TH F •JOHN -FRYER* •CHINESE- LIBRAP.Y- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation fi AN ANALYTICAL VOCABULARY OF TMK NEW TESTAMENT BY F. W. BALLER PBKrAUKU FOR THE l\^L' OF JUMoli MEMUKHiS OF lUE UUINA lyiASD MJhfilON SHANGHAI CHINA INLAND MISSION AND AMERICAN PRESBYTEKIAN MISSION TUESS Main Lib. JOHN FRYER CHINESE LIBRARY PRICE TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF. PREFACE. A FKW years ago au effort was made to aid newly-arrived missionaries in tlieir early studies, by the publication of a small Vocabulary containing all the characters found in the Gospel of St. John. It was arranged under the Radicals and contained such expressions as would be useful in mission work. Since then many have expressed a desire for something similar on a larger scale — for a portable volume containing- enough information to enable anyone to read the New Testament. The present work (the tirst New Testament Vocabulary published in the Mandarin Dialect) has been prepared to meet this desire, and to seek by the analysis of characters to render intelligible what seems a maze of mystery to a new-comer. Perhaps a few words of explanation of the Analytical Method may not be out of place here. Without attempting to discuss the principle according to which at first Chinese characters were written, or how they assumed their present form, Que fact is very evident ; viz., that a large number of them may be roughly divided into two parts; and that these parts constantly recur in different characters. And a further fact is also apparent; viz., that what is in many cases the smaller part — the Radical — has been added with a view to give a general clue to one or more of the principal meanings of the cliaracter in question. The main pare of the character — the Primitive or Phonetic — thus bears a slight analogy to the root of a word in English, while the Radical has a distant resemblance to a prefix or a suffix. Hence, if the Primitive is known the task of learning the character of which it forms a part is greatly simplified. This is evident for a two-fold reason. In the first place, all that is added to the Primitive is in most cases a different Radical, with which the learner is supposed to be familiar. And, in the second place, as the Radical often gives a general idea of the primary meaning, scope is given for the operation of the Law of Association — a law which works most powerfully in the study of hieroglyphics. As an illustration take the character (^) i^co, meaning to wrap. Having learnt its form and meaning, it is no great effort to remember that with the icater ( y') radical it forms (^^) p'ao, to soak ; with the foot ( g ) radical (|^) p'ao, to run ; with the hand (t}') radical (|g) pao, to embrace ; with the clothes ( | ) radi- cal (H) p'ao, a gown ; and with the food (^) radical {^) pao, satisfied. Or again : if (/^) ling, a law, is learnt, it is easy to recollect that with the addition of ( P) mouth it makes (^) mliig, to command ; with ( ^ ) if^icie (^) leng^ cold; with {^) head (^) /my, to lead, and with (^) raindrop {^) ling, a fragment;. 747769 PREFACE- Tlie principle might be wielely illustrated, but if a beginning is thus made, dissecting characters becomes a habit, which materially aids the memory to retain them. The characters are arranged under radicals and are defined. Immediately under each character the sound, meaning and tone are given of what is left when the radical is removed. Such characters as are derived from this remaining part are added, the Avord "Hence," indicating this fact. In some cases, where it is impossible to say of what the characters are composed, it has been thought more advisable to let them speak for themselves, than to give the reins to imagination regarding them. On such matters the wildest flights of fancy have been exercised. Many characters have a general similarity, while some differ from others by fi dot or a stroke only. In such instances it is very easy to mistake one character for another. In the case of those of the first class, the word *' Compare " is used to call attention to them ; while those of the second class are indicated by the word "Distinguish." Attention to this point will greatly facilitate accuracy in study. As may be supposed, the same words constantly recur under different characters which have the same Primitives. The value of this is, that it familiarises the student with the sight and construction of many of the commonest characters in the language every time he uses the book, and helps to impress them upon his memory almost without an effort. The definitions of all derived characters are necessarily terse. But as many oi: them occur in other parts of the book as separate and fully defined characters, the fuller meaning may easily be ascertained. "Where this is not the case, a jiative teacher will be able to give further explanation. They will thus form subjects for conversation on many topics. All phrases are grouped under the character with which they begin. This facilitates reference ; while having a straight line to represent the first character, makes the succeeding one stand out with greater distinctness. Some expressions will be found which are not contained in the New Testament. These have been added because of their general utility, and as being valuable in common intercourse. Had the scope of the book permitted. their number might have been almost indefinitely increased. The large characters have ione marks attached : the derivatives are numhered 1, 2, ?) and 4 to indicate in the following order the first Four Tones : shang-p^ hicj (Jl ^ M-\ hsia-p'inf/ (f ^ Tgj, sltang-s/icng (_t ^), li' ii-sheng (-^ ^). The Fifth Tone, ruh-s/ifng (/\^ g), is indicated by a final "/j." The abbreviation N. A. stand> tor "Numerary Adjunct." The number of the radicals and the number of strokes in the character are placed at the top of the page. The words "Interchanged with" and "Used with," found in the definition of some characters, indicate that the character which follows them has the same sound and meaning as the one defined. I'UEl'ACE. It may not be without interest to mention that tbe number of different characters in the Peking version of the New Testament i3 2,304. These are distributed in the following order :— Matthew 1,4'JO Eplieaiaiis 17 ! Hel)ie\v3 27 Mark 10,'i Philippiaiis 9 | The Epistle of James !> Luke 217 Colossians 5 j I. I'eter... !» John 8.") I. Thessalonians 7 ! II. Petei- 4 The Acts 172 II. Thessalonians | I. John Kpistle to the Romans ... 51 I.Timothy 6 j II. John I I. Corinthians 41 II. Timothy 14 III. John (► II. Corinthians 10 Titus 1 | Judo 2 (Jalatians S i Philemon 1 Revelation 68 Making a grand total of 2,304. The Four Gospels alone, it will be observed, contain 1,834 — nearly eighty per cenl". — of this number. An Index of Chanicters, and an Index of Names of Persons and Places follow the Vocabulary. Both are arranged alphabetically for convenience of reference. The former should form a valuable test exercise in characters and tones. Appended will be found Brief Notes on some Common Characters and Idioms. These are the outcome of private reading, and are given with a view to supplement the definitions found in the Vocabulary. Many of the commonest and most frequently recurring characters are perhaps the most difficult to define. Certain shades of meaning and modes of use cannot be referred to in a brief definition : the Notes are added to help to make up this deficiency. The plan pursued has been to go carefully through the New Testament, noting and giving the places where such characters and idioms as might present diflSculty to the beginner occur. A comparison of their use cannot fail to be helpful, and may be useful in forming the habit of collecting examples of similar characters, with a view to understand their force, and the principles that underlie their use. The Notes are merely suggestive, not exhaustive. They are intended to be iiupplementary to the information given in such elementary works as a beginner generally uses. They Avill, it is hoped, enable him successfully to use such a vocabulary as he needs in imparting Christian truth. To make the unseen real, to make spiritual things live before the Chinese, is not an easy task. But it is simplified, if words conveying unusual ideas are skilfully manipidated ; a good deal of the strangeness is removed if the apples of gold are set in fillets of silver. Time was, when some of us had to climb the heights of a religious vocabulary over bales of merchandise, boxes of tea and chests of opium. This day, we trust, is passing away, as it is now becoming generally recognised that the study of the New Testament has a distinctly edticative power. Its diction is simple, its idiom plain, and it is remarkable how large is its vocabulary of subjects not directly religions. He who thoroughly masters it, has laid in a good stock of words PREFACE. ou subjects both secular aud sacred. Besides, it seetns oa the whole, bettor lo t'uruish the youug missionary with a selection of terms, which , will enable him as soon as possible to teach and expound the Gospel of Christ. In his own tonguo his fullest and most helpful experiences cluster round it. His thoughts have been moulded, his heart enriched by it. Filled with desire to win the Chinese to Christ, and anxious to communicate the only knowledge which gives life eternal, he should be aided to do so at the earliest possible date. If his vocabulary crystallize round the chief subject in his mind, and his tongue be loosed to speak of it, many words on other subjects will soon be added. As with increasing freedom he sets forth the riches of Christ, he will find at the same time a fulness of utterance on such subjects as he needs to illustrate his glorious theme. The preparation of the book has been a labour of love — a labour which will have an abundant reward, if young missionaries are thereby enabled in any measure to exalt into His own peerless and unique position, above all system.^! of false philosophy and religion, Him, Who is not only the Light of Asia, but also tlie Light of the World. F. W. Baller. •' ' NEW TESTAMENT. •''■■^ The 1st Radical. ) One ; iiiiitj. The same. ih As soou as. Hence ^ fien'^, lieaven ; 5jc moli, tlie end ; 7|i pe)i^, a root ; "g" jje/t, u hundred. I [^ togetlier. I ^ a part ; a tenth. 1 ^ a liair ; the smallest jiart. I ^ one — flower. I ^ tlie same ; alike. 1 |vf> a cn]>fnl ; a cup. I 5^ together. 1 13 one — pearl. 1 ^ a cli(p"ie ; a party. I ^f. a row ; a line. I ^ a trifle ; yoVo P'^^i't of an ounce. I ■§■ one liundred. ] ^ a half. 1 }y a slice ; a — cloud. I % the same road ; together. 1 -^ the whole of ; all. I ^ the same kind ; alike. I ^ one family ; of the same household. I M '^ fl^^ai-ter of an hour ; a short time. I 15 '^ gi'ain — of rice. ] ff: an article ; a — garment. I fi one ; a — gentleman. I {]%, a length. ] ^ a sound. 1 ^^ a time ; at once ; in a little while. 1 -^ together. f once. M the same ; similar pi-inciple. PJ: un formly; hahitnally. lal lyer ; a storey. il " one dry," to air for a little time. 5'1-ai iut; Vo ofa^. ii 'I year. I^J a weiglit of 30 " catties ; " used for a '• talent." ^ one look ; as soon as ohserved. mm a herd of swine. ^m a sheep. m^ a hand. mm a foot. mm a tent ; a Ijooth. mm an upper building ; a stoi-ey ; a tower. mm a donkey. mm a temple. mm a tablet ; a sign. mm a street ; a thorough fore. ^km a quotation ; a speech. ^ w a sentence ; a saying. ^m a thousand myriads — a large indefinite number. mm an altar. mm a bundle of firewood. mm an instant ; a short time. mm a ball of mud. riM a city. a piece of ground. mm of the same class. VOCABULART. 1—2 1 5& ^ 65 to come togetlier ; coming I E ^ *??^ a white horse. ■ • - .at the same time. I W ^ W ^ one side facing the soutli- I ^ 1^ i^ '^e^ ,9p©k&" as soon as lie west. I if^mi aiiafrof Uiehead. c J Au iudividual ; a persou. I ■^IkM'P ^ i-eed. ting 1 ik M IF a caue. From j />P0^, a barb. Hence pj" Ico^, I Mf^ ^^ * a dot and a stroke. I ^ — i!i a lifetime. mig-lit ; ^J ta\ to heat j f]* thuj^, a nail ; pT ting^, to edit ; pj tine/, to enjoin; ff tiiig^, a piuiple. I :^ — 0J at every movement ; be- 1 ^ poll tax. luiA'ionr. I M ^ is a piece of silver money.' I M ^ •? a piece of silver. "l^:, Seven. ts'ih \ ^ ^ M ^ stone ; a piece of stone. Hence -^ ts'ieh, to slice. I >(> ~ M of one heart and one mind. 1 ^ S m a field. 1 7)^ seven times. I fi ^ H a finger. I + f@ seventy. I (0 fit -^ a period of two hours. I i|t ^; seventh descendant. I H3 m A one or two people. I ^ §5 A of the same company. ^JA* a measure of ten feet. \ ^ ii 1J ^^ exhibition of power ; help. cliang An elder ; a senior. I P fpj "b '^itb united voice ; of the From 5^ iu^, also. Hence '^ Zi'*, an officer ; '^ shi\ a messenger ; ^ chaug'^. same sentiments. to trust to ; j[^ chaiu/, a staff. ! P-^ :^ M a great gust of wind. 1 ^ a husband. I iC> ^ ff to l)elieve with the whole heart. \ 1£ "h'^ ^ large roll of cloth. c ^, Three. I ^ ilk J^ a district; a belt of country. s«yj 1 3^ H (13 three in succession ; three 1 5f three bushels. joined together. I ^ three times. I ^ ^ ^ an official despatch. I 5K the three lights — sun, moon and I fl>^ ^ ^ a poisonous suiil^e. stars. 1 H- ^ ^ to know absolutely nothing. 1 ^ thirty or forty feet. \ ^.^M ^'itliout a single thing. \ ^ :t —■ three-tenths. I P ^ "S" double-tongued. 1 'S — ii the Trinity. \ trMM a dark cloud. I iS M ^T think thrice and then act. 1 }x f^ ^ i\ white cloud. , n Above ; supreme. Read 1 [J i: Ph] in the course of a day. \ ^^ ^^ Tu of an ounce of sih'er. shang shamf. To ascend. I ® 65 ^ a one-sided affair. From f> pull, to divine. A'OCABT'LARY. — 1 ^t God. ll] to i;-o up a liill. 1^ to go to market. ^ the u])pei- seat. ■fl^f to go oil in front. "ilil the upper surface ; tlie to]), ^ to notify ; for the iufornuition of. f^ to pay taxes. 5f^ to ascend to heaven. ^ to ^^o on hoard a vesseh 2^ to come u[). S^^ ahove. [«|I to go into battle. jlf 6^ the best ; first class. ^ T ^ ascending and descending. T Below; beneath ; inferior. To descend. From [> pult, to divine. ^ to begin ; to lay hold of. ^ to be cast into prison. ^ come down ; to come down. i^ to cast rt net. j§ below. ^J to come down a liill. "y ;)!§ to disembark. ^ ^- Not ; a negative. 2 '^ no alternative but to accei)t. Hence ^ p'u^, universal ; ^j| f'em/, to 1 ^ H H ii a few days. St •ike ; ^f peng\ to meet wiLh ; ^ is-i?i*, 1 iU ^ K u<'t t<^ ^*^ aishanied of. to I flourish. _g[ moreover. M^ T-^o Leg for alms. A 1 ^ 7^ Ijy "'J means. l-at beggar. The 2xd Eadical. Compare IH} viieir\ flour. Distinguisli 1 A perpendicular stroke. D^ mien\ hidden. hncii J3L Moreover ; also. Hence i^j iiv\ to lead. tn' LG Y 1 A fork. A female slave. From r'ih, the sun. Hence j[i|i ^9?(^, ancestor; |({1 /.swV:^, an elder sister; |§. tv/t^ ' to rent; fj. ^s'n\ coarse; g][j ^6'a^, to help; Compare "]* lia(/, sign of the past tense. p£ ^s»^ to hinder. I g a female slave. iK An age. The world. A I B|l a slave girl. c*~P The middle or centre. shi generation of thirty years. chung Within. Pvcad diomf. Compare ^ k"i\ to reject. To hit the centre. To I J^' the world. attain. 1 A nieu of the world ; mankind. From P Iced^, a mouth. Hence *, chon;/'-, loyal; ^^I-. It^iinn*, to sutter ; ^ I f"^ ,ii'euerations ; ages. cJiunc/, the feelinj^s ; o"C of the Stems; i^> ink, certainly. lb But. Hence \]^ reinj^, n^nnl ; fpj reng^, to thr(jw ; ^ luii'', milk; ^ iiiu^, pregnant. %^ Li a L long time. Finally. From A rcn", a man. Hence JX ^i"'^; nine ; ^ Icin'^, chronic disease. c/^—r Sign of the possessive. A chi particle. It ; him. Distinguish ^ fait, tired. t J An interrogative particle, /i't At ; in. . Hence Pj /(u\ to call ,^2,) T'o be iu want of. Weary. fa lb Hence f^ farb^, to float : ;£ c/i'\ sesn- mum ; n£ />/t'/<^, to disparage. Distinguish Z cla\ him. I JI5 in straits; short of. I f§ tired ; exhausted. (Hjb Cunning; crafty. Per- /vmi verse. I 3^ tricky. I ^ unreusouahle ; perverse. (5HC To avail of. To ascend. cli'eiKj To ride. Read clicnrj* or sliemf. N. A. of vehicles. Hence |e|j sheng*, overplus. I ^ ^ ^^ o^ i^^ ou a cloud. The 5th Radical. C— ^) One. The second of the ilo Ten Stems (^ ^). Hence t^ Maz/f/", to destroy; ^'L c/m/t, to pierce. yh Nine. From J p'ie/i, a dash. Hence {^ cJi'eo^, an enemy ; ^ /^^■(i^, in the end ; i^ I'iu^, a pigeon ; ;/{^ ttayt^ a pill ; ^ fc/iet^ an orbit. 'tli^ Also ; even ; and. A fi- ^« nal particle. Hence ^^ t\i\ he ; 1^ ti\ earth ; J£ s7i<\ to bestow ; ^ c/t'i?", a pooh I ;?; f5 also not enough. \ ^v^M also the same. VOCABULARY. 2—1; ^ei) To beg for alms. To eii- Tiih treat. Ilence |l£ cliVn, to cat; ^keh, a boil: f^ liih, to liuisb. I 15 a beggar. Milk. The breasts. To ra suckle. From ^fu^, to batch. Ileuce f^ fur, to flout. 1 ^ frankincense. I -^ ic* .vet-nurse. I ^ to rear, as a young cbild. c"hG Dr}^ Clean. Keacl Jcteir. kan Heaven. From %\ han^, sunrise. Compare f|i Ican'^, ability ; ^j c/i'ao", a dyuasty ; ^ 111111^, a pencil. I ^- clean. L Disorderly ; reckless. From ^ Inan'^, to govern. Compare g| iij-'i^, to excuse. I ^ to use recklessly. I 1^ to speak foolishly, I ^ to clamour. The 6th Radical. c J A barb. heo Hence "J* ting^, a person. J To complete. Sign of the l^ao past tense. A final loh particle. .1 ^ # startling; wonderful. •^*' An affair ; a matter. si Business. From — i//, one ; p k'eo^, the mouth ; and 3. ki\ a pig's bead. I jf matters ; business. I ^ to serve. I f^ business ; affairs. The 7th Radical. —A Two. c\Z^ To speak ; to f say From Jj^ s'i^, selfish. Hence ^ itiii^, clouds; Is "i'''> to hoe; ^ hueu', the soul. 'i Five. From -fj Uh, strength. Hence f£ u^, five ; §^ u'\ 1, we; |§ m^, to speak. I + fifty. ( U the Five Grains ; corn ; cereals. I 'i] 115 the feast of Pentecost. ^H^ Mutual ; together. /no I ^ mutually ; reciprocally. 71 A well. tsing Hence ^ keng^, to plough. Compare •j\ hong^, Joined hands. I ^ the side of a well. M. To fill. Universal. keng VOCABULARY A From fl iieli, tlie moon. Hence jUi heng", constant. C()Tn])iiro ^ tan\ sun- rise. Distinguish g hs'icn^, to revolve ; iuid ^ ///t'', mutual. \ -^ nM fVoniofold. c — \ A little ; a few. Sign of si'e the com})aratiYe. Hence J^ i.s-'z^, a defect; g^ i;6^^:\ wLisk- ers; ^ cVai-, firing; ^ tsi^, purple; lilt h't^, female of birds. iitL Iiafcrior. A character ■'*; //J/, six. .-t To flic ; to perisli ; to be uang lost. Hence g nang"^, reckless ; ■£" viang", bearded wheat; ,^ uaiKj", to forget; 'tt! man'/, busy; W „a»_^^ to hope. c"^ To commit to. To be /.iao intimate with. From ^ fn\ a father. Hence f^ klao-, artful; \i^ ino^ to bite; |^ /ti'acA to com- pare; f3^ /:mo^ to strangle; ^ hsiao\ to imitate ; ^ //5mo^ to toil. I i^ to hand over to. I ^ to entrust to. I ^ ^0 give over to. I ^^ to pay duty. I P^ to join battle. I fi to associate with. I -^ to blend ; have intercourse with. :-^ The last of the Twelve li^l Branches (jiii "JC) ; 9-11 p. m. Hence '-^hav, a child ; P^ Z:'e/i, a cough ; ^ Aai\ ought; ^ /leh, startled. I ^ between 9 and 10 o'clock p.m. -^^^ To receive. To enjoy. /tsiunr/ From p Jceo^, a mouth ; and -^ ts'P, a son. Hence "^ //e?z.(/", successful ; f$. chuen^, to reiterate; %% cJi'iien-, a quail; ||( shnen-, unmixed ; ^ iwe7i\ to em- pliasize. I ^ to accept ; receive. I ^g to enjoy happiness. c H% The metropolis ; a capital. Iclug From n Jceo^, an opening ; and jj, siao^, small. Hence J'^^ liang^, cool; ^^ /ioA, to plunder; -^ kiiif, prospect; |,^ ^/a?igf*, faithful. I ^P the capital city. Sru Light: bright; bright- Hang ness. From P Ic'eo^, a mouth ; and ^L ''O''.^'^ duties. Compare ^ lia^i-, to complete. I ^'d%ht. The 9th Radical. cy V A person ; a man ; a wo- ren man. Hence ts'hr, a prisoner ; ^ ^.^o"*, to sit ; ^ ?7iei-', each ; ^ s/^te'', a cottage. I ^ the people. I -? the Sou of Man. I i: H" ^ f^^ ordinary matter. p'uh To fiill to tlie earth. A VOCABULARY. From j> puJi, to divine. Hence ;f|* y/uli, plain; ^|^ p'uh, to push; ^\* iia'i^, outside; j^/(t*> to go to; |;^ /('S to au- iiounce a death. J §!) to fall down. c^ Now ; at present. I;in Hence ■^ nien^, to think ; ^ k'ln, a lute ; ^!^ ki)i^, overlap of a rohe ; |l^ in"^, to hum ; ^ k^Ui^, funeral clothes. I H to-day. I ^ the present life ; this generation. I ^^ to-uight. I H^ at the present time. I ^ the life tliat now is. I ^ ^ !^ the present and future life. c'j— ^ Benevolence ; liumanity. Ten Charity. From ~ ^■'?^ two. I ^ merciful and Just ; mercy. I ^ kindness. . I ^ compassion. m An enemy. Hatred. die From % Jciir, nine. Hence ^ suh, dawn ; .ff, kuei^, a rut ; ^ kiu\ to discuss ; j&^l kiu^, a pigeon. ■ I ^ an enemy, opponent ; a rival. -^^ Small. To be of import- kiai ance. Hence 5F kiai'^, mustard ; ^ Jdai^, a boundary ; ^ /biat'*, the itch. I ;^ to pay lieed to. IJ To command. An order. ling From P ^.si'e//, a joint, lleuce ^^^ Ie»g'\ cold ; -^ ming*, a command; ^^ /i/^i/^, to lead ; ^ /i"i/^ £i fragment. c\/J As before ; usual. re7ig From ^ na/'"^, is. Hence ^ «a/^, milk ; J73 re/;^^, to throw; <^ «i?i^ pregnant. [ ^ as before. [ ^ as usual. M H e, That. Another. ta From ^J^ ^■e^ also. Hence j,^ ^i*, earth ^ cA'^^ a pond ; ,|| c/i'r, spreading. 1 g^ his ; hers. I fp5 they ; them, \ mm A tliut fellow ! To hand over ; to commit to. From -sj- ts'ueit'^, an inch. Hence Jf^ /u^j^a prefecture ; p§ /tt*, near to ; fl|/arj 11^ peh, to anchor; ffl j^V//,, to strike ; j% ^^^^^j wealth. I I^U"^ nucles. I^j'^ Thou ; you. From *-• mih, to cover; and )]^ siao^ small. I n yon. I ^ ^ you, Sir, A VOCABI-LARY. c1t To stretch out. To re- jil To dwell ; to stop. Join- shen dress. cha ed to another verb, c/i'eM indicates completed ac- From ^ fiheu^, to state. Hence %\^ tion. shell", a spirit ; |^ sheu^, gentry ; jiljl k'lLv.n^, the earth. From ^ chw', a lord. Hence f^^ iiaiu/, towards; i^ cJin\ a ])iljar ; -^ [ ^ to stretch out the hand. c/iu*, to gaze on ; ^J chn^, to define ; j^ 1 % to redress a grievance. chu"^, a torch ; iJl;^ chti^, worm-eaten. I ^ to straighten. I J^ a dwelling place. I tii ?5j$ to stretch fortli. 1 M to dwell ; to live. 1 ^ to rest ; to put uj) for a time. iPj To wait upon. irt To protect. U'i From pj 5?.\ an officer. Hence )fip] i^-'i^, ill an ancestriil hall ; |^ tsi^, poetry ; f^ si^, From 7^ in*, the right hand. Hence to eat. IS i^A to protect. I ^ to wait upon. j0' Only; but. cM What? how? ' Ao ian From pj" Z:'o^ ma}% Hence ^pf /(o^, a From i5a?i.*, sunrise. Hence Jtg veri?, river ; PjiJ /taS to yawn ; [5pJ d^, a fiual a wall; |0 ia/i^ to dust; ^ ^a^i^ particle ; ^ /f:'o\ vexatious. courage. 1 A what man ; who ? I ^ l>nt. 1 ^ what concern ? 1 i^ ^ jlfc would that it might be so ! 1 iK what reason ? ^^L A seat; a, position. A 1 (gj what need ; why ? I VJJ how much more ? iiei particle indicating re- j ^ what's the hindrance ? why not ? spect. From :ijL lih, to set up. Hence ^ji la}, to pull; '^fi lih, a graiu ; ^ k'i^, to weep. J p) To make ; to do ; to act. tsoh J ^ rank ; position. From ^ cha*, at first. Hence ^ i^en^ t |Bi To liang or bow the head. how ; R^ tsoh, yesterday ; |^ c/ja'*, to deceive ; J;^ c/iaA, to fry ; ^ cAa/i, a vat. ti Low ; beneath. I fi ^ P^^"^^ *^*^ working. From Jg ii^, radical. Hence |£ ^i^ to I i to be king. resist; |a ^^^ the bottom; |S c/ii', paper. J ^ conduct ; behaviour. 1 ^ low-lying. 1 ^ to make a noise ; to tell. 1 BM to bow the head. I § to make a book. 10 5— G VOCABULARY. A 11 I ni tl ]al)(»ur. From JPJi t^, in order to. I :^ to (li-eani. I ^_ as though ; as if. I ^1 to make merry. I ,^; flf, MX evil doer. 1y\) Idleness ; ease. To err. 1 ^ ill. to do good ; aet Leuevoleutly. ih I ^ -^ to trade. From ^ s/iiTi, to lose. Hence ^ ticJi, I W (\^ a poet. to exchange; |^ c//?4, method; ||^ c/tz/i I M. 12 t^^ 1^^"''^" witness. a book wrapper.; ^^ ^/e/i, to stumble. I ffi ^ 11 to bear false witness. Mifi 1^ To employ ; to use. To J P To estimate ; to value. kio ■a/u seud. To cause. If; supposing. Read sld\ A messeuo;er. "Prom -^ Z; r', ancient. ITonce f^ /:/(\ o to liuv; ^ /;'«\ withered : ^jJf kii^, u girl ; From 1^ W, an ofiicer. Distinguish f|g ^ k'u^ bitter. Distinguish ^ !((', to aid. 2nen^, convenient. [ ^ to valne ; deeide a price. 1 ^ a messenger. I fit 1'^ value ; value. ] ^^ an apostle. \ l-l To usurp ; to take by force. I P^ to use ; to call. I 2^^ a, maid servant. chnii Used for j^. I # so that. Hence ^^ nieii\ fo ])ick up ; ^ fipu\ todi>grace; |i& r/un/', to paste U[) ; f^ iii')i\ un inn ; f:^ chan*, to stand ; ^ chaii^, ielt. tP A wore 1 used in names. kia From j[/p ^"a^ to add to. Hence ||ji 7.-('a', a caiigue ; -j][i A-'^/i'^, the egg plant; ^ /;/(tS a liuddhist surplice; ^ /ou<^, a Irame. >b' A comrade. 2)aii From ^^ pon^, a lifdf. Hence ^i p\m*, college pool ; J^' pail*, to mix ; ^'I- p'aiig*, fat; |^--;;a;<^, to trip; ^'ij 2^'a?i', to judge. I Irl a partner. to employ :i IP ^ iil tliat sin may be forgiven. c A^ To come. From /f; muh, wood. I ^ intercourse. I III: the life to come. I ^ future state of existence. I ;j; ^ too late. I 0§ T t'5 come late. I -f^ jiB to come late ; to be behind- hand. /[^ To supply. Togivcevid- koiiy ence. Read kow/. To oHer in worship. A VOCABULARY, 6—7 From it hong^, all. Hence ^ hong'"-, respectful r -jt ^-'i-, ''e ; ^% konrf, to bow ; ^ //o;i(7^ vast ; ^ hoitg^, to toast ; jUJ; liong\ to deceive. I ^^ to give to. I j^ to give for use, I i}^ offeriugs. I Ifj to offer to. I M to fnrnisli. I ^ to miuster to ; to supply. To wear at tlie waist. To r>'tii respect. From J\^ fan-, allj and Jjj /.■iu\ a kerchief. I W* to wear ; to adorn. I ^g to respect ; to have confidence in. tang To pretend. False. ?jL Straightforward. From P k^eo^, a mouth; and Jlj cli aa)i^, flowing streams. I t% ''^'ith confidence. -, to c \^ Extravagant. ch'i From ^ td^, much. Hence move. A reo;ulation ; law. From 5?iJ lirli, to arrange. Hence ^J Hell, fierce ; ^ //tV/, to split. #' 67ii To serve ; to wait upon. From ^ iang^, sheep. Hence \^ icvKj", the ocean ; )ji^ ta'taiig-, lucky ; |^ U'iaiuf, in detail; ^ iu^^*, sickness; ^ iang"', to nourish. c ji Beautifr iful ; o'ood. In From ^ huei^, a sceptre. Hence f^ c7t«i^, an awl; i^ chaen^, to grant; '{^ liuai'^, a river; '['^ uel', only; l}(^ ^tei", a curtain ; |^ slnii', who. I /fc valuable wood. J7U To provoke. Kead t'lao^. tlao Young. From >y^ chao'^, an omen. Hence ^j^ t'ao^, a. peach ; ^^ fao'\ to wail ; ^^ t'iao^, ,to carry; ^j^ i'/rto', to jump; ^ ^'ao", to fiee. From ^ 67"^, a mosque. Hence ^^ tai^, to treat; f^ shi^ to trust ; J|^ i7;z-, time ; ^ c/iT-, to seize; ^ /i't;/*-, pui-pose- ly ; '0 tiki \ a poem. I ^ to attend on. I ^ to be in attendance. M To follow ; to comply with. To trust to. From ^ i'^, clothes. { ^ to follow ; to obey. I M to trust ; to depend on. '# To insult. From || mei^, each. Hence '|]^ hiieP, to repent ; ^ hai^, the sea; |^ //lei^, a plum; ^. 7?iei-, mildew; %% Imcv^ to teach ; 11^ huei ^, dark. I ti to insult. 12 VOCABl'LATiV, 1:31 Coiiveuient. Ordiuary. pieii 'J'lien ; in that case. Bead i)ieitr. Cheap. From |g henri^, to change. Hence f^ 2->'n')i\ :i whip ; |i« leiig'^, wilful ; ]S|^ //(y^ liaid. DisLinguish ^ alif', to send. I 'm convenient. I !a: cheap. I Ul ordinary food. I "J a linal expres.siou — very well, etc. \X^ J Vulgar ; common. From IQ I'uh, a valley. TTence f^ inh, it) hathe ; '^j\ inh, to desire ; :^'[> k'iuh, but ; ^^ ?t^, affluencf. I |g a proverh. I f^ commou sayings. j ^ common affairs. iTfC To protect ; to nourish. 2>uo To stand as surety ; to guarantee. From ^ ta'i^, silly. I ffi to protect. I ^ to preserve intact. I II to guard. [ ^ to nomish. I tR a houd ; a guarantee. I M M the Comforter. \ jzi To believe ; to trust. A ni letter. Sincerity. From "g" ien-, Avords. I ]\\i to trust. I ,i^hiith. I ^^ news ; intelligence. I ^^^ to believe and obey. ( fig faith ; sincerity. I ^ to helieve and serve. I ^ trustworthy. I #] to believe and receive. c j«^ To repair ; to reoulate. 6/(6 To reform, interchang- ed with f[ff. From 3^ ch \ to hallow ; and ^ .s-au\ feathers. Compure f^^ t'iau-, a lenglli ; '^ /ico*, to wait. I [it to make straight. I Jig to repair ; to prune. I >\j to reform the heart. ! tip to repair and adorn. I 5a to build ; to construct. I ^ to write a letter. heo A marquis. From X ^'^o)i(j'^, labour; and ^ sJif\ nn arrow. Hence t^* /teo'\ a monkey ; P^ hdr, the throat. Distinguish ^ heo^, to wait. j fi^ marcpiis and earl ; a noble. c L^ To encroach. To appro- ta'iii priate. From ^ ti^iii'^, to sweep with the hand. Hence ^^ ^^'I'/i^, to soak. I ^ to appropriate for one's private use. \/\\ To belong to. To be ; /'■ii is ; are. From ^ //al*, connection. Hence ^ sucii^, grandson. ifjXi Sudden ; momentary. From ^ o'', I. Hence R|]^ o", to cliant ; '^ll u\ the tilkworm moth ; ^ o\ hungry. 13 A 9 VOCABULARY. 1^ HaDclsome ; elegant. tsiiui From ^ suln/^, exnlted. Hence g^ siiau'^, sour; P^ -so^ to incite. I ^ refined and elegant ; handsome. To bow down. From }{f f/i^, a prefecture. TTence f^ fn\ to entrust; f^j/"^ I'otten; |f /'i'', the viscera. I ^ to prostrate. A numerary adjunct. /^^^ From jgl kw^, firm. I (0 ^ ^ each one possesses it c jj J Sign of the plural. Used vion- of persons only. From P^ mar, a door. Kence ^ men*, sorrow; ifj ^^^^''^^ to feel; \S^ uoi-*, to ask. ^Ij To fall over. On tlie con- tao trary.; but. itcad ?;«o\ To pour out. From JiJ tao*, to reach. \ fi to fill fall. I i^f| to fall— as a biiildino- ; t^) fall in rains. I II t.) fall dead. I X^ ^11 hut yon can't do bettor than . . . I §1] 7K P^'i'ii" '^'^^^ some boiling- water. | ts'ang U jjP] If; supposing. Vang From fj^ f^hauc/, yet. Hence ||^ t'ang^, to recline; '^^j fang^, to flow; ^ t'ang^, a hall; ^ .s//a»/, clotiies ; ^ aiiang^, to reward; ^ iaiiy^, ought. 1 ^ supposiuo'. I ^ if ; should it be. To Avait. To enquire hco after. From X ^ong^, a labourer ; and ^ shv", a dart. Distinguish ^ /teu", a marquis^ I ^ to wait for otfice. jpj To rely on ; to trust to. i From ^ /."'i^^ strange. H(mce ,^ ^^'r, to ride ; || i'^, a chair ; il|| /;'i', rugged ; ^ fci*, to send. 1 ^ to trust to. I ^ to rely upou. j ^ to de})eud on. j4i^ Tired ; weary. From ^ ^'/e//*, a roll. Hence ^' /viie//^, to roll up ; 0§ h'ien'^, to look back ou ; 1^ liiieii^, a circle. ,,1;J^ All; the whole. Every. led Used with M.. From ^ X'Y*, prepared. 1 ^ each ; all. 1 ff all complete. ^ A granary. 8—9 YOCABI'I,ARY. A 9 Fjom P Iceo"^, a moutli ; nnd ^ sJi'ih, to eat (contracted). Hence |g- tn'iang'^, a guu ; ^^ tHa})(/, ship's hold : Jf ta'iang^, to rob; ^ ts\i)ig^, azure; ^ cU'iKfucj'^, ii boil. ] ^ a storeliouse. |p Doiil)lc; to double. To iJ'-'i increase. From ^ /)et^, to spit. Hence ^ij ^)Vo", to halve; ■^) pu^ u chiss ; p,g Jj'ei'^ to make up; J;^ 2'^^'*i ^o ^''X over a fire; J* _^/ci'^, to cultivate; j^ j:»'«i^ to entertain. 1P To borrow. To lend. To tde avail of. From ^ .si/z, formerly. Hence ij^ si/?, to pity: f§ ta'o*, wrong; ^ ^6-'o^, to j)lace; @^ i^-'n^, vinegar. J "^ to bon'ow. I ^ to beg a ludgiug. cliih ) Value ; price. From ii[ c/Zi/i, straight. Hence -^ c/iii* to arrange ; ^ c/i'i/i, to plant. /^ n™ Constant; regular. Na- Z»e;i tural relationships. From -^ Z;ffc7i2^ to arrange. Hence |^ luen'^^ to discuss ; |§ luen^, a wheel ; ^ luen\ to gulp down ; ^ Zue?r, an eddy. w To make. To be. To ^•so act as. From ^ Z:'i*, a cause. Compare {^ Ait^, to value. I *^ to be a magistrate. I ZC ^ to work. I /^ J^ unable to accomplish. Ij / To steal ; to pilfer. 4^ I Stealthily. r'co Fiom •^ ?'-, to respond. Hence ^ ii\ to lioal ; Hi !/^ an edict ; % v\ a pu- i-able ; ^ ^-hn^, to lose; ^|^ /r, to overpass. Distinguish fjjjj ^/a^?i", relationships. I ;^ W to steal. I ^ to ])ilfer ; to steal. I A. to enter slyly. 1P1 F. also. To pretend. To kia borrow. If. Read kia^. Leave of absence. From ^ k'a\ deceptive. Hence HI hsicr, a blemish ; 11|5 /isUv, leisure ; 5^ /isia", remote. Distinguish |^ tuan'^, a section. I M f'^l'^e intent. I ^ if ; supposing. I ^ to pretend to l)e. I ^n supposing that. I ^' ^ # to pretend to be good ; to act the hypocrite. (iffl Inclined to one side. Par- 2>'icn tial; prejudiced. Deter- mined, in a bad sense. From Jfj pien^, flat. Hence ^ p'ien^, a section ; ^ pien^, a tablet ; 5§ inen*, everywhere ; i^ 2^'^^"'^^ to plait. I 515 depraved. I f# A to treat others with favouritism. I ^ B M. to hold one's ow-n opinion perversely. I ^ ^ "a to study words of no profit. (J*^ To stop ; to desist ; to t'iiuj delay. Suitable. From ^ fing\ a pavilion. 15 A VOCABULARY. 9—11 I i± to stop. I it to cease. I fi^ to anchor. Strong ; robust. From ^ ^/e?i*, to establish. I ^ liearty ; iu go<3cl health. \\^ Accidental. An image. eo A mate ; to mate. From ^j ?7% a monkey. Hence '^ n\ fo dwell ; j^^ i'\ to meet; ,^, fr, stupid ; ^ wa?i^ ten ihoustuid ; |^ to^ a pair; f^ ^2, a corner. I ^ an image ; an idol. A tea(;her. From "i" /»^ the first; and -ij- f6-'ue?i^ an inch. Hence \^ 'poh, extensivp; J]^ poll, the armpit ; ^ ^^^^^j ^^"" 5 ?^ P^'-*^ an account book. JJislinguish f^ ch'uaii^, to preach. 4i Furniture ; tools. From ^ kia'^, a family. Hence ^ ^''a\ liarvcst ; ^ /u'a^, to marry a husband. [ ^ tools ; household utensils, etc. s The side : the side of. 2')'ang Near. Used with ^. Hence |^ pang'^, to slander ; |^ panr/, a list; ^§ pang\ to propel ; }j§ p'f"i^^ the groin. c 1^^ To propagate ; to hand diuan down ; to preach. To summon. From ^ chnaii^, special. Hence f^ t''ii(Vi'\ to loll ; fl clinair\ to turn; .jj.^ chncui\ a brick ; gj t' aair, a ball. Dis- tinguish f^/a*, a teacher. I Wc to proiunlgute religion. I ^ to preach. I pM ^o preax'h everywhere. I 1?^ to spread. I J^ to hand down ; to receive. I l: to herald. I T" ^^ t*^ hand down. 1 ^M '"h to preach the gospel. I M ^ "T to preach in every part. •fl'^ ,p , ., f'^T, (' J-O prepare ; to provide. OT ) To complete. From ^ pei\ to prepare. c j^^ To injure ; to wound. To shang grieve. Fi'om '^ shang^, to injure. Hence y^ shang^, to die young. Compare |^ myjc/^, to spread ; [5^ i«?if/-, the sun. JK. to catch cold. »i^> grieved ; grieved in spirit. f^ to injure ; damage. ^ to wound. ^ scars of wounds. ^^ to injure. ^ pain of a wound. i^ to spoil ; to ruin. ^ >C> 2j^ to be grieved in spirit. (1^ To upset. From t^ h'ing'^, an instant. I f^ to overturn. I M, to turn over. I M to destroy. 16 11—13 VOCABULARY. A '.» M ^ To urge ; to press. til lib Fi-diii ^'^ ts'iii^, a high mouutain. Hence ^H ^6"((/\ lo repress. Arrogant ; proud. From fj'ji ao"^, tall. Hence f< ao", to boil ; 5i ao-, to rfimble ; ^ c/iuf, verbose. I fS disrespectful. ^1 A debt ; to Le in del)t. ckai From ^ tseJi, to reprove. Hence ^ tsih, to hoard ; |^ tsik, to spiu ; U ^67'/;, foot marks. j ^ u creditor. Barely ; scarcely. Fiom ^ /.-//i^, few. Hence H /a'u^, diligent ; f£ kln^, a dearth. I barely able to. I f 6^ only just. 1^^ Appearauce; resemblauce. aiaiuj Like; similar. An image. From ^ siang'^, an elephant. Com- pare J^ 'V-i, to prepare ; ^f^ siang^, chestnut oak. [ ^ like him. 1 1^ appearance. 1^5 A slave; a servant. From 1^ 7>/i, an inhoritanco, (idtered). Hence ■\^yuJi, plain ; ^^liuh, to strike. I A a slave. I iS. male and female slaves. W Toa.s assume ; to usurp. Uioi From ^ ?r, not ; and Q rA//, a day. Compare pg /.sa;/"*, to praise. Hence ^J$ tsau^, a hair pin ; || U'aii^, silk worm ; jI^ Wien^y to abscond. I ^ blasphemy. I j^ to overstep. \/^ False ; simulated. From ^ iiei', to do. 1st Price ; value. kia From ^ ^/;^, a trader. Compare "^ ma/^, to sell ; ^ ch'aiig', to re pa}'. 1 ^ l'"ce. 1 ^ price iu silver ; value. lAlf, Mean. Secluded. 2 //A Froai Jg^ p'//), perverse. Hence 5^ pi*, to avoid ; ^ p'i'', to compai-e ; '^ ^jei'*, fore-arm ; ^ pih, a partition ; ^ pih, a gem. I f^ out-of-the-way ; lonely. c 1^ Ceremonies ; usages. Dc- i portment. From ^ {\ moral. Hence f^ t'*, to criticise; ft /^ an ant. I ^ outward ceremonial ; raauners. JL 10 VOCABULARY. 13—15 To warn ; to caution. From f^ Icing*, to respect. Hence ^ king'^, to alarm. I ^ to caution. j ^ to arouse ; to awaken. 1 Si ^ ^ to admonish without weari- ness. iIIhL The uttermost ; the ut- tsin most. All. Used with ^. Hence '^ tsin'^, embers. j ^ with all one's might ; to do one's best. nft "^^ repay ; to make resti- ch'ang tution. From 1^ sham/, to reward- I ^ to restore. The 10th Radical. JL ren Compare J\^ JcP, a table. c / t^ A man ren JvJ To grant ; allow ; permit. iiin From J^ s'l^, selfish. I ^ ^■o grant. cjC The first; the head uen chief. FroTi) ~ r?4, two. Hence ^ finisb ; 3^ nan\ to sport ; ; perverse. I # the head ; the leader. the an", to c /U A brother ; an elder bro- hsiong ther. A senior. Used as a term of respect. From p k'eo^, a moutb. Hence ^ k'uang\ still; |^ chiih, to bless; ^£ c//eo*, to curse. I ^ a senior ; Sir. I ^ brother ; brethren. I -^ a conventional phrase=" You, Sir." m To fill up ; to satisfy. To ch'ong act in place of. From -i- t'eo"^, above. Hence |jg fojir/, all ; 1^ ch'ong\ a blunderbuss. I Jg, ample. I ^^full ; to fill. I ^ replete ; abundant. I ^ to satisfy one's hunger. .^ First ; foremost. Before former. From ^ niu^, an ox. Hence ^ Si% to wash ; ^ tsaii^, to aid. I -IJ formerly. I IJ. ancestors. I ^ a prophet. I ^ teacher ; sir. I ^ij to arrive first. I M ^ ^ fai" seeing ; intelligent. (Jd Li,f>'ht ; favour ; brightness. huang Bare ; naked ; alone. Hence §;^ Jciiang^, a bladder. I 'Jtg flame. I PJ bright. I ^ brilliant ; splendid. [ ^ 18 4—12 VOCABULARY. A n I "^ prospect ; cirouiustauccs ; about I n i^-t. 1 ^^ To illuiniue. I IP to pardon sins. 1 [^ time. I ^ 1* i^utivoidable. 1 ^ gloi'y ; splendour. ^, To be able to. To subdue. 1 55$ spleudid. 1 ^ glorious ; gay. /c'eh y\^ A sign ; au omen From -j^ ^u\ ancient. Hence ^ k'eh, to subdufj 7^ /i;artu\ a crown. chdo 1 £, to deny self ; self-control. Hence ^j^ fiao^, to carry, ^j^ t'iao'^ , to jump ; j^ ^'flo2, to escape ; ^|S peach : ^^ i'ao^ to wail. t'ao" , a c/U A son ; a child. Added ri to many nouns. 1 Si a prognostic. From [^ kill*, a mortar. Hence |^ .ItU Cruel; fierce; 77^ao^ appearance; {^ ni", young. violent. 1 5^ sons and daughters. hsionij Used with [X|. 1 ^, cliildren and graudchildren. Hence ^ hsio)u/, the bosom. I -^ sous. I IB 6^'il ; cruel. 1 ^ cruel murder. ^Xd To fear. 1 :^ a murderer. /iji/i^ 1 g* l>ad language ; threats. From ^ k'eh, to subdue. Distinguish I ^ malignant. ||f king*, to quarrel. j J£ violent ; cruel. The Uth Radical. 1 ^ savage. -Q*' y\,, To enter. _7U To exchange ; to barter. ?'(i/i tui Distinguish A ren^, a man. From /^ iieii^. a marsh. Hence 1^ I g one of the Chinese tones. ijeh, to })lease ; ^ foh, to cast off ; f^ s7io/?, to speak; j^ s/i(u'*, taxes; ^ 2/e/i, 1 ^k to become a church member. to inspect. I P^ to enter the door ; to make a beoiuuino'. 1 f^ IS ^ to cliange silver. o o J^ To avoid ; to esca pe. To j/Vj Within ; among. A wife. 11 ui viien remit ; to spare From P k'ioJig^, an enclosure. Hence Hence B^ 7ia)r', evening; ^ mien'' , a ^^ ')in/t, to accept; [^ jnng^, a stem. crown ; ^ mieiv', to encourage ; i^ em?/^ Compare jfij reo'^, footprmt ; |^ nth, flesh ; to regain. P^ ?ia/i, to cry out. 19 A 12 YOCABUI.ART. 2-6 I tfj witliin ; among. I ^\^ inside and out. f ii^> the affections. I ji^ g a eluimberlaiu waitiuo:. official in TV Czil Perfect ; entire. To com- t^'den plete. All ; the whole. From 5 i^<^»ff, ^ king. Hence ^ ts'iien", to heal; f^ ^i-'wor, to defiue; j^ shiuin'^, to tie up. I ^ eutirel}^ ; completely. I ^ the whole country. Two. An ounce. Hang Hence ^ llanr/, a pair of wheels Compare ]^ /r', rain; "jfij rr, and. I fl two. I "^ t"^*^ years ; two years' old. I f^ cUfferent ; two kinds. \ T» both sides or jiarties. f 1^ two alternatives. I M. i^. t'^o fishes. I H f@ A two or three men. I ^ ^ )lg two suits of clothes. I il ^ Fe3 ^^ '^ dilemma. I it 1^ ft two epistles. The 12tii PtADiCAL. >/V) Eight. fall Hence ^ fen^, to divide; ^ ^/(P, only; fAp'rt^, to climb. I ^j^ the Eig-ht Diagrams— a charm. TV < -^ Puldic. Fair; just ; equal. ^•o"y A duke. Male. From X\ *^^ pnvate. Hence ^ song^, the pine tree ; ^ <'^""g'*, to praise ; Ij^ ^o?2_^^ a centipede ; |^ soiig"^, litigation. I 2^ fidr ; just. I ^ a law court. I j^ for the use of all. I -^ a church ; a public assembly. I pjj a public place : an ofiice. ^>, Six. luh From -i- i'eo-, above. Compare ^ hsiieh, a cave. 1 +^ixty. >► > All ; collectively. kong Hence ^jt kong^, a respectful bow ; fii hong^, an ofiering; ^t iiontf, vast; ;);it hong'^, to warm ; Pit hong^, to cheat. 1^ c>^^ A soldier; troops; mili- i>i"g' tary. From ^ /:'iit\ Confucius. Compare ^ ioh, wife's parents ; JE /;'ui\ a mound. I -J soldiers. I ^ a gun-boat. I ^ military weapons. iHl He; she; it. They. This; Jii that. A relative and personal pronoun. From 'y A-«?i\ sweet. Hence ^ ^i^, a foundation; Itji^ si^, this; ^ k'i^, period; ^ /;ii, dust-pan; ^R. k'i\ chess; ^ /:'iS to defraud. [ ^ but ; really. I J; alone ; upon'*it. I ^ next in order. I 4* i^ the midst ; among. I 1^ the residue ; surplus. 20 VOCABULARY. ; li -:^^ A utoiisil. rrcparcd. k'l All ; the wliolc. From muh, the eye; and — Ui, one. Hence fjl ka^^ the whole. 'JUL ^i* A statute ; a code. To tie)i mortgage. From ^ Iciih, crookod. Compare {i| iu'^, from ; ^ ming^, a vessel. I If ritual ; ceremony. I M "? to mortgage a house. Thk 13th Radical. I J A limit. k^ ioiig Compare ^ nui^, witliin ; [^ t'oiu/^ with j ]ij red~, a footprint. yj/j ) A register ; a list. tii'eh Honco If chah, a railin.i^; ^ sJiaii^, coral; |ij ,/,auS to pare. Distinguish ||lj shan^, to correct. I ^ register. TT" Again ; repeated. Then. tsat Before a negative adds emplvdsis. From 2 naiig", a king. Compare "g* /^e"*, first. I 'i to go again. j ^ to come again. I 1^ to speak again ; to defer a matter. I H repeatedly ; over and over again. I ^ furthermore ; introduces a new subject. PI To feign. To risk. mao From {3 vui/i, an eye. Hence ijiQ mao*, a cap. I ^ to take another's name falsely. I 5E to brave deatJi. I ^ to dare danger. ;^%^ A crown ; a diadem. 7ineJi From ^ mien^, to remit. Compare ^ l> 4 11-. ' -^^ t u , a rabbit. The 14th Radical. 9?l iVt j A cover. Compare ^^ mierir, a roof ; -*- ^'eo^, above. cTti A cap. Read huan\ To /'?«a)i cap ; to excel. From ^ 'ie7i^, the chief ; and if ts'uen'^, an inch. I ^ a cruwu. • The 15th Radical. m Ice ; icicle. piUfJ Hence 7^ ts'i*, a series. [ l^ as cold as ice. c A> Winter ; the eleventli tuny moon. From ^ cJn\ to follow. Hence if-^ chong\ fiualiy; -^ t'eng-, to ache. 21 Jl 16 VOCAEULAKT, 3-15 I 5c winter. I ^ the winter solstice. I ^ the eleventh month. (Y ^ To clash against. To pour diong over ; iufuse. From 4* choug'^, to hit the marlc. Hence ff|i chong^, a second brother ; ,^ cJiong'^, lujal ; _^ chong^, a cup ; ^ chough, feelings. I ^ to destroy by a rush of water. Y^ 1 To sentence ; decide. ^j^H Decidedly. Before ne- 1^ J gatives adds emphasis. /meh From ^ kiiai^, certain. Hence f^ Jc'uai^, quick ; ^ /i';Wi, deficient ; ^ ^urf//, a secret. I ^ to determine. I ^ certain to lie destroyed ; decided. I /j> on no account. "C/L 1^1 addition ; moreover. k'uang How mueli more ? From 5£ ^isioiig^, a brother. Hence |^ c/ii£/i, to pray for blessing. Cool ; cold. To cool. From T^ Jd)ig'^, a metropolis. Hence I5J Zio/i, 10 rob; |,^ liang'^, faithful; 7^ kiiig^, prospect. \rt-ti c Pure; clean. Entirely. #[ taing From ^ Ueng^, to quarrel. Hence ^'p= tseng'^, to nerve up; ^ tsing'^, quiet ; g^ tseng^, to open the eyes ; ^ tse)ig^, a kit«. perfectly clean ; entirely. To be rude to ; to annoy .; to porofane. From ^ mrii\ to sell. Hence ^^ tuh, a calf; |J[ su/d, to succeed to ; U ^zt/i, to study. The 16th Radical. y L A bench. Hence t:JL ^*i^ f'' niachlue; |1[, A-i\ hun- gry. Compare )\j ren^, a man. 22 1—11 VOCABULARY. 71 18 c/Li All ; common ; general. fan From > tien^, a dot. Compare % nan\ a pill ; jl Idu\ nine ; \Ji hsin\ a guard station ; jg hsiUn^ quick ; ljljL/«'^\ a sail. I ^ all matters ; everytliiti.ii-. I ti liil 6vf all who believe iu bim. teng -^^ A stool ; a bench. Tn- From ^ ie?i^\ to ascend. Hence teng^, a lamp; |1 cheng^, evidence; ch'en% limpid; {f te)ig\ a plinth; eng*, a stirrup. I -^ a stool ; a form. The 17th Radical. I — I A receptacle. Compare llj shan^, a hill. cV^ Cruel; unfortunate. hsionff tercbanged Avith ^ ] ^ a mm-derer. I ^ to kill ; murder. fill 3 To come out ; to go out ; ch'tih to proceed. From ll] sJian^, a hill. Hence J^ ^•^//(' to stoop; ^lii chiieh, stupid; i{5 cA'«//, to degrade. I 1^ to manifest ; appear. I ^1^ to go on a joiu-ney. I ^ famous. I i^ to marry — of a woman. I ^ to go out. I -^ strange ; marvellous. I M pi'odnce ; ])r()duct. I ij)l to go out of the city. I M A to emanate from men. The 18rH Radical. A kuife ; a sword ; razor. A quire of paper. Hence ^ fu^, to bear ; pjf] t'ao^, loqua- cious ; ^ ti>''ic^, the beginning. I ^ll swords. I 1^ swords aud staves. ^' An edrre. A two-edofed ren tool or w^eapon. From > tieu^, a spot. Hence jg^ ?-e)i\ to endure ; {^ ^*e»S a measure ; ^ reW^, to recognize- c^ To divide; share. Read fen feii^. A part ; a tenth. Interchanged with (^ . From TV pall, eight. Hence ^ p'en"^, a bowl ; ^^^ fen^, confused ; ^ p'«u"", poor ; ^ cJici*, forked ; P^ fen^, to command ; ^/en', powder; ^, fen*, anger. J f^ to command ; a command. I ^ to quarrel. I ^ to scatter. I ^ part of a principality ; used for " Tetrarch." I 1^ to divide ; to separate. I ^V beyond bounds ; excessive. I ^ to depute ; appoint. I Wt to explain. I ^ to distinguish ; to discriminate. I |jp to state in detail. I ^ right ; in duty bound. 23 71 18 VOCABULARY. 2 I I g measure. I ^ divided up ; should be ; fitting. I li)J clearly ; evidently. I ^ the least part. I r*j i^ ^ to form parties ; schism. I >'^^ '^ ^ i^ keeping with the fitness of things. I ^ ^ ^ ^0 divide into various shares. I ^' ^ J^ divided into two branches ; two courses. '^J :, To slice; to mince. Ur- tis'ie/i gent ; earnestly. Be- fore a negative adds emphasis. From ^ tft^iJ/, seven. Compare Icong^, merit ; $^ tn'l'^, to build a wail. I >ti> ni'gently. I ^ genuine. I "jif to gnash the teeth. 7JJ To arrauo-e in ord( To enumerate. Each one. Hence -j^i] li'^, a law; 5"!] Heh, fierce ; ^ lie/i, to crack ; |I^!J Iieh, u final particle. I 'fiL i^ll you gentlemen. I fiR successive ancestors. m lining To punish ; punishment. From Jp f.^'ien^, even. Hence §5 hsing"^, a mould; jfil /;.''^'^\ a thorn. I 6^ punishment ; to punish. I M. instruments of punishment. I j^ a rod of correction. U a The beginning ; first. From ^ i^, clothes. Hence \^J] t'ao^, loquacious. I ^ on first nrrival. I ?^ on the first occasion. I '^K first-ripe, I ' V Ji^^t and 15th of the month. To divide ; to judge. ]) an From i{5 jjaii'^, half. Hence f\^ pan'^, companion ; ^^ pan^, to trip ; |g p^an'^, to rebel ; ^^- ]>a7i^, to mix ; fl^ p\iii(/^, fat. Compare jj^ pien"^, to discriminate. I ^r to decide ; to judge. I S to give judgment. ^'J) To discriminate; to dis- pieli tinguish. Other ; an- other. To part. From ^ Unr/, besides. Compare f^ knai^, a staff; |g kucii^ to decoy; ^llj ^m/i, eight. I A other people. I j^ another place. j "J to leave ; say " good-bye." 1 II other kinds. 1 (]^ other ; another. 4^!j Profit ; gain ; advantage ; li interest. Sharp. From ^ ho~, grain. Hence i$] li\ clever; ^ li\ dysentery; ^ li% pear. Compare ^ li^, a plough. I II profit. J ^ severe. I ,% profit ; interest. 24 5—8 VOCABULARY. 71 18 ^ advtiuta,t;-e ; beueiit. ^ to bcuetit oueself. To cut ; to cancel. ihail From -01] t.^\h, a resistor, lleiice li clia/i, a railing ; Ji aJuta^, coral. I (l| to abridge. SE'J To arrive at ; To reacli. tao To (a place). From g c/u^ to reach. Hence fj iaa^, to upset. I IS after all ; to the bottom ; to the eiid. I "]* liaviug arrived. I M everywhere. I T fi* ^'■^ arrive at oue's post. I T ix W 1^^^* 1^^ arrived ? i^lj) To engrave. Grasping. Iccli A short time. From ^ /lai*. 9 to 11 p.m. Hence ^ 7tai-, a cliild k'eh, >ush i^ fcui\ should; ^ hell, kernel; -^ /iar', buues tf the body; ,|^ /^eA, to scare. I *^ to engrave. I ^ stingy ; mean. ifjij' Tor eo;nlate ; a law. da Said to" be from ^ uc'i^, not yet, (altered). Hence ^ cAz^ to make ; ^ c'A'e/i, to draw lots. I f^ to restrain ; to rule. 4^ 'J To stab ; to pierce. From JjX i'^i't^ a thorn. llcnco ^ i6''fc7t, a plan. I j^ to stab through. I A to pierce. H'L To slice; to pare. From 'f^ s^'ao^ roserahling. Henee ^^ sJiao^, U) carry ; ^'^5' siao^, to melt ; f^ aiao*, to ridicule; f^' .siao^, saltpetre ; fj^ shao'', a liule ; i^'[^ aiao^y a scabbard. I ^^ to slice oil' ; to pare. I ^ to sharpen a pencil. c rjij Formerly ; before ; in front tiy'ien of. Hence ^ ^s/V/^^^ scissors ; ^ tsioi^, an arrow ; T][( iaieii'^, to fry ; ^ t^icn'', to destroy. [ ■^ in the front. I "g former words ; jirophecy. I 3?^ the day before yesterday. c^lj To cut; to cut out; to uun scoop. Also read ua^. Interchanged with ^\]. From ^ uan^, obliging. Hence j.^ uan\ docile ; ^ uau^, u dish ; }J|i iiaii^, the wrist. I ffi ^e to pluck out. Rccentl y ; just now, huKj Hard ; unyielding. From [^ hing^, a hillock. Hence ^^ kiuf/, steel; ^Ipij ^a»y\ a jar; |i /; n/y^, a principle. Compare ,#] uan]^ yei^, to fire; i§ p'ei^ to culti- vate; ^^ p'ei^ to indemnify; j^ V^t!", to entertain. , I PI to cut open. i^lj) To flay; to peel. yoh From ^ ZzJz., to carve. Hence ||^ Zu/?, happiness; l^ hih, jasper; §§, luh, to record ; ^ Zu/i, green» c-^ll I Scissors. To cut witli 5g>3 J scissors ; to exter- Uicn minate. From "lyf ts^ien^, before. Hence "^ tsien}, to fry ; ^ tsien*, an arrow. I ^ to exterminate. flj' m sheng From ^ chJencf, to avail of. f T left over. I ^ ^ how much is over ? ^y ) To cut ; to hack ; to reap. koh From ^ /^a^■^ to injure. Hence §§ hsiah, blind ; ^ hsiah, to goveru. I Id circumcision. A residue ; overplus. I §^ tr) cut open. I T ^ to cut down. I ^ -? to reap wheat. To create ; to make. c/i' ua)i(/ From ^ ts'cnig^, a granarj'. Hence :^ ts'iaiig^, a spear ; H tsiang^, to snatch. I jflC to found ; to begin. \ ^ ^"^ from tite creation of the world. pIs^'J To destroy ; to attack. tsiao From ^ cliao", a nest. Hence §j[ tsiad^, to destroy. I M to exterminate. ^ij' A sword. kieii From ^ ^s'/e»\ all. Hence H i's'/Vn\ slips ; |5^ hsieu^, dangerous ; (^ /a'e?!-'', frugal ; |^ ^-'V^r^ to restrain ; ;|=^ lien^, face ; ^ ?e;i^, to verify. ^'J To cut ; to amputate. kaei From -^ hnei^, able. Hence ff /iwci*, to embroider ; ^ ?/e/*, a herb. I i^ ^ an executioner. The 19th Radical. lih > Strength ; force ; power. Hence ^ Ung^, besides ; ^ isic*, to help ; ijj ill}, immature; ]])} le//, ribs; ^ leh, infirm ; ^ leh, tu restram. j ;g strength. 26 1—9 VOCABULARY, :;j 19 M k'ta To adJ to : to increase. ^/fJ. From P k'ro'^, fi mouth. ILmico ^ Jciu'^, a frame ; 5^ kia^, a name; ^ kid^f to ride ; ^ Jw^, to coiigi-atulate ; ;i^JD kia^, ■\voodeu collar ; ^ kia^, Buddhist surplice. I fn ^t) add to ; to add one degree. I i^ to augiueut : to increase. >^J Merit ; meritorious. Effi- k^ni/ cacy. From X k)n(/^, ];il)our. Hence jj^ konff'^, to assault; ^ Fo7uj\ empty; ^X hou(/, red; fX '^'^'"/A to curry; i^J. h.ouj^^ a pule; j{X ktdii//'^, a river. I ^ effect ; result. I ^ outcome ; finale. W To. ud ; help. From jg^ f.s-'i"t^, yet. Hence |]i /5.s''»"^ coarse; |§_ tsn^, ancestors; ^ tmi^, rent BB ii'^^^ lo hinder. j;^ J exert mo to strive. From ^]J ni(-, a slave. Hence ^ uu", a crossbow ; ^ fantj^, treasury ; '^ nu^, anger ; ^ ;ui-, to carry. I ij to put forth effort. Mji Labour; toil From ^ k i\ a sentence. Hence ^ ^' /^ to restram ; ^^ /c,(/^, a dog ; ffij /j.o^ a hook. 5 ^ hard toil. M Tour... to constrain. From ^ mieir, to remit. Hence ^ ?m>/^, to regain ; -^ mien\ a crown; ^ ^'u'*, a rabbit, I 5^. to compel. I J^ to urge ; to incite. I •)] to exert one's strength. ^^ Brave ; daring ; courage. io)i(/ From f^ io]i(/^, rising up. Hence jg, i'o»jf/\ to go througli ; ^ t'ouq*, pain ; :j;f^ t'om/, a cask; || 6w«_^*, to chant; '^ iong^, to bubble up. j -^ a valiant man. I W iiitrepid ; daring. To devote attention to. u j\Iu3t. From ^ me6~, a spear; and ^ sui^, to go slowly. Hence H ^^^ to gallop. I 1^^ indispensable. I ^^ must ; by all means. -py ) To bridle ; to restrain ; to ZtVi extort ; to force. From '^ koh, raw hide; ^ kh, infirm; ^ k'in'-^, diligent ; f]jj /e/i, ribs. I '^ to extort ; to force. I 5E to strangle, I ^ to demand ; to extort. ^JJ To move ; to start ; to toiifj sliake. From ;g chong'^, heavy. Hence "^ t^onc/*, to mourn ; )ji_ cJio)ig^, to swell ; |§ diong'^, to .'^ow. Compare >^ toug\ to understand ; ^ t'ong-, a child. 27 /-;j 20 TOCABULART. I ^ to be augi'Y. I ^ to stiu-t ; set out. I 7J to move swords ; to go to war. I p motion and rest. I ^ to lose one's temper. I iC> to excite the mind. \ J] ^\q begin war. }w To overcome ; to van- s/ieny quisli ; to excel. Su- perior to. From ^^ t'eng"", to rise. Hence |f i'^??^-, to transcribe ; 1% t'evg-, to mouut ; !"§ ^'e?j/^, rattan. I ^n niore than. I ^X superior to ; better tban. I i^ mucli-better than ; greatly superior. I T iS ^ ^° overcome the world. cy^ To toil; suffer. Weary. lao To give trouble to. From ^ r7!^~, bright. Hence ^f /ao^, to drag; gf /c/o^, cousumption. Compare ^ /o«J-, glory. I ^ labour ; fatigue. I $i weary toil. I Hd to give trouble to. ^^ To summon ; to levy. mo From ^ ino/i, not. Hence ^ ijio/j, still ; 411 ^'^^"' ^ nio'lel ; ii% mo^, to feel for ; ^ mo\ to long for ; ^ /;ioS a grave; ^'mo'^, evening. y:f Power ; influence ; antbo- s/i< rity. Aspect ; circum- stances. From |jj^ /^, skill. Hence ife re//_, ho'. Compare ^ .si'e/i, to revile. I i} strength. I ^^ prospect ; aspect. I t|f>ny. c:^J Diligent ; iudustrious. li in From ^ Z;//<^, a few. Hence ^ barely ; ^ /j/h^, caref ul- I ^ taking pains. I |§ industrious; diligent. kln^, Wi From j^ Z/*, severe rrindstone. To uroje ; to iucite. Hence Si U\ a (^ To exhort ; to persuade ; ^"fl^ ( ^^ advise. k lien From |i h'lnn'^, a lieron. Hence JH hiaii^, to irrignte ; (tjf knan^, a jar ; i|| k'nen", authority ; '%{ linaii'^, happy. ^ to urge to reform. J^ to warn ; to advise to discontinue a wrong course of action. ^ to exhort to peace ; to make peace. ^ to encourage : to stimulate. ^ to call upon the people to subscribe. A to exhort others. The 20th Piadical. n c ^ To wrap. 2^10 Hence ^ kfl^, a sentence : ,^mJ ^''■"^ ^ foal ; 'gj h(>iini^, a decade. c V Equal ; in equal parts. From n ri^, two. Hence i^ kfi'ut^., equal ; |=| kilDi^, a weight ; ti5 ''^^'-'^S a rhyme. 28 2—3 vocAr-rLAnv. -p 24 c [jL ^ pnrcol. To wrap ; to pao incliulc. To uiKlcrtake. From E. f<<\ 0-11 a.m. JTonce f^ jifio-^, to s(.!ik : 1^ ;/flo2, a I'obo : li^ /^VuA to mil ; fg /jao-\ satisfK-d ; ^ pau\ to cinbrace ; j]]j^ pao\ uterine. I p to bmd the feet. I ^ to o-ild ; to plate. I § to be patient with ; make allow- aiiee for. I jttt ^ to wrnp up. I ^ ijlQ ^ Avrappecl iu a uapkin. ThI<: 21st PtADICAL. 'b A spoon. Hence J^ ni", a uun ; ^ clii^, a decree; Jj[j ^6^'i^ this ; 5E -5^^ to die. J U To smelt. To transform ; hua to influence; to change. From A ren", a man. Hence :^ lina^, flowers ; ^ /tr/^ goods ; ^^ o", to extort ; $;(t /i.sMt!^ boots. I ^\\ harbai'iau ; uucivilised. ^L) The north. To be defeated. p)ek Hence ^ pel'^, the back ; ^ pei^, a class. {^^ A spoon cA z spoon. A key. From ^ shi\ is. Hence -^ fr, a subject; i^ tl\ a dyke ; i^ fi\ to take up ; f^ U'\ to guard ngainst. The 22xd Radical, c I — .^ A box. ^ Hence [& /.^m??r/\ a workman ; ^ Icnan(/'^, a basket. AVorkman. From Jp /iZ/iV an axe. Uoncx^ ig /;;,j,'*^ near; j^ hsbi\ joyful; Jt/j /oui', strong. I A an artili(-er. Yao^abonds ; rebels. Not. /i-i Used with ^^. Hence ^^ fai^, a rank; ^ feP, to protect ; ^ ;;ei4, a generation ; || /ei^ a kino.fislier. I ^ a had class ; hlackg'uards. The 23rd Radical. J- l— To conceal. Hence ^j/ih, to pair ; £ w^'^?^", lost. 2)' ill One of a pair. N. A. Said to be from /\ pah, eight. Hence ^ shell*, very. The 24th Radical, 1^3 Ten. shih Hence -^ k L^, ancient ; jp tmr/, early ; ff s/t?//, lite of ten men ; -^f cJuh, juice ; ^1 chciii, a needle ; ff ki\ a phan. I :^ ten tenths ; perfectly ; the whole. I ^ M' superlatively good. I ^ ^ the cross. I ^ ;^ ^"<^^>i"G than ten years old. I fJI 5^ between ten and twenty days. I ^ ;^ >- a tenth. I ? lf-& n the jauctiun of cross i'oads. 29 P 26 VOCABULARY. 1—10 c 1 A tliousaud. From ^. /j^^i, a tablet ; ^ pe/\ to cause ; ]\% p't", temper ; ^ pi'^, a maid tsien servant ; |f ^;<'a'^, tares. Hence g cliovf/^, lieavy. Compare ^ I ^ h'wly ; mean. kiu^, to oppose ; f\] k'an^, to engrave. I Ihase. I ^ ^ more than a thousand years. j ^ modest ; retiring. I M i^ a telescope. "^1 ) A servant ; an underling. [ ^ ^ liead of a thousand soldiers. I 1 ^ H ^^ larg-e indetinite uuml)er. Inch To die. Fmally. I ll] |g 7K sea ajid land ; niauy hills Hence ^ fs'/Ji, abrupt ; ^ fs'««*, and streams. pure ; ^ s/f/'-*, fragments ; g^ t.mi^, drunk ; ^ ^^,■^a^ a king-fisher's feathers. cyj To ascend ; to promote. cl^ South. s//ei,g A pint. Used with |fjj. Hence ^ shemf-, to ascend. (*oinpare na)i ^ Uiiig^, a well ; ^ pieu'^, au officer. Hence |f| )?r/;?-, a fine wood. 1 3fc to go up to heaven. 1 if the south. I ^ pints and pecks ; dry measm\es. I j§ the south. ■"1 Noou. 11 I'-^j Extensive. To gamble. From ^ /u^ to announce. Hence ^ Hence ^ h^n\ to promise ; f^ iv-. perverse ; g-^p hm^, to allow^ Distinguish po/i, to seize ; ^f poll, the arm ; '^ pok, ^ niit^ an ox ; ^ nien^, a year. thin ; ff /«*, to teach. Distinguish f$ cliuan^, to preach. I JE noon. 1 i a well-read scholar. I J|^ midday. 4^' Half. jyaih The 25th Eadical. 1 ) To divine. Hence ^^'' jx/?/^ to mix ; ]l^- p'aiuf, fat ; 2)ah ^^ pan\ to trip; W^ J'\iii\ a landmark ; Hence ff* p\tli, to fall ; ^ ?m/^, out- ^'^.jfan^, to divide. side ; 5|[» /W*, to proceed; ^I> /l:aaS to 1 :j^ midnight. divine; 4l^ j/»/i, to strike. 1 % half dead. The 26th Radical. I f® 3t M ba^^ ^ C'-liiucse hour ; an rt hour. m c — f- Low ; lowly ; i^ei Inferior. humhh t.-ileJi A joint. Hence jg ttei^, dangerous ; ^ ie^, a particle. 30 VOCABULARY. r 27 P|J To print ; to stamp. An in official seal ; a stamp ; a mark. From ^ r]iao-\ claws (altered). Com- pare ^j] viau'', 6 I 11 a i^igu ; II mark iu evkleuce. I la a sig-u. iJUj Dangerous ; perilous. 'uei Hence Jj)'£ ts'ui\ brittle : ^ knei'^, to laieel ; ^g uei^, a mast ; ||| knet'^, crafty. I ^ hazardous ; dangerous. ^\^ A roll of paper ; a book ; hieii an essay. From ^ l-iien^, a letter. Hence ^ Idlpifi, to rull up ; f^ kikn^, weary ; [i| k'lkii^, a circle. w To unload ; to act rid of. From ■^ n^, noon ; and j{^ clii^, to stop. I ;^ to unload cargo. Pl-1 3 Immediately ; now. Then ; i^if^ accordino-ly. If • even. T T • • Inaicates supposition. From ^ Zian*/^^ good. Distinguish U) lang^, a youth. [ ^ or else. .1 ^ namely. I in for example ; supposing. I $\] at once. The 27rH Radical. 7 A cliff. /lau Compare f] ien\ to cover; f^ ^^//j, disease. M, Kfi fficulty. From p Uieh, a joint. Hence fji ch, a yoke; jfjg e/i, to grasp. :f^ Thick ; substantial ; ge- //eo nerous. From Q yell, to speak ; and -^ /st", a son. I fi§ to give liberally. c/aT^ a source ; origin. A ui-'n plain. Natural ; pro- 23er to. To forgive. Fi'om 1^ 'peh, white ; and >J> sino^, small. Hence M Hen', a vow; ^, ue?!.^, a fountain ; ^ ^Ze/^*^ willing. I 5^5 originally. I ^ as a matter of course ; in the nature of the case ; in fact. I ^ cause ; reason. I ^ as before ; as of old ; original. I ^ the prosecutor. A privy From gl] tseh, consequently. Hence {Bij ts\'J/, to pity ; {j|lj ts'eh^ awry ; ^ ttieh, to fathom. To dislike ; to bate ; to len reject; wearied with. Fi-ora 1^" ieu\ filled. Hence H iah, to press. [ >l% to trouble ; to vex. I 5^ to abominate. I ^ to reject ; have a distaste for. I 33 tired of hearing. 31 3C 29 VOCABULARY, 1— G The 28th Radical. f^t^ Selfisli ; private. si Hence ^ tilii^, to spenk ; ;^ u'ui^, to all,)W ; ^ kj)itj^, public; ^ i^, a puiticle ; fZ 6' \ piivute. *' To go. Eead JSiJ^. To /; '"'^ remove ; gut rid of. From J2 ^''*^ earth. Hence :^ tiu'^, to lose ; jf^ fah, a law ; ^jj kich, to plunder. 1 ^ ■^ ^'ii'S you going- or not ? I :%! last year. I i^todie. -^^ ) To conusel ; to- consult ii^ / together. To report ,^ ) agaiust. ts'an Heuce '|^ (s^a)i^, mournful. I ^ to think out. The 29th Radical. ^y^ Also ; and ; again ; in in addition to ; moreover. Hence j^ nii^, a slave; ^ cJd^, a particle. \ ^ — f® ''inotlier one. I 1M S X i? ^0^^^ cheap and good. /)(^ A friend ; i a companion an associate. Hence ^ fah, hair of the head. /^ To turn over. To retreat. f(in To rebel. To turn back. Contrary. But. From P /ia/i^ a clilf. Hence |]^ fau^, food; ;^ /?a?i^ a pUiuk; |^ p'^^yf*, to rebel. I ^i| on tlie contrary ; but. I '{^ to retreat ; return. I Mi i"*-'belIiou. /i^) To extend ; to reach to ; kill to come up to. And. Hence fj^ ki//, to imbibe ; |^ klh, a series; 1!^ h.^Ui, to inhale. I 3S until ; up to a certain point ; when. I 1M ^0 come of age. cHX^ To collect ; to gather up ; sJieo to receive. To close. From 1{ kill, to hind. Distiuj^^uish ^j; «?z(A, a sheplieid. I «l) to gather the harvest. I i^ ^ to receive church members. MX To select ; to take out of. tii a From ]^ j-P, the ear. Hence i|| f.^'?Z', to marry; J^ ^iV/i^ very; ^ i6-'i6*, pleasant. I $% to receive money. I ^ij to take interest ; derive profit from. I A to choose people. I [eJ ^"^ to select and bring back. I tU ^ to select from. I T ^ to take down. .,X» To receive ; to endure ; sheo to sutler. Sign of the passive. Hence ^ «< \ to love ; J^ sheo^, to give. I ^ to sutler. I fp to endure the consequences of sin ; to be punished. I H to be in difficulties. G— 7 VOCABULARY. P 30 ^ to safFer injury. Jp to be sliamefully treated. ^ to be benefited. fl/; to become preguant. '^ to be baptised. JflJ to be punished. fg to be iuju]-ed ; wounded. ^ 3^ to receive glory. /j>\ To cliat ; to talk over. su A character used in names. From ^ u^, we. Compare ^ cJiir, to remove ; f^ u'^, excess. I g| to chat. To rebel ; to revolt. p an From ^ 'pfn'^, half ; and J"" haii'^, a cliff. Hence jg /a//^ to return ; WLjiati'^, a board ; ||^/«^i*, food. I 5^ to revolt. The 30th Radical. |— I An opening ; a mouth ; a k'eo hole ; an aperture. N. A. Hence ipm h'uO-, to add ; ^n riir, like ; ^B 1c eo^, to rap; ^ cA'i^, to kuow. I ^ depositions of a witness. I :^ eloquence. I ^ a sack ; bag. I II rations ; provisions. I J^ the mouth and stomach ; neces- sities. \ ^ talk ; sentiment. ^J May ; can ; might ; able ; k'o sign of potential mood. From "J" tu)ri^, a person. Hence -flTf lid^, how ? ^ ko^, elder brother ; ^ /c'r strange ; ^pf ho^, a river. I J[iil liiiiy ; i^n expression of assent. I 'Jf detestable. I n^ fi^ eatable. I iK 0^ something to be ashamed of, Pi Ancient ; antique ; old. kw From -f- sh'ih, ten. Hence jg /i:m\ to dwell : ^ hi*, a cause ; ^ Ua^, dried up; ^ ^•'a^, bitter ; ^ ^li^, to value. I A the ancients. I Rt M i^i ancient times. > A sentence ; an express- k(l ion ; a phrase. From ^ pao^, to wrap. Hence ^ kii^, to grasp; ^ kiu^, illicit; %^ kfj}, a foul ; fijj kjf?, a huuk ; JuJ /;^o^, a dog. [ I liP fit every sentence intelligible. ^ 3 Separate ; besides ; ano- ii>'(/ ther ; in addition. From 'fy nil, strength. Hence %\\ pieh, another; fg k'tai^, a staff; |^ kaai^, io kiduap ; |gj pah, eight. I ^ in addition ; besides ; by itself. I ■?£ ^'J }^ ill another place. >■> Only; but; yet. chi From /\ pah, eight. Hence :|{^ c/ii^, a thorn. I ^ ^Jii^t ; however ; still. I ::|f there is only. . . . I ^ only want ; it is only necessary. I ^ merely to attend to ; nothing more than. I @ but ; only ; the only cause. 33 P 30 VOCABULARY. 2—3 7& P The right. ia Hence f^ m^ to protect ; ^ roll, if. Distinguish ftf ^ti^ ancieut. I Jf the right ear. I j§ the right side. I 0^ the right eye. I ^ the right hand. {l\ To call ; to summon. chao From JJ iao\ a knife. Hence fg c/mo^ to proclaim ; ^g cZ!rto\ to call ; B^ c/ir/o\ bright; j^ cliao^, to surpass; |^^ c'lao^, according to. (P J To reiterate ; to give ti>i(/ charge to. From "]" t^'nff^, an individual. Hence IX thigS to edit ; $1 tmg^, a nail ; ^ fa^, to strike. , I 51 to enjoin on^ ^> t Pl Eminent ; exalted. Used t'ai for 5. From X» *2^5 selfish. Hence f§ ^'ar, to carry ; '^ c/ii^ to Leal ; ^ shi^, to begin ; J[J^ t\d\ the womb ; ."g, tat\ idle ; ^j^ iaiS poril. r*|J To knock; to bnmp the Zc'eo head. From p tsieh, a joint. Hence ffl ^'eo^, to knock ; §n A'eo^ a button ; ^P Iceo'^, a domestic animal. I f^ to knock at a door. I ff to worship ; to pay respects to. n ( » '^ An officer. To control s^ to manaoje. Hence {pj /s'i*, to attend ; fpj i's'2^ poetry ; f3 si^, to eat ; %^ tn'i^, ancestral hall. I g| to oversee. ^JCT 5 Each ; every ; all. koh From /^^ c/(i*, to follow. Hence ^ k'eh, a guest; ;^ Zto/i, a little; ^^ Z(i*, a road ; ^ Zo/^, connected ; ^ kehj a pattern. I 1^ each sort ; every kind. I ^ every place.- I A each person. I ^ each kingdom. \ ^ ^M each according to his own way. \ ^ ^ ^ each different. PI 5 To shut ; to agree. Unit- hoh ed; joined. In agree- ment with. The whole. From A tsih, to assemble. Hence 'I"-^ Fiah, luckily ; ^^ sh'ih, to pick up ; ^ tah, to reply ; ^ kih, to give ; ;^ hoh, a small box ; ^ na^, to bring. I @ in accordance with what is right. I ^ the whole city. I ^ seemly ; fitting ; right. I f5& *& ]^ ill agreement with my views. I ^ "^ ^ ill accordance with the fitness of things. I M ^ """ to be united in one. clPJ Together; the same as; t'ong all ; to share in. And ; with. From n ^'^ong^} ^ limit; and— ih, one. Hence \% toru/, a cave ; ill hsing^, to increase ; "^ t'ong'^, a tube ; % t'ong\ brass. 34 3—4 VOCABULARY. n 30 to ^ tog'ether with. fi to live together. f^- a companion. >^> of the same mind. f^ to plot together. ^ to die together. ^ to live together. ;'j/{c sleeping together. ^ to sit together. ^ to come together. ^ fellow student. '^ of the same calling or occupation. 1^ to rejoice together. j^ to agree upon ; an agreement. "^ of the same tribe. ^ of the same class or kind. P fellow couutr^mien. p the same punishment. fg fellowship in life. A people of the same clnss. !^ to act together ; to act as a col- league. ^:^ to obtain eq[ually. p^ to eat with. ^ in the same room ; sexual inter- course. ^ 6^ A fellow guests. of one mind. ^ A name. Reputation wing fame. N. A. From ^ sih, evening. Hence ^ mtn(f' engrave. Bistingmsh ^ koh, each. )^ reputation. P^ name called ; named. ^ reputation. ^ obligations ; relative rank. 5^ a designation ; an epithet. V a From _j^ Vu^, earth. Hence jji tu^, the belly; i^ tu^, to prevent. I Jfil to spit blood. I /® v:^ to spit spittle. I f*J Towards ; to or from ; hsiimf/ facing. Hitherto. From t^ mien', a roof. Hence fjp] hsiang\ rations ; P[rI shang^, mid-day. 1 ^ up till now. 1 ^il ^ to come to the front. I J: ^ ^^ to ask of God. jp' An heo empress ; a king. To spit ; to vomit, read t\i*. Alsc From j~* han"^, a clifE ; and — ^7^, one. Hence ij^ Iced^, filthy; ^^ /ceo^ to pair. pH J Lucky ; fortunate. hih From -^ .y* A final particle. From ^ ia^, a tooth. Hence |5P i^*, to exchaim; ^^ia^, elegant; ^ ia", a shoot; ^% ia^, a crow ; ^ cWuan^, to put on. 'S A tube ; a musical note. lii From P k'eo^, a mouth. Hence f§ ///^, a companion ; ^ kjiuj^, a mansion ; (s^ fo2^ a hamlet. c ^^T^ To present to a superior, r/i'e/^^f A petition. From ^ re^/^, to flatter. Hence ^^ cKeng^, a ruad; j^ client/, confident. I 1^ to submit a statement. Hjlj The roar of animals. heo From ^L k'oug^, an opening. I p^ to roar. (HlI Large-mouthed. 2)a From gj 2'^S name of an ancient State. Hence |g, pa^, a target; ^g pa^, a hand- ful ; jfg p'rt^ to crawl ; ^ pci^, a scar ; ^ ^a^, a bamboo hedge. J}/) To command. ; a command. fail Interchanged with ^. Hence '^ fen^, powder ; J^ f&>'^^, con- fused ; ^ /i?^!*, auger ; ^ p'e;i^ a basiu ; ^ c/i'a*, forked. I pfj a command ; to command. 36 4—6 VOCABULARY. n 30 cvu An interrogative and em- ni pliatic particle. Also read 7ii^. From J^ 111", a nun. Compare '{J^ ni", mud. (/hJ To encircle. All round; dico everywhere. Complete ; entire ; the whole. From ^ iong'^, to use. Hence 5j^ clieo^, to help ; Wi t'iao', to stir ; j|| tiao^, to carve wood. I j^ to make a circuit. f gl all rouud. I |j' the whole hody. I l^ to roam. I M G3 !^ to make a circuit. ^H~j^ To call out ; to cry out. From ^ Inc^, an interrogative. I P^ to call ; to summou. I \iJi^ to bawl. I II to cry out. flp Life. A command ; to onu/g command. Fate ; des- tiny. From y^ luig^, a command. I ^ a command. Cicny^, to jump; 5^ t'ao'-, to flee. c X)Xi A particle expressing snr- iS^'tu prise, admiration, or grief. From ^ tsV/r, to wound with wen- pons. Hence ^ ts\ir, to cut out ; ^ ^.9ai\ to plant; ^ isai^ calamity; ^ tsui^, to load. To bite ; to guaw, 'I^J From ^ k'ao^, to unite. Hence ^jc Jc'ao*, to compare; f,3^ hlao^, to stran<]jle ; il^ /oV/o^, a dragon ; |3^ i;/>W'\ a dumpling ; ^^ /ii'V/o"^, crafty ; yX Ji^uio'^, to imitate. I :^ i5 "if to gnash the teeth. "pl ) Sound of laughter. Jiak From ^ /;o//, to join. Hence f^ /i-s/a/i, to blend ; '\^ k'iali, timely ; ^^ alnh, ten ; tk ^'^', to give ; ^ Itoh, a smull box. pi Ft Actions. A kind ; class. l)' in From p Jiea', a mouth, (repeated). I fr coudiict. ^ to play ou the flute. Ml, Elder brother. k> From Til h\^, may. Hence |^ ho^, songs. I ^ older brother. 'PS Afiua lal particle. A char- i'i' acter used in names. From ^ IP, a mile. Compare ^ Zi^, reasou ; ^ mar, to bury ; fg /^^ rustic. ;7^) To weep ; to cry ; to k'lik mourn tor. From -j^ Jcuen^, a dog. Compare ^ k'i\ a vessel. I fi to weep. I # pI '111 to cry piteously. To pant. To roar. h-^iao From ^ hsiao'^, filial duty. Hence @| /oino*, leaven. c/^ The lips. Also read c/i'M(??i''. From ^ clien'^, time. Hence ^ c/ie7i*, to shake ; ^ clien^, to restore ; ^ ch'en\ dawn. H^ To mak ake mischief ; to incite. From ^ s^^i?l^ puffed up. Hence i^ tsi'dn'^, finished ; |^ suaii^, sour. P/li'^) A fiual particle, sometimes nail interrogative. From % via\ that. Hence % no", to move. 38 VOCABULARY, n 80 IBk To spit ; saliva. Also t'a read t'o^. From ^ cli'ur, to haiip:. Compare |i[| cK'tii'^, a hammei'j jje /-v^rt/\ crafty. (IFlj To discuss ; to deliberate. shang A mercliant ; commerce. Compare }|| ti/i, to drop. Distinguish ^ fiVi, a stem. [ SI to deliberate. I ;5 ^^ ^'■^^^^ *^'^'^^' 5 consult. I M travelliug merchants. I ^ traders. I M ^ ^ sutisflictorily arranged. ^}^ [ To open ; to begin. To 'Qjrj explain. k'i From ^ hu*^ a door; and ^ puh, to strike. Hence ^ chao^, begiuuiug. 'P55 Dumb. From gg m*, inferior. Hence ;^ ia^, dumb ; ^ o/i, evil. [ PE a dund3 person. I .P ^ "a to be silent ; unwilling to speak. IHJ To ask ; to enquire. To lien require from. To sen- tence. From P5 men^, a door. I #L — "Pj ^^1^ bim a question. I ^ to ask after another's health. ^Z-r ) I To eat ; to diink ; to rtg r swallow. To suffer. ch'ih From ^ Z;*/^, a covenant. I ^ food ; provisions ; to feed— of pigs, etc. I P^ to eat and drink ; feasting. I fQ to eat to the full. I ^ to feed on a meat diet. I ^T to eat all up. I f5 to sutler loss ; to get the worst of a matter. Ui^ m 11 . . J\^ glad ; gladness. iti ^ ^N joy beyond all expectation. Ijlflj) A final particle ; a eliar- lah acter used in names. From ^] lah, to liack. Compare ^i) niien'^, tender. Uistiuguish ^\\ t6-"i\ u thorn. ■ m a Lama. To call : to halloo. han From ^ hsien"^, all. Hence ^ clieii^y a needle ; ^ /;^en■^ to diminish, (joinpare ^ /ine/i, doubtfnl ; J^ huh, to delude; ]^ kan^, to thank. I P?f to call out. I #. ^ call him to come here. n^. To drink. lioh To shout out, From ,^ /io/i, why ? Hence -J^ A'oA, thirsty ; %, haieh, to rest ; t% kith, to exert strength. I ^ to drink tea. I j@ to drink wine, I ffS f to get drunk. I J£ T ^^ ^^'"'^'^ tli"i^i^k enough. Pi' A parable ; to illustrate. From ^ u", to speak. Hence H^ it^, an edict; ^ w*, to heal; j^ u'-^, to overpass. cJ^* Single ; alone ; only. Odd, tun as a number. A cheque ; an account ; a bill. From fg t'ieir, a field ; and -\^ sh'ih, ten. Hence ij; chan\ to fight ; gf ^'fl^/^^ to thrum. I ^ a list ; a bill. I ^ ^ uulined clothes. I M to want nothing but. . . . ^P^ To lose ; to die. Read sang scuir/. To mourn for parents. From -p sh'ih, ten ; and ^ i^, clothes. I 'TO to lose life. I C to die. I }M to lose heart ; to be discouraged. cHPt Clamour ; noise. From ^ hsiien^, to proclaim. Hence |h| hsiien^, to clamour. I If clamour. 1 I^ hubbub. cPI^ The throat. heo From ^ /«eo", a marquis. Hence ^ heo^, a monkey. j Pi the gullet. Pljy To connect ; to inherit ; 6i heirs. Afterwards. From •JID' ts''eh, a register ; and "^ si^ an officer. I -^ heirs. |hI ) Miserly. The harvest. seh From ^ Zrt/2, to come ; and ^ /i;<^ a granary, (both contracted). Hence ^ tsiang^, a wall ; ^ seh, ripe grain. 40 10—10 VOCAIUT.AKY. a 30 j-j 1\) de.sirc ; to lust after. k'i From -^ k'i', Mged. I ;g^ ;i(l(!ict(Ml to lust. I f^ 1:- *6 ^'''' ex])erieucc the power of— truth. I T 5E f^ ^0 -t^^te death. c^Tl Admirable ; excellent. From ■± i>z\ scholar; and jfju kia^, to add. ffttf^ I The mouth ; a mouthpiece. From j|[^ /S.i'r', this; and ^ kloh, a horn. I ^ tlie lips. ^Pir f A vessel ; a utensil, eg^ ( Capacity. From 'j^ k'Hen^y a dog, I Jl vessels ; utensils. j ^ iinplemeuts. I M vessels. *M\ To bite ; to gnaw. .-iki From 3£ slii^, to divine. 'JiJy^ To scare; to intimidate. I'^iom ^|; lull, awe-Inspiriiig. I "^ o-reutlv terrilied ; frightened to death. (;^X " Stern ; strict. Diguified. icii Private. Fi-om y !iaii\ a cliff; and |5( Lrin^, to dai-f. Hence {|| ien^, )uajeslic; ^'^ leW-, a preci[)ice. I ^ secret ; close. I ^ strict : ri^-oronsh'. I ^ to repi'iniand severely. I JflJ severe punishment ; to punish heavily. I ^ (l^i severely ; straitly. r^^ To make an uproar ; to rang brawl. Fi'om ^ aiang^, to remove. Hence ^ uiang\ to brew; |g I'tuuj'", to yield ; f^ siiiDtj^, to inlay. I f?h1 ^*^ quarrel. iPiii The throat. long Fi-om ^1 long-, tlie dragon. Hence f| loHif, to aiiiid ; ISJi /oiif/'^ to grasp; }|| lull g^, a gem; || /w^r/'-^, u hole; ^j^g cIlouij'^, grace. m^ To chew. i.siuk From -^ /^^'ici/i, rank. ^ a bit. A bag ; a purse ; a sack. uang From ^ flauri^, fo assist; and ^ mih, to cover. Hence ^J aiang^, lo iulay. 41 P :^0 VOCABULARr. 21 /^) To cDJoiu. cIluIi From J^ shiih, to Lcloug to. I pft to order ; to cliarge. The 31st Radical. ( I I An enclosure. llHcl Hence pg !s'i^, four. (|Z^ A prison. To imprison. t.'s hi From A ^*e'^^ a mau. I 311 '1 prisoner. I *6 a jailor ; a turnkey. m Four. From /\ imh, eiglit. Hence f^ i>7^ mucus. [ J^ four boundaries ; all sides. J \^ four points of the comjiass ; N. S. E. and W. 1 "tS four sides ; everywhere. I g all round. I ^ 6^ four-sided ; square. 1 II at :^ the fourth watch. I + ^ ^ more than forty years old. I ^ ^ -^ one- fourth. 01 To return to or from. A time. To chanae. lilU'l From P A'eo^, a mouth. Hence jl. Imei'^, to revolve. I ^ to return answer. j ^ to reply. I ^ to go back. I ^ to retutn home. I H to turn. I T^ to return answer to a superior. I g^ to turn the head ; to repent ; to reform. I HI Wc IMaliomedans. I t^ If M t<^' repent ; to change one's views. c [Zlj Because ; in consequence ■iH of. A reason ; a cause. From /^ ta\ great. Hence ^, en^, grace ; 3,0 ien^, rouge ; '"^ ien^, smoke ; ^0 in^, betrothal. I 1^ because. I, ]JJj on this account. |i) Distress ; difficulty. Sur- k'ueii rounded by. Weary ; tired. From 7jt onu/j, wood. Hence ||I Icucn^, to bind ; ^ k'ueH'\ to biud. [ ^ tired ; exhausted. I ^ poverty ; in deep poverty. m kii Firm ; strong; ; established. From "(Ef hn^, ancient. Hence f@ ho* a uumerary adjunct. I ^ really ; unquestionably. 1^' A circle. Also read Fiien^. k'ueii From ^ ki'ien*, a roll. Hence ^ kusii"^, tired; ^ /;'at')i^ to roll up. I ^ to hem iu. rz^ ) A kingdom ; a state ; an kuch empire. From ^ hueJi, perhaps. Compare ^ huh, to deceive. 4^.5 1—4 VOCABT'LARY. ± 113 j jj^ admiiiistvatiou o kinudom. overmneut ; ( i^ To surround ; to invest ; ■iiei to besiege. From ±^ nor, leather. ITencc ^j iici'^, to protect ; j^ ner, to disobey; ^ -uei,^, a tassel. Compare ;^ V u"^, to plau. I to bosie.uT. I 'f^ f<> encirc-le. I Ifj •' petticoat ; apron, cjMj A garden. From ;^ //e^r, a robe. Hence j^ ;'/e/;^, distant ; f^ //ey/-, a carriage. I ^ a garden. clMj To selieme ; to plan. A t'"' map. From ^ ^:>^i3, avaricious. Distinguish ^ ?i(V'^i'\ circLdur. I m t«> plot against. c 1^1 A mass ; a lump. To coil. V (laa From ^ c/ninii^, only. Hence ^ cluiair. to mill ; .^t^ clinaii^, a tile; f^ ch'nan', to transmit ; $|| iSV^a/^, to knead. The 32x1) ]\adic.\l. Ju, Earth ; land. Local. t n Hence ^ /.-"//^ to go ; [Ij^ /'//.■», to spit ; ^ .s'z*, a monastery. Dislmguish -^ n'i^, a sell o hi r. I tfi I'^i^^'^d dialect : patois, I ^ sterile ground ; shallow soil. I Ji;5 an earthen wall ; a rampart. I -p" loc^al ])ronun(;iati(jn ; brogue. I !\j} local produce. A^ At ; in ; on. To rest tsfii with; to consist in. To be 2)i'esent ; to be alivo, Compare ;j^ tsncir, to retain ; \^ tsl'\ careful. [ ^ to consist in. I Jlfchere. f 5fe beforehand. I 0«a^P"iiy- I ?S PaJ c ; jjg p'e/", to accoiupaiiy; '^ij p'eo^^ to split ; ^f) puS a clas.'^. c'^rr A foiiiidation ; a 1)ase. kl Frou-i ^ /.-'/-, lio. H,Mice ^ Z'/^, cbess ; ^ /'/\ a year; ji^ /-'/', to dJlVaud ; ^ /t'/\ a dust p;in. [ '^ (^lirist. I jtjl: the fouudatiou of a wall. 1 II property ; i)Osses.sioas. t -Pi A ball ; a reception room ; ^'""1/ a meeting place ; a law court. From f^" sJHUig\ yot. Hcmco *^ cli'anif-, constantly; ^> laiitj^. uugihi ; % tanif, a sect; % .sJiaiu/, to bestow; ^ shantj-, clotlies. iH'D To grasp; to bold. To c/'^/i manage ; to attend to. From % nan"-, a pill ; and 2^ iaiig'-, a sheep, (altered), ilonce ^ cluh, to grasp ; f^ diih, a tribute, f ^ to manage ; deacons. I "^ to administer the goyennneut. I '^i to superintend. '*'lb T(^. b(\'ip np ; to pile. A till b(\ip. From ff: rA»/\ birds. TTcnno % Ct'i^, to push ,s//. nr, wlin curtain; '[]^ kg/^, only; ?|| ckncii\ to grant. I ^- to store up. c-l^ Firm; strong. Solid. De- k''i^ tcrmined. From g cWetr^ a statesman ; and ^ in\ also. Hence ^ h^ien^, wortliy : If •sAc!/),-', the kidneys. Distinguish ^ iVt/t', to ei-ect. ] ^ to guard safely. 1 *^> determined ; the mind made up. 1 W t'ei'tnin ; firm. I {£} tirm ; strong- ; stable. I S 7 f| immoyable ; stedfast. TjX To announce. To re- l^io compense. To inform. A reward. Compnre ^ hsiiig'^, fortunate; J]^ fn^i, to submit ; f(^ Iiia'\ false. ] nj] to state clearly. I ijl to ayeuge a grievance. I JM ^*' recompense ; a recompense. j fg to notify ; to give information. ] ■^' to requite. J fg to avenge. J :^ _t OO' *^" register names ; to enrol. 4^ To stop np. tu Fiom ^ cha^, who. Ilence n^' ^"^t ^^ gamble; |^- .sa\ a clue ; ^- (^/io//. present ]>ar(iciple; ^, ckii^, to boil ; ^ c/t((S all; ^t c/i(6\ a p'lg. I f^ to Idock up : to stop. I M- 5 to stop the ear. 45 ± 32 VOCABrLARY. )— 11 iMt) . .1 1 ' ^^ to stop up. c-^ f All oi.en space ; a tlircsli- . , ^ ^^^ ^o resist couviction ; harden the m iuii' tiour. N. A. heurt. ^ r, . . . TT .„ '^^ To fill lip; to fill iu. To ^ From ^ uv,g , to cxpanrl. Honce ^ ^-^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ •^ /'o;!^\ to scald; \^ sJiaiu/, to injure. ; From ^ r//^»\ true. Kence ft c/ie»^ .^ : to ])r()tecL; f^ .v/zt'^i'. caution ; P^ cKeii^, T W AT • -P XT A angrv at ; M ii/e/^S upside duwu. '^'Q A lump ; a piece ot. jN.A. ; °- ■ -^ ' ' /-'//fu j I t^ to till up level. From ^ /iV(r/'3, a gluts'-. Compare f^- j 1.^;=^) l^nvi^, a cliiet ; J^ /^iw", a demon; ^^ Inieii-, the soul. I tE M M ^^^^ '^1" two— dollars. T^Pr A grave ; a tomb. ino From ^ «io/i, not. Hpnce |^ ??io\ to fppl ; ^ '»i'(^, evening; ^ ///o//, sandy ; ^ //to^, 10 desire. j P^ the door of a tomb. J^^) To fall in ruins ; to collapse. From Jl fah, tlie souiul of wing=. Hence ^ tali, a couch ; 5^ ^V///, to stamp. •J-pij ) A tower ; a pngoda. t" ah From '^ taJi, to undertake. Hence |& idJi, a purse; |S /a/t, to pile up; >^^ chah, a document. i:=^ To smear ; to daub. To t^io erase ; to blot out. From J,^ t'n", name of a river. , I ^ to cruse. J To stop up. ^y^i A boundary ; a state ; ^^i'l'j position. From ^ kiug\ finall}-. Hence ^% /''iix/, a mu-ror; f^" tsiaur/, starch. I j^ cireurastauces. I 1^ state ; couditiou ; boandarv. (Si. Dust ; dirt. From II /»/;, a deer. Compare ^ /i', elegant. I ±dust. sell From ^ /^vi■a^ to fill up. Hence g| sai'*, to contest; ^S c/m/^, a fortress. To fill up ; to make good. From ^ clt'ih, to grasp. Distinguish ^ hKhIi, a school. j Zp to fill up aud make even, ^ To fall down: to sink. cIluI Interchanged Avitb the following character. From }^ tui\ a regiment. I W ^'^ ^"'^^ down. ^^ To fall; to let fall From \)^ sui-, name of a dynasty. I -^ to sink ; to fall. 40 11— 1() VOCAlU'I.AIiY, ^ ^■> (J-g To add to ; to increase. From -ff /.s'('?;^/\ jiast. lloiice '[f- ^i-e/^f?*, to hate; ff f«eM.7\ u Ihuldiii-st ])iiest ; fe i^^e?3gr', to give; ^ /6''t';/i/', a layer; fj^, to steam. I ^ to add to. I W: to iucrease ; to aug-ment. #> Ink. From M /''"//, black. Hence ^ 7?ic7/, secret; S^ i'ic>t^, a dut. i*^;;^ A grave ; a mound. fen From ■^/ey/^ bokl. Hence jg fen'^, zeal- I ^ a burial })lace. M^ f A Avail From ^ se/i, .stingy. Hence ripe grain. I JJ walls. I 'B IM -^ \viuq.irss. c r»:t ^ A wall To pile np. From [^ lul", divided fields. Hence il lui\ trouble. •♦^PC Bad; vii'ious. To ruin; hiiai to spoil. From ^ iLiial^, to conceal Hence 'j^ huai^. the bosom. I ^ B^ kad thiiig-s ; a dejiraved person. The 33rd Radical. I~r A scholar. Hence ££• ren'-, a Stem; ^ 2'^*'^<^^ ^ dial ; \^ mai\ to sell. I Bi the Judges. 7\Al Strong ; vigorous. cJiUCDUJ From ^ cJi'iiang'-^, a coucli. Plence ^ sell. \ cJiUfiin/, to pack ; ^ t'//»a»y\ grave ; j^ cJiuanTH Eadical. ^ ) E-veuiiig, Hence ^ ming\ a Ucune, y\ Outside; beyoud. For- mat eign ; lj;u-1)arous. Jlix- tniordiiiar}'. From |-\ pull, to divine. I y]< perquisites. I t^ ])eIouging to another province. I ^ lieathen. I M outside ; the outer surface; I ^ outside. I A 5^11 outsider. I ^p another district. I |g a sister's sou. to From ^ sih, evening. Hence f^ /- to move ; f^ c/t"i', wasteful. I tp how much ? liow numy ? I ^ many times. I ^ many })arts ; in many ways. I -^ numy phices. I ^ tlie greater part. I if many years. 4^ Night; dark; (hirkncss. I ^ at ni,u-]it ; ni^'lit time. I Pnl dui'ing the night. ^-^^ \ A dream. To dream. t^^ J 'iueng From ^ me)ig\ a dream, (the original form). The 37th Radical. y\. Great; vast; extensive, i^ft Noble ; high iu rank. A'^ery ; much. Full grown. Hence iu''-, becnnse; '^^mei'\ beauti- ful. Distinguish j^ t'ai*, threat. I ^ everybody ; tlie whole. I A a mandarin of rank ; Your Ex- cellency. I g the sum of ; general drift of. I ^ great famine ; scarcity. j 3&Jt iu a great rage. I 5g to cry bitterly. [ E a high official. I ^ the larger half ; for the most part. I JH '^e^'y courageous. Much ; many ; numerous. ' [ Hence ^ ie\ to uphold. I 51 ^ ^ke eldest sou. f i^ H great calamity. \ '^ ^ A hero ; a virtuous man, I $i J^ fl to assume great authority. I J5 A ^ great household ; well-to-do families. cy^ Heaven; lieavculy ; the t'ten sky. A day. Provid- ence. An emperor. From — ih, one. I ;3C Heavenly Father, I -^ an angel, I y the empire ; the wide world. 48 1—5 YOCABULARY. :/c 37 j J: licaveii. I ^(layli^l.t. I ^ naturally. I's. " I M licaveii and earth. f PI the Kmo-doni ofHoaA'on. [ ^ moral revtitude ; moral priuci'plcs ; divine justice. I H ob '^"y ^« breaking-, y\. ^cYy ; much ; too exccs- t'tii sive. Tuace. From > tLen% a dot. I ^ in the bcgnuuiug. \ ip too few. I "ic '^ mandarin's wife ,' a lady, I 2^ peace ; i)eaceful. I fiJI too hard ; t(>o firm, I ^ a eunuch, 1 ^ too much. I iii T excessive, }iik gleet ; to miss. An omission. llcnce 5J^ tieh, to stumble. Distinguish ^ slip, au arrow. I Tfi to lose cai)ital ; to fail in trade. I >X, to catch fire. I -^ lost ; to lose. I ^^ to lose. I 5§ to lose ; destroyed, f fi to lose a throne. I f= to break faith. [ gg to lose hojK) ; disappointed. I riTb)st. [ M iU. i-4- lost and found again. 'C) To press ; to squeeze. Lin- ^'^'"^'' ed. To cany secretly, Frf)in A rpjr, a man. Hence [^^ /Vsm/t, a nai'row pass; $1$ /i-sm/i, narrow ; fj/c /-iV/A, to squeeze. 1 m '^ voi-tex ; meeting of two currents, [y^ Barbarous tribes. i From ^ konr/, a how. Hence ^%i', soap ; ^ z-^, a wife's sister, I ^ barbarians. -_^^ r btrange ; woiideriul; rare. lit From pTf /i-'(;% may. Hence |;| i", a chair : (^ i^, to tru5t ; ^- ;ti*, to forward ; ^i k' >-'■, to ride an animal. [ ^ a wonderful affair ; a miracle. f *^ strange ; rave. I K^ signs ; wonders. I t^ strauge talk. ^^^ But ; how. A remedy ; nai a resource. From jj^ sht'^, an omen. Compare ^ t\ii^, liberal. '^^P^ To receive with both fcng hands. EespectfuUy. To oftcr. To serve. Hence i^ feng\ salary ; j^ pang'^, a blud^reon. 49 -k 38 TOCABULARY. 5—13 1 i^ to enter the chnrcli. I yg to flatter. j ^ to receive an Imperial Decree. I ^ i§ to be sent. ^^ To repgrt to the Throne ; t^eo to memorialise the Em- peror. Hence J^ tsed^^ to collect Distinnuish ^ is hi'', name of a dynasty. I ^ to memorialise the Emperor. t yi* To r^in away ; to Le in a pe/t hurry. Hence ^ 7;cm*, to hasten to ; \^ jyeii^, to fumble tilings over. I iS fag- ; toil. J ^ to travel quickly ; to hasten.. ^^^ A case ; a snare. To t'ao encase ; to enwrap. A set ; a suit. N. A. From ^ cWancf, long. ^^ To offer libations. To tien determine. From "^ chill}, a chief. Hence ^ cJieng^, a feudal state ; ^j ch'ih^ to throw down. fx^ Extravagant ; wasteful. shce From ^ c//<2'^, a relative pronoun. Hence f^ c/t'ts^ to haul. I ^ showy. I ^ wasteful. ::x^C Mysierious ; obscure. dse and ludlow statements. I S ^ ::^ self-opinionated ; to boast wildly. c^T Crafty ; vilh \inous ; fal' Ideii wicked. From ^ han^, to offend. Hence ^f- haii^, the liver; ^ Jcan\ a staff; '/f- /m?;*, ])erspiration ; ^Ij /;'a7i^, to carve ; ^ /i,a>/3, rare ; ^ /ca?i^, to drive. I ^ bad ; malicious. I ft a crafty device. A wife ; an Imperial ./i-^ concubine. From 2, IP, self. Hence %^ ki*, to recolh^ct; ^^ kl\ to record; ,2. j^^i^ dread; tIC ^"t'^ to rise ; ^(i^j'^t*, worthy ; Q^ /.'ai'', to change. M' Apr. Id stitute. Fiom '^ cItV, a bi'aiicli. Hence ^ chz\ a branch; ^ /l-/\ skilful; itj /c'r, forked; )j^ chi^, the limbs. f 2^ a haidot. Piy B oa u t i f 11 1 ; excellent; w on- miao derful. 51 -k 38 VOCABULARY. 4—6 From tp f^Jino^, a few. Hence j;,^ ch'ao-', to roiist ; ^'\} cliao^, to ti'ansciibe ; ^p ch'ao^, to clamour; ^^ sha^, sand. I |?f marvels. [ ^ aclniiraLly suited for use ; marvels. 3^ Firm ; secure ; satisfactory. feo From J^ cliar/, claws. Hence f^ nui^ hungry; i^ sui^, peaceful. f ^ reliable. c"aaI To binder ; to oppose. An fcuig obstacle : a ditliculty. From "fi fa'^'iff^i a place. ' Hence |5/j foiig-, to guard against; ijj f'f»g^, a shop; 15 fang^, to spin; ^ faity\ like; ^ fai/g\ fragrant ; j^ /""^^ to liberate. , I ]^ to hinder ; to obstruct. Jealous ; envious. From JS /(ii*, a door. Distinguish ^ Z-eo'', to pair. To adorn oneself. To disguise; to pretend. chuang From -^ eh'iiang^, a bed. Hence ;^ clbaang\ a bed; ^ c/u/a/;^*, appearance; ^ chuang^, to pack ; ^ cUuany^, grave. I fi^ to adorn ; oruameut. } An elder sister. tsi From ^ h'p, to stop, (i'ompare ^ ili^, a brother. I 3^ sisters. W Ay. rouno-er sister, From ^ i/ei*, not yet. I ■? ^ young-er sister. f^S" A wife. Compare ^ iu/i, a pencil ; ^ leo", upper storey. An elder sister. tsie From |[ ^s■'/fc^ yet. Hence [g /.svt^ to hinder ; ]j£ ^.vir, ancestors ; |j_ tsu''^ to cuise ; |§ £6-'»S coarse ; % i\ reasonable ; ^ tsi?, rent; JKj ^i'^f*, to help. sistert 'M s//i The beginning ; to start.' From -^ t'ai^, eminent. H ence "I'^i r A baby. A beautiful woman. A surname ; a clan ; peo- ^■"'y pie. From ^ se??o\ to produce. Hence >l'i t^ . 7 ., , tt sing\ disposition ; f^ ,e>uj\ animals; ^ ^^/'^^i 3£ ^"'^^\ a g^n. sceptre Hence 677/01, a star. § ^?'''l cumamon ; ^^ kna\ to hang up ; 1*1 kaei . a vonnir woman : iK'if J/ni,ai'-. 1 ^ name. concord ; ^ i'ai^^ moss ; ^ c/i'i^, to lli g I )jS. the tii-st ancestor. I -^ beginning and end; throughout. c^^C Adultery ; iiceutiousness. kie)i •J^ adult er^'. .1 [^ kitei^, a young woman ; ;^ //6'iai- shoes; ^ »rt\ a frog; ^j Z;aa'S a street. 52 G-10 VOCAP.ri.AUV. ± 38 c/ivQ Severe ; stern ; iiKijestic. ucl Pomp. From ^ siili, 7-9 p.m. 1^ \)i)\\ev ; authority, il to terrify. ^ luajcstie ; stem. ^ iiitluence ; j)ower. ■^1 |)owcr. (3(|A| I J\raiTinrro connect ;tions ; a From g /?;\ because. Hence ji'[JI ie«^, sm(^ke; )][§ icyi^ ruuge ; P|I /cm^, to swallow. ^^ To marry ; to take a wife. ^From Jg ts'ii:'', to fake. Compare ^ ti'u*, pleasant; j^ i^'^a^, very. I ^ to marry. riJ A wife ; a laJj ; a w^o- /"- mnu. From ^ cheo^, a bi-oom. Compare |ff kuei'^, to return. I A a woman ; women. I -^ women. cU^ A pro stitute ; a singing From ^ cJc'ant/^, prosperous. ITeiice ^g ch\()i(/, mad; Pg cltany^, to sing; f^ chang^, a prostitute. I ^j^ harlots. ■ An old woman. p'o Fiom iJ^ po^, a wave. I ^ a husbaud's mother. <^ tj'- ]iy\L Pleasant; genia ial. From ^]i iifi>i\ courleouslv. Hence S>'b i(a)i^, ])eas ; 'j'j] ikih^, to sctjop. I g* entreaties. c.^P To niarry a wife ; a l>ride- hueii groom. From -^ //iii')i\ dusk. I ^ mari'iao-o. I ^ to nniriy ; matrim(»nial affairs. I ^ a weddfn"- feast. ll^- A female skive ; a maid ■pel servant. From ^ pei^, lowly. Hence ^ p'u\ lares; fi^Il p'ar, a sign board; ^ jwt^, a tablet. ^ n ■ ■ ' c^^ Covetous ; avaricious. laii From ^ Viir, a grove. Hence '{^}^ Itn'^, to dri]) ; :|jijj^ ///;-, a discjise of tiie bladder; \)j^ plii^, simple; ^ lln-, rain. Pis- iniguisb ^fc'u'', to burn. m To flatter. Attractive. From /^ /^/Pt"-', eyebrows. Heuce |Q ;;jei~, the Imtel. H^X Tender; delicate; ini- /intii mature ; young. From y^ sJtuJi, to bind; and ^ puh, to tap. I ^ a tender shoot. AuaKj Daugliter-in-law. Slli From ,§, sUi, to rcsf. Hence 'l^, sih, to extinguish. I ii|f daughter-in-law ; a wife. 53 ^ 30 VOCABULARY. ]0— 19 To many a Lusljand. kta From ^ /i-/'<(\ a lionie. Hence if^J hla^, to suw ; \%l kia^, tools. ) E a vy ; j e al o n sy . To Ii a te . I ^1 a o-raiu. tsih > I ^ cliildreu. rrom .;i^ ^s///, sickness. Hence ^* ^',//t \ I ^ 1«^<>1'1«. The 39th Radical. "T A son ; a cLikl. A dimi- t'i'i native. Hence ^J had^, good. Distingui.^h -^ ii^, to give; -^ iZ', in ; at. gorse. I ^J4 to Ije jealous ; to envy. !;3(^ Lewd ; lustful. Fornica- ]l t((0 tion. j ^ cliildren. I ?^. (lescendauts, ^ Prco-iiiinl From 75 nap, nnmelv. Hence "^j ndP, From ^ 2yuio\ a ticket. Hence |?^ | a woman; ^Jj rem/, to throw away ; (JJ p'iao^, to bleiich ; f^ pi(io\ a signal ; *|i reii/, yet. 2j'ia(r, a gourd ; ,^ p'iau^, to float. "rjn A letter; cliaracter ; word. ts'i I M pi'ostitutes i . . From >^ viipu^, a roof. Compare i^ c3^ A baby, specially a girl ; , ^,,/,^ a h^u^e; i^ u^ to cover. 'ing an iufaiit. From 1^ 'tnr/^, peails. Hence iflp nir/, n cluM-ry tree ; |^ iiig^, a tassel ; ||.^ ing^, a parrot. I J^1)abies. jjjj] :\Hlk; tlie Lreasts of a '^'ASB I woman. From |i^ r?3^ you. Hence long; 5|| 6i', the royal signet. f'^i^C Beautiful ; handsome. iiiaa \i^ To keep ; to secrete ; to Av'ue// retain ; to lay by. Compare ff f.-^t^, to undertake; ^ i^.va/^ at. I ^ to keep out of danger. I ^ to detain. I ^- to resei've ; to retain. j IS to keep in miud. I tZ"* to have the miud set on ; state of uiiud. '^-^ To honour one's father and Jisino mother ; filial. From 5g /ao\ old. Hence |5: kiaoK to teach ; B^ h-siao^, to roar ; 0| hoau^, yeast. From 1^ luan^, to bind together. Hence *|^ /iVj?!^, lo lust after; ^ i/utji''^, a tribe ; | [ ]l^ to sliew filial })iety. I j;^; requirements of iilial piety ^ uaii^, to bend ; ^ pien\ to change. I ^ a catamite ; efiemiuate I ^ ;^ ^ ti) houour parents 54 4—16 VOCABULARY. i^ 40 c-Jn To trust ill ; to have con- /"' fid unco ill. From J^ rJia(/, claws. Ileuce ^^fn-, to flnat ; If[ ?-u^, milk. cj/Ja Fatliorloss ; lonely; soli- ^■i' tary. Fi'oui J^ /c:(a\ a nieloii. f 5i or [ J- a, fatherless elifld. I ;g: an orphan. ^^ The 40th Radical A roof. cJM A child ; childrc From ^ hai\ 9 to 11 p.m. Honcp d^ Xr'e/i, a couph ; ^|J y^VA, to carve; ^ X;^!, ouglit; f^ /^e//, ihe kernel; ^ /uu'-', ihe skeletou ; ^ /i^/(», .stiirded. I 5i or [ ^ a child. fli> Descendants ; posterity. From ^\ to connect. Compare -0^ /isi^, to bind. ^^) To study; to learn ; to h--iioh imitate. A science. Compare ^ kloli, to perceive; JS. it\ with. I ^ '^ pupil ; a student. I fcFj to study and ask — learning-. } fijl a device. I ^ a school. I ^ to study ; to acquire by repetition. I tE S to study a doctrine. Hence ^ fsr\ a clinracter. Distinguish >-♦ mill, to cover ; ^ hi^iicli, a cave. '^ >J To guard ; to prf)tect. shco To observe ; to attend to. From -if t.-i^ iieii'^, an inch. I fj to hec]) a holiday. I fi^ to wait for a person. I |i5 to remain unmarried after the death of a betrothed or a husband. [ P to guard a pass ; to close up, as a sore. 1 H ^ tt> observe the Sal)bath. I j^ ^£ t*^ observe propriety. J Sin ; evil ; retribution. iiieh From H 5/e/i; a kind of grass. CiK Peace; quiet; contented. an To pacify. To place. An interrogative. From ;^ hii,'^, a woman. Hence J^ a»*, according to; ^ a/f*, a case at law. Compare ^ I'd-', firm. ^ to comfort. ^ to )/ury. ^ to hide ; to stay in. 1^ at ease ; pleased and happy. J^ tf> })hice ; to lay down. ,g, to rest. ^ peacefully. ^ to take things easy ; indolent. ^P contented. p quiet. % to appoint. ^ satisfied ; content. If firm ; solid ; secure. ^ peaceful. J, the Sabbath. 55 40 VOCABULARY. 3—6 -^XJ:, A cl\A^elling. A neigli- tseh bniirliood. Also read From r^ fo*, to depeiid on. Hence |'§ c1l\l^, to vuunt. ■^X* 1'lie sides of a house under u tlie eaves. The canopy of heaven ; space. From -^ iP, in. Hence W if, n rliko; PJ //w\ ahis; '^ u\ the potato; 5;J: u.\ tlislant. W tl le uuivei'se. cyiu To finish ; to complete ; nan completed. To pay taxes. From ^ ikit^, first. Hence ^ //eu'* a courtyard. Compare ^ tsuur/\ an ancestor. I X t'> finish work ; to coni})lete a joh. I fj complete. I ^ ^ ff '^ii perfectly arranged. (JU\ Wide ; vast. JiUllfJ From ^ JcoDg'^, the forearm. Hence M f^onrj", the arm ; ^^ hfiioiiq^, martial. I ,i^, ahouudiug grace ; great favour. ( ^ An official; official. Pnb- k'lan lie. From g <^, by. Hence ^ l-iirni^, to look after. Distinguisii 'g^ /luait.'^, an official. I ^ rulers. I Jl^ a niaudarin ; a magistrate. At. To fix; to settle. Decid- ii"9 ed ; certainly. From 7£ ////;, a roll of chttli. Hence |j£ chau'^, a rent; |^ ^i"5'S an ingot of silver. I fj^ to make to order. I j^ to settle finally. I "^ to determine. I i^ decided ; certain ; to settle. I f I" to decide on a plan. [ IP to condenni ; decide on the pun- ishment. f (\^\ direcrtion ; course. I ^ a, arced upon ; decided. I -^ ^^ ^** decide between good and evil. I T ^ ^'* decide a case at law. I T i ^ ^*-* ^i^J^ks up the mind. cTJ""^ An ancestor ; a clan. To tsong honour. From 7j^ omen. Hence |,'^ f.'laisance. ,^E,) rV house ; a home ; an 67V?A apartment. From S c/^^^ to arrive at. Hence ^ \ ' ^^ ^"^ ^^^cept. r/;>^ to cause; ^ cAi/;, a nephew; j^ \ \ IH iippearauce. cU'th, firm. f iS A palace. A temple. A k)H(/ college. From g Iil^, a musical pipe. Hence {^ /iZ', a compuuion. 'S Toiiiiu jure ; to destroy. To j /i«i suiter ; to take a disease. From :^ /'^»<7\ graceful ; and P h'cu^, a mouth. Hence fij /cjh, to cut; P'§ lisiah, blind. I tfi to fear. I '^ to contract a disease. I ^ A to kill a person. c;^V A house ; a familj- ; a home. /da From ^jhr', a ]ng. Hence ^ /;/a-*, liarvest ; ^'j /;ta\ to marry a husbuud. [ It fanu'ly register. I ^ master of the house. I fill -^ ^et him go. •^ A ruler. To govern. To ^■«^«" kill animals. From ■^ 6'/y/^, toilsome. Hence v^" /fo't^ dreg... I ^j^ to kill ; to slaughter. -^sC A feast ; a bancpiet. ten From 7- //, dny; and ^ »«^\ woman, Compaie ^ a//\ a caj>e at law; ^^ rt;i^, according to; ^^ (ii'\ 'i saddle. Distin- guish ^ ien'. quiet. 'f^j A halting place. To lodge atih for the night. Read sitt^, A night. A con- stellation.* From ^ re)r, a man ; and "g" pr7t, a bund red. Hence |.'f^ soh, to confuse; g|| 6'o//, to shuffle along, I ^^ to company with harlots. ^^ 40 VOCABULARY. 8—10 /j>Xj Silent ; quiet ; solitary. ttiih From jj^ shuh, father's younger brother. Hence ^ tuJt, to oversee ; j^l^ tsiao^, pepper; i^ sJtuli, limpid. I f^ absolute quiet ; still. ^g J f Secret; confidential. In- #^g ^ timate. Close ; fine. From t^ pill, mnst ; and \\\ sJiUJi'^, hill.?. Hence ^' mi//, honey. I M pi'ivate room. I g dense clouds. hail Cold ; wintry. Poor. P>X To lodge at. To send. fcl To deliver to. From -^ /c't^ strange. Hence -f^ i^, to trust in; |^ k' i'^, to ride an animal; 1^ ^*"i^ steep ; |^ j^, a chair. I ^ to stop at a place ; to lodge in. Peace ; rest. Used as a j^^ term of comparison = "rather;"' "it is better." Interchanged with ^. *^^ The second form is altered from the first, ''"'^ which formed part of the personal name of the Emperor 2'ao Kuang. From j'5 shi^, heart; and j]|[ mwg\ a utensi]. Hence |^ ning'^, to enjoin. I pj" rather. c^ To reverence. From 3 to ^'^ 5 a.m. Hence '{^ ieji^, to practise. From /" 'p'lng^, an icicle. Compare sai^, to cumpete ; ^ -b'tV/, to stop up. j i^ bitterly cold. To lodge ; to dwell. Metaphor. From ^ li"^, a monkey. Hence p^ W^, a corner ; \)^ eo'^, an iiriage ; f^ uan\ ten thousand ; ^ ?/-, stupid; j^ tZ ', to meet ; |^ eo^ a pair. I I j^ a lodging place. @ AYealth ; wealthy. /'' From ^ /(t\ to be fidl. Hen^,e ^ pi/i, to compel ; |lg //i\ to thread. DistiuguisL ^ /ufo'^, precious. I ^really. I 'Jf the actual facts of the case. I ^, the real meaning. I ^ results ; effects ; outcome. Few ; little. Friendless ; ^iii'i' alone. From ^^ pnng'^, to divide, (altered.) I ^ /■ Precious ; rare ; valuable. .\ jewel. fiao ^i\s^j To wirite.; to sketch. ■sle From M ^.f/i., a cloo;. Fiom 2 ?Z\ oems ; -^ /eo^, porcelain ; and ^ pri\ pearls. I ^ a casket. I -S precious stones, I ^Ij :i sword. I ^ a throne ; the throne— of the Emperor, I ^ precious ; valuables. HMr To esteem ; to favour. c^i'oin/ :Kindness ; grace. From fl lo)i(f, a dragon. Hence ^ /o)ig'-^, a iiole ; J,^| hmf, to grasp ; f| loiiff'\ a cage ; ^ loii(/'\ to grind ; S| ioiiff-, deaf. I ;^ to delight in ; to love. The 41st Radical. ^J An inch. The tV of a ta'iioi Chinese foot (j^). A little. Hence f^ fu\ to hand to; ^ s/ieo^, to guard; ^,f ts' uen\ a village; |if f;'(?o^, to beg. cjj To seal up. To appoint to Jeurj territory or otiice. To bestow honours. N. A. From ^ kiici\ a gem sceptre. Hence ^ 'paug'^, U) lielp, ;] ~f to seal up. ( -f^ closed up ; sealed. I ^ shtit up ; closed. 59 -^ 41 VOCABITLATtY. G— 13 yii To project ; to slioot out. slice To aim at. From ^ aJten^, tlie body. TTence ^ sie^, to tlisiuk ; || iihce\ the musk deer. I ^if to slioot arrows, <7V^ Sigu of tlie future ; aliout tsiaiiu to. Introduces the ob- ject of verl). Read Uiaiiff. A general. From ^ cJinainr, a concli ; and Ji] villi, flesh. Hence 3^ tsiaiiff, to reward; ^ tsiam/, ketchup; ^f Isiaw/, to starch. I J(J uearing ; close to. j ^ iu tlie future ; in time to come. I 5^ close to ; near by. I !^ a general. I ^ijj a commauder ; cliief general. I fill fo ^? ^1® healed him. <-y:S^ / O^b' ' specially. To ns- MA ( sume responsibility. cm) cliaaii lien no ^ chuan^, to turn over ; f^ cJiuau^, to transmit ; f^ t'lt/iir, to knead ; $11 cliuan^, a hrick ; jgj t'uair, a lump. JJistiuguish "^ fii}, to announce. I ^^J^'gt^^t son. ;>^ Few ; a little. Sliort of. Comj)are ^ Jiu\ a door. shao Kead shao^. Young. From y jyieh, a dasli. ITeiice ^ s7m^ sand ; i'p ch'au^, to copy ; -f/b ^7ia\ / V) A foot=10 Chinese inch- gauze. c/i'i/i es (t]-) ; or 14.1 ineh- I ^ i^ the smallest degree. es English; or 0.3581 1 ;;?; "]* indispensable. Vietre. [ ^ A a young person. From 'X la//, a stroke to tlie right. c^^^ A sharp point. I TJ- feet and inches ; length. is'ie^fc t/& 'i'« •'itop. A nun. From ;^ fa-', great. ^l"' ?u [pj Still ; yet ; and besides. shang To honour. Abbreviat- From \^ pp, a ladle. Hence ^ 7u'', an interrogative; \f^ )n~, mud. ed in combination to >^. From [~j k'ioufj^, a limit; and P k'eo'^, 1 ■§§ a nun. a mouth. Hence fjjj t\in'i« sequence. At once. From n Ic'fo^, a mouth ; and f^ clC'ih, To follow ; to come or a foot (altered). to go to. To complete. 1 1^ seendy ; handsome ; correct. Gl lU 46 VOCABULARY. 4—11 c/i^i To dwell ; to remain. To^ kil be in — of various states and conditions. From -^ k L^, aucient. Compare J^ IcHk, an oflicc. I {± to dwell. I ^ eldest ; chief. f jJJ* the miud bent on. I # -fi to ocriipy the chief seats. /lili) To crouch ; to bend down. />;'"/'' A grievance. Prom ^J cJt'tiJi, to go out. Compare ^Jlj chiu'li, stupid. I ^ to bend the body. I J^ to bow the knee. /^j A bouse ; a room. ■uh From 5i t'^'^'> to arrive. Compare ^ sliili, a house ; ]^j'^ hilly country. {j^ a peak ; a summit. ^ a precipace ; a ledge. 62 4—20 VOCABri,ARY. lli 40 I Wi '^ l<^*fty mountain peak. I ^ a rnuge of hills ; a mountain pass. I JInJ a cave. I 1 a cliff. I ^ mountain peaks, I ^ o-oats. ■gjLi The i)laco Avhorc roads 6"'i'a l>raiicli oft\ To bniucli oil-. From ^ /<''■) \ to divide. JTence ^^ /(y7i^, powder; ^^ fp'tK anoer ; ^ foi^. to comiiiand ; ^ y)^///^, to dress up; $-^ fen^, confused ; ^ p'oc^, a bowl. I ^ braucliiug' roads. "|JL4 > AVife's parents. A mouiit- ioh a ill peak, rrom ^ ^'tu^, Confucius. (Compare ■E jniiy^, soldiers. I ^ fatber-iu-law. I -i^ motlier-in-law. J^ A bank ; a shore. ail From j~* //r/n*, a ch'ff ; and ^ /.-an^ to oppose. (Jompare ^ i'«?i^, cuah c nH Name of a mountain, liten From ■^ lueir, to arrniige. IT^nce j^ liipit^j niitui-al r(datioiislii|),s ; -^ /ui'ir, iiu eddy; ^^ laeir, a wheel; ^j^ lac)i\ to discuss. c/J/J Deatli of an emperor. To P«'^9 fall in ruius. From JIJ\ p', friend.<^'. I ^ to fall in — as in a huidsliii, I M tlestroyed. \ Kic preci^Jicc. ido-e of a hill : a mound. I ''''^ influences From P han*, a cliff : and ^ htei^, a gem sceptre. Hence ^ mi", a limit ; ^% iai ^, to delay. m c>>4^ To venerate ; to reverence. ch'oiHj Lofty; noble. Also read tsong^. From ^ tsong'^, ancestor. Hence g;^ Uo))(/, a footstep; |,'j;j t>^nng\ a dumpling; 1;^ tsong^, a mane. Distinguish j^ .yut^, From p^] uan(/, a net, (altered). Hence ^i ^'/?/^\ steei ; ^]|i] hnng^, a jarj li /ra» Streams. To flo\Y. Hence j]\ chn(?, a distnct; ^'^ hsuln*, to instruct; Jlj^ ahuen'^, favourable; Ijll hsiilu'^, ducilt'. <;4 c-^: A Dest in a tree. A i gg ^,i, to 'slander. cIlcio liauut ; a den. ^^ Clever ; ingenious ; skilful ; Ulao artful. Opportunely; luckily. From "5" Icldi?, air in motion. Hence ;^"5 Itsiifi, decayed ; \^ u^, foul ; ^ k'ao'^, to examine. I ■=• artful words. I S§ f£ a" flowery speeclies. c^ Magical arts. A witch. From A r^H'j a man, (repeated). Hence From ^ k/j fruit. Hence flj tsiao-''' to destroy. I ^ a den ; a hauut. The 48th Eadical. I ill5 i^orcery ; magic arts. r /Vl To send ; to depute. ch'ai liead ch'a^. To differ; to mistake ; discrepancy ; unlike. From ^ i">'fr, ^ sheep. C^)mpare ^ sin^, sliame; ^ mei^, pretty ; 2£ ^'^'^'j ^^^^ left hand. c i ^ Labour. A labourer. A l^ou'j job. Time occupied in doing a piece of work. Hence '^X J^'any^, a river; ^kaug^, a ' I ^ ^ ""^'t far out. jar ; Jfj ko)i(j\ merit; jj?- k'oiKj-, lest ; ifX • I 3'l! ^" send ; to commission. honf, red. \ '^i ^^ sent ; the one sent. I H^ a head workman ; an overseer. I ^ wages. I A a labourer. I ^ time ; leisure ; labour. I [£ an artizan. I j5 skill ,' art. I jf^ labour ; workmanship. I ^ expenses of labour. /Jl The left. Second to. De- t>io praved. From — ill. one; and ) p'ieh, a stroke to the left. Hence ^ tdu^ to aid. I ^ the left hand. The 49th RvmcAL. r~^ Self ; private ; personal. ki Compare g^ p'ei^, worthy ; f£ /"-'t*. to transgress; fg, ki'^, to recollect ; tI;^ ^•'^^ to rise ; fj^ kl"^, to record. Distinguish 2» 6-i*, 9-11 a.m.; and g, i^, already. 1^7 Already ; finished ; to i come to an end. Compare 'gj pao\ to wrap ; g^ Z; tf^, to alter. Distinguish £, At'*, self. I |g already. I ^ for a long time. C4 1—7 VOCABULARY m 50 tZi One of the Twelve Branch- ^•^ es (M !^). The period from 9 to 11 a.m. Distinguish ^ kl^, self ; and Q ^^ ah-eady. I ^ y to 10 a.m. . 1 J A clamp. An expression 'pa of desire. Hence ^ pa^ to take; )f\g jo'a^, to crawl ; 'g i^a*, a fence. Compare ^ se/i^ colour. I ^ to curry favour. I ;^ :^ would that ; may it be ! ^^ A lane ; an alley. Also hsiang read hang\ From dfc ^on^^ all. The 50th Radical. ( ' M A napkin ; a kerchief ; a kin towel. Hence 1^ sh'i*, a market. 'IP Calico; cotton cloth. To pi* notify ; to publish. pistiuguish "ifi sh'i^, a market ; and H hsi^, few. 1 14 A market ; a fair. sh'i From -i- t'eo", above. Hence ^ si*, a persimmon ; ^ fei\ the lungs; ^ p'ei\ copious; ^ ?i«o^ bustle. Distinguish ;|fj pu\ cloth ; and ^ Ast^ a few. I ^ H H riff-raif of the market place. J/L (•17 u A sail, fail From^ /L />?>/", all. Ilenoo \]i fan\ io float; jX /isa/y/"*, a guard house; 3^ Jisuiii*, quick. I ^ a sail. c^ffl Rare ; strano-c ; curious. hsl Few. To hope. Distinguish flT s/^' ', a market ; and Ylf 2^?^^ cloth. [ -^ strang'e. I ^ uncommon ; to value. IPJ3 A turban ; a kerchief. p'u From 1^ ppj/, white. Hence /^\ ought; -Jf^^ Vaiiff, to flow ; fj^ t'aiig'^, supposiug. I ff; to do constantly, f Uf always ; continually. \ ^ uniformly ; constantly. \ % regular order; usual proeedm-e. I Wi> XM always patient. . . A curtain; a screen A cl^o.,>g tent. Used with M chancf, an account. From ^ ch;a,g\ ]o„<>:. Hence *i i"S ; 'm change, to open out. j ^ a tent ; curtains. j ||^ curtains ; bed curtains, I % a tent. > To help. To defend. N. A. From ^ feiig^, to seal up, I If} to assist. I J^ to lend a hand ; to aid. ||jjg ^ curtain ; a screen. man From # OT(77i,*, extended. Hence marr, rude ; ma/r, bread. man^, to overflow 5 gS I ^ a curtain. I'] ij^j 'r A curtain. A secretary. m\ From ^ mo/i, a negative. Hence HE 7?io//, a filmy skin ; ^ mo*, a grave ; ^ mo"*, to long for; ^ vio*, evening; j^ mo^t a model ; ^ ^j^o"*, to enlist. The 51st Kadical. C\ To oppose. A shield. To han attend to. Eesults. Hence |f kni^, a pole; ^f kmi^, the liver ; ^ han^, rare. Compare •^ tu'leii^j a thousaud. I ^ concern ; consequences. I 3E to transgress ; to offend. I -^ weapons of war ; troops. r\ Level ; even ; just ; equal, p'i'i^ Peaceful. Usual 6Q -10 VOCABULARY, 7^ 53 Fnim /\ ]>(ih, (M'iilif. lltMic.o "^0 p'i-»g'^, ]Tenco ll^ vKi^. an interrogative. Com- to discuss; ffi clt\')i(/, to weigh. pare /^ s^^'selHsll; ^. .s?\ silk. I ^ of equal rank. 1 ^ peace. *^J Young ; immature ; weak. 1 ^ usually ; in >tlie ordinary course ia of tliino-s. From ^ lih, strengtli. I "^ ordinarily. I ^ rliildrcji. I W peaceful and quiet ; calui. >tu I H level with the Avest— sunset. c;^ Almost: nearly. Read • I ^ a level plain. ^'^i' Xvl How many ? how I ^ quiet and peaceful. ■much ? A few ; some ; 1 daily ; usually. several. I lie level and straight. From }^ .> j ^ division of years ; time. J 0§ dark ; gloomy. I ^ H # seasons : periods. The 53rd Radical. ^^^ To rejoice. Fortunate ; / A covering ; a roof. hsing prosperous. ien Hence (^ hsin-g\ lucky. Distinguish ^ Compare J^ Jum\ a cliff ; f nih, a s'duj^, toilsome. disease. ^^ Business. To attend to /J^U To protect :; to shelter. kan l.)usiness ; to manage. pi Capable. From J;t; 2^l^ to compare. From ^^ hi)i'^, dawn. Hersco -^ humf', to balhe; ^ /laii^, a pencil; $^ kaii^, dry. )y Precedence. Order. A Thp: .")2xd Radical. i^n, school. f,.^ Immature; young. From ^ fl', we. Honce §f slni^, to open out; if^> clin'^, a shuttle; ff s-Zjk', to iao strain out ; ^ h'^ savage. r 53 VOCABULARY, -12 Tlie bottom ; iiDflerneatli ; ti low. A foundation ; a rongli draft. Constitu- tion. From J^ ti^, foLHid.'ition. PTence j^ ti^, to oppusej -J^ ii,^, to hang dowu ; |^ cli'i'-'', papei-. I "Y below ; lower down. I ^ a rongk copy ; a base. I jf^ the end ; the conclusion. )\^ A prefecture ; tbe officer f(i governing it. A trea- sury ; a palace. From {j fu\ to liand to. Hence p§ /a*, near to ; ^ fic"^, to tally. Compare ^- fiC"-, to prostrate. I M <^'<'l'itt^l '^f i-^ prefecture. tit II An inn ; a shop. From ^ cJian'^, to usurp. Hence {^ cJiaM*, to usurp; ^'^ nieii^, to pick up; f^ chati^, to stand ; ^ ti.en''', to disgrace; ijj^ fieh, a document; tij^ t'ie/i, to paste up. [ ;^ laur, a sickle. I fg sparing ; frugal. I "j^ modest ; bashful. M To 1^ x^ do away witb ; to fei abrogate ; to waste. Useless. From ^f(ih, to emit. I ^ to use recklessly. I 1^ abrogated ; discarded. I "J* to waste. I ^ ruiued ; to render useless. 68 1.2 — IG YOCAlULAin'. ^ 5: /^\ Extensive ; ^vide ; broad. knaiig From ^ hnavg-, j'ellow. Hence B^ Tcuang^, a wilderness ; ifS? /nieng"^, crosswise I ^ to do good ou a large scale. I :^vast. J^/l A temple ; a slirine. ')niao From ]|J| cJiao-, towards. Hence j|5 ch'ad^, tide ; P|§ ch'ao", to jest. I ^ temples. A tliatclicd hut; a booth. From ]J //'/■*, anxious. Compare -0 li'c^, to filter ; i^| Z//-, a donkey ; J^ /(^^^ ^ stove. The 54th Kadical. ;^i_* To move on. ill Compare j__ clioli, walking-. To dehiy ; to neglect. To inn lengthen out. To invite. From jE cheng'^, upright. Hence || ien^, a feast; tM ta)t^, a birthday, dis- tinguish ^ t'ing", the Court. To establish ; to erect ; kieii to found. From -^ iuh, a pencil. Hence ^ Jclea'^, robust. I 5: to establish. I is j|E ^ to build ; to erect. The 55th Radical. if hong Hands joined. Hence ^ kiai\ to warn ; ^, lo»g\ to make; to prepare. • yi To do ; to make ; to act. long From 3i "^7 a gem. The 56th Radical. Vi) A dart. ih Hence ^ {i]ii\ a pattern. Distinguish :Ji^ /;;o\ a spear. ^V A form ; fashion ; rule sh'i pattern. From J[ kong^, labour. Hence ^ .s7/'?'. to test; ^^ .s-///\ to wipe; ^ ^//i', to murder a superior. m aln To murder a superior. From ^ sJnth, to kill (contracted). I ^ to iiinrder a father. The 5Tth Radical. c ^^ A bow. A land mea- l^oug sure of five feet. Hence ^ kong^, the body. Compare ^ k'ao^, to examine. ^1 To lead ; to miide. To entice. To quote ; to introduce. From I knen^, a strcke. I ^ to lead ; to instruct. I |§ to eutice. I lE^ to shew the way ; to guide. fnh A ne2:ative : not. Hence ff, fei\ bubbling ; ^f, fuh, to dust; ^ full, like; f^ fuh, Buddha ; ^ /'et'*, to spend. G9 50 VOCABULARY. A younger brotlier ; a ti junior. Read t'i'^. To act as a younger brother. Compave 1% tiao^, to mourn; ^ ti^, a sei-ies; ^ tufi, a sister. I -^ a clisciiile ; a junior, I 3i brothers. AVeak ; viekling". •ok From f^ Rari^, phimne^e (cnntrncted). Hence ^^ luli, to grasp ; ^ nih, to drown. ^ "^ Strong ; violent. Better. .^^ - Read k'ianrf. To force , ^5S ^*^ compel From /.^ S7'\ selfish; and jj^ cJiOirg^-, an insect. I is to compel ; to force. I '^ a robber. I Jli hale ; strong. I iin better than. I ^ henrt}'. I -g? to detain by force. I ji to wrench. 1 % fierce ; violent. I ^H overbearing. I M ^^ overcome by violence. I M. t^ take by force. I M J|l to stiifen the neck. (7^ To open. To boast chang publish. N. A. to From -^ di'ang'^, loiijr. Hence ^^ c7;.a»|7*, a screen; 'jg chanc/'^. disappoint- ed ; jj-g cha)ig\ a swelling ; |1J| cliauff, au account. J ^£ insolent ; arrogant. Enough ; adequate. ho Distinguisli ^ /.•/(/(, grain. j y^ enough for use. ( ~jp sufficient. c7-fi To play on stringed instru- t\vi ip.ents. To press down. Read tcui^. A shot. From '^ tnn'^, only. Hence fj^ tnv^, to dread ; jfjl^ sliari'^, abstraction ; ^ chmi^, to fight. I M to pi'css down ; to repress, i I ^ to play the harp. m To fill. To stop ; to close mi up. From ^ r'i^, you. Compare jg r;3, near I ^ to repair ; to make good. (^^ Winding. To curve; to ^'a't bend. Used with \^ uaii^, a ])ay. From llf, /nan^, to bind together. Hence ^- ])ien*, to change ; ^ viarr, a tribe; f|;fi //ey/'*, to lust after. J #^ iSl fft curved ; winding. The 58th Radical. . 5^ A pig's head. /,■/ Compare 2 ^'"'j reciprocal. The 59th Radical. c r^ Feathers. sail Hence ^^ .s/VS must ; ;^^ ^/(a/i', a shirt. Compare ^pnio^, hair. 4—1: VOCAIULARY. 60 iJiy Fio-iire, form ; appcarcance. hdi)ig To take .shape. From 5f k'icn'^, even. Cuinparo ^ij Jisiiig^, to [juiiiijli. I ff^ likeuess. I tI^ ap})eaniucc ; form. I If substance ; the body. I H likeness ; form. TIJ/ OrDameDted; brilliant; gay. U\d Lucky ; a prize. From ^ tsai^, vanVgated. Hence ^ isVri^ to select; 1^ ia'^/i^, vuriegated ; ^ tsal^, veoretubles. to do : ^ k'^cif^, a do''. (;'g^, silver ; 5(^ Jieir, a scar. c^pj To acquiesce in ; to follow. ^tuti Interchanged with ^ From 'Efj Jimin-, a period of ten days. Hence fp] lisui/i-, to inquire; |.h] hsuen^, variegated ; ^|5 .^?Z/';<% a small feudal state ; 1^ //.wZ//<2, greedy for ; ^ sucn^, bamboo Spl'OUtS. f 'j;f to shew favouritism ; to connive at. m A follower ; a disciple. t' II' In vain. To transport. From ^ tseo^, to walk. \ f^ an api)rentice. I ^ hi vain. I ^ to laboiu' in vain. 'ItT) To obtain ; to acquire ; to teh gain. Can ; may ; able To effect. From ^ at an obstacle. to. ^ to stop. Hence ^f ai*. I IP to offend. I ^ to obtain salvation. I t^ very ; exceedingly. I f^ at convenience. I "M t*^ 8'^^ one's desire. j f)^ to find leisure for. I H^ at a convenient time ; in favour. I yf, ^ unable to obtain. I Wi ^ M justification ; to be justified. I ^ % ^ M^^ obtain both principal and interest. To follow ; to comply with. To obey. From ; by ; since, Ptead tsong'^. A second ; an adherent. il^tsoyig^j aUbougli; f^ tsong^, a trace. Distinguish ^ Vir, a disciple; and ^ si^ to change residence. .1^ tsottg Hence 8—12 VOCABULARY *ir^ 61 I 'B^ formerly. I >]\ from cliildliood. I jjfj from this ; lieuccforth. [ ^ from the start ; afresh. I ^ from the begiuiiiug ; heretofore. \ "^ IcX ^ from henceforth. I Jl 5'j T ^'^■o^^ ^<^P *^ hottom. I -^ ^ ^^ from of okl. I •¥• M BJa fi'oi'-i <-'^^i"b' till late. ^iJP To mauoge. Imperial; il conDected. "with the Emperor. To wait ou. Fi'om ^U sie\ to get rid of. Heuce ^ iL\ to resist. I ^ the imperial guard. •^X) To return ; to repeat ; fuh again ; repcatedlyo From ^ full, to retrace. Hence |^ full, the stomach; |^ /«/i, reiterated; ^fuh, to report. I fg to come to life again. I ^ restored to life. j ^ revival ; to have a return of pros- perity. I ^f anew ; afresh. I %i reconciled ; on good terms once more. fj , Eveiywherc ; the whole. ' ( Once. From ^ pien,^ flat. Hence ^ pieii^ to twist ; II p'ien*, to cheat ; f^ p'ie?i^, deflected ; ^ p'ien^, a section ; ^ ^;ie?i-\ a tablet. I j;^ all the land ; everywhere. I ^ in all places. ^n To follow. In order. From /y tacn,'^ a shield. Houco j| ii<(?M,'* to hide. >y?i Small ; minute ; trifling. From ll] shrni^, a mountain ; % '^^'^'j decided; and ^ 'puJi, to tap. Comparo \^ chem/, to tux. I >]» minute. I ii a very little. I 7^ unimportant ; trifling. Ml, To levy. cheng proof. Evidem-! e ; From llj slicin^, hill ; ^ chu^, a lord ; and ^ pah, to strike. Hence f^ clicwf to correct. I IIJC to gather ; to collect, as taxes. 'f^) Virtue ; goodness ; con- teh duct. I ^' upright conduct ; character. j f ^ virtue and ability. jfXi To penetrate ; intelligible. clitih Used with % ch'eh, to remove. From ^ ink, to brins; forth ; and ^ jyuh, to strike. Hence ff ch'eh, a rut ; '^i; clieh, clear. Compare ^ sa/i, to sow. I IS to get to the bottom of. The 61st Radical. jt^ Hence ^- ch'i\ shame. The heart ; the mind ; the affections. Tho centre. 73 iZ^ 61 VOCABULARY. 1—4 I ^ ideas ; aims. I J& ground or motive ; the moral nature. J j* determination ; will. I ,g, thoughts. I M crevices of the mind. \ 7f lE^ depraved mind. I S ^ & clear minded ; intelligent. [ mMfA lianghty ; arrogant. I ^D 7J f L pierced to the heart ; con- victed. \ M^ ^ um-estful in mind ; dis- quieted. \ ^M ^ thoughts of the heart. I BI ^ Si Ireart, belly, kidneys, bowels, the — " inner man." iX^) An emphatic particle. pih Certainly ; must ; Avill. From J p'ieh, a dash. Hence |^ seh, a lute. ^ certainly ; must. ^ bound to; certainly ; it is necessary. g must without fail ^ ^ he will certainly come. ^ ^ 1^ certain death without respite. <*tU^ To forget ; to be iinmind- iiang ful of; to neglect. From C uang'^, to destroy. Hence ^ uany^, abandoned ; ft mang-, busy. I IS to forget. I ;$; to forget the source of good. J 'J forgotten. ren From re?i , to recoguise. I M to bear with I ^ to endure. To endure ; to bear ; to repress. ]JJ ren\ an edge. Hence |^ to put up with. I iC> unfeeling ; hard-hearted. I ^ to bear hunger. d\ij% Determination ; will; pur^ cJi'i pose. From -^ s'i^, a scholar. Heuce |;g chl'^, to remember. [ M, "^ill ; inclination ; ambition. I i^ purpose. J\li> Superstitious fear. Siiper- /'•i stition. To avoid. To be envious ; to hate. From 2 ^''^ self.. Hence |g ki^, to recollect; ,f£ ki^, to record; |B /i'i^ to rise ; ^ kai'-^, to alter. I ^ to be jealous of. i I L» Hurried ; in haste ; an- viang xious ; busy. From jj vang\ lost. Hence ,3 uang*, to forget; ^ uang^, reckless. I ^ flurried ; anxious. [ T§ ^ what are you in a hurry about ? Wuai Quickly ; fast ; hasty . soon. Sharp. Cheerful' From ^ hnai^, parted. Compare ^ k^iieh, deficient. I @ a little quicker. I PJ T nearly there. I f^ 11 iriake haste and do it ! ilJU> To think of ; to remember ; nieii to recall. To read ; to chant. Twenty. From ^ hhi^, now. Hence ,|| ie;i*, to fulfil. I i^ to chant prayers. I B^ thouglits ; desires. VOCABULARY, iir> Gl I is to recite ; to intone. I ^ 3^ to re;ul tlie Bible. I !ji^ '(a ^ t^ "tt^'i' charms iu order to exorcise demons. »^ >LLi>) SiuldcDly; aiuexpeetedly. /tit/t To disregard ; to de- spise, luditlerent. From ^ nil, not. Compare ^^ is'ong^, flurried ; ^ uk, things ; ^J liin^, equal. [ ^^ suddenly. I ;§, careless ; forgetful of. (^IL^ Loyal ; faitlifttl ; devoted. cUung From tp chough, the middle. Compare ,^, hiia)t^, to sufl'ei". I >!<» f ilthful. I Jp honest. I S '^ loyal statesman. I fl honest ; faithful. I ^loyaL I 1^ faithful and sincere. iVU"* Anger; indignation. M From ^ /eH\ to divide. Hence ^ •p^en", a bowl ; ^ c/i'a^, divergent paths ; 1^ /e?i^ ])owder ; ^^ /^''■S confused ; pjj' /6U^, to command ; ^ pan^, to dress up. ili^\ How ? why ? vrhat ? From ^ c/za*, sudden. Hence f^ cha*, to deceive ; f^ tsoli, to make ; B^ tsoh, yesterday. f^ how ? in what way ? how about . . . .? fg how possible ? i.e., it is impossible- Wi 15b '"'hat do you say ? what is meant by .... ? W: fift i^ ^10^ is it ^^'^^^'^ ^ ^ m how to proceed ? what is to be done ? I li fil ?^ ^'li'^t method shall be pursu- ed ? what plan do you propose ? ilii\ Anger ; passion ; rage. nil, From ^ «u-, a slave. Compare ^ . f^ in a moment; while meditat- ing. ^> /&) Anxious ; hurried ; ur- /://< gent; hasty. Keenly desirous of. From 3L ^<\ a pig's head; and ^ pao^, to wrap. ] >\^ hiu-ried ; hasty. I ^ worried to death. j ij} keen : urgent. i^^ ci VOCABULARY. 4-G |5t Nature; disposition; spi- siiig rit; temper. A proper- ty ; a quality. From ^ seng'^, to produce. Hence %i .si'?;^''*, a surname; 1^ seng^, an animal; j^ siiig^, a star. I jjil^ spirit. I '^life. I ^ temperament ; disposition. I »^ natural temperament ; mind ; habit of mind. I -ft Strange; Avon d erf ul. De- hitai praved. To blame. A'ery. From ^ /u^ also; and 4^ i'n", earth, f ^ a monster ; an apparition. I ;;^ ^ no wonder ! 5^' To find fault; to mur- iien mur against ; to repine. Hate. From $gj iicn^, to turn over in bed. I % to hate. I ■= murmuring ; repining. I '^ murmuring ; expression of dis- content. t*> To be afraid ; cowardly ; kHeh nervous. From ^ k'ii^, to remove. Hence f^ fall, law ; ^ Ideh, to plunder. ^©^ Idle ; remiss. Disrespect- tai ful. From -^ faP, exalted. Hence ^ fai^, moss; ^ ch'i^, to flog; f^ ch'i\ to heal; j)^ i'ai'^, the womb; -^^ sJu^, the beginning ; »j'-^ i^, concord, 1 'I'^ negligent ; remiss. i|2u^ I Lest. Fearful; appreben- ^gCFT [ sive. liong From j}{, liong'^, to embrnce. Distin- guish ^, ."j/uf^ to forgive ; ^, »e?i\ to grumble; ^ ?2u*, auger. I tfi perhaps. [ p^ to terrify. [ 'I^ fear ; suspicion. c 13 Constant ; regular ; con- heng tinually. From ]g sneii^, to revolve. Compare ^ siien'^, to pubbsh. [ )[|p a constant mind. 1^ To hate ; to dislike. An hoi expression of strong desire. From ^ /.■c«^ perverse. Hence ^]| hoi^, very ; |^ A'eJib a root ; fl^ ic;^^, eyes. I ^ to loathe ; to abhor. I ^ animosity ; to feel resentment. I ^ # " ^ould that ....!" "oh that .... ! " etc. :*lla'& Grace; favour; kindness. From in^, because. Hence j® ien'^ tobacco : ^ in^, betrothal. Compare ,g s'i^, to think. ^ grace ; favour. ^, grace ; kindness. ^ a benefactor. p,^ gifts ; the bestowment of grace. ^ anointing ; unction. ^ favour ; ffrace. G— 7 VOCABULARY. tZ> 01 /©^) To rest ; to dcsisfc. Profit ; •Si A gaius; interest on money. From Ig ts'i*, self. Compare j^% sih, to put out a fire ; jij^, sih, duughtor-iu-law. j|I| J liiickily ; opportunely. In- Jc'ia/i geuions. From -^ hnh, united. Hencn ^^ .'ih'ih, to pick up; ^ hih, to give; \^ hsiah, to Llend; ^ hoh, small box ; ^ iia^, to bring. I i^ to meet vritli opportunely ; in the nick of time. I "Pj fortunately. I ^ 6^ luckily ; at the right moment. •Ml, silk To feel for ; sympathy. From jSl Iisiieh, blood. Hence |l}) siih, compassion. 4^ t ten Quiet ; peaceful. From ^ shell, the tongue. Hence f^l] Jciinh, to scrape; '/g- hok, alive; f^ t'ten'-^, to lick : ^U t'ieir, sweet; fg hua'^, langu- age ; ^ Icudh, to envelop. Ashamed ; shame ; to feel ashamed. From '^ r'P, the car. I ^ to laugh at ; to ridicule. m /^^ To reverence; to respect. Iwng Eeverent. From dt lxO)}o\ all. Hence |K l-onf/\ a respectful bow; fit kong\ an offering; 'j:it 7)o??f7\ to roast; liJt hong^, to deceive; §fc hong"^, vast. I ^li ^''^ respect ; to venerate. I ^ to congratulate. ^IL'* To forgive ; to excuse ; to alia shew mercy. From T^n r7r, like. Honce ^^ rn" receive; ^ s/'/.\ verbose; ^ Jia'^, lo ca Distinguish ^ ?ia'*, wrath. to ,) Pleased ; glad ; linppy ; ileh contented. To acf[uiesce. From ^ tni^, to exchange. Honce |^ fthoh, to speak ; jgj; shul\ taxes ; Jj^ i'o//, to cast o£P. [ jftf^ to accept ; to delight in. I jjg to acquiesce in ; to assent. Sf>^ To repent ; to reject ; to turn from. From ^ mei^, each. Hence \% In to teach ; '/^ hai'-', the sea; ^ ^a/i, poison. I C_5; to repent ; to reform. I ^ il ^'^'o 1''^^ i"^ repenting. I fp 5t M to repent and reform. I GjC S ^f to repeat and make a nevr start. /eS Calamity : evil. To suffer. hnan To contract, as a disease. From ^! ch'uan^, to string. Hence f§, chnnn^, to earn ; /^, cJionfj^, loyal. [ '^(Ci to fall sick. I M trouble. j-J* Perverse ; contrary. To pe2 rehel. From ^ ^^o/i, disobedient. Hence gf »o/i, a cake; ^ 2'^oh, the neck. I -^ rel)ellious ; refractory. iZ> 61 VOCABULARY. r— 8 j|i| lo awake; to discern. From ^ u". I. Hence ^^ u", a tree; Pg u'\ clear ; g^ /i'', words. I '};^ intelligeuce; power of api^reliensiou. I '^ to understand ; to become aware of. ciHi^ Grieved; sorry; sad. To pei lament. From ^^ /ei^, wrong. Compare |p isiri"', sii). I 'IIS sad ; mournfid. I iU gi-ieved. I ^ ^0 be niourufid. I 'If to be sad. c I pj The affections ; desires. td'ii'g Circumstances ; fticts of a case. From ^ f.s'i"?i^\ nznre. Hence fl^ tfi'iiig^, fine weather ; g|| tsi«^\ eyes ; >^ ts'ing^, pure; |f tsing'^, to invite. [ ^ affections ; bists. I yp circumstances ; details of a case. I ^ willing ; desirous. I "jSi favour ; out of respect to. I ^ reasons ; circumstances. I ^ feelings ; affection ; favour. I ^ appearance of things ; aspects of a matter. I jgi reason ; whole aspect of a case. I ;^ g *^ unable to restrain the emo- tions ; no power of self- control. IP) To regard ; to love. To sill be sparing of. From ^ sih, formerly. Hence f* ^s'o*, to rub; fj; san^ to scatter; ^g^ mh, to sow. huk From ^ hsieir, al. m To mislead ; to delude ; to doubt ; suspicious. hueh, perhaps. Distinguish : M kau'K to affect. Only ; and ; with ; is. An tiei initial particle. Used to connect subject and predicate. From f^ chui'^, a blid. Hence j^ t^ui}, to th wl pusli )Ugb ; 10. , ifg hu\ a ff^ ueP, a heap; g| curtain ; .sui\ al- lit 6-/m'r^ \ ^ only ; but. I iSb' ^t ; fearing. *5 ;^^ Favour Jiuei fer benefit, dndness. To con- Kind ; gracious. H From suce fl 1 tiici*, au eai only (contracted), of corn. 3Ti Evil wicked wronfx. o/j Eead ?t^ To dislike ; to hate ; hateful. From TU ia*, inferior. I ^ evil thoughts. 1 M- 6vil minded ; bad intention. I ^ measure of wickedness. I ^. viciousuess. I ^ ill fame. I ^^ au evil appearance. I :g^ evil desires. [ "g bad language. I '^ ^ ^S evil has au evil recompense. ^ |ii!«^ Mournful ; sorrowful. From p^ oneir, a door. Hence ??ie?r, to feel ; ff^ ?ne/<', sign of plural. VOCABULAUy. 01 AS> 'J-'o think ; to consider. To siang hope ; to phm. To r.all to mind. From ;fg siang^, mutuul. Ileuce ^q siaiig^, a box. I ^ to loii;;- for ; to let tlie niiud dwell on. I ^ to hope ; to expect. I t^ ^ to thiuk of. I ^ PJ nucxpeeted. I ^^ ±f^ ^vhile thiuking of it. i^\h^ Mournful ; sad. To l>e ap- tb-'eo prehensive. From ^ ts^iu^, autumn. I ^ a inouruful appearance. J ^ anxious. /^\ To surpass ; to excel ; ii more ; further. Healed. Used with f^. From 1^ il", to asseut. Hence P|^ //*, to illustrate; ffl ii^, an edict; ^ ^i^ healed ; f^^ f eo\ to steal. ^' iW» -^^ itlea ; an opinion ; i a thou oh t ; meaniiior ; Avish ; will. From ^ iii^, a sound. I ^ thought ; idea ; meaning*. I ^\* unexpected ; beyond thought. I ,g meaning ; idea ; thought. j J^, will ; purpose. I ^ ^ JpI of different opinions ; differ- ing views. ::5c» To love ; to have affection ai for; to be fond of. Love. From ^ sheo^, to receive. Compare g iu\ grief. I ]-§ to love in compassion ; to spare. I 1;^ to love and respect with special regard. I Wx to love and reverence. \ ^ to love ; desire. I fB to hanker after. I A iO B to love one's neighbour as oneself. I '\a ^B to be careful of time ; sparing of time. AiivC To influence ; to move ; k^^i to affect. To thank; to be gi-ateful. From j^ /i.netr, all. Coinpnre ^ hn//, to mislead ; ^ hiich, perha^js ; |g( c/ien\ a needle. I iJ to thank. I H^ to influence. I §^ grateful for ; to thank. I ,§. to be grateful for kindness. I -ttj A >C> to move men's hearts. I 'ft l# 2l^ able to influence or convert. I 3 Lazy ; careless. to From 7^ to^, to fall. '¥^^ . • |{3<| Vexed ; grieved ; irritated. nao To dislike. From ^ nao^, brnins (contracted). Hence J^ nao^, agate; ^^ nao^, brains. I 'I'^ annoyed at ; to be vexed at. I ^2 rage ; angry. iU»^ To provoke ; to exasperate. rce From ^ I'oh, if. Hence |§ noh, to asseut. I M to provoke ; to stir up. 79 «5 «1 VOCABULARY. 9—11 aUA'i All error; a fault. k'itiu overstep. From ffj ioL^, overfluwiug. To (IS? Stupid; doltisli; simple; "^ rude. From j^ It-, a monkey. Hence '^ «■*, to lodge; jg ?Z\ to meet; f,^ e(/^ an image j ^ liau^, ten thousand. ^ to make sport of ; to deceive. ^lU foolish ; stupid. ^ obstinate ; irrational. ^, ignorant and stupid. ^ dark in mind ; foolish. fiji obtuse ; dull in mind. ^ simple ; stupid. ^ blunt fitted. tJ& Ashamed stricken. 1 conscience From ^ Icuei^, a demon. Hence ^ Icuai'^, a Jump; @ liiiei'^, chief; gl c/i'eo^ ugly ; ^ k' uti'^, to present. 1^ ashamed ; abashed. ih % To act with cc /'e)t cautious. to be From M: c^heiP-, true. Hence PjS ch'eii^, angry at ; M. t'ieit?, to fill up. I ;g to be very careful ; to give heed to ; to attach weight to. ii\Xi\ Compassion ; mercy. Com- tsi passionate ; kind. From ^ tsi^,^ this. Hence ^ taV, to produce ; i^^ ts'i'^, crockery. I ^ love ; compassion. flC Flurried ; hurried ; iier- huang vous. From ^ linanff, wild. I ^L iii' confusion ; flustered. Careful ; anxious. From Jl^ i)t^, great. I Wl attentive ; diligent ; particular about. H^ Manner; bearing. From f|& nen(j'^^ able. Hence f| hsloiig'^, a bear. Grief; sadness. To mourn. t'uiuj Moved. From 115 tong'^, to move. Compare f^ tong^, to understand. l,S Slow; slowly; dilatory. man Gradually. To treafc rudely. From ^ mnn^, extended. Hence ^^ man", bread ; ij)^ man^, a curtain. To comfort; to soothe ; uei to console. From ^ ii^, a military officer. iak Desire ; lust : covetous. From ^ iuh, to desire. c^i. Grief; melancholy; mourn - 'ii6 ful ; sad. In mourning for parents. From ^ ieh, .a leaf; and ^ siu^ walking. Hence ^ t;t^, excellent. Com- pare ^ /isiaS summer. 80 11—13 VOCABULARY. >i^ 01 I j^ inouruful. I ^i^ sad ; melancholy. I ]|; care ; auxiety ; to be anxious. I f^ ^tirieved ; distressed. I ^ sad and anxious. ^j^ To desire ; to be fond of. ■mo From ^ moh, not. Hence ^ mo\ to enroll ; J mo\ a grave ; jll^ ma\ a frog. '[^ Sorrowful ; grieved. Griev- tsa)i ous. Cruel From ^ tsan^, to consult with. Hence fg td'an"^, to rail at. (iS^ ( Ashamed ; to feel morti- m\ '-'■ ts an From '^ chan^, to cut off. Hence ^|f taien*, gradually; ^ c/iay^*, briefly. I 'l^ to be ashamed. 1^ Accustomed to ; cxperi- kuaih enced iu ; addicted to. From "^ kuan\ to string. Hence ^ sh'ih, verily. /»©> Anxiety ; to be anxious. lil From }^ /lu^, a tiger; and Vien", a field. Hence j^ liL^, to filter; /jg /«-, a hut; 'H; //r, a stove; ^ /(r, a reed ; ,|f Z/7-, a donkey. j^ Good luck ; felicity. To i'i'if/ congratulate. From H Ink, a deer (contracted) ; and ^ .s^(u\ following. 7^ Clever; intelligent. Jinci From ^- /i? according to conscience ; to act conscienti''»usly. To hate : to detest. tstiig From ^ ts'e»g^, past. Hence Jf tsepg\ to increase; f^ seiiff^, a Buddhist priest; Ht tiiei>g\ to present ; fj tisciig\ to steam. Diligent ; zealous. k'ing From ^ k'in^, attentive. Weak ; timid. From ^ sii'^, to require. Hence \^ nfi, to soak ; J^ 7-(t'^, a suckling ; ^ ?•{(-*, scholars. I II weak. ^lii-* To correct ; to punish. To clieiuj warn. From ^ c/i^?i\ to ask for. Compare ^ uei'^, small. I ^ ^0 punish. [ 1^ to reprimand and fine. c j3^ The bosom. To carry in huai the bosom ; to cherish ; to dwell on. From ^ huai'^, to conceal. Hence ^ hitai^^ spoiled. I ^ to be pregnant. I ^^ with child. Lazy ; idle. lai From ^ Za^^ to trust to. Hence -^ /a^^ leprosy; ^ Zai*, a musical in- strument I jf lazy ; idle. iiE> To hang ; in suspense. hmen To be anxious. Different from. From 0, hsien^, a district. I ;g: to think anxiously about. ki'l To fear ; to dread. From ^ k'ti"^, timid. Compare ^ k'ii^, a highway ; |§ iao^, giory. [ fQ to fear. r^ To hanker after ; to dote on . lien From f,|| /!/r/«\ to bind together. Heuce ^ ^lau'^, bent ; ^ ^»r/n^, peaks. a^ J— 13 VOCAlfl'LARY. ■X 02 The 62nd Radical. "iXi 1 ; my ; me ; we ; our. rj^ A spear. ko From ^ slico^, the hand. Hence ^ Hence ^% chao^, to seek ; ^ Id\ a few. i\ righteous; ^ o^, hungry. Distinguish Compare ^\^ ///, a dart. ^ chao^, to seek. cpXi To complete; to perfect. I g a I myself. I ff"J us ; we. ch\'iig To become finislied. The I 51 ^ polite phrase for " I." whole. From 3^ lilr, streiif^ili. Ilenee |^ //j>^) Relatives ; relations. ch'eiig'', sincere; jjj^ clieiuj'^, a city; ^ c/i'ciig'^, to fill. From Jl i'/ia?)//^ above; and i]^ siao^, { ^ to sanctify. small. Compare ^ ttih, to govern. I X to finish a piece of work ; com- L ' pleted. ^^) A lance. I ^ to fulfil. klah I ^ to perfect. From ^ ieh, a leaf, (altered). I H to marry. I A to become a man ; to act as becomes a man. :^^5) To kill in war; to mas- I'-i'l^ sacre. f 12, conclusions ; a mind made up. From ^ lino", to soar. Hence ^miu\ error ; ^ kiao\ glue ; f§ ;«uA wroug. 1 ^ to form into groups ; to make a company. I ^ ~- If to l)ecome one. %^ To fight -to battle. Fright- 71% To warn ; to caution. ed a ?i eued. From ^ tan\ u bill. Hence gf ra?i2, to til rum. kiai To refrain from. From -jj^ ko)i/'t*, to announce a death ; f[* pull, to fail; ^fii\ to go to. I §tj to fall down. 84 ;3— 4 VOCAP.ri.ARY. ^ ru m To rap; to knock. To A'eo biittoi), as clotlics. To deduct; to discount. From P k\'o^, a mouth. Hence §P k'eo^, ii bultoii ; 1^ /i'eu'\ an aniiiiaL I P^ to knock at a door. I fjl to deduct moDcy. I fff to discount. I ^ lU ^^* buttou up clothes. m To throw away; to reject. From 75 ?m(^ but. Compare (J5 re////", ns before ; ^jf ?iai'', milk. I J^ T ^*^ throw away. J^Y" To cany on the shoulders c'jlL of two or more meo. hang ^^ interfere. Read k\m(f. To carry on the shoulder of one person. From J[^ honif, labour. Hence ;^ hing^, a pole; ^X kaiig^, ajar; ^ hoiig^, a rainbow ; J^l kiany'^, a river. cX'C To support ; to help ; to A prop up. From ^ fu^, a sage. I ^ to support ; to help. I ^ a support for the hand. I i to uphold. I |fj to succour ; to aid. I ^ T -^ help me down. ^Xi To seek ; to look for. To chao find. To pay a balance ; the balance due. From ;:5^ Ico^, a spear. Distinguiiih ^ 0^, I. I 5'J T fonud. I ;r> ^ unable to find. f/-^\ '£q receive. To undertake. ch'ouj To confess. Compare (^ c/u')ig^, to save ; .;^ cJieng^, to steam. I >j^ to receive. I E?' ^^ confess ; to Jicknowledge. I ^^ to take responsibility. I ^ ^^^ receive and carrv on ; to succeed to. I ^ to adopt ; to take an licir. I '^ to make oneself res])onsil)le for ; to aljide the consequences. lE To take; to hold. A pci handle. Sign of the object. N. A. From 2. /'«\ ^ clamp. Hence ^ ^k?^ a fence; ^ ;;«*, papa; )]£ fet\ iut; ^ pa^, a scar ; |^ p'ot"^, to creep. 1 |j§ a handle ; an occasion. i)X, To take off ; to snap. To c/ieh decide a cause. Dis- count. From ff- kiii^, an axe. Hence J^Jl cheh, name of a Province. Compare jf^f sin^, new ; jjijf chan^, to behead. Disiinguish ^ ts'eh, to break open. I §5 to break down ; to destroy. j ^f snapped ; broken off. I /Jg to reduce to submission. I ^- to ill treat ; trial. cV\!l To cast ; to throw; to throw p'«o away. To deduct. From jl k'u^, nine ; and jj Uh, strength. I ^ to strew ; cast abroad. j ^ to reject ; to cast aside. I 4Sf to cast anchor. 85 ^ 64 VOCABULARY. 4—5 c"X^ "i'o tlirow at or into. To feo present. To lumd over to. To fit in with. From ^ .s/ut\ to kill. Hence fjc ^lieh, to set up; ,fj3: hifi, the buttocks; :]g mh, a pestilence ; f_^ ifi//, a cunstable; i^ shan^, to mow. I ^ to hurry up; to go to, as to a frieud. X-y To shake: to rouse. To teo tremble. From =1- teo'', busliel. Hence %^ Iiao\ to reckon. Compare y^}\ kiu^, a contederacy. I f ^ to shake off. *]TL To wrench ; to twist. To ^ii'i' seize ; to grasp. From 5 c]ied\ 1 to 3 a.m. Hence oiin^, a buiLou; ifgf /uit^, to tie. I M spoilt by a wrench. rW ai Skill ; talent. Interchaug- kl eel with it J':i\ Hence !^X k'i", forked; ^1 c1li\ a wing. 1 t^ ability. Jr^j To l)reak open ; to unrip. Weh To tear down. From y^ ch'ih, to reprove. Compare A^, su*, to tell. Distinguish ^ cheh, to break off. I §3 to break open. I fg to tear open a letter. I 5^ to break a way thr(jugh. I g^ broken down ; destroyed. I ^ JJS to unpick clothes. clK To wrap; 2>i to throw on, as I uarnient. From Jf^ p''^ skin. Hfiice ^ po^, a w;ive; |^ p'u^, a steep bank; ^^ p'o^, broken; %% pel\ coverlet; ^ pi^, that; ^ po^, glass. I ^ to throw on. I _t ^ HM to throw the clothes on. ^^) To smear ; to rub over ; viak to wipe cleau. From ^ iiioh, end. Compare ^ ??iei*, sister ; ^^ mei\ dark. I jtS ■? fo wipe the table. 1 fili i!S Hh daubed his eyes. # To bring ; to take ; to ap- prehend. Sign of the ol)jcct. With ; by. na From ^ 1111^, a slave. Compare 3?5 sJiii'^, to forgive; ^ /;«^, to exert. I ^ to bring. I {^ to lay liold of. I JS f''^ select; take out of. I ^ fi caunot be grasped. ,IS Todn aw lots ; to pick out. lien From ^ clian^, to divine. Hence f^ chan'^, to stand ; lj)§ t'ieJi, a card ; f^ tien*, a shop ; ^,5 fkh, to stick up ; S^ ^ie?i^ a. dot. I tl! to draw lots. c*j J^ To drag ; to pull ; to seize. la From jt ?''^'. to set up. Hence ^ wei^, a throne; \± I:i^, to weep ; -^^ li/t, a grain. I ^ to pull ; pulling. \ f^ to drag ; drawn. 8G Yc^CABULARY. ^ 04 I 3^'] "T ii ard off. I IS broken off from ; cessation of in- tercourse. HfU) To strike with tkc hand ; 'jj'eh to pat ; to clap. From 1^ peh, white. Hence -^^ peh, a cedar; IJJ^ p\/*j a napkin ; ^*|^ peh, to anchor; ^j pth, wealih ; fg p'«*, to fear. I ^ "j* to awake by a blow. J|E| A fiuger ; a toe. To point ; ch'i to direct ; to indicate. From p* clip, a decree. Heuce ^^ c/tz\ cosn)etique. 5^ the finger. Sj5 to point to; to refer to. Tji to point out. Jj; to reprove ; to correct. ^ to teach ; to instruct. ^ pointing to ; to refer to. ^^ to reprove mildly. ff to prove ; to give evidence. g^ t^ finger point. w To separate ; to throw ]jii>i away. Tu mix. From ^ pan*, a linlf. Hence |-'ij p^nn"^, to judge; |^ pan\ to tri[); ^ p'an^, a landmark; f^ pan'^, a comrade. yA To save ; to lift up. cheng From yR ch'eng^, to aid. Hence ^ cheng^, to ateam ; ;^ clieitg", to receive. I ^^ to save from danger. Jpl) To pick up; to put in aJiVi order. Ten. From ^ hoh, to unite. Hence ^ kih, to give; '|^ k'inh, luckily; ;f^ /:c/t, a pattern ; ^ /^o/i, a casket ; ^ ?ia", to bring. \ iSi ^ M t'^ take np stones. 5^ To pLace the hand on. «'i According to; as. From -^ rtw\ peace. Hence ^ a;i*, a table ; ^ aii\ a saddle. I ^ to place the hand on ; to press down. I ^ ^ according to reason. I flf f^ ill season ; at seasonable times. I ^hl^ ® A favouritism. ^p) To include ; to enclose. kudk From ^ s/it;//, tlie tongue. Hence |§ ^(mA, to blow ; j'g /io/^ alive; f^ t'ien'", peaceful. cjCd^ To scoop out; to dig out ; liii' to gouoe. Also read uah. To dig. From ^ ua^, a deep hollow. I ^ to dig a hole ; to dig through. I tij 2j5 to scoop out. •VW ^^ f'-arry on the shoulder r/ao person. To stir up. To pick out ; to choose. 88 VOCABULAKY. ^ 64 From ;)(£ chfK,*, nn omen. PTonce ^ t''io(), wejikly; \^^ t^'Hr, u penoh ; ^t'ao^, to tJ'y ; I^I: ^'itf^*, t^' ju'^PJ 'M ^'"'A to escape. I ^ to select. I jll to choose. I p^ to stir up ; to rnuke mischief. ^j_j^ To tic up ; to fasten. From ^ ts'tiP)!-, perfect. ITeTice ^ t-s'iiun'^, to expuuud j -^ tsilen'^ cured. I ^: tied up. t;i«^, to think ou. I ;£' to be anxious. \ ia! to Ije iu suspense ; anxiety. tJL^'V To delay. To suffer. Side ai by side. Near ; next. Also read ai^. From ^ i'', a particle. Hence ^ rti"\ dust. I JiJ to come to in order. I t5. close to ; to get near to. I B^ towards eveuiug. I 7|^ iu order. To move ; to shift on ono no side. From ^5 na^, that. Hence ^ nah, a final particle. I 1^ to set aside. 1 1^ to move from one place to another. JTj To bind ; to plait ; to tie k' uen up. From 1^ /i\i,eii\ distressed. Hence || k\ieri^, to hem. I ^ to biud. I -j^ tied up. I |flj: bound ; tied. I Z^ ^ to tie up. I:, To seize; to apprehend. cho/i To grasp. From J§^ tsuJt,, enough. I ^ to seize. I {i to lay hold of. I Mi to catch thieves. I ^ to meddle. J^ To stick out; to stiffen. fint/ To exert. From 5g t'ing-, tlie Court. Hence ^ Viug^, a club ; J^ ^'ing", a liall ; ^ Ving- the dragon Hy. Compare ^E ieii", to invite. ^ 04 VOCABULARY. I ^ to raise up specially ; begotten for a special purpose. I ^ to straighten the body. JPC To move ; to shake. To choi stir up. To restore. From ^ ch'en-, t^o hours. Hence |^ c/ievi*, liberal ; ^ shu en-, lips; ^ cheu*, an earthquake; j^ ch'en'^, morniug. I i5: to save. I ^ to revise ; to cause to prosper. To contribute ; to sub- kiien scribe. To pay taxes. To buy oliice. From ^ ueti^, to twist. Hence $3 hien'^, a cheap silk. Distinguish J^ suen"^, to injure. [ ^ to subscribe money. I ^ to pay taxes. I Wi to pay up^as a tax. I ^ to subscribe ; to contribute. ,) To clasp between ; to Jciah pinch ; to extort. To hsiah o]ipress. From ^ Uah, to squeeze. Hence [^ hsiah, narrow ; ^ hsiah, a pass. I f Ij to coerce ; to oppress. To Q;ive alms : to bestow ; shce to part with ; to for- sake. To reject. From -^ sJii^, a cottage. Distinguish J^ sh'ih, to pick up. I "B^ to give up life for others. I M ^*^ &^^^ ^P ^^^^ world ; to devote the person. I ^ to part with ; to give away. I J^ parted with ; given up. I ^ to forsake ; to abandon. I ^ tl' to grudge ; loth to. w To fall. To move. An iiao auxiliary verb. From ^ c/toh, lofty. Compare |^ choh, a table. I T ^ fallen down. ^^^ The palm of the hand. chang A paw. To manage ; to superintend. From ^ shang^, yet. Hence ^ shang", clothes ; ^ s/iauff, to reward : ^ t'avy". tang^, ought 'y ^ continually ; ^ te?J^^ a cHque. } ^ to govern ; to manage. I Mi ^ to exercise authority. I M ^^ boatman ; master of vessel. I flS 6^ ^ steersman. I li 6^ ^^ overseer in the church. J J| To hang up ; to suspend ; kiia suspense. To think of. Used with ^. From ^j> kna'^, to divine. Hence ^ kua*, a gown. I ;g; to be anxious. I iC> suspense ; thoughtful for. I & ^v to hang u}). IV To try ; to essay. Head t'aii t'cDi*. To spy; to search out ; to enquire after. From ^ shmi^, to issue. Compare ^ sheii^, deep ; ^ hair, rare. I li to pick up information. I '^ f^ to sound ; to take soundings. j^j To receive ; to meet ; to tsieh accept. To succeed to. To connect. To graft. From •^. ts'ich, a concubine. Distin- guish Jg an*, according to. 90 VOCAr,T:LAKY. ^ G4 I f^- to receive ; to entertain. I p|l to take over t^eals of ollice. I \\^ to receive. I ^ to saceeed to — as a throne. I ^ to accept a trust ; to associate. I Wi ^'' .i""i **^^ ? ^^ connect witli. I ^ 2l^ ^'J receive ; to take over. ciih To push ; to expel. To t'ld shirk. To infer. From j^ chni^, a bird. Hence ff^ tiii^, a heiip ; tyt ■'^'>ni~, wlio ; ?^ diaen^, to permit; ^^ uei", a cuitain. I ^ to pusli over. I #!! to n]).set. I ^ to shirk ; to decline. I ^ to grind ; to tui'u a mill. I ^1) to decline ; to refuse. I 1^ an excuse ; to make an excuse. I [PJ to fathom ; to investigate. M\ Tofe. ;el ; to lay tlie hand ■iiioi on. To cover. From P^ mp)r, a door. Hence fp^ i})Pir, pliirul ; ^^ men^, sad; ^^ ^-Aa/i^, to shp. f^ To cover over ; to concCcol ; ■i«"' to shut. From :^ ieii^, to remain. Hence '/fg ieu'^, to aimvn; |f /e>;.\ to salt ; J^ coi\ a nunnery. I ^ to conceal ; to cover over. I ^ to hide away ; to secrete. I W- M covered over. I ^ 3 ^ to shut one's ears ; to cover the ears. I ^ to charge ; to accuse. t^ & To control. To beat. Ic'ou'i 'll|) To dig ; to excavate. From J^ k'ilh, a wrong. Hence %| k\i}i^ a hole. I M to tlig the earth. I ^ to lower ; to reduce the height by digging. I §i to dig open. From ig k'onrf-, empty. Hence ^^ Ic'ian'j^, a lune. |/J|>) To rob ; to plunder. Uuk From 3^ klnrj^, metropolis. Hence ^ lian(f, cool ; S^ ^t'^/^r/, a whale ; 7^ kiiu/^ a view ; ^ i?;^", a shadow. j% To make an effort. To tseng earn. To get free from. From ^ tsenr/^, to contest. Hence ^ tseiuf-, a kite ; ^ tshiy"^, pure ; ff tshig^, quiet ; p^ tseng^, to open the eyes. I Pj to break by an effort. c J7 p ^ I'o^'^' ; ^ liiie. To place 'p'di in order. From ^ /ei\ not. Hence p /^/^^ calf of leg; f^ pe*^, sympathy; [|| /Vi^, a vagabond ; ^ j^ei"*, a generation. I M placed ; arranged, -^^> To choose out. To binder. cJt'ek From -{^1 c/i'i^, to restrain. Hence ^ c/i'i'*, to make. I ^ to draw lots. M To pluck ; to cboose ; to tsUii gather. From ^ ts\u^, to gather. Hence ^ ts'(ir, variegated; ^ i^-'ai^ vegetables; ^ ^v'ai'-', to pluck. ^ 64 VOCABULARY. 8—9 jjU To sweep ; to clccar awcay. sao To exterminate. Head sao\ A broom. From ^ cheo^, a broom. Hence ^ f7ieo^ a broom ; $f /ii% a woman ; |f Z://ei^, to revert to. I -^ swept clo\yn ; to fall from. Jg To roll up. kiien From ^ ktle)i\ a roll of paper. Henoe 1^ Fuen^, bound; fi kiien% weary; H jc'iien^, to encircle, f ^ ^ to roll up. cf^_ To beat ; to strike. diui From ^ c/i'ta^ to let fall. TTence |f c7i'm-, a steelyard weight; P^ i'it*, lu sspit ; ^ shui^, to sleep. I M M ^^ ^6^^^ ^^^^ breasts. J5£ To draw back ; to restore ; uan to pull. From IS mip-n^, to escape. Hence ^ mien^, effort ; ;^ mien^, a crown ; ^ ^'tt^, a rabbit. I to bring back — as a past state of thiu.o-s. To o;ive to. To transmit. sheo From ^ sheo^, to receive. J ^ to give aud to receive. 3^:, lo arrange; to gather up. toll From ^ choh, to connect. Hence |^ choh, to rtbt. i^i To choose ; to select. kicn From ^ Z:/'^'?i2, to select. Hence || Zfeu*, to melt; H /i(3;/^ to drill; jj^ lieii\ to discipline. I 5§ to select ; to elect. I ^ to choose out. I ® ^ to pick out. I fii ^^ to pick out the best ; to select a good one. cl/£ To lift ; to raise ; to pull up. t'l To mention. To bring forward. Used with ^. From ^ ,(^ to grasp tight. J5) To fabricate ; to trump up. nieh From ^ ??/e/i, to fill up. I ia to fabricate. jIIB To feel after ; to consider. c/t' uai From iflj clninn^, sino;!}'. Hence fi^g f7//'w\ origin; Pi'^J- ch'uau'^, to pant: gjjj ck'ai^, to tread on ; £,"§ .slmi'^, ausi)icious. I jp to turn over in the mind ; to con- jecture. To pull; to drag. To kio reach to. From ^ /c'o\ a room. Hence ^ hiang'*, to preach. I fM. ^li® Feast of Tabernacles. I ^ ^ I cannot reach it. i^ diM To shake ; to ngitate ; to '"10 toss. To scull ; to row From ^ ian", a jar. Hence '^ iao^, distant; ^ iao-, pottery; %% hw', ru- mours. I 15 to shake. I %^ to row or scull a boat with one oar. I y^ to wag the head. I Jg to shake down. [ ^^ to wave the hand. I ^ ^^ move ; to disturb. 1 Wi ^^> disturl) ; to excite. m-. To raise ; to budd, used PI ) of temporary structures tah only. To take a passage. To add to ; to hang or place over. From ^ tnh. to undertake. Hence ^ Vail, a paguda; J^ Vah, to tread. X^ To snatch ; to take by tsiang force. To Struggle for. From '^ ts'avr/^^ a granary. Hence jljg ts'atig^, tije hold of a ship; §^ f-s'iang'^, a gun; ^f"" t.^'ang^, a fly; ^ t's'ang^, azure; ^ di'uang'^, a boil. I ^S to plunder : to seize upon. I ^ to rob ; to take by force. I {ii ^ to carry off by violence. c!j Q To pinch ; to nip. Also k'la read k'iah. From ^ ]Lsie7i\ a pittall. Distinguish ^Q Vuo^, to take out. JL To remove ; to shift ; to ^"'i- transport. From ^}5 vcin^, a kind. Hence ;I|5 scar ; ^ ^ , ^ ^ a plate. I ^ to move from one dwellin* to another. 2J air, jdace (4 j^ To throw or dash down skutil to fall down. From ^ sJiiiai*, to lead. f J^ thrown down ; cast away. I ^\\ thrown over : tiu'ued over. 0:5 ^ G4 VOCABULARY. 10—12 To injure; to destroy. sueih Injuiy ; disadvautage. From ^ iip.)r, round. Hence U[ fieii", circular; ^ liiii^, to perisli ; [)^ laii'^, to fMll; H iti/i^ a rliyme. Distiuguisli ^ kiie7i^, to contribute. I f^ ^*^ damage ; damaged. I @ to injure ; to spoil. c4& To rub between tlie bands. From ^ cJiai^, to send. Hence ^ i.s/e\ to sigh. I ^ rolbng between the bands. c/^ To rub ; to scour. To I'w polish ; to grind. From j^ ma'^, hemp. Hence J^ mo^, a demon ; j^ rtu?, au iuterrug'itive ; ^ wo^ to turn round. I ^^ ,lp give it a rub. To feel for or after ; to 1110 grope. From ^ moli, not. Hence |-^ 7?io'', a curtain ; ^ ?/io^ a grave; ^ '»iO^, Lo desire. I ^ ^ 1 cannot find it out. I M gi-opiug ; feehug for. ) To pluck ; to pick. To de- t^ek prive of. To point out. From "^ till, a stem. Hence f^tih, to di'op; \$X till, an enemy; '^shih, lo reach. 'jlL ( To drag ; to haul up. To 42fe I tear.' From ^ sli/r^, wastefuL I ^ torn apart ; rent. To scratch. To vex ; to new disturb. From ^ iao^, lofty. Hence \M hftiao^f bicky ; ^ rao^, to wind ; -(^ kiao^, to irrigate ; |^ rau^, to pardon. jPiiiA) To desei't ; to cast away. y ieh From 1^ 'pi^, mean. Hence ^ ^i*, to conceab I f to desert ; to leave. JHa To cast away ; to sow. ^■'i Also read sail. From f^ sa/i'*, to scatter. Distinguish ^ c/i'eh, to remove. [ U to sow seed. I Hi ^ to leak out. I T irPl -^ to cast a net. To rip ; to tear. From iyisi\ this. I f^ torn ; to rip open. To distribute ; to spread. 2>oh To get rid of. Fri)m ^ f''h, to issue. Hence J^ /fc'^^ to waste; i^f p'oJi, to sprinkle. I ffi ^ to take out ; to extract. J?m To cherish. To soothe. From M jr, a negative. Hence ^ u^, grass- I ^ to rear ; to foster. M [^ To prop up. To punt. ts'eiig To Stretch open. cliOKJ 04 12—13 VOCABULARY. ^ G4 From ^ ts\')i(/\ a prop. Hence Y$ ts'oig^, to prop. I lln to puut ; to pole a boat. ^M. To break off. kue/i From Dj kiicit, that. I T ^ broken off. j[^ To rush against. To treat c/iuaiig rudely. From ;§: fovf/^, a youtli. Hence ;ff: t'ong", a tree ; |f t'ong\ pupil of tlie eye. I M striking against ; to collide with. To take cajDtive. To seize ; k^ing to arrest. From "^ k'i/i", birds. I ^ to seize ; to arrest. J^ To take captive. lu From J^ /ni^, a tiger; and ^ van", a male. Compare ]^ lii\ anxious ; iJ|; lu^, to strain. I ^S ^ carried ca2:)tive. i)^ To take in the hand. Evid- kd ence. According to. From ^ kfi'^, a wild boar. Hence jj /u\ hurried; §l] ^-i^, theatricals. 'm ^ 3 pg To resist ; to oppose ; to tci'ig ward off. From -^ tang^, must. Hence §-|- ta)ig\ a bell. From Jg^ p^ih, ])artiiil. Hence ^ ptA, quiet; g|] /////., to burst fortli ; ^- ^^/i'', to compare ; ^ //i7i, to split ; ^ ^^'^'^j ^ P^^"" tition : |^ pi/i, a gem. I tjj to break ])read. I H^ to break olf ; to break open. ju^ To carry on the shoulder cite ^^y ^^^ person. 'Jo take tan responsibility ; to under- take ; to sustain. Read tan*. A burden; a load. From ;^ chcni^, to oversee. Hence !@ c/ian,\ to look ; fj| ch'(in\ saddle flaps; f§ ien^, the eaves. [ ^ to bear ; to take responsibility. I ^ a load. I ^ to bear sorrow ; to be grieved. I ^^ to carry. I '^ /^ Jl5 unable to bear — as responsi- bility. ^y% To squeeze ; to press. iong From. ^ iong^, to he harmonious. Hence ^ tong^, to bank uf). [ ^ to crowd ; to thron^ir. I J2 ^ to crowd forward. Ueh To select ; to pick out. From ^ ih. to spy out. Hence |^ iVi, to interpret; ^ ih, a courier; ^ lA; to explain. po/i To break ; to open. c jyiv To grasp ; to manage. To ta'do exercise. From ^ sao*, tlie hum of voices. Hence ^j^ tsao'^, dry ; Q;^. soo^ foul ; \^ tsa6\ to bathe ; |^ ^6^ao', hasty. 95 ^ G4 VOCABLILAllY. 13—17 y^, To strike ; to Hog. tak Prom j^ tah, to succeed. J^ibi To move ; to sliake. }ia)i From 1^ /;a7i^, to move. Hence ^ han^^ vexed at. Cumpare ^ huh, to delude. To scour ; to clean ; to tsah rub in. 'From ^ cJt'ah, to examiue. I ^ to nil) clean. I ^l to wipe dr}'. cj^ f To carry between two or -l^ ( more persons. To raise. t \d From ^ i'ai^, a stage. Compare ^ iVi, one. I ^ to carry ; carrying-. I iH ^v to carry out. if *tl^J) To place ; to pnt. To kuk delay ; to hinder. To run aground, as a ship. From ^ hjh, a liall. I T ^ stranded ; to stick in shallow water. ^^ To strike. From ^ Iclh, to attack. Distinguish ^ hd\ to let down. JT^ To determine ; to decide. i From ^ i-, to doubt. Hence JH ning"^, to congeal ; ;|^ iu\ to hinder ; tj^ c}t'i\ stupid. J ;£ to decide. jB^ ^^ place; to spread; to set in order. pub From H 2>«^ to rest. Compare |f| neng'^, able. I tS ^"^ spread a meal. I _t 'is to put wine on the table. ';, To cast ; to pitch ; to re- ch'ifi ject. From 15 chen*, name of a State. Hence i^) chih, irresolute. t ^ To disturb ; to annoy. rao From ^ i"\ sorrowful. Hence iii^, plenty; |§ iii^, a harrow. I ^ to disturb ; to give trouble. j ^ to annoy ; to vex. J^ To srpieeze ; to press ; to tal crowd. From ^ t.s^l:^^ even. Hence '^ fsi\ to aid ; ^ ts r, the navel ; ^-j] tai'', a dose. j^^ I To lead by the hand ; to Q^^ ^ t^"-^^^ with. From -^ /^, name of a bird. I ^ to lead by the hand. ^m To hinder ; to obstruct. kilt, From ^ lav'^, reckless. Hence ^ lan\ decayed; -^ lair, billows; ^^ lair, a railing ; Hj lair, an orchid. I PI to obstruct. j f^ to stop — as a way. 96 17— -J 1 V0CA]5ULARY. ^ 64 }ii To collect. To grasp. To lo)ig act. From 11 Io)i(r, a dragon. Hence ^ l(wf, to grind • [^ lonf, a liiilter; f| lomj\ donf; || lung-, n cage; ^ lo)i(/'\ a bole ; P]j| /ony", the throat. I J^'M "^ ^^ ^^'^'^"^^ (^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ])ay. c"}^ To mix Avitli ; to blend. c/t'an To support ; to sustain. From ^ ch'o)i\ artful. Hence ^ /.s'a>r^ to blander; |^ ti^'ar, just uow. I ^ to lllLX. 5^ To stir up to evil ; to urge. tti'uan From ^ ii-'ur?;?-*, to skulk. I ^ to excite to evil. iMi To stir lip. To disturb ; kiao to annoy ; to trouble. From ^ Jcioh, to perceive. Compare ^ A.vio//, lo study. I HJ) to distinl). I 3S to c:tvc troulile. I ^ to stir up a row. j^^ To grasp ; to seize. To Uui monopolise. mm II /n)i-^, to look at. Hence Idu'-^, the ulive tree ; |^ /an*, a Lawser. The 65th Kadical. c^Zm A branch. Descendants. cJd To pay out. Hence j^ cJd^, a branch; ||| clui'^, a •U'ing; ]3^ (7/t2\ the limbs. 1 JM '^ tribe. j f^ to pay iu advance. The 6Gth IIadical. to tap. Hence ^ 7?iM/i, a shepherd ; ^ sZ/cs^ to forgive. T 0- I To receive ; to gather to- S^ f gether; to collect; to J|^ I put away ; to close. s/teo From j4 kiu^, a vine. I ^ liarvest. I ^ to confine in jail. I ^ to prepare a corpse for burial. I §^ to gather iu the harvest. I f^ to receive taxes. I ^ to detain ; to harbour. f :^ to lay by ; to put aside. I ^ to gather up and bury. I IhI to take back. I 3f|^ to receive ; to accept. I ^ to store up. I 1% to clear away after a meal. I t^ ^ ^ to gather together. ^\ To alter ; to change. To Jcai correct. To repent ; to reform. From £, hP, self. Hence fiJ ki^, to remember; ^ kP, to record; ,^, ki*, dread ; ^ji p'ei\ worthy. I ^ to change ; to alter. I j^ to reform. I f^ to change. I ^ 5^ f^ to change appearance ; to ba transfigured. I B ?f A^ to come on another day. 97 ^ 66 VOCABULARY. 3—7 c'^iiC To attack ; to assault. kong To apply oneself to. From X ^>ong^, labour. Hence J^ long^, meritorious; ^ Izang^, to carry; ;J:I Itang^, a pole ; ^ haitg^, a river ; ^ kong'^, tribute ; ^X ^i-oiu/, red. Distinguish Jfj ^vjwgfi, merit. I ^J to attack ; to figlit against. I ^ to attack ; to besiege. I "^ to overcome ; to vanquish. f ^ to carry by assault. I 5§ to drive back ; to rout. Jjj^ To loosen ; to let go ; to fang liberate. To place. From ij fang^, square. Hence ^ fang^, to enquire ; ^ fanf, a room ; ^^ fcmg^, a neighbourhood. Compare j^ u\ in; at; j|g ski^^ to use. I ^ to leave go ; hands off ! [ i(^ to make the miud easy ; to cease to be anxious. I % to emit light ; to shine. I "f loosened ; let go ! 1 M to grow bold ; to pluck np courage. J ^ to liberate living creatures— as birds or fish, as an act of merit. I ^ to loan. I ^ to tend sheep. I #1 to loosen ; to relax. I ^ to be disorderly in conduct ; to be rude. I W to give the reins to ; to allow to run wild. f ^ to be profligate. I "^ to loosen. I ft to give drink to ; to water cattle. I ^f 6^ a keeper of pigs. I ^ 6^ ^ set times for receiving com- plaints at law courts ; in China on the 3rd and 8th of the month. iiX. Government ; administra- chtiug tion of political afhiirs. To rule. From J£ che»g^, correct. Hence ^ cheug^, the whole of; fj£ cheng^. to sul)- jugate; ^ cheiig^j a disease; ^ c/ieng\ evidence. B%. A reason. Consequently. fsio Intentional, Old ; an- cient. To die. From -^ ki'^, ancient. Compare ^J^ kn^, a drum; {^ tso*, to do ; ^ ku^, lo buy. I ]j^ on this account ; therefore. I M of purpose ; with intent. %t To imitate. Efficacy ; result ; effects. Used with ^J. From 30 kiao^, to join. Hence ^ Mao^j a frontier; ^ hsiao^, to imitate; ^ kiao^, clear; J|c klao\ crafty ; fjc ^'«''^ to strangle. I J'^ to imitate ; to follow the example of. j 1^. result ; fulfilment ; efficacy. To teach ; to instruct. A religion; sects; doctrines. ^|v To command. To cause. ^^X To allow. Sign of the ^iiao passive. Often inter- changed with P^ hlao^. Also read kiao^. From ^ hsiac hsiao^, to imitate ; kiao^, yeast. [ f I| to teach ; instruction. [ -^ the church. I 5?j^ outside the clmrch ; the " world." j gjjj an evangelist ; a religious teacher ; a Protestant missionary. filial. Hence ^ I h^iao^. to roar ; ^ 98 7—13 VOCABULARY. :£ GG I p^ ;i sect ; a school of pliilosophy. I J^ to educate. I ^ Cifl ii lawyer. Tc Defeat. y\/\, xo rum. From ^ i^ei"*, precious. Hence -^/ti^ to bear. I ^ iu reduced circumstauces; defeated. I ^ ruined ; to corrupt. To save ; to cleUvcr ; to khi aid. From ^^ like-, to implore. I -^ the Saviour. I |fr to save the world. I ^ to redeem ; to effect redemption. I ?S ^^ %'i\.yQ. alive. I 1^ to save and protect. I 'wT ^** ^^'^'^'^ lif^ ; l^slp ! help ! I '^^ to aid ; to relieve with money or food. I yy^ to uplift ; to rescue. I {11 ^ to save out of. I 'f!t i;ir to save life. To dare: to venture; to /.fi scattered. t^JL To reverence ; to respect ; ^^i-'H/ to honour. From ^ ho^, if. Hence j^ ^-i/i^f^ to trouble. I ^ to fear ; to venerate. [ ;g to respect. I I? to worship with reverence. I 'jS to be respectful; careful; watchful. J jjg to acquiesce in respectfully ; to obey. ^0^ To count"; to estimate. 6w Eead su'^. A number ; several; some. From ^ leo^, empty. Hence ^M leo^, a storey ; fg leo^, to embrace. I g the amount. I ^ ^ to count and see. I >§, T counted ; numbered. '-'^SC ^^ P^^^ i^ order. To re- J^ pair. To reform. The Cheng ^.|^^^|g^ From J^ shiih, to control ; and JE cheng^, correct. I ^ to arrange. I Jg to put to rights ; to put in order. .) To oppose ; to be a match tih for. An opponent ; an enemy. From "i^ tih, a base. Plence jg sh'ih, to reach; fg tseh, to pick; ^^ tih, a wife ; f[^ it/i, a drop. I ^ {^ ® unable to make headway against the wind. ^ To gather ; to collect ; to lien accumulate. From -^ /.s'xV?i\ all. Hence ^ ts'ien^, slips ; f^ kien^, to restrain ; f|^ kien^, count ; ^ /('/■^«"', frugal ; ^ ie?i*, to verify. Distinguish ^ han h>ll^ a spot. Hence ^ itieJi, to break up ; |^, su^, to tell. y^ An axe. /'^ From ^ /«*, father. Hence ^ /«^ a cauldron. I ■^ an axe. M New. Recent. Fresh. From ^ c/i^> consideration. The TOtii Eadical. c x7 Square. A place. A plan. fang Then. A prescription. Hence ^ faiu/, like; ^ f">'ii^, a house; '^ f^ ^^y ■flie side of. Near. P<""J Interchanged with ff . Ii(>nce tf ;ja»,7^ a li^t ; |f ^n///^', to slander. (juni[)are ^ U'^, a ruler. I 'M ^^Y *^ie side of. IS A .finest ; a stranger. A From Jig p'ai"', to branch oil". Distin- guish from the following character. o A clan ; a tribe. Also tmdi read ts (lit. From ^ a/if, an arrow. Hence §J^ sve//'*, to turn on a lathe. I If a clan register ; a, genealogical table. I H^ a tribe ; a clan ; a class. The 71st Eadical. cyt Without. A neo-ative. II Compare ^ ua)irj\ lame. WL Since; when. To fin is] i. /ci From ^ pch, wliitp; and [^ ])i^, a ladle. Hence §£ /:«<*, all. I ^ since it is so; seeing that. I fill ^vhereas ; this being the case. The :2xd Radical. M J The sun. A day. r'lh Hence JE|_ faJi"^, sunrise; ^ cJice'^'. a personal pronoun ; flij ,tit/i\ in the midst. I |_g the sun. I ^ a (lay. I M 'iaily advancement ; to improve. I .^sunset. I ^ M ^ !^un, moon and stars. ]ni VOCABULARY. C t^ pl An Imperial Decree. A ck'i purpose. Purport ; drift. From [^ pi-', a ladle. Ht^nce ^ dtP, to point oui; % cWang-, to tu:5le. I "M- ^^^^ '■> decree. '-^ Ea ^arly. Soon ; beforehand ; tsao previous. From -f" sliih, ten. Heuce "^ t.iao^, yrass ; ^ choh, gfand. I £. ^ good while ago. I j^ early morning. I $jl breakfast. h.>ii 1)1 A period of ten days. From ^ pao^, to wrap. Hence ^ hsfdn-, to f(ill(»w ; ^ sunn^, bamboo sprouts ; |p] hsuiu'^, to inquire. PiL To prosper; to increase. ■uarig Prosperous; brilliant. From 2 iiant/'^, a prince. Hence ;j;J iiavg^, in vain ; -J'^ iiaiiy^, to gaze. cty} Briolit ; clenr; intelligeut. 'miiig To understand. From J] U'h, the moon. Compare ^ jyeng^, a triend. I 1^ to understand. I 5c to-morrow. I ^ in the light ; openly. I to-morrow. I g| clearly manifest ; evident. I ^ perspicuous ; to understand tho- roughly. I H a clear mirror. I 3^ intelligent. I |§ clear evidence. I M luorning star. j ^ clear ; bright. I ^ clear ; evident. f ^ Dusk ; dark. Confused ; huoi stupid. From j5 sJu'^j a surname. Hence ;^§ hueii^, to mai-ry. I Pf late ; dark. I :^ indistinct vision ; specks before the eyes. I #, dark. j j^ unconscious ; confused. I W< H ^ <^^^i"k ; confused. c^P To rise. Lofty. ai'g From P\\ aug"\ high. Hence ^ Uauq,^ to lixdc up; jfg t"^'", to receive; ^p t/i, to jiress down. I g^ to lift up the head. cX^ ^^^ elder brother. Insects. k'iiea Used with ^^. From J;[^ p;'^, to compare with. Hence |g lcnen\ a club; ^ /o'ue?i\ insects ; i;^ hueu^, turbid. I B, insects. To ascend. Peaceful. .she 1 1(7 From 5t shevg^, to rise. j Jl to ascend to heaven. ^Ff Easy. ReadzVi. To change. From ^ 7//;, not. Hence glj ^'//i, to pick out:; l^ fik, to kick ; f^ .s(/i, pewter; '1^ ^'i7i, to res[)ect ; |l§ /i^'r, to bestow. fE| ) Formerly ; of old. sih Hence '{§ si7(, to pity ; f^ tsie\ to bor- row ; fg /..s'h\ to adjust; ^,| ^b•'o^ wrong; III /;6''a% vinegar; SFj i5*''/o/t; a magpie. 102 5— S VOCAIU'LARV B 72 P pj Yesterday ; lately. taoh From '^ cha*, sudden. Hi ncp f^ f/^oli., to luiike; ^^ cha*, to deceive; jf,^ chah, to fry. I B yostonhiy. I ^ last iiio-ht. aE Yes. Pti-lit. The verb shi to be. This ; that. From 7E p't//, '1 roll of clotli. Hence ^ cJi'P, a key ; t^ t' i'\ to raise ; ig ti^, a dyke. I fi^ yes ; rio-lit. I 1^ yes and no ; riglit and wrong. I T yes ; it is so, I Z' J| isn't it so ? I If^ *& *& the power of distiugnisliing right from wrong. f ^^^ Stars ; planets. A spark. sing From ^ seny^, to beget. HeTice ^ s?«r/^, to awake,; |g si?ic/\ raucid; |^ teng^, a money steelyard, I ^ stars ; heavenly bodies. I ^ stars ; planets. 0*' Obscure : dark. From ^ tiei*, not yet. Hence ^ nei^, taste; ^ w/ei*, a younger sister. Compare \^ mo/t, froth. I ^ time. I '{^ constantly ; often. [ 5^ time ; opportnuity, I ^"Ij time ; at once. |Pj Noon ; mid-day. ahdi/g Fiom [pj Jisianff*, towards. Hence ^J /isiang^, rations. [ ^ noon. Eveninnr ; late. A junior. M Time. A season ; a period. s/ii From •^ si\ a mosque. Hence f^ shV, to wait; f^ tai'^, to treat; ^ t'eh, on purpose; ^ ?'e«^^ to wait; || s/ii^ poetry ; ^ c/i'i ^ to grasp. [ ^time. I ^ a Chinese hour ; two English hours. From U 7111671^, to reinit. Hence ^ im?i^, to restore ; ^ inloi^, to force. I Jt the evening, I T late. [ ^ evening meal ; the Lord's Supper. (J^^ Daybreak ; morning. ciie)i From ^ cli/eir, time. Hence '^ cZ/g;;*, to shake; J^ alLiteir, the lips; |^ t7/6'^i*, to relieve. [ ^ the morning star ; Orion. Daytime ; daylight. cheo From ^ //Ji, a pencil ; and — ?7i, one. Distinguish ^\ a book; and ^ /i^tt'*, to sketch. I 1^ day and night. ^ General ; universal ; every- i^'/f where. All. From 3fe ;"■n^^ also. Distinguish ^ isfji*, to increase. I BB to illimiiuate all things. I 3'C T ^1^ under heaven — the whole empire ; the world. 103 H 72 VOCABULARY. 8—19 f^P Crystal; pebble. Bright. From ri/i, the sun, (repeated.) -^ AVisdom; knowledge. cJi'i Frora ^0 <^'''^\ ^'•^ know. Hence ^ c//"?\ stupid ; ikjl/ c//z\ a spider. I ^ wisdom. (Pl^ A clear sky. ta'ivg From ^ i.s-'/nr/\ blue. Hence 0^ tsing^, ihet^ye; |f| i5.s/NyS tine; 3^ td)iti\ quiet; •^ ^s-'/?/r/\ pure ; "f^ tts'luf, feehngs ; %% Wing'-^, lo request. ^^\ Prospects ; circumstances. Jdn(/ A view. From ;;^ kiiif/, metropolis. Hence ^ ?)).v , a shadow. I ^ affairs in general ; circumstances. II- H Dark. Late. Secret. n id. Hence If cni^ From ^ Ui^, a souuc skilled ill. I ^ a secret sign ; a pass word. I ^ obscure. I 1^ stupid ; obtuse ; dense. I Hg 6^ secretly. ^§ The beat of summer. From ^ f/ts"', a pronoun. J Ms very hot. (fJ Joyful. Pleasant. Clear. c/i\iJig From ^ s/ien^, to state ; and remaind- er of ^ td'ig^, to open out. Hence j^ cli'avg^, an arena; fi§ cJi'avg'^, iutestiues ; ^ t«//^*, to publish. 1 1^ pleased ; happv. I 5l PI For a time ; shortly ; chaii meanwhile. From i|/f chan^, to behead. Hence ^ tsan'^, to cut out. I J}^ for the time being. I ii fur a short time. I -^ to reside for a time. ( ^ to lodge temporarily. MtC T'^ know ; to understand. hsiao To make known. Dawn. From ^ iao^, eminent. Hence ^rao\ to go round; ^ ra(,'^, to forgive; f^ ^tao\ to pour over ; j^ s/iao^, to burn. I 1^- to know. I ft to proclaim. Cruel ; passionate. 2)ao From ^ /.•o?2<7\ to respect. Hence i^ jiau*, to scurch ; D^ 2-^ao^, tierce heat. I j^ a fierce wind. I ^ hatred ; malice. IIJ^ A desert ; a wilderness. k'uang From ^ kuavg^, wide. Hence ^ hneug", crosswise. I ^ wilderness. JKP -, > To dry in the sun. shai From ^ /?■*, beautiful. Hence ^ sa^ to sprinkle; i| li\ a bird. 104 2—9 VOCABULARY. 73 The 73nD Ivadical. pl, To speak. iiek Ilence "^ tone/, the cast; ^ slma't}, to decrease. ) Crooked. False. Songs. liiih Hence ffft niih, barm; J)^ ^ioi^, a statute. To ckange; to alter. A ktng night watch. 'Read keng*. More ; much more ; still. Hence JH pien^, convenient. I ^ to alter. I JJH to add more. } ^ to effect a change. I ^ much greater I ^ T iiii^^^li more. I 12 already. I ^ ^ I have already seen it. ^I^X Very ; exceedingly. ttiiii From "^ ts-ii^, to select. Hence '^ tsoh, to gather up. I ^1^ extremely great. I ^highest. I >J^ smallest. I ^ M i^^ost important. -/^^^ ^ To meet ; to assemble. A huei society. To understand. Can; able. Hence ^ iiei^, aloes; f^ huei^, to sketch. Distinguish •^ tse)ig\ already. I $^ a club ; a guildhall. I % to meet face to face. I ^ ^ synagogue ; a meeting house. ( f^ Books; writings. To write. From ^ iuh, a pencil. Compare ^ /i-ua^ to draw. f _t in a book. I ^ a letter ; an epistle. I ^ books ; rolls. M For ; instead of ; in place ^'i of. To substitute. From ^ /(t\ a sage. I IE f^ workman who fills another's place. I A 5E to (lie for men. I A Ki IP to expiate sin for men. < ^ Already ; past. tsotg Hence if tw»^7i, to add ; ^| /.sv^;/r/'. to confer; ^ /6-'e>/^-, a layer. DisLiuguish ^ Zif^ei', to meet. The 74th Radical. n. The moon ; a month. lie/i Hence 03 niing^, clear. Compare ^ ru/i, flesh. I ^ the moou. I /S the end of the month. I ^ mouths ; by the mouth. I ^ the first of the month. <:•^^ To liave. There is; there rJ are ; there was ; there "'^ were. Hence |§ hiiei'^, to bribe. I i\^ I have ; there is. I ^ to be engaged. 1 pU limited. I f^, an overplus. I tx ^ 1^''^'^ y^'' (■'»}') or not ? ; is it here ? 105 n :4 VOCABULARY. 4—8 I ^ Cl^ profitable. I li 6^ liappy ; blessed. I fpj fe[j ^bcit does it matter ? I ?§ ^ M h'^^'i^o abundant evidence, j M /fg jg all in common. • I IH i^ liaviDg a perseyering disposi- tion ; persevering. clear. A friend ; an acnuiJutance ^yeng a companion. From J^ iieh, the moon. Hence ||][ 2>'eiiff'\ a shed ; B^ miug^ ] ^ a friend. jiUi To serve ; to submit. Clothes ; mourning garb. A dose of medicine. From ^ fuh, to govern. Compare fg ^ao^, to requite j (^ kia?, false. I ^ to serve. I ^ to render service. Tlie first day of the moon. shoh From ^ nih, disobedient. Hence |g Sit'*, to mould ; ^ Sit^, to trace out. -P. To expect; to hope. To uang look towards. The 15th of the month. From 2 uang", a prince ; and [^ uang-, to die. \ Jl to look up to heaven. I ^ to look for rain. I ^ looking towards. I Ml gazing ; to look at. I ^ to look at. I ^ to look into space ; vain hopes. A period. Id ', a year. Used with ^ From :^k'i-, he. Hence Sjf.f/^ this; fl^ ^'t', to'chent; ]^ k'i-, a flug; ^ ^i^, a dust pan ; ^ /;/, a. foundation. c-^J The Court. A dynasty. c/i'ao Towards. Read c]iao\ Morning ; the dawn. From |\ Ican^, sunrise (contracted). Hence }|^ cWao", the tide ; P^ ch'iw", to jest ; J|g miao^, a temple. I /}g court dress. I W ^b toward the north west. The 75th Radical. -^^j Wood ; timber. viuJi Hence ^ k'uen'^, tired ; ^ i.S'i7/, to as- semble. Compare ^ //0-, grain ; y^ mi^, rice; ^ pie«^ to separate; ;$;;jen^ a root. I BM. vrood ; timber. I l£ a carpenter. I faj " wooden dogs " — the stocks. t^. The end ; finally. onoh site of TJS. From — iVi, one. Hence -J^^ i foam ; ^ 7?io/i, to rub. Distinguish uei^, not yet. I the last day. J ^ afterwards. I -01 the lowest scat. [ j^ the last age. [ the final occasion. j ^ "J* finally ; in the end. Oppo- noh. % %. W^ Root ; source ; origin. N. A. :ps?i Essential. Mv ; our ; I. This. From — ih, one. Hence stupid ; i|: j9o/i, a priest's bowl. I ^ originally. J Ei <^'tie's country. I Jfe native ; local. 106 1—4 VOCABULARY. /f: I ^ the })i'eseut yo;ir. I ^ ouc's own lainily. I J^ili one's own elan, I 7^ aeeordinj^ to. I ^ inlierent in : consist in f^ in. I % lirst, and last ; essential and mm- esseiitial : etc. I »[''|^ natnral disjjosition. I {i the place originally occupied. ^ Not yet. From 1-3 p. m. From — t/i, one. Hencp 5^ uei'^^ fla- vour; ^ 7nr/^ a sister: g^ mei^, dark, ])i.-«tiiiguish ^i; moh, fiiiully. I R# l-3,i^ni. I j^i uncertain ; imi)roljable ; not neces- sarily. I ^ lias not ; not yet. j 's: not yet ; never. I ^ fi-J ^ things in the future, I 'i" il ^ij unthought of. I il fi-J IS ^"ords left unsaid. >^^ A cluster of flowers or to fruits ; a bud. N. A. From 75 ^'f^i^ i?- Hence i^ to", a target; |l] ^o-*, to chop fiue; |^ ^o"', to hide away. TV Kottcn ; decayed. Ui From "^ Z:VfrA air. Ilcnce J^ '^''^«'^^ skilful; \^ n\ foul. I iM ^vorthless ; decayed ; spoilt. M Avi Hao-e ; a hamlet. h uen From tJ- ts'nen*, an inch. ITence >\^ tsuen^, to reflect; f^/«*, to hand to; \^ ta'ai", wealth. Distinguish i^' ts'ai", mu- teriuls. I ^ a village. I |£ a village ; a hamlet. I J^ a farmstead. IX A staff. To beat. chang From ^ cJiang\ a measure of tea feet. Hence ■j^ chanrf, to fight. I 5^ head of a staff. JV:) To bind. To controL shah From p lipo^, a mouth. Hence '^ su^, distal! t ; 5^ suk, quick : ]{!^ cJi'ik, to order; 'Jf sy/.^'^, fearful; ^ ta'ch, to plan. I If to bind ; to tie ; to controk T_L A cross-bar; a stout car- kiiKj vying pole ; poles of a bier. Also read kang^. ^ From X ■koiici\ labour. Hence fX iFang^', to carry ; ^ hiaiig^, a river ; -fj^ ]iO))fi\ red ; ^1 ^7.//^\ a jur; ]&£ /io;/^-', a rainbow; ^ /ioiuf, empty. c1^ Materials ; stuff. tiiai From :^ UaT-, talent. Hence |^ clear, a wolf; H^ in'al", property; fM pi'', to close. Distinguish ^J tn'uen^, u village. I ^ij- materials ; character. -f^ Plums. Baggage. From -^ ^67^, a son. Distinguish ^ /;i', a season. cJ^ The cast; eastern. A to/tg master. From H ii'^h, to s])eak. Hence ^ fo^'^r', to freeze; ^ dceng^-, to state. 107 ;fc VOCABULARY. 4—5 I "i^ things ; articles. I ^ the master ; the landlord. I ^ the east. I i^ W ^t east, south, west and north. ^^ Certainly ; surely. Used ^0 for ^ Jco^, fruit. From t'ien^, a field. He nee g Ico^', to wrap ; ^^ Ico*, an exercise. I f^ certainly ; in deed and in truth ; if indeed. c^X A branch. N. A. c/i'i From j^ ch'i^, a branch. Hence ^ h'*, a harlot; ^ c/i'z\ the hmbs ; i^ /c'/^, forked ; ^ cA'z*, wiugs. I in A forest ; a otovc. From 7[C m^t/i, wood. Hence f|jc Z/;/^ to drip ; ^ /rt?i2, covetous ; |^ p'^/\ simple and elegant ; '^^ liir, a disease ; f| /wi^, to rain. ii)C Boards; planks; a block. 2) an From ^ /ot'i", to reverse. Hence fj^ fan\ cooked rice ; f( /a^«\ to traffic ; ^ p'a?i^ to revolt; j^fau^, to turn back. , I )^ pieces of plank. n A pillow. To pillow. cheii From ^ fu-, walking. Hence gfc c/c'e/i-, to sink; ']^ cA'e/r, sincere; ^ taji^, to delay. I ^ resting on a pillow. ,1 F^ a pillow. T-it In vain. To do or suffer luiiig From 5 nang^, a prince. Hence •J^ ?irt;/^^, vast ; p_£ tianc/^ vigorous; f^ c/ia*, a pillar. I ^ useless. (t5 Withered ; dried w ood. /^'w From -^ h'L^, ancient. Hence (^ /:?<\ to value; j[^ Z;/t\ a girl; ^ Z;i(\ fault; "^ Jci-i^, a cause; g) ka*, fiim. I ^^ dried up. tM A thorn. From p^ chV, only. I ^ thorns. TTv A frame ; a stand. kia From -fjn hi(0', to add. Hence ^^ kia*, the caugue ; |g /;ia*, to ride ; ^ /^o^ to congratulate. M' A pm^ handle ; to have con- trol of From j^ ^inliutli. I ^ a post. km A coffin with a corpse in it. From C /«>/yb a box; and ^hhi?, a long time. :?tC To tlye. To affect. ran From >^ s//;tr, water ; and jl, k'lii;', nine. c>}^ Firing ; fuel. ch'ai From jlt /.s-'P, this. Hence ^ ^--y'-p, a fault; fi§ tb-'z^, a moustache; ^ tsV', purple ; Jitt /!6"i', a tlaw. c1i\ A root. A. beginning. km A foundation. N. A. From j^ /i;r-u', perverse. Hence Hg ^•/'c'u', distressing ; ^ /ie?t^, verv ; '\^ hcu-^, to liate; J^ /.-e/i*, tu lulluw; ^^^ in'-, silver. [ Tji root ; origin. I ^ the reason of things. I ^ foundations ; basis. I jj^, source ; foundation. I ^ it S foundations deep and strong. cn>jQ To plant ; to care for t'-^cil plants. Fjom ^ ta'ai-, to wound Hence jsj^ tai^, to wear on the head ; ^ ta'al", to cut out; ^ iS^aiS calamity. I ^ to plant trees. I fj to })lant and sow. \ fa ^ ^ husbandman. I>i> A length; a section. A t^iao branch; a twig. N. A. From {l^ iii^, tliat which. Compare ^ siu^, to retorm ; fl^ sit(}, salary. I M rules. I ^J laws. I ^ regulations ; rules. c^i^ The mnlberry^ tree. sang From ^ roh, united. Hence ^^ samj"^, a stone base. I ^ the mulberry tree. The cassia or cinnamon kacl tree. From ^ ktiei^, a gem sceptre. Hence {^kia^, beautiful; |;^ /tftr^'', to liang up; ^ kuei^, a young woman; ^ tta^, a babv ; ^1; ^vVti'^, a street; ^ /(,7ta"*, to think on. 109 ;=fc To VOCABULARY. 7— S >rHJ A bucket. fong From i^ iong^, to hurst forth. Hence ?S ^'<^"I/^ ''"i M ^'^'"/y bubbling up. Weapons ; arms. klal "From 5^ /;mi4, to be careful. Compare r /o'ai^, a precept. ctJIL 'i'c) comlj. A coarse comb. From ^ //?r, n cap. Hence ^ /i//-, vitreous; ;g| /nr, sulpbur; ^^ .s'»\ distant ; ^ //'(", to fiow ; J;^ /('»2^ u crown. I g^ to comb the hair. c^^ A beam. A bridge. lituig From:;/ .s//»i^, water ; and ^ rpn\ an ed<^ed weapon. Distinguish 'i^ Hang'', luillet, I -^ l)eams ; timber. nfi^ Phims ; prunes. From ^- ?»^/^, each. Hence S wer, dam]i ; 'j'^- //cer, to repent; -^ reject the old for the new. A tent ; a bootli ; a sbed. j/euy An awning. From ^ ;)V»//2, friends. Hence |!|§ r)'c>ig\ borux ; ^ p\ fruit ; ^ ^:o^ to wrnp; g^ hwL% the ankles; |!^^ /^'c»S the kernel. 1^ Cudgels. A staff; a stick. imiig From ^ ./>"//, to offer with both hands. Hence ^^ p'eiii/-^, to present; j^ fei'g\ stipend. Jcueii A stick ; a cudgel. Fi-om 12) ^'"^"b hrotliers. Hence j;^ /i«e/t^ turbid; |^^'jbte/ib insects. I J- a stick. 110 0—11 VOCAIUILAKY. TfC /^ Distressing. Clear ; plain. ts'a From /E p'^7/, a ro]l of cloth. Compare ^ /'/;^\ to prohibit ; ^ sh'i^, to be. :^^) Possessions ; property. A ieh profession, AlrL'atl}^ Compare ^ p^uh, a slave; "^jj- tui'^, opposite. 4^ An example. A list of 2^'iiig successful candidates. A kind ; a manner. A i'f"// pattern. From ^^ iaiig', a sheej) ; and y^ ioiig', perpetual. [ ^ a, })atteni. I J^ model ; plan ; style. I ^ "^ '^ there are all sorts. y^, Happy ;_ pleased; joy. /c/i Iteaxl Loh. Music. From ^ prh, white ; and ^ /r/o\ immature. Hence ^ ioh, medicine. From ^ pauf; the side. Hence ^ Compare ^. pien\ to chan p\(mj", by the side of ; gj| ptuxf, to revile. I i^ au example. f^R Glory; splendour; lust- iony rous. Honour. From ^ <0"^", bright. Compare ^ Zao", labour. I % briglitness. I ii glory. I 'i^ splendour ; glory. I ^ ^ :K: prosperity ; wealth ; honour. (XS ^ spear ; a lance. ts'iiuig From ^ ts'ang'^, a <3:ranary. Hence fij cliuan(/, to create ; If t^iaiig'^, an opium pipe. ^^^) A coucli ; a bed. Cak From ^ ^'a/i, the sound of wings. Hence i|| Cah, to fall in ruins ; £J i'ah, to stamp. Generally ; for the most ^'ii part. All. From IJ Ai^, since. Hence '||5£ ^-'^i^, generous. I SI " the pleasure garden " — Paradise. I :& willing ; gladly ; cheerfully. M An upper storey ; a tower. leo From ^ ha^, to wear. Hence ^ led'\ to embrace; ^ /eo^, a basket; ^ /tZ^, often. [ ^ an up|>er storey ; a loft. c'l ^ A trougli ; a groove. A U\lo mano-er. A distillerv. o ^ From "^ tsarr, a compaii}-. Hence |^ tsau^, dregs; j^ tmo^, to meet. A mould ; pattern ; style. From ^ moh, not. Hence f^ 79?o', to feel for; 11^ moli, a tilmy skin ; \^ uioli, sandy; ^ vio^, to long for; |^ hiu^ a tent ; ^ md^, a grave. I la ^ mould. I ;f^ a style ; a manner. cTtf; a mark ; a be? aeon. piao From ^ p''iao^, a ticket. Hence |^ p'iao^, bleached ; H p'iao^, to float ; ^ p^iao^, a gourd. I 2^ a signal post ; a beacon-pole. Ill ;tc 75 VOCABULAKY, 12—1! Tolj A tree ; a plant. sIlu From ^ij sliH^, to place on eud. Compare jlj c/i'w,- a kitclien. I ||: a grove of trees. [ ^ branches of trees. I i^ root of a tree. An olive. kaih From ^, kan^, to dare. I 1^ olives. i^l A loom; a macliinc. Tlie In i motive power. Oppor- From ^ /«■^ a few. Hence ^ /;;\ satire; ^1 ^i^ ^^ obstacle ; |i /'i\ buugry. I -§• au opportunity. f >^> cunning. I ;^ a snare. iM Crosswise. Perverse. haeng From ^ luiang^, yollow. Hence /pj huang-, brimstone ; ^ kuaw/, broad. 1 J^ perverse ; undutiful. The palm tree. tsong From '^ cli'ang'^, fragrant herbs; and ^ c/ii\ to follow. I © t^^c palm tree. 1 _'jIIL A cnge ; bars. k'au From ^ ^ie?/"^, a prison. Hence ^^ Zrtn^ a basket; "^ /an", blue; f^ /;:ieM% a mirror ; P| ieji^, salt ; ^ /«;i"; to inspect. ^ ^ I A cupboard ; a shop j:^ ^ counter. IB kiitn From n /'n;7^ a chest ; and ^ kuei^ valuable. 1 The Chinese olive. Ian From H /a?i^ to inspect. Hence f^ /a;2^, to monopolize ; |^ ^rtM^^ a hawser. nife Authority; power. k'wiU From ;^ hnan"^, a beron. Hence HJj; huan^, pleased; ||j[ k'llen^, to exhort. ^ power. ]^ power and ability ; authority. ^ jwwer and influence. -)j authority. ^ to weigh ; to deliberate. The TGth Radical. A*' y\. To owe. Deficient. k'ien Hence P^ cIi'iiP, to blow; ^ Z;"((/r, to cut ; f^ i/^", to drink. I M. to owe money. I A (l5 \U ^*^ '^'^ i"^ ^^^^^^ ^^ '"^^y *^^^' ';;y^ The next in order ; second- ts'i ary. A time. A series ; degree. From 7 Pi>'g^> ^° icicle. Hence ^ t8"i'\ crockery. Compare fX ''^'"^'^ ^ pit. I the next day. I 6^1 of second quality. I }$ in order. I M sequence ; order. 112 4—13 V OCA BL' LAKY, % j?)c K rioascd ; delighted. From Jp yt;/i\ ;iu axe. Heuce ^ haien^, to lift up. I twi [xietry ; verses of song. To sin-li. n t'un T-i /"» r 7 u TT «t. • 7 ' ?i''/'r, difficult From ^ ^'f//, u valley. Hence ^ lu/i, • lust. i I S to sigh 'fvV, To de.siro; to loD^ for. | From % han\ a phonetic. Plencc ^J| iuh Vlso road /<^ ' ^'""'^ Cl.iuese; J^ lctcn\ hardship; H ", diffic " |,tos MX ha)i ' From ^ h'{en\ all. Hence B, ^'"^"^ i flie face ; ^^ kien\ to restrain ; ^ kien\ i f rubral ; M kien\ a rapier ; |^ ien\ to To collect. To ask for. han Interchanged with Uob* ^. To ofather. ;^>A (. To treat well. An item ; '^ l^l» ( '^'^ amount. From {^ pl^, a spoon; and ^ sAP, an "'•'■'>^^'- I frugal; ^|J /■/eM% a rap I ^^ to entertain ; to treat cordially. j verify ; ^ tsien^, slips. c^JA To cheat ; to impose on ; k'l to take advantairc of. To oppress. From ji lii", him. Hence :f:^ /c'-i®, chess : llg ^'i'2, a fixed time ; ^ /o/i, a dust-pan ; flff «\ this; ^ /ti^, u full year; ^ /'i', a foundation. I i^ to deceive. I i% to insult. I ^ to oppress. I .Ig to swindle. I ^ to hlackguard ; to treat harshly. nK, To rest. To desist. dm) Jill an From :^ /i?/a7i*, a heron. Hence \% liiicn-, power; jfj i'iien', to exhort. I :g pleased with. I 1^ pleased ; happy. I j^ delighted. The 77th Piadical. Ill To stop ; to desist. Some- da times used for hfiieh From ^ hoh, wliy ? Hi nee ^fj ^-'o/^ to thirst; P|j / Upright ; true. Correct. In. Pure. Orthodox. Exact. cheng Principal, Eead chencf. The 1st month of the year. From — ih, one. Hence JE ien'^, to d<^'lay ; ^ ien^, a particle ; ^ uai^, awry ; ^ dicn<-j\ evidence ; 5!^ chcng\ an ailment. lis Jh '7 VOCABULARY, 14 I ^ the first month. I iU j^^^t like ; similar. I ^ the correct j^ath ; orthodox way. I /lit is just I Ht straightforward ; upright. I M. -^ I'^P^^table affairs; lawful business. 'jH: This. Here. ts'i rom ^ pi^, From ^ ;5/^, a spoon» Hence ^ ,sre\ a few ; ^ A^F, purple ; Jf^ is"z', a defect ; 31K: ?'6'i\'a flaw. I J^ this place ; here. I ^h beyond this ; additional. ^ N. A. A step. On foot. 2')u From ^J? sZ/ao^, a few. Hence f^ chth, to ascend ; ^ s/ie/i, to concern. I Jc infantry,. [ fj to travel on foot. <1^>C Forked;. Divergent. ^'^ with ^. Used From ;^ c7i(;\ a branch. Hence ^ /lis skilful; ^^ Ici^, peaked; :^ ch'i^, a branch; 9j^ c/a^ the limbs; ^f c/i'-i^ the "winffs: it /li'S a harlot. A year. The harvest. From J^ sxih, fulness; few. Hence ^ mieh^ huei*, dirty. I ^age. and tjp shao^, a to destroy; |i j^> To' calculate. The ^*"/i lendar. In order. ca- From rhmi\ cliff; and f| /t^, rare. I IS lil 3^ through successive genera- tions. I "te i^ fii ages and generations. I ^ fi? 52E to set forth in detail. cilj]? To return to ; to revert kiiei to. To belong to. From |J tui^, a heap ; and ^ cheo^, a broom. Hence ^ sad^, to sweep. I ^ to follow ; to obey. [ jE ^0 revert to purity ; to come back to the right way. I I& ^o g'i^'e to ; to return to. I M to submit to. \ ^ to yield to ; to f\ill in with. I IHi ^0 return to allegiance ; to attach oneself to. I 5c "^ ^*^ return to God. 1 i'J ^ ^ to return to one's native place. The TSth Radical. tai Vicious ; depraved ; bad. Hence ^ij lieh, to arrange. ^U To die ; dead. Some- 6'i times used to form the superlative. From ^ 2)1^, a spoon. Hence ^ sJn\ a corpse. I p a capital crime. I M place of execution ; place of death. I tl to die ; death. I g^ dead ; inert. I SfO fK ^ to die and rise again. cyysi Misfortune ; calamity. iauf/ From ^ ianr/'^, to entreat. Hence ifi^ iavg^, shoots ; ^ ing\ to favour ; ^ ing^, brave. iy^ To injure ; to spoil ; to tn'ciH destroy. To oppress. 114 13—14 VOCABULARY. ^ 78 From ^ ^v/e«\ siuiill. Ik-nce f^ ts'ien'\ shallow; |^ cV/au"*, a storehouse ; III ^/r//!, a note; g^ tf^icii*, to trample; ^ /.s/e^i', confuctiuiicry ; ^ cAa/i'', a shaUow cup. (U'uel ; vindictive. I ^ to injure ; to (le.stroy. I fS, cruel. I ij to injure. I jl^ maimed ; deformed. yjJX T-G dress a corpse. lien Trom ^ ts'ien'^, all. Hence ;^ //e?i^ to collect; ^^^ kien^, to examine; j^ Icieii^, to restrain ; ^ /-t'eu^ frugal ; i{^ ten^ to verify; J|^ lien'-^, the face. y^ To carry to burial. Fu- 'pli'i uerals. From ^ pin^, a guest. Hence -j^ ^J?";i\ llie beaclT; ;ft 'pin^, the betel nut; ^f jjiii'^, to expel. The TOtu Eadical. CK^ To kill. .,h u. Hence ^ inlt, a jailor; |x paji'', like; j^ 'j/i((/i, not. 45c ^ section ; a division. tuaa N. A. Ht-nce 'j;gj itutu*, to forge; |g f/£r/;«^ satin. Compare jll ^/a^ false. ^rJC) To kill ; to destroy ; to ii~, a man. Hence f^ u^, to insult ; '|^ hnei, to repent ; f^ Aar, the sea ; |^ 9;iei^, a plum. Compare U w", not ; -fij: •w(^^ motlier. I rfp cvci'y year. I '^ (^^ each occasion ; every time. 115 80 VOCABULARY. J J'J M ''^^ ^^^^^ recurreuce of the festival. I ^ -_ ^ to eacli mau a sliare. -^:> Poison. Cruel. tiiU From "^ chu^, a lord. Compare ^ tseh, to reprove. I 4'E ^ poisonous snake. I M, poison ; virus. I ^ an ulcer. I iuj a poisonous liook. I j^ a root of Litterness. The 81st Radical. JlQ To compare witb. Than. pi Hence ^||^ p"/i, to copy; Jfig x>i\ to protect; jE^ ts"i\ this. Distiuguish it \ pe//, north. ( 1^ a comparison ; an illustration, I -j^ for instance. I in suppose ; for instance. I ^^ to comp)are. I ^ J:i ^*^t to be compared with ; inferior to. I 1ilL :^\ greater than he. The 82nd Radical. C^Cj. The hair of an animal; ■tnao fur. Hence J^ uei^, a tail , f^ ^'"<'^ ^^ Fquander. I ^^ a fnulfc ; a defect; a disease. I ;j]j sackcloth. -^^ The ten-thonsanclth part i-^i^ of an ounce (M). An atom. kuo ^ superlative. Compnre ,j^^ lianc/, bright; "^ henrj", jf.iccessful ; !^ hsianc/, to enjoy. I ^ ^ ^ Jiot the least wrong. I ^^ HI ii^ without the slightest power. The 83kd IIadical. J^ A family. A v/oman's ^li^i maiden name. Hence -^ lute)?, dusk. (Joinpnre ^ tl^, to hend : fS ti'^, the bottom. Distiniiuish mnr, people. '^ A foundation. From — ill, ore. Hence jg //^', under ; Hi cAi^ only : t^^ ciii\ papLM- : 1;^ Li\ to hung down : }g ^i^, to oppose. ^ The people. Distinguisli J^ .sA'i^, family name. [ If a register of the people. The 84th Radical. '~\l Breath. lei ^^ > Breath ; air. Force. In- yf^Ki tluenee, JManner ; de- ''' ^ meanour. Temper. From 7J^ ;;n'^, rice. ^ colour ; appearance. ^ disposition ; nature of a person. |S exhausted ; dead. ,g. panting ; breatli. ^. rage. ^ ^ in a towering rage. The 85th Radical. /Y [ ^^^^^ter. Fluid Compare tJc j)i)iri,Ai;v, '7]< 8: I /j^ ;i fomitniii ; spring. I ^ a sailor. I tM i^'l^^'^^i'' iiiilinals. I )f^ a water jar. I u"a crystal. I ^ 31 ^V?^^ a dof. Compare ^ Qciuif, a pattern ; yjc pi>"/, i^i-'' I ^ cverlastiiio- life. I jE per]H'tually : eternally. I 5r}lJ eternal separation— death. A pool of water ; a pond <'/t''i a ei.stern. Yn,m 4 i,\ also. Hrnce j^ ti\ cartli -fiii f\i\ he ; ,|l^ c/i''/'^ Lu spread. I -^ a pool. iK ^ niilitaiy post. To Ii.^tiiii guard. Also ivad hsin'^. From ^ //.s'/u', ranid. Hence |f( Jis-fiiii'^, to inquire-; ^JT^ h.'HiUi'*, quick; (jl J'«n^' to overflow. If PC. })ii-ation. Iian ^j^ .p . , ,1 1 From -T /./H^ to pruv.dco. HenooIlT (/JV Jo jmplore ; to beseech, j yt„,i^ ,}„. ],,.,,,■ : ^f /;,,«', crafty; ^. Ar/u^, A-'/'f To seek after. rare; ^ ^-/^/V a p(de; ^ Az/i.^^ lo diive ; Hence ,^;;j(^•^i^ to save; J^ /;'ur, a globe. f\\ h'an\ to carve. Distinguish x\ <'^'''^S I ^0 to sue for peace. I ■^- to heg aud pray. 1 s .^yj billows. I 5E to put to death. I .S t° govern the people. 1 ig! to rule ; to manage. I M ^^ govern one's family. I PI to govern a country. I JJS t** bring into subjection. I ij 7 healed. cXK A fouDtain. From ^ pe/i, white. Compare 7iun))g'^, the emperoi'. I i!?. :' fountain ; a spring. Mud ; mire. From /g nr, a nun. Hence |]^ }iP, an interrogative. I [n mud. I iy 7fv H niodelled in clay and graven in wood — idols. >}/L To follow a stream. ci Pi Aloug, or by, as a road '*•'"' or coast. From ^ ior, a nuirsli. Hence ■^'^ A-'r';/\ lead ore ; ^ cJi' uaii-, a ship 118 5—7 VOCAHII-AUV 7jC 85 I ^ followiug a coui-f^e. I i^ ^^J ^^'^c sea coast ; to coast. ciUS Oil ; fat ; grease. lu From i^ in", prnceecliiig from. TIcnce ^fi i'l*, ^ pomelo; ^ c/i\^(>\ to dr:iw out; $[i^ c/i^eo", silk; 'f^ t/'h, a flute; f^ cZ/eo", the axle; ^|lj cZ/co", sisters-in-law. I ij] a oil store. ) To anchor a vessel. From 1^ peh, wliite. Hence JQ p'o/i, amber ; ;f:^ peh, a eetlar ; ^fj ^j'c/i, to slap ; IpQ p'a^, a kerchief; fQ jj'a^, to fear. cli It Water flowing:. To fix on. From ^ chn^, a lord. Hence >J:^^ cltx^, to light; ^ ch'w^, a commentary; |^ c/i«*, a pillar; 4lj^ 6'//(«*, a moth'; ^ chu'^, to dwell ; ^ uaiig^, to go. I g to fix the eyes on. W) Copious. Prostrate. p ei From Tff sA2\ a market. Hence jf^ si*, a persimmon; ^ fei-*, the lungs ; j^ Jicio'^, bustle. m /(III From ^ fah, weary. Hence )]£ ;>;e;i^ to disparage; ^ c/ri\ sesamum. I f-§ to sail on the sea. |RJ A cave. A hole. long From [WJ t'ovg^, with. Hence ^ i'o"^'-, a tube ; ^ ^'o>'/, brass. l7u To wash ; to bathe ; to ii purify. From ^j\;^ si,vt\ first. I M ^o wash the feet. I j^ to bathe. I ^ to wash the hands. I 19 fo Avasli nets. \ ^11 to cleanse ; to purify. I H^ to wash the face. ^M) Living, lively. IMoveablc hoh moving. From ^ shell, the tongue. Hpuce =^ Jiua*, words; fg t'icn^, to lick; f^ i'/eyr-*, sweet; ^ kuah, to include. I 6^ moveable ; living. I ^ alive. I ^ hfe. I iff living ; quick. I ^ living stones. >(p| ) To blend with ; to be in ksiah liarmony. From ^ hoh, to agree. Hence P^ Jin'^, a hearty iaugli ; ^^ sliih, ten ; >\^ liiah, timely ; ^^ tah, a purse ; ^ klh, to give. ciy»->^ Vast ; liberal. /io)ig From dfc ^o;lf?^ all. Hence ^ konp^, a bow ; -gt koiiy'*, an offering ; lUt fioiig^, to deceive ; ;)^ hong'^^ to roast ; ^ kong^, polite. I 7jC the Flood. \>^) To ford a stream. To sheh involve; to concern. From ^ pu\ a step. Compare ij; s/mS sand. iJiv To depute; to send. A j/ai clau. 119 vK «5 VOCABrLAKY. From J^p'ai*, to branch off. j -jn to despatch soldiers. I fill ^ depute him to go. ciJlD To flow ; to d lift. Aban- liii doned. To descend. From '^ liir, a cap. Hence ^j| liu", suliihur ; ^^ 6u\ a coarse comb. I ^ to shed blood. I ^1 vagabond ; wandering. I \''-^ floating foam. I ^ to shed tears. I ^ to wander ; to stray. I lii 7K 2i^ water flows forth. i^ A wave. Wasteful ; pro- laiij fligate. From % liri)ig'\ good. Hence ^ lang-, n wolf ; )^^ ZiV^//_<72, grain ; ^ )iian To add ; to increase ; to t'tcii make good. From ^ t'ien^, ashamed. I T "^ f@ t'^ '•'•^l^l t)ne extra. >}^ ciR Clear; lucid; pure. From ^ ts'h}g^, azure. Hence ^ inii(j^, the eye; B^ ts'infj-, fine weather; If ts'ing^, to request; ^- fs/?/9\ unmixed; ^^ ts'ai'^, to guess. J .^ very early ; at dawn. f ^ a piu'e heart ; to piu'iCy the heart. I y]<, clear water. I W\ r^^i'6 ; unsullied. I ^ ^ i^ pure and free from blame. X^ To drown ; to ovcrfiow> From :^ ien^, to remain. Hence ^ ien^, to screen ; ^ a«\ a nunnery. I [^ to drown. I % T ib-owued. To drip ; to rain heavily. Un From :^ Z/^/^, a grove. Hence ^ //71-, rain; ^ ian\ covetous; ^. /{>/-, disease of the bladder. t:3^ Shallow; superficial. Light ta'un in colour. From ^ /6^>?/\ f-mall. Hence fj /.y/e?/' ches]); £ji /s'/e?*-*, confectionery ; |^ r/(07/^ a st(^rthout-e ; ^^ te■e?i^ to tread on ; ^ i5?<:'>(\ a note ; ^ chaiv', a saucer. I ^ shallow ; superficial. -J^^ Insipid; flavourless. Weak, tan as liquid. Light in colour. From j^ ien-, a flame. Hence ^ i'a?i"-*, a rug ; |j^ i'an-, to converse ; ^ f'a?i^, phlegm. I J@ weak wine. ears. lui From J^ Zi*, calamities. HJ:li Turbid ; confused ; chaotic haen Used with l^. From ^ linen^, all. Hence ;|:g kiifOi\ a club ; itjt huen^, a flame ; |^ hum-, a cake; lit ^uen^y insects. I %i iu confusion. A ferry. To ferry over ; til to cross over. From J^ tH\ a limit. Hence §g tu\ to gild ; i^ til?, to stop up. I X^ J^ to cross the sea. 121 7K ^5 VOCABULARY. «}— 10 i^:, To thirst ; tliirsty. k'oh From ^j Jioh, who ? Hence P^ /to/i, to drink; ^hsieh, to rest; t^kieh, to exhaust. \^ To bubble up. From H io/i^^ brave. I _h ^ to bubble up. To lessen ; to diminish. From ^ /l.9(V)l^ all. Hence njg /ia;i^ to call after ; H h^ie)i\ to seal : ^ chen\ to warn ; |^ hsie^^ saltish ; jsg A;a?i^ to influence. I tp to reduce ; less. j •^ to diminish. Mn A lake. hu From t^ hiL^, how ? Hence |j5j /i!t', to paste; Jj^ liu\ coral; f§| /i;/", to live ; *^ /i?<% a butterfly; ^ /i(i'^ a lane. I 1%, by the side <_)f the lake. r?A& t To nourish. Fertile ; rich. To stir up ; to excite. From ^ tsV-, mow. Hence }^ ^s'r gentle ; ^^ iis'z^, crockery. I jPe^ t5h A spring ; a source. Hen From 1^ U'iu-, a cause. Hence |^ wcm^, a vow ; ii (Zeu*, willing. I FI a spring ; a source. M> /X -^i'A tire. Compare ^ suir, a year ; , I C to destroy. I ^ to exterminate. I iX to P^^t out a fire. I '7 destroyed. I j^ to kill ; destroyed. To adjust. To fix. lu- cliuen terchanged with r^. Frum ft /i«ar, a river; and + slnh, ten. I ^ to prepare ; make ready. Warm ; mild ; genial. 122 10—11 vocAnrL.Miv, 7jC From ^ ueu^, compassionate. Ilonce fS '"'"^ uritated; 5^ neJi^ an epidemic; |0 uln\ to iron. I ^ HU'el< : i;viitle, I ^ jiinialilc ; ,i;-()()(I-iiaturc'J. I JB li.most ; I)l.-in>l. (i^ To overflow; a toiTciit. cixQ '-i''^ pour over. To water. kiao From ^ mo-, Iiigli, ITcnco ^ rad^, to wind; f^ /i6'w>\ luRky; ^|| //ao^ to vex ; ^ /•ao^ to go round ; )^ s/iao\ to burn ; |^ mo'-, to i)ardon. I ?1 tt) ]H)ar over or u])oii. I ^ to ])our out— :is a lihatioii. <1^'^ Jo tioat. Read 'plao\ p'nio To Ijleacli. From ^ p'ii/o*, a document. Hence t^ Sy^"^ 1 pifio^, a .signal; M p'iad\ wanton: ^ iill Full ; satisfied. Self-suf- j 2>'u/o\ to float. "* 7/ia;i ficieut. The v/liole of. • | ^ to ])leacli. From -^ ma)i\ equal. Heuce gf j j ^ to float to and fro. man", to deceive. 1 From ^ tao-\ to bale out. Hence JQ /ao^ growing rice ; ^ iao', to tread on ; Jg t\i(?, to pull out. I ^ tlie whole house. I ^ full ; filled u]). I Tfull. [ J£ satisfied. I i\J ^ M fidl of viciousncss. j^ j llSl) 'i'o drip; to drop. A i^y Varuish; paiut. To paiut. I ^'^'^ drop. (.iih ' From (^ tlh, a base. Hence ^^ tih, an 1^ _^ , ,., . ^ -, t^*. ., ^ enemy: M tik, a wife; ^i| i6vj/i, to pick ; Irom ^ t.t/^ pa.nt._ Hence Bi sJ., ^ J,j iove,xc\x. the knee ; m h ik, varnish. , ^ , .. , I I i5^ J^ J: to drip ou the ground. i^^ Name of a dynasty. Be- han louoincr to China. 00 taicn Gradually. Hy degrees. From tsaH\ 10 cuisei. , ,,^,,:i^ difficult. I JIJ 6^ gradually : little by little. j I ^ 3E a sort of white marble. M-om ||f chmi\U behead. Hence ^ From M han\ a phonetic. Hence ■U-, ashamed; ^ chcm\ briefly; ^ j'^uS to sink; M klen\ hardship; n\ to chisel. .,„„- ri;ffi«,.if 123 % !^' VOCABULARY. 11 — 15 1^) Clear; pure. kieh From ^ kleh, a marking line. Hence f^ cJiih^ to eat. i ^ 1'"^'^ ' clear. J ^ white ; pure. >(py To moisten ; to enricli. iiin Glossy. From ^ ruen'^, extra. c|£y The sound of waves. From ^ p'encj", strong. J •§^ the roaring of the wa\'es. ■i^X) "I'o sprinkle; to scatter. •poll Vigorous. 4'^ 3 Thick ; turbid ; muddy. clioh From ^ shnh, a worm. Hence jgg c/itJi, a candle; |^ choJi, a bracelet; fg Z'ZfA, the skull ; jj .s/aJi, belonging to. W: A bay. From ^ no'', obscure. Hence '^ ar/, to regret ; |^ rto", au outer garment. To aid ; to assist. Satis- tsi factory ; up to the mark. From ^ tsi'-, even. Pleuce ^'^ tsi'-^ to squeeze. f |Jj t(^ aid ; to deliver. fe' > Wet ; damp. j'/ti/t From mm to issue. Hence ^ pa/., j,^.^^^ ^^ j^^.^^,^ ^^ manifest. Hence to scatter; J^/ei'\ to waste •^ To 1)0 dispersed. Also Jucei read h'uei^. From ^ /i;7fei"', honourable. Hence ^ k\iei'^, provisions. I ^ spreading — as a sore. 5iJK Thick; strong — of liquids. From ^ ?;o?7^-, agriculture. I j^ fstroug Viiiie. iSa:> To rouse. To stimulate. klh From ^ /c/7?, to beat. Hence -^ kih, a summons ; ^ A/f/o^, to deliver up ; || Jciad^, an aperture ; ^ irtoS to invite. f ^ to arouse ; give an i!npul.-;e to, J JI5 to eucoiirage ; stir up. sih^, marshy ; j^ /tsicn^, conspicuous. 1'^) To wash ; to cleanse. c/ioh From ^ //Vi, plumage. Hence ^j^ o//'o//, to stamp ; H i'/oc^'', to sell grain ; P i//i, to buy grain ; || iao\ bright ; ^i ■io/i, to caper. ciPif Billows ; great waves. t'ao From ^ sheo\ old age. Hence f^ tao^, to pound ; j^ cWecr, a comrade ; ^ c/i'eo^, irresolute ; H iao''^ to pray ; ^ clitd^, to calculate. ll^» To strain ; to filter. ill From ^ lu'^, anxious. Compare ^ Id', to capture. I iij ^ to strain out. 124 15—22 VOCABrLARY. 7]< s: To overflow. To go to I c/>^^ Ashes; dust; lime; mor- f'l"' excess. hue/ tar. From ^ looi^, to oversee. Hence ^ From j~* //o?i'*, a cliff. Hence ^ k' lie i^y kien"^, a minor ; ^ /ajr', a bask<'t ; ^" a liclmet; ^ i'a;/"*, cburcoal. ia}r, bine ; ^ /(77i'', to inspect ; |g /c;*", : i Mt ashes, salt ; |g Zrm''', ragged. ! i ^' i i i ' ^ ' ^o 1 I ^ '^'^'^J ; ash-coloured. f ^ to form nndesirublo compauiou- ship. i /< a roal fire. ^!l ^»kt) Fierce ; headstrong ; im- fitli petuous. From Jlj lieh, to arrange. Hence ^ Z/e/i, to tear. j if^ a fierce flame. c>"k>># Black. A crow. 7t Distinguisb J^ niao^, a bird. Hence \% ifi, to cover with tbe band ; P,^ ii^, ala?. I 5f^ a crow ; a rook. 125 9i 86 VOCABULAKY. ()— J< ■ Smoke. Tobacco. Opium. M ten From ^ i« 'i»^, betrothal 1, because of. Hence li fe/iS rouge. >-U) To l)raucl ; to iron. luh From fj: hoh, each. Hence ^ ii'e/i, a nuest : M ^ Without ; apart from ; a none. A negative. Hence ^ piP. to cherish; H »■^ to dance. I ^l>nt. J ^p. without doubt ; beyond (luestiou. ] ^ blameless. I „„: no matter. I -jj without strength. ] 13 useless. I ^^ without phxu — uo help lor it. ] 5g uureasouable ; unprincipled. I ^5 without loss. 1 '^ without fault. 1 ^ blameless ; guileless. I ^ inexhaustible. ] ^ iiniumerable. I it: ^ " ^^1*2 blossomless fruit" — the fig. I jfg ^Ji the bottomless pit. j g" pj" ^ nothing to say in rt^dy ; speecldess. I Bi T> tt almighty. I ^ ;f; ;^ everywhere present. I E pT pJt uothing to say. ! ^y M lai '1" t;oncern. I II.I M M- unimportant. I ^ ^B M ^vithout hope. I 1j<. ^ '"iki fi'G6 f^'o™ calamity and sick- ness. I ^ M i'^'' unprofitable to you. I 4: .i $p eternal ; uncreated. \ % ^ i^ 110 end to life. 1 M -H /t^ without cause or reason. I ^ >J> ^ ^ small city of no rex>ute. m /^ Scorched; burnt. Vexed. t'iiao Fioin j^, chui^, a bird. Hence 11;| ts''iao^, 10 look. I %, vexed ; grieved. A flame. J-urning ; glow- inor. ^^' 0A From ^ jxuP-, to wrap : and jl3 '^i"^ a mortar. Hence }g /:'mi, to grasp : I»g /mjch*, to betray ; pQ ch'air, to flatter. /»^ To warm ; to roast. k'ao From :^ /^'ao^, to examine. Compare ^ lisiad^, filial. I >/l^ to warm oneself at the fire. I i^ to roast meat. I — ij-^ to warm a thing. ^JJ. Yes; certainly. Really. -^^ Still ; nevertheless ; but. r((ii An adverbial particle. B From ^ rw/^, flesh : and -j^ kilen dog. Hence j^ ran^^ to burn. 126 8—12 VOCABULARY ^ 86 I llo still ; ii(itwitlist;uKliiii>;. 1 Wl afterward ; by and by. i^ To Imi-D. fen From ^, liir, a grove. ] ']^^ to burn down. J jfS to destroy by fire ; to set fire to. W^^ To illumiiicate. Aceord- l>\\ ing to. To look after. i-hao S^ permit. From 03 chao^, to display. Hence -jg chao^, to beckon ; fg chao*, to proclaim ; is c/i\to\ to excel. I M ^^^ l«^<'k after ; to care for. I ^f as usual. j ^ according to. I J^ to eulighteu. 1 gp^p to shine upon. 1 ^ according to the reckoning. I ^ to control. I ® !l 2{5 sliew a lamp hero. ( aM To trouble ; to annoy. fan From ^ ie/i, a page. Compare 3^ feo^, the head ; ^^ «//\ must. I ^- to annoy ; to disturb. 1 |gwearisonie ; annoying. %^ To smelt ; to refine. To lien purify. From "^ k'(')i\ a visiting card. Hence j^ k'en", 10 select; |f licn\ to smelt; m kien\ to reprove ; || //e/i*, to practise. /^ ( Warm ; genial, of wea- ther. From ^ iien'^, to lead on to. Hence ^ ile7r, to rescue; f^ huan\ slow. c^j,^ To excite. To delude. From ^ s/ian'^, to fan. I Wl, ^'^^ deceive. A bear. Jisiong From "^^ nenrf, able. Hence Tj| i'at*. Y%\\^ Ripe; experienced; apt; .b//(i/i accustomed to. Intimate. From o|^ .s7i?f//, who. Compare ^ s/nt^, a school. Distinguish ||fe ^-^/J, hot. I -^ well tried. j ~Y I'ipe : thoroughly cooked ; expe- I'ienced, j^^^Hot; fever. To heat. M\i \ Earnest. veil From ||r z^, skill. Distinguish ^ ^/e»>, a cushion ; '^ shiih, ripe. I ;li^' lever. I ^ hot weather. I iC> earnest hearted ; zealous. ("^iv^ To boil ; to simmer. ao From fj'X. ao^, proud. Hence ^ acr, to ramhle ; f^^ ao\ proud ; |1^ ao\ clamour : H c/iiii*, verbose. I ^$ to boil and smelt — to discipline. c/iji. V A ij^i-^-jp . a lantern. m Un.j 127 9i Bs VOCABULARY. 12—17 From ^ toig^, to ascend. Hence @. clien'', au orange ; ^ cheng\ witness. tJompare f§ teng'^, a stuol j II a lauteru. I iX> wick. j J u lump stand. To biu-n. To roast. To shau beat. From ^ mo', bigli. Hence fg r^o^ to forgive : -^ rf/o", to encircle ; gj As^flo^ to know ; \%\iao^, to pour over. I ff a baked cake. I ^ to bnru iuceuse. ^FS 'j ^ stove ; a fireplace. A I r-^ { censer; a brazier. Iii- *); B j tercbanged witb |i. In From ^ Zfr, a vessel for holding rice. Hence ;^ lu~, rushes; |j| Zu'-^, a furnace; il W, a donkey. Couipare •})» W, to filter. Eotten ; over-ripe. Brok- lan en : rao^oed. to destrov bv fire. I ^ to consume by fire ; to melt. I ^ 6^ f^ potter. i^m "^^ ^'^^'^■'^^ ^^^*^^^ ^^^' sacrifices. fan From #./o;;\ a time. Hence !])| /rt»^ a banner; |§ /(7)i\ to interpret; JH j?;o", to sow ; |}5/a'i\ to turn over. I ^ a bnrut ofFeriug-. c ^ An encampmcDt ; a camp. i)i'j To regrJate ; to do busi- ness. From ^ kovg^, a palnce (altered). Compare H ■?'o;;r/-, glory ; '^ iug", a tomb ; ^ /?i^-, a glowworm. I ^ a dcfeuced camp. j(x)C To destroy by fire. A /liiei fire ; a blaze. From g^ hnei^, to destroy. Hence |2| /^^fei^ to defame. Ashes ; embers From f^ lan^, a screen. Hence ]f^ Ian ' i to obstruct; ^ Ian-, an orchid. I ~f rotten ; spoilt. The 87th Eadical. /»* V A claw; a talou. cliao Hence \K clnio}, to scratch. Compare )^ hia}, a melon. f ^ claws. tsin From ^ tsin^, to exhaust. Hence ^ tsin^, uttermost. c rf* To wraiigle ; to contend ; tseng to Strive. Hence ^ tsing^, clean ; p|v tseng'^, to open the eyes. ^ to wrangle ; to dispute. Wc to fight. ^ to quarrel. ^ to contend for first place ; to press- forward. ^ to contest. ^ strife ; cause of strife. {^ to make a disturbance, gg ^ ;^ to contend for mastery. /^ To be. To do. Ecad iJ^ uei^. For ; because of. tiel Qj^ account of. Compare ,% niao^, a bird. Hence ^ i(ei\ false. 12S \^ VOCAI'.UL.MIV. ;i; I jh '^^^ ^''1' '^^ to ... . I ^ ^^ 8^'^^'^ nttentiou to ; to make one's chief niiii. I M "^""'^^y ^ ^vherefore ? I 05 1>ecause ; for the cause. I ]I[^ ou this accouut. I ifijiwhy? gij ) A degree of ]iol)ility. A Uiuk cup ; a goblet. From 0n >'(t}i'/\ a net; ^ Iceii\ per- voise ; uiid -jj" t-i' ueii'^, an iuch. Hence Pgp tfiiu//, to chew. The 8Sth Radical. ^ A fatlier. Hence ^ /ciao^ to commit to ; ^ fti}, an iix(-. [ ^ father and niotlicr. I 5t fi^tlicr and ekler brothers — seniors. I ^ ehlers ; 'fathers. I ii father. I -^ a i)olite form of address— "you, Sir." f'^T A father; a Mahommedan 2^(1 term. From £, 2^r/,\ to adliere. Hence Jg 2)r/^, to grasp; g ^"''b "• ^L^uce ; f;£, pa*, a rake; ^ptO-, a scar ; j^ /^'tt'"^, tu crawL f^*- A father ; a grandfather. tie Fiom ^ ^ob many. Hence f^ i^_, to reniuve ; f^ c//«^, extravagant. The 89th Radical. iy^ Crosswise. h^iau Hence |^ shuamf', hearfy; ^ rib youj l^f 'J You ; your. rl Hence jg r'l', near; ^j^ unv, milk i?ir, to stop ; ^ si'b the ruyal signet. The OOth Radical. c t] a bed. clixuDig Hence jj^ tsiavg^, a walk A couch ; a bed. m ch'iiang From 7fc m?Ji, wood. Compare ff: lisiii}, to divorce. I ^ a bed ; a couch. I ,_t; ou a couch ; on a bed. A walk lioh, to contradict. ts tang From ^ sell, to accumulate. Henco ^ se/i, ripe grain. The 91st Radical. /~| A splinter ; a slice ; a 2j'ien flake. N. A. I Hip a sliort space of time. I ^ a visiting card. I ^Ij a little while ; an instant. cjl^-* A signboard ; a placard ; p't'i a tablet. A permit. From J^ pei^, inferior. Hence |^ ;)a?/*, tares ; ^ pei\ a memorial stone ; fi^ peP; to cause. j fi an ancestral tablet. 129 ^ 93 VOCABULARY. 2—1(3 ^ The 92xd Radical c/j A tooth. ia Hence ^'^ itr, elegaut 1 ch'uan^, to bore. lif the teeth. ^ toothache. The 93rd Badical. Au ox. Hence f^: kien*, a inimerai-y adjunct ; ^ sien^, first ; ^ Aao'', to tell. Dislinguish ■^p w^, noon. I 1^ mutton. I ^t a calf. I ^ oxen a-od sheep. '4k The female of animals. From J^ pi^, a spoon. Henee ^ hua*, to change; 5t; cA'i/i to scold. I ^ a cow. c4~* -^ P^^ ^01' cattle. A prison. lao Firmly. From ^^ mien", a roof. Hence ^^^ hlen^, a thing. Compare |^ hav?, to permit. I fl a scheme ; a trap ; to ensnare. 'tJCj To tend as a shepherd. 7liuk From ^ 'puh, to tap. Compare J{^ /ifio^, to receive, I li^ a, pastor. I ^ to shepherd. I ^ ^ a shepherd. ™j:i A thing ; matter ; goods. uh From ^/J nil, not. T'Oinpare ^^ huJi, suddenly; ^, t.-iunc/, liunied. I ^4^ an article ; things. cTX Animals ; cc cattle. aenj purpose ; specially. From ^ seiKj^, to produce. Hence '1^ sing^, dispusitiun ; ^_J siny*, surname. I ^ animals. I P animals ; cattle. #, On Veh From -^ .s'i'*, a mosque. Hence f^.s-//,*, to wait; ^ cli'i-, to support; f^ tai^, to treat; |$ s/Zi', poetry; ^ /e;/^-', to wait. I ^ on purpose. I ^ for this very reason. I ^ to come purposely. j.J^ To lead au auimal. To k'ien pull ; to implicate. Hence \^ k'len^, to pull; ,|f ^'i'e/i\ a tow rope. I ^\ to draw into ; to entice. ij A plough. To plough. From ^ij n\ profit. Hence fflj li\ clever; ^ /<■*, dysentery. T^) A calf. From ^ mai'*, to sell. Hence |^ su/i, to connect; ^ s/m/;, to redeem; |g tah, to study ; j-J txih, to defile. cT^5c Victims for sacrifice. hsi From ^ hisi'^, breath, I ^ sacrificial animals. 130 •2— ,S VOCABULARY. it 04 The 04th JJadical. 3 i Heiico dc/"/', tf^ prosfrntc; 5| /:";X ^'^^> fi''^' %^ A Jog. /iTO Fi(jni frj ^-/t^ a sentence. Henoe ^^J H.\ to restniin; |,t] Z;io\ a hook; ^ keu"^, illicit; l^-|ij Jiil^, a toal. ha A fo.^ Fiom /K. /i''"\ a melon, lleri kiL^, an orphan ; ^JJ chna^, to scratch. tgly / To accord with ; to yield 7r^rt I assent. luterchanojed c^r^J) with^. From -^ hsiiiir, ten days. Hence fft] hmiii^, to inquire about; ;(0] hsiiiii'^, par- tial; ^ suen^, bamboo sprouts; ^Ifj 6'Ui?i'^, a feudal state. I j]f to shew favoiiritii^m ; to connive at. Fierce. Angry. Very ; /i<^'t extremely. Used for fe. From _g. km*, perverse. Hence ;^ ken^, a root ; ^^ km\ to follow ; ^^ hp.d\ very ; ^ m^ silvei'; ^ /le/.'^^ a scar; f^ hen^, to" hate. ^ chith, a cuudlc. I g by oneself. I ^ ^ the Only-begotten Son. I — ^ n the only (God). 41^) To take in bunting. To ^i"^i obtain. From ^ /(??/(, to moasurp. Heuce hu^, to reap; ^ lLit\ to protect, I ^J to get gain. nUeo Wild beasts. From — ih. one ; P Jceo^, moutb ; aud t'teii^, a field. *-, J To offer up ; to present. From g /^eo^, a tripod. I Jl to offer up to a superior. I H ^ to offer gifts. The 95th Eadical. ( J^ Sombre. Heuce f.^ hsien-, a bowstring ; ^ c.h''uh, cattle. L)istinguisb ^ iao^, immature. ^' To lead. shuai Heuce J-!p shual^, to wrestle. I M to lead. The 90th Eadical. rv / A gem ; a precious stone ; V \ jade. Valuable. ii I ^ a box made of precious stone ; jade ornaments. I -^ a box of jade. [ ^ i; ^ a- Taoist deity— the " Gem Emperor. " c ~K A prince ; a king ; a ruler. uaug 132 5—0 VOCAIULAIiY, 31 i'6 Hence ;^ (•////', a lord; ^. tsiimi-, perfect; From £ I'un^ to see. Hence gi [{£ uang\ to prospei- ; |£ uaiiy'-^, in vain. (!.v'//i\ arehtive; j^ ka('L\ ix cusiom ; fJJ I ^ the king's palace. .vt'*, to look. I ^^ the laws of the laud. [ :(£ now ; at this time. Xh^ 1 ^ at jiresent. i^P A flaw. To disgrace. 1 I|^ at the i)resent time. tkni I ^ fif; ready-made. Froin i^ c/ian*, to usurp. Hence \'^chan^. I m ^^ ^" Jti)pear ; to mauifcst. to moisten ; ^'^ ?uV;<', to pic-k up ; f^ clKtii^, to paste up; ^^ t'leh, a Ciird ; ^^ Cich, TtS^ . attached to; th p/'""-', to stand up. (rl^lL A precious stone. I j^ to briug discredit ou. I III From )j(^ /i't", a cop. Hence J^ Z/?r, a (JU^ Precious ; rare, as gems. crown; ^ //»-, sulj)hur; \^ iW(\ to conjb ; j^fc tin', to flow; [fjc ■'^"S distant. c/icii To prize. I JT^ an opaque glass-like substance ; From ^ chor', Idaok liair. Hence f^ l)()rcelaiu. c//t'u^, to doctor; rj^ cJwjr, measles; )|f c//'en\ to avail oue's self of. I J^ pearls. <^J||| Reason; principle; the .rii fitness of things. To I '-M. pi"'-'<-"i<>i"i« thiugs. ^^ regulate. To regard. I ;p; valuable ; costly. From ^ Jl^, a mile. Compare 3| 11^, ■t(4> inside. J)istingaish ;^ vi(ii\ to bury. cJiS: Glass. I J^t M ^ ^^i:'t whii'h should be. po I flJi m fili ^'1 accordance with right. Prom ;_g y/r, a skin. H.Mice ^^ po^, liime ; ^ ^/o', a slope ; ^ 2)'o^ to break ; 3^ V 1 ^ /r->\ a wave ; ^ 7>t'/^, a coverlet ; ^ c-^^ A lute ; a guitar. p L^, to wear. k'i/i I ^^ window glass. From ^ l-i)i'^, now. Henor- ;|;''j> /i'/'».7^, the lapel; \^ in'-, to hum; ^ l^^iii'/, a ^^-^ . bed quilt. c^^ A pearl. cha ^ILi From :^ c//h\ red. Hence f^ c/ia\ :^?^>) A large guitar, with 25 i't'/i- strings. to jumish ; J^ s//u\ to kill; ^ chu^, vermilion. From >^ jiiVi, certainly. Compare 5p I -^ pearls. /;'n(", a lute; || p'i", a guitar; ^- pa^, a banjo. cJ/t A class ; a company. :fT« pan c^bC A flaw ; a blemish. I j5,| the turtledove. haia '9b Now ; at present. To From ^ h'(i?, false. H.Mice fg ^''V^^ false; 'j;.]^ i«(//i^ to forge; ^Jimi'-, leisure. hsicn manifest ; to a2)pear. 1 Jit a 1)lemish. 133 ^ ^'^ VOCABULARY, 9—16 JM Ao-ate. Hence 'III nao", vexed ; $J 7iao^, jasper ; ! [ij )iao^, the brain. t^ Conieliau ; agate. From |E vm^, a linrpo. Heiioe ^ via^, a nurse ; |i,l§ nia^, a weight; P,E| 7/1^1, an intei'rogativt;; ^ 7?ui*, to sculd. I 3i agate. j ^IJ " mauua." c J^ Glass ; a glassy suLstancc. It From "^ /r, bright. Hence [^ /r, to part ; ^ /t-, a fence. c^^5 A ring. To encircle. huaii From ^ k'ioiig", to gaze. Hence -^ hticiir, the Einpeior's dunniin ; jg huair, to repay. I '^ to encircle ; to go round. jg^ A piece of jade witli a s^^ -) round liole in it. Also 2,1 h i-ead 2^i\ The 9Sth IIadical. vRj A tile ; earthenware ; "a tery. I ^ an earthen vessel. I jj- broken tiles and bricks. pot- c/ti^ f A bottle ; a vase ; a jar ; Fr-uni ^-f l^'^'uf, united. TuK 99th Eadical. c M Sweet ; pleas? ^ '^ tary. Hence ^|} t^ieir, sweet. *& M ^^ perfectly willing. pleasant, Volim- AVliat ? Very ; extremely, sJieii From gL' 7>\7/, a pair. I ijwlmt? j ^ even to ; even as far as to. ("pp Sweet. t leii From 11^1 ;^/7/. a prince. Hence ^ ^"'^'^ ! From ^5 .^^//e/), the tonouo. H.Mice fg nextdoor;CT}////,_tosplit:j^ ;)"///, mean; I /,o/(, alive : '[§ /^V/r^ peaceful ; "^ h„a\ ^3 'ji'i/i^, to t.urst forth ; ^ j>uh, to break j lancjuage : ^ ktia\ to include; f^ t^icii'\ apart; i?| pL\ to avoid. -^^^ The royal signet. From |;[y ?•?•. our. Hence j® /P, near; ^H ;/r//''', milk ; 5^ mi", distant. The 97th Hadical. f/JX The melon. kia _ Hence -ij^ k (\ a fatlierless child. Dis- tinguish ;j^ r/ujo^ a claw. to lick ; ]5'|J ^ (a/', to scrape. The 100th Radical. c ~tl To produce; to bring se":7 forth ; to beget. Life. Hence ^^ s/?;^*, a luime; >\^ siiig"^, disposition; ^ 6-tv?y\ animals. I ^ lif^^ f ^$ from birth. I M to gi'^'^ birth to. I Jit e^trang-(;d ; at variance. 134 G— 7 VdCAIU I.AKV ^ KHJ I p a, birthday. I ^ to rreace a disturbance. j "^ to bear ; to rear, I ^ to briug up ; to beget. I M to get augry. I ^ to break out in sores. I J!{! trade ; business. I iK to liglit a fire. j ^g a livelihood. I ^ ^ M tl^e power of h"fe and deatli. <~^C rossessioiis ; estate. To /SL bear offspring. Pro- ch'(i)i. ductious of a country. From '^ KCH^, literature ; aud J~^ haii^, a cliff. I ^ possessions. I lid time of child-birth. cw^v The children of a sister. From ^ ?}an", male. Thk 101st Radical. M L 'o use ; to employ. AVitli ; 'ioiuj by. Compare ^ cheo^, complete; ^ ion(/', to burst forth ; "j^/"^, the first. I ^ of use ; useful. I A servants. I J* expenditure. I M T "sed up. I ^ M useless ; unable to use. I /f^ ^ more than can be used. I ^ §t to salt with brine. sJliuu m To cast away ; to throw The 102nd Radical. ^^ Si*, tine; 1^ /;a-, thunder; ''^ ticn'^, lightning. I ^ productions. I jg arable land \ M. W M lands ; property and houses ; possessioi^s.; ;■,"■ •'• ■,; c pbj To pornvit. ■■/^nnVi ;','}^y\i ii^ according to ; through. Heuce f[f| itr, oil ; '^ cheo^, the earth. I fik fi-oni ; by. I jit from this ; hence. I "fifc II l<^t him have his way, I ^ @ S to follow one's own way. I 5c ^ A A it depends on heaven, not on man. ) Armour. A tithing. First. Idah ITeiiee {[g hsiah, a cliest ; ^Ip iali, to pledge; Ijll tail, a duck ; f^ chali, a water uate. ^ To state. The period from iiheii 8 to 5 p.m. Hence jjiljl shor, a spirit ; a "od ; (tp shen^, to redress; |l|l aheii}^ gentry. I U about 3 }).m, I 1^ to state to a superior. Man ; male as distinguish- ed from (^) ; a son. A ""'^ baron. From fj lih, strength. I A a man, I Su to be with man child. c |j-i Fields ; land. t'ien w A boundary; a limit. The kiai world. From ^ hlai^, petty. Hence ^ kial^^ mustard ; .j^ klai^, itch. Hence Jg si^, to think ; ^ ko^ certainly ; i I ^ a boundary stone. J35 rn i'>^ vocaiu:lauy, 1^1 p3 J Cattle. To store. cli'tlk Fiom ^ lisiicii'^, somLre. Hence ^ iLi-iuh, to collect. 3:^ To clread ; to fear. Awe. Hence ^^ uel\ to feed; P^ /ai"-*, to rear. I f^ to fear ; fear. I ^ to dread difficulty. I f;^ to dread ; apprelieusive of. To detain ; to entertain. :^ I To leave l)eliind. To i ^ ) r^^t ^^y- '^'^ transmit. From JJII mao\ 5 to 7 Compare ;|-:5P /^u^ the willow. I f to leave beliiud. I ^ to eutertaiu guests. I <{i> to pay attention to. I M to g'ivc the miud to ; attentive. =^, To finish ; concduded. All. Compare ^ /i!(«^, flowery. Slicditlv; a little. A siiraniary. io seize ; to ^^ i plunder; in which sense "^^ '' it is interchanged with Iwh ^^^ From ^ /-o//, each. Hence § ^''<'/^, a guest : 5^ ^u', a road ; ^g ^0//, connected. 1 ^ H^ a little ; slightly. ^^ Strange ; extraordinary. i Other. Heterodox. From it Lo)ig\ all. Hence ^% t(n\ to wear ou the head ; ^ feii^, manure. I ^ wonders ; signs. I fl extraordinary ability. I ^ signs ; wonders. I ;j[c an omen ; a portent. I ffi strange principles ; heresy. I ^ heretical sects. I )^^ a different heart — alienated. I ^ outside countries ; heathen, •^l"? To draw; to paint. A i^ drawing ; a picture. A ^"'^^ stroke of the pencil. From iji: iiih, a pencil. Compare ^ sJiii''-, a b()^|* Ought ; should. To un- c t^ dertake. Eead tang'^. ^'''"J To treat as; to regard as. To pawn. From 'f^ sliang'^, yet. Hence ^ fang", a chapel; ^ /it*, riches; ^ ch'aiig^, constant ; ^ sluou/^, clothes ; ^ chaiig^, to superintend ; ^ sluing^, to reward. j 4* ill the midst ; among, I f at that time ; tlien. I ^ to be employed as underlings in ?/amc7is. \ ^f at the time in question. I |?J in the beginning. I "^ in tlie presence of ; face to face. [ & to enlist as a soldier. I -^ to exercise power ; act with autho- rity. I f-^ to regard as ; to consider as being. I '^ ^ 'dde to assume responsibility. I 5E 6^ worthy of death, I % 65 IP ^^ offence punishable with death. I ffe ± 1^ to make liimsclf equal to God. 136 14—1 VOCABULARY. m 102 i^\ A boundary ; a frontier. From ^ fii^. oartli ; nnd ^ kong^^ a l)()\v. Hence f,^ Iciauij^, a bridle ; ^ kiang^, ginger. I ^ a limit ; u border. ■) To fold lip. To repeat. tieh From ^ i-, proper. I j^ ^'^ to fold up. The 103rd Radical. /J^) A roll of cloth. p'ih Hence ^ '''"gf^, to decide ; ^ s/i'i^, to be ; ^ /!;>■' u-', clear. Compare ^ tseo''\ to walk ; J^ tatiJi, the foot. c^yiL I Distant. To separate. if^ ( ^'areless. su From jf^ /t;(2, a cap. Hence ^ c/t'zA, to order ; j^ .9u/i, quick ; '[^ sony'-^, fear- ful ; ;^ so;/y^ to fear ; ^ i^'eA, a plau ; M t>ii^, to stab. I ff.? idle ; careless. ^^> To doubt ; to distrust ; to (^A^ suspect. Doubt ; sus- * picion. I W, to be in doubt ; to suspect. I "(^ doubt and fear. I il^ a suspicious mind ; doubtful. The 104th Eadical. y ) Disease. nih From ^ fihip-. to kilL Hence |^ -"i^ieh, to set up ; ^ /v(8, the buttocks ; f^ m/i, a constable ; ^ 7/i«/i, to die; j^ uiuh, not. Disease ; sickness. To be pi>^(/ ill. A fault ; defect. From i^ piiii/, a Stem. Hence fj^ piiKj^, authority. I A a sick man. I ^ sufiteriug ; illness. I ^ the aspect of a case of sickness. I ,^, sickness ; disease. I g\ ^ jj^ sick in bed. ^) Quick. Sudden illness ; tsik disease. From ^ shi^, an arrow. Hence f^ tsi/i, gorse; ^ tsih, envy. I '^ sickness ; illness. To ache. Affection. To i'<-'>'9 love. From ^ tong'^, winter. Hence if-f cliong^, the end. I ^ pain ; to pain. I ^ to love passionately ; very fond of. ay^u A blemish ; a flaw. 5 From jtfc /.s"'•^^ this. Hence llt| ts'i^, the female of birds; ^^ts'i^, a flaw; ^ ch'ai'^, firewood; ^ io>P, purple. rired ; weary, From J^ jii", skin. Hence ^ ;j't\ to Hence ^ Touf/^^ painful. Compare f" ' wear ; ^^ po\ a wave ; |^ 2^0'^, vitreous ; ' ^ ;/o*, to break ; |^ p'ob a slope ■ po^ lame. je«% a covernig ; j~* /mn'', a cliff. 7X3 Pestilence ; an epidemic. I 11 fatigued ; weak. '"''' I I f§ tired ; wearied. 137 jT 104 VOCABULARY. 6-19 c7^ Healed ; cured. From ^ ts'iien^, perfect. fa^ to cure, >.ealed. A scar; a mark; trace? hen From ^ Z-e/?*, perverse. Hence %, hen^, to hate; ^ hen^, very; ■^^ken'^> a root; 0^ ie?i^, the eyes ; ^ i»^ silver. ^ Painful; sore. Pain. Ex- t'ong tremely. From ^ iong'^, to burst forth. Henoe f^ t'ong^ a pail; || so)?^^ to chant ; 3ig, t'ong^, logo through. Compare ^ ^o^^'/, daring ; ^ to??^^, buhhiing up. I ^ Litter suffering-. I % bitter hatred. I ^ to weep bitterly. Dysentery ; diarrhoea. From ^ij Z/*, advantage. Hence g^ /i", a pear ; ^ IP, to plow ; ffij Zi^, clever. I ^ dysentery. Paralysis. Leprosy. In- feiig sanity. From ^feng^, wind. Hence |g /en^^ a Diaple tree; ^fertg^, to rehearse. c/JuL Epidemic ; pestilence. uen From ^ ?/e;ii, merciful Hence fg tg^, the hohl of a ship ; H ts'idvg'^, a guu ; ^^ ta'cDig^, a fly ; tM ^■^'i<'i-»!/^, to rob; fij ch' uang\ to create. yr^) Lame. k'iiih From ^ /i;/a\ a scab. [ -^ a cripple. I M 6^ a hime man ; a cripple. yK] Fits ; convulsions. hsien From f^ hsien^, at leisure. Hence ^ fete?i^ rude. /iM Skin-disease ; blotch ; lep- kd rosy. From §1 Z^i^, to depend on. Hence fg lan^, lazy; ^| ^'ft/i, a beaver. MW Palsy; paralysis. ^ From li »a^^^ difficult. Hence f| ^a/i^, a stall ; f|| i'ff?i^, a rapid. I 31 'M paralysis. (7^ JMad ; crazy. Fits. tien From ;^ ^/'en^, the top. I ^ wild ; mad. The 105th Radical. Back to back. Hence ^ tsi^, to sacrifice ; ^ teng'^, to ascend. ^^ To issue ; to put or send -55<5 forth. To rise. To fah manifest. 138 VOCABULARY. y\ lo: From ^ koiuj^, a bow; and ^ y.lni}, to kill. Hence 'jg /ei', to abrogiiLe; '^ 1)\Ji, to spuit water. I J^ to niaiiifest. I & to despatcli soldiers. I ^ to put forth leaves. I pg to send out shoots. I ^ to l)ud. I ^ to take ail oath ; to swear. I ^ to liave au attack of ague. I ^ to shew anger ; to get augry. I f^h 'ii* ^'* ^' Abundaut; flourishing. JUL Read cJienrf. To hold . ^^""^'9 to contain. From }j^ ch'eng", to complete. Hence Jr^ ch'eiig'', a city ; g,^ cliexg''^ sincere. Compare ^ kaii^, to affect. I I ?^ T Ih filled with vinegar. jh3^ To rob ; a robber. tao From 7j^ tt>^'i\ a series. I ^ ^0 I'ob and pilfer. I M I'obbers and thieves. '^ jm^ A lamp bowl. A wine cup, c/arn N. A. From ^\ small. Hence -^^ cJ/anU a storehouse ; \^ is'ien^, shaHow ; g^ tslen'*, ^ ^ J to tread on ; f|| i-s/eu^ eonfectionerv ; ||^ jnl^) Advantage ; profit. To | Uieu\ mean ; ^ t.ieuS a note. increase ; progress. cJniL A basin ; a tub ; a pot. ■ From ^ fen^, to divide. Hence iAV, poor; |J5'/eJi\ confused. Full ; overflowinof- I Ji fall up. //t Compare ^ kai*, to cover. I >^ advantage ; profit. growth ; advancement. A bowl : a basin. From ^ lien^, to yield. JUL) A small box with a cover. hull ^JUL A covenant; an oath. miiKj Also read mew/. From Ujj ming'', clear. Hence '^ meng^, budding. I $5 a solemn agreement, or oath. c JUL To inspect. A gaol. Read kieii kic'ii*. To superintend. From ^^ h'cn^, robust. Hence 1^ IcDi-, a basket ; "^ lair, blue ; |£ Ian"', to inspect ; ;j^ lan'-^, ulive ; f^ /a/i", ragged. I 5p a prison. 140 U— 1<» YOCARrLAUY M los I lia-aul. 4^1 :\Iulual; reciprocal. Rea.l 1 *E prisouers. cTM ^-m/;^/. To help. A I ^ an overseer, a Bishop. '''"'y minister of State. Ap- jiearance. From 7JC iniili, wood. Hence ;||t ^uuxf, iifil (^ The utmost ; entirely; all. p^ ^ ( To use all ; to exhaust. to tlnnk; ^1 suiiKj'-, a box. Av ) f=: to believe in ; to trust. tsin 1^ appearance ; looks. Yrom ip: ink, a pencil ; and j),^ ho^, fire. Compare ^ .s/ut'. a boi-k ; (^ f.sin'\ the uttermost; ^ c/r^o*, dayh'yht; ^ ^ in agreement ; to tally. -^ to meet together. //;m^, to sketch. ^ intercourse ; to associate with. I \± with tlie whole nature. ^ alike ; the same. I M ^'ith all tlie mind. [ H of the same species. I 5^ the end of ; the linal outcome. ^ suitable ; convenient. 1 -jj ro exert to the utmost. g contrary ; opposed to each other. I ,"g, entirely loyal ; faithfuL -f^ concern ; interest. \ ^mm ^iii ^11'^ ^0. fl in corresj)ondeuce. ^^ A plate ; a dish. To in- t JilL teiTOgate. Expenses ; I '^ to talk a matter over. ig nmtual care. i^'""' costs. ^ 'te Si I'l'ond contention. From 15 pcui^, a manner. Compare 3C 6il 11 tlie ceremony of intercourse — j(^ ch'iiaii-, u boaD. the ac't of receiving church 1 Radish. members. I ;^' travelling expenses. rf^y To see ; to look ; to ob- j fj] to interrogate ofRcially. '^ serve. Rejid fcan^. To ^'^'^^"- Avatch ; to look after. The 109th Radical. From ^ sJi'jo^, a hand. Compare ^ ^ ) The eyes. An index. cAo/i, sign of past tense. mull Cliief. ^ look ! Compare r'ih, the sun ; ^ /;p/^ pre- 1 fs^ to treat. |g to look after. cious ; ^ i'fc/i, a page; -^i sheu^, the lioad ; ^ />;(V;u\ to see. I ^1^ an index. ^ saw ; seen. |g to pay a visit to ; to look at. 113.. Straight. Upright; honest. ^ to see through ; to understand a matter thoroughly. Hi^ce ^ cliih, to be worth ; ^^ cJdh, Kf- to guard. to plant. ^- ^ to be able to see I 6^j straight. ;^ ^ unable to see. I i>J ^a v" till uow. ptj (f.j a door keeper ; a porter. 141 g 109 VOCABULARY. 4—8 I ^ T to see accurately ; to take iu the situation, I 'If "© to shew favour to : to regard with partiality. I t^ ^ & to uuderstaud clearly. I ^VI^M A to select according to ap- pearauces. pItt To doze. tutn From Tg tii'en\ to cnllecf. Hence 3$ cJiaen^, liouest ; ^^ ^iuieir, pure; ||; t'tien'', a meat bull : iRl tii,eii\ to buw. TV' jj'an To hope ; to expect. From ^ fcn\ to divide. Hence -^ /eu\ confused ; ^ ;>'e//-, a basin ; '^ffn^ powder ; ^ j^rtn^ to dress up ; ^ /eM\ anger ; ^ p'i>i^> poor. I ^ to loug for ; to hope for. ^>J^ A province. Frugal. To '^=% diminish; to save. Read ^'^"9 siiKj^. To examine ; to watch. From tj} shao^', a few. I f§ to comprehend ; to he sensible of. I miest. I ^ to look into ; to scrutinise. J. \M^ True ; real ; unfeigned ; c/ien p-enuine. o Hence ^ ^ie?i^, to upset; ^ i'ie»^, mad; ^ c/ien^, to rule. I j£ truly ; really. I T^ the true spirit — God. I iC> sincerity. I ^ truth ; right reason. I 5^ true doctrine ; the right way. I li A^ really ; truly. 'U The eye. A small hole. ien N. A. From _g; kii"^, perverse. Hence t^ /u'u^, to lijiie; ^ /i(3y/". very; |^ ^■'/i\ a root-; ^ Lit'', silver. Compare ^^ llaiig^, grain. I ^ the eyes. I 'io' before the eyes ; now. I ^ tears. I g the eyes. J ^ fj- 'i^hle to judge accurately. ''^^ To rcgnrd ; to look after. kuoi Family ; relatives. From ^ ktie)!*. a letter. Hence ^ h'im^, a scroll; |^ /b'^.'/i'', document ; ^ kviiii^, the fist. I II to regard ; to care for lovingly. m Tlie eye ; the eyeball. taing From ^ t>i'inh'//, to lose. Hence JE^ i'if;//, to stumble ; -^^ ni^, to crowd ; i^ ai^, dust ; ^ r', a final particle. c/TH To know. To perceive. c^^'i To inform. From P Jceo^-, a mouth. Hence ^ c/^z"', wisdom. I 5^ to know. I ll\ knowledge ; experience ; common sense. I ^ perception ; to perceive. I J£ T ^0 be satisfied. IaH a custom. A rule. A kit pattern. From g hi.*, grent. Compare ^ titan*, short. Hence ^ X-u.^, to resist. >tA. Short; deficient. From "si teo'^, beans. Hence ^ teo*, beans ; ^ teo'^, small pox ; |i|[ t'eo", head. ^§ Short. Stunted ; low. To al lower. From ^ nei^, to depute. Hence |^ wei^ to excuse ; |-^ .s^i\ to bind ; ^ wei^ weak ; g| ztei*, to ieed animals. 143 ^ 112 VOCABULARY. 4—11 The 112th Radical. | I # brimstoue. k stone. Read tan\ A I I li -^ JgYLow coloured. si ill I 2)icul=: 133;j lbs. avoir- i X"^^ dupois. I lH^ Fraq-moiits ; odds aud ends ; broken. sill From 2^1 tsuh, to end. I ^J^ silver iu small pieces. Coinpai'e -^ kn^, ancient ; ^ nt^, the right hiuid. Hence ijXi ta"^, jealuus. I E^ a stone. I ^ a stone water-l)utt. I '^X " stone planks " — tables of stone. |lA To hack ; to chop ; to fell. /.'(Ui To throw stones at. From ^Ic'ieii^, to owe. Hence P^ c/i'(ti-^, to blow; g^ i/i*, to drink; ^ ii'^i', next in order. I % to stone to deatli. I f ^ to chop down. ,,„ - ^ a scar; ||^ pan', to move; Ttdt^ I phite. 4yX Broken ; ruined. To break, j f ;g' a large rock. From }^ ;/r, skin. Hence j^ p'o^, a bank; '{^ po^, a wave; ^ ;;(/^, glass ; ^ ! j)fi, that; jl^p't^, to wear; %X P^'^\ coverlet. I j^ a rent. ^^) Green jasper. Rough. ^i(/^ Laborious ; toilsome. From ^ lull, to carve. Hence ^^ hih, happiness; ^f; liih, to record; ^ ^«/t, green. A rock. 2) ail From |g pan'', h'ke. Henc ■p aii^ ^^M' ^ stone roller used for 'TJk huskino- crraii am, etc. To I M. *^poilt by a rent ; spoilt. o To smash ; to strike. roll. t-)iak From [r|T Uo/i, to turn round. I ^ smashed to a jelly. "^M Hard; stiff; firm. iiig From |g /.-e^^b to change. Hence ^Jg j le)i^\ obstinate ; f^ /ce;/yb l""g white rice ; ^ pieii^, convenient. ^% Solic loh id. Really; certainly. c'j'^iL Sulphur. Uii From ij^ /{;(-, a cap. Hence ^ Zi?r, porcelain; J^ s^,i, distant; ^ Itu", to ^^'J^^'j J5^ ''i'"'; a crown; ^ 5i§. ^ *i^>^"^ round. From ^ kioh, ambitious. Hence ^f^ It3— 14 VOCABULARY. ^ ir I i^ certain evideuce; proveu. I ^ certiiiii. I ^ (I'J reliaMe ; mimistakeuble. cvvsi A jetty. ki From f]| Ju^, a few. Hence buugry; 1^ Jc'i^, a machine. ld\ *Z^ Brimstone; sulphur. huahg From ^ /niavg^, yellow. Hence ^ uieno", crosswise. w m To obstruct : to hinder, ■ An omen. To manifest. From ^ 7~, to doubt. Hence ^ /3, to decide ; ^ ning'^, to congeal ; ^ c/i'ij\ stupid. The 113th Radical. ?; Hence ^ nai'^, but ; |^ sii*, to see ; fg .bv*, to sacrifice; ^ tsong'*-, ancestor. J ^ to issue a proclamation ; to inform. nilL To sacrifice ; sacrifices to Si the dead. From g, s'j/^, 9 ?.m. to 11 a.m. Jr/T To pray ; to beseech ; to k'i request. From Jp /I'i))^, an axo. Hence ^ so^, that whicb ; ^ /js/V, pleased ; jg AiV, near. I m to beseech. I ^ to entreat. JlllL Happiness ; blessedness. From It c//^^ to stop. Hence j:± clip, a foundation ; fjt c/tVt^ to haul ; ^± cM^, the hoof ; |Bt cA'r'-, ashamed. jJl An ancestor; a grand- ^^•" father. From Jl, ^s'/e^^ moreover. Hence $g fsiV, elder sister ; fg. ^s/(\ to rent ; |g; ^.5'zt\ coarse ; Id ^5?(^ to help. I ^ ancestors. f :$C ^i' paternal grandfather. ( # a paternal grandmother. \%, To bless. To invoke ; to chuh pray to. From 5d Jisiong^, a brother. Compare ^ k'vang'^, still ; ;^ ^«i^ to exchange. I HI to give thanks. I pM to praise ; to glorify. I ^B to bless ; to i)ray for blessings. m silt A spirit; a god. Spiritual. Fiom E^ shen^^ to state. Hence {^i ahen^y to redress ; |rp shev^, gentry. Compare Jlp iah, to pawn. I ff^ an image ; an idol. I »|^ divine nature ; godhead. ;^j^ To sacrifice. A sacrifice. td From 7t i^oh, back to back. Hence ^ c7i'a//, to examine; |^ tsi\ then ; ^ ^.s-'aVr, to rub. I "gl a superintendent of sacrifices— -a l)riest. I :^ an altar for sacrifice. I ^ an offering for sacrifice. 145 ^3^ 113 VOCABULARY. 8—14 I IE to sacrifice ; a sacrifice. I ^ -^ tlie High Priest. >j^ To prohibit ; to forbid ; to hin warn. To restrain- From :^ ZiV, a grove. Compare ^ ts'».^, distinct. I Jh to f(>rl)id. I :^ to fast. I p to abstain from eating. I ?^ to prohibit. I 2$£ a turnkey ; a jailor. z^^ To petition ; to state. En- j^i'^g dowment. From ^ Zi?2.^, to provide for (contracted). Hence f^ lin^, trembHng ; 'J;® lin^, fear ; ^ lin\ granary. I ^ to be endowed with. ] fg to report to a superior. I ^ to be endowed by nature. /Ppy Calamity; misfortune; evil, ho From ^ /.-ua^ a wry mouth. Compare ^ij kuo?^ to cut to pieces; j^ /.'o*, to cross; *^ Ait/i, a bone, ^"i^ Happiness ; good fortune ; /I'PJ) prosperity. Happy ; f"'' blessed. From g_ fuh, to fill. Hence '^ fa\ wealthy; ^fiih, a strip of cloth. I ill*, blessedness. I ^ happiness ; blessedness. I ^ " luippy sound " — the Gospel. J||-§ Good luck ; blessings. hsi From ^ /isi^, glad. ] ^ a happy New Year. '^Hj® \ Propriety ; good manners ; /Sifi. ^ pQ|it;gi^gsg_ Ceremony. Worship. U From ^ Zt*, a sacrificial vesseb Cora- pare fl i'i^ a body. I ff worship ; to worship. I "i^ propriety. I ^If a present ; an offering. I ^g ceremonial robes. I ^ ceremonies ; ceremonial. M To tao pray. From § sheo'^, old age. Compare ^ ch'eo\ a tally ; ^ chit*, to cast metal. I -g. to pray. The 114th Radical. c j^ A footprint. 7-eo Hence ^ k'iii^ a bird ; ,^ ?Z^ a mon- key. Compare |~J Jcio)ig^, a limit ; ^ n?i/*, within ; (^ ru^, meat. (-^^ Birds. Hence f^ A;'m^, to seize. Distinguish ^ Zi^^ bright. \ Wi ^ ^ birds, beasts and reptiles. The 115th Radical. i^i Grain. ho Hence jflj Zi*, profit ; ffl Ao"-, harmony ; fj[. /c'o^, a series. Compare /fc mjt/', wood; ;^t "ii^ I'ice ; ^ jne7i% to separate. i^M% Private; secret; contra- st band. From Jj^ sV-, selfish. Compare ^ i^, a particle. 146 4-9 VOCABULARY. 51^115 I 6^ secretly ; secret. I ;^ lust ; desire. I y privately. I M piivate idea ; a secret purpose. I ^ ^ a bastard. Autumu. is ill From >X ho-\ fire, llence |^ t^iu^,^ to grasp; |^ ^6''/ao\ a sliovel ; f^ isVo'^ sorrowful. fit Slightly ; a little. shao read 67iao\ Als |>y^ ) ]\l3'sterious ; secret. Also read pi . From *ij; pi//, must. Compare ^ /;« largess ; ^ Z;'iao^, to strike. cSp To revive; to rise again. From ^^ ?t^ fish. Hence -^ S7i\ plentiful. Compare ;^i| .sze»*, fresh. I i^-lesns. I ^ W^ *he Christian religion. ^^) To amass ; to store up. tsih From ^ /se/i, to blame. Hence f^ c7mi\ a debt; f^ ^s///, merit. j ^ to lioard up. 1 ^ to aecumnlatc happiness. I ;f^tolayhy. I M ^o aecumnlatc. I HI to store up riches. I *}^ Jik ^ economy in trifles ensures ahuudauce. ^ An ear of grain, sui From ^, huei^, favour. Hence f;f sui^, a tassel. [ -^ an ea.r of corn. "T^ Dii'ty, unclean ; unclean- /it(ei ness. Also read nei'^. From j^ s»i^, a year. Compare J|^ w/e//, to destroy. '1^ Firm ; secure. uen From ^^ m^ to care for. Hence ^| /rt^^ a habit ; ^^ ^H^ secret. I g stable ; safe. The IIGth Eadical. >/ V) A cave ; a den. A grave. lisiieh Hence ^ kin*, after all. Compare *-^ mien", a roof; *-» ?/i//i, to cover. ;;5^ To examine into. Finally. kia From 3^ kin^, nine. Hence ^^^ A:iu\ a pigeon ; jji ch\'o", to hate ; ^ y(:ue^\ a rut- I pi] to examine ; to try a case. I ^ after all ; in the end ; finally. '^^ Empty ; hollow. Insincere. c_X^ Head Icong\ A deficit. k oi'g "Pq leave a space be- tween. Leisure; unem- ployed. From X ko7ig^, labour. Hence ^ kovg^, meritorious ; , ^ /tong", a rainbow ; ^ kong\ tribute ; fl k'auf, to carry ; fj^ kiang^, a river; ;|;I hing^, a carrying pole. I 4* space ; emptiness. I ^ empty hauded ; poor. I M leisure ; unoccupied. I ^ vacant ground. I f^ to lal)Our in vain. I S 65 empty ; insincere. J 48 4 17 vocAnrLAitv. y^ \\i\ *Aji j I A :» l'<»ir person. c^ To wear. To tlircad. To , ^ straitened ; l.adlv off rh nan Ijore. From ^ i(i^, a tooth. Hence if ia^, surprised : ^ icr, a sprout. I ^ to wear. I j§ ^i ^" thread through. ] _fc f i ^"' l»^t on shoes. f ± ^ 3U to pi^t on clothes. ''p^) Narrow; contracted; meaD. tsch I S in straits ; reduced to poverty. I ^ pT '^ poor. c^^ A kdii ; a pottery. A ««o brotliel. From ^ iao", a jar. Fence =g iao-, a report ; ^g iao", to sh;d^e ; ^ iao", distant. c7^ To pry into ; to watch. From /^ r/u,\ sudden Hence f^ M, | ^rom fj ^.„e/\ a custom, rtful : l^ did//, a h)cust ; B^ tsoh, yester- >yu day ; j;,^ cliah, to fry. I f^ the " strait gate." ^] W ;- A window. A shutter. cKnancf From ^ cli iia)\g^^ tlie flue of a furnace. J ^ a window. I ^ a window sill. ^^ Distressed; afflicted. Also killn read k'Uht^. From ^ I'iliii^, a prince. Hence ^ k'ain^, a tlock ; ^j[) ^V//;i\ a district ; IJJ liiib?, a skirt. I j6 in straits ; in distress. 'eh, to raise; :^* /:o//, a surname; J^ /c'o/t, to tliirst ; p|, //oh, to drink; ^ /tsie/i, to rest. I -Jj to do one's hest. tuan The origin. Upright ; de- cent. Doctrines ; prin- ciples. From 7^ chnan^, singly. Hence P^ ch'naii^, to pant; J^ shtii*, lucky. I IE correct ; upright. ; sedate, dignified. I ^ sober ^yii To quarrel. king From 5i h^iong\ a brother. Distin- guish Ijg A; i;i(/\ to fear. The 118th Radical. Bamboo. cJiuJi Compare JPHI U^ao^, grass. J- bamboo. i^ a bamboo grove. ¥ A pole kuH From ^ kan Staff. /.-aJi , tlie liver; kaji^, to drive: /.•/e»^, crafty ; a sbield. Hence Iff y^ /ia/<*, perspiration : ^ ^Ij /t'a/*^, to carve; ^ ^ Aa/t"*, rare. Et A fence. c ^« From 2» P^^' ^° collect. Hence ^ 7;rt^ a handful; flg fei^, fleshy; |G. 7>rt*, a harrow ; ^ ^^a^, papa ; ^ ;^a^, a scar. To laugh : ridicule. to smile. pleasing. He 9^ lao', to die young ; ^ iao', a phantom 1^ uh, to irrigate. I f{^ to laugh at : to ridicule. 150 VOCABULARY ft 118 [^ A series ; a grade. An ti ordi]]al particle. Compare % ti\ a brotlier ; ^^ fsi^, =ister; ■^) t'i\ a ladder; |lj t'i\ to shave. 1 H H on the third day. ! M ^ ^^■hich verse is it ? 1 21 v)a, uumber five. I — Jl- the first storey ; first division. I 11 1m ^^^^ second (hymn). I ~ ^ M ^^ ^^^ ^^'^^ ^^ importance is — . , A flute. till. From i^ iii\ through. Hence ^^ ch'so^, to draw out; ifj^ rJico', sisters-iji-iaw ; ^fy cJieo", silk ; |i c/ico\ the axle ; ^ itr, oil ; |[ll -s/H*. sleeves. (i^^l To agree; to tally. A f'l charm. From f,l fii^, to hand over to. Hence ^ fn^-, a prefecture; PH /^i', to command; Awkward. Stupid. 2)en From 7[S ])e//', a root. Hence ^ poh, an alms-buwh cA^ teuq To wait. A sort. From •^ hV, a monastery. Hence /is sJii'^, to wait; f^ iai*, to treat ; ij^feh^ ou purpose ; || &7i/;S poetry; ^ c/t'^'-^, to grasp. I f^ to wait. I ^ waiting. I ff to wait. I pj to wait till [ ^ of the same species. I /fi 3^ unable to wait. \ i«J ^ T t<^ W'^'* ""til old age. j ^ in order. I :^etc. ; a plirase used as a plural terniimitiou. /^ c l^ A basket. Ic uaiig From [^ Icnaiig^, square. Hence |^ Iciiariy^, to cheat. j ^ a basket. |zn ) To reply. To recompense. tali From -^ hoh, to agree. Hence J^ kih, to give; ^^ «//;;//, to pick up; ff^ k'uih, opportunely ; '^ hoh, a small box ; ^ ^c/^ to bring. I ^ to answer. 1 M t" answer ; to resjjond. ( |ptj A tube ; a pipe. i'o//g From |g i'o"<7% the same. Hence f{^ fo?i5r\ a cave ; $^ t'omf, brass : ^ f'oiuf-, a varnisli tree. ^=P^) A peu ; a pencil. A stroke l^^h of the peu. Fiom ^ ixih, a peucik Hence ^ Iclen*, toestabhsh; ^ /.sm*, a ford ; '^ Wi, law. 1 M 1'^'^ '^'^'-^ ^"^^ ; stationery. ciiy '-^liG sinews ; strong. hla From ^ ra/i, flesh ; and ;/j /^/v, strengtli. I 13 sinews and joints. (^^ A feast. ien From 5^ ie/i^ to delaj\ Compare |^ tan:^, a birtliday. I I ;;^- a feast. 151 ft us VOCABTTLAKY- '—It ) A plan ; a sclicme. he/i From y^ shuh, to control. Hence f^ cTi'ih, to order; >^ so)>f, fearful; 5^ suh, quick ; i^ sonf, to fear ; |^ hih, puugent ; ^1] ts''i\ to stab. W^ To reckon ; to calcuknte. To propose. From g onuh, the eyes ; and -jj^ konf, liands joiued. I ^ a reckoniugiustrnment; au aLaciis. I M to reckon accounts. I ft to calculate^; to plan. I ^, ^ of no special value ; no account. I M -iS ^3 all reckoned in. c^^ A Avinnowing basket. A kl basket for dust. From ^ h'P, it. Hence ^ ^i\ a foundation;^ ki'^, a full year; It)} Icr, a fixed time; fijf .S7\ tliis ; "^ Icr, a flag ; ^ ^'i\ to cheat. ^ To govern ; to care for ; Zr/^^n to control. A tube. From 'g^ laian'^, a ruler. Hence f§ l-nan^, a liall ; |'g kuan\ a coffin. I ^ to govern ; to control. I ^ to manage tlie house. I W^ to guard ; to control. I f.| to have rule over. I H -/.fl 65 the ruler of the feast. ^-V A verse; a section. A MM) joint. IModeration. Di- tsie/t visions of time. From Ip tsih, immediately, C'ompare ^f^ lang^, u porch. J JH economy. limits to expenditure ; within bounds. holiday times ; festivals. An arrow, From "Ij ts'ien^, in front. Hence t^ tsien^, to fry ; ^" tsioi'"^, to shear. c)^^ A leaf of a book ; a sec- p'ien tiou. N. A. From J^ fien^, flat. Hence H j/ien"^^ to cheat; 5^ j^^^^'^t everywhere; f^ p'ien^, deflected ; |^ p/e>/^ everywhere ; ^ pien^, to plait; ^ ;;/e?r', a tablet. ^ V A hoop ; a belt ; a fillet. From ■;}* sJieo^, a baud ; and ^ tsah,. to go round. ]^li A law. A pattern. fail From J^ ch'ce^, a cart ; and Q tsieh, a joint. >^V) 'i'l'^^c ^ genuine. From ^ mu^, a horse. Hence 3[f wr/^^ agate ; ^|^ ma^, serving woman ; P,|| ma^, in- terrogative; ^,1 wrt^ weights ; f^ cJiuanf, to rush in ; ^ ma\ to revile. I .^ sincere ; real. [ fg to believe truly. i^, To build— as low walls, chuh or altars. From ^i; c/iu/i, a guitar ; and ;^ v/i'?//, wood. cjS a sail ; an awning. 152 13— 2G VOCAIU-LAIJY. ft II' From j^ fe'i^g"' to meet with. Hence From "^ snh, reverence. Hence If siu^, embroidered ; ^ siao^, to whistle. ^^^ A winnowiug fan. Read yo po'^. To winnow. From ^ Fr, it ; and ^ p'i^ a skin. I 3S a wiimowiug fan ; basket for dust. ^^ A register. A record of population. To regis- ter. lo)ig'\ all : ^ loriff", deaf ; ^ /c'an^, a shrine ; |g Zo?i^'', a hole. I fi P to muzzle. ^p A Lamboo slip, commonly c3lX( used in divination, etc. tf^ ien ^ warrant. From ^ ts'ien'^, garlic. Hence g clunif', to re";ret. tsih From ^ t9//i. Imperial fields. Dif tiuouish IIjK ^v/'e/(, to avail of ; with which this is at limes interchanged. (^^ A tally. To plan ; to ch'eo calculate. From ^ .s7ieo*, age. Hence JS ch'co irresolute ; ^ t'ao^, billows ; |^ tao^', to pray ; -jg ch'eo-, a comrade. I ^ to calculate ; to reckon. ^.^S^ ^ basket. Ian From ^ . Idcii^, a prison. Hence -^ Jcaif', a door sill ; \^ lan^, profuse ; ^ Ian'-, blue; ^ kieii^, a mirror: |§ '/cj/.^ salt ; ^ /fl'?^^, to inspect. I -^ a basket. 2'i=*, ex- Vll Used for travagant. From l^ ma"", hemp. Hence ^ mo'^, an interrogative ; J^ mo^, a demon ; jp ?»o^ to rub ; j|^ ma^, hemp ; ^ wo*, a mill stone. I f^ waste ; extravagant. Dung ; manure. rent. Hence ^ i^, to food. Silk. immature ; X» ^'^^ From I brood. I i I'f'f'^'^e ; offscouriug. - rfi > rrovision ; oram 1 1 (Dig From ^ liang^, to measure. I ^ grain. [ ^7 a corn chandler's. I fl^ rations. The 12(Jth Radical. si Compare :^ selfish ; S ^-^ connect; $J, .s-ij\ raw silk descendant ; ^ /«'i*, 9 p.m. >^/| About; nearly. A co- ?t»V) venant ; an agreement. ioh 'j^Q agree with. From ^ . ) Rope ; cord. To demand : soil to ask. To search into. Distinguish ^ su*, plain. Pure ; simple. .1 sliuen From fg t^up.n". fruit. To tie a knot ; a ^^"^^ knot. To settle an ac- count. From ■§ /aVi, lucky. Compare ^ /isi^, pleasure ; ]^ c7ieo\ completely. ^ fl to bring forth ears of corn. I ^ the finale ; the outcome. I :f a knot. I ^ to associate with. I ^ to form cliques. I H ■? ^o bear fruit. I itl ^ ti) produce, as fruit. cfi^i^ Sponge ; velvet. 1 rong j From 5^ rong", a weapon. Compare j ^, a thief. I j -^ flannel ; velvet. ^^^ Eefuse silk or cotton. 1 o *" reiterate. Talkative. From ^n ?'?(", like. Hence ^, .v/nt'', to forgive ; ^ wa'-^, to take. J Bonds. To tie up. iiek From ' to leak. ', to draw. Hence ^^ sick. 0;L All ; the whole. To gov- tong ern. From ^ cliovg^, to fill. Hence |^ cKong^, a bJunderbus. Compare j^ /iit\ to flow. I ^ a military Commandant. TptJ) To cutoff; to exterminate. tb?(e/i Decidedly ; extremely^ From -^ sell, colour. fp) To give to. For; to. Also kUt read A'Ci^ From ^ hoh, to agree. Hence '{"p '/•/«/i, opportunely ; ^^ shih, to pick up ; ^ Jio//, a small box ; ^ ua", to briiig. ApQ) Unreeled silk. To connect. /o/i Connected ; continuous. From ^ Z;o/i, each. Hence ^ Hoh, a little ; 5^ Z?/'', a road ; ^ .^-'e/i, ii jruest : ;^ Xe//, a rule ; ^ /.o/i, a council; P^ /o/;. affinal particle. ^ To bind ; to tie. faiig From ^ pcwg^, a, region. Hence ^ I pavg*-, to help. I I Jl to bind. I I ®?i^totieup. I $!(? Classic books. To pass i J^h through ; to experience. ' ^"'S' Already. From. ^ Icing'^, flowing water. Hence If //ii>g\ iiglit ; ^^ hiiig\ a patl;. I i^ to pass by ; to have experience of. loG 7—9 VOCABULARY. 7(\ 1^^> I :^ to negotiate ; to inauage. I '^ business ; ()ecui)ation. I Jl IB ^ it is written in the Scriptures, A Jeep red colour. kiang From ^ kiavg^, to descend. Hence P^ /i'iong*, to descend; ^ fe))g^, to Lap- pen ; '^./eiig'^, a bee ; ^fevg'^, a summit; ^./i:'/'<7\ a point. I -gi ^ a scarlet rol)e. ;p^ A net ; a web. iiang From 1^ uang^, a net. Compare |^ kang^, a principle. I H nets ; traps. All opened seam. Eent ; chan ripped open. From ^ ^ii^g*, to fix. Hence |^ i'n'{;\ an ingot ; '^ tien^, indigo. >&jsj The large rope of a net. ^V;r, a tablet. Hence {^ p'ieii^, on one side; ^ pieii*, everywhere ; ^ 2)'ie)i'^, a section ; ^ p'ien'^, to cheat. I l£ a weaver in bamboo. I jb to fabricate ; to make u}). I f^ ^ to plait into a crown. kill ' a principle running through a book ; etc. ; the leading point. dow i^y- From ^ pe/i, Avealth. Hence |,| khr, embroidered. Tight ; strict. Important ; urgent. Promptly. From ^X ^^ic^'^, robust. Hence ^ .sheir^y the kidneys ; g aJni'^, upright; ^ fisior^ virtuous ; ^ sku'^, to erect. /p^ ( Thread ; cotton ; wire. A W) ' SI en From ^ t. money ; ^^ trample ; % shallow ; ^ cl I ^ a shec; M m c/ieo Silk; silk cloth. lien ncn^, small. Hence ^ tsicjt", chan'^, an inn ; ^^ tsieit"^, to J tsieii^, mean ; f^ ts^ieir\ (■^'an-, to injure. To practise. To drill. From ^ /.-/e?!^, a card. Hence |^ /oi to reprovt to refine ; kien'\ to select ; lioi^, to smelt. [ ^ to practise. [ ^ versed iu ; experienced. heh 15: 3^ 120 VOCABULARY. 9—11 ^'^ Satin; silk cloth , From 15 tuaW^, a section. Hence ^^ tua)i*, to fui'ge. />g^) Crreeu. /iih From ^ A?//, to carve. Hence |^ // lo manage. An em- iJuJl 3 phatic particle. t:song From j^ ts'onc/, hurried. I i^ that ou which something depends ; the chief point or principle. ^ a Viceroy. ^ a manager ; to have the manage- ment of. ^ to superintend. ^ must ; indispensable. 15"=;^ finally ; in the end. ^ f\^ of course it is. M ^ y^^^ nmst certainly go. ^ -^ unwilling without doubt. }^^ I To surround ; to wind S*^ I round. To go a round- 7^ J about way. rao From ^ ^V/o^ eminent. Hence fj rao"^, to pardon ; j^ shao^, to burn ; j^ /;mo^ to irrigate; ^ «r/o^ to vex; I^ hsiad^Ao know, I g& to make a detour. 158 12—21 VOCABULAKV. f^> 120 '^^ To Ijiiul. From ^ Ii(i;\ to implicate, llonce g^^, lo^, a mule ; lllf. /o^, spiral. I f^ l>oiuls. H*»(iE To loose ; to allow. Al- taoiig though ; granting tliat. From 1^ Won(f\ to follow. Heuce f^ fsoiig^, a trace : ^ soiig^, to incite. ^|J^) To weave. cli'ih From ^ c/^i//, a fire. Hence ||| s/it/i, to know : f^ cJiih, rank ; j|^ c/i'i/i, brilliant. I ^ to weave cloth. I ^i a loom. I tH ^'^ weave and reel ; to spin. l^ \ fait'^, to roast : l^fan^, to upset ; t§ f(iu'\ a Provincial Treasurer. I S- ^*^ translate books. I m ^ to translate. I ® to gird the loins. I T ^ to let d(nvn. I ± ?T? •? to put on a girdle A bridle ; reins. Iclaiig From g kiaiuf, a boundar)'. Hence 1^ hlang^, a boundary; ^ kiang^, ginger. I IHE reins. ?y^ To connect. To ado[)t. From [^ /a"\ to connect. Hence [§{ f»a?i*, to break. [ ^ to re-marry. I ^ to connect ; to carry on. To bind. To involve. To hamper. sheng From ^ A cord ; a rope. a fror I -^ r(»pe ; twine. i,*^' The hem or border of a 'l'^ garment. A tassel. Used sui with li. From ^, /iuei'*, favour. Hence ^; •sta'*, an ear of grain. 1^' To bind; to gird. To ^^^ draw ; to let down. Also read ]u\ From ^ kill, to attack. ( 'ompare ^ kill, to knock. j From )^ ch'an'^, a market place. 1 M t<^ annoy. I ^ to implicate. I ^ involved ; bound by ties. I i^ to bind round; entangled. )p^) To connect ; continuous. suh From "^ mai*, to sell. Hence ^ ^uA, to defile ; ^ i?f/i, to study ; jg| .s7/m/i, to redeem; i[^ iSu/t, a calf; ^"^ tuh, a tablet. sl^I Just now ; then. Hefore. ts'ai After. From ^ ch'mr, a hare. I ^ j^^st arrived. CjMf^ Ian A hawser ; a cable From ^ hin^, to inspect. Hence lan\ vi\\ olive tree; ^ l(m\ to grasp. I ^ cordage ; thick ropes. 159 &121 VOCABFLARY. 3—17 The 121. ST Radical. ■^ Pottery. feo Hence g[] sie^, to unload ; ^i /cileh, deficient. Compare ^ u'-', noon; ^J shan'^, a mountain. cftt) A cistern ; an earthenware jar. hang From X J^ong'^, labour. Hence ^ ancj^, a river ; ^J hoiu/, red ; ' ' attack; ^ k'oiig^, empty; ") erit ; "^X Icang^, a pole. I n the mouth of a jar or vat. The 122nd Eadical. % A net. vang Hence ^ mnv^, to buy. Compare muh, the eye ; JSL wmg'^, a dish. Rare ; strange ; scarce ;. few. From ^ haii^, a shield. Compare ^ han kiancj^, a river ; ^ Jioiu/, red ; ^^ /.•o?i^\ <5e/i, narrow to attack; ^ ,l-'oy/r7\ empty; J-fj ko'uy\ I . ;^ rave ; of rare occurreuce. merit ; :fl /iYf>,'<7\ a pole. [tj A negative ; not. A net. ^Lang Hence ,^ uan(/, a net. Compare ^ /a?igf\ a great principle. Distinguish ^ hang^, a mound. 15'Ci A deficiency ; a vacancy. Jciieh An official post. From ^ /.v/a-i^ certain. Hence 'tl^^'zmi'^ quick; ^ u?^"^, brave ; |^ hiieh, a mystery. I ^ deficiency. I )}; short — as funds, etc. ; a lack. I ^ need ; short of the full amount. m^- A bottle. A wine-cup. From ^ tsiier^, honourable. Hence ^ tsuen'^, to obey; ^ ^^/eji^ to squat; ^ tieu'^, to offer libations. /Ci I) A jug; a pitcher; ajar. •^^ A hindrance. To be an- kua xious. From ^ hiei^, a gem sceptre. Hence ^1^ kua^, to divine ; ^^ kua^, to hang up : f^ liar, a baby : ^ j^a^ a frog ; l|i| 'uei''^, a curtain ; |§ sliui^, who. J Ji; anxiety. I ^ t*^ think about anxiously. ^|i Sin ; crime ; wruDg. Suf- tsui ferino-. o From fei^, wrong. Hence p fev\ to slander ; || /ei'^; a vagabond ; ^ /ia^ a liorse. Ilence P,^ ??i^\ an intcn<)f:;aLive; j,% ma'-, a nurse; {S| 7?ia^, a weight. I f^ curse him ! I A ti^ p"§ fihusive expressions, pU ) To punish ; to fine. Pun- j'dli ishmeiit. From ■glj hsiien", a voice. Hti To cense ; finished ; sigu l^a of the imperative. From "^ «e»//^ able. Hence ^ 2'^''^ to place ; ^ hnionrf, a bear. I ~J* finished ; that is enough. (/ftlb A net. Gnuze; a thin ^0 kind of silk. From jfif ifp.i-, a curtain. Hence fl lu", a g()ii<^ ; ^ lo", a hamper. I -^ a net. I ^ the compass. The 123kd Eadical. King A sheep ; a goat. Hence ^ A/^rt';^*, good; ^ cA'ai', to send; ff: iang'^, foreign; |f Uiang^, cnrefully; f^ Uiang-, auspicious. Com- pare ^ A7Ji\ bitter. I ^ a flock of sheep. I ^^ a himh. I ^ sheepskin. j ^ sliee2)'s wool. ^^ Beautiful; comely; ad- 7U6'i mirablc. ^ From ;;^ iJa"*, great. Compare ^ t^ righteous ; ^ s«e?i'*, to desire. I M ^ good intention. [ ^ excellent food ; delicious. I ^ ^ good name. I "^ a praiseworthy matter. cik^'fc A Iamb. From „^^ /lo^, fire. Hence |^^ ^ao\ confectionery. Compare ,^ ma^, a horse ; ® heh, black ; ,^ li^, black ; ^1^ niao^, a bird. I :^ a lamb. c/^^ Shame ; to feel ashamed. SI 14 From 3: c/iVo^, 1 to 3 n.m. Hence |^ 6i(ii, viands. Distinguish ^ c/i'at^ to send. I ^ a sense of shame. I '^ mortified ; ashamed. ! '\^ cliagriued ; mortified. I Jp shame ; disgrace ; to insult. -^^ A flock of sheep ; a herd. A group. A crowd ; a company. From ;§■ kiiin^, a prince. Hence ^|) k'iin\ a department ; ^^ k'iiiii'', a pet- ticoat ; ^ tiicciuf, a granary. •r ^ j Eighteousness ; morality. ^S Public. Patriotic. Free ; * common. Meaning. k'tiiii 161 ':^ u-.} VOCABL'LAKY, ^^ To covet ; to long for. To sieii admire. From '{fl hsie)^, salivn. f ^ to admire ; to desire.. The 124th Radical. ^^ Featliers. AVino-s, Fins. :]b"i Viigjibond; f^ pei^, syuipaihy. ^ cln'vsoprase ; malachite. From ^ (;3, I. Hence fg /^ to di.scus.s; | c!a.s.s ; ^^ p'ai~, to arrange; g| /ci^, ^ i^, ceremony ; ^ i^, au ant. ' [ J\, a righteous man ; a fair-minded j^erson. \ ^ a free school. I ig laud tilled for the benefit of the poor. I ^ an adopted son. ta'ai The king-fisher; the hum- mi no^ bird. From 2{£ tsnh, a soldier. Kence sui\ fragments; g| tsui\ drunk. haih A pencil' From [^ chV, a branch. II(!nee i^ Tcr, forked ; j^ ch'i^, a branoli ; ^^ hi'^, a. liarlot ; ^ h^, dexterous; |j^ cKi^, the limbs. I livings. c^^ Venerable ; a term of oiuj respect. From ^ hong^, pubhc. ^ ) To praetise ; to study. A nih custom. From ^ peh, white. Hence ^ cheh, to fold. I ^ to study. I f^ accustomed to. I W. ^^ become experienced by practice. :^^ A cock king-fisher. fci From p /et\ not. Hence B|f /;r, cnlf of the leg ; 5^ /ei^, variegated ; f^ pel^, a From f^ hau^, sunrise. Compare %'l ktiu^, dry; ^ kan^, ability. [ ^ the iTa?i.-/i?i Academy ; the liighest literary degree. To upset; to overturn. To re-open, as a case at >"' law. From ^ fan^, a foreigner. Hence ^ fav}, to translate; J^/a;r, to roast. I ^ to capsize a boat. I 2j^ M "^ t'^ 8'^ backwards and for- wards ; reiteration. J 1^ jl5 ^ ^'J I'i'^c up, as waves. Glory; brightuess; splen- lao dour; honour. From ^ kuang^, briglit; and '^ chui^, a bird. Compare ff tih, to buy grain; || /'iao'*, to sell grain. The 125th Radical. *"ii?^ Old; nged ; venerable. ■"X^ A term of honour and ^'"^ respect. Hence ^ hsiao^, filial. I "j* old ; grown old. j ^ " old gentleman " — a term of re- spect ; a District Magistrate. I tjf old and young. I ^ expei'ienced ; experience. 162 1—4 VOCAP.rLAItV «• I'-'.-, ( f> To examiue ; to test. k'llO From r^ k>»(/, a bow. Heiioo j,^ k'ao-'-, to \v;irm ; ^^ k'/io'-^, to examiue by lurlure. ])istiiigui^li ^ hh^uio*, filial, I ^': to euquire iuto. I ^ to examiue into. I ^ to examiue judicially. A relative pronoim. A ^^^ particle addiiio- aJi adverb- ial or adjectival force to dice the words it follows. From Q rh'/. n. day. Hence ^ cho/i, past [)arliciple : ^ tu\ all. The 1'2()TH I^vhtcal. ( ill] And ; and yet ; also ; but ; •?'i nevertheless. Henco i^j- }iai*, to endure; .^. . patieure. I ^ i^ :^ it'' eauuot last lon^^ The 127tu Radical. tIv a plough. Compare ^ muh, M'ood ; %^ l,-& Astute ; to perceive clearly. ts'ong From ^, ts'o}ir/'^, an opening. I 0^ clever ; intelligent. To excite ; to stir up. song From ^ ts'ong'^, to follow. Hence tsong^, a trace ; |^ taont/, remiss. I fj^ to Q^g on ; to stir up. To connect ; to unite. lie^^ Scrolls. From ^0^ .n\ silk (ultered). I ^ to join ; joined. I ^§ joined to ; in fellowship with. :^ •S^^:, To whisper. nieh Hence ^" shell, to control. flW) The duties of office. An ch'ik official post. To oversee. From ^ cliih, a sword. Hence j^ cKih, splendour; ||| cluh, to weave; ||J{ chih, a banner; %^ alah, to recognise. I ^ official business. I ^ duties ; official duties. c^jiJlN f To hear ; to listen. Read D Ft 1 ^'"^i/*- To comply with. t'iiig Compare {* /e/;, virtue. I ^ heard ; to hear. I ^ to obey; to heed ; to fall in with. I ?^ i^s one pleases ; let it be at the option of. I ^ ^ unable to hear. I jiE S to listen to preaching. c^ Deaf. loi>g From fl lo}vf, a dr.'ip;on. Hence %% long"-, to grind; ^|| Jong^, to collect; I|| Zo//(/-, a gpni; ^11 /yy/(7^ a cage; f| /o/?i/^ a li(jle ; ^ cICoikj'^, grace. [ ^ a deaf person. The 129th Radical. hih A pencil. Hence ^/h'/i, a pencil; ^ //jm'*. to draw; :g: .s7i?^^, a book; f^ /«//, a law; j^ ^/'e?i^, to ^^ ii'i', a wife; "^ suh, awe. 1G4 VOCAIU'LAUr. ill: 1-9 fi-p- Four. Dissolute; reckless. I j:^ ric-Ii soil. I H plnni]). 61 1 ^ well-ll'd animals. From ^ cJiam/^, long. Thk 13UTH ILvniCAL. rpl / Flesh ; meat. Also rccad ■nilo c)H The shoulder. kloi Fi'om 15 //((■*, a door. 1 Cl the shoulder. Compare \~] Iciovg"^, a limit ; ^ nul^, c^ The limbs. within ; |/g reo', a ioutpriut; [^ l'i^'9\ a Stem. chi I ^ the body. From "^ clu'^, a branch. Hence ^ I If the body ; the person. ki\ dexterous; ;j^ cJiV, a I. ranch ; it^* /;'«-, I ;f^ c-iuuamou. forked; -^ ki\ a harlot; ^! (■/^■^^ wings. H jj, The ribs. Lek I fl the members of the hody. To gi^'C birth to. To wtC nourish; to 1>riijo- up. From ^ nil, strenath. Hence ^^ kln^, a tendon. Compare "^ kiii^, strenglli. 1 fi,^ the ribs. ^ 5 tSaid to be from (^f ) ^.v?, ^^'■^^ a child, upside down. I ^C^arib. To carry on the back ; to flX The stomach. ^tyk bear. To repeat a les- c R son. Kead j^ei^. The (a i^^'^ back; the back side; From i ^"«^ earth. Hence pj; r^^^ behind. to vomit; ^£ mu//^, male of quadrupeds ; ;^ tu^, to stop ; f|2 shcs\ a society. From 4t 2^^/?, the north. Distinguish I -^ the belly ; the entrails. '^ ho\ goods. I M *'^^^ abdomen ; the bowels. I ^ to tni-n the l)a('k upon ; to carry c If-. on the back. t=i Willing; to consent to. I ^ to forswear ; to renounce. fcni To permit. I M to bear. From Jt c/i'?'', to stop. Hence ^fj k'en^, I |g to rebel. to extort. I M, to apostatize. I Z- m ^iili"S- 01' not ? 1 ^ behind the back. fBu F^^t; plump. Fertile. I Jf.^ to be unfaithful to an agreement. 1 ^ to be false to an oath. /^^^ 1 ^ falsehood ; error. From 2» ?^^^ to collect. Hence ^ 2^'^^> I ^ unreasonable ; contraiy to reason. a handful; jfg 2^a\ a scar; |g p'a-\ to climb ; ^ i?a\ u hedge ; $£ ^^a'', a rake. I Jfe ^ on the quiet ; in secret. 105 130 VOCABULARY. c/in 'J'iic woml). /Mv ( The pulse. The veins or t'ai From -^ f'lr. limmnraLle. ILmtcg ^ c//A to guvern ; '{'^ i'^. coiiomd ; ^ cJi'i^ t" fl"g; ,'^ ^^''^- I'litle; ^^ i\/r, lu cany From j\^ iong", perpotnnh Compare between twd ; ^ Tar, muss. ^ /(•//', an oi'pban ; |)]i Au-, a fox. I ^ cliild-bivtli. cftO Eeckless ; foolishly ; Uind- ix^ Dried meat. Salary. To cTR regulate; to cultivate, *"'"■ in which sense it is in- /./^ ly. terchanged with (^). From "^ Icn^, niicieiif". Hencp ||5^ /t^r, From %i iii'^, whereb3\ I ^ changed into fo ])!iste; fig /t/(^ to live; (^ //m", u laue; M /'""' ^'-'^■^^' ; Li^l '''"^' '^ buUertiy. 1 ^1 to maiutaiu steadfastly — as prin- I 5 fl JI foolish t;dk ; to talk folly. ci}>les. Jjj'4J Thehreast; the bosom. aF^ ( The foot ; the l)ase. La- W^l ( i bourers. Cleverness. From jSjJ li.^ionf, tbo lieavt. Compare |XI hsiorig\ cabimily ; ]£ hswng^, crueb kwh From ^-j] /u'/oA, oertaialy. Compare -j^ Wieh, to plunder; fj; A'/e/i, fearful. 1 P the breast. 1 i^'* the sole of the foot. I HU' oii the breast. I 5P, the heel. •^^ I % a footstool. (fll^ ^^'^G to ; may ; can. [ |!^* fetters; manacles. 'iioig Power ; talent. I FiS footi)rints ; traces. From Xt s^^- Pt'lfisb : ami (^ ^i/^, a I M hefore the feet ; iu the presence of. ppooii. Hence ^ /xt"*, iini.slied. Cuiiiparo M P^^''\ to spread. /])L) To undress. To cast off; I {f^ able to do. t^oli t(.) abandon ; to renounce. I liability. From ^ itii\ to exchange. Hence gj^ 1 f^ able ; uljle to. slioh, to .'-peak; -^l .'<1lul\ taxes; "^ iith. 1 ^ power ; abib'ty. pleased. I Wt ^ lib fT id'h' to say but uot to I g[l to cast off ; to escape from. perform ; to brag. I ^i^ to throw olf. mJjJ TherilKs; the sides. To I j^ ^0 escape from. 1 s : the side. 1 ^- T ''"loi-letely freed from. 100 — 1;3 \ itCAIUI.AKV \H i:;o \l' i-hdlhf To swell ; to grow Mg. HM To,sw.-ll. choiia From -J^ chnita^, fo nruw. neiioo [1|| i From Ig clinngK lipavv. TTciice f|i chatuj\ ill! account; Ip^ ch(nili a:j;aiiit-t ; fg chaiu/, disa[)poiiucd ; 'J^ chawj'^, to : !|!j i!(^//^7', to move ; -_^r '''^"^/^ t-'J 1 <-•'"-! • open our. To jirotcct. Jet From .5p /'''\ nof. Hence || /-/'^ a lilaokgiiard ; f^ pei^, soiiow ; ^^ f '-^'li'- ^>^'^1^' ' the stomach. 2^""/'- ^ ''^t- :• f^^ 7^'«"/, ^l^c si^l^^ ; t'X^ fall " ! F«''9"'> ^^ ^'■'^^• From ^ /'///. to retrace. Hence ^^ fiih, to double ; ^ ^"/', to leiterate ; .^ y»/t, to rej)ort. I M swelling of the helly ; dropsy. S The leg ; the thigh. i'ui From jg t'ui\ to retire. I >^ leg boues. ;/"*, tocf.Uect; --f^ ^/>;/3, to number; ^ ?Vy?.\ to fulfil : ^ //e«\ to shroud a corpse ; ^ kleJi^, frugal I ^ the face ; appearance. fl/^ The gall, said to 1)e the seat (an of courage. Bravery. 167 130 VOCABULARY. 13—14 From 'J§ cJir/r.^, to direct. Heuce ^ t ^ " self lordship " — independent. icni'^, a load ; ^ chan^, to look. ^ self. I t;fc fearful. f^X certainly ; of course. ^^'' m, ^ self exaltation ; conceited. t^ The arm. ]^ to humble oneself. pel ^ to strangle oneself. j^ liberty ; freedom to act at will. From Jgf pi*, a prince. Hence ^ p'/A, to burst iorlh ; || pih, a partition ; ^ pi'/i, a gem ; fj|j^ 2^'///, mean ; j^ jl»/'^ lo 1 ^^ to commit suicide. avoid ; ^ pi*, to compare. i)} from childhood. /JM> ^'^^^ winter sacrifice. A it fi-ora If boastful. /a/i 3'ear. The 12th month. ^ self restraint. From ^lieh, bristles. Heuce H ^if'A, * ^ self reproof ; to judge oneself. to Lu-ut ; jl)^ lah, wax. |t^ to deceive oneself. The 131 ST Radical. ^ to style oneself. cpi A statesman; a minister. ch'en Hrnce 'g //j ^ The 132nd Radical. house ; ^'^c/a*, to bring about ; ^ chih, a nephew. 1^ > Self ; private ; personal. H From. Of course; I ;^ particularly dear ; most honour- able. ^«^ naturally. I •f» as to : to come to. Compare g muh, the eye; ^ pei\ I m of hio-hest value. precious ; ^ A/Vn*. to see ; ^ le/i, a page ; "g- 67ieo^ the head. 1 1 H ^ the Most Holy Place. 1I3S 4—8 VOCABULAnY. 133 wc To cause ; to briug about ; to occasiou. To i-esult i ^^i' in. From ^ puh, to strike. Hence ^ cliih, a nephew ; ^ slilh, a dwelling; ^ ch'iht to obstruct. A terrace ; a platform ; a stage. A title of respect. iDtercliaiiged with •^. From "^ klK lucky ; and ^-» mih, a cover. Hence JJ Vai'-, to carry between two. Distinguish ^ ^7<, one. I P^ steps. Vai kill The 134th Radical. A mortar ; a bowl. asso- Hence §J n-, a son ; H klu'^, an uncle ; ^ seo^, venerable. P3 To bale out water ; to clip. Hence fQ fno''; to overflow ; Jg ^'«o\ to pull out. (Jompare fg cltcm^, to flatter ; §g A-'m^ to seize. Distinguish M hskii^, a pitfall, I tlj ^$ to ])ale out. :^(^ With; by; to; to ^ „£t I ciate. To give. ?7 Compare ^ /is/o/i, to study ; % Idoh, to perceive ; also the two following char- acters. I ^ rather thau. 1 fill ^ IrI ^ to increase ; prospeiity. I il5 ^ to increase. ^^§" Old — of time, persons, ^'11^ places and things. From t|* ts'ao^', grass; and jt clttiP, a bird. [ formerly ; in olden times. I ti T^ the old style. I ^ M old clothes. I ft^ the Old Testament. The 135th Radical. yf :» The tongue. theh Hence fg holi, living ; f^ Jiua'^, words. Compare "^ A-fr"^, ancient. [ sM the tongue. A cottage ; a shed. To y^ > lodge. In speaking of ^5 ones junior relatives=: shce ^^j^ A neighbour. Read shce^. To put awa}'. Used for ^§. From A »"^'^"; a man. 169 5 135 VOCABULARY. 6—10 To stretch out. Comfort- shu able. From -^ ii^, me. Hence ^f shii^, to strain : |J» chu'^, a shuttle ; ^ tV, savage. I M ^'^ o^QU ; to expand. ^■$6*) ^ private dwelling house. PM I A public office ; a hall. pfe ( A tavern ; an eatiuoj kuaii house. From 'g* hian^, public. Hence f^ kaan^, a coffin; ^ kiian^, to oversee. The 13Gth Radical. 7^ To oppose. ch\ian Hence "^Zi?i^will-o-the-wisp ; ^shueiv^, a famous Emperor ; ^ ifi, to dance. Compare ^ sih, evening ; ^ tiiii?, an ox. I fg error. "^^ To dance ; to caper. u From ^ u^, none, (abbreviated). I 1% to caper. The 137th Radical. f]/»J A boat ; a vessel. Compare ^ mu^, mother. I j|§ boats ; sailing vessels. (-73X A sort ; manner ; class. From ^ sliu^, to kill. Hence ^ p'a/r a plate ; ||5 paz^S to move. «!a boat ; a junk ; a ship. ch'uan m: From -^ ?"it3/4^, a marsh . f B^ the prow of a vessel. I ^ a ship's captain. J ^ the stern of a vessel. ^^ A rudder ; a helm. to From ^ i'o2, another. Hence 1*^ <'o^ a camel ; ^"^ s/i^e", a snake. TI^ a small boat ; a punt. t'uig From 5$ t'lng'^, a house. Hence J^ i'i?zf/2, a hall ; j|S i't/i/, to stretch j ^ finrj'^, a dragon fly. The 138th Radical. Perverse. kill Hence ;|:^ ken^, a root ; gg hm^, to follow; '1"^ /ie?i*, to hate; ^fg /te/i'^, a scar; 0^ ieiv^, the eyes ; l^g hslen^, a limit ; ^ ia^, silver. Compare ^ Uang'^, good. c,^^ Good ; excellent ; peaceful . Liang From > tien^, a point. Hence f^ Za?igr*, a wave; ^ Zfi/ir;-, a wolf; if^ //««(/■', grain. Compare '^ shlh, to eat. I >^>» conscience. j ^ o-ood ; hiw-abiding. I i6 11 H " conscience manifested " — conviction. c^^ Difficult; hard. kleii From ^ han'^, a phonetic. I p trouble ; distressing. The 13Qth Radical. Pz/ ^ Colour. Lust. seU Hence ^ Uileh, to cut off. Compare S pa}, a clamp. 170 4—5 VOCABULARY. P 140 TuK 140th Radical. '^ Grass. ts ao Hence ^ Iuh^, old ; ^ /umf{^ hna^, to transform. Hence ff{; o^ to extort ; ;^ ho\ goods ; Iff; Asae^ top-boots. I ^ to spend money. I ^ expenditure ; outlay. I H a flower garden. I ^ a garland of flowers. "it!' -TP The mustard phiut. kiai From >^ klcu*, small. Hence Jj^ /a'cii*, itch ; ^ /oiVa'S a boundary. I H mustard. cy^ Cress ; celery. Kin From Jx ki}i>, an axe. Hence j£ ^/?i^, near ; "^^ chan^, to behead ; jjiff k'?, to P^"''^y; ^jf •5^^ this ; \\)} k>ii\, brawny ; ^ 60^, that which. Fi'om :^ ii.hi', to speak. I ^ rue. From ^ ia^, a tooth. Hence $f ia\ to exclaim; -^ ia\ to greet; ^,| ia\ a crow; 51$ sie-, de[)raved ; ^ /a^, elegant. Dis- tinguish ^ jurw'"^, reeds. /rTj If; supposiug. ro/t From Jg" tu^ the right. Hence ^ rte'^ to provoke. Distinguish ^ k'u'\ bitter. I :^il": if so. 1—1 Bitter. Sorrow ; suffering. ^•''^ Painstaking. Earnest. From ■ "^ kii'\ ancient. Compare ^ lii\ h> dwell ; i^ ^/«', a cause. Dis- tinguish ^ ro/i, if. I ^ misery ; suffering. I ^ calamity ; hardshi}). I ^ to injure grievously. 1 f# to treat harshly. I ^ P'-'Oi' ; iu straitened circumstances. < P9 Sprouts. Posterity; pro- oiiiao gtiny. From g i'i(3/i^ a field. Hence fg miao-, to trace over ; |g mao^ a cat ; ^ inao", an anchor. I ^ descendants ; progeny. c,.^* A sprout ; a shoot : a germ. TIJ Hlicit; careless. H"; if ^'^o indeed. From -^ /;/i\ a sentence. Hence }nj ^eo^, adog; ^gj ki?, to grasp; |9 H\ a colt. } J, careless. f 'Q' illicit intercourse. Grass ; herbs. Careless, i i^^^ Flowery ; variegated. Glo- ts\io I hua ly; splendour. China. From ^ tsao^, early. Compare ^ Hence |f ////rr, clamour. Compare § c/ioh, grand ; ^Juai'^, dry. I ^ the Chiuese ruuuing liaiid. I /fC gva;^s and wood — lierhaf;-e. I ^ flower of grass ; grass and flowers, cTylj A thorn ; a hramhle. /:hlf/ From JfiJ /islng\ to punisl). Hence ^ i From H r'i/i, tl hsiiig^, to mould. I M ^hr.rns ; thorny. j9//i, to finish. I ^ gay ; elegant. I ]^ beautiful. I ^ ornamental stone ; pavement. :^;> A negative; not; do not. onoh A cushion. A bitter herb. From lij '/»\ because. Hence f^ {/;\ betrotlud : fjQ /en\ rouge ; 'j:g ieii'^, smoke. I Hif ■^\< 'rmwood. clMl Fennel. From [mI //nei", to return. Hence ^0 /i»f'i-, undecided ; ^ Iiiicr, to revolve. I ^ aniseed. :^ cJlL AMld ; barren. Drouglit. h//aji'/ Eeckless; false. From J^ hucnif/, an ex])anse. I i^- a d<'sert place. J flij; incL'lierent ; vague. J ^ ])rr>fligate ; unlawful pleasures, I J'S ^ l?l sensual joys ; dissipation. e sun ; and ^^ ta*, great. Hence ^ ??)o'*, to long for ; ^ mo*, a screen ; j ^ ono'^, sunset; ^ w?o^ a grave; ^ vio^, ! to feel ; ^ r/w^, a model. ! I ^ l)etter ; not do better than. j I ^p cannot do better than ; rather. ciJ^J The lotus. Eead/.cA To ho carry. To be grateful. From jpj Iio^, why ? c"^f^ The vine. From ^ ^ T ^^J ^'^11 ^^ ^1^^' ground. '^ Ten thousand ; a large number ; all. Before i(a7i negatives, an emphatic particle. From j^ ?'^, a monkey. Hence ^ mai*, aged ; j^ u:\ to meet ; j^ eo'-\ an image. I P all nations ; the world. I i^ all things. I .S 'i^^ people. I ^ •' ten thousand felicities " — very fortunate. I ^ all kingdoms. I ^ "H positively unwilling. I ^ tb ^^tterly unable. I ^ pI i^i^'ist not be on any account. \ ^ :t ^ Lord of all. I i ± i KING OF KINGS. I i ^ i LORD OF LORDS. \ ^ ^ Jl above all things. \ 1^ ^ ^ before all things ; from eternitv. \) -yr L To order. Yes. An >^^ J j auxiliary verb. From ^ c/i<«% one who. I M to give attention to ; to be careful. t^axg From ^ 67^, dead ; and i i'u'', earth. Compare ^ sAP, a corpse. I Jg to inter ; to bury. pt| ) To store up ; to collect. hsiuh Used with (^). From ^ rA'»/i, animals. 5l^) A leaf. A hiugc. From ^ jW?, a slice. Hence ^ fte/?, a butterfly : j^ ^'teA, a tablet. Compare ^ ^-'Z', to reject. I ^ leaves. c-^ Meat diet. hien From ^ /.•?/«/i, military. Hence !^ iiin'^, dizzy : ^ //?Ye?<2^ turbid ; jg ani*, to revolve ; ^ /iwei\ to shake ; itg /iztei'S lustrous. fJS The lotus, or water-lily. lieu From jg Zie?r, to connect. Hence fjl lien-, a chain. I ^ lotus nuts. I ;^ lotus flowers. o Furze : c-orse. tisih From ^ ^.siV/, disease. Hence ^ t^^ilt, envy. I ^ thorns ; caltrops. To cover. To build. A cover. An umbrella. JUL ^^ kai From ^ ^o/i-, why not ? Hence f* A-'o//, to strike ; ^^ hoh, all. I ii; to build ; to erect. cj^^ A reed. From :^ »er, a thong. Hence ^ zte/'v 173 ^ 140 VOCABULARY. 10—14 I «er, a ael", to powerful ; ij!^ uei^, a curtain ; tassel ; f^ Mei^ to escort ; [ surround : j^ «er, to disobey. j ^ reeds. ]§ Shade ; sliady. To slielt- iH er; to protect. From P^ i)iS dark. I lit to protect. cj^ Azure. Green. Old. ts^ang From ^ ts'ang^, a granary. Heuce $^ fjang^, a fly; ff ts'ianf, to rob; |t tsiang^, a gun ; ^ /j/iiji*, straitened ; ||J ch'uan//\ to create ; |;| ts'ang^, the hold of a ship. tP^ A medicinal herb. cZs'eti From ^ c/i'e?i^, stale. c^^ To cover ; to conceal. A meyigf child. To receive. From ^ choiiif, a mound. Hence ^ meng^, drizzle ; J^ meng^, to humbug. I ^ to cover with ashes. I 1^ hidden ; obscured. I <§• ^ t*^ ^^^ greatly ftivoured. I ^ HI to cover the head. 1 5jv ^ ^ stupid and ignorant. Hemp. From lH; ma^, hemp ; with which it is interchanged. Hence ^ mo'^, a demon ; J^ mo^, to rub; ^ t?io^, an interrogative; ^ 7710'*, a mill stone. j /f\i lienipeu cloth. |l|IJX To conceal ; to hide. From {^ 'in\ unworthy. Hence ^ pi*, a present ; g| pi*, deteriorated ; ^ yze^, to desert; ^ pi'^, a violent death. ^^^ f Vast. To squander ; dis- . sipated. tang From '^ t'aiig^, to scald. Heuce *^ fang^, to iron. (J^^ Vegetable food. From Jig ■yji^ estranged. I H vegetable diet. ^^ To flourish as plants. A nei species of squills. From ^ huei*, to meet. Compare ■^, ts'euf/, already. ?^*j Thin ; slight . Ungenerous ; poh stingy; contemptuous. From '^ j>'^/.^ vast. I ^^ pe})i)eruiiut. .PI sa From A Sanskrit syllable intro- duced by the Buddhists. lonff, eminent (altered ). tsien Grass. To recommend ; to introduce. From ^ cJocii*, a fabulous monster like a unicorn. f ^ a letter of recommeudatiou. ^^ To shave. t'i From ^f c/t'i*, a pheasant. I ^ to shave the hair of the head. ^jt^, To avail oneself of; •1^ through ; by means of. To help. tsle 174 14-10 VOCABULAliY. p^ 140 From ^{j- tslh, imperial fields. Distin- guish If tsi/t, a register. 1 ^ to avail of ; liy means of. (^[^ To hide ; to conceal. Read t^i'anf/ tsang^. A storchouso. From ]]^ tmng^, generous. Hence 1^ tsang^, a bribe ; ^ tsang^, the viscera. I ^ 2l5 to hide ; to secrete. c^^ ^ fragrant plant. Fra- hsilln grance. To becloud. From M /n^uiii^, to fumigate. Hence 115 hmiii'^, merit. -ft medicine. From 1^ loh, glad. Compare ^ j^ieii*, to change. I -^ medicine ; drugs. c^:^^ A kind of bramble. li From ^ li', black. W PI Za;;- From^ Iden^, a gaol. Hence ^ <(;' ; f/;i a door sill ; i^ Za?i*, to overflow ; ^ ^•/(?;^, a mirror ; '^ lan'\ a basket ; || ^■e)i', salt ; ^ Za?i^ to inspect. I ^^"hlne precious stone phire. -S<1}) Profession ; trade ; art . * Ability. From |j^ /, the original form ; and ^ uln:^, to speak. Hence _^ ^7/i^ pomp.^ (Com- pare ^ sleh, to revile ; ^ tien\ a cushion. SJS To slight ; to treat with Tiiiao contempt. From 1^ maoi^, appearance. I IS to look down on ; to treat slight- ingly. '//i, a roll of cloth. slice A snake. From ^ t'o% that. Hence )|g foS a rudder; I'g ^'o-, a camel; ^ t/t'a*, to vaunt. <*^ A froo-. From ^ /i'((ci\ a gem sceptre. Hence ^ /is/orT shoes; $i na", a baby girl; ift^ ?^ci-, a curtain ; f^ /;»«*, to hang up ; ^ /;(fa^ to think on ; ^±/ /'/aiS a street. A moth. From fg 0% I. Hence H the goose ; §4 o", suddenly. na ,S— 1 ,) VUCABlLAPvY. iK u-i ^gfi ) Honey ; sweet. niili From 5|! 7u///, silent. Hence ^ vnZ/i, close toizelher. TiiK 14;5ui> Kadical. jM, M Tl iV3£ rhc lociiBt. huang Blood ; blood relationship. hsi'teh ITence f]| sviiA, to pity. Compare JH min(/, a vessel. I I^ flesh and blo.ul. I ^ animal desires ; vi'^our. From ^lmauy\ imperial. Hence |l^ I JM" '" ''hH>d and pulse" — relationship Iwang", luminous ; [^ huang", a moat. f ^ locusts. is, To eat up slowly. To ulnJi eclipse. From ^ sh'ili, to eat. «?|| To blcud. Intelligent. To 11^^ fuse metals ; in which ^^"^ sense it is interchanged with (It). From p^ Uh, a vase. j f^ to blend with ; mutual under- standing-. H^^ io stino'. A stni£i\ ch(6 From fi^ shce^, to forgive. (i?>E| AVorms ; insects. Same as I -^ worms. :^U ( All ; the whole ; a mul jLfaL^ ( tude. cJioiuj Compai-c ^i tsii'^, to assemble. [ A everyone ; the nudtitude. m y%> The scorpi From ^X hsivJi, to rest. I -7* scorpions. "^S Stupid; doltish. From ^ cJi'uen^, spring. Compare cli'ong^, to pound. I ^ clumsy ; awkward. Thk 144th Radical. To do ; to act ; to travel. Read Jisin(/\ Actions ; conduct. Read licuui". A ^'■'"^'J row ; a line. Written I fvj. A trade ; a place ; of business. I Compare ^ cirHi, a double man. ; I ^ to (h» g-oo(l. i I ^' conduct ; way of life. 1 I ^ to walk. ! I If: to act. I jf§ to travel. : I ^ I'aggage ; luggage. ; I ^ footstei)S ; traces. 1 I f^ to carry out ceremonies ; to salute. i 1)1^) A device ; an artifice. ; fill all ; From jYc sluih, a medicine. Hence ^Jt .'f/nih, to narrate. cjlj A street ; a thoroughfare. From ^ knei^, a gem sceptre. Hence /k^ kuci\ cinnamon ; ^ kaei\ a virgin ; 1: fT 144 VOCAnrLARY. 7—10 ^^ kiia\ to hang up ; f^ kia^, Leautiful ; I From ■± s'i\ a scliolar. Ileuce |^ piao"^ g Kcr, a baby ; 1^ hsiai\ shoes. j to paste ; §g 2^ia(/\ a harlot. I J: in tlie street. | j BJJ to inauifest. } flT streets aud markets ; i)iiljlic tho- [ ^ to shew forth clearly, roughfares. I 'M streets ; thorouglifares. l^fST A puljlic offiiiQ. To decrease ; to decline. s/iiiai Small ; decayed; weak. From g /'c//, to speak. Compare ^ ai^, to mourn. I fi to decliue. j I ^ decrepit ; diseased. I Wc to decrease. I ^ old and feehle. From ^ u\ we. Compare Hj kUii^, a street ; ^j uei^, to guard ; f|j keng-, to i adjust. I f^ civil or military coui't ; a yamcn. I f^ '' policeman ; a yamcii runner. f fij To rash against. To iiisul t. t^ti A gown ; a robe. From ^ choiif/^, lieov}-. Hence J5§ | From ^ pao^, to wrap. Hence ^ /■hong'^-, to swell ; "f^ /Jou(7-', to understand ; ! pao^, to embrace; J^ p^ao*", to soak; j^Q f^ chong"-, seed ; g^ ^o;?yS to move. I p^acr, to run ; ^ pad^^ to roast ; |Q j>rt6<^, j ^ to make an onset ; to riisli at. ' satisfied. ^. ^ I -^ a robe ; a thick gown. 'J7i To weigh; to adjust. Mi Authority. From @ iZ^ fish. Thk ]-I:.")TH Kadical. 'rr' Clotlies. Hence 7^ ts'ii'^, beginning : ^ ai^, to mourn. C(jmpare ^ aJtV"^ an omeu ; ^ ch^eir, time. I /JK clothes. I g^ garments, partieularly the lower ones. I ^ij- material for clothing. .^^ To manifest; to display. pl'io An index. A watch. Sign of tlie passive. A 2Jei coverlet ; a quilt. From ^ p'i^, skiu. Hence ^ ])i-', that; ^1^ p'^^} to gi''d; J^ j^o^, a wave; ^j^ p'o*, broken ; |jj? 25o\ glass. I If to he invited. I -g^ a defendant in a law suit. ;^^ A sack ; a bag ; a pouch ; iai a case. From fi;\ instead of. Hence ff tai'^, to lend. :;^:, To split ; to crack ; to lieh rend. From ^ij ZiV/i, to set forth. Hence ^l lieh, fierce ; f^lj /i*, laws. I ^ to split open. I ^ f[9 -{^ I'^'iit into two parts. 178 :— ]i» VOCADULAl'tV. ^ n: ;^^ (^ Witliiu ; iiisiile. A liii- (i Fiom ^ U\ a mile. Compare ^ ko'\ to wrap; ^.^Jiuni^, to decrease. I IJ^ inside. I -T =1 j j^ iiisid(> : tlie inner edge. I "^ inside. '^^ Descendants ; posterity. (j55 ^^^1 apron. A petticoat ; I'-'i'tiii a skirt. From ■^ k/iiii^, a prince. liencG ^ knin'K afHioted ; M. k'fiin'^, flocks ; ^{> /ctiiit^, a district. ^^ To wrap up; to l)in(l. From ^ k/K certain!}'. 1 distinguish ^ Zi'", inside. I ^ wr;i])ped np : honnd. 1 jte ^ to enwrap. t^^^ Clothes : garments, espcci- sliang ally the lower ones. From fpj s]iang\ to esteem. Hence ^ y\:iL '■ s/taiig'', to confer ; If^ dt'aiig'', constant ; c^C To fill up; to load; to : >^ fa)/ rf', a hull ; ^ ch/ni(/\ to control; ehuang pack. To pretend. ■ p^ i«//y\ ought; fj^Sj /.Voty", supposing. From ^f c/iuau(7*, rohust. Compare Jfj^ • "f^U'^ /iiw;i(/\ husbandry. . ;^fe To construct ; to make. I ?'S| <^}i| From ;^:j! Z:u/i, a valley. Ilenee ^ suli, vulgar ; j^ //^/i, to bathe ; >^ Ichit, hut ; ' ^'^^"^^ ''^ document ^^ ink, desire ; ^ /o//^-, to allow. \ f f § a purse or pouch. 170 ^ 145 vocabl:laky. 11—12 cT^ A poucli. lien From j^ lien'-, io connect. Hence fj| lien", cliaius lien-, the lotus. i,) ^ To treat irrevcrentlv. Froni ft cA Ji, to grasp ; or |j|r i\ sldll. Hence ^ *7t?^ pomp; ife reli, hot; ^^ c//i7/, a present. I W. ^^'' 1>li^splicme ; to profane. The UGth Radical. (/yiu Custom ; usage ; regula ^iiei tions. From ^fti^, a sage. Compare :g^ icif a Chinese iuk-slab. I ^g a custom : usage. I {^ reguhitious. I H^ to rei)riiiiau(l ; to admonish. t} . /- 10 scare (,) after. mill From ^ ;;?(//, not. To seareli for ; to look M The west. European. | Hence yg m^, to sprinkle : jljig .s/i«i^, to dry in the sun. (Compare "g" iu'\ new wine. I pf] the west gate. ^^5 Importaut. To wish : to icio want. About to. If. To look at ; to regard. 6' Also read slit. From j^ sJi'i^, to make known. ^Q Related ; near to. Eela- c'lyu tives ; parents. Inti- ^^^'"^ mate. To love. ^ From ^ cAe?i\ a filbert. ( 'ompare ^f- sin, new. ^ From ^ iiii'-^, a woman. Hence | /ao\ tlie loins. Compare i^ .s7um^ to sport. , I il£ near to; intimate ; to approa f M important. I If family eouuections ; relatives I 3j$ ah..ut t(. come. t ^ relatives. I f !^ to kiss. \, To reply to. Backwards \ \ M relations. fiih and forwards. I I RS with one's own eyes. From fg fuh, again. Compare ^fti/i, \ I O ^^'^^^ one's own month, tlie ahdumen ; Ij /////, to repeat. I | j^ of the same clan. rn T <~ ,, I & oneself. Ihk UiTH Radical. I I ^ t ^- i /> ■ i I I ^ relatives and friends. rr i. • A I ^ with one's own hand. Io see : to perceivt\ A ,1 X n > m- 7 • • r J.1 ' • I J&» personally : one s own sell. /,-ien simi of the passive. , i ^ i^ -^ ' ,j TH 7 • ? 1 J- 1 ri i i "^ warm affection ; intimacv. Hence Jg, Jisior, to displav. Compare I | » a. i g mull, eyes : and jh ren\ a man. I I ^ S. sodomy. 7 ^„ .•; , :. ' I 5i •? one's own son. I Mr !i witness ; testimony. i jl. j I it- to be better. | ip I *^ to have an interview w^ith an official. \ ilf}^" > sc I ^ evident ; may be seen. I "jpa to have an interview- with. ( kioh ^ J To perceive ; to be coii- ^ ' > scious of. Pvcad hlao'^ . jfe, ) '"^^ sleep. 18i', to argue ; ^ chcc'^, this. I PI words ; speech. I ^ Aveighty words. I MO ^pet'ch ; couvcrsatioii. prP -^ pl^^ii ; ''I' device. To k' reckon ; to plan. From -f- slt'ih, ten. Hence ^\- c//cu\ a needle ; i^f c//>7i, juice; ff shih, what ? I ^ to calculate. f IJi? ^ scheme ; a stratagem. I ^ a device. P^J To beg ; to demand. t'au From ij- ts'iien^, an inch. Hence ^.| ts^iien^, a village; j'jj t&ueif', to think. Compare i^* ^^'ai-, materials. J |§ to ask for money ; to duu. I 15 b. beg. I M. annoying ; to incur dislike. I A ^ 1^ to seek the fu\our of men. ^)\\ To instruct ; to advise. Ih^dln Counsel. From ]\\ cJi'uan^, streams. Compare ^•j c/tco^, an island; ]^ sliueiv^, harmo- nious ; i^jj hsuin", docile. f |§ to instruct. I W. t*^ teach children. PL. To commission ; to entrust t'oh to ; to depute. From ^ foh, to depend. Compare ^ ch'a^, to vaunt ; ^ shar, a snake. I f^ to entrust to. I ^ •• many thanks " — a polite i)hrase. 181 149 VOCABULARY. 3—5 pC^ To record ; to i'ciiieml)er. kl A sign ; a mark. From 2. ^'^^ self. Honce jjig s'i^ to sacrifice; |£ hi-', to narrate; ^ /iai'\ to change; ^ /c'i^ to rise; ,gi A/"', dread. I ^ t(j remember. I ;^ to call to mind ; to l)ear in mind. I ^1 to record : recorded. I ^ Y« ^"lualjle to remejnher clearl}'. I -i^ T CS "^^^ record l)elow — "as fol- lows." I ^ fl^ -t recorded in books : oureco?d. P~f* To promise. To allow, /i>6f' Perhaps. Excess. From ^ ?r, noon. Compare '^ p^infj"^, to discuss ; »|4^ !f', to rebel ; f^ kleii*, an article. I ^ a long time. I |£ to betroth. I ^ many ; mncli. V^/J To euc^uirc about. To fang search out. From "jj /ff"^\ a place. Hence ^ faiKj^, a shop ; jJJ^ fa^ig^, to f^uard against ; ^ faiig^, an obstacle ; ^ fam/, a house ; K /«"/% like ; 1^fang\ to free. I fp] to enquire for. p<| Au exclams I jfc to set u}). I y to establish. I flu ^'* la-epare ; spread out. (p|u To extort ; to cheat. False: o erroneous. From ^^ //iia^. to transform. Hence :{^ hua^, flowers ; 10^ ho^, goods ; |j^ //.s-(Vei, boots. I f^ to deceive : to cheat. I ^ to defraud ; to extort money from. To tell; to inform; to state. Sll From y^ cli'ih, to reprove. Hence ^jf t^scli^ to break open. Compare ^ clteli. to discount. I ^ to state a case. I 1^ to state in detail. Pp To deceive; to impose cha upon. Artful. From ^ c/^a\ suddetdy. Hence B^ tsoh, yesterday ; -f-^ tsoJi, to make : ^ tseh, narrow : g<| cAf//^, a vat. To curse ; to imprecate. tsii ation of surprise. ia From ^ id^^ a tooth. Hence ^ ia^, a shoot ; @ iV/^ a final particle ; ^j^ sie', depraved ; j^ ia*, to greet ; ^% ia^, elegant ; 5,1 icc^, a crow. ft;S^) To establish; to found. s/iek Supposing that; what if? From ^ s/iH^, to kill. Hence if^ ink, a constable; ^ ^'eo^ to throw away; ^ ■kii^, a share ; ^^ ;;i(}, to nourish ; |^ ts'i^ to wait on. |1|4 To proclaim — as l)y the cJ/ao Emperor. From -g c/iao^, to summon. Henco jg 182 vocaiu;lai;v. 14'.> to hand down; flB chao*, according to ; ^ [ ^ oiiulit. ^ch'aoK to surpass. , [ ^ to .me i.i.mev, I ^ iiii liuiK'rial inaudate. ^i^^ To test. To examine ; ex- pMi amiuatiou. An initial ^'^'■^ particle. Fi'om 5^ ,■?//**, a pattern. Hence ^^ s/i'i*. to wipe : 7^^ s/u*^ to murder a superior. I j^ to tem])t : to test. j ^ take a look at. I ^, to tliiuk ; consider. I ')$. to prove ; experience. I .1: to ])rove ; to verify. I — ^ make a triaJ. I ^ M t*^ attempt : make a trial and sec. P't To wonder at. To brag. ^P~r J)i detail; minute, ts'idiu/ From '^ i(t>^',r, n. sheep. Hence \^. ia»ij", the ocean ; j^ icDig'^, false ; ;^i.l ts'iany-, felicity ; j^ niang^^ a college ; ^ i(i!«,i7^, to nourish. I i^.0 carefully ; ])artieularly. cn"^ To boast; to brag. To lim, praise; to commend. From ^ k'lia^, to hrag. Hence fJJ^ k\ia^, the thigh : ^4 ^'^''i^ trowsers; 5f yt^m*, to bestride. I z^ to praise; to e.\ta\ a snake. | j| to l.oast of a])i)earauces ; to ])ra-. I S to he astonished at ; to be amazed at. p|5. To swindle; to mislead. k'naiKj From g k^i(rn)(/\ to deliver. Hence f^ k'liang^, a basket ; ifjl k'uang^, a door frame ; gg k'uang*, the eye-socket. j ,|| to deceive. 'iH To feign; to cheat. Per- /,v/t'i verse. From ^ HPi^, dangerous. Hence gH A-iici^, a mast. I l^.^nile. I ft an artful device. I ^ straii<:-e ; heterodox. l5 AYords : sayings ; talk. From ^ sJipJ/, the tongue. Hence fg hoh, living; fg ^'/e;r, to lick; i^ij kua/i, to scrape ; ^ kaa//, to include. ^^ r p^ Ought ; should ; what is ^•'«« proper. To owe. From ^ //af^ 9-11 p.m. Hence ^ //at^ a cliild; ^Ij /^''e/^ to engrave; |i^ /;'e/i, to cough. s/i'l Poetry ; an ode From ^ .sA a mosque. Hence f^ .s/^F, to serve ; ^ c//e^ to seize ; f^ s/n\ to trust ; f^ ir/i^ to treat ; l]^ s//r, time : 5|t i'e//, purposely. I 1 the Psalms. I ^poetry; eomjjositioiis. 0>li^ To recognise; to know. To '■^ '^ confess; to acknowledge. From ig, re?i^, to endure. j II to recognise. 183 ■m ui' Y(»C'ABULArvy, 7— a rTSt To induce ; to entice ; to iit mislead. From ^ siu^, beautiful. Hence $^ .siu\ rust ; ^ sin\ figured ; ^ iVo\ to pass through. Distinguish |g 2ier, an excuse ; ^ uei^, to depute. I ^ t(» beguile and pluuder. MM To accuse falsely. False. From 22 "^! ^ witch. I -^ to accuse falsely. I 1 tn iniplfcatc falsely. p[fl To hum over ; to intone ; •sour/ to recite. From ^ 7o»<^^, bursting forth. Hence :j^ Vong^, a pail ; 5^ t^ong^, to go tlirough ; ^ ioJigf', bravery ; ^ iong', bubbling up ;■ i?| 'iong", to leap ; -^ ^'o»^', pain. I IP to coufess sin. I ^^ to know ; to be ac({uaiiited with. p CI Words : speech. To speak ; ti to talk. From ^ ?r, I. Hence fg- n^*. to perceive. fVu) To speak ; to soy ; to tell ; s/ ^ ^ ^ please come here, Sir. pjlU To discuss ; to arrange. To luen reason. From -^ lucn-, to arrange. Hence |^ hipu", a wheel ; fj^ lueir, relationships ; ^ lucii^, to sink. I "^f to discuss ; to judge. I ^ij to speak of. I S to decide after discussion. ^FET To stir up ; to mix. 5> To excuse ; to consider. To ^^^i"!/ believe in. Probably. From M /•' Y, /^-ing^ cool ; ^^ to dry ; ■§ a shadow. metropolis. Hence J'^ //o/i, to plunder ; [jj^ /c(//g\ a prospect ; ^ I )£y most likely ; probably. pB(> To proclaim. An official ii' notice ; an edict. From ^ JL^, to respond. Hence 1^ il\ a parable ; fff i'eo\ steal. •^^^ To talk wildly ; to lie ; P/iL to misstate. Lies ; false- hmng j^Qod. From ^ huaiig'^, desert. I ^ lies. ( =* falsehoods ; lies. c p;^ To scheme ; to plot. A meo device. From ^ meo^, a certain person or thing. Hence '^^ nier, coal ; ^^ viei-, a go-between, I ^ to plot to injure. cPr All; every. At; on; in; c/in to. From ^ cJics^, who. Hence ^ tu'^, all ; i^ in^ to till up; III i5«*^ to gamble; f^- sj'Z*, a clue; |^ fA(i\ a pig ; ^ cAt/^ to boil. 185 149 VOCABULARY. 0—12 I 1^ all sorts. I fi all you gentlemen. I ^ you, Sirs. 0^3 To respond. noh From ^ roll, if. Hence ^, r<«^, to provoke. •^^^ To preaoli ; to argue. To Pl9* explain. To bargain. To kiaug investigate. From ^ keo^, ten billions. Hence ^ 7i-eo\ a gutter ; ^ A-eo^ to reach up to ; [l^ keo^, to buy. g^ to discuss. ^ to preach. g| to discuss the merits of a case. V^ to explain a matter satisfactorily. ^ settled— as a price, etc. ^ to explain ; to give the sense. To tliank ; to be grateful sie for. Thanks. From J|J sJicB^, to issue fortb. I M to give thants for favours. nff To speak ill of; to detract. 'pang From ^ jj'ang'^, a side. Hence ^ pang'', the side; $§ P(^^^9'\ a list ; I ^ to defame W V '^''^ff^y the groin p an(f a crab. to slander. cH^ Retiring ; humble ; likn dest. From ^ He?i\ in addition. Hen Vien'^, deiicient; ^ hf^ieii^, to disHke chiMn\ to gain ; ^ /ie^r, frugal ZiCM^, a screen. I ^ humble. I 51; diffident ; self-depreciating. I ^ lowly. I W respectful. mo- m ^^^ Ptespectful ; p_^ Cautious. ^'■'* watch. From barely; • Ht attentive. To heed ; to liiir, diligent. f J,-iii^, loam. _ khi^, a dearth; ^^ I 'I;^ to take heed. I t5P to guard ; to watch over. [ |J5 to be on one's guard against. P^ Falsehood ; error ; exag- mia geration. From p Iiu\ to soar. Hence p Jciao^, glue ; ^ I ah, to kill. [ g untrue ; unfounded. n cheng From y^ Evidence; proof. To give evidence ; to bear "wit- ness. tiiig^, to ascend. Hence f^ teiig^, a lamp ; ^g te>ig\ a stirrup ; ^g cA'e;<^,an orange. Compare;^ ^t?;/^', a stool. I iM evidence ; proof. I 0|5 to substantiate clearly. I .Ik to bear witness to. I ^ to testify to the truth of. skill, To recognise ; to To distino-uish. know. drill, chill. From ^j^ c.liih, a sword. Hence to weave ; ilt|| cMh, splendour ; j official duties. I !^ to be able to read. cpi?p Clamour ; noise. laia From ^ Ima^, flowery. cP>5te To ridicule ; to make fun U of. Satire. From ^ k'fi, a few* Hence ^'kl^, to impede ; ^ k'l}, an opportunity ; m ki^^ hungry. 186 13—19 VOCABULARY. 141) 1 ^ to lauoli at. I y|J |g a helmet. I M to .iVn^rat. J t^\ f breast-plate. I f^ to deride ; to scoff at. VM ) To study ; to read. _.^j pSi To discuss; to talk over; ti(h i to consult. From i^ mni^ to sell. Hence ^ shuli, to redeem; ^^ ^ To waru ; to caution. m) kivg I M to turn into money ; to sell. 1 'fij to transform ; to undergo a change. 1 ^ ~X to increase in changing. From f'Jjf Iclng\ to honour. Hence ^ I /fi ^ it cannot be changed. liing-, to lift up. 1 ^T ^^ change for the worse ; spoiled. I %, to warn aud teach ; to admonish. 1 T if ^ to change colour. 1 j^ to teach. p^ To yield. Polite; yielding. ^f To compare ; to suppose. rang 2>'i' A simile. From ^ siaiig^, to clear awaJ^ Hence From JPI ;>'/"*, n prince. Hence fgf p'iV/, dei)riive(l : j^ i->i\ to avoid; ^ ^///(, to |g niang\ to brew; |g rang'', to seize; i^ rnng'^, abundance; |g siaiig^, incbase. split ; ^ j5o/(, to break apart ; [^ y^'i/i, to ] -g to give up a seat ; to take a lower burst opun ; ^ pi/i, a partition. place. I ^n for instance ; may be compared ^^ with. cp^ To slander ; to misrepre- n^ To guard ; to protect. ch'aii sent. From ^ cJicut", artful. Hence fi; hu To escort. ch'an^, to support; ,^ ^b'ai^ just now. From ^'huh, to measure. Hence |^ 1 •= slander. huh, to catch ; ^ hu\ to reap. j g^ to vilify. I -jil to escort ; to convoy. 1 ^ to injure by misrepresentation. I Bl: to guard ; to preserve. ^^' I >C> M ''^ uiirror for protecting the n^ To praise ; to eulogise. person from evil. tail lb 18' 149 VOCABULARY. 19 From ^ tsan\ to aid. Hence \^ tsaw', to hoard. Couipare J5 nien^, to expel. I ^ to praise. I ^ II a hyinu ; a liymu book. H,^^3 To slander. tuh From 1^ tuh, (.o stud}-. The 150th Radical. '^^) A valley. huh Hence fgl suh, vulgar ; ^ iong~, ap- pearance ; ^ iuh, to desire; f^ iaA, to batlie. Coiupare ^ A-o/i, eacb. ■gff J To remit, Intelligeut. hoh From ^ /iai*, to injure. J f^ to remit, as taxes ; to forgive. The 151st Eadical. 3i Beans; peas. teo Hence gf t'eo", tbe bead ; ^ /?m;/^, sbort ; ^ /!e?(r/\ to ascend. I ^ beans. ;I j[^ busks. •^lii An interrogative particle »S* implying a negative ^'■^ answer. From {!] .s7zn?i\ a bill. Hence ^/e?2^\ abundant ; If /tV/i^ armour. I /?> ^ is it not so ? I yf> $jt did be not say ? J ^ 5(1 'f^ can it be so ? c.^*. Abundant; fruitful. From jl] sha)i^, a bill ; and ^ feiig'^, good-looking. Hence ^j^ icii'*, handsome. I M: abandant ; prosperous. I "^ wealthy. j :^ a plentiful year. I J$. plentiful ; sumi)tuous. The 152nd Radical. A pig. Hence ^ kia^, a bouse; ^ meny", to cover. ;^>^ An elephant; ivory. To aiavg resemble. An image. From -^hvan*, gay (contracted). Hence jf^ slang'*, like; pf^ sUiug^, the chestnut oak; ^ ii^, beforehand. I 3f elephants' tusks ; ivory. J^ f Beforehand. To prepare; .^tt^ i to make ready. u From ^ huan'^, gay, (contracted) ; and -f» li-, we. Compare f^ siang^, like. I ^ to bear witness to beforehand. I 7^ beforehand. I f^ to prepare. I "b pi'ophecy ; to predict. I ^(i presage. I ^ to decide beforehand. I ■j^ antitype ; something prefigured. The 153rd Radical. c^l Reptiles. cliai Hence 1^ wao*, appearance; ^ ch'ol^, a wolf. Distinguish ^ sh'i^, pigs ; $ Jc'iLen^, dogs. A wolf; a ravenous beast. cliai Cruel. From :f i^'«i^ talent. Henco # 188 3—8 VOCABUI.AllV % 153 _^^) To upliraid. To To Uch ])uiji.sli. A duty. From 3^ cliH^, fi lord. Hence [Ty chai\ ;i debt ; f^ Uih, to store up : f^ tfiili, ;i trace. Compare ^ su*, plain. I M ^'> I'ebnke. I fy to pimisli by flogo-ing-. I |i} to fiue ; to rcpi-ovc. [ ji duties ; rc^pousibilities. M/K T<^ tradj; to barter; to fan deal in. From ^fuii^, to turn over. Heiiee |l^^ w_|5 ;w^/^ a board; f^ p''in\ to r(;v.ih, ; f\\ tJ PrccioTis ; valuable. Va- f T'' V ^r'°' ' ^ •^'"''' '''' ' ^ *^'""''' to turu buck. ts'ar, abilities ; jjj- tial', wcallli ; PI1 P''; to stop UJ). I ^ a wolf. ^y A leopard; a species of j"«o wild cat. From "^ shao^, a spoon. Hence ^f| iiao'^, to fi.•^tl ; fi^ ti/t, sign of possessive ; $f| wA, an agreement. 5 5>Iauiier ; appearance. mao From 3^ rr, a son. The 154th Eadical. 2^ei luables. Hence gj; pai\ defeated ; ^ fien-, an officer, Com])are ^ ieh, a page; ^ ^-i'e?/-^, to see ; § ^^i'^ from. b)ear ; to sHstain. To W ''\ _^% Goods; commodities; pro- /'o tluce. From {^ Jiun^, to transform. Hence If /i.s?6<\ boots ; :j!t^ hua\ flowers ; ff{; o", >* turn the back ou ; lui- ; to deceive. Distinguibii ^ tai\ to loan. /'^ grateful. j | j|^ articles ; goods ; merchandise. From 7J tau\ a knife. Compare "^ \ \ 11^ goods and wealth ; possessious. kioh^, a horn. I ^ to bear hardship ; to toil. ] ^, to be ungrateful for kindness. M c : lie II haste ; pure. From \\ p^uh, to divine. Hence Iji 3/ieu\ auspicious. I ^ virtuous ; pure-minded. L>-vj Wealth; property; valu- tiai ables. From ;^ ^s'ar. t^dent. Hence -^^ fs\a'^, ability ; ^\- cJc'cil", a wolf; PU pi'*, to stop up. I ^ valuables ; precious things. I ^ij wealth ; profit. I i. '"^ ^vealthy person ; a cai)italist. Poor ; poverty. 2> ill From ^ fen'^, to divide. Hence J^ pan^, to dress up; ')§}fe)t-\ j)owder ; ^feii\ confused ; |^ paii'^, to proclaim ; ^ ^''^''^ a bowl ; ^ clicC^, the fork of a road. I A 'A poor man. I ^ poor people. I ^ poverty-stricken ; in straits. c.^^ To covet; to desire. Van Avaricious. From ^ klii^, now. I f^ to hanker after. [ -^ gluttonous. I >ij» covetousness ; covetous. I ^ to seek after ; to scheme for. ]89 M y^^ VOCABULARY. I ^ to covet ; avaricious. I Pi to covet booty ; grasping. I M greedy of money. I TfiJ keen after profit. I ^ ^f f@ f"^^^ ^*f eating and drinking ; gluttonon^^. I "^ I? i® gluttonous and drunken. -gh^ A string of a tliousand _^^ cash ; a measure. To go kaaii tlirougli ; to implicate. From # ?/^ not. Compnre ^ b(ei\ lionourable. Hence \^ kiuoi^, accusLumcd ; ^ sJi'ih, sincere. I ^ to put on armour. J^L^ Honourable. Expensive ; ^ costly. Prized; high- ^•"«^ class. From ^ cli'onr/, nn insect, (altered.) Hence jg r, to hand duwn. Compare '^ Jctian^, lo go through. 1 ;g weighty ; valuable. I t^ yo^^i' honourable name. I ^# f^ very dear. ^^ To buy ; to purchase. tnai From pn yanrf, a net. Hence % mai\ to sell ; ff| /.-id*, a price. 1 M hmdng and selling ; trade. I ::{:, ^i] cannot be bought. ^ To lend on interest. To tai forgive. From f^ tai:\ instead of, Hince ^ tai\ a hag. Distinguish '^ }lo\ g.jods. ^^ To congratulate. ho From JJu /cta\ to add to. Hence ^ 7cia', a frame; ^;i /c('a^ a Buddhist sui-- pbce ; ^U /oi'd^ acangue ; f^I^ kia\ to ride on. '^^^ To waste ; to expend. Ex- fei penditure. Fi'om ^j full, not. Hence ff, full, to brush away; f^ . /'"/', like; f^ /«/^ Bud- dha. I JH expenses. I ^ all wasted ; all spent. I tj;^ to waste wealth ; to spend lavishly. J^ To barter ; to trade. Also viao read meo'^. From ^'^ ma6'\ 5 to 7 a.m. Hence |5|| liic^, the willow ; I|5ll Haor, to depend on. I ^ trade ; exchange of goods. f||^ To stick up ; to paste. To -^H) stick to ; attached. To ^ ^^'^^ make up. From t5 c/i/-///*, to take precedence. Hence ]^ nieii^, to pick up; ^ tien*, a flaw ; f^ cluni^, to usurp ; ^i^fj cliaii\ to stand; (|;^ i5■^e/^ a card ; ]g fieu*, an inn. I j5l to keej) close to. j ^ attacdied ; to make up ; to go along bv the side of. ^,,^^-, A thief ; a robber. From ^ roiig^ a weapon. Compare J^ uei'', maJL'SLic. c^^ Wealth; property; sub- t^'i scriptions. To aid. From z^ t.s'i\ next. Hence *^ lis'i^, to plan ; f^ ts'i^, rude ; ^ is'*-, crockery. I RJ* property. J j]|j to help ; to subscribe toward. ^^ A trader. To trade. kii From "i^ ,s-/\ the west. Hence (h /^'''"^ value. VM 7—9 VOCABUI.AKY. R l.>4 ^:^^^ L A visitor: a Quest. ■pi)/- From *i^ pin'^, tlic anoiont funn of tlie character, (contracted). lliMico fi[pin^,i\ funeral ; |^ pin^^ the betel nut. I ^ g-uests. (J^PJ To bestow alms. cJieo From ^ cheo^, to surround. Hence ^ ch'eo", silk; fJJ ^'mo-, to stir ; ^ ^/tto\ Lo engrave. I ^ to give alms ; to relieve. ^^, To reward ; to grant. Ee- shang wards. To praise. From -f^ sJiang\ to add to. Hence ^ Vang"-, a luill ; -^ ^a?i(/\ ought ; ^ .s//ai,g'\ clothes ; '^ eh'ang'^, constant ; ^ cliaiig^, to control ; (^ fang'^, if. I p.^ to l)estow ; gifts. I H iS: ?5c recomiiense is Mine. If To bestow ; to confer upon i^'i an inferior. From ^ {■*, easy. Hence |^ .9//i, tin ; l^ fik, to kick. Distinguish ^^ wj^y", to spread. I ,^ to bestow. I il- to give grace. ^^ To sell. To sbew off. onai From ^ si^, a scliolar ; and tnT nanff-^ a net. Hence =f tuh, to study; J[J );(//, a calf. Distinguish ^ inra'^, to buy ; ^ hiiei^, honourable. I ftfl 6^ ^^11 oil dealer. y^y^ Disposition. Matter. Solid. _^[ J To call as witness. Read cKih clit. A pledge. To pawn. From Jx ^'-"'S ^11 ^xe. I ^ to give evidence. (,^\ A irtuous ; good ; worthy. From tJ^ Vie-ii^, vigorous. Hence ^ .s7//(\ upright; ^ ^/e?i\ firm; ^ k[]v\ tight; 'fif shen^, the kidneys. I !^ good and virtuous. I A a good man ; a worthy. tsicn Cheap. Mean ; low, From ^ tsie))^, pf'tty. Hence {f^ tsien"^, to tread on; |^ cJirni'^, a storehouse ; f^ Wiot^, shallow; ^ ts'an^, to ruin; ^ cfiaii\ a saucer; ^ tsieii^, confectionery. Elf .j>->j^^ An account ; a bill ; a c//a>ig debt. From ^ diang'^, to grow. Hence |]^ chaiig'^, to swell; /J^ chang'^, to open out ; (p^ c//a)ig'^, an awning. It To make good ; to restore. From "^ pei^, to spit. Hence ^ij ;:>'eo^ to halve ; -gf) pu'^, a chiss : ');§ ;;ei\ to roast ; ^ jj'ei-, to entertain ; J* ^^'ei'^, to cultivate. I IM to repay. Mi^V To l^estow. To spread. fio To levy. Poetry. From 1^ ?6^, martial. J^M To trust to. To accuse Id-i falsely. To repudiate. From "pii shuh, to bind. Hence ^ lai*, leprosy ; '|)g laiv^, lazy ; ^| /f'a/i, an otter. To bet : to 2:amble. i ^«6 191 M 154 VOCABULARY. 10—15 From ^ c}ice\ lie. Hoiice ij tii^, to fill up: ^ fn\ to look; m tu\ i^\\; f| chii}, all ; ^ choh, preseut participle; |^ ^it\ a clue. [ ^ to compete. ^^ To compete; to contcud s'cii for mastery. From ^ se/i, to fill a crock, (contrncted.) Compare ^ c/iai*, a stockade ; ^ Aan-, cold. I U^ to race, it' y^rr ToLiiy. From ^ /(•eo'', ten billions. Hence ^ 7vTo\ a ducli ; B^ /ciniig'-^, to explain ; j[| A'eo*, to reach to. I ^ to buy. 1^ ( To earn ; to make a profit. g^M' To cheat. chuaii From ^ ^im\ in addition. Hence ^ hsieu^, to di.slike; 1^ /''/«?i\ modest ; §Ji /c'le/i*, deficient; ^ ^/e?i^ a door screen, j MM) To redeem ; to ransom ; shah to atone for. From g mal^, to sell. Hence |^ i^(//, to study ; |3 .?'///, to succeed to ; )J^ /!»//, a tablet ; }^ /!? 2^;//i, to divine. Hence j\\ 2J^u/i, to tall down; |J» ji' ah, to push over; Ih/n", to announce a parent's death. I M t*3 go to a feast. i^ To rise. To begin. To I-^l start. From g, /a'^ self. Compare |S /;i\ to remember ; ^ hi?, to narrate ; ^y kl\ to shun ; Ci: ^'■«' S to alter ; fig, sj*, to sacrifice. 19; YOCAi;rLA!;v ^ 15G \ "^U) rise. I Hg iu the Ijegiuuing-. I ^ t() start ; to make a move. I ^ at first. I ^ to uame ; to give a uame t( I ff to start on a journey. I Y ^ to -weigh auclior. I I* ^ to swear an oath. To take ad vantage of; to avail oneself of. To c/i\'}i follo\v. To oo. From ^ chen^. black liair. Hence f^ clie?^, measles ; ^ chtrfi, to doctor ; ^ chen^, a gem. I ^ to a.vail oneself of. I ^ to take advantage of at once. To excel ; superior to. To ch''ao release ; to save. From ^ chao^, to summon. Hence I|3 chao^, according to ; Bg chao^, to manifest ; JS cJiao\ to call ; |g chao'^, to decree. I ^ ^ if higher than all things. To overpass; to exceed. Sign of the compara- "'-'''' tive; more. From X^ lieh, an axe. I ^ ninch more. I ?^ til go beyond, I '\kM M the flxster the better. To follow ; to expel ; to drive ; to pursue. By J the time ; as soon as. From ^ han\ dry. I ^ to scatter. I j^ to expel demons. I j^ to drive out. I ^ s^ieedily ; at once. I Hi ^ to drive out. I ^ Jt unable to overtake. I 't^ ^ c'o faster ; make haste. I MiWLM ^ve sliall be there l)y dark. The loT'rn Radical. /£) The foot. Enough ; satisfi- tsiih ed; full Hence IJJ choh, to grab. I JS. 6vf amply sufficient. tiek To stumble; to fall down. From ^ sink, to lose. Hence f^ t'leh, iron ; ^ ch'ih, a portfolio. I flltofUll. I iU i'U^^i'^d by a fall. To run ; to gallop ; to jj'ao hurry. Also read ij'a//. From ^ j:»oo\ to wrap. Hence '{^ p'ao'^, to soak; ^ pao\ to wrap 2j'ao-, a gown ; ^^ pau^, brotherly 2)ao'\ satisfied. I 2j$ to come running. 1 % 'K t:o run fast. \ ^ Ml -^ to run to and fro. m M The heel. To follow /•en accompany. From _g; ken'^, pervei-se. to Hence fl^ iir, ken^, n root ; f}^ ien''^, the eyes ; to hate. Compare |^ liang^. silver % hen grain. I ;^t.. follow. I $5 ^ follow me. I fig to follow ; to go with A road ; a path ; a way. In From ^ liOh, each. Hence ;f|f keh, a I pattern ; ^ loh, a camel ; ^ loh, to con- 193 J£ 157 VOCABULARY. G— 14 iiect ■ l|^ lu^, a bribe ; § k'eh, a guest ; ^ lioh, sligblly. I ^£ road ; joui-ney. j || travelling expenses. [Mk^ To jump; to climb over; i^U to leap ; to posture. A t mo uauowcav From jj^ (^/zao^, a sign. Hence ^ t/Lao\ to carry ; ^ iVfo^ a peach ; ^ i'ao-, to flee ; ^^ tiao\ to provoke. I H to dance. I §J) to move. I itM to leap, — as from joy, etc. I H ±- to jump in. I 5'^ 2)5 to jump over. 1 T -^ Jii^i^P ^l<>wu. 1 Kii ^5 t»> fc'kip aLont : to jump up, I 3] i^ M ^ ^^ jump^iuto the sea, iri Tokucel. h-uei From ^ uei^, dangerous. Hence ^ iiei^, a mast; |^ knei^, to deceive; |'£ /.s'«i*, brittle. I "f to kneel down. ') To kick. From ^ i^ easy. Hence ^.| ts'i^, to bestow : f^ sih, tin. Distinguish ^^ la;^5f^ to spread. I 5E A to kill by a kick. To tread on ; to walk. tsien From ^ bsien^, small. Hence ^ ^.s'ie?r\ shaHow: );^ chan^, a store house; ^ c/mH^ a saucer; ^ ts'ien\ money; g| is'an^ to ruin ; ^ i'^^ie/i*, confectionery. I 'fa to trample. /cV./:a« The ankle. Also read From ^ A;r\ really. Hence ^ /;'o^ a lesson ; |^ /t'o^, uumerary adjunct; ^ /^o^^ fruits; ^ /;o^, to wrap; |^ Jid"^, a comrade. j >^' the ankle bone. To leap; to jump. 'tony From fl ionff, to buvst forth, f^ to skip ; to jump about. M, -H ) To tread ; to plant the t'l-th feet. From ^ ^'a/i, connected. ^ > Traces ; footsteps. Effects. Uih From -^ ^se/i, to upbraid. Hence f^ chai^^ a debt ; ^ i?/A, to store up. A footprint ; a trace. tsong From ^ ts'ong'^, to follow. Hence i6'on(7*, although ; ^ .so?i//", to incite. I ^^ijj traces ; vestig-es. IX^^fToskip; to frisk. From ^ fill, plumage. Hence '^% clioh, to stamp ; =P. /'/V/, to buy grain ; H i'wo^ to sell grain ; j|| c/ioA, to wash. 194 4—8 VOCABULARY. # 158 sit en The IoSth Radical. The body ; the person . Oueself. Compare @. ta'i^, self. Hence ^^ shca^, to shoot. I tl the person. J ^ the body. I ,^ to be i)regnaiit. I ;g stature ; lieiglit. I ^ rank ; positiou. I '11 E %^ l^^zy '^^"^ gbittouoiis. (./vL To delay ; to loiter ; to tan hinder. From ^ ^/i^ walking. Compare ^ clibi?^ to sink. I 51 to delay. to hinder. to delay ; to impede. To hide ; to secrete ; withdraw. to to I §^ to avoid. I jH to escape ; to hide from. 3P5 To lie down ; to recline. € ang From -J^ shauf/, still. Hence f^ €an To load ; to contain. To record. Read tsai^. A From =^ ^s'aJ"^, to wound with weapons. Hence ^ ts'ai'^, to cut out ; ^ tsai^, to plant : ^ tsai''; an exclamation : ^ tsai^, a calamity. 9C To compare. To test. kiao From ^ /iiao\ to join. Hence ^ hsiao*, a school : ^^ kiad^^ crafty ; |^ klao^^ a dumpling ; ;^^ hsia6\ to imitate ; |^ Iciaa', to strangle ; ^ hsiao^, to toil. I j:b to compare ; compared with. I ;:^ ^ H to contend for the mastery. To help. f^^ From "^ /^i^ great. Hence ^ ph^, to seize ; ^ pH% to mend. I Hi to assist. M^ Light; trifling. Young. /^'nigr To look on lightly. From g A;»?^\ flowing water. Hence 195 150 1^ VOCABUXARY. 8—14 ^ Icing^, a classic; :fig ^m^^ the diame- ; ^ ^''^'5'^ the neck, ii^glit. ^ to esteem lightly. 'j^ to treat disrespectfully. ^ easy ; to treat with uuconcern. ,^» to make light of. Jg to treat contemptuousl}'. ^^ unstable ; light. 1^ fe£ ^ light and nnprofital)le. To revolve : a wheel. Im From -^ Inen-, to arrange. Hence f^ Incv^, relationships ; pj^ luen'^, to discuss ; 1^ /ue7r, to gulp down ; ^^ luen^, an eddy; ^ Inen^, to compare; 5^ Zue?*^, to revolve. Distinguish 1^ s/iu^, to lose. I fl to tm-n round. cTP^^» V To pay, as tribute, etc. ft^ I '^^ ^^^'^ ' ^^ ^^ beaten. From ^ u", yes. Hence j^ «'"', to ex- reed ; ^^ il'^. healed ; f^ ii\ a parable; ^ u^, to pass over ; f|j ?Z', to proclaim. •^^) To govern; to controL lisiaJi From ^ Aoi^, to injure. Hence P^ hsiah, blind ; fi] /.-o//, to cut. I f!j to govern. f ^ to manage ; to control. To turn round. To pass ou ; to transmit, A re- chuan volution. cjy^ Brightness ; glory ; shin- Awe i ing. From 3^ hiiavg^, bright; and «-♦ niih, to cover. Hence ^ hiiei^, to shake ; B^ frfieA^, bright; ^ liin^, dizzy; }g itiV, to transport; '{^ /n«ar, confused. From ^ c/mari^, speciah Hence ^ tien'^, carriage ; ^ cJinmr^ to propagate ; ^ i'iwn^, to knead ; ^ chuan^, a brick. jI* to turn the body. ^ to turn round. ^ to change the mind, g^ to turn and move ; to change places. ^ to transmit to ; to communicate t* another. j^ ^ to turn round. Wi ^ r«1 i^ the twinkling of an eye. "^1 The clatter of carts ; the (5$ rumbling of thunder. 'iong To explode. The 16UTH Radical. c^ Dist Bitter: oiiev- Toilsome. ;tressnio-. sin ous. Hence :(^ i'si^, to engrave; ^Jsf/i^, a governor. Compare ^ hsinr/, fortunate . ] ^ tired ; suffering ; hardship. Crime ; fault. kii From -^ bi-\ ancient. Hence fj^ kii*-, to buy ; f^ kii^, to estimate ; ^ A;/«\ a girl ; *=g= /,'/r, bitter. [ -^ to be ungrateful for. I ,^, to ill-requite kindness. I M il' ^ to be insensible to favours. loh o Bitter ; acrid ; pungent. I To manage ) to do busi- From ^ shuh, to bind ;>a?i ness ; to transact ; to do. From -)j lih, strength. Distinguish the next character. [ "^ to manage an affair. ( g| to undertake ; to do. I ^ JiJ unable to accomplish. [96 y— 13 VOCAnrLACY. ^ 16U To discriminate ; to dis- in'cn tiDguisli. Distinguish %f pien^, to argue. I ^ to di.stingui.sli clearly. I glj to discriminate ; to sec the dif- ferences between. I 1^ to discuss ; to argue. I 1^ to distinguish clearly ; to clear up. I /P lii ^ not able to discriminate. cp^ [ To excuse ; to decline. To ^Sit \ take leave of. From "g- shell, the tongue. I glj to take leave of ; to bid farewell. ^^^ To argue ; to dispute ; to fien discuss. From "g" ie)f', words. Distinguish ^ pien'^, to plait; ^ ^^/e;/*, to discriminate. I p^ to dispute. [ ,E|$ to argue. ] -j^ fi disputer. I fp^ to ask in argument. The IClsT Radical. A Chinese division of time ; early morning. Also ch en YBSid shen'. Hence ^ sliuen^, the lips ; ^ chen\ to shake; ^ cA'en^, imperial apartments. S3F) To disgrace; to defile. To ruh abuse. From tJ tsiueii^, an inch. Hence |^ ruh., a mattress. I M ^'-^ I'Gvile. cjfe^ To farm ; a farmer, Agri- nong culture. From ^ k'uh, crooked. Compare j^ cKen\ morning; ^ noiig", pus. I ^ a fiirmer. The 1G2nd Radical. 'f^^V Walking. choli Distinguish J^ /;(^ to move or. rS. To To meet ; to welcome ; to 'ii^g receive. From Jp cmrf, to raise. Cumpare ^ limu/, to look up. I ^ to receive ; to welcome. I ^ to welcome Spring. I ^ to be betrothed ; to meet a bride. kill ear to : recent. From )y kln^, an axe. Hence Jfyj kin'^,. strength ; [^ isiang'^, a workman ; fjjj so^, that which ; ^^ /isiu'^, glad. Compare J^ cKVi, to reprove. I ^ recently ; near. I ^ nearer. I M 0.K short-sighted. I il ^ 2^ near relatives aud friends. ! l~n Obstinate ; perverse. Iiiter- ?' changed with '14^. From -^ tt^j noon. Hence '['t' '^^''» obstinate; |^ hsic', to peimit. M A name. A-/ From ip Idci^, to add. Hence ^ /,vVtS a frame; ;||]i) kia^, a wooden collar; ^ /lo"*, to congratulate; j|| ^i'o'', a carriage. 197 m 1C2 VOCABULARY. ,J^ To persecute ; to oppress. ^S.5 In difficulties. Also peh read peli. From ^ pe//, white. Hence J% pe/t, weal til ; fj^ ^je/i, an uncle ; '{"Q p'a*, to fear ; iJiQ j//a^, a kerchief. I -tij urgent ; pressing. I ^ to persecute and injure to anuov m. 5)K^) To uarratc; to tell tlie sliiili details. From 7|l shiiJi, a medicine. Hence f]^ .s7h?/i, a i)lan. Distinguish ^^mi-, to deceive. I IJu ^''^ S'ive a detailed account. 3 ^. To accompany ; to escort, song To give to ; to hand over. I H to make presents. I ^ to escort a visitor to the door. [ ^^ to attend a funeral. [ fy to see off — as a friend on a journey. I pj f{^ n to convey to liis mouth. silver; |5g Iisien^, a limit; l^ /ten}, to follow ; M ^'wi^ the leg. j ^ to retire ; to backslide. 1 ffi ^ to go out ; to retire. I T ^ 8'6t dow^n ! 1 M i^ to step back a few paces. c^^^ To escape ; to flee. fao From }j\i chad^, a sign. Hence ^ ^^/o^, a peach; f^ Viao^, to carry on the shoulder ; 1% t'iao\ to jump ; §^ t'kio\ to provoke. I ^ to escape. I 5^ to run aw^ay. I Wu to cast off; to get clear of. chili -?j^ To deceive ; to delude. To i'^^ie lead or to go astray. mi Y.vmY. From tI^ rai-^, rice. Distinguish j^S ahuh, U) narrate. I iS to deceive ; deceit. I Ifg- tlie wrong path ; in error. I ^; astray. I %% to leave the right path. I 1^ stupid ; foolish. 5 nf in the dark. J ^ tlie path of error ; to lose one's way. I T '^'» deceived in heart. "J^ To retire ; to withdraw ; t'lii to recede. From _g; kcn\ perverse. Hence |^ hi^, To follow ; to pursue. To trace out. To reflect upoD. [ From -g tni^, to heap up Hence ^ clbiii-, to beat ; ^ chni\ to suspend. I ^ to follow after. I f^^ to reflect ; to recall the past. I f^ to go into thoroughly. I jS to annoy ; to press. I §f^ to search into ; to investigate. ;|^j To disobey ; to rebel. Re- nlh fractory; contrary. From |j5r nih, disobedient. I ^j^ij- to conjecture ; to decide about. I M ''^ contrary Avind. I }^ obstinacy ; perverseuess. This; here. The. chcB From ■= i sin*, faith. I ^ in this manner. words. Compare ^ 108 VOCABULARY, € 1«'^ I ^ tliese. I -^ over here ; uu this side. J f f: ^ this inatter. "•S Through. Univcisal ; gc t ong neral ; all. Thoroughly, To understand. From ^ iong^, to burst fortli. Hence ■f^ i'o^^^ a bucket J ^ t'ong*, to ache : ^ long', brave. I p all -the kingdom. I ^ ill general use. I fj everywhere current ; general. I jg thoroughly versed in ; to penetrate. ^Hl^ To create ; to make ; to i^S prepare. Read tsao^. t-^uij '£q gQ j-^-,^ q^Q advance. From -^ /^-ao*, to tell. Compare f| k\io\ to trust. I f^ to make. I ^ made ; tinished. I K to rebel. ] Wt to accom|)lish. I f[* t(-i make : luck. j p^ liurriedly ; disorderly. M lien From i^ c/i\y?, a carriage. Hence f^ I'cn-, a chain ; J^i k'u^, a treasury ; j^ ^icn^, the lotus. I M connected. j 'I'f; without delay ; at once. I i^^M ^'^■^'" Ik' ^^'^^ k'l'^'d. To connect; to Even : includino-. join. ;j^) To expel. In order ; one (-/ink by one. From ^ sh'iK a pig. Distinguish jg Sia'*, to comply, J ffi to cast out. t (iO From 3| allure. To pass through ; to pe- netrate. To understand. sm\ flourishing. Hence ^ ^ siu"^, figured : |§ /'<■*, tu '/cr, to excuse. ^^ To presume ; presump- r/i'ouj tuOUS. From ^ cWenij^, to state to a superior. Hence f^ dieivf, a road. ^^^31, ^^ "^^^'^^ 5 ^^ path. A career. From ^ i*-, myself. Hence f^ «-^, remnant; ,^ .s/Z', to discuss; f^ Im?', dignified ; |rf c/^^^^ to remove : jt^ •s//<:e', to borrow. ■•suh Hi Ljuickly. From ;^ .s///^^' compel. From g full, to fill. Hence ^ fuh, happiness ; ijlg fifh, a fold of cloth ; "^ fii^, wealth}-; glj /''*5 a subordinate. I iE to persecute. f ^J[ to compel by force. cy*\ To pass over ; to exceed. ?' InterchaDged with ^|c« From ^ ii^, to respond. Hence j|^ w*, to heal ; f|j zZ^ to instruct ; J^ w ', a pai-able. I M il'i the Passover. °« ITl To meet; to happeu. u^, a moidcey. Hence ^ «^, ^ ?§ ^$ to pass over. 3 L^ To send ; to send or drive 7//ty/ away. From ^ ^'/en^, a fragment. Compare 3§, chui^, to pursue. Distinguish jg r, to hand down. I ^ to disperse. ;|lS Distant, in time or place. lien M Distant : remote. From -^ i(td^, a jar. Hence ^ iao^, a kiln ; ^ /oo-', to shake; |g mo^ a report. I \% ^ Wi l)earino- a distant resem- blance ; somewhat similar. *»^ To cover ; to screen. clue From ^ shu*, sugar cane. I ^ to cover over. [ j^ covered ; to cover. I i^ hidden by overgrowth all. Hence )^^ cheh,. Late ; slow. To dela ch From ^ si^, a rhinoceros. I 5§ to delay. I fli slow^ ; dilatory. I ^ to impede. I fife obtuse ; slow to comprehend. ^dtt To meet witli — generally used of evil. A time ; a tm'u. tsao From tHcw"^, a class. Hence |^ Ucto^, dregs; ^ ts'ao^, a trough I j^ to meet with. 201 7£. 102 VOCABULARY. J2— 15 ^^^ To bequeath ; to hand 0^^, down ; to leave behind- ' To lose. From ^ Jciiei\ expensive. Distinguish 3^ k'ien'\ to send away; j^ chiiiK to pursue. I % transmitted. j ^ lost ; gone. I •^ a command hande;l down. I T ^ lianded down. c;J^£ To honour ; to obey ; to fsii::u comply. From ^ tsue/i^, honourable. Hence ^ ttieii'^, to crouch. I l^too1)ey. I fj to carry out obediently. 1 M to reverence. I Tjp to guard carefully. } ^l to follow ; to accord witli. ;;R^ To select ; to choose ; to siieii elect. From 1^ SHe)i\ peaceful. Hence ^ fJiuaiv^, to edit. I ^ the elect. I ^ to elect as a candidate. ( ^ to choose. I y£ ^'^ decide on and select. J^ To remove. tsieii From ^ sien^, to rise bigli. I ^ to remove a coffiu containing th e remains of the dead. I ^ to change one's residence. j i^ To go on a journey ; to "t«'' pass away. To grow old. From ^ iian'^, a myriad. Compare ^ tuen^, a depot incite. ■li*, severe ; J^ li^, to 2n To avoid ; to hide ; to shun ; to evade. From jg^ p^Ui, a prince. Hence ^ p'l^, a parable ; ^^ p^iJi, to burst forth ; ^ 2^27i, a partition ; ^ ^^'''^^ ^^ ^P^^^- I Mi to avoid the heat. I Kl to escape from calamity. lo restore; to repay. Ilead/^ca^• /^ar.^ Still; huau yet ; also ; even. From ^ Iciong^, to gaze. Hence §^ <:Jli distant. Distinguish jg I ::^ yet there is ; further. I fg to abate the price. I 'M '^^^ 1''^'*^ — ''^'^ ^^^ account. >?^ r l^^ A side ; a border ; an edge, plen The frontier. From Q tsl\ from; ^ Jisueh, a cave; and 'jj fang^, square. The 1G3rd Radical. A district city (|?,) ; a region. The contract- ed form is written to the right of the char- acter. Distinguish -^ sch, colour ; 5 /<^''5^ a mound. 5JI?^ That ; there ; where. Read M^ nee. AVhere? vdiich ? ih H m ence j;jjp no % those. g! there: where ': who ? 2 to remove. 202 4—1: 1(5:^ I ® ^ ""^ iiiiicli ;is t]i:lt. ] ~ f 1-- -^ wliicli matter ? m A State ; a country. Fvoxn ^fe)ig^, fli)urisliing. Hence 2'>ani/'', to bind ; ^ pang^, to help. ^ Heterodox ; depraved ; si'' vicious ; evil. From ^ ia"^, a tooth. Heuce ^ in^, a shoot: ^ clinan^, to wear; ^% ia^, a crow ; ^ ia^, to exclaim ; ^ iVf-^, eiegaut ; 5^ /ci^'j to greet. ^ an evil spirit. ^ vicious ; viciousuess. ;f]g an evil device. (^ depraved ; good-for-uothiug'. ^ evil and ^jrofligate. 'Ill evil desires ; passions. Jgi lewdness ; lust. J^ evil spirits ; powers of darkness. cPJp Au ancient State. h.sicin From '^ hsiiiu'^, a decade, ^'ompare 1^ hsiiin^, to shew partialit}'. I ^ the peoi)le of Ziou. y^p Uncultivated /■mo waste land. country ; r.ut; yet; still. From ;g! /.w(/<, a valley. Compare f^ s«/t, vulgar ; § ioji^'-^, appearance. I :^ liut ; nevertheless. ::^r^^ A class; a division. A f^P public court ; a Board. P'' N. A. From •^ pei\ to spit out. Hence ^ //eo^, to split : ^^ pd^, to roast ; i^ per. to cultivate ; I per, to oitertain ; f| pei'^, to double ; f|g p'ei^, to indemnify, The me- ta From ^ ^iV/o^, to join. Hence ^ ^•tao■^ to compare ; ^ hsiao'^, a school ; [^ 7*ao'\ i to bite; 1^ kiao'^, to strangle; ij^ /j^W, a dragon ; ^ hsiao*, to imitate. I 5!* tliG country — as o])])oscd to the town. c^P A gentleman. From ^ Uanff'^, good. Hence ^ /a;?//-, a porch. Compare ^^ fang*, a wave; |5 isie/i, a joint All ; the whole, tropolis. From ^ clue', that which. Hence '^ tu% to wa,2:er ; -^ tn^, to see ; ^^ tii;\ io stop up : 1^ t'u^, to slaughter. I ^ T "" ^'''^'^^ arrived. I ^ ^ # all are like this. (•^Sp The country; a village; hsiancj a neighbourhood. Hence ^ hsiang', a sound. Distinguish ^^P k'ing'^, a courtier ; ^^ pnnrf', to bind. I f the country. J _|| one's native place. { if^ country villages. \ ^ country brogue : patois. A neighljour. Near to ; I"* connected. Used witli lin ^^, From ^ liii^, will-o-the-wisp. < 'ompare 1^ lien-, to pity. I -^ neighbours. f Jg neighbours. j ^ adjacent villages ; adjoining dis- 'trict. I ^ a neighbour. 203 1G4 VttCABrLARY, -11' To pickle ; to salt. The 1(j4th Kadical. I — I New Avine. From 5 to 7 iu From ;^ ieji\ to remain. Hence J^ TT ^ ^ ^ X Tin ^'^"^ to screen : ^ 'ien\ to geld; jU cu^. Hence ^ iW. honourable. Compare ^ ^^^^n ^^^ | .^ -^,^1 ^^ ^^.^^,f^ ^ ® ^'^ w'^st ; m ^^'^ doubtful. ^ •,„4^ lightning. I IXl J'lx'iit 4 o\-loek. \^\u Worthy ; fit. To matcb. 'P Pi (R?* Piicli, good, as wine. P ^huen ure. From ^ hsiaiuf\ to enjo}-. Hence g^ From £, /(;r^ self. Hence HE ^^i", to i c/'''e''\ earnestly ; %^ tue)i\\o\\Qst. Corn- remember ; 12 A-r, to record; jjj^ si\ to j Ppi'e ^!£ shuh, who; f{ .s//;;/;, ripe; %. sacrifice ; ^(1 ^"r, to rise ; tJC. kai'\ to ' ^''<'''^ '^ cushion. alter ; ^^ U^, dread. [ -^ to mate ; to ])air. I ^ to matcli iu colour M ! I 'M good wine. r3i To Avakc up ; to be aroused. ^i'>U To startle. AVine ; spirits ; fermented \ From ^ 5///^\ a star. Distinguish U tsiu liquors. j huang'-, imperial. From >^ shuv', water. Compare ^ | I ^ awake. tu'-, oil. \ 5j :i wiue cnp. I ;;^ a feast. I ^ drunken. I 1'^ a wine-press. \^^ Leaven ; yeast. hiao From ^ ]isiao\ filial Hence hsicio^, to roar : M. Idao^, a sect. \ it to arouse the world. I »j^ to aw^ake ; to perceive. Ugly. Physic al or moral clieo deformit}'. ^ From ^ hacr, a demon. Hence f^ j k'uei\ to give; '1^ Uaei\ ashamed; :i^ //? oil, sugar or spirits. To ■^ I squeeze ; to express. chah From ^ fse/i, narrow. f^^ To heal ; to cure. A doctor ; i a physician. From g i'^, a quiver; and ^ •vZ'^z'. to kill. Compare ^ tsiang'^, ketchup. 204 i:i VOCABILARV, ^i 1^5 I ^ to heal disease. I f^' to cure disease. I ^ 21$ incuraljle. ^ Thi 5 IGoTH Kadical. To separate. Hence #yr/?i\ foreign ; ^ siVi, minutely. C ompare ^ vtv\ rice : ^ /i&^ grain. To release ; to unloose. To ah'ih explain . Buddhism. From ^ i/f, to sp3\ Hence |^ ih, a post station; |^ ///, to interpret. I 1^ to liberate. The IGCth I^vdical. A Chinese mile=about J English. A lane ; street. ^^ The country. Hence ^ IP, an exclamation; Jg /r. reason ; g i*^?/^", a lad ; g H', within. -^"^ Heavy ; weighty ; import- ^^^ ant. Eead dionff. To c/io;/(/ repeat; again. From =^ ts'ien\ a thousand. Hence |Jj /o?i<7S to move ; ^ cAo^^^, to sow ; Kf cho7io% swollen, I ^ to he horn agaiu, f ^ to regard with favour ; to be iiar- tial. I ^ to rebuild. I Ji a heavy load. I fg a great price. I -j^ great ; weighty. I \M strong, as food ; thick. I if afresh ; anew. I iM ft repetitiou ; reiteration. Wild ; a wilderness ; cultivated ; rustic. un- From -^ preface. ( J4 waste I ( 'ompare ^ ;Touud. ■^; wild honey. Ui wild beasts. A an uucouth person. To measure ; to deliberate. Read Uang^. A mea- "9 sure; a limit. From _g tan\ sunrise. Hence % lianf, grain. Compare fg tan-^, on!}'. I ^ :i vessel for measuring; capacity. I — # to measure. liii) From ^ IP, to split widow. The thousandth part of a tael (^). Small; minute. m li\ a C.Wl Hence The IGTth Radical Metals ; gold. 'in 1 •? gold. I W\ ^jasper. I /t^ 7K *K ± metal il ^^"S' wood, water, fire aud earth— the Five Elements. Eead ti Ulff To tcv\ A nail, nail. \ a person. Compare ff to strike ; prj* ting'^, to enjoin ; ]^ From ~Y finrj% a person /t»^^ the top; fX ^i"i/^ to edit. [ J(g print of a nail. I ii- ^ ± nailed to a frame or cross. To angle ; to fish with a hook and line. tiao From ^ shao^, a spoon. Hence |^ pno\ a panther ; g^ choh, to deliberate. Distinguish fi] ho\ a hook ; and ^ kdin^, a weight. I i^» to catch fish with rod aud line. 205 ^ ig: VOCABT'LARY. 4—7 r^S/ A weiglit of 30 catties. To liarmouise. kiim From ^J i'dn", equal. Hence ^ k'lin^, equal; $| u'n*, a rhyme. Compare ^jjj kii\ to restrain. Distinguish ftj h'ao'*, to angle ; and $^ (:eo\ a hook. I §1 a brass vessel. I [£ a copper smith. I ^ money ; copper " cash.' To eno^rave ; to carve. m ining i From ^ viiiig^l fame. Hence leaves of tea. Blunt ; obtuse ; dull- , ^,j ^o eu-rave. m ^' to store.. Hence |j^ shuen'^, pure ; Ql^ chueti^, honest ; iueii^, to nod ; |i^ t^ueii^^ meat balls ; i|^ ineii^, a meal ; [^ ^/^cji*, a bin. Cymbals. 1)oh From ^ j»^a/«, to uproot. Hence f^ j'>'a/?, to root up ; {^ j;o/.!, to travel. A hook ; a barb. From ■^p] Zr/i^ a sentence. Hence ^qj Aeo^ a doo^; -^ kid\ illicit; ^^7 HS to restrain; H^ kil^, a colt. Distinguish 'Ij silin'^, a decade. mmg-, ci^-iM To spread out; to arrange. From "^ //^^ the first. Compare fg p'«*, a shop; ti P''^ to apprehend. I ^ to make a bed. I 1^ ^ the Pavement. ^Jff Rust. To rust ; to corrode. siu From H s^«^ flourishing. Hence ,f^ sut*, embroidery; ^ nt*, to allure; ^ i'eo*, to pass through. Distinguish m ;^t'r', to excuse. I :|^ corroded ; spoilt by rust. Silver ; riclies ; money ; ^'' wealth. From ^ h-^n^, perverse. Hence ^ ken\ a root ; ^^ hni^, to follow ; '^ hen\ to hate ; f!g ie?i^, an eye ; ^ /ie?i^ a scar. [ ^ silver. I ^ silver coins. f j$ a treasury. I IH a silversmith. >^\ Brass; copper. From ig i!'o»(7'-, like. Hence JJb) tong\ a cave ; ^ foitg'^, a tube ; |I3 t'ong"^, a | varnish tree. Compare [^ hsiang'^, towards. I A sharp-pointed weapon. rut Acute; zealous. From ^ tHl\ to exchange. Hence ^ s//^a'\ taxes ; ^ Coh, to undress ; '^ «V.'/i, pleasing ; |^ skoh, to speak ; ^ /^e/;, to examine. c^^ A lioe ; to hoe. Also read ts'ic ch'u^. From g^ tsii\ to help. I J^ to hoe the ground. * /^/b To melt; to fuse. To cWn cancel ; to annul ; to ^'"^ finish. Fi'om '^ siao^, similar. Hence f^ siao^, to melt ; f^ siao^, nitre ; '||'ij siao^, a sheath ; fjl ts'iao'^, to ridicule ; 'j^lj -s/^f/i, to cut off ; fS shao^, a little. 206 —10 VOCABULAllY. ^ 1<37 I ^ to melt. I 'M t*' destroy ; to oLliterate. A sharp point. j'-'^^g From g ku\ to dwell. Heuce ^ ^'a/i, an injustice ; ^^ ku\ to squat. A needle ; a probe. From -^fengK, to meet. Heuce ^/en^r^. a summit ; ^ fencf, a bee ; 3^ jfeng"^, to meet ; f^ peng^, a sail. Compare (^ Maug'^, to desceud. f ^ the poiut. I iJJ -p. tints and edges ": tlie eilgc of. ( J:C A sharp point. inang From ■£ mang\ the heard of grain. ^^ ]\Iouey ; copper coin ; iS^Ki ''cash.'' The tenth of ts'ien .^ Chinese ounce. From ^ 1816)1^, smalL Hence g| isieuS mean ; f^ ^.9"i'e)i^ shallow ; g| ^'.5/■e«^ confectionery ; f^ tsle)i\ to tramp ; |§ chan\ an inn. I ^ a iiKMiey hag. _ I ^ AYcalth ; riehes-. Jb^^ Wrong ; mistake ; eruor . $^ a fault. To mistake; ^^■'0 To polish. From ^ sih, formerly. Hence '{^ sih, to love ; f^ tsie\ to borrow ; ^g tsu\ vinegar ; ^ smi'^, to scatter. j 1^ wrong ; mistaken ; to make a mis- take. J "J* in the wrong. I i^ '• fault seams " — a person's weak points ; the " seamy " side of his character. J ^ error ; mistake. I W g^'^'^^tly in error ; mistaken. \^i^ A saw ; to saw. ku •hen From j^ hsicn\ all. Hence (1^ klen-', to decrease; ^kiri', to influence; ^ hsien-, to seal; |^ hsien^, saltish. Com- pare g( huh, to delude ; 5^ hati'^, to call after. lien ^^ To smelt ; to refiue. To discipline. Used Vvutli From '^ kieii^, to select. Hence ||3 kien^, to reprove ; |f Ue)i^, to practise ; ^ kleiv', to select : i^ llen'K to refine. To record. To choose. liih From ^ Ink, to carve. Hence ^^ Ink toilsome; ^ luh, green; §}\ pok, to flay. c^lH xAn anchor. mao From |g miao-, sprouts. Hence fjg miao^, to trace ; ^g mao-, a cat. igJAloek. To lock. Fetters. From "^ so^, sound of jingling shells. I ^13 to cliaiu np ; to lock up. I ^ to apprehend ; to manacle. 3ES Armour ; mail. k'ai From ^ Fy, an interrogative. Heuce $)l taV-, silly. I ^ armour. 207 ig: VOCABULARY. 11—211 A eliain. lie From i£ lith", to connect. Hence |i| lien% a purse ; jg ^iVn^ the lotus ; ^ y7/*i*, to transport. I ^ cliaius : fetters. h.m A mirror ; a looking-glass. ^^ To cast metals. chit From ^ s/ieo*, old age. Hence |^ iao^, to pray ; ^ dteo^, a comrade ; J^ cJieo^, irresolute; ^ cKeo", a tally; f^ i'ao^ billows. I 5it..cast. From ^ ^''"''^S flually. Hence ^ king'', a region. ^ -^ a mirror. Manacles ; fetters. liao From ^ Ztao\ fuel. Hence j^ Z/ao'% to singe ; lljj /mo^, to see ; J|f //ao"-, to incite. ^^A\ I Iron . Firm ; decided. From ^ ^/c'/i, sharp. I 1^ iron chains. I M. implements of iron. f j^ff^ A sickle ; a reaping-liook. lien From ^ lieu-, pure. Hence /|| lierr, a .screen. I Jl a sickk'. cj^J^ A brazier ; a Land stove. ' U Used for (^). From ^ lu^, a fire pan. Hence j^ ?;r-. a stove ; ,ff /i/-, a donkey : '^ hr, rushes. ioh From ^ I to pray. I ^ a key, A key. io//, a flute. Hence §5 K^/^ A o'onS:. i A mirror of metal. To ms^ hien examine. From ^ hien^, to oversee. Hence ^ Jcarr, a door sill ; ^ /«n'. profuse ; H /«?/', to view; ^ «en^ salt; ^ /r/y/-^, a basket; 1^ /rni", a hawser. I ^ to inspect ; to scrutini/c. J 5^ '' a mirror i^recept " — a warning-. From ^ lo^, gauze. Hence j^ loK a basket : P^ /o^ annoying. fe, Acliisel. Tocliisek isoh From ^itsoh, the original form cf the character. The 1C8th Radical. ^^ Long, of time or space. ^J^ Profitable. Read cliancf^. ch ang ^q grow ; to increase. Old ; senior. Hence ^ cJia??g^, to open ; |{i^ chaiifi'^, a curtain; fig chanrj'^, an account; [5i chang^, to overflow. I ^ an elder. I ^ long garments. i ^ advantages. \ % a long while. I ^ a good old age. 208 2-8 VOCABULAKY. IGl) I ^f. coustautly preserved. I ^ t*^ contract leprosy. I -^ the elelest son. I 5|£ advancement ; progress. I ifi <^<> gather rust. I ^ 2|C to grow np. { ^ ~f full-grown. I % ^ very long. f t^ ^ '^ spearsmau. outside the door. I an A P at the door. I T 1^ H ^'^* study under a certain person ; to be a disciple. p{j A flash. To evade. shan From A Ten-, a man. Hence ^ o lie down ; ts'tH"^, a prisoner, I ^ lightning ; to flasli. to m To close ; to stop up From z^ t.s'at^, talent. Hence j^^ h-'ai~, materials; ^ ts'ai'^, wealth; f^ cJiai-, a wolf. I 0^ to close the eyes. I P to shut the mouth. I ^ to close up. I P M ^ nothing to say. A division of a house. Among ; in ; on. Eead kieii'^. To separate. From r'i/i, a daj'. Hence f^ kieii^, I hsieir, idle. .5.1 kleii to insult. Distinguish c I^J To open ; to exph k'tti begin. From ^ k'ien^, level. I f •] to open a door. . [ To to serve up a meal. I P to begin speaking. I K& to open a road ; to make ning. I ^ to instruct. I t^. to explain. I Jifif to set sail. I "^ at the beginning. I f^ first principles. I ~f T to begin work. beiiii m idle] Leisure ; idleness ; unoc- hsien cupied. From ^ uch, the moon. Hence ^ hsieu", convulsions; f^i hcrr^, rude. Distin- guish Ph^ kien^, among. I th to stand idle. I ^ unimportant matters ; private af- fairs. nao To make a disturbance. Noise; bustle. From iff sh'i\ a market. To hear. To smel From U rF, the ear. Distinguish fp^ ;«■*, to ask ; jiiM men'^, sad. m To castrate. ten From ^ ien ien^, to salt ; ^_ a small temple. 1 ^i] to castrate, to remain. Hence If to screen ; /jg an^, leii- 209 P^ 1C9 VOCABULARY. — 13 k Will Broad ; ample. From }^ lioJi, living. To rush iu. SuddcDly. clitiang From ,B| ma^, a horse. Hence ^ ma* to curse ; |,% ma^, a grasshopper ; ^g ina^' a nurse ; ^,^ ma^, weights; ^ mcv', agate' I M '^ to ])nrst iu. MM ^*^ ^^^^^^ ' ^^ close. A cfyrj custom-house. To con- Z;';(ni ^g^,^^ rp^ connect. From ^ huan^, to pass through. Com- pare m iien'^, to connect. I H to lock up. I -^ to coneeru. .1 f:^ to close. I f^ to sluit tlie door. I ^ Custom's dues. I f^ concern ; connected with. I ^ concerned with. I W. responsibilities : coiise<|ucnces. ) To split open; to cleave. From j^^ pl\ a prince. Hence jg pi^, io avoid ; ^ plh, a partition : ^ j)ih, a S^m ; 1^ Vili, mean; ^2''^^ ^^ compare ; ^" p'i//, to split. Thk 1 70th Radical. A mound. Fertile. The ^ J / contracted form is writ- |.S ) ten to the left of the feo character. Compare [$ i//, a region. 210 ci^v To guard against. ' From ';^ /'■'"^^ ^ place. Hence f^ fang", to imitate ; ^J^ fang^, an obstacle ; Wjf^^''f> to spin; ijj faiig\ a shop; ;g fang^, a liouse; ^J^ fa^ig^, to inquire into^ 1 fl^ to ]je on the watch against. A final particle. From pj" Jco^\ may. Hence ^ ^o-, a river; -jtij /to~, what ? I f 5 •• Amen. " 'i!l Near to. To be possess- , /'i ed by. To enclose. From {ij- /«*, to entrust. Hence /j^ j fa^, a prefect ; ^ /a-, a charm. ; I ^ iwssessed. j J5 t^h^'^e to the ear. , I J£ near to. | 1 ^ to accord with. I ^{i to play the sycopliaut. I jjL To hinder ; to obstruct. i tsu From ^ ib^'i'e^, also. Hence|[[ ('^"(i ', to curse; 13. ^6^!t\ to rent; fjg. ^sh-^, ancestors ; I ^Ji tsie^, an elder sister; ^ tsu"^, to help. ' I ff to hinder. •{ I PM tf> impede. .i I t^ to ()l)struct. \ I ^ to get in the way ; to hinder. i It^ A boundary ; a limit ; a, /isicu fixed time. From ^ ken*, perverse. Hence |g h'en^, difficult; ^ in\ silver; ;|^ J:en^, a ! root ; 0^ ien^, eyes ; ^ hen\ a scar. . j I ;§; a limit. j I fij a restrictiou. ] I ^ to fix a limit to. VOCAliULARY. ^ i:^i To (Icscend ; to condcs- /■tang ccud. From ^ Idanrf, to come to. Distin- guish ^fcncf, a poiut; 3^/(3H^^ to meet with. I /^ to become iuearuate. I -^ to come into the worhl. J pjf to seud raiu. I S^ to punish from lieaveu. I <{^-» coudesceudiug. I Ea to come dowu. I T ^ ^"^ descend. |7t A courtyard. A hall ; a ii'en college. From ^ ?ia?r, to finish. •^ a courtyard , !y4> To remove ; to do away cliii with. Besides ; except. From ^ ii-, 1. Hence f;% if, surplus ; 'Hi s/i;^, to chat ; ^ i'fi", a road. I "J* to remove. f •^ to get rid of. I ^^ with the exception of. I IP to remove sin. I ^ Il5 the Passover. 1 M fili i^^' ^'*^"^'^ '■> ^kady. \ f^ Hades ; place of the departed. To spread out. To state K to a superior. Old ; <^''''"' stale. From ^ tong^. the east. Hence J^ tong"^, to freeze ; ^^ toiig\ a ridge pole. Distinguish \>$. ch'en^^ to arrange. I J@ old wine. I %X to set out ; to arrange. m ling To arrange. An ch'en N. A. From ^ cKce^, a cart. Hence ^ fcu*^ a treasury ; 5§ uin*, to transport ; jg (?w/A to connect. Distinguisli ^ ch''en\ to state. A tomb ; a high mound. To insult; in which sense it is interchanged with ( ?i ). Zt»gf\ an eminence. Hence ling-, to insult. Distinguish f^ tmm'^, beautiful. A file or company soldiers ; an army. of tui 211 ^ no VOCABULARY. 9—13 From A V"'^^' eight; and ^ sAP, a pig. I f£ raiilc aud file ; rauks. I Eminent. To exalt ; to long magnify. Prosperous. From ^ hiring^, to descend (contracted); and ^ seng^, to produce. Hence ^ lony^, a hole. I ^ affluent ; abundant. (P^ Steps; stairs; a flight of kiai steps. From ^ ^/W, all. Hence tg A;ifli\ steps; ^.^-(Va'^, hemp stalks; fH Iislar, together ^vith ; ^ Iciieii^, brothers. ■) To separate. Divided l)y. heh From j^ Zi//, a vase. Hence |g fe/?, the bieast ; ^{ hsien^, to present. I |g cut off from. I ^ severed ; cut off. I fM separated ; to divide. i\\& To follow ; to accord with. SI' I Forthwith. From :^ to*, to fall ; and j^ choh, to walk. Compare ^ sui"^, marrow. I ^ l;)y and by. I il! '^^ '"""1' convenience ; j^lease vonr- sel£ I filr> :'>« y^^^ lii^e. \ ^; at will ; at pleasure. I JjJ- at all seasons. I IS; ^0 follow ; to obey. I [pj to follow. I ;^ iu all places. I M fr ^** S'O ^ith the wind. ! Rt I!i M at all times aud in all places. I i^i! 151 ;j^ at home in all tilings. I M S B 5^C (tlie wind) bloweth where it listeth. Dangerous ; difficult. A hsien defile. From -^ ts'ie^i^, all. Hence |^ kieiv\. to restrain : ^ ^'ie?i^, fru,2;al ; |j^ lieii^, the face ; ^ ien'^, to verify : ^i] /den'^, a rapier ; 1^ hien'^, soda. li§> Hidden ; mysterious ; se- ^'i cret. To conceal. From ^ in^, compassionate. Hence ff§ in^, a habit. Compare |1 ?^e?/^ firm. ^ a hidden thought. 3^ to hide. Bi^ to deceive. 1^ to secrete. ^ secret ; hidden. »j^ secret aff"airs ; hidden feelings. The 171st Radical. To reach to. tai Hence J^ Ican^, tranquillity ; ^ li\ to govern . The 172nd Radical. chui Birds Hence fH cJmen^, to permit; ^^ t^ui^, to push ; It shui^, who; j§ tsin'^, to enter. Sinole. N. A. c/i'i From 3^ iM*, also. Compare ^ ?i?r', a ?lave. A bird. ts'ioh From >|? sliao^, a few. I ,% birds. 212 4—1" VOCABULARY. #. 1-^ f f^ althon-h. Elegant ; polished : polite ; I ^- ^ |i though it be so. ia refined. From ^ /a", a tooth. Hence Jf,| 'ia^, a crow ; U ia\ surprised ; ^ ia', a sprout ; ^ ch'uan^, to wear. To assemble ; to gather too-ether. /6v From /fc inw/i, wood. Distinguish f^ ' | -Jg to leave the world ; to die. To leave ; to retire. Dis- li tant from ; apart from. From ■§ /r, to scatter. Compare ^jg li", glass; ^ li", a fence. j I ^ to leave. j I ^ to give np ; to reject. I 1 T to leave ; left. chiien^, to allow. ^^ . To hire ; to engage. m) From ^ hu\ a door. Hence 1 to care for. I X '^ hired labourer. I i5S to hire a boat. J ^ to engage a cart. I ^ to hire persons ; a hireling. ku' tt;^ A pair ; a couple ; both, c^^sC Even, as opposed to shua7ig odd. From 3C ^''^» ^1^^* I 1^ twin birtli ; twins. ^^ Diflicult ; grievous. Read ^^P- oiart^. Trouble ; adver- nan sity ; difficulty. 213 m 1^3 VOCABULARY. 3—8 From p: hau*, clay. Hence J^ hau\ Chinese; V^ fan*, to sigh ; |^ kifa^, dif- ficult; jll ^'a/ji, a rapid; ^H t'an^, to spread out. I 5^ is it possible ? is it conceivable ? I f^i difficult to do. I ^^ liai'd to meet with ; rare. I ^ t*^ trouble ; " I have put you to trouble." I UJ] difficult to clear up ; obscure. I H difficult to bear. I 1^5 hard to say ; difficult to guarantee. J ^ suffering ; difficulty. 1 ft ^ M ^^ v^^'^t. number ; beyou d computation. The 1T3rd Radical. Raio. Compare j^ llang^, two. ^* ,:^*) Snow. To whiten ; to mch ' wipe out, as an injury. From 3- ^■^'*' ^ pig's head. c^^ Clouds. a til From 5: ''i"''^ to speak. Hence |s "'""^ to weed ; ^^ tZi/j'^ confused: ^ huen-, the soul. Distinguish % '^•'^"- ^^'^t. I ;g^cluuds. (>^r Fragments ; fractional ; ling the remaiuder. From -^ /i'?/, a law. Hence -^ 7?ii?i^*, to command ; p^ ///^5^", to lead ; ij^ leiirf, cold ; |^ Ung"-, a bell. I gg a l)alance over. J ^ fragments ; odds and ends. (P^ Thunder. From i'i'eM^, a field. Distinguish ^ tieii^, lightning; "^ tang^, ought. I ^ sound of thunder. I -^ Sons of Thunder. I ^ sound of thunder. I %^ the god of thunder. ^Qj, Lightning ; electricity. tlen From ^ shen^, to notify. f :7i: tlie glare of lightning. -"gy/ Hail. Also read ^oA ; pao and ^;ao^ Hence jj^ ^'ao-, to run : §^ jy'ad^, ia plane; 'j;^ p'acr, to roast: soak j fg imo^, satisfied ; placenta. I -^ hail stones. I§ ^3ao\ the To require Essential. to need. From 'ifQ }•■?'-, and yet. Hei weak; j^ ra^, to soak; ^ r?r, a suckling I J^ fi^ indispensable for use. ;^: To shake chen to excite. From ^ clien^, time. Hence ^ c/ie)ersonal interview. j g tlie face ; the countenance- I pM. to speak face to face. I ^ appearance. The 177th Radical. -^p Hide ; raw leather. To ^kch deprive of. Hence ^ /e//, to strangle. 17 VOCABULARY. G— O' - J^ V Shoes : boots. m hsiai From ^ kueP-, a sceptre. Hence #j kiai^, a street : ^ ^it^i^, cinnamon ; ^ /ma'^, to divine : ^ «fl~, babies. I ^- shoe hices. cTH ^ scaljbarcl ; a sheath. sioo From ''^ siao^, hkeness. Hence ^{^ siao^, to meh ; |'^" siao^, to cancel ; '||ij s«i'/^ to sharpen ; f|' s//rw', a httle. c-m A Avhip. To flog. From ^ iyien"^, convenient. j ^ a whip. I ^7 to tiog with a whip. Thk 178th Radical. i^^ Leather ; a hide. "dei Hence g ? h'ing From l^ 2^*^ ^ spoon. Hence j^ /c'/»r/\. to overturn, I tA f^ '^^ ^^^ instant. "13 Favourable ; prosperous, «/i?/f?i To obey ; to agree. From ]\\ cKuan^, a stream. Hence %}\\ hsuin", docile ; p{ hsiiin^, to teach ; j^i siiin'^, to patrol ; ij^ tsai^, calamity. ^ to obey. ^ a fair wind. ^ prosiierous, favourable. »J^ according to nature. 3 an obedient ear. ^ JH to go with the wind. M isl fe may fair winds accompany you. *^ ^^ V Necessary ; must. From ^ sa»^, plumage. Compare |/ s/j«><\ a shirt; ^2)/ao^ hair. 216 3—9 VOCABL'LAnY. M J^' certuinlx' iniist ; it must be. m The iicck. Au item ; a kind ; a sort. Income. hsicoig Also read hanf. From X f<:oi)(/, labour. '^^ To bow the head. A tuen time ; a turn. A meal. From T^ t\ieu'^, to collect. Hence gj^ titen^, to nod ; §^ hicn^, dull; jjg s-hneii'-^, pure ; Jj^ c/iucn^, liouest : fj^ t'lten', meat fcalL^. c/|iH Obstinate ; wayward ; ?'^"i stupid. To play. From ^f; ileji^, the beginning. Hence ^ nmr, finished; 5c ^'^'^^ to play; ^ we??\ a courtyard; |^ iiiji", to weed. I ^ ohstiuate. ■^^^ To jDraise ; to commend. From ^ kong^, public. Hence Ij^ /-o»^\ a centipede ; ^ -so^/^i, a pine tree ; ^ nom/'^, litigation. I f§ b) land ; to i)raise. I g* praises; odes. I 13 commendatory odes. f^>4 To bestow known. to make ^From ^ /eu\ to divide. Hence ^ 2)V)i-, a bowl ; ^ fen^, to command ; '^ fen^, powder; ^ dia^, forked; $^ /«^b confused ; ^ pf/?i^, to dress up. I fr to pnblisli by author ity. m To lead ; to guide. To ^'".'7 receive. A collar. From /^ luuf, a law. Hence \^ ling", intelligent ; ^^ liny\ a bell ; ^ hnf, cold; ^ Ihig'i, a fragment. I ^ to lead away. I '^ to C(»m[)reli('n(l. I ^ a collar. I W. Ji header ; a guide. I »^ to receive ; to accejit. I Bb to receive baptism. I -pB to receive commands. The head ; the top. Chief ; t'eo first. The end. From sL tco\ beans. Hence |g t'eo\ bread; ^ tuan\ short; ^ ^7^ one. I @ a chief; a head man. I ^ a lielmet. I ^ the first time. I — (0 the first one. I — the first day. I ^ tA the firstborn. I — ^^ the first — commandment. 3^ The neck ; the throat. li'Dig From ^ ^ing'^, flowing water. Hence ^ki)ig\ a classic; |^ k'iiig^, light; |k[ ki7ig\ the diameter. I ]^ tlie neck. A kernel. N. A. k'o Henc From ^ ko^, really, comrade; |^ k'o\ a lesson ; ^^ huai^, iho ankle : ^ ko^, to wrap ; H A-o'', fruit. 0M. The forehead. A fixed e/< number. From ^ k'e/t, a visito]-. .SiJ A theme ; a subject. Tt- tTSi briD^• to notice. Used * ' witlUtl). From ^ s/Vi\ to be. Hence ^JS fi'\ to take up; (J^ fr, to guard; ^ c///% a key j |g ^i\ a dike. 21 ISl VOCABULARY. 0—1! j ^ to remind ; to arouse. I ^ to raise ; to meutiou. I ^ij summoned ; bronglit forward ; noticed. i^^ Colour. The face. From ^ ien*, elegant. Hence |S ien'^, a proverb. Compare ^ ch'au-^, to beget. I ^ colour. ^^ Willing; desirous. To lien desire. A vow. From ;^ f(en\ a source. Compare [^, r,en-, a fountain ; |^ uenJ^, a vow. I 'M willing- ; voluntary. I \^^^ ^ peace be to you. cl^M To upset; to turn over. tien Upside down. From ^ cheii^, true. Hence ^ chcn^, to guard ; i^ fien^, to fill up. I iJil npside down. I % crazy. 1 -^ epileptic fits. I '/f^ to fall utterly ; in ditticulties. ^^ A class ; a species ; a kin d. From 7{t '>n?-, rice ; and -j^ k^iieii'-. a dog. ^^ To care for; to look after. From ^ ^jt% to hire. I ;g: to think of; to care for. I £, to care for oneself. I /p fi I cannot look after it. J^dH To manifest; to display. hsien Evident. From ^ hslen'^, bright. I PJj to set forth clearly. I J^ to spread abroad. I ^ clearly. I JS, to display ; to manifest. [ ^ to disclose ; to be apparent. I ifi to manifest. I itO =^ 1. self-evident. I ffi 1^ M to manifest glory. The ]82nd Radical. ,/Sv Wind; breath. Usage. ff-ng Humour. _ Hence ^ feng^, palsy ; |1 /I'^^f*, to ridicule. Distinguish H -se/^ lice. I ^ customs ; usages. I ^ rumour ; fame. I ^ report; rumour. I P^ 6vl blown by the wind. c^%i To float. To whirl ; to piao be blown about. From ^ liiao"^, a ticket. Hence ||i 'p^iao^. a gourd ; ;{^ piao^, a signal ; j^ pHoo^, bleached ; ^^ p^iaor, wanton. I "^ floating; to rock. The 1S3rd Radical. <7r^ To Hy ; to go quickly. fei I ^ to run swiftly. I thirds. I T ^ to fly down. The 184th Radical. ,^ 5 Food. To eat. sliik Compare H ^tVoi^-, good ; ^ Waih/, a granary. I J^ eatables. 518 VOCABULARY. ^ is^ ^jX Cooked rice; food; provi- /«'«' sious. From ^ fcm^. to turn. Jlcnce jg fail", to return ; f^ /''"*', to trade ; i^X. 23an^, a board; ^ p'aii\ to rebel. g/V. '-JL''^ driuk. Read i;i*. To "* water auinials. Ptatioiis or pay for troops. hs'ianrj Ptcvenuc. From itij hsian(f\ towards, llence %\ shaixf, noon. Compare (^ t'ong\ toge- ther. To iiourisli ; to rear ; to care for. Read icuuj*. To attend on one's pa- rents. From X ^-^''e't', to be short of. Hence ' . ^'i'°"? ^ '''"f^ ^ s^'eep. Jience -^ i^ k'an\ a pit; ^X /•*«"'. to cut; P^ ! ^^.^ . t^^ie ocean ; jji^ i.s'm»^'l felicity ; |f ch'ui^, to blow ; '^JC cJi'hi^. to cook ; ^ !fs'i*, second. I :t food and driuk. I |§$ to drink oneself drunk. J)CLO To eat to the full ; satiated. From -^ p«o^ to wrap. Hence §g j>'ao2, a plane : |g ^k(o\ to nurse ; -'^ is irt;/^", to look into. I fg to rear. I ^ to beget ; to In'ing up. I "^ to nourish. I 5£ :^ to bring u]) children. Hungry ; starved. ^3'fro*, to soak ; gfi /ao^ to run ; fij «V/o^ i ^^0"^^ 6\ T. Compare ^| o^ a a (Town. goose ; %% o'-, a moth. I J£ having eaten enongli. I '^ well fed and wrll .dad. IflfjTo adorn; to set oft*. ^^ ( Ornaments. From ^ //.si\ rare. g/T Cakes; biscuits. From ^f 2)^?^.'/^ also. To lick ; to taste. t ien \ "y hungry. I % yfaniished : dead througli hunger. From ^ uer, to depute. Henee ;^ i Qiei"', to excuse ; ^ a/^, low : ^ ?ien j weak. Distinguish ^ »^\ to allure. | A|^^ To make a present; a W^ present of food. To offer ^ "^^ in sacrifice. ' From ^ /.-f^er^. a demon. Hence ^ *'i I From p^ Jchtg'^, a stone musical instru- ' ment. Hence ^ sheng^, sound. cg^ To forgive; to overlook. | ^. very fragrant. rao Abundance. From ^ iao-, eminent. Hence }^ hiao^, . to irrigate; \% hlao^, lucky; i^ r('o"\ to i -wind ; j^ rad'\ to surround ; ^ hsiao^, to I know. 1 I fj}, to forgive ; to p-ardou. /^ J> Hunger; dearth ; scareit}" The ISTth Kaoical. !^ The horse. ma Hence j^ uia^ to revile ; ^% nuO-, a nurse; ^ 7nft'', weights; 3^ ?/ia^, agate;. ^ ch'navg^. to rush in. Compare ,%■ ?jmo^ a bird. I ^ a horse trough. kl i I :^ cavalry. From II ki^. a few. Hence H ^'f'. to I j ^ an army ; mounted soldic ridicule; ^ Jcl\ a spring; ^ ^-i^ an ■' , p- Ji o-q at once, obstacle. i i ~i^ ^ ^ I f^ hungry. I ^^ fnminc. The 1S.5TH PiAoicaf.. The head; chief;, sheo Hence ^ fa&^ doctrine. I fji the chief seat. I 5t lirst : in the first place. I fl a leader ; cliief. } ^- tlie chief sinner ; first in evif- The ISGth Radical. c ^ Fragrant. Incense. Iisiavg Distinguish ^ ch\r, to search. a^'yjti Mild ; docile ; tame, hsuin From Jll cJi/uarb^, streams. Hence p| hnlin^, to instruct; Jl^ shiien'^, to obey : 5^ s/h'?i^ to patrol ; >}^ tsai^, a calamity; §j\\ cliuan'^, a bracelet. [ ]^ harmless ; tractable. i^& To spread. To tra^-el ch'i widely. From J^ ie", also. Hence -^ cKi', a pool; ftii i'a\ he; \^ W, the earth. Compare ^ A'//ij to beg. .) To argue ; to contradict. 'poh To annul. To tranship. From 1^ /tsiao-, crosswise. 220 4 -111 VOCAnULARY. m 1^ I ^j worsted iu arg'iuueiit. I /f> §ij nuable to overcome iuuri^'niiieiit 5^43. To cany on the back. | From ^' Ara^ 9 to 1 1 p.m. Hence PJ; i^/\ Read ^o". The load of | /,VA, a cough : ;f^ Ac/i, the koruel : %\] ^^ a beast of burden. From ^ //iien", a dog. I M t.arryi]ii;- ou the back. M^ A foal ; a colt. ^^ To terrify ; startled. Als^ ^Kti read heh. Jce/i, to carve : ^ har, bones of the body 1^ ^«t^. ought ; ^ /ica"-, a child. <»wl 'i''^ mount ; to stride ; to ^'i ride an animal. From ^ h'i'^, strange. Hence ^- /.-/% From ^ hP, a sentence. Hence ^5j ■ to send; |f /-^ a chair : -f^ i^ to trust. ^/?, to grasp; fuj ^Y(>^ a dog ; ^ /Veo^, i | ^ rulii,o-. ilHcit ; ffij A-eo\ a hook. | j ^^^ ^^ ^^^.-^^^ ^^ ^^^^^j^^.^._ >gg5 To ride ; to go in a vessel. | | J: ^ won't you take u ride 'f jm Used as a polite form | 't^A^O t " -f . ^ im t ^'« of address. A carriajvc. > ffiw To verify; to fulhl. io ^ , 1 , ^ 'I VS?-. r examine ; to hold an From ;^rj Z/a\ to add. Compare^. Ht ) inquest. ten From ^ ts''ien^, all. Hence ^.-l: Jii'eii^, to caulk ; 1^ /i'?'e7i^, to examine ; ^ kien'\ frugal ; ^ Uen^, to shroud a corpse. I Jg to hold au inquest. /-m^ a frame ; ;||]i ^va'', a wooden collar; ^ /io'', to congratulate. f M >J> Jl5 to go ii^ <^ small l)oat. The camel, i'o From 1^ ;''o-, another. Hence ^"[^ 6-//f«-, a snake ; fg ^o'*, a helm : J^'\^ i"ol a steelyard weight. ►^yllij To 3^ >-n»/_L.. To d\Yell temporari]}' ; to c/iu halt. From ^ c//y.-% a lord. Hence fj^ c/iu"^, a pillar; li'^ c/m^ a moth; |£ c/^/''^ a commentary; i^ c//tt\ to hght ; '^ c/in\ to gaze ; -^ cAii^ to dwell. I ^Jj M'^ ^'ity having a garrison. >Sp ) The camel. loh From 4f ^^'^^^-i each. Hence |§ /ce//, a pattern ; |]^ ^e/i, the arm : § /c'e/', a ; ^If /tY7/, respectful; ^ /o/i, a final jnirticle ; ^ Zo/i, joined. I 1'^ a camel. ►^*-5'/inj To 3^Yindle ; to cheat. From ^ 2^"'"^ ^^^^ Hence H ^^ie/^^ to plait; d^j 7;{e»S a bat; ;^ 2j'/eu\ a section ;_^ff p'i>«\ deflected; ^ picic^, a time; j^ jjic?iS everywhere. J To ascend ; to mount up. From ^ teng-, to rise. Hence |f sitenr/, to conquer ; |§ i'e^j^-j to tran- scribe ; f^ t'e)i(j'^, rattan. c>^^ To annoy. Sad ; grieved. sao From ^ ^stto'^ a flea. Hence f^ -sao'. to scratch ; ^ mih, honey. Compare ^ mih, close together. I ^ to vex ; to irritate. 2''i\ 1^: VOCABULARY. II — Ifj c^lM To expel. I -^ a donkey. I ,1^ a donkey's foal. From ^ h'fi\ a store room. Hence ^ S to beut : ^ k'il^, a pivot ; P|i co^. to The 188th Radical. *@* vomit ; i!i|| k'a\ rugged mountains ;^ H j ^ ^ A boue k'Lc\ the body ; |g eo\ to sing. I f-ah I ^ to ,u-et rid of ; to drive out. ()>§IpJ Proud ; arrogant, hi (10 From ^ k'iad^, liigh. Hence ^ A;tao'*, a sedan cliair; :f^ Iziac?^ a bridge ; i^ k'lac?-, delicate. I M pi'ond ; l)oastfal ; lianglity. I IIHJ " verl )earing ; disregardf ill of ad vice. Hence ^ shai^, dice. I Bi I'one. [ fi^ ]narrow. I I^ i §i blood relatiousliii) ; near of kin. <- B^ The bones of the body. //ai From ^ hai\ 9 to 11 p.m. Hence ^ ^^;ti^ ought ; 0^ >&'e/i, to cough ; ^|J Z:-<3/>, ,p^^^ , to carve; ,^ /m^^ startled; i^^ hch, the c>^ To alarm; to startle. I ^^^'"^^ ' ^ ^'"^''^ ^ c^^^^- khig Frio'hteued ; alarmed. From ^ kbig^. to respect. Hence klnf, to vs^urn ; ^ /c'i?^;"^, to lift up : hlng-'', to warn. I ^ to be alarmed ; startled. i % to troidde : to disturb. 1 If startled. I jgt to l)e terrified. I ^ marvellous ; frio-litful. I 1^ startled. I i^ afraid ; apprehensive. ] % terrified ; to scare. I %i iu confusion throug-h:fri,ulit. i>pf^ Ptapidly ; aljruptly tsto From PI Uu.\ to collect. f'^im The donkey. ' /a. From JJ Z/r, a fire. Compare || iw"-^ a stove; ^ /u-, a reed : ^ ^ji".', anxious ^ /o'', to capture. j »^ a skeleton ; human bones. A skull. ho From % led^, to weai-. I lence i^ Ury\ to embi-ace ; fg /er/, a storey ; ^ Zeo^ a basket. flXa Marrow. svl From 5g s!?i^ to follow. -) The bones on the top of ^^"^h the liead. From ^ shuh, a worm. Hence ^ chuh, a candle ; ^ tah, single ; J^ -s/i !i//, to belong to. I ii a skull. I ^ M ^^1^ place of a skull. *^Jffll^ The body. To embody; BS» to show consideration. ^ * Handsome. Real. From ^ Zi*, a vase. Compare jif Z/^ I ceremony. m ISO V0C.\)5ri.Al!Y m }\)^ I "^ Imiidsonie ; respectable. I t^ (ligiiily. J 0,5 to liavo sympntliy witli ; to ^sliew nppvocititioii of; to act in con- tbrinity Avitli. ii. ^<^ sympathise with. I -^ to compreheucl ; to take in an idea. Thk ISOth Radica].. "g2 High ; exalted. Noble ; ' IH! emiuent. High in price ; '''"'^^ loud in tone. Hence ^ kao\ a plaster; ^ /i(id\ a rough draft ; ^ krio\ a pole. Compare "^ slinug^, to deliberate. I ^ a loud sound. j ^ celebrated. I fi 5^ high seat ; a high station. j "g lioasting ; bombast. I ^ great ; emiuent. I |Ij| advancement ; exalted ; to rise h igl i . I ^J a high hill ; a mountain. I |i^^ -7^ a tall, spare person. 1^ {K IK I'l^g-g^^d ; uneven. ^ To dress the hair in a 5-1^ knot on the top of the ^^'^«^'' head. A slave girl. From ^ k'long^, to gaze. Hence j^ hua^i^, to return ; f^ huan^, a ring. TnK lUl ST Radical. rj too To (juarrcl ; to fight. Distinguish ^^ inen', a gate. Hence ^ ieo', to light. j f M pngnacioas. \ Js}, } To contest ; to figlit. tea From II fcd\ a tlagou : and Jy kiii^, an axe. j |g to fight ; quarrelling. i ^ to fight with the fists. The 19<)th Radical. Hair. ( 'ompare ^ cKanff^ long ; and ^ •s^z?i\ plumage. ;;^^) The hair on the liiiman /(i/t head. From "^ iw\ a friend. Distinguish ^ jau'. to turn. ^^ <-7t^^ Loose ; lax. To let go ; 8onf^ name of a river. A lot ; a ticket. To draw k'ai lots. From ^ hieV-^ a tortoise. Thk 102xd ]?adicai,. \r^ Fragrant herbs. Sacriticial di'ang spirits. ! "^^j Anxious; grieved. Also I ^nk read fi\ j From 1^ /hi", a grove; ^ /co^ an I earthenware vessel ; *-» «ii7i, a cover : and ^ 5a ?i^, feathers. Thr 103rd Radical. |t5j) A vase ; a cauldron. Hence [^ /(y'/i, to divide. Compare ^\ hsien*, to offer up. •22-i m H'^ VOCABriAEY. 4—11 The 104th Eadical. A devil ; a disembodied hucl spirit. Hence ^ Icnai^, a lump; ^- k'neP, a ctief. I ^j^ demons and gods. \ M ^'^"i^ (spiritual) powers. ! ^i ^ i»ossessed l)y a devil. c^^l Tlie sold. Tlie wits ; tlie huen spiritual faculties, From ^ illn", to speak. I M ^ ^h ill ^ trance. 'S^j The crane — the emblem of hoh loDgovity. From /^ holi^ to fly liigli. c/*w ^ falcon ; a hawk ; a kite. ing From ^ ien^, a wild goose. Hence ^ ihg^, to fulfil j /^- wf/\ the breast. The 197th Radical. |M| Rock salt. Rude. la Hence ^ hsien-, salt tasted ; ^ ie?!^, salt. The 199th ]?adical. ^5 Wheat. melh Compare "^ lai^, to come. I ^ wheateu cakes. I H wlieat field. \ ^ wheat. I li I'Jii'?^ of wheat. J > Flour; vermicelli. ■line II From '|g mLe)i\ a face, I H yeast ; leaven. The 200th Radical. j/^ Brackish ; salt ; bitter. Itsiei) From ^^ /../6;r, all. Hence |^ /mc;/^ j c/fjV "w.-g. iu .^bich sense it v. to seal: <^ ^ve;;-^, to decrease; ]sg /w*-, j ,^j,, ^nfo,.^ to influence ; §^ cJien^, a needle. Distin- guish ^ /i//Vij to delude. I i^ salt and fresh. r^ blue; |^ ?a?r, ragged. f Hemp. Numbness ; para- interchanged with (^). 10^, an evil Hence ^ 7no2, to rub ; spirit. I /f: nnmhed. I J' sackcloth. I H T^ liemp cordage. The 198th Radical. The 201st Radicai, J^, The deer. liih Compare ^ hu^, a tiger; J^ pi\ cover. i'^ Yellow. to Iiuang Hence ^ huar.y^, broad; ^ /uien^^ across. J^ Beautiful ; elegant. 1 ■g, vellow colour. I &g"U. Hence g^ s/jaj**, to air ; j,g sa', sprinkle. to 1 ^ S topaz ; chrysolite, I ^ 'ff red carueliau ; sardius. A^ An interrogative particle, mo From ^ iao^, immature. 225 2<)2 VOCABULARY, M. 2m The 202nd Radical. <^ Millet. Compare |^ si/i, the ktiee. J -J' millet. pl Sticky ; glutinous. Used i/ien with (1^). From ^ cltcui*, to seize. Hence -^^ nieii'^, to pick up ; itjlf t^ieh, a document ; f^ chan*, to seize ; j[^ chan*, to stand ; |§ t'teh, to paste up; M^ tien^, a dot. The 203kd Radical. :j^) Black; dark. Secret. hell Distinguisli ^ vieh, ink. I Pf (lark ; darkness ; secret. I TZ uig-lit ; the dark uiglit. 1^7^ to make uo distinction be- tween ffood and had. ikvx) Dark; secret. Silent. mch From -J^ k'ilen^, a dog. Compare meh., ink. I Hi to in-otect secretly. I jf;: tf) instruct secretly ; to reveal. I II; M )^ perfectly silent. B) f ^ ' A dot ; a spot. A little. hv% / To count. To puuc- ^^'e'i tuate. From i5" c//a?i\ to divine. Hence ^^ Vieh, a card ; f^ 7i/'e;i^ to draw lots ; f^ chan\ to stand ; /J ^icji", a shop ; n^ Vieh, to stick. I tZ> ('oiifectiouery. I ;1 to light a lamp. I MffiM^^ convey meaning by signs. ^^ A village. A clique ; a tang faction ; a gang. From "^ shang^, also. Hence \i^ Vang', to flow; ^ ia'i(/^, ought; ^ c/mnr/^, to superintend; ^ ch'ttng"^, constantly: fji^ Vang^, besides; |^' Vang^^ to lie down. [ 1^ a class ; a species. The 204th Radical. [Ijlj Embroidery. clii The 2u5th Radical. A toad. Hence |^ sheng"-, cord ; $1 ing'^, a fl}'. The 2')Gth Radical. '^ Jj9| A tri]tod ; regarded as an TIM emblem of Imperial - ^"*^ power. The 2>r' ilike. To arrange. 1 leiice -^ tsi\ to aiil ; ^^ fsi^, to squeeze ; ^•!j tsi^, a dose ; 5^ cimi}, abstinence. l)(.:it. ERRATA. Page 41 under ^ read ,s//z instead of /- ?. 71 „ fj „ ?/^.9' „ „ /iiii(/. 82 „ Hi „ Ic'in „ „ A-'/?i^^. 8G for ^f,!,' „ ,f^ ; and iiicn as well as lien. 95 under |^ ,, /.'/» instead of /c'/;///. 148 „ §$ both entries should be l)ene:ith JJ\] \\ 103. 172 „ :f substitute ^D for ^. 184 for ;^ read JJj. 101 under Hg .. ^6-'« for As-'/. 230 for /ni .. />/. A D D E N I ) A . Page 15 last entry under f§ ad(b i'allaey ; false j)]iiloso[ihy. „ 17 under -JH the character |[^ has dropped out. ,, 52 „ ^ read f'o as well as f'co. „ 155 add c^tt i^jKi Paper. cJi'i From Jg sJn'^, a female surname. 202 VOCABULARY. ^ 2.)l» The 202nd Radical. <^ Millet. all n Compare J|^ sih^ the knee. J -J- millet. tang A village. A clique ; a faction ; a gangj. From "^ slicing^, also. Hence ^'^' Vang', to flow; ^ tnny^, ought; ^ chany^^ to superintend ; ^' ch'ang"^, constantly ; fji^ ^aiig^, besides; |^' i^fi'^^, to lie down. From t5 c//a?i^, to divine. Hence ^^ <'/e/i, a card ; j^ nieii^, to draw lots ; f^ chan\ to stand ; /^ tien\ a shop ; H^ t'ieh, to stick. I >C» coufectiouery. I m. to light a lamp. I M n^ i^ to convey meaning by sigus. shu .•ead ch The 209th Radical. The nose. Also read ^^/X I -^ the nose. 226 ;I4 VOCAIULAHY, 21 1< The 'JMth Radical. (>=| Even; veguUir. All; ^•''•'' alike. To aiTange. 1 1 cnec ^ t-'iiK to nid ; ^ f.u'» of '*iie mind. I tt> ^5 1J t^'* P'lt I'orth united effort. Thk "Jl 1th Radical. ^ The teetli. Age. The 212th Radical. Hencp long^, f| a cage ; H ^o?i(/^ ii hole ; jll Zo/J^'\ to manage ; ^ /o//(;-, deaf ; @ lo)Nf, to grind ; f| <:/roii,j'-, kindnes^^. I ^fi •' dragon lioat. « fj^ A niche for an idol ; a. Jc'aii. shrine. From ^ hoh, to unite. Iluiice ;g /loh, a small box : ^ nor, to bring : ^'^ .s/ii//, t(. pick up : ^ /;,-//, to give : ^^ hoh, the whole. TiiK 213th Radical. cW^ >V tortoise. Hence (i) AvV, a lot. The 214tii ]^\I>ICAL. gg The dragon. Used by the fH&( Chinese as an eiubleni ''J'y 01 imneriai nnwm- j of Imperial power. 5 A flnte. Hence |§ ioh, a key. 22: INDEX. Note. — ^AVords beginaing with sh are placed together at the eud of tliose begiuuing with s; words begiuuiug witli t.s after those begiuning with f. All sounds coutaiuing u are placed at the end of the group to which they belong. Words in the ruh-sheng (A M) follow innnediatcly those of the same sound in other tones. The numbers refer to pages, not to radicals. a dull ppf 210 ft SO ® 70 S 143 Bi 143 ;} 145 clt'ct clian S 1"'^ yA loO ^ 1>3 ^ cho.h ft 84 ■m ^^ ch\(h ^ 55 ^ C3 m ss ^ 100 Bb 104 nnrj ^ h.r ao 1 c/(':e 1^ 163 ■Bios Jg 201 » 177 ch'.n 10 ^ 1 * 50 m 127 loo 140 157 104 21 *^» I'ig I'.'s! „^ 123, clu'h S I'-'i +:/t 85 clt'cnig cli'eli. 2(JS M 01 63 66 175 cli 'ait 135, ^ 185 fi 97 R 1:4 chevg IE 113 ffi 71 ^ 88 ig^ 98 S 214 #1 ^^ $£ 108 ti 73 a 83j«j # 133 p|i3g m 175 Jli 167 ^ 180 ilEJ c/.Vm Iff 41 I K 142 # 00 jg 135 ^i 104 ^ 00 ;^^-- Y^ 18 cliao m 1"" i i,-,o ^ 34 #]..,„- TT c/^fa;^ ' J& ^5 c/,v /A 7 2( '' * ^^.^^ '' ^ ''' 0'*L ft ^'^ ^^^ E 168 ;^ 83 36 85 44 5 100 147 184 46 82 m 37 5a 37 ft* :^(s < 103 w 101 clieo ft) s tt 87 '* 168 ^157 m 204 m 153 cl I'i ) z 5 It 113 ^ 07 K. 33 a 102 S 108 iJt 44 ^. 74 *^ 108 ^ 143 ^^ 11^ %\\ 25 ^ 16.> 108 88 145 212 100- 155 104 170 lit IK m cli'i Wi 11 12 Sit) 80' 162 20- 220' 201 ch'ih, it 117 it 141 cirHi he. 230 heo # 72 ' A;t 81 13 14 40 84 /<0 V 1-25 ^ 140 ^]* 10 M 118 7^ 37 ^ 1S9 « 100 Wi 140 s df 37 !i3!: 131 M IGO 122 154 187 m m holt ^ 34 i$ 110 ^ 140 /nJi # 132 lin.a il 20 ?^ 1:1 * 130 fg 1S3 Vi ISO ^ 188 '[g ,. H 225;^ 47 >gfc 110 M 02 fee 170 '^ 30 134 113 lauovj '% 1:2 M 225 ^I 177 Wi ISa ipjl 145 ^ S3 42 mi M 125 ® 1:2 n ■■ m T« # 1!I5 m no pM isi ^ 190 a 81 S 124 'j:^ 128 S 148 huen ■ h.-ii(ui(j # 102 [«J :>,5 •^ 121 $: 7 m ^3 § -M ¥ 1-^ ^ o:> ^ 224 fl5 203 hueng t 3^ 217 ii 112 l^ 219 ^-'^ i# 210 # 13^^ 54 S 30 !!^ 3S li 140 ^ ^ '.'8 *E 84 j^ 104 H 150 1 hslch 24 I 7?{ 130 113 -p 3 I ^'■^'■'''* H 48, RR 2ln Ig 133 ?S '^11 hsiah }& 110 t^ 00 $^ 131 m 143 ft 190 hsiai m 82 ^ 1 20 Eg 133 ^ 200 ^ 212 R 101 ^ 158 if 138 ^■ll32 210 *^ 11 231 225 218 hsiu UK 11:! n n: m m n # n: h.loh # 55 hsionrj fe ^^ 1:1 55 7 n^ 39 if 182 ffl 213 f^f 178 #, 224 lah W 87 JlS 47 K 148 Jft. 177 hsilen Pt 4 k'i K 20 yiL 118 I^ 114 f 10 Iceo i P 33 PP 34 :fn 85 a '1} 4l> m 142 tS 01 *t^ ^20 « n(ang l;n h(ah a 11 knai khiai M 220 1»0 218 k'li, U 108 ITH ^ i:i I ^ 139 15 C4 110 foWi P^ 2121:^ 02 1«1 ] J6 150 U 50 M 21 =s 1:1 « '^^2 ^. ')00 ^ 21'/ ig 125 *s 222 M) k'vh 111, 181 :;^ 38 k'nan ft"*S9 51 113 # 00 *^^ i 100 » 59 k''ua 183 m 5s ki'.ang 3fe 1^^ If 60 233 Juiang INDEX. I'i Jc'uang } ^ 2(J2 tf 151 I +E *S IB 1S3 >E ^^ « 1U4^^ '"' 11 ^\^ 1^3 2-21 Ian \ ^ ji,^ M 10 ,S) kuH \m 207 i^ lOol^ 1'5 ^ 224 ii >^2 3^ ISO, ^■■'■'' ^ ]()()! 4* 32 St 1S3 H0 27 ^ ],4,iS 222 f ij 2o ^"'' 1^^'ffi 105 r../ |S C2 J^ 140 : ^■'^'-'^' It 80 *^l oo IS 14.^/ 15 17CJW 87 IS 220 tS -'J /■^6cu I ^ 05 tM 110 I -^-V^'iA /.■'?(r^M I ^ 100 ffl 42|:|i 138 ^ 31 # 14 i^ 125^ o„5 ffl 00 1^ 82 >^J 12 If 02 fi 06 JH 3, # 142IK 175 a 131 l^mn I jti 128 gg 133 ;^1 S 153 ^-j 4i '^M K5 Jl^^^'^ # ^^''ti ^'~ « 138 SI 42 tl 112 m-) m) lang j^^ 134 <^ 112 ]|R 203 A' i^ 110 m 200 fl 185 --- RW '^o.:; iiju 2!^ '""^ iS 120 jji^-| 44 105 08 11) ffij 213 /«o ^ 205 ^ ^'"^* 102 M 175 « ^^^'^ 130 ^ 225 ''■"" ^ 28 II 133 179 ^^^^ ^t/i TO 165 ;/j 26 ® 27 - 140 ^^"^ |}(eit 154 '^-^ 22,^ lu )S 123 |J^ ,, ti 111 H. 1:0 If 222 35 101 j li % 13S I ^ 35 U 234 154 liao T 3^^ loo 8^ 143 If 208 n 24 ?li 125 ^ 178 i-^ 36 I # I08 ^ lil M 203 '^ IH 1^ 224 I liny 7^ 33 IS i.-.o m 1:2 ^ 111 I? 221 JOHJ W 00 Pt 212 lien \m 22 m 211 » 214 m 217 m 03 s 215 41 07 164 153 tfi 86 hi fe 86 lah /fil 40 M 106 Si 108 lai * 11 , I 199 S) 6S,1!J&J lie 127 81 173 99 157 180 lioli 136 91 hi m 193 @ 224 B 215 /i?t 128 &l } 136 120 133 8^ 1^^~ ' a 144 lo 20 22 ^ 115 W. 207 W 104 : m 208 I i ^ 208 L 95 161 2i)8 loh 82 ! '}^ 126 M 175 M 208 hih ■h 20 S 211 ^ 225 # 144 ;# 158 a 83 ^i 207 /« S 36 Jg 101 ^ ^1 liih IXDF.X, yi'ai 121. H I'-'l {t"l 1-^1 *'"^'^ P'l '.•! M 122 SI it 213 I ''''''J |§\ 1(1 •JirJ aau'i liih W :2 It ,aa ^^ 7S j "s ^ft l:i ¥J Bit 1S2 t S' .nen, | 3^ l^M t r,(i ^-. \ BS 215 I .. ^ 21 i# ]' HI ''' a 41 224 nioh iJt KC '^^' ."• g 13S gi$ 211) oA hi.i'ii (•)'.] IS., Sl ^/« '- % ''' i .0. ff5 ^1 ^ l.v. ,J m.A \B 154 154 :,r. m 1-' ^tuT M 140 02 j '"* 159 1 m 199 :} ^ 37 gfl 102 „^ 3 fr> «| n,m,j @ 150 "„„ ' M 3:;^ ,«; 1 1.1 m 218^ 109 I -'^ 1^ 200 ;^,^, ft'L^ ^^ A 20 .na \m 47^il80le 224 I ^ j, -,! — ;K 87 22r, ^.» I mm riJR o^l ''^ I T >^ ^^^ ,)- m - ' ; :^ :^.^ ^ 4(, ^ V 55 Mli 53 i]if 122 jS 174 ^ IGl I ""«« S) .. SfTJ" ir;-^|-WJ ; ,,,,i fjl 14 .../A fl^^ 1(J3 I ij^ 51 .H 220 1 iR 225 i ^nei I ^ t 58 ! P ^^^ I ^m^ 115 ^J I «io ^ 7J m 134 # M 161 ** 177 # SO I If noj® 171 'nai M 53 I i)^ 122 JM 45 j mm ' Jg 09 S U'" PI ^"^' 3S 175 j 151 -J '"" 94 j nan I y^jj 74 ft 19 ti •"'' iC 50 M 110 )g 225 , ^ 135 ' ^ 144 i o ^\. 91 04 : m •>. i^ 220 I ^ S3 )|$ 121 235 INDEX. 230 pu ren % 05 A ' # 114 iU 23 ^ 203 i^ 8 m 1^0 a lo; INDEX. sh'ih mi a 134 siao siu sttan swin f8 147 i|^ 97 m 206 si7. /Jn 61 # 13 ill50 fS T3 *i 128 S 32 sa ^ 102 m 120 ft 166 »j « 73 shch ■g 220 M 1*4 ^ GO ^ 150 M 161 s? lis i^ 119 W 47 m) 1 fg :s m 216 so « 04 shah IS 182 ^ 132 salt ^ 162 m 153 ^ir S4 M 201 m 115 shen sh'i m !'4 m 53 sae ^ 38 sui shcB ^ 169 It 60 ^ 90 *t 176 !g^ 192 § 50 shai ^ 135 P 61 sai Bf 167 S 7 # 207 # 144 # 10 ^ 110 san sancj m 109 ^ 40 sao E, Co ± 47 ^ 34 gg 42 ^ 114 iH 11 ^ 140 3ff) 203 ^ 31 M 59 W 156 sick R 180 soli 155 SC??i/ 'S, los « 217 M 1S4 % 164 m 201 a 114 IH 212 Si 213 ffi 148 M 150 ^ 222 ^ 195 S^ 134 Ji$ 145 '« 121 » 167 ^ 8u S 59 7f^>145 Tff' Tfi" 65 ffi 4 ^ 69 W, 11 K 221 sch fe 170 il 145 sien ^ 223 sfi shan \U 62 W 25 Pg 209 S 30 m 12- sharif/ shell g # 12 6 75 65 ISO % 18 s^l ^ 135 11/ i? 67 i5C 33 ^^ 5-216 mi # 80 # 102 Pt 211 i^ 2S M 62 m 101 ft 103 *0 52 ® 133 m 31 W- 224 ^ 110 M 156 ^ 140 B$ 103 m 40 m 100 SMI fF 182 » 214 g 1G3 f^ 69 5e??r/' ^ 165 ^II^ 73 ® 99 m 158 ± 2 iHl on |# 183 ^ 134 m 40 ^ 103 m 1:4 1^ 61 ms # 2s fft 131 m 132 fe 76 iS- 13 flj 25 g 179 'n84 ^ 41 ffi IS' ^< ISS ^{4 52 1^ 57 ! seic-w M 101 ;*) sAi/^ ^ 11! M ^fi M 103 M ion 5§ 202 shao ^ 55 -J- 20 M lij % 17 , H 2<>4 ® ly-' a 57 A^ 61 U 32 ^ 144 237 skoh INDEX. to ^ 49 M 218 '«'}- f* ITT » 50 H^ 41 sholi 19: 184 shua M 1G3 shucti M 135 && 65 ^ 132 }f 93 sJmaii J4 89 sliuang # 213 M slbu 170 ^ 112 190 :} shulh ig 107 JlE 198 #X 177:^ I^ 127 t|: 38 155 210 W 204 sJmi ic 110 IS 147 ^ 142 ii 184 ta -k 48 tr 84 t'o, la 8 tall ^ 151 S 200 02 192 93 1^ 179 t'ah ^ 40 M 40 ^ 111 ^ 194 « 9 114 70 00 178 190 m S3 t\d -k 49 ^ 34 fl& 160 H 80 fi 109 1^. 90 71 Ciao ^l 88 # 109 1^ 194 # 129 tieh ^ 193 # 137 t'ieh te 05 ^A 190 fit) M>208 tien, A 21 j^f 68 Jfi 133 ^ 50 P5 115 % 214 ^ 46 ^>-226 M 218 S 138 t leri ^ 48 ea 135 IS 77 m 121 m 134 m 46 my ting 19 T 2 BT 34 ^ 56 ^ 205 « 216 f4 226 fing m 89 ^ 15 te 170 104 ^ 48 ^ 107 M 170 ■r« 79 a 46 i«i 95 238 €o INDEX. t&'ui '^ m i2\ m 217 m 221 ^ iyi| t^ueu m 221 I ,, Te 94* jgy iis'ao fs'eo o-j toll Hb 43 ^ oO tioi W 02 pi 35 ^ 50 :^ 72 :8; 19 \i 82 :^ 152^ 144 t'ong m M 100 ip 130 j f,w, tS ii'» If is:'^ 06 ^ 151 ^ 188' ^^ 150 ^?<«?i a 138 |g 115/^ oi ^, 150 ^1 143 5^1 iPl 206 I S 150|j^|'^'' il) 80,IIJ 158 1 ^ 38 I 43 ^ Oljlf HI ?S 131 SS 172 H 150 I 175 is ail (si ;} 122 190 tseh ^ 56 m 06 JS 124 ^ 149 ! ,,,-^ R 180 I ^ 50 is: ' M 100 g 227 ' 1^ 04 ,,^/, # -'^ iu 31 ^ i 32 lit 114 ^ 112 1 in 1"' HI ^>.>, ^ 137 1 IpJ 18: tsie -ft 1.-. ^ 174 ts'ie R 4 tiieh ts'ich ts'ah m 21 i^ 137 ^ 213 34 ;ifj ji^j^ 13 <6Y« ^sJ^ -IS)"' if) 1 -.« iSJi'--'^ J* tsang lit !05 Ml 0/ 105 ^'<'^'i ts'ai WIl 142 I 7h 84 ^ 203 !M 206, t>t 107 ts ang ■M 14 « 174 |l^ 175 ^' 102 >S 100 jI 201 o tse'iig 128 01 143 47 102 1W 81 ts'eng ^ lo5 M 62 m 54 ^ 1:3 » 148 m 153 -t 2 IS 83 ?0 123 ^ 54 ^5eo f? ^ 102 ^ 54 ^ 50 1 @ 168 m 158 I ^ 52 M 222 ^ 155 04 101;^ll40 107 tsieti tsiang ^ fit 29 I Jl 26 00 ^^ K 123 ts'iavjj J 23 17 104 101 ^"^ ^ 152 M 1"4 03 HI 47 30 zo tsiao \^ 121 M 126 I ^ 2!)7 f^l .Ja 202 M\) \m 153 tsiao 184 019 239 ts hi INDEX. ?/?7i •g 120 |}l« m 18 M 128 ft 13 ft r;o isinr/ ^ J* e^H 104 8ft 142 ^ 154 ® 215 #1 j1* rR 215 78 121 104 185 tsioJi M 120 i 41 ts^ioh fl 212 @ 2U4 di: Gi 42 ft 147 :4 64 ^ 43 |g 08 «t 15 fs'o ^ 207 tsoh # 10 H^ 103 tsong ^ 56 11 112 ffi 150 ffl 147 la 182 gi 213 ^. 'It m 24 m] mi -153 m 111 ^ 204 ^ 2U6 tsuh « 193 ^ 30 m 101 ts'uan M 97 tSil en m 60 m 202 H li 194 m tsong # 72 ® 164 Ei 210 m 27 jjffl 145 /s in fff 17 JP: 162 tsii M 164 :5c 32 tsii eh J 16 156 ^ 20 ^ 118 jIg 138 tsilin # 14 ^ 6 ■^ 30 ^ 117 IS. 9 M C4 tL 107 f# 12 ^ 27 ff 78 H 184 itt 125 ^ 126 204 'iE 184 41 'S 170 ?<^ 21^- m tshicn ^ 50 # 54 # 107 tsui Ml 105 IP 160 n 130 62 134 88 i*^ nca ^^ 48 ^ 56 ^0 92 It 1 ® [140 S Ji^ 103 ^ 53 II 173 IPl 217 ^ 70 m 125 71 102 160 108 106 157 107 31 10 61 37 136 53 78 128 43 200 73 173 17 80 184 174 W. 155 R9 39 i§t 122 W 200 ?£ 138 } 13^ ^ 56 ^ 162 101 il 185 188 ^ 105 ta 77 ^ 103 *l214 #, 224 ® 58 lir IS 5-219 uang S 51 X l*^*^-' ^ 74 ^ 176 73 40 200 79 200 160 m. 80 ^ 170 184 210 no 7t 18 ^ 211 s 44 ^. 76 % 31 % 58 n 122 m 122 m 43 m 201 m 157 m 218 ilin S" f) ^ 28 it 18 ^ 54 S 171 S 214 m 201 m 124 240 INDEX OF NAMES AND PLACES. Aaron 55 f^ Abaddon S5E® Alba, N^ Abel SiTfi Abiathar ^j^^m Abihud SSibtl Abraham S5fflii^ Achaiah saniffi Achaicus SSS5* Achim 55^ Adam S5^ Addi }S.m Adramytiium ^:k^im Adria S5ESS Agabus ^mti Agar K ^ Agrijipa S5;SlI'I^ Alexander iS ::^; lU ::^c Alexandria,— ans ^iJ\hi^ Alpha mitm Alpheus m:^ Anion ffiPl Amos; Amoz ■skm± Amphipolia QtiiG^m Amplias m iti m Ananias iS^MiS Andrew ^ n n Andronicus s^ M-s Anna ^m Annas ^m Anti-chriat m m m a^ Antioch ^^M Antipan ^mm Antipatris siSipais Appelles S5 ib ?ij Apollonia ssij^MJs: ApolloH ssii^ia Apollyon iSJAf^ Appii-fonim •S ib .1^ Tfj Aquila ffiSa Arabia •EliTfl Aram 3SS5 Archelaus Archipjnis Areopagite Areopagus Aretas Arimathea Aristarchvs AristobulUs Ar7nageddon Arphaxad Arteiitas Asa Asher Asia Asyncritus Athens Athalia Augustus Baal Babylon Balaam Balak Barabbas Barachias Barak Bar-Jesus Bar-Jona Barnabas Barsabas Bartholomew Bwrlimeus Beelzebub Belial Benjamin Berta Bernice Bethabara Bethany Bethcsda Bethlehem Bethphage S5S^ SS^^ S5 B& E * i5?l tr Si^El^ ^mm 35 ;f-ij ,1 * S5 ^^ij m -fi 35 ^-ij ^ '^ 35 M m @ ^mm 35lg.S 35 Hi 35 5$ 35^35 S5^S± m^ 35 :k m 35^±^ E^ Elba EiS E:^ ESB EUM E¥A Eun^ E m l;^ ^ E^B EI^B - E^MM El&a ^ij M h ^??ij ®S1^ fl^niSS ■^m& i^->:^m ■s±m m±± ^ ^^'J M >fQ^K 2 a INDEX OF NAMES AND PLACES. Beihsaida ^15^ -A Diana i.e. (Arteiui.-'^ iSl&;^c Bilhynia mi^m Didymus 1S±J^ Blast us iiin±U Dionysius mr^m Boanerges 4^Mai; Diotrephes m^^m Boaz iik± Dorcas ^ tn Drusilla ±^E: Caiaphas n^m Cain mm mm earn m'S FJ: Caiiian Egypt ^Ik .. Calvary Cana Elum Eleazer Canaan Eli nm Candace Capernaum Cappadocia Carpus Cantor and Folhix- Elialdm Eliezer Elijah; Elias Elisabeth Elisha ; Eliseus n m IS ^ u m 55 u m fp fQ m ^-ij t3> SonsoJ'Jupiteri.c Eliud ^m Cedron m^ Elmodam ^m-^ Cenchrea m^m Elymas u& ^ Cephas^ ^m Emmanuel £i M ^ m Ccesar nm Emmaus iU Fj i2 tt/f Ccesarea n m m is Emmor ^m CJialdea mmm Eneas n^m Charran, ^m Enoch jitis Chios ^m Enon T.m Chloe ^^ Ems . J£l S!i ± Chorazin ^^i% Epaphras ^E^ Christ &m Epaphroditus iU EI15JS Chuza s© Epeneius i^^JT^i: Cilicia m m ^ Ephesus ^ t. m Cleopai ^m^ Ephphatha nm-M Colosse ^M © Ephraim &.mm Corinth ^n^ Epicureans ju &' -^ m Cornelius^ Sf J^iifc Er u Crescen& :^m± Erastus jufisp Crete :^mm Esau am Crispus ^E± Esli a±M. Cyprus KibffS Esrom a±^i Cyrene ■s m ^ Ethiopia mnmia Cyrenius -SSJa Euhidus Myfum Eve MUM Dahnatia m^i:: Eunice :&.r^m Daviaris :k^M. Euodias tLum^ Damascus i^B& Euphrates i^m Daniel ffl iUS EutychiLS mw-^ David -X^ Lecapolis i&t^^ik m Felix m-nm Demcis B!^ Festus t^mm Deinetrius ia^vS Fortunatus 11 ^ ^ su 242 INDF.X OF XA:'.rES AND PLACES, GcMnfha M C A- ./rerc^Z mm Gabriel MSH Jason Mm Gad mn Jejjhthah M 5)n -X Gadarenes 1ia±li Jeremiah M ^ ^ Gaius tKm Jericho HT) |ij ff Galatia %U± JeruHulem MRi^mi^ Galilee M m m Jesse BM Gallio mm Jesus mm Gamaliel J5B m n Jew ®;k K Gaza mm Jezebel M ?;fc j]ij Oennenaret ^ js m m Joanna m^-^ Gerr/esenes ^^fp Job ^^JH Gethsemane ^MJIJH J. el «^If Gideon KH John mti^ Gor, ^ Jonah ; Jonas ^^m Golijofha ^^m Joppa ^f^m Gomorrah mm& Jorum ; Jehoram 1^53 Greda ^ m m Jordan mUM Greece ^m Jorim *^^ Jose ^■]m Heher S!fl Joseph ir-] s Hthrexo ^W^ Jiises ^^^ IJdi 5?^ m Josiah 1^1^35 Jlermas m.!S Jocham mu Hermes m* Judnh mi^ Jlermofjenes mif am Judas m± Herod ^f? Judas Iscariot &.i^tn^m~Jz Herodians ^ f* - iilU^ A Judea m±m Herodias ^mm Jupiter i e. (Zeus) mu Herodion ^M^ Justus m±m Hezel-iah ; Ezehias mmm Hymeneus nlF^7> Risk m± Jfonivm ^W± Korah ^m Idiimea }^±n Illyricum n m "M ^ Lnmech n^ I^aac £iii Tjnodicea ^mu Isaiah; Eiaias J^»55 Lazarus etuff^ I>trael j^^^'i Lebeus Wif3^ Issachar );^imm Legion ?^ Italy— ian iU :A: ;f.i) Levi M ^ It urea £Jl ± m 35 Levite m ^ A Jjihertines m Ti i>& €. fi<] A Jacob S^ Libya S i!S ffi Jairint EH© Lois ^n Jamhres f^lTE Lot M'fl? James iJS^ Lucius K17}^ Javna ?fl^ Luke—cas ^M J amies m)^ Lycaonia a.s;;s 243 I^JtDEX OF NAMES AND PLACES. Lydda Lydia Lysanias Lysias Lystra Maath Macedon — ia Hag data Magog Malchus Mammon Manaen Manasseh Mark Mars' Eilli.e.{ Areopagus) Martha Mary Mary Magdalene Mattathias Mattheiv Matthias Melchi Melehisedec Mercurius i. e. (^Rermes) Mesopotamia Messiah Methuselah Michael Jliletum ; Miletus Mnason Moloch Moses Myria Mysia Naamnn Naashon; Nashon Nagge Nain Kaphtali yathan Nathanael Naum Nazarene Nazareth Neapolis Nereus Nicanov ^^ it, P! .1 pX .1 ^-ij 3S ^. m u ^^ %^ f4^ ^'C f J] mm mmmA mmwi K m 35 Nicodemus Nicolaitans Nicapolis Niger Nineveh Ninevites Noah; Noe Nymphas Ohed Olympias Omega Onesimus Onesipllorus Ozias Paviphylia Pathos Parmenas Parfhians Patra Patmos Paul ; Paulus Perga Pergamos Persis Pete^- Phalcg Pharoah Pharez Pharisees Phele Phenice Philadelphia Philetus Philip Philippi Philologus Phlegon Phryyia Phygellus Pilate Pisidia Pontius Pontus Porcius Priscilla PuhliuH Piulcns 71^ }&{$ M sf M - lU^ A Jil-sf ^i: Ml^ mmm M JS fl 6^ A 15 35 ^m nm N^B mmm mr^n^ NM^tft .%ffi35 ^^^^■iJ35 m^ E^^ iiifl^35 A m -x m Wl)W ^m ^iHJn ^ij L'li J^ ^E ^# mm m^ m f J ± m m m a ^ib - mfim winm^ mm'i^ miL miLih ^mm-^ ^Wi^ ^]&m mi^m iss^ ^sws 7!^m :^m m^ fjSti ^I'S-iM 244 INDEX OF NAi'-IES AND TLACKS. Puteoli sn s m Simeon m m Simon MPI Sinai m tj Quarius ts± Smyrna ±4i|,^ Sodom Fr ^ m Eachel Ji^SK Solomon m M ri lia'jan u^ Sosipater mm^w. Eahah m^ Sosthenes m i5 ri Ramah ; Rama UM, Spaiii ±3®^ Rebekah m H M Stachys ±'k-^ Rehoboam mukm Stephen; Stephanas ±VkR Remphan mm Sm^anna m m ^ Reuben m^ Syria ^ m 35 Rherjium m At, m Syrophenician m. m ^^ n m Rhesa m m Rhoda m± Rhodes mm Tahitha :klh± Rome— an ma, Talifhn—Cumi :k m A- ti M Rufus ^^ Tamar -Jk^ Ruth K '|!J Tardus :kWi Tertius mm Tertullus if}i±m Saddiicees t^U^K Theophilus mm^-m Salathiel Jf^fie Thessalonica iffimmjim Salem t^-i^ Theridas mx Salmon fiJfl Thomas ^ ^ Sulmone m m js Thyatira mmi^m Salome mm^c Tiberias U tb "M 35 Sa7naria m^m^ Timotheus i^mx Samson mm Titns J3 J^ Samuel mnj:!^ Troas nm^ Sapphira m^m Tryphena ±#^ Sarah mn Tryphosa ± w m Sardis ffnA Tychicus t^ :^-i -S- Sarepta m f J :k Tyraomus u m M Sarnn MU Tyre itH Sarnch WiB Satan Saul Sceva mm Uriah ; Urijah Uzziah ; Azariah ; Oz ^ m IS as^mis. Scythian ^ m m Seleucia nmm Zacchens m-:M Semei mm Zncharia h ; Zccharia h t^ n m 35 Sergius Faulus ±7]<^m Zarah mu Seth mn Zebedee m n't ± Shem m Zebulun m^^ Sidon; Zidon mm Zelotes n Silas mu Zen as mm Siloah ; Slloam . Silos mm^ Zion ^ Silvanus miz Zorohabel mwnm 241 LIST OF DIFFICULT CHARACTERS WITH THE RADICALS FROM WHICH THEY COME. Strokes. Slrol.-es. Sir .A-es. Strol-es. Strol-es. Strol-es. Strokes. Strokes. 2 u ^ ^ ) M n M {(^ ^ fr m m 7j J ^; /> ^ 21$ A It :£ \M ^ n n % Zj ^. :k ^ ri3 Pl9 A lu ^ *X \m P m B ^ rfi ^ ^ Jl: A ^ X M F'F \m ;^ m K 3 ¥ T M H ^ A DiS m JSl P m 7K M ± ± - IE ih # # ^ n 1^ /f^ J2 m m m. *6 ^ J # # >^ 7K UK n m @ i^ H. m ^ f^ ^ i. y X^ i5 ^. ^^^J n n t§ i^ ^x ^ m ^ m m f + 7K 7jC ^' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^. ^ /f^ m y n ^ :^ :f i¥ ^ ^ i: •? 1: m II 7t^ f ;& m Ik ^ Zj rfj m ^ ± M H H ^ ^^ ^ ^ p 10 C -^ ¥ ra 5U: ± i^- + J^. ttj i^ m n m ^ ^ + m ^ ^ J5l l4 SI :^ 4 Xa A ^ -k 9 t A m. ± t p m ^ :^ - flU n m X ^ p .^ ^K m 9 m :^< fi ^ ^ A ^IJ ^ ^ •^ m ^ ^ S u ^ m ± tf n P3 A ^ ffi ^ A M tK m m m fj m :^ 2V A 2 ^ JL 41 tl- m i^ m 7E m ^ 17 ^ H n /K m u m s n n m r ^ + 6 8 # ^ ^ B m ft m 7£ ft B a a % A 1? 1 It + m ® m ^ M P tt B I a? ^ A i5 ^ H p % fl ^ ^ m ± m ^ '2^ X ffi ± ^ 51 m ± n :fj ^51 # n )l m a ?s »l< ^ T ?^ 9 m 'k p M it m /L 18 ^ - ^ ;^ ^ ± ^ a 1 X §f S' ^ U ^^ 1 Hb jfc ^ •:k ® ^ m. Z. m m :£ » ^ i ^ i^ n >h ^ - ^ n 13 m {liilJ m \H 4^ b !& n ^ it dh ^ ^ /3 5k P : li A m w ^ + 3^ ""^ 1 m ■^ )^ iK ^ ^ ^ ii:> « Ji K f)li )l ^ K\ i? 6 f^ Jj^ Mi >6! -I 19 o ^ A Hl n iSj^ Hff s ^ ^ M^l J 5 a - ?i n # ^ /il] 1^ n A ?i! y^ m >& m m ^ ^^ ; ^:^ ^ ^ n t< 3K ^ ± m ^f^ m Jfc m w\ ^ A ^ |j i^il p il :^ HI •»! ^ 5 : m m 240 THE RADICALS. STROKES 1 — 3. 1 — 1 1 /A 2 /•«,./( Olio. a dowii stroke. PI - :,'« tsick a joint ; a signet. J 3 ^''" I tien J 5 ih a |ioiiit. a stroke to the kift. one ; hook. r 2 ( 28 29 han si iti a clitT. seliish. the light hand; also. J G /'t^^? a barb. 3p 30 tea a montli. 2- 7 ri two. p 31 huci an iuclosure. J- 8 !;'(?o above. ± 32 VlL earth. A) AS ' 9 rc?i a mau. ± 33 Si 34 chi a scholar, to follow. JL 10 ren a mail. % 35 8 id moving slowly. A 11 ;7;/i to enter. ^ 30 sih evening. A 12 JKlh eight. ■h 37 ta great. n 13 tiong a limit. -M 38 nil a woman. *-» 14 w//^ to cover. ^ 39 tsi a son. J 15 7^/^?^ kkle. )-^ 40 mien a roof. A 16 /7 a bench. + 41 ts'uen an inch. U 17 Wan a receptacle. vj> 42 siao small. 7?) ^18 ^rto a knife ; a sword. ^1 %s ^43 uang lame. ;^ 19 ///i strength. 44 sJd a corpse. O 20 pao to wrap. ^ 45 ch'eh a sprout. b 21 7^j a spoon ; a ladle. lij 46 shan a mountain. c 22 fang a box. «1 r 23 /^5i to conceal. Jll >47 ch'iian streams. + 24 5A;A ten. «01 si}i the heart. ^1 -SO Ao fire. >]>.j '87 chao claws. 62 ^() G3 /iu a spear. a door ; a window. 5t 88 > 89' /i5/ao f-ither. crosswise. -04 sA^-o a hand. ^ 90 ch'uang a couch. 65 c/i'i a branch. 91 7;>'/t??i 92 ia a splinter ; a slice. a tooth. >-66 jnih to strike. ^1 n ^93 ?zm an ox ;. cattle. ^ 67 ?'//< a roll of clotli. ^ 28 r'i the ear. r 104 ?2/A disease. * L29 iah a pencil. e 1 105 po/t LOG y;^A back to back, white ; in vain. mi 130 rvJi flesh. &. 1 LO: p'i skiu ; bark. e 1 31 ch'en a statesman. M 1 OS ww'/'^r^ a dish. a 32 fsi from ; sell'. 09 we//^, leaf of a book. ^ 15G fseo to walk. m 182 >?^ wind. J£ 157 i'^-i?/*! the foot ; enough. M 183 >«■ to fly. * 158 s7/^« the body. ^ 184 sJiik to eat. m 159 c/rd^ a cart ; a barrow. m 185 67/^0 tlie head. ^ 100 .s?«. l)itter. # 180 //s/f^7?^ incense ; fragrant. m IGl ch'cn time. €1 1.J ^162 r-/^()/« walking. 187 7}U(, 188 ku/, a horse. a bone. -163 ?A a city. m 189 7.r^o 190 ;;mo high, the hair. m lU hi new wine. R 191 feo to rpiarrel. m 105 J>;?V?^ to separate. ^ 192 <:-//'a?/_^ fragrant herbs. s 100 U a Chinese mile. ^ 193 lih a vase. S ^ 107 lin gold; metal. ^ J- 1 08 c/c'cmg long. f ^ 1 09 inert a door. > 170 feo a mound. ^ 171 tai to reach to. '^ 172 c/tin short-tailed birds. PU 173 u rain. ^ 174 (^6-'/?;// green. ^ 175 yh" wrong ; not. ^^ 170 ??i?'c?z the face. 3£ 177 ko/t raw hide. _^ 1 94 kifei a spirit. "« 195 il fish. »^ 190 j??Vro a l)ird. la 197 /^^ salt land. JM 198 hfh a deer. w 199 w?^/^ wheat. m 200 ma hemp. 12m 201 //?;r;??^ yellow. W: 202 s/^?« millet. B 203 heh black. i 204 c//i embroidery 13 205 min a frog. 250 STROKKS 14 — 17. m 2<)0 tir/ff a tripod. 15-® 211 ch'i front teeth. m. 207 ku u drum. m 2Ub s/tu a rat. lefi 212 to/ a drao-oLi, ffi 213 ^^^(^^ a tortoise. 14 M 2uy pi the uose. ®- 2lu ^6-'/ even ; e(inaL 17^ 214 ?o/^ a flute. 251 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS, JV.B. — The cktraefers are arrcmged in alphabetical order. ■>-=^ a. Is used to introduce a 1X=% subject, either calling spe- cial attention to it, or denoting emphasis : Matt. vi. 30 ; viii. 26 ; Lk. sviii. 13. In some combinations it indicates con- tempt ; when so used in direct address it is commonly preceded by a pronoun: Acts vi. 14 ; xix. 26. h. In many connections it simply= •• the." This is specially the case when it follows an adjectival clause qualifying a noun : Acts xvii. 3, 19. c. (^ ^) following an enumeration of events, or a statement of several things= "all the foregoing ; the above-mentioned" : Acts XX. 19. d- iM I3§) or (US 1$) follows a proper noun or pronoun without (5^) and=" the statements or sayings of the one in ques- tion : " Jhn. ii. 21 ; Acts xvii. 18. e. (it m m ^)=" looked at in this light ; regarded from this point of view : " Matt. xix. 6. /• (xl Wi WL 2jO comes at the conclusion of an argument, or statement of a case, and is the equivalent of " the matter standing thus ; since this is the case ; it being so ; " etc. : Acts ii. 36 ; Rom iii. 1 ; V. 18. t~| a. (J^ 0) occurs after a state- ^> ment of the difficulties of a certain position or course of action, and indicates, ''the ,best and only thing to :" Mk. i. 45. I). (5^ ^f^) is used in a similar manner, and=" the only alternative ; shut up to one lino of things " : Lk. xviii. 5 ; Acts xxi. 14, 35. c- (J>, ^) is used in direct address as the equivalent of " the only thing that need concern you ; the only thing to be thought of without any protest or argu- ment: " Matt. i. 20 ; Acts ix. 15. •^^ This is generally used with TO (^).or (jn) followed by {^). The whole expression='' spoken witli re- ference to ; concerning ; " or, " in allusion to : " Jhn. i. 23 : Rom. ix. 12, 27. ^^ The meaning of this character, ,~T% "to arrive at, to come to", is preserved in the constantly recurring phrase (^ J5^). This is used in two senses : — a. As an introductory particle, bringing forward either a new thought, or a starting point in an argument; "now, to come to :" 1. Cor. iv. 3; xiv. 29. h. To shew the result of certain courses of actiou=" to reach such and such a position ; to come to such and such a pass." Used in this sense it is most common- ly preceded by the characters (,^ ^): 1. Cor. xi. 31 : 2. Cor. iv. 9 ; v. 3. •^^ Followed by (-S) or {^) does P^ not need to be translated. The expressions (^ fi) and (ff ^) are only used as polite expressions to indicate respect in direct address, as the equivalent of "Sirs, Grentlemen ; etc." The same is true of the phrase (?ij fi) : Acts. ii. 37 ; vii. 2 ; xiv. 15 ; xxii. 1. )^^ 'A completed view "= a mind already made up ; a standard already set up ; a course of action decided on beforehand: 1. Tim. V. 21. n^ Care should be taken in the HO use of (p^' |g) and y^fl): the former is used when speaking of men 252 BEIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS. or cats feeding; the latter of pigs, dogs, etc. : Matt. viii. 30 ; Lk. xi. 38. 1^^ Tiiis character meaning " to |t^ remove," is used with (^ ::^;=" witli the exception of ; besides there is no " At times (Jt^ ^[^) or (i ^h) is used as a complement of (f|^ "J*) without affecting the seuse : Matt. xi. 27; xiii. 57; 2. Cor.' ii. 2. i^[^ ^^P^ ^s it is a usual thing I^~* Jq^ for beginners to use the one word (^) as the equivalent of the English word '' to wear," and to employ it with equal latitude, we shall give under this head a list of such words as are applied to the wearing of different articles of dress. a. (^) is used as a general term in the expression (^ ^ ^g), "to dress"; but is applied more particularly to the pown, shoes and jacket : Matt, xxvii. 31 ; Lk. XV. 22 ; Acts xii. 8. ^- iW^ is employed in speaking of any- thing worn on the head, whether literally or fiu;uratively ; and also of spectacles [Wk M)' ^i'^tt. xxvii. 29; Rev. xix. 12. c. (^) is applied to the girdle and strings of leggings (^ |f|) : Matt. iii. 4; Lk. xvii. 8. d. (|;^) is used of anything hastily thrown round the body in a loose and careless fashion : Mk. xiv. 51 ; Lk. x. 13 ; Jhn. xxi. 7. e. (^)=to cover over, as a garment worn over another ; such a garment being called a (^ ^). The character occurs in this sense in the exj)ression "covered with sackcloth and ashes:" Lk. x. 13; 2. Cor. iii. 13. /. (^) meaning " to slip over," is used of ring, leggings or anything slipped on ; in which sense it is often interchang- ed with (^). It is also a Numerary Adjunct: Lk. xv. 22; xvii. 2; 2. Cur. V. 4. g. (^) to carry a small article. It is a[)plied to any liglit article of dress, such as a collar or a ring : Jam. ii. 2. ^S^Jg;. This character is used in so ^^ many different combinations that it is difficult always to decide its exact force; but in most cases it carries with it the idea of "manifestation" or "expression in action." Used in this sense it is applied very frequently to the emo- tions ; thus a person is said to (^ j^), "shew anger; " (^ }p f^), "shew com- passion ;" etc. : Mk. i. 41. "All," used in conjunction with (6^), from which it may be separated by a word or words =" as many as"; "all who"; "those who" ; " whosoever; " etc : Matt. v. 28 ; vii. 24 ; x. 32 ; xiii. 52; liom. ii. 7. The meaning "to turn over," is maintained in the use of this word as a conjunction; when it geuerally=i" the reverse of what one might have expected:" Matt. viii. 12; ix. 16; Mk. V. 26 ; xii. 44. /L E M To receive with both hands," ^^1^ indicates respect : Rom. xiii. 7; Ileb. ix. 25. In the common ex- pression (^ h), "to receive the will (of the Emperor)," it carries with it the idea of power, and means " to come in his name and to be empowered to act with his authority." Hence it is used in the combination (^ ^) as the equivalent of " in the name of : '' Matt, xviii. 20 ; xxi. 9 ; xxviii. 19 ; Jhn. x. 35. Joined to (fj;) it equals "to respectfully receive instruction;" i.e. to become a convert or church member : 1. Cor. ix. 1. Preceding verbs it implies self-deprecia- tion on the part of the doer, and may be rendered by any such conventional ex- pression as " I have the honour to ; " etc. In any fractional statement (^) may be regarded as the denominator ; its power being determined by the preceding numerator, as {zi_^ ^ — ), " three-tenths of unity," whicli=l jen of 3 fen, or \ x |=1. Thus (+ ^ ^ — ); K%^^ — )=To> To^tiTj- Hence ^ 253 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS. it will be seen that not only decimal fractions but any fractional number can be expressed in tbis way. In the simple form, as f^ ^); (^ ^); fen is understood=:a feiub ; ,-^o' f'o : Matt. xxiii. 23 ; Heb. vii. 2, 8 ; liev. vi. 8 ; viii. 7. "To submit" includes the idea of cordial agreement or acquiescence with a person or bis state- ments ; and full acceptance of bis direc- tion or control. Hence one person is said to (/Jg) anotber, when he places confidence in him ; (/f> ^||) conveys the opposite meaning : Jbn. vi. 61. >^- In addition to the ordinary "^^^ meaning of "to repay" (Mntt. xviii. 2^) ; it may be helpful to j><)te that (j£) has several other mean- ings. a. In addition to the main statement it introduces something supplementary and= "■further, yet, in addition :" (j§ ^ — ' ^ f^, " another point ; a further considera- tion ^''{'MM'^Wilt &5)="what more is there to be said on the subject?" Matt. xix. 20, 21 ; Mk. viii. 31 ; Kom. viii. 31 ; ix. 23 ; 1. Cor. vii. 12, 29. h. After a comparative=" much more ; many more : " Matt. xi. 22 ; xii, 45 ; xviii. j 13 ; xxi. 36. | c. Repeated either with or without (^) j expresses an alternative, "cither | or:" Matt. xvii. 25 ; xxi. 25. d. In interrogative sentences it ex- presses either incredulity or surprise; or the fact that the speaker is in extremity and has no alternative : Lk. xvii. 9 ; Jbn. i.46 ; vi. 68; 1. Cor. vi. 2. M;;0 An hypothesis being y\u granted, this expres- sion is used to introduce and emphasize the logical deduction : Matt. vii. 11 ; Rom. xi. 24 ; 1. Cor. vi. 3 ; 2. Cor. iii. 8. Ml Frequently=sign of past or perfect tense, and may follow most active verbs : Rev. xxi. 2. *■ L^ a. Joined to a principal verb I it has an auxiliaiy force and need not be traii,-l tted : Mk. vi. 40 ; Acts xxvii. 36 ; Rom. viii. 20. h. Before a definite period of time= " next : " Acts xiii. 42. c. In speaking of a contract or an agreement="one of the two parties:" Epb. ii. 14, 15, 18. (T '^) f»"fi (T.^) ^''® ^^^^ ""^^^ ''^^ principal and auxiliary verbs, and may be separated by a word or words : Matt. x. 14; Jbn i. 51. (f ^) " to lower the band," is very geneially applied to acts of violence, and=" to set. to work ; to make a be- ginning : " Mk. xiv. 46 ; Acts iv. 3 ; xviii. 10. a "^^ As most beginners find some difficulty with this charac- ter, we give several instances of its use, both alone and in combination. a. Indicates the means or instruments employed: Rom. xii. 17, 21; 1. Pet. iii. 9. h. It may often be translated by "in order to; to cause; so as to:" Rom. iii. 8; Heb. v. 14. c Following (^) and used with (■^) (P4) or (;^ ^) it precedes the verb, and maiks the object ])roposed to be effected by it : Rom. xv. 31 ; 1. Cor. i. 30 ; Epb. ii. 18 ; Phil. iii. 11 ; Col. i. 28. d. Forms part of many adverbs and prepositions. (I) Joined to (^), (||f), and (^), it makes combiuations that take the place of (If g|), (^ ^), etc. after verbs ; at times {J^) is omitted without affecting the sense: Matt. v. 13; xvi. 28; xxvi. 32; Mk. i. 14; xiv. 28; xvi. 14 ; Lk. ii. 36. (2) These and similar expressions may be turned into adjectival phrases quali- fying a noun expressed or understood, by the addition of (n5); in such cases (;2t) is not needed : Rev. xxi 1, 4. 254 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COJIMON CHARACTERS AND IDIO:\rs. e. Followed by C^) it makes a coin- biuutiou employed in reference to time; in such cases (|3t) usually precedes ii== "from until :" Matt. xxiv. 21 ; xsv. 34 ; Rom. x\-. 23; xvi. 25 ; l\ev. xvi. IS. _/. Coupled witli ( J^)=" and ; in. dndiug ; reacliiug eveu to": 1. Cor. i. 2, 28. ff. Used with (^) the comljiuation may be either separated by a word or words, or stand alone=" the one thing- thought of ; to consider ; to repird as:" Rom. V. 11 ; xiii. 8 ; 2. Cor. iii. 13 ; Phi- lip, ill. 19. L Preceding (3g;) it indicates the consequences of something previously referred to; the whole plirase=;" the out- come being; whereby was occasioned; the result was : " Rom. i. 24 ; xiii. 14 ; 1. Cor. i. 7; xi. 19, % The uses of this cliaracter are numerous, and are best learnt from examples. a. Repeated they form a correlation, either uniting together two or more words or clauses as corresponding to each othei-, or implying simultaneous action. Af- firmatively=" both. ..., and ; " negatively with (;j^)=" neither nor :" Matt. vi. 2G, 23 ; xi. I'J. d. Used as a correlative of (§^) or any similar word denoting supposition, to signify that in spite of any concession made or demanded, the true condition of things is not affected, or weakened. Afiirmatively=" although j'ct ; " negatively with (^)=" although yet not:" Matt. xii. 7; Rom. vii. 3; 2. Cor. xi. 16, 18. c. Expresses either astonishment or emphasis ; in which cases it often follows (WL) oi" {?§) : Jliu- X, 41 ; xix. 3i3 ; Rom. iii. 10, 11. d. {^ Wt ^ T)=^^ expression of satisfaction : Matt. x. 25. e. Introduces a supplementary clause, frequently finishing up the sentence : 1. Cor- xi. 30 ; xvi. ; Rev. xxi. 1. This in many cases is the equivalent of (^). lt,.s general use is to point out something ad- ditional = " further ; still more;" etc. Re- peated it=" both" : Matt, xxiii. 17 ; Mk. vii. 37. X ^ a. Tlie root meaning of this word is existence, as op- posed to (41), non-existence. .Hence it sometimes denotes " certainty " : Acta vii. 1. h. When it introduces a sentence it indicates supposition; in such cases it is usually followed by (,g|) e.g. : Matt. v. 42 : (^), if there should be ; (^), beg of; {i^^), you; (Q^), any; "if any should beg o! you : " Matt. x. 42 ; xvi. 24 ; Lk. xvi. 26. c. Followed by a personal pronoun it introduces the person who undertakes all responsibility: Matt, xxviii. 14. d. Repeated between two words tbat go together it adds emphasis : Heb. ii. 3. e. Sometimes used alone, but more frequently joined to (6^) it introduces two subjects="some; others." lu the latter case ( (i^) may be separated from it: Matt. xiii. 4,8; xxi. 8; xxv. 15; Mk. viii. 28 ; Acts xix." 32 ; 1. Cor. xiv. 26. 'tiff a. At the beginning of a "^^^ sentence introduces a con- dition or desire: Matt. vi. 6. h. Followed by ([l^)=''so that; in order to produce or bring about : " 1. Cor. ix. 10 ; 1. Jhn. ii. 1. Denotes that the power to do a certain thing lests with the one in question ; that he follows his own bent: it is sometimes followed by (%): 1. Cor. vi. 12, 19; x. 29; 1. Jhn. V. i. a. Indicates the instrument with which an action is performed ; or b. preceded by {/{^' = " no need of; not required:" Mutt. iii. 11 ; XV. 8 ; Lk. XV. 7. ^ m 255 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS. pj\, iu reference to wine drink- ing and to watering animals : Lk. i. 15. ^I The usual meaning of " to lead," is applied to refer- ences made from another source=" to quote ; to cite ; to adduce as proof : " Acts xviii. 28; xxviii. 23. ^ ^ a Often="the whole of;" when it is usually followed by a noun : Lk. v. 12 ; Acts ii. '66. h. Joined to a numerary adjunct it follows instead of precedes the noun when emphasis is required; e.g. Jhn. xix. 36. Here instead of (f^ 6^ — :{^ f* M) the whole is placed tirst and the emphasis thrown on (— .) : " not so much as a single bone was broken." c. It follows either a noun or pronoun when some one person or thing is made to stand out prominently : Mk. xiv. 66, 70 ; Acts xix. 35. d. Followed by C^) or (jg) repeated= ''both; on the one hand; on the other Land : " Lk. ii. 46. e. Is used to signify a constant and regular progression or deterioration : 2. Tim. iii. 13. /. Used with (^ ^) deportmeut= " the whole behaviour ur course of life ; bearing towards others : " Rom. vi. 4 ; 1. Jhn. ii. 6. g. Repeated with (fg) or any N. A.= "one another :" Matt. xxi. 35; xxiv. 40, 41. AljL Employed in queries, and most J^^ commonly carries with it the idea of impossibility, as in (5^ "H;), "how can it be?" i e. it cannut be: Bom. X. 14, 15; 1. Cor. xiv. 9; Heb. xii. 7. "^Jth ^^ addition to its ordinary ?|*p| meaning " to give," it= sign of indirect object: Matt, xxvii. 28, 31; 1. Cor. x. 13. # In common with other N. A, this is repeated after a statement of such things as it is the N. A. of=" each ; every: " Jhn. xxi. 25. ^ Used as a sign of the passive yQ it may be applied as well to disease as to other things : Mk. v. 26 • Jhn. iv. 52; Acts xxvii. 20; 1. Cor. v. 7.' P^ After a designation of time= j0j| "during the time referred to : " Acts vii. 42 ; ix. 25 ; Heb. iii. 9, 'JlnL -^f^ These characters are ;J|,^ v^S^ used both as a prin- cipal verb as well as an auxiliary ; in the latter case they may be separated: Matt, i 20 ; xx. 17; Lk. xv. 26. X'-4-^ "Labour;" in many ^V instances="the out- come of labour ; what is achieved by the work in question : " 1. Cor ix. 1. Is applied to the action of a thing producing certain results; and so=" the effect or result achieved; the outcome:" Phil. 6; 2. Pet. i. 8. ^Jjm TT^ ^J^ Sometimes those are 1-^ ■^'»»> nearly the equivalent of {^ ^), " iu itself ; it is true : " 2. Cor. xii. 1. -|*Q In addition to its common T^-^ significance of "staff" (^|^) has a technical use. It is employed m reference to the infliction of punishment by military officials, in contradistinction to (/^) used by civil officials for a like purpose. Sometimes ('^) precedes ifc when so used. It may mean either the instrument of punishment, or the blows or stripes inflicted by it : Acts. xvi. 22, 23. P^ Is used as an auxiliary to l^xj many verbs, and varies its meaning a good deal in consequence. We give several examples of its use in combination, and tiie student will do well to learn them off, as it is a common error to use the first character only. 256 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS. a. Stand ISIatt. vii. ' xiv. 30. by itsell'=" to open : ' ' to start; begin : " Lk a li2;1it tliinp:, Mutt. ii. 11; to lift off such as a cover or a tile : ' Lk. V. 19. c. 1^ §3 "to break off, or up, as bread, etc. : " Matt. xv. 36. (I- 5^ 1j^ "to separate, as people, etc. : " Malt. xix. 6. Matt. xxi. 2. e. ^ §3 "to uuloose:" /• ^ §9 "to tear, rend:" Matt. xxvi. 65. g. f^ j^ ''to make known, spread abroad : " Luke ii. 17. ^'' fm ^^ ''to divide off. separate from : " Lie. xvi. 26 ; Gal. ii. 12. P^ " to bide, to get out of the Jhn. V. lo. • §^ "to opeu the eyes : " Acts J m way : " ix. 8. ^' p!l M " to s])lit open, as with a knife : " Jbleb. iv. 12. ^^^ lu many instances='Sas I •^^ look at it; in my opinion or judgment : " Lk. vii. 43. -f^ By an easy transition the ^0^ original meaning of "to trust to," is changed to that of "near to ; close by : " Matt. iv. 15 ; xxi. L As a demonstrative pronoun ^ ^ with retrospective reference it fm-ins part of many prepositions ; its translation depending on the preceding iioun:" Lk. iii. 24; iv. 27. VM. Strengthens an interrogative H^M statement, and usually de- mands an emphatic answer in the negative, unless followed by (^f ), when an _ affirm- ative answer is required : Acts. iii. 12 ; Eom. vi. 2, 3; viii. 12, 32; 1. Cor, ix. 8. Used either as a princi- pal verb or an au- xiliary : Matt. xxiv. 49. jt etc. ^15 . L Cor. iv riiis often is a correlative of (III) arid=" however, but ;" 15 ; V. 3; Ileb. xi. 4. In addition to the idea of potentiality (Ii]" ) often includes the idea of " tliat which is suitable or good : " Jhn. vi. 55 ; Phil. iv. 8 ; 1. Tim. i. 15. b. Followed by (J^) it occurs at tlie end of a line of argument leading up to a certain conclusion, and^"it is obvious ; it stands to reason (from the foregoing) that :" Rom. ix. 8; x 17 ; 1. Cur. iii. 7 ; Heb. x 9. j-J-^ As an auxiliary this may be ,^ used with almost any active verb : Matt. xiv. 22, 25. \iVt A large number of verbs are >/\^ prepositional ; i, e. include a preposition that in English stands by itself; this character is inserted here to draw attention to the fact, and as afford- ing a good illustration of the verbs in question : Matt. ii. 18. =sign of near fu- about to, at the Mk. v. 23. Ml " Quickly "=si jyV ture; *' aboi point of ; auxiliary : etc. : " a. After almost any active verb this may be used as Matt. ix. 9 ; XX, 25. b. Frequently inserted between two verbs and followed by (■^) to form phrases of four words, which are very common in good Chinese: Mk. ix. 20; Lk. xi. 24. In some case.«=" a course of action ; mode of proce- dure ;" Jhn. vii. 51. ^^^ May be used in relation to -^^ time, when one denomina- tion follows another : Lk. iv. 25 ; Jam. V. 17. >rHl " Full "=" the whole of ; i\^ all:" Lk. viii. 23; Jhu. xii. 3. 257 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS. ^^f^ Unlike (^) this may be ap- ~>y plied to time: Lk. ii. 41 ; iv. 3L When applied to either men or things it . usually follows an enumera- tion, and commonly takes a N. A. other ihau (f@): Jhn. ii. 6; xis. 23. 7^:^ "To be under obliorafion ; to ^^ be favoured with/' is used as a sign of the passive in cases where anytliing favourable is spoken of: Matt. vi. 7 ; xii. 31 ; xxv. 34 ; Lk. i. 13. its len coupled with (;f,)=a strong affirmative : Acts viii. lU : Phil. ii. 10, 11 : Tit. i. 15. ^jTiu 'i^ T\\\b phrase or 'it ■».x^ r^ equivalent (^) whe 'Jl-J ])hrase o " v/hatever ; whichever a. Preceded by (M %^) or a milar import= Matt. X. 11. h. In many cases='' the : " Matt. xiii. 37 ; xix. 20 ; xxv. 20. This is especially tlie case when it is found after adjectival clauses qualifying a noun : Luke xii. 33; Jhn. iii. 26 ; iv. 5; 2. Tun. iv. 13. r0.p "l^ ^- Employed as an /J I J ^^^ interrogative this ex- pression demands an answer in the nega- tives^" it is impossible:" Jhn. ix. 16. h. Following the name of a place (in which case (^;|) j^) is also used)=''that part or district : " Matt. xi. 2i. ^; Like (^) and (^^C) denotes - ~^p *- the instrument with which an action is perf()rmed = " with : " Matt. xxvii. 24: Mk. vii. 27; Lk. xvi. 22. Some such interroga- tive particle as ( j^) follows this combination which=" is it possible or conceivable? can it be?'' etc. : Jhn. ix. 27 ; Rom. ii. 27. ! this com e or cone ^hn. ix. 27 Used in address to in- dic'ite recipr()city = "nur; we; us:" Lk. xvi. 26; Ptum. i. 12; 1. Cor. xvi. IS; Phil. 11. itCI a. An pm])hatic particle : »yb Matt. ix. 24 ; X. 15. I). As an iuteri'ogiitive it is only used * when the question has already beeu ex- pressed : Matt. vii. 16; xi. 3. ^^ This has a large variety of fll^ meanings, some of which are indicated below. Its use in certain connectious can be learnt by practice only. a. Sign of imperative ; verbs are often repeated before it: Matt. xvi. 23 ; xxvii. 40. h. After advice or C()unsel=" I think you had better do so and so : " Acts v. 38 ; xvi. 36 ; 2. Cor. xi. 4. c. Mark of interrogative, frequently conveying; the idea of wonder or incre- dulity : Mutt. xxvi. 69; Mk. viii. 16. d. Followed by ("|')r=" an expression of satisfaction of assent :" Mk. xiv. 41. e. At tlie end of a statement=" 1 am of opinion ; I think : " Acts xxvi. 24. a. Meaning "root," has a secondary meaning ; i.e. "sometliing that is inherent in the thing in question; beyond all duubt : " Matt. xi. 26 ; Mk. iv. 28 ; Rom. i. 16 ; vii. 10. h. Native, not foreign, hence=^' per- sonal : " Rom. iv. 1. c. Before negatives makes a strong assertion=" in the nature of the case there really is no : " Rom. iv. 2. d. Coupled with (^-) it may be used in reference to both persons and books to indicate that what is brought forward is stated on their authority : Acts xvii. 2. V As an emphatic particle be- ^M^ fore (^), (^), (^I), etc.. it scarcely needs to be translated._ It indicates ehher certainty, or future time: Matt. xvi. 2, 3, 21; xx. 19 ; xxi. 22. /pi^ In many cases this=(^) : liS Matt. xiv. 8; xxvi. 37. Followed by (T)=^«t ^ T)' " ^^^^ is etc. : 2. Cor. xii. 5. ill ^ a. As an fulverb follows the verb: Mult. iv. 23; Lk. iv. 14. 258 BRIEF NOTKS OX SOMl': COMMON ClIARACTEKS AND IDIOMS. h As an iuljectivo precedes tlio noun ; Lk. iv. 25 ; xvi. 20 ; Rev. iv. C, 8. "5^^ Is used \>y inferiors wlien -^j^ addressing their suprM-iors, or cliildren their parents to indicate re- spect: xVcts xvi 3S; xxi. 20. — y^ a. F-.llowed by (£-) and used '^1'^ with an interi'()(conscience)=;"" tho whole moral nature :" Tit. i. 15. der ^1t m m In the fi'-st and se- cond phice ; in or- ivom. i. 10. Commonly denotes the mutual iiction of two or more per- sons : 2. Cor. vi. 14, 16. a. " Like "=such as : Matt. )^ XV. 19; Mk. ix. 37. h. In the case of: Rom. xiii. 9. Joined to (^) or(:^) or ($|>) _y ="all round ; all quarters ; all pa'rts:" Lk. iv. 14; vi. 17; vii. 17. vXxZ. a. As a relative pronoun this fyj character precedes the nouu instead of followino; it as in English; e.g. : Matt. x. 42. H'A Ff U 6^ fL.llE= s/iiing-ts"i^, the reward; .so^, which: i-ren , a righteous man; teh-liU^, obtains; not " the righteous man who obtains the re- ward." See also Matt. xi. 4, 11; xu. 18. It is frequently omitted iu colloquial with- out affecting the sense. h. Sometimes (^ :g) or (^ :^ 65), "all there is or are ; " merely=the; and those who: Acts viii. 28; 1. Cor. i. 2; Heb. i. 5 (M W 65) "^^5' ^^ ^^sed alone, or may have a descriptive clause inserted between (}^) and (fi^), the meaning=" all those who:" Acts i. 22. W^ a. Preceding a noun = " all PQ, or every ; " etc. : Acts xv. 3; xxiv. 3; Philip. iv."'l2. /;. Oft 'n=" according to ; up to the measure of:" 2. Cor. viii. 12; ix. 7; CoL ii. 18. 259 BFJEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHAEACTERS AND IDIOMS. tj^ Followed by (j^)=" good at ; f-f skilled in ; cotnpefeiit in the tiling under consideration: " 1. Tim. iii. 2, 4, 12. Many verbs take this charac- ter witliont affecting the sense: Matt. vi. 6: xx. lu; xxvii. 31. ± h ^^^ «■. Repeated^" what- '^ )M ever!" Jhu. ii. 5; Gal. vi. 7. h. Often = " nothing; anj'thing; noth- ing much; none:" Jhn. xi. 49; xv. 5; xviii. 20; Acts. ix. 8; 1. Cor. vii. 19; X. 19; xiv. 35. ^ This combination de- notes degree, result, or tliat thiiigs have reached such and such a stages" so that; inasmuch as; etc.:" Jhn. iii. 16 ; Acts xv. 39 ; xvi. 26. rttr^ As a sign of the passive this ^j5C. is largely used of suffering wrong or indignity : Matt. xvi. 21 ; xx. 19. In combination with certain descriptive words tin's is employed to distinguish a person : l\Iatt, ix. 23; Acts iii. 14; xxiii. 23; xxvii. 27. t^ a. Repeated implies an alter- "XSt, native=" either or ; did or did ?" Jhn. xviii. 34. h. Follow by (^ ^) may stand alone, or may be separated; the ex[)ression=: "whether or not; is, are or not?" Matt xxvi. 63; Lk. iii. 15; Jhu. ix. 25; 1. Jhn. iv. 1. c. Coupled with (^^) makes a phrase tliat varies its meaning largely according to the context="yes and no; right and wrong; positive or neoative; tittle-tattle, scandal; is it so or not?" Rom. ii. 15; Philip i. 10. Xj^^ ^^ "Beginning and end;" >^P r^J^ ==the whole course of; during the whole of : Acts xx. 18. 5Q^ In introducing quotations this fyU is separated from (0^ f^) by the quotation in question : Matt. ii. 23; viii. 17; xxvi. 54, 75. ^y^^ <^- Repeated=" whosoever ; pfil whoever; no matter who:" Matt. XX. 23; xxi. 44; Acts viii. 19. h. Followed by an interrogative par- ticle it negatives a proposition by its obvious improbability or absurdity: 1. Cor. ix. 7. The above holds good of its Southern equivalent (% — fg). ^jffc As applied to age=" eldest, " ^'V without any sign of the superlative: Matt. xxi. 28. /^* a. Sometimes stands alone |EI^ at the beginning of a sent- ence as a temporal particle='' at, in;" at other times it is joined to either (3$) or (f). It may be variously translated according to the connection, but in many cases the time referred to is made clear by the insertion of explanatory words, as e. g.: Matt. ii. 1; xi. 22. See also Matt. xiii. 20; xxiv. 33 ; Rev. ii. 13. When applied to place, as in (^ J^) ^^— " the place in question." h. Used with (^) it denotes that which is inherently fitting, or in keeping with the nature or constitution of things : 1. Tim. ii. 10; 2. Tim. ii. 6. c. Read tang^=" to regard as ; con- sider, treat as." So used it is commonly preceded by [^) (fE) or (}ff ). The first two of these three characters are those ordinarilv used in colloquial : Mk. viii. 38; Lk. xi. 11; Jhn. ii. 16; Philip, iii. 19. ^tlb a, " To carry with or to take fl^ with," may be applied to either light articles, or a person : Matt. ii. 13 ; X. 10; Acts xxiii. 18, 20. h. Used in reference to the expression of the face: Matt. vi. 16. c. "Associated with," used both of things and persons : Matt. ix. 16 ; xvii. 1. d. Following the name of a district= "a belt of country:" Acts. ii. 10; xii. 20 : xix. 1. 26a., BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMf ;^|I Following such words as (|^), ^'J (1^); ^^c. it makes an open- ing phrase="as to so and so ; to speak of such and suck a " : 2. Cor. viii. 23; ix. 1; Philip, iv. 15. Jt£t\ As a correlative of (^) used I^IJ _ with [^y, iu) the expres- sion='' seeing that it is better; can- not do better": Matt. xix. 10; 1. Cor. xi. 6. >>^ May be either a. part of pre- I'yy dicate ; b. part of adver- bial phrase ; or c. sign of potential mood : Mk. ix. 3 ; Lk. xxi. 5 ; Acts viii. 20 ; xii. 14 ; xxvi. 2. "A class": 1. Cor. vii. 28 ; 2. Cor. vii. 1. a. Not used before dates : Lk. iii. 1; xii. S8. h. Forms the ordinal numbers, but may be used alone to=" the most important thing " : 2. Pet. iii- 3. It may be applied to all numbers, differing herein from (g^), which is applied in a similar manner to the iirst fev) numbers only of a series : Matt. xxii. 38 ; Lk. vi. 1. " A footing," is ap- plied to all sorts of things='' a degree, condition or state ; a state of affairs; a pass" : 1. Tim. iii. 13. m^ This is one of the commonest characters in the language, and at the same time one that gives tlie beginner most trouble. Hence it is treated of in greater detail, each use be- ing noticed separately. a. Sign of the possessive. As such it is frequently omitred after personal pro- nouns, and uniformlv so when followed by either (^) or (%) : Matt. xx. 21, 22 ; xxi. 38 ; xxii. 7 ; Lk. xv. 24 ; Acts xx. 34. h. Adjectival particle. Thus used it immediately precedes the subject or object, rendering adjectival all that goes before it : Acts vi. 3. It also denotes the class of people under consideration, so answer- ing to "the" in English; e.g. "the poor ; " " the rich ; " etc. : Matt. xxv. 3, 4, 8; Lk. xiv. 13; xvi. 14; Rom. i. 30, 31. c A relative pronoun = "hc who ; one who : those who ; " etc. Matt. v. 3 • x 28,37—39; Jhn. i. 33. d. Indicates an agent and corresponds to such suffixes as in English point out '• a doer : " Mk. iv. 14 ; Jhn. x. 3, 11 ; Acts xvii. 28 ; Rom. ix. 21. e. Repeated=" some others ; " or may qualify the thing referred to, which is understood : Matt. iv. 24 ; Acts xiii. 4."). /. Used with (J^ :^)="none; nothing; nobody;" e.g. Matt. ix. 16, 17 : y^ ^ m m ^T II tf ^ m n ranh.iu\ theie are not; tik~, those who ; na^, with; sin 2ni\ new cloth; p?/, repair; kin i-fuh'', old clothes : " nobody repairs old clothes with new cloth : " Matt. xi. 11 ; Lk. xi. 41 ; xviii. 30 ; Rev. xv. 8. ff. At times forms part of the verb : Matt. X. 26. /i. Directly after verbs it has the force of a noun=" the thing referred to : " See Matt. iii. 4 ; (P^ 6^), the thing he ate : i.e.. his food : Mk. ix. 6 ; Lk. xii. 29 ; Jhn. xix. 19 ; Acts xxi. 33 ; Rev. xiv. 3. >^ a. After numbcrs=" more :^ than : " Matt. xxvi. 53 ; Mk. xiv. 5 ; Acts iv. 22 ; xxiii. 13. h. Followed by (;g' 6^)=" the more part ; the greater number : " Acts xiii. 43. This is not used before the subject of a sentence. It sums up and emphasizes the predicate and is often preceded by (^), or some word denoting totality : Matt. vi. 22. Either it or (^) are commonly used after an enumeration : IMatt. vi. 13 ; vii. 21 ; i\Ik. vi. 30. i As applied to people indicates -*J that the actions of one party are in correspondence with the standard of the other : Col. i. 10 ; 1. Thess. ii. 12. ^C L'sed before negatives adds ^1 emphasis : Mk. viii. 12. 261 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHARACTERS AND IDIOMS. % ^ Frequently=(fi^ fP5) : Lk. xvi. 4. This character is used when '^l'' coffins are kept in the house for a time before they are taken out to the grave : Acts ix. 37. "To paste up/' is applied both to things and persons= " to stick to : to keep close to : " Acts viii. 29 ; xxvii. 4. C'p. Hfi ?£ ^^ $ ^ ^ ii' to keep close to the Saviour's side. " Heavenly principles, " =moral rectitude ; justice ; natural sense of justice ; the high- est heathen idea of right. Acts xxviii. 4. To undress," is applied to garments and to shoes, but not to either girdle or hat : (^ !li| ^), take off the hat ; (^ ® ^), unloose the girdle. It differs from (§1]) which="to flay," or in reference to clothes, " to strip by violence." It is also applied to casting off evil habits : Lk. x. 30 ; xi. 4 ; Acts vii. 33, 58 ; xvi. 22. S ^ a. " In the case of ; with ; to rest with." Matt. xix. 26; Mk. is. 23 ; X. 27 ; Rom. xii. 19. h. Used with (^)=" depends on ; rests in : " Eom. ix. 11, 16 ; xi. 6. c. Followed by (^ J:) it forms a phrase=(l) Responsibility, either incurred or voluntarily undertaken : Matt, xxvii. 25 ; Phil. 18. (2) "In the case of those refer- red to : " Matt. XXV. 40 ; Lk. xi. 50 ; xxii. 37 ; Rom. ix. 17; 2. Cor. ii. 8. d. As a complement of ( g ^) it is employed when the fact is stated that tiiere is a person or persons to whom reference can be made, or who are responsible : Rom. xiv. 4. e. Joined to (J^) makes a phrase which in addition to its usual significance of *' on ; upon ;" also frequently="in the matter of ; relating to : ii. 17 ; 2. Pet. i. 8. 5J Tit. ii. 7 ; Heb. " Again ; further "= ' continuance in a course ; " or " successive steps in action : " 1. Cor. xv. 24; 2. Cor. i. 16 ; Eph. ii. 19 ; iv. 14, 17, 28 ; 1. Thess. iii. 1 ; 1. Tim. v. 23; Rev. xviii. 22, 23. b. Coupled with (^) forms a phrase generally found in documents, though sometimes used in conversation to signify the beginning of a fresh thought or sub- ject : 1. Jhn. ii. 8. c. Before negatives adds emphasis : Mk. xii. 34 ; Lk. xiii. 9. Repeated=" very early : " Mk. i. 55. Adverbs are fre- quently repeated without any apparent reason. ■¥- ^lH " To meet with," differs from ! l^. (JM) used alone, in that it commonly refers to matters of difficulty or suffering : Lk. xxi. 13 ; Acts vii. 11; viii. 1 ; 1. Cor. X. 11. >^ BiSc t^ "How", very ^U^ /J^ T^ commonly con- veys the idea of expostulation=" but ; how about ;" what do you meau by ?" Rom. iii. 9. |T^ a. Sign of the future ; at times 7VJ equivalent of colloquial ('j^) : Matt. i. 23; viii. 11; xii. 20. 5. Introduces object of verb with all its attributes ; in such cases it does not need to be translated : Matt. iv. 8. -^I» Most beginners find con- ^U siderable difficulty in know- ing how and when to use this character. An attempt has therefore been made to point out its various uses, but it is a word the use of which must be grown into, and gathered from the Chinese by observation. a. Denotes sequence : (1) Temporal= " and ; thereupon ; then ; at once : " Matt, ii. 23 ; viii. 3, 13 ; ix. 9, 22 ; xi. 25 ; xviii. 1-5, 17 ; Lk. X. 31. (2) Logical or moraL Used with (g£), (gt^), or similar words 262 BRIEF NOTES ON SOME COMMON CHAKACTERS AND IDIOMS. expressed or urKlerstood=" this being the case it follows that ; having thereupon:" Matt. v. 19 ; xii. 23 ; Mk. XV. 45; Lk. ii. 17; ix. 3'2 ; x. 28 ; xx. -36 ; Jhn. vii. 23 ; Acts xxiii. 9 ; xxvii. 31 ; 1. Cor. xv. 15. h, Frequently=" as a matter of course, necessarily ; it follows naturally :" Acts XV. 18 ; xix. 39 ; Rom. ii. 7 ; vii. 17. c. Often=" had better ; may as well " : !Matt. sxviii. 13. d. As a principal verb=" to follow; to come to" : Matt. iii. 14 ; Mk. i. 45. e. "Take advantage of; avail oneself of ; take one's cue from " : Matt. xxii. 15 ; Mk. xii. 13 ; Lk. xi. 54 ; 2. Cor. xi. 21. /. In some cases it is uearly the equivalent of (^,)=" according to; con- cerning," bub this use is not strictly colloquial : Rom. vi. 11 ; Philip, iii. 6. I^JDl ^^^ a. The usage of this ^u A^ expression differs from (^) used alone, in that it is com- monly employed to point out something special about the person or thing in question ; this is seen more clearly when preceded by (jf) or {%): Matt. iii. 3 ; Acts xix. 2iJ ; xxi. 28; xxii. 8. 6. It is employed when something that goes before needs to be explained or specified : Matt. i. 23 ; xii. 2(5 ; xiii. 20, 22, 38 ; XX. 16 ; xxiii. 23; Mk. vii. 4 ; Acts xiii. 1; xv. 28, 29; xxiv. 21. c. Often=" degree ; up to such and such a point ; even ; even if"; in such cases it is frequently followed by (j^) : Matt. vi. 29; viii. 10; xvii. 20 ; xxi. 21 ; xxiv. 36; xxvi. 35 ; Mk. i. 7; Lk. vii. 9; Acts XX. 30. ^^ ^t^ " To exhaust "='' to do to jnll the utmost; to do one's best" : Lk. x. 27 ; Rom. i. 15 ; 2. Tim. iv. 17. ^-f-~^ - f ^ " Left and right," are >lH ^\^ used to signify '• all round ; on all sides." At times a word comes between them : Lk. xxii. 49 ; Acts xxiii. 2 ; 2. Tim. iv. 17. A^ J^ " To act as lord,"=to I P . I ,> have control of ; to have responsibility about. To have a larger or smaller share of control is ex- pressed by (ff^ :;c ^ i) and (f^ fM m ^^iI:="f^om 1>