UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LffiRARY lo^i^o^X 5i)-^c^J< J««^''*^''"" l-li»^i'V Nis^M^tif, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LOUISIANA BAR ASSOCIATION TO JUNE, 1911. E. P. Andkee Printing Co., NEW ORLEANS, LA. inn. \S3\c PREFACE. This catalogue is divided into two parts : The first part corresponds to the ordinary author index to be found in practically all catalogues of law books, but it includes more, and is intended to be the one place where primarily will be found a refer- ence to every book in the library, including not only text-books, publi- cations of the United States Government and the like, but also reports of judicial decisions, etc. The reports of decisions, statutes, digests and session-laws of each State will be found under the name of tht- corresponding State and are entered also in the regular alphabetical arrangement under the name of the Author. Reporter or Editor. Treatises, Reports, etc.. of foreign countries are listed midcr the names of the Countries whence they emanate, and are also entered in the regular alphabetical arrangement under the name of the Author. Editor or Reporter. The indexing of Authors. Editors or Reporters, of the diffeient States of the United States and foreign Countries is not elaborately arranged as to number of volumes and period covered, but in the majoritv of instances, only the name is eriven. with a reference to the particular State or Country to which it belongs. The second part is an index of Text-Books, arranged alphabetically, according to subject, giving in full, number of volumes, date. etc. The Text-Books, as already stated, are also entered, in full, in the regular alphabetical arrangement under the name of the Author. Editor or Reporter. The catalogue shows how the Reports of each State are taken care of by the (\\.) Practice Cases. (See England. Chancery, Collateral.) COOPER: Pleading. N. Y., 1813. i Vol. (25-E-2.) Tennessee Chancery Reports. (See Tennessee.) CORBETT & DANIELL. (See England, Election Cases.) CORPORATION COUNSEL and ASSISTANTS, Opinion of the, 1872-97. Chicago, 111. (25-D-i.) CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS, 1663. i Vol. (17-A-2.) [Same], 1726. i Vol. (17-A-2.) [Same], 1781. Vol. 2. (17-A-2.) COSTA RICA: Conte De Casacion Sentencias, 1S88-1901. 13 Vols. (26-B-3.) Colleccion De Las Disposicioncs Legislativas y Administrativa.s, 1895. (26-B-3.) COTTEXHAM: [Cooper temp.] (See England, Chancery, Col- lateral.) COUNSEL and ASSISTANTS, Opinions of the Corporation 1872- 1897. I Vol. Chicago, 111. (25-D-i.) COUNTY COURT REPORTS: Pennsylvania. (See Penn.syl- vania.) COUNTY COURT RULES: (Sec Law Reports.) COURRIEK, P. L.: Oeuvres. (See France.) COWEN REPORTS. (See New York.) Reports of Criminal Cases. (See New York.) COWPER: (Sec I-.ngland, King's and (Jurcn's Bench.) 28 Louisiana Bar Association COX: (See England, Chancery.) Criminal Cases, Reports of Cases in Criminal Law, England and Ireland, 1843-1886. 16 Vols. [See English Reports, Moak's Notes and Cook's Notes.] (14-A-5-7.) (See England, Crown Cases.) Manual of Trade Mark Cases, 1881. i Vol. (3-C-7.) COXE: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) CRABBE: Reports. (See Pennsylvania, Cir. and Dist.) CRAIG and PHILLIPS: (See England, Chancery.) CRANCH. Reports. (See Dist. of Columbia, see U. S. Cir. and Dist.) Reports. (See United States.) CRANWORTH [Temp.] (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) CRAWFORD, T. D.: Digest. Decisions Supreme Court of Arkan- sas. (See Arkansas.) CRIPPS: Church and Clergy Cases. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) Church and Clergy Cases. (See Miscellaneous, England.) CROKE: [Folio.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) CROMPTON, GEORGE: [Editor.] Sellon on Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. 1813. 2 Vols. Vol. 2 only. (14-C-1.) CROMPTON and JERVIS. (See England, Exchequer, Equity side.) CROMPTON and MEESON: (See England, Exchequer, Equity side.) CROMPTON, MEESON and ROSCOE: (See England, Exche- quer, Equity side.) CROSS: On Pleadings, 1885. i Vol. 2 Copies. (3-C-4.) On Successions, 1891. (3-C-6.) CROSSWELL: On Executors and Administrators. [Hornbook Series.] 1897. (3-C-1.) CROWN CASES: (See England.) Reserved, Law Reports. (See England, Crown Cases and Law Reports.) Law Library Catalogue 29 CRUISE: Greenleaf's on Real Property [7 Vol. Ed.]. 1849-50. 3 Vols. (25-E-4-5.) CRUMRINE: [Editor.] Pittsburcj Reports. (See Pennsylvania.) CUB.\ : Codes, Laws, Etc. Translations of Spanish Laws. By Division of Insular Aft'airs, War Department. In one Vol., labeled "Laws of Cuba," as follows. (26-B-4.) Cuba : Municipal and Provincial Laws in force in Cuba, 1899. General Law of Public Works, and Regulations for its execution. (1891.) Law of Railroads. (1895.) Regulations for the Execution of the Police Law of Rail- roads 1899. Mining Law applied to Cuba by Royal Decrees of Oc- tober 10. 1883, and June 27, 1884 [Wash.], 1900. Law of Ports 1900. Law of -Waters 1900. Immigration Regulations 1899. CuB.\ ASD Porto Rico: Constitution establishing Self Government in 1899. ♦Law of Civil Procedure 1901. *Law of Criminal Procedure 1901. Penal Code 1900. ♦Eminent Domain 1901. .Adaptation of the Electoral Law of June 26, 1890 [Wash.], (1899) Notarial Laws. (1888.) Cuba, Porto Rico and Philippines: Civil Code 1899. Code of Commerce 1899. Mortgage Law. (1893.) General Regulations for the Execution of the Mt)rtgage Law. (1893.) ♦Don't seem to be included in Vol. 30 Louisiana Bar Association CUBA: Codes, Laws, Etc. — (Continued.) Spanish Colonial Provinces: General Listrncticns for drafting public documents sub- ject to record in Spanish Provinces. (1893.) Compilation of the Organic Provisions of the Adminis- ; tration of Justice in force. (1891.) Philippines: Vv*ar Department Telegram, An Act for the establishment and maintenance of an efficient and honest civil service in the Philippine Islands. (See also Philippine Islands, Laws of: See also Cuba, Porto Rico and Philippines: See also Cuba and Porto Rico: See also Porto Rico.) CUBA and PORTO RICO: Ley De Enjuiciamiento Civil, 1866. (26-B-4.) (See Cuba, Poto Rico and Philippines: See Cuba: See Philippines Islands: See Porto Rico.) CUBA and PORTO RICO and the PHILIPPINES: Transulation of Penal Code [Pamphlet], 1900. (26-B-4.) Transulation Municipal and Provincial Laws — in force in Cuba [Pamphlet], 1899. (26-B-4.) Transulation General Law of Public Works Cuba, 1891 (1899), (26-B-4.) Transulation Constitution Self Government Cuba and Porto Rico, 1897 [1899]. (26-B-4.) Translation General Regulations Execution of Mortgage Law for C.uba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, 1893 [1899]. (26-B-4.) Transulation of the Civil Code in Force in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, 1899. (26-B-4.) Transulation of the Code of Commerce in Force in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, 1897 [1899.] (26-B-4.) (See Philippine Islands, Laws of: See Cuba, Laws of: See Cuba and Porto Rico: See Porto Rico.) GUMMING, C. and GILBERT: General Laws, etc. (See New York.) • [Same.] Supplement. (See New York.) Law Library Catalogue 31 CUMMINS: Idaho Reports. (See Idaho.) CUNNINGHAM. (See England. King's and Queen's Bench.) CURASSON. (See France.) CURRENT LAW, St. P., 1904-1910. 13 Vols.x (5-C-5-6.) A Complete Encyclopaedia of New Law. Cumulative index for same, 190S. (5-C-6.) CURTEIS. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) CURTIS: Reports. (See United States, Cir and Dist.) Digest of the Decisions. (See United States.) Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. (See United States.) Commentaries, 1854. Vol. i. (25-C-6.) Conveyancer, 1847. i Vol. (25-D-i.) Important Federal Statutes, Annotated, 1891. (lo-C-i.) On Patents, 1854. (25-E-5.) Rights and Duties of Merchant Seamen, 1841. i \'ol. (25-E-5.) CURTISS': Admiralty Digest, 1839. i Vol. (25-C-4.) CUSHING, S. : Reports of Cases. (See Massachusetts.) CUSHING, STOREY and JOSSELYN: Reports. (See Massachu- setts.) CUSHING, Contested Election Cases. (See Massachusetts.) CUTLER. (See England, Patent Cases.) CYCLOPAEDIAS: American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. 18S7-1S96. 31 Vols. (5-A-6-B-1.) [Same], 2d. Ed., 1896- 1905, 32 \'ols. (5-n-i-3.) [Same], Supplement, 1905-1908. 5 \'oIs. (5-B-3-4.) American and English iCncyclopacdia of Law and Practice, 1909-1910. 5 Vols.x (5-B-6. ) Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1899. 10 \'ols. (3-.\-i.) [Same], New Volumes, Supplement, 1910. \'uls. 11 and 12. (3-A-i.) 32 Louisiana Bar Association CYCLOPAEDIAS :—(Con/Mm^rf.) Current Law. (A complete Encyclopaedia of New Law), St. P., 1904-1910. 13 Vols.x (5-C-5-6.) [Same], Cumulative Index, 1908. (5-C-6.) Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure (C. Y. C), N. Y., 1901-1910. 36 Vols.x (6-A-1-4.) [Same], Annotations, 1907, 08, 09, 10. 4 Vols.x (6-A-4.) Encyclopaedia of Evidence, Los Angeles, 1902-1909. 14 Vols. (6-B-i.) [Same], First Biennial Supplement, Los Angeles, 1908. I Vol. (6-B-2.) Encyclopaedia of Pleading and Practice, Northport, 1895-1902. 23 Vols. (6-B-2-4.) Nelson's Encyclopaedia. Perpetual Loose Leaf Edition, 1905- 1910. 12 Vols. [Library has subscribed for Renewal pages for years 191 1, 12, 13.] (2-C-1.) See also Dictionaries. See also Encyclopaedias. CYCLOPEDIA of LAW and PROCEDURE (C. Y. C.) N. Y. 1901- 1910. 36 Vols.x (6-A-1-4.) [Same], Annotatons, 1907, 08, 09, 10. 4 Vols.x (6-A-4.) DAKOTA : Reports. Supreme Court. How Period Vols. Cited Covered. Location Dakota 6§ Dak. 1866-1889 19-D-3 § Northwestern Repr., Dak. Vol. i. DALE. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) DALLAM: Opinions of Supreme Court of Texas. (See Texas.) Digest. (See Texas.) DALLAS, ALEXANDER J.: Opinion of Judge Cooper on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty [1808]. Phia., 1810. [Put with U. S. Cir. and Dist. Cts.] (7-B-2.) Reports of Cases. (See United States. See Pennsylvania.) DALLISON. (See England, Common Pleas.) DALLOZ. (See France.) Law Library Catalogue 3il DALLOZ XOUVEAU CODK CI\'IL AXXOTES. (Sec France.) DALY : Reports of Cases, Court of Common Pleas for the City and County. (See New York.) DANA. Reports of Select Cases. (See Kentucky.) DAXFORTH: Dijjcst of Reports, United States Supreme Court, (See United States.) DAXFORTH and VVICKES DIGEST. (See New York.) DAXIELS: Chancery Pleadings and Practice. 1846. 3 Vols. (25-E-2.) [Same.] 185 1. Vols, i and 3. (25-E-2.) [Same.] 1871. 3 Vols. (25-E-2-3.) DANIEL On Xegotiable Instruments, 5lh Ed., 1903. 2 \'ols. (3- C-2.) DAXIELL. (Sec England, Exchequer, Equity Side.) DANSOX & LLOYD. (See England, Mercantile Oases.) DAUPHIX CO. [Pennsylvania.] (See Pennsylvania.) DAVEIS, Reports. [Ware, Vol. 2.] (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) DA VIES. (See England. Patent Cases.) DA VIES or DAVIS. [Irish.] (See England. King's and Queen's Bench.) DAVIS or DAVIES (Irish.) (Sec England. King's and Queen Bench.) DAVISOX and MERIVALE. (See England, Kings' and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) DAY: Constitutionality and Legality of Confiscation in Fee under Act July 17, 1862, 1870. I Vol. Digest, Cases Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut. (Sec Connecticut.) DAY, THOMAS: Reports, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecti- cut. (See Connecticut.) DEACON. (See England, Bankruptcy.) DEACON and CIHTTY. (Sec England, Bankruptcy.) DEADY: Reports. (Sec United States, Cir. and Dist.) 34 Louisiana Bar Association DEANE and SWABEY. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) DEARSLY. (See England, Crown Cases.) DEARSLY & BELL. (See England, Crown Cases.) DECENNLA.L EDITION [American Digest], 1897-1906. (St. P., 1908-1910.) 20 Vols.x (4-C-4-6.) A complete Digest of all Reported Cases from 1897 to 1906, Covering everything from the Century Edition to 1906, in one Series and under one Alphabet. Century Edition [American Digest], 1658-1896. (St. P., 1897-1904.) 50 Vols. (4-B-7-C-4.) A Complete Digest of all Reported American Cases from the Earhest Times to 1896. DECISIONS of the DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR: Relating to Public Lands, 1881-1897. Vols, i, 5 to 25. [Same.] Digest, 1897. Vols. 1-22 inc. DECISIONS: Treasury Department, Synopsis of, 1889-1897. 11 Vols. (Containing General Appraisers Decisions, Art. i to 4062.) DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: In Congress, July 4. 1776. The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America. To be found in "Report, Secretary of State of Louisiana, 1902." Page 27. (2-C-7.) DEERING: Codes and Statutes of California. (See California.) DEERING, JAMES H.: Digest, Reports Supreme Court of Cali- fornia. (See California.) Supplement to Codes of California. (See California.) DEGEX. (See England, Bankruptcy.) DEGEX, FISHER and JONES. (See England, Bankruptcy.) (See England, Chancery.) DEGEX and JONES. (See England, Bankruptcy.) (See England, Chancery.) DEGEX, JONES and SMITH. (See England, Bankruptcy.) (See England, Chancery.) DEGEX, MACNAGHTEN and GORDON. (See England, Bank- ruptcy.) (See England, Chancery. Law Libr-vry Catalogue 35 DEGEX and SMALE. (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) DELABORDE! (See France.) DE LA GRASSERIE: Code Civil Allcmand. (See France.) DELASSAULY. (Sec France.) DELAWARE: Chancery. (See Delaware.) DELAWARE : Reports. Law. How Period Vols. Cited Coverhd. Location Harrington[| 5 Harr. 1832-1855 Houstonf *6 Iloust. 1855 *Atl. Repr. \'ol. 7 Houston. Marvelll 2 Marv. 1893-1897 Penncwillll 5 1897-1905 Chancery. Delaware Chan.§ 5»[ Del. Ch. 1814 ^Atl. Repr. Vol. 6, Del. Ch. Criminal. Houston's Criminal Casesll I Houst. Cr. Rep. 1856-79 DELAWARE STATUTES. Revised Statutes. 1852 [Labeled "Revised Code."] Laws of Delaware Revised Code 1852. (19-D-4.) Constitution State Delaware Adopted 1897. DELISLE, Coin. (See France.) DEMANGEAT [Editor]: Foelix. (See France.) DE^L\REST: Reports of Cases, Surrogates' Court. (Sec Xew York.) DEMOLOMBE. (Sec France.) DEXIO: Reports of Cases. (See New York.) DEMO and TRACY, Revised Statutes. (See Xew York.) DENIS: On Contracts of Pledge as Governed l)y either the Common Law or the Civil Law. 1898. i \'ol. (3-C-4.) DENLSON. (Sec England. Crown Cases.) II Lacking. f Vols. 1-6 Lacking. § Vols. 1-5 Lacking. 36 Louisiana Bar Association ' DENNY: General Statutes. (See Missouri.) DESAUSSURE: Equity Reports. (See South Carolina.) DESGODETS. (See France.) DESTY'S FEDERAL PROCEDURE, 2 Copies, 1876. i Vol. (25- E-4.) [Same.] 8th Ed., 1893. 2 Vols. (3-C-5.) [Superseded by Rose's Code Federal Procedure]. Rose's Code of Federal Procedure, 1907. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) DEVEREUX: Reports, Court of Claims. (See United States, Ct. of Claims.) Equity Cases. (See North Carolina.) Law Reports. (See North Carolina.) DEVEREUX and BATTLE: Reports of Cases at Law. (See North Carolina.) Reports of Cases in Equity. (See North Carolina.) DEVILLENEUVE, Et Gilbert. (See France.) DICKENS. (See England, Chancery.) DICKINSON: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) DICTIONARIES. Ainsworths English-Latin Dictionary, i Vol. (3-A-2.) Andrew's Latin-English Lexicon, i860, i Vol. (3-A-1.) Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1859. 2 Vols. (3-A-2.) [Same.] 1868. 2 Vols. (3-A-2.) Cassell's French-English and English-French, 1899. (3-A-2.) Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1899. 10 Vols. (3-A-1.) [Same], Supplement, Vols. 11 and 12, 1910. (3-A-1.) Fleming and Tibbins' Dictionaire Anglais et Francais, i860. 2 Vols. (3- A- 1.) Holthouse New Law Dictionary, 1847. ^ Vol. (3-A-2.) Nelson's Encyclopaedia. Perpetual Loose Leaf Edition, 1905- 10, 12 Vols. (2-C-1.) (Library has subscribed for renewal pages for years 1911-12- 13-) Law Library Catalogue 37 DICTIONARIES.— (Co»/»/j»iv/.) Spiers and Surcnne's French Pronouncing Dictionary, 1859. I Vol. (3-A-2.) Tayler's Law Glossary, 1833. i \'ol. (3-A-2.) Webster's Dictionary. 1S59. i Vol. (3-A-2.) Wharton's Law Lexicon [Library of Law and Equity], 1854. I Vol. (3-A-2.) Words and Phrases. (See Words and Phrases.) (See also Cyclopaedias; Encyclopaedias.) DICTIOXXAIRE: de Droit Civil. (See France.) DICTIOXXAIRE. General Raisonne De Droit Civil, 1838. Vol. 5- (15-B-1.) DILL: On Xew Jersey Corporations, 1898. i Vol. (3-B-4.) fSame.] 2d. Ed., 1899. i Vol.. 2 Copies. (3-B-4 25-D-i.) DILLON: Reports. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) On Municipal Corporations, 1872. (25-D-i.) On Municipal Corporations, 2d. Ed., 1873. 2 Vols. (25-D-i.) On Municipal Corporations, 4th Ed., 1890. 2 Vols. (3-B-5.) Removal of Causes. 1881. (25-C-5.) DISXEV: Reports of Cases, Superior Court of Cincinnatti. (See Ohio Reports.) DISTRICT of COLUMBIA: Reports. (All Reports but Cranch, Lacking.) Circuit and Supreme Court. I low Period Vols. Cited Covered. Location MacArthur's Patent Cases I Mac. Ar. Pat. Cas. 1841-1859 Circuit Court. Cranch* 6 Cr. C. C. (1-6 D. C.) 1801-1841 7-B-2 Hayward and Hazclton 2 Hay. and JIaz. 1840 -1863 WHth United States, Cir. and Dist. (Vol. 2 Lacking.) 38 Louisiana Bar Association DISTRICT of COLUMBIA: Reports.— (Continued-) Supreme. • Mackey 2 D. C. (6-7) 1863-1872 MacArthur 3 MacAr. (8-10 D. C.) 1873-1879 MacArthur and Mackey I Mac A & M. (II D. C.) 1879-1880 Mackey 9 Mackey (12-20 D. C.) 1880-1892 D. C. Reports Vol.21 D. C. (21) 1892-1893 Court of Appeals. Appeal Cases D. C. 29 App. D. C. 1893-1907 Lacking - Statutes, Sessions Acts, etc. Compiled Statutes in force in the District of Columbia, includ- ing the Acts of the Second Session, Fiftieth Congress, 1887- 1889. [Abert and Lovejoy.] Wash., 1894. i Vol., 3 Copies. (19-D-5.) ■ Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia and Post Roads, passed at the ist Session of the 43rd. Congress, 1873-74; together with the Public Treaties in Force on the ist. Dec, 1873, [1875.] (19-D-5.) DIVORCE LAWS, Proceedings National Congress on Uniform. 1906. 2 Vols. DODSON. (See England, Admiralty.) DOMAT, J., Oeuvres, Par. J., Remy. (See France.) DOMINION of CANADA. (See Canada, Dominion of.) DONNELLY. (See England, Chancery, Collateral.) DORTCH, MANNING and HENDERSON: Code of Laws. (See North Carolina.) [Same.] Amendments (Long and Lawrence.) (See North Carolina.) DOS PASSOS: Stock Brokers and Stock Exchanges, 1882. i Vol. (25-E-6.) DOUGLAS. (See England, Election Cases.) (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) Law Library Catalogue 39 DOUGLASS: Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Michigan. (See Michigan.) DOW. (See England. House of Lords.) DOW and CL.^RK. (See England, House of Lords.) DOWXIXG. (See England. Practice Reports and Bail Court.) [New Series.] (See England, Practice Reports and Bail Court.) DOWLIXG & LOWNDES. (See England, Practice Reports and Bail Court. DOWLLXG and RYLAND. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) (See England. Nisi Prius.) DRAKE ON ATTACHMENTS, 1S54. i Vol. (3-B-1.) DREWRY. (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.)' DREWRY and SMALE. (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) DRINKWATER. (See England, Common Picas, Collateral.) DUCAURREY. (Sec France.) DUDLEY: Chancery Reports. (See South Carolina.) Reports at Law. (See South Carolina.) DUDLEY, G. ^^ : Reports of Decisions, Superior Courts of Georgia. (See Georgia.) DUER, J. : On Insurance [Marine], 1845-1846. 2 Vols., 2 Copies each. (25-D-6.) Reports of Cases, Superior Court of the City of New York. (See New York.) DUNLOP: Digest of the Laws of the United States. (See United States.) General Laws. (Sec Pennsylvania.) DURANTON. (Sec France.) DURNFORD and EAST: Term Reports. (Sec England, King's and Queens' Bench.) DUTCH ER: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) DUTTON: Digest, Cases, Connecticut. (See Connecticut.) DUVALL, ALVLN : Reports of Cases. (Sec Kentucky.) 40 Louisiana Bar Association DYER. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench. ^ EAGLE: Am. Neg. Digest. (See American Neg. Digest.) EAST: Term Reports. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) EAST INDIAN APPEALS: Privy Council. (See England.) EASTMAN: Digest of Decisions. (See Maine.) EASTMAN and EVERETT. Revised Statutes of Maine. (See Maine.) EATON ON EQUITY [Hornbook Series], 1901. (3-B-6.) ECCLESIASTICAL. (See England.) EDEN. (See England, Chancery.) EDMONDS: Select Cases. (See New York.) EDWARD I: Year Books of. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench. ^ EDWARD III: Year Books of. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) EDWARDS ON BAILMENTS, 1855. i Vol. (3-B-1.) Reports of Chancery Cases. (See New York.) (See England, Admiralty.) ELDON. [Cooper Temp.] (See England, Chancery.) ELECTION CASES. (See England.) ELLIOTT: Appellate Procedure, 1892. (25-E-4.) On Roads and Streets, 1890. (3-C-6.) ELLIS and BLACKBURN. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) ELLIS, BLACKBURN and ELLIS. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) ELLIS and ELLIS. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) ELMER Digest of the Laws. (See New Jersey.) ELY: Taxation in American States and Cities, 1888. i Vol. . EMERIGOK. (See France.) ENCYCLOPAEDIAS : American and English Encyclopaedia of Law, 1887-1806 ^i Vols. (5-A-6-B-1.) ^ y ' Law Library Catalogue 41 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS :—(Co/i/i;na'rf.) American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. — (Continued.) [Same], 2d. Ed., 1896-1905, 32 Vols. (5-B-1-3.) [Same], Supplement, 1905-1908, 5 Vols. (5-B-3-4.) American and English Encyclopaedia of Law and Practice, 1909-1910, 5 \''ols.x (5-B-6.) Current Law, St. P., 1904-1910, 13 \'oIs.x (A complete Encyclo- paedia of New Law. (5-C-5-6.) [Same], Cumulative Index, 1908. (5-C-6.) Encyclopaedia of Evidence, Los Angeles, 1902-1909, 14 Vols. (6-B-i.) [Same], First Biennial Supplement, Los Angeles, 1908, I Vol. (6-B-2.) Encyclopaedia of Pleading and Practice, Northport, 1895-1902, 23 Vols. (6-B-2-4.) Nelson's Encyclopaedia. Perpetual Loose Leaf Edition, 1905- 1910, 12 \'ols. [Library has subscribed for Renewal pages for years 1911, 12, 13.] (2-C-1.) See also Dictionaries. Sec also Cyclopaedias. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF EVIDENCE. Los Angeles. 1902,1909. 14 Vols. (6-B-i.) [Same.] First Biennial Supplement. Los Angeles, 190S, i \^ol. (6-B-2.) Of Pleading and Practice. Northport, 1895-1902. 2;^ Vols. (6-B-2-4.) ENDLICH, [Editor.] Woodward's Decisions. (See Pennsylvania.) ENGLAND. REPORTS : (Very few of the following Reports are in the Lil>rary, but are cml)0(licd herein for the jun pose of show- ing the different Reports and the dates covered by them. [Those lacking are designated by the *]. The majority of them, how- ever, arc covered by l-'nglish Rcjiorts, Full Rei)rint. which we have. It is also shown below how "Law Rcjjurts" follow English Full Reprint. Some of the reports are also covered by English Common Law Reports, of whch \\c have uS Vols., and by I-'nglish Chancery Reports, of wliich we have a few volumes. The dates g\\cn for the individual reports in a great many in- stances have been taken from catalogue Library of Department of Justice, Washington. 1904.) 42 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS -.—(Continued.) When Period Vols. Pub. Covered. Location House of Lords. *Shower I I 694- I 699 *CoIles I 1697-1713 ♦Brown 8 I 702- I 800 *Dow 6 1812-1818 *BIigh 4 1819-1821 *Bligh, New Series II 1827-1837 *Dow & Clark 2 1827-1832 Clark & Finnelly 12 Vol. II only 1831-1846 13-B-5 ♦Maclean & Robin- son (Scotch) I 1839 ♦West I 1839-1841 ♦House of Lords Cases (Clark) II 1 847- 1 866 English Reports, Full Reprint, House of Lords II I 693- I 866 1 3- A- 1 Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases 7 1866- 1875 1 2- A- 1 Law Reports, Appea Cases 15 1875-1890 12-A-1-2 Appeal Cases, (Annual Series) 20X 1891-1910 12-A-2-3 Privy Council. ♦Acton 2 1809-1811 ♦Knapp 3 in I 1829-1836 ♦Moore 15 1836-1862 ♦ Moore, New casesa 3(9) 1862-1873 n. d. (a. The last six Vols, are not needed, as all of the cases therein contained are to be found, word for word, in Law Reports, Privy Council, Vols. 1-4.) ♦Moore, Case of Gorham v. Exeter i 1850 [See English, Full Reprint, Privy Council, following below] Law Reports: Privy Council Appeals 6 1867-1875 1865-1875 12-A-1 [For subsequent reports, see Law Reports, Appeal Cases.] Law Library Catalogue 43 EXGI AND. REPORTS: Privy Council: East Indian Appeals. When Period \'oLS. Pub. Covered. Location ♦Moore, Indian Ap- 1836-187J peals 14 English Reports, Full Reprint. Privy Council 9 1 901 -1 902 1809- 1 872 13-A-1-2 Law Reports : Sup- plement Indian Ap- peals I 1880 1872-1873 Lacking. Indian Appeals 30 1873-1903 1873-1903 Lacking. Chancery. *Cary i 1557- 1604 *Choyce Cases in Chancery i 1557-1606 *Tothill I 1559-1646 ♦Dickens 2 1 559-1797 ♦Reports in Chancery [Folio] ' I ' 1625-1710 ♦Nelson i 1625-1693 ♦Cases in Chancery [Folio]^ I 1660-1697 [b Also American Reprint of 1828*.] ♦Freeman I 1660-1706 Equity Cases Ab- ridged [Folio] 2 Vol. 2, Pt. 2 only 1 667- 1 744 14-C-1 ♦Cases (Temp.) Finch [Folio] i 1673- 1680 ♦Vernon 2 1680-1719 ♦Precedents in Chan- cery (Finch) I 1689-1722 Pecre Williams 3 \'ul. 2* 1695-1735 14-C-1 ♦Gilbert (Folio] i 1705-1726 ♦Select Cases (Temp.) King a I 1 724- 1 733 [o Also American Reprint of 1851. styled "Macnaghten's Select Cases in Chance ry."^] ♦Mosely I 1726-1730 ♦W. Kelynge. (See King's Hcnch) i '730- '735 ♦Cases (Temp.) Tal- bot6 I 1 730- 1 737 [b Also Dublin Edition, 1793*.] 44 Louisiana Bar Association ENGI.AND. REPORTS Chancery. — (Continued.) When Period VoivS. Pub. Covered. EOCATIOI^ *V/est I I 736- I 739 *Atkyns 3 I 736- I 754 *Anibler 2 I 737- I 783 *Barnardiston [Folio ] I I 740- I 74 I *Ridgeway (Temp.) Hardwicke I I 744- I 745 Vesey, Senior. 2 1788 1 746- 1 756 I3-B-5 *[Same.] Belt's Supplement I 1746-1756 *Kenyon. (See King's Bench) 2 1753-1754 *Eden 2in i 1757-1766 *Brownc 4 I 778- I 794 [c Also Perkins' Ed., 18 44-*] Cox 2 (Vol. 2, only) 1783-1796 I3-B-5 Vesey, Junior 20 1789-1817 I3-B-5-6 *[Same.] Hovenden' 5 Supplement 2 1789-1817 Vesey & Beames 3 in 2 1822 (Vol. 1812-1814 [*) I3-B-6 *Cooper (Temp.) Eldon I 1815 *Merivale 3 1815-1817 *Swanston 3 1818-1819 *Jacob & Walker 2 1819-1822 *Jacob I 1820-1822 ♦Turner & Russell I 1822-1824 *Russell a 5 1823-1829 *Russell & Mylne 2 1829-1833 *Mylne & Keene 3 1832-1835 *Mylne & Craig 5 1835-1840 *Craig & Phillips I ' 1839- 1841 ♦Phillips 2 1841-1849 *Macnaghten & Gordon 3 1848-1852 *DeGex, Macnaghten & Gordon 8 1851-1857 ♦DeGex & Jones 4 1857-1859 *DeGex, Fisher and Jones 4 1859-1862 *DeGex, Jones and Smith 4 1862- 1865 [o Vol. 5 is bound in with Vol. 4.] Law Library Catalogue 45 ENGLAND. REPORTS: ChsLnccry. — (.Continued.) When Period Vols. Pub. Covered. Loc.\tion- Eng^lish Reports : Full Reprint, Chancery 27 1902-1905 1557-1865 13-A-2-4 Law Reports : Chancery Appeal Cases 10 1866-1875 1865-1875 12-B-5 Chancery Division 45 1876-1890 1875-1890 12-B-6-C-2 Chancery Division [Annual Series] 43X 1891-1910 1891-1910 12-C-2-4 Chancery Collateral. *Romilly's Notes of Case's I 1767-1787 ♦Wfilson 2 1817-1819 ♦Cooper (Temp.) Brougham I 1833- 1834 ♦Donnelly I 1836-1837 ♦Cooper's Practice Cases I 1837-1838 ♦Cooper (Temp.) Cottenham 2 1846-1S48 ♦Hall & Twells 2 1849-1850 English Reports : Full Reprint Chancery 27 1902-1905 1557-1865 13-A-2-4 Rolls Court. ♦Tamlyn I 1829- 1830 ♦Keen 2 1836-183S ♦Beavan 36 1838- 1866 English Reports: Full Reprint, Rolls Court 8 1829-1866 13-A-4 Law Reports, Equity Cases 20 1865-1875 12-B-5-6 [For subsequent Reports, See Law Reports, Chancery Divi- sion.] \'icc- Chancellor's Court: [Temp.] Plumber, Leach, Hart, Shadwell, Cranworth, Kin- dcrslcy and Knight Hrucc. ♦Maddock 6 181 5- 1822 ♦Simons & Stuart 2 in I 1843 1822- 1826 •Simons 17 1826-1852 ♦Simons. New Scries 2 1850- 1852 46 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS: Vice Chancellor's Court.— (Contmned.) When Period Vols. Pub. Covered. Location ♦Drewry 4 1852- 1859 *Drewry and Smale 2 1859-1865 (Temp.) Knight Bruce, Parker and Stuart. *Younge & Collyer 2 1841-1843 *Collyer 2 1844- 1846 *DeGex and Smale 5 1846-1852 *Smale and Giffard 3 1852-1857 *Giffard 5 1857-1865 (Temp.) Wigram, Turner and Wood. *Harc II 1841-1853 *Kay I 1853-1854 *Kay & Johnson 4 1854-1858 *Johnson i 1858- 1860 *Johnson & Hemming 2 1859-1862 Hemming & Miller 2 1862-1865 English Reports : Full Reprint Vice-Chancellor 16 1905-1907 1815-1865 i3-j\.-4-5 [For Subsequent Cases, see Law Reports, Equity Cases and Law Reports, Chancery Division.] • V ice v^aaiiceuur s \_uui *Holt L. \-t 2 juaterai 1845 English Reports: Full Reprint, V Vice-Chancellor 16 1815-1865 13-A-4- • • Bankruptcy. *Rose 2 1810-1816 *Buck I 1816-1820 *Glyn & Jameson 2 1819-1828 ♦Montagu & Macarthur i 1826-1830 ♦Montagu I 1829- I 832 ♦Montagu & Bligh I 1832-1833 Deacon & Chitty 4 1833- 1837 1832-1835 14-B-6 ♦Montagu & Ayrton 3 1833-1838 Deacon§ 4 1837- 1841 1835-1840 14-B-6 ♦Montagu & Chitty I 1838-1840 Montagu, Deacon & DeGex 3 1842- 1845 I 840- 1844 14-B-7 (Vol. 3, only) § Also have Vol. i, in English Common Law Repts., 13-C-2. Law Library Catalogue 47 EXGLAXD. REPORTS: Bankruptcy.— (Co»//);»rJ.) W HEN Periou Vols. P UB. Covered. Location ♦DeGex i & 2. pt. i 1844-1850 ♦Foublanque i 1849-1852 *DeGex. Macnaghten & Gordon a 1 ♦DeGex & Tones i 1857-1859 •DeGex, Fisher & Jones I 1859-1860 •DeGex. Jones & Smith I 1862-1865 [For Subsequent Reports, see Law Reports, Chancery Ap- peal Cases; Law Reports, Equity Cases; and Law Reports, Chancery Division.] - Bankruptcy, Collateral. ♦Bankruptcy and In- solvency Rcpts. 2 1853-1855 •Morrclls Bankruptcy Cases 10 1884-1892 *Manson's Bankruptcy and\\'inding-up Cases 10 1894-1903 Insolvency. ♦Macrae & Hertslet i 1852 1847-1852 • King's and Queen's Bench. ♦Placita Anglo-Nor- manica i 1066-1195 ♦Rotuli Curiae Regis 2 1194-1199 ♦State Trials (Howell) 34 1 163-1820 ♦ (Philips) 2 1163-1688 ♦ (Modern) 2 1820-1850 ♦ Reports of, Xcw Series 8 1820-1858 ♦Bracton's Note Bk. 3 1216-1227 ♦Year Books of Edwani I 5 1292- 1307 ♦Year Books [Folio] iiin6 1307-^537 ♦Year Books of Edward III 5 I337-I34i a This Report is hut a Reprint of the Bankruptcy Cases in the Chancery Reports, Bearing same name. 48 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS: King's and Queen's Bench. — {Continued.') Period Vols. Covered. *Bellewe I 1378-1400 ♦Keilwey [Folio] ♦Moore [Folio] I 1496-1531 I 1512-1621 *Dyer 3 1513-1582 ♦Brooke's New Cases I 1514-1558 ♦Benloe (New Ben.) [Folio] I 1 530-1627 ♦Leonard [Folio] 4 1540-1615 ♦Plowden [Folio] 2 itii 1550-1580 ♦Owen [Folio] ♦Noy [Folio] I 1556-1615 1 1559-1649 ♦Coke 13 pts. in 7 1572-1617 ♦Godbolt X 1575-1638 ♦Croke [Folio] 3 1 582-1641 ♦Gouldsborough I 1586-1602 ♦Popham [Folio] t 1592-1627 ♦Yelverton I 1603-1613 ♦Hpbart t 1603-1625 ♦Davies (or Davis) ' [Irish] 2 1604-1612 ♦Ley [Folio] I I 608- I 629 ♦Calthrop I 1609-1618 ♦Bulstrode [Folio] 3 I 609- I 626 ♦Rolle [Folio] 2 1614-1625 ♦Palmer [Folio] I 1619-1629 ♦Jones, Sir. Wm. [Fol 0] t 1620-1640 ♦Latch [Folio] I 1624-1627 ♦March's New Cases 1 1639-1642 ♦Aleyn [Folio] I 1646-1648 ♦Style [Folio] I 1646-1655 ♦Siderfin [Folio] 2 1657-1670 Raymond, Sir Thos. I 1660-1682 l4-C-;3 ♦Levinz 3 1660-1696 ♦Keble [Folio] 3 1661-1679 ♦Kelyng, J. I 1662-1669 ♦Saunders 3 1666-1672 ♦ Saunders, William's Notes 2 I 666- I 672 ♦Tones, T. [Folio] I 1667-1684 ♦Ventris [Folio] 2 m I 1668-1684 ♦Pollexfen [Folio] I 1669-1685 ♦Modern a 12 1669-1732 ♦Freeman I 1670-1704 ♦Shower 2 1678-1694 [o Also folio edition of Vol. 7, known as Farrsley's Reports^ printed in 1725, and a Folio Edition of Vol- 11, Editof not known, printed 1737, all *.] Law Library Catalogue 49 EXGLAXD. REPORTS: Ki ng's and Queen's Bench. (C ^ontiinicd.) \Vu en- Period V OLS. Pub. ( COVEKED. Location ♦Skinner [Folio] I 1681-1697 *Coniberbach [Folio] 1 I 685- I 698 *Carthew [Folio] I 1 686- 1 700 *Holt [Folio] I 1688-1710 Salkcld 2 ( I Vol. only) 1689-1712 14-C-2 ♦Raymond. Lord 3 1 694- 1 732 ♦Fortescuo [Folio] I 1 695- 1 738 ♦Coniyns 2 1695-1741 ♦Sessions Cases 2 1710-1748 ♦Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity I 1714-1715 ♦Strange 2 1715-1748 ♦F^nrnardiston [Folio] 2 1 726- 1 734 ♦Fitzgibbons [Folio] I 1727-1732 ♦Kelynge. W. I 1730-1735 [Barnes Cases.] a [Ridgeway Temp. Hardwicke.] b ♦Cunningham i ♦Lee Temp. Hard- wicke [Folio] I ♦Andrews I (Wilson) a Blackstone, W. 2 ♦Sayer I ♦Kcnyon 3 ♦Wilmot's Notes [Folio] i ♦Burrow 5 ♦Lofft I Cowper I Douglas§ 4 ♦Term Reports [Durn- ford & East] 8 East (Term Reports) 16 Maulc & Sclwyn 6 ♦Marnewall & Aldcrson 5 ♦Barnewall & Crcsswcll 10 ♦Barnowall & Adoli)hus 5 ^7^3 1734-1735 1 733- 1 738 U27-Ui^ 1 746- 1 779 1751-1756 1753-1759 1 757- 1 770 1 756- 1 772 1 763- 1 774 1 774- 1 778 1 778- 1 785 13-B-7 1795-1800 1785-1S00 1801-1814 1800-1812 \'ol. 5 only 1813-1819 1817-1822 I 822- I 830 1830-1834 14-C- 14-B-7 a See Common Pleas Cases. b See Chancery Reports. |i Have Vols. 1 and 2. publ'd 1807; Vols, i and 2 in i Vol.. publ'd 1783, 14-B-7; also Vols. 3 and 4 in Eng. Common Law Repts. 13-C-2. 50 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS: King's and Queen's Bench.— (ConhVmc^.) Location When Period Vols. Pub. Covered. *AdoIphus & Ellis 12 1834-1841 *Queen's Bench (Adol- phus & Ellis, : New Series) i8 1841-1852 *Ems & Blackburn 8 1852-1858 *Ellis, Blackburn & "ElUs I 1858 *Ellis & Ellis 3 1858-1861 *Best & Smith 10 1861-1869 English Reports, Full Reprint King's Bench 40X Law Reports: Queen's Bench 10 Queen's Bench Divi- sion 25 Queen's Bench Divi- sion (annual series) 20 King's Bench Division, Annuals 20x King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral. *Smith, John Prince *Dowling & Ryland *Manning & Ryland *Nevile & Manning *Nevile & Perry *Perry & Davison *Gale & Davison *Davison & Merivale *Harrison & Wiollaston *Willmore, Wollaston & Davison *WilImore, Wollaston & Hodges *Arnold & Hodges *Cababe & Elhs - Common Pleas : *Benloeo i ♦Dallisona r *Anderson [Folio] 2 in i 3 9 5 6 3 4 3 I 2 2 I I 1907-1910 1378-1836 13-A-5-B-1 1866-1875 1865-1875 12-A-4 1876-1890 1875-1890 12-A-4-5 1891-1900 1891-1900 12-A-5-6 1901-1910 1901-1910 12-A-6-C-1 I 803- I 806 1822-1827 1827-1830 1832-1836 1836-1838 1838-1841 1841-1843 1843- 1844 1835-1836 1837 1838-1839 1840-1841 1882-1885 1532-1579 1 546-1 574 1 534- 1 604 o Benloe and Dallison bound together f folio] lacking Law Library Catalogue 51 EXGLAXD. REPORTS: Common Fhns.— (Continued.) Period Vols. Covered. Location ♦Brownlow & Golcles- borongh 2 in i 1 569- 1624 *Savile [Folio] i 15S0-1594 *Hutton [Folio] i 1612-1638 ♦Bridgman, Sir J. [Fo- lio) I 1613-1621 *Winch [Folio] I 1621-1625 ♦Littleton [Folio] i 1626-1632 ♦Hetley [Folio] i 1627-1631 *Bridgman, Sir O. i 1660-1667 ♦Carter [Folio] 1 1664-1675 *Vauglian [Folio] i 1665-1674 *Ventris a [Folio] 2 in i 1669-1690 ♦Lutwyche [Folio] 2 16S3-1704 ♦Modern Repts., Vol. 2b. ♦Practical Register i 1705-1742 ♦Cooke I 1706-1747 ♦Barnes' Notes i 1732-1760 ♦Wilson 3 1742-1774 ♦V/illes I 1737-175S ♦Blackstone, Henry 2 1788-1796 ♦Bosanquet & Puller 3 1805 1796-1804 ♦Bosanquet & Puller New Reports 2 1804- 1809 ♦Taunton 8 1807-1819 ♦Brodcrip & Bingham 3 1819-1822 ♦Bingham 10 1822-1834 ♦Bingham, New Cases 6 1834-1840 ♦Manning & Granger 7 1840- 1845 ♦Common Bench 18 1845-1856 ♦Common Bench New Scries 19 1856-1865 Law Reports : Common Picas Cases 10 1866- 1875 1865-1875 12-B-2 Common Picas Divi- sion 5 1876-1880 1S75-1880 12-B-2 (Continued in Law Reports: Queen's Bench Division.) a Sec King's Bench. b Contains Common Pleas cases in this interval. 52 Louisiana Bar Association ENGIvAND. REPORTS: Common Pleas : Collateral. When Period Vols. Pub. Covered. Location ♦Marshall 2 ini 1813-1816 *Moore 12 1817-1827 *Moore & Payne 5 1827-1831 *Moore & Scott 4 1831-1834 *Scott 8 1834-1840 *Scott New Reports 8 1840-1845 *Hodges 3 183.S-1837 ♦Arnold 2 1838-1839 *Drinkwater I 1 840- 1 84 1 ♦Harrison & Rutherford i 1865- 1866 Registration Appeal Cases : ♦Pigott & Rodwell I 1843- 1845 ♦Lutwyche 2 1843-1853 ♦Keane & Grant I 1854-1862 ♦Hopwood & Pilbrick I 1863-1867 ♦Hopwood & Coltman 2 1868- 1878 ♦Coltman I 1879-1885 • Exchequer ♦Jenkinsa I 1 220- 1 623 *Lane& I 1605-1612 ♦Hardresc I 1655-1669 ♦Bunbury I 1713-1741 ♦Parkerrf I 1743-1767 ♦Anstruther 3 I 792- I 797 ♦Forrest I 1 800- 1 80 1 ♦Wightwick I 1810-1811 ♦Price 13 1815-1824 ♦M'Cleland I 1824 M'Cleland & Younge I 1824-1825 13-C-7 Younge & Jervis 3 1826-1830 13-C-7 Crompton & Jervis 2 1830-1832 13-C-7 Crompton & Meeson 2 1832-1834 13-C-7 Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe 2 1834-1835 13-C-7 Meeson & Welsby 16 1836-1847 13-C-7- n of 1771. 14- A I ♦0 Also folio editio *b Also folio edition of 1657- *c Also folio edition of 1693. *d Also folio edition of 1776. m Law Library Catalogue 53 ENGLAND. REPORTS: Exchequer. —(Con/inwe^f.) Vols. When Pub. Period Covered. Location Exchequer Reports, (W'elsby. Hurlstonc & Gordon) ii Hurlstone & Norman 7 ♦Hurlstonc & Coltinan 4 Law Reports : Exchequer 10 Exchequer Division 5 1847- 1856 14-A-1 1 856- 1 862 14-A-2 (\'ols. 4-7 lacking:) 1 862- 1 866 1866-1875 1865-1875 12-B-2-3 1876-1880 1875-13^0 i2-r.-3 (Continued in Law Reports: Queen's Bench Division.) Exchequer: Collateral. *Conroy's Custodian Reports i ♦Price's Notes of Points of Practice i *Tyrwhitt 5 *Tyrwhitt S: Granger 1 ♦Gale ' 2 ♦Murphy & Hurlstone i *Horn & Hurlstone 2 ♦Hurlstone & W'alnisleya i Exchequer, Equity Side: ♦Wilson I ♦Danicll I ♦Vounge I ♦Younge & Collyer 4 Ecclesiastical: Lee h 2 ♦Ha^^gard, Consistory li 2 169.S-178S Phillimore h 3 ♦Addams /» 3 Hajjgard li 4 ♦Curtcis /» 3 ♦Robertson > ♦Spinks 2 ♦Deanc & Swabcy I ♦Brodrick and hrec- niantlc i a Only 160 pp. printed, without title hclcd "New Term Kcporls." h See English Ecclesiastical Reports. 1830- 1S31 1830- 183.5 '835- lo^J 1835- 1836 1837 1838- 1839 1840- 1841 1805- 1817 I8I7- 1820 18150- 1832 1834- 1842 T752- 1758 '7.5-'- 1821 1809- 1821 1822- 1826 1827- 1833 '834- iSo-J 1844- 1853 '853- ■855 1855- '857 1 840- 1865 page or inde> La- 54 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS: Ecclesiastical.- -(Contimied.) When Period VoivS. Pub. Covered. Location *Cripps, Church and Clergy Cases I 1847-1850 *Dale I 1871 *Phillimore, Ecclesias- tical Judgments i 1867-1875 *Notes of Cases, Eccle- siastical and Mari- time 7 1841-1850 English Ecclesiastical Reportso 7 1831-1845 14-B-7 Law Reports: Ad- miralty and Ecclesi- astical (See Ad- miralty) 4 1867-1875 1865-1875 12-B-5 (Contained in Law Reports: Probate Division.) a English Ecclesiastical Reports are reports, omitting cases of little value, of the more important English Ecclesiasti- cal reports. Vol I contains i, 2, 3, Phillimore. Vol. 2 contains i, 2, 3, Ad dams. Vol. 3 contains i Haggard's Ecclesiastical; Fergusson's (Scotch) Consistorial. Vol. 4 contains 2 Haggard's Ecclesiastical; i, 2 Haggard's Consistory. Vol. 5 contains 3 Haggard's Ecclesiastical; i Lee. Vol. 6 contains 2 Lee; i Curteis. Vol. 7 contains 2, 3 Curteis. Only have Vols, i, 3, 5, of Eng. Eccl. - Probate and Divorce. *Swabey & Tristram 4 1858-1865 *Searle & Smith i 1859-1860 Law Reports : Probate and Divorce 3 1869-1875 1865-1875 12-B-3 Law Reports: Probate Division 15 1876-1890 1875-1890 12-B-3 Probate Division (an- nual series) 2ox 1891-1910 1891-1910 12-B-3-4 Law Library Catalogue 55 EXGLAnXD. REPORTS: Admiralty. When' Period Vols. Pub. Covered. Location ♦Pratt's Law of Con- traband of War (Cases) I 1740-1750 *Marriott. (See Eng. Adm. Reports) i 1776-1779 *Chr. Robinson. (See Eng. Adm. Reports 6 1798-1809 ♦Edwards i 1808-1812 ♦Dodson. (For Vol. 2 see Eng. Adm. Re- ports.) 2 . . 1811-1822 ♦Haggard. (See Eng. Adm. Reports) 3 ■ 1822-1838 ♦VV. Robinson. (See Eng. Adm. Reports) 3 1838-1852 ♦Spinks. Eccl. and Adm. 2 1853-1855 ♦Spinks, Prize Cases 1 1854-1856 ♦Swabey I 1855-1859 ♦Lushington I 1859-1862 ♦Browning & Lushing- ton I 1863-1865 ♦English Admiralty Re- ports a 9 Law Reports, Admir- alty and Ecclesiasti- cal. (See Ecclesi- astical) 4 1867-1875 1865-1875 12-B-5 (Continued in Law Reports, Probate Division.) Admiralty: Collateral: ♦Notes of Cases. (See Eccl. Reports) 7 1841-1850 ♦Holt. Admiralty Cases i 1863-1867 a "English Admiralty Reports" arc reprints in full of the leading English Admiralty reports. Vol. I contains i, 2 Chr. Robinson. \'ol. 2 contains 3, 4 Chr. Robinson. Vol. 3 contains 5. 6 Chr. Robinson. Vol. 4 contains Ivlwards; (Hay &) Marriott; selections from 2. 3 Knapp, and i, J. ^. 4. f>. 7 Moore's Privy Coun- cil Reports. 56 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS :—a{Continued.) Vol. 5 contains i, 2 Acton (Privy Council) ; selections from "Notes of Cases." Vol. 6 contains i, 2 Dodson. Vol. 7 contains i, 2 Haggard's Admiralty. Vol. 8 contains 3 Hagga rd's Admiralty ; i W. Robinson. Vol. 9 contains 2 and part of 3 W. Robinson. Crown Cases. V/hen Period \ ^OLS. Pub. CovERKD. Location *J. Kelyng I I 662- I 669 *Foster I I 743- I 761 *Leach 2 1730-1814 *Lewin 2 1822-1838 *Russel & Ryan I 1800-1823 *Moodyo 2 1824-1844 *Denison& 2 1 844- 1 8 52 *Dearsly I 1852-1856 *Dearsly & Bell I 1856-1858 *Bell I 1858-1860 *Leigh & Cave I 1861-1865 *Temple & Mew I 1848-1851 *Cox 14 1843-1882 Law Reports: Crown Cases Reserved 2 1872-1875 1865-X875 12-B-5 (Continued in Law Reports: Queen's Bench Division.) Nisi Prius : *Clayton I 1631-1650 *Lilly [Folio] I I 688- I 693 *Peake 2 in i 1790-1812 ♦Espinasse 6 in 3 1793-1807 ♦Campbell 4 1807-1816 *Starkie 3 1814-1823 *Dowling & Ryland I 1822-1823 *Carrington & Payne 9 1823-1841 *Carrington & Mar- sham I 1840- I 842 *Carrington & Kirwan 3 1843-1850 *Foster & Finlason 4 1856-1867 Vols 2 and 4 Bri tish C rown Cases '. h Vols 5 and 6 British Crown Cases. Vol 2 was reported by Denison and Pearce. Law Library Catalogue 57 ENGLAND. REPORTS :—(ContHucd.) Vols. Period Covered. Location. Nisi Prius : Collateral : ♦Holt I 1815-1817 *Gow I 1818-1820 *Rvan & Moodv i 1823-1826 ♦M'oody & Malkin i 1820-1830 *MoodV & Robinson 2 1830- 1844 Practice Reports and Bail Court: ♦Cases of Practice i 1655-1775 ♦Chitty 2 1770-1822 ♦Dowlinp; 9 1830-1841 ♦Dowlinj;, New Scries 2 1841-1843 ♦Dowling & Lowndes 7 1843- 1849 ♦Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock 2 1850-1851 ♦Lowndes & Maxwell i 1S52-1854 ♦Wollaston i 1840-1841 ♦Saunders & Cole (Bail Court) 2 1846-1848 Under the Judicature Act. ♦Bittleston's Practice Cases 1 1S75-1S76 ♦Charley's New Prac- tice Cases 3 1875- 187G ♦Bittleston, Reports in Chambers I 1883-1884 Mercantile Cases: ♦Danson & Lloyd i 1828-152:) ♦Lloyd & W'elsby i 1829-1830 Patent Cases: ♦Davies 1 1785-1816 ♦Webster 2 1601-1855 ♦Macrory I 184 1- 1856 ♦Goodeve 2 1884- 1S87 ♦Cutler (Vols 3, 4. 5) 1886-1888 Railway and Canal Cases: ♦Railway and Canal Cases 7 1835-1854 ♦Bcavan & Walford 1 1846 58 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS: Railway and Canal Cks&s.— {Continued.) Vols. Period Covered. Location. *Railway and Canal Traffic Caseso ii 1855-1902 Magistrates' Cases. (See Settlement Cases.) Settlement Cases: *Cases of Settlement i *Sessions Cases i *Burrow i *Caldecott& i Miscellaneous : *Star Chamber Cases i *Cripps, Church and Clergy Casesc i Arbitration Cases : *Albert Arbitration : Reilly (Cairns' de- cisions) I *European Arbitration : Reilly (Westbury's decisions) I Parliamentary: *Hatseirs Precedents 4 *Clifford & Stephens i I 685- I 733 1710-1747 I 732- I 776 I 776- I 785 (n. d.) 1847-1850 1871-1873 1872 1290-1818 1867-1869 « Election Cases: *GIanville *Douglas *Fraser *Luders *Peckwell ♦Corbett & Daniell *Cockburn & Rowe I 4 2 3 2 I I I 623- I 624 1774-1776 I 790- I 792 1785-1787 1802-1805 1819 1833 a Vols. 1-3 reported by Neville and Macnamara, Vols. 4-9 by Brow^ne and Macnamara, and Vols. lo-n by Browne, Macnamara and Neville. h Frequently placed under the head of Magistrate's Cases. c See Ecclesiastical Reports. Law Library Catalogue 59 ENGLAND. REPORTS: Election Cases.— (Coniinucd.) Location W HEN Period \'0LS. P UB. Covered. ♦Perry & Knapp I 1833 ♦Knapp & Ombler I 1834-1835 ♦Falconer & Fitz- herbert I 1835-1839 ♦P.arron & Austin I 1842 ♦Barron & Arnold I 1843-1846 ♦\\>3lferstan & Dew I 1857- 1858 ♦Wolferstan & Bristowe i In All The Courts. I 859- I 864 English Law and Equi- ty Reports ( Am. 40 18 12 Reprint)o ♦The Jurist ♦The Jurist, Xew Series ♦Law Journal, Old Series 9 ♦Law Journal Rei)orts, Xew Series 72 ♦Law Times Reports 85 ♦Weekly Reporter 51 1851-58 1850-1857 i4-.\-,v.T 1837-1854 1855-1866 1 822- 1 S3 1 1831-1903 1860-1903 1859-190^ 1852-1903 a Digest Vols. 1-31. 14-A-5. Supp. Dig. Mews, 1884- 18 88. M-A-S- DIGEST OF REPORTS: House of Lords. ♦Clark I iS 14- 1866 DIGEST OF REPORTS. Common Law. Period When Covered Pu hushed Harrison 7 1756-1851 1846-1S53 ♦Fishero 5 1 756- 1870 ♦Fisher, Annualsa 7 1870-18/6 ♦Fisher, Supplcmento 2 1870-1S80 ♦Fisher, Annuala I i8/!0 Mews' 7 1756-188^ 1884 Mcw.s' Supplement I i8,S4-iS8,S 1889 •Mews' Annuals 10 I1891-1895 1 899- 1 903 1 892- 1 904 (J Library lias: Jacob's Fisher's Digest, 1 1 Vols. 14-B-2-3. Vols. 10 and 11 suijpknicnt. 14 U-3 •3-n-3 I4-A-5 1 756- 1 886. 60 Louisiana Bar Association ENGLAND. REPORTS: Digest of Reports: Common Law.— (Con- tinued.) Law Reports : Digest of Cases& Digest of Cases Digest of Casesc Digest of Cases DIGESTS OF CASES Barbour & Harrington 3 Barbour Vol. 4 Chitty (3rcl Edition) 4 Mews' Supplement i *Mews' Annuals 5 Period VoLs. Covered. 1865-1890 1891-1895 1891-1900 1901-1905 When PUBLD, Location 1892 12-C-5 1896 12-C-5 1901 12-C-5 1906 12-C-5 Equity : 1822-1836 1837 since 1836 1843 to 1853 1853 1884-1888 1889 1891-1895 1892-1896 14-B-5 14-B-5 14-B-4 14-A-5 DIGESTS OF CASES: Common Law and Equity. Mews' English Case Law Digest 16 1216-1897 [Same] Supplement 2 1898-1907 189S 1908 13-B-3-4 13-B-4 DIGESTS OF CASES: Admiralty Pritchard (Library of Law and Equity) i DIGESTS : Fish, A. I. STATUTES Exchequer : 2 copies 1824-1854 1854 14-C-1 1855 14-C-I Law Reports Public General Statutes, 1866-191C. Lond., 1866- 1910. 48 Vols, in 46 Vols. (2 Pts. Vol. 2; Vols. 15 and 16, and 22 and 23, and 36 and 37 bound together. (12-C-6-7.) ENGLISH ADMIRALTY REPORTS. See England, Reports: Admiralty. ENGLISH (Reporter). Arkansas Reports. (See Arkansas.) ENGLISH CHANCERY REPORTS. Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery N. Y., 1843. (13-B-6-7.) Have only Vols, i to 18, 20, 21, 29, 30. See English Full Reprint. See Law Reports (England). b 2 copies Vols, i, 2, 3. c 2 copies. Law Library Catalogue 61 ENGLISH CO^L^LO^' LAW REPORTS. Reports of cases argued and determined in the English Courts of Common Law. Phila., 1S72-1878. 118 Vols. 2 copies \'ol. 66. [See also England.] (13-C-1-6.) [Same.] Index to Vols. 1-33, 2d Kd., Phila., 1857, lack- ing. (See also England.) ENGLISH ECCLESIASTICAL REPORTS. (See England. Ecclesiastical.) ENGLISH EXCHEQUER REPORTS. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, at Law and in Equity, and in the Exchequer Chamber, in Equity and ia Error. [Many lacking, see England.] (13-C-7-14-A-2.) ENGLISH AND IRISH APPEAL CASES. (See Law Reports and England, House of Lords.) ENGLISH LAW REPORTS. (See Law Reports.) ENGLISH LAW AND EQUITY REPORTS. (Reprint.) Con- taining reports of cases in the House of Lords, Privy Council, Courts of Equity and Common Law; and in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts; including cases in Bankruptcy and Crown Cases Reserved. 1850-57. Bost. 1851-5S. 40 Vols. [Published by Little & Brown.] (14-A-3-5. [Same.] Digest. Vols. 1-31. Bost. 1857. (14-A-5.) [Same.] Digest, Mews, Supplement. 1884-1888. (14-A-5.) ENGLISH REPORTS. Full Reprint. Edinburgh, 1900-1910. 11 1 Vols. X (13-A-1-B-1.) Vols. I -I I, House of Lords. (Books i-ii.) Vols. 12-20, Privy Council. (Books 1-9.) Vols. 21-47, Chancery. (Books 1-27.) Vols. 48-55, Rolls Court. (Books 1-8.) Vols. 56-71, Vice Chancellors. (Books 1-16.) Vols. 72-1 1 1 King's Bench. (Books 1-40.) ENGLISH REPORTS. Cook's (Moak's) Notes. 3 Vols [Vols. 36-38.] (14-A-7.) (See also Law Report.^.) ENGLISH REPORTS. Moak's Notes. Reports of cases decided by the English Courts, 1871-1888. 38 Vols. (14-A-5-7.) 3 Vols. (\'ols. 36-38.) Cook's Notes. 2 copies Vol. i. [Same.] Digest, Vols. 1-30 2 vols. ]Scc also Law Reports. [ (14-A-7.) ENGLISH RULING CASES. Bv Campbell. Lond., 1894-99. 18 Vols. (14-B-1-2.) 62 Louisiana Bar Association EQUITY CASES (Abridged). A general abridgement of cases in Equity, argued and adjudged in tlie High Court of Chancery, etc. (1667-1744.) Dublin, 1793. Vol. 2, Part 2, only. 14- C-i.) EQUITY CASES, LAW REPORTS. (Sec Law Reports.) EQUITY, DIGESTS OF CASES. (See England.) EQUITY CASES, LAW REPORTS See England, Rolls Court and Law Reports. EQUITY CASES. (See England, Chancery.) ESPINASSE. (See England, Nisi Prius.) ESTEE'S Pleadings and Forms, 1870. 3 vols. (25-E-3.) EUROPEAN ARBITRATION, Reilly. [Westbury's decisions.] (See England, Arbitration Cases.) EXCHEQUER REPORTS. (See Canada, Dominion of.) [Same.] (See England.) [Same.] Cases. Law Reports. (See Law Reports.) [Same.] Collateral. (See England.) • Exchequer, ] (See England, Exchequer, } Equity Side and also [Same.] Division, Law Reports. J Law Reports.) [Same.] Equity Side. (See England.) [Same.] Reports. (England.) [Also see England.] (13- C-7-14-A-2.) [Same.] Reports. [Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon.] (See England, Exchequer.) FAIRFIELD, Reports of Cases. (See Maine.) FALCONER & FITZHERBERT. (See England, Election Cases.) FARRSLEY'S Reports, Modern. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) FEDERAL CASES: Comprising cases argued and determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, 1789- i88o. [St. P., 1894-1897.] 30 vols. (9-C-3-5.) Vol 30 contains Appendix. [Same.] Digest Vols. 1-30. Fed. Cases and Tables 1898. i vol. (9-C-5.) hxw LiBiLVRY Catalogue G3 FEDKRAL CITATIONS. (See Subject Index.) FEDERAL PEN'AL CODE OF loio (THE). Annot.iu-d by George F. Tucker and Charles \V. Blood, togctlicr with other Statutes having Penal Provisions in Force Dec. i, 1908 flQIO]. (3-C-5.) FEDERAL REPORTER: Cases argued and determined in the Cir- cuit and Districts Courts of the United States, 1SS0-1910. 180 Vols. (9-C-5 to 10-B-3.) [Same.] Blue Book. Vols. i-i8o. (10-E-3.) DIGESTS: Rapaljes Fed. Reference Digest, 1789-1S80. i Vol., 3 cop. (io-B-6.) Fed. Repr. Dig. \'ols. 1-8. St. P. 1882 [with X. \V. Repr.] [Same.] \'ols. 1-20. St. P. 1885. 3 Copies. (io-B-6.) [Same.] \'ols. 21-30. St. P. 1887. 3 Copies. (io-B-6.) [Same.] Vols. 31-60 Fed.; 1-14 Sup. Ct. ; 106-154 U. S. 2 Copies. 2 \'ols. (io-B-6.) [Same.] \'ols. i-ioo Fed.; 1-20 Sup. Ct. ; 106-17S U. S. 4 Vols. (10-B-7.) [Same.] \'ols. 101-120 Fed.; 21-23 S"^- ^^- - 179-190 U. S. Vol. 5. (:o-B-7.) ^Same.] Vols. 121-140 Fed.; 24-26 Sup. Ct. ; 191-202 LI S. Vol.6. (10-B-7.) [Same.] \'oIr.. 141-160 Fed.; 27-28 Sup. Ct. ; C03-210 U. S. Vol. 7. (10-B-7.) FEDERAL STATUTES ANNOTATED: (Published by Edward Thompson Co.) Northport, L. I. 1903-1906. 10 X'ols. (k- C-i.) [Same.] Supplement. 1907. i Vol. (lO-C-i.) [Same.] Supplement. 1909. i Vol. (lo-C-i.) FEDERAL STATUTES. Important Annotated, Curtis. 1S91. i Vol. (lo-C-i.) FEDERALIST and. Other Constitutional Papers [by Madison]. 1894. (Fed. Statesmen Series.) 2 Vols. (26-A-i.) FETTER On Equity | Hornbook Series]. 1895. (y^-?) 64 Louisiana Bar Association FIELD. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. 3d Ed. 1821. (14-B-5.) FIELD On Damages. 1876. i Vol. (25-D-2.) FINCH. Precedents in Chancery. (See England, Chancery.) Cases Temp. (See Chancery, England.) FINNEY, J. Briefs. (25-F-6.) FISH, A. I. (Editor). General Digest of the Principal Matters contained in The Exchequer Reports, 1824-1854. [Phila., 1855.] (14-C-1.) FISHER. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law.) Annuals. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law. Supplement. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law.) Annual. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law.) FISHER, (Publisher). Prize Cases. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) FISHER, (Patent Cases), Reports. (See U. S. Cir. and Dist.) FISHER, (Patent Reports.) (See U. S. Cir. and Dist.) FITZGIBBONS, [Folio.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) FLANDERS on Fire Insurance, 1871. (25-D-6.) FLANDERS on Shipping, 1853. (25-E-6.) FLEMING and Tibbins' Dictionnaire Anglais et Francais, 860. 2 Vols. (3- A- 1.) FLEMMING'S Formulary, i Vol. (2-C-7.) FLIPPIN, Reports of Cases. (See United States, Cir. and D t.) FLORIDA: Reports. How Vols. Cited Period Covered. Location 1846-1886 19-D-7 Florida Supreme Court 22* Fla. * Sou. Repr., Vol. 23, Fla. Digest of the Statute Law [Thompson.] 1847. i Vol, (iq-E-i.) FLORIDA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) Law Library Catalogue 65 FLYNN'S Digest Ordinances, City of N. O., 1896. 2 Copies. (2-C- 4-5) FOELIX [par Charles Dcmangeat.] (See France.) FORRFST. (See England, Exchequer.) FORTESQUE [Foho.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.;) FOSTER. (See England, Crown Cases.) FOSTER, Digest of the Laws of Georgia. (See Georgia.) FOSTER'S Federal Practice, 1892. 2 Vols. (25-E-4) [Same.] 4th Ed., 1909. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) FOSTER. Reports of Case?. (See Xe-.v Hampshire.) FOSTER and FIXLASOX. (See England, Xisi Prius.) FOUBL.VXQUE. (See England, Bankruptcy.) FOX, Decisions. [Haskell's.] (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) FRAXCE: Treatises, Codes, etc. Alauzet-Commentaire du Code de Commerce ct dc la Lcgis lation Commercialc. 4 Vols., 1856-57. (15-A-1.) //l-bry & R.\u, Cours de Droit Civil Francais. (See Zachariae, France.) B.\RR.\u, Traite des Assurances reciproques ou mutuelles. i Vol. 1827. (15-A-1.) Baudry-L.\cantinerie — Traite' de Droit Civil, 1902-1908. 28 Vols. (15-A-1-2.) Becane, V. (See Valin Commentairc sur I'Ordonnance de la Marine du Mois d'aout, 1681.) 2me. Ed., Paris, 1841. 2 Vols. (15-A-2.) Becane, Questions sur Le Droit Commercial, 1833. (i5-.'\-2.) Bedarride, Traite du Dol et de la Fraude en matiere Civile ct Commercialc, 1852, 3 Vols. (15-A-2.) Belu)T des Minicres, Commentaires sur I'Arbitrage volentairc et force, 1838. (i:^-A-2.) BiLHARD-Traite du Benefice d'Inventaire ct de I'acceptation des successions, 1838. (15-A-2.) BiocHE-Nouvcau Formulairc de Procedure Civile, i860. (15- A-3) (^Q Louisiana Bar Association FRANCE: Treatises, Codes, 'Etc.— (Continued.) BiRET-Traite des nullites de tous geures admises en matieres civiles, 1821. 2 Vols. (15-A-3.) BoiLEux-Commentaire sur le Code Napoleon Contenaut Texpli- cation de chaque article separement. 7 Vols (different eds.) 2 Copies Vol. 2, but different editions. (15-A-3.) BouDOUSQUiE-De I'Assurance contre I'lncendie, 1829. (15-A-3.) BouLAY-Paty, P. S., Cours de Droit commercial Maritime, Ren- nes, 1821-23. 4 Vols. (15-A-3.) BouLAY-Paty. Traite des Assurances et des Contrats a la grosse d'Emerigon ; suivi d'un Vocabulaire des termes de Marine et des noms de chaque partie d'un Navire, Rennes, 1827. 2 Vols. (15-A-3.) BouLAY-Paty, P. IS., des Faillites et Banqueroutes. Paris, 1825- 28, 2 Vols. (15-A-3.) BouTRY-Essai sur I'Histoire des Donations entre epoux, 1852. [Le Code Napoleon.] 15-A-3.) BREARD-Neuville. (See Pothier Pandects de Justiniere, etc.) Bulletin des Actes administratifs de la Martinique, ist serie, 3rd. Vol. 1830. (15-A-3.) ChampignnierE-Dc la propriete des eaux caurantes, du droit des riverains, et de la valeur actuelle Des Concessions Fiodales Paris, 1846. (15-A-3.) CiiAMPioNNiERE et Rigaud-Nouveau Dictionnaire des droits d'- enregistrement de timbre et d'Hyptheque. i Vol. ChampionnierE et Rigaud-Traite des droits d'enregistrement de timbre et d'Hypotheques, 5 Vols. 1835-1841. (15-A-4.) ChampionnierE et Rigaud-Supplement au traite des droits d'- enregistrement. Vol. 6, 1851. (15-A-4.) Chardon. Traite du Droit d'alluvion. 1840. (15-A-4.) Chavot. Traite de la Propriete Mobilierc. 2 vols. 1839. (15-A-4.) Civil Code, 1906. French. 6th ed. (2-C-4.) Code Civil AUemand, 1900 (1901) de La Grasserie. (15-A-4.) Code de Commerce Allemand (viatte), 1897 [1901]. (15- A-4.) Code de Commerce Argentin, Prudhomme. 1890. (15-A-4.) Code de Commerce Chilian, Prudhomme, 1867. (15-A-4.) Law Library Catalogue 67 FRAXCE. Treatises, Codes, etc.. (Continued.) Code de Commerce Espagnol, Prudhomme, i8S6. (15-A-4.) Code Civil Italicn, 1S66, Prudhomme. (15-A-4.) Code de Commerce Mexicain, Prudhomme, 1890. (15-A-4.) Code Penal, Itahen, 1890, Turrel. (15-A-4.) Code Civil Espagnol, 18S9, Levc. (15-A-4. ) Code de Commerce Italien, 1883, Turrel. (15-A-4.) Code Civil, Annote. 1843. (15-A-4.) Code Civil [6th Ed.], 1906. (2-C-4.) Code Civil Des Francais. 1804. (15-A-4.) Code Napoleon. Explication tlitorique et pratique du Code Civil. Par Marcade. Paris, 1850-2. 6 vols. 2 copies Vol. 4. [Vol.2, 1873.] (16-A-5.) For other Codes see under name of Author or Editor. Coin-Delisle. Donations and Testaments. 1855. (15-A-4.) CouRRiER, P. L. Oeuvres Completes. 1837. (15-A-4.) CuRASSON. Traite des actions possessoires du bornage et autres droits de voisinage. 1842. (15-A-5.) Dalloz-Nouveau. Code Civil annotes. Vol. 1-4. Vol. 4 in 2 parts. 1900-1907. (15-A-7.) Dalloz. Jurisprudence du Royaumc and Jurisprudence Gen- eral. Up to 1853. 41 vols. (15-A-5-7.) Repertoire methodiquc ct alphahetique de Legislation de Doctrine et de Jurisprudence, i \'ol. Tome quatorzieme. De''AB0RDE. Assurance Maritime. 1838. (15-A-7.) De la GrasseriE. Code Civil Allcmand. 1900. i vol. (15- A-4.) De Lassaulx. Introduction a I'ctudc du Code Napoleon. 1812. (15-A-7) Delisle-Coin. Des Donations et des Testaments. 1855. (15-A-4.) DemanceaT (Editor). Foelix. (See Foclix.) Demolo.mue. Cours de Code Civil. 18451855. 12 vols. (15- A-7) G8 Louisiana Bar Association FRANCE: Treatises, Codes, ^tc.— (Continned.) DSMOLOMBE. Traite des contracts ou des obligations conventio- nelles en general. 1870-72. 4 vols. (15-B-1.) Traite des Successions. 5 vols. (15-B-1.) Traite des Donation entre vifs et des Testaments. 1868- 1872. 6 vols. (15-B-1.) Desgodets. Lois des batiments. 1857. 2 Vols. (15-B-1.) DevilI'Eneuve et Gilbert. Jurisprudence Du XIX e Siecle ou Table Generale. 1791-1850. 4 Vols. (15-B-1.) Dictionnaire de Driot Civil Tome Cinqueme. Dictionnaire General Raisonne De Droit Civil. 1838. Vol. 5. (15-B-1.) DoMAT, J. Oeuvres Completes. Par. J. Remy. Des Lois, Arrets, Senatus Consultes, Decrets, Ordonnances, etc. Paris, 1835. 4 vols. (15-B-1.) Du Caurroy. Institutes de Justinien expliquees. 1841. 2 vols. (15-B-1.) DuRANTON. Cours de Droit Francais suivant le Code Civil. 1834. 18 vols. (15-B-1-2.) Cours de Droit Francais suivant le Code Civil, 1844. 22 vols. (15-B-2-3.) Emerigon. Traite Des Assurances et Des Contrats a La Grosse. 1827. 2 vols. (15-B-3.) FoELix. Traite de Droit international prive ou du conflit des Lois de differentes Nations en matiere de Droit prive. Troisieme ed. revue et augmentee par Charles Demangeat. Pario, 1856. 2 vols. (15-B-3.) Fremy-LignevillE- Dictionnaire General des actes sous seing, prive et conventions Verbales. 1850. 2 vols. (15-B-3.) Fuzier-Herman. Carpentier et Frerejouan du Saint. Rep- ertoire General Alphabetique du Droit Francais, 1886-1906. 37 vols. (I5-B-3-5-) Code Civil Annote. 1885-1898. 4 vols. (15-B-3.) [Same.] Supplement. 1900. 2 vols. (15-B-3.) Gilbert. Code d'Instruction Criminelle. Code Penal. Code Forestier. 1874. (15-B-5.) Supplement Les Codes. Annotes de Sirey. 1871. (I5-B-5-) Law Library Catalogue 69 Flv.\NCE: Treatises, Codes, Etc. — (Continued.) Gilbert. Code de Procedure Civile et Code de Commerce an- notes de Sirey. 1875. (15-B-5.) Grellet-Dumazeau. Le Barreau Romain. 1851. (15-B-5.) HuLST. Les Institute de Justinien. i vol. Journal du Palais contenant la Jurisprudence de 1791 a 1850, I'Histoire du Droit, la legislation et la Doctrine des auteurs, par une Societe de Jurisconsultes et de Magistrals, Reper- toire General du. Tomes i to 4, 1791-1845; tonics 5 to 6, 1791-1846; tomes 7 to 8, 1791-1847; tomes 9 to 12, 1791- 1850. (15-B-5-6.) Journal du Palais. Repertoire General La Jurisprudence de 1791-1857. Supplement. 2 Vols. (15-B-6.) Journal du Palais. 1791-1910. (i Set.) 121 Vols, x (15-B-6-C-6.) Laferriere. Histoire du Droit Civil de Rome et du Droit Francais. 1846. 2 vols. (16-A-2.) Lahaye, Code Civil, Annote, i Vol. Laignel. Etudes sur les formalites necessaires a la publicite des Privileges et Hypotheques. 1846. (16-A-2.) La Grasserie. De Code Civil Allemand. 1900. (15-A-4.) Larombiere. Theorie et Pratique des obligations. 1857. 5 vols. (16-A-2.) Laurent. Principles de Droit civil Francais. 1878. 33 vols. [Vol. 16, 1893.] (16-A-2-4.) Supplement aux principles de droit civil. 1898-1903. 8 vols. (16-A-4.) Leve. Code Civil Espagnol. i vol. 1889. (15-A-4.) LocRE. Code Civil. 1827-29. (Vols. 1-16.) 16 vols. (16- A-4-) Code de Commerce. 1829- 1830. (Vols. 17-20.) 4 vols. (16-A-4-5.) Code de Procedure civile. 1830. (Vols. 21-23.) 3 vols. (16-A-5.) Discussion du Code Criminal. 1831. (Vol. 24.) i vol. (16-A-.S.) Code Crimincllc. 1831. (Vols. 25-28.) 4 Vols. (16- A-5.) 70 • Louisiana Bar Association FRANCE: Treatises, Codes, 'Etc.— (Continued.) LocRE. Code Penal. 1831-32. (Vols. 29-31.) 3 vols. (16- A-5.) . ^ Marcade, V. Cours Elementaire de droit civil Francais ou Explication theorique et pratique du Code Civil. Paris, 1850-1852. (Vol. 2, 1873.) 2 copies Vol. 4. 6 vols. (16-A-5.) De la Prescription, 1854. 3 copies. (16-A-5.) Explication du Code Napoleon Des Privileges et Hypo- theques. Par Paul Pont. 1856. (16-A-5,) Merun. Recueil alphabetique de questions de droit. Brux- elles, 1828-30. 16 Vols. (16-A-5-6.) Duplicate of above in 8 vols. (Vols. 1-16.) 1828-29. (16-A-6.) Repertoire universal et raisonne de Jurisprudence, Bruxelles, 1825-28. 36 vols. (16-A-6-7.) Duplicate of above in 18 vols. (Vols 1-36.) Bruxelles, 1825-1828, and one additional vol., Tables Generale. (Vols. 1-2.) Bruxelles, 1834. (16-A-7-B-2.) MiCHAUX. Traite des Donations. Paris, 1873. (16-B-2.) Millet. Traite du bornage. 1846. (16-B-2.) MoLiNiER. Traite de droit commercial. Vol. i. 1846. (16- B-2.) NiON. Droits Civils des auteurs artistes et inventeurs. 1846. (16-B-2.) NouGiER. Des Lettres de charge. Paris, 1839. 2 vols. (16- B-2.) Tribunaux de Commerce. Paris, 1844. 3 vols. (16- B-2.) PaiLliet. Manuel Complementaire des Codes Francais et de toutes les collections de lois. Paris, 1846. (16-B-2.) Manuel de Droit Francais. 1826. (16-B-2.) Pandects. Francaises Repertoire. (16-B-3-6.) Pardessus, J. M. Traite des Servitudes, Huitieine ed. Paris, 1838. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) Cours de droit commercial. 6 vols. 4 vols. Paris, 1856- 57. Vol. 5, Paris, 1822. [Vol. 6 lacking.] (16-B-6.) Paul Pont. Des Privileges et Hypotheques 2e et 3e partie. (16-B-6.) Perrin. Traite des Nullites de droit. 1816. (16-B-6.) \ Law LiBR-iRY Catalqgue 71 KRAXCE: Treatises, Codes. ^tc.—(Contiuucd.) Persil. Questions sur Ics Privileges et Hypotheques saisie Immobiliere, et ordres. 1820. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) Pezzani. Traite des empechements du marriage. 1838. (16-B-6.) PiCEAU. Procedure Civile du chatelet de Paris et de toutes Ics jurisdictions, ordonnances du Royaume. Tome Premier. Plasman. Des Contre lettres. 1839. (16-B-6.) PoNCELET. Motifs du Code Civil. 1841. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) PoNSOT. Traite du cautionncment. 1841. (16-B-6.) Pont, Paul. Des Privileges et Hypotheques, 2e et 36 partie. (16-B-6.) PoTHiER. Traite de la Communaite Traite de la Puissance du Mari. 1806. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) Traite des Contrats de Bienfaisance. (2 copies Vol. i.) 1807. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) Traite des Obligations. (Vol. i lacking.) 1813. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) — Traite du Contrat de Mariage. 1813. 2 vols. (16-B-6.) Traite de la Possession, Traite de la Prescription. 1807. (16-B-6.) — Pandects de Justinien, traduites Par. M. de Breard- Neuville. Paris, 1818-23. 24 vols. (16-B-7.) Oeuvres annotees par Bugjnet. 1845-48. 10 vols. (16- B-7-C-1.) PouGET. Des droits et des obligations des divers commission- naires. 1857-1858. 4 vols. (16-C-1.) Proudhon. Traite des droits d'usufruit d'usagc personnel et d'habitation. 1836. 5 vols. (16-C-1.) [Same.] Duplicate 1836 (including 3 vols. Traite des droits d'usage servitudes rceles). 8 vols. (16-C-1.) Prudhomme. Code do Commerce Argentine. 1890. (15- A-4.) Code de Commerce Chilicn. 1867. (15-A-4.) Code de Commerce Espagnol. 1886. (i5-.\-4.) Code Civil Italicn. 1866. i vol. (15-A-4.) 72 Louisiana Bar Association FRANCE: Treatises, Codes, Etc. — (Continued.) Prudhomme. Code de Commerce Mexicain. 1890. i vol. (15- A-4.) Remy-Domat. (See Domat.) RoGRON. Codes Francais expliques. 1847. 2 vols. (16-C-2.) RoLLAND (de Vielargues). Des substitutions Prohibees par le Code Civil. 1833. (16-C-2.) Savigny de. Traite de la Possession en droit romain. Paris, 1841. (16-C-2.) Traite de Droit romain. Paris, 1840-51. 8 vols. [Vol. 3 lacking.] (16-C-2.) SiBiLLE. Jurisprudence et Doctrine en matiere d'abordage. 1854. (16-C-2.) SiREY. Recueil general des lois et des Arrets et decisions de France et des Pays Bas en Matiere Civile Criminelle Com- merciale et de Droit Public. Annee 1800 a 1853. 46 vols. [Vol. 1808 lacking.] Paris, 1828-53. (16-C-3-5.) Jurisprudence du XIX e Siecle, ou table generale (1791- 1850). Paris, 1851-53. 4 vols. — Table Tricennale. 1834. i vol. SiREY and Villeneuve- (See Sirey.) SiREY. Jurisprudence Du XIXe Siecle, ou Recueil Des Ar- rets et Decisions. 1825-1832. 23 vols. (16-C-2-3.) Sourdat. Traite General de la responsabilite ou de Taction en dommages interets en dehors des contrats. 1852. 2 vols (16-C-5.) TouLLiER. Le Droit Civil Francais. 6th ed. 7 vols. [Vol. 3 lacking.] (16-C-6.) Le Droit Civil Francais. 1824-26. 12 vols. (16-C-5.) [Same.] 1829-32. 8 vols. (16-C-6.) Tripier- Codes Francais. (16-C-6.) Troplong. Du contrat de Societe Civile et Commerciale. 1843. 2 vols. (16-C-6.) De la Contrainte par corps. 1847. (16-C-6.) Des Donations entre vifs et des Testaments. 1855. 3 vols. [Vols. I and 2 lacking.] (16-C-6.) De L'echange et du Louage. [2 copies each.] 1840. 3 vols. (16-C-6.) Du Mandat. 1846. (16-C-6.) Law Library Catalogue 73 FR-rVXCE: Treatises, Codes, Etc. — {Continued.) TroPLONG. Du Contrat dc Manage. 185 1. 4 vols. (16-C-7.) Du Xantissement. 1847. (16-C-7.) Dc La Prescription. 1836. (16-C-7.) [Same. J 1838. 2 vols. (16-C-7.) Du Pret. 1845. (16-C-7.) Du Depot et du Sequestre. 1845. (16-C-7.) — Des Privileges et Hypothaques. 1845. 4 "^'ols. (16- C-7.) — Des Privileges et Hypotheques. 1837. 2 vols. (16- C-7.) — Du Cautionnement et des Transactions. 1846. (16- C-7.) — De la Vente. 1836. (16-C-7.) — De la \'ente. 1845. 2 vols. (16-C-7.) TuRREL. Code de Commerce Italien. i vol. 1883. (15-A-4.) Code Penal Italien. 1890. i vol. (15-A-4.) ViATTE. Code de Commerce Allemand. 1897. i vol. (15- A-4.) Villargues, Rolland de. Des substitutions Prohibces, par le Code Civil. 1833. (16-C-2.) ViLLENEuvE. (See Sirey.) Zachariae. Cours de droit civil Francais par Aubry et Rau. 1856-58. 6 vols. [Vol. 2 lacking.] (16-C-7.) FRASER. (See England, Election Cases.) FREEDLEY'S Practical Treatise on Business. 1853. (25-C-5.) FREEMAN. (See England, Chancery.) (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) On Executions. 2d Ed. 1888. 2 vols. (3-B-7.) On Judgments. 1873. (25-D-7.) Reports of Cases. (See Mississippi.) FREMY-LIGXEVILLE. (See France.) FRENCH REPUBLC, THE, AND THE UNITED STATES OF ANHCRICA. Treaty Between. 1803. To Be Found in "Re- port Secretary of State of Louisianji." 1902, p. 45. (2-C-7.) 74 Louisiana Bar Association FREUND: Police Power. 1904. (3-C-4.) '" " FULLER Practice Reports. (See Michigan.) I^UQUA, JAMES O. Civil Code of Louisiana. N. O., 1867. 2 copies. (2-C-4.) Code of Practice in Civil Cases for Louisiana. N. O., 1867. 2 copies. (2-C-3.) FUZIER-HERMAN. (See France.) GALE. (See England, Exchequer, Collateral.) GALE and DAVISON. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) GALLISON. (See United States Cir. and Dist.) GARDNER on Wills. (Hornbook Series.) 1903. i vol. (3-C-7.) GARLAND. Code Practice. (See Louisiana.) GENERAL APPRAISERS DECISIONS, Art. i to 4062. (See Synopsis of Decs. Treasury Dept. 1889-1897. 11 vols.) GEORGE on Partnership. (Hornbook Series.) 1897. i vol. (3-. C-4.) GEORGE, Digest of Reports. (See Mississippi.) GEORGIA BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associa- tions.) GEORGIA DECISIONS. (See Georgia.) GEORGIA: REPORTS. How Period Loca- VoLS. Cited. Covered, tion. Charlton, T. U. P. i T.U.P.Charlt 1805-11 19-E-1 Charlton, R. M. i R. M. Charlt. 181 1-37 19-E-1 Dudley i Dud. 1831-33 19-E-1 Georgia Decisions i* Ga. Dec. 1841-43 19-E-1 Kelly 3 Kelly (1-3 Ga.) 1846-47 19-E-1 Georgia Reports 4-78! Ga. (4-78) 1848-87 19-E-1-S fS. E. Reporter, Vol. 77, Ga., p. 105. Georgia Supreme Court to Vol. 33, 1864. i Vol. * Library's Vol. 1805- 1837. Law Library Cataloott; 75 GEORGIA : Digest of Reports. Reports Period Loca- VoLS. Digested. Covered, tion. Cobb and Lumpkin Gen. Digested Index i T. U. P. Charlt. 1805-51 19-E-5 to 10 Ga. 1852 STATUTES: Digest of the Laws, 1820-29. (Foster.) 1831. (19-E-5.) Digest of the Laws. (Prince.) 1837. 2d Ed. (19-E-5.) Codification of the Statute Law and State Papers. (Hotchkiss.) 1845. 4 parts.* (19-E-5.) GERMANY : Code Civil Allemand (de La Grasserie), 1900. (15-A-4.) Code de Commerce Allemand (Viatte), 1897. (15-A-4.) GIBBONS: Reports of Cases, Surrogates' Courts. (See New York.) GIFFARD. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) GILBERT: [Folio.] (See England, Chancery.) GILBERT'S CASES IN LAW AND EQUITY. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) GILBERT: (See France.) GILCHRIST: Digest of Cases. (See New Hampshire.) GILL: Reports of Cases. (See Maryland.) GILL and JOHNSON: Reports of Cases. (See Maryland.) GILMAN: Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Illinois. (See Illinois.) GILMER: Reports of Cases. (See Virginia.) GILPIN: Reports. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) GLANVILLE: (See England, Election Cases.) GLENN'S INTERNATIONAL LAW (Hornbook Series), 1895. I Vol. (3-0-2.) GLUCK and BECKER: Receivers of Corporations, 1891. 1 Vol. (3-B-5) GLYN and JAMESON. (See England, Bankruptcy.) GOBEL: Ohio Probate Court Reports. (See Ohio.) •Have only i volume. 76 Louisiana Bar Assocla^tion GODBOLT. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) GOODEVE. (See Patent Cases, England.) GORDON: Digest of the Laws of the United States. (See United States.) GOULD and TUCKER: Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States. (See U. S. Statutes.) GOULD'S PLEADINGS, 1849. i Vol. (25-E-3.) [Same], Heard, 5th Ed., 1887. i Vol. (3-C-5.) GOULD ON WATERS, 2d Ed., 1891. i Vol. (3-C-7.) GOULDSBOROUGH. (See England, King's and Queen's Bei h.) GOW. (See England, Nisi Prius, Collateral.) GRAHAM ON NEW TRIALS, 1834. i Vol. (25-E-7.) GRAHAM and Vv^ATERMAN ON NEW TRIALS, 1855. 3 Vols, (25-E-7.) GRANT ON BANKING, 1857. i Vol. (3-6-1.) GRANT: Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) GRANTHAM, ANNOTATED STATUTES. (See South Dakota.) GRATTAN: Reports of Cases. (See Virginia.) GRAY: Reports of Cases. (See Massachusetts.) GREEN, C. E.: Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, etc. (See Nev/ Jersey.) GREEN, HENRY W. : Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery. (See Nev/ Jersey.) GREEN, JAMES S.: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) GREEN. (See Am. State Reports.) GREEN'S BRICE'S ULTRA VIRES, 1875. i Vol. (25-E-7.) GREENE: Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Iowa. (See Iowa.) GREENE (Editor) : New York Annotated Cases. (See New York.) GREENLEAF'S CRUISE ON REAL PROPERTY, 1840-50. 7 Vol. Ed. 3 Vols. (25-E-4-5.) GREENLEAF ON EVIDENCE. (See "Evidence" in List of Text Books arranged according to subjects.) GREENLEAF: Reports of Cases. (See Maine.) Law Library CATArx)GUE 77 GREIXER: Digest. (See Louisiana.) GREIXER: Code of Practice. (Sec Louisiana.) GRELLET-DUMAZEAU-LE BARREAU ROMAIX. (See France.) GRESLEY OX EVIDEXCE IX COURTS OF EQUITY, 184S. I \'ol. 2 Copies, I Lon., i Am. ICd. (25-D-4.J HAGAX: Supreme Court, Utah. (See Utah.) HAGGARD. (See England, Admiralty.) HAGGARD. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) HAGGARD: Consistory. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) HALE OX BAILMEXTS AXD CARRIERS (Hornbook Series), 1896. I \'ol. (3-B-1.) HALE OX DAMAGES (Hornbook Series), 1896. i Vol. (3-B-6.) HALE OX TORTS (Hornbook Series), 1896. i Vol. (3-C-7.) HALL: Reports of Cases, Superior Court of the City of Xcw York. (See Xew York.) HALL and TWELLS. (See England, Chancery, Collateral.) HALLECK : International Law and Laws of War, 1861. i Vol. (25-F-i.) HALSTED:: Reports of Cases, Chancery. (See Xew Jersey.) HALSTED: Reports of Cases. Law. (See Xew Jersey.) HAMMOXD: Cases in Bank. (See Ohio.) HAXDY: Reports of Cases, Superior Court of Cincinnati. (See Ohio.) HARDIX: Reports of Cases. (See Kentucky.) HARDRES. (See England, Exchequer.) HARDWTCKE temp. LEE. [Folio.] (Sec England. King's and Queen's Bench.) HARDWICKE (Ridgcway tcinp.) (See England Chancery.) HARDWICKE (temp. Ridgcway.) (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) HARE. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) HARIC and U'ALLACE: American Leading Cases. 1847, ^^4^- 2 Vols., 2 copies Vol. i. (26-B-i.) 78 Louisiana Bar Association HARE and WALLACE: Smith's Leading Cases, 1866. Vol. i, Parts I and 2, 2 Vols. (26-B-i.) [Same], 1872-73. Vol. i, pts. i, 2, 2 vols., and Vol. 2. (26-B-i.) • [Same], 1885. Vol. i, pt. 2. (26-B-i.) HARPER: Reports of Cases. (See South Carolina.) Reports, Equity Cases. (See South Carolina.) HARRINGTON: Reports of Cases. (See Michigan.) HARRINGTON: Reports of Cases, Superior Court and Court of Errors and Appeals of Delaware. (See Delaware.) HARRIS and GILL: Reports of Cases. (See Maryland.) HARRIS and JOHNSON: Reports of Cases. (See Maryland.) HARRIS and McHENRY: Maryland Reports. (See Maryland.) HARRISON. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law.) HARRISON: Condensed Reports of Cases. (See Louisiana.) HARRISON: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) HARRISON and RUTHERFORD. (See England, Common Pleas, Collateral.) HARRISON and WOLLASTON. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) HART, Temp. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) HARTLEY: Digest of the Laws. (See Texas.) HASKELL: Reports of Judgments of Edward Fox. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) HATCH (Editor) : Fisher's Patent Cases. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) • HATSELL'S PRECEDENTS. (See England, Parliamentary.) HAWAII: Reports. Vols. How Cited. Period Covered. Hawaiian Reports Haw. 1847 Lacking. HAWKS: Reports of Cases. (See North Carolina.) HAYWARD and HAZLETON : Reports of Cases, Civil and Crimi- nal, in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. (See District of Columbia.) Law Libr.vry Catalogue 79 HAYWOOD: Reports of Cases. (See North Carolina.) HAYWOOD: Reports of Cases. (See Tennessee.) HEAD: Reports of Cases. (Sec Tennessee.) HEARD (Gould's Pleadings). 5th Ed.. 1887. i \'ol. (3-C-5.) HEISKELL: Reports of Cases. (See Tennessee.) HEMIXGWJAY and McDONALD: Mississippi Decisions. (Sec Mississippi.) HEMMING and MILLER. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) HEMPSTEAD: Reports. (See U. S. Cir. and Dist. Sec Arkansas.) HEXING and MUNFORD: Reports of Cases. (Sec Virginia.) HENNEN: Digest of Decisions. (See Louisiana.) HERROX: Supplement Civil Statutes. (See Texas.) HETLEY. [Folio.] (See England, Common Pleas.) HIGH'S ENTRAORDINARY LEGAL REMEDIES. 1874. i \"ol. (25-E-5.) HIGH ON INJUNCTIONS, 1874. i Vol. (25-D-5.) [Same], 3d Ed., 1890. 2 Vols. (3-C-1.) HIGH ON RECEIVERS, 1876. i Vol. (25-E-5.) [Same], 1887. 1 Vol. [Same]. 4th Ed.. 1910. i Vol. (3-C-6.) HILDYARD OX MARIXE IXSURANCE, 1847- ^ Vol. (25-D-6.) HILL. (See Phillips on Evidence.) HILL: Reports of Cases. (SeeXcw York.) HILL and DEXIO: Reports of Cases. [Lalor's Supplement.] (See New York.) HILL ON TRUSTEES, 1846. i Vol. (25-E-7.) HILL: Annotated Laws of Oregon [Codes and General Laws. I ( See Oregon. ) HILL: Reports of Cascsat Law. (Sec South Carolina.) Equity Reports. (Sec South Carolina.) HILLIARirS AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE, 1848. 1 Vol, (25-I>7) 80 Louisiana Bar Association HILLIARD ON BANKRUPTCY (With Act of 1867), 1867. i Vol, 2 copies. (25-C-5.) HILLIARD ON CONTRACTS, 1872. 2 Vols. (25-C-7.) HILLIARD ON TORTS, 1859. 2 Vols. (25-E-7.) HILTON: Reports of Cases, Court of Common Pleas for the City and County. (See New York.) HINDMARCH ON PATENT PRIVILEGES, 1847. i Vol. (25-E-5.) HIRSCHL'S COMBINATION, CONSOLIDATION AND SUC- CESSION OE CORPORATIONS, 1896. i Vol. (3-B-5.) HOBART. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) HODGES. (See England, Common Pleas, Collateral.) HOFFMAN'S CPIANCERY PRACTICE, 1834-40. 3 Vols. (25-E-4-) HOFFMAN: Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery. (See New York.) HOFFMAN: Reports of Land Cases. (See United States Cir. and Dist.) HOFFMAN'S LEGAL STUDIES, 1836. Vols, i and 2 in i Vol. (25-E-i.) HOLCOMBE: Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1848. (9-A-7.) HOLMES: Reports. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) HOLT, ADMIRALTY CASES. (See England, Admiralty, Col- lateral.) HOLT. [Folio.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) HOLT. (See England, Nisi Prius, Collateral.) HOLT. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court, Collateral.) HOLTHOUSE: New Law Dictionary, 1847. ^ Vol. HOLY BIBLE. (3-A-2.) HONDURAS: Ley Organica De Tribunales, 1897. (26-B-3.) Codigo De Mineria, 1898. (26-B-3.) Codigo De Comercio, 1898. (26-B-3.) _ Law Library Catalogue. 81 HOPKINS ON REAL PROrERTY (Hornbook Series), 1896. i Vol. (3-C-4) HOPKINS ON TRADE MARKS, 2d Ed., 1905. i Vol. (3-C-7.) HOPKINS: Reports of Cases. (See New YorA-.) HOPKINSON and NICHOLSON-. Trial, etc., of Pennsylvania State Trials. (Sec Pennsylvania.) HOPKINSON'S ADMIR.\LTY REPORTS. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) HOPWOOD and COLTMAN. (See England, Registration Appeal Cases.) HOPWOOD and PILBRICK. (See England, Registration Appeal Cases.) HORN and HURLSTONE. (See England, Exchequer, Collateral.) •HORNBOOK SERIES," Text Books. (See Subject Index and each individual author.) HOTCHKISS: Codification of the Statute' Law of Georgia. (See Georgia.) HOUSE JOURNAL, State of Louisiana, 1857, 189S, 1900. 3 Vols. (2-C-7.) HOUSE OF LORDS REPORTS. (See England and English Full Reprint.) HOUSE OF LORDS CASES: Clark. (See England, House of Lords.) HOUSE OF LORDS: Digest of Reports. (See England.) HOUSTON : Reports, Cases decided in the Superior Court. Court of Errors and Appeals and the Criminal Courts of Delaware. (See Delaware.) HOUSTON, CRIMINAL CASES: Reports. Court of Oyer and Terminer, etc.. of Delaware. (See Delaware.) HOVENDEN ON FRAUD, 1825. 2 Vols. (25-D-5.) [Same], 1832. Vol. i. (25-D-5.) HOVENDEN'S SUPPLEiM£NT [Vesey, Junior]. (See England, Chancery.) HOWARD: Reports, Cases in the Supreme Court. (See United States.) flOWARD:, Court of Appeals. (See New York.) 82 Louisiana Bar Association HOWARD: Practice Reports, Supreme Court. (See New York.) [Same], New Series. (See New York.) HOWARD: Reports of Cases. (See Mississippi.) HOWELL: State Trials. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) HOWELL: Annotated Statutes of Michigan. (See Michigan.) HOWELL: Michigan Nisi Prius. (See Michigan.) HUBERT [Hoffman]: Reports Land Cases. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) HUDDY ON LAW OF AUTOMOBILES, 1906. i Vol. (3-B-1.) HUGHES ON ADMIRALTY [Hornbook Series], 1901. i Vol. (3-B-i.) HUGHES ON FEDERAL JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURE [Hornbook Series], 1904. i Vol. (3-C-5.) HUGHES: Reports of Causes. (See Kentucky.) HUGHES: Reports of Cases. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) HULST. (See France.) HUMPHREYS: Reports. (See Tennessee.) HUN: Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Reports. (See New York.) HUN: Reports of Cases. (See New York.) HURD: Revised Statutes of Illinois. (See IlHnois.) KURLSTONE and W1\LMSLEY. (See England.) HURLSTONE and COLT MAN. (See England, Exchequer.) HURLSTONE and NORMAN. (See England, Exchequer.) HUTCHINSON ON CARRIERS, 1882. i Vol. (25-C-5.) HUTCHINSON ON CARRIERS [Matthews and Dickinson], 3d Ed., 1906. 3 Vols. (3-B-2.) HUTCHINSON: Code. (See Mississippi.) HUTTON [Folio]. (See England, Common Pleas.) Law LiBRAjtf Catalogue 83 IDAHO: REPORTS. Period Loca- Vols. How Cited. Covered, tion. Idaho Reports (Cummins)* i i Idaho, 1866-67 Idaho, N. S. (Prickett) i i Idaho, N.S. 1S66-S0 19-E-5 Pac. Rcpr., \'oI. 2, Idaho. Idaho (West Pub. Co.)* i Idaho (2) iSSi-92 Idaho* 2--] Idaho (2-7) 1880-1901 IMPORTANT FEDERAL STATUTES. ANNOTATED, Curtis, 1S91. I Vol. (lO-C-i.) [See also Federal Statutes Anno- tated.] ILLINOIS STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) ILLINOIS: Period Loca- Supreme Coukt. Vols. Plow Cited. COVEKED. tion. Breese I Breese (i 111.) 1819-30 19-E-6 Scammon 4 Scam. (2-5 111.) 183^-43 19-E-6 Oilman 5 Gilm. (6-10 111.) 1844-49 19-E-6 Illinois ii-i45» 111. 11-145) 1849-93 19-E-6 —F-6 (Northeastern Repr., Vol. 114, 111.) (Vol. 18 111. contains Underwood's Notes.) Vol. 144 missing. Appell.vte Courts. Bradwell 20 1-20 Brad. 1877-S6 i^F-6-7 Illinois Appellate 21-152 21-152 111. App. 1885-1910 19-F-7 to 20-A-7 Court of Claimst 1 1877-1903 Digest op Reports. Anthony i i-i4lll- 1819-1854 20-B-3 ILLINOIS: SESSION LAWS (STATE). Thirty-Fifth Assembly, First Session, Date, January, 1887. (20-B-3.) STATUTES: (Compilations, Revisions, Codes, etc.) Statutes. (Treat. Scates and Blackwell.) 1858. Statutes of Illinois Authorized Ed. 1861. 2 copies. (20-B-3.) Revised Statutes, fHurd.] 1893. (20-B-3.) [Same] (Hurd), 1899. (20-]:-3.) ♦Lacking, but not needed. fLacking. 84 Louisiana Bar Assocution ILLINOIS STATUTES. (Continued.) Annotated Statutes. [Starr and Curtiss.] 2 Vols. 1885. (20-B-3.) [Same], Supplement, 1885-87. Vol. 3. 1887. (20-B-3.) [Same], Supplement, 1885-92. Vol. 3. 1892.* [Same], 2d Edition. 3 Vols. 1896. (20-B-3.) [Same], Supplement, Jones and Addington's, 1895-1902. Vol. 4. (20-B-3.) INDIAN APPEALS, LAW REPORTS. (See Law Reports and England, Privy Council, East Indian Appeals.) INDIAN TERRITORY BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) INDIAN TERRITORY: REPORTS. Period Loca- Vols. How Cited. Covered, tion. United States Court of Appeals. Indian Territory Reports a Ind Ter. Repts. 1896 a S. W. Repr., Vol. i, Ind. Ter: INDIAN TREATIES. [Vol. 7, Statutes at Large.] Bost, 1846. (9-B-4.) » INDIANA BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associa- tions.) INDIANA: REPORTS. How Period Supreme Court. Vols. Cited. Covered. Location. Blackford 8 Blackf. 1817-1847 20-B-4 Smith I Smith Ind. 1848-1849 20-B-4 Indiana Reportsft i-ioi Ind. 1847-1884 20-B-4-C-3 b N. E. Repr., Vol. 102, Ind. Appellate Court. : Indiana Appellate Court Reports c Ind. App. 1890 c N. E. Repr., Vol. i. Ind. App. Superior Court. Wilson* I Wils. 1871-1874 Statutes. (Compilations, Revisions, Codes, etc.) Revised Statutes [Bigger and Dunn], 1843. ^ Vol. (20-C-2.) Civil Code, Annotated [Thornton], 1907. 2 Vols. (20-C-2.) INGERSOLL ON PUBLIC CORPORATIONS [Hornbook Series], 1904. I Vol. (3-B-5.) INSOLVENCY. (See England.) ♦Lacking. Law Library Catalogue 85 INSOLVEXCY AND BANKRUPTCY REPORTS. (See England, Bankruptcy, Collateral.) INTERIOR. DEPARTMENT OF THE, Decisons of the. Relating to Public Lands, 1881-1897. Vols, i, 5, to 25. [Same], Digest, 1897. Vols. 1-22, inc. INTERNATIONAL LAW DIGEST, Washg.. 1906. 8 Vols. (6-B-4.) INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REPORTS, 1887- 1910. 18 \'ols. X (6-B-4-5) [Same], Digest by E. B. Peirce, 1887-1908 [1908]. i Vol. (6-B-5.) INTERSTATE COMMERCE LAW, ANNOTATED, W^entworth, 1891. I Vol. IOWA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Asso- ciations.) IOWA: REPORTS. How Period Vols. Cited- Covered. Location. Morris i Mor. 1839-1846 20-C-3 Greene* 4 G. Gr. 1847-1854 20-C-3 Iowa c 52 la. 1855- 1879 20-C-3-5 c N. V,'. Tlepi., Vo!. 51, Iowa. Session Laws (Territorial). First Session. 1838-1839. (20-C-6.) Statutes. Annotated Code, 1897. (20-C-6.) IREDELL: Reports of Cases at Law. (See North Carolina.) Reports of Cases in Equity. (See North Carolina.) IREDELL: Digests. (See North Carolina.) IREDELL, NASH and BATTLE: Revised Statutes. (Sec North Carolina.) IRELAND: Reports High Court of (the Irish) rarliament. Period When Vols. Covered. Published. Location. Chancery. Ball and Beatty 2 in i 1807-1814 1839 14-C-1 Molloy 3 1827-183 1 1832-33 The above is all Library has. 'Duplicates Vols, i and 2. 86 Louisiana Bar Association IRISH. (See American Corporation Cases.) ITALY : Code De Commerce Italien, 1883. (15-A-4.) Code Penal Italien, 1890. (15-A-4.) ' Code Civil Italien, i866. (15-A-4.) JACOB. (See England, Chancery.) JACOBS: Reference Digest. (See Michigan.) JACOBS' FISHER'S DIGEST. (See England.) JACOB and Walker. (See England, Chancery.) JAGGARD ON TORTS [Hornbook Series], 1895. 2 Vols. (3-C-7.) JAMES' BANKRUPT LAW OF THE UNITED STATES OF 1867, I Vol. (3-B-i.) JARMAN ON WILLS, ist Am. Ed.. Notes, Perkins, 1845. 2 Vols. (25-F-i.) [Same], Perkins' Notes, 1859. 2 Vols. (25-F-i.) JEFFERSON: Reports of Cases. (See Virginia.) JENKINS. (See England, Exchequer.) JEREMY'S EQUITY JURISDICTION, 1840. i Vol. (25-D-7.) JEWELL'S DIGEST CITY ORDINANCES NEW ORLEANS, 1882. 2 Copies. (2-C-4.) [Same], Revised Edition, 1887. (2-C-4.) JOHNSON. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) JOHNSON: Reports of Cases. Supreme Court, 1799-1803. 3 Vols, (See New York.) Reports of Cases, Supreme Court, etc., of New York, 1806- 1823. 20 Vols. (See New York.) Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, New York, 1814-1823. (See New York.) JOHNSON and HEMMING. (See England Vice Chancellor's Court.) JOINT PROCEEDINGS BAR ASSOCIATIONS. (See Proceed- ings Bar Associations.) gONES ON ANUNITIES. 1844. Vols, i and 2. (25-C-4.) JONES ON PLEDGES, 1883. i Vol. (3-C-4.) Law Library Catai^que 87 JONES' RULES OX FEDERAL PRACTICE, 1SS4. i Vol. (25-E-4. JONES: Reports of Cases at Law. (See North Carolina.) Reports of Cases in Equity. (See North Carolina.) JONES and SPENCER: Reports of Cases. Superior Court of the City of New York. (See New York.) JONES, T. [Folio]. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) JONES. SIR WILLIAM [Folio]. See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) JONES: Revised Statutes. (See Missouri.) JONES and ADDINGTON: Supplement [Star and Curtis Anno- tated Statutes Illinois Reports.] (See Illinois.) JOURNAL DU PALAIS. (See France.) TOYCE ON NUISANCES, 1906. i Vol. (3-C-4.) rUDICATURK ACT, UNDER THE. (See England.) JUDSON ON TAXATION, 1903. i Vol. (3-C-7.) JURIS CIVILTS ENCHIRIDIUM. GAII ET JUSTINIANI IN- STITUTIONES, 1844. (17-A-1.) JURIST, THE. (See England, "In All the Courts.") JURIST, THE [New Series]. (See England, "In All the Courts.") JUSTINIEN , L'EMPEREUR LES INSTITUTES DE. 1806. (16-A-2.) KANSAS, BAR ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF. (Sec Proceedings of Bar Associations.) KANSAS: REPORTS. Supreme Court. Vols. McCahon *i Kansasf C2()d JPac. Repr., Vol. 30, Kan. Court of Appeals. Kansas appeals c e Pac. Repr., Vol. i, Kan. App. (Court went out of existence Jan. 14, 1901.) How Period Cited- Covered. Locatio.v McCahon 18 s8- 1 868 Kan. 1862- 1S83 20-C-6-7 ♦Lacking; include Pi o U o 00 1.^ to 00 t^ CC 00 00 •-* 00 00 00 00 00 1 CC 1-4 00 1 00 1— « CO 00 ON 00 1 00 i8oi- 1805- 1808- 1 00 t 00 10 1— • 00 as 00 CO 00 t 00 00 10 00 00 00 1-^ 00 OS 00 ^ >. >. >^ Ui Ui Ui X ui >. U i4 i4 >. u i4- Seria) No. N^ t— « 1 oc 1 1 1-4 1 On CO 1 6 I 00 to 1 NO •it 3 .J O > T3 T3 M 6 w Q i4 "6 -d 04 tar-l u5 rt C >^ On 1 00 l< •4^ .< I.-1 »< c \4 r^ TJ *-% ui cd -A c S > 3 3 >-» c •-pi 1— t J '►J r ^ "-A Q w Q P3 ^ c ►I t^ t^ O 00 04 1-1 Ov 'R to '•-• i-i C/3 (4 (/I ffi c^ S « — _-- Ok', a> c» c s t: o —■ J J S rt C rt o c O rt u u rt Q u 3 a. 04 C rt rt >. ^^ . -4. I- 00 > «J u . c c :S o vv), 1857. 2 Copies. (2-C-4.) Official Journal of the Senate, 1898 and 1900. 2 Vols. (2-C-.7) House Journal, State of Louisiana, 1857. (2-C-.7.) Official Journal of the House, 1898 and 1900. 2 Vols. (2-C-7.) Tewell's Digest, City .Ordinances, N. O., 1882. 2 Copies. (2-C-4.) [Same], Revised Edition, 1887. (2-C-4.) Flynn's Digest, Ordinances City of New Orleans, 1896. 2 Copies. (2-C-4-5.) Comptroller's Report, 1868. (2-C-7.) Report Secretary of State of Louisiana (Biennial Report), 1896-1898. (2-C-7.) Report Secretary of State of Louisiana, 1902. (2-C-7.) [Same], 1905. (2-C-7.) Laws of Territory of Louisiana, 1808. (See Missouri Statutes.) Digest of Civil Laws in Force ("Old Civil Code"), N. O., 1808. (2-C-4.) General Digest (Martin), N. O., 1816. 3 \'o!s. (Lacking.) Laws of Louisiana Sietc Partida.<; (Morcau-Lislct and Carle- ton), N. O., 1820. 2 Vols. (Lacking.) General Digest Acts of Legislature (Moreau-Lislct), 1804- 1827. .\'. O., 1828. 2 Vols. 2 Copies Vol. I. (3-A-7.) System of Penal Laws (Livingston), 1833. (Lacking.) Digest of Penal Laws (Robinson), 1841. (2-C-4.) Digest, Laws and Decisions (Grciner), N. O., 1841, Vol. i. 2 Copies. (2-C-5.) 108 Louisiana Bar AssOciatiOx, LOUQUE: Digest of Decisions. (See Louisiana.) LOVELAND'S FORMS OF FEDERAL PROCEDURE, 1894. I Vol. (3^C-5.) LOWELL: Reports. (See United States, Cir. arid Dist.) LOWNDES, MAXWELL and POLLOCK. (See England, Prac- tice Reports and Bail Court.) LOWNDES and MAXWELL. (See England, Practice Reports and Bail Court.) LUBE'S EQUITY PLEADING, 1846- i Vol. (25-E-3,) LUDERS. (See England, Election Cases.) LUSHINGTON. (See England, Admiralty.) LUTWYCHE fFolio].- (See England, Commdn Pleas.) tUTWYCPlE. (See England, Registration Appeal Cases.) LUZERNE: Legal Register Reports. [By Kulp.] (See Pennsyl- vania.) McAllister: Reports. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) MACARTHUR : Reports Supreme Court of the District of Colum- bia. (See District of Columbia.) MACARTHUR: Reports of Cases Arising Upon Applications for" Letters Patent. (See United States, Cir. and Dist. Courts* See District of Cuiumbia.) MACARTHUR and MACKEY : Reports. Cases in the Supreme Courlr of the District of Columbia. (See District of Columbia.) McBEE'S SUCCESSION INDEX, PARISH OF ORLEANS, 1880- 1902. 2 Vols., containing Emancipations, Interdictions and Partition Proceedings. (2-C-7.) McCAHON: Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Kansas. (See Kansas.) McCARTER: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) McCLAIN ON CRIMINAL LAW, 1897. 2 Vols. (3-B-6.) M'CLELAND. (See England, Exchequer.) M'CLELAND and YOUNG. (See England, Exchequer.) McCORD: Chancery Reports. (See South Carolina,) ■ Reports of Cases. (See South CaroUna.) Law Library Catalogue 109 McCRARY ON ELECTIONS, 3d Ed., 1887. i Vol. (3-B-6.) McCI^\RY: Reports. Circuit Courts. (See United States, Cir. and Dist. Courts.) MACDOXELL and WALLIS: Reports of State Trials, New Series. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) McGLOIX: Rejiorts of Cases. (See Louisiana.) McGRATH : Mandamus Cases of Michigan. (See Michigan.) MACHEX: Modern Law of Corporations, 1908. 2 \'ols. (3-B-5.) MACK: Digest. (See Am. St. Reports.) MACKALL: Code of Maryland. (See Maryland.) McKELVEY ON EVIDENCE (Hornbook Series), 1898. i Vol. (3-B-7.) MACKEY: District of Columbia Reports. (See District of Colum- bia.) Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of the District of Colum- bia. (See District of Columbia.) Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, Wash., 1888. [Lacking.] (See District of Columbia.) McLEAX: Reports, Circuit Court. (See United States Cir. and Dist.) NL\CLEAN and ROBINSON. [Scotch.] (See England, House of Lords. Also see Scotland.) McMULLAN: Equity Cases. (See South Carolina.) Law Reports. (See South Carolina.) MACNAGHTEN'S SELECT CASES. (See Chancery, England.) MACNAGHTEN and GORDON. (See England. Chancery.) MACRAE and HERTSLET. (See luigland, Insolvency.) MACRORV. (See England. Patent Cases.) MACQUEEN. (See Scotland.) McQUILLIN: Municipal Ordinances, 1904. i Vo]. 3-C-4.) MADDOCK ON CHANCERY, 1817. Vol. 2. (25-C-5.) MADDOCK. (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) MAGEE'S DIGEST. (See Am. St. Reports.) 110 Louisiana Bar AssocIATIO^ MAGISTRATES' CASES. (See England.) MAINE STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) MAINE: REPORTS. Period Loca- VoLS. How Cited Covered, tion. Greenleaf 9 Grcenl. or Me. (Me. 1-9) 1820-32 20-E-i Fairfield 3 I'^^irf. or Me. (Me. 10-12) 1833-35 20-E-1 Maine* i3-77t Me. 13-77 (Me. 13-77) 1836-85 20-E-1-4 t Atl. Repr., Vol. "jt. Me., p. 408. DIGEST OF REPORTS. Reports Period Vols. Digested. Covered. Eastman i 1-26 Me. 1820-1847 (1849) 20-E-4 STATUTES. Revised Statutes of Maine, i Vol. 1840-1841. 2d Ed., with Appendix [Eastman and Everett]. (20-E-4.) MALONE'S CRIMINAL BRIEFS, 1886. i Vol. (2S-D-2.) MANN: Law of Foreign Business Corporations, 1906. i Vol. (3-B-5-) MANNING: Unreported Cases. (Sec Louisiana.) MANNING and GRANGER. (See England, Common Pleas.) MANNING and RYLAND. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) MANRESA Y NAVARRO : Ley de Enjiuciamiento Civil. Madrid, 1856-69. 6 Vols. Vols. 5, 6, lacking. (26-B-4.) MANSFIELD'S DECISIONS. (Sec Cowper's Reports, England.) MANSON'S BANKRUPTCY AND WINDING UP CASES. (See England, Bankruptcy, Collateral.) MARCADE. (See France.) * Vols. 44, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 71, 75, 76, lacking. Law Library Cat.ux)gue 111 MARCH'S NEW CASES. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) MARR'S INDEX TO ACTS OF LOUISIANA, -d Ed., 1S95. 2 Copies, one of which is interleaved with notations. (3-A-7.) . rSame], 1890. (3-A-7.) MARR'S CRIMINAL lURISPRUDENCE OF LOUISIANA, 1906. I Vol. (.vC-:;.) MARRIOTT. (See England, Admiralty.) \L\RSHALL. (See England, Common Ple.-.s, Collateral.) MARSHALL'S DECISIONS [Brockenbroiigh]. (Sec United States Cir. and Dist. Courts.) MARSHALL ON INSURANCE, 1810. 2 Vols. (25-D-6.) MARSHALL: Reports, Decisions. (See Kentucky.) MARSHALL: Reports of Cases. (See Kentucky.) MARTIN [by Battle] : North Carolina Reports. (See North Care lina.) MARTIN: Public Acts. (See North Carolina.) MARTIN. FRANCOIS XAVIER: Orleans (Louisiana) Term Re- portb. t^See Louisiana.) ("Same], New Series. (Sec Louisiana.) MARTIN: Code of Alabama. (See Alabama.) MARTIN: Digest. (See Louisiana.) MARTIN and YERGER. (See Tennessee.) MARVEL: Reports Cases decided in the Court of Errors and Ap- peals, Superior Court. Court of Oyer and Tcrniincr, and the Court of General Sessions of Delaware. (See Delaware.) MARYLAND STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. Sec Proceed- ings of Bar Associations.) 112 LouisiAN.i Bar Association MARYLAND : REPORTS. Law. Vols Harris and M'Henry f4 Harris and Johnson ^y Harris and Gill 2 Gill and Johnson 12 ■ Gill 9 Maryland^ 064 a Atl. Repr., Vol. 64 Md. Chancery. Bland ||3 Bland's Ch. 1811-1832 20-F-1 Maryland Chancery Decisions 4 Md. Ch. 1847-1854 20-F-l Court of Appeals i 1839 How Period Cited. Covered. LoCAflON H. & M'H. 1658-1799 20-E-5 H. & J. 1800-1826 20-E-5 H. & G. 1826-1829 20-E-5 G. & J. 1829-1842 20-E-5-6 Gill 1843-1851 20-E-6 Md. (1-64) 1851-1885 20-E-6-F-1 DIGEST OF REPORTS. VOES Raymond i Norris, Brown & Brune t Reports Period Digested Covered Location?. I H. & M'H. 7 G. & J. 1658-1836 20-F-2 I H. & M'H. 12 G. & J. 1658-1842 20-F-2 Bland's Chancery. ' ' STATUTES (Compilations, Codes, Etc.) : Compilation of Laws, 1692-1799 [Kilty]. Anrlapolis, 1799- 1800. 2 Vols. (20-F-2.) Code. (Mackall.) 2 Vols. Bait, i860. Vol. i. Public General Laws; Vol. 2, Public Local Laws . (20-F-2.) Code, Public Local Laws. (Poe.) 2 Vols. Bait., 1888. (20-F-2.) Code, Public General Laws. (Poe.) 2 Vols. Bait., 1888. (20-F-2.) MASON REPORTS. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) MASON: Reports, Circuit Court. (See United States, Cin and Dist.) f 2 Copies Vol. I. X Vol. I, 3 Copies. \ Have Vol. 64; Vols. 15, 35 to 63 Lacking. II Vol. 3 Lacking. La\v Library Catalogue 11:] MASSACHUSETTS REPORTS. How Period Cited. Covered. Loc.\tion. Quincy 176 1- 1772 21-A-1 Mass. (1-17) 1S04-22 21-A-1 Pick (1S-41 Mass.) 1822-40 21-A-1-2 Met. (42-54 Mass.) 1840-47 21-A-2-3 Cush. (55-66 Mass.) 1848-53 21-A-3-4 Gray (67-82 Mass.) 1854-60 21-A-4 Allen (83-96 Mass.) 1861-67 21-A-4-5 Mass. (97- 158) 1867-93 21-A-5-B-2 a Xortheastern Repr., Vol. 139 Mass. Thacher's Crimi- nal Cases I Thach. Cr. Cas. 1823-43 21-B-3 Cushing's Contested Election Cases *i 17S0-1852 Ciishinj:;:. Storey and lossclvn's Election Cases' *i Cush. El. Cas. 1780- 1852 Loring and Russell's Election Cases *i Lor. & Rus. El. Vols Quincy Massachusetts Pickering 24 Meccalf 13 Gushing 12 Gray 16 Allen M Massachusi -tts 97-1580 Cas. 1853-1885 DIGEST OF REPORTS. Reports Period Vols Digested Covered Locatiom Minot 1 I Mass-4 Met. 1804-42 21-0-3 Minoi Supplement 1 4 Met.-3 Cush. 1842-49 21-B-3 Kellen, Index Digest i Quincy- 137 Mass. 1761-1884 21-H-2 Bennett. Grav & Swift 3 1-127 ^Liss. 1804-79 21-0-2 Digest Annotated 8 1-189 Mass. 1804-1905 21-O-2 STATUTES. Revised Statutes |^L'tcalf &: Mann.] Bost.. 1836. (21-B-3.) fSamc'l Supplement (Mctcalf. Cu.shing & Gray). 1836-1853. Best.. 1854. \'()1. I. (21-B-3.) MAULE and SELWYX. (See England. King's and Queen's Bench.) MAY OX TN'SURAXCE. 3d. Ed- 1891. 2 Vols. (3-C-1.) f 2 Copies. * Lacking. 114 Louisiana Bar Association MAY, UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT PRACTICE, 1899. I Vol. MEESON and WELSBY. (See England, Exchequer.) MEIGS, Report of Cases. (See Tennessee.) MERCANTILE CASES. (See England.) MERIVALE. (See England, Chancery.) MERLIN. (See France.) MERRICK'S CODE. (See Louisiana.) METCALF: Reports of Cases. (See Massachusetts.) METCALF-THERON [Editor]. Starkie on Evidence, 1837. METCALF, CUSHING and GRAY, Supplement to Revised Statutes of Massachusetts. (See Massachusetts.) METCALF and MANN, Revised Statutes. (See Massachusetts.) METCALFE: Reports of Cases. (See Kentucky.) MEWS'. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law.) MEWS, SUPPLEMENT. (See England, Digests of Reports, Com- mon Law.) MEWS' ANNUALS. (See England, Digests of Reports, Common Law.) MEWS' SUPPLEMENT. (See England, Digests of Cases, Equity.) MEWS' ANNUALS. (See England, Digests of Cases, Equity.) MEWS* ENGLISH CASE LAW DIGEST. (See England, Digests of Cases, Common Law and Equity.) MEWS' ENGLISH CASE LAW DIGEST, Supplement. (See Eng- land, Digests of Cases, Common Law and Equity.) MEXICO: • Code De Commerce, Prudhomme, 1890. (i5-A'4.) MEXICO and SPAIN. Civil Laws of Spain and Mexico, (G. Schmidt), 1851, 2 Copies. (26-B-4.) MEYERS. (See Myers.) MICHAUX. (See France.) Law Library Catalogue 115 MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) MICHIGAN REPORTS. Law. How Period Vols. Cited. Coveked. Location. Douglas 2 Doug. Mich. 1843-1S47 21-B-4 Michigan 956 Mich (1-95 1847-1893 21-B-4-C-1 b Northwestern Repr. Vol. 41 Mich. Chancery. Harrington i Harr. Mich. 1836-1842 21-C-2 (Coolev Annotated, 1882 Ed.) Walker ' i Walk. Mich. 1842-1845 21-C-2 Nisi Prius. Brown +2 Mich. N. P. 1869-1871 21-C-2 Howell *i How. N. P 1868- 1884 Miscellaneous. ♦Fuller's Practice Reports I 1897 ♦McGrath's Mandamus Cases I .1898 Digests of Reports. Reports Period Vols Digested Covered Loc.\tion Jacobs 2 Ilarr. Ch. 53 Mich. 1836-1884 21-C-2 -STATUTES. Revised Statutes 1837-38(1838) 21-C-2 Annotated Statutes (Howell) 2 1882 21-C-2 [Samcj Suppplement V. 3 1883-90 21-C-2 MILES: Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) MILL'S CONSTITUTIONAL REPORTS. (Sec S. Carolina.) MILLER. WISCONSIN CITATIONS. (Sec Wisconsin.) MILLER: Reports of Decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States. [Unofticial.] (Sec United States.) f Vol. 2 Lacking. * Lacking 116 Louisiana Bar Association MILLET. (See France.) MILLS ON EMINENT DOMAIN, 1879. i Vol. (3-B-6.) MINNESOTA BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Asso- ciations.) MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) MINNESOTA REPORTS. Supreme Court. How Period VoES Cited. Covered. Location. Minnesota c26 Minn. 1851-1880 21-C-3-4 e Northwestern Repr., Vol. 26 Minn. MINOR, HENRY: Reports, Supreme Court of Alabama. (See Ala- bama.) MINOT, GEORGE, DIGESTS. (See Massachusetts.) MISCELLANEOUS. (See England, New York and other States.) MISSISSIPPI STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) MISSISSIPPI REPORTS. Supreme Court. How Period Vols, Cited. Covered. Location. Walker i Walk. Miss. 1818-1832 ( I Miss.) (1834) 21-C-5 Howard 7 How. Miss. (2-8 Miss.) 1834-1843 21-C-5 Smedes & Marshall 14 S. & M. (9-22 Miss.) 1843-1850 21-C-5 -6 Mississippi 23-63/ Miss. (23- 6z) 1851-1886 21-C-6 f Southern Repr., Vol. 64 Miss. -D-i Criminal. Morris' States Cases 2 1818-1872 Missing. Law Library Catalogue 117 MISSISSIPPI: REPORTS.— {Continued.) How Period Vols. CiTi-u- Covered. Location. Chancery. Freeman i Fr. Miss. Ch. 1839-1843 21-D-1 Smedcs & Marshall i S. & M. Ch. 1840-1S43 21-D-1 Mississippi Decisions, 2 \''ols., containing all the unreported Opinions of the Supreme Court of Mississippi from the earliest time down to 1885 (\Valker-65 Miss.) (HemingAvay & McDonald), 1906-7. Cited "Miss. Dec." (21-D-2.) DIGESTS OF REPORTS. Reports Period. Vols. Digested. Covered. Location Smedes 1^ Walker 9 S. & M. 1818- 1847 21-D-2 George i \\'alker-44 Miss. 1S18-70 21-D-2 George Supplement (Andrew's i 45-56 Miss. 1871-1879 21-D-2 STATUTES. Statutes of Mississippi Territory Revised Code Digest of Laws Code of Laws^ Code, 1906 Laws of Mississippi, 1908 MISSOURI BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associa- tions.) MISSOURI REPORTS. Supreme Court. I [ov/ Period Vols. Cited. Covered. Location. Missouri:}: 114/; Mo. 1821-1892 21-D-4-E-2 /» Southwestern Repr., Vol. 89 Mo. Court op Appeals. Mis.souri Appeals 193 Mo. App. 1876-1902 2I-E-.V7 i Southwestern Repr., Vol. 94, Mo. App. I8I6 21-D-2 (Poindexter) 1823 21-D-2 (Alden and Van Hoesen) 1S39 21-D-2 (Hutchinson) 1848 21-D-2 (Whitfield, Catchings & Hardy) 21-D-2 21-D-2 ^ 2 Copies. * Have V'^ol. .\5o. 118 Louisiana Bar AssociATioisr MISSOURI, DIGESTS OF REPORTS. Reports Period VoivS. Digested Covered Location Casselberry i 1-15 Mo. 1821-1852 21-F-1 fPattison 3 1-67 Mo. 1821-1878 21-F-1 SESSION LAWIS. Assembly. Session. Date. Location. 40th Regular 1899 21-F-1 STATUTES. Revised Statutes, 1835 21-F-1 Revised Statutes :}:i845 (Jones) 21-F-1 General Statutes, 1865 (Denny) 21-F-l Revised Statutes, 1899, 2 Vols 21-F-1 MITFORD'S CHANCERY PLEADINGS, 1844. i Vol. (25-E- 3-) [Same.] 1849, i Vol. (25-E-3.) MITFORD'S and TYLER'S PLEADINGS and PRACTICE IN EQUITY, 1876. I Vol. (25-E-3.) MOAKS NOTES, ENGLISH REPORTS. (See English Reports, Moaks Notes, 3 Vols. [Vols. 36-38], Cook's Notes.) MODERN CASES IN LAW and EQUITY, Modern Reports. (See England.) MODERN REPORTS; or Select Cases adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer. (See England.) MODERN (Farrsley's) REPORTS. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) MODERN REPORTS. (See England, Common Pleas.) MODERN STATE TRIALS, [By Townsend.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) MOLINIER. (See France.) MOLLOY REPORTS, High Court of Chancery in Ireland. (Sec Ireland.) X State Ed., 2 Copies. f Vol. 3, also includes St. Louis Ct. of App. Vols. 1-4. Law Library Cat^u^ogue 119 MOXAGhAX and JONES; Chester County Reports, Pennsylvania. (See Pennsylvania.) MOXAGHAX. PEXXSYLVAXIA SUPREME COURT CASES, Omitted. (See Pennsylvania.) MOXROE and HARLAX, DIGEST OF REPORTS. (See Ken- tucky. ) MOXROE, B. : Reports of Cases. (See Kentucky.) MOXROP:. T. B.: Reports of Cases. (See Kentucky.) MOXTAGU. (See England, Bankruptcy.) MOXTAGU and AYRTOX. (See England, Bankruptcy.) MOXTAGU and BLIGH. (See England, Bankruptcy.) MOXTAGU and CHITTY. (See England, Bankruptcy.) MOXTAGU, DEACON and DEGEX. (See England, Bankruptcy.) MOXTAGU and ^L\C ARTHUR. (See England, Bankruptcy.) MONTANA BAR ASSOCL-\TION. (See Proceedings Bar Associa- tions.) , .;_i.-.i-j MONTANA REPORTS. SupRE.ME Court. How PlvRIOI) Vols. Cited. Covered. Location. Montana ;3 Mont. 1868-1880 21-F-2 j Pacific Rcpr., \'ol. 4, Montana. STATUTES. Codes and Statutes in force July i, 1895. Annotated. fWade, Cole and Carpenter.] Butte and Anaconda, 1895. 2 Vols. (21-F-2.) MOODY. (See England, Crown Cases.) MOODY & MALKLX. (See England, Nisi Prius, Collateral.) MOODY & ROBINSON . (See England, Nisi Prius, Collateral.) MOORE. (See ICngland, Common Pleas, Collateral.) MOORE. INDIAN APPEALS. (Sec England. Privy Council, East Indian Appeals.) MOORE [Folio.] (Sec England, King's and Queen's Bench.) 120 Louisiana Bar Association MOORE. (See England, Privy Council.) MOORE: New Cases. (See England, Privy Council.) MOORE: Case Gorham vs. Exeter. (See England, Privy Council.) MOORE and PAYNE. (See England, Common Pleas, Collateral.) MOORE and SCOTT. (See England, Common Pleas, Collateral.) MOREAU— LISLET and CARLETON, Laws. (See Louisiana.) MOREAU— LISLET : Gen'l. Digest Acts of Legislature. (See Louisiana.) MOREHEAD and BROWN: Digest. (See Kentucky.) MOREL: First Municipality Laws, N. O., 1846. (2-C-7.) MORGAN: Code of Practice. (See Louisiana.) MORGAN: Civil Code. (See Louisiana.) MORRELL'S BANKRUPTCY CASES. (See England, Bankruptcy, Collateral.) MORRIS ON THE LAW OF REPLEVIN, 1849. i Vol. (25-E-5.) MORRIS: Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Iowa. (See Iowa.) MORRIS' STATES CASES. (See Mississippi.) MORRISON'S TRANSCRIPT OF THE DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, Unofficial. (See United States.) MORSE ON BANKS AND BANKING [Parsons], 3d. Ed., 1888. 2 Vols. (25-C-5.) [Same.] (Parsons), 4th Ed., 1903. 2 Vols. (3-B-1.) MOSELY. (See England, Chancery.) MOTT and SEMMES BRIEFS, 1870-1876. 5 Vols. (25-F-5.) MUNFORD: Reports of Cases. (See Virginia.) MURPHEY: Reports of Cases. (See N. Carolina.) MURPHY and HURLSTONE. (See England, Exchequer, Colla teral.) MYERS' FEDERAL DECISIONS, 1884, Vols., i, 2, only. (27-C-2.) MYLNE and CRAIG. (See England, Chancery.) MYLNE and KEEN. (See England, Chancery.) I Law Library Catalogue 121 MVRICK: Reports. Probate Court, City and County of San Fran- cisco. (See California.) XASH: Dif^est of Decisions. (See Ohio.) XATIOXAL BANKRUPTCY NEWS, 1898-1899. Vol. i, Nos. 1-24. NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY NEWS and REPORTS, 1899-1900. i \'ol. NATIONAL CONGRESS ON UNIFORM DIVORCE LAWS; Proceedings 1906. 2 \'ols.) NATIONAL LAW FINDER (THE). For all States of the United States (1911). (2-C-1.) NATIONAL REPORTER SYSTEM. Reports in full of all the cur- rent Decisions of the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts of the United States and the Courts of Last Resort of all the States and Territories, as follows : Atlantic Reporter. (See Atlantic Reporter.) Atl.vntic Reporter, Blue Book. (See Atlantic Reporter.) P.\ciFic Reporter. (See Pacific Reporter.) Pacific Reporter. Blue Book. (See Pacific Reporter.) Northeastern Reporter. (See Notheastern Reporter.) Northeastern Reporter, Blue Book- (See Norteastern Re- porter.) iVoRTH western Reporter. (See Northwestern Reporter.) Northwestern Reporter, Blue Book. (See Northwestern Re- porter.) Southeastern Reporter. (See Southeastern Reporter.) Southeastern Reporter, Blue Book. (See Southeastern Re- porter.) Southwestern Reporter. (See Southwestern Reporter.) Southwestern Reporter, Blue Book. (Sec Southwestern Re- porter.) Southern Reporter. (See Southern Rejjorter.) Southern Reporter, Blue Book. (See Southern Reporter.) New York Sii'PLEMENT: Sui)rcine and Lower Courts of Record of New York. (Sec New York, Supplement.) New York Supplement, Blue Book- (Sec New York, Supple- ment.) 122 Louisiana Bar Association NATIONAL REPORTER SYSTEM.— (Continued). Supreme Court Reporter. The United States Supreme Court, St. P., 1883-1905, Vols 1-25 (not subscribers to this.) (27-A- I-3-) Federal Cases : Circuit and District Courts of the United States, 1789-1880, St. P., 1894-97- 30 Vols. (9-C-3-5-) Digest: St. P., 1898. Vols. 1-30. (9-C-5.) Federal Reporter: . Circuit and District Reports of the United States. (See Federal Reporter.) Federal Reporter, Blue Book. (See Federal Reporter.) American Digest. United States Supreme Court, United States Circuit and District Courts, and Courts of Last Resort of all the States and Territories, Annuals. (See American Digest.) Semi-Annuals. (See American Digest.) - Key Number Series. (See American Digest.) Century Edition. (See American Digest, Century Ed.) Decennial Edition. (See American Digest, Decennial Edition.) Blue Label Books. Special Tables of Cases from the Re- porters now published in the various official and other series of reports, so arranged as to show where any case cited from other reports is to be found in the National Reporter System. St. P., 1894-96. 2 Vols. (25-F-4.) [Same], ist Ed. 1891. i Vol. (25-F-4.) NEBRASKA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) NEBRASKA: REPORTS. How Period Loca- Supreme Court. Vols- Cited. Covered. tion. Nebraska fii Nebr. 1855-1881 21-F-2 fNorthwestern, Vol. 8, Nebr., p. 294. Nebraska. (Sup. Ct. Comm.) *Unofficial Decisionsf 1901 f Northwestern Repr , Vol. i. Neb., unofficial. * Lacking. Law Library Catalogue 123 NELSOX. (See England, Chancery.) NELSON'S ENCYCLOPAEDL\. Perpetual Loose-leaf Edition, 1905-1910. 12 \'ols. . (Library has subscribed lor renewal pages for years 191 1, u. 13.) (2-C-1.) NEVADA: REPORTS. How PKRion LocA- Supreme Court. Vols. Cited. Covered. tion\ Nevada* 16 in 12 Nov. 1865-1882 21-F-3 Pacific Repr., \'ol. 17, Nevada. Reports. Wa^ERE Digests. \'0LS. Digested. Published. Lawson ^ 1-20 Nev. San F.,1892 21-F-3 NEVILE and MANNING. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench. Collateral.) NEVILE and PERRY. (See England. King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) NEVILLE and MACNAM.\R.\ : Reporters. Railway and Canal Traffic Cases. (See England.) NEW BENLOE. [Folio.] (Sec Benloe, England, King's and Queen's Bench.) NEWBERRY: Reports, Admiralty. (See Unitid States. Cir. and NEW HAMPSHIRE: REPORTS. How Period Loca- VoLS. Cited. Covered, tion. Smithf I Smith, N.H. i8o2-i8i61i 21-F-4 New Hampshire 20 1-20 N. H. 1816-1850 21-F-4 Fostci !' 21-31 N. H. (Fost.) 1850-1855 21-F-4-5 New Hampshire ^32-6511 32-<''5 ^'• II- i855-iS8(, 21-F-5-7 ^Atlantic Repr., Vol. 63. N, H.. p. 44f'- •Puldished 1879. ♦Extra copy of \'ol. (k hound separately. 'I Vols. 45 and 46 lacking. 2 Copies Vol. 52. t Dates of 1796 and 1798 appear also. 124 Louisiana Bar Association NEW HAMPSHIRE : Digests of Reports. Period Reports Digested. Covered. Gilchrist 1-12 N. H. 1816-1842 21-F-7 — — • Statutes: Compiled Statutes, 1853. (21-F-7.) NEW JERSEY: REPORTS. Law. Vols. Serial Number. Period Covered. Location. Coxe I (I N.J. Law) I 789- I 795 22- A- 1 Pennington I (2-3 N. J. Law) 2d Ed. 1806-1813 22- A- 1 Southard 2 (4-5 N. J. Law) 18161S20 22-A-i Halsted Green, J. S. 7 3 (6-12 N.J. Law) (13-15 N.J. Law) 1796-1804 1821-1831 1831-1836 22-A-i 22-A-i Harrison Spencer 4 I (16-19 N.J. Law) (20 N. J. Law) 1837-1842 I 842- 1846 22-A-I 22-A-I Zabriskie Dutcher Vroom 4 5 I9t (21-24 N. J. Law) ] (25-29 N. J. Law) (30-48 N. J. Law) 845-1855 22-A-1-2 1855-1862 22-A-2 1862-1886 22-A-2-3 t Atlantic Repr., Vol. 47, N. J. L ; P- 349- Chancery (Equity). Vols. Serial Number. Period Covered. Location. Saxton *i (iN.J.Eq.) 1830-1832 22-A-3 Green, H. W., 2d Ed. (also in- cludes cases by Prerogative Clourt) is (2-4N.J.Eq.) 1834-1845 22-A-3 Halsted, 2d Ed. U (5-8N.J.Eq.) 1845-1853 22-A-3 * 2 Copies: i, 1836; i, 2d. Ed. f 2 Copies each, duplicates original Eds. 22-A-6 and • 22-A-7. Law Library Catalogue 125 NEW JERSEY: REPORTS. Chancery [EquityJ— (Coji/i«»rd.) Serial Period Vols. Number. Covered Location. Stockton, 2d Ed. t3 (9-iiN.J. Eq.) 1852-1S58 22-A-3 Bcaslcy. 2d Ed. +2 (12-13 N.J. Eq.) 1856-1861 22-A-3 McCarter U (14-15 N.J. Eq.) 1861-1863 22-A-3 Green, C. E., 2d and 3d Ed. 12 (16-27 N.J. Eq.) 1862-1876 22-A-3-4 Stewart §18 (28-45 N.J. Eq.) 1877-1889 22-A-4-5 Dickinson lllf (46-56 N.J. Eq.) 1889-1S98 22-A-5 ^ Atlantic Repr., Vol. 40, N. J. Eq., p. 345. DIGESTS OF REPORTS. Period Where Loca- VoLS. Covered. Published. tiox. Parker (Annotated) 7 1790- 1907 Newark. igaS 22-A-6 —STATUTES. Digest of Laws (Elmer), 1838. (22-A-6.) NEW JERSEY STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceed- ings Bar Associations.) NEW MEXICO BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar As- sociations.) NEW MEXICO: REPORTS. How Period Loca- Suprcme Court. Vols. Cited. Covered. tiox. New Me.xico 2* N. Mcx. 1852-1883 22-A-7 * Pacific Repr., Vol. 3, New Mexico. NEW REPORTS [Bosanquct :uu\ Pulkrj. (See England.) NEW TERM REPORTS: ■See Ar.nold and IIodges, King's and Queen's Bench, Col- lateral ; DowLiNO AND RvLA.Ni), King's and Queen's Bench, Col- lateral ; X 2 Copies Vol. I. (22-A-7.) \ 2 Coi)ics each; Duplicates original Ed.s. (22-A-6 and 22-A-7.) g 2 Copies of Vol. 17, Stewart, one 1889, one 1898. 126 Louisiana Bar Association NEW TERM RUFORTS.— (Continued). HuRLSTONE AND WalmslEy's Exchequer REPORTS^ Eng- land; Murphy and Hurlstone's Exchequer Reports^ Eng- land, Exchequer, Collateral; WiELMORE^ WoLEASTON AND HoDGES, England, King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral; Woeeaston's, Bail Court Reports. (See also Term Reports.) NEW YORK: REPORTS. Supreme Court z.nd Court of Errors. VOES. How Cited. Period Loca- covered. tion. Coleman's Cases I Cole. Cas. 179I-180O 22-B-I Coleman and Caine's Cases Johnson's Cases, 2d Ed. Caines Reports Caines Cases y 2 Vols, in I 3 2P I C. & C. Cas. Johns. Cas. Cai. Cai. Cas. 1794-1805 22-B-I I799-1803 22-B-I 1803-1805 22-B-I 180I-1805 22-B-I Johnson's Reports g Cowen Wendell Hill Denio Hill and Denio (Lalor's Supple- ment), Vol. 6 20 9 26 7 5 I Johns. 1806-1823 22-B-1-2 Cow. 1823-1829 22-B-2 Wend. 1828-1841 22-B-2-3 Hill 1841-1844 22-B-4 Denio 1845-1848 22-B-4 Lalor (Hill & Denio) 1842-1844 22-B-4 (Supreme Court. Barbour 6? Barb. 1 847- 1 877 22- B -4- C-i 1869-1873 22-C-i 1873-1893 22-C-1-5 Lansing Hun. (8-77, N. Y. (Sup.) 7 70* Lans. Hun *N. Y. Supp., Vol. 48, Hun, p. 304. Thompson & Cook 6 Th. & C. 1873-1875 22-C-6 Silvernail s Silv. S.C* 1889-1890+ *N. Y. Supp., Vol. I, Silv. S. C. p 2nd. Ed. y 2 Copies. g 2d. and 3d. Ed. f Lacking; not reported in official series. L.uv Library Catalogue 127 XEW YORK : REPORTS. Supreme Court, Appellate Division. \'oLS. How Cited. Appellate Division'. App. Div. Reports (Hun)* *N. Y. Supp., Vol. I, App. Div. Period Loca- covered. tio.v. 1896 Lacking Chancery. Johnson Hopkins Paige Barbour \'ice Chancery. Edwards Hoffman Clarke Sanford 7 I II 3 4 I I 4 Johns. Ch. Hopk. Ch. Paige Barb. Ch. Edw. Ch. Hoff. Ch. Clarke Sandf. Ch. 1814-1823* 22-C-6 1823-1826 22-C-6 i828-i845t 22-C-6-7 1845-1848:}: 22-C-7 i83i-i850§ 22-C-7 1839-1840 22-C-7 1839-1841^ 22-C-7 1843-1847II 22-C-7 * 2 Copies each. f 2 Copies each, different editions. X 2 Copies Vols. 1 and 2. § 2 Copies each, one original one new edition. % 2 Copies. II 2 Copies \^ols. I, 4, 3 copies Vol. 2. • Court of Appeals. Comstock 4 1-4 N.Y. (i-4Comst.) 1847-1851 22-D-i Selden 6 5-10 X.Y. (i-6Seld.) 185 1 -1854 22-D- 1 Kcrnan 4 11-14X.Y. (1-4 Kern.) 1854-1856 22-D-i Xew Yorka 15-^9^* a X. E. Vol 99 X. Y. i=;-i98 X. Y. 1857-igiox 22-D-i- I'-4 Howard (Cases) i How. Cas. 1847- 1 848 22- F- 1 Abbott (Decisions) 4 Al)b. X. Y. Ai>p. 1850-1869 22-F-i Sclden's Xotes i Seld Xotes 1852-1854! 22-F-i Kcyes 4 Keyes 1863-1868 22-F-I Transcript Appeals 7 Trans. .'\pi). 1867-1868$ Silvcrnail 4 Silv. C. A. 1886-1892$ * 2 Cof)ies Vol. 92. \ 2nd VA. X Missing. 128 Louisiana Bar AsSociatiok NEW YORK: REPORTS. Superior Court of New York City, How Period Loca- Vols. Cited. Covered. tion. Hall 2 Hall 1828-1829 22-F-2 Sandford 5 Sandf. 1847-1852 22-F-2 Duer 6 Duer 1852-1857 22-F-2-3 Bosworth 10 Bosw. 1856-1863 22-F-3 Robertson (24-30) 7 Robt. 1863-1868 22-F-3-4 Sweeny (31-32) 2 Sweeny 1869-1870 22-F-4 Jones and Spencer 23 33-55 N. Y. Super Ct. (1-23J.&S.; ) 1871-1888 22-F-4-5 N. Y. Supp. Vol. 56, N. Y. Superior Court. Superior Court of Buffalo. Sheldon I Sheldon 1854-1875 Missing Common Pleas, Cit) f and ( bounty of New York. E. D. Smith 4 E. D. Smith 1850- 1858 22-F-5 Hilton 2 Hilt. 1855-1860 22-F-6 Daly 16 Daly 1859-1891 22-F-6 2-16 Missing. N. Y. Supp., Vol. 14, Daly, p. 497. Surrogates' Courts. Bradford 4 Bradf. 1849-1857 22-F-7 Redfield 5 Redf. 1846- 1882 22-F-7 Tucker i Tuck. 1863- 1869 22-F-7 Demarest 6 Dem. 1882-1888 22-F-7 N. Y. Supp., Vol. 6, Dem. Sur., p. 13, Connoly 2 Connoly i888-i8gi* N. Y. Supp., Vol. I, Con. Sur. *Gibbons N. Y. Supp. Vol. I, Gib. Sur. *Power N. Y. Supp,, Vol. I, Pow. Sur. Criminal. Wheeler Criminal Wheel. Cases 3 Cr. Cases 1791-1825 23-A-i City Hall Recorder (Rogers) 6 Vols, in 3 Rog. C. H. R. 1816-1822 23-A-i ♦ Missinff. Law Library Catalogue 129 XFAV YORK: REPORTS. Cnm\n?A.— {Coiitiiiiicd). How Period Vols. Cited. Covered. Location Parker 6 Par. Cr. Cas. 1823- 1868 23- A- 1 Cowen 2 Cow. Crim. I067-1878 23-A-i New York Criminal 6 X. Y. Crim. 1881-1S88 23-A-1-2 X. Y. Supp., \'ol. 6, N. Y. Crim., p. 57. 1848-1851 23-A-2 1850-1852 23-A-2 1844-1884 23-A-2-5 1884- 1S86 23- A-5 18-54-1865 23-A-5-() 1865-1875 23-A-6-7 1874- 1889 23-A-7- B-i Xew York Anno. Cases (\'ols. 1-6, Benjamin; 7-12 X. Y. Anno. Greene) t Cas. 1S94 X. Y. Supp., Vol. I. X'. Y. Anno. Cases. Xew York Civil X. Y. Procedure Report 39 Civ. Pro. 1S81-1907 23-B-1-3 X. Y. Supp.. \'ol. 16. X. Y. Civil Proc. New \ork Civil -X. V. Procedure Reports. Civ. Pro.. Xew Series i ^n. S. 1908-1909 23-B-3 X. Y. Supp. Vol. I X. Y. Civil Proc. N. S. ^Xcw York City Court 2 1874- 188S Practice. Code Reporter 3 in 2 Code Repr. Code Reports Howard's Practice 1 67* Code Rep. (N.S.) How. Pr. Howard's Practice, X. S. 3 How Pr. (X.S.) Abbott's Practice 19 Abb. Pr. Abbott's Practice X. S. 16+ Abb. Pr. (X.S.) Abbott's Xew Cases X. Y. Supp., 22 Vol. 23 Abb. Xcw Cas. 1, Abb. N. C * 2 Copies Vol. 43; copy \'r)l. .\^, 1SS3, by Stover. •I- \'<»1. iCy lackinp. * Lackinj^. 130 Louisiana Bap. Association NEW YORK: Miscellaneous. How Period Loca- Vols. Cited. COVERED. TION. Yates's Select Yates's Cases I Sel. Cas. 1809 23-B-4 Anthon's Nisi Prius I Anth. N. P. 1807-1818 23-B-4 (1820) Edmond's Select Edm. Sel. Cases 2 Cas. 1834-1853! Lockwood's Lock. Reversed Cases I Rev. Cas, 1799-1847:}: 23-B-4 New York Mis- N. Y. cellaneous Misc. i892§ N. Y. Supp,, Vol. I, Miscellaneous. New York Supple- N. Y. ment I24*x Supp. 1888-1910 23-B-4- * Annotated from Vols. 114-124. C-5 New York Supplement, Blue Book 23-C-5 Digests of Reports, Index, Etc. Clerke. 2 Vols. Published 1850. 2 Copies of each. (23-D-i.) Rapalje. Reference. 2 Vols. 1794-1881. J. C, 1881. 2 Copies Vol. I. (23-D-i.) Danforth & Wickes, Ct. of App, i Vol, Abbott's Ct. of App., Decs., Keys, 1-94, N. Y. 1884. (23-D-i. Danforth and Wickes, Ct. of App. Vol. 2. 95-125 N. Y. N. Y. 1891. (Missing.) Period Where Vols. Covered. Published. Brightly 3 1794-1880 N. Y. 1875-80 23-D-i Brightly, New Digest 5 1794-1899 N. Y. 1893-99* Abbott 5 1794-1860 N. Y. 1865-66 23-D-2 (Same), Supple- ments 6-8 1860-1870 N. Y. 1866-70 23-D-2 New York Supple- ment 4 vols. 1-75 St. P. 1896-1903 23-C-5 Digest Court of Appeals, 2 Vols., 1-185 Ct. of App. 1847-1907, Albany, 1907. [Campbell.] (23-D-2.) STATUTES. Laws of the State (Van Ness and Woodworth), Alb., 1813. 2 Vols. ('23-D-2.) [Same], Vol. 3. Session Laws, 1812-15. (23-D-2.) f Missing. j;. In Law and Equity Court of Errors. § Lacking. * Missing. Law Library Catalogue 131 NEW YORK: ST ATUTES.— (Continued.) Revised Statutes, 4th Ed. (Denio and Tracy), Alb., 1852. 2 Vols. 2 Copies of Vol. I. (23-D-3.) General Laws and Other General Statutes of Xew York, as amended and in force Jan. i, 1902. (Cuniniing and Gilbert.) Annotated. X. Y., 1905. 3 \'ols. (23-D-3.) [Same], Supplement. 2 Vols, both numbered 4, one 1904. one 1906. (23-D-3.) Code of Procedure. Voorhies. 41I1 Revd. Ed. 1855. (23-D-3.) Code Civil Procedure, Annotated (Stover's), 6th Ed., 1902, by Parker. 3 \'ols. (23-D-3-4.) [Same], Supplement (Stover and Bliss), 1902-1907, by Parker. Vols. 4 and 5. (23-D-4.) NEW YORK ANNOTATED CASES. (See New York.) NEW YORK CITY BAR ASSOCLVTION (Association of the Bar of the City of New York. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) NEW YORK CITY COURT. (See New York.) NEW YORK CI\'IL PROCEDURE REPORTS. (See New York.) NEW YORK CODE REPORTER. (See New York.) NEW YORK CODE REPORTS, New Series. (See New York.) NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS. (See New York Reports.) NEW YORK CRIMINAL REPORTS. (See New York Reports, Criminal.) NEW YORK MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS. (See New York.) NEW YORK REPORTS: Court of Appeals. (See New York.) NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) NEW YORK STATE REPORTER. (See New York Supi)lemcnt.) NEW YORK SUPERIOR COURT REPORTS. (See Xew York. Reports Superir^r Ccnirt. ) NEW YORK SUPPIJiMKXT, Annotated, containing the Decisions of the Supreme and I^ower Courts of Record of New York State. St. Paul. 1HHK-1910. 124 X'ols. x Annotated from Vol. 1 14-124. (23-B-4-C-5.) 132 Louisiana Bar Association NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT.— (Co7if/;n/^i»r(/.) How Vols. Cited. Supreme Court. — {Continued). Pennsylvania Pa. St. State§ 109^ (1-109) f. Atl. Repr., Vol. no, Pcnn. St. \\'alker, Omitted Cases* 4 Walk. Pa. Pennypacker, Omitted Cases* 4 Penny. Monap^han, Omitted Cases* 2 Mona. Period Covered- Loc.'ltion 1845-18S5 24-A-6- B-4 1853-1885 188 1 -1884 1889-1891 Superior Court. Pennsylvania Superior* Various Courts. Ashmead Brewster* Brightly* Browne 2 Copies each. Chester County Reports* Legal Chronicle Reports* Legal Gazette Reports* Lehigh \'alley Law Reporter* 2 Vols, in i Luzerne Legal Regis- ter Reports (Kulp)* 11 Miles 2 Parson's Select Eq. Cascsf 2 Pearson* 2 Pennsylvania County Court Reports* 28 Pennsylvania District Reports* 12 Pennsylvania Law Journal Kc[)orts (Clark)* 5 23 Pa. Super. 1895-1903 3 I 24-B-4 Ashm. 1 808- 184 1 Brcwst. 1856-1873 Brightly, N. P 1809-1851 Browne, Pa. 1801-1814 24-B-4 Chest. Co. Leg. Chron. Rep. Leg. Gaz. Rei). Lehigh \'al. L. R. Luz. L. K. or Kulp Miles Pars.Eq. Cas. Pearson Pa. C. C. Pa. Dist. Ct. Pa. L. J. Rep. or Clark 1879-18S5 1873-1875 1 869- 1 87 1 1S85-18S7 1 872- 1 903 1825-1842 24-B-4 1841-18^1 24-B-4 1850-1880 1 885- 1 904 1892- 1 903 1842-1861 § 2 Copies Vol. 13. * Lacking. f Vol. 2 missing; Vol. i, 2 copies. 142 Louisiana Bar Association PENNSYLVANIA : REPORTS.— (Continued.) How Period Vols. Cited. Covered. ] LOCATION Various Courts. — {Continued). Philadelphia Reports (Legal Intelligencer Condensed)* 20 Phila. Rep. 1850-1891 24-B-4-5 Pittsburg Reports (Crumrine)t 3 Pitts. Rep. 1853-1873 Woodward's De- cisions (Endlich)f 2 Woodw. 1861-1874 Weekly Notes of Casesf 44 W. N. C. 1 874- 1 899 Dauphin Co.f 8 I 899- I 905 Pennsylvania State Trialst I Publd. 1794 24-B-6 DIGESTS OF REPORTS . ' Period Where Vols- Covered. PubEished. Wharton (6th Ed.) 2 1754-1852 Phila., 1853 24-P-6 Brightly 2 1754-1877 Phila., 1877 24-B-6 STATUTES. General Laws from 1700-1853, with Notes and References to Decisions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (Dunlop), 3rd Ed. Phila., 1853. 2 Copies. (24-B-6.) Abridgement of the Laws, 1700-1811. (Purdon.) Phila., 1811. (24-B-6.) PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY COURT REPORTS. (See Penn- sylvania.) PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT REPORTS. (See Pennsylvania.) PENNSYLVANIA LAW^ JOURNAL REPORTS, Clark. (See Pennsylvania.) PENNSYLVANIA STATE TRIALS. (See Pennsylvania.) PENNYPACKER: Omitted Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) Pennsylvania Colonial Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) * Vols. 6-20-lacking. f Lacking. j: Containing impeachment, trial and acquittal of F. Hop- kinson and John Nicholson, Esquires. I Law Library Catalogue 143 PENROSE and WATTS: Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) PERKINS, Edition [Brown]. (See England, Chancery.) PERRIX. (See France.) PERRY and D.W'ISOX. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench Collateral.) PERRY and KXAPP. (See England, Election Cases.) PERSIL. (See France.) PETERS: Admiralty Decisions. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) PETERS: Reports, Circuit Court. (See U. S. Cirt. and Dist.) PETERS: Condensed Reports U. S. Supreme Court. [Unofficial.] (See United States.) PETERS: Reports, Cases, Supreme Court. (See United States.) PEZZAXI. (See France. PHILADELPHIA REPORTS, OR LEGAL INTELLIGENCER CONDENSED. (See Pennsylvania.) PHILADELPHIA, THE LAW ASSOCIATION OF. (See Pro- ceedings Bar Associations.) PHILIPPINE COMMISSION. ACTS OF THE (Pamphlet), 1904. (26-B-4.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: LAWS, KTC: Translations of Spanish Laws, hy Division of Insular Affairs, War Dei)artment. In one \'ol. Labeled "Laws of Porto Rico and Philippines,' as follows: (26-B-4.) Philippines: ♦Penal Code, 1900. Railroad Laws and Rco^^ulations. 1900. Mining Laws and Regulations. 1900. Notarial Laws, 1899. Immigration Regulations, 1899. Instructions of the President to Philippine Commission, April 7, 1900. Cuba. Pokto Rico and Tiir, Piiii.n'riNKs. •t-Civil Co' Cases I Riley, Eq. 1836-1837 24-C-4 Dudley (Law and Equity) I Dud. Eq. 1837- 1838 24-C-2 Rice I Rice, Eq. 1838-1839 24-C-4 Cheves (Law and Equity) I Chev. Eq. 1839-1840 24-C-2 McMulIan Speers I I McMull. Eq. Speers, Eq. 1831-1837 I 840- I 842 I 842- I 844 24-C-4 24-C-4 Strobhart 4 Strobh. Eq. 1846- I 850 24-C-4 Richardson (Vol. 12 Eq. printed with 13 Rich, Law) M Rich. Eq.* 1844-1868 24-C-5 Supreme Court. Richardson (S. C. Repts,, N. S.) 10 S. C (i-io)t 1868- 1879 24-C-5 South Carolina ii ^ Southeastern -25lf Repr S.C. (ii-25)t ., Vol. 26, S. C 1878 DIGESTS OF REPORTS. Rice (Law), 2 Vols., 1783-1838. Charles., 1838-39. (24-C-6.) STATUTES. Digested Index of Statute Law to 1836. [Rice.] (24-C-6.) § Ed. 1839. * Vols. 9 and 13 lacking. f Vols. 3 to 9, inclusive, lacking. i Vols. II to 25, inclusive, lacking. Law Library Catalogue 163 SOUTH DAKOTA BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) SOUTH DAKOTA: REPORTS. How Period Loca- Supreme Court. Vols- Cited. Covered. tion. South Dakota* S. D. 1890 • Northwestern Repr., \'ol. r, S. D. DIGESTS. Tilton (North and South Dakota), 1890- 1897. Sioux City, 3897. (23-E-7.) [Same], Parts 2 and 3. To 1900. Pierre, 1900. (23-E-7.) STATUTES. Annotated Statutes, 2d Revd. Ed. (Grantham), 1901. 2 Vols. (24-C-7.) SOUTHEASTERN REPORTER, containing all the Decisions of the Supreme Courts of Appeals of Virginia and West Vir- ginia and Supreme Courts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of Georgia. St. Paul, 1887-1910. 68 Vols. X *(i8-D-i-5.) Vols. 63-68 Annotated. Blue Book, Vols. 1-65. (18-D-5.) Digest, Vols. 1-20. St. P., 1895.! Digest, Vols. 21-40. St. P., 1902. (18-D-5.) Digest, Vols. 41-55- St. P., 1907. (18-D-5.) SOUTHERN REPORTER, containing all the Decisions of the Su- preme Courts of Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi. St. P., 1887- 1 9 10. 52 Vols. X (19- A- 1-4.) Vols. 48-52 Annotated. Blue Book. Vols. 1-48. (19-A-4.) Digest, Vols. 1-15. St. v., 1S95. (19-A-4.) 2 Copies. Digest, Vols. 16-30. St. P., 1902. (19-A-4.) Digest, Vols. 31-40. St. P., 1907. (19-A-4.) • 2 Copies Vol. 8. t Lacking. 164 Louisiana Bar Association SOUTHWESTERN REPORTER, containing all the Current De- cisions of the Supreme Courts of Missouri, Arkansas and Ten- nessee, Court of Appeals of Kentucky, Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals and Courts of Civil Appeals of Texas, and Court of Appeals of Indian Territory. St. P., 1887- 1910. 130 Vols.x (18-E-1-F-2.) Vols. 113-130 Annotated. Blue Book, Vols. 1-127. (18-F-2.) Digest, Vols. 1-20. St. P., 1894.* Digest, Vols. 21-30. St. P., 1895.* Digest, Vols. 31-40. St. P., 1898.* Digest, Vols. 41-60. St. P., 1901. Vols. 4 and 5. (18-F-3.) Digest, Vols. 61-75. St. P., 1904. Vol. 6.* Digest, Vols. 76-90. St. P., 1907. Vol. 7. (18-F-3.) Digest, Vols. 91-105. St. P., 1908. Vol. 8. (18-F-3.) Digest, Vols. 106-120 (Key No. Sys.). St. P., 1910. Vol. 9. (18-F-3.) SPAIN: Caravantes. (See Vicente y Caravantes-Febrero Reformado. Code Civil Espagnol, Leve, 1889. (15-A-4.) Code de Commerce, Espagnol, Prudhomme, 1886. (15-A-4.) Codigo de Extranjeria, 1876. (26-B-3.) Curia Filipica Mejicana obra Completa De Practica Forense. 1858. (26-B-3.) Manresa y Navarro Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Madrid, 1856-69. 6 Vols. Vols. 5 and 6 lacking. (26-B-4.) Novisima Recopilacion de las Eeyes de Espana. Vols, i, 3 and 6 only. 1805-1807. (26-B-6.) Police Law of Railroads in Force in Spain. (See "Laws of Porto Rico and Philippines.") (26-B-4.) Regulations for the Execution of the Police Law of Railroads. (See "Laws of Porto Rico and Philippines.") (26-B-4.) * Lacking. I Law Library Catalogue 165 SPAIN:— (Con/f;:»c'(/.) Schmidt: Civil Law of Spain and Mexico. N. O., 1S51. 2 Copies. (26-B-4.) Translation General Instructions for Drafting Public Docu- ments Subject to Record in the Spanish Colonial Provinces, 1893 (1899)- (26-B-4.) Vicente y Caravantes. Febrero Reformado o Libreria dc Jueces, Abogadas y Escribanos Comprensiva de los Codigos Civil. Criminal y Administraiivo. I^Iadrid, 1852. 6 \'ols. (26-B-4.) Zamora y Coronado. D. Jose Maria. Legislacion Ultramarina en Forma de Dicaonario Alfabctico. Madrid, 1844-46. 6 Vols. (26-B-5.) [Same], Supplement. Madrid. 1849. (26-B-5.) SPAIN AND MEXICO: Civil Law of Spain and Mexico. (G. Schmidt.) 1851. 2 Copies. (26-B-4.) SPANISH COLONIAL PROVINCES. (See Philippine Islands. Laws of, and Cuba, Laws of, and Porto Rico, and Spain.) SPEERS: Reports of Cases at Law. (See South Carolina.) Equity Cases. (See South Carolina.) SPELLING EXTRAORDINARY RELIEF. 1893. 2 Vols. (3-C-6.) SPENCE: Equitable Jurisdiction, 1846. Vol. i. (25-D-7.) SPENCE: Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, 1850. Vol. 2. (25-D-7.) SPENCER: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) SPIERS and SURENNE'S FRENCH PRONOUNCING DIC- TIONARY, 1859. I Vol. SPLNKS. (See England, Ecclesiastical.) SPINKS: Eccl. and Adm. (Sec England, Admiralty.) SPINKS: Prize Cases. (See England, Admiralty.) SPRAGUE: Decisions in Admiralty, Etc. (See United States, Cir. anrl Dist.) STAR CHAMJiER CASES. (See England, Miscellaneous.) STARKIE. (See England, Nisi Prius.) 163 Louisiana Bar Association STARKIE ON EVIDENCE, 1826. Vol. 3. (25-D-5.) ■ [Same], 1828. Vols, i and 3. (25-D-5.) [Same], 1834. Vol. 2. (25-D-5.) STARKIE ON SLANDER AND LIBEL, 1843. Vol. i. (25-E-6.) ■ • [Same], 1852. 2 Vols, in i. (25-E-6.) STARR: Index-Digest. ('See Wisconsin.) Burnell : Supplement to Starr's Digest of Wisconsin Re- ports. (See Wisconsin.) STARR and CURTIS: Annotated Statutes of Illinois. (See Illinois.) — — ■ ([Same] Jones and Addington's Supplement. (See Illinois.) STATE PAPERS. (See American State Papers.) STATE TRIALS (Howell). (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) STATE TRIALS (Phillips). (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) STATE TRIALS (Modern). By Townsford. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) STATE TRIALS, REPORT OE, New Series. Edited by Mac- donell and Wallis. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) STATUTES, THE. (See Law Reports.) STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES, Compiled 1901. 3 Vols. [Published by West Publishing Co.] (9-B-3.) [Same], Supplement, 1905, 1907, 1909. 3 Vols. (9-B-3.) For other United States Statutes see "United States." STATUTES OF LOUISIANA. (See Louisiana.) STEPHENS' NISI PRIUS, 18.14. 3 Vols. (25-E-i.) STEVENS and BENECKE ON INSURANCE, 1833. i Vol. (25-D-7.) STEWART, GEO. N. : Reports, Supreme Court of Alabama. (See Alabama.) STEWART and PORTER: Reports, Supreme Court of Alabama. (Sec Alabama.) STEWART : Reports of Cases., (See New Jersey.) Law Library Cat.\i.ogue 167 STOCKTOX: Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) STORY ON AGENCY, 1846. i \'ol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 9th Ed., 1882. i Vol. (3-B-1.) STORY ON BAILMENTS, 1832. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 1846. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 185 1. 1 \'ol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 8th Ed.. 1870. i Vol. (3-B-1.) STORY ON BILLS OF EXCHANGE, 1843. i Vol. (25-C-5.) [Same], 1847. i Vol. (25-C-5.) STORY'S COMMENTARIES. CONFLICT OF LAWS, 1834. i Vol. (25-C-7.) . STORY'S COMMENTARIES ON THE CONSTITUTION, 1833. Vol. 3. (25-C-7.) STORY ON CONFLICT OF LAWS, 1846. i Vol. (25-C-7.) STORY ON THE CONSTITUTION, 4th Ed., 1873. 2 Vols. (3-B-3) STORY'S EQUITY lURISPRUDENCE, 1836. Vol. 2. 2 Copies. (25-E-i.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1846. Vol. 2. (25-E-i.) [Same], 1877. 2 Vols. (25-E-i.) STORY ON EQUITY PLEADINGS. 1844- i ^^ol. 2 Copies. (25-E-3.) STORY'S EQUITY PLEADINGS COMMENTARIES, 1838. i Vol. (25-E-3.) STORY: Reports, Circuit Court. (See United States. Cir. and Dist.) STORY ON PARTNERSHIP. 1841. i Vol. (25-E-2.) [Same], 1846. i Vol. (25-E-2.) STORY ON PROMISSORY NOTES. 184s. i \ul. 2 Copies. (25-E-2.) STORY ON SALES, 1847. i Vol. (25-E-5.) STORY'S LAW'S OF U. S. PUB. AND GENERAL STATUTES PASSED BY CONGRi;SS, UNITED STATES, 1828-1S36. I Vol. 2 Copies. 168 Louisiana Bar Association STORY: Laws of the United States. (See United States Statutes.) STOVER'S ANNOTATED CODE CIVIL PROCEDURE. By Parker. (See New York.) [Same], Supplement. Stover's and Bliss. By Parker. (See New York.) STRANGE. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) STREET RAILWAY REPORTS, 1904-1910. 6 Vols, x Anno- tated. Fed. and State Courts. Cited "St. Ry. Rep." (7-A-4.) STROBHART: Equity Reports. ('See South Carolina.) Reports of Cases (at Law). (See South Carolina.) STUART [Temp.] (See England, Vice Chancellor's Court.) STYLE [Folio]. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) STYLES'S PRACTICAL REGISTER. Begun in the reign of King Charles I. (14-C-1.) SUCCESSION INDEXES, PARISH OF ORLEANS, 1805-1903. 5 Vols; containing also Indexes of Emancipation, Interdic- tions and Partition Proceedings. Parish of Orleans. Includ- ing also Villere's 2d Dist. Ct. Index, 1846-1880. (2-C-7.) SUGDEN ON VENDORS, 1843. ^ Vols in 2. (25-F-i.) SULLIVAN ON LAND TITLES, 1801. i Vol. (25-E-6.) SUMMARY OF THE DIVORCE LAWS OF UNITED STATES. (25-D-2.) SUMNER: Reports, Circuit Court. (See United States, Cir. and Dist. Cts.) SUPREME COURT REPORTER [Unofficial]. (See United States.) SUTHERLAND ON DAMAGES, 2d Ed., 1893. 3 Vols. (25D-2.) [Same], 3d Ed, 1903-1904. 4 Vols. (3-B-6.) SUTHERLAND, LEWIS' STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION, 2d Ed., 1904. 2 Vols. (3-C-6.) SWABEY. (See England, Admiralty.) .SWABEY and TRISTRAM. (See England, Probate and Divorce.) SWAN: Reports of Cases. (See Tennessee.) SWANSTON. (See England, Chancery.) Law Library Catalogue 16i) SWEENY: Reports of Cases. Superior Court of the City of New York. (See New York.) SYNOPSIS OF DECISIONS TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1889-1S97. II \'oIs. (Containing General Appraiser's De- cisions, Arts. I to 4062.) SYNOPTICAL INDEX TO THE LAWS AND TREATIES OF THE UNITED STATES. (See United States, Statutes.) TALBOT: Cases [Temp.] (See England, Chancery.) TAMLYN. (See England, Rolls Court.) TANEY: Decisions, Circuit Court. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) TAPP.AN: Reports, Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas. (See Ohio.) TATE: Digested Analytical Index of Cases. (See Virginia.) TAUNTON. (See England, Common Pleas.) TAYLER'S LAW GLOSSARY, 1833. i Vol. (Missing.) TAYLOR: Digest of Decisions. (See Louisiana.) TAYLOR ON PRIVATE CORPORATIONS HAVING CAPITAL STOCK. 1884. I Vol. (25-D-i.) TAYLOR: Jurisdiction and Procedure of the United States Su- preme Court, 1905. I \^ol. (3-C-2.) TAYLOR: Term Reports. [Being a part of Vol. 4, N. C. Re- ports.] (See North Carolina.) TAYLOR: North Carolina Reports. (See North Carolina.) TEMPLE and MEW. (See England, Crown Cases.) TENNESSEE. BAR ASSOCATION OF. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) TENNESSEE: REPORTS.** How Period Loca- VoLS. Cited. Covekeu. tion. ♦Overton 2 Vols, in i Over. (i-2Tcnn.) 1791-1S17 24-D-i •Cooke I Cooke. Tcnn. (3Tenn.) 1811-1814 24-D-i *• Some being new Editions. * Cooper's Edition. 170 Louisiana Bar Association TENNESSEE: RUFORTS.**— (Continued.) How Vols. Cited. Period Covered. Location fHaywood, 3-5 (Vols. I and 2 are :N. C. Repts.) Peck I Hayw. (4-6Tenn.) 1816-1818 24-D-i I Peck (7Tenn.) 1821-1824 24-D-i Mart. & Yerg. I (8Tenn.) 1825-1828 24-D-i 10 Yerg. (9-18 Tenn.) 1818-1837 24-D-i 1 Meigs (19 Tenn.) 1838-1839 24-D-i 1 1 Kumph. (20-30 Tenn.) 1839-1851 24-D-1-2 2 Swan (31-32 Tenn.) 1851-1853 24-D-2 5 Sneed (33-37 Tenn.) 1853-1858 24-D-2 3 Head (38-40 Tenn.) 1858-1860 24-D-2 7 Cold. (41-47 Tenn.) 1860-1870 24-D-3 12 Heisk. (48-59 Tenn.) 1870-1874 24-D-3 9 Baxt. (60-68 Tenn.) 1871-1878 24-D-4 16 LeaTf (69-84 Tenn.) 1878-1886 24-D-4-5 If Southwestern Repr., Vol. 85, Tenn. Sup. Shannon (Unre- ported Cases) §3 Shan. 1847-1894 Chancery. Tennesse Chancery Reports (Cooper) - STATUTES. Compilation of the Statutes (Caruthers and Nicholson), 1836. (24-D-s.) Martin and Yerger Yerger Meigs Humphreys Swan :}: Sneed Head Coldwell Heiskell Baxter Lea 3 Tenn. Ch. 1872-1878 24-D-5 ** Some being new Editions. t Vols. 4 and 5, Cooper's Edition. :}: 2 Copies Vol. 3. § Lacking. Law Library Catalogue 171 TERM REPORTS. (See North Carolina.) TERM REPORTS: By Durnford and East. (Sec England, King's and Queen's Bench.) See Taylor's North Carolina Reports (Vol. 4, N. C.) By East. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) See also New Term Reports. See also New Reports. TEUTERDEN: Merchant Ships and Seamen, nth Ed., Shee, 1867. 1 \'ol. TEXAS BAR ASSOC L\TION. (See Proceedings Bar Associa- tions.) TEXAS: REPORTS. How Period Loca- Supreme Court. Vols. Cited. COVEREU. TION. Dallam (Rcprt.) (See Dallam's Digest of Texas Laws, pp. 357-632)1: I Dall. Tex. 1840-1844 J4-D-( Texas % S. W. Repr ♦94lf ., Vol. Tex. 66, Tex. 1 846- 1 90 1 24-D-6- E-3 King's Conflicting Cases 2 King's ConH. Cas. 1840-19011 Texas Unreported Cases (Posey) 2 Unrep. Cas. 1879-1884! Thompson's Ajjpealed Cases I 1900- t X Have Dallam, but Dallam Digest Lacking. * Alsf) Vol. 25 Supplement; 2 Copies Vol. 7. f Lacking. Ii 172 Louisiana Bar Association TEXAS: RZFORTS.— (Continued.) How Period Loca- Court of Appeals. \'ji.s. Cited. Covered. tion. Texas Court of Appeals Crim. Cases ^30 Tex. App. 1876-1892II 24-E-4-5 T[ Southwestern Repr., Vol. 21 Tex. App. Texas Criminal App. 1131-43 Tex. Crim. 1892-1902II If Southwestern Repr., Vol. 31, Tex, Cr. R. Texas Court of Appeals, Civil Tex. Civ. Cases 4 Cas. 1876-1892 24-E-5 Texas Civil Appeal ^[15 Tex. Civ. App. 1892-1897 24-E-5-6 If Southwestern Repr., Vol. i, Tex, Civ. App. Digests of Reports. Civil Digest. Buckler, Revised by Batts, Vols, i and 2, pub- lished 1900. (24-E-6.) Laws of Republic of Texas, a 2 Vols. 1836-37 (1838). (24- E-6.) Statutes. (Compilation, Revisions, Codes, etc.) Digest of the Laws (Dallam), 1845c, ^Digest of the Laws (Hartley), 1850. (24-E-6.) Digest of the Laws (Paschal), 2d. Ed., annotated, 1870. (24- E-6.) Civil Statutes (Sayles), 1897 (1898). 2 Vols. (24-E-6.) [Same.] Supplement, 1900 (included in above.) (24-E-6.) [Same.] Supplement, Annotated up to and including Texas Reports. Vol. 93, and S. W. Repr, 63, 1902, i Pamphlet , (By Herron). (24-E-6.) Revised Statutes, 1879. (24-E-7.) Documents, Speeches etc., Annexation of Texas, 1844. II These Reports are shown to 1902 for the purpose of un- standing how they run. Tex. Ct. of App., Crim. Cas. 21-30 are lacking, but the short volumes are covered by S. W. Repr.; Vols. 31-43- Tex. Crim. App., are also lacking, but they are covered by S. W. Repr. ; it will be seen that 31-43 Tex. Crim, App., is a continuation without duplication or omission of 30 Tex. App. Crim, Cas. a Vol. 2, missing. b 2 Copies. c Lacking. Law LiBrwVRY Catalogue 173 THACHER, O. Reports of Criminal Cases. (Sec Massachusetts.) THE JURIST. (Sec England, "In all the Courts.") THE JURIST [New Series]. (See England, "In all the Courts.") THE STATUTES. (Sec Law Reports.) THOMAS XEGLIGEXCE RULES. DECISIONS, OPINIONS. 1895. I Vol. (3-C-3.) THOMPSON'S APPEALED CASES. (See Texas.) THOMPSON: Citations Supplementary to Roses Notes, United States Reports. (Federal and State.) 1789-1904. 3 Vols. (9-B-2.) [Same.] 1904-1905. Vols 4 and 5. (9-B-2.) (Notes to V. S. Reports — Rose — with citations. Federal and State, 1789-1898. 13 Vols. [1899-1901. San. F.] (9-B-1.) THOMPSON: Commentaries on the Law of Negligence, 1901-05. 6 Vols. (3-C-3.) [Same.] White's Supplement. Sects. 1-7923, (1907.) Vol. 7. (3-C-3.) THOMPSON and COOK. Reports. (See New York.) THOMPSON'S COMMENTARIES ON THE LAW OF COR- PORATIONS. 1895-1896-1898. 7 Vols. (3-B-5.) THOMPSON, LESLIE A. Digest of the Statute Law of Florida, 1847- THOMPSON: Obiter Digest United States Supreme Court Reports. I Dal.— 197 U. S. 1906. 2 Vols. (9-A-7.) THORNTON: Civil Code, Annotated of Indiana. (See Indiana.) TIEDEMAN'S LIMITATIONS POLICE POWER. 1886. i Vol. (3-C-4) TIEDEMAN ON REAL PROPERTY. 1885. i Vol. (3-C-4.) TIFFANY ON AGENCY (Hornbook Series). 1903. (3-B-1.) TIFFANY'S CLARK CRIMINAL LAW (Hornbook Scries), 2 Ed. 1902. 1 Vol. (3-B-6.) TIFFANY'S CLARK ON CONTRACTS (Hornbook Scries), 2d. Ed. 1904. 1 Vol. (3-B-3.) TIFFANY ON PERSONS AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS. (Hornbook Scries). 1896. r Vol. (3-C-4.) 174 Louisiana Bar Association TIFFANY ON PRINCIPAL AND AGENT, (Hornbook Series). 1903. I Vol. (3-B-1.) TIFFANY ON SALES, (Hornbook Series). 1895. i Vol. TILTON DIGEST. (N. & S. Dakato). (N. Dakato and S. Dakato.) TOLLER'S LAW OF EXECUTORS. 1815. i Vol. TOTHILL. (See England, Chancery.) TOULLIER. See France.) TOULMIN: Digest of the Laws of Alabama. (See Alabama.) TOULMIN: Collection of Acts. Kentucky and Virginia (Laws of Ky.) 1802. (20-D-5.) TOWNSEND: New Procedure. 1885. i Vol. (25-E-4.) TOWNSEND: Modern State Trials. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) TOWNSHEND ON SLANDER AND LIBEL. 1872. i Vol. (25- E-6.) TRANSCRIPT APPEALS. (See New York.) TREAD WAY: Constitutional Reports. (See S. Carolina.) TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Synopsis of Decisions (Containing General Appraisers Decisions, Arts. 1-4062.) 1SS9-1897. 11 Vols. TREAT, SCATES and BLACKWELL: Statutes of Illinois. (See Illinois.) TREATIES AND LAWS, United States. Synoptical Index. (See United States Statutes.) TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. 1803. To be found in "Report, Secretary of State of Louisiana, 1902," page 45, (2.C-7.) TRIPIER. (See France.) TROPLONG. (See France.) TUCKER, GEORGE F. and BLOOD, CHAS. W.: Federal Penal Code of 1910. Annotated together with other Statutes having Penal Provisions in Force Dec. i, 1908. (1910). (3-C-5.) TUCKER: Reports of Cases, Surrogates Court. (See New York.) TURNER [Temp.] (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) TURNER and RUSSELL. (See England, Chancery.) Law Library Catalogue 175 TURREL: Code de Commerce, Italien. (See France.) TURREL. Code Penal Italien. (See France.) T\XER: Reports of Cases. (Sec Vermont.) TYRWHITT. (See England, Exchequer, Collateral.) TYRWHITT and GRANGER. (See England, Exchequer, Collater- al.) UNDER THE JUDICATURE ACT . (See England.) UNITED STATES APPEALS REPORTS. Cases adjudged in the United States Circuit Courts of Appeals. By Samuel A. Blatch- ford. 1891-1899. N. Y., and Alb., 1893-1899. 63 Vols. *(7-C- ♦Federal Reporter \ ol. i. C. C. A. ♦Federal Reporter Vol. i. U. S. App. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY LAW. 1898-1903. (3-B-1.) UNITED STATES STATUTE CITER-DIGEST. Copyright, 1910. (2-C-I.) [Same.] Supplement, Vol. i, Jany.. 191 1. Xo. i. (2-C-1.) UNITED STATES CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURT RE- PORTS. (See United States.) UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS. St. P., and Roch. 1892-1903. 60 Vols. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) Digest. Vols. i-io. St. P., 1895. (7-A-5.) Digest. Vols. 11-20. St. P., 1897. (7-A-5.) UNITED STATES FIRST COMPTROLLER'S DECISIONS. Lawrence. 1882-84. Vols. 3. 4, 5. only. (27-F-i.) UNITED STATES DIGEST. Digest of the Decisions in the Courts of Equity in the United States. Best, 1851. 2 Vols. Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of Common Law and Admiralty in the United States. Bos., 1846-48. 3 Vols. [Same.] Supplement. Bost., 1847. Vols, i and 2. [Same.] Digest. Bost., 1849. \'ol. 6. Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty in the United States and in Englanil. Annuals, Bost., 1848-71. 23 Vols. 2 Copies each. Digest of Decisions of the various Courts witliin the United States. (First Series). Bost., 1874-76. 14 Vols. [Same.] Table of Cases. Bost.. 1878. [Same.] New Series. Bost., 1872-89. 19 Vols. UNITED STATES FIRST COMPTROLLER DECISIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THiC TRICASURY. Lawrence. 1880-5. 6 Vols. (Have only Vols. 3-5, 188J-84.) (27-F-i.) 176 Louisiana Bar Association o O P-, W -X- W < Q W t— I '^ cq m 00 o < o ' ' 1 I M m CO 00 00 00 cT VO VO o3 =a ^ I I <: < 00 (» ^ o CO o\ w > Cl, o U o I I I I I O i-i VO 00 ON O «-i M . _ txoooooooocooooo Tf VO VO t^ xrxmxfxtnxfxtnuixn. ^ Tj- ro "^ 1-1 lo rs. Pi C/2 i-H OJ Tt VO VO O »-t lo ^ VO cs VO 1-1 IN Tj- VO c^ CO VO J2 C/2 t/3 O ^ > M M Oi OJ tn -4-t U o cu 3 o U H a, CO ++ n — : fe= O an (LI O J3 J5 -4-* o til 03 ^ s ^ ;- O Cu
  • o o ■i-i Tt- VO H o g ^^ -1- o ^" "^ '^ K? "o "o . "o "p I > > >^ > > ^ o- cu Q, a, CI, ^ u o o O O o o rt O O U U O vJ -Q "O "O j:: 13 r: "O •— I- U 4-1 U T3 U I— } PO r<^ -^ ro Tl- m * ■» -}- 4+ coo = te= * u p. ^ *^ o d, x^ tZ) ^ to c< • 1 pi^, »-i ti rsJ t/^ u ja "o • i"4 > H? v*^^ >> • UI) c/i a, p o ON o\ 1 ^ VO o bfl *-< C '5 J3 w rt ■w j:: O >. 12: u. rt I-. ,-->^ ^ • CO '.4 1 > 1 o In. 0< oJ O y*-\ _o o '-*-» >H 1 2 N ^ 00 rt 00 J-1 o CO Law Library Catalogue 177 UNITED STATES: Reports, Etc.: Supreme Court Reports — (Unofficial). Period \'oLS- Covered. Location. Peters' Condensed Reports* 6 1791-1827 Curtis' Decisons* 22 1790-1854 Miller's Decisions* 4 1855-1862 Morrison's Transcript* 4 1881-1882 Supreme Court Reporter 25 1882-1905 27-A-1-3 Myer's Federal Decisions 30 1791-1884! 27-C-2 U. S. Supreme Court Re- ports (L. Co-op. Ed.)* 47 1 790-1903 * Lacking. t Vols. I and 2 only. Supreme Court Reports Digests of. Holcombe i 1789-1848 9-A-7 Curtis I 1789-1854 9-A-7 Kinney* 2 1789-1884 27-F-3 Danforth* 2 1789-1891 27-F-3 Indexed Digest (Lawyers' Co-op.) 4 1 789- 1 90 1 9-A-6 [Same], Supplement Digest Vols. 119-131 Vol. 3 1886-1888 9-A-6 [Same], Supplement Digest A. Z., Vols. 155-171 Vol. 4 1894-1897 9-A-6 Obiter Digest U. S. Sup. Ct. 2 i Dal.-i97 Repts. U.S. (1906 Thompson) 9-A-7 U. S. Supreme Court Re- ports (Lawyers' Co. -op. Ed.), L. Ed. I -5 1, 1908 6 1-206 U.S. 9-A-6 See also Digests of Reports. Federal Courts, p. 183. * 2 Copies Vol. I. Supreme Court Reports: Citations and Notes. Notes on U. S. Reports, Rose, with citations (Fed- eral and State) 13 1789-1898 9-B-1 Citations Supplementary to Rose's Notes, by Thomj)- son 3 1 789- 1 904 9-B-2 [Same] Vols. 4 and 3 1904-1905 9-B-2 Circuit and District Court Rei)orts. (Prior to I*ed- cral Reporter, 1880.) Since March i. 1880. no oflicial Reports. See Fed. Repr. The "Fetieral Cases" contain all decisions of the Circuit and District Courts before the time of the F<(1it;i1 Reporter. See p. 178 el secj. 178 Louisiana Bae Association z t 1 1 '^^ Ovo VO VO \D t^ r^ M l-t h-l (N 01 C^ 1 < 1 1 < < 1 1 W 1 1 1 «?i 8^ t^ rs. t^ tk t^ r^ r^ t^ 1 1 1 hJ o O . C3 h^ ro o CT\ ON ro t^ IT) t^ >H VO IT) O O Q Q in t^ fO CO O r>x oo CO VO CO l^ CO t~x^ VO 00 CO 00 CO 00 CO 00 00 CO 00 00 00 CO CO H-( HH 1— ( 1— 1 h-t 1— 1 t— ( h-t (— t HH h-( h- 1 HH t-H C/2 §>6 t^ 1 1 01 1 1 lO t— ( 1 1 rk vo 1 1 1 1 01 C\ >-i "-> -j-» ^ 0) r^ cr\ o ^o ^ VO J u O i-i h^ O w Tf HH hH W 01 HH M HH > H-t H-t 01 tn 5 CO 13 , o « . en Ph -M 4-> -M ~ -l-> -l-> '5 O Id >H u '5 >h' >^ '3 CJ •3.;5-5-3 o -4-» < U CO d d 5 '6 Td CI d d o x: Xfl O CO -2_ H :z; 4-> en Td c 03 o n en o o u -M 5 c a 4-* 1-J do Td vJ tn 03 a N w a. en Q en u /^ nd bJO en C O ^ oi cu . "3 03 u C3 c3 w c u o -a c a 'H c iJ o S .:2 CO in 1 — 1 < CO O O O en OS O £ Td < Td W o J= CJ -t-J o3 •a 03 < O C o "^S ^ S ^ O w O 3 2 W < < m pq W M M m s S m m pqmu ^ HH ^ ;:2 00 I en »— H o > CO lU a, o u bJOG •B2 O o3 01 .3 .3 t^ 0) . ^ ^ . . O c3 rt O O >h4h4>> CS Law Library Catalogue 171) •a 3 O ■'2i 2 N PI PI ri o< n fO (^ ri I I I I t ' ' ' ro -^ Tt I I I -, C000CV2 — o oo o fC'-i f^«-< tnvo s u; r^ c5 -1- t lo ■>+ t^oo i^ u~. - oo >- fo 2 2:OO0CM3C»O0X0O0O00X0O0O0O '-^ 00 " CN Cs O 00 - - "".• >- HH P< PI l-l PI M ►- W i-i uo PI l-i I CO "c o i/j c 'J2 a, o > u 5 V5 Q 3 u Q 3 o u u N u±r" «■>• = 'u u X o (/, ._ >. C u 3 ^ Ch t. !j ^. -^ '-' "i_ 'u. "i_ .5 O • 73 O "J O c.."' •- ^ — j: -c clz: c-"^ iTi t/j (/> . ^ *"; ^— -J r . « « ^ ^ M . k t>*^ o U, 3 rt = 3 - b 'J U .^ c •- . (-"3 c U '^ * 1-1 = -^^H en o (/) U c rt ►J . E . c C B uU Q^^Q ■x? E-^ u a. biO > ^^ •-( < O 3 d^du^iZir. tocn: a: !5 i£xj bi3 u s c a a, 3 o en b/3 ba PI =.B — . o u O ra rt [CO Louisiana "^ar Association O u en ^3 u w u o Q W o •« H <5J <" s U s o ► 4 •^ o o Q Q O M ui w > Ph u 1/1 O > o Pi >-i to •^ -rt min \j~i io\o vo ^ o ^o rx in. I III I I I I I I I I I r^ tx t^ t>x I I I I In. t^ t^ rs. CO 00 00 OsCsf^iOO t^l^O lN,00 i-i rf u-. 0\ M to lOOO to ro to -rt" -"t O i-i 0>^0 •* ro^ COOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOCO l-ll-ll-ll-ll-lH-iMHHl-IMI— II— IH-ll-ll-l ^r-<'-' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I _. I I tow fOC^tO^^ roo O roO i-i 0\ OsVO •* i-i W o) ro lOTj-t^oi M '^^Mco o t^-^fO04 <~o »-; o '^ c^ o oocooooooooooooo t^oo oooooooooocoooooooco M i-t tOVO tOMi-iC^o 4-» !< * 00 t^ -a « ^ -t: 3 o 1/3 r') en V* 3 o en ►> 9 M P-i Xl ON^ en en'^,°^^fc^'d 1-1 * C/2 -J-++ rOooo<; i-i t-ii^ui CO rO,< ro O^ :U 2i 3 << S «< O rj k4 en S^^ >^^ I-' , I- en L> IziCOi en So -§0 en en ; ^ fTl o en d) • I-.' c C 03 oi cuCutntfiuxm ^>^^ ■*-• C c« O n bJ3 c o (— ' ;-< en rt ^o3 ^^ o > CO Oi o O ti .5 <-> ^ y 1-4 "^ l-H C c . en en A bjo i> > * -J— -H-c<» = b= Law Library Catalogue 181 •X3 « '■J u C/5 o 73 o o ■-^ 'o o T J 1 in «-• g^ k> 3 2 a: O s ^ '^ ^ j? ^a (A _! O > o U = W C3 U 1 ' 1 r^ t^ r^ Tf oc o 00 00 00 ■<^ r^ o 00 00 00 ro -^ — 3 U '-> ^ ^ u~- OC o C ii — u u I- . o o o lO I U I 1-^ CO §8 -^ 00 ^ o 3 10 o a. _ o J .— CO <-> — c o .s > c . be a. cs ^2 O o o ex 3 •a «j -^ c I- S Q - U U ^ ^ be c o en ►J w- w D 182 LouisTAKA Bae Association -« ^ s § "** •*-* s o u 1 1 1 — 1 d , 00 ^ li^ 00 o 1 hH t— i H o C7V u o O Q O W oo 1 ON 00 w -i-t _o , t/5 -4-» h-r cn o <^ s > "^< Td ^o r; rt « „m'-'" ■4-» o "5 ^ " '5 o en O »— * 1— t O Q ;-i !/i J o ^ ^ g^ o p^ 1 "^ c^ ?/j CO w < o< -w 03 (11 t« ^ ^UO 1 -^ 13 Q , "•-^ Oi U -i- -«- W D ^ t— 1 ^ H) Law Library Catalogue 183 UNITED STATES: Digest of Reports. Federal Courts. See also Digests of Supreme Court Reports, p. 177. Period Vols. Covered. Location. Digests of Cases in the Federal Courts of the United States 2 1789-1847 g-C-2 Abbott's National Sup., Cir. and Dist. -^ 1789-1868 26-D-4 (Same), Sup., Cir. and Dist. 5-8 1868-1880* 26-D-4 (Same), New Ed., Sup., Cir. and Dist. 5 1789-1888 26-D-4 Brightley's Sup., Cir. and Dist. 2 1789-1870! 9-A-7 Rapalje Reference Dig. Sup., Cir. and Dist. i 1789-1880^ io-B-6 C. C. A. Digest Cir. Cts. of Appeals 2 Vols. 1-20 7-A-5 Federal Cases Digest Cir. and Dist. i 1789-1880 9-C-5 Federal Reporter Digest Cir. and Dist. i Vols. 1-20X io-B-6 (Same) Cir. and Dist. i Vols. 21-30 io-B-6 (Same) Sup., Cir. and Dist. i Vols. 31-45 io-B-6 (Same) Sup., Cir., Dist. andC. C. A. i Vols. 46-60 io-B-6 (Same) New Ed. Cir., Dist. and C. C. A. 4 Vols, i- 100 10-B-7 (Same) Cir., Dist. and C. C.A. 5-7 Vols. 101-160 10-B-7 Digests of Reports, Federal and State. American Digest Annual i 1887 4-A-6 (Same) Annual 11 1888-1898 4-A-6-B-1 (Same) Semi-Annual 16 1899-1906B 4-B-1-3 (Same) Key No. Scries 8 vols.x 1907 A- Vol. 8, 1910 4-B-3-4 (Same). Century Ed. 50 1658-1896 4-B-7-C-4 American Digest, Decennial. Ed. 20 Vols.x 1897-1906 4-C-4-6 Bankruptcy Reports. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. 19 Vols. 1867- 1880. National Bankruptcy News and Reports (Vol. 2). 1899- 1900. ♦ Vols. 6, 7. 8, missing, f 2 Copies Vol. I. X 3 Copies. 184 Louisiana Bar Association UNITED STATES: Bankruptcy Reports.— (Continued.) America- Bankruptcy Reports. 23 Vols, x iSgQ-igio. (4-A-1-2.) [Same], Digest, Vols. 1-20, inc. 2 Vols. 1906-1909. (4-A-2.) United States Bankruptcy Law. 1898-1903. ''3-6-1. > Court of Claims, Reoorts, Etc. Devereux's Reports, i Vol. 1855-1856. Nott and Hopkins. Vol. 14. 1878-1879. (27-F-3.> — ' — Opinions of Attorneys General. Opinions. 2 Copies Vol. 4. 9 Vols. 1852-1866. (26-B-2.) Digest, Andrews, i Vol. 1789-1857. (26-6-2.^ Session Laws (Entirely Superseded by the United States Statutes at Large). Period Congress. Session. Covered. Location. 31st I St 1&49-1850 9-C-2 39th ist 1865-I866 9-C-a 40th 2d 1867-1868 9-C-2 Balance lacking. i Law Library Catalogue 185 2; o i- < u o O u < :4 < rr ■^ Tj- 1- ^ Tf tT ■^ ■ CN -c A 6\ ,^ c> o O Cn o o c> CN o 1 C o d u d d d d d d ^^ c4 ■4-i ■♦-» ♦- 4-t 4-* 4-( 4^ OJ V u flj CI 4.1 lU 4> o O o 4-* o o* oJ' nJ o u 0^ in rt rt rt (i rt rt rt fri rt CO O > > > > > > > > > rt Oh CS rt cu Dh PL, P- Oh k-H Ph d. C- •5 l-l o •en •4-< •-• a,w 3 3 3 3 02 3 .—1 -£ ^ ^•— i HH>*— (t^Cn u U u rt rt •r. CI rt < F- C > o U o o PL, t/5 V) w O z o CJ o > 2^ f^ n »^ "^ ii2 *> OO 00 OO 00 °2 u rt rt rt rt rt J2 w-i kr-i "r-i ^ ^ *5 <2 "^ 00 _^ ^r-* "-^ ■^- wT-« •«5 ^ ^ ^ ^ '. i_ 0> Ov ro (^ lO 0> j^ ^ lO t^t^oooooo il^xcooo o rt S Q " I I rt d d 1:: ^<^ d sc G :< ^ Ctq — "^ — -S 4-» f^ ♦-» ■4-i t^ ^4 CC 00 o ^'^ I"! ►- C< r<^ti/--, vO «^00 O 00 rt 00 c/) fV^ ►-« ro 1 •a ■«-• -'|_H- u rt I- <5 1^ S S ( ". I ir in \0 O \0 vo •> t^ 1^ ooooooooooooo^oooc dudoudbdd (yOOOOo^rtycj 4-' -4-* -^-^ 4-^ 4-* ^ rj fV" ^ in r^oo_ q^ q « i^ ^ rt f^ ro fO rn -^ rC re — ^ < U o^c^(:7^Q^c^c^o^o^o^c^c^lC^ o vo >o vo m w m pq III I ON 0^ C7\ CTi u o -4-> ■»-> > u u c c 3 13 3 3 (1h a. CJ u u o ■t-t -i-j ^-t .t-t _> _> > 'u 'u 'C 'u Pm Ph FL, Ph Tj -o -o Tn c c c c rt rt rt rt o u o o !3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ph (X, Ph PLh o U a (U -4-> 3 -M ui Q h- 1 o w W > o U Q O n W i^oocooooooo a^ o^ S? S^ S^ o l-|l-ll-ll-HI-ll-lMI-l'-''~'>-'>H 03 rt :^ ^ s s 1^ s s s ^ s s :^ I i^ I 1 I I I I 1^ I '„ I r^t>oooooococo o^^^o^c^ oococooooooooooooo'^oooo oOH (U O S Q Q o ^ :::::::::::: • : • • o '. . ' '. o ::::::::::: • • : • ; . . • (N i ci ::::::::::::: ^ ^^ W i-il-HI-l s i I ; ; ; ; I ! ! ' ' ■ M ^i' . . . tr.. . .. •■*..c«(Aicn i-I OhCuOhCXO- *^ O^O^rOTtLovot^OOONOwpfcf^Tfi/j ►-=" W0-l 1 •-1 00 11 I ro 2 o H-i 1-, 1-1 C^ M CO ir: i/^ u". v/~. iC P <<< <<<<<<<< <<<< < o ir; u^ IT) 0) N 01 C) O CO in irj vn LTj m i/". to vo OO— O0^<"TOt^ — C< CN f^J TT'tOOCC OC' 00 00 CO CO OC 00 CO LO to i/~, ir; C>< 04 M 0) oo r^ o t^OC CO CN A H« » -^ * -V i^l_/ V-^^ V^^ V^V '^^^ ^V l-'W N.*-*^ \^*/ • -* S*-— \i^-/ ^^ o < ux IS *5 •J o > ooc> vooo — c^oj-^o cco>o>- rOOt^ C — nojrjTf 'too CO OQ m t^ t^t^r^ xcococcocoococo r^ t^oo co « n- o f^ 7 > — r>4 n 01 re -i- t^co in N CO O H >o ^ cs rj T}- Tj- r^ r^ rt ^^ li^ ^ r:: rt cj o I- rt rt " -i.::i u S2cc^HJCiSO>d.;:^>^> ►-• f < vC ■>^0 >-ivO N C< roo)---, "-• f^CO ""^ I to . CO Ci c C = t£ O - O (A o > on; ,-^- O Di J Cri c c/) JL •:: -::; = ?: ;: tf- — br. "t: & 2 b/ o « C< C) c Pi c« o >-■ C- "♦J t/1 « c w ^ 5!oa' rf O 00 O 7 _ o 14 Q I/) u o ^ 13 ^^ rt rt C rt CO rt HH „ O r- N D (/3 •4-* li »— 4-1 c c M-i C!i 3 O 3 o u > rt rt o c o '4-' rs c c o •o 1-4 (rt • in b! c c • > «J 15 (A. c tn o o • C rt .- b/ "^ , • - c -r- ._ ■*-» C PC ^t o ■fcj re K K* c> » -i-t *+ 192 Louisiana Bar Association VIRGINIA: STATUTES. (Compilations, Revisions, Codes, Etc.) Collection of Acts of a Public and Permanent Nature, now in force. Vol. i (1803) [Labeled: "Revised Code," 1802.] (25-A-6.) Collection of Acts. "Laws of Kentucky." (with Kv.) 1802 (20-D-5.) yj ■ Revised Code of Laws (Leigh), 1819. 2 Vols. (25-A-6.) [Same] Supplement, 1833. (25-A-6.) Code of Virgnia, 1849. (25-A-6.) VIRGINIA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) VOORHIES, CODE OF PRACTICE. (See Louisiana.) VOORHIES, REVISED STATUTES. (See Louisiana.) VOORHIES [Publisher], Code of Procedure. (See New York.) VOORHIES, REVISED CODE [Saunders]. (See Louisiana.) VROOM, REPORTS OF CASES. (See New Jersey.) VROOM, REPORTS OF CASES, Supreme Court and Court of Errors and Appeals. (See New Jersey.) WADE, COLE and CARPENTER, Codes and Statues Annotated. (See Montana.) WALKER and BATES, Ohio Digest, (Bates, Clement, Supplement Ohio Digest.) (See Ohio.) WALKER, REPORTS OF CASES. (See Michigan.) WALKER, REPORTS OF CASES (Omitted.) (See Pennsylvania.) WALKER, R. J., Reports of Cases. (See Mississippi.) WALKER, Digest of Decisions. (See Louisiana.) WALLACE, JOHN B., Reports, Circuit Court United States. (See United States Cir. and Dist.) WALLACE, Jr., Cases in the circuit Court. (See U. S. Cir. and Dist Cts.) WALLACE, Cases in the Supreme Court. (See United States.) WAPLES ON ATTACHMENT and GARNISHMENT 188:; I Vol. (3-B-1.) ' ^' WARE, [Daveis.] Reports. (See U. S. Cir. and Dist.) Ware, Reports, District Court. (See U. S. Cir. and Dist. Courts.) Law Library Catalogue 198 WARFIELD, DIGEST OF ACTS. (See Louisiana.) WARRENS' LAW STUDIES. 1846. i Vol. (25-E-6.) WASHBURN, Digest of Cases. (See Vermont.) WASHINGTON, Reports, Circuit Court. (See United States Cir. and Dist.) WASHINGTON. Reports of Cases. (See Virginia.) WASHINGTON: REPORTS. Supreme Court- How . Period Loca- VoLS. Cited. Covered. tion. Opinions of Supreme Court I 1854- 1864 25-B-i Washin^on Territory* 3 Wash. Ter 1854-1888 25-B-l * Pac. Repr., Vol. 2. Wash. Ter. :tWashington* Wash. i88g * Pac. Repr., Vol. i, Washington (X Wash. Lacking.) STATUTES. Annotated Codes and Statutes (Ballinger), 1897. 2 Vols. (25-B-i.) WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSOCIATION, (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) WATERMAN ON CORPORATIONS, 1888. 2 Vols. (25-D-1-2.) WATTS. Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) WATTS and SERGEANT, Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY, 1859. i Vol. (3-A-2.) WEBSTER. (See England, Patent Cases.) WEEKLY NOTES OF CASES. (iSee Pennsylvania.) WEEKLY REPORTER. (See England, "In all the Courts." WELFORD'S EQUITY PLEADINGS (Observations on the New Orders of 1841.) 1846. i Vol. (25-E-3.) WELSBY, HURLSTONE and GORDON. Exchequer Reports. (See England, Exchequer. ) WENDELL, Reports of Cases. (See New York.) WENTWORTH ON EXECUTORS, 1832. i Vol. (2S-D-5.) 194 Louisiana Bar Association . WENTWORTH ON INTERSTATE COMMERCE LAW, Anno. 1891. I Vol. WEST. (See England, House of Lords.) WEST. (See England, Chancery.) (Westbury's Decisions) Reilly, European Arbitration. (See England, Arbitration Cases.) WEST VIRGINIA BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) WEST VIRGINIA: REPORTS. Supreme Court of Appeals. How . Period Loca- VoLS Cited. Covered. tion. West Virginia, 2 Ed. 28* W. Va. 1863-1886 25-B-2-3 ^Southeastern Repr., Vol. 29 W. Va. WHARTON'S COMMENTARIES ON AGENCY and AGENTS. 1876. I Vol. (25-C-4.) WHARTON'S LAW LEXICON, (Library Law and Equity.) 1854. I Vol. (3-A-2.) WHARTON ON LAW OF NEGLIGENCE, 1874. i Vol. (25-E-i.) [Same.] 2d. Ed., 1878. i Vol. (3-C-3.) WHARTON, Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) WHARTON, Digest of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) WHARTON'S STATE TRIALS OF UNITED STATES, 1849. ' Vol. (25-E-7.) WHEATON, Reports. (See United States.) WHEATON'S ELEMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 1863. I Vol. (25-D-7.) [Same.] Eng. Ed. (by A. C. Boyd). 1878. i Vol. (3-C-2.) WjHEELER, J. D., Criminal Law Cases, 1791-1825. (See Nev^r York.) WHITE'S ANALYTICAL INDEX OF LOUISIANA, Personal Injury Cases, 1907. i Vol. (3-C-1.) WHITE, F. T., and TUDOR, O. D., Selection of Leading Cases in Equity, with Notes — ^with Annotations by J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace, have only i Vol. Phil., 1849. (14-C-1.) 1 Law Librarv Catalogue 195 WTIITE'S xXOTARIAL GUIDE [Saunders Judicial Forms], 1897. I Vol. (2-C-7.) WHITE'S SUPPLEMENT. Thompson's Commentaries Law of Negligence. Sects. 1-7923 (1907)- '^'ol 7. (3-C-3.) [Thompson's Commentaries Law of Negligence, 1901-05. 6 Vols.] (3-C-3.) WHITFIELD. CATCHINGS and HARDY, Code. (See Missis- sippi). WICKERSHAM, Alaska Reports. (See Alaska.) WIGHTWICK, (See England, Exchequer.) WIGMORE ON EVIDENCE, 1904-1905- 4 Vols. (3-B-7.) [Same] Supplement, 1908. Vol. 5. (3-B-7) WIGMORE'S POCKET CODE OF EVIDENCE, In Trials at Law, 1910. I Vol. (3-B-7) WIGRAM, Temp. (See England,, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) WILCOX, Ohio Digest. (See Ohio.) WILKINSON ON PERSONAL INJURIES, 1909. i Vol. (3-C-1.) WILLCOCK ON MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS, 1827. i Vol. (25-D-2.) WILLES. (See England, Common Pleas.) WILLIAMS, COMPILED STATUTES. (See Vermont.) WILLIAM'S NOTES, [Saunders.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) WILLIAMS, WIILLIAM PEERE, Chancery Reports. Cases in the High Court of Chancery, and of ^oine cases in the Court of King's Bench, (1695-1735). ist Amer. Ed. Phila., 1823-24. 3 Vols. (Ch. 16-18.) WILLIAMS, WM. PEERE. (See England, Chancery..) WILLMORE, WOLLASTON and DAVISON. (Sec England. King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) WILLMORE, WOLLASTON and HODGES. (See England. King's and Queen's Bench, Collateral.) WILMOT'S NOTES [Folio.] (See England. Kings and Queen's Bench.) WILSON. BIRD [FxlitorJ, Bacon's Abridgommt Wilsfni'^ \\'(.rl;s 1804. 3 Vols. 196 Louisiana Bar Association WILSON. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) WILSON. (See England, Chancery, Collateral:) WILSON. (See England, Common Pleas.) WILSON, Revised and Annotated Statutes. (See Oklahoma.) WILSON. (See England, Exchequer, Equity Side.) WILSON, Reports of Cases, Superior Court in Indianapolis. (See Indiana.) WILSON and SHAW, Appeals. (See Scotland.) WINCH [Folio.] (See England, Common Pleas.) WINSTON, Reports of Cases at Law . (See N. Carolina.) Reports of Cases in Equity. (See N. Carolina.) WISCONSIN : Reports. Vols. How Cited. Burnett (pp. 165-383 of Vol. I Pinney) if Burn. Chandler 4 vols, in 2 Chand. Pinney 3a Pinn. Wisconsin ♦816 Wis. * N. W. Vol. 46 Wis. Period Covered. Loca- tion, 1842- 1843 1849-1852 25-B-4 1839-1852 25-B-4 1853- 1892 25-B-4- C-i DIGESTS OF REPORTS. Reports Period Loca- VoLS. Digested Covered tion. Wisconsin Reference Digest (iStarr) i Finn. 1-54 Wis 1839-1882 25-C-i [Same] Supplement (Burnell) V0I-2 55-73 Wis. 1882-1889 25-C-i Statutes, Etc. Revised Statutes, 1849. (25-C-i.) Annotated Statutes (Sanborn and Berryman), 1898. 2 Vols (25-C-I.) Wisconsin Citations, to and including 126 Wis. (Miller), 1906. (25-C-I.) Foreign Citations in Wisconsin Reports. .(Miller) iqio (Vols. 58-140.) (25-C-I.) >" y ' f Lacking. a 2 Copies Vol. 2. 6 2 Copies each, Vols, i, 2, 3, 21, 22, 35. Law Library Catalogue 197 WISCONSIN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. (See Proceedings Bar Associations.) VVITHROW. (See American Corporation Cases.) WITHROW and BINMORE. (See American Corporation Cases.) VVOLFELSTAN and BRISTOWE. (See England. Election Cases.) WOLFERSTAN and DEW. (See England, Election Cases.) WOLFF. CODE PRACTICE. (See Louisiana.) WOLFF, REVISED STATUTES. (See Louisiana.) WOLLASTON. (See England, Practice Reports ami Bail Court.) WOOD'S FIELD ON THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS, 2d. Ed. 1883. I Vol. (25-D-2.) WOOD ON FIRE INSURANCE, 2d. Ed. 1886. Vol. i. (25-D-7.) WOOD ON NUISANCES, 3d- E^I-. 1893. Vol. i. (3-C-4.) WOOD, Temp. (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) WOODBURY and MI NOT, Reports. (See United States, Cir. and Dist.) WOODS: Reports Circuit Courts. (See U. S. Cir. and Dist.) WOODWARD, Decisions (by Endlich.) (See Pcnnyslvania.) WOOLWORTH, Reports, Circuit Court . (See U. S. Cir. and Dist.) WORDS and PHRASES. Judicially Defmed. St. Paul, 1904-1905. 8 Vols. (7-A-5.) WRIGHT. Reports of Cases. (See Ohio.) WYOMING: Reports. SupRE.ME Court- How . Period Loca- VoLS. Cited. Covered, tion. Wyoming *2d. Ed. 2 Wyo. 1870- 1882 25-C-2. * Pac. Rcpr., Vol. 3 Wyo. WYTHE, Decisions of Cases. (Sec Virginia.) YATES, Select Cases. (Sec New York.) YEAR BOOKS OF EDWARD I. (Sec England, King's and Queen's Bench.) 198 Louisiana Bar Association YEAR BOOKS OF EDWARD III. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) YEAR BOOKS [Folio.] (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) YEATES, Reports of Cases. (See Pennsylvania.) YELVERTON. (See England, King's and Queen's Bench.) YERGER, GEORGE S. Reports of Cases. (See Tennessee.) YOUNGE. (See England, Exchequer, Equity Side.) YOUNGE and COLLYER. (See England, Exchequer, Equity Side.) YOUNGE and COLLYER. (See England, Vice-Chancellor's Court.) YOUNGE and JERVIS. (See England, Exchequer.) ZABRISKIE, Reports of Cases. (See New Jersey.) ZACHARIAE (Aubry and Rau). (See France.) ZAMORA Y CORONADO, D. Jose Maria Legislacion ultramarina en forma de diccionario alfabetico. Madrid, 1844-46. 6 Vols. (26-B-5.) [Same.] Supplement. Madrid, 1849. (26-B-5.) Law Library Catalogue 199 TEXT BOOKS. ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY, ACCORDLXG TO SUBJECT. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. (See Insurance; Societies.) ADJUDGED WORDS AND PHRASES: Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1859. 2 Vols. (3-A-2.) [Samel, 1868. 2 Vols. (3-A-2.) Words and Phrases Judicially Defined. St. P., 1904-05. 8 Vols. (7-A-5.) (See also Dictionaries, first part of catalogue.) ADMINISTRATORS. (See Executors and Administrators.) (See also Successions). ADMIRALTY BANKRUPTCY. Foster's Federal Practice. 2d Ed. 1892. 2 Vols. (25-E-4.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1909. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW. Abbott's Law of Merchant Shipping, 13th Ed. London, 1892. 1 Vol. (3-C-6.) Abbott's Law of Shipping, 1808. i Vol. (25-E-5.) [Same], 1822. 1 Vol. (25-E-6.) [Same], 1850. i Vol. (25-E-6.) . Angell on Tide Waters, 1847. i Vol. (25-F-i.) Angell on Water Courses, 1850. i Vol. (25-F-i.) Arnould on Marine Insurance, 6th Ed., 1887. 2 Vols. (25-D-6. ) Azunis Maritime Law of Europe, 1806. Vol. 2. (25-E-i.) Brice's Revenue Laws, 1814. i Vol. 2 Copies. (25-E-5) Bynkcrshoek's Law of War, 1810. i Vol. (25-F-i.) Carver, Carriage by Sea, 1885. i Vol. (25-C-5.) Cohen's Admiralty Law, 1883. i Vol. 2 Copies. (3-B-1.) Conkling's U. S. Admiralty, 1848. 2 V^ols. 2 Copies each. Extra copy Vol. i. (25-C-4.) [Same], New Ed. Revised, 1857. 2 Vols. (25-C-4.) 200 Louisiana Bar Association ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW.— (Continued.) Cooper's Opinion on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty. Dallas. 1808 (1810). i Vol. (7-B-2.) Curtiss' Admiralty Digest, 1839. i Vol. (25-C-4.) Curtis' Rights and Duties of Merchant Seamen, 1841. i Vol. (25-E-5.) Dallas, Cooper's Opinion on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty, 1808 (1810). i Vol. (7-B-2.) Desty's Federal Procedure. 2 Copies. 1876. i Vol, (25-E-4.) [Same], 8th Ed., 1893. 2 Vols. (3-C-5.) (Superseded by Rose's Code of Federal Pro- cedure, 1907. 3 Vols.) Flanders on Shipping, 1853. i Vol. (25-E-6.) Glenn's International Law (Hornbook Series), 1895. (3-C-2.) Gould on Waters, 2d Ed. (including Riparian Rights), 1891. 1 Vol. (3-C-7.) Halleck: International Law and Laws of War, 1861. i Vol (25-F-i.) Hildyard on Marine Insurances, 1847. i Vol. (25-D-6.) Hughes on Admiralty (Hornbook Series), 1901. i Vol. (3-B-1.) International Law Digest (Moore), 1906. 8 Vols. (6-B-4.) Reid's Report of Case of Brig "General Armstrong," 1857 Teuterden: Merchant Ships and Seamen, nth Ed. Shee. 1867. Upton's Maritime Warfare and Price, 1863. i Vol. (25-F-i.) Wheaton's Elements of International Law, 1863. (25 D 7.) [Same], Eng. Ed. by A. C. Boyd, 1878. (3-C-2.) (See Carriers; War.) ADMIRALTY REMOVALS. Foster's Federal Practice, 2d Ed., 1892. 2 Vols. (25-E-4.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1909. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) Law Library Catalogue 201 AGENCY. Story on Agency. 1846. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 1882. I Vol. 9th Ed. (3-B-1.) Tiffany on Agency (Principal and Agent). [Hornbook Series], 1903. '(3-B-1.) Wharton's Commentaries on Agency and Agents, 1876. i Vol. (25-C-4.) AGENCY AND AGENTS. (See "Agency," and also "Agent.") AGENT. Tiffany on Agency (Principal and Agent') , [Hornbook Series], 1903. I Vol. (3-B-i.) Wharton's Commentaries on Agency and Agents, 1876. i Vol. (25-C-4.) (See Agency.) .-VGREEMENTS. (See Contracts.) ALLUVIAL RIGHTS. (See Admiralty and Maritime Law.) ANNOTATIONS. Sheppard's Annotations to Martin's, Louisiana, Robinson, Lou- isiana Annuals and Louisiana Reports. (2-C-7.) ANNUITIES. Jones on Annuities, 1844. 2 Vols. (25-C-4.) APPRAISERS. General Appraisers' Decisions. Arts, i to 4062. (See Synop- sis of Decisions Treasury Department, 1889-1897. 11 Vols.) See also Tariff. ASSESSMENT. Coolcy: Taxation, including Assessment, 1876. t Vol. (25-E-6.) [Same], 2d Ed. 2 Copies. 1886. i Vol. (3-C-7— 25-K-6.) (See also Taxation.) 202 Louisiana Bar Association ATTACHMENTS. Drake on Attachments, 1854. i Vol. (3-B-1.) Waples on Attachment and Garnishment, 188 > i Vol. (3-B-i.) ATTACHMENTS AND GARNISHMENTS. (See Attachments.) ATTORNEYS GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, OF- FICIAL OPINIONS. (See Opinions.) AUTOMOBILES. Huddy on Law of Automobiles, 1906. i Vol. (3-B-1.) BAILMENTS. Edwards on Bailments, 1855. i Vol. (3-B-1.) Story on Bailments, 1832. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 1846. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 1851. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 1870. i Vol. 8th Ed. (3-B-1.) (See also Carriers; also Bailments and Carriers, Pledges.) 'BAILMENTS AND CARRIERS. Hale on Bailments and Carriers (Hornbook Series'). 1806 i Vol. (3-B-i.) (See also Bailments; also Carriers; Negligence.) BANKING. Grant on Banking, 1857. i Vol. (3-B-1.) Morse on Banks and Banking, 1870. i Vol. (25-C-5.) Morse on Banks and Banking (Parsons), ^d Ed. 1888 2 Vols. (25-C-5.) [Same], Pa'rsons, 4th Ed., 1903. 2 Vols. (3-B-1.) Parsons-Morse on Banks and Banking, 3d Ed., 1888 2 Vols (25-C-S.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1903. 2 Vols. (3-B-1.) BANKRUPT. (See Bankruptcy.) Law Library Catalogu£ 203 BANKRUPTCY. American Bankruptcy Reports, 1899-1910. 23 Vols, x (4-A-1-2.) [Same], Digest, Vols. 1-20, inc, 1906-09. 2 Vols. (4-A-2.) Bankruptcy Act of 1867. (See Hilliard on Bankruptcy, 1867. See also Collier on Bankruptcy.) Bankruptcy Act of 1898. (See Rose's Code of Federal Pro- cedure.) Black on Bankruptcy, 1898. i Vol. (3-B-1.) Bump's Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, 5th Ed., 1872. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 7th Ed., 1874. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], loth Ed., 1877. i Vol. (25-C-4.) Collier on Bankruptcy, 1898. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 1899. i Vol. (25-C-4.) [Same], 6th Ed., 1907. i Vol. (3-B-1.) Federal Statutes, Annotated. Vol. i. (lO-C-i.) Foster's Federal Practice, 2d Ed., 1892. 2 Vols. (25-E-4.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1909. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) Hilliard on Bankruptcy (with Act of 1867), 1867. i Vol. 2 Copies. (25-C-5.) James' Bankrupt Law of the United States of 1867. i Vol. (3-B-i.) National Bankruptcy News, 1898-1899. Nos. 1-24. Vol. i. (27-F-2.) National Bankruptcy News and Reports, 1899-1900. i Vol. (27-F-2.) Owen on Bankruptcy, 1842. i Vol. 2 Copies. (25-C-5.) Remington on Bankruptcy, 1908. 2 Vols. (3-B-2.) [Same], Supplement, 1910, Amendments, 1910. Vol. 3. (3-B-2.) United States Bankruptcy I^aw, 1898-1903. 1 Vol. (3-B-1.) (Sec Bankruptcy Claims.) BANKKUITCY. ADMIRALTY. (See Bankruptcy, or Admiralty liankruptcy.) 204 Louisiana Bak Association BANKRUPTCY CLAIMS. Foster's Federal Practice, 2d Ed., 1892. 2 Vols. (25-E-4.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1909. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) (See Bankruptcy.) BANKS. (See Banking.) :BANKS AND BANKING. (See Banking.) BENEFIT iSOCIETIES. (See Societies; Insurance.) BILLS OF EXCHANGE. (See Bills and Notes; Instruments.) BILLS AND NOTES. Byles on Bills, 1867. i Vol. (3-B-2.) [Same], 6th Ed., 1874. i Vol. (3-B-2.) Chitty on Bills, 1836. i Vol. (25-C-5.) Norton on Bills and Notes, ad Ed. (Hornbook Series), 1896. I Vol. (3-B-2.) Norton on Bills and Notes, 3d Ed. (Hornbook Series), 1900. I Vol. (3-B-2.) Parsons on Notes and Bills, 1873. 2 Vols. (25-E-2.) Redfield and Bigelow's Leading Cases Upon Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1871. i Vol. (25-C-S.) Story on Bills of Exchange, 1843. ^ Vol. (25-C-5.) [Same], 1847. i Vol. (25-C-5.) Story on Promissory Notes, 1845. i Vol. 2 Copies. (25-E-2.) (See also Instruments.) BONDS Burhans' Law of Municipal Bonds, 1889. (25-C-5.) BRIEFS. Abbott's Trial Brief (on Pleadings, Facts, Civil Jury Trials), (one of the volumes duplicate), 1891, 4 Vols. (3-C-7 — 25-E-6.) Briefs (no name). 3 Vols. (25-F-5,) \ Law Library Catalogue 205 BRIEFS— (Continued.) Brief-Makers' Guide-Index to Notes Am. & Eng. Ann. Cases. Vols. 1-15- (5-A-3) City of New Orleans vs. Myra Clark Gaines, Transcript of " Record, Filed 1883, and Index. 8 \'ols. (25-K-5.) Coolcy's Briefs on the Law of Insurance, 1905. 5 Vols. (3-C-1.) Criminal Briefs, Malone, 1886. i Vol. (25-D-2.) Finney, J., Briefs, i Vol. (25-F-6.) Legendre and Semmes, T. J., Briefs, 1885- 1890. i \'oI. (25-F-6.) Malone, Criminal Briefs, 1886. i Vol. (25-D-2.) Mott and Semmes Briefs, 1870-1876. 5 Vols. (25-F-5.) Payne and T. J. Semmes Briefs, 1880-1884. 6 Vols. (25-F-6.) Semmes, T. J., and Legendre Briefs, 1885-1890. i Vol. (25-F-6.) Semmes and Mott Briefs, 1870-1876. 5 Vols. (25-F-5.) Semmes, T. J., and Payne Briefs. 1880-1884. 6 Vols. (25-F-6.) Semmes, T. J., Briefs. 1875-1879. 3 Vols. (25-F-6.) BUSINESS. Freedlcv's Practical Treatise on Business, 1853. i \'ol. (25-C-5') CARRIERS. \ngell on Law of Carriers, 1849. i Vol. (25-C-5.) [Same], 1851. i Vol. (25-C-5.) Carver, Carriage by Sea, 1885. i Vol. (25-C-5.) Hale on Bailments and Carriers (Hornbook Scries), 1896. i Vol. (3-H-i.) Hutchinson on Carriers, 1882. (i Vol. (25-C-5.) [Same], Matthews and Dickinson, 3d Ed., 1906. 3 Vols. (3-B-2.) Lawson on Contract of Carriers, 1880. i Vol. (3-B-2.) (See also Bailments; Bailments and Carriers; Negli- gence; Admiralty and Maritime Law.) 206 Louisiana Bar Association CAUSES. (See Removal of Causes.) CERTIORARI (OR REVIEW). Spelling Extraordinary Relief, 1893. 2 Vols. (3-C-6.) CHANCERY. (See Equity.) CHILD. (See Parent and Child.) CITER-DIGEST. United States Statute Citer-Digest, 1910, and Supplements. (2-C-1.) COMMENTARIES. Blackstone, Laws of England, by Field, 1821. 3d Ed. (14-B-5.) Blackstone, Laws of England, 2d Ed., 1766-68. 3 Vols. (14-C-2.) Blackstone, Chitty, 1838-1857. 2 Vols. Bks. 1-4. (14-B-5.) [Same], Chitty, 1887. Vols, i, 2. (3-B-2.) [Same], Cooley, 1872. 2 Vols. (3-B-2.) Bouvier's Institutes, 1851. 4 Vols. (25-F-2.) Broom and Hadley's Commentaries, 1875. 2 Vols. (25-C-6.) Chitty's Blackstone, 1838-1857. 2 Vols. Books 1-4. (14-B-5.) [Same], 1887. Vols, i and 2. (3-B-2.) Cooley's Blackstone, 1872. 2 Vols. (3-B-2.) Curtis' Commentaries, 1854. Vol. i. (25-C-6.) Field, Blackstone, Laws of England, 1821, 3d Ed. (14-B-5.) Kent's Commentaries, 1832. Vol. i. (25-C-6.) Kent's Commentaries (Vol. i lacking), 1836. 4 Vols. (25-C-6.) Kent's Commentaries (Vol. i missing), 1858. 4 Vols. (25-C-7.) Kent's Commentaries, 1866. 4 Vols. (3-B-2-3.) [Same], Sth Ed., 1844. 4 Vols. (25-C-6.) [Same], 6th Ed, 1848. 4 Vols. (25-C-6.) Smith's Commentaries, 1848. i Vol. (25-C-7.) Story's Commentaries on Bailments. (See Bailments, Subject Index.) Story's Commentaries, Conflict of Laws, 1834. i Vol. (25-C-7.) Story on Conflict of Laws, 1846. i Vol. (25-C-7.) Law Library Catalogue 207 COMMEXTARIES.— (Co«/niiu'(/.) Story's Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833. Vol. 3. (25-C-7-) Story on the Constitution, 4th Ed., 1873. 2 Vols. (3-B-3.) Story's Equity Pleadings, Commentaries, 1838. i \'ol. (25-E-3.) Story's Equity Pleadings, 1844. i Vol. 2 Copies. (25-E-3.) Thompson's Commentaries on the Law of Corporations, 1895- 96-98. 7 Vols. (3-B-5.) Thompson, Commentaries Law of Negligence, 1901-05. 6 Vols. (3-C-3.) rSame], White's Supplement, Sections 1-7923 (1907), \'ol. 7. (3-C-3.) Wharton's Commentaries on Agency and Agents, 1876. i \'ol. (25-C-4.) White's Supplement (Thompson's Commentaries Law of Neg- ligence, Sections 1-7923, 1907). Vol. 7. (3-C-3.) (Also have Thompson Commentaries Law of Negli- gence, 1901-05. 6 Vols. 3-C-3.) COMMERCLAL LAW. (See Mercantile Law.) COMMERCIAL PAPER. (See Instruments.) CONFISCATIONS. Constitutionality and Legality of Confiscations in Fee Under Act July 17, 1862, by Day, 1870. i Vol. CONFLICT OF LAWS. Story on Conflict of Laws, Commentaries, 1834. 1 V^ol. (25-C-7.) Story on Conflict of Laws, 1846. i Vol. (25-C-7.) (See also International Law.) CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY: United States. — Federalist (The) and Other Constitutional Papers. By Scott, 1894. 2 Vols. (26-A-i.) (See Constitutional Law.) ^OS Louisiana Bar Association CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Black's Constitutional Law, 2d Ed. (Hornbook Series). i8q7, I Vol. (3-B-3.) ^^ Constitutions of Louisiana of 1812, 1845, 1852, 1864, 1868. 1879, Amendments to 1879, 1898, Amendments to 1898. To be found in "Report Secretary of State of Louisiana, 1902." (2-C-7.) Constitution of 1898 (Louisiana), bound with Acts of Lou- isiana of 1898. 4 Copies. (3-A-6.) (See also Wolff Constitution and Revised Laws. % Vols. 2-C-6.) iSame], Bound with "Journal and Calendar," 1898. i Vol, (2-C-7.) Constitution of the United States, 1787, and Amendments, p. 31. To be found in "Report of Secretary of State of Louisiana, 1902." [See also Revised Statutes of United 'States.] (2-C-7.) Constitution Amendments Since 1904 (Louisiana). [See Wolff Constitution and Revised Laws, Vol. 3.] (2-C-6.) Cooley on Constitutional Limitations, 1868. i Vol. (25-C-7.) [Same], 6th Ed., 1890. i Vol. (25-C-7.) [Same], 7th Ed., 1903. i Vol. (3-B-3.) Federalist (Ihe) and other Constitutional Papers (Edited by E. H. Scott), 1894. 2 Vols. (26-A-i.) Kent's Commentaries. Vol. 2. Rawle on the Constitution, 1825. i Vol. (25-C-7,) Sergeant's Constitutional Law, 1830. i Vol., 2 Copies. 3-B-3 and 25-C-7.) Story's Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833. Vol 3. (2S-C-7.) Story on the Constitution, 4th Ed., 1873. 2 Vols. (3-B-3.) CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS. (See Constitutional Law.) CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITIONS. (See Constitutional Law.) CONSTITUTIONS: Federal and State. See Constitutional Law and the Revised Statutes, Codes, etc., of the several States. CONSTITUTIONS. See Constitutional Law, and also United States; Louisiana and other States. ' Law Libr.vry Catalogue 209 COXSTRUCTIOX AND INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES. Federal Statutes, Annotated. Vol. 2. (lo-C-i.) Lewis' Sutherland Statutory Construction, 2d Ed., 1904. 2 Vols. (3-C-6.) CONSULS AND CONSULATES. Federal Statutes, Annotated. \'ol. 2. (lO-C-i.) CONTR.-\CTS. Addison on Contracts, 1875-1876. 3 Vols. (3-B-3.) Chitty on Contracts, 1839. i \'ol. (25-C-7.) Clark on Contracts (Hornbook Series), 1894. i Vol. (3-B-3.) [Same], bv TiiTany (Hornbook Series), 2d Ed., 1904. i \'ol. (3-B-3.) Comyn on Contracts, 1809. 2 Vols. (25-C-7.) Denis on Contracts of Pledge. .1= eoverned by either the Com- mon Law or the Civil Law, 1S98. I Vol. (3-C-4.) Milliard on Contracts, 1872. 2 Vols. (25-C-7.) Lawson on Contract of Carriers. 1880. i Vol. (3-B-2.) Parsons on Contracts, 7th Ed., 1883. 3 Vols. (25-D-i.) [Same], 8th Ed., 1893. 3 Vols. (3-B-3.) Pomeroy on Contracts, 1879. i Vol. (25-D-i.) Powell on Contracts, 1790. i Vol. (25-D-i.) Tiffany's Clark on Contracts (Hornbook Series), 2d Ed., 1904. I Vol. (3-B-3.) (See Guaranty; Suretyship; Master and Servant.) CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE. (Sec Negligence.) CONVENTIONAL OBLIGATIONS. (See Obligations.) CONVENTIONS. Convention of 1861. To be found in "Report of Secretary of State of Louisiana, 1902." (2-^-7.) CONVEYANCES. Bump on Fraudulent Conveyances, 1872. i \'oI. (25-D-i.) Curtis' Conveyancer, 1847. ' ^o\. (25-D-i.) Roberts' Fraudulent Conveyances, 1&45. i Vol. (25-D-i.) 210 Louisiana Bar Association CONVEYANCES, FRAUDULENT. (See Conveyances.) CORPORATIONS. Abbott's Digest Law of Corporations, 1869. i Vol. (25-D-i.) Abbott's Municipal Corporations, 1905-1906. 3 Vols. (3-B-4.) American Corporation Cases, 1872-1887. 10 Vols. (26-D-5.) [Same], Digest, Vols, i-io, 1888. i Vol. (26-D-5.) American Corporation Legal Manual, 1893, 1898, 1899, IQOI* 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905. 8 Vols. (26-D-7.) American and English Corporation Cases, Digest Only. Vols, 1-25. 2 Vols. (5-A-5.) American Railroad and Corporation Reports, Annotated, 1890- 1896. 2 Copies each. 12 Vols. (26-D-5-7.) American Railway Cases, 1862-1863. 2 Vols. (26-B-i.) Angell and Ames on Corporations, 1846. i Vol. (25-D-i.) Angell and Ames on Corporations, 1866. i Vol. (25-D-i.) Beach on Private Corporations, 1891. 2 Copies. (3-B-4.) Beale on Foreign Corporations (Taxation of Corporations, Both Foreign and Domestic), 1904. i Vol. (3-B-4.) Clark on Corporations (Private), Hornbook Series, ,1897. I Vol. (3-B-4.) Cook on Corporations, 6th Ed., 1908. 4 Vols. (3-B-4.) Cook on Stock and Stockholders and Corporation Laws, 2d Ed., 1889. I Vol. (3-B-4.) Corporation Counsel and Assistants, Opinions of the, 1872- 1897. I Vol. (25-D-I.) Counsel and Assistants, Opinions of the Corporation, 1872- 1897. I Vol. (25-D-I.) Dill on New Jersey Corporations (Precedents and Forms), 1898. I Vol. "(3-B-4.) [Same], Precedents, 2d Ed., 1899. 2 Copies, i Vol. (3-B-4 and 25-D-I.) Dillon on Municipal Corporations, 1872. i Vol. (25-D-i.) [Same], 2d Ed., 1873. 2 Vols. (25-D-i.) [Same], 4th Ed., 1890. 2 Vols. (3-B-5.) Law- Library Catalogue 211 CORPORATIONS.— (CoH/m«rci.) Gluck and Becker, Receivers of Corporations, 1891. 1 Vol. (3-B-5.) Green's Brices Ultra Vires, 1875. i Vol. (25-E-7.) Hirschl's Combination, Consolidation and Succession of Cor- porations, 1896. I \'ol. (3-B-5.) Ingfersoll on Public Corporations (Hornbook Series), 1904. i Vol. (3-B-5.) Machen, Modern Law of Corporations, 1908. 2 Vols. (3-B-5.) Mann, Law of Foreign Business Corporations, 1906. i \ ol. (3-B-5.) Municipal Corporations, Abbott, 1905-1906. 3 Vols. (3-B-4.) Opinions of the Corporation Counsel and Assistants, 1872- 1897. I Vol. (25-D-i.) Pierce on Railroads, 188 1. i Vol. (25-E-5.) Potter on Corporations, 1879. 2 Vols. (25-D-i.) Reno on Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations, 1892. i Vol. (25-E-2.) Street Railway Reports, Annotated, Federal and State Courts, Cited "St. Ry. Rep.," 1904-1910. 6 Vols. (7-A-4.) Tavlor on Private Corporations Having Capital Stock, 1884. I Vol. (25-D-I.) Thompson's Commentaries on the Law of Corporations, 1S95- 1896-1898. 7 Vols. (3-B-5.) Waterman on Corporations, 1888. 2 Vols. (25-D-1-2.) Willcock on Municipal Corporations, 1827. i Vol. (25-D-2.) Wood's Field on the Law of Corporations, 2d Ed., 1883. i \'ol. (25-D-2.) CORPORATIONS: FOREIGN. (Sec Corporations.) CORPORATIONS: MUNICIPAL. (See Corporations. ) CORPORATIONS: PRIVATE. (See Corporations.) CORPORATIONS: PUBLIC. (Sec Corporations.) 1212 Louisiana Bar Associationt COURTMARTIAL. (See Trials.) COURTS OF INQUIRY. (See Trials.) COURTS OF UNITED STATES. PRACTICE IN. Conkling's Treatise United States Courts, 1842. i Vol. 3 Copies. (25-E-7.) ['Same], 5th Ed., 1870. i Vol. (25-E-7.) Cooper's Opinion on the Effect of a Sentence of a Forei^ Court of Admiralty (Dallas), 1808. (7-B-2.) Law's United States Courts, 1852. i Vol. (25-E-7.) May, United States Supreme Court Practice, 1899. i Vol. (25-E-7.) CRIMES. (See Criminal Law.) CRIMES AND CRIMINALS. • Federal Statutes, Annotated. Vol. 2. (lo-C-i.) (See also Criminal Law.) CRIMINAL BRIEFS. (See Briefs.) CRIMINAL CODE. (See Criminal Law. See Louisiana and other States.) CRIMINAL LAW. American Criminal Reports, 1883-1898. 10 Vols. Archbold's Criminal Practice and Pleadings, 1853. 3 Vols. (25-E-3.) Bassett's Criminal Pleading, 2d Ed., 1885. i Vol. (25-E-2.) Bishop on Practical Directions and Forms (Criminal), 1885. I Vol. (25-E-5.) Bishop on Statutory Crimes, 2d Ed., 1883. i Vol. (3-C-6.) Chitty's Criminal Law, 1836. i Vol. (25-D-2.) [Same], 1847. 3 Vols. (25-D-2.) Clark's Criminal Law (Hornbook Series), 1894. i Vol. (3-B-6.) [Same], By Tiffany, 2d Ed. (Hornbook Series), 1902. i Vol. (3-B-6.) Law Library Catalogue 213 CRIMINAL LAW.— (Continued.) Clark on Criminal Procedure (Hornbook Series), 1895. i Vol. (3-C-5.) Criminal Briefs, Malonc, 1886. i Vol. (25-D-2.) Encyclopaedia of Pleading and Practice, 1895-1902. 2^ Vols. (6-B-2-4.) Federal Penal Code of 1910 CThe). Annotated by Tucker and Blood, toqfcther with other Statutes having Penal Provisions in force Dec. i, 1908. (3-C-5.) Foster's Federal Practice. Forms. Civil. Criminal, 2d Ed., 1892. 2 Vols. (25-E-4.) [Same], Forms, Civil, Criminal, 4th Ed., 1909. 3 Vols. (3-C-5.) McClain on Criminal Law, 1897. 2 Vols. (3-B-6.) Malone, Criminal Briefs, 1886. i Vol. (25-D-2.) Marr's Criminal Jurisprudence of Louisiana, 1906. i Vol. (3-C-2.) Roe's Criminal Procedure, 1887. i Vol. (25-E-4.) Roscoes Criminal Evidence, 1852. i Vol. (25-D-5.) Russell on Crimes, 1824. i Vol. (25-D-2.) Tiffany's. Clark Criminal Law (Hornbook Series). 2d Ed., 1902. I V^ol. (i-B-6.) Tucker and Blood. Federal Penal Code of 1910, and other Statutes having Penal Provisions in force Dec. I, 1908 (3-C-t;.) (See Homicide. Equity. Procemith*s Mercantile Law, 1837, I Vol. (25-E-i.) Smith's Mercantile Law (Holcombc and Gholson), 1^59, i Vol. (25-E-i.) MERCHANT SEAMEN. (See Seamen.) MERCHANTS, SHIPS and SEAMEN. (Sec Seamen.) MONEY. Fed. Stats., Anno. Vol. i. Coinage, Mints, and Assay Offices. (lo-C-i.) MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. (See Corporations.) MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETIES. (See Insurance; Societies.) NATIONAL LAW FINDER, The. For all States of the United States, 191 1. Showing where the cases in the reports of the several States have been exhaustively Annotated in the selected Case sets that cover the general field of law. ALSO where any case decided in any State Court has been affirmed. Re- versed or distinguished by the United States Supreme Court. (2-C-I.) NAVY. Fed. Stats., Anno. Vol. i : Articles for the Government of the Navy. (lO-C-i.) NEGLIGENCE. American Negligence Cases, 1895-1905, 16 Vols. (5-C-1-2.) American Negligence Digests. (^-C-4.) American Negligence Reports, 20 Vols., 1897- 1907. (5-C-3-4.) American Negligncc Reports Digest, 1902. (5-C-4.) American Negligence Reports Digest, 1897-1907. (5-C-4.) liarrows on Negligence (Hornbook Series), 1900, i Vol. (3-C-3) Shearman and Rcdfield on Negligence, 1869. i Vol. (25-E-i.) Thomas Negligence, Rules, Decisions, Opinions, 1895, i Vol. 3-C-3.) 230 Louisiana Bar Association yi^QUGnNCn.— (Continued.) Thompson, Commentaries on the Law of Negligence, 1901-05, 6 Vols. (3-C-3.) [Same.] White's Supplement Sects., i to 7923 , 1907, Vol. 7. (3-C-3.) Wharton on Law of Negligence, 1874, i Vol. (25-E-i.) [Same.] 2d. Ed., 1878, i Vol. (3-C-3.) White's Supplement, Thompson Commentaries Law of Negli- gence. (See Thompson above.) (3-C-3.) See Master and Servant; Carriers; Bailments and Carriers. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. (See Instruments; Bills and Notes.) NEW TRIALS. (See Trials.) NIISI PRIUS. Stephen's Nisi Prius, 1844, 3 Vols. (25-E-i.) See England Reports. NON-RESIDENTS. Reno on Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations, 1892, i Vol. (25-E-2.) NOTARIAL GUIDE. White's Notarial Guide (Saunders' Judicial Forms), 1897, i Vol. (2-C-7.) See Forms. NOTES. (See Bills and Notes; Instruments.) NOTES and BILLS. fSee Bills and Notes; Instruments.) NUISANCES. Joyce on Nuisances, 1906, i Vol. (3-C-4.) Wood on Nuisances, 3d. Ed., 1893, Vol. i. (3-C-4.) OBLIGATIONS. (See Contracts; Guaranty; Suretyship.) OPINIONS. Cooper's Opinion on the effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty (Dallas) 1808 (1810). (7-B-2.) Opinions (official) of the Attorneys General of United States, 2 Copies. Vol. 4, 1852-1866, Vols. 1-9. (26-B-2.) [Same.] Digest, Andrews, 1789-1857. (26-B-2.) Law Library Catalogue 231 OPiy:iO}