard ; having but one incongruity, that King Harry promises to plead for Tudor to their Mistress, Princesse Katherine of France, more than when it comes to it he seems to do ; and Tudor refused by her with some kind of indignity, not with a difficulty and honour that it ought to have been done in to him." November 5th. " To the Duke's house to see ' Macbeth,' a pretty good play, but admir- ably acted." 1666, August 20th. "To Deptford by water, reading Othello, Moore of Venice, which I ever heretofore esteemed a mighty good play, but having so lately read The Adventures of five Houres, it seems a mean thing." December 28th. " From hence to the Duke's house, and there saw 'Macbeth' most excellently acted, and a most excellent play for variety. I had sent for my wife to meet me there, who did come: so I did not go to White Hall, and got my Lord Bellasses to get me into the playhouse ; and there, after all staying above an hour for the players (the King and all waiting, which was absurd,) saw ' Henry the Fifth ' well done by the Duke's people, and in most excellent habit, all new vests, being put on but this night." 1666-7. January 7th. "To the Duke's house, and saw ' Macbeth,' which though I saw it lately, yet appears a most excellent play in all respects, but especially \n divertisement, though it be a deep tragedy ; which is a strange perfection in a tragedy, it being most proper here, and suitable." 1667. August 15th. " And so we went to the King's, and there saw ' The Merry Wives of Windsor ;' which did not please me at all, in no part of it." 174 Sfjafefspcare iHemorial ilttirarj), Itjirminfifiain. October i6th. " To the Duke of York's house; and I was vexed to see Young (who is but a bad actor at best) act Macbeth, in the room of Betterton, who, poor man ! is sick." November ist. "To the King's playhouse, and there saw a silly play and an old one, 'The Taming of a Shrew.'" November 2nd. " To the King's playhouse, and there saw * Henry the Fourth ' ; and, con- trary to expectation, was pleased in nothing more than in Cartwright's speaking of Falstaffe's speech about ' What is Honour ?' " November 7th. " At noon resolved with Sir W. Pen to go to see 'The Tempest,' an old play of Shakespeare's, acted, I hear, the first day. . . . The house mighty full ; the King and Court there : and the most innocent play that ever I saw ; and a curious piece of musique in an echo of half sentences, the echo repeating the former half, while the man goes on to the latter ; which is mighty pretty. The play has no great wit, but yet good above ordinary plays." 1667-8. January 7th. "To the Nursery : but the house did not act to-day; and so I to the other two playhouses into the pit to gaze up and down, and there did by this means for nothing see an act in 'The Schoole of Compliments,' at the Duke of York's house, and < Henry the Fourth ' at the King's house ; but not liking either of the plays, I took my coach again, and home." 1668. August 31st. "To the Duke of York's playhouse, and saw * Hamlet,' which we have not seen this year before, or more; and mightily pleased with it, but above all with Betterton, the best part, I believe, that ever man acted." December zist. " Thence to the Duke's playhouse, and saw ' Macbeth.' " 1668-9. February 6. " To the King's playhouse, and there ... did see 'The Moor of Venice:' but ill acted in most parts, Moone (which did a little surprize me) not acting lago's part by much so well as Clun used to do ; nor another Hart's, which was Cassio's ; nor indeed Burt doing the Moor's so well as I once thought he did." 4841. Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. [1659 ^° 1669.] New Edition. London : Bell and Daldy. (Bohn's Historical Library.) [4 vols. 8vo] 1865. This edition of Pepys contains the following references to Shakespeare, in addition to those already quoted from the edition of 1825. 1664. July 7. " Home, calling for my new bookes, viz., . . . Shakespeare's plays." 1667. Nov. 6. " With my wife to a play, and the girl — ' Macbeth,' which we still like mightily, though mighty short of the content we used to have when Betterton acted, who is still sick." 1668. Aug. 12. " After dinner, I, and wife, and Mercer, and Deb., to the Duke of York's house, and saw ' Macbeth,' to our great content." 4842. Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon. [From 161 1 to 1638] London^ Printed, by R. W. for F. T. at the three Daggers in Fleet-Jireet. [i vol. duo.] i66i. One of these letters, pp. 29-31, dated July 2, 1613, contains an account of the destruction of the Globe Theatre on the Bankside by fire. 4843. Rex Platonicvs : Sive de Potentissimi Principis Jacobi Britan- niarum Regis, Ad Uluftriffimam Academiam Oxonienfem, adventu. Jug. 27, Anno m.dc.v. Narratio Ab Isaaco Wake. . . • Editio Sexta. Oxonia, Typis Willielmus Hall., Impenfis G. Weft. [i vol. duo.] 1663. Referred to by Annotators on Macbeth. See Furness : Variorum Shakespeare, 1873, vol. 2, p. 377, etc. 4844. The Tragedy of Troilus and Crefsida. [Leaves from the Third Folio, 1663, with MS. Notes, pp. 560-587. London: I vol. fol. 1663.] iSngltsfj 5)f)akfsprnriatia. 175 4845. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. [Leaves from the Third Folio, 1663 j ^n old Play-house copy, with portions marked out for omission, etc. pp. 689-710. London : i vol. fol. 1663.] 4846. The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes 1543- 1664. Illustrated by a Series of Documents Treatises and Poems. With a Preface and Index. [London.] Printed for the Roxburgiie Library, [i vol. 4to] 1869. The Documents reprinted in this volume are as follows : — I. Ad 34 and 35 Hen. VIIL cap. i. (1543), as far as it refers to the Stage. II. Proclamation of Henry VIII. againft Vagabonds, Ruffians, and idle perfons (including common players). 26 May, 1545. III. Firft Proclamation of Edward VI. againft dramatic performances. Auguft 6 1549. IV. Second Proclamation of Edward VI. relating (among other matters) to dramatic performances. April 28, 155 i. V. Proclamation of Queen Mary, Auguft 18, 1553. VI. Queen Elizabeth's Second Proclamation againft Plays, &c. i6th May, 1559. VII. The Statute 14 Elizabeth (1571-2) againft Common Players, &c. VIII. Letter from the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London to the Lord Chamberlain March 2, 1573-4, declining to licenfe a place for Theatrical Performances within the limits of the City. IX. Privy Seal of Queen Elizabeth, May 7, 1574, granting a Licence for Dramatic Performances to James Burbage and others. X. Order of the Common Council of London in reftraint of Dramatic Exhibitions, Dec. 6, 1574. XI. Petition of the Queen's Players to the Privy Council. 1575. XII. Warrant of Queen Elizabeth to Thomas Gyles, authorizing and appointing him to train up boys as performers in the Revels at Court, April 26, 1585. XIII. Letter of John Hart, Lord Mayor of London, to Lord Treafurer Burleigh, Nov. 1589, relating to dramatic performances within the City. *xiv. Petition of Thomas Pope, Richard Burbage, and others to the Privy Council, A.D. 1596, praying for a continuance of the licence to the Private houfe in the Blackfrlars. XV. The Statute 39 Eliz. (1597-8) cap. 4, againft Common Players, &c. (Extradl.) *xvi. Privy Seal of James I. to Lawrence Fletcher and others, licenfing their per- formances ot plays. May 17, 1603. XVII. Privy Seal of James I. to Edward Kirkham and others to train up children to perform in the Revels at Court, under the Superintendence of Samuel Daniel. Jan. 31, 1603-4. xviii. Statute of James I. (1605-6) cap. 21, to reftrain abufes connefted with the Stage. XIX. Privy Seal of James I. for the iffue to Inigo Jones of money for the preparation of Court Entertainments. January 7, 1612-13. XX. Privy Seal of James I. for the iffue of letters patent in favour of Thomas Downton and others on transferring their fervices as players to the Eledior Frederic. January 4, 1612-13. XXI. Privy Seal of James I. granting to Philip Roffeter and others permiffion to eredt a fecond theatre in Blackfriars. May 31, 1615. XXII. Letter of affiftance from the Privy Council to John Daniel, April, 1618, for the purpofe of enabling him to train children for playing in interludes. XXIII. Patent of James I. licenfing the performance of plays by his Majefty's Servants at the Private Houie in Blackfriars, as well as at the Globe. March 27, 1619-20. XXIV. Patent of James I. appointing Sir John Aftley Mafter of the Revels, as fucceffor to Sir George Buc. May 22, 1622. XXV. Letter of James I. to the Privy Council, cancelling a Patent granted for a new Amphitheatre in Lincoln's-Inn- Fields. September 29, 1620. XXVI. Patent of Charles I. renewing that of James I. (1619-20). June 24, 1625. xxvji. Statute i Charles I. cap. i. touching theatrical exhibitions. June 8, 1625. XXVIII. Privy Seal of Charles I. for the grant of a bounty of 100 marks to the King's * Players. Dec. 30, 1625. 176 Stafefspeare iHemorial Hifiratg, 13icmmgi)atn. XXIX. Privy Seal of Charles I. to provide necefTaries for the Revels at Court. Nov. 7, 1626. XXX. Firft Ordinance of the Long Parliament againft Stage-plays and Interludes. September 2, 1642. XXXI. Second Meafure of the Long Parliament direfted to the fuppreflion of theatrical performances in England. October 22, 1 647. XXXII. Third and Final Ordinance of the Long Parliament againft Theatres, &c. February 2, 1647-8. Treatises. I. A Sermon againft Miracle-Plays. II. A fecond and third blaft of retrait from plaies and Theaters. 1580. III. Playes Confuted in fiue Aftions, &c. By Stephen Goflbn. IV. Obfervations on the Elizabethan Drama by Philip Stubbes, a.d. 1583. (Extraft from the Anatomie of Abuses.) V. A Sonnett upon the PittifuU Burneing of the Globe Play Houfe in London. VI. State of the Drama in 1616, illuftrated by a contemporary publication. VII. A Shorte Treatife againft Stage-playes, 1625. VIII. The Stage-players Complaint, 1641. IX. The Adtors Remonftrance or Complaint. 1643. X. Mr. William Prynn His Defence of Stage-plays, 1649. XI. The Vindication of William Prynne, Elquire, from fome fcandalous Papers and imputations newly printed and publifhed to traduce and defame him in his reputation, 1648-9. [Against the forged " Defence of Stage-plays."] XII. The Players Petition to the Parliament (1643.) XIII. A Difcourfe of theEnglifh Stage (circa 1660), by Richard Flecknoe. The documents to which the asterisk (*) is prefixed contain the name of William Shakespeare among the players to whom they refer. No. xni. of the Treatises is taken from " Love's Kingdom, a Paftoral Tragi-comedy, 1644," and contains references to Shakespeare and his contemporaries, pp. 277-9. 4847. A Royal Arbor of Loyal Poesie, consisting of Poems and Songs. Digefted into Triumph, Elegy, Satyr, Love, & Drollery. Composed by Tho. Jordan London, Printed by R. Wood for Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner. 1664. Reprint, in Illustrations of Old English Literature. Edited by J. P. Collier. Vol. 3. London : Privately Printed, [i vol. 4to] 1866. " A unique portion of the volume in the hands of the reader consists of songs and ballads, sung in the public streets, the stories of which were derived from the very plays in which Jordan and his fellows had been in the habit of acting. Several of these, on ' The Merchant of Venice,' 'The Winter's Tale,' 'Much Ado About Nothing,' etc., are highly valuable, showing, probably, that the dramas continued popular to the last date at which they were allowed to be performed, but that they were nearly forgotten at the time when Jordan made use of them : hence, probably, the variations he thought himself warranted in introducing." — Introduction, p. i, 4848. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. By John Dryden. [1668.] In The Works of John Dryden. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. Vol. 15. London: Millar, [l vol. 8vo] J 808. Part of this essay is devoted to a criticism of Shakespeare, in which Dryden says, [p. 350J " He was the man who of all modern, and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul. All the images of Nature were still present to him, and he drew them not laboriously, but luckily j when he describes any thing, you more than see it, you feel it too. 4849. Archaologice Atticae Libri Septem. Seven Books of the Attick Antiquities By Francis Rovs The Seventh Edition. . . . Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall. [i vol. 4to] 1671. Contains a curious etymology of the name Shakespeare, on p. 324. 3Sn8l(0!) Stafeespeariana. 177 4850. FalstafF and Mrs. Quickly— Being the Frontispiece [with the Titlepage and Introduction] to The Wits, or, Sport upon Sport. In Sele6ted Pieces of Drollery, Digefted into Scenes by way of Dialogue. . . . Part I. London^ Printed by E. C. for Faucis Kirkman. [i vol. 8vo] 1672. " This is the extremely rare original frontispiece to Kirkman's Wits. Seldom seen. ^ The British Museum has two or three copies of Kirkman's boolc, but none with this frontispiece." Halliwell : MS. Note. 4851. The Sack-Full of Newes. 1673. Reprint, in Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited, ivith Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. . . . Vol. 2. London : Willis & Sotheran. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 4852. Remains Concerning Britain : , . . . Written by William Camden Efquire, etc. . . . London.^ Printed for, and fold by, Charles Harper, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1674. Contains a tract on ^ The Excellency of the Englijh Tow^k^,' written about the year 1590, by Richard Carew of Antony. In this tract (p. 58) is an earlier notice of Shakespeare as a Poet, without any allusion to his plays, than any mentioned by his biographers. See Athenaum, May 27, 1871, p. 656. The passage runs as follows: "Will you read Virgil? Take the Earl of Surrey. Catullus? Shakejphear and Barlow's fragment." 4853. The Tragedies of The laft Age Confider'd and Examin'd by the Praftice of the Ancients, and by the Common fenfe of all Ages. In a Letter to Fleetwood Shepheard, Efq. ; By Thomas Rymer, of Grays- Inn.^ Efquire, . . . London, Printed for Richard Ton/on. [i vol. 8vo] 1678. Reference to Shakespeare's Cassius, pp. 101-2. Advertisement at end, oi^^ Antony and Cleopatra, by Sir Charles Sedley.'"'' 4854. Jmaryllis to Tityrus. Being, the Firft Heroick Harangue of the Excellent Pen of Monfieur Scvdery. A Witty and Pleafant Novel. EngUJhed by a Per/on of Honour. London, Printed for Will. Cademan. [I vol. sm. 8vo] 1681. Contains "An Essay on Dramatick Poetry,''' with criticism on Shakespeare, as follows : "I can't, without infinite ingratitude to the Memory of thofe excellent perfons, omit the firft Famous Mafters in't, of our Nation, Venerable Shake/pear and the great Ben Johnjon : I have had a particular klndnefs always for moft oi SakeJ'pear s [i/c] Tragedies, and for many of his Comedies, and I can't but fay that I can never enough admire his Stile (confidering the time he writ in) and the great alteration that has been in the Refineing of our Language fince) for he has exprefled himfelffo very well in't, that 'tis generally approv'd of ftill ; and for maintaining of the Charadters of the perfons, defign'd, I think none ever exceeded him." —p. 66-7. 4855. Narratio Eorum, quae contigerunt Apollonio Tyrio. ex Mem- branis Vetustis. [Marci Velseri, .... Opera Historica et Philologica, Sacra et Profana Norimberga, Typis ac fumtibus Wolfgangi Mauritii. [I vol. fol.] 1682. The Story of Pericles. 4856. The Life of Mr. JVil. Shakespeare. In England's Worthies. Select Lives Of the moft Eminent Perfons of the Englifh Nation, from 1 78 5)takfS})farc IHemortal fUfiiarp, li3irminQf)am. Conjiantine the Great, Down to thefe Times. By Will. TVinstanley. London : Printed by J. C. and F. C. for Obadiah Blagrave. [i vol. 8vo] 1684. With MS. Note of Bishop Percy, from a copy of the Edition of 1687, pp. 345-7. 4857. The Whole Art of the Stage. Containing Not only the Rules of the Dram?natick Jrt^ but many curious Obfervations about it. Which may be of great ufe to the Authors, AcStors, and Spe6tators of Plays. Together with much Critical Learning about the Stage and Plays of the Antients. Written in French by the command of Cardinal Riche- lieu. By Monfieur Hedelin, .... and now made Englifh. London^ Printed for the Author, and fold by William Cadman^ etc. [i vol. 4to] 1684. 4858. 'EAKovoH'Xatzxe. I755- In Letters concerning Taste .... The Second Edition. London: R.and J. Dodsley [i vol. 8vo] 1755. Pp. 43-51- 4920. Reflections upon Theatrical Expression in Tragedy. With a proper Introduction, and Appendix . . . London : W. Johnston. [i vol. 8vo] 1755. Contains references to Shakespeare. 4921. Memoirs of the Shakefpear's-Head In Covent-Garden : In i88 S^tnlifspfavc iHcmonal Hifimvi), iiirmtngfjam. which are introduced Many entertaining Adventures, And feveral remark- able Characters. By the Ghost i?/" Shaicespear. . . . London : F. Noble, etc. [2 vols, duo.] 1755. Shakespearian only in the Title. 4922. Proposals for Printing the Dramatick Works of William Shakespeare. By Johnson. 1756. In The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Oxford. Pickering, etc. [9 vols. 8vo] 1825. Vol. 5, pp. 95-102. For other Editions, see p. 183. 4923. The Beauties of ^^(^^^^/(^tfr; . . . Ey Dodd. . . . The Second Edition, with Additions. London : Printed for T. Waller. [2 vols, duo.] 1757. For other Editions, see p. 186. 4924. Sketches : or Essays on Various Subjects. By Launcelot Temple, Efq ; [John Armstrong.] London : A. Millar. [i vol. 8vo] 1758. Contains references to Shakespeare. Another Edition. Miscellanies; by John Armstrong, M.D. London, Cadell. [2 vols. 8vo.] 1770. 4925. The Canons of Criticism. By Edwards. The Sixth Edition, with Additions. [i vol. 8vo] 1758. For other Editions, see p. 184. 4926. Avon a Poem In Three Parts. [By the Rev. John Huckell.] Bin7i'ingha?n Printed by John Baskerville, and sold By R. and y. Dodsley in Pall Mall, London. [i vol. 4to] 1758. Contains references to Shakespeare, 4927. Remarks on Shakespear. By Roderick. 1758. /» Canons of Criticism. By Edwards. London: Bathurst. [l vol. 8vo] 1758. 4928. A General View of the Stage. By Mr. [Thomas] Wilkes. . . . London: J. Coote, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1759. Contains references to Shakespeare. 4929. Prolusions; or, fele^ Pieces of antlent Poetry., — complTd with great Care frotn their fever al Originals, and offer d to the Puhllck as Specimens of the Integrity that Jhould be found In the Editions of worthy Authors, — In three Parts; containing, L The notbrowne Mayde ; Majier Sackville'i In- duction', and, Overbury'5 Wife: IL Edward the third, a Play, thought to he writ by Shakespeare : IIL Those excellent dlda£ilc Poems, Intltl'd — Nofce telpfum, written by Sir John Davis : with a Preface. . . . London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson. [i vol. 8vo] 1760. Edited by Edward Capell. 4930. An Essay upon the Present State of the Theatre in France, England and Italy. With Reflections upon Dramatic Poetry in General, and The Charafters of the Principal Authors and Performers of thofe Nations. A Work abfolutely neceflary to be read by every Lover of Theatrical Exhibitions. . . . London: I. Pottinger. [i vol. duo.] 1760. Contains references to Shakespeare. 4931. Zanga's Triumph ; or, Harlequin and Othello at War. Being a full and impartial Account of a certain Theatrical Partnerftiip lately diflblved ; with all its attendant Circumftances. To which are added. Five original Advertifements, now firft colledted together, for the Ufe of Thofe, who may chufe to keep them by them, or remit them as Prefents into the Country. In a Letter to a Friend. By Charles Mc.Loughlin, Efq; . . . Dublin. [i vol. 8vo] 1762. 4932. Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry. By Daniel Webb, Efq ; . . . London, R. and J. Dodsley. [i vol. 8vo] 1762. Contains references to Shakespeare. 4933. The Castrated Letter of Sir Thomas Hanmer, In the Sixth Volume of Biographia Britannica, Wherein is difcovered The firft Rife of the prefent Bifhop of GlouceJIer's Quarrel with that Bart, about his Edition of Shakespeare's Plays. To which is prefixed, An Impartial Account Of the extraordinary Means ufed to Suppress this Remarkable Letter. By a Proprietor of that Work. [Philip Nichols.] . . . The Second Edition, Corrected and Augmented. London : Printed for the Author, and fold by J. P ridden. [i vol. 4to] 1763. 4934. On the End of Tragedy, according to Aristotle ; An Essay, in Two Parts ; Read to a Literary Society in Glasgow, at their Weekly Meetings within the College. By James Moor. . . . Glasgow, Foulis. [i vol. 8vo] 1763. 4935. The Canons of Criticism, By Edwards. . . . The Seventh Edition, with Additions. [i vol. 8vo] 1765. For other EJitions, see p. 184. 4936. A Revisal of Shakefpear's Text, wherein The Alterations introduced into it by the more modern Editors and Critics, are particularly confidered. [By Benjamin Heath.] . . . London : Printed for W. John- ston, [i vol. 8vo] 1765. 4937. Mr. Johnson's Preface To his Edition of Shakefpear's Plays. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, etc, [i vol. 8vo] 1765. Another Edition. In The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Oxford. Pickering, etc. [9 vols. Svo] 1825. Vol. 5, pp. 103-54. 4938. A Review of Doctor Johnson's New Edition of Shakespeare : in which the Ignorance, or Inattention, of that Editor is exposed, and the Poet defended from the Persecution of his Commentators. By W. Kenriclc. London : Printed for J. Payne. [i vol. 8vo] 1765. Contains remarks on the Comedies and King John only. " The impatience of the Author's acquaintance, to whom he had communicated the defign of this Re-vinu, having induced him to publi/h the foregoing fheets, before he could have time to compleat the whole ; the re- mainder of this work, containing fimilar remarks on the other five volumes of Dr. Johnfon's Commentary, together with a Review of his Preface, will be publifhed with all convenient fpeed. " — Ad-vertisement. "A very illiberal and virulent attack." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2316. 4939. A Vocabulary, or Pocket Di6tionary. To which is prefixed, a Compendious Grammar of the English Language. Birmingham ; Printed by John Baskerville. [i vol. duo.] 1765. Contains references to Shakespeare. 4940. A Defence of Mr. Kenrick's Review of Dr. Johnson's Shakespeare : Containing a number of Curious and Ludicrous Anecdotes of Literary Biography. By a Friend. [Dr. Kenrick.] . . . London, Bladon. [i vol. 8vo] 1766. 4941. Observations and Conjectures upon some Passages of Shake- speare. [By Thomas Tyrwhitt.] Oxford^ Clarendon Press. [i vol. 8vo] 1766^ 4942. An Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare : Addressed to Joseph Cradock, Efq ; by Richard Farmer, M.A. . . . Ca7nbridge : Printed by J. Archdeacon. [i vol. Bvo] 1767. Other Editions. Second Edition, with large Additions. . . . Cambridge: Archdeacon, [i vol. 8vo] 1767. This copy has some MS. Notes by Bishop Mant, with autograph, " R. Mant, Oriel Coll. 1802." Third Edition. , . . London: Longman, [i vol. 8vo] 1789. London : T. and H. Rodd. [i vol. 8vo] 1821. 4943. A Letter to David Garrick, Efq. Concerning a Glossary to The Plays of Shakespeare, On a more extenfive Plan than has hitherto appeared. To which is annexed, a Specimen. [By Richard Warner.] London, Printed for the Author. [i vol. Bvo] 1768. The Specimen of the Glossary comprises words under the letter A. "The original manuscript of this work is in the British Museum. — MS. Addit. 10,544." . . . The Glossary referred to was " never published. The original manuscript, consisting of seventy-one volumes in quarto and octavo, is preserved in the British Museum, MS. Addit. 10,472 to 10,542." Halliwell : Shakesperiana, 1841, p. 24. 4944. A Key to the Drama ; or. Memoirs, Intrigues, and Atchieve- ments. Of Personages, who have been chofen by the moft celebrated Poets, as the fitted Characters for Theatrical Representations. . . . Vol. I. Containing the Life, Charadler, and fecret Hiftory of Macbeth. iSnfllisi) Sfiafefspranana. 191 By a Gentleman, No profefled Author, but a Lover of Hiftory, and of the Theatre. London: Printed for the Author. [i vol. duo.] 1768. Vol. I ; all published. 4945. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. By Mr. Horace Walpole. . . . London : J. Dodsley. [i vol. 4to] 1768- 4946. An Answer to Mr. Horace Walpole's late Work, entitled, Hiftoric Doubts on the Reign and Life of King Richard the Third ; or, An Attempt to confute him from his ow^n Arguments. By F. W. G[uidickins] of the Middle Temple. . . . London : B. White. [i vol. 4to] 1768. 4947. Theatrical Entertainments consistent with Society, Morality, and Religion. In a Letter to the Author of " The Stage the High Road to Hell." Shewing That Writer's Arguments to be fallacious, his Prin- ciples enthufiaftic, and his Authorities (particularly from the Ancients) mifconftrued and perverted. With a Counter-Dedication to the Rev- Mr. Madan. . . . London, Baker and Leigh. [i vol. 8vo] 1768. 4948. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, com- pared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets. With some Remarks Upon the Misrepresentations of Monf. de Voltaire. [By Mrs. Montagu.] London : J. Dodsley, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1769. "According to T. Warton, the most elegant and judicious piece of criticism this age has pro- duced." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2317. " We must confess that we have more sympathy with Voltaire's earnest attack upon Shakspere than with Mrs. Montagu's maudlin defence." Knight : Studies of Shakspere, 1851, p. 542. Other Editions. Second Edition. London : Dodsley, etc. [i vol.] 1770. Third Edition. London, E. and C. Dilly. [i vol. 8vo] 1772. Fourth Edition. To which are now firft added, Three Dialogues of the Dead. By Mrs. Montagu. London : E. and C. Dilly, [i vol. 8vo] 1777. Fifth Edition, Correfted. London: Dilly. [i vol. 8vo] 1785. Sixth Edition, Corrected. London: Priestley, [i vol. 8vo] 1810. 4949. Judith, a Sacred Drama: As performed in the Church of Stratford upon Avon, On Occafion of the Jubilee Held there, September 6, 1769, In Honour of the Memory of Shakespeare. The Words by Mr. [Isaac] Bickerstaff, The Music by Dr. Arne. London : Printed for W. Griffin. Price \s. [i vol. 4to, n. d., about 1769.] This volume does not contain the Music. Has autograph of Robt. Bell Wheler, 4950. Shakefpeare's Jubilee, A Masque. By George Saville Carey, London : Printed for T. Becket, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1769. 4951. An Ode upon Dedicating a Building, and Erecting a Statue, 192 S)|)akf0pearc iHfmonal Uifimrt), 15inninfltam. to Shakespeare, at Stratford upon Avon. By D[avid] G[arrick]. London : Printed for T. Becket. [i vol. 4to] 1769. At the end of the " Ode " are printed " Testimonies to the Genius and Merits of Shakespeare. " " After all the expcnce, fatigue, and difappointment, 1 candidly aclcnowledge that we were overpaid by the fingle recitation of the ode. This part of the Jubilee was lo thoroughly admirable, and gave fo perfedl a fatisfadlion, that I fhould not hefitate at another Stratford expedition merely to hear it, and I am fatisfied the majority of the company are entirely of my fentiment." London Cbronkle, Sept, 14, 1769. 4952. Shakespeare's Garland. Being a Collection of New Songs, Ballads, Roundelays, Catches, Glees, Comic-Serenatas, &c. Performed at the Jubilee at Sratford upon Avon. The Musick by Dr. Arne, Mr. Bartheli- mon, Mr. Ailwood, and Mr. Dibdin. London : T. Becket, and P. A. de Hondt. [i vol. 8vo] 1769. 4953. Shakespears-yubileCy . . . Stratford upon Avon. . . . Ticket [of Admission] to Oratorio. . . . Ode. Ball, and . . . Fireworks. One Guinea. No. 1194. [8vo] 1769. 4954. Man and Wife ; or, the Shakespeare Jubilee. A Comedy, of Three Acts, As it is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. . . . [By George Colman.] London, Becket and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1770. 4955. Trinculo's Trip to the Jubilee. Inscribed to John Stevenson Hall, Efq ; By Mr. Thompson. . . The Second Edition. London : Printed for C. Moran, etc. [i vol. 4to] 1770. 4956. Imitations of Shakespear and Spencer. i770' In Miscellanies; by John Armstrong, M. D. London, Cadell. [2 vols. 8vo] 1770. Vol. I, pp. 14.3-166. For earlier Edition, see No. 4924. 4957. The Dramatic Censor ; or. Critical Companion. [By Francis Gentleman.] . . . London : J. Bell. [2 vols. 8vo] 1770. Contains criticisms on Richard III, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of Venice, King Lear, As You Like It, Julius Cjesar, Cymbeline, King John, Much ado about Nothing, Henry V, Henry IV j also a " Summary View of the Mod Known Dramatic Writers," including Shakespeare. 4958. Dramatic Genius. [By Paul Hiffernan. I vol. 4to, N. D., about 1770.] Contains a " Plan of a permanent Temple, to be eredled to the Memory of Shakespeare, in a Claffical Tafte ; with Inscriptions [consisting of Poems on various Plays, in English and Latin] and Decorations, fuitable to the Objedt chofcn." Another Edition. Second Edition. London : T. Becket, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1772. 4959. Writings and Genius of Shakespear. ... [By Mrs. Mon- tagu.] Second Edition. London: Dodsley, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1770. For other Editions, see p. 191. 3£n0li0fj Sfjattrsprnrianfl. 193 4960. The Theatres. A Poetical Dissection. By Sir Nicholas Nipclose, Baronet. . . . London: Bell. [i vol. 4to] 1771. Contains references to Shakespeare. 4961. Dramatic Genius. ... By Hiffernan. . . . Second Edition. London : T. Becket, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1772. For earlier Edition, see No. 4958. 4962. Writings and Genius of Shakespear. . . . [By Mrs. Mon- tagu.] Third Edition. London, E. and C. Dilly. [i vol. 8vo] 1772. For other Editions, see p. 19 1. 4963. Theatrical Biography : or, Memoirs of the Principal Per- formers of the Three Theatres Royal. Drury-Lane. . . . Covent- Garden. . . . Hay-market. . . . Together with Critical and impartial Remarks on their refpective profeffional Merits. London : S. Bladon. [2 vols. sm. 8vo] 1772. 4964. The Origin of the English Drama, illustrated in its various Species, viz. Mystery, Morality, Tragedy, and Comedy, by Specimens from our earliest Writers : With Explanatory Notes By Thomas Hawkins, M. A. . . . Oxford, Printed at the Clarendon Press. [3 vols. Svo] 1773. From a passage in the preface it appears that Thomas Hawkins, the Editor of this Work, superintended the new Edition of Sir Thomas Hanmer's Shakespeare. [? the quarto Edition of 1770-71.] Contains Reprints of the folloiving Plays : Vol. I. Candlemas-day, or the Killing of the Children of Israel. Every-Man. Hycke- Scorner. Lusty Juventus. Gammer Gurton's Needle. King Cambises. Vol. 2. The Spanish Tragedy. David and Bethsabe. Soliman and Perseda.* Ferrex and Porrex. Vol. 3. Supposes.-j- Satiro-Mastix, or The Untrussing of the Humorous Poet: By Thomas Dekker. The Return from Parnassus. Wily Beguiled. * " Shakefpeare has frequently quoted paffages out of this play, as the reader nuill objer-ve.^'' — Introduction. + " Recommended to us not only on account of its antiquity, being the first play ivritten in profe, in our language, but as ha-ving layed the foundation for Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew." — Introduction, 4965. Introduction to the School of Shakespeare ; Held, on Wed- nefday Evenings, In the Apollo, at the Devil Tavern, Temple Bar. To which is added a Retort Courteous on the Criticks, As delivered at the Second and Third Ledures. [By W. Kenrick, LL. D.] London: Printed for the Author. [i vol. Svo, n.d., about 1773.] There is an "Addition to the Retort Courteous," occupying pp. 31-39. 4966. Shakespear. Rara avis in terris. Juv. [By Kenrick Prescott. Cambridge: Privately Printed. i vol. 4to, 1774.] 4967. A Philosophical Analysis and Illustration of Some of Shake- speare's Remarkable Characters. By Wm. Richardson, Efq. Professor 194 Stiakfspearc iHcmorial Eitrari?, 13itminflf)am. of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. The Second Edition, cor- re6ted. London : J. Murray. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1774. Treats chiefly of" Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen. "This book has gone, with the appendage of new characters, through many editions; and is allied, moreover, to Essays on this and that Shaksperean thing, and a ' perilous shot ' indeed in ' An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare." Knight : Studies of Shakespere, 1851, P- 555- ^ , ^,. . Other hdttions. Second Edition, correfted. London : J. Murray, [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1775. New Edition, corrected. London : J. Murray, [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1780. Third Edition, corrected. London : J. Murray. [l vol. sm. 8vo] 1784. With an Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. Boston : Munroe, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1808. In addition to the abo-ve Editions, this Work is included in the folhtving : — Essays on some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters. . . , By IV. Richardson. Fifth Edition. London : J. Murray, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1798. Sixth Edition : London : S. Bagster. [i vol. 8vo] 18 12. 4968. Cursory Remarks on Tragedy, on Shakespear, and on certain French and Italian Poets, principally Tragedians. . . . [By Edward Taylor.] London : Printed for W. Owen. [i vol. 8vo] 1774- "This is said by some to be written by W. Richardson." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2318. " This work, though it dropped into oblivion, was the performance of W. Richardson. . . . There can be no doubt of the paternity of this production." — Knight: Studies of Shakspere, 1851, pp. 554-5- 4969. The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century. To which are pre- fixed. Two Dissertations. L On the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe, n. On the Introduction of Learning into England. By Thomas Warton, B. D. . . . London : J. Dodsley, etc. [3 vols. 4to] 1774-81. "To this [Third] Volume is prefixed a Third Dissertation On the Gesta Romanorum." It contains, also, notes on the plots of some of Shakespeare's Plays. After Vol. 3 follows a " Fragment of the Fourth Volume," pp. 1-88, with Index. "In 1790 the author died, leaving behind him eleven fheets, or 88 pages, of a fourth volume. ... As the hiftorian left it, fo it has remained."— Hazlitt : Preface to Edition of 1871, p. V. Another Edition. From the Twelfth to the close of the Sixteenth Century. . . . With a Preface by Richard Price, and Notes Variorum. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. . . . London : Reeves and Turner. [4 vols. 8vo] 1871. 4970. The Morality of Shakespeare's Drama Illustrated, ^y Mrs. Griffith. . . . London: Printed for T. Cadell. [i vol. 8vo] 1775. Another Edition, Dublin : [?Beatty.] [2 vols, duo.] 1777. 4971. Twelve Portraits of Shakespeare's Characters. In Portfolio. London: Mortimer. [i vol. fol.] 1775. Portraits of Ophelia, Lear, Caliban, Falstaff, a Poet, Richard IL, Shylock, Beatrice, Cassandra, Edgar, York, and Bardolph. 4972. Analysis of Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters. By Richardson. Second Edition. London : Murray, [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1775. For other Editions, sec above. iEnglisf) S)?)a^fspcnnana. 195 4973. BeWs British Theatre, Confifting of the moft efteemed English Plays. London : John Bell. [20 vols, duo.] 1776-80. 4974. A Lyric Ode on the Fairies, Aerial Beings, and Witches of Shakespeare. London: J. Wilkie. [i vol. 410] 1776. 4975. A Letter to George Hardinge, Esq. on the Subject of a Passage in Mr. Stevens's Preface to his Impression of Shakespeare. . . . London: Sibthorp. [i vol. 4to] 1777. "This Tract is by some attributed to the Rev. Mr. Collins of Hertfordshire." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2319. 4976. The Morality of Shakespeare's Drama Illustrated. By Mrs. Griffith. Dublin: [?Beatty.] [2 vols, duo.] 1777. For earlier Edition, see No. 4970. 4977. Writings and Genius of Shakespear. ... By Mrs. Montagu. Fourth Edition. London : E. and C. Dilly. [i vol. 8vo] 1777. For 01 her Editions, see f. 191. 4978. An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Fahtaff. [By Maurice Morgann.] . . . London: T. Davies. [i vol. Svo] 1777. " This Essay forms a more honourable monument to the memory of Shakspeare than any which has been reared to him by the united labours of his commentators." Symmons : Lije of Milton, 1806, p. 82. "The book is far above the age. The author is a thinker, and one who has been taught to think by Shakspere." Knight : Studies of Shakspere, 1851, p. 555. Other Editions. London : T. Boys, [i vol. Svo] 1820. London : C. and H. Baldwyn. [i vol. Svo] 1822. New Edition. London : Wheatley and Adlard. [i vol. Svo] 1825. 4979. An Essay on the Character of Hamlet. As performed by Mr. Henderson, at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. [By Frederick Pilon.] . . . London, W. Flexney. [i vol. Svo, N.D., about 1777.] "By Frederick Pilon, but ascribed to Thomas Davies in the Bodleian Catalogue," Bohn's Lowndes, 1S64, vol. 3, p. 2319. Another Edition. 4980. Second Edition. . . . London, W. Flexney. [i vol. Svo, N.D., about 1777.] 4981. An Epistle from Shakespear to his Countrymen. . . . London : Richardson, etc. [i vol. 4to] 1777. 4982. Sympathetic Love : Addrejfed to the Nightingale. By Spakes- peare \_sic]. ^111' In The Britiih Poets : Being Select Poems by . . .. Shakespear. , . . London : Lintot, etc. [l vol. duo,] 1777. P. 124. 196 Sijafefsprnre i^fmonal Eibrarg, iStnntngfiam. 4983. A Letter from M. Voltaire to the French Academy : con- taining an Appeal to that Society on the Merits Of the Englifh Dramatic Poet Shakespeare : Read before the Academy on the Day of St. Louis, MDCCLXXVI. Tranflated from the Original Edition, juft publiftied at Paris. With a Dedication to the Marquis of Granby, and a Preface, by the Editor. London: Bew. [i vol. 8vo] 1777. 4984. Ode : upon Dedicating a Building, and Erecting a Statue, to Shakespeare, At Stratford upon Avon, Accompanied by The Ode, On Dedicating a Building, and Erecting a Statue, to Le Stue, Cook to the Duke of Newcastle, At Clermont ; With Notes by Martinus Scriblerus ; And Testimonies to the Genius and Merits of Le Stue. I777- In The Repository : A Select Collection of Fugitive Pieces of Wit and Humour, in Prose and Verse. By the most eminent Writers. [Edited by Isaac Reed.] London : E. and C. Dilly. [2 vols. sm. 8vo] 1777. Vol. I, pp. 63-99. An unsavoury skit. 4985. The Three Conjurors, a Political Interlude. Stolen from Shakespeare. As it w^as performed at fundry Places in Weftm'injler^ On Saturday the 30th of Jprily and Sunday the ift of May. Moft humbly dedicated to that diftrefled and unfortunate Gentleman, John Wilkes, Esq ; Late Prifoner in the Tower, and late Colonel of the Militia for the County of Buckingham, but still Member of Parliament for Aylesbury. . . . London: E. Cabe. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1777.] A Tragi-Coomodie, called The Witch, , . , by Middleton. [i -vol. ^-vo] 1778. See No. 4771. 4986. The Haunts of Shakespeare : A Poem. By William Pearce. London : D. Browne. [i vol. 4to] 1778. *' Six Stanzas of the foregoing Poem were printed about Seven Years ago." — p. 27. 4987. Avon an Elegy. Written during the Stratford Jubilee. 1778. Jn Faringdon Hill. A Poem. . . . Second Edition, with Odes, Elegies, etc. By Henry James Pye, Esq; Oxford: D. Prince, [i vol. 8vo] 1778. Pp. 74-5. 4988. Modern Characters for 1778. By Shakespear. . . . Second Edition. London : D. Brown. [i vol. duo.] 1778. Public Characters of the day, described by passages from Shakespeare. " Some of these characters are admirably adapted." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2319. In this copy many of the names are supplied in manuscript. 4989. Songs, Chorusses, &c. which are introduced in the New Entertainment of the Jubilee, at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. London: T. Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1778. 4990. Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Shakesperiana ; Prefented by him to Trinity College Cambridge, and printed from an exa6t copy of his own MS. [i vol. 8vo] 1779. A copy of the following letter from G. Steevens is inserted : — *' Dear Sir, As some of my friends have been desirous to borrow Mr. Capell's Catalogue, iHnglisfj ^fjafepspearlana. 197 to save trouble, I have printed a few copies of it, and entreat your acceptance of one of them. Let me beg you will keep it from the sight of any Bookseller, for otherwise it may prove the means of raising Shaksperiana above ^^loo per cent.'' 4991. Manuscript Notes on Shakespeare's Henry V. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1779] "These MS. notes are, I believe, in the hand-writing of Thomas Hall, the author of .in alteration of the Comedy of Errors, 1779." Halliwell : MS. Note in the ■volume. 4992. A Collection and Selection of English Prologues and Epi- logues. Commencing with Shakespeare, and concluding with Garrick. . . . London: Fielding and Walker. [4 vols. 8vo] 1779. 4993. Six Old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded his Measure for Measure. Comedy of Errors. Taming the Shrew. King John. K. Henry IV. and K. Henry V. King Lear. London, Printed for S. Leacroft: and fold by J. Nichols, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1779. Contents: Promos and Cassandra. Menachmi. The Taming of a Shrew. The Troublesome Reign of K. John. The Famous Victories of Henry V. The Chronicle History of King Leir. " Steevens also in 1779 ''fridered an acceptable service to the students of our dramatic history, by the publication of 'Six old plays,'" etc. Knight: Studies of Shakspere, 1851, p. 548. 4994. Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare. [By Edward Capell.] London : Printed by Henry Hughs /ir the Author. [3 vols. 4to, N.D., about 1779-80.] Vol. 3 has the following Title: — The School o/" Shakespeare : or, authentic ExtraBs from di-vers Englifh Books, that ivere in Print in that Author s Time ; e-vidently jhnving from ivhence his feveral Fables ivere taken, and jotne Parcel of his Dialogue: ^Ijo, further ExtraEls, from the fame or like Books, ivhich or contribute to a due Underjianding of his JVritings, or gi-ve Light to the Hijiory of his Life, or to the dramatic Hijiory of his Time. With a Preface, and Index of Books extraBed. 4995. Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, Efq. Interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries. The whole forming a History of the Stage, which includes A Period of Thirty-six Years. By Thomas Davies. . . . New Edition. London : Printed for the Author [2 vols. Svo] 1780. Another Edition. Third Edition. London: Printed for the Author. [2 vols. Svo] 17S1. 4996. The Beauties of Shakespear. ... By Dodd. . . . Third Edition. . . . London: J. Macgowan. [3 vols, duo.] 1780. For other Editions, seep. 186. 4997. Original Collections on Shakespeare & Stratford-on-Avon, by John Jordan, the Stratford Poet ; selected From the Original Manu- scripts, written about the year 1780. By J. O. Halliwell, Esq. London : Thomas Richards, [i vol. 4to] 1S64. Ten copies only printed. This is No. 9. 198 Sfjalifspfare IHnnortal Hifirarj), ^trmingijam* 4998. Criticism on the Character and Tragedy of Hamlet. By Henry Mackenzie. 1780. In The Mirror. Numbers 99 and 100. April 18 and 22, 1780. Edinburgh : W. Creech, fi vol. fol.] 1780. Other Editions. /« The Works of Henry Mackenzie. Edinburgh: Ballantyne. [8 vols. 8vo] 1808. Vol. 4, pp. 37I-9S- /n The British Essayists. . . . London: Rivington, etc. [38 vols, duo.] 1823. Vol. 29, pp. 248-60. Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare'' s Plays published in 1 77 8 By Samuel Johnson and George Steepens. [Edited by E. Malone.] [2 vols. 8vo] 1 7 80. See English Editions, p. 8, No. 59 B. 4999. Analysis of Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters. By Richardson. New Edition, Corrected. London : J. Murray. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1780. For other Editions, see pp, 1 9 3-4. 5000. A Select Collection of Old Plays. Second Edition, Corrected and Collated with the Old Copies, with Notes Critical and Explanatory [by Isaac ReedJ. London, Printed by J. Nichols ; for J. Dodsley. [12 vols. 8vo] 1780. Contents : Vol. I. Prefaces. God's Promises, by Vol. 7. Green's Tu Quoque, or the City Bale. The Four P's, by Heywood. Ferrex Gallant, by Cooke. Albumazur, by Tomkis. and Porrex, by Sackville, Buckhurst, and A Woman Kill'd with Kindness, by Hey- Norton. Damon and Pithias, by Edwards. wood. A Match at Midnight, by Rowley. New Custom. Fuimus Troes, the True Trojans, by Fisher. Vol. 2. Gammer Gurton's Needle. Vol. 8. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, by Ford. Alexander and Campaspe, by Lyly. Tan- The Heir, by May. The Bird in a Cage, by cred and Gismunda, by Wilmot. Cor- Shirley. The Jew of Malta, by Marlow. nelia, by Kyd. Edward the Second, by The Wits, by Davenant. Marlow, Vol. 9. The Gamester, by Shirley. Micro- Vol. 3. George a Greene, the Pinner of cosmus, by Nabbes. The Muses Looking- Wakefield. The First Part of Jeronymo, Glass, by Randolph. The City Match, by The Spanish Tragedy, by Kyd. The Maine. The Queen of Arragon, by Habing- Honest Whore, by Dekker, two Parts. ton. Vol. 4. The Mal-content, by Marston. Vol. 10. The Antiquary, by Marmion. All Fools, by Chapman. Eastward Hoe, by The Goblins, by Suckling. The Ordinary, Chapman, Ben Jonson, and Marston. The by Cartwright. The Jovial Crew, or the Revenger's Tragedy, by Tourner. The Merry Beggars, by Broome. The Old Couple, Dumb Knight, by Machin. by May. Vol. 5. The Miseries of Inforced Mar- Vol. 11. Andromana, or the Merchant's riage, by Wilkins. Lingua, by Brewer. Wife, by Shirley. The Mayor of guin- The Merry Devil of Edmonton. A Mad borough, by Middleton. Grim, the Collier of World my Masters, by Middleton. Ram Croydon. The City Night-cap, by Daven- Alley, or Merry Tricks, by Barry. port. The Parson's Wedding, by Killegrew. Vol. 6. The Roaring Girl, or Moll Vol. 12. The Adventures of Five Hours, Cutpurse, by Middleton and Dekker. The by Tuke. Elvira, by Digby, Earl of Bristol. Widow's Tears, by Chapman. The White The Widow, by Jonson, Fletcher, and Mid- Devil, or Vittoria Corombona, by Webster. dleton. Chichevache and Bycorne. Historia The Hog hath lost his Pearl, by Tailor. Histrionica, an Historical Account of the The Four Prentises of London, by Heywood. English Stage. Additional Notes. Index. Supplementary Volume. With Illustrations and Notes by J. P. Collier. London : Prowett. [i vol. 8vo] 1828-9. Contents: — The Misfortunes of Arthur, by Hughes. The Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington, by Munday. The Death of Robert Earl of Huntington, by Munday and Chettle. A Woman is a Wtathercock, by Field. Amends for Ladies, by Field. " This second Edition contains a single Play by Ford. . . . and three by Shirley, . . . not given in the third Edition, having been thought unnecessary to reprint the Entire Works of those writers, whose works had since been printed collectively — their withdrawal being supplied by specimens of the writings of Lodge, R. Greene, T. Nash, G. Peele," — Bohn's Lowndes, 1S64, vol 3, p. 1883. Another Edition. A New Edition : with Additional Notes and Corrections, by the late Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor [John Payne Collier]. London: Prowett. [12 vols. 8vo.] 1825-7. For contents, see entry at the year 1825. 5001. Life of David Garrick. By Davies. Third Edition. Lon- don : Printed for the Author. [2 vols. 8vo] 1781. For earlier Edition, see No. +995. 5002. Letters on Several Subjects. By the Rev. Martin Sherlock, A.M. . . . London: J. Nichols, etc. [2 vols. sm. 8vo] 1781. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5003. A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. With Notes. London: J. Dodsley. [6 vols. 8vo] 1782. Contains : — On Shakspeare's Monument at Stratford upon Avon, by T. Seward, vol. 2, p. 315. Blender's Ghost, by W. Shenstone, vol. 5, p. 61. Hamlet's Soliloquy, Imitated, byR. Jago, vol. 5, p. 89. A Fit of the Spleen, in Imitation of Shakspeare, by B. Ibbot, vol. 5, p. 217. The Tomb of Shakspeare, a Vision, by J. G. Cooper, vol. 5, p. 34.7. On the Birth-Day of Shakspeare, a Cento, taken from his Works, by R. Berenger, vol. 6, p. 298. 5004. On Shakfpeare ; PaJJages in Shakfpeare explained. By D. Jackson. 1783- In Thirty Letters on Various Subjects. By D. Jackson, Efq. Printed for Wm. fVilson, Dublin. [i vol. duo.] 1783. Pp. 76, 128. " By William Jackson." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1S64, vol. 3, p. 2319. The error on the title-page is corrected in the Third Edition. Another Edition. Third Edition, with considerable Additions. London: T. Cadell. [i vol. 8vo] 1795. A Second Appendix to Mr. Malcne's Supplement to the Last Edition of the Plays of Shakspeare . . . London. [l -vol. 8'zs] 1783. See English Editions, p. 8, No. 59 B. 5005. Remarks, Critical and Illustrative, on the Text and Notes of the Last Edition of Shakspeare. [By Joseph Ritson.] . . . London : J. Johnson. [i vol. 8vo] 1783. "On the edition published by Steevens in 1778. ... At the end of these 'Remarks' were printed Proposals for Publishing the Plays of Shakespeare, in 8 vols. i2mo. from the two first Folios. The orthography was to be reduced to a modern and uniform system, with glossary, vocabulary, and index." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2320. 5006. The Beauties o/'Shakefpeare Selected fro?n his Plays and Poems. . . . Dublin Printed for the Company of Booksellers. [l vol. duo.] 1783. Has Portrait of Shakespeare, apparently altered from the Chandos. Other Editions. Third Edition, corrected, revised and enlarged. London. Kearsley. [i vol. duo.] 1784. Seventh Edition. London. Kearsley. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1790.] Stereotype Edition. London, VVdson. [i vol. duo.] 1810. London, Wilson, [i vol. duo.] 181 1. London: Sainsbury. [1 vol. duo.] 1830. 5007. Dramatic Micellanies : \sic\ consisting of Critical Observa- 200 Sljafefspcare J^flnncirial fLtbrarp, iSirmtng^am. tions on several Plays of Shakspeare : with a Review of his Principal Characters, and those of various eminent Writers, as represented By Mr. Garrick, and other celebrated Comedians. With Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, Sec. By Thomas Davies London : Printed for the Author. [3 vols. 8vo] 1784. Contents : (So far as they relate to Shakespeare) — Vol. I. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV., First Part. King Henry IV., Second Part. King Henry VIII. Vol. z. All's well that ends well. Macbeth. Julius Casfar. King Lear. Antony and Cleopatra. Vol. 3. Hamlet. 5008. Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters of Richard the Third, King Lear, and Timon of Athens. To which are added, an Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare ; and Additional Observations on the Character of Hamlet. By Mr. Richardson . . . London: J. Murray. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1784. See Note, to No. 4967, />. 194. 5009. A Philosophical Analysis ... of some of Shakespeare's Re- markable Characters. By Richardson . . . The Third Edition, Cor- rected. London: J. Murray. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1784. For other Editions, see p. 1 93. 5010. The Beauties of Shakfpeare. . . . Third Edition. . . . London. Kearsley. [i vol. duo.] 1784. For other Editions, see p. 199. 5011. The Immortality of Shakespeare. In which is introduced An Episode. London: Highley. [i vol. 4to] 1784. 5012. Retnarks on the laji edition of Shakfpere's Plays., "^ll^- ^7 Robert Heron, Efq. 1785. In Letters of Literature. By Robert Heron, Efq. . . . London, Robinson, [i vol. 8vo] 1785. Pp 105-16, 162-78, 301-15. "Generally attributed to Pinkerton." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 2, p. 1054. 5013. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear. . . . Fifth Edition. ... By Mrs. Montagu. London : C. Dilly. [i vol. 8vo] 1785. For other Editions, see p. 19 1. 5014. Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakespeare. By the Author of Ohferuations on Modern Gardening. [Thomas Whately.] London : T. Payne and Son. [i vol. 8vo] 1785. Chiefly on Macbeth and Richard III. Another Edition. Second Edition. Oxford, Parker, [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1808. 5015. Macbeth Reconsidered; an Essay: intended as an Answer to iSnglisf) 5t)akfspeartana. 201 part of the Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare. [By John Philip Kemble.] London: T. and J. Egerton. [i vol. 8vo] 1786. 5016. Critical Remarks on the Character of Falstaff. By Henry Mackenzie. [The Lounger, Nos. 68-9.] 1786. /« The Works of Henry Mackenzie. Edinburgh: Ballantyne. [8 vols. 8vo] 1808. Vol.6, pp. 148-70. 5017. A Fragment on Shakspeare, Extracted from Advice to a Young Poet, By the Rev. Martin Sherlock. Translated from the French. London, Robinson. [i vol. 8vo] 1786. 5018. An Essay on the Pre-eminence of Comic Genius : with Ob- servations on the feveral Characters Mrs. Jordan has appeared in. . . . London^ T. Becket. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1786. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5019. A Concordance to Shakespeare : suited to all the Editions, in which the distinguished and parallel Passages in the Plays of that justly admired Writer are methodically arranged. To which are added, Three Hundred Notes and Illustrations, entirely new. [By Andrew Becket] London: Robinson. [i vol. 8vo] 1787. 5020. Prose on Several Occasions ; accompanied with some Pieces in Verse. By George Colman. . . . [Vol. 2 only.] London : T. Cadel. [i vol. 8vo] 1787. Contains : — Notes on Johnson's Shakefpeare, pp. 59-76. Reflections on the old English Dramatic Writers, pp. 107-150. Remarks on Shylock's Reply to the Senate of Venice, pp. 189-202. Etc. 5021. Songs, Chorusses, &c. which are introduced in the New Entertainment of the Jubilee, at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. London: T.Beckett. [i vol. 8vo] 1787. 5022. Imperfect Hints towards a new Edition of Shakespeare, written chiefly in the Year 1782. [By Samuel Felton.] . . . London: J. Walter, Logographic Press. [2 vols. 4to] 1787-8. 5023. Essays on Shakespeare' s Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff", and on his Imitation of Female Characters. To which are added, some General Observations on the Study of Shakespeare. By Mr. Richardson. . . . London: J. Murray. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1788. 5024. The Quip Modest; a Few Words by way of Supplement to Remarks^ Critical and Illustrative^ on the Text and Notes of the Last Edition of Shakspeare ; occasioned by a Republication of that Edition, Revised and 202 St)afefspearc iHcmonal ?Litirarg, ijtrmtngijam. Augmented by the Editor of Dodsleys Old Plays. [By Joseph Ritson.] . . . London: Johnson. [i vol. 8vo] 1788, This copy has the exceedingly rare cancelled leaf in which Ritson, in a note, styles George Steevens an " infamous scoundrel," and predicts his speedy coming to the gallows. The note was afterwards altered into a milder, but sarcastic form. This copy has both leaves, contain- ing each note, and contains, indeed, two editions of the Preface, differing in several parti- culars. [See p, vii. of Preface. ] 5025. An Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare. Third Edition . . . By Farmer . . . London: Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1789. For other Edithm, see p. 190. 5026. Cursory Remarks on Shakspeare. [By Philip Neve.] 1789. In Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton. [By Philip Neve.] London, [i vol. 8vo] 1789. Pp. 29-30. Refers principally tojohnson's Edition of Shakespeare. "Two hundred copies of this volume, consisting of 146 pages, were printed for presents, without the author's name being affixed." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2321. 5027. The Bee ; or, a Companion to the Shakespeare Gallery : containing a Catalogue-Raisonne of all the Pictures ; vi\x\\ Comments, Illustrations, and Remarks. . • . London : T. Cadell. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1789.] "By H. Repton." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2309. 5028. A Catalogue of the Pictures in the Shakspeare Gallery^ Pall- Mail. London: Sold at the Place of Exhibition. [i vol. 8vo] 1789. with Preface by John Boydell, containing a Prospectus of his Edition of Shakespeare. The list of 34 pictures includes Paintings by West, Fuseli, Opie, etc., with Descriptive Text from Shakespeare. Other Editions. London: H. Baldwin, [i vol. 8vo] 1790. London : Printed for the Proprietors, [i vol. 8vo] 1796. 5029. A Short Criticism on the Performance of Hamlet by Mr. Kemble. London: T. Hookham. [i vol. 8vo] 1789. 5030. An Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakspeare ; calculated to point out the different meanings to which the words are applied. By the Rev. Samuel Ayscough, F. S. A London: Stockdale. [i vol. 8vo] 1790. Another Edition. Dublin: W.Jones, [i vol. 8vo] 1791. 5031. Memoirs And Hiftorical Accounts of the families, of Shake- fpeare (alias Shakefpere) And Hart. Deduced from an early period and continued down to this prefent Year 1790. By John Jordan of Stratford upon Avon. With Drawings of their Dwelling Houfes, and Coats of Arms. [Manuscript, i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1790.] 5032. Original Anecdotes respecting the Stage, and the Actors of iSttgltieif) Si^altfspfariana. 203 the Old School, with Remarks on Mr. Murphy's « Life of Garrick." By Tate Wilkinson, Esq. London: J. Wright. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1790.] Reprinted from the Monthly Mirror. Only 12 copies taken in this form. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5033. 77;^ Beauties o/Shakspeare; Selected from his Works .... Seventh Edition London. Kearsley. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1790.] For other Editions, see p. 199. 5034. A Catalogue of the Pictures, &c., in the Shakspeare Gallery^ Pall-Mail. ZoW(7«; Baldwin. [i vol. 8vo] 1790. For other Editions, see p. 202. 5035. Sonnets from Shakespeare. By Albert. [The Rev. John Armstrong.] . . . London: J. Debrett. [i vol. 8vo] 1791. ''These sonnets originally appeared in the Gazetteer and Morning Chronicle."— Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2321. 5036. The Shakspeare Gallery, A Poem. By Mr. Jerningham. London: Robson. [i vol. 4to] 1791. Another Edition. Poems hy Mr. Jerningham. London : Rohson. [2 vols. sm. 8vo] 1796. 5037. On the Merchant of Venice ; On Shakespeare. 1792. In Miscellanies in Prose and Verse ; including Remarks on English Plays, Operas, and Farces. . By the Honourable Lord Gardenstone. The Second Edition. Edinburgh: Robertson. [i vol. duo.] 1792. Pp. 56, 85. 5038. Cursory Remarks upon the arrangement of the Plays of Shakespear ; occasioned by reading Mr. Malone's Essay on the Chronolo- gical Order of those celebrated Pieces. By the Rev. James Hurdls, M.J. London: Johnson. [i vol. Svo] 1792. Disparages Shakespeare considerably. Henry V. has « little of genius or nature to fupport it," Antony and Cleopatra is "in almoft every fcene, dull and tedious," but has " here and there a ray of poetry," and so on. A MS. note at the end says, " This crmc is not without some taste and observation, but seems quite insensible of the real powers of Shakspeare, and judging by mechanical rules and conventional tastes he most wofuUy belies Shakspeare and writes himself down 'an ass.'" 5039. A Letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D Relative to the Edition of Shakspeare, published in m dcc xc. and some late Criticisms on that Work. By Edmond Malone, Efq London : Robinson. [i vol. Svo] 1792. 5040. The same. Second Edition. [i vol. Svo] 1792. 5041. Cursory Criticisms on the Edition of Shakspeare published by Edmond Malone. [By Joseph Ritson.] London: Hookham and Carpenter. [i vol. Svo] 1792. 204 Sljnfeesprarc iWemorial Uifivari), ^irminnfiam. 5042. Farrago. Containing Essays, Moral, Philosophical, Political, and Historical : On Shakespeare, Truth, Boxing, .... &c. Published for the benefit of the Society for the Discharge and Relief of Persons imprisoned for Small Debts. Tewkesbury : Dyde and Son. [2 vols. 8vo] 1792. 5043. The Shakspeare Gallery ; containing A Select Series i?/' Scenes and Characters, (^accompanied by Criticisms and Remarks) adapted to the Works of that admired Author : on Fifty Plates. Calculated to form separate Volumes ; or to be bound up in Editions of Shakspeare' s Works. London : C. Taylor. [i vol. 8vo] 1792. "Criticisms and Remarks by C. Taylor." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2309. Contains only 40 Plates, from Designs by H. Singleton. Said by Mr. R. Cowtan, (in a letter inserted,) to be only the first part. The copy in the British Museum contains only 40 plates. " Fine Imprefsions of the Plates. Scarce ; With additional Plates. Geo : Daniel. Canonbury." MS. Note. 5044. A Series of Prints illustrative of various interesting Scenes in Plays of Shakspeare, engraved from Drawings by W. H. Bunbury. Engraved by Bartolozzi, etc. 20 Plates. London : [i vol. fol] 1792-5. 5045. The History of the Scottish Stage, from its first Establishment to the present time ; with a distinct Narrative of some recent Theatrical Transactions. The whole necessarily interspersed with Memoirs of his own Life^ By John Jackson, ten years Manager of the Theatre Royal of Edinburgh. . . . Edinburgh: P. Hill. [i vol. 8vo] 1793. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5046. Shakespeare Illustrated by an assemblage of Portraits and Views; with Biographical Anecdotes Of the different Persons, and De- scriptions of Places mentioned : Adapted to the whole series of that Author's Dramas. To which are added Portraits of Actors, Editors, &c. Arranged.^ with Directions for their Insertion in any Edition. London : G. Sidney. \_PubUJhed according to act of Parliament, by S. iff E. Harding.^ [2 vols. 8vo] 1793. 5047. Another copy. Large paper. [i vol. fol.] 1793. 5048. Of Englijh Dramatic Authors. Also : — Milton., Shakefpear, Homer y and Virgil compared. 1 '}()\. In Sketches of a History of Literature : . . . By the late Robert Alves, A. M. Edinburgh : Alex. Chapman, [i vol. 8vo] 1794. Pp. 1 15, 187. 5049. A Soliloquy. In Imitation of Hamlet. Also : — King Lear's Speech to Edgar, taking a view of Man from the side of his Miseries. By Hamilton. 1794- iSngltsf) ^jfjafecspfanana. 205 In The Poetical Works of William Hamilton, Esq. Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain. [Edited by R. Anderson.] .... London: Arch. [13 vols. 8vo] 1794. Vol. 9. PP- 431.454- 5050. The Infant Vision of Shakspeare ; with an Apostrophe to the Immortal Bard, and other Poems, ^y Mr. [Anthony] Harrison. London: Harrison. [i vol. 4to] 1794- 5051. Hamlet's Soliloquy, Imitated. By R. Jago, 1794- In The Poetical Works of Richard Jago. The Works of the British Poets. With Prefaces, . ... by Robert Anderson, M.D. London : Arch. [13 vols. Svo] 1794. Vol. 11, p. 711. 5052. Proposals, by William Richardson, Printseller, for the Publi- cation of Two Plates of the Felton Portrait of Shakespeare. [i vol. Svo] 1794. "Written by George Steevens. Privately printed." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2321. With " A leaf to be inferted immediately after the Advertifement prefixed to the Edition of Shakfpeare, 1793, in 15 Vols. Svo." 5053. A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare. Containing I. Notes on As You Like It. II. An Attempt to explain and illustrate Various Passages, on a new principle of Criticism, derived from Mr. Locke's Doctrine of the Association of Ideas. [By the Rev. Walter Whiter.] London : T. Cadell. [i vol. Svo] 1794. "Superior to the ordinary criticism of that age." — Knight : Studies of Shakspere, 1851, p. 555. 5054. A Complete History of the English Stage . . . By Mr. Dibdin. London : Printed for the Author. [5 vols. Svo, n.d., about 1795. J Contains references to Shakespeare. 5055. Passages selected by Distinguished Personages, on the Great Literary Trial of Vortigern and Rowena ! A Comi-Tragedy. " Whether it be — or be not from the immortal Pen of Shakspeare ?" [First Edition, vols. I and 4.] London : J. Ridgway. [2 vols. sm. Svo, N.D., about 1 795-1 807.] 5056. Second Edition, [vol. 3.] London : Ridgway. [i vol. sm. Svo, N.D., about 1798.] 5057. Third Edition, [vols, i and 3.] London : Ridgway. [2 vols. sm. Svo, N.D., about 1795-8.] 5058. Fourth Edition, [vol. 2.] London : Ridgway. [i vol. sm. Svo, N.D., about 1796.] 5059. Fifth Edition, [vols. 2 and 3.] London : Ridgway. [2 vols. sm. Svo, N.D., about 1796-S.] 5060. Sixth Edition, [vols, i and 2.] London : Ridgway. [2 vols. sm. Svo, N. D., about 1795-6.] 2o6 S^afefspcarc iEemorial Hifirarg, 13irmmgi)am. 5061. Seventh Edition, [vol.-i.] London: Ridgway. [i vol. sm. 8vo, N.D., about 1796.] •' Written by Sir Bate Dudley and his lady, and originally published in the Morning Herald. They were considered happy imitations of the Shakespearian style." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2.324. 5062. Picturesque Views on the Upper, or Warwickshire Avon, from its Source at Naseby to its Junction with the Severn at Tewkesbury : with Observations on the Public Buildings, and other Works of Art in its Vicinity. By Samuel Ireland. . . . London : R. Faulder. [i vol. 8vo] 1795. Contains many tinted views of localities connected with Shakespeare ; and portraits of Sir Thomas Lucy and John Combe. 5063. Another copy, large paper. [i vol. fol.] 1795. 5064. PaJJages in Shakefpeare explained. ^795- In Thirty Letters on Various Subjects. By fVilliam Jackson. The Third Edition, with consider- able additions. London: Cadell. [i vol. 8vo.J 1795. Pp. 158-65. Far earlier Edition, see p. 199. 5065. Mr. Malone's New Edition of Shakspeare. [Original Pro- posals.] [i vol. fol.] 1795. The new edition of Shakespeare was intended to be "in Twenty Volumes, royal octavo, On a larger Paper and Type, both for the Text and Commentaries, than have ever been employed in any Edition of Shakspeare with notes." The Edition mentioned was never published. See Russell Smith's Catalogue of Shake- speariana, 1 87 1, p. 13. 5066. The Story of the Moor of Venice. Translated from the Italian. With Two Essays on Shakespeare.^ and Preliminary Observa- tions. By Wolstenholme Parr^ A.M. London : Cadell. [i vol. 8vo] 1795. 5067. The Shakspeare Gallery. [A Poem.] 1796- In Poems by Mr. Jerningham London : Robson. [2 vols. sm. 8vo] 1796. Vol. 2, pp. 1-27. For earlier Edition, see p. 203. 5068. Remarks on the Prevailing Custom of Attending Stage Enter- tainments ; also on the Present Taste for Reading Romances and Novels ; and on Some other Customs ; By John Kendall. The Second Edition. To which is added, Remarks on Subjects not noticed before. . . . . London: Phillips. [i vol. duo.] 1796. 5069. A Catalogue of the Pictures &c. in the Shakspeare Gallery., Pall-Mali. London : Printed for the Proprietors. [1 vol. Bvo] 1796. With Appendix (12 pp.), containing an Account of the Felton Portrait of Shakespeare; and A Catalogue of 28 Designs from the Poetical Works of Milton, by Westall. For other Editions, see p. 202. 5070. Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen, at Exeter Exeter. Trewman. [i vol. 8vo, n. d., about 1796.] lEnglisfj Stiafecspeanana. 207 Contains : — On Literary Fame, and the Hiftorical Charaaers of Shakjpeare, pp. 238-70. An Apology for the Charafter and Condud of Ligo, pp. 395-409. An Apology for the Charaderand Condudt of Shylock, pp. 552-73- 5071. Shakspeare and Stratford-upon-Avon. 1796- In Le Reveur ; or, The PVaking Vnlons of an Absent Man. . . . London : Debrett. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. Pp. 63-5. 5072. Observations on Shakespeare, and some of his Commentators, 1796. In Sketches on Various Subjects ; Moral, Literary, and Political. By the Author of the Democrat .... London : J. Bell, [i vol. 8vo] 1796. Pp 56-62. "The edition on which thefe remarks are made, is the firft, byjohnfon and Steevens." — p. 56. The Ireland Forgeries. 5073. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of JVUUarn Shakspeare : including the Tragedy of King Lear and a small Fragment of Hamlet, from the Original MSS. in the Possession of Samuel Ireland^ of Norfolk Street . . . London : Egerton, etc. [1 vol. fol.] 1796. "Published Dec. 24, 1795. The second edition, in 8vo, was printed in 1796. 'The premature exposure of this literary forgery stopped the publication of this second edition, and it was not until Sept. 18 14, that a few copies were disposed of by Messrs. Lack- ington, Harding and Co. At that time every remaining leaf of the folio was extermi- nated. In the whole about 230 copies were wasted.' — Gentleman % Magazine, May, 1826. In another account we are told that ' the copperplates, letter-press, &c., in short, every vestige of the above folio work fell into the possession of Miss Jane Ireland, youngest sister of the fabricator, who was so anxious to witness the complete annihilation of the same, that although strenuously applied to by Mr. Mavor, then partner with Mr. Lackington, in order to possess a few copies of the folio, she would not consent. At the period in question, there- fore, every copper-plate was defaced, and sold for waste metal, and every sheet of the publica- tion torn up in Miss Ireland's presence, and disposed of in a similar manner. From this statement it naturally results, that only 122 copies are extant, being those furnished to the subscribers, whose names are affixed to the folio volume, added to which, the usual numbers were remitted to the Universities, &c. ; and about half-a-dozen presented by Mr. Ireland to particular friends, making a total of 138 copies, which are all that remain to commemorate that most celebrated imposition. This volume, which was usually knocked down in the salerooms for i/. los. or i/. 15^. is now rising in value, and there can be little doubt but in a few years it will become an object of great rarity, from the causes above mentioned." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2322. 5074. Another copy, with Plates inserted. [i vol. fol.] 1796. 5075. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of WiU'iam Shakspeare : including the Tragedy of King Lear, and a small fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. in the possession of Samuel Ireland, of Norfolk Street . . . London : Egerton, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. See note to the Folio Edition, No. 5073. 5076. A Letter to George Steevens., Esq. Containing A Critical Examination of the Papers of Shakspeare ; published by Mr. Samuel 2o8 Stiafecspeaw iHfmorial Hifimrp, l^irminflta^. Ireland. To which are added, Extracts from Vortigern. By James Boaden^ Esq. Author of Fontainville Forest. . . . London : Martin and Bain. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. " (Published i6th Jan.) This tract first appeared in a newspaper entitled ' The Oracle,' edited by James Boaden." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5077. A Letter to George Steevens, Esq. containing a Critical Exami- nation of the Papers of Shakspeare ; published by Mr. Samuel Ireland. To which are added, Extracts from Vortigern. By James Boaden, Esq. . . . . Second Edition. London: Martin and Bain, [i vol. 8vo] 1796. 5078. A Comparative Review of the Opinions of Afr. Jafnes Boaden, (Editor of the Oracle) In February, March, and April, 1795; and of James Boaden, Esq. (Author of Fontainville Foreft, and of a Letter to George Steevens, Efq.) In February, 1796, relative to the Shakspeare MSS. By a Friend to Consistency. [Mat. or John VVyatt] . . . London : G. Sael, etc. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1796.] "Published 3'''' Feb. 1796." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5079. An Inquiry into the Authenticity of certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments, published Dec. 24, m. dcc xc v. and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of South- ampton : Illustrated by Fac-similes of the genuine Hand-writing of that Nobleman, and of Her Majesty ; a new Fac-simile of the Hand-writing of Shakspeare, never before exhibited ; and other authentick Documents : in a Letter addressed to the Right Hon. James, Earl of Charlemont. By Edmond Malone, Esq. . . . London : H. Baldwin, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. " (Published 30th March). . . Previous to the publication of this volume, and the performance of Vortigern and Rowena, Mr. Malone (who was then preparing an exposure of the fraud under the title of ' An Inquiry, &c,' which was published the next day,) caused a hand-bill to be distributed at the doors of the play-house, cautioning the public against the fraud, to which Mr. Sam. Ireland caused a counter-paper to be delivered, requesting the audience to lay aside all prejudices, &c." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5080. Vortigern under Consideration ; with General Remarks on Mr. James Boaden's Letter to George Steevens, Efq. relative to the Manu- scripts, Drawings, Seals, &c. ascribed to Shakespeare, and in the Posses- sion of Samuel Ireland, Efq. London : H. Lowndes, [i vol. 8vo] 1796. "This was by Wm. C. Oulton, & was published Feb. 15th 1796." — MS. Note. 5081. Free Reflections on Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instru- ments, Under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare, in the Possession of Samuel Ireland, of Norfolk Street .... To which are added. Extracts from an unpublished MS. Play, called The Virgin Queen. Written by. iSnglisf) S'fjafefsprartana. 209 or in imitation of, Shakspeare [By F. G. Waldron.] London : Printed for F. G. Waldron. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. "(Published ist Feb.) In this tract the author, Francis Godolphin Waldron, was greatly assisted by George Steevens." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5082. Shakspeare's Manuscripts, in the Possession of Mr. Ireland, examined, respecting the internal and external Evidences of their Authen- ticity. By Philalethes. [Col. F. Webb.] . . . London: Johnson. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. " Published 28"^ Jan." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5083. Original Letters, &c. of Sir John Falstaff and his Friends ; now first made public by a Gentleman, a Descendant of Dame Quickly, from Genuine Manuscripts which have been in the possession of the Quickly Family near Four Hundred Years. London : Printed for the Author. [ I vol. duo.] 1796. "A humorous and ingenious satire, with a ' Dedicatione to Master Samuel Irelaunde,' and a frontispiece. The author of these letters was James White, a friend of Charles Lamb, who mentions him in his Praise of Chimney Sweepers, ist Series of Essays of Elia." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, pp. 2323-4. " White's Letters," said Lamb, in a letter to a friend about this time, " are near publica- tion. His frontispiece is a good conceit ; Sir John learning to dance, to please Madame Page, in dress of doublet, &c. from the upper half, and modern pantaloons, with shoes of the eighteenth century, from the lower half, and the whole work is full of goodly quips and rare fancies, 'all deftly masked like hoar antiquity' — much superior to Dr. Kenrick's' FalstafFs Wedding.'" — Lamb : Works, 1865, p. 8. Another Edition. Second Edition. London : Robinson, [i vol. duo.] 1797. 5084. Familiar Verses, from the Ghost of Willy Shakspeare to Sammy Ireland. To which is added Prince Robert: An Auncient Ballad. . . . London: White. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. " By G. M. Woodward, the Caricaturist, or by — Orton." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323." 5085. Precious Relics ; or the Tragedy of Vortigern Rehearsed. J Dramatic Piece. In Two Acts. Written in imitation of The Critic. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. . . . London : Debret. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. "Published 15th March." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5086. An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, &c. By W. H. Ireland. London: Debrett. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. "(Published loth Dec.) . . . The original edition having become very scarce, selling for upwards of i/. is. ; fifty copies were reprinted in imitation of it, by Barker of Russell Street, which reached the same price." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2323. 5087. Mr. Ireland's Vindication of his CondudV, respecting the Publication of the Suppofed Shakfpeare MSS. Being a Preface or Intro- 2IO S)tafefspcare iHcmonal ititjiarj), iSirmingljam. duction to A Reply to the Critical Labors of Mr. Malone, in his " Enquiry into the Authenticity of certain Papers, Sec. &c." London : Faulder, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. " Published 6th Jan. 1797." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2324. For later pub/iiations relating to the Ireland Forgeries, at their respecti've dates, see Index. 5088. Observations on Hamlet; and on the Motives which most probably induced Shakspeare to fix upon the Story of Amleth, from the Danish Chronicle of Saxo Grammaticus, for the Plot of that Tragedy : being an Attempt to prove that he designed it as an indirect Censure on Mary Oueen of Scots, by James Plumptre, M.A. . . . Cambridge, J. Burges. [i vol. 8vo] 1796. 5089. An Appendix to Observations on Hamlet ; being an Attempt to prove that Shakspeare designed that Tragedy as an Indirect Censure on Mary Queen of Scots. Containing I. Some Observations on Dramas, which professedly allude to the Occurrences and Chara6ters of the times in which they were written, and an Answer to Obje6lions brought against the Hypothesis. II. Some farther Arguments in support of it. And III. An answer to the Obje£i:ions brought against Dr. Warburton's Hypo- thesis respe6ting an Allusion to Mary Oueen of Scots in the celebrated Passage in the Midsummer Night's Dream. By James Plumptre, A'l.A. Cambridge, J. Burges. [i vol. 8vo] 1797. 5090. An Apology for The Believers in the Shakspeare-Papers, which were exhibited in Norfolk-Street. [By George Chalmers.] . . . London: T. Egerton. [i vol. 8vo] 1797. 5091. An Investigation of Mr. Malone's Claim to the Chara6ler of Scholar, or Critic, Being an Examination of his Inquiry into the Authen- ticity of the Shakfpeare Manufcripts, iafc. By Samuel Ireland. London : R. Faulder, etc. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1797.] "Published Aug. 1797." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2324. 5092. Original Letters, &c. of Sir John Falstaff. . . . The Second Edition. Dedicated to Majier Samuel Irelaunde. [By White.] London : Robinson. [i vol. 8vo] 1797. For Jirst Edition, see p. 209. 5093. The Enquirer. Refections on Education, Manners, and Literature. In a Series of Essays. By William Godwin. . . . London : Robinson. [i vol. 8vo] 1797. Contains references to Shakespeare. " But Shakefpear for the moft part is great only, when great pafTions are to be exprefTed. In the calmer and lefs turbid fcenes of life his genius Teems in a great degree to forfake him. His wit is generally far fetched, trivial and cold. His tranquil ftyle is perplexed, pedantical, and greatly disfigured with conceits." — p. 389. iSngltsi) Stafecsprariana. 211 5094. Essays on some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters. To which is added, An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. The Fifth Edition. By JVilUam Richardson. . . . London : J. Murray, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1797. A second issue of this Fifth Edition bears the date 1798. For other Editions, see f. 194. 5095. The Virgin Queen, a Drama in Five Jets ; attempted as a Sequel to Shakspeare's Tempest. [By F. G. Waldron.] . . . London. Printed for the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1797. 5096. The Shakspeare Gallery. I797- /« Tributes of Affection : with the Slave; and other Poems. By a Lady ; and hei .rother. London: Baldwin, [i vol. 8vo] 1797. Pp. 1 12-8. 5097. The Dramatic Works of David Garrick, Esq. To which is prefixed J Life of the Author. . . . London : A. Millar. [3 vols. 8vo] 1798. Contains altered versions of several of Shakespeare's Plays. 5098. Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher^ with an Appendix, containing some further Observations on Shakespeare, ex- tended to the late Editions of Malone and Steevens. By the Right Hon- ourable J. Monck Mason. London: Harding. [i vol. 8vo] 1798. 5099. Essays on some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters. To which is added. An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. The Fifth Edi- tion. By JFillia>n Richardson., M.A. . . . London : Murray, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1798. " This volume contains a reprint of the Author's Essays published in 1774, I784> and 17S9. It was afterwards reprinted in 1812, with an Illustration of Shakspeare's Representations of National Characters, in that of Fluellen; with two Original Letters to the Author fi-om Mr. Burke, consisting of Observations on Shakspeare, &c., never before printed."— Bohn's LowNPES, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2325. For other Editions, see ff. 193-4. 5100. EriEA riTEPOENTA. Or, the Diversions of Purley. By John Home Tooke, A.M. . . . Second Edition. London: Printed for the Author. [2 vols. 4to] 1 798- 1 805. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5101. Essays, On Shakespeare; and On Dramatic Poetry. 1799. In Essays Philosophical and Moral, Historical and Literary. By W. Belsham. . . . London : Robinson. [2 vols. 8vo] 1799. V°'- ^' PP- 464-8 ij 545-6o- 5102. Miscellaneous Dissertations Hijiorical^ Critical, and Moral., On the Origin and Antiquity of Masquerades, Plays, Poetry, l^c. With an Enquiry into the Antiquity of Free Masonry, and feveral other old Heathenifti Cuftoms. As also. Whether Plays conduce more to the Im- provement or Corruption of Morals : Which is moft excellent, A Poem in Rhyme or in Blank Verfe ; and finally, what Spirit Introduc'd Maf- 212 SJjakfspfarf ittmoiial Hibiaix), litrmingfjam. querades originally into the World. With feveral other curious Enquires. By J. Betson, O.A.M.... London : Meighan. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1799.] Contains references to Shakespeare. 5103. The Wreath ; composed of Selections from Sapphoy Theo- critus, Bion, and Moschus. . . . To which are added Remarks on Shake- spere, Sic. ... By Edward Du Bois. . . . London ; Printed by Bens ley. [i vol. 8vo] 1799. Contains "Coincidences and Imitations. Shakespere." Pp. 59-84. 5104. Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq. Principally Compiled from his own Papers and Memorandums : w^hich contain his Criticisms on and Characters and Anecdotes of Betterton, Booth, Wilks, Cibber, Garrick, Barry, Mossop, Sheridan, Foote, Quin, and most of his Contemporaries ; Together with his Valuable Obfervations on the Drama, on the Science of A6ting, and on various other Subje6ts : the w^hole form- ing A Comprehensive but Succinct History of the Stage; Which includes a Period of One Hundred Years. By James Thomas Kirkman .... London: Lackington, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1799. Contains notices of representations of Shakespearian characters. 5105. Shakespeares Seven Ages of Man Illustrated. Draw^n by Thos. Stothard, Esq. R.A. Engraved by Willm. Bromley. Hammer- smith. Bromley. [i vol. fol.] 1799. 5106. A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakspeare- Papers : Being a Reply to Mr. Malone^s Answer, which was early an- nounced, but never published : with a Dedication to George Steevens, F.R.S.S.J. and a Postscript to T. J. Mathias, F.R.S.S.A. the Author of the Pursuits of Literature. By George Chalmers, F.R.S.S.A. London: T. Egerton. [i vol. Svo] 1799. 5107. An Appendix to the Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Supposititious Shakspeare-Papers : Being the Documents for the Opi- nion that Hugh McAuley Boyd wrote funius's Letters. By George Chalmers, F.R.S.S.A. London: T. Egerton. [i vol. Svo] 1800. 5108. Chalmeriana : or A Collection of Papers Literary and Poli- tical, entitled., Letters, Verses, &c. occasioned by Reading a late heavy Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers by George Chalmers, F.R.S.S.A. Arranged and Published By Mr. Owen Junior, of Paper Buildings, Inner Temple j assisted by his Friend and Clerk, Mr. Jasper Hargrave. Reprinted from the Morning Chronicle, in which they first appeared. . . . Collection the First. London : T. Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1800. "This infamous attack on one of the most worthy of men, was written by George Hardlnge." Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2324. 5109. Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum. Containing the Names and Characters of all the English Poets, from the Reign of Henry III. to the Close of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Edward Phillips, the Nephew of Milton. First Published in 1675, and now enlarged by addi- tions to every article from subsequent Biographers and Critics. [By Sir S. E. Brydges.] Canterbury: Simmons and Kirkby, [i vol. 8vo] 1800. Contains biographical notices of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. "The 'Theatrum Poetarum,' which bears the name of his nephew Edward Phillips, is held to have received many touches from Milton's pen." — Knight: Studies of Shakipere, 1851, p. 507. 5110. An Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare. By Richard Farmer. . . . A New Edition. Basil: Tourneisen. [i vol. 8vo] 1800. For other Editions, see p. 190. 5111. Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage, and of the Economy and Usages of the Ancient Theatres in Eng- land ; By Edmund Malone. Basil: Tourneisen. [i vol. 8vo] 1800. 5112. Antenor's Letter to George Chalmers, Esq. F.R.S.S.A. . . . Reprinted, May, 1800. [i vol. 8vo.] 1800. " This Letter is taken from No. IX. of a Colleftion of Papers, Literary and Political, entitled, Chalmeriana." — Note to Title. 5113. Letters Refpedting the Performances at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, Originally Addressed to the Editor of the Scots Chronicle, under the Signature of Timothy Plain. . . . Edinburgh, Gray. [i vol. duo.] 1800. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5114. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Portraits, 47, Leicester Square, comprising ... an Original Miniature Portrait of Shakspeare, The pro- perty of the late Dog 'Jennings., oi Antiquarian celebrity ., by who?n it was traced to have descended from the fajuily of Lord Southampton. . . . London: J. Haddon. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1800.] 5115. A Brief Account of Stratford-upon-Avon, with a particular Description and Survey of the Collegiate Church, the Mausoleum of Shakspeare ; Containing all the Armorial Bearings, and Monumental Inscriptions therein : To zvhich is addcd^ by way of Appendix ., some Account z 214 S^ijafecspeare iHcmorlal Uifirari), l^trminnfjnm. of the Lives of the three Eminent Prelates, who derive their Sirnames from Stratford, the place of their Nativity. Stratford, Printed by E. Walford. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1800.] "The first Guide to the Town." — Russell Smith : Catalogue, 1871, p. 16. 5116. The Essence of Malone, or, 77;^ " 5^^«^/Vi " of that Fasci- nating Writer, extracted from his immortal Work, in Five Hundred, Sixty-nine Pages, and a Quarter, just published, and (With his accuftomed felicity) entitled, " Some Account of the Life and Writings of John Dry- den ! !" [By G. Hardinge] London: T. Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1800. Another Edition. 5117. Second Edition, enlarged. London : T. Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1800. 5118. Another Essence of Malone, or, The " Beauties " of Shak- speare's Editor. [By George Hardinge.] London: Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1801. The bastard-title reads as follows : "Volume the First, in Two Di-visions, but with no Second Volume to come ; a Hint, borroived from Edny.nd, and, as it is hoped, with an Improve- ment." At the end, " Here Ends the First Volume of the First Volum.e. [Hibernico- Malonke.''^ 5119. Ballads in Imitation of the Antient. By W. H. Ireland. London: Longman, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1801. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5120. The Life of David Garrick, Esq. By Arthur Murphy^ Esq. . . . London: Wright. [2 vols. 8 vo] 180 1. Contains references to Shakespeare, and notices of Garrick's representations of Shakespearian characters. 5121. A Catalogue of the Books, Paintings y . . . the Property of the late Samuel Ireland, Esq. . . . The Books are Curious And alfo contain the w^hole of the Shakefperian Library, and the entire Collection of Shake- fpearian Papers of Lear, Hamlet, Vortigern, &c. [For Auction.] London. Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. [i vol. 8vo] 1801. Has prices and names of purchasers. 5122. The Second Edition — Revised and Corrected.^ of Remarks on the Character of Richard the Tliird ; as played by Cooke and Kemble. London: Parsons and Son. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1801.] With additional leaf, pp. 55-6. 5123. Kemble k. Cooke : or, a Critical Review of a Pamphlet pub- lished under the Title of Remarks on the Character of Richard the Third, as played by Cooke & Kemble. With other Critical Remarks on the Per- formances of these two Gentlemen, . . . London : Printed for the Author, by J. Bonsor. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1801.] iSnoliisfj 5)fjnftfspcannnn. 215 5124. Parallel between Kemble and Cooke in the Character of King Richard III. l8o2. In The Detector of Rackety; or, Analyser of Medical, Philosophical, Political, Dramatic, and Literary Imposture. ... By John Corry. . . , The Second Edition. London : Crosby. ' [i vol. duo.] 1802. Pp. 138-40. 5125. An Attempt to Illustrate a Few Passages in Shakespeare's Works. By J. T. Finegan. . . . Bath: Cruttwell. [i vol. 8vo] 1802. 5126. Remarks on Mr. John Kemble's Performance of Hamlet and Richard the Third. By the Author of Helen of Glenross. [H. Martin.] London: Robinson. [i vol. 8vo] 1802. 5127. A Catalogue of the Pictures, iJc. in the Shakspeare Gallery^ Pall-Mali. London: Bulmer. [i vol. 8vo] 1802. For other Editions^ see p. 202. 5128. The Shakspearean Miscellany : containing a Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts ; Biographical Anecdotes of Theatrical Per- formers ; With Portraits of Ancient and Modern Actors : (of many of whom there are no prints extant) Scarce and Original Poetry ; and Curious Remains of Antiquity ; . . • Printed chiefly from Manufcripts, in the Possession of, and with occasional Notes by, F. G. Waldron. . . . Lon- don : Lackington. [i vol. 4to] 1802. 5129. A Collection of Prints, from Pictures painted for the Purpose of Illustrating The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. London : Boydell. [2 vols, fol] 1803. " There should be loo plates exclusive of Shakespeare Nursed by Tragedy and Comedy.' ... In 1804, the year of his death, Boydell estimated his expenditures on these great works at j^3 50,000, which ruined him. . . . Mr. Tassie was more fortunate : he drew the Boydell Gallery with a guinea lottery-ticket, and profited by it, it is said, to the extent of more than ^10,000. Dr. Spooner, of the city of New York, only a few years since restored the plates, and reissued engravings, loo in number, at $I each." — Allibone : Dictionary of British and American Authors, 1 870, vol. 2, p. 201 8. 5130. The Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem in Four Dia- logues. With Notes. [By Thomas James Mathias.] . . . The Twelfth Edition with the Citations Translated. London : Becket. [i vol. 8vo] 1803. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5131. Fisher's [T.] Miscellaneous Extracts from the Stratford Gild Book. [Manuscript : with copies of Seals, etc. I vol. fol., N.D., about 1803-6.] 5132. Abstracts of Deeds, &c. belonging to the Stratford Gild. [Manuscript, byT. Fisher. With Engravings and Drawings of the Seals, Engraved Facsimiles, etc. i vol. fol, n.d., about 1803-7.] 2i6 SJjafefspfare iBfmorial Eifirarp, ISIrminn^nm. 5133. Critical Essays on the Dramatic Excellencies of the Young Roscius, by Gentlemen of distinguished Literary Talents and Theatrical Amateurs, opposed to the Hypercriticisms of anonymous Writers, Who assume the Signatures of Justus, Ennius, & Crito. Interspersed with Authentic and Interesting Anecdotes of this wonderful Phenomenon, Who so brightly Illumines the Theatric Hemisphere ; containing also an Account of his Irish, Scotch, and English Provincial and Metropolitan Engage- ments, is'c. &c. Faithfully compiled by J. Bisset, Museum, Birming- ham. . . . Birmingham : Knott and Lloyd. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1804.] Contains notices of his representations of Shakespearian characters. 5134. The Beauties of Shakespeare, Selected from the Works of this admirable Author. ... By Alexander Campbell, M.A. London : Tegg and Castleman. [i vol. duo.] 1804. 5135. Almahide and Hamet, A Tragedy. By Benjamin Heath Malkin, Esq. M.A. London: Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1804. Contains references to Shakespeare, in the Essay on the Drama (57 pages), which is prefixed to the Tragedy. 5136. On Shakespeare. [A Poem.] 1805. In Sonnets, and other Poems, by the Reverend Wm. Lisle Bowles, A.M. . . . Ninth Edition. . . . London : Cadell, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1805. Pp. 73-6. 5137. Censura Literaria. Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with Original Disquisitions, Articles of Biography, and other Literary Antiquities. [By Sir S. E. Brydges.] London : Long- man, etc. [vol. I, 8vo] 1805. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5138. Notes upon some of the Obscure Passages in Shakespeare's Plays; with Remarks upon the Explanations and Amendments of the Commentators in the Editions of 1785, 1790, 1793. By the late Right Hon. John [Howe] Lord Chedworth. London : Bulmer and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1805. Privately Printed. " To amend or enlarge his Lordship's obscr-vatlons falls not ivlthin my pro-vince or ability ; but as I ha-ve strong reason to suppose that a part of these Notes ivill be offered to the •world in a different ivay, and less perfect form, I fee/ it a duty, ivhich I oive to the memory of his Lordship, to edite them entire, in order to distribute copies to our respective friends, and to those readers of taste in similar studies, ivho may not deem such a trifle uniuorthy of their acceptance. T. Penrice." — Extract from Introductory Note. 5139. The Confessions of William-Henry Ireland. Containing the Particulars of his Fabrication of the Shakspeare Manuscripts ; together with Anecdotes and Opinions (Hitherto unpublished) of many Distin- guished Persons in the Literary, Political, and Theatrical World. . . . London : EUerton and Byworth. [i vol. 8vo] 1805. iSngltsf) S^ljafefspcaiinna. 217 5140. Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakspeare ; resulting from a Collation of the early Copies, with that of Johnson and Steevens, Edited by Isaac Reed, Esq. Together with some valuable Extracts from the MSS. of the late Right Honourable John, Lord Chedworth. Dedicated to Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. By E. H. Seymour. London: Lackington, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1805. 5141. A Complete Verbal Index to the Plays of Shakspeare ; Adapted to all the Editions. Comprehending every Substantive, Adjective, Verb, Participle, and Adverb, used by Shakspeare ; with a distinct Reference to every individual Passage in which each word occurs. By Erancis Twiss, Esq. . . . London: Bensley. [2 vols. 8vo] 1805. "Of an impression of 750 Copies — 542 were destroyed by the fire at Bensley's the printer in 1807." — Thimm : Sbakspearianj, 1865, p. 46. 5142. A Catalogue of That Magnificent and Truly Valuable Collec- tion of Pictures, (with The Prices they sold for, and Names of the Purchasers^) being the Productions of the Greatest Artists of the British School, known as the Collection of The Shakspeare Gallery, Formed under the spirited Directions, and with unbounded Expence, by those dis- tinguished Promoters of the Fine Arts, the Messrs. Boydells. . . . The Whole were Sold by Auction, By Mr. Christie . . . May 17, . . . 18, . . , 20, 1805. London: Beckett. [i vol. 4to] 1805. The amount realised by the sale of this famous Gallery of Pictures was ^^6,1 8 1 i%s. 6 J. 5143. Familiar Epistles to Frederick E. Jones, Esq. on the Present State of the Irish Stage. Fourth Edition, with considerable Additions. [By T. C. D.] . . . Dublin: Graisberry. [i vol. duo.] 1805. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5144. Original Auction Hand-Bill of Shakespeare's Birth-Place. [Broadside.] 1805. " Extremely rare. No mention of Shakespeare, so little auction value had he in those days." — Halliwell : MS. Note on Jiy leaf. 5145. The Thespian Dictionary; or. Dramatic Biography of the present Age; containing Sketches of the Lives, Lists of the Productions.^ various Merits., i^c. iffc. of all the principal Dramatists, Composers, Com- mentators, Managers, Actors and Actresses, of the United Kingdom : Interspersed with numerous Original Anecdotes, Forming a Complete Modern History of the English Stage. Second Edition, with considerable Improvements and Jdditions. Illustrated by Twenty-two Elegant En- gravings. . . . London: Cundee. [1 vol. duo.] 1805 2i8 S^ijnlvfspfare IHrmortnl ILihxmif i^irmmgijam. 5146. A Transcript by Thomas Fisher of the Stratford Bridge Book. [Manuscript, i vol. fol., n.d., about i8o5.] With two letters [from J. Lord to T. Fisher, and reply] respecting the Bridge. 5147. An Essay on the Character, Immoral, and Antichristian Ten- dency of the Stage. By John Styles. Newport, Isle of Wight : Printed for the Author. [i vol. duo.] 1806. Disparaging notice of Shakespeare at p. 55. 5148. History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon : Comprising a Description of the Collegiate Church, The Life of Shakspeare^ and Copies of several Docu?tients relating to him and his Family^ never before printed ; with a Biographical S ketch of other Eminent Characters^ Natives of or who have resided in Stratford. To which is added, a particular Account of the Jubilee, Celebrated at Stratford, in Honour of our immortal Bard. By R. B. Wheler. Embellished with Eight Engravings. . . . Stratford-upon- Avon: J. Ward. [1 vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1806.] 5149. Shakspeare. [An Account of the First and Second Editions of his Works. 1623 and 1632.] 1807. In Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. By the Rev. William Beloe. . . London : Rivington. [6 vols. 8vo] 1807-12. Vol. I, pp. 36-8. This work contains also notices of the several private Collections of Scarce Books, including some of the early Editions of the Works of Shakespeare. 5150. Memoirs of Richard Cumberland. Written by Himself. Containing An Account of his Life and Writings, interspersed with Anecdotes and Characters of several of the most distinguished Persons of his Time, with whom he has had Intercourse and Connexion. London : Lackington, etc. [2 vols. 8voJ 1807. Contains a copious account of a Cento, compiled by Cumberland, in his twelfth year, entitled Sbakespear in the Shades (pp. 56-64) ; and other references to Shakespeare and his works. 5151. Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners : with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare ; on the Collection of Popular Tales entitled Gesta Romanorum ; and on the English Morris Dance. By Francis Douce. The Engravings on Wood by J. Berry- man. London: Longman. [2 vols. 8vo] 1807. " I look upon this work as a sort of Hortus Shaksperianus, from which fruit of every hue and flavour may be safely pluckt and eaten. The research and learning bestowed upon it are immense. I once attempted, during the Hora subseci-va of a watering place, to make a catalogue of the authors consulted in it : but my courage or patience failed," — Dibdin : The Library Companion, 1825, vol. 2, p. 803. 5152. Original Drawings of the Gild Chapel, and of the Fresco Paintings in the Chapel of the Trinity, Stratford on Avon ; Facsimiles of Portions of the Register of the Gild, etc. By Thomas Fisher. [1 vol. fol., N.D., about 1807.] ISnglisi) £^!Jafefspra^ana. 219 5153. Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres, including General Observations on the Practise and Genius of the Stage. By the Author of the Theatrical Criticisms in the Weekly Paper called The News. [Leigh Hunt.] London : Uwnt. [i vol. duo.] 1807. Contains references to Shakespeare, 5154. T}:e Mulberry -Tree. A Tale. 1807. In The Poetical Works of Ed-ward Lo-vibond. Collated with the Best Editions : by Thomas Park, Esq. . . . London : Sharpe. [i vol. duo.] 1807. Pp. 59-61. 5155. Comments on the Several Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, extended to those of Malone and Steevens. By the Right Honorable John Monck Mason. . . . Dublin : Graisberry and Campbell. [i vol. 8vo] 1807. 5156. Comments on the Commentators on Shakespear. With Preliminary Observations on his Genius and Writings ; and on the Labors of those who have endeavoured to elucidate them. By Henry James Pye. . . . London: Tipper and Richards. [i vol. 8vo] 1807. " These Observations are made from the Edition of Mr. Nichols, in Eight Volumes, thick i2mo. 1797 ; and which professes to be a frugal Selection from the Labors of all the Com- mentators." — Introductory Note. 5157. Lecture on Shakespeare. 1807. In Lectures on the Truly Eminent English Poets. By Percival Stockdale. . . London, Printed for the Authour. [2 vols. 8vo] 1807, Vol, I, pp. 45-100. Chronicles, . . . First Collected and Published by Raphaell HoUnsbed, JVilUam Harrison, and others. [6 vols. 4to] 1 807-8. See No. 4652. 5158. The Works of John Dryden, now first collected. Illustrated with Notes, ... by Walter Scott, Esq. London : Miller. [18 vols. 8vo] i! Contains All for Love (altered from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra) [vol, 5, pp. 285-411,] Epistle, to Sir Godfrey Kneller, in reference to the Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare [vol, II, pp. S4-90], etc. See also No. -4848. 5159. An Examination of the Charges maintained by Messrs. Malone, Chalmers, and others, of Ben Jonson's Enmity, &c. towards Shakspeare. By Octavius Gilchrist, . . . London : Taylor and Hessey. [I vol. 8vo] 1808. 5160, The Dramatic Mirror : containing the History of the Stage., from the earliest period to the present time ; including a Biographical and Critical Account of all the Dramatic Writers, from 1660 ; and also of the Most Distinguished Performers, from the Days of Shakspeare to 1807 : and a History of the Country Theatres., in England, Ireland, and Scotland. 220 5)f)fliifspfare Hacmorial Eiftiaii), 13timtnof)am. Embellished with Seventeen Elegant Engravings. By Thomas Gilliland. . . . London: Chappie. [2 vols, duo.] 1808. England's Mourning Garment, by Henry Chettle. Hailelan Miscellany, vol. 3. [l vol. 410] 1 808. See No. 4736. 5161. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived About the Time of Shalcspeare : with Notes. By Charles Lamb. London : Long- man, [i vol. 8vo] 1808. Another Edition. London : Moxon. [2 vols, duo.] 1844. 5162. Critical Remarks on the Character of Falstaff. 1808. In The Lounger, Nos. 68-9.— The Works of Henry Mackenzie. Edinburgh : Ballantyne. [8 vols. 8vo] 1808. Vol. 6, pp. 148-70. 5163. Criticism on the Character and Tragedy of Hamlet. 1808. In The Mirror, Nos. 99-100. The Works of Henry Mackenzie. Edinburgh : Ballantyne. [8 vols. 8vo] 1808. Vol. 4, pp. 371-95. For other Editions, see p. 1 98. 5164. An Account of the Incidents from which the Title and Part of the Story of Shakspeare's Tempest were derived ; and its true Date ascertained. By Edmond Malone. London: Baldwin, [i vol. 8vo] 1808. Has the following inscription on the fly leaf: " To Doctor Laurence, from the Author. Not published ; — only eighty copies having been printed. It is requested that this pamphlet may not be inadvertently put into the hands of any person who may be likely to publish any part of it." There are several MS. alterations in the pamphlet, apparently by the author. 5165. A Philosophical Ahalysis and Illustration of some of Shake- speare's Remarkable Characters : To which is added, An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. By W. Richardson, Esq. . . . Boston: Munroe, Francis, and Parker. [i vol. duo.] 1808. For other Editions, see p. 1 94. 5166. Jane Shore ; A Tragedy, in Five Acts ; By Nicholas Rowe, Esq. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. lo.] Lon- don : Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. " Written in Imitation of Shakefpear's Style." For earlier Edition, see No. 4872. 5167. Edward the Black Prince ; or, the Battle of Poictiers ; an Historical Tragedy, in Five Acts ; by William Shirley, Esq. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Printed under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. [Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 14.] London : Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1808. " This Tragedy was acted at Drury Lane. It is said to be attempted! after the manner of Shakspeare, and is founded on a very glorious circumstance of the English History. It is, however, poorly executed ; and consequently, although strongly supported by the performance, met with very indiflcrent success." — Baker : Biographia Dramatiea, 1812, vol. 2, p. 186. Was fust publishcl in 1750. ISnglisfj 5)t)afeeis})fannna. 221 5168. Short Notes on Shakspeare, by Way of Supplement to Johnson, Steevens, Malone, and Douce. By Stephen Weston. . . . London i Baldwin. [i vol. 8vo] 1808. "Privately printed." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2326. 5169. Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare. By Thomas Whately, Esq. . . . The Second Edition. Oxford, Parker. [i vol. sm. 8vo.] 1808. For earlier Edition, see p. 200. 5170. Antiquity, a Farce, in Two Jets. . . . London : Chappie. [i vol. 8vo] 1808. A satire on Shakespearian Antiquarians. " It is a lively jeu d'esprit ; the object of which is, to detach, by ridicule, a young man from the folly of despising everything that is modern, and of apeing the manners and customs of the 15 th century. A scene in which, in the character of Falstaff, the hero meets his friends at a supper at the Boar's Head tavern, is by no means destitute of humour. The passion for old English literature is also ridiculed with some ingenuity." — Baker : Biographia Dramatica, 1812, vol. 2, p. 31. 5171. lago Display'd. How Cassio accufed lago of Corruption. The various Ways by which lago endeavour'd to deftroy Cassio. How lago publifh'd a Libel againft Cassio without a Name, . . . etc. London : Moore. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1808.] "This is in no respect a Shakesperian pamphlet. It is a libellous allegation of certain mal- versions in the War Office, the adoption of the names of lago, Cassio, and Roderigo, to the parties concerned, being the only apparent connection with the tragedy of Othello." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2326. See Notes and Slueries, vol. 8, 1859, p. 56. 5172. A Translation of the Register or Leger of the Gilde of Holy Cross, of Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire [By Thomas Fisher. Manuscript. i vol, fol., n.d., about 1808-34.] "This Record was lent to me by the Corporation in the year 1808, and returned to them in year 1834 as per annexed receipt of the Town Clerk. Thos. Fisher." — MS, Note. 5173. Thoughts upon the present Condition of the Stage, and upon the Construction of a New Theatre. . . . London : Clarke. [i vol. 8vo] 1808. Another Edition. 5174. A New Edition, with Additions. London: Clarke. [1 vol. 8vo] 1809. 5175. Tales from Shakespear.^ designed for the use of Young Per- sons. ^Y Charles Lamb. The Second Edition. London : M. J, Godwin. [2 vols, duo.] 1809. " This work was in part the composition of Charles Lamb's sister, Mary Ann Lamb, a fact dis- closed in a copyright suit of Messrs. Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, against the late Charles Tilt, for an infringement." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1S64, vol. 3, p. 2326. "In the former impression they [the proprietors], gave twenty prints, illustrative of the twenty tales which compose these volumes, for they knew that it was a grievous thing and a tnkfspcarc iiftcmorlal Utlirarj?, ^i3mningijam. disappointment to a child, to find some tales without the recommendation of a print, which the others possessed. The prints were therefore made from spirited designs, but did not pretend to high finishing in the execution. To this edition they have annexed merely a beautiful head of our immortal Dramatist, from a much-admired painting by Zoust." — Extract from " Ad-verthement to the Second Edition.''^ Other Editions. Fifth Edition. With Engravings, from Designs by Harvey. London : Baldwin, [i vol. 8vo] 1 83 1. London : Bell and Daldy. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1861. With Illustrations by John Gilbert. London: Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 1869. The Praise of King Richard the Third. By Cornnvallis. Somers Tracts, ■vol. 3. [l "vol. 4^0] 1 809. See No. 4781. 5176. Four Discourses on Subjects relating to the Amusement of the Stage : Preached at Great St. Mary s Church., Cambridge.^ on Sunday September 25, and Sunday October 2, 1 808 ; with copious Supplementary Notes. By James Plumptre, B.D. . . . Cambridge : Hodson. [i vol. 8vo] 1809. 5177. Broad Hints at Retirement, An Ode to A Tragedy King, addressed to J. P. Kemb/e, Esq. Author of The Row, and Principal Manager of the Revels at Covent-Garden. By a Theatrical Rebel. .... London : Bailey. [i vol. 8vo, n. d., about i8og.] Contains parodies of, and references to, Shakespeare. 5178. An Epistle addressed to Sir Thomas Hanmer, on his Edition of Shakespeare's Works. 1 8 1 0. In The Poems of William Collins. The Works of the English Poets, . . . With Prefaces. . . by Dr. Samuel Johnson : and . . . Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. . . . London : Johnson, etc. [21 vols. 8vo] 1810. Vol. 13, pp. 204-5. 5179. Annotations on Plays of Shakespear. (Johnson and Stevens's Edition^) [By John Croft.] York: W. Blanchard. [i vol. 8vo] 18 10. " ' This pamphlet,' observes Mr. Hunter, ' consists of twenty-four closely printed pages, and I venture to say contains more valuable remark than is to be found in the volumes of Zachary Jackson and Andrew Becket, or even in those of John Lord Chedworth and Henry James Fye.' This little book being very rare and difficult to meet with, I may mention that a copy is in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries." — Halliwell : " Shaksperiana^'' 1 841, p. 34. 5180. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare. . . . The Sixth Edition, Corrected. By Mrs. Montagu. . . . London : Priestley. [i vol. 8voJ 1810. For other Editions, seep. 191. 5181. Defence of the Profession of an Actor ; Being an Historical Detail and View of the Honors bestowed upon Actors and Actresses from the remotest Period to the Decline of the Professional Character in Eng- land. . . . London: Roe. [i vol. 8vo] 1810. Contains references to Shakespeare. i ISitQlisfj ^ijakcspcanana. 223 5182. Third Theatre. The Argument of Randle Jackson., Esq. before the Lords of the Privy Council, on behalf of the Trustees, new Renters, and other Parties interested in the late Theatre Royal., Drury Lane{z.% taken in Short Hand) with Copies of the Petition to His Majesty for a Charter to erect a Third Theatre in the Metropolis., and of the Petition presented by the Trustees and new Renters of the late Theatre, against the granting the same. Published by the Order of the Committee of New Renters. London: Cawthorn. [i vol. 8vo] 1810. 5183. The Ancient British Drama. London : Miller. [3 vols. 8vo3 1810. " Sir Walter Scott is said to have been the editor."— Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. i, p. 670. 5184. The Beauties of Shakespeare Stereotype Edition. London, Wilson. [i vol. duo.] 18 10. Another Edition. 5185. London: Wilson. [i. vol. duo.] 181 1. For other Editions, see p. igg. 5186. Of the Tragedies of Shakespeare. . 1811. In A Treatise on Ancient and Modern Literature. By Madame De Stael-Holstein. . . . London : Colburn [2 vols. 8vo] 18 11. Vol. I, pp. 295-314. 5187. Life of William Shakespeare. 181 1. In The History of the Worthies of England : endeavoured by Thomas Fuller, D. D. First Printed in 1662. A New Edition, with a few Explanatory Notes, by John Nichols, F.A.S. London : Rivington, etc. [2 vols. 4to] 181 1. Vol. 2, pp. 414-5- 5188. Avon, a Poem. By The Rev. John Huckell, A. B Stratford-upon-Avon: Ward. [i vol. 8vo] 1811. For earlier Edition, see p. 188. 5189. The Reflector, a Quarterly Magazine, on Subjects of Philosophy, Politics, and the Liberal Arts. Conducted by the Editor of The Examiner. [Leigh Hunt.] . . . London: John Hunt. [2 vols. 8vo] 1811. Contains the following articles relating to Shakespeare : Fol. I. Shakspeare Sermons, pp. 29-35. Greek and English Tragedy, pp. 62-72 ; Medea, Clytem- nestra, and Lady Macbeth, />/>. 27 3-8 3 . On the Origin of Shakspeare' s Tempest, by 0. Gilchrist, pp. 100-107. yol. 2. Greel; and English Tragedy : (Edipus, King Lear, pp. 127-39. On Garnck, and Acting; and the Plays of Shakspeare, considered -with reference to their fitness for Stage Representation, pp. 298-313. 5190. A Tour in quest of Genealogy., through several parts of Wales, Somersetshire, and Wiltshire. . . . Interspersed with a Description of Stour- head.and Stonehenge; ... and Curious Fragments from a Manuscript Collection ascribed to Shakespeare. By A Barrister. London : Sher- wood, Neely, and Jones. [i vol. 8vo] 181 1. The " fragments" consist of a Poem to Anne Hathaway, " from W. S." ; a letter inscribed to " Mistress Judith Hatheway" from "William Shakspere j " pp. 189-92. " A few items 2 24 Stafefspratc IHemorial UitJinq,), UinninQliam. master William Benson" by " W.S.", pp. 233-6. " To the Peerlesse Anna, the magnette of mie affectionnes ; " pp. 250-5 1. 5191. The whole Historical Dramas of William Shakspeare Illus- trated, by an Assemblage of Portraits of the Royal, Noble, and other Persons mentioned ; together with those of Editors, Commentators, and Actors, and Views of Castles, Towns, &c. of the respective Places referred to ; with short Biographical and Topographical Accounts. Lon- don : JefFery. [2 vols. 4to] 18 11. Large paper copy, with a few additional Portraits. TAe fVorks of Beaumont and Fletcher, [14 vols. 8vo] 1812. See No. 4745. The GulFs Hornbook. . . . By T. Decker, [i -vol. 4/0] 1812. See No. 4759. 5192. Life of Shakspeare, with a List of his Plays. 1812. In Biographia Dramatica ; or, a Companion to the Playhouse : . . .By David Erslcine Baker, . . . Isaac Reed, and . . . Stephen Jones. London : Longman. [3 vols. 8vo] 1812. Vol. I, part 2, pp. 645-9. 5193. Aphorisms from Shakespeare ; Arranged according to the Plays, &c. With a Preface and Notes; Numerical References to each Subject ; and a Copious Index. [By Capel Loft't.] Bury : Gedge and Barker. [l vol. duo.] 1 8 12. With Portrait, from the Droeshout, engraved by G. Quinton. 5194. The Aphorisms of William Shakspeare selected from his Works and Alphabetically arranged, consisting of many thousand choice sentences illustrative of His Wisdom & Genius, and applicable to a Vast Variety of Subjects. A New P^dition, Amended and Enlarged. [Jiy Capel Lofft. i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1812.] Consists of the printed matter of the first edition, cut up and rearranged alphabetically accord- ing to the subjects, with considerable additions and corrections in MSS. 6195, Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters : with an Illus- tration of Shakespeare's Representation of National Characters., in that of Fluellen. The Sixth Edition. By William Richardson, M.A. . . . London: Bagster. [i vol. 8vo] 1812. For other Editions, sec p. 194. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. By Tusser, [l -vol. 8 to] 181 2. See A'b. 4645. 5196. Theatrical Biography — Cuttings from Periodicals [chiefly from La Belle Assemblee.] 1812 to 1820. With occasional MS. Ad- ditions, [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1812-20.J Contains notices of Shakespearian representations. iSngllst Stafecsprariana. 225 5197. An Essay on the Character of Henry the Fifth when Prince of Wales. By Alexander Luders, Esq. London : T. Cadell. •^ [I vol. 8vo] 1813. Contradicts the " wanton and dissolute character" ascribed to him by Shakespeare. The Plays of Philip Massinger. [4 -vols. 2-vo] 1 81 3. See No. 4788. Uisio JVilli de Petro Plouhman. . . . Or the Vision of fVilliam concerning Piers Plouhman. [l -vol. ^to] 181 3. See No. 4601. 5198. Life of William Shakespear. 1814. In General Biography; or, Lives, Critical and Historical, of the Most Eminent Persons of all Ages, Countries, Conditions, and Professions . . . Composed by John Ailcin, M.D. and Mr. WilUam Johnston . . . London : Stockdale. [lo vols. 410] 1814. Vol. 9, pp. 121-3. 5199. The Drama Recorded ; or, Barker's List of Plays., Alpha- betically Arranged, exhibiting at one View, The Title, Size, Date, and Author, with their various Alterations., from the earliest Period, to 1814; to which are added, Notitia Dramatica, or, a Chronological Account of Events relative to the English Stage. London : J. Barker. [i vol. duo.] 18 14. 5200. Remarks on the Life and Writings of William Shakspeare. With a List of Essays and Dissertations on his Dramatic Writings, &c. Byjohn Britton, F.S.A. London : Whittingham. [i vol. 8vo] 1814. ./Another Edition. Revised and much Enlarged. London : Whittingham. [i vol. 8vo] i8l8. 5201. Account of Stratford-on-Avon, with Biographical Notice of Shakspeare, Account of Garrick's Jubilee, Charlecote, etc. 18 14. In The Beauties of England and Wales. ... By J, Britton, J. Norris Brewer, Rev. J. Hodgson, F. C. Laird . . . London: Harris, Longman, etc. [i8 vols. 8vo] 1814. Vol. 15, part I, pp. 223-63. 5202. Account of the Droeshout and Marshall Portraits of Shake- speare. 1 8 14. In Cakographiana : The Printsellers Chronicle and Collectors Guide to the Knowledge and Value of Engraved British Portraits. By James Caulfield. London: Smeeton. [i vol. 8vo] 1814. P. 100. 5203. Chalcographimania ; or, the Portrait-Collector and Print- seller's Chronicle, with Infatuations of every Description. A Humorous Poem. In Four Books. With copious Notes explanatory. By Satiricus Sculptor ., Esq. . . . London : Kirby. [i vol. 8vo] 1814. "Written by W. H. Ireland from information mostly furnished by T. Coram." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. i, p. 402. 5204. Free Thoughts upon Methodists, Actors., and the Influence of the Stage ; with an Introductory Letter to Mrs. , of Castle, Glamorganshire., Upon the Origin of the Drama, &c. By Robert Mansel- 2 26 ^fjafefsprnre i^Hcmonal Hibrarj?, 13ivminQf)am. Likewise, a Discourse on the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays ; written by the Learned Father Caffaro. . . . Hull : Printed for the Author, etc. [i vol. large duo.] 1814. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5205. A Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon. By R. B. Wheler. . . . Stratford-upon-Avon: J. Ward. [i vol. 8vo] 1814. Other Editions. Coventry : Merridew. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1825.] New Edition. Coventry: Merridew. [i vol. sm. 8vo, n.d., about 1826.] Philomela . . . By Robert Greene . . . [i "vol. 4ro] 18 14. See No. 4775. 5206. The Life & Exploits of that Extraordinary Character^ Sir John FalstafF, the hero of Shakespear, And Companion of Henry, Prince of Wales ; with an Account of the Numerous Robberies &' Offences committed by them ; Particulars of his Amorous Adventures and Gallantries at Windsor, with Mrs. Ford & Mrs. Page ; His Conduct as a Captain at the Battle of Shrewsbury, between Percy and Hotspur; A Humorous Description of his Soldiers ; Trial and Conviction at Maidstone, &c. London: W. Mason. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1814.] with Portrait of Falstaff "Engraved from an Original Painting, 200 Years Old." 5207. Explanations and Emendations of some Passages in the Text of Shakespeare and of Beaumont and Fletcher. By Martinus Scriblerus. Edinburgh: Constable. [i vol. 8vo] 1814. 5208. Shakspeare's Himself Again : or The Language of the Poet Asserted : being a full but dispassionate Examen of the Readings and Interpretations of the several Editors. The whole comprised in a series of Notes, sixteen hundred in number, and further illustrative of the more difficult Passages in his Plays, — to the various Editions of which the pre- sent volumes form a complete and necessary Supplement, ^y Andrew Becket. . . . London: Valpy. [2 vols. 8vo] 1815. 5209. Another Account of the Incidents, from which The Title, and a Part of the Story of Shakspeare's Tempest, were derived ; and the true Era of it ascertained ; evincing the Original Connexion of the Royal Family with the Poet's Drama. By George Chalmers, F.R.S.S.A. London : only 40 copies printed by R. and A. Taylor, but, not published, nor intended to be. [1 vol. 8vo] 1815. "Of great rarity for a modern book, so much so that one Editor pleasantly observes it costs as much as a MS. before the invention of printing. This is a little pardonable exaggeration." — Halliwell : Garland of Shakespeariana, 1 854, p. 4. 5210. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry \ in the possession iSnQlisfj ^^^afecspcnrtann. 227 of Longman, Hurst, etc. Illustrated by Occasional Extracts and Re- marks, Critical and Biographical. [By A. F. G.] London : Printed by Davison. [i vol. 8vo] 18 15. Contains notices of Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1609; Poems, 1640 ; Rape of Lucrecc, 1655, etc. 5211. Lecture on Shakspeare. 1815. In A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, by Augustus William Schlegel : Translated from the Original German, by John Black. London ; Baldwin, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1815. Vol. 2, pp. 91-259. 5212. Elements of Elocution : in which the Principles of Reading and Speaking are investigated ; and such Pauses, Emphasis, and Inflexions of Voice, as are suitable to every variety of Sentence, are distinctly pointed out and explained ; with Directions for Strengthening and Modulating the Voice, so as to render it varied, forcible, and harmonious : to which is added, A Complete System of the Passions ; showing how they aftect the Countenance, Tone of Voice, and Gesture of the Body, exemplified by a copious Selection of the most striking Passages of Shakspeare. The whole illustrated by Copper-Plates, explaining the nature of Accent, Emphasis, Inflexion, and Cadence. The Fifth Edition. By John Walker. . . . London: Cadell and Davies. [i vol. Svo] 1815. Mirror for Magistrates. Edited by Haskwood. [2 vols. 4to] 1815. See No. 4634. Arte of English Poesie. Edited by Hasleivood. [2 vols. 4to] 18 15. Containing the following Reprints. Puttenhams Arte of English Poesie, 1589, See No. 46S2. Gascoigne's Instructions concerning the Making of Verse, I 575. See No. 4648. Webhe's Discourse of English Poetrie, 1586. See No. 4678. The Airt of Scottis Poesie, by K. James I., 1 5 84. See JSlo. 4671, Haringtons Apologie of Poetrie, 1591. See iVo. 4689. Meres'' comfaratiue discourse of our English Poets, 1 598. See No. 4715. Campion s Art of English Poesie, 1602. See No. ^I^^l. DanieVs Defence of Ryme, 1 603. Bolton's Hypercritica, 1618. See No. 4782. 5213. Remarks on the Monumental Bust of Shakspeare, at Stratford- upon-Avon : with Two Wood-cuts, representing Front and Profile Views of the Bust. [By John Britton.] London: Published by the Author. [i vol. Svo] 1816. 5214. Life of William Shakspeare. 1816. In The General Biographical Dictionary : . . . A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Alexander Chalmers. [32 vols. 8vo] 1812-17. Vol. 27, pp. 369-389. In a Note, the Author says — " This sketch of Shakspeare's Life was drawn up by the present writer for a -variorum edition of his works, published in 1804, and no additional light having since been thrown on Shakspeare's history, it is here reprinted with very few alterations." 5215. Hieroglyphics, and Other Antiquities. In treating of which many favourite Pieces of Butler, Shakespeare, and other great Writers, in Prose and Verse, are put in a light now entirely nevv^, by Notes, occasional Dissertations, and upwards of Two Hundred Engravings in Wood and 2 28 S)i)afefspfarc J^lemotial ILiferart), l^limingljam. Copper. By Robert Deverell, Esq. Second Edition. London : Allman, etc. [6 vols. 8vo] 1816 The Plays " put In a light now entirely new," are, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and The Mer- chant of Venice. 5216. The History of Fiction : being a Critical Account of the most celebrated Prose Works of Fiction. ... By John Dunlop. Second Edition. Edinburgh : Ballantyne, for Longman, London. [3 vols. 8vo] 1816. Contains Plots of Shakespeare's Dramas, taken from Perceforest, Boccaccio, Ser Giovanni, Massuccio, Cinthio, Bandello, The Diana, Arcadia, Lodge's Rosalynd, Greene's Dorastus and Fawnia. 5217. Garrick's Ode to Shakspeare^ as Originally Spoken and Sung at Stratford upon Avon; in 1769. To which is added, a Description of the Grand Pageant. As Performed at the Theatre Royal^ Drury-Lane^ on Tuesday, April 23, 1816. London: Lowndes. [i vol. 8vo] 1816. 5218. The Works of Ben Jonson. With Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, by W. Gifford, Esq. . . . London: Nicol, etc. [9 vols. 8vo] 181 6. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5219. Mery Tales, Wittie ^estions, and Quicke Answeres, Very pleasant to be Readde. 1567. 18 16. In Shakspeare's Jest Book. Part III. . . . Chiswick : V\,^hittingham. [i vol. 8vo] 1816. 5220. Richard (the I IF.) Travesty. With Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory; and a Poetical Defence of Travesty in General. [i sheet, 4to, n.d., about 1816.] 5221. SongSy Chorussesy &c. in the Musical Afterpiece, called Gar- rick's Jubilee ; as first performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, in 1769, and now revived (under the Direction of Mr. Farley), at the Theatre- Royal, Covent-Garden, 23^ of Jprily 18 16, being the Second Centenary of Years from the Death of Shakspeare, and in Commemoration of the Immortal Genius of England's Great Dramatick Bard ; with a Plan of the Grand Pageant of the Characters of Shakspeare^ by the whole of the Company. London: John Miller. [i vol. 8vo] 181 6. 5222. Shakspeare and his Times: including the Biography of the Poet J Criticisms on his Genius and Writings ; a new Chronology of his Plays ; a Disquisition on the Object of his Sonnets ; and a History of the Manners^ Customs, and Amusements, Superstitions, Poetry, and Elegant Litera- ture of his Age. By Nathan Drake, M.D. . . . London : Cadell and Davies. [2 vols. 4to] 181 7. " Large paper; with some additional plates, coloured in imitation of drawings, of much interest." MS. Note on fiy-lcaf. These additional Plates are the series entitled "Relics of Shak- speare," by Mrs. Denis Dighton, published in 1835, coloured and printed on tinted paper. iSnglisfj 5?t)afefspravinnn. 229 5223. Characters of Shakespear's Plays. By William Hazlitt. London: R. Hunter, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 18 17. " It is, in truth, rather an encomium on Shakespeare, than a commentary or critique on liim and is written, more to show extraordinary love, than extraordinary knowledge of his productions. Nevertheless, it is a very pleasing book — and, we do not hesitate to say, a book of very considerable originality and genius." — Edinburgh Re-view, Aug._ 1817, p. 472. " We should not have condescended to notice the senseless and wicked sophistry of this writer . . . had we not considered him as one of the representatives of a class of men by whom literature is more than at any former period disgraced, who are labouring to effect their mischievous purposes non m sed sape cadendo ; and therefore conceived that it might not be unprofitable to show how very small a portion of talent and literature was necessary tor carrying on the trade of sedition." — ^artcrly Re-vieiv, January, 1 8 18, p. 466. Other Editions. Second Edition. London: Taylor and Hessey. [i vol. 8vo] 1818. Third Edition. Edited by his Son. London: Templeman. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1838. 5224. Macbeth, and King Richard the Third : an Essay., in answer to Remarks on some of the Characters oi Shakspeare. By J. P. Kemble. London: John Murray. [i vol. 8vo] 1817. Aa Answer to Whately's Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare, 1785. With autograph inscription, " To the Revf)akf.spfare fHcmorlal ?lt6rarB, 13irmingi)ani. 5i other Public Buildings. By Robert Bell Wheler . . . Illustrated with Engravings. Merridew, Coventry. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1825.] Another Edition. New Edition. Merridew, Coventry, [i vol. sm. 8vo, n.d., about 1S26.] 5324. A Portrait of William Shakspeare, engraved by I. S. Agar, after a Drawing in the possession of John Cordy, Esq. By A. Wivell, From the Monumental Bust in the Church at Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire ; With an Historical Account and Remarks, by the Artist. London: Published hy the Juthor. [i vol. 8vo] 1825. 5325. Prolegomena to the Works of Shakspeare. Embellished with a mezzotint© Portrait of Shakspeare Shakspeare's Birth-place A View of New Place, the last Residence of Shakspeare Monument in Stratford-on- Avon Church Monument in Westminster Abbey Eight Portraits of Eminent Performers of Shakspeare's Characters The Globe Theatre Interior of the Red-Bull Playhouse, Clerkenwell The Fortune Theatre The Falcon Tavern, Bankside The Amphitheatre erected by Garrick for the Stratford Jubilee. London: Sherwood, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1825, Printed off separately from the Edition described at p. 15, No. 145. 5326. Shakspeare's Romances. Collected and Arranged by Shaks- peare 11. . . . London : Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper. [2 vols. 8vo] 1825. Consists of the Romance of King Henry IV. only. Another Edition. King Henry the Fourth, and his Times. . . . London : Sherwood, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1827. 5327. A Select Collection of Old Plays. ... A New Edition: with Additional Notes and Corrections, by the late Isaac Reed, Octavius Gil- christ, and the Editor [John Payne Collier]. London : Prowett. [12 vols. 8vo] 1825-7. Large paper. Contents : Vol. I. Prefaces. Historia Histrionica, by Wright. God's Promises, by Bale. The Four P's, by Heywood. Ferrex and Porrex, by Sackville. Damon and Pithias, by Edwards. New Custome. Vol. 2. Gammer Gurton's Needle. Alexander and Campaspe, by Lyly. Tancred and Gismunda, by Wilmot. Cornelia, by Kyd. Edward II. by Marlow. Vol. 3. George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield. The first Part of Jeronymo. The Spanish Tragedy, by Kyd. The Honest Whore, by Dekkar, two Parts. Vol. 4. The Malcontent, by Marston. All Fools, by Chapman. Eastward Hoe, by Chapman, Ben Tonson, and Marston. The Revenger's Tragedy, by Tourneur. The Dumb Knight, by Machin. Vol. 5. The Miseries of Inforced Marriage, by Wilkins. Lingua, by Brewer. The Merry Devil of Edmontun. A Mad World, My Masters, by Middleton. Ram-Alley : or, Merry Tricks, by Barry. Vol. 6. The Roaring Girl, by Middleton and Dekkar. The Widow's Tears, by Chapman. The White Devil : or, Vittoria Corombona, by Webster. The Hog hath lost his Pearl, by Tailor. The Four Prentices of London, by Heywood. Vol. 7. Green's Tu Quoque : or, the City Gallant, by Cooke. Albumazar, by Tomkis. A Woman kill'd with Kindness, by Heywood. A Match at Midnight, by Rowley. Fuimus Trocs, The True Trojans, by Fisher, iSnglist ^fjaftrsprarinna. 241 Vol. 8. The Wounds of Civil War, by Lodge, The Heir, by May. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, by Greene. The Jew of Malta, by Marlow. The Wits, by Davenant. Vol. 9. Will Summer's Last Will and Testament, by Nash. Microcosmus, by Nabbes. The Muse's Looking-Glass, by Randolph. The City Match, by Maync. The ^ueen of Arragon, by Habington. Vol. 10. The Antiquary, by Marmion. The Goblins, by Suckling. The Ordinary, by Cart- wright. A Jovial Crew ; or, the Merry Beggars, by Brome. 'I'he Old Couple, by May. Vol. II. The Chronicle of Edward the First, by Feele. The Mayor of Q^inborough, by Mid- dleton. Grim, the Collier of Croydon. ' The City Night-cap, by Davenport. The Par- son's Wedding, by Killegrew. Vol. 12. The Adventures of Five Hours, by Tuke. Elvira, by Digby, Earl of Bristol. The Widow, by Jonson, Fletcher, and Middleton. Chichevache and Bycorne. The Worlde and the Chylde. Appius and Virginia. Additional Notes. Index. Supplementary Volume. With Illustrations and Notes, by J. Payne Collier, Esq. London : Frowett. [l vol. 8vo] 1828-9. Contents: — The Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington, by Munday. The Death of Robert Earl of Huntmgton, by Munday and Chettle. The Misfortunes of Arthur, by Hughes. A Woman is a Weathercock, by Field. Amends for Ladies, by Field. For earlier Edition, see p. 198. 5328. A Complete System of Punctuation ; Founded, and Estab- lished, upon Fixed Principles : whereby Authors, Literary Men, and the Heads of Classical and Domestic Establishments, may become Proficients in an Attainment which is indispensable to secure Elegance with Perspi- cuity of Language. By Charles James Addison. London : Bagster. [i vol. duo.] 1826. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5329. Transcript of Two Rolls, containing an Inventory of Effects formerly belonging to Sir John Fastolfe. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, By Thomas Amyot, Esq. F.R.S. . . . From the Archaeo- logia, vol. xxi. London : Nichols and Son. [i vol. 4to] 1826. 5330. Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs ; by J. Cradock, Esq. . . . London : Nichols. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. Account of the Stratford Jubilee of 1769, and Garrick, pp. 211-23. 5331. . . . Illustrations of the Progress of Mania, Melancholia, Craziness, and Demonomania ; as displayed in Shakespeare's Characters of Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Edgar. ... by George Farren. . . . Lon- don: Hessey, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. Other Editions. London : Dean and Munday. [i vol. 8vo] 1829. [With Additions.] London : Dean and Munday. [i vol. 8vo] 1833. 5332. An Essay on the Genius of Shakespeare, with Critical Remarks on the Characters of Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, and Ophelia ; to- gether with some Observations on the Writings of Sir Walter Scott. To which is annexed, a Letter to Lord , containing a Critique on Taste, Judgment, and Rhetorical Expression, and Remarks on the leading Actors of the Day. ... By Henry Mercer Graves. London : Bigg. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. 242 5^fjafefspearc iHcmcinal Eifirar),), ISirmtngfjam. 5333. Recollections of the Life of John O'Keeffe, Written by Him- self. London: Colburn. [2 vols. 8vo] 1826. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5334. The British Theatre. Oberon : a Romantic and Fairy Opera, in Three Acts, by J. R. Planche. As performed, with the Music of the Baron Carl Maria von Weber, at the Theatre-Royal^ Cwent Garden. Lon- don : Hunt and Clarke. [i vol. duo.] 1826 5335. Biography of William Shakspeare, and Description of the Monument in Westminster Abbey. 1826. In The Monuments and Genii of St. Paul's Cathedral and of Westminster Abbey. ... By George Lewis Smyth. . . . London : Williams. [2 vols. 8vo] 1826. Vol. 2, pp. 835-9. With an engraving of the Monument in Westminster Abbey. 5336. Illustrations of Shakspeare ; comprised in Two Hundred and Thirty Vignette Engravings, by Thompson, from Designs by Thurston : Adapted to all Editions. London : Sherwood, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. Another Edh'ton. London: Sherwood, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. 5337. Letters on Shakespeare, continued from Blackwood's Maga- zine. No. 2. Romeo and Juliet, by Professor W. 1826. in Rejected Articles. . . . London : Colburn. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. Pp. 111-139. 5338. The same. Second Edition. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. 5339. A Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon. ... By Wheler. New Edition. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. Coventry : Henry Merridew. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1826,] For other Editions, see p. 226. 5340. Shakspeariana : A Complete Collection of the Books and Pamphlets which have been published, relative to the Life, or illustrative of the Writing of Shakespeare. In the possession of H. Jadis, Esq. 1826. In A Catalogue of some Books, in the possession of H Jadis, Esq. in Bryanstone Square. Lon- don : Moyes. [i vol. 8vo] 1826. Pp. 37-48. 5341. An Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakspeare ; calculated to point out the different Meanings to which the Words are applied. By the Rev. Samuel Ayscough . . . London : Tegg, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. For earlier Editions, see p. 202. 5342. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. Interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors. By James Boaden London : Colburn. [2 vols. 8vo] 1827. 5343. The Life of Cardinal Wolsey. By George Cavendish, his iSitflltsf) ^ijafefspcariana. 243 Gentleman Usher. From the original Autograph Manuscript. With Notes and other Illustrations, by Samuel Weller Singer, F.S.A. Second Edition. London : Harding and Lepard. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. 5344. Ode upon dedicating the Town Hall, and Erecting a Statue to Shakspeare, during the Jubilee at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1769. By David Garrick Esq. Stratford-upon-Avon: Bacon. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. For earlier Edition, see p. 1 9 1 . 5345. Correct Detail of the Ceremonies attending the Shakspearean Gala, celebrated at Stratford-upon-Avon.^ on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- nesday, April 23, 24, and 25, 1827; Together w^ith some Account of " Garrick's Jubilee," in 1769; by J. Jarvis. . . . Stratford-upon-Avon: Bacon. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1827.] 5346. Welcombe Hills, near Stratford-upon-Avon, A Poem, His- torical and Descriptive, by John Jordan, of Stratford, Wheelwright, 1777. Stratford-upon-Avon: Bacon. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. 5347. Wyl Bucke his Testament : the Legacies palatably prepared for the Legatees. [By John Lacy.] Reprinted {not for Publication) at the Chiswick Press. [i vol. sm. 4to] 1827. " The testament of Wyl Bucke, an animal so called, consists of ten stanzas ; the remainder of the tract consists of culinary receipts for the dressing various joints, and making savoury courses of a buck or doe," — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 2, p. 1296. This is No. 10 of 40 copies, reprinted from the Edition of Wyllam Copland, about 1548. With Introduction by Joseph Haslevifood. Contains an autograph letter from the Editor to Sir G. H. Freeling. 5348. The Privy Purse Expences of King Henry the Eighth, from November MDXXIX, to December MDXXXH : with Introductory Remarks and Illustrative Notes, by Nicholas Harris Nicolas. . . . Lon- don: Pickering. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. 5349. The Life and Times of Frederick Reynolds. Written by Himself. Second Edition. London : Colburn. [2 vols. 8vo] 1827. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5350. Shaksperiana. Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, &c. relating to Shakspeare. To which are subjoined, an Account of the Early Ouarto Editions of the Great Dramatist's Plays and Poems. The Prices at which many Copies have sold in Public Sales; together with a List of the leading and esteemed Editions of Shakspeare's Collected Works. London : John Wilson. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. 5351. Another copy. Large paper. Interleaved, and with MS. addi- tions. London : John Wilson. . [i vol. 8vo] 1827. " The preface to this little volume contains a curious account of the fabricated portraits of Shakespeare." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2329. 244 ^tatifsprarc iHnnorinl Eifirarp, i3inningtan^. 5352. An Historical Account of the Monumental Bust of William Shakspeare, in the Chancel of the Church, at Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire with Critical Remarks on the Authors who have written on it. By Abraham Wivell, Portrait Painter. London : Published by the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. 5353. An Inquiry into the History, Authenticity, & Characteristics of the Shakspeare Portraits, in which the Criticisms of Malone, Steevens, Boaden, & others, are Examined, Confirmed, or Refuted. Embracing the Felton, the Chandos, the Duke of Somerset's Pictures, the Droeshout Print, and the Monument of Shakspeare, at Stratford ; together with an Expose of the spurious Pictures and Prints. By Abraham Wivell. . . . London : Published by the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. With a Supplement, of the same date, which contains twelve additional Portraits. Another Edition. London : Knight & Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. 5354. A Descriptive Account of the late Gala Festival, at Stratford- upon-Avon, in Commemoration of The Natal Day of Shakspeare ; the King's adopted Birth-day, and The Festival of St. George, on the 2'^rd., 2^th, and 2^th Days of April^ 1827 . . Transcribed from the Notes of a Gentleman connected with the Newspaper Press. Stratford-upon-Avon : Lapworth. [i vol. 8vo] 1827. 5355. King Henry the Fourth, and His Times : being the First of a Series of Romances from Shakspeare . . . London, Sherwood, etc. [2 vols. 8vo] 1827. For earlier Edition, see No. 5326. 5356. Stratford Theatrical Review, and Stage Reporter. [From No. I, Dec. 10, 1827, to No. lo, Feb. 8, 1828. Stratford-upon-Avon. Bacon. i vol. duo.] 1827-8. Contains references to Shakespeare, and notices of representations of his plays. 5357. The Secret History' of Macbeth, King of Scotland : with interesting Memoirs of the Ancient Thanes. (Originally from a very old MS.) Addressed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Fife, as Thane of Fife, By P. Buchan . . . Peterhead : From the Press of the Editor. [1 vol. 8vo] 1828. 5358. Memorials of Shakspeare ; or. Sketches of his Character and Genius, by various Writers, now first Collected : with a Prefatory and Concluding Essay, and Notes, by Nathan Drake . . . Forming a valuable Accompaniment to every Edition of the Poet. London : Colburn. [I vol. 8vo] 1828. 1 5359. The Juvenile Edition of Shalcspeare ; adapted to the Capacities of Youth. By Caroline Maxwell . . . London : Chappie, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1828. 5360. Selections from Shakspeare. By Benjamin Oakley. Lon- don: Longman, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1828. 5361. Gallery of Shakspeare, or Illustrations of his dramatic works, engraved in Aqua fortis from Retszch, with Scenes selected from Shak- speare and Explanations hy J. IV. Lake. Hamlet. London. [I vol. ob. 8vo] 1828. 5362. Views in Stratford-upon-Avon and its Vicinity, Illustrative of the Biography of Shakspeare, Accompanied with descriptive Remarks. By William Rider. Warwick and Leamington : Merridew and Rider. [i vol. 4to] 1828. 5363. Another copy. Large paper. [i vol. foL] 1828. 5364. Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon and its Vicinity. Strat- ford-upon-Avon : Ward. [i vol. 8vo] 1828. 5365. William Shakspeare. 1828. In The Worthies of the United Kingdom ; or Biographical Accounts of the Lives of the Most Illustrious Men in . . . Literature . . . connected with Great Britain. . . . London : Knight and Lacey. [i vol. 8vo] 1828. Pp. 280-88. With Vignette Portrait, apparently from the Droeshout. 5366. Illustrations of the Progress of Mania, Melancholia, Crazi- ness, and Demonomania, as displayed in Shakespeare's Characters of Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Edgar. By Farren . . . London. Dean and Munday. [i vol. 8vo] 1829. For other Editions, see p. 241. 5367. Shakspeare. [A Poem.] Respectfully inscribed, with per- mission, to the Committee (of which His Majesty is the Patron) for the proposed Monuments to Shakspeare at Stratford and in London. Intended to be spoken at one of the Theatres. 1829. /« Poems; by Thomas Gent. A New Edition. London: Cadell, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1829. Pp. 33-6. 5368. Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Shakesperiana ; presented by him to Trinity College, Cambridge, and printed from an exact Copy of his own MS. 1779. 1829. In The Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge ... By the Rev. C. H. Hartshorne, M.A. London : Longman, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1829. Pp. 283-319. For earlier Edition, see No. 4990. 5369. The Gallery of Shakspeare, or, Illustrations of his dramatic B B 246 Stafefspcnrc ifHcmorial Hifirarg, ijicmingijam. Works. Midsummer-Night's Dream, In six Etchings^ on steel, from Rulh; to which are annexed Descriptions of the Plates. London : Ackermann, etc. [i vol. ob. 8voJ 1829. 5370. The Gallery of Shakspeare, or Illustrations of his dramatic Works. Romeo and Juliet, In twelve Etchings^ on steely from Rulh; to which are annexed Descriptions of the Plates. London. Ackermann, etc. [i vol. ob. 8vo] 1829. 5371. Shakspeare's Early Days : A Historical Play, in Two Acts, by C. A. Somerset. . . . Printed from the Acting Copy, with Remarks, Biographical and Critical, by D. — G. . . . Costume, Cast, . . . Stage Business. . . . London: Cumberland. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1829.] 5372. MS. Account of the Play of Shakspeare's Early Days. Played at Covent Garden Theatre, October 29, 1829. [i vol. 4to] 1829. 5373. Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Per- sonages conspicuous in English History, From the Reign of Richard the Second to that of Charles the Second ; with some Illustrious Foreigners ; containing many Passages from important Letters. Engraved under the Direction of Charles John Smith. Accompanied by concise Biographical Memoirs, and interesting Extracts from the Original Documents ; by John Gough Nichols. . . . London : J. B. Nichols. [1 vol. fol.J 1829. Contains facsimiles of three Autographs of Shakespeare, with brief notice of his life, etc. 5374. Proceedings of The Sheffield Shakespeare Club, from its Commencement in 1819, to January, 1829. By a Member of the Club. . . . Sheffield: Printed for the Editor, by Crookes. [i vol. 8voJ 1829. With picture of Shakespeare, seated on a rock, against which the sea is beating. No engraver's name. 5375. Retrospections of the Stage. By the late John Bernard, Manager of the American Theatres, and formerly Secretary to the Beef- Steak Club. London: Colburn. [2 vols, duo.] 1830. Contains notices of Shakespearian performances. 5373. Illustrations of Shakespeare. Engraved from Designs by Phiz, [Hablot K. Browne.] and beautifully tinted in Water Colours. . . . London: Willoughby. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1830.] 5377. A Catalogue of the various Articles contained in Clara Fisher's Shaksperean Cabinet. Compiled, arranged, and the Models executed, by Frederick George P'isher. . . . London: Printed for the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. iSnglisfj ^ijakrspenrtana. 247 5378. Clara Fisher's Remembrances of Shakpsere. [London.] Printed by Truscott. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1830.] Twenty wood-engravings of the "Models" in the Shaksperean Cabinet, including the Birth- place, the Grammar School, Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Chariecot Hall, etc. 5379. Prospectus. Shakspeare Ireland's Seven Ages. London. [i vol. 4to, N.D., about 1830.] This is a proposal by W. H. IreLind for publishing, in two vols., the story of his own life; "embellished by a Portrait of the Author;" but as the Prospectus only is mentioned in Bohn's Lowndes (vol. 2, p. 1164.), it would appear that the work was never published. 5380. Shakspeare's Festival ; or, a New Comedy of Errors : a Drama, In Two Acts, by W. T. MoncriefF, Esq. . . . London: Cum- berland, [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1830.] 5381. Lectures on English Poetry ; from the Reign of Edward the Third, to the time of Burns and Cowper, Delivered at the Russell Insti- tution, in 1827: with Miscellaneous Tales and Poems; being the Literary Remains of the late Henry Neele. . . . Second Edition. Lon- don : Smith, Elder and Co. [i vol. duo.] 1830. Contains : Lectures on Dramatic Poetry ; and the following Sketches : " Shakspeare's Super- natural Characters ;" "A Night at the Merma'd ;" " The Shakspearean Elysium." 5382. Twelve Designs for the Costume of Shakespeare's Richard the Third, by C. F. Tomkins ; after the Drawings and with the Descriptions of J. R. Planche. . . . London : Colnaghi and Son. [i vol. 4to] 1830. 5383. The Gallery of Shakspeare, or. Illustrations of his dramatic Works. Macbeth, In eight Etchings, on steel, from Rulh ; to which are- annexed Descriptions of the Plates. London : Ackermann, etc. [i vol. ob. 8vo] 1830. 5384. Heme, the Hunter. A Legend of Windsor Forest. By A. K. S. . . . London : Dean and Munday. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1830.] 5385. Illustrations of Shakspeare ; comprised in Two Hundred and Thirty Vignette Engravings, by Thompson, from Designs by Thurston : adapted to all Editions. London : Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. For earlier Edition, see No. 5336. 5386. The Beauties of Shakespeare, selected from the most correct Editions of his Works. . . . London: Sainsbury. [i vol. duo] 1830. For other Editions, see p. 199. 5387. An Account of the Second Commemoration of Shakspeare, celebrated at Stratford-upon-Avon, on Friday, the 23d of April, 1830, 248 5t)afeespfarc IHcmorial ILifirarj), 13trmmgt)ani. and three subsequent Days; including full Particulars of the various Festivities given on that Occasion, in honor of the Anniversary of the Natal Day of the Poet, and the adopted Birth-day of the August Patron of the Club — his Majesty George the Fourth. Dedicated to the Members of the Royal Shakspearean Club. Leamington: J. Sharp. [i vol. 8vo, N. D., about 1830.] 5388. A Concise Account of Garrick's Jubilee, held at Stratford-upon- Avon, in Honour of Shakspeare, in 1769. And of the Commemorative Festivals in 1827 and 1830. Stratford-upon-Avon, J. Ward. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. With Programme of the Festival of 1830. (Very long Broadside.) 5389. A Descriptive Account of the Second Royal Gala Festival, at Stratford-upon-Avon, in Coinmemoration of The Natal Day of Shak- speare, the King's adopted Birth-day, And the Festival of St. George, On the 23^, 24^/?, 26//;, y 'i']th of Aprils 1830. ... By a Member of the Royal Shakspearean Club. Stratford-on-Avon : R. Lapworth. [i vol. duo.] 1830. With Portrait of Shakspeare, altered from the Monument in Westminster Abbey. 5390. Shaksperian Anthology : Comprising the Choicest Passages and entire Scenes ; selected from the most correct Editions ; with a Biographical Sketch. . . . London: Sainsbury. [i vol. 8vo] 1830. The same matter as The Beauties of Shakspeare, 1S30 — No. 5386. 5391. William Shakespeare. 1830. In The Edinburgh Encyclopedia; Conducted by David Brewster. . . . Edinburgh: Black- wood, etc. [18 vols. 4to] 1830. Vol. 18, pp. 73-77. 5392. The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare : and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. By J. Payne Collier. . . . London: Murray. [3 vols. 8vo] 1831. 5393. Shakspeare's Seven Ages : or the Progress of Human Life. • . . By Evans. . . . London: Arnold etc. New- York : Fessenden. [i vol. duo.] 1831. For other Editions, see p. 230. 5394. The Lives of the Players. By John Gait, Esq. . . . London : Colburn, etc. [2 vols, duo.] 1831. Includes a Life of Charles Hart, grand-nephew of Shakespeare ; and notices of actors in Shakespearian characters. 5395. The Life of William Shakspeare : Collected and Arranged from numerous Rare and Authentic Documents. Containing, every Fact of Importance, From the Birth of this Eminent Poet to the close IHttfllisf) ^Ijaferspfarinna. 249 of his Brilliant Career. To which are addcd^ his last Will and Testament. Commendatory Verses by distinguished British Writers, &c. &c. By Joseph Graves. Embellished by a fine Portrait engraved on Steel : By Page, from an Original Picture in the Possession of the Duke of Somer- set. London: Duncombe. [i vol. duo., n. d., about 1831.] 5396. Tales from Shakspeare. Designed for the Use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. Fifth Edition. Ornamented with En- gravings, from Designs by Harvey. London : Baldw^in and Cradock. [i vol. duo.] 1831. For other Editions, see pp. 11.1 -Z. 5397. Shakespeare and his Commentators, from Lowndes' Biblio- grapher's Manual. [i vol. 8vo] 1831. " Fifty-two copies printed off separately. " — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3,2330. This was a presentation copy to John Poynder, Esq. 5398. The Drama. Translated from the Latin Prize Poem . . . at Oxford, A. d. 1794. By Christopher Puller. 1831. In Translations of the Oxford Latin Prize Poems. First Series. London : Valpy. [i vol. 8vo] 1831. Pp. 51-69. 5399. The Gallery of Shakspeare, or. Illustrations of his dramatic Works. Tempest, In eight Etchings., on steel., from Ruhl; to which are annexed Descriptions of the Plates. London : Ackermann, etc. [i vol. ob. 8vo^ 1831. 5400. The Hundred Merry Tales : or Shakspeare's Jest Book. . . . London: J. Chidley. [i vol. duo.] 1831. 5i01. Literary and Graphical Illustrations of Shakspeare, and the British Drama: comprising an Historical View of the Origin and Im- provement of The English Stage, and a Series of Critical and Descriptive Notices of upwards of One Hundred of the most celebrated Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces. Embellished with more than Two Hundred Engravings on Wood, by eminent Artists. London : Wilson. [i vol. 8vo] 1831. " Engraved by Thompson and others, chiefly from designs by Thurston." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2310. 5i02. The Private Correspondence of David Garrick with the most celebrated Persons of his Time ; now first published from the Originals, and illustrated with Notes. And a new Biographical Memoir of Garrick. London : Colburn, etc. [2 vols. 4to] 183 1-2. 5403. The Shakespearian Dictionary ; forming A General Index to all the popular Expressions, and most striking Passages in the Works of 250 ^ijnfecsprarf iHrmorinl Eifiraii), i3tvmingf)am. Shakespeare ; From a few Worch to Fifty or ?nore Lines : an appropriate Synonym being affixed to each Extract, with a Reference to the Context. The whole designed to introduce the Beauties of Shakespeare into the familiar Intercourse of Society. By Thomas Dolby. London : Smith, Elder & Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1832. with the Droeshout Portrait, engraved by Swaine. 5404. Another copy, small paper. With a copy of Humphry's Drawing of the Chandos Portrait. London : Smith, Elder, & Co. [i vol. duo.] 1832. 5405. Memoir of Shakespeare, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. The Introductory Matter (pp. i-lxxxix.) to the Poems of Shakespeare [Aldine Edition]. London Pickering [i vol. Bvo] 1832. 5406. Some Account of the English Stage, from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. [By the Rev. John Genest, of Bath.] . . . Bath: Car- rington. [10 vols. 8vo] 1832. 5407. Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical. With Fifty Vignette Etchings. By Mrs. Jameson. . . . London : Saunders and Otley. [2 vols. 8vo] 1832. " This well-written and pleasing work contains the characters of Portia, Isabella, Rosalind, Juliet, Helena, Perdita, Viola, Ophelia, Miranda, Hermione, Desdcmona, Imogen, Cordelia, Cleopatra, Voliimnia, Constance, Queen Elinor, Portia [Julius C^sar], Margaret of Anjou, Queen Margaret, Katherine of Arragon, and Lady Macbeth."— Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2330. Ot/iey Editions. New Edition. London : Saunders and Otley. [2 vols. Svo] 1833. With Illustrations from the Author's Designs. New Edition. London : Saunders and Otley. [2 vols. Svo] 1858. 5408. Illustrations of Aristotle on Men and Manners, from the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. By J. Esmond Riddle, M.A. Oxford, Collingwood. [i vol. duo.] 1832. 5409. The Gallery of Shakspeare, or. Illustrations of his dramatic Works. Merchant of Venice, In nine Etchings, on steely from Rulh ; to which are annexed Descriptions of the Plates. London : Ackermann, etc. [i vol. ob. 8vo] 1832. 5410. The Gallery of Shakspeare, or. Illustrations of his dramatic Works. Othello, the Moor of Venice, In twelve Etchings, on steel, frorn Rulh ; to which are annexed Descriptions of the Plates. London : Ackermann, etc. [i vol. ob. Svo] 1832. 5111. An Essay on Shakespeare's Character of Shylock, originating in an Examination of the Laws and Customs of Moses, and of the Primitive Christians, with reference to Enumerations of Population, and I iSnglisf) ^^Ijakcsprnrtana. 251 the Rate of Interest of Money. By George Farren. . . . London : Richardson. [i vol. 8vo] 1833. 5412. Essays on the Varieties in Mania, exhibited by the Characters of Hamlet, Ophelia, Lear, and Edgar. By Farren. . . . Also, Extracts relating to ' The Ghost :' and a Sketch of the Character of Polonius, by Dr. Johnson. London: Dean and Munday, [i vol. 8vo] 1833. For other Editions, see p. 24.1. 5413. Popular and Classical Illustrations of Insanity. By Sir Henry Halford. 1833. I>! Essays and Orations, Read ami Delivered at the Royal College of Physicians. . . By Sir Henry Halford. . . . Second Edition. London : Murray, [i vol. 8vo] 1833. Pp. 47-56. 5414. The Spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare, exhibited in a series of [483] Outline Plates illustrative of the Story of each Play. Drawn and Engraved by Frank Howard. With Quotations and Descriptions. London : Cadell, etc. . [5 vols. 4to] 1833. Large paper copy. India Proofs. 5415. Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical. With Fifty Vignette Etchings. By Jameson. . . . New Edition. Lon- don : Saunders and Otley. [2 vols. 8vo] 1833. For other Editions, see p. 250. 5416. The Life of Edmund Kean, Esq. Tragedian ; with Critical Remarks on his Theatrical Performances. By Sh. Knowles, Esq. Lon- don : Lowe. [i vol. duo.] 1833. The Dramatic Works and Poems of yames Shirley. ... [6 -vols. Sfo] 1 83 3. See No, 4792. 5417. A Letter on Shakspeare's Authorship of The Two Noble Kinsmen. A Drama commonly ascribed to John Fletcher. [By Pro- fessor W. Spalding.] Edinburgh: Black. [i vol. 8vo] 1833. 5418. The Dramatic Souvenir : being Literary and Graphical Illus- trations of Shakespeare and other celebrated English Dramatists. Em- bellished with upwards of Two Hundred Engravings on Wood, by eminent Artists. London : Tilt. [i vol. duo.] 1833. This is merely the "Literary and Graphical Illustrations," published in 1S31, with a new Title-page, 5419. Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man ; or, the Progress of Human Life. . . . By Evans. Chiswick Press : Whittingham. [i vol. 8vo] 1834. For other Editions, see p. 230. 5420. Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare Euseby Treen Joseph Carnaby and Silas Gough Clerk before the Worshipful Sir Thomas Lucy Knight touching Deer-stealing On the igtb day of Sep- 252 5^t)nkr0pfare IHrmorial Etfiraq,), iJirminsttiin. temher in the year of Grace 1582 Now first published from Original Papers. [By VV. S. Landor.] . . . London : Saunders and Otley. [i vol. duo.] 1834. 5421. Reflections on Shakspeare. By James Pitts. 1834. In Essays and Reflections on various Subjects. By James Pitts. . . . London ; Simpkin and Marshall, and Cockrem, Torquay, [i vol. duo.] 1834. Pp. 168-72. 5422. Essay on the Drama. By Sir Walter Scott. 1834. /« The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Cadell, Edinburgh. [28 vols. 8vo] 1834-6. Vol. 6, pp. 217-395. The dramatic genius of Shakspeare characterised, compared with Corneille, Jonson, etc. 5423. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Story of ApoUonius of Tyre, upon which is founded the Play of Pericles, attributed to Shakspeare ; Frojn a MS. in the Library of C. C. C. Cambridge. With a Literal Translation, &c. By Benjamin Thorpe, F.S.A. London : Arch. [i vol. duo.] 1834. 5424. Programme of the Airs, Duets, Trios, Chorusses, &c. in the Grand Musical Festival! Introduced in King Henry IV. Part the Second: at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, on Wednesday, 14th of May, 1834, with a Lithographic Drawing of the Plan of the Orchestra. London: Printed by W. Wright. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1834.] 5425. New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare. In a Letter to Thomas Amyot, Esq. . . . from J. Payne Collier. London : Thomas Rodd. [i vol. 8vo] 1835. "Privately printed." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2330. 5426. Another copy. Large paper. [i vol. 4to] 1835. "Only twenty large paper copies printed, chiefly for presents." — MS. Note in the volume. 5427. Relics of Shakspeare. From Drawings by Mrs. Denis Dighton. . . . Stratford-upon-Avon: Published, June, 1835, by Phoebe Dighton. [i vol. ob. 4to] 1835. Coloured copies of these pictures, printed on tinted paper, are inserted in the copy of Drake's "Shakspeare and his Times," 4to, 1817. See No. 5222. 5428. Dramatic Criticism. By John Finlay. 1835. In Miscellanies. The Foreign Relations of the British Empire : . . . Dramatic Criticism : etc. By John Finlay. . . . Dublin. Cumming. [i vol. 8vo] 1835. Pp. 206-282. Contains criticisms on Shakespearian performances of Kean, Kemble, Warde, and Macready ; etc. 5429. Fragmenta Scoto-Dramatica. 17 15-1758. [By James Maid- ment.] . . . Edinburgh: [i vol. 8vo] 1835. " Privately printed. Never published or sold. The few copies printed were presented to the Author's friends." — MS. Note in the -volume. Has notices of the performance of Shakespeare's Plays in Scotland. iSnglisi) ^^Ijattrspcflvinna. 253 5430. An Attempt to deduce from Facts, the Causes of the present Disgraceful State of our National Theatres. By Mr. Otway. . . . Lon- don : Harris. [i vol. 8vo] 1835. Consists largely of an account of the author's performance of Hamlet in 1820. 5431. Ancient Mysteries from the Digby Manuscripts. Preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Edinburgh : Printed for the Abbots- ford Club. [I vol. 4to] 1835. 5432. A Parallel of Shakspeare and Scott ; Being the Substance of Three Lectures on the Kindred Nature of their Genius, read before the Literary and Philosophical Society and other references to Shakespeare. 5472. A Mother's Reminiscences of a Course of Reading and Instruction. ... By Mrs. Borron. . . . London : Rickerby. [i vol. duo.] 1839. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5473. A Defence of the Stage, or an Inquiry into the Real Qualities of Theatrical Entertainments, their Scope and Tendency. Being a 258 Siba^fcfispfart; IHcmonal Uifiraq), 13inning^am. Reply to a Sermon entitled — " The Evil of Theatrical Amusements," ... by Bennett. ... By John William Calcraft, ... of the Theatre Royal, Dublin. . . . Dublin: Milliken and Son. [i vol. 8vo] 1839. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5474. Farther Particulars regarding Shakespeare and his Works. In a Letter to the Rev. Joseph Hunter, from J. Payne Collier. London : Rodd. [i vol. 8vo] 1839. " The impression has been limited to fifty copies." — Introduction. 5475. Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners : with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare ; on the Collection of Popular Tales entitled Gesta Romanorum ; and on the English Morris Dance. By Francis Douce. The Engravings on Wood by Jackson. New Edition. London : Tegg. [i vol. 8vo] 1839. 5476. A Disquisition on the Scene, Origin, Date, etc. etc. of Shakespeare's Tempest. In a Letter to Benjamin Heywood Bright, from the Rev. Joseph Hunter. . . . London : Whittingham. [i vol. 8vo] 1839. " f)ne Hundred copies only printed." 5477. Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Comedian. By Mrs. Mathews. . . . Second Edition. London: Bentley. [4 vols. 8vo] 1839. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5478. Instructive Copies, Selected from Dr. Johnsons Criticisms on Shakspeare's Plays. By F. B. Ribbans, F.A.S. London : Whittaker and Co. ' [i vol. oblong, n.d., about 1839.] Copy-book headings. 5479. Shakspearian Readings : selected and adapted for Young Per- sons and Others. By B. H. Smart. First Series, Illustrative of English and Roman History. London: Richardson, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1839. OtAer Editions. London : Rivington. [i vol. duo.] 1842. London : Longman, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1851. 5480. Essays on Shakspeare and on Hamlet. By Jones Very. 1839. In Essays and Poems: by Jones Very. Boston: Little and Brown, [i vol. 8vo] 1839. Pp. 39-104. Diary of the Rev. John Ward, . . . 1648 to 1679. [l -vol. Svo] 1839. See No. 4829. 5481. The Youth of Shakspeare. By the Author of "Shakspeare and his Friends" [R. F. Williams.] London : Colburn. [3 vols, duo.] 1839. Another Edition. London : Colburn, etc. [3 vols, duo.] 1846. JSnglisij ^ijakcspfartana. 259 5482. Letters from the late Lord Chedworth to the Rev. Thomas Crompton ; written in the Period from Jan. 1780, to May, 1795. Norwich : Muskett. [i vol. 4to] 1840. Shakspearian criticisms in many of the Letters. 5483. Commentaries on the Historical Plays of Shakspeare. By the Right Hon. Thomas Peregrine Courtenay. London : Colburn. [2 vols, duo.] 1840. 5i84. Note on the Story of Shakespeare's Stealing Deer from the Park of Sir Thomas Lucy. 1840. In The Egerton Papers. A Collection of Public and Private Documents, chiefly illustrative of the Times of Elizabeth and James I. From the Original Manuscripts, the Property of the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. . . . Edited by J. Payne Collier. London : Printed for the Camden Society. [ I vol. 410] 1840. P. 350. 5485. The Life of Shakspeare. By Joseph Graves. . . . London : Duncombe. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1840.] 5486. Falstaft': A Shakesperean Tract. [By James H. Hackett] . . . London: Printed for the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. 5487. An Essay on the Play of The Tempest, with Remarks on the Superstitions of the Middle Ages ; some Original Observations on the Character of Caliban ; with various Reflections on the Writings and Genius of Shakspere. Read before the Shakspere Club, 6th September, 1839. By P. Macdonnell. . . . London. Fellowes. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. 5488. On Shakespeare's Sonnets. By D. L. Richardson. 1840. In Literary Leaves or Prose and Verse chiefly written in India By David Lester Richardson Second Edition with Additions London Allen & Co. [z vols. 8vo] 1840. Vol. 2, pp. 1-39. The volumes contain other references to Shakespeare. 5489. Description of the Cassolette made from the Wood of Shake- speare's Mulberry Tree, in which the Freedom of Stratford-upon-Avon was presented to David Garrick. By George Daniel. 1840. In Historical and Literary Curiosities, . . . Selected and Engraved by Charles John Smith. London : H. G. Bohn. [i vol. 4to] 1840. Part VL In the same volume is a copy of the Monumental Bust at Stratford, underneath which are facsimiles of the Autographs of Shakespeare, guin, Macklin, Foote, Cibber, Hull, Parsons, Oldfield, Lewis, etc. Also a Picture and Description of Garrick's Cup, carved from Shakespeare's Mulberry Tree. 5490. A Brief View of the English Drama, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time : with Suggestions for Elevating the present Condi- tion of the Art, and of its Professors. By F. G. Tomlins. . . . London: Mitchell. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. 5491. "What does 'Hamlet' Mean?" A Lecture. Delivered before the President and Members of the Jersey Mechanics' Institute. 26o ^^ijafefsprarc ITOctnorial fLifirarj), ISItmtngtam. By Thomas Wade. . . . Printed at the Office of " The British Press," Jersey. [i vol. 8vo] 1840. 5492. An Inquiry into the History, Authenticity and Characteris- tics of the Shakspere Portraits. ... By Wivell. . . . London : Knight & Co. [i vol. Svo] 1840. For earlier Edition, see No. 5353. 5493. Visit to Stratford-on-Avon, and the Haunts of Shakspeare. By William Howitt. 1840. In Visits to Remarkable Places : Old Halls, Battle Fielis, and Scenes illustrative of striking Passages in English History and Poetry. By William Howitt. . . . The Illustrations de- signed and executed by Samuel Williams, etc. London; Longman [2 vols. Svo] 1840-2. Vol. I, pp. 81-146. This volume contains an account of a visit to Shottry School, where the schoolmaster pointed out to the author a lineal descendant of Shakespeare's Sister, Joan, whose " resemblance to the bust of Shakspeare ", says the author, "is wonderful, considering he is not descended from Shakspeare himself, but from his sister, and that the seventh in descent." — p. 99. 5494. Percy Society. Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages. Edited from Original Manuscripts and Scarce Publications. London. Printed for the Society, by T. Richards. [30 vols. 8vo] 1840-52. Contents : Vol. I. Old Ballads from Early Printed Copies. Edited by Collier. Songs and Ballads relative to the London Prentices. Edited by Mackay. Historical Songs of Ireland. Edited by Croker. Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage. [About 1500.] Edited by Collier. The King and a Poor Northern Man. 1640. Edited by Collier. Vol. 2. A Selection from the Minor Poems of Lydgate. Edited by Halliwell. Early Naval Ballads of England. Edited by Halliwell. A Search for Money, by Rowley. 1609. Edited by Collier. The Mad Pranks and Merry Jests of Robin Goodfellow. 1628. Edited by Collier. Vol. 3. Political Ballads published in England during the Commonwealth. Edited by Wright. Strange Histories, by Deloney. 1607. Edited by Collier. A Marriage Triumph, by Heywood. 1613. Edited by Collier. The History of Patient Grissel. 1619. Edited by Collier. Vol. 4. Specimens of Lyric Poetry. Temp. Edw. I. Edited by Wright. The Boke of Curtasye. 14th Century. Edited by Halliwell. Specimens of Old Christmas Carols. Edited by Wright. The Nursery Rhymes of England. Edited by Halliwell. Vol. 5. Kind-Heart's Dream, by Chettle. 1592. Edited by Rimbault. A Knight's Conjuring, by Dekker. 1607. Edited by Rimbault. The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie. 1604. Edited by Halliwell. The Two Angry Women of Abingdon, by Porter. 1599. Edited by Dyce. Vol. 6. Ancient Poetical Tracts of the Sixteenth Century. Edited by Rimbault. Cock Lorell's Bote. [About 1510.] Edited by Rimbault. The Crown Garland of Golden Roses, by Johnson. 1612. Edited by Chappcll. Follie's Anatomie, by Hutton. 1619. Edited by Rimbault. Poems by Sir Henry Wotton. 165 1. Edited by Dyce. Vol. 7. The Harmony of Birds. [About 1550.] Edited by Collier. A Paraphrase on the Seven Penitential Psalms, in English Verse. Edited by Black. The Harmony of the Church, by Drayton. 1591. Edited by Dyce. Jack of Dover. 1604. Edited by Wright. A Kerry Pastoral. Edited by Croker. Vol. 8. A Selection of Latin Stories. Edited by Wright. A Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft, by Gifford. 1603. Edited by Wright. iSngliisf) 5>fjakcspfannna. 261 Vol. 9. The Four Knaves, by Rowlands. Edited by Rimbault. A Poem to the Memory of William Congreve, by Thomson. Edited by Cun- ningham. The Pleasant Conceits of Old Hobson, The Merry Londoner. 1607. Edited by Halliwell. Maroccus Extaticus : or Bankes' Bay Horse in a Trance. 1597. Edited by Rimbault. Old Ballads Illustrating the Great Frost of 1683-4. Edited by Rimbault. Vol. 10. Lord Mayors' Pageants : Parts L and IL Edited by Fairholt. Vol. II. The Owl and the Nightingale [by De Guildford.] _ Edited by Wright. Thirteen Psalms and the First Chapter of Ecclesiastes, Versified by Croke. Edited by Bliss. An Historian Expostulation, etc. by Hall. 1565. Edited by Pettigrew. The Honestie of this Age, by Rich. 16 11. Edited by Cunningham. Vol. 12. Reynard the Fox, from Caxton's Edition of 148 1. Edited by Thorns. Vol. 13. The Keen of the South of Ireland. Collected by Croker. Six Ballads, with Burdens. Edited by Goodwin. Lyrical Poems, selected from Musical Publications between 1589 and 1600. Edited by Collier. Vol. 14. The Poems of John Audelay. Edited by Halliwell. St. Brandan, a Legend of the Sea. Edited by Wright. The Romance of the Emperor Octavian. Edited by Halliwell. Vol. 15. Friar Bakon's Prophesie, by Terilo. 1604. Edited by Halliwell. Poetical Miscellanies. Edited by Halliwell. The Crown Garland of Golden Roses. Part H. 1659. Edited by Chappell. Vol. 16. The Seven Sages, with an Introductory Essay. Edited by Wright. The Romance of Syr Tryamoure. Edited by Halliwell. Vol. 17. Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads. Edited by Dixon. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs. Edited by Dixon. Vol. 18. The Pastime of Pleasure, by Hawes. 1555. Edited by Wright. Vol. 19. The Civic Garland. Edited by Fairholt. Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Becket, by Robert of Gloucester. Edited by Black. Vol.20. Barnfield's Affectionate Shepherd. 1594. Edited by Halliwell. Dialogue on Wit and Folly, by Heywood. Edited by Fairholt. Proverbs and Popular Sayings. Edited by Denham, Song of Lady Bessy. Edited by Halliwell. Vol. 21. Popular Songs, Illustrative of the French Invasions of Ireland. Edited by Croker. Vol. 22. The Cytezen and Uplondyshman, by Barclay. Edited by Fairholt. An Interlude of the Four Elements. Edited by Halliwell. Interlude of the Disobedient Child, by Ingelend. Edited by Halliwell. The Autobiography of Mary Countess of Warwick. Edited by Croker. Westward for Smelts. 1620. Edited by Halliwell. Vol.23. Songs and Carols of the Fifteenth Century. Edited by Wright. Festive Songs ot the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Edited by Sandys. Popular English Histories. Edited by Halliwell. Vols. 24, 25, 26. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Three Volumes. Edited by Wright. Vol. 27. Beleeve as you List, by Massinger. Edited by Croker. Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume. Edited by Fairholt. Vol. 28. An Anglo-Saxon Passion of Saint George. Edited by Hardwick. A Poem on the Times of Edward II. Edited by Hardwick. The Poems of William De Shoreham. Edited by Wright. The Triall of Treasure, by Purfoote. 1567. Edited by Halliwell. Vol. 29. Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap-Books. Edited by Halliwell. The Man in the Moone. 1609. Edited by Halliwell. The Use of Dice-Play. Edited by Halliwell. The Loyal Garland. 1686. Edited by Halliwell. Poems and Songs on the Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham. Edited by Fairholt. C C 262 Sfiafecspcare iHcmorial Hifirarj), IStrmingljam. Vol.30. The Garland of Good-Will, by Deloney. Edited by Dixon, Britannia's Pastorals : a Third Book. Edited by Croker. John Bon and Mast Person : a Dialogue in Verse. Edited by Black. 5495. Romeo and Juliet ; or, the Lovers of Verona. From the Italian of Matteo Bandello. (The Tale on which Shakspeare's Tragedy is founded.) . . . London: Clements. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 5496. The Beauties of Shakspeare. ... By Dodd. Boston: [U, S.] Littlefield. [1 vol. duo.] 1841. For other Editions, see p. 1 8 6. 5497. A Letter to John Murray, Esq., upon an vEsthetic-Edition of the Works of Shakspeare, by Spencer Hall. . . . London : Chapman & Hall. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 5498. On the Character of Sir John Falstaff, as originally exhibited by Shakespeare in the Two Parts of King Henry IV. By James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London: Pickering. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 5499. An Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream By James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London Pickering. [i vol. 8vo] 1 841. 5500. Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shake- speare's Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications Illustra- tive of his Works. By James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London : J. R. Smith. [I vol. 8vo] 1841. 5501. On Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. By W. Hazlitt. 1841. In Lectures on the English Comic Writers. By William Hazlitt. Third Edition. Edited by his Son. . . . London : Templeman. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. Pp. 56-94. 5502. On Shakspeare and Milton. By W. Hazlitt. 1841. In Lectures on the English Poets. By William Hazlitt. Third Edition. Edited by his Son. London: Templeman. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. Pp. 82-131. 5503. Shakspere and his Writings. By Charles Knight. 1841. From Knight's Store of Knowledge for all Readers, [i vol. 8vo] 1S41. Pp. 3-32. Contains facsimile of signature, view of the birth-place, and other illustrations. 5504. The Philosophy of Shakspere, Extracted from his Plays. And interspersed with Remarks. By Michael Henry Rankin. London : Whittaker. Nottingham: Dearden. [i vol. 8vo] 1841. 5505. The Nature and State of the English Drama. A Lecture delivered at a Meeting of the Syncretic Association. . . . By F. G. Tom- lins. . . . London: Mitchell. [i vol. duo.] 1841. 5506. Reasons for a New Edition of Shakespeare's Works, Con- taining Notices of the Defects of Former Impressions, and pointing out ISnflltsf) Stiafefspfartana. 363 the lately acquired Means of Illustrating the Plays, Poems, and Biography of the Poet. By J. Payne Collier. . . , London : Whittaker. [i vol. 8vo] 1841 Another Edition. 5507. Second Edition, with Additions. London : Whittaker. fi vol. Svo] 1842. 5508. A Letter to the Editor of the Glasgow Argus; occasioned by an Article which recently appeared in that Paper, entitled, " Reasons for a New Edition of the Nursery Rhymes of England, containing Notices of the Defects of Former Impressions." By Alexander M'Chaft", Esq. . . . London: Printed for the Scriblerus Society. [i vol. Svo] 1842. Relates chiefly to J. Payne Collier's " Reasons for a new Edition of Shakespeare." 5509. Bibliomania ; or Book-Madness ; a Bibliographical Romance. ... By Thomas Frognall Dibdin. . . . London : H. G. Bohn. [i vol. Svo] 1842. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5510. Shakespeare Illustrated, in a Series of Landscape & Architec- tural Designs. By G. F. Sargent. With Notices of the Several Locali- ties, by various Authors. London: How and Parsons, [i vol. Svo] 1S42. 5511. New Readings of Old Authors. [By R. Seymour.] London: Tilt, etc. [21 vols, duo., n.d., about 1842.] Comic Plates, illustrating lines in the following Plays : Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, Hamlet, Henry IV., Henry V., Henry VIII., Julius Ca?sar, King Lear, Love's Labour's Lost, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night's Dream, Othello, Richard II., Richard III., Romeo and Juliet, Taming of the Shrew, Troilus and Cressida. 5512. Shakspearian Readings embodying the most interesting Parts of English and Roman History, and intended also as Exercises in Elocu- tion. By B. H. Stnart. London : Rivington. [i vol. duo.] 1842. For other Editions, see j>. 258. 5513. The Seven Ages of Human Life. (Not Published.) Cal- cutta : Printed at the Baptist Mission Press. [2 vols. Svo] 1S42. 5514. Shakspeare and the French Drama. '843. In The Works of Jeremy Bentham. . . . Edinburgh : Tait. Vol. 2. [i vol. Svo] 1843. P. 524. 5515. Shakespeare's Library : a Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories, used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas. Now first collected, and accurately reprinted from the original Editions. With Introductory Notices, by J. Payne Collier. London : Rodd. [2 vols. Svo] 1843. 264 S^fjakfsprnre iHcmortal fLiftrarg, 33irmingf)am. Contents:— Yo\. I. Pandosto. f The Triumph of Time. ... By R. Greene. . , . 1588. (The Winter's Tale.) Rosalynde. Euphues'" Golden Legacie. ... By Thomas Lodge. . . . 1592. (As You Like It.) The Hystorie of Hamblet. . . . 1608. " Originally printed considerably before the com- mencement of the seventeenth century." ApoUonius, Prince of Tyre. (Pericles.) Vol. 2. The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and luliet. ... By Arthur Brooke, [n.d., about 1562.] The goodly hystory of the true and constant love betweene Rhomeo and Julietta. By William Paynter. [n.d., about 1567.] The Story of Giletta of Narbona. Translated from Boccaccio by Pavnter. 1566. (All's Well that Ends Well.) The Two Lovers of Pisa, from Tarlton's News out of Purgatory. 1589. (Merry Wives of Windsor.) Apolonius and Silla. 1581. (Twelfth Night.) The History of Promos and Cassandra. 15S2. (Measure for Measure.) The Novels and Stories which may have served as the foundation of The Merchant of Venice. The Story . . . from the Hecatomithi of Cinthio. (Othello.) Queen Cordila, by John Higgins. 1586. (Lear.) The Story of The Unkind Paphlagonian King, from Sidney's Arcadia. (Lear.) The History of Makbeth, from Holinshed's Chronicle. The Story of the Sheperdess Felismena, from the "Diana" of George de Montemayor. 1598. (Two Gentlemen of Verona.) The Tale told by the Fishwife of Stand on the Green, from Westward for Smelts. (Cymbeline.) 5516. Shakspeare. By Lucretia Davidson. 1843. In Poetical Remains of Lucretia Davidson. . . . London : Tilt and Bogue. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. 5517. An Account of the only known Manuscript of Shakespeare's Plays, comprising some important Variations and Corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor, obtained from a Playhouse copy of that Play recently discovered. By James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. A fuller account of this MS. will be found in Halliwell's Catalogue of Shakespeare Reliques, 1852, pp. 72-92. 5518. William Shakspere ; a Biography. By Charles Knight. Lon- don : Knight. [i vol. Svo] 1B43. With Portraits of Shakespeare and his contemporaries ; views of Shakespearian localities ; a History ot Opinion on the Writings of Shakespeare, etc. 5519. An Essay on the Tragedy of Hamlet. Embracing a View of Hamlet's Character — his feigned or real Madness — Conduct to Ophelia — the Soliloquy on Suicide, &c. &c., interspersed with Reflections on the Writings and Genius of Shakspere. With copious original Notes as an Appendix. By P. Macdonell. . . . London: Cunningham and Mortimer. [i vol. Svo] 1843. 5520. Classification of Readers of Shakspeare. By Charles Reece Pemberton. 1843- In The Life and Literary Remains of C. R. Pemberton : with Remarks on his Character and Genius, by W. J. Fox. Edited by John Fowler. . . . London : Fox. [i vol. Svo] 1843. Pp. 231-242. Contains also notices of Pembcrton's Shakespearian performances and lectures, etc. iSngltsfj 5!)aftfspfar(ana. 265 5521. Analytical Catalogue of a Series of Cabinet Pictures, Illus- trating the Plays of Shakespeare, painted by Henry Singleton. With a Memoir and Introduction, by Joseph O'Leary. London : Hogarth. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. 5522. Religious and Moral Sentences, culled from the Works of Shakespeare, Compared with Sacred Passages drawn from Holy Writ: Being a Selection of Religious Sentiments, and Moral Precepts, blended in the Dramatic Works, &c., of our Immortal Bard. Dedicated to the Shakespeare Society, by a Member [Watson] and Compiled for the Benefit of the Benevolent Funds of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden. London: Calkin & Budd. [i vol. 8vo] 1843. Another Edition. Second Edition. London : Calkin & Budd. [i vol. 8vo] 1847. 5523. A Dictionary of Quotations from Shakspeare. Second Edition. London: H. G. Bohn. [i vol. duo.] 1843. 5524. A Few Words upon Shakspeare. By C. L. Lordan. 1843. Jn Colloquies, Desultory and Diverse, but chiefly upon Poetry and Poets : between an Elder, Enthusiastic, and an Apostle of the Law. [By C. L. Lordan.] . . . Romsey : Lordan. [i vol. Svo] 1843. Pp. 115-157. " Presumed to have been the first unwritten book." The Author composed it himself as he set up the types. Another Edition, 5525. London : Orr and Co. Romsey : Lordan. [i vol. Svo] 1844. 5526. A Lecture on the Times and the Play of Richard the Third, Delivered in Crosby Hall, Nov. 8th, 1843, by Miles Beale, M.R.C.S. . . . London : Published at the Request, and for the Benefit, of the Crosby Hall . . . Institution. [i vol. Svo] 1844. 5527. Remarks on Mr. J. P. Collier's and Mr. C. Knight's Editions of Shakespeare. By the Rev. Alexander Dyce. . . . London: Moxon. [i vol. Svo] 1844. 5528. The Character of Richard Duke of Gloucester considered with reference to Shakspeare's Tragedy of Richard III. By Caroline A. Halsted. 1844. In Richard IlL As Duke of Gloucester and King of England. By Caroline A. Halsted. . . . London : Longman. [2 vols. Svo, n.d., about 1844.] Vol. I, pp. 268-296. 5529. The First Jubilee Oration upon . . . Shakspeare. ... By Jones. 1844. In Tecumseh, ... a Tragedyj Life of General Harrison; . . . and Oration upon Shak- speare. Fifth Edition. By George Jones. . . . London : Longman, [i vol. Svo] 1S44, Pp. 197-242. For earlier Edition, see p. z ^2' 266 Stafeespeare IHfmortal Eitrars, iSirmtngi^am. 5530. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the Time of Shakspeare. With Notes. By Charles Lamb. London: Moxon, [2 vols, duo.] 1844. 5531. Ballads that illustrate Shakspeare. 1844. /« Reliques of Ancient English Poetry : consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our earlier Poets ; together with some few of later date. By Thomas Percy. . . . London : Washbourne. [3 vols. 8vo] 1844. Vol. i, pp. 131-264. "In his introduction to this division of his work, he gives some very sensible observations upon the origin of the English stage. In the following remarks on the Histories of our poet he takes a different, and we think a juster, view of their origin and purpose than Malone and the other commentators. Although Percy puts his own opinions cautiously, if not timidly, it is clear that he had higher notions of Shakspere as an artist than those who were arro- gating to themselves the merit of having made him ' popular.'" — Knight : Studies of Shabpere, 1851, p. 556. 5532. Handbills of Shakespearian Readings, and Theatrical Repre- sentations, by The Chevalier Count George Jones, [i vol. 4to] 1844-53. 5533. Shakspere and Company. A Comedy, in Five Acts. By Christopher Brooke Bradshaw. London : Printed for the Author. [i vol. 8vo] 1845. 5534. King Henry VHL and the Abbot of Reading, A Legend founded on Fact, from Fuller's Church History, by John Caulfield, Sen. [i vol. 8vo, no date or imprint, about 1845.] 5535. The Complete Concordance to Shakspere : being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. By Mrs. Cowden Clarke. . . . London : Knight. [i vol. 8vo] 1845. Another Edition. New and Revised Edition. London : Kent and Co. [i vol. 8vo, n. d., about 1848.] 5536. New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakespeare. Supplementary to all the Editions. By Joseph Hunter. . . . London : Nichols and Son. [2 vols. 8vo] 1845. 5537. Compositions from Shakspeare's Tempest, by J. Noel Paton. London, Chapman and Hall. [i vol. ob. 4to] 1845. 5538. The Book of Shakespeare Gems : in a Series of Landscape Illustrations of the most interesting Localities of Shakespeare's Dramas. London : H. G. Bohn. [i vol. 8vo] 1845. Engraved by Woods, Carter, Radclyffe, Varrall, Godfrey, and others, from drawings by G. F. Sargent. The same Illustrations as in "Shakespeare Illustrated," 1842. See No. 5510. 5539. Anne Hathaway ; or, Shakspeare in Love. By Emma Severn. London: Bentley. [3 vols. 8vo] 1845. iSnslisf) 5f)afefi3peariana. 267 5540. Rambles by Rivers. The Avon. By James Thorne. Lon- don : Knight & Co. [i vol. duo.] 1845. Contains chapters on— Deer-Stealing ; The Birth-place of Shakspere 5 The Poet's Walks ; The Honne of the Poet and his Grave : pp. 1 14-178. Shakspearei Merry Tales. [l vol. 22mo] 1 845. See Nos. 4620, 4624. 5541. Criticism applied to Shakspere. A Series of Essays published originally in the Surplice. By Charles Badham. London: James Bohn. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. 6542. Britton Testimonial. Account of Public Dinner to John Britton at Richmond. . . . 1845. . . . Printed for the Subscribers. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5543. Selections from Shakspeare, with Critical Notice. By Leigh Hunt. 1846. Jn Wit and Humour, Selected from the English Poets ; with an Illustrative Essay, and Critical Comments. By Leigh Hunt. Second Edition. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. [i vol, duo.J 1846. Pp. 122-152. Another Edition. New Edition. London: Smith, Elder & Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1871. 5544. Selections from Shakspeare, with Critical Notice. By Leigh Hunt. 1846. In Imagination and Fancy; or Selections from the English Poets, Illustrative of those First Requisites of their Art; with Markings of the best Passages, Critical Notices of the Writers, and an Essay in Answer to the Question, " What is Poetry ?" By Leigh Hunt. Third Edition. London : Smith, Elder, and Co. [i vol. duo.] 1846. Pp. 149-194. Another Edition. Fourth Edition. London : Smith, Elder & Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1871. 5545. Memoirs of Joseph Shepherd Munden, Comedian, By his Son. London : Bentley. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. Contains notices of Shakespearian performances. 5546. Memoir of and essay on the genius of Shakspere. By Barry Cornwall. [B. W. Procter.] 1846. From The Works of Shakspere, , , , London : Orr and Co, [3 vols, 8vo] 1846, Vol. I, pp, i, to xxviii, 5547. Memoirs of Robert William Elliston Comedian. ... By George Raymond. With Illustrations by George Cruikshank and "Phiz". Second Edition. London : OUivier. [2 vols. 8vo] 1846. Contains notices of Shakespearian performances. 5548. Who was "Jack Wilson," the Singer of Shakespeare's Stage? An Attempt to prove the Identity of this Person with John Wilson, Doctor of Musick, in the University of Oxford, a.d. 1644. By Edward F. Rimbault. . . . London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. 268 ^ijnfefsprnrc i^emorial iliftrarfi, ISinntngijam. 5549. A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, b Augustus William Schlegel. Translated by John Black. . . . Revised according to the last German Edition, by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. London: H. G. Bohn. [i vol. 8vo] 1846. Contains Lectures on Shakespeare, and criticisms on his plays. For earlier Edition, see No. 521 1. 5550. Shakspeare's Dramatic Art : and his Relation to Calderon and Goethe. Translated from the German of Dr. Hermann Ulrici. London : Chapman. [i vol. Bvo] 1846. 5551. The Youth of Shalcspeare. . . . [By R. F. Williams]. Lon- don : Colburn, etc. [3 vols, duo.] 1846. For earlier Edition, see No. 548 1. 5552. The Actor ; or, a Peep behind the Curtain. Being Passages in the Lives of Booth and some of his Contemporaries. . . . New York: Graham. [i vol. duo.] 1846. Contains notices of Shakespearian performances. 5553. An Essay on the Character of Macbeth. . . . London : Mit- chell, [i vol. 8vo] 1846. A reply to the article in the Westminster Re-vieiv, vol. 41, 1845. 5551. The Character of Desdemona. By John Quincy Adams. 1847. From The Prose Writers of America. ... By Rufus Wilmot Griswold, London : Bentley. [i vol. 8vo] 1847. Pp. 103-6. 5555. The Home of Shakspere Illustrated and Described. By F. W. Fairholt. . . . Thirty-Three Engravings. London : Chapman and Hall. [i vol. 8vo] 1847. 5556. Studies of Shakespeare in the Plays of King John, Cymbe- line, Macbeth, As You Like It, Much Ado about Nothing, Romeo and Juliet: with Observations on the Criticism and the Acting of those Plays. By George Fletcher. . . . London: Longman. [i vol. duo.] 1847. 5557. Shakspeare for Schools ; being Passages from his Works to be committed to Memory. With Notes, Original and Selected. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. [The Rev. C. Lenny.] London : Relfe and Fletcher. [i vol. duo.] 1847. Jlnother Edition. Second Edition. London : Relfe Brothers. [l vol. duo.] 1S65. 5558. A Guide to the Birth-town of Shakspere and the Poet's Rural Haunts. By George May. . . . Evesham : May. [i vol. duo., N.D., about 1847.] With views of the Monument, Birth-place, etc. -V 5559. Stanzas Suggested at the Grave of Shakespear. By John Critchley Prince. 1847. In Hours with the Muses : by J. C. Prince. . . . Fourth Edition, enlarged. London : Simp- kin, Marshall, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1847. Pp. 123-5. 5560. Shakespeare's Delineations of Insanity. 1847. In Contributions to Mental Pathology. By I. Ray, M.D. . . . Boston : [U. S.] Little, Brown, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1873. Pp. 482-533. 5561. Religious and Moral Sentences from . . . Shakespeare, Com- pared with Sacred Passages from Holy Writ. . . . [By Watson.] Second Edition. London: Calkin & Budd. [i vol. 8vo] 1847. With Portrait from the Jansen picture, by Jobbins; Portrait of the Earl of Southampton; and a copy of Stothard's picture of Shakespeare's Interview with gueen Elizabeth. For earlier Edition, see No. 5522. 5562. Shakspeare, and his Hamlet. By Edmund H. White. 1847. In Athelstan, a Tragedy. Life and Death, an Allegory. And other Poems. By Edmund H. White. Second Edition. London : Strange, [i vol. duo.J 1847. Pp- ^7"9S- 5563. Shakspeare's House, at Stratford-on-Avon. The most unique Relic amongst England's Treasures and indeed, the most interesting Monument of the Poet's Fame which this Country boasts. [Announce- ment of Sale by Auction, by Mr. Robins, i6 Sept. 1847. 1 vol. 4to] 1847. Contains exterior and interior views of the Birthplace, and "Plan of the Property originally possessed by the Shakspeare Family." In the volume are bound a number of papers relating to the purchase of the Birthplace — lists of subscribers, advertisements, circulars, programmes, etc. 5564. This House to be Sold ; (the Property of the late William Shakspeare.) Inquire Within. A Musical Extravaganza, In One Act, by J. Stirling Coyne. ... As Performed at the Theatre Royal, Adelphi. , , . London : National Acting Drama Office. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1847.] 5565. The Shakespeare Night, in aid of the Fund for the Purchase and Preservation of Shakespeare's House. Tuesday, December Seventh, 1847, ^^ ^^^ Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. [i vol. 8vo] 1847. Programme of the performances. 5566. Shakespeare Proverbs ; or, the Wise Saws of our Wisest Poet collected into a Modern Instance. By Mary Cowden Clarke. . . . Bos- ton [U.S.]: Spencer. [i vol. duo.] 1847. Another Edition, 5567. The same. London : Chapman and Hall. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1848. 270 *i)akr0pcare iHrmorial Eifiratj}, ISirmingfiam. 5568. An Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere. By W. J. Birch. . . . London: Mitchell. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. " Written to prove that Shakespeare was an Atheist." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, P- 2333- 5569. The Complete Concordance to Shakspere : Being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. (New and Revised Edition.) By Mrs. Cowden Clarke. . . . London : Kent & Co. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1848.] For earlier Edition, see No. 5535. 5570. The Life of William Shakespeare. Including many Parti- culars respecting the Poet and his Family never before published. By James Orchard Halliwell. . . . London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. Contains Portrait from the Stratford Bust, facsimile of signature, view of Birthplace, and other illustrations. 5571. Lectures on Shakspeare. By H. N. Hudson. Second Edi- tion. New York : Baker and Scribner. [2 vols, duo.] 1848. 5572. The Boar's Head Tavern, Eastcheap : A Shakspearian Research. The Mutability of Literature. Stratford-on-Avon. By Washington Irving. About 1848. Jn The Sketch Book. Works of Washington Irving. London : H. G. Bohn. [14 vols. 8vo] 1859- VoK 2, pp. 81, 90, 192. 5573. Catalogue of the Portraits of Shakspeare. By John Mer- ridew. 1848. Jn A Catalogue of Engraved Portraits of Nobility, Gentry, Clergymen, and others, Born, Resi- dent in, or Connected with the County of Warwick ; alphabetically arranged, -with Names of the Painters and Engravers, and the Size of each Plate ; to which are added Numerous Biographical Notices, compiled or selected with great assiduity, research, and care. [By John Merridew.] Coventry : Merridew. [i vol. 4to] 1848. Pp. 53-58. Large paper. 5574. Another copy. Large paper. [i vol. 410] 1848. 5575. Shakespeare, Schiller, and Goethe, Relatively considered. An Essav, by F. W. RudlofF. . . . Brighton: King. [i vol. duo.] 1848. 5576. Shakspeare's Hamlet : An Attempt to find the Key to a Great Moral Problem, by Methodical Analysis of the Play. ... By Edward Strachey. London: Parker. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. 5577. The Heroines of Shakspeare : comprising The Principal Female Characters in the Plays of the Great Poet. Engraved under the Direction of Mr. Charles Heath, from Drawings by eminent Artists. London : Bogue. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. From paintings by K. Meadows, Hayter, Wright, Corbould, Frith, etc. iSngltsf) ^ijakcspcartana. 271 5578. Readings from the Plays of Shakspeare ; in Illustration of his Characters. . . . London: Parker. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. ^1^5579. Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man: Illustrated by Original Desio-ns Drawn on Wood, by Mulready, Constable, Wilkie, Collins, Chalon, Cooper, Callcott, Landseer, Hilton. . . . London : Van Voorst. [ I vol. sm. 4to] 1848. The Introduction by John Martin. yinotber Editiun. London: Holloway. [i vol. 4to] 1850. 5580. Translations from Shakespeare into Greek Verse. 1848. In Progressive Exercises in Greek Tragic Senarii, followed by a Selection from the Greek Verses of Shrewsbury School. . . . Cambridge: Uni-veniiy Press, [i vol. 8vo] 18+8. 5581. A House for Shakspere. A Proposition for the Considera- tion of the Nation. By William Wilson. . . . Reprinted from " Hood's Magazine" for September. London : Hurst. [i vol. 8vo] 1848. 5582. A House for Shakspere. . . . Second and concluding Paper, containing a Review of the Reception of the First, and a few Digressions. By William Wilson. . . . London : Mitchell. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1849.] 5583. The Romance of the Peerage or Curiosities of Family His- tory. By George Lillie Craik. London : Chapman and Hall. [2 vols. 8vo] 1848-9. Contains allusions to Shakespeare and Lord Essex, vol. I, p. 75 ; and to Shakespeare's Richard II. and Henry IV. in vol. 2, pp. 65-75. 5584. Essays on the Merits and Characteristics of William Shak- spere : also Remarks on his Birth and Burial-Place, his Monument, Portraits, and Associations. With numerous Illustrations. By John Britton. . . . London : Appendix to Britton's Auto-Biography. [i vol. 8vo] 1849. 5585. Notes and Lectures upon Shakespeare and some of the old Poets and Dramatists With other Literary Remains of S. T. Coleridge Edited by Mrs. H. N. Coleridge. London William Picker- ing. [2 vols. 8vo] 1849 5586. Remarks on an Article inserted in the Papers of the Shake- speare Society. [Addressed to the Council of the Percy Society. By T. Crofton Croker. i vol. 8vo, N. d., about 1849.] Relates to Massinger's " Beleeve as you List." Privately printed. 5587. Shakspere : the Poet, The Lover, The Actor, The Man. A Romance. By Henry Curling. . . . London : Bentley. [3 vols, duo.] 1849. 272 Sliafepspeare iHcmorial 3Liirar|), 13irmtng^am. 5588. The Beauties of Shakespeare. [By Dodd.] London : Moxon. [i vol. duo.] 1849. For other Editions, see f. 1 8 6. 5589. A few Remarks by Henry Rumsey Forster on the Chandos Portrait of Shakspeare, recently purchased at Stowe, for the Earl of Eilesmere. And a Letter upon the same, by H. Rodd. London : Fifty copies printed for Private Distribution. [i vol. 8vo] 1849. With copies of the Droeshout and Chandos Portraits, and the Bust at Stratturd. This copy is No. 19. 5590. The Dramatic Unities of Shakespeare : in a Letter addressed to the Editor of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. By the Rev. N. J. Halpin. . . . Dublin : Hodges and Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1849. 5591. The Homes and Haunts of Shakspeare. By William Howitt. 1849. Jn Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets. By Willi.im Howitt. The illustra- tions by W. and G. Measom. . . . London : Bentley. [2 vols. 8vo] 18+7-9. ^°'- 'jPP- 40"58- 5592. Studies of Shakspere : forming a Companion Volume to every Edition of the Text. By Charles Knight. . . . London : Knight. [i vol. 8vo] 1849. With copies of the Chandos, Droeshout, and Felton Portraits ; of a Portrait from " an Ancient Picture in tlie possession of Mr. Knight;" and of the Bust at Stratford. Another Edition. London : Knight. [1 vol. 8vo] 1851. 5593. Shakspeare and Milton for Schools ; being Passages from their Works to be committed to Memory. With Notes, Original and Selected [By Rev. C. Lenny.] London : Relfe and Fletcher. [i vol. duo.] 1849. 5594. The Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare. 1849. Being the Fine-Art Gossip from The Athenaeum, lo Feb. and 3 March 1849 ; and Articles from the Literary Gazette, March 3 and 10 : with letters by H. Rodd. Contains an auto- graph letter from H. Rodd to John Britton. 5595. A Dictionary of Shakspere Quotations ; being a Collection of the Maxims, Proverbs, and most remarkable Passages in the Plays and Poems of Shakspere ; arranged in Alphabetical order. By C. J. Walbran. ... [i vol. 8vo] 1849. Printed at Ripon. 5596. A Complete History of Theatrical Entertainments, Dramas, Masques, and Triumphs, at the English Court, from the Time of King Henry the Eighth to the Present Day, including the Series of Plays per- formed before Her Majesty, at Windsor Castle, Christmas, 1848-9. Containing many curious Particulars of our early Dramatic Literature iEitQltsi) Sfjnltfsspfnriana. 273 and Art. Embellished with beautiful Engravings on Steel, by Finden, from Designs by Grieve, Telbin, and Absolon. Edited by J. K. Chap- man. London : Mitchell. [i vol. 4to, n.d., about 1849.] Contains accounts of the performance of The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet. 5597. The Series of Dramatic Entertainments performed by Royal Command before Her Majesty the Queen, His Royal Highness Prince Albert, the Royal Family, and the Court, at Windsor Castle, 1848-9, comprising The Merchant of Venice. . . . Hamlet. Printed Verbatim from the authorised Versions. . . . Edited by Benjamin Webster. . . . Mitchell. [London, i vol. 410, n.d., about 1849.] 5598. Memoir and Theatrical Career of Ira Aldridge, the African Roscius. . . . [With Portrait as Othello.] London : Onwhyn. [i vol. 8vo, N. D., about 1849.] 5599. The Theatre — Its Character and Tendency. 1849. From The Eclectic Review. August, 1849. [i vol. 8vo.] 5600. The Theatrical Programme and Entr'acte. [i vol. 8vo] 1849. A periodical containing programmes of performances at the London Theatres, etc., and articles on dramatic subjects. Contains many notices of Shakespearian performances. 5601. The Shakspere Almanac for 1849. [By J. W. Lethbridge.] London: Bogue. [i vol. duo.] 1849. 5602. The same, for 1850: vi^ith an Essay on the Character of Shakspere. By J. W. Lethbridge. . . . London : Bogue. [i vol. duo.] 1850. " The object of this Almanack is to give an event, vi^ith a suitable quotation from the writings of 'the immortal Shakspere,' for each day of the year.'"— Introduction, p. iii. Printed by Josiah Allen and Son, of Birmingham. 5603. The Tempest, as a Lyrical Drama. By Morris Barnett. . . . London : Mitchell. [i vol. 8vo] 1850. 5604. Two Lectures on " Hamlet," by the Rev. George Dawson, M.A. [of Birmingham.] 1850 Jn The Monthly Literary and Scientific Lecturer, vol. I . . . . London : Strange, [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1850. Pp. 14-18,47-51. 5605. Shakspeare ; or, the Poet. By R. W. Emerson. 1850. In Representative Men. Seven Lectures. By R. W. Emerson. London : Chapman, [i vol. sm. duo.] 1850. Pp. 139-163. 5606. A Pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon, the Birthplace of Shakspeare. . . . [By Charles Vaughan Grinfield.] London, Longman. Coventry, Merridew. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1850 Has Portrait, altered from the Droeshout, and other illustrations. 2 74 Stafefspcare ifSfmortal Hibrarg, Ijtrmingtam. 5607. Remarks on the Moral Influence of Shakspeare's Plays ; with Illustrations from Hamlet. By the Rev. Thomas Grinfield. London : Longman. Coventry : Merridew. [i vol. 8vo] 1850. Has a copy of the Stratford Bust, and other-illustrations. Contains also " Miscellaneous Shalc- speiiana," including Shaksperian Centos; Analysis of the Plots of the Plays ; Brief Notes on some of the Plays ; Shaksperian Hygiene. 5608. A New Boke About Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon by J. O. Halliwell. London : for Private Circulation. [i vol. 4to] 1850. The impression limited to seventy-five copies. Contains facsimile of Shakespeare's Marriage Bond, and engravings of Shakespearian localities and relics. 5609. Apophthegms from the Plays of Shakespeare. . . . By Charlotte Lyndon. London : Simpkin and Marshall. Ryde : Butler. [i vol. sm. 8vo, N.D., about 1850.] 5610. Prize Essay on the Historical Plays of Shakspeare. Written for the Stephen Endowment Prize, King's College, London. [By Thomas Macknight.] London : Wickham, etc. [i vol. duo.] 1850. 5611. Shakspeare's Seven Ages, Etched by E. Goodall, after original Designs by Daniel Maclise, R. A. Art Union of London. [i vol. ob. 4to] 1850. The Works of Cbrhtopher Marloive. [3 -vols. 8w] 1850. See No. 4688. 5612. Which was the greater Poet, Shakspere or Milton .'' A Debate. 1850. In The Debater : a New Theory of the Art of Speaking ; being a Series of Complete Debates, Outlines of Debates, and Questions for Discussion. ... By Frederick Rowton. . . . Second Edition. London: Longman, [i vol. 8vo] 1850. Pp. 166-188. Contains other references to Shakespeare, at pp. 280, 293. 5613. City of London School. Prize Essay on the Difference of Object and Treatment between the Greek Tragedians and Shakspeare. By John Robert Seeley. [i vol. 8vo] 1850. 5614. Shakspere's Tragedy of Richard III., considered Dramatically and Historically; and in comparison with Cibber's Alteration as at present in use on the Stage, in a Lecture delivered to the Members of the Liverpool Literary, Scientific and Commercial Institution, by Thos. Stuart, of the Theatre Royal. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1850.] 5615. Desultory Thoughts on the National Drama, Past and Present. By an Old Playgoer. London : Onwhyn. [i vol. 8voJ 1850. 5616. An Essay on the Science of Pronunciation. [i vol. 4to] 1850. Contains examples from "Shakespeare (the greatest Master of our langu.ige)." ISngltsf) S)f)akcspcanana. 275 56L7. The Seven Ages of Shakspeare Illustrated. . . . London : Holloway. [i vol. 4to] 1850. For earlier Edition, see No. 5579- 5618. William Shakspere. 1850. In The National Cyclopadia of Useful Knowledge. London : Knight. [12 vols. 8vo] 1847- 51. Vol. 10, pp. 914-21. 5619. The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines ; in a Series of Fifteen Tales. By Mary Cowden Clarke. . . . London : Smith & Son. [3 vols. 8vo] 1850-2. 5620. An Essay on Mr. Singer's " Wormwood ;" . . . and a Reading of Shakspere's Sonnet, cxi. . . . By H. K. Staple Causton. . . . London : Causton. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1851.] 5621. Shakspeare a Tory and a Gentleman. On the Character of Hamlet. A Critique on Retzsch's Illustrations of Hamlet. Shakspeare and his Contemporaries. Notes on Shakspeare. By Hartley Coleridge. 1851. In Essays and Marginalia. By Hartley Coleridge. Edited by his Brother. London : Moxon. [2 vols. 8vo] 1851. 5622. Reflections from Shakspeare' s ClifF; with a Glance at Calais Cliff. [By C. Gillmor, R.N.] . . . London : Palmer and Son. [i vol. duo.] 185 1. Another Edition. Second Edition. London: Palmer and Son. [i vol. duo.] 1853. 5623. Shakespeare's Will, copied from the Original in the Preroga- tive Court, preserving the Interlineations, and Facsimiles of the Three Autographs of the Poet. With a few Preliminary Observations, by J. O. Halliwell. London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 4to] 1851. 5624. Criticisms and Dramatic Essays of the English Stage. By William Hazlitt . . . Second Edition. Edited by his Son. London : Routledge. [i vol. 8vo] 185 1. 5625. Sentiments and Similes of William Shakespeare. A Classified Selection of Similes, Definitions, Descriptions, and other Remarkable Passages in the Plays and Poems of Shakespeare. By Henry Noel Humphreys. London: Longman. [i vol. 4to] 1851. With illuminated borders and capitals. 5626. Studies of Shakspere. Forming a Companion Volume to every Edition of the Text. By Charles Knight. . . . London : Charles Knight. [i vol. 8vo] 1851. For earlier Edition, set No. 5592. 276 S^fjafefsprare iHrmorml fLifirnrj), iDlnninofjam. 5627. An Essay upon the Ghost-Belief of Shakespeare. By Alfred Roffe . . . London : Hope and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1851. " Privately printed." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2334. 5628. Another Edition. [i vol. 8vo, n.d., about 1851.] Without title. Differs considerably from the above. 5629. Smart's Course of English. Historico-Shakspearian Readings from the Chronicle and Roman Plays, with Connecting Memoranda : Being the Companion Volume to the Practice of Elocution. By B. H. Smart. London : Longman, etc. [i vol. duo.] 185 1. For other Editions, see f. 258. 5630. Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon and the Life of Shak- speare, from Original Drawings. Stratford-on-Avon, Ward. [I vol. fol.] 1 85 1. 5631. Leaves from the Portfolio of a Manager. — No. vi. A few more Words on Shakspeare. 1851. From Dublin University Magazine, June, 1851. [i vol. 8vo] 1851. 5632. Stratford as connected with Shakspeare ; and the Bard's Rural Haunts. Stratford-upon-Avon, F. & E. Ward. [i vol. 8vo.] 1851. Contains views of the Birthplace, Church, New Place, etc. 5633. Three Essays on Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Lear. By Pupils of the City of London School. London : Bruce and Ford. [i vol. 8vo] 1851. I. A Parallel between Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Lear and the GEdipus in Colono of Sophocles. By John Robert Seeley. n. On the Character of the Religious Belief and Feeling which pervade the Tragedy of King Lear. By William Young. in. On the Tragedy of King Lear j quoting and illustrating such Passages as allude to the Usages of the Times in which Shakespeare lived. By Ernest Abraham Hart. 5634. The Theatre. Edinburgh : Bertram & Co. [1 vol. 8vo] 1851-2. A Magazine. Nos. I to 12, (except No. 2, which is wanted). 5635. Democritus in London with the Mad Pranks and Comical Conceits of Motley and Robin Good-fellow To which are added Notes Festivous etc. [By George Daniel] London W. Pickering. [i vol. 8vo] 1852. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5636. Studies from Shakspere. The Tempest. Macbeth. King John. The Merchant of Venice. 1852. In Studies from the English Poets : a Reading-Book for the Higher Classes in Schools, or for Home Teaching. By G. F. Graham. . . . London : Longman, [i vol. duo.] 1S52. Pp. 4-318. iSnglisi) 5)|)akf0pfanana. 277 5637. Shakspeare and his Times. By M. Guizot. London : Bentley. [i vol. 8vo] 1852. 5638. Some Account of the Antiquities, Coins, Manuscripts, Rare Books, Ancient Documents, and other Reliques, Illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, In the Possession of James Orchard Halli- well. Brixton Hill : Printed for Private Circulation only. [i vol. 4to] 1852. 5639. A Few Remarks on the Emendation, " Who Smothers her with Painting," in the Play of Cytubeline. Discovered by Mr. Collier., in a Corrected Copy of the Second Edition of Shakespeare. By J. 0. Halll- well. London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1852. " Replied to by Mr. Collier in the Addenda to his Notes and Emendations." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5640. Sir Walter Scott, Racine, and Shakspeare. By William Hazlitt. 1852. In the Plain Speaker : Opinions on Books, Men, and Things : by W. Hazlitt. Second Edition. Edited by his Son. London: Templeman, [2 vols. 8vo] 1851-2. Vol. 2, pp. 257-278. 5641. Flowers from Stratford on Avon. The Flower's richly colour'd from the Original Drawing's, by Paul Jerrard. London. Jerrard. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1852.] Coloured Illustrations of Flowers, with mottoes from Shakespeare. 5642. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Supposed New Discovery of the Scheme or Ground-Idea of each and all of Shakespeare's Dramas. By David Lester Richardson. 1852. In Literary Recreations or Essays Criticisms and Poems Chiefly written in India By D. L. Richardson. . . . London Thacker. [Printed in Calcutta, i vol. Svo] 1852. Contains other papers on Shakespearian subjects. This is another edition of " Literary Leaves," (see No. 54S8), with considerable additions. 5643. Macbeth Travestie. By Momus Medlar [James Smith.] 1852. In Rejected Addresses : or, the New Theatrum Poetarum, By James Smith & Horace Smith. . . . Twenty-third Edition. London: Murray, [i vol. 8vo] 1852. Pp. 171-174. 5644. Shakspere : His Times and Contemporaries. By George Tweddell. . . . London : Kershaw. [i vol. duo.] 1852. 56i5. The " Second Shakspere Night." The Scenes recited by Members of the Walworth Literary and Scientific Institution, at their Lecture Hall, on Tuesday, January 20th, 1852. Charles Knight, Esq. in the Chair. . . . Edited by H. J. C. . . . London : Harvey. [1 vol. duo., N.D., about 1852.] 5646. Shakespeare's Puck, and his Folkslore, illustrated from the D D 2 78 Sfjaltfispfarc iHcmorial Uiftrari), 13inmng^am. Superstitions of all Nations, but more especially from the Earliest Reli- gion and Rites of Northern Europe and the Wends. By William Bell. . . . London: For the Author. [3 vols, duo.] 1852-64. With chapters on Shakespeare having lived in Germany. 5647. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from Early Manuscript Corrections in a copy of the Folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier, Esq. Forming A Supplemental Volume to the Works of Shakespeare by the same Editor. . . . London : Whittaker and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. With a facsimile. " First issued by the Shakespeare Society, but afterwards withdrawn from the Society's List, and published in 1853. . . . This work was reviewed (favourably) in the Athenasum, Jan. 8, June 11 ; in the Literary Gazette, Jan. 8, 1853 (very favourably), and in Blackwood, Aug., Sept., and Oct., 1853 (adversely); North British Review, Feb. 1854; North American Review, April, 1854 (favourably) ; Edinburgh Review, 1856 (favourably)," and in other periodicals. ..." An Account of the Acquisition of the folio copy of Shakespeare, containing the MS. Emendations, is given by Mr. Collier, in the Athenaeum, Jan. 31, and Feb. 7, 1852. Again [with reference to Thomas Perkins, whose autograph is on the cover of the volume], June 4, i85'3." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5618. The same. The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. London: Whittaker and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. 5649. Additional Fac-si miles from Mr. Collier's Folio [Shake- speare], 1632. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1853.] "Mr. Collier printed . for private distribution 4 pages, containing 18 facsimiles." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5650. A Few Notes on Shakespeare ; with Occasional Remarks on the Emendations of the Manuscript-Corrector in Mr. Collier's Copy of the Folio 1632. By the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Appended to this volume are a few MSS. connected with it, by Dyce, W. Watkiss Lloyd, etc. Reviewed (tenderly) in the Athenaeum, June 4th and nth, 1853." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5651. The Grimaldi Shakspere. Notes and Emendations on the Plays of Shakspere, from a recently discovered Annotated Copy by the Late Joseph Grimaldi^ Esq., Comedian. N.B. — These Notes and Emenda- tions are Copyright, and must not be used by any Editor in any future Edition of Shakspere. [By F. W. Fairholt.] . . . London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. "This is a Squib on Mr. Collier's discovery of the annotated Shakespeare of 1632. Reviewed in the Athen.Teum, Aug. 20, 1853, p. 987." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2336. 5652. Observations on the Shaksperian Forgeries at Bridgewater House ; illustrative of a Facsimile of the Spurious Letter of H. S. By J. O. Halliwell. London : for Private Circulation only. [i vol. 4to] 1853. " With a facsimile. 25 copies printed. . . . This relates more especially to Manuscript alterations and corrections in a copy of the first edition of Shakespeare." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. IHnsIis]^ ^ijafefspfaviann. 279 5653. Observations on some of the Manuscript Emendations of the Text of Shakespeare, and Jre they Copyright? By J. O. Halliwell. Lon- don: J. R. Smith. [I vol. 8vo] 1853. "Noticed (caustically) in the Athenzum, July, 1853, p. 916."— Bonn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, P- ^335- 5654. A Few Words in Reply to the Animadversions of the Reve- rend Mr. Dyce on Mr. Hunter's '* Disquisition on The Tempest" (1839) ; and his " New Illustrations of the Life, Studies and Writings of Shakespeare" (1845); contained in his Work entitled "A Few Notes on Shakespeare : with Occasional Remarks on the Emendations of the Manuscript-Corrector in Mr. Collier's Copy of the Folio, 1632." By the Author of the Disquisition and the Illustrations. [Joseph Hunter.] London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. ♦' Reviewed in conjunction with the first volume of Halliwell's folio Shakespeare, in the Literary Gazette, June 1 1, and in the Athenaeum, July 2, 1853, p. 796."— Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5655. Old Lamps, or New ? A Plea for the Original Editions of The Text of Shakspere : forming an Introductory Notice to the Stratford Shakspere, Edited by Charles Knight. London. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. 5656. The Text of Shakespeare Vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by John Payne Collier Esq. in his Notes and Emendations. . By Samuel Weller Singer . . . London W. Pickering. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. " Reviewed (favourably to Mr. Collier) in the Athenaeum, May 28th and June 4, 1853 (with a letter of the latter date from Mr. Collier), and (neutrally) in the Lit. Gazette, June 4, 1853. This was the first publication against the genuineness of the Perkins Manuscript." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5657. The Text of Shakspere. Mr. Collier's Corrected Folio of 1632. 1853. From Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science, & Art. October, 1853. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Pp. 378-402. 5658. More Improvements in* the Text of Shakspeare. [By J. W. C] 1853- From The Dublin University Magazine, March 1853. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Pp. 356-373. 5659. The Lives of the Poets-Laureate. With an Introductory Essay on the Title and Office. By W. S. Austin ... and John Ralph. . . . London: Bentley. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Contains references to Shakespeare in the Lives of Jonson, Davenant, Dryden, Tate, Rowe, etc. 5660. A Lecture on the Genius, Life, and Character of William Shakspere : delivered to the Mutual Improvement Society of Welford. By Frederick Cox. . . . Leicester : Printed by T. C. Browne. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. 28o 5)f)akf!speare lEcmorial ILtbrar;!), ii3tnn(ngi)am. 5661. The Forest Youth ; or, Shakspere as he Lived. An His- torical Tale. By Captain Curling. . . . London : Eginton. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. 5662. The Shakespeare Repository. Edited by James Hamilton Fennell. London: Scott. [i vol. fol.] 1853. " A Periodical containing scraps and anecdotes relating to Shakespeare. Only 4 Nos. published." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2337. This copy has, inserted, the Droeshout Portrait (Swaine, sc); Shakespeare writing, by L. Hicks ; and seven Illustrations of Shakespearian localities, etc. 5663. Reflections from Shakspeare's ClifF : With a Glance at Calais ClifF. ... [By C. Gillmor, R.N.] Second Edition. London: Palmer and Son. [i vol. duo.] 1853. For earlier Edition, see No. 5622. 5664. Curiosities of Modern Shaksperian Criticism. By J. O. Halliwell. London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1853. " This is in reply to a review in the Athenaeum, July 2, 1853, of Mr. Halliwell's folio Shake- speare, vol. I." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2335. 5665. Who was Macbeth ? By the Rev. Abraham Hume. 1853. In Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, during the Forty-first and Forty-second Sessions, 1851 to 1853. No. VIL Liverpool: Deighton and Laughton. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. Pp. 166-172. 5666. Specimen. The Stratford Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. . . . London: [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Prospectus of an Edition of Shakespeare. 5667. Shakespeare — the Poet-Catholic. By Wm. Tidd Matson. 1853- From The Midland Metropolitan Magazine, [i vol. 8vo] 1853. Pp. 67-78. 5668. Publications of the Shakespeare Society. 1853. Contents : Vol. I. 1853. Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609. Edited by Collier. 1845. Vol. 2, 1853. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn,,Founder of Dulwich College. Edited by Collier. 1841. The Alleyn Papers. Edited by Collier. 1843. Vol. 3. 1853. A Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes, by Northbrooke, 1577. Edited by Collier. 1843. The School of Abuse, by Gosson, 1579. Edited by Collier. 1841. An Apology for Actors, by Heywood, 1612. Edited by Collier. 1841. Vol. 4. 1853. Farewell to Military Profession, by Riche, 1 58 1. Edited by Collier. 1846. Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil, by Nash, 1592. Edited by Collier. 1842. Fools and Jesters : with a Reprint of Armin's Nest of Ninnies, 1608. Edited by Collier. 1842. Vol. 5. 1853. Debate between Pride and Lowliness, by Thynn. Edited by Collier. 1841. The Ghost of Richard III. A Poem, 1614. Edited by Collier. 1844. Honour Triumphant, 1606, and A Line of Life, 1620} by Forde, Edited by Collier. 1843. Vol. 6. 1853, Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court, temp. Elizabeth and James I. Edited by Cunningham. 1842. Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory. Edited by Halliwell. 1844. Vol. 8. 1853. Vol. 9- 1853. Vol. lO. x8S3 Vol. II. 1853, iSngltsf) Sjfjafeespfaimna. 28 Vol. 7. 1853. Inigo Jones. A Life of the Architect, by Cunningham : Remarks on some of his Sketches for Masques and Dramas, by Planche : and Five Court Masques, Edited from MSS. of Jonson, Marston, etc., by Collier. 1848. Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden. Edited by Laing. 1842. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Edited by Halliwell. 1845. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer-Night's Dream, illustrated by a Com- parison with Lylie's Endymion. By Halpin. 1843. The Remarks of Simrock, on the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays. Edited by Halliwell. 1850. Shakespeare's Play of King Henry the Fourth, Printed from a Contemporary Manuscript. Edited by Halliwell. 1845. Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare^ by Collier. 1846. The Chester Plays : a Collection of Mysteries founded upon Scriptural Subjects, performed by the Chester Trades at Whitsuntide. Edited by Wright. 1843-7. Vol. 12. 1853. Ludus Coventris. A Collection of Mysteries, formerly represented at Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Edited by Halliwell. 1841. The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, an Ancient Interlude. With Illus- trations of Shakespeare, etc. Edited by HalUwell. 1846. The Moral Play of Witand Science. Edited by Halliwell. 1848. Vol. 13. 1853. Ralph Roister Doister, a Comedy, by Udall, 1566; and The Tragedie of Gorboduc, by Norton and Sackville, 1565. Edited by Cooper. 1847. Timon, a Play. Now first Printed. Edited by Dyce. 1842. Sir Thomas More, a Play j now first Printed. Edited by Dyce, 1844, Patient Grissill, a Comedy, by Dekker, Chettle, and Haughton, 1603, Edited by Collier. 1 841. Vol. 14. 1853. The Old Taming of a Shrew, 1594 ; and. The Wife lapped in Morel's Skin. Edited by Amyot. 1844. First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor, 1602. Edited by Halliwell. 1842. First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of King Henry the Sixth, 1 594, 1595. Edited by Halliwell. 1843. The True Tragedy of Richard the Third j and the Latin Play of Richardus Tertius, by Legge. Edited by Field. 1844. Vol. 15. 1853. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of Works entered for Publication between 1557 and 1570. Edited by Collier. 1848-9. Vol. 16. 1853. The Shakespeare Society's Papers, viz. : — Dogberry and his Associates. Arrest of the Conspirators with Mary Queen of Scots. By Collier. Similarity of a passage in Marlowe's Edward II., and one in the First Part of TAe Contention. By Halliwell. Letter from Ben Jonson to the Earl of Newcastle, etc. By Cunningham. Ballad illustrative of Romeo and Juliet. By Barton. Additions to " The Alleyn Papers." From the originals in the possession of J. F. Herbert. On the Profits of Old Actors. By Dramaticus. " The passing measure Pavin." On a passage in Tivelfth Night. By Collier. Origin of the Curtain Theatre, and mistakes regarding it. By Tomlins. Mistake by Campbell in his Life of Shakespeare relative to The Tempest. By L. L. D. Observations on the correct method of punctuating "too too," in Hamlet. By Halliwell. Ballad of "The Green Willow," by Heywood. Court Revels, temp. Henry VII. By Goodwin. Imitations of Shakespeare, by Shelley, in The Cenci. By J. B. B. " Albion Knight ; " a fragment of a Moral Play. By Collier. Shakespeare's Puck. Lines by Nash, illustrative of a passage in Midsummer Nigkt\ Dream. By a Book-Lover. Skcltonical Song by Heywood. By Philo-Heywood. 282 S^finfefspeare jf^fmorinl aifirarp, ItJirmingi^am. Vol, i6 {continued). On Shakespeare's Bust at Stratford. On a poem attributed to Nash. By G. L. " Fm to be married o' Sunday," a Ballad illustrative of a passage in Tie Taming of the Shreiv. By F. S. A. Early Rarity of Greene's Works. By Scott. Who was " Will, my Lord of Leycester's Jesting Player ? " By Bruce. Corrections of Shakespeare's Text, suggested by Judge Blackstone. By Tomlins. Inigo Jones, and his Office under the Crown, etc. By Cunningham. On the word " Ducdame" in As you Like it. By Halliwell. On the Signature of John Shakespeare, etc. By Bigsby. Origin of the Induction to Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew. By Norton. Shakespeare's Bust at Stratford. By Harness. Did General Harrison kill " Dick Robinson" the Player? By Cunningham. The Bridal Run-away : an Essay on Juliet's Soliloquy. By Halpin. John Wilson, the Singer in Much ado ahout Nothing, a musical composer in Shakespeare's plays. By Collier. On a Mistake by the Messrs. Chambers, relating to Damon and Pythias. By Baverstock. Conjectures on some corrupt or obscure passages of Shakespeare. By Field. Poems attributed to Nash contained in Dowland's Songs or ^yres, 1600. By Scott. The Device to entertain Queen Elizabeth at Harefield, Sir T. Egerton's House, 1602. By Cunningham. The Marriage of Wit and Science, an Interlude by Redford. By a Ballad- monger. The Story of Page of Plymouth, a Tragedy by Jonson and Dekker, By Dramaticus. Note on the recently discovered Manuscript of Henry the Sixth. By Halliwell. On Players, etc., temp. Edward IV. By Collier. Reprint of an unknown Pageant by Middleton. By Pearson. Middleton's " Game at Chess," etc. By Hornby. The Widow of William Shakespeare. By Harness. On a passage in jfulius C<£sar. By Nimmo and Pettigrew. On the Recusancy of John Shakespeare, and on the Inclosure of Welcombe Fields. By Dramaticus. On the supposed Origin of Romeo and yuliet. By Collier. Plays at Court, Anno 1613. By Cunningham. The Maidens Dream, an unknown poetical tract by Greene. By Reardon. Will of Cowley, the Poet. By Cunningham. Early Notice of Shakespeare's Henry the Eighth. By Halliwell. A few words on the line \n Hamlet, Act I., Sc. 2, as regards " too too." By Baverstock. An unknown Work, by Lodge ; with extracts from his Defence of Stage-Plays. By Collier. Document regarding the authority of the Master of the Revels over Play- makers, Plays, and Players, in 1 58 1. By Tomlins. Illustration oi Fortune by Land and Sea, a play by Heywood and Rowley. Heming's Players at Bristol, temp. Henry VJII. By Tyson. An unknown Tract by Stubbes. By Reardon. Shakespeare illustrated by the Dialect of Cornwall. By Sandys. Some Notes on Passages in Shakespeare. By Halliwell. The Performance of early Dramas by Parish Clerks and Players in Churches. By Collier. Some Discrepancies in the Character of Jack Cade, Henry VL, Part II. By Miss Zornlin. Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis illustrated by Thomas Heywood. By Anderson. On the earliest Quarto Editions of Shakespeare's Plays. By Collier. Notes on Old Plays by Bale, Marston and Shakespeare. By L. S. Accounts of Performances and Revels at Court, temp. Henry Vlll. Salmacis and Hermaphroditus not by Francis Beaumont. By Dramaticus. The New Fact regarding Shakespeare and his Wife, contained in the Will of Thomas Whittington. By Collier. lEnglisf) 5)f)afefspcanana. 283 Vol. 16 (^continued). Conjectures on some Corrupt or Obscure Passages of Shakespeare. By Field. Shakespeare's l^enus and jidonis and Lodge's Scil/as Metamorphoiis. By Reardon. An Unknown Edition of the Interlude of E-very Man. By Dramaticus. On the conduct of Hamlet towards Ophelia. By Miss Zornlin. The Original Patent for the Nursery of Actors and Actresses in the reign of Charles II. By Tomlins. On the w^ord "Scamels" in Shakespeare's Tempest. By Allies. A Poem, containing Notices of Jonson, Shakespeare, etc. By Halliwell. Had Shakespeare read Cavendish's Life of IVdsey ? By Robinson. New Facts in the Life of Nash. By Cunningham. Will of Thomas Phaer, the poet. By Cunningham. Account of an early Italian Poem on the story oi Romeo and yuliet. Popular Tracts in the Library of Captain Cox, 1575. By Halliwell. Richard and Nathaniel Field, Munday, and Chettle. By Collier. Three New Privy Seals, for Players in the time of Shakespeare. By Tomlins. Two additional Notes on Henry VI., Part II. By Zornlin. Extract from a Manuscript at Oxford, regarding Dethick, the Herald who made the grant of arms to John Shakespeare. By Halliwell. History of " The Theatre" in Shoreditch, etc. By Collier. Two Specimens of the Poetry of Philip Stubbes. By Reardon. The Whitefriars, the Salisbury Court, and the Duke's Theatres. By Cun- ningham. The Players who acted in " The Shoemaker s Holiday,^ 1 600, by Dekker and Wilson. By Dramaticus. On Norton and Sackville, the authors of Gorboduc. By Collier. Observations on Midsummer Night^s Dream. By Halliwel). On Massinger's Belie-ve me as you List. Beaumont and Fletcher's Woman's Prize. By Norton. Sir George Buc and the office of the Revels. By Cunningham. Dispute between the Earl of Worcester's players and the Corporation of Leicester, 1586. By Halliwell. Dryden, Killigrew, and the first company which acted at Drury Lane Theatre. By Collier. Will of Samuel Daniel, the poet, Shakespeare's rival and contemporary. By Cunningham. Vol. 17. 1853. John a Kent and John a Cumber ; a Comedy, by Munday j with other Tracts by the same Author. Edited by Collier. 1851. Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage-Plays ; An Alarum against Usurers, 1584; and The Delectable History of Forbonius and Prisceria ; by Lodge. Truth's Complaint over England. Edited by Laing. 1853. Vols. 18, 19. 1853. The Dramatic Works of Thomas Heywood : with a Life of the Poet, and Remarks on his Writings. By Collier. First and Second Parts of King Edward IV. 1600. Edited by Field. 1S42. The Fair Maid of the Exchange. 1607. Edited by Field. 1845. Fortune by Land and Sea, by Heywood and Rowley, 1655. Edited by Field. 1845. The Fair Maid of the West, Two Parts, 1631. Edited by Collier. 1850. The Royal King, and Loyal Subject, 1637. A Woman Killed with Kind- ness, 1607. Edited by Collier, 1850. Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1605-6. Edited by Collier. 1851. The Golden and Silver Ages, Two Plays. Edited by Collier, 1851. The Annual Reports of tlie Shakespeare Society are bound up with the volumes as follows : First in vol. 7 ; Second in vol. 8 ; Third, wanted; Fourth in vol. i ; Fifth in vol. 10 ; Sixth in vol. 11 j Seventh and Eighth in vol. 15 ; Ninth in vol. 9; Tenth in vol. 19. 5669. Lectures — On Shakespeare : and, On the Particular Plays of Shakespeare. 1854. In Lectures read at a Mechanics' Institute in the Country. [By C. Bathurst.] London : Parker, [i vol. 8vo] 1854. Pp. 55, 221, 319. 284 Stafecspeare ifWcmorial ItifirarB, i3irmingi)am. 5670. The Merry Wags of Warwickshire. Or the Early Days of Shakspere. A Drama. By Henry Curling. . • . London : Wright. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1854.] 5671. The Beauties of Shakspeare. [By Dodd.] London: Moxon. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. For other Editions, see p. 1 86. 5672. The Tailors Measured by the Poets. [Shakspeare, etc.] 1854. In Habits and Men, with Remnants of Record touching the Makers of Both. By Dr. Doran. . . . London : Bentley. [i vol. duo.] 1854. Pp. 240-260. 5673. History of Dramatic Literature. William Shakspeare. 1854. In Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. By Henry Hallam. . . . Fourth Edition. London : Murray. [3 vols. 8vo] 1854. Vol. 2, pp. 175-185 ; vol. 3, pp. 80-94. 5674. A Garland of Shakespeariana, recently added to The Library and Museum of James O. Halliwell, Esq. at Avenue Lodge, Brixton Hill. Brixton Hill : For Private Circulation only. [i vol. 410] 1854. "Twenty-five copies printed." — Bohn's Lowndes, 1864, vol. 3, p. 2337. 5675. A Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies, original and selected. . . . By Mrs. Jameson. . . . London : Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. Contains the following Notes on Shakespeare : Character of Imogen (pp. 303-4). Shakspeare Club (p. 305). Characters from Shakspeare (pp. 364-5). 5676. Account of William Shakspere : With Portraits of his Con- temporaries, Views of Stratford-on-Avon, etc. 1854. In Old England : A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Municipal, Baronial, and Popular Antiquities. [By C. Knight.] London : Sangster and Fletcher. [2 vols, fol.] 1854. Vol. 1, p. 352 ; vol. 2, pp. 130-136. 5677. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the Time of Shakspeare. With Notes. By Charles Lamb. New Edition, including the Extracts from the Garrick Plays. London : H. G. Bohn. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. 5678. Stratford as connected with Shakespeare ; and the Bard's Rural Haunts. By Edwin Lees . . . Stratford-upon-Avon : Adams. Second Edition. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. Contains five Illustrations of Stratford, fingraved by Flowers ; a Vignette copy of the Bust, and a Plan containing the " inscriptions on the gravestones of the Shakspeare Family." 5679. Indian Leisure. . . . On the Character of Othello. ... By Captain Robert Guthrie Macgregor. . . , London : Smith, Elder, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1854. "On the Character of Othello," pp. 299-324. IHnglisfj Family Herald. Apiil 30, 1864. Illustrated London News. April 30, and May 7, 1 864. Illustrated Times, April 30, 1864. Leisure Hour. April, 1S64. The Shakspeare Number of the London Herald. April 23, 1864. London Journal. April 23, 1864. London Reader. April 16, and April 23, 1864. Notts and Ouerics. April 23, 1S64. Penny Illustrated Weekly News. Punch's Tercentenary Number. April 23 j and the number for April 30, 1864. iSnglisfj S^afefspcaiiana. 3" 5919. Preliminary Programme of the Tercentenary Festival of the Birth of Shakespeare, to be held at Stratford-upon-Avon, commencing On Saturday^ Jpril lyd, i^b^. Stratford-on-Avon ; E.Adams. [l vol. 8vo] 1864. 5920. The Official Programme of The Tercentenary Festival of the Birth of Shakespeare, To be held at Stratford-upon-Avon, Commencing on Saturday^ April 23, 1864. Also, An Account of what is known of the Poet's Life : a Guide to the Town and Neighbourhood of Stratford-upon- Avon: And sundrie other matters just now of publicke interest relating thereto. At London : Imprinted for Casselly Petter, & Galpin. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 5921. Prologue and Epilogue to the Two Entertainments given in the Lecture Hall, Tower Street, Ipswich, on Saturday, the 23rd of April, 1864, the Tercentenary of Shakspere's Birth-day: To which are ap- pended Lines on the Planting of a Silver Cedar Tree, the same day, in the Public Arboretum, as written and read by Mr. T. Shave Gowing. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 5922. Readings and Recitations from Shakspeare : comprising Select Scenes and Extracts from his most celebrated Plays. Glasgow : Cameron. [i vol. duo., n. d., about 1864.] 5923. Report of the National Shakespeare Committee, read at a Meeting, held on Monday, January 4, 1864, at the Apartments of the Society of Arts. [i vol. fol.] 1864. 5924. The Shakespeare Gallery : a Reproduction in commemora- tion of the Tercentenary Anniversary of the Poet's Birth. MDCCCLXIF. London: L. Booth, etc. [i vol. 4to] 1864. A series of Photographs from the Pictures in the Boydell Gallery. 5925. Shakspeare Memorial. S. O. Beeton. [London. 1 vol. fol. 1864.] Contains engravings of the various portraits of Shakespeare, Views in Stratford-upon-Avon, etc. Scenes from Shakespeare's Plays, by John Gilbert, and others ; Portraits of the principal Contemporaries, Actors, Artists, and Commentators of Shakespeare, etc. This copy con- tains several coloured illustrations by Gilbert. 5926. " Shakspeare's Own Prayer Book." A Catalogue offering for sale a copy of the Book of Common Prayer, 1596, supposed to have belonged to Shakspeare, John Partridge, Wellington, Salop. [i vol. 8vo., N. D., about 1864.] With seven Photographs of the book, and portrait of the discoverer, taken by Whitlock, Bir- mingham. 312 Stafefspeare JHcmorial Utlirnri), 13trmingtnin. 5927. Shakespearian Pronunciation. 1864. /« The North American Review. April, 1864. fi vol. 8vo] 1864. Pp. 342-69. 5928. Shakespeare Tercentenary, Stratford-upon-Avon. Catalogue of the very numerous and valuable Fittings and Effects . . . the Elegant Proscenium, . . . New Act-Drop, . , . Stage Machinery and Ap- pliances . . . and 2300 new Chairs . . . supplied expressly for the late festival. . . . The remaining copies of the Illustrated Official Handbook (forming a Guide to the Town and Neighbourhood), etc. etc. which will be sold by Auction, ... By Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, at the Pavilion, Stratford upon Avon, . . . May 31st, 1864. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 5929. Shakspere Tercentenary, 1864. Poems for the Prize Com- petition offered by the Proprietors of The Belfast Weekly Northern Whio-. . . . Belfast: Printed at the "Northern Whig" Office. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 5930. Shakespeare. The First Folio Edition of 1623. Reproduced under the immediate Supervision of Howard Staunton. ... By Photo- Lithography. [Specimen part, with Prospectus.] London : Day and Son. [i vol. fol., N.D., about 1864.] 5931. Shakespeare's Day. A Plea for a Monument. With a Lyric from Romeo and Juliet. . . . London : Hatton. [i vol. duo.] 1864. 5932. The Shakspearean Tercentenary Badge, Coventry Alanufac- ture. • Manufactured under the Patronage and by the express Sanction of the Stratford-on-Avon and London Celebration Committees. 1864. 5933. Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakspeare, by the New-England Historic-Genealogical Society, at Boston, Mass., April 23, 1864. Boston: Rand & Avery. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 5934. Town Hall, Leeds, Shakspere Tercentenary Festival; Friday and Saturday, April 227id and 2yd, I'ib^. Leeds: J. Swallow. [i vol. 4to] 1864. With a Hand-bill, addressed "to Mr. T. B. Baines" by "A Member of the Committee." 5935. Victor Hugo on Shakespeare. 1864. In Temple Bar. July, 1864. [i vol. 8vo] 1864. 5936. Shakespeare Autographs. [By Toulmin Smith.] Re-printed fro7n the Birmingharn 'Journal^ December 17, 1 864, March 4, 1865, and Nov. 25, 1865. [i vol. 4to] 1864-5 iHnflltsfj ^^aitcspcnrtana. 313 5937. Shakspere in Germany. By Alexander Ramsay. By Per- mission, from the Revised Edition of the " Pictorial Shakspere," by Charles Knight, 1864-1866. [i vol. 8vo] 1864-6. 5938. Shakespeariana. Scraps, Newspaper cuttings, etc. Tercen- tenary Festival, 1864. Shakespeare Library, Birmingham. Portraits, Literature, Miscellanea, Autographs, (Alleged.) Collected by George J abet. [i vol. 4to] 1864-68. " This volume of extracts and illustrations of Shakespeare was collected by Mr. George Jabet (' Eden Warwick' in literature) who was one of the original founders of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham, and also one of the Honorary Secretaries for several years. The Volume was given to the Shakespeare Memorial Library by his sister Harriet Jabet on 7th October 1873, as the last memorial of her brother's interest in this monument to Shakespeare's Genius which he had so greatly helped during the previous ten years. S. T." 5939. Shakespeare's Editors and Commentators. By the Rev. W. R. Arrowsmith . . . London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5940. Wax Figures vs. Shakspeare. Edwin Forrest as Othello. 1865. In Artemus Ward His Book. [By Charles F. Browne.] With Notes and a Preface by the Editor of the Biglow Papers. . . . London: Hotten. [i vol. 8vo, n. d. , about 1865.] Pp. 63-5, 8+-8. 5941. Shakespeare : Adapted for Reading Classes, and for the Family Circle. By Thomas Bulfinch, . . . and Rev. S. G. Bulfinch. Boston : Tilton. [i vol. duo.] 1865. 5942. King John of England : A History and Vindication, based on the Original Authorities. By William Chadwick. . . . London : J. R. Smith. [I vol. 8vo] 1865. 5943. Shakespeare in Germany in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries : an Account of English Actors in Germany and the Nether- lands and of the Plays performed by them during the same Period. By Albert Cohn. With Two Plates of Facsimiles. London: Asher. [i vol. 4to] 1865. 5944. Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. New Edition. London: Murray. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5945. A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged, which, during the last Fifty Years, have come under the Observation of J. Payne Collier. London: Lilly. [2 vols. 8 vo] 1865. Contains references to Shikespeare. 3 '4 Sta^fepspeare iHnnorlal Elfirarj), IJinningljam. 5946. The Tercentenary : a Retrospect. By James Cox, Jun., Mayor of Stratford-on-Avon. London: Cassell, etc. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5947. The Beauties of Shakspeare. [By Dodd.] London : Moxon. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1865. For other Editions, see p. 186. 5948. Shaksperean Gems, newly Collected and Arranged, with a Life of William Shakspere ; embracing the most recent Discoveries. By Robert Lamplugh Gibson. . . . Halifax : Nicholson. [i vol. sm. 8vo] 1865. With Portrait, apparently from the Chandos picture. 5949. Shaksperean Statistics, by H. T. Hall. . . . Cambridge: Wallis. [I vol. 8vo] 1865. A Chronology of the Life and Works of Shakspere. Another Edition. New and Enlarged Edition. Cambridge : Wallis. [i vol. 8vo] 1874. 5950. Shakspere His Inner Life as intimated in his Works By John A. Heraud . . . London Maxwell. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. With an Engraving by Adlard, " From the Colossal Tercentenary Bust of Shakspere. By Charles Bacon, Esq." Remarks on the Sonnets of Shakespeare; with the Sonnets. . . . {By Hitchcock. I "vol. large duo.] 1865. See No. 4365. 5951. The Shakspere Treasury of Subject Quotations, synony- mously indexed. By William Hoe. London : Lockwood & Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5952. The Shakspearian Reader : A Collection of the most approved Plays of Shakspeare ; carefully revised, with introductory and explanatory Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. Prepared expressly for the use of Classes, and the Family Reading Circle. By John W. S. Hows . . . New York: D. Appleton & Co. [i vol. duo.] 1865. 5953. Scenes from the Winter's Tale London. Day and Son. [i vol. 4to, N. D., about 1865.] Illuminators Owen Jones, and Henry Warren. On Stone by A. Warren. 5954. Original Memoirs and Historical Accounts of the Families of Shakespeare and Hart, deduced from an early Period, and continued down to this present Year 1790. By John Jordan, of Stratford-upon- Avon. With Drawings of their Dwelling Houses, and Coats of Arms. Now first printed, a.d. 1865. London: Richards. [i vol. 4to] 1865. " Ten Copies only. Number Four. J. O. H." For the Original Manuscript, see No, 5031. 1 iHnQlisij Bfjafersprannna. 315 5955. Notices illustrative of the Drama, and other popular Amuse- ments, chiefly in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, incidentally illustrating Shakespeare and his Cotemporaries ; extracted from the Chamberlains' Accounts and other Manuscripts of the Borough of Lei- cester. With an Introduction and Notes by William Kelly. London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5956. Shakspeare for Schools ; being Passages from his Works to be committed to Memory. ... By Lenny. Second Edition. London : Relfe Brothers. [i vol. duo.] 1865. For earlier Edition, see p. 268. 5957. On the Birth-day of Shakspeare. 1865. /« Wild Rose Buds. Poems by Clara Loud. . . . Canterbury: R. Austen, [i vol. Svo] 1865. Pp. 76-7. Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys. [4 -vols. Si/a] 1 86 5. See No. 484 1. 5958. England as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James the First. Comprising Translations of the Journals of the two Dukes of Wirtemberg in 1592 and 1610 5 both illustrative of Shakespeare. With Extracts from the Travels of Foreign Princes and others, copious Notes, an Introduction, and Etchings. By William Brenchley Rye. . . . London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 410] 1865. 5959. Shakespeare's Medical Knowledge. By Charles W. Stearns, M.D. New York: Appleton and Co. [i vol. duo.] 1865. 5960. Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864. An Account of the Shak- spearian Literature of England, Germany and France during Three Cen- turies, with Bibliographical Introductions by Franz Thimm. London, Franz Thimm. [1 vol. 8vo] 1865. Another Edition. Second Edition. Containing the Literature trom 1864 to 1 87 1. London, Franz Thimm. [l vol. Svo] 1872. 5961. Three Notelets on Shakespeare. I. Shakespeare in Germany. II. The Folk-Lore of Shakespeare. III. Was Shakespeare ever a Soldier ? By William J. Thoms, F.S.A. London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. Svo] 1865. " On this subject of Shakspeare in Germany, Mr. W. J. Thoms has reprinted a pjper read some years ago before the Society of Antiquaries ; together with two other ' Notelets ' on the Poet 'The Folk-Lore of Shakspeare' from the Athcnauni, and 'Was Shakspeare a Soldier?' from Notes and Queries. Not the least of Mr. Thoms's many services to English literature is the invention of that admirable word /o/k-Iore, which appeared for the first time in these columns only a few years ago, and has already become a domestic term in every corner of the world. His illustration of Shakspeare's knowledge of this little world of fairy dreams and legends is a perfect bit of criticism. He answers the query as to Shakspeare having seen martial service in the affirmative; and therein we think his argument sound, his conclusion right. These 'Notelets' were well worthy of being collected into a book." — AtkcnA-um, 31 Dec, 1864. 3i6 Sfjafefspcare ifEcmorial Hiftrarp, 13inntngf)atn. 5962. The England of Shakspeare : and The Greenwood of Shak- speare. By Nicholas Waterhome. 1865. In Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire . . . Session 1864-5. Liver- pool : Holden. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. Vol. 5. N.S. pp. 23-72. 5963. Stray Notes on the Text of Shakespeare, by Henry Wellesley, D.D. . . . London: Murray. [i vol. 4to] 1865. 5964. William Shakespeare. By His Eminence Cardinal Wiseman. London : Hurst and Blackett. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5965. ■ Selections from Shakspeare, with Latin Translations. 1865. In Arundines Cami sive Musarum Cantabrigiensium lusus Canori Collegit atque edidit Henricus Drury, A.M Editio Sexta, Curavit Henricus Johannes Hodgson, A.M. . . . Canta- brigias : Typis Academicis Excusus. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5966. Shakespeare Anniversary, 24th April, 1865. Hen and Chickens Hotel, Birmingham. Birmingham : Allen. [i vol. 8vo] 1865. 5967. New Readings in Shakspere ; or, proposed Emendations of the Text. By Robert Cartwright, M.D. London : J. R. Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. 5968. Twenty Etchings by George Cruikshank illustrating the Life of Sir John Falstaft' as drawn by William Shakspeare. London : Long- man, [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1866.] Originally published in 1858, with a Life of the Knight by R. B. Brough. This re-issue consists of the plates only, 5969. A Hand-Book Index to the Works of Shakespeare, including References to the Phrases, Manners, Customs, Proverbs, Songs, Particles, &c., which are used or alluded to by the great Dramatist. By J. O. Hal- liwell, Esq., F.R.S. London : J. E. Adlard. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. " Fifty Copies only. Number Thirty-Five. J. O. H." 5970. Shakspere's Shrine, An Indian Story, Essays, and Poems. By John Harris, Cornish Poet .... London : Hamilton, Adams, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. " This -volume contains the Ode ivb'ich ivon the First Prize at the Tercentenary of Shakspere, April, 1864. Adjudicators : the Right Honourable Lord Lyttelton, George Daivson, Esq., M.A., James Bray, Esq." 5971. A Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Shakspeariana ; consisting of Manuscripts, Books and Relics, Illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, in the Library of William Harrison, Esq., of Galligreaves Hall, near Blackburn, and Samlesbury Hall, near Preston, Lancashire. London: Richards. [i vol. 4to] 1866. " Privately Printed. — Fifty Copies only." iSnglisi) ^fjnfeespeanana. 317 5972. Shakspere's Dogs. 1866. In Researches into the History of the British Dog, From Ancient Laws, Charters, and Historical Records ... By George R. Jesse . . . With Engravings designed and etched by the Author. London : Hardwicke. [2 vols. 8vo] 1866. Vol. 2, pp. 266-80. 5973. Shakspeare's Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide. By A. O. Kellogg, M.D. . . . New York : Hurd and Houghton. [I vol. 8vo] 1866. 5974. Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the Posses- sion of The Society of Antiquaries of London Compiled by Robert Lemon, Esq., F.S.A. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. [I vol. 8vo] 1866. 5975. Shakspeare's Sonnets never before interpreted : his private Friends identified : together with A Recovered Likeness of Himself. By Gerald Massey. . . . London: Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. Another Edition. Second and Enlarged Edition. . . . For Subscribers only. [l vol. 8vo] 1 8 72. 5976. The Beauties of Shakspere, selected and arranged by John Redfern . . . Hanley : Keates and Ford. [i vol. sq. duo.] 1866. 5977. Shakespeare. 1864. His Prayse. — 1664. [1866.] In Religio Animae, and other Poems ; by Alfred B. Richards . . . London : Edward Moxon Sc Co. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1866.] Pp. 27-41. 5978. Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare, with an Essay toward the expression of his Genius, and an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama. By Richard Grant White. Boston : Little, Brown, and Company. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. " One Hundred copies printed. No. 80." Has the Felton Portrait, R. Burbage, Pinxt. 1597. Choice of Emblemes . . . by JVbitney . . . Edited by Henry Green . . . [l 'vol. i^to'] 1866. See No. 4677. 5979. Biography of William Shakspeare. 1866. In Chambers's Encyclopaedia A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People, Vol. 8. . . . London W. and R. Chambers [i vol. Svo] 1866. Pp. 651-4. 5980. Notes of Studies on The Tempest Minutes of the Shakspere Society of Philadelphia for 1864-65 Privately printed for the Society. [i vol. 4to] 1866. " Sixty Copies privately printed for the Shakspere Society. No. 4. Horace Howard Furness, Secy." Contains a Bibliography of the Tempest. 5981. Shakespeare's Boys. [1866.] In Letters by an Odd Boy. With Rhymes by Ditto. London : S. O. Beeton [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1866.] Pp. 105-13. Contains .ilso references to Shakespeare in the articles entitled " Singing Songs," (pp. 204- 10.) and "Julius Caesar", (pp. 173-8.) Sbjkcfpeare's Jcji Book. y4 Hundred Mcry Talys, . . . Edited . . . by OesterUy. [l vol. Svo] 1866. See No. 4619. 3i8 Sfjafefsprare JHcmcirial Eifivaii), it3irmtngljnm. 5982. Shakspeare's Mental Photographs . . . New York : Hurd and Houghton. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. A game of ten questions, to each of which there are twenty answers, from Shakespeare. 5983. A Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare The Choice Sayings of his Principal Characters Analytically and Alphabetically Arranged London Charles Griffin and Company. [i vol. 8vo] 1866. 5984. A Manual of English Literature Historical and Critical : with an Appendix on English Metres. By Thomas Arnold, M.A. Second Edition^ Revised and Enlarged London: Longman. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. Contains references to Shakespeare. 5985. Essay upon the ^Esthetics of Hegel. Translated from the French of Benard by J. A. Martling. — A Thought on Shakespeare. By Anna C. Brackett. 1867. In The Journal of Speculative Philosophy. Vol. I. St. Louis, Mo. [U. S.] [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 5986. The Mad Folk of Shakespeare. Psychological Essays. By John Charles Bucknill, M.D. . . . Second Edition, Revised. London and Cambridge: Macmillan. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. For earlier Edition see No. 5740. 5987. The Influence exerted on the Writings of Shakspere by his knowledge of the English Bible. An Essay, read on the Evening of 24th January, 1867, And Published by Special Request. By Archibald Ferguson. Liverpool : Ferguson. [i vol. duo.] 1867. 5988. Shakspere : Some Notes on his Character and Writings. By a Student. [E. Forsyth.] . . . Edinburgh : Edmonston and Douglas. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 5989. A Hand-List of a Curious and Interesting Collection of Early Editions of the Works of Shakespeare, mostly printed before the appear- ance of the first Folio Edition of 1623. [By J. O. Halliwell.] West Brompton ; For Private Circulation only. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 5990. A List of Works illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shake- speare, the History of Stratford on- A von, and the Rise and Progress of the Early English Drama, printed for very limited and private Circulation at the Expense of J. O. Halliwell, 1850-1866. London : [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 5991. Guesses at Truth by Two Brothers [Augustus William and Julius Charles Hare.] . . . London : Macmillan and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. Contains references to Shakespeare. iSnglist .Sfjakespfariana. 319 5992. Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, From the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. By W. Carew Hazlitt . . . London : John Russell Smith, [i vol. 8vo] 1867. Contains a Bibliographical Account of the Editions of the Works of Shakespeare, previous to the Restoration. 5993. The Authorship of Shakespeare. By Nathaniel Holmes. . . . Second Edition. New York : Hurd and Houghton. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. Another Edition. Third Edition. New York: Hurd and Houghton, [i vol. 8vo] 1875. A MS. copy of a letter from Nathaniel Holmes to W. H. Smith, relating to this subject, is bound in the copy of the tract entitled "Bacon and Shakespeare" by W". H. Smith, 1857. See No. 5721. 5994. A Few Stray Thoughts upon Shakespeare. By Thomas Howell. London : Thomas Bosworth. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 5995. Golden Leaves from Shakspeare. 1867. In Golden Leaves from the British and American Dramatic Poets. Collected and Arranged by John W. S. Hows. New York : Huntington and Co. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. Pp. 20-74. 5996. The Still Lion. An Essay towards the Restoration of Shake- speare's Text. By C. M. Ingleby, LL.D. ... [i vol. 8vo] 1867. One of six copies for presentation. With MS. Notes. Another Edition. " Shakespeare Hermeneutics.'''' . . . London : Tvnhntr:. Printed by Jos'iah Allen oj" Birmingham. [i vol. 4to] 1875. 5997. The Shakespeare-Expositor : an Aid to the perfect under- standing of Shakespeare's Plays. By Thomas Keightley, Editor of the * Plays and Poems of Shakespeare.' London : J. Russell Smith. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 5998. William Shakspeare. 1867. In A Handbook of English Literature. ... By William George Larkins. . . . London : Routledge. [2 vols, 8vo] 1867. Vol.2, pp. 145-7. Vol. 1 contains (p. 45) a notice of Shakespeare's Poems and Sonnets. 5999. A Treatise on the Identity of Heme's Oak, showing the Maiden Tree to have been the real one. [Mentioned by Shakespeare in his Merry TVives of Windsor^ By W. Perry, Wood Carver to the Queen. . . . London: L. Booth. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. This copy is bound in carved oaken boards, from the tree in question. A prospectus, concern- ing the Bust ot Shakespeare carved by W, Perry, is inserted in the volume. 6000. Shakspere : The Mad Characters in his Works, [1867.] /n Studies : Biographical and Literary. By George Ross, M.D. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. [i vol. 8vo, N. D., about 1867.] Pp. 7-62. Contains also a " Prolusion. A Scene in Hades. Shakspere and Raleigh.''^ Pp. 1-6. 6001. Quotations from Shakespeare. A Collection of Passages from 320 Sfjakespcare iHcmocial ILifirarg, 13iimingf)am. the Works of William Shakespeare. Selected and Arranged by Edmund Routledge. . . . London: Routledge, [i vol. 8vo] 1867. riie Countesi of Pembroke's Arcc2dia. . . . By Sir PhUlp Sidney. . . . With Notes . . . by Haiti Frisiuell. [i -vol. Sw] 1867. See No. 4686. 6002. Articles on Shakspere. From the Binnmghatn Daily Gazette. 1867. extents : Shakspere as seen by his Contemporaries. By J. A. Langford. Letter from Mr. J. O. Hailiwell. A Shakspere to the Rescue ! or the Modern Prometheus. By C. M. Ingleby. The Tongue of Shakspere. By C. M. Ingleby. Shakspere on Plays, Playing, and Players. By J. A. Langford. Shakspere as a Country Gentleman. By Samuel Neil. 6003. A Catalogue of Relics of Shakspeare, . . . Which will be Sold by Auction, by William Hutchings, on Monday Next, Aug. I2th, 1867. on the Pre?nises of Mr. John Jafnes {a bankrupt), No. 23, High-street, Stratford-on-Avon. [Edward Adams, Printer, Stratford-upon-Avon.] [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 6004. Gleanings From the Comedies of Shakespeare. . . . Edinburgh : Nimmo. [i vol. duo., n.d., about 1867.] 6005. Selections from Shakespeare, with Greek and Latin Transla- tions. 1867. In Sabrinae Corolla in hortulis Regiae Scholae Salopiensls contexuerunt tres viri Floribus Le- gendis. . . . Editio Tertia. London: Bell and Daldy. [i vol. 8vo] 1867. 6006. Shakespeare Illustrated by Old Authors By William Lowes Rushton. . . . London: Longman. [2 vols, duo.] 1867-8. 6007. Stratford-upon-Avon and Shakespeare ; his Fame, Past and Prospective. 1868. In Walks in the Black Country and its Green Border-Land. By Elihu Burritt. London : Low. [l vol. 8vo] 1868. Pp. 439-48. Contains also (p. 83) a brief notice of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 6008. Shakespearean Gems: in French and English Settings. From the Plays of the Bard of Avon ; arranged for the use of Schools and Students. Joyaux de Shakespeare : tires des Pieces du Barde de I'Avon ; avec la Traduction Fran^aise en Regard, a I'Usage des Ecoles et des Etudiants. Par le Chevalier de Chatelain. . . . Londres : Guillaume Xegg. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. 6009. Notre Monument, par Le Chevalier de Chatelain. . . . Documents Dedies aux futurs vivants du 23 Avril, 1964, pour servir a la lamentable histoire de feu le Shakespeare National (?) Committee, du 23 Avril, 1864; et un peu aussi a I'histoire de I'Auteur. . . . Printed for Private Circulation. London. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. ISngltsf) ^fjafefspcamna. 321 6010. Portia and other Stories of the Early Days of Shakespeare's Heroines By Mary Cowden Clarke. . . . New York Putnam. [I vol. 8vo] 1868. 6011. The Original Story of Romeo and Juliet by Luigi Da Porto. From which Shakespeare evidently drew the Subject of his Drama. Being the Italian Text of 1530, and an English Translation, together with a Critical Preface, Historical and Bibliographical Notes and Illustrations. By G. Pace-Sanfelice. . . . Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] li Dedicated to Robert Galloway, Esq. Has four Photographs. Another Edition. 6012. The same. Cambridge : Deighton, Bell, and Co. [i vol. 8vo] li Differs from the preceding, being dedicated to the Rev. Hesketh Hanson, M.A., and has no Photographs. 6013. The Life of David Garrick ; from Original Family Papers, and numerous Published and Unpublished Sources. By Percy Fitzgerald. . . . London: Tinsley. [2 vols. 8vo] 1868. Contains notices of Garrick's alterations of Shakespeare's Plays, his representations of Shake- spearian Characters, etc. 6014. Shakespeare's Supreme Truthfulness. 1868. In Short Studies on Great Subjects. By James Anthony Froude. . . . London : Longman, [i vol. 8voJ 1868. Pp. 19-21. 6015. Human Life in Shakespeare. By Henry Giles. . . . Boston [U.S.] : Lee and Shepard. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. 6016. A Catalogue of a Small Portion of the Engravings and Draw- ings illustrative of the Life of Shakespeare, preserved in the Collection formed by J. O. Halliwell, Jt No. 11, Tregunter Road^ London. Printed for Private Reference. [i vol. 4to] 1868. " For Presents onlyT 6017. Selected Notes upon Shakespeare's Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra. By J. O. Halliwell. London : Printed for the Author. [i vol. 4to] 1868. " Fifty Copies printed by Whittingham and Wilkins." 6018. Selected Notes upon Shakespeare's Comedy of The Tempest. By J. O. Halliwell. London : Printed for the Author. [i vol. 4to] 1868. " Fifty Copies printed by Whittingham and Wilkins." 6019. A Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Works of Art, Anti- quities, and Relics, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and 322 S)f)afep0peare ilHnnortal iLifirnrg, ISirmintj^am. of the History of Stratford-upon-Avon ; which are preserved in the Shake- speare Library and Museum in Henley Street. [By Clarence Hopper.] London: Printed for the Shakespeare Fund. [r vol. 8vo] 1868. 6020. On Some Traces of the Authorship of the Works attributed to Shakespeare. By C. M. Ingleby. [^Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature^ Vol. 9, New Series. i vol. 8vo] 1868. 6021. Was Thomas Lodge an Actor ? An Exposition touching the Social Status of the Playwright in the time of Queen Elizabeth. By C. M. Ingleby. . . . London: Printed for the Author by Barrett and Sons. [i vol. 4to] 1868. Includes a Discussion on Siiakespeare's Sonnets. 6022. The Dramatic Writers of Scotland. By Ralston Inglis. Glasgow: Mackellar. [i vol. duo.] 1868. 6023. A Dictionary of the Language of Shakspeare. By Swynfen Jervis. London: J. R. Smith. [i vol. 4to] 1868. 6024. Juliet's Tomb in Verona. 1868. In Miscellaneous Prose Works. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. London : Bentley. [3 vols. 8vo] 1868. Vol. 2, pp. 243-6. There are, also, references to Shakespeare in an article " On some Authors in whose Writings Knowledge of the World is eminently displayed." Vol. 3, pp. 428-31. Diary of John Manningham. . . . Edited . . . by Bruce. [l -vol. 4/0] 1868. See No. 4734. 6025. Count Lucanor : Or, the Fifty Pleafant Stories of Patronio, Written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel, a.d. 1335-1347. Firft done into Englifh from the Spanifh, by James York, Doctor of Medicine, mdccclxviii. Bafil Montagu Pickerings Piccadilly., in the City of JVefi- minjler. [i vol. 8vo, N.D., about 1868.] "See at p. 200 the original source from whence the leading incident in the Taming of a Shrew, and the idea of the character of Petruchio were derived. The story was printed in the original Spanish in 1575 ; it is quite pofsible Shakespeare may have seen the book or heard it spoken of and quoteJ." MS. Note by J. W. C\ole\. The story is contained in Chapter XLIV. ^^ Of -what happened to a young Man on his Wedding Day." Pp. 200-6. 6026. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets. By Richard Simpson. London: Triibner. [i vol. 8vo] 1868. 6027. What Shakespeare has said about Woman. 1868. In What Men have said about Woman. A Collection of Choice Thoughts and Sentences. Compiled and Analytically Arranged by Henry Southgate. . . . London: Routledge. [i vol. Svo] 1868. 6028. Desecration of the Churchyard in which sleeps the Immortal Shakespeare. {Extracted frorn the ** Lea?nington Spa Courier" of May 30, 1868.) [i vol. duo.] 1868. iSngltsf) ^ijafersprnriann. 323 6029. Remarks on Shakespeare, his Birth-place, etc. Suggested by a Visit to Stratford-upon-Avon, in the Autumn of 1 868. By C. Roach Smith. . . . London : Privately Printed ; and not Published. [I vol. 8vo] 1868-9. 6030. The Roxburghe Library. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. [4to] 1868-70. Paris and Uienne. 1485. Inedited Tracts : illustrating the Manners, Opinions, and Occupations of Englishmen during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. The whole Works of William Browne. 2 vols. The English Drama and Stage under the ludor and Stuart Princes, 1543 — 1664. The Complete Poems of George Gascoigne. 2 vols. The Poems of Thomas Carew. 6031. Mr. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-simile Reprints. [4to] 1868-72. No. I. Bartholomew Faire. 1641. 2. Archy's Dream. 1641. 3. The Stage-Players Complaint. 1641. 4. The Actors Remonstrance. 1643. 5. The Wyse Chylde of thre yere olde. 6. The Prophesie of Mother Shipton. 1641. 7. The Assyse of Breade. 8. Wandering, to see the Wonders of the West, by John Taylor. 1649. 9. An Ordinance for the Suppression of Stage Playes. 1647. 10. Edward Webbe's Travels. 1590. 11. The Carriers' Cosmographie, by John Taylor. 1637. 12. The Debate and Stryfe betwene Somer and Wynter. 13. The Merry Conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. 1661. 14. A Treatyse of this Galaunt with the Maryage of the Bosse of Byllyngesgate. 15. A New Play called Canterburie his Change of Diot. 1641. 16. A Certain Relation of the Hog-faced Gentlewoman. 1640. 17. Drinke and Welcome, by John Taylor. 1637. 18. Prophesies by Lady Eleanor Audeley. 1649. 19. The Generous Usurer. 1641. 20. The Primrose of London. 1585. 21. Mad Fashions, Od Fashions, by John Taylor. 1642. 22. The Poet's Blind Man's Bough. 1641. 23. A Threefold Discourse. 1642. 24. Heads of all Fashions, by John Taylor. 1642. 25. The English Mountebank. 1652. 26. To-day a man, To-morrow none. 1644. 27. The Seaman's Triumph. 1592. 28. The last Will and Testament of Charing Crosse. 1646, 29. Crete Wonders Foretold. 1647. 30. Historia Histrionica. 1699. Tie impression of each of these Reprints has been strictly limited to One Hundred copies^ 6032. A Shakespearian Grammar. An Attempt to Illustrate some of the Differences between Elizabethan and Modern English. For the Use of Schools. By E. A. Abbott . . . London : Macmillan. [i vol. 8vo] 1869. 6033. The same. Second Edition. London : Macmillan. [i vol. 8vo] 1869. Another Edition. Revised and Enlarged Edition, London : Macmillan. [i vol. Svo] 1870. 324 ^iin^cspeare iHemorial Uifiratfi, ISirmtnotam. 6034. Twenty-five Old Ballads and Songs : from manufcripts in the Possession of J. Payne Collier, Octogen. A Birthday Gift. London : Printed for Presents only. [i vol. 4to] 1869. Twenty-five copies printed. 6035. The English of Shakespeare ; Illustrated in A Philological Commentary on his Julius Caesar. By Crailc. . . . Edited ... by W. J. Rolfe. . . . Boston: Ginn. [i vol. 8vo] 1869. For other Editions, see p. 2«<^//VA