/s-/ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Estate of Lucy Knox /■-' '; J > n 3 ^ 5HLRMAN GLNLALOGY INCLUDING Families of Essex, SufFolk and Norfolk, England, SOME DESCENDANTS OF THE IMMIGRANTS CAPTAIN JOHN SHERMAN, REVEREND JOHN SHERMAN, EDMUND SHERMAN and SAMUEL SHERMAN, AND THE DESCENDENTS OF HONORABLE ROGER SHERMAN and HONORABLE CHARLES R. SHERMAN BY THOMAS TOVVNSEND SHERMAN ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK TOBIAS A. WRIGHT PRINTER AND PUBLISHER I 920 GIFT (2 s 7/ PREFACE TNVESTIGATIONS in England as to the East Anglian Sher- mans of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries made by the late Charles Atvvood White, of New Haven, and the late Senator George Frisbie Hoar, suggested and inspired the work resulting in the compilation of the early genealogies in this volume. Begun with no intention of publication, it expanded to such extent as to seem worthy of reproduction in permanent form with the addition of the genealogies of later times. The great amount of information about some members of the family furnished by ancient English records is noteworthy and will perhaps lead to further discoveries. The absence of any com- plete or satisfactory biography of Hon. Roger Sherman led to a more extended statement with regard to him than is custom- ary in a genealogy. It is hoped that this will be appreciated by his numerous living descendants. Many of his descendants, those who have gone and those still living and other relatives mentioned, have attained distinction and honor in private life and public service. Errors and omissions occur in such a work in spite of every effort to be accurate and complete. Correc- tions are invited. The author heartily thanks all who have aided in kindly supplying family information. New York, August, 1919, T. T. S. This book was printed, bound and ready for delivery, when on November 23, 1919, a fire in the bindery destroyed it. The type has been reset and the book reprinted with a few correc- tions and additions. New York, June, 1920. T. T. S. 060 " Of every worthy stock the most degenerate sons cherish the names of those from whom by an authentic lineage they trace their honorable descent. With zealous affection and a pi(>us reverence they explore all sources of knowledge respect- ing their lives, their characters, their motives, their acts. In a spirit neither arrogant nor envious, they are yet jealous for a just estimate of the virtue and the power which marked the founders of their line; careful that no malign or reckless influ- ence shall distort the record, or obscure the remembrance, of their deeds ; earnest in the determination that their latest des- cendants shall lose nothing of the heritage in these great names, in the course of its descent. Nor should it be for a moment supposed that the spirit of our institutions and the structure of our society, which have discarded the hereditary transmission of rank and power, discouraged even the succession of wealth, and made ridiculous the culture of a vulgar family pride, have at all weakened or diverted the force of those natural ties which connect us alike with our ancestry and our posterity, and sus- tain and protect, as a perpetual and imperishable possession, the glory and worth of our forefathers." William Maxwell Evarts. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Arms of Sherman Family Frontispiece OPPOSITE PAGE Account of Hon. Roger^° Sherman, as Treasurer of Yale College; 1772 152 Agreement, 1756, heirs of William" Sherman, last page of 120 Almanac of Hon. Roger^'* Sherman, 1755 . . . 136 " " " " 1756 . . . 136 1761 . . .136 Baldwin, Hon. Roger S.,^- Portrait 265 " " Simeon, Autograph 209 " " " Portrait 217 " " Simeon E.,^^ Portrait .... 272 Barnes, Daniel, born 1772, Autograph .... 209 " " " Portrait .... 217 Daniel,^2 » ^jgy^ u 256 Daniel,i3 u 13^2, " 256 " Mehetabel" (Sherman), Portrait .... 224 Battel, John and others, Autographs, 1756 . . . 120 " Mehetabel" (Sherman), Autograph, 1743 . . 112 Boutell, Hon. Henry S.," Portrait 345 " " Lewis H., " 344 Colchester, England, view of ...... 80 Congress Voting Independence ..... 121 Day, President Jeremiah, Portrait, 1823 .... 233 " " " House, New Haven, . . 144 " Sherman,^^ Portrait 321 Declaration of Independence 40 Dedham, England, Church and Street (two views) . . 8 Diss, England, Church . 8 Evarts, Jeremiah, Autograph, 1810 209 " " Portrait 225 " Mehetabel" (Sherman), Autograph, 1810 . . 209 " " " Portrait .... 224 Hon. William M.,^^ Portrait . . . . .328 Gamble, Lieut. Robert H.,!^ " 369 Golden Lion Inn, Ipswich, England, front ... 80 rear ... 65 Vlll List of Illustrations OPPOSITE Gravestone, Elizabeth (Hartwell) Sherman, 1760 " Capt. John^^ Sherman and wife Hon. Roger^" " " " " William'' Sherman, 1741 Greene, Hon. Roger S.,^^ Portrait Hoar, Hon. Ebenezer R.,^^ Portrait . " George F..^^ " '* Samuel, '* " " " House, Concord, Mass. *' Samuel,^* the younger, Portrait " Sarah" (Sherman) " House, Day and Thacher, New Haven " Hon. Samuel Hoar, Concord, Mass. " Rev. Benjamin Prescott, Peabody, Mass. exterior .. .» i. u a u parlor " Charles R.^'^ Sherman, Norwalk, Conn. •' Nancy Sherman, Canton, Mass. . " Hon. Roger^** Sherman, New Haven Houses " House, Yale President, New Haven Hutchinson, J. R., Portrait Independence, Declaration of . " The Congress Voting Kent, Mrs. William,^^ Martha Lane Porringer Law, Jonathan, Will of ... . Letter, Oliver" Sherman, 1792 . " Rebecca " 1792 . Mackintosh, John S.,^' Portrait . McDonald, Mrs. C. E. W.," Rebecca Sherman Porringer Porringer, Rebecca Sherman (Mrs. McDonald) Martha Lane (Mrs. William'^ Kent) Prescott, Rev. Benjamin, Chair " " " House, Peabody, Mass " " *' Parlor in House Prescott & Sherman, Partnership Agreement, Auto- graphs, 1794 Prescott & Sherman, Partnership Agreement, Auto- graphs, 1827 ..... List of Illustrations IX OPPOSITE PAGE Public Record Office, London, Exterior .... 32 " " " " Round Reading Room . 33 Reber, Col. Samuel," Portrait 288 Sherman, Benjamin P.,^^ Portrait 257 Brothers, five sons of Edward S.,^" . . . 376 Major Charles, ^2 Portrait 296 Charles R.,^^ House, Norwalk, Conn. . . 280 Edmond, Autograph, 1591 .... 64 Edward S.,^^ Portrait (drawing) . . 360 ' 232 Silhouette . . .264 " " Mrs., Portrait .... 232 Elizabeth, (Receipt) Autograph, 1748 . . 113 " (Hartwell), Gravestone, 1760 . . 89 B}^ (Thacher) Portrait . . . 336 Henry, Autograph, 1586 64 Isaac," " 1796 200 James M.," Portrait 304 Capt. John,^ Immigrant, Autograph ... 64 '• John" (son of Roger) " 1761 , . 73 1790 . . 184 *' Portrait . . .184 " " " " Mrs. and son, Por- trait . .185 " " " " C o m m is s i on as Captain, 1784 . 192 " " *' *' and wife, Grave- stone . . . 193 Rev. John" and wife, Silhouette . . . 264 John Taylor, ^^ Portrait 297 Joseph,^ Autograph, 1691 ..... 72 Mehetabel (Wellington), Autograph, 1741 . 81 Nancy, Mrs. Capt. John," House, Canton Mass. 193 Oliver," Letter, 1792 200 Rebecca (Prescott), Letter, 1792 . . . 168 Autograph, 1808 . . . . , 201 " (Prescott), Gravestone, New Haven . 89 Hon. Roger,^" Account as Treasurer of Yale, 1772 152 List of Illustrations OPPOSITE Sherman, Hon, Roger/" Almanac, 1755 . ti a It ii 1761 " " " Autograph, 1741 41 ii ii ii I7CC u ii ii t« 1751 (I ii ii ii J JQ-} " " " Bible Family Record '• " " Birth Place Stone " " " Credentials as U. S. Senator " *' " Execution issued as Justice of the Peace, 1755 " " " Gravestone, New Haven " " " Houses, New Haven , " " " House, " " . . " '• '• Layout of Land, 1754 " " " Portrait .... ♦• " " " Earle . " " " " Hicks . " " " Warrant of Arrest issued as Jus tice of the Peace, 1765 . " •• " Will, Last Page of Yale Degree, M. A., 1768 . " Roger^^ (son of Hon. Roger), Autograph, 1793 1794 1827 Portrait Mrs., Portrait Yale Degree M. A., 1790 Roger^^ (son of George), Son and Grandson Portrait Lieut. Roger^* (son of Herbert A.), Portrait Hon. Roger Minott,^^ Portrait . Thomas Townsend,^' *' . . . " " Silhouette, 1915 William' (father of Hon. Roger), Autograph 1735 William (father of Hon. Roger), Gravestone 1741 List of Illustrations XI OPPOSITE PAGE Sherman, William^" (brother of Hon. Roger), Autograph, 1741 112 •• William^^ (brother of Hon. Roger), Agreement of Heirs of, 1756 ...... 120 " Lieut. William" (son of Hon. Roger), Auto- graph, 1776 200 " Gen. William T.,^^ Portrait .... 281 Thacher, Prof. Thomas A., " .... 337 " " •' " Mrs. and Three Generations . 336 " " " " House, New Haven . . 144 White, Charles A..^^ Portrait 368 " Oliver S.,i8 " 361 Roger S.,^3 a ^61 Yale College President's House ..... 144 Yaxley, England, Church ....... 8 LIST OF FAMILIES Page No. 1 Thomas ^ Sherman ^ 2 John^Sherman (i Thomas^ 3 Thomas^ Sherman (2 John^ 4 Thomas" Sherman (3 Thomas^ 5 John* Sherman , ( 6 Henry* Sherman ( 7 William* Sherman ( 8 Anthony* Sherman ( 9 Francis* Sherman •( 10 James* Sherman ( 1 1 Thomas^ Sherman (4 Thomas* 12 Nicholas^ Sherman (5 John* 13 HenryS Sherman (6 Henry* 14 Edmund^ Sherman ( 1 5 Robert* Sherman ( 16 John*^ Sherman (7 William* 17 Alexander^ Sherman (9 Francis* 18 Francis^ Sherman (10 James* 19 Thomas^ Sherman (12 Nicholas-^ 20 Henry'' Sherman (13 Henry^ 21 Samuel® Sherman ( 22 Daniel® Sherman ( 23 Nathaniel® Sherman ( 24 John® Sherman ( 25 Ezekiel® Sherman ( 26 Edmund® Sherman ( 27 Edmund® Sherman (14 Edmund^ 28 Richard® Sherman ( 29 Bezaliel® Sherman ( 30 Samuel® Sherman ( 31 John® Sherman... ( 32 Daniel' Sherman (22 Daniel® 33 Capt. John^ Sherman (24 John® 34 SamueP Sherman (27 Edmund® 35 SamueP Sherman (30 Samuel® 36 Bezaliel^ Sherman ( 20 23 39 49 52 61 65 68 69 70 71 73 82 87 89 91 91 91 92 93 95 97 98 102 104 105 III 113 114 117 118 118 124 125 126 XIV List of Families No. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Nathaniel^ Sherman (30 Samuel") Joseph^ Sherman (33 Capt. John^) John^ Sherman (34 SamueP) William^ Sherman (38 Joseph^) John'-* Sherman (39 John^) Hon. Roger^" Sherman (40 William^) Rev. Nathaniel^*' Sherman ( " ) Rev. Josiah^^ Sherman ( " ) Daniel^*^ Sherman (41 John^) Capt. John^^ Sherman (42 Hon. Roger^*^) Lieut. VVilliam^^ Sherman ( " ) Chloe'^ (Sherman) Skinner ( " ) Rebecca" (Sherman) Baldwin, .. .( " ) Elizabeth" (Sherman) Baldwin . . .( " ) Roger" Sherman ( " ) Mehetabel" (Sherman) Barnes- Evarts ( " ) Martha" (Sherman) Day ( *' ) Sarah" (Sherman) Hoar ( " ) Taylor" Sherman (45 DanieP*^) Rev. John^'^ Sherman (46 Capt. John") Major Charles^ Sherman ( " ) Nancy^2 ^Sherman) Mcintosh ( " ) Lucinda^'^ (Sherman) Littlefield . . .( " ) Elizabeth L.^^ (Sherman) Phelps.. (47 Lt. William") Hon. Roger S}'^ Baldwin (49 Rebecca") Simeon^^ Baldwin (50 Elizabeth") Martha^^ (Sherman) White (51 Roger") John S.^^ Sherman ( " ) Sophia^'^ (Sherman) Taylor ( " ) Edward S.^^ Sherman ( " ) George^^ Sherman ( " ) Benjamin P.^'^ Sherman ( " ) Elizabeth B.12 (Sherman) Thacher ( " ) Daniel" Barnes (52 Mehetabel") Mary^'^ (Evarts) Greene ( " ) Martha S.^^ (Evarts) Tracy ( " ) Hon. William M." Evarts ( " ) Page 126 127 134 134 148 149 207 212 221 221 234 239 243 244 245 250 252 253 254 256 260 266 279 284 293 294 294 295 296 296 298 299 299 300 301 307 310 List of Families XV No. 74 75 76 17 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 lOI 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Sherman^^ Day (53 Martha" Hon. Ebenezer R.^^ Hoar (54 Sarah" Sarah S.^^ (Hoar; Storer. ( " Edward S.^^ Hoar ( Hon. George F.^'^ Hoar ( " Hon. Charles R.^^ Sherman (55 Taylor" Gardiner^^ Sherman (56 Rev. John^^ Harriet^' (Sherman) Bouton ( Maria^^ (Sherman) Moore ( Henry^^ Sherman (57 Major Charles^^ James T.^^ Sherman ( " Andrew T.^^ Sherman ( '* John T.^^ Sherman ( " Elizabeth W.i^ (Baldwin) Whitney (61 Hon. Roger S.^^ Henrietta P.^^ (Baldwin) Foster ( Hon. Simeon E.^^ Baldwin ( Henry^^ Baldwin (62 Simeon^^ Simeon^^ Baldwin Henry D.^^ White (63 Martha^^ Charles A. 13 White Willard W.13 White Thomas H. 13 White George E.^^ White Susan S.13 (Taylor) Irvin (65 Sophia^ Margaret^^ (Taylor) Van Nest Thomas T.^^ Sherman (66 Edward S.^^ Kate W.13 (Sherman) Townsend ...( Reginald P.^^ Sherman ( Herbert A.^^ Sherman , ( Arthur O.^^ Sherman ( Alexander H. V.^^ Sherman ( Roger^^ Sherman (67 George^^ George E.^^ Sherman ( " Martha W.13 (Sherman) Bucknam ( Louisa S.i^ (Sherman) Loud (68 Benjamin P.^* Richard B.^^ Sherman ( " Page 312 313 314 316 317 318 326 327 329 335 336 339 342 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 353 354 354 355 356 356 357 358 358 359 360 360 361 362 363 363 xvi List of Families No. Page no Sherman D.^^ Thacher (69 Elizabeth B.'^ 111 William L.i^xhacher ( 112 E)lizabeth^3 (Thacher) Kent ( " 113 Anna^^ (Greene) Boutell (71 Mary^^ ii4 Roger S.^^ Greene ( " 115 Daniel C.'^ Greene ( " 1 16 Jeremiah E.^^ Tracy (72 Martha^'^ 117 Hettie S.^'' (Evarts) Beaman.(73 Hon. William M.^^ 118 Helen M.'3 (Evarts) Tweed.. ( 119 Elizabeth H.^^ (Evarts) Perkins ( " 120 Sherman^^ Evarts ( " 121 Rev. Prescott" Evarts ( " 122 Louisa W.^3 (Evarts) Scudder ( " 123 MaxwelP^ Evarts ( " 124 Roger S." Day (74 Sherman^^ 125 Jane O.^^ (Day) Palmer ( 126 Clinton^^ Day ( " 127 SamueH^ Hoar (75 Hon. Ebenezer R.^'^ 128 Elizabeth'3 (Hoar) Bowles.. ( 129 Sherman^^ Hoar ( " 130 Rockwood^3 Ho3j. (^g jiqj^ George F.^^ 131 Charles T.^^ Sherman (79 Hon. Charles R.^"- 132 Mary E.^3 (Sherman) Reese . .( 133 Gen. William T.^=^ Sherman. . .( " 134 Susan D.^^ (Sherman) Bartley ( «' 135 Frances B.^^ (Sherman) Moulton ( '• 136 James M." Sherman (84 James T." 137 Edward B." Whitney (87 Elizabeth W." 138 Alfred D.^^ Foster (88 Henrietta P.^" 139 Emily B." (Foster) Thacher ( 140 Burnside^* Foster ( " 141 Reginald^^ Foster ( " 142 Henry De F.^* Baldwin (91 Simeon^^ 143 Blanche D." (Baldwin) Lamb ( 144 Roger S." Baldwin ( " 364 365 365 366 368 370 372 374 376 377 379 380 380 381 382 384 384 385 386 386 387 388 391 397 400 402 405 406 407 408 409 409 410 410 411 ^iM^^>*>agk.*<<^^sfe^4*^^ SHERMAN COAT-OF-ARMS (^rigrinal belonged tn Hon. Roger Sherman at his death in 17'*.^ THE SHERMAN FAMILY OF YAXLEY, SUFFOLK AND DEDHAM, ESSEX ENGLAND, AND SOME DESCENDANTS IN AMERICA ^"T^HE name Sherman was borne in many parts of England more -*■ than six hundred years ago. It was written in various ways, including: Shearman, Shereman, Shirman and Sharman. It was of Enghsh origin and came from the trade or occupation of wool worker or maker of woolen cloth. The shearer clipped the sheep and the shearman or sherman made the wool into cloth and was also known as a clothier or woolen manufacturer. The Shermans of Dedham, in Essex, many of whom were en- gaged in this occupation or trade, are frequently described in wills and records as clothiers. Sometimes one of them is called a sher- man, as "Henry Sherman, sherman," Some of the earliest of this name had the prefix le, as John le Sherman. There were in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries several contemporaneous and distinct families of this name in different counties and even in the same county, apparently not related to one another and having many of the same Christian names. This, of course, increases the difficulty in tracing their respective lineages. In many of these early families the Christian name of Roger frequently appears, but none of the New England immigrants are descended from any of them. The family under consideration is the one early of Yaxley, in Suffolk, and later of Dedham, in Essex. Yaxley, also called Yaxlee, Yakesley, Jakeslee and Jackesley, is a small village or parish in the Hundred of Hartesmere in the northern part of Suffolk. A hundred is a subdivision of a County. Blackstone, in his commentaries, says : "As ten families of free- holders made up a town or tithing, soiten tithings composed a su- perior division, called a hundred as consisting of ten times ten families." (Book I, p. 115.) The Yaxley church is an ancient stone building of Norman 1 .>^ 2 Sherman Genealogy architecture with a square tower and a churchyard where many of the parishioners were buried. All the gravestones of the Sher- mans have long since disappeared, except one on the floor of the south aisle of the Church in memory of Barbara Sherman, the widow and second wife of Thomas* Sherman, of Yaxley. She died January 18, 1621/2, and a curious Latin inscription herein- after mentioned tells of her parentage and of her husband and two sons. There was a manor of Yaxley which, in the middle of the sixteenth century, was vested in Anthony Yaxley, eldest son of John Herberd, alias Yaxley, serjeant-at-law, son of Richard Her- berd, alias Yaxley. Anthony Yaxley lived at Melles, now Mellis, in Suffolk, and married Elizabeth, daughter of John Garneys, of Kenton, in Suffolk. Their daughter Elizabeth was the first wife of Thomas* Sherman, of Yaxley. By deed of gift, Anthony Yaxley and Richard Yaxley, his son and heir, granted to William Eglyn, Clerk, Vicar of Yaxley, Thomas^ Sherman, Senior, and Thomas* Sherman, Junior, Richard* Sherman and others, land called Erlysforth Close, in compliance with an arbitration dated "tricesimo die Julii Anno Regni Regis Henrici Octavi tricesimo octavo," July 30, 1546. ("The Manors of Suffolk," Coppinger, Vol. Ill, p. 349.) There are now no Shermans living in or near Yaxley. ^^y Dedham, also called Delham, Dyham and Byham, is a village and parish in the Hundred of Lexden, in the northern part of Essex, near the River Stour. In it were two manors, one called Dedham Hall and the other called Over-hall and Nether-hall, lands in which manors were held by the Shermans as tenants. These manors at one time belonged to a family named Dedham. Robert de Dedham, who died in 1288 held land in Dedham (Mor- ant's History of Essex, 1768, Vol. II, p. 247). Morant says of Dedham : "This was antiently a famous cloathing Town, even as early as K. Richard the second's reign [1377-1399] and the Bay trade extended into it afterwards, but is now greatly upon the decline. * * * Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, had here a Fulling Mill about the year 1382." There is evidence that woolen cloth was manufactured in Essex in Roman and Saxon times. In 1250, the Monastic houses of Essex exported wool to Italy. At the beginning of the fourteenth century, cloth workers from Bruges settled at Dedham and other places. An interesting Sherman Genealogy 3 group of houses, formerly the residence of immigrant Flemings engaged in the Bay and Say weaving industry, is still standing in Dedham. Bay and Say are what are now known as baize and serge. St. Mary's church, at Dedham, dating from the time of Henry III (1216-1272) is a large and fine one with a tall, square tower and a churchyard used as a burial ground, in which only one Sherman tombstone now remains, that of Edmund^ Sherman, Gent., who died Jan. 9 1741/2, and his wife, Mary, which has upon it the arms of the Yaxley and Dedham Shermans. John Constable, one of England's great landscape artists, was born and received his early education near Dedham, and painted many scenes from its neighborhood which is often called ''Constable's Country." Henry* Sherman, son of Thomas^ Sherman, of Yax- ley, who, according to his father's will, dated Jan. 20, 1551, was still serving his apprenticeship, although then considerably over twenty-one years of age and married, settled in Dedham, and there learned and afterwards pursued the trade of sherman or clothier or woolen cloth manufacturer. A school in Dedham was incorporated by charter of Queen Elizabeth, dated May 14, 1574, with the title of "Queen Elizabeth's Free Grammar School." She enjoined on the parents of the boys of this school that they should furnish their sons there with bows, shafts, bracers and gloves, in order to train them to arms. Henry* Sherman, of Dedham and Colchester, clothier, whose will was proved July 25, 1590, directed that he be buried in the parish Church of Dedham and gave to the poor of Dedham £20, to be a continual stock for the poor to the world's end, and that it should be ordered at the discretion of the Governors of the Free School of Dedham. (See p. 54.) Edmund'^ Sherman of Dedham, clothier, son of Henry* Sher- man, in his will, proved Apr. 30, 1601, mentioned his house by the church gate, and gave a field and tenement in Dedham to "the Governors of the Public Grammar School in Dedham, to be im- proved for a dwelling house for a schoolmaster that shall teach children to read and writing, which said schoolmaster shall freely teach one poor child which shall be from time to time appointed unto him by my son Edward and after him by his heirs forever." There is now in Dedham, opposite the Chitrch, a building called "Sherman Hall." The Parish Register of Dedham is replete with 4 Sherman Genealogy entries of vital records of the Shermans, showing that many of them were born, married and buried there in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but for a long time, no Shermans have lived in Dedham. The descendants of the Dedham Shermans, however, are numerous in the United States. The town of Diss, in the Hundred of Diss, in the Southern part of Norfolk, near the river Waveney, is another place where some of the early Shermans lived. It is said to take its name from its pond or ditch now called a mere, which lies in the rear of the buildings on the main street. It has a fine large ancient stone church with a square tower situated on an eminence overlooking the town. Notable among its Shermans was Thomas^ Sherman, who made his will in 1492, hereinafter set forth. Eye, near Yax- ley, in Suffolk, was also connected with the Shermans. Wortham, Suffolk, was the home of the Waller isLvnily. Jane, of that name, married the noted Thomas^ Sherman, of Yaxley, and became the mother of nine sons. Shermans and their relatives also lived in other places in the neighborhood of Yaxley and Dedham, in- cluding Roydon, Bramford, Thrandeston, Ardleigh. Palgrave, Colchester, Ipswich and Bury St. Edmunds. The preparation of this genealogy during a period of several years has involved extensive searches in the English records and the examination of many Parish Registers and many wills and probate records in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, at Somerset House, London, and at Ipswich, Bury St. Edmunds, Colchester, Norwich and other places, and also records in the London Public Record Office, the British Museum and elsewhere, of Manor Court Rolls, Feet of Fines. Lay Subsidies. Inquisi- tions Post Mortem, Patent Rolls, Close Rolls, Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, the Court of Star Chamber, the Court of Augmentations and the Court of Rec|uests, De Banco Plea Rolls, Common Pleas Plea Rolls. Deeds and other instruments. The De Banco and Common Pleas Plea Rolls in the Public Record Office are the Records or minutes in Latin of the pro- ceedings of the Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas. Each Roll has its number and consists of many sheets of parchment or membranes also numbered and each about a foot wide and over two feet long, fastened together at one end. The proceed- ings recorded are mainly actions to recover debts or damages for Sherman Genealogy 5 trespass on land or for personal injuries. They also include suits of an equitable nature. The following is a translation of an ex- ample of one of these minutes or entries in the Court of Common Pleas : Suffolk. Michaelmas Term 4 Philip and Mary [Nov., 1556] . Thomas Sherman Gent, in his own proper person proffers himself against John Deye of Yaxley, husband- man, of a plea wherefore he has broken the close and house of him the said Thomas at Yaxley. (Roll 1168, Membrane Z76). These Rolls are not indexed. Those covering certain periods have been examined, entry by entry, for references to the name Sherman. The searcher notes and reports each such appearance of the name, giving the numbers of the Roll, membrance and entry. Such entries as were thought to refer to any particular Shermans in question were given to an expert who read and translated and copied or made abstracts of them. Much of this work was done by the late Mr. J. Henry Lea, and his very able and expert associate, Mr. J. R. Hutchinson, of Clif- ford's Inn, Fleet Street, London. The late Charles A. White, Esq., of New Haven, Conn., also for many years pursued in- vestigations as to the ancestry of the Shermans in England and contributed valuable and interesting articles on the family with abstracts of wills and records which appeared in "The New Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register." Mr. White's con- tributions were signed "A Descendant of Captain John Sher- man." (See Register 51, p. 309 and 54, pp. 62, 152.) Many of the wills hereinafter mentioned were abstracted by the late Henry F. Waters and appear in his "Genealogical Gleanings in Eng- land," and "The New England Historical and Genealogical Reg- ister," which publication will be hereinafter referred to as the "Register." Grateful acknowledgment for much information as to the American Shermans is made to the late Professor Frank Demp- ster Sherman, of Columbia University, who died Sept. 19, 1916, and was the supreme authority on the genealogy of the various branches of the family in America. The tireless energy, pa- tience and perseverance with which his skillful and exhaustive researches in this field were conducted for many years, coupled 6 Sherman Genealogy with his great accuracy, resulted in the compilation by him of comprehensive genealogies of reliability and inestimable value. It is greatly to be regretted that he did not live to complete his work. His records are now in the New York Public Library, the gift of Mrs. Sherman. The Sherman lineage under consideration has been directly traced only to Thomas^ Sherman, of Diss, No^'folk and Yaxley, Suffolk, whose will is dated Nov. 4, 1492, less than a month after the discovery of America by Columbus, on Oct. 12, 1492. Many records relating to earlier Shermans, of Yaxley and other neigh- boring places in Suffolk, have been found and are deemed worthy of notice. Perhaps further investigations may connect some of these persons with the line of Thomas, of Diss. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with ancient records and the methods of notation of time, it is to be observed that the time of many events is recorded by reference to regnal years. These begin with the first day of the reign of the sovereign. It is con- venient to here note that the reigns to which most frequent ref- erence will be made begin as follows : Edward II July 8, 1307 Edward III Jan. 25, 1326 Richard II June 22, 1377 Henry IV Sept. 30, 1399 Henry V Mar. 21, 1413 Henry VI Sept. 1,1422 Edward IV Mar. 4, 1461 Edward V Apr. 9,1483 Richard III June 26, 1483 Henry VII Aug. 22, 1485 Henry VIII Apr. 22, 1509 Edward VI Jan. 28,1547 Mary July 6,1553 Elizabeth Nov. 17, 1558 James I Mar. 24, 1603 Charles I Mar. 27, 1625 Charles II Jan. 30, 1649 The regnal year, known as the first year of Elizabeth, began on Nov. 17, 1558, and the second year, of course, began on Nov. Sherman Genealogy 7 17, 1559. The law terms of the Courts were and are as follows: Hilary Term from 23 or 24 Jan., to 12 or 13 Feb., prior to 1830 — since then Jan. 11 to Jan. 31. Easter (or Paschal) Term, from 17 days after Easter, lasting three weeks, prior to 1830. Since then Apr. 15 to May 8. Trinity Term — From 1264 to 1540, began on Wednesday after Corpus Christi day (Thursday after Trinity Sunday) lasting three weeks. From 1541 to 1751 it began on Friday after Corpus Christi and lasted until the following Wednesday fort- night. Since 1830, May 22 to June 12. Michaelmas Term from 1264 to 1640 began on 9 or 10 Oct., and ended 28 or 29 Nov. From 1641 to 1751 it began on 23 or 24 Oct. and ended as before. Since 1830, Nov. 2 to Nov. 25. Therefore, Michaelmas Term in the reign of Elizabeth would be referred to in a court record as being in two regnal years, thus Michaelmas Term 2 and 3 Elizabeth would be 1559. Until 1752 in England and this country there were two meth- ods of reckoning time, the civil or ecclesiastical year, beginning on Mar. 25 (Annunciation Day or Lady Day), and the historical year, beginning on Jan. 1. Hence, the days between Dec. 31 and Mar. 25 were in two years, thus Feb. 25, 1750, according to the old civil year was Feb. 25, 1749, and is properly expressed Feb. 25, 1749/50. The present calendar, or what is called New Style, in distinc- tion from Old Style, was established by Act of Parliament in 1751, adopting the Gregorian, in place of the Julian Calendar, as adjusted by Julius Caesar in 46 B. C. By the Julian Calendar the average length of the year was fixed at 365^ days. This was too long by a few minutes and this error having aggregated 10 days, Pope Gregory XIH by bull in 1582, introduced what is called the Gregorian Calendar, by which the day following the feast of St. Francis, Oct. 5th, was called Oct. 15th, and the present system of reckoning the ordinary years as of 365 days each and the leap years as of 366 days each, was established. England, however, continued to use the Julian Calendar until the Gregorian Calendar was adopted by the Act of Parliament above mentioned, Chapter XXIII, 24 George II, 1751, entitled "An Act regulating the commencement of the year; and for correcting the calendal 8 Sherman Genealogy now in use." It enacted that the first day of Jan. next following the last day of Dec, 1751, should be the first day of the year 1752, and that from and after that day, the several days of each month should go on and be reckoned and numbered in the same order until the second day of Sept., 1752, and that the natural day next immediately following should be called and reckoned to be the fourteenth day of Sept., omitting for that time only, the eleven intermediate nominal days, and that the several natural days which should follow should be numbered forward in numerical order from said fourteenth day of Sept., according to the order and succession of days then used in the then present calendar. There is still some error in the calendar resulting in an excess of time in each year. The difference between Old Style and New Style from 1582 to 1700 is 10 days and from 1700 to 1753 is 11 days. This should be borne in mind in considering Old Style dates, and the difference should be added in correcting a date from Old Style to New Style. Thus, Feb. 11. 1750, Old Style, is Feb. 22, 1750. New Style. In Old Style, March was called the first month and Feb. the twelfth month. THE YAXLEY SHERMANS. Yaxley has always been a small village and probably all the Shermans who have lived there were of the same family. The Arms of this family are : Or, a Lion Rampant sable between three oak leaves, vert. The crest is: A Sea Lion sejeant or (or sable or argent). ("The General Armory," Burke, 1878, p. 922.) For an illustration of these Arms see "The New York Genea- logical and Biographical Record," Vol. 44, p. 341. This is similar to one which belonged to Hon. Roger Sherman at his death in 1793, and is now owned by the author. Other Sherman Arms given by Burke are : Sherman of Newark, County of Leicester. In the Herald's Visitation of Leicester in 1619, appears William'' Sherman, then aged 34 years, son and heir of John^ Sherman and grandson of William* Sherman, grocer and merchant of London, fifth son of Thomas^ Sherman of Yaxley, time of Henry VII (1485-1509), with same arms as Sherman of Yaxley, the lion charged on the shoulder with an annulet for difference. Crest : a sea lion sejeant argent, guttee de poix, finned or. Sherman of Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire. In the visitation of Devonshire in J _ J. R. HUTCHINSON Of London, England, Genealogist. Eminent authority on ancient records Sherman Genealogy 9 1620, appear, John Sherman and Richard Sherman, sons of WilHam Sherman and grandsons of John Sherman who was son and heir of Robert Sherman of Yaxley, by his wife the daughter of WilHam Sherman of Ottery St. Mary. Arms : Or, a lion ram- pant sable between three holly leaves vert. Crest : a sea lion sejeant sable, guttee d'or, finned proper. In the Lay Subsidy of 1327, which was a tax of one-twentieth on moveables or personal property, the original roll for which is in the Public Record Ofhce in London, John Sherman, of the '*Vil- lata de Jakeslee," Yaxley, in the Hundred of Hartesmere, Suf- folk, was taxed twelve pence. The record reads : "de Johanne Sherman xii d." (Sufifolk Green Book No. IX, Vol. 2, p. 24.) In 1341, Roger Sherman, Chaplain, suffered a fine of lands in Yaxley, Eye, and other neighboring places. (Calendar of Sufifolk fines, Rye, p. 193.) Henry Shennan, of Yaxley, son of John, appears in Court proceedings in 1349-1356, as follows : Trinity Term 24 Edward III (May- June, 1349), The Prior of Eye, Suffolk, a Village about two miles east of Yaxley, sued Henry Sherman of Jakesle, to compel him to render his reasonable account for the time during which he was the said Prior's re- ceiver of money. (De Banco Plea Roll 362: membrane 68.) Easter Term 27 Edward III (Apr.-May, 1352), John son of John of the Howe, who was of Yaxley, sued Henry son of John le Sherman for debt (D. B. P. Roll 373 :4). Trinity term 28 Edward III (May- June, 1353), Margaret who was the wife of Ivo de Kenton sued Henry le Sherman, of Yakesle to compel him to render to her reasonable account for the time during which he was her receiver. (D. B. P. Roll 378:38.) Michaelmas Term 31 Edward III (Nov., 1356), John Pampyng sued Henry Sherman of Yakesle to recover debt of 40 shillings. (D. B. P. Roll 392:317.) After this, no record of any Sherman of Yaxley has been found until May, 1395 (Trinity Term 18-19 Richard II), when Roger Glendale and Johan, his wife, sued John Wrenne, of Yaxley, John Dune, Thomas Sharman, Thpmas Cokke and Thomas Attehowe to recover the third part of twelve acres of land in Yaxley which plaintiffs claimed in dower of the dowering of Henry Sharman, formerly Johan's husband. The sheriff was ordered to seize the 10 Sherman Genealogy aforesaid third part into the hands of the King (De Banco Plea Roll 538:182). The defendant, Thomas Sharman, was probably a son of the plaintiff Johan (Sharman) Glendale. It will be seen hereafter that Thomas^ Sherman of Yaxley, in his will dated Jan. 20, 1551, mentions his "lands sumetyme Wrenys lying in Yaxlee." In Apr.-May, 1460 (Easter Term 38 Henry VI), John Kew, of Diss, and John Payn, of Reydon, sued to recover ten marks from each of John Sherman and Robert Sherman, both of Yax- ley, yeomen. (De Banco Roll 797:325. Register 68, p. 148.) The will of John Sherman of Yaxley, dated Aug. 20, 1465, was proved Oct. 2, 1466. He directs that he be buried in Yaxley churchyard, and mentions his wife Margaret, his son Robert and Robert's son William. He also mentions another Robert Sher- man who was probably a relative. He gives his wife a garden called "Bukksyerde." Thomas^ Sherman of Yaxley, who died in 1551, in his will, mentions lands called "Bukky's Lede," and he may have been a descendant of this testator John Sherman (Reg- ister 66, p. 322). The next Yaxley Sherman to be found in the records is Thomas^ Sherman, of Diss and Yaxley, who died in 1493, and with him the pedigree hereinafter given starts. From the foregoing, it appears that the following named Shermans were living at Yaxley, at the dates following : John Sherman — 1327. John Sherman — 1349. Henry Sherman, his son — 1349. Henry Sherman. Johan (Jane) Sherman, his wife — before 1395, Thomas Sherman — 1395. John Sherman — 1460. Robert Sherman — 1460. John Sherman — 1465. Margaret Sherman, his wife — 1465. Robert Sherman, their son — 1466. William Sherman, son of last mentioned Robert — 1466. Thomas^ Sherman, of Diss and Yaxley — 1492. The line of Dcdham Shermans begins with Henry* Sherman, who was born about 1520, and whose will is dated Jan. 20, 1590. Sherman Genealogy 11 OTHER EARLY SHERMANS. A license to trade in wool was granted at Westminster, June 8, 1274, to Richard le Shereman merchant of Huthe (Hythe), in Essex, near Colchester. (Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I.) Adam le Scherman and Christian, his wife, of Suffolk, were sued for trespass in June, 1297. (Coram Rege Rolls, Index Library.) Michaelmas Term 18 Richard H, 1394, William Sherman, of BIyburgh, James Sherman, of Little Blakenham, and John Sher- man, of Belton, all in Suffolk, were sued; William for "with swords, bows and arrows" taking and imprisoning Robert Gar- neys; James for taking and carrying away goods and chattels (De Banco Roll 535:523), and John for forcible entry and taking of property. (Same Roll 556.) Robert Sherman, Clerk, was Rector of Ikworth, Suffolk, about eight miles southwest of Yaxley, from Dec. 12, 1426, to Mar. 5, 1449/50. (Ikworth Parish Registers by Ernest Jackson, p. 39.) He was' sued for debt several times and in 1448 sued to recover a horse of the price of forty shillings. Thomas Sherman, husbandman of Aspale juxta Debenham, about seven miles south of Yaxley, was a party to actions 1438- 1449. William Sherman, Rector of the parish church of Thweyt, about three miles southwest of Yaxley, appears as party to actions 1439-1454. The will of John Herberd of Yaxley, dated Jan. 23, 1458/9, proved June 29, 1459 (P. C. C. Stokton 17), devises "all my lands late bought of Margaret Sherman & Thomas Porter, chap- lain, lying in Yaxlee in a field called Netherfield" (Register 68, p. 149.) Easter Term 24 Henry VI, 1446, Robert Scherman, of Cog- geshall, Essex, sherman, was sued for debt (De Banco Roll 741 : 27) and in Michaelmas Term 27, Henry VI, 1448, he was sued as Robert Sharman, for trespass. (Roll 751:270.) Trinity Term 8 Henry VII, 1493, Robert Wrenne, of Yax- ley, husbandman , John Sherman, of Gyslyngham, husbandman, and another, were sued by Geoffrey Dunston for forcible entry of his houses at Bury St. Edmunds and Yaxley, and taking chattels and depasturing his lands with horses and cattle on Oct. 19, 1492 (De Banco Roll 925:227). 12 Sherman Genealogy William Sherman was Vicar of Newton, Suffolk, about six miles south of Yaxley, in Nov., 1495. (Roll 936:282.) Michaelmas Term 13 Henry VII, 1497, John Sherman, of Neyland, Suffolk, near Dedham, Essex, fuller, was sued for debt. (Roll 942:165.) In 1499 Thomas Sherman was Vicar of Great Elyngham, near Diss, in Norfolk (Roll 947:221). Trinity Term 9 Henry VIII, 1517, a writ was issued for the arrest of Roger Sherman, of Debenham, Suffolk, about ten miles south of Yaxley, for detaining a horse. (Com. Pleas Roll 1019:400.) The Court Rolls of the manor of Sackville, in Debenham, have entries between 1513 and 1602, relating to a Sherman family of Debenham, tenants of that manor. Of this family were Nicholas Sherman, a tenant, in 1513. He died about 1537, leav- ing a widow, Margaret, and a youngest son and heir, John, aged ten years. Roger Sherman took land in 1513 and died about 1517, leaving Roger Sherman, his youngest son and heir, aged three years in 1519, who married Elizabeth and had a son John, who died in 1587, leaving a wife Alice, who afterwards married Qement Tuthill, and daughters Alice and Elizabeth. The said Roger and Elizabeth, his wife, both died before Sept. 2, 1601. There was also a tenant Thomas Sherman, mercer, dealer in cloths, who also lived at Horham and Ipswich, who died in 1602, having in 1601 surrendered lands to the use of his last will. These Manor Rolls are in the Town Hall, Ipswich. Gilbert Sherman, of Becclys, Suffolk, Gent, appeared in the Courts as a party often from 1533 until 1573, when Thomas* Sherman, his administrator, appears by Francis Sherman, his at- torney. Gilbert Sherman married Isabel, daughter of Robert Wolcy (Wolsey), of Beccles, dyer, and Isabel, his wife. Gilbert Sherman appeared in the Court of Common Pleas as Attorney for Richard Yaxley, sued by Thomas Sherman, of Yaxley, for £20, Michaelmas Term 28 Henry VIII, 1536. (Roll 1091 :512.) Gil- bert Sherman, described as "one of the attorneys of this Bench, 1539." (Roll 1102:412.) Michaelmas Term 3 Edward VI, 1549, Gilbert Sherman in his own proper person sued Thomas Brown, of Beccles, yeoman, for defamation in that Brown af Beccles, did say and proclaim "Sherman thow art a false Knave & a Tray tour, a Sherman Genealogy 13 Theefe, an oppressour, a bryber; and by Godds bloud, Traytour! yf thow wilt not paye me for my geldyng, I shall carry the to the Oke at Muswold with thre hundreth horsemen, for now ys the day come that all theves, oppressours & Traytours as thowe art shal be hanged ; and as for the lawe, Knave, we wyll no more of yt, & by Godds sowle, traytour, I will make the sure by & by that thoue shalt not go away." (C. P. Roll 1142:294.) The oak on Mouse- hold Heath without the gates of Norwich, was an ancient tree where traitors were hanged. Kett, in his rebellion, set up his court beneath it. EARLY NEW ENGLAND SHERMANS. The early Sherman settlers in New England, whose descen- dants in this country are so numerous, were as follows : Captain John Sherman, Rev. John Sherman and his brother Samuel Sherman, Philip Sherman and his brother Samuel Sher- man, all of whom came from Dedham, Essex County. Rev. John Sherman and his brother Samuel spelled their name "Sherman." The others spelled it "Shearman." William Sherman also came from England about 1632 to Plymouth, Mass., and afterwards settled at Marshfield where he died and was buried Oct. 25, 1679. His descendants are numerous. His place of origin in England is as yet unknown, but is was probably Northamptonshire. Other early immigrant Shermans who left no known de- scendants were Richard, uncle of Rev. John, of Dedham, who died in Boston, Mass., May 20, 1660, and Thomas Sherman, who came from London in the ship "Hopewell," Feb. 17, 1634. He may have been the Thomas who was of Ipswich, on Dec. 27, 1642, and was then sued for trespass. (Records and Files of Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Vol. I, p. 45.) He was a servant of Governor Simon Bradstreet, and on Dec. 31, 1645, was sentenced by the Court to be whipped next lecture day at Ipswich, "that is faier wether" for running away, stealing money from his master and others, writing a defamatory letter from England and forg- ing one from his father, to the prejudice of the country and his master. (Id. p. 91.) The court on Jan. 2, 1650, directed that the sentence of Thomas Shareman, servant to Worshipful Simon 14 Sherman Genealogy Brodestrette, above mentioned, of Dec. 31, 1645, be carried out, said Shareman to serve his master one year and four months longer. (Id. p. 205.) Nothing further is known of him, nor is anything known of three Shermans who came to Virginia from England; James in 1643, Edmund in 1650, and William in 1652; nor of Joseph of Wethersfield, Conn., in 1636, and Thomas of Fairfield, Conn., in 1651, and later of Long Island. Captain John Sherman came to Watertown, Mass., with his mother, Grace, then wife of Thomas Rogers, and her husband, about 1636, and lived and died there. He was the ancestor, among others, of Hon. Roger Sherman, signer of the Declara- tion of Independence; Judge Roger Minott Sherman, Judge and United States Attorney General Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, United States Senator George Frisbie Hoar, United States Attorney- General, Secretary of State and Senator William Maxwell Evarts, Governor of Connecticut and United States Senator Roger Sher- man Baldwin and his son, Chief Justice and Governor of Con- necticut, Simeon Eben Baldwin. Hon. Samuel Sherman, brother of Rev. John, about 1634, came from Dedham with his father Edmund, w^ho died at New Haven, Conn., 1641. He lived at Watertown and Boston, Mass., Wethersfield, Stratford and Fairfield, Conn., where he died April 5, 1700. He was a leading man in New Haven Colony, a con- spicuous member of the Church and an Assistant from 1662 to 1667. He was the father of Captain and Judge John Sherman, of Woodbury, Conn., who was speaker of the Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, Assistant and Judge of Probate and Judge of the County Court. Their descendants included General William Tecumseh Sherman and United States Senator and Secretary of State, John Sherman. Rev. John Sherman came in the ship "Elizabeth," which sailed from Ipswich "the last of April, 1634," aged 20. He settled first at Watertown, Mass., then at Milford, Conn., New Haven, Conn, and finally again at Watertown, Mass., where he died Aug. 8, 1685. He was a noted divine. Hon. Philip Sherman came in 1632/3, lived for a short time in Roxbury, Mass., removed to Rhode Island about 1638 and set- tled at Portsmouth, where he died in Mar.. 1687. He was one of the founders of the Rhode Island Colony, its first Recorder or Sherman Genealogy 15 Secretary, and prominent in all public affairs. Among his de- scendants were Gen. Thomas West Sherman, of the Mexican and Civil Wars, Vice-President James Schoolcraft Sherman and Professor Frank Dempster Sherman, of Columbia University. Samuel Sherman, brother of Philip, settled in Boston, Mass., where he died, in 1643. A William and a Thomas Sherman were in New Jersey before 1700. To the late Professor Frank Dempster Sherman, the Sherman family will be under lasting obligation for his services during many years in ascertaining the facts and compiling genealogies of the several branches of the family in America. His line of de- scent from Hon. Philip^ Sherman, of Rhode Island, is as follows : Hon. Philip^ Sherman, born Dedham, England, baptized there Feb. 10, 1611; died Mar., 1687, Portsmouth, Rhode Island; mar- ried Sarah Odding. Their son Peleg- Sherman, born Portsmouth, R. I., 1638; died 1719, Kingston, R. I.; married July 25, 1657, Elizabeth Lawton, daugter of Thomas Lawton, born 1639, and survived her husband. Their son, Thomas^ Sherman, born Ports- mouth, R. I., Aug. 8, 1658; died before July 21, 1719; married May 26, 1702, Lydia Wilcox, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Cook) Wilcox, granddaughter of Frances Cooke and Richard Warren, who came in the "Mayflower;" d. 1756, as widow of Thomas Potter, Sr. Their son, Benjamin^ Sherman, born South Kingston, R. I., about 1712; died after 1786; married for his first wife, about 1740, his second cousin, Mary Sherman, dau. of William," born June 29, 1724, North Kingston, R. I., and died May 12, 1762. Their son, James'^ Sherman, bap. South Kingston, R. I., July 17, 1762; died Jan. 12, 1839; married about 1788, Ruth Brewster, daughter of William and Olive (Morgan) Brews- ter, a descendant of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower, born Oct. 25, 1764, and died Feb. 1, 1845. James^ Sherman served in the Revolutionary War. Their son, James^ Sherman, born Apr. 20, 1796, near Rome, N. Y. ; died Apr. 16, 1865; married Feb. 28, 1821, Fidelia Fairchild, daughter of Stephen and Ruth (Foote) Fairchild, born Nov. 8, 1799, and died Sept. 3, 1875. Their son, John Dempster'^ Sherman, born Oct. 25, 1829, at Locke, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; died Feb. 11, 1908; married Aug. 10, 1857, Lucy McFarland, daughter of Daniel and Martha (Skin- ner) McFarland, born June 14, 1838 and died Mar. 14, 1878. 16 Sherman Genealogy Their eldest son was Professor Frank Dempster^ Sherman, born May 6, 1860, at Peekskill, N. Y. ; married Nov. 16, 1887, Juliet Mersereau Durand, daughter of the Rev. Cyrus Bervic and Sarah Elizabeth (Mersereau) Durand, born Sept. 15, 1868. Profes- sor Sherman, Ph.B., Columbia, 1884, from 1886 until his death was connected with Columbia University in the School of Archi- tecture and at his death was Professor of Graphics. He was also well known as the author of many poems. He died Sept. 19, 1916. The Sherman immigrants whose descendants are hereinafter dealt with, were of the Dedham family, whose Dedham ancestor was Henry* Sherman, of Dedham and Colchester, clothier or woolen manufacturer. He undoubtedly was the son of Thomas^ Sherman, of Yaxley, a very interesting and notable character in his day. Singularly, however, in the great amount of information about these people, no absolute proof that these men were father and son has been found. Thomas^ died in 1551, leaving nine sons, of whom Henry*' was the fourth. By his father's will, dated Jan. 20, 1551, Henry* receives a legacy to be paid to him "when he comyth oute of his prentyshode." Because he was still serving as an apprentice learning a trade, he was not necessarily a minor. The usual term of apprenticeship was then seven years and al- though such terms usually began during minority, they frequent- ly continued for several years after the apprentice was of full age and sometimes began after the age of twenty-one. This was ap- parently the case with Henry.* His father was married probably about 1512, and as Henry's* daughter Alice who married Nicholas Fynce, had a daughter Elizabeth buried at Dedham, Mar 6, 1563, she must have been married in 1562 or earlier and born about 1542. Consequently, Henry* was born as early as about 1520, and in such case was about 30 years old at the time of his father's death in 1551. He was engaged in the trade of shearman or clothier or woolen manufacturer and the Dedham Manor Court Rolls show that he was a householder there in 1548. Nothing in any records as yet found shows that this Henry was not the son of Thomas^ of Yaxley, or that there was any other person named Henry Sherman who could have been the son of said Thomas. Henry, the son of Thomas, is mentioned in the wills of his mother, his brothers and his nephews, but not in such a way as to abso- lutely identify him. He was the progenitor of the Dedham Sher- Sherman Genealogy 17 mans who bore the Arms of the Yaxley Shermans. "The Arms of the Shermans of Essex, as recorded in the College of Arms, are the same with slight variation as the Arms of the Yaxley Sher- mans." (Charles A. White, Reg. 54 p. 64.) John Gwillim's "Display of Heraldry," published in 1660, says that the Dedham Shermans were "originally extracted from Yaxley in Suffolk" (Reg. 51, p. 357). Other circumstantial evidence that Henry* was the son of Thomas^ Sherman of Yaxley, will hereinafter ap- pear. Another fact not absolutely proved, but practically certain is that Grace Sherman, the mother of Captain John Sherman, of Watertown, the immigrant, was the daughter of Tobias Makin, of Fringrinhoe, Essex. The burial of his father John, and his bap- tism and that of his brother Richard, at Great Horkesly, Essex, and the baptism at Dedham of his half-sister, Elizabeth Rogers, after their mother Grace's second marriage to Thomas Rogers, as shown by the records, will appear. Grace, in her will, called the Rev. John Sherman her cousin, that is, as the term was then used, her nephew. It is quite certain that his mother, Joan, was a daughter of Tobias Makin, and consequently, a sister of Grace. These and other facts hereinafter stated and the absence of any evidence to the contrary, tend to prove the parentage of Grace Sherman. The earliest will of a Yaxley Sherman is that of John, who died in 1466. The following is an abstract of it: JOHN SHERMAN, of Yaxley, Suffolk ; m. Margaret ; d. 1466. Will dated Aug. 20, 1465. To be buried in Yaxley churchyard. Bequest to Mar- garet my wife ; to the high altar of Yaxley. To Robert my son the tenement formerly Robert Sherman's containing eight acres of land. To my godson Richard eight acres of land called Fiveacre and Ly Heme. To my wife Margaret a gar- den called Bukksyerde. A trental (thirty successive daily requiem masses) of St. Gregory to be said for my soul and the souls of my father and mother. A churchale (festival at which ale is used) to be held in Yaxley church. Executors Robert Sherman my son and his son William. Proved Oct. 18 Sherman Genealogy 2, 1466. (Archdeaconry of Sudbury, Bury St. Edmunds, Book II, fol. 384. Reg. 66, p. 322.) The will of Thomas^ Sherman, of Yaxley, dated Jan. 20, 1550/1, gives to his sister Loclcwood, an annuity charged on lands called "Bukkys Lede." 1. THOMAS^ SHERMAN, of Diss, Norfolk and Yaxley, Suf- folk, England ; mar. Agnes. He d. 1493. His will in Latin dated Nov. 4, 1492, was proved Apr. 4, 1493 (Consistory Court, Norwich, Awbrye 130). The following is a transla- tion of it : IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the fourth day of the month of November 1492 I THO : SHERMAN of Dysse being sound of mind and of good memory, do make my testament and last will in manner follow- ing. First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God the Blessed Virgin and all the Saints and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the Parish church of Dysse aforesaid Item I bequeath to the high altar of the same church 6s. 8d. Item I bequeath to the reparation of the same church 6s. 8d. Item I bequeath to the Gilde of St. Nicholas 20d. Item I bequeath to the Gilde of Corpus Christi 12d. Item to the high altar of Yaxle 2s. Item I bequeath to the reparation of that Church 20d. Item I bequeath to Will- iam Tybbenham my servant 6s. 8d. Item I bequeath to each of my god- sons and goddaughters 4d. Item I bequeath to the lane called Stybys (or Styvys) lane 6s. 8d. Item I bequeath to the reparation of the church of Reydon two bushels of corn and four bushels of malt. Item I bequeath to the reparation of the church of Stuston two bushels of corn and four bushels of malt. Item I bequeath to the reparation of the church of Burston two bushels of corn and four bushels of malt. Item I will that Agnes my wife shall have my tenement except three houses namely a Berne a stable a nethouse next to the tenement of Agnes Melton with the croft lying between the land of Thomas Cowper on the one part and the Lord's copyhold land in the tenure of William Boty on the other part for the term of her widowhood and eight cows. Item I will that John my son shall have my lands and tenements in Dysse and Yaxle aforesaid to fulfil and perform my last will. Item I bequeath to the four orders of Friars of Norwich to each of them 3s. 4d. Item I will have an honest priest to sing for my soul and for the souls of my parents and benefactors by the space of four years. Item I bequeath to Agnes the wife of John Clerk one young cow of the best. Item I bequeath to Thomas Clerk my godson one young cow with calf. Item I bequeath to Elizabeth Clerk one heifer and to each of the sons of the said John Clerk one calf. Item I be- queath to each of the daughters of John Sherman one calf. Item I be- queath to Thomas Shereve my godson one calf. The residue of all my goods not above bequeathed I give and bequeath to the disposition of the Sherman Genealogy 19 aforesaid John Sherman and John Clerk whom I ordain make and con- stitute my faithful executors to order and dispose as they shall deem best for the pleasure of God and the good of my soul. Dated the place day and year aforesaid. Proved at Norwich 4 April 1493 and administration granted to John Sherman executor named in the will, power being reserved to John Clerk the other executor. (Consistory Court of Norwich, Reg- ister Awbrye, fol. 130.) Children : 2 I. John- Sherman of Yaxley. II. Agnes- Sherman; m. John Clerk or Clerke. Chil- dren: 1. Thomas Clerke; 2. Elizabeth Clerke and one or more other sons. Will of Richard Lany, citizen and scrivener, of London, dated Nov. 11, 1538, proved Jan. 22, 1539. Mentions "kinswoman Margery Clerke." Richard Lany's dau. Faith Lany, called in his will a "young- ling," mar. William* Sherman, son of Thomas. ^ William* Sher- man d. June 1, 1583. Roydon, Norfolk, is very near Diss. Burston, Norfolk, is about two miles north of Diss. The will of John Clerke, of Diss, son-in-law of Thomas^ Sherman, of Diss, is dated Feb. 2, 1506-7: My body to be buried in the parish churchyard of Disse. To the high altar there, for tithes forgotten, 3s. 4d. To the reparations of the same church 12d. To the gilde of St. Nicholas 8d. To the gilde of Corpus Christi 8d. I will that my executors shall pay to the Purchas in Framing- ham quarterly. To the high aUar of Gissinge 4d., to the altar in Burston 6d. To the same church 4 bushels of malt. To each of my children £3. 6s. 8d. to be paid as it may be borne, with conditions that if any land should remain by reason of inheritance, they are to deliver such title as they have to executors; if they will not, executors are to withhold money be- queathed ; if any of my children die, that money to be divided among my children ; if more than one die, then half to my children and half to Ex- ecutors "for the good of my soul;" if all the children die, then the money to be disposed of in masses singing and in other "almes deedes doing most to the pleasure of God and the profit of my soul." Agnes my wife to have my tenement in Yaxle, with two pastures in Burston and Little Thornham for life. If my son Thomas will purchase my tenement in Disse with Cowpersclos, he shall have them within the price of any other £6-13s. 4d. and then the said £3-6s.-8d. to be parcel of the same. My other lands and meadows in Burston. Gissing and Reydon to be sold by Executors and after death of wife Agnes, all my lands to be sold and if 20 Sherman Genealogy any of my children be able to buy that at Yaxle, after her death they shall have it 40 shillings within the price, besides the £3. 6s. 8d. With the money so arising I will have a lawful priest for me and my friends to Rome, there to be in prayer and pilgrimage the hoole Lent and to sing for me and my friends a whole year, viz. : my wives and my children, my father and my mother Robert and Kateryn, Johan Kew and Mant, Stevyn Brightled and John Payn the which I am in debt to. The residue of all goods not bequested I put to Executors disposition, whom I appoint Agnes my wife, John Gierke, priest, and Thomas my son, to dispose for me and my friends souls. Feoffees to deliver seizin of my land to my executors. Proved Apr. 14, 1507 by Sir John Gierke, priest and Thomas Gierke, power reserved to Executrix. (Episcopal Gonsistorial Gourt of Norwich, Reg- ister Rixe No. 26 fol. 460.) 2. JOHN^ SHERMAN (1. Thomas^, of Yaxley, Suflfolk; m. Agnes Fuller, dau. of Thomas Fuller. She also m. Robert Hendry, probably after the death of John Sherman. He d. 1504. His will, dated Aug. 10, 1504, was proved Dec. 12, 1504. (Consistory Court Norwich, Rix 42.) The following is an abstract of his will : I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, our Lady Saint Mary and to all ye holy company of heaven. To be buried in the parish yard of our lady of Yaxle aforesaid. To the high altar of said church for tithes forgotten, or too little paid, three shillings four pence. To the reporacion of said church, one comb of malt and three bushels of wheat. To the gilde of Saint Thomas in Yaxley aforesaid a cow. To the reporacion of ye church of Dysse eight bushels of malte and four bushels of wheat. To Agnes my wife for her life, my tenements in Yaxley called Hobbes, with all the land, both free and bond thereto appertaining, and a close called tilers close. Also to Agnes my wife for her life my tenements in Yaxley wherein I now dwell with all the land, both free and bond and other appurtenances thereto belonging, or else my tenement in Dysse, with appurtenances (except a close called Elmswell) at her choice. The other tenements to be let by my executors "to ffynde w* my children" and pay my debts, and then to my son Thomas at the age of twenty two. If my wife dies before my son Thomas becomes twenty two, then said tenements and lands which she held for life to be let by my executors until my son Thomas becomes twenty two and then Thomas to have them, he paying to his sister Margery when she comes to the age of twenty two years ten pounds. If my said daughter Margery decease within the age of twenty two years, then I will the said Thomas shall provide a priest a year to sing for my soul, and my friends souls, and another priest another year at his most ease. Sherman Genealogy 21 If Thomas my son decease within the age of twenty two years then all the above named tenements and lands shall be sold by my executors, and Margery my daughter, if she live, shall have to her marriage twenty pounds, and the residue to be disposed by the discretion of my executors. Also I will that if Thomas my son and Margery my daughter at the age of sixteen years will not be content and ruled by my executors for their "fyndyngs" then Thomas my son to have towards his said findings of my executors every year twenty six shillings eight pence, and the said Margery yearly thirteen shillings, four pence, until they come to the age of twenty-two years. And I will that a close called Emswell in Dysse afore excepted be sold by my executors to the performance of this my testament. To Thomas my son at twenty two years, four quarters of barley and a cow. To Margery my daughter at the said age of twenty two years, eight comb of barley and a cow. To Robert my servant, eight bushels of barley. To each of my godchildren, twelve pence. Moreover I desire and require Mr. Thomas Jermyn of Rushbrooke and others being feoffees of trust to my use in all above named tenements and lands, as well free as bond with all their premises, make estate and surrender of the same when they shall be required, according to this my testament and last will. The residue of all my goods and chattels before not bequeathed I give to my executors to dispose for my soul and my friends as shall seem to them best and most pleasure to Almighty God and profit of my soul. My said wife and Thomas Fullen, my father in law, to be executors. (Reg. 54, p. 152.) Agnes, his widow, was living in the time of peace in the reign of Henry VIII, that is, probably between 1514 and 1522. See action in Court of Common Pleas in 1528 of Thomas^ Sherman vs. Isabel Dedham. The will of William Fuller, of Bury St. Edmunds, dated Mar. 10, 1497/8, was proved Mar. 16, 1498/9: "To Syr. William Norton, viij.d. To Margery my wife and heirs my tenement I dwell in with all hostilments [furniture] utensils and jewels. To Margett Deve a bedd complete. To Wil- lian Wellys my godson, a feder bedde. To Robert Fuller my neve [nephew] xl.s. To William Sherman my godson xij.d. My two tenements in Longgebraklond to be sold. The residue to Margery my wief and Richard Bele, whom Executors. Super- visor, my right worshipful! and special goode mastyr William Carowe, Knt. Witnesses: Richard Wellys, Roberd Semycroft, William Mason." (Bury St. Edmunds Wills Book VI, fol. 108.) 22 Sherman Genealogy The testator may have been a relative of Agnes (Fuller) Sherman. Children : 3 I. Thomas^ Sherman Gent, of Yaxley. II. Margery^ Sherman under 16 years of age in 1504 and probably a few years younger then. Mar. Robert Lockwood, of Eye, Suffolk. Mentioned as "sister Lokwood" in will of her brother Thomas^ dated January 20, 1550-1 (Reg. 54, p. 153) by which he bequeathed to each of her children then married ten shillings and to each of her children then unmarried twenty shillings to be paid at marriage if married be- fore twenty-two years, or else to be paid on arriving at the age of twenty-two. In Michaelmas Term 10-11 Elizabeth, Nov., 1568, Margery Lockwood of Eye, widow, sued Thomas* Sherman of Yaxley, Gent, her nephew, to recover £40. (Com. Pleas Roll 1274, 1374.) The will of Robert Lockwood of Eye is dated May 25, 1558. Proved Jan. 19, 1558-9. (Bury St. Edmunds Wills 1558, folio 461.) "To be buried in the churchyard of Eye. Bequests to daugh- ter Marie wife of John Ward ; to daughter Ann wife of An- thony Barker; *to Margerie my wife all my plate for term of her life, and after her death, Thomas Sherman the younger shall have my silver goblet, and Marie my daughter my silver spoons' ; to 'my daughter Mary's sister, dwelling beyond Donkaster, 40 s.' 'My nevie Thomas Sherman.' 'Thomas Sherman one of my cof- fers of Waynskott.' Bequests to Ann Chappell, Francis Sher- man, James Sherman, Anthony Sherman, Robert Chappell. Wife Margerie Executrix. Thomas Sherman a witness." (Reg. 66, p. 323.) John^ Sherman had one or more other daughters, according to his father's will ; supra. Thomas Sherman, a witness to Robert Lockwood's will, was Thomas* Sherman, son of Thomas^ Sherman of Yaxley, and nephew of the testator's wife. He is also mentioned in the will as "my nevie." Thomas'^ Sherman, the younger, mentioned in the will was his son. Francis,* James* and Anthony* Sherman were also sons of Thomas^ Sherman of Yaxley and nephews of testa- tor's wife. Sherman Genealogy 23 3. THOMAS^ SHERMAN (2. John,^ Thomas^), of Yaxley, Suffolk. Under 16 years of age Aug. 10, 1504, according to his father's will of that date (supra). Probably b. about 1490. Mar. Jane Waller dau. of John Waller, of Wortham, Suffolk, probably about 1512. He died in 1551 after May 5. His will dated Jan. 20, 1550/1, was proved at London, Nov. 16, 1551. The following is a copy: In the name of god Amen The xxti daye of January in the yere of our Lord god A Thousand fyve hundreth and fyfte And in the fourth yere of the reigne of o'' Soveraigne Lorde King Edward the Sixt. I Thomas Sherman of Yaxlee in the Countie of Sufif. and in the dioces of Norwiche being in good mynde and pfytt remembrance make this my testament and last will in maner and forme hereafter following/ fifirst I bequethe my soule to Almightie god and to all the holy company in heaven/ my bodye to be buryed in the Churche of Yaxlee aforesaid yf it shall please god that I shall depte in the towne of Yaxlee aforesaid or ells in suche place where yt shall please god to call me/ Item I give to the highe Aulter of the seyd Churche for my tithes forgotten or to letill paide iijs. iiijd. Also I bequeathe and will have delt and gevyn to the poor people with in the Towne of Yaxlee vjs. viijd. Also to the poor people w* in the towne of Eye tenne shillinges/ Also to the poore people of y^ towne of Thrandeston iijs. iiijd/ Also to the poor people of the towne of Burgate iij s. iiij d./ Also to the poor people of the towne of Dysse tenne shillinges/ Also to the po"" people of the towne of Reydon iij s. iiij d./ Also I bequeathe to Jane my wief my mesuage wherein I dwell w' all other my Meases Londes teiites Medowys pastures woodes weyes and hereditamentes in Yaxlee and Eye aforesaid lying and being on the Est syde of the wey leding from Norwiche to Ippiswiche for terme of her lyfe/ except one close callyd Cokys close which I will my sister Locwood have for terme of her lyfe/ of the whiche close the same my syster ys nowe in possession/ And also Except and resvyd at the said Mease wherein I do now dwell the olde parlour the Chambr our. the said plour the soler ouer the hall and the Chamber next the hall dore the byrne the Melhouse/ space for foure horse in the stabyll. The Soler ouer the stabyll and libte in ye bakhous to bake and to brewe whiche I will Thomas my sonne have to hym his heires and assignes with free lybertie ingate and outgate in and to all the said bowses and other the premisses before except & Resved at all tyme and tymes my said wief payeing the rentes to the lordes of the fee/ that is to sey to the Kinge grace for the Manner of Eye by yere xvj s. j d./ and to the Mannr of Eyeball be yere vjd/ and to the said Manner for two henys and a Cok by yere vd/ And to M^" Anthony Yaxlee for fyve acres of Lande called fulburnys by yere iij s. iiij d/ Also I give and be- queathe to Jane my wief tenne Combes of wheate Twentie Combes of Make/ Eight Keyn, ffiftie shepe/ foure horsse at her close/ and thone half of all my Swyn and pultery/ Also I will that Jane my wif shall haue 24 Sherman Genealogy the use and occupieng of my two bedstedes and beddes nowe stonding and being upon the newe Chamber w'^ the Couerynges, and all other thinges to the said beddes belonging with a Cobord and Stoles on the seyd Chamber, terme of her lyfe, and after her decease to remayne to Thomas my sonne and to his assignes/ And if it fortune my wief to marry ageyn. Then I will Thomas my sone to enter and have the said Chamber beddes and all other thinges on the said Chamber to her bequeathed Also I bqueathe to Thomas my sonne my Cownter table and the two bedstedes and loeddes nowe stonding and being in the olde parlour w' two other of my best coveringes and all other thinges to y^ seid beddes and bedstedes belonging/ Also I bequeathe to Jane my wief a syluer pece weing viij ounces and a half and half a quarter/ xij siluer spones weying xviij ounces/ a syluer salte weying viij ounces. As longe as she shall kepe her sole and un- maried/ And if it fortune her to mary To remayne to Thomas my sonne and his assigns/ And as long as she shall kepe her self sole and onmaried/ Then after her decease to remayne to the said Thomas/ Also I be- queathe to Jane my wief thone half of all my stuf of household before not bequeathed/ And thother half I give to Thomas my sonne, he paying to eiche of his brethern twentie shillinges whenf they shall come to thage of xxjt' yeres/ Also, I bequeath to Thomas my sonne one Goblet weying xiiij ounces and odd/ And a siluer salt pcell gilt, and thre syluer spones/ and to eiche of my Children a syluer spone/ Also I bequeathe to Thomas my sonne one of my geldings and foure other of my horse and Coltes at his election after hys mother hath chosen/ Also I bequeathe to Richard my sonne Twentie markes over and beside all suche money as I haue given hym or lent hym whiche is abowte xxx ti/ Also I bequeathe to John my sonne fourtie poundes/ Also I bequeath to Henry my sonne fourtie poundes/ to be paide to hym when he comyth oute of his prenty- shode/ Also I bequeathe to Willm my sonne fourtie poundes/ to be payde lyke as to Henry/ Also I bequeathe to Anthony my sonne fourtie poundes to be paide when he comythe to the age of xxij yeres/ And yf it shall appere to myne Executors at the said xxij yeres that yt shalbe more for the profyt of the said Anthony to haue an Annuitie of fourtie shillinges by yere then to have the fourtie poundes/ Then I will Thomas my sonne to have the said xU'/ and he to make the said Anthony a good suer Suffi- cient Annuitie of xls yerely going oute of my londes sumetyme Wrenys lying in Yaxlee aforesaid payable at two tcrmes in the yere by even por- cions. for terme of lyfe of the same Anthonye/ Also I give and be- queathe to flfraunces my sonne and to his heyres my Mease Londes medowes pastures and hereditamentes lying in Dysse in the Countie of Norflf. whiche I late bought of John Waren of Disse/ And also all that my Mease Londes pastures hereditamentes with thappurtennces lying in Breseworth in the Countie of Suff. when he comes to the age of xxijt« yeres/ And I will that myne Executors shall have and take the profyttes of the said meases Londes and other the premisses untill the saide xxijt« years to fynde ye saide ffraunces to Scole/ and other lernyng. And the over plus of the profyttes of the said Mease Londes & other the p^misses Sherman Genealogy 25 to goo to the fynding of Barthilmew and James to Scole untill the saide xxijti yeres Also I bequeathe to the said ffraunces when he comethe to the age of the said xxijt' yeres fyve poundes Also I bequeathe to Barthil- mewe my sonne fourtie poundes to be payde at the Age of xxijt' yeres Also I bequeathe to James my sone fourtie poundes at the said Age/ And if it shall fortune eny of my said sonnes to Dye before they have re- ceyved their Legacie or bequest of money. Then I will that their parte or partes be equally devyded amonge the residue of my sonnes then being alyve/ Also I bequeathe to eche of my godchilddren xij d/ Also I be- queath to my syster Lokwood an Annuytie of Twentie shillinges yerely to be paide by Thomas my sonne his Executors or assignes at eny half yere tenne shillinges after my decease during her lyf/ And yf it fortune the said XX s or eny parte thereof to be unpaide at any of the said half yeres whiche yt ought to be paid/ That then I will my said syster or her as- signes shall enter and dystreyn into my Mease and closes called Bukkys went or any parte or parcell therof. lying in Yaxlee aforesaid & the distres ther so taken to drive Lede or cary awey and v/ith hold untill suche tyme my said suster and her assignes be fully satisfied content and payde aswell of the said Annuytie of xx s as of the Arrerages of the same or ony pte therof with her resonable costes and charges susteyned for the same/ Also I bequeathe to eche of my Systers Children nowe be- ing maried tenn shillinges and to eiche on of my said systers children being nowe onmaried Twentie shillinges to be payde at their daye of mariage yf they be maried before they come to thage of xxij'» yeres/ or ells to be paide to eche of them at their said ages of xxijt' yeres Also I will yf Janne my wief at any tyme hereafter cleym aske demaunde or sue for enny Dowry to have of all my Manners Londes and Tenementes, and other the premisses/ or ells disturbites or sew for eny parte or parcell of eny other thing contrary to this my testament and last wyll Then I will my said wyfe have no pte or parcell of ony of all my foresaid Meases londes and Tentes and other the premisses to her before given or be- queathed/ nor no other Legacie or bequest in this my testament and last will conteyned/ Also I will yf any of all my Children shall make eny sute trobyll or cleym to or for eny maner of londes Tentes or other thing or thinges contrary to this my testament and last will in disturbaunce of this my said Last will, then I will that ony suche childe or children so cleymyng eny part or pcell of my londes tentes or goodes other then I have to them severally given or assigned by this my last will/ shall have no parte nor pcell of eny Legacie or bequest to them or eny of them given or bequeathed making any suche trobyll or cleym contrary to this my Testament and last will, but suche legacie and bequest to be at the dis- posicion of myn Executors/ And as concernyng the thirde parte of my Manners of Reydon ond Reydon Tuft with thappurtennces in Rcydon and Bresingh m And all my landes Tentes Medowes pastures woodes wcyes rentes reuercons and hereditamentes in Reydon brysinghm and Dysse in the Countie of Norff. with all my measuages Landes tentes Medowes pastures woodes weyes Rentes reucons and hereditamentes lying or being 26 Sherman Genealogy in Yaxlee Eye Thrandeston and Lytell Thornham in the Countie of Suff. to gather with the Reuercon of all the aforesaid Londes Tefites and here- ditamentes in Yaxlee and Eye aforesaid after the decease of Jane my wief. whiche I have heretofore in this my said last will geven and assigned to Jane for terme of her lyf/ except only suche londes and Tentes in Dysse and Breseworth aforesaid whiche I have heretofore given and as- signed to ffraunces my sonne. I give and bequeathe them holy unto Thomas my sonne and to his heyres and assignes/ Also I bequeathe to Robert Woodcroft xl s. to be payd when he, comythe to the Age of xxijt' yeres yf he be rulyd and orderyd by myne Executors/ And all the Resi- due of my goodes Cattelles debtes mony plate and all my other goodes aswell moveable as not moveable I put them Holy to the good disposicion of myne Executours to the pformance of this my testament and last wyll and to the bringing vp of my Children being within Age untill they come to thage of xxj yeres Whom I ordeyn and make Robert Kene of Thrandeston gentilman and Thomas my sonne myne Executors/ And the said Robert to have for his labor and paynes xx s/ And superviso'' of this testament and last will. I shall desire and requyer S'' Henry Bedyngfeld Knight to be/ to whom I giue for his payne and faver for and in eyding of myn Executors with his good Counsell and Assistance fourtie shillinges/ By me Thomas Sherman/ wytnesscs John Whetyngham Ed- ward Torold William Eglyn vicar of yaxlee. Probatum fuit testamentu coram dno Cant. Archiepo apud London xvjo die Mens Nouembris Anno Dni Millimo quingentesimo quiquagesimo primo. Juramento Thome Shirman Executoris in hmor testamento noiat Acapprobatu et insinuatu Et comissa fuit admistraco orm bonoz tc diet defunct p'fat ex/ De bene et fidelir admistrand eadem/ Ac de pleno Inuentario te exhibent Ad sea dei Eungelia Jurat/ Repuata ptate alteri ex tc cum venerit. (Reg. 54, p. 153.) Jane, testator's widow, mar. (2), Gardiner, possibly John Gardiner, of Stoke Ash, Suffolk, and d. a widow in 1573. Her will is dated Jan. 10, 1572/3 and was proved Mar. 11, 1572/3. (P. C. C. Peter 9.) The following is a copy: In Dei noie Amen I JANE GARDINER of Yaxley in the countie of Suflf wydowe do declare and make this my last will and testament the xth daye of Januarie in the xv'h yere of the raigne of o^ soucraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland Quene &c. being of good and perfitt remembrance thanks be giuen vnto god ffirst I bequeath my soule vnto allmightie god by whose passion and precious bloudsheeding I trust to be saued And my bodie to be buried in the churche of Yaxley by my late husbande Thomas Sherman Item I giue and be- queath to the poore of Yaxley xxs Item I giue to the poore of Roydon vs Item I giue and bequeth to the poore of Stokeaishe v* The saied poore of euerie of the saied townes to be paied at my buriall or within one moneth Sherman Genealogy 27 next followinge Item I giue vnto Anthonye Sherman my sonne xx'i off lawfull money of England and suche bed and bedsteds w'^ fouer kiene w^h be in his hands & possession Item I giue vnto Henry Sherman my sone xx'i of Hke money Item I giue vnto James Sherman my sonne xx'i of like money and suche beasts and neate W^h be in his possession And the bedd y' I nowe lie vpon w'h the mantell couerled blankets and shetes thereto belonging Item I giue vnto the saied Anthonye one siluer saulte parcell gilte and six siluer spoones the saied xxii to euerie of my saied sonnes Anthonye Henry and James bequeathed I will and my mynde is that Thomas Sherman my eldest sonne shall paie it vnto them within twoe yeres next after my decease parcell of five score pounds w^^ he oweth me Item I giue and bequeath vnto Willm Sherman Robart Sher- man Bettrice Sherman Margaret and Marie Sherman sones and daughters off Anthonye Sherman and vnto Brigett Sherman and Marie Sherman daughters of James Sherman IxH of lawfull money of england equallie and evenlie to be parted and deuyded and suche parte to be paied vnto eurie one of them at their seuerall ages and when they shall come to the yeres of xx*' yeres And the saied IxH to be paied by my executors wher- of Thomas Sherman my eldest sonne oweth me fortie pounds and Richard Sherman twentie pounds and odde money And if anye of the saied chil- dren do depart and decease oute of this worlde before they shall atteine and some vnto their seuerall ags of xx*' yeres Then I will the parte of suche childe soe deceased shall remaine vnto the survyuours or survyuour of euerie of them so deceased And the saied Ix'i so giuen and bequeathed I will it shalbe bestowed in some cattell or some other thinge wherby there may growe and come some yerelie proffitt and gaine vnto the saied children And the saied gaine and proffitt to be evenlie deuyded amonge the saied children at suche tyme w^h they oughte to haue their parte or porcon Item I giue vnto Willm Sherman Robert Sherman Bettrice Sher- man Margarett Sherman and Marye Sherman sonnes and daughters of Anthonye Sherman six siluer spoones that is to saie one to William one to Robert one to Bettrice one to Margaret and twoe to Marie w^h be in the custodie and possession of Anthonye Sherman their father Item I giue vnto James Sherman and Anthonie Sherman my sonnes all suche pewter as is in the counter at Roydon evenlie to be parted betwene them Item I giue vnto James my sone the mare with the foale and the shepe w*^'^ he nowe possesseth Item I giue vnto Elizabeth Sherman wief of Thomas Sherman my sonne my veluett hoode with all things therunto belonginge Item I giue vnto Sybill Sherman wief of Fraunces Sherman my sonne a damaske kirtle and a veluett hatt and a grograine kirtile w^h a garde of veluett Item I giue vnto Elizabeth Sherman wief of Thomas Sherman my sone my clothe gowne garded w'h veluett Item I giue vnto James Sher- man my sonne six siluer spoones w^h he nowe hath Item I giue vnto Marie Sherman wief vnto Anthonye Sherman a worsted gowne garded w). Bequests to wife Margaret, to son James, £70 in discharge of his brother Robert's gift (by his will dated Apr. 12, 1576, see below) to daughter Elizabeth Sherman like bequest. Forgives Robert Toulson "and Jane, his wife, my daughter, all debts due." Residue to son Nicholas. Ap- points him executor. Bequests to poor of Bramford and of St. Matthews parish. (Reg. 54, p. 160.) John* Sherman was probably of full age at date of his father's will, Jan. 20, 1551. He was called gentleman and seems to have had no profession or business. Michaelmas Term 7-8 Elizabeth, 1565, by Thomas Sherman, his brother, his attorney, he sued Francis Egerfeld, of Braxted, Essex, to recover a gelding of the price of ilO which plaintiff delivered to defendant at Yaxley on Aug. 12. 1 Elizabeth (1559), to be cared for and returned. Egerfeld denied the detention and was admitted to wage his law, which he did forthwith twelvefold. There- for John shall take nothing by his writ, but let him be in mercy for his false claim and let Francis go sine die (C. P. P. Roll 1236 :103) . He sued for debts in 1581, by his brother Francis, his attorney (C. P. P. Rolls 1387:1163, 1394:1930). Children : I. Robert^ Sherman, of London, d. Apr., 1576. Will dated Apr. 12. 1576, proved Apr. 17, 1576. (P. C. C. Carew 6.) Describes testator as servant with John Edwardes, citizen and vintner of London. Bequests to poor of parish of St. Magnus the martyr in Lon- don; "to my well loved uncle Anthony Sherman;" to each of his brothers, Nicholas and James, and each of his sisters, Margaret, Dennys, Elizabeth and Anne Sherman ; "to my uncle Henrie Sherman ;" forgives uncle Bartholomew Sherman £8 he owes ; "To my cosen Thomas^ Sherman, sonne of my uncle Thomas* Sherman, of Yacksleye in the Co. of Suffolk, one ringe of gould with a stone in it." Bequests to his master Mr. Edwards and his wife. Residue to his father John Sherman Genealogy 51 Sherman and appoints him Executor, his uncle Henry Sherman to be supervisor and overseer. (Reg. 54, p. 157). Probably never married. 12 II. Nicholas^ Sherman, of Romford. III. James^ Sherman, of Bramford, Essex, mentioned in will of his uncle Richard* Sherman, dated Jan. 21, 1587; d. 1589. Adm. Aug. 8, 1589, to Jane Toulson, his sister. (P. C. C. Adm. Act Book 1587-91, fol. 107.) IV. Margaret-'' Sherman, m. at St. Matthews, Ipswich, Apr. 22, 1577, John Goffe (Reg. 59, p. 399) and was living a widow Nov. 21 1620, at date of will of her brother Nicholas. Mentioned as his niece, in will of her uncle, Richard* Sherman, dated Jan. 21, 1587. V. Dennys^ Sherman, mentioned in will of her brother Robert, supra. VI. Elizabeth^ Sherman, mentioned in will of her uncle Richard Sherman and in will of her brother Robert, supra. Possibly the Elizabeth Sherman, daughter of John and Elizabeth baptized at St. Mary Tower, Ips- wich, Aug. 27, 1562 (Reg. 59, p. 398). VII. Ann^ Sherman, mentioned in will of her brother Rob- ert, supra. Possibly the Ann Sherman who m. Richard Loudon, Sept. 28, 1598, at St. Matthews, Ipswich (Reg. 59, p. 399). VIII. Jane^ Sherman, bap. at St. Matthews, Ipswich, Dec. 23, 1566 (Reg. 59, p. 399), m. Robert Toulson. Admx. of her brother James, Aug. 5, 1589, supra. There was a Richard Sherman, son of John and Elizabeth bap. at St. Mary Tower, Ipswich, Feb. 16, 1562/3. In Ipswich Dogget (Docket) Rolls is an instru- ment dated Apr. 26, 1597, by which Nicholas^ Sher- man, of Bramford, Suffolk, Gent., son and heir of John* Sherman, of Ipswich, Gent., deceased, and Thomasine, now wife of said Nicholas, for £17, grants to Edward Harrald, of Ipswich, haberdasher, a garden or orchard in the parish of St. Mary Elms and St. Nicholas, in Ipswich, lying between the tenement 52 Sherman Genealogy late of John More, one of the Portmen of Ipswich, and the messuage late Thomas Whitney's, which garden late belonged to the said John* Sherman, father of the said Nicholas, and was by the said John and Marian then his wife (theretofore wife of Thomas Whiting late of Ipswich, grocer, deceased), conveyed unto William Sherman, Francis Sherman, gent., and John Waller, in trust for said John and Marian and the heirs of the said John, forever, by deed of feoffe- ment bearing date 14 Apr. 17 Elizabeth (1575), which said garden was assured by said John Sherman and Margaret, his wife (after the decease of said Marian), unto Edward Cage and Thomas Sherman, in trust, for the sole use of said John and Nicholas Sher- man by Indenture bearing date 29 March, 28 Eliza- beth (1585), which garden said Marian, late wife of of said John, lately had of the gift of said Thomas Whiting her late husband deceased, as by the will of said Thomas dated Mar., 1571, more fully appeareth. Signed and sealed 26 Elizabeth (1597). The will of Thomas Whiting, of Ipswich, grocer, is dated at its beginning, Mar. 28, 1571, and stated at the end to have been sealed written and delivered by the testa- tor's own hand Apr. 18, 1573, was proved May 14, 1573. (P. C. C. Peter 16.) He gives to his wife, Marion, his lands in Ipswich excepting a certain tene- ment, and appoints her Executrix. 6. HENRY* SHERMAN (3. Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), the elder of Colchester, formerly of Dedham, Essex, shearman, b. about 1520. m. (1), Agnes (probably Agnes Butter). Thomas Butter, of Dedham, clothier, in his will dated 20 Aug., 1555, proved May 7, 1556 (P. C. C. Ketchyn 5), mentions his wife Marion, his daughters Agnes Rolffe and Alice Percival, and also "Alice Butter, my youngest daughter," gives "to Harry Sherman's wiffe a silver pott" and appoints Henry Sherman Executor. (Reg. 68, p. 149.) Agnes (Butter) Sherman was probably niece of the testator, Thomas Butter. Pierce Butter, of Colchester, son of William Butter and grandson Sherman Genealogy 53 of said Thomas Butter, by his will dated Aug., 41 Elizabeth (1599) and proved Nov. 26, 1600 (P. C. C. Wallopp 68), gives to his son Daniel "my lease * * * called Brook- house, now in the occupation of Anthony Whiting, for so many years as he [Daniel] is his apprentice, his said master [Anthony] to have the use of it in the meantime, paying such consideration for it as his [Anthony's] father in law, my cosen Henry^ Sherman shall think good." Appoints his friend Henry^ Sherman, the elder, an Executor. Anthony Whiting married Anne'"' Sherman, daughter of Henry^ Sher- man, son of Henry* Sherman. Henry^ Sherman's mother being Agnes Butter, he was a cousin of the testator Pierce Butter. Agnes Sherman was buried at Dedham, Oct. 14, 1580. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) He m. (2), Marion Willson, widow of Edmund Willson, at Dedham, June 5, 1581. (Reg. 66, p. 326.) She was Marion Smyth and married Edmund Willson April 6, 1563. (Reg. 66, p. 326.) No issue by her. He m. (3), Margery . No issue by her. Margaret Shearman, of Colchester, widow, testified Jan. 11, 36 Elizabeth (1594) in a suit of Peter Baher vs. John Ball and Thomas Neverd, that she was aged three score and sixteen years, therefore, born about 1518. She may have been the widow of Henry* Sherman (Exchequer Depositions H. 36 Eliz., No. 12). His will, dated Jan. 20, 1589/90, and proved July 25, 1590, (P. C. C. Drury 51), is as follows: In the name of God Amen the twentiethe daye of Januarye a thousande fyue hundred Eightie nyne and in the twoe and thirtith yere of the raigne of oure soueraigne Ladie Quene Elizabethe I Henry Shearman the elder of Colchester in the county of Essex beinge whole of memory and in par- feet mynde thankes be to god do make constitute and ordeyne this my laste will and testamente revoking all other willes and testamente made by me ffirste I bequeathe my soule into the handes of Almightie god my maker acknowledging Jesus the sonne of the lyvinge god my onlye Savyoure and Redeemer by whose pretious blood shedding all my synnes ar washed awaye which hath satisfyed the wrathe of god the father and I by his merittes and by noe other meanes shall enherite the kingdome prepared for the faithefull. I acknowledge the holie ghost the god of comforte which hathe sealed me up to the euerlastinge Couenunte of eternall joyes my Bodie I committ to the earthe from whence yt came to be buried in the parishe churche of Dedham. Item I will and bequeathe to Doctor Chap- man the preacher of Dedham Sixe pounde to be paied within sixe monethes 54 Sherman Genealogy after my Decease. Item I will to M"" Parker ffortie shillinges to be paied at the same tjTtie. Item I will to the poore of Dedham twentie pounde to be a contynewall stocke for the poore to the worldes ende and the vse and benefit of it to goe to the poore. ffurther my will and mynde is that it shalbe ordred at the discretion of the gouernoures of the free schoole of Dedham or the greatest parte of them and they go take securities for the princypall. Item I will and bequeathe vnto Henrye Shearman my sonne my Shearmans crafte to hym and his heires for ever. Item I giue to Henrye Shearman my sonne all the householde whiche is in his house which he hathe alreadye. Item I giue vnto my Sonne Henry Shearmans children that is to saye to Henry Shearman Samuel Shearman Daniell John Ezechiell Phebe Nathaniell and Anne Shearm.an to eache of them fyue pounde a peece to be paied to ths sonnes at the age of twoe and twentie. And yf any of them dye before they shall accomplishe the fore- saied age then I will yt to be equallie devided betwixt the reste aliue and to the Daughters at one and twentie. And yf they die before this age then I will theire porcon to be equallie Devided betwixte my sonne Henryes children then alive. Item I will and bequeathe to Edmunde Shearman my sonne tenne pounde. Item I giue to Edmonde Shearman the sonne of my sonne Edmonde Shearman thirteene pounde thirteene shillinges and fower pence to be paied vnto hym at the full age of twoe and twentie yeres. And yf he die before he come to the age of two and twentie then I will it to be devided betwene Richarde Shearman Bezaliell Shearman Anne Shearman the children of my sonne Edmonde Shearman. Item I will and bequeathe to Richarde Shearman Bezaliell Shearman Anne and Sara Shearman the children of my sonne Edmonde Shearman to eache of them ffortie shil- linges a peece to be paied to the sonnes at the full age of twoe and twentie and to the daughters at one and twentie. And yf any of them dye before they shall accomplishe theire full age then I will theire parte to be deuided amongeste the reste that lyue of Edmond Shearmans children. Item I give to Edmonde Shearman my sonne my best cloake. Item I will and bequeathe to William Petfeilde my sonne in Lawe twenty pounds to be paied within one whole yere after my Decease. Item I give to the three children of my sonne in law Petfeilde that is to saye Richarde Petfeilde To Susan Petfeilde and Elizabethe Petfeilde to eache of them Sixe pounde thirteene shillinges fower pence to be paied to the sonne at two and twentie yeres of age and to the Daughters at one and twentie. And yf any of them dye before the age beforesaied then I will theire portion to be equallye deuyded betwene the children of William Petfeilde then aliue. And my will and mynde is that my saied sonne Petfeilde shall have the occupyinge of that money untill the children shall come to theire full age putting in sufficient suertie to my executors to paye the money as ys abouesaied. Item I giue to Margcrye my wife twoe and twentie pounde to be paied within three monethes after my Decease. Item I will that she shall haue all her househoulestuffe whiche she broughte me and that househoulde which we renewed and boughte synce we marryed. Item I will that Mar- gcrye my wife shall haue all my Broome wood and logges which I haue at Sherman Genealogy 55 my Departure. Item I will and giue to Margerye my wife twentie shil- linge of money. Item I giue to Margerye my wife that tweluc pound which is due vnto me from Tendring yf my executors can recover yt of hym. Item I will that Margery my wife shall have her dwellinge for twoe yeres in that parte of the house wherein we do nowe dwell that is in the lower parloure and the twoe chaumbers next M'' Ruddes and parte of the backe- house yf my sonne Robert do enioye the house But if it be redeemed and he do not enioye it then I will that my sonnc Robert shall paye vnto Mar- gery my wife fower pounde for twoe yeres dwellinge. Item I giue to Margery my wife my tipped pott tearme of her life and after her decease I giue it to Judithe my daughter Item my will is that yf Margerye my wife doe make eny clayme or title to the thirdes or any parte of that house wherein I nowe do dwell that then she shalbe frustrate of the twoe and twentie pounde before given her and I will the fore saied twoe and twenty pounde to be Deuided betwen my three sonnes Henry Edmonde and Rob- ert Shearman. Allso my will and mynde ys that she shall put in bonde to myne Executors before she shall receyue any parte of her Legacy that she do not troble or moleste myne Executors or my sonne Robert in any thinge this is giuen them. Item I will and bequeathe to Robert Shearman my sonne three skore pounde which three skore pounde I gaue for the state of the house wherein I nowe dwell which was latelie Richarde Kinges Berebruer of Colchester. And yf it shall happen that the saied three skore pounde be not paied according to bargayne and sale at the tyme appoynted then I giue the foresaied house wherein nowe I dwell latelie Richarde Kinges with the yardes and appurtnunce to Robert Shearman and his heires for euer. Item I giue to Robert Shearman my sonne all the cop- piehoulde called the Hebell or knowe by any other name conteyninge by stimacon fififteene acres more or lesse with the Barne and cotage to it and twoe acres called Byrdes nowe in the occupation of William Petfeild to hym and to his heires for euer. Item I giue to my saied sonne Robert Shearman ffowertye (xl) pounde of good and lawful money to be paied vnto hym within sixe monethes after my decease. I giue it to hym and to his heires. Item I giue vnto Jane Shearman and to Anne Shearman the daughters of my sonne Robert Shearman to cache of them fifyue pounde a peace to be paied vnto them at one and one (sic) and twentie yeres of age : And yf any of them dye before theire full age then I will it to be Devided betwene the children of Roberte Shearman then aliue. Item my minde is that Robert my sonne shall have the occupyinge of the money vntill the children come of age, puttinge in sufficient suertie to my Ex- ecutors for the principall. Item I giue vnto Robert my sonne all my householdstuflfe which I had before I marryed Margerye my wife that is to saye Beddes ffeatherbeddes Cubbardes Bedsteadles pillowes Brasse pewter hanginges together with the great cupbourd in the parlor and the Sealinge with the three tapestrie cushions. Allso I giue vnto hym three payer of sheetes and all othr ymplemente of househoulde. Allso I giue vnto Robert my sonne my Silver and gilte goblett. Allso I giue vnto Rob- ert Shearman my sonne my best gowne. Item I giue vnto Robert my sonne 56 Sherman Genealogy one sword and a Byble. Item I giue vnto Judith Petfeilde my daughter the cheste and lynnen vppon the Seller (three payer of sheetes ex- cepted before giuen to Robert my sonne) Item I giue vnto Henry Sher- man my Sonne twelue siluer spoones. Item I giue unto my sonne in Lavve Nicholas ffynce ffortie shillinges. Item I giue vnto the poore of Allhal- lowes parishe Sixe shillinges eight pence Item I giue to Robert my sonne the typped pott which hathe. Item I giue to Henry Shearman my sonne all my Armoure except that which I gaue to my sonne Robert Item I will that yf the fortie pounde which is due vnto me by the heires or Ad- ministrators of Richarde Kinge beerebruer be recouered then I will the saied fortie pounde to be equallie devided between Henrye Shearman Ed- monde Shearman Robert Shearman Judith Shearman my children Item I giue vnto Judith Shearman my Daughter my Sydesaddell and cloathe to yt I giue to Robert Shearman my saddle. Item I giue to William Pet- feilde my best gowne save one. Item I giue to Henry my sonne my best cassocke hatte and nightcappe. Item I giue to Christofer Stone a cloathe Dublet. Item I giue to Caser an olde payer of hosen To Richard fifycher my olde gowne Item I giue to Edmonde Shearman Henry Shearman Robert Shearman my sonnes to cache of them xx s in goulde and to cache of theire W3ryves twentie shillinges in goulde. I giue to Judithe my daughter twentye shillinges in goulde. Item I will that the halfe yeres Rente due at my decease of all my landes and tenementes shall goe to the performance of my will. Item I giue all my goodes vnbequeathed to be equallie Devided betwixt my three sonnes Henry Edmonde and Robert Shearman. Item I make and ordeyne Henry Shearman and Edmonde Shearman my sonnes Executors of this my laste will and testamente wit- nesses vnto this my will theise whose names be vnderwritten p me Ricam Symnell. By me Oliuer Pygge thelder. By me Nathaniel Bassackes p me Henrye Osborne. This ys Henry Shearmans marke made with his owne hand. A Codicell annexed to my will for some Respitt of payinge Legaceys by my Executors the xvjth day of flfebruary. I will that the twentie pounde for the poore shalbe paied at oure Ladie day next twelve monethes. I will that Doctor Chapmans Sixe pounds be paied at the same tyme. I will that M"" Parkers fortie shillinges be paied at the same tyme. I will that Nicholas flfynces fortye shillinges be then paied. I will that my sonne Robert haue fifyue pounds paied hym this next Lady daye and tenne pounde at the next Mydsommer and thirtie fyue pounde at oure Ladie daye next come tweluemonth. I will that the Legaceys for my sonne Edmondes children be payed at our Ladie daye come tweluemoneth. I will that Petfeilde haue fortie pounde payed hym this next mydsommer. Item whereas the twentie pounde which I gaue to the poore was appoynted to be ordred by the gournours of the free schoole at Dedham. Nowe my minde ys that my sonne Henry Shearman shall haue the occupyinge of it tearme of his life putting in Sewertie for to paye the princypall and fortie shillinges a yere to theire vse to be bestowed in woollen and Lynnen cloathe. Item my will is that my Executors shall / Sherman Genealogy 57 paye my sonne Robert vse for fyue and thirtie pounde for the latter halfe yere./ By me Oliuer Pigge thelder by me Nathaniel Bassockes Probatum fuit testament Suprascriptu vna cum Codicillo vicesimo quinto die Mensis Julie Anno Domini Millio quingentesimo nonagesimo Juramento Thome warde Notarii publici procuratoris Henrici Shearman et Edmondi Shearman filiorum et executoru in trmoi testamento nominal te Quibus commissa fuit Administraco bonom iurium et creditoru dei de- funct! de bene et fideliter Administrand ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat. Henry* Sherman was serving his apprenticeship when his father Thomas^ Sherman, of Yaxley, made his will, dated Jan. 20, 1551, as he gives Henry a legacy to be paid to him "when he comyth oute of his prentyshode." He was apparently then in Dedham learning the trade or "craft," as he calls it in his will of "shearman" (pronounced sherman) or clothier or cloth maker. He must have been then about 30 years old and married for several years, as his daughter Alice was born about 1542, and his son Henry was of full age in Sept., 1570, when he was ex- cused from attendance at Dedham Manor Court. An apprentice- ship was usually for seven years and often continued for sev- eral years or may have been begun after the apprentice attained the age of 21 years. He was probably born about 1520. Thomas Wace, of Eye, Suffolk, in his will, dated June 22, 1533, proved Mar. 5, 1538 (P. C. C. Crumwell 12), appoints Thomas^ Sher- man, of Yaxley, his Executor and bequeaths 6s. 8d. to tes- tator's godson, Henry* Sherman. (Reg. 67, p. 154.) The Duchy of Lancaster Court Rolls for Dedham Manor contain many entries relating to Henry* Sherman and his sons, Henry, ^ Edmund^ and Robert.^ At a Court held Wednesday in Easter week, 1548, a precept was issued to Henry Sherman to remove rubbish "from the foot way against his door" under penalty. This was nearly three years before the date of his father's will, and he must have been then a householder. In the lay subsidy of 5 Edward VI, 1557, Henry Sherman was taxed at Dedham, Lexden Hundred, Essex, on £22 in goods. At the first court of Queen Elizabeth, held on Nov. 9, 1 Elizabeth (1559), Henry* Sherman and others took the chief pledges with homage or acknowledgment to the Lord of the Manor of tenure under him. In each year from 1561 to 1564, inclusive, and in later years, he was sworn of the homage, and on Sept. 30, 1567, he took sur- render of a cottage and one rod of copyhold land and also "the 58 Sherman Genealogy fourth part of one cottage and 14 acres of copyhold land called the Hykell." He is then called Henry Sherman Senior. This Hykel or Heckel land was held by later generations of the Sher- man family. Sept., 1570, Henry^ Sherman, Jr., is essoined (ex- cused for non-attendance at the court baron or Manor Court). This indicates that he was then of full age and consequently born as early as Sept., 1549. John^ Sherman was sworn as tylhing- man Tuesday in Easter Week, 1572. This was probably the son of Henry^ Sherman, Sr. On Sept. 30, 1572, Edmund^ Sherman, son of Henry* Sherman, Senior, was essoined and consequently must have then been of full age. June 22, 1573, Henry* Sher- man, Sr., acquired by surrender one-third part of the Hykell property. Oct. 4, 1573, Henry^ Sherman, Jr., was elected con- stable for the coming year. Henry Sherman, Sr. and Jr. were then living on adjoining properties, as a precept was then issued to Henry, Sr., to "scour his ditch from the door of Henry Sher- man, Jr., as far as the house of John Stone." Henry, Jr., was still constable on Apr. 11, 1575. On Sept. 26, 1575. Henry Sherman, Sr., acquired by surrender "the third part of the fourth part" of the Hykell property. On Oct. 22, 1578, Nicholas Fynce sur- rendered certain land to the use of Henry Sherman, Sr. (his father-in-law) on conditions. Apr. 12, 1581, Thomas Cradocke surrendered all his part and purpart of and in one house and barn and 14 acres of land to use of Henry Sherman (probably Hykell). Oct. 2, 1581, Edmund^ Sherman was elected constable. Ed- mund'^ Sherman, Jr., appears in the court records of Nov. 30, 1580. Mar. 20, 1590/1, found that Henry* Sherman, the elder, a tenant of this manor, died since the last court. He held certain lands called the Heckell and Wayland containing 14 acres and a pightell called Byrdes containing Ij^ acres. Robert^ Sherman, youngest son of the said Henry, is his heir according to the cus- tom of the manor. Further transactions relating to this Heckell land will appear later. These court rolls also show many trans- fers of lands to and by Henry* Sherman, Sr., and his sons Henry and Edmund. Easter Term 8 Elizabeth, 1566, Henry Sherman paid for license to agree with Thomas Rochester, clerk, and Dorothy, his wife and Henry Broke, clerk, and Barbara, his wife, of a plea Sherman Genealogy 59 of covenants concerning one messuage, one orchard, one garden and one rood of land with appurtenances in Dedham. (C. P. P. Roll 1243:486.) Michaelmas Term 13-14 Elizabeth, 1571, Henry Sherman, otherwise called Henry Sherman, of Dedham, Essex, clothier, sued Thomas Webbe, of Woodbridge, Suffolk, clothier, for debt (C. P. P. Roll 1296:595). Michaelmas Term 14-15 Elizabeth, 1572, Henry Sherman, otherwise called Henry Shearman, of Dedham, clothier, by Miles Lakyn, sued Thomas Webbe, of Woodbridge, clothier, for debt. (C. P. P. Roll 1307:895.) Easter Term 17 Elizabeth, 1575, Henry Sherman, of Ded- ham, clothier, with William Cutter, of Dedham, clothier, Michael Upcher, of Dedham, clothier, and Lewis Sparhawke, of the same, mercer, were arbitrators in matters in dispute concerning the will of Thomas Lewes, late of Dedham, deceased, and the will of Elizabeth Lewes, late of Dedham, widow, deceased. (Coram Rege Roll 1253:235.) Children : I. Alice^ Sherman, b. about 1542; m. Nicholas Fynce (or Fince) in or prior to 1562. Children: 1. Elizabeth Fynce, buried at Dedham, Mar. 6, 1563. 2. Nicholas Fynce, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 5, 1564; buried there Dec. 15, 1564. 3. Judith Fynce, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 15, 1566. 4. Nicholas Fynce, bap. at Dedham, Mar. 6, 1569, buried there Feb. 3, 1573. 5. Anne Fynce, bap. at Dedham, Jan. 27, 1572; buried there Apr. 2, 1572. 6. Samuel Fynce, bap. at Dedham, Mar. 23, 1573; buried there Nov. 27, 1583. 7. Alice Fynce, bap. at Dedham, Apr. 27, 1578. AHce,^ wife of Nicholas Fynce (or Fince) was buried at Dedham, Oct. 20, 1580. Nicholas Fynce (Finche) was buried there Feb. 28, 1594. (Reg. 66, pp. 324, 325.) IL Judith^ Sherman, b. about 1545; m. at Dedham, Oct. 27. 1566, William Petfield (Reg. 50, p. 414). Chil- dren : 60 Sherman Genealogy 1. Susan Petfield, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 2, 1567 (Reg. 66, p. 324). 2. Mathew Petfield, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 5, 1569; buried there May 6, 1574. 3. William Petfield, buried at Dedham, July 27, 1572. 4. Richard Petfield, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 1, 1573. 5. Elizabeth Petfield, bap. at Dedham, May 20, 1576. 6. A son buried at Dedham, Nov. 21, 1578. 7. A son buried at Dedham, Aug. 22, 1581. 8. Deborah Petfield, bap. at Dedham, Aug. 11, 1583; buried there Aug. 22, 1583. Judith^ Petfield was buried at Dedham, April 9, 1601 (Reg. 66, pp. 324-325). At Dedham Manor Court held Apr. 22, 1601, found that she was dead. 13 III. Henry° Sherman, of Dedham, Essex, clothier. 14 IV. Edmund^ Sherman, of Dedham, Essex, clothier. V. John^ Sherman, of Dedham, Tythingman, there Easter, 1572, buried at Dedham, Oct. 16, 1576 (Reg. 50, p. 417). Nuncupative will, no date, proved in 1576 (Commissary Court of London for Essex and Herts, file for 1576, No. 49). Mentions brothers-in-law William Pettfyld and Nicollas Fynce and brother Robert Sherman, also testator's mother and father, not naming either of them. Henry Sherman "the younger" a witness (Reg. 50, p. 279). Probably no issue. VI. Thomas^ Sherman, of Diss, living in 1586. Richard* Sherman, son of Thomas^ Sherman, in his will dated Jan. 21, 1586/7, mentions his nephew Thomas^ Sher- man, of Diss, his brother Henry Sherman's son (Reg. 54, p. 160). This Thomas^ Sherman may have d. be- fore Jan. 20, 1590, the date of his father's will, without issue, or he may have been the Thomas Sherman whose wife Elizabeth was buried at Diss, Jan. 14, 1617, and who was the father of 1. Elizabeth Sherman bap. Diss, Nov. 9, 1606 (m. Christopher Anger, at Diss, Jan. 14, 1640). 2. Robert Sherman bap. at Diss, May 9. 1609, and 3. Mary Sherman, bap. at Diss, Jan. 6, 1614. This Thomas Sherman possibly m. (2) Ann, Sherman Genealogy 61 who was buried at Diss, Jan. 11, 1637, (Reg. 59, p. 398). 15 VII. Robert^ Sherman, M.D., of Dedham, Colchester and London, youngest son. 7. WILLIAM* SHERMAN (3. Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of St. Olave, Southwark, citizen and grocer of London, after- wards of St. Stephen's parish, Ipswich, serving his appren- ticeship when his father made his will, Jan. 20, 1551. m. Faith Lany, daughter of Richard Lany, citizen and scrivenor of London, and Margaret, his wife. Richard Lany's will is dated Nov. 14, 1538, and was proved Jan. 22, 1539/40 (P. C. C. Alenger 1). He describes himself as "Citizen & Scryvoner of London." He directs that his body be "buried within the parishe churche of St. Stephens in Colman- strete, as nigh unto the grave where my welbeloved wyf Mar- garet lieth buryed as it conveniently may yf I die in London, yf not in some Christian burial place." To the high altar of St. Stephens Church. To the Vicar of said Church that he and his wife may be prayed for for three years. To the high altar of St. Pancras in London. Further bequests for Masses. To the brotherhood of St. N,icholas. To my sister Johan Lany dwelling in Torington in Marsholand or her children if any. To Aunt Margery Cornwaler. To Robert Staly. Alice Nycholson and Agnes Nycholson daughters of Roger Nycholson. To Anne Lany daughter. To Edward Willay if he marry daughter Anne. "To my kynswoman Margery Clerke." To Richard Lany, Francis Lany my sons, Katheryn Lany and Faithe Lany, my daughters "being now younglings" each £5 at 21 or marriage. "My son John Lany now being servante unto our Sovereigne Lorde the Kinge. He to be sole Executor and to have residuary estate. Friend John Hamond gent, and scryvenor, of London, Supervisor. He "to see my young Infantes have their porcions rightfully and be well brought up" To Katheryn, servant. To Augusten Clerke, Surgeon. To "my gossop Sir Anthony Brodshawe, priest" and Sir William Gaysley, priest. To Robert Altrop Tylor. Written "with my owne hande" per me Richard Lany. William* Sherman d. June 1, 1583, and was buried in St. 62 Sherman Genealogy Stephens Church, Ipswich, where there is a brass tablet with the figures of a man and woman and part of an inscription remaining as follows : ". . . . ied the bodye of William Sherman, gent./ Grocer of London, who deceased the / . . . . ne in the yere of our Lord God 1583/" Arms: Sherman, A lion rampant between three oak leaves and Sherman impaling Lany. (Topog- rapher and Genealogist Vol. II, p. 303.) Peter Le Neve's Suffolk notes says that under a marble is : "here lieth buried the body of William Sherman Gent, late citizen and grocer of London who de- ceased 1 June 1583. Sherman: Or, a lion rampant sable, between three leaves vert, impaled with Laney." The late Rev. Henry B. Sherman of Esopus, N. Y., wrote that in 1852 he found the brass plate with this remaining of the inscription : "2 shields of arms, one of Sherman (of Yaxley) and the other of Sherman, impaled with Arms of Lany Here . . . buried the bodye of Will"^ Sherman Gent./who deceased the first day of June/ in the year of our Lord God 1583/" (Reg. 54, p. 64.) His will, dated May 25, 1583, proved Aug. 9, 1583 (P. C. C. Rowe 40.) "I William Sherman citizen and grocer of London and now inhabiting in Ipswich Co. Suffolk." Bequests to "every of my children that is to say, to Richarde, William, Elizabeth, Margarett, Faythe and Amy Sherman," to be paid as they come of age or marry. To poor of parish of St. Olave Southwark, Surrey. "I remit, release and forgyve unto my brother Henry Sherman all such debts that he oweth me. I bequeathe him a Ringe of gold value 49 shillings. To my other brothers Thomas Sherman, Richard Sherman, Fraunces Sherman and Bartholomew Sherman each a Ringe worth 40 shillings or 40 shillings in money. To every of my said brothers' children and to the children of my brother John Sherman and Anthony Sherman ten shillings apece at 21 or marriage." Mrs. Smythe godmother to my daughter Elizabeth. To poor of parish of St. Stephens, Ipswich. To nephews James Lany, Thomas Lany, Benjamin Lany and Aslack Lany. My sister Lanye of Cratfield. John Bate my kinsman. "To my uncle John Waller ring 20 shillings." To poor of Yaxley Suffolk. Lease of meadows in Eye Suflfolk. Faythe my wife. William youngest son. Richard second son. Wife Executrix. Overseers Friend John Lanye of Ipswich, nephew Richard Denman citizen and grocer of London and John Sherman Genealogy 63 Sherman of Bramford my brother. House in Ipswich "which I lately bought of John Waller." Lands, tenements, manors, rents &c. in Horham, Allynton, Eye, Yaxley and elsewhere in Suf- folk, to my wife for life and at her death to John Sherman eldest son and his heirs male, and in default thereof to Richard second son and his heirs male and in default thereof to William young- est son and his heirs male, and failing these to testator's right heirs. Copy and customary lands in Yaxley and Eye to wife for life, at her death to William youngest son. Lands, tenements and hereditaments in County of Lincoln to son John and his heirs male, in default to son William. Brother Fraunces to have crop of certain meadows in Eye for his life. (Reg. 54, p. 158.) The Lany nephews mentioned by the testator were sons of his brother-in-law John Lany of Cratfield, who married first Katharine daughter of Anthony Yaxley of Melles, Suffolk, and second Aslake of Norfolk and had by his first wife John Lany, Counsellor at Law, Justice of the Peace and Recorder of Ips- wich, James Lany of Berwick, Thomas Lany of Newark juxta Leicester, and Benjamin Lany, and by his second wife Aslake Lany. (History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, Vol. 3, p. 400.) John Lany was elected Recorder of Ipswich during the Town's pleasure Saturday 27 Elizabeth 23 Jan. (1585). Lie died Oct., 1633, and was buried at St. Margaret's, Ipswich, where his monument is in the south transept. His youngest son Ben- jamin Lany, D.D. was Master of Pembroke College, Cam- bridge and successively Bishop of Peterborough, Lincoln and Ely (Bacon's Annals of Ipswich, p. 340). Faith Sherman, William's widow, was buried Feb. 26. 1606/7 in St. Stephen's Church, Ipswich. Her will (Faith Sherman of Ipswich, widow) dated Sept. 12, 1605, was proved May 6, 1607; mentions son John; son-in-law Christopher Ballard ; grandchild Robert Duck when 21 ; daughter Margaret Duck ; daughter Faith Ballard ; son John's wife ; grandchildren William, John, Cave and Thomas Sherman, four sons of John when 21 ; grandchildren Amy and Faith Browne when 21 ; John, Tobias and Elizabeth, children of daughter Ballard; son Richard, his wife. Appoints nephew Mr. John Lany, son John and Christopher Ballard, Executors ; nephew John Lany, Esq., and Thomas Clenche, Esq., Supervisors. Witnesses Bass Lany, Anthony Morse and others. (Consistory Court, Norwich, Rowland 25.) Children: 64 Sherman Genealogy 16 I. John' Sherman, of Newark, Juxta Leicester. II. Richard^ Sherman, clericus. III. William^ Sherman, no issue. IV. Elizabeth^ Sherman, married Brown. V. Margaret^ Sherman, married Duck, of Co. Kent. VI. Faith'^ Sherman, married Christopher Ballard of Co. X — "'^^--^.^^.^ York. She died at Ipswich. / VII. Amy^ Sherman, married Browne. In visitation of Suffolk, 1561, Harleian Society Publica- tions, is pedigree of Lanye of Cratfield. This shows that Faith (Lany) Sherman was the daughter of Richard Lany of London, Gent., and his wife Margaret Cooke, daughter of Robert Cooke, of Cratfield, Gent., and Agnes Bohun, his wife, who was daughter of Edmund Bohun, of Fressingfield, Suffolk. Richard Lany had also a son John who married Katherine Yaxley, daughter of Anthony, of Mellis, Suffolk. In "History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester," by John Nichols, Vol. Ill, p. 400, is a pedigree of Lany of Leicester and Revesby as follows: John Lany, of Cratfield, Suffolk m. (1) Katherine, daughter of (Anthony) Yaxley, of Melles, Suffolk, and (2) Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William Aslake and widow of Blennerhasset, of Norfolk, and had by first wife, John Lany, Recorder of Ipswich, James Lany of Berwick, Thomas Lany of the Newark and Benjamin Lany ; by second wife, Aslake Lany, of Pelham, who married Elizabeth Jerningham ("Norfolk Families," by Walter Rye (1913), p. 466). These sons are the nephews mentioned in the will of William* Sherman. William* Sherman was serving an apprenticeship at the date of his father's will, Jan. 20, 1551, and was probably of full age then. He is the only one of the nine sons not mentioned in the will of his mother. He was a citizen of London and a grocer, and became a rich man, living in Ipswich in his later years. Trinity Term, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary (1556), William Sherman sued in the Court of Common Pleas, Thomas Crane of Thrandeston, husbandman, for 3 fyrkyns of butter of the price of 40 shillings (Roll 1171 :684). Hilary Term 5 Philip and Mary (1558) Wil- lian Sherman by Thomas* Sherman, his brother his attorney, again sued Thomas Crane for 3 fyrkyns of butter of the price of 66 shillings. (Roll 1173:80.) Either the price had gone up or the Signature of Henry Sherman of Uedham. England, made in 1586 Autograph of Edmond Sherman of Dedham, Eng., 1591. From a Dedham Manor Roll •iJ>Kr»rJ Signature of Capt. John Sherman of Watertown, iMass. who came from England about 1636. great-grand- father of Hon. Roger Sherman THE GOLDEN LION INN Ipswich, England. Leased in 1588 by Nicholas Sherman to William Baldwyne, Jr. From pen and ink sketch made for this book by Messrs. Gill & Reigate, Ltd. of London and New York, March 22, I'JIS. View of rear court yard Sherman Genealogy 65 quality was better. Trinity Term 13 Elizabeth (1571), William Sherman, citizen and grocer, of London, by his brother Francis Sherman, his attorney, sued Robert Lancaster on a bond for de- livery of "sixe fyrkyns of salte butter, good, swete and mer- chauntable." (C. P. P. Roll 1292:416.) Michaelmas Term 13-14 Elizabeth (1571), he paid for license to covenant touching the Manor of Horham Jernegam and 40 messuages, 40 tofts, 400 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood and 100 shillings rent, in Horham, Allyngton, Bedlyngfeld, Denham, Stradbroke, Wilbe and Eye, as well as the advowson of the Church of Horham. (C. P. P. Roll 1296:873.) Some of these lands are mentioned in his will. He was also plaintiff in actions for debts. After his death, Faith Sherman, his widow and Executrix, in 1584, brought several actions for debts, one of them being on a bond made in 1581 payable to William Sherman at his dwelling house in Ipswich. Hilary Term 28 Elizabeth (1586),' Faith Sherman, widow, Executrix of the will of William Sherman, gent., by Francis Sherman, her brother-in-law, her at- torney, in the Court of Common Pleas, sued Thomas Blake, of Roydon, gent., to recover £8. (Roll 1457:2224.) Thomas Blake was a Barrister of the Middle Temple and in 1582 married Eliza- beth^ Sherman, daughter of Thomas* Sherman and a niece of William* Sherman. Easter Term, 44 Elizabeth (1602), Faith Sherman, widow, Executrix of the testament of William Sherman, in the Court of Kings Bench, sued John Gouldsmythe for £100 on a bond made at Horham by John Gouldsmythe, Senior, 4 December, 18 Eliza- beth (1575) (Roll 1680:125). The Herald's Visitation of Leices- tershire, 1619, gives the Sherman pedigree for five generations, beginning with Thomas^ Sherman, of Yaxley, and showing mostly descendants of William* Sherman and describing the Sherman Arms, as : "Or, a lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with an annulet for difference, between three oak leaves vert." The annulet for difference denotes that William* was the fifth son. (Register 54, p. 66.) 8. ANTHONY* SHERMAN (3. Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Roydon, Norfolk, Gentleman. Under 21 years of age at date of his father's will Jan. 20, 1551. m. Mary Guydat, 66 Sherman Genealogy daughter of Sir Anthony Guydat, Knight. After the death of Anthony, she m. in 1587, Robert Hall. Anthony* Sher- man was buried at Roydon, Sept. 7, 1582. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) His will, dated Sept. 4, 1582, was proved Jan. 18, 1583, at Norwich. To be buried in the parish church of Roydon. To the reparation of said Church and to the poor of Roydon, Diss and Yaxley. His wife and son William, Executors and residuary legatees. His brother Thomas Sherman overseer. Witnesses ; Thomas Blake, Nicholas Sherman and Robert Rychardson (Reg. 54, p. 157.) He was of Yaxley, Michael- mas Term 8-9 Elizabeth, 1566, when he was sued by John Lyvers, of London, Merchant, on a bond made Sept. 11, 1563. He appeared by his brother Francis Sherman, his attorney. The plaintiff recovered and a precept was issued to take Anthony to satisfy the judgment (C. P. P. Rolls 1247:532 and 1250:2095). He was, therefore, over twenty-one years old in Sept. 1563. He was probably born about 1539 or earlier. He afterwards lived and died in Roydon, Norfolk. Trinity Term, 33 Elizabeth (1591), the jury was respited in an action in the Court of Common Pleas by Robert Hall, gent., and Mary, his wife, executrix of the testament of An- thony Sherman, deceased, against Barbara Sherman, of Yax- ley, widow; John Sherman, of Yaxley, gent., and William Sherman, of Yaxley, gent., executors of the testament of Thomas Sherman, gent., late called Thomas Sherman, of Yaxley, gent. (Roll 1486:1685.) Children: I. William^ Sherman. n. Robert^ Sherman. HI. Beatrice^ Sherman. IV. Margaret^ Sherman, bap. at Roydon, Aug. 13, 1564; m. at Roydon, June 15, 1580, Benjamin Wittipoll (Reg. 59, p. 398.) V. Mary^ Sherman, bap. at Roydon, Aug. 29, 1568. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) All of these children were mentioned in the will of their grandmother, Jane Gardiner, dated Jan. 10, 1573. VI. Thomas^ Sherman, bap. at Roydon, July 12, 1575, (Reg. 59, p. 398.) Mentioned in suit of Barbara Sher- man, 1586. Sherman Genealogy 67 VII. Anne^ Sherman, mentioned in suit of Barbara Sher- man, 1586. The will of Henry Reignoldes, of Little Belstead (near Ips- wich), Suffolk, dated Aug. 9, 1585, proved Oct. 13, 1587, men- tions his wife Elizabeth and gives "to my cousin Sherman of Col- chester, five pounds." Mentions "My brother Edward Withipoll, Peter Withipoll and Benjamin Withipoll." "My brother Paul Withipoll." "My sister Frances Withipoll." (Reg. 50, p. 281.) The cousin Sherman here referred to is probably Henry* Sher- man, of Colchester. If so, it is evidence that he was the brother of Anthony* Sherman and son of Thomas^ Sherman, of Yaxley. The following facts indicate this. Edmund Wythipoll or Withi- poll, of Ipswich, and Elizabeth Hynde, his wife, had sons Ed- ward, Peter, Benjamin and Paul, and daughters Frances and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was probably the wife of the testator Henry Reignoldes. (Visitation of Suffolk, 1561.) He was son of Rob- ert Reignolde by his third wife. Robert Reignolde's fourth wife was Mary Waller, of Ipswich. She was daughter of William Waller, of Ipswich, and mentioned in his will dated Mar. 1, 1535/6, proved Aug. 31, 1536 (P. C. C. Hogen 39). Thomas^ Sherman, father of Anthony* Sherman and of Henry* Sherman, of Colchester, married Jane Waller, daughter of John Waller, of Wortham, Suffolk. (Visitation of Suffolk, 1561.) George Wal- ler, brother of said Jane, married Mary Yaxley, daughter of Anthony Yaxley, of Melles, Suffolk, whose other daughter Eliza- beth Yaxley was the first wife of Thomas* Sherman, of Diss and Yaxley, brother of Henry* Sherman, of Colchester, and of An- thony* Sherman. Benjamin Wittipoll married Margaret^ Sher- man, daughter of Anthony.* If Robert Reignolde, the father of Henry Reignoldes, the testator, and Thomas^ Sherman, the father of Henry* Sherman, married sisters or cousins, Henry Reignoldes might call Henry* Sherman, of Colchester, his "cousin Sherman of Colchester." Star Chamber Proceedings begun in 1587 by Barbara Sher- man, widow of Thomas* Sherman, above mentioned, refer to Anthony* Sherman and his death and give the maiden name of his widow and the names of her father and second husband. Reference is also made therein to Anthony* Sherman's daughter, Margaret Wittipoll. 68 Sherman Genealogy 9. FRANCIS'' SHERMAN (3. Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^, of Bruisyard, Breseworth, and Little Thornham, Sufifolk and Blownorton, Norfolk, Gent., b. about 1540 or earlier, m. Sib- bell Grey, daughter of Thomas Grey, Gent., of Goswold Hall in Thrandeston, Suffolk. (Reg. 54, p. 65.) Francis was one of the youngest, the seventh, of the sons of his father who, by his will gave him his east lands in Diss and certain lands in Breseworth (Bruiseyard?), Suffolk "When he ar- rives at the age of twenty-two years" and directed that his executors should take the profits of said lands "until the said twenty-two years to fynde said Fraunces to scole and other lernyng." He was probably not more than eleven or twelve years old on Jan. 20, 1551, the date of his father's will. (Reg. 54, p. 153.) A suit in Chancery was brought by Francis Sherman, of Little Thornham, Suffolk, Gent., before 1579, against Thomas Graye, Gent., to recover moneys agreed to be paid under the marriage settlement between the complainant and defendant on the marriage of complainant with Sybell Graye, daughter of said Thomas Graye (before Sir Nicholas Baker, keeper of the Great Seal, 1558-1579, Chy. Pro. Series II, Bundle 161, No. 82. Only one paper on file, not dated). Francis* Sherman was buried at Diss, Norfolk, Oct. 3, 1605 (Reg. 59, p. 398). His will, dated Oct. 21, 1602, proved Nov. 27, 1605. (London Hayes 76.) Describes testator as of Blownorton, Norfolk. "To be buried in the chancell where God shall call me." To the poor of Yaxley, son Alexander Sherman Executor (Reg. 54, p. 161). Child : 17 I. Alexander^ Sherman, b. 1562. The visitation of Suffolk, 1577, Harleian Society Publica- tions, gives the pedigree of Grey of Eye. According to this, Sybell Grey, wife of Francis Sherman, was the daughter of Thomas Grey, of Thrandeston, and Anne Plumsted, his wife, Thomas Grey was the son of John Grey, who was the son of Richard Grey. Francis* Sherman, Gentleman, became an At- torney of the Court of Common Pleas and often appeared as such. His first appearance was in Nov., 1562. He was also plaintiff in many actions, the first thereof being in Nov., 1561, so Sherman Genealogy 69 that he must have been born in 1540 or earlier. He was one of the Clerks of William Whetley, Chief Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas in Nov., 1565, and v^^as then described as of Breseworth, Suffolk. In Nov., 1566, he is described as of Yax- ley. He appeared as Attorney for his brother Thomas in 1564, for his brother Richard in 1567, 1568 and 1572, for his brother William in 1571 and 1579, and for William's widow. Faith, in 1586, for his brother Anthony in 1562 and for his brother Bar- tholomew in 1572, and for his nephew Nicholas, in 1586. He ap- peared in the Court of Common Pleas as plaintiff in actions for debt in 1591, 1592, 1601 and 1602. Easter Term Z7 Elizabeth (1595), Francis Sherman, gent., one of the attorneys of the King's Bench, in his own proper person, sues his nephew Nicho- las Sherman, of Bramford, Suffolk, for £100. (C. P. P. Roll 1546:186). Easter Term, 43 Elizabeth (1601), Edward Withi- poll, gent., sues Francis Sherman, of London and Thrandeston, Suffolk, gent., and others for 60 shillings each (Roll 160:372). At the same term he had the Sheriff of Norfolk county fined for not producing under attachment, a debtor (Roll 1662:1537). He was of Breseworth in 1587. 10. JAMES* SHERMAN (3. Thomas,-^ John,^ Thomas^, of Yaxley, Suffolk, Gent. m. at Thurston, Nov. 12, 1567 (license date), Margery Gaymore. (Bury St. Edmunds Licenses). She m. (2) Gyles Poolye, Vicar of Yaxley, James* Sherman's will, dated Jan. 14, 1574, was proved Sept. 25, 1577. (Archdeaconry of Sudbury, Bury St. Ed- munds.) To be buried in the church of Yaxley. To Bridget my daughter at twenty-one. To Marie my daughter at twenty-one, and to Francis, my son. Margery his wife Ex- ecutrix. (Reg. 54, p. 156.) James* Sherman was under 22 years of age at date of his father's will, Jan. 20, 1551. His father gave him a legacy of £40. to be paid to him at 22, the profits of certain lands to go to the "fynding" of "J'^'^'iss to scole until the said twenty second yere." His occupation is not known. He lived at Yaxley. Trinity Term, 15 Elizabeth 1573, James Sherman, gent., sued William Annable, of Yaxley, for debt (C. P. P. Roll 1316:279). His widow Margery married Gyles Poolye, 70 Sherman Genealogy Vicar of Yaxley. Poolye filed in the Court of Requests, a bill of complaint dated Oct. 14, 26 Elizabeth, 1584, stating that "about ten years last past orator fortuned to espouse one Margerie, late wife and sol executrix of Jeames Sherman late of Yaxley, deceased and by that means, about the space of one year and an half last past commenced sute against one Thomas Sherman of Yaxley, gentleman, brother, [of James] and sole executor unto Thomas Sherman their father, de- ceased, for the wrongful deteyning of a legacy of fortie poundes given unto the said Jeames by the said Thomas his father." "Orator also upon frendly trust delivered unto the said Thomas Sherman the younger a written book conteyning the certeyntie of all the gleabe lands and tythes of his Vicar- age. Being a man without conscience, Thomas Sherman the younger not only refuseth to pay the legacy in question but also to redelyver up the book. In lyke manner he dealeth with orator for the delyverie of a discharge for arrears of rent due from Jeames Sherman for Hobbes tenement and Hill close, which orator hath paid. He likewise denyeth unto orator the quiet use of Barne close. Finally he has confed- erated himself with one John Newman, of Yaxley, laborer and instigated him to commence sute against orator upon an obligation of £20." The answer of Thomas Sherman gent, says that Thomas Sherman gent, deceased, father to this de- fendant, did by his last will devise unto James Sherman, deceased, the sum of £40 which defendant did pay unto the said James his brother, in his lifetime. The book he con- fesseth he had, but he does not now know where it is. (Court of Requests Bundle 322.) Children: 18 I. Francis^ Sherman, of Yaxley. II. Bridget^ Sherman, m. Thomas Balie, at Yaxley, Oct. 4, 1591. (Reg. 59, p. 397). III. Marie^ Sherman, bap. at Yaxley, Feb. 3, 1572. (Reg. 59, p. 397.) 11. THOMAS'' SHERMAN (4. Thomas,* Thomas,'' John,* Thomas^), of Yaxley and Palgrave, Suffolk, b. about 1555, of full age 1580, described as "my nephew Thomas Sherman Sherman Genealogy 71 of Palgrave" in will of his uncle Richard* Sherman, of Diss Norfolk, dated Jan. 21, 1587 (Supra, Reg. 54, p. 160). He was under 20 years of age at the date of the will of his grandmother, Jane (Sherman) Gardiner, Jan. 10, 1573, and was legatee of a silver goblet under will of Robert Lock- wood of Eye, dated May 25, 1558, supra. Robert Lock- wood's wife Margery (Sherman) Lockwood was his great aunt. Children : L Thomas^ Sherman, bap. at Yaxley, Oct. 25, 1584, (Reg. 59, p. 397.) IL Richard" Sherman, described in will of his great uncle Richard* Sherman as "my godsonne, son of said Thomas" i. e., testator's nephew Thomas^ Sherman, of Palgrave, which is quite near Diss. 12. NICHOLAS^ SHERMAN (5. John,* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^), of Ipswich and Bramford, Suffolk and Romford, Essex, Gent., devisee of lands in Diss under will of his uncle Richard* Sherman of Diss, dated Jan. 21, 1587 {Supra Reg. 54, p. 160). m. (1) Thomasine Brooke, who was living Apr. 26, 1597, when she united with him in deed of lands in Ipswich. (Ipswich Dogget Rolls, Supra.) She was probably mother of his children, m. (2) Isabel Fuller, of Shenfield, Essex. His will dated Nov. 21, 1620, proved Jan. 18, 1621, in London. (P. C. C. Dale 6.) "I, Nicholas Sher- man of Romford, Co. Essex, Gent." To poor of Romford, of Burnte Wood, of the parish of St. Matthews Ipswich, and of Bramford, Suffolk. Legacies to son Thomas, daughters Elizabeth Lak and Thomasin Sherman, Anne Sherman and Mary Sherman. "To my sister Margaret Goffe, widowe." "My house at Bramford the customary and freehold" to be sold. "To my son Nicholas Sherman" and his wife. To Hugh Lak. "Isabell my wife." Overseers William Fuller of Shenfield, "my brother-in-lawe" and Richard Fiske of Romford. Son Nicholas, residuary legatee and sole Execu- tor. (Reg. 54, p. 161.) Children: I. Nicholas^ Sherman. 19 II. Thomas^ Sherman, of Diss, Norfolk. 72 Sherman Genealogy III. Elizabeth*' Sherman, m. Hugh Lak. IV. Thomasin*' Sherman. V. Anne° Sherman, m. Thomas Flatt, at Eye, Suffolk, Oct. 4, 1608. VI. Mary'' Sherman. Nicholas^ Sherman, frequently called gentleman in the rec- ords was probably born 1555. He was at one time an inn- keeper and probably kept the "Golden Lion" inn at Ipswich. He appears as a litigant several times. Hilary Term 28 Elizabeth (1586), Nicholas Sherman, gent, by Francis Sherman (his uncle), his attorney, sues in the Court of Common Pleas for debts (Roll 1457:2224). Easter Term, 30 Eilzabeth (1588), Nicholas Sherman, gent., sues Thomas Blake of the Middle Temple to recover a debt of £13. (Roll 1471:1873.) This was Thomas Blake who in 1582 married Nicholas's cousin Elizabeth^ Sherman, daughter of Thomas* Sherman. Easter Term 36 Elizabeth (1594). Roger Brooke sued John Brooke, of Bramford, senior, yeoman, and Nicholas Sherman, of Bramford, gent., to recover £80. from each (Roll 1528:1147). John Brooke, senior, was the father-in-law of Nicholas. They were both again sued for debt at the same term (Roll 1529:1827) and again at Easter Term 1595. Easter Term Z7 Elizabeth (1595) Francis Sherman, gent., one of the attorneys of the King's Bench in his own proper per- son, sues Nicholas Sherman of Bramford, Suffolk, for £100 (Roll 1546:186). This may have been for legal services. At the same term Nicholas sued on bonds made in London in 1590 and 1592. He was sued in 1595 for 40 shillings for Spanish silk and lace bought in London on May 8, 1594. Easter Term Z7 Eliza- beth (1595) Robert Symonds by Thomas Whetcrofte, his attor- ney, sued John Brooke, of Bramford, Suffolk, yeoman, other- wise gent., and Nicholas Sherman of the same place for £80. each (Roll 1549:1796). Nicholas was sued in 1596 by Roger Brooke, gent., upon a bond made in London, Jan. 12, 1595, and upon another bond made at London, Sept. 26, 1594. He and others were in 1597 sued in London for debts. He is described as Nicholas Sherman, of London, gent., otherwise called Nicholas Sherman, of Bramford, Suffolk, gent. (Roll 1586:67). Easter Term 44 Elizabeth (1602) Thomas Carter sues in London, Nicholas Sherman, of the parish of St. Magnus, inn- Signature, Feb. 13, Id'M, of Joseph Sherman, son of Capt. John Sherman and grandfather of Hon. Roger Sherman Signature of William Sherman, father of Hon. Roger. Sept. 4, 1735 v/j;C Lay out of land in New Milford, Nov. 27, 1754, by Hon. Roger Sherman and William Drinkwater, Committee. In handwriting of Mr. Sherman \I^^^i^ ^^^'^^X^^ ^^^!a:^^ Handwriting and signature of Hon. Roger Sherman, Justice of the Peace, July 15, 1755 Signatures of Hon. Roger Sherman and his son John, then about 11 years old t^^L^e^'r^.^Aj2,7y'j^ A.^^r^^ Signature of Hon. Roger Sherman to letter to Major Munson dated February 20, 17'W Sherman Genealogy 73 holder, otherwise called Nicholas Sherman, of Bramford Co. Suffolk, gent., to recover £20. (Roll 1680:567.) In the Court of Requests is the bill of complaint of William Baldvvyne, the elder, gent., and William Baldwyne, the younger his son, late of Thrandeston, Suffolk, gent., late servant unto the Earl of Leicester, now deceased, now servant unto the Earl of Essex, endorsed 18 May 32 Elizabeth (1590) stating that about two years past (1588) William Baldwyne, the younger, being then in the service of the Earl of Leicester, travelled to Ipswich, and having some acquaintance with one Nicholas Sherman of that town, was by him persuaded to take a lease to him and Anne his wife, dated 20 Jan., 30 Elizabeth (1588), of the inne or house called the Golden Lyon, sometime the White Lyon, situate in the parish of St. Mathew, in that town, for 17 years at a yearly rent of £22 ; that Sherman insisted that Baldwyne should buy the fur- niture of the inn at a valuation to be made by four indifferent per- sons of the town, one of whom, however, was Sherman's father- in-law, that they overappraised the goods by £40, that Baldwyne occupied the house for two years and was greatly impoverished thereby. Sherman now claims payment of certain bonds for the rent and furniture and from these the complainants pray for re- lief. From defendant's answer it appears that his father-in-law was John Brooke. (Court of Requests Bundle 233.) The Golden Lion Inn in still standing on the Cornhill near the Post Office. "At the Western end of the Town Hall is the 'Golden Lion,' one of the most important Hotels in the Town on Market Days. The solid oaken beams, the wide quaint staircase and half open gal- lery, the odds and ends of interesting oddities in the boulder paved court-yard, proclaim that the 'Golden Lion' is an ancient inn. Formerly a White Lion stood here. It is mentioned as the White Lion in 1571 — and there are numerous evidences of wood- work as old as that date." (Dr. Taylor's book on Ancient Ips- wich, 1888.) 13. HENRY= SHERMAN (6. Henry,* Thomas,' John,^' Thomas^), "the elder," of Dedham, Essex, clothier, born about 1547. m. Susan Lawrance, at Moze, Essex, June 14, 1568 (Reg. 67, p. 154). Buried at Dedham, Aug. 28, 1610. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) His will dated Aug. 21, 1610, was proved 74 Sherman Genealogy Sept. 8, 1610. (Consistory Court of London Book Hamer No. 7, leaves 33-36.) The following is a copy: "In the name of god Am The one and twentieth Day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and tenne I Henry Shereman thelder of Dedham in the County of Essex Clothier being in good remembrance the Lord be praysed Do make and ordayne this may last Will and Testament in manner and forme as follovveth. ffirst I give and bequeath my soule vnto Allmighty God who infused it into my mortal! and corrupt body and hath washed and purged it from all the defilements of sinne original! and actuall with the whole punishment therefore due vnto mee, in and by the precious blood of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christe. And my body to be buried at the discrecon of myne Executor Item I give and bequeath vnto Susan my wife all that my house wherein I now dwell with the Lands with the woade house and all the apptenances therevnto now belonging, holding of the manner of Dedham Hall by estimacon twentie Acres more or lesse which I had of the Surrender of my ffather I give them to her during her natural! life And my will and meaning is that my wife shall keepe the said houses in good lawfull and sufficient repacons as conveniently as shee may during all her said Terme and that she make no strippe nor waste vpon the pmisses and that she leave at the end of her terme in the dwelling house the panne and the Lead and in the woadhouse the Lead to them and to eyther of them fastned and belonging And yf my said wife shall not keepe the said houses in repacons as aforesaid and shall make strippe and waste vpon the said houses and Lands at anie tjTne above and beyond the Valewe of twenty shillings then my Will and meaninge is that my sonne Henry Shereman shall enter vpon the said houses & Lands within two monethes after such default made and then and from thenceforth shall pay During her life to the said Susan yearly the ful! summe of sixtene pounds of lawfull money of England at fower several tymes and Quarters of the yeare the Accompt for the yeare and every quarter thereof being made fro the first day of the said Henry Sherman his entrance into and vpon the pmisses as afore- said and that by even and equall porcons the whole sume being divided into fower parts Provided that at the full end of everie quarter also the said Henry or his Assignes shall bring the said money as aforesaid to the then dwelling house of the said Susan and for everie default thereof whensoever it shall happen to bee that forfeite to the said Susan twentie shillings Item after my vdves Decease I give and bequeath all the foresaid houses and Lands with their apptenances with my two taynters vnto my Sonne Henry Sherman and to his heires for ever. Itm Item I give and be- queath vnto Henry Sherman my Sonne the joyned bedstead and the bed on it as it now standeth in the guest Chamber and the Cupboard in the same Chamber and the longe Table in the Hall with six Joyned stooles to have them after my wife's decease and vntill then my will and minde is that my wife shall have the vse and occupacon of them and after to leave them in ye house to my sonne Henry as afore bequeathed and to his Sherman Genealogy 75 heirs. Item I give to Suzan my wife six of the best of my silver spoones and to Henry my Sonne six other silver spoones of the best next to them before to my wife bequeathed Item I give and bequeath to Susan my wife the summe of threescore pounds of lawfull English money Item I give more to Suzan my wife my Tapestrie Covelett my best silver Salt eight of my best milch kine the bedstead in the Parlour wherein I vse to ly with the bedds on it and all things therevnto belonging with the Cubboard in the same Parlour and two Chests in the same place the one a Danske Chest the other a Joyned Chest with a little Cofer two needle wrought Cushions in the Hall and one silver Cup Item I give more vnto Susan my wife my black Ambling Mare with the furniture to her belonginge Item I give and bequeath to my said wife fower Seames of Rye that is to say two Seames presently after my Death to be delived and two seames more within fower monethes after, both by myne Executor. Item my will and meaning is that my wife shall have perceive and take everie yeare during her life six loads of wood in and vppon ye Lands at this time to me be- longing and in my occupacon. Provided that she taketh indifferently vpon one part as vppon another to whomsoever bequeathed and as the wood shalbe of most fitt groweth for that purpose with ingresse and egresse into all and every parcell of the said Lands to fell and carrie the said six loads of wood as afore bequeathed Allso I give vnto Susan my wife halfe my hoggs with the halfe of all my houshouldstuffe whatsoever before vnbequeathed as halfe of the Linnen and Draperie halfe of the brass, pewter, Dayrie Vessells brewing Vessells and other things fitt and need- full for house keeping All the Residue of housholdstuffe and Cattell not bequeathed, my minde and will is shalbe equallie divided amonge all my children Item I give and bequeath vnto Nathaniell Shearman my sonne the house wherein now Willim King now dwelleth with the Lands there- vnto belonging called Scotts by estimacon five Acres more or less with the apptinances to him and his heires for ever vpon condicon that he shall pay vnto my Sonne Daniell Shearman or his heirs the summe of ten pounds; of lawfull English money within two j'eares after my Decease Item I give vnto Nathaniel Shearman my Sonne my broad Loome which is now in the occupacon of John Orris of Lawford with the furniture thereto belonging Item I give and bequeath vnto John Shearman and Ezekiell Shearman my sonnes all those my Lands which were late Docter Shermans called the Heckell and golding Acre to bee equallie Divided beetwixt them by myne Executors to them and to their heires for ever Item I give and bequeath vnto John Shearman my sonne one feild called Wayland by estimacon seaven Acres more or lesse to him and his heirs for ever. Item I give and bequeath vnto Ezechiel Sherman my sonne three Acres of Meadow lying in broad Meddowe holding of the Manner of Dedham Hall And three Roods of Meddowe holding of the Mannors of Overhall and Neatherhall in Dedham to him and to his heires for ever. Item I will and bequeath vnto Edmund Sherman my sonne all my lands holdinge of ffaytes & Wades called by the name of Garlicke feild, and Ardley Lands and Boremans Acre or anie other name to his and his 76 Sherman Genealogy heirs for ever Provided that my furth minde and will is concerning all and the severall Lands to my sonnes, John, Ezekiell and Edmund afore- said bequeathed, that yf this my three sonnes John, Ezekiell, and Edmund or anie of them shall lett sett over or sell their Lands to them given as aforesaid that then they and everie one of them shall lett sett over and sell their Lands to them given as aforesaid to Henry Sherman my Sonne yf so he will at a reasonable rate and price as shalbe thought fitt by two men chosen by my Cosen Edmund Gallaway But and yf they or anie of them shall otherwise then according to this my meaning will let set over or sell the Lands aforesaid then my full will and minde is that they and everie one of them making Default contrary to my will in this case shall pay vnto my Sonne Henry Sherman five pounds of lawful English money everie one so offending five pounds for himselfe as a Legasie to the said Henry by me given out of those Lands. And the said Legacie by them and every of them to be paid as aforesaid within one weeke after the letting, setting over or selling of the said Lands contrary to this my will. Item my minde and will is that my three Sonnes John Sherman Ezechiell Sherman, and Edmund Sherman shall enter vpon and enjoy their Lands given them as aforesaid Pntly after my decease Item my will and my minde is that my eight Acres of Land in the Hall feilde shalbe sould within two yeares after my Decease to the best advantage and the money received of the same and disposed as followeth. Item I first give thereof vnto Henry ffenn Sonne of Simon ffen five pounds of lawfull English money All the Residue of the money which shall remaine of the sale of that Land I give equally to be divided amongst my Childrens Children to be paid within fower monethes after the Sale of the said Land And the said Legacies so given vnto the said Children to be paid vnto their parents in lawfull English money they the said parents laying in securitie to my Executors for their discharge Item I give and bequeath vnto Mr. Rogers Preacher of Dedham the summe of eight pounds of lawfull Eng- lish money to be paid him by mine Executors within fower yeares after my Decease, That is to say fourty shillings a yeare for foure yeares Item I give and bequeath to the increasing of the pores stocke of the Towne of Dedham forty shillings of lawfull English money to be payd by my Executors Item I give and bequeath vnto Henry Sherman my sonne my Wood lying in Ardley that I bought of William Baldwin to him and his for ever Condiconly that my said sonne Henry Sherman pay or cause to be paid vnto my sonne Daniel Sherman or to his heires ye sume of xijt« of lawfull English money within six monethes after my Decease And also twenty shillings of like lawfull English money to be paid by my sonne Henry Sherman To Phcabe ffenn my Daughter within six monethes after my Decease Item I give and bequeath vnto Daniel Sherman my sonne the summe of twenty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid by myne Executor wt^in six monethes after my decease to him and to his heires the said twenty pounds, as also the above bequeathed twelve pounds to be paid him vpon condition that he shall discharge my Executor of the summe of five and twenty pounds which he received to vsc of mec and Sherman Genealogy n my Sonne in Lawe Symon ffenne Deceased for w^h we stand bound to Mr. Boad as also that he discharge myne Executor of other twenty pounds for which I stand bound with him Item I give vnto my Daughters in lawe to each of them xs. to be paid by my Executor Item I give vnto Anna Pet- field Daughter of William Petfield forty shillings of lawfull English money to be paid by myne Executor within one yeare after my Decease Item I will and my meaning is that myne Executor shall pay vnto Anne Sher- man my brothers Doctors Shermans Daughter five pounds of lawfull Eng- lish money which was the gifte of her Grandfather and in discharge thereof and at her full age of two and twenty yeares it was once before paid into her fathers hands yet fearing that she should be voyd of it for want of provision of his part I will that it be paid as aforesaid Item I give vnto Mrs. Dowe (?) of Stratford Tenne shillings To Mr. Richard Ravens Parson of Watesfeild xs. To Mr. Sage Curate of Dedham xxs. To Calvin Humfrey sonne of Mr. Humfrey Scheie mayster of Dedham xs. Anjd to Gilbert Hills my Brother in Lawe xs. All the said five Legacies To be paid within six monethes after my Decease Item I give vnto my brother Lawrence of Esthorpe my best Cloake I give vnto James Hasset thelder of Dedham six shillings eight pence within three monethes after my Decease Item My will & meaning is that my two sonnes Henry and Samuel Sherman shall sell my eight Acres of Land in the Hallfeild to the best advantage of my Childrens Children as afore bequeathed within two yeares after my Decease And my meaning is thai the mayne proffit which shall arise of the said Land during the said two yeares shalbe paid by them to my said sonne Daniel and his heires Item my will and mean- ing is that the Residue of all my goods vn bequeathed my Debts & Lega- cies being paid and my funerall charges being answered both Corne, Cattell, and money and all other things whatsoever shalbe equallie divided betwixt my Children Item my will and meaninge is that George Cole thelder William Cole Edmund Sherman and John Pye shall indifferently divide my goods vnbequeathed betwixt my Children Item I Do ordain and make Suzan my beloved wife my sole Executrix to see this my last Will and Testament p formed And I give vnto her that my part of the Lease of the Rayes Revoking all other Wills formerly by mee made And further I appoint my Cousen Edmund Galloway Gierke the supervisor of this my will requiringe his helpe in any controversie that anie wayes by occacon of this my last Will and Testament may arise betwixt my Chil- dren or anie of them And for his paynes I will that he shall have twenty shillings of lawfull English money to be paid by myne Execitrix within one yeare after my Decease In wittnes whereof to theis two sheets of paper contayning my last will I have set my hand and seale the day and yeare above written Henry Sherman In the pnce of John Pye and Henry Young and Thomas Onyon The marke of Henry Younge. Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud Colchester octavo die mensis Septembris, Anno Domini 1610, juramento Magistri Georgii Cole Not. Pub., procuratoris Susanne, relict dicti defuncti et executricis in hujusmodi testamento nominate, cui commissa fuit administratio. 78 Sherman Genealogy Dudodecimo die mensis Septembris, Anno Domini 1610, apud Chelmes- ford, administratio bononim Henrici Sherman, senioris, dum vixit de Ded- ham in comitatu Essex; defuncti, nondum administratorum per Suzanna eius relicta et executrice, jam etiam defuncta, testamento suo hujusmodi annexato, commissa fuit Henrico Sherman, filo naturali et legitime dicti defuncti, necnon executori testamenti dicte Suzanne Sherman defuncte. Adm. de bonis non Sept. 12, 1610, to Henry Sherman, the younger, eldest son of deceased and executor also of Susan Sherman, deceased (Reg. 50, p. 285 and 68, p. 149). Susan Sher- man, the widow, was buried at Dedham, Sept. 13, 1610 (Abstract of will Reg. 50, p. 417). Her will, dated Aug. 31, 1610, was proved Sept. 12, 1610 (Consistory Court of London, Book Hamer No. 7, leaf 13), and is as follows: In the name of God Amen ye xxxjth day of August Anno Dmi 1610 I Susan Shearman of Dedham in ye County of Essex, Widdow being sicke of body but of good and pfect memorie (god bee thanked) do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth. ffirst I bequeath my soule into the hands god that gave it and my body to bee bestowed in Christian burial!. Item I give vnto Harry Sherman my Sonne my silver and gilt Salt and my best tapestry Coveringe Itm I give and bequeath vnto Samuel Sherman my Sonne my six silver spoones wch my husband gave mee marked w'h E and S Itm I give more vnto Samuel Sherman my Sonne my featherbed in the plour wth the bolster a paire of blankets and a Covering Itm I give and bequeathe unto Daniel Sherman my Sonne the summe of Twentie pounds of lawful English money to be paid wt^in thre moneths after my decease Itm I give and bequeath more vnto my sonne Daniel Sherman foure of my eight beasts w^h my hus- band gave mee and are marked out for my vse Itm I give and bequeathe vnto Nathaniel Sherman my sonne the summe of twenty pounds of law- full English money to paid wtl'in Six monethes after my decease Itm I give vnto John Sherman my Sonne my Cubbord standing in ye Parlour Itm I give and bequeath vnto Ezekiel Sherman my Sonne the summe of tenne pounds of law full English money to be paid him wt^in Six monethes after my decease Itm I give and bequeath vnto Ezekiel my Sonne my new silver cup Itm I give and bequeath vnto Edmund Shearman my Sonne ye summe of ten pounds of lawfull English money to be paid him w'hin one moneth after my decease Itm I give and bequeath vnto Ed- mund my Sonne my bedstead in the Parlour wt^ the flocke bed vppon it and the flockbolster and the yellowe Rugge. Itm I give and bequeath vnto Pheabe ffenne my Daughter one Cowe my least Silver Cupp and one of my nedle worke Cushions Itm I give and bequeath vnto Anne Whighting my Daughter two beasts one needle worke Cushion and my danske Chest in ye Parlour Itm I give vnto my sonne Daniels wife my Sherman Genealogy 79 best gowne Itm I give vnto my Sonne Nathaniels wife my Danske Chest wch standeth in the guest Chamber I give vnto Robert Salmons Sonne my great Grandchild one Cowe Itm I give vnto Mary Sherman my Sonne Samuels Daughter my Joyned Chest in the Parlour Itm I give vnto Susan Sherman my Sonne Daniels Daughter my leaved Table in the Par- lour. Itm I give vnto my Brother Gilber Hilles the summe of tenne Shillings Itm I give and bequeath vnto Mr. Rogers my blacke mare Itm I give vnto Susan Galloway Daughter of my Cosen Edmund Gal- loway my best violet petticote All the Residue of my goods vnbequeathed my Will and meaneing is shallbe equally divided amongst all my Children Itm I ordaine and make my sonne Henry Sherman my sole Executor to se this my last Will and Testament faithfully performed And for his paines I give him the Lease of the Rayes given mee by my husband In Witness whereof I have herevnto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare above written. The marke of Susan Sherman in the presence of Edmunde Galloways John Pye. Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud Chelmesford duodecimo die mensis Septembris, Anno Domini 1610, juramento Henrici Sherman, executoris, cui commissa fuit administratio. (Abstract of will Reg. 50, p. 286.) Children : I. Phebe^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, May 1, 1570 (Reg. 50, p. 415), m. Simon Fenn, of Dedham, clothier. He d. 1610. His will, dated Jan. 16, 1609, proved May 11, 1610 (P. C. C. Wingfield 43). To wife Phebe mes- suage "commonly called Sowthowse wherein I dwell," in Dedham, and land in Stratford, Suffolk, for life, after her decease to son Henry. Devises of lands in Langham and Dedham, Essex and Bramford, Suf- folk, to sons Henry, Qement, Samuel and John. Cousin Samuel Salmon. Daughter Susan Salmon. Daughters Phebe, Anne, Mary and Martha Fenn at one and twenty. Daniel, Nathaniel, Ezechiell, John and Edmund Sherman, "my brethren in law." Brother Clement Fenn, late of Clacton, deceased, his children Qement, Symon, John, Helen and Susan Fenn at twenty-one. Brother George, John Fenn, son of my brother Thomas deceased (late of Stratford) and his sister, Margery. Thomas Revell, my sister's son and Rose his sister. My sister White, wife Phebe, my brother Henry Sherman and my son Robert Sal- mon Executors. Mr. Rogers, Henry Sherman, my ■80 Sherman Genealogy father-in-law and Samuel Sherman, my brother, over- seers. Anthony Whitinge, one of the witnesses. (Reg. 50, p. 285.) 20 II. Henry" Sherman, of Dedham, clothier, bap. at Ded- ham, Aug. 26, 1571. 21 III. Samuel" Sherman, of Dedham, bap. at Dedham, Jan. 11, 1573. IV. Anne" Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Aug. 7, 1575. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) Record states that Susan Sherman, daugh- ter of Henry Sherman was then baptized. This is either an error for Anne or else Susan must have died young, as she is not mentioned in will of either par- ent. Anne was probably born at this time. m. at Dedham, Jan. 8, 1595, Anthony Whiting, of Dedham, clothier. (Reg. 50, p. 414.) He died 1629. His will, dated Sept. 1, 1628, proved July 14, 1629. (Con- sistory Court of London, Book Bellamy, Leaf 326.) To wife Anne lands for life, after her death to son Symon he to pay son Anthony i30. and £40. to daughter Phebe. To wife Anne tenement in occu- pation of Gilbert Hills for her life, after that to son John. To son Anthony and Mary his wife, two fields bought of the widow Shereman, and after their deaths, to Anthony's heirs. To son Symon and daugh- ter Susan Whiting and daughter Phebe. "My two brothers Henry and Ezechiell Shereman shall sell my house and lands in Langham." To son John at twenty- three. "To my daughter Anne Loveran five pounds." To poor of Dedham and of Stanaway. Wife execu- trix. Witnesses Lyonell Chewte and Henry Shere- man. (Reg. 50, p. 387.) His widow soon married Thomas Wilson, of Dedham, butcher, whose will dated Jan. 30, 1631, was proved May 24, 1631. He mentions his wife Anne and "Mr. Anthony Whiting, Phebe Whiting and the rest of my wife's children." "I make my brother in law Henry Sherman, senior, and Thomas Wood of Dedham Executors." (Reg. 50, p. 388.) She, Anne Wilson, died 1638. Her will dated Sept. 15, 1638, proved Dec. 13, 1638. (Com. of High Street and Church of St. Nicholas, Colchester, Essex, Eng. From an old engraving THE GOLDEN LION INN Ipswich, England, from a recent photograph GRAVESTONE IN CANTON, MASS. OF WILLIAM SHERMAN Father of Hon. Roger Sherman fud Coarr : 1 two ibc teioic wrlilen Obligation ta tx Vau) tai of cooc ESeS, tt .^ clfe to abi{9« iDd itHMla io fall Foic* tnd V>»ue. ,' SiihJ nd Mhimi ia Prtftaa rf ^^'^^^r^ ,./ 'f/iiiotm- nMee^ Signatures of Mehetalicl SluTinan, widcjw of William and her son Rot'er a«>'d 2(1 to bond, Apiil 21, 1741 Sherman Genealogy 81 London for Essex and Herts. File for 1638-9, No. 152.) Describes her as Anne Wilson of Dedham, Es- sex, widow. To son Anthony Whiting of Bentlie, clerk ; to son John Whiting and daughter Susan Cole. To my daughter Phebe Barnard of New England ten pounds and to her two children born here before she went over vizt. John and Samuel, to each of them twenty shillings apiece. To daughter Cole's four children, son John Whiting and Anne his daughter. My nephew Symon Whiting, the son of my son Symon Whiting, deceased. Jane Whiting his daughter. My nephews Anthony and Thomas, sons of my son Anthony. The widow Goffe [probably Margaret' Sherman widow of John Gofife] . My brother Edmund Sherman of Colchester. "My loving brother Ezekiel Sherman," Executor. (Reg. 50, p. 390.) 22 V. Daniel^ Sherman, of Dedham. VI. Nathaniel^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, June 19, 1580, buried June 21, 1580. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) 23 VII. Nathaniel® Sherman, of Dedham, Clothier, bap. at Dedham, July 11, 1582. 24 VIII. John® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Aug. 17, 1585, father of Captain John Sherman, of Watertown, Mass. 25 IX. Ezekiel® Sherman, of Dedham, clothier. 26 X. Edmund® Sherman of Colchester. XI. Mary® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, July 27, 1592 (Reg. 50, p. 415.) The will of William Littlebury, of Dedham, dated July 20, 1571 (Reg. 50, p. 132), devises certain lands to Henry Sherman the elder, and Henry Sherman, his son, with Edmund Sherman, his brother, as feoffees, etc. Easter Term 25 Elizabeth, 1583, Richard Vesye, by Miles Lakyn, his attorney, sued John Lufkyn, of Dedham, clothier, for debt found by Henry Sherman, Junior, and others, auditors of said John's accounts, to be owing to plaintiff. (C. P. P. Roll 1141:525.) Easter Term 39 Elizabeth (1597) Henry Sherman and Rich- ard Upcher sued in the Court of Common Pleas, Peter Butter, of 82 Sherman Genealogy Colchester, Essex, clothier, on a bond for £20. made at Manyng- tre, March 10, 34 Elizabeth (1592) (Roll 1586:452). The same plaintiffs at the same term, sued Thomas Butter, of Dedham, clothier, on a bond for £20 made at Manyngtre, March 10, 1592 (Roll 1586:452). At the same term, the same plaintiffs sued John Morfell, of Dedham, clothier, Peter Butter, of Colchester, Cloth- ier, and Thomas Butter, of Dedham, clothier, for £20 each (Roll 1586:686). At the same term, Henry Sherman and Edmund Sherman sued the same three defendants for £30 each (Roll 1586:693). Easter Term 42 Elizabeth (1600) Thomas Lawrence, of Easthorpe, yeoman, and Henry Sherman, of Dedham, Clothier, were sued by Joan Carter, widow, administratrix of the goods of John Carter, deceased, for £20 each. (Roll 1642:2186). Henry'' Sherman in his will mentions his brother Lawrence of Esthorpe. 14. EDMUND^ SHERMAN (6. Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Dedham, Essex, clothier, b. about 1548. m. (1) Anne Pellatte at Dedham, Apr. 25, 1570 (Reg. 50, p. 414). She was buried at Dedham, June 8, 1584. {Id. p. 417.) m. (2), at Dedham, Sept. 11, 1584, Anne Clere {id. 414), daughter of Nicholas Clere, of Colchester, Essex, clothier, Alderman and elected M. P. Mar. 23, 1576, and again in 1578. (Essex Review 4 p. 240.) He was under seven years old Dec. 26, 1538. His will, dated Feb. 24, 1578, proved June 9, 1579 (P. C. C. Bakon 25, Reg. 50, p. 280) gives to his daughter Anne Clere, £40, at twenty-one or day of mar- riage and mentions his wife Anne and brother Benjamin. Nicholas was son of John Clere, of Colchester, clothier and Alderman. John Clere's will, dated Dec. 26, 1538, proved Feb. 1, 1539 (P. C. C. Dyngeley 25) directs that Jane, his wife, "shall have the custody and keeping of my son Nicholas Clere till he come to the age of seven years." Son Benja- min Executor. (Reg. 50, p. 278.) Edmund^ Sherman was buried at Dedham, Dec. 22, 1600 (Reg. 50. p. 417.) His will, dated August 1, 1599, codicil Dec. 20, 1600, proved Apr. 30, 1601. (P. C. C. Woodhall 24.) Lands and personal prop- erty to wife Anne for life. "To son Edmund, after decease of my wife, all the houses and lands before given to said wife Sherman Genealogy 83 and a house and seven acres called Ryes, where he now dwells and my sherman's occupation." To son Richard at four and twenty. Similar bequests to sons Bezaliell, Samuel, John and Benjamin. To eldest daughter Anne Sherman at one and twenty. Similar bequest to daughter Sarah. To "Hanna my daughter which I had by Anne my second wife" at one and twenty. Same to daughters Susan and Mary at similar ages. To sister Judith Pettfield for life "the tene- ment wherein Edmond Browne the taylor now dwelleth." Lands, including "my house at the church gate" to be sold by my brother Henry Sherman and my kinsman (brother in law) Symon Fenne, clothier, of Dedham. "My youngest daughter Mary" under twenty. After wife's death gives to son Bezaliell tenement called Ryes, now in occupation of Edmond, on condition that he pay Richard £50. "After my sister's death, I give the field and tenement before given unto her during life, unto the Governors of the Public Grammar School in Dedham, to be improved for a dwelling house for a schoolmaster." "To Sarah, Hanna the daughter of Anne my second wife, Susan, Samuel and John, my children, twenty shillings apiece which was bestowed upon them by their grandmother Cleere." Wife Anne, Executrix. Rev. Dr. (Edmund) Chapman and my brother in law Robert Lewys Supervisors. Codicil : To eldest daughter Anne Sherman and son Bezaliell and daughter Sarah, each forty shillings which their grandfather Sherman gave them to be paid them at the ages mentioned in his will. (Reg. 50, p. 283.) The will of Anne (Gere) Sherman, of Dedham, the widow, is dated Aug. 3, 1609, proved Jan. 12, 1610. (P. C. C. Wingfield 9.) "To John my son at twenty one, my house and land that the widow Fence hath now in occupation," the rents until then to be equally divided between Samuel my son and the afore- said John Sherman. Residue of personal estate to "be equal- ly divided among my seven children vizt. Samuel, John and Benjamin Sherman, Sara Warner, Anna Sherman, Susan Sherman and Mary Sherman at the several ages of twenty one years." My six children yet under age. Brother Nicholas Clarr of Colchester and son in law Thomas Warner Execu- tors. Brothers Mr. Thomas Haslewood and Mr. Robert 84 Sherman Genealogy Lewes overseers. (Reg. 50, p. 284.) Children: By first wife: I. Henry" Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Sept. 4, 1570 (Reg. 50, 0. 415). Buried at Dedham, Jan. 1, 1586 (Reg. 67, p. 156). 27 II. Edmund® Sherman, b. at Dedham, about 1572. Went to New England and was of Wethersfield and New Haven, Conn. III. Ann" Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 9, 1575. (Reg. 50, p. 415), d. young. 28 IV. Richard" Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Mar. 3, 1577 (Reg. 50, p. 415). Went to New England. Of Bos- ton, Mass. V. A child," b. and buried at Dedham, Feb. 4, 1579. (Reg. 66, p. 325.) VI. Anna" (or Ann) Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Mar. 7, 1581. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) m. at Dedham, May 15, 1601, John Anger, of Dedham, clothier (Reg. 50, p. 414.) He was son of William Anger, of Dedham, clothier, whose will dated Oct. 24, 1620, was proved at Col- chester, Aug. 2, 1622. (Commissary Court of Lon- don for Essex and Herts; File for 1622-1623 No. 186.) Mentions wife Josan, sons John, Edmond and William and daughters Elizabeth and Bridget at 20 or marriage. (Reg. 50, p. 400.) The will of Josan or Joysen Anger, widow of William, dated Aug. 27, 1627^ was proved at Colchester, May 23, 1628 (Com. of London for Essex and Herts. File for 1627-28 No. 18). Mentions son Edmond, daughters Sara Gilson, Susan Crosse, Elizabeth Gleeson and Bridget Anger. Son-in-law William Anger. (Reg. 50, p. 404.) John Anger d. in 1624. His will dated Jan. 19, 1624, proved Feb. 18, 1624. (P. C. C. Byrde 19.) Mentions cousin John Ward, wife Anna, sons John, Bezalleell, Samuel and Edmund, daughters Mary Sparhawke, wife of Nathaniel Sparhawke and Ann ; brothers William and Edmund Ainger and sisters Elizabeth and Bridget Ainger. Also mentions Judith Sherman and Ann Sherman Genealogy 85 Sherman, daughters of Edmund Sherman, of Col- chester; my sister Judith Sherman, wife of Edmund Sherman, of Colchester ; godchild Robert Sherman ; "my brother Nathaniel Sherman on his deathbed," his son, Nathaniel ; my cousin Henry Sherman ; my brother Richard Sherman ; Annah Sparhawke, my grandchild; brother-in-law Richard Backler. (Reg. 50, p. 401.) Ann" Anger died 1625. Her will, dated Sept. 2, 1625, proved at Colchester, Dec. 16, 1625. (Com. of London for Essex and Herts. File for 1625-1626 No. 177.) Mentions sons John, Bezaliell, Samuel and Edmund ; daughters Mary Sparhawke and Ann Anger ; brothers Richard Sherman, Richard Backler, Samuel Sherman and Edmund Sherman; Samuel Sherman, John Sherman, Sarah Warner, Anna Backler and Mary Bacon my brothers and sisters ; brother Benjamin Sherman; William Anger, Judith Sherman and Anna Smith, my husband's brother and sisters ; Ann Sherman and Jone Sherman daughters of my brother Edmund ; Ann Sherman daughter of my uncle Sherman, doctor, departed ; William Petfield, son of Richard Petfield; Anna Sherman daughter of my brother Richard Sherman ; "I give to the two chil- dren of the wife of Thomas Rogers, John Sherman and Richard Sherman, my kinsmen, ten shillings apiece at their ages of one and twenty." Also men- tions "my brother Bezaliell's two children John Sher- man and Ursalye Sherman." Thomas Makin a wit- ness. (Reg. 50, p. 402.) The wife of Thomas Rogers mentioned was Grace Makin, daughter of Tobias Makin of Fingringhoe, Essex, yeoman, whose will dated May 14, 1610, was proved Sept. 10, 1610. (Consistory Court of London Book Hamer, Leaves 45-48.) In it he mentions "Grace Sherman my daughter." (Reg. 50, p. 286.) She married first, John^ Sherman, son of Henry^ Sherman, of Dedham. He was buried at Great Horkesley, Essex, Jan. 24, 1616 (Reg. 66, p. 323). She soon afterwards m. Thomas Rogers, as Elizabeth Rogers, their daughter, was bap. at Dedham, 86 Sherman Genealogy Nov. 6, 1617 (Reg. 66, p. 325). Elizabeth Rogers afterwards m. Daniel Smith, at Watertown, Mass. (Reg. 51, p. 310.) John^ Sherman, her son, mentioned above, was Captain John Sherman, of Watertown, Mass., whose father was first cousin of the testatrix Ann Anger. (Reg. 51, p. 310.) 29 VII. BezalieP Sherman, b. about 1582, of St. Lawrence parish, Ipswich, Grocer, By second wife: VIII. Sarah« Sherman, bap. at Dedham, July 4, 1587 (Reg. 66, p. 324). m. before Aug. 3, 1609, date of her brother's will, Thomas Warner. Had issue Samuel, Mary. m. Abbott, and Henry. (Will of Samuel' Sherman Reg. 50, p. 391.) IX. Anna' Sherman (called Hanna in her father's will), m. May 3, 1610, at Dedham, Richard Backler, of Ded- ham, clothier (Reg. 66, p. 326), who d. 1639. His will, dated June 25, 1639, proved July 25, 1639 (P. C. C. Harvey 125). To wife Anne for life, house son Nathaniel now dwells in, after wife's death to son Richard at 22, he under 17. Daughters Anne Smith and Joane Crosse. To daughters Mary, Sarah at 18 and Elizabeth at 18. Brother Samuel. Mentions John Sherman. Son Nathaniel Executor. (Reg. 50, p. 390.) X. Susan® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 17, 1591 (Reg. 50, p. 415), d. unmarried. 30 XI. SamueP Sherman, of Dedham, clothier. 31 XII. John^ Sherman, of Dedham, clothier. XIII. Benjamin® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Mar. 27, 1597 (Reg. 50, p. 415). Buried there Oct. 26, 1647 {id. p. 417). Had issue. Will of brother Samuel men- tions "My brother Benjamin's children." (Reg. 50, p. 391.) XIV. Mary® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Mar. 20, 1599 (Reg. 50, p. 415). m. after May, 1619, Andrew Bacon, and came to New England. Will of brother Samuel dated June 14, 1643, says "I give unto my sister Bacon in Sherman Genealogy 87 New England ten pounds to be sent her or her hus- band in linen cloth and shoes by my cousin Edmond Sherman." (Reg. 50, p. 392.) 15. DR. ROBERT^ SHERMAN (6. Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), of Dedham, Colchester and Parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, London, possibly bap. at Dedham, Feb. 6, 1561. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) Matriculated at Trinity College. Cambridge, 1575. B.A. 1579/80. M.A. 1583. M.D. 1595. Fellow of College of Physicians, 1599. (Athenae Cambridg- iensis Vol. 2, p. 285). Two of his daughters, Jane and Anne, are mentioned in the will of his father, dated Jan. 20, 1589. He was a legatee under will of his brother John^ Sherman, of Dedham, proved 1576. (Reg. 50, p. 279.) m. (1), at Dedham, Dec. 9, 1583, Barbara Browne (Reg. 50, p. 414). m. (2), shortly after July 4, 1597, Bridget Jenney, daughter of Francis Jenney, of Knottishall, Suffolk, Esquire, deceased. The will of Robert^ Sherman, of London, "Doctor of Phis- sick," dated Jan. 10, proved Jan. 20, 1602. (Commissary Court of London, Vol. 19, fol. 318. In the Act Book, testator is described as lately of the parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street.) Personal property to be sold and divided into three parts, one to discharge debts, another to wife Bridget and the other to be divided among four of his chil- dren, Jane, Mary, Anne and Robert. Freehold land to wife during life and son Richard to have and enjoy all said lands, copy and free, to him and his heirs forever, with remainder to son Robert, and lastly to three daughters; Jane having £6. more in value than the other two. Executors, brother Henry Sherman and friend Roger Gwynn. (Reg. 50, p. 284.) Children: I. Jane® Sherman mentioned in will of her grandfather Henry Sherman, dated Jan. 20, 1590. (Reg. 50, p. 281.) II. Mary® Sherman. III. Anne® Sherman mentioned in will of her grandfather Henry, and also mentioned as Ann Sherman in will of her cousin Ann Anger, dated Sept. 2, 1625. (Reg. 50, p. 403.) 88 Sherman Genealogy IV. Robert" Sherman. V. Richard" Sherman (probably by second wife). The Duchy of Lancaster Court Rolls, Dedham Manor, show that at a Court held Mar. 20, 1590, Henry* Sherman, the elder, a tenant of this Manor, died since the last Court. He held certain lands called the Heckell and Wayland, containing 14 acres and a pightell called Byrdes, containing 1^^ acres, Robert Sherman, youngest son of the said Henry, is his heir according to the cus- tom of the Manor. At a Court held Oct. 2, 1595, a warrant was enrolled allowing "Robert Sherman of Colchester, Phicion, one of the customary tenants of" the Manor of Dedham Hall, to let to Henry'^ Sherman, of Dedham, clothier, for eleven years seven acres of land called the Heckell, now in the occupancy of said Henry. At a Court held October 3, 1597, found that Robert Sherman, of Colchester, Doctor in Medicine, on July 4, 1597, sur- rendered two acres of land called Byrds, in Dedham, to the use of Bridget Jenney and her heirs, and if she die without issue of said Robert and Bridget, and said Robert outlive her, then to the use of said Robert and his heirs. It was further testified that said Robert married said Bridget, and said Robert and Bridget prayed to be admitted to said lands which said Robert took after the death of Henry Sherman, his father, Apr. 26, 1598, found that Robert Sherman, Doctor of Medi- cine, on Dec. 23, 1597, surrendered (mortgaged) the moiety of 14 acres of land in Dedham called Heckel, then in the occupation of Henry^ Sherman, to the use of Henry" Sherman, son of said Henry,° on condition that if said Robert Sherman should pay to Henry ^ Sherman, the father, £40. on Dec. 23, 1598, at his mansion house in Dedham, this surrender should be void. Dec. 23, 1598, Robert Sherman, Doctor of physick, surrenders the moiety of 14 acres of land in Dedham, called Heckle, now in the occupation of Henry^ Sherman, to the use of Henry" Sherman, son of said Henry' Sherman, and his heirs. By the will of Henry^ Sherman, of Dedham, dated Aug. 21, 1610, proved Sept. 8, 1610, he gave "To John and Ezekiell Sherman my sons all those my lands which were late Doctor Sherman's called the Heckell and golding acre to be equally divided betwixt them." (Reg. 50, p. 285.) Ann" (Sherman) Anger, niece of Dr. Robert Sherman, by her will dated Sept. 2, 1625 (Reg. 50, p. 402) gives Stone at Newton, Mass., marking birth place of Hon. Roger Sherman Ucntril; /L ,l!ui . . . __. ,' . _. _.^ tftmr,iff-> . t I'frmuiirio r '/,„/,//,.. .. , ' M,..,;.,.... ii,'/(iM 'j)(\h[iui Kiim ui'tijiiiiiij, II Yale College Degree of Master of Arts of fion. Roger Sherman, 1768 Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, SheniiRti Plot. Grave- stone of Rebecca Sherman and end of tabular grave stone of Hon. Roger Sherman Gravestone at New Milford. Conn., of Elizabeth Hartwell, first wife of Hiin. Roger Sherman Sherman Genealogy 89 "to Ann^ Sherman daughter of my uncle Sherman, doctor, de- parted, twenty shillings." In Lincolnshire pedigrees in Harleian Society Publications, page 547, is pedigree of Jenney, of Knotshall, Suffolk (now Knat- tishall). This shows the pedigree of Bridget (Janney) Sherman, as follows: Edmund Janney = of Knotshall William Janney = of Knotshall John Janney = Maude Buckells or Bokyll of Knotshall buried there Sir William Janney Knt. =: Elizabeth Cawse, daughter of Judge of Kings Bench Thomas Cawse and widow of Calthorp Sir Edmund Janney Knt, = Katherine Boyes, daughter of (by some called Sir Sir Roger (or Robert) Boyes William) William Janney = Warren, daughter of Sir William Warren, Knt. Francis Janney = Margaret Peyton, daughter of Sir Robert Peyton, Knt. of Iselham, Co. Cambridge. [Robert] Sherman, daughter [Bridget Janney], living June 2. 16. JOHN^ SHERMAN (7. William,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Newark juxta Leicester, b. about 1559. Eld- est son. Living at visitation of Leicestershire 1619, aged 60. Devisee under will of his father, of lands in Horham, Allyn- ton, Eye, Yaxley or elsewhere in Suffolk, and of lands in the County of Lincoln. (Reg. 54, p. 158.) m. Anna Cave, daughter of William Cave, of Pickwell, Leicestershire. Chil- dren: L William*' Sherman, eldest son, b. 1585, aged 34, in 1619. m. Mary Lascelles, d. of Henry Lascelles, of 90 Sherman Genealogy II. IV. Normanton, Nottinghamshire and Thornehill of Egmanton, in Nottinghamshire, his wife. (Visitation of Leicestershire, 1619.) Children: 1. Anna'^ Sher- man, aged two years, 1619, and 2 John'^ Sherman, then aged one year. John® Sherman, mentioned in will of his grandmother, dated Sept. 12, 1605. III. Cave*^ Sherman, mentioned in will of grandmother, 1605. Thomas*' Sherman, called second son in Visitation of Leicestershire, 1619, b. 1601, aged 18 in 1619 and then an apprentice in Suffolk. V. Eleanor'' Sherman, m. George Jermin, of Notting- hamshire. Faith® Sherman, m. Henry Hemming, of Newark, juxta Leicester, merchant, of London. Elizabeth® Sherman. Anna® Sherman. IX. Jane® Sherman. X. Millicent® Sherman, In visitation of Leicestershire, 1619 (Harleian Society Publi- cations), is pedigree of the family of Cave, showing the ancestry of Anna Cave, who m. John^ Sherman, as follows : Sir Alexander Cave, Kt. = Matilda Maldacu. VI. VII. VIII. Piers Cave, Esq. Sir Alexander Cave, Kt. John Cave Sir Alexander Cave, Kt. Piers Cave Pierce Cave Robert Cave Thomas Cave of Stamford, North- amptonshire = Ann Warde. = Amplicia H. = Maria Genill. = Catherine Somerville. = Anna Ingolby. = Maria Burdet. = Elizabeth Constable, daughter of John of Flamborough. = Passemer (County Essex). Sherman Genealogy 91 Richard Cave of Stamford Richard Cave of Pickwell, Leister- shire William Cave of Pickwell John Sherman of Newark juxta Lei- cester = Margaret Saxby (daughter of Thomas Saxby, of Northamp- tonshire). = Barbara Feilding, daughter of William Feilding, of Newn- ham. = Elionora Gray, of Ennil, Staf- fordshire. = Anna Cave. 17. ALEXANDERS SHERMAN (9. Francis,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), only son and heir. He was b. in 1562, as he de- posed Mar. 18, 1588, that he was 26 years old. He was a grantee in a deed dated June 27, 1590, made by Robert Dade to Thomas Sherman and John Sherman, gentlemen, sons of Thomas Sherman, gentleman, deceased, Alexander Sher- man, gentleman and others, of certain lands in Yaxley, to be held in trust for maintaining the parish church forever. (10 Hist. Mss. Commission Report, Part IV.) Living and Executor of his father's will 1605. (Reg. 54, p. 161.) m. Elizabeth Chewte, of Saterly, Suffolk. (Visi- tation of Suffolk, 1612 Harleian Society Publications.) Child : L Francis® Sherman. 18. FRANCIS^ SHERMAN (10. James,* Thomas,^ John,=' Thomas^), of Yaxley, 1601. m. Marie. Child: I. Thomas" Sherman, bap. at Yaxley, July 21, 1601, buried there Oct. 8, 1601. (Reg. 59, p. 397.) 19. THOMAS® SHERMAN (12. Nicholas,^ John,* Thomas,^ John,2 Thomas^), of Diss, Norfolk, m. Elizabeth. She was buried at Diss, Jan. 14, 1616/7. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) (This may have been Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Sherman, p. 92 Sherman Genealogy 60.) He m. (2) Ann. She was buried Jan. 11, 1636/7, at Diss. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) Children: I. Elizabeth^ Sherman, bap. at Diss, Nov. 9, 1606. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) m. at Diss, Jan. 14, 1639/40, Christopher Anger. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) II. Robert^ Sherman, bap. at Diss, May 9, 1609. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) III. Mary^ Sherman, bap. at Diss, Jan. 6, 1614. (Reg. 59, p. 398.) 20. HENRY« SHERMAN (13. Henry ,« Henry,* Thomas,^ John,2 Thomas^), of Dedham, Essex, clothier, bap. at Ded- ham, Aug. 26, 1571. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) m. Mary . She was buried at Dedham, Aug. 30, 1642. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) He was buried at Dedham, Feb. 7, 1643. (Reg. 66, p. 326.) His will, dated Feb. 3, 1642, proved Apr. 12, 1645. (Commis- sary of London for Essex and Herts. File for 1644-5, No. 85.) "To my son Edward a parcel of land called the Hikel (Heckell) now in the occupation of Marten Garrad." "To son Henry the Waye lands and a parcel called 'goalden aker', now in the occupation of Marten Garrood." To Edward, furniture. The rest to son Henry Sherman. Witnesses Henry Fenn and Ezeckiell Sherman. (Reg. 50, p. 393.) He was devisee under will of his father dated August 21. 1610, proved September 8, 1610, and Admr. de bonis non. (Reg. 50, p. 285.) Also legatee under his mother's will dated Aug. 31, 1610, proved Sept. 12, 1610, and Executor of her will (Reg. 50, p. 286) ; also Executor of the will of his brother-in-law Simon Fenn, dated Jan. 16, 1609, proved May 11, 1610. Reg. 50, p. 285.) He was a witness to the will of Anthony Whiting, first husband of his sister Anne, dated Sept. 1, 1628, and in that will directed to sell certain land. (Reg. 50, p. 387.) Also Executor of the will of Thomas Wilson, sec- ond husband of said Anne, dated Jan. 30, 1630, in which he is called Henry Sherman, Sr. (Reg. 50, p. 388.) Children: I. Mary^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, July 27, 1592. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) Sherman Genealogy 93 II. Henry^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Jan. 25, 1603. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) III. A man child unbap., buried at Dedham, Feb., 1605. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) IV. Edward'^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, June 25, 1611. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) The Heckel land (originally 14 acres), devised by Henry® Sherman, to his son Edward, belonged to Henry* Sherman and, according to the custom of the Manor of Dedham, upon his death in Jan., 1590, it descended to his youngest son, Dr. Robert^ Sher- man. About May 2, 1595, he leased 7 acres of this land for eleven years to his brother Henry^ Sherman. On Dec. 23, 1597, Dr. Rob- ert^ Sherman mortgaged the moiety of this land containing 14 acres to his nephew Henry^ Sherman, to secure the payment of £40. to Henry^ Sherman on Dec. 23, 1598, and on that day Dr. Robert^ Sherman surrendered the moiety of said 14 acres of land "now in the occupation of Henry^ Sherman to the use of Henry® Sherman, son of said Henry^ Sherman, and his heirs." On Apr. 10, 1600, Henry** Sherman, Jr., surrendered the moiety of this land described as 4 acres late in the tenure of Henry^ Sherman, Sr., to the use of said Henry^ Sherman, father of said Henry** Sherman, Jr. (Dedham Manor Court Rolls.) Henry^ Sherman by his will, dated Aug. 21, 1610, proved Sept. 8, 1610, devised "To John** and Ezekiell® Sherman my sons all those my lands which were late Doctor Sherman's, called the Heckell and gelding acre, to be equally divided betwixt them." (Reg. 50, p. 285.) It does not appear how Henry" Sherman ac- quired title to these lands before he made his will. 21. SAMUEL** SHERMAN (13. Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,2 Thomas^), of Dedham and Ardley (Ardleigh), Essex, bap. at Dedham, Jan. 11, 1573. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) m. Phil- lippa. He d. at Ardleigh in 1615 (Reg. 24, p. 64.) He was a legatee under will of his grandfather Henry* Sherman, of Colchester, dated Jan. 20, 1590. (Reg. 50, p. 281), was men- tioned in will of his father dated Aug. 21, 1610. (Reg. 68, p. 149), and was a legatee under will of his mother Susan Sherman, dated Aug. 31, 1610 (Reg. 50, p. 286), and is men- 94 Sherman Genealogy tioned in will of brother NathanieP Sherman dated Jan. 13, 1615 (Reg. 50, p. 287). In Dedham Manor Court Rolls (Duchy of Lancaster Court Rolls) it is recorded that at a Court held at Dedham, Oct. 2, 40 Elizabeth (1599) Henry^ Sherman (son of Henry*) and George Cole, surrender to the use of Samuel Sherman and heirs, the third part of one parcel of land called Pepers field, containing 3 acres, which they took at a Court here holden 4 October 1591, on the sur- render of John Wrenck. He was overseer of the will of his brother in law Simon Fenn dated Jan. 16, 1609, proved May 11, 1610. (Reg. 50, p. 285.) His will "Samuel Sherman of Dedham and Ardley" Essex, dated Jan. 20, 1615/16. Proved Mar. 2, 1615/16. (Archdeaconry of Colchester 1585-1614, Cooke 31.) To Philipp my well beloved wife, lands in the parish of Dedham. To Henry my sonne, my customary mes- suage called Hardinges in Dedham, where Thomas Cole now dwelleth, and other lands after decease of wife. To Phillipp my Sonne and to Samuel my sonne after decease of my wife messuage or dwelling house sometime John Wrenches, where I late dwelt in Dedham. To son Samuel an orchard, one close called Poppes field, about 4 acres, a close called Bushie field, parcel of the tenement Hardings and seven roods of meadow in a place in Dedham called Coxpittes, after decease of wife. To Phillipp my sonne 5 closes of land in possession of Lionel Cheute, parcel of lands late John Wrenches, after de- cease of wife. To Mary and Martha my daughters when 20 years. To wife Philipp all household goods. Philipp my wife and John Uppcheire, of Dedham, my brother in law, to be executors. To poor of Ardley. To Mr. John Rogers of Dedham. Witnesses, Robert Warde, Henry Sharman, John Ward, Ezeckiell Sherman, George Hudson, Nathaniel Hecksor of Ardley, yeoman, overseer. (Reg. 67, p. 157.) Children : I. Mary^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 2, 1599. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) Legatee under will of her grandmother, Susan Sherman, dated Aug. 31, 1610. (Reg. 50, p. 286.) II. SamueF Sherman (according to Reg. 24, p. 64), bap. at Dedham, Oct. 20, 1601. The entry under this date Sherman Genealogy 95 in the Dedham Parish Register under baptisms is of a son of Samuel Sherman not named. This entry, however, is crossed out. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) Died at Boston, Mass., about 1643. Inventory taken 2:1 :1644. Children: Samuel,^ Martha^ and Mary^ and Philip* (deceased in 1652). (Reg. 9, p. 226.) See also will of John Ward. (Reg. 46, p. 318.) Boston rec- ords show births of the following children to Samuel Sherman and Grace, his wife: Philip, b. Dec. 31, 1637; Martha, b. Sept. 5. 1639; Nathaniel, b. Dec. 19, 1642. (Reg. 2, p. 401.) III. Henry^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 20, 1601. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) IV. Martha^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Jan. 24, 1604. (Reg. 24, p. 64; 50, p. 415.) V. Sarah^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 11, 1606. (Reg. 24, p. 64; 50, p. 415.) Buried at Dedham, Dec. 5, 1612. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) VI. Philip^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 15, 1611 (Reg. 24, p. 64; 50, p. 416). m. Sarah Odding, a daughter of Margaret, wife of John Porter by a former hus- band. Went to New England in 1634. Settled in Rox- bury, Mass. Afterwards went to Rhode Island, and was one of the purchasers of Aquidneck, Mar. 24, 1638. July, 1639, they established a regular govern- ment of which Philip Sherman was Secretary. He d. 1687. (Reg. 24, p. 65.) Had 13 children (id.). 22. DANIEL^ SHERMAN (13. Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,2 Thomas^, of Dedham, under 22 years old Jan. 20, 1589/90, date of his grandfather Henry* Sherman's will under which he was a legatee. (Reg. 50, p. 281.) Probably b. about 1578. Legatee under wills of his father and mother, both dated Aug., 1610. (Reg. 50, pp. 285, 286.) m. (1) Christian Chapman, dau. of Dr. Edmond Chapman, D.D., of Dedham, and Susan his wife, at Dedham, Aug. 18, 1601. (Reg. 50, p. 414.) Dr. Chapman was buried at Dedham, Dec. 30, 1602. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) His will was dated May % Sherman Genealogy 12, 1601. Commission issued Feb. 10, 1603. (P. C. C. Bolein 16.) Mentions wife Susan, sons Paul and John and daus. Susan and Christian Chapman. Appoints Simon Fenn, of Dedham, clothier, an Executor. (Reg. 50, p. 418.) The will of Susan Chapman, his widow, proved Sept. 4, 1624, gives legacies to "Susan Sherman my daughter Christian's daugh- ter," to "Christian Sherman my grandchild" and to "Edmond, John, Daniel and Henry Sheareman, my grandchildren." Commission to Daniel Sherman, Sept. 4, 1624. (Consistory Court of London, Book Allen No. 9, Leaf 59. Reg. 50, p. 386.) Daniel" Sherman m. (2), Sara Mitchell at St. Nicho- las, Colchester, Apr. 23, 1622. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) His will, dated Apr. 1, 1633, proved Apr. 15, 1634, mentions sons Henry, Daniel, John and Edmond, and daus. Mary, Susan, Christian and Martha and bro. Henry Sherman. Wife Sarah Executrix. (Reg. 51, p. 314.) Children, by first wife : I. Edmond^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 16, 1604. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) n. Henry^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, May 27, 1607. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) Devisee under will of his brother John, dated July 6, 1658, of lands in Ubbeston, Suf- folk. 32 HL Daniel^ Sherman, of Dedham, bap. at Dedham, June 21, 1612. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) IV. Susan'' Sherman m. Bur and had sons John Bur and Henry Bur, and dau. Susan Bur, mentioned in will of John^ Sherman, dated July 6, 1658. V. John^ Sherman, of Norwich, Norfolk, Clerk. Rector of Christ Church, Norwich, d. 1661. Will dated July 6, 1658, proved July 20, 1661. (Consistory Court Norwich 1660-61, Folio 451.) "To the Free School of Dedham where I was born, five pounds to be dis- posed of for books * * * and my will is that those books be chained as my uncle's are." Mentions "my close of Christ Church, Norwich." My half sister, Christian Sherman; my half sister Martha Darie; my brother Bur who married my sister Susan Sherman ; my nephew by my sister, John Bur, Bachelor in Arts ; HON. ROGER SHERMAN From oil portrait by Ralph Earle, about 1775. Now owned by Yale University Sherman Genealogy 97 my niece Christian Swuriburn ; niece Susan Bur, nephew Henry Bur ; my sister Sherman, my brother Daniel's widow; nephew Daniel Sherman, son of my brother Daniel ; Elizabeth Sherman his eldest daugh- ter and Susan Sherman his second daughter ; the chil- dren of my half sister Mary Alexander; the two children of my uncle Edmond Sherman ; "To my brother Henry, my house and lands in Ubbeston, Suf- folk." Brother Henry Sherman Executor. (Reg. 50, p. 395.) Children by second wife: VI. Christian^ Sherman. Vn. Martha' Sherman, m. Darie. VHI. Mary^ Sherman, m. Walter Alexander, widower, at Dedham, May 9, 1642 (Reg. 50, p. 414), and had is- sue. 23. NATHANIEL" SHERMAN (13 .Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), of Dedham, clothier, bap. at Dedham, July 11,1582. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) m. (1), Phebe . She was buried April 23, 1611. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) m. (2), Priscilla Anger, sister of John Anger. He was a legatee under will of his grandfather Henry* Sherman, dated Jan. 20, 1590 (Reg. 50, p. 281), and a legatee under will of his father dated Aug. 21, 1610 (Reg. 50, p. 285), and a legatee under will of his mother Susan (Lawrence) Sherman, dated Aug. 31, 1610 (Reg. 50, p. 286.) His will was dated Jan. 13, 1616, proved in Commissary Court of London for Essex and Herts. File for 1615 etc., date of probate not given. By it he gave to his son Nathaniel "forty pounds to remain in the hands of my brother in law John Ainger till my son Nathaniel shall ac- complish the age of two and twenty years ; he to give bonds to my brothers Henry and Samuel Sherman for the payment of said sum of forty pounds." To children Joseph and Eliza- beth twenty pounds each, residue to wife Priscilla (Reg. 50, p. 287). The will of John Anger of Dedham, clothier, dated Jan. 19, 1624, was proved Feb. 18, 1624 (P. C. C. Byrde 19). In it he says his brother Nathaniel Sherman on his death en- treated him to take charge of his son Nathaniel and bring 98 Sherman Genealogy him up and gave him a portion of £40 to be paid to him when he came to age, and he entreated his friend John Pye to take charge etc. (Reg. 50, p. 400.) The will of John Pye, of Dedham, clothier, dated Nov. 8, 1624, was proved Feb. 24, 1625 (P. C. C. Clarke 13). He states that Nathaniel Sherman was committed to him with his stock of £40. given to him by his father and £5. given to him by his uncle John Ainge, to be brought up till he should come of age, and en- treats his friend Christopher Hudson to bring Nathaniel up. (Reg. 50, p. 386.) Child by first wife: I. Nathaniel^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Jan. 1, 1608/9 (Reg. 50, p. 416). Children by second wife: n. Joseph^ Sherman. HI. Elizabeth'' Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 23, 1613. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) 24. JOHN« SHERMAN (13. Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^), bap. at Dedham, Aug. 17, 1585. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) m. before May 14, 1610, Grace Makin, sister of Joan Makin, wife of Edmund'' Sherman, of Connecticut, and daughter of Tobias Makin, of Fingringhoe, Essex, yeoman, whose will dated May 14, 1610, was proved Sept. 10, 1610. (Consistory Court of London, Book Hamer No. 7, leaves 45- 48.) By it he gives to his wife Katherine certain copyhold lands and buildings of the manor of Fingringhoe for her life upon condition that she shall bring up his children and pay to Grace Sherman, his daughter, £10, within six months after his death and pay to John Makin, the elder, his son, £10. within one year after his death. On his wife's death, the lands are to go to John Makin, the younger, testator's son, upon condition that he pay to each of testator's daugh- ters Joan and Rebecca £5. within two years after his wife's death, and to "Jo'"'" Makin my eldest son" £20 within three years after said Katherine's death. Gives to his daughter Grace Sherman £10. to be paid to her by said John the younger out of said lands within five years after death of said Katherine and gives to his daughter Joan £10 to be paid to her by said John out of said lands within six years Sherman Genealogy 99 after death of said Katherine. If said John dies before en- tering on said lands, without issue, said lands shall remain to the use of "Thomas Makin, my youngest son" on condition that he pay said sums as above mentioned. If Thomas dies without issue before he enters said lands they shall remain to ''Samuel my son" he then to make said payments. He gives to his wife Katherine his tenement called Pudney or Ownes and Moref or Moreve Marsh for life upon condition that she pay to "Grace my daughter" £10. within one year after his death and to "Joan my daughter" ;^10, within two years after his death and after the death of his wife he gives to "Westbroome Makin my son" said last mentioned lands upon condition that he pay to Thomas £30 in three years after Westbroome's entry into said lands. If Westbroome dies without issue before he gets possession of said lands, they shall remain to "Robert Makin my son" upon condition that he pay to Thomas said £30. If Robert dies without is- sue before getting said lands they shall remain to Thomas. He gives to his wife for life land called Lockers in Fingring- hoe and after her death to Robert and if he dies without issue before getting possession the said land to remain to Thomas. To Rebecca £10 more to be paid at 21 years by whomsoever shall possess said lands. To Katherine his wife land in the Parish of Fingringhoe called Borkines Brooke sometimes Clement Ferriess, for life and after her death to "Tobias my son" for eight years next following and after to Samuel and for default of issue of Samuel to remain to John the younger. To "John Makin my eldest son" £10 to be paid in two years after testator's death. If John dies before any of his lega- cies ought to be paid, then said legacies shall be equally di- vided among "my three daughters natural" or so many of them as shall be living. To Rebecca £10 at 21. To "Eliza- beth Potter my grandchild" £5. to be paid at 21. To Rich- ard Sherman the son of Edmund Sherman, 15 shillings to be paid to him at 21. Bequests to poor of Fingringhoe 20 shilHngs; to Richard Weald the son of Richard Weald of Kyrbie "my kinsman" £5 at 21 ; to Thomas Weald, son of Thomas Weald deceased, 6 shillings 8 pence ; to John Weald, son of John Weald the younger, 6 shillings 8 pence to be paid 100 Sherman Genealogy at 21; to Mary Payne a bullock; to Bridget Bury a lamb. Residue of goods and chattels to wife to pay debts, and ful- fill this will, keep buildings and sea walls in repair and pay funeral expenses. Katherine his wife sole Executrix. Thomas Whiting Supervisor. Witnesses ; Gilbert Longe Thomas Whiteing "John Swannes marke" signed "Tobias Makin". (Reg. 50, p. 286.) John® Sherman was buried at Great Horkesley, Essex, Jan. 24, 1616 (Reg. 66, p. 323.) Grace Sherman, after the death of her husband, m. Thomas Rogers. They soon after lived at Dedham, apparently, as their daughter Elizabeth (who m. Daniel Smith) was bap. there Nov. 16, 1617 (Reg. 66, p. 325). Ann (Sherman) Anger, widow of John Anger, of Dedham, clothier, and a daughter of Edmund'^ Sherman (the uncle of said John*^ Sherman) in her will dated Sept. 2, 1625, proved at Colchester, Dec. 16, 1625 (Commissary Court of London for Essex and Herts. File for 1625-1626 No. 177), makes a bequest as follows: "I give to the two children of the wife of Thomas Rogers, John Sherman and Richard Sherman, my kinsmen, twenty shill- ings apiece, at their ages of one and twenty." (Supra.) Grace Rogers and her husband Thomas Rogers and her son John Sherman and her daughter Elizabeth Rogers came to Water- town, Mass., about 1636. Thomas Rogers was made freeman there May 17, 1637 (Col. Rec. Mass., Vol. I, p. 373), and was buried there Nov. 12, 1638, aged 50. (Watertown Town Records 1st Book p. 6.) Grace (Sherman) Rogers m. Roger Porter for her third husband. He was admitted free- man at Watertown, May 22, 1637 (Col. Rec. Mass., Vol. I, p. 376), and died. there Apr. 3, 1654, aged about 71. (Water- town Town Records 1st Book p. 35.) Elizabeth Rogers m. Daniel Smith, and had a son Daniel. Grace Porter, widow, died June 3, 1662, "aged about 70" years (id. p. 48). Her will, not dated, but made in 1661, was proved at Watertown, June 17, 1662. It is as follows: "Know all men by these presents that I, Grace Porter, widdow, of Watertown in the County of Middlesex in New England, inhabitant, be- ing in perfect memory but under the afflicting hand of the ever gracious God, my Lord and maker, not knowing how soone it may be his good pleasure to call me out of this evil world ; after solemn profession of unfayned willingness to resigne to his Soveraigne disposal and of an Sherman Genealogy 101 humble confidence and trust in his rich mercy and free grace in Jesus Christ for what concerns my everlasting estate in another world ; I do for the ordering of what temporall estate I shall leave behind me, after my debts payd and funerall expenses discharged, make this my Last will and testament : giving and bequeathing as f olloweth Imprimis. I give to my Sonne John Sherman my dividend of upland. Item. I do give to my daughter Elisabeth Smith all my marsh being by estimation foure acres more or lesse to be to her and her sonn Daniel after her. Item. I do give to my said daughter Elisabeth all my wearing clothes and all my linnen and also my great kittle. Item. I doe give to my grand child Daniel Smith my cow that is with calf. Item. I doe give my other cow to my grand child John Sherman. Item. I doe give to my grand child Martha Sherman my warming pan. Item. I doe give to my grand children Mary Sherman and Sarah Sherman to each of them two pewter dishes : and to Joseph Sherman five shillings. My will is, that the remainder of my estate be divided equally between my said son John Sherman and my said daughter Elisabeth Smith each of them to possesse and enjoy their part or half which by such division shall be set out for them. Whereas I am indebted to my daughter Elisabeth Smith, my mind is she should be satisfyed in the first place in such goods as shee shall choose. I doe also hereby declare, that for such things as I left with my said daughter Elisabeth (of the particulars of which, my son Sherman had a note) I had them againe, since, of her, soe that shee is not to be called for any account about them uppon that or any other note to that purpose. I do further hereby constitute and choose my brother John Cooledge and Lieu- tenant Richard Beers as executors of this my will intreating my cousin Joh: Sherman as overseer, to see my mind full filled, unto whome I give as followeth to my said Cousin Sherman the sume of f ourty shillings : and twenty shillings apeice to each of my said executors brother Cooledge and Lieutenant Beers. This is my Last will and Testament witness my hand and seal. Subscribed sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Sherman Mary Sherman GRACE O PORTER her mark (In the margin.) Lieut. Beers & Jno Cooledge appearing in Court 17 (27) 4, 1662, openly disclaimed their executorship of this will. Mr. Jno Sherman & Jno Cooledge appearing in Court at Charlestown the 17th (4) 1662, attested on oath that they were present wn Grace Porter, deceased signed & published this her last v^^ill and testament & that she was of a disposing mind wn she so did being about a year now past. Entered & Recorded in the Register of Wills lib. 2. page 41. 17 (4) 1662. 102 Sherman Genealogy Inventory of Grace Porter y^ relique of Roger Porter now de- ceased taken June 14th 1662. On the inventory is a note about the division of Grace Porter's estate as follows : "In case their brother in England shall legally obtain against the estate, that they joyently & equally do tender estate for satisfying the same that so neither side may be unequally represented by this award. This 8th of July 1662." This "brother in England" was Richard Sherman, brother of Captain John Sherman (Reg. 51, p. 314). The witnesses to the will were the Reverend John Sherman and Mary his wife. Grace Porter in her will called Rev. John Sherman her cousin, that is her nephew, as the word was then often used, because he was the son of her sister Joan, wife of Edmund Sherman. Why she called John Cooledge her brother does not appear. Probably because of some connection by marriage. Children : 33 I. Captain John^ Sherman. II. Richard^ Sherman, bap. at Great Horkesley, Essex, August 7, 1614 (Reg. 66, p. 323), living in England in 1662, when inventory of his mother's estate was taken. 25. EZEKIEL" SHERMAN (13. Henry, » Henry," Thomas," John,^ Thomas^), of Dedhani, clothier, bap. at Dedham, July 25, 1587 (Reg. 66, p. 324). m. (1), Rachel Alefounder, daughter of Robert Alefounder, of Dedham, clothier, and Mary his wife. m. (2), Anne (Stephens?). He was buried at Dedham, Jan. 21, 1654 (Reg. 50, p. 417). His will in which he calls himself Ezeckiell Sherman, Senior, dated Aug. 26, 1653, codicil dated Sept. 1, 1653, was proved Aug. 14, 1654. (P. C. C. Alchin 199.) Mentions wife Ann, youngest son John, daughter Mary Sherman, "my brother Stephens, my daughter Salmon, my son Ezeckiell." (Reg. 50, p. 393.) He was a legatee under will of his grandfather Henry* Sherman, dated Jan. 20, 1590 (Reg. 50. p. 281) de- visee with his brother John of the Heckel land under will of his father dated Aug. 21, 1610 (Reg. 50. p. 285) ; legatee Sherman Genealogy 103 under will of his mother Susan Sherman, dated Aug. 31, 1610 (Reg. 50, p. 286) ; residuary legatee and Executor of will of sister Anne Wilson dated Sept. 15, 1638 (Reg. 50, p. 390) ; Executor of will of his mother in law Mary Ale- founder dated June 27, 1627 (Reg. 50, p. 262). Rachel Sher- man was a legatee under her brother Matthew Aiefounder's will December 20, 1628 (Reg. 50, p. 263), and a legatee un- der will of her father Robert Alefounder of Dedham, cloth- ier, dated Mar. 16, 1629/30 (Reg. 50, p. 264), also a legatee under will of her brother Robert Alefounder of East Berg- holt, Suffolk, dated Feb. 10, 1635 (Reg. 50, p. 265) also a legatee under will of her brother in law Thomas Branston, of Flowton, Suffolk, clothier, dated Sept. 3, 1638 (Reg. 50, p. 265). Children by first wife : I. Robert^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 27, 1620 (Reg.» 50, p. 416) ; buried at Dedham, Mar. 3, 1643 (Reg. 50, p. 417). Godson of grandfather Robert Ale- founder who in his will (supra) gives "To my daugh- ter Sherman's children, being my grandchildren, vizt. to my godson Robert Sherman twenty pounds and to her three other children ten pounds apiece to be paid" at eighteen. II. EzekieF Sherman of Dedham, clothier, m. at Ded- ham, Martha Stevens, Aug. 21, 1645 (Reg. 50, p. 414). She was daughter of Robert Stevens of Dedham. EzekieF Sherman was buried at Dedham, Jan. 9, 1656/ 7 (Reg. 67, p. 157). His will, dated Dec. 31, 1656, proved May 12, 1657. (P. C. C. Ruthen 147.) Lega- cies to son Ezekiel and daughters Grace and Hannah and "daughter now born;" to brother John Sher- man and to Mary Sherman. Wife Martha "Robert Stevens, of Dedham, my father-in-law." Robert Stevens of Ardleigh brother in law. (Reg. 37, p. 236.) Children : 1. Martha® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, June 27, 1646 (Reg. 50, p. 416), buried at Dedham, Dec. 15, 1648 (Reg. 50, p. 417). 2. Grace* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Sept. 5, 1647 (Reg. 50, p. 416). 104 Sherman Genealogy 3. Hanna^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 17, 1650 (Reg. 50, p. 417), possibly buried at Dedham, Jan. 3, 1661/2. (Reg. 67, p. 157.) 4. EzekieP Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 1, 1651/2 (Reg. 67, p. 155). Will of Ezekiel Sherman, of Colchester, Essex, linen draper, dated Aug. 20, 1715, codicil dated Aug. 31, 1716, proved Nov. 6, 1716 (P. C. C. Fox 214). Eldest son Ezekiel's marriage. To son Steb- bing Sherman, Hall lands in Dedham of Manor of Overhall and Netherhall, remainder to sons William and John. Daughters Martha and Mary Sherman and Hannah Jones, wife of Edward Jones. Brother in law Daniel Day. Daughter Martha Sherman Ex- ecutrix. (Reg. 50, p. 397.) 5. Daughter,^ b. 1656. ni. John'^ Sherman. IV. Mary^ Sherman. V. A daughter,'' who m. Salmon. 26. EDMUND" SHERMAN (13. Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Colchester. Devisee under will of his father, dated Aug. 21, 1610 (Reg. 50, p. 285) ; legatee under will of his mother Susan Sherman, dated Aug. 31, 1610 (Reg. 50, p. 286) ; mentioned in will of his brother in law John Anger of Dedham, clothier, dated Jan. 19, 1623/4 (Reg. 50, p. 400) ; legatee under will of his sister Anne (Sherman) Wilson, dated Sept. 15, 1638, who describes him as "my brother Edmund Sherman of Colchester." m. Judith Anger, daughter of William Anger of Dedham and Josan his wife, and sister of John Anger, at Dedham, May 15, 1611 (Reg. 50, p. 414). John Anger in his will, supra, gives "To my sis- ter Judith Sherman, the wife of Edmund Sherman, of Col- chester, ten pounds which I lent her husband in April last and thirty pounds more on condition he free my executors of all bonds wherein I stand bound with him and on condi- tion that the brethren and friends of my brother Sherman proportionally do for him to clear him of his debts and to set Sherman Genealogy 105 up his estate," also gave legacies "to Judith Sherman the daughter of Edmund Sherman, of Colchester my goddau- ghter" and to Ann Sherman daughter of said Edmund. Children : I. Judith^ Sherman, legatee under will of her uncle and godfather John Anger, dated Jan. 19, 1623/4 supra. II. Ann" Sherman, legatee under same will. 27. EDMUND^ SHERMAN (14. Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,2 Thomas^), b. at Dedham about 1572. His grand- father Henry* Sherman, in his will dated Jan. 20, 1590, gives "To Edmonde Shearman, the son of my son Edmonde" £13. 13s. 4d. at two and twenty. His father, in his will dated Aug. 1, 1599, gives "To son, Edmond, after decease of my wife all the houses and lands before given to said wife and a house and seven acres called Ryes where he now dwells, and my sherman's occupation." Also authorized his son Ed- mond and his heirs forever to appoint a poor child to be freely taught by the Schoolmaster of the Public Grammar School in Dedham. (Reg. 50, p. 283.) m. Joan Makin, daughter of Tobias Makin of Fingringhoe (Reg. 51, p. 313). Went to New England, was at Wethersfield, Conn.. 1635, later went to New Haven, Conn., where he; died in 1641. "3 Mon 1641 an Inventory and will of Olde Father Shirman was delivered into Court." (New Haven Colony Records, Vol. 1, p. 52.) Will and inventory cannot be found. (Reg. 51, p. 309.) His brother BezalieP Sherman, of Ipswich, grocer, in his will dated Oct. 7, 1618, gives "To Joane Sher- man, daughter of my brother Edmond Sherman forty potmds at the age of four and twenty years. To John Sher- man, son of my said brother, twenty pounds at same age." (Reg. 50, p. 288.) His sister Ann (Sherman) Anger, in her will dated Sept. 2, 1625, gives legacies to her brother Edmund Sherman and to Ann Sherman and Jone Sherman "daughters of my brother Edmund." (Reg. 50, p. 402.) In will of SamueP Sherman, of Dedham, clothier, brother of Edmund, dated June 14, 1643, is the following: "I give 106 Sherman Genealogy unto my sister Bacon in New England ten pounds to be sent to her or her husband in linen cloth and shoes by my cousin Edniond Sherman. To my loving sister Sherman, Edmond's widow, twenty shillings and to her son Samuel ten pounds, to her son John Sherman twenty shillings, and to her daugh- ters Grace and Ester Ward and her youngest daughter, to either of them twenty shillings." (Reg. 50, p. 391.) Chil- dren : I. Edmund^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, June or Oct. 23, 1599 (Reg. 50, p. 415), clothier, m. (1), ; (2), as a widower at Bilston, Dec. 8, 1656, Grace Stevens of Stratford, Essex. (Reg. 50, p. 414.) He went to New England and was at Watertown, Mass., where he was admitted Freeman, May 25, 1636, and was Selectman, 1636. (Bond's Watertown 430.) He re- turned to Dedham. His will dated Apr. 11, 1673, proved May 28, 1673 (P. C. C. Pye 64), mentions his wife Grace and makes her Executrix. Three children, John, Martha and Edmund. To John £200. at twenty two ; to Martha at twenty ; to Edmund at twenty-two. (Reg. 50, p. 396.) His children were: 1. John® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, August 21, 1664 (Reg. 67, p. 155). 2. Martha^ Sherman, baptized at Dedham, Sept. 28, 1666 (Reg. 67, p. 155). A Martha Sherman m. there Parker Death, Nov. 6, 1698 (Reg. 67, p. 156). 3. Edmund® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 25, 1669 (Reg. 67, p. 156), m. (1), at Dedham, either Sarah Woodgate, single, of East Bergholt, July 3, 1690, or Sarah Blumfleld, Widow, May 18, 1693, or Sarah Burage, of Dedham, June 29, 1712 (Reg. 67, p. 156). His wife Sarah was buried at Ded- ham, Jan. 26, 1715 (Reg. 67, p. 157). m.(2) at Ded- -_ — ham, Mary Freeman, second daughter of Nicholas Freeman, Jan. 24, 1716 (Reg. 67, p. 156). She died at Dedham, Jan. 27, 1735, and was buried there Jan. 31, 1735 (Reg. 67, p. 157). He died there Jan. 9, 1742, and was buried there Jan. 11, Sherman Genealogy 107 1742 (Reg. 67, p. 157). Their tombstone in Ded- ham Churchyard has upon it in a circle at the top the arms of Sherman — a lion rampant between three leaves — the same as the arms of the Yaxley Shermans, and the arms of Freeman of Hertford- shire — three lozenges and a crest — a helmet (squire's) surmounted by a demi-lion rampant and this inscription : "Herein lieth the Body of MARY/ the wife of EDMUND SHERMAN of Dedham/ who departed this life/ January 27 in the 62nd year of her age/ 173 / She was the second daughter / of NICHOLAS FREEMAN of DED- HAM/ whoi died in the 57th year of his age/ 1676 / also the Body of /EDMUND SHERMAN Gent./ who died ye 9th of Jany 174^/ aged 72 years." This shows that the Dedham Shermans bore the arms of the Yaxley Shermans and must have been descended from them. (Reg. 51, p. 35.) II. Ann'^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Sept. 15, 1601. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) III. Joan'' Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 13, 1603. (Reg. 50, p. 415.) IV. Hester'^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Apr. 1, 1606. (Reg. 50, p. 415), m. Andrew Ward (signed his name "Warde") who was admitted freeman at Watertown, Mass., May 14, 1634; and afterwards went to Wethersfield, Conn., where he was a magistrate in 1636 (Bond's Watertown p. 619). He went from Wethersfield to Stamford about 1642. {Id. p. 960.) He was in Fairfield, Conn., about 1651, when he bought Simon Hoyt's home lot, west of Hyde Pond, which he sold in 1653. He lived at Fairfield until his death in 1659. His will is dated June 3, 1659, proved Oct. 20, 1659. There is a monument to him recently erected in the old Fairfield burying ground on the Beach Lane. In 1636 he was appointed by the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, with Roger Ludlow and six others, to govern the Colony of Connecticut for 108 Sherman Genealogy one year. Hester Ward's will dated Dec. 27. 1665, was proved Feb. 28, 1665/6. Her uncle SamueP Sherman in his will, dated June 14, 1643, gives a legacy to his niece Ester Ward (Supra). V. Richard^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 16, 1608 (Reg. 50, p. 416), of Dedham, m. Mary . Buried at Dedham, Oct. 27, 1647. (Reg. 50, p. 417.) VI. BezaleeP Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Sept. 17, 1611. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) Vn. Rev. John^ Sherman, b. at Dedham, Dec. 26, 1613, bap. there Jan. 4, 1614 (Reg. 24, p. 66.) A.B. Trin- ity College, Cambridge, 1629. A.M., 1633. Came to Watertown and was dismissed from the Church there to Wethersfield, Conn. Resided at Wethers- field. Conn. Resided at Wethersfield until after May 7, 1640, when he was "freed from watching." Went to Milford, Conn., and was on the list of free planters there Nov. 20, 1639. Admitted to the Milford Church Nov. 8, 1640. Nov. 24, 1640, one of the five persons chosen by General Court of New Haven Colony, magistrates of the Colony. Dismissed from Milford Church Nov. 8, 1647. Returned about that time to Watertown and became its third minister. Admitted freeman May 19, 1669. Died Aug. 8, 1685, aged 72. He was buried in East Watertown, Mass. The fol- lowing is a copy of the inscription on his tomb, and a free translation thereof : "JOHANNIS SHERMAN Maximae Pietatis, Gravitatis E Candoris Viri in Theologia plurimum versati ; in concionando vere Chrysostomi ; in Artibus Liberalibus praecipue Mathematicis incomparabilis; Aquitamensis Ecclesiae in Nov. Anglia Fidelissimi Pastoris ; Collegii Harvardini Inspectoris Ez Socii ; Qui postquam annis plus minus XLV Christo fuit uperetcs in Ecclesia Fidus ; Morte natura transmigravit Sherman Genealogy 109 Ez a Christo palma decoratus est ; A. D. MDCLXXXV August! 8 Aetatis Suae LXXII. Memoriae." (Watertown Epitaphs, by E. D. Harris, 1869.) "Sacred to the memory of John Sherman a man distinguished for his piety, character and truth ; a profound theologian ; as a preacher a veritable Chrysostom; unsurpassed in his knowledge of the liberal arts, particularly mathematics; a faithful pastor of the Church of Watertown in New England ; an Overseer and Fel- low of Harvard College. After a life of faithful service to Christ in the Church for upwards of 45 years, in the fulness of time he passed away and received from Christ the palm of victory. In the 72nd year of his age, August 8, A. D. 1685." Married (1), Mary , by whom he had no children. She died at Milford, Conn., Sept. 8, 1644. ( Records of First Church, Milford, pp. 3, 5.) m. (2), Mary Launce. Isabella Launce, the mother of Mary, the wife of Rev. John Sherman, m. second prior to January 18, 1639, Rev. Sydrach Simpson, of London, clerk, Master of Pembroke Hall, in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Philip Hayne, of Exeter, widow, in her will dated Jan. 18, 1639, proved May 18, 1640 (P. C. C. Coven- try 61) gives legacies to the daughters of her sister Isabella Simp- son, including Mary. (Reg. 50, p. 398.) The will of Sydrach Simpson, dated Apr. 2, 1655, was proved Apr. 15, 1655 (P. C. C. Aylett 346), mentions his wife Isabella. (Reg. 50, p. 399.) The will of Isabella Simpson, of London, widow, is dated May 29, 1668, and was proved Aug. 4, 1669 (P. C. C. Coke 99). Men- tions sons James and Darcy Launce. Gives to her "daughter Mary Sherman £30." and certain specific articles. "What money is left when all things is discharged, I would have my son Launce's children, those that are not married and my daughter Mary Sher- man's children, those that are not married, to have it equally di- vided between them." "I give to my son Sherman five pounds and the half of my books, with the great bible I read, his name is writ in it for him." (Reg. 50, p. 399, see also note by H. F. fe w. 110 Sherman Genealogy Waters, p. 398, who refers to Vivian's Visitation of Cornwall, Launce pedigree showing connection of that family with the Darcy family of Dartford, Kent, not of Essex.) Rev. John Sher- man's will dated Aug 6, 1685, proved Oct. 6, 1685, mentions wife Mary and son Samuel Willard. For children of first wife il2. To children of son Bezaleel deceased £10. Daughter Mary Allen, sons Daniel and Samuel. Daughter Mary Barron. Other children James, John, Abiel, Elizabeth, Hester, Grace, Mercy. Son James Executor. His widow Mary died in Water- town, Mar. 9, 1710. (Bond's Watertown p. 432.) Children: 1. Mary^ Sherman, m. (1), Nov. 27, 1656, Henry Freeman, of Watertown; m. (2), Lewis Allen. 2. Bezaleel^ Sherman, b. 1640, B.A. Harvard 1661. Merchant in Madras, where he died, 1685, leav- ing a widow and a daughter. 3. Daniel* Sherman, b. Mar. 16, 1642. Sea Captain, m. Abiah Street, Sept., 1664. d. 1716. They had eight children. 4. SamueP Sherman, b. Apr. 14, 1644. 5. Rev. James* Sherman, b. 1645 ; m. May 13, 1680, Mary Walker. He d. Mar. 3, 1718. They had two sons. 6. Abiah* Sherman, d. prior to 1702 without issue. 7. Abigail* Sherman, b. Feb. 1, 1648; m. Aug. 8, 1664, Rev. Samuel Willard. She d. about 1685, six children. 8. Elizabeth* Sherman, m. at Concord, July 20, 1687, Samuel Gaskill. 9. Joanna* Sherman, b. Sept. 3, 1652, d. young. 10. Mary* Sherman, b. Mar. 5, 1657; m. May 27, 1679, Ellis Barron, Jr. 11. Grace* Sherman, 'b. Mar. 10, 1659; living 1712. 12. John* Sherman, b. Mar. 17, 1660. 13. Hester* Sherman, d. Aug. 25, 1688. 14. Mercy* Sherman, m. Apr. 4, 1700, Samuel Barn- ard and had four or five children. (Reg. 24, p. 66 and Bond's Watertown). Sherman Genealogy 111 VIII. A child bap. at Dedham, June 18, 1616. (Res 50 o 416.) V &• . H- 34 IX. Hon. SamueF Sherman. X. Graced Sherman, b. 1614 or 1615. Mentioned in will of her uncle Samuel^ Sherman, supra, m. John Livermore. She d. Jan. 14, 1690, aged 75 years, at Chelmsford, Mass. (Grave stone.) XI. A daughter,^ "youngest daughter" mentioned in will of Samuel^ Sherman, supra. 28. RICHARD^ SHERMAN (14. Edmund," Henry,^' Thomas,» John,2 Thomas^, bap. at Dedham Mar. 3, 1577 (Reg. 50, p. 415). (Signed his name "Shearman.") His grandfather Henry^ Sherman by his will, dated Jan. 20, 1590, gave to him a legacy of forty shillings at 22. (Supra.) His father by his will dated Aug. 1, 1599, gave him a legacy at 24. (Reg. 50, p. 283.) m. Elizabeth . Went to New England. Symon Whiting, of Dedham, clothier, in his will dated Apr. 17, 1637, proved June 15, 1637 (P. C. C. Goare 99) gave "unto ould Richard Sherman, of New England, ten shillings" (Reg. 50, p. 389.) Died in Boston, Mass., May 30, 1660. (Rec. Commrs. Report, Vol. 9, p. 75). Will dated Apr. 7, 1660, proved in Suffolk County, July 13, 1660, men- tions wife Elizabeth. Gives legacies to daughter Ann Shear- man, Priscilla Garrett, wife of Martin Garrett (Garwood?), Martha Browne, Abigail Damine; the legacies "to my two dau^ in England into ye hands of my cousine Mr. Anger of Cambridge to be sent unto my said two daus., if then liueing, or else to ye child or children of them." (Ann and Priscilla were the daughters in England.) Legacies to grand- children Mary and Elizabeth Spawle. Appoints his friends and kinsmen Edmund Anger and John Livermore of Water- town, Mass., overseers. (Reg. 9, p. 227.) Elizabeth Sher- man, Richard's widow, m. Thomas Robinson as his third wife. He m. at Boston, Jan. 10, 1652/3, Mary Woodie, widow of John Woodie, of Roxbury, and daughter of John Coggan of Boston. She d. Oct. 26, 1661. Thomas Robin- son's will was dated Mar. 17, 1664/5, proved Apr. 27, 1666. (Reg. 15, p. 123.) In this will he says "Though my wife 112 Sherman Genealogy hath not carryed herself as a wife should have done to- wards mee, but contrary to the Law of God and Man, hath withdrawn her selfe from Liuing with me as she ought to Doe." Elizabeth (Sherman) Robinson d. in 1667. Her will dated Aug. 21, 1666, proved Nov. 16, 1667, mentions her former husband Richard Sherman ; John Browne, son of ^ Edward Browne of Dorchester; Samuel Deman, son of John Deaman of Reeding; Elizabeth Spaule daughter of Thomas Spall of Boston ; Mary Spall daughter of said Spall aforesaid ; sister Bridget Lock's children of Faucet in Eng- land; kinsman John Greenleafe and his sister Mary Green- leafe; husband Thomas Robinson. (Reg. 18, p. 156.) Chil- dren: L Ann^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 21, 1613 (Reg. 50, p. 416). Legatee under will of her uncle Samuel* Sherman, dated June 14, 1643 (Reg. 50, p. 391). IL William^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham Oct. 22, 1616 (Reg. 50, p. 416). Perhaps died young. III. Priscilla'^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Sept. 27, 1618. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) Mentioned as "Priske" in her uncle Samuel's will; m. (1), Martin Garwood, wid- ower, at Dedham, Mar. 25, 1658 (Reg. 50, p. 414) ; m. (2), William Smith, widower, at Dedham, Sept. 11, 1683 (Reg. 50, p. 415). IV. Martha'^ Sherman, m. Edmund Browne, of Dorchester. He d. there, Sept. 23, 1582. Children: 1. Elizabeth, b. in Dorchester, Dec. 31, 1658. 2. Samuel, b. Dorchester, July 15, 1661. V. AbigaiF Sherman, m. about 1650, Deacon John Damon, b. in England and d. in Reading, Mass., Apr. 8, 1708. She died in Reading, Dec. 25, 1713. VI. Samuel^ Sherman mentioned in his uncle Samuel's will. VII. Alice'' Sherman mentioned as Alice Sherman in her uncle Samuel's will. m. Thomas Spawle. Date of her death not known. He m. (2), Aug. 18, 1653, Mary Gutteridge. He d. 1671. His will, dated Feb. 23, 1670/1, proved Apr. 29, 1671. Mentions widow Mar\- and daughter Mary, wife of Joseph Knight. She was ^mmm^f^llNm Signatures of William Sherman, brother of Hon. Rog^er Sherman, 1741 m ^tuAei^i, ^MntL. i^ . ^'^^i Signatures of Mehetabel and lohn Battel, 1743 BSH^ 6^ AAb la-c •^■i f^ ^^-= Receipt of Elizabeth Sherman, 1748 Old Silver Porritiiier, probably jjiven to Martha Lane, burn Id'M, bv her mother. Now owned bv Mrs. William Kent Sherman Genealogy 113 b. in Boston, Sept., 1644. Elizabeth, another daughter of Thomas Spawle was b. in Boston, Sept. 29, 1646. VIII. Elizabeth^ Sherman, b. in Boston, Dec. 1, 1635. Per- haps d. young. (Boston Rec. Com. Rep. 9, p. 3.) 29. BEZALEEL6 SHERMAN (14 Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of St. Lawrence Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, grocer, b. about 1582. Mentioned in will of his grand- father Henry* Sherman, dated Jan. 20, 1590 (Reg. 50, p. 281). Devisee under will of his father dated Aug. 1, 1599 of tenement called Ryes (Reg. 50, p. 283). m. (1), Mary . She was buried at St. Lawrence, Ipswich, Feb. 11, 1613. m. (2), Priscilla Purges, dau. of Rev. John Burges S.T.P. BezaleeP Sherman was buried at St. Lawrence, Ipswich, Oct. 9, 1618. His will dated Oct. 7, 1618, was proved Dec. 3, 1618. (P. C. C. Meade 125.) "To Joane Sherman, daughter of my brother Edmond Sherman £40, at the age of four and twenty years. To John Sherman, son of my said brother £20 at same age." House to wife for life, after her death to son John and his heirs. My son at 24 and my daughter at 21. To poor of Dedham and Ipswich. "To the library of this town, a book called Speede's Chronicle." Wife and her father, Dr. Burges, Executors. Proved by Priscilla Sherman relict, and John Burges S. T. P. (Reg. 50, p. 288). The widow Priscilla afterwards m. (2) Thomas Fones and (3) Rev. Henry Painter. The will of Rev. John Burges, parson, of Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, dated Sept. 12, 1634, was proved Oct. 26, 1635 (P. C. C. Sadler 105). He gives "to John Sher- man and Ursula Sherman and to their mother, my dear daughter Painter, to each of them" £10. To son John "the silver cup or can which was given me by the Honorable House of Pariiament" Wife Lettice. (Reg. 50. p. 388). Children : I. Ursula"^ Sherman, bap. April 30, 1615, at St. Law- rence, Ipswich (Reg. 50, p. 288). II. John' Sherman, bap.' May 4, 1617, at same place (id.). 114 Sherman Genealogy 30. SAMUEL" SHERMAN (14. Edmund,^ Henry,'' Thomas,' John,2 Thomas^), of Dedham, clothier, m. Ester Burges, daughter of Robert Burges of Stanton Drew, Somerset, yeo- man, whose will dated Nov. 17, 1626, was proved Dec. 14, 1626. (P. C. C. Hele 145). Mentions wife Alice, sons James and John, and gives "to the two children of my daughter Hester Sherman five pounds." (Reg. 50, p. 392). Thomas Clere of Colchester, clothier, the maternal uncle of Samuel" Sherman, in his will dated Jan. 11, 1594 (origi- nal will No. 40 in Bundle Lawrance Archdeaconry, Col- chester) gives to "my brother Sherman's four children which he had by my sister Anne, the like sum of forty shill- ings to either of them, that is say, to Sara Shermane, * * * Ane Shermane * * * Susane Shermane * * * * Samuel Shermane * * to be paid" when 21 or at marriage (Reg. 50, p. 282). Samuel" Sherman was a devisee and legatee under his father's will dated Aug. 1, 1599 (Reg. 50, p. 283). He was also a devisee and legatee under his mother's will dated Aug. 3, 1609' in which he was described as under 21 years old. (Reg. 50, p. 284.) He was buried at Dedham, Oct. 30, 1644. (Reg. 66, p. 326.) His will dated June 14, 1643, proved Dec. 12, 1644 (P. C. C. Rivers 14). To wife Ester "the house I now dwell in, with lands" in Ded- ham for life. Also to her "my house and lands in Suffolk, in Crettinge or elsewhere" for life. After her decease, son Samuel to have the house "I now dwell in," with re- mainder to son Edmond, then to son Bezaliel. Devises and bequests to son Samuel, when 22 ; to daughter Ester at 20 or day of marriage, the same to daughter Anna. "To my son John the rents that shall arise of my farm at Empsted called Stevenses, now in occupation of John Barker or his assigns, to maintain him, my said son John, at Cambridge or Oxford, for I would have him brought up to learning that he might be fit to honor God in his church, that is if God inclines his mind thereunto and if my loving brother Dr. Burges and my loving friend Mr. Newcomen, they be- ing consulted with, shall think fit" Brother John Sherman. Son Edmond. Son Bezaliel at 23. Daughter Deborah, un- der 19. Son Nathaniel, under 22. My cousin Richard Sher- Sherman Genealogy 115 man. Samuel, my brother John Sherman's son, and Mary Sherman John's daughter. Brother Benjamin's children. Sister Warner's son Samuel Warner. Mary Abbott and Henry Warner. Sister Backler. "I give unto my sister Bacon in New England ten pounds, to be sent her or her husband in linen cloth and shoes, by my cousin Edmond Sherman. To my loving sister Sherman, Edmond's widow, twenty shillings and to her son Samuel ten pounds, to her son John Sherman twenty shillings and to her daughters Grace and Ester Ward, and her youngest daughter, to either of them twenty shill- ings." To brother Richard Sherman, to his son Samuel and his daughter Alice Sherman. To Anne Sherman and Priske Sherman. To Sister Nash. To Free Grammar School in Dedham, a gift to enlarge the English schoolhouse. Son Samuel to be a father to his brothers and sisters. (Reg. 50, p. 391.) Ester Sherman his widow was buried at Dedham Aug. 23, 1646 (Reg. 66, p. 326). Her will dated Aug. 14, 1646, was proved Sept. 3, 1646. (P. C. C. Twisse 125.) Legacy to son John "for and towards his maintenance at Cambridge." Brothers John and Benjamin Sherman. Cousins Henry Warner and Mary Abbott. Goody John Garood, my neighbor. Daughters Hester, Hannah and De- borah. Sons Edmond, Beza and Nathaniel. All my eight children. "To Richard Sherman of New England three yards of broadcloth." "To youngest children Deborah and Nathaniel." (Reg. 50, p. 392.) Children : 35 I. SamueP Sherman, of Dedham, clothier. n, Edmund^ Sherman, m. Jane Wall. He was living 1678. 36 HI. BezalieP Sherman, of London, merchant, citizen and mercer, and of Mitcham Surrey, merchant. IV. John^ Sherman, D.D., S. T. P., Professor of Sacred Theology and Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and of the parish of St. Sepulchre in London, d. in London, Mar. 27, 1671 ; buried in Jesus College Chapel. His nuncupative will was declared Mar. 16, 1671, and was proved Mar. 29, 1671. (P. C. C. Duke 116 Sherman Genealogy 43.) Also sententia pro valor e declared June 13, 1672 (P. C. C. Eure 39). To my Bro : and sisters married 40 marks apiece. Brother Bezaliell, sister Fen. "My robes and all my lands, I give to my bro: Edmund Sherman and his heirs forever." Edmund Sherman sole Executor. (Reg. 50, p. 396.) John Sherman was historian of Jesus College, Cambridge. Elected Fel- low, Oct. 25, 1660. In 1663, one of the Syndics for restoring the library at Lambeth. In 1664, one of the 12 University Preachers. In 1665 admitted to degree of D.D. by Royal mandate. In 1670, appointed Archdeacon of Salisbury. Z7 V. Nathaniel Sherman, of Dedham, clothier. VI. Ester'^ (or Hester) Sherman, m. Henry Fenne, Mar. 25, 1647. (Reg. 66, p. 326.) Their daughter Hester was bap. at Dedham, Apr. 30, 1648. Ester'^ was wit- ness to will of her sister Deborah, Aug. 31, 1684 (Reg. 50, p. 251). VII. Anna'' Sherman, m. Edward Fisher, who is mentioned in will of her brother Bezaliel Sherman, dated May 10, 1687. (Reg. 50, p. 396.) VIII. Deborah^ Sherman, m. at Colchester, John Wall, of Stratford, June 24, 1656. (Reg. 50, p. 414.) Will of John Wall, of Stratford, SuflFolk, clothier, dated Mar. 26, 1678, proved June 3, 1678. (P. C. C. Reeve 71.) Mentions wife Debora. To son Nicholas at 22. To eldest son Daniel Wall £400. "when he shall have served out his apprenticeship, provided that his mas- ter, and my loving brother, Mr. Edmund Shearman give in to my Executors my bond I gave him for his truth." To Son John mansion house and other prop- perty. To daughters Deborah and Elizabeth at mar- riage or 21. To sons Bartholomew and Samuel lands and other property. To wife lands etc. in Fingerego (Fingringhoe) surrendered by one Samuel Makeing (Makin). Sister Fenne. Wife and son John, Execu- tors. Brother in law Mr. Nathaniel Sherman, a super- visor. (Reg. 50, p. 250.) Will of Deborah Wall of Brantham, Suffolk, widow, dated Aug. 31, 1684, Sherman Genealogy 117 proved July 9, 1685. (P. C. C. Cann 94). Mentions sons John, Nicholas and Bartholomew and two daugh- ters. Grand daughter Anna Wall. Sister Fenn. Wit- nesses: Nathaniel Sherman. John Robert. Ester Fenn. (Reg. 50, p. 251.) 31. JOHN« SHERMAN (14. Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,2 Thomas^), of Dedham, clothier, m. (1), Spar- hawke; (2), Anne, , who survived him. His uncle Bezaleel Sherman, in his will dated Oct. 7, 1618, gives him a legacy of i20. at the age of 24. (Reg. 50, p. 288.) He was a devisee and legatee under the will of his father, dated Aug. 1, 1599 (Reg. 50, p. 283). Also a devisee and legatee under his mother's will, dated Aug. 3, 1609, when he was under 21 years old. (Reg. 50, p. 284.) His will dated Aug. 5, 1654, proved Nov. 10, 1655. (P. C. C. Aylett 440.) Lega- cies to sons John and Samuel. To son Nathaniel at 23, to daughter Anne at 21 ; the same to daughter Elizabeth. "These three of my last wife's children, vizt. Anne, Nathan- iel and Elizabeth to be heirs to one another." Wife, Execu- trix. Legacy to daughter Peachey. Cousins Samuel Sher- man, Bezaleel Angier and Edmund Sherman, Supervisors. Proved by Anne Sherman, relict. (Reg. 50, p. 394.) Chil- dren, by first wife: L John^ Sherman, living 1658. II. SamueF Sherman, clerk, late Rector of Alderton, Suf- folk. His nuncupative will, declared Dec. 30, 1658, proved Feb. 28, 1659 (P. C. C. Pell 38). Appoints Mr. John Sherman, Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Mr. Edmund Sherman, Minister in Ipswich, Ex- ecutors. Legacies to his eldest brother John Sherman, his sisters Hannah and Elizabeth and his brother Na- thaniel, to his cousin Sherman of Bradwell and to his brother Peachie's boy Sam. (Reg. 50, p. 394.) III. Mary'^ Sherman, m. Samuel Peachey and left issue. Children by second wife : IV. Anne^ Sherman, living 1658. V. Nathaniel^ Sherman, living 1658. VI. Elizabeth^ Sherman, living 1658. 118 Sherman Genealogy 32. DANIEL^ SHERMAN (22. Daniel,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Dedham, bap. at Dedham, June 21, 1612 (Reg. 50, p. 416). m. Elizabeth . She was buried in 1658. He was buried at Dedham, Mar. 31, 1657. (Reg. 50, p. 417; Reg. 67, p. 157.) He was a legatee in will of his grandmother Susan Chapman, proved Sept. 4, 1624 (Reg. 50, p. 386), also a legatee in will of his father dated Apr. 1, 1633 (Reg. 51, p. 314). His brother Rev. John^ Sherman, of Norwich, Norfolk, in his will dated July 6, 1658 (Reg. 50, p. 395), says "My sister Sherman my brother Daniel's widow, being executrix, oweth upon a bond to my uncle one hundred pounds. I give her a half year to pay fifty pounds. The other fifty pounds I order her to pay upon the day of her marriage." Children : I. Elizabeth^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 20, 1642 (Reg. 50, p. 416), called eldest daughter in will of her uncle John. (Reg. 50, p. 395.) II. John^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 3, 1643 (Reg. 50, p. 416), buried at Dedham, Apr. 28, 1644 (Reg. 50, p. 417). III. DanieP Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Apr. 13, 1645 (Reg. 50, p. 416). Legatee in will of his uncle John. IV. John* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 18, 1646 (Reg. 50, p. 416). Buried at Dedham, July 1, 1649 (Reg. 66, p. 326). V. Susan* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 31, 1648 (Reg. 50, p. 417), called second daughter in will of her uncle John. VI. John* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 27, 1653 (Reg. 67, p. 155). VII. Sarah* Sherman, buried 1658. VIII. Christian* Sherman, m. July 7, 1684 at St. Peters, Col- chester, Joseph Nichols; called youngest daughter in will of her uncle John. 33. CAPTAIN JOHN^ SHERMAN (24. John," Henry," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), bap. at Great Horkesley, Essex (about 5^ miles Southwest from Dedham), Sept. 3, 1612. (Reg. 66, p. 323.) His father was buried at Great Sherman Genealogy 119 Horkesley, Jan. 24, 1615/16. (Reg. 66, p. 323.) His mother soon after m. Thomas Rogers and their daughter Elizabeth Rogers, who m. Daniel Smith, was bap. at Dedham, Nov. 16, 1617 (Reg. 66, p. 325.) He was a legatee under the will of Ann^ (Sherman) Anger, daughter of Edmund^ Sher- man and first cousin of his father, dated Sept. 2, 1625, in which she refers to him and his brother as follows: "I give to the two children of the wife of Thomas Rogers, John Sher- man and Richard Sherman, my kinsmen, twenty shillings apiece at their ages of one and twenty" (Reg. 50, p. 402). With his mother, stepfather and half sister Elizabeth Rogers, he came to Watertown, Mass., about 1636. Freeman Watertown May 17, 1637. Commissioner to end small causes 1652, 1653, 1654. Selectman 1636, 1641-1643, 1648-1650, 1652-1654, 1657, 1658, 1667-1669, 1676, 1677, 1680, 1682. Town Clerk 1664-1666. Clerk of Writs 1645 (Bond's His- tory of Watertown). Sergeant of train band. Ensign. Lieu- tenant. Appointed Captain by the General Court June 11, 1680. 'Tn ansr. to the petition of the trayned band at Water Towne, the court judgeth it mete to grant their request and doe order John Sherman to be their captain." (Mass. Co- lonial Records, Vol. V, p. 282.) Steward of Harvard Col- lege, 1660. (Harvard Catalogue.) In an account book of the Stewards of Harvard is an entry as follows : "Thomas Wiborne hath satisfyed of his debt for his brother to the colledge, and to the new steward Ensigne Sherma, the sume of foure pound ten shillings. By me Charles Chauncey" (Mr. Chauncey was the second president of Harvard, 1654- 1671.) Surveyor. Deputy to General Court, 1651, 1653, 1663 (Col. Rec. Mass.) He had three grants of land and, prior to 1644, purchased 10 lots, 7 of which had been granted to Thomas Rogers. His homestall which went to his son Joseph, was on both sides of Common Street, then called Bowman's Lane, immediately south of Strawberry Hill. Employed as Schoolmaster from April 9, 1677, from May 1 to Aug. 31 eight hours a day beginning at 7 o'clock A.M., and not to break up until 5 P.M., noon time ex- cepted. In Jan., 1679, the Selectmen notified him that another ^20 Sherman Genealogy Schoolmaster had been chosen from Apr., 1679 On Apr. 8 1679 it rxt April" (Bond 1070.) m. Martha Palmer, daughte out next April. v 1700/01. No will of William Palmer, about 16^/. bne a. reu. /, 1/ / and no record of administration on her estate. The record of her death is: "Mrs Martha Sherman w^^^^^^^^^^ Capt. Jno: Sherman Deced the 7th: of February 1700 (Water town Records 2nd Book p. 21). William Palmer, the father of Martha came to AVatertown about 1636 probably from Great Ormsby, Norfolk, England. He ts madeVeeman Mar. 13, 1638/9 (CoL Records of Mass J- I, p. 375). He afterwards lived in Newbury and Hampton, Mass., and died in 1647. , . u • By deed dated Mar. 10, 1645/6, the original of wh.ch .s among the records and files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Mass., William Palmer, of Hampton, Mass yeoman "for & n consideration of a release of a Certayne pshall [pared] of land lyeing in great ornsbye [Ormsby] --'^ England b my dafter martha palmer which is now the wife of John Sherman wateTown: 'in the which land the Sayd martha pataer had a peculiar right & interest to the value of one hundred & five ro:;!.nds: l for other goods casses [causes] & -ns, erat.on. m reationably moueing-." gives grants and confirms unto the sayd John Sherman & martha his wife my dwelhng house & the house ott with all that other ground which I have at newberry whtch . twenty or ther abought * * * & alsoe my houses w.th all that my ground * * in Hampton ther betng one hundred & Ten acres or ther aboughts of upground medow & ^-^ * ^^^ alsoe three Cowes & two yerlen Steeres calfes & one Suckmg Calf e & all my househould stuff , my weareing close only excepted signed Willm sig Palmer O (Seal) Witnesses Timothie Dalton, willm howard. Ack^ Mar. 12 1645/6 before Samuel Symonds. (Abstract of this deed m Records and tiV*S v^V« ^-.^ ,€. ^"^'^j^ ^ A/*.*-' rfi^ c;.H-^--/ *,-4f-,f. .;^,^ /* >.•.>«• '/w^'.-i^^i. / .<-< ,'^ >.< v;f^ ^M ' "C ^ ^Ki**' '^« .«.,^ .x..(9 J»«i«*) ^^^^ Agreement of widow and hHrs of Willia. Sh.r.nan, brother of Hon. Ro.er Shern,an, 1756 HON, ROGER SHERMAN From the pRinting by Hicks, after Eailc, now in Independence Hall, Pliiladelphia 1 HE CONGRESS VOTING INDEPENDENCE Kroin ilie paintinR by Robert Edge Pino and Edward Savage in 1788, now belonging to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia Sherman Genealogy 121 Files of Quarterly Courts of Essex County Vol. II, p. 349.) There! is also on file another deed as follows : "this 6th of octob 1647. This psent witnessctH that Christopher palmer for and in the behalf of Ann Palmer widow, of Hampton hath sould vnto willm Sawyer of newbery that house and house lot * * and a pertainances * * * being at the ould towne at Newbery which was willm palmers of hampton Latly deceased as all so twelve acres of marrish Joyning to willm Elslys land and Samuell plomers land and Samuel Scullerds land and allso 4 acres of vpland Joyning to the ox comon and Richard Kents land now Coman and all so seven acres of division land beyond the new towne for and Inconsideracion of Eight pounds in hand paid, I the said Cristopher Palmer for and in the behalf of Ann Palmer have bargaiued and sould to and with the aforesaid willm Sawyer all the perticulars before mentioned with all the Right Interst and priviledges that the said Ann palmer have or had or the heirs Executors or assignes of willm palmer late deceased have or had and her unto I set my hand. Ann plomer + hir mark. Christopher : Palmer." Witnesses : Richard Knight, Willeam Ilsly. Endorsed on this deed is the following: "I Francis Plomer of Newbyerry do hereby declar that I give my Con- sent to the bargain my wife An Plomer have made as in the other sid Ex- pressed, his + marke p me ffrancis Plomer" Witnesses: Richard Knight, William Illsey (id. p. 349). Capt. John spelled his name "Shearman." He d. intestate at Watertown, Jan. 25, 1690/91. "1690 Cap. John Sherman dyed January: 25." (Watertown Records 1st Book, p. 108.) 1691 "Mr. John Sherman Capt : of the training Band in Watertown died the: 25th: of January 1690/91" (Vellum Supplement to Records). Adm. granted to his son Joseph Sherman Feb. 13, 1690/1, he having presented an inventory and given bond. The inventory is dated Feb. 12, 1690/1, and the bond is dated Feb. 13, 1690/1. It is in £150. with Gershon Swan of Menotomy as surety. Swan signed by mark. Jonas Hood and Samuel Phipps were witnesses. The inventory is signed by Joseph Sherman, and by William Goddard, Thomas Lovein and Theophilus Roads, the appraisers. It specifies besides various articles of household furniture, utensils &c: "In his dwelling room his wareing ap- parrell 06-00-00" "In the study— the books 5 £ & the instrument for surveying of Land 5£, a silver cup & two spoones forty shillings, a gun 20/s, a rapier & a cutlash, a carbine & 2 belts 40/s, a table board & old irons & all other things in it 15/s in all 122 Sherman Genealogy 15-15-00" "4 cowes & two heifers 8£ & 2 swine 30 shillings all 09-10-00" "in money 02-01-00" At the foot of the inventory is the following: "Memorand: The Houseing & Lands are excepted and not Inserted in this Inven- tory, being given to me by my Father in a covenant made on my marriage as may more at large appeare in said Covenant under his hand Joseph Sherman" The total of the inventory is £74-12-8 (Vol. 7, page 199). The Administrator's account was presented, sworn to and approved by the Register March 5, 1693/4. He charges himself with the amount of inventory as 17 Z- 17-08, and credits himself among other items with "Paid for Physick, attendc. in sickness and funeral 05-11-11" "Pd to Jno: Sherman for tobacco 00-03-00" "and sd accompt : Prays further allowance for what hath been lost by casualty; vizt 1 feather Pillow which being hung out to air, was torn to pieces by swine 00-06-00" Balance on hand £66-3-9 (Vol. 8, page 353). There is also on file the bond of Martha M. Bowman, of Watertown, widow, as principal and John Cutler, of Charles- town and John Eveleth, of Manchester, as sureties in £28 dated Aug. 20, 1694. Its condition is that whereas Martha has received £14-14-2, her part of the moveable estate of Capt. Jno. Sher- man, late of Watertown, deceased, if she shall refund her rateable part in proportion to said sum received of all debts due from said estate, as yet unknown as may hereafter appear and also of the administrators charges, the obligation to be void. Children : I. John^ Sherman, b. 2d. 9m. 1638 (November 2, 1638). Freeman May 19, 1669. Soldier in King Philip's War in Capt. Samuel Moseley's Company. He was wounded in the battle at Swamp Fort, King Philip's War, Dec. 19, 1675, and on Jan. 6, 1676, is recorded as being in Rhode Island, wounded. He probably died from his wounds. II. Martha^ Sherman, b. 21d. 12m. 1639 (February 21, 1639/40). m. 26d. 7m. 1661 (Sept. 26, 1661) at Sherman Genealogy 123 Watertown, Francis Bowman (son of Nathaniel and Anne Bowman), b. 1630 and d. at Watertown, Dec. 16, 1687, aged 57. Children, born at Watertown : 1. Francis^ Bowman, b. 14d. 7m. 1662 (Sep. 14, 1662); m. (1), July 26, 1684, Lydia Stone, dau- ghter of Deacon Samuel and Sarah (Stearns) Stone, b. Nov. 25, 1665, and d. Dec. 10, 1719; m. (2), Ruth Angier, daughter of Rev. Samuel An- gier; had issue. He d. Dec. 23, 1744. 2. John° Bowman, b. 19d. 12m. 1663 (Feb 19 1663/4). * ' 3. Martha^ Bowman, b. Mar. 2, 1666/7; d Dec 10 1667. ' ' 4. NathanieP Bowman, b. 9d. 12m. 1668 (Feb. 9, 1668/9) ; m. Dec. 16, 1692, Anne Barnard (daugh- ter of John and Sarah (Flemming) Barnard), b. Aug. 23, 1670, and d. Sept. 16, 1757. He d Tune 30, 1748; had issue. 5. Joseph^ Bowman, b. May 18, 1674; m. Phebe; he d. April 8, 1762; had issue. 6. Anna^ Bowman, b. Sept. 19, 1675. 7. SamueP Bowman, b. Aug. 14, 1679; m. (1), Nov. 2, 1700, Rebecca Andrew, dau. of Thomas An- drew. She d. Nov. 18, 1713; m. (2), Deborah. He d. 1746. 8. Jonathan^ Bowman, b. about 1682. 9. Martha^ Bowman, b. April 4, 1685. (For Bowman family, see Bond's History of Watertown.) III. MaryS Sherman b. 25d. 1 mo. 1643 (Mar. 25, 1643). m. 16d. llmo. 1666 (Jan. 16, 1666/7), Timothy Haw- kins, Jr. (son of Timothy and Hannah Hawkins), b. Dec. 30, 1639, and d. about Oct., 1697. She d Nov 6, 1667. Child: 1. Timothy^ Hawkins, b. Oct. 26, 1667; probably d. young. IV. Elishabah^ Sherman, b. ; d. 15d. Imo. 1649 (Mar. 15, 1649/50). 124 Sherman Genealogy V. Sarah^ Sherman, b. 17d. llmo. 1647 (January 17, 1647/8) ; d. June 17, 1667, unm. 38 VI. Joseph* Sherman, b. 14d. 3mo. 1650 (May 14, 1650). VII. Graced Sherman, b. 20d. lOmo. 1653 (Dec. 20, 1653) ; d. Feb. 21, 1654/5. 34. HON. SAMUEL^ SHERMAN (27. Edmund,« Edmund,'' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), bap. at Dedham, July 12, 1618. (Reg. 50, p. 416.) Came over with his father when about 14 years old. Was at Watertown, Mass., for a while. Went from there about 1636, to Wethersfield. After- wards at Stratford, Stamford and Fairfield, Conn. m. Mary Mitchell (daughter of Matthew and Sarah (Butter- field) Mitchell), sister of Jonathan Mitchell, of Cambridge, a Fellow of Harvard College. She was bap. at South Owram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, Oct. 14, 1621. He was a lead- ing man in New Haven Colony and a conspicuous member in the church. Assistant 1662-1665. In 1665 on commit- tee to assist in putting the colony in a posture of defense against the enemy (the Dutch) from Stratford to Rye. He d. at Fairfield, Conn., Apr. 5, 1700 (G. S.). Sept. 10, 1700, agreement between his surviving children and heirs to divide his estate, Matthew and Edmund then dead. Children: I. Samuel® Sherman, b. at Stamford, June 19, 1641 ; m. (1), Mary Titherton, June 19, 1665. m. (2), Abigail (Thompson-Curtiss) Huse, Aug. 1, 1695. She d. Mar. 2, 1731. He d. Feb. 20, 1718/19. II. Theophilus® Sherman, b. at Stamford, Oct. 28, 1643. m. at Wethersfield, Mary Robbins, d. of John and Mary (Boreman) Robbins; b. at Wethersfield, Oct. 12, 1646. He d. at Middletown, Conn., Feb. 16, 1711/12. III. Matthew* Sherman, b. at Stamford, Oct. 24, 1645. m. Hannah Bulkley. He d. 1698. IV. Edmund® Sherman, b. at Stamford, Dec. 4, 1647, m. Susannah Hardy, dau. of Richard and Ann (Huested) Hardy. He d. 1683. 39 V. John* Sherman, b. at Stratford, Feb. 8, 1650/51. Sherman Genealogy 125 VI. Sarahs Sherman, b. at Stratford, Feb. 8, 1653/4. m. Josiah Rossiter. VII. Nathaniel^ Sherman, b. at Stratford, Mar. 21, 1656/7. m. (1), June 13, 1680, Mary Phippeny (daughter of of Benjamin and Wilmot Phippeny). m. (2), Nov. 26, 1707, Abigail Han ford, widow. He d. at Strat- ford, Apr. 19, 1712. VIII. Benjamin^ Sherman, b. Mar. 29, 1662; m. June 6, 1683. Rebecca Phippeny. IX. David^ Sherman, b. at Stratford, Apr. 15, 1665; m. Mercy Wheeler. He d. 1753. 35. SAMUEL^ SHERMAN (30. Samuel,« Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^' John,^ Thomas^), of Dedham, clothier, under 22 years old at date of his father's will, June 14, 1643 (Reg. 50, p. 391). m. Mary . His will, dated Sept. 6, 1670, commission issued Jan. 22, 1672/3 (P. C. C. Pye 11), men- tions wife Mary and children Mary Cole, wife of George Cole, Junior, Judith Sherman, Samuel, Mark and John Sher- man. Friend Bezaliel Angier, of Dedham, Executor. Com- mission to Mary Sherman, the relict, Bezaliel Angier refus- ing (Reg. 50, p. 395). Children: I. MaryS Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 29, 1648 (Reg. 50, p. 417) ; m. George Cole, Jr. II. Samuel^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Sept. 8, 1650 (Reg. 50, p. 417); buried at Dedham, Mar. 9, 1652/3. Reg. 67, p. 156.) III. Judith^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 5, 1652. (Reg. 67, p. 155.) IV. Esther^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Apr. 15, 1655 (Reg. 67, p. 155.) V. SamueP Sherman, bap. at Dedham, July 19, 1657 (Reg. 67, p. 155). VI. Sarah* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Aug. 28, 1659 (Reg. 67, p. 155). VII. Mark* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Nov. 15, 1661 (Reg. 67, p. 155). VIII. John* Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 25, 1663/4 (Reg. 67, p. 155). 126 Sherman Genealogy 36. BEZALIEL^ SHERMAN (30. Samuel« Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Mitcham, Surrey, Merchant. b. about 1637. Devisee and legatee under will of his father dated June 14, 1643, to have legacy vi^hen he is 23 years old. (Reg. 50, p. 391.) m. Anne Norton, b. about 1659, dau. of Richard Norton, Esq., of Mitcham, at St. Mary Alder- mary, London. Allegation, Jan. 19, 1677/8 (Reg. 50, p. 397). His will, dated May 10, 1687, proved Sept. 15, 1687 (P. C. C. Foot 121) refers to indenture Dec. 16, 1685, between him "by the name of Bezaleel Sherman of London, merchant and citizen and mercer of London," and Anne his wife and Richard Norton of Mitcham, Surrey, Esq., Richard Nicoll of London and others, and also refers to an agreement dated January 19, 1677, concerning his marriage with Anne, one of the daughters of said Richard Norton. The manor of Thorington, Suffolk, capital messuage in Wherstead called Thorington Hall, other manors and lands in Suffolk. "My son Norton Sherman." Three daughters Anne, Elizabeth and Hester Sherman, nephew Bezaleel, son of brother Nathaniel Sherman, late of Dedham, clothier, deceased. Brother in law Mr. Edward Fisher. Kinsman John Wall of Stratford, Suffolk, clothier. Three nieces, the daughters of brother Nathaniel. Wife Anne Executrix. (Reg. 50, p. 396.) Will of his widow Ann Sherman, of Kensington, Middlesex, widow, dated Nov. 26, 1720, proved Nov. 2, 1722. (P. C. C. Marlboro 222.) To be buried in vault in churchyard of Mitcham, Surrey "wherein Mr. Bezaleel Sherman lies in- terred." Daughter Ann Fielding; daughter Elizabeth Vin- cent (Reg. 50, p. 397.) Children: L Norton^ Sherman, probably d. before his mother. n. Ann® Sherman, m. Fielding. in. Elizabeth® Sherman, m. Henry Vincent. IV. Hester® Sherman, probably d. before her mother. 37. NATHANIEL' SHERMAN (30. Samuel," Edmund," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Dedham, clothier, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 28, 1638/9 (Reg. 50, p. 416). m. Susanna about 1670. Devisee under will of his father dated June 14, 1643 (Reg. 50, p. 391). Mentioned in will Sherman Genealogy 127 of his mother, dated Aug. 14, 1646 (Reg. 50, p. 392). Wit- ness to will of his sister Deborah Wall, dated Aug. 31, 1684 (Reg. 50, p. 251). Supervisor of will of his brother in law John Wall, of Stratford, Suffolk, dated Mar. 27, 1678 (Reg. 50, p. 250). Mentioned in will of his brother Bezaliel, dated May 10, 1687 (Reg. 50, p. 396). His brother Bezaliel Sher- man, of Mitcham Surrey, in his will dated May 10, 1687, men- tions "my nephew Bezaleel, son of my brother Nathaniel Sherman, late of Dedham, clothier, deceased" and his three nieces, the daughters of his brother Nathaniel. Children : I. Susanna^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Oct. 18, 1674. (Reg. 67, p. 156.) II. Esther® Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Feb. 6, 1675/6. (Reg. 67, p. 156). III. Anne^ Sherman, bap. at Dedham, Dec. 7, 1679. (Reg. 67, p. 156.) IV. BezaleeP Sherman living 1687, when his uncle Bezaliel Sherman's will was made. 38. JOSEPH® SHERMAN (33. Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,= Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), of Watertown, Mass., Corporal, Surveyor, Constable 1682 and 1684. Tythingman 1685-86. Hogrif and Fence Viewer 1692 and 1697, Assessor 1695. Selectman, Watertown 1701-1705; 1709-1712. Deputy for Watertown to General Court of Massachusetts 1702-1705. Soldier in King Philip's war in 1675-76. On Sept. 23, 1676, he is recorded as receiving pay as a soldier in Capt. Jonathan Poole's Company and also on the same day as receiving the same amount as a soldier in Capt. Thomas Brattle's Com- pany, b. at Watertown, May 14, 1650, "1650 Joseph Sherman Sonn of John and Martha Sherman Borne the fourteenth day of the third month" (Watertown Records, 1st Book, p. 27). m. at Watertown Nov. 18, 1673, Elizabeth Winship, daugh- ter of Lieut. Edward and Elizabeth (Parke) Winship, of Cambridge. "1673 Joseph Sherman and Elizabeth Winship, Joyned in Maryage the Eaighteen Day of November in the year of Lord Sixtene-hundred seventy three." (Watertown Records, 1st Book, p. 74.) She was b. at Cambridge, Apr. 15, 128 Sherman Genealogy 1652, and probably d. before her husband. He d. at Watertown, Jan. 20, 1730/1, intestate. Adm. Nov. 29, 1731, to his son John of Marlborough, Mass., husbandman; An- drew Wilson, of Cambridge and Joshua Hemenway, of Framingham, sureties on bond. Apr. 3, 1732, John Sherman administrator, presented to the Probate Judge his complaint and petition of that date, stating that considerable of the per- sonal estate of deceased is in the hands of Nathaniel Sher- man, of Hassanimisco, Worcester County, which he refuses to deliver to the administrator, and praying the Judge to cite Nathaniel before him in order to his being interrogated re- lating to the premises. The Judge thereupon issued a cita- tion to Nathaniel to appear at the Judge's house in Cam- bridge, on Apr. 28, "at 10 of the clock, afternoon" to be inter- rogated and authorized John Sherman to serve the citation. The Judge certified that on Apr. 28, John and Nathaniel ap- peared before him and Nathaniel acknowledged he had in his possession "all ye deeds, surveying Instruments, and a feather bed, about 20 Books, plans of lands and other paper and sd. Nathl. being examined upon oath declared that he has in his possession sundry other things mostly household stufife wch. his sd. father dyed possessed of^ but not being able to give an account of all ye particulars at present promised within 30 days to give an Inventory thereof to the administrator." The administrator presented another petition dated Sept. 15, 1732, stating that his brother Nathaniel had neglected to give him any account of what of the decedent's estate he had in his possession and asked that he answer certain interrogatories. Nathaniel answered these stating that he had in his possession "a feather bed and furniture, two Inn Kettles, tongs & fire peal, 3 pewter dishes, some wooden & eathen dishes, scales & weights — one suite of y*^ dec'^. wearing cloths, one chest & 2 Boxes bell metle morter & brass skimer, one spit, frying pan & warming pan, one load stove. Iron Fetters & an 100 Weight of old Iron, cast wheell, old Hoops & boxes, horse & plow chains old, five chairs & cap*"^ leading staff;" that he knew nothing of live stock except an old horse since dead and that he had about twenty books. To the interrogatory "Whether the before named Nathanael knows anything of Sherman Genealogy 129 any Bonds that were given to the dec'd by any person whom- soever and more particularly whether he himself upon his s^ father's giving him a deed of the Real Estate he had of him, did not give Bond to the s'^ deed, for payment of certain sums of money to some other of the s^ deed's children, and also for subsistence of the said dec'd. and his wife during their natural Lives and for the payments of each of their funeral charges," he answered "He declares on oath that he knows of no Bond or bill executed by himself or any other person to y^ dec*^ or for his wife and that he knows of no estate money or goods of y^ dec'^ in ye hands of any other person." He also promised that if any of the deceased's estate should come to his knowledge he would give an account thereof to the ad- ministrator. Children : I. John^ Sherman, of Marlborough, Mass. ; b. at Water- town, Jan. 11, 1674/5; m. Mary BuUen, of Marl- borough, daughter of Ephraim and Mary (Morse) Bullen. He d. at Marlborough, Nov. 11, 1756. She d. there May 5, 1761. His will, dated Apr. 13. 1747, proved in Middlesex Co., Mass., Dec. 6. 1756. men- tions wife Mary, sons Joseph, Elphraim, John, Samuel, daughters Mary Lebarty, Grace and Elizabeth and son Bezaleel. Will of Mary Sherman, his widow, dated Mar. 10, 1761, proved May 11, 1761, mentions daugh- ter Mary Sherman, daughter Grace Carr, wife of Thomas Carr, the six children of daughter Elizabeth Axtell, wife of Thomas Axtell, late deceased, viz. : Sarah, Elizabeth, Anna, John, Thomas and Phebe ; late husband John Sherman. Real estate to be sold and divided among children Joseph, Ephraim. John and the children of son Samuel and his wife Lydia (viz.: Samuel, Jason, Abner, Isaac and Jeduthan), Grace Carr and children of daughter Elizabeth. Son John of Grafton, Executor. Children: 1. Mary^° Sherman, b. at Watertown, Aug. 16, 1699; m. Lebarty. Settled at Marlborough, Mass. Chil- dren b. there. 2. Joseph^" Sherman, b. at Marlborough, Mar. 25, 1703, settled in Shrewsbury ; m. there Dec. 25, 1728, 130 Sherman Genealogy Sarah Perham, b. 1703 ; d. at Shrewsbury, Mar. 2, 1772, in 69lh year. He d. Oct. 10, 1778. Chil- dren b. at Shrewsbury : (1) Joseph^ ^ Sherman, bap. Feb. 8, 1736. (2) John^^ Sherman, b. Apr. 8, 1737; m. (1), at BelHngham, Mass., June 25, 1761, Chloe Thayer, b. 1741 and d. at Shrewsbury, May 2, 1766; m. (2) Gratia AlHs, daughter of Abel and Hannah (Porter) Allis, b. 1745. He d. June 14, 1807. 3 children by 1st wife and 4 children by 2nd wife. (3) Sarah^^ Sherman, b. June 27, 1739; m. at Grafton, Dec. 20, 1759, Thomas Grover. (4) Joseph^^ Sherman, b. June, 1742, bap. Aug. 15, 1742; m. at Shrewsbury, Feb. 4, 1766, Abigail Muzzy, daughter of Joseph and Lotis Muzzy, bap. at Lexington, Mass., July 28, 1745. He d. at Mor- ristown, N. J., Mar. 2, 1777. 4 children. (5) Lydia" Sherman, b. Aug. 29, 1744; m. Nov. 22, 1764, Israel Rice. 3. John^° Sherman, b. at Marlborough, Dec. 31, 1705; d. there Apr. 15, 1711. 4. Grace^" Sherman, b. at Marlborough, Sept. 13, 1707; m. at Sudbury, Mass., Nov. 2, 1741, Thomas Carr. 5. Ephraim^° Sherman, b. at Marlborough, Mar. 31, 1710, settled in Grafton; m. at Westboro, May 16, 1733, Thankful Temple, daughter of Isaac and Martha (Joslyn) Temple, b. at Marlborough, Sept. 20, 1713 ; d. at Grafton, Feb. 27, 1805. He d. at Grafton, July 9, 1775. Children born at Grafton: (1) Ephraim" Sherman, b. Mar. 19, 1734; m. at Grafton, May 12, 1760, Mary (Whipple) Win- chester, widow of Joshua Winchester, and daugh- ter of James, Junior, and Sarah (Adams) Whipple, b. at Grafton, Sept. 21, 1730. He d. at Vermilion, Ohio, 1818. They had five children born at Graf- ton. (2) Lydia" Sherman, b. Jan. 1, 1736; m. July 26, 1759, Luke Drury. (3) Isaac" Sherman, b. Jan. 6, 1738; d. Feb. 10, 1738. (4) Thankful" Sherman, b. July 21, 1739; m. Nov. 28, 1759, Jona- Sherman Genealogy 131 than Chase. (5) Sarah^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 20, 1741 ; m. Oct. 13, 1777, William Towne. (6) Mary^^ Sherman, b. Oct. 28, 1743; m. June 19, 1769, James Howe. (7) Persis" Sherman, b. Sept. 26, 1746; m. May 23, 1771, John Johnson. (8) Aaron" Sherman, b. Aug. 25, 1748; m. Apr. 6, 1774, Sarah Kimball ; ten children. (9) Martha" Sherman, b. Oct. 8, 1750; m. Manassah Drury. (10) Moses" Sherman, b. Sept. 12, 1752; m. (int) July 26, 1776, Molly Hill, three children. (11) David" Sherman, b. Feb. 8, 1755; d. unm. (12) Elizabeth" Sherman, b. Jan. 27, 1759; d. July 5, 1759. 6. John^° Sherman, b. at Marlborough, Feb. 17, 1713; settled in Westboro ; m. at Grafton, Dec. 12, 1739, Eunice Howe, b. Aug. 3, 1712; d. at Grafton, July 3, 1772. He d. at Grafton, Apr. 9, 1785; seven children born at Grafton. 7. Elizabeth^" Sherman, b. at Marlborough, Oct. 15, 1715; m. at Marlborough, May 13, 1736, Thomas Axtel, of Grafton, Mass., six children. 8. SamueP" Sherman, b. at Marlborough, May 12, 1718, lived in Marlborough; m. (1) Lydia. She d. at Marlborough, Aug. 1, 1756; m. (2) Hepsi- bah. He d. at Marlborough, Apr. 24, 1784. Six children by first wife, five children by second wife. 9. BezaleeP° Sherman. II. Edward'' Sherman, of Sudbury, Mass., b. at Water- town, Sept. 2, 1677; m. at Watertown, Oct. 16, 1700, Sarah Parkhurst, daughter of John and Abigail (Gar- field) Parkhurst, b. at Watertown, Nov. 26, 1676. He d. at Sudbury, Mass., Dec. 4, 1766. She d. at Sud- bury, Oct. 4, 1756. Children: 1. Sarahi° Sherman, b. at Watertown, May 29, 1701 ; m. June 7, 1722, Andrew' Wilson. She d. Nov. 27, 1772. 2. AbigaiP° Sherman, b. at Watertown, June 10, 1704; m. Nov. 26, 1741, John Keyes; d. May 31, 1759. 132 Sherman Genealogy 3. Joseph^'' Sherman, b. at Wayland, Sept. 10, 1706; m. Martha. She d. at Sudbury, Apr. 5, 1771 ; he d. Oct. 10, 1787. Eight children. 4. Edward" Sherman b. at Watertown, Mar. 9, 1708/9; d. at Sudbury, July 2, 1728. 5. Jonathan^" Sherman, b. at Wayland, Jan. 2, 1711/12; m. at Sudbury, Dec. 19, 1745, Eliza- beth Bruce ; six children born at Lincoln, Mass. 6. David^° Sherman, b. at Sudbury, July 20, 1714; m. (1) Ruth F.; m. (2), at Weston, Mass., Mar. 7, 1754, Lydia Phillips, daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Dix) Phillips, b. at Weston, Mass., June 27, 1719. He d. at Sudbury, May 20, 1765. 7. Elizabeth^" Sherman, b. at Sudbury, Feb. 12, 1716/17. 8. Jonas^° Sherman, b. 1718; d. 1718. 9. Child." b. at Sudbury, July 22, 1719; d. July 23, 1719. 10. Child," b. at Sudbury, Nov. 28, 1720; d. Nov. 29, 1720. His (Edward's) will dated May 25, 1759, proved Middlesex Co., 1765, mentions sons Joseph and David, daughter Elizabeth, son Jonathan, grandson Edward, granddaughter Eunice Bellows unmarried and granddaughter Esther Sherman, daughter of son David. Witnesses : Ebenezer, Elisha and Millicent Cutler. HI. Joseph'^ Sherman, b. Feb. 8, 1679/80, of Watertown, Surveyor. IV. Samuel^ Sherman, b. at Watertown, Nov. 28, 1682; m. Abiah Paine. She d. at Maiden, Mass., Dec. 28, 1722. Child : 1. Mary" Sherman, b. at Maiden, Sept. 27, 1718; m. June 4, 1744, James Whittemore. V. Jonathan^ Sherman, b. at Watertown, Feb. 24, 1684, Blacksmith; m. Elizabeth Cutler, daughter of Timo- thy and Elizabeth (Hilton) Cutler, b. at Charlestown, Jan. 7, 1764/5. Children: 1. Timothy" Sherman, b. Mar. 19, 1707; d. at Charlestown, Apr. 3, 1710. Sherman Genealogy 133 2. Elizabeth^" Sherman, d. young. 3. Rebecca^" Sherman, m. Nov. 22, 1731, Isaac Jud- son. VI. Ephraim^ Sherman, b. Mar. 16, 1685; d. Sept. 20, 1686. VII. EHzabeth^ Sherman, b. July 15, 1687; m. Stephens. VIII. Martha^ Sherman, bap. Sept. 1, 1689; m. Rev. Benja- min Shattuck. 40 IX. William^ Sherman, b. June 28, 1692. X. Sarah^ Sherman, b. June 2, 1694. XI. Col. NathanieP Sherman, b. at Watertown, Sept. 19, 1696; m. at Watertown, March 31, 1726, Mary Liver- more, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Cooledge) Liver- more, b. at Watertown, Dec, 1702. Lived in Hassani- misco, afterwards Grafton, Mass. Colonel in the French Wars. Children : 1. Mary" Sherman, b. at Watertown, Dec. 9, 1726; m. Mar. 25, 1748/9, Deacon John Cooper, of Hard- wick. 2. Betty^° Sherman, b. at Watertown, June 14, 1728; m. Capt. James Minot. 3. Martha" Sherman, b. at Watertown, Feb. 16, 1729/30; m. Feb. 6, 1752, Jacob Stephens. 4. Nathaniel" Sherman, b. at Grafton, Mar. 4, 1732/3. In Revolutionary War, First Lieutenant in Capt. Luke Drury's Company, Gen. Ward's Regi- ment, 1775. m. (1) Apr. 9, 1760, Abigail Lyon, daughter of Josiah and Deborah (Fisher) Lyon; m. (2) Aug. 15, 1790, Polly Stearns; six children, born at Grafton. 5. Milicent" Sherman, b. at Grafton, Apr. 10, 1734; m. Oct. 30, 1765. Ezekiel Bingham. She d. Sept. 4, 1803. 6. Asaph^° Sherman, b. at Grafton. Aug. 22, 1736; d. July 22. 1740. 7. Sarah" Sherman, b. at Grafton, Oct. 30, 1738. 8. Asaph" Sherman, b. at Grafton, Mar. 6, 1741 ; m. July 14, 1762, Lucy Whitney. He d. 1810. 134 Sherman Genealogy 9. Prudence^" Sherman, b. at Grafton, June 22, 1745; m. Dec. 20, 1770, Joseph Perry, Junior. 39. JOHN* SHERMAN (34. Samuel,^ Edmund," Edmund,' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), of Stratford, Conn., b. at Stratford, Feb. 8, 1650/1. Deacon in the Congregational Church. Moved to Woodbury, Conn., Town Clerk there 25 years. Captain of Train Band of Woodbury, May, 1711. Deputy for Woodbury, 1699-1701 ; 1704-1712. Speaker of the House 1711, 1712. Assistant, 1713-1722. Judge of Pro- bate Oct., 1719 to May, 1728, when he resigned. Judge of County Court, 44 years from 1684. m. Elizabeth . He d. at Woodbury, Dec. 13, 1730. She d. at Woodbury, Oct. 1, 1744. His will dated Sept. 14, 1730, was proved Jan. 18, 1730/31, at Woodbury. Children born at Woodbury: I. Hannah" Sherman, bap. July 18, 1680; m. Jan. 8, 1706/7, Josiah Chittenden. She d. July 30, 1744. II. Samuel" Sherman, bap. Aug. 13, 1682. Deacon, m. Dec. 22, 1709, Mary Knowles; d. Feb. 25, 1757. III. Elizabeth" Sherman, bap. Oct. 12, 1684; m. Roger Terrill, of New Milford, Conn., July 23, 1713; d. Apr. 15, 1747. 41 IV. John" Sherman, bap. June 17, 1687. V. Sarah" Sherman, bap. Jan. 19, 1689/90; m. Dec. 18, 1718, Benjamin Hinman. VI. Mary" Sherman, bap. Mar. 20, 1691/2; m. Jan. 15, 1715/16, Rev. Anthony Stoddard. VII. Susanna" Sherman, bap. Nov. 25, 1694; m. June 4, 1722, David Noble. VIII. Ichabod" Sherman, b. Apr. 27, 1700. d. Jan. 20, 1760, unm. 40. WILLIAM" SHERMAN (38. Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), Cordwainer and Farmer, of Watertown, Charlestown, Newton and Stoughton, Mass., born at Watertown, June 28, 1692. "1692, William Sherman Sonn of Joseph & Elezibeth Sherman, borne the: 28th: day of June" (Watertown Records 1st Sherman Genealogy 135 book), m. (1) July 15, 1714, Rebecca Cutler, daughter of Timothy, blacksmith, ensign in King Philip War, 1676, and Elizabeth (Hilton) Cutler, of Charlestown ; bap. 10 (12), 1689/90 (Feb. 10, 1690). She d. at Charlestown, Jan. 22, 1714-15, leaving a son William, b. Jan. 21, 1714/15, who died soon. "Rebekah Cutler daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth bap. Feb. 10, 1689-90" (Charlestown Records). "Will™ Shearman and Rebecca Cutler joined in marriage before Reverend Simon Bradstreet, Minister, July 15, 1714" (ibid) "William Shearman, son of William and Rebeka, born Jan. 21, 1714-15. Died early." "Rebekah Shearman, wife of William Shearman, died Jan. 22, 1714-15, in her 25th year" (ibid). He m. (2), at Watertown, Sept. 13, 1715, Mehetabel Wellington, of Watertown, b. Feb. 26, 1687/8, bap. Mar. 4, 1687/8. "William Shearman, of Charleston & Mehetabel Wellington of Watertown were joyned in marriage Septem- ber 13th, 1715, by Jonas Bond Justice of ye Peace" (Water- town Records, p. 44). She was daughter of Benjamin Well- ington, b. at Watertown, about 1646, d. there January 8, 1709/10. Will dated July 13, 1709, proved Jan. 30, 1709-10. He (Benjamin), m. Dec. 7, 1671, Elizabeth Sweetman, eldest daughter of Thomas and Isabel Sweetman of Cambridge, b. Jan. 16, 1645/6. Benjamin Wellington was son of Roger Wellington, a planter, of Watertown, b. about 1609 in Eng- land, d. in Watertown, Mar. 11, 1697/8. Will dated Dec. 17, 1697, proved Apr. 11, 1698. He m. Mary Palgrave, eldest daughter of Dr. Richard Palgrave, of Charlestown, who d. 1651. Will dated June 4, 1651, proved 1651. Inventory dated Oct. 1, 1651 i303-0-8. His wife was Anna. She was of Stepney, Middlesex, England, Mar. 27, 1656. She re- turned and d. at Roxbury, Mass., 17 (1) 1668/9 (Mar. 17, 1669). Her will dated at Roxbury, Mar. 11, 1668/9, was proved May 13, 1669. William^ Sherman moved to New- ton, and in 1723 to the part of Dorchester afterwards Stoughton, and purchased land there in 1725. He d. at Stoughton, Mar. 20, 1740/41, intestate, and was buried there in what is now Canton. By Act of the Province of Massa- chusetts Bay, passed Dec. 22, 1726, that part of Dorchester lying South of the dividing line betwixt the north and south 136 Sherman Genealogy precinct together with the lands beyond the said south pre- cinct in Dorchester were set off and constituted a separate township by the name of Stoughton. By deed dated Aug. 10, 1732, acknowledged Aug. 17, 1732, and May 11, 1733, and recorded in Suffolk County Registry of Deeds, Sept. 24, 1733, in Liber 47, foHo 281, Amos Ahatton and others "residing in Puncapoag an Indian Plantation within the Township of Stoughton formerly Dorchester * * * and the native or Indian Proprietors of the Land within the said plantation" for themselves and the other Indians interested therein, by virtue of a grant of the General Court in the year 1725 and in considera- tion of £160, conveyed to John Wentworth and William Sher- man both of Stoughton, 270 acres of land in the Southern part of said plantation. A memorial of John Wentworth and William Sherman of Stoughton, to the General Court to revive a vote passed in Feb., 1734, and to have some person appointed to re- ceive their money for the purchase of lands sold to them by the Indians, was read and on Sept. 13, 1734, the Court granted the petition and ordered that Amos Ahanton and the other Indian proprietors of Puncapoag were empowered to execute a deed of the 279 acres mentioned in the petition which is not orchard land, and under special improvement of the Indians, to the said John Wentworth and William Sherman, that John Quincy Esqr. and others inspect the survey and see that the deed is agreeable there- to and so certify thereon and that said purchasers pay to John Quincy Esq. Trustee for the Indian affairs at Puncapoag £180- 4s. which is inclusive of one year's interest of £170, the memo- rialists having had the profits of the premises for the year past (Acts and Resolves of Mass., Chap. 91, Vol. XII, p. 43). By deed dated Oct. 14, 1734, acknowledged Oct. 14 and 21, 1734, and recorded Nov. 4, 1734, in said Registry in Liber 49, Folio 172, Amos Ahauton and others of Punkapoag, Indian pro- prietors in behalf of themselves and other Indians interested, by license of the General Court and in consideration of £170 paid to John Quincy Esq. Trustee for Indian affairs, to and for the use of the Indians, conveyed and confirmed to John Wentworth and William Sherman said 270 acres in their possession by virtue of said deed dated Aug. 10, 1732, one half part of the premises to Wentworth and the other half part to Sherman. '/ Of tht Eclipjii ftr Itf rttr 1755; TH F K K »jll Iw fgsr EclipTa il.ii Vnr, two of tie Si«h ', ■rd cwo of the Mm*, in tlx follofrltg Ordc fccoiul wDI be of ihe Mcoia, ACrri 27. vliblt. Clkutaled •* foUowi, 'xi%. Bctie&.nf — — — Middle ' — End ■ ■^ 9 '11 BlBg. .Act^^rding to Od/tf/i, 43 Minaici fooocr. fU Tkeibinl iioribcSuN. ^/^/Ml/r 6iii fstt } in the Morning, iaviftbh. JV. The foutb tn/ua ii ol tU M' part*o/lt*ilIbe*ifible. *" C«)cttlited ts foUow), ■ BrcibBiflK Miad]« — TUeifon fell Pigiu eclipsed Tib!a» Ub Eclipfe )upp«i>k 30 Minuiei — •— 4 37 J 6 o .> Moniiig^- S S7 J 6 M I prJMttii at New Lo n J u il, 19 /If |» / «M«« (•/.'■«i /if J!™^'-, T^er*! Almaaack f^o/ 1 up Pti (/~i/r Ul) I itItrliJ am Hft^QUkM^ rit Ftunif, Mului firih r,ar 175+; hi tjUMmtnt r,i.,irr h/r ml that 'U-bith 1 eaUnUttd, *W i»Ji^^^trn/, ft f/rBt,J'a>i EjiMBierie firiit r,*r 1751, frtm'mL,af„f m M Al ninack «W ■'I rvi Ljll ijSJi. 5 !>.>■ 7 Morn. J r.ilUJatrt jj l>iy Mo._. New Mooo 12 Day S Mom. || Full.Muon t^Pky loNigbt. M W'[ n..,<,, A'p-flr U'-^lh-. t( 'Srt a: 19,^ if Lola fmlly Kbou( iki> titnr, fclloucd v'.itt a ^ormofSnow. I Ftrlgr. rii.AS. ••VSoa- B. !4. ; ^1. C A-;?*., nri it «/■./. Wodouc d J B aoK (0/ Wir,l£p Scjfon ; but foon cloudi ,-; Q y np. ind perf.ifi ifl p^lt bFii-ti. Sqow .\<, «ty hicfi Tido |7 lii.i Moaii., hmiHU y ij 5 wrwv'd at a fatft • ft 2 R OJ_| ^. i/'a lt PI. 30 5 7 »9 $ 7»» 5 »7 S 'Tii Flavt VcBut tt-iit It Evmng StariMil ihi tlJfi/)%. tiotif, OjUtkat UtndM^Star mtiJ ibt 3d .^^^VtB^, 7rtm t^taa Zvni»i Star ntit tbt Tta UoTenJed wraciicr K. Cs»»i»« 1. belieadtd. Clo|ii;'aB4!>ii>w. belly 14 relrtf SSibigb, S3 "7 48ka« = fctt, HTM 49 3\ -> Jabiea* •rfieart 50I 17 39^ Mr '9 «5 9 >9 10 38 1'. s« 5 54 •« } 4 4* 5 » PAGES OF ROGER SHERMAN ALMANAC FOR 17.S5 Title page of Roger Sherman Almanac, 1756 ^ALM AN ACK For die Yeur of our Lokd CIIiiJST, 1761. Cing the a-a Vcar. after I-liAI'-VE \R. In the 54.--i' Vear of ilie Rcijjn of Kin;; GECRGE H. i^SSj Timeoflligh, Calculated for tlic Meridi.in of liGiiTON', in New-Enol.'.ns>, Latitude 42 De^Kc, 2, Minutes Ni-irrh. ' ' i5y Roger Sherman., HOW lliall o,)- Wiiic in -.roFn UuZsJx^c^. ^^. Our iNorthern .4.nnt^\'^;o'ir and SucteiV ? While I am wriiinj, comci tl.vjo)tul N>\vs, • Which cheari my Heart ; a-ntw inrpiri-s mi- iMufe. Our three brai-e Armies at ,U;?W),-.i/n)ect, A Coiiqiiell o{ Xi-.v-Fn-itn. thtfy iheie complcat. To-GOD, we owe the l-rlunmb.s of the Jai, ; NEW-FRANCE fubinit! to CEOUGE's ^.-.ti' ;:«-., ' May hElVlS, thai jiroud Tyr.-mt, never mt.i Bear any R ul e iip9n th>- K orihcrn Slr.tr. . B O S 7 O xV ; ,Nti~ii,vcL-iKU : ^ Printed by D. and [. X.vn!i.aND, for U. Hcvchkak. J.Kdwards, M. Dennis, J. Winter, T.lEvta.';TT, and S. We^b. 1761. Title Page, Roger Sherman Almanac, Boston, 1761 HOUSE OF HON. ROGER SHERMAN Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. Now altered into stores Porrinwer made l)y Hurd. Presented by Mercy Prescott, to Rebecca Prescott, 1742 Now owned by Mrs. C. E. W. McDonald Sherman Genealogy 137 Apr. 19, 1735, on petition of Joseph Tucker, and other inhabi- tants of Dorchester and Stoughton, showing that there are great contentions between petitioners and others with reference to the Indian lands at Puncapaug, which have occasioned great expense in law, the General Court ordered that Thomas Gushing Esqr. and others be a committee to repair to Stoughton and hear the peti- tioners and John Wentworth and William Sherman on their sev- eral pretensions referring to the Indian lands at Puncapaug, that the Committee examine the Indian deeds, leases and plots, have the lands surveyed and report to the Court what they judge proper to be done on this petition as also in the affair of John Wentworth and William Sherman and that the petitions and re- port of John Quincy Esq. and Mr. Oxenbridge Thacher referring to Sherman and Wentworth's purchasing the Indian land be ac- cordingly referred. (Acts and Resolves Chap. 261, Vol. XII, p. 119.) The Committee so appointed in Apr., 1735, reported on June 8, 1735, that they had viewed the lands, examined the deeds &c. and heard the parties, and were of opinion that the report of the Committee appointed in Sept., 1734, to inspect the survey of 270 acres (a deed whereof had been executed by Amos Ahauton and others Indian proprietors of Puncapaug to John Wentworth and William Sherman) be accepted and the 270 acres conveyed by the deed be confirmed to said Wentworth and Sherman provided the land did not extend beyond certain limits and the General Court ordered July 2, 1735, that the report be accepted and that John Quincy Esq. Trustee &c. be desired to imploy at interest, the consideration money of £170 and distribute the interest to the Indians (Acts and Resolves, Vol. XII, p. 168, Chap. 97). At the time of his death William Sherman had in all 109 acres of land. His grave stone in the Canton Cemetery has this inscription : HERE LIES Y BODY OF Mt WILLIAM SHERMAN WHO DEPARTED T^IS LIFE MARCH Y 20 1741 IN Y 49*'? YEAR OF HIS AGE. 138 Sherman Genealogy A foot stone has on it Ml WILLIAM SHERMAN. The date is New Style and the stone was probably made after the change from Old to New Style in 1752. Letters of administration were issued by the Probate Court of Suffolk County, Apr. 21, 1741, to Mehetabel Sherman, the widow. Her bond in £1200. dated that day was executed by her (signed "Mehetbel Sherman"), and by John Wentworth, hus- bandman and William Wheeler, House-wright, both of Stoughton, as sureties and was witnessed by Roger Sherman and John Payne. July 27, 1741, John Wentworth, William Wheeler and Sion Morse were sworn as appraisers. The inventory is as follows : "A True Inventory of all &c Singular the Goods & Chattels of William Sherman Cordwainer Late of Stoughton Deceased. Prized at Stoughton July the Twenty Eighth Anno Domini 1741 By John Wentworth William Wheeler & Sion Morse all of Stoughton. Imprimis His Apparel & Books 06 — 07 — Item, his Shoomakers Tools 01 05 Item, his Husbandry Tools 04 l.? Item, a Grind Stone 00 15 D Two Beds & Beding 13 00 Three Spinning Wheels & a pair of cards 01 00 His Chairs 00 13 His Chests & Tables 01 02 His Pewter 05 14 A Box iron & candle Sticks 00 07 A Looking Glass 01 05 An Iron Pot & Kettle 00 15 Two Tramels 00 12 A Brass Kettel & Skillet 04 00 Wooden Vessels 01 05 A Pair of Tongs & Fire Shovel 00 06 An Iron Goose & 60 Hatchel Teeth 00 15 A meal Bag & Sive 00 05 A Warming Pan 00 15 Sherman Genealogy 139 Three Baskets 00 03 Two Pound & an half of Hay Seed 00 05 Three Cows 27 00 Two Stears & an Heifer 18 00 To 1650 feet of oak Boards Planks & Slitwork 06 12 His House & home Stead containing 7Z acres of land 450 00 A lot of Land called the House Leg containing 36 acres 108 00 John Wentworth Sum Total £654 15 William Wheeler Sion Morse." This inventory was presented by the administratrix and sworn to by her and the appraisers Aug. 7, 1741. On file is a letter from William Sherman as follows : "Stoughton Novemr ye 11th 1741 To the Honbl Josiah Willard Esqr Judge of the Probate for the County of Suffolk This is to Inform your Honr that I am freely willing that the Estate of my Father William Sherman Cordwainer late of Stoughton aforsd Dec'd should be settled upon my Brother Roger Sherman Your Humble Servant William Sherman" The appraisers certified to the Probate Judge that they were acquainted with the land of William Sherman Cordwainer, de- ceased, and in their judgment it was not sufficient for more than one settlement, and would not admit of a division without great damage to the whole. On June 29, 1742, the Probate Judge made an order reciting that it had been represented to him that the real estate of Will- iam Sherman, Cordwainer, deceased, intestate, would not admit of a division among all his children without great damage to the whole, and that it will not make more than one settlement, and directing and empowering John Wentworth, William Wheeler and Sion Morse, freeholders, to make a just and true appraise- ment of the real estate of said William Sherman. These ap- 140 Sherman Genealogy praisers were sworn July 6, 1742. They made a report dated July 28, 1742. that the real estate consisting of one dwelling house and two lots of land, one containing by estimation 7^ and the other 36 acres, is worth i558 old tenor. Sept 14, 1742, the administratrix presented an additional inventory of two items, as follows : One Bed & Beding " 12—00—00 Two Sheep 02—00—00 il4 This was sworn to by the administratrix and the appraisers. On Sept. 14, 1742, the widow presented and filed and the court allowed her account as administratrix, in which she charged herself with receipts amounting to £706.11.10. This included the real estate valued at £558. She was credited with payments aggregating il28.14.9. These included funeral charges £13.1.5.; to Dr. James Girald £1.5; to Dr. McDelhond £4.10; to Joseph Heart well £6.14. The widow's signature to the account is "Mehetabe Sherman." There is also on file the bond of Roger Sherman, Cordwainer, as principal and John Shepard, Gentle- man, and Eleazar May, husbandman, all of Stoughton, to the Probate Judge of Suffolk County in £1116. "Bills of credit of the old Tenour." Dated Nov. 26, 1742. The condition of this bond is that, "whereas the real estate of William Sherman, Cord- wainer, deceased, intestate, cannot admit of a division among all his children without great damage thereto, and the said estate having been appraised at the sum of Five hundred & fifty eight Pounds old Tenour is assigned unto his son Roger Sherman, the above bounden he paying thereout unto his Brothers & Sisters or their Legal Representatives their Rateable Parts of the Ap- praised value thereof. That is to say, to William Sherman, Eldest son of the Deced. the sum of Ninety three Pounds as his Double Portion thereof and to The rest of the deced's Children namely Nathaniel Sherman, Josiah Sherman, Mehitabel Battles, Eliza Sherman & Rebecca Sherman or their Legal Representa- tives the sum of Forty Six Pounds & ten Shillings apiece in Bills of Publick Credit on or before" Nov. 26, 1743, with interest at the rate of £10 per cent per annum, and at and upon the death Sherman Genealogy 141 of their mother or other the determination of her term in the premises, "the said Roger Paying unto his said Brother William the further sum of Forty six Pounds ten Shillings, and to the rest of the said Deceds Children or their Legal Representatives the sum of twenty three pounds five shillings a piece old Tenour, to complete their respective portions of and their said Father's Real Estate," and if said Roger Sherman fulfill the decree of said Judge of Probate by paying said sum of money with interest "without Fraud Coven or Delay," the obligation to be void. This obligated him to pay a total of £488 — 5s. On file with the Probate Court is a receipt dated at Dedliam, June 1, 1743, signed by John Battel and Mehetable Battel at- tested by Mathew Hastings and Nathanael Sherman, acknowledg- ing receipt "from our Brother Roger Sherman late of Stoughton" of £46. "being full of our due of Real Estate of our Hono Father William Sherman Late of Stoughton decesd. except what will become Due to us after the Decease our Hono mother of her Dower Agreable to the Settlement made by the Honorable Judge of Probate." There is also on file a similar receipt by Elizabeth Sherman for £73. which, with what she had before received, was in full of her share of the real and personal estate of her father, except what would become due after the death of her mother. This is dated New Dilleway (part of New Milford, Conn.), Apr. 1, 1748, and is witnessed by Mehetabel Sherman and Nathanael Sherman. Roger sold the real estate for £157. 10s, and conveyed it by deed dated Dec. 23, 1742, hereinafter men- tioned. In this deed he is described as "cordwainer." Mehetabel Sherman, the widow, d. at New Haven, Conn., Apr. 12, 1776. The inscription on her tombstone in the New Haven Burial Ground on Grove Street is as follows : In Memory of Mrs. MEHETABEL SHER- MAN Relict of Mr. WILLIAM SHERMAN of Stoughton She was born at Watertown Feb 26th. 167/8 O. S. & died April 12th. 1776 N. S. in the 89th Year of her age. 142 Sherman Genealogy She was youngest daughter of Benjamin WelHngton son of Roger Wellington who came from England to Watertown N Eng- land about the Year 1635. A family Bible of his son Hon. Roger Sherman, printed in 1768, contains a record of William Sherman's family, the names of the children and of the months of birth being in a cipher. This record is mainly in the handwriting of Roger and most of it was probably copied or compiled from earlier records. It is as fol- lows: "William Sherman of Watertown born June 1692. He died at Stoughton Mar. 20th 1741. Mehetabel Wellington born at Watertown Feb. 26th 1688 or 1687. She married to William Sherman 1715. Died at New Haven Apr. 12. 1776 their children are the following: William Sherman born March 20, 1717. O. S. March 31 N. S. Died April 20th, 1756. Mehetabel, born November 26, 1718 O. S. December 7, N. S. Roger Sherman born April 19, 1721 O. S. April 30 N. S. Died July 23rd 1793, 6.40 P. M. Elizabeth born July 17, 1723 O. S. July 28, N. S. Nathaniel born March 5, 1726 O. S. March 16 N. S. Died July 18th, 1797. Josiah born April 1, 1729 O. S. April 12, N. S. Died Nov"". 25, 1789 10 h. 20 m. Rebekah born July 30, 1731 O. S. August 10 N. S." The dates of death were apparently written by Roger Sher- man, Jr. Children by first wife: I. William^" Sherman, b. Jan. 21, 1714/15; d. soon. By second wife: H. William^" Sherman, b. at Watertown, Mar. 20, 1717/18 O. S. Merchant, New Milford, Conn. He came there in 1740, owned land there and was in business for several years with his brother Roger in a building on the site of the present Town Hall. m. Apr. 18, 1743, Ruth Terrill, daughter of Nathan and Sherman Genealogy 143 Ruth (Buck) Terrill, b. at New Milford, Nov. 22, 1724. He d. in New Milford, Apr. 20, 1756. No is- sue. His grave stone in New Milford Old Burying Ground has this inscription: "Here Lyes y^ Body of Mr. William Sherman April who Died March y* 20th A.D. 1756: Aged 39 Years & 20 days He was the Son of William Sherman which was the Son of Joseph Sherman which was the Son of John Sherman of Watertown." The word "March" is partially erased and the word "April" is cut in the stone over it. He d. intestate. May 5, 1756, on the application of his brother Roger Sherman Esqr. and his widow Ruth Sherman, the Probate Court held at Woodbury, Conn., granted Letters of Administration to them, they giving a recognizance in £100 each. On June 1, 1756, they exhibited in Court and swore to an in- ventory, the estate having been appraised by Capt. Nathan Botch- ford, and Mr. Amos North of New Milford, and sworn to by them May 11, 1756. This includes his apparel £13-12-6; money, goods and merchandise in the shop and elsewhere; furniture, "The house lot 3 acres and the buildings on it" £115 "Two acres & 128 rods of land on town hill at 20 s. pr. acre £2-16-0" total £381-0-9 1/4 "On Sept. 20, 1756, Mr. Roger Sherman, Adminis- trator, appeared in Court and exhibited an agreement of all con- corned in the estate, which was accepted as a full settlement of the estate, it being noted that Ruth Sherman, administratrix in conjunction with Deacon Roger Sherman, has signified to the Court her desire of being released from her above sd. care, sd. Deacon Sherman consenting to take the whole burden on himself, hereupon the Court discharged sd. Ruth Sherman from her ad- ministration and her bond." The agreement is dated Sept. 11, 1756. It is in the handwriting of Roger Sherman. The original 144 Sherman Genealogy is in the Connecticut State Library at Hartford. It states that William Sherman, late of New Milford, died intestate having no children, wherefore by law his estate remains to be divided among Ruth Sherman, widow and relict of the deceased, and the brothers and sisters of the deceased, viz. : Roger Sherman of New Milford, Nathaniel Sherman of Bedford, Josiah Sherman of Woburn, Mass., Mehetabel Battel, wife of John Battel of Ded- ham, Mass. ; Elizabeth Buck, wife of James Buck and Rebekah Hartwell, wife of Joseph Hartwell, both of New Milford, who being all of full age and legally capable to act agree to settle and divide the estate as follows : the real estate, being a dwelling house and three acres of land in New Milford and two acres and 128 rods of land in New Milford, apprized in the whole at ill7-16-0, to belong to Roger, and the goods, chattels and credits amount to £1731-9-8 and the debts appear to be in the whole £1267-8-6; and also agree to allow to Roger for his services and expenses as administrator £126-0. There remains of the per- sonal estate after deducting debts and charges of administration £338-1-2 to be divided among the heirs, one half of which be- longs to the widow Ruth Sherman and the other half to be equally divided among the other heirs, the said Ruth in con- sideration of her said share hath received the household goods and one cow and she hath also received of Roger security for the payment of £195 which she accepts in full settlement of her share in the personal estate and also for her dower in the said real estate and in consideration thereof she releases and quit claims all dower unto Roger; Roger hath also paid and secured to be paid unto Nathaniel, Josiah, Mehetabel, Elizabeth and Rebekah, to each of them £53. which they accept as their full shares of the real and personal estate and they and John Battel, James Buck and Joseph Hartwell release and quit claim all their right title and interest in the real and personal estate to Roger and he, for the consideration aforesaid, covenants with the rest of the heirs to pay all the debts due from the estate, the other heirs having given sufficient security to refund their rateable parts of all such debts as may hereafter appear to be due from the estate above the sum above mentioned. Signed by all the parties Mehetabel and Rebekah signing by mark. Witnesses Jeremiah Fisher, Abigail Battel [by mark] Eunice Buck, Lois Yale President's house on present site of Farnam Hal House, Crown Street, New Haven, of President Jeremiah Day and Prof. Thomas A. Thacher p J ./: ... ■ - 1/ ,.,.') X//,y^ /. 'V/' /J-^ ^i* ^.y '^./.e^ r^/X^t^f :f-y<*..y. ^ ,-ii. |::Vv-: 'Z. >Ui^/. /^ .^ ►T^t* » Will o( Jonathan Law, fatlicr of Sarah (Law) Sherman. Mrs. William Sherman, 1780 Rev. Benjamin Prescott House, Danvers, now Peabody, Mass., in which Hon. Roger Sherman and Rebecca Prescott were married by her grandfather. May 12, 1763 Parlor in Rev. Benjamin Prescott House, Danvers, now Peabody, Mass., where Hon. Roger Sherman and Rebecca Prescott were married May 12, 1763 Chair of Rev. Rcnjamin Prcscott. In possession of Historical Society, Peabody, Mass. Roger Sherman houses on Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. Sherman Genealogy 145 Terrill, Paul Welch and John Hartwell. Acknowledged at Ded- ham Mass. Sept. 11, 1756 by Roger, Nathaniel, Josiah, John and Mehetabel Battel; at New Milford Sept. 17, 1756 by James and Elizabeth Buck and at New Milford Sept. 18, 1756 by Ruth Sher- man and Joseph and Elizabeth Hartwell. Ruth Sherman, the widow, m. (2), at New Milford, Sept. 28, 1756, as his second wife, Deacon and Lieutenant of the New Milford Train Band, Benjamin Gaylord, son of William and Johanna (Minor) Gay- lord, born Sept. 12, 1721, and d. at New Milford, Apr. 6, 1792. She d. Mar. 28, 1784 without issue. Her grave stone in the bury- ing ground at Gaylordsville near New Milford. has this inscrip- tion: "In Memory of Mrs. Ruth the wife of Deacon Benjamin Gaylord who departed this life March the 28 1784 ^tas 60 years." in. MehetabeP" Sherman, b. Nov. 26, 1718, O. S. m. at Dedham, Mass., John Battel, of Dedham, who d. Nov. 18, 1800. "Marryed by ye Revd. Mr. Sam" Dexter, JohnI Battle and Mehitable Shermon, both of Dedham, April 26, 1739" (Dedham Records). Children, born at Dedham: 1. John" Battel, b. Oct. 11, 1741. 2. Mehetabel" Battel, b. Dec. 25, 1743; m. Moses Richards, Dec. 8, 1762. 3. Olive" Battel, b. June 5, 1746; d. Oct. 22, 1754. 4. William" Battel, b. Aug. 12, 1748; d. Feb. 29, 1832. He m. (1) Sarah Buckingham, who d. Sept. 18, 1806. m. (2) Martha " (Sherman) Mit- chell, widow of Rev. Justus Mitchell and daughter of Rev. Josiah^'' Sherman, b. Dec. 8, 1758; d. Oct. 24, 1829. 5. Unity" Battel, b. June 6, 1751 ; d. Sept. 20, 1754. 6. Josiah" Battel, b. July 15, 1756. 146 Sherman Genealogy 42 IV. Hon. Roger ^° Sherman, b. at Newton, Apr. 19, 1721, O. S. V. Elizabeth" Sherman, b. July 17, 1723, O. S. m. James Buck, of New Milford, son of Enoch and Mary (Beebe) Buck, Feb. 24, 1748/9. (Memorandum in book owned by her brother Roger Sherman.) He was b. Mar. 24, 1725/6, and d. Jan. 28, 1793. She d. Jan. 9, 1793. Children: 1. Ruth^i Buck, b. Dec. 28, 1749; d. January 20, 1830, unm. 2. Samuel" Beebe Buck, b. Sept. 21, 1751 ; m. Aug. 31, 1775, Hannah Fairchild, b. Feb. 20, 1753; d. Sept. 26, 1825. He d. at New Preston, Conn., Mar. 26, 1834. Nine children. 3. Mehitable" Buck, b. Dec. 6, 1753; m. Samuel Gregory. 4. Josiah" Buck, b. Jan. 25, 1756; m. Mary Towner. He d. July 15, 1813. Seven children. 5. Jerusha^^ Buck, b. Mar. 1, 1758; m. Ebenezer Sanford. 6. Elizabeth" Buck, b. Feb. 14, 1760; m. John Tur- rill. 7. Asaph" Buck, b. Apr. 21. 1762; m, Sept. 7, 1788, Phebe Wainwright, of Stratford. He d. Mar. 10, 1848. Six children. 8. William" Sherman Buck, b. Feb. 17, 1764; m. Barentha York. 9. Salmon" Buck, b. May 19, 1766; m. Mar. 5, 1794, Urana Beecher. He d. Aug. 10, 1851. One son. 10. Hannah" Buck, b. May 15, 1768; m. Jared Tur- rill. 43 VI. Rev. Nathaniel" Sherman, b. Mar. 5, 1726/7, O. S. 44 VII. Rev Josiah" Sherman, b. at Stoughton, Apr. 1, 1729, O. S. VIII. Rebecca^" Sherman, b. July 30, 1731. O. S. ; m. May 24, 1751, Joseph Hartwell. Junior, .son of Deacon Joseph and Mary (Tolman) Hartwell, b. 1735, and d. at New Milford, Apr. 11, 1818, aged 83 years Sherman Genealogy 147 (grave stone). She d. in Yates County, New York, in 1821, aged 90. She was separated from her hus- band, and her brother Hon. Roger Sherman, wrote a letter to her as follows : '"Philadelphia January 18'^ 1792 Dear Sister I have for a long time been waiting for an opportunity to write to you and have now obtained one by favour of Mr. Phelps who has undertaken to forward this to you. I was at your house at New Milford in September last. Brother Hartwell and your children were then in health. I saw your daughter Gaylord who lives in the house with Deacon Gaylord. She told me that your friends there were all well. Brother Hartwell appears to live a lonesome life in your absence he says he was not willing that you should go so long a journey He says that he does not expect to come and accompany you home, nor does he know that you would be willing to come if he should — he came to New Haven once on purpose to ask my advice about the matter. It ap- pears to me that it will be best for you to return home as soon as you can have the company of any friend. I should be willing to assist you if it was in my power — Your husband and you have lived together a great number of years and by your joint industry have acquired a good estate — and brought up a family of children who are all married and settled in families by themselves, and now you might be mutual com- forts to each other in the decline of life and enjoy the fruits of your industry, and dwell together as heirs of the grace of life as an inspired Apostle enjoins. I fear that if you should continue absent from your husband till the expiration of three years he will despair of your returning and obtain a divorce. I hope you will find means to come home soon I would give ten dollars toward the expence to any friend that shall assist you in coming home — You would not I believe be willing to be forever seperated from your husband and be considered as the blameable cause of it — I have been at Phila- delphia attending Congress about three months, and expect to continue here till the middle of next month — I wish you would send me a letter to this place, to let me know how you 148 Sherman Genealogy do and what wishes or prospects you have of coming home — I received a letter from home this week & my family were well. I am your affectionate Brother Roger Sherman Mrs. Rebecca Sherman" "Substance of a letter to Sister Hartwell" written on the back of the letter. Children born at New Milf ord : 1. Mary" Hartwell, b. Sept. 30, 1752; m. Aug. 7, 1769, Abel Botsford, of New Milford, b. Sept. 6, 1747; d. 1817. 2. Ruth" Hartwell, b. Mar. 6, 1755 ; m. June 30, 1774, Nathan Gaylord, of New Milford, b. Dec. 7, 1748 ; d. July 29, 1806. She d. May 10, 1804. 3. Sarah" Hartwell, b. June 15, 1757; m. (1) Feb. 20, 1778, Peter Gaylord, b. July 27, 1751 ; d. Sept. 28, 1793. She m. (2) Merwin. She d. Oct. 13, 1847. 4. Samuel" Hartwell, b. Apr. 13, 1760; m. EHzabeth Wilkinson, b. Dec. 6, 1760; d. aged 90. He d. 1851. 5. Elizabeth" Hartwell, b. Apr. 24, 1763 ; m. Benja- min Stone, Junior, of New Milford. b. 1760; d. Apr. 11, 1823. She d. May 9, 1800. 6. Joseph" Hartwell, b. Mar. 7, 1766; m. (1) Rachel Stone, b. 1767; d. Nov. 12, 1837. m. (2) Barbara Farvour. He d. Jan. 1, 1845. 7. Isaac" Hartwell, b. June 14, 1768; m. Mary Pitcher, b. 1771; d. Mar. 7, 1856. He d. May 8, 1855. 8. Rebecca" Hartwell, b. Aug. 1, 1770. m. May 14, 1788, Nathan Botsford Buckingham, son of Ben- jamin and Ann (Botsford) Buckingham, b. July. 1761 ; d. May 26, 1845. She d. Aug. 26, 1847. Three children : 41. JOHN" SHERMAN (39. John,*' Samuel,^ Edmund." Ed- mund,"' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^). Bap. at Wood- bury, Conn.. June 17, 1687. Lived in Woodbury. Conn., and Sherman Genealogy 149 d. there May 20, 1727, aged 40 (G. S.). m. at Woodbury July 22, 1714, Emm Preston, daughter of Hachaliah and Emm (Fairchild) Preston, bap. at Woodbury, Mar. 3, 1688/9. He d. intestate. Adm. June 20, 1729, to his widow and Samuel Sherman, Jr. Inventory June 28, 1727. Dis- tribution May 12, 1732. Children born at Woodbury: I. Daughter", d. Apr. 20, 1715. II. Jerusha^° Sherman, b. Sept. 15, 1716. Bap. Sept. 23, 1716. m. Nov. 26, 1741, Joseph Judson. III. Damaris^o Sherman, b. Feb. 14, 1719/20. Bap. Feb. 15, 1719/20. m. July 10, 1745, Nathan Judson. She d. Feb. 18, 1760. 45 IV. Daniel" Sherman, b. Aug. 14, 1721. Bap. Aug. 20, 1721. V. Matthew^" Sherman (twin), b. Jan. 8, 1723/4. Bap. Jan. 12, 1723/4. d. at Danbury, Conn., Oct. 19, 1744. VI. Mary" Sherman (twin), b. Jan. 8, 1723/4. Bap. Jan. 12, 1723/4, d. Mar. 29, 1724. Aged 11 weeks. VII. Mary" Sherman, b. July 7, 1726. Bap. July 10, 1726. 42. HON. ROGERS" SHERMAN (40. William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,'' Henry, ^ Henry,^ Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^). b. in the eastern part of Newton, Mass., on present Waverly Avenue, April 19, 1721 O. S. He was named for his great grandfather Roger Wellington. A stone marks the ap- proximate place of his birth. It has this inscription: NEAR THIS SPOT WAS BORN ON APRIL 19 1721 ROGER SHERMAN SELF TAUGHT SCHOLAR, EMINENT JUDGE, MEMBER OF CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE TRUE PATRIOT. ERECTED BY THE LUCY JACKSON CHAPTER D. A. R. 1910 150 Sherman Genealogy Afterwards he lived in Stoughton, Mass., New Milford, Conn., and New Haven, Conn. m. (1) by Rev. Samuel Dunbar, at Stoughton, Nov. 17, 1749, Elizabeth Hartwell, b. at Stoughton, Mass., Aug. 31, 1726, daughter of Deacon Joseph, b. Aug. 11, 1698, d. Feb. 6, 1786, and Mary (Tolman) Hartwell, of Stough- ton, b. Oct. 4, 1697, d. Nov, 10, 1782. They were married Decem- ber 8, 1725. The marriage intention of Hon. Roger was entered Nov. 1, 1749. The record of the marriage is as follows : "The Fol- lowing Persons Were Married by ye Rev"^ M"" Samauel Dunbar of Stoughton * * * 1749, November 17th Roger Sherman of New Milford in Connecticut & Elizabeth Hartwell of Stoughton." She d. at New Milford, Oct. 19, 1760, and was buried there in the old burying place. The record in the family Bible partly in cipher, deciphered is "Elizbth Hrtwel brn Augst 31, 1726. Sept 11 Mrrid by Mr. Dnbr. November 17 1749. Died Ocf 19*^ 1760" Her gravestone says : Here lyes y^ Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Sherman, Wife, to Roger Sherman, Esq""., Who Died October y^ 19t»i 1760 Aged 34 Years. She was Dau**" of M*" Joseph Hartwell of Stoughton. She left no will and no letters of administration on her estate were issued. He m. (2), at Danvers (now Peabody), Mass., May 12, 1763, Rebecca (or as he called her, Rebekah) Prescott, daughter of Benjamin, Jr., and Rebecca (Minot) Prescott, of Salem. Mass.. b. May 20. 1742 O. S. (May 31, N. S.) Benja- min Prescott, Jr.. wasib. at Salem, Mass., Jan. 29. 1717; Harvard B.A., 1736; M.A., 1739; d. Aug. 18, 1778. He m. Aug. 12, 1741. Rebecca Minot, daughter of Col. James and Martha (Lane) Minot. Martha I^ne was daughter of Col. John and Susanna (Whipple) Lane, and was b. Oct. 1. 1694. A silver porringer marked S^M still in the family and now belonging to Mrs. William Kent, was probably the gift of Susanna (Whipple) Lane to her daughter Martha Lane. Rebecca Minot was b. May 15. 1720. and d. Oct. 8. 1761. Benjamin Prescott, Jr.. was son of Sherman Genealogy 151 Rev. Benjamin Prescott, b. Sept. 16, 1687 (Harvard B.A. 1709, M.A., 1712), d. May 28, 1777, and Elizabeth Higginson, daugh- ter of John and Sarah (Gardner) Higginson, of Salem, Mass., b. June 28, 1696; m. Oct. 20, 1715; d. Mar. 20, 1723. Rev. Ben- jamin Prescott was son of Captain Jonathan Prescott, of Con- ^ cord, Mass., b. about 1643; d. Dec. 5, 1721, and Elizabeth Hoar, daughter of John and Alice Hoar, of Concord, Mass., b. ; m. Dec. 23, 1675 ; d. Sept. 25, 1687. Captain Jonathan Prescott was son of John Prescott, of Concord, the immigrant, b. at Standish,/*^ Lancashire, England, about 1604; d. Dec, 1681, and Mary Gaw- kroger or Platts, b. 1607; m. Apr. 11, 1629; d. 1674. The ceremony of the marriage of Roger and Rebecca Sherman was performed by her grandfather, the Rev. Benjamin Prescott, for many years pastor of the parish of the second precinct of Salem, afterwards Danvers, in the parlor of his house, still stand- ing in what is now part of the town of Peabody, Mass. The rec- ord of the marriage in Mr. Sherman's family Bible in his hand- writing is as follows : "Roger Sherman of New Haven & Rebekah Daughter of Benjamin Prescot Jun'' of Danvers were Joyned in Marriage by Benj^ Prescot Esq"" at Danverse May 12'*^ 1763. Said Rebekah was born May 20 1742 O. Stile or May 31 N. S." The New Haven record is as follows : "Roger Sherman Esq"^ of New Haven and M*"^ Rebakah Prescott of Danvers in ye Massa- chusetts Bay were Joyned together in marriage on ye 12**^ Day of May Anno Domini 1763 by Benj. Prescott Jus. of Peace." She d. intestate in New Haven, Apr. 19, 1813, her husband hav- ing been born on Apr. 19, 1721, old style, 92 years before. Her gravestone in New Haven cemetery has this inscription: In Memory of REBEKAH Relict of ROGER SHERMAN She was born May 31 1742 and died April 19 1813 in the 71st year of her age She was the eldest daughter of Benjamin & Rebekah Prescott of Danvers Massachusetts. 152 Sherman Genealogy Letters of administration on her personal estate were issued to her son Roger Sherman in 1813. Inventory exhibited and ap- proved July 1, 1813. Total $5695.70. 3 notes of James Prescott for $800. The administrator's account in his ledger under date of Nov. 7, 1814, shows amount of inventory $5695.70 and 3 notes of James Prescott — Debts &c paid $2104.76; personal estate dis- tributed $2730.94 do. real estate $60 total $4895.70, balance be- ing 3 notes of James Prescott not distributed $800. Mrs. Charles E. W. McDonald (Cornelia E. Barnes) daugh- ter of William E. Barnes, has a silver porringer made by Jacob Hurd, a noted American silversmith (1702-1758), which is marked : M. P. to R. P. and belonged to Rebecca (Prescott) Sherman. It was probably given to her soon after her birth in 1742, by Mercy (Gibbs) Prescott, second wife of Rev. Benjamin Prescott, her grand- father. It afterwards belonged to her daughter Mehetabel (Sherman) Barnes, born in 1774, and later to her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Daniel Barnes, ihe mother of William Evarts Barnes, and was given to his daughter Mrs. McDonald after her birth in 1862. It also has inscribed on it "Mrs. Roger Sherman 1774." and "Mrs. Daniel Barnes 1844." John V. Barnes, the youngest child of Mrs. Barnes, was born in 1844. Rebecca Prescott was, before her marriage to Mr. Sherman, engaged to a young man named Curran, who died. On her marriage, one of her wedding presents was a large silver pepper caster from Sarah Curran, a sister of Mr. Curran, marked: S. C. to R. P. 1763. Sarah Sherman (Mrs. Hoar), Rebecca's youngest child, was named after Sarah Curran. The pepper caster came to the late Miss Sarah Frances Storer and is still owned by the family. The report of distribution of her estate by Nathan Beers and Isaac Townsend, Jr., distributors "of the estate of the widow 13. 3- r '^ X ■-, 4f s ff :::^ ^t ^ \ 14 S- r >v 5 vX f2S'i%:?!«^(»5«-?«iaa« i-*i!f^.Mm&^3imi (3^^/Uti^ . iM'l^yi^^ ////W^ I'^r/M m^///i //ti /n /^/^/f W ///: (2%rA. 'C^ ^ Qp/ma//c^//^ ' ^&r c^/v//* .' y^/^//. '/^/^/^ f"/^^ KL^Mi^^ C'/'VtMSCa. ^tM/^ii*/^ .;a4»5>v J^ ,^'''^'y^^^KOier'U^ry,i /S^ycZ^if >« ^ Z-^ tC^/i.vi^^*t^ m^at^^ C X«u/« -*^i.f/^f//i y^ynyjitffydf^j*/iri/yfte Credentials of Hon. Roger Sherman as U. S. Senator, Juue 13, 1791 Sherman Genealogy 153 Rebekah Sherman" deceased, is dated Aug., 1814. They report that they have distributed sundry clothing & furniture amount- ing as pr. Inventory & apprizement to $403.53 and a right of land in Hamden being an undivided right sett to her in common with her children Martha & Sarah in the distribution of the estate of her husband, the v^hole containing 25 acres and 118 rods, her share in the former distribution as £9 is to £193. and also per- sonal estate as apprized at $2327.31 being the whole estate of the deceased after payment of debts except three notes of James Prescott amounting to $800 not distributed — To the three children of Mrs. Rebecca Baldwin, deceased, eldest daughter, Rebecca, Ebenezer and Roger S. Baldwin, each one share stock in the Eagle Bank, $100.50 each $301.50 1/7 furniture and clothing equally to each, 57.66 Cash 39.54 $398.70 being 1/7 part of the property distributed. To Mrs. Elizabeth Baldwin, second daughter, 3 shares Eagle Bank Stock, $301.50 1/7 clothing and furniture 57.66 Cash 39.54 $398.70 being 1/7 part To Roger Sherman, eldest son, 3 shares Eagle Bank Stock $301.50 1/7 clothing and furniture $57.66 part of Oliver's share do. 8.96 66.62 balance due the estate from him after pay't of Prescott & Sherman & his own amount 21.98 Cash 8.60 being one 1/7. $398.70 154 Sherman Genealogy To Mrs. Mehetable Evarts, third daughter, 3 shares of Eagle Bank Stock, $301.50 1/7 furniture & clothing 57.66 Cash 39.54 $398.70 being 1/7 part. To Oliver Sherman, second son, his note and interest to July 1, 1813, $350.00 part clothing & furniture 48.70 $398.70 being 1/7 part. To Sherman Day, only child of Mrs. Martha Day, deceased, fourth daughter. 3 shares Eagle Bank Stock $301.50 1/7 furniture & clothing 57.66 half of the undivided right of land in Hamden 30. Cash 9.54 $398.70 being 1/7 part. To Mrs. Sarah Hoar, fifth and youngest daughter. 3 shares Eagle Bank Stock $301.50 1/7 furniture & clothing 57.67 half the undivided right of land in Hamden 30. Cash 9.53 $398.70 being 1/7 part. Hon. Roger Sherman lived with his family at Stoughton, working on his father's farm in what it now Canton, and learn- ing from his father his trade of shoemaker or cordwainer, un- til, his father having died on March 20, 1741, he with the family moved to New Milford in June. 1743, where his eldest brother William had settled in 1740. He joined Dr. Samuel Dunbar's Church in Stoughton, March 14. 1742. As previously stated, his ti Sherman Genealogy 155 father died intestate and the widow was appointed administra- trix. As the real estate could not be divided, the Probate Court Nov. 26, 1742, assigned it to Roger, at a valuation of £558, directing him to pay the other children their shares, the widow to have her dower. He soon thereafter sold the real estate for £157-10s. and conveyed it to Stephen Badlam, of Dedham, gen- tleman, by warranty deed dated Dec. 23, 1742, in which his mother Mehetabel Sherman "widow relict to the above named William Sherman Deced" joined and did "resign up all her right of thirds" in the property. In this deed he described himself as of Stoughton, "cordwainer." It was witnessed by Isaac Royall and William Sherman, was acknowledged Dec. 23, 1742, before Isaac Royall, Justice of the Peace, and was recorded Feb. 7, 1743 in Liber 67, folio 212. It describes the property as "A certain Tract or parcel of land lying in Stoughton aforesaid containing by estimation seventy three acres and was the Home Lot of Wil- liam Sherman late of Stoughton Deceased and is Bounded as follows first Southerly upon John Wentworths Land and Dor- chester Line so called, Westerly upon land of Joseph Tucker, Northerly upon Daniel Stone's and Nathaniel Moseleys Land, North easterly partly on Land of Moses and Benjamin Gill and partly on Land of Joseph Este, beginning at a red oak tree marked standing in the fence near Pequet Brook and so to Run on a straight line till it comes to the Corner of the Fence at the way leading to Dorchester Swamp in the Line betwixt said Este and Sherman's Land. Easterly on the Highway leading to Dorchester Swamp. And also another Piece or Tract of Land lying in Stoughton aforesaid containing Thirty Six acres and was part of the Estate of the aforesaid William Sherman Deceased and is Bounded Southerly upon John Wentworths Land, Westerly upon Moses and Benjamin Gills Land, northerly upon Samuel Stones Land and Easterly upon Land belonging to Phillip Liscom Jun"" and Land under the Improvement of Elhanan Lynn Jun'." In consideration of his motlier's release of her dower, Roger afterwards granted to her a life estate in certain real property in New Milford as hereinafter mentioned. In New Milford he car- ried on the business of a general countr}^ merchant with his brother William until William's death in 1756, and afterwards from February 9, 1757 to April 1, 1759, in partnership with An- 156 Sherman Genealogy thony Carpenter under the name of "Sherman & Carpenter." A ledger or account book of this firm is now in the Library of Yale University. The first recorded judgment of the Superior Court at Litch- field, Conn., on Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1752, is in favor of William Sherman and Roger Sherman, of New Milford, against John Treat of New Milford. He lived in New Milford (at first in that part thereof called New Dillaway) until June 30, 1761, when he moved to New Haven. In an account book or ledger in posses- sion of Roger S. White, on the fly leaf in his handwriting is this : "Began at New Haven, July 1, 1761, being the next day after I moved to New Haven * * * Test. Roger Sherman." At the session beginning Oct. 10, 1745, he was appointed by the Gen- eral Assembly, Surveyor of Lands for the County of New Haven, New Milford being then in that County. "This Assembly ap- points Mr. Roger Sherman to be surveyor of Lands for the Count}' of New Haven" (Conn. Colonial Records, Vol IX, p. 173). This office he held until May, 1752, when Litchfield County was established and he was appointed to the same office for the county continuing therein until May, 1758, when he re- signed. The record in May, 1752, says "This Assembly do ap- point Mr. Roger Sherman of New Milford to be surveyor of Lands in the County of Litchfield instead of being Surveyor in the County of New Haven." (Conn. Col. Rec, Vol. X, p. 416.) He also did a large and remunerative private business in survey- ing. He must have inherited his taste for mathematics and sur- veying as his grandfather Joseph and his great grandfather Cap- tain John were both surveyors. In 1751 he received from the Colony a fee of £83. 14s. for making a survey. In 1756 his property was assessed by New Milford for taxa- tion at £124-05-0. the highest assesssment of any one in the town, being £270-12 and only sixteen persons being assessed for more than Mr. Sherman. He dealt extensively in lands in New Milford, owning several hundred acres and a dwelling house be- fore he had been there seven years. In a deed dated Sept. 10, 1746, of 22 acres of swampy land in New Milford, lying near the North end of the township, from his brother William Sherman, of New Dillaway, yeoman, to him. he is described as Roger Sher- man of New Dillaway "cordwainer." This deed was witnessed Sherman Genealogy 157 by his brothers Nathaniel and Josiah Sherman, was acknowledged Sept. 19, 1748, and recorded May 8, 1749, Volume 6, page 203. He is not described as cordwainer in any later deed. The New Milford land records contain about 55 instruments indexed under his name as grantee, the earliest of which (other than the above mentioned deed from his brother) is dated May 19, 1748, and the latest May 5, 1773. The instruments indexed to his name as grantor number about 84, dated from July 1, 1748, to June 16, 1769. The warranty deeds to him number about 39 and convey in the aggregate about 500 acres. There are also many deeds by him in an official capacity, such as Selectman or member of a Committee. In 1755 and later he was on a Com- mittee to lay out highways and 1755-1760 was a member of a Committee to dispose of lands directed to be sold for the pur- pose of supporting the ministry in New Milford. The records contain several layouts of highways and of these "donation" lands and of deeds by the Committee. The seal used by him on some deeds is the figure of a lion rampant. The following records seem worthy of note : By deed dated May 19, 1748, and recorded July 2, 1748, in Volume 6, page 107, Gamaliel Baldwin, of New Milford, and Rebecca Baldwin, his wife, and Sarah Baldwin, widow of Samuel Baldwin, for £1500 conveyed to Roger Sherman, of New Dille- way, Baldwin's home lot in New Milford, with dwelling house and barn, bounded South by Samuel Camp's home lot and West, North and East by highways, containing 17^ acres, also 70 acres lying West of the chestnut land lying East from Great Mount Tom and East from the highway to Mount Tom. By deed dated and acknowledged July 1, 1748 and recorded July 19, 1748, in Volume 6, page 114, by and between Roger Sher- man, of New Milford, and "his Hon^ mother Mehetabel Sher- man of the same place" in consideration of her "dower or thirds in the estate of her husband William Sherman of Stoughton * * * which she hath released and yielded up at the request for the use of the said Roger Sherman," he granted to her 6 acres of land part of the home lot purchased of Gamaliel Bald- win "and also the lower room in the East end of the dwelling house on said lot and one third part of the cellar and one third 158 Sherman Genealogy part of the chamber and garret in the west end of said house and one third part of all the orchards on said home lot with the privi- lege of a convenient way to pass and repass from said land to the Town Street" and also 20 acres of land part of the 40 acre division laid out to Gamaliel Terril, for her life "to be holden in such term as by the laws of this Colony of Connecticut widows hold their dowers or thirds in the estate of their deceased hus- bands." By deed dated Feb. 6, 1749/50, acknowledged Mar. 10, and recorded Mar. 17, 1749/50 in Volume 6, page 445, Mehetable Sherman, of New Milford, "for a valuable consideration," re- leased and quit claimed to Roger Sherman the twenty acres of land granted by him to her for life July 1, 1748. This deed was witnessed by James Battel and Joseph Hartwell and in the record is signed "Mehitabel" Sherman. By deed dated Mar. 5, 1749/50, and acknowledged and recorded Mar. 8, 1749/50, Volume 6, page 444, Roger Sherman, in consideration of part of Mehetabel Sherman's dower in the estate of William Sherman "which she hath released & yielded up at the request and for ye use of" said Roger, granted to her 15 acres of land lying East of the Wolfpit brook and 5 acres on the East side of East Aspetuck River, for her natural life, to be held as widows hold dower. This deed was witnessed by Joseph Hart- wel and James Battel. By deed dated Sept. 26, 1750, and acknowledged and recorded Sept. 27, 1750, in Volume 7, page 81, William Sherman of New Milford for £60 conveyed to Roger Sherman one "half part of a certain shop for merchant Dize in ye township of New Milford standing by the East side of the town Street opposite to Capt. Stephen Noble's dwelling house upon the front of that lott of land which I purchased of Ebinezer Pickit." By release dated Nov. 22, 1756, acknowledged Dec. 16, and recorded Dec. 17, 1756, in Volume 9, page 268, Mehetabel (Signed "Mehetebel" in record) Sherman, for value received, released and quit claimed to Roger Sherman "all the estate, right, title, interest, claim & demand whatsoever which I have in or to two parcels of land situate in said New Milford, the first parcel be- ing a home lot with a dwelling house & barn on it on the East side of the highway leading to Litchfield, bounded West by said high- o^ \<^^ •D ^ Sherman Genealogy 159 way, south by James Camp's home lot, North and East by high- way, the other tract being about forty four acres lying Eastward- ly from Israel Baldwin's dwelling house, bounded Northeasterly & Northwesterly by a highway. Southeasterly by Benajah Stone's land, Southwesterly by Mr. Andrews land, my right in said home lot being about one third part thereof & my right in the other piece or parcel of land being about fifteen acres." By deed dated June 13, 1761, acknowledged in New Milford June 30, and recorded July 8, 1761, in Volume 9, page 562, Roger Sherman, of New Milford, in consideration of £300, conveyed to Abel Hine, of New Milford "a certain tract or parcel of land situate in said New Milford with a dwelling house, shop and warehouse standing on it lying & being southeasterly from the Meeting House. Said land contains eight acres & an half. Bounded west by the own Street, South by David Ferriss's ^ Home Lot, North part by Paul Welch Jun'' land or land which lately belonged to him & part by land belonging to the heirs of Nathaniel Bostwick deceased & east by a highway, containing the home lot which belonged to William Sherman deceased & half an acre of land which I bought of sd. Paul Welch & five acres which I purchased of Arthur & Reuben Bostwick, out of which I except & reserve the use of the Northwest lower room in said house & the chamber over said room & one third part of the cel- lar & the use of one acre of land on the North side of the house lot with a way from it to the Brook for the use of my Hon'"'^ mother Mehetabel Sherman during her natural life" He held many town offices, including grand juryman, list taker, leather sealer, fence viewer, selectman, ganger, treasurer for a new meeting house, town clerk pro tern, agent for the town in various matters a^id on committees to lay out town lands, high- ways and boundaries and to dispose of lands. He was Clerk of the Ecclesiastical Society from Dec. 2, 1753, until he moved to New Haven. He became Deacon on trial on Mar. 12, 1755, and Deacon on Mar. 17, 1757. The New Milford Church records are as follows: "March 12, 1755 att the same meeting Roger Sherman was chosen to ye office of a Deacon upon trial. Nathi. Taylor" 160 Sherman Genealogy "March 17, 1757, at a Church meeting regularly warned Roger Sherman Esqr. was EstabHshed Deacon of this Church Nathi. Taylor" The Rev. Nathaniel Taylor, B.A., Yale, 1745, M.A., was or- dained Minister at New Milford, June 29, 1748, and was Minister there until his death on Dec. 9, 1800. Roger Sherman prepared almanacs for the years 1750 to 1761 inclusive. These were published in New York, New London, New Haven and Boston. In some of the years they were pub- lished in two of these places. Very few copies of these are now in existence. Mr. Victor Hugo Paltsits, former New York State Historian, in 1907, published an interesting pamphlet which was read before the American Antiquarian Society at its semi-annual meeting in Boston, Apr. 17, 1907, and was entitled "The Alma- nacs of Roger Sherman, 1750-1761, Containing also Prose and Poetical Selections, and a Complete Collection of the 'Sayings' found in them." This pamphlet describes the almanacs, contains a bibliography of them and quotations from them with a list of those copies known to the author to be extant. He says : "During the past four years I have visited many libraries, in which I found thirty-seven Sherman almanacs, two of them being imperfect. I have also described de visu the only known copy of the first New York issue, of 1750, in the private library of Mr. E. Dwight Church, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The results of this investi- gation show that there were two distinct almanacs for 1750, one printed at New York and the other at Boston ; similarly two for 1751, but of which no copy of the New York edition is known to be extant; probably one of New York for 1752, but no certainty exists about it; two for 1753, and two for 1754, one of each printed at New York and New London; one of Boston for 1755 (two issues) ; one of New Haven for each of the years 1756, 1757, 1758 and probably also 1759, but of 1757 and 1759 no copies are known to be extant ; and Boston issues for 1760 and 1761." The New York Public Library has copies of the New York editions of 1753 and 1754, the Boston edition of 1755 (imperfect), the New Haven edition of 1756 and the Boston edition for 1761. The New York Hstorical Society has the New London edition of 1753, the Boston editions of 1755 and 1760. The late Sena- ^«>^:^ /Cw*^, ^Ui ^^ /^, /i" ..^ /*i/^i;«.:^.* ^- ' ^^ y ^u /^ .^ i* /^^' •*- '^^ ^ r .^. ^ . ... J. ..Ml , » -\^ / . ■^ •-^ ' '^ -»*<( Last page of Will of Hon. Roger Sherman in his handwriting. Original in New Haven, Conn. Probate Court Files -a if- I 7 J , /o C—X^ ,i O /nW rJ ■■$ ■'/ ,,, IV KM. ,..>,.d "1 Hon. 1(°B" Sli-»."». l''"">- 1" ''"'"■' Sherman Genealogy 161 tor George F. Hoar had copies of the New London editions for 1753 and 1754, the New Haven edition of 1756 and the Boston edition of 1760. There are also a few other copies mentioned by- Mr. Paltsits to be found in other Hbraries. Mr. Munson, of Al- bany, has copies of 1750, 1751, 1760 and 1761 Boston and 1756 New Haven. The Long Island Historical Society has a copy of the New York edition of 1751. These almanacs contain poetical and prose quotations and some original poetry by the author. In the Boston Almanac of 1750, he says: "I have for several Years past for my own Amusement spent some of my leisure Hours in the Study of Mathematicks; not with any Intent to appear in publick: But at the Desire of many of my Friends and Acquaintance, I have been induced to calculate and publish the following ALMANACK for the Year 1750—1 have put in every Thing that I thought would be useful that could be contained in such contracted Limits : — I have taken much Care to perform the Calculations truly, not having the Help of any Ephemeris: And I would desire the Reader not to condemn it if it should in some Things differ from other Authors, until Ob- servations have determined which is in the wrong. — I need say nothing by way of Explanation of the following Pages, they being placed in the same Order that has been for many Years practised by the ingenious and celebrated Dr. Ames, with which you are well acquainted. — If this shall find Acceptance perhaps it may encourage me to serve my Country this Way for Time to come. New Milford, August 1, 1749. j^ SHERMAN " His New Haven Almanac for 1758 contains this statement: "I Have been informed that some good People in the Country, dislike my Almanack, because the observable Days of the Church of England are inserted in it, from thence, concluded that I am a Church-man; but to remove this Prejudice I would take leave to inform them, that altho' I have a high Esteem of the Church of England, consider'd as a reform'd Protestant Church and as agreeing with other Protestant Churches in the most important Matters of Faith : Yet I never could see any Thing so necessary or eligible in those Rites and other Circumstantials, wherein it differs from other Protestants Churches, as to be a sufficient In- ducement or Warrant for Separation from the Presbyterian or 162 Sherman Genealogy Congregational Church in Nczv England, to join with the Epis- copal Church; neither do I suppose the Observation of those Day[s] necessary; But as I take Liberty in these Matters to judge for myself, so I think it reasonable that Others should have the same Liberty ; and since my Design in this Performance is to serve the Publick, and the inserting of those observable Days does not croud out any Thing that might be more serviceable, I hope none of my Readers will be displeased with it for the Future. R. SHERMAN." The 1753 New London Almanac contains an article on the depreciated bills of credit. In 1752 he published a pamphlet on the evils and injustice of the then existing paper currency of the colonies and was always strongly opposed to such currency. He was admitted to the Bar of Litchfield County in Feb., 1754. The court record is as follows: "At an adjourned County Court holden at Litchfield within and for the County of Litchfield on the second Tuesday of Febru- ary A.D. 1754 present William Preston Chief Judge John Williams Saml Canfield Ebenezer Marsh Joseph Bird, Esqrs. Justices of Quorum Mr. Roger Sherman of New Milford in sd County appointed & sworn attorney." (Records of County Court, Vol. I, page 95.) At once he had a good practice. A memorandum book of his in his handwriting shows that at the Dec. T«^rm 1754, of the Litchfield County Court he appeared in 17 cases. The first case noted is Daniel and Joseph Beeman vs. Nathaniel Barnum. He appeared for plaintiffs for a review, collected "37/6," had a fee of £5 and "paid Adams 4." His brother, William, was plaintiff in two of these cases. During the year 1755 in the Superior and County Courts for Litchfield and Fairfield Counties, he had about 125 cases. An entry in this book in 1755, is "Rec'd back of Mr. Burr llcS Almanacks." This book contains also memoranda of Sherman Genealogy 163 distances between different places in New York Colony and in Canada, lists of names of officers of regiments, statements of numbers of votes cast for nomination of officers of Connecticut, tax assessment values of various towns, rates of pay of officers, statements of legal propositions and forms. He was appointed by the General Assembly in May, 1755, Justice of the Peace for Litchfield County, and reappointed each year until May, 1759, when he was appointed Justice of the Quorum, thus becoming a member of the County Court, and reappointed in May, 1760 and 1761. Deputy for New Milford to the General Assembly in May, 1755, and also in 1756 to and including March, and from May, 1758, to May, 1761. While in the Assembly he served on several important committees and was always a strong advocate for sound money. Prosperous himself, he generously aided his brothers Josiah and Nathaniel in College and in preparation for the ministry. In May, 1759, he was appointed "Commissary to reside at Albany, to receive, secure and forward supplies for the Connecticut troops and take into custody guns and other stores that shall be returned from the army and ship them to the com- missaries in the colony." In July, 1760, he opened a store in New Haven for the sale of provisions and general merchandise and also one in Wallingford, and continued in the business until Dec, 1772, when he retired and was succeeded by his son William. By deed dated Dec. 26, 1760, and recorded Dec. 27, 1760, in 23rd Ledger Book, page 97, for i220, Jabez Mix conveyed to Roger Sherman, Esq., of New Milford, a parcel of land in New Haven containing one acre and fifty three rods with a dwelling house, bounded Northeasterly by the street Southwestward of the Col- lege [now Chapel Street], Southeasterly by the President's Lot, Southwesterly by Mr. Jonathan At water's land and Northwester- ly, part by said Atwater's land, Mrs. Abigail Canner's land and Jabez Mix's land. At a City meeting of the City of New Haven held on Sept. 22, 1784 "Voted that the streets in the City of New Haven, be named as follows, viz. ; * * * The Street from Rhodes's Corner to Mr. Isaac Doolittle's corner, CHAPEL STREET" (The Connecticut Journal of Oct. 13, 1784.) Here he afterwards lived in this dwelling house and later in another house located west of it built by him and which is still standing, altered and used for stores. On June 30, 1761, he moved to New 164 Sherman Genealogy Haven, where he resided for the residue of his life. In 1761 he contributed i7-10s. towards building the Yale College Chapel. From 1765 until 1776 he served as Treasurer of the College, dur- ing several years of which period, he and Professor Naphtali Daggett, the acting President, were the only permanent officers of the College, of which he was always a staunch and serviceable friend and which in 1768 conferred on him the honorary degree of Master of Arts. The following is a copy of an interesting account of Mr. Sherman as Treasurer of the College for the year 1772, all in his hand writing, preserved in the State Archives, now in the Connecticut State Library. A State of the Accounts of Yale College for the year 1772: Dr To the Salary of the President . . . To Mr. Professor Strong's Salary . To Sen"" Tutor & Librarian's do. . To 2 Junior Tutors —ditto . . . . To Finishing Con- necticut Hall . . To Repairs of Old College &c. . . i200- 0-0 70: 0:0 65: 1:4 114: 2:8 93: 3:1 35:12:8 £577:19:9 Cr. By a balance last year in the Treas- ury about . . . £ 35- 0-0 By Tuition & study rent, deducting the expense of the corporations meeting &c. . . 284: 4:0 By Cash for Rents of Land .... 78 : 5 :0 £397: 9:0 Balance due to the Treasurer . . . 180:10:9 N.B. due on Notes in the Treasury including Interest, about £260. On Leases, about 300. £577:19:9 New Haven Ocf 8*»^ 1772 Errors excepted £560. The above is Exclusive of notes for monies appropriated to Special Uses The annual Rents amount to about £150 Roger Sherman Treasurer. Sherman Genealogy 165 Oct. 4, 1761, on a letter from the Church at New Milford, he was admitted to the White Haven Church, afterwards called North Church and now called United Church, and thereafter took an active part in its affairs until his death. His great grand- son Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, of New Haven, former Judge of the Superior Court and Associate Justice and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Errors and Governor of Connecticut, placed in the United Church in New Haven, a tablet inscribed as follows: 1721 1793 In Memory of Roger Sherman A member of this church from 1761 until his death. He served this city as its first Mayor, Yale College as its Treasurer The Colony and State as an Assistant and a Judge of the Superior Court and the Supreme Court of Errors The United States as a Member of every Congress from 1774 to 1793 When he died a Senator. One of the Committee which drew the Declaration of Independence Of that which reported the Articles of Confederation Of the Convention that framed the National Constitution And a signer of these three charters of American Liberty. He was Justice of the peace for New Haven County, in May, 1765, and Justice of the Quorum in Oct., 1765, also Deputy for New Haven in Oct., 1764, May and Oct., 1765, and May, 1766. In Oct. of each of the years 1761 to 1765, inclusive, he was one of those nominated for election in the following May for Governor and Assistants and in May, 1766, he was elected Assistant and was nominated and elected to and held this office continuously until May, 1785. At the May, 1784, session, an Act was passed entitled "An Act for regulating the Appointment of the Superior Court." It, among other things, provided that thereafter no person should be capable of holding the office of Assistant or Delegate in the Congress of the United States and Judge of the Superior Court at the same time, but that this should not prevent any Judge appointed at that Assembly "from holding for one 166 Sherman Genealogy year from the first day of the session of the present Assembly any other office which he now holds or to which he may now stand elected." It also provided that "the Judges of the Superior Court shall hereafter hold their Offices during the Pleasure of the Gen- eral Assembly." He was then Assistant, Delegate in Congress and Judge of the Superior Court as well as Mayor of New Haven. He preferred to retain the office of Judge and was not again elected Assistant or Delegate. He was elected or appointed Judge of the Superior Court by the General Assembly each year beginning May, 1766, and after May, 1784, continued to hold of- fice "during the pleasure of the General Assembly" until in Feb., 1789, he resigned to become Representative in Congress. While upon the bench he was noted for the brevity, clearness and soundness of his opinions. When New Haven became a City in 1784, and while he was absent in Congress, he was elected its first Mayor on Feb. 10, 1784, on the first ballot, receiving 125 votes, a majority of one over Thomas Howell, 102 votes, and Thomas Darling, 22 votes. President Stiles, in his diary Vol. HI page 110, says the thermometer registered 10 degrees below zero on this day. He continued in the office until his death, the charter enacted Jan. 8, 1784, providing that the City should choose a Mayor "who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Gen- eral Assembly." One of his official acts as Mayor was the laying of the foundation stone of a bridge over the Quinnipiack River on June 2, 1791. The stone was marked "Erected May 3pt A.D. M.DCC. XCI and XV of Amer. Independ. Hon Roger Sherman Mayor" He also officiated as Mayor on Apr. 15, 1793, at the laying of the corner stone of South College, with President Ezra Stiles. This was the seventh College building erected and was always a favorite dormitory because of its position next to Chapel Street. It was torn down in 1893. This occasion was about the last of his public appearances as his final illness began a few weeks later. Sherman Genealogy 167 In May, 1766, he was one of a Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly to assist the Governor in preparing an ad- dress to the King expressing satisfaction and thanks for the re- peal of the Stamp Act. In Aug., 1774, the Committee of Cor- respondence of the House of Representatives of Connecticut, pur- suant to power given to it by the House, appointed him a delegate from Connecticut to the first Continental Congress, which met at Philadelphia, on Sept. 5, 1774. The following is a copy of his credentials : "In the House of Representatives of the Colony of Connecticut Nov. 3'^ Dom. 1774. This House proceeded to nominate choose and appoint Delegates to attend the General Congress to be holden at Philadelphia on the 10*^ day of May next * * * And made Choice of the Hon.b'^ Eliphalet Dyer & Roger Sherman Esq''^ Silas Deane, Titus Hosmer & Jonathan Sturgess, Esq''* to be their Delegates — any Three of Whom, are authorized and empowered to Attend said Congress in behalf of this Colony, to join, consult & advise with the Delegates of the other Colonies in British America on proper Measures for advancing the best good of the Colonies. W"^ Williams, Speaker. A true Copy extracted from the Journal of the House Attested Rich^ Law, Qerk" He was present on the first day and attended its sessions which ended on Oct. 26, 1774. On Sept. 6, 1774, the Congress "Resolved Unan : That a Committee be appointed to State the rights of the Colonies in general, the several instances in which these rights are violated or infringed, and the means most proper to be pursued for obtaining a restoration of them." On Sept. 7, 1774, this Committee, consisting of two delegates from each of the eleven colonies represented, including Roger Sherman, was appointed. This Congress, among other things, adopted the Articles of Association or non importation agreement, dated Oct. 20, 1774, and The Address to the King dated Oct. 26, 1774, each of which was signed by the delegates, including Mr. Sherman. The address to the King was in duplicate. One duplicate is in the Museum of the Public Record Office in London. Among his papers is a board bill of 1774 as follows: 168 Sherman Genealogy "Mr. Roger Sherman to Sarah Chesman, Dr. To your board eight weeks @ 30/pr week is £12 — — To your part of the wine 2 — 12 — 6 To your servant's board @ 12/ Ditto A — 16 il9— 8—8 Phila octb-- y^ 26 = 1774 Recvd the above account in full Sarah Chesman" He was delegate in The Continental Congress continuously by annual appointment of the General Assembly from Sept., 1774, to and including Nov., 1781. He was not appointed for 1782 when there were 12 candidates for the office, but was appointed on Oct. 13, 1783, for another year, thus serving eight years. His credentials for 1776 read as follows : "At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company, of the English Colony of Connecticut, in New England in America, holden at New Haven (in said Colony) on the second Thursday of October Anno Dom.*^° 1775. RESOLVED by this Assembly That Roger Sherman, Oliver Wolcott, Samuel Huntington, Titus Hosmer and William Wil- liams Esq*"^ be and they are hereby appointed Delegates, to repre- sent this Colony in the General Congress of the United Colonies in America for the Year insuing, and untill new be chosen ; that is to say, the said Roger Sherman, Oliver Wolcott, and Samuel Huntington Esq""^ do attend said Congress, and on the failure of either of the said Gentlemen by Sickness or otherwise, then the said Titus Hosmer or William Williams Esq''^. to supply the place or places of any or either of the said three Gentlemen first named, in such manner, that three of said Delegates, and three only do attend said Congress at any one Time, and the said three Dele- gates, or any or either of them, who shall be present in said Congress are hereby fully Authorized and impowered to Rep- resent this Colony in said Congress, to Consult Advise and Re- solve upon Measures necessary to be taken and pursued for the Defence Security and Preservation of the Rights and Liberties of the said United Colonies, and for their common safety, and of such their proceedings and Resolves, they Do transmit Authentic /&/^T V^"- 'Z^^f^t '^ l^'^^'^^^-^uC Jr\t Z^.:^ ^'^^ ylC,^ ■tf-:? <^««<-\--o-e ^ ^~v^^^ --J^^^eyC^'-e ^^X^^_ tri^^^/ Z^^^,^,, t-.'^^^T" i^.^y -/it/^ ^ y^-^ 6L "" d,^^yy z5»^^>^ Y^ 'T^ *''^ ''^^^ '^C/- ^rS^t ^fi^'i^ <^ > ;^i.,W^ A^^c^*-*^^ /^/:;;2^/'^,^«^ ^5^^,./^ ^^^^^^ y^ y Warrant to arrest T:n,othy Taln,ad.e for murder, issued by Hon. Ro.er Sherman as Justice of the Peace, Dec. 24, 1765. In Mr. Sherman's handwriting TO the Sheriff of tbi County of «^if//x.*^^<-i^^ tir)fi:i Domioi, 17, A/'- ^ Andintkt ^ SUjTttc: latt.tf His Mijtfly's Ruj^tti^^^^ Execution issued by Hon. Roger Sherman as Justice of the Peace, Dec. 31, 1755 Sherman Genealogy 177 in their motives, or more exclusively or anxiously devoted to the object committed to them" On Wednesday, May 30, 1787, "Roger Sherman from Connecticut took his seat" Some of his views in the Convention were: He opposed election of members of Congress by the people, "The people, he said, immediately should have as little to do as may be about the government. They want information, and are constantly liable to be misled." Favored election by the State legislatures. Opposed giving the general government legislative power in all cases where the States are not competent. Legislature should appoint Executive, who should be dependent on it. Independence of the Executive on Legislature was very essence of tyranny. Executive should be eligible for reelection. Legislature should have power to remove Executive at pleasure. Executive should not have absolute veto. Popular ratification of the Constitution unnecessary. Opposed inferior federal courts. Senators should be appointed by State legislatures. Proposed and successfully advocated the proposi- tion that the proportion of suffrage in the first branch should be according to the respective numbers of free inhabitants and that in the second branch or Senate each state should have one vote and no more, otherwise a few large states will rule the rest. Fre- quent elections are necessary to preserve the good behavior of rulers. Favored term of four or six years for Senators. Sec- onded Franklin's motion to have prayer each morning. The num- ber of people the best rule for measuring wealth as well as rep- resentation. Favored election of judges by the Senate. Disap- proved of judges meddling in politics and parties. Thought it wrong to tax exports. The government should not be trusted with the power of regulating trade in general. Disapproved of slave trade. Thought good sense of the several states would by degrees complete the abolition of slavery. Objected to taxing slaves as acknowledging man to be property. Favored removal of judges by the Executive on application of the Senate and House of Representatives. Wished to crush paper money. To require more than a majority to decide a question is always em- barrassing. Liked a reasonable restriction on the number and continuance of an Army in time of peace. Proposed the choice of President by the House of Representatives, if no choice by Electors. Regarded the Supreme Court as improper to try the 178 Sherman Genealogy President, because the Judges would be appointed by him. Pro- posed provision that Congress may propose amendments to the Constitution to be approved by the States. Thought an address to the people about the Constitution unnecessary and improper. The power of the United States to regulate trade being supreme, can control interference of the State regulations. Proposed that no State shall, without its consent, be deprived of its equal suf- frage in the Senate. The Constitution was signed Sept. 17, 1787. He was one of the two members from New Haven (elected Nov. 12, 1787) of the Convention of Connecticut at Hartford, which ratified the Constitution on Jan. 9, 1788, and earnestly ad- vocated the ratification. His colleague was Pierpont Edwards. In Jan., 1789, the Connecticut Assembly chose Mr. Sherman a Representative in the first Congress, and in Feb., 1789, he re- signed as Judge of the Superior Court which office he had held continuously since May, 1766. He served as Representative dur- ing the first Congress from Mar., 1789, to Mar., 1791. Congress assembled in New York on Mar. 4, 1789. Mr. Sherman attended as a Representative from Connecticut on Mar. 5, 1789, and was very faithful in his attendance through all the sessions until Mar., 1791. While in New York he lodged at No. 59 Water Street. He was present at the inauguration of Washington as President on Apr. 30, 1789, and stood by him when at Federal Hall he took the oath of office. The well-known painting of this scene by Chappel shows him with others standing about the President. He had a very important part in all the proceedings. The first act of the House after organizing, was on Apr. 3. 1789, to appoint a Committee of eleven of which Mr. Sherman was one, to prepare ^nd report standing rules and orders of procedure for the House. He was also a member of the second Committee appointed by the House, of five members, to confer with a Committee of the Senate to prepare rules to govern the two houses in cases of conference. His other Committees were : To prepare bills to regulate the col- lection of imposts and tonnage ; On what style or titles it would be proper to annex to the office of President and Vice-President, if any, other than those given in the Constitution, which Com- mittee reported that it was not proper to annex any other titles ; On time and place of administering oath to the President and the person by whom it should be administered ; To prepare an ad- Sherman Genealogy 179 dress of congratulation to President Washington after delivery of his inaugural speech ; On bill to regulate collection of duties ; Of one from each state to consider and prepare proposed amend- ments to the Constitution ; Of three, to prepare a proper arrange- ment of and introduction to the articles of amendment as agreed to by the House; Of three managers of conference with Senate on proposed constitutional amendments ; Of three to request Presi- dent to recommend to the people a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording an opportunity peaceably to establish a Constitution of Government for their safety and happiness. At the beginning of the second session on Jan. 7, 1790: On Committee of three to report on dis- position of matters pending and undetermined in last session ; On actual enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States; Chairman of committee of four to confer with Committee of Senate on unfinished business of last session ; On Jan. 24, he re- ported that such business should be regarded as not having been passed upon and report was agreed to by both houses ; Standing Committee of seven on elections ; Of three on copyright ; On uni- form Rule of naturalization ; On Robert Morris's conduct and accounts as Superintendent of Finances; On prohibiting for- eigners from carrying commodities of this Continent to any port where citizens of the United States are prohibited from carrying them; On funding debt and supporting public credit; On rules for House and regulations between two houses ; On plan for pay- ment of interest of the debts of the United States ; On duties on goods imported in domestic and foreign vessels ; On establishing a Post Office and Post Roads ; On amendment of act to promote the progress of the useful arts ; On further encouragement of navigation; On manner of renewing lost evidences of debt of the United States; On Loan Office certificates; On repeal of act rat- ing Rix dollars of Denmark at one hundred cents ; On continuing temporary establishment of the Post Office. Mr. Sherman was present practically continuously in the House during each of the three sessions of the First Congress except when absent on leave for two short intervals. The journal of the House records 110 roll calls during the three sessions and Mr. Sherman is rec- orded as voting on all but three of these calls. Two of them were 180 Sherman Genealogy while he was absent on leave. In May, 1791, The General As- sembly appointed him United States Senator in place of William Samuel Johnson, who was also President of Columbia College and resigned as Senator from Connecticut because Congress was to sit in Philadelphia. Mr. Sherman held the office of Senator as well as that of Mayor of New Haven, until his death. The fol- lowing is a copy of his credentials as Senator: "STATE OF CONNECTICUT At a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut holden at Hartford on the second Thursday of May A Dom 1791 This Assembly appoint the Honorable Roger Sherman Esquire Senator for this State in the Congress of the United State in room of the Honorable William Samuel Johnson Esquire resigned. A true Copy of Record Examn^. By George Wyllys Secrety. (SEAL) BY his EXCELLENCY SAMUEL HUNTINGTON Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief of the State of CONNECTICUT. To the Honourable ROGER SHERMAN of said State Esquire Greeting I do hereby certify that in conformity to the Constitution of the United States of America you are duly chosen & appointed a Senator for this State in the Congress of the United States of America in the room & Place of the honourable William S. John- son, Esq. resigned. You are therefore duly authorized, impowered & commis- sioned to execute & perform all & singular the Acts & Duties ap- pertaining to said Office & Trust of Senator as aforesaid for the Term of your Appointment. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & caused the Seal of this State to be affixed, this thirteenth Day of June, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand seven hundred & ninety Sherman Genealogy 181 one & in the fifteenth Year of the Independence of the United States of America. SAM. HUNTINGTON" Endorsed on the credentials in Roger Sherman's handwriting is "Act of the Legislature of Connecticut" and upon the outer cover is written "Credentials of Roger Sherman 2^. Congress, June 13tM791 Recorded Fol : 41" He returned to New Haven on Mar. 9, 1793. (Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, Vol. HI, p. 487.) Apr. 15, 1793, the foundation or corner stone of South Col- lege was laid, Mr. Sherman, as Mayor, taking part in the cere- monies which were conducted by President Ezra Stiles. The stone was inscribed as follows : EZRA STILES COLL. YAL. PR^S : PRIMVM LAPIDEM POSVIT ACAD^ COND^ 93^^° APR. 15, 1793. This was probably his last public appearance. He was taken ill about the middle of May and at 6:40 p. m. on Tuesday, July 23, 1793, died at his house on Chapel Street. President Stiles, in his diary, says of him: "He was exemplary for piety and serious religion * * * f^r from all enthusiasm calm sedate and ever discerning and judicious. He went thro' all the grades of public life and grew in them all and filled every office with propriety, ability and tho' not with showy brilliancy, yet with that dignity which arises from doing everything perfectly right. * * * He was an extraordinary man. A venerable uncorrupted patriot." His funeral was on Thursday, July 25, 1793. President Stiles prayed at the house before the funeral. A procession was formed with the students and tutors of Yale at its head, then two City Sheriffs, City officers, the Common Council, Aldermen, two Jus- tices, two members of Congress, a Judge of the Superior Court, the Clergy eight ministers, bearers of the body (no pall bearers), mourners and a large concourse of citizens. It proceeded to the North Church where Dr. Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon from the text Psalm 46-1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very 182 Sherman Genealogy present help in trouble." The procession then moved to the grave on the Green in the old cemetery then in the rear of Center Church. Dr. James Dana spoke at the grave. His remains were removed to the Grove Street Cemetery about 1821, when the old cemetery was abandoned. It is well to repeat what his friend and contemporary Dr. Ed- wards, in his sermon said of Mr. Sherman : "He was not favored with a public education, or even with a private tutor. His su- perior improvements arose from his superior genius, from his thirst for knowledge and from his personal exertions and inde- fatigable industry in the pursuit of it. By these he attained to a very considerable share of knowledge in general, particularly in his own native language, in logic, geography, mathematics, the general principles of philosophy, history, theology and above all in law and politics. These last were his favorite studies and in these he excelled." "His person was tall, unusually erect and well proportioned, and his countenance agreeable and manly. His abilities were remarkable, not briliant, but solid, penetrating and capable of deep and long investigation. In such investigation he was greatly assisted by his patient and unremitting application and perseverance." "But his proper lien was politics. For use- fulness and excellence in this line, he was qualified, not only by his acute discernment and sound judgment, but especially by his knowledge of human nature. He had a happy talent of judging what was feasible and what was not feasible, or what men would bear and what they would not bear in government. And he had a rare talent of prudence or of timing and adapting his measures to the attainment of his end. By this talent, by his perseverance and his indefatigable application, together with his general good sense and known integrity, he seldom failed of carrying any point in government which he undertook and which he esteemed im- portant to the public good." "To have sustained so many and so important public offices, and to have uniformly sustained them with honor and reputation ; to have maintained an amiable charac- ter in every private relation ; to have been an ornament to Chris- tianity and to have died in a good old age, in the full possession of all his honors and of his powers both of body and mind, is a very rare attainment and a very happy juncture of circum- stances." Sherman Genealogy 183 "The Connecticut Gazette" of New London, issued August 8, 1793, has an obituary notice of Mr. Sherman in which appears a brief mention of his life and the offices he held. It said: "It is worthy of remark, that though he sustained so many offices in the civil government both of the State and of the United States, to all which he was promoted by the free suffrages of his fellow citizens, and in most of which he could not, without a new election, continue longer than a year, and in the rest not longer than two, three or four years ; and although for all those offices there were, as there always are in popular governments, many competitors at every election, yet Mr. Sherman was never re- moved from any of them, but by promotion or by act of legisla- ture requiring rotation, or rendering the offices incompatible with each other. Nor with the restriction just mentioned, did he ever lose his election to any office to which he had once been elected, excepting his election as a representative of the town in the Gen- eral Assembly; which office we all know is almost constantly shifting. This shows, to how great a degree, and how invariably he possessed the confidence of his fellow citizens. They found by long experience, that both his abilities and his integrity merited their confidence. To have been constantly employed in the public service for forty-eight years, to have sustained so many and so important public offices, and to have sustained them all with honor and reputation ; to have maintained an amiable character in every private relation ; to have been from early youth an ornament to Christianity, and to have died in a good old age, in the full posses- sion of all his honours, and of his powers both of body and mind, is a rare attainment, and as to him at least, an happy juncture of circumstances." He was very temperate in his habits and always vigorous and active. Professor Denison Olmsted of Yale College, said of him : "He had enjoyed almost uninterrupted health through life, and at the age of seventy was able to mount his horse with the agility of youth, and to ride thirty or forty miles without fatigue." (Boutell's Life of Roger Sherman, p. 281.) In a letter dated Hartford, Aug. 13, 1793, from Mrs. Chaun- cey Goodrich, to her brother, Frederick Wolcott, she says : "It is supposed that Mr. Sherman and Gen. Wolcott brought on their 184 Sherman Genealogy disorders by too great Temperance in living." ("Memorial of Henry Wolcott," 1881, p. 331.) The sketch of him in Sanderson's "Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence," ed. 1831, says: "Roger Sher- man may be classed among those extraordinary men, who sur- mounting the disadvantages of education, have risen to eminence through the superiority of their genius." (Vol. 2, page 3.) Upon his tombstone is this inscription, probably written by Simeon Baldwin aided by Jeremiah Evarts : In Memory of The Hon. ROGER SHERMAN, Efq^ mayor of the city of New Haven and fenator of the United States He was born at Newtown* in Maffachufetts April 19th 1721 and died at New-Haven July 23^ A D 1793 aged LXXII Poffeffed of a ftrong clear penetrating Mind and fingular perfeverance he became the felf-taught Scholar, eminent for Jurifprudence and Policy. He was nineteen years an af fistant and 23 years a Judge of the Superior Court in high Reputation He was a Delegate in the firft Congrefs figned the glorious act of Independence & many years difplayed fuperior Talents & Ability in the National Legiflature. He was a Member of the general Convention, approved the federal conf titution ; and ferved his Country with fidelity & honor in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, and in the Senate of the United States He was a Man of approved Integrity, a cool difcerning Judge, prudent, sagacious Politician, a true faithful and firm Patriot ♦"Newtown" is an error for Newton. CAPT. JOHN SHERMAN, 17,50-1802 Eldest child of Hon. Roger Sherman From oil portrait at Stoningrton, Conn. Signature of Capt. John Shirman July 23, 1790. Letter to his father REBECCA (AUSTIN) SHERMAN First wife of Capt. John Sherman, (1753-1830) , and her son Charles From oil portrait at Stonington, Conn. Tlie lines are cuts in the canvas Sherman Genealogy 185 He ever adorned the profeffion of Christianity which he made in Youth and diftinguifhed thro Life for public ufefuinefs and died in the profpect of a bleffed ImmortaHty, He passed away universally respected and mourned, a good and great man, a founder of our Republic whose work still lives. Of good stock in both ancestral lines ; in person tall, well pro- portioned, of good constitution and physique, healthy, vigorous and active. Self taught, self reliant, amiable, modest, tolerant, unpretentious and without conceit ; mathematician and surveyor ; able lawyer, counsellor and advocate; prudent and safe adviser, agent and administrator; successful real estate dealer and mer- chant ; clever and popular politician ; capable and efficient Mayor, Legislator, Representative and Senator; just and sound Judge; of stern integrity, with strong religious convictions, wise, inde- pendent, courageous, dignified, self possessed, tactful, fair and reasonable; plain, direct, concise, forcible, logical, witty and convincing in argument and debate ; kind, generous and devoted son, brother, husband, parent, relative and friend; faithful and true in every relation in life ; a patriot, financier, jurist and states- man of the highest order. Former Ambassador James Bryce, now Viscount Bryce, wrote of him as follows : "British Embassy, Washington, March 6, 1913. Dear Mr. Sherman: I am just starting for Canada and fear I have not time to answer your letter properly, but I may say that I am very inter- ested to hear of what you are doing about your distinguished ancestor, Roger Sherman. I have always looked upon him as one of the most remarkable characters in the great Convention of 1787-8. He was one of those men who showed that fine quality which the New England people of the 18th century had, strong mother wit, which was able to overcome the disadvantages of want of an academic literary education, and a thorough familiar- 186 Sherman Genealogy ity with the principles and practice of self-government, as well as an active public spirit and a powerful legal intellect. Your an- cestor's part in the Convention was a very useful and honourable one and more than once he contributed eminently opportune and penetrating observations which were of great value in the dis- cussions. Believe me, Very truly yours, James Bryce. P. S. I am very glad to hear that you are writing an account of your ancestor and shall look forward with great interest to its appearance in order that I may extend my knowledge of his character and career. T. T. Sherman, Esq." The following are some of his ideas and views on public questions. In a letter dated Apr. 30, 1772, he expressed the opinion that "It was a fundamental principle in the British Con- stitution, and I think must be in every free State, that no laws bind the people but such as they consent to be governed by, there- fore so far as the people of the Colonies are bound by laws made without their consent, they must be in a state of slavery or abso- lute subjection to the will of others : if this right belongs to the people of the Colonies, why should they not claim it and enjoy it? * * * Have not each Colony distinct and complete powers of legislation for all the purposes of public government, and are they in any proper sense subordinate to the Legislature of Great Britain tho' subject to the same King?" John Adams, in his diary on Aug. 17, 1774, records Mr. Sherman as saying that "the Par- liament of Great Britain had authority to make laws for Amer- ica in no case whatever" and Mr. Adams, on Sept. 8, 1774, re- ports Mr. Sherman as having said in a speech in Congress : "The Colonies not bound to the King or country by the act of settle- ment, but by their consent to it. There is no other legislature over the Colonies but their respective assemblies." He was op- posed to appointment of a Bishop of the Church of England for America unless by act of Parliament such Bishop be divested of the judicial and other civil powers annexed to that office by the common law of England, and have no authority over or power to Sherman Genealogy 187 affect the civil or religious interests of other denominations. On Aug. 1, 1776, in Congress, debating on the Articles of Confedera- tion, he stated that they ought not to vote according to numbers, that they were representatives of States, not individuals, that the votes should be taken two ways, by Colonies and by individuals, and there should be a majority of both. This proposition was similar to the compromise plan he proposed and carried through in the Constitutional Convention eleven years later in 1787. He advocated a tariff or impost on foreign importations, saying in 1784: "Raising money by imposts takes it at the fountain and the consumer pays it insensibly and without murmuring." In a letter to Oliver Wolcott, dated May 21, 1777, he said: "I think it dangerous to admit citizens not connected with the army to be tried by a Court Martial." In Congress he opposed a proposition to amend the Constitution so as to authorize the people to in- struct their representatives, saying: "I think, when the people have chosen a representative, it is his duty to meet others from the different parts of the union, and consult and agree with them to such acts as are for the general benefit of the whole commun- ity. If they were to be guided by instructions, there would be no use in deliberation, all that a man would have to do would be to produce his instructions and lay them on the table, and let them speak for him." If his instructions "were contrary to the con- viction of his own mind, he must be bound by every principle of justice to disregard them." From its beginning, he had firm confidence in the success and durability of the Government. In the first Congress, he proposed in the House of Representatives, and secured the insertion in the tenth proposed amendment to the Constitution of the final words "or to the people." This amendment as adopted is: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states, respectively, or to the people." In this Congress he also caused the cent to be brought into use in the financial system in place of ninetieths of a dollar. He proposed that in filling in the blanks in the tariff bill which had been reported, they should begin with rum and tax it fifteen cents a gallon. He said he preferred to use the term cent for its convenience, as ten made a dime and ten dimes a dollar. (S. E. Baldwin's New Milford Conn, bi-centennial address. Annals of 188 Sherman Genealogy Congress 1, p. 125.) He had deep religious convictions and liked to discuss and write about theological doctrines. Some of his correspondence with the Rev. Justus Mitchell and other divines on matters of religious belief is still extant. This includes a long carefully written letter dated at New York, June 28, 1790, while he was attending Congress, to the Rev. Samuel Hopkins, in which Mr. Sherman says he has read a book of Mr. Hopkins on the nature of true holiness and approves of the sentiments except in two points of which he does not approve, namely : "the nature of 'self love' and 'that it is the duty of a person to be willing to give up his eternal interest for the glory of God." He defines self love "to be a desire of one's own happiness or a regard to one's own in- terest" which may be exercised consistently with disinterested love to others. As to the other point, he thinks it is not re- quired in the Divine law or in the Gospel. The most important official services of Mr. Sherman were: 1745-1752 — Surveyor New Haven County. 1752-1758 — Surveyor Litchfield County. 1754, February — Admitted to the Bar of Litchfield County. 1755-1759 — Justice of the Peace Litchfield County. 1755-1756; 1758-1761— Deputy for New Milford to General As- sembly. 1759-1761 — Justice of Quorum (County Court) for Litchfield County. 1759 — Commisary of Supplies for Connecticut at Albany, N. Y. 1760-1772 — In mercantile business in New Haven. 1765-1776 — Treasurer of Yale College. 1764-1766 — Deputy for New Haven to General Assembly. 1765, May — Justice of the Peace New Haven County. 1765, October — Justice of the Quorum New Haven County. 1766-1785 — Assistant of Connecticut. 1766-1789 — Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut. 1768 — Received degree of Master of Arts from Yale College. 1774-1781 and 178^1 — Delegate to Continental Congress. 1774 — Signed Articles of Association, 1774 — Signed Address to the King. 1776 — Signed Declaration of Independence. Sherman Genealogy 189 1777 — Delegate to Currency and Anti-Monopoly Conventions at Springfield, Mass. 1777-1779 and 1782 — Member of Council of Safety of Connecti- cut. 1778 — Signed Articles of Confederation. 1778 — Delegate to Convention on regulation of prices, at New Haven. 1783 — Revised the Connecticut Laws, with Judge Richard Law. 1784-1793— First Mayor of New Haven. 1787 — Delegate to Constitutional Convention. 1787 — Signed the Constitution of The United States. 1788 — Delegate from New Haven to Convention of Connecticut which ratified the Constitution of The United States. 1789-1791 — Representative for Connecticut in Congress of The United States. 1791 — June until death, July 23, 1793 — United States Senator for Connecticut. The State of Connecticut had two statues of Roger Sherman executed by C. B. Ives about 1870. One of them was given to the United States and stands in Statuary Hall in the Capitol, and the other is in the State Capitol at Hartford. An oil portrait of him was painted by Ralph Earle in 1775. It is life-size and represents him seated in a chair. This portrait is interesting and valuable because it was painted the year before the signing of The Declaration of Independence, when he was 54 years old. It is probably the one listed in the inventory of his estate at a value of il-4 shillings. During his life and until after the death of his son Roger in 1856, it was kept in the Sherman house on Chapel Street, New Haven. It became the property of his grand-daughter Martha, Mrs. Henry White. About 1868 it was repaired in Boston and transferred to a new canvas. After this it was kept in Mrs. White's residence, 258 Church Street, New Haven, until after her death in 1888. She bequeathed it to her son Roger Sherman White, and it was removed to Number 87 Trumbull Street, New Haven, the residence then of Charles A. White and now of Roger Sherman White, where it remained un- til in January, 1918, he presented it to Yale University. The President and Fellows of Yale University on Jan. 21, 1918, 190 Sherman Genealogy adopted a resolution as follows : "Voted to extend the thanks of the University to Roger Sherman White for the gift of a portrait of his great-grand- father, Roger Sherman, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and Treasurer of Yale College from 1766 to 1776, painted by Ralph Earle." In Apr.- May, 1918, it was taken to New York City and restored and renovated by Mr. H. A. Hammond Smith, expert restorer, and now hangs in the Yale University Memorial Dining Hall. Sev- eral copies of it have been painted, one of them by William Hicks, for the Hon. William M. Evarts, who presented it to Inde- pendence Hall in Philadelphia. It has also been etched and pho- tographed. Col. John Trumbull also painted Mr. Sherman later in life, about 1791, for his painting "The Declaration of Inde- pendence" which is in the Yale University Art Gallery, an en- largement of which by Trumbull is in the rotunda of the Capitol at W^ashington, and a later replica is in The Wadsworth Athe- naeum at Hartford, Conn. These are the only portraits of Mr. Sherman now known to have been painted from life. In the life of John Trumbull by Prof. John Ferguson Weir, N.A. ; M.A., Yale, 1871, for many years Director of the Yale School of Fine Arts, the author says of the picture of The Declaration of Independence — "The small picture now in Yale University is a priceless possession. Historically it is a unique pictorial record of that great event in the sense of its being the original picture from which the larger reproductions were copied, and was executed when Trumbull was at the height of his powers. The large picture in the Capitol at Washington, and the later replica in the Wadsworth Athenaeum at Hartford, are as if executed by another hand." Trumbull began studies for this pic- ture in 1791, and 36 of the portraits in it were painted from life. Trumbull says of it that he "made the whole committee of five [who drafted the Declaration] advance to the table of the presi- dent to make their report, instead of having the chairman rise in his place for the purpose." Prof. Weir quotes John Durand, the translator of Taine's works on art, as saying: "The portraits of Richard Henry Lee, George Clinton, Samuel Adams, Robert Mor- ris, George Clymer (the smallest and an inimitable head) with those of the group standing before Hancock — John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, Jefferson and Franklin — are Sherman Genealogy 191 comparable to the finest limning of Meissonier." Mrs. George Dupont Pratt, of New York, who was Helen Deming Sherman, a great-great-grand-daughter of Hon. Roger, has an ambrotype of a painting or drawing of him which may have been the portrait which belonged to her grand-father Major Charles Sherman and was bequeathed by him to his son Charles. It is very like and may have been a copy of his portrait in The Declaration of In- dependence picture or it may have been an original by Trumbull. A photograph of a similar portrait in an oval frame belonged to his grandson, the late Frederick R. Sherman. This portrait may have been the one bequeathed by the will of Major Charles Sherman. In the Historical Society of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, is a painting called "The Congress Voting Independence." It is a canvas 26>< x 19 inches, and wa* painted in 1788 in part by Rob- ert Edge Pine, an accomplished English artist, who died in 1788 before completing it, and was finished by Edward Savage, a noted painter and engraver. An account of this picture by the late Charles Henry Hart, the great expert on paintings, is in Vol. 29 (1905) of "The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biog- raphy." The painting was in the old Boston Museum for many years until 1892, when Mr. Hart bought it. He was of opinion that the composition and details of the picture are by Pine "painted in the very room in which the event sought to be commemorated was enacted which in Pine's time had not been changed or altered from what it was in 1776, and giving its lines with the exactness of an architectural drawing. * * * This painting was made use of in the recent restoration of Independence Hall to its origi- nal condition." Apparently, Mr. Hart thought that the central group includ- ing Jefiferson, Sherman, John Adams and Franklin was the work of Pine and said "it is beautiful and most artistic." See also an article by Mr. Hart on Edward Savage in "Proceedings of Massachusetts Historical Society," January, 1905, 2nd Series, Vol. 19. Mrs. Timothy Dwight, of New Haven, has an oil por- trait of Mr. Sherman made for her by Professor Weir from the Trumbull painting of The Declaration of Independence. It shows him with a quill pen in his right hand. Mr. Sherman at his death had an emblazonment of Arms of the Sherman family, the same 192 Sherman Genealogy as the Arms of the Yaxley Shermans. This is now owned by his great-grand-son Thomas T. Sherman. A reproduction of it with- out the colors is the frontispiece of this book. His sword is now owned by his great-great-grand-daghter, Mrs. William H. L. Edwards, of New York City. The following is a copy of the will of Hon. Roger Sherman, dated Augst 6, 1792: 'T, Roger Sherman of the City and County of New Haven in the State of Connecticut being in health of body and of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament in the following manner and form viz First I give and bequeath to Rebekah my well beloved wife three hun- dred pounds lawful money to be paid in Gold or Silver or the value there- of in any estate real or personal that I shall be possessed of in my own right at the time of my decease not herein otherwise especially disposed of, at her election. I also give her two good beds and furniture which she shall choose, all my silver plate, a walnut case of drawers, my largest Looking Glass, one cow and one third part of my other household goods. I also give her the use of the following parcel of real estate for the term of her natural life viz : the Easterly half of the Mansion House wherein I now dwell and the cellar under that part and the westerly half of my Gar- den rear and adjoining to said House lying between Chappel Street and land belonging to Simeon Baldwin and his wife and bounded Westerly part by James Prescott's home lot and part by High Street, Southerly by said Baldwin's land her part of said garden to be fifty feet wide. Also the Easterly half of the barn and wood house adjoining to my said garden. Also my lot of land adjoining to the west side of Jonah Atwater home lot on the north side of the highway leading to Derby and any other land that I may own at the time of my decease adjoining thereto. Also four acres of land that I bought of John Pierrpont lying at the Mill Rock Swamp, the estate above bequeathed to my said wife is to be in lieu and satisfaction of her Dower in my Estate if she accepts of the same. I also give to her the annual interest that shall accrue on two hundred pounds stock in the funds of the United States on which interest will commence on the first day of January A. D. 1801 to continue so long as she remains my widow after that time. Item I give to my son John Sherman in addition to what I have already given him Ten Pounds lawful money in Personal Estate at appraisement Item I give to my son Isaac Sherman in addition to what I have already given him one hundred and sixty pounds of my stock in the Funds of the United States that shall draw an annual interest at the time of my decease of six per cent Item I give and devise to my son Roger Sherman and to his heirs and assigns the Mansion House in which I now dwell and the land on which C/ an JiQ^ of Of iL irkrtud 2)ay of ceg^S-SSii^i^ Ji .3). 1783, U to 3tani a3 ■ jjj ^^^'^'f'Tp'J^^aya^ Commissiiin of John Sherman, son of Hon. Roger Sherman, as Captain by brevet, U. S. A. 1784 House at Canton, Mass., of Mrs. John (Nancy) Sherman Gravestone hi Canton, Mass., of Capt. John Shi'rnian and his second wife, Nancy (Tuclccr) Sherman Sherman Genealogy 193 it stands and adjacent thereto bounded Northerly Chappel Street, West- erly by the land in my garden the use of which is given to my wife for her life as aforesaid, Southerly part by land belonging to Simeon Baldwin and his wife and part by my other lands and Easterly by a line parallel to the westerly line thereof extending fourteen feet easterly of the said Mansion House excepting the uses herein otherwise given. Item I give and devise to my son Oliver Sherman and his heirs and as- signs the Mansion House and lot of land thereto adjoining that I lately purchased of my son John Sherman and his wife situate in said New Haven and the land between that and land above given to my son Roger together with a shop or store standing on the last mentioned land. Item I give to my daughter Chloe a Cherritree case of Drawers and I give all the remainder of my household goods to my six daughters in equal proportions viz : Chloe, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Mehetabel, Martha and Sarah. Item I give to my daughters Chloe, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Mehetabel, Martha and Sarah each two hundred pounds lawful money to be paid in Gold or Silver coin or stock in the Funds of the United States at the mar- kett price for cash or for want of a sufficient thereof in any other of my estate real or personal at a just appraisement each one to be entitled to an equal share in each kind of property in which the payment shall be made, to be in stock or money as far as may be Item I give to my granddaughter Betsey Sherman the only child of my son William Sherman dec. one hundred and thirty pounds lawful money in Specie or Stock in the funds of the United States drawing an accruing in- terest at six p cent p annum at the election of my Executor which is to be to her full portion of my estate I having made considerable advancement to her father in his life time Item I give all the residue of my estate Real and Personal after payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses and the legacies aforesaid to my wife and all my children in equal portions. I do hereby authorize my Executor to sell and dispose of any of my real estate not herein specially devised for the payment of debts and legacies or so much thereof as may be necessary. Item it is my will that if either of my children shall die in mj' life time the share herein to such deed child shall belong to my surviving children in equal portions and to the representatives of any of them that may be deed leaving issue after the date hereof Item it is my will that my daughters Chloe and Sarah shall have liberty to use the chamber with a Fire Place in it in the southwesterly part of the house in which I now dwell and the cellar under that part of the house and that my daughters Elizabeth, Mehetabel and Martha shall have liberty to use the south chamber with a Fire Place in it and the bed room thereto adjoining in the southeast corner of the house herein given to my son Oliver and the cellar under the kitchen of the last mentioned house while they respectively continue single and unmarried provided they shall have 194 Sherman Genealogy occasion personally to dwell in and occupy the same anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary notwithstanding Item It is my will that any and every person who shall have any common right to use the well and the entries and passages into the several parts of the said House and of the land adjoining thereto so far as may be nec- essary for using their respective parts of said houses and shall also have a like privilege respecting the barn and farm yard and may use the neces- sary houses and shall have the privilege of a passage into the yard between the Houses and to the Barn and for laying fire wood in some convenient places in the said yard Item it is my will that if my estate shall not be sufficient over and above the specific devises and bequests to pay the pecuniary legacies in full here- in given that there shall be a deduction from the said specific devises and bequests to supply such deficiencies so that the proportional value of each ones share may be preserved according to the portion herein given and I do hereby appoint my son Roger Sherman to be the sole Executor of this my last will and testament In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of August A.D. 1792 Roger Sherman (Seal) Signed sealed and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in our presence who subscribed as witnesses in the presence of the Testator and of each other Stephen Ball Stephen Ball Jr. Jeremiah Atwater 3''d" Proved in Probate Court, District of New Haven Aug. 5, 1793. Recorded in Probate Records Vol 16 page 637. The original will in the testator's handwriting is on file in the Probate Court. The inventory of his estate was exhibited to the Court and accepted Sept. 16, 1793 and is recorded in Vol. 16, Probate Records, page 440. It is not footed up. Among the items are: "1 Coat of Arms £1." and "1 Portrait £1—4." These are the Sherman Coat of Arms now belonging to Thomas T. Sherman and shown in the frontispiece and Earle's oil portrait of Hon. Roger Sherman now belonging to Yale University. The report of James Hillhouse, Elizur Goodrich and Jere- miah Atwater, distributors of the Estate is dated Nov. 25, 1796, Sherman Genealogy 195 It shows a distribution of certain real estate and sixty pounds of six per cent, stock of the United States according to the will. To Rebecca Sherman, widow, one undivided share in that part of the Hamden farm lying north of the highway estimated at 45 acres and 40 rods with buildings, and a like share in the wood lot in Hamden estimated at 8 acres, such shares to be in proportion to the whole of the lands as £83 bears to £352. 6s. Also one undivided share in the part of said farm lying south of the highway estimated at 25 acres and 118 rods and buildings thereon, such share to be in proportion to the whole as £9 bears to £193, making to said widow one eleventh part of the prop- erty distributed. To John Sherman, son of deceased, one undivided share in said farm north of the highway and in the wood lot, such share to be in proportion to the whole as £92. bears to £352-6s. making one eleventh part of the estate distributed. To Chloe Skinner, daughter of deceased, a piece of land on High Street on the south end of the home lot estimated at 753/2 rods: also one undivided share in the part of the Hamden farm north of the highway and in the wood lot, such share to be in proportion to the whole as £29-6s. bears to £352-6s. making one eleventh part of the property distributed. To Rebecca, Ebenezer and Roger Sherman Baldwin, chil- dren of Simeon Baldwin and Rebecca, his wife, daughter of de- ceased, they being the heirs of said Rebecca, deceased, the Mac- cumber lands and Wilmot lots in Hamden, estimated at 21 acres, undivided, to each of them in equal proportions, except the un- divided right or share hereinafter distributed therein to Isaac Sherman, making to said children one eleventh part of the prop- erty distributed. To Elizabeth Burr, daughter of deceased, salt meadow in East Haven 234 acres, £20.6 per cent stock of the United States and an undivided share in the wood lot in Hamden and the part of the Hamden farm north of the highway, such share in said land to be in the proportion to the whole which £61. bears to £352-6s. making one eleventh of the property distributed. To Roger Sherman, son of deceased, land on Chapel Street, 50 feet wide in front 35 5/10 rods, between lands of said Roger and James Prescott, also land on the north side of the Derby Road 4 196 Sherman Genealogy ' acres, said pieces of land are subject to the use of the widow dur- ing her Hfe — making one eleventh of the estate distributed. To Mehetibel Barns, daughter of deceased, land on south side of Derby road 4 acres, and an undivided share in the Wood lot and in the part of the Haniden farm north of the highway, so that her share in said land shall be in proportion to the whole as £66 bears to £352. making one eleventh of the property dis- tributed. To Oliver Sherman, son of deceased, ten acres of land in Hamden called Todds Swamp, £29-16s. in 6 per cent stock of the United States and a piece of land in New Haven estimated at 46 rods in the rear of the house and garden of said Oliver adjoining Yale College land and lands of said Roger Sherman and Rebecca Sherman, making one eleventh part of the property dis- tributed. To Isaac Sherman, son of deceased, the Mill Rock Swamp of 4 acres, subject to the widow's dower, and £10. 4s. in 6 per cent stock of the United States and an undivided share in the Mac- cumber, Jones and Wilmot lots, so that said share shall be in proportion to the whole as i2-10s. is to i94-10s. and an un- divided right in the Wood lot and the part of the Hamden farm north of the highway, so that his right in said lands shall be in proportion to the whole as £21 is to £352. A piece of 9 rods of land on High Street adjoining lands of James Prescott, Roger Sherman and Simeon Baldwin. Also land in the home lot on High Street between the lands distributed to Chloe Skinner and Oliver Sherman, 54 2/10 rods, making one eleventh of the prop- erty distributed. To Martha and Sarah, daughters of deceased, the part of the Hamden farm south of the highway with the buildings, excepting as is distributed to the widow, to hold the same to them undi- vided in equal parts, making to each of them one eleventh of the property distributed. The account of Roger Sherman as executor of the will of his father, Hon. Roger Sherman, in his ledger shows a total estate of £4469 — 13 — 1054 niade up of amount of inventory Sept. 26, 1793 £2224—16—6)4. Inventory No. 2, £2212—11—63/^, other receipts £32 — 5 — 9. Sherman Genealogy 197 The Sherman family Bible before mentioned contains the following entries : Elizabeth Hartwell, born August 31, 1726, O. S. September 11, N. S. Died October 19, 1760, married by Mr. Dunbar November 17, 1749. John Sherman bom July 19, 1750 [N. S.]. WiHiam bom November 23, 1751 [N. S.]. Died June 26, 1789. 8 morn. Isaac born June 28, 1753 [N. S.]. Qoe I born December 26, 1754. Died November 13, 1757. Oliver Sherman born July 25, 1756. Died June 16, 1757. Qoe II born May 19, 1758. Elizabeth Sherman born September 28, 1760. Died December 4, 1762. "Roger Sherman of New Haven & Rebekah, Daughter of Benja- min Prescott Junr. of Danvers were Joyned in Marriage by Benja. Prescott Esq'', at Danverse May 12th, 1763. Said Rebekah was born May 20, 1742 O. Stile or May 31, N. S. Rebekah Sherman Daughter of Roger Sherman & Rebekah his wife was Born Feb. 22^^ 1764 about 5 in the morning. Baptized 26*^^. Elizabeth born Dec"". 31, 1765 35 min. past 11 forenoon. Baptized Jan 5*"^ 1766. Roger born July 16 1768 9, morn. Baptized by M*". Stephen Haw- ley July 24*1^ Mehetabel Bom Feby 20*i^ 1772 about 10 morn. Baptized Mar. 1." The words "Elizabeth Hartwell born August" and "Married by Mr. Dunbar November" are in cipher. All of these entries are in Hon. Roger Sherman's handwriting. He left very few writings including some letters many of which have been published. Unfortunately he left nothing of an autobiographical nature. He was so much absorbed in the af- fairs of the public and of other persons that he had no thought of himself or possible posthumous fame. As his grandson Senator George F. Hoar said, "He was content to cause great things to be done for his country and cared nothing for the pride and glory of hiving done them" (Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1, p. 8). It would be interesting to learn from him about his early years and education, his parents and relatives and other 198 Sherman Genealogy details of his active and important life. It is wonderful how he held so many offices, attended to all their duties and brought up his large family besides carrying on a mercantile business for several years. In one of his ledgers he began "An account of the family of Sherman." In this he wrote briefly only about the family of Rev. John Sherman of Watertown and his brother Sam- uel and Samuel's children. Few of his letters to his family exist. The following are copies of two of them written to his son Roger, now in possession of Mr. Roger S. Warner. "Philadelphia December 29, 1791. Roger Sherman, Jimior, New Haven Dear Son I want to be informed what Supplies of provisions you have received from the Farm and from Barnabas Baldwin, and whether you want any money Sent home for family supplies — Whether Mr. Williams has paid any or what prospect there is of receiving any money from him — Whether you have been to Hartford and took out the funded Securities. Have you paid any Money to Deacon Bishop? I expect to pay £40 New York money to T. Pearsall & Son & 24i to J. Glover Next week and can Send a bank bill home if necessary. I want to know how Cloe and the rest of the family do, & whether Minot continued his school & how much it yields him per Quarter. I am in health. Yours &c Roger Sherman" "New Haven, Sept. 13th, 1792 Mr. Roger Sherman, Junior Litchfield Dear Son I received your letter of the 7th Instant, and shall send the Plorse and money as you requested. Mr. Edwards will set out on Saturday or Monday Next. We had a good season for Com- mencement and a Numerous Assembly — Young Mr. Emerson whom you saw at Concord was here. He is now a Settled Min- ister at Harvard about 14 miles from Concord — Chloe is come < Sherman Genealogy 199 home well — I this day received a letter from Isaac who is also well — John has taken a part of the Farm and resides there, has taken a Chamber & boards with Mr. Smith — and they are all well suited — Minot made a good oration on the Stages — He has got a good School at Windsor — where he can receive his pay quarterly — Josiah Sherman was at Commencement. He has been to New York and is doing well in trade at Northampton. Yours &c Roger Sherman" No comprehensive or adequate biography of him has been written. "The life of Roger Sherman," by Hon. Lewis Henry Boutell, 1896, is the most complete. This incorrectly states his early ancestry. Senator George Frisbie Hoar gathered material with the intention of preparing a biography, but finding himself unable to do so, induced Mr. Boutell to write his book largely from Senator Hoar's material. In Senator Hoar's "Autobiog- raphy of Seventy Years" is a chapter on "Roger Sherman and His Family" containing a brief sketch of Mr. Sherman's charac- ter and services. In Sanderson's "Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence," 1823, there is a short biography of Roger Sherman written by Robert Wain, Jr., of Philadelphia aided by Gov. Roger S. Baldwin, Judge John Trumbull and Jere- miah Evarts. In the "New Haven Morning Courier," of July, 1843, appeared a series of articles on Roger Sherman of a bio- graphical and eulogistic nature. In a letter written in 1875, Mr. Henry White states that these articles were written by Henry Stevens, B.A., Yale, 1843, M.A., afterwards of London, Eng- land, for many years a bookseller and a Fellow of the London Society of Antiquaries, who died in 1886. There are also articles on Roger Sherman in biographical dictionaries. On June 17, 1907, at New Milford, Conn., at the bi-centennial celebration of the founding of the town, his great-grandson Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, then Chief Justice of The Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut, delivered an address on Roger Sherman, most in- teresting, able and instructive. He said of him, among other things : "A plain country lad, a hard-working journeyman at his trade, a busy surveyor, a sagacious selectman, a shrewd store- keeper, a hard-headed lawyer, an industrious judge, he had quali- 200 Sherman Genealogy ties not of a kind that shine in polite society, but of a kind never- theless that count in life, in every position which a man may be called to fill. * * * * j^g stood for justice and truth ; he stood for duty, quietly, daily, untiringly done, in whatever sta- tion, high or low, God may see fit to place us." Children of Hon. Roger Sherman by first wife : 46 I. Capt. John^^ Sherman, b. at New Milford, July 8, 1750. 47 II. Lieut. William" Sherman, b. at New Milford, Nov. 12, 1751. III. Lieut Col. Isaac^^ Sherman, b. at New Milford, June 17, 1753, O. S., June 28, 1753, N. S. ; bap. July 1, 1753, O. S., by Rev. Nathaniel Taylor (New Milford Church Records, Vol. I, p. 17). Yale B.A., 1770 M.A. Taught school at Exeter, N. H., 1774. When Lexington was attacked in 1775, he immediately en- tered the service in Massachusetts Apr. 27, 1775. Commissioned Captain, served bravely and honorably thereafter until the close of the war, Jan., 1783. Major in Mar., 1776. In letter dated Oct 9, 1776, to Gov. Trumbull, of Connecticut, General Washington mentioned Major Sherman for promotion. Connecticut Council of Safety, Mar. 7, 1777. "Major Isaac Sherman is promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel in Col. Charles Webb's battalion in Continental Service." (Records of the State of Connecticut, Vol. I, p. 188.) Lieut. Col of Conn. Line in Jan., 1777. Was Lieut. Col. commanding from 1779 to end of war. The following is a copy of a letter to his father written by him at the beginning of the war: "Brookline Fort at Sewalls Point Sept. 8, 1775 Hon^d Sir I received your letter dated August 21st, which is the only one received since that favored by Col. Folsom. It gives me great pleasure to hear that my friends are in a good state of health. Mr. Dagget's stay was so very short that I could not pos- sibly have wrote — he told me you would set out for Philadelphia iiMtetTrv ^^^^ a^my rta/J ^^^tla^^/it^Ma/t/^^^^^t^^ ^cu/l^ J7i<^"y '~- Signature of William Sherman, son of Hon. Roger Sfierman )/ ^^J^7^7y '^/^^i-i-r ^^t^^/±JP-J^2^ /i 09^:fC^ Signature of Lieut. Col. Isaac Sherman, son of Hon. Roger Sherman, 1753-1819, to letter dated Nov. 19, 17% €1,.I>..^"'^^.; V ^^ i£^-rv^^ynj' ^^^i^^Jw-x'^V'^r ^ ^^-t^f <^i^ tl^r y^^^J^, ^ 'A^ --*.osiiS»^,-» tfC^yj., «-/' r^ ^t,^e<^^ ^i., f^ /* ^^5«iZ- — ^ifT^'T^ ly£ '^^^'«'^ '!L;^^U^rn^^^^ Letter December 24, 1792. Oliver Sherman, to his father, Hon. Roger Sherman Signid, Sealed and Delivered, in Prejence of ^ — ^^ y Lo^a^-t^^ j2yKx/>' 7-?^^ C\ayGoc Perfcnally appeared ^y0^ //i^ /(e.^^^^ ■>^^Xi>^'>'>^''^ — '^ Signer and Sealer of the Joregoing hjininiml,and achovUdged the fame to he A^-y-fret Aa and Deed, before me. Signature of Rebecca Sherman, widow of Hon. Roger Sherman, to deed, Jan. 8, 1808 Her son-in-law, Hon. Simeon Baldwin and her son, Roger Sherman witnesses Vt Signatures to partnership agreement of Prescott and Sherman, in handwriting of Roger Sherman, 1794 ^«^V>^-- /7 // Signatures to supplemental partnership agreoiiiout of Prescott and Sherman, 1827 Sherman Genealogy 201 before his return. I was appointed by the Mass"^ Province. Business of almost every kind was entirely stagnated in this Prov- ince by reason of the Publick difficulties which rendered it al- most impossible to obtain, any employment sufficient to procure a maintenance, was an inducement for me to enter the Army; but far from being the only one. The goodness of the cause a desire of being an useful Member of society and of serving my Country — a thirst for Glory, real glory, were the grand incentives. I hope by the assistance of the Deity I shall be enabled to serve every useful End, never to reflect dishonor upon the Family or myself. The distance being so great the necessity of being ex- peditious in recruiting rendered it almost impossible to have con- sulted with you on the affair. I am so far from thinking the advice of the experienced disadvantageous to youth, that I ap- prehend it to be the incumbent duty of young Men to consult and advise with those who are acquainted with the various manovres of Mankind, and especially with a kind indulgent Parent, who always consults the good of his Children. The Questions you proposed I shall answer with Pleasure. I am stationed at Brook- line Fort at Sewalls Point, situated between Cambridge and Rox- bury — on Charles River. We have no great prospect of a Battle at present. They will never presume without a very considerable Reinforcement to attempt to force our lines which are very strong; nor we theirs. The Army is very healthy, in fine spirits, resolute in the cause. We have no certain News from the British Troops — a few deserters now and then, but their relations are to be but little depended on. The people in Boston have been and are still in a very disagreeable situation. They have liberty to come out but they come out very slow, for a few Boats pass a day and those over Winipinet Ferry only. The Generals are well. We have various accounts from England but no Intelligence to be depended on. Nothing remarkable has happened here of late. Judges nor Justices are appointed. But the Assembly in their next Session I understand are a going to appoint them. The Council at present are settling the Militia of the Province. I should esteem it a great favor to be informed as soon as possible of the Plan preferred by the Continental Congress for raising troops for the ensuing Campaign — Whether I could obtain the command of a regiment if I could raise one. There are a Num- 202 Sherman Genealogy ber of things I stand in great need of which cannot easily be pro- cured here but at a very extravagant price — should be glad you v^ould furnish me with a genteel Hanger, a yard an half of super- fine scarlet Broad cloth, with suitable Trimmings — for a Coat of Uniform & a Piece Holland. I am in good health, very much pleased with a Military Life, tho' attended with many inconveni- ences. I shall for the future take every opportunity of writing and when anything of importance occurs, shall endeavour to give the earliest intelligence I am Sir Your most dutiful Son Isaac Sherman N. B. I should be glad to know what number of Men a Regi- ment will consist of the ensuing Campaign. Mr. Seevar the Bearer of this will tarry some days in Philadelphia he is after Goods. You may if agreeable have an opportunity of sending the Things I wrote for with his and they will be conveyed with safety to me. Mr. Sevar will purchase the quantity of Goods he pro- poses at N York, these things may be obtained there and sent with his if equally agreeable to you. To the Honble Roger Sherman Esqr. at Philadelphia favored by Mr. Sevar" Near the end of his life he wrote as follows : "I entered the army immediately after the battle of Lex- ington, and continued therein till sometime after the pre- liminary articles of treaty were announced in the United States. I was at the siege of Boston — with General Wash- ington at the taking of the Germans at Trenton — com- manded the advance guard into Princeton on the third of January 1777, — at the battle of Monmouth with Gen- eral Wayne in the taking of Stony Point, — and many other actions and skirmishes in my power to enumerate. I underwent great hardships, privations and dangers. At White Marsh in the close of the year 1777, I was placed in front of the American Army for 17 days, and was twice in Sherman Genealogy 203 action, in which nearly 120 brave Americans lost their lives under my command." Took part in many important engagements; commended to "Congress by General Wayne. An original member of The So- ciety of the Cincinnati of Connecticut. In 1785 elected by Con- gress Surveyor of Western lands. July 18, 1785 "Congress pro- ceeded to the election of a surveyor from Connecticut, and the ballots being taken, Mr. Isaac Sherman was elected, having been previously nominated by the delegates of that state." (Proceed- ings of Continental Congress.) Resided in Philadelphia in 1795, in New York in 1796. Later lived in New Jersey. Never mar- ried. The following are copies of his letters : "New York 20th NoV 1788. Sir, I have been unsuccessful with the commissioners of the treas- ury board. I have had encouragement of employment from sev- eral gentlemen in this city, in an enterprise to the westward ; but the length of time already elapsed and the uncertainty when their object will be matured, induce me to retire from New York to some town in its vicinity, where I propose to enter into a line of business sufficient for a support, till a more favorable time shall offer, for entering into public employ. The unfortunate failure of my brother has been exceedingly injurious to me; but persever- ance, I am persuaded, will enable me to rise superior to the sur- rounding difficulties. It is with reluctance that I call upon you for assistance to retire from this city ; but I hope this will be the last time that my circumstances shall render a similar application necessary. To descend into the vale of obscurity, for one who has acted no inconsiderable part in effecting the great revolution, which gave the United States of America a name among the na- tions of the earth, is hard ; but when I consider, that too great a reliance on public justice to be in some measure the cause, and not owing altogether to my own misconduct, the task becomes more easy. After once having taken the station, which my present circumstances render necessary, my mind will be more composed ; and I shall have time and leisure to make the proper arrangements for a reintroduction into public employ. From the consideration of the numerous family you have to support, it is 2 30/90 3 60/90 11 1 45/90 204 Sherman Genealogy painful to solicit any assistance ; and were this not the case, a man of my years and experience in life ought to depend upon himself. I have borrowed eleven dollars since my being in New York, and have, engaged to pay them the ensuing week, I there- fore most earnestly request that sum, at least, may be remited me. The following is a statement of the money I owe. To Colonel Richard Piatt, borrowed last Spring 25 Dollars Mr. David Osborn for board 17 Cap*. Forbes East Haven 1 Mr. Wm. Baldwin — Branford Mr. Jacob Brown — New Haven Borrowed in New York Thomas & Samuel Green 60 45/90 1^ I hope to be able to pay Colonel Piatt before he will want it — he is willing to wait three months The eleven dollars bor- rowed ; and the 17 due to Mr. Osborn are necessary to enable me to retire from this city. I am, Sir, with filial affection, Your obed'. Serv^ Isaac Sherman. The Honorable Roger Sherman Esq*"." "New York 19th Nov. 1796. Sir, I expected before this to have heard from you ; and that you would have transmitted a certificate from the Secretary of the Cincinnati Society of Connecticut, as I requested in my former letter, as it would be of great advantage to my family. I also ex- pected to have seen you here before this, though I suppose your business has prevented your coming. You are well acquainted with my situation and the circumstances of my family ; and there- fore if you have any regard for me, I should apprehend that you would have written. I told you when here that I did not wish you to involve yourself to extricate me from my present difficulties, though I think you and the other parts of the family might afford me some assistance ; as I have no doubt, but that we shall be able Sherman Genealogy 205 in a short time to return the favor. If anything can be done, the urgency of the case admits of no delay, or the least possible, I do not know when I shall be liberated. It may not be till the coming spring. But this is not the present point. Provision for my family is the primary object, which had I the certificate I wrote for, might in part answer the object. I write in haste. My respects to the family. If you do not come yourself, send me some money, as early as you can. I am. Your Affectionate Brother Isaac Sherman. Mr. Roger Sherman P. S. I wish you to come as early as your business will permit. If you was here three or four days, I have no doubt, but some- thing could be done of utility to me, and without any injury to yourself. I want to see you or brother Baldwin very much. I. S." Addressed on the back — "Mr. Roger Sherman, New Haven Merchant." He died at the house of Zophar Hetfield in Westfield, Essex County, New Jersey, Feb. 16, 1819, intestate. Adm. granted in Essex County to Levi Hetfield, Apr. 12, 1819. Inventory $110.79. IV. Chloe" Sherman, b. at New Milford, Dec. 26, 1754; bap. Feb. 16, 1755 by Rev. Nathaniel Taylor (Church Records Vol. I, p. 77) ; d. at New Milford, Nov. 13, 1757. Her grave stone in New Milford Cemetery is inscribed — "Here Lyes y^ Body of Chloe Sherman Daug^'"" of Roger Sherman Esq"". & M''^ Elizabeth his wife who Died Novem'^'' ye 13th 1757: Aged 2 Years. 10 Montis & 17 Days" V. Oliver" Sherman, b. at New Milford, July 25, 1756; bap. Aug., 1756 by Rev. Daniel Farrand (Church 206 Sherman Genealogy Records, Vol. I, p. 79) ; d. June 16, 1757. The in- scription on his grave stone in New Milford Ceme- tery is "Here Lyes y^ Body of Oliver Sherman Son of Roger Sherman Esq*" & M" Elizabeth his wife who Died June y« IQth A. D. 1752 Aged 10 Mon'ii & 22 Days" 48 VI. Chloe" Sherman, b. at New Milford, May 19, 1758. m. Dr. John Skinner. VII. Elizabeth" Sherman, b. at New Milford, Sept. 28, 1760; bap. Oct. 4, 1761, by Rev. Daniel Farrand (Church Records, Vol. I, p. 79). Perhaps error for 1760; d. Dec. 4, 1762. Children by second wife: 49 VIII. Rebecca" Sherman, b. at New Haven, Feb. 22, 1764. m. Simeon Baldwin. 50 IX. Elizabeth" Sherman, b. at New Haven, Dec. 31, 1765 ; m. (1) Sturges Burr; (2) Simeon Baldwin. 51 X. Roger" Sherman, b. at New Haven, July 16, 1768. XL Mehetabel" Sherman, b. at New Haven, Feb. 20, 1772; bap. Mar. 1, 1772; d. Nov. 18, 1772. Her grave stone in Grove Street Cemetery says: "Mehetabel daughter of Roger Sherman Esq"" & Rebecca his Wife, was born Feb. 20'h 1772 & died Novemb'r 18th 1772 aged about 8 Months" 52 XII. Mehetabel" Sherman, b. at New Haven, Jan. 28, 1774, m. (1) Daniel Barnes; (2) Jeremiah Evarts. XIII. Oliver" Sherman, b. at New Haven, Jan. 19. 1777; bap. May 25, 1777. B.A. Yale, 1795. A merchant in Sherman Genealogy 207 Boston, Mass. By deed dated Oct. 6, 1804, acknowl- edged in Boston and recorded in New Haven Records, Vol. 56, p. 132, Oliver Sherman "of the town of Bos- ton" conveyed to his mother Rebecca Sherman, land on Chapel Street, devised to him by his father and other land. He d. at Havana, Cuba, in 1820. Unm. 53 XIV. Martha^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Sept. 24, 1779; bap. Oct. 31, 1779; m. Rev. Jeremiah Day. 54 XV. Sarah" Sherman, b. at New Haven, Jan. 11, 1783. m. Hon. Samuel Hoar. 43. REV. NATHANIEL^" SHERMAN (40. William,^ Joseph,' Capt. John,'^ John," Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^, b. at Stoughton, Mass., Mar. 5, 1726/7. B.A. Princeton, 1753. Ordained pastor of Church at Bedford, Mass., Feb. 18, 1756. Afterwards pastor of Church at Mount Carmel, Conn. Later moved to East Windsor, Conn, m. at Bedford, Mar. 1, 1759, Lydia Merriam, daughter of Deacon John and Abigail (Hayward) Merriam, of Bedford, b. at Bedford, Apr. 6, 1742; d. at East Windsor, Feb. 3, 1793. He. d. there July 18, 1797. Children: I. Nathaniel" Sherman, b. at Bedford, Oct. 30, 1760; d. Sept. 24, 1790. II. Thaddeus" Sherman, b. at Bedford, Mar. 24, 1763; d. there Aug. 22, 1765. III. Lydia" Sherman, b. at Bedford, Sept. 9, 1765. m. General Roswell Olcott, son of Peter Olcott, First Governor of Vermont, b. 1768; d. at Knowlton, Can- ada, June 24, 1841. She d. at Brome, Quebec, Can- ada, Apr. 1, 1835. Children: 1. Mary Ann^^ Olcott, b. at Norwich, Conn., Nov. 11, 1797; m. Richard Whitwall, b. at Haxby, Eng- land, 1787; d. at Phillipsburg, Quebec, Canada, 1864. She d. there Sept. 16, 1870. Children: (1) Mary Ann" Whitwall, b. 1822; d. Jan. 25, 1916, unm. (2) Charlotte Sarah^^ Whitwall, b. 1825; d. 1903 unm. (3) Elizabeth M. J." Whit- wall, d. in infancy. (4) Richard R.^^ Whitwall, 208 Sherman Genealogy probably killed in the Civil War ; m. and had a son (a) Richard Francis" Whitwall, b. 1858; d. 1875. (5) Thaddeus Sherman^^ Whitwall, b. 1833; d. 1880, unm. (6) William Peter Olcott^^ Whitwall, b. 1835 ; m. ; d. 1892. (7) John Francis^^ Whit- wall, b. 1843; m. ; d. 1898; no issue. 2. Lydia^^ Qlcott, b. at Norwich, Conn., May 7, 1800; d. Jan. 13, 1892, unm. IV. Thaddeus^^ Sherman, b. at East Windsor, Sept. 23, 1774. Linen Merchant, New York City of firm of Sherman & Norton, m. at New York City, Sept. 20, 1813, Eliza Taylor, daughter of John and Margaret (Scott) Taylor of Glasgow, b. at New York City, July 14, 1786; d. at New Haven, Oct. 5, 1862. He d. at New Haven on his birthday, Sept. 23, 1858. His will, dated Mar. 11, 1852, was proved at New Haven, Sept. 27, 1858. Her will, dated Sept. 5, 1860, was proved at New Haven, Oct, 14, 1862. Children : 1. John Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, June 13, 1814; d. in England, Oct. 1, 1844. Buried St. Sepulchres Church, London. 2. Rhesa Howard^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Sept. 2, 1815; d. May 21, 1821. 3. Thaddeus^^ Sherman, Jr., b. at New Haven, Mar. 15, 1817; m. Pamela Higgins. He d. at New York City, Feb. 20, 1902. No issue. 4. Margaret Scott^^ Sherman, b. New York City, June 24, 1820; m. at New Haven, Mar. 20, 1843, Rev. Edward Strong, B.A. Yale, 1838. M.A.; D.D. Hamilton 1864, son of Rev. William Light- bourne (Yale, 1802) and Harriet (Deming) Strong, b. at Somers, Conn., Oct. 25, 1813; d. at Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1898. She d. there June 6, 1873. He m. (2) Sept. 10, 1874, Harriet" (Sherman) Wright, widow of Dr. Clark Wright, daughter of Charles" and Jennet (Taylor) Sher- man. She d. at Pittsfield, Feb. 2, 1899. Children born at New Haven: (1) Harriet Deming^ ^ Strong, ,.f^LT_/S ^ A '^2j..^-T,x,^^>^i^^^ 'y-^^^a^i^y ^^.^J^ c:P^si^-. Part of letter of Roger Sherman, Jr., to his father Feb. 25, 1793 ^; .^ V Fr.eses:(h 'Socir^ .^) -.: , z'" le Uj. Hands and SeaU the '^-^J'^-t^-^StZ^^tn^dt^ day of .^lyU^^<-J^ Anno Domini \%I0. y J D / Signatures of Jeremiah and Mehetabel (Sherman) Evarts to deed to Roger Sherman her brother of land in New Haven Sherman Genealogy 209 b. Apr. 25, 1S44; m. at Pittsfield, June 7, 1871, James Wilson, son of Solomon, and Mary Eliza- beth (Dunham) Wilson, b. at Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 23, 1848. She d. at Pittsfield, Feb. 20, 1915. Children born at Pittsfield: (a) Edward Strong^* Wilson, b. June 9, 1872 ; m. at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 20, 1914, Katherine Maude Hilton, daughter of John Warren and Caroline Maria (Kellogg) Hilton, b. at Detroit, Mich., Jan. 21, 1883. Chil- dren: i. Edward Strong^^ Wilson, Jr., b. at Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 9, 1914. ii. James Hilton^'' Wilson, b. at Yonkers, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1916. iii. Patricia Sherman^ ^ Wilson, b. at Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1917. (b) Charles Hulbert^* Wil- son, b. Oct. 15, 1877. B.A. Yale, 1900; m. at Pitts- field, Apr. 4, 1913, Lena Edge (Wyman) Sampson, widow of Alden Sampson and daughter of Silas Waite and Mary Jarvis (Houdlette) Wyman, b. at Augusta, Me., June 22, 1878. Child: i. Vir- ginia^^ Wilson, b. at Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 20, 1916. (c) Henry Norman^" Wilson, b. May 3, 1886; d. Sept. 26, 1886. (2) Edward Sherman^^' Strong, b. Oct. 4, 1851 ; m. at Boston, Mass., June 4, 1886, Cora May Kellogg, daughter of Eusebius Allan and Ophelia (Lockwood) Kellogg, b. at New York City, d at Boston, Mass., Dec. 16, 1899. Child: (a) Allan Kellogg" Strong, b. at Boston, 'Jan. 6, 1889. Unm. (3) William Thaddeus^^ Strong, b. at New Haven, Sept. 24, 1854. B.A. Yale, 1876. M.A., 1881. Teacher in Boston, Mass., Latin School 6 years. Secretary of U. S. Legation at Vienna, 1883-1885. Instructor in modern lan- guages at Yale, 1888-1890. Instructor at English High School, Boston ; m. at Boston, Mass., July 6, 1904, Baroness Rose Posse, widow of Baron Nils Posse of Stockholm, Sweden. She was b. Dec. 1, 1859, at Newburyport, Mass., and is dau. of Fos- ter Waldo and Catharine Moore (Ballou) Smith. He d. at Brookline, Mass., Apr. 22, 1919. No issue. 210 Sherman Genealogy 5. Howard^- Sherman, b. at New York City, Apr. 21, 1821 ; m. at New York, Sept. 27, 1842, Louisa Jane Tamblingson, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Dodridge) TambHngson, b. at Devenport, Eng- land, Sept. 27, 1823 ; d. at New Haven, Dec. 3, 1906. He d. at Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y., June 6, 1912. Children: (1) Louisa^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Oct. 26, 1843 ; m. at Whitney ville, Conn., Sept. 1, 1875, James Sherwood Pitkin, son of Gen. Samuel Leonard and Mary Ann (Lewis) Pitkin, b. at East Hartford, Conn., Nov. 25, 1843; d. at New Haven, Feb. 11, 1914. She d. at Pine Orchard, Conn., July 2, 1887. Children : (a) Wil- liam Roger ^* Pitkin, b. at New Haven, Mar. 30, 1877; LL.B. Yale, 1900; m. at Waterbury, Conn., Jan. 14, 1911, Pauline Migeon Hayden, daughter of Edward Simeon and Elizabeth Gilder (Kel- logg) Hayden, b. at Waterbury, Conn., May 20, 1879. Children born at New Haven: i. William^' Pitkin, b. Jan. 7, 1913. ii. Pauline Hayden^^ Pit- kin, b. Feb. 7, 1916; (b) James Sherman" Pitkin, b. at Ne\y Haven, Apr. 9, 1880. B.A., Harvard, 1903; B.A. Mass. Inst. Tech., 1906. Captain U. S. A. m. at New Haven, June 19, 1915, Annie Lawrence de Forest, daughter of Dr. Louis Shep- ard and Annie Coley (Everit) de Forest, b. at New Haven, Dec. 12, 1892. No issue, (c) Reginald^* Pitkin, b. at Pine Orchard, Conn., Oct. 12, 1881 ; d. at Pine Orchard, Aug. 10, 1882. (d) Lewis Sherman^* Pitkin, b. at Pine Orchard, June 22, 1887; m. at Washington, D. C, July 11, 1908, Laura Ruth Carlisle, daughter of William Kinkead and Mary Ann (Noonan) Carlisle, b. at Wichita, Kans., Sept. 19, 1886. Children : i. Laura Car- lisle^^ Pitkin, b. at New Haven, Jan. 1, 1915. ii. Jane Carlisle^^ Pitkin, b. at Pine Orchard, Aug. 4, 1916. (2) John Howard" Sherman, b. at Mount Morris, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1849; for a time a member of the Yale Qass of 1874 ; m. at New York City, Sherman Genealogy 211 Jan. 23, 1890, Lily Buttner, daughter of Bernard Theodore and Caroline Barnard (Way) Buttner, b. at Bremen, Germany, Nov. 2, 1858. He d. at New York City, Jan. 4, 1913, child: (a) Howard Roger ^* Sherman, b. at New York City, May 8, 1892. Unm. (3) Jessie Buchanan^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Oct. 27, 1866; m. on Staten Island, N. Y., July 29, 1911, Richard Garth Stevens, son of Joseph Hilton and Mary Jodrell (Lowndes) Stevens, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1864. No issue. 6. Eliza Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Oct. 26, 1824; d. at Stony Creek, Conn., Oct. 9, 1901. Unm. 7. Jessie Buchanan^- Sherman, b. at New York City, July 21, 1829; m. Nov. 3, 1851, Lucius Duncan Olmsted, son of Denison (B.A. Yale, 1813) and Eliza (Allyn) Olmsted, b. June 24, 1827; d. Mar. 13, 1862. She d. at Chicago, 111., Feb. 14, 1857. Children: (1) Francis Hovvard^^ Olmsted, b. at Chicago. Apr. 14, 1853. B.A. Yale, 1874; d. at Denver, Colo., Mar. 26, 1886; m. Oct. 13, 1882, Gertrude Meredith Holley, daughter of Alexander Lyman and Mary (Slade) Holley, of Brooklyn, N. Y. She m. (2) Frank E. Randall. Children: (a) Alexander Holley" Olmsted, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1883. B.A. Yale, 1904; m. at Poissy, France, Dec. 9, 1911, Marie de Corinick, daughter of Georges de Corinick ; d. at Bowdon, England, May 9, 1912. Child : i. Francis" Olm- sted, b. at Bowdon, May 9, 1912. (b) Jessie Sher- man" Olmsted, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1884; m. at New York City, June 14, 1906, Edmund John Drummond, son of John Landells and Jemima (Dodds) Drummond, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1876. Children: i. John Landells^^ Drum- mond, b. at New York City, Mar. 5, 1907. ii. Ger- trude Holley^^ Drummond, b. at New York City, Mar. 19, 1910. iii. Lucy Holley" Drummond, b. 212 Sherman Genealogy at Lakeville, Conn., June 2, 1914. (c) Francis Howard^* Olmsted, Jr., b. at Denver, Colo., Jan. 12, 1886; B.A. Yale, 1909. m. at New York City, Apr. 29, 1914, Julia (Hughes) Culbert, daughter of Isaac Wayne and Emily (Baker) Hughes, b. at Philadelphia, Penn. Children : i. Francis Culbert^' Olmsted, b. at Crawford, N. J., Nov. 1, 1915. ii. Jessie Sherman^^ Olmsted, b. at Providence, R. I., Apr. 28, 1918. (2) Jessie Sherman^^ Qlmsted, b. at Chicago, 111., June 2, 1855. Unm. (3) EHza Taylor" Olmsted, b. at Chicago, Jan. 27, 1857; m. (1) at Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 27, 1877, Ed- mond Falconnet de Palezieux, son of Falconnet and Emilie (de Montet) de Palezieux. Divorced, m. (2) at Hartford, Conn., June 18, 1906, Maximilian Baird, son of Lyman and Elizabeth (Mather) Baird, b. at Chicago, III, Jan. 4, 1869. B.A. Yale, 1890. Lawyer ; admitted to Bar of Illinois, March 1892. Child by first husband: (a) Rene^* 'de Palezieux, b. at Vevey, Switzerland, 1878; m. 1905, Bertrand Moreillon, Missionary in South Africa. Children: i. Marcelle^^ Moreillon, b. June, 1907. ii. Suzanne^'' Moreillon, b. 1908. iii. Jeanne^^ Moreillon, b. Nov., 1909. V. Joseph^i Sherman, bap. Mar. 18, 1781; d. Oct. 14, 1788. VI. Anna" Sherman, bap. Dec. 2, 1787; d. Oct. 4, 1788. 44. REV. JOSIAH^° SHERMAN (40. William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,'' John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Stoughton, Mass., Apr. 1, 1729; B.A. Princeton, 1754; M.A.; Harvard M.A., 1758; Yale M.A., 1765. Chaplain 7th Reg., Conn. Line, commissioned Jan. 1, 1777, discharged Dec. 6, 1777. This Regiment fought at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777, and wintered at Valley Forge, 1777-8. m. at Concord, Mass., Jan. 24, 1756, Martha Minot, daughter of Col. James and Elizabeth (Merrick) Minot, of Concord, b. Feb. 1, 1738 "Rev. Mr. Josiah Sherman of Woburn and Mrs. Martha Minot of Concord, Marr'^ by Jst^ Minot Jehnvory 24, 1756" Sherman Genealogy 213 (Wobum, Mass., Record, p. 251). Lived at Wobum Mass many years. Moved to Milford, Conn., then to Goshrn" Conn., a„d in .789 accepted call to Churc'h at A™ ty Conn .Wa1,errd:"DecTl^;rt;r\^i^^^^' "^'-^ '""^ bHd.e (New Have:,- ^'ro^;^ L^o^ V ^757' l^Tt Durham, Greene County, New York, 1820. Children 1. Minof Sherman, b. at Woburn, Dec 9 1756 II. Martha- Sherman, b. at Woburn, Dec' 8, 1758 m (1) Sept 7, 1780, Rev. Justus Mitchell, of New ^Tu .""•' '°" °^ ^'""^'^ ='"d Olive (Root) Mit- 8^' t '^P'-;- 1754; d. at New Canaan, Sept. 24. 1806. She m. (2) about 1807, William Battel Z 12^l74r'.'''''''^*'^' (S"""-) Battel, b.' isl ^U . ' t"' Farringford, Conn.. Feb. 29, Children by first husband : 1. Elizabeth- Mitchell, b. at Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 28 1781 : m. at New Canaan, Nov. 1, 1801, Charles Thompson, son of Hezelciah and Thompson 9^,7 ^l T- "'''■ ''■ ''«°' ^- ^' —-Dec! Ch Id. (1) Charles Chauncey- Thompson, b. Feb. 6, 1803, merchant. New York City; m. at Wood- bury, Oct. 11, 1826, Lydia Bacon, daughter of Dan- jel Bacon, b. Apr. 27, 1805 ; d. at New York City Dec. 2 1840. They had two children and many descendants. ' 2. Sherman- Mitchell, b. at Woodbury, July 2 1782- A. M.tchell, b. May 23, 1807; m. Mar. 14, 1839, Joseph Silhman; d. Apr. 5, 1880. They had two children and other descendants '■ f4"l7r4'^''^"^'- ^' ""'^ ^^"^-' C--' Sept. 1806, Elizabeth Leeds SilHman, daughter of Dr Joseph and Patty (Leeds) Silliman, b. Oct 22* 1789. He d. at White Plains, Feb. 20, 1862 She' 214 Sherman Genealogy d. Mar. 8, 1865. They had eight children and other descendants. 4. Chauncey Root^- Mitchell, b. at New Canaan, June 25, 1786; m. about 1807, Anna MacArthur Johnston, daughter of Hon. Robert and EHzabeth (Ogden) Johnston, b. at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1785; d. at Peekskill, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1864. He d. at Delhi, N. Y., Feb., 1811. Children: (1) Elizabeth Thompson^^^ Mitchell; (2) Martha Minott^^ Mitchell, b. at Somers, N. Y., May 2, 1810; m. at Peekskill, Dec. 26, 1832, Isaac Depew, son of Abraham and Catherine (Crankheit) De- pew, b. at Peekskill, Aug. 9, 1800; d. at Peekskill, Mar. 15, 1869. She d. at Peekskill, Mar. 26, 1885. Child: (a) Chauncey MitchelP* Depew, b. at Peekskill, Apr. 23, 1834. B.A. Yale, 1856; LL.D., 1887. Admitted to New York Bar 1858. Member of New York Assembly 1862 and 1863. Secretary of State of New York 1864-1865. Appointed and confirmed U. S. Minister to Japan, 1866. Resigned 1866. Appointed by N. Y. Legislature to settle boundary dispute with Pennsylvania. Attorney for New York & Harlem R. R. Co. 1866-1875. General Counsel of N. Y. Central & Hudson River R. R. Co. 1875-1885. President of that company 1885-1898. Chairman of the Board of Directors of that and other allied companies since 1898. Re- gent of the University of New York 1877-1904. Fellow of Yale University 1888-1906. U. S. Sena- tor 1899-1911. Delegate at large at Republican National Conventions 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900, 1904. Delegate at Republican National Conventions 1908, 1912, 1916. Orator at unveiling of Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor ; at the Centennial cele- bration of the inauguration of George Washington, 1899; at the opening of the Chicago Exposition, 1893, and on other important occasions. President N. Y. Yale Alumni Association 1883-1892. Presi- dent Union League Club of New York City, 1886- Sherman Genealogy 215 1892. m. (1) at New York City, Nov. 9, 1871, Elise Ann Hegeman, daughter of William and Eliza Johnson (Niven) Hegeman, b. Nov. 16, 1848; d. at New York City, May 7, 1893. m. (2) at Nice, France, Dec. 28, 1901, May Palmer, daughter of Henry and Alice (Hermon) Palmer, b. at New York City, May 3, 1866. Child by f^rst wife: Chauncey MitchelP^ Depew, Jr., b. at New York City, July 7, 1879. B.A. Columbia, 1901. Unm. (3) William Ogden^=^ Mitchell. (4) Lucia Johnston^^ Mitchell. HI. Elizabeth!^ Sherman, b. at Woburn, Mar. 26, 1761; m. John Mitchell; d. 1816. Child: 1. Henry ^2 Mitchell, b. at Woodbury, Conn., 1784. M.D. Yale, 1824. Representative Conn. Legisla- ture 1827. Rep. in U. S. Congress 1833-1835 ; d. at Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1856. IV. Mary" Sherman, b. at Woburn, Feb. 3, 1763. m. Joseph Ives, b. about 1750; d. about 1840. She d. at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1834. Children : 1. Joseph^- Ives. 2. Maryi^ Ives, b. at Hartford, , 1782; m. Apr. 4, 1802, Earl Percy Pease, son of Nathaniel and Eunice (Allen) Pease, b. at Norfolk, Conn., July 30, 1778; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1864. She d. at Canaan, Conn., Dec, 1876. V. Susannah" Sherman, b. at Woburn, Apr. 7, 1765; m. John Baldwin. She d. , 1833. VI. Josiah" Sherman, b. at Woburn, 1769; m. at Lansing- burg, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1797, Hannah Jones, daughter of Col. Amasa and Hope (Lord) Jones, b. at Hart- ford, Conn., Mar. 24, 1777; d. at Naugatuck, Conn., Mar. 24, 1861. He d. at Albany, N. Y., July 17. 1832, aged 62, intestate. Adm. July 27, 1832. Children : 1. Jane Maria'^- Sherman, b. at Lansingburg, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1798; m. at Albany, N. Y., July 8, 1821, Philip Schuyler Van Ingen, son of James Van Ingen. She d. at Somerville, Mass., July 10, 1843. 216 Sherman Genealogy Children: (1) James Wilson^^ Van Ingen, b. 1822. (2) Josiah" Van Ingen, b. 1824. (3) Hannah^^ Van Ingen, b. July 1, 1826; m. May 3, 1846, Rev. Lorain Armsby; d. Jan. 7, 1848. (4) John Fin- ley^2 Van Ingen, b. May 15, 1835; m. June 30, 1860, Regina Vergara; d. at Santiago, Chile, Sept. 15, 1905. 2. Anna Eliza^^ Sherman, b. at Lansingburg, Sept. 15, 1800; m. May 24, 1827, Rev. Daniel Crosby, who d. Feb., 1844. She d. at Waterbury, Conn., July 10, 1886. Children: (1) Minott Sherman^^ Crosby, b. June 23, 1829; m. Dec. 28, 1854, Margaretta Anna Loraine Maltby. He d. Jan. 16, 1897. (2) Edward" Crosby, b. 1832; d. 1838. (3) Ann Eliza^^ Crosby, b. Feb. 5, 1840; m. Oct. 25, 1888, Alfred F. Adams. 3. Josiah Jones^^ Sherman, b. at Lansingburg, May 21, 1803; d. intestate, at Albany, Aug. 26, 1873. Unm. Adm. Oct. 23, 1873. 4. Roger Minott^^ Sherman, b. at Albany, Aug. 4, 1805 ; d. July 2. 1825. 5. Henryi2 Sherman, b. at Albany, Mar. 6, 1808; B.A. Yale, 1829; M.A. Trinity, 1850. Lawyer. Author, m. at New York City, Sept. 20, 1843, Anna Amelia Burnham, daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (Seymour) Burnham, b. at New York City, Dec. 28, 1822; d. at Stratford, Conn., Oct. 15, 1897. He d. at Washington, D. C, Mar. 24, 1879. Children: (1) Elizabeth Seymour" Sherman, b. at Andover, Mass., Oct. 27, 1844; d. Apr. 29, 1848. (2) Anna Burnham" Sherman, b. at Buckland, Conn., Nov. 6, 1848; d. at Hartford, Conn., Apr. 4, 1913, unm. She published genea- logical notes on her family. (3) Ellen Minott" Sherman, b. at Buckland, Dec. 10, 1850; d. at Law- rence, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1901. (4) Ada Elizabeth" Sherman, b. at Hartford, Conn., Mar. 16, 1855; d, at Washington, Sept. 9, 1875. (5) Henry Roger" Sherman, b. at Washington, D. C, Aug. 18, 1864; HON. ROGER MINOTT SHERMAN 1773-1844 DANIEL BARNES 1772 IT'CI Son-in-law of Hon. Royer Stierman HON. SIMEON BAI.nWIN I7(.l I\S| Sciiiin law of Hon. Roger Siiernian. At ag<' of 4,^ Krdiii cnK'ravinL; by St. Mrniiii. Sherman Genealogy 217 m. Jan. 8, 1898, Aletta Smith, daughter of Rich- ard H. and Harriet (Hendrickson) Smith, b. July 31, 1881. Children: (a) Henry Roger" Sherman, Jr., b. Dec. 22, 1898. (b) Ruth Burnham^* Sher- man, b. Apr. 5, 1900. 6. Rev. Charles Selden^- Sherman, b. at Albany, Apr. 26, 1810; B.A. Yale, 1835. Congregational Min- ister and Missionary, m. (1) at New Haven, Conn., June 11, 1839, Martha Esther Williams, daughter of Cyrus and Martha (Wheeler) Wil- liams, b. at North Stonington, Conn., Jan. 24, 1816; d. at New Britain, Conn., July 9, 1846. m. (2) at Manchester, Conn., July 1, 1847, Esther Wood- bridge Pitkin, daughter of Horace and Emily (Woodbridge) Pitkin, b. at Manchester, Dec. 25, 1817; d. there July 10, 1893. He d. there Jan. 3, 1899. Children by first wife : (1) Charles Edwin^^ Sherman, b. at Jerusalem, Syria, Jan. 10, 1841 ; m. at Far Rockaway, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1900, Hannah Newbold Lawrence, daughter of Alfred Newbold and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Lawrence, b. at New York City, Apr. 9, 1852. No issue. (2) Sarah Williams^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Apr. 16, 1843 ; m. at Naugatuck, Conn., Aug. 23, 1866, Rev. George Addison Mills, son of Daniel and Martha (Carroll) Mills, b. Apr. 15, 1839. She d. at New- port, Vermont, Oct. 21, 1890. Children: (a) Rev. George Sherman^* Mills, b. at Copake, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1868; m. at Calais, Me., Kate Gage Vose. (b) Martha Esther" Mills, b. at Copake, Feb. 6, 1870; m. at Limerick. Me., June 19, 1900, William Abram Harthorne. (c) Emma CarrolF* Mills, b. at Castleton, N. Y., July 31, 1872; d. Aug. 2, 1872. (d) Charles Elmendorf" Mills, b. at Castleton, Mar. 9, 1874; m. Jan. 26, 1914, Mildred Dudley. (3) Roger Minott^^ Sherman, b. at New Britain, Conn., June 30, 1846; d. there Aug. 27, 1846. Children of Charles Selden^^ Sherman by second wife: (4) Richard^^ Sherman, b. at New Britain, H" 218 Sherman Genealogy May 15, 1849; d. at Naugatuck, June 26, 1853. (5) Edward Crosby^ ^ Sherman, b. at Naugatuck, Dec. 14, 1851. Unm. (6) Emily Pitkin^^^ Sher- man, b. at Naugatuck, May 30, 1856. Unm. 7. Mary Frances^^ Sherman, b. at Albany, Nov. 15, 1812; d. Feb. 26, 1816. 8. Epaphras Jones^^ Sherman, b. at Albany, Jan. 23, 1815; m. at Greenbush, N. Y., May 8, 1847, Mary Louise Rothschild, b. at Albany, N. Y. ; d. at Brookilyn, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1855. He d. at New York City, Dec. 31, 1885. Children: (1) Roger Minott'=* Sherman, b. at Albany, Dec. 9, 1849. Lawyer. For seven years Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York. m. (1) at Detroit, Mich., Nov. 19, 1876, Florence Bagley, daughter of John J. Bagley, Divorced. He m. (2) at Washington, D. C, Mar. 4, 1883, Mary Inman Drake, daughter of John Robert and Sarah Hill- yer (Inman) Drake, b. at Louisville, Ky., Sept. 29, 1863. He d. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1905. Children by first wife: (a) Mary Florence^* Sher- man, b. at New York City, Apr. 30, 1879. Unm. (b) Harold" Sherman, b. June 2, 1881, d. . Children by second wife: (c) Roger^* Sherman, b. at New York City, Sept. 17, 1884; Lawyer; m. at New York, Apr. 16, 1913, Marjorie Wellington Treat, daughter of Charles Payson and Sarah Hale (Wellington) Treat, b. at Chicago, 111., Aug. 2, 1887. Children b. at New York City: i. Katha- rine^^ Sherman, b. Jan. 10, 1914. ii. Roger Minott^' Sherman, b. July 6, 1916. (d) Beatrice^* Sher- man, b. Sept. 5, 1886; d. June 8, 1887. (e) Dorothy" Sherman, b. Jan. 20, 1888; m. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1911, Ernest Wilson Mecabe, son of Henry Harry and Martha Helen (Felker) Mecabe, b. at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 14, 1885. No issue. Adopted child: Margery Mecabe, b. Apr. 24, 1917. (f) Blatchford" Sherman, b. at New York City, Mar. 16, 1889, 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Sherman Genealogy 219 Served in France; m. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Dec 18, 1917, Martha Stella Miles, daughter of Dwilym and Lily (Haynes) Miles, b. at New York City Nov. 9, 1895. (g) Marjorie^* Sherman, b. at Ros- lyn, N. Y., Aug. 9. 1891 ; m. at Boston, Mass., Dec. 19, 1914, Lewis Patrick Greene, son of William Holt and Patricia Louise (Ward) Greene, b. at Spratton, Northamptonshire, England, Mar. 26, 1891. Child: i. Patricia Drake" Greene, b at Bronxville, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1916. (h) Sylvia^* Sherman, b. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1895; m. at Bronxville, N. Y., May 18, 1918, Perle'y Pea- body Pitkin, son of Frank Ivan and Josephine (Roleau) Pitkin, b. at Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 5 1892. Child: (a) Martha" Pitkin, b. at Montpelier! Nov. 15, 1919. (2) Walter Rothschild^^ Sher- man, b. at Albany. Dec. 24, 1851 ; m. (1) Oct. 10, 1873, Katherine M. Daly. She d. July 28, 1895* m. (2) Dec. 15, 1896, Belle Magee Annette. Di- vorced. Child by first wife: (a) Walter Minott^* Sherman, b. Oct. 18. 1876; d. at Colorado Springs Colo., Mar. 19, 1903. Child by second wife: (b)' Edith May^* Sherman, b. May 24, 1898. 9. Frances Mary^-' Sherman, b. at New York City Sept. 26, 1817. m .at Hartford, Conn., Nov. 29 1849, Aaron Buckland Jones (her first cousin),' She d. at Lake George, N. Y., July 29, 1856.' Child: (1) Herbert William" Jones, b. at Buck- land, Conn., Jan. 11, 1853; d. Jan. 15, 1895. Unm. Vn. Hon. Roger Minott- Sherman, b. at Woburn, May 22 1773. B.A. Yale, 1792. LL.D. Yale, 1829. Lived with his uncle Hon. Roger Sherman, in New Haven while in College. His uncle wrote to him as follows:' "New York April 28, 1790 Dear Nephew,— I would have you continue your studies and remain at my house as you have done hitherto. I hope you will be provided for so as to complete your education at College and lay a foundation for future usefulness. When I return "l 'shall 220 Sherman Genealogy take such further order respecting it as may be proper. I shall alTord you as much assistance as under my circumstances may be prudent. I am your affectionate uncle Roger Sherman" Helped support himself in College by teaching. Studied law in -Windsor, Conn., under Hon. Oliver Ellsworth (afterwards Chief Justice of the United States) and at the same time taught in the Academy. After two years, moved to Litchfield, Conn., and there studied law under Hon. Tapping Reeve and taught school. Feb. 5, 1795, elected Tutor of Yale College. Received instruction in law from Hon. Simeon Baldwin. Admitted to the Bar in New Haven in 1796. In May 1796 settled in Norwalk, Conn., as Lawyer. Dec. 13, 1796, m. Elizabeth Gould, daughter of Dr. and Col. William and Mary (Guy) Gould, formerly of Branford, then of New Haven, Conn. They had twin sons: 1. William Gould^^ Sherman and 2. James Minott^^ Sherman, b. at Norwalk, Oct. 18, 1799. They both d. young. He was Deputy to General Assembly for Norwalk in May and Oct. sessions in 1798. In Nov., 1807, removed to Fairfield, Conn., where he re- sided for the rest of his life, at his death leaving (subject to his wife's life estate) his homestead to the Congregational Church for a parsonage. It is still used as a parsonage and in it are fine oil portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman. Elected Assistant of Con- necticut May, 1814, and continued until May, 1818. Delegate to the Hartford Convention in Dec, 1814. Considered for Presi- dency of Yale College in 1817. Representative to General As- sembly for Fairfield in 1825 and 1838. In May, 1839. appointed Associate Justice of Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut. Resigned in May, 1842, on account of ill health, d. Dec. 30, 1844, at Fairfield. A very able, eloquent and distinguished lawyer and advocate with large practice in Court and before the Legis- lature. His widow d. at Fairfield, Aug. 3. 1848. in her 75th year. There is a sketch of him in "An Old New England Town," by Rev. Frank S. Child, 1895, also in Vol. 13, Conn. Reports Appen- dix, p. 22. VIII. Harriet" Sherman, d. young. IX. Eliza^^ Sherman, d. unm. Sherman Genealogy 221 45. DANIEL^" SHERMAN (41. John," John,« Samuel/ Ed- mund,"^ Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 14, 1721. Bap. Aug. 20, 1721. m. at Danbury, Conn., Feb. 14, 1744, Mindwell Taylor, daugh- ter of Nathan and Hannah (Benedict) Taylor, b. at Dan- bury, 1720 d. at Woodbury, May 18, 1798 (Ae. 78, G. S.) He d. at Woodbury, July 28, 1799 (Ae. 78, G. S.), Deputy for Woodbury to General Court 1754, 1755, 1757-1783, 1785- 1791. Member of Council of Safety 1777-1779. Judge of Probate 1758-1795. Justice of Quorum 1761-1786. Mem- ber of Governor's Council 1777-1781. Member of Conven- tion which ratified the Constitution of the United States at Hartford, 1788. His epitaph at Woodbury is as follows: "In/ memory of/ Daniel Sherman,/ Esq. who died July 28,/ A.D. 1799 aged 78 years/. Beneath the surface of this ground/ Honor in humble ruin lies./ Here earth contains in narrow bounds,/ What Sherman left below the skies." Her epitaph is: "In/ memory of/ Mindwell/ wife of Daniel Sherman/ Esq. who died May 18, 1798/ aged 78 years." His will, dated Nov. 10, 1795, was proved at Woodbury, Sept. 6, 1799. Mentions wife Mindwell, sons Daniel and Taylor, and daughters Sarah, Hannah and Emm. Chil- dren born at Woodbury: I. Hannah^^ Sherman, b. June 4, 1745. Bap. June 30, 1745. m. Feb. 11, 1765, Daniel Manvil. ' II. Emm" Sherman, b. Aug. 2, 1747. Bap. Aug. 9, 1747; d. Oct. 1, 1749. III. Sarah" Sherman, b. Sept. 14, 1749. Bap. Sept. 17, 1749. Unm. d. Sept. 14, 1798 Ae. 49. IV. Emm" Sherman, b. Mar. 23, 1753. Bap. Mar. 25, 1753. m. Feb. 19, 1772, Robert Warner. V. Daniel" Sherman, b. Apr. 30, 1756. Bap. May 2, 1756. m. Dec. 31. 1782, Elizabeth Mitchell. 55 VI. Taylor" SHerman, b. Sept. 5, 1758. 46. CAPT. JOHN" SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger,^" William," Joseph,® Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,° Henry,' Thomas,' John,^ ThomasO, b. at New Milford, Conn., July 8, 1750 222 Sherman Genealogy (O. S.), July 19, 1750 (N. S.) ; bap. July 15, 1750 (O. S.), by Rev. Nathaniel Taylor (Church Records, Vol. I, p. 77'). m. (1) by Rev. Jonathan Edwards, at New Haven, Aug. 28, 1771, Rebecca Austin, daughter of Deacon David and Mary (Mix) Austin, bap. at New Haven, Dec. 16, 1753. She obtained a divorce from him in Jan., 1793, in the Superior Court, New Haven County. She d. at Suffolk, Conn., Mar. 12, 1830, and is buried in the Charles Sherman burial lot in the Suffield Cemetery. Her tombstone inscription is: "Mrs. Rebecca A. Sherman of New Haven, died March 12, 1830, aged 7(i. Professing the religion of Christ, her life evinced love to His cause." Her will, dated June 28, 1828, was proved at New Haven, Apr. 16, 1830. He m. (2) at Stoughton, Mass., Sept. 4, 1794, by Rev. Zacharied Howard, Nancy Tucker, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Dana) Tucker, b. at Milton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1762. In or about 1784, he formed a partnership with David Austin, Jr., and Ilez Wetmore, of New Haven. The partnership agree- ment still extant, is not dated. By it they formed "themselves into a company for the prosecution of trade under the firm of Austin, Wetmore & Sherman" ; the partners to be equal pro- prietors in the capital stock of £1800; the profits to be equally divided and the partnership to continue until dissolved by agree- ment of the partners. In 1784 and 1785 the firm name was Wet- more & Sherman, and the place of busines was on Chapel Street. Advertisements of the firm in "The Connecticut Journal," of New Haven, in 1784, and in 1785, showed that they had for sale hay, oxen, horses, water hogsheads, hides, rum. sugar and an as- sortment of dry goods and other goods "For which they will re- ceive in Payment all kinds of Public Securities, Lumber and all kinds of Country Produce." He apparently gave up business and intended to go to Charleston or Savannah, as appears by the following letter from him to his father : "New Haven Decem 8th, 1788 Most respected Parent, My departure from' this is absolutely necessary on Account of my entering into business; the Trade of this City at present is not an Object of Importance, & scarcely of Support, I am now Sherman Genealogy 223 in the prime of life, I hope my Friends will not think me lost, my determinations are Just, that is to pay all their dues and owe no one anything-, in consequence of which I shall advise you & Esq. Austin, likewise Mrs. Sherman the place of my residence, the Set- tlement of my Public Accounts will be attended to by me as soon as the Public are ready to make me Payment for my Services, otherwise I should have left the United States for a few years, & this is only what prevents. I most probably shall fix my resi- dence at Charles Town, or Savannah, unhappy it is the past, I did not take your advice, it would not have obliged me to take the present measure (I think that the most unfeeling Heart would not wish to distress Mrs. Sherman & the Children in my absence) (I leave them to your care you will please to assert their rights & be their Just protector, & may the most Cordial Friendship ever subsist betwixt you & Esq. Austin. I wish each of you length of days & that your usefulness may be preserved to the last & that each of your Families may be happy (my own unhappiness pro- ceeds from myself only. I am with every respect Your son John Sherman Roger Sherman Esq." He served as paymaster in the Revolutionary War and had trouble with the settlement of his accounts with the United States Government, as shown by the following letter to his father: "New Etaven July 23^ 1790 Honer*^ Sir I transmit to you the ultimate Statement of my concerns with the United States in order to lay them before Congress for their consideration. I wish to compleat the whole as soon as possible in order to git into business which will support a large Family, and do that Justice to the public which is the best I possibly can, four applications, one to Congress, three to the General Assembly when the Acct^ were stated and the whole of the Securities in my hands, I found them daily falling and no general government established, which Induced me to take the measure I did, and by advice not from my friends who always held up an Idea of their being funded, but from other Gentlemen which prompted me to the Action (It is done I cannot help it) having no resources at 224 Sherman Genealogy Command, I await the decision of Congress on the Subject, my person is subject to an Arrest tho they cannot command Gold nor Silver from me having none nor any property, I will not attempt to Involve my friends as I never consulted them — my Acct^ are fully prepared for a Settlement I wish you to advise with Doc' Johnson who knows the circumstances of my first Application to Congress likewise Colo. Wadsworth as to the State, and no fur- their intefere on my Acc^ than you shall Judge necessary, I have stated plain facts — & expect personally to be answerable — I am your Son with every sentiments of respect John Sherman Roger Sherman Esq." (Written on back in his father's handwriting) "John Sherman's letter respecting his public accounts" There are in existence several letters from John Sherman to his father, relating to the divorce suit brought against him by his wife, in which he speaks of efforts to settle the matter and com- plains of his wife and his father-in-law. In a letter to his father, dated January 10, 1793, he says the divorce case has been tried and a decision is expected that day. In another letter, dated January 16, 1793, he says : "A bill of divorce is granted to Mrs. Sherman & all connec- tion on my part with the Family ceases forever. * * * * i am disposed to render them every assistance so far as it respects the children that Humanity & reason can demand." At this time he was living on his father's farm and managing it. The following letter from his daughters to their grandfather Sherman, refers to the separation of their parents and also to portraits and arms of the family : "New Haven, Jan. 21, 1793. Honored, and much respected Grandfather. We sincerely lament the unhappy necessity, which has sepe- rated our Parents. We hope it will not be the means of depriv- ing us of your parental regard, and protection. We shall ever MEHETABEL SHERMAN (Marrikli 1st, Daniel Barnes: 2nd, Jkrkmiah Evarts) 1774-1851 JEREMIAH EVAKTS 1781-1831 From oi! portrait by S. F. B. Morse Sherman Genealogy 225 retain a grateful remembrance of your past kindness, and hope you will ever continue it to us. The mortifying and disagreeable situation we are in, we hope will apologize for the freedom we have taken in addressing you. Our father not satisfied with heaping disgrace and sorrow upon his children, has stripped us of all the Furniture he ever purchased, not even excepting our Portraits, and arms of the Family, which we would wish to re- tain, as a remembrance of the family from which we are de- scended. The Carpet Mama thinks she ought to have, as he made a present of it to her, on his return from the Army before Evidences, as a reward for her faithfulness and Industry. He has likewise taken the Desk, Tea Urn, Silver Handled Knives & Forks, best Bed & Bedding, Chairs, Tables, &c., which Mama is very willing he should have. He has been here, & with Roger taken an account of all the Provisions, & Stores we have in the House, which are very considerable, and threatened taking them away, he has also given orders to Mr. Baldwin, to receive all the Money due to us from our Boarders, when they return at the close of Vacation. We intreat you Sir, to interpose in our afifair, & not suffer him to add affliction, to his already afflicted Children. We shall do everything in our power, to assist Mama in the maintenance of the Family, and endeavour to be as little bur- densome to our Friends as possible. We rejoice dear Sir, in the prospect of your speedy return, and hope tO' find in you an indul- gent Father, & unfailing Friend. We hope our future conduct will be such as to merit your approbation and esteem. With the greatest respect Dear Sir, we subscribe ourselves your dutiful & Affectionate Grandchildren Maria Sherman Betsey Sherman Harriet Sherman." Addressed "Hon^'e Roger Sherman Philadelphia" Endorsed "Maria Sherman's &c. letter Jan. 21" Capt. John^^ Sherman d. intestate at Canton, Mass., Aug. 8, 1802. Adm. granted to his widow Anna [Nancy] Sherman, Oct. 5, 1802. Bond $20,000. Inventory of personal property $388.17, 226 Sherman Genealogy filed Nov. 17, 1802. She d. at Canton, intestate, Dec. 7, 1858, in her 97th year, having survived her husband over 56 years. Adm. to Charles G. Mcintosh, Feb. 5, 1859. Bond $16,000. Inventory filed Feb. 24, 1859. Real estate $2180. Personal $6376.89. Sec- ond account allowed Dec. 31, 1859, and estate distributed. He served in Revolutionary War. Was Paymaster of a Massa- chusetts Regiment in 1776. Paymaster 6th Connecticut Regi- ment of Line Jan. 1, 1777. Commissioned second Lieutenant Oct. 7, 1778, first Lieutenant May 10, 1780; served in 4th Connecti- cut Regiment and 2nd Connecticut Regiment. Served to June, 1783. Received commission as Captain by brevet Feb. 23, 1784. He was an original member of The Society of the Cincinnati of Connecticut. Their grave stone in Canton Cemetery, has the following inscriptions : CAPT. JOHN SHERMAN eldest son of Hon. Roger Sherman. signer of the Declaration of Independence born in New Milford Conn. died at Canton Aug. 8. 1802 in his 52d year. MRS NANCY widow of Capt. John Sherman born at Milton died at Canton Dec 7. 1858 in her 97th year. By deed dated Aug. 12, 1793, in consideration of £45, he con- veyed to his brother Roger Sherman all his interest in the real and personal estate of his father deceased. He taught school in Canton, Mass., in 1794 and 1795. In the U. S. Pension Office is record of application on Nov. 7, 1848. of Nancy Tucker Sher- man, of Canton, Mass., aged 86 years, widow of John Sherman, for pension. She states that they were married Sept. 4, 1794, and that John died at Canton, Aug. 6, 1802. On Nov. 8, 1848. Lucinda Littlefield, of Randolph, Mass., aged 52 years, states Sherman Genealogy 227 that she is the daughter of John and Nancy Sherman, The pen- sion was granted. Children by first wife, born at New Haven, Conn. : 56 I. Rev. John^2 Sherman, b. June 30, 1772. II. Maria^2 Sherman, b. Sept. 30, 1774; bap. Sept. 29, 1782; m. at New Haven, by Rev. Timothy JDwight^ Dec. 3, 1798, Rev. Ira Hart, B.A. Yale, 1797, M.A., son of Jonathan and Mary (Coe) Hart; b. at Bristol (now Farmington), Conn., Sept. 18, 1771; d. at Stonington, Conn., Oct. 29, 1829. He was Pastor of the church at Stonington for many years and was Chaplain of Col. Randall's Regiment at the battle of Stonington, Aug., 1814. She d. at Stonington, Sept. 21, 1857. Children: 1. Dr. David Sherman" Hart, b. at Middlebury, Conn,, Sept. 26, 1799. B.A. East Tenn. College, 1821, M.A., 1875. M.D. Yale, 1823, d, at Ston- ington, Aug. 8, 1885. Unm. 2. Charles Theodore" Hart, b. at New Haven, June 14, 1801, Class of 1821 at Yale; d. at Stonington, Oct. 13, 1819. Unm. 3. Eliza Harriet" Hart, b. at Middlebury, Mar. 12, 1803; m, at Stonington, Dec. 31, 1823, Benjamin Franklin Palmer, son of Noyes and Dorothy (Stanton) Palmer, b. at Stonington, Oct, 25, 1797; d, there Nov, 23, 1878. She d. at Mystic Bridge, Dec. 29, 1842. He married (2) Susan M. Smith. Children of Eliza, born at Mystic Bridge, near Stonington: (1) Franklin Alexander^* Palmer, b, Apr. 23, 1825 ; mar. at Mystic, June 22, 1848, Ara- bella Stoddard, daughter of Ralph and Charlotte (Colfax) Stoddard, b. at New London, Conn., Aug. 31, 1824; d, at Campbell, Cal., Dec. 15, 1907. He d. at Stonington, Jan. 23, 1864. Children born at Stonington: (a) Eliza Arabella" Palmer, b. Dec. 28, 1849; d. Dec. 31, 1849. (b) Frank Learned" Palmer, b. Mar. 31, 1852; m. at Oakland, Cal., Dec. 29, 1897, Martha Louisa Belcher, daugh- / ^ 228 Sherman Genealogy V ter of Frederick Parsons and Clara (Smith) Bel- cher, b. at San Francisco, Oct. 27, 1855. Chil- dren : i. Franklin Charles" Palmer, b. at Oakland, Cal., Mar. 6, 1881; m. at Salem, Oregon, July 15, 1905. Helene Semke, daughter of Henry and Christina (Mattise) Semke, b. at Crystal Falls, Mich., Oct. 2, 1887. Children: Bertram Glenn" Palmer, b. at Salem, Ore., Aug. 25, 1907. Edith Gertrude^^ Palmer, b. at Pomona, Cal., Oct. 9, 1911, Dorothy Helen^^ Palmer, b. at Terra Bella, Cal., Feb. 25, 1917. ii. Frederick Belcher^" Palmer, b, at Oakland, May 21, 1883; m. at Walnut, Cal, Nov. 21, 1911, Hazel Marie Williamson, daughter of Eli Samuel and Maria Ann (Keeler) William- son, b. at Bradford, Penn., Nov. 26, 1888. Child: Thomas Williamson^^ Palmer, b. at Pomona, Cal., Oct. 23, 1915. iii. Donald Day" Palmer, b. at -^' Oakland, Aug. 19, 1885 ; enlisted but not called into service; m. at Pomona, July 17, 1917, Kath- arine Prewitt Graham, daughter of William Har- rison and Frances (Boswell) Graham, b. at Lex- ington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1888. iv. Roger Sherman^® Palmer, b. at Oakland, Oct. 14, 1888. B.A. Po- mona College, 1910. Served in U. S. Medical Re- serve; m. at Boston, Mass., May 27, 1918, Irma Frances MacKenzie, daughter of Angus G. and Margaret Jane (Holmes) MacKenzie, b. July 11, 1891. V. Gertrude" Palmer, b. at Pomona, Nov. 8, 1890. Served in France as dietitian at U. S. Base FTospital 46 near Neuf Chateau, 1918. Unm. (c) Arabella Stoddard" Palmer, b. Jan. 7, 1854; m. at Oakland, Jan. 18, 1882, Charles Zalmon Mer- ritt, son of William Chambers and Mary Lock- wood (Carter) Merritt, b. at Montebello, 111., Oct. 25, 1853. She d. at Oakland, July 22, 1906. Chil- dren: i. Ralph Palmer" Merritt, b. at Rio Vista, " Cal., Feb. 26. 1883. B.S. University of Cal., 1907. Comptroller of University of California. U. S. Food Administrator for California ; m. at Oaklat>'^. Sherman Genealogy 229 May 21, 1910, Varina Pearl Morrow, daughter of Frederick Brown and Mary Harvey (Kirkman) Morrow, b. at Oakland, July 17, 1883. Children born at Oakland: Mary Varina^'^ Merritt, b. Mar. 27, 1911. Katherine Stoddard^^ Merritt, b. Sept. 20, 1912. Ralph Palmer^^ Merritt, Junior, b. July 9, 1916. ii. Charlotte HazeF^ Merritt, b. at Oak- land, July 6, 1885. Unm. (d) Charlotte Eliza^^ Pal- mer, b. Apr. 25, 1858. Unm. (e) Harriet RusselF Palmer, b. Jan. 3, 1861. Unm. (f) Roger Sher- man^^ Palmer, b. Aug. 23, 1863 ; d. at Stonington, Aug. 27, 1863. (2) Charles Theodore Hart^'' Pal- mer, b. Jan. 15, 1827. B.A. Yale, 1847. m. at New Almaden, Cal., May 21, 1857, Harriet King" Day, daughter of Sherman^^ and Elizabeth Ann (King) Day, b. at New Haven, Mar. 6, 1836. He taught under a tree the first school at Sacramento, Cal. He d. at Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 18, 1897. No issue. (See below 74.) (3) Maria Sherman^* Palmer, b. Nov. 16, 1829; m. at Mystic Bridge, Nov., 1860, Selden Spencer Walkley, son of James and Lydia (Spencer) Walkley, b. at Had- dam. Conn., Jan. 18, 1806; d. at Philadelphia, Pa., Feb., 1891. She d. at Mystic, 1862. Child: (a) Maria Palmer^^ Walkley, b. at Mystic Bridge, 1862; d. there 1862, a few weeks old. He m. (2) at North Beverly, Mass., Oct. 20, 1864, Caroline Lord, daughter of Thomas Lord. They had two sons, both now dead. (4) Harriet Elizabeth^* Palmer, b. Dec. 2, 1832 ; m. at Mystic Bridge, May, 1852, Thomas Wright Russell, son of Charles and Adaline (Nash) Russell, b. at Greenfield, Mass., May 22, 1824. She d. at Hartford, Conn., about 1874. No issue. He m. again and had issue. He d. at Hartford, Apr. 23, 1891. (5) Ira Hart^* Palmer, b. Apr. 18, 1836; m. at Stonington, Nov. 5, 1861, Harriet Trumbull, daughter of John Frank- lin and Ann Eliza (Smith, second wife) Trumbull, b. at Stonington, Mar. 25, 1838. He d. at Ston- 230 t Sherman Genealogy ington, Aug. 25, 1903. Children born at Stoning- ton: (a) Arthur TrumbulU^ Pahner, b. June 12, 1863; m. (1) at Pomona, Cal, Nov. 10, 1887, Emma Lena Parsons, daughter of Ephraim and /-^ Lydia (Wilcox) Parsons, b. at Kewanee, 111., July 14, 1867; d. at Pomona, Sept. 28, 1888; m. (2) at Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1893, Laura Crosvvell Brown, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Laura Adams (Crosswell) Brown, b. at New York City, Apr. 14, 1858. He d. at Portland, Me., Dec. 30, 1901. Child by second wife: i. Laura Sherman^" Palmer, b. at Rockland, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1897. (b) Charles Sherman^'^ Palmer, b. Feb. 23, 1865 ; d. at Stonington, Sept. 14, 1866. (c) Henry Robin- son^^ Palmer, b. Oct. 15, 1867; m. at Stonington, June 14, 1900, Rieta Woodruff Babcock, daughter of Courtlandt Guynet and Mary Burnet (Wood- ruff) Babcock, b. at New York City, Feb. 2, 1876. Children born at Stonington : i. Lewis Babcock^" Palmer, b. June 16, 1907. ii. Henry Robinson" Palmer, Jr., b. June 16, 1911. iii. Mary Babcock" Palmer, b. July 4, 1916. (d) Frank Trumbull" Palmer, b. May 12, 1870; d. at Stonington, Aug. 23, 1910. Unm. (6) Henry Austin^* Pal- mer, b. Dec. 23, 1842; m. at Oakland, Cal., Feb. 6, 1867, Jane Olivia^^ Day, daughter of Sherman^' and Elizabeth Ann (King) Day, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1844; d. at Los Angeles, Cal., July 21, 1910. He d. there Feb. 4, 1917. Three chil- dren. (See below 125.) i 4. Louisa Maria^' Hart, b. Apr. 11, 1805; d. at Ston- ington, Nov. 15, 1868. Unm. 5. Henry Austin" Hart, b. Sept. 26, 1809 ; d. at Ston- ington, Mar. 5, 1837. Unm. in. Harriet" Sherman, b. Sept. 30, 1776; bap. Sept. 29, 1782; d. May 2, 1795. Unm. IV. Elizabeth" Sherman, b. Sept. 10, 1778; bap. Sept. 29, 1778; m. at New Haven by Rev. Timothy Dwight, Rev. Erastus Ripley, B.A. Yale 1795, M.A., son of Sherman Genealogy 231 Joshua and Elizabeth (Lathrop) Ripley, b. at Wind- ham, Conn., June 17, 1770; d. at Meriden, Conn., Nov. 17, 1843. She d. at Montville, Conn., Nov. 3, 1834. No issue. V. Rev. David Austin^- Sherman, b. Dec. 10, 1781 ; bap. Sept. 29, 1782; B.A. Yale, 1802, M.A.; m. by Rev. Ira Hart, at Stonington, Conn., Oct. 6, 1813, Mary Ann Babcock, daughter of Major Paul and Nancy (Bell) Babcock, b. Apr. 3, 1792; d. at Stonington, Aug. 3, 1815. He d. at Racine, Wis., Dec. 4, 1843. Tutor at Yale. President of East Tennessee College. Child : 1. David Babcock^^ Sherman; d. young. 57 VI. Major Charles^- Sherman, b. Nov. 28, 1783. VII. Rev. Henryi2 Sherman, b. Oct. 16, 1785 ; bap. Dec. 1, 1785 ; B.A. Yale, 1803, M.A. Licensed co preach Nov. 9, 1808. m. by Rev. Ira Hart, at North Stonington, Conn., Oct. 7, 1813, Martha Denison, daughter of Amos and Hannah (Williams) Denison, b. at Ston- ington, Mar. 26, 1796. He d. at New Haven, Feb. 4, 1817. She m. (2) May 1, 1826, Rev. Stephen Peet, B.A., Yale, 1823, who d. Mar., 1855. She d. Nov. 13, 1877. Child: 1. Rebecca Austin^ ^ Sherman, b. at Weston, Conn,, Feb. 16, 1815; m. at Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1837, as his second wife, James Wellington Vail, son of , Isaiah and Hannah (Horton) Vail, b. at Middle- town, N. Y., May 13, 1805 ; d. at Selma, Ala., Aug. 20, 1882. He m. (1) May 10, 1832, Lindamira Jack- son, b. Mar. 11, 1809; d. June 24, 1835. Rebecca d. at Madison, Wis., Mar. 6, 1888. Children: (1) Sarah Rebecca^* Vail, b. at Troy, Wis., Sept. 21, 1838; m. at Minneapolis, Minn., June 9, 1886, Josah Thompson, Sr., b. at Rehoboth, R. I., June 9, 1816; d. at Minneapolis, June 8, 1890. No issue. (2) Lindamira Jackson^* Vail, b. at Troy, Wis., Jan. 1, 1841; m. at Avoca, Wis., Jan. 2, 1872, Charles Burritt Curtis, son of Rev. Otis Freeman and Marilla (Wright) Curtis, b. at Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 9, 1848 ; B.A. Beloit College. Wis., 1870, 232 Sherman Genealogy M.A. ; B.D. Yale, 1873. She d. at Maltz, Ala., June 7 , 1902. Children (a) Henry Sherman^^ Curtis, b. at South Britain, Conn., Aug. 16, 1873; m. (1) at Ithaca, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1899, Elzabeth Teninty, daughter of Lawrence and Katharine Teninty, b. at Union Springs, N. Y., June 21, 1879; d. at Ashe- ville, N. C, June 20, 1909. He m. (2) at Selma, Ala., Apr. 24, 1910, Eva Hicks, daughter of Rev. T. Raymond and Leonora Hicks, b. at Mont- gomery, Ala., Nov. 3, 1887. Children by first wife : i. Ralph Vincent^® Curtis, b. at Chicago, 111., Mar., 1900. ii. Joseph Carleton^^ Curtis, b. at Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1904. (b) Ralph Wright" Curtis, b. at Burlington, Wis., Dec. 8, 1877. B.S.A. Cornell University, 1901. M.S.A. Cornell, 1905. Prof. Landscape Dept. Cornell Univ., m. at Jamaica Plain, Mass., Sept. 3, 1910, Allie Petti- grew, daughter of John and Anne M. (Goode) Pet- tigrew, b. at Chicago, III, Sept. 20, 1878. Child: i. Roger Sherman^^ Curtis, b. at Boston, Mass., May 23, 1911. (3) Martha Sherman^* Vail, b. at Racine, Wis., May 28, 1843; m. at Avoca, Wis., Sept. 5, 1867, Oliver Perry Ashley, son of Elisha and Eliza (Girard) Ashley, b. at Auburn, O., Oct. 29, 1838; d. at Avoca, Wis., Jan. 15, 1906. Chil- dren: (a) Eloise^^ Ashley, b. at Dodgeville, Wis., Aug. 30, 1869; m. at Lennox, So. Dakota, Aug. 2, \ 1892, Marshall Richard Brown, son of Thomas V Henderson and Mary (Morse) Brown, b. at Brod- head, Wis., June 1, 1869. Children born at Sioux Falls, So. Dak. ; i. Roger Sherman Henderson^* Brown, b. Aug. 25, 1893. Sergeant U. S. A. ii. Doris Albina^^ Brown, b. June 9, 1806. iii. Mary Ruth^^ Brown, b. Jan. 4, 1900; d. at Sioux Falls, Aug. 17, 1902. iv. Elinor Martha^^ Brown, b. Mar. 2, 1902. v. Ashley Morse^" Brown, b. Oct. 16. 1905. (b) Rebecca Sherman^^ Ashley, b. at Avoca, Wis., July 3, 1871. Unm. (c) Florence Cecelia" Ashley, b. at Vinton, Iowa, Feb. 12, 1874; MR. AND MRS. ROGER SHERMAN. JR. 1768-1856. 1778)855 From an ambrotype EDWARD STANDISH SHERMAN 1818-1882 CATHARINE AUGUSTA TOWNSEND (Mrs. Edward S. Sherman) 1823-1902 REV. JEREMIAH DAY, 1773-1867 President of Vale College. Son in-law of Hon. Roger Sherman. From oil iiurtrait painted in 1S2.3 liy Samuel F. B. Morse for Vale College Sherman Genealogy 2V\ d at Lennox, So. Da., May 4, 1897. (d) Tosiah U. b. A.; b. at Lennox, So. Dak., Mar. 6 1885- (Hastmgs) Welcome, daughter of William Henry and Bess,e (Kendal) Hastings, b. at Minneapolis Minn., 1885. No is^ne i±\ -u ■ . "^ "• V-,iI h „r. . ° '"™^- (+) Harriet Louisa" 184 ' ''■;/,'!?""'■ -^"S:. 2, 1845; d. there Sept. 11, 1845. (5) Henry Sherman" Vail, b. at Mt Zion r ^i:, ''• ""'• ^^'°^ '-" ^-'- Adlt.' G nl' « Mr^3^1^r7'"^'''r^^°'-"-^'^^'-^°; ill., Mar. 31 1880, Jennnie Corneha McCulIoch daughter of Carleton G. and Harriet (Pettibonel McCuNoch b. at Portage, Wis., Nov. 15, 1856 H b' ! S'^m'1 p"'' '"• ^*- '^- '5'9. Children C„n h f v"f T"*' '^■'"'^"^ (^) Carleton Mc- CulIoch" Vail, b. Feb. 13, 1881; m. at Chicaro Jan 22, 1907. Winifred Case, daughter of ^dTd / Beecher and Lavonia (Prentiss) Case, b. at Chi- S L K ;^'- ^'^"*^" ^°™ « Highland Park: ,. Ed.th Wmifred" Vail, b. Nov. 7 1908 ..Carleton McCuiloch" Vail, Jr., b. Mar. 22 1912^ (b) Roger Sherman" Vail, b. Nov. 6, 1883; m' a Rochester N. Y., Apr. 23, 1914, Mary Glenn B OSS. daughter of Joseph Blossom and Mary m^ ("!;°^--") Bloss, b. at Rochester, July 1^ 1890. Children born at Chicago: i. Ro..er Sher -n" Vail, Jr., b. July 4. 1915.' ii. Hen^^ Bios"; Vai b^Dec. 7 ,916. (c) James" Vail, 1 Ma; 6. 1885; d. at Highland Park, May 7, 1885. (d) Malcolm Dennison" Vail. b. Oct. 4, 1888; ma Cleveland, O., Mar. 4, 19,6, Margaret Fielding Nye, daughter of Howard B. and Emily (Curtis) Nye, b. at Cleveland. O.. Apr. 25, 1890. Child- . Kathenne Lewis" Vail. b. at Highland Park Nov. 30. 1917. (e) Cecile" Vail. b. Feb. 9 1891 «^ Ito' F^n'^K '''''' ^^^ ^- '^'5. Merrill Mid-' dteon Follansbee, son of Charles E. and Maria (Coburn) Follansbee, b. Apr. 10, ,886. Child- ■) 234 ^ Sherman Genealogy i. Merrill Middleton^" Follansbee, Jr., b. at Chi- cago, Nov. 26, 1917. (6) Cecilia Maria" Vail, b. at Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 2, 1852; m. at Avoca, Wis., Oct. 15, 1879, Josiah Thompson, Jr., son of Josiah and Nancy (Wood) Thompson, b. at ' Lowell, Mass., May 8, 1846. No issue. (7) Julia Frances" Vail, b. at Milwaukee, Jan. 2, 1855; d. there May 29, 1855. (8) James Edward Holton^* Vail, b. at Milwaukee, Nov. 6, 1857; d. there Aug. 9, 1858. Qiildren of Capt. John^^ Sherman by second wife, born at Stoughton, now Canton, Mass. 58 VIII. Nancyi^ Sherman, b. Nov. 28, 1794. m. Gideon Mc- intosh. 59 IX. Lucinda^^ Sherman, b. Aug. 16, 1796. m. Thomas Littlefield. 47. LIEUT. WILLIAM^i SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger,^" William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,'^ John," Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Milford, Nov. 12, 1751, O. S., Nov. 23, 1751, N. S.; bap. Nov. 17, 1751, O. S., by Rev. Nathaniel Taylor (New Milford Church Records, Vol. I, p. 77) ; B.A. Yale 1770, M.A. m. at New Haven, Nov., 1773, Sarah Law, daughter of Jonathan and Eunice (Andrew) Law and granddaughter of Governor Jonathan and his second wife Abigail (Arnold) Law. Abigail was daughter of Captain Josiah Arnold, son of Benedict Arnold, first governor of Rhode Island. Sarah Law was born at Milford, Conn., about 1753. Her father, Jonathan Law, of Milford, was b. Dec. 5, 1705; d. Sept. 24, 1790. His will, dated at Milford, Apr. 10, 1780, was proved at New Haven, Mar. 7, 1791. In it he mentions his only son Benedict Arnold Law and his daughters Eunice, Mary, Sarah, Abigail and Comfort, and he gives his daughters Abigail and Comfort the use of part of the house while they remain unmarried. His wife d. at Milford, May 2, 1762, and was buried there. His original will is on file but is not recorded. It was wit- nessed and proved by Richard Law, Anna Law and Jonathan Sherman Genealogy 235 Law, all of New London, Conn. Sarah (Law) Sherman claimed that William deserted her in Nov., 1779. They were divorced by the Legislature in Sept. 1781, and she m. (2) at New Haven, Sept. 23, 1781, Mark Leavenworth, son of Rev. Mark and Sarah (Hull) Leavenworth, b. at Water- bury, Conn., May 26, 1752. B.A. Yale, 1771 ; d. at Paris, France, Nov. 2, 1812. She died intestate at Paris, Jan. 22, 1826. They had a son who d. in 1825, aged about 25. (Dex- ter's Biographies of Yale Graduates.) At the U. S. Con- sulate General in Paris, is record that Mr. James Thayer, formerly of Providence, R. L, called at the Consulate, Sun- day, Jan. 22, 1826, to inform the Consul Mr. L Cox Barnet, of the death of Madame Leavenworth. On Jan. 23, 1826, Charles Bernet, son of the Consul, attended the funeral of Mrs. Leavenworth, Relict of the late Mark Leavenworth. Her body was taken from the house No. 22 Rue Hauteville Faubourg Poissonniere and was interred in the Cemetery of Montmartre, where Mark Leavenworth was buried. (Reg. ister of Consulate Apr. 11, 1825— May 29, 1834, p. 19.) At a Surrogates Court of Ontario County, New York, held at Canandaigua, June 6, 1832, an application was made by Oliver Phelps to establish the heirship and succession to the personal property of Sarah Leavenworth, widow of Mark Leavenworth, formerly of New Haven, Connecticut, and later of Paris, France, deceased, intestate. In this proceeding evidence was given that Mr. and Mrs. Leavenworth after their marriage lived in Paris; that after his death his widow Sarah visited Canandaigua in 1818 and returned to Paris where she died and that her next of kin were the six sur- viving children of Betsey L. (Sherman) Phelps, widow of Oliver Leicester Phelps, namely : Oliver Phelps, Leicester Phelps, Eliza M. (Phelps) Hubbell, wife of Walter Hubbell. Francis Mark Leavenworth Phelps, Seymour Law Phelps and William H. Phelps, Jennett Phelps, another child having died. John Greig, a lawyer, of Canandaigua, testified that he saw Mrs. Leavenworth in Paris on October 23, 1817, at her house No. 16 Rue du Mont-Thabor, and that he was in Paris in 1825 and 1830, and did not then see her, but was informed she was dead. 236 Sherman Genealogy It was adjudged that the six persons above named then living were the heirs and next of kin of Sarah Leavenworth, deceased. The following is a copy of an interesting letter of Sarah (Law) (Sherman) Leavenworth to her grandson, Oliver Phelps III: "Paris 6th Sepr 1815 Mr Oliver Phelps My Dear Grandson I wrote to you & also to your sister Eliza your Brother Leices- ter in the Month of June last & to Francis & Henry in the Month of July. I hope my Letters have been received — Before you re- ceive this Letter you will have heard of the several revolutions which have taken place in different parts of Europe within the last six months — It is wonderful to have so many extraordinary events in a Century and more particularly so in so short a length of time — the invasion of Napoleon his Victories & total defeat — the establishment of Louis eighteenth on the Throne of his an- cestors — the restoration of the king of Saxony on his throne — Ferdinand seventh proclaimed King of Naples & the two Sicilies — all this has taken place with inconceivable rapidity, no preced- ing Century can compare with the present. It will furnish his- tory with more extraordinary events than any other period since the annals of time — Peace ! will be the recompence of so much bloodshed & destruction — The great battle which took place on the eighteenth of June last, at Waterloo — ^between the French & allied armies, & which decided the contest. Is said to be the great- est that was ever known. The slaughter was so great that they could not bury the dead ! They were obliged to bum the bodies of those unfortunate victims who fell a sacrifice to the obedience of their sovereign — Alas ! who can console the bereaved Parents — wives & Children ; Brothers & sisters for the loss of those un- fortunate Victims ! ! The allied sovereigns are still in Paris with their troops, which are no small expense to France. Nayoleon rendered himself prisoner to the English who in concert with the allied sovereigns, have sent him to the Island of St. Helain where he is to be guarded, even, with more precaution, than any other prisoner with only the title of General — Thus has the great Goliah fallen! who only three weeks before, at the great fete de Champs Sherman Genealogy 237 de May — was drawn in his Imperial Gold Coach ; by Eight Arabian white Horses whose heads were covered with elegant white plumes and every other mark of Luxury. I hope there will be no new obstacle present to detain me here longer, than until next spring — when I hope to return to our pro- pitious & happy Country; where I doubt not I shall meet har- mony & affection, united in your innocent amusements & domestic concerns — I beg you to particularly take care of your dear sister Eliza who, is burthened with many cares & fatigues — a delicate young Lady cannot support too great a portion of trouble. I have the satisfaction to tell you that I have not suffered otherways by the revolution, than by delay to return to America — I request you to give my respects to your Grandmother Phelps & my Love to your Brother & sisters — I remain my dear Grand- son your affectionate Grand Mother Leavenworth" William was usually known as and signed his name William Sherman, Junior, to distinguish him from another William Sher- man of New Haven. After graduation he was employed in his father's store in New Haven, and in Dec, 1772, he succeeded his father in business but was not successful. By instrument dated Aug. 7, 1776, William. Sherman, Jr., of New Haven, for £20. made over and conveyed unto Abraham Augur, all his right and title in a shop that he used to occupy, standing on land belonging to Roger Sherman, Esq. One of the witnesses to this was John Sherman, Jr. By endorsement on this, dated Feb. 9, 1778, Abra- ham Augur, for £13/11/10 assigned "the within writing & the estate thereby conveyed to me unto Roger Sherman of the town of New Haven." By instrument dated Mar. 23, 1775, William Butler, Thomas Pearsall, Samuel Delaplaine, Hallett & Hazard, Frederick Rhine- lander and others, New York creditors of William Sherman, of New Haven, requested him on receipt thereof, to assign all his effects (his wearing apparel and necessary household furniture ex- cepted) under oath to his father, Roger Sherman, Esq., for the use and benefit of all his creditors in proportion to their respective de- mands, and they requested said Roger Sherman to accept the 238 Sherman Genealogy assignment and effects and make the best of the same as soon as may be, for the benefit of said creditors, and stated that they hoped the sum would be sufficient to pay them in full, but if it should fall short and pay no more than 15 shillings in the pound, they nevertheless agreed to receive the same respectively and give him full discharge. He served as paymaster with rank of lieu- tenant, in Col. Seth Warner's Connecticut Regiment from Jan., 1777, to Jan., 1781. In Feb., 1778, application was made to the General Assembly of Connecticut to grant him exemption from arrest after having assigned his property for the benefit of his creditors. "Saturday, July 6 1776. The Board of War brought in a re- port which was taken into consideration ; Whereupon, RE- SOLVED * * * That William Sherman Junr be ap- pointed pay master of Colonel Warner's regiment" (Pro- ceedings of Continental Congress, Vol. V, p. 523). July 16, 1779. "A letter of the 14, from the Board of War was read, enclosing a letter of 26 June from Samuel Saf- ford lieutenant Colonel informing that William Sherman pay master of Colonel Warner's regiment had offered to resign, which, as he has not settled the accounts of the regi- ment since raised and has in his hands a considerable sum of money which is its due, the said lieutenant colonel thinks ought not to be admitted until his accounts are settled." (Proceedings of Continental Congress, Vol. XIV, p. 843.) In "The Connecticut Journal," of New Plaven, of July 21 and July 28, 1784, is an advertisement of a notice by David Austin and James Hillhouse, Trustees appointed by act of The General Assembly of Connecticut, passed in May, 1783, to receive and dispose of the estate and effects of William Sherman, Junior, of New Haven, for the benefit of his creditors, that, having received from him an assignment of all his estate, all persons indebted to him were required to make payment to the trustees and all credi- tors were requested to exhibit their claims at the dwelling house of the Hon. Roger Sherman in New Haven, where constant at- tendance will be given. He died intestate at New Haven, June 26, 1789. Adm. on his estate was granted by the New Haven Probate Court, Sept. 7, 1789, to Simeon Baldwin, his brother-in- Sherman Genealogy 239 law. Inventory filed Jan. 4, 1790. £12.6.4. The estate was in- solvent. Child : 60 I. Elizabeth (Betsey) Law^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, July 31, 1775. 48. CHLOE^i SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger,^" William,^ Jo- seph,* Capt. John,^ John,° Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- ThomasO, b. New Milford, Conn., May 19, 1758; bap. May 21, 1758, by Rev. Daniel Farrand (Church Records, Vol. I, p. 79). m. at New Haven, Feb. 9, 1794, Dr. John Skinner, son of John and Sarah (Kennedy) Skinner, b. at Windsor, Conn., Apr. 29, 1765 ; d. at New Haven, June 25, 1850. She died there Dec. 6, 1840. Children: I. Roger Sherman^- Skinner, b. at East Hartford, Conn., Jan. 19, 1795, B.A. Yale, 1813, M.A. Lawyer, m. at New York City, Sept. 25, 1817, Mary Lockwood do Forest, daughter of Lockwood and Mehetable (Wheeler) de Forest, b. at Easton, Conn., Feb. 17, 1797; d. at New Haven, June 20, 1889. He d. at Peru, 111., Dec. 6, 1838. Children : 1. John^s Skinner, b. at New Haven, Nov. 30, 1819. m. at Southport, Conn., Dec. 16, 1844, Catherine Thorp Perry, daughter of Bradley and Julia (Thorp) Perry, b. at Fairfield, Conn., July 6, 1818; d. at Watertown, Conn., Dec. 23, 1873. He d. at Hartford, Conn., June 6, 1886. Children: (1) Roger Sherman^'* Skinner, b. at Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 8, 1845; d. at New Orleans, La., Sept. 18, 1866. (2) William Perry ^* Skinner, b. at Black Rock, Conn., July 4, 1849 m. at Watertown Conn., Oct. 15, 1873, Helen Corning, daughter of William Henry and Maria Augusta (Walker) Corning, b. at Trumbull, Conn., Mar. 11, 1852. Child: (a) Vera Corning^^ Skinner, b. at Water- town, Nov. 10, 1881 ; m. at Watertown, Sept. 8, 1914, Frederick Gleich (Fisher) Camp, son of Frederick and Sophia Fisher, b. at Wurttemburg, 240 Sherman Genealogy Germany, Jan. 17, 1879. He was adopted by Al- bert and Aurilla Camp and took the name of Camp, Child: i. Frederick de Forest^^ Camp, born at Waterbury, Conn., Mar. 7, 1915. (3) Frederick Downer^* Skinner, b. at Black Rock, Conn., Mar. 18, 1851 ; m. at Rockland, New Brunswick, Can- ada, Sept. 8, 1880, Phebe Smith, daughter of Ed- ward Henry and Hannah (Bettle) Smith, b. at Passakeag, New Brunswick, Sept. 1, 1859. Chil- dren: (a) Mary Lockwood^^ Skinner, b. at For- eston. New Brunswick, July 10, 1881 ; m. at Mon- treal, Canada, Dec. 24, 1915, David Johnston Mal- colm, son of John Anderson and Maria (Carr) Malcolm, b. at Saint John, New Brunswick, May 26, 1886. B.S. Harvard, 1913 ; Superintendent of Public Schools at Granville, Mass. Child : i. David Donald^® Malcolm, b. at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 1, 1916. (b) Lena MabeP^ Skinner, b. at Fores- ton, New Brunswick, July 19, 1882 ; m. at Argyle, N. B., July 19, 1905, Olys Cortwright Hughes, son of Charles and Catharine (Scott) Hughes, b. at Boston, Mass., July 17, 1875. Farmer. Children all b. at Argyle, N. B. : i. William Thomas" Hughes, b. Mar. 6, 1907. ii. Phoebe Katherine" Hughes, b. May 19, 1908. iii. Charles Frederick" Hughes, b. Mar. 15, 1910. iv. George Cortwright" Hughes, b. Jan. 27, 1912. v. James Francis^® Hughes, b. Nov. 8, 1915. (c) John Edward" Skinner, b. at Argyle, N. B., July 27, 1884; d. 1887. (d) William Thomas" Skinner, b. at Ar- gyle, Jan. 1, 1886; m. at Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 29, 1908, Nina Dell Wilson, daughter of Emery John and Harriet (San ford) Wilson, b. at Ash- land, Ore., Dec. 3, 1892. Children: i. Fred Eniery^** Skinner, b. at Chico, Cal., Dec. 7, 1909. ii. Lena Mabel^^ Skinner, b. at New Westminster, B. C, Dec. 15, 1912. iii. Phoebe Elizabeth" Skin- ner, b. at New Westminster, Oct. 11, 1915. (e) Katharine de Forest^^ Skinner, b. at Argyle, June HON. SAMUEL HOAR Son INLAWOF Hon. Rogkr Sherman 1778-1&S6 SARAH SHERMAN (MRS. SAMUEL HOAR) 1783-1866 HOUSE OF HON. SAMUEL He)AR .'\t Concord, Mrss. \iV i Sherman Genealogy 241 26, 1888 ; m. at Bonanza, Ore., Jan. 30, 1908, James Goss, son of William and Harriet (Ferris) Goss, b, at Cookville, Tenn., Feb. 16, I889. Dairyman. No issue. (4) Mary de Forest" Skinner, b. at Fair- field, Conn., Jan. 8, 1855. Unm. (5) Leonard Wales" Skinner, b. at Fairfield, Conn., Jan. 16, 1858; d. at Fairfield, Oct. 6, 1864. 2. Eliza de Forest^^ Skinner, b. at New Haven, Aug. 27, 1823 ; d. at Fairfield, Conn., Sept. 9, 1849, unm. 3. Mary Sherman^^ Skinner, b. at New Haven, Jan. 2, 1826; m. (1) at Fairfield, Aug. 31, 1847, Samuel ^^.^^^^Dexter Marsh, son of Foster and Lucy (Thomson) Marsh, b. at Ware, Mass., Nov. 28, 1817, B.A. Yale 1844; d. in South Africa, Dec. 11, 1853; m. V/ (2) May 22, 1856, John William Fitch, son of John and Patty (Bradley) Fitch, b. June 8, 1813; d. Sept. 11, 1861 ; m. (3) Oct. 11, 1877, Rev. Sam- uel Harris, son of Josiah and Lucy (Talbot) Har- ris, b. at East Machias, Me., June 14, 1814. B.A. Bowdoin 1833, M.A. Yale 1872. D.D. Williams, 1855. LL.D. Bowdoin, 1871. Professor Bangor, Me., Theological Seminary, President Bowdoin College. Professor of Theology, Yale. He d. at Litchfield, Conn., June 25, 1899. She d. at New Haven, Mar. 15, 1913. Child: (1) Helen Eliza" Marsh, b. at Ilafamasi, South Africa, Mar. 11, 1851 ; m. at New Haven, Nov. 25, 1873, Edward Gustin Coy, son of Edward Gustin and Elizabeth (Brown) Coy, b. at Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1844; d. at New Haven, May 26, 1904. B.A. Yale, 1869. M.A., 1873. Tutor Yale, 1872-1873. Head Master of Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn. She d. at New Haven, May 13, 1913. Children: (a) Mary Dexter^^ Coy, b. at Andover, Mass., Jan. 18, 1875. Unm. (b) Sherman Lockwood^^ Coy, b. at Andover, Aug. 26, 1879. B.A. Yale, 1901 ; m. at Winona, Minn., June 12, 1906. Kate Bosworth Rising, daughter of Franklin Almond and Augusta Beach (Camp) Rising, b. at Winona, Minn., May I -r 242 Sherman Genealogy 5, 1878. Children : i. Edward Dwight^^ Coy, b. at Cloquet, Minn., July 19, 1908. ii. Elizabeth Camp^» Coy, b. at Cloquet, Feb. 2, 1912. iii. Mary Au- gusta^*' Coy, b. at Duluth, Minn., Jan. 5, 1916. (c) Edward Harris^ ^ Coy, b. at Andover, May 24, 1888. B.A. Yale, 1910; m. at Asheville, N. C, Aug. 31, 1913, Sophie d'Antignac Meldrim, daugh- ter of Peter Wiltberger and Frances Pamela (Casey) Meldrim, b. at Savannah, Ga., Mar. 28, 1888. Child: i. Edward Harris" Coy, Jr., b. at Washington, D. C, Jan. 5, 1915. 4. Leonard Wales^^ Skinner, b. at New Haven, Nov. 12, 1827; d. at Los Angeles, Oct., 6, 1854, unm. 5. William Wheeler^ ^ Skinner, b. at New Haven, Jan. 15, 1830; d. at Portland, Ore., Mar., 1895, unm. 6. Jane Wakeman^^ Skinner, b. at New Haven, Apr. 3, 1832; m. at New Haven, Dec. 31, 1866, Rev. Timothy Dwight. B.A. Yale, 1849, M.A. ; D.D., 1886, and Chicago Theological Seminary, 1869. LL.D. Harvard, 1886, and Princeton, 1888. Tutor, Yale, also Professor of Sacred Literature. Presi- dent, July 1, 1886— June 28, 1899, son of James and Susan (Breed) Dwight, b. at Norwich, Conn., Nov. 16, 1828 d. at New Haven, May 26, 1916. She d. there Nov. 19, 1919 Children: (1) Helen Rood^* Dwight, b. at New Haven, Dec. 8, 1868; d. at New Haven, Oct. 16, 1909. Unm. (2) Win- throp Edwards" Dwight, b. at New Haven, Dec. 23, 1872. B.A. Yale, 1893. Ph.D., 1895 ; LL.B., 1896. Lawyer in New York City. m. at New Haven, Oct. 30, 1917, Mary Van Winkle (Ketcham) Tal- mage, widow of Thomas Hunt Talmage, who d. Nov. 29, 1895, and daughter of William Piatt Ketcham. B.A. Yale, 1862 ; LL.B. Columbia, 1864, M.A., and Lydia Coit (Collins) Ketcham, b. Feb. 19, 1869, and m. Thomas Hunt Talmage, Dec. 1, 1890. II. Elizabeth Chloe^' Skinner, b. at New Haven, 1796; d. there Sept. 20, 1806, aged 10 years. Sherman Genealogy 243 III. John Winthrop^" Skinner, b. at New Haven, 1798; d. there Aug. 22, 1799, aged 1 year. 49. REBECCA" SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger,i« WilHam,» Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,** Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^, John,^ Thomas^, b. at New Haven, Feb. 22, 1764; bap. Feb. 26, 1764; m. by Rev. Jonathan Edwards at New Haven, Sunday evening, July 29, 1787, Hon. Simeon Baldwin, son of Eben- ezer and Bethia (Barker) Baldwin, b. at Norwich, Conn., K Dec. 14, 1761. The record is "Simeon Baldwin of Norwich & Rebecca Sherman of New Haven were joined in marriage July 27: by Rev^. Doct. Edwards 1787" She d. at New Haven, Sept. 4, 1795. He m. her sister, Elizabeth^ ^ (Sher- man) Burr, at New Haven, Apr. 13, 1800. He d. at New Haven, May 26, 1851, in his 90th year. B.A. Yale, 1781, M.A. Taught school at Albany, N. Y., Aug., 1782— Sept., 1783. Tutor at Yale, Oct. 23, 1783— Sept. 14, 1786. Ad- mitted to Bar of Conn., Jan. 9, 1786. City Clerk of New Haven, 1789-1800. U. S. Collector of Int. Rev., June— Oct., 1791. Representative in Congress, Nov., 1803 — March, 1805. Clerk of the United States Courts for Connecticut, 1789-1806. Judge of Superior Court, Oct., 1806— May, 1818, and Justice of Supreme Court of Errors, June, 1808 — May, 1818. Alderman of New Haven, 1805, 1825 and 1829. Mayor of New Haven, June, 1826, to June, 1827. First President of New Haven Savings Bank. Chairman of Com- missioners of Farmington Canal. His grandson, Hon. Sim- eon E. Baldwin, published in 1919, "Life and Letters of Simeon Baldwin." Children : I. Rebecca^2 Baldwin, b. at New Haven, May 30, 1788; d. there Aug. 9, 1861. Unm. II. Ebenezer^2 Baldwin, b. at New Haven, May 20, 1790. B.A. Yale, 1808., M.A. Lawyer. Master in Chan- cery of New York, Surrogate of Albany County, July, 1819— Feb., 1821. Recorder of Albany, New York, to Feb., 1826. Colonel on Stafif of Governor DeWitt Clinton of New York, 1820. Author of "Annals of Yale College." d. at New Haven, Jan. 26, 1837, unm. 244 Sherman Genealogy 61 III. Hon. Roger Sherman^- Baldwin, b. at New Haven, Jan. 4, 1793. IV. Simeon^^ Baldwin, b. at New Haven, June 1, 1794; d. there Sept. 2, 1795. The inscription on Mrs. Baldwin's tombstone in the Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, is as follows : In Memory of Rebecca the amiable wife of Simeon Baldwin and Daughter of Roger & Rebecca Sherman She was born Feb. 22. A.D. 1764 & died in the XXXII Year of her age SepM'i* AD: 1795 Moft lamented by thofe who knew her beft And of Simeon the fon of Simeon & Rebecca Baldwin who died Sept 2<^ 1795 Aged XV Months 50. ELIZABETH" SHERMAN (42. Hon Roger," William,* Joseph,* Capt, John,^ John,^ Henry,' Henry,* Thomas,' John,* Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Dec. 31, 1765; bap. Jan. 5, 1766; m. (1) Nov. 19, 1794, at New Haven, Sturges Burr, of New York City, son of John and Elizabeth (Isaacs-Hill- Kerr) Burr, b. at Fairfield, Conn., May 20, 1760. He was a widower with three children. She had no child by him. He d. at Tortola, West Indies, Feb. 11, 1795 or 1796. She m. (2) at New Haven, Apr. 13, 1800, her brother-in-law, Hon. Simeon Baldwin. (See 49 above.) She d. at New Haven, July 16, 1850. He d. at New Haven, May 26, 1851, in his 90th year. Children : 62 I. Simeon^^ Baldwin, b. at New Haven, Mar. 7, 1801. II. Elizabeth^- Baldwin, b. at New Haven, Mar. 11, 1804; d. July 18, 1822. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 245 III. Charles^^ Baldwin, b. at New Haven, June, 1805 ; d. Nov., 1807. IV. Martha^2 Baldwin, b. at New Haven, Oct. 19. 1808; d. Feb. 25, 1809. V. Charles" Baldwin, b. at New Haven, Apr. 17, 1810; d. at Hartford, Nov. 1, 1870. Unm. The following is a copy of the inscription on the tombstone in New Haven cemetery of the wives of Simeon Baldwin: Rebecca wife of Simeon Baldwin was born Feb. 22, 1764 and died Sept. 4, 1795 Elizabeth his second wife was born Dec. 31, 1765 and died July 16, 1850 Daughters of Roger and^Rebecca Sherman 51. ROGER" SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger," William,^ Jos- eph,' Capt. John/ John,^ Henry, ^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,' ThomasO, b. at New Haven, Conn., July 16, 1768. B.A. Yale, 1787, M.A. Studied law. Representative for New Haven in General Assembly of Connecticut, May and Octo- ber, 1810 and May, 1811, Merchant. Began business in October, 1793. With his uncle Benjamin Prescott, formed on January 31, 1794, the firm of Prescott & Sherman, to trade in dry goods, groceries, navigation, shoemaking and tanning. This firm carried on a very extensive mercantile business on Long Wharf in New Haven, owning and employing many vessels and dealing extensively in real estate, until the death of Mr. Prescott, October 23, 1839, aged 82 years. Roger Sherman lived in New Haven, on Chapel Street, opposite the College, in the house built by his father and still stand- ing, but altered and now used for business purposes. Short- ly after the Revolutionary War, he made a visit of a fort- night to Gen. Washington at Mt. Vernon, m. at Canter- 246 Sherman Genealogy bury, Conn., Sept. 1, 1801, Susannah Staples, daughter of Rev. John and Susannah (Perkins) Staples, b. at Canter- bury, Aug. 20, 1778. The marriage ceremony was per- formed by her father. Rev. John Staples, B.A. Princeton, 1765. He was born Apr. 23, 1742, died Feb. 15, 1804, married Aug. 13, 1772, Susanna Perkins, daughter of Matthew and Hannah (Bishop) Perkins, born Jan. 29, 1752/3; died Sept. 10, 1810. Rev. John Staples was son of Deacon Seth Staples, born about 1699; d. Mar. 25, 1778; married Jan. 14, 1721/2, Hannah Standish. born Mar. 6, 1703/4, died Apr. 5, 1774. Hannah Standish was daughter of Ebenezer Stand- ish, born 1672, died Mar. 19. 1755 ; married about 1697, Han- nah Sturtevant, daughter of Deacon Samuel (1654-1736) and Mercy Sturtevant, born Mar., 1674, died Jan. 23, 1754, in her 80th year. Ebenezer Standish was son of Alexander Standish, born about 1626, died July 6, 1702; married 1670, Sarah Alden, daughter of John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden, "Mayflower" passengers, born about 1629, died before June, 1688. Alexander Standish was son of Captain Myles Standish, of Plymouth, Mass., born about 1584, in England, and Barbara, his second wife. He came in the "Mayflower" ; died Oct. 3, 1656, aged 72. His wife, Barbara, was born in England, survived her husband and died after Oct. 16, 1659. Susannah Sherman died at New Haven, Nov. 22, 1855. Roger" Sherman preserved his health and activity to great age and died at New Haven, Mar. 5, 1856, in his 88th year. His will dated Feb. 18, 1856, with codicil dated Feb. 24, 1856, was proved Mar. 13, 1856, in New Haven. Mentions by name only his son Frederick R. Sherman, whom he ap- pointed Executor, his daughter Elizabeth B. Sherman and his granddaughter Ella Sherman, daughter of his son John. Children, born at New Haven : I. Oliver^" Sherman, b. June 8, 1802, d. at New Haven, July 30, 1821. H. Susani2 Sherman, b. Jan. 1, 1804, d. Aug. 15, 1805. 63 HI. Martha^^^ Sherman, b. Feb. 13, 1807 ; m. Henry White. IV. Susannah^2 Sherman, b. Jan. 22, 1809; d. at New Haven, Jan. 18, 1821. Sherman Genealogy 247 64 V. John Staples^^ Sherman, b. July 5, 1811. 65 VI. Sophia^- Sherman, b. Jan. 20, 1813. m. Robert Lenox Taylor. VII. Frederick Roger^^ Sherman, b. Mar. 31, 1815. B.A. Yale, 1836, M.A. Member of the Bar of Connecticut and of New York. Admitted as Attorney, New York, 1840, as Counsellor, 1844. Admitted to Connecticut Bar 1841. Able and learned lawyer. Practiced in New York City ; d. at New York City, Jan. 10, 1892. Unm. 66VIIL Edward Standish^^ Sherman, b. Jan. 27, 1818, at 3 P. M. 67 IX. George^- Sherman, b. Jan. 27, 1818, at 4 P. M. 68 X. Benjamin Prescott^^ Sherman, b. Dec. 4, 1820. 69 XL Elizabeth Baldwin^^ Sherman, b. October 27, 1823. m. Professor Thomas Anthony Thacher. The following is a copy of the inscription on the tombestone of Roger^^ Sherman and his wife in the New Haven Cemetery : Roger Sherman son of Roger Sherman Born July 16. 1768 Died Mar. 5. 1856 Susannah his wife daughter of Rev John Staples Born Aug. 1. 1778 Died Nov 22. 1855 "Thou hast guided them in Thy strength into Thy holy habitation." The following is a copy of the Family Record in the family Bible of Roger Sherman the younger. The book was published in 1793. Roger Sherman of New Haven & Susannah Staples of Canter- bury were married 1st Septr. 1801 by her Father the Revd. John Staples 248 Sherman Genealogy Oliver born 8th June 1802—10 o'clock P. M. died 30 July 1821 at 40 Min. past noon. Susan born 1st Jany 1804 9 o'clock P. M. died 15th Augt. 3 o'clock A. M. 1805. Martha born 13th Feby 1807 7 o'clock A. M. Susanah born 22d Jany 1809 half past 7 o'Clock P. M. died 18 Jany 1821 at 5 o'Clock in the morning. John Staples born 5th July 2 o'Clock AM. 1811 Sophia born 20 Jany 1813 4 o'Clock P. M. Frederick born 31st March 1815. Edward & George born January 27th 1818 3 & 4 o'Clock P. M. Benjamin Prescott born 4th Deer 1820 at half after 12 o'Clock in the morning. Elizabeth Baldwin Sherman born the 27 day of Oct. 1823. Martha Sherman was married to Henry White of New Haven on the 7th Day of January 1830 by the Rev'd Samuel Merwin. Revd John Staples died 15th Feby 1804 at Westminster aetat 62 Mrs. Susannah Staples the widow of Revd John Staples died at New Haven Septr 10th 1810 in the fifty eighth year of her age at 7 o'clock in the morning. Sophia the wife of Charles Sherman & Daughter of John & Susan- nah Staples, Married Septr [29] 1808 died April 3d 1813 4 o'clock A. M. aged 21 y 6 m. Sarah Sherman married to Samuel Hoar of Concord in Massa- chusetts Tuesday evening Octr 12th 1812 by the Revd Samuel Merwin Rebekah Sherman the widow of Roger Sherman died at New Haven April 19th 1813 about 5 o'clock in the morning aged 70 years 10 months & 19 Days, born 31st May 1742. Mehitable Evarts the widow of Jeremiah Evarts 5th March 1851 about noon died at her son's Wm. M. Evarts in New York, her body was brought to New Haven on the 7th & buried on the 8th March in the family burying lot, aged 77 yrs. 1 m. 10 Days. Sophia Sherman was married to Robert Lenox Taylor of New York City on the evening of the 21st March 1838 by the Revd Doct. Nathanael W. Taylor of New Haven. HON. ROGER SHERMAN From a photograph which belonged to the late Frederick R. Sherman, Esq., of a portrait in an oval frame; perhaps by (-ol. Trumbull or after one by him JOHN SHERMAN MACKINTOSH At tlie age of >«i. Born Nov. 8, 1S27. Oldest liviiis,' dosccndaiU of Hon. Rogi-r Sherman Sherman Genealogy 249 Susan Sherman the Daughter of R. L. & Sophia Taylor born at New Haven December 27th 1838. Robert born in New York on the evening of the ISth January 1843, died on Sabbath day the 26th February 1843 at 11 o'Clock in the forenoon — was brought to New Haven in the Steam Boat on Tuesday & buried in the afternoon at 4 o'Clock in the burying lot of his Grand Father Roger Sherman. George Sherman was married to Mary Jane Milliken the daugh- ter of the late John Milliken in Saint Stephens, Charlotte County New Brunswick, at her Mother's on the evening of the 22d of June 1846 by the Reved H. Tippet, Curate of Oak Bay in the Province of New Brunswick Benjamin Prescott Sherman was married to Maria Elizabeth Stephens at the church of St. Stephens, in the City of New York by the Revd Price at 2>^ o'Clock P. M. 12th October A.D. 1846. She is the daughter of Resolvent Stephens of New York. John S. Sherman was married to Eliza D. Forrest of New York at the house of her Father Forrest on the 20th of Decem- ber 1848 at 11 o'clock A. M. by the Revd Alexander. John & his wife are both members of the Church over which Doctr. Alexander is Pastor. John S. Sherman assumed the middle name "Staples" many years before his marriage. [These words stricken out in rec- ord.] "John Staples" was the name received at his baptism. Edward S. Sherman was Married to Catherine Augusta Towns- end the Daughter Doctr. Townsend of Boston July 6th 1852 the marriage took place in the Church they were married by Revd. Vinton the S. in Edward's name (Standwish) was assumed by Edward. Susannah Sherman the wife of Roger Sherman died on the 22d day of November 1855 at 10 o'Clock P. M. aged Seventy seven. She was born in Canterbury on 20th Augt 1778 Seventy eight [All of the foregoing in handwriting of Roger Sherman] In handwriting of Frederick R. Sherman: Roger Sherman, son of Roger Sherman, died at New Haven, on Wednesday morning March 5th 1856 at half past one o'clock 87 years seven months and seventeen days. He was born at New 250 Sherman Genealogy Haven July 16th (Sixteenth) (1768) seventeen hundred and sixty eight 52. MEHETABEL" SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger/° William,' Joseph,^ Capt. John,'^ John,*^ Henry, ^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,2 Thomas^, b. at New Haven, Jan. 28, 1774. "Mehe- tabel y^ Daughter of Roger Sherman Esq"" & M" Rebecca Sherman was born Janry 1774" (New Haven Vital Records), m. (1) at New Haven, in March, 1793, Daniel Barnes, son of Daniel and Mary (Tatem) Barnes, b. on the island of St. Croix, West Indies, June 1772; d. on the island of Saint Eustacius near St. Croix, Aug. 3, 1799. "Daniel Barnes and Mehitabel Sherman (daughter of the hon^'^ Roger & Rebecca Sherman) were joined in marriage in the month of March A. D. 1793" (N.H.V.R.). The following is a copy of a let- ter written by her brother to her father about her intended marriage to Mr. Barnes : "New Haven Feby 25th 1793 Dear Sir — I am requested by Mr. Daniel Barnes to inform you of his wishing to form a Connection in our Family which you doubtless have long since descovered by his Conduct & if he has your Con- sent & approbation there can be no obstacle to the Union which both the Parties are desirous should take place — he is anxious to settle & proposes to marry soon after your return — His affairs are so circumstanced that he is obliged to go to St. Croix the en- suing Spring, his Uncle who has been his Guardian since the Death of his Father who is a man upwards of Eighty years old is anxious to have all matters relative to the estate adjusted & set- tled while he is living, he has had the whole care of the Educa- tion & property of Mr. Barnes & is therefore better able to settle his affairs than any other person — he told him when at St. Croix that his Estate was free from every incumbrance & that he had property more than sufficient to sit him up in Business — he told his Uncle & Brother of his intention to enter into Trade & settle in this Country & they both approved of the plan — he expects to procure at least £2000 before his return & enter upon Business in partnership with me next fall — he will be 21 years old in June Sherman Genealogy 251 next, at which period minors according to the Danish Law may choose a Curator to take care of their Estate as according to that Law they do not arrive to years of Legal discretion until 25 — he expects to sell all his property in St. Croix, tho he is not certain than he can command the whole at present — he says he has for a long time been deprived of Parents & far distant from; any Rela- tions, but that he hopes soon to make up for the loss of Parents & the absence of those Relations by those Connections & those Par- ents who will feel an affection for him & aid him by their assis- tance & advice — Brother John continues steady Yours with respect & affection Roger Sherman Ju"" Honl Roger Sherman Esq*"" President Stiles in his diary under date of March 9, 1793, says that Judge Sherman returned that day. It is therefore probable that his daughter Mehetabel's marriage to Daniel Barnes took place later in the month, m. (2) at New Haven, Sept. 10, 1804, by President Timothy Dwight, of Yale, Jeremiah Evarts, son of James and Sarah (Todd) Evarts, b. at Sunderland, Vt., Feb. 3, 1781. B.A. Yale, 1802, M.A. Lawyer; admitted to the Bar of New Haven, 1806. Editor of "The Panoplist," a Boston Re- ligious Magazine. Treasurer of American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions, 1811-1821. Corresponding Secre- tary 1821, until his death. Trustee of Phillips Academy, Andover, 1829-1831. "Jeremiah Evarts and Mehittabel Barnes (widow of Daniel Barnes) were joined in marriage on the tenth day of Sep- tember A.D. 1804" (N. H. V. R.) He d. at Charleston, South Carolina, May 10, 1831. She d. at New York City, Mar. 3, 1851. "A woman not only of sprightly wit, but of great beauty" (George F. Hoar). By deed, dated Jan. 8, 1808, for $3,000. Rebecca Sherman, widow of Hon. Roger Sherman, conveyed to Jeremiah Evarts and Mehetabel Evarts, of New Haven, land on Chapel Street, New Haven, devised by Hon. Roger Sherman to his son Oliver, and by him conveyed to his mother by deed dated Oct. 6, 1804. Jeremiah and Mehetabel Evarts by deed dated Apr. 19, 1810 (filled in by Mr. Evarts. She signed "Mehetabel") for $3050. conveyed this and other land to Roger Sherman, brother of Mrs. Evarts. Children by first husband, born at New Haven : 252 Sherman Genealogy I. Mary Tatem^- Barnes, b. Sept. 16, 1795; d. Oct. 7, 1795. "Mary Tatem Barnes, daughter of Daniel & Mehetabel Barnes died October 7th 1795, aged 3 weeks." (Grave Stone, Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven.) 70 11. DanieP^ Barnes, b. Mar. 11, 1797. Children by second husband : 71 III. Mary" Evarts, b. at New Haven, Dec. 2, 1806; m. Rev. David Greene. 72 IV. Martha Sherman^- Evarts, b. at New Haven, July 31, 1809 ; m. Rev. Ebenezer Carter Tracy. V. John Jay^2 Evarts, b. at Boston, Dec. 6, 1812. B.A. Yale. 1832; d. at New Haven, Sept. 1, 1833. Unm. VI. Sarah" Evarts, b. at Boston, Feb. 26, 1815 ; d. in 1826. 7Z VII. Hon. William Maxwell" Evarts, b. at Boston, Feb. 6, 1818. 53. MARTHA" SHERMAN (42. Hon. Roger,^° William," Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Sept. 24, 1779; bap. Oct. 31, 1779. m. at New Haven, Jan. 14, 1805. Rev. Jere- miah Day, son of Rev. Jeremiah (B.A. Yale, 1756, M.A.) and Abigail (Noble) widow of Rev. Sylvanus Osborn Day, b. at New Preston, Conn., Aug. 3, 1773. B.A. Yale, 1795. LL.D. Williams, 1817, Middlebury 1817; D.D. Union, 1818, and Harvard, 1831. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Yale, 1803. President of Yale, 1817-1846. She d. at New Haven, Apr. 4. 1806. He m. (2) at Hartford, Sept. 24, 1811, Olivia Jones, daughter of Major Daniel and Olivia (Tinker) Jones, b. at Hartford, Jan. 3, 1786; d. at New Haven, Jan. 11, 1850. They had five children, includ- ing Elizabeth Day, b. at New Haven, Dec. 24, 1820, who mar- ried at New Haven, Sept. 16, 1846, Professor Thomas An- thony Thacher, of Yale. President Day d. at New Haven, Aug. 22, 1867, in his 95th year. Child: 74 I. Sherman" Day, b. at New Haven, Feb. 12, 1806. Sherman Genealogy 253 The following is a copy of the inscription on the monument of President Day and his wives in the New Haven cemetery : JEREMIAH DAY PRESIDENT OF YALE COLLEGE MDCCCXVII XLVI BORN AUGUST III. MDCCLXXIII DIED AUGUST XXII. MDCCCLXVII AGED NINETY FOUR YEARS MARTHA WIFE OF JEREMIAH DAY AND DAUGHTER OF ROGER SHERMAN DIED APRIL IV. MDCCCVI AGED TWENTY SIX YEARS OLIVIA WIFE OF JEREMIAH DAY AND DAUGHTER OF DANIEL JONES DIED JAN. XI. MDCCCL AGED SIXTY FOUR YEARS 54. SARAH^i SHERMAN (42. Hon Roger/" William, ° Jos- eph,* Capt. John," John,^ Henry,^ Henry,^ Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Jan. 11, 1783; bap. Feb. 16, 1783 ; m. at New Haven, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1812, Hon. Sam- uel Hoar, of Concord, Mass., son of Hon. Samuel and Susan- nah (Pierce) Hoar, b. at Lincoln, Mass., May 18, 1778. B.A. Harvard 1802, LL.D., 1837. Lawyer. Member of Consti- tutional Convention of Massachusetts 1820. Massachusetts State Senator 1828 and 1832. Representative in Congress for Massachusetts 1835-1836. Representative in Massa- chusetts Legislature 1850. He d. at Concord, Nov. 2, 1856. She d. there Aug. 30, 1866. Hon. Samuel Hoar, Senior, was of Lexington, and was son of John, of Lexington, son of Daniel, of Concord, son of John, of Scituate, the immigrant of 1660. Children born at Concord : L Elizabeth^2 Hoar, b. July 14, 1814, d. at Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 7, 1878. Unm. 75 II. Hon. Ebenezer Rockwood^^ Hoar, b. Feb. 21, 1816. 76 III. Sarah Sherman^^ ^oar, b. Nov. 9, 1817; m. Robert Boyd Storer, of Boston. IV. Samuel Johnson^^ j^oar, b. Feb., 1820, d. Jan. 10, 1821. 254 Sherman Genealogy 77 V. Edward Sherman^^ Hoar, b. Feb. 21, 1823. 78 VI. Hon. George Frisbie^- Hoar, b. Aug. 27, 1826. 55. TAYLOR^^ SHERMAN (45. Daniel,^" John,^ John,« Sam- uel,^ Edmund,*^ Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,'' Thomas^), b. at Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 5, 1758. Lawyer. Practiced in Norwalk, Conn. Appointed Nov., 1813, United States Collector of Internal Revenue for the Second District of Connecticut, m. at Woodbury, 1787, Elizabeth Stoddard, daughter of Israel and EHzabeth (Reade) Stoddard, b. at Woodbury, June 1, 1769; d. at Mansfield, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1848. He d. at Norwalk, Conn., May 4, 1815. The house on Main Street, Norwalk, where he and his son Charles Rob- ert Sherman both lived is still standing. (Selleck's "Nor- walk," p. 129.) Children, born at Norwalk: 79 I. Charles Robert^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 26, 1788. II. DanieP- Sherman, b. Mar. 26, 1790; m. (1) in Huron Co., O., July 10, 1813, Abby Guthrie, who d. at Sher- man, O., Apr. 23, 1820. m. (2) June 3, 1824, Laura Hubbell, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Williams) Hubbell, b. at Charlotte, Vt., Jan. 12, 1790; d. at Monroeville, O., Dec. 31, 1876. He d. there Sept. 27, « 1864, intestate. Adm. to William Sherman, Oct. 24, 1864. Estate settled July, 1865. Widow Laura H. Sherman; heirs: Elizabeth Hall, Harriet E. Fish and William Sherman. Children by first wife, born at Sherman, O. : 1. Elizabeth^^ Sherman, b. Nov. 5, 1814; m. Caleb B. Hall. 2. William" Sherman, b. Jan. 20, 1817; d. at Mans- field, O., Sept. 24, 1876. Unm. 3. George E.^^ Sherman, b. Mar. 20, 1819; d. July 6, 1831. Children by second wife, bom at Ridgefield, O. : 4. Harriet Eliza^^ Sherman, b. Apr. 4, 1825 ; m. Sid- ney Dole Fish. 5. Charles William^'' Sherman, b. Oct. 10, 1827; d. at Ridgefield, Dec. 28. 1836. Spierman Genealogy 255 III. Elizabeth^- Sherman, b. Dec. 7, 1791 ; m. at Lancaster, O., July 10, 1820, Hon. Jacob Parker, of Mansfield, O., son of Nathan and Anna (Barnes) Parker, b. at St. Johns, New Foundland, Sept. 5, 1791 ; d. at Mans- field, Dec. 30, 1857. B.A. Ohio University, 1815. He was a lawyer, then a merchant and later for seven years Presiding Judge of the Ohio Court of Common Pleas for Richland County, to which office he was elected by the Legislature in 1841. She d. at Mans- field, Apr. 25, 1851. Children: 1. Charlotte Boyne^^ Parker, b. at Mansfield, Sept. 28, 1823; m. at Mansfield, Sept. 1, 1847, John Wood, son of Elijah and Elizabeth (Farmer) Wood, b. at Concord, Mass., Nov. 22, 1819; d. at Mansfield, Nov. 16, 1897. She d. at Mansfield, Dec. 2, 1883. Children: (1) Edward Parker^* Wood, b. at Mansfield, Aug. 16, 1848. U. S. N. Academy, 1867. Commander U. S. N., July 13, 1897. Com- manded U. S. S. Petrel in battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898. m. at Carlisle, Penn., Sept. 21, 1875, Annie Duncan Mahon. He d. at Washington, D. C, Dec. 11, 1899. Children: (a) Duncan Ma- hon^s Wood, b. at Annapolis, Md., Oct. 27, 1876. U. S. Naval Academy, 1896. Captain U. S. N. m. at Portsmouth, Va., Dec. 7, 1905, Margaret Wil- son Reed. No issue, (b) Julia Montgomery^' Wood, b. at Stroud, England, Feb. 17, 1882, m. at Jamestown, R. L, Nov. 17, 1917, Andrew Jones. (2) Elizabeth Farmer^* Wood, b. at Mansfield, Dec. 21, 1851. Unm. (3) William Sherman" Wood, b. at Mansfield, Oct. 8, 1855. m. at Mans- field, Feb. 23, 1881, Flavia Curfman. He d. at Laramie, Wyo., May 12, 1914. Children born at Mansfield: (a) John William^^ Wood, b. July 29, 1882. (b) Flavia Eliza^^ Wood, b. Dec. 17, 1889. Unm. (4) Frances Parker" Wood, b. at Mans- field, July 11, 1860; m. at Mansfield, Sept. 29, 1886, Dr. William Edward Loughridge, son of Dr. William and Mary Ann (Mitchell) Lough- 256 Sherman Genealogy ridge, b. at Mansfield, Oct. 4, 1857. Child: (a) Edward Wood^^ Loughridge, b. at Mans- field, July 22, 1896. U. S. N. R. F. Aviator. 2. Charles William^^ Parker, b. at Mansfield, Sept. 11, 1828; d. at Mansfield, July 4, . Unm. 3. Elizabeth Sherman" Parker, b. at Mansfield, May 24, 1831 ; m. Dr. Mowry. She d. Apr., 1855. No issue. 56. REV. JOHN^- SHERMAN (46. Capt. John,^\ Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, June 30, 1772. Bap. Sept. 29, 1782. B.A. Yale, 1792, M.A. m. at Lisbon, Conn., Feb. 13, 1798, Abigail Perkins, daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Thomas) Perkins, of Norwich, Conn., b. May 15, 1774, at Norwich. She d. at Trenton Falls, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1860. He d. there Aug. 2, 1828. He was licensed to preach Oct. 18, 1796. Minister at Mansfield, Conn., 1797- 1806. Then removed to Trenton, Oneida County, New York, became a Unitarian and established at Trenton the first Uni- tarian Church in New York State. He was the author of several books, including a history of Trenton Falls. He built a hotel there. His will is dated July 27, 1818, and was proved in Oneida County, New York, Aug. 19, 1828. He de- scribes himself as "of the Village of Oldenbarneveld, Oneida County" and mentions his wife Abigail, son Gardiner and daughter Harriet, who was adopted by his Sister Elizabeth Ripley. Other children are referred to, but not named. He says in his will: "I commit my future destinies, not to a Papal or Papal Protestant Trinity, there being no such God either in the creed of Reason or the Volume of the Chris- tian Revelation, but to the Great Good Parent of the universe, the only true God, for whose unrivalled supremacy in the person of 'the Father of all,' I have most sincerely stood forth as the honest advocate * * *" The family monu- ment at Trenton Falls is thus inscribed. "Sacred to the memory of Rev. John Sherman A. M., who departed this life Aug. 2, 1828, aged 56 years. He was born in New Haven, DANIEL BARNES 1797-1873 DANIEL BARNES Born 1832 BENJAMIN PRESCOTT SHERMAN 1820-1'J()9 Sherman Genealogy 257 Conn. Graduated with honors at Yale College. Emigrated to this town in 1806 & became the first Pastor of the Re- formed Ch. Church. He was an ardent admirer of Truth. Firm in his friendships, distinguished for the urbanity of his manners & the ability with which he discharged the duties of all stations he occupied. Requiescat in Pace Abigail Perkins Sherman Born May 15, 1774. Died Dec. 8, 1860. In memory of Julia, daughter of John & Abigail Sherman, who departed this life Sept. 29, 1832. Beloved by all. Amiable in life. Peaceful in death. Her loved remembrance lives in our hearts. Harriet Sherman Bouton, born Apr. 13, 1807. Died May 21, 1828. (Not buried here)." Children : I. John Austin^^ Sherman, b. at Mansfield, Conn., May 11, 1799; d. there May 6, 1802. 80 II. Gardiner^^ Sherman, b. at Mansfield, Jan. 13, 1801. III. Samuel Perkins^^ Sherman, b. at Mansfield, Nov. 3, 1802; d. there Mar. 15, 1805. IV. CaroHne'^ Sherman, b. at Mansfield, Sept. 8, 1804. m. (1) Apr., 1826, Scott Taylor, son of John and Mar- garet (Scott) Taylor, b. at New York City, Nov. 15, 1797; d. before May, 1843. She m. (2) May 11, 1847, Richard Livesay Crook. She d. at San Remo, Italy, Feb. 1, 1884. Children by first husband : 1. Elizabeth M.^* Taylor, b. Oct. 10, 1833; d. Apr. 10, 1839. 2. John^* Taylor. 3. Charles" Taylor. 81 V. Harriet^" Sherman, b. at Trenton Falls, Apr. 13, 1807; m. Rev. Nathaniel Bouton. 82 VI. Maria^^ Sherman, b. at Trenton Village, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1808. m. Michael Moore. VII. Julia^^ Sherman, b. at Trenton Falls, June 15, 1810; d. there Sept. 29, 1832. Unm. > 258 Sherman Genealogy VIII. John" Sherman, b. at Trenton Falls, Apr. 17, 1813. Flour merchant, New York City. m. at New York City, July 28, 1839, Mary Ann Evans, daughter of Thomas Rhees and Mary Ann (Jones) Evans, b. at Vaynor, South Wales, Jan. 15, 1816; d. at Wenham, Conn., Sept. 17, 1898. He d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1889. Children: 1. Gardiner^* Sherman, b. at New York City, Dec. 29, 1840. B.A. University of New York, 1859. Member New York Stock Exchange. President Seventh National Bank of New York. Member of Connecticut Society of Cincinnati, m. (1) at Boston, Mass., June 1, 1881, Jessie Gordon, daughter of Dr. Charles and Mary (Upham) Gor- « don, b. at Boston, Aug. 23, 1848; d. at Lenox, Mass., July 15, 1884. m. (2) at Paris, France, Mary Moore Ogden, daughter of John Doughty and Mary Clark (Moore) Ogden, b. at New York City, Oct. 31, 1851. He d. at New York City, Jan. 10, 1907. Child by first wife: (1) Jessie Gordon" Sherman, b. at Lenox, Mass., July 6, 1884. Unm. 2. John^* Sherman, b. Oct. 7, 1842 ; d. at New York City, July 4, 1862. Unm. 3. Mary Eliza^* Sherman, b. at New York City, Nov. 19, 1847; m. at New York, Apr. 17, 1877, David B. Ogden, son of Gouverneur Morris and Harriet Verena Cadwalader (Evans) Ogden, b. at New York, Nov. 3, 1849. B.A. Columbia, 1869; LL.B., 1871. Lawyer, New York City. Children: (1) Gouverneur Morris" Ogden, b. Sept. 28, 1879; d. Apr. 3, 1896. (2) Mary Elizabeth^= Ogden, b. at New York City, Nov. 30, 1883 ; m. at New York, Sept. 19, 1911, Johnston de Forest, son of Robert Weeks and Emily (Johnston) de Forest, b. at Plainfield N. J., Sept. 5, 1873. B.A. Yale, 1896. LL.B, Columbia, 1899. Lawyer. She served with Am. Red Cross in France. Child: (a) Priscilla Maryi° de Forest, b. at New York, Oct. 23 ,1919. (3) Harriet Verena Cadwalader^^ Ogden, b. Jan. 10, 1888. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 259 4. Caroline" Sherman, b. Nov. 23, 1848; d. in Wales, Oct., 1909. Unm. IX. Elizabeth Ripley^^ Sherman, b. at Trenton, Sept. 28, 1816. m. at Trenton Falls, Mar. 18, 1840, Mark El- mer Hubbell, son of Ephraim and Luna (Agard) Hub- bell, b. at Dover, Conn., Jan. 23, 1818; d. at Fayette, Iowa, Jan. 25, 1900. She d. at Fayette, July 28, 1894. Children : 1. Abigail Caroline^* Hubbell, b. at Trenton Falls, June 25, 1842; m. at Fayette, la., Apr. 5, 1866, Henry James Grannis, son of John and Rhoda (Bennett) Grannis, b. at North Liberty, Ind., July 18, 1841 ; d. at Fayette, Oct. 13, 1907. She d. at Elkader, la., May 20, 1915. Children: (1) John Sherman^^ Grannis, b. Fayette Co., Aug. 4, 1867 ; m. at New Hampton, la., Nov. 14, 1896, Louise Annie Page, daughter of Arthur Lester and Sophia (Hamper) (Luck) Page, b. at Hallsham, Sussex, England, Mar. 16, 1863. No issue. (2) Harry Theodore^^ Grannis, b. Fayette Co., June 25, 1869; m. at Randalia, la., Nov. 14, 1895, Clara Bell Sherwood, daughter of John and Eunice (Al- len) (Miner) Sherwood, b. at West Union, la., Oct. 8, 1869. He d. at Marysville, Wash., Oct. 13, 1918. Children: (a) Ralph Guy^° Grannis, b. at Maynard, la., Aug. 14, 1896. (b) Eunice Caro- line^" Grannis, b. at West Union, la., Oct. 30, 1898. (c) John Henry^° Grannis, b. at Marysville, Wash., Apr. 24, 1902. (d) Roy Sherwood^" Grannis, b. at Marysville, July 21, 1906. (3) Bessie Beulah" Grannis, b. at Fayette, May 30, 1873 ; d. July 30, 1893. Unm. (4) Herbert Richard^^ Grannis, b. at Fayette, Sept. 22, 1877; m. at Westgate, la., Jan. 22, 1903, Rose Caroline Linstrum, daughter of Louis and Martha (Sylvester) Linstrum, b. at Westgate, la., Sept. 25, 1878. Children born at Westgate, la.: (a) Russell Lynn^" Grannis, b. Mar. 12, 1907. (b) Mildred CaroF« Grannis, b. Mayi 8, 1909. (5) Abbie Helen^^ Grannis, b. at 260 Sherman Genealogy Fayette, Dec. 28, 1883; m. at Fayette, Jan. 1, 1907, Harry Llewellyn Griffith, son of David Golden and Mary Ann (Carpenter) Griffith. Children born at Elkader, la.: (a) Helen Katherine^*^ Grif- fith, b. August 16, 1908. (b) Mary Golden^'^ Grif- fith, b. Oct. 20, 1910. (c) David Grannis^^ Grif- fith (twin), b. June 15, 1912. (d) Harold Sher- man^^ Griffith (twin), b. June 15, 1912. 2. Mark Sherman" Hubbell, b. at Trenton Falls, Oct. 18, 1843; m. Aug. 28, 1879, Jane^^ Sherman, daughter of John Roger ^* and Jessie (Williamson) Sherman. (See above.) 57. MAJOR CHARLES^- SHERMAN (46. Capt. John,iS Hon. Roger,^°, William,® Joseph,® Capt. John,'' John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John," Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Nov. 28, 1783; bap. Jan. 18, 1784; m. (1) at Canterbury, Conn., Sept. 29, 1808, Sophia Staples, daughter of John and Susanna (Perkins) Staples, b. at Canterbury, Oct. 12, 1791; d. at New Haven. Apr. 3. 1813. He m. (2) at New York City, May 20, 1814, Jennet Taylor, daughter of John and Margaret (Scott) Taylor, b. at New York City, Dec. 30, 1794; d. at Suffield, Conn., Aug. 6, 1843. He d. at Suffield, Mar. 20, 1844. His will dated Mar. 6, 1844, with a codicil of the same date, was proved at Suffield, Mar. 26, 1844, and recorded in New York Surrogate's office, Apr. 25, 1844. In it he mentions each of his fourteen living children and makes a bequest as follows : "Third : I give unto my son Charles A. Sherman the portrait of my grandfather Roger Sherman & the pictures of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence." It is not known where this i)ortrait is now. Mrs. George D. Pratt (Helen Deming Sherman), daughter of John Taylor Sherman and grand-daughter of Major Charles Sherman, has an ambrotype which may have been taken from this portrait. It shows Mr. Sherman as an old man with long gray hair and is much like the figure of him in Trumbull's painting of "The Declaration of Independence" belonging to Yale University. A photograph of a similar portrait in an oval frame belonged to the late Frederick R. Sherman Genealogy 261 Sherman. He served in the Connecticut Militia in the War of 1812, was Major in the First Battalion of Artillery, June 11-13, 1813, in Col. Elihu Sanford's Regiment, Sept. 8 to Oct. 21, 1814, and in Major Noah S. Barnum's Command, Nov. 9, to Dec. 15, 1814. Member of firm of Sherman & Street, of New Haven ; in the Dry Goods business for several years. Before 1821, became a resident of Suffield, where he was Deacon of the Congregational Church. Children, by first wife, born at New Haven:: I. Charles Austin^^ Sherman, b. June 4, 1810; lawyer in New York City; m. Oct. 4, 1842, Caroline Cornelia Hatheway, daughter of Asahel and Nancy (Diggins) Hatheway, b. at Suffield, Conn., Apr. 4, 1820; d. there Sept. 30, 1899. He d. at New York City, Jan. 13, 1883. His will, dated Aug. 26, 1875, gave all his property to his wife, Caroline Cornelia Sherman and was proved in New York County, June 16, 1883. Children : 1. Paul Hatheway" Sherman, b. Dec. 16, 1844; d. Dec. 18, 1844. 2. Ruth Hatheway^* Sherman, b. Aug. 2, 1850; d. the same day. n. Elizabeth Ripley^=^ Sherman, b. Feb. 29, 1812; d. July 27, 1813. Children by second wife: ni. Margaret Scott^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Feb. 8, 1815; m. at Suffield. Conn., Jan. 1, 1836, William Watt, son of William and Jane Watt, b. at Belfast, Ireland; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jvne 18, 1884, aged IZ. She d. at Elizabeth. N. J., Feb. 15, 1895. Chil- dren b. at New York City : 1. Helen" Watt, d. in infancy. 2. William" Watt, d. in infancy. 3. Jessie" Watt, d. in infancy. All three buried at Suffield, Conn. 4. Jessie Taylor" Watt, b. Apr. 2, 1842. Unm. 5. William" Watt. m. at Brooklyn, N. Y.. Oct. 7, 262 Sherman Genealogy 1875, Louisa Shirley Hall, daughter of David and Hannah Hall, b. at Brooklyn, May 25, 1848. He d. at Morristown, N. J., Aug. 11, 1917. Child: (1) Helen Shirley^^ Watt, b. Oct. 30, 1880. 6. John Cunningham^* Watt, d. June 18, 1875, aged about 27 years. Unm. 83 IV. Henryi^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Apr. 16, 1817. 84 V. James Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at New Haven, Apr. 17, 1819. 85 VI. Andrew Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at Sufifield, Conn., Sept. 1, 1821. VII. Jane Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, Conn., June 18, 1823; m. (1) at Suffield, May 8, 1845,- Dr. James Mor- ven Smith, M.D., son of Dr. Nathan Smith, b. at Corn- ish, N. H., Sept. 23, 1805 ; d. at Norwalk, Conn., May, 1853. m. (2) at Springfield, Mass., June 3, 1856, James Henry Osgood, son of Samuel and Mary Os- good, b. at Springfield, Mass., June 20, 1816; d. at Chicago, 111., Nov. 3, 1914. She d. at Tarrytown, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1896. Children by first husband : 1. Charles Sherman^* Smith, b. at Springfield, Mass., Feb. 9, 1846; d. at Newbern, N. C, Jan. 11, 1863. Killed in Civil War. Served as Drummer. Buried at Springfield, Mass. 2. William Watt^* Smith, b. at Springfield, Mar. 20, 1848; d. there Apr. 20, 1848. 3. Alice Chase^* Smith, b. at Springfield, Nov. 3, 1849; d. there Apr. 22, 1852. 4. William Watt^* Smith, b. at Springfield, Aug. 31, 1852 ; d. at Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 28, 1906. Unm. At his death he was President of Bank for Savings of the City of New York. Children by second husband : : 5. Edward Sherburn" Osgood, b. at Worcester, Mass., June 12, 1857; d. there Dec. 12, 1857. 6. Henry Fessenden^* Osgood, b. at Worcester, Aug. 31, 1859; d. at Chicago, 111., Dec. 12, 1876. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 263 7. Margaret Sherman^* Osgood, b. at Worcester, Aug. 19, 1861 ; m. at Orange, N. J., Oct. 6, 1883, Harry Hubbard Latham, son of Hubbard and Lucy Ann (Barnes) Latham, b. at Sandwich, 111., Sept., 1859. Divorced Jan., 1911. Children: (1) Ruth Osgood^^ Latham, b. at Wilmette, 111., Mar. 28, 1887; d. there Apr. 5, 1887. (2) Harry Os- good^^ Latham, b. at Wilmette, 111., Aug. 19, 1888; m. at Chicago, 111., June 3, 1911, Marjorie Luschen Schoole, daughter of Henry Ernst and Mary Eliza- beth (Wirts) Schoole, b. at Chicago, Dec. 17, 1887. Child: (a) Mary Elizabeth" Latham, b. at Chicago, 111., Feb. 19, 1914. (3) Paul Hubbard^' Latham, b. at Wilmette, 111., July 30, 1891 ; m. at Chicago, Apr. 18, 1914, Dorothy Louise Lindsay, daughter of Charles G. and Winifred Louise (Wightman) Lindsay, b. at Des Moines, la., Oct. 23, 1891. No issue. VIII. Harriet^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, Sept. 17, 1825 ; m. (1) Oct. 30, 1856, Dr. Clark Wright, son of Asahel and Lydia (Worthington) Wright, b. at Windsor Mass., 1799; d. at New York City, Mar. 12, 1864, M.D. 1824, Col. Phys. and Sur. (Columbia) ; m. (2) Sept. 10, 1874, as his second wife. Rev. Edward Strong. B.A. Yale, 1838, M.A.; D.D. Hamilton, 1864, son of Rev. William Lightbourne (Yale, 1802) and Harriet (Deming) Strong, b. at Somers, Conn., Oct. 25, 1813; d. at Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1898. (See 43 above.) She d. at Pittsfield, Feb. 2, 1899. Child by first husband: 1. Clark" Wright, Jr., b. at New York City June 15, 1859, Ph.B. Yale, 1881. M.D. Columbia, 1885; m. at Boston, Mass., Oct. 29, 1895, Marion Adelaide Stockman, daughter of Thomas Moody and Frances Adelaide (Leland) Stockman, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Mar. 14, 1861. He d. at New York City, Mar. 16, 1897. Child: (1) Lucy Le- land^^ Wright, b. at Vienna, Austria, June 15, 264 Sherman Genealogy 1896; d. at New York City, Apr. 17, 1911. No is- sue of Harriet by second husband. IX. Eliza Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, June 15, 1827; m. at New York City, Sept. 7, 1848, John Sloane, son of John and Maria Sloane, b. at Kilmarnock, Scot- land, Mar. 4, 1817; d. at New York City, Mar. 3, 1891. She d. at New York City, June 13, 1887. Chil- dren: 1. Jessie Sherman^* Sloane, b. at New York City; d. at Dundee, Scotland. 2. John Kenneth^^ Sloane, b. at Stamford, Conn. ; d. there 1918. Unm. 3. EHzabeth^* Sloane, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1850; m. at Stamford, Conn., 1871, John Harkness Wray, son of Stephen and Mary A. (Harkness) Wray, b. at New York City, 1838. Children: (1) Flor- ence Evelyn^^ Wray. d. young. (2) William Sloane^"^ Wray, d. young. (3) Louise Sloane^' Wray, d. young. (4) John Harkness^^ Wray, Jr., d. young. (5) Charles Sherman^ ^ Wray. Unm. X. Janet Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, July 23, 1829; d. Apr. 2, 1903. Unm. 86 XI. John Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield. Nov. 10, 1831. XII. Robert Taylor^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, Mar. 31, 1834; mar. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1866, Maria Augusta Hewitt, daughter of Horatio Nelson and Anna Maria (Barrett) Hewitt, b. at New York City, June 15, 1840; d. at Stamford,, Conn., Sept. 14, 1894. He d. at Elizabeth, N. J.. Sept. 14, 1891. Member of N. Y. Stock Exchange and of firm of Sherman. Cecil & Co. Children, born at New York City : 1. Cora Palliser^* Sherman, b. Oct. 16, 1866; m. at Orange, N. J., May 21, 1891, Clarence Addison de Goll, son of James Emile and Mary Curtis (Addi- dison) de Goll, b. at New York City, June 12, 1861. She d. at Elizabeth. N. J., Nov. 21, 1915. Children born at Elizabeth : ( 1 ) Marie Corinne^' de Goll, b. Jan. 24, 1892; m. at Elizabeth, May 22, Rev. John Sherman, 1772-1828 and Abigail (Perkins) Sherman his wife, 1774-1860 EDWARD S. SHERMAN, 1818-1882 By Edouard, at Saratoga, 1844 THOMAS T. SHERMAN By Baron Scotford, at Exposition, San Francisco, September, I'M.S HON. ROGER SHERMAN BALDWIN Sherman Genealogy 265 1912, James Macdonald Winans, son of Samuel Ross and Sarah (Macdonald) Winans, b. at Princeton, N. J., May 17, 1887. B.A. Princeton, 1908. Children born; at Elizabeth : (a) James de GolP« Winans, b. Feb. 7, 1913. (b) Jane Sher- man^'' Winans, b. Oct. 10, 1917. (2) Imogene Ethel" de Goll, b. Nov. 18, 1893 ; m. at Pensacola, Fla., Sept. 5, 1918, Douglas Hillyer, son of Dr. Frank Munson (M.D. Bellevue, N. Y.) and Adele (Douglas) Hillyer, b. at New York City, Aug. 25, 1892, Ensign U. S. N. R. F. (Aviation). (3) Dorothy Addison" de Goll, b. June 28, 1895. Unm. (4) Ada Sherman" de Goll, b. Jan. 7, 1901. Unm. Ada" Sherman, b. Apr. 11, 1868; m. at Orange N. J., Nov. 17, 1887, William English Ross, son of William Halsey and Sarah Ann Randall (West) Ross, b. at Elizabeth, N. J., Feb. 16, 1866. Chil- dren : ( 1 ) Frederick Randall West^® Ross, b. at St. George, Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1888. Unm. U. S. A. Quartermaster's Dept. (2) Made- laine Sherman^^ Ross, b. at Elizabeth, N. J., Apr. 21, 1892; m. at Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1917, William Taylor West, Jr., son of William Taylor and Martha Hines (Garthwaite) West, b. at Roselle, N. J., July 28, 1887. No issue. (3) Robert Sher- man" Ross, b. at Elizabeth, May 4, 1893. Unm. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Aviation. (4) Cora Bowne" Ross, b. at Elizabeth, June 2, 1894; m. at Eliza- beth, July 5, 1917, John Langhorne Vaiden, U S. N. Academy, 1914, Lieut. U. S. Navy, son of William Jacob Vaiden, Col. U. S. A. and Marion (Langhorne) Vaiden, b. at Uniontown, Ala., Feb. 25, 1893. Child: (a) Dorothy Langhorne^" Vai- den, b. at Elizabeth, N. J., June 19, 1918. (5) Edith" Ross, b. at Elizabeth, Mar. 7, 1898; d. there Mar. 12, 1898. Eugene King^* Sherman, b. Aug. 25, 1872; m. at Brooklyn, Oct. 24, 1900, Ella Elizabeth Pearce, 266 Sherman Genealogy daughter of Henry Godfrey and Hannah (Wil- son) Pearce, b. at Brooklyn, Apr. 24, 1878. No issue. Xni. Roger^^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, Apr. 5, 1837; d. Aug. 10, 1846. XIV. WilHam Watt^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, Aug. 30, 1839; d. at Chicago, 111., Dec. 3, 1875. Unm. XV. Walter^^ Sherman, b. at Suffield, July 9, 1843; d. at Wilmette, 111., Feb. 22, 1880. Unm. 58. NANCY^- SHERMAN (46. Capt. John,", Hon Roger," William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John," Henry,'^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John," Thomas^), b. at Stoughton (now Canton), Mass., Nov. 28, 1794 (Stoughton and Canton Vital Rec- ords) ; m. at Canton, Nov. 5, 1812, Gideon Mcintosh (the name afterwards written Mackintosh) son of Gideon and Mehitable (Dewing) Mcintosh, b. at Needham, Mass., May 13, 1789. Marriage intention record: "Mr. Gideon Mc- intosh, resident in Canton and Miss Nancy Sherman of Can- ton 11th Oct. 1812." Marriage record: "Nov. 5 1802 [1812] Mr. Gideon Mcintosh resident in Canton & Miss Nancy Sherman" (Canton Vital Records). She d. at Canton, Sept. 30, 1836, "aged 42 years." He married (2) at Canton, Mar. 14, 1839, Mrs. Abigail Reed of Canton. He d. intestate, at Canton, Sept. 19, 1859. Adm. Nov. 5, 1859, to his son Charles G. Mackintosh, of West Roxbury, Mass. Children born at Canton: I. Nancy Sherman" Mackintosh, b. July 10, 1813; m. at Canton, Oct. 23, 1836, Capt. Alonzo Follansbee, a mariner, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Kenney) Follansbee, b. at Pittston, Me., Aug. 19, 1809, and drowned at sea when he went down with his ship St. Denis, an ocean liner, Jan. 8, 1856. She was one of the first white women to enter China. She d. at Ded- ham, Mass., Feb. 26, 1907. Children : 1. Alonzo^* Follansbee, Jr., b. at Whampoa, China, Aug. 2, 1838; d. at Manila, Philippine Islands, Oct. Sherman Genealogy 267 28, 1838. He was the first white boy born in China. 2. Dr. EHzabeth Ann^"* Follansbee, b. at Pittston, Me., L Dec. 9, 1839. M.D. Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1876. Practicing physician in Los Angleles, Cal. She d. there Aug. 22, 1917. Unm. 3. Susan Emmeline^* Follansbee, b. at Pittston, Apr. 28, 1841 ; m. at Boston, Mass., Nov. 23, 1865, Jos- eph Thomas Roberts, son of Joshua and Eliza Rob- erts, b. at Thomaston, Me. She d. at Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 28, 1866. Child: (1) Susan Marion^= Roberts, b. at Charlestown, Aug. 29, 1866. Unm. 4. Walter Alonzo^* Follansbee, b. at Pittston, Mar. 18, 1844; d. there July 30, 1845. 5. Juliette'* (Etta) Follansbee, b. at Pittston, May 29, 1846; m. at Dedham, Mass., Sept. 27, 1865, Greenwood Everett Soule, son of Charles Starrett and Elizabeth (Levensaler) Soule, b. at Waldo- boro. Me., Sept. 16, 1841. She d. at Dedham Mass., May 23, 1890. Children: (1) Louise Greenwood" Soule, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 25, 1867, d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Apr. 23, 1898. Unm. (2) George Everett'^ Soule, b. at Lewis- ton, Me., Aug. 24, 1869; d. at Manchester, N. H., Apr. 29, 1872. 6. Sherman" Follansbee, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1848 ; m. at Dedham, Oct. 3, 1877, Juliet Marsh, daughter of Francis and Eliza (Hersey) Marsh, b. at Dedham, May 5, 1846. Children: (1) Louis Herbert^' Follansbee, b. at Dedham, Sept. 1, 1880; d. there Sept. 3, 1880. (2) Horace Sherman" Follansbee, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 8, 1883. Unm. (3) Charles Marsh'^ Follansbee, b. at Bos- ton, Oct. 30, 1884; d. there Nov. 6, 1884. 7. Ellen Thatcher'* Follansbee (twin), b. at Brook- lyn, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1851 ; m. at Dedham, Jan. 22, 1879, George Washington Humphrey, son of George Henry and Clarinda Thompson (Noyes) Humphrey, b. at Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1848. 268 Sherman Genealogy Children: (1) Ralph Devereaux" Humphrey, b. at Dedham, Nov. 7, 1882; d. at Bath, Me., July 4, 1904. Unni. (2) Marion Louise^^ Humphrey, b. at Dedham, Mar. 5, 1886; m. at Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 13, 1914, Joseph Knowles, son of Joseph Greenlief and Mary (Hitchcock) Knowles, b. at Wilton, Me., Aug. 13, 1869. No issue. 8. Abbie Howes^* Follansbee (twin), b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1851 ; d. there Oct. 9, 1852. 9. Alonzo Walter^* Follansbee, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1853; m. at San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 19, 1873. Rachel Schroeder, daughter of Jean and Barbara (Guernsey) Schroeder, b. at New York City. He d. at San Francisco, Mar. 28, 1916. Children born at San Francisco : ( 1 ) Alonzo Wal- ter^^ Follansbee, Jr., b. Dec. 10, 1873; m. at San Francisco, June 7, 1909, Edna Coleman Dickens, daughter of Edmund Finlay and Alice Ash (Pier- son) Dickens, b. at San Francisco. No issue. (2) George Sherman^^ Follansbee, b. June 24, 1875 ; m. at San Francisco, Mar. 14, 1900, Ella Maud Forbes, daughter of Robert and Henrietta Ann (Allen) Forbes, b. at Downieville, Cal. Children born at San Francisco: (a) Ruth^^ Follansbee, b, Sept. 9, 1901. (b) George Sherman^*' Follansbee, Jr., b. Dec. 29. 1902. (3) William Garrick^^ Fol- lansbee, b. Apr. 3, 1877; m. at Fresno, Cal., June 17, 1916, Marguerite Morrell Lightner, daughter of Abia Taylor and Tena (Morrell) Lightner, b. at Bakersfield, Cal. Child: (a) Margaret" Fol- lansbee, b. Feb. 9, 1918. (4) Ada^= Follansbee, b. Feb. 22, 1879 ; m. at San Francisco, Harry Flood Dott. Divorced. No issue. 10. George^* B'ollansbee, b. at Brooklyn. N. Y., Aug. 26, 1855; Sergeant Co. A. 1st R. I. Infantry; d. at Providence, R. I., Feb. 18, 1880. Unm. II. Susan Tucker" Mackintosh, b. May 15, 1815; d. at Boston, Mass., Sept. 10, 1848. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 269 III. Lucinda Sherman^^ Mackintosh, b. Feb. 4, 1817; m. at West Roxbury, Mass., Mar. 27, 1842, Abel Allen, son of Gideon Allen, b. at Surry, N. H., Oct. 6, 1816; d. near Kidder, Mo., May 20, 1894. She d. at East Westmoreland, N. H., Mar. 2, 1850. He m. (2) at Acton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1851, Miss Harriet Robbins. Children by second wife : George W. Allen, who died in infancy, and Moses Grant Allen. Children: 1. Abel" Allen, Jr., b. at East Westmoreland, Feb. 11, 1843; m. at Kidder, Mo., Feb. 5, 1896, Cora Bell Flesher, daughter of Green B. and Seynthia A. (King) Flesher, b. at Casby, Mo., May 30, 1873. He d. at Bagwell, Texas, Nov. 3, 1915. Children: (1) Mary Lucinda^^ Allen, b. near Kid- der, Mo., Mar. 21, 1897; m. at Fort Towson, Okla., Jan. 17, 1912, William Patrick Brown, son of Patrick Wilson and Sallie (Gaston) Brown, b. at Ardmore, Okla., Sept. 22, 1891. Children: (a) Delana Violet Pauline^" Brown, b. at Bagwell, Texas, June 12, 1913. (b) J. W. Gordon" Brown, ' b. at Detroit, Texas, June 20, 1917. (2) Abel" Allen, b. at Kidder, Mo., June 4, 1899; d. there Mar. 28, 1903. (3) Delana Maud" Allen, b. at Kidder, Mo., Dec. 31, 1901. Unm. 2. Theodore Parker" Allen, b. at Canton, Mass., Apr. 29, 1845; m. at Chillicothe, Mo., Nov. 1, 1876, Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Carlow) Fitzpatrick, b. near Peterboro, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 17, 1854. He d. at Kidder, July 12, 1899. Children born at Kidder, Mo.: (1) Lucinda" Allen, b. Sept. 12, 1877; d. at Kidder, July 29, 1878. (2) Charles Lee" Allen, b. May 3, 1879; m. at Belleville, 111., Sept. 8, 1903, Orah Sarah Knapp, daughter of DeWitt and Adelphia Knapp, b. at Creighton, Neb., Jan. 22, 1878. No issue. (3) Clifton Royal" Allen, b. May 10, 1881. LL.B. Univ. So. Cal., 1911. Admitted to Bar of California, Jan. 18, 1911. Lawyer in Fullerton, Cal. m. at Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 27, 1909, Elsie 270 Sherman Genealogy May Winsor, daughter of Amos K. and Ellen (McGuire) Winsor, b. at Washington, Iowa, Aug. 30, 1883. Children : (a) Marjorie Aileen^° Allen, b. at Los Angeles, Feb. 6, 1911. (b) Virginia May^° Allen, b. at Fullerton, July 17, 1915. (4) Arthur Arnold^^ Allen, b. Apr. 3, 1884; m. at Los Angeles, Aug. 31, 1913, Frances May Browning, daughter of Robert Franklin and Mary Jane (Parks) Browning, b. at Vinita, Okla., June 1, 1882. Child: (a) Elizabeth Louise^'' Allen, b. at Los Angeles, Sept. 1, 1915. (5) Ethelyn Elizabeth^^ Allen, b. May 3, 1886; m. at Los Angeles, May 10, 1911, Richard Peters, son of George and Annie (Smith) Peters, b. at Dublin, Ireland, June 9, 1879. Child: (a) Margaret Ann^'^ Peters, b. at Fullerton, Cal., Jan. 21, 1913. (6) John Warren^= Allen, b. Oct. 10, 1890. LL.B. Univ. So. Cal., 1911. Name changed to John Sherman Allen, Lawyer. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 13th M.P., May 29, 1918— Mar. 12, 1919. Unm. (7) Eleanor Winifred^= Allen, b. June 27, 1893 ; m. at Los Angeles, Mar. 20, 1916, James Wallace Brown, son of James and Elizabeth (An- derson) Brown, b. at Knightsville, Ind., May 17, 1892. Child : (a) Elizabeth Ann^" Brown, b. at Los Angeles, May 1, 1917. (8) Gordon Alonzo^^ Al- len, b. Oct. 27, 1898. Served Oct. 4, 1918— Jan. 22, 1919, Camp Taylor, Ky., in F. Art. Officers' Training School. Unm. 3. Delana^* Allen, b. at East Westmoreland, N. H., Sept. 14, 1847; m. at Kidder, Mo., May 13, 1873, Stephen Chase Coult, son of Amherst and Anna (Chase) Coult, b. at Auburn, N. H., July 24, 1835. Served three years in Civil War in 14th Regiment N. H. Volunteers. She d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 11, 1918. Children b. at Kidder, Mo.: (1) Abel Amherst^^ Coult, b. Feb. 18, 1875; m. at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5, 1907, Edith McDow, daughter of James and America Ann (Sumner) McDow, b. at bow, 111., Sept. 12, 1882; d. at Los Angeles, Sherman Genealogy 271 Mar. 8, 1915. No issue. (2) Frank Herbert" Coult, b. Sept. 28, 1877; m. at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28, 1907, Hattie Merrell, daughter of Hubert Spencer and Georgia (Crenshaw) Merrell, b. at Nameoki, III, Jan. 17, 1883. Child: (a) Georgia McrrelP" Coult, b. at St. Louis, May 10, 1915. (3) Sherman Chase^^ Coult, b. Sept. 29, 1880; d. at Kidder, Jan. 16, 1881. (4) Anna Lucinda" Coult, b. Jan. 7, 1883 ; m. at Kidder, Mo., Mar. 14, 1906, James Rea McNary, son of James Alexander and Sarah Catharine (Crane) McNary, b. at EHzabethtown, Ky., July 13, 1878. Child: (a) Mabel Eleanor" McNary, b. at Hamilton, Mo., Dec. 5, 1908. (5) George Benjamin" Coult, b. Feb. 13, 1889; m. at Hamilton, Mo., June 15, 1910, Rena Mae Anderson, daughter of John Finley and Iva Maple (Van No'^e) Anderson, b. at Hamilton, Mo., July 25, 1890. Children: (a). Lorna Maur- ine^« Coult, b. at Hamilton, Mo., Mar. 12, 1912. (b) Herbert Anderson^*^ Coult, b. at Kidder, Mo., Aug. 2, 1916. (c) Doris Lucile" Coult, b. at Kid- der, Oct. 2, 1918. Lucinda Sherman" Allen, b. at East Westmore- land, N. H., Mar. 2, 1850; m. at Kidder, Mo., Feb. 27, 1872, Charles Le Forest Shaw, son of John Adams and Sophia Ann (Tinkham) Shaw, b. at Middleboro, Mass., Feb. 29, 1848. She d. at Kid- der, Mo., Mar. 1, 1877. Children: (1) Edith Sophia" Shaw, b. at Kidder, Mo., Dec. 23, 1872 ; m. at Okayama, Japan, at midnight, Dec. 31, 1900 and Jan. 1, 1901, Herbert Spencer Wheeler, son of WilHam and Margaret Jane (McKeag) Wheel- er, b. at Jersey City, N. J., July 23, 1872. Chil- dren: (a) Sherman Shaw^^ Wheeler, b. at Kobe, Japan, Nov. 3, 1901. (b) Carson McKeag" Wheeler, b. at Kobe, Feb. 14, 1903. (c) Warren" Wheeler, b. at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 20, 1905. (d) John William^*^ Wheeler, b. at San Jose, Cal., Dec. 26, 1915. (2) Charles Theodore" Shaw, b. 272 Sherman Genealogy at Kidder, Mo., Mar. 1, 1877; m. at Kidder, May 10, 1899, Mary Beulah Whitelaw, daughter of John and Mary (Neill) Whitelaw, b. at Kidder, Apr. 16, 1877. He d. at Cameron, Mo., Feb. 13, 1915. Children born at Kidder: (a) Mabel Susan^^ Shaw, b. Nov. 25, 1900. (b) Ralph Theodore" Shaw, b. Sept. 5, 1903. (c) Mary Lucinda" Shaw, b. Sept. 26, 1906. (d) Charles Russell Whitelaw^° Shaw, b. Feb. 4, 1909. (e) Esther Beulah^*^ Shaw, b. Aug. 13, 1911. (f) Margaret Ruth" Shaw, b. Feb. 9, 1914. IV. William" Mackintosh, b. Mar. 19, 1819; m. (1) at West Roxbury, Mass., Mar. 30, 1841, Adeline Arnold, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Holden) Arnold, b. at West Roxbury, June 7, 1822; d. there Feb. 4, 1850. Her infant daughter born just before, died few hours later. He m. (2) at Lexington, Mass., Dec. 25, 1851, Eliza Jane Tuttle, daughter of David and his third wife Patty (Smith) Tuttle, b. at Lexington, Mass., Apr. 17, 1830; d. at Lincoln, Mass., Jan. 3, 1880. He d. at Lincoln, Dec. 9, 1900. Children by first wife b. at West Roxbury: 1. Maria Louisa" Mackintosh, b. Apr. 1, 1842; m. at Wolfeboro, N. H., May 9, 1865, Samuel Arnold Meader, son of Joseph and Mary (Lyon) Meader, b. at Wolfeboro, Feb". 8, 1838; d. there Dec. 23, 1916: Children born at Wolfeboro: (1) Frederick Everett" Meader, b. Aug. 25, 1872. D.M.D. Har- vard, 1895 ; m. at Wolfeboro. Oct. 19, 1898. Sara Morse Whitton, daughter of Oscar Frederick and Clara (Blake) Whitton. b. at Wolfeboro, Aug. 31, 1875. Child: (a) Robert Whitton" Meader, b. at Brookline. Mass.. Jan. 12, 1908. (2) Henry Hud- son" Meader, b. May 9. 1875. m. (1) at Tufton- boro, N. H., Oct. 31. 1901, May Flora Holmes, daughter of Henry Hollis and Flora (Wiggin) Holmes, b. at Wolfeboro. N. H., Oct. 8, 1882. Di- vorced 1909. Child: (a) George Henry" Meader, b. at Wolfeboro, July 19, 1905 ; d. at Boston, Mass., HON. SIMEON EBEN BALDWIN Sherman Genealogy 273 Nov. 21, 1906. m. (2) at Wolfeboro, Sept. 6, 1910, Mattie May Bennett, daughter of Amos' Northen and Sarah Maria (Sanborn) Bennett, b at Sandwich, N. H., Oct. 7, 1873. Child: (b) Helen Hudson^« Meader, b. at Wolfeboro, June 25, 1911. (3) Eleanor Rogers^^ Meader, b Oct 5, 1884. Unm. 2. Nancy Sherman^* Mackintosh, b. Nov. 19, 1843. Unm. 3. Frances Adaline^* Mackintosh, b. Mar. 28, 1846- m. at Boston, Mass., Sept. 1, 1869, Leland Fred- erick Bridgham, son of Sulhvan and Eliza (Wil- ley) Bridgham, b. at Charleston, Maine, Feb. 4, 1843. Children: (1) Arthur Leland^^ Bridgham' b. at Somerville, Mass., July 9, 1870; m. at New York City, Apr. 28, 1904, Marguerita Florentina Rosa Berger, daughter of Robert Franz and Rosa Charlotte (Schreiber) Berger, b. at Stettin, Ger- many, June 20, 1868. Children: (a) Hilde Marga Louisa^« Bridgham, b. at Roxbury, Mass., July 2, 1905. (b) Elisabeth Lois Frances^« Bridgham' (twin), b. at Roxbury, Feb. 3, 1907. (c) Rudolph Leland Berger^" Bridgham (twin), b. at Roxbury Feb. 3, 1907. (d) Minot Robert Sherman^« Bridgham, b. at New York City, Apr. 27, 1910 (2) Minot Austin^-^ Bridgham, b. at Boston, 'Mass.* Oct. 17, 1871 ; m. at Bristol, N. H., Jan. 1, 1914,' Grace Agnes Swain, daughter of Josiah Sanborn and Frances Pauline (Gordon) Swain, b. at Lake- port, N. H., Feb. 20, 1883. Child: (a) Minot Austin^« Bridgham, Jr., b. at Jamaica Plain, Mass May 29, 1915. (3) Maria Louise^^ Bridgham b' at Boston, Mass., July 22, 1873. Unm. (4) Elna Sherman!^ Bridgham, b. at Boston, Mass., March 3, 1878; m. at Arlington Heights, Mass., June 5, 1906, Charles Clark Stover, son of Charles Moody and Josephine E. (Clark) Stover, b. at Amesbury Mass., Dec. 12, 1877. Children born at Arlington Heights: (a) Charles Clark^« Stover, Jr., b Jan 274 Sherman Genealogy 10, 1912. (b) Roger Mackintosh^" Stover, b. Aug. 21, 1917. (5) Helen Morton^=^ Bridgham, b. at Arlington Heights, March 24, 1884; m. at Arl- ington Heights, Oct. 23, 1906, Plumer Wheeler, son of Morris Plumer and Rosina Baldwin (Crane) Wheeler, b. at Dorchester, Mass., July 18, 1878. Children: (a) William Morris^" Wheeler, b. at Arlington Heights, Mar. 19, 1913. (b) Helen Frances^" Wheeler, b. at Newark, N. J,, June 25, 1916. 4. A daughter^* born and died Feb. 4, 1850. Children of William^^ Mackintosh by second wife, born at Lincoln, Mass. : 5. William Henry^* Mackintosh, b. Jan. 13, 1853; d. at Lincoln, Jan. 6, 1880. Unm. 6. George Tuttle^* Mackintosh, b. Jan. 29, 1855; d. at Lincoln, May 29, 1875. Unm. 7. Sarah Lizzie^* Mackintosh, b. Jan. 15, 1857; d, at Lincoln, Nov. 30, 1878. Unm. 8. Harriet Abbie" Mackintosh, b. June 22, 1858 ; d. at Lincoln, Sept. 22, 1876. Unm. 9. Linette Tucker^* Mackintosh, b. Feb. 18, 1860; d. at Langdon, Minn., Nov. 17, 1881. Unm. 10. John Quincy'* Mackintosh, b. Oct. 14, 1861; m. at Rich Valley, Minn., June 26, 1889, Agnes Hastie Strathern, daughter of William and Margaret (Hastie) Strathern, b. at Pine Bend, Minn., Jan. 12, 1860. Children: (1) Edna Louise^^ Mackin- tosh, b. at St. Paul, Minn., April 21, 1895; m. at St. Paul Aug. 9, 1918, Burton Francis Hood. (2) William Strathern" Mackintosh, b. at Cottage Grove, Minn., Sept. 28, 1897. Unm. 11. Joseph Hooker^* Mackintosh, b. May 27, 1863; d. at Langdon, Minn., Dec. 31, 1885. Unm. 12. Roger Sherman^* Mackintosh, b. Feb. 18, 1872; m. at Cottage Grove, Minn., Sept. 18, 1901, Laura Belle Wright, daughter of James and Orlesta Me- lissa (Stotesbery) Wright, b. at Denmark, Minn., Sherman Genealogy 275 May 27, 1872. Child: (1) Orlesta May" Mackin- tosh, b. at Auburn, Ala., June 11, 1905. Roger Sherman^^ Mackintosh, b. June 24, 1821 ; m. at West Roxbury, June 8, 1845, Mary Jane Lyon, daughter of Benjamin Davis and Mary (Arnold^. Lyon, born at West Roxbury, Mar. 27, 1827; d. at Maiden, Mass., June 27, 1894. He d. at Arlington Heights, Mass., Aug. 8, 1895. Children : 1. Roger Sherman^* Mackintosh, b. at West Rox- bury, Sept. 6, 1846; m. at Boston, Mass., Dec. 2, 1868, Adelaide Lucinda Jepson, daughter of Sam- uel and Harriet (Walker) Jepson, b. at Boston, Jan. 9, 1843. Children: (1) Gertrude Marian" Mackintosh, b. at Roxbury, May 16, 1871. Unm. (2) Stewart W^bster^^ Mackintosh, b, at Cam- bridge, Mass., Feb. 2, 1877 ; d. at Boston, July 22, 1877. 2. William Davis^* Mackintosh, b. at West Roxbury, Feb. 7, 1848; m. at Jericho, Vt., Oct. 18, 1880, Annie Lavinia Jones, daughter of Rev. Ahira and Lucy Hapgood (McGregor) Jones, b. at Burling- ton, Vt, Oct. 18, 1853. Child: (1) Roger" Mackintosh, b. at Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 8, 1881. Unm, 3. Walter" Mackintosh, b. at East Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 29, 1851 ; d. there Feb. 22, 1851. 4. Walter" Mackintosh, b. at Charlestown, Mass., May 28, 1852; m. at Springfield, Mass., Oct. 19, 1900, Sarah Anita Roberts Warner, daughter of Amaziah Sanderson and Jerusha Mann (Roberts) Warner, b. at Springfield, Mass., Oct, 5, 1863. Children born at Springfield: (1) Marion Edna" Mackintosh, b. July 22, 1901. (2) Roger War- ner^= Mackintosh, b. June 19, 1904. 5. Marion^* Mackintosh, b. at Charlestown, Sept. 25, 1853 ; d. there Aug. 11, 1854. 6. Edmund" Mackintosh, b. at Charlestown, Feb. 8, 1855; m. at Maiden, Mass., June 10, 1885, Lydia Ann Simpson, daughter of James Munroe and Ly- 276 Sherman Genealogy dia Ann (Whittle) Simpson, b. at Charlestown, Apr. 29, 1853; d. at Newton Highlands, Mass., Feb. 6, 1902. Children: (1) Theodore Osgood^' Mackintosh, b. at Chicago, 111., Apr. 1, 1888; d. at Maiden, Mass., Jan. 5, 1890. (2) Louis Ed- mund^^ Mackintosh, b. at Maiden, July 24, 1891. Private U. S. A. Unm. (3) Arnold^^ Mackin- tosh, b. at Newton Highlands, Mass., Oct. 29, 1894. Unm. Assistant Treasurer of the Newton Trust Company. VI. Charles Gideon^^^ Mackintosh, b. July 25, 1823 ; m. at Dedham, Mass., Oct. 27, 1852, Harriet Ann Richards, daughter of Martin and Harriet (Angier) Richards, b. at Dedham, Mass., Sept. 11, 1826; d. at Peabody, Mass., Aug. 1, 1897. He d. at Dedham, Mass., July 3, 1908. Children : 1. Charles Austin^* Mackintosh, b. at West Roxbury, Aug. 25, 1853. Lawyer, d. at Dedham, June 9, 1889. Unm. 2. Joseph Billings^* Mackintosh, b. at West Rox- bury, Mar. 16, 1860; d. there June 26, 1862. 3. Richards Bryant^* Mackintosh, b. at West Rox- bury, Nov. 17, 1865; m. at Peabody, Mass., Oct. 14, 1896, Mary Lizzie Lord, daughter of David Bolles and Elizabeth Davis (Crane) Lord, b. at Danvers, Mass., Sept. 7, 1866. Children born at Peabody: (1) Charles Gideon^^ Mackintosh, b. Dec. 22, 1898. (2) Elizabeth Lord^^ Mackintosh, b. May 17, 1903. VII. Adam^^ Mackintosh, b. Sept. 27, 1825; m. at Canton, Aug. 27, 1849, Ann Lucinda" Littlefield, his first cousin, daughter of Thomas and Lucinda^^ (Sherman) Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Mass., Mar. 17, 1830; d. at Canton, Apr. 19, 1901. He d. at Canton. Nov. 5, 1881. Children born at Canton: 1. Seth^* Mackintosh, b. July 8, 1850; d. there July 9, 1851. 2. Lucy Adaliza" Mackintosh, b. Jan. 6, 1852. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 277 3. George'* Mackintosh, b. May 17, 1855; m. at Cen- tre Buxton, Me., Dec. 18, 1879, Marilla Donnell, daughter of WilHam Henry and Hannah Dean (Moulton) Donnell, b. at Buxton, Me., Nov. 18, 1855. Children: (1) Alice Hannah" Mackintosh, b. Oct. 23, 1880; m. at Canton, Mass., Oct. 5, 1910, John Charles Raynes, son of John Johnson and ■-/ Martha Ann (Hammond) Raynes, b. at Hyde Park, Mass., Nov. 4, 1873. Children: (a) Bar- bara'^ Raynes, b. at Hyde Park, Sept. 8, 1913. (b) Harriet'*' Raynes, b. at Franklin, Mass., May 23, 1915. (c) John Charles'*' Raynes, Jr., b. at Hyde Park, Feb. 10, 1917. (d) Paul Mackintosh" Raynes, b. at Hyde Park, Dec. 7, 1918. (2) Ed- gar Adam'^ Mackintosh, b. at Canton, July 18, 1882; m. at Haverhill, Mass., July 21, 1906, Mary Healey. No issue. (3) Rachel Ann'^ Mackin- tosh, b. at Peabody, Mass., Apr. 2, 1886. Unm. (4) Lillian Sherman'^ Mackintosh, b. at Chester, N. H., Oct. 12, 1888. Unm. U. S. Naval Nurse. (5) Ethel'^ Mackintosh, b. at Chester, N. H., July 12, 1891. Unm. (6) Helen Dorothy '^ Mackin- tosh, b. at Chester, N. H., Apr. 16, 1897. Unm. 4. John Sherman'* Mackintosh, b. Oct. 22, 1858; d. at Canton, Dec. 2, 1861. 5. Annie Sherman'* Mackintosh, b. Apr. 14, 1863; m. at Canton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1885, Henry Bil- lings Hev^ett, son of Billings and Harriet (Ather- ton) Hewett, b. at Canton, Jan. 21, 1860; children born at Canton: (1) Grace Liscom'^ Hewett, b. Nov. 20, 1887; m. at Baltimore, Md., Sept. 11, 1915, Henry Allen Watkins, son of George Ran- dall and Sarah Catherine (Barnes) Watkins, b. at Sigourney, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1875. Children: (a) Ann Mackintosh'*' Watkins, b. at Washington, D. C, Dec. 19, 1916. (b) Ruth Randall'^ Watkins, b. at Dorchester, Mass., July 27, 1918. (2) Charles Mackintosh'^ Hewett, b. May 15. 1890; m. at Somerville, Mass., June 19, 1915, Margaret Adams 278 Sherman Genealogy Sargent, daughter of Aaron Eugene and Mabel Gay (Fulton) Sargent, b. at Somerville, Oct. 11, 1888. Child: (a) Roger Sargent^^ Hewett, b. at Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 19, 1917. (3) Roger ^ Sherman^^ Hewett, b. Feb. 29, 1896, 1st Lieut. r U. S. A. Engineers. (4) Hobart^'^ Hewett, b. / ' ■ Mar. 20, 1900. U. S. Military Academy. 2nd p Lieut. U. S. A., Nov. 1, 1918. (5) Philip Crane" Hewett, b. Mar. 2, 1902. 6. John Sherman^* Mackintosh, b. May 12, 1865; m. at Moultonboro, N. H. Sept. 10, 1895, Etta Maria Robinson, daughter of George and Abby (Farrington) Robinson, b. at Moulton Bow, N. H., July 19, 1870. Child: (1) Adam^=^ Mackintosh, b. at Canton, Aug. 7, 1898. 7. Hattie" Mackintosh, b. Mar. 27, 1867; d. at Can- ton, Apr. 14, 1867. Vin. John Sherman^^ Mackintosh, b. Nov. 8, 1827; m. at Boston, Sept. 29, 1853, Josephine Mcintosh, daughter of Samuel and Priscilla (Smith) Mcintosh, b. at Newton Upper Falls, Mass., Dec. 11, 1833; d. at Dor- chester, Mass., Nov. 23, 1912, He is still living in good health in his 92nd year. Child: 1. Effie Josephine^* Mackintosh, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 11, 1862; m. at Milton, Mass., Apr. 3, 1890, Frederick Haynes Newell, son of Augustus William and Ann (Haynes) Newell, b. at Brad- ford, Penn., Mar. 5, 1862. S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech., 1885; D. Eng. Case, 1912. Chief Hydrographer U. S. Geol. Survey, 1888-1902. Ch. Eng'r U. S. Reclamation Service, 1902-1907. Dir. U. S. Reel. Sen, 1907-1914. Head Depart. Civ. Eng. Univ. 111., since 1915. Ch. Eng'r construction of Roose- velt and Shoshone dams, Gunnison Tunnel, etc. Pres. Am. Ass'n of Eng'rs. Member various En- gineering Societies. Author. Theodore Roose- velt said of him : "By his services he has made all good American citizens his debtors." Children: Sherman Genealogy 279 (1) Josephine^-^ Newell, b. at Milton, Mass, Sept 11, 1891. Unm. (2) Constance'^ Newell' b at Washington, D. C, Oct. 21, 1896. Unm. (3) Roger Sherman^^ Newell, b. at Washington D C Feb. 24, 1898. Unm. (4) John Mackintosh- Newell, b. at Washington, D. C, Apr. 20, 1904 IX. Lucy Bathsheba- Mackintosh, b. Aug. 5, 1829- m at Boston, Mass., Aug. 5, 1862, as his third wife Cap- tarn William Brega Davis, a mariner, b. at Salem Mass., May 24, 1814; d. at San Francisco, Cal., Jan' 10, 1878. She d. at Dedham, Mass., Apr. 13, 1913 No issue. X. Anna Mehitable^^ Mackintosh, b. Oct. 18 1831 • d at Boston, Apr. 27, 1851. Unm. XI. Royal Augustine" Mackintosh, b. Mar 13 1834- m at Ossining, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1866. Ellen Bohler, daugh- ter of John Jacob and Francesca (Trexler) Bohler b. at Philadelphia, Penn., Sept. 14, 1841 He d at Newark, N. J., Feb. 8, 1897. Children born at Bos- ton, Mass. : 1. Francesca Louise^* Mackintosh, b. Jan. 13 1868- m. at Port Chester, N. Y., June 28, 1899, John Schick, son of Ludwig and Anna (Dold) Schick b at Greenfield, Mass., Aug. 14, 1863. Member 'of firm of Steiger & Schick, Port Chester, N Y Children born at Port Chester: (1) Dorothy Mackintosh^^ Schick, b. June 8, 1900. (2) Cath- erine Mackintosh^^ Schick, b. July 27, 1903. 2. Frederick Royal" Mackintosh, b. Aug. 9, 1872; d. at Westfield, Mass., Nov. 19, 1875. ^^' ^An?'^?^" S^E^M^N (46. Capt. John," Hon. Roger," Wilham, Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,« Henry.= Henry,* Thomas,3 John,^ Thomas^, b. at Stoughton, now Canton, Aug. 16, 1796; m. at Canton, Apr. 12, 1818. Thomas Little- field son of Aaron Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Mass., Feb. i\llr. ' ""* ^^"dolph. June 8, 1877. His will, dated Dec. «, 1870, was proved July 25, 1877. In it he described himself 280 Sherman Genealogy as "Yeoman." He bequeaths to each of his children, John S., George T., Joseph D., Ann Lucinda, Roger S. and Alonzo F. Littlefield, ten dollars and gives the residue of his prop- erty to his wife Lucinda, and appoints George Thomas Little- field, Executor, who qualified. Lucinda, his widow, d. at Randolph, May 14, 1880, intestate. Adm. June 23, 1880, to George Thomas Littlefield. Children : I. John Sherman^^ Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Mass., Sept. 23, 1820; bap. Oct. 4, 1821 ; m. at East Stough- ton, Mass., Ruea Bisbee, daughter of Ezekiel and Ruea Bisbee, b. at Stoughton, Sept., 1821 ; d. at Ran- dolph, Mar. 20, 1868, aged 46 years, 6 mos. He d. at Randolph, Mar. 3, 1907, aged 86 years, 5 mos., 8 days. No issue. IL George Thomas^ ^ Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Feb. 11, 1823 ; m. at Athol, Mass., Nov. 28, 1849, Ann Thorpe, daughter of Eliphalet and Ruth (Fenno) Thorpe, b. at Athol. Mass., Mar. 31, 1826. Children: 1. George Sherman" Littlefield. b. at Watertown, Mass., Apr. 27, 1851 ; m. at Somer\ille. Mass., June 29, 1874, Georgiana Stevens, daughter of George Cook and Mary (Ayer) Stevens, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 25, 1853. Children: (1) Anna Sherman^^ Littlefield, b. at Winchester, Mass., Sept. 19, 1876; m. at Winchester, Sept. 16, 1903, Samuel Franklin Perry, son of Eugene and Flora (Quimby) Perry, b. at Winchester. July 2, 1881. No. issue. An adopted child, Gertrude Perry, b. Nov. 2, 1912. (2) Arthur Stevens^^ Lit- tlefield, b. at Winchester. Sept. 19. 1880. Unm. 2. Willie Arthur" Littlefield, b. at Somerville, Mass., Aug. 13. 1858; d. there Nov. 28, 1862. UL Seth^3 Littlefield. b. at Randolph. Mar. 30. 1825; d. at Boston, July 29, 1849. Unm. IV. Dr. Joseph Dana^^ Littlefield. b. at Randolph ; bap. June 1, 1828. M.D. Univ. Penn., 1876. m. (1) Mary Belden. No issue. Divorced, m. (2) Craig. Divorced. He d. at Jamestown. N. Y.. Mar. 10, 1899. No issue. Sherman House, Norwalk, Conn., residence of Taylor Sherman and his son Judge Charles R. Sherman, grandfather and father of General William Tecumseii Sherman 1820-1891 Sherman Genealogy 281 V. Ann Lucinda^'' Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Mar. 17, 1830; d. Apr. 19, 1901. m. at Canton, Sept. 27, 1849, Adam Mackintosh. (See above.) VI. Roger Sherman^'^ Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Nov. 14, 1834; m. (1) at Boston, July, 1858, Harriet Isabella Reynolds, daughter of Eliphalet and Hannah (Hall) Reynolds, b. Mar. 15, 1837; d. Apr. 12, 1861. m. (2) at Boston, Aug. 16, 1864, Harriette Reynolds, daugh- ter of Stephen and Susan (Jackson) Reynolds, first cousin of his first wife, b. at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Aug. 27, 1835; d. at Boxford, Mass., Nov. 19, 18 . m. (3) at Chicago, 111., Susan Annie Hen- nessey, daughter of John and Margaret (Borden) Hennessey, b. at Watertown, Wis., Aug. 1, 1859; d. at Salem, Ore., Jan. 24, 1899. He d. at Bandon, Ore., Apr. 1, 1896. He enlisted as private and became Cap- tain Co. L., 1st Mass. Heavy Art'y in Civil War, and was twice wounded. Afterwards a civil engineer em- ployed by U. S. Government on harbor improvements. Children by first wife : 1. Clara Isabella^* Littlefield, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Apr. 8, 1859; d. at Boston, May 17, 1904; m. at Boston, 1878, Charles Alfred Coombs, son of Samuel G. B. and Lydia Jane Coombs, b. at Rockland, Me., Jan. 16, 1858. Child: (1) Isabel HalP^ Coombs, b. at Stoneham, Oct. 19, 1879; m. at Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 9, 1908, Warren Robert Healey, son of George Henr}.' and Nellie (Mc- Carthy) Healey, b. at Woburn, Mass., July 30, 1879. Children: (a), Eleanor Eaton" Healey, b. at Winchester Mass., Nov. 7, 1909. (b) Roberta^** Healey (twin), b. at Boston, Feb. 8, 1915. (c) Isabel" Healey (twin), b. at Boston, Feb. 8, 1915. 2. Walter^" Littlefield, b. and d. Jan., 1861. By second wife: 3. Evelyn^* Littlefield, d. in infancy. By third wife : 4. Harry Sherman^* Littlefield, b. at Chicago, 111., Mar. 30, 1878. Engineer; m. at Pendleton, Ore., 282 Sherman Genealogy Dec. 24, 1899, Nellie Belle Hardesty, daughter of Kinzia Francis and Louisa Frances (Banta) Hard- esty, b. in Elco Co., Nev., Sept. 13, 1880. Chil- dren: (1) Violet Annie " Littlefield, b. at Union, Ore., Jan. 21, 1901. (2) Mabel Winifred^= Little- field, b. at Baker, Ore., Mar. 31, 1903. (3) Ray Warren^^ Littlefield (twin), b. at La Guarde, Ore,, Jan. 7, 1905; d. there Dec. 8, 1905. (4) Ralph Sherman^^ Littlefield (twin), b. at La Guarde, Ore., Jan. 7, 1905; d. at Portland, Ore., Apr. 15, 1914. (5) Thelma Beatrice^^ Littlefield, b. at Portland, Sept. 15, 1908. (6) Ethel Lorene^' Littlefield, b. at Portland, June 30, 1912. 5. Warren Roger^^ Littlefield, b. at Rocky Point, Ore. Mar. 30, 1882. Engineer, m. July 16, 1907, Estelle Manciet. Children born at Bandon, Ore. : (1) Elizabeth Theresa^= Littlefield, b. Oct. 2, 1910. (2) John Warren^s Littlefield, b. Apr. 14, 1912. (3) Ada Katherine^^ Littlefield, b. Dec. 24, 1915. 6. Winfield Scott^'^ Littlefield, b. at Bandon, Aug. 1, 1887. Unm. 7. Thomas Francis^* Littlefield, b. at Bandon, Feb. 22, 1892. U. S. A. Unm. 8. Elizabeth Katherine^* Littlefield, b. at Bandon, Mar. 25, 1894; m. at Bandon, July 24, 1914, Thomas Murray Hunt, son of James Riley and Ruth Alma (Hadley) Hunt, b. at Springbrook, Ore., Jan. 13, 1888. Children b. at Lents, Ore.: (1) Ruth^^ Hunt, b. Jan. 10. 1916. (2) Esther Matilda" Hunt, b. Nov. 12, 1917. VH. Alonzo Follansbee^^ Littlefield, b. at Randolph, Apr, 25, 1837; m. at Norwalk, Iowa, Aug. 2, 1868, Sarah Edwards, daughter of Francis and Margaret Ed- wards, b. at Church Stretton, Shropshire, England, July 13, 1850. Hhe d. near Exira, Iowa, May 9. 1902, Children : 1, Thomas^* Littlefield, b. at Winterset, Iowa, June 20, 1869. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 283 2. Margaret Lucinda^^ Littlefield, b. at Winterset, Feb. 26, 1871 ; m. at Exira, Jan. 3, 1893, Nelson Noah Rumelhart, son of John and Christina (Rogers) Rumelhart, b. in Audobon Co., Iowa, Feb. 17, 1869. Children b. at Exira: (1) Floyd Leroy^^ Rumelhart, b. Jan. 21, 1895. Private U. S. A. Served in France. Unm. (2) Ross Charles" Rumelhart, b. Mar. 10, 1901. (3) Troy William" Rumelhart, b. Mar. 22, 1905. 3. Minnie Maria" Lttlefield, b. at Winterset, Mar. 23, 1873; m. at Exira, Mar. 12, 1901, John William Martin, son of James Henry and Elizabeth Jane (Goforth) Martin, b. in Johnson Co., Iowa, Nov. 9, 1863. Children b. at Exira: (1) Sarah Eliza- beth" Martin, b. Apr. 4, 1903. (2) Cecil Glad- wyn" Martin, b. July 12, 1905. (3) Basil Will- iam" Martin, b. Nov. 4, 1906. (4) Kermit" Mar- tin, b. Apr. 9, 1911. (5) Cassius Clement" Mar- tin, b. Feb. 21, 1915. 4. Annie Sherman^* Littlefield, b. at Winterset, Nov. 15, 1874; m. at Exira, Feb. 17, 1897, John Mollis Kil worth, son of Thomas and Mary Anne (Healy) Kil worth, b. in Audobon Co., Iowa, Aug. 28, 1871. Children b. at Exira: (1) Alonzo Mollis" Kilworth, b. May 18, 1900. (2) Ella Eugenia" Kilworth, b. Mar. 13, 1902. 5. Charles Audobon" Littlefield, b. at Exira, Oct. 4, 1876. Unm. 6. John Sherman^* Littlefield, b. at Exira, Nov. 28, 1878; m. at Exira, Feb. 19, 1903, Nettie Emma Baylor, daughter of William and Dora (Dutler) Baylor, b. at Exira, Dec. 25, 1881. Children b. at Exira: (1) Lee William" Littlefield, b. Nov. 24, 1904. (2) Ina lola" Littlefield, b. Dec. 31, 1905. (3) Alonzo Oliver" Littlefield, b. Feb. 20, 1907. (4) Glen Earl" Littlefield, b. June 19, 1912. 7. Wiliam Augustus" Littlefield, b. at Exira, Aug. 24, 1881. Unm. 284 Sherman Genealogy 8. Alonzo Follansbee^* Littlefield, b. at Exira, May 11, 1884; m. at Exira, Sept. 26, 1906, Sarah Caro- line Whalert, daughter of Jacob and Ernestine (Trizche) Whalert, b. at Exira, Dec. 2, 1883. Children born at Exira: (1) Gladys Lola^^ Little- field, b. July 9, 1908. (2) Kenneth RoyaP^ Lit- tlefield, b. Mar. 8, 1910. (3) Zola Sarahs'" Lit- tlefield, b. Apr. 2, 1914. (4) Lois Ernestine^^ Lit- tlefield, b. May 30, 1916. 9. Alice Florence^* Littlefield, b. at Exira, Mar. 2, 1886 ; d. there Nov. 22, 1886. 10. Ena Sarah" Littlefield, b. at Exira, Jan. 20, 1889. Unm. 11. Royal Seth^* Littlefield, b. at Exira, Oct. 24, 1890. Private U. S. A. Unm. 12. Nellie Francis" Littlefield, b. at Exira, Apr. 11, 1892. Unm. 60. ELIZABETH (BETSEY) LAW^^ SHERMAN (47. Lieut. William,^^ Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry, ^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., July 31, 1775. m. at New Haven, June 23, 1795, Oliver Leicester Phelps, son of Hon. Oliver Phelps I, owner of a large tract of land in New York, County Judge of Ontario County, New York, Representative in Congress 1803-1805, and Mary (Seymour) Phelps, b. at Granville, Mass., Sept. 22, 1775. B.A. Yale. 1794, M.A. He d. at Canandaigua, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1813. His will, dated Mar. 2. 1813, was proved in Ontario Count}^ May 17, 1814. She d. at Canandaigua, Oct. 9, 1813. Their tombstones at Canan- daigua are inscribed as follows : "This monument erected by filial aflfection is dedicated to the memory of OLI\^ER LEICESTER PHELPS, the son of OLIVER PHELPS ESQR. who was born at Granville Massa- chusetts on the 22nd day of September A. D. 1775, and died at Canandaigua the 11th day of March 1813, aged V? years, 6 months and 9 days. He was a husband ardent in his aflfections, a father indulgent to his children, a friend glowing and sincere in his Sherman Genealogy 285 attachments, and from principle he was allied to the spirits, in- stitutions and interests of our Republic. In the meridian of his days he was suddenly removed from his afflicted family and the land of the living, and the history of his life affords a striking illustration of the truth that earthly prospects and the smiles of fortune do often deceive, and that wealth, talents and distinction, afford no protection against the approach of death" "Erected to the memory of BETSEY LAW PHELPS, Con- sort of the late OLIVER LEICESTER PHELPS, who was born at New Haven Connecticut on the 31 of July 1775 and died at Canandaigua on the 9th day of October 1813, aged 38 years, 2 months and 9 days. This monument is the last poor tribute of affection to a mother deeply lamented and much beloved. Her virtues need no tabular inscription to perpetuate their memory ; Hope and Faith behold them transplanted to the skies, there to flourish in a blissful immortality." Children : 1. Oliver^^^ Phelps, III, b. at Paris, France, May 15, 1796; m. at Canandaigua, Nov. 21, 1821, Laura Chapin, daughter of Thaddeus and Elizabeth (Morse) Chapin, b. at Canandaigua. June 18, 1797; d. at Canandaigua, Aug. 2, 1892. He was a lawyer and d. at Canan- daigua, Aug. 13, 1872. Children bom at Canandaigua : 1. Jeannette^* Phelps, b. Sept. 12, 1822; m. at Canan- daigua, Oct. 9, 1851, Charles Davis Norton, son of Joseph Gaston and Lucretia (Huntington) Nor- ton, b. at Hebron, Conn., Nov. 29, 1829; d. at Buf- falo, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1867. B.A. Union College, 1839. She d. there Sept. 10, 1889. He was a law- yer in Buffalo. Children born at Buffalo: (1) Porter^^ Norton, b. July 9, 1853. Lawyer of abil- ity and prominence; member of firm of Norton, Perry & Nye, of Buffalo; m. at Buffalo, July 9, 1879, Jeanie Hill Watson, daughter of Stephen Van Rensselaer and Charlotte Amelia Watson, b. 286 Sherman Genealogy at Buffalo, 1855. He d. at Buffalo, Feb. 2, 1918. Children b. at Buffalo: (a) Porter Huntington^" Norton, b. May 26, 1880 B.A. Harvard, 1903; m. at Buffalo, Apr. 2, 1907, Gilbertine Coakley, daugh- ter of John Brownlow and Sarah (Tew) Coakley, b. at Buffalo, Feb. 9, 1885. Children born at Buf- falo: i. Jane^' Norton, b. Jan. 21, 1909. ii. Sarah^* Norton, b. Feb. 7, 1911. (b) Gertrude Van Dolf- sen" Norton, b. June 2, 1883 ; m. at Buffalo, May 30, 1908, Daniel Willard Streeter, son of Henry Benjamin and Fannie Demarest (Chamberlain) Streeter, b. at Highland Park, 111., Nov. 2, 1883. Children: i. Daniel Willard^^ Streeter, Jr., b. at Buffalo, June 21, 1909. ii. Porter Norton" Streeter, b. at Buffalo, Apr. 25, 1910. (2) Charles Phelps" Norton, b. May 15, 1858. B.A. cum laude Harvard, 1880. Professor of Law and Chancellor of University of Buffalo. Lawyer in Buffalo. Unm. 2. Oliver^* Phelps IV, b. Oct. 11, 1824; m. at Lan- caster, Penn., Feb. 22, 1859, Sarah Louise Porter, daughter of George Bryan and Sarah (Humes) Porter, b. at Lancaster, June 16, 1827; d. there Dec. 2, 1865. He was a lawyer in Canandaigua and Washington, D. C, and d. at Canandaigua Jan. 26, 1877. Child: (1) Oliver" Phelps V, b. at Canandaigua, Dec. 12, 1859; m. at Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 15, 1881, Sarah Humes Porter Shissler, daughter of Louis and Rose (Porter) Shissler, b. at Galena, 111., Mar. 31, 1863. He is a manufac- turer at Detroit, Mich. Children: (a) Oliver" Phelps VI, b. at Wyandotte, Mich., Sept. 9, 1882. Unm. (b) Louis Shissler" Phelps, b. at Detroit, Mich., Feb. 14, 1885. Unm. 3. James Hillhouse^* Phelps, b. Nov. 23, 1826; d. Sept. 19, 1827. 4. Walter HubbelP* Phelps, b. Sept. 16, 1835; d. May 8, 1897. Unm. 5. Elizabeth Chapin" Phelps, b. Mar. 22, 1837. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 287 6. Julia Granger^* Phelps, b. Nov. 22, 1841; m. at Canandaigua, Feb. 11, 1878, John B. Scholcy, b. m England; d. at Rochester, N. Y., Dec, 1891. She d. at Rochester, Mar. 2, 1881. Child: (1) Julia Phelps^^ Scholey, b. at Niagara Falls, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1879; m. at New York City, June 30, 1906, Enos Stuyvesant Booth, son of John West- ley and Hannah (Rush) Booth, b. at Warsaw, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1877. Child: (a) John Scholey^" Booth, b. May 29, 1907. 11. Leicester^^ Phelps, b. on the Atlantic Ocean, July 30, 1797; m. at Canandaigua, Jan. 11, 1823, Eveline Chapin, daughter of Henry and Cynthia (Moseley) Chapin, b. at Canandaigua, Sept. 11, 1804; d. at West- field, Mass., July 19, 1885. He was a merchant and d. at Canandaigua, June 15, 1836. Children born at Canandaigua : 1. Caroline Jackson^* Phelps, b. May 19, 1824; m. at Canandaigua, Leonard Van Der Kar, son of Thomas and Maria (Vanderwerken) Van Der Kar, b. at Waterford, N. Y., 1819; d. at Water- ford, 1889; she d. July 25, 1848. Children born at Waterford, N. Y. : (1) Leicester Phelps^= Van Derkar, b. June 7, 1846; m. at New York City, May 2, 1866, Elizabeth Murray, daughter of John Rix and Cora Jennette Murray, b. at Port Gibson, Miss., Mar. 7, 1847. He d. at New York City, Jan. 29, 1919. Children: (a) Caroline Phelps" Van Derkar, b. at New York City, Feb. 27, 1867 ; m. at Hanover, N. H., Aug. 5, 1893, Sydney La Ware, son of Sydney and Jeannette (Dupey) La Ware, b. at Dorchester, Mass., July 7, 1856; d. Nov. 17, 1901. Child: i. Harold^^ La Ware, b. at Hanover, N. H., Aug. 20, 1894. Unm. (b) Charles Phelps^" Van Derkar, b. at Westfield, Mass., Aug. 27, 1868; m. at New York City, July 16, 1903, Ethel Harriman, daughter of Ira and Elizabeth (Eaton) Harriman, b. at Bucksport, Me., Jan. 5, 1881. Children : i. Ethel Phelps" Van J^ 288 Sherman Genealogy Derkar, b. at New York City, Apr. 23, 1904. ii. Mildred Elizabeth^^ Van Derkar, b. at New York City, Feb. 11, 1906. iii. Arthur Lei- cester^^ Van Derkar, b. at Newport, Me., Oct. 31, 1915. (c) Angelina Darling^ ^ Van Derkar, b. at Williamsburg, N. Y., May 28, 1871; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1898, George Bar- nabas Waterman, son of Joshua and Jeannette (Ten Eyck) Waterman, b. at Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1853. No issue, (d) Wessell Smith^^ Van Der- kar, b. at New York City, Oct. 18, 1873; m. at New York City, Mar. 9, 1893, Eliza Scott Jerman, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Scott) Jer- man, b. at New York City, Oct. 26, 1874. Chil- dren : i. Dorothy Rae^^ Van Derkar, b. at New York City, Dec. 21, 1893; m. at New York City, Dec. 5, 1916, Robert Pearson Bowles, son of Alvin Sanders and Maude Hunter (Hamilton) Bowles, b. at Louisana, Mo., July 13, 1893. No issue, ii. Eleanor^^ V^an Derkar, b. at New York City, Dec. 5, 1904. (2) Theodore^' Van DerKar, b. at Water- ford, N. Y., July 25, 1848; m. (1) at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1870, Caroline Adele Fish, daugh- ter of Rev. Nathan Austin and Harriet (Mead) Fish, b. at Albany, Dec. 5, 1849, and d. at Troy, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1894. m. (2) at Albany, July 28, ■' 1899, Ida Chrisler, of Albany. No issue by her. He d. at Albany, Apr. 8, 1916. Children by first wife: (a) Theodora^*^ Van DerKar, b. at Albany, N. Y., June 18, 1871 ; m. at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 31, 1905, Dr. George Edwards Fay, son of Benjamin Bates and Susan (Robinson) Fay, b. at Chicago, 111. B.S. University of Michigan, 1899; M.D., 1901. No issue, (b) Franklin Olcott^^ Van Der Kar, b. at Cohoes, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1873; m. at Waterford, N. Y. Sept. 3, 1902, Lucy Winifred Chase, daughter of Orlando and Mary (Whitwell) Chase, b. at Lansingburgh, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1876. Child: i. Paul Chase" Van DerKar, b. at Bing- COL. SAMUEL REBER, U. S. A. Sherman Genealogy 289 hamton, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1907. (c) Maria Good- rich^'^ Van Der Kar, b. at Waterford, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1875; m. at Detroit, Mich., June 15, 1901, Ed- mund Southvvick Sickles, son of Amos and Mary Frances (Sherman) Sickles, b. at New Baltimore, N. Y., July 16, 1875. Child: i. Marian Scott^^ Sickles, b. at New York City, Sept. 10, 1903. (d) Theodore Garrison^ ^ Van Der Kar, b. at Water- ford, Mar. 26, 1877; d. there Aug. 6, 1878. (e) Leonard^" Van Der Kar, b. at Waterford, Oct. 4, 1879; d. there Nov. 23, 1879. (f) Paul Nathan^^ Van Der Kar, b. at Waterford, Sept. 3, 1885 ; m. at Kelsey, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1911, Mary Ruth Davis, daughter of Jacob Samuel and Adelia (Hanford) Davis, b. at Kelsey, Mar. 21, 1887. He d. at Pay- ette, Idaho, Oct. 20, 1916. Children b. at Payette: i. Jean Davis^^ Van Der Kar, b. Oct. 4, 1912. ii. Franklin Olcott" Van Der Kar, b. Feb. 28, 1914. iii. Roger Sherman^^ Van Der Kar, b. June 21, 1916. (g) Philip Fish^'' Van Der Kar, b. at Troy, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1888. Unm. Leicester^^ Phelps, Jr., b. Mar. 13, 1825 ; d. Aug. 23, 1862. Unm. Seymour Henry^* Phelps, b. Aug. 19, 1829; d. July 15, 1852. Unm. Charles Sherman^* Phelps, b. May 5, 1831 ; m. at East Bloomfield, N. Y., Harriet Kingsbury. He d. at New Rochelle, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1892. No issue. Eliza HubbelP* Phelps, b. Apr. 15, 1833; m. at Westfield, Mass., June 6, 1867, Frederick Fowler, son of Daniel and Miranda (Jones) Fowler, b. at Westfield, Apr. 12, 1843; d. at Oneonta, N. Y., June, 1910. Lawyer. She d. at Westfield, May 4, 1891. Children born at Westfield, Mass.: (1) Lena^^ Fowler, b. Sept. 20, 1871 ; d. at Westfield, August, 1872. (2) Daniel Frederick^^ Fowler, b. Dec. 3, 1873 ; d. at Oneonta, Aug. 27, 1896. Unm. 290 Sherman Genealogy 6. George Sherman" Phelps, b. Sept. 7, 1835 ; m. at Hopewell, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1859, Henrietta Knapp, daughter of Jared and Marietta (Warner) Knapp, b. at Hopewell, Sept. 7, 1837; d. there July 16, 1895. He d. at Hopewell, Jan., 1863. Child: (1) Ellsworth Hart^^ Phelps, b. at Canandaigua, Nov. 17, 1862. Unm. in. Eliza Maria^^ Phelps, b. at Suffield, Conn., Nov. 11, 1798; m. at Canandaigua, Nov. 23, 1820, Walter Hub- bell, son of Abijah and Clarissa (Fitch) Hubbell, b. at Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 25, 1795; d. at Canandaigua, Mar. 25, 1848. B.A. Union College, 1814, M.A. Law- yer. His mo'.her was a great granddaughter of Gov- ernor William Bradford, the Mayflower passenger. Eliza d. at Canandaigua, June 20, 1839. Children b. at Canandaigua: 1. George Ramsey^* Hubbell, b. Nov. 12, 1821; d. at Canandaigua, June 20, 1839. Unm. 2. Walter Seymour^'^ Hubbell, b. July 18, 1823. B.A. Union College, 1844. Lawyer, County Judge; m, at Canandaigua, Nov. 6, 1847, Mary Seymour ^__,,„,-— - Chapin, daughter of Spencer and Eliza (Seymour) Chapin, b. at Canandaigua, Dec. 20, 1825 ; d. there Nov. 15, 1905. He d. there Dec. 29, 1909. Chil- dren born at Canandaigua: (1) Ella Sherman" Hubbell, b. Aug. 26, 1850; m. at Canandaigua, Oct. 7, 1880, Frederick Brooks Hubbell, son of Horatio William Law and Rebecca (Brooks) Hubbell, b. at Harrisburg, Penn., July 21, 1842. She d. at Balti- more, Md., Mar. 20, 1890. Child: (a) Stewart Brooks^" Hubbell, b. at Pittsburgh, Penn., June 2, 1884. B.A. Princeton, 1907. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Unm. (2) Jeanette Phelps^^ Hubbell. b. May 4, 1852 ; d. at Canandaigua, Nov. 6, 1901. Unm. (3) George Cameron" Hubbell, b. Oct. 20, 1854; d. at Canandaigua, Apr. 27, 1872. (4) Henry Sey- mour" Hubbell, b. Jan. 19, 1856; m. at Canan- daigua, Oct. 21, 1880, Gertrude Milliken, daughter of Nathan James and Orline (Sutton) Milliken, b. Sherman Genealogy 291 at Canandaigua, Aug. 9, 1856. He d. at Canan- daigua, Feb. 10, 1906. Child: (a) Elizabeth Phelps^« Hubbell, b. at Canandaigua, Aug. 9, 1889; m. at Canandaigua, Apr. 26, 1916, Arthur Shekeel Warner, son of Dr. Franklin Pierce, M.D., N. Y. University, and Harriet (Shekeel) Warner, b. at Canandaigua, Aug. 28, 1886. No issue. (5) Mary Chapin^s Hubbell, b. Nov. 8, 1859; d. at Canan- daigua, Oct. 9, 1906. Unm. 3. Henry Phelps^'' Hubbell, b. Nov. 3, 1827; m. at Canandaigua, Oct. 20, 1869, Elizabeth Seymour, daughter of Charles and Maria Seymour, b. at Canandaigua, d. at Brooklyn, N. Y. He d. at New York City, Feb. 26, 1892. He was Lieut. Col. 3rd New York Infantry, 1861-1865. No issue. IV. Francis Mark Leavenworth^^ Phelps, b. at Sufifield, Conn., Oct. 25, 1800; d. Oct. 19, 1864. Unm. V. William Henry" Phelps, b. at Suffield, Conn., July 26, 1803 ; d. Apr. 19, 1870. Unm. VI. Mary Jeannette^" Phelps, b. at Sufifield, Conn., July 15, 1805; d. at Canandaigua, Dec. 19, 1816. Her tombstone has this inscription : "To the memory of Mary Jenette Phelps, daughter ofOliver L. & Betsey Law Phelps, who was born at Suf- field in Connecticut, and died at Canandaigua Decem- ber 19th, 1816, aged 11 years and 5 months. Young reader, in this early grave, where lie buried the fondest hopes and brightest anticipations of youth, behold the vanity of this sinful world and pre- pare for death." VII. Seymour Law^^ Phelps, b. at Suffield, Conn., Aug. 25, 1807; m. at Canandaigua, May, 1831, Mary Cullen, daughter of Myron and Mary (Doremus) Cullen, b. at Paterson, N. J., 1810. He was a farmer and d. at Cullenville, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1848. She m. (2) George 292 Sherman Genealogy Ward and d. at Dansville, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1870. Chil- dren born at Leicester, N. Y. : 1. William Henry^* Phelps, b. June 15, 1832; Lieut. 89th Inf. Vols, in Civil War. Commended for good conduct before enemy, m. at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 6, 1868, Harriet J. Cole, daughter of John and Mary A. Cole. He d. intestate, at St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1872. Adm. Ontario Co., N. Y., May 31, 1876. She m. (2) at St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1873, Charles R. Arnold. Children born at St. Louis: (1) Henry Clarence^^ Phelps. (2) Mary Eliza^^ Phelps, b. Nov. 8, 1871. 2. Eliza HubbelP* Phelps, b. Dec. 24, 1833; m. at Geneseo, N. Y., June 7, 1853, as his second wife, Edward Rumney Hammatt, son of John Barrett and Nabby (Rumney) Hammatt, b. at Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1814 d. at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1884 (he m. (1) Aug. 29, 1843, Marietta T. North who died). Eliza d. at Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1895. Children: (1) Edward Seymour^^ Hammatt, b. at Geneseo, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1854; m. at Davenport, Iowa, June 7, 1888, Carrie Rath- bone Barriss, daughter of Dr. Willis Hervey and Caroline Palmer (Rathbone) Barris, b. at Iowa City, Iowa, Mar. 10, 1857. He d. at Davenport, Iowa, Aug. 24, 1907. No issue. (2) Mary Leices- ter^^ Hammatt, b. at Leicester, July 3. 1856; d. at Rochester, July 4, 1871. (3) Clarence Sherman" Hammatt, b. at Geneseo, Nov. 11, 1858; m. at Buf- falo, N. Y., May 5, 1885, Eliza Pratt, daughter of Lucius Hubbard and Susan Rumney (Beals) Pratt, b. at Buffalo, July 11, 1858. Children born at Jacksonville, Fla. : (a) Gertrude Pratt^^ Hammatt, b. Sept. 16, 1887; m. at Norwich, Vt., Aug. 28, 1918, Chapin Smith Pratt, son of Samuel Chapin and Elizabeth (Smith) Pratt, b. at Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1888. Child : i. Roger Sherman" Pratt, b. at N. Y., July 25, 1919. (b) Marjorie Livingston^" Hammatt, b. Apr. 8, 1890; d. at Jacksonville, May Sherman Genealogy 293 18, 1909. (c) Sherman Phelps^° Hammatt, b. Nov. 16, 1893. Private 320th U. S. Aero Squadron. Served in France. Unm. (d) Edward Rumney^' Hammatt, b. Aug. 28, 1897, Sergeant under Divi- sional Surgeon, Headquarters 31st Division, U. S. A. in France. Unm. (4) John Barrett^^ Ham- matt, b. at Geneseo, Feb. 29, 1860; d. at Rochester, Aug. 7, 1864. (5) Arthur Livingston" Hammatt, b .at Rochester, July 16, 1864; d. at Tampa, Fla., Sept. 2, 1883. (6) Kate Lee" Hammatt, b. at Geneseo, Mar. 13, 1869; d. there Sept. 17, 1869. 61. HON. ROGER SHERMAN^- BALDWIN (49. Rebecca" (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,' Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,^ Henry,^ Thomas,' John,2 Thomas^), b. at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 4, 1793. B.A. Yale, 1811. M.A., LL.D., 1845 and Trinity 1844. Admitted to New Haven Bar 1814. State Senator 1837 and 1838. Representative in Connecticut General Assembly 1840 and 1841. Governor of Connecticut 1844 and 1845. United States Senator 1847-1851. m. at Hartford, Oct. 25, 1820, Emeline Perkins, daughter of Enoch and Hannah (Pitkin) Perkins, of Hartford, b. at Hartford, Jan. 1, 1796. He d. at New Haven, Feb. 19, 1863. She d. at New Haven, Jan. 29, 1874. Children born at New Haven: I. Edward Law^^ Baldwin, b. Oct. 1, 1822. B.A. Yale 1842. LL.B., 1844. Admitted to New York Bar 1845 ; d. at Northhampton, Mass., July 6, 1848. Unm. 87 II. Elizabeth Wooster^^ Baldwin, b. Aug. 8, 1824; m. Prof. William Dwight Whitney. III. Roger Sherman" Baldwin, b. July 4, 1826. B.A. Yale, 1847, M.A. Admitted to New Haven Bar 1849. d. at Ophir, California Nov. 12, 1856. Unm. IV. Ebenezer Simeon^'' Baldwin, b. Mar. 4, 1828; d. at New Haven, Apr. 28, 1836. 88 V. Henrietta Perkins" Baldwin, b. Apr. 2, 1830; m. Hon. Dwight Foster. VI. George William^'' Baldwin, b. Apr. 24, 1832; B.A. Yale, 1853. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar of Chicago 294 Sherman Genealogy III., 1856. Oct., 1861, Adjutant Fifteenth Regiment, Massachusetss Volunteers. Sept. 1862, Assistant Ad- jutant General. Living in Vevey, Switzerland. Unm. VII. Emily Frances^"' Baldwin, b. Dec. 13, 1834; d. at New Haven, Apr. 27, 1836. VIII. Ebenezer Charles^^ Baldwin, b. Sept. 17, 1837; d. at New Haven, Dec. 10, 1837. 89 IX. Hon. Simeon Eben^^ Baldwin, b. Feb. 5, 1840. 62. SIMEON^- BALDWIN (50. Flizabeth^i (Sherman) Bald- win, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,' John," Henry,'^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Mar. 7, 1801. Merchant in New York City. President of Merchants Exchange. Director of Sea- men's Bank for Savings. Captain in State Artillery, m. at New York, Oct. 27, 1830, Ann Mehetable de Forest, daugh- ter of Lockwood and Mehetable (Wheeler) de Forest, b. at New Haven, Mar. 13, 1809; d. at Morristown, N. J., Jan. 15, 1889. He d. at New York, June 24, 1872. Children born at New York : 90 I. Henry ^3 Baldwin, b. Feb. 2, 1832. 91 II. Simeon^ ^ Baldwin, b. May 13, 1836. 63. MARTHA^2 SHERMAN (51. Roger,^^ Hon. Roger,^° Wil- liam,'' Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,*^ Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,- Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Feb. 13, 1807. m. at New Haven, Jan. 7, 1830, Henry White, son of Dyer and Hannah (Wetmore) White, b. at New Haven, Mar. 5, 1803. B.A. Yale, 1821, M.A. Tutor at Yale, 1823-1825. Deacon of Center Church 1837, until his death. President of New Haven Historical Society. Prominent and able lawyer. Highest authority on New Haven real estate titles. Trustee of many trusts. A noted genealogist. One of the best be- loved and most honored citizens of New Haven. He d. at New Haven, Oct. 7, 1880. She d. there Apr. 4, 1888. Chil- dren born at New Haven : 92 I. Henry Dyer^'' White, b. Sept. 24, 1830. 93 II. Charles Atwood^^ White, b. Nov. 11, 1833. 94 III. WiUard Wetmore" White, b. Feb. 7, 1836. Sherman Genealogy 295 IV. Roger Sherman^- White, b. Dec. 26, 1837 B A Yale 1859, M.A. LL.B., 1862. Lawyer in New Haven' Member of firm of White Brothers. 95 V. Thomas HowelP'' White, b. Feb. 4, 1840. VI. OHver Sherman^^' White, b. Nov. 2, 1842. B.A. Yale, 1864, LL.B. Lawyer in New Haven. Member of firm of White Brothers, d. at New Haven, Mar. 30, 1917. Unm. 96 VII. George Edward^^ White, b. Mar. 17, 1845. 64, JOHN STAPLES- SHERMAN (51. Roger- Hon Roger,^o William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,°' Henry = Henry,* Thomas,^^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Jul'y 5, 1811. Merchant in New York City. m. at New York City, Dec. 20, 1848, Eliza DeBow Forrest, daughter of William' and Elizabeth (Oakley) Forrest, b. at New York City, Oct. 11, 1823; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 13, 1883. He'd at Brooklyn, Apr. 2, 1883. Children: I. Elinor (or Ella) Forrest^^ Sherman, b. at Brooklyn, Dec. 27, 1849; m. at Brooklyn, Sept. 24, 1874, Towns- end Harris Boardman, son of William Theodore and Harriet Elizabeth Boardman, b. at Brooklyn, July 22, 1846; d. at Yonkers, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1913.' She d' there June 10, 1881. Children: 1. Harriet Elizabeth^* Boardman, b. at Brooklyn, Jan. 3, 1877; m. at Yonkers, N. Y., July 14, 1906, Jean Ernest Chuard, son of Louis and Louise (Jacond) Chuard, b. at Avenches, Switzerland, July 14, 1876. No issue. 2. Bessie Harris" Boardman, b. at Brooklyn, Jan. 14, 1879; m. at Yonkers, Nov. 1, 1905, Irving Wilcox Betts, son of Philander and Sarah (Demarest) Betts, b. at Denver, Colo., Aug. 16, 1880. Chil- dren: (1) Sherman Wilcox^^ Betts, b. at West- wood, N. J., Oct. 6, 1909. (2) Austin Wortham^" Betts b. at Westwood, Nov. 22, 1912. (3) Earle Forrest^^ Betts, b. at Fanwood, N. J., June 23, 1915. i^"^ 296 Sherman Genealogy 3, William Theodore^* Boardman, b. at Yonkers, May 18, 1881. m. at Vancouver, Wash., May 29, 1915. Josephine Agnes Stevenson, daughter of Walter Elwood and Elizabeth (Brandt) Stevenson, b. at St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 24, 1881. No issue. II. Susan Staples^^ Sherman, b. at Tecumseh, Mich., Nov. 26, 1863. m. at New York City, Jan. 8, 1884, Richard Augustus Wilson, son of William Bruce and Mary B. (Keyes) Wilson, b. at Brooklyn, Sept. 22, 1843. Both living in Brooklyn. No issue. 65. SOPHIA^' SHERMAN (51. Roger,^! Hon. Roger,i° Wil- ilam,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,* John,2 Thomas^), b. at Nev^r Haven, Conn., Jan. 20, 1813. m. by the Rev. Nathaniel W. Taylor, D.D., at New Haven, Mar. 21, 1838, as his second wife, Robert Lenox Taylor, Shipping Merchant of New York City, son of John and Mar- garet (Scott) Taylor, b. at New York City, Aug. 11, 1796; d. there Feb. 11, 1878. She d. at New York, Dec. 9, 1872. Mr. Taylor's first wife was Helen M. Butler, daughter of Asa and Anna (Pease) Butler, who d. Jan. 26, 1836, aged 22 years. Mr. Taylor followed the sea for many years, became a captain and had general charge of several of his father's ships. Children : jf 97 I. Susan Sherman^'' Taylor, b. at New Haven, Dec. 27, 1838; m. Alexander Proudfit Irvin. II. Robert^^ Taylor, b. at New York City, Jan. 18, 1843; d. there Feb. 26. 1843. Buried in New Haven. 98 III. Margaret^^ Taylor, b. at New York, Feb. 18, 1848; m. Alexander Thompson Van Nest. 66. EDWARD STANDISH^" SHERMAN (51. Roger,^i Hon. Roger,^° William," Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,* Henry," Henry,* Thomas,' John,- Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Jan. 27. 1818, at 3 P. M. Metal merchant in New York City. Lived at New Haven, New York City, Fairfield, Conn., and Rye, N. Y. m. at St. Paul's Church, Boston, Mass., by Rev. Alexander Hamilton Vinton, D.D.. July 6, 1852, Catharine Augusta Townsend, daughter of Dr. Solomon Davis and MAJOR CHARLES SHERMAN 1783-1844 JOHN TAVLOK SHKKMAN is.-;i-rKiii Sherman Genealogy 297 Catherine Wendell (Davis) Townsend, of Boston, b. at Bos- ton, Mar. 24, 1823; d. at Rye, N. Y., May 24, 1902. He d. at Rye, Aug. 11; 1882. Both buried at Rye. Dr. Solomon Davis Townsend, of Boston (Harvard B.A. 1811, M.A., 1814, M.D. 1815), was son of Dr. David Townsend (Harvard B. A. 1770, M.A. 1773, M.D. 1813 Hon.), Surgeon and Sur- geon-General, Hospital Department in Revolutionary War; Secretary, Vice-President and President of Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts ; and Elizabeth Davis, his wife, daughter of Captain Solomon and Elizabeth (Wendell) Davis. Catherine Wendell Davis, wife of Dr. Solomon Davis Townsend, was daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Out- ram) Davis. Edward Davis was son of said Captain Solo- mon and Elizabeth (Wendell) Davis and Solomon Davis Townsend and his wife were first cousins. Capt. Solomon Davis was son of Captain John and Mehitabel (Dimmock) Davis. She was daughter of Captain Thomas and Desire (Sturgis) Dimmock. She was daughter of Edward Sturgis, Jr., and Temperance (Gorham) Sturgis. She was daughter of Captain John and Desire (Howland) Gorham. She was daughter of John and Elizabeth (Tillie) Howland, "May- flower" passengers, and she was daughter of John and Eliza- beth Tillie, also "Mayflower" passengers. Children : 99 I. Thomas Townsend^^ Sherman, b. at London, England, July 28, 1853. 100 H. Kate WendelP^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Aug. 19, 1854; m. Edward Britton Townsend. HI. Rose Standish^^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Oct. 5, 1855. Unm. IV. Harold Edward^ ^ Sherman, b. at New York City, June 6, 1857; m. Ethelyn M. . He d. at New York, Apr. 3, 1910. Buried at Rye. No issue. V. Roger Wellingtons^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Apr. 9, 1859; d. there May 17, 1864. 101 VI. Reginald Palgrave^^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Junee 30, 1860. VII. Frederick William^^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Feb. 10, 1862. LL.B. Columbia, 1883. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1883. m. at Salem, New York, 298 Sherman Genealogy Apr. 24, 1894, Grace Blanchard, daughter of Anthony and Jeannie (Martin) Blanchard, b. at Albany, N. Y, ; d. at Rye, N. Y., May 3, 1917. No issue. 102 VIII. Herbert Augustus^^ Sherman, b. at New York City, Mar. 20, 1863. 103 IX. Arthur Oittram" Sherman, b. at Fairfield, Conn., Aug. 20, 1864. X. Henriette Townsend^^ Sherman, b. at Fairfield, Conn., Mar. 26, 1867. Unm. 104 XL Alexander Hamilton Vinton^ ^ Sherman (now Vinton Sherman), b. at Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 24, 1869. 67. GEORGE^^ SHERMAN (51. Roger,^^ Hon. Roger,^" Wil- liam,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,*' Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Jan. 27, 1818, at 4 P. M. B.A. Yale, 1839, M.A. m. at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, June 22, 1846, Mary Jane Milliken, daughter of John and Sarah (Brown) Milliken, b. Nov. 16, 1825. She d. at Oakland, Cal., Apr. 26, 1872. He d. at Columbia Falls, Maine, Nov. 12, 1898. Children : 105 I. Roger^^ Sherman, b. at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, May 27, 1847. 106 II. George Edward^^ Sherman, b. at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, Sept. 26, 1848. III. Sarah Milliken^'' Sherman, b. at East Boston, Mass., Aug. 9, 1854;d. Aug. 21, 1855. 107 IV. Martha White' ^ Sherman, b. at East Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1855. m. Walter Harris Bucknam. V. Henry CampbelP^ Sherman, b. at East Boston, Feb. 9, 1860; d. there Dec. 4, 1860. VI. Susan Eliza^'' Sherman, b. at East Boston, Oct. 22, 1861 ; d. there Aug. 15, 1865. VII. Helen^'' Sherman, b. at East Boston, July 1, 1864; d. there Oct. 12, 1864. VIII. Frederick Hobart^^ Sherman, b. at East Boston, Aug. 14, 1865 ; d. there Sept. 27, 1866. IX. Willis Wellingtons^ Sherman, b. at East Boston, June 6, 1868; d. there Aug. 28, 1868. Sherman Genealogy 299 68. BENJAMIN PRESCOTT^^ SHERMAN (51. Roger," Hon. Roger/" William," Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Dec. 4, 1820. A shipping merchant in New York City. Member of firm of Richard P. Buck & Co. m. at New York City, Oct. 12, 1846, Maria Elizabeth Stephens, daughter of Resolvert and Eliza (Went) Stephens, b. at New York, Oct. 18, 1823; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1899. Her will, dated June 25, 1885, was proved in Kings County, Sept. 6, 1899. He d. at Brooklyn, Jan. 20, 1909. His will dated Sept. 14, 1899, was proved in Kings County, Feb. 3, 1909. Children born at Brooklyn: 108 I. Louisa Stephens^ ^ Sherman, b. Sept. 23, 1847. m. Henry Williams Loud. 109 n. Richard Buck^^ Sherman, b. Oct. 15, 1851. 69. ELIZABETH BALDWIN i- SHERMAN (51. Roger/* Hon. Roger,^" William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,'^ Henry,* Thomas,-'' John,- Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Oct. 27, 1823; m. at New Haven, Aug. 1, 1860, Professor Thomas Anthony Thacher, of Yale, son of Peter and Ann (Parks) Thacher, b. at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 11, 1815. B.A. Yale, 1835. M.A., LL.D. Western Reserve, 1869. Tutor Dec. 1, 1838, at Yale. Professor of Latin, Aug., 1842, until his death. His descent from Rev. Thomas^ Thacher, the immi- grant, is : Ralph,- Peter,^ John,* Peter,^ Thomas Anthony.® Professor Thacher m. (1) at New Haven, Sept. 16, 1846, Elizabeth Day, daughter of President Jeremiah and Olivia (Jones) Day, b. at New Haven, Dec. 24, 1820; d. at New Haven, May 18, 1858. They had five sons : Dr. and Pro- fessor James Kingsley Thacher, B.A. Yale, 1868. M.D., 1879. Thomas Thacher. B.A. Yale, 1871, M.A.; LL.D., 1903, Lawyer. Edward Stanley Thacher, B.A. Yale, 1872. Alfred Beaumont Thacher, B.A., Yale, 1874, Lawyer, and Dr. John Seymour Thacher, B.A. Yale, 1877; M.D. Colum- bia, 1880. Professor Thacher d. at New Haven, Apr. 7, 1886. Mrs. Thacher, his widow, d. at Nordhoff (now Ojai), Cal., Mar. 10, 1917, in her ninety-fourth year, in possession 300 Sherman Genealogy of all her faculties. Buried at New Haven, June 15, 1917. Children born at New Haven : 110 I. Sherman Day" Thacher, b. Nov. 6, 1861. 111 n. William Larned" Thacher, b. Oct. 9, 1866. 112 in. Elizabeth" Thacher, b. Sept. 22, 1868; m. William Kent. IV. George" Thacher, b. Aug. 11, 1870; d. at Nordhoff, Cal., Jan. 22, 1889. 70. DANIEL^^ BARNES (52. Mehetabel^^ (Sherman) Barnes, Hon. Roger ^*' Sherman, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Mar. 11, 1797. m. at Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 3, 1820, Cornelia Vancleve, daughter of John Wright Van- cleve, B.A. Princeton, 1786. Tutor Princeton, 1787-1791. Clerk of Faculty, Princeton, 1787-1791, Lawyer, of Phila- delphia, and Elizabeth (Coates) Vancleve, b. at Philadelphia, Aug. 16, 1800 d. at Brooklyn, Aug. 24, 1877. He d. at Brooklyn, Apr. 27, 1873. Children: I. Elizabeth" Barnes, b. at Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1821 ; d. at New York City, Oct. 10, 1829. II. Daniel" Barnes, b. at Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 1822; d. there Jan. 8, 1823. III. William Coates" Barnes, b. at Philadelphia, Jan. 29, 1824; d. at New York, Oct. 13, 1829. IV. Jeremiah Evarts" Barnes, b. at Philadelphia, Mar. 25, 1827 ; d. at New York, Dec. 4, 1829. V, William Evarts" Barnes, b. at New York, Oct. 11, 1829. A shipping and commission merchant, member of firms of Richard P. Buck & Co. and Carver & Barnes, m. at New York, Dec. 8, 1859, Mary Spies, daughter of Adam William and Sarah Ann (Morri- son) Spies, b. at New York, Oct. 5, 1836; d. at Mani- tou Springs, Colo., June 19, 1887. He d. at New York, Apr. 17, 1897. Children: 1. A son,^* b. and d. Oct. 31, 1860. 2. Cornelia Elizabeth" Barnes, b. at New York, Oct. 1, 1862; m. (1) at New York, Oct. 27, 1886, Ed- Sherman Genealogy 301 ward Heartt Schell, son of Edward and Jane Lam- berson (Heartt) Schell, b. at Troy, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1848; d. at New York, Jan. 25, 1910, B.A. Yale, 1870; LL.B. Columbia, 1873. Lawyer, m. (2) at Sand Hills, Augusta, Ga., Feb. 7, 1911, Charles Eric Wells McDonald, M.D., Kings College, Lon- don. Major in Royal British Army Medical Corps. Served in Mesopotamia. No issue. 3. Adam William Spies" Barnes, b. at New York, Nov. 29, 1868; d. July 20, 1869. VI. Daniel^^ Barnes, b. at New Haven, Aug. 17, 1832. Con- nected with firm of Richard P. Buck & Co., shipping merchants of New York, from junior clerk to senior partner, 1848-1895. President of The Seamen's Bank for Savings of New York City since 1906. Unm. VII. Cornelia Elizabeth^^ Barnes, b. at New Haven, Aug. 22, 1834; d. at Greenfield Hill, Conn., Sept. 17, 1858. Unm. Vni. John Wright Vancleve^^ Barnes, b. at New Haven, Aug. 13, 1837; d. there Aug. 11, 1840. IX. John Vancleve^^ Barnes, b. at New York, May 14, 1844. Head of firm of Richard P. Buck & Co. Presi- dent of New York Maritime Association, 1900. Presi- dent of New York Produce Exchange, 1901. m. at New York, July 21, 1864, Mary Vaughan, daughter of Richard and Charlotte (Baucher) Vaughan, b. at Brooklyn, Dec. 2, 1842; d. at New York, Dec. 9, 1869. Child: 1. Daniel Vaughan^* Barnes, b. at New York Oct 23, 1865. Unm. 71. MARY- EVARTS (52. MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger 1° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,« Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,= Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^, b. at New Haven, Dec. 2, 1806. m. at Boston, Mass., Nov. 11, 1829, Rev. David Greene, son of Thomas and Anna (Knight)' Green, b. at Stoneham, Mass., Nov. 15, 1797. He resumed tlie older spelling of the name "Greene." B.A. Yale, 1821. 302 Sherman Genealogy Graduated Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions, Oct. 3, 1828, to Sept. 12, 1848, resigned. She d. at Westboro, Mass., Oct. 25, 1850. He d. there Apr. 7, 1866. Children : I. David Brainerd^^ Greene, b. at Boston, Nov. 11, 1830. B. A. Williams, 1852. Lawyer in New York City, 1854-1860. m. at Madison, N. J., June, 1855, Mary Augusta Green, daughter of Henry Prentiss Green, M.D., and Joanna Pierson (Crowell) Green, b. Oct. 10, 1831. In 1861, he enlisted in Company I of Third Regiment of Iowa Volunteers. Wounded at Wilson's Creek. Assistant Provost Marshal at St. Louis. Cap- tain Company I, Third Regiment of Missouri Volun- teer Infantry. Killed by bursting shell at Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863. She d. at Madison, N. J., June 18, 1906. No issue. II. Mary Evarts^^ Greene, b. at Boston, Apr. 3, 1832; d. At Evanston, III, Aug. 4, 1884. Unm. 113 III. Anna" Greene, b. at Boston, May 28, 1833. m. Lewis Henry Boutell, IV. Jeremiah Evarts^^ Greene, b. at Boston, Nov. 27, 1834, B.A. Yale, 1853. Admitted to Bar of Worcester, Mass., 1859. Lawyer. 1861 First Lieutenant Com- pany F, Fifteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Taken prisoner at battle of Ball's BluflF, Va., Oct. 21, 1861. Held at Richmond until Feb. 2, 1862, when released on parole. Commssioned Cap- tain Fifteenth Regiment, June 17, 1862. Resigned Oct. 23, 1862. Editorial writer of "The Worcester Spy," publshed at Worcester, 1868 to 1897. United States Post Master at Worcester, 1891 until his death. Twice President of Board of Directors of Worcester Free Library, m. at New Haven, Apr. 14, 1864, Mary Anna Bassett, daughter of John G. and Henrietta C. (Kirtland) Bassett, b. 1834. She d. at Worcester, Jan. 14, 1897, aged 62. He d. at Plainfield. N. J., Nov. 8, 1902. No issue. Sherman Genealogy 303 V. Rev Samuel- Greene, b. at Boston. Dec. 9 1835 Merchant in Chicago. Moved to Seattle, W^sh., in Mnvir?..r"''f ^°"^^^g^^^°"-l Minister. From May 15, 1S87, was for twenty-three years State Super- mtendent of the Congregational Sunday-School and fcH n n ''A?.' '"' ^-hington and Northern Idaho. D.D. Whitman College, 1906. m (1) at Muscatme, Iowa, Oct. 6, 1861, Sarah Elizabeth Moore, daughter o John and Mehitable (Foster) Moore, o t"Z I -u^-' ^- "' ^^^°^"*'^' M-- 22, 1835; d at Seattle Wash., Mar. 1, 1905. m. (2) at Seattle, Oct. 1, 1907, Flora Theresa Bunnell, daughter of Jabe Collier and Kate (McDonald) Brunnell, b at Syra- cuse, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1855. Child by first wife- 1. Hettie Louise- Greene, b. at Chicago, Mar. 23, 1864; m. at Seattle, July 13, 1895, Elston Hamlin Camp, son of George Lowe and Ernestine Nancy iQi^""'? ^"'P' ^' ^' ^^'''''^' Ohio, Aug. 30. 1868. Architect and Contractor at Seattle She d at Seattle, Nov. 2, 1909. Children born at Seat- 'll i[^ ^'''^'^'y Foster- Camp, b. June 5, 1899. (2) Sherman Adams- Camp, b. June 6, 1901 (3) Margaret Elston- Camp, and (4) Mary Louise^» Cam^p,^^wins, b. Nov. 19, 1903. Margaret d. Oct. VL Sarah Elizabeth- Greene, b. at Roxbury. Mass., Sept. y, 1837. m. at Westboro, Mass., May 2, 1861, Rev Samuel Ward Boardman, son of Deacon Samuel Ward and Ann (Gilbert) Boardman, b. at Pittsford, Vt. Au^ a]', n ?'■ '^- ""^ ^'°°"^field' N. J., Aug. 30, 1917. B A Middlebury College. Vt., 1851, M.A. 1854. Graduated Andover Theological Seminary, 1855. M.A Dart- T^^S!"' '/^'^- ''■''• ''""^'^°"' ^^^^- ^^L.D. Middlebury 1890. Ordained to Congregational Ministry, 1857 Pastor Norwich Vt., 1857-1859. Professor of Eng' Q^oVq^i"*"'^ ^""^ Psychology, Middlebury College, 1859-1861. Pastor Second Presbyterian Church * Auburn, N. Y 1862 1,977 Pn f^ r- ri.„ u c. /' ^^^ ^^^^- Castor Congregational <^hurch. Stanhope, N. J., 1883-1889. President. 304 Sherman Genealogy 1889-1901, and Professor Emeritus Mental and Moral Science, 1901, Maryville, Tenn., College. Vice-President Evangelical Union. Trustee of Dan- ville Theological Seminary, Kentucky. Moderator of Onondaga and Tennessee. He m. (1) Sept. 10, 1857, Elizabeth Haskell, of Waldoboro, Me., who d. Oct. 29, 1859. Children : 1. Mary Evarts^* Boardman, b, at Westboro, Mass., Apr. 28, 1862; d. at Plainfield, N. J., May 6, 1882. 2. Elizabeth HaskelP* Boardman, b. at Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1864. Unm. 3. George Nye^* Boardman, b. at Auburn, Mar. 23, 1866; d. there Dec. 30, 1875. 4. Anna Greene^* Boardman, b. at Auburn, Feb. 21, 1868; d. at Blairstown, N. J., Oct. 30, 1885. 5. Caroline Sherman^* Boardman, b. at Auburn, June 13, 1870; d. there Mar. 17, 1874. 6. Henry Mills^* Boardman, b. at Auburn, Oct. 26, 1872 ; d. there Mar. 19, 1874. 7. Samuel Ward^* Boardman, Jr., b. at Auburn, Sept. 6, 1874; m. at Bloomfield, N. J., May 28, 1908, Charlotte Katherine Tice, daughter of John Gregg and Adaline Chrissie (Young) Tice, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., May 17, 1885. Children: (1) Grace Tice^^ Boardman, b. at Bloomfield, Dec. 1, 1909. (2) Mary Evarts" Boardman, b. at Bloom- field, Apr. 29, 1911. (3) Adeline Tice" Board- man b. at Cedar Grove, N. J., May 7, 1913. (4) Elizabeth Greene^ ^ Boardman, b. at Cedar Grove, N. J., June 26, 1916. 8. Roger Sherman^* Boardman, b. at Auburn, Nov. 7, 1876. 1st Leut. U. S. A. Red Cross. Served in France. Unm. 9. Martha Tracy^* Boardman, b. at Stanhope, N. J., June 17, 1885. Unm. VII. Martha Sherman" Greene, b. at Roxbury, May 24, 1839. m. Jeremiah Evarts Tracy. 114 VIII. Roger Sherman" Greene, b. at Roxbury, Dec. 14, 1840. 115 IX. Daniel Crosby" Greene, b. at Roxbury, Feb. 11, 1843. irrvwoAV [\\ Sherman Genealogy 305 X. Jane Herring^^ Greene, b. at Roxbury, June 14, 1845. m. at New York City, Mar. 6, 1872, Rev. Henry Loomis, D.D., son of Noah and Maria (Meech) Loomis, b. at Burlington, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1839. B.A. Hamilton, 1866. Graduated at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1869. Enlisted in U. S. Army and served in Army of the Potomac until end of war. Captain. Presbyterian Missionary in Japan, 1872-1876; 1881- 1911. Children: 1. Louisa Ropes^* Loomis, b. at Yokohama, Japan, May 3, 1874. B. A. Wellesley College, 1897. M.A. Columbia, 1902. Ph.D. 1907. Lecturer at Barn- ard College. Warden of Sage College, Cornell University, five years. Connected with Depart- ment of History, Columbia. Unm. 2. Henry Meech^* Loomis, b. at Yokohama, July 19, 1875. B.S. Mass. Inst of Technology, 1897. m. at Harrisburg, Penn., Nov. 10, 1908, Eleanor Wig- ton Wallace, daughter of Thomas Laird and An- nie Margaret Wallace, b. at Harrisburg, Penn., Oct. 2, 1879. No issue. 3. Clara Denison^* Loomis, b. at San Rafael, Cal., Oct. 14, 1877. B.A. Smith College, Mass., 1900. M.A. Columbia, 1901. Since Dec, 1901, Principal of School for Girls at Yokohama, Japan, under The Woman's Union Missionary Society of New York City. Unm. 4. Evarts Greene^^ Loomis, b. at San Rafael, Cal., Dec. 13, 1879. Graduated at Worcester, Mass., Polytechnic Institute, 1901. Mechanical Engineer. Formerly with the Arlington Company, m. at Worcester, Mass., Oct. 14, 1908, Amelia Curtis Brown, daughter of William Theophilus and Kate (Curtis) Brown, b. at Worcester, Mass., July 1, 1881. Children b. at Newark, N. J.: (1) Evarts Greene^' Loomis, Jr., b. July 26. 1910. (2) David Greene^^ Loomis, b. Oct. 15, 1912. (3) Margaret" Loomis, b. and d. Dec. 3, 1916. 306 Sherman Genealogy 5. Jean Herring^* Loomis, b. at Yokohama, Japan, Sept. 24, 1882. B.A. Barnard, 1905. m. at Yoko- hama, Japan, May 22, 1906, Rev. James Everett Frame, son of James and Martha (Clark) Frame, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 24, 1868. B.A. magna cum laude Harvard, 1891; M.A., 1892; S. T. D., 1913, Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1895. Professor there of Biblical Theology since 1905. Children b. at New York City: (1) James Suther- land^= Frame, b. Dec. 24, 1907. (2) Dorothy Loomis^^ Frame, b. Mar. 15, 1909. (3) Donald Murdock^^ Frame, b. Dec. 14, 1911. 6. Roger Sherman^* Loomis, b. at Yokohama, Oct. 31, 1887. B. A. Williams, 1909. M.A. Harvard, 1910. Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship and re- ceived degree of Litt. B. Oxford, England, 1913. Assistant Professor of English Literature at Illin- ois State University. Unm. XI. William John^^ Greene, b. at Roxbury, Jan. 6, 1847; d. at Chicago, Jan. 5, 1864. Unm. XII. Henry HilF^ Greene, b. at Westboro, Mass., Nov. 12, 1849; m. at Quincy, 111., Dec. 11, 1872, Mary Ade- laide Dunlap, daughter of Major John Smith and Mary Frances (Sullivan) Dunlap, b. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 24, 1848. He d. at Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 10, 1919. Children: 1. Cora Evarts^* Greene, b. at Quincy, 111., Sept. 29, 1873; m. at Warren, Ohio, Mar. 1, 1897, William Downie, son of William and Margaret (McLauch- lan) Downie, b. at Cleveland, Ohio, July 28, 1874. Children: (1) Douglas Evarts^^ Downie, b. at Cleveland, O., Mar. 12, 1900. (2) William^" Downie, Jr., b. at Cleveland, O., Jan. 3, 1904. 2. Alice Gertrude^* Greene, b. at Detroit, Mich., Nov. 10, 1878. Unm. 3. Elsie Helen^* Greene, b. at Detroit, Mich., July 16, 1881 ; m. at Buffalo, N. Y., June 21, 1903, Herbert Henson Brower, son of William Hatfield Frazee and Elizabeth de Larzelere (Buzby) Brower, b. at Sherman Genealogy 307 New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 15, 1879. Children: (1) Burr Vanderburgh^^ Brower, b. at New York City, Dec. 27, 1907. (2) Bettina Blythe^"* Brower, b. at Seattle, Wash., Aug. 5, 1913. 4. Gladys^ ^ Greene, b. at Maryville, Tenn., July 28, 1890; m. at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 2, 1913, Travis Jackson Towson, son of Charles Jackson and Car- rie Amanda Towson, b. at Conneaut, Ohio, Apr. 27, 1890. Child: (1) Travis Jacksoni"* Towson, Jr., b. at Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 31, 1915. 72. MARTHA SHERMAN^^ eVARTS (52. MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William,^ Jos- eph,^ Capt. John,^ John,*^ Henry,^ Henry,'* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^), b. at New Haven, July 31, 1809; m. at Boston, Sept. 13, 1832, Rev. Ebenezer Carter Tracy, son of Joseph and Ruth (Carter) Tracy, b. at Hartford, Conn., June 10, 1796. B.A. Dartmouth, 1819. Andover Theological Semin- ary, 1822. Tutor, Dartmouth, 1823-1825. Editor "Ver- mont Chronicle," 1826-1828 and 1834-1862. He d. at Wind- sor, Vt., May 15, 1862. She d. at Plainfield, N. J., Apr. 10, 1889. Both buried at Windsor. His gravestone has this inscription : Memoria pii aetema EBENEZER CARTER TRACY. Vir optimus, spectatissimus. Amicus fidelis, Conjux parensq: maxime dilectus. In Hartford nat. Jun. 10, 1796 Ob. in Windsor Mai. 15, 1862 Omnibus lugendus. Hie quicquid mortale: immortale apud Dominum triumphat. Children : I. Martha Day" Tracy, b. at Boston, Oct. 30, 1833; ± at Windsor, Vt., Nov. 2, 1852. Buried there. 116 n. Jeremiah Evarts^^ Tracy, b. at Windsor, Jan. 31, 1835. 308 Sherman Genealogy III. Anna' 3 Tracy, b. at Windsor, Oct. 23, 1836. m. at Windsor, Sept. 5, 1867, George Phelps Byington, son of Stephen and Sarah (Hoyt) Byington, b. at Hines- burg, Vt., Aug. 17, 1838. B.A. University of Ver- mont, 1863. Andover Theological Seminary, 1867. Ordained Congregational Minister, 1868. He d. at Ballardvale, Mass., Aug. 17, 1918. Children: 1. Steven Tracy'* Byington, b. at Benson, Vt., Dec. 20, 1868. Unm. 2. William Carter" Byington, b. at Westford, Vt., Dec. 1, 1870; d. at East Hardwick, Vt., Sept. 20, 1890. Unm. 3. Martha Day'* Byington, b. at Westford, Vt., Feb. 5, 1873. Unm. IV. William Carter'^ Tracy, b. at Windsor, July 14, 1838. Second Lieutenant, Company K, Fourth Vermont Volunteers. First Lieutenant, Company H, same Regiment, Dec, 1862. Captain, Company G, same Regiment, 1864. Killed in action on Weldon Rail- road, near Petersburg, Va., June 23, 1864. Unm. Buried at Windsor. V. Roger Sherman'^ Tracy, b. at Windsor, Aug. 10, 1840; d. there Oct. 21, 1841. Buried there. VI. Roger Sherman'^ Tracy, b. at Windsor, Dec. 9, 1841. B.A. Yale, 1862. M.D. College of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1867. Connected in official capacity with the Health Department of New York City for several years. Author of numerous writings on medical sub- jects. Unm. VII. John Jay'3 Tracy, b. at Windsor, Dec. 23, 1843. B.A. Dartmouth. 1864. Served with Fourth Regiment Ver- mont Volunteers, 1864-1865. Lawyer, m. at Platts- burgh, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1869, Sarah Jane Moore, daughter of George and Mary Emily (White) Moore, b. at Plattsburgh, Sept. 3, 1843 ; d. at Crossville, Tenn., Sept. 27, 1889. He d. at Crossville, Jan. 5, 1902. Children bom at Green Bay, Wis. : 1. Caroline Weed'* Tracy, b. 1870; d. 1875. Sherman Genealogy 309 2. Mary Harris^* Tracy, b. Aug. 11, 1872. Unm. 3. Margaret Standish" Tracy, b. Oct. 17, 1874; m. at Seattle, Wash., Oct. 14, 1905, Hosmer Kellogg Arnold, son of Frederick Kellogg and Mary Nichols (Tower) Arnold, b. at Portland, Ore., Oct. 14, 1873; d. there, Nov. 11, 1918. She d. there Nov. 4, 1918. Children: (1) Mary Tracy^'' Arnold, b. at Portland, Ore., July 27, 1907. (2) Hosmer Bradford^^ Arnold, b. at Portland, May 13, 1910. (3) Margaret Katherine^^ Arnold, b. at Portland, June 28, 1912. (4) Jane Tower" Arnold, b. at Hood River, Ore., Apr. 9, 1914. 4. Catherine Jay^* Tracy, b. Oct. 20, 1877; m. at Tokio, Japan, Jan. 7, 1918, Seiichi Paul Akana, son of Dentaro and Kishi (Mayeda) Akana, b. at Hirose, Japan. Chancellor of Japanese Consulate at Los Angeles, Cal. Attache of Japanese Dele- gation at the Peace Conference, 1919. Child: (1) Seiichi Paul^"* Akana, Jr., b. at Los Angeles, Feb. 26, 1919. 5. John Evarts" Tracy, b. Sept. 2, 1880. B.A. Mary- ville College, Tenn., 1901 ; M.A., 1905. Lawyer. Member of the firm of Miller, Tracy & Eldridge, of Marquette, Mich., and later of the firm of Flanders & Fawsett, of Milwaukee, Wis. Served on U. S. War Trade Board, 1918-1919. Unm. VHL Charles Walker^^ Tracy, b. at Windsor, June 28, 1847. m. at Windsor, Vt., May 17, 1871, Mary Elizabeth Durkee, daughter of William Henry and Diantha Lee (Howe) Durkee, b. at Windsor, June 19, 1848. He d. at Portland, Ore., Aug. 28, 1900. She d. there May 26, 1894. Children: 1. Martha Sherman^* Tracy, b. at Green Bay, Wis., Feb. 17, 1872; m. at Portland, Ore., June 5, 1901, Alfred Edward Sutton, son of Thomas and Anna Campbell (Bacon) Sutton, b. at Tynemouth, Eng- land, Mar. 25, 1878. Children: (1) Helen Camp- bell^= Sutton, b. at Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 30, 1903. 310 Sherman Genealogy (2) Alfred Edward*'* Sutton, Jr., b. at Tacoma, Sept. 11, 1907. 2. Minnie Lee** Tracy, b. at Minneapolis, Minn., May 27, 1877 ; d. there Apr. 18, 1885. 3. Roger Sherman** Tracy, b. at Minneapolis, Dec. 8, 1884; m. at Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 21, 1918, Mary Elizabeth Atkinson, daughter of George Ed- win and Stella Bigelow (Garretson) Atkinson, b. at Tacoma, Nov. 19, 1887. 73. HON. WILLIAM MAXWELL*- EVARTS (52. Meheta- bel** (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger*" Sherman, William,® Joseph,® Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,- Thomas*), b. at Boston, Mass., Feb. 6, 1818. B.A. Yale, 1837, M.A.; LL.D., 1865, also Union, 1857, and Har- vard, 1870. Fellow of Yale July 10, 1872 to July 23, 1891. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1841 ; to the Bar of the Su- preme Court of the United States on motion of Daniel Webs- ter, Feb. 13, 1847; member of firms of Butler & Evarts, Apr. 1, 1842-1851. Butler, Evarts & Southmayd, Jan. 1, 1852- 1859. Evarts & Southmayd, Jan. 1, 1859, to June 1, 1859. Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, June 1, 1859, to July 1, 1884. Evarts, Choate & Beaman, July 1, 1884, to his death. Emi- nent and distinguished lawyer, advocate, orator, diplomatist and statesman. Assistant United States Attorney for South- ern District of New York, 1849-1853. Represented United States in Special Missions to England, 1863 and 1864. Coun- sel for President Andrew Johnson in the trial of his impeach- ment, 1868. Chairman of New York delegation to Republi- can National Convention, 1866. Member of New York State Constitutional Convention, 1867-1868. Attorney General of the United States, July 15, 1868-Mar. 3, 1869. Counsel for the United States before the Tribunal of Arbitration of the Alabama Claims, at Geneva, Switzerland, 1872. Counsel for Rev. Henry Ward Beecher in the case of Theodore Tilton against him in 1875. Counsel for President Hayes, on be- half of the Republican Party before the Electoral Commis- sion, 1877. Secretary of State of the United States, Mar. Sherman Genealogy 311 12, 1877-Mar. 3, 1881. United States Senator of New York, Mar. 4, 1885-Mar. 3, 1891. President of the New England Society of New York, 1858-1862. First President of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1870-1879. President of the Union Club of New York, Nov. 5, 1873, to June 8, 1881. President of the Union League Club of New York, 1882-1885. Among the notable orations of Mr. Evarts were the following: "Public Life," Centennial Celebration of the Linonian Society, Yale College, July, 1853. "The Heritage of the Pilgrims," New England Society, New York, Dec, 1854. "Eulogy on Chief Justice Chase," Dartmouth College, June, 1874. "What the Age Owes to America," Centennial Oration in front of Independence Hall, Philadel- phia, July 4, 1876. Washington Centennial, Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1883. "WilHam H. Seward," unveiling statue of Seward, Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1888. m. in St. Paul's Church, at Windsor, Vt., Aug. 30, 1843, Helen Minerva Wardner, daughter of Allen and Minerva (Bingham) Wardner, of Windsor, b. at Wind-- sor, June 22, 1820. He d. at New York City, Feb. 28, 1901. She d. at Windsor, Dec. 27, 1903. Both buried at Windsor. Children : I. Charles Butler" Evarts, b. at New York City, Feb. 17, 1845. At Yale in class of 1866. Left to enter U. S. Army and served in First New York Regiment Lin- coln Cavalry, Lieutenant, d. at Windsor, Dec. 10, 1891. Unm. n. Roger Sherman^^ Evarts, b. at New York City, Jan. 29, 1847; d. there Feb. 4, 1849. III. Allen Wardner^^ Evarts, b. at New York, Dec. 10, 1848. B.A. Yale, 1869, M.A. Trustee of Vassar College. Lawyer. Member of firms of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, 1874-1884. Evarts, Choate & Beaman, 1885-1901. Evarts, Tracy & Sherman, 1902- 1907. Evarts, Choate & Sherman, Jan. 1, 1908-May 1, 1919. Evarts, Choate, Sherman & Leon since May 1, 1919. Unm. IV. William" Evarts, b. at New York, Mar. 3, 1851. B.A. 312 Sherman Genealogy Harvard, 1872; d. at Washington, D. C, Apr. 26, 1878. Unm. 117 V. Hettie Sherman^^ Evarts, b. at New York, Nov. 28, 1852. m. Charles Cotesworth Beaman. VI. Mary^3 Evarts, b. at Windsor, July 16, 1854. Vice- Regent for Vermont of the Ladies' Mount Vernon Association of the Union, since 1911. Unm. 118 VII. Helen Minerva" Evarts, b. at New York, Mar. 8, 1856. m. Charles Harrison Tweed. 119 VIII. Elizabeth Hoar" Evarts, b. at New York, Jan. 4, 1858. m. Edward Clifford Perkins. 120 IX. Sherman" Evarts (twin), b. at New; York, Oct. 10, 1859. 121 X. Rev. Prescott" Evarts (twin), b. at New York, Oct. 10, 1859. 122 XL Louisa Wardner^^ Evarts, b. at New York, June 10, 1861. m. Charles Davies Scudder. 123 XIL Maxwell" Evarts, b. at New York, Nov. 15, 1862. 74. SHERMAN^^^ DAY (53. Martha" (Sherman) Day, Hon. Roger ^*^ Sherman, William,^ Joseph,® Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Feb. 11, 1806. B.A. Yale, 1826, M.A. Professor of Mine Construction and Surveying, College of California. Merchant at New York City and Philadelphia until 1835. Civil Engineer at Circleville, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Ind., until 1841. Author at Philadelphia and New Haven until 1843. Merchant New York and Brooklyn until 1849. Went to California in 1849. Lived as Civil and Mining Engineer and Surveyor at New Almaden, San Jose, Folsom and Oak- land, going to Berkeley, in 1877, where he lived until his death. State Senator of California, 1855 and 1856. United States Surveyor General for California, 1868-1871. m. at Westfield, Mass., Sept. 6, 1832, Elizabeth Ann King, daugh- ter of Henry Bohan and Anne (Jones) King, b. at Hartford, Conn., July 13, 1805 ; d. at Oakland, Cal., Sept. 26, 1873. He d. at Berkeley, Cal, Dec. 14, 1884. Children: I. Henry" Day, b. and d. at New York City, Feb. 1, 1835. HON. EBENEZER ROCKWOOD HOAR 1S16-1895 HON. SAMUEL HOAR 1845- I'XM Sherman Genealogy 313 II. Harriet King^^ Day, b. at New Haven, Conn., in the old Yale College President's house which stood on the College grounds on the site of Farnam Hall, Mar. 6, 1836. m. at New Almaden, Cal., May 21, 1857, Charles Theodore Hart^* Palmer, of Folsom, Cal. B.A. Yale, 1847. Admitted to Bar of California. Afterwards Banker. President of Oakland Paving Company, Son of Benjamin Franklin and Eliza Har- riet^^ (Hart) Palmer, b. at Mystic Bridge (Stoning- ton), Conn., Jan. 15, 1827; d. at Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 18, 1897. No issue. (See above, 46.) 124 III. Roger Sherman^^ Day, b. at Circleville, Ohio, July 6, 1838. IV. Martha Elizabeth^^ Day, b. at Philadelphia, Penn., Apr. 19, 1842; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1851. 125 V. Jane Olivia^^ Day, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 6, ^ 1844; m. Henry Austin Palmer. 126 VI. Clinton^^ j^^y, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1847. 75. HON. EBENEZER ROCKWOOD^^ HOAR (54. Sarah" (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,® Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Concord, Mass., Feb. 21, 1816. B.A. Har- vard, 1835. LL.B., 1839. LL.D., 1868. Also Williams, 1861. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1839. State Senator of Massachusetts, 1846. Judge Court of Common Pleas, Sept. 11, 1849-1855. Overseer of Harvard, 1857-1858. Fel- low, 1857-1868. President of Board of Overseers, 1868- 1880; 1881-1887. Justice Supreme Judicial Court of Massa- chusetts, Apr. 16, 1859-Mar. 10, 1869, resigned. Attorney- General of United States, Mar., 1869-June 23, 1870. Re- signed. Member of Joint High Commission of ten, which negotiated the treaty with Great Britain for the settlement of the Alabama Claims, signed May 8, 1871. Representative in Congress, 1873-1875. m. at Concord, Nov. 20, 1840, Caro- line Downes Brooks, daughter of Nathan and Caroline (Downes) Brooks, b. at Concord, Mar. 12, 1820; d. there June 14, 1892. He d, at Concord, Jan, 31, 1895. Memoir of 314 Sherman Genealogy Judge Hoar, by Moorfield Storey and Edward W. Emerson, was published in 1911. Children b. at Concord: I. Caroline^^ Hoar, b. July 29, 1842 ; m. at Sheldon, Vt., Jan. 12, 1905, Samuel Bellows Greene, son of William and Lucy Louisa (Sheldon) Greene, b. at Sheldon, Vt., Oct. 18, 1844. She d. at Burlington, Vt., Oct. 26, 1907. n. Sarah Sherman^^ Hoar, b. May 13, 1844; d. Oct. 13, 1844. 127 HL Samuel^^ Hoar, b. Sept. 27, 1845. IV. Charles Emerson^^ Hoar, b. Mar. 27, 1850. B.A. Har- vard, 1870. d. at Ventura, Cal., June 7, 1912. Unm. V. Clara Downes^^ Hoar, b. May 18, 1852; d. at Spring- field, Mass., Oct. 1, 1915. Unm. 128 VI. Elizabeth^^ Hoar, b. Nov. 25, 1854; m. Samuel Bowles. 129 VII. Sherman" Hoar, b. July 30, 1860. 76. SARAH SHERMAN^2 HOAR (54. Sarah^^ (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John," Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Concord, Mass., Nov. 9, 1817. m. at Concord, June 14, 1837, Robert Boyd Storer, of Boston, son of Woodbury and Mar- garet (Boyd) Storer, b. at Portland, Maine, Apr. 2, 1795; d. at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 14, 1870. She d. there July 23, 1907. He was a merchant. Attended Bowdoin College, 1809-1811. Was Russian Consul at Boston. Children: I. William Brandt" Storer, b. at Boston, Apr. 2, 1838. Class of 1859 at Harvard. Left College at beginning of his Junior year on account of illness. Commis- sioned First Lieutenant of Fifteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, Jan. 28, 1862. Aide-de-camp on staff of General Charles Devens. Contracted illness in Penin- sular Campaign. Sick leave Aug., 1862. Resigned from army on account of disability, Jan. 2, 1863. Re- ceived degree of B.A. at Harvard, 1866, as of 1859. Vice Consul for Russia at Boston, Jan., 1871, until Sherman Genealogy 315 his death Received a decoration from Russia carry- mg t,tle of Count. On staff of Governor Washburn chantable and other soc.eties. m. at Boston, Mar. 1, 1866, Emily Francs Williams, daughter of Samue K,ng and Elizabeth Winslow (Whitman) Williams, of Boston, b. at Boston, Apr. 23, 1840. He d at Cam bndge, Oct. 14, 1884. She d. there Jul/z mi Children b. at Cambridge: '■ fs^'lsL''"'^" ^'"''' ''■ ^°'- ^°' '««^' <>• Aug. 2. Elizabeth Winslow" Storer. b. Nov. 25 1870 Unm. ' *""-'• 3. Helen Langdon" Storer, b. Mar. 12, 1872. Unm II. Sarah Frances- Storer. b. at Boston, Mar 17 1840- d. at Cambridge, Mar. 7, 1915. Unm. ' III. Elizabeth Hoar- Storer, b. at Boston, Oct. 17 1841- d. at Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1919. Unm. IV. Margaret Woodbury- Storer, b. at Boston, July 4 1845. m. at Cambridge, Sept. 20, 1876, Joseph Bangs' Warner, son of Caleb Henry and Elizabeth (Bangs) ^r";. . "' ^'^^°"' ^"^- ^' 1^8. B.A. Harvard Ma''' 1^74^-' iL'''^ '^•'^•^.' ''''■ ^'-'^^' ^^ ^- Mar., 1874 Lawyer m Boston. Member of firm of Warner, Warner & Stackpole. Trustee of Radcliffe College and of Simmons College. Children : 1. ^°f;^ Sherman- Warner, b. at Cambridge, Aug. 7,1877. B.A. Harvard, 1898. LL.B , 1902 Law- fim/.^f °"- ""• "' ^'""^'^y ^^''^'' Mass., Aug. 4 906, Mary Hooper, daughter of Major Edward Wilham Hooper. B.A. Harvard, 1859 LL B lltl' ^^•°' ^^^^- ^'^^^^^ «f Harvard, 1871- om T'f?'"^^^' 1876-1898. Overseer, 1900- 1901 and Fanny Hudson (Chapin) Hooper, b at Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 22, 1878. Children- (1) 12, 1907. (2) Rachel" Warner, b. at Beverly 316 Sherman Genealogy Farms, July 22, 1910. (3) Sturgis^^ Warner, b. at Boston, Feb. 9, 1914. 2. Langdon^* Warner, b. at Cambridge, Aug. 1, 1881. B.A. Harvard, 1903. Archaeologist, m. at Oyster Bay, N. Y., May 14, 1910, Lorraine Roosevelt, daughter of James West Roosevelt, M.D. Colum- bia, 1880; Clinical Lecturer on Medicine, 1886, and Laura (d'Oremieulx) Roosevelt, b. at New York City, Jan. 1, 1887. Children: (1) Lorraine" Warner, b. at Chestnut Hill, Mass., Aug. 12, 1911. (2) Margaret^ ^ Warner, b. at Cambridge, Nov. 30, 1915. 77. EDWARD SHERMAN^ ^ HOAR (54. Sarah" (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,'' John,^ Henry,^ Henry ,^ Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Concord, Mass., Feb. 21, 1823. B.A. Harvard, 1844. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1848. At one time U. S. Attorney for California, m. at Concord, Dec. 28, 1858, Elizabeth Hallett Prichard, daughter of Moses and Jane (Hallett) Prichard, b. at Concord, Jan. 17, 1822. He d. at Washington, D. C, Feb. 22, 1893. She d. at Concord, Oct. 25, 1917, in her 96th year. Child: L Florence^^ Hoar, b. at Concord, Jan. 23, 1860; m. at Concord, July 1, 1885, Moses Brown Lockwood Brad- ford, son of Shadrach Standish and Dorcas Brown (Lockwood) Bradford, b. at Pawtucket, Rhode Isl- and, Feb. 13, 1856. B. A. Brown, 1878. Child: 1. Alice^* Bradford, b. at Providence, R. I., June 29, 1886; m. at Concord, Jan. 21, 1911, John Perry Bowditch, son of Ebenezer Francis and Elizabeth (Perry) Bowditch, b. at Millwood Farm, Fram- ingham, Mass., Apr. 23, 1883. B.A. Harvard, 1905. Children born at Millwood Farm, Fram- ingham: (1) Ebenezer Francis^^ Bowditch, b. June 4, 1912. (2) John Bradford^'' Bowditch, b. Sept. 23, 1914. (3) Florence Hoar^^ Bowditch, b. Apr. 25, 1916. Sherman Genealogy 317 78. HON. GEORGE FRISBIE^^' HOAR (54. Sarah" (Sher- man) Hoar, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,® Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry, ^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Concord, Mass., Aug. 27, 1826. B.A. Harvard, 1846. LL.B., 1849. LL.D., 1886, also William and Mary 1873, Amherst 1879, Yale 1885, Dartmouth 1901. Lawyer. Over- seer Harvard, 1873-1879; 1896-1904. Representative in Massachusetts General Assembly, 1852. State Senator, 1857. Representative in Congress Mar., 1869, to Mar., 1877. Twice declined appointment to the bench of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. One of the Managers of the House of Representatives of the impeachment of United States Secretary of War William W. Belknap, 1876. Member of the United States Electoral Commission to determine the election of President, 1877. In 1877, declined offer of Presi- dent Hayes of appointment as United States Minister to Great Britain. Delegate from Worcester district to Repub- lican National Convention of 1876; delegate at large from Massachusetts to Conventions of 1880, 1884 and 1888. Presi- dent of Republican National Convention of 1880. Regent of Smithsonian Institution, 1881. United States Senator of Massachusetts, Mar. 5, 1877, until his death, 1904. Author of law providing for succession to the Presidency of the United States in case of deaths of both President and Vice- President, Jan. 19, 1886. Author of law that the diplomatic representative of the United States to a foreign government shall bear the same designation or title as the representative of such government in the United States, 1892. Procured the return from England of the Bradford Manuscript or Log ■of "The Mayflower," 1896. Sept. 14, 1898, declined offer of President McKinley of appointment as United States Am- bassador to Great Britain. In 1903, published his "Auto- biography of Seventy Years." m. (1) at Worcester, Mar. 30, 1853, Mary Louisa Spurr, daughter of Samuel Danforth and Mary Augusta (Lamb) Spurr, b. at Charlton, Mass., July 15, 1831 ; d. at Worcester, Jan. 31, 1859. m. (2) at Worces- ter, Oct. 13, 1862, Ruth Ann Miller, daughter of Henry Wil- der and Nancy Cutter (Merrick) Miller, b. at Worcester, May 20. 1830; d. at Washington, D. C, Dec. 24, 1903. He d. at Worcester, Sept. 30, 1904. Children by first wife: 318 Sherman Genealogy I. Mary^^ Hoar, b. at Worcester, Jan. 22, 1854. Unm. Living at Worcester. 130 II. Rockwood" Hoar, b. at Worcester, Aug. 24, 1855. Child by second wife: III. Alice Miller^^ j^oar, b. at Worcester, Aug. 27, 1863; d. there Dec. 3, 1864. SENATOR HOAR In Memoriam You of the Spirit fresh with Mayflower dew, A Pilgrim Father faithful to the end, Stout-hearted foe and truest-hearted friend Who never trimmed your sails to winds that blew With breath of popular favor — but fore-knew Storm followed sun, and knowing, did depend On One behind all storm high aid to lend, And from Heaven's fount alone your wisdom drew, Farewell; in these illiterate later days We ill can spare the good gray head that wore The honors of a nation. Fare you well ! When love and justice climb the starry ways And freedom wins the height where angels dwell, They there shall find your presence gone before. Canon Rawnsley, 79. HON. CHARLES ROBERT^=^ SHERMAN (55. Taylor," Daniel,^" John,° John,^ Samuel,^ Edmund,® Edmund,"* Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 26, 1788. m. at Norwalk, May 8, 1810, Mary Hoyt, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Raymond) Hoyt, b. at Norwalk, Dec. 28, 1787. Lawyer. They moved to Lancaster, Ohio, Apr. 16, 1812. Major first Regiment, first Brigade, third Division, Ohio Militia. Appointed Collector U. S. Internal Revenue, third District of Ohio, Nov. 9, 1813. Elected Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1823, which office he held until his death. He d. at Lebanon, Ohio, June 24, 1829. She d. at Mansfield, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1852. Children : Sherman Genealogy 319 131 I. Charles Taylor" Sherman, b. at Norwalk, Conn., Feb. 3, 1811. 132 II. Mary Elizabeth^ ^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Apr. 21, 1812. m. William James Reese. III. James^^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Dec. 12, 1814. Mercant at Des Moines, Iowa. m. at Lancaster, Oct. 11, 1841, Sophia Connell, daughter of John and Eliza- beth (Lobengier) Connell, b. at Lancaster, July 28, 1818; d. at Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 8, 1871. He d. at Cincinnati, O., July 10, 1864. Children : 1. Charles Robert^* Sherman, b. at Lancaster, O., July 16, 1844 ; d. at Des Moines, 1866. Unm. 2. Frances Connell^* Sherman, b. at Des Moines, Nov. 15, 1848; d. there Oct. 17, 1875. Unm. 3. Hoyt^* Sherman, b. at Des Moines, Apr. 16, 1851. Receiver of U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1883-1893. Utah State Senator, 1900-1904. m. at Des Moines, Oct. 7, 1874, Hattie Maria War- ner, daughter of Joseph Comstock and Caroline Amelia (Bixby) Warner, b. at Adrian, Mich., Sept. 27, 1852. Children: (1) Eloise Hoyt^^ Sherman, b. at Des Moines, July 20, 1878; m. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 20, 1905, George Jay Gibson, son of George J. and Caroline Amelia (Scovill) Gib- son, b. at Cleveland, O., Mar. 17, 1873. B.A. Yale, 1895. LL.B. cum laude Yale, 1897. Lawyer in Sah Lake City, Utah. Child: (a) Eloise Sher- man^^ Gibson, b. at Salt Lake City, Nov. 4, 1906. (2) Laura Caroline^^ Sherman, b. at Harlan, Iowa, July 7, 1880; m. at Washington, D. C, May 27, 1908, Prentiss Nathaniel Gray, son of George Dickman and Susan (Thayer) Gray, b. at Oak- land, Cal., July 2, 1880. B.A. Univ. Cal. Chil- dren: (a) Barbara^^ Gray, b. at San Francisco, Cal., July 25, 1914. (b) Sherman^" Gray, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 18, 1918. (3) Roger" Sherman, b. at Des Moines, Sept. 4, 1884; m. at Yreka, Cal., June 3, 1916, Claudine Taylor, daugh- 320 Sherman Genealogy ter of R. Samuel and Katherine (Messinger) Tay- lor, b. at Yreka, Cal., June 24, 1895, No issue. 4. Mary Elizabeth^* Sherman, b. at Des Moines, Feb. 4, 1855 ; d. July 26, 1855. IV. Amelia^^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Feb. 18, 1816. m. at Lancaster, Oct. 2, 1832, Robert McComb, b. at Lan- caster, Penn., 1796; d. at Mansfield, Ohio, Apr. 20, 1865. She d. there Jan. 9, 1862. Children born at Mansfield : 1. Mary" McComb, b. July 28, 1833 ; d. July 26, 1834. 2. Elizabeth Reese^* McComb, b. Aug. 13, 1835; m. at Mansfield, Aug. 24, 1854, Thomas Ewing Mil- ler, b. at Mt. Vernon, Ohio; d. at Daytona, Fla., 1912. She d. at Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1861. Children born at Mt. Vernon, O. : ( 1 ) Harry^' Miller, b. 1856 ; d. at Columbus, 1860. (2) Anna" Miller, b. 1858; d. at Columbus, 1873. 3. Julia Willock^* McComb, b. Nov. 18, 1836; m. (1) at Mansfield, Oct. 28, 1863, Joshua Davis, b. at Columbus, O. ; d. there 1871. She m. (2) at Cin- cinnati, O., Charles Edward Huggins, son of Wil- liam Beers and Hamer Sarah (Clarkson) Hug- gins, b. at Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 8, 1848; d. at Portland, Ore., Feb. 15, 1892. She d. at Washing- ton, D. C, Aug. 20, 1918. No issue. Her niece Julia^^ McComb, daughter of Hoyt Sherman^* Mc- Comb, lived with her for many years and is known as Julia Huggins. 4. Margaret^* McComb, b. Nov. 8, 1838; d. at Cin- cinnati, O., Apr. 30, 1871. Unm. 5. Robert Sherman^* McComb, b. May 20, 1841. Served in Civil War in Co. I, 1st Ohio Infantry; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., June 13, 1883, Rose Brady, daughter of Owen and Catherine Brady, b. at Portage City, Wis. ; d. at Chicago, 111., Nov, 19, 1915. He d. at Sandusky, O., Aug. 30, 1900. Children: (1) Helen S.^'* McComb, b. at Mil- waukee, May 30, 1884. Unm. Cecelia M." Mc- Comb, b. at Milwaukee, June 30, 1886. Unm. HON. GEORGE FRISBIE HO.AK 1826- 19(M SHEKMAX DAV 1806-1884 Sherman Genealogy 321 6. William James^* McComb, b. Apr. 8, 1843; m. at Columbus, June 2, 1870, Clara Baldwin, daughter of Judge James William and Margaret (Hoge) Baldwin, b. at Columbus, May 14, 1847. Children born at Columbus: (1) Margaret Hoge^^ McComb, b. May 1, 1871; m. at Columbus, Nov. 14, 1895[ Smith Mitchell Comly, son of Gen. James Monroe and Elizabeth (Marion) Comly, b. at Columbus, Oct. 8, 1869. Children born at Columbus: (a) Elizabeth Marion^" Comly, b. Oct. 15, 1901. (b) James Monroe^" Comly, b. Mar. 27, 1904. (2) Dr. J. Baldwin^s McComb, b. Sept. 28,' 1873. Unm. (3) Hoyt Sherman^=> McComb, b. Sept. 14, 1880; d. at Hondo, Mexico, Feb. 26, 1907. Unm. ' 7. Charles Sherman^* McComb, b. Feb. 26, 1845; d. at Mansfield, Apr. 6, 1865. Unm. 8. Henry Hoyt^* McComb, b. Dec. 11, 1849- d Oct 4, 1850. 9. John Edward^* McComb, b. Sept. 7, 1851 ; d Dec. 8, 1851. 10. Hoyt Sherman^* McComb, b. May 14, 1855. m. at New York City, Sept. 23, 1878, Emma Howe, b. at Boston, Mass. ; d. at New York City, Dec. 13, 1909. Hed. atGallipolis, 0.,Apr. 11, 1899. Child: (1) Julia^^ McComb, b. at New York City, Sept. 13, 1881. Lives with her aunt, Mrs. Huggins and now is Julia Huggins. Unm. V. Julia Ann" Sherman, b. at Lancaster, July 24, 1818; d.^ at Lancaster, Apr. 3, 1842. m. June 5, 1838, John Gibbie Willock, b. at Kilmarnock, Scotland, Apr. 2, 1808; d. at Lancaster, Jan. 30, 1881. Children: 1. Katherine" Willock, b. at Lancaster, O., Aug. 22, 1839 ; d. at Wilmington, Del., Aug. 25, 1900. Unm. 2. Charles Sherman^* Willock, b. at Lancaster, 1841 ; d. there 1842. i 133 VI. General William Tecumseh^a Sherman, b. at Lan- caster, Feb. 8, 1820. VII. Lampson Parker" Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Oct. 13, 1821. Banker, m. (1) at Cincinnati, O., Apr. 19,' 322 Sherman Genealogy 1845, Mary A. Gitchell, b. Nov. 29, 1821 ; d. at Cin- cinnati, O., May 1, 1848. m. (2) at Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 31, 1851, Susan Rebecca Lawson, daughter of Isaac and Adeline (Berge) Lawson, b. at Fulton, Mo., May 12, 1830; d. at Des Moines, Dec. 30, 1905. He d. at Des Moines, Nov. 21, 1900. Children by first wife : 1. Charles Hammond^* Sherman, b. at Cincinnati, O., Jan. 30, 1846; d. at San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 1, 1916. m. at San Francisco, Dec. 24, 1871, Emma Moran, daughter of James and Abbie (Shannon) Moran, b. at Bangor, Me., June 24, 1847. Chil- dren born at San Francisco: (1) Minnie Belle^^ Sherman, b. Mar. 18, 1873 ; d. at San Francisco, Jan. 7, 1878. (2) Lulu May^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 12, 1874; d. at San Francisco, Jan. 11, 1878. (3) Tecumseh Parker^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 29, 1876; m. at San Francisco, Dec. 28, 1900, Jennie Klose Williams, daughter of John William and Eliza Jane Williams, b. at San Francisco, Feb. 23, 1880. Child: (a) Hoyt Tecumseh" Sherman, b. at Ala- meda, Cal., Nov. 26, 1903. (4) Charles Hoyt^^ Sherman, b. Jan. 27, 1879; d. at Towle, Cal., Jan. 22, 1916. (5) Jennie Emma^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 28. 1881 ; m. at San Francisco, Feb. 22, 1905. Dr. William Merrill Tryon, son of Sylvester and Mary Elizabeth Tryon, b. at Sacramento, Cal., June 14, 1877. Children born at San Francisco: (a) Sher- man Merrill^« Tryon, b. Apr. 20, 1907. (b) Victor Hammond" Tryon, b. July 22, 1911. 2. Joseph E.^* Sherman, b. Feb. 17, 1848; d. Aug. 2, 1848. Children by second wife, born at Des Moines : 3. Stephen L'Hommedieu" Sherman, b. Oct. 31, 1852; d. Sept. 25, 1854. 4. Mary Elizabeth" Sherman, b. Aug. 31, 1854; d. Aug. 16, 1855. 5. James Edward" Sherman, b. June 4, 1856 ; d. Mar. 22, 1863. Sherman Genealogy 323 6. John^* Sherman, b. Nov. 4, 1858; m. at Davis City, Iowa, Dec. 15, 1880, Lizzie Bell Cunnington, daughter of William and Sarah (Qegg) Cunning- ton, b. at Stockton, Cal., June 27, 1860; d. at Des Moines, June 9, 1915. Child: (1) Cecilia^^ Sher- man, b. at Des Moines, Nov. 7, 1881 ; m. at Des Moines, Sept. 28, 1904, Paul Backus Sawyer, son of Arthur Lovell and Harriet Wilson (Backus) Sawyer, b. at La Fayette, Ind., May 8, 1879. Chil- dren: (a) John Sherman^** Sawyer, b. at Des Moines, May 26, 1909. (b) Paul Backus^" Saw- yer, Jr., b. at Dubuque, Iowa, June 11, 1912. 7. Elmer Ellsworth^* Sherman, b. Aug. 29, 1861 ; d. Mar. 24, 1863. 8. Minnie Edith^* Sherman, b. Jan. 22, 1864. Unm. 9. William Tecumseh^* Sherman, b. Oct. 25, 1866; d. Jan. 27, 1867. 10. Lampson Parker^* Sherman, Jr., b. Sept. 13, 1868; m. at Des Moines, Sept. 6, 1892, Elizabeth Charles Sprague, daughter of Charles Dillon and Eliza- beth (DePue) Sprague, b. at Des Moines, Apr. 30, 1872. Children born at Des Moines: (1) Charles Lawson^^ Sherman, b. Aug. 8, 1893 ; m. at Des Moines, Aug. 29, 1916, Frances Louise Harris, daughter of Jack and Nelly Eleanor (Morgan) Harris, b. at Des Moines, Mar. 26, 1895. Child: (a) John Harris^*' Sherman, b. at Des Moines, May 22, 1917. (2) Mabel Adele^^ Sherman, b. Aug. 2, 1895. (3) Dorothy Alice^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 29, 1901. VIII. Hon. John^^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Ohio, May 10, 1823. m. at Mansfield, O., Aug. 31, 1848, Margaret Sarah Cecelia Stewart, daughter of Hon. James Stew- art, of Mansfield, Ohio, Judge of Court of Common Pleas of Ohio. He was admitted to the Bar of Ohio, May, 1844. Representative in Congress for Ohio, Mar., 1855, to Mar., 1861. United States Senator for Ohio, Mar. 21, 1861, to Mar. 8, 1877 (resigned), and Mar., 1888, to Mar., 1897 (resigned). Secretary of 324 Sherman Genealogy the Treasury of the United States, 1877-1881. Secre- tary of State of the United States, Mar. 5, 1897, to Apr. 25, 1898 (resigned). He d. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 22, 1900. She d. there June 5, 1900. No issue. Their adopted daughter Mary Stewart Sher- man, m. at Washington, D. C, Dec. 12, 1894, James Tver McCallum, of Washington. Divorced. 134 IX. Susan Denman^^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Oct. 10, 1825 ; m. Thomas Wells Bartley. X. Major Hoyt^^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Nov. 1, 1827. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar of Ohio, 1850. Postmas- ter, Des Moines, Iowa, 1849-1853. Paymaster (Ma- jor) in U. S. Army in Civil War. Member of As- sembly of Iowa, 1865, 1866. President of Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa, 1874-1888. m. at Mans- field, O., Dec. 25, 1855, Sara Elvira Moulton, daugh- ter of Dan Alonzo and Adaline (Wallace) Moulton, b. at Granger, O., June 24, 1837; d. at Des Moines, Mar. 2, 1887. He d. there Jan. 25, 1904. Children born at Des Moines : 1. Frank Allen^* Sherman, b. Nov. 26, 1856. Law- yer, m. at Des Moines, June 7, 1887, Ada Louise Bacon, daughter of George Smith and Caroline Meredith (Bedsaul) Bacon, b. at Magnolia, Iowa, Aug. 16, 1868; d. at Des Moines, Feb. 13, 1900. He d. there Mar. 1, 1902. Child: (1) Sarah Moulton^'* Sherman, b. at Des Moines, May 17, 1888; m. at East Hampton, N. Y., July 18, 1910, William Led- yard Mitchell, son of Richard H. and Mary S. (Lincoln) Mitchell, b. at Cincinnati, O., Nov. 2, 1881. B.A. Yale, 1904. Children: (a) William Led- yardi° Mitchell, Jr., b. Feb. 11, 1912. (b) Mary Sherman" Mitchell, b. July 26, 1913. (c) Frank Sherman^" Mitchell, b. Oct. 28, 1914. 2. Adaline Moulton" Sherman, b. Feb. 16, 1859; m. at Des Moines, Apr. 26, 1882, Frank Bes- tow Wiborg, son of Henry Paulinus and Susan (Bestow) Wiborg, b. at Cleveland, O., Apr. 30, 1855. She d. at New York City, Jan. 2, 1917. Sherman Genealogy 325 Children born at Cincinnati, O. : (1) Sarah Sher- man^= Wiborg, b. Nov. 7, 1886; m. Dec. 30, 1915, Gerald Clery Murphy, son of Patrick Francis and Anna (Ryan) Murphy, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 25, 1888. B.A. Yale, 1912. Lieut. U. S. A. Aviator. Child: (a) Honora Adelaide^" Murphy, b. at New York, Dec. 19, 1917. (2) Mary Hoyt^« Wiborg, b. Jan. 28, 1888. Unm. (3) Olga^^^ Wi- borg, b. Feb. 6, 1890; m. at East Hampton, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1915, Sidney Webster Fish, son of Stuy- vesant and Marian Graves (Anthon) Fish, b, at New York City, Mar. 16, 1885. B.A. Harvard, 1908. Captain U. S. A. Served in France at the front. Promoted there. No issue. 3. Charles Moulton^^ Sherman, b. Feb. 5, 1861; LL.B. University of Michigan, 1883; m. at Mel- vale, Md., Dec. 12, 1895, Bertha Marie Bartlett, daughter of Maj. Gen. Joseph Jackson and Ida Virginia (Dickinson) Bartlett, b. at New York City, Mar. 22, 1875. He d. at New York City, Aug. 30, 1911. Children: (1) Charles Hoyt^» Sherman, b. at Chicago, Sept. 6, 1896. Lieut. U. S. A. 369th Inf. Wounded and gassed in bat- tle. On staff of Col. William Hayward and Intel- ligence officer. Unm. (2) John Bartlett^^ Sher- man, b. at Chicago, Sept. 28, 1898. U.S. M. A., Class of 1920. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A., Nov. 1, 1918. Unm. (3) Hannah Lee^^ Sherman, b. at Boston, Mass., July 5, 1905. 4. Arthur Hoyt^* Sherman, b. Sept. 10, 1869; m. at Rome, Italy, July 7, 1904, Corsa Kintzley, daugh- ter of William Worth and Nellie (Weldon) Kintz- ley, b. at Boone, Iowa., Nov. 17, 1877. No issue. 5. Helen Hoyt^^ Sherman, b. Feb. 6, 1873; m. at Des Moines, Oct. 28, 1896, William Oglesby Griffith, son of John Ramsbottom and Josephine Sidney (Oglesby) Griffith, b. at Cannes, France, Jan. 18, 1869. Mechanical Engineer. B.S. University of Penn., 1890. Children : ( 1 ) Helen Sherman^" Grif- 326 Sherman Genealogy fith, b. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 6, 1898. (2) Florence Oglesby^'"' Griffith, b. at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Penn., Nov. 8, 1899. (3) Hoyt Sher- man^s Griffith, b. at; Chestnut Hill, Jan. 4, 1902. (4) John Ramsbottom^^ Griffith, b. at Chestnut Hill, Feb. 4, 1912. 135 XI. Frances Beecher^^ Sherman, b. at Lancaster, May 5, 1829; m. Charles William Moulton. 80. GARDINERi^ SHERMAN (56. Rev. John,^- Capt. John,", Hon. Roger,^" William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Mansfield, Conn., Jan. 13, 1801 ; m. Jan. 18, 1829, Jane Maria Erwin, b. Dec. 14, 1799; d. July 22, 1877. He d. at Fayette, Iowa, Feb. 25, 1885. He was a merchant in New York. After his wife's death, he lived at Trenton Falls, with his sister Maria, Mrs. i \^ Ni -4 Michael Moore. Later lived at Fayette, Iowa, with his sister Elizabeth, Mrs. Mark Elmer Hubbell, until his death. Child : I. John Roger^* Sherman, b. at New York City, May 22, 1834; m. at New York City, June 16, 1854, Jessie Williamson, daughter of Dr. John Williamson, b. in England, Jan. 25, 1836; d. Mar. 21, 1860. He d. at New York City, Oct. 23, 1873. Children : 1. A son,^^ who d. young. 2. A daughter,^^ who d. young. 3. Jane^^ Sherman, b. at New York, Nov. 7, 1858; m. at Fayette, Iowa, Aug. 28, 1879, Mark Sher- man^^ Hubbell, son of Mark Elmer and Elizabeth Ripley" (Sherman) Hubbell, b. at Trenton Falls, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1843. (See below.) She d. at Fayette, June 20, 1908. Children born at Fay- j ette: (1) Cora May^« Hubbell, b. Mar. 15, 1880; j m. at Nashville, 111., Sept. 4, 1917, William Adolph Kugler, son of Charles August and Me- linda (Dodson) Kugler, b. at Okowville, 111., Feb. 16, 1848. No issue. (2) Edith Sherman^" Hub- bell, b. July 2, 1882, m. at Lansing, Mich., Jan. 26, Sherman Genealogy 327 1918, Jesse Maynard Churchill, son of Nelson and Roxanna (Frost) Churchill, b. at Capac, Mich., Nov. 26, 1881. No issue. (3) Minnie Ida" Hub- bell, b. Sept. 28, 1884; m. at Omaha, Neb., May 8, 1909, John Elkinton, son of Charles and Ellen (Smith) Elkinton, b. at Mullico Hill, N. J., Aug. 18, 1858. No issue. (4) Bertha Esther" Hub- bell, b. Dec. 24, 1886. Unm. (5) Roger Sher- man" Hubbell, b. July 26, 1889; m. at Oelwein, Iowa, June 19, 1913, Rose Fernetta Dunbar, daughter of Thomas and Rose Sophia (Loyd) Dunbar, b. at West Union, Iowa, Feb. 25, 1895. Children born at Fayette : (a) Helene Irene^^ Hub- bell, b. Dec. 5, 1914. (b) Roger Sherman" Hub- bell, Jr., b. Sept. 9, 1916. (6) Gardiner Elmer^^ Hubbell, b. Jan. 9, 1893; d. at Fayette, Oct. 18, 1894. (7) Mark Elmer" Hubbell, b. Jan. 6, 1899; m. at Elgin, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1918, Henrietta Rosena Drewes, daughter of Claus and Katherine (Ney) Drewes, b. at El Dorado, Iowa, Apr. 16, 1895. (8) A son,", b. Mar. 21, 1902; d. Mar. 23, 1902. 81. HARRIET" SHERMAN (56. Rev. John,^-, Capt. John,^^ Hon. Roger," William," Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Trenton Falls, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1807; m. at Lebanon, Conn., Sept. 11, 1825, Rev. Nathan- iel Bouton, B.A. Yale 1841, M.A. ; D.D. Dartmouth 1851. President of New Hampshire Historical Society, Editor and compiler of Provincial Records of New Hampshire. Trus- tee of Dartmouth College 1840-1877, son of William and Sarah (Benedict) Bouton, b. at Norwalk, Conn., June 20, 1799; d. at Concord, N. H., June 6, 1878. She d. there May 21, 1828. He m. (2) June 8, 1829, Mary Ann Peris Bell, daughter of Gov. John Bell, of Chester, N. H., by whom he had four children. She d. at Concord, N. H., Feb. 15, 1839; he m. (3) at Deerfield, N. H., Feb. 18, 1840, Elizabeth Ann Cilley, daughter of Horatio G. Cilley, of Deerfield, N. H., by whom he had six children. 328 Sherman Genealogy Children of Harriet, b. at Concord: I. Elizabeth Ripley^* Bouton, b. Aug. 15, 1826; m. at Concord, Dec. 22, 1847, Rev. John Calvin Webster, son of Rev. Josiah and Elizabeth (Knight) Webster, b. at Hampton, N. H., Jan. 19, 1810. B.A. Dartmouth, 1832; DD., 1882; d. at Wheaton, 111., Aug. 13, 1884. She d. at Greenwich, Conn., May 11, 1911. Children: 1. Frank Sherman^^ Webster, b. at Hopkinton, N. H., Feb. 23, 1850; m. at Grayland, Irving Park, 111., Oct. 20, 1885, Grace Howland, daughter of Henry and Jane Eliza (Gray) Howland, b. at Chicago, Apr. 19, 1860; d. at Chicago, Oct. 11, 1918. He d. at Chicago, June 7, 1913. Children born at Chicago: (1) Grace Howland^'' Webster, b. and d. Aug. 14, 1887. (2) Elizabeth Howland^" Webster, b. Oct. 13, 1889. B.A. Smith College, 1912. Unm. 2. Rebecca Russell^^ Webster, b. at Hopkinton, Feb. 16, 1852; d. there Aug. 10, 1853. 3. Nathaniel Bouton^ ^ Webster, b. at Hopkinton, Feb. 25, 1856; m. at Chicago, May 14, 1889, Anna Sib- bel Abbe, daughter of George Henry and Kate (Ryan) Abbe, b. at Forest City, Cal, Oct. 1, 1860. Children: (1) Ellen Abbe^« Webster, b. at Chi- cago, July 26, 1891 ; m. at Chicago, Oct. 2, 1912, Eugene Charles Gilbert, son of Charles Eugene and Alice Whitman (Albee) Gilbert, b. at Clinton, Wis., June 7, 1891. Children: (a) Robert New- ton" Gilbert, b. at Rockford, 111., Apr. 22, 1914. (b) Elizabeth Webster" Gilbert, b. at Rockford, Mar. 17, 1915. (2) Natalie Sherman^^ Webster, b. at Chicago, Nov. 24, 1895 ; m. at Chicago, Nov. 1, 1916, Paul Elton Lower, son of Elton and Mabel Josephine (Campbell) Lower, b. at Chicago, Aug. 6, 1891. Child: (a) Paul Elton" Lower, Jr., b. at Chicago, June 1, 1918. 4. William RusselP° Webster, b. at Hopkinton, Oct. 20, 1858; d. at Wheaton, 111., Dec. 26, 1874. 5. Josiah Clifford^^ Webster, b. at Hopkinton, Jan. 3, 1861 ; m. at Denver, Colo., July 22, 1903, Avice HON. WILLIAM M. EVART< 1818-1901 Sherman Genealogy 329 Drake, daughter of Joseph Langdon and Rachel (Greer) Drake, b. at Morrison, Colo., Jan. 29, 1873. Children born at Shenandoah, Iowa: (1) Charles Drake^« Webster, b. Aug. 14, 1905. (2) Elizabeth Bouton" Webster, b. Oct. 18, 1907. (3) Winifred^^ Webster, b. Nov. 10, 1910. 6. Charles Ripley^ ^ Webster, b. at Hopkinton, May 12, 1862 ; B.A. Dartmouth, 1882 ; Lawyer in Chi- cago firm of Bayley & Webster; m. at Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 20, 1893, Laura Ames Orcutt, daugh- ter of Hiram and Ellen (Dana ) Orcutt, b. at West Lebanon, N. H., June 20, 1866. No issue. 7. Harriet Sherman^^ Webster, b. at Hopkinton, Nov. 2, 1863 ; d. at Wheaton, Jan. 21, 1866. 8. Elizabeth Damon^^ Webster, b. at Wheaton, Sept. 15, 1869; d. at Concord, N. H., July 25, 1871. IL Nathaniel Sherman" Bouton, b. May 14, 1828; m. (1) at Suffield, Conn., Sept. 17, 1856, Emily L. Bissell. She d. at Chicago, Sept. 12, 1857. m. (2) at Essex, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1858, Ellen (Gould) Shumway, daughter of John and Theodosia Nichols Gould, b. at Essex, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1822; d. at Chicago, Mar., 1913. He d. at Dunedin, Fla., Apr. 3, 1908. Child by first wife: 1. Charles Sherman*'^ Bouton, b. at Chicago, Sept. 2, 1857; d. Sept. 22, 1857. Child by second wife: 2. Charles Sherman" Bouton, b. May 6, 1860; d. Aug. 6, 1860. 82. MARIA" SHERMAN (56. Rev. John,^^ (^^p^ John," Hon. Roger,i° William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John," Henry," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Trenton Village, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1808. m. at Trenton, Jan. 2, 1831, Michael Moore, son of Michael and Jane (Dunlap) Moore, b. at New York City, Apr. 13, 1803; d. at Trenton Falls, May 28, 1888. She d. there May 31, 1899. Children : / ^ p: 330 Sherman Genealogy I. Michael'* Moore, Jr., b. at Trenton Falls, Nov. 11, 1832; m. at Trenton, Jan. 31, 1854, Annette Elizabeth Dodge, daughter of Horace and Eliza Dodge, b. Jan. 31, 1838. She d. at Syracuse, N. Y., June 27, 1914. He d. at Prospect, N. Y., May 20, 1902. He served in Civil War, Corporal in Co. M, 2nd Morgan Art'y. Children : 1. MichaeP^ Moore, HI, b. at Trenton Falls, Dec. 4, 1854; m. (1) at Trenton Falls, Sept. 24, 1876, Cora Maude Borden, daughter of James F. and Elizabeth (La Quay) Borden, b. at Trenton Falls, Feb. 2, 1857; d. there Dec. 18, 1882. m. (2) at Trenton, Aug. 31, 1889, Ida Storrs, daughter of William H. and Laura (Jones) Storrs, b. at Tren- ton, Apr. 5, 1858; d. at Utica, Mar. 11, 1916. Child by first wife: (1) Leon'^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Aug. 24, 1880. Child by second wife: (2) Blanch Storrs'^ Moore, b. at Utica, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1894; d. there Jan. 17, 1907. 2. Maria Sherman''^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Apr. 20, 1856; d. at Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1879. 3. William Robert'^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Aug, 1861. n. Archibald Dunlap" Moore, b. at New York City, Aug. 17, 1834; m. at Trenton, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1856, Cor- nelia R. Jones, daughter of Robert and Sophia (Evans) Jones, b. near Remsen, May 27, 1839 d. at Trenton Falls, July 25, 1902. He d. at Trenton, Aug. 15,1900. Children: 1. Gardiner Sherman'^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Sept. 9, 1860; m. at Stittville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1887, Marjorie Ann Pentland, daughter of James and Sarah Ann (Spence) Pentland, b. at Stittville, Nov. 22, 1867; d. at Trenton Falls, Jan. 2, 1903. Children born at Trenton Falls: (1) Genevieve De Castro'^ Moore, b. May 12, 1889. Unm. (2) Archibald Dunlap'" Moore, b. Jan. 19, 1891. Unm. (3) James Pentland'" Moore, b. Aug. 21, 1901. Sherman Genealogy 331 2. Frederick Archibald^ ^ Moore, b. at Trenton, Nov. 5, 1862; d. at Boonville, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1912. 3. Luther Guiteau^^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Feb, 23, 1873. m. at Trenton, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1895, Katherine Mabel Griffith, daughter of Adam Ger- ard and Catherine Amanda (Green) Griffith, b. at Trenton, Feb. 21, 1875. Children born at Trenton : (1) Ralph De Castro^" Moore, b. May 4, 1896. Cor- poral in 478th U. S. Aero Construction Squadron of Signal Corps. (2) Frances Green^^ Moore, b. May 28, 1900. III. Julia Sherman^^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Feb. 28, 1837; d. there Nov. 2, 1889. Unm. IV. Charles Edward^* Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Apr. 18, 1839; m. at Fulton, N. Y., May 22, 1863, Katha- rine Louise Burt, daughter of Colvin and Cornelia (Gunn) Burt, b. at Scriba, N. Y., May 5, 1851 d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1913. Served three years in Civil War, Sergeant in Co. M, 2nd Morgan Artil- lery, Brevet 2nd Lieut. Children: 1. Katharine Sherman^^ Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Dec. 10, 1870; m. (1) Aug. 23, 1897, Frederick Banks Jacox, b. at Binghamton, N. Y. Divorced, m. (2) Oct. 15, 1905, Robert Lytle Dickinson, b. at Bainbridge, Ga., 1878; d. at Jacksonville, Fla., June 16, 1918. No issue. 2. Nellie Burt^^ Moore, b. Dec. 11, 1872. Unm. 3. William Charles^^ Moore, b. Feb. 7, 1880. Unm. V. John Robert^* Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Mar. 6, 1841; m. at New York City, June 1, 1876, Mary Louise Wakeman, daughter of Abram (Postmaster, N. Y. City) and Mary E. (Harwood) Wakeman, b. at New York City, Dec. 1, 1857; d. at Moore Point, Lake Chelan, Wash., Nov. 2, 1910. He d. at Moore. Lake Chelan, Wash., Aug. 31, 1909. He served in Civil War and was Corporal in the Color Guard of the Ellsworth Zouaves. Children: 1. Archibald Harwood^' Moore, b. at Sandy Hill, ^32 Sherman Genealogy N. Y., Oct. 21, 1878; m. (1) at Hood River, Ore., June 28, 1905, Bertha Ketchum, daughter of Rev. Heber Augustus Ketchum, b. at Urbana, Ohio; d. at Salem, Ore., Feb. 23, 1906. m. (2) at Chelan, Wash., Mar. 22, 1908, Jessie Eugenia McClelland, daughter of Dr. James S. and Ada Eleanor (Thom- son) McClelland, b. at Crawfordville, Ind. No issue. 2. John Michael^^ Moore, b. Mar. 7, 1884; d. Oct. 10, 1885. 3. Mary Louise^^ Moore, b. at Jamestown, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1886; m. (1) at Moore, Wash., Oct. 15, 1902, William Lotspeich; divorced Nov., 1906. Children b. at Moore, Washington: (1) Harwood Robert" Lotspeich, b. April 18, 1904. (2) Doro- thy Mary" Lotspeich, b. Dec. 27, 1905 ; m. (2) at Lakeside, Wash., Nov. 4, 1910, Hugh Lawrence Courtney, son of Francis A. and Kathryn Corcian (Baker) Courtney, b. at Concordia, Kans., Dec. 3, 1886. Children: (3) Lawrence Hugh" Court- ney, b. at Chelan, Wash., June 21, 1912. (4) Cur- tice Moore^" Courtney, b. at Chelan Falls, Wash., Sept. 5, 1915. (5) Kathryn June" Courtney, b. at Stehekin, Wash., June 16, 1918. VI. Roger Sherman^* Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, June 27, 1843. m. at Trenton Falls, Mar. 11, 1868, Mary Ade- line Gouge, daughter of Jacob and Laura Celistina (Powers) Gouge, b. at Trenton Falls, Mar. 21, 1851; d. at Trenton, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1905. Children: 1. Caroline Crook^^ Moore, b. at Trenton, Oct. 10, 1871 ; m. at Trenton, Sept. 5, 1894, Thomas Grif- fith Maurice, son of Thomas and Mary (Owens) Maurice, b. at Trenton, June 21, 1868. Children born at Trenton: (1) Cliflford Moore" Maurice, b. Sept. 29, 1895. m. at Barneveld, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1918, Jennie Abbie Wheeler, daughter of Albert C. and Susie Elizabeth (Mallory) Wheeler, b. at South Trenton, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1898. (2) Cath- '^■- ^^^^jiytyr ' ^^ 7^ Sherman Genealogy 333 erine^« Maurice, b. Dec. 4, 1898. (3) Mary Ade- linei° Maurice, b. Feb. 24, 1902. 2. Abbie Frederica^^ Moore, b. Apr. 20, 1873; m. at Trenton, June 9, 1904, Evan Hugh Pugh, son of Richard Evan and Jane (Jones) Pugh, b. at Steu- ben, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1876. Children: (1) Laura Sara^" Pugh, b. at Trenton, Oct. 15, 1905. (2) Roger Richard^" Pugh, b. at Utica, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1907. (3) Dorothy!" Pugh, b. at Utica, Apr. 21, 1911. 3. George Gouge^^ Moore, b. Mar. 23, 1881; m. at Trenton, Nov. 18, 1903, Sarah Leona French, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Green) French, b. at Trenton, Apr. 26, 1880. Children: (1) Maria Sherman^® Moore, b, at Trenton (now Barneveld), Nov. 25, 1904. (2) Leona Adeline^" Moore, b. at Barneveld, Aug. 16, 1906. (3) Daniel French^" Moore, b. at Utica, Dec. 9, 1911. VIL Lettie Dunlap Jane Maria^* Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, June 12, 1845; m. at Trenton Falls, Mar. 31, 1874, Rev. Arthur Jones, son of David J. and Hannah Maria (Hughes) Jones, b. at South Trenton, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1850. Children: 1. Sophia Apolina^^ Jones, b. at Waterford, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1878; m. at Hamilton, N. Y., July 2, 1901, Frederick William Tomlinson, son of Thomas and Almira (Adams) Tomlinson, b. at Porterville, N. Y., May 24, 1872. Child: (1) Dorothy^" Tom- linson, b. at Madison, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1903 ; d. at Wales Center, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1904. 2. Sherman^^ Jones, b. at Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1879; m. at New York City Sept. 18, 1908, Marie Eugenia Patrick, daughter of Casimer Cornelius and Marie Louise (Chazal) Patrick, b. at Charles- ton, S. C, Nov. 1, 1882. Children: (1) Arthur Edward^® Jones, b. at New York City, Jan. 15, 1911 ; d. there Aug. 31, 1917. (2) Marie Louise^" Jones, b. at Newark, N. J., Oct. 19, 1913. (3) 334 Sherman Genealogy Frederick Sherman^^ Jones, b. at Ridgewood, N. J., Mar. 2, 1919. 3. Hays" Jones, b. at Newburgh, Oct. 25, 1885 ; m. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1907, Alice May Hillman, daughter of William M. and Emma Louise (Bill) Hillman, b. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., July 10, 1885. Children born at Mt. Vernon: (1) Haysi« Jones, Jr., b. Sept. 25, 1909. (2) William Arthur^^ Jones, b. Nov. 5, 1911; d. at Saranac Lake, N. Y., June 18, 1914. (3) Alice Louise" Jones, b. July 18, 1913. Vni. Dr. Samuel Glover^* Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Sept. 5, 1847; m. at Trenton, now Barneveld, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1877, Elfleda Lovell, daughter of Ezekiel and Lois (Palmer) Lovell, b. at Barneveld, Apr. 25, 1853; d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 19, 1915. Children born at Pittsburgh, Pa. : 1. Samuel LovelP^ Moore, b. Mar. 22, 1879; d. at Pittsburgh, June 9, 1889. 2. Maria Sherman" Moore, b. July 17, 1882; d. at Pittsburgh, Jan. 6, 1883. 3. A son," b. and d. in 1883. 4. Harry Sherman" Moore, b. Feb. 23, 1884; m. at Los Angeles, Cal, Dec. 18, 1910, Helen Mar- guerite Stone, daughter of Robert James and Mary Marguerite (Gatewood) Stone, b. at San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 22, 1891. No issue. IX. Abigail Perkins" Moore, b. at Trenton Falls, Feb. 3, 1850; m. at Trenton Falls, Oct. 25, 1881, Frederick Hamilton Gouge, son of Jacob and Laura Celistina (Powers) Gouge, b. at Trenton. May 5, 1845. B.A. Hamilton 1870. Architect. Children born at Utica, N. Y.: 1. Julia Sherman" Gouge, b. Aug. 29, 1883. Unm. 2. Laura Moore" Gouge, b. Sept. 25, 1886; m. at New York City, Mar. 25, 1915, Albert William Howland, son of John Henry and Emma (Cun- Sherman Genealogy 335 ningham) Howland, b. at Lancaster, Penn., June 25, 1885. Child: (1) John Henry^« Howland, II, b. at Douglaston, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1918. 3. George Frederick^^ Gouge, b. July 12, 1890; m. at Roselle, N. J., Sept. 25, 1914, Bessie Westerberg, daughter of Charles and Mary Elizabeth (Hol- man) Westerberg, b. at Roselle, Oct. 6, 1888. Child: (1) Frederick Hamilton^^ Gouge, II, b. at New York City, Apr. 16, 1918. 83. HENRY^^ SHERMAN (57. Major Charles,^- Capt. John," Hon. Roger, ^° William,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,** Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Apr. 16, 1817. m. (1) at Westfield, Mass., Sept. 5, 1841, Cynthia Painter Collins, daughter of Simeon and Sarah (Painter) Collins, b. at Westfield, Mass., Sept. 12, 1819; d. at Phila- delphia, Penn., Feb. 28, 1843. No issue, m. (2) at Prairie- ville, Waukesha, Wis., Oct. 29, 1845, Martha Ann Watson, daughter of James Young and Eunice (Stone) Watson, b. at Fairhaven, Vt., Nov. 9, 1823 ; d. at Waukesha, Wis., Jan. 8, 1900. He d. at Wilmette, III, Nov. 24, 1888. Children by second wife : I. Charles Henry^* Sherman, b. at Waukesha, Apr. 20, 1847. m. (1) at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 20, 1879, Eliza Kate Jones, daughter of Dr. Henry John and Kate (Carlisle) Jones, b. at Louisville, Ky., May 3, 1849; d. at Indianapolis, Mar. 21, 1882. m. (2) at Indian- apolis, Ind., July 19, 1887, Libbie Susan Winans, daughter of Philo Sticks and Emily Clark (Hollen- beck) Winans, b. at Preston Hollow, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1861. No issue. He d. at La Crosse, Wis., May 13, 1911. Child by first wife: 1. Jessie Kate^^ Sherman, b. at Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. 14, 1882; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1909, Bernard Kalker, son of Jacob and Berta (Edersheim) Kalker, b. at Amsterdam, Holland, May 2, 1885. Child: (1) Carol Sherman^« Kalker, b. at Mineola, N. Y., July 3, 1915. 336 Sherman Genealogy II. James Watson^* Sherman, b. at Waukesha, Jan. 26, 1849; d. there Feb. 1, 1886. Unm. III. Hattie Eliza" Sherman, b. at Waukesha, Mar. 20, 1856. m. at Waukesha, June 26, 1879, George Willard Carleton, son of Roswell Willard and Henrietta Maria (Stoddard) Carleton, b. at North Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 3, 1847. Children born at Waukesha: 1. Grace Maria^=^ Carleton, b. Aug. 15, 1880. Unm. 2. Willard Sherman^^ Carleton, b. Oct. 24, 1883; d. at Waukesha, July 24, 1905. 3. Ralph Watson^^ Carleton, b. July 23, 1886. Unm. 4. Walter George^^ Carleton, b. July 10, 1893. Unm. Private U. S. Army Ambulance Service, Section 564. IV. Edmund Kingsland^* Sherman, b. at Waukesha, Aug. 18, 1860. m. at Sioux City, Iowa, Miss Helen Crocker, Divorced. He d. at San Jose, Cal., Aug. 15, 1909. No issue. 84. JAMES TAYLOR^^ SHERMAN (57. Major Charles," Capt. John," Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Apr. 17, 1819. Merchant and Farmer. Deacon in Congregational Church at Brodhead, Wis., for fifty years, m. at Windsor, Conn., Feb. 9, 1842, Abigail Talcott Morgan, daughter of Deacon Jasper and Abigail (Talcott-Chaffee) Morgan, b. at Windsor, Conn., Mar. 17, 1824; d. at De Funiak Springs, Florida, Feb. 17, 1906. He d. there Dec. 22, 1907. Both buried at Brodhead, Wis. Children : 136 I. James Morgan^* Sherman, b. at Windsor, Conn., Nov. 20, 1842. II. Abby Talcott** Sherman, b. at Suffield, Conn., Mar. 31, 1845. m. at Brodhead, Oct. 5, 1868, Norman Hall, son of Nathaniel and Sybil (Whitney) Hall, b. at Tunbridge, Vt., Feb. 21, 1839; d. at Chicago, Jan. 22, 1910. Chldren b. at Chicago : Four geni-rations: Elizabeth (Slierman)i- Tliachcr, Elizabeth (ThachiT)' Kent, Elizalietii (Kent)'-' Arnold and Elizabeth Sliernian'-^ Arnold PROF. THOMAS ANTHONY THACHER 1815-1886 Sherman Genealogy 337 1. Edwin Morgan^'^ Hall, b. Apr. 11, 1882; m. at Geneva, 111., Sept. 20, 1911, Janet Moore MacKen- zie, daughter of Donald and Margaret (Watson) MacKenzie, b. at Chicago, 111., Sept. 21, 1887. No issue. 2. James Sherman^^ Hall, b. Dec. 26, 1885. Unm. III. Eliza Morgan^* Sherman, b. at Suffield, May 2, 1849. Unm. IV. Anna Maria^* Sherman, b. at Suffield, Oct. 1, 1850. m. at Brodhead, Wis., June 4, 1879, Adin Snow Moore, son of Isaac and Amelia (Snow) Moore, b. at Danville, Vt., Jan. 17, 1847; d. at Brodhead, Wis., Sept. 11, 1911. Children born at Brodhead: 1. Sherman^^ Moore, b. Mar. 31, 1880. Civil En- gineer; m. at Detroit, Mich., Aug. 6, 1904, Ivy Myrtle Wyman, daughter of Joseph H. and Jane (McSorley) Wyman, b. at Wilson, Mich., Nov. 16, 1879. Children born at Detroit: (1) Charlotte^" Moore, b. June 6, 1905. (2) Anna^« Moore, b. Dec. 19, 1906. (3) James Sherman^" Moore, b. Mar. 15, 1909. (4) Kathleen^^ Moore, b. May 16, 1912. 2. Charles Adin^^ Moore, b. July 20, 1881 ; d. at Brod- head, Oct. 31, 1908. 3. Roger Sherman^^ Moore, b. July 15, 1888; m. at Waukesha, Wis., Sept. 26, 1912, Fanny B. Camp, daughter of Walter T. and Jane (Wildish) Camp, b. at Menomonee Falls, Wis., Dec. 18, 1886. No issue. 4. Eunice^^ Moore, b. Mar. 7, 1895. Unm. V. Charles Jasper^* Sherman, b. at Suffield, June 11, 1852. m. at Marengo, 111., Feb. 16, 1881, Kate Ford Rockwood, daughter of William Horton and Susan Goldsmith (West) Rockwood, b. at New York City, Dec. 11, 1851; d. at Brodhead, Wis., Oct. 15, 1909, Child : 1. John Rockwood" Sherman, b. at Brodhead, Wis., Sept. 29, 1889. m. at Ellensburg, Wash., June 26, 338 Sherman Genealogy 1912, Jessie Luella Aspinwall, daughter of John and Ellen Allen Aspinwall, b. in South Dakota, Sept. 5, 1891. Child: (1) Kathryn Alice" Sher- man, b. Sept. 17, 1913. VI. John Talcott" Sherman (twin), b. at Suffield, Apr. 1, 1856; d. at San Antonio, Texas, Dec. 5, 1886. Unm. VII. Jessie Taylor^* Sherman (twin), b. at Suffield, Apr. 1, 1856; d. Sept. 3, 1915. Unm. VIII. Helen MabeU* Sherman, b. at Brodhead, Wis., Jan. 25, 1862. m. at Chicago, 111., Sept. 3, 1887, Charles Sanford French, son of Sanford Byron and Mary Ann (Mead) French, b. at Maiden, Mass., May 2, 1854; d. at Chicago, Aug. 20, 1890. She d. at Chi- cago, Aug. 10, 1890. Children born at Chicago: 1. Helen^'^ French, b. Jan. 25, 1889; m. at Brodhead, Oct. 8, 1913, Lot Myrven Isaacs, son of Richard and Ann (Jones) Isaacs, b. Dec. 17, 1884. Child: (1) Charles French^^ Isaacs, b. at Orwell, Vt, June 4, 1916. 2. Charles Sanford^^ French, Jr., b. July 15, 1890; d. Nov. 7, 1890. IX. Edward Denison^* Sherman, b. at Brodhead, July 26, 1863 ; d. there Aug. 8, 1863. X. Fannie Boynton^* Sherman, b. at Brodhead, Mar. 18, 1866. m. at Brodhead, Oct. 17, 1888, George Albert Metcalf, son of McKendree Bishop and Susan West (Rockwood) Metcalf, b. at Marengo, 111., Oct. 15, 1861. Children born at Janesville, Wis.: 1. Earl Sherman" Metcalf, b. July 24, 1889; m. at Janesville, Wis., June 20, 1916, Edith Louise Soverhill, daughter of Sanford and Anna Gertrude (Porter) Soverhill, b. at Janesville, June 16, 1889. No issue. 2. Charles Winthrop^-" Metcalf, b. Oct. 24, 1892. Unm. 3. George Stanley^= Metcalf, b. Oct. 15, 1893. Unm. 4. Morgan Sherman" Metcalf, b. Nov. 15, 1900. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 339 85. ANDREW TAYLOR" SHERMAN (57. Major Charles," Capt. John/\ Hon. Roger,,^** William,® Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry, ^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Suf- field, Conn., Sept. 1, 1821. m. (1) at North Prairie, Wis., July 4, 1843, Sophia Dodgeson, daughter of Matthew and Mary (Mitchell) Dodgeson, b. at Leeds, England, Sept. 26, 1820; d. at Evanston, 111., Jan. 15, 1861. m. (2) at Evans- ton, Jan. 1, 1862, Julia Florence Aldrich, daughter of Milton and Eunice (Buell) Aldrich, b. at Enfield, New Hampshire, Dec. 27, 1841. He d. at Rogers Park, Chicago, 111., Feb. 5, 1901. Children by first wife: L Jane Elizabeth^* Sherman, b. at Genesee, Wis., Dec. 14, 1844. m. at Evanston, 111., June 18, 1862, Rev. James William Haney, son of Richard and Adaline (Murphy) Haney, b. at Bloomington, 111., Jan. 24, 1840; d. at Galva, 111., Apr. 5, 1900. B.A. Northwest- ern University, Evanston, 111., 1862; also D.D. She d. at Odell, 111., Apr. 23, 1916. Children: 1. Nelly ^= Haney, b. at Spoon River, 111., Mar. 27, 1863. m. at Canton, 111., June 18, 1887, Rev. Abra- ham Lincoln Shute, D.D., son of Lewis Parkes and Lucinda (Foot) Shute, b. at Braman's Corners, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1865. She d. at Bismarck, North Dakota, Mar. 13, 1913. Children: (1) Lewis Haneyi« Shute, b. at Madison, N. J., Oct. 14, 1888; d. Oct. 18, 1888. (2) Vivian Lizzie^' Shute, b. at Kewanee, 111., June 11, 1890. (3) Zelma Luella^*^ Shute, b. at Tampico, 111., Apr. 26, 1892. (4) Harold James^^ Shute, b. at Elburn, 111., Aug. 9, 1893; d. Dec. 15, 1893. (5) Olin Yates^« Shute, b. at La Salle, III, Dec. 11, 1894. U. S. N. (6) Clarence William^« Shute, b. at Chicago, III., July 30, 1903. 2. Adaline Sophia^^ Haney, b. at Lacon, 111., Aug. 25, 1864. m. at Canton, 111., June 18, 1887, William Verne Richards, son of William and Anna (Fletcher) Richards, b. near London, England, July 31, 1862. Children born at Moline, 111.: (1) 340 Sherman Genealogy James Verne^^ Richards, b. Aug. 30, 1889. (2) Anna Irene^° Richards, b. Mar. 28, 1891. (3) Margaret Leslie^'' Richards, b. Mar. 1, 1901. 3. Rev. Richard Sherman^^ Haney, b. at Pekin, 111., Apr. 20, 1873. m. near Coal Valley, 111., July 30, 1896, Margaret Hanna, daughter of James and Mary (McWhinney) Hanna, b. at Rural, 111., Apr. 7, 1872. Children: (1) Elizabeth Mary^" Haney, b. at Dawson, 111., Nov. 3, 1898. (2) James Rob- ert^ ° Haney, b. at Rochester, 111., June 5, 1903. 4. Mary Leslie^^ Haney, b. at Abingdon, 111., Jan. 5, 1875 ; m. by Rev. Richard Sherman Haney at Mo- line, 111., Apr. 18, 1905, Rev. Alvin Ellsworth loder, son of Joseph and Mary Ann (Zierlein) loder, b. at Tiskilwa, III, May 13, 1869. Child: (1) Ellsworth Haney^*' loder, b. at Orion, 111., Aug. 19, 1909. II. Adeline Jennet^* Sherman, b. at Trenton, Wis., Sept. 23, 1848. m. at Waupon, Wis., Jan. 29, 1868, Reuben Palmer, son of John and Angeline (Lockwood) Pal- mer, b. at Westerlo, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1842. Children: 1. Rev, Edwin Andrew^^ Palmer, b. at Sparks, Wis., Sept. 28, 1871 ; m. at Metamora, 111., Feb. 4, 1902, Nelle Briggs, daughter of Francis Fletcher and Elizabeth (Compton) Briggs, b. at Metamora, June 8, 1876. Children: (1) Graham Briggs^" Palmer, b. at Tarpon Springs, Fla., Dec. 17, 1904. (2) Donald Sherman" Palmer, b. at Zumbrota, Minn., Mar. 3, 1907. 2. Milton Sherman^"' Palmer, b. at Brookings, South Dakota, Jan. 27, 1882. Unm. III. Charles Edwin^* Sherman, b. at Waukesha, Wis., Feb. 16, 1854. m. at Wilmette, 111., Feb. 20, 1878. Annie Eugenia Johnson, daughter of Snow and Gertrude (Johnston) Johnson, b. at Chicago, 111., Sept. 6, 1853. He d. at White, South Dakota, Jan. 4, 1914. No issue. IV. Nellie^* Sherman, b. at Evanston, May 29, 1858; d. there Aug. 14, 1858. Sherman Genealogy 341 Children by second wife: V. John Beveridge^* Sherman, b. at Evanston, Mar. 23, 1863; m. (1) at Waterman, 111., Clara Greenwood! daughter of George and Adelaide (Hull) Greenwood, b. at Waterman, 111., Nov. 13, 1867. Divorced 1896.' She d. at Chicago, Dec. 19, 1917. m. (2) at Sanfordi Florida, Aug. 4, 1897, Bessie Evangeline Scott, daugh- ter of Ezra Stiles and Elizabeth (Nicholls) Scott, b. at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 18, 1869. He d. at Lemon City, Florida, May 5, 1908. Children by first wife : 1. Arthur Greenwood ^^ Sherman, b. at Winona, Minn., June 30, 1886; m. at Miami, Fla., Dec. 8,' 1914, Ethel Wynne Weatherly, daughter of Wil- liam Henry and Annie Virginia (Wynne) Weatherly, b. at Orlando, Fla., July 2, 1887. Child: (1) Ethel Wynne^*^ Sherman, b. at Jackson- ville, Fla., Sept. 16, 1915. A child of hers by a former marriage, now named Hal O'Brien Sher- man, was born at Miami, Apr. 29, 1907. 2. EtheP^ Sherman, b. at Winona, Minn., Feb. 2, 1889; m. at Lombard, 111., Dec. 16, 1911, Samuel Billett Brodhead, son of Arthur and Lucy (Bil- lett) Brodhead, b. at Chicago, 111., June 26, 1890. Children: (1) Alice Ethel^° Brodhead, b. at Chi- cago, Sept. 18, 1913. (2) Thomas Arthur^^ Brod- head, b. at Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 21, 1918. Chil- dren by second wife: 3. John Scott^^ Sherman, b. at High Springs, Fla., July 3, 1898; d. there May 23, 1899. 4. John Scott" Sherman, b. at Lemon City, Fla., Sept. 25, 1899. VI. Milton Andrew" Sherman, b. at Chicago, July 13, 1868. m. at Rogers Park, 111., Mar. 16, 1892, Ida Estelle Goodrich, daughter of Frank Morton and Sarah Elizabeth (Ferguson) Goodrich, b. at Chicago, Apr. 1, 1871. Children: 1. Jessie^ = Sherman, b. at Wilmette, 111., Oct. 20, 342 Sherman Genealogy 1893; m. at Rogers Park, Chicago, 111., Nov. 20, 1915, James Russell Penhalligon, son of Alfred and Henrietta (Harris) Penhalligon, b. at Mineral Point, Wis., July 13, 1893. No issue. 2. Frank Mihon^'^ Sherman, b. at Wilmette, Sept. 21, 1895. Unm. Corporal U. S. A. Company G, 323rd Field Signal Battery. 3. Roger Andrew^^ Sherman, b. at Wilmette, June 25, 1897. Unm. VH. Hallybird^* Sherman, b. at Chicago, June 15, 1870; d. the same day. VIII. Henry Aldrich^* Sherman, b. at Wilmette, Aug. 1, 1880; d. there Feb. 16, 1882. 86. JOHN TAYLOR^^ SHERMAN (57. Major Charles,^^ Capt. John," Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,® Capt. John,' John,° Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Suffield, Conn., Nov. 10, 1831. m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., May 10, 1859, Julia Champion Deming, daughter of PVederick and Mary (Gleason) Deming, b. at Brooklyn, Mar. 7, 1836; d. there Aug. 8, 1888. He d. there Mar. 10, 1906. He was a dry goods merchant in New^ York City, of the firm of Watt, Dunning & Graham. The business after his death was com- tinued by the corporation of Sherman & Sons Company, Inc. His will dated Nov. 18, 1892, was proved in Kings County, Mar. 24, 1906. Children born at Brooklyn: I. Louise Deming^* Sherman, b. May 24, 1860; d. May 26, 1862. II. Charles Austin" Sherman, b. June 24, 1862; m. at New York City, Nov. 24, 1897, Leila Morse Willis, daughter of Charles Ellmaker and Sarah Townsend (Minor) Willis, b. at Oyster Bay, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1876. He is President of Sherman & Sons Company, Inc. Children born at Brooklyn : 1. Charles Austin" Sherman, Jr., b. Sept. 29, 1898, Unm. 2. Leila Willis" Sherman, b. Dec. 5, 1903. Sherman Genealogy 343 III. Alice" Sherman, b. Apr. 28, 1864; m. at Brooklyn Oct. 21, 1890, Charles Adams, son of Joseph Hinman and Emelme Ann (McKee) Adams, b. at Terryville Conn., May 7, 1864. B.A. Yale, 1887. She d at Brooklyn, Sept. 22, 1901. No issue. IV. Henry Deming^* Sherman, b. Jan. 7, 1866; d. Sept. 28, 1866. V. Gertrude Mary^* Sherman, b. May 5, 1867; m at Great Neck, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1896, Alexander Buel Trowbridge, son of Major General Luther Stephen and Julia Maria (Buel) Trowbridge, b. at Detroit Mich., Sept. 3, 1868. B.S. in Architecture, Cornell,' 1890. Studied also at ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris' Dean and Director of the School of Architecture at Cornell, 1897-1902. Architect, New York City. Chil- dren : 1. Sherman 1^ Trowbridge, b. at Detroit, May 23 1897. ^ ' 2. Alexander BueP= Trowbridge, Jr. (twin), b. at Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1899. 3. Alice^^ Trowbridge (twin), b. at Ithaca, Dec 19 1899. 4. Stephen Van Rensselaer^^ Trowbridge, b. at Sands Point, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1907; d. Apr. 28, 1914. VI. Helen Deming^^ Sherman, b. Oct. 21, 1869; m. at Brooklyn, Feb. 2, 1897, George Dupont Pratt, son of Charles and Mary Helen (Richardson) Pratt, b. at Brooklyn, Aug. 16, 1869. B.A. Amherst, 1893. New York State Conservation Commissioner. Trustee and Treasurer of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Children : 1. George Dupont^^ Pratt, Jr., b. at Brooklyn, May 1, 1898. ^ 2. Sherman^^ Pratt, b. at Brooklyn, Mar. 22, 1900. 3. Eliot Demingis Pratt, b. at Glen Cove, N. Y. Aue 25. 1903. 4. Constance^^ Pratt, b. at Glen Cove, June 2, 1906- d. Aug. 4, 1906. 5. Dorothy Deming^^ Pratt, b. at Brooklyn, Nov 1 1909. 344 Sherman Genealogy VII. Frederick Demingi* Sherman, b. Feb. 23, 1872. B.S. Yale, 1895. m. at Brooklyn, Jan. 30, 1900, Leslie Whitman, daughter of Isaac Allen and Cecilia Augusta (Robinson) Whitman, b. at Brooklyn, May 2, 1868. • He d. at Brooklyn, Apr. 30, 1914. He was Vice- President and Treasurer of Sherman & Sons Com- pany, Inc. Children: 1. Elizabeth Whitman^^ Sherman, b. at Brooklyn, Apr. 10, 1901. 2. John Taylor^'^ Sherman, b. at Brooklyn, May 27, 1903. 3. Frederick Deming^^ Sherman, Jr., b. at Short Hills, N. J., May 9, 1906. VIII. Jessie Taylor^* Sherman, b. Jan. 5, 1882. m. at Glen Cove, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1914, James Dominick Hackett, son of Dr. John Byrne and Bridget (Doheny) Hack- ett, b. at Kilkenny, Ireland, Apr. 14, 1877. Children: 1. John Sherman^^ Hackett, b. at New York City, Aug. 17, 1915. . . 2. James Dominick" Hackett, Jr., b. Oct. 16, 1916. 87. ELIZABETH WOOSTER^-^ BALDWIN (61. Hon. Roger Sherman^ ^ Baldwin, Rebecca^ ^ (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,' Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at New .Haven, Aug. 8, 1824. m. at New Haven, Aug. 28, 1856, Pro- fessor William Dwight Whitney, son of Josiah Dwight and ~ Sarah (Williston) Whitney, b. at Northampton, Mass., Feb. 9, 1827. B.A. Williams, 1845. M.A. Yale, 1867, and Wil- liams ; M.A. and Ph.D. Breslau, 1861. LL.D. Williams, 1868, and William and Mary 1869, and Harvard 1876, and Edin- borough 1889; J.U.D. St. Andrews, 1874; L.H.D. Colum- bia, 1887. Professor at Yale of Sanskrit Language and Literature, 1854-1870, and of Sanskrit Language and Litera- ture and Comparative Philology, 1870, until his death in 1894. Member National Academy of Science, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, Asiatic Society of Japan, Royal Irish Academy, Philo- HON. LEWIS H. BOUTELL Author of Life of Roger Sherman 1826-1899 HON. HENRY SHERMAN BOUTELL Sherman Genealogy 345 logical Society (London), and of other learned societies of Germany, Russia, Italy and France, Knight of the Prussian Order Pour le Merite, filling vacancy caused by the death of Thomas Carlisle, and President of the American Oriental So- ciety. Author of many literary works including text books. Editor-in-chief of The Century Dictionary, 1889-1891. Aided in revision of Webster's Dictionary, 1864. He d. at New Haven, June 7, 1894. She d. there Sept. 19, 1912. Children : 137 I. Edward Baldwin^* Whitney, b. at New Haven, Aug. 16, 1857. n. Williston Clap^* Whitney, b. at New Haven, Apr. 2, 1859;d. there Mar. 11, 1861. HI. Marian Parker^* Whitney, b. at New Haven, Feb. 6, 1861. Unm. IV. Roger Sherman Baldwin^* Whitney, b. at New Haven, Jan. 6, 1863 ; d. there Jan. 17, 1874. V. Emily Henrietta^* Whitney, b. at New Haven, Aug. 29, 1864. Unm. VI. Margaret Dwight^* Whitney, b. at New Haven, Nov. 19, 1866. Unm. 88. HENRIETTA PERKINS" BALDWIN (61. Hon. Roger S.^^ Baldwin, Rebecca^^ (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas*), b. at New Haven, Conn., Apr. 2, 1830. m. at New Haven, Aug. 20, 1850, Hon. Dwight Foster, son of Hon. Alfred Dwight Foster, B.A. Harvard, 1819 ,and Lydia (Stiles) Foster, b. at Worcester, Mass., Dec. 13, 1828. B.A. Yale, 1848, M.A.; LL.D., 1871. Lawyer. Attorney General of Massachusetts, Aug., 1861-1864. Jus- tice Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Aug. 31, 1866- 1869. The fourth Judge Foster on the Bench of Massa- chusetts in direct lineal succession. He d. at Boston, Apr. 18, 1884. She d. there Jan. 15, 1910. Children: 138 I. Alfred Dwight** Foster, b. at Worcester, Mass., Apr. 27, 1852. 346 Sherman Genealogy 139 II. Emily Baldwin^* Foster, b. at Worcester, Feb. 17, 1854. m. James Kingsley Thacher. III. Roger Sherman Baldwin^* Foster (now Roger Fos- ter), b. at Boston, Apr. 21, 1857. B.A. Yale, 1878. M.A., 1883. LL.B. Columbia, 1880. Lecturer at Yale on Federal Jurisprudence, 1888. Lawyer, New York City. Author of treatises on legal subjects, Unm. IV. Mary Rebecca^* Foster, b. at Boston, May 6, 1859. m. at Jamaica Plain, Mass., Sept. 14, 1886, Rev. Bradley Oilman, son of Thomas Randall and Ruth Mathews (Wentworth) Oilman, b. at Boston, Jan. 22, 1857. B.A. Harvard, 1880. S.T.B., 1884. Ordained a Uni- tarian Minister. Child : 1. Dorothy Foster^^ Oilman, b. at Concord, N. H., Feb. 3, 1891. Authoress of "The Bloom of Youth." 140 V. Burnside'* Foster, b. at Boston, May 7, 1861. 141 VI. Reginald^* Foster, b. at Boston, Jan. 2, 1863. VII. Henrietta Baldwin^* Foster, b. at Newport, R. I., Aug. 8, 1865 ; d. at Boston, Jan. 10, 1867. VIII. Elizabeth Skinner^* Foster, b. at Boston, Jan. 10, 1868. Unm. 89. HON. SIMEON EBEN^^ BALDWIN (61. Hon. Roger Sherman^^ Baldwin, Rebecca^^ (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,'^ John,' Henry, ^ Henry, ^ Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Feb. 5, 1840. B.A. Yale, 1861. M.A., 1864. LL.D. Harvard, 1891, Wesleyan 1911, Columbia 1912, Yale 1916. Lawyer. Professor of Law at Yale, 1872-1919. As- sociate Justice Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut, 1893-1907. Chief Justice, 1907- Feb. 5, 1910; Oovernor of Connecticut, 1911-1915. Member of Commission to revise the general Statutes of Connecticut, 1873 ; of Commission for Simplifying Legal Procedure, 1879; of Commission to pre- pare better system of taxation and drew its report, 1885. Chairman of Commission to revise state taxation system. President of American Bar Association, 1890; of American Social Science Association, 1897; of New Haven Colony Sherman Genealogy 347 Historical Society, 1884-1896; of International Law Asso- aatK,n, 1899-1901 ; of American Historical Association r905 • of Association of American Law Schools; of Connecticut' Soaety of the Archaeological Institute of America; of Con- necticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1905-1915 ; of Ameri- can Political Science Association, 1910; of American Society for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes 1911-1912 Also member of several other legal societies. Author of le-al and political works. Delivered address on Roger Shermln mm '""urr"^ ''''^'''^°" °^ ^^^ ^'1^°^^' Conn., 1907 In 1919 published "Life and Letters of Simeon Baldwin,'' his grandfather, m. at Boston, Oct. 19, 1865, Susan Winchester daughter of Edmund and Harriet (Mears) Winchester b' at Boston, Jan. 29, 1840. Children born at New Haven : I. Florence Winchester- Baldwin, b. Jan. 10, 1868- d at Plymouth, Conn., Sept. 16, 1872 H. Roger Sherman" Baldwin, b. Jan. 17, 1869 B A Yale, 1890; LL.B., 1893; M.L., 1894. Lawyer Ad- mitted to the Connecticut Bar, 1893. m. at West Palm Beach, Florida, May 3, 1910, Olive Louise Porter daughter of Thomas Sexton and Ida Eliza (Griswold) TTT r^T\^r' ^^ •^^''''°"' ^^^^^ Oct. 10, 1873. No issue. III. Helen Harriet- Baldwin, b. Jan. 27, 1872. m. at New Haven Mar. 4, 1899, Dr. Warren Randall Oilman, B.A Harvard, 1884. M.D., 1888; son of Thomas Randall and Ruth Matthews (Wentworth) Gilman b at Boston, Dec. 14, 1861. Children: 1. Charlotte Wentworth^^ Gilman, b. at Worcester Mass., Jan. 24, 1900. 2. Bradley Baldwin^^ Gilman, b. at Worcester Mar 31, 1904. 90. HENRY- BALDWIN (62. Simeon,- Elizabeth- (Sher- man) Baldwin, Hon. Roger" Sherman, William,^ Joseph <• Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,3 John'^ Thomas^) b. at New York City, Feb. 1, 1832. m. at Phila- delphia, Penn., Apr. 18, 1872, Cornelia Estelle Hoskins 348 Sherman Genealogy daughter of Francis and Anne Estelle (Higginbotham) Hos- kins, b. at Philadelphia, Penn., Nov. 3, 1847. He d. at San Diego, Cal., Jan. 2, 1905. She d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 1, 1916. Children: I. Francis Hoskins^* Baldwin, b. at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 14, 1874. m. at Bethlehem, Penn., June 8, 1899, Margaret Sherry Cortright, daughter of Robert But- ler and Elizabeth Hartman (Stetler) Cortright, b. at Pittston, Penn., Feb. 2, 1875. No issue. II. De Forest^* Baldwin, b. at Philadelphia, Penn., Apr. 20, 1878. B.A. Yale, 1899; d. at New Haven, Conn., Feb. 2, 1900. Unm. III. David Higginbotham^* Baldwin, b. at Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1882. m. Aug., 1906, Sarah Patterson D'You, b. at Fort Wayne, Ind. Divorced Sept., 1916. No issue. IV. Simeon^* Baldwin, b. at Bethlehem, Penn., Nov. 19, 1883. B.A. Yale, 1908. m. at Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 28, 1911, Helen Douglas Macleish, daughter of Archi- bald Lyle and Grace Helen (Peffers) Macleish, b. at Amoy, China, Jan. 22, 1885. Children born at Los Angeles : 1. Simeon^s Baldwin, Jr., b. Oct. 23, 1912. 2. Virginia Sherman^^ Baldwin, b. May 15, 1915. 3. De Forest^^ Baldwin, b. Sept. 9, 1916. V. Anne Estelle Hoskins^* Baldwin, b. at Atlantic City, Aug. 16, 1888. m. Aug. 17, 1907, Adolph Jean D'You, son of Adolphe Jackson and Martha Ann (Gibson) D'You, b. Mar. 2, 1886. Divorced Mar. 31, 1917. Children born at San Diego, Cal. : 1. Cornelia Anne^=^ D'You, b. Mar. 16, 1912. 2. Baldwin Jean^^ D'You, b. July 1, 1914. 91. SIMEON^^ BALDWIN (62. Simeon,^^ Elizabeth" (Sher- man) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William," Joseph,' Capt. John,'' John," Henry,° Henry,* Thomas,' John,* Thomas^), b. at New York City on the site of the Woolworth Building, May 13. 1836. B.A. College of the City of New Sherman Genealogy 349 York, 1856. Merchant and stock broker, New York City. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange and of firm of Baldwin & Weeks, until he retired from business in 1889. m. at Wood- stock, New Brunswick, Sept. 17, 1860, Mary Sarah Marvin, daughter of Charles and Margaret Elizabeth (Dominick) Marvin, b. at Deer Park, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1836. He d. at New York City, Feb. 11, 1918. Children: I. Annie Marvin^* Baldwin, b. at Clinton, Iowa, July 8, 1861 ; d. at New York, May 8, 1863. 142 II. Henry de Forest^* Baldwin, b. at Clinton, Iowa, Nov. 7, 1862. III. Charles Marvin^* Baldwin, b. at Brick Church, N. J., Mar. 26, 1865. B.A. Williams, 1887. Real estate busi- ness, m. at Brick Church, N. J., Oct. 9, 1915, Edythe Mary Cater-Karr, daughter of Aymar and Mary (Leaycraft) Cater, b. at Clifton, Staten Island, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1871. 143 IV. Blanche Dominick^* Baldwin, b. at New York City, Apr. 12, 1869. m. Gilbert Dimock Lamb. V. Lockwood de Forest^* Baldwin, b. at New York, Nov. 18, 1871 ; d. at New York, Jan. 23, 1873. 144 VI. Roger Sherman" Baldwin, b. at New York, Nov. 26, 1873. 92. HENRY DYER^^ WHITE (63. Martha" (Sherman) White, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon, Roger," William," Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^, b. at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 24, 1830. B.A. Yale, 1851, M.A. Admitted to Connecticut Bar 1854. Law- yer, with large practice in real estate and trust estate law, at New Haven. Member of firm of White Brothers. Trustee of New Haven Savings Bank and its Attorney for fifty years. Director of New Haven County Bank. m. at Phila- delphia, June 4, 1863, Julia Flewelling White, daughter of John Parker and Elizabeth Canfield (Tallmadge) White, b. at Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1839; d. at New Haven, Aug. 16, 1875. He d. at New Haven, May 4, 1905. Children born at New Haven: 350 Sherman Genealogy I. Elizabeth Tallmadge" White, b. May 10, 1864. Unm. II. Martha Sherman^* White, b. Nov. 18, 1865; d. at Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 22, 1891. 93. CHARLES ATWOOD^^ WHITE (63. Martha^^ (Sher- man) White, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon Roger, ^° William,® Jos- eph,* Capt. John,'' John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Nov. 11, 1833. B.A. Yale, 1854, M.A. Rowed on Yale crew in first race against Harvard at Lake Winnipiseogee, Aug. 3, 1852. In mer- cantile business in New York City for several years. Re- turned to New Haven in 1869. Admitted to Bar of Connecti- cut, Oct. 19, 1877. Member of firm of White Brothers, Real Estate Lawyers in New Haven. Member of New Haven Common Council, 1876. Auditor for stockholders of New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company for fifteen years. A genealogist of note. Author of articles in New England Historical and Genealogical Register on the early English Shermans and the ancestry of Rev. John Sherman and Captain John'' Sherman and the White family. Chair- man of Trustees of Center Church Old Ladies' Home. m. at New York City, Oct. 15, 1861, Frances Spencer Eaton, daughter of Major General Amos Beebe Eaton, U. S. Mili- tary Academy, 1821 ; Commissary General United States Army and Elizabeth (Selden) Eaton, b. at Fort Gratiot, Mich., July 18, 1836; d. at New Haven, Aug. 14, 1911. He d. there June 18, 1909. Children: I. Frances Eaton" White, b. at Astoria, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1862; m. at New Haven, Dec. 11, 1889, Robert Grat- tan Gamble, son of Robert Howard and Martha (Chaires) Gamble, b. at Tallahassee, Florida, Sept. 1, 1862. M.D. University of Maryland, 1884. Practic- ing physician. On stafif of Bryn Mawr Hospital. Children : 1. Frances White^^ Gamble, b. at Tallahassee, Nov. 10, 1890; m. at Bryn Mawr, Penn., Apr. 26, 1919, David Lewis Daggett, son of David and Annie Wil- cox (At water) Daggett, b. at New Haven, Conn., Sherman Genealogy ' 351 Apr. 9, 1888. B.A. Yale, 1910. LL.B., 1913. Admitted to Bar of Conn., 1913. Lawyer in New Haven. Firm of Bristol & White. Ensign, U. S. N. Robert Howard^ ^ Gamble, b. at Narberth, Penn., Jan. 17, 1893; B. A. Yale, 1915. 2nd Lieut. Co. A, Uth U. S. Infantry (Regulars). Went to France in Apr., 1918. This regiment was part of the Third Corps of the first U. S. Army in France. He was killed in action Sept. 12, 1918, at the battle of St. Mihiel salient, in front of his men, leading them against a machine gun battery. A fellow officer w^rote : "Bob had charged with his platoon, not fol- lowing, but leading them — just the kind of action every one admires in an officer. I saw it myself and heard his men speak of it afterwards. It was in an attack on a boche machine-gun nest that he fell, fighting for his God and country, a true sol- dier to the last. He was the most popular officer in his regiment. He was buried in the Soldiers' Cemetery, near Bois St. Claude, a short distance southeast of the village of Vieville-en-Haye." An- other officer of his regiment wrote, "I saw numer- ous evidences of Yankee pluck and valor — one in particular which I never shall forget — Lieutenant Robert Gamble of our A Company (who lives on the Main Line). Well, he died with his boots on, clutching his automatic revolver as he fell dead. He took a machine gun nest — and just beyond him were two of the crew of the machine gun that got him across the chest." On Sept. 15, 1918, after the drive in which Lieut. Gamble was killed. Gen. Pershing congratulated the officers and men of the Third Corps, saying: "The courageous dash and vigor of our troops have thrilled our countrymen and evoked the enthusiasm of our allies." Col. John B. Bennet, who commanded the 11th In- fantry, in an account of the battle in which Lieut. Gamble was killed, dated at Headquarters at Havre, France, Feb. 7, 1919, after stating that he 352 Sherman Genealogy was killed on the morning of Sept. 12, 1918, says ; "I have written the above in belief that details, such as they are, may be of some comfort to Lieut. Gamble's parents, who may well be proud of a son who gave his life on the field of battle, in the greatest struggle of history and in the first opera- tion of the American Army that was soon to free the world from the German menace. Lieut. Gam- ble was a brave, courageous and efficient officer. He was an honor to his regiment. By his death the regiment suffered a loss of one of its most promising lieutenants." He was buried near Vie- ville. 3. Eleanor Standish^'^ Gamble, b. at Bryn Mawr, Penn., Jan. 8, 1895. Unm. 4. Charles White^^ Gamble, b. at Bryn Mawr, Nov. 3, 1897; Yale, 1920. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Art'y. n. Eleanor Selden^* White, b. at Astoria, Oct. 11, 1864; d. there Mar. 9, 1865. IIL Mabel Wellington" White, b. at Astoria, June 13, 1866. m. at New Haven, July 6, 1893, Henry Lewis Stim- son, son of Lewis Atterbury and Candace (Wheeler) Stimson, b. at New York City, Sept. 21, 1867. B.A. Yale, 1888. M.A. Harvard, 1889. At Harvard Law School, 1889-1890. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1891. Lawyer. United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 1906-1909. Secre- tary of War of the United States, Mar., 1911-Mar., 1913. Trustee of Phillips Andover Academy, Mem- ber of New York law firms of Root & Clarke, 1893. Root, Howard, Winthrop & Stimson, 1897. Win- throp & Stimson since 1901. Delegate at Large New York Constitutional Convention, 1915. Col. 305th Field Art'y, U. S. A. Served in France. No issue. V. Elizabeth Selden" White, b. at Astoria, July 23, 1868. m. at New Haven, Nov. 27, 1895, Dr. John Rogers, son of John and Harriet Moore (Francis) Rogers, b. at New York City, Feb. 19, 1866. B.A. Yale, 1887. ^^I^3^l ^^■| ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^1 ^^V'"^'' ^Ki^Pl^^l ^^Hff. 4^^^9 ^^^^■^^i>^ r|B^^| ^H^^^^K^SflHipi^ ^ '^^^IBb^H ^^^^^^^^^^Hli^^^^^^^^^^ ' -j^s^j^HB ^^^^^^^^^S^^^At— ^M^H^I ^^^bUHIk. ^ ^'V^'dj^H^^l ^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^H^H[^ ^L i ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ JL flK!3 s HON. ROGER S. GREENE ROGER SHERMAN (son of George) His son Rogor J r., and his son Roger. Sherman Genealogy 353 Ph.B., 1888. M.D. Columbia, 1891. New York Hos- pital, 1893. Fellow of American College of Surgeons, 1914. Visiting Surgeon : Gouverneur Hospital, 1896- 1906; St. Francis Hospital since 1899; Bellevue Hos- pital since 1906. Children born at New York: 1. John" Rogers, Jr., b. Jan. 6, 1899. Yale S. 1920. 2. Charles White^^ Rogers, b. Nov. 22, 1900; d. Apr. 26, 1903. 3. Elizabeth Selden" Rogers, b. Jan. 19, 1907. V. Susan Sherman^* White, b. at New Haven, Jan. 13, 1870. m. at New Haven, Nov. 3, 1898, William Henry Leonard Edwards, son of Walter and Camilla (Leon- ard) Edwards, b. at New York City, Oct. 14, 1870. Member of Class of 1893, Williams College. Did not graduate because of illness. LL.B. N. Y. Law School, 1897. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1898. Law- yer. Asst. District Attorney, New York County, May, 1910-Dec. 31, 1915. Member of New York City law firm of Edwards, Murphy & Minton. Children: 1. Jonathan Walter^'^ Edwards, b. at Mt. Kisco, N. Y., May 8, 1900. Yale Class of 1922. 2. Camilla Leonard^ ° Edwards, b. at New York City, May 27, 1905. 3. Henry White" Edwards, b. at Wainscott, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1906; d. Dec. 14, 1908. VL Henry White^* White, b. at New Haven, July 18, 1873; d. there Apr. 11, 1879. 94. WILLARD WETMORE^^ WHITE (63. Martha^- (Sher- man) White, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^° William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John," Henry,° Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Feb. 7, 1836. In mercantile business in New York and later manager of coal mines in Nova Scotia, m. at Stamford, Conn., Feb. 28, 1876, Anna Eliza Adriance, daughter of Edwin and Eliza (O'Con- nor) Adriance, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., b. at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 23, 1842; d. at New Haven, Oct. 21, 1911. He d. at Westville, Nova Scotia, Aug. 4, 1880 Child : 354 Sherman Genealogy I. Roger Sherman^* White, 2nd, b. at Westville, Nova Scotia, Dec. 11, 1876. B.A. Yale, 1899. LL.B., 1902. Lawyer of the firm of White Brothers, New Haven; m. July 7, 1899, Laura Stoughton, daughter of Charles Bradley and Ada Ripley (Hooper) Stoughton, b. at Bellows Falls, Vt., July 11, 1872. Children: 1. Willard Stoughton^ = White, b. Aug. 6, 1900. 2. Olivia Ripley^ ^ White, b. at New Haven, Aug. 10, 1908. 3. Roger Sherman^^ White, 2nd, Jr., b. at New Haven, Jan. 5, 1910. 95. THOMAS HOWELL^^ WHITE (63. Martha^^ (Sherman) White, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^° William, ° Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,'^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^, b. at New Haven, Conn., Feb. 4, 1840. B.A. Yale, 1860. M.D., 1862. Practicing physician in New York City for many years, m. at New York, Apr. 26, 1871, Elizabeth Ann Van Buren, daughter of John Dash and Elvira Lynch (Aymar) Van Buren, b. at New York, Apr. 15, 1841. He d. at Yonkers, N. Y., July 21, 1919. Child: I. Zenobia Hill" White, b. at New York, June 21, 1874. Unm. 96. GEORGE EDWARD^^ WHITE (63. Martha^^ (Sherman) White, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,' Capt. John,^ John," Henry, ^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Mar. 17, 1845. B.A. Yale, 1866; M.A., 1870. In mercantile business in New York City, afterwards with the Yale Lock Company, later the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company of Stamford. Conn. ; its Treasurer, Jan., 1881-Oct., 1898. m. at New York City, Nov. 23, 1875, Augusta White, daughter of John Parker and Elizabeth Canfield (Tallmadge) White, of Philadelphia, b. at Philadelphia, Dec. 9, 1851 ; d. at New York City. Mar. 8, 1879. He d. at New York, Dec. 19. 1908. Child: I. Augusta Julia^* White, b. at New York, Mar. 7, 1879. m. at New York, Dec. 11. 1905, George Joseph Sied- Sherman Genealogy 355 ler, son of Charles and Julia (Franklin) Siedler b at Jersey City, N. J., Mar. 10, 1878. B.S. Princeton, 1900. Sales Manager. Children : 1. Cora Elizabeth^^ Siedler, b. at Bound Brook N T Sept. 28, 1906. ' 2. Franklin^s Siedler, b. at New York City Tan 18 1909. ^ J • . 97. SUSAN SHERMAN- TAYLOR (65. Sophia- (Sher- man) Taylor, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^" WilHam » Joseph,« Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,= Henry,^' Thomas'^ John,^ Thomas^, b. at New Haven, Conn., Der 27 1838 m at New York, Dec. 17, 1863, Alexander Proudfit Irvin a banker, son of Richard and Mary Proudfit Irvin, b at New York City, Nov. 25, 1834. She d. there Sept. 9, 1877. He d at Morristown, N. J., Nov. 25, 1884. Children born at New York: I. Robert Lenox Taylor^* Irvin, b. Oct. 18, 1864; d. at Oceanside, Cal., Mar. 26, 1902. Unm. II. Mary Proudfit" Irvin, b. Jan. 18, 1866; m. at New York, May 24, 1894, Augustine Coleman Smith, son of Granville Byam and Annie (Dickinson) Smith, b at New York City, May 20, 1864. B.A. Princeton, 1885; M. A., 1888; LL.B. and Ph.B. Columbia, 1887. Lawyer. She d. at Glen Rock, N. J., Sept. 6, 1916. Children : 1. Granville Byam^^ Smith, b. at New York City, Oct. 16, 1895. In class of 1918 at Mass. Inst.' Tech. Captain U. S. A. Coast Art'y. Served in France. 2. Alexander Irvin^^ Smith, b. at Scarborough, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1897. Corporal U. S. A. 3. Margaret Coleman^^ Smith, b. at New York City Oct. 31, 1899. III. John James" Irvin, b. Jan. 3, 1870; d. at Colorado Springs, Colo., Apr. 12, 1894. Unm. IV. Ethel" Irvin, b. Feb. 13, 1874. m. at Paris, France, Nov. 12, 1901, Harry Anthony Van Bergen, son of 356 Sherman Genealogy Anthony and Julia (Pierson) Van Bergen, b. at Paris, France, Apr. 15, 1871. Children: 1. Suzanne Ethel ^^ Van Bergen, b. at Paris, France, July 28, 1902. 2. Anthony Harry^^ Van Bergen, b. at Paris, Sept. 11, 1904. 3. Alice^^ Van Bergen, b. at Paris, June 1, 1909. 4. Edith^'^ Van Bergen, b. at Attingham Park, Shrewsbury, England, Nov. 15, 1913. 98. MARGARET^^ TAYLOR (65. Sophia^=^ (Sherman) Taylor, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^° William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,'' Henry,^ Henry,'' Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New York City, Feb. 18, 1848. m. at New York, Mar. 26, 1873, Alexander Thompson Van Nest, son of Abraham Rynier and Mary (Thompson) Van Nest, b. at New York, Sept. 29, 1844. In class of 1861, Williams; B.A. Princeton, 1864; M.A., 1867. In mercantile business in New York. Trustee of Rutgers College, 1891-1896. Director of Dela- ware, Lackawanna & Western; Chicago, Rock Island & Pa- cific and Norfolk & Southern Railroads and of Bowery Sav- ings Bank, Corn Exchange Bank and Farmers' Loan & Trust Company. He d. at Langenschwalbach in Germany, Aug. 10, 1896. She d. at New York, Nov. 7, 1909. Child : I. Mary Alice" Van Nest, b. at New York, May 12, 1878. m. at New York, Jan. 22, 1901, John Stewart Walker Barney, son of Dr. Charles Gorman and Mary (Walker) Barney, b. at Richmond, Va., Oct. 12, 1870. Architect in New York City. Children born at New York: 1. Mary Alice Priscilla^'^ Barney, b. Apr. 12, 1902. 2. John Stewart Walker Van Nest^^ Barney, b. Nov. 14, 1904. 99. THOMAS TOWNSEND^'' SHERMAN (66. Edward S.," Roger,^^ Hon. Roger,^" William," Joseph.^ Capt. John,'' John," Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at 39 Devon- shire Street, Portland Place, London, England, July 28, 1853. B.A. Yale, 1874; LL.B. Columbia, 1876. Lawyer. Ad- Sherman Genealogy 357 mitted to Bar of New York, Dec. 13, 1876. In offices of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, Feb. 11, 1875, to July 1, 1884, and Evarts, Choate & Beaman, July 1, 1884, to Jan. 1, 1902, Member of firms of Evarts, Tracy & Sherman, Jan. 1, 1902, to Jan. 1, 1908; Evarts, Choate & Sherman, Jan. 1, 1908, to May 1, 1919, and Evarts, Choate, Sherman & Leon since May 1, 1919. Trustee of New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Society. Member of Executive Committee of New York Historical Society. President of The Apawamis Club, 1905-1907. m. at Christ's Church, Rye, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1887, by Rev. Reese F. Alsop, D.D., Anne Loder Wiggin, daughter of Augustus and Ann Elizabeth (Loder) Wiggin, of Rye, N. Y., b. at Rye, Sept. 24, 1859. A de- scendent of Capt. Thomas Wiggin of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. (Capt. Thomas^ Wiggin, Andrew,^ Bradstreet,' Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ Timothy,^ Augustus,^ Anne Loder. ^) Also a descendant of Governors Thomas Dudley and Simon Bradstreet, of Massachusetts. Child: L Emily Balch" Sherman, b. at Rye, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1891. Unm. 100. KATE WENDELL^^ SHERMAN (66. Edward S.," Roger,^^ Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,'' John," Henry, ^' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New York City, Aug. 19, 1854. m. at Rye, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1892, as his second wife, Edward Britton Townsend, her first cousin, son of William Edward Townsend. B.A. Harvard, 1839, M.A. M.D., 1844; and Ellen Eliza (Britton) Townsend, b. at Bos- ton, Mass., Nov. 20, 1848; d. at Brookline, Mass., Feb. 7, 1910. Children: L Wendell^* Townsend, b. at Roxbury, Mass., Mar. 24, 1893. B.A. Harvard, 1916. Student Officer U. S. Naval Reserve. Aviation. II Prescott^* Townsend, b. at Roxbury, June 24, 1894. B.S. (Hon.) Harvard, 1919. Ensign U. S. Naval Reserve. III. Katharine Wendell" Townsend, b. at Brookline, Mass., Dec. 20, 1898. Class of 1920 Bryn Mawr Col- lege. 358 Sherman Genealogy IV. Britton^* Townsend, b. at Brookline, Mar. 21, 1904; d. there May 28, 1904. 101. REGINALD PALGRAVE^=^ SHERMAN (66. Edward S.,^^ Roger,^^ Hon. Roger,^° William,® Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New York City, June 30, 1860. Founder, owner, editor and publisher of "The Rye Courier." m. (1) at Rye, N, Y., June 13, 1892, Kate Gwynne, daughter of John Alexander and Mary Elizabeth (Gulliver) Gwynne, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1860; d. at Lakewood, N. J., Feb. 24, 1895. m. (2) at New York City, Mar. 3, 1906, Elizabeth Annie Warby, daughter of James and Mary Warby, b. at London, England, Jan. 1, 1865. He d. at Rye, N. Y., May 23, 1918. Child by first wife : I. Dorothea^* Sherman, b. at Rye, Mar. 28, 1893. Unm. 102. HERBERT AUGUSTUS^^ SHERMAN (66. Edward S.,^=' Roger,^^ Hon. Roger," William,® Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New York City, Mar. 20, 1863. Real Estate Broker in New York City, m. at New York, Nov. 22, 1887, Anna White, daughter of John Eaton and Lucy (Nichols) White, b. at Cambridge, Mass., June 7, 1866. Lived at Rye, N. Y., and New York City. He d. at New York City, Jan. 14, 1919. Children : I. Roger^* Sherman, b. at Rye, Sept. 24, 1888. B.A. Yale, 1910; LL.B. Harvard, 1913. Admitted to Bar of New York, May 19, 1913. Lawyer in New York City. Unm. 2nd Lt. U. S. A. Inf'y. Served in France as liaison officer and in military government of Paris. 1st Lt. Army Service Corps. Claims Officer of the District of Paris. Attached to StaflF of Gouvernment Militaire de Paris. Received decoration of "Palmes Academiques" from "Ministre d'lnstruction et des Beaux Arts," 1919. II. Herbert Augustus^* Sherman, Jr., b. at New York City, Mar. 4, 1890. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. m. at New Lon- don, Conn., Apr. 22, 1918, Katharine Winchester, Sherman Genealogy 359 daughter of Edgar Clinton Winchester, b. at Newark, N. J., Sept. 19, 1894. Child: 1. Winchester" Sherman, b. at Rye, Jan. 5, 1920 fsgf 'unm^''™"' '• " ""'^ ^"'"^ ^"^' ^°^- ^• IV. Rosamond.. Sherman, b. at %e. July 20, 1893; m. at Yol'=' S^P'- 5. 1897. m. at Rye Feb. 14, 1920, William Remsen, son of Dr. Charfes' and Lihan Livmgston (Jones) Remsen, b. at N Y Nov. 22, 1888. B.A. Columbia, 1911. LLB 1914 Lieut., J. G., U. S. N. ' ' ' 103. ARTHUR OUTRAM" SHERMAN (66. Edward S " Roger, 'Hon. Roger," William,' Joseph," Capt. John,' Joh^ • Henry,= Henry,. Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas'), b at Fairfield 14 T89, ?■ • '^- ^'""'"''' '° ^" "' N«^ York, May C' r 'T; '" '"' ^°'^ ^''^- "■ =" New York, Apr. 10 1894, Janet Morrison Shelden. daughter of Isaac Esleeck and Cora Elizabeth (Smith) Shelden, b. at New York City Oct. 29. 1866; d. at New York, Mar. 12, 1913. Children born at Rye, N. Y. : I. Outram VVillett- Sherman, b. May 24. 1895; 1st Lt U. S. A. (Regiilar), 1917. Retired for disability! 1917. m. at Washington, D. C, June 20, 1917 Avice Lauretta Rabbitt, daughter of William Henry and Lucy Jane (Davis) Rabbitt, b. at Rockville, Md.. Jan. L Alden Outram^^^ Sherman, b. at Rye, N Y Mav 6, 1918. ^ ' ■ ; iviay IL Essleck Sheldon" Sherman, b. Dec. 10 1897 B A Hari-ard, 1918. Class of 1919. U. S. N.R. F. Served on U. S. Transport "Great Northern." Passed as Ensign. Student Harvard Law School. III. Audrey Townsend" Sherman, b. May 2, 1901 360 Sherman Genealogy 104. ALEXANDER HAMILTON VINTON^^ SHERMAN (now Vinton Sherman) (66. Edward S.,^- Roger/^ Hon. Roger/" William," Joseph,^ Capt. John/ John/ Henry/ Henry/ Thomas/ John/ Thomas^), b. at Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 24, 1869. Contractor in Rye, N. Y. m. (1) at Rye, Dec. 24, 1893, Mary E. O'Neil, daughter of Timothy and Ann O'Neil. Divorced Feb. 13, 1908. m. (2) Adelle Palmer, of Ft. Worth, Texas. Divorced 1918. Children by first wife, born at Rye: I. Vera^* Sherman, b. Nov. 25, 1894. Unm. IL Juanita^* Sherman, b. Aug. 27, 1896. Unm. 105. ROGER^^ SHERMAN (67. George,^== Roger," Hon. Roger,^° William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John," Henry,' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, May 27, 1847. Engaged in mercantile business, m. at Somerville, Mass., May 11, 1874, Margaret Gilmore Gormley, daughter of William and Alicia Maria (Richy) Gormley, b. at Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, Sept. 14, 1854. Children : L Roger^* Sherman, Jr., b. at Cambridge, Mass., June 21, 1876. President of Kimball & Sherman Co., shoe mfrs. at Haverhill, Mass. m. at Arlington, Mass., Oct. 14, 1903, Helen Adelaide Wyman, daughter of Franklin and Lucy Adelaide (Wilson) Wyman, b. at Arlington, Mass., Nov. 22, 1878. Children born at Newburyport, Mass.: 1. Adelaide^^ Sherman, b. Aug. 9, 1911. 2. Roger^^ Sherman, 3rd, b. Apr. 19, 1913 (the birth- day, Old Style, of Hon. Roger^° Sherman). 3. Margaret^"^ Sherman, b. May 2, 1915. XL Susan Elizabeth^* Sherman, b. at Somerville, Mass., Dec. 20, 1878. m. at Cambridge, June 14, 1905, Dr. Frank Thomas Currie, son of Abram Yerxa and Frances (Murry) Currie, b. at Boston, Mass., Feb. 12, 1877; d. at Arlington, Mass., Apr. 2. 1918. Child: EDWARD STANDISH SHERMAN From a Pencil Sketch ROGER S. W HlTli and (»L1\ EK >. WlllTK In front of their house, S7 Trumbull St., New Havni Sherman Genealogy 361 1. Frank Sherman^'* Currie, b. at Camb., Nov. 7, 1909. III. Frances Ritchie^* Sherman, b. at Cambridge, July 27, 1890. m. there, June 7, 1916, Frank Ferdinand Win- sor, son of Sanford Calvin and Anna Frances (Ford) Winsor. b. at Dorchester, Mass., Aug. 4, 1889. No issue. 106. GEORGE EDWARD^^ SHERMAN (67. George,^^ Roger,^^ Hon. Roger,^° William,^ Joseph,® Capt. John,^ John," Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, Sept. 26, 1848. m. at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 25, 1873, Ida Seaman, daughter of James and Ellen (Everleth) Seaman, b. at Minudie, Nova Scotia, Dec. 3, 1856. He d. at Amherst, Mass., Mar. 2, 1900. Children born at Cambridge : I. Edith Emma^* Sherman, b. Dec. 19, 1874. Unm. II. Helen Atwood^* Sherman, b. July 24, 1876. Unm. III. Annie Deane^* Sherman, b. Aug. 30, 1877. m. at Cambridge, June 14, 1904, William Laramy Butcher, son of Charles and Mary Elizabeth (Laramy) Butcher, b. at Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 27. 1875. Child: 1. Marion Sherman^ "^ Butcher, b. at Cambridge, Apr. 30, 1905. IV. George^* Sherman, b. July 14, 1879; d. at Cambridge, July 30, 1879. V. Fred Seaman^* Sherman, b. Nov. 25, 1881. Unm. VI. Arthur^* Sherman, b. Sept. 26, 1885. Unm. VII. Hazel Louise^* Sherman, b. Oct. 18, 1892. Unm. VIII. Adele Field^* Sherman, b. Nov. 11, 1893; m. at Cam- bridge, Oct. 17, 1917, Adolph George Christian Schnack, son of John Henry and Doris (Brandt) Schnack, b. at Honolulu, H. I., Sept. 22, 1887. B.S. Leland Stanford, 1910. M.A. Yale, 1911. M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1915. 1st Lieut. U. S. Med. Corps. Commanding Officer Field Hospital, 12th Div., Camp Devens, Mass., 1918. Child: 1. Robert Sherman^^ Schnack, b. at Cambridge, June 8, 1918. 362 Sherman Genealogy 107. MARTHA VVHITE^^ SHERMAN (67. George/^ Roger," Hon. Roger,^" William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John/ John,^ Henry," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at East Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1855. m. at Somerville, Mass., Dec. 3, 1879, Wal- ter Harris Bucknam, son of John Jay and Jane Cheney (Franklin) Bucknam, b. at Columbia Falls, Me., May 26, 1855 ; d. at Columbia Falls, Jan. 12, 1908. Children born at Columbia Falls : I. Ralph Sherman^* Bucknam, b. Aug. 26, 1880; d. Apr. 12, 1885. n. John Sherman^* Bucknam, b. Feb. 19, 1883; m. at Roseland, N. J., Dec. 26, 1911, Agnes Louise Kirby, daughter of John H. and Anne M. (Milward) Kirby, b. at Braintree, Mass., May 4, 1885. Children born at New York City : 1. John Sherman^^ Bucknam, Jr., b. Dec. 30, 1912. 2. Ruth Milward^^ Bucknam, b. Aug. 16, 1915. HI. Seth^* Bucknam (triplet), b. Apr. 9, 1885; d. Apr. 12. 1885. IV. Sherman" Bucknam (triplet), b. Apr. 9, 1885 ; d. Apr. 26, 1885. V. Roger" Bucknam (triplet), b. Apr. 9, 1885; d. Apr. 26, 1885. VI. Marjorie Milliken" Bucknam (twin), b. Sept. 4, 1886. VII. Son", still born, Sept. 4, 1886. VIII. Robert Morse" Bucknam (twin), b. Mar. 1, 1889. IX. Donald Campbell" Bucknam (twin), b. Mar. 1, 1889; m. at Bangor, Me., Mar. 6, 1915, Mabel Alice Clukey, daughter of Charles Lewis and Margaret Nancy (Preston) Clukey, b. at Winn, Me., Oct. 27, 1895. Children : 1. Margaret Preston^"^ Bucknam, b. at Columbia Falls, Oct. 10, 1915. 2. Robert Walter" Bucknam, b. at Augusta, Me., May 8, 1917. X. Neil Evarts" Bucknam, b. Aug. 3, 1891 ; d. Nov. 28, 1907. Sherman Genealogy 363 108. LOUISA STEPHENS- SHERMAN (68. Benjamin P - Roger,'' Hon. Roger/" William," Joseph,^ Capt. John/ John « Henry/ Henry/ Thomas/ John/ Thomas^, b. at Brooklyn N. Y., Sept. 23, 1847. m. at Brooklyn, Aug. 7, 1867, Henry Wilhams Loud, son of Ephraim Carter and Julia Ann (Perry) Loud, b. at Orrington, Me., July 27, 1838- d at Brooklyn, Nov. 29, 1885. A merchant in New York. She d. at Asbury Park, N. J., July 1, 1917. Children born at Brooklyn: L Henry Sherman^* Loud, b. Aug. 31, 1868. M.E. Stephens Institute of Technology, 1890 ; m. at London England, Aug. 3, 1898, Eva Margaret Humphreys,' daughter of Dr. Alexander Crombie Humphreys, M.E.' Stevens Institute of Technology, 1881 ; Sc.D.' Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1903 ; LL.D. Columbia 1903, New York University 1906, Princeton 1907; Presi- dent of Stevens Institute of Technology since 1902; President of its Board of Trustees since 1907, and Eva Margaret (Guillaudeu) Humphreys, b. at Ber- gen Point, N. J., Apr. 8, 1873. Divorced. Children: 1. Henry Sherman^^ Loud, Jr., b. at Glen Cove, N. Y Sept. 11, 1899. 2. Eva Marguerite Westinghouse^'^ Loud, b. at Pitts- burgh, Penn., Mar. 13, 1901. 3. Alexander Crombie Humphreys" Loud, b. at Liverpool, England, Mar. 12, 1903. II. Elizabeth Stephens" Loud, b. Jan. 7, 1871; d. at Brooklyn, Apr. 7, 1882. III. Julia Perry^* Loud, b. Apr. 23, 1874; d. at New York City, Nov. 10, 1918. Unm. IV. Stephen Gilman" Loud, b. Oct. 27, 1881 ; d. at Brook- lyn, May 25, 1893. 109. RICHARD BUCK- SHERMAN (68. Benjamin P./^ Roger," Hon. Roger,^" William," Joseph,« Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1851. Merchant in New York City. Machinists' tools and supplies, m. (1) at New Haven, Conn., July 3, 364 Sherman Genealogy 1877, Florence Cooledge, daughter of William and Susan (Knapp) Cooledge, b. at New York City, Jan. 29, 1856; d. at Brooklyn, Oct. 8, 1890. m. (2) at Brooklyn, July 10, 1894, Katharine (Scanlon) Locke, daughter of Owen and Kath- erine (Smith) Scanlon, b. at Montclair, N. J., Sept. 4, 1862. Children by first wife, born at Brooklyn: I. William Prescott^* Sherman, b. Sept. 25, 1879. m. at Keyport, N. J., Dec. 23, 1906, Margaret McCarthy, daughter of Patrick and Mary Ann (Sullivan) Mc- Carthy, b. at Cliffwood, N. J., June 23, 1870; d. at Cliffwood, Jan. 8, 1914. Child : 1. Leila Florence^^ Sherman, b. at Matawan, N. J., Apr. 8, 1911. IL Roger Staples^* Sherman, b. Nov. 19, 1881 ; d. at Water Mills, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1882. in. Richard Buck^* Sherman, Jr., b. Dec. 21, 1882; d. at Brooklyn, Nov. 23, 1902. Unm. IV. Leila Cooledge^* Sherman, b. Aug. 13, 1884; m. at Brooklyn, July 15, 1913, Joseph Beckwith Hartranft, son of Dr. Joseph Mayhew and Mary (Beckwith) Hartranft, b. at Southold, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1890. Child: 1. Joseph Beckwith^' Hartranft, Jr., b. at Buffalo, N. Y., May 24, 1915. 110. SHERMAN DAY^^ THACHER (69. EHzabeth^= (Sher- man) Thacher, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^" William,' Joseph,^ Capt. John,' John," Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Nov. 6, 1861. B.A. Yale, 1883; LL.B., 1886. Associate Head Master of Thacher School for Boys at Ojai (formerly Nordhofif). Cal. m. at Berkeley, Cal., June 24, 1896, Eliza Seely Blake, daugh- ter of Charles Thompson and Harriet Waters (Stiles) Blake. b. at San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 3, 1872. Children: I. Elizabeth^* Thacher, b. at NordhofT, June 13, 1897. II. George Blake^* Thacher, b. at San Francisco, Feb. 26, 1903^ III. Anson Stiles" Thacher, b. at Nordhoff, Mar. 29, 1905. Sherman Genealogy 365 IV. Helen Sherman^* Thacher, b. at Nordhoff, Dec. 23, 1906. V. Harriet Janet" Thacher, b. at Nordhoff, Apr. 21, 1912. VI. Sherman Day^* Thacher, Jr., b. at Nordhoff, Dec. 25, 1913. 111. WILLIAM LARNED^3 THACHER (69. Ehzabeth" (Sherman) Thacher, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^° Wil- Ham,° Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,"' Henry, '^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,2 Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Oct. 9, 1866. B.A. Yale, 1887. Studied for the ministry. Associate Head Mas- ter of Thacher School for Boys at Ojai, Cal. (formerly Nord- hoff, Cal.). m. at Sierra Madre, Cal., June 27, 1911, Hilda Blumer, daughter of John George and Julia Edith (Walford) Blumer, b. at Darlington, Durham, England, Feb. 20, 1875. Children born at Nordhoff: I. Edith^* Thacher, b. May 4, 1913. II. Roger Blumer^* Thacher, b. May 31, 1915. 112.ELIZABETHi^ THACHER (69. Elizabeth^^ (Sherman) Thacher, Roger^^ Sherman, Hon. Roger,^° William," Jos- eph,^ Capt. John,'^ John,*' Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 22, 1868. m. at Nordhoff (now Ojai), Ojai Valley, Cal., Feb. 26, 1890, Wil- liam Kent, son of Albert Emmett Kent, B.A. Yale 1853 and Adaline (Dutton) Kent, b. at Chicago, 111., Mar. 29, 1864. B.A. Yale, 1887. M.A. Hon., 1908. Banker, Alderman of Chi- cago, 1895-1897. Representative in Congress for California, 1911-1917. Mrs. Kent owns the old silver porringer marked S.'^M., hereinbefore mentioned, which probably belonged to Martha I^ne, b. 1694. Children: I. Albert Emmett'* Kent, b. at Chicago, Dec. 6, 1890. B.A. Yale, 1913. II. Thomas Thacher" Kent, b. at Chicago, May 8, 1892. B.A. Yale, 1915. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A., Aviation Ser- vice, m. at Whitestone, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1918, Anne Thompson, daughter of Charles Arnold, 2nd and Ann (Shannon) Thompson, b. at Greenport, L. I., N. Y., Jan. 12, 1892. 366 Sherman Genealogy III. Elizabeth Sherman^* Kent, b. at Chicago, Jan. 8, 1894. m. at Washington, D. C, Feb. 26, 1915, George Stan- leigh Arnold, son of George Sumner and Evelyn (Thomson) Arnold, b. at New Haven, Conn., Apr. 3, 1881. B.A. Yale, 1903; LL.B., 1906. Admitted to Bar of California. Lawyer. Instructor in Rhetoric, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale, 1903-1906. Law Ex- aminer; U. S. Forest Service, 1906-1907. Special As- sistant of U. S. Attorney General in oil land litiga- tion, 1913. Member of firm of Denman & Arnold, of San Francisco, Cal. Children born at San Francisco: 1. Elizabeth Sherman^^ Arnold, b. Dec. 2, 1915. 2. Evelyn^^^ Arnold, b. July 14, 1917. 3. Stanley" Arnold, b. Oct. 11, 1918. IV. William^* Kent, Jr., b. at Chicago, July 5, 1895. B.A. Yale, 1917. 1st Lieut. U. S. A., 11th Field Art'y. Served in France. Unm. V. Adaline Button^* Kent, b. at Kentfield, Cal., Aug. 7, 1900. VI. Sherman^* Kent, b. at Chicago, Dec. 6 1904. VII. Roger^* Kent, b. at Chicago, June 8, 1906. 113. ANNA13 GREENE (71. Mary^^ (Evarts) Greene, Meheta- beP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^*^ Sherman, William,' Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,*' Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,2 Thomas^), b. at Boston, Mass., May 28, 1833. m. at Windsor, Vt., Dec. 22, 1852, Lewis Henry Boutell, son of Lewis and Mary (Bartlett) Boutell, b. at Boston, July 21, 1826. B.A. Brown, 1844. LL.B. Harvard, 1847. LL.D. Maryville College, 1890. Lawyer. Private in Company A, 45th Reg., Mass. Vol's, nine months; discharged July 8, 1863. Major, 45th Missouri Reg. Author of "Life of Roger Sher- man," 1896, and of essays on Alexander Hamilton and Thomas JeflPerson. He d. at Washington, D. C, July 15, 1899. She d. at Clifton Springs, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1916. Children : I. Evarts Greene^* Boutell, b. at Westboro, Mass., Oct. 16, 1854; d. at Evanston, 111., May 21, 1870. Sherman Genealogy 367 II. Henry Sherman^* Boutell, b. at Boston, Mar. 14, 1856. B.A. Northwestern University, 1874; M.A., 1879; LL.D., 1903; B.A. Harvard, 1876; M.A., 1877. Law- yer, Admitted to Bar of Illinois, Sept., 1879. Rep- resentative in Illinois Legislature, 1885. Trustee Northwestern University, 1899-1911. Representative in Congress for Illinois, Nov. 23, 1897, to Mar. 3, 1911. Appointed United States Minister to Portugal, Mar. 2, 1911. Minister to Switzerland, Apr. 24, 1911 ; resigned Sept., 1913. Declined appointment as Chief Justice of United States Court of Claims by President . Taft, Jan. 2, 1913, Professor of Constitutional Law 7/')/'/,. Georgetown University since 1914. Member of law 1^1/^ firm of Boutell & Son, Washington, D. C. m. at Providence, R. I., Dec. 29, 1880, Euphemia Lucia Clara Gates, daughter of Charles Horatio Gates, B.A. Harvard, 1835, and Sarah White (Nason) Gates, b. at Hamilton, Ontario, Sept. 24, 1859. Children : 1. Roger Sherman Gates^^ Boutell, b. at Chicago, Oct. 21, 1881. B.A. Harvard, 1903. B.A. George Washington University, 1912. Secretary of Ameri- can Legation at Berne, Switzerland, 1903. Secre- tary of American Legation at the Hague, Holland, 1905. Secretary of American Legation at Argen- tine. Resigned 1907. Chief Petty Officer, U. S. Naval Reserves, m. at Chicago, June 1, 1904, Avis Burley, daughter of Clarence Augustus and Avis Hannah (Blodgett) Burley, b. at Waukegan, 111., Mar. 14, 1883. Children: (1) Henry Sher- man^^ Boutell, Second, b. at Berne, Switzerland, Aug. 11, 1905. (2) Clarence Burley^« Boutell, b. at Washington, D. C, Feb. 8, 1908. (3) Roger Sherman Gates^*' Boutell, Jr., b. at Washington, D. C, Apr. 10, 1914. 2. Hugh Gates^^ Boutell. b. at Chicago, Mar. 9. 1890. B.S. George Washington University, 1912; m. at Kennebunk, Me., Sept. 14, 1915, Mary Maling Bourne, daughter of George William and Susan (Maling) Bourne, b. at Kennebunk, Nov. 4, 1889. 368 Sherman Genealogy Child: (1) Susan Mary^*' Boutell, b. at Washing- ton, D. C, Dec. 12, 1918. 3. Alice Gates^= Boutell, b. at Chicago, Sept. 3, 1891 ; m. (1) at Washington, D. C, Nov. 28, 1912, John Wood Brooks Ladd, son of Babson Savilion and Ella Cora (Brooks) Ladd, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 28, 1889. B.A. Harvard, 1911. B.E. Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1913. Child: (1) Arnold BoutelP^ Ladd, b. at Saginaw, Mich., July 20, 1913. Divorced, Dec. 4, 1916. m. (2) at Washington, Oct. 10, 1918, Dr. Malcolm Kinmonth Smith, son of Dr. E. Fayette and Annie Moncrief (Kin- month) Smith, b. at Newark, N. J., Dec. 11, 1897. M.D. Cornell, 1910. IIL Samuel Hoar" Boutell, b. and d. at Westboro, Mass., 1858. IV. Caroline^* Boutell, b. at Evanston, 111., Mar. 9, 1865. Unm. V. Arnold" Boutell, b. at Evanston, III., Sept. 8, 1869. Manufacturer, m. at Marblehead, Mass., Sept. 5, 1895, Anna Gertrude Graves, daughter of Amos Evans and Eliza Smith (Pitman) Graves, b. at Marblehead, Mass., July 18, 1871. No issue. 114. ROGER SHERMAN^^ GREENE (71. Mary^^ (Evarts) Greene, MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William," Joseph,® Capt. John,'^ John,*' Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 14, 1840. B.A. Dartmouth, 1859. LL.D. University of Wash- ington, 1887. Lawyer. Studied law in office of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, New York City, 1859-1862. Ad- mitted to Bar of New York, 1862. Second Lieutenant Com- pany I, 3rd Missouri Vol's, Oct., 1862. 1st Lt., Mar., 1863. Captain Company C, 51st U. S. Colored Infantry, Aug., 1863, to Nov., 1865. Judge Advocate, District of Vicksburg, on Staff of Major General Cadwallader C. Washburn, 1864. Chief Engineer on Staff of Major General J. P. Hawkins, 1865. Judge Advocate Western Division of Louisiana. Prac- ticed Law in Chicago, 111., 1866-1870. Associate Justice of CHARLES ATWOOD WHITK 1833-1 V09 Taken l'*)2 X f LIEUT. ROBERT H. GAMBLE, U. S. A. Killed in action Scjit. 12, 1418, at St. Mihiel Salirnt Sherman Genealogy 369 Supreme Court of Washington Territory, 1870-1879. Chief Justice of this Court, 1879-1887. Practicing law in Seattle, Washington, since 1887. Ordained a Baptist Minister, 1872^ Member of Commission to frame the Charter of Seattle. Author, m. (1) at Whitewater, Wis., Aug. 17, 1866, Grace Estelle Wooster, daughter of Jesse and Rhoda (Brockett) Wooster, b. at Naugatuck, Conn., May 2, 1833 ; d. at Seattle, Sept. 4, 1917. m. (2) at Oakland, Cal., Aug. 4, 1918, May ColHns Jones, widow of Amos Wilson Jones and daughter of Philip Sargent and Priscilla Peaselee (Mclntire) Kimball, b. at Sutton, N. H., Nov. 5, 1844. Children by first wife : I. Agnes Margaret^* Greene, b. at Chicago, Oct. 18, 1868. m. by her father at Seattle, Wash., Oct. 18, 1898, Ar- thur Lyle Veazie, son of Edmund Fuller and Harriet (Lyle) Veazie, b. at Dallas, Ore., Sept. 8, 1868. B.A. Univ. Ore., 1890. M.A., LL.B., 1893. Lawyer. Mem- ber of firm of Veazie, McCourt & Veazie, of Portland. Children born at Portland, Ore. : 1. Grace Ellen^^ Veazie, b. July 26, 1899. 2. Emily Agnes^^ Veazie, b. Mar. 3, 1902. 3. Harriet Lyle^^ Veazie, b. Sept. 25, 1903. 4. Edmund Arthur" Veazie, b. May 28, 1905. II. Roger Sherman^* Greene, Jr., b. at East Berlin. Conn., Sept. 29, 1870. m. by his father at Seattle, Sept. 6, 1907, Edith Jones, daughter of Halsey Mon- roe and Hattie DeEtte (Gage) Jones, b. at Browns- ville, Wis., Sept. 8, 1874. Children b. at Seattle: 1. Roger Sherman" Greene, 3rd, b. July 6. 1908. 2. David Monroe" Greene, b. Sept. 27, 1911. III. Grace Evarts^* Greene, b. at Olympia, Wash., Jan. 15, 1875. m. by her father at Seattle, Sept. 25, 1906, George Kerr McConkey, son of William and Sarah (Carothers) McConkey, b. in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 4, 1877. No issue. IV. Mary Rhoda^* Greene, b. at Olympia, July 27, 1876. m. by her father at Seattle, Aug. 8, 1905, Cyrus Avery 370 Sherman Genealogy Whipple, son of Edmund P. and Minnie (Rinder- knecht) Whipple, b. at Marion, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1876. Children b. at Seattle: 1. Cyrus Averyi^ Whipple, Jr., b. July 1, 1906. 2. Evarts Wooster^=* Whipple, b. Nov. 1, 1919. 115. DANIEL CROSBY13 GREENE (71. Mary^^ (Evarts) Greene, Mehetabel^^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William, ° Joseph,^ Capt. John,'' John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 11, 1843. B.A. Dartmouth, 1864. Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1869. D.D. Rutgers, 1879. LL.D. Dartmouth, 1909. Private, Company B, 7th Squadron, Rhode Island Cavalry, May-Sept., 1862. Missionary in Japan, 1869-1913. At Tokyo, 1869. At Kobe, 1870-1874. At Yokohama. 1874-1880. Doshisha University, Kyoto. 1881-1887. President of Asiatic Society of Japan, 1896 and 1901-1902. 1913, received from ...Emperor of Japan the order of the Rising Sun, Third Class, in recognition of his services to the Japanese people. Au- thor, Translator, Editor, m. at Westboro, Mass., July 29, 1869, Mary Jane Forbes, daughter of Daniel H. and Mary Avery (White) Forbes, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 3, 1845 ; d. Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 17, 1909. He d. at Hayama, Japan, Sept. 15, 1913. Children: I. Evarts Boutell^* Greene, b. at Kobe, Japan, July 8, 1870. At Northwestern University, 1885-1888. B.A. Harvard. 1890. M.A. 1891. Ph.D., 1893. Assistant in History at Harvard, 1890-1893. At University of Illinois : Assistant professor 1895-1897, Professor of History 1897, Dean of College of Literature 1906- 1913. President of Trustees of Illinois State His- torical Library, 1910. Member of the Illinois Centen- nial Commission, 1913-1918, and chairman of its com- mittee on publications. Author. Unm. II. Fanny Bradley** Greene, b. at Kobe, Japan, Aug. 29, 1871. B.A. Wellesley College, 1894. Teacher, Joshi Daigakko, Tokyo. Japan. 1902-1908 and Joshi Eigaku Jiuku. Tokyo, 1903-1913. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 371 III. Daniel Crosby^^ Greene, Jr., b. at Kobe, Japan, Jan. 29, 1873. B.A. Harvard, 1895. M.D., 1899. m. at Lexington, Mass., Sept. 15, 1904, Marion Lockwood, daughter of Rhodes and Henrietta (Niles) Lockwood, b. at ArHngton, Mass., June 25, 1876. Children: 1. Marion^^ Greene, b. at Boston, Mass., Jan. 30, 1906. 2. Jeremiah Evarts^^ Greene, b. at Milton, Mass., July 29, 1908. 3. Daniel Crosby^^ Greene, b. at Boston, Mar. 29, 1910. 4. Roger Sherman^' Greene, b. at Newton Centre, Mass., Sept. 28, 1912. 5. Emily Lockwood^ ^ Greene, b. at Newton Centre, Aug. 12, 1915. IV. Jerome Davis^* Greene, b. at Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 12, 1874. B.A. Harvard, 1896. M.A. (Hon.) 1914. Rutgers, 1915. At University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1896-97. At Harvard Law School, 1897-99. Secretary to President of Harvard, 1901-05. Secretary to Cor- poration of Harvard and member of faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1905-10. Overseer, 1911-13. General Manager of Rockefeller Inst, for Med. Research, N. Y., 1910-12. Trustee of same, 1912. Trustee and Secretary of Rockefeller Foundation, 1913-17; re- signed Mar. 1, 1917. Served in France. Joint Sec- retary of Reparation Commission of Peace Conference, 1919. Executive Secretary American Section of Allied Transport Council, London, 1918-19. Arbitrator be- tween Great Britain and France on Clementel-Runci- man Agreement, July, 1918. Chevalier Legion of Honor, July, 1919. Resident Toynbee Hall, London, 1919. Member of firm of Lee, Higginson & Co., Bankers, N. Y. m. at Bryn Mawr, Penn., Apr. 28, 1900, May Tevis, daughter of Marshall and Clara (Garrett) Tevis, b. at Ardmore, Penn., May 2, 1875. Child : 1. Jerome Crosby^ ^ Greene, b. at Cambridge, Mass.j June 14, 1902. Class of 1922, Harvard. 372 Sherman Genealogy V, Mary Avery ^* Greene, b. at Yokohama, Japan. Feb. 20, 1877. B.A. Radcliffe College, 1899. m. at Tokyo, Japan, July 29, 1901, Charles Sumner Griffin, son of Andrew Jackson and Mary (Carroll) Griffin, b. at Lawrence, Kans., Oct. 15, 1872. B.A. University of Kansas, 1894. B.A. Harvard, 1895. M.A., 1896. He d. at Lake Hakome, Japan, Sept. 10, 1904. Children b. at Tokyo : 1. Charles Carroll^^ Griffin, b. May 24, 1902. 2. Mary Avery^^ Griffin, b. Jan. 6, 1904. VL Roger Sherman" Greene, b. at Westboro, Mass., May 29, 1881. B.A. Harvard, 1901. M.A., 1902. Vice and Deputy United States Consul General at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1903-1904. Vice-Consul at Naga- saki, Japan, 1904-1905. Vice and Deputy Consul at Kobe, 1905. Commercial Agent and later Consul at Vladivostok, Siberia, 1905-1907. Consul at Dalny, Manchuria, China, 1907-1909. Consul at Harbin, China, 1909-1911. Consul General at Hankow, China, 1911-1914. Resident Director in China of China Medical Board of Rockefeller Foundation since 1914. Unm. VIL Elizabeth Grosvenor^* Greene, b. at Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 20, 1882. B.A. University of Illinois, 1904. B.L.S., 1905. Unm. VHL Edward Forbes^* Greene, b. at Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 22, 1884. U. S. Naval Academy, 1900-1904. Ensign, U. S. Navy, 1904-1909. Lieut., junior grade, and Lieutenant, 1909. Resigned 1909. Reappointed by Act of Congress, 1911. Retired for disability in- curred in line of duty, 1911. Ordered to active duty, 1917. and served at Portsmouth, N. H., but relieved for disability. Again ordered to active duty as in- structor at Harvard, 1917; d. in service at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 18, 1917. Unm. 116.JEREML^H EVARTS" TRACY (72. Martha Sherman" (Evarts) Tracy, MehetabeU^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,* Sherman Genealogy 373 Henry ,° Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Windsor, Vt, Jan. 31, 1835. LL.B. Yale, 1857. Lawyer. Member of New York City firms of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, June 1, 1859, to July 1, 1884; Evarts, Choate & Beaman, July 1, 1884, to Jan. 1, 1902; Evarts, Tracy & Sherman, Jan. 1, 1902, to Nov. 12, 1907. m. at Windsor, Sept. 30, 1863, his first cousin, Martha Sherman^^ Greene, daughter of Rev. David and Mary^- (Evarts) Greene, b. at Roxbury, Mass., May 24, 1839; d. at Plainfield, N. J., Feb. 19, 1910. Children: I. Emily Baldwin^* Tracy, b. at New York City, Nov. 30, 1864. Unm. n, Howard Crosby^* Tracy, b. at Westboro, Mass., Aug. 1, 1866. B.A. Yale, 1887. LL.B. Columbia, 1889. Lawyer. Member New York City firm of Dean, King, Tracy & Smith, m. at St. Paul, Minn., June 24, 1893, Minerva Bingham Lamson, daughter of East- burn Ebenezer and Martha (Wardner) Lamson, b. at Windsor, Vt., Nov. 11, 1872. No issue. HL Evarts^^ Tracy, b. at New York City, May 23, 1868. B.A. Yale, 1890. ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris, France, 1892-1894. Architect. Member of New York City firm of Tracy & Swartwout. Major U. S. A. Served in France, m. at Plainfield, N. J., June 23, 1894, Caro- line Frederica Streuli, daughter of Hermann Alfred and Frederica Michelle Dwyer (Hooper) Streuli, b. at Philadelphia, Penn., July 13, 1868. No issue. IV. Mary Evarts^* Tracy, b. at New York City, Dec. 22, 1869. Unm. V. Robert Storer^* Tracy, b. at New York, Oct. 6, 1871. B.A. Yale, 1892. M.D. Columbia, 1896. d. at Saranac Lake, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1899. Unm. VL Margaret Louisa^* Tracy, b. at Windsor, Vt., May 11, 1873. m. at Plainfield. July 6, 1905, Charles Melvin Mix, son of Charles Milford and Rose (Kenyon) Mix, b. at Wirt, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1873. B.A. Cornell, 1898. M.D., 1902. Practicing physician. Children born at Muncie, Ind. : 1. Martha" Mix, b. Feb. 23, 1907; d. Mar. 13, 1907. 374 Sherman Genealogy 2. Emilyi^ ^j^^ b. Apr. 24, 1908. 3. Margaret Kenyon^^ Mix, b. Feb. 13, 1910. 4. Mary Tracy^^ Mix, b. Oct. 14, 1918. VII. Edith Hastings^* Tracy, b. at Plainfield, Dec. 13, 1874. Unm. VIII. Martha^* Tracy, b. at Plainfield, Apr. 10, 1876. B.A. Bryn Mawr College, 1898. M.D. Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1904. Professor of Physical Chemistry in Woman's Medical College of Penn. since 1912. Fellow of American Medical Academy. Unm. IX. William Evarts" Tracy, b. at Plainfield, Sept. 24, 1878. B.A. Yale, 1900. Mining Engineer, Columbia 1904. m. at Helena, Mont., Sept. 15, 1911, Edith Ann Jack- son, daughter of William and Frances Ann (Harri- son) Jackson, b. at Dudley Hill, Yorkshire, England, Sept. 9, 1878. He d. at Helena, Feb. 8, 1916. Chil- dren: 1. William Evarts^^ Tracy, b. at Telluride, Colo., July 15, 1912. 2. Robert Jackson^ ^ Tracy, b. at Telluride, Apr. 10, 1914. 3. Ann Hoar^^ Tracy, b. at Helena, Apr. 19, 1916. 117. HETTIE SHERMAN" EVARTS {7Z. Hon. William M.^^* Evarts, MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William,^ Joseph,* Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^), b. at New York City, Nov. 28, 1852. m. in St. Paul's Church at Windsor, Vt., Aug. 19, 1874, Charles Cotesworth Beaman, son of Rev. Charles Cotesworth and Mary (Stacy) Beaman, b. at Houlton, Me., May 7, 1840. B.A. Harvard, 1861. M.A. 1865. Overseer of Harvard, 1888-1900. Admitted to Bar of Massachusetts, Nov. 22, 1865. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1867. As- sistant Solicitor of the United States at the Geneva Arbitra- tion as to the Alabama Claims, 1871. Appointed Examiner of claims in U. S. State Department, Nov., 1871. Lawyer. Member of New York City firms of Jackson & Beaman; Beaman & Marden; Diefendorf, Beaman & Marden; Dick- Sherman Genealogy 375 erson & Beaman; Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, May 1, 1879, to July 1, 1884; Evarts, Choate & Beaman, July 1, 1884, until his death. President of the University Club of New York, 1899 to his death 1900. He d. at New York City, Dec. 15, 1900. She d. at Boston, Mass., May 4, 1917. They lived in New York City and "Blowmedown," their country place at Cornish, N. H., near Windsor, Vt. Both buried at Wind- sor. Children : I. Mary Stacy ^* Beaman, b. at New York City, May 6, 1875. m. in St. Paul's Church, at Windsor, Vt., July 8, 1897, Edward Jackson Holmes, son of Edward Jackson Holmes, B.A. Harvard 1867, and Henrietta Goddard (Wiggles worth) Holmes, b. at Boston, A, Mass., Jan. 3, 1873. B.A. Harvard, 1895. LL.B., 1899. No issue. II. Helen Wardner^* Beaman, b. at New York City, Feb. 10, 1877. m. at Cornish, N. H., Oct. 8, 1902, Herbert Conrad Lakin, son of George Boyer and Ellena Kim- ball (Putnam) Lakin, b. at Worcester, Mass., Mar. 11, 1872. B.A. Harvard, 1894. LL.B., 1898. Ad- mitted to Bar of New York, Feb., 1899. Lawyer. Member of New York City firm of Lord, Day & Lord since 1905. Children: 1. Hettie Beaman^° Lakin, b. at Cornish, N. H., Sept. 1, 1903. 2. Eleanor Putnam^^ Lakin, b. at New York City, Nov. 11, 1904. 3. Charles Beaman^^ Lakin, b. at New York City, Dec. 12, 1907. 4. Mary Stacy^^ Lakin, b. at New York City, Dec. 14, 1909. III. Margaret^* Beaman, b. at Windsor, Vt., Sept. 21, 1878. m. at Cornish, N. H., June 16, 1909, John Erikson, son of Erik Olson and Kajsa Petterson Erikson, b. at Byn Longserud, Sweden, Sept. 23, 1861. Mining Engineer. Children : 1. John^' Erikson, b. at New York City, Nov. 24, 1911 ;d. Nov. 25, 1911. 376 Sherman Genealogy 2. Margaret Beaman^^ Erikson, b. at Seattle, Wash., Oct. 21, 1913. IV. William Evarts^* Beaman, b. at New York, Jan. 25, 1881. Farmer at Cornish, N. H. Representative in New Hampshire Legislature, 1915-1917. m. at Mys- tic, Conn., Mar. 2, 1912, Vera lone Benjamin, daugh- ter of Robert Phelps and Harriet Isbel (Scofield) Ben- jamin, b. at Preston, Conn., Aug. 25, 1886. Children b. at Cornish : 1. Mary Stacy^^ Beaman, b. Aug. 9, 1913. 2. Charles Cotesworth^^ Beaman, b. May 31, 1916. 118. HELEN MINERVA" EVARTS {72>. Hon. William M." Evarts, MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John," Thomas^), b. at New York City, Mar. 8, 1856. m. in St. Paul's Church, at Windsor, Vt., Oct. 27, 1881, Charles Harrison Tweed, son of Harrison and Huldah Ann (Pond) Tweed, b. at Calais, Me., Sept. 26, 1844; d. at New York City, Oct. 11, 1917. Buried at Windsor. B.A. Harvard, 1865. Admitted to Bar of New York, May 18, 1868. Lawyer. Member of firm of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, Jan. 1, 1874, to Jan. 1, 1883. Afterwards general counsel of Central Pacific and other railroads for several years. Chairman of board of directors of Southern Pacific R. R., 1900-1902. President of Pacific Mail S.S. Co. Bank- er. Member of New York firm of Speyer & Co., Jan. 1, 1903, "^to Jan. 1, 1907. Retired, 1907. Lived in New York City and Beverly, Mass. Children : I. Helen" Tweed, b. at New York City, Oct. 25, 1883. m. at New York, May 23, 1912, William Wadsworth, son of Charles David and Clara Lewinia (Blanchard) Wadsworth, b. at Plainfield, N. J., June 18, 1882. B.A. Harvard, 1904. Children: 1. Helen Minerva^^ Wadsworth, b. at New York, Feb. 5, 1914. 2. William Blanchard^^ Wadsworth, b. at Chappa- qua, N. Y., July 18, 1915. SHERMAN BROTHERS (Standing) left to right Herbert A., Thomas T., Reginald P., (Sitting) Harold E., Arthur O. 1st LIEUT. ROGER SHERMAN. U. S. A. Son of HorbtTt A. Shrrman Sherman Genealogy 377 3. Charles Harrison^'' Wadsworth, b. at Hartsdale, N. Y., May 24, 1918. d. at Niverville, N. Y., Oct. ' 5, 1919. 4. Clara^=^ Wadsworth, b. at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1920. II. Harrison^* Tweed, b. at New York, Oct. 18, 1885. B.A. Harvard, 1907. LL.B., 1909. Lawyer. Mem- ber of New York City firm of Humes, Smith & Tweed. Enlisted in U. S. A. In Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor. Received diploma and honorably discharged at close of war, 1918. m. at East Greenwich, R. I., June 24, 1914, Eleanor Roelker, daughter of William Greene and Eleanor (Jenckes) Roelker, b. at East Greenwich, July 3, 1890. Children b. at New York City : 1. Eleanor^^ Tweed, b. Dec. 31, 1915. 2. Katharine Winthrop^^ Tweed, b. Jan. 16, 1920. III. Katharine Winthrop^* Tweed, b. at Beverly, Mass., Aug. 7, 1888. m. at New York City, Jan. 5, 1918, Graham Burt Blaine. B.A. Harvard, 1917. 2nd Lieut. 303rd U. S. Infantry; son of Charles Hodge and Emma Josephine (Burt) Blaine, b. at Taunton, Mass., Mar. 26, 1894. Child: 1. Graham Burt" Blaine, Jr., b. at Boston, Mass., Oct. 16, 1918. IV. Max" Tweed, b. at Pomfret, Conn., Sept. 8, 1893 ; d. there Sept. 30, 1893. V. Mary Winthrop^* Tweed, b. at New York City, Nov. 19,1895. Unm. 119. ELIZABETH HOAR^^ EVARTS (73. Hon. WilHam M." Evarts, MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^*^ Sher- man, William, ° Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John," Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at New York City, Jan. 4, 1858. m. in St. Paul's Church, at Windsor, Vt. Aug 2, 1882, Edward Clifford Perkins, son of Charles Callahan Per- kins, B.A. Harvard 1843, M.A., and Frances (Bruen) Per- kins, b. at Florence, Italy, Jan. 17, 1858. B.A. Harvard, yi^ Sherman Genealogy 1879. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar of New York, Nov., 1882. Member of New York City firms of Gray & Davenport; Davenport, Smith & Perkins ; Perkins & Jackson. He d. at Plainfield, N. J., Oct. 31, 1902. Buried at Windsor. Chil- dren: I. Edward Newton^* Perkins, b. at New York City, May 4, 1883. LL.B. Columbia, 1912. Lawyer. Member of N. Y. City firm of Huntington, Rhinelander & Seymour, m. at New York, Apr. 29, 1915, Kate Cheeseman Riggs, daughter of George Washington and Kate (Cheeseman) Riggs, b. at Lakewood, N. J., May 12, 1892. Children born at New York City: 1. Maria Louisa^^ Perkins, b. Apr. 4, 1916. 2. Mary Eleanor^^ Perkins, b. Dec. 19, 1917. 3. Edward Clifford^^ Perkins, b. at Ridgefield, Conn., July 30, 1919. II. William Maxwell Evarts^* Perkins, b. at New York, Sept. 20, 1884. B.A. Harvard, 1907. m. at Plain- field, N. J., Dec. 31, 1910, Louise Saunders, daughter of William Lawrence and Bertha Heyder (Gaston) Saunders, b. at New York City, May 8, 1888. Children born at Plainfield : 1. Bertha^' Perkins, b. Dec. 21, 1911. 2. Elizabeth Evarts^^^ Perkins, b. Jan. 20, 1914. 3. Louisa Elvire^^ Perkins, b. Oct. 15, 1915. 4. Jane Morton^^ Perkins, b. Aug. 2, 1918. III. Charles Callahan^* Perkins, b. at Plainfield, N. J., Oct. 23, 1886. B.A. Harvard, 1909. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A., Coast Art'y- m. at Bala, Penn., Sept. 16, 1916, Emily Beatrice Saunders, daughter of Walter Burns and Frances Taylor (Baugh) Saunders, b. at Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 17, 1894. Children: 1. Charles Callahan^^ Perkins, Jr., b. at Philadelphia, May 23, 1917. 2. Frances Saunders^^ Perkins, b. at Overbrook, Penn., Oct. 19, 1918. IV. Mary Ann Davenport** Perkins, b. at Plainfield, May 11, 1890. m. at Plainfield. Feb. 28, 1914, Thomas Sherman Genealogy 379 Head Thomas, son of Alfred Addison and Jennie (Head) Thomas, b. at Dayton, Ohio, Feb. 23, 1881. B.A. Harvard, 1893. Author. 1st Lieut. U. S. A. Children b. at Galluzzo, Italy : 1. Joan Head^= Thomas, b. June 17, 1915. 2. Frances Bruen^=^ Thomas, b. Feb. 4, 1917. 3. Edward Clifford Perkins^^ Thomas, b. at Windsor, Vt., Sept. 28, 1919. V. Frances Bruen^* Perkins, b. at Windsor, Vt., Aug. 8, 1892. m. at Jamaica Plain, Mass., June 7, 1911, Archibald Cox, son of Rowland and Fanny (Hill) Cox, b. at Smyrna, Del., Nov. 26, 1874. B.A. Har- vard, 1896, LL.B. Lawyer. Children b. at Plain- field: 1. Archibald^^ Cox, Jr., b. May 17, 1912. 2. Elizabeth Evarts^^ Cox, b. Oct. 23, 1913. 3. Mary Davenport^ ^ Cox, b. Sept. 24, 1916. 4. Robert HilH^ Cox, b. Apr. 13, 1919. VI. Louis Anthony^* Perkins, b. at Windsor, Vt., June 26, 1896. Harvard, 1918. 2nd Lieut., 12th Machine Gun Battery, U. S. A, Wounded in action in France. Unm. 120. SHERMAN13 eVARTS {7Z. Hon. William M.^^ Evarts, MehetabeP^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sherman. Wil- liam," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas.-'' John,2 Thomas^), b. at New York City, Oct. 10, 1859 (twin brother of Rev. Prescott Evarts). B.A. Yale, 1881. Ad- mitted to Bar of New York, Jan., 1884. Lawyer. Member of New York firm of Evarts & Moffat, 1896. Retired, m. at New York, Apr. 30, 1895, Alice Haight Cock, daughter of Effingham and Harriet (Haight) Cock, b. at New York City, Sept. 28, 1866. Children: I. Roger Sherman^* Evarts, b. at New York City, Apr. 28, 1896. B.A. Yale, 1917. U. S. Military Academy Class of 1921. 2nd Lieut, U. S. A., Nov. 1, 1918. II. Effingham Cock^* Evarts, b. at Chappaqua, N. Y., July 380 Sherman Genealogy 29, 1897. B.A. Yale, 1919. Corporal U. S. A., 1918- 1919. 302nd Field Art'y Served in France. III. Elizabeth Prescott^* Evarts, b. at Plainfield, N. J., -^ Sept. 5, 1898. IV. Prescott^* Evarts, 2nd, b. at Plainfield, Dec. 16, 1901. V. John^* Evarts, b. at Windsor, Vt., Sept. 16, 1908. 121. REV. PRESCOTT^^ EVARTS {7Z. Hon. William M." Evarts, MehetabeF^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,'' John,*' Henry,° Henry,* Thomas,'' John,- Thomas^), b. at New York City, Oct. 10, 1859 (twin brother of Sherman Evarts). B.A. Harvard, 1881. Ordained Episcopal Minister June 20, 1886. Assis- tant at Church of the Holy Communion, New York City, June 1, 1885, to Aug. 1, 1890. Rector of Zion Church, Wap- pinger's Falls, New York, Aug. 3, 1890, to Feb. 3, 1901. Rec- tor of Christ Church, Cambridge, Mass., since Feb. 18, 1901. m. at South Amboy, N. J., June 22, 1887, Emily Charlotte Potter Conover, daughter of Richard Stevens and Sarah Jones (Potter) Conover, b. at Hoboken, N. J., Sept. 22, 1860. Children : I. William MaxwelP* Evarts, b. at New York City, June 24, 1888. B.A. Harvard, 1909. LL.B., 1912. Ad- mitted to Bar of New York, 1912. Lawyer in New York City. 1st Lieut. Battery F, 307th Field Art'y., U. S. A. Served in France. Unm. II. Richard Conover^* Evarts, b. at New York, Mar. 11, 1890. B.A., Harvard, 1913. LL.B., 1916. Admitted to Bar of Massachusetts, Oct. 3, 1916. Lawyer in Boston, Mass. Sergeant Co. M, 38th Inf., U. S. A. Served in France. Unm. III. Sarah Potter^* Evarts, b. at Wappinger's Falls, Jan. 22, 1892. Unm. IV. Helen Wardner^* Evarts, b. at Wappinger's Falls, June 7, 1895. B.A. Vassar, 1917. Unm. 122. LOUISA WARDNER^=' EVARTS {71. Hon. William M.^' Evarts, Mehetabel" (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William," Joseph** Capt. John,^ John,*' Henry,"^ Henry.* Sherman Genealogy 381 Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New York City, June 10, 1861. m. at New York, Apr. 3, 1883, Dr. Charles Davies Scudder, son of Henry Joel and Louisa Henrietta (Davies) Scudder, b. at New York City, Sept. 24, 1856. B.A. Trin- ity, 1875; M.D. Columbia, 1878. Practicing Physician in New York. He d. at Northport, N. Y., July 19, 1892. Buried at Windsor. Child: I. Louisa Henrietta^* Scudder, b. at New York City, Apr. 14, 1884. m. at Windsor, Vt., Oct. 17, 1914, David Pjige Wheelwright, son of George William and Sophia Elizabeth (Bond) Wheelwright, b. at Jamaica Plain, Mass., Apr. 1, 1878. B.A. Harvard, 1901. Children born at Jamaica Plain : 1. Elizabeth Scudder^^ Wheelwright, b. Oct. 11, 1915. 2. CorneHa Page^^ Wheelwright, b. Apr. 10, 1918. 123. MAXWELL^^* EVARTS {73. Hon. William M.^- Evarts, Mehetabel^^ (Sherman) Evarts, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, Wil- liam,'' Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,2 ThomasO, b. at New York City, Nov. 15, 1862. B.A. Yale, 1884. At Harvard Law School, 1885-1886. Admitted to Bar of New York, Nov., 1887. Lawyer. Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 1890-1892. Associated with Counsel for Southern Pacific and other railroads for several years. Director of Southern Pacific Railroad, 1904. 1910, General Counsel of Oregon Short Line Railroad and Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company. Director of Pacific Mail Steamship Company and of Union Pacific Land Company. Argued many important cases in the United States Supreme Court. Representative in Vermont Legislature, 1906. Farmer at Windsor. Presi- dent of State National Bank of Windsor. President of the Vermont State Fair Association. Vice-President Windsor Machine Company. President Vermont Fish and Game League, m. at New York City, Apr. 23, 1891, Margaret Al- len Stetson, daughter of Charles Augustus and Josephine (Brick) Stetson, b. at New York City, May 17, 1866. He d. at Windsor, Oct. 7, 1913. Buried there. Children: 382 Sherman Genealogy I. Margaret Allen^* Evarts, b. at New York City, Aug. 16, 1892. Unm. II. Mehetabel Sherman^* Evarts, b. at Windsor, May 17, 1894. m. at St. Paul's Church, Windsor, Aug. 17, 1918, Shelton Hale, son of James Richards and Annie Strong (Riley) Hale, b. at Rogersville, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1891. B.A. Univ. Penn., 1913. LL.B., Harvard, 1916. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar of New York, Nov., 1917. Asst. Secy. War Trade Board, U. S. III. Jeremiah MaxwelP^ Evarts, b. at Windsor, Jan. 28, 1896. B.A. Yale, 1917. Captain 18th U. S. Inf'y. Served in France. Gassed. Cited for excellence, courage and intelligence as an officer during the occu- pation of Villers-Tournelle, Apr. 24- July 1, 1918. Cited for conduct during attack on Cantigny, May 28, 1918, commanding platoon. Cited for distinguished conduct during battle of Marne Salient, July 18-22, 1918, when upon the wounding of his captain, he took command of his company and commanded it through- out the battle with excellent judgment and efficiency. m. at Westbury, L. I., N. Y., Oct. 3, 1918, Katharine Avery Morgan, daughter of Edwin Dennison and ; Elizabeth (Moran) Morgan, b. at Westbury, Oct. 29, 1898. Child: 1. Maryi^ Evarts, b. at New York City, July 20, 1919. IV. Mary^* Evarts, b. at Windsor, Dec. 26, 1897; d. at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 8, 1919. V. Josephine Ellen Guernsey^* Evarts, b. at Windsor, Aug. 16, 1901. 124. ROGER SHERMAN^^ DAY (74. Sherman^^ ^^y^ Martha" (Sherman) Day, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William," Joseph," Capt. John,^ John," Henry,° Henry,* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^), b. at Circleville, Ohio, July 6, 1838. Mining En- gineer, Assayer of Metals, Superintendent of Mines, m. at Folsom, Cal., Jan. 31, 1861, Harriet Eliza Oilman Clark, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth (Murray) Clark, b. at Boston, Mass., Apr. 7, 1843. He d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 26, 1898. Children: Sherman Genealogy 383 I. Martha Sherman^* Day, b. at Ashland, Cal, Nov. 24, 1861; B.A. University of California, 1883. m. by President Timothy Dvvight, at New Haven, Conn., in the Thacher, formerly the President Jeremiah Day house, on Crown Street, June 28, 1888, Professor Washington Irving Stringham, B.A. cum laude, Har- vard, 1877. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1880. Professor of Mathematics, Univ. of Cal., 1882-1909. Dean, 1886- 1909. Author of many Mathematical treatises. Son of Henry and Eliza (Tomlinson) Stringham, b. at Yorkshire, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1847; d. at Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 5, 1909. For many years used name Irving Stringham. Children born at Berkeley, Cal. : 1. Harriet Day^° Stringham, b. Aug. 21, 1889; m. at Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 6. 1914, William Andrew De- Witt, son of Cornelius John and Margaret (Kelty) DeWitt, b. at New York City,, Jan. 17, 1884. B.A. Yale, 1908. 1st Lieut. Art'y., U. S. A. Children: (1) Anne^« DeWitt and (2) Harriet^« DeWitt, twins, b. at Berkeley, Dec. 12, 1918. 2. Alartha Sherman^^ Stringham, b. Mar. 5, 1891; m. at Berkeley, May 16, 1912, Leonard Bacon, son of Nathaniel Terry and Helen (Hazard) Bacon, b. at Syracuse, N. Y., May 25, 1887. B.A. Yale, 1909. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Radio Officer Ground School of Aviation. Children born at Berkeley: (1) Martha Sherman^^ Bacon, b. Apr. 2, 1917. (2) Helen Hazard^« Bacon, b. Mar. 9, 1919. 3. Roland Irving^^ Stringham, b. May 24, 1892. B.S. College of Architecture, Univ. of Cal., 1913. Junior Lieut. U. S. N., Submarine Service. Unm. II. Annie Clark^* Day, b. at Folsom, Cal., Jan. 22, 1864. Unm. III. Olivia" Day, b. at Folsom, Jan. 29, 1866; m. at Berk- eley, July 3, 1901, Charles Samuel Greene, son of Na- thaniel and Hannah Wells (Eldridge) Greene, b. at Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 6, 1856. B.A. University of California, 1886. No issue. 384 Sherman Genealogy IV. Roger Sherman^* Day, Jr., b. at San Francisco, Sept. 20, 1872. Captain Inf., U. S. A. m. at Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 23, 1905, Abby Louise Marston, daughter of Frank Augustus and Annie (Palmer) Marston, b. at Oakland, Cal, June 24, 1875 ; d. at Palo Alto, Cal., Jan. 19, 1906. No issue. 125. JANE OLIVIA^'^ DAY (74. Sherman^- Day, Martha" (Sherman) Day, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,' Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,* Thomas^), b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1844; m. at Oak- land, Cal., Feb. 6, 1867, Henry Austin^* Palmer, son of Ben- jamin Franklin and Eliza Harriet^^ (Hart) Palmer,b.at Mys- tic Bridge, Conn., Dec. 23, 1842. He was Cashier of the United States Sub-treasury and Mint at San Francisco, Cal., 1865-1867. Vice-President of Oakland Union Savings Bank. President of the Union National Bank of Oakland. He d. at Los Angeles, Cal.,- Feb. 4, 1917. She d. there July 12, 1910. (See above, 46.) Children: I. Theodore Sherman^* Palmer, b. at Oakland, Cal., Jan. 26, 1868; m. at Washington, D. C, Nov. 21, 1911, Bertha Marilla Ellis, daughter of Charles William Henry and Marion, Collins (DeVau) Ellis, b. at Wal- tham, Mass., Apr. 7, 1877. No issue. II. Elizabeth Day^* Palmer, b. at Oakland, Nov. 30, 1872. B.A. University of California, 1894. Unm. III. Harold King" Palmer, b. at Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 20, 1878. Univ. of Cal., B.S., 1898; Ph.D., 1903; m. at Price, Utah, July 31, 1918, Dorothy Marie Beggs, daughter of Carey Temple and Emma Laura (Bart- lett) Beggs, b. at Stockville, Neb., Aug. 16, 1891. 126. CLINTON^^ DAY (74. Sherman^^ Day, Martha" (Sher- man) Day, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,'' John," Henry ,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas,^), b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1847. B.A. University of California, 1868. M.A., 1874. LL.D., 1910. Architect of distinction, m. at San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 21, 1875, Grace Sherman Genealogy 385 Wakefield, daughter of Enoch Hemingway and Caroline Hul- dah (Kingsbury) Wakefield, b. at Chelsea, Mass. He d. at Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 11, 1916. Child: I. Caroline^* Day, b. at Berkeley, Cal., Aug. 20, 1882. Unm. 127. SAMUEL^^ HOAR (75. Hon. Ebenezer R.^- Hoar, Sarah^^ (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,'^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Concord, Mass., Sept. 27, 1845. Served in U. S. Army, Sept. 1862, to Aug., 1863, in 48th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. B.A. Harvard, 1867. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, June, 1870. Representative in Massachusetts Legislature, 1881. Chairman of Selectmen of Concord, 1885 and 1886. Overseer of Harvard, 1887- 1895. Fellow, 1894-1904. Lawyer, m. (1) at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 12, 1871, Kate Wise, daughter of Commodore George Douglas and Laura (May) Wise, b. at Baltimore, May 15, 1847. She d. at Concord, Feb. 3, 1877. m. (2) at Boston, Oct. '20, 1886, Helen Putnam Wadleigh, daughter of Hon. Bainbridge Wadlegh, Lawyer, U. S. Senator for New Hampshire, 1873-1879, and Ann Maria (Putnam) Wadleigh, b. at Milford, N. H., May 5, 1859. He d. at Concord, Apr. 11, 1904. Children by second wife, bom at Concord: L SamueP* Hoar, b. Aug. 21, 1887. B.A. Harvard, 1909. LL.B., 1912. Lawyer. Member of Boston firm of Goodwin, Proctor & Ballantine. Served in U. S. A. at Fort Zachary Taylor, m. at Concord, June 6, 1914, Helen Warren, daughter of William Ross and Helen (Van Voast) Warren, b. at New York City, Dec. 16, 1895. Child : 1. Cynthia^« Hoar, b. at Concord, Apr. 17, 1915. n. John^* Hoar, b. Dec. 7, 1889. B.A. Harvard, 1912. 1st Lieut Infantry, U. S. A. Served in France, m. at Dobbs Ferry, N, Y., June 17, 1916, Dorothy Emma Brown, daughter of Franklin Quimby and Ida Prescott Bigelow (Eldredge) Brown, b. at Boston, Mass., Mar. 10, 1894. Child : l^ 386 Sherman Genealogy 1. John^^ Hoar, Jr., b. at Concord, Mass., Oct. 23, 1917. 128. ELIZABETH" HOAR (75. Hon. Ebenezer R.^^ Hoar, Sarah" (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, WilHam,® Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,® Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Concord, Nov. 25, 1854. m. at Con- cord, June 12, 1884, Samuel Bowles, son of Samuel and Mary Dwight (Schermerhorn) Bowles, of Springfield, Mass., b. at Springfield, Oct. 15, 1851. Took a special course at Yale for two years. M.A. (Hon.) Amherst, 1879. L.H.D. Olivet College, 1913. Assistant in Editorial department of the "Springfield Republican," 1873-1875. Business Manager, 1875-1878. Editor, 1878, until his death, d. at Springfield, Mar. 14, 1915. Children born at Springfield: I. SamueH* Bowles, b. July 31, 1885. B.A. Harvard, 1908. Unm. II. Sherman Hoar" Bowles, b. Apr. 24, 1890. B.A. Har- vard, 1912. Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps. Served in France. In army of occupation of Germany. Unm. 129. SHERMAN^^ HOAR (75. Hon. Ebenezer R.^- Hoar, Sarah^^ (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William,' Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,*^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,' Thomas^, b. at Concord, Mass., July 30, 1860. B.A. Har- vard, 1882. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1885. Repre- sentative in Congress, 1891-1893. United States Attorney for Massachusetts, Aug. 1, 1893-1897. Trustee of Phillips Exe- ter Academy. Member of Boston law firm of Storey, Thorn- dike & Hoar. Director of the Massachusetts Volunteer Aid Association in war with Spain and served in Army Hospital in the South, m. (1) at Concord, June 2, 1886, Caroline Prescott Wood, daughter of James Barrett and Ellen Smith (Oldham) Wood, b. at Dorset, Vt., Oct. 2, 1860; d. Aug. 24, 1891. m. (2) at Concord, Dec. 6, 1892, Mary Tolman But- trick, daughter of William and Florence (King) Buttrick, b. at Concord, Mass., May 30, 1867. He d. at Concord, Oct. 7, 1898. Children by first wife: Sherman Genealogy 387 I. Roger Sherman^* Hoar, b. at Waltham, Mass., Apr. 8,1887. B.A. Harvard, 1909; LL.B., 1911. 1st Lieut. U. S. A. Coast Artillery. Instructor at Fort Monroe, 1918. m. at Edgartown, Mass., June 25, 1913, Elva Stuart Pease, daughter of Benjamin Warren and An- nie Baird (Currier) Pease, b. at Cottage City, Mass., Dec. 8, 1892. Children born at Concord: 1. Caroline Prescott^^ Hoar, b. May 3, 1914. 2. Sherman^^ Hoar, b. Apr. 7, 1917. 3. Benjamin Stuart^" Hoar, b. at Aberdeen, Md., Feb. 7, 1920. n. Ellen^* Hoar, b. at Waltham, Aug. 13, 1891. m. at Concord, Feb. 12, 1914, Stephen Coburn Pepper, son of Charles Hovey and Frances Elizabeth (Coburn) Pepper, b. at Newark, N. J., Apr. 29, 1891. B.A. Harvard, 1913, c. 1. M.A., 1914. Served in U. S. A. in Coast Artillery School, 1918. Children born at Concord : 1. Sherman Hoar^^ Pepper, b. Aug. 29, 1915. 2. Elizabeth^s Pepper, b. July 31, 1917. Children by second wife, born at Concord : III. Stedman Buttrick^* Hoar, b. Sept. 1, 1893. B.A. Harvard, 1915. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Field Artillery. Served in France. Unm. IV. Elizabeth" Hoar, b. Dec. 18, 1897. Unm. 130. ROCKWOOD^'' HOAR (78. Hon. George F.^- Hoar, Sarah^^ (Sherman) Hoar, Hon. Roger ^° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,'^ Thomas^), b. at Worcester, Mass., Aug. 24, 1855. B.A. Har- vard, 1876. LL.B., 1878. M.A., 1879. Admitted to Massa- chusetts Bar, June 16, 1879. Lawyer. Assistant District Attorney for Middle District of Massachusetts, 1884-1887. Member of Common Council of Worcester, 1887-1891. Aide- de-camp on staff of Governor Oliver Ames with rank of Col- onel, 1887-1890. Judge Advocate General on Staff of Gov- ernor Oliver Wolcott. District Attorney, Jan., 1899-Jan., 1905. Representative in Congress, 1905 until his death, m. 388 Sherman Genealogy at Worcester, June 1, 1893, Christine Rice, daughter of Wil- liam Ellis and Frances Helen (Randlett) Rice, b. at Worces- ter, Jan. 11, 1872. He d. at Worcester, Nov. 1, 1906. His widow m. at Washington, D. C, Nov. 25, 1915, Hon. Fred- erick Huntington Gillett, son of Edward Bates and Lucy- Douglas (Fowler) Gillett, b. at Westfield, Mass., Oct. 16, 1851. B.A. Amherst, 1874. M.A., 1877. LL.D., 1906. LL.B. Harvard, 1877. Lawyer. Asst. Attorney General of Massachusetts, 1879-1882. Member Mass. House of Rep., 1890, 1891. Representative in U. S. Congress for Mass. since 1893. Republican Floor Leader, 1918. Speaker, 1919. Children born at Worcester : L Frances Helen^* Hoar, b. Nov. 24, 1894. Unm. H. Louisa Ruth" Hoar, b. Aug. 22, 1898. Unm. 131. CHARLES TAYLOR^^ SHERMAN (79. Hon. Charles R.,12 Taylor,^ ^ Daniel,^° John," John.^ Samuel,^ Edmund," Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), b. at Nor- walk. Conn., Feb. 3, 1811. m. at Mansfield, O., Feb. 2, 1841, Eliza Jane Williams, daughter of John Herbert and his sec- ond wife, Elizabeth (Crane) (Boal) Williams, b. at Dayton, O., June 13, 1822; d. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 1893. He was Judge of U. S. District Court for Northern District of Ohio, Mar., 1867-1872. d. at Cleveland, O., Jan. 1, 1873. Children born at Mansfield : L Mary Hoyt" Sherman, b. June 7, 1842; m. at Cleve- land, O., June 30, 1868, Lt. Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles, U. S. A., son of Daniel and Mary (Curtis) Miles, b. at Westminster, Mass., Aug. 8, 1839. She d. at West Point, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1904. Children : 1. Cecelia Sherman^ ^ Miles, b. at Qeveland, Sept. 12, 1869; m. at Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 1900, Sam- uel Reber, Colonel U. S. A. Signal Corps. U. S. M. Acad., 1886. P.E. Johns Hopkins, 1894; served in France, son of Hon. Samuel and Mar- garet Messier (Reese) Reber, b. at St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 16, 1864. Children: (1) Miles^« Reber, b. at Sherman Genealogy 389 Washington, Mar. 27, 1902. (2) Samuel^« Reber, Jr., b. at East Hampton, N. Y., July 15, 1903. 2. Sherman^^ Miles, b. Dec. 5, 1882. Captain U. S. A. Served in France, m. at Washington, D. C, Nov. 24, 1909, Yulee Noble, daughter of William Belden and Nannie (Yulee) Noble, b. at Washington, Nov. 28, 1888. Child: (1) Nelson Appleton^« Miles, Jr., b. at Washington, Oct. 19, 1917. II. Henry Stoddard" Sherman, b. Apr. 29, 1844. B.A. Dartmouth, 1866. Lawyer, of firm of Sherman, Hoyt & Dustin. Served in the Civil War. 1st Lieut. Co. A, 120th Ohio Vols, and Adjutant of Regt. m. at Cleve- land, O., June 2, 1875, Harriet Amelia Benedict, daughter of George Amos and Sarah Frances (Rath- bone) Benedict, b. at Cleveland, Oct. 23, 1848. He d. at sea, Feb. 24, 1893. Children born at Cleveland : 1. Sarah Rathbone^^ Sherman, b. Mar. 28, 1876; m. at Cleveland, Apr. 18, 1900, Dr. Edward Perkins Carter, son of Franklin Carter, B.A. Williams 1862, M.A., LL.D., President of Williams College, and Sarah (Kingsbury) Carter, b. at New Haven, Conn., Mar. 23, 1871 ; in class of 1891 at Williams. M.D. Univ. of Penn., 1894. Fellow, Pathology, Johns Hopkins ; Asst. Clinical Prof. Med., Western Reserve. Children: (1) Ruth" Carter, b. May 24, 1902; d. Dec. 8, 1903. (2) Edward Perkins^" Carter, Jr., b. Oct. 7, 1904. 2. Henry Stoddard^^ Sherman, b. Oct. 11, 1879. B.A. Yale, 1902. Major, American Red Cross. Served in France; m. at Cleveland, Nov. 21, 1906, Edith Lydia McBride, daughter of John Harris and Elizabeth (Wright) McBride, b. Feb. 17, 1880. Children: (1) Henry Stoddard^« Sherman, Jr., b. May 31, 1908. (2) John^^ Sherman, b. Apr. 25, 1910. (3) Elizabeth" Sherman, b. Dec. 18, 1914. 3. George Benedict^" Sherman, b. Jan. 13, 1886; d. at New Haven, Conn., Oct. 26, 1903. III. Edward" Sherman, b. 1846; d. in infancy. 390 Sherman Genealogy IV. John^^ Sherman, b. Sept. 4, 1847; d. at Washington, D. C, May 30, 1890; Unm. V. Anna Wallace^* Sherman, b. Sept. 21, 1850; d. at Cleveland, O., Jan. 1, 1870. Unm. VI. Lida Williams" Sherman, b. Aug. 22, 1852; m. at Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1873. Colgate Hoyt, M.A. (Hon.) University of Rochester, 1895. Banker, Director and officer of several railroads, son of James Madison and Mary Ella (Beebe) Hoyt, b. at Cleveland, Mar. 2, 1849. She d. at Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1908. He m. (2) Katharine L. (Sharp) Cheeseman. Chil- dren : 1. Anne Sherman^^ Hoyt, b. at Cleveland, Jan. 12, 1875. Unm. 2. Charles Sherman^ ° Hoyt, b. at Cleveland, Oct. 28, 1879. B.A. Brown, 1901. Lieut. U. S. Navy. Unm. 3. Colgate^^ Hoyt, Jr., b. at Yonkers, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1883. B.A. Brown, 1905. Captain U. S. A. m. at Hempstead, N. Y., June 12, 1912, Jeannette Myers, daughter of Charles and Anna (Freeborn) Myers, b. at New York City, June 26, 1883. Chil- dren: (1) Sherman^*' Hoyt, b. at New York City, Mar. 9, 1915. (2) Jeannette^^ Hoyt and (3) Bar- bara^® Hoyt (twins), b. at New York City, Feb. 28, 1918. 4. Elizabeth Bancroft Sherman^^ Hoyt, b. at Yonkers, Oct. 16, 1885. Unm. VII. Elizabeth" Sherman, b. Nov. 10, 1857; m. at Cleve- land, Ohio, May 9, 1878, as his second wife, Hon. James Donald Cameron, son of Hon. Simon and Mar- garet (Brua) Cameron, b. at Middletown, Penn., May 14, 1833. B.A. Princeton, 1852.; M.A. 1855. U.S. Secretary of War, 1876-1877. U.S. Senator for Penn- sylvania, 1877-1897. He d. at Donegal, Penn., Aug. 30, 1918. His first wife, Mary McCormick. d. Mar. 23, 1874. Child: 1. Martha^'^ Cameron, b. at Washington, D. C, June Sherman Genealogy 391 25, 1886. m. at Washington, Mar. 18, 1909, Hon. Ronald Charles Lindsay, fourth son of James Lu- dovic, 26th Earl of Crawford, and Emily Flor- ence Wilbraham, b. at Haigh Hall, Wigan, Lan- cashire, England, May 3, 1877. C.V.O. ; Under Secretary of State for Finance in Egypt 1913-19. Counsellor of the British Embassy at Washington, 1920. She d. at Stepleton House, Blandford, Dor- set, England, Apr. 29, 1918. No issue. 132. MARY ELIZABETH" SHERMAN (79. Hon. Charles R.,^2 Taylor,^^ Daniel,^" John,^ John,« Samuel,^ Edmund," Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Lancas- ter, Ohio, Apr. 21, 1812; d. there Aug., 1900. m. at Lancas- ter, Oct. 29, 1829, William James Reese, son of Jacob and Leah (James) Reese, b. at Philadelphia, Penn., Aug. 5, 1804; d. at Lancaster, Dec. 17, 1883. B.A. Univ. Penn. Admitted to Bar of Penn. and to Bar of Ohio. Lawyer. Merchant. Major General of Ohio Militia. Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Ohio Freemasons for 8 years. Children: L Henry Bickham^* Reese, b. at Lancaster, Apr. 17, 1832; d. there Nov. 30, 1902. Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. Brevetted Lt. Col. Vols., Mar. 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Re- tired July 3, 1888. m. at Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1854, Helen Catherine Kirke, b. at Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4, 1832; d. at Lancaster, O., Mar. 23, 1861. Chil- dren: 1. William Kirke^^ Reese, b. at Lancaster, Feb. 6, 1856; m. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 11, 1877, Mary Hoyt^* Bartley, daughter of Hon. Thomas Wells and Susan Denman (Sherman) Bartley, b. at Mansfield, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1859. Children: (1) William Kirke^^ Reese, Jr., b. at Washington, D. C, Aug. 13, 1878; m. July 31, 1912. Bird Chans- lor, daughter of John and Sara Ellen (Field) Chanslor, b. in Clay Co., Mo., Jan. 1880. No is- sue. (2) Stella Bartley^« Reese, b. Nov. 29, 1879; d. Aug. 20, 1880. 392 Sherman Genealogy 2. Kate Evans^^ Reese, b. at Lancaster, Mar. 18, 1857 ; m. Rush Tevis, who d. Child : Helen Reese^' Tevis, b. 1878. Unm. 3. Mary Elizabeth^^ Reese, b. at Lancaster, Dec. 22, 1858; m. at Lancaster, Feb. 10, 1880, Asher Carter Baker, U. S. N. A., 1871. Captain U. S. Navy. Retired June 30, 1905. Attache at Constantinople, 1877-79. On U. S. Fish Commission. Instructor U. S. Military Academy, 1888-90. Commissioner at Chicago Exposition, 1890. Served at Paris Ex- position, 1898-1900. Chevalier of French Legion of Honor. Director of Exhibits of the Panama- Pacific International Exposition, 1911-1915. April 3, 1917, mobilized for active service in France with Director General of Transportation of American Expeditionary Forces. Son of Elihu and Charlotte (Carter) Baker, b. at Matawan, N. J., Dec .18, 1850. Children: (1) Cecil Sherman^^ Baker (now Sherman Baker) b. at Washington, D. C, Dec. 9, 1880. Commander Supply Corps, U. S. N., in ac- tive service, m. at Torrington, Conn., Oct. 19, 1904, Lillian Wheeler Holley, daughter of Edward Hotchkiss and Nellie (Wheeler) Holley, b. at Westchester, Penn., Sept. 26, 1881. Children: (a) Eleanor Holley^'^ Baker, b. at Culebra, Virgin Isl- ands, West Indies, Oct. 18, 1905. (b) Cecil Sher- man^^ Baker, Jr., b. at Norfolk, Va., Oct. 23, 1906. (2) Charlotte Carter^® Baker, b. at Washington, D. C, Mar. 7, 1882. m. at Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 5, 1910, Alexander Taylor Cooper, Lieut. Col. U. S. A., Medical Corps, son of James Reynolds and Sarah (Taylor) Cooper, b. at Yutan, Neb., Apr. 8, 1883. No issue. (3) Mary Elizabeth^" Baker, b. at Wood's Hole, Mass., Aug. 22, 1884. m. at Annapolis, Md., Feb. 10, 1906, Charles Rees Lloyd, Colonel Field Artillery, U. S. A., son of Charles Rees and Marion Frances (Ingram) Lloyd, b. at Leeds, Yorks., England, Nov. 14, 1876. Served in France and Germany 1917-1919. No issue. Sherman Genealogy 393 (4) Helen Margaret^® Baker, b. at Washington, D. C, Nov. 9, 1890. Served with Y. M. C. A. in France, m. at Paris, France, May 16, 1919, Eugene Warren Fales, Major U. S. A., son of Henry Marshall and Sarah Christiana (Smith) Fales, b. at La Salle, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1887. (5) Asher Carter^® Baker. Jr., b. at Annapolis, Md., Mar. 20, 1892. 2nd Lt., 62nd U. S. Inf. Unm. (6) Hoyt Sherman" Baker, Sergt., 23rd U. S. Inf., served in France. Gassed. Unm., and (7) Gerald Pomeroy^^ Baker, twins, b. at Burlington, N. J., Oct. 24, 1898. Gerald d. July 24, 1899: 4. Helen Catherine^'' Reese, b. at Lancaster, June 10, 1860. m. at Lancaster, Nov. 26, 1879, Samuel Butler, son of John and Emily Sortore (Blue) Butler, b. at Columbus, O., Mar. 23, 1844. Chil- dren: (1) Henry Reese^^ Butler, b. at Lancaster, Sept. 24, 1880; m. at Cleveland, O., Nov. 28, 1913, Alida Victoria O'Hara, daughter of William Te- cumseh Sherman and Anna Gertrude (Sims) O'Hara, b. at Ada, Ohio, Apr. 29, 1892. No issue. (2) John" Butler, b. at Lancaster, Mar. 25, 1883. Unm. (3) Alexander Beattie^^ Butler, b. at Lancas- ter, Apr. 1, 1885; d. at Columbus, Mar. 1, 1901. (4) Samuel" Butler, Jr., b. at Columbus Apr. 3, 1891, Sergeant U. S. A. m. at Montgomery, Ala., Nov 17, 1917, Mary Dell Lamb, daughter of Jos- eph and Ellen (Steen) Lamb, b. at New Lexington, O., July 14, 18—. No issue. (5) Sherman" But- ler, b. at Columbus, Feb. 10, 1893 ; d. Nov. 8, 1894. II. Mary Leah^* Reese, b. at Lancaster, Sept. 21, 1833; d. there Aug. 16, 1834. III. Rosina Elizabeth^* Reese, b. at Lancaster, Feb. 24, 1835; m. at Lancaster, Oct. 20, 1858, Alfred Miller Hoyt, son of James Moody and Mary (Nesbitt) Hoyt, b. at New York City, Dec. 22, 1828 ; d. there June 18, 1903. Children b. at New York City: 1. Florence Cecelia" Hoyt, b. Feb. 28, 1860; m. at 394 Sherman Genealogy Ne\\^ York City, Apr. 22, 1887, Dr. William Kelly Otis, B.A. Columbia 1882, M.D. 1885, son of Fes- senden Nott (M. D. N. Y. Medical College, 1852; M.A. Union, 1851; LL.D. Columbia, 1892) and Frances (Cooke) Otis, b. at New York City, Sept. 9, 1860; d. there Sept. 22, 1907. Child: (1) Ro- sina Hoyt^" Otis, b. at New York City, Jan. 30, 1888; m. there Nov. 4, 1914, Capt. Edgar Farrar Bateson, U. S. A., son of Charles Edwin and Mary McLaughlin (Stamps) Bateson, b. at New Orleans, La., Jan. 9, 1887. Children born at New York City: (a) Edgar Farrar'^ Bateson, Jr., b. July 19, 1915. (b) Florence Cecelia^^ Bateson, b. Mar. 26, 1917. 2. Henry Reese^^ Hoyt, b. May 1, 1861. B.A. Har- vard, 1882; LL.B. Columbia, 1884. Admitted to New York Bar, 1884. Lawyer. Member of firm of Daly, Hoyt & Mason, m. at Berlin, Germany, Dec. 9, 1885, Emy Otto, daughter of Carl August and Margaret Mesier (Lydig) Otto, b. at Berlin, Germany, Dec. 9, 1861. Children: (1) Gretchen Rosina" Hoyt, b. at New York City, Oct. 16, 1886; m. at Portland, Ore., June 3, 1908, Henry Ladd Corbett, son of Henry Jagger and Helen (Ladd) Corbett, b. at Portland, Ore., July 29, 1881. Chil- dren born at Portland: (a) Helen Elizabeth^^ Corbett, b. Feb. 17, 1910. (b) Henry Ladd" Cor- bett, Jr., b. Aug. 9, 1912. (c) Alfred Hoyt" Cor- bett, b. July 22, 1915. (2) Elizabeth Sherman^" Hoyt, b. at New York City, Jan. 8, 1891 ; m. at New York City, Jan. 20, 1915, Thomas Harris Frothingham, B.A. Harvard 1913, son of Theo- dore and Lucy (Harris) Frothingham, b. at Phila- delphia, Penn., Apr. 5, 1891. Children born at New York City: (a) Elizabeth Emy" Frothing- ham, b. Nov. 6, 1915. (b) Henry Hoyt" Froth- ingham, b. Jan. 27, 1918. (3) Alfred Otto" Hoyt, b. at Southampton, N. Y., June 1, 1892, Capt. U. S. A. Served in France. Unm. (4) Henry Sherman Genealogy 395 Reese^" Hoyt, Jr., b. at New York City, Dec. 5, 1902. 3. Alfred William^ ^ Hoyt, b. Jan. 22, 1863 ; d. at New York City, Nov. 20, 1911. Unm. 4. Mary Elizabeth^^ Hoyt, b. Sept. 5, 1867; d. at New York City, Dec. 14, 1891. Unm. 5. John Sherman^^ Hoyt, b. July 29, 1869, B.A. Co- lumbia, 1890; m. at Lenox, Mass., Oct. 31, 1895, Ethel Phelps Stokes, daughter of Anson Phelps and Helen L. (Phelps) Stokes, b. at Staten Island, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1876. Children: (1) John Sher- mani° j^q^^^ j^,^ ^ ^^ p.yg^ ^ Y., Sept. 16, 1896; d. at Lenox, Mass., May 26, 1897. (2) Anson Phelps Stokes^° Hoyt, b. at Lenox, Sept. 24, 1897. Yale 1920. (3) Sherman Reese^'^ Hoyt, b. at New York City, Jan. 13, 1900. (4) Helen Phelps Stokes^*' Hoyt, b. at Lakewood, N. J., Dec. 27, 1903. (5) Ethel Stokes^ « Hoyt, b. at Rowayton, Conn., June 25, 1907. (6) Graham^" Hoyt, b. at New York City, Mar. 12, 1910. 6. Rosina Sherman^^ Hoyt, b. Mar. 11, 1874. Unm. IV. Margaret Messier^* Reese, b. at Philadelphia, June 18, 1839; m. at Lancaster, June 18, 1862, Hon. Samuel Reber, son of Valentine and Magdeleen (Van Reed) Reber, b. at Royalton, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1815; d. at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Dec. 1, 1879. Lawyer, Judge of Court of Common Pleas and of Circuit Court of St. Louis, Mo., 1856-1867. Children: 1. Maud^^ Reber, b. at Lancaster, Aug. 14, 1863; m. at Old Orchard, Mo., Oct. 12, 1897, Rev. Carroll Melvin Davis, son of Thomas Franklin and Sarah Miranda (Chase) Davis, b. at Campo, Seco, Cal., Sept. 9, 1857. She d. at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 3, 1903. Child: (1) Carroll Melvin^" Davis, Jr., b. at St. Louis, July 28, 1898; d. there May 17, 1901. 2. Samuel^= Reber, b. at St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1864. U. S. Military Academy, 1886. P.E. Johns Hop- kins, 1894. Col. Signal Corps, U. S. A. Served 396 Sherman Genealogy in France ; m. at Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 1900, Cecelia Sherman^^ Miles, daughter of Lieut. Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles, U. S. A., and Mary Hoyt^* (Sherman) Miles, b. at Cleveland, O., Sept, 12, 1869. Children: (1) Miles^° Reber, b. at Wash- ington, D. C, Mar. 27, 1902. (2) Samuel^« Reber, Jr., b. at East Hampton, N. Y., July 15, 1903. 3. Maxime^^ Reber, b. at St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1866. B.E. Washington University, St. Louis. 1888. Unm. 4. William Reese^^ Reber, b. at St. Louis, Mar. 18, 1868. m. at El Paso, Texas, July 14, 1915, Edna Van Patten, daughter of Woodman Kimball and Lucy (Kreinberg) Van Patten, b. at El Paso, Texas, Aug. 11, 1894. Child: (1) Margaret Mesier^® Reber, b. at Las Cruces, New Mexico, Jan. 7, 1917. 5. Charles Sherman^^ Reber, tw^in, b. at St. Louis, Aug. 18, 1870. B.A. Washington University, St. Louis, 1891. Lavv^yer. Unm. 6. Harry Linton^ ^ Reber, twin, b. at St. Louis, Aug. 18, 1870. C.E. Washington University, St. Louis, 1893. Unm. 7. Mary Granger^^ Reber, b. at St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1872. Unm. V. Mary Hoyt'* Reese, b. at Lancaster, Aug. 23, 1841; m. at Lancaster, Dec. 29, 1858, Moses Moorhead Granger, son of James and Matilda Vance (Moor- head) Granger, b. at Zanesville, Ohio, Oct. 22, 1831 ; d. there Apr. 29, 1913. Children born at Zanesville: 1. Henry James^^ Granger,, b. Nov. 1, 1859; d. at Zanesville, Aug. 2, 1860. 2. Alfred Hoyt" Granger, b. May 31, 1867. Capt U. S. A.; m. at Chicago, Oct. 4, 1893, Belle (Hough) Hughitt, daughter of Marvin and Belle Hughitt, b. at Chicago. Feb. 9, 1867. Children: (1) Elisabeth Sherman^® Granger, b. at Cleveland, O., Nov. 28, 1895. (2) Barbara Hughitt^' Sherman Genealogy 397 Granger, b. at Lake Forest, 111., May 23, 1899. (3) Martha McCullogh^" Granger, b. at Chicago, Nov. 22, 1900. 3. Sherman Moorhead^^ Granger, b. June 16, 1870; m. at Cincinnati, O., Feb. 7, 1900, Wanda Dawson Follett, daughter of John Fassett and Frances (Dawson) Follett, b. at Munich, Bavaria, Dec. 19, 1872. No issue. 4. Helen Louise" Granger, b. June 14, 1872; d. at Zanesville, Sept. 21, 1872. 5. Ethel" Granger, b. Mar. 28, 1876; m. at Zanes- ville, Oct. 24, 1900, William Darlington Schultz, son of Robert Darlington and Mary (Van Home) Schultz, b. at Zanesville, Jan. 12, 1868. No issue. VL Julia Leah^* Reese, b. at Lancaster, Oct. 15, 1842; d. there June 7, 1912. Unm. Vn. Alice Augusta^* Reese, b. at Lancaster, Mar. 27, 1845 ; d. there May 15, 1851. 133. GENERAL WILLIAM TECUMSEH^-'' SHERMAN (79. Hon. Charles R.," Taylor," Daniel,^" John,« John,* Samuel,' Edmund." Edmund,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Lancaster, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1820. Cadet at United States Military Academy, July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840. Captain in 1850. In Mexican War. Resigned from Army, Sept. 6, 1853. Banker in San Francisco, Cal., 1853-1857. Major General, California Militia, 1856. In New York, 1857. Counsellor at Law, Leavenworth, Kansas, 1858-1859. Superintendent Louisiana "State Seminary of Learning and Military Acad- emy," at Alexandria, La., and Professor of Engineering, Architecture and Drawing, 1859-1861. Reappointed to U. S. Army with rank of Colonel of 13th Infantry, May 14, 1861. Served through the War of the Rebellion. Brigadier Gen- eral U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861. Major General U. S. Volunteers, May 1, 1862. Brigadier General, U. S. Army, July 4, 1863. Major General, U. S. Army, Aug. 12, 1864. Lieutenant General, U. S. Army, July 25, 1866. General, U. S. Army, Mar. 4, 1869. Retired, Feb. 8, 1884. Twice 398 Sherman Genealogy Secreetary of War. LL.D. Dartmouth, 1866; Yale, 1876; Princeton, 1878. A gentleman, a scholar, a great com- mander, an orator and a good citizen, m. at Washington, D. C, May 1, 1850, Eleanor Boyle Ewing, daughter of Hon. Thomas and Maria (Boyle) Ewing, b. at Lancaster, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1824. She d. a't New York, Nov. 28, 1888. He d. at New York, Feb. 14, 1891. Children: I. Maria Ewing^* Sherman, b. at Lancaster, O., Jan. 28, 1851 ; m. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 1, 1874, Thomas William Fitch, son of Michael and Catherine (Moore) Fitch, b. at New York City, Oct. 1, 1843 ; d. at Brook- lyn, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1915. First Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy, Oct. 8, 1872. Resigned Dec. 31, 1875. Afterwards in business. She d. at Gulfport, Miss., Nov. 22, 1913. Children: 1. William Sherman^^ Fitch, b. at St. Louis, Mo., June 24, 1875 ; m. (1) at Clarksdale, Aliss., Dec. 20, 1899, Almira Russell Hancock, daughter of Russell and Elizabeth (Gwynn) Hancock, b. at New York City, Jan. 14, 1878; d. at Clarksdale, Miss., Feb. 1, 1915. No issue. He m. (2) at Mobile, Ala., Oct. 14, 1915, Florence Mitchell, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Powers) Mitchell, b. at Apala- chicola, Fla., Oct. 2, 1889. No issue. 2. Eleanor Sherman^^ Fitch, b. at St. Louis, Nov. 13, 1876. Unm. 3. Thomas William^"' Fitch, Jr., b. at Lancaster, June 24, 1878; d. at New York City, Dec. 21, 1917. Captain 324th Infantry, U. S. A. m. at Pitts- burgh, Pa., Feb. 21, 1900, Gray Morrison Emery, daughter of John Anson and Mary Tassey (Mor- rison) Emery, b. at Allegheny (now Pittsburgh), Pa., Mar. 2, 1875. Children born at Pittsburgh: (1) Coleman Morrison^" Fitch, b. Mar. 14, 1902. (2) Tecumseh Sherman^" Fitch, b. Mar. 21, 1908. (3) Rosamond Thomas^" Fitch, b. Feb. 28, 1910. 4. Catherine" Fitch, b. at St. Louis, Dec. 25, 1879; d. at Washington, D. C, Aug. 20, 1882. \ • Sherman Genealogy 399 5. Maria Ewing^" Fitch, b. at St. Louis, Sept. 30, 1881 ; d. at Washington, D. C, Aug. 10, 1882. 6. Mary Sherman^"' Fitch, b. at St. Louis, May 28, 1883 ; m. at Sharon, Conn., Sept. 3, 1907, Daniel Webster Armistead, son of Walker Keith and Julia Francis (Appleton) Armistead, b. at New York City, Sept. 20, 1874. No issue. XL Mary Elizabeth" Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Mar. 17, 1852. Unm. III. William Tecumseh^* Sherman, Jr., b. at Lancaster, June 8, 1854; d. Oct. 10, 1863. IV. Rev. Thomas Ewing^* Sherman, b. at San Francisco, Cal, Oct. 12, 1856. B.A. Georgetown, 1874. Ph.B. Yale, 1876. Roman Catholic Priest. V. Eleanor Mary^* Sherman, b. at Lancaster, Sept. 5, 1859; d. at Neuilly, France, July 18, 1915. m. at Washington, D. C, May 5, 1880, Alexander Mont- gomery Thackara, son of Benjamin and Mary Thackara, b. at Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 24, 1848. U. S. Naval Academy, 1869. Lieut. U. S. Navy. Re- signed, 1882. U. S. Consul at Havre, France, 1897- 1905; at Berlin, Germany, 1905-1913. U. S. Consul General at Paris since 1913. Children: 1. Mary Elizabeth^^ Thackara, b. at Boston, Mass., Jan. 18, 1881. Unm. 2. Alexander Montgomery^^ Thackara, Jr., b. at Philadelphia, June 27, 1883. Lieut. J. G., U. S. N. R. F. ; m. at Boston, Dec, 1906, Cecil Duffin. Di- vorced. No issue. 3. William Tecumseh Sherman^^ Thackara, b. at Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1884. B.A. Harvard, 1908; m. at Woking, England, July 14, 1913, Lucy Mar- cel, daughter of Justine James and Jane Rachel Casey (Cook) Marcel, b. at Havre, France, Dec. 1, 1890. Children: (1) James Justin^" Thackara, b. at Buenos Aires, Argentina, Apr. 23, 1914. (2) Alexander Montgomery^" Thackara, b. at Olivos, Argentina, Aug. 28, 1917. 400 Sherman Genealogy 4. Eleanor Sherman^^ Thackara, b. at Marietta, Penn., Aug. 6, 1886. m. at Rosemont, Penn., Jan. 31, 1917, Frederic Wadsworth Cauldwell, son of James Allen and Sarah (Lendrum) Cauldwell, b. at Watkins, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1874. Child: (1) Frederic Wadsworth^^ Cauldwell, Jr., b. at Wash ington, D. C, June 9, 1918. VI. Rachel Ewing^* Sherman, b. at Lancaster, July 5, 1861 ; m. at Washington, D. C, Dec. 30, 1891, Paul Thorndike. B.A. cmn laude, Harvard, 1884. M.D., 1888. Assistant Professor of Surgery at Harvard. Son of Dr. William and Martha Eliza (Abbott) Thorndike, b. at Beverly, Mass., Mar. 2, 1863. She d. at Boston, Mass., Oct. 26, 1919. Children : 1. William Tecumseh Sherman^^ Thorndike, b. at Boston, Jan. 16, 1893. B.A. Harvard, 1916. 2. Martha^^ Thorndike, b. at Boston, Jan. 18, 1895 ; m. at Boston, May 4, 1918, Joseph Rochemont Hamlen, son of James Clarence and Caroline Frances (White) Hamlen, b. at Portland, Me., Mar. 15, 1881. In class of, 1904, Lawrence Scien- tific School, Harvard. Child: (1) Joseph Roche- mont Hamlen, Jr., b. at Boston, Dec. 8, 1919. 3. Anna^^ Thorndike, b. at Harvard, Mass., Sept. 12, 1896. Unm. VII. Charles Celestine" Sherman, b. at Lancaster, June 11, 1864; d. there Dec. 4, 1864. VIII. Philemon Tecumseh^* Sherman, b. at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 9, 1867. B.A. St. Louis University, 1886. Ph.B. Yale, 1888. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1890. Alderman, New York City, 1898, 1899. Commis- sioner of Labor, State of New York, 1905-1907. Law- yer. Member of New York City firm of Taft & Sher- man. Unm. 134. SUSAN DENMAN" SHERMAN (79. Hon. Charles R.," Taylor,^ ^ Daniel,^" John,» John," Samuel,^ Edmund,* Ed- mund," Henry, ■* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Lancaster, Sherman Genealogy 401 Ohio, Oct. 10, 1825 ; d. at Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 1876. m. as his second wife, at Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. 7,' 1848, Thomas Wells Bartley, son of Mordecai Hartley, Captain in war of 1812. Rep. for Ohio in Congress, 1823-1831 ; Gov- ernor of Ohio, 1844-1846; and Elizabeth (Wells) Bartley b Jefferson Co., Ohio, Feb. 11, 1812; d. at Washington, D. 'c. June 20, 1885. B.A. Jefferson College, Penn., 1829; M.A.] 1833. Admitted to Bar of Ohio, 1833. Lawyer. Member of House of Representatives and State Senator of Ohio. Presi- dent of Senate and acting Governor. Judge Supreme Court Ohio, Feb. 9, 1852-Feb. 9, 1853. Chief Justice from then to Feb., 1854. Judge from then to Dec, 1856. Chief Justice from then to Feb. 9, 1859. He m. (1) Oct. 5, 1837, Julia Maria Larwill, daughter of William Larwill, of Wooster, Ohio. She d. Mar. 1, 1847. Four children of his first mar- riage. Children : I. Herbert^^ Bartley, b. at Mansfield, O. ; m. at Wash- ington, D. C. II. Alice Elizabeth" Bartley, b. at Mansfield, Jan. 11, 1854; m. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 3, 1877, Frank Farnsworth Bernard, son of Joseph and Josephine Bernard, b. at Madison, Ind., Sept. 6, 1852; d. at New York City, July 15, 1893. No issue. III. Roger Sherman^* Bartley, b. at Mansfield, Dec. 14, 1856; m. (1) at Washington, D. C, Dec. 27, 1878,' Carrie Belle Hall, daughter of Richard M. and Clara (Brooks) Hall, b. at Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 24, 1858. Divorced Oct., 1912. She d. at Denver, Colo.,' June, 1918. m. (2) at Denver, Colo., June 18, 1917,' Edith Elizabeth Stoneback, daughter of Enos H. and Fan- nie (Eckert) Stoneback, b. at Moline, Kans., Jan. 15, 1887. No issue. Children by first wife, bom at Den- ver: 1. Carrie HalP= Bartley, b. Feb. 7, 1881 ; m. at Den- ver, Feb. 8, 1900, Harry Lee Simpson, son of Ar- thur Monroe and Mattie Fish (Bonnell) Simpson, b. at Marion, Ind., Aug. 6, 1876. Children born at Denver: (1) Ruth Bartley" Simpson, b. Apr. 18, 402 Sherman Genealogy 1902. (2) Roger Monroe^° Simpson, b. Mar. 13, 1904. 2. EtheF"^ Bartley, b. Aug. 21, 1882; d. at Denver, Oct. 1, 1884. 3. John Shermanis Bartley, b. Feb. 7, 1884; m. (1) at Denver, Sept. 16, 1910, Louise Watson, daugh- ter of John B. and EHzabeth Watson, b. at Den- ver, Sept. 16, 1892. No issue. Divorced, m. (2) at Denver,, Nov. 26, 1914, Pauline Wilson, daugh- ter of William R. and Delia K. Wilson, b. at Clay Center, Kans., Dec. 6, 1892. Child: (1) Alice Wilson^" Bartley, b. at Denver, May 30, 1917. 4. Katherine Gladys^'^ Bartley, b. June 4, 1886; m. at Denver, Sept. 12, 1917, William Lewis Baker, son of Lewis Powell and Mary Mathilde (Lewis) Baker, b. at Earlville. N. Y., May 24, 1879. No issue. IV. Mary Hoyt^* Bartley, b. at Mansfield, Aug. 11, 1859; m. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 11, 1877, William Kirke^^ Reese, son of Henry Bickham^* and Helen Catherine (Kirke) Reese, b. at Lancaster, O., Feb. 6, 1856. Children: 1. William Kirke^'^ Reese, Jr., b. at Washington, D. C, Aug. 13, 1878; m. July 31, 1912, Bird Chans- lor, daughter of John and Sara Ellen (Field) Chanslor, b. in Clay Co., Mo., Jan., 1880. No issue. 2. Stella Bartley^'^ Reese, b. Nov. 29, 1879; d. Aug. 20, 1880. V. Susan Day^* Bartley, b. at Cincinnati, O., 1867; d. at Washington, D. C, 1873. 135. FRANCES BEECHER^^ SHERMAN (79. Hon. Charles R.,^- Taylor,^^ Daniel/^ John," John,^ Samuel,"' Edmund," Edmund, ■'■ Henry,* Thomas,-^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Lan- caster, Ohio, May 5, 1829. m. at Mansfield, Ohio, May 9, 1855, Charles William Moulton, son of Dan Alonzo, Jr., and Adaline (Wallace) MouUon, b. at Ricefield, O., Dec. 16, Sherman Genealogy 403 1830; d. at New York City, Jan. 24, 1888. She d. at New York City, Feb. 22, 1889. Children: I. Mary Hoyt Sherman^* Moulton, b. at Mansfield, Nov. 3, 1856; m. at Glendale, O., June 28, 1877, Henry Russell Probasco, son of William Boswell and Mary Jane (Russell) Probasco, b. at Cincinnati, O., May 12, 1856. Children born at Glendale : 1. Charles Moulton^^ Probasco, b. May 22, 1878; m. at Wyoming, O., Sept. 2, 1902, Susan Ella Ran- som, daughter of Edward Payson and Ella (Bishop) Ransom, b. at Wyoming, O., July 9, 1878. Children: (1) Henry Ransom^" Probasco, b. at Glendale, d., Dec. 25, 1905. (2) Mary Ella^" Probasco, b. at Glendale, Aug. 28, 1907. (3) Josephine Olivia^ ° Probasco, b. at Jamestown, N. Y., July 23, 1913. 2. William Ramsey^ ^^ Probasco, b. Nov. 11, 1880. Now Ramsey Probasco. B.A. and LL.B. Univ. of Cincinnati. Member of Bars of Ohio, New York and California. Lawyer in Oakland, Cal. m. at Charlottesville, Va., June 30, 1908, Clara Tut- tle, daughter of Albert Henry and Kate (Austin) Tuttle, b. at Columbus, O., Dec. 19, 1875. B.A. Univ. of Cal. No issue. II. Adaline Sherman^* Moulton, b. at Toledo, O., Mar. 29, 1859; m. at Glendale, Oct. 18, 1882, William Jesse Haldeman, son of Thomas Jefferson and Sarah Ann (Oilman) Haldeman, b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1855; d. at Glendale, May 1, 1915. She d. at Glen- dale, Oct. 30, 1915. Children born at Glendale: 1. Mary Adalyn^^ Haldeman, b. Sept. 7, 1883; m. at Glendale, June 2, 1913, Walter Williamson Merrill, son of Lt. Col. William Emery Merrill, Engineer Corps, U. S. A., and Margaret Ellen (Spence) Merrill, b. at Newport, Ky., Oct. 20, 1881. Captain 3rd Field Artillery, U. S. A. Children born at St. Louis, Mo.: (1) Walter Williamson^" Merrill, b. 404 Sherman Genealogy July 27, 1914. (2) Mary Adalyn^" Merrill, b. Aug. 24, 1915. 2. John Sherman^ ^ Haldeman, b. Jan. 2, 1889, Lieut. U. S. A. Unm. 3. William Tecumseh^^ Haldeman, b. Nov. 26, 1891. Captain U. S. A. Cavalry. Served in France. Unm. 4. Angeline^' Haldeman, b. Mar. 17, 1893 ; d. at Glen- dale, Apr. 12, 1893. 5. Thomas Jefferson^^ Haldeman, b. Nov. 9, 1895. Unm. HI. Cecelia Sherman^* Moulton, b. at Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 21, 1860; m. (1) at Glendale, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1880, Charles Henry Rockwell, son of David Ladd and Caroline (Palmiter) Rockwell, b. at Franklin Mills (now Kent) Ohio, Feb. 17, 1848. U. S. M. A., 1869. Captain U. S. A. He d. at Washington, D. C, Aug. 21, 1888. She m. (2) at Glendale, Oct. 16, 1890, John Little, son of William and Lucy (Clary) Little, b. at Shelbyville, Tenn., July 3, 1860. U. S. M. A., 1885. Captain U. S. A. He d. at Governor's Island, New York City, July 28, 1900. She d. at Glendale, May 19, 1919. Children by first husband: 1. Charles Henry^^ Rockwell, Jr., b. at Glendale, Jan. 13, 1881 ; d. there Aug. 3, 1881. 2. Frances Sherman^ ^ Rockwell, b. at Fort Sidney, Neb., Mar. 3, 1883 ; m. at Glendale, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1913, John Douglas McLaren, son of John Piatt and Helen (Tracy) McLaren, b. at Glendale, 1885. Children: born at Glendale: (1) John Douglas^' McLaren, Jr., b. Nov. 17, 1915. (2) Cecilia Rock- well" McLaren, b. May 15, 1917. 3. Lewis Cassidy^" Rockwell, b. at Glendale, Nov. 23, 1885. Second Lieut. 10th Infantry, U. S. A. As- signed to Aviation Corps ; d. in service flying at College Park, Md., Sept. 28, 1912. 4. Charlotte Henrietta^ ^ Rockwell, b. at West Point, N. Y., June 16, 1886; m. at Glendale, Dec. 26, Sherman Genealogy 405 1905, Herman William Lackman, son of Albert and Elizabeth (Snyder) Lackman, b. at Cincin- nati, O., Feb. 3, 1883. Children born at Cincin- nati: (1) Herman William^" Lackman, Jr., b. July 31, 1908. (2) John Little^" Lackman, b. Oct. 19, 1910. (3) Elizabeth Alberta^« Lackman, b. Apr. 19, 1913. (4) Lewis RockwelP° Lackman. b. Jan. 22, 1919. Child by second husband : 5. Elizabeth Reese^-' Little, b. at Asheville, N. C, Jan. 15, 1892. m. at Glendale, Dec. 25, 1919, John Calvin Chapin, son of Roswell and Mary Emma (Turner) Chapin, b. at Atwater, O., Feb. 23, 1879. IV. John Sherman^* Moulton, b. at Mansfield, O., Dec. 9, 1864. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1887. m. at Chester, Penn., Oct. 4, 1894, Keenah AUcutt, daughter of Dr. William and Sarah (Crowel) AU- cutt, b. at Media, Penn., Dec. 20, 1869. He d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1919. Child: 1. Helen Allcutt^^ Moulton, b. at Lowell, Mass., Apr. 12, 1896. Unm. 136. JAMES MORGAN" SHERMAN (84. James Taylor," Major Charles,^- Capt. John,^^ Hon. Roger, ^° William.^ Jos- eph,^ Capt. John,'' John," Henry,° Henry,* Thomas,' John,^ Thomas^), b. at Windsor, Conn., Nov. 20, 1842. Grain Mer- chant in Chicago. Member of firm of Poole & Sherman for many years, until 1900, when he retired, m. at Maiden, 111., May 2, 1871, Mary Eliza French, daughter of Sanford Byron and Mary Ann (Mead) French, b. at Maiden, Mass., Dec. 22, 1849. Children born at Chicago : I. Edwin Morgan^^ Sherman, b. July 19, 1874. Owner of La Ladero Ranch, Elsinore, Cal. m. at Evanston, 111., Jan. 24, 1905, Helen Louise Harsha, daughter of Leslie Royal and Harriet Marie (Burns) Harsha, b. at Chicago, 111., Feb. 26, 1880. B.Litt. Smith College, 1901. Children born at Evanston: 406 Sherman Genealogy 1. Barbara'*' Sherman, b. Apr. 24, 1907. 2. Elizabeth Harriet" Sherman, b. June 29, 1908. II. Roger'^ Sherman, b. Mar. 18, 1877. In real estate business in Chicago, m. at Chicago, June 9, 1902, Martha Evehna Tucker, daughter of WilHam String- ham Snyder and Martha Ann (Nesbitt) Tucker, b. at St. Louis, Mo., June 20, 1877. Children : 1. Martha Nesbitt'^ Sherman, b. at Chicago, Nov. 25, 1904. 2. Roger'" Sherman, Jr., b. at Evanston, Oct. 19, 1911. 3. James Morgan'" Sherman, b. at Evanston, Nov. 23, 1912. III. Martha Elizabeth'-' Sherman, b. July 6, 1878. B.Litt. Smith College, 1901. m. at Chicago, Oct. 5, 1905, John Edward Dixon, son of Frederick John and Har- riet Maude (Buck) Dixon, b. at Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 11, 1877. B.S. and M.E. University of Wiscon- sin, 1900. Assistant Sales Manager of American Locomotive Company. They live in East Orange, N. J. Children born at Orange : 1. John Sherman'" Dixon, b. July 26, 1907. 2. Dorothy Sherman'" Dixon, b. May 11, 1912. IV. Mary French'^ Sherman, b. Mar. 31, 1880. Class of 1903, Smith College, m. at Chicago, Jan. 14, 1907, Charles Ralston McMillen, son of William Ferris and Almeda Catherine (Regal) McMillen, b. at Fremont, Ohio, July 26, 1879. Ph.B. University of Chicago, 1903. Vice-President and Director of the Union Bag and Paper Company. Children : 1. Janet'" McMillen, b. at East Orange, Aug. 26, 1908. 2. James Hiatt'" McMillen, b. at Orange, Jan. 12, 1918. 137. EDWARD BALDWIN'* WHITNEY (87. Elizabeth" (Baldwin) Whitney, Hon. Roger S.'- Baldwin, Rebecca'* (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger'" Sherman, William,'' Jos- Sherman Genealogy 407 eph,8 Capt. John/ John," Henry/ Henry/ Thomas/ John/ Thomas^), b. at New Haven, Conn., Aug. 16, 1857. B.A. Yale, 1878. LL.B. Hamilton, 1880. Admitted to Bar of New York, 1884. Lawyer. Member of New York City firm of Burnett & Whitney. Assistant United States Attorney General, Mar. 23, 1893-Mar., 1897. Justice of Supreme Court of New York, First Department, by appointment, 1909- Dec. 31, 1910, and by second appointment, Jan. 1, 1911, un- til his death, m. at Washington, D. C, Apr. 11, 1896, Josepha Newcomb, daughter of Professor Simon and Mary Caroline (Hassler) Newcomb, b. at Washington, D. C, Sept. 27, 1871. He d. at Cornwall, Conn., Jan. 5, 1911. Children : I. Sylvia^^ Whitney, b. at New York City, Apr. 29, 1898; d. at New York, June 5, 1898. H. William Dwight^= Whitney, b. at Wainscott, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1899. Yale, 1920. HI. Caroline^^ Whitney, b. at Wainscott, June 25, 1901. IV. Simon Newcomb^ =^ Whitney, b. at New York City, Apr. 5, 1903. V. Roger Sherman" Whitney, b. at Wainscott, June 19, 1905. VI. Hassler" Whitney, b. at New York City, Mar. 23, 1907. VII. Elizabeth Baldwin" Whitney, b. at Cornwall, Conn., Mar. 5, 1911. 138. ALFRED DWIGHT^* FOSTER (88. Henrietta P." (Bald- win) Foster, Hon. Roger S.^^ Baldwin, Rebecca^* (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^" Sherman, William," Joseph/ Capt. John,^ John/ Henry,^ Henry/ Thomas/ John,^ Thomas^, b. at Worcester, Mass., Apr. 27, 1852. B.A. Harvard, 1873. LL.B. Boston University, 1875. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1875. Lawyer in Boston. President New England Mu- tual Life Ins. Co. m. at Timsbury, England, Nov. 17, 1892, Evelyn Margaret Samborne, daughter of Samborne Stuck- eley and Lucy Samborne, b. at Birkham House, near Exeter, Devonshire, England, June 27, 1862. 408 Sherman Genealogy Children born at Milton, Mass. : I. Margaret^'^ Foster, b. Sept. 3, 1893. Unm. II. Dwight^^ Foster, b. Jan. 9, 1895. B.A. Harvard, 1916. 1st Lieut. U. S. A. Field Art'y. Served in France a year in 26th Division. In business. Unm. III. Francis Baring^^ Foster, b. Dec. 4, 1895. B.A. Har- vard, 1917. 1st Lieut. U. S. A., 139th Aero Squad- ron. Signal Service. Served in France. Unm. IV. Hilda Samborne^^ Foster, b. Mar. 23, 1897. Unm. V. Evelyn Lucy^^ Foster, b. Jan. 2, 1900. 139. EMILY BALDWIN^' FOSTER (88. Henrietta P.^« (Bald- win) Foster, Hon. Roger S.^^ Baldwin, Rebecca^^ (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John," Thomas^), b. at Worcester, Mass., Feb. 17, 1854. m. at Boston, Sept. 10, 1878, James Kingsley Thacher, son of Professor Thomas Anthony and Elizabeth (Day) Thacher, b. at New Haven, Conn., Oct. 19, 1847. B.A. Yale, 1868. M.D., 1879. Tutor Physics, Yale, 1871-1879. Professor Physiology, 1879. Clinical Medicine, 1887. Also practicing physician in New Haven, d. at New Haven, Apr. 20, 1891. Children born at New Haven : I. Henrietta Foster^^ Thacher, b. Jan. 17, 1880. Unm. II. Henry Clarke^'' Thacher, b. June 30, 1881. B.A. Yale, 1902. M.S., 1904. M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1906. Practicing physician New York City. Captain U. S. A. Medical Corps. Served in France, m. at Wash- ington, D. C, Oct. 21, 1911, Ethel Anderson, daugh- ter of Dr. Joseph Longworth and Elizabeth (Hinkle) Anderson, b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 29, 1878. Child : 1. Josephine Longworth Anderson^® Thacher, b. at New York, Dec. 19, 1912. III. Thomas Anthony^^ Thacher, b. July 2, 1887. B.A. Yale, 1908. LL.B., 1910. Admitted to Bar of Cali- fornia, 1912. Lawyer. Member of San Francisco firm of Denman & Arnold. Unm. Sherman Genealogy 409 \ 140. BURNSIDE^* FOSTER (88. Henrietta P.^^ (Baldwin) Foster, Hon. Roger S.^- Baldwin, Rebecca" (Sherman) Bald- win, Hon. Roger ^° Sherman, William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,'' Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Worcester, Mass., May 7, 1861. B.A. Yale, 1882. M.D. Harvard, 1886. Practicing physician in St. Paul, Minn. Pro- fessor of Dermatology, University of Minnesota. Editor of St. Paul Medical Journal, 1899-1917. President of Ramsey County Medical Society, m. at St. Paul, Jan. 1, 1894, Sophie Vernon Hammond, daughter of Brigadier General John Henry Hammond, U. S. Army, and Sophie Vernon (Wolfe) Hammond, b. at Chillicothe, Mo., Oct. 3, 1868. He d. at St. Paul, June 13, 1917. Children born at St. Paul : I. Harriet Burnside^^ Foster, b. Feb. 3, 1895. 7<. n. Elizabeth Hammond^^ Foster, b. Mar. 5, 1899. HI. Roger Sherman^^ Foster, b. Dec. 13, 1901. Yale, 1921. 141. REGINALD" FOSTER (88. Henrietta P.^^ (Baldwin) Foster, Hon. Roger S.^~ Baldwin, Rebecca" (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^*^ Sherman, William," Joseph,^ Capt. John,'^ John,** Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at Worcester, Mass., Jan. 2, 1863. B.A. Yale, 1884. LL.B. Boston University, 1886. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, January, 1887. Lawyer. Practicing in Boston. Member of firm of Foster & Turner, m. at Boston, Mar. 8, 1893, Har- riette Story Lawrence, daughter of Abbott and Harriette White (Paige) Lawrence, b. at Boston, June 10, 1867. Children : L Ruthi'^ Foster, b. at Boston, Jan. 3, 1894. Unm. n. Dorothy Dwight^^ Foster, b. at Boston, Sept. 30, 1895 ; d. at Boston, Mar. 23, 1898. HL Lawrence^^ Foster, b. at Manchester, Mass., Aug. 9, 1898. Yale Class of 1921. 2nd Lieut. U. S. A. Artil- lery. IV. Reginald^^ Foster, Jr., b. at Boston, Nov. 10, 1899. Yale Class of 1922. Served in U. S. Navy. V. Maxwell Evarts^^ Foster, b. at Manchester, Aug. 27, 1901. 410 Sherman Genealogy 142. HENRY de FOREST^" BALDWIN (91. Simeon/^ Sim- eon/- Elizabeth^ ^ (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William,® Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,^ Henry,^ Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at Clinton, Iowa, Nov. 7, 1862. B.A. Yale, 1885. LL.B. Columbia, 1887. Admitted to New York Bar. Lawyer. Deputy Collector of U. S. Cus- toms at New York, 1893-Mar. 1, 1895. Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel, New York City, 1895-Mar. 1, 1898. Member of New York City firm of Lord, Day & Lord, since 1900. m. at Onteora Park, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1890, Jessie Pinney, daugh- ter of Edward Spaulding and Elsie Peach (Simpson) Pinney, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1860. Children: I. Dorothea^^ Baldwin, b. at New York, June 12, 1891. Unm. II. Marian^^ Baldwin, b. at Sagaponack, N. Y., July 31, 1892. m. at New York City, Oct. 12, 1917, Captain Perry Dunlap Smith, U. S. A., 341st Infantry. B.A. Harvard 1911, son of Dunlap and Harriet Dean (Flower) Smith, b. at Chicago, 111., Dec. 16, 1888. Children : 1. Dorothea Dunlap^ ^ Smith, b. at Rockford, 111., Aug. 21, 1918. 2. Hamlin Dunlap^® Smith, b. at Winnetka, 111., Dec. 23, 1919. III. Sherman^^ Baldwin, b. at Belleport, N. Y., July 13, 1897. B.A. Yale, 1919. 2d Lieut. U. S. A. Field Art'y. IV. Eleanor^s Baldwin, b. at New Rochelle, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1904. 143. BLANCHE DOMINICK^* BALDWIN (91. Simeon," Simeon, ^2 Elizabeth^^ (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sherman, William,® Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,® Henry," Henry,* Thomas,^ John,- Thomas^), b. at New York City, Apr. 12, 1869. m. at New York, Nov. 25, 1902, Gilbert Dim- ock Lamb, son of (lilbert and Elizabeth (Dimock) Lamb, b. at Franklin, Conn., Oct. 20, 1857. B.A. Yale, 1879. Lawyer. Sherman Genealogy 411 Admitted to Bar of New York, Nov. 5, 1883. Member of New York City firm of Osborne, Lamb & Willcox. Child : I. Gilbert Baldwin^^ Lamb, b. at New York Apr 10 1904. 144. ROGER SHERMAN^* BALDWIN (91. Simeon,^^ sj^,. eon,^2 Elizabeth^i (Sherman) Baldwin, Hon. Roger^° Sher- man, William,^ Joseph,^ Capt. John,^ John,« Henry,' Henry,* Thomas,^ John,^ Thomas^), b. at New York City, Nov. 26, w' 1873. B.A. Yale, 1895. LL.B., 1897. M.L. New York Uni- ^ ^ versity, 1900. Admitted to Bar of New York, Nov., 1897. Lawyer. Member of New York City firm of Baldwin & Hutchins. m. at Woodstock, Vt., Aug. 23, 1904, Mary Cath- v erine Vail, daughter of Henry Hobart and Minerva Eliza- beth (Hewitt) Vail, b. at Winton Place, Ohio, Tune 9, 1872 Child: I. Catherine VaiP' Baldwin, b. at Ardsley N Y Aug 27, 1906. INDEX Abbe, Anna Sibbel, 328 George Henry, 328 Kate (Ryan), 328 Abbott, , 86 Mary, 115 Mary (Warner), 86 Adams, Alfred F., 216 Alice (Sherman), 343 Ann Eliza (Crosby), 216 Charles, 343 Emeline Ann (McKee), 343 John, 172, 185, 190, 191 Joseph Hinman, 343 Mr., 186 Samuel, 190 Adriance, Anna Eliza, 353 Edwin, 353 Eliza (O'Connor), 353 Ahanton, Amos, 136 Ahatton, Amos, 136 Ahauton, Amos, 136, 137 Ainge, John, 98 Ainger, Bridget, 84 Edmund, 84 Elizabeth, 84 John, 97 William, 84 Alcana, Catherine Jay (Tracy), Dentaro, 309 Kishi (Mayeda), 309 Seiichi Paul, 309 Seiichi Paul, Jr., 309 Alden, John, 246 Priscilla (Mullins), 246 Sarah, 246 Aldrich, Eunice (Buell), 339 Julia Florence, 339 Milton, 339 Alefounder, Mary, 102, 103 Matthew, 103 Rachel, 102 Robert, 102, 103 Alexander, Mary, 97 Mary (Sherman), 97 Walter, 97 Allen, Abel, 269 Abel, Jr., 269 Arthur Arnold, 270 Charles Lee, 269 Clifton Royal, 269 309 Allen, Cora Bell (Flcsher), 269 Delana, 270 Delana Maud. 269 Eleanor Winifred, 270 Elizabeth Louise, 270 Elsie May (Winsor), 269 Ethelyn Elizabeth, 270 Frances May (Browning), 270 George W., 269 Gideon, 269 Gordon Alonzo, 270 Harriet (Robbins), 269 John Sherman, 270 John Warren, 270 Lewis, 110 Lucinda, 269 Lucinda Sherman, 271 Lucinda Sherman (Mackintosh), 269 Margaret Ann (Fitzpatrick), 269 Marjorie Aileen, 270 Mary, 110 Mary Lucinda, 269 Moses Grant, 269 Orah Sarah (Knapp), 269 Theodore Parker, 269 Virginia May, 270' Allcutt, Keenah, 405 Sarah (Crowel), 405 William, Dr., 405 Allis, Abel, 130 Gratia, 130 Hannah (Porter), 130 Alsop, Reese F., Rev., 357 Ames, Dr., 161 Anderson, Elizabeth (Hinkle), 408 Ethel, 408 Iva Maple (Van Note), 271 John Finley, 271 Joseph Longworth, Dr., 408 Rena Mae, 271 Andrew, Thomas, 123 Andrews. Mr., 159 Angier, Bezaleel, 117 Bezaliel, 125 Samuel, Rev.. 123 Anger, Ann, 85-87 Anna (Ann) (Sherman), 84, 88, 100, 105, 119 413 414 Index Anger, Bezalleell, 84 Bridget, 84 Christopher, 60, 92 Edmond, 84 Edmund, 84, 111 Elizabeth, 84 Elizabeth (Sherman), 60, 92 John, 84, 97, 100, 104 Josan, 84, 104 Judith, 104 Mr., Ill Samuel, 84 William, 84, 85, 104 Annable, William, 69 Annette, Belle Magee, 219 Archer, Agnes, 29 Armistead, Daniel Webster, 399 Julia Francis (Appleton), 399 Mary Sherman (Fitch), 399 Walker Keith, 399 Armsby, Hannah (Van Ingen), 216 Lorain, Rev., 216 Arnold, Adeline, 272 Benedict, 234 Charles R., 292 Elizabeth (Holden), 272 Elizabeth Sherman, 366 Elizabeth Sherman (Kent), 36S, 366 Evelyn, 366 Evelyn (Thompson), 366 Frederick Kellogg, 309 George Stanleigh, 366 George Sumner, 366 Harriet J. (Phelps), 292 Hosmer Bradford, 309 Hosmer Kellogg, 309 Jane Tower, 309 Joseph, 272 Josiah, Capt., 234 Margaret Katherine, 309 Margaret Standish (Tracy), 309 Mary Nichols (Tower), 309 Mary Tracy, 309 Stanley, 366 Ashley, Elisha, 232 Eliza (Girard), 232 Eloise, 232 Florence Cecelia, 232 Jessie M. (Welcome), 233 Josiah Girard, 233 Martha Sherman (Vail), 232 Oliver Perry, 232 Rebecca Sherman, 232 Aslake, Elizabeth, 64 William, 64 Aspinwall, Ellen Allen, 338 Jessie Luella, 338 John, 338 Atkinson, George Edwin, 310 Mary Elizabeth, 310 Stella Bigelow (Garretson), 310 Attehowe, Thomas, 9 Atwater, Jeremiah, 3rd, 194 Jonah, 192 Jonathan, 163 Audley, Lord Chancellor, 37 Thomas, Sir, 35 Augur, Abraham, 237 Austin, David, 238 David, Deacon, 222 David, Jr., 222 Esq., 223 Mary (Mix), 222 Rebecca, 222 Austin, Wetmore & Sherman, 222 Axtel, Elizabeth (Sherman), 131 Thomas, 131 Axtell, Anna, 129 Elizabeth, 129 John, 129 Phebe, 129 Sarah, 129 Thomas, 129 Babcock, Courtlandt Guynet, 230 Mary Ann, 231 Mary Burnet Woodruff, 230 Nancy (Bell), 231 Paul, Major, 231 Rieta Woodrufl, 230 Backler, , 115 Anna, 85, 86 Elizabeth, 86 Mary, 86 Nathaniel, 86 Richard, 85, 86 Samuel, 86 Sarah, 86 Bacon, , 106, 115 Ada Louise, 324 Andrew, 86 Caroline Meredith (Bedsaul), 324 Daniel, 213 George Smith, 324 Helen (Hazard), 383 Leonard, 383 Lydia, 213 Martha Sherman, 383 Martha Sherman (Stringham), 383 Mary, 85 Index 415 Bacon, Mary (Sherman), 86 Nathaniel Terry, 383 Badlam, Stephen, 155 Bagley, Florence, 218 John J., 218 Baher, Peter, 53 Baird, Elizabeth (Mather), 212 Eliza Taylor (De Palezieux), 212 Lyman, 212 Maximilian, 212 Baker, Asher Carter, 392 Asher Carter, Jr., 393 Cecil Sherman, 392 Cecil Sherman, Jr., 392 Charlotte (Carter), 391, 392 Eleanor Holley, 392 Elihu, 392 Gerald Pomeroy, 393 Helen Margaret, 393 Hoyt Sherman, 393 Katherine Gladys (Bartley), 402 Lewis Powell, 402 Lillian Wheeler (Holley), 392 Mary Elizabeth, 392 Mary Elizabeth (Reese), 392 Mary Mathilde (Lewis), 402 Nicholas, Sir, 68 Sherman, 392 William Lewis, 402 Baldwin, Anne Estelle Hoskins, 348 Annie Marvin, 349 Ann Mehetable (De Forest), 294 Barnabas, 198 Bethia (Barker), 243 Blanche Dominick, 349, 410 Catherine Vail, 411 Charles, 245 Charles Marvin, 349 Clara, 321 Cornelia Estelle (Hoskins), 347 David Higginlxjtham, 348 De Forest, 348 Dorothea, 409, 410 Ebenezer, 195, 243 Ebenezer Charles, 294 Ebenezer Simeon, 293 Edythe Mary (Cater- Karr), 349 Edward Law, 293 Eleanor, 410 Elizabeth, 244, 245 Elizabeth (Burr), 243, 244 Elizabeth, Mrs., 153 Elizabeth (Sherman), 206 Elizabeth Wooster, 293, 344 Emily Frances, 294 Baldwin, Emmeline (Perkins), 293 Florence Winchester, 347 Francis Hoskins, 348 Gamaliel, 157 George William, 293 Helen Douglas (Macleish), 348 Helen Harriet, 347 Henrietta Perkins, 293, 345 Henry, 294, 347 Henry de Forest, 349, 410 Israel, 159 James William, 321 Jessie (Pinney), 410 John, 215 Lockwood de Forest, 349 Margaret (Hoge), 321 Margaret Sherry (Cortright), 348 Marian, 410 Martha, 245 _ Mary Catherine (Vail), 411 Mary Sarah (Marvin), 349 Mr., 225 Mrs., 244 Olive Louise (Porter), 347 Rebecca, 153, 157, 195, 244, 245 Rebecca, Mrs., 153 Rebecca (Sherman), 206, 243 Roger S., 153 Roger Sherman, 14, 195, 293, 347, 349, 411 Roger Sherman, Hon., 195, 199, 244, 293 Samuel, 157 Sarah, 157 Sarah Patterson (D'You), 348 S. E., 187 Sherman, 410 Simeon, 184, 192, 193. 195, 196, 206, 238, 244, 245, 294, 348 Simeon, Hon., 220, 243, 244 Simeon E., 199 Simeon E., Hon., 165 Simeon Eben, 14, 346 Simeon Eben, Hon., 294 Simeon, Jr., 348 Susannah (Sherman), 215 Virginia Sherman, 348 William, 76 Wm., 204 & Hutchins. 411 Balie, Bridget (Sherman), 70 Thomas, 70 Ball. John, 53 Stephen, 194 Stephen, Jr.. 194 Ballard, Christopher, 64 416 Index Ballard. Elizabeth. 63 Faith, 63 Faith (Sherman), 64 John, 63 Tobias, 63 Barker, Ann (Lockwood), 22 Anthony, 22 John, 114 Barnard, John, 81, 123 Mercy (Sherman), 110 Phebe, 81 Samuel, 81, 110 Sarah (Flemming), 123 Barnes, Cornelia E., 152 Cornelia Elizabeth, 300 Cornelia (Vancleve), 300 Daniel, 206, 250 Daniel, Mrs., 152 Daniel Vaughan, 301 Elizabeth, 300 Jeremiah Evarts, 300 John Vancleve. 152, 301 John Wright Vancleve, 301 Maria (Spies), 300 Mary (Tatem), 250, 252 Mary (Vaughan), 301 Mehetabel, 252 Mehetabel (Sherman), 152, 206, 250 Mr., 250 Mrs.. 152 William Coates, 300 William E., 152 William Evarts, 152, 300 Barnet, Charles, 235 I. Cox. 235 Barney, Charles Gorman, Dr.. 356 John Stewart Walker, 356 John Stewart Walker Van Nest, 356 Mary Alice Priscilla, 356 Marv Alice (Van Nest), 356 Mary (Walker), 356 Barns. Mehetibel, 196 Barnum, Nathaniel. 162 Noah S.. Major, 261 Barriss, Caroline Palmer (Rath- bone), 292 Carrie Rathbone. 292 Willis Hervey. 292 Barron, Ellis. Jr., 110 Mary, 110 Mary (Sherman), 110 Bartlett. Bertha Marie. 325 Ida Virginia (Dickinson). 325 Joseph Jackson, Maj. Gen., 325 Bartley, Alice Elizabeth, 401 Alice Wilson, 402 Carrie Belle (Hall), 401 Carrie Hall, 401 Edith Elizabeth (Stoneback), 401 Elizabeth (Wells), 401 Ethel, 402 Herbert, 401 ^•■ John Sherman, 402 Julia Maria (Larwill), 401 Katherine Gladys, 402 Louise (Watson), 402 Mary Hoyt, 391, 402 Mordecai, 401 Pauline (Wilson), 402 Roger Sherman, 401 Susan Day, 402 Susan Denman, 324 Susan Denman (Sherman), 391, 400 Thomas Wells, 324. 401 Thomas Wells, Hon., 391 Bassackes, Nathaniel, 56 Bassett, Henrietta C. (Kirtland), 302 John G., 302 Mary Anna, 302 Bassockes, Nathaniel, 57 Bate, John, 62 Bateson, Charles Edwin, 394 Edgar Farrar, Capt., 394 Edgar Farrar, Jr., 394 Florence Cecelia. 394 Mary McLaughlin (Stamps), 394 Rosina Hoyt (Otis), 394 Battel, Abigail, 144 James, 158 John, 141. 144, 145, 213 Josiah, 145 Martha (Mitchell), 213 Martha (Sherman) Mitchell, 145 Mehetabel. 144, 145 Mehetabel (Sherman), 213 Mehetable, 141 Olive, 145 Sarah (Buckingham), 145 Unity, 145 William. 145, 213 Battle, John, 145 Rattles, Mehitabel. 140 Baylor, Dora (Dutler). 283 Nettie Emma, 283 William, 283 Beaman, Charles Cotesworth. 312. 374, 376 Index 417 Beaman, Helen Wardner, 375 Hettie Sherman (Evarts), 312, 374 Margaret, 375 Mary (Stacy), 374, 375, 376 Vera lone (Benjamin), 376 William Evarts, 375, 376 & Marden, 374 Beecher, Henry Ward, Rev., 310 Urana, 146 Beeman, Daniel, 162 Joseph, 162 Beers, Nathan, 152 Beggs, Carey Temple, 384 Dorothy Marie, 384 Emma Laura (Bartlett), 384 Bek, Thomas, 35 Belcher, Clara (Smith), 228 Frederick Parsons, 228 Martha Louisa, 227 Belden, Mary, 280 Bele, Richard, 21 Belknap, William W., 317 Bell, John, Gov., 327 Mary Ann Peris, 327 Bellowrs, Eunice, 132 Benedict, George Amos, 389 Harriet Amelia, 389 Sarah Frances (Rathbone), 389 Benjamin, Harriet Isbel (Schofield), 376 Robert Phelps. 376 Vera lone, 376 Bennet, John B., 351 Bennett, Amos Northen, 273 Mattie May, 273 Sarah Maria (Sanborn), 273 Berger, Marguerita Florentina Rosa, 273 Robert Franz, 273 Rosa Charlotte (Schreiber), 273 Bernard, Alice Elizabeth (Bartley), 401 Frank Farnsvirorth, 401 Joseph, 401 Josephine, 400, 401 Betts, Austin Wortham, 295 Bessie Harris (Boardman), 295 Earle Forrest, 295 Irving Wilcox, 295 Philander, 295 Sarah (Demarest), 295 Sherman Wilcox, 295 Bingham, Ezekiel, 133 Milicent (Sherman), 133 Bird, Joseph, 162 Bisbee, Ezekiel, 280 Ruea, 280 Bishop, Deacon, 198 Bissell, Emily L., 329 Blaine, Charles Hodge, 111 Emma Josephine (Burt), 111 Graham Burt, Zll Graham Burt, Jr., 2)11 Katharine VVinthrop (Tweed). Zll Blake, Charles Thompson, 364 Elizabeth (Sherman), 40, 12 Eliza Seely, 364 Harriet Waters (Stiles), 364 Thomas, 40, 47, 65, 66, 72 Blanchard, Anthony, 297, 298 Grace, 298 Jeannie (Martin), 298 Bloomfield, 41 Bloss, Joseph Blossom, 233 Mary Glenn, 233 Mary Glenn (Hooker), 23. Blumer, Hilda, 365 John George, 365 Julia Edith (Walford), 365 Blumfield, Sarah, 106 Bead, Mr., 11 Boardman, Adeline Tice, 304 Anna Greene, 304 Ann (Gilbert), 303 Bessie Harris, 295 Caroline Sherman, 304 Charlotte Katharine (Tice), 304 Elinor (Ella) Forrest (Sher- man), 295 Elizabeth Greene, 304 Elizabeth (Haskell), 304 George Nye, 304 Grace Tice, 304 Harriet Elizabeth, 295 Henry Mills, 304 Josephine A. (Stevenson), 296 Martha Tracy, 304 Mary Evarts, 304 Roger Sherman, 304 Samuel Ward, Jr., 304 Samuel Ward, Rev.. 303 Townsend Harris, 295 William Theodore, 295, 296 Bohler, Ellen, 279 Francesca (Trcxler), 279 John Jacob, 279 Bohun, Edmund, 64 Bond, Jonas, 135 Booth, Enos Stuyvesant, 287 Hannah (Rush). 287 John Scholey, 287 418 Index Booth, John Westley, 287 Julia Phelps (Scholey), 287 Borden, Cora Maude, 330 Elizabeth (La Quay), 330 James F., 330 Bostwick, Arthur, 159 Nathaniel, 159 Reuben, 159 Botchford, Nathan, Capt., 143 Botsford, Abel, 148 Mary (Hartwell), 148 Boty, William, 18 Bourne, George William, 367 Mary Mating, 367 Susan (Maling), 367 Boutell. 176 Alice Gates, 368 Anna (Greene), 302 Arnold, 368 Caroline, 368 Clarence Burley, 367 Evarts Greene, 366 Henry Sherman, 367 Henry Sherman, 2nd, 367 Hugh Gates, Z67 Lewis, 366 Lewis Henry, Hon., 199, 302, 366 Mary (Bartlett), 366 Roger Sherman Gates, 367 Roger Sherman Gates, Jr., 367 Samuel Hoar, 368 Susan Mary, 368 Mr., 199 Bouton, Elizabeth Ann (Cilley), 327 Charles Sherman, 329 Ellen (Gould) (Shumway), 329 Elizabeth Ripley, 328 Emily L. (Bissell), 329 Harriet (Sherman), 257, 327 Mary Ann Peris (Bell), 327 Nathaniel, 257 Nathaniel, Rev., 327 Nathaniel Sherman. 329 Sarah (Benedict), 327 William, 327 Bowditch, Alice (Bradford), 316 Ebenezer Francis, 316 Elizabeth (Perry), 316 Florence Hoar, 316 John Bradford, 316 John Perry, 316 Bowles, Alvin Sanders, 288 Dorothy Rae (Van Der Kar), 288 Elizabeth (Hoar), 314. 386 Man- Dwight (Schermerhorn), 386 Bowles, Maude Hunter (Hamilton), 288 Robert Pearson, 288 Samuel, 314, 386 Sherman Hoar, 386 Bowman, Anna, 123 Anne, 123 Anne (Barnard), 123 Deborah ( ), 123 Francis, 123 John, 123 Jonathan, 123 Joseph, 123 Lydia (Stone), 123 Martha, 123 Martha M., 122 Martha (Sherman), 122 Nathaniel, 123 Phebe ( ), 123 Rebecca (Andrew), 123 Ruth (Angier), 123 Samuel, 123 Boyes, Roger (Robert), 89 Bradford, Alice, 316 Dorcas Brown (Lockwood), 316 Florence Hoar, 316 Moses Brown Lockwood, 316 Shadrach Standish, 316 William, Gov., 290 Bradstreet, Simon, Gov., 13 Brady, Catharine, 320 Owen, 320 Rose, 320 Branston, Thomas, 103 Brattle, Thomas, Capt., 127 Brewster, Olive (Morgan), 15 Ruth, 15 William, 15 Bridgham, Arthur Leland, 273 Elizabeth Lois Frances, 273 Eliza (Willey), 273 Elna Sherman, 273 Frances Adaline (Mackintosh), 273 Grace Agnes (Swain), 273 Helen Morton. 274 Hilde Marga Louisa. 273 Leland Frederick, 273 Mareruerita Florentina Rosa (Berger), 273 Maria Louise, 273 Minot Austin, 273 Minot Austin, Jr., 273 Minot Robert Sherman, 273 Rudolph Leland Berger, 273 Sullivan, 273 Index 419 Briggs, Elizabeth (Compton), 340 Francis Fletcher, 340 Nelle, 340 Brightled, Stevyn, 20 Brodestrette, Simon, 13, 14 Brodhead, Alice Ethel, 341 Arthur, 341 Ethel (Sherman), 341 Lucy (Billett), 341 Samuel Billett, 341 Thomas Arthur, 341 Brodshawe, Anthony, Sir, 61 Broke, Barbara, 58 Henry, 58 Brome, Elizabeth, 40 John, 40 Brooke, John, 12, 73 Roger, 72 Brooks, Caroline (Downes), 313 Nathan, 313 Brewer, Bettina Blythe, 307 Burr Vanderburgh, 307 Elizabeth de Larzelere (Busby), 306 Elsie Helen (Greene), 306 Herbert Henson, 306 William Hatfield Frazee, 306 Brown, Amelia Curtis, 305 Ashley Morse, 232 Delana Violet Pauline, 269 Doris Albina, 232 Dorothy Emma, 385 Eleanor Winifred (Allen), 270 Elinor Martha, 232 Elizabeth, 64 Elizabeth Ann, 270 Elizabeth (Anderson), 270 Eloise (Ashley), 232 Franklin Quimby, 385 Ida Prescott Bigelow (Eldredge), 385 Jacob, 204 James, 270 James Wallace, 270 J. W. Gordon, 269 Kate (Curtis), 305 Laura Adams (Croswell), 230 Laura Croswell, 230 Marshall Richard, 232 Mary Lucinda (Allen), 269 Mary (Morse), 232 Mary Ruth, 232 Patrick Wilson, 269 Roerer Sherman Henderson, 232 Sallie (Gaston), 269 Thomas, 12 Thomas Jefferson, 230 Brown, Thomas Henderson, 232 William Patrick, 269 William Theophilus, 305 Browne, 64 Amy, 63 Amy (Sherman), 64 Edmond, 83 Edmund, 112 Edward, 112 Elizabeth, 112 Faith, 63 John, 112 Martha, 111 Martha (Sherman), 112 Samuel, 112 Browning, Frances May, 270 Mary Jane (Parks), 270 Robert Franklin, 270 Bruce, Elizabeth, 132 Bryce, James, 185, 186 Viscount, 185 Buck, Asaph, 146 Barnetha (York), 146 Elizabeth, 144-146 Elizabeth (Sherman), 146 Enoch, 146 Eunice, 144 Hannah, 146 Hannah (Fairchild), 146 James, 144-146 Jerusha, 146 Josiah, 146 Mary (Beebe), 146 Mary (Towner), 146 Mehitable, 146 Phebe (Wainwright), 146 Ruth, 146 Salmon, 146 Samuel Beebe, 146 Urana (Beecher), 146 William Sherman, 146 Buckingham, Ann (Botsford), 148 Benjamin. 148 Nathan Botsford. 148 Rebecca (Hartwell), 148 Sarah, 145 Bucknam. Agnes Louise (Kirby), 362 Donald Campbell, 362_ Jane Cheney (Franklin), 362 John Jay, 362 John Sherman, 362 John Sherman, Jr.. 362 Mabel Alice (Clukey). 362 Margaret Preston, 362 420 Index Bucknam, Marjorie Milliken, 362 Martha White (Sherman), 298, 362 Neil Evarts, 362 Ralph Sherman, 362 Robert Morse, 362 Robert Walter, 362 Roger, 362 Ruth Milward, 362 Seth, 362 Sherman, 362 Walter Harris, 298, 362 Bullen, Ephraim, 129 Mary (Morse), 129 Bunnell, Flora Theresa, 303 Jabe Collier, 303 Kate (McDonald), 303 Bur, , 96 Henry, 96, 97 John, 96 Susan, 96, 97 Susan (Sherman), 96 Burage, Sarah, 106 Burges, Dr., 113 Ester, 114 John, Rev., 113 Priscilla, 113 Robert, 114 Burke, , 8 Burley, Avis, 367 Avis Hannah (Blodgett), 367 Clarence Augustus, 367 Burnett & Whitney, 407 Burnham, Anna Amelia, 216 Elizabeth (Seymour), 216 Michael, 216 Burr, Elizabeth, 195 Elizabeth (Isaacs-Hill-Kerr), 244 Elizal^eth (Sherman), 206, 243, 244 John, 244 Sturges, 206, 244 Burt, Colvin, 331 Cornelia (Gunn), 331 Katharine Louise, 331 Bury, Bridget, 100 Busby, Thomas, 36 Buskard, Nicholas, 34 Butcher, Annie Deane (Sherman), 361 Charles, 361 Marion Sherman, 361 Mary Elizabeth (Laramy), 361 William Laramy, 361 Butler, Alexander Beattie, 393 Alida Victoria (O'Hara), 393 Anna (Pease), 296 Butler, Asa, 296 Emily Sortore (Blue), 393^ Helen Catherine (Reese), 393 Helen M., 296 Henry Reese, 393 John, 393 Mary Dell (Lamb), 393 Samuel, 393 Samuel, Jr., 393 Sherman, 393 William, 237 Butter, Alice, 52 Agnes, 52, 53 Daniel, 53 Marion, 52 Peter, 81, 82 Pierce, 52 Thomas, 52, 53, 82 William, 52 Buttner, Bernard Theodore, 211 Caroline Barnard (Way), 211 Lily, 211 Buttrick, Florence (King), 386 Mary Tolman, 386 William, 386 Byington, Anna (Tracy), 308 George Phelps, 308 Martha Day, 308 Sarah (Hoyt), 308 Stephen, 308 Steven Tracy, 308 William Carter, 308 Cage, Edward, 52 Calfe, John, 34 Cameron, Elizabeth (Sherman), 390 James Donald, Hon., 390 Margaret (Brua), 390 Martha, 390 Mary (McCormick), 390 Simon, Hon., 390 Camp, Albert, 240 Aurilla, 240 Dorothy Foster, 303 Elston Hamlin, 303 Ernestine Nancy (Adams), 303 Fanny B., 337 Frederick de Forest, 240 Frederick Gleich (Fisher), 239 George Lowe, 303 Hettie Louise (Greene), 303 James, 159 Jane (Wildish), 337 Margaret Elston, 303 Mary Louise, 303 Samuel, 157 Sherman Adams, 303 Walter T., 337 I NDEX 421 Canfield, Sam'l., 162 Canner, Abigail, Mrs., 163 Carleton, George Willard, 336 Grace Maria, 336 Hattie Eliza (Sherman), 336 Henrietta Maria (Stoddard), 336 Ralph Watson, 336 Roswell Willard. 336 Walter George, 336 Willard Sherman, 336 Carlisle, Laura Ruth, 210 Mary Ann (Noonan), 210 Thomas, 345 William Kinkead, 210 Carovve, William, 21 Carpenter, Anthony, 155, 156 Carr, Grace, 129 Grace (Sherman), 130 Thomas, 129, 130 Carter, Edward Perkins, Dr., 389 Edward Perkins, Jr., 389 Franklin, 389 Joan, 82 Ruth, 389 Sarah (Kingsbury), 389 Sarah Rathbone (Sherman), 389 Thomas, 72 Case, Edward Beecher, 233 Lavonia (Prentiss), 233 Winifred, 233 Cater, Aymar, 349 Cater-Karr, Edythe Mary, 349 Mary (Leaycraft), 349 Cauldwell, Eleanor Sherman (Thack- ara), 400 Frederic Wadsworth, 40O Frederic Wadsworth, Jr., 4(X) James Allen, 400 Sarah (Lendrum), AOO Cave, Alexander, Sir, 90 Amplicia H., 90 Ann (Warde), 90 Anna, 89, 90 Anna (Ingolby), 90 Barbara (Feilding), 91 Catherine (Somerville), 90 Elionora (Gray), 91 Elizabeth (Constable), 90 Family, 90 John, 90 Margaret (Saxby). 91 Maria (Burdet), 90 Maria (Genill), 90 Matilda (Maldacu), 90 Pierce, 90 Piers, 90 Richard. 91 Cave, Robert, 90 Thomas, 90 William, 89, 91 Cawse, Elizabeth, 89 Thomas, 89 Chanslor, Bird, 402 John, 391, 402 Sara Ellen (Field), 391, 402 . Chapin, Cynthia (Moseley), 287 Eliza (Seymour), 290 Elizabeth (Morse), 285 Elizabeth Keese (Little), 404 Eveline, 287 Henry, 287 John Calvin, 404 Laura, 285 Mary Emma (Turner), 404 Mary Seymour, 290 Roswell, 404 Spencer, 290 - Thaddeus, 285 Chapman, Christian, 96 Dr., 53, 56, 95 Edmond, Dr., 95 Edmund, Rev. Dr., 83 John, 96 Paul, 96 Susan, 95, 96, 118 Qiappell, Ann, 22 Robert, 22 Chase, Jonathan, 131 Lucy Winifred, 288 Mary (Whitwell), 288 Orlando, 288 Thankful (Sherman), 130 Chauncey, Charles, 119 Mr., 119 Cheeseman, Katharine L. (Sharp), 390 Chesman, Sarah, 168 Cheute, Lionel, 94 Qiewte, Lyonell, 80 Chittenden, Hannah (Sherman), 134 Josiah, 134 Chrisler, Ida, 288 Chuard, Harriet Elizabeth (Board- man), 295 Jean Ernest, 295 Louis. 295 Louise (Tacond), 295 Church, E. Dwight. 160 Churchill, Edith Sherman. 326 Jesse Maynard, 327 Nelson, 327 Roxanna (Frost), 327 Cillev, Elizabeth Ann, 327 Horatio G., 327 422 Index Clark, Elizabeth (Murray), 382 Francis, 382 Harriet Eliza Gilman, 382 Clarr, Nicholas, 83 Clenche, Thomas, 63 Clere, Anne, 82 Benjamin, 82 John, 82 Nicholas, 82 Thomas, 114 Clerk (Gierke), Agnes, 18 Agnes (Sherman), 19 Elizabeth, 18 Henry, 33 John, 18, 19 (Gierke), John, 19 Robert, 33 Thomas, 18 Gierke, Agnes, 20 Augusten, 61 Elizabeth, 19 John, 20 John, Sir, 20 Kateryn, 20 Margery, 19, 61 Robert, 20 Thomas, 19, 20 Clinton, George, 190 Clobber (Glebber), - — , 41 Clukey, Charles Lewis, 362 Mabel Alice, 362 Margaret Nancy (Preston), 362 Clymer, George, 190 Coakley, Gilbertine, 286 John Brownlow, 286 Sarah (Tew), 286 Cock, Alice Haight, 379 Effingham, 379 Harriet (Haight), 379 Coggan, John, 111 Coke, Richard, 33 Cokke, Thomas, 9 Cole, George, 77, 94 George, Jr., 125 Harriet J., 292 John, 292 Mary, 125 Mary A., 292 Thomas, 94 William, 77 Collins, Cynthia Painter, 335 Sarah (Painter), 335 Simeon, 335 Comly, Elizabeth Marion, 321 James Monroe, 321 James Monroe, Gen., 321 Margaret Hoge (McComb), 321 Comly, Smith Mitchell, 321 Connell, Elizabeth (Lobengier), 319 John, 319 Sophia, 319 Conover, Emily Charlotte Potter, 380 Richard Stevens, 380 Sarah Jones (Potter), 380 Constable, John, 3, 90 Conwey, Mary, 31 Cooke, Agnes (Bohun), 64 Frances, 15 Margaret, 64 Robert, 64 Cooledge, Florence, 364 John, 101, 102 Jno., 101 Susan (Knapp), 364 William, 364 Coombs, Clara Isabella (Littlefield), 281 Charles Alfred, 281 Isabel Hall, 281 Lydia Jane, 281 Samuel G. B., 281 Cooper, Alexander Taylor, 392 Charlotte Carter (Baker), 392 James Reynolds, 392 John, Deacon, 133 Mary (Sherman), 133 Sarah (Taylor), 392 Corbett, Alfred Hoyt, 394 Gretchen Rosina (Hoyt), 394 Helen Elizabeth, 394 Helen (Ladd), 394 Henry Jagger, 394 Henry Ladd, 394 Henry Ladd, Jr., 394 Corning, Helen, 239 Maria Augusta (Walker), 239 William Henry, 239 Comwaler, Margery, 61 Cortright, Elizabeth Hartman (Stet- tler), 348 Margaret Sherry, 348 Robert Butler, 348 Coult. Abel Amherst, 270 Amherst, 270 Anna (Chase), 270 Anna Lucinda, 271 Delana (Allen), 270 Doris Lucile, 271 Edith (McDow), 270 Frank Herbert, 271 George Benjamin,' 271 Georgia Merrell, 271 Hattie (Merrell), 271 Herbert Anderson, 271 Index 423 Con It, Lorna Maurine, 271 Rena Mae (Anderson), 271 Stephen Chase, 270 Sherman Chase, 271 Courtney, Curtice Moore, 332 Francis A., 332 Hugh Lawrence, 332 Kathryn Corcian (Baker), 332 Kathryn June, 332 Lawrence Hugh, 332 Mary Louise (Lotspeich), 332 Cowper, Thomas, 18 Cox, Archibald, 379 Archibald, Jr., 379 Elizabeth Evarts, 379 Fanny (Hill), 379 Frances Bruen (Perkins), 379 Mary Davenport, 379 Robert Hill, 379 Rowland, 379 Coy, Edward Dwight, 242 Edward Gustin, 241 Edward Harris, 242 Edward Harris, Jr., 242 Elizabeth (Brown), 241 Elizabeth Camp, 242 Helen Elizabeth (Marsh), 241 Kate Bosworth (Rising), 241 Mary Augusta, 242 Mary Dexter, 241 Sherman Lockwood, 241 Sophie d'Antignac (Meldrim), 242 Cradocke, Thomas, 58 Craig, , 280 Crane, Thomas, 64 Crawford, Earl of, 391 Crocker, Helen, Miss, 336 Crook. Caroline (Taylor), 257 Richard Livesay, 257 Crosby, Ann Eliza, 216 Ann Eliza (Sherman), 216 Daniel, Rev., 216 Edward, 216 Margaretta Anna Loraine (Malt- by). 216 Minott Sherman, 216 Crosse, Joane, 86 Susan, 84 Cuddon, Roberto. 28 Culbert, Julia (Hughes), 212 Cullen. Mary, 291 Myron. 291 - Mary (Doremus), 291 Cunningtnn. L'zzie Bell, 323 Sarah (Clegg), 323 William, 323 Curfman, Flavia, 255 Curran, Mr., 152 Sarah, 152 Currie, Abram Yerxa, 360 Frances (Murray), 360 Frank Thomas, Dr., 360 Frank Sherman, 361 Susan Elizabeth (Sherman), 360 Curtis, Allie Pettigrew, 232 Charles Burritt, 231 Elizabeth (Teninty), 232 Eva (Hicks), 232 Henry Sherman, 232 Joseph Carleton, 232 Lindamira Jackson (Vail), 231 Marilla (Wright), 231 Otis Freeman, Rev., 231 Ralph Vincent, 232 Ralph Wright, 232 Roger Sherman, 232 Cushing, Thomas, 137 Cutler, Ebenezer, 132 Elizabeth, 132 Elizabeth (Hilton), 132, 135 Elisha, 132 John, 122 Millicent, 132 Nicholas, 36 Rebecca, 135 Rebekah, 135 Timothv. 132, 135 Cutter, William, 59 Dade, Robert, 91 Dagget, Mr., 200 Daggett, Annie Wilcox (Atwater), 350 David, 350 ^ David Lewis, 350 Frances White (Gamble), 350 Naphtali, Professor, 164 Dalton, Timothie, 120 Daly. Katherine M., 219 Hoyt & Mason, 394 Damine, Abigail, 111 Damon, Abigail (Sherman), 112 John, Deacon, 112 Dana. James, Dr., 182 Darcy Family, 109 Darie, Martha, 96, 97 Davenport. Smith & Perkins, 378 Davis, Adelia (Hanford), 289 Carroll Melvin, Tr.. 395 Carroll, Melvin, Rev.. 395 Catherine Wendell. 297 Edward, 297 Elizabeth, 297 424 Index 1^ Davis, Elizabeth (Outram), 297 Elizabeth (Wendell), 297 Jacob Samuel, 289 John, Capt., 297 Joshua, 320 Julia Willock (McComb), 320 Lucy Bathsheba (Mackintosh), 279 Mary Ruth, 289 Maud Reber, 395 Mehitabel (Dimmock), 297 Sarah Miranda (Chase), 395 Solomon, Capt., 297 Thomas Franklin, 395 William Brega, 279 Day, Abby Louise (Marston), 384 Abigail (Noble), 252 Annie Clark, 383 Caroline, 385 Clinton, 313, 384 Elizabeth, 252, 299 Elizabeth Ann (King), 229, 230 Elizabeth Ann King, 312 Daniel, 104 Grace (Wakefield), 384, 385 Harriet Eliza Oilman (Clark), 382 Harriet King, 229, 313 Henry, 312 Jane Olivia, 230, 313, 384 Jeremiah, 253 Jeremiah, Rev., 207, 252, 383 Jeremiah, President, 299 Martha, 253 Martha Elizabeth, 313 Martha, Mrs., 154 Martha (Sherman), 207, 252, 383 Olivia, 253, 383 Olivia (Jones), 252, 299 President, 252, 253 Roger Sherman, 313, 382 Roger Sherman, Jr.. 384 Sherman, 154, 229, 230, 252, 312 Sylvanus Osborn, 252 Deaman, John, 112 Samuel, 112 Deane, Silas, 167 Death, Martha (Sherman), 106 Parker, 106 De Corinick. Georges, 211 Marie, 211 de Dedham, Robert, 2 Dedham, Isabell, 21, 34 de Fore.st, Annie Coley (Everit), 210 Annie Lawrence, 210 Ann Mehetable, 294 de Forest Emily (Johnston), 258 Johnston, 258 Lockwood, 239, 294 Louis Shephard, Dr., 210 Mary Elizabeth (Ogden), 258 Mary Lockwood, 239 Mehetable (Wheeler), 239, 294 Priscilla Mary, 258 Robert Weeks, 258 De Goll, Ada Sherman, 265 Clarence Addison, 264 Cora Palliser (Sherman), 264 Dorothy Addison. 265 Imogene Ethel, 265 James Emile, 264 Marie Corinne, 264 Mary Curtis (Addison), 264 de Kenton, Ivo, 9 Margaret, 9 Delaplaine, Samuel, 237 de la Pole, Michael, 2 Deman, Samuel, 112 De Marbois, Mr., 170 Deming, Frederick, 342 Julia Champion. 342 Mary (Gleason), 342 Denison, Amos, 231 Hannah (Williams), 231 Martha, 231 Denman, Richard, 62 & Arnold, 408 Dennye. George, 35 De Palezieux, Edmond Falconnet, 212 Eliza Taylor (Olmsted), 212 Emilie (De Montet), 212 Falconnet, 212 Rene, 212 Depew, Abraham, 214 Catherine (Crankheit), 214 Chauncey Mitchell, 214 Chauncey Mitchell, Jr., 215 Elise Ann (Hegeman), 215 Isaac, 214 Martha Minott (Mitchell), 214 May (Palmer), 215 Deve. Margett, 21 De Witt, Anne. 383 Cornelius, John, 383 Harriet, 383 Harriet Dav (Stringham), 383 Margaret (Kelty), 383 William Andrew, 383 Dexter, Samuel, Rev., 145 Deye, John, 5. 42 Dickens. Alice Ash (Pierson), 268 Edmund Finlay, 268 Edna Coleman, 268 Index 425 Dickerson and Beaman, 375 Dickinson, Robert Lytle, 331 Diefeudorf, Beaman and Marden, 374 Dikon, Johanna, 34 Dimmock, Desire (Sturgis), 297 Thomas, Capt., 297 Dixon, Dorothy Sherman, 406 Frederick John, 406 Harriet Maude (Buck), 406 John Edward, 406 John Sherman, 406 Martha Elizabeth (Sherman), 406 Etodge, Annette Elizabeth, 330 Eliza, 330 Horace, 330 Dodgeson, Mary (Mitchell), 339 Matthew. 339 Sophia, 339 Donnell, Hannah Dean (Moulton), 277 Marilla, 277 William Henry, 277 Doolittle, Isaac, 163 Dott. Ada (Follansbee), 268 Harry Flood, 268 Dowe, Mrs., 11 Dcwnie, Cora Evarts fGreene), 306 Douglas Evarts, 306 Margaret (McLauchlan), 306 William, 306 William, Jr., 306 Drake. Avice, 328, 329 John Robert. 218 Joseph Langdon. 329 Mary Inman, 218 Rachel (Greer), 329 Sarah Hillyer (Inman), 218 Drewes, Claus, 327 Henr etta Rns-na, 327 Katherine (Ney), 327 Drummond, Edmund John, 211 Gertrude Holley, 211 Jemima (Dodds), 211 John Landells, 211 Lucy Holley, 211 Drury, Manassah, 131 Luke, 130 Luke. Capt., 133 Lvdia (Sherman), 130 Martha (Sherman), 131 Duck, . 64 Margaret, 63 Margaret (Sherman), 64 Robert, 63 Dudley, Mildred, 217 Thomas, Gov., 357 Duffin, Cecil, 399 Duman, Mrs., 170 Dunbar, 197 Mr., 197 Rose Fernetta, 327 Rose Sophia, (Loyd), 327 Samuel, Dr., 154 Samuel, Rev., 150 Thomas, 327 Dune, John, 9 Dunlap. John Smith, Major, 306 Mary Adelaide, 306 Mary Frances (Sullivan), 306 Dunston. Geoffrey, 11 Durand. Cyrus Bervic, Rev., 16 John, 190 JiJliet Mersereau, 16 Sarah Elizabeth (Mersereau). 16 Durkee. Diantha Lee (Howe), 309 Marv Elizabeth, 309 William Henry, 309 Dwight, Helen Rood, 242 James, 242 Jane Wakeman (Skinner), 242 Mary Van Winkle (Talmage), 242 Susan (Breed), 242 Timothy, 383 Timothy, President, 251 Timothy, Mrs., 191 Timothy, Rev.. 227, 2.30, 242 Winthrop Edwards, 242 Dyer, Eliphalet, Honorable, 167 Dvkon, Thomas, 35 D'You. Adolph Jean. 348 Adolphe Jackson, 348 Anne Estelle Hoskins (Baldwin), 348 Baldwin Jean, 3-18 Cornelia Anne. 348 Martha Ann (Gibson), 348 Sarah Patterson, 348 Earle. Ralph, 189. 190 Eaton, Amos Beebe. Major-General, 3£0 Elizabeth (Selden). 350 Frances Spencer, 350 Edwardes. John, 50 Edwards, Camilla Leonard, 353 Dr., 182 Francis 282 Henry White. 353 Jonathan. Dr., 181 Jonathan, Rev., 222, 243 426 I NDEX Edwards, Jonathan, Walter, 353 Margaret, 282 Mr., 50, 198 Mrs., 50 Pierpont, 178 Rev. Dr., 243 Sarah, 282 Susan Sherman (White), 353 Walter, 353 William, 39 William Henry Leonard, 353 William H. L., Mrs., 192 Egerfeld, Francis, 50 Eglyn, William, 2 Elizabeth, Queen, 3 Elkinton, Charles, Zll Ellen (Smith), 327 John, Zn Minnie Ida (Hubbell), 327 Ellis, Bertha Marilla, 384 Charles William Henry, 384 Marion Collins (De Vau), 384 Ellsworth, Oliver, 175, 176 Oliver, Hon., 220 Elslys, Willm, 121 Elynger, , 35 William, 34 Emerson, Edward W., 314 Mr., 198 Emery, Gray Morrison, 398 John Anson, 398 Mary Tassey (Morrison), 398 Erikson, Erik Olson, 375 John, 375 Kajsa Petterson, 375 Margaret Beaman, Z16 Erwin, Jane Maria, 326 Erysshe, , 35 William, 34, 35 Este, Joseph, 155 Evans, Mary Ann, 258 Mary Ann (Jones), 258 Thomas Rhees, 257 Evarts, Alice Haight (Cock). 379 Allen Wardner, 311 Charles Butler, 311 Effingham Cock, 379 Elizabeth Hoar, 312, Zll Elizabeth Prescott, 380 Emily Charlotte Potter (Con- over), 380 Helen Minerva, 312, 376 Helen Minerva (Wardner), 311 Helen Wardner, 380 Hettie Sherman, 312, 374 James, 251 Jeremiah, 184, 199, 206, 248, 251 Evarts, Jeremiah Maxwell, 382 John, 380 John Jay, 252 Josephine Ellen Guernsey, 382 Katharine Avery (Morgan), 382 Louisa Wardner, 312, 380 Margaret Allen, 382 Margaret Allen (Stetson), 381 Martha Sherman, 252, 307 Mary, 252, 301, 312, 382 Maxwell, 312. 381 Mehetabel (Barnes), 251 Mehetabel Sherman, 206, 382 Mehetable, 248 Mehetable, Mrs., 154 Mrs., 251 Prescott, 2nd, 380 Prescott, Rev., 312, 380 Richard Conover, 380 Roger Sherman, 311, 380 Sarah, 252 Sarah Potter, 380 Sarah (Todd), 251 Sherman, 312, 379 William, 311 William Maxwell, 14, 380 William Maxwell, Hon., 252, 310 William M., Hon., 190 Wm. M., 248 Choate & Beaman, 310, 311, 357, 373, 375 Choate & Sherman, 311, 357 Choate, Sherman & Leon, 311, 357 & Moflfat, 379 & Southmayd, 310 Southmayd & Choate, 310, 311, 357, 368, 373, 375, Z16 Tracy & Sherman, 311, 357, 373 Eveleth, John, 122 Ewing, Eleanor Boyle, 398 Maria (Boyle), 398 Thomas, Hon., 398 Fales, Eugene Warren, 393 Helen Margaret (Baker), 393 Henry Marshall, 393 Sarah Christiana (Smith), 393 Fairchild, Fidelia, 15 Hannah, 146 Ruth (Foote), 15 Stephen, 15 Farrand, Daniel, Rev., 205, 206, 239 Farvour, Barbara, 148 Fay, Benjamin Bates, 288 Susan (Robinson), 288 George Edwards, 288 Theodora (Van Der Kar), 288 I ND£X 427 Feilding, Barbara, 91 William, 91 Fenn (Fenne), Anne, 79 Clement, 79 Ester, 117 Ester (Hester?) (Sherman), 117 George, 79 Helen, 79 Henry, 79, 92, 116 Hester, 116 John, 79 Margery, 79 Martha, 79 Mary, 79 Phebe (Sherman), 79 Samuel, 79 Simon, 79, 92, 94, 96 Susan, 79 Symon, 79 Thomas, 79 Ffenn (Ffenne), Pheabe, Id, 78 Ffynce, Nicholas, 56 Ffycher, Richard, 56 Ferriss, David, 159 Fielding, , 126 Ann, 126 Ann (Sherman), 126 Fish, Caroline Adele, 288 Harriet E., 254 Harriet Eliza (Sherman), 254 Harriet (Mead), 288 Marian Graves (Anthon), 325 Nathan Austin, 288 Olga (Wiborg), 325 Sidney Dole, 254 Sidney Webster, 325 Stuyvesant, 325 Fisher, Anna (Sherman), 116 Edward, 116, 126 Frederick, 239 Jeremiah, 144 Sophia, 239 Fiske, Richard, 71 Fitch, Almira Russell (Hancock), 398 Catherine, 398 Catherine (Moore), 398 Coleman Morrison, 398 Eleanor Sherman, 398 Florence (Mitchell), 398 Gray Morrison (Emery), 398 Hannah, 213 John, 241 John William, 241 Maria Ewing, 399 Maria Ewing (Sherman), 398 Mary Sherman, 399 Fitch, Mary Sherman (Marsh), 241 Michael, 398 Patty (Bradley), 241 Rosamond Thomas, 398 Tecumseh Sherman, 398 Thomas William, 398 Thomas William, Jr., 398 William Sherman, 398 Fitpatrick, Elizabeth (Carlow), 269 John, 269 Margaret Ann, 269 Flatt, Anne (Sherman), 72 Thomas, 72 Flesher. Cora Bell, 269 Green B., 269 Seynthia A. (King), 269 Follansbee, Abbie Howes, 268 Ada, 268 Alonzo, Capt., 266 Alonzo, Jr., 266 Alonzo Walter, 268 Alonzo Walter, Jr., 268 Benjamin, 266 Cecile (Vail), 233 Charles E., 233 Charles Marsh, 267 Elizabeth, 266 Elizabeth Ann, Dr., 267 Ella Maud (Forbes), 268 Ellen Thatcher, 267 George, 268 George Sherman, 268 George Sherman, Jr., 268 Horace Sherman, 267 Juliet (Marsh), 267 Juliette (Etta), 267 Louis Herbert, 267 Margaret, 268 Marguerite Morrell (Lightner), 268 Maria (Coburn), 233 Merrill Middleton, 233 Merrill Middleton, Jr., 234 Nancy Sherman (Mackintosh), 266 Rachel (Schroeder), 268 Ruth, 268 Sherman, 267 Susan Emmeline, 267 Walter Alonzo, 267 William Garrick, 268 Follett, Frances (Dawson), Z')! John Fassett, 397 Wanda Dawson, 397 Folsom, Col., 200 Fones, Priscilla (Burges), 113 Thomas, 113 428 I NDEX Forbes, Capt., 204 Daniel H., 370 Ella Maud, 268 Henrietta Ann (Allen), 268 Mary Avery (White), 370 Mary Jane, 370 Robert, 268 Forrest, Elizabeth (Oakley), 295 Eliza De Bow, 295 William, 295 Foster, Alfred Dwight, 345, 407 Alfred Dwight, Hon., 345 Burnside, 346, 409 Dorothy Dwight, 409 Dwight, 408 Dwight, Hon., 293, 345 Elizabeth Hammond, 409 Elizabeth Skinner, 346 Emily Baldwin, 346, 408 Evelyn Lucy, 408 Francis Baring. 408 Harriet Burnside, 409 Harriette Story (Lawrence), 409 Henrietta Baldwin, 346 Henrietta Perkins (Baldwin), 293, 345 Hilda Samborne, 408 Lawrence, 409 Lydia (Stiles), 345 Margaret, 408 Evelvn Margaret (Samborne), 407 Mary Rebecca, 346 Maxwell Evarts, 409 Reginald, 346, 409 Reginald, Jr., 409 Roger, 346 Roger Sherman, 409 Roger Sherman Baldwin, 346 Ruth, 409 Sophie Vernon (Hammond), 409 Fowler, Daniel, 289 Daniel Frederick, 289 Eliza Hubbell (Phelps), 289 Frederick, 289 Lena, 289 Miranda (Jones), 289 Frame, Donald Murdock, 306 Dorothy Loomis, 306 James, 306 James Everett, Rev., 306 James Sutherland, 306 Jean Herring (Loomis), 306 Martha (Clark), 306 Franklin, , 176, 177, 190, 191 Benjamin, 172 Freeman, , 107 Henry, 110 Mary (Sherman), 107, 110 Nicholas, 106, 107 French, Charles Sanford, 338 Charles Sanford, Jr., 338 Daniel, 333 Helen, 338 Helen Mabel (Sherman), 338 Mary Ann (Mead), 338, 405 Mary Eliza, 405 Sanford Byron, 338, 405 Sarah (Green), 333 Sarah Leona, 333 Frier, Thomas, 35 Frothingham, Elizabeth Emy, 394 Elizabeth Sherman (Hoyt), 394 Henry Hoyt, 394 Lucy (Harris), 394 Theodore, 394 Thomas Harris, 394 Fuller (Fullen), Agnes, 20, 34 Isabel, 71 Robert, 21 Thomas, 20, 21, 38 William, 21, 71 Fyler, Robert, 30 Fynce (Fince), Alice, 59 Alice (Sherman), 16, 59 Anne, 59 Elizabeth, 16, 59 Judith, 59 Nicholas, 16, 58, 59 Nicollas, 60 Samuel, 59 Callaway, Edmund. 76, 77, 79 Galloway, Susan, 79 Gamble, Charles White, 352 Eleanor Standish. 352 Frances Eaton (White), 350 Frances White, 350 Martha (Chaires). 350 Robert Grattan, 350 Robert Howard, 350, 351 Gardiner, Jane, 26, 39. 66 Jane (Sherman), 71 Jane (Waller) Sherman, 26 John, 26. 33 Gardyner, Robert, 40 Garncys, Elizabeth, 2, 39, 40 John, 2 Robert. 11 Garood, John, 115 Garrad (Garrnod). Marten, 92 Garrett, Priscilla. Ill (Garwood), Martin. Ill, 112 Index 429 Garwood, Priscilla (Sherman), 112 Gaskill, Elizabeth (Sherman), 110 Samuel, 110 Gates, Charles Horatio, 367 Euphemia Lucia Clara, 367 Sarah White (Nason), 367 Gawkroger (Platts), Mary, 151 Gaylord, , 147 Benjamin, 145 Deacon, 147 Johanna (Minor), 145 Nathan, 148 Peter, 148 Ruth (Hartwell), 148 Ruth (Sherman), 145 Sarah (Hartwell), 148 William, 145 Gaysley, William, Sir, 61 Gibson, Caroline Amelia (Scovill), 319 Eloise Hoyt (Sherman), 319 Eloise Sherman, 319 George J., 319 George Jay, 319 Gilbert, Alice Whitmnn (Albee), 328 Charles Eugene, 328 Elizabeth Webster, 328 Ellen Abbe (Webster), 328 Eugene Charles, 328 Robert Newton, 328 Gill, Benjamin, 155 AT Q S P S III Gillett, Edward Bates, 388 Frederick Huntington, Hon., 388 Lucy Douglas (Fowler), 388 Christine (Kice) Hoar, 38S Gilman, Bradley Baldwin, 347 Bradley, Rev., 346 Charlotte Wentworth, 347 Dorothy Foster, 346 Mary Rebecca, (Foster), 346 Ruth Matthews (Wentworth), 346, 347 Thomas Randall. 346, 347 Warren Randall, Dr., 347 Gilson, Sarah, 84 Girald, James, Dr., 140 Gitchell, Mary A., 322 Gleeson, Elizabeth, 84 Glendale, Johan, 9 johnn (Sliarman), ^, 10 Roger, 9 Goddard, William, 121 Goffe, . 81 John, 51, 81 Margaret, 29. 71 Margaret (Sherman), 51 Goodrich, Chauncey, Mrs., 183 Elizur, 194 Frank Morton, 341 Ida Estelle, 341 Sarah Elizabeth (Ferguson), 341 Goodwin, Proctor & Ballantine, 385 Gordon, Charles, Dr., 258 Jessie, 258 Mary (Upham), 258 Gorham, Desire (Howland), 297 ' John, Capt., 297 Gormley, Alicia Maria (Richy), 360 Margaret Gilmore, 360 William, 360 Goss, Harriet (Ferris), 241 James, 241 Katharine de Forest (Skinner), 240 William, 241 Gouge, Abigail Perkins (Moore), 334 Bessie (Westerberg), 335 Frederick Hamilton, 334 Frederick Hamilton, 2nd, 335 George Frederick, 335 Jacob, 332, 334 Julia Sherman, 334 Laura Celistina (Powers), 332, 334 Laura Moore, 334 Mary Adeline, 332 Gould, Elizabeth, 220 John, 329 Mary (Guv), 220 Theodosia Nichols, 329 William, Dr. and Col., 220 Gouldsmythe, John, 65 Graham, Frances (Boswell), 228 Katherine Prewitt, 228 William Harrison, 228 Granger, Alfred Hoyt, 396 Barbara Hughitt. 396. 397 Belle (Hough) Hughitt, 396 Elisabeth Sherman, 396 Ethel. .397 Helen Louise, 397 Henry James, 396 James, 396 Martha McCullogh. 397 Mary Hoyt (Reese), 396 Matilda Vance (Moorhead), 396 Moses Moorhead, 396 Sherman Moorhead. 397 Wanda Dawson (p-ollett). 397 Grannis, Abhie Helen, 2.^9 Abigail Caroline (Hubbell), 259 430 Index Grannis, Bessie Beulah, 259 Clara Bell (Sherwood), 259 Eunice Caroline, 259 Harry Theodore, 259 Henry James, 259 Herbert Richard, 259 John, 259 John Henry, 259 John Sherman, 259 Louise Annie (Page), 259 Mildred Carol, 259 Ralph Guy, 259 Rhoda (Bennett), 259 Rose Caroline (Linstrum), 259 Roy Sherwood, 259 Russell Lynn, 259 Graves, Amos Evans, 368 Anna Gertrude, 368 Eliza Smith (Pitman), 368 Gray, Barbara, 319 George Dickman, 319 Laura Caroline (Sherman), 319 Prentiss Nathaniel, 319 Sherman. 319 Susan (Thayer), 319 Thomas, 42 & Davenport, 378 Graye, Sybell, 68 Thomas, 68 Green, Anna (Knight), 301 Henry Prentiss, 302 Joanna Pierson (Crowell), 302 Mary Augusta, 302 Samuel, 204 Thomas, 204, 301 Greene, Agnes Margaret, 369 Alice Gertrude, 306 Anna, 302, 366 Caroline (Hoar), 314 Charles Samuel, 383 Cora Evarts, 306 Daniel Crosby, 304, 370, 371 Daniel Crosby, Jr., 371 David Brainerd, 302 David Monroe, 369 David, Rev., 252, 301, 373 Edward Forbes, 372 Elizabeth Grosvenor, 372 Elsie Helen, 306 Emily Lockwood, 371 Evarts Routell, 370 Fanny Bradley, 370 Flora Theresa (Bunnell), 303 Gladys, 307 Grace Estelle (Wooster), 369 Grace Evarts, 369 Hannah Wells (Eldridge), 383 Greene. Henry Hill, 306 Hettie Louise, 303 Jane Herring, 305 Jeremiah Evarts, 302, 371 Jerome Crosby, 371 Jerome Davis, 371 Lewis Patrick, 219 Lucy Louisa (Sheldon), 314 Marion, 371 Marion (Lockwood), 371 Marjorie (Sherman), 219 Martha Sherman, 304, 373 Mary Adelaide (Dunlap), 306 Mary Anna (Bassett), 302 Mary Augusta (Green), 302 Mary Avery, 372 Mary (Evarts), 252, 301, 302, 373 Mary Jane (Forbes), 370 Mary Rhoda, 369 May Collins (Jones), 369 May (Tevis), 371 Nathaniel, 383 Olivia (Day), 383 Patricia Drake, 219 Patricia Louise (Ward), 219 Roger Sherman, 304, 368, 371, 372 Roger Sherman, Jr., 369 Roger Sherman, 3rd, 369 Samuel Bellows, 314 Samuel, Rev., 303 Sarah Elizabeth, 303 Sarah Elizabeth (Moore), 303 William, 314 William Holt, 219 William John, 306 Greenleafe, John, 112 Mary, 112 Greenwood, Adelaide (Hull), 341 Clara, 341 George, 341 Gregory, Mehitable (Buck), 146 Samuel, 146 Greig, John, 235 Grey, Anne Plumsted, 68 John, 68 Richard. 68 Sibell (Sybein. 68 Thomas, 29, 35-37, 68 Greye, Elizabeth. 38 Tane (Duke), 38 "Richard, 38 Thomas, 38 Griffin, Andrew Jackson, 372 Charles Carroll, 372 Charles Sumner, 372 Index 431 Griffin, Mary Avery, 372 Mary Avery (Greene), 372 Mary (Carroll), 372 Griffith, Abbie Helen (Grannis), 259 Adam Gerard, 331 Catherine Amanda (Green), 331 David Golden, 260 David Grannis, 260 Florence Oglesby, 326 Harold Sherman, 260 Harry Llewellyn, 260 Helen Hoyt (Sherman), 325 Helen Katherine, 260 Helen Sherman, 325 Hoyt Sherman, 326 John Ramsbottom, 325, 326 Josephine Sidney (Oglesby), 325 Katherine Mabel, 331 Mary Ann (Carpenter), 260 Mary Golden, 260 William Oglesby, 325 Grover, Sarah (Sherman), 130 Thomas, 130 Guthrie, Abby, 254 Guydat, Anthony, Sir, 44, 47, 66 Mary, 65 Gwillim, John, 17 Gwynn, Roger, 87 Gwynne, John Alexander, 358 Kate, 358 Mary Elizabeth (Gulliver), 358 Gyn, George, 31 Hackett. Bridget (Doheny), 344 James Dominick, 344 James Dominick, Jr., 344 Jessie Taylor (Sherman), 344 John Sherman. 344 John Byrne, Dr., 344 Hacon, Francis, 41 John, Esq., 41 Haldeman, Adaline Sherman (Moul- ton), 403 Angeline, 404 Mary Adalyn, 403 John Sherman, 404 Sarah Ann (Gilman). 403 Thomas Jefferson. 404 William Jesse, 403 William Tecumseh. 404 Hale, Annie Strong (Riley), 382 James Richards, 382 Mehetabel Sherman (Evarts),382 Shelton, 38? Hall, Abby Talcott (Sherman), 336 Caleb B., 254 Carrie Belle, 401 Hall, Clara (Brooks), 401 David, 262 Edwin Morgan, 337 Elizabeth, 254 Elizabeth (Sherman), 254 Hannah, 262 James Sherman, 337 Janet Moore (MacKenzie), 337 Louisa Shirley, 262 Mary, 47 Mary (Sherman), 66 Nathaniel, 336 Norman, 336 Richard M., 401 Robert, 47, 66 Sybil (Whitney), 336 Hallett & Hazard, 237 Hamilton, Alexander, 366 Hammatt, Arthur Livingston, 293 Carrie Rathbone (Barriss), 292 Clarence Sherman, 292 Edward Seymour, 292 Edward Rumney, 292, 293 Eliza Hubbell (Phelps), 292 Eliza (Pratt), 292 Gertrude Pratt, 292 John Barrett, 292, 293 Kate Lee, 293 Marjorie Livingston, 292 Marietta T. (North), 292 Mary Leicester, 292 Nabby (Rumney), 292 Sherman Phelps, 293 Hammond, John Henry, Brig.-Gen., 409 Sophie Vernon, 409 Sophie Vernon (Wolfe), 409 Hamlen, Caroline Frances (White), 400 James Clarence, 4(X) Joseph Rochemont, 400 Joseph Rochemont, Jr., 4(X) Martha (Thorndike), 400 Hamond, John, 61 Hancock, , 190 Almira Russell, 398 Elizabeth (Gwynn), 398 Russell, 398 Haney, Adeline (Murphy), 339 Adaline Sophia, 339 Elizabeth Mary, 340 James William, 339 James Robert, 340 Jane Elizabeth (Sherman), 339 Margaret (Hanna), 340 Mary Leslie, 340 432 Index Hanev, Nelly, 339 Richard, 339 Richard Sherman, Rev., 340 Hanford, Abigail, 125 Hanna, James, 340 Margaret, 340 Mary (McWhinney), 340 Hardesty, Kinzia Francis, 282 Louisa Frances (Banta), 282 Nellie Belle, 282 Hardy, Ann (Huested), 124 Richard, 124 Susannah, 124 Harrald, Edward, 51 Harriman, Elizabeth (Eaton), 287 Ethel, 287 Ira, 287 Harris, Frances Louise, 323 Jack, 323 Josiah, 241 Harris, Lucy (Talbot), 241 Nelly Eleanor (Morgan), 323 Samuel, Rev., 241 Harrison, Benjamin. 172 Harsha, Harriet Marie (Burns), 405 Helen Louise, 405 Leslie Royal, 405 Hart, Charles Henry, 191 Charles Theodore, 227 David Sherman, Dr., 227 Eliza Harriet, 227 Henry Austin, 230 Ira, Rev., 227, 231 Jonathan, 227 Louisa Maria, 230 Maria (Sherman), 227 Mary (Coe), 227 Mr., 191 Susan M. (Smith), 227 Hartranft, Joseph Beckwith, 364 Joseph Beckwith, Jr., 364 Joseph Mayhew, Dr., 364 Leila Cooledge (Sherman), 364 Mary Beckwith, 364 Hartwell, , 147, 148 Barbara (Farvour), 148 Elizabeth, 148, 150. 197 Elizabeth (Wilkinson), 148 Isaac, 148 John, 145 Joseph, 140, 144, 146, 148, 150, 158 Joseph, Jr., 146 Joseph, Deacon, 150 Mary, 148 Mary (Pitcher), 148 Mary (Tnlman). 146, 150 Rachel (Hartwell), 148 Hartwell, Rebecca, 148 Rebecca (Sherman), 146 Rebekah, 144 Ruth, 148 Samuel, 148 Sarah, 148 Haskell, Elizabeth, 304 Haslewood, Thomas, 83 Hasset, James, 77 Hastings, Bessie (Kendal), 233 Mathew, 141 William Henry, 233 Hatheway, Asahel, 261 Caroline Cornelia, 261 Nancy (Diggins), 261 Hawke, Edwarde, 34 Hawkins, Hannah, 123 J. P., Maj.-Gen., 368 Mary (Sherman), 123 Timothy, 123 Timothy, Jr., 123 Hawley, Stephen, 197 Hayden, Edward Simeon, 210 Elizabeth Gilder (Kellogg), 210 Pauline Migeon, 210 Hayne, Philip, 109 Hayward, William, Col., 325 Hayes, President, 317 Hazard, , 237 Healey, Eleanor Eaton, 281 George Henry, 281 Isabel, 281 Isabel Hall (Coombs), 281 Mary, 277 Nellie (McCarthy), 281 Roberta, 281 Warren Robert, 281 Hecksor, Nathaniel, 94 Hedge, Margery, 35 Hege, Margery, 34 Hegeman, Elise Ann, 215 Eliza Johnson (Niven), 215 William, 215 Hemenway, Joshua. 128 Hemming, Faith (Sherman), 90 Henry, 90 Hendry, Agnes, 34 Agnes (Fuller) Sherman, 20 Agnes (Fullen, Fuller) Sherman, 34 Robert, 20, 34 Hennessey, John, 281 Margaret (Borden), 281 Susan Annie, 281 Herbcrd, John, 11 (Yaxley), John, 2 (Yaxley), Richard, 2, 40 Index 433 Hetfield, Levi. 205 Zophar, 205 Hewett, Annie Sherman (Mackin- tosh), 277 BilHngs, 277 Charles Mackintosh, 277 Grace Liscom, 211 Harriet (Atherton), 277 Henry Billings, 277 Hobart, 278 Margaret Adams (Sargent), 277, 278 Philip Crane, 278 Roger Sargent, 278 Roger Sherman, 278 Hewitt. Anna Maria (Barrett), 264 Horatio Nelson, 264 Maria Augusta, 264 Hicks, Eva, 232 Leonora, 232 T. Raymond, Rev., 232 William, 190 Higginson, Elizabeth, 151 John, 151 Higginson, Lee & Co., 371 Sarah (Gardner), 151 Hill. Molly, 131 Hilles, Gilber, 79 Hillhouse, James, 194, 238 Hillman, Alice May, 334 Emma Louise (Bill), 334 William M.. 334 Hills, Gilbert, 11 Hillyer. Adele (Douglas), 265 Douglas, 265 Frank Munson, Dr., 265 Imogene Ethel (De Goll), 265 Hilton, Caroline Maria (Kellogg), 209 John Warren, 209 Katherine Maude, 209 Hine, Abel, 159 Hinman, Benjamin, 134 Sarah (Sherman), 134 Hoar, Alice, 151 Alice Miller, 318 Benjamin Stuart, 387 Caroline, 314 Caroline Downes (Brooks), 313 Caroline Prescott, 386 Caroline Prescott (Wood), 386 Charles Emerson, 314 Christine (Rice), 388 Clara Downes, 314 Cynthia, 385 Daniel, 253 Dorothy Emma (Brown), 385 Hoar, Ebenezcr Rockwood, 14, 313 Ebenezer Rockwood, Hon., 253, 313 Edward Sherman, 254, 316 Ellen, 387 Elizabeth, 151, 253, 314. 386, 387 Elizabeth Hallett (Prichard), 316 Elva Stuart (Pease), 387 Florence, 316 Frances Helen, 388 George F., 161, 197, 251 George Frisbie, 14, 199, 254 George Frisbie, Hon., 317 Helen Putnam (Wadleigh), 385 Helen (Warren), 385 John, 151, 253, 385 John, Jr., 386 Judge, 314 Kate (Wise), 385 Louisa Ruth, 388 Mary, 318_ Mary Louisa (Spurr), 317 Mary Tolman (Buttrick), 386 Mrs., 152 Rockwood, 318, 387 Roger Sherman, 387 Ruth Ann (Miller), 317 Samuel, 207, 248, 314, 385 Samuel, Hon., 253 Samuel, Hon., Sr., 253 Samuel Johnson, 253 Sarah, Mrs. 154 Sarah Sherman. 207, 248, 253, 314 Sherman, 314. 387 Susannah (Pierce), 253 Stedman Buttrick, 387 Hobert, John, 117 Hodson, Edwardo, 28 Holley, Alexander Lyman, 211 Edward Hotchkiss, 392 Gertrude Meredith, 211 Lillian Wheeler, 392 Mary (Slade), 211 Nellie (Wheeler), 392 Holmes, Edward Jackson, 375 Flora (Wiggin), 272 Henrietta Goddard (Wiggles- worth). 375 Henry Hollis, 272 Mary Stacy (Beaman), 375 May Flora, 272 Thomas, 42 Hood, Burton Francis, 274 Edna Louise (Mackintosh), 274 Jonas, 121 434 Index Hooper, Edward William, Maj., 315 Fanny Hudson (Chapin), 315 Mary, 315 Hopkins. Mr., 188 Samuel, Rev., 188 Hoskins, Anne Estelle (Higginbot- ham), 348 Cornelia Estelle, 347 Francis, 348 Hosmer, Titus, 167, 168, 173 Hotofte, , 31 Margaret, 31 Howard, Zacharied, Rev., 222 Howe, Emma, 321 Eunice, 131 James, 131 Howell, Thomas, 166 Howland, Albert William, 334 Desire, 297 Elizabeth (Tillie), 297 Emma (Cunningham), 334, 335 Grace, 328 Henry, 328 Jane Eliza (Gray), 328 John, 297 John Henry, 334, 335 Laura Moore (Gouge), 334 Hoyt, Alfred Miller, 393 Alfred Otto, 394 Alfred William, 395 Anne Sherman, 390 Anson Phelps Stokes, 395 Barbara, 390 Charles Sherman, 390 Colgate, 390 Colgate, Jr.. 390 Elizabeth Bancroft Sherman, 390 Elizabeth Sherman, 394 Emy (Otto), 394 Ethel Phelps (Stokes), 395 Ethel Stokes, 395 Florence Cecelia, 393 Graham, 395 Gretchen Rosina, 394 Henry Reese, 394 Henry Reese, Jr., 394, 395 Helen Phelps Stokes, 395 Isaac, 318 James Madison. 390 James Moodv, 393 Jeannette, 390 Jeannette (Myers"), 390 John Sherman, 395 John Sherman, Jr., 395 Katharine T>. (Sharp) Cheese- man. 390 Lida Williams (Sherman), 390 Hoyt, Mary, 318 Mary Elizabeth, 395 Mary Ella (Beebe), 390 Mary (Nesbitt), 393 Mary (Raymond), 318 Rosina Elizabeth (Reese), 393 Rosina Sherman, 395 Sherman, 390 Sherman Reese, 395 Simon, 107 Hrtwel, Elizabeth, 150 Hubbell, Abigail Caroline, 259 Abijah, 290 Bertha Esther, 327 Clarissa (Fitch), 290 Cora May, 326 David, 254 Edith Sherman. 326 Eliza M. (Phelps), 235 Eliza Maria Phelps, 290 Elizabeth Phelps, 291 Elizabeth Ripley (Sherman), 259, 326 Elizabeth Seymour, 291 Elizabeth (Williams), 254 Ella Sherman, 290 Ephraim, 259 Frederick Brooks, 290 Gardiner Elmer, 327 George Cameron, 290 George Ramsev, 290 Gertrude (Milliken), 290 Helene Irene, 327 Henrietta Rosena (Drews), 327 Henry Phelps, 291 Henry Seymour, 290 Horatio William Law, 290 Jane (Sherman), 260, 326 Jeannette Phelps, 290 Laura, 254 Luna (Agard), 259 Mark Elmer. 259. 326. 327 Mark Elmer, Mrs., 326 Mark Sherman. 260, 326 Mary Chapin, 291 Mary Seymour (Chapin), 290 Minnie Ida, 327 Rebecca (Brooks), 290 Roger Sherman, 327 Roger Sherman. Jr., 327 Rose Fernetta (Dunbar), 327 Stewart Brooks. 290 Walter. 23.=^. 290 Walter Seymour, 290 Hudson, Christopher, 98 George, 94 Index 435 Huggins, Charles Edward, 320 Hamer Sarah (Clarkson), 320 Julia, 320 Julia Willock (Davis), 320 Mrs., 321 William Beers, 320 Hughes, Catharine (Scott), 240 Charles, 240 Charles Frederick, 240 Emily (Baker), 212 George Cortwright, 240 Isaac Wayne, 212 James Francis, 240 Lena Mabel (Skinner), 240 Olys Cortwright, 240 Phoebe Katherine, 240 William Thomas, 240 Hughitt, Belle, 396 Belle (Hough), 396 Marvin, 396 Humes, Smith & Tweed, Zll Humfrey, Calvin, 11 Mr., n Humphrey, Clarinda Thompson (Noyes), 267 Ellen Thatcher (Follansbee), 267 George Henry, 267 George Washington, 267 Marion Louise, 268 Ralph Devereaux, 268 Humphreys, Alexander Crombie, Dr., Eva Margaret, 363 Eva Margaret (Guillaudeu), 363 Hunt, Elizabeth Katherine (Little- field), 282 Esther Matilda, 282 James Riley, 282 Ruth, 282 Ruth Alma (Hadley), 282 Thomas Murray, 282 Huntington, Rhinelander & Seymour, 378 Sam, 181 Samuel, 168, 180 Hurd, Jacob, 152 Hutchinson, J. R., 5 Illsey, William, 121 Ilsly, Willeam. 121 loder, Alvin Ellsworth, Rev., 340 Ellsworth Haney, 340 Joseph, 340 Mary Ann (Zierlein), 340 Mary Leslie (Haney), 340 Irvin, Alexander Proudfit, 296, 355 Ethel, 355 Irvin, John James, 355 Mary (Proudfit), 355 Richard, 355 Robert Lenox Taylor, 355 Susan Sherman (Taylor), 296, 355 Isaacs, Ann (Jones), 338 Charles French, 338 Helen French, 338 Lot Myrven, 338 Richard, 338 Ives, C. B., 189 Joseph, 215 Mary, 215 Mary (Sherman), 215 Jackson, Edith Ann, 374 Ernest, 11 Frances Ann (Harrison), 374 Lindamira, 231 Lucy, 149 William, 374 Jackson & Beaman, 374 Jacox, Frederick Banks, 331 Katharine Sherman (Moore), 331 Janney, Bridget, 89 Edmund, 89 Edmund, Sir, 89 Elizabeth Cawse, 89 Francis, 89 John, 89 Katherine (Boyes), 89 Margaret (Peyton), 89 Maude (Buckells or Bokyll), 89 (Warren), 89 William, 89 William, Sir, 89 Jefferson, , 190, 191 Thomas, 172, 366 Jenney, , 89 Bridget, 87, 88 Francis, 87 Jepson, Adelaide Lucinda, 275 Harriet (Walker), 275 Samuel, 275 Jerman, Eliza Scott, 288 Margaret (Scott), 288 Thomas, 288 Jennyn, Thomas, 21 Johnson, Andrew, President, 310 Annie Eugenia, 340 Dr., 224 Gertrude (Johnston), 340 John, 131 Persis (Sherman), 131 Snow, 340 436 Index Johnson, William S., Esq., 180 William Samuel, 175, 180 William Samuel, Hon., 176 Johnston, Anna MacArthur, 214 EHzabeth (Ogden), 214 Robert, Hon., 214 Jones, Aaron Buckland, 219 Ahira, Rev., 275 Alice Louise, 334 Alice May (Hillman), 334 Amasa, Col., 215 Amos Wilson, 369 Andrew, 255 Annie Lavina, 275 Arthur Edward, 333 Arthur, Rev., 333 Cornelia R., 330 Daniel, 253 Daniel, Major, 252 David J., 333 Edith, 369 Edward, 104 Eliza Kate, 335 Frances Mary (Sherman), 219 Frederick Sherman, 334 Halsey Monroe, 369 Hannah, 104, 215 Hannah Maria (Hughes), 333 Hattie De Ette (Gage), 369 Hays, 334 Hays, Jr., 334 Henrv John, Dr., 335 Herbert William. 219 Hope (Lord), 215 Julia Montgomery (Wood), 2SS Kate (Carlisle), 335 Lettie Dunlap Jane Maria (Moore), 333 Lucy Hapgood (McGregor), 275 Marie Eugenia (Patrick), 333 Marie Louise, 333 May Collins. 369 Olivia, 252, 253 Olivia (Tinker), 252 Robert, 330 Sherman, 333 Sophia Apolina, 333 Sophia (Evans), 330 William Arthur, 334 Judsnn, Damaris (Sherman), 149 Jerusha (Sherman), 149 Joseph, 149 Nathan, 149 Kalker, Carol Sherman, 335 Bernard. 335 Berta (Edersheim), 335 Kalker, Jacob, 335 Jessie Kate (Sherman), 33S Kellogg, Cora May, 209 Eusebius Allan, 209 Ophelia (Lockwood), 209 Kene, Robert, 35 Kent, Adaline (Dutton), 365, 366 Albert Emmett, 365 Anne (Thompson), 365 Elizabeth Sherman, 366 Elizabeth (Thacher), 300, 365 Richard, 121 Roger, 366 Sherman, 366 Thomas Thacher, 365 William, 300, 365 William, Jr., 366 William, Mrs., 150 Ketcham, Lydia Coit (Collins), 242 William Piatt, 242 Ketchum, Bertha, 332 Heber Augustus, Rev., 332 Kett, , 13 Kew, Johan, 20 John, 10 Mant, 20 Keyes, Abigail (Sherman), 131 John, 131 Keyne, Edward, 42, 43 Kilworth, Alonzo Hollis, 283 Annie Sherman (Littlefield), 283 Ella Eugenia, 283 John Hollis, 283 Mary Anne (Healy), 283 Thomas, 283 Kimball, Philip Sargent, 369 Priscilla Peaselee (Mclntire), 369 Sarah, 131 King, Anne (Jones), 312 Elizabeth Ann, 312 Henry Bohan, 312 William, 75 Kinge, Richarde, 56 Kinges, Richarde, 55 Kintzlev, Corsa, 325 Nellie (Weldon), 325 William Worth, 325 Kirby, Agnes Louise, 362 Anne M. (Milward), 362 John H., 362 Kirke, Helen Catherine, 391 Knapp, Adelphia, 269 De Witt, 269 Henrietta, 290 Jared, 290 Marietta (Warner), 290 Index 437 Knapp, Orah Sarah, 269 Knight, Joseph, 112 Richard, 121 Knowles, Joseph, 268 Joseph Greenlief, 268 Marion Louise (Humphrey), 268 Mary, 134 Mary (Hitchcock), 268 Kugler, Charles August, 326 Cora May (Hubbell). 326 Melinda (Dodson), 326 WilHam Adolph, 326 Lackman, Albert, 405 Charlotte Henrietta (Rockwell), 404 EHzabeth Alberta, 405 Elizabeth (Snyder), 405 Herman William, 405 Herman William, Jr., 405 John Little, 405 Lewis Rockwell, 405 Lacye, Steven, 46 Ladd. Alice Gates (Boutell), 368 Arnold Boutell, 368 Babson Savilion, 368 Ella Cora (Brooks), 368 John Wood Brooks, 368 Lak, Elizabeth, 71 Elizabeth (Sherman), 12 Hugh, 71, 72 Lakin. Charles Beaman, 375 Eleanor Putnam, 375 Ellena Kimball (Putnam), 375 George Boyer, 375 Helen Wardner (Beaman), 375 Herbert Conrad, 375 Hettie Beaman. 375 Mary Stacy, 375 Lakyn, Miles, 81 Lamb, Blanche Dominick (Baldwin), 349, 410 Elizabeth (Dimock), 410 Ellen (Steen), 393 Gilbert, 410 Gilbert Baldwin, 411 Gilbert Dimock, 349, 410 Joseph, 393 Mary Dell, 393 Lamson, Eastburn Ebenezer, THZ Martha (Wardner). yi7> Minerva Bingham, ZIZ Lancaster, Robert, 65 Lane, Jacob. 29, 30 John, 150 T,amnel, 30 Lamnel (Samuel), 29 Lane, Margaret, 29 Martha, 150, 365 Susanna (Whipple), 150 Lany, Anne, 61 Aslack, 62 Aslake, 63, 64 Bass, 63 Benjamin, 62, 63, 64 Elizabeth, 64 Elizabeth (Jerningham), 64 Faith, 19, 61 Francis, 61 James, 62, 63, 64 Johan, 61 John, 61, (iZ. 64 Katharine (Yaxley), 63 Katherine (Yaxley), 64 Katheryn, 61 Margaret, 61 Margaret Cooke, 64 Richard, 19, 61, 64 Thomas, 62, 63, 64 Lanye, , 62, 64 John, 62 Larwill, Julia Maria, 401 William, 401 Lascelles, Henry, 89 Mary, 89 Latham, Dorothy Louise (Lindsay), 263 Harry Hubbard, 263 Harry Osgood, 263 Hubbard, 263 Lucy Ann (Barnes), 263 Margaret Sherman (Osgood), 263 Majorie Luschen (Scholle), 263 Mary Elizabeth, 263 Paul Hubbard, 263 Ruth Osgood. 263 Launce, Darcy. 109 Isabella. 109 James, 109 Mary, 109 Law, Abigail. 234 Abigail (Arnold), 234 Anna, 234 Benedict Arnold. 234 Comfort, 234 Eunice, 234 Eunice ( Andrew') , 234 Jonathan, 234, 235 Jonathan. Governor, 234 Mary, 234 Richard, 175. 234 Richard, Judge, 189 Richd.. 167 438 Index Law, Sarah, 234 La Ware, Caroline Phelps (Van Derkar), 287 Harold, 287 Jeannette (Dupey), 287 Sydney, 287 Lawrance, Susan, 72 Lawrence, , 82 Abbott, 409 Alfred Newbold, 217 Elizabeth (Lawrence), 217 Hannah Newbold, 217 Harriette Story, 409 Harriette White (Paige), 409 Thomas, 82 Lawson, Adeline (Berge), 322 Isaac, 322 Susan Rebecca, 322 Lawton, Elizabeth, 15 Thomas, 15 Lea, J. Henry, 5 Leavenworth, , 237 Madame, 235 Mark, 235 Mr., 235 Mrs., 235 Sarah, 236 Sarah (Hull), 235 Sarah (Law) (Sherman), 236 Lebarty, , 129 Mary, 129 Mary (Sherman), 129 Lee, Richard Henry, 190 le Gryce, William, 45 Le Neve, Peter, 62 Lewes, Elizabeth, 59 Robert. 83, 84 Thomas, 59 Lewys, Robert, 83 Lightner, Abia Taylor, 268 Marguerite Morrell, 268 Tena (Morrell), 268 Lindsay, Charles G., 263 Dorothy Louise, 263 Emily Florence (Wilbraham), 391 James Ludovic, 391 Martha (Cameron), 390 Ronald Charles, Hon., 391 Winifred Louise (Wightman), 263 Linstrum, Louis. 259 Martha (Sylvester), 259 Rose Caroline, 2.S9 Liscom, Philip, Jr., 155 Little, Cecelia Sherman (Moulton), 404 Elizabeth Reese, 404 John, 404 Lucy (Clary), 404 William, 404 Littlefield, (Craig), 280 Aaron, 279 Ada Katherine, 282 Alice Florence, 284 Alonzo F., 280 Alonzo Follansbee, 282, 284 Alonzo Oliver, 283 Ann Lucinda, 276, 280, 281 Ann (Thorpe), 280 Anna Sherman, 280 Annie Sherman, 283 Arthur Stevens, 280 Charles Audobon, 23>i Clara Isabella, 281 Elizabeth Katherine, 282 Elizabeth Theresa, 282 Ena Sarah, 284 Estelle (Manciet), 282 Ethel Lorene, 282 Evelyn, 281 George Sherman, 280 George T., 280 George Thomas, 280 Georgiana (Stevens), 280 Gladys Lola, 284 Glen Earl, 283 Harriet Isabella (Reynolds), 281 Harriette (Reynolds), 281 Harry Sherman, 281 Ina lola, 283 John S., 280 John Sherman, 280, 283 John Warren, 282 Joseph D., 280 Joseph Dana, Dr., 280 Kenneth Royal, 284 Lee William, 283 Lois Ernestine, 284 Lucinda, 226, 280 Lucinda (Sherman), 234, 276, 279 Mabel Winifred, 282 Margaret Lucinda. 283 Mary (Be! den), 280 Minnie Maria, 283 Nellie Belle (Hardesty), 282 Nellie Francis, 284 Nettie Emma (Baylor), 283 Ralph Sherman. 282 Ray Warren. 282 Roger S., 280 Roger Sherman, 281 Index 439 Littlefield, Royal Seth, 284 Ruea (Bisbee), 280 Sarah Caroline (Whalert), 284 Sarah (Edwards), 282 Seth, 280 Susan Ainiie (Hennessey), 281 Thomas, 234, 276, 279, 282 Thomas Francis, 282 Thelma Beatrice, 282 Violet Annie, 282 Walter, 281 Warren Roger, 282 Willie Arthur, 280 William Augustus, 283 Winifred Scott, 282 Zola Sarah, 284 Livermore, Daniel, 133 Grace (Sherman), 110 John, 110, 111 Mary, 133 Mary (Cooledge), 133 Livingston, Robert, 172 Robert R., 190 Lloyd, Charles Rees, 392 Marion Frances (Ingram), 392 Mary Elizabeth (Baker), 392 Locke, Bridget, 112 Katharine (Scanlon). 363 Lockwood, , 18 Ann, 22 Henrietta (Niles), 371 Margery, 42 Margerie, 22 Margery (Sherman), 22, 71 Marie, 22 Marion, 371 Rhodes, 371 Robert, 22, Z7, 42, 71 Longe, Gilbert, 100 Loomis, Amelia Curtis (Brown), 305 Clara Denison, 305 Eleanor Wigton (Wallace), 305 Evarts Greene, 305 Evarts Greene, Jr., 305 . David Greene, 305 Henry Meech, 305 Henry, Rev., 305, 359 Jane Herring (Greene), 305 Jean Herring, 306 Louisa Ropes. 305 Margaret, 305 Maria (Meech), 305 Noah, 305 Roger Sherman, 306 Loudon, Ann (Sherman), 51 Richard. 51 Lord, Caroline, 229 Lord, David Bolles, 276 Elizabeth Davis (Crane), 276 Mary Lizzie, 276 Thomas, 229 Day & Lord, 375, 410 Lotspeich, Dorothy Mary, 332 Harwood Robert, 332 Mary Louise (Moore), 332 William, 332 Loud, Alexander Crombie Hum- phreys, 363 Elizabeth Stephens, Z62 Ephrairn Carter, 363 Eva Margaret (Humphreys), 363 Eva Marguerite Westinghouse, 363 Henry Sherman, 363 Henry Sherman, Jr., 363 Julia Ann (Perry), 362, 363 Julia Perry, 363 Louisa Stephens (Sherman), 363 Stephen Gilman, 363 Henry Williams, 363 Loughridge, Edward Wood, 256 Frances Parker (Wood), 255 Mary Ann (Mitchell), 255 William Edward, Dr., 255 William, Dr., 255 Lovein, Thomas, 121 Lovell, Elfleda, 334 Ezekiel, 334 Lois (Palmer), 334 Loveran, Anne, 80 Lower, Elton, 328 Paul Elton, 328 Paul Elton, Jr., 328 Mabel Josephine (Campbell), 328 Natalie Sherman (Webster), 328 Ludlow, Roger, 107 Lufkin, John, 81 Lynn, Elhanan, Jr., 155 Lyon, Abigail, 133 Benjamin Davis, 275 Deborah (Fi.sher), 133 Josiah, 133 Mary (Arnold). 275 Mary Jane, 275 Lyvers, John, 66 MacKenzie, Donald, 337 Janet Moore, Z2)7 Margaret (Watson). 337 Mackintosh, Adam, 276. 278, 281 Adeline (Arnold), 272 Adelaide Lucinda (Jepson), 275 Agnes Hastie (Strathern), 274 440 Index Mackintosh, Alice Hannah, 277 Ann Lucinda (Littlefield), 276, 281 Anna Mehitable, 279 Annie Lavinia (Jones), 275 Annie Sherman, 277 Arnold, 276 Charles Austin. 276 Charles G., 266 Charles Gideon, 276 Edgar Adam, 277 Edmund, 275 Edna Louise, 274 Effie Josephine, 278 Elizabeth Lord, 276 Eliza Jane (Tuttle), 272 Ellen (Bohler), 279 Ethel, 277 Etta Maria (Robinson), 278 Frances Adeline, 273 Francesca Louise, 279 Frederick Royal, 279 George, 277 George Tuttle, 274 Gertrude Marian, 275 Harriet Abbie, 274 Harriet Ann (Richards), 276 Hattie, 278 Helen Dorothy, 277 John Quincy, 274 John Sherman, 277, 278 Joseph Billings, 276 Joseph Hooker, 274 Josephine (Mcintosh), 278 Laura Belle (Wright), 274 Lillian Sherman, 276 Linette Tucker, 274 Louis Edmund, 276 Lucinda Sherman, 269 Lucy Adaliza, 276 Lucy Bathsheba, 279 Lydia Ann (Simpson), 275 Maria Louisa, 272 Marilla (Donnell), 277 Marion, 275 Marion Edna, 275 Mary (Healcy), 277 Mary Jane (Lyon), 275 Mary Lizzie (Lord), 276 Nancy Sherman, 266, 273 Orlesta May, 275 Rachel Ann, 277 Richards Bryant, 276 Roger, 275 Roger Sherman, 274, 275 Roper Warner, 275 Royal Augustine, 279 Mackintosh, Sarah Anita Roberts (Warner), 275 Sarah Lizzie, 274 Seth, 276 Stewart Webster, 275 Susan Tucker, 268 Theodore Osgood, 276 Walter, 275 William, 272, 274 William Davis, 275 Emily, 374 Jabez, 163 Margaret Kenyon, 373, 374 Margaret Louisa (Tracy), 2)7 i Martha, Hi Mary Tracy, 374 Rose (Kenyon), Z7?> Montgomery, Joseph, 174 Moore, Abbie Frederica, 333 Abigail Perkins, 334 Adin Snow, 227 Amelia (Snow), 327 Anna, 227 Anna Maria (Sherman), 337 Annette Elizabeth (Dodge), 330 Archibald Dunlap, 330 Archibald Harwood, 331 Bertha (Ketchum), 222 Blanch Storrs, 330 Caroline Crook, 332 Charles Adin, 227 Charles Edward, 331 Charlotte, 227 Cora Maude (Borden), 330 Cornelia R. (Jones), 330 Daniel French, 222 Elfleda (Lovell), 334 Eunice, 227 Fanny B. (Camp), 337 Frances Green, 331 Frederick Archibald, 331 Gardiner Sherman, 330 __ Genevieve De Castro, 330 George, 308 George Gouge, 222 Harry Sherman, 334 ■ - Helen Marguerite (Stone), 334 Ida (Storrs), 330 Isaac, 227 Ivy Myrtle (Wyman), 337 James Pentland, 330 James Sherman, 227 Moore, Jane (Dunlap), 329 Jessie Eugenia (McClelland), 332 John, 303 John Michael, 332 John Robert, 331 Julia Sherman, 331 Katharine Louise (Burt), 331 Katherine Mabel (Griffith), 331 Katharine Sherman, 331 Kathleen, 227 Leon, 330 Leona Adeline, 333 Lettie Dunlap Jane Maria, 333 Luther Guiteau, 331 Maria (Sherman), 257, 326, 329, 330, 222, 334 Marjorie Ann (Pentland), 330 Mary Adeline (Gouge), 332 Mary Emily (White), 308 Mary Louise, 332 Mary Louise (Wakeman), 331 Mehitable (Foster), 303 Michael, 257, 329, 330 Michael, Jr., 330 Michael III, 330 Michael, Mrs., 326 Nellie Burt, 331 Ralph De Castro, 331 Robert, 30 Roger Sherman, 222, 227 Samuel Glover, Dr., 334 Samuel Lovell, 334 Sarah Elizabeth, 303 Sarah Jane, 308 Sarah Leona (French), 222 Sherman, 227 William Charles, 331 William Robert, 330 Moran, Abbie (Shannon), 322 Emma, 322 James, 322 Morant, , 2 More. John, 52 Moreillon, Bertrand, 212 Jeanne, 212 Marcelle, 212 Rene (De Palezieux), 212 Suzanne, 212 Morfell, John, 82 Morgan, Abigail Talcott. 336 Abigail (Talcott-Chaffee), 336 Edwin Dennison, 382 Elizabeth (Moran), 382 George, 173 Jasper, Deacon, 336 Katharine Avery, 382 444 I NDEX Morris, Robert, 179, 190 Morrow, Frederick Brown, 229 Mary Harvey (Kirkman), 229 Varina Pearl, 229 Morse, Anthony, 63 Sion, 138, 139 Moseley, Nathaniel, 155 Samuel, Capt., 122 Moulton, Adaline Sherman, 403 Adaline (Wallace), 324, 402 Cecelia Sherman, 404 Charles William, 326, 402 Dan Alonzo, 324 Dan Alonzo, Jr., 402 Frances Beecher (Sherman), 326, 402 Helen Allcutt, 405 John Sherman, 405 Keenah (Allcutt), 405 Mary Hoyt Sherman, 403 Sara Elvira, 324 Mowry, Dr., 256 Elizabetli Sherman (Parker), 256 Munson, Mr., 161 Murphy, Anna (Ryan), 325 Gerald Clery, 325 Honora Adelaide, 325 Patrick Francis, 325 Sarah Sherman (Wiborg), 325 Murray, Cora Jennette, 287 Elizabeth, 287 John Rix, 287 Muzzy, Abigail, 130 Joseph, 130 Lotis, 130 Myers, Anna (Freeborn), 390 Charles, 390 Jeannette, 390 Nash, , 115 Neverd, Thomas, 53 Newcomb, Josepha, 407 Mary Caroline (Hassler), 407 Simon, Prof., 407 Newcomen, 114 Newell, Ann (Haynes), 278 Augustus William, 278 Constance, 279 Effie Josephine (Mackintosh), 278 Frederick Haynes, 278 John Mackintosh, 279 Josephine, 279 Roger Sherman, 279 Newman, John. 70 William. 48 Newport, John, 39 Nichols, Christian (Sherman), 118 John, 64 Joseph, 118 Nicoll, Richard, 126 Noble, David, 134 Nannie (Yulee), 389 Stephen, Capt., 158 Susanna (Sherman), 134 William Belden, 389 Yulee, 389 Norman, 48 John, 30 William, 30, 43 North, Amos, 143 Marietta T., 292 Norton, Anne, 126 Charles Davis, 285 Charles Phelps, 286 Gertrude Van Dolfsen, 286 Gilbertine (Coakley), 286 Jane, 286 Jeanie Hill (Watson), 285 Jeannette (Phelps). 285 Joseph Gaston, 285 Lucretia (Huntington), 285 Porter, 285 Porter Huntington, 286 Richard. 126 Sarah, 286 William, 21 Nunne, John, 34 Nycholson, Agnes, 61 Alice, 61 Roger, 61 Nye, Emily (Curtis), 233 Howard B., 233 Margaret Fielding, 233 Odding, Sarah. 15 Ogden, David B., 258 Gouverneur Morris, 258 Harriet Verena Cadwalader, 258 Harriet Verena Cadwalader, (Evans), 258 John Doughty. 258 Mary Clark (Moore), 258 Mary Elizabeth. 258 Mary Eliza (Sherman), 258 Mary Moore. 258 O'Hara, Alida Victoria, 393 Anna Gertrude (.Sims), 393 William Tecumseh Sherman, 393 Olcott, T.ydia. 208 Lydia (Sherman), 207 Mary Ann, 207 X Index 445 Olcott, Peter, 207 Roswell, General, 207 Olmsted, Alexander Holley, 211 Denison, 211 Denison, Professor, 183 Eliza (Allyn), 211 Eliza Taylor, 212 Francis, 211 Francis Culbert, 212 Francis Howard, 211, 212 Gertrude Meredith (Holley), 211 Jessie Buchanan (Sherman), 211 Jessie Sherman, 211, 212 Julia (Hughes-Culbert), 212 Lucius Duncan, 211 Marie De Corinick, 211 O'Neil, Ann, 360 Mary E, 360 Timothy, 360 Onyon, Thomas, 11 Orcutt, Ellen (Dana), 329 Hiram, 329 Laura Ames, 329 Orris, John, 75 Osborn, David, 204 Mr., 204 Osborne, Henrye, 56 Lamb & Wilcox, 411 Osgood, Edward Sherburn, 262 Henry Fessenden, 262 Jane Taylor (Sherman-Smith), 262 Margaret Sherman, 263 James Henry, 262 Mary, 262 Samuel, 262 Otis, Fessenden Nott, 394 Florence Cecelia (Hoyt), 393 Frances (Cooke), 394 Rosina Hovt. 394 William Kelly, Dr. 394 Otto, Carl August, 394 Emy, 394 Margaret Mesier (Lydig), 394 Page. Arthur Lester. 259 Louise Annie, 259 Sophia (Hamper) (Luck), 259 Paine, Abiah, 132 Painter, Henry. Rev., 113 Priscilla (Fones), 113 Palgrave, Anna, 135 Mary, 135 Richard. Dr., 135 Palmer, Adeline Jennet (Sherman), 340 Alice (Hermon), 215 Angeline (Lockwood), 340 Ann, 121 Arabella Stoddard, 227, 228 Arthur Trumbull, 230 Benjamin Franklin, 227, 313, 384 Bertha Marilla (Ellis), 384 Bertram Glenn, 228 Charles Sherman, 230 Charles Theodore Hart, 229, 313 Charlotte Eliza, 229 Christopher, 121 Donald Day, 228 Donald Sherman, 340 Dorothy Helen, 228 Dorothy Marie (Beggs), 384 Dorothy (Stanton). 227 Edith Gertrude, 228 Edwin Andrew, Rev,, 340 Eliza Arabella, 227 Eliza Harriet (Hart), 227, 313, 384 Elizabeth Day. 384 Emma Lena (Parsons), 230 Frank Learned, 227 Frank Trumbull, 230 Franklin Alexander, 227 Franklin Charles, 228 Frederick Belcher, 228 Gertrude, 228 Graham Briggs. 340 Harold King, 384 Harriet Elizabeth, 229 Harriet King (Day), 229, 313 Harriet Russell, 229 Harriet (Trumbull) , 229 Hazel Marie (Williamson), 228 Helene (Semke), 228 Henry, 215 Henry Austin, 230, 313. 384 Henry Robinson, 230 Henrv Robinson, Jr., 230 Ira Hart, 229 Irma Frances (McKenzie), 228 Tane Olivia (Day), 230, 313, 384 John, 340 Katherine Prewitt (Graham), 228 Laura Croswell (Brown), 230 Laura Sherman, 2.30 Lewis Babcock, 230 Maria Sherman, 229 Martha, 120 Martha Louisa (Belcher), 227 Mary Babcock, 230 446 I NDEX Palmer, May, 215 Milton Sherman, 340 Nelle (Briggs), 340 Noyes, 227 Reuben, 340 Rieta Woodruff (Babcock), 230 Roger Sherman, 228, 229 Theodore Sherman, 384 Thomas Williamson, 228 William, 120 Paltsits, Mr., 161 Victor Hugo, 160 Pampyng, John, 9 Parker, Anna (Barnes), 255 Charles William, 256 Charlotte Boyne, 255 Elizabeth (Sherman), 255 Elizabeth Sherman, 256 Jacob, Hon., 255 Mr., 54, 56 Nathan, 255 Parkhurst, Abigail (Garfield), 131 John, 131 Sarah, 131 Parsons, Emma Lena, 230 Ephraim, 230 Lydia (Wilcox), 230 Patrick, Casimer Cornelius, 333 Marie Eugenia, 333 Marie Louise (Chazal), 333 Payn, John, 10, 20 Payne, John, 138 Mary, 100 Peachey, , 117 Mary (Sherman), 117 Sam, 117 Samuel, 117 Pearce, Ella Elizabeth, 265 Hannah (Wilson), 266 Henry Godfrey, 266 Pearsall, Thomas, 237 & Son. T., 198 Pease, Annie Baird (Currier), 387 Benjamin Warren, 387 Earl Percy, 215 Elva Stuart. 387 Eunice (Allen), 215 Mary (Ives), 215 Nathaniel, 215 Peet. Martha (Sherman), 231 Stephen, Rev., 231 Penhalligon, Alfred, 342 Henrietta (Harris), 342 James Russell, 342 Jessie (Sherman), 341, 342 Pentland, James, 330 Marjorie Ann, 330 Sarah Ann (Spence), 330 Pepper, Charles Hovey, 387 Elizabeth, 387 Ellen (Hoar), 387 Frances Elizabeth (Coburn), 387 Sherman Hoar, 387 Stephen Coburn, 387 Percival, Alice, 52 Perham, Sarah, 130 Perkins, Abigail, 256 Abigail (Thomas), 256 Bertha, 378 Charles Callahan, 111, 378 Charles Callahan, Jr., 378 Edward Clifford, 312, 377, 378 Edward Newton, 378 Elizabeth Evarts, 378 Elizabeth Hoar (Evarts), 312, Emeline, 293 Enoch, 293 Frances Bruen, 379 Frances (Bruen), Zll Frances Saunders, 378 Hannah (Bishop), 246 Hannah (Pitkin), 293 Jacob, 256 Jane Morton, 378 Kate Cheeseman (Riggs), 378 Louis Anthony, 379 Louisa Elvire, 378 Louise (Saunders), 378 Maria Louisa, 378 Mary Ann Davenport, 378 Mary Eleanor, 378 Matthew, 246 Susannah, 246 William Maxwell Evarts, 378 Perkins and Jackson, 378 Perry, Anna Sherman (Littlefield), 280 Bradley, 239 Catherine Thorp, 239 Eugene, 280 Flora (Quimby), 280 Gertrude, 280 Joseph, Jr., 134 Julia (thorp), 239 Prudence (Sherman), 134 Samuel Franklin, 280 Peters, Annie (Smith), 270 Ethelyn Elizabeth (Allen), 270 George, 270 Alargaret Ann, 270 Richard, 270 Index 447 Petfeilde (Petfield), , 56 Anna, 11 Deborah, 60 Elizabethe, 54, 60 Judith, 56, 60, 83 Judith (Sherman), 59 Mathew, 60 Richarde, 54, 60, 85 Susan, 54, 60 William, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 11, 85 Pettigrew, Allie, 232 Anne M. (Goode), 232 John, 232 Peyton, Margaret. 89 Robert, Sir, 89 Phelps, Betsey Law, 285, 291 Betsey L. (Sherman), 235 Caroline Jackson, 287 Charles Sherman, 289 Eliza, 236 Eliza Hubbell, 289, 292 Eliza Maria. 290 Elizabeth (Betsey) Law (Sher- man), 284 Elizabeth Chapin, 286 Ellsworth Hart, 290 Eveline (Chapin), 287 Francis Mark Leavenworth, 235, 291 George Sherman, 290 Harriet J. (Cole), 292 Henrietta (Knapp), 290 Henry Clarence, 292 James Hillhouse, 286 Jeanie Hill (Watson), 285 Jeannette, 285 Jennett. 235 Julia Granger, 287 Laura (Chapin), 285 Leicester, 235, 236, 287 Leicester, Jr., 289 Louis Shissler, 286 Mary (Cullen), 291 Mary Eliza, 292 Mary Jeannette, 291 Mary Jennette, 291 Mary (Seymour), 284 Mr., 147 Oliver, 235, 236. 284-286 Oliver. Hon.. 284 Oliver L.. 291 Oliver Leicester, 235, 284, 285 Sarah Humes Porter (Shissler), 286 Sarah Louise (Porter), 286 Seymour Henry, 289 Phelps, Seymour Law, 235, 291 Walter Hubbell, 286 William H., 235 William Henry, 291, 292 Phillips, Deborah (Dix), 132 Lydia, 132 Samuel, 132 Phippeny, Benjamin, 125 Mary, 125 Wilmot, 125 Phipps, Samuel, 121 Pickit, Ebinezer, 158 Pierrpont. John, 192 Pigge, Oliver, 57 Pine, , 191 Robert Edge, 191 Finney, Edward Spaulding, 410 Elsie Peach (Simpson), 410 Jessie, 410 Pitcher, Mary, 148 Pitkin, Annie Lawrence (de Forest), 210 Emily (Woodbridge), 217 Esther Woodbridge, 217 Frank Ivan, 219 Horace, 217 James Sherman, 210 James Sherwood, 210 Jane Carlisle. 210 Josephine (Roleau), 219 Laura Carlisle. 210 Laura Ruth (Carlisle), 210 Lewis Sherman, 210 Louisa (Sherman), 210 Martha, 219 Mary Ann (Lewis), 210 Pauline Hayden, 210 Pauline Migeon (Hayden), 210 Perley Peabody, 219 Reginald. 210 Samuel Leonard, Gen., 210 Sylvia (Sherman), 219 William, 210 William Roger, 210 Piatt. Richard. Colonel, 204 Plomer, Ann, 121 Francis, 121 Samuel, 121 Poole, Jonathan, Capt., 127 Pooley (Pooly, Poolye), Giles, 30, 42, 43, 69. 70 Mareery (Sherman), 30, 43, 69, 70 Porter, George Bryan, 286 Ida Eliza (Griswold), 347 Grace, 101. 102 Grace (Sherman), 100 448 Index Porter, John, 95 Margaret, 95 Olive Louise, 347 Roger, 100, 102 Sarah (Humes), 286 Sarah Louise, 286 Thomas, 11 Thomas Sexton, 347 Posse, Nils, Baron, 209 Rose, Baroness, 209 Potter, Elizabeth, 99 Thomas, Sr., 15 Pratt, Chapin Smith, 292 Constance, 343 Dorothy Deming, 343 Dupont, George, Mrs., 191 Eliza, 292 Elizabeth Smith, 292 Eliot Deming, 343 George D., Mrs., 260 George Dupont, 343 George Dupont, Jr., 343 Gertrude Pratt (H'ammatt), 292 Helen Deming (Sherman), 343 Lucius Hubbard, 292 Roger Sherman, 292 Sherman, 343 Samuel Chapin, 292 Susan Rumney (Beals), 292 Prescott (Prescot), Benjamin, Esq., 151, 197 Benjamin, 245 Benjamin, Jr., 150. 151, 197 Benjamin, Rev., 151, 152 Elizabeth (Higginson), 151 Elizabeth (Hoar), 151 James, 152, 192, 195, 196 John, 151 Jonathan, Capt., 151 Mary (Gawkroger or Platts), 151 Mercy (Gibbs), 152 Mr., 245 Rebecca (Rebekah), 150, 151, 152 Rebecca (Minot), 150 Rebekah, 151, 197 Preston, Emm, 149 Emm (Fairchild), 149 Hachaliah, 149 James, 48 William, 162 Price, Rev., 249 Prichard, Elizabeth Hallett, 316 Jane (Hallett), 316 Moses, 316 Probasco, Charles Moulton, 403 Clara (Tuttle), 403 Henry Ransom, 403 Probasco, Henry Russell, 403 Josephine Olivia, 403 Mary Ella, 403 Mary Hoyt Sherman (Moulton), 403 Mary Jane (Russell), 403 Ramsey, 402 Susan Ella Ransom, 403 William Boswell, 403 William Ramsey, 403 Pugh, Abbie Frederica (Moore), 333 Dorothy, 333 Evan Hugh, 333 Jane (Jones), 333 Laura Sara, 333 Richard Evan, 233 Roger Richard, 333 Punderson, William, 169 * Pye, John, 77, 79, 98 Pygge, Oliuer, 56 Quincy, John, 136, 137 Rabbitt, Avice Lauretta, 359 Lucy Jane (Davis), 359 William Henry, 359 Randall, Alice, 47 Col., 227 Gertrude Meredith (Olmsted), 211 Frank E., 211 John, 47 Ransom, Edward Payson, 403 Ella (Bishop). 403 Susan Ella, 403 Rawnsley, Canon, 318 Raynes, Alice Hannah (Mackin- tosh), 277 Barbara, 277 Harriet, 277 John Charles, 277 John Charles, Jr., 277 John Johnson, 277 Martha Ann (Hammond), 277 Paul Mackintosh, 277 Reade, , 48 Reber, Cecelia Sherman (Miles), 388, 396 Charles Sherman, 396 Edna (Van Patten), 396 Harry Linton, 396 Magdeleen (Van Reed), 395 Margaret Mesier, 395 Margaret Messier (Reese), 388, 396 Mary Granger, 396 Maud, 395 Index 449 Reber, Maxime, 396 Miles, 388, 396 Samuel, 388, 395 Samuel, Hon., 388, 395 Samuel, Jr., 389, 396 Valentine, 395 William Reese, 396 Rede, William, 48 Reed, Abigail, Mrs., 266 Margaret Wilson, 255 Reese, Alice Augusta, 397 Bird (Chanslor), 391, 402 Helen Catherine, 393 Helen Catherine (Kirke). 391, 402 Henry Bickham, 391, 402 Jacob, 391 Julia Leah, 397 Kate Evans, 392 Leah (James), 391 Margaret Messier, 395 Mary Elizabeth, 392 Mary Elizabeth (Sherman), 319, 391 Mary Hoyt, 396 Mary Hoyt (Bartley), 391, 402 Mary Leah, 393 Rosina Elizabeth, 393 Stella Bartley, 391, 402 William James, 319, 391 William Kirke, 391, 402 William Kirke, Jr., 391, 402 Reeve, Tapping, Hon., 220 Reignoldes (Reignolde), Elizabeth, 67 Henry, 67 Mary (Waller), (il Robert, 67 Remsen, Anna (Sherman), 359 Charles, Dr., 359 Lillian L. (Jones), 359 William, 359 Revell, Rose, 79 Thomas, 79 Revet, John, 38 William. 38 Reynolds, Eliphalet, 281 Hannah (Hall), 281 Harriet Isabella, 281 Hariette, 281 Stephen, 281 Susan (Jackson), 281 Rhinelander, Frederick, 237 Rice, Christine, 388 Frances Helen (Randlett), 388 Israel, 130 Lydia (Sherman). 130 William Ellis, 388 Richards, Adaline Sophia (Haney). 339 Anna (Fletcher), 339 Anna Irene, 340 Harriet (Angier), 276 Harriet Ann, 276 James Verne, 340 Margaret Leslie, 340 Martin, 276 Mehetabel (Battel), 145 Moses, 145 William, 339 William Verne, 339 Richardson, George, 43 Robert, 47 Riggs, George Washington, 378 Kate (Ciit-esfinaii), 378 Ripley, Elizabeth, 256 Elizabeth (Lathrop), 231 Elizabeth (Sherman), 230 Erastus, Rev., 230 Joshua, 231 Rising, Augusta Beach (Camp), 241 Franklin Almond, 241 Kate Bosworth, 241 Roads, Theophilus, 121 Roberts, Eliza, 267 Joseph Thomas, 267 Joshua, 267 Susan Emmeline (Follansbee), 267 Robbins, Harriet, 269 Robinson, Abby (Farrington), 278 Elizabeth (Sherman), 112 Etta Maria, 278 George, 278 Mary (Woodie), 111 Thomas, 111, 112 Rochester, Dorothy, 58 Thomas, 58 Rockwell, Caroline (Palmiter), 404 Cecelia Sherman (Moulton), 404 Charles Henry, 404 Charles Henry, Jr., 404 Charlotte Henrietta, 404 David Ladd, 404 Frances Sherman. 404 Lewis Cassidy. 404 Rockwood. Kate Ford. 337 Susan Goldsmith (West), ZZ7 William Horton, ZZl Roelker, Eleanor, ZTl Eleanor (Jenckes), 377 William Greene. 2)17 Rogers, Charles White, 353 Elizabeth, 17, 85. 86. 100, 119 Elizabeth Selden, 353 450 Index Rogers, Elizabeth Selden (White), 352 Grace (Sherman), 14, 100 Harriet Moore (Francis), 352 John, 94, 352 John, Dr., 352 John, Jr., 353 Joseph, 119 Mr., 76, 79 Thomas, 14, 17, 85, 100, 119 Rolffe, Agnes, 52 Roosevelt, James West, 316 Laura (d'Oremieulx), 316 Lorraine, 316 Theodore, 278 Ross, Ada (Sherman), 265 Cora Bowne, 265 Edith, 265 Frederick Randall West, 265 Madelaine Sherman, 265 Robert Sherman, 265 Sarah Ann Randall (West), 265 William English, 265 William Halsey, 265 Rossiter, Josiah, 125 Sarah (Sherman), 125 Rothschild, Mary Louise, 218 Rousseau, J. J., 171 Ruddes, Mr., 55 Rumelhart, Christina (Rogers), 283 Floyd Leroy, 283 John, 283 Margaret Lucinda (Littlefield), 283 Nelson Noah, 283 Ross Charles, 283 Troy William, 283 Russell, Adaline (Nash), 229 Charles, 229 Harriet Elizabeth (Palmer), 229 Thomas Wright, 229 Rutledge, Edward. 172 Ryche, Richard. Sir, 36 Rye, Walter, 64 Rychardson, Robert, 66 Sage, Mr., 11 Salmon, . 102, 104 Robert, 79 Samuel, 79 Susan, 79 Samborne, Evelyn Margaret, 407 Lucy, 407 Samborne Stuckeley, 407 Sampson, Alden, 209 Lena Edge (Wvman), 209 Sanderson, , 184, 199 Sanford, Ebenezer, 146 Elihu, Col., 261 Jerusha Buck, 146 Sargent, Aaron Eugene, 278 Mabel Gay (Fulton), 278 Margaret Adams, 277, 278 Saunders, Bertha Heyder (Gaston), 378 Emily Beatrice, 378 Frances Taylor (Baugh), 378 Louise, 378 Walter Burns, 378 William Lawrence, 378 Savage, Edward, 191 Sawyer, Arthur Lovell, 323 Cecilia (Sherman), 323 Harriet Wilson (Backus), Z2l John Sherman, 323 Paul Backus, 323 Paul Backus, Jr., 323 William, 120-121 Scanlon, Katharine (Smith), 364 Owen, 364 Schell, Cornelia Elizabeth (Barnes), 300, 301 Edward, 301 Edward Heartt, 300, 301 Jane Lamberson (Heartt), 301 Schick, Anna (Dold), 279 Catherine Mackintosh, 279 Dorothy Mackintosh, 279 Francesca Louise (Mackintosh), 279 John, 279 Ludwig, 279 Schnack, Adolph George Christian, 361 Adele Field (Sherman), 361 Doris (Brandt), 361 John Henry, 361 Robert Sherman, 361 Scholey, John B., 287 Julia Granger (Phelps), 287 Julia Phelps. 287 Scholle, Henry Ernst, 263 Marjorie Luschen. 263 Mary Elizabeth (Wirts), 263 Schroeder, Barbara (Guernsey), 268 Jean, 268 Rachel, 268 Schultz, Ethel (Granger), 397 Mary (Van Home), 397 Robert Darlington, 397 William Darlington, 397 Scott, Bessie Evangelina, 341 Elizabeth (Nicholls), 341 Ezra Stiles, 341 Index 451 Scudder, Charles Davies, 312 Charles Davies, Dr., 381 Henry Joel, 381 Louisa Henrietta, 381 Lonuisa Henrietta (Davies), 381 Louisa Wardner (Evarts), 312, 380 Scullerd, Samuel, 121 Seaman, Ellen (Everleth), 361 Ida, 361 James, 361 Semke, Christina (Mattise), 228 Helene, 228 Henry, 228 Semycroft, Roberd, 21 Sevar, Mr., 202 Seward, William H., 311 Seymour, Charles, 291 Elizabeth, 291 Maria, 291 Shattuck, Benjamin, Rev., 133 Martha (Sherman), 133 Shavi^, Charles Theodore, 271 Charles Le Forest, 271 Charles Russell Whitelaw, 272 Edith Sophia, 271 Esther Beulah, 272 John Adams, 271 Lucinda Sherman (Allen), 271 Mabel Susan, 272 Margaret Ruth, 272 Mary Lucinda, 272 Mary Beulah (Whitelaw), 272 Ralph Theodore, 272 Sophia Ann (Tinkham), 271 Sheldon, Cora Elizabeth (Smith), 359 Isaac Esleeck, 359 Janet Morrison, 359 Shepard, John, 140 Shereve, Thomas, 18 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), Aaron, 131 Abby (Guthrie), 254 Abby Talcott, 336 Abiah, 110 Abiah (Paine), 132 Abiah (Street), 110 Abiel, 110 Abigail, 110, 112, 131 Abigail (Hanford), 125 Abigail (Lyon), 133 Abigail (Muzzy), 130 Abigail (Perkins). 256. 257 Abigail Talcott (Morgan), 336 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, SLarman), Abigail (Thompson-Curtiss) Huse, 124 Abner, 129 Ada, 265 Ada Elizabeth, 216 Ada Louise (Bacon;, 324 Adaline Moulton, 324 Adam, 11 Adelaide, 360 Adele Field, 361 Adeline Jennet, 340 Adelle (Palmer), 360 Agnes, 18, 19, 21, 53 Agnes (Butter), 52 Agnes (Fallen, Fuller), 20, 22, 34 Alden Outram, 359 Alexander, 46, 68, 91 Alexander Hamilton Vinton, 298, 360 Aletta (Smith), 217 Alice, 12, 16, 57, 59, 112, 114, 115, 343 Amelia, 320 Ane, 114 Amy, 62, 64 Andrew Taylor, 262, 339 Ann, 45, 51, 60, 84, 85, 87, 89, 92, 102, 105, 107, 111, 112, 126 Ann Eliza, 216 Anna, 83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 114, 116, 212, 359 Anna Amelia (Burnham), 216 Anna Burnham, 216 Anna (Cave), 89-91 Anna Maria, 2)Z7 Anna (Nancy), 225 Anna Wallace, 390 Anna (White), 358 Anne, 41, 44, 50, 53-55, 67, 71-73, 77, 80, 83, 87, 114, 117, 126, 127 Anne (Clere), 82, 83 Anne Loder (Wiggin), 357 Anne (Norton), 126 Anne (Pellatte), 82 Anne (Stephens?), 102 Annie Deane. 361 Annie Eugenia (Johnson), 340 Anthony, 22. 24. 27, 29, 30, 44, 46, 47, 50, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69 Anthonye, 28 Arthur, 361 Arthur Greenwood, 341 Arthur Hoyt, 325 Arthur Outram, 298, 359 452 Index Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), Asaph, 133 Audrey Townsend, 359 Avice Lauretta (Rabbitt), 359 Austin David, Rev., 231 Barbara, 2, 40, 43-49, 66, 67, 406 Barbara (Browne), 87 Barbara Whetcroft (Wheat- croft), 39 Bartholomew, 25, 28, 30, 31, 50, 62,69 Bartylmew, 31 Beatrice, 29, 66, 218 Belle Magee (Annette), 219 Benjamin, IS, 82, 83, 85, 86, 115, 125 Benjamin Prescott. 247-249, 299 Bertha Marie (Bartlett), 325 Bessie Evangeline (Scott), 341 Betsey, 193, 225 Bettrice, 21, 28 Betty, 133 Beza, 115 Bezaleel, 108, 110, 113, 117, 126, 127, 129, 131 Bezaliel, 86. 105. 114-116, 126, 127 Bezaliell, 54. 83, 85 Blatchford, 218 Bridget, 69, 70 Bridget (Janney), 89 Bridget (Jenney), 87, 88 Bridgett, 27 Bytteris (Beatrice), 48 Caroline, 257, 259 Caroline Cornelia (Hathaway), 261 Catharine Augusta (Townsend), 249, 296 Cave, 63. 90 Cecilia, 323 Charles, 41, 208, 222, 248 Charles A., 260 Charles Austin, 261, 342 Charles Austin, Jr., 342 Charles Celestine, 400 Charles Edwin, 217, 340 Charles Hammond, Z22. Charles Henry, 335 Charles Hoyt. 322. 325 Charles Jasper, 337 Charles Lawson. 323 Charles. Major, 191. 231, 260 Charles Moulton, 325 Charles Robert, 254, 319 Charles Robert, Hon., 318 Charles Selden, Rev., 217 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), Charles Taylor, 319, 388 Charles William, 254 Chloe, 193, 198, 205, 206, 239 Qiloe (Thayer), 130 Christian, 11, 96, 97, 118 Christian (Chapman), 95 Clara (Greenwood), 341 Claudine (Taylor), 319 Cloe, 197, 198 Cora Palliser, 264 Corsa (Kintzley), 325 Cynthia Painter (Collins), 335 Damaris, 149 Daniel, 76-79, 81, 95, 96, 97, 110, 118, 149, 221, 254 i^ Daniel, Esq., 221 Daniell, 54, 75 David, 125, 131, 132 David Austin, Rev., 231 David Babcock, 231 Deborah, 114-116 Dennys, 50, 51 Dorothea, 358 Dorothy, 218 Dorothy Alice, 323 Edith Emma, 361 Edith Lvdia (McBride), 389 Edith May, 219 Edmond, 87. 96, 97, 105, 106, 113- 115 Edmonde, 54-57, 105 Edmund, 3, 14. 57, 58, 60, 75-79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 96, 98-100, 102, 104-107, 115, 117, 119, 124 Edmund Kingsland, 336 Edward, 3, 92, 93, 131. 132, 248, 389 Edward Crosby, 218 Edward Denison, 338 Edward S., 249 Edward Standish. 247, 296 Edwin Morgan, 405 Eleanor, 90 Eleanor Boyle (Ewing), 398 Eleanor Mary, 399 Elinor (Ella). Forest, 295 Elishabah, 123 Eliza, 140. 220 Eliza D. (Forrest), 249 Eliza De Bow (Forrest). 295 Eliza Jane (Williams). 388 Eliza Kate (Jones), 335 Eliza Morsran, ZZl Eliza (Taylor). 208, 211, 264 Index 453 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Schernuui, Sharnian), Elizabeth, 2, 12, 27-31, 40, 41, 49- 52, 60, 62, 64, 65, 72, 90-92, 97, 98, 110-112, 117, 118, 126, 129, 131-134, 141, 144, 146, 193, 197, 205, 206, 215, 230, 244, 254, 255, 359, 389, 390 Elizabeth Annie (Warby), 358 Elizabeth B., 246 Elizabeth Baldwin, 246-248, 299 Elizabeth (Betsey), (Law), 239, 284 Elizabeth (Bruce), 132 Elizabeth Charles (Sprague), 323 Elizabeth (Chewte), 91 Elizabeth (Cutler), 132 Elizabeth (Gould), 220 Elizabeth Harriet, 406 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 150 Elizabeth (Lawton), 15 Elizabeth, Mrs., 47, 150 Elizabeth (Mitchell), 221 Elizabeth Ripley, 259. 261 Elizabeth Seymour, 216 Elizabeth (Stoddard), 254 Elizabeth Whitman, 344 Elizabeth (Winship), 127 Elizabeth (Yaxley), 2, 31, 39, 67 Ella, 246 Ella Elizabeth (Pearce), 265 Ellen Minott, 216 Ehrer Ellsworth, 323 Eloise Hoyt, 319 Emily Balch, 357 Emily Pitkin, 218 Emm, 221 Emm (Preston), 149 Emma (Moran), 322 Ensigne, 119 Epaphras, Jones, 218 Ephraim, 129. 130, 133 Ester, 114, 115 Ester (Burges), 114 Ester (Hester), 115, 116 Essleck, Sheldon, 359 Esther, 125, 127, 132 Esther Woodbridge (Pitkin), 217 Ethel, 341 Ethel Wynne, 341 Ethel Wynne (Weatherly), 341 Ethelyn M., 297 Eugene King, 265 Eunice (Howe), 131 Eva Margaret (Humphreys), 363 Ezechiell, 54, 75, 76, 79, 80 Ezeckiell, 88, 92-94 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Schernum, Sharnian), Ezeckiell, Sr., 102 Ezekiel, 78, 81, 102-104 Ezekie), 75, 76 Faith, 45, 46, 63-65, 69, 90 Faith (Lany), 19, 61, 64 Fannie Boynton, 338 Faythe, 62 Fidelia (Fairchild), 15 Florence (Bagley), 218 Florence (Cooledge), 364 Frances Beecher, 326, 402 Frances Council, 319 Frances Louise (Harris), 323 Frances Ritchie, 361 Frances Mary, 219 Francis, 12, 22, 29, 30, 31, 37, 39, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 65. 66, 68-70, 72, 91 Frank Allen, 324 Frank Dempster, 5 Frank Dempster, Prof., 15, 16 Frank MiHon, 342 Fraunces, 27, 28, 62, 63, 68 Fred. Seaman, 361 Frederick, 248 Frederick Deming, 344 Frederick Deming, Jr., 344 Frederick Hobart, 298 Frederick R., 191, 246, 249, 260, 261 Frederick Roger, 247, 248 Frederick William, 297 Gardiner, 256-258. 326 George, 247-249, 298. 361 George Benedict, 389 George E., 254 George Edward. 298, 361 Gertrude Mary, 343 Gilbert, 12. 35. 42 Grace. 14, 17. 85. 95. 98, 100, 103. 106. 110, 111, 124. 129, 130 Grace (Blanchard), 297 Grace (Makin), 17. 98 Grace (Stevens). 106 Gratia (Allis). 130 Hal O'Brien. 341 Hallybird. 342 Hannah, 83, 86, 103, 104, 115, 117, 134, 221 Hannah (Bulkley), 124 Hannah (Jones'). 215 Hannah Lee, 325 Hannah Newbold (Lawrence), 217 Harold, 218 454 Index Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), Harold Edward, 297 Harriet, 220, 225, 230, 256, 257, 263, 327 Harriet Amelia (Benedict), 389 Harriet Eliza, 254 Harry, 52, 78 Hattie Eliza, 336 Hattie Maria (Warner), 319 Hazel Louise, 361 Helen, 298 Helen Adelaide (Wyman), 360 Helen Atwood, 361 Helen (Crocker), 336 Helen Deming, 191, 260, 343 Helen Hoyt, 325 Helen Louise (Harsha), 405 Helen Mabel, 338 Henriette Townsend, 298 Henry, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 24, 27-29, 30, 35, 50, 51-53, 55-57, 59, 60, 62, 67, 73-85, 87, 88, 92- 91, 102, 105, 111, 113. 216, 262, 335 Henry Aldrich, 342 Henry B., Rev., 62 Henry Campbell, 298 Henry Deming, 343 Henry, Jr., 58, 81, 93 Henry, Rev., 231 Henry Roger, 216 Henry Roger, Jr., 217 Henry, Sr., 58, 93 Henry Stoddard, 389 Henry Stoddard, Jr., 389 Henrye, 54 Hepsibah, 131 Herbert Augustus, 298, 358 Herbert Augustus, Jr., 358 Hester, 107, 110, 114, 115, 126 Howard, 210 Howard Roger, 211 Hoyt, 319 Hoyt, Major, 324 Hoyt Tecumseh, 322 Ichabod, 134 Ida Estelle (Goodrich), 341 Ida (Seaman), 361 Isaac, 129, 130, 192, 195-197, 199, 202-205 Isaac, Lieut.-Col., 200 Isaac, Major, 200 Isabel (Fuller), 71 Isabel (Wolcy), 12 James, 11, 14. 15. 22, 25, 27-31, 42, 43, 50, 51. 69, 70, 110, 114, 319 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), James Edward, 322 James Morgan, 336, 405, 406 James, Rev., llO James Schoolcraft, 15 James Taylor, 262, 336 James Watson, 336 Jane, 24, 26, 35, 51, 55, 87, 90, 260, 326 Jane Elizabeth, 339 Jane Maria, 215 Jane Maria (Erwin), 326 Jane Taylor, 262 Jane (Wall), 115 Jane (Waller), 4, 23, 31. 67 Janet Morrison (Sheldon), 359 Janet Taylor, 264 Jason, 129 Jeames, 70 Jeduthan, 129 Jennet (Taylor), 208, 260 Jennie Emma, 322 Jennie Klose (Williams), 322 Jerusha, 149 Jessie, 341 Jessie Buchanan, 211 Jessie (Gordon), 258 Jessie Kate, 335 Jessie Luella (Aspinwall), 338 Jessie Taylor, 338, 344 Jessie (Williamson), 260, 326 Joan, 102, 105, 107 Joan (Makin), 17, 98, 105 Joane, 113 Joanna, 110 Johan (Jane), 10 Johanne, 9, 34, 35 Johannis, 108 Jno., 101, 122 Jno., Capt., 120 Jone, 105 John, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17-20, 22, 24, 28-30, 34, 38, 40-46. 49-52, 54, 58, 60, 62-64. (^, 75. 76, 78, 79, 81. 83, 85-91. 93, 96-98, 100-106, 108-110, 113-119, 122, 124, 125, 127-131, 134, 143, 148, 192, 193, 195, 197, 199, 223, 224, 226, 227, 246, 251, 257, 258, 323, 390 John Austin, 257 John Bartlett, 325 John Beveridge, 341 John. Capt.. 5. 13, 14. 17. 81, 86, 102, 118, 120. 121, 156, 200, 221, 225, 226, 234 Index 455 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), John Dempster, 15 John Harris, 323 John, Hon., 323 John Howard, 210 John, Jr., 237 John, Rev., 13, 14, 17, 102, 108, 110, 118, 198, 227, 256 John Rockwood, Z2)7 John Roger, 260, 326 John S., 249 John Scott, 341 John Staples, 247, 248, 249, 295 John Talcott, 338 John Taylor, 208, 260, 338, 342, 344 Jonas, 132 Jonathan, 132 tone, 85 Joseph, 14, 97, 98, 101, 121-124, 127, 129-132, 143, 156, 212 Joseph E., 322 Josiah, 140, 142, 144, 145, 157, 163, 199, 213, 215 Josiah, Rev., 145, 146, 212 Juanita, 360 Judge, 251 Judith, 56, 59, 84, 85, 105, 125 Judith (Anger), 104 Julia, 257 Julia Ann, 321 Julia Champion (Deming), 342 Julia Florence (Aldrich), 339 Juliet Mersereau (Durand), 16 Kate Ford (Rockwood), ZZ7 Kate (Gwynne), 358 Kate Wendell, 297, 357 Katharine, 218 Katharine (Locke), 364 Katharine (Winchester), 358 Katherine M. (Daly), 219 Kathryn Alice, 338 Lampson Parker, 321 Lampson Parker, Jr., 323 Laura Caroline, 319 Laura H., 254 Laura (Hubbell), 254 Leila Cooledge, 364 Leila Florence, 364 Leila Morse (Willis), 342 Leila Willis, 342 Leslie (Whitman), 344 Libbie Susan (Winans), 335 Lida Williams, 390 Lily (Buttner), 211 Lizzie Bell (Cunnington), 323 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), Louisa, 210 Louisa Jane (Tamblingson), 210 Louisa Stephens, 299, 363 Louise Deming, 342 Lucinda, 234, 279 Lucy McFarland, 15 Lucy (Whitney), 133 Lulu May, 322 Lydia, 129-131, 207 Lydia (Merriam), 207 Lydia (Phillips), 132 Lydia (Wilcox), 15 Mabel Adele, il2> Margaret, 10-12, 17, 27-29, 47, 50- 53, 64, 66, 67, 81, 360 Margaret Gilmore (Gormley), 360 Margaret (Lane), 29 Margaret (McCarthy), 364 Margaret Sarah Cecelia (Stew- art), 323 Margaret Scott, 208, 261 Margarett, 27, 62 Margerie, 27, 28 Margery, 20-22, 30, 43, 53 Margery (Gaymore), 69 Margerye, 54, 55 Maria, 225, 227, 257, 326, 329 Maria Augusta (Hewitt), 264 Maria Elizabeth (Stephens), 249, 299 Maria Ewing, 398 Marian, 52 Marian (Whiting), 49 Marie, 27, 49, 69, 70, 91 Marina, 41 Marion, 52 Marion (Wilson), 53 Marjorie, 219 Marjorie Wellington (Treat), 218 Mark, 125 Martha, 94-97, 101, 103, 104, 106, 112, 120, 122, 127, 131-133, 153, 193, 196, 207, 213, 246, 248, 252, 253, 294 Martha Ann (Watson), 335 Martha Elizabeth, 406 Martha Esther (Williams), 217 Martha Evelina (Tucker), 406 Martha (Denison), 231 Martha (Minot), 212 Martha Nesbitt, 406 Martha (Palmer), 120 Martha Stella (Miles), 219 456 Index Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Schtrman, hharmau), Martha (Stevens), 103 Martha White, 298, 362 Mary, 3, 15, 40, 44, 46, 47, 60, 66, 71, 72, 79, 81, 83, 86, 87, 91, 92, 94-97, 101-104, 107, 108- 110, 113, 115, 123, 125, 129, 131, 132-134, 149, 215 Mary A. (Gitchell), 322 Mary Ann (Babcock), 231 Mary Ann (Evans), 258 Mary (Bullen), 129 Mary E. (O'Neil), 360 Mary EHza, 258 Mary Eliza (French), 405 Mary Elizabeth, 319, 320, 322, 391, 399 Mary Florence, 218 Mary Frances, 218 Mary (Freeman), 106 Mary French, 406 Mary (Guydat), 65 Mary (Hoyt), 318, 388 Mary Inman (Drake), 218 Mary Jane (MilHken), 249, 298 Mary (Knowles), 134 Mary (Lascelles), 89 Mary Livermore, 133 Mary Louise (Rothschild), 218 Mary (Launce), 109 Mary (Mitchell), 124 Mary Moore (Ogden), 258 Mary (Phippeny), 125 Mary (Robbins), 124 Mary Stewart, 324 Mary (Titherton), 124 Mary (Walker), 110 Mary (Whipple) Winchester, 130 Marye, 27 Matthew, 124. 149 Mehetabe, 140 Mehetabcl, 138, 144, 145, 155, 158, 193, 197, 206, 250, 251 Mehetable, 145, 157, 158, 170 Mercy, 110 Mercy (Wheeler), 125 Milicent, 133 Millicent, 90 Milton Andrew, 341 Mindwell (Taylor), 221 Minnie Belle, 322 Minnie Edith, 323 Minott, 213 Molly (Hill), 131 Moses, 131 Mrs., 6 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman), Nancy, 227, 234, 266 Nancy, Mrs., 226 Nancy (Tucker), 222, 226 Nathanael, 141 Nathaniel, 75, 78, 79, 81, 85, 94, 95, 97, 98, 114-117, 125, 128, 133, 140, 142, 144, 145, 157, 163, 207 Nathaniel, Col., 133 Nathaniel, Rev., 146, 207 Nathaniell, 54 Nellie, 340 Nicholas, 12, 29, 46, 47, 50-52, 66, 69, 71-73 Norton, 126 Oliver, 154, 193, 196, 197, 205-207, 246, 248, 251 Outram Willett, 359 Paul Hatheway, 261 Peleg, 15 Persis, 131 Phebe, 54, 79, 97 Philemon Tecumseh, 400 Philip, 13, 15, 95 Philip, Hon., 14, 15 Philipp, 94 Phillipp, 94 Phillippa, 93 Polly (Stearns), 133 Priscilla, 112, 113 Priscilla (Anger), 97 Priscilla (Burges), 113 Priske. 115 Prudence, 134 R., 161, 162 Rachel, 103 Rachel (Alefounder), 102 Rachel Ewing, 400 Rebecca, 133, 140, 146, 151, 193, 195, 196, 206, 207, 243, 244, 245, 250, 251 Rebecca A., Mrs., 222 Rebecca (Austin), 222, 231 Rebecca (Cutler), 135 Rebecca (Minot), 150 Rebecca, Mrs., 148 Rebecca (Phippeny), 125 Rebecca (Prescott), 152, 197 Rebecca (Rebekah) Prescott, 150 Rebeka. 135 Rebekah, 142, 144, 151, 153, 192, 248 Rebekah (Prescott), 197 Reginald Palgrave. 297, 358 Rhesa Howard, 208 Index 457 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharman(, Richard, 2, 9, 11, 13, 17, 24, 27- 29, 30, 41, 51, 54, 60, 62-64, 69, 71, 74, 83-85, 87, 88, 99, 100, 102, 108, 111, 112, 114, 115, 119, 217 Richard Buck, 299, 363 Richard Buck, Jr., 364 Robart, 27 Robert, 9, 10, 11, 17, 29, 40, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 66, 69, 85, 87, 88, 89, 92, 103, 249 Robert, Dr., 87, 88, 93 Robert Taylor, 264 Roger, 9, 12, 14, 138, 140-146, 148, 149-153, 155-159, 160, 162-165, 167, 168, 171, 174, 176, 177, 181, 183-185, 189, 190, 192- 199, 205, 206, 218, 220, 226, 237, 244-250, 253, 260, 266, 298, 319, 358, 360, 405 Roger Andrew, 342 Roger, Esq., 143, 150, 151, 163, 167, 206, 223, 224, 237, 250 Roger, Hon., 8, 14, 142, 146, 147, 149, 154, 166, 180, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 200, 219, 225, 226, 238, 251, 360 Roger, Hon., Esq., 180, 202, 204, 251 Roger, Jr., 198, 251, 360, 405 Roger 3rd, 360 Roger Minot, 217, 218 Roger Minott, 218 Roger Minott, Hon., 219 Roger Minott, Judge, 14 Roger, Mrs., 152 Roger Staples, 364 Roger Wellington, 297 Rose Standish, 297 Rosamond, 359 Ruth, 143, 144, 145 Ruth R, 132 Ruth Hatheway, 261 Ruth (Brewster), 15 Ruth Burnham, 217 Ruth (Terrill), 142 Samuel, 13, 15, 54, 77-80, 83, 85, 86, 93, 95, 97, 105, 108, 110- 111, 114, 115, 117, 125, 129, 131, 132, 134, 198 Samuel, Hon., 14, 111, 124 Samuel, Jr., 149 Samuel Perkins, 257 Sara. 54. 114 Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Scherman, Sharmaii), Sara Elvira (Moulton), 324 Sara (Mitchell), 96 Sarah, 83, 86, 95, 96, 101, 118, 124- 125, 131, 133, 134, 152, 153, 193, 196, 207, 221, 248, 253 Sarah (Kimball), 131 Sarah (Law), 234, 235 Sarah Milliken, 298 Sarah Moulton, 324 Sarah Odding, 15, 95 Sarah (Parkhurst), 131 Sarah (Perham), 129 Sarah Rathbone, 389 Sarah Williams, 217 Sibbell (Grey), 68 Sibyl (Grey), 37 Sophia, 247, 248, 296 Sophia (Connell), 319 Sophia (Dodgeson), 339 Sophia (Staples), 260 Stebbing, 104 Stephen L'Hommedieu, 322 Susan, 74. 7S 78-80. 83. 86, 9,^. ^'4, 96, 97, 103, 104, 118, 246, 248, 249 Susan Denman, 324, 400 Susan Eliza, 298 Susan Elizabeth, 360 Susan (Lawrence), 73, 97 Susan Rebecca (Lawson), 322 Susan Staples, 296 Susane, 114 Susanna, 126, 127, 134 Susannah, 215, 246-249 Susannah (Hardy), 124 Susannah (Staples), 246, 247 Suzan, 77 Svbill, 27 Sylvia, 219 Taylor, 221, 254 Tecumseh Parker, 322 Thaddeus, 207, 208 Thaddeus, Jr., 208 Thankful, 130 Thankful (Temple), 130 Theophilus, 124 Tho., 18 Thomas. 2, 6, 8-50. 52, 57, 60, 62- 67, 69-71, 90, 91 Thomas Ewing, Rev., 399 Thomas, Jr., 2, 35. Z7, 42 Thomas, Sr., 35, 39 Thomas T., 192, 194 Thomas Townsend, 297. 356 Thomas West, Gen., 15 458 Index Sherman (Shearman, Shereman, Shir- man, Schennan, Sharman), Thomasin, 71, 72 Thomasine, 51 Thomasine (Brooke), 71 Timothy, 132 Ursalye, 85 Ursula, 113 Vera, 360 Vinton, 298, 359 Walter, 266 Walter Minot, 219 Walter Rothschild, 219 William, 8-15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 41-46, 48, 49, 52, 61-66, 69, 89, 104, 112, 133-139, 141- 144, 146, 154-159, 162, 163, 193, 197, 235, 237-254 William Gould, 220 William, Jr., 237, 238 William, Lieut., 200, 234 William Prescott. 364 William Tecumseh, 323 William Tecumseh, Gen., 14, 321, 397 William Tecumseh, Jr., 399 William Watt, 266 Willis Wellington, 298 Winchester, 359 Sherman & Carpenter, 156 Sherwood, Clara Bell, 259 Eunice (Allen) Miner, 259 _ John, 259 Shissler, Louis, 286 Rose (Porter), 286 Sarah Humes Porter, 286 Shumway. Ellen (Gould), 329 Shute, Abraham Lincoln. Rev., 339 Clarence William, 339 Harold James, 339 Lewis Haney, 339 Lewis Parkes, 339 Lucinda (Foot), 339 Nelly (Hanev), 339 Olin Yates, "339 Vivian Lizzie, 339 Zelma Luella, 339 Sickles. Amos, 289 Edmund Southwick, 289 Maria Goodrich (Van Der Kar), 289 Marian Scott, 289 Mary Frances (Sherman), 289 Siedler, Augusta Julia (White), 354 Charles, 355 Cora Elizabeth, 355 Franklin, 355 Siedler, George Joseph, 354 Julia (Franklin), 355 Silliman, Martha (Mitchell), 213 Elizabeth Leeds, 213 Joseph, 213 Joseph, Dr., 213 Patty (Leeds), 213 Simpson, Arthur Monroe, 401 Carrie Hall (Bartley), 401 Harry Lee, 401 Isabella, 109 James Munroe, 275 Lydia Ann, 275 Lydia Ann (Whittle), 275, 276 Mattie Fish (Bonnell), 401 Roger Monroe, 402 Ruth Bartley, 401 Sydrach, Rev., 109 Skinner, Catherine Thorp (Perry), 239 Chloe, 195, 196 Chloe (Sherman), 239 Eliza de Forest, 241 Elizabeth Chloe, 242 Fred Emery, 240 Frederick Downer, 240 Helen (Corning), 239 Jane Wakeman, 242 John, 239 John, Dr., 239 John Edward, 240 John Winthrop, 243 Kathnriiie de Forest, 240 Lena Mabel, 240 Leonard Wales, 241, 242 Mary de Forest, 241 Mary Lockwood, 240 Mary Lockwood (De Forest), 239 Mary Sherman, 241 Nina Dell (Wilson), 240 Phebe (Smith), 240 Phoebe Elizabeth, 240 Roger Sherman, 239 Sarah (Kennedy), 239 William Perry, 239 William Thomas, 240 William Wheeler, 242 Vera Corning, 239 Sloane, Eliza Taylor (Sherman), 264 Elizabeth, 264 Jessie Sherman, 264 John, 264 John Kenneth, 264 Maria, 264 Smith, Aletta, 217 Alexander Irvin, 355 Index 459 Smith, Alice Chase, 262 Alice Gates (tiouiell) (Ladd), 368 Anna, 85 Anne, 48, 86 Annie (Dickinson), 355 Annie Moncrief (Kinmonth), 368 Augustine Coleman, 355 Catharine Moore (Ballou), 209 Charles Sherman, 262 Daniel, 86, 100, 101, 119 Dorothea Dunlap, 410 Edward Henry, 240 E. Fayette, Dr., 368 Elizabeth, 47, 101 Elizabeth (Rogers), 86, 100, 119 Dunlap, 410 Foster Waldo, 209 Granville Byam, 355 Hamlin Dunlap, 410 Hannah (Bettle), 240 Harriet Dean (Klower), 410 Harriet (Hendrickson), 217 H. A. Hammond, 190 James Morven, Dr., 262 Jane Taylor (Sherman), 262 Malcolm Kinmonth, Dr., 368 Margaret Coleman, 355 Marian (Baldwin), 410 Mary Proudfit (Irvin), 355 Mr., 199 Nathan, Dr., 262 Perry Dunlap, 410 Phebe, 240 Priscilla (Sherman), 112 Richard H., 217 Susan M., 227 William, 112 William Watt, 262 Smythe, Mr., 62 Soule, Charles Starrett. 267 Elizabeth (Levensaler), 267 George Everett, 267 Greenwood Everett, 267 Juliette (Etta) (Follansbee), 267 Louise Greenwood, 267 Soverhill. Anna Gertrude (Porter), 338 Edith Louise, 338 Sanford, 338 Spall. Mary, 112 Thomas, 112 Sparhawke, Annah, 85 Lewis, 59 Marv, 84 Nathaniel, 84 Spaule, Elizabeth, 112 Spawle, Alice (Sherman), 112 Elizabeth, 111, 112 Mary, 111, 112 Mary (Gutteridge), 112 Thomas, 112 Speyer & Co., 376 Spies, Adam William, 300 Mary, 300 Sarah Ann (Morrison), 300 Sprague, Charles Dillon, 323 Elizabeth Charles, 323 Elizabeth (De Pue), 323 Spurr, Mary Augusta (Lamb), 317 Mary Louisa, 317 Samuel Danforth, 317 Staly, Robert, 61 Standish, Alexander, 246 Barbara, 246 Ebenezer, 246 Hannah, 246 Hannah (Sturtevant), 246 Myles, Capt., 246 Sarah (Alden), 246 Staples, Hannah (Standish), 246 John, 260 John, Rev., 246, 247, 248 Seth, Deacon, 246 Sophia, 260 Susannah, 246, 247, 248 Susannah, Mrs., 248 Susannah (Perkins), 246, 260 Stearns, Polly, 133 Stephens, , 102, 133 Eliza (Went), 299 Elizabeth (Sherman), 133 Jacob, 133 Maria Klizabeth, 249, 299 Martha (Sherman), 133 Resolvert, 249, 299 Stetson, Charles Augustus, 381 Josephine (Brick), 381 Margaret Allen, 381 Stevens, George Cook, 280 Georgiana, 280 Henry, 199 Jessie Buchanan (Sherman), 211 Joseph Tilton, 211 Mary (Ayer), 280 Mary Jodrell (Lowndes), 211 Richard Garth, 211 Robert, 103 Stevenson, Elizabeth Brandt, 296 Josephine Agnes. 296 Walter Elwood, 296 Stewart, James, Hon.. 323 Margaret Sarah Cecelia, 323 460 I NDEX Stiles. Ezra, 181 President, 166, 181 Stimson, Candace (Wheeler), 352 Henry Lewis, 352 Lewis Atterbury, 352 Mabel Wellington (White), 352 Stockman, Frances Adelaide (Le- land), 263 Marion Adelaide, 263 Thomas Moody, 263 Stoddard, Anthony, Rev., 134 Arabella, 227 Charlotte (Colfax), 227 Elizabeth, 254 Elizabeth (Reade), 254 Israel, 254 Mary (Sherman), 134 Ralph, 227 Stokes, Anson Phelps, 394 Ethel Phelps, 395 Helen L. (Phelps), 394 Stone, Benajah, 159 Benjamin, 148 Christopher, 56 Daniel, 155 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 148 Helen Marguerite, 334 John, 58 Lydia, 123 Mary Marguerite (Gatewood), 334 Rachel, 148 Robert James, 334 Samuel, 155 Samuel, Deacon, 123 Sarah (Stearns), 123 Stoneback. Edith Elizabeth, 401 Enos H., 401 Fannie (Eckert), 401 Storer, Elizabeth Hoar, 315 Elizabeth Winslow, 315 Emily Francis (Williams), 315 Helen Langdon, 315 Margaret (Boyd), 314 Margaret Woodbury, 315 Robert Boyd. 253. 314. 315 Sarah Frances, 152, 315 Sarah Sherman (Hoar), 253, 314 William Brandt. 314 Woodbury. 314 Storev. Moorfield. 314 Storrs. Ida. 330 Laura (Tones), 330 William H., 330 Stoughton. Ada Ripley (Hooper), 354 Charles Bradley, 354 Stoughton, Laura, 354 Stover, Charles Clark, 273 Charles Clark, Jr., 273 Charles Moody, 273 Elna Sherman (Bridgham), 273 Josephine E. (Clark), 273 Roger Mackintosh, 274 Strathern, Agnes Hastie, 274 Margaret (Hastie), 274 William, 274 Streeter. Daniel Willard, 286 Fannie Demarest (Chamberlain), 286 Gertrude Van Dolfsen (Nor- ton), 286 Henry Benjamin, 286 Porter Norton, 286 Streuli, Caroline Frederica, 373 Frederica Michelle Dwyer (Hooper). Z72, Hermann Alfred, Z7Z Stringham, Eliza (Tomlinson), 383 Harriet Day, 383 Henry, 383 Irving, 383 Martha Sherman, 383 Martha Sherman (Day), 383 Roland Irving, 383 Washington Irving, Prof., 383 Strong. Allan Kellogg, 209 Cora May (Kellogg), 209 Edward, Rev., 208, 263 Edward Sherman, 209 Harriet, 264 Harriet Deming, 208. 263 Harriet (Wright), 208, 263 Margaret Scott (Sherman), 208 Professor, 164 Rose Posse, 209 William Lightbourne, Rev., 208, 263 William Thaddeus, 209 , . Sturges, Jonathan, Esq.. 167 Sturgis, Edward, Jr., 297 ' Temperance (Gorham), 297, Sturtevant, Hannah, 246 Mercy, 246 Samuel, Deacon, 246 Sutton. Alfred Edward, 309 Alfred Edward, Jr., 310 Anna Campbell (Bacon), 309 Helen Campbell. 309 Martha Sherman (Tracy). 309 Thomas, 309 Swain. Grace Agnes. 273 Frances Pauline (Gordon), 273 Josiah Sanborn, 273 I NDEX 461 Swan, Gershon, 121 Swannes, John, 100 Sweetman, Elizabeth, 135 Isabel, 135 Thomas, 135 Swuriburn, Christian, 97 Symnell, Ricam, 56 Symonds, Robert, 72 Samuel, 120 Talmage, Edmund, 42 Mary Van Winkle (Ketcham), 242 Thomas Hunt, 242 Tamblingson, Louisa Jane, 210 Mary (Dodridge), 210 Thomas, 210 Taylor, Caroline (Sherman), 257 Charles, 257 Claudine, 319 Dr., 7Z Eliza, 208 Elizabeth M., 257 Hannah (Benedict), 221 Helen M. Butler, 296 Isaac, 173 Jennet, 260 John, 208, 257, 260, 296 Katherine (Messinger), 320 Margaret, 296, 356 Margaret (Scott), 208, 257, 260, 296 Mindwell, 221 Mr., 296 Nathan, 221 Nathaniel W., Doct., Rev., 248 Nathaniel, Rev., 160, 200, 205, 222, 234 Nathaniel W.. Rev., 296 Nathl., 159, 160 R. L., 249 Robert, 296 Robert Lenox. 247, 248, 296 R. Samuel, 320 Scott, 257 Sophia, 249 Sophia (Sherman), 247, 248, 296 Susan Sherman, 296, 355 Temple, Isaac, 130 Martha (Toslyn), 130 Thankful,' 130 Teninty. Elizabeth, 232 Katharine, 232 Lawrence, 232 Terril, Gamaliel, 158 Terrill, Elizabeth (Sherman), 134 Lois, 144, 145 Nathan, 142 Roger, 134 Ruth, 142 Ruth (Buck), 143 Tevis, Clara (Garrett), 371 Helen Reese, 392 Kate Evans (Reese), 392 Marshall, 371 May, 371 Rush, 392 Thacher, Alfred Beaumont, 299 Ann (Parks), 299 Anson Stiles, 364 Edith, 365 Edward Stanley, 299 Eliza Seely (Blake), 364 Elizabeth, 300, 364, 365 Elizabeth Baldwin (Sherman), 247, 299 Elizabeth (Day), 252, 299, 408 Emily Baldwin (Foster), 346, « 408 Ethel (Anderson), 408 George, 300 George Blake, 364 Harriet Janet, 365 Helen Sherman, 365 Henrietta Foster, 408 Henry Clarke, 408 Hilda (Blumer), 365 James Kingsley, 299, 346, 408 John, 299 John Seymour, Dr., 299 Josephine Longworth Anderson, 408 Mrs., 299 Oxenbridge, 137 Peter, 299 Prof., 299 Ralph, 299 Roger Blumer, 365 Sherman Day, 300, 364 Sherman Day, Jr., 365 Thomas, 299 Thomas Anthony, 247, 252, 408 Thomas Anthonv. Prof., 299, 407 Thomas, Rev., 299 William Lamed, 300. 365 Thackara, Alexander Montgomery, 399 Alexander Montgomery, Jr., 399 Benjamin, 399 Cecil (DufFin), 399 Eleanor Mary (Sherman), 399 Eleanor Sherman, 4(X) 462 I NDEX Thackara, Lucy Marcel, 399 James Justin, 399 Mary, 399 Mary Elizabeth, 399 William Tecumseh Sherman, 399 Thayer, Chloe, 130 James, 235 Thomas, Alfred Addison, 379 Edward Clifford Perkins, 379 Frances Bruen, 379 Jennie (Head), 379 Joan Head, 379 Mary Ann Davenport (Perkins), 378 Thomas Head, 378, 379 Thompson, Anne, 365 Ann (Shannon), 365 Cecelia Maria (Vail), 234 Charles, 213 Charles Arnold, 2nd, 365 Charles Chauncey, 213 Elizabeth (Mitchell), 213 Hezekiah, 213 Josiah, 234 Josiah, Jr., 234 Josiah, Sr., 231 Lydia (Bacon), 213 Nancy (Wood), 234 Sarah Rebecca (Vail), 231 Thorndike, Anna, 400 Martha, 400 Martha Eliza (Abbott), 400 Paul, 400 Rachel Ewing (Sherman), 400 William, Dr., 400 William Tecumseh Sherman, 400 Thorolde, John, 31 Margaret, 31 Thorpe, Ann, 280 Eliphalet, 280 Ruth (Fenno), 280 Tice, Adaline Chrissie (Young), 304 Charlotte Katharine, 304 John Gregg, 304 Tillie, Elizabeth, 297 John, 297 Tilton, Theodore, 310 Tippet, Reved H., 249 Tomlinson, Almira (Adams), 333 Dorothy, 333 Frederick William, 333 Sophia Apolina (Jones), 333 Thomas, 333 Torold, Simon, 34 Toulson, Jane, 51 Jane (Sherman), 50, 51 Robert, 50, 51 Towne, Sarah (Sherman), 131 William, 131 Towner, Mary, 146 Townsend, Britton, 358 Catharnie Augusia, 296 Catherine Augusta, 249 Catherine Wendell (Davis), 297 David, Dr., 297 Doctor, 249 Edward Britton, 297, 357 Elizabeth (Davis), 297 Ellen Eliza (Britton), 357 Kate Wendell (Sherman), 297, 357 Katharine Wendell, 357 Prescott, 357 Solomon Davis, 297 Solomon Davis, Dr., 296, 297 Wendell, 357 William Edward, 357 Towson, Carrie Amanda, 307 Charles Jackson, 307 Gladys (Greene), 307 Travis Jackson, 307 Tracy, Ann Hoar, 374 Anna, 308 Caroline Fredf rica (Streuli), 373 Caroline Weed, 308 Catherine Jay, 309 Charles Walker, 309 Ebenezer Carter, 307 Ebenezer Carter, Rev., 252, 307 Edith Ann (Jackson), 374 Edith Hastings, 374 Emily Baldwin, 373 Evarts, 373 Howard Crosby, 373 Jeremiah Evarts. 304, 307, 372 John Evarts, 309 John Jay, 308 Joseph, 307 Margaret Louisa, 373 Margaret Standish, 308 Martha, 374 Martha Day, 307 Martha Sherman, 309 Martha Sherman (Evarts), 252, 307 Martha Sherman (Greene), 304, 372 Mary Elizabeth (Atkinson). 310 Mary Elizabeth (Durkee), 309 Mary Evarts, 373 Mary Harris, 309 Minervn l^iniTham (Lamson), 373 Minnie Lee, 310 Index 463 Tracy, Robert Jackson, 374 Robert Storer, ZTZ Roger Sherman, 308, 310 Ruth (Carter), 307 Sarah Jane (Moore), 308 William Carter, 308 William Evarts, 374 Tracy & Swartwout, Z7Z Treadwell, John, 172 Treat, Charles Payson, 218 John, 156 Marjorie Wellington, 218 Sarah Hale (Wellington), 218 Trowbridge, Alexander Buel, 343 Alexander Buel, Jr., 343 Alice, 343 Gertrude Mary (Sherman), 343 Julia Maria (Buel), 343 Luther Stephen, Maj. Gen., 343 Sherman, 343 Stephen Van Rensselaer, 343 Trumbull, , 190, 191 Ann Eliza (Smith), 229 Gov., 200 Harriet, 229 John, Col., 190 John Franklin, 229 Tryon, Jennie Emma (Sherman), 322 Mary Elizabeth, 322 Sherman Merrill, 322 Sylvester, 322 Victor Hammond, 322 William Merrill, Dr., 322 Tucker, Joseph. 137, 155, 222 Mnrtha Ann (Nesbitt), 406 Martha Evelina, 406 Mary (Dana), 222 Nancy, 222 William Stringham Snyder, 406 Turrill, Elizabeth (Buck), 146 Hannah (Buck), 146 Jared, 146 John, 146 Turrold, John, 34 Turveye, Robto, 28 Tuthill, Alice (Sherman), 12 Clement, 12 Tuttle, Albert Henry, 403 Clara, 403 David, 272 Eliza Jane, 272 Kate (Austin), 402, 403 Patty (Smith). 272 Tweed, Charles Harrison, 312, Z76 Eleanor, 377 Eleanor (Roelker), Z77 Harrison, 377 Tweed, Helen, 376 Helen Minerva (Evarts), 312 Huldah Ann (Pond), 376 Mary Winthrop, Z77 Katharine Wmihrop, 377 Max, Z77 Tybbenham, William, 18 Tylor, Robert Altrop, 61 Tyrell, Thomas, 37 ^ Upcher, Michael, 59 Richard, 81 Uppcheire, John, 94 Vaiden, Cora Bowne (Ross), 265 Dorothy Langhorne, 265 John Langhorne, 265 Marion (Langhorne), 265 William Jacob, 265 Vail, Carleton McCulioch, 233 Cecile, 233 Cecilia Maria, 234 Edith Winifred, 233 Hannah (Horton), 231 Harriet Louisa. 233 Henry Bloss, 233 Henry Hobart, 411 ^— — Henry Sherman, 233 Isaiah, 231 James, 233 James Edward Holton, 234 James Wellington, 231 Jennie Cornelia (McCulioch), 233 Julia Frances, 234 Katherine Lewis, 233 Lindamira (Jackson), 231 Malcolm Denison, 233 Margaret Fielding (Nye), 233 Martha Sherman, 232 Mary Catherine, 411 Mary Glenn (Bloss), 233 Minerva Elizabeth (Hewitt), 410 Rebecca Austin (Sherman), 231 Roger Sherman, 233 Roger Sherman, Jr., 233 Sarah Rebecca, 231 Winifred (Case), 233 Van Bergen, Alice, 356 Anthony, 356 Anthony Harry, 356 Edith, 356 Ethel (Irvin), 355 Harry Anthony, 355 Julia (Pierson), 356 Suzanne Ethel, 356 464 Index Van Buren, Elizabeth Ann, 354 Elvira Lynch (Aymar), 354 John Dash, 354 Vancleve, Cornelia, 300 Elizabeth (Coates), 300 John Wright, 300 Van Derkar, Angelina Darling, 288 Arthur Leicester, 288 Caroline Phelps, 287 Charles Phelps, 287 Dorothy Rae, 288 Eleanor, 288 Eliza Scott (Jerman), 288 Elizabeth (Murray), 287 Ethel (Harriman),287 Ethel Phelps, 287 Leicester Phelps, 287 Mildred Elizabeth, 288 Theodore, 288 Wessell Smith, 288 Van Der Kar, Caroline Adele (Fish), 288 Caroline Jackson (Phelps), 287 Franklin Olcott, 288, 289 Ida (Chrisler), 288 Jean Davis, 289 Leonard, 287, 289 Lucy Winifred (Chase), 288 Maria Goodrich, 289 Maria (Vanderwerken), 287 Mary Ruth (Davis), 289 Paul Chase, 288 Paul Nathan, 289 Philip Fish, 289 Roger Sherman, 289 Theodora, 288 Theodore, 288 Theodore Carrison, 289 Thomas, 287 Van Ingen, Hannah, 216 James, 215 James Wilson, 216 Jane Maria (Sherman), 215 John Finley, 216 Josiah, 216 Philip Schuyler, 215 Regina (Vergara), 216 Van Nest, Abraham Rynier, 356 Alexander Thompson, 296, 356 Margaret (Taylor), 296, 356 Mary Alice, 356 Mary (Thompson), 356 Van Patten, Edna, 396 Lucy (Kreinberg), 396 Woodman Kimball, 396 Varnum, James Mitchell, 174 Vaughan, Charlotte (Baucher), 301 Mary, 301 Richard, 301 Veazie, Agnes Margaret (Greene), 369 Arthur Lyle, 369 Edmund Arthur, 369 Edmund Fuller, 369 Emily Agnes, 369 Grace Ellen, 369 Harriet (Lyle), 369 Vergara, Regina, 216 Verplanck, Edward Fenno, 359 Rosamond (Sherman), 359 Virginia Eliza (Everett), 359 William Edward, 359 Vesye, Richard, 81 Vincent, Elizabeth, 126 Elizabeth (Sherman), 126 Henry, 126 Vinton, Alexander Hamilton, Rev., 296 Revd., 249 Vose, Kate Gage, 217 Wace (Wase), Thomas, 33, 35, 57 Wadleigh, Ann Maria (Putnam), 385 Bainbridge, Hon., 385 Helen Putnam, 385 Wadsworth, Charles David, 376 Charles Harrison, 377 Clara, 377 Clara Lewinia (Blanchard), 376 Colo., 224 Helen Minerva, 376 Helen (Tweed), 376 James, 175 William, 376 William Blanchard, 376 Wainwright, Phebe, 146 Wakefield, Caroline Huldah (Kings- bury), 385 Enoch HemingAvay, 385 Grace, 384, 385 Wakeman, Abram, 331 Mary E. (Harwood), 331 Mary Louise, 331 Walkley, Caroline (Lord), 229 James, 229 Lydia (Spencer), 229 Maria Palmer, 229 Maria Sherman (Palmer), 229 Selden Spencer, 229 Wall, Anna. 117 Bartholomew, 116, 117 Daniel, 116 Index 465 Wall, Deborah, 116, 127 Deborah (Sherman), 116 Elizabeth, 116 John, 116, 117, 127 Nicholas, 116, 117 Samuel, 116, 117 Wallace, Annie Margaret, 305 Eleanor Wigton, 305 Thomas Laird, 305 Waller, , 38 Anne, 32 Family, 4, 31 George, 31, 34, 35, 42, 67 Jane, 4, 23, 31, 67 Johan, 31 John, 23, 31, 33, 52, 62, 63, 67 Margaret, 31, 32 Margaret (Hotofte), 31 Margaret (Thorolde), 31 Margery, 32 Mary, 67 Mary (Yaxley), 31, 67 Thomas, 31, 32 William, 67 Wain, Robert, Jr., 199 Warby, Elizabeth Annie, .^58 James, 358 Mary, 358 Ward, Andrew, 107 Ester, 106, 108, 115 Gen., 133 George, 292 Grace, 106. 115 Hester (Sherman), 108 John, 22, 84, 94 Marie (Lockwood), 22 Mary Cullen (Phelps), 291 Warde, Geoffrey, 35, 42 Robert, 94 Wardner, Allen, 311 Helen Minerva, 311 Minerva (Bingham), 311 Warne, Thomas, 47 Warner, Amaziah Sanderson, 275 Arthur Shekeel, 291 Caleb Henry, 315 Caroline Amelia (Bixby), 319 Col., 238 Elizabeth (Bangs), 315 Elizabeth Phelps (Hubbell). 291 Franklin Pierce, Dr., 291 Harriet (Shekeel), 291 Hattie Maria, 319 Henry, 86, 115 Jerusha Mann (Roberts), 275 Joseph Bangs, 315 Warner, Joseph Comstock, 319 Langdon, 316 Lorraine, 316 Lorraine (Roosevelt), 316 Margaret, 316 Margaret Woodbury (Storer), 315 Mary, 86 Mary (Hooper), 315 Rachel, 315 Roger S., 198 Roger Sherman, 315 Roger Sherman, Jr., 315 Samuel, 86, 115 Sarah, 83, 85 Sarah Anita Roberts, 275 Sarah (Sherman), 86 Seth, Co!., 238 Sturgis, 316 Thomas, 83, 86 Warren, Helen, 385 Helen (Van Voast), 385 Richard, 15 William Ross, 385 William, Sir, 89 Washburn, Cadvvallader C, Maj. Gen., 368 Washington, General, 172, 173. 200, 202, 245 George, 172, 214 President, 179 Waterman, Angelina Darling (Van Derkar), 288 George Barnabas, 288 Jeannette (Ten Eyck), 288 Joshua, 288 Waters, Henry P.. 5. 110 Watkins, Ann Alackintosh, 277 George Randall, 277 Grace Liscom (Hewett). 277 Henry Allen. 277 Ruth Randall. 277 Sarah Catherine (Barnes), 277 Watson. Charlotte Amelia, 285 Elizabeth. 402 Eunice (Stone). 335 James Young. 335 Jeanie Hill. 285 John B.. 402 Louise, 402 Martha Ann. 335 Stephen Van Rensselaer, 285 Watt. Helen. 261 Helen Shirley, 262 Jane. 261 Jessie, 261 466 Index Watt, Jessie Taylor, 261 John Cunningham, 262 Louisa Shirley (Hall), 262 Margaret Scott (Sherman), 261 William, 261 Wayne, General, 202, 203 Weald, John, 99 Richard, 99 Thomas, 99 Weatherly, Annie Virginia (Wynne), 341 Ethel Wynne, 341 William Henry, 341 Webb, Charles, Col., 200 Webbe, Thomas, 59 Webster, Avice (Drake), 328 Anna Sibbel (Abbe), 328 Charles Drake, 329 Charles Ripley, 329 Elizabeth Bouton, 329 Elizabeth Damon, 329 Elizabeth Howland, 328 Elizabeth (Knight), 328 Elizabeth Ripley (Bouton), 328 Ellen Abbe, 328 Frank Sherman, 328 Grace Howland, 328 Harriet Sherman, 329 John Calvin, Rev., 328 Josiah Clifford, 328 Josiah, Rev., 328 Laura Ames (Orcutt), 329 Natalie Sherman, 328 Nathaniel Bouton, 328 Rebecca Russell, 328 William Russell, 328 Winifred, 329 Weir, John Ferguson, Prof., 190 Prof., 190, 191 Welch, Paul, 145 Paul, Jr., 159 Welcome, Jessie M. (Hastings), 233 Wellington, Benjamin, 135, 142 Elizabeth (Sweetman), 135 Mary Palgrave, 135 Mehetabel, 135. 142 Roger, 135, 142, 149 Wellvs, Richard, 21 William, 21 Wentworth, John, 136-139, 155 West, Madelaine Sherman (Ross), 265 Martha Mines fGaithwaite), 265 William Taylor, 265 William Taylor, Jr., 265 Westerberg, Bessie, 335 Westerberg, Charles, 335 Mary Elizabeth (Holman), 335 Whalert, Ernestine (Trizche), 284 Jacob, 284 Sarah Caroline, 284 Whetcroft (Wheatcroft) (Whet- crofte), Alice, 39, 48 Anne, 48 Barbara, 39 George, 46, 48 Henry, 41, 43, 46, 48 Katharine, 48 Thomas, 72 William, 39, 41, 49 Wheeler, Albert C, 332 Carson McKeag, 271 Edith Sophia (Shaw), 271 Helen Frances, 274 Helen Morton (Bridgham), 274 Herbert Spencer, 271 Jennie Abbie, 332 John William, 271 Margaret Jane (McKeag), 271 Morris Plumer, 274 Plumer, 274 Rosina Baldwin (Crane), 274 Sherman Shaw, 271 Susie Elizabeth (Mallory), 332 Warren, 271 William, 138, 139, 271 William Morris, 274 Wheelwright. Cornelia Page, 381 David Page, 381 Elizabeth Scudder, 381 George William, 381 Louisa Henrietta (Scudder), 381 Sophia Elizabeth (Bond), 381 Whetley, William, 69 Whipple, Cyrus Avery, 370 Cyrus Avery, Jr., 370 Edmund P., 370 Evarts Wooster, 370 Tames Junior, 130 Mary Rhoda (Greene), 370 Minnie (Rinderknecht), 370 Sarah (Adams), 130 White, Anna, 358 Anna Eliza (Adriance), 353 Augusta, 354 Augusta Julia, 354 Augusta (White), 354 Charles A., 5, 17, 189 Charles Atwood, 294, 350 Dyer, 294 Eleanor Selden, 352 Elizabeth Ann (Van Buren), 354 Index 467 White, Elizabeth Canfield (Tall- madge), 349, 354 Elizabeth Selden, 352 Elizabeth Tallmadge, 350 Frances Eaton, 350 ~" Frances Spencer (Eaton), 350 George Edward, 295, 354 Hannah (Wetmore), 294 Henry, 199, 248, 294 Henry Dyer, 294, 349 Henry, Mrs., 189 Henry White, 353 Lucy (Nichols), 358 John Eaton, 358 John Parker, 349, 354 Julia Flewelling, 349 Julia Flewelling (White), 349 Laura (Stoughton), 354 Mabel Wellington, 352 Martha (Sherman), 248, 294. 350 Mrs., 189 Oliver Sherman, 295 Olivia Ripley, 354 Roger S., 156 Roger Sherman, 189, 295, Roger Sherman, 2nd, 354 Roger Sherman, 2nd, Jr., 354 Susan Sherman, 353 Thomas Howell, 295, 354 Willard Stoughton, 354 Willard Wetmore, 294, 353 Zenobia Hill, 354 Whitelaw, John, 272 Mary Beulah, 272 Mary (Neill) (Whitelaw), 272 Whiting, Anne, 81, 92 Anne (Sherman), 80 Anthony, 53, 80, 81, 92 Jane, 81 John, 80, 81 Marian, 49, 52 Marv, 80 Phebe, 80 Susan, 80 Symon, 80, 81, 111 Thomas, 49, 52, 81, 100 Whitinge, Anthony, 80 Whighting, Anne, 78 Whitman, Cecilia Augusta (Robin- son), 344 Isaac Allen, 344 Leslie, 344 Whitney, Caroline, 407 Edward Baldwin, 345, 406 Elizabeth Baldwin, 407 Elizabeth Wooster (Baldwin), 293, 344 Whitney, Emily Henrietta, 345 Hassler, 407 Josepha (Newcomb), 407 Josiah Dwight, 344 Lucy, 133 Margaret Dwight, 345 Marian Parker, 345 Roger Sherman, 407 Roger Sherman Baldwin, 345 Sarah (Williston), 344 Simon Newcomb, 407 Sylvia, 407 Thomas, 52 William Dwight, 407 William Dwight, Prof., 293, 344 Williston Clap, 345 Whithipoll, Anthony, 47 Benjamin, 47 Margaret, 47 Whittemore, James, 132 Mary (Sherman), 132 Whitton, Clara (Blake), 272 Oscar Frederick, 272 Sarah Morse, 272 Whitwall, Charlotte Sarah, 207 Elizabeth M. J., 207 John Francis, 208 Mary Ann, 207 Mary Ann (Olcott), 207 Richard, 207 Richard Francis, 208 Richard R., 207 Thaddeus Sherman, 208 William Peter Olcott, 208 Wiborg, Adaline Moulton (Sher- man), 324 Frank Bestow, 324 Mary Hoyt, 325 Olga, 325 Henry Paulinus, 324 Sarah Sherman, 325 Susan (Bestow), 324 Wiborne, Thomas, 119 Wiggin, Ann Elizabeth (Loder), 357 Anne Loder, 357 Augustus, 357 Thomas, Capt., 357 Wilcox, Daniel, 15 Elizabeth (Cook), 15 Lydia, 15 Wilkinson Elizabeth, 148 Willard, Abigail (Sherman), 110 Josiah, 139 Samuel, 110 Samuel, Rev., 110 Willay, Edward, 61 468 Index Williams, Cyrus, 217 Eliza Jane, 322, 388 Elizabeth (Crane) (Boal), 388 Elizabeth Winslow (Whitman), 315 Emily Francis, 315 Jennie Klose, 322 John, 162 John Herbert, 388 John William, 322 Martha Esther, 217 Martha (Wheeler). 217 Mr., 198 Samuel King, 315 William, 168 Wm., 167 Williamson, Eli Samuel, 228 Hazel Marie, 228 Jessie, 326 John, Dr., 326 Maria Ann (Keeler), 228 Willis, Charles Ellmaker, 342 Leila Morse, 342 Sarah Townsend (Minor), 342 Willock, Charles Sherman, 321 Julia Gibbie, 321 Julia Ann (Sherman), 321 Katherine, 321 Willys, George, 169 Wilson (Willson), Andrew, 128, 131 Anne, 80, 81, 103 Anne (Sherman), 104 Anne (Whiting), 80, 92 Charles Hulbert, 209 Delia K., 402 Edmund, 53 Edward Strong, 209 Edward Strong, Jr., 209 Emery John, 240 Harriet Deming (Strong), 208 Harriet (Sanford), 240 Henry Norman, 209 James, 172, 209 James Hilton, 209 Katherine Maude (Hilton), 209 Lena Edge (Sampson), 209 Marion (Smyth), 53 Mary B. (Keyes), 296 Mary Elizabeth (Dunham), 209 Nina Dell, 240 Pauline, 402 Patricia Sherman, 209 Richard Augustus, 296 Sarah (Sherman), 131 Solomon, 209 Susan Staples (Sherman), 296 Thomas, 80, 92 Wilson, Virginia, 209 William Bruce, 296 William R., 402 Winans, Emily Clark (Hollenbeck), 335 James de Goll, 265 James Macdonald, 265 Jane Sherman, 265 Libbie Susan, 335 Marie Corinne (de Goll), 264 Philo Sticks, 335 Samuel Ross, 265 Sarah (Macdonald), 265 Winchester, Edgar Clinton, 359 Joshua, 130 Katharine, 358 Mary (Whipple), 130 Winship, Edward, Lieut, 127 Elizabeth, 127 Elizabeth (Parke), 127 Winsor, Amos K., 270 Anna Frances (Ford), 361 Ellen (McGuire), 270 Elsie May, 269, 270 Frances Ritchie (Sherman), 361 Frank Ferdinand, 361 Sanford Calvin, 361 Wise, George Douglass, 385 Kate, 385 Laura (May), 385 Wiseman, Henry, 29 John, Sir, 34 Witherspoon, John, 174 Mr., 174 Withipoll (Wythipoll, WittipoU), Benjamin, 47, 66, 67 Edmond, 67 Edward, 67 Elizabeth, 67 Elizabeth (Hynde), 67 Frances, 67 Margaret, 47, 67 Margaret (Sherman), 66, 67 Paul, 67 Peter, 67 Wolcott, Frederick, 183 Gen., 183 Henry, 184 Oliver, 168, 187 Wolcy (Wolsey), Isabel, 12 Robert, 12 Wood, Annie Duncan (Mahon), 255 Caroline Prescott, 386 Charlotte Boyne (Parker), 255 Duncan Mahon, 255 Edward Parker, 255 Elijah, 255 I NDEX 469 Wood, Elizabeth Farmer, 255 Ellen Smith (Oldham), 386 Flavia (Curfman), 255 Flavia Eliza, 255 Frances Parker, 255 James Barrett, 386 John, 255 John William, 255 Julia Montgomery, 255 Margaret Wilson (Reed), 255 Thomas, 80 William Sherman, 255 Woodgate, Sarah, 106 Woodie, John, 111 Mary, 111 Wooster, Grace Estelle, 369 Jesse, 369 Rhoda (Brockett), 369 Wray, Charles Sherman, 264 Elizabeth (Sloane), 264 Florence Evelyn, 264 John Harkness, 264 John Harkness, Jr., 264 Louise Sloane, 264 Mary A. (Harkness), 264 Stephen, 264 William Sloane, 264 Wren, Margaret, 33 Wrenches (Wrenck), John, 94 Wrenne, John, 9 Robert, 11, 33 Thomas. 33, 34 Wrenny, Robert, 39 Wright, Asahel, 263 Clark, Dr., 208, 263 Clark. Jr., 263 Wright, Harriet (Sherman), 208, 263 James, 274 Laura Belle, 274 Lucy Leland, 263 Lydia (Worthington), 263 Marion Adelaide (Stockman), 263 Orlesta Melissa (Stotesbery), 274 Wyllys, George, 172, 176, 180 Wyman, Franklin, 360 Helen Adelaide, 360 Ivy Myrtle, 337 Jane (McSorley), 337 Joseph H., 337 Lucy Adelaide (Wilson), 360 Mary Jarvis (Houdlette), 209 Silas Waite, 209 Yaxley (Yaxlee), Alice (Lyard), 40 Anthony, 2, 31, 39, 40, 64, 67 Bridget, 40 Elizabeth, 2, 31, 39, 67 Elizabeth (Brome), 40 Elizabeth (Garneys), 2, 39 Francis, 30 John, 40 Katherine, 64 Margaret, 42 Mary, 31, 67 Richard, 2, 12, 29, 40, 42 Richard. Jr., 39 Rose (Goldwell), 40 William, 30, 42, 43 York, Barentha, 146 Young (Younge), Henry, 77 .-O LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS Allen, Qifton R. Allen, Delana M., Miss Allen, John S. Arnold, G. Stanleigh, Mrs. Baker, Cecil S., Mrs. Baker, William L. Baldwin, Charles M. Baldwin, George W. Baldwin, Henry de F. Baldwin, Roger S. Baldwin, Simeon E., Hon. Barnes, Daniel Barney, J. Stewart, Mrs. Boardman, Samuel W., Mrs. Boardman, William T. Boutell, Arnold Boutell, Henry S., Hon. Bowles, Samuel, Mrs. Bridgham, Leland F., Mrs. Bucknam, John S. Bucknam, Walter H., Mrs. Cameron, J. Donald, Mrs. Castle, Ernest B. Cincinnati Public Library Cauldwell, Frederick W., Mrs. Colonial Dames of the State of New York Coult, Frank H. Coy, Edward H. Coy, Mary D., Miss Coy, Sherman L. Darling, G. W., Mrs. Depew, Chauncey M., Hon. Dickinson, Robert L., Mrs. Drummond, Edmund J., Mrs. Dwight, Timothy, Mrs. Edwards, Wm. H. L., Mrs. Elkinton, John, Mrs. Erikson, John, Mrs. Evarts, Allen W. y Evarts, Jeremiah M. Evarts, Mary, Miss Evarts, Maxwell, Mrs. Evarts, Prescott, Rev. Evarts, Sherman Fish, Sidney W., Mrs. Fitch, William S. Follansbee, Sherman Foster, Reginald Foster, Roger Fowler, Harriet A., Miss Frame, James E., Mrs. Gamble, Robert G., Mrs. Goodspeed's Book Shop Gouge, Frederick H., Mrs. Granger, Alfred H., Capt. Greene, Evarts B., Prof. Greene, Jerome D. Greene, Roger S., Hon. Greene, Samuel, Rev. Griffith, Harry L., Mrs. Hackett, J. Dominick Hammatt, Clarence S. Healey, Warren R., Mrs. Historical Department of Iowa Hoar, Samuel, Mrs. Hoar, Sherman, Mrs. Hoyt, Anne S., Miss Hoyt, Colgate Hoyt, Elizabeth S., Miss Hoyt, Henry R. Hubbell, Frederick B. Jennings, Annie B., Miss Jones, Arthur, Mrs. Kent, William, Mrs. Lakin, Herbert C. Latham, Margaret O., Mrs. La Ware, Sydney, Mrs. Littlefield, George S. Loomis, Evarts G. 471 472 List of Subscribers Long Island Historical Society Mackintosh, Richards B. Mackintosh, Roger S. McComb, William J. McDonald, C. E. W., Mrs. McMillan, Robert, Mrs. Meader, Samuel A., Mrs. Merrill, Walter W., Mrs. Metcalf, Earl S. Metcalf, George A., Mrs. Miles, Nelson A., Lt. Gen. Moore, Adin S., Mrs. Moore, George G. Moore, Luther G., Mrs. Moore, Samuel G., Dr. New Bedford Public Library Newell, Frederick H. New Jersey Society of Colonial Dames of America New York Historical Society Ogden, David B. Olmsted, Jessie S., Miss Palmer, Charles T. H,, Mrs. Palmer, Elizabeth D., Miss Palmer, Frank L. Palmer, Henry R. Palmer, Laura S., Miss Palmer, Milton S. Pequot Library, Southport, Conn. Perkins, Charles C. Pitkin, James S. Pitkin, Lewis S. Pitkin, Perley P., Mrs. Pitkin, William R. Pratt, Chapin S., Mrs. Pratt, George D., Mrs. (also generous contributor) Reber, Samuel, Col. Reese, William Kirke, Mrs. Ross, William E., Mrs. Sawyer, Paul B., Mrs. Schick, John, Mrs. Scudder, Charles D., Mrs. Shearman, Frank E. Sherman, Adrian F. Sherman, Arthur G. Sherman, Arthur H. Sherman, Arthur O. Sherman, Charles Austin Sherman, Charles E. Sherman, Charles S. Sherman, Clifford P. Sherman, De Witt, Mrs. Sherman, Edward A. Sherman, Elmer E. Sherman, Frederick D., Mrs. Sherman, George Sherman, George N. B. Sherman, George S. Sherman, Harold C. Sherman, Henry S., Mrs. Sherman, Hoyt, Hon. Sherman, James L. Sherman, James M. Sherman, Jessie G., Miss Sherman, Lucius B. Sherman, P. Tecumseh Sherman, Richard B. Sherman, Roger, Lieut. Sherman, Roger, (son of Hoyt) Sherman, Roger, Jr. of Bradford, Massachusetts Sherman, Sherrill Sherman, W. J. Sherman, William Watts, Mrs. Shute, Abraham L., Rev. Simpson, Harry L. Mrs. Smith, A. Coleman Stevens, Richard G., Mrs. Stimson, Henry L., Mrs. Storer, Helen L., Miss Strong, William T., Mrs. Thacher, Alfred B. Thacher, Sherman D. Thacher, Thomas Thackara, Wm. T. S. Thomas, Thomas H., Mrs. Townsend, Edward B., Mrs. Tracy, Emily B., Miss Tracy, Roger S. Tracy, Roger S., Dr. Trowbridge, Alexander B., Mrs. List of Subscribers 473 Tryon, William M., Mrs. Tweed, Charles H., Mrs. Vail, Henry S. Van Bergen, Harry A., Mrs. Van Wyck, Frederick Veazie, Arthur L., Mrs. Walkley, Seldon S., Mrs. Ward, G. Claude, Mrs. Warner, Roger S. Watkins, Henry A., Mrs. Webster, Charles R. Werner, Charles J. Wheeler, Herbert S., Mrs. Wheeler, Plumer, Mrs. Wheelwright, David P., Mrs. Whipple, Cyrus A., Mrs. White, Elizabeth T., Miss White, Roger S. White, Roger S. 2nd. Whitney, Margaret D., Miss Wiborg, Frank B. Wilson, James Wilson, Richard A., Mrs. (Ut ^L/'i<,^ii^'<>- LIST OF GUARANTORS Baldwin, Henry de F. Baldwin, Simeon E., Hon. Barnes, Daniel Evarts, Allen W. Hackett, J. Dominick Hoyt, Henry R. Kent, William, Mrs. Lakin, Herbert C. McDonald, C. E. W., Mrs. Newell, Frederick H. Sherman, Charles A. Sherman, Charles E. Sherman, Hoyt, Hon. Sherman, James M. Sherman, P. Tecumseh Sherman, Richard B. Sherman, Roger, Jr., of Bradford, Massachusetts Sherman, Thomas T. Townsend, Edward B., Mrs. Wiborg, Frank B. 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