TREATISE A ON THE REFORM ACT, 2 William IV. Chap. 45, PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS TO OVERSEERS AND TOWN-CLERKS, AND A COPY OF THE ORDER IN COUNCIL Of i fit- nth July, 1832; ALSO CONTAINING A COPY OF THE ACT, AM> ALSO THE BOUNDARY ACT, 2 & 3 Wm. IV. C. 64. BY WILLIAM RUSSELL, ESQ 01' Lincoln's inn, baruister at law LONDON : SAUNDERS AND BENNING, LAW BOOKSELLERS, (successors to J. BUTTERWORTH AND SON,) 43, FLEET STREET. 1832. 7 f THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES u / <^i/0 / z ^ TREATISE ON THE REFORM ACT,, 2 William IV. Chap. 4.j, WITH PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS TO OVERSEERS AND TOWN-CLERKS, AND A COPY OF THE ORDER IN COUNCIL Of the II th Julj/, 1832; AT.SO 3[n HppnttJix, CONTAINING A COPY OF THE ACT, ANU ALSO THE BOUNDARY ACT, 2 & 3 WILLIAM IV. C. U. I BY WILLIAM^USSELL, ESQ. OF Lincoln's inn, barrister at law, LONDON : SAUNDERS AND BENNING, LAW BOOKSELLERS, (successors to J. BUTTERWORTH AND SON,) 43, FLEET STREET. 1832. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. nOWORTH AND SONS, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. I? TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD JOHN RUSSELL, Sfc. <§c. 4c- Having been entrusted by His Majesty's Minis- ters with a share in the task of preparing the Reform Bill, and having consequently had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the prin- ciples on which its Provisions were founded, and the views with which its Enactments were framed, I have ventured to consider myself in some degree qualified to attempt, now that it has passed into a Law, a Treatise in explanation of it. Independently of any public grounds, motives of private affection and esteem alone would be suffi- cient to induce me to wish for the sanction of your name; but, apart from any such considerations, I a2 ^7; IV DEDICATION. am satisfied that all will agree that there is no one to whom a Work on the Reformed Law of Election could with greater propriety be addressed than to yourself. Regretting my inability to ofter upon a subject of such general importance a more sufficient Com- mentary than that which I now address to you, I remain, Ever yours with affectionate Regard, WILLIAM RUSSELL. 28, Lincoln's Inn Fields, July 20th, 1832. " Certain abuses and comiptions grow into the law as close as the ivy unto tlie tree, or the rust to the iron, and in a little tract of time gain the reputation of being part of the law : so that a great and considerable part of that reformation that is pleaded for, is not so much of the law as of abuses and comiptions, and wens and excrescences, that do adhere to the law, and will in time strangle and stifle it with their close adherence to it." " But yet farther — I do not think that the only things fit to be refonned in the law are the abuses and comiptions of it ; but there are some things, that are really and tnily parts of the law, as necessary to be reformed as the errors and abuses of it." Sir Matthew Hale. a 3 PREFACE. It has been the object of the Author to present in the following Treatise, a careful Commentary upon the whole of the Reform Act, arranging its Provisions in the order that seemed most favourable to perspicuity, and offering a particular explanation of those parts of the Statute which appeared to re- quire it. Such points of the Old Law and Practice of Elections have been noticed, as it seemed proper to refer to for the purpose of showing how they are affected by the Act. To this have been added, in the Three last Chap- ters of the work. Practical Directions, somewhat in detail, which it is hoped may be found convenient for the use of those who are to carry the Provisions of the Act into effect. The Author gladly avails himself of this opportu- nity of acknowledging the great assistance he has received from his friend Mr. Gregson, with whom, VIU PREFACE. and with Mr. Henry Roscoe, he had the pleasure of being associated in preparing the Reform Bill for Parliament : But for that assistance this Treatise would have fallen far short of any pretension to accuracy that it may possess. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. NUMBER OF KNIGHTS OF THE SHIRE TO SERVE FOR ENGLAND AND WALES. Page Number of Knights of the Shire . 1 Counties of York and Lincoki 1,2 What Counties to be Divided 3 What Counties to return Three Knights 4 What Counties in England and Wales to return Two . . ib. "What Welsh Counties %nll return One Knight only . . ib. Isle of Wight to be a County retumuig One Knight . . 5 Certain Counties of Cities and Towns incorporated %vith Counties at large ib. CHAPTER II. NUMBER OF MEMBERS TO SERVE FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS IX ENGLAND AND WALES. Classification of Cities and Boroughs returning ]\Iembers 6 What Cities and Boroughs in England to return Two Members 7, 8, 9 What Cities and Boroughs in England and Wales to retiinv One Member 9, 10 Welsh Contributoiy Boroughs 11,12,13,14 Boimdaries of all Cities, Boroughs, &c. settled by Boimdaiy Act 14 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. ELECTORS FOR COUNTIES. Page Classification of County Electors 15 1st. As to Freeholders : — Freeholder's Qualifi'-ation defined . . . . 15 to 17 No Person to Vote for a County in respect of any Freehold Propertj- occupied by himself in a Bo- rough which might confer a Vote for the Borough under the 27th Section 18,19 2dly. As to Copyholders : — Coiuity Right extended to Copyholders 20 Right defined . . , 21 AVliere Property might confer Right for a Borough it will not for a County 21, 22 3dly. As to Tenants in Ancient Demesne : — Pre\-ious State of the Law as to them .... 22, 23 How their Right of Voting will be regulated in future 23, 24 4thly. As to Leaseholders : — Definition of Leasehold Right — Value of 10/. per Annum required if term originally created for not less than Sixty Years 24, 25 Value of 50/. per Annum required if term originally created for Twenty Years at the least .... 26 No Leaseholder to Vote for Covmty in respect of Property which might confer a Vote for a Borough ili. Stilly. As to Occupying Tenant, (without reference to length of term) : — Occupj-ing Tenants at Rent of 50/. to Vote ... 27 Right defined ib. Property not to give a Vote for a County if it might confer one for a Borough 28 Provision as to Equitable Estates 28, 29 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER IV. ELECTORS FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS. Page Classification of Rights for Cities and Boroughs ... 30 1st. As to New Rights : — New Qualification defined by Sect. 27. What re- quisite to constitute it 30 to 39 2dly. Old Rights Reserved in Perpetmty : — What they are 39 1st. Freeholders and Burgage Tenants in certain Counties of Cities and Towns . . . . 40 to 42 2dl)'. Burgesses and Freemen, and Freemen and Livei-) men of the Citj' of London .... 42, 43 3dly. Old Rights Reserved for a time : — What they are 45 to 50 CHAPTER V. PROCEEDINGS WITH REGARD TO THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS FOR COUNTIES. General Outline of Process of Coimty Registration . 54, 55 Details of County Registration 56, 71 CHAPTER VI. PROCEEDINGS WITH REGARD TO THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS. General Outline of Borough Registration . . . 72 to 74 Details of Borough Registration 74 to 89 CHAPTER VII. PROCEEDINGS PREPARATORY TO AND DURING COUNTY ELECTIONS. Dut}' of Returning Officer as to Notice of Election, Erect- ing Booths, Mode of Polling, &c 90 to 93 Xll CONTENTS. Page Expenses of Booths, Deputies, &c 93 Duration of Poll 94 Duties of Poll Clerks ib. Final Declaration of the PoU . . . • 95 CHAPTER VIII. PROCEEDINGS PREPAKATORY TO AND DURING BOROUGH ELECTIONS IN ENGLAND. Notice of Election 97 Provisions as to Booths, Polling, &c 98 to 100 Expenses of Booths, &c 99 Duration of Poll ib. Duties of Poll Clerks 101 Final Declaration of the Poll ib. Returning Officers for New Boroughs . . . . 101 to 103 CHAPTER IX. PROCEEDINGS PREPARATORY TO AND DURING ELECTIONS FOR BOROUGHS IN WALES. Provisions as to Polling, Sec. at Elections for Monmouth, and for the Welsh Boroughs 104,105,106 CHAPTER X. POINTS COMMON TO ALL ELECTIONS, WHETHER FOR COUNTIES OR BOROUGHS. Subjects of Inquirj' at the Time of Polling 108 Oaths to be taken at Elections 108, 109 Tender of Votes at Election by Party excluded from Register 110 Scrutiny before Returning Officer abolished Ill Register Questionable before Committee of House of Com- mons ib. Adjournment of Poll in case of Riot 112 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER XI. EXPENSES INCIDENT TO REGISTRATION IN COUNTIES AND BO- ROUGHS, AND PENALTIES FOR NEGLECT OF DUTIES UNDER THE ACT. Page Remuneration of Barristers 113 Expenses of Overseers, Clerks of the Peace, &c. 114 to 116 Penalties for neglect of Duties 116 CHAPTER XII. PROCEEDINGS UNDER THE ACT FOR THE YEAR 1832. Dates for First Registration 118 Order in Council 121 to 131 CHAPTER XIII. DUTY OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO MAKING OUT LISTS OF COUNTY ELECTORS 132 tO 145 CHAPTER XIV. DUTIES OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO THE LISTS OF ELECTORS FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS . . . 146 tO 167 CHAPTER XV. DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS IN PLACES WHERE FREEMEN HAVE A RIGHT TO VOTE 168 tO 176 ^ppenlrii. THE REFORM ACT, 2 Wm. 4, c. 45. THE BOUNDARY ACT, 2 & 3 Wm. 4, c. 64. INDEX. ERRATA. Page 9, " Wolverhampton" should be in Italics, as havmg ac- quired the Right of Sending Members to Parliament under the Act. Page 59, for " before the 25th of August," read " on or be- fore, &c." TREATISE ON THE REFORM ACT, 2 William IV. Cap. 45. CHAPTER I. NUMBER OF KNIGHTS OF THE SHIRE TO SERVE FOR COUNTIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. There will in future be 159 Kni(:rhts of the Shire ''J umber ot . . Knighls of to represent the dmerent Counties in England and the Shire in future Parlia- WaleS. meots. These may be classed as follows : There will be 1 County returning 6 Knights of the Shire 6 26 Counties will return 4 each 104 7 will return 3 each 21 9 will return 2 each 18 10 will return 1 each 10 159 1st. The County of York will return Six Knights county of of the Shire; that is to say, Two for each of the turn Six '^'^ Knights. B ^ KNIGHTS OF THE SHIRE. Each Riding Three Ridingrs ; and for all Election purposes each to be as a ° r r separate Riding is to be considered as a separate County ; therefore the Qualifications arising in each separate Riding will confer a Right of Voting in the Election of the Knights to serve for that particular Riding alone. 2 W. 4, c. 45, s. 12. It is to be observed that the North Riding of Yorkshire will, for the purpose of electing Knights of the Shire, include the City of York and the Ainsty; and the East Riding of Yorkshire will comprehend the County of the Town of Kingston upon Hull. See S. 17, and Sched. (G.) County of 2dly. The County of Lincoln will in future re- letnru Four turn Four Knights of the Shire ; that is to say. Two for the Parts of Lindsey, and Two for the Parts of Kesteven and Holland ; and, for the purposes of Elections, the Parts of Lindsey are to be considered as one distinct County, and the Parts of Kesteven and Holland together as another distinct County ; and, as has already been explained with regard to the several Ridings of Yorkshire, the Qualifications arising in the Parts of Lindsey will confer Rights of Voting as to those Parts only, and the Qualifica- tions arising in the Parts of Kesteven and Holland as to the Parts of Kesteven and Holland alone. jS. 13. The Parts of Lindsey will comprehend, for the purposes of Elections, the County of the City of Lincoln. See S. 17, and Sched. (G.) KNIGHTS OF THE SHIRE. 3dlv. Each of the followincr 25 Counties will, in Certain "' _ ® _ ties to be di- future Parliaments, be represented by Four Knights '^^^.'^ each sion to of the Shire : but they are to be divided each into f?«'|in Tw" ' •' Knights. Two Divisions, and each of such Divisions is here- after to return Two Knights of the Shire : Cheshire, Northumberland, Cornwall, Northamptonshire. Cumberland, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Devonshire, Somersetshire, Durham, Staffordshire, Essex, Suffolk, Gloucestershire, Surrey, Hampshire, Sussex, Kent, Warwickshire, Lancashire, Wiltshire, Leicestershire, Worcestershire. Norfolk, These Counties are enumerated in the Schedule Each Divi- (r.) annexed to the Act; and each of their Divi- a separate sions is, for all the purposes of Elections, to be considered as a distinct and separate County, so that the Qualifications arising in each Division will confer a right of voting for that Division only. S. M. The Division is to be effected by a separate Act to Division (<> be effected be passed for the purpose, which is, however, im- by Boondao mediately upon its passing to become virtually a part of the Reform Act. The precedent for this prospective incorporation of an Act not yet passed B 2 4 KNIGHTS OF THE SHIRE. with one which has actually become a Law, is to be found in the Act of Union with Scotland. See 5 Ann, c. 8, art. 22. Certain 4thlv. Each of the following Counties will in Counties to •' ^ _ " . . retiini Three future retum Three Knights of the Shire, viz. Knights. . ^ Berkshire, Herefordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Oxfordshire. Dorsetshire. These are enumerated in the Schedule (F. 2.) See S.15. Counties to return Two Knights. 5thly. The Counties which will each return Two Knights of the Shire are as follows, viz. — IN ENGLAND. IN WALES. Bedfordshire, Caermar thenshire, Huntingdonshire, Denbighshire, Middlesex, Glamorganshire. Monmouthshire, Rutlandshire, Westmoreland. 6thly. The following Counties in Wales will re- Welsh Counties which are turn oue Member only as heretofore : — to return One '' Knight only. Anglesea, Breconshire, Cardiganshire, Carnarvonshire, Flintshire. Merionethshire, Montgomeryshire, Pembrokeshire, Radnorshire. KNIGHTS OF THE SHIRE. 5 7thly. The Isle of Wight is hereafter to be, for isie of Wight -' * _ ' to be a the purposes of Elections, a County of itself, sepa- County re- rate from Hampshire, and will return one Knight Knight. of the Shire to Parliament; the Right of Voting and the mode of Election will be in all respects the same for this New County as for any other County in England. S. 16. There are at present 19 Cities and Towns in Certain Counties of England and Wales being Counties of themselves, Cities and f .... Towns incor- which, although locally situate within Counties at porated with "^ Counties at large, were not, with the exception of Three of them 'arge- (viz. Canterbury, Poole, and Southampton,) for the purposes of Parliamentary Representation, an inte- gral part of the Counties at large ; Of these 10, the 13 enumerated in Schedule (G.) annexed to the Act will in future, for the purposes of County Elections, be included in the Counties at large with which they are locally connected ; The remaining 6, viz. Bristol, pxeter, Haverford- west, Lichfield, Norwich, Nottingham, in which alone Freeholders have had the Right of Voting for the Cities or Towns themselves, will not share in the Representation of the Counties at large with which they are respectively connected; But, as an equivalent for the County Franchise, the Right of Voting, as will be afterwards explained, is to be continued in perpetuity to the Freeholders of those places by the 31st Section of the Act. MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. CHAPTER II. NUMBER OF MEMBERS TO SERVE FOR CITIES AKD BOROUGHS IX EXGLAND AXD WALES. !Man-y Boroughs, which used heretofore to Return ^lembers to Parliament, being wholly Disfranchised by the Act on the grounds stated in the Preamble, it seems unnecessary to make any further observa- tion with regard to them than, that they are Fift^y- six in Number, and that they are enumerated in the First Section, and more particularly described in the Schedule (A.) annexed to the Act. Namberof There will in future be ii-il Members to repre- members for Citiea and sent the different Cities and Boroughs in England Boronghs in _ o o Enjland and and WalcS. Walej. These may be classed as follows : — There will be 1 City returning 4 Members 4 135 Cities and Boroughs returning 2 each 270 67 1 each 67 541 The City of London is the only place which will continue to return Four Members. Ueymouihto The Borough of Weymouth and Melcombe- return Twi. _, . i • i ''/• ' i t-i Members Regis, which formerly returned Four Members, onlv. . "^ . will in future return only Two. See S. 6. MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. The following Cities and Boroughs in England What Citie? and Borongh will return Two Members each:(l) Carlisle, Chester Albans, St. Andover, Aylesbury, Barnstaple, Bath, Bedford, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Beverley, Birmingham, Blachhurn, Bodmin, Bolton, Boston, Bradford, Bridgenorth, Bridgewater, Bridport, Brighton, Bristol, Buckingham, Bury St. Edmunds, Cambridge University, Cambridge, Borough, Canterbury, in England to return Two Members. Chichester, Chippenham, Cirencester, Cockermouth, Colchester, Coventry, Cricklade, Derby, Devizes, Devonport, Dorchester, Dover, Durham, East Retford, Evesham, Exeter, Finshury, Gloucester, Grantham, Greenwich, Guildford, Halifax, (1) The Boroughs printed in Italics have acquired the right of sending Members to Parhament by the Act. See S. 3, and Schedule (C.) MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. Harwich, Hastings, Hereford, Hertford, Honiton, Huntingdon, Ipswich, King's Lynn, Kingston-upon-HuU, Knaresborough, Lambeth, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Leominster, Lewes, Lincoln, Lichfield, Liverpool, Ludlow, Lymington, Macclesfield, Maidstone, Maldon, Malton, Manchester, Marlborough, Marlow, Great, Mary-le-bone, Newark-upon-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyne, Newcastle-upon-Tj'ne, Newport (L of Wight), Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Oldham, Oxford, University, Oxford, City, Penryn, Peterborough, Plymouth, Pontefract, Poole, Portsmouth, Preston, Reading, Richmond, Ripon, Rochester, Salisbury, Sandwich, Scarborough, Sheffield, Shoreham, Shrewsbury, Southampton, Southwark, MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. Stafford, Stamford, Stockport, Stoke-upon- Trent, Stroud, Sudbury, Sunderland, Tamvvorth, Tavistock, Taunton, Tewkesbury, Thetford, Tiverton, Totness, Tower Hamlets, Truro, Warwick, Wells, Wenlock, Westminster, Weymouth, Wigan, Winchester, Windsor, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Wycombe, Yarmouth, York. The following Cities and Boroughs will return What Citief and Boroughs One Member each : (1) Abingdon, * Arundel, * Ashburton, Ashton-under-Lyne, Banbury, Beaumaris, Bewdley, Brecon, Bury, * Calne, Cardiff, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, in England and Wales !o rclnrn One Member each. (1) The Boroughs printed in Italics have acquired the Right of Sending a Member to Parliament by the Act. See S. 4, and Sched. (D.) Those marked with an asterisk have been deprived of One Member by the Act. See S. 2, and Sched. (B.) B 5 10 MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. Chatham, Cheltenham, * Christchurch, * Clithero, * Dartmouth, Denbigh, * Droitwich, Dudley, *Eye, Flint, Frome, Gateshead, * Great Grimsby, Haverfordwest, * Helston, * Horsham, Htiddersfield, * Hythe, * Ives, St. Kendal, Kidderminster, * Launceston, * Liskeard, * Lyme Regis, Merthyr Tydvil, * Malmesbury, * Midhurst, Monmouth, Montgomery, * Morpeth, * Northallerton, Pembroke, * Petersfield, Radnor, Rochdale, *Rye, * Ryegate, Salford, * Shaftesbury, South Shields, Swansea, * Thirsk, Tynemouth, Wakefield, * Wallingford, Walsall, * Wareham, Warrington, * Westbury, Whitby, Whitehaven, * Wilton, * Woodstock. Shoielum, With respect to the Boroughs of New Shoreham, MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. 11 Cricklade, Aylesbury and East Retford, it is to be CrickUde, Aylesbury, observed that those Hundreds and Divisions, the a;"! East Retford to Freeholders in which have by previous Statutes (see include cer- '' '■ ^ tain adjacent 11 Geo. 3, c. 55 ; 22 Geo. 3, c. 31 ; 44 Geo. 3, c. 60, '''*'"<='«• and 1 Will. 4, c. 74,) the Right of Voting for those respective Boroughs, are by the 5th Section of the Act, for the purposes of Elections, included in those several Boroughs. But as to Shoreham, for which all the Freeholders throughout the whole of the Rape of Bramber have hitherto had the Right of Voting, that part of the Rape, which, under the Act for Settling the Boundaries of Boroughs, will be included in the Borough of Horsham, will confer no Right of Voting for Shoreham. And as to Cricklade, for which all the Freeholders throughout the Hundred of Malmesbury have heretofore had the Right of Voting, so much of that Hundred as will, under the Boundary Act, be included in the Borough of Malmesbury, will confer no Right of Votins for Cricklade. S. 5. The Borough of Penryn is, for the purposes of Penryn to Elections, to include the Town of Falmouth, and mouth; Sandwich to the Borough of Sandwich the Parishes of Deal and '"cUide Deal and Walmer. \V aimer. S. 6. In the Election for several of the Shire Towns Weijh Con- tributory Bo- in Wales certain other Towns have hitherto shared, roughs. 12 MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. and have been called Contributory Boroughs. The Constitution of these Welsh Boroughs mainly de- pends upon Two Statutes of Henry VIII. (viz. 27 Hen. 8, c. 2G, s. 28 and 29, and 35 Hen. 8, c. 11.) The Act creates several nevv Contributory Bo- roughs ; The following Places will hereafter be the Con- tributory Boroughs sharing in the Election with the Shire Towns or Principal Boroughs : (1) Amlwch '\ Holyhead, and . . > sharing with Beaumaris. Llangefni ) Aberystwith • • • ^ Lampeter, and . . ^. sharing with Cardigan. Adpar 3 Llanclhj sharing with Caermarthen. Pwllheli -] Nevin i Conway Y sharing with Caernarvon. Bansor I Criccieth J Ruthin -x Holt \ sharing with Denbigh. Town of Wrexham . } (1) The places printed in Italics are made Contributory Boroughs by the Act. See S. 8, and Sched. (E.) MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. Rhyddlan ^ Overton Caerwis Caergwrley . . . . ^ sharing with Flint. St. Asaph .... Holywell .... Mold 13 Cowbridge Llantrissent ge . . . .j sent .... 3 sharing with Cardiff. sharing with Haverfordwest. Llanidloes "j Welsh Pool . . . . j Machynlleth . • . J> sharing with Montgomery. Llanfyll'in I Newtown J Narherth . . Fishguard. . Tenby -\ Wiston \ sharing with Pembroke. Town of Milford .) Knighton . . Rhayder . . Kevinleece . Knucklas | Town of Presteigne J n . j> sharing with Radnor. The Towns of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Abera- von, and Kenfig, which have heretofore shared in 14 MEMBERS FOR BOROUGHS. the Election of a Member for Cardiff, will no longer do so, but will together constitute One Borough. S. 10. Boundaries The Boundaries of all the Cities, Boroughs, and of all Cities, _ ' ?= ' Boroughs, Contributory Boroughs in England and Wales, are by Boundary fQj. jjjg purposes of Elections to be settled by a se- parate Act, which has been already alluded to as settling the Division of Counties. See sections 3, 4, 7, 9, and 10. COUNTY ELECTORS. 15 CHAPTER III. ELECTORS FOR COUNTIES. In considering who are the persons who will have Electors for a Right of Voting in the Election of Knights of the dwIciVd? "^ Shire to serve in future Parliaments, it may be proper to divide them into 1. Freeholders, 2. Copyholders, 3. Tenants in Ancient Demesne, 4. Leaseholders, 5. Occupying Tenants (without any reference to length of term). ]st. As to Freeholders. No person will be hereafter entitled to vote in the Freeholder's Election for any County, or for any Riding, Parts, defined. or Division of a County, in respect of his Estate or Interest as a Freeholder in any Lands or Tenements within such County, Riding, Parts, or Division, un- less he shall have been duly Registered according Registration . . r 1 \ recinired. to the provisions ot the Act ; In order to be so Registered, every such Free- holder must have been in the actual Possession, or 16 COUNTY ELECTORS. in the Receipt of the Rents and Profits of such Length of Lands or Tenements for at least Six Calendar possession. Months next previous to the Last day of July, in the year in which he is so Registered ; (that day being, as will be afterwards explained, the day for making up the Lists of Persons Entitled to Vote.) S. 26. Excep'ion In There is an Exception, however, as to the requi- case of pro- x ' ' i perty coming gite time of Possession in the cases of Persons who by descent, *'*^' shall have acquired qualifying property within the Six Months next previous to the Last day of July, by Descent, Succession, Marriage, Marriage Settle- ment, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or to any Office; In any such case, the Freeholder who has acquired such property, will not require any length of previous Possession or receipt to give him a title to be Registered. S. 26. This exception is taken from the Provisions of the 18 Geo. 2, c. 18, s. 5. (The word " Succession" is added to the cases provided for by that Act, and will meet the case of Leasehold property succeeded to upon In- testacy.) Assessment It will no longer be necessary, in order to confer to land tax no _ longer re- a Right of Voting, that the qualifying Property, (whether Freehold or otherwise) should be assessed to the Land Tax. S. 22. It may be proper to notice that the Act does not repeal or alter the provisions of 3 Geo. 3, c. 24, by which Annuities and Rent- Charges issuing out of Freehold Lands or Tene- COUNTY ELECTORS. 17 ments are required to be Registered_with the Clerk of^the Peace , in order to confer^ Qualification, The foregoing observations are applicable to all Freeholders whether of Inheritance or for Life; but there is an Enactment with respect to the ainount of the Qualification of Freeholders for Life, which does not extend to Freeholders of Inheritance, nor to such Freeholders for Life as shall be in actual and bond Jide occupation; nor to such Freeholders for Life as shall have acquired their Freeholds by Mar- riage, Marriage Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or to any Oflfice ; as to no one of Vaineof which Three classes, is the value of the Qualifying freehold fn T-iiii- •If ^ • ^ 1 what cases r reehold m any way varied from that required by not varied IT • If! •r'lA fi'oni old law. the Law as it stood before the passing of the Act, that is to say, " 40 shillings by the year at the least above all Charges." (8 Hen. 6, c. 7 ; 18 Geo. 2, c. 18, s. 1.); The purport of this Enactment is. Freeholders that, in future, no Freehold Lands or Tenements of ^/future"" 1 • 1 Ti 1 -ir"!- T'/» have freehold which any Person may be seised tor his own Liie, worth lo;. or for the Life of another, or for any joint Lives, ^"^^"^ will, (except where he is in actual and bond Jide oc- Exceptions. cupation, or where the Lands or Tenements shall have come to him by Marriage, Marriage Settle- ment, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or office,) confer any Right of Voting for a County unless they shall actually be worth to the Person seised of such Lands or Tenements, 10/. per annum at the least, free from all Rents and Charges, a^. 18. COUNTY ELECTORS. Meaning of (The word " Charges," it is to be observed, is not " Charges." intended, in this or any other instance where it is used in the Act, to include any Public or Parlia- mentary Tax, or any Church Rate, County Rate, or Parochial Rate. S. 21 ; see also 18 Geo. 2, c. IS, s. 6.) Rights of There is an Exception, however, to this requisi- existing free- holders for tion as to the value of the qualifyins Freehold, in life reserved. i ^ o No new con- favour of all those existing Freeholders for Life, dition as to '-' vaiueim- who, as the Law stood before the passing of the Act, might vote, (or, if Minors, acquire upon coming of age a right to vote,) in respect of any Freeholds, of whatever value they may be: The Rights of those Individuals, so long as they may be seised of the same Freeholds as at the time of the passing of the Act are reserved, subject, however, to the con- dition of Registration. There remains to be noted an important Restric- tion on the Right of Voting for Counties in respect of Freeholds ; but it extends merely to Freeholders in Occupation of their own Freehold property in a Borough, and not to Freehold Landlords. The Restriction is this ; No person to No Freeholder in the actual occupation of Free- vote for a county in re- hold property in a Borough of such nature and ?pect of any r i: j a freehold pro- yalue as would, undcr those provisions of the Act perty occu- •■ pied by him- which regulate the New Qualification of Voters for self in a " Borough Boroughs (see S. 27.) entitle him to vote in the which would o \ / confer vote Election for the Borough, will be entitled to vote in tor Borough " under S. 27. COUNTY ELECTORS. 19 respect of that property for the County ; the nature and value of such property will alone, even without the accompaniment of the other qualifying requisites for a Borough Voter, be sufficient to disqualify the Freeholder in occupation from voting in respect of it for the County ; so that, although the Freeholder may not in any respect have matured or completed his title as a Voter for the Borough, he will, if in the actual occupation of Freehold property of such nature and value as might confer a right of voting for the Borough, be disabled from voting in Respect of such property for the County : To illustrate this by example ; A Freeholder is Example, in the occupation of his own house and warehouse within a Borough, each being worth lOl. a year, and therefore, according to the 27th Section of the Act, as will be afterwards explained, of sufficient value to give a Right of Voting for the Borough: In con- sequence of having been omitted in some Rate for the Relief of the Poor, or of not having paid up his Assessed Taxes, or of having occupied for less than Twelve Months, he is not able to establish a perfect Right of Voting for the Borough in respect of either the House or Warehouse ; He will also be excluded from voting for the County in respect of either, be- cause each is of such a nature and value as might confer a Right for the Borough. But in those Boroughs where the Right of voting in Boroughs ,. , . . -r - T-< 1 1 1 "*'^ having is, accordmg to the existmg Law, m b reeholders, Freehold 20 COUNTY ELECTORS. Riehi of or in Inhabitants paying Scot and Lot, in every case Voting, r ^ o • i i • i Voters for where the Freehold property owned or inhabited, Borough may i i ^ also Vote for (^^ ^]^q case may be.) is of such nature and value, County if ^ J '/ property not jjj^t it would not. Under the 27th Section of the such as wouM confer a ^gf coufcr a Quahficatiou for the Borough, the Borough ' ^ Right under Freeholder will not be incapacitated by the opera- tion of the 24th Section from voting for the County, although he may also have the Right of voting for the Borough as a Freeholder, or as an Inhabitant paying Scot and Lot: But, as will hereafter be explained, such Free- hold and Scot and Lot Rights of voting for Boroughs are reserved for a limited period only. (Vid. j)ost, Ch. IV.) 'Hdly. As to Copyholders. According to the Law as it stood before the passing of this Act, Copyholders had no Right of Voting for Counties ; indeed they were expressly County Right excluded by the 31 Geo. 2, c. 14; but that right is tended to extended to them for the future by the 19th Section Copyholders. of the Act ; according to the operation of which Section, coupled with the 26th Section, the right of voting in Copyholders may be thus defined ; Right defined Every persou, not labouring under any legal dis- ability, who has, either at Law or in Equity an Estate of Inheritance, or for his own Life, or for the Life of another, or for any joint Lives, in any Lands or Tenements of Copyhold Tenure, of the clear COUNTY ELECTORS. 21 yearly value of £10, over and above all Rents and Required Charges, and who shall have been in the actual Possession, or in the receipt of the Rents and Pro- fits, of such Lands or Tenements for at least Six Length of _ Possession. Calendar Months next pi'evious to the Last day of July in the year in which he is Registered (Regis- tration being essential to enable him to vote,) will, if duly Registered according to the provisions of the Act, be entitled to vote for the County, or the Riding, Parts, or Division, in which such Lands or Tenements may be situated. But, as is the case with respect to Freeholders N" pieviou? ^ possession re- VotiuCT for Counties, the Requisition as to length of i»>'^<^'i '" '-' ^ ° case of pro- Possession, or Receipt of Rent, is dispensed with, pcrty comin'^ wherever the qualifying property shall have come to f ^ont^"" the person by Descent, Succession, Marriage, Mar- riage Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to any Be- nefice or Office, at any time within Six months next previous to the Last day of July in the year in which he is to be Registered ; the necessity of Re- gistration is of course in all cases to be enforced. See Sections 19 & 26. The Restriction, which as to Freeholders ex- tends merely to such of them as are in the occu- pation of their own freehold property, as to Copy- holders, affects the whole class, (the words " by himself," which, in S. 24, characterize the Free- holder's occupation, being wholly omitted in S. 25, which relates to Copyholders). No person there- COUNTY ELECTORS. ^i"^'^vvnr ^^^^' ^^ving any Estate or Interest as a Copyholder of'voti^"^''' ^^ ^^y ^^^^^ property in a Borough (whether he be it'cannoraNo ^^ *^^^ Occupation thereof or not), as would under "" •' ^o""t.v- the 27th Section of the Act entitle him to Vote in the election for the Borough, will be entitled to vote in respect of such property for the County ; and, as has been already explained with regard to Free- holders, even although he may not have perfected his right of Voting for the Borough, yet if the pro- perty in which his Estate or Interest lies be of such nature and value as might confer a right of Voting for the Borough, he will be incapacitated from Voting in respect of such property for the County. S. 25. theTand"' '" '^'^^ necessity of Assessment to the Land-Tax is expressly removed. S. 22. Tax not necessary Previous Before entering into any consideration of the state of the _ _ ° •' law as to manner in which the terms of the Act affect this tenants in ^jdlt/. Tenants in Ancient Demesne. e entering into any consideration i in which the terms of the Act afFe Ancient class of pcrsous, it sccms to be important to advert to the previous state of the Law with regard to them, so far as it can be considered as having been clearly settled or understood. There has been great difference of opinion as to the Right of Tenants in Ancient Demesne to vote in County Elections, and this difference has arisen from the disputed nature of their tenure, that is to say, as to whether it was or was not freehold ; COUNTY ELECTORS. iio Although the authorities have been somewhat divided upon this point, it may be stated, as a con- clusion which may fairly be come to on the subject, that while those Tenants in Ancient Demesne who hold bv Copy of Court Roll, and who are therefore Tenants by •^ ^•' Copy of Strictly Copyholders, have been expressly excluded Court Roi i. /from the Right of voting for Counties by the 31 Geo. 2, c. 1 4, such Tenants as hold by the Custom Tenants by custom of the of the Manor and not by Copy of Court Roll, have Manor. been considered entitled to vote in the character of Customary Freeholders. (See Gloucestershire Case, Heywood on County Elections, p. 41. Simeon, p. 95. Male, pp. 134 and 282, et seq.) Supposing this conclusion to be a right one. One Class of Tenants in Ancient Demesne, viz., those not holding by Copy of Court Roll, will in future enjoy the Right of voting for Counties as Free- holders; and the other Class, viz., those who hold by Copy of Court Roll, will be qualified, according to the 19th Section of the Act, under the words, " hold- ing Lands or Tenements of Copyhold, or any other Tenure whatever except Freehold." But supposing any difference of opinion still to exist as to the nature of their tenure, they will at all events enjoy the Right of voting under the Act ; for their property must necessarily be Freehold, or Copyhold, or some Tenure " other than Freehold." The only difference in substance as to which class they belong to, will be in the amount of the Qualifying value. If they are to rank as Freeholders, their Qualification 24 COUNTY ELECTORS. Leaschuld Right. Vdliie U)l. per annum if ttrni originally created for CO years. will in all respects, whether as to value or other- wise, be governed by the same rules as that of Freeholders ; but if they are to be considered either as Copyholders, or as holding by some Tenure " other than Freehold," their rights will be regulated by the 19th Section of the Act, of which the provi- sions have been already explained in treating of the Rights of Copyholders ; Their Registration will in any case be governed by the 26th Section. 4thly. As to Leaseholders. By the 20th Section of the Act, the Right of Voting for any County, or for any Riding, Parts, or Division of a County, is conferred, subject to the condition of due Registration, (See 5. 26,) on those persons who hold within such County, Riding, Parts, or Division, either as Lessees, or as Assignees, any Lands or Tenements, (whether Freehold, Copy- hold, or in Ancient Demesne,) of the clear annual value of 10/. above Rents and Charges, of which the term, which they are in the enjoyment of, was ori- ginally created, (that is to say, first granted by the Ground Landlord) for a period of Sixty years at the least; In order to be Registered, they must have been in actual Possession, or in the receipt of the Rents and Profits, for Twelve Calendar Months next pre- vious to the Last day of July in the year in which they are Registered : no length of previous posses- COUNTY ELECTORS. 25 sion or receipt is, however, required, if the quahfy- ing property has come to the party within such Twelve Months by Succession, Marriage, Marriage Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or Office. /But no Sub-Lessee, or Assignee of a Sub-Lessee, is to vote in respect of such Leasehold property un- less he be in the actual occupation of it. Thus the due operation of this Section would seem to prevent all persons from voting in respect of the same Lease excepting two, viz., the party first taking First Lessee . 2nd Undei- from the ground Landlord, and the occupying Un- Lessee in . T . occupation der-Lessee. The policy of such a provision is ob- «"'>• to vote. vious, as, but for some such check, the creation of long terms might be made the means of fraudulently multiplying votes, for a Lessee for 70 years might grant an Under-Lease for 69 years to another, and he again for 68 years to a third, and so on. But when it is said that none are to vote in re- spect of the same Leasehold property but the First Lessee and the occupying Under-Lessee, it is not meant that where there are several persons holding as Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common, they shall Case of ,, . , -f 1 • r. 1 Tenants in not all vote ; in such cases, it the interest or each Coninion,&c. be of the requisite value, they will, according to the principle acted on in the case of Freeholders being Joint-Tenants, or Tenants in common, be each en- titled to vote. The 20th Section also confers the right of voting 26 COUNTY ELECTORS. Value of 50?. per annum required if term origi- nally created tor 20 years. First Lessee and Under- Lessee in occupation only to vote. Leaseholders cannot vote for County in respect of property which might confer a vote for aBorough. (subject to Registration, see S. 26,) on Leaseholders whose Terms shall have been originally created for a period of Twenty Years at the least, in property (whether Freehold, Copyhold, or in Ancient De- mesne) of the clear yearly value of 50^. at the least, over and above ail Rents and Charges, In order to be Registered, they must have been in actual Possession, or in the receipt of the Rents and Profits for Twelve Calendar Months next pre- vious to the Last day of July in the year in which they are registered. But this length of previous Possession or Receipt is dispensed with, where the qualifying property has come to the party within such Twelve Calendar Months by Succession, ]Mar- riage. Marriage Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or Office. As to these Terms of Twenty Years, it is also and for the same reason provided, that none but the party first taking from the Ground-Landlord and the Under-Lessee in occupation shall vote in respect of the same property. The observations also which have been made as to Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common will apply to the Leaseholders for Twenty Years as fully as to the Leaseholders for Sixty Years. See S. 20. But Leaseholders, whether for Twenty or for Sixty Years are incapacitated from voting for the County in respect of any property which is of such a nature and value as would, according to the S/th COUNTY ELECTORS. ■£! Section, give them a Right of voting for a Borough; and the disahility will hold equally whether they have or have not made perfect, by length of posses- sion, &c. their right for the Borough. S. 25. / As has been already observed with regard to Free- holders and Copyholders, in computing the value of the Qualifying property above Charges, no Public or Parliamentary Tax, nor any Church Rate, County Rate, or Parochial Rate, is to be deemed a Charge within the meaning of the Act. 5. 21. Leasehold property, as has been explained with Assessment '-'■•'' _ i _ to Land Tax regai'd to other Rights of voting for Counties, need not necessary. not have been assessed to the Land Tax. S. 22. bthly. As to Occupying Tenants (without refer- ence to Length of Term.) Any Tenant in the Occupation of Lands or Tene- Occupying . . Tenants at ments for which he shall be honu fide liable to a rent rent of 5oz. to _ vote for of 50Z. per annum, will hereafter, if duly Registered, County. {see S. 26,) be entitled to vote in the Election of a Knight of the Shire for the County, Riding, Parts, or Division, in which such Lands or Tenements may be situated. S. 20. In order to be so Registered, he must have been 12 months _ Occupation. in Occupation for Twelve Calendar jNIonths next previous to the Last day of July, in the year in which he is to be Registered. S. 26. But this length of previous occupation is dispensed c 2 2S COUNTY ELECTORS. with in cases where the Quahfying property has come to the party within such Twelve Months by Succession, Marriage, Marriage Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or Office. Exception. This Right of Voting in Occupying Tenants is subject to the same restriction as has been stated to prevail in the case of Occupying Freeholders, and No vote for of Copyholders, and of Leaseholders ; If, therefore, County to be acquired in the Qualifying property be of such a nature and respect of J r> r i J property value as would, under the 27th Section of the Act, %vhich would confer right confsr a Right of Voting for a Borough, the Occu- for Borough. ~ '^ •-' pying Tenant will, whether such Right be or be not complete in other respects, be disabled from voting for the County in respect of such property, S. 25. Assessment It will not in any case be necessary that the 10 Land Tax -^ , . „ . not necessary. Qualifymg property should have been assessed to the Land Tax. S. 22. Having thus gone through the several classes of County Voters, there remains to be noticed an im- portant general provision as to Equitable Estates. Provision as By the 23rd Section of the Act it is enacted, to Equitable Estates. " that no person shall be allowed to have any Vote " in the Election of a Knight or Knights of the " Shire for or by reason of any Trust Estate or " Mortgage, unless such Trustee or Mortgagee be " in actual possession or receipt of the rents and " profits of the same Estate, but that the Mortgagor *' or cestui que trust in possession shall and may COUNTY ELECTORS. 29 " vote for the same Estate, notwithstanding such " Mortgage or Trust." This Section is copied verbatim from the 7 and 8 W. 3, c. 25. s. 7, upon which Enactment the Right of voting in respect of Equitable, as contradistin- guished from Legal Estates, is founded. As the ^eynbie, ih&t ° ° It applies to decisions upon that Enactment as to the Right of Leasehold as ■•^ " well as to voting in respect of Equitable Freeholds appear in ^""^^J^"^'^ principle to apply equally to Equitable Leaseholds, it should seem that in all cases where there is an Equitable Estate in Leasehold property, of the re- quisite value, coupled with possession for the re- quisite period, (viz., Twelve Calendar Months next previous to the Last day of July in the year in which the party is to be Registered,) the party having such Equitable Estate, will be entitled to be Registered as a Voter. Equitable Estates in Copyhold property are expressly provided for by the terms of the 19th Section. 30 BOROUGH ELECTORS. CHAPTER IV. ELECTORS FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS. Division of The Rights of Voting in the choice of Members Rights of n Tt. I- p r~i- • 1 r» 1. Voting ii! to serve in future Parhaments for Cities and Boroughs Cities and Boroughs. may be divided into three classes : 1st. New Rights. 2dly. Old Rights Reserved (under certain condi- tions) in Perpetuity. Sdly. Old Rights Reserved (under certain condi- tions) for a Time. 1*^. New Rights. New Rights The New Qualification for Boroughs is mainly for Cities and Boroughs. defined by the 27th Section of the Act: — That Sec- tion requires that a party, in order to gain a Quali- fication, shall occupy as Owner or Tenant, in a Qualifying Borough Or Contributory Borough, a House, Ware- Property. = . ^ ... house, Countinghouse, Shop, or other Building, which, either of itself or jointly with any land in the Borough (or, if his Qualification arise in a Contributory Borough, in such Contributory Borough,) occupied therewith by him as Owner, or occupied therewith by BOROUGH ELECTORS. SI him as Tenant under the same Landlord, shall be of the clear annual value of £10 at the least : But he Required . Value. cannot vote unless Registered, and m order to be Registration Rejjistered he must have occupied the Qualifyinff ^^^"^""^ • * r ^ J a Length of Premises for Twelve Calendar Months next previous Occupation. to the Last day of July in the year in which he is Registered, (that day being the day for making up the Electoral Lists,) and he must have been included Rating to the ^ Relief of the in respect of those premises in every Poor-Rate Po"""- that may have been made during those Twelve Months in the Parish or Township in which the pre- mises are: and he must have paid up by the 20th PaymeJit of ' ^ \ -^ Poor-Rate of July in the year in which he is Registered, all the and Assessed Poor-Rates and Assessed Taxes which shall have become payable fi'om him in respect of the qualify- ing premises previously to the 6th day of April then next preceding ; and he must have resided within Residence. the Borough, or within Seven Statute Miles of it, (or, if his Qualification arise in a Contributory Borough, within such Contributory Borough, or within Seven Miles of it,) for Six Months next previous to the Last day of July in the Year in which he is Regis- tered. S. 27. The Occupation of the Qualifying Premises re- Qualifying 1 o • • 1-111 1 premises inaj' quired by the 27th Section is explained by the 2Sth be different premises oc- Section to be not necessarily an Occupation of the cupied in succession. satne premises during the whole Twelve Months re- quired. The Premises may be different, provided they be each of the required value, and be occupied 3^ BOROUGH ELECTORS. in immediate succession during the required period, and provided the person seeking to vote have paid up by the 20th of July all the Poor-Rates or As- sessed Taxes which shall have become payable from him previously to the preceding 6th of April, in respect of all the premises from which he derives Change of his claim. S, 28. But a change of premises after tween last the Last day of July and before the Election will and day of deprive the party of his Vote, as he will be unable Election -nill . t i o • / i • i -ii i. disqualify to svvear, as required by section 58, (which will be from voting. , z-v t afterwards explained,) that he has the same Quali- fication for which he was originally Registered. Rates must Some Question may arise as to the effect of the paid, whether Words " which shall liavc become payable," used in not, in order the 27th Section with reference to the Poor-Rates Qualification, and Asscssed Taxes ; It may possibly be suggested that the word " payable" involves the supposition of a demand for the amount due having been made upon the party rated ; and it may be contended in support of this position, that upon the Cases with respect to persons voting as Inhabitants, paying Scot and Lot, it has been held that non-payment of Rates is no disqualification, except in cases where there has been a demand and refusal ; (see Cullen v. Morris, 2 Stark. N. P. Ca. 577;) But the true con- struction of the Section would seem to be, that the Rates must have actually been paid, whether any demand has or has not been made. The words of the Section are, " unless such Person shall have paid BOROUGH ELECTORS. 8S " on or before the 20th day of July in such year, all " the Poor's Rates and Assessed Taxes which shall " have become payable from him in respect of such *' such Premises previously to the 6th day of April " then next preceding." Now it is clear that the assessments in a Rate become payable from the mo- ment that it is allowed and published. (See 1 Nolan's Poor Laws, p. 258, Ath edit.) If it should be urged that a demand of payment is necessary in order to authorize the Issuing of a Warrant of distress for levying a sum due for Rates, the Answer is, that, the distress being in the nature of an execution, no person can be subjected to such a process without first having the opportunity of showing cause why it should not issue : But the reason of this rule is wholly inapplicable to the case of a Right conferred upon parties subject to their fulfilment of certain conditions, by a certain time expressly pointed out; It is for the parties themselves by the voluntary performance of those conditions to entitle themselves to the advantage conferred upon them: And this construction of the Act is the only one that would be found uniform and impartial in practice; for, were it otherwise, the Overseers might exempt any party from the performance of the condition by for- bearing to make the demand; and might on the other hand enforce the condition by making the de- mand ; so that the application of this Provision of the Act would depend upon the caprice or partiality c5 .31. BOROUGH ELECTORS. of the Overseers, %vhich is a policy that can hardly be attributed to the Legislature : And further, it is evident that any such construction as would encou- rage partial Overseers to forbear levying the Rate, would tend to disappoint rather than aid the due collection of it, which is not a Legislative intent that it would be rearonable to presume. Again, with respect to the word " payable" itself, it is clear that it involves nothing like a supposition of demand-^ on the contrary, being " payable" is a state of things prior to demand — a demand cannot be properly made of anything which is not payable, therefore it would be absurd to contend that the word " payable" by itself can signify something which is not merely payable, but has also been demanded. Nor can the analogy of the case of Scot and Lot Voting, so far as regards this point, be considered as applicable to this newly conferred Right; The decisions as to Scot and Lot were with reference to a particular class of persons, " persons paying Scot and Lot," that is to say, persons who were liable to pay, and in the habit of paying Poor Rates, and when it was attempted to bring disqualification home to any per- son seeking to vote in that character, the course was to show that the person was not fit to exercise the Right, because he was in fact insolvent, and not a person " paying Rates." To prove this it was rea- sonable to reqiiire evidence not merely of non-pay- ment, which might be accidental, but of refusal to BOROUGH ELECTORS. 35 pay when demanded, which would be the strongest proof of mability, and therefore good ground of dis- quahfication : But upon this Statute quite a different question will arise — the question will be whether or no the party has brought himself within the words of the Statute, whether he has done tliat which the Act conferring this New Right has made a condition precedent to the enjoyment of it, that is to say, whether he has paid by a certain day the Rates which became payable before a certain other day ; and it is to be observed, that the Legislature has allowed considerable latitude in point of time to the party rated; for he is allowed the whole interval between the 6th of April and tlie 20th of July to pay up his Rates. It is also to be remarked, that the Poor's Rates are placed on the same footing in this Section with the Assessed Taxes, as to which there can be no question whatever of a demand being necessary in order to establish non-payment, for the 43 Geo. S, c. IGl, s. 23, has specified the particular days on which they are payable, and the parties assessed are therefore bound to take notice of those days of payment. AVith respect to the limit within which it will be Seveu Miles necessary to have resided, doubts may be suggested measured. as to the mode in which the Seven Miles are to be calculated, but the sound construction of the Act would seem to be, that the Seven Miles are to be calculated according to " the nearest way of access," 36 BOROUGH ELECTORS. and not, to use a popular expression, " as the Crow " flies:" This is the construction which has been adopted by Courts of Law in explaining agreements between individuals where covenants were entered into not to carry on a particular Trade within a cer- tain number of miles from a given point. {See Woods v. Deimet, 2 Stark. N. P. Ca. 89. Leigh v. Hind, 9 Barn. Sf Cr. 774. See also Minze v. Earl, Cro. Eliz. 212 and 267.) The Law laid down in the f cases cited agrees with the construction put by Hawkins upon the Statutes as to Popish Recusants, {35 Eliz. c. 2, and 3 Jac. 1, c. 5, s. 6, 7.) which re- quire " that every Popish Recusant shall repair to " his place of Dwelling, ^-c. and not remove above " Five Miles from thence;" He says, " It seems " that the Miles shall be reckoned not by straight " lines, as a Bird or Arrow may fly, but according " to the nearest and most usual way." Hawk. P. C. Book I. cap. 12, s. 15. And any other construction would be attended with considerable practical diflS- culty, for by nothing short of a Trigonometrical Survey, or some such process, could the distance, if measured according to " the Crow's flight," be pre- cisely ascertained. Perhaps no better definition of " the nearest way of access" could readily be given than that laid down by Mr. Justice J. Parke, in the case of Leigh v. Hind already alluded to ; He says, " That is to be considered the nearest way of access " which a person making the best of his way from BOROUGH ELECTORS. 37 *' house to house would be hkely to take, that is, " using the Footway where there was one, and " where it was most convenient to use, and the Car- " riageway, either where it could be most conveni- " ently used, or where there was no Footpath." There is in the 29th Section a further explanation of the New Right of Voting for Boroughs as to cases of Joint Occupation : It is provided, that where there are several Joint Joint Occu- piers. Occupiers, either as Owners or Tenants, and the premises occupied are not in the whole of such value as would, if equally divided among the Occupiers, give ^10 for each Occupier, no one of such Occu- piers shall vote ; but if the value be sufficient, upon division, to give £10 to each, every Occupier, whe- ther Owner or Tenant, will, if qualified in other respects, be entitled to vote. S. 29. Rating to the relief of the poor having been made essential to the Right of voting, and the exercise of the Franchise being consequently liable to be de- feated by the accidental or wilful omission of names from the Poor-Rate; in order to remedy this evil, occupiers all persons occupying any House, Warehouse, toYe r'ated, Counting-house, &c. in a Borough are enabled to wiifui or ac- , _ _ , cidental omis- claim to be put upon the roor-Kate, and upon pay- sion. . ing the whole amount of the Rates (if any) then due in respect of such premises, are entitled to be put ciai^ a„d on the Rate ; a tender of the sum due will be for a^ to be"'™ ihis purpose tantamount to payment, and the party payment? oa BOROUGH ELECTORS. claiming and tendering will, notwithstanding the re- fusal or neglect of the Overseer, be considered, so far as regards his right of voting, to have been rated from the period at which the Rate shall have been made, in respect of which he shall have claimed to be rated. S. 30. As to places The SOtli Section applies also to those places where Land- '■ ^ lords alone where, bv Local Acts, the Landlords alone are liable are liable and "^ Occupiers to the Poor Rates, and the Occupiers are exempt. are exempt. *^ *^ There the Occupier may claim to be put upon the Rate, and upon claim and tender of the amount (if any) due, is to be considered, for the purposes of Election, to be upon the Rate, in respect of which he claims or tenders, although the Overseer may neglect or refuse to put him upon it. Analogy of Upon a Consideration of these Sections it will ap- iNew Right '■ '^ of Voting to pear tj^^t ti^g New Qualification for Boroughs, is in Scot and Lot. '- ^ substance a Scot and Lot Right of Voting, with the addition of Value, the payment of Assessed Taxes, and an occupation for Twelve Months instead of Six Months, the latter being the period required in the case of Scot and Lot Voters by the 2G Geo. 3, c. 100. This analogy is strictly kept up in the provisions already noticed as to the occupation of different Qualifying premises in succession ; for according to the present state of the Law as to Scot and Lot Voters, they are not required to continue in the same premises for Six Months, but may change BOROUGH ELECTORS. fi9 from house to house, provided they continue upon the Rate for the Six Months. It is to be observed that the Universities are not Universities not affected affected by these newly conferred. Rights in Bo- ^y the Act. roughs ; they are expressly exempted from the ope- ration of the Act. S. 78. But the New Rights of voting will be fully appli- New Rights cable to the Cities and Towns which are Counties Counties "of /> 1 1 mi • 1 Cities and of taemselves. There, whatever reservation there Towns. may be of existing Rights, the new Qualifications will take effect as fully as in any other towns. 2dli/. Old Rigliis Reserved hi Perpehiity. It may be stated generally in the first instance Certain oid Ri^'Hts re- that the Elective Rights of all Freeholders and Bur- served in gage Tenants in those Cities and Tovvns being Coun- ties of themselves, where the Right is in both or either of those classes of Voters, are reserved in perpetuity subject always to the condition of Regis- tration; and that the Rights of all Burgesses and Freemen, (with certain exceptions,) and. of the Free- men and Liverymen of the City of London, are also reserved in perpetuity, subject likewise to the con- dition of Registration. To give a more particular definition of the Fran- chise as it is to be hereafter enjoyed by those Classes of Voters, the Right as determined by the Act is, with respect to them, as follows :— 40 BOROUGH ELECTORS. Freeholders 1st. As to Freeholders and Burgage Tenants. and Burgage . /? • If Tenants in In everv City or Town, being a County ot itselt, certain Coun- J J ■, -n ties of Cities in the Election for which Freeholders or burgage and Towns. Tenants, either with or without any further Qualm- cation (i.e. of value, &c.) have the Right of voting, every Freeholder or Burgage Tenant will, if duly Registered, be entitled to vote in the Election of a Member or Members (as the case may be) to serve Length of in any future Parliament ; But in order to be Re- possession. . - , . , , • -r» • • il_ gistered, he must have been m Possession, or in the Receipt of the Rents and Profits of his Freehold or Burgage Tenement for Twelve Calendar Months next previous to the Last day of July in the year in Residence, which he is to be Registered, and he must have re- sided for Six Calendar Months next previous to that day within the City or Town, or within Seven Miles of it. S. 31. Exception in No length of previous Possession or Receipt will, perty coming howcver, be requisite if the Qualifying Freehold or bv Dtsccut, Marriage, Burgage Tenement has come to the Party by De- &c. within 12 . , , . -, , • o i months. scent, Succession, Marriage, Marriage feettiement, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or Office, within Twelve Months before such Last day of July. S. 31. Limits within The Limits within which Freeholds or Burgage holds, &c. Tenements will confer a Right for any such City or Rights settled Town, being a County of itself, are determined by by Boundaiy Act. the Boundary Act, so that all Freeholds or Burgage Tenements situate within the New Boundaries of any BOROUGH ELECTORS. 41 such City or Town, although without its previous Limits, will confer Qualifications. 5. 31. The Places to which the 31st Section will apply Places to are Bristol, Exeter, Haverfordwest, Lichfield, Nor- section ap- wich, and Nottingham. In Exeter, Haverfordwest, and Norwich, Freeholders in general, without any distinction of value, have a right to vote ; in Bristol and Nottingham, Forty Shilling Freeholders only ; in Lichfield, Forty ShiUing Freeholders and Burgage Tenants. The value of the Qualifying Freeholds in these places will remain imaltered, except so far as relates to Freeholders for Life or Lives, as to whom the 18th Section, (referred to by a Proviso in the 31st Section,) contains the following provision: No Person is to Vote in the Election for any such Provision as City or Town in respect of any Freehold Lands or ers for life or lives. Tenements of which he is seised for his own Life, or the Life of another, or for any Joint Lives, unless he satisfies one of Three conditions : He must be in the actual and bond Jide Occupation of the Qualifying property; — or he must have acquired it by Marriage, Marriage Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to some Benefice or Office; — or the Property must be of the clear value of £10 a year above all Rents and Charges. S. IS. But those existing Freeholders for Life or Lives are excepted who, as the Law stood before the pass- ing of the Act, might Vote (or if Minors, acquire, upon coming of age, a Right to Vote) in respect of 42- BOROUGH ELECTORS- any Freeholds, of whatever vahie tliey may be. The Rights of these Individuals, so long as they may be seised of the same Freeholds as at the time of the passing of the Act, are Reserved, subject however to the condition of Registration. By the 19th Geo. 2, c. 28, all Forty Shilling Freeholders in Counties of Cities and Towns are Freeholders required to be assessed to the Land Tax, in order in Counties of Cities and to enable them to vote ; Towns need not be as- Xlie necessity for such assessment is expressly sessed to the "^ Land Tax, removed by the Act. S. 22. Buraesses 2dlv, As to Burgesscs and Freemen, and as to andFreemen, j ' o ' and Liver"!" ^^^® Freemen and Liverymen of the City of London. '"^"" The Elective Rights of all Burgesses or Freemen, (with certain exceptions which will be presently noticed,) and of the Freemen and Liverymen of Rights conti- London, are continued in perpetuity, subiect how- nued in per- r i j ' u petuity. ever to the condition of Registration. S. 32. In order to In order that a Burgess or Freeman, or Freeman Vote Quali- _ ° _ fication must, and Livervman may be registered, his Qualification on Last day J ./ & ' of July, be ^g such must, on the Last day of July in the Year in as complete '' •' meri Te' *^°' ^^'^'^h he is registered, be as complete and perfect on'daVof*'^ as, according to the Old Law, it was required to be Election. ^^ ^|^g -Q^y ^f Election itself; he must also have Residence. • i t n resided for Six Calendar Months next previous to such Last day of July within the City or Borough, or within Seven Statute Miles of what was the usual Polling Place before the passing of the Act. If he be a Burgess or Freeman of a Contributory Borough, BOROUGH ELECTORS. 4S he must have resided for the required period within Contributory . . . , . Boroughs. that Contributory Borough, or within Seven Miles of the place by which the measurement of distance as to that Contributory Borough is to be ascertained. In the Schedule (E. 2,) annexed to the Act, is a list of the places in the Contributory Boroughs from which the Seven Miles are to be calculated. S. 32. The Exceptions to this reservation of Right are Exceptions. two: — 1st. No Burgess or Freeman, in respect of any other right than Birth or Servitude, who shall have become so subsequently to the 1st of March, 1831, will hereafter be entitled to vote as a Burgess or Freeman. This exception will exclude from the Reserved Right all honorary Freemen or Burgesses made after the 1st of March, 1831, and all persons become Burgesses or Freemen by Marriage subse- quently to that day. S. 32. 2dly. No Person is to be entitled as a Burgess or Freeman in respect of Birth, unless the Person from or through whom his Right was originally derived, actually was a Burgess or Freeman before the 1st of March, 1831, or was entitled to be admitted as such before that day, or unless the Person from or through whom he so derives his right shall have become a Burgess or Freeman in respect of Servitude subse- quently to that day. ^S'. 32. There is a particular Provision as to the Burgesses Burgesses and Freemen of the Towns of Swansea, Loushor, or Swansea, 44 BOROUGH ELECTORS, Neath, Aberavon, and Ken-fig, which used to share in the Election for Cardiff; They will cease to vote for Cardiff, but their Reserved Right will apply to the Election of a Member for the Borough composed of the Towns of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Abera- von, and Ken-fig, and will be subject to the provi- sions by which the Rights of Freemen and Burgesses in Contributory Boroughs are regulated. S. 32, and see Schcd. (E. 2.) With regard to these Rights Reserved in per- petuity, it may be useful to illustrate by example the meaning of the expressions " Qualified in such " Manner as would entitle him then to vote if such " Day were the Day of Election, and this Act had " not been passed." The effect of the Enactment is, that whatever defect of Qualification existing on the Day of Election itself would, according to the Old Law, deprive a Burgess or Freeman, or Free- man and Liveryman of London, of the Right of Voting, will, in future, if it exist on the Last day of July, have the effect of excluding the party from the Register; Example Thus, Supposing the Right to be in Freemen re- effect of pro- sident in the Borough, and paying Scot and Lot — visions as to Right Re- under the Old Law, if, on the day of Election, the served in Perpetuity, fact of Nou-Resideuce or of Non-Payment of Rates was established against a Freeman, he would have been disqualified from Voting ; So, in future, if on the Last day of July he be not Resident, or have not BOROUGH ELECTORS. 45 duly paid his Rates, he will not be entitled to be Registered as a Voter. 3d. Old Rights Reserved for a Time. The 33d Section of the Act begins by summing Section 33. up the Result of the previous Sections as to those Rights of Voting for Cities and Boroughs which are intended to be permanent. It declares that no per- Summary of J^ ^ previous nec- son shall be entitled to Vote in the Election for any tio"' ^s to •' Cities and City or Borough (which words " City or Borough," Boroughs. by the Interpretation given in Section 79, clearly include Counties of Cities and Towns,) unless his Right be one conferred by this Act, (viz. under the 27th Section,) or unless he is a Burgess or Freeman, or m the City of London a Freeman and Liveryman, or unless he has a Qualifying Freehold or Burgage Tenement in some County of a City or Town where the Right of Voting has been heretofore in Free- holders or Burgage Tenants. The Section then proceeds to make a Reservation ow Right in favour of all Persons who, at the time of the a time. passing of the Act, (viz. on the 7th of June, 1832,) had a Right to Vote for any City or Borough, not disfranchised by the Act, in virtue of any Qualifica- tion not included among those which, by the previous Sections, have been declared to be permanent. It provides that every such Person shall retain, sub- ject to the condition of Registration, the Right of Voting for the City or Borough so long as he shall 4s6 BOROUGH ELECTORS. be qualified as an Elector according to the usages and customs of that particular City or Borough, or any Law now in force. In order to be Registered as such Elector, his Qualification as such must, on the Last day of July in the year in which he is Re- gistered, be as complete and perfect as before the passing of the Act it was required to be on the Day of Election itself; He must also have resided for Six Calendar Months next previous to such Last day of July within the City or Borough in which his Qualification is, or within Seven Statute Miles of what was the usual Polling Place ".r the City or Borough before the passing of the Act. If his Qualification be within a Contributory Borough, he must have resided for the required period within that Contributory Borough, or within Seven Miles of the Place named for that purpose in the Schedule (E. 2.) ,S'. 33. Example, With regard to the Riehts thus reserved for a showing; ef- feet of Pro- time by the 33d Section, an example may be given visions as to "^ i^ j a Right Re- for the purpose of more fully showing the practical time. application of the words " Qualified as such Elector, " in such manner as would entitle him then to Vote " if such day were the day of Election and this Act " had not been passed ;" Supposing the Right of Election to be in Inhabit- ants paying Scot and Lot — According to the Old Law, if on the Day of Election it was shown that tlie person tendering his Vote had not been hondfide BOROUGH ELECTORS. 47 an inhabitant paying Scot and Lot within the Borough for Six Calendar Months previous to the Day of Election, his Vote would have been rejected : i^See 26 Geo. 3, c. 100.) So, in future, if on the Last day of July he be not hond fide an Inhabitant paying Scot and Lot within the Borough for Six Calendar Months previous to such Last day of July, he will not be entitled to be Registered as a Voter; To apply the same principle generally to all the Rights Reserved for a Time by the Act, it may be stated that, whatever defect of Qualification would, according to the Old Law, if it existed on the day of Election, disqualify a Party from Voting, will, in future, if it exist on the Last day of July, deprive him of the Right of being Registered as a Voter. The persons whose Rights are Reserved by the 33d Section, comprising (amongst others) Inhabitants paying Scot and Lot, Pot- Wallopers, and Freehold- ers and Burgage Tenants in Cities and Boroughs (not being Counties of themselves in which Free- holders and Burgage Tenants have a Right to Vote,) may, by complying with the conditions of the Act, retain their Rights for Life : It is to be observed also with respect to all these Qualification may be siis- persons that they may have their Qualifications sus- pended for a time, and pended for a time without wholly losing their right ; recovered. For instance, if a Scot and Lot Voter ceases to reside, or is omitted from the Poor Rate, such ab- sence or omission may for the time suspend his Right 48 BOROUGH ELECTORS. Right For- feited by two years omis- sion from Register. Exceptions. Ccitain Old Riglits of Voting ac- quired since 1st of March, 1S31, ex- cluded from Reservations. Esception. of Voting; but on his resuming his residence and having been again Rated for the due period, he may recover his Quahfication : But if any Voter, whose Right is Reserved by this Section, be omitted for Two successive Years from the Register of Persons entitled to Vote in respect of Reserved Rights, (Except he be so omitted in consequence of his having received Paro- chial Relief within Twelve Calendar Months, or in consequence of absence on the Naval or Military Service of His Majesty,) he will for ever after be disqualified from Voting in respect of such Reserved Right. iS. 33. It is to be observed, that the operation of the 33d Section, so far as it includes Freeholders and Bur- gage Tenants in Cities and Towns, not being Coun- ties of themselves, under the general words " every person now having a Right to Vote in virtue of any other Qualification than as, &c." is narrowed by the 35th Section: That Section enacts that no Person shall be entitled to Vote in the Election for any City or Borough, (except a City or Town being a County of itself in which Freeholders or Burgage Tenants have a Right to Vote,) in respect of any Freehold or Burgage Tenement which he shall have acquired subsequently to the 1st of March, 1831, unless it shall have come to him in the interval between that day and the passing of the Act (viz. the 7th of June, 1832,) by Descent, Succession, Marriage, Marriage BOROUGH ELECTORS. 49 Settlement, Devise, or Promotion to any Benefice or Office. 5. 35. It would seem that the Rights Reserved under the Semhie. . . Ris;hls re- 33d Section must be considered with reference to served under Section 33 the Boundaries of Cities and Boroughs as they ex- apply to Old _ Boundaries isted at the time of the passing of the Act. This only- would appear to be so, as well from the reason of the thing itself, as from the wording of the Section: The words are, " That every person now having " a right to vote in the Election for any City or *' Borough (except those enumerated in the said " Schedule (A,)) in virtue of any other qualification " than, &c. shall retain such Right so long as he " shall be qualified as an Elector according to the " usages and customs of such City or Borough, or " any Law now in force, and such Person shall be " entitled to vote in the Election, &c. if duly regis- " tered, but that no such Person shall be so regis- " tered in any Year unless he shall, on the Last " day of July in such Year, be qualified as such " Elector in such manner as would entitle him then " to vote, if such Day were the Day of Election, " and this Act had not been passed;" The Reservation then is in favour of those who had the Right of voting at the time of the passing of the Act, and they are required, in order to Regis- tration, to be qualified on the Last day of July in such manner as if the Act had not been passed ;" D 50 BOROUGH ELECTORS. Now an Elector could only be qualified at the time of the passing of the Act in reference to the Old Boundary, because the New Boundary did not then exist; and he would not be qualified " in such man- " ner as if the Act had not been passed," if his Qualification were acquired out of the Old and within the New Boundaries. This construction is not repugnant to the 7 th Section, which provides that the different Boroughs shall " for the purposes " of this Act" have their Boundaries settled and described ; for that Section must be taken to con- template the New Boundaries as parts of the respec- tive Boroughs for all the purposes of the Elective Rights created by the Act, whereas the 33d Section refers to Rights which existed before the Act, and the continuance of which is to be governed by the same rules as if the Act had not been passed. More- over the special Provision at the end of the 31st Sec- tion, extending the Old Rights thereby reserved to property within the New Boundaries, strongly forti- fies the construction now put on the 33d Section, in which no provision of that kind occurs. Provision as By the 34th Section all persons having, at the to Freeholds . „ . . in New tmtie of the passing of the Act, a right to Vote for Shoreham, r » ' o &c. New Shoreham, Cricklade, Aylesbury, or East Ret- ford, in respect of Freeholds in the adjacent Hun- dreds, have that Right Reserved to them, subject to the conditions contained in the 33d Section, except BOROUGH ELECTORS. 51 that the Residence may be either within the particu- lar Borough as defined by the 5th Section of the Act, or within Seven Statute Miles of any part of the Borough as so defined. The 36th Section of the Act states one ground of Temporary Disqualification which applies equally to all Voters for Cities and Boroufjhs ; viz. that no Disqnaiifica- _ tion by Re- Person shall be entitled to be Registered in any year ceiptof Aims as a Voter for any City or Borough, who shall, within Twelve Calendar Months next previous to the Last day of July in such year, have received Parochial Relief, or other Alms, which by the Law of Parliament disqualify from Voting, Where ac- cording to any Local Act or Custom, or any Deter- mination of the House of Commons, the non-receipt of Alms within a longer period is an essential ingre- dient in the Right of Voting for any City or Borough, the 36th Section of this Act will not vary the Right in that respect; as every Elector, whose Right is reserved either permanently or for a time by the Act, must, in order to be Registered, be qualified on the Last day of July " in such manner as would en- " title him then to Vote if such day were the day " of Election, and this Act had not been passed." A Six Months' Residence having been made an indispensable condition to every Borough Right of Voting, whether Reserved or Conferred by the Act, the Question of Residence or Non-Residence 52 BOROUGH ELECTORS. Consnuction will of course perpetually arise: It seems hardly "Residence." possible to define what will be a " Residence" within the meaning of the Act. The cases upon the sub- ject which have been decided by Committees of the House of Commons have turned upon the Interpre- tation of the Term Residence, as with reference to the usage of each Borough, or to the last determina- tion affecting that Borough, rather than upon any general principle of construction that would be ap- plicable to all Boroughs. It may, however, be safely laid down, that the Residing must be bond fde, and substantially permanent, and not colourable or merely occasional; and that the best criterion of its being bo7id Jide will be the fact of the Party's having during the whole Six Months a fixed (1) Domicile within the Borough, or within the required distance from it : Too strict a construction of this Rule should not be enforced with regard to absence ; for instance, if a Party absent himself from the Place in which he is usually domiciled, and his ab- sence be merely temporary and with the intention of returning, it would be unreasonable to impute to him a discontinuance of Residence. See Rex v. (1) In the case of Bex v. Adlard, A B. S; Cres. 772, the authorities on the subject of Residence, as distinguished from Occupation and Inhabitancy, are fully referred to. It was there held, that a Party is to be considered as Resident in that Parish in which he has his Sleeping Place. BOROUGH ELECTORS. o'i Sargent, 5 Term Rep. 466 ; and Rex v. the Duke of Richmond, 6 T. R. 560. This view of tlie ques- tion of Residence is analogous to that which has always been acted upon in criminal cases, in deter- mining, with reference to the question of Burglary, whether the particular premises were at the time of the offence the Dwelling-house of the party; There it has been held, that notwithstanding a temporary absence, wherever there is an animus revertendi, the party is to be considered as dwelling upon the pre- mises. See 1 Hale, 566. Foster, Cr. L. 76. .V 4 COUNTY REGISTRATION. CHAPTER V. PROCEEDINGS WITH REGARD TO THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS FOR COUNTIES. It has been already stated that no Person will be entitled to Vote for any County, Riding, Parts, or Division of a County, unless he has been duly Re- gistered as a Voter for such County, Riding, Parts, or Division. Before explaining more in detail the process by which the Registration for Counties is to be effected, it may be stated generally, That, General out- For the purpose of making the Registers of line of Pro- n ri ■ ^ r-\ •> t> • i cess of Regis- Votsrs fot Counties, the Overseers ot every Parish tration for t • /> n i t» Counties. are annually to make out a List of all the Persons entitled in respect of property situated within their Parish, to Vote for the County in which it is ; In order to obtain the means of making out this List correctly, they are at a stated time in each Year to give a Public Notice, requiring all persons claiming to be entitled as Voters for the County in which their parish is, to notify their Claims to them by a certain Day: The Claims made in pursuance of this Requisi- tion, (together with, in all future years, the names COUNTY REGISTRATION. 55 of Persons on the Register for the time being; for a Person once on the County Register need not make a fresh claim,) will furnish the materials for the List; and from these materials it is to be made out by the Overseers within a given period, and to be published in such a manner as will aftbrd a suffi- cient opportunity for objections and appeals, which are not to be decided by the Overseers, but are afterwards to be disposed of by a Barrister espe- cially appointed to Revise the List. The Overseers after the publication of the List are to transmit it by a fixed day to the Clerk of the Peace, in whose custody it is to remain till the time arrives for its being laid before the Barrister ap- pointed to Revise it. The Barrister is to hold an open Court for the purpose once in every year at some convenient time within a stated period; He is then to Revise and finally settle the List of Voters, and this List, when so settled, will, together with all the other Lists of Voters for the same County, Riding, Parts, or Division, be copied into a Book, which Book will then become the Register of Voters entitled to vote in any Election that may take place before the cor- responding period in the next Year, when a New Register will be made in a similar manner. To give a more accurate account of the process of making up the Register of Voters for Counties, it will be necessary to go step by step into the de- tails which are provided for seriatim in the 37th, .56 COUNTY REGISTRATION. 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 42d, and 43d Sections, and in the Schedule (H,) annexed to the Act. Overseers to In the first instance, the 37th Section requires to Persons the Oversecrs of the Poor of every Parish and Claiming to z^i ^ , , \ ^^ i r- t Vote. Township to have nxed on the (1) 20th oi June in every year on the doors of all Churches and Chapels (or, if there be no Church or Chapel, in some other conspicuous situation,) in their respective Parish or Township, a Printed Notice, of which a Form is given (No. 1) in the Schedule (H.) requiring all Persons entitled to vote for the County, Riding, Parts, or Division, in respect of any Property situate wholly or in part in that Parish or Township, to Claimant to deliver or transmit to them by (2) the 20th of July transmit No- tice of Claim, a Notice of Claim, according to a Form also given (No; 2) in Schedule (H.) S. 37. Shilling to be With that Notice a Shilling is to be paid to the paid with _^ , i • • i -ii • i Notice of Overseers by the party claiming; and till it has been paid, the Notice of Claim will not be valid. S. 56. Persons on It may be here observed that, when a Voter is Register need i z-i t> • i • • i not make oncB upoH the County Register he is not required fresh Claim. /. i r^\ • to make a fresh Claim in any future year, so long as he continues to have the same Residence and Qualification as described in the Register. S. 37. Alphabetical The Overseers in every Parish and Township List of Per- •' ^ sons entitled, must, by (3) the Last day of July in every year, have (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of July. (2) In the year 1832, the 20th of August. (3) In the year 1832, the Last day of August. COUNTY REGISTRATION. ^i completed an Alphabetical List (according to the Form (No. 3) in Schedule (H.)) of all Persons who shall have sent in claim to be therein inserted as Voters for the County, Riding, Parts, or Division, in respect of any Lands or Tenements situate wholly or in part within that Parish or Township. S. 38. In the year 1832 this List will only include the Names of Persons who have sent in their Claims to Vote, but in every succeeding year, the List to be made out by the Last day of July, must also contain the Names of such Persons as shall already be upon the Register for the time being: ^S*. 38. The List must state the Christian Name and Sur- List must T» p 11 1 1 • contain de- name of every Person at full length, together with scription of •'. & ' & Voter's the Place of his Abode, the Nature of his Qualifica- Name, Abode, &c. tion, and the Local or other Description of the Qualifying Lands or Tenements as each of such particulars is expressed in his Notice of Claim; with the Name of the Occupying Tenant, if it is stated in the Notice of Claim; ^S". 38. The Overseers are to insert in the List the Name overseers of every one who claims a Right to Vote, and, sert'in Li'" ^ • P , c 1 • Names of all also, in future years, or every one whose name is on claimants. the Register for the time being of Voters in respect of Property situate wholly or in Part in that Parish or Township ; for they will not be at liberty to exer- cise any discretion as to whether they shall insert the Name of a claimant or reject it, their duty in this respect being purely ministerial; So also, in future D 5 58 COUNTY REGISTRATION. years, they will be bound to insert in the List every Name that they find upon the Register for the time being of Voters in respect of property within their Parish or Township, the words of the Act being, " the Names of «// Persons who shall be upon the " Register," &c. S. 38. But by way of a partial restraint upon the facility of advancing fictitious claims, and in order to re- move from the List in a later stage of the Proceed- ing, those whose Qualifications shall have been changed or wholly lost since they were put upon the Register, it is provided, thftt where the Over- seers shall have reasonable cause to believe that any Person is not entitled to Vote in the Election for the County, Riding, Parts, or Division in which Overseer'3 their Parish or Township is, they shall have power jection in to put the words " objected to" in the margin of doubtnii the List, opposite to his Name; This will entail Qualiticalion. • i -vt i 7 upon the party against whose Name the mark ap- pears upon the List, Proof of his Qualification before the Barrister who is finally to Revise the List, as will be afterwards explained; S. 38. Overseers The List must be signed by the Overseers, and a List. ° sufficient number of Copies written or printed, and Publication fixed upou the Doors of all the Churches and Cha- pels (or, if there be no Church or Chapel, in some other conspicuous situation,) within the Parish or Township, on the Two Sundays next after the com- Overseersto plctiou of the List ; The Overseers are to keep a List. True Copy of the List, for the Perusal of any Per- COUNTY REGISTRATION. 59 son, free of payment, at all reasonable hours, during the Two first Weeks after it shall have been made. S. 38. There is also a Provision made for such Precincts Provision tor Places havinsi or Places (whether Extra-parochial or not,) as have no Overseers ^ ^ ^ of the Poor. no Overseers of the Poor; For the pvirposes of making the List of Voters any such Precinct or Place is to be considered within the adjoining Parish or Township in the same County, Riding, Division, or Parts, and if it adjoins Two or more Parishes or Townships in the same County, Riding, &c. it is to be deemed to be within the least populous of such Parishes or Townships, (according to the last Census for the time being,) and the Overseers of that Parish or Township are required to insert in their List of Voters, the Names of all Persons claiming a Right to Vote in respect of Property situated wholly or in part within that Precinct or Place. S. 38. In addition to the Overseers* mark of objection vvho may already mentioned, all Persons who shall be upon Persons be- ing retained the Register for the time being, or who shall have on the Lisi. claimed to be inserted in any List for the current year of Voters for any County, Riding, Parts, or Division, are entitled to object to any other Person who has had his Name inserted in any List for the same County, Riding, Parts, or Division, as not being duly Qualified. The mode of objecting must Mode of be by giving or sending before the ( 1 ) 25th of August, "'^'^ '""' a Notice according to the Form (No. 4) in Sched. (1) In the year 1832, the '25th of September. GO COUNTY REGISTRATION. (H.) to the Overseers who have made the List in which the Name of the Person objected to appears, Notice to and by also giving a Notice in writing, according to Parties ob- . jected to. the Form (No. 5) in Sched. (H.) to the Person ob- jected to, or sending it to him at his place of Abode as described in the List, or delivering it to his Tenant in Occupation of the Premises described in the List; This Notice also must be sent or delivered on or before the(l) 25th of August. S. 39. Overseers to The Overseers are then to make out a List, (ac- Fublish List ^ of Persons cording to the Form No. C in Sched. (H.) of all objected to '^ ^ by Third tjje Persons who have been thus obiected to by Parties. '' •' other Persons, and they are required to fix Copies of it on the Doors of all the Churches and Chapels (or if there is no Church or Chapel, in some other conspicuous situation,) within their Parish or Town- ship, on the Two Sundays next preceding(2) the 1 5th of September ; and they must also keep a true copy of this List of Persons objected to for the Perusal (without payment of fee) of all Persons at all rea- sonable hours during the Ten Days next before the (2) 15th of September. S. 39. Overseers to The Overscers having made out the List of deliver List ■ i • -n • i rn of Voters and Voters m their Parish or lownship, are to deliver Statement of ^ the Number it on the (3) 29th of August, together with a written of Persons objected to Statement of the Number (not the Names) of Per- to High Con- _ _ ^ ^ stable. sons objected to (either by the Overseer's mark of (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of September. (2) In the year 1832, the 15th of October. (3) In the year 1832, the 29th of September. COUNTY REGISTRATION. 61' objection against their Names in the List, or by the formal objection of other Parties,) to the High Constable, or High Constables of the Hundred or other such District in which their Parish or Town- ship is, by whom the List and the Statement are to be immediately delivered to the Clerk of the Peace of the County, Riding, Parts, or Division to which the Parish or Township belongs ; S. 40. The Clerk of the Peace on receiving the List and cierk- of the Peace to Statement is required to make without delay an trani-mit to the Revising Abstract of the whole number of Persons objected Barrister an ■' Abstract of to in each Parish or township ; This Abstract he is whole num- f ber of Per- to transmit immediately to the Barrister or Barris- ^o"*' objected •' to in each ters appointed to Revise the Lists for the County, Parish, &c. Riding, Parts, or Division to which it refers: The List of Voters will remain in the Custody of the Clerk of the Peace. The Barrister will thus be apprized of the num- ber of disputed Votes in each Parish or Township which are to come under his consideration, and will be enabled to judge what will be the most proper Times and Places for holding the Courts for a Re- vision of the Lists. S. 40. The Barristers by whom the final Revision of the Barristers to T . r. /^ XT -1 1 1 be appointed Lists or County Voters is to be made, are to be an- to Revise the Lists of nually appointed for the purpose. Couuty The Nomination of the Barrister or Barristers to Revise the Lists of Voters for the County of Mid- dlesex is to rest with the Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, and is to be made in the Month of 62 COUNTY REGISTRATION. July or August. For every other County the ap- pointment will be made by the Senior Judge in the Commission of Assize for that County, when tra- velling the Summer Circuit. No Member No Member of Parliament, nor any person hold- eiigiMe!*""^" ing any Office or Place of Profit under the Crown, will be eligible: ?nd the appointment will have the effect of disqualifying a Barrister for the next Eighteen Months from serving in Parliament for the County, Riding, Parts, or Division for which he shall have been appointed. If, in consequence of the collocation of the words in which the Provi- sion upon this point is expressed, it should be sug- gested that they are open to a construction giving them a larger operation, and that they may possibly imply a general disqualification from serving in Parliament during those Eighteen Months, it must be observed, that had any such effect been intended, the wording of the Clause would probably have been " from the Time of such his appointment for " any County, Riding, Parts, or Division." The insertion of a comma after the word "appointment" in the Proviso as it now stands, would have the effect of making clear that which, without doubt, must have been the intention of the Legislature, viz. that the disqualification was merely to apply to the particular County, Riding, Parts, or Division for which the Barrister may have been appointed. Number of The Judge making the appointment is to decide Barristers in r> t> • • m discretion of what number of Barristers it will be necessary to COUNTY REGISTRATION. ,Q3 appoint for any County, Riding, Parts, or Division, judge making J 1 Ml 1 1 • • 1 • • .f. , the Appoint- and there will be no objection to his naming, it he mem. think fit, the same Barrister for several Counties, &c. 5.41. The Barristers appointed to Revise the Lists Barristers t« r~i- • • • T> make a (Jir- will make a Circuit of the County, Riding, Parts, cuii. or Division, for which they are respectively ap- pointed, at some time in the interval between the(l) 15th of September and the 25th of October in each year : Having ascertained from the Abstract of the number of objected Votes transmitted to them by the Clerk of the Peace what will be the probable duration of their Sittings at each place within their Jurisdiction, they are to determine accordingly when and where they are to hold their Courts ; They are then to give Notice of the appointed To give Three Times and Places by an Advertisement in some of the Time? Newspaper circulating in the respective County, their Court?. Riding, Parts, or Division for which they are ap- pointed, and also by a Notice to be fixed (Three Days before the commencement of their Circuit) in some public and conspicuous situation, at the prin- cipal Place of Election for the County, Riding, Parts, or Division. 5. 41. Having thus gone through all the preliminary Proceedings steps directed to be taken in order to bring under rister. the consideration of the Barrister the Lists made out by the Overseers, and the Claims and Objec- (t) In the year 1832, between the 15th of October and the 25th of November. Gi COUNTY REGISTRATION. tions of the various parties as connected with those Lists, the Proceedings before the Barrister by which the Lists are to be corrected and made perfect re- main to be explained. It has already been stated that the Barrister's Barristera to Coiirt is to be an Open Court : The Act also directs hold separate Courts. that the Barrister is to Sit singly; that is to say, where more Barristers than one are appointed for the same County, Riding, Parts, or Division, although they are to attend together at the same Places, their Courts are to be held separately; By this arrangement it is evident that the Business in each Place will be more speedily dispatched, the attendance of Overseers and other parties will be shortened, and their expenses of course diminished ; Barrister to The Act invests the Barristers with the power of of Adjourn- Adjournment from Time to Time, and from one administering Placc to any Other Place in the same County, Riding, Parts, or Division; they will also have the Power of administering Oaths, (or in the case of Quakers or Moravians, Affirmations,) to Persons objecting to others as not qualified, to Persons who are themselves objected to, to Persons who having given due Notice of Claim have been omitted from the Lists, and to all Witnesses who may be exa- mined before them; Wilfully False Swearing or Affirming before them is to be punishable as Per- jury: and it is directed that their mode of Pro- ceeding for the purpose of finally determining the Validity of Claims and Objections, shall (except COUNTY REGISTRATION. where otherwise provided) be similar to that us\ pursued before the Returning Officer, according the previous practice at Elections. So that it woi..^ i seem to be intended that the Barrister is not to re- , quire more strict evidence than has hitherto been necessary before the Assessor. S. 52. It is expressly provided that the Barrister is not to be attended by Counsel. aS*. 52. If it should, from the Death, Illness, or Absence of any of the Barristers, or from any other cause, appear probable in the Judgment of the Chief Jus- tice or Judge by whom the appointment for any County, Riding, Parts, or Division was made, that the Lists for that County, or Riding, &c. will not be gone through within the required period, the Act authorizes and indeed requires the appointment of an additional Barrister or Barristers, who will be clothed with the same Powers and Authorities as the Barristers originally nominated. S. 53. At the first Court to be holden by the Barrister cierk of ihe the Clerk of the Peace is to produce before him the diK^ Lisis'of several Lists of Voters for the County, Riding, Banister! ""^^ Parts, or Division for which he is appointed; and Overseers the Overseers who have made out each List will tl'miance'aud attend at the Court held by the Barrister for Re- of'^ObjectJi' * vising the Lists relating to their particular Parish ' or Township, and will deliver to the Barrister a Copy of the List of the Persons objected to in that necefsary^n- Parish or Township ; and they are to furnish on oath. 66 COUNTY REGISTRATION. oath to the Barrister all the information in their power for the purpose of enabling him to Revise the List, and for the same purpose all Assessors, Collectors of Taxes, and other Officers having the Custody of Tax Assessments or Rate Books, are required to produce them before the Barrister upon his requiring them to do so. aS'. 51. The Barrister will then go through each List, and will retain upon it the Names of all those to whom no objection has been made either by the In what cases Overseers or by any other person ; he will also re- Barristers • 1 XT r> 1 T» will retain tain the Namcs of those Persons who have been Names on the List. objected to (not by the Overseers, but by other parties,) in cases where the Party Objecting does not appear in person, or by some one in his behalf, in support of his objection ; He will also retain the Name of every Person objected to by other Parties than the Overseers, where the Objecting Party fails to prove the due service of the requii-ed Notice of Objection on the Overseers, or the due service of the required Notice on the Person objected to. S. 52. Such will be the grounds upon which the Barris- ter will retain Names upon the List. The cases in which he will expunge Names will be as follows : In what cases Wherever the Name of anyJPers^nJias^thejOver- ex'pnngT "' secr's mark " Objected to" against it inj;he Marg in of the List, or has been objected to in due form by some other Party, who appears in Person or by some one in his behalf to support the objection, the COUNTY REGISTRATION. 67 Barrister will expunge the Name of the Person ob- jected to, unless it be proved to his satisfaction that that Person was entitled on the preceding Last day of July, to have his name Inserted in the List of Voters, in respect of the same Qualification as de- scribed in that List : He will also expunge the Name of any Person so objected to, as to whom any Incapacity by Law or Statute to Vote in the Election of Members to serve in Parliament shall be shown to have existed on that Last day of July : He will also expunge the Nanne of every Person who shall be proved to him to be dead; The Barrister will have power to rectify Mistakes Power for Barrister to in the List; that is to say, if it shall be proved to rectify Mis- him that any Error has been made as to any of the particulars directed by the Act to be inserted in the List, he may correct it. He is also authorized to supply omissions ; and »"<' supply Omissions. the exercise of this power will arise where any one particular required by the Act to be Inserted in the List, as the Christian Name of a Person, or his Place of Abode, or the Nature of his Qualification, has been wholly omitted from the List; In such case, if the omitted matter be supplied to the satis- faction of the Barrister at any time before the very last moment when he finally completes the Revision of the List by Signing it, it may be inserted in the List, and the Name of the Party of course retained 68 COUNTY REGISTRATION. upon it : But if it be not so supplied, the Barrister will treat the entire entry as void, and expunge the Name of the Party from the List. With respect to these cases of Omission of some one particular, (as for instance the absence of the Christian Name from the First Column of the List,) although it is by no means required of the Barrister to give any Notice to the Party affected by such omission, (and indeed the necessity of such Notice is expressly dispensed with in the Proviso at the end of the 42d Section;) it will probably appear reasonable, wherever it can be effected without dif- ficulty, to give some intimation to the Person with respect to whose Name, or Qualification, &c. there is any such omission in the List, in order that he may have an opportunity of supplying the defect before the Barrister's Sitting is closed. S. 42. This power of supplying Omissions is a great indulgence to the Parties; inasmuch as ample time having been allowed to enable them to send in a full description of their Names, Places of Abode, and the other particulars of their Qualification, they have, in strict justice, no right to complain of being excluded from the List on account of an omission arising from the want of proper vigilance on their own part : Should the omission not have been made by the party in the first instance, but have originated with the Overseer who made out the List, this mode of remedying the defect will have equal operation ; and in such case should the omission be 7vilful on COUNTY REGISTRATION. 69 the part of the Overseers, they will be liable to penalties under the 76th Section, for wilful contra- vention of the Provisions of the Act. In addition to all these Rules for the conduct of vviun Banis- ler may insert the Barrister in Settling the Lists of Voters, a fur- Names of Persons who ther Provision is made for those cases in which the have been wholly Overseers shall have omitted (whether wilfully or omitted from accidentally) to insert in any List of Voters the Name of any Person who has given due Notice of his Claim to be put upon it: In any such case, the Barrister, upon satisfactory proof that the Party omitted was actually entitled on the preceding Last day of July to be inserted in the List upon which he claimed to be inserted, and that he gave due Notice of his Claim to the Overseers, is empowered to insert his Name in that List at the time of his Revising it. *S'. 43. This Provision will operate as a protection to parties against fraud or negligence on the part of Overseers, who might otherwise wilfully or through carelessness exclude from the List Persons well entitled to be upon it, at the same time that it is so limited as not to be any encouragement to parties to be negligent in attending to their rights at the proper season, due Notice of Claim to the Over- seers being made a necessary condition to the In- sertion of the Party's Name in the List by the Barrister. It is to be observed, that in every instance the Proof of Qualification Proof of Qualification before the Barrister is to to refer back 70 COUNTY REGISTRATION. to Last day have reference back to the Last day of July;(l) no of July. •' ^ \ / party therefore can establish a Title to be inserted in the List by proving before the Barrister a Right which has accrued or been matured subsequently to the preceding Last day of July, when the Lists under the Barrister's consideration were completed by the Overseers; or by proving a Qualification in any way varying from that in respect of which he gave in his Claim to the Overseers; and this would seem to be reasonably so provided, for the Barris- ter's Court being in the Nature of a Court of Ap- peal from the Overseers, it would clearly be impro- per that the Barrister should take cognizance of facts which were not cognizable by the Overseers. The Barrister, having finally determined upon the validity of the various Claims and Objections sub- mitted to him, is in open Court to write his Initials against all the Names which he has struck out or inserted, and against every Insertion or Alteration Barristei wliich he may have made; and having so settled having finally it- f> tt i • ■ • t settled Lists the Several Lists of Voters, he is to sign his Name to sign them. to every Page of them. aS*. 52. Lists when The Lists, wheu settled by the Barrister, are to transmitted be forthwith transmitted by him to the Clerk of the to Clerk of r t /-^ -r,- t -r» the Peace. Feace lor the County, Riding, Parts, or Division to Originals to which they refer ; The Originals are to be kept by and^kepP that Officer among the Records of the Sessions, (1) And in the year 1832, notwithstanding the alteration of dates, the Last day of July will still be the Day by which the Qualification is to be regulated. See Proviso at the end of Sect. 80. COUNTY REGISTRATION. 71 arranged in Alphabetical order according to Hun- amongst Rc- . cords of the dreds; the Lists for each Hundred being also sub- Session?. divided into an Alphabetical arrangement according to Parishes and Townships; The Clerk of the Peace is also to provide a Book Lists to be copied into into which he is to have all the Lists for the County, a Book. Riding, Parts, or Division to which they relate, fairly and truly copied, according to the same plan of Alphabetical arrangement as to the Hundreds, and as to the Parishes and Townships within the ' Hundreds: and Numbers are to be prefixed to the Names, so as to follow in a regular series from the first Name to the last. The Book is to be delivered by the Clerk of the Book to be Peace in a complete state on or before the Last day tody of the of October, to the Sheriff or Under-SherifF for the County to which it relates; in whose Custody it will remain till the expiration of his Office, when it will be delivered over to his Successor. The Book thus completed will be the Register of The Book to Electors entitled to Vote at any Election for the tei of Eiec- County, Riding, Parts, or Division to which it re- lates, which may take place between (1) the Last day How long to of October (exclusive) on which it was delivered to the Sheriff or Under-SherifF, and the First day of November in the following year. S. 54. The mode of remunerating the Barrister and de- Remunera- f • 1 • II- 11 • • 1 1 ''"" "'^ ^^^' fraying his travelling and other expenses is provided risters. for by the 57th Section. (1) In the year 1832, the First day of December. 72 BOROUGH REGISTRATION. CHAPTER VI. PROCEEDINGS WITH REGARD TO THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS. According to the plan which has been adopted in explaining the process by which the Registers of County Voters are to be made out, it may be use- ful, before entering into the more minute details, to give some general Outline of the mode of effecting the Borough Registration; and the more so that there are several leading points of difference between the System in Counties and that in Boroughs. OeiieiHi Out- It has already been observed with respect to rough Regis- Citics and Boroughs, that Registration is essential to the Right of Voting. The making out the List, which is to be the first step towards the formation of the Register, will be for the most part the busi- ness of the Overseers of the Poor: The Overseers of the Poor in every Parish are to make out annu- ally an Alphabetical List of All the Persons entitled to Vote for the City or Borough, in which their Parish is, in respect of the New £10 Qualification conferred by the Act ; and, if there be any Reserved Right of Voting, another List of Persons entitled in traiiun. BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 73 respect of such Reserved Right; (If the Reserved Right however be in Freemen, the Town Clerk will make out that List, instead of the Overseers;) No Public Notice, however, is required to be given by the Overseers preparatory to making out the Bo- rough Lists, as it has been shown to be in the case of County Lists ; Nor are the Voters required to give to the Overseers any Notice of Claim in the first instance, as in the case of County Voters. The Lists of Voters when made are to be published in a conspicuous part of the Borough on two successive Sundays ; and any Persons who suppose themselves aggrieved by being omitted from either of the Lists are to give within a certain time to the Overseers Notice of their Claim to be inserted in it; So also those who object to the Qualification of others whose Names appear on the Published Lists, may object, within a prescribed period, to their being retained on the Lists ; The Overseers will make Lists of these Two Classes of Persons, that is to say, a List of Claim- ants, and a List of Parties objected to, and publish them openly within the Borough for Two consecu- tive Sundays. The Lists of Voters will afterwards be revised and corrected by a Barrister specially appointed for the purpose, who will hold an open Court at a fixed time of the year; The Overseers will produce the Lists for each Parish and Township before him, ami E 74 BOROUGH REGISTRATION. after hearing the various Claims and Objections discussed, the Barrister will finally settle the Lists : All the Lists for the different Parishes and Town- ships in each City and Borough being thus revised and signed by the Barrister, will be copied into a Book which will become the Register* of Electors for that City or Borough, and be in force till the corresponding period in the following Year, when a New Registration will again begin. Details of The different successive proceedings by which Borough Re- . , ^. . . gistration. the Register of Electors for Cities and Boroughs is to be made up, are contained in the 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th, 49th, and 50th Sections of the Act. Overseers, however, are not in Boroughs as in Counties the only persons charged with the making out the Lists; Li Places where Freemen Vote, the Town Clerks are entrusted with the performance of this duty, so far as the Freemen are concerned, and in the City of London the Clerks of the different Livery Companies will make out the Lists of Free- men and Liverymen. There will, however, be no Place in which Lists will not be made out by Over- seers, for the New £10 Qualification, under the 27th Section of the Act, will prevail in every City, Borough, or Contributory Borough in England or Wales, and the Lists of all Voters in respect of that Qualification will be made out by the Overseers : Wherever also there is any Right Reserved by the Act, (except that of Freemen, or in the City of BOROtlGH REGISTRATION. 75 London, of Freemen and Liverymen,) the Overseers will make out the Lists of Voters in respect of such Reserved Right. By the 44th Section the Overseers of the Poor of Overseers lo make out every Parish or Township situated wholly or in Alphabetical •' f J Lis, of £,0 part within any City or Borough, or within any "Voters. Place sharing in the Election for any City or Bo- rough, are required to make out in each year an Alphabetical List of All the Persons entitled under those Provisions of the Act which have been already explained, (see Chapter IV.) to Vote for the City or Borough in respect of the Occupation of Pre- mises of the clear Yearly Value of Ten Pounds at the least, situated wholly or in part in their Parish or Township : This List must be completed by the List to be completed by (1) Last day of July. The Overseers are also to Last day of . . July- make out, wherever there is any Reserved Right, a List of Voters List of all the Persons entitled to Vote in respect Reserved' "^ of such Reserved Right. This List must also be also mad'eout made out by the(l) Last day of July. Each List beforeTan" must contain at full length the Christian Name and ^^^^^ ^^^ Surname of every Person, and the Nature of his ^^ntaTn '^^ Qualification must be stated; and where the Qua- lification is in respect of Property, the Overseers must insert a suflficient description of the Place where the Property is situate; where however it is (1) In the year 1832, the Last day of August, according to the substitution of dates made by the Order in Council, in pur- suance of the 80th Section of the Act. Vide post, Chapter XII. E 2 76 BOROUGH REGISTRATION. not in respect of Property, there must be a specific List iiow description of the Person's Place of Abode. Each publisbed. of these Lists is to be signed by the Overseers, and they are then to give Publicity to them by having a sufficient Number of Copies printed, which are to be fixed on or near the Doors of all the Churches and Chapels (or, if rhere be no Church or Chapel, in some public and conspicuous situation) in their ■Parish or Township on the Two Sundays next after the time appointed for the completion of the Lists. Overseers to The Overseers are also to keep True Copies of lor perusal, these Lists, to which all Persons are to have access without paying any fee at all reasonable Hours during the first Fortnight after the completion of the Lists. S. 44. As there are within some Boroughs certain Pre- cincts and Places which have no Overseers of their own, an express Provision was necessary to secure the Registration of Persons entitled to Vote in re- spect of Property situated in such Places. The iVovision as Act therefore provides, that as to any such Precinct to PrBcincti^ or Places or Place the Overseers of the adjoining Parish or without Over- seers of iheir Township, situate wholly or in part within the same Borough, shall consider it as part of their own Parish or Township, and include in their List the Names of the Persons entitled in respect of Property in the Precinct or Place to Vote for the Borough ; If there should happen to be in the same Borough several Parishes or Townships adjoining to such a Precinct or Place, the Overseers of the least popu- own. BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 77 lous (according to the latest Census at the time) of such adjoining Parishes or Townships, will consider it as within their Parish or Township. S. 45. With respect to the Lists of Freemen in places List of Free- men to be where thev have a Rioht to Vote, the Town Clerk made out and •^ ° . . Published by of the particular Borough, or Place sharing in the Town cierk. Election with it, is to make out by the (1) Last day of July a List of the Freemen entitled under the '32d Section to Vote for the Borough; This List must contain the Christian Name and Surname of each Freeman at full length, and also the Place of liis Abode; and a Copy of the List must be fixed on or near the Door of the Town-Hall, or in some public and conspicuous situation in the Borough, or Place sharing with it, as the case may be, on the Two Sundays next after the completion of the List: And the Town Clerk is to keep an exact copy of the List, to which all Persons are to be allowed gratui- tously free access for the purpose of perusal during the first Fortnight after its completion. .S'. 46. The Lists made out by the Overseers and Town Clerks being thus open to the inspection of all, the opportunity will be given for those Persons who have been improperly omitted in any of the Lists to have timely Notice of their Omission, and if there should be any Persons inserted in the Lists, who to the knowledge of any one are not qualified to be so, a facility of objection will be given which will lead to the ultimate removal from the List of parties really (1) In the year 1832, tht Last day of August. 7S BOROUGH REGISTRATION. Notice of Claim. Parties may disqualified. A particular course is pointed out by inserted in the Act, accordiuff to which both the parties object- List ; or may ' o i: j object 10 the },-,„ to their own omission from any of the Lists, insertion ot ~ •' others. ^j^jj persons objecting to the Names of others as being improperly introduced in the Lists, are to proceed. With respect tn those Persons who being omitted claim to be Inserted in any List, they must give a Notice, according to a form prescribed by the Act (Schedule (L) No. 4,) to the Overseers who shall have made out the particular List in which they claim a Right to be; If it should be a person claiming to Vote as a Freeman of any City, or Bo- rough, or any Place sharing in the Election with it, he must transmit his Notice of Claim not to the Overseers but to the Town Clerk of the particular City, Borough, or Place. The Notice of Claim whether to the Overseers or to the Town Clerk must be in Writing, and must be given on or before the (l)25th of August. aS'. 46. The Persons who object to others as having been inserted in the List, although not duly qualified on the preceding Last day of July, are also to pursue the course of giving a Notice to the Overseers who have made out the List in which the Name of the Person objected to is. The Notice will contain the Name of the Party objected to, with an intimation of the Objector's intention to bring forward his ob- jection at the time when the List is Revised. This (1) In the year 1832, the 25th af September. Notice of Objection. BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 79 Notice must be delivered to the Overseers on or before the (1) 25th of August. A form for it is given in the Act, Schedule (I.) No. 5. S. 46. If the Party objected to be in the List of Free- men, the Notice of Objection must of course be delivered to the Town Clerk. It is to be observed, that any Person on any List of Voters for a City or Borough, may object to any other person upon any List for the same City or Borough, although it be not the same List as that upon which he him- self is. No Notice, however, is required to be given to the Party objected to, as in the case of a County Voter, (see Chapter V. p. 60,) because, as Resi- dence is required in the case of a Borough Voter, the Publication, as will be presently mentioned, of the Names of the Persons objected to will super- sede the necessity of personal notice. The Overseers are immediately to make out two Overseers to _ _ . make out List Lists of these different sets of parties, one of Claim- of Claimants and List of ants, and the other of Persons objected to, accord- Parties Ob- jected to; ing to the Forms No. 6 and 7 in the Schedule (I.) and they are to have Copies of them both fixed up These Lists to •' 11 r^ ^^ published. on or near the Doors of all the Churches and Cha- pels in their Parish or Township, on the Two Sun- days next before the (2) 15th of September. If there should be no Church or Chapel in the parti- (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of September. (2) In the year 1832, Oie \5th of October. 80 BOROUGH REGISTRATION. cular Parish or Township, they must have them fixed up in some pubHc and conspicuous situation. 6\ 46. Copies to be And thcv must keep copies of these Lists for kept for pe- '' ^ -^ riisai and for public inspection, to which all persons are to be allowed free access, without payment of any Fee, at all reasonable hours during the Ten days next be- fore the (1) 15th of September; and they are also bound to have Copies of them ready for delivery at a Shilling for each Copy. These directions to Overseers as to making these Two Lists of Claim- ants and Parties Objected to, and as to keeping and delivering Copies, are extended to Town Clerks with regard to Freemen. S. 46, and Schedule (I.) Nos, 8 and 9. As to tue The mode of proceeding with regard to the making out making out the Lists of the Freemen and Livery- the Lists of • i i i o r. /-<• the Livery- men entitled under S. 32, to vote for the City of men of Lon- don. London, differs from that prescribed by the Act with regard to the Lists of Freemen in Boroughs in general. The Returning Officers of the City of London are required on or before the (2) Last day of July in each year, to issue their Precepts to the Clerks of the several Livery Companies, requiring them forthwith to have an Alphabetical List made out of the Liverymen of their respective Companies enti- tled to vote in the Election for the City; These (1) In the year 1832, the \ 5th of October. (2) In the year 1832, the Last day nf August. BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 81 Lists are to be made out at the expense of the several Companies, and the Clerk of each Company is to siffn his List and to transmit it \vith Two Piibiic:ition ° of Ihese Lists. Printed Copies to the Returning Officers, who are immediately to fix one Copy in the Guildhall, and the other in the Royal Exchange, there to remain for Fourteen days; each Clerk is also to have a sufficient number of copies of his List pi'inted at the expense of his Company, and to keep a Copy for the inspection of any person, without fee, at all reasonable hours during the Two first weeks after it has been printed. S. 48. Any person who considers himself improperly t'laims and •' ^ _ ... Objections iii omitted out of anv Livery List, may bring his Claim respect of the . . Lists of for admission under the consideration of the Bar- Liverymen. rister who is to Revise the List, upon giving a No- tice according to Form numbered 1 in Schedule K, by the (1) 25th of August to the Returning Officers, and also to the Clerk in whose List he shall claim to have his Name inserted. The Returning Officers are to make out a List of all these Claimants ac- cording to the Form numbered 2 in Schedule K, and to publish it by fixing it in the Guildhall and Royal Exchange on the Two Mondays next before the (2) 15th of September; and they are also to keep a Copy of this List of Claimants to which they are to permit any Person to have gratuitous access (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of September. (2) In the year 1832, the 15i/i ofOctobei: E 5 S2 BOROUGH REGISTRATION. during the Ten days next before the (1) 15th of September; The Clerk of each Livery Company must also keep a Copy of the Names of the Claim- ants in respect of his List, which he must allow any Person to inspect gratuitously during the same period. S. 48. Every Person who objects to any one whose Name appears in any List of Liverymen, must pro- ceed by a Notice, according to the Form numbered 3 in the Schedule K, which must either be person- ally served upon the Party objected to, or left at his usual Place of Abode, by the (2) 25th of August. S. 48. This Section does not state 7vho are entitled to object to Persons inserted in the Lists of Livery- men, but merely that every one who does object must proceed in a given manner ; perhaps, however, this right of objecting must be understood to be limited as in other Cities and Boroughs, viz. that in order to object, the Person objecting must himself be upon some List of Voters for the City of London. Vide S. 47. Appoiutmcnt All Lists of Borough Voters are to be Revised to Revise by Barristers annually appointed for that purpose. rough Voters. The nomination of the Barristers for revising the Lists of Voters for London and for Westminster, and for the different Boroughs in Middlesex, is to ( 1) In the year 1832, the \5th of October. (2) In the year 1832, tfie 25th of September.- BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 83 rest with the Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, and is to be made in July or August. The Barristers for revising the Lists of Voters for the Boroughs in any other County are to be appointed by the Senior Judge in the Commission of Assize for that County, while travelling the Summer Cir- cuit; in order to prevent any doubt as to those Counties of Cities or Towns which are situated on the confines of Two Counties, it is expressly pro- vided, that for the purpose of these appointments Kingston-upon-HuU is to be considered as next adjoining to the County of York, Newcastle-upon- Tyne as next adjoining to the County of Northum- berland, and Bristol as next adjoining to the County of Somerset. S. 49. A Member of Parliament, or any Person holding wiio th of October to the 25th of November. Proceediiiijs before Bar- rister, will vary in liift'erent Bo- roughs, and how. BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 85 the Lists of Freemen and Liverymen, must be pro- duced before the Barrister, as well as the Overseer's Lists of the Persons having the ^10 Qualification. In every Old Borough where there were Elective Rights in others exclusive of Freemen, or in others together with Freemen, the Overseers unust in either case produce their Lists of Persons having the £10 Qualification, and also their Lists of Persons enti- tled in respect of Rights reserved under Section 31 or 33, as the case may be ; and in addition to these Two sets of Lists, in the case of every Old Borough where the Right of Voting has hitherto been en- joyed by Freemen as well as by others, the Town Clerk must also produce his List of the Freemen. S. 50. At the opening of the first Court which the Bar- Overseers •r> 1 r-i •^ rt ^"'^ Town rister holds for any Borough, or Contributory Bo- cierk to prodace their rough, the Overseers, or the Overseers and Town Lists before Barrister, Clerk, as the case may be, must produce their re- spective Lists before him, and deliver to him a Copy of the List of Persons objected to, and in London the Returning Officers must produce the Lists of Liverymen. It will be the duty of the Overseers and Town Clerk, and of the Clerks of the Livery Companies in London, to attend the to attend „ 1 • 1 • 1 1 • . -r • during Revi- Court during the time that their respective Lists sion and give 1 1 T-i • ■ p 1 T-> • 1 necessary are under the Revision oi the Barrister, and to an- information swer upon Oath any Questions which he may put to them, for the purpose of enabling him to Revise S6 BOROUGH REGISTRATION. tlie Lists; S. 50. And for the same purpose, the Overseers will be bound to produce the Rate Book, if required by the Barrister to do so ; and all Offi- cers having the custody of any Tax Assessments must produce them before him upon his requisition. S. 51. The Barrister will then go through the several Lists for the Borough, with a view to dispose of the Claims and Objections made in respect of those Lists. Proceedings Before he enters upon the hearing of a Claim, he as to Deci- _ _ ^ - . . -•ion on will require proof of due Notice of Claim having Claims. ^ _ _ been given to the Overseers, and, that condition being satisfied, he will hear the evidence offered on behalf of the Claimant in support of the Qualifica- tion stated by him in his Notice of Claim. It should seem from the wording of the Notice of Claim, (see Form 4, Schedule L) that Proof cannot be admitted of any other Qualification than that stated in the Notice of Claim, and it must be proved that that Qualification was perfect on the preceding Last day of July : On such a Qualification being proved, the Barrister must insert the Name of the Claimant in the List in respect of which he advanced his Claim. *S'. 50. Although the Act is silent on the subject, it should seem that any person competent to object to a party inserted in any Borough List, would, if present at the hearing of a Claim, be at liberty to BOROUGH REGISTRATION. 87 disprove or invalidate the case made out by the Claimant; if this were not so, a Person, who could only make out a mere p-imu facie claim, would, by being omitted from the List in the first instance, be in a better condition than if he had been originally inserted in it; because, if he had been originally inserted in it, he would clearly have been liable to be objected to, and to have his prima facie case dis- proved by the objector. The Barrister will retain on the Lists the Name of every Person to whom no objection has been made ; he will also retain the Name of every Person \vi,at Names , , , , . , • r- 1 ... to be retained who has been objected to, if the party objectmg on Lists. does not appear in person, or by some one on his behalf, in support of his objection, or if he fails to prove due service of the required Notice of Objec- tion on the Overseers. S. 50. But where the Name of any Person on a List has What Names to be ex- been objected to in due form by some other party, punged. who appears in person or by some one on his behalf in support of the objection, the Barrister will ex- punge the Name of the Person objected to, unless it be proved to his satisfaction that that Person was entitled on the preceding Last day of July to have his Name inserted in the List of Voters in respect of the same Qualification as described in that List. ^S". 50. He will also expunge the Name of any Person so objected to, as to whom any Incapacity by Common S8 BOROTJOH REGISTRATION. Power for Barrister (o correct mis- takes and supply otnig- lions. Power to ailjourn, to a cer. the Returning Officers under the Act, with regard to County Elections, we must refer to those parts of AND DURING COUNTY ELECTIONS, 91 the old Statutes which are virtually adopted by the Act, as well as to the provisions of the Act itself. By 25 Geo. 3, c. 84, s. 4, the SherifFof a County, Notice of the within two days after the Receipt of the Writ, must •'""• cause Proclamation to be made, at the Place where the Election is to be holden, that a County Court will be holden there for the purpose of Election, on some day, not later than the IGth, nor sooner than the 10th, from the day of making such Proclamation : To apply this Provision, as directed by the 61st Section of the Act, to the Divided Counties, it will be necessary for the Sheriff' of each of those Counties, to make Proclamation of the day of Election for each Division of his County, at the Place which is fixed by the Boundary Act as the Principal Place of Election for that Division, and for the Sheriff" of Yorkshire to make a similar Proclamation of the day of Election for the North Riding of Yorkshire at the City of York, for the West Riding at Wake- field, and for the East Riding at Beverley ; and for the Sheriff" of Lincolnshire, to make a similar Pro- clamation of the day of Election for the Parts of Lindsey at the City of Lincoln, and for the Parts of Kesteven and Holland at Sleaford. In all the undivided Counties in England and poiiiug to be Wales, and in all the Divisions of Counties, and in Districts. the Ridings of Yorkshire, and in the Parts in Lincoln- shire, certain Places are appointed by the Boundary 92 PROCEEDINGS PREPARATORY TO Act at which the Polls are to be taken ; and Districts are to be assigned to each of these Polling Places, in the mode pointed out by that Act. See S. 63 of the Reform Act. A Deputy to Before the day fixed for the Election, the Sheriff, preside at • i i i /» i • t-ach Polling if a contest be expected, will probably find it con- venient to appoint a Deputy to preside at each of the Polling places. It is presumed that the Sheriff' will preside, either in person or by his Under-Sheriff", at the Principal Place of Election, though he may appoint a Deputy to preside there as well as at any other Polling place. 6'. 65. In all matters relating to County Elections, the Sheriff', his Under-Sheriff", or any Deputy of the Sheriff", may act in places of exclusive Jurisdiction. S. 66. Provision as The day fixed for tlie Election beinff arrived, the to Booths. . ; . . Sheriff", his Under-Sheriff", or Deputy, is bound, on a Demand being then made by any Candidate or by any one on his behalf, and in the absence of such demand is authorized, if he shall think it expe- dient, to order a reasonable number of Booths to be erected, both at the Principal Place of Election and at the other Polling Places, S. 64 ; or instead of ordering Booths, he may hire any Houses or Buildings to be used for the purpose of Polling in. Booths to be Wm. 3, to Poll Clerks; and there will be little practical difficulty as to this, as no precise form of Oath is prescribed by that Act ; It will merely be necessary in Swearing the Poll Clerks to substitute the w^ord " Voter" for ^^ Freeholder." The Questions which may arise at the Poll re- specting the Right of any Party to Vote, and the mode of disposing of such Questions, will be ex- plained hereafter. The Poll Clerks at the close of each day's Poll Custody of '' Poll Books are publicly to deliver their Poll Books enclosed »"i • Election in lormer statutes regulating the practice at Elections, cities ami there is a difference as to the Notice of Election Conntie* oi between Cities and Towns being Counties of them- selves and Boroughs in general, and this difference is not varied by the Reform Act. The Sheriff of every City and Town being a County of itself is required by 19 Geo. 2, c. 28, s. 7, immediately upon the Receipt of the Writ, to give Public Notice of the Time and Place of Election, which must be proceeded upon not later than eight days and not sooner than three days after the day of the Receipt of the Writ. In all other Boroughs, the Returning Notice of Officer of the Borough, upon the Receipt of the oii^ei Bo-'" Prece pt from the Sheriff, must immediately cause '^'''^"' Public Notice to be given of the Time and Place of Election ; this Notice must be given four days at least before the day appointed for the Election, and the Election must be proceeded upon within eight 98 PROCEEDINGS PREPARATORY TO days next after the Receipt of the Precept. See 7 ^ 8 Wm. 3, c. 25, s. 1. Provision as To proceed to the Provisions of the Reform Act — to Booths. '■ the day fixed for the Election being arrived, the Returning Officer of every Borough in England, (except Monmouth,) will be bound, if then required by any Candidate or by any one on his behalf, or if not so required, is authorized, if he shall think it expedient, to order Booths to be erected, (5. 68,) or Houses or Buildings to be hired for the purpose Polling to be of Polling in. S'. 71. In order to facilitate the according to _ districts. Polling he must have a sufficient number of Booths provided for the use of different Districts, (1) and (1) The words of the Act are, " different Booths for different Parishes, Districts, or Parts of such City or Borough ;" Now there is nothing in these words to show expressly whether, by " Districts or Parts," it is intended to describe acknowledged and existing Districts or Parts, or to refer to Districts or Parts to be created for the occasion by the Returning Officer : But it is apprehended that the latter is the true construction ; and this will be apparent upon considering this (the 68th) Section in conjunction with the 71st Section : It is there provided that £25 shall be the limit of expense incurred for Booths erected for any one Parish, District, or Part; And in the 68th Section it is re- quired that not more than 600 Persons shall be required to Poll in any one Compartment of a Booth ; Now it would in general be difficult, and in some cases impossible, to carry these Pro- visions into effect, unless a power were assumed to be vested in the Returning Officer to make such a Division and Subdivision of the Borough into Districts or Parts, (in case there were no such existing Division or Subdivision,) as would enable him to furnish the necessary accommodation to the Persons Polling AND DURING BOROUGH ELECTIONS IN ENGLAND. 99 on a conspicuous part of each Booth must be fixed the Name of the District for which it is intended. (With regard to the Four Boroughs of Shoreham, Polling Dis- Cricklade, Aylesbury, and East Retford, it is ex- Shorebam, pressly provided by the 69th Section, that the Poll- ing Districts for those Boroughs are to be settled by the Boundary Act.) It is in the discretion of the Returning Officer, whether the Booths for each District shall be placed within that District, or whether there shall be one common situation for all the Booths belong- ing to all the Districts; if the Booths are placed in the different Districts, he must appoint a Deputy to preside at each Polling Place. The Division of the Booths into Compartments is left to the discre- tion of the Returning Officer, but with the restric- tion that not more than COO Persons shall be re- quired to Poll at any one Compartment, and a Poll Clerk must be appointed for each Compartment. S. 68. Whatever Regulations the Returning Officer Notice ot the may make respecting the situation, division, and each District, allotment of the Booths, he is to give Public Notice of them two days before the commencement without exceeding the expense limited by the Act ; And perhaps the language of the 68lh Section may be taken as favouring this construction, the words being " for different Parishes, Dis- tricts, &c." and not for " the different Parishes, Districts, «kc." which would seem to be the appropriate wording to express acknowledged and existing Districts and Parts. 100 PROCEEDINGS PREPARATORY TO Copy of the of the Poll; (aS*. 68.) and he must provide for the Register for each Booth, use of each Booth a Copy of the Register of Voters for the Borough, certified under his hand as a true Copy. S. 72. Expenses of The expense of Booths at Borough Elections is Booths, De- ^ ° puties, and limited, SO that where Booths are provided for the Poll Clerks. -^ use of the different Polling Districts into which the Borough may be divided, no larger sum than £25 can be legally incurred for any one such District. The Candidates may contract for the Booths if they think fit; if they do not, the Returning Officer must make the contract, subject to the limitation of expense just mentioned. *S'. 71. Where Deputies are appointed to preside at the Polling Places, they are each to receive Two Gui- neas jier diem; and the Poll Clerks are each to re- By whom to ceive One Guinea per diem. All the foregoing expenses of Booths, Deputies, and Poll Clerks, are to be borne by each of the Candidates in equal por- tions ; and if any person proposes a Candidate with- out his consent, such person will be liable to a share of the expenses, as if he were himself a Candidate. S. 71. Commence- The Polling for every Borough in England (except duration of Monmouth) is to commencc on the day fixed for the Election, or on the following day, or at the latest on the third day, (unless any of these days shall be Saturday or Sunday, and then it is to com- mence on the Monday following,) the particular day Poll. AND DURING BOROUGH ELECTIONS IN ENGLAND. lOl for the commencement to be fixed by tlie Returning Officer. The Polling is to continue for two days only, such days being successive days; it is to be kept open for seven hours on the first day, and for eight hours on the second day, and must be finally closed not later than Four o'clock in the Afternoon of that day. S. 67. No Person is to be allowed to Vote except at the Each Person . .to Poll at the Booth appropriated to the Parish or District in Booth ap- pointed for which his Qualifying Property is situated ; or, in his District. case he does not claim to Vote in respect of Pro- perty, at the Booth for the Parish or District in which his Place of Abode, as described in the Re- gister, may be ; but in case there happens to be no Booth provided for any particular Parish or Dis- trict, Persons, whose Qualifying Property is situated in any Parish or District so omitted, may Vote at any of the Booths within the Borough ; and Free- men residing out of the limits of the Borough may Vote at any of the Booths. aS*. 68. In the City of London no Booths are to be pro- Liverymen vided for the Reception of the Votes of Liverymen, whereto but all the Liverymen are to poll in the Guildhall. S. 48. It should seem that the directions in the 25 Duties of -~ - „. _., T iT^- n PoH Clerks. Geo. 3, c. 84, s. 7, with regard to the Duties of Poll Clerks at Borough Elections will not be varied in consequence of the Reform Act, but that they will still be sworn to set down the Name of each 102 PROCEEDINGS PREPARATORY TO Voter, his Addition, Profession, or Trade, and the Place of his Abode, and for whom he Votes. What Questions may arise at the time of Polling as to the Right of any Party to Vote, and how those Questions are to be disposed of, will be ex- plained hereafter. Vide post, Chapter X. Custody of The Poll Clerkj at the close of each day's Poll Poll Books and final De- are publicly to deliver their Poll Books enclosed claraiion of Poll. and sealed to the Returning Officer or Deputy pre- siding; at the final close of the Poll, all the Poll Books received by any Deputy are to be immedi- ately delivered by him to the Returning Officer, vpho is to keep all the Poll Books unopened until the following day, (unless it happens to be Sunday, and then till the Monday following,) when he is to open the Books publickly and to declare the State of the Poll, and to make Proclamation of the Mem- ber or Members chosen, not later than Two o'clock on that day. A discretionary power, however, is given to the Returning Officer to declare the State of the Poll, and to make the Return immediately after the close of the Poll, if he thinks fit so to do. S. 68. Who are to The Pcrsous who are to act as Returning Officers turning Offi- for scvcral of the New Boroughs are named in the New Bo- Schedules C and D annexed to the Act ; 6'. 1 1 ; roughs for xt t-» i p i • i t-> which none and as to every New Borough lor which no Person are named in. ,.., „, riii t-i the Act. is named in either of those Schedules as Returning Officer, the Sheriff of the County in which such AND DURING BOROUGH ELECTIONS IN ENGLAND. 103 Borough is situated is annually to appoint some Person to be the Returning Officer for that Borough. The first Appointment must be made within Two Months after the passing of the Act, and every suc- ceeding Appointment must be made in the month of March in each year ; the Appointment must be How ihey are in Writing under the hand of the Sheriff, and must pointed. be delivered to the Clerk of the Peace within a week after it is made, who is to file it among the Records of his Office. The Person appointed is to act until the nomination of his Successor in the month of March following, but in the event of his Death, or of his becoming incapable to act by rea- son of Sickness or any other sufficient impediment, the Sheriff on Notice thereof must immediately ap- point another person in his stead to act as Returning Officer for the remainder of the current year. . Counties and jjq^. ]^q nccessarv to advert to certain points which Boroughs. •' '■ are common to all Elections, whether for Counties or Boroughs, in England and Wales. The first of these points relates to the Questions which may arise at the time of Polling as to the Right of any Party to Vote. Register iiow ^s all the Qucstions relating to Qualification tar ronclu- " sive. which used to be disputed before the Assessor at the Poll, may in future be submitted to the Barris- ter at the time of his Revising the Lists, it seems reasonable that the Register should be regarded as conclusive evidence that every Person, whose Name appears upon it, had, at the time of making up the Lists from which the Register is formed, the Quali- fication for which he is Registered. On the other hand, it seems equally reasonable that the Register should not be conclusive as to the fact of a Person still continuing to have, at the time of Election, the COUNTY AND BOROUGH ELECTIONS. 109 same Qualification for which he was originally Re- gistered. In accordance with this principle, the Act allows that the continuance of the Qualification at the time of Polling may be a subject of inquiry; but in order to give due effect to the Register, and to shorten the duration and diminish the expense of Elections, it only allows two other Questions, be- sides that of the continuance of the Qualification, to be raised at the time of Pol'ing; so that when a Party tenders his Vote at the Poll, the only objec- tions that can be made to his Right to Vote are the three following: — 1st. That he is not the same Tfee snb- " jects ot Ill- Person whose Name appears on the Register ; q"'i-y ""'y at ^ >■ ° the tune of Sndly. That he has already voted at the same Polling. Election; 3dly. That he does not still retain the same Qualification for which his Name was originally inserted in the Register. S. 58. The mode of de- ^"'i'- o*" » Inquiry. ciding these points is by means of Three Questions, the Forms of which are given in the 58th Section, and a Form of Oath is also given embracing the two first points ; the third point, which would be in many cases a Question rather of Law than of Fact, is not included in the Oath ; and all former Quali- Former Qua- lification fication Oaths, whether under General or Local Ouhs abo- lished. Acts, are abolished. S. 58. These Questions are to be put by the Returning OflHcer or his Deputy, if required on behalf of any Candidate, to the Voter at the time of his tendering his Vote, and not after- wards ; the Oath is to be put to the Voter on the ]lf> POINTS COMMON TO same requisition and at the same time, by the Re- turning Officer or his Deputy, or by a Commissioner appointed by either of them for that purpose. ;S'. 58. If the Voter answers the Questions, or such of them '' as are put to him, in the Affirmative, or takes the Oath when proposed to him, he must be admitted to Vote. Should his Answer to any of these Ques- tions be wilfully false, he will be liable to be indicted and punished as for a Misdemeanor, viz. by Fine and Imprisonment, 6'. 58; should he wilfully take a False Oath, he may be punished as for Perjury. See S. 52. If he refuses to take the Oath, or if he does not answer such of the Questions as are put to him, to the satisfaction of the Returning Officer or his Deputy, then his Vote must be rejected. aS*. 58. Certain There are, however, certain Oaths, unconnected Ualns, uncou- nected with vvJth the Qualification, which are recognized by the Qualification, ' o •^ may be pro- 58th Section of the Act as Still being in force, and posen to t> ' be"r'e7ofore which an Elector may, on proper demand, still be required to take before he can be admitted to Poll ; such are the Bribery Oath, the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Abjuration, and the Oath prescribed for Roman Catholics by 10 Geo. 4, c. 7, ss. 2 and 5. Of these, hoyvever, the Oath against Bribery is the only one which nvust^ be taken _atJthe_Poll; see 2 Geo. 2, c. 24, s. 1, and 43 Geo. 3, c. 74; all the rest may be administered at a separate Place during the Election by Commissioners specially appointed for the purpose under the 34 Geo, 3, c. 73, and the 42 COUNTY AND BOROUGH ELECTIONS. Ill Geo, 3, c, 62, who are to deliver to each Elector a Certificate of his having taken the Oath or Oaths required, and upon the production of this Certificate at the Poll the Party is to be admitted to Vote. By the 73d Section of the Reform Act, every Deputy of a Returning Officer is invested with the same power of appointing Commissioners to admi- nister Oaths as the Returning Officer himself pos- sesses under the two Statutes last referred to. In order to prevent any objection that might per- Mere misno- haps be raised to the Right of any Person to Vote, Register not . . . . '" "'f^*'* on the ground that his real Name or Description is R'5;ht "f" . . .... Vutin?. not accurately given in the Register, it is provided in the 79th Section of the Act, that no misnomer or inaccurate description of any Person or Place named in the Register shall in anywise prevent or abridge the operation of the Act with respect to such Per- son or Place, provided the Person or Place intended to be designated by the Register be actually desig- nated so as to leave no doubt of the identity of the particvdar Person or Place in the minds of Persons in general. Although no Person can Vote unless his Name persons c.i- be on the Register, yet any Person, who has been the Register excluded from the Register in consequence of the their Votes. decision of the Barrister, may tender his Vote at any Election at which that Register shall be in force, and the Returning Officer or his Deputy is bound Je'co'Jded'by'^ to enter the tender upon the Poll Book, distinguish- office"'"^ 112 POINTS COMMON TO ing all Votes so tendered from Votes actually ad- mitted ; the object of this arrangement is, to furnish the means of adding to the Poll the Votes of Par- ties so circumstanced, in the event of a Petition to the House of Commons, S. 59. Scrutiny No Scrutiny is in future to be allowed before the abolished. • ^^ -r> tr i t ' 2 Returnmg Officer as to any Votes tendered or ad- mitted at any Election. S. 58. How far the Though the Register cannot be questioned at the Register may , , . . be questioned time of the Election, it may be questioned to a cer- hefore a _ _ _ Committee of tain extent, on Petition to the House of Commons, the House of Commona. before a Select Committee appointed under 9 Geo. 4, c. 22. As the Committee are meant to be a Court of Appeal from the decision of the Barrister, they can only take cognizance of those cases which have been actually decided by the Barrister ; conse- quently, their inquiry is limited to the cases of those Persons who, after hearing, have been struck off, or retained, or inserted in the Lists by the Barrister; they have no jurisdiction over cases where the Par- ties have omitted to assert or defend their Claims as Voters in due time, or where the Parties have been allowed to remain on the List of Voters as not having been objected to before the Barrister. The Committee are to alter the Poll according to their decision upon the different Votes, and the House is to order the Register to be corrected accordingly. S. 60. Power to Although the Act has fixed a certain period for COUNTY AXD BOROUGH ELECTIONS. 1 1 '3 the duration of the Poll, the Returning Officer or dose iho I'oii his Deputy will be justified in closing the Poll be- time fixed by fore the expiration of that period under any circum- stances which would have justified him in so doing under the Law as it stood before the passing of the Act. S. 70. The Act contains an entirely new Provision as to A-ijoiirnment the course to be pursued by the Keturnmg Omcer cuse of Riot, in the event of the Proceedings at the Election being interrupted by Riots ; in such case he is not finally to close the Poll, but is to adjourn the Poll at the particular Polling Place where the Riot has occurred; He is to adjourn it in the first instance till the next day only, and then, if necessary, for any further time until the disturbances shall have ceased, when he is again to proceed with the Polling at the Place where the interruption occurred. Wherever the Poll shall be adjourned by any Deputy of a Returning Officer on account of a Riot, he must imnfiediately notify the Adjournment to the Return- ing Officer, who is not to declare the result of the Election until he has received the Poll Books from the Place at which the Polling shall have been ad- journed. S. 70. Any day on which there shall be an Adjournment of the Poll on account of Riot, is not to be considered, as regards the particular Place at which there is such Adjournment, as one of the Two Polling Days prescribed by the Act, S. 70. li EXPENSES. CHAPTER XI. EXPENSES INCIDENT TO REGISTRATION IN COUNTIES AND BOROUGHS, AND PENALTIES FOR NEGLECT OF DUTIES UNDER THE ACT. Rcmuncra- The Remuneration of the Barristers appointed to tioii of Bar- „. it- n -wt iif>/^ • i rister for Rcvise the Lists 01 Voters, both lor Counties and Revising tiie . r r" r^ • Lists. Boroughs, is to be at the rate of r ive Guineas per diem, in addition to their travelling and other ex- penses — viz. those incurred in the Publication of Notices and Advertisements as required by the Act ; In some places also they will, perhaps, find it necessary to hire a Room in which to hold their Court. Each Barrister, after the termination of his Last Sitting, must lay an account before the Lords of the Treasury, stating the number of Days occu- pied by him in Revising the Lists, and the whole Expenses incurred by him in respect of his Employ- ment ; and the Lords of the Treasury will make an Order for the Payment of the Sum that may appear to be due to him. S. 57. Copies of tiie ^V the 55th Section of the Act, the Overseers of Lists and Re- t» • i j ti i • • i . i ?isters to be cvery Farish and 1 ownship are required to have printed for EXPENSES. 115 Copies written or printed of the Lists of Voters made out by them, and to sell these Copies to all persons applying for them, on payment of a reason- able price for each Copy ; the proceeds of the Sale to be paid over to the Poor Rate. The Clerks of the Peace in Counties are also, by the same Section, required to have copies written or printed of the Registers of Voters for their respective Counties, or for the Ridings, Divisions, or Parts of their respec- tive Counties, as the case may be ; and the Return- ing Officers in Boroughs are to have Copies written or printed of the Registers of Voters for their Bo- roughs ; and each Clerk of the Peace, and each Returning Officer, is to sell these Copies at a rea- sonable price to all persons applying for them, and to pay over the proceeds of the Sale to the County Treasurer. For the purpose of defraying the Expenses at- Mode of tending the County Lis1:s and Registers, and the expen'ef of Borough Lists and Registers, the following course is ci\rk7 of' prescribed by the 56th Section of the Act : every connected ' County Voter, upon giving Notice of his Claim tiation.'^^" vmder the c57th Section, must pay one shilling to the Overseers, who are to add all sums so paid to the money applicable to the Relief of the Poor. Every Borough Voter named in the Register for the time being is made liable to the annual payment of a Shilling, which is to be collected from him in ad- 116 EXPENSES. dition to and as part of his Poor Rate ; and all sums so collected are to be applicable to the Relief of the Poor. These sums, from County and Borough Voters, having thus been thrown into the Poor Rate, the Poor Rate is charged with all the Expenses in- curred by the Overseers in making out, printing, and publishing t] said Parish [or E. F.j Township]. It must be observed that the Overseers have not the option of Inserting in, or Rejecting from the List, the name of any Person who shall have given due Notice of Claim, or whose Name shall be on the Re- gister of Voters for the time being ; They are bound to insert the name of every such person ; but they are 138 DUTY OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO Overseers to authorized (see S. 38) to write on the margin the put " object- ^ ' " ed to" oppo- words " objected to " opposite to the Name of any site the Nfi me j ri j <.f Persiuis Person on the List, wliose Quahfication they have whose Qiiali- •' lication is reasonable cause to doubt; and this mark will com- pel the person objected to to prove his Qualification before the Barrister who will Revise the List, as will be presently explained. It may often happen that the Overseers may know of their own knowledge that a particular Person whose Name is on the Re- gister is dead; they must, however, still put his Name on the List, setting the mark " objected to " opposite to his Name ; and upon its being afterwards shown to the Barrister that the Person is dead, the Name will be expunged. So, although the Over- seers have a full conviction that the Claim of any particular Person is entirely without foundation, they must insert his name on the List, writing, of course, " objected to " opposite to it. Lis^t to be The List is to be signed by the Overseers, and completed by. Last day of bemg thus Completed by(l) the Last day of July, the Overseers are to have a sufficient number of Copies written or printed, and fixed on or near the Doors of all the Churches and Chapels (or if there be no Churcli or Chapel, in some public and conspi- How to be cuous placc) in the Parish or Township, on the two Published. r 1 . • next bimdays ajter the completion of the List. S. 38. They are to keep a true Copy of the List, to which any Person is to have access, without paying any (1) In the year 1832, the Last day of August. T.ISTS OF COUNTY ELECTORS. 139 Fee, at all reasonable Hours during the Two First Weeks after the completion of the List. S. 38. The Act has provided, that any Person on the Re- Who may ^ ' '' Objeci to ffister of Voters for the time being;, or who shall Per?ous on * _ . . the List. have Claimed to be inserted in any List of Voters for the current year, may Object to any other Person who may have been put on any List for the same County, Riding, Parts, or Division, (it need not be the same List as that on which the Person objecting is,) as not having, been entitled on the preceding Last day of July to be put on such List ; He must give Notice of his Objection to the Overseers who made out the List in which the name objected to is, in the following or some such Form : {Schcd. (H.), No. 4.) To the Overseers of the Parish of [or Town- Form of Ob- , . , -, jeclion. ship, as the case may be\. I hereby give you Notice, That I object to the Name of V/illiam Ball being retained in the List of Voters for the County of \or for the Riding, Parts, or Di^^sion of the County of ]. Dated the Day of in the Year (Signed) A. B. of [ Vlace of A 6orfe] . This Notice must be given to the Overseers by ( 1 ) the '^5th of August. S. 39. The Overseers are then to make out and Sign a overseers to List of all the Persons so Objected to in the fol- List of Pcr- 1 • T- / o, 1 1 f TT \ -KT f \ sons objected lowmg rorm: {^Sched. {H.), J\o. 5.) to. (1) In the year 1832, the 25lh of September. ito DUTY OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO The following Persons have been objected to as not being entitled to have their Names retained in the List of Voters for the County of [or for the Riding, Parts, or Division of the County of ]. Christian Name and Surname of each Person objected to. Place of Abode. Alley, James, Ball, William, Nature of the supposed Qualitication. Street, Lane, or other like Place in this Parish [orTownship] where the Property is situate, or Name of the Property, oi Name of the Tenant. Long Lane in this Copyhold Field, Parish, Market Street, Lan- Lease of AV are- caster, house for Years, John Edwards, Tenant. Duke Street. (Sighed) Overseers of the Parish of [or Township, as the case may he\. List must be published. Overseers to keep a copy for general Inspection. This List they must publish by having Copies of it fixed on the Two Sundays next before (I) the loth of September, upon or near the Doors of all the Churches and Chapels (or if there be no Church or Chapel, in some public and conspicuous Place,) in their Parish or Township; S. 39. They must keep a Copy also of the Names of all the Persons objected to, to which they must allow all Persons to have access at all reasonable Hours (1) In the year 1832, the Iblh of October. LISTS OF COUNTY ELECTORS. 141 during the Ten days next before (1) the \5th of Sep- tember, without paying any Fee. aS*. 39. On (2) the 29th of Ausust the Overseers are to Overseers to _ ^ , ./ O ^ deliver List deliver the List of County Voters which they have of Voters, •' •' and State- made out, together with a written statement of the nient, toHi^h ^ _ Constable. Number (not the Names,) of all the Persons objected to (either by themselves or by other Persons) to the High Constable or High Constables of the Hundred or other like District (whatever it may be) to which their Parish or Township belongs. S. 40. The Overseers must have a sufficient number of P^'*^"""^* 'o nave a snpply written or printed Copies made of the List of Voters of Copies for ■I r Sale at a rea- which they have made out, and they must furnish ^"nabie price, them at a reasonable price to all Persons applying for them; S. 55. The next Duty of the Overseers is their attend- Overseers to attend Re- ance at the Court to be held by the Barrister who is vising Barris- tei's Court. to Revise the List of County Voters for their Parish or Township: This will be at some time (3) between the \5th of Sejjtember (inclusive J and the 25th of October (also inclusive), when he will make a Cir- cuit of the County, Riding, Parts, or Division to which their Parish or Township belongs. The Barrister will give Notice of the Time and Barrister to give Thrcfi Place at which he will Revise the List for their Days Notice before hold- Parish or Township by Advertisement in some "-"g his Court. (1) In the year 1832, the \5th of October. (2) In the year 1832, the 29th of September. (3) In the year 1832, between the I5th of October and the 25th of November. 112 DUTY OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO Overseers to deliver to Barrister a Copy of List of Parties objectetl to ; and to give information on Oatlj. Overseers may inspect Tax Assess- ments, &c. Expenses of Overseers. Newspaper circulating in the County, Riding, Parts, or Division, and by a Notice fixed up Three clear Days before his Circuit begins in some conspicuous situation at the Principal Place of Election for the County, Riding, &c. S. 41. On Attending the Barrister's Court the Overseers must deliver to *he Barrister a Copy of the List which they have already made out of all the Persons objected to. S. 42. They are to Answer, on Oath, all the Questions which the Barrister may think it necessary to put to them for the purpose of Revising their List of Voters. .S. 42. As soon as the Barrister has finally settled the List of Voters, the Overseers to whose Parish or Township that List relates have no further duties to perform with reference to the Register of which it is to become a part. It is, however, important to observe that, in order to facilitate the proceedings of Overseers in making out the Lists, they are, upon making application at any reasonable time (1) between the 1st of June and the Last day of July to any Officer having the Cus- tody of any Duplicate or Tax Assessment, to have free liberty to inspect it, and to extract any particu- lars they may think necessary, ^.51. For the purpose of defraying the expenses to which Overseers may be put in all these proceed- (1) la the year 1832, between the I2th of July and the Last day of Augiisi, LISTS OF COUNTY ELECTORS. 143 ings, the following Provisions are made by the Act. Ail the Shillings which have been received by Overseers on account of Notices of Claim are to be added to the money collected for the Relief of the Poor in their Parish or Township. • The monies arising from the Sale of Copies of the Lists of Voters are also to be added to the Poor Rate. The Expenses incurred by the Overseers in making out, printing, and publishing the Lists, Notices, &c., and otherwise carrying into effect the Provisions of the Act, are then to be repaid to them out of the Poor Rate for their Parish or Township. S. 56. See also pp. 114, 15, 16. The following observations are for the guidance of all Overseers generally, whether as to Counties or Boroughs: According to the 79th Section of the Act, ex- imcrpreta- tiou of cei- plaining the interpretation of certam Phrases and tain Terms i« ... , the Act. Terms used throughout the Act, it is to be under- stood That, The Words " Parish or Township" are to ex- tend to every Parish, Township, Vill, Hamlet, District, or Place maintaining its own Poor. S. 79. That, The Words (1 j " Overseers of the Poor" are to (1) The Term " Overseers of the Poor" will of course include the Churchwardens of the Parish, who by virtue of their office are'Overseers of the Poor under the 43 Eliz. c. 2. 144 DUTY OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO extend to all Persons who by virtue of any office or appointment shall execute the Duties of Over- seers of the Poor, by whatever name or title they may be called, and in whatever manner they may be appointed ; S. 79. With respect however to Persons " executing the Duties of Overseers of the Poor," it should seem that the 79th Section, in so explaining the term " Overseers of the Poor," must be taken as refer- ring to those Places in which there are no " Over- seers of the Poor" appointed under the 43 Eliz. c. 2, or the 13 and 14 Car. 2, c. 12, or under any Local Act; and also to Places in which, although there are " Overseers of the Poor" so appointed, other Persons are legally charged with Duties co- extensive with those of Overseers of the Poor. Wherever there are no Overseers of the Poor ap- pointed under any Statute, then the Duties required by the Reform Act must be discharged by such Persons (whatever be their title or description) as, under any General or Local Act, execute the Du- ties of Overseers of the Poor. That, All matters directed by the Act to be done by Overseers may be lawfully done by the major part of the Overseers of any Parish or Township ; Where any Notice is by the Act required to be given to the Overseers, it will be sufficient if the LISTS OF COUNTY ELECTORS. H.5 notice be delivered to any one of them, or be left at his place of abode, or at his office or other place for transacting Parochial Business, or shall be sent by the Post, addressed by a sufficient direction to the Overseers of the Parish or Town- ship, or to any one of them, either by their or his Christian name and Surname, or by their or his name of office ; S. 79. It must be observed by Overseers that if they wilfully contravene or disobey any of the Provisions of the Act, with respect to anything it requires of them, they will be liable to be sued, in an Action of Debt, by any party aggrieved ; the Penalty, which Penalty in is to be determined by a Jury, and may be any sum default, not exceeding £500, is, upon conviction to be paid to the party suing, with full costs of suit. S. 76. 146 DUTY OF OVERSEERS CHAPTER XIV. DUTIES OF OVERSEERS WITH REGARD TO THE LISTS OF VOTERS' FOR CITIES AND BOROUGHS. Duties of Overseers different ia different Boroughs. How tliey may be classed. The Duties of Overseers, as to making out the Lists of Voters, will not be precisely the same in all Cities and Boroughs. The Right of Voting not being uniformly the same, the Task of the Over- seers with reference to the Registration of the Per- sons entitled, will differ accordingly. Istly. In those New Boroughs which will, under the Act, be represented for the first time, the only Right of Voting will be in respect of a £10 Qualifi- cation under the 27th Section of the Act, and the Duty of the Overseers will therefore be founded on the Nature of that Qualification. And in all those Old Boroughs in which the Right has hitherto been in Freemen only, the Future Right of Voting will be in Persons who are either Freemen, or have the new £10 Qualification under the 27th Section ; The proceedings preparatory to the Registration of Freemen are directed, by the Act, to be conducted by the Town Clerk ; The AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 147 Duty of the Overseers will therefore in all these places also be confined to ^10 Voters. 2dly. In those Old Boroughs where the Old Kight is not in Freemen, or where the Old Right is in other Parties together with Freemen, the Duty of Overseers will be with reference to the new £10 Qualification under the 27th Section, and«/*o to the Old Right which, in some Boroughs, will be reserved under the 33d Section, in some under the 31st Sec- tion, and in others under both these Sections of the Act. 1. Duty of Overseers in New Boroughs on which the Right of Representation is conferred by the Act ; And in Boroughs where the Old Right of Voting is in Freemen only. In both these descriptions of Cities and Boroughs Duty of Overseers in the Duty of Overseers will be only with reference Ne^^ Bo- •^ "^ roiiglis, and to making out the Lists, Sec, of ,£10 Voters under '" Boroughs the 27th Section of the Act, (as the Town Clerk "^''d to be in ^ Freemen is charged with making out the Lists of the Free- **"'•''• men :) The Overseers of the Poor of any Parish or Township situate wholly, or in part, in any such City or Borough, or in any Place sharing in the Election with any such City or Borough, are on or before the Last day of July(^\) to make out an Al- (1) In the year 1832 the day substituted by the Order in Council will be the Last day of August. H 2 148 DUTY OF OVERSEERS To make out phabetical List of All Persons entitled under the cMKnol; 27th Section, (qualified and explained as it is by L«f da?of the 28th, 29th and 30th Sections of the Act,) to Vote for such City or Borough, in respect of the Occupation of Premises of the clear Yearly Value of £10, situate wholly or in part in their Parish or Township ; S. 44, If there should happen to be adjoining to their Parish or Township in the same City, Borough, or Place sharing in the Election with it, as the case may be, any Precinct or Place, (whether Extra- I'lov.Mon as Parochial or not,) without any Overseers of its having no own, they must consider such Precinct or Place as their own. within their Parish or Township, and must accord- ingly include in their List the Names of all Persons entitled in respect of the occupation of Property situated wholly or in part within such Precinct or Place ; But if such Precinct or Place adjoins any other Parish or Township besides their own in the same City or Borough, &c., they must not consider it as within their Parish or Township, unless theirs be the least populous Parish or Township so adjoin- ing such Precinct or Place ; — This they must ascer- tain from the Latest Census at the time. S. 45. What the I » the List must be written at full length, jniist°contain! Ist. The Christian Name and Surname of the Voter ; 2dly. The Nature of his Qualification ; AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. U9 3dly. The Name of the Street, Lane, or other Place in which the Quahfying Property is situated ; The List must be Signed by the Overseers. The following is the Form of List prescribed by the Act. See S. 44, and Sc/ied. (L) No. 1. The List of Persons entitled to Vote in the Election of a Form of List Member [or Members] for the City [o/- Borough] of in respect of Property occupied within the Parish [or Township] of by virtue of an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of King William the Fom-th, intituled " An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales." Christian Name and Sarname of each Voter at full Length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. Ashton, John . . Atkinson, William Bates, Thomas . Bull, Thomas . . House Warehouse . . Shop Counting-house Church Street. Bolt Court, Fleet Street. Castle Sti-eet. Lord Sti-eet. (Signed) A. B. "^ Overseers of the v. B. ^ Overs :. D. V saic CD. Y said Parish [or E. F. 3 Township]. As the Duty of the Overseers in making out this List imposes upon them in the first instance the task of deciding (subject to the Revision of the 1.50 DUTY OF OVERSEERS Copies of the Lists to be Printed and Fixed on Church Doors &c. Overseers must keep copies for general in- spection. Notice of Claim by Persons Omitted. Notice by Persons ob- jecting to others. Barrister in a later stage), who is, and who is not, Qualified under the Act to Vote, some remarks for their assistance in this task will be added at the end of this chapter. To pursue the order of Dates in which the Over- seers are to proceed; The List having been com- pleted on or before the Last day of July, (\) they must next have a sufficient number of Copies of the List printed, and fixed on or near the Doors of all the Churches and Chapels (or if there be no Church or Chapel, in some public and conspicuous situation), in their Parish or Township, on the Two Sundays next after the Last day of Jidy ; (1 ) S. 44. And they must keep true copies of the List, and must allow all Persons without paying any Fee to have access to them, and to read them, at all reason- able hours, during the Tivo first Weeks after the Last day of Jiuy.( 1 ) S. 44. The Act having provided that Persons Omitted in any List of Borough Voters, may, if they con- sider themselves entitled to be inserted in it, give Notice of their Claim, — and that any Person whose Name is upon any List of Voters for a City or Borough, may object to any other Person who is in any List for the same City or Borough as not being entitled to remain upon the List, It has directed the two following Forms of Notices, in (1) In the year 1832, the Last day of August. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 1 ') 1 Writing, to be given on or before the{\) 25th of August, by such respective classes of Persons to the Overseers who have made out the Particular List with respect to which the Claim or Objection is made. S. 47. 1st. The Form of Notice (Sched. (I.) No. 4) by persons Claiming is as follows : To the Overseers of the Parish [or Townshipl of Fo"n "' ■- ^-' Notice of I hereby give you Notice, That I claim to have my Name ' inserted in the List made by you of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member \_or Members] for the City [or Borough] of , and that my Qualification consists of a House in Duke Street in your Parish, or other- wise [fls the case may ie]. Dated the Day of One thousand eight hundred and thirty- (Signed) John Allen of \Vlace of Abode r\ The Form of Notice {Sched. (L) No. 5) to be given to Overseers by Persons Objecting to others is the following : To the Overseers of the Parish [or Township] of Fom oi [or otherwise, as the case may he\ Objectors'; I hereby give you Notice, That I object to the Name of Thomas Bates being retained in the List of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough] of , and tliat I shall bring forward such Objection at the Time of the revising of such List. Dated the Day of in the Year (Signed) A. B. of" [Fluce of Abode.] (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of September. 152 DUTY OF OVERSEERS With reference to tliese Claims and Objections, which, as has already been stated, are to be given in to the Overseers on or before the (\)25th of August, the Overseers are to make out Two Lists ; One List containing the Names of all the persons who have sent in due Notice of Claim on or before (l)the 25th of August; — And the other List, containing the Names of all those who have been Objected to, by due Notices of Objection sent in on or before (l)that day. S. 47. The List of Persons Claiming will be in the fol- lowing Form, (S'ched. (I.) No. 6) : Form of List The follo^ving Persons claim to have their Names inserted uf Claimants; . , ^ . „„ .1, . , -r,-, . in the List 01 Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City {^or Borough] of t)veiseers to make out List of Claimants, And List of Persons Ob- jected to; Christian Name and Surname of each Claimant at full Length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. Allen, John. House. Duke Street. (Signed) ;. D. > Overseers of, Sfc. LF.) A. B. C E (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of September. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 1 j.'J The List of Persons Objected to will be in this Form, {Sched. (I.) No. 7) : The following Persons have been objected to as not being ponn of Last entitled to have their Names retained in the List of Per- obTecte"to sons quaUfied to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough] of Christian Name and Surname of each Person objected to. Nature of the supposed Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. Bates, Thomas. Shop. Castle Street. (Signed) ;is Overseers of, ^c. The Overseers must have Copies of both these Copies of Two Lists Fixed on or near the Doors of all the Lists to be Fixed by Churches and Chapels (or if there be no Church or Overseers .on Church Chapel, in some public and conspicuous situation) in Doors, &c. the Parish or Township on the Two Sundaijs next before the (l)l5th of September. S. 47. They must also keep a Copy of the Names of all Ana Copies the Persons Claiming, and a Copy of the Names of by Overseers . for general all the Persons Objected to ; to each of which Copies inspection; (1) In the year 1832, the Ibth of October. H 5 154 DUTY OF OVERSEERS they are to allow all Persons, without paying any Fee, to have access at all reasonable hours during the Ten Days next before the (\)\5th of September. S. 47. Copies to be They must have a sufficient Number of Copies Shilling per made of each of such Lists, and have them ready to deliver to any Person who may apply for one, at the price of a Shilling for each Copy. S. 47. Overseers fo The next thing to be done by the Overseers is to vising Bar- attend at the Court to be held by the Barrister who rister's . -r«- it- n tr o t r-f Court; IS to Rcvise the Lists of Voters for the City or Borough to which their parish or Township belongs : This will be at some time to be fixed by the Bar- rister between the Fifteenth of September (inclusive)., Barrister to (lud the 25th of October f inclusive.) (2) Three clear give Three Days' Notice Davs' Notice of the precise Time and Place will of Time of "' . ^ _ holding his have been given by Notice fixed up on the Doors of Court; S J r all the Churches and Chapels (if there be any) in the City or Borough, or if there be none, in some public and conspicuous situation. S. 50. Overseers to At the Opening of the Barrister's First Court, the of Voters at Ovcrsccrs of cacli Parish or Township must produce Barrister's p i • i t • n xt First Court ; bcforc hmi the List of Voters which they have made out for their Parish or Township. They must also produce a Copy of the List of Persons Objected to, and they must be in attendance (1) In the year 1832, the \5th of October. (2) In the year 1832, between the \5th of October and 2^th of November. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 15-5 during the whole of the Time that their List is under Revision by the Barrister ; and they must answer on Ami lo gi\<- /^ I 11 1 /^ • ^ rt • • T. • • infomiaticm Uatn all sucli tiuestions as the Barrister ni Kevising on Oaiii. tlie List may think it necessary to put to them. S. 50. 2dli/. Duty of Overseers in those Old Boroughs where the Reserved Right is nttt in Freemen, or if in Free- men, is also in other Parties as well as in Freemen. ^ers to make out The Overseers of every Parish or Township Oveiso make out Situated wholly or in part in any(l) such City or List of Voter Borough, or in anv Place sharing in the Election Re«.>ived ^ / =* _ Rigln. with any such City or Borough, (in addition to making out the List of £10 Voters in the manner (1) There is a special Provision with regard to the making out of the Lists of those Persons who may be entitled to vote for the Borough of Shoreham in respect of any Freeholds situate in tlie Borough of Horsham, or for the Borough of Cricklade, in respect of any Freeholds situate in the Borough of Malmshury. This Provision is, that the Overseers of that Parish or Township in the Borough of Shoreham or Cricklade (as defined by the 5th Section of the Act) which next adjoins the Parish or Township of the Borough of Horsham or Malmsbury in which the Qualify- ing Freeholds are situated, shall make out the List of Persons entitled to vote in respect of such Freeholds for Shoreham or Cricklade. And if the Parish or Township in the Borough of Horsham or Malmsbury happens to adjoin more than one Parish in Shoreliam or Cricklade as defined by the Act, then the Over- seers of the least populous (according to the Latest Census at the Time) of such adjoining Parishes in Shoreham or Cricklade must make out the List of these Freeholders. S. 34. 156 DUTY OF OVERSEERS directed in the former part of this Chapter,) are, on or before (\)the Last Day of July, to make out an Al- phabetical List of All Persons (except Freemen) entitled to vote for the City or Borough in respect of any Reserved Right imder the 31st or 33d Sec- tion, or under both these Sections, as the case may be. Provisiou as In making out this List they must note that, if ing no Over- there is adjoining t:> their Parish or Township, within seers; the same Borough, (or Contributory Borough, if it be one,) any Precinct or Place without Overseers of its own, they are to consider it as within their Parish or Township, and are to include in their List the Names of all Persons entitled to vote in respect of the occupation of Property situated wholly or in part within that Precinct or Place. If, however, the Precinct or Place adjoins any other Parish or Pa- rishes besides their own in the same Borough, (or Contributory Borough, if it be one,) they must ascertain, from the latest Population Census at the time, whether their Parish or Township is the least populous of the Parishes or Townships so adjoining the Precinct or Place ; If it be so, but not otherwise, they must consider the Precinct or Place as within their Parish or Township. S. 45. wiiat the In making out their List the Overseers must take List must . /» 11 1 11 r^i • • -KT contain. carc to givc at lull length the Christian Name and Surname of each Voter ; and, if the Reserved Right (1) In the year 1832, the LaU Day nf Augua. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 1J7 be in respect of Property, they must give the Name of the Street or Lane, or other like place, in which the Voter's qualifying Property is ; and where the Reserved Right is not in respect of Property, they must state the Place of his abode ; The List will be in the following Form. The List of all Persons (not being Freemen) entitled to Form of vote in the Election of a Member [^or Members] for the City [^or Borough] of in respect of any Rights other than those confen-ed by an Act passed in the Se- cond Year of the Reign of King William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales." Christian Name and Snrname of each Voter at full Length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. // Ihe Right ef fTotivg does not depend on Pro- perty, then Hate the Place of Abode. Atkins, John Pot-Walloper John Street. (Signed) A. C. E. F. 1 Overseers of the Parish of [or Town- ship] witliin the said City [or Borough]. See S. 44, and Form (No. 2) i?* Sched. (I.) 158 DUTY OF OVERSEERS List to be Publisbed. Copies to be kept for in- spection. Notices by Parties Claiming. Notices by Parties Ob- jecting to others. This List is to be signed by the Overseers, and they are to have a sufficient Number of Copies of it printed and fixed on or near the Doors of all the Churches and Chapels (or, if there be no Church or Chapel, in some public and conspicuous situation) in their Parish or Township on the Two Sundays next after the Day appointed for the Completmi of the List. S. 44. They must keep true Copies of the List, and must allow all Persons to inspect them, Gratis, at all rea- sonable hours during the Two first weeks after the time appointed for the Completion of the List. S. 44. The Overseers will receive, on or before (I) the 25th of August, Notices in writing from Persons who, being omitted in their List of Voters in respect of the Reserved Right, claim to be entitled to have their Name inserted in it ; S. 4^7. These Notices will be in the Form, (Sched. (L) No. 4), which has been given in the preceding part of this Chapter, of Notices of Persons claiming as £10 Voters, p. 151, They will also receive, on or before {\)the 25th of August, Notices in writing from Persons who, beinsj themselves on some List of Voters for the City or Borough, object to other Persons whom the Over- seers have inserted in their List of Voters in respect of the Reserved Right, as not being entitled to have their Names retained upon that List. .S*. 47. (1) 111 the year 1832, the 25th of September. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 1.59 These Notices will be in the same form as that already given, in the former part of this Chapter, of Notices by Persons objecting to others as not being entitled to have their Names retained upon the List of £10 Voters, p. 151. It will be the duty of the Overseers to include all Dmy or . Overseers ai the Names of these Two Classes of Persons in the to these Claims and Two Respective Lists which in the former part of Objectiom. this Chapter they have been directed, to make out and to publish on the Two Sundays next before (l)the I5th of September, — viz. of Parties Claim- ing and of Parties objected to. See pages, 152, 153. But they must observe, as to both these Lists of Claimants and Parties Objected to, that, where the Reserved Right is not in Respect of Property, they are to state in the third Column of the List the Place of abode of the Party. As there will be no distinct List of Parties claim- ing in respect of the Reserved Right as apart from those claiming as £10 Voters; nor any distinct List of Parties objected to as not entitled in respect of the Reserved Right as apart from those objected to as not being entitled as £10 Voters, but there will be only one List for each Parish or Township of Parties Claiming, and one List of Parties Objected to, it would be a needless repetition to give any fur- ther details as to the mode in which the Overseers (1) In the year 1832, the I5lh of October. 160 DUTY OF OVERSEERS are to proceed with regard to these Lists, as it has been fully explained in the earlier part of this Chapter. Having thus gone through, in their order of date, the different Proceedings to be carried into eifect by the Overseers in Cities and Boroughs, those Points upon which it would seem that they may possibly require observations somewhat more specific by way of direction, remain to be noticed. In order to assist Overseers in Cities and Boroughs in ascertaining the Rights of Parties" to be inserted Examination in their List, it may be useful to consider what are of Ihe 2rth ' •' Section, with the several Points constituting a Qualification under a view to *-■ assist Over- tj^g 27th Scction. That Section requires that a seers in Act- ^ ing under it. Party, in order to be qualified, must — 1st. Be the Occupier of a House, Warehouse, Counting House, Shop, or other Building, situated wholly or in part within the City, or Borough, or Place sharing in the Election with it ; 2dly. He must be Rated to the Poor Rate in re- spect of such House, Warehouse, &c. ; 3dly. He must have occupied and he must have been rated for Twelve Months next previous to the Last day of July ; 4thly. He must have paid by the 20th of July, all the Poor Rates and Assessed Taxes which shall have become payable from him in respect of the House, Warehouse, &c. previously to the 6th day of Aiiril then next preceding ; AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 161 5thly. The House, Warehouse, &'C. must either of itself, or together with any Land in the City, Borough, or Place, occupied therewith by him as Owner, or occupied therewith by him as Tenant under the same Landlord, be of the clear yearly Value of £10 ; Lastly. The Party must have resided within the City, Borough, or Place, or within Seven Miles of it, for Six Months next previous to the Laat day of July. As to the 1st and 2d Points, the Overseers by Howiiiey aie going through the Rate Book will readily see what who are Persons are Rated as Occupiers of Houses, Ware- piers, houses, &c. and they will by the same means ascer- tain the Local description of each such House, Warehouse, &c. As to the 3d Point, viz. the Rating and Occupa- As to Time of t'lonfor Twelve Months, they will probably be obliged Occupation. to refer to the preceding Rate ; they must observe that the Act does not require the Premises to be the same Premises during the whole Time of Rating and Occupation ; the Premises may be different, provided they are each of the proper Description arid Value, and have been occupied in immediate Succession, and provided all the Poor Rates and Assessed Taxes which shall have become payable in respect of each of such Premises before the pre- ceding 6 th of April from the Party who is to gain the Qualification, shall have been paid by him by 162 DUTY OF OVERSEERS the 20th of July in the same year. S. 28. It should seem that the several Premises so occupied in Suc- cession, may be of a different kind, provided each be of a Description specified in the Act; for in- stance, the same person may, during the course of the Twelve Months next before the Last Day of July, have occupied a £10 House for Three Months, — then a £10 Warehouse for Six Months, — and then a Shop being, together virith some Land in the Bo- rough occupied under the same Landlord, worth £10 for the remaining Three Months ; If he has been rated in respect of each of such Premises, to every Poor Rate made during his Occupation of them, and has paid by the 20th of July whatever was due from him before the Gth of April, in respect of the Rates upon Each, the Overseers must insert him in the List: Any Assessed Taxes that may have be- come due from him before the Gth of April, in respect of the House, must also have been paid by him by the 20th of July.(l) (1) Bui it would not seem to be sufficient, in order to give a Qualification, that the Required Value of £10 should be made up of more than one description of Premises ; that is to say, a House of the Value of £7, together with a Warehouse of the Value of £3, would not make up a Qualification ; It must be a House worth £10, or a Warehouse worth £10, or some one of the different kinds of Premises specified in the Act of the Value of £10: except that of course in any case the Value may be made up by Land jointly occupied with the House, Warehouse, &c. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 1 H* As to the 4th Point, /. e. the Pmjment of the Rates As to Pay- 1-1 "lent of and Taxes, that fact will in general be noted m the Raics. Rate Book, or may be ascertained through the Parish Collector, from whom may be obtained the precise Date of the Payment; In the same way the Government Collector will be able to supply the Information required as to the Payment of the Assessed Taxes. In those Places where the Assessed Taxes and the Poor Rates are collected by the same Individuals, the Overseers will have much less trouble as to this Point. (1) As to the 5th Point, viz. Value; the Scale on As to Value. which the Rate has been made is well known to the Overseers, that is, whether it is an Assessment on the Full Value, or on Two-Thirds, or on Three- Fourths, or any other Proportion of the Full Value of the Property. The Overseers, being bound to regard the Actual Value of the Property, and not the Value assumed in the Rate Book, will include in their List the Occupiers of every House, Ware- house, &c. of such a Value, that its assessed Value in the Rate Book amounts to Two-Thirds or Three- Fourths (or whatever the Scale of the Assessment (1) If a Party has failed to pay by the 20th of July, all the Poor Hates and Assessed Taxes which shall have become pay- able from him in respect of the Qualifying Premises, before the preceding 6th of April, it should seem that the Overseers must exclude him from their List, even although his Rates or Taxes have never been formally demanded. See Chap. IV. p. 32. 164 DUTY OF OVERSEERS As to Joint Occupiers. A« to Resi- tience. may be) of £10; Thus, if the Premises be assessed at £8, where the Rate has been made on an Assess- ment of Four-Fifths of the Full Value, the Over- seers will include the Occupier of such Premises, because the Actual Value is to be taken at ^10. Of course if the Assessed Value of the Premises be £10, there can be no question but that the Occupier is to be included in the List. With regard to Premises jointly occupied by seve- ral Persons as Partners or otherwise, the Act has laid down a Rule for ascertaining the Value of each Occupier's Share; That Rule is, that the total Value of the Property is to be divided by the Number of Joint Occupiers, and if it gives ^10 for each Occu- pier, then each will be qualified to vote; but if it give less than ^10 for each, then no one of them will have a right to vote ; so that whatever the dispro- portion of Shares as between the Occupiers them- selves may be, all will be equally disqualified: Thus, where Three Persons, A., B., and C, jointly occupy Premises worth only ^28 a year, although the Share of A. may be worth ^12, and that of B. worth ^10, no one of the Three will vote, because the entire Value, viz. .£28, divided by Three, will not give £\0 for each. As to the 6th Point, Residence, the Overseers and Parish Collectors have generally an opportunity of knowing whether the Persons included in the Rate AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 16S reside within the requisite distance : It has already been stated, that the Seven Miles within which the Residence is to be measured, are to be taken as Seven Miles according to the nearest way of access : which may be defined as that which a Person making the best of his way from Point to Point would be likely to take ; that is, using the Footway where there is one, and where it is most convenient to use, and the Carriage Way where it can be most conve- niently used, or where there is no Footpath. See Chap. IF. p. 35. The Residence must be an actual and habitual, and not occasional or fictitious Residing ; and where the Residing is interrupted by Absence, such Ab- sence must be merely temporary, and consistent with a real intention to come back and reside in the par- ticular City, Borough or Place, or within the Seven Miles appointed for the Limit of Residence. See p. 52. Having thus shortly considered how the Over- How the Overseen are seers are to act with reference to Voters under the to ascertain who have the 27tli Section, it may be useful to examine the na- Reserved ' •' Right. ture of their Duties under the Act as to a Reserved Right of Voting : as for instance, where there is a Reserved Right in Inhabitants paying Scot and Lot. According to the Old Law, a Person Voting in respect of that right, must have been rated as an Inhabitant of the Borough for Six Calendar Igg DUTY OF OVERSEERS Months previous to the day of Election, {\) and he must have paid his Rates before Voting, (if de- manded.) Those persons, therefore, who had not been Rated as Inhabitants, (unless it could be shovpn that they were Rateable, and had been fraudulently omitted from the Rate,) or, who having been so Rated, had failed to pay their Rates when demanded, had no right to Vote on the Day of Election. The Overseers, then, in making out the List of these persons up to the Last day of July, must act upon the same rule as if that day were the Day of Election ; and if a person has not been Rated as Inhabitant within the Borough for Six Calendar Months previous to the Last day of July, or if, although a Rated Inhabitant for that time, he has not paid by the Last day of July the Rates demanded of him, the Overseers are not to insert him in the List of Persons whose Rights arc Reserved under the Act. And this Rule they must adhere to in the year 1832 as well as in succeeding years; for although for the year 1832 the day for making up the Lists is not the Last day of July, but the Last day of August, it is expressly directed, as has already been observed, by the 80th Section of the Act, that the day by which the Qualification is to be measured is still to be the same in the year 1832 as in succeeding years. (1) 26 Geo. 3, c. 100. AS TO BOROUGH VOTERS. 167 It must be remembered, however, that as to all Reserved Rights the Act requires a Residence for Six Months next before the Last day of July within Seven Miles of that which used to be the Polling Place for the particular Borough, (and, in the case of any Contributory Borough, within Seven Miles of the place specified for the purpose in Sched. (E. 2.). In addition to these suggestions for the use of (l)Overseers as to Borough Lists, there are some general observations applicable to all Overseers, whether as to Counties or as to Boroughs, which have been made in a preceding Chapter, to which it will be expedient for them to advert. See Chap- ter XIII. pp. 143, 144, 145. (1) It must be observed, that as to the City of Oifsrd, and the Tmim of Cambridge, no person will be entitled to be inserted in the List of Voters for either of those places in respect of any Chambers or Premises in any of the Colleges or Halls of either University. 5. 78. 168 DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. CHAPTER XV. DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS IN PLACES WHERE FREEMEN HAVE A RIGHT TO VOTE. wTak^'om "^"^ Town Clerk (1) of every City or Borough mel"*^^'^" sending a Member or Members to Parliament is, on or before the Last day of July (2) in each year, to have an Alphabetical List made out of all the Free- men of the City or Borough entitled to vote in the Election for it. The List must contain the Place of Abode of each Freeman. S. 46. Town Clerk of "pj^g Town Clerk of every place sharing in the mak*e"out'a Election for any City or Borough must have made like List. (1) The Act directs that when there is no Town Clerk in any Borough or Contributory Borough, in which Freemen have a Right to Vote, the matters required to be done by and with regard to the Town Clerk, are to be done by and with regard to the Person executing Duties similar to those of the Town Clerk ; or if there be no such Person, then by and with regard to the Chief Civil Officer of that Borough or Contributory Borough. S. 46. There is also a Provision specially applicable to the Freemen of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Aheravon, and Ken-fig. The Right which a Freeman of any of those places would, but for the pass- ing of the Act, have had to vote for Cardiff', is transferred to the New Borough composed of those Five Towns, so that he will be entitled to Vote, not for Cardiff, but for that New Borough, if he satisfy all the requisitions of the Act as to Freemen in Con- tributory Boroughs. S. 32. (2) In the year 1832, the Last day of August. DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. 169 out, on or before the same day, a like List of all the Freemen of that Place who may be entitled to vote in the Election for the City or Borough with which it shares. S. 46. The List must be in the following Form : — The List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of Form of List, [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City \_or Borough] of ] entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for tlie said City \_or Borough], Christiaa Name and Surname of each Freeman, at full Length. Place of his Abode. Aston, William, Market Street, Lancaster. (Signed) . T> i Town Clerk of the said City ■ i [m- Borough, 07' Place.] The List when made must be fixed on or near List to be TT 11 • 11-1 Published, the Door of the Town Hall, or m some public and how. conspicuous situation within the particular City, Borough, or Place on the Two Sundays next after the List shall have been made. S. 46. The Town Clerk must keep a true Copy of the Copy to be kept for List, which he must allow all Persons to peruse, inspection. gratis, at all reasonable hours during the Two First Weeks after the List shall have been made. S. 46. 170 DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. Claim! b- '^^^ ^^^ having provided that any Person claim- Persons jj^g to be entitled to Vote as a Freeman may, if omitted. o •' omitted from any List, give Notice of his Claim, has directed every such Person to send in a Notice of his Claim, on or before the 25th of August, (\) to the Town Clerk of the particular City, Borough, or Place of which he is a Freeman, in the following Form : — Form of No- To the Town Clerk of the City [or Boroueh"! of tice of Claim. . -, [or otherwise, as the Case may be.\ I hereby give you Notice, That I claim to have my Name inserted in the List made by you of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough] of and that my Qualification is as a Freeman of and that I reside in Lord Street in this City [or Borough] . Dated the day of one thousand eight hundred and thirty- (Signed) John Allen of [Place of Abode.'] Notice of The Act has also empowered any Person, who is Objection. ^ • ^o x • f it o z-^- himselt upon any List ot Voters tor any City or Borough, to object to any Person whose name is upon any List of Freemen of that City or Borough, or of any Place sharing in the Election with it, by sending, on or before (1) the 25th of August, to the Town Clerk of the particular City, Borough, or Place, a Notice in the following Form : — (1) In the year 1832, the 25th of September. DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. 171 To the Town Clerk of the City for Borough! of ^'orm of No- ^ tice of Ob- 101' otherwke, as the Cctse may he.~\ jection. I herehy give you Notice, That I object to the Name of Thomas Bates being retained in the List of Persons en- titled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borougli] of and that I shall bring forward such Objection at the Time of the revising of such List. Dated the day of in the year (Signed) A. B. of [Tlace of Abode']. The Town Clerk must make a List of all the Town cioik Persons who have sent in their Claims, which List of Claimants. will be in the following Form : — The following Persons claim to have their Names inserted Form of List, in the List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ], entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough]. Christian Name and Surname of each Claimant at full Length. Place of his Abode. Bell, William. High Street, Bedford. Town Clerk of the (Signed) 1 rough or Place] 172 DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. Town Clerk The Town Clerk must also make a List of the to make List of Persons PersoDs who have been objected to by others, which objected to. j j ' will be in this Form. Form of List. The following Persons have been objected to as baring no Right to be retained on the List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ], entitled to Vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough]. Christian and Surname of each Person objected to. Place of his Abode. Andrews, Robert. Market Street, Lancaster. These Lists to be published. Copies to be kept for Inspection. ( To^vn Clerk of the (Signed) A. B.< said City [or Bo- (. rough or Place]. Copies of each of these last mentioned Lists must be fixed on or near the Door of the Town Hall, or in some public and conspicuous situation within the particular City, Borough, or Place, on the Two Sun- days next before (\) the 1 5th of September. S. 47. The Town Clerk must keep a Copy of the Names of all the Persons who have sent in Claims, and a Copy of the Names of all the Persons objected to, which he must allow any one to peruse gratis at (1) In the year 1832, the I5th of October DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. 17^ all reasonable hours during the Ten Days next before the 15th of September. {\) The Town Clerk must also have a sufficient ti"P'<-'s «<> be mane for number of Copies of each of these last mentioned ^^''^* Lists written or printed, as may be most convenient, in order that he may deliver them to any Persons demanding them, at the price of a Shilling for each Copy. S. 47. The next duty of the Town Clerk will be at the Town citrk "' . . . *" attend Barrister's Court holden for the Revision of Lists Banister'? Court. of Voters for the particular City or Borough. This will be at some time between (2) the 15th of September (inclusive) and the 25th of October (inclusive). Three clear days' Notice will have been given of the hold- ing of the Court on the Doors of aU Churches and Chapels or in some public and conspicuous situation. The Town Clerk is to attend at the opening of the Court, and produce his List of Freemen before the Barrister. He must also deliver to the Barrister a Copy of the List which he has made out of Persons objected to — it will be his duty to be in attendance whilst his own List is under Revision, and he is to Answer upon Oath all Questions which the Barris- ter may put to him in Revising his List. S. 50. Although the Office of Town Clerk is generally filled by Persons whose professional habits will ren- (1) In the year 1832, the \5th of October. (2) In the year 1832, between the Ibth of Octobei- and the 25th of November. 174 DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. der it comparatively easy for them to apply the Law so as to ascertain who are to be inserted in their List of Persons entitled as Freemen to Vote for their particular Borough, yet it may not be altogether un- necessary to offer a few observations for their guid- ance in this duty. Observations The Town Clerk of every Borough, or Contri- oii Duty of 1 -vT • 1 T-> Town Clerk, butory Borough, must take Notice that no Person will be entitled to be inserted in his List of Freemen, unless his Qualification as a Freeman shall, on the (I) Last day of July in the year in which the list is made out, be as complete and perfect as, according to the Old Law, it was required to be on the day of Election itself; and in addition to this, he must have resided for Six Calendar Months next previous to such Last day of July within the Borough, or within Seven Statute xVIiles of what used to be the Polling Place for the Borough before the passing of the Act: If the Person be a Freeman of a Contributory Borough, he must have resided for the Six Months within that Contributory Borough, or within Seven Miles of the place named with reference to that Borough in the second colupin of the Schedule (E. 2). i\ni^Js b>^^" The Seven Miles by which the Limit of Residence which Resi- dence is li- iiieasu'red. (1) Although the Last day of August has, for the year 1832, been for some purposes substituted by the Order in Council for the Last day of July, yet it will still be the day by which the Voter's Qualification in the year 1832 will be measured, as well as ia succeeding years. Ste Proviso at the end of Sectioji 80. DUTY OF TOWN CLERKS. 175 is fixed are to be measured according to the nearest way of access ; that is to say, the way which a Per- son would take in making the best of his way from one point to another, using the Foot-way where there is one, and where it is most convenient to use ; and the Carriage-way where it can most conveniently be used, or where there is no Foot-way. See this rule of measurement more fulhj explained in Chap. IV. pp. 35 and 36. The Residence must be a bond fide and permanent Rfsi'imcc '' _ ' niufi be bfn bnry or East oi voting, subject always to the same provisions as Retford, in are hereinbefore mentioned with regard to persons freeholds* whose right of voting for any borough is saved and reserved by this Act, save and except that such per- sons now having a right to vote for the borough of New Shoreham, or of Cr'/cklade, Aylesbury, or East Retford respectively, shall not be registered in any year unless they shall have resided for six calendar months next previous to the last day of July in such year within the borough of Nav Shoreham, or of Cricklade, Aylesbury, or East Retford respectively, as defined by this Act, or within seven statute miles of such respective borough, or of any part thereof; and that for the purpose of the registration herein- after required, all persons now having a right to vote for the borough of New Shoreham in respect of any freeholds which may be situate in the borough of Horsham, or for the borough of Cricklade in re- spect of any freeholds which may be situate in the borough of Mahnsbury, as such boroughs of Hor- sham or Mahnsbury may respectively be defined by the Act to be passed for that purpose as herein- before mentioned, shall be inserted in the list of voters hereinafter directed to be made by the over- seers of that parish or township within the borough of New Shoreham or the borough of Cricklade re- xxii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. spectively, as defined by this Act, which shall be next adjoining to the parish or township in which any such freeholds shall respectively be situate ; and if the parish or township in which any such free- holds shall be situate shall adjoin two or more parishes or townships within either of the said boroughs oi Xew Shoreham or Cricklade, the person so having a right to vote in respect of such freeholds shall be inserted in the list of voters to be made by the overseers of the least populous of such adjoining parishes or townships, according to the last Census for the time being. Exclusion of XXXV. Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, of voti'n"m*' That notwithstanding anything hereinbefore con- boroughs tained, no person shall be entitled to vote in the sinceUie 1st election of a member or members to serve in any of March, future Parliament for anv city or borougrh (other 1831 . **'*■' , ^ i than a city or town being a county of itself, in the election for which freeholders or burgage tenants have a right to vote as hereinbefore mentioned) in respect of any estate or interest in any burgage tene- ment or freehold which shall have been acquired by such person since the first day of March, one thou- sand eight hundred and thirty-one, unless the same shall have come to or been acquired by such person since that day, and previously' to the passing of this Act, by descent, succession, marriage, marriage set- tlement, devise, or promotion to any benefice in a church, or by promotion to any office. As to receipt XXXVI. And be it enacted. That no person shall tehef.'^'^ '■* be entitled to be registered in any year as a voter in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for any city or borough who shall within twelve calendar months next previous to the last day of July in such year have received parochial relief or other alms which by the law of Parliament now disqualify from voting in the election of mem- bers to serve in Parliament. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxiii XXXVII. And whereas it is expedient to form a Overseer? to Register of all persons entitled to vote in the elec- lun'urny.'^re- tion of a knight or knights of the shire to serve in qniring'conn- an)' future Parliament, and that for the purpose of senTin^their forming such Register the overseers of every parish claims. and township should annually make out lists in the manner hereinafter mentioned ; be it therefore enacted, That the overseers of the poor of every parish and township shall on the twentieth day of June in the present and in every succeeding year, cause to be fixed on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels within such parish or township, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, a notice according to the Form numbered 1, in the Schedule (H.) to this Act an- nexed, requiring all persons who may be entitled to vote in the election of a knight or knights of the shire to serve in any future Parliament, in respect of any property situate wholly or in part in such parish or township, to deliver or transmit to the said overseers on or before the twentieth day of July in the present and in every succeeding j^ear, a notice of their claim as such voters according to the Form numbered 2, in the said Schedule (H.), or to the like effect: Pro- Persons once vided always, that after the formation of the Register °g° Jfo't^-^"' to be made in each year, as hereinafter mentioned, no quired to person whose name shall be upon such Register for ftibseqnent the time being shall be required thereafter to make claim- any such claim as aforesaid, so long as he shall retain the same qualification, and continue in the same place of abode described in such Register. XXXVIII. And be it enacted. That the overseer Overseers to of the poor of every parish and tov.nship shall, on or of cmmty ^'^ before the last day of July in the present year, make voters, and to out, or cause to be made out, according to the Form every year." numbered 3, in the said Schedule (H.), an alphabeti- cal list of all persons who shall clairn as aforesaid to be inserted in such list as voters in the election of a 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Overseers to have power of objecting to any name inserted in the lists; to keep co- pies or' lists for inspec- tion. knisjHt or kniorhts of the shire to serve for the county, or for the riding, parts, or division ot the county ■wherein such parish or township hes, in respect of any lands or tenements situate wholly or in part within such parish or townsliip; and that the said overseers shall, on or before the last day of July in every succeeding year, make out, or cause to be made out a like list, containing the names of all persons who shall be upon the Register for the time being as such voters, aiA also the names of all persons who shall claim as aforesaid to be inserted in such last- mentioned list as such voters ; and in every list so to be made by the overseers as aforesaid, the Christian name and surname of every person shall be written at full length, together with the place of his abode, the nature of his qualification, and the local or other description of such lands or tenements, as the same are respectively set forth in his claim to vote, and the name of the occupying tenant, if stated in such claim ; and the said overseers, if they shall have reasonable cause to believe that any person so claim- ing as aforesaid, or whose name shall appear in the Register for the time being, is not entitled to vote in the election of a knight or knights of the shire for the county, or for the riding, parts, or division of the county in which their parish or towoship is situate, shall have power to add the words " objected to" opposite the name of every such person on the mar- gin of such list ; and the said overseers shall sign such list, and shall cause a sufficient number of copies of such list to be written or printed, and to be fixed on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels within their parish or township, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed up in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, on the two Simdays next after such list shall have been made ; and the said over- seers shall likewise keep a true copy of such list, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the two first 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxv weeks after such list shall have been made : Pro- Provision as vided always, that every precinct or place, whether |° v/q,?" extra-parochial or otherwise, which shall have no overseers. overseers of the poor, shall, for the purpose of making out such list as aforesaid, be deemed to be within the parish or township adjoining thereto, such parish or township being situate within the same county, or the same riding, parts, or division of a county, as such precinct or place ; and if such pre- cinct or place shall adjoin two or more parishes or townships so situate as aforesaid, it shall be deemed to be within the least populous of such parishes or townships, according to the last Census for the time being ; and the overseers of the poor of every such parish or township shall insert in the list for their respective parish or townsliip the names of all per- sons who shall claim as aforesaid to be inserted therein as voters in the election of a knight or kniohts of the shire to serve for the county, or for the riding, parts, or division of the county in which such pre- cinct or place as aforesaid lies, in respect of any lands or tenements situate wholly or in part within such precinct or place. XXXIX. And be it enacted. That every person Notice of ob- who shall be upon the Register for the time beini^ of ■*"''■*" ^y. „ ^ ~ „ . ,. ^ third parties voters tor any county, or lor any riding, parts or to persons division of a county, or who shall liave claimed to be "oU're tanned inserted in any list for the then current year of ui the county voters for any county, or any riding, parts or divi- '°'^" sion of a county, may object to any person as not having been entitled on the last day of July then next preceding to have his name inserted in any list of voters for such county, riding, parts or division so to be made out as aforesaid ; and every person so objecting (save and except overseers objecting in the manner hereinbefore mentioned) shall, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in the present and in every succeeding year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing according to the Form numbered 4, XXVI 2 William IV. Chap. 45. in the said Schedule (H.), or to the hke effect, to the overseers who shall have made out the hst in which the name of the person so objected to shall have been inserted; and the person so objecting shall also, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in the present and in every succeeding year, give to the person objected to, or leave at his place of abode as described in such list, or personally deliver to his tenant in occupation of the premises described in such list, a notice in writing according to the Form numbered 5, in the said Schedule (H.), or to the Lists of per- \[^q effect ; and the overseers sliall include the to by thkd * names of all persons so objected to in a list according parties to be j-q jjjg Form numbered 6 in the said Schedule (H,), pnbhslied, , , ,, - ^ i t i r- i &c. and shall cause copies oi such list to be nxecl on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels within their parish or township, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, on the two Sundays next preceding the fifteenth day of September in the present and in every succeeding year; and the overseers shall likewise keep a copy of the names of all the persons so objected to, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the ten days next pre- ceding the said fifteenth day of September in the present and in every succeeding year. Lists of conn- XL. And be it enacted, That on the twenty-nmth b^ forwarded ^^Y "^ August in the present and in every succeed- to tiie clerks ing year, the overseers of every parish and townsliip e peace. g|^jjj| jgiiver the list of voters so made out as afore- said, together with a written statement of the number of persons objected to by the overseers and by other persons, to the high constable or high constables of the hundred or other like district in which such parish or township is situate ; and such high con- stable or high constables shall forthwith deliver all such lists, together with such statements as afore- said, to the clerk of the peace of the county, riding 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxvii or parts, who shall forthwith make out an abstract of the number of persons objected to by the overseers and by other persons in each parish and township, and transmit the same to the barrister or barristers appointed as hereinafter mentioned, to revise such lists, in order that the said barrister or barristers may fix proper times and places for holding his or their courts for the revision of the said lists. XLI. And be it enacted, That the Lord Chief judges of Justice of the Court of King's Bench for the time assize to name being shall, in the month of July or August in tlie who shall' present and in every succeeding year, nominate and J^ts ^^^ ^coam appoint for Middlesex, and the senior judge for the voters. time being in the commission of assize for every other county shall, when travelling the summer circuit, in the present and in every succeeding year, nominate and appoint for every such county, or for each of the ridings, parts, or divisions of such county, a barrister or barristers to revise the lists of voters in the election of a knight or knights of the shire; and such barrister or barristers so appointed as aforesaid shall give public notice, as well by ad- vertisement in some of the newspapers circulating within the county, riding, parts, or division, as also by a notice to be fixed in some public and conspi- cuous situation at the principal place of election for the county, riding, parts, or division, (such last- mentioned notice to be given three days at the least before the commencement of his or their circuit,) that he or they will make a circuit of the county, riding, parts, or division for which he or they shall be so appointed, and of the several times and places at which he or they will hold courts for that pur- pose, such times being between the fifteenth day of Period for September inclusive and the twenty-fifth day of"^^'*'°"* October inclusive in the present and in every suc- ceeding year, and he or they shall hold open courts for that purpose at the times and places so to be an- nounced ; and where two or more barristers shall be xxviii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. appointed for the same county, riding, parts, or division, they shall attend at the same places toge- ther, but shall sit apart from each other, and hold separate courts at the same time for the despatch of business : Provided always, that no member of Par- liament, nor any person holding any office or place of profit under the crown, shall be appointed such barrister, and that no barrister so appointed as aforesaid shall be eligible to serve in Parliament for eighteen months from the time of such his ap- pointment for the county, riding, parts, or division for which he shall be so appointed. tierk of the XLII. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the overseers to peace shall at the opening of the first court to be attend before held bv evcrv such barrister for any county, or for the barristers, . /. "' t ■ • /• i who shall any ridmg, parts, or division oi a county, produce or retain on the cause to be produccd before, him, the several lists of county lists r> i • i • t • • all names not votcrs lov sucu couuty, riding, parts, or division, and^shau ^^' 'which shall have been delivered to such clerk of the expunge peace by the high constables as aforesaid; and the quaUfication, ovcrsecrs of cvcry parish and township who shall if objected to, havc made out the lists of voters shall attend the court proved! ^ to be held by every such barrister at the place ap- pointed for revising the lists relating to such parish or township respectively, and shall also deliver to such barrister a copy of the list of the persons ob- jected to, so made out by them as aforesaid; and the said overseers shall answer upon oath all such ques- tions as such barrister may put to them or any of them touching any matter necessary for revising the lists of voters ; and every such barrister shall retain on the lists of voters the names of all persons to whom no objection shall have been made by the over- seers, or by any other person, in the manner herein- before mentioned ; and he shall also retain on the list of voters the name of every person who shall have been objected to by any person other than the over- seers, unless the party so objecting shall appear by himself or by some one on his behalf in support of 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxis such objection; and where the name of any person inserted in the list of voters shall have been objected to by the overseers, or by any other person, in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, and such person so objecting shall appear by himself or by some one on his behalf in support of such objection, every such barrister shall require it to be proved that the person so objected to was entitled on the last day of July then next preceding to have his name inserted in the list of voters in respect of the qualification described in such list ; and in case the same shall not be proved to the satisfaction of such barrister, or in case it shall be proved that such person was then incapacitated by any law or statute from voting in the election of members to serve in Parliament, such . barrister shall expunge the name of every such person from the said lists ; and he shall also expunge from the said lists the name of every person who shall be proved to him to be dead; and Power to shall correct any mistake which shall be proved to takes^nd^* him to have been made in any of the said lists as to s."ppiy omis- r.1 ., , !•» ■ ^ 1 • sions in the any of the particulars by this Act required to be m- usts. serted in such lists ; and where the Christian name of any person, or his place of abode, or the nature of his qualification, or the local or other description of his property, or the name of the tenant in the occupation thereof, as the same respectively are required to be inserted in any such list, shall be wholly omitted therefrom, such barrister shall ex- punge the name of every such person from such list, unless the matter or matters so omitted be supplied to the satisfaction of such barrister before he shall have completed the revision of such list, in which case he shall then and there insert the same in such list : Provided always, that no person's Proviso, name shall be expunged from any such list, except in case of his death or of his being objected to on the margin of the list by the overseers as aforesaid, or except in case of any such omission or omissions as hereinbefore last mentioned, unless such notice 2 William IV. Chap. 45. as is hereinbefore required in that behalf shall have been given to the overseers, nor unless such notice as is hereinbefore required in that behalf shall have been given to such person, or left at his place of abode, or delivered to his tenant as hereinbefore mentioned. Barrister to have power to insert in the county lists the names of claimants omitted by the overseers on proof of claim and qualification. XLIII. Provided also and be it enacted, That if it shall happen that any person who shall have given to the overseers of any parish or township due no- tice of his claim to have his name inserted in the list of voters in the election of a knight or knights of the shire shall have been omitted by such over- seers from such list, it shall be lawful for the bar- rister, upon the revision of such list, to insert therein the name of the person so omitted, in case it sh^ll be proved to the satisfaction of such barrister that such person gave due notice of such his claim to the said overseers, and that he was entitled on the last day of July then next preceding to be inserted in the list of voters in the election of a knight or knights of the shire for the county, or for the riding, parts, or division of the county, wherein the parish or town- ship of such overseers may be situate, in respect of any lands or tenements within such parish or town- ship. Overseers to XLIV. And be it enacted. That the overseers of of p^rson'r'^ the poor of every parish and township, either wholly (other than or in part situate within any city or borough, or place sharing in the election for any city or borough, which shall return a member or members to serve in any future Parliament, shall, on or before the last day of July in the present and in each succeeding year, make out or cause to be made out, according to the Form numbered l,in the Schedule marked (I.) to this Act annexed, an alphabetical list of all per- sons who may be entitled by virtue of this Act to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parhament for such city or bo- freemen) en- titled to vote in boroughs, and to pub- lish them. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxxi rough in respect of the occupation of premises of the clear yearly value of not less than ten pounds as hereinbefore mentioned, situate wholly or in part within such parish or township, and another alpha- betical list, according to the Form numbered 2 in the said Schedule (I.) of all other persons (except free- men) who may be entitled to vote in the election for such city or borough by virtue of any other right whatsoever ; and in each of the said lists the Chris- tian name and surname of every person shall be written at full length, together with the nature of his qualification ; and where any person shall be entitled to vote in respect of any property, then the name of the street, lane, or other description of the place where such property may be situate shall be spe- cified in the list; and where any person shall be entitled to vote otherwise than in respect of any property, then the name of the street, lane, or other description of the place of such person's abode shall be specified in the list ; and the overseers shall sign each of such lists, and shall cause a sufficient num- ber of copies of such lists to be printed, and to be fixed on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels in their several parishes and townships, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed up in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, on tlie two Sundays next after such lists shall have been made; and the Copies of lists said overseers shall likewise keep true copies of such for^ngpec! lists, to be perused by any person, without payment tion. of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the two first weeks after such lists shall have been made. XLV. And be it enacted, That every precinct or Provision for place, whether extra-parochial or otherwise, having oorouthT"^"' no overseers of the poor, which now is or hereafter iiaving no may be within any city or borough, or within any '^^^'^^"'• place sharing in the election for any city or borough, shall, for the purpose of making out the list of voters for such city or borough, be deemed to be 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Town clerks to prepare and publish the lists of freemen. within the parish or township adjoining thereto, and situate wholly or in part within such city or bo- rough, or v.ithin such place sharing in the election tiierewith ; and if such precinct or place shall adjoin two or more parishes or townships so situate as aforesaid, it shall be deemed to be within the least populous of such parishes or townships according to the last census for the time being; and the over- seers of every such parish or township shall insert in the list for th^ir respective parish or township the names of all persons who may be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for any such city or borough in respect of any property occupied by such persons within such city or borough, or within any place sharing in the election therewith, such property being situate wholly or in part within such precinct or place as aforesaid. XLVI. And be it enacted, That the town clerk of every city or borough shall, on or before the last day of July in the present and in each succeeding year, make out or cause to be made out, according to the Form numbered 3 in the said Schedule (I.) an alphabetical list of all the freemen of such city or borough who may be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for such city or borough, together with the respective places of their abode ; and the town clerk of every place sharing in the election for any city or borough shall, at the respective times afore- said, make out or cause to be made out a like list of all the freemen of such place who may be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for such city or bo- rough; and every such town clerk shall cause a copy of every such list to be fixed on or near the door of the town-hall, or in some public and con- spicuous situation within such respective cit)', bo- rough, or place as aforesaid, on the two Sundays 2 William IV, Chap. 45. xxxiii "next after such list shall have been made, and shall likewise keep a true copy of such list, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all rea- sonable hours during the two first weeks after such list shall have been made: Provided always, that where there shall be no town clerk for such city, borough, or place as aforesaid, or where the town clerk shall be dead or incapable of acting, all mat- ters by this Act required to be done by and with regard to the town clerk sliall be done by and with regard to the person executing duties similar to those of the town clerk, and if there be no such person, then by and with regard to the chief civil officer of such city, borough, or place. XLVII. And be it enacted, That every person Persons whose name shall have been omitted in any such list the'borou^h of voters for any city or borough so to be made out "*'! •» g'^e as hereinbefore mentioned, and who shall claim to claims, have his name inserted therein as having been entitled on the last day of July then next preceding, shall, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in the pre- sent, and in every succeeding year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing, according to the Form numbered 4 in the said Schedule (I.), or to the like effect, to the overseers of that parish or township in the list whereof he shall claim to have his name inserted, or if he shall claim as a freeman of any city or borougli, or place sharing in the election there- with, then to the town clerk of such city, borough, or place ; and every person whose name shall have Notices as to been inserted in any list of voters for any city or persons not , , , . •' , ' / entitled to be borough may object to any other person as not hav- retained in ing been entitled on the last day of July then next "'^ ''^'^" preceding to have his name inserted in any list of voters for the same city or borough, and every per- son so objecting shall, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in the present and in every succeed- ing year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing, according to the Form numbered 5 in the c5 xxxiv 3 William IV. Chap. 45. Said Schedule (I.), or to the like effect, to the over- seers who shall have made out the list in which the name of the person so objected to shall have been inserted, or if the person objected to shall have been inserted in the list of freemen of any city, borough, or place as aforesaid, then to the town clerk of such Lists of city, borough, or place ; and the overseers shall in- and'of'per- clude the names of all persons so claiming as afore- soiis objected gaid in a list according to the Form numbered 6 in lished, &c." the said Schedule (I.), and the names of all persons so objected to as aforesaid in a list according to the Form numbered 7 in the said Schedule (I.), and shall cause copies of such two lists to be fixed on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels within their parish or township, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some p\^)lic and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, on the two Sundays next preceding the fifteenth day of September in the present and in every succeeding year ; and every town clerk shall include the names of all persons so claiming as freemen in a list accord- ing to the Form numbered 8 in the said Schedule (I.), and the names of all persons so objected to as free- men in a list according to the Form numbered 9 in the said Schedule (I.), and shall cause copies of such two lists to be fixed on or near the doors of the Town Hall, or in some public and conspicuous situa- tion, within his respective city, borough, or place as aforesaid, on the two Sundays hereinbefore last men- tioned in the present and in every succeeding year ; and the overseers and town clerks shall likewise keep a copy of the names of all the persons so claiming as aforesaid, and also a copy of the names of all per- sons so objected to as aforesaid, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all rea- sonable hours during the ten days next preceding the said fifteenth day of September in the present and in every succeeding year, and shall deliver a copy of each of sucli lists to any person requiring the same, on payment of one shilling for each copy. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxxv XL VIII. And be it enacted, That for providing a List of livery list of such of the freemen of the city of London as dTto be""' are liverymen of the several companies entitled to transmitted vote in the election of a member or members to ing^offlccr'.™ serve in any future Parliament for the city of Lon- ■don, the returning officer or officers of the said city shall, on or before the last day of July in the present and in each succeeding year, issue precepts to the clerks of the said livery companies, requiring them forthwith to make out or cause to be made out, at the expense of the i-espective companies, an alpha- betical list, according to the Form in the Schedule (K.) to this Act annexed, of the freemen of Londoii being liverymen of the said respective companies and entitled to vote in such election; and every such clerk shall sign such list, and transmit the same, v\'ith two printed copies thereof, to such returning officer or officers, who shall forthwith fix one such copy in the Guildhall and one in the Royal Excinmge of the said city, there to remain fourteen days in the present and in every subsequent year ; and the clerks of the said livery companies shall cause a suf- ficient number of such lists of freemen and liverymen of their respective companies to be printed at the expense of the respective companies, and shall keep the same, to be perused by any person, without pay- ment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the two first weeks after such lists shall have been printed ; and every person whose name shall have Notices to be been omitted in any such list of freemen and livery- ^'Jns^and ob- men, and who shall claim to have his name inserted J<^"3 in list therein as having been entitled on the last day of July '^«OTnen. then next preceding, shall, on or before the twenty- fifth day of August in the present and in every suc- ceeding year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing according to the Form numbered 1 in the said Schedule (K.), or to the like effect, to the re- turning officer or officers, and to the clerk of that company in the list whereof he shall claim to have his name inserted ; and the returning officer or offi- -xxxvi 2 William IV. CHAr. 45. cers shall include the names of all persons so claim- ing as aforesaid in a list according to the Form num- bered 2 in the said Schedule (K.), and shall cause such last-mentioned list to be fixed in the Guildhall and Royal Exchange of the said city on the two Mondays next preceding the fifteenth day of Sep- tember in the present and in every succeeding year ; and the said returning officer or officers, and clerks of the said companies, shall likewise keep a copy of the names of all the persons so claiming as aforesaid, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the ten days next preceding the said fifteenth day of September in the present and in every succeeding year ; and every person who shall object to any other person as not having been entitled on the last day of Jidy then next preceding to have his name inserted in any such livery list shall, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in the present and in every succeeding year, give to such other person, or leave at his usual place of abode, a notice in writing according to the Form numbered 3 in the said Schedule (K.), or to Poiiof livery- the like effect ; and in the city o{ London the return- taken at ^ i"g officer or officers shall take the poll or votes of Gmidhaii. s\\q\\ freemen of the said city being liverymen of the several companies as are entitled to vote at such election in the Guildhall of the said city ; and the said returning officer or officers shall not be required to provide any booth or compartments, but shall appoint or take one poll for the whole number of such liverymen at the same place. Judges of XLIX. And be it enacted. That the Lord Chief barristers,'"^' Justice of the Court of King's Bench for the time who shall re- being shail, in the month of July or August in the vice the li^ils i • t • i of borough present and in every succeeding year, nommate and voters. appoint so many barristers as the said Lord Chief Justice shall deem necessary, to revise the respective lists of voters for the city of London, and for the city of If'tit minster, and for the several boroughs in 2 William IV, Chap. 45. xxxvii the county of Middlesex; and that the senior judge for the time being in the commission of assize for every otlier county shall, when travelling the Sum- mer circuit, in the present and in every succeeding year, nominate and appoint so many barristers as the said judge shall deem necessary, to revise the respective lists of voters, as well for the several cities and boroughs in every such county, as for every city and town, and county of a city and town, next adjoining to any such county ; and the town and county of the town of Kingstoii-upon-Hull shall for this purpose be considered as next adjoining to the county of York, and the town and county of the town of Newcastle-vpon-T^ine as next adjoining to the county of Northmnberland, and the city and county of the city of Bristol as next adjoining to the county of Somerset ; and the said Lord Chief Justice and judge respectively shall have power to nominate and appoint one or more barristers to revise the lists for the same city or borough or other place as aforesaid, or one barrister only, to revise the lists for several cities, boroughs, and other places as afore- said : Provided always, that no Member of Parlia- I'loviso. ment, nor any person holding any office or place of profit under the crown, shall be appointed as such barrister as aforesaid, and that no barrister so ap- pointed as aforesaid shall be eligible to serve in Par- liament for eighteen months from the tim.e of his appointment for any city, borough, or other place as aforesaid for which he shall be so appointed : Pro- vided also, that nothing herein contained shall pre- vent the same barrister from being appointed to revise the lists for two or more counties, ridings, parts, or divisions, or for any county, riding, parts, or division, and any one or more of the cities or boroughs therein. Barrister to revise lists of L. And be it enacted, That the barrister or bar- borough risters so appointed to revise the lists of voters for upoTdu^'^ any city or borough shall hold an open court or proof to insert and expnuge 2 William IV. Chap. 45. courts for that purpose within such city or borough, and also within every place sharing in the election for such city or borough, at some time between the fifteenth day of September inclusive and the twenty- fifth day of October inclusive in the present and in every succeeding year, having first given three clear days' notice of the holding of such court or courts, to be fixed on the doors of all the churches and chapels within such city, borough, or place respec- tively, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively; and the overseers and town clerks who shall have made out the lists of voters as aforesaid, and in the case of the city of London the returning oflficer or officers of the said city, shall, at the opening of the first court to be held by every such barrister for revising such lists, produce their respective lists before him ; and the said overseers and town clerks shall also deliver to such barrister a copy of the list of the persons objected to, so made out by them as aforesaid ; and the clerks of the several livery companies of the city of London, and the town clerk of every other city or borough, or place sharing in the election therewith, and the several overseers within every city, borough, or place as aforesaid, shall attend the court to be held by every such barrister for any such city, borough, or place as aforesaid, and shall answer upon oath all such questions as such barrister may put to them, or any of them, touching any matter necessary for revising the lists of voters ; and every such barrister shall insert in such lists the name of every person who shall be proved to his satisfaction to have been entitled on the last day of July then next preceding to have his name inserted in any such list of voters for such city or borough ; and such barrister shall retain on the lists of voters for such city or borough the names of all persons to whom no objection shall have been made in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, and he shall also retain on 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xxxix the said lists tlie name of every person who shall have been objected to by any person, unless the party so objecting shall appear by himself, or by some one on his behalf, in support of such objection ; and where the name of any person inserted in the list of voters for such city or borough shall have been objected to in the manner hereinbefore men- tioned, and the person so objecting shall appear by himself, or by some one on his behalf, in support of such objection, every such barrister shall require it to be proved that the person so objected to was entitled on the last day of July then next preceding to have his name inserted in the list of voters for such city or borough in respect of the qualification described in such list, and in case the same shall not be proved to the satisfaction of such barrister, or in case it shall be proved that such person was then incapacitated by any law or statute from voting in the election of members to serve in Parliament, such barrister shall expunge the name of every such per- son from the said lists, and he shall also expunge from the said lists the name of every person who shall be proved to him to be dead, and shall correct Power to rec- any mistake which shall be proved to him to have ^'^^ ^'^'^'^^^ been made in any of the said lists as to any of the omissions in particulars by this x\ct required to be inserted in ""^ ''^'^" such lists ; and where the Christian name, or the place of abode, or the nature of the qualification, or the local description of the property of any person who shall be included in any such list shall be wholly omitted in such list in any case where the same is by this Act directed to be specified therein, such bar- rister shall expunge the name of every such person from such list, unless the matter or matters so omitted be supplied to the satisfaction of such bar- rister before he shall have completed the revision of such list, in which case he shall then and there insert the same in such list : Provided always, that no per- son's name shall be inserted by such barrister in any such list for any city or borough, or shall be ex- xl Power of in- specting tax assessments and rate books. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. punged therefrom, except in the case of death, or of such omission or omissions as hereinbefore last-men- tioned, unless such notice shall have been given as is hereinbefore required in each of the said cases. LI. And be it enacted, That the overseers of every parish or township shall, for their assistance in making out the lists in pursuance of this Act, (upon request made by them or any of them, at any reasonable time between the first day of June and the last day of July in the present and in any suc- ceeding year, to any assessor or collector of taxes, or to any other officer having the custody of any duplicate or tax assessment for such parish or town- ship,) have free liberty to inspect any such duplicate or tax assessment, and to extract from thence such particulars as may appear to such overseer or over- seers to be necessary ; and every barrister appointed under this Act shall have power to require any assessor, collector of taxes, or other officer having the custody of any duplicate or tax assessment, or any overseer or overseers having the custody of any poor rate, to produce the same respectively before him at any court to be held by him, for the purpose of assisting him in revising the lists to be by him revised in pursuance of this Act. Barrister, on LII. And be it enacted. That every barrister ifstsrto'havx holding any court under this Act as aforesaid shall power of ad- have power to adiourn the same from time to time, jonrning, of , ^'^ '' , ^ , , ' administering and irom any one place to any other place or places oaths, &c. ; ^Jthin the same county, riding, parts, or division, or within the same city or borough, or within any place sharing in the election for such city or borough, but so as that no sucli adjourned court shall be held after the twenty-fifth day of October in any year ; and every such barrister shall have power to administer an oath (or, in the case of a Quaker or Moravian, an affirmation,) to all persons making objection to the insertion or omission of 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xli any name in any of such lists as aforesaid, and to all persons objected to or claiming to be inserted in any of such lists, or claiming to have any mis- take corrected or any omission supplied in any of such lists, and to all witnesses who may be tendered on either side ; and that if any person taking any oath or making any affirmation under this Act shall wilfully swear or affirm falsely, such person shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall be punished accordingly ; and that at the holding of such respec- tive courts the parties shall not be attended by counsel ; and that every such barrister shall, upon the hearing in open court, finally determine upon the validity of such claims and objections, and shall for that purpose have the same powers and proceed in the same manner (except where otherwise directed ; , /■ by this Act) as the returning officei;^f any county, ^''-•'/'^ "^^ city, or borough according to the Tavvs~and usages iiow observed at elections ; and such barrister shall and to settle in open court write his initials against the names re- fisfsTn "pen spectively struck out or inserted, and against any court. part of the said lists in which any mistake shall have been corrected or any omission supplied, and shall sign his name to every page of the several lists so settled. LIII. And be it enacted, That notwithstanding judges to ap- any thing hereinbefore contained, if it shall be made Jj^'^"', ^'^^'Jj.jj. to appear to the Lord Chief Justice or Judge who tersincase shall have appointed any barrister or barristers *''^°^^ " under this Act, to revise the list of voters, that by reason of the death, illness, or absence of any such barrister or barristers, or by reason of the insuffi- ciency of the number of such barristers, or from any other cause, such lists cannot be revised within the period directed by this Act, it shall be lawful for such Lord Chief Justice or Judge, and he is hereby required, to appoint one or more barrister or bar- risters to act in the place of or in addition to the barrister or barristers originally appointed ; and xlii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. such barrister or barristers so subsequently appointed shall have the same powers and authorities in every respect as if they had been originally appointed by such Lord Chief Justice or Judge. County lists LI V. And be it enacted, That the lists of voters mitted'to"^ for each county, or for the riding, parts, or division clerk of the of cach county, so signed as aforesaid by any such rou"h 'lists to barrister, shall be forthwitli transmitted by him to be kept by the clerk of the peace of the county, ridincp, or parts officer, and for wliich such barrister shall have been appointed ; handed to his and the clerk of the peace shall keep the said lists among the records of the sessions, arranged with every hundred in alphabetical order, and with every parish and township within such hundred likewise in Lists to be alphabetical order, and shall forthwith cause the books'^ wiUi ^^^^ ^'^'■^ ^^ ^^ fairly and truly copied in the same the names order in a book to be by him provided for that pur- numbered. pose, and shall prefix to every name so copied out its proper number, beginning the numbers from the first name, and continuing them in a regular series down to the last name, and shall complete and de- liver such book on or before the last day of October in the present and in every succeeding year to the sheriff of the county, or his under-sheriff, who shall safely keep the same, and shall at the expiration of his office deliver over the same to the succeeding sheriff or his under-sheriff; and the lists of voters for each city or borough, so signed as aforesaid by any such barrister, shall be forthwith delivered by him to the returning officer for such city or borough, who shall safely keep the same, and shall cause the said lists to be fairly and truly copied in a book to be by him provided for that purpose, with every name therein numbered according to the directions aforesaid, and shall cause such book to be completed on or before the last day of October in the present and in every succeeding year, and shall deliver over such book, together with the lists, at the expiration of his office, to the person succeeding him in such 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xHii office; and every such book, to be so completed on Such books or before the last day of October in the present re-nsier'of j'^ear, shall be deemed the register of the electors to electors. vote, after the end of this present Parliament, in the choice of a member or members to serve in Par- liament for the county, riding, parts, or division of a county, city, or borough to which such register shall relate, at any election which may take place after the said last day of October in the present year and before the first day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three; and every Register how Buch book to be so completed on or before the last \l'^^J'^*^ ^^ '" day of October in the year one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-three, and in every succeeding year, shall be the register of electors to vote at any elec- tion which shall take place between the first day of November inclusive in the year wherein such re- spective register shall have been made and the first day of November in the succeeding year. LV. And be it enacted, That the overseers of Copies of the every parish and township shall cause to be written Ihe^egfsters or printed copies of the lists so by them to be made to be printed in the present and in every succeeding year, and "' '^ '^' shall deliver such copies to all persons applying for the same, on payment of a reasonable price for each copy ; and the monies arising from the sale thereof shall be accounted for by the said overseers, and applied to the same purposes as monies collected for the relief of the poor ; and the clerks of the peace shall cause to be written or printed copies of the registers of the electors for their respective counties, ridings, or parts, or for the divisions of their respective counties ; and the returning officer of every city or borough shall cause to be written or printed copies of the register of the electors for such city or borough ; and every such clerk of the peace, and every such returning officer, shall deliver such respective copies to all persons applying for the same, on payment of a reasonable price for each xliv 2 William IV. Chap. 45. how to be defrayed copy ; and the monies arising from the sale of all such copies shall be accounted for to the treasurer of the county, riding, or parts. Expenses of LVI. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of ciefrks o7the defraying the expenses to be incurred by the over- peace, &c. seers of the poor and by the clerk of the peace in carrying into effect the several provisions of this Act, so far as relates to the electors for any county, or for any ridiiig, parts, or division of a county, every person, upon giving notice of his claim as such elec- tor to the overseers, as hereinbefore mentioned, shall pay or cause to be paid to the said overseers the siun of one shilling ; and such notice of claim shall not be deemed valid until such sum shall have been paid ; and the overseers of each parish or township shall add all monies so received by them to the money collected or to be collected for the relief of the poor in such parish or township, and such monies so added shall be applicable to the same purposes as monies collected for the relief of the poor; and that for the purpose of defraying the expenses to be in- curred by the returning officer of every city and borough, and by the overseers of the several parishes and townships in every city and borough, and place sharing in the election therewith, in carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, so far as relates to the electors for such city or borough, every such elector whose name shall be upon the register of voters for such city or borough for the time being shall be liable to the payment of one shilling annually, which sum shall be levied and collected from each elector in addition to and as part of the money pay- able by him as his contribution to the rate for the relief of the poor, and such sum shall be applicable to the same purposes as money collected for the relief of the poor ; and that the expenses incurred by the overseers of any parish or township in making out, printing, and publishing the several lists and notices directed by this Act, and all other expenses 2 William IV. Chap. 45. xlv incurred by them in carrying into eftect the provi- sions of this Act, shall be defrayed out of the money collected or to be collected for the relief of the poor in such parish or township ; and that all expenses incurred by the returning officer of any city or bo- rough in causing the lists of the electors for such city or borough to be copied out and made into a register, and in causing copies of such register to be Avritten or printed, shall be defrayed by the over- seers of the poor of the several parishes and town- ships within such city or borough, or place sharing in the election therewitli, out of the money collected or to be collected for the relief of the poor in such parishes and townships, in proportion to the number of persons placed on the register of voters for each parish or township ; and that all expenses incurred by the clerk of the peace of any county, riding, or parts, in causing the lists of the electors for such county, riding or parts, or for any division of such county, to be copied out and made into a register, and in causing copies of such register to be written or printed, and in otherwise carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, shall be defrayed by the treasurer of such county, riding, or parts out of any public money in his hands, and he shall be allowed all such payments in his accounts : Provided always, that no expenses incurred by any clerk of the peace under this Act shall be so defrayed unless the ac- count shall be laid before the justices of the peace at the next quarter sessions after such expenses shall have been incurred, and allowed by the Court. LVII. And be it enacted. That every barrister Rcmuncn- appointed to revise any lists of voters under this baiTUte^sfor Act shall be paid at the rate of five guineas for revising the every day that he shall be so employed, over and above his travelling and other expenses : and every such barrister, after the termination of his last sit- ting, shall lay or cause to be laid before the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury for the time xlvi 2 William IV. Chap. 45. No inquiry at the time of election, except as to the identity of the voter, the continu- ance of his qualification, and whether he has voted teforc at same elec- tion. Form of questions as to these points. being a statement of the number of days during which he shall have been so employed, and an ac- count of the travelling and other expenses incurred by him in respect of such employment; and the said lords commissioners shall make an order for the amount to be paid to such barrister. LVIII. And be it enacted, That in all elections whatever of members to serve in any future Parlia- ment no inquiry shall be permitted at the time of polling, as to the right of any person to vote, except only as follows ; that is to say, that the returning officer or his respective deputy shall, if required on behalf of any candidate, put to any voter at the time of his tendering his vote, and not afterwards, the following questions, or any of them, and no other: 1 . Are you the same person whose name appears as A. B. on the register of voters now in force for the county of [o/- for the riding, parts, or division, SfC. or for the city, S^c. as the case may he] 1 2. Have you already voted, either here or else- where, at this election for the county of [or for the riding, parts, or division of the county of , or for the city or borough of as the case may fee]? 3. Have you the same qualification for which your name was originally inserted in the re- gister of voters now in force for the county of, f polls at England, except the borough of Monmouth, the poll elections shall commence on the day fixed for tlie election, or '" England. on the day next following, or at the latest on the d 2 lii £ William IV. Chap. 4-5, Polling for boroughs in England to be at several booths, not more than (>00 voting at one cotn- parlinrnt in a booth. r.ach person tu vote at th« booth ap- pointed for ins parish or djjtrict. third day, unless any of the said days shall be Saturday or Sunday, and then on the Monday fol- lowing, the particular day for the commencement of the poll to be fixed by the returning officer ; and such polling shall continue for two days only, such two days being successive days, (that is to say), for seven hours on the first day of polling, and for eight hours on the second day of polling ; and that the poll shall on no account be kept open later than four o'clock in the afternoon of such second day ; any statute to the contrary notwithstanding. LXVIII. And be it enacted, That at every con- tested election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for any city or borough in England, except the borough of Monmouth, the re- turning officer shall, if required thereto by or on behalf of any candidate, on the day fixed for the election, and if not so required may, if it shall ap- pear to him expedient, cause to be erected for taking the poll at such election difl^erent booths for different parishes, districts, or parts of such city or borough, which booths may be situated either in one place or in several places, and shall be so di- vided and allotted into compartments as to the re- turning officer shall seem most convenient, so that no greater number than six hundred shall be re- quired to poll at any one compartment ; and the re- turning officer shall appoint a clerk to take the poll at each compartment, and shall cause to be affixed on the most conspicuous part of each of the said booths the names of the several parishes, districts, and parts for which such l)ooth is respectively allotted; and no person shall be admitted to vote at any such ' election, except at the booth allotted for the parish, district, or part wherein the property may be situ- ate in respect of which he claims to vote, or in case he does not claim to vote in i-espect of property, then wherein his place of abode as described in the register may be ; but in case no booth shall happen 2 William IV. Chap. 45. liii to be provided for any particular parish, district, or part as aforesaid, the votes of persons voting in re- spect of property situate in any parish, district, or part so omitted, or having their place of abode therein, maybe taken at any of the said booths, and the votes of freemen residing out of the limits of the city or borough may be taken at any of the said booths ; and public notice of the situation, division, and allotment of the different booths shall be given two days before the commencement of the poll by the returning officer ; and in case the booths shall if the booUis be situated in different places, the returning officer fj^gj," places, may appoint a deputy to preside at each place ; and a deputy to at every such election the poll clerks at the close of each place, each day's poll shall enclose and seal their several ^V" ,"*"„ poll books, and shall publicly deliver them, so en- books and closed and sealed, to the returning officer or his final (ifciara- 1 1 1 11 • • n '^ -, 1 "*>" ^^ P''" deputy, who shall give a receipt tor the same, and for boron <;h«. shall, on the commencement of the poll on the se- cond day, deliver them back, so enclosed and sealed, to the persons from whom he shall have received the same; and every deputy so receiving any such poll books, on the final close of tlie poll shall forth- with deliver or transmit the same, so enclosed and sealed, to the returning officer, who shall receive and keep all the poll books unopened until the fol- lowing day, unless such day be Sunday, and then till the Monday following, when he shall openly break the seals thereon, and cast up the number of votes as they appear on the said several books, and shall openly declare the state of the poll, and make pro- clamation of the member or members chosen, not later than two o'clock in the afternoon of the said day : provided always, that the returning officer, or his lawful deputy, may, if he think, fit, declare the final state of the poll, and proceed to make the re- turn immediately after the poll shall have been lawfully closed : provided also, that no nomination shall be made or election holden of any member for llv 2 William IV. Chap. 45. any city or borough in any church, chapel, or other place of public worship. rolling (lis- LXIX. Provided always, and be it enacted, '1 hat incts to be g^ f^^. ^g relates to the several boroughs of New appointed for i n r> /- Shoreham, S/wrc/iatii, Cnclilctde, Ai/leslntry, and East Retford, as Ayie'^abury, defined by this Act, the said several boroughs shall and East be divided into convenient districts for polling, and there shall be appointed in each district a conve- nient place for taking the poll at all elections of members to serve in any future Parliament for each of the said boroughs, which districts and places for taking the poll shall be settled and appointed by an Act to be passed in this present Parliament. When retorn- LXX. And be it enacted, That nothing in this may cibse^hc -^ct contained shall prevent any sheriff or other re- poii before turning officer, or the lawful deputy of any return- ■jf the tTme"" ing officer, from closing the poll previous to the ijxed. expiration of the time fixed by this Act, in any case where the same might have been lawfully closed Adjournment before the passing of this Act ; and that where the case"of "lot proceedings at any election shall be interrupted or obstructed by any riot or open violence, the sheriff' or other retiu-ning officer, or the lawful deputy of any returning officer, shall not for such cause finally close the poll, but, in case the proceedings shall be so interrupted or obstructed at any particular polling place or places, shall adjourn the poll at such place or places only until the following day, and if neces- sary shall further adjourn the same until such inter- ruption or obstruction shall have ceased, when the returning officer or his deputy shall again proceed to take the poll at such place or places; and any day whereon the poll shall have been so adjourned shall not, as to such place or places, be reckoned one of tlie two days of polling at such election with- in the meaning of this Act ; and wherever the poll shall have been so adjourned by any deputy of any sheriff or other returning officer, such deputy shall \ 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Iv forthwith give notice of such adjournment to the sheriff or returning officer, who shall not finally declare the state of the poll, or make proclamation of the member or members chosen, until the poll so adjourned at such place or places as aforesaid shall have been finally closed, and delivered or trans- mitted to such sheriff or other returning officer ; any thing herein-before contained to the contrary notwithstanding. LXXI. And be it enacted. That from and after CaiKiidatt* the end of this present Parliament all booths erected "'' p«^'^.""' • r- 1 • 111111 1 proposing; a for the convenience of taking polls shall be erected candidate at the joint and equal expence of the several can- ^nse,"t\ to' didates, and the same shall be erected by con- be at the tract with the candidates, if they shall think fit to booihTand make such contract, or if they shall not make such P"" clerks, contract, then the same shall be erected by the sheriff or other retiu-ning officer at the expence of Limitation of the several candidates as aforesaid, subject to such ^''p«"<='^- limitation as is herein-after next mentioned; (that is to say,) that tlie expence to be incurred for the booth or booths to be erected at the principal place of election for any county, riding, parts, or division of a county, or at any of the polling places so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall not exceed the sum of forty pounds in respect of any one such principal place of election, or any one such polling place ; and that the expence to be incurred for any booth or booths to be erected for any parish, district, or part of any city or borough shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five pounds in respect of any one such parish, district, or part; and that all deputies ap- pointed by the sheriff or other returning officer shall be paid each two guineas by the day, and all clerks employed in taking the poll shall be paid each one guinea by the day, at the expence of the candidates at such election: Provided always, that if any per- son shall be proposed without his consent, then the person so proposing him shall be liable to defray his 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Houses may be hired for polling iu, instead of booths. Certified co- pies of the register of voters for each booth. I'owers of deputies of returning otTicers. share of the said expences in like manner as if he had been a candidate ; provided also, that the sheriff or returning officer may, if he shall think fit, instead of erecting such booth or booths as aforesaid, pro- cure or hire and use any houses or other buildings for the purpose of taking the poll therein, subject always to the same regulations, provisions, liabili- ties, and limitations of expence as are herein-before mentioned with regard to booths for taking the poll. LXXII. And be it enacted, That the sheriff" or other returning officer shall, before the day fixed for the election, cause to be made, for the use of each booth or other polling place at such election, a true copy of the register of voters, and shall imder his hand certify every such copy to be true. LXXIII. And be it enacted. That every deputy of a sheriff" or other returning officer shall have the same power of administering the oaths and affirma- tions required by law, and of appointing commis- sioners for administering such oaths and affirmations as may by law be administered by commissioners, as the sheriff" or other returning officer has by virtue of this or any other Act, and subject to the same regulations and provisions in every respect as such sheriff" or other returning officer. Rcgiilalions respecting polling, &c. for the bo- lough of Monmouth, and for tlie contributory boroughs in Wales. LXXIV. And be it enacted. That from and after the end of this present Parliament, every person who shall have a right to vote in the election of a member for the borough of Monmouth, in respect of the towns of Newport or Usk, shall give his vote at Newpo7't or Usk respectively before the deputy for each of such towns, whom the returning officer of the borough of Monmouth is hereby authorized and required to appoint ; and every person who shall have a right to vote in the election of a member for any shire-town or borough, in respect of any place 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ivii named in the first column of the schedule marked (E.) to this Act annexed, shall give his vote at such place before the deputy for such place whom the returning officer of the shire-town or borough is hereby authorized and required to appoint; and every person who shall have a right to vote in tiie election of a member for the borough composed of the towns of Sxvausea, Loughor, Neath, Aberuxon, and Ken-Jig shall give his vote at the town in respect of which he shall be entitled to vote, (that is to say,) at Swansea before the portreeve of Swansea, and at each of the other towns before the deputy of such town whom the said portreeve is hereby authorized and required to appoint ; and at every contested election for the borough of JSlonmoulh, or for any shire-town or borough named in the second column of the said Schedule (E.), or for the borough com- posed of the said five towns, or for the borough of Brecon, the polling shall commence on the day next after the day fixed for the respective electioo, unless such next day be Saturday or Sunday, and then on the Monday following, as well at Monmouth as at Newport and Usk respectively, and as well at the shire-town or borough as at each of the places sharing in the election therewith respectively, and as well at Swansea as at each of the four other towns respectively; and such polling shall continue for two days only, such two days being successive days, (that is to say,) for seven hours on the first day of polling, and for eight hours on the second day of polling, and that the poll shall on no account be kept open later than four o'clock in the afternoon of such second day ; and the returning officer of the borough of Monmouth shall give to the deputies for Newport and Usk respectively, and the returning officer of every shire-town or borough named in the second column of the said Schedule (E.) shall give to the deputy for each of the places sharing in the election for such shire-town or borough, notice of the day fixed for such respective election and shall be- d 5 Iviii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. fore the day fixed for such respective election cause to be made, and to be delivered to every such deputy, a true copy of the register of voters for the borough of Monmouth, or for such shire-town or borough, as the case may be, and shall under his hand certify every such copy to be true ; and the portreeve of the town of Swansea shall give notice of the day of election to the deputy for each of the towns of Loug/ior, Neath, Abernxon, and Ken-Jig, and shall in like manner cause to be luade, and to be delivered to every such deputy, a true and certified copy of the register of voters for the borough composed of the said five towns ; and the respective deputies for Ncxuport and Uslc, and for the respective places named in the first column of the said Schedule (E.) as well as for tlie towns of Loughor, Neath, Aber- avon, and Ken-Jig, shall respectively take and con- duct the poll and deliver or transmit the poll books in the same manner as the deputies of the returning oflScers gf the cities and boroughs in England are herein-before directed to do, and shall have the same powers and perform the same duties in every respect as are respectively conferred and imposed As to ap- on the said deputies by this Act: Provided always, Hepui'ies"in° that where there shall be a mayor, portreeve, or Wales. other chief municipal officer in any town or place for which the returning officer or the portreeve of Swansea is required to appoint a deputy as afore- said, such returning officer or the portreeve of Swansea, as the case may be, is hereby required to appoint such chief municipal officer for the time being to be such deputy for such town or place. All election LXXV. And be it enacted. That all laws, sta- mrin 'in force t^tcs, and usagcs now in force respecting the elec- except where tioii of members to serve in parliament for that part by'thu Act. of the United Kingdom called England and IVales shall be and remain, and are hereby declared to be and remain, in full force, and shall apply to the election of members to serve in parliament for all I 2 William IV. Chap. 45. lix the counties, ridings, parts, and divisions of coun- ties, cities, and boroughs, hereby empowered to return members, as fully and effectually as if the same respectively had heretofore returned members, except so far as any of the said laws, statutes, or usages are repealed or altered by this Act, or are inconsistent with the provisions thereof. LXXVI. And be it enacted. That if any sheriff", Penalties rm /v» , • , officers for returnmg omcer, barrister, overseer, or any person breach oi whatsoever shall wilfully contravene or disobey the •'"'y* provisions of this Act or any of them, with respect to any matter or thing which such sheriff", returning officer, barrister, overseer, or other person is hereby required to do, he shall for such his ofl"ence be liable to be sued in an action of debt in any of his Majesty's courts of record at Westminster for the penal sum of five hundred pounds, and the jury be- fore whom such action shall be tried may find their verdict for the full sum of five hundred pounds, or for any less sum which the said jury shall think it just that he should pay for such his offence; and the defendant in such action, being convicted, shall pay such penal sum so awarded, with full costs of suit, to the party who may sue for the same : Pro- vided always, that no such action shall be brought except by a person being an elector or claiming to be an elector, or a candidate, or a member actually returned, or other party aggrieved: Provided also, that the remedy hereby given against the returning officer shall not be construed to supersede any re- medy or action against him according to the law now in force. LXXVII. And be it enacted, That all writs to Wilts, &c. be issued for the election of members to serve in 'oiuormable all future Parliaments, and all mandates, precepts, to this Act. instruments, proceedings, and notices consequent upon such writs, shall be and the same are hereby authorized to be framed and expressed in such man- Ix ' 2 William IV. Chap. 45. ner and form as maj' be necessary for the carrying the provisions of this Act into effect. iiiisActnot LXXVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, to extend to That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to Lniversilies . • f»i i i • /• i ..I Oxford and or in anywise anect the election oi members to Cambridge, ggrye ill Parliament for the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, or shall entitle any person to vote in the election of members to serve in Parliament for the city of Oxford or town of Cambridge in respect of the occupation of any chambers or premises in any of the colleges or halls of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge. Of the sense LXXIX. And be it enacted. That throughout in which this Act, whercver the words " city or borough," Act are to be " cities or boroughs," may occur, those words shall understood: }jg construed to include, except there be somethiny; City or DO" . * . rough :" in the subject or context manifestly repugnant to such construction, all towns corporate, cinque ports, districts, or places within Engla?id and JVales which shall be entitled, after this Act shall have passed, to return a member or members to serve in Parlia- ment, other than counties at large, and ridings, parts, and divisions of counties at large, and shall also include the town of Derxvick-upou-Tweed ; and "Returniii the words " returning officer" shall apply to every officer:" pei'soii or persous to whom, by virtue of his or their office, either under the present Act, or under any former law, custom, or statute, the execution of any Avrit or precept doth or shall belong for the election of a member or members to serve in Parliament, by whatever name or title such person or persons " Parish or ™ay be Called ; and the words " parish or township" township :" shall extend to every parish, township, vill, hamlet, district, or place maintaining its own poor; and the •' Overseer's words " oversccrs of the poor" shall extend to all of the poor:" persous who by virtue of any office or appointment shall execute the duties of overseers of the poor, by whatever name or title such persons may be called, 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixi and in whatsoever manner they may be appointed, and that all matters by this Act directed to be done l)y the overseers of a parish or township may be lawfully done by the major part of such overseers, and that wherever any notice is by this Act required to be given to the overseers of any parish or town- ship, it shall be sufficient if such notice shall be delivered to any one of such overseers, or shall be left at his place of abode, or at his office or other place for transacting parochial business, or shall be sent by the post, addressed by a sufficient direction, to the overseers of the particular parish or town- ship, or to any one of them, either by their or his Christian name and surname, or by their or his name of office ; and that all provisions in this Act relative to any matters to be done by or with regard " Jusiii^es oi to justices of the peace for counties, or sessions of ^,^^1^^^% the peace for counties, or clerks of the peace for &=• counties, or treasurers of counties, shall extend to the justices, sessions, clerks of the peace, and trea- surers of the several ridings of Yorkshire and parts of Lincolnshire, and that the clerk of the peace for the time being for the borough of Newport in the Isle of Wight shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed and taken to be the clerk of the peace for the county of the Isle of Wight, and that all the said respective justices, sessions, and clerks of the peace shall have power to do the several matters required by this Act, as well within places of exclusive juris- diction as without; and that no misnomer or inac- Misnomer curate description of any person or place named or ""* "^ ^ ""»*'^- described in any schedule to this Act annexed, or in any list or register of voters, or in any notice re- quired by this Act, shall in anywise prevent or abridge the operation of this Act with respect to such person or place, provided that such person or place shall be so designated in such schedule, list, register, or notice as to be commonly understood. LXXX. And whereas it may happen that the i" casr the Act or Acts for settling the boundaries of cities, Boundary Act ]xii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. 'hall not pass boroughs, and other places, and the divisions of •isfrof'june, counties, as herein-before mentioned, may not be 1332, the passed within such time as will allow the several for fim regis provisions of this Act relative to the list of voters tration to be vvithin such respective boundaries and divisions, deterred ; but - , . ^ . , ,. if the Boun- and the various notices and proceedmgs preparatory after that dT* ^° ^^^ Connected with such lists, to be carried into the periods ' effect within the several periods in the present year t'J'a'!fd''con^ herein-before specified and limited in that behalf; iiected with and it is therefore expedient in such event as afore- gistration^io Said to appoint other periods for the purposes afore- anorder'*''^ Said; be it therefore enacted. That if the Actor touncii. Acts for settling the boundaries and divisions herein-before mentioned shall not be passed before the twentieth day of June in the present year, then and in such case the notice herein-before required to be given on the said twentieth day of June shall not be given on that day, and the list of voters, and the notices and other proceedings preparatory to and connected with such lists, shall not be made out, given, or had upon or vvithin the several days or times in the present year herein-before specified in that behalf; but if the Act or Acts for settling the boundaries of cities, boroughs, and other places, and the divisions of counties, as herein-before men- tioned, shall be passed in the present year subse- quently to the twentieth day of June, then and in such case his Majesty shall, by an order made with the advice of his most honourable privy council, appoint, in lieu of the day for the present year herein-before specified in that behalf, a certain other day, before or upon which the respective lists of voters shall be made out, and shall also appoint, in lieu of the several days and times for the present year herein-before specified or limited in that be- half, certain other days and times upon or within which all notices, claims, objections, and other matters whatsoever by this Act required to be given, delivered, transmitted, done, or performed in relation to such lists, either before or after the 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixiii making out of such lists, shall be respectively given, delivered, transmitted, done, and performed; and his Majesty shall also by such order appoint, in lieu of the period for the present year, herein-be- fore limited in that behalf, a certain other period for the revision of the res]iective lists of voters by the barristers, and shall also appoint within what time, in lieu of the time for the present year herein- before limited in that behalf, such respective lists shall be copied out into books, and, where neces- sary, delivered to the sheriff or under-sheriff, and from what day, in lieu of the day for the present year herein-before specified in that behalf, such re- spective bofeks shall begin to be in force as the re- gisters of voters; and his Majesty may also by such order in council appoint any days and times for doing the several other matters required or au- thorized by this Act, in lieu of the several days and times for the present year herein-before specified ; and all days and times so appointed by his Majesty as aforesaid shall be deemed to be of the same foi'ce and effect as if they had in every instance been mentioned in this Act in lieu of the days and times for the present year herein-before specified in that behalf: Provided always, that nothing herein con- proviso. tained shall authorize his Majesty to appoint any days or times in lieu of the days and times men- tioned in this Act, except for the purpose of carry- ing into effect the first registration of voters under this Act: Provided also, that no person shall be entitled to be included in such first registration of voters unless he would have been entitled on the last day of July in the ])resent year to have his name inserted in some list of voters if such list had been made out on the said last day of July. LXXXI. Provided always, and be it enacted, in cascotH That if a dissolution of the present Parliament shall o['par)Va" take place after the passing of this Act, and after '"ent after the passsing of the Act or Acts for settling the onhe pro? Ixiv 2 William IV. Chap. 45. rights of voting shall take effect without re- gistration. posed Boun- boundaries of cities, boroughs, and other places, beforfreet"*^ and the divisions of counties, as herein-before men- tratiou, the tioncd, but before tlie day at and from which the registers of voters to be tirst made by virtue of this Act shall begin to be in force, in such case such persons only shall be entitled to vote in the election of members to serve in anew Parliament for any county, or for any riding, parts, or division of a county, or for any city or borough, as would be en- titled to be inserted in the respective lists of voters for the same directed to be made under this Act if the day of election had been the day for making out such respective lists; and such persons shall be entitled to vote in such election although they may not be registered according to the provisions of this Act, any thing herein contained notwith- standing; and the polling at such election for any county, or for any riding, parts, or division of a county, may be continued for fifteen days, and the polling at such election for any city or borough may be continued for eight days, any thing herein contained notwithstanding. In case of a (tissolution of Parliament before the passing of the proposed Boundary Act, counties not lo be di- vided. LXXXII. Provided also, and be it enacted. That if a dissolution of the present Parliament shall take place after the passing of this Act, and before the passing of the Act or Acts for settling respec- tively the boundaries of cities, boroughs, and other places, and the divisions of counties, as herein-be- fore mentioned, then and in such case the election of members to serve in a new Parliament shall, both as to the persons entitled to vote, and other- wise, be regulated according to the provisions of this Act, save and except as herein-after mentioned : (that is to say,) that as to the several counties enu- merated in the Schedule (F. ) to this Act annexed, all persons entitled by virtue of this Act in respect of property therein to vote in the election of knights of the shire shall be entitled to vote for Four Knights of the Shire to serve in such new Parlia- 2 William IV. Chap. 45. IxY ment for each of the said counties, and not for Two Knights to serve for any division of tlie said coun- ties; and that as to the several boroughs enume- Boanciaries rated in the Schedules (C.) and (D.) \o this Act rou°ghTde°' annexed, each of the said boroughs shall, for the fine'i- purpose of electing a member or members to serve in such new Parliament, be deemed to include such places as are specified and described in conjunction with the name of each of the said boroughs in the Schedule marked (L.) to this Act annexed; and Boumiariesot , , ^,'.. ,, i-j-" old boroughs that as to the several cities and boroughs m to remain; /and and Wales not included in the Schedule (A.) to this x\ct annexed, and now returning a member or members to serve in Parliament, and the places sharing in the election for such cities and boroughs, each of such cities, boroughs, and places respec- tively shall, for the purpose of electing a member or members to serve in such new Parliament as aforesaid, be deemed to be comprehended within the same limits as before the passing of this Act, and not otherwise ; and that no place named in the first column of the Schedule (E.) to this Act annexed, which before the passing of this Act did not share in the election of a member for any shire-town or borough named in the second column of the said Schedule (E.), shall share in the election of a member for any shire-town or borough to serve in such new Parliament, any thing herein- before contained to the contrary notwithstanding; and that the borough composed of the towns of Swansea, Loughur, Neath, Aberaxon, and Ken-Jig shall not return a member to serve in such new Parliament, but shall instead thereof share in the election of a member to serve in such new Parlia- ment for the borough of Cardiff, any thing herein-be- fore contained to the contrary notwithstanding; and ami tiie riji;iit> that in the event of such dissolution of Parliament ^ake'efffd" so taking place as last aforesaid, such persons only withont re- shall be entitled to vote in the election of members ^""^"""• to serve in such new Parliament as aforesaid for the Ixvi 2 William IV. Chap. 45. counties, ridings, parts, cities and boroughs which in such event shall return members to serve in such new Parliament, as would be entitled to be in- serted in the respective lists of voters directed to be made under this Act if the day of election had been the day for making out such respective lists; and such persons shall be entitled to vote in such election, although they may not be registered ac- cording to the provisions of this Act, any thing herein-before contained to the contrary notwith- standing; and the polling at such election for any county, or for any riding of Yorkshire or parts of Lincolnshire, may be continued for fifteen days, and the polling at such election for any city or borough may be continued for eight days, any thing herein- before contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 2 William IV. Chap. i5. SCHEDULES to which the foregoing Act refers. Schedule (A). Boroughs. County. Boroughs. County. Old Sarum Wiltshire. Winchelsea .... Sussex. Newtown Isle of Wight. Tregony Cornwall. St. Michael's or ^ Midshall.... 5 Cornwall. Hasleraere .... Saltash Surrey. Cornwall. Gatton Surrey. Susses. Orford Suffolk. Cornwall. Bramber Callington .... Bossiney Cornwall. Newton Lancashire. Dunwich Suffolk. Ilchester Somersetshire. Ludgershall Wiltshire. Boroughbridge . . Yorkshire. St. Mawe's Cornwall. Stockbridge .... Hampshire. Beeralston Devonshire. Romney (New) Kent. West Loco Cornwall. Hedon Yorkshire. St. Germain's. . . . Cornwall. Plympton Devonshire. Newport Cornwall. Seaford Sussex. Blechingley Surrey. Heytesbury .... Wiltshire. Aldborough Yorkshire. Steyning Sussex. Camelford Cornwall. Whitchurch .... Hampshire. Hindon Wiltshire. Cornwall. Wootton Bassett Downton Wiltshire. Wiltshire. East Looe Corfe Castle Dorsetshire. Fowey Cornwall. Bedwin (Great) . . Wiltshire. Milborne Port . . Somersetshire. Yarmouth ^ Isle of Wight, i Hampshire. Aldeburgh Minehead Suffolk. Somersetshire. Queenborough . . . Kent. Bishop's Castle . Shropshire. Castle Rising Norfolk. Okehampton . . . Devonshire. East Grinstead . . . Sussex. Appleby Westmoreland. Higham Ferrers . . Northamptonshire. Lostwithiel .... Cornwall. Wendover Buckinghamshire. Brackley Northamptonshire. Weobly Herefordshire. Amersham .... Buckinghamshire. Ixviii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Schedule (B). Boroughs. County. Boroughs. County. Petersfield Hampshire. Shaftesbury .... Dorsetshire- Ashburton Devonshire. Thirsk Yorkshire. Eve Suffolk. Hampshire. Sussex, Westbury Wiltshire. Horsham Wareham Dorsetshire. Great Grimsby . Lincolnshire. Midhurst Woodstock .... Sussex, Oxfordshire. Wiltshire. Sussex. Arundel Wilton Wiltshire. St. Ives Cornwall. Malmesbury . . . Liskeard Wiltshire, Rye Sussex. Cornwall. Clitheroe Lancashire. Reigate Surrey. Morpeth Northumberland. Hythe Helston Droitwich Worcestershire. North Allerton. . Yorkshire. Lyme Regis .... Dorsetshire. Wallingford .... Berkshire. Launceston .... Cornwall. Dartmouth .... Devonshire, 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixix Schedule (C). Principal Places to be Boroughs. Returning Officers. ^ The Boroughreeve and Constables Manchester (Lancashire) \ of Manchester. Birmingham (Warwickshire) .... The two Bailiffs of Birmingham, The Mayor of Leeds. Greenwich ( Kent). Sheffield (Yorkshire) The Master Cutler. Sunderland (Durham). Devonport (Devonshire). Wolverhampton (Staffordshire) . . \ Constable of the Manor of the Deanery of ^Volverhampton. Tower Hamlets (Middlesex). Finsbury (Middlesex). Mary-le-bone (Middlesex). Lambeth (Surrey). Bolton (Lancashire) ] The Boroughreeves of said parish E. F. ^ [or township]. No. 4. Notice of objection to be given to the Overseers. To the overseers of the parish of [or township, as the case may be]. I hereby give you notice, that I object to the name of William Ball being retained in the List of Voters for the county of [or for the riding, parts, or division of the county of ]. Dated the day of in the year (Signed) A. B. of [Place of abode]. 2 William IV. Chap. -45. Ixxv No. 5. Notice of Objection to Parties inserted in the List. To Mr. William Ball. I hereby give you notice, that I object to your name being retained in the List of Voters for the county of [or for the riding, parts, or division of the county of ] , and that you will be required to prove your qualification at the time of the revising of the said list. Dated the day of in the year (Signed) A. B. of [Place of abode]. No. 6. List of Persons objected to, to be published by the Overseers. The following Persons have been objected to as not being entitled to have their Names retained in the List of Voters for the County of [or for the Riding, Parts, or Division of the County of ]. Christian name and sur- name of each person ob- jected to. Alley, James . Ball, William Place of abode. Long Lane, in this parish. Market Street, Lan- caster. Nature of the supposed qualification. Copyhold field. Lease of warehouse for years. Street, lane, or other like place in this parish [or township] where the property is situate, or name of the property, or name of the tenant John Edwards, tenant. Duke Street. (Signed) A. B. j Overseers of the parish C. D. > of [or township, E. F. 3 as the case may be]. e2 Ixxvi 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Schedule (I). FORMS OF LISTS AND NOTICES APPLICABLE TO CITIES AND BOROUGHS. No. 1. The List of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a IMember [or Mem- bers] for the City [or Borough] of in respect of Property occupied within the Parish [or Township] of by virtue of an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of King William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales." Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. Ashton, John Atkinson, William Bates Thomas Church Street. Bolt Court, Fleet Street. Castle Street. Lord Street. Bull, Thomas Counting-house (Signed) A. B. ■\ Overseers of the C. D. > said Parish E. F. ' [or Township]. No. 2. The List of all Persons (not being Freemen) entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough] of in respect of any Rights other than those conferred by an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales." Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. l/tlie Right of voting does vol depend on froperty, then tlate the Place of Abode. (Signed) A. B. "J Overseers of the Parish of C. D. > [or Township] within E. F. -^the said City [or Borough]. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixxvii No. 3. The List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ] entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough.] Christian Name and Surname of each Freeman, at full length. Place of his Abode. I Town Clerk of the said City (Signed) A. B. < , x> u tji -i ^ ° ' C L*'^ Borough, or Place.] No. 4. Notice of Claim, To the Overseers of the Parish [or Township] of or to the Town Clerk of the City [or Borough] of or otiierwise, as the case may fce]. I hereby give you notice. That 1 claim to have my Name inserted in the List made by you of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Mem- bers] for the City [or Borough] of and that my qualification consists of a House in Duke Street in your Parish, or otherwise [as the case may fce] ; [and in the case of a Freeman, say, and that my qualification is as a Freeman of and that I reside in Lord Street in this City or Borough]. Dated the day of one thousand eight hundred and thirty (Signed) John Allen of [Place of Abode^. No. 5. Notice of Objection. To the Qverseers of the Parish [or Township] of [or to the Town Clerk of the City [or Borough] of or otherwise, as the case may be]. I hereby give you notice, that I object to the name of Thomas Bates being retained in the List of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough] of and that I shall bring forward such objection at the time of the revising of such List. Dated the day of the year (Signed; A. B. of [Place of Abcde^. Ixxviii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. No. 6. List of Claimants to be published by the Overseers. The following Persons claim to have their Names inserted in the List of Per- sons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough of Christian Name and Surname of each Claimant at full length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in tliis Parish where the Property is situate. Jf the Right does vol depend on Pro- perty, iinte the Place uf Abode. Allen, John. House. Duke Street. (Signed) A . B. C. D. \ Overseers of, (Sfc. E. F.3 No. 7. List of Persons ohjected to, to be published by the Overseers. The following Persons have been objected to as not being entitled to have their Names retained in the List of Persons qualified to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough of Christian Name and Surname of each Person objected to. Nature of the supposed Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. // the Hight does not depend on Pro- perly, tlate the Place of Abode. Bates, Thomas. Shop. Castle Street. 1 (Signed) A. B. CD. I E. F.! Overseers of, &;c. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixxix No. 8. List of Claimants to be published by the Tirwn Clerks. The following Persons claim to have their Names inserted in the List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ], entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough]. Christian Name and Surname of each Claimant at full length. Place of his Abode. (Signed) A. B. ^ Town Clerk of the said City i [or Borough or Place]. No. 9. The List of Persons objected to, to be published by the Town Clerks. The following Persons have been objected to as having no Right to be retained on the List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ], entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough]. Christian and Surname of each Person objected to. Place of his Abode. (Signed) . ^ Town Clerk of the said City * ^ [or Borough or Place]. Ixxviii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. No. 6. List of Claimants to be published by the Overseers. The following Persons claim to have their Names inserted in the List of Per- sons entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough of Christian Name and Surname of each Claimant at full length. Nature of Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. // the Rtgtil does not depend on pro- perly, suite the Place uf Abode. Allen, John. House. Duke Street. (Signed) A . B. -A C. D. 5 Overseers of, (5fc. E. F.3 No. 7. List of Persons olrjected to, to be published by the Overseers, The following Persons have been objected to as not being entitled to have their Names retained in the List of Persons qualified to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough of Christian Name and Surname of each Person objected to. Nature of the supposed Qualification. Street, Lane, or other Place in this Parish where the Property is situate. // l/ie Right does not depend on Pro- perly, state the Place of Abode. Bates, Thomas. Shop. Castle Street. 1 (Signed) Overseers of, S;c. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. No. 8. List of Claimants to be published by the Tnwn Clerks. The following Persons claim to have their Names inserted in the List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ], entitled to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough]. Christian Name and Surname of each Claimant at full length. Place of his Abode. (Signed) A. B. ^ Town Clerk of the said City I [or Borough or Place]. No. 9. The List of Persons objected to, to be published by the Town Clerks. The following Persons have been objected to as having no Right to be retained on the List of the Freemen of the City [or Borough] of [or of being a Place sharing in the Election with the City [or Borough] of ], entitled to vote m the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said City [or Borough]. Christian and Surname of each Person objected to. Place of his Abode. ,. , ^ f Town Clerk of the said City (Signed) A. B. J r Tj k pi t ( [or Borough or rlacej. Ixxx 2 William IV. Chap. io. Schedule (K). A List of such of the Freemen of London as are Liverymen of the Company of entitled to vote in the Election of Members for the City of London. Christian Name and Surname of the Voter, at full length. Street, Lane, or other Description of his Place of Abode. i (Signed) A. B. Clerk. No. 1. Notice of Claim to he given to the Returning Officer or Officers of the City of Lon- don, and to the Clerks of the respective Livery Companies, To the Returning Officer or Officers of the City of London [or to the Cleik of the Company of I hereby give you Notice, That I claim to have my Name inserted in the List made by the Clerk of the Company of [or, in case of Notice to the Clerk, say, made by you] of the Liverymen of the said Company [or, in case of Notice to the Clerk, say, of the Liverymen of the Company of ] entitled to vote in the Election of Members for the City of London. Dated the day of A Tj < Place of Abode. (Signed) A. B. > .^ -^ . ^ ( Name of Company. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixxxi No. 2. LIST of Claimants to be published by the Returning Officer or Officers of the City of London. The following persons claim to have their names inserted in the List of persons entitled to vote as Freemen of the City of London and Liverymen of the several Companies herein specified, in the election of Members for the City of London. Christian Name and Surname of Claimants, at full length. Place of Abode. No. 3. NOTICE of Objection to Parties inserted in the List of the Livery. To ]Mr. William Baker. I hereby give you notice. That I object to your name being retained in the List of persons entitled to vote as Freemen of the City of London and Liverymen of the Company of in the election of Members for the said City, and that I shall bring forward such objection at the time of revising the said list. Dated the day of (.Signed) A. B. IPlace of Abode.;\ Ixxxii 2 William IV. Chap. 45. (L.) Schedule Boroughs. Ash ton- under- ) .Lyne 5 Birmingham . . Blackburn .... Bolton Bradford Biighthelmstone Bury Chatham Cheltenham Devonport . Dudley . . Finsbury . Frome . Gateshead , Temporary Contents and Boundary, The Division of the parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, called the Town's Division. Parishes of Birmingham and Edgbasion, and Townships of Bordesley, Deritend, and Duddeston with Nechels. Township of Blackburn. Townships of Great Bolton, Haulgh, and Little Bolton, except the detached part of the township of Little Bolton which lies to the North of the town of Bolton. Township of Bradford. Parishes of Brighthelmstone and Hove. Township of Bury. From the Easternmost point at which the boundary of the City of Rochester meets the Right Bank of the River Medway, Southward along the boundary of the City of Rochester, to the Boundary Stone of the said city marked 5 ; thence in a straight line to the Wind- mill in the parish of Chatham on the top of Chatham Hill ; thence in a straight line to the Oil Windmill in the parish of Gillingham, between the village of Gil- lingham and the Fortifications ; thence in a straight line through Gillingham Fort to the Right Bank of the River Medway ; thence along the Right Bank of the River Medway to the point first described. Parish of Cheltenham. Parish of Stoke Damerill and township of East Stone- house. Parish of Dudley. Parishes of St. Giles in the Fields ; St. George, Blooms- bury ; St. George the Martyr ; St. Andrew above Bars ; St. Luke ; St. Sepulchre, except so much as is in the city of London ; St. James, Clerkenwell, except so much as is locally in the parish of Hornsey ; Ec- clesiastical districts of Trinity, St. Paul, and St. Mary, in the parish of St. Mary, Islington; Liberties of Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden, and Ely Rents ; Ely Place; the Rolls; Glasshouse Yard; Precinct of the Charter-house; Lincoln's Inn; Gray's Inn; so much of Furnival's Inn and Staple's Inn as is not within the city of London. Town of Frome as within the limits now assigned to the town of Frome by the trustees under the provisions of an Act passed in the first and second years of his present Rlajesty, intituled, " An Act for better repair- ing and improving several Roads leading to and from the town of Frome, in the county of Somerset." Parish of Gateshead. 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Ixxxi Boroughs. Temporary Contents and Boundary. Greenwich . . Halifax Huddersfield . . Kendal Kidderminster , Lambeth Leeds Macclesfield Manchester . Marylebone . . Merthyr Tydvil Oldham Rochdale Salford Sheffield South Shields . . Stockport Stoke- upon Trent Stroud Sunderland .... Tower Hamlets Parishes of St. Paul and St. Nicholas, Deptford, and so much of the parishesof Greenwich, Charlton, andWool- wich as lie between the Thames and the Dovor Road. Township of Halifax. Township of Huddersfield. Townships of Kendal and Kirkland, and all such parts of the township of Nethergaveship as adjoin the town- ship of Kendal. Borough of Kidderminster. Parishes of St. Mary, Newington ; St. Giles, Camber- well, except the Manor and Hamlet of Dulwich ; Pre- cinct of the Palace ; and so much of the parish of Lambeth as is North of the Ecclesiastical division of Brixton. Borough of Leeds. Borough of JMacclesfield. Townships of Manchester, Chorlton Row, Ardwick, Hulme, Beswick, Cheethani, Bradford, Newton, and Harpur Hey. Parishes of St. JMarylebone and Paddington, and so much of the parish of St. Pancras as is South of the Regent's Canal. Parishes of Merthyr Tydvil and Aberdare. Township of Oldham. Town of Rochdale, as within the provisions of an Act passed in the sixth year of his late Majesty, intituled, " An Act for lighting, cleansing, watching, and regu- lating the Town of Rochdale, in the County Palatine of Lancaster." Townships of Salford, Pendleton, and Broughton. Townships of Siieffield, Attercliflfe-cum-Darnall, Bright- side Bierlow, and Nether Ilallam. Townships of South Shields and VVestoe. Borough of Stockport ; Hamlets of Brinksway and Edgeley. Townships of Tunstall, Burslem, Hanley, Shelton, PenkhuU with Boothen, Lane End, Longton, Fenton Vivian, Fenton Culvert; Hamlet of Sneyd; and Vill of Rushton Grange. Parishes of Stroud, Bisley, Painswick, Pitchcomb, Randwick, Stonehouse, Eastington, Leonard Stanley except Lorridge's Farm ; King's Stanley, Rodborough , Minchinhampton, Woodchester, Avening, Hoisley. Parish of Sunderland ; Townships of Bishop Wear- mouth, Bishop Wearmouth Panns, MonkVVearmouth, Monk Wearmouth Shore, and Southwick. Liberties of the Tower, and Tower division of Ossulston Hundred, except the parishes of St. John, Hackney ; St.]Mary,Stratford-le-Bow; and St. Leonard, Bromley. Ixxxiv 2 William IV. Chap. 45. Boroughs. Temporary Contents and Boundary. Tynemouth Townships of Tynemouth, North Shields, Chirton, Preston, and Cullercoats. Wakefield Township of Wakefield. Walsall Borough of Walsall, except the parts detached fiom the borough of Walsall. Warrington Township of Warrington. Whitehaven . . . Township of Whitehaven. Whitby Township of Whitby. Wolverhampton Townships of Wolverhampton, Bilston, Wednesfield, and Willenhall ; and parish of Sedgeley. THE BOUNDARY ACT, 2 & 3 WM. IV. CAP. LXIV. f— B CONTENTS. Divisions of Counties, and where Courts for Election of Knights of the Shire are to be held. Page Page Cheshire Cornwall Cumberland Derby Devon Durham Essex Gloucester Hants Kent Lancaster Leicester Norfolk Provision for detached Parts of Counties Provision for the detached Parts of Hundreds, &c. Provision for Liberties, &c. .. 7 Northampton .. 9 Northumberland .. 14 Nottingham .. 14 Salop .. 15 Somerset .. 16 Stafford .. 16 Suffolk .. 17 Surrey .. 18 Sussex .. 19 Warwick .. 20 Wilts .. 20 Worcester .. 21 22 23 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 SI County Polling Places shall be such as are mentioned in Sche- dule (N.) 31 Polling Districts for Counties to be settled by Justices . . 33 lu what Counties, &c. Places having separate Jurisdiction are to be considered . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Polling Places for New Shorehara, &c. . . . . . . 34 Polling Districts for New Shorehara, &c. to be settled by Justices .. .. .. .. .. .. ..34 Election or Poll may take place at Places in the Neighbour- hood of those named . . . . . . . . . . 3j> Contents and Boundaries shall be such as are set forth in Schedule (O.) 35 Rules for the Construction of the Descriptions contained in Schedule (O.) . . 37 Provision as to detached Parts of Parishes, &c. and for Extra- parochial Places . . . . . . . . . . 39 Misnomer not to vitiate, and the Descriptions in Schedule(0.) to be considered as existing on the 1st Oct. 1831 . . 40 Act may be amended this Session . . . . . . . . 41 2 & 3 WiLiiAM IV. Cap. 64. 3 Schedule (M.) — Counties and Divisions to which isolated Parts are annexed for the Purposes of Elections . . page 42 Schedule (N.) — Polling Places for Counties and Divisions of Counties . . . . . . • • • • • • . . 50 Schedule (N. 2.) — Polling Places for certain Boroughs . . 61 Schedule (0.) — Boundaries of the several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, and Places in England and Wales, for the pur- pose of the Election of Members to serve in Parliament : County of Bedford— (Bedford) 61 Countv of Berks — (Abingdon, Reading, Wallingford, New Windsor,) 62 County of Buckingham — (Buckingham, Great Marlow, Chip- ping Wycombe,) . . . . . . . . . . 63 County of Cambridge — (Cambridge,) . . . . ..65 County of Chester. Northern Division — (Macclesfield, Stockport,) .. 63 Southern Division — (Chester) . . . . . . . . 64 County of Cornwall. Eastern Division — (Bodmin, Launceston, Liskeard,) .. 65 Western Division — (Helston, St. Ives, Penryn and Fal- mouth, Truro,) . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 County of Cumberland. Eastern Division — (Carlisle,) . . . . . • . . 67 Western Division — (Cockermouth, Whitehaven,) . . 67 County of Derby. Southern Division — (Derby) . . . . . . . . 68 County of Devon. Northern Division — (Barnstaple, Tiverton,) . . . . 68 Southern Division — Ashburton, Dartmouth, Devonport, Exeter, Honiton, Plymouth, Tavistock, Totness,) . . 69 County of Dorset — (Bridport, Dorchester, Lyme Regis, Poole, Shaftesbury, Wareham, Weymouth and Melcombe Regis,) 70 County of Durham. Northern Division — (Durham, Gateshead, South Shields, Sunderland,) . . . . • . • . • • . . 73 County of Essex. Northern Division — (Colchester, Harwich,) .. ..74 Southern Division — (Maldon,) .. .. .. ..74 County of Gloucester. Eastern Division — (Cheltenham, Cirencester, Gloucester, Stroud, Tewkesbury,) . . . . • . • . . . 74 4 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. •Schedule (0.) — continued. County of Hants. page Northern Division — (Andover, Petersfield, Winchester,) 75 Southern Division — (Christcliurch, Lyraington, Ports- mouth, Southampton,) . . . . . . . . 76 County of Hereford — (Hereford, Leominster,) .. ..76 County of Hertford— (St. Alban's, Hertford) 77 County of Huntingdon— (Huntingdon,) . . . . . . 77 County of Kent. Eastern Division — (Canterbury, Dovor, Hythe, Sandwich,) 77 Western Division — (Chatham, Greenwich, Maidstone, Rochester,) 79 ^ County of Lancaster. Northern Division — (Blackburn, Clitheroe, Lancaster, Preston,) 80 Southern Division — (Asliton-under-Lyne, Bolton Le Moors, Bury, Liverpool, Manchester, Oldham, Roch- dale, Salfotd, Warrington, Wigan,) . . . . . . 81 County of Leicester. Southern Division — (Leicester,) . . . . . . . . 83 County of Lincoln. Parts of Lindsey — (Lincoln, Great Grimsby,) . . . . 83 Parts of Kesteven and Holland — (Boston, Grantham, Stamford,) . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 County of Middlesex — (Finsbury, London, Marylebone, Tower Hamlets, Westminster,) . . . . . . . . 84 County of Monmouth. Monmouth District— (Monmouth, Newport, Usk,) . . 85 County of Norfolk. Eastern Division — (Norwich, Great Yarmouth,) . . 86 Western Division — (King's Lynn, Thetford,) . . . . 86 County of Northampton. Northern Division — (Peterborough,) . . . . . . 80 Southern Division — (Northampton,) . . . . . . 86 County of Northumberland. Northern Division — (Berwick-upon-Tweed, Morpeth,) .. 87 Southern Division — (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tynemouth and North Shields,) 87 County of Nottingham. Northern Division — (Nottingham,) .. .. ..87 Southern Division — (Newark-upon-Trent,) . . . . 87 County of Oxford — (Banbury, Oxford, New Woodstock,) . . 87 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 5 Schedule (0.) — continued. County of Salop. Northern Division— (Shrewsbury,) . . . . page 88 Southern Division — (Bridgenorth, Ludlow, Wenlock,) .. 89 County of Somerset. Eastern Division— (Bath, Bristol, Frome, Wells,) . . 90 Western Division — (Bridgwater, Taunton,) . . . . 92 County of Stafford. Northern Division — (Newcastle- under-Ly me, Stafford, Stoke-upon-Trent,) . . . . . . . . . . 94 Southern Division — (Lichfield, Tamworth, Walsall, Wol- verhampton,) . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 County of Suffolk. .Eastern Division — (Ipswich,) .. .. .. ..95 Western Division — (Bury St. Edmunds, Eye, Sudbury,) 95 County of Surrey. Eastern Division — (Lambeth, Reigate, Southwark,) . . 96 Western Division — (Guildford,) . . . . . . ..96 County of Sussex. Eastern Division — (Brighthelmstone, Hastings, Lewes, Rye,) 97 Western Division — (Arundel, Chichester, Horsham, Mid- hurst,) . . . . . . 97 County of Warwick. Northern Division — (Birmingham, Coventry,) . . . . 99 Southern Division — (Warwick,) .. .. .. ..99 County of Westmorland — (Kendal,) .. .. .. ..99 Isleof Wight— (Newport,) 99 County of Wilts. Northern Division — (Calne, Chippenham, Devizes, Malms- bury, Marlborough,) . . . . . . . . . . 99 Southern Division — (Salisbury, Westbury, Wilton,) . . 100 County of Worcester. Eastern Division — (Droitwich, Dudley, Evesham,) . . 101 Western Division — (Bewdley, Kidderminster, Worcester,) 102 County of York. North Riding — (Malton, Northallerton, Richmond, Scar- borough, Thirsk, Whitby, York,) 104 East Riding — (Beverley, Kingston-upon-Hull,) . . 105 West Riding — (Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Knares- borough, Leeds, Pontefract, Ripon, Sheffield, Wake- field,) 105 2 & 3 WiiLiAM IV. Cap. 64. WALES. Schedule (0.) — cmitinued. County of Anglesea. Beauraaris District — (Amlwch, Beaumans, Holyhead, Llangefni,) . . . . . . . . . . page 108 County of Brecon — (Brecon,) .. .. .. .. 110 County of Caerraarthen. Caermarthen District — (Caermarthen, Llanelly,) .. 110 County of Cardigan. Cardigan District — (Aberystwith, Adpar, Cardigan, Lam- peter,) .. . . . . . . . . .. . . Ill County of Carnarvon. Carnarvon District — (Bangor, Carnarvon, Conwa}', Cric- ceith, Nevin, Pwllheli,) ll'J County of Denbigh. Denbigh District— (Denbigh, Holt, Ruthin, Wrexham,) 1 13 County of Flint. Flint District — St. Asaph, Caergwyle, Caerwys, Flint, Holywell, Mold, Overton, Rhuddlan,) .. ., 113 County of Glamorgan — (Merthyr Tydvil,) .. .. 115 CardiflF District — (Cardiflf, Cowbridge, Llantrisseut,) . . 116 Swansea District — (Aberavon, Kenfig, Loughor, Neath, Swansea,) .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 County of Montgomery. Montgomery District — (Llanfyllin, Llanidloes, Machyn- lleth, Montgomery, Newtown, Welshpool,) .. .. 118 County of Pembroke. Haverfordwest District — (Fishguard, Haverfordwest, Narberth,) 121 Pembrolse District — (Milford, Pembroke, Tenby, Wis- tou,) 123 County of Radnor. Radnor District — (Cefn Llys, Knighton, Knucklas, Pres- tein, New Radnor, Rhaydrgwy,) . . . . , . 124 2 & 3 WILLIAM IV. CAP. LXIV. An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs, in England and Wales, in so far as respects the Election of Members to serve in Parliament. [July 11, 1832.] Whereas by an Act passed in this present 2 w. 4, c. 45, Session of Parliament, and intituled An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales, it is (amongst other things) provided, that each of the counties enumerated in the Schedule Sec. 14. marked (F) thereto annexed should be divided into Two Divisions, which Divisions should be settled and described by an Act to be passed for that pur- pose in this present Parliament, which Act, when passed, should be deemed and taken to be part of the Act now in recital as fully and effectually as if incorporated therewith ; and that Two Knights of the Shire should be chosen for each Division of the said Counties ; and that the Court for the election of such knights of the shire should be held at the place to be named for that purpose in the Act so to be passed for settling and describing the divisions 8 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. of the said counties : And whereas the Act so to be passed for settling and describing the Divisions of the said Counties, as in the said recited Act is men- tioned, is this present Act: And whereas the several Counties enumerated in the said Schedule marked (F.) to the said recited Act annexed are the several Counties whereof the Divisions are herein-after set- tled and described : Be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and tem- poral, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same. That Divisions of the Two Divisions of the county of CHESTER shall Cheshire. nii »7- 7 t\--- respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division ; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of Macclesfield and BuCKLOW ; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Broxton, Eddisbury, Nantwich, northwich, and WiRRALL ; and also the city and county of the city of Chester; Courts. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Knutsford, and for such Southern Di- vision at the city of Chester. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. S II. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions Divisions of Cornwall. of the county of CORNWALL shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Division; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds called East, Stratton, West, and Lesnewth, Trigg ; and also the following parishes and places in the hundred of Powder ; (that is to say,) St. Austell, LuxuUon, St. Blazey, Mevagissey, St. Denis, St. Mewan, St. Ewe, St. Michael Carhaise, Fowey, Roach, Gorran, St. Sampson's, Ladock, St. Stephen's in Brannel, Lanlivery, and Lostwithiel, Tywardreth. together with all such part of the hundred of Pydar as will not be included in the Western Di- visions of the county of Cornwall next hereinafter described ; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of Kerrier and Penwith ; all such part of the hundred of Powder as will not be included in the Eastern Division of the county of Cornwall, hereinbefore described ; the following parishes in the hundred of Pydar, (that is to say,) St. Agnes, Nervlyn, Crantock, St. Enoder, and Cubert, Perranzabuloe, and the Scilly Islands ; u 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the borough of Bodmin, and for such Western Division at the borough of Truro. Divisions of Cumberland. Courts. III. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions of the County of CUMBERLAND shall respec- tively be called the Eastern Division and the West- ern Division; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several wards of Cumberland, and EsKDALE, Leath ; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the respective wards of Allerdale above Derwent, and Allerdale below Derwent ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the city of Carlisle, and for such Western Division at the borough of Cockermouth. Divisions of Derby. IV. And be it enacted. That the two Divisions of the County of DERBY shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Divi- sion; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of High Peak, and Scarsdale ; and also so much of the wapentake of Wirksworth as, by virtue of the Order made at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Derby held at the borough of Derby on the twenty- eighth day June one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, is comprised in the Bakewell Divi- sion, as established by such Order ; 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 15 and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Appletree, Morleston and Litchurch, and Repton and Gresley; and all such parts of the wapentake of Wirks- woRTH as will not be included within the North- ern Division of the County of Derby last herein- before described; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts. shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Bakewell, and for such Southern Divi- sion at the county hall in Derby. V. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions of Divisions ot the County of DEVON shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Bampton, North Tawton and Black Torrington, Winkleigh, Braunton, Shebbear, Crediton, Sherwill, Fremington, South Molton, Halberton, Tiverton, Hartland, Witheridge, Hayridge, and Hemyock, West Budleigh; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Axminster, Lifton, Clyston, Exminster, COLYTON, TeIGNBRIDGE, Ottery St. Mary, Haytor, East Budleigh, Coleridge, 16 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Stanborough, Roborouh, and Ermington, Tavistock; Plympton, and also the Castle of Exeter; and the hundred of Wonford, except such parts of that hundred as are included in the limits of the city of Exeter, as hereinafter described ; Courts. an(j that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of South Molton, and for such Southern Division at the city of Exeter. Durham'"^ VI. And be it enacted, that the Two Divisions of the County of DURHAM shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Divi- sion; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the respective wards of Chester and Easington; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the respective wards of Darlington and Stockton; Courts. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the city of Durham, and for such Southern Division at the town of Darlington. Divisions of VII. And be it enacted, that the Two Divisions Essex. of the County of ESSEX shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Clavering, Hinckford, Dunmow, Lexden, Freshwell, Tendring, 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Thurstable, Winstree, and Uttlesford, Witham. and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Barstable, Harlow, Becontree, Ongar, Chafford, Rochford, Chelmsford, and Dengie, Waltham; and of the liberty of Havering ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts. shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Braintree, and for such Southern Divi- sion at the town of Chelmsford. 17 Vni. And be it enacted, that the Two Divisions Divisions of Gloucester. of the County of GLOUCESTER shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Divi- sion; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Crowthorne and Westminster, MiNETY, DeERHURST, Brightwell's Bar- Slaughter, ROW, Cheltenham, Bradley, Cleeve, Rapsgate. Tibaldston, BisLEY, Tewkesbury, Longtree, and Whitstone, Dudstone and King's Kiftsgate, Barton; and also the city and county of the city of Glou- cester, and the borough of Cirencester; 18 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Berkley, Lancaster Duchy, Thornbury, Botloe, Langley and St. Briarvel's, SwiNESHEAD, WeSTBURY, Grumbald's Ash. and PucKLE Church, Blidesloe ; and the hundreds of Henbury and Barton Regis, except such parts of those hundreds as are in- cluded in the limits of the city of Bristol as here- inafter described ; Courts. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the city of Gloucester, and for such Western Division at the town of Dursley. Divisions of IX. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions of the County of HANTS shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Divi- sion ; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several now existing Divisions of Alton, Droxford, Andover, Odiham, Basingstoke, Petersfield, and King's Clere, Winchester, as the same are now established by virtue of an Order made by his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Hants at the Midsummer Quar- ter Sessions for the said County held at Win- chester on the twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one ; and also all such other places, if any, in the said county of Hants, as are locally situated within or are sur- 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. C4. 19 rounded by the said sessional divisions or any of them, and are not mentioned in the said order, and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several now existing Divisions of Fareham, Romsey, Lymington, and RiNGwooD, Southampton, as the same are now established by the Order aforesaid; and also all such other places, if any, in the said county of Hants, as are locally si- tuated within or are surrounded by the said four last-mentioned sessional divisions of the said county or any of them, and are not mentioned in the said Order; and also the town and county of the town of Southampton ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts. shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the city of Winchester, and for such Southern Division at the borough of Southampton. X. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions of Divisions ot the County of KENT shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Division ; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the respective lathes of St. Augustine and Shepway, (including the liberty of Romney Marsh,) and of the Upper Division of the lathe of Scray ; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the respective lathes of SuTTON-AT-HoNE and Aylesford, and of the Lower Division of the lathe of Scray ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the C2 20 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the city of Canterbury, and for such Western Division at the borough of Maidstone. Divisions of XL And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions of the County of LANCASTER shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Lonsdale, Leyland, and Amounderness, Blackburn ; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of Salford and West Derby; Courts. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the borough of Lancaster, and for such Southern Division at the town of Newton. Divisions of XIL And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions of the County of LEICESTER shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of West Goscote, and East Goscote, Framland ; and also those two detached portions of the hun- dred of Gartree which are situated on the east of the hundred of East Goscote ; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Gartree (except as before-mentioned), Sparkenhoe, and Guthlaxton ; and also the borough of Leicester and the liber- ties thereof; 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 21 and that the Court for the election of knights of the t^ourts. shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Loughborough, and for such Southern Division at the borough of Leicester. XIIL And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions S'^'f ,?•« "f ' Norlolk. of the County of NORFOLK shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Divi- sion ; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Blofield, West Flegg, Clavering, Forehoe, Depwade, Happing, Diss, Henstead, Earsham, Humbleyard, North Erpingjiam, Loddon, South Erpingham, Taversham, Eynesford, Tunstead, and East Flegg, Walsham ; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Freebridge Marsh- Launditch, LAND, South Greenhoe, Smithdon, Grimshoe, Freebridge Lynn, North Greenhoe, Clackclose, Wayland, Brothercross, Shropham, Gallow, Gilt Cross, and Holt, Mitford ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts, shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the city of Norwich, and for such Western Division at the town of SwafFham. 22 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Divisions of XIV. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions Northampton ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ NORTHAMPTON shall respec- tively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the liberty of Peterborough, and of the several hundreds of WiLLYBROOK, HlGHAM FeRREKS, PoLEBROOK, RoTHWELL, HuxLOE, Hamfordshoe, Navisford, and Corby, Orlingbury ; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of King's Sutton, Fawsley, Chipping Warden, Wymersley, Green's Norton, Spelhoe, Cleley, Nobottle Grove, and TowcESTER, Guilsborough ; Courts. ^^^ ^^^^ ^'^^ Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Kettering, and for such Southern Division at the borough of Northampton. Divisions of XV. And be it enacted. That the Two Divisions Northumber. ^^ ^^^ County of NORTHUMBERLAND shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several wards of Bamborough, Glendale, and COQUETDALE, MoRPETH, and of the Berwick Bounds ; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the respective wards of 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. ' 23 Tynedale and Castle, and also the town and county of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts. shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Alnwick and for such Southern Division at the town of Hexham. XVI. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions Divisions ot Nottinsliaiii. of the County of NOTTINGHAM shall respec- tively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division ; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of Bassetlaw and Broxstow ; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Rushcliffe, Newark, and Bingham, Thurgarton; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts, shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Mansfield, and for such Southern Division at the borough of Newark. XVII. And be it enacted, That the Two Divi- Divisions nt sions of the County of SALOP shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Divi- sion ; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Oswestry, North Bradford, and PiMHiLL, South Bradford, and of the liberty of Shrew^sbury ; and that such Southern Division shall include the , whole of the several hundreds of 24 2 Sc 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Brimstrey, Overs, Chirbury, Purslow, including Clun, CoNDOVER, and Ford, Stoddesdon, MUNSLOW, and of the franchise of Wenlock ; Court?. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the borough of Shrewsbury, and for such Southern Division at tht town of Church Stretton. Divisions of XVIII. And be it enacted. That the Two Divi- sions of the County of SOMERSET shall respec- tively be called the Eastern Division and the Westeri} Division ; and that such Eastern Division shall in- clude the whole of the several hundreds or liberties of Bath Forum, Hampton and Cla- Bempstone, verton. Brent and Wring- Horethorne, ton, Keynsham, Bruton, Kilmersdon, Catsash, Mells and Leigh, Chew and Chewton, Portbury, Norton Ferris, Wellow, Frome, Wells Forum, Glaston Twelve Whitstone, Hides, Winterstoke, and Witham Friary ; and also the hundred of Hartcliffe with Bed- minster, except such parts of that hundred as are included in the limits of the city of Bristol as herein-after described ; 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 25 and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of AbDICK & BULSTONE, MiLVERTON, Andersfield, North Petherton, Cannington, South Petherton, Carhampton, Pitney, Crewkerne, Somerton, North Curry, Stone, HouNDSBORouGH, Taunton and Taunton Berwick, &CoKER, Dean, HuNTSPiLL andPuRi- Tintinhull, TON, Whitley, and Kingsbury, East, Williton and Free- KiNGSBURY, West, manors ; Martock, and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts, shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the citj' of Wells, and for such Western Division at the borough of Taunton. XIX. And be it enacted. That the Two Divisions Divisions of Stafford. of the county of STAFFORD shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Divi- sion; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Pirehill, North Offlow ; Totmonslow, and and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of South Offlow, Cuttlestone; Seisdon, and and that the Court for the election of knights of the Court*, shire shall be held for such Northern Division at C5 26 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. the borough of StafFord, and for such Southern Di- vision at the city of Lichfield. Divisions of XX. And be it enacted, That the Two Divi- ''^"'^°"'- sions of the county of SUFFOLK shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Divi- sion; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the liberty of Bury St. Edmund's and of the respective hundreds of Hartesmere and Stow; and that such Eastern Division shall include all such parts of the county of Suffolk as are not comprised in the liberty of Bury St. Edmund's, or in either of the hundreds of Hartesmere and Stow ; Courts. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Western Division at the borough of Bury St. Edmund's, and for such Eastern Division at the borough of Ipswich. Divisions of XXI. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions Surrey. of the county of SURREY shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Division ; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Brixton, Tandridge, Kingston, and Reigate, Wallington; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Blackheath, Elmbridge, Copthorne, Farnham, Effingham, Godalming, 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 27 GoDLEY and Chert- Woking, and SEY, WOTTON ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts. shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the town of Croydon, and for such Western Division at the borough of Guildford. XXII. And be it enacted, That the Two Divisions Divisions of Sussex. of the county of SUSSEX shall respectively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Division ; and that such Eastern Division shall include the whole of the several rapes of Lewes, Pevensey; Hastings, and and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several rapes of Arundel, Chichester; Bramber, and and that the Court for the election of knights of the Courts. shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the borough of Lewes, and for such Western Division at the city of Chichester. XXIII. And be it enacted, That the Two Divi- Divisions ot Warwick. sions of the county of WARWICK shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Division ; and that such Northern Division shall in- clude the whole of the hundred of Hemlingford, and of the county of the city of Coventry, and the Rugby Division, and the Kirhy Division of the hundred of Knightlow ; 28 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Courts. and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the respective hundreds of Barlichway and Kington, and the Kenilworth Division, and the Southam Division of the hundred of Knightlow ; and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the town of Coleshill, and for such Southern Divi- sion at the borough of Warwick. Divisions of Wilts. XXIV. And be it enacted, That the Two Divi- sions of the county of WILTS shall respectively be called the Northern Division and the Southern Divi- sion; and that such Northern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Chippenham, Ramsbury, North Damerham, Whorwelsdown, Bradford, Swanborough, Melksham, Highworth,Cricklade, Potterne and Can- and Staple^ nings, Calne, Selkley, KiNGSBRIDGE, and Malmsbury; and that such Southern Division shall include the whole of the several hundreds of Kinwardstone, Heytesbury, Branch and Dole, Elstub and Ever- ley, Amesbury, Warminster, Mere, South Damerham, Downton, Chalk, Dunworth, Cawden and Cadworth, Frustfield, Alderbury, Underditch, and Westbury; 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 29 and that the Court for the election of knights of the Conns. shire shall be held for such Northern Division at the borough of Devizes, and for such Southern Di- vision at the city of Salisbury. XXV. And be it enacted, That the Two Divi- Divisions ot Worcester, sions of the county of WORCESTER shall respec- tively be called the Eastern Division and the Western Division ; and that such Eastern Division shall in- clude the whole of the several now existing divisions of Stourbridge, Northfield, Dudley, Blockley, and Droitwich, Pershore, as the same are established by an order made by his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Worcester at the Epiphany Quarter Sessions for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one ; and also the borough of Evesham : and also all such other places, if any, in the said county of Worcester, as are locally situated within or are surrounded by the herein-before mentioned sessional divisions thereof, or any of them, and are not mentioned in the said order ; and that such Western Division shall include the whole of the several now existing divisions of Upton, Hundred House, and Worcester, Kidderminster, as the same are established by the last-mentioned order ; and also the city and county of the city of Worcester ; and also all such other places, if any, in the said county of Worcester, as are 30 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. locally situated within or are surrounded by the four lastly herein-before mentioned sessional divisions thereof, or any of them, and are not mentioned in the said order ; Courts. and that the Court for the election of knights of the shire shall be held for such Eastern Division at the borough of Droitwich, and for such Western Division at the city of Worcester. Provision for XXVI. And be it enacted, That the isolated (letaclied parts of parts of counties in England and Wales which are counties. -^ ^ described in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (M.) shall, as to the election of members to serve in Parliament as Knights of the Shire, be considered as forming parts of the respective coun- ties and divisions which are respectively mentioned in the fourth column of the said Schedule (M.) in conjunction with the names of such isolated parts respectively ; and that every part of any county in England or Wales which is detached from the main body of such county, but for which no special pro- vision is hereby made, shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of members to serve in Parliament as Knights of the Shire, as forming part of that county, (not being a county corporate,) and of that division, riding, or parts, whereby such de- tached part shall be surrounded ; but if any such detached part shall be surrounded by two or more counties, or divisions, ridings, or parts, then as forming part of that county, or division, riding, or parts, with which such detached part shall have the longest common boundary. Provision for XXVII. And be it further enacted. That as re- the detached parts of hun spccts the countics of York and Lincoln, and also (Ireds, &c. ^ I 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 31 the counties herein-before divided, except the coun- ties of Hants and Worcester, every portion of any hundred, ward, wapentake, rape, lathe, or liberty of any such county which is detached from the main body of such hundred, ward, wapentake, rape, lathe or liberty, and is also locally separated from that division of the county to which such main body is to belong under the provisions contained in this Act, or in the herein-before recited Act, but which is not subject to the provisions lastly herein-before con- tained, shall, for the purpose of the election of members to serve in Parliament as Knights of the Shire, be considered as forming part of that division, parts, or riding of the same county by which such detached portion is surrounded or to which it adjoins. XXVIII. And be it enacted. That all liberties, Provision for liberties, &c. franchises, and places having a separate jurisdiction, which are not herein-before expressly mentioned, (except the several cities and towns, and counties thereof respectively, of Bristol, Exeter, Lichfield, Norwich, and Nottingham, and except the several places by this Act comprised within the boundaries thereof respectively,) shall, as to the election of members to serve in Parliament as Knights of the Shire, respectively be considered as included within the respective divisions hereby established in which such liberties, franchises, and places having a sepa- rate jurisdiction shall be locally situated. 32 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. County polling XXIX. And whereas by the herein-before recited places shall be such as are Act it is also provided, that the respective counties mentioned in ■* ScheduiefN.) Jn England and Wales, and the respective ridings, to this Act. <= ^ . . parts, and divisions of counties, should be divided into convenient districts for polling, and that in each district should be appointed a convenient place for taking the poll at all elections of a Knight or Knights of the Shire to serve in any future Parliament, and that such districts and places for taking the poll should be settled and appointed by the Act to be passed in this present Parliament for the purpose of settling and describing the divisions of the counties enumerated in the Schedule marked (F.) to the said recited Act annexed, provided that no county, nor any riding, parts, or division of a county, should have more than fifteen districts and respective places appointed for taking the poll for such county, riding, parts, or division ; and by the said recited Act it is also provided that the several boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade, Aylesbury, and East Retford, as thereby defined, should be divided into conve- nient districts for polling, and that there should be appointed in each district a convenient place for taking the poll at all elections of members to serve in any future Parliament for each of the said bo- roughs, which districts and places for taking the poll should be settled and appointed by an Act to be passed in this present Parliament ; be it therefore enacted. That the poll for election of Knights of the Shire shall be taken at such places as in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (N.) are mentioned in conjunction with the names of the li 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 33 counties, and of the ridings, parts, and divisions of counties, in which such places are respectively situated. XXX. And be it enacted, That the Justices of Polling 1 r» o • T-i 1 1 1 WT 1 districts for the Peace for every county in England and Wales, counties to be 1 . 1 f. settled by and for each of the ridings of Yorkshire, and for Justices. the parts of Lindsey, and for the parts of Kesteven and Holland, in Lincolnshire, assembled at the Quarter Sessions to be holden in the month of October in the present year, or at some Special Sessions to be appointed by them so assembled as aforesaid which shall be holden on or before the last day of October in the present year, shall divide their respective counties, and ridings, parts, and divisions of counties, into convenient districts for polling, and shall assign one of such districts to every polling place mentioned in the said Schedule marked (N.) to this Act annexed ; and that a list describing the districts named in every such assign- ment, and naming the polling places to which such districts are respectively assigned, shall be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace of the county, riding, or parts, who shall forthwith cause copies of such list to be printed, and shall deliver a copy of such list to every person who shall apply for the same upon payment of one shilling for each copy. XXXI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That lu what counties, &c. for the purpose of assigning such districts to every places having ^ '^ _ separate pollinw place as aforesaid, every liberty, franchise, jurisdiction and place having a separate or exclusive jurisdiction sidered. shall be considered as being within that county, and within that division, riding, or parts, in which such 34 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. liberty, franchise, or place is placed by this Act, or by the Act herein-before recited, or in which the same is locally situated : Provided nevertheless, that the Justices of the Peace for the Isle of Ely, assembled at the Quarter Sessions for the said Isle of Ely to be holden in the month of October in the present year, or at some Special Sessions to be ap- pointed by them, so assembled as aforesaid, which shall be holden on or before the last day of October, in the present year, shall divide the said Isle of Ely into convenient districts for polling, and shall assign one of such districts to every polling place within the said Isle of Ely mentioned in the said SchedvUe (N.) ; and that a list, describing the districts named in such assignment, and naming the polling places to which such districts are respectively assigned, shall be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said Isle of Ely, who shall allow the same, or a copy thereof, to be inspected at his office at all times. Poiiingpiaces XXXII. And be it enacted. That the poll for the tor New ^ Shoreham, election of members to serve in Parliament for the &c. said several boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade. Aylesbury, and East Retford shall be taken at the place or places which in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (N. 2,) is or are mentioned in conjunction with the names of such several boroughs respectively. Polling dis- XXXIII. And be it enacted, That the Justices trictst'orNew n v -n /< i Shoreham, 01 the reace for the respective counties in which &c. to be settled by the boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade, and Justices. East Retford are situated, shall, at the Quarter Sessions to be holden in the month of October in 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 35 the present year, divide the said boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade, and East Retford into con- venient districts for polling, and shall assign one of such districts to every polling place for the said boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade, and East Retford, mentioned in the said Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (N. 2.) ; and that a list describing the districts named in such as- signment, and naming the polling places to which such districts are respectively assigned, shall be lodged with the returning officer of the respective borough, who shall forthwith cause copies of such list to be printed, and to be fixed on the doors of the several churches and chapels within the borough for which such districts are assigned. XXXIV. And be it enacted, That, if it shall seem Election or fit to the Sheriff", the Court for the election of place at places . in the neigh- Knights of the Shire may be held, or the poll may bonrhood of those named be taken, at any place or spot in the neighbourhood in this Act. of any place appointed by this Act for holding such Court or taking such poll respectively, at which such Court or poll may have heretofore been held or taken, or which may be convenient for either of those purposes ; any thing herein contained not- withstanding. XXXV. And whereas by the Act herein-before Contents and recited it is also provided that each of the places shall be such . o 1 1 1 1 as are set forth enumerated m the Schedules thereto annexed re- in Schedule (O.) to this spectively marked (C), (D,), and (E,), and that Act. every city and borough in England which before the 36 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. passing of the said recited Act was entitled to re- turn a member or members to serve in Parliament, (except the several boroughs enumerated in the Schedule thereto annexed, marked (A.), and except the several boroughs of New Shoreham, Cricklade, Aylesbury, and East Retford,) and that the borougli of Brecon, and each of the towns of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Aberavon, and Ken-fig, should, for the purposes of the said recited Act, include the place or places respectively which should be com- prehended within such boundaries as should be settled and described by an Act to be passed for that purpose in this present Parliament, which Act when passed should be deemed and taken to be part of the said recited Act as fully and effectually as if incorporated therewith :{a) And whereas the Act so to be passed for settling and describing the boun- daries of cities, boroughs, and places as in the said recited Act is mentioned in this present Act : And whereas the several cities, boroughs, and places whereof the boundaries were so to be settled and described as in the said recited Act is mentioned are the several cities, boroughs, and places which are specified in the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (O.); be it therefore further enacted and de- clared, That the several cities, boroughs, and places specified in the said Schedule to this Act annexed marked (O.) shall, as to the election of members or a member to serve in Parliament, respectively in- clude the places and be comprised within the boun- daries w^hich in such Schedule are respectively spe- cified and described in conjunction with the names of such cities, boroughs, and places respectively. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. .'^7 XXXVI. And be it enacted, That, subject to any R»ies for the •' •' constructmu direction to the contrary, the following rules shall be o*'.hede- •' " scriptions observed in the construction of the several descrip- Igheduie'ro) tions of boundaries contained in the said Schedule '" ''"* ^'^'• hereto annexed marked (O.) ; (that is to say,) 1. That the words "Northward," "Southward," " Eastward," "Westward," shall respectively be understood to denote only the general direction in which any boundary proceeds from the point last described, and not that such boundary shall continue to proceed throughout in the same direction to the point next described : 2. That when any road is mentioned merely by the name of the place to which such road leads, the principal road thither from the city, borough, or place of which the boundary is in course of description shall be under- stood : 3. That whenever a line is said to be drawn from, to, or through an object, such line shall, in the absence of any direction to the contrary, be understood to be drawn from, to, or through the centre of such object, as nearly as the centre thereof can be ascertained : 4. That every building through which or through any part whereof any boundary hereby esta- blished shall pass shall be considered as within such boundary : provided always, that if the boundaries of any two or more of the cities, boroughs, and places whereof the con- tents and boundaries are hereby settled and described shall pass through the same build- ing or any part thereof, such building shall be 38 2 8c 3 William IV. Cap. 64. considered as within that one of such two or more of the said cities, boroughs, and places which was before the passing of the herein- before recited Act entitled to return mem- bers or a member to serve in Parliament, or if neither or more than one of such two or more of the said cities, boroughs, and places shall have been so entitled, then within that one of them whereof the area as hereby esta- blished is the smallest : 5. That whenever any boundary by this Act esta- blished is said to pass along any other boun- dary, or along any road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, the middle (as nearly as the same can be ascer- tained) of such other boundary, or of such road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, shall be understood : C. That the middle of any road or lane shall be understood as the middle of the carriageway along the same : 7. That when any boundary by this Act esta- blished is said to proceed along a road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, or drain, from or to an object, such boundary shall be under- stood to proceed from or to that point in the middle of such road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, or drain from which the shortest line would be drawn to the centre of such object, as nearly as the centre thereof can be ascer- tained : 8. That the point at which any fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch is said to cut, 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. '>9 meet, join, cross, reach, or leave any fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch, shall be understood as that point at which a line passing along the middle of the fence, hedge, wall, boundary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch so cut, met, joined, crossed, reached, or left, would be intersected by a line drawn along the middle of the fence, hedge, wall, boun- dary, road, lane, path, river, stream, canal, drain, brook, or ditch so cutting, meeting, joining, crossing, reaching, or leaving, if such line were prolonged sufficiently far : 9. That when a line is said to be drawn to a road, lane, river, stream, or canal, such line shall be considered as prolonged to the middle of such road, lane, river, stream, or canal : 10. That by the words "sea" and "sea coast" shall be understood the low-water mark : 11. That if any deficiency shall be found to exist in the line of any boundary described in the said Schedule to this Act annexed marked (O.), by reason of the intervention of any space between any two immediately conse- cutive points, such deficiency shall be sup- plied by a straight line to be drawn from the one to the other of such two immediately consecutive points. 'revision as XXXVII. And be it further enacted. That, not- p^ withstanding the generality of any description con- p°ar1f of '^'^'^ tained in the said Schedule to this Act annexed andV/extra- marked (O.), no city, borough, or place, the con- pu parochial ilaces. 40 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. tents whereof are specified in such schedule, shall include any part of any parish, township, hamlet, chapelry, tithing, manor, or liberty which is detached from the main body of such parish, township, ham- let, chapelry, tithing, manor, or liberty, if, by reason of including such detached part, the boundary hereby established of such city, borough, or place would not be continuous, unless such detached part shall, before the passing of this Act, have formed part of such city, borough, or place for the purpose of the election of members to serve in Parliament ; but that all places, parochial or extra-parochial, which are surrounded by the contents of which any city, borough, or place is said in such schedule marked (O.) to consist, but for which no provision is made in such Schedule (O.) shall be considered as in- cluded within such city, borough, or place, for the purpose of the election of members to serve in Parliament. Misnomer XXXVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, not to vitiate, _, . . ... . , and the de- 1 hat no misnomcr or maccurate description contained scriptious '".,.. . Sciieduie (O.) in this Act, or in any of the schedules hereto an- to be consi- dered as nexed, shall in anywise prevent or abridge the ope- existing on _ j i. o i the 1st Oct. ration of this Act with respect to the subject of such 1831. ^ ■' description, provided the same shall be so designated as to be commonly understood ; and that for the purpose of identifying the descriptions contained in the said schedule (O.) with the subjects of such de- scriptions respectively, such descriptions shall, if now inapplicable, be held to apply to such subjects as they existed on the first day of October One thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 41 XXXIX. Provided always, and be it enacted, Act may be That this Act may be amended or altered by any Session. Act or Acts to be passed during this present Session of Parliament. 42 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. ^ « oi-S a ■" c o '.2 o is .s d Di inte edP anue 6 ar.>: 6 :Sq ies an it is isolal Id be >2 c i 0) 4) o t; J3 ^ g ^ iinti nicli the (2 ^c 0) •£ 3 W JC o -2 c "1 c ^ "H J § t2 t2 ^ '^ a& - o OJ a ^ X >< i«! X X o o K m 5 O O O o o ;2i >^^ '"'T' *-'V^ _. ~ ii . 2 '° 2 .i '" 'S a> IS = J ~ >» g 2 iS s M V ^.A.>t ', '^' '^ ^=■^3 • ia !5 • " = IS • ^ 03 t- : p^ 2 : aj <« O J3 .sa • J3 &, : _>^'o "w *^ (S • ■fl n fl S ?-3 ti t»i a c o B X • •S ® 8 "5 r CI. s 4: n 6 C ■t s • .fi c • 1: -= o_2 S.2 h o 1 ftil"* -T3 I- 3 (S § "So c .£ « . s : s c o 1— 1 !5 0.- u a; 3 tu CJ o _2 o 'c o o c c a 2 ^ X. I-. 5 o > ■£ E rt r (tf C3 .1: C3 rt Ph & p^ P^ a- 0. c» U PL, _ srf-irw ^: *./ ^r ■^^ Ml (U <" a> « s = >e> .ts u „.-_c c -c Ic ]S 1=^ 1 a > 'Jc. 4 a if 1 n tu c £ c. a "fa c I* s JS bo jO ^ ^ ^ y ^ f -S ]2 -a t: t; u u u "_2 a> •- So a) o O E o " 5 o a3 ho.-: c . ■:s ho o _o Dh O O ( SO & is tS .3 ,C5 P-i .22 o t;2 4) — . -C -3 D 2 44 2 & 3 WiLLiLM IV. Cap. G4. — c 3 c a .2 2 c .2 = c c B .2 o ■s S -2 oi o ' v2 "r" w O '^ id Divii intendi ted Par ; annex s > 5 -s > p > p rt is ^•-■3-= c s s £ S3 S S 2f s .S S S £ S S a3 J 2 £ •- J ~ IS tn So |g g c» 1"= 3 o ^2 2 o o ^.^ ^^ ^^ ./ >.<-»- - ^ ^-. ^ ■ >,v~ — v^v^ w^ •a c • c ■2 oJ o ; o • c '• o : ^ : o ounties li tlie isola Parts cally situat 1 3 • V : (^ . c p o -a a s 3 c -3 C 3 ^ _3 _a U o ^ (— 5 ^ 1 s li ^ "ii c o > o > 3 3 c g g o — o " c ^ 3 £ E t: t; o o o " ' o o o O) o o o u U U u U U p p 12; ^ z r^^ V /^^ ^ /■*.' ^ <^,^ ^^^ « o (_ O t^ o • ■~ o ; o ' B Si o o to • o 60 E :/; c _^ c o 0) o ; f- If ^ "o r' o . r- ! 45 22 .- •* o = 01 2 '—. „- t^ • JZ ; ■= o o a « I "^ : C3 ■ .2 e - B ■- o s o ^ ^ « in -rf P-l • q3 J a -3 e-i o ^ J^ >- ;^ • -^^ <0 '3 o ^ C3 o '^.'1'" a> a; > ^ •£ 5 c5 "^ « fc- ^ 3 -T3 u .2 w ■g o C3 o o S 4-. ^ n 5 £ O 3 c o o o p rt P- > > L^ O)

o c aj o o 3 3 3 Q ^ c C; P c p p P P P 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 45 -C o 'Q -a ^ .9. S .2 d ^ ^ o 2 5 P4 p.. PU P^ CJ OJ QJ .!2 13 ^ ^ ^ 3 W ■ SC.^Q -.-i OJ q; 0) 0; . ^ _C (1> ^ 9^ a ^ ^ 0) 0} Ml lire lire rt H « _^ _£. _- OJ CO S-3 "= ^ .5 .S .S S S ^ £ u y o pq M K pq pq pa oi CC P c3 03 92 jn aj O C2 ii Ph O CS Ph P4 &H O, CO pLi -S ^ " : c 60 P3 J K O 3 ^ C!3 ^ S "^ 3 ^!« J= pa a"^ 'C 3 t» j: Ph ^3 3 *=; ^ 3 '"Ph s 3 ^ <" o j: ^■3 -^ rt ° *j fe £ s.S '" -3 ■£ pa bo • .5 £ 3 3 0) aj -." pi p:: "^ 3 ^ ^ ^ < »< « >< i! i: 3 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 47 .rO rshire, rn Div rshire, n Div a>oj(ua>S-sSS 15 '-C !£ !2 S o _2 ^ .i^ .^ -b .b 1/3 vj _C j: -C J3 fc; 5- ^9. c -5 bJO 3 So S 3 M 3 faO ^ '^F-X >; « CD ^- *j *j ^ J? S c 5 aj > P £ or. nnti iiich the shou g « CO en .A^O inties the isolated irts ly situate. ■2 "§ ?■ P a. -co .£ a 9} a <^ : Cou ich Pi local C3 0> -^ ■i c IS IS .2 "% ^ o S-t 0^ t« a> bJD £ o -c c CQ ft 3 r§ v-*v^ -^ . ^ % • / '^ s^-^.' c & 2 H ^ .2 u ^ *i-i %u W o.'s s .- o o .9* IS TS l|i S -^ c. h"^ J3 1 £ " „- = -c "m 2 o ^ s 1 2 o 1 1-= 1 ^ rt a !^ 1 a o 1 ^T £ o o o Ph 3 O O n 'TIS ■" rt > p O O -3 3 -3 r 1 "^ ^-Y- " X . „1 = 0) Q) p O c> C 2 J a : aj s j: .a IS 15 -? ' — Lc >— « IS w^ _^ - " 55 s£ 2 [X S ^ c 1 .^ ^ !5 - 0) s s 0) c c '• li? o o o o u o ^ tM ^ ■ F o p 3 5 o o ' ^ K- ? ^ > > (I ) p 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 49 bJO bo 5 so c w ! O =- =u a 1=^ o a a o^SS - " 2 a 5 >1 > -■ C3 t- "3 O ^ P5 W g 5 c.±:^:= o fcO D J •j:;^~aoS>>^^ hct; CH ~ a> 2'S Oi i-ri a " >^3 o^^t-, 0) t: o o '-5 a-^ c ^ 1; J2 ts rt - t« 0. Ph piH P3 PL| -/\ J shire . . . . shire . . . . hire . . . . : a a ire ire rgan rgan ockb ^ ■= -a ^ o o a ji ^S 6 E -S c c a a ts c3 oj pu f^ Es;oo a D 5 50 2 & 3 William IV. Cap, 64. SCHEDULE (N.) Counties. ENGLAND. Divisions. Bedfordshire Berkshire Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Polling Places. Bedford. Luton. Leighton. Ampthill. Biggleswade. Sharnbrooke. 'Abingdon. Reading. Newbury. Wantage. Wokingham. Maidenhead. Great Faringdon. i^East Ilsley. r Aylesbury. } Buckingham. j Newport Pagnel. (^ Beaconsfield. ( Cambridge. ^ Newmarket. (^ Royston. < Isle of Ely Cheshire Cheshire . . i Ely. Wisbeach. ^ Whittlesey. rKnutsford. ,-, , nv- • • I Stockport. Northern Division ^ Macclesfield. (^ Runcorn. /"Chester. \ Nantwich. Southern Division < North wich. i Sandbach. ^Birkenhead. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 51 Counties. Divisions. Polling Places. Cornwall Cornwall Cumberland Cumberland Derbyshire . Derbyshire . Devonshire r Bodmin. 1 Lavmceston. Eastern Division < Liskeard. i Stratton. (.St. Austell. r Truro. Western Division -s tt i . ' Redruth. r Carlisle. 1 Brampton. Eastern Division < Wigton. i Penrith, (.Aldstone. iCockermouth. Aspatria. Keswick. Bootle. Egremont. iBakewell. Chesterfield. Chapel-en-le-Frith. Alfreton. Glossop. 'Derby. Ashbourn. Southern Division^ Wirksworth. Melbourn. ^Belper. ^ South Molton. i Collumpton. XT ..1, rv- • • J Barnstaple. Northern Divisions rri ^ I lorrington. / Holsworthy. ^Crediton. 52 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. i-' ^ ,.1 \ 1 ortsmouth. / Ringwood. Romsey. Hereford. Leominster. ' Bromyard. , Ledbury. Ross. Kington. Hertford. Stevenage. Buntingford. Bishop's Stortford. Hoddesdon. Hatfield. Hemel Hempstead 54 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Counties. Huntingdonshire Kent Divisions. Polling Places. ^ Huntingdon, I Stilton. {Canterbury. Sittingbourne. Ashford. New Romney. Ramsgate. Kent Western Division Lancashire . Northern Division- Lancashire . Leicestershire . Leicestershire Southern Division- • Maidstone. Bromley. Blackheath. Gravesend. Tonbridge. ■ Cranbrooke. .Lancaster. Havvkeshead. Ulverston. Poulton. Preston. •Burnley. .Newton. Wigan. Manchester. Liverpool. Ormskirk. ■Rochdale. ( Loughborough. Northern Division-? Melton Mowbray. (^ Ashby-de-la-Zouch. f Leicester. Southern Division-? Hinckley. (^ Market Harborough. ("Lincoln. I Gainsborough. Lincolnshire Parts of Lindsey •{ Epworth. Barton. Market Raisin. Great Grimsby. Louth. Spilsby. ^Horncastle. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Counties. Lincolnshire Divisions. J Parts of Kesteven \ and Holland . Polling Places. fSleaford. Boston. Holbeach. Bourn. Donington. Navenby. Spalding. Grantham. Middlesex Monmouthshire fBrentford. Enfield. King's Cross, or with- in half a mile thereof. <^ Hammersmith. Bedfont. Edgware. Mile End. ^Uxbridge. Monmouth. Abergavenny. Usk. Newport. The Rock Inn, in the parish of Bedwelty. Norfolk . Norfolk . /"Norwich. 1 Yarmouth. Eastern Division -^ , . ) Conway. Larnarvonshire <-^ i/i Capel Cerrig. Pwllheli. Denbigh. Wrexham. Denbighshire -( Llanrwst. Llangollen. Ruthin. C Flint. Flintshire J Rhuddlan. ( Overton. Bridgend. Cardiff. Glamorganshire •^ Swansea. Neath. , Merthyr-Tydvil. Harlech. Bala. Merionethshire ^ Dolgelly. Towyn. Corwen. ', ■t 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64-. 61 Cuunties, Montgomeryshire Divisions. Pembrokeshire Radnorshire Foiling Places. r Montgomery. \ Llanidloes. < Machynlleth. j Llanfyllin. V.Llanvair. • Haverfordwest. Pembroke. Narberth. Fishguard. Newport. Tenby. Mathry. New Radnor. Presteign. Rhaydr. Painscastle. Colwyn. Knighton. Pen-y-bont. SCHEDULE (N. 2.) Boroughs. New Shoreham Polling Places. New Shoreham. Cowfold. f Cricklade. Cricklade -^ Brickworth. ( Swindon. Aylesbury Aylesbury. ^ East Retford. East Retford •■•-■< w i J Worksop. (^ Gringley-on-the-Hill. 62 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. G1. SCHEDULE (,0.) 1.— COUNTY OF BEDFORD. Bedford. — The old borough of Bedford. 2.— COUNTY OF BERKS. Abingdon. — The old borough of Abingdon. Reading, — The old borough of Reading. Wallingford. — The old borough of Wallingford ; the several parishes of Brightwell, Sotwell, North Moreton. South Moreton, Bensington, Crowmarsh, and Newnhani Murren ; the liberty of Clapcot, and the extra-parochial precinct of the castle ; and also all such parts of the several parishes of Cholsey, Aston Tirrel, and Aston Upthorpe as are situate on that side of the line next herein-after described, on which the town of Wallingford lies ; (that is to say, ) From Blewberry, along the road called " The Icknield Way," to the point on King's Standing Hill at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Cholsey : thence, east- ward, along the boundary of the parish of Cholsey to the point at which the same reaches the River Thames. New Windsor. — The old borough of New Windsor, the lower ward of the Castle, and so much of the parish of Clewer as is situated to the east of the following boundary ; (that is to say,) 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 63 From the point at which the Goswell Ditch joins the River Thames, along the Goswell Ditch to the point at which the same meets Clewer Lane; thence, westward, along Clewer Lane to a point twenty-five yards distant from the point last described ; thence in a straight line to the north-western corner of the enclosure wall of the Cavalry Barracks ; thence along the Western Enclosure Wall of the Cavalry Barracks to the point at which the same cuts the boundary of the parish of New Windsor. 3.— COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. Buckingham. — The several Parishes of Buckingham, Maidsmorton, Thornborough, Padbury, Hillesden, Preston Bissett, Tingewick, and Radclive-cum-Chackmore. Great Marlow. — The several Parishes of Great Marlow, Little Marlow, Medmenham, and Bisham. Chipping Wycombe. — The Parish of Chipping Wycombe. 4.— COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE. Cambridge. — The old borough of Cambridge. 5._C0UNTY OF CHESTER. NORTHERN DIVISION. Macclesfield. — From the point at which the boundary of the borough of Macclesfield meets the Leek Road near Moss Pool, southward, along the Leek Road to the bridge over the Macclesfield canal ; thence, eastward, along the Macclesfield Canal to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the Borough ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the Borough to the point at which the same is again met by the Macclesfield Canal ; thence, northward, along the Macclesfield Canal to the point at which the same crosses Shore's Clough Brook ; thence, westward, along Shore's Clough Brook to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Hurdsfield; thence, southward, 64 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. along the boundary of the township of Hnrdsfield to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the Borough of Macclesfield ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the borough of Macclesfield to the point first described. Stockport. — The township of Stockport, and the re- spective hamlets of Brinksway and Edgeley, together with those parts of the respective townships of Brinnington and Heaton Norris which are included within the following boundaries respectively (that is to say,) Brinnington. — From the point at which the boundary of the township of Stockport would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the bridge over the River Mersey on the Bredbury and Hyde Road to the Corn Mill on the township of Heaton Norris, between the Manchester and Stockport Canal and the Reddish Road, and now in the occupation of Mr. Walmsley, along such straight line to the point at which the same cuts the River Tame ; thence along the River Tame to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Stockport ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the township of Stockport to the point first described. Heaton Norris. — From the point at which the boundary of the township of Heaton Norris meets the Manchester Road, between a public house called the Ash, and Danby Lane, along the Manchester Road to the point at which the same meets Danby Lane ; thence along Danby Lane to tlie point at which the same is cut by a straight line drawn thereto from the first mile stone on the Altringham Road through the western angle of the public house called the Heaton Norris Club House ; thence along the said straight line to the point at which the same meets the Southern Boundary of the township of Heaton Norris ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the township of Heaton Norris to the point first described. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Chester. — The old city of Chester, and also the space included within the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From the second city boundary stone in Boughton Ford Mead, and on the eastern bank of the River Dee, in a 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 65 straight line to the western extremity of a lane which leads from Stock Lane to Boughton Heath ; thence in a straight line to the southern extremity of Heath Lane ; thence along Heath Lane to the point at which the same joins the Christie- ton Road ; thence along the Christleton Road to the point at which the same is joined by New Lane ; thence along New Lane to the point at which the same meets Filkin Lane ; thence along Filkin Lane to the point at which the same joins, at Asp Tree Turnpike Gate, the Tarvin Road ; thence along the Tarvin Road to Tarvin Bridge ; thence along the Nantwich Canal to the point at which the same meets the old City Boundary ; thence, Southward, along the old City Boun- dary to the Second City Boundary Stone aforesaid. 6._C0UNTY OF CORNWALL. EASTERN DIVISION. Bodmin. — The several parishes of Bodmin, Lanivet, Lanhydrock, and Helland. Launceston. — The old borough of Launceston and the parish of St. Stephen, and all such parts of the several parishes of Lawhitton, St. Thomas the Apostle, and South Petherwin as are without the old borough of Launceston. LisKEAED. — The parish of Liskeard, and also all such parts of the old borough of Liskeard as are without the parish of Liskeard. WESTERN DIVISION. Helstone. — The old borough of Helstone, the parish of Sithney, and also the space included within the following boundary ; that is to say, From Coverack Bridge, over the River Loo, in a straight line across the Wendron Road to the western extremity of a lane leading by Wheal Ann to Graham Mine ; thence along the said lane to the point at which the same meets a small stream ; thence, southward, along the said stream to the point at which the same meets a lane leading from Wendron to Trecoose and Constantine : thence, eastward, along the said lane to Trecoose and Constantine, to the point at whicli the same meets the boundary of the parish of Wendron ,• thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Wendron to Coverack Bridge. E 66 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. ' St. Ives. — The old borough of St. Ives, and the respective parislies of Lelant and Towednack. Penryn and Falmouth. — From the point, on the north of Penryn, at which the boundary of the old borough leaves the boundary of the parish of Mylor, westward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the same meets the road from Penryn to Helstone ; thence in a straight line to the point, called Hill Head, at which the road to Penryn from Budock joins the road to Penryn from Constantine ; thence in a straight line to the nearest point of the boundary of the parish of Falmouth ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Falmouth to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the detached portion of the parish of Budock ; thence in a straight line to the northern point at which the boundary of the detached portion of the parish of Budock leaves the boundary of the parish of Falmouth ; thence, westward, along the sea coast to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the parish of St. Gluvias ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the parish of St. Gluvias to the point first described. From Bosvigo Bridge over the Kenwyn River, and on the boundary of the old borough, along Bosvigo Lane, to the point at which the same joins the Redruth Road ; thence along the Redruth Road to the point at which the same is joined, near Chapel-Hill Gate, by Green Lane ; thence along Green Lane to the point at which the same joins the Falmouth road ; thence along an occupation road leading through Newham-Farm Land to the point at which such occupation road meets Newham-Farm Lane ; thence along a fence which proceeds from Newham-Farm Lane, and is the south- western boundary of two fields respectively called Great Beef Close and Little Beef Close, to the point at which such fence meets the north-western fence of a field called Bramble Close ; thence, eastward, along the fence of Bramble Close to the point at which the same reaches the shore of Calenick Creek ; thence along the shore of Calenick Creek to Lower Newham Wharf; thence in a straight line across the Truro and Falmouth River to the south-eastern extremity of Sunny- Corner Wharf; thence in a straight line to Sunny Corner; thence in a straight line to the point at which Trenack Lane would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the eastern extremity of Newham-Farm Lane to the point called Hill Head, at which St. Clement's Lane meets the St. Austell old 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 67 turnpike road ; thence in a straight line to Mitchell-Hill Gate, on the old London Road ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the old borough would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from Mitchell-Hill Gate to Kenwyn Church; thence, northward, along the boundary of the old boroueh to Bosvigo Bridge. 7.— COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. EASTERN DIVISION. Carlisle. — The ancient city of Carlisle, and the respective townships of Botchergate and Rickergate, and also all such part of the township of Caldewgate as is comprised within the boundary hereafter described ; (that is to say,) From the bridge over the River Caldew uniting the town- ship of Caldewgate with the old city of Carlisle, southward, along the River Caldew to the point at which the same leaves the boundary of the township of Caldewgate ; thence, west- ward, along the boundary of the township of Caldewgate to the point at which the road from the Kell Houses to Carlisle joins the Wigton Road ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the bye road from Stainton, over the Summer House Ford in the River Eden, and across the canal from the Solway to Carlisle, meets the road from Great and Little Orton to Carlisle at a place called New Town ; thence along the said road from Stainton to the point at which the same reaches the Summer House Ford ; thence along the boundary of the township of Caldewgate to the bridge first described. WESTERN DIVISION. j CocKERMOUTH. — The several townships of Cockermouth, d Eaglesfield, Brigham, Papcastle, and Bridekirk ; and also that detached portion of the township of Dovenby which lies between the respective townships of Papcastle, Bridekirk, and Cockermouth. Whitehaven. — From the point on the sea coast, north of Whitehaven, at which the boundary of the township of Preston Quarter meets the boundary of the township of Moresby, eastward, along the boundary of the township of Preston Quarter, to the point at which the stream which flows through the village of Hensingham falls into the Poe E 2 68 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Beck ; thence in a straight line to the point on the sea coast at which the boundary of the township of Preston meets the boundary of the township of Sandwich ; thence along the sea coast to the point first described. 8,_C0UNTY OF DERBY. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Derby. — The old borough of Derby. 9.— COUNTY OF DEVON. NORTHERN DIVISION. Barnstaple. — From the new bridge over Braddiford Water, on the new Braunton Road, along the hedge whicli is the eastern boundary of the East Pillow Alarch Field, to the point at which the same cuts Poleshill Lane ; thence along Poleshill Lane to the point at which the same meets Hall's Mill Lane ; thence along Hall's ]\Iill Lane to the point at which the same meets the Mill Leat ; thence along the INIill Leat to the point at which the same meets Shearford Lane ; thence along Shearford Lane to the point at which the same joins the Roborough Road ; thence along the Roborough Road to the point at which the same is met by Smoky House Lane ; thence along Smoky House Lane to the point at which the same is cut by a hedge which divides the field called Great Mill Close from the field called Little Mill Close ; thence along the last- mentioned hedge and in a line in continuation of the direction thereof, to the point at which such line cuts the River Yeo ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the old borough of Barnstaple to the point at which the same meets, in Cooney Cut, the south-eastern fence of a field called " Ham ;" thence along the last-mentioned fence to the point at which the same cuts Land Key Road ; thence in a straight Line to the point on Rumson Hill at which Windy Ash Lane meets the Brindon Cross Road ; thence along Windy Ash Lane to the point at which Wood Street Water crosses the same ; thence along Wood Street Water to the point at which the same joins the River Taw ; thence along the River Taw to the point at which the same is joined by the River Yeo ; thence along the River Yeo to the Swing Bridge on the new Braunton Road ; 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. G9 thence alone: the new Braunton Road to the new bridge first described. Tiverton. — The parish of Tiverton. SOUTHERN DIVISION. AsHBURTON. — The parish of Ashburton. Dartmouth. — From the point on the sea coast at which the boundary of the parish of Townstall meets the boundary of the parish of Stoke Fleming, northward, along the boundary of the parish of Townstall, to the point at which the same meets the Stoke Road ; thence along the Stoke Road, passing Swallaton Cross and Swallaton Gate, to the point at which the Stoke Road meets the Milton Road ; thence along the Milton Road to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the parish of Townstall ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Townstall to the point at which the same reaches Old Mill Creek ; thence along the low-water mark to the point first de- scribed. Devonport. — The parish of Stoke Damerill, and the township of Stonehouse. Exeter. — From the turnpike gate on the Morton Road, southward, along Cowick Lane to the point at which the same meets Stone Lane ; thence along Stone Lane to the point at which the same meets the road from Exeter to Alphington ; thence, southward, along the road from Exeter to Alphington to the point at which the same is joined by Marsh Barton Lane ; thence along Marsh Barton Lane to the point at which the same reaches the western branch of the River Exe ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Abbey Lane meets the Eastern Branch of the River Exe ; thence, southward, along the Leat to the point at which the same is joined by the brook which runs down through East Wonford ; thence along the said brook to the point at which the same crosses the old Stoke and Tiverton Road near the road to Mincing Lake Farm ; thence along the old Stoke and Tiverton Road to the point at which the same meets the bound- ary of the County of the City ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the County of the City to the point near Foxhays at which a branch of the River Exe, flowing through Exwick, joins the main stream thereof; thence in a straight line to the point at which the road from Exwick to the turnpike gate on the Morton Road is joined 70 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 1)y a road leading from Foxhays to Cleave ; thence along the said road from Exvvick to the turnpike gate on the Morton Road to the point at which the same reaches such turnpike gate. HoNiTON. — The parish of Honiton. Plymouth. — From the north-eastern boundary stone in a straight line to the nearest point of the line of the Embank- ment ; thence, southward, along the line of the Embankment to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point first described. Tavistock. — The parish of Tavistock, except the Manor of Cudliptown, ToTNEs. — The parish of Totnes, and the Manor of Bridgetown. 10— COUNTY OF DORSET. Bridport. — From the Toll Bar on the Exeter Road in a straight line to the northern extremity of the fence which se- parates the field called " Marland Five Acres" from the field called " Higher Girtups and Dogholes ;" thence along the western Fence of the Field Higher Girtups and Dogholes to the point at which the same reaches a lane leading into Mead Lane ; thence along the said lane leading into Mead Lane to the point at which the same reaches Mead Lane ; thence along Mead Lane to the point at which the same joins the Chard Road ; thence, northward, along the Chard Road to the point at which the same is joined by the first lane on the right called " Green Lane;" thence in a straight line to Allington Mill ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Coney- gere Lane joins the Pymore Road ; thence along Coneygere Lane to the point at which the same joins the Beaminster Road ; thence in a straight line to the Bridge over the River Asher close by the Flood Houses ; thence along the River Asher to the point at which the same would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the eastern extremity of Coney- gere Lane to the Turnpike Gate on the Dorchester Road ; thence along the said straight line to the Turnpike Gate on the Dorchester Road ; thence, southward, along the Dor- chester Road to the point at which the same is joined by Bothenhampton Lane ; thence along Bothenhampton Lane 2 Sc 3 William IV. Cap. 6i. 71 to the point at which the same is met by the stream whicli forms the boundary between the respective parishes of Wal- ditch and Bothenhampton ; thence along the said stream to the point at which the same falls into the River Asher ; thence down the River Asher (following the easternmost branch thereof at the points at which the same divides into two branches) to Squib's Bridge ; thence in a straight line to the south-eastern corner of Keemy Cottage on the Bothenhamp- ton Road ; thence in a straight line to the eastern extremity of Wonderwell Lane ; thence, westward, along Wonder- well Lane to the point at which the same joins the Burton Bradstock Road ; thence, southward, along the Burton Brad- stock Road to Wich Gate ; thence in a straight line through the Bombardier's House to the Sea Coast ; thence along the Sea Coast to the eastern extremity of West Cliff; thence, northward, along West Cliff, and along the western bound- ary of the Ship Yard of Messieurs Matthews and Company, to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field called Pitfleld Marsh ; thence, northward, along the boundary of Pitfield Marsh to the points at which the same meets the River Brit at Ire Pool ; thence up the River Brit to the point at which the same is joined by the stream which forms the boundary between the respective parishes of Symondsbury and Allington ; thence along the last-mentioned stream to the point at which the same meets the fence which runs down thereto from the Toll Bar at the Exeter Road ; thence along the last-mentioned fence to the Toll Bar on the Exeter Road. Dorchester. — From the second or middle Bridge on the Sherborne Road, along the northern branch of the RiverFrome, passing under Grey's Bridge, to the point at which such northern branch is met, near Stanton's Cloth Factory, by the boundary of the parish of Fordington ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Fordington to the point at which the same meets the Wareham Road ; thence, west- ward, along the Wareham Road to the Turnpike Gate ; thence in a straight line to the centre of the barrow called " Two Barrows;" thence in a straight line to the centre of the am- phitheatre called Maumbury Ring; thence in a straight line to the centre of the barrow called Lawrence Barrow, near the Exeter Road ; thence in a straight line to the south-western corner of the Barrack Wall ; thence northward, along the Barrack Wall and Palisade to the point at which such Pali- sade meets the southern branch of the River Frome ; thence 72 2 8c 3 William IV. Cap. 64. in a straight line to the second or middle bridge on the Sher- borne Road. Lyme Regis. — The respective parishes of Lyme Regis and Charmouth, Poole. — The county and town of Poole, the parish of Hamworthy, and the respective tithings of Parkstone and Longfleet. SiiAFTESEUUY. — The old borough of Shaftesbury ; the several out-parishes of Holy Trinity, St. James, and St. Peter ; the several parishes of Cann, St. Rombald, Motcomb, East Slower, Stower Provost, Todbere, Melbury Abbas, Compton Abbas, Dowhead St. Mary, and St. Margaret's Marsh and the chapelry of Hartgrove. Wareham. — The old borough of Wareham ; the parishes of Corfe Castle and Bere Regis ; the several out-parishes of Lady Saint Mary, Holy Trinity, and St. INLartin ; and the chapelry of Arne ; that part of the parish of East Stoke which adjoins the eastern boundary of the old borough of AVareham ; and also such part of the parish of East Morden as is comprised within the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From the point at which the boundary of the parish of East Morden meets the southern boundary of Morden Park Wood, southward, along the boundary of Morden Park Wood, to the point at which the same meets the Sherford Lake ; thence, eastward, along the Sherford Lake to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of East Morden ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of East Morden to the point first described. Weymouth and Melcombe Regis. — From the old Sluice on the Wareham Road in a straight line to the point at which the northern wall of the old Barrack Field meets the Dorchester Road ; thence along the said northern wall, and in a line in the direction thereof, to the point at which such line meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, north- ward, along the ])oundary of the old borough to the point at which the same meets the Upper Wyke Road, thence, westward, along the Upper Wyke Road to the point at which the same is joined by a cross road leading to the Lower Wyke Road, otherwise called Buxton's Lane ; thence along tlie said cross road to the point at which tlie same joins the 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 73 said Lower Wyke Road ; thence along the said Lower Wyke Road to the point at which the same joins the Sandsfoot Castle Road ; thence, northward, along the Sandsfoot Castle Road to the point at which the same is met by the Footpath leading by Lovel's Farm to Bincleves ; thence along the said Footpath to the point at which the same reaches the edge of the Cliff at Bincleves ; thence along the Sea Coast to the old sluice aforesaid. 11.— COUNTY OF DURHAM. NORTHERN DIVISION. Durham. — From Shincliffe Bridge over the River Wear, on the Stockton Road, along the Stockton Road, to the point at which the same is met by a lane leading into the Darlington Road; thence along the said lane to the point at which the same joins the Darlington Road ; thence along the Darlington Road to the point at which the same is met by Potter's Lane ; thence along Potter's Lane to the point at which the same meets Quarry Head Lane ; thence along Quarry Head Lane to the point at which the same meets Margery Lane ; thence along Margery Lane to the point at which the same meets Flass Lane ; thence along Flass Lane to the point at which the same meets a lane leading into the newly cut Turnpike Road which forms the commencement of the Newcastle Road ; thence along the last mentioned lane to the point at which the same joins the said newly cut road; thence, north- ward, along the said newly cut road to the point at which the same joins the old line of the Newcastle Road ; thence in a straight line through the northernmost of the two out- buildings attached to Kepier's Hospital to the River Wear ; thence along the River Wear to the point at which the same meets Kepier Lane ; thence along Kepier Lane, passing under the old arches of the hospital, to the point at which the same lane is joined, on the south-west of High Grange Farm, by a lane leading into the Loaning Head Road ; thence along the last mentioned lane, crossing the Sunderland Road, to the point at which the same lane joins the Loaning Head Road ; thence along the Loaning Head Road to the point at which the same is met by a Beck running close to the north of Pel- law Wood and to the south of Gilesgate Church ; thence along the said Beck to the point at which the same falls into the River Wear ; thence along the River Wear to Shincliffe Bridge. E5 74 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Gateshead.— The parish of Gateshead, and also all such part of the chapelry of Heworth in the parish of Jarrow as is situated to the west of a straight line to he drawn from Kirton Toll Gate House to Blue Quarry Mill, and prolong- ed each way to the boundary of the parish of Gateshead. South Shields. — The respective townships of South Shields and Westoe. Sunderland. — The parish of Sunderland, and the several townships of Bishop Wearmouth, Bishop Wearmouth Panns, Monk Wearmouth, Monk Wearmouth Shore, and Southwick. 12.— COUNTY OF ESSEX. NORTHERN DIVISION. Colchester. — The old borough of Colchester. Harwich. — The old borough of Harwich. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Maldon. — The old borough of Maldon, and the parish of Heybridge. 13.— COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. EASTERN DIVISION. Cheltenham. — The parish of Cheltenham. Cirencester. — The parish of Cirencester. Gloucester. — From the old City Boundary Stone on the western side of the lane called Castle Lane, leading from Westgate Street to the County Gaol, northward, along the old City Boundary to the Boundary Stone, south of the Lon- don Road, which marks the easternmost point of the old City Boundary ; thence in a straight line through the eastern corner of the Mill upon the River Twiver, between the eld City Boimdary and the Tramroad from the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal to Cheltenham, to the said Tramroad ; thence along the said Tramroad to the point at which the same is met by Barton Lane ; thence along Barton Lane to the point 2 cS: 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 75 at which the same crosses the Sud Brook ; thence along the Slid Brook to the point at which the same falls into the Glou- cester and Berkeley Canal ; thence along the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal to the point at which the same is met by the old City Boundary ; thence, westward, along the old City Boundary to the point first described. Stroud. — The several parishes of Stroud, Bisley, Pains- wick, Pitchcomb, Randwick, Stonehouse, Leonard-Stanley, King's-Stanley, Rodborough, Minchinhampton, Woodchester, Avening, and Horseley, except that part of the parish of Leonard-Stanley which is called Lorridge's Farm, and is sur- rounded by the parish of Berkley. Tewkesbury. — The parish of Tewkesbury. 14.— COUNTY OF HANTS. NORTHERN DIVISION. AxDOVER. — The respective parishes of Andover and Knights Enham, and the tithing of Foxcot. Petersfield. — The old borough of Petersfield, and the tithing of Sheet ; the several parishes of Buriton, Lyss, and Froxfield ; the several tithings of Ramsden, Langrish, and Oxenbourn, in the parish of East Meon ; and also the parish of Steep, except the respective tithings of North and South x\mbersham. Winchester. — From St. Winnal's Church in a straight line to the Cottage on the new Alresford Road, which is north- west of the White House on St. Giles's Hill ; thence in a straight line to the Turnpike Gate at Barr End ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Gosport Road joins the Southampton Road ; thence in a straight line to the point at which an angle is made in the northern bank of the lane leading from St. Cross to Compton Down, perpendi- cularly above the deep hollow in the said lane ; thence in a straight line to the Cock Lane Turnpike Gate ; thence in a straight line to the Three Horse Shoes public house on the Week Road ; thence in a straight line to the house on the Andover Road which is immediately north-west of the point at which the boundary of tlie City of Winchester crosses the same road ; thence in a straight line to the south-eastern 76 2 & 3 William IV. Cap, 64. corner of the Fir Plantation on the western side of the Ba- singstoke Road ; thence in a straight line to St. Winnal's Church. SOUTHERN DIVISION. CiiRisTCHURCH. — The parish of Christchurch, and the chapelry of Holdenhurst, except such part of the tithing of Hurn in the parish of Christchurch as is situated to the north of the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From the point at which the western boundary of the parish of Christchurch crosses the road from Dudsbury to Hurnbridge, in a straight line to the south-western corner of Merritown Common ; thence along the southern boundary of Merritown Common and of Hurn Common to the point at which the southern boundary of Hurn Common reaches the Moor's River ; thence in a straight line to the southern boundary post of the parish of Christchurch on the Ringwood Road, close by Fillybrook Plantation. Lymington. — The parish of Lymington, and also such part of the parish of Boldre as is comprised in the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From East-end Bridge, on the eastern boundary of the parish of Boldre, in a straight line through Boldre Church to the western bank of Lymington River ; thence, southward, along the western bank of Lymington River to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of I3oldre ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Boldre to East-end Bridge aforesaid. PoRTSMouTii. — The old borough of Portsmouth, and the parish of Portsea. Southampton. — The town and county of the town of Southampton. 15.-C0UNTY OF HEREFORD. Hereford. — The whole space contained within the bound- ary of the liberties of the City of Hereford, including Castle Green. Leominster. — The parish of Leominster. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 77 16.— COUNTY OF HERTFORD. St. Alban's. — From the Turnpike Gate on the London Road east of St. Alban's, called St. Alban's Gate, in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the old borough crosses the river at the bottom of the Cotton Mill Lane ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the western boundary of the parish of St. Alban leaves the river ; thence in a straight line, through the south-eastern corner of St. Michael's Churchyard, to the Hempstead Road ; thence, northward, along the Hempstead Road to the point at which the same meets the road leading to Gorehambury, formerly the Redbourn Road ; thence in a straight line to the western extremity of the tongue of land in the river just above Kingsbury Fishpond ; thence in a straight line to the side bar belonging to Kingsbury Turn- pike Gate, by the side of the new Redbourn Road ; thence eastward, in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the old borough meets Luton Lane ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the same crosses Sweetbriar Lane ; thence in a straight line to St. Alban's Tvirnpike Gate aforesaid. Hertford. — From the Corporation Post at the bottom of Port Hill, along the Bengeo Road to the point at which the same is cut by the northern fence of Port Hill Field ; thence along the northern and western fences of Port Hill Field to the point at which such western fence cuts the Mole Wood Mill Road ; thence in a straight line through Sele Farm Bridge to the Stevenage Road ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Hertingfordbury Road is crossed by the boundary of the Out-borough of Hertford ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the Out-borough of Hertford to the corpora- tion post at the bottom of Port Hill. 17._C0UNTY OF HUNTINGDON. Huntingdon. — The old borough of Huntingdon, and the parish of Godmanchester. ] 8.— COUNTY OF KENT. EASTERN DIVISION. Canterbury. — From the westernmost point, near St, Jacob's, at which the boundary of the City Liberties meets 78 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. the Ashford Road, in a straight hne to the point at which the respective boundaries of the parishes of Harbledown, St. Dunstan, and Holy Cross Westgate meet ; thence, northward, along the eastern boundary of the parish of Harbledown to the point at which the same turns north-westward near the Whitstable Road, thence, in a straight line, in the direction of St. Stephen's Church, to the point at which such straight line cuts the boundary of the parish of St. Stephen ; thence, east- ward along the boundary of the parish of St. Stephen to the point at which the same meets the boundary of tlie parish of Holy Cross Westgate ; thence in a straight line, through the point at which the road to St. Stephen's Church meets the road to Sturry, to the nearest branch of the River Stour ; thence along the said branch of the River Stour to the Corporation Stone, Number 5 ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the City Liberties, including the whole of the borough of Longport, to the point first described. DovoR. — From the Jetty, along the boundary of the Liber- ties of the Town and Port of Dovor, on the eastern side of the Castle, and through the parish of Charlton to the Bound- ary Stone at which the boundary of the said liberties meets the boundary of the parish of Buckland in Back Lane ; thence along Back Lane to the point at which the same meets the road leading down to Crabbe Turnpike Gate on the London Road ; thence in a straight line, in a westerly direction, to the point at which the boundary of the parish of Buckland crosses the London Road ; thence along the boundary of the parish of Buckland to the point at which the same crosses the river ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the parish of Buckland meets the road leading to Combe Farm ; thence along the boundary of the parish of Buckland to the point at which the boundary of the parish of Hougham is intersected by the boundary of the liberties aforesaid ; thence along the boundary of the said Liberties to the Sea Coast ; thence along the Sea Coast to the Jetty. Hythe. — The old borough of Hythe ; the liberties of the town of Folkstone ; and the several parishes of West Hythe, Saltwood, Cheriton, Folkstone, and Newington, except that de- tached part of the parish of Newington called Marwood Land. Sandwich. — The several parishes of St. Mary, St. Peter, and St. Clement ; and the extra-parochial precinct of St. Bartholomew, Sandwich ; the parish of Deal ; and the parish of Walmer. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 79 WESTERN DIVISION. Chatham. — From the easternmost point at which the boundary of the city of Rochester meets the right bank of the River Medway, southward, along the boundary of the city of Rochester to the boundary stone of the said city marked 5 ; thence in a straight line to the Windmill in the parish of Chatham on the top of Chatham Hill ; thence in a straight line to the Oil Windmill in the parish of Gilliugham, between the village of Gillingham and the Fortifications ; thence in a straight line through Gillingham Fort to the right bank of the River Medway ; thence along the right bank of the River Medway to the point first described. Greenwich. — From the point at which the Royal Arsenal Canal at Woolwich joins the River Thames, along the said canal to the southern extremity thereof; thence in a straight line to the south-western corner of the Ordnance Store- keeper's house ; thence in a straight line, in the direction of a stile in the Footpath from Woolwich to Plumstead Common, over Sand Hill, to the boundary of the parish of Woolwich ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Woolwich to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Charlton ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Charlton to the point at which the same turns southward near the Dovor Road; thence along the Dovor Road to the nearest point of the boundary of the parish of Greenwich ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Greenwich to the point at which the same turns abruptly to the south, close by the Dovor Road ; thence in a straight line, in a westerly direction, to the nearest point of the boundary of the parish of Greenwich ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Greenwich to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Saint Paul, Deptford ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Saint Paul, Deptford, to the point at which the same meets the River Thames ; thence along the River Thames to the point first described. Maidstone. — The old borough of Maidstone. Rochester. — The whole space comprised within the bound- aries of the liberties of the old City of Rochester, and also such parts of the respective parishes of Strood and Frindsbury as are situated between the left bank of the River Medway and the boundary hereafter described ; (that is to say,) 80 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. From the entrance from the River Medway of the Thames and Medway Canal, along a footpath which leads up the hill towards Upnor, to the point (on the top of the hill) at which the same is met by a road or path leading towards Frindsbury Church ; thence along such road or path to the point at which the same joins Parsonage Lane ; thence along Parsonage Lane to the point at which the same joins the road from Frindsbury to Hoo ; thence in a straight line to the northernmost angle of the boundary of the parish of Strood ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Strood to the point at which the same meets the London Road ; thence towards Rochester along the London Road to the point at which the came is joined by the road from the Three Crouches ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the left bank of the River Medway would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last described to Fort Clarence. 19.— COUNTY OF LANCASTER. NORTHERN DIVISION, Blackburn. — The township of Blackburn. Clitheroe. — The respective Chapelries of Downham and Clitheroe; and the Four townships of Whally, Wiswall^ Pendleton, and Henshorn, and Little Mitton and Colcoats. Lancaster. — From the point on the River Lune at which the respective boundaries of the townships of Lancaster, Skerton, and Heaton-with-Oxcliffe meet, westward, along the boundary of the township of Lancaster to the point at which the respective bovmdaries of the townships of Lancaster, Bulk,, and Quernmore meet ; thence in a straight line to the Aqueduct Bridge over the Caton Road ; thence, northward, along the Canal from Preston to Kendal to the Fourth Bridge over the same from the Aqueduct ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Bracken Lane meets Scale Lane ; thence along Scale Lane to the point at which the same reaches the River Lune ; thence along the River Lune to the point first described. Preston. — The old borough of Preston, and the township of Fishwick. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 6-k 81 SOUTHERN DIVISION. Ashton-under-Lyne. — The whole space over which the provisions of an Act passed in the seventh and eighth years of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, and intituled " An Act for lighting, cleansing, watching, and " otherwise improving the Town of Ashton-under-Lyne in " the County Palatine of Lancaster, and for regulating the " Police thereof," at present extend. BoLTON-LE-MooRs. — The several townships of Great Bolton, Little Bolton, and Haulgh, except that detached part of the township of Little Bolton which is situate to the north of the town of Bolton. Bury. — From the point in the Hamlet of Starling at which a boundary stone marks the boundary of the respective townships of Elton and Ainsworth, along the lane from Starling to Walshaw Lane, to the point in the hamlet of Walshaw Lane at which a Boundary Stone marks the bound- ary of the respective townships of Elton and Tottington Lower End ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the township of Elton to the point at which the same meets the Woodill Brook : thence in a straight line to the point at which the Pigs Lea Brook falls into the River Irwell ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the township of Bury to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Elton ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the township of Elton to the point first described. Liverpool. — From the western extremity of Dingle Lane, on the south of the town, along Dingle Lane, to the point at which the same meets Ullet Lane ; thence along Ullet Lane to the point at which the same meets Lodge Lane ; thence along Lodge Lane to the point at which the same meets Smithdown Lane ; thence along Smithdown Lane to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the township of Wavertree ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the township of Wavertree to that point thereof which is nearest to the south- eastern corner of the wall of the new Botanic Gardens ; thence in a straight line to the said south-eastern corner; thence along the eastern wall of the new Botanic Gardens to the point at which such wall reaches Edge Lane ; thence, eastward, along Edge Lane to a point seventy-four yards dis- tant from the point last described; thence in a line parallel to 82 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. the new street called Grove Street to the point at which such parallel line reaches the London Road ; thence along the London Road to the point at which the same is joined by Deane Street ; thence in a straight line to the boundary stone in Rake Lane, near the southern extremity ofWhitefield Lane ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the town- ship of Everton to the point at which the same joins the boundary of the township of Kirkdale ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the township of Kirkdale to the point at which the same reaches the High-water Mark of the River Mersey ; thence along the High-water Mark of the River Mersey to that point thereof which is nearest to the point first described ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. Manchester. — The several townships of Manchester, Chorlton Row otherwise Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Ardwick, Beswick, Hulme, Cheetham, Bradford, Newton, and Harpur Hey. Oldham. — The several townships of Oldham, Chadderton, Crompton, and Royton. Rochdale. — The space defined in the 101st Section of an Act passed in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, and intituled " An Act for lighting, " cleansing, watching, and regulating the town of Rochdale " in the County Palatine of Lancaster." Salford. — From the northernmost point at which the boundary of the township of Salford meets the boundary of the township of Broughton, northward, along the boundary of the township of Broughton, to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Pendleton ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the township of Pendleton to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the detached portion of the township of Pendlebury ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the detached portion of the township of Pendlebury to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Salford ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the township of Salford to the point first described. Warrington. — The respective townships of Warrington and Latchford ; and also those two detached portions of the 3 & 3 William IV. Cap. C4. S3 township of Thelwall which lie between the boundary of the township of Latchford and the River Mersey. WiGAN. — The township of Wigan. 20.— COUNTY OF LEICESTER. SOUTHERN DIVISTON. Leicester. — The old borough of Leicester, and the space over which the magistrates of the old borough of Leicester at present exercise a jurisdiction concurrently with the magistrates of the county of Leicester, including the Castle View. 21.— COUNTY OF LINCOLN. PARTS OF LINDSEY. Lincoln. — The old city of Lincoln, the Bail and Close, and a certain common, belonging to the Freemen of Lincoln, called Canwick Common, together with all extra-parochial places, if any, which are surrounded by the old city of Lincoln the Bail and Close, and the said Common, or any or either of them, or by the boundaries or boundary of any or either of them. Great Grimsby. — The several parishes of Great Grimsby, Great Coates, Little Coates, Bradley, Laceby, Waltham, Scartho, Clee, Weelsby, and Cleethorpes. PARTS OF KESTEVEN AND HOLLAND. Boston. — The old borough of Boston, the parish of Skirbeck, and the Hamlet of Skirbeck Quarter, including the Fen Allotment of the Hamlet of Skirbeck Quarter, but not the Fen Allotment of the parish of Skirbeck. Grantham. — The parish of Grantham, (including the several townships of Spittlegate, Manthorpe with Little Gonerby, and Harrowby,) and that part of the parish of Somerby which is contained between the boundary of the parish of Grantham and High Dyke. Stamford. — The old borough of Stamford, and such part of the parish of Saint Martin Stamford Baron as lies between 84 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. the boundary of the old borough and the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From the westernmost point at which the boundary of the parisli of Saint Martin meets the boundary of the old borough, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Saint Martin, to the northernmost point at which the same meets the Woothorpe Road ; thence in a straight line to the southern Tower, on the London Road, of the Gateway to Burghley House ; thence, northward, along the Wall of Burghley Park to the point at which the same meets an occupation road called the " New Road," which runs from the Barnack and Pilsgate Road to the River Welland ; thence along the said occupation road, and in a line in continuation of the direction j. thereof, to the point at which such line cuts the boundary of the old borough. 22.— COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. FiNSBURY. — The several parishes of Saint Luke, Saint George the Martyr, Saint Giles-in-the-Fields, Saint George Bloomsbury, Saint Mary Stoke Newington, and Saint Mary Islington ; the several Liberties or Places of Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden, Ely Rents, Ely Place, the Rolls, Glass House Yard, and the Charter House ; Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn ; tlie parish of Saint James and Saint John Clerkenwell, except that part thereof which is sitviate to the north of the parish of Islington ; those parts of the respective parishes of Saint Sepidchre and Saint Andrew, Holborn, and of Furnival's Inn and Staple Inn respectively, which are situated without the Liberty of the City of London. London. — The whole space contained within the exterior boundaries of the Liberties of the City of London, including the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple. Mary-le-bone. — The several parishes of Saint Mary-le- bone. Saint Pancras, and Paddington. Tower Hamlets. — The several divisions of the Liberty of the Tower, and the Tower Division of Ossulston Hundred. Westminster. — The oldCity and Liberties of Westminster, and the Duchy Liberty. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 85 23.— COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. MONMOUTH DISTRICT. Monmouth. — The parish of Monmouth, and all such parts of the old borough of Monmouth as lie without the parish of Monmouth. Newport. — From the point, on the south of the town, at which the Mendle Gief Road is joined by a husbandry road leading to Hundred Acres Gout, along the Mendle Gief Road, to the point at which the same meets the Cardiff Road; thence, westward, along the Cardiff Road to the point at which the same meets the streamlet from Cwrty-bella Well ; thence along the said streamlet to the Pool on the western side of Friar's Garden Wall ; thence along the Watercourse up from the said Pool to another Pool on the western side of Bull Field ; thence along the western fence of Bull Field to the point at which the same fence cuts the road from Stow to Risca ; thence, westward, along the road from Stow to Risca to the point at which the same is cut by the fence which runs northward from the east end of the cottages belonging to John Ricketts ; thence along the last mentioned fence to the north-western corner of the field of which it is the western boundary ; thence, eastward, along the northern fence of the last mentioned field to the point at which the same is inter- sected by the fence of the adjoining field ; thence, northward, along the last mentioned fence to a well head ; thence along the stream leading therefrom to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the same meets the River Usk at the mouth of Cridan Pill ; thence along the River Usk to the point at which the same is joined by a Pill opposite the castle ; thence along the said Pill to the Gout ; thence along the watercourse, in a direction nearly due east, to the point at which the same meets the new road to Caerleon ; thence along the new road to Caer- leon to the point at which the same joins the old road to Christ Church ; thence along the New Reen to the point at which the same meets Liswerry Pill ; thence along Liswerry Pill to the point at which the same joins the River Usk ; thence along the River Usk to the point at which the same is joined by Hundred Acres Gout ; thence along Hundred Acres Gout to the point at which the same is met by the said hus- bandry road leading thereto from the Mendle Gief Road ; 86 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. thence along the said husbandry road to the point first de- scribed. UsK. — From the Bridge on the north of the town, called " Cym-cayo Bridge," along the brook over which the said bridge is built, to the point at which the same falls into the River Usk ; thence down the River Usk, and along the boundary of the old borough, to the point at which the same cuts the mill stream ; thence in a straight line to the Farm House of Little Castle Farm ; thence along the eastern side of the fence of the farmyard of Little Castle Farm to the north eastern corner of such farmyard ; thence in a straight line to the Oak Tree in the wood hedge on the summit of Lady Hill ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Cwm-cayo Brook would be *\ cut by a straight line to be drawn from the Tree last described to Cwm-cayo Bridge ; thence along Cwm-cayo Brook to Cwm- cayo Bridge. 24.— COUNTY OF NORFOLK. EASTERN DIVISION. Norwich. — The city and county of the city of Norwich, together with all such extra-parochial places as are contained within the outer boundary of the city and county of the city of Norwich. Great Yarmouth. — The old borough of Great Yarmouth and the parish of Gorlestone. WESTERN DIVISION. King's Lynn. — The old borough of King's Lynn. Thetford. — The old borough of Thetford. 25.— COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. NORTHERN DIVISION. Peterborough. — The parish of St. John Baptist, Peterbo- rough, together with the extra-parochial district known by the name of "The Minster Precincts." SOUTHERN DIVISION. Northampton. — The old borough of Northampton. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 87 26.— COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. NORTHERN DIVISION. Berwick-upon-Tweed. — The parish of Berwick, and the respective townships of Tweedmouth and Spital. Morpeth. — The several townships of IMorpeth, Buller's Green, Newminster Abbey, Catchburn with Morpeth Castle and Stobhill, Hepscott, and Tramwell with High Church, and the parish of Bedlington. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. — The town and county of the town of Newcastle, and the several townships of Byker, Heaton, Jesraond, Westgate, and Elswic. TvNEMOUTH and North Shields. — The several townships >)t Tynemouth, North Shields, Chirton, Preston, and Culler- coats. 27.— COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. NORTHERN DIVISION. Nottingham. — The county of the town of Nottingham. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Newark-upon-Trent. — The old borough of Newark. 28.— COUNTY OF OXFORD. Banbury.- — The parish of Banbury. Oxford. — From the tree on the east of the city called 'Joe Pullen's Tree," in a straight line to the boundary stone n the lane called "Mrs. Knapp's Free Board;" thence along ;he said lane to the western extremity thereof; thence in a straight line to the centre of the island situate at the junction )f the stream called " Harson's Heat" with the River Char- veil; thence, westward, along the River Charwell to the point It which the same joins the old city boundary; thence, west- vard, along the old city boundary to the point at which the 88 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. River Charwell divides into two streams ; thence along the easternmost of such two streams to King's Mill ; thence in a straight line to the easternmost part of King's Mill ; thence in a straight line to " Joe PuUen's Tree." New Woodstock. — The old borough of New^ Woodstock ; the several parishes of Bladon, Begbrook, Shipton-on-Cher- well, Hampton Gay, Tackley, Wootton, Stonesfield, Coombe, and Handborough; the parish of Kidlington, except the re- spective Hamlets of Gosford and Water Eaton; the hamlet of Old Woodstock and Blenheim Park. 29.— COUNTY OF SALOP. NORTHERN DIVISION. Shrewsbury. — From the point at which the River Severn is joined by a stream or watercourse which flows by the Dog Kennel, and under Bow Bridge, along the said stream or watercourse to the point at which the same reaches the road leading from Old Heath into the Chester Road ; thence aloiii^ the said road from Old Heath to the point at which the same joins the Chester Road; thence along the Chester Road to tlie point at which the same is met by a watercourse which runs round the Corporation Gardens and Round Hill, and joins the River Severn near the house called " The Flash ;" thence along the last-mentioned watercourse to the point at which the same reaches the old Baschurch Road ; thence along tlit old Baschurch Road to the point at which the same is met by a footpath leading along the wall of Flash House towards the River Severn; thence along the said footpath to the point at which the same meets again the last -mentioned watercourse : thence along the last-mentioned watercourse to the point ai which the same joins the River Severn ; thence along the River Severn to the point at which the same is met by the common boundary of the respective parishes of Saint Chad and Saint Julian; thence, eastward, along the boundary of tht parish of Saint Chad to the point at which the same reaches a lane or road which leads from the Montgomery Road into lands belonging to Mrs. Cartwright ; thence along such lane or road to the point at which the same joins the Montgomery Road; thence in a straight line to the point at which the stream from the Conduit Head joins the Radbrook Stream; thence along the Radbrook Stream to the point at which the 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 89 same reaches Kingsland Lane ; thence along Kingsland Lane to the point at which tlie same joins the Bishop's Castle Road; thence along the Bishop's Castle Road to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the parish of Saint Julian; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the parish of Saint Julian to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Holy Cross; thence, eastward, along the bound- ary of the parish of Holy Cross to the point first described. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Bridgenorth. — The old borough of Bridgenorth, and the several parishes of Quatford, Oldbury, Tasley, and Astley Abbotts. Ludlow. — From the point on the south of the town at which Dirty Brook joins the River Teme, north-eastward, along the boundary of the township of Ludford to that point thereof which is nearest to the south-western corner of the piece of land called " Rock Close ;" thence in a straight line to the said south-western corner ; thence along the western fence of Rock Close to the point at which the same cuts the road to the Sheet ; thence towards Ludlow along the road to the Sheet to the point at which the same is joined by a road leading by Gallows Bank into Rock Lane ; thence along the last-mentioned road to the point at which the same reaches Rock Lane ; thence along Rock Lane to the point at which the same is joined by a road to the Sandpits Turnpike; thence along the said road to the Sandpits Turnipike to the point at which the same is met by the eastern fence of the garden of the public house called the "Cross Keys;" thence in a straight line to the point at which Fishmore Brook would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last de- scribed to Stanton Lacy House; thence along the Fishmore Brook to the point at which the same joins the River Corve ; thence up the River Corve to the point at which the same meets the fence which separates the lands occupied by Mr. William Russell from the lands occupied by Mr. Henry Lloyd ; thence along the last-mentioned fence to the point at which the same meets the Shrewsbury Road ; thence along the fence which separates the two fields respectively called " The Lease Piece" and " Pike Field" to the point at which such fence meets the Burway Road; thence, northward, along the Burway Road to the point at which the same is met by the fence which separates the two fields respectively called " The 90 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Marshes" and " The Ox Pasture :" thence along the last-men- tioned fence to the point at which the same meets the River Teme ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the fence which divides the lands of the Honourable Robert Henry Clive from lands of the corporation of Ludlow, in the occupation of Mr. William Smith, meets the Prior Halton Road; thence towards Ludlow along the Prior Halton Road to the point at which the same is met by the fence which di- vides the lands of the corporation of Ludlow, occupied by the late Mr. Johnnes and Mr. George Anderson, from the lands of the said corporation occupied by the late Mr. Anthony Jones and Mr. Robert Meyrick ; thence along the last-men- tioned fence to the point at which the same meets the Brick House Road ; thence in a straight line to the eastern corner of WhiteclifF Coppice ; thence, southward, along the north- eastern fence of WhiteclifF Coppice to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Ludford; thence, southward, along the boundary of the township of Ludford to the point first described. Wenlock. — The old borough of Wenlock. 30.— COUNTY OF SOMERSET. EASTERN DIVISION. Bath. — The old city of Bath, the respective parishes of Bathwick and Lyncomb and Wyncomb, and also that part of the parish of Walcot which lies without the old city of Bath and adjoins the boundary of the old city of Bath. Bristol. — From the point on the north-east of the city at which the eastern boundary of the out-parish of Saint Paul meets the north-western boundary of the out-parish of St. Philip and Jacob, eastward, along the boundary of the parish of Saint Philip and Jacob to that point thereof which is nearest to the point at which the Wells Road leaves the Bath Road; thence in a straight line to the said point at which the Wells Road leaves the Bath Road ; thence along the Wells Road to the Knowle Turnpike Gate ; thence along the road which leads from the Knowle Turnpike Gate to Bedminster Church to the point at which the same is crossed by Bedminster Brook ; thence along Bedminster Brook to the point at which the same crosses the road from Locks Mill to Bedminster ; 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 91 thence along the last-mentioned road, passing the southern extremity of the village of Bedminster, to the point at which the same meets the brook at Marsh Pit ; thence along the last-mentioned brook to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Clifton; thence, northward, along the boundary of the parish of Clifton to the boundary stone marked (C. P) and (W P) 12), marking the north- eastern angle of the boundary of the parish of Clifton, and situate on Durdham Down, east of the Shirehampton Road ; thence in a straight line to the southernmost point at which the boundary of the tithing of Stoke Bishop meets Parry's Lane ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the tithing of Stoke Bishop to the point at which the same joins the bound- ary of the out-parish of St. Paul ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the out-parish of St. Paul to the point first described. Frome. — From Cottle's Oak Turnpike Gate, along Barton Lane, to the point at which the same meets Green Lane; thence along Green Lane to the point at which the same meets the lane to Hellicar's Grave ; thence along the lane to Helli- car's Grave to the southern extremity thereof; thence in a straight line through Plaguy House into Grove Lane ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the road from Tythe- rington is met by the Lane to Adderwell at a place called the Mount ; thence along the lane to Adderwell to the eastern extremity thereof near Bellows Hole ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Frome River would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last described to the house called " Mrs. White's" or "Southfield Farm House;" thence, northward, along Frome River to the point at which the same is joined by Rodden Lake Streamlet ; thence along Rodden Lake Streamlet to Rodden Bridge at the end of Rodden Lane ; thence along Rodden Lane to the point called Clink Cross- ways ; thence in a straight line to the Twelfth Mile Stone on the Bath Road; thence in a straight line to the north-eastern corner of Mr. Shepherd's Garden Wall ; thence in a straight line, through the house of Thomas Ball and Mrs. Sladc, to Frome River; thence along Frome River to the northern- most part of the buildings of the Dye House, late the pro- perty of Samuel Button ; thence in a straight line to the cen- tre of Kissing Batch Pond; thence in a straight line to Cottle's Oak Turnpike Gate. Wells. — From the point on the north-east of the city at F2 92 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. which the old city boundary meets Back Lane, along Back Lane to the point at which the same joins the Bath Poad; thence in a straight line across the Bath Road to the northern extremity of Drang Lane ; thence along Drang Lane, and along the footpath across Drang Meadow, to the point at which such footpath joins the road which leads to the turnpike on the Shepton Mallett Road; thence, westward, along the road so joined to the next city boundary stone; thence, southward, along the old city boundary to the point first described. WESTERN DIVISION. ■ Bridgewater. — From the easternmost point at which the boundary of Three Elm Field meets the River Parret, west- ward, along the boundary of Three Elm Field to the point at which the same meets Reed Moor Pill ; thence, westward, along Reed INIoor Pill to the point at which the same reaches the southern boundary of the two fields respectively called the " Pasture Ground;" thence in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the parish of Wembdon would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last described to the spire of Bridgewater Church; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Wembdon to the point at which the same meets the Cannington Road; thence, westward, along the Cannington Road to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the field called " Six Acres ;" thence, westward, along the boundary of the field called " Six Acres" to the point at which the same meets, near the Horse and Jockey Inn, the road from West Street; thence, westward, along the road from West Street to the point at which the same is met by the western boundary of Matthew's Field ; thence along the western boundary of Matthew's Field to the point at which the same meets the Town Mill Leat; thence along the Town Mill Leat to the point at which the same reaches the south-eastern corner of Alatthew's Field ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Hamp Brook meets Hamp Lane ; tlience along Hamp Lane to the point at which the same joins West Road ; thence along West Road to the point at which the same is joined by Row's Lane; thence along Row's Lane to the point at which the same meets the fence which incloses the grounds of the house called " Hamp," belonging to John Chapman, Esquire; thence, southward, along the last-men- tioned fence to the point at which the same meets a stream at Barland Lane Bridge ; thence along the said stream to the point at which the same falls into the River Parret at Barland 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 93 Clize ; thence, westward, along the River Parret to the point at which the same is joined by the boundary of the northern- most of the two contiguous fields respectively called " Five Acres;" thence, eastward, along the boundary of the last- mentioned field to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field called "Four Acres;" thence, north- ward, along the boundary of the field called " Four Acres" to the point at which the same meets the boundary of a field called *' Five Acres ;" thence, eastward, along the boundary of the last-mentioned field called " Five Acres " to the point at which the same meets the Weston Zoyland Road ; thence, eastward, along the Weston Zoyland Road to the point at which the same is met by an occupation road leading towards the North; thence along the said occupation road to the northern extremity thereof; thence along the fence which is the western boundary of the fields respectively called " Ten Acres," " Seven Acres," and " Five Acres," formerly belong- ing to Alexander Popham, Esquire, to the point at which such fence meets the fence of a field called" The Hundred Acres;" thence in a straight line to the southern extremity, close by a penfold, of the fence which divides the two fields respectively called " Part of the Hundred Acres;" thence, eastward, along the boundary of the easternmost of the two last-mentioned fields to the point at which such boundary meets the Bath Road ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the field called " Small Croft" to the point at which the same meets the Bristol Road ; thence, westward, along the boundary of Great Castle Field to the point at which the same meets the River Parret ; thence along the River Parret to the point first described. Taunton. — From the point on the north-west of the town at which Mill Lease Stream crosses Greenway Lane, along Greenway Lane to the point at which the same joins the Kingston Road ; thence along the Kingston Road to the point at which the same is joined by the Cheddon Road ; thence along the Cheddon Road to the point at which the same is joined by Priors Wood Lane ; thence along Priors Wood Lane to the point at which the same is met by the Obridge Stream ; thence along the Obridge Stream to the point at which the same falls into the River Tone ; thence, Southward, along the River Tone to the point at which the same is met by Mill Lane ; thence along Mill Lane to the point at which the same joins the Bridgewater Road ; thence along the Bridgewater Road to the point at which the same is joined 94. 2 & 3 WiLtiAM IV. Cap. 64. by Bath Pool Lane ; thence in a straight line to Stream Plat Bridge ; thence along the stream over which Stream Plat Bridge is built, through Holway Bridge, to the point at which the same stream meets the boundary of the parish of Wilton at Cuckoo Corner ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Wilton to the point at which the same meets Sherford Stream ; thence along Sherford Stream to the point at which the same meets Sherford Lane ; thence along Sherford Lane to the point at which the same joins the Honiton Road ; thence along the Honiton Road to the point at which the same is joined by Hoverland Lane ; thence along Hoverland Lane to the point at which the same meets Ganton Stream ; thence along Ganton Stream to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Wilton ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the parish of Wilton to the point at which the same meets the Bishops Hull Road ; thence, northward, along the Bishops Hull Road to the point at which the same is joined by Long Run Lane ; thence in a straight line to the Turnpike House on the Staplegrove Road ; thence along the Staplegrove Road to the point at which the same is crossed by Mill Lease Stream ; thence along Mill Lease Stream to the point first described. 31.— COUNTY OF STAFFORD. NORTHERN DIVISION. Newcastle-under-Lyme. — The old borough of New- castle-under-Lyme, and the portion of the parish of Stoke- upon-Trent which is surrounded partly by the boundary of the old borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme and partly by the boundary of the Township of Knutton. Staiford. — From the point at which the boundary of the old borough is cut by a straight line drawn from the windmill near the bridge on the Doxey Road to the stile at the southern end of the foothpath from the Newport Road into the Penkridge Road, along the said straight line to the point at which the same meets the Penkridge Road ; thence, south- ward, along the Penkridge Road to the point at which a stream of water running along the eastern side of that road turns eastward therefrom ; thence along the said stream to the point at which the same meets Spittal Brook ; thence along Spittal Brook to the point at which the same meets the River Sow ; thence along the River Sow to the point at which 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 95 the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point first described. Stoke-upon-Trent. — The several townships of PenkhuU with Boothen, Tunstall, Burslem, Hanley, Shetlon, Fenton Vivian, Lane End, Fenton Culvert, and Longton, the vill of Rushton Grange, and the hamlet of Sneyd. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Lichfield. — The county of the city of Lichfield, and the place called The Close, which is encompassed by the said county. Tamworth. — The parish of Tamworth. Walsall. — The parish of Walsall, except that detached part thereof which is surrounded by the respective parishes of Aldridge and Rushall, and the chapelry of Pelshall. Wolverhampton. — The several townships of Wolverhamp- ton, Bilston, Willenhall, and Wednesfield, and the parish of Sedgeley. 32. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. EASTERN DIVISION Ipswich. — The old borough of Ipswich. WESTERN DIVISION. Bury St. Edmund's. — The old borough of Bury St. Ed- mund's. Eye. — The several parishes of Eye, Hoxne, Denham, Redlingfield, Occold, Thorndon, Braisworth, Yaxley, Thran- diston, Broome, and Oakley. Sudbury. — The old borough of Sudbury, and the town- ship or hamlet of Ballingdon cum Brunden ; together with all or any extra-parochial places or place surrounded by the boundaries either of the old borough of Sudbury, or of the township or hamlet of Ballingdon cum Brunden. 96 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 33.— COUNTY OF SURREY. EASTERN DIVISION. Lambeth. — The Parish of Saint Mary Newington, the parish of Saint Giles Camberwell, except the manor and hamlet of Dulwich, and also such part of the parish of Lambeth as is situate to the north of the line herein-after described, including the extra-parochial space encompassed by such part : From the point at which the road from London to Dul- wich by Red Post Hill leaves the road from London over Heme Hill in a straight line to Saint Matthew's Church at Brixton ; thence in a straight line to a point in the boundary between the respective parishes of Lambeth and Clapham, one hundred and fifty yards south of the middle of the car- riageway along Acre Lane. Reigate. — The parish of Reigate. SouTHWARK. — The old borough of Southwark, including the Mint and manor of Suffolk ; the several parishes of Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, and Christ Church ; and the Clink liberty of the parish of Saint Saviour. WESTERN DIVISION. Guildford.— From the point on the north of the town at which a creek leading from Dapdune House joins the River Wey, in a straight line to the point at which the road called the New Road joins the Stoke Road ; thence along the New Road to the point at which the same joins the Kingston Road; thence along the Kingston Road to the point at which the same joins Cross Lane ; thence along Cross Lane to the point at which the same joins the Epsom Road; thence in a straight line to the point in Chalky Lane at which the boundary of Trinity Parish leaves the same ; thence along the southern boundary of Trinity Parish to the point at which such bound- ary enters Gaol Lane ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the River Wey turns abruptly to the north at a wharf close by the Horsham Road ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the path from Guildford across Bury Fields abuts on the Portsmouth Road ; thence in a straight line to the south-western corner of Cradle Field ; thence along the western hedge of Cradle Field to the point at which 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. G4. 97 the same cuts the old Farnham Road ; thence in a straight line towards Worplesdon Semaphore to the point at which such line cuts the new Farnham Road ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. 34.-COUNTY OF SUSSEX. EASTERN DIVISION. Brighthelmstone. — The respective parishes of Bright- helmstone and Hove. Hastings. — The town and port of Hastings and its liber- ties, including that detached part of the parish of Saint Leonard which lies near the town of Winchelsea, and includ- ing also the liberty of the Sluice, but excluding all such other parts of the old borough of Hastings as are detached from the main body thereof. Lewes. — From the Town Mill on the north-western side of the town in a straight line to the Smock Windmill, which is the most southerly of the two windmills called " The King- stone Mills;" thence in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the parish of Southover crosses the Cock- shut Stream ; thence along the Cockshut Stream to the point at which the same joins the River Ouse ; thence along the River Ouse to the point at which the same would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last described to the point on the Eastern Cliff known as the site of an old windmill ; thence in a straight line to the said point on tlie Eastern Cliff; thence in a straight line to the windmill called " Mailing Mill ;" thence in a straight line to the point at which the stream which turns the paper mill falls into the River Ouse ; thence in a straight line to the Town Mill. Rye. — The ancient towns of Rye and Winchelsea, tlie several parishes of Rye, Peasemarsh, Iden, Playden, Win- chelsea, East Guildford, Icklesham, and Udimer, and also that part of the parish of Brede which lies between the parishes of Udimer and Icklesham. WESTERN DIVISION. Arundel. — The parish of Arundel. F5 98 2 & 3 William IV, Cap. 64. Chichester. — From the eastern extremity of the boundary of the old city liberty at St. James's Post, northward, along the said boundary to the point at which the same meets the old Broill Road : thence in a straight line to the westernmost point at which the boundary of the parish of Saint Peter the Great meets the boundary of the parish of Saint Bartholomew ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Saint Bartholomew to the point at which the same crosses the new road to Fishbourn ; thence in a straight line to the turnpike gate on the Stockbridge Road ; thence in a straight line to the canal bridge adjoining the basin ; thence in a straight line to the southern extremity of Snag Lane ; thence in a straight line to the southern extremity of Cherry Orchard Lane ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Rumbolds- week Road meets the Oving Road ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. Horsham. — The parish of Horsham. MiDHURST. — The several parishes of Midhurst, Ease- bourn, Heyshot, Chithurst, GrafFham, Didling, and Cocking ; and the tithing of South Ambersham in the parish of Steep ; that part of the parish of Bignor which is surrounded by the parish of Easebourn ; those parts of the several parishes of Wool Lavington, Bepton, and Woolbeding which adjoin the parish of Midhurst ; that part of the parish of Lynch which adjoins the said part of the parish of Bepton ; and also that part of the parish of Lynch in which Woodman's Green is situate ; all such parts of the respective parishes of Stedham and Iping as are not situated to the north of the cross road which runs from Woodman's Green, between North End Farm and Hobbert's Farm, to Milland Marsh ; the parish of Trotton, except that part thereof which lies to the north of the cross road from Vining Common to Home Hill and Cobed Hall called Lonebeech Lane ; and all such parts of the re- spective parishes of Sellham and Lodsworth, and of the tithing of North Ambersham, as are not situated to the north of the brook which runs from Cook's Bridge on the London Road to Lickfold Bridge. 2 & 3 William IV, Cap. 64. 99 35.— COUNTY OF WARWICK. NORTHERN DIVISION. Birmingham. — The respective parishes of Birmingham and Edgebaston, and the several townships of Bordesley, Duddeston and Nechels, and Deritend. Coventry. — The city of Coventry and the suburbs thereof SOUTHERN DIVISION. Warwick. — The old borough of Warwick. 36.— COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. Kendal. — The respective townships of Kendal and Kirk- land, and all such parts of the townsliip of Nether Graveship as adjoin the township of Kendal. 37.— ISLE OF WIGHT. Newport. — From the point on the south of the town at which the footpath to Shide joins the Niton Road at Trattles Butt, in a straight line to the house in the parishes of Caris- brooke which belongs to Joshua Spickernell, and is now in the occupation of Mrs. Stanborough ; thence in a straight line across the Gatcombe Road to the house which belongs to James Barlow Hoy, Esquire, and is now in the occupation of James Dennett ; thence in a straight line in the direction of West Mill to the point at which such straight line cuts the Lukeley or Carisbrook Stream ; thence, northward, along the Lukeley or Carisbrook Stream to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, north- ward, along the boundary of the old borough to Pan Bridge : thence in a straight line to the point at which the footpath to Shide meets Church Litton Lane ; thence along the said foot- path to the point first described. 38.— COUNTY OF WILTS. NORTHERN DIVISION. Calne. — The parish of Calne, and also those parts of the respective parishes of Blackland and Calstone Willington 100 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. which are surrounded by the parish of Calne, including all such parts, if any, of the old borough of Calne as are without the parish of Calne. Chippenham. — The several parishes of Chippenham, Har- denhuish, and Langley Burrell, and the extra-parochial space called Pewisham. Devizes. — The borough of Devizes, including the respec- tive parishes of St. John the Baptist and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also so much of the chapelry of St. James and of the parish of Rowde as lies between the boundary of the old borough and the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From the point at which the boundary of the parish of St. John the Baptist would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the Dairy Farm House on the Chippenham Road called Ox House, to the Round Tower of the new County Bride- well, in a straight line to Ox House ; thence in a straight line to a house occupied by Mr. Mayo, called Brow Cottage ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the towing path of the Kennet Canal meets Dye House Lane ; thence, east- ward, along the Kennet Canal to the point at which the same turns northward near London Bridge ; thence in a straight line drawn due east to a point one hundred yards distant ; thence in a straight line to Mr. Gundry's house on the Salisbury Road ; thence in a straight line to a house called Southgate, occupied by Mr. Slade ; thence in a straight line to the southernmost point at which Gallows Acre Lane is met by the boundary of the parish of St. Jolm the Baptist. Malmsbury. — The old borough of Malmsbury, the re- spective out-parishes of St. Paul Malmsbury and St. Mary Westport, and the several parishes of Brokenborough, Charl- ton, Garsdon, Lea, Great Somerford, Little Somerford, Foxley, and Bremhilham. Marlborough. — The old borough of Marlborough and the parish of Preshute. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Salisbury. — From the south-western extremity of the wall of the Poorhouse at Fisherton Anger, in a straight line to a point in the Wilton Road which is three hundred and 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 101 thirty yards distant from the point at which the Wilton Road joins the Devizes Road ; thence in a straight line to a point in the Devizes Road which is six hundred and forty yards distant from the point at which the Wilton Road joins the Devizes Road ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Stratford Road joins the Marlborough Road ; thence in a straight line to the point called Whipping Cross Tree ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the road from Salis- bury to Laverstock joins the road from Salisbury to Claren- don ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the eastern boundary of the city meets the River Avon ; thence along the River Avon to the point at which the same joins the River Nadder ; thence along the River Nadder to the point first described. Westbury. — The parish of Westbury. Wilton. — The several parishes of Wilton, Fugglestone, Stratford-under-the-Castle, Great Durnford, Woodford, South Newton, Wishford, Barford, Burcombe, Netherhampton, West Harnham, and Britford ; such part of the parish of Fisherton Anger as will not by the provisions of this Act be included within the boundary of the city of Salisbury ; and also all such parts of the several parishes of Bishopston, Toney Stratford, Combe Bisset, and Humington, as are situated to the north of a straight line to be drawn from Odstock Church to the point on Combe Hill at which a fence dividing the Down from the cultivated land meets the old road from Salisbury to Blandford, and thence through the centre of the clump of trees called Fallstone Middle Nursery to the western boundary of the parishes of Bishopston ; toge- ther with all such part of the extra-parochial place called Grovely Wood as is situate to the east of a straight line to be drawn from the point at which the western boundary of the parish of Wishford meets the northern boundary of Grovely Wood, to the point at which the western boundary of the parish of Barford meets the southern boundary of Grovely Wood. 39.— COUNTY OF WORCESTER. EASTERN DIVISION. Droitwich. — The old borough of Droitwich ; the several parishes of Dodderhill, Hampton Lovett, Doverdale, Sal warp, 102 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Martin Hussingtree, Oddingley, Hadsor, Hindlip, Himble- ton, and Elmbridge; the Moreway-end Division and the Broughton Division of the parish of Hanbury ; the extra- parochial places called Crutch and Westwood Park ; together with the two parts of the respective parishes of Claines and Warndon which are surrounded by the respective parishes of Hindlip and Martin Hussingtree ; and also the extra- parochial place called Shell, and the detached part of the parish of Inkberrow, which are respectively contained between the parish of Himbleton and the Broughton Division of the parish of Hanbury. Dudley. — The parish of Dudley. Evesham.-— The old borough of Evesham. WESTERN DIVISION. Bewdley. — The parish of Ribbesford, and the several hamlets of Wribbenhall, Hoarstone, Blackstone, Netherton, and Lower Mitton with Lickhill. Kidderminster. — From the point at or near Proud Cross at which the boundary of the old borough meets the Broom- field Road, along the boundary of the old borough, to the point at which the Abberley Road meets the Black Brook ; thence, westward, along the Abberley Road to the first point at which the same is met by a hedge running due south there- from ; thence along the said hedge to its southern extre- mity near a stone quarry ; thence in a straight line to the said stone quarry ; thence in a straight line to the first mile stone on the Bewdley Road ; thence, westward, along the Bewdley Road to the point at which the same is joined by a footpath leading to the Stourport Road ; thence along the said footpath to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the same meets the south-eastern fence of a wood called " The Copse," situated on the eastern bank of the River Stour ; thence along the said fence to the point at which the same meets Hoo Lane ; thence across Hoo Lane, over a stile called " Gallows Stile," along a footpath leading from the said stile to the lane from Hoo Brook to Comberton Hill, to the point at which the last mentioned footpath meets the lane from Hoo Brook to Comberton Hill ; thence, northward, 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 103 along the lane from Hoo-Brook to Comberton Hill to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point first described. Worcester. — From the Liberty Post on the Tewkesbury Road, southward, along the Tewkesbury Road, to the point beyond the turnpike at which the same road is met by Duck Brook ; thence along Duck Brook to the point at which the same crosses the London Road ; thence in a straight line to the western extremity of the road which leads out of the London Road to Lark Hill ; thence along the said road to Lark Hill to the eastern extremity thereof; thence along a footpath leading to the New Town Road to the point at which the same reaches the New Town Road ; thence, westward, along the New Town Road to the point at which the same is crossed by the footpath leading from the House of Industry to the Porte Fields Road ; thence along the last-mentioned footpath to the point at which the same joins the Porte Fields Road ; thence along a footpath which leads from the Porte Fields Road, past Rainbow Villa, into the Astwood Road, to the point at which such footpath joins the Astwood Road; thence along a road which leads from the Astwood Road to theWhey Tavern to the point at which such road crosses the Worcester and Birmingham Canal ; thence along the Worcester and Bir- mingham Canal to the bridge which is nearest to Gregory's Mill ; thence along the road leading from the said bridge to the Birmingham Road to the point at which the same is crossed by the Barborne Brook ; thence along the Barborne Brook to the point at which the same falls into the River Severn ; thence along the River Severn to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the parish of St. Clement; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of St. Clement to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of St. John ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the township of St. John to the point at which the same meets the Hereford Road ; thence along the Hereford Road to the point at which the same is met by Powick Lane, leading to Powick Bridge ; thence, southward, along Powick Lane to the point at which the same terminates in a footpath ; thence in a straight line to the point at which Cut Throat Lane is met by a footpath leading from Boughton Fields to the Malvern Road ; thence along the last-mentioned footpath to the point at which the same joins the Malvern Road; thence, northward, along the Malvern Road to the 104 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of St. John ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the township of St. John to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of St. Clement ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the parish of St. Clement to the point at which the same meets the River Severn ; thence, south- ward, along the River Severn to the point at which the same is met by the old city boundary ; thence, southward, along the old city boundary to the Liberty Post aforesaid. 40.— COUNTY OF YORK. NORTH RIDING. Malton. — The respective parishes of St. Leonard and St. Michael, New Malton, the parish of Old Malton, and the parish of Norton. Northallerton. — The respective townships of Northal- lerton and Romanby, and the chapelry of Brompton. Richmond. — The respective parishes of Richmond and Easby. Scarborough, — The parish of Scarborough, together with the Extra-parochial Precinct of Scarborough Castle. Thirsk. — The several townships of Thirsk, Sowerby, Carlton Miniott, Sand Hutton, Bagby, and South Kilvington. Whitby. — The several townships of Whitby, Ruswarp, and Hawsker-cum-Stainsacre. York. — From the ancient barn on the Easingwold Road, two hundred yards beyond the first mile stone on that road, in a straight line to the Lady or Clifton Mill ; thence in a straight line to the Pepper or Stray Mill ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Stockton Road would be cut by a straight line to be drawn thereto from the Pepper or Stray Mill through the New Manor House ; thence along the Stockton Road to the point at which the same is joined by a lane leading from the eastern extremity of the village of Heworth towards the north ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Tang Hall Beck would be cut by a 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64, 105 straight line to be drawn from the point last described to Heslington Mill ; thence along Tang Hall Beck to the point at which the same crosses the boundary of the county of the City of York ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the county of the City of York to the point at which the same would be cut by a straight line to be drawn thereto from the south-eastern corner of the barracks through Lamel Mill ; thence in a straight line to the south-eastern corner of the barracks ; thence along the southern wall of the barracks to the point at which the same cuts the Selby Road ; thence along the Selby Road to the point at which the same is joined by Fulford Church Lane ; thence along the northern hedge of Fulford Church Lane to the point at wliich the same ceases to be continuous, close by a farm building belonging to Mr. Ellis ; thence in a straight line, in the direction of the said hedge, to the River Ouse ; thence along the River Ouse to the southernmost point at which the same is met by the boundary of the City Liberty ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the City Liberty to the point at which the same again meets the River Ouse ; thence along the River Ouse to the point at which the same would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the barn first described to Acomb Church ; thence in a straight line to the barn first described. EAST RIDING. Beverley. — The several parishes of St. Mary, St. Martin, and St. Nicholas, and also such part of the parish of St. John as is comprised within the liberties of Beverley. Kingston upon Hull. — The several parishes of St. Mary, the Holy Trinity, Sculcoates, and Drypool ; together with the extra-parochial space called Garrisonside, and all other extra-parochial places, if any, which are surrounded by the boundaries of the said parishes of St. Mary, the Holy Trinity, Sculcoates, and Drypool, or any or either of them ; and also all such part of the parish of Sutton as is situated to the south of a straight line to be drawn from Sculcoates Church to the point at which the Sutton Drain meets the Summergangs Drain. WEST RIDING. Bradford. — The several townships of Bradford and Manningham and Bowling, and the township of Horton, including the hamlets of Great and Little Horton. 106 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Halifax. — From the point on the north of the town at which the respective boundaries of the several townships of Hahfax, North Owram, and Ovenden meet, westward, along the boundary of the township of Halifax, to the point at which the same meets the road leading from a house called Shay to Bank Top ; thence along the said road from Shay to Bank Top to the point at which the same meets the road leading from South Owram to North Owram ; thence along the said road from South Owram to North Owram to God Lane Bridge ; thence in a straight line to the south-eastern corner of New Town on the Bradford Road ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. HuDDERSFiELD. — The township of Huddersfield. Knaresborough. — The boundary described in the second section of an Act passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign ot His late Majesty King George the Fourth, and intituled " An Act for paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, and " improving the town of Knaresborough in the west riding " of the county of York, and that part of the township of " Scriven-with-Tentergate which adjoins the said town, and " is called Tentergate." Leeds. — The parish of Leeds. PoNTEFRACT. — The old borough and township of Ponte- fract, and the extra-parochial space called the Pontefract Park District, the Castle Precincts, and also the several townships of Tanshelf, MonkhUl, Knottingley, Ferrybridge, and Carleton. RipON. — The township of Ripon ; and also such part of the township of Aismunderby-cum-Bondgate as is situate to the north of the point on the south of the town of Ripon at which the Ripley Road meets the Littlethorpe Road, and which is the southern extremety of the nearly disjointed portion of the township of Aismunderby-cum-Bondgate. Sheffield. — The parish of Sheffield. Wakefield. — From the southernmost point at which the boundary of the township of Wakefield leaves the River Calder, along the boundary of the township of Wakefield, to the point at which the same is intersected by a hedge running 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 107 nearly north close by the western side of Park Gate Farm ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the footpath leading to St. Swithin's Well joins the footpath from East Moor to Old Park ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the Stanley Road would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last described to the cupola of the Lunatic Asylum ; thence along the Stanley Road to the point at which the same is met by the East Moor Road ; thence along the East Moor Road to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Wakefield ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the township of Wakefield to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the de- tached portion of the township of Alverthorp which lies north of the township of Wakefield ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the said detached portion of the township of Alverthorp to the point at which the same joins again the boundary of the township of Wakefield ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the township of Wakefield to the point at which the same meets Balne Lane ; thence along Balne Lane to the point at which the same is met by Humble Jumble Lane ; thence along Humble Jumble Lane to the point at which the same meets the footpath to Flanshaw Lane ; thence along the footpath to Flanshaw Lane to the point at which the same meets Smithson's Railroad ; thence along Smithson's Railroad to the point at which the same meets the Dewsbury Road ; thence along the Dewsbury Road to the point at which the same meets the new or occupation road which unites the Dewsbury and Horbury Roads ; thence along the said New Road to the point at which the same meets the Park Wall of Thome's House ; thence, northward, along the said wall to the point at which the same meets the Road from Thome's to Horbury ; thence along the road from Thome's to Horbury to the point at which the same meets the stream called " The Gilsike ;" thence along the said stream to the point at which the same falls into the River Calder ; thence along the River Calder to the point first described. t08 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. WALES. 41.— COUNTY OF ANGLESEA. BEAUMARIS DISTRICT. Amlwch. — From the point on the north-east of the town at which Rhyd Talog brook falls into the sea at Forth Aber Cawell, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Almwch to the point called Croes Eilian ; thence along the Plas Dulas Road to the point called Penllaethdy Mawr; thence along the road leading to Pentre Felin, across the Llanerchy-y-medd Road, to the point called Pentre Felin Adda Cross Roads; thence along a road towards Pary's Farm to the point at which the same is met by the first bye road on the right leading to Bod-gadfa Farm ; thence along the said bye road, passing Bod-gadfa Farm, to the point at which the same bye road is crossed (between Bod-gadfa Farm and a Cottage called Yr-hen Odyn) by the Lastre Brook ; thence along the Lastre Brook, crossing the Holyhead Road, to the point at which the same brook falls into the river called Afon Park Llechog ; thence along the Afon Park Llechog to a Ford in the Cemmaes Road called Rhyd-carreg-cath ; thence along the Cemmaes Road to the Cottage called Bryn-y-Cyll, at which the same road is met by the church pathway ; thence along the church pathway to the stile over a brook which divides the land of the Marquis of Anglesea from the Coed Helen and Lysdulas property, and which stile is close by a spring called Ffynnon Casyris ; thence along the last-mentioned brook to the point at which the same is met by a boundary fence (a few yards north of a cottage called Cae-bach) running in the direction of Mona Mill ; thence along the said fence to the point at which the same cuts the Forth Llechog Road ; thence, towards Amlwch, along the Forth Llechog Road to the point at which the same is met by the Ffynnon-y-Garreg-fawr Pathway ; thence along the Ffynnon-y-Garreg-fawr pathway to the spring called Ffynnon-y-Garreg-fawr ; thence along the stream which proceeds from the said spring to the point at which the same stream falls into the sea ; thence along the sea to the point first described. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 109 Beaumaris. — The old borough of Beaumaris. Holyhead. — From that" part of the common called " The TovvjTi," on the southeast of the town, which is nearest to Holyhead Common, along the road leading to Penrhos which adjoins the Tbwyn, (and is to the east of a cottage called " Pen-Towyn," occupied by John Davis,) to the point at which the said road to Penrhos is met by another road leading to a piece of waste land called " The Cyttir ;" thence along the said road to the Cyttir to the point at which the same meets the road which leads across the Cyttir ; thence along the said road across the Cyttir to the point at which the same meets the old Post Road to Bangor ; thence along the old Post Road to Bangor to Pentraeth ; thence along the road which leads from Pentraeth in a westeily direction, and south of the new brewery, to the point at which the same joins another road ; thence, northward, along the road so joined to the point at which the same meets the Penrhos foila Road ; thence along the Penrhos foila road to the point at which the same meets the road which leads by the Ucheldre Windmill to the South Stack ; thence along the said road to the South Stack, including the messuage, with the offices and garden thereunto belonging, now in the occupation of Captain Colin Jones, to the westernmost point (near a cottage called " Cerrig-y-Uoi") at which the same is crossed by a stream running from the Holyhead Mountain ; thence along the said stream to the point at which the same falls into the sea ; thence along the sea coast to that point thereof which is nearest to the point first described ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. Llangefni. — From the point at which the boundary wall between the property of Admiral Lloyd and the property of Owen Williams, Esquire, meets the old Bangor Road, east of a cottage called Min'flTord, along the said boundary wall to the point at which the same reaches a spring and a footpath called Llwybyr Tregarnedd-bach ; thence along a hedge which, running from the said spring and footpath, forms a continuation of the line of the said boimdary wall, and runs through the land of John Hampton Lewis, Esquire, to the point at which such hedge meets the River Cefni ; thence, southward, along the River Cefni to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the parish of Llangefni ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Llangefni to the point at which the same meets the bye road 110 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. called Llidiart-y-Pandy ; thence along the said bye road Llidiart-y-Pandy to the spot called Croes-lon-pen-y-Nant ; thence, southward, along the market road to the point at which the same joins the Rhos-y-meirch road ; thence along the Rhos-y-meirch road to the first point at which the same is cut (beyond the road leading to Clai) by hedges running from each side of the road at right angles ; thence along the hedge which runs from the last-mentioned point towards Pencraig to the point at which the same reaches an old quarry ; thence along a hedge which proceeds from the said old quarry, and forms a continuation of the hedge last described, passing Tyn-y-coed Farm, to the point at which the same hedge cuts the Llanddyfnan Road ; thence along the Llanddyfnan Road, towards Llanddyfnan, to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the Pencraig-fawr Farm ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the Pen- craig-fawr Farm to the point at which the same meets the old Bangor Road ; thence along the old Bangor Road to the point first described. 42.— COUNTY OF BRECON. Brecon. — The old borough of Brecon, and the extra- parochial districts of the castle and Christ's College. 43.— COUNTY OF CAERMARTHEN. CAERMARTHEN DISTRICT. Caermarthen. — The old borough of Caermarthen. Llanelly. — From the point in Wern-y-Goosy Meadow on the north-west of the town at which the old course of the stream, which is the old borough boundary, makes a sharp turn, in a straight line to the southern extremity of the western fence of Cae Mawr Issa Field ; thence, northward, along the fence of the Cae Mawr Issa Field to the point at which the same meets the wall which is the western boundary of Furnace Garden ; thence along the said wall to the point at which the same meets Pen-y-Fai Lane ; thence along Pen-y-Fai Lane to the point at which the same meets the Caermarthen Road ; thence in a straight line to the north- 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Ill western corner of the garden of Cae Mawr Cottage, lately burnt down ; thence along the fence which divides the garden of Cae Mawr Cottage and the field Cae Isha from the field Cae-ycha to the point at which the same meets the fence which divides the field Cae-ycha from the field Cae-bank ; thence along the last-mentioned fence to the northern corner of the field Cae-bank ; thence in a straight line through the southern extremity of the north-eastern boundary of the field Cae-bank, across the tram-road, to the old borough boundary ; thence, eastward, along the old borough boundary to the point first described. 44.— COUNTY OF CARDIGAN. CARDIGAN DISTRICT. Aberystwith. — From the outermost point of the rock Graig-lias on the sea coast visible from the point described, in a straight line to the northern extremity of the stone wall which divides the land called Pant-y-gyrn from the land called Fron ; thence along the said wall to the point at which the same meets the wall which divides the land Pant-y-gyrn from the land Fron-uchaf; thence, eastward, along the boundary of Fron-uchaf to the turnstile at the south-eastern corner thereof; thence in a straight line to the mill in the Tanyard near the road leading to Llanbadarn-fawr ; thence in a straight line to the wooden dam just above Plas-greig ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the old borough to the sea coast ; thence along the sea coast to the point first described. Adpar. — The old borough of Adpar and the hamlet of Emlyn in the parish of Cennarth. Cardigan. — The old borough of Cardigan, and also Bridgend Hamlet and Abbey Hamlet in the parish of Saint Dogmel in the county of Pembroke. Lampeter. — From the point on the Creithin Brook at which the northern boundary of the Glebe meets the boundary of the old borough, along the northern boundary of the Glebe to the point at which the same meets again the boundary of the old borough ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point first described. 112 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 45.— COUNTY OF CARNARVON. CARNARVON DISTRICT. Bangor. — From the point on the north-east of the town at which the road from the park wall of Penrhyn Castle to the Menai Straits joins the Menai Straits at the high-water mark, along the said road to the point at which the same meets the said park wall ; thence, westward, along the said park wall to the entrance gate to Lime Grove ; thence in a straight line across the road to the nearest point in the boundary wall immediately opposite, which bounds a field belonging to Lime Grove ; thence along the said boundary wall to the point at which the River Cegin enters the grounds of Pennant, Esquire ; thence along the River Cegin to the bridge across the Shrewsbury Road ; thence in a straight line to a square brick seat or monument situate on a knoll in a field called Cae Pant ; thence in a straight line to the nearest point of the road to Felin Esgob ; thence in a straight line to the nearest point of the road to Brynniau ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the road from Bangor to the Menai Bridge leaves the road from Bangor to Carnarvon ; thence along the said road to the Menai Bridge, in the direction of such bridge, to the gate on the right hand side which opens into an occupation road leading to Penrallt; thence in a straight line to the point at which the low-water mark in the straights of Menai would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the gate last described to the windmil called Llandegfan Mill, which is on the opposite side of the Straits ; thence along the said low-water mark to the point thereof which is nearest to the point first described ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. Carnarvon. — The old borough of Carnarvon. Conway. — The old borough of Conway. Cricceith — The old old borough of Cricceith. Nevin . — The old borough of Nevin. Pwllheli. — From the south-western extremity of the boundary of the old borough on the sea coast, along the boundary of the old borough (leaving the sea coast) to the point at which the same is met by a small stream called 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 113 "Afongoegen ;" thence along the said stream to the bridge called *' Sarn, or Pont-penmaen ;" thence along the southern branch of the said stream to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the same meets a road leading from Deneio Church into the Carnarvon Road ; thence along the said road from Deneio Church to the point at which the same is cut by the fence of a field called " Cae Fynnow," in the occupation of Hugh Williams of Bryn Crin ; thence along the last mentioned fence to the point at which the same cuts an occupation road leading from Bryn Crin farmhouse into the Carnarvon Road ; thence along the said occupation road to the point at which the same joins the Carnarvon Road ; thence, northward, along the Carnarvon road to the point at which the same is met by a road on the right leading to Abereirch ; thence along the said road to Abereirch to the point at which the same meets a road leading from Pwllheli to Tremadoc ; thence in a straight line to the sea, at the nearest point : thence, westward, along the sea coast to the point first described. 46.— COUNTY OF DENBIGH. DENBIGH DISTRICT. Denbigh. — The old borough of Denbigh. Holt. — The old borough of Holt. Ruthin. — The old borough of Ruthin. Wrexham. — The respective townships of Wrexham Abbot and Wrexham Regis ; and also such part of the township of Esclusam-below as is surrounded by the townships of Wrex- ham Abbot and Wrexham Regis, or one of them. 47.— COUNTY OF FLINT. FLINT DISTRICT. St. Asaph. — From the point on the north-west of the town at which the boundary of the township of Talar meets the River Elwy, westward, along the boundary of the township of G 114 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. Talar, to the Green Gate Bridge over the brook Nant-y- franol ; thence along the brook Nant-y-franol to the point at which the same meets the Holyhead Road ; thence, east- ward, along the Holyhead Road to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the township of Talar : thence eastward, along the boundary of the township of Talar to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Bryn Polin ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the township of Bryn Polin to the point at which the same meets the Upper Denbigh Road; thence, northward, along the Upper Denbigh Road to the point at which the same is met by a road or lane leading to Ysguborgoed ; thence along such road or lane leading to Ysguborgoed to the point at which the same meets the River Clvvyd ; thence along the River Clwyd to the point at which the same is met by the southern boundary of the township of Cyrchynan ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. Caergwyle. — The old borough of Caergwyle. Caerwys. — The old borough of Caerwys. Flint. — The old borough of Flint. Holywell. — From the boundary stone on the hill Pen-y- bryn, and on the western side of the hedge (which is between the cottage occupied by William Williams and the south- eastern corner of the plantation of Richard Sankey, Esquire), in a straight line to the boundary stone of the township of Holywell which is on the eastern side of the St. Asaph Road ; thence in a straight line to a bridge (in the lane leading to and past Greenfield Hall) over a watercourse running into the River Dee ; thence, eastward, along the said watercourse to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Greenfield ; thence, southward, along the bound- ary of the township of Greenfield to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the township of Holywell ; thence along the eastern and southern or exterior boundary of the township of Holywell to the boundary stone first de- .scribed. Mold. — The township of Mold. Overton. — The old borough of Overton. Khuddlan. — The old borough of Rhuddlan. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 115 48.— COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. Merthyr Tydvil. — From the point on the north of Merthyr Tydvil at which the northern boundary of the hamlet of Gellydeg meets the river called the Great TafF, northward, along the Great TafF, to the point at which the same is cut by the southern fence of Cilsanos Common ; thence, eastward, along the fence of Cilsanos Common to the point at which the same cuts the Brecon Road ; thence, southward, along the Brecon Road to the point at which the same meets the Vainor Road ; thence, eastward, along the Vainor Road to the point at which the same meets a bye road leading to Cefn-coed-y-Cwymner ; thence in a sti-aight line to the point at which the Little TafF would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last described to the southern mouth of a culvert on the eastern side of the Little TafF; thence, up the Little TafF, along the boundary of the parish of Merthyr Tydvil to the point at which the Cwm Bargoed stream is joined by a little brook from the Coli ravine ; thence in a straight line to the north-eastern corner of the stone fence of Pen-dwy-cae Vawr Farm ; thence along the road which passes Pen-dwy-cae Vawr Farmhouse to the point at which the same meets the mountain track from Dowlais to Quaker's Yard ; thence, southward, along the said track, between the farms of Pen-dwy-cae Vach and Pen- dwy-cae Vawr, to the point at which such track meets a road running nearly due west, by a stone quarry, to Pen-y- rhw Gymra Cottage ; thence along the last-mentioned road to the point at which the same reaches the southern side of Pen-y-rhw Gymra Cottage ; thence in a straight Ime to the point at which the southern boundary of Troed-y-rhw Farm meets the Cardiff Road ; thence along the southern boundary of Troed-y-rhw Farm to the point at which the same meets the Great TafF; thence in a straight line to the bridge over the CardifF Canal called Pont-y-nant Maen ; thence, north- ward, along the CardifF Canal to the point at which the same is intersected by the Cwmdu Brook ; thence along the Cwmdu Brook to its source ; thence in a straight line drawn due west to the boundary of the parish of Aberdare ; thence, south- ward, along the boundary of the parish of Aberdare to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the hamlet of Gellydeg ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the hamlet of Gellydeg to the point first described. G2 ] 16 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. CARDIFF DISTRICT. Cardiff. — The old borough of Cardiff; and so much, if any, of either or both of the respective parishes of St. John and St. Mary as lies without the old borough. CowBRiDGE.— The old borough of Cowbridge. Llantrissent. — The old borough of Llantrissent. SWANSEA DISTRICT. Aberavon. — From the point on the south of the town at which the River Avon lalls into the sea, northward, along the eastern boundary of the hamlet of Havod-y-Porth, to that point in a stone fence which is immediately opposite a small round pool ; thence along the said stone fence to the point at which the same meets a lane or path leading to a small cottage ; thence along such lane or path to the ford across a brook immediately opposite Margam Chapel ; thence along the road to Dyffrynucha to the point at which the same meets the railroad from the Tai-bach copper works to Michalston ; thence, northward, along the said railroad to the point at which the same crosses a small stream running into the River Avon ; thence along the said stream to the point at which the same falls into the River Avon ; thence in a straight line to the point at which a stream which runs through the Cwm Bychan ravine falls into the River Avon ; thence along the last-mentioned stream to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Baglan ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the parish of Baglan to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of Aberavon ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of Aberavon to the point at which the boundary of the old borough leaves the same ; thence along the boundary of tlie old borough to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the hamlet of Havod-y-Porth ; thence, south- ward, along the boundary of the hamlet of Havod-y-Porth to the point first described. Kenfig. — The old borough of Kenfig. Loughor. — The old borough of Loughor. Neath. — From the point lowest down the River Neath at which the boundary of the old borough leaves the River 4 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 117 Neath, along the boundary of the old borough, leaving the River Neath, to the point at which Caerfwell Ditch joins the River Neath ; thence along Caerfwell Ditch to the point at which the same meets the lane called Heol-morfa ; thence along the lane Heol-morfa to the point at which the same joins the high road to Merthyr ; thence along the high road to Merthyr to the point at which the road to Pontardawey leaves the same ; thence along the road to Pontardawey to the point at which the same is joined by a lane called Rheol- y-glovv ; thence along the lane Rheol-y-glow to the point at which the same meets a brook ; thence along such brook to the point at which the same meets Rheol-wern-fraith Lane ; thence along Rheol-wern-fraith Lane to the point at which the same is cut by a fence forming the north-western boun- dary of Cae-canddaw Field ; thence along the last-mentioned fence to the point at which the same meets the brook running to Nantlyros ; thence along the brook rvmning to Nantlyros to the point at which the same joins the canal ; thence along the canal to the point at which the same crosses the stream Clydach ; thence along the stream Clydach to the point at which the same joins the River Neath ; thence along the River Neath to the point first described. Swansea. — From the point at which the northern boun- dary of the parish of St John is crossed by the road to Llan- gefelach Church, northward, along the road to Llangefelach Church, to the point at which the same is joined by a lane called Rheol-y-cnap ; thence along the lane Rheol-y-cnap, and along a lane which is a continuation thereof, and which joins the turnpike road to Neath opposite the Llandwr Engine, to the point at which such last-mentioned lane joins the turnpike road to Neath ; thence, northward, along the turnpike road to Neath to the point at which the same is joined, between the Duke's Arms public house and a black- smith's shop, by a road leading towards Clds Mont Farm ; thence along the last-mentioned road to the point at which the same is met, opposite the lane from Pen-Ian commonly called Pen-Ian Road, by a track leading to a well head ; thence along the said track to the point at which the same reaches the said well head ; thence along the stream which flows from the said well head to the point at which the said stream falls into the stream called Nant Velin ; thence along the stream Nant Velin to the point at which the same crosses the road which leads from Morriston into the road from Llangefelach Church to the bridge over the River Tawey ; G 3 118 2 8c 3 William IV. Cap. 64. thence along the said road from Morriston to the point at which the same joins the road from Llangefelach Church to the brido-e over the River Tawey ; thence along the last-men- tioned road to the point at which the same reaches the said bridge over the River Tawey ; thence, eastward, along the turnpike road to Neath to the point at which the same is met near the Star public house by a lane which leads from the southern extremity of the parish of Llansamlet, over Cilfay Hill and by Bon-y-maen, to Llansamlet Church; thence along the last-mentioned lane to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the hamlet of St. Thomas near Tregwl ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the hamlet of St. Thomas to the pomt at which the same meets the boun- dary of the town and franchise ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the town and franchise to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of St. John ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the parish of St. John to the point first described. 49.— COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY. MONTGOMERY DISTRICT. Llanfyllin. — From the southern extremity, on the north- west of the town, of the private road which leads from the Llangynog turnpike road to Bodfach Hall, along the said private road to the point at which the same is met by the boundary of the field Cae Evan Griffith ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the field Cae Evan Griffitli to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Maes Ucha ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the field Maes Ucha to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Cae-pella Bwlch-y-Uan ; thence, north- ward, along the boundary of the field Cae-pella Bwlch-y-llan to the point at which the same meets the Llangedwyn Road ; thence along the northern fences of the respective fields Cae Dii, Cae Main, and Cae Du Mavvr, and along the eastern fence of the field Cae Du Mawr, to the point at which the last-mentioned fence reaches the Derwlwyn Wood ; thence in a straight line across the Derwlwyn Wood to the northern extremity of the eastern fence of Glynie Isa tenement ; thence along the eastern fence of Glynie Isa tenement to the point at which the same meets the Brynelldyn Road ; thence along the Brynelldyn Road to the point at which the same 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 119 reaches Green Hall Park ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the field Caer Fron to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Caer Gwenithdir ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the field Caer Gwenithdir to the point at which the same meets the River Cain ; thence along the River Cain to the bridge called Pont- y-Derwlwyn ; thence along Pont-y-Derwlwyn Lane to the point at which the same meets the Bachie Road ; thence along the Bachie Road to the eastern corner of Garth Wood ; thence along the south-western fences of the fields Caer Garth and Cyfie Ucha, and of the wood Coed Pen-y-Garth, and, westward, along the southern fence of the field Cae Gwenith, to the point at which such southern fence cuts the occupation road to Pen-y-Garth Farm ; thence in a straight line to the eastern extremity of the southern fence of the field Llwyn Bricks ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the field Llwyn Bricks to the point at which the same meets the fence of the field Cae Bath ; thence, westward, along the fence of the field Cae Bath to the point at which the same meets the Brook Abel ; thence along the Brook Abel to the point at which the same is met by the western fence of thp easternmost of the fields respectively called Lower Meadow ; thence along the western fence of the last-mentioned field to the point at which the same cuts the lane to Tynewydd ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the field Llwyn Hir to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Cae Mawr ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the field Cae Mawr to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Cae Bach ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the field Cae Bach to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Upper Coed Llan ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the field Uppe Coed Llan to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the field Lower Coed Llan ; thence, northward, along the boundary of the field Lower Coed Llan to the point at which the same meets the occupation road to Pen Coed Llan ; thence in a straight line to the point first described. Llanidloes. — From the point on the south-east of the town at which Cwm Jonathan rill crosses the Rhaydr Road, southward, along Cwm Jonathan rill, to the point at which the same is met by the hedge on the right hand which is nearest to the point at which Cwm Jonathan rill crosses the cart lane from Ty-coch to Llanidloes ; thence along the said liedge to the point at which the same meets the Ty-coch 120 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 6i. stream ; thence along the Ty-coch stream to the point at which the same reaches the Llangurig Road ; thence, north- ward, along the Llangurig Road to the point at which the same is cut by the nearest hedge on the left hand ; thence along the last-mentioned hedge to the point at which the same reaches a water-cut bank ; thence, southward, along the said water-cut bank to the point at which the same reaches a hedge running in the direction of the turnpike on the Pymlymon Road ; thence along the last-mentioned hedge to the point at which the same reaches the River Severn ; thence along the River Severn to the point at which the same is cut by a line drawn thereto in continuation of the direction of the hedge on the northern end of Pen-y-Green ; thence along the last-mentioned line, and along the hedge in continuation whereof it is drawn, to the point at which such hedge reaches the hedge of Mr. Price's wood ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the stream called Cefn Cummere Dingle meets the Pen-y- bank Road ; thence along the Cefn Cummere Dingle to the point at which the same joins the Clywedog River ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the township of Cilmachallt, to the point at which the same meets a small watercourse which rvms along the western hedge of Berth Lloyd coppice ; thence along the said watercourse to the point at which the same reaches the lane from Llanidloes to Gorn ; thence, westward, along the lane from Llanidloes to Gorn to the point at which the same reaches the hedge which runs along the eastern side of the Chapel House ; thence along the last- mentioned hedge to the point at which the same readies Lletty-coch-y-nant brook ; thence, westward, along Lletty- coch-y-nant brook to the point at which the same is met on the left hand by a small stream ; thence along the last-men- tioned stream to the spring from which the same proceeds ; thence in a straight line to the nearest point in the road from Llanidloes to the barn Leasow ; thence, westward, along the road from Llanidloes to the barn Leasow to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the borough of Lla- nidloes ; thence, southward, along the borough of Llanidloes to the point at which the same meets Cwm Jonathan rill ; thence along Cwm Jonathan rill to the point first described. Machynlleth. — The township and liberties of Machyn- lleth; and also that detached part of the township of Isygar- reg which adjoins the north-eastern boundary of the township and liberties of Machynlleth. 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. 121 Montgomery. — The old borough of Montgomery. Newtown. — The parish of Newtown, and the respective townships of Hendidley and Gwestydd. Welshpool. — The parish of Pool, and the township of Gungrog Fechan in the parish of Guilsfield, except that part of the township of Cyfronnydd in the parish of Pool which is detached from the main body of such parish. 50.— COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. HAVERFORDWEST DISTRICT. Fishguard. — From the point at which the low-water mark would be cut by a straight line to be drawn thereto from the gate of the fort, through the eastern extremity of the southern wall of the fort, in a straight line to the gate of the fort ; thence in a straight line to the north-western corner of Parc- y-Morfa meadow ; thence along the western fence of Parc-y- Morfa meadow to the south-western corner thereof; thence in a straight line to the highest point of Parc-y-Morfa rock ; thence in a straight line to the north-western corner of the fence which divides the Glyn Amel property from the pro- perty of Mr. Vaughan ; thence, southward, along the said fence of the Glyn Amel property to the point at which the same meets the northern stream of the River Gwaine ; thence up the said stream to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the old borough : thence, eastward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point at which the same meets the low-water mark ; thence, eastward, along the low- water mark to the point first described. Haverfordwest. — From the point at which a straight line drawn from St. Thomas's Church to the gate at the north- eastern corner of the field called Hill Park cuts the boundary of the old borough, along such straight line to the said gate ; thence in a straight line to the gate which crosses the road leading to Scotch Well House ; thence along the last-men- tioned road to the point at which the same reaches Scotch Well House ; thence along the road which leads by Sandpool into the Cardigan Road to the north-eastern corner of Sand- pool ; thence in a straight line to the cottage of Philip White ; thence in a straight line to the left pier of the Weir on the River Cleddy ; thence along the River Cleddy to the point 122 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. at which the same would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from Prendergast Church to the gate leading from the lane on the north-east of Little Slade Farm into the paddock of Little Slade Farm ; thence in a straight line to the last-men- tioned gate ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the old borough would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the last-mentioned gate to the point at which the Poorfield Road (otherwise called Jury Lane) leaves the St. David's Road ; thence, westward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point first described. Narberth. — From the southern end of the Turnpike Gate House on the Redstone Road, westward, along the fence which abuts on the said house and is the northern boundary of a field of which George Harris is tenant and Mr. Thomas Eaton landlord, to the north-western corner of the said field; thence in a straight line to the north-eastern corner of a field belonging to George Devonald, Esquire, and bounded on the south by the turnpike road to Haverfordwest ; thence along the private road which runs from the last-mentioned field to the point at which the said private road meets the said road to Haverfordwest ; thence in a straight line across the said road to Haverfordwest to the point at which the same is met by the western boundary of the Town Moor ; thence, south- ward, along the western and southern boundary of the Town Moor to the gate of a lane at the south-eastern corner thereof; thence along the said lane to the point at which the same meets the boundary of Narberth Churchyard ; thence, westward, along the boundary of Narberth Churchyard to the south-western corner thereof; thence in a straight line to the point at which the stream from Narberth Bridge would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last de- scribed to the point at which the road from the parsonage meets the road from Pembroke ; thence up the said stream to the point at which the same is joined by the stream from Narberth Mill ; thence up the stream flowing from Narberth Mill to the south-western corner of the field of which Lewis Watkins is tenant and Baron Retzen is landlord ; thence, eastward, along the boundary of the last mentioned field to the point at which the same meets the southern boundary of the field belong to Mr. Henry Davies, in which there is a turnstile ; thence, eastward, along the southern boundary of the said field of Mr. Henry Davies, and the southern and eastern boundary of the adjoining field belonging to George Phillips, Esquire, to the point at which the eastern boundary 2 Sc 3 William IV. Cap, 64. 123 of the said field of George Phillips, Esquire, meets the occu- pation road leading to Blackalder ; thence, eastward, along the occupation road to Blackalder to the point at which the same meets the south-eastern boundary of the easternmost of two contiguous fields of which Mrs. Evans is tenant and Daniel Thomas landlord ; thence along the boundary of the last-mentioned field to the point at which the same meets the Carmarthen Road ; thence in a straight line across the Car- marthen Road to the south-eastern corner of the field belong- ing to John Lewis ; thence along the eastern boundary of John Lewis's field to the point at which the same cuts the Cardigan Road; thence in a straight line across the Cardigan Road to the south-western corner of Jesse's Well House ; thence in a straight line to the point at which the fence of the grounds attached to the house called Bloomfield's would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the point last de- cribed to the house called Bloomfield's ; thence, westward, along the last-mentioned fence to the point at which the same cuts the Redstone Road ; thence along the Redstone Road to the point first described. PEMBROKE DISTRICT. MiLFORD. — From the point at which Prix Pill falls into the sea, along Prix Pill, to the point at which the same is met by the lane coming down by Cwm, and sometimes called Cwm Lane : thence along Cwm Lane to the point at which the same meets the road from Haverfordwest ; thence along the road from Haverfordwest to the point at which the same is met by Priory Lane ; thence along Priory Lane to the point at which the same meets, on the left, a road sometimes called the New Road ; thence along the New Road to the point at which the same meets a lane sometimes called White Lady's Lane, leading to a field north of the brewery, some- times called Haggard Field ; thence along White Lady's Lane to the point at which the same is cut by the fence of Haggard Field ; thence, northward, along the fence of Hag- gard Field to the north-western corner thereof; thence in a straight line in the direction of the northern fence of Haggard field to Priory Pill ; thence in a straight line to the White Warehouse standing at the head of the Rope Walk in Hub- berstone Parish ; thence along Spike Lane which proceeds from the said White Warehouse to the point at which the same meets Conjwick Lane ; thence along Conjwick Lane to the point at which the same meets the lane which was lately 124 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64. part of Point Field; thence along the lane lately part of Point Field to the point at which the same ends on the com- mon ; thence in a straight line through the westernmost point of the fort to the sea coast ; thence along the sea coast to the point first described. Pembroke. — The respective parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael, and also the space comprised within the boundary hereafter described (together with all such parts, if any, of the old borough of Pembroke as lie without the said boun- dary) : From the point on the south-west of the town at which the brook called the Taylor's Lake meets the boundary of the parish of St. Mary, northward, along the said brook, to the point at which the same joins the Pill near Quoit's Mill ; thence along the said Pill to the point at which the same meets the boundary of the parish of St. Mary ; thence, east- ward, along the boundary of the parish of St. Mary to the point first described. Tenby. — The In-Liberty of Tenby, WisTON. — The old borough of Wiston. 51.— COUNTY OF RADNOR. RADNOR DISTRICT. Cefn Llys. — The old borough of Cefn Llys. Knighton. — The old borough of Knighton. Knucklas. — The old borough of Knucklas. Presteign. — The ancient lordship, manor, and borough of Presteign, together with such parts, if any, of the township of Presteign, and of the chapelry of Discoyd, as are without the ancient lordship, manor, and borough of Presteign ; and also the space included within the following boundary ; (that is to say,) From the point on the north of the town at which Norton Brook falls into the River Lug, in a straight line to the point at which the road to Wigmore and Ludlow is met by the road to Kinsham Village ; thence in a straight line to the point at 2 & 3 William IV. Cap. 64, 12.5 which the right-hand branch of the Clatter Brook falls into the River Lug ; thence along the River Lug to the point first described. New Radnor. — The old borough of New Radnor. Rhaydrgwy. — From the point at which the boundary of the old borough would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from Rhadyr Church to the bridge over the Gwynllin Brook on the new road to Aberystwith, in a straight line to the said bridge ; thence along the Gwynllin Brook to the Weir or dam head ; thence along the southern bank of the mill dam to the point at which the same is cut by the eastern fence of Gwynllin lain Field ; thence, southward, along the eastern fence of Gwynllin lain Field to the gate leading into the yard of the Grist Mill and woollen manufactory belong- ing to David Evans ; thence along the road which crosses the said yard to another gate at the south-eastern corner thereof; thence in a straight line to the north-eastern corner of the farmhouse called Ty-Newidd or New House; thence in a straight line to the point at which the boundary of the old borough would be cut by a straight line to be drawn from the New House to the bridge over the River Wye ; thence, southward, along the boundary of the old borough to the point first described. INDEX TO THE TREATISE. ABKRAVON, Will share in Election veith Swansea, &c. page 13, 43. Polling at, 106. ABODE, Place of, must be stated, in what cases, 67, 76, 77, 94, 101. omission as to, may be supplied, when, 67, 88. ACTION against Sheriffs, Returning Officers, and others, for neg- lect of Duties under the Act, 116. ADJOURNMENT, of Poll in cases of Riot, 112. of Barrister's Court, 64, 88. ADMISSION, or Title to Admission, of Freemen previous lo what day will entitle to Vote, 43. APPOINTMENT by Sheriff of Returning Officer for New Bo- roughs, 101. ABJURATION, Supremacy and, Oath of, 109. AFFIRMATION, to be administered to Quakers, &c. by Barrister when Revising Lists, 64, 88. ADVERTISEMENT, to be Published by Barrister, for Counties, 63. Expenses of, 113. AINSTY of YORK, to be included in North Riding of Yorkshire, 2. ALLEGIANCE, Oath of, 109. H2 ALMS, Disqualification by receipt of, 51. not ground of permanent forfeiture of reserved right, 48. ANCIENT DEMESNE, Tenants in, Right of, for Counties, 22, 23, 24. ANNUITIES, Freehold, Registration of, not dispensed with, 16. APPEAL, Barrister's Court, Ci-urt of, from Overseers, 70. Committee, Select, Court of, from Barrister's Decision, 111. ASSESSOR, same mode of Proceeding before Revising Barrister as used to be had before Assessor, 65. ASSESSED TAXES, what must have been paid to ^ive Right of Voting for Borough, 31 to 35. AYLESBURY, Borough of, to include certain adjacent Districts, 11. Provision as to Rights Reserved in, 50. Polling Districts for, 98. B. BARRISTERS, Appointment of, 61, 82. Revision of Lists by, how to be conducted in Counties, 63 to 70. in Boroughs, 83 to89. Remuneration of, 113. Expenses of, (6. BENEFICE, Title by promotion to, 16, 17, 21, 26. BIRTH, Freemen by, rights of, 43. BOOKS, containing Lists of Voters for Counties, 71. for Boroughs, 89. Poll-Books, custody of, at County Elections, 95. at Borough Elections, 101. BOOTHS, Provisions as to, for Counties, 92. for Boroughs, 97. BOROUGHS, Meaning of that Word, 45. Classilicdtion of Members for, 6. what will return Two Members, 7, 8, 9. what will return One, 9, 10. Division of Rights of Voting for, 30. Istly. New Rights defined, 30 to 39. 2dly. Old Rights reserved in perpetuity, what they are, 39 to 44. 3dly. Old Rights reserved for a time, 45 to 50. Registration of Voters for, 72 to 89. Proceedings preparatory to Elections at, 97. during Elections at, 98 to 101. Welsh, Elections at, 104. Boundaries of, how settled, 14. Contributory, enumeration of, 12, 13. Polling' at, 104. Qualification arising in, 30. BOUNDARIES, of Divided Counties, how settled, 3. of all Cities and Boroughs, how settled, 14. to what Boundaries Rights reserved in perpetuity apply, 50. to what those reserved for a time, 49. BRECON, Borough of, commencement and duration of Poll at, 106. BRIBERY OATH, when to be administered, 109. BRISTOL, Reserved Rights in, 5, 41. BUILDING, will give Vote for Borough to Occupier, when, 30, 163. BURGAGE TENANTS, Rights of, reserved in perpetuity, when, 39 to 42. BURGESSES, Rights of, reserved in perpetuity, wlien, 42. C. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, Exempted from operation of the Act, 39. Premises in Colleges of, will not qualify for Town, 167. CANDIDATES, may Contract for Booths at County Elections, 93. at Borough Elections, 99. INDEX. CANDIDATES— continwed, to bear Expenses of Booths, &c. in equal proportions, 93, 99. Persons proposing Candidate without liis consent to be liable to Expenses as if tliey were Candidates, ib. may require Questions and Oaths to be put at Elections, 108. CARDIFF, what Boroughs will share in Election with, 13, 14. CERTIFICATE of Elector's having taken Oath required, 110. " CHARGES," meaning of word, 18. CHURCHWARDENS, included in words " Overseers of the Poor," 144, note, disqualified from being Returning Officers for New Borough?, 102. CHEQUE CLERK at Elections, appointment of, 93. CIRCUIT, Revising Barrister's, 63, 84. " CITIES and BOROUGHS," meaning of words, 45. CITIES being Counties of themselves. New Rights of Voting for Boroughs will extend to, 39. Classification of, as reeards Right of Voting, 5. included in words " Cities and Boroughs,'' 45. CITY of LONDON, Freemen and Liverymen of. Rights of. Re- served in perpetuity, 42. CLAIMS, Notice of, for Counties, 56. for Boroughs, 78. for City of London, by Liverymen, 81. Decision on, by Barrister for Boroughs, 86. CLERK, TOWN, Duty of, as to Lists of Freemen, 168 to 176. CLERK of the PEACE, Duty of, as to Lists of Voters, 61, 70, 71. Expenses of, 115. COMMISSIONERS to administer Oaths at Elections, 109, 110. COMMISSIONERS, Lords of Treasury, to make Order for Pay- ment of Barristers, 113. COMMITTEE for TRIAL of PETITIONS, «hat they can take cognizance of, HI. INDEX. CONTRIBUTORY BOROUGHS, Enumeration of, 13. Qualification arising in, as to, 30. Polling at, 104. COPIES of LISTS to be printed for Sale, 113. COPYHOLDERS, Rights of, for Counties defined, 20, 21, 22. COPY of COURT ROLL, Tenants by, 23. CORRECTION OF MISTAKES, by Revising Barrister, 67, 88. COUNCIL, Order in, as to Year 1832, 121. COUNSEL, not to attend Barrister's Court, 65, 88. COUNTING-HOUSE, will give Vote for Borough to Occupier, when, 30, 163. COUNTIES, Classification of, 1. Division of, 3. what to return Four Knights, 3. what to return Three, 4. what to return Two, 4. what Welsh Counties to return One Knight, 4. what Counties of Cities and Towns incorporated with Counties at large, 5. New Rights of Voting for Boroughs extended to, 39. included in words " Cities and Boroughs," 45. Electors for. Classification of, 15. 1st. Freeholders, Qualification of, 15 to 17. Existing Freeholders for Life, rights of, 18. what Property will not give Vote for, if it would tor Borough, 18, 19. 2dly. Copyholders, Right of, defined, 20 to 22. 3d!y, Tenants in Ancient Demesne, Right of, defined, 22, 23, 24. 4thly. Leaseholders, Right of, defined, 24, 25, 26. 5thly. Occupying Tenants, (without reference to length of terms,) Right of, defined, 27, 28. Registration of Voters for, 54 to 71. Expenses incident to, 113. Elections for. Notice of, 91. Proceedings before and at, 90 to 96. Expenses of, 93. Proceedings common to, with Borough Elections, 107. INDEX. CUSTOMARY TENANT, Rights of, for Counties, 23. D. DATES, of Registration for 1832, altered by Order in Council, 118. DEMAND, not necessary to make Rates " payable" within mean- ing of the Act, 32. DEPUTY, to be appointed by Sheriff, for Counties, 92. Duty of, at Elections, ib. 95. Payment of, 93. of Returning Officer, for Boroughs, Payment of, 99. of any Returning Officer, may appoint Commissioners to ad- minister Oaths, 110. may adjourn Poll for Riot, 112. of Returning Officer for Welsh Boroughs, to take Poll at Con- tributory Boroughs, 104, lOJ. DESCENT, Title by, 16, 21. DEVISE, Title by, 16, 17, 21, 26. DISTANCE, how measured, 35. DISTRICTS, Polling, in Elections for Counties, 91, 94. for Boroughs, 98, 99, 100. DISSOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT, in the year 1832, before First Registration is completed, 119. DISQUALIFICATION, from Voting for Borough by Receipt of .'\lnis, 51. when not permanent, 48. of Revising Barrister to serve in Parliament, 62, 83. from being Returning Officers for New Boroughs, what, 102. DIVISIONS OF COUNTIES, how settled, 3. each Division to be as a separate County, ih. DIVISION, by Returning Officer of Borough into Polling Dis- tricts, 98. E. EAST RETFORD, Borough of, to include certain adjacent Districts, 11. Provision as to RigVils Reserved in, 50. Polling Districts for, 98. ELECTIONS, Proceedings before and at, in Counties, 90 to 96. in Boroughs in England, 97 to 103. in Welsh Boroughs, 104, 105, 106. Notice of, for Counties, 91. for Boroughs, 97. ELECTION LAWS, what to remain in force, 90. ELECTORS, for Counties, 15 to 29. for Boroughs, 30 to 53. EQUITABLE ESTATES, Provisions as to, 29. ERRORS, in Register, not to be fatal, when, llO. EXETER, Reserved Rights in, 5, 41. EXCLUSION of certain Rights acquired since 1st March, 1831, 48. EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTIONS, Sheriffs may act within, 92. EXPENSES, of Overseers, &c. 114. of Barristers, ll3. of Booths, &c. 93, 99. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACES, Provisions as to, in Counties, 59. in Boroughs, 76. F. FRANCHISE, Elective, for Counties, 15 to 29. for Boroughs, 30 to 53. FREEHOLD, Qualifying, Value of, in Counties, 17. which would confer Right for Borough, not to give Vote for County, 18. FREEHOLDER, Riglit of, for Counties, 15 to 20. for Life, in Counties, Provisions as to, 17, 18. in Counties of Cities and Towns, Rights of, reserved in Perpe- tuity, when, 39 to 42. need not be assessed to Land Tax, 42. FREEMEN, Rights of, reserved in Perpetuity, when, 39 to 43. in respect of Birth, 43. of ServituG-s, ib. of Marriage, ib. Honorary, ib. of Swansea, Loughor, Neath, Aberavon, and Ken-Jig, Provision as to, 44. Qualification of, to be perfect on Last Day of July, 44. Lists of, how to be made out, 74. Duty of Town ClerKs with regard to, 168 to 176. FREEMEN AND LIVERYMEN, of the City of London, Rights of, reserved in Perpetuity, 42. Reeistration of, 74, 80, 81, '82. Polling by, 100. G. GUILDHALL, Freemen and Liverymen of London to Poll in, 100. GLAMORGANSHIRE, to return Two Knights of the Shrre, 4. H. HAVERFORDWEST, Reserved Rights in, 5, 41. HIGH CONSTABLE, List of Voters to be transmitted to, by Over- seers, and then by High Constable to Clerk of the Peace, 61. HORSHAM, Provision as to Freeholds in, which give Right of Voting for Shorehara, l55. those parts of the Rape of Bramber, which are included in the Borough of Horsham by Boundary Act, will give no Right for Shoreham, 11. HOUSE, will give Qualification for Boroueh to Occupier, when, 30, 163. HULL. See Kingston-upon-Hull. INTERPRETATION OF ACT, Rules for, contained in the 79th Section, 143. ISLE OF WIGHT, to be a Couiit;^' returning One Knight, 5. Returning Olhcer for, ix. Elections for, to be holden at Newport, ix. J. JOINT TENANTS, Right of, for Counties, 25, 26. JOINT OCCUPIERS, when they will be entitled to vole for Bo- roughs, 37, 164. JUDGES, Appointment of Revising Barristers by, for Counties, 61, 6.5. for Cities and Boroughs, 82. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, Meaning of Word ex|)la)ned b^' Interpretation Clause, Ixi. may act within Phices of Exclusive Jurisdiction, ib. JURISDICTIONS, EXCLUSIVE, Sheriffs may act within, 92. Justices of the Peace, &C. may act within, Ixi. K. KENFIG, to share in Election with Swansea, &c. 13, 43. Polling at, 106. KESTEVEN and HOLLAND, Parts of, to be as a separate County, 2. Sleaford to be principal Place of Election lor, 91. Polling Places in, appointed by Boundary Act, ib. KINGSTON-U PON- HULL, County of Town of, to be included in East Riding of Yorkshire, 2. KNIGHTS of the SHIRE, Total number of, 1. Classification of Counties, as to number of for each, ib. L. LAND will give Vote for Borough to Occupier, «hen, 30, 162. LAND-TAX, Assessment to, dispensed with, 16, 22, 27, 28. LEASEHOLDERS, Riglit of for Counties, 24 to 27. LINCOLNSHIRE to return Four Knights, 2. LINDSEY. Parts of, to be as a separate County, 2. Lincoln to be Principal Place of Election for, 91. Polling Places in appointed by Boundary Act, ib, LISTS, of Voters for Counties, 54. for Boroughs, 75. of Freemen, 77. of Claimants, 79. of Persons objected to, 58, 79. Duties of Overseers as to niaking out Lists of Voters, for Counties, 132 to 145. for Boroughs, 146 to 167. of Town Clerks as to making out Lists of Freemen, 168 to 176. LIVERYMEN, of City of London, Rights of Reserved, 39, 42. Lists of, to be made out by Clerks of Livery Com[)anies, 80. Registration of, 80, 81, 82. Polling by, 100. LITCHFIELD, Reserved Rights in, 5, 41. LONDON, City of, Lists of Voters for, 80. Polling ot Liverymen in, 100. See Freemen and Liverymen. LOUGHOR, will share in Election with Swansea, &c, 13, 43. Polling at, 106. M. MALMSBURY, Hundred of, what part will confer no Rii>ht for Cricklade, 11. Provision as to Freeholds in, which give Right of Voting for Cricklade, 155. MARRIAGE, Title by, 16, 17, 21, 26. MAYOR of Contributory Borough to be Deput)? for taking tlie Poll, 105. MEMBERS. for Counties, 1 — 5. for Boroughs, 6 — 14. of Parliament cannot be Revising Barristers, 62, 83. Persons qualified to be, exempt from serving as Returning Officer for New Boroughs, 102. MILES, how to be measured, 35. MISNOMERS in Register not to be fatal, when, 110. MISTAKES in Register, 110. Correction of, by Barrister, 67, 88. MONMOUTH, Mode of Polling at, 104. Newport and Usk to share with, ib. MORAVIANS, Affirmations to be administered to, 64, 88. MORTGAGOR and MORTGAGEE, Rights of for Counties, 28. MUNICIPAL OFFICER, Chief, of any Contributory Borough to be Deputy of Returning Officer, 105. N. NAMES, Mistake in, when not fatal, 110. may be corrected by Barrister, 67, 88. of Parishes and Townships in Counties to be fixed on Booth?, 92. of Districts in Boroughs, 98. NEATH, will share in Election with Swansea, &c. 13, 43. Polling at, 106. NEWPORT in Monmouthshire, will share in Election with Monmouth, 104. Polling at, ib. NEWPORT, Isle of Wight, Clerk of the Peace of, to be Clerk of the Peace for Isle of Wifiht for purposes of the Act, Ixi. Elections for Isle of Wight to be holden at, ix. NORWICH, Reserved Rights in, 5, 41. NOTICES, III Counties, by Overseers to Persons claiming to Vote, 56. by Claimants to Overseers, 56. by Objectors to Overseers, 59. by Objectors to Parties objected to, 66. by Barrister of time of holding his Court, 63. In Boroughs, by Claimants to Overseers, 78. to Town Clerk, 78. by Objectors to Overseers, 78. to Town Clerk, 79. by Barrister of time of holding his Court, 84. by Liverymen claiming to be on the Lists for City of Lou- don, to Returning Officer, 81. by Persons objecting to Liverymen, to Returning Officer, 82. of Election for Counties, 91. for Boroughs, 97. for Counties ot Cities of Tovvns, ib. for Welsh Boroughs, 104. by Returning Officer in Borough of his Regulations as to Booths, &c. 98. NOTTINGHAM, Reserved Right in, 3, 41. O. OATHS, to be administered by Barrister, 64, 88. what to be taken at Elections, how and when to be adminis- tered, 108, 109. Penalties for false Oaths, 109. OBJECTIONS, notices of. See Notices. " OBJECTED TO," Overseers to put opposite to Names of Persons whose Qualifi- cation for Counties is doubtful, 58. Course to be pursued by Barrister as to such Names. 66. OCCUPATION of Lands or Tenements (without reference to length of time) will give Vote for Counties, when, 27, 28, 29. of what Property in Boroughs will give Vote for, 30. INDEX. OCCUPIERS in Boroughs mav demand to be rated, when, 37. OCCUPIERS, JOINT, what Value will give them a Right of Voting for Borough, 37, 164. OFFICE, Title by promotion to, 16, t7, 21, 26. under the Crown disqualifies from being Revising Barrister, 62, 83. OFFICER, Chief Rlunicipal of any Contributory Borough to be Deputy of Returning Officer, 103. OMISSIONS in Lists, Barristers may supply, 67, 88. ORDER IN COUNCIL for altering Dates in l832, 121. OVERSEERS, meaning of Word, 144. duty of, for Counties, 132 to 145. for Boroughs, 146 to 167. expenses of, 113, 114, 115. disqualified from being Returning Officers for New Boroughs 102. OWNER, what Property occupied by Party as, will give Right for Borough, 30. OXFORD UNIVERSITY, not atfected by the Act, 39. Chambers or Premises in Halls and Colleges of, will not give Right of Voting for City, 167. P. " PARISH," meaning of Word, 143. PARLIAMENT, Members of, disqualified from acting as Revising Barrister, 62, 83. Persons qualified, to be exempt from serving as Returning Officer for New Boroughs, 102. PAROCHIAL RELIEF, Disqualification by receipt of, 51. not ground of permanent forfeiture of Reserved Right, 48. PARTNERS, joint occupation of Premises by, 154. INDEX. PAYABLE, meaning of that Word, 32. PENALTIES for False Swearing, 109. for Wilful Neglect of Duties under the Act, 116. PENRYN, Borough of, to include Falmouth, 11. PERJURY, Penalties for, 109. PERPETUITY, Old Rights reserved in, 39 to 15. PETITION to House of Commons, how far Register may be ques- tioned on. 111. POLL CLERKS, Duties of, for Counties, 94. for Boroughs, 98, lOl. payment of, 93, 99. POLL may be adjourned in case of Riot, 112. when it may be closed before tiie time fixed by the Act, 112. POLLING for Counties, how to be conducted, 91 to 96. for Boroughs, 97 to 102. for Welsh Boroughs, 104. for Shoreham, Cricklade, Aylesbury, and East Retford, 98. of Liverymen for City of London, 100. POOR RATES. See Rates. PORT-REEVE of Swansea to be the Returning Officer, 106. cf any Contributory Borough, to be Deputy of Returning Officer, 105. POT- WALLOPERS, Right of reserved, how, 47. PRECEPTS, all to be expressed so as may be necessary to carry the Provisions of the Act into effect, 90. PRECINCT, having no Overseers of its own. Provision as to, for Countlei, 59. for Boroughs, 76. PREMISES, change of, when it will deprive Party of Right of Voting for Borough, 32. INDEX. Q. QUAKERS, Affirmations to be administered to, 64, 88. QUALIFICATIONS, for Counties, 16 to 29. for Boronglis, 30 to 53. how far Register conclusive as to, 107. QUESTIONS AT POLL, what, 108. R. RATES, POOR, what must have been paid to give new Right of Voting for Boroughs, 31 to 35. REGISTER of County Voters, how constituted, 71. of Borough Voters, how, 89. custody of, 71, 89. how far conclusive, 107. mistakes in, 110. may be corrected by order of Select Committee, 111. REGISTRATION, of County Voters, 54 to 71. cf Borough Voters, 72 to 89. event of first not being complete before Dissolution of Parlia- ment, how provided for, 118. RENT. Occupying Tenants, at what rent to Vote for Counties, -27. RENT CHARGE, freehold, Registration of, not dispensed with, 16. RESERVATION of Old Rights of Voting for Boroughs, first, in Perpetuity, 39. secondly, for a Time, 45. RESIDENCE, within Borough, what necessary, 31. limits of, how to be measured, 35. definition of, 52. RETFORD. See East Retford. RETURNING OFFICER, duty of, for Counties, 90. for Boroughs, 97. for City of London, as to Lists of Liverymen, 80, &1. 1 INDEX. REVISION OF LISTS for Counties, 63. for Boroughs, 86. RIDINGS OF YORKSHIRE to be as separate Counties, 1, 2. North Riding, principal place of Election for, at York, 91. West Riding, at Wakefield, ib. East Riding, at Beverley, ib. RIOTS, adjournment of Poll in case of, 112. ROMAN CATHOLICS. Oath of, at Elections, 109. S. SANDWICH, Borough of, to include Deal and Walmer, 11, SCOT and LOT Right Reserved, how, 47. SCRUTINY, before Returning Officer abolished, 111. SEAMEN Absent on his Majesty's Service not to forfeit Reserved Right for Borough, 48. SERVITUDE, Freemen in respect of, Right reserved, when, 42. " SEVEN MILES," how to be Measured, J5. SHERIFF, Duty of, as to County Elections, 90. Of Yorkshire — his Duty as to Proclaiming Day of Election, 91. SHOP will give Vote for Borough to Occupier, when, 30, 165?. SHOREHAM, Borough of, to include certain adjacent Districts, 10, 11. Provision as to Rights Reserved in, 50. List of Persons entitled to Vote for, in respect of Freeholds in Horsham, 155. SLEAFORD, Principal Place of Election for parts of Kesteven and Holland, 91. SOLDIERS Absent on Service not to forfeit Reserved Right for Borough, 48. SUCCESSION, Title by, 16, '26. Premises occupied in, in order to give \'otc for Borougli, may be different, 31. SUCCESSIVE OCCUPATION of Premises in a Borougb, when it will entitle to Vote, 31, 161. SWANSEA, New Borough of, how constituted, 13, 14, 43. Freemen of. Provision as to, 168. TAXES, Assessed, what must have been Paid to give New Right of Voting for Borough, 31 to 35. TENANT, what Property occupied by Party as will give Right of Voting for Borough, 30. TENANTS Occupying, (without reference to length of Term,) may Vote for County, when, 27. TENANTS in Ancient Demesne, Right of, for Counties, 22, 3, 4. TENDER of VOTES at Election, 110. TOWN CLERKS, Duty of, as lo JMaking out Lists of Freemen, 168 to 176- to be Discharged by Person executing duties similar to those of Town Clerk where there is no Town Clerk, 168. " TOWNSHIP," Meaning of Word, 143. TREASURERS for COUNTIES, Payments to be made to and by, in respect of Expense of Registration, 116. TRUSTEES, Provision as to, 28. U. UNDER LESSEE, in Occupation, Right of, to vote for Coun- ties, 26. UNIVERSITIES, not affected by the Reform Act, 39. Chambers or Premises in Colleges or Halls of, not to give Right of Voting for City of Oxford or Town ol Cambridge, 167. USK, to share in Election with Monmouth, 104. Polling at, ib. INDEX. V. VALUE, of Qualifying Freehold in Counties, 17, 13. of Qualifying Property in Boroughs, 31. how to be ascertained, 162, 163. VOTERS, for Counties, 15 to 29. for Boroughs, 30 to 53. Registration of, for Counties, 54 to 71. for Boroughs, 72 to 96. VOTES, tender of, at Elections, 110. W. WALES. Counties in which will return Two Members, 4. One Member, ib. Contributory Boroughs in. Classification of, 12, IS. Boundaries of Boroughs and Contributory Boroughs in, huv* settled, 14. Polling for Boroughs in, 104. WAREHOUSE will give Vote for Borough to Occupier, when, 30, 162. WIGHT, ISLE OF. — See Isle of Wight and Newport. WRITS for the Election of Member, to be framed and expressed so as to carry the Provisions of the Act into etfect, 90. YORK, City of, and Ainsty, to be included in North Riding of Yorkshire for purposes of County Elections, 2. YORKSHIRE, to return Six Members, 1, 2. North Riding of, what it will include, 2. East Riding of, what it will include, ib. Wakedeld, principal Place of Election for West Riding of, 91. York, principal Place of Election for North Riding of, ih. Beverley, principal Place of Election for East Riding of, ih. Sheriff of. Duty of, as to Proclain)ing Day of Election, ib. Polling Places in, appointed by the Boundary Act, ib. London: C. Roworth and Sons, Bell Yard,Temple~Ba7. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^-^0 LD-ORL AUG 2 6 lOm-9, "66(0592584) 3 1158 01211 9912