GIFT OF SEELET W. MUDD and GEORGE I. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR.JOHNR. HAYNES WILLIAM L. HONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F. SARTORI to the UNIVBRSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BRANCH ONLVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT tOS AKGEUES LIBRARY DICTIONARY OF T H E Norman or Old French Language; COLLECTED FROM SUCH ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, RECORDS. PARLIAMENT R.OLLS, LAW BOOKS, JOURNALS, ANTIFNT HISTORIANS, ACTS OF STATE, AND MANUSCRIPTS, AS RELATE TO THIS NATION. CALCULATED To illuftrate the Rights and Cuftoms of former Ages, the Forms of Laws and Jurifprudence, the Names of Dignities and Offices, of Perfons and Places; and to render the Reading of thofe Re- cords, Books, and Manuicripts, which are written in that Lan- guage, more ealy ; as well as to reftore the true Sei.fe and Mean- ing of many Words, hitherto deemed quite obfeure or mk- tranllated. TO WHICH ARE ADDED The LAWS O T WILLIAM the CONQUEROR, WITH NOTES AND REFERENCES. By ROBERT KELHA M, OF LINCOLNS-INN. Mult* ignoramui qua n:n laterint, Ji vtttrum LtR'ta nobis fjftt fawTiarit. Mac r obj us, LONDON: Printed for EDWARD BROOK E, Succeffor to Meff. W ORXALL and TOVE Y, in Bell-Yard, near Temple-Bar. MDCCLXX1X. i — 2. In. £06 — great Profit therefrom— in great fear. Prints — Brit. 49. a. — fined — rejls, remains. Ramis — ibid. 66. a. — replaced, fixed on again— torn. Reys — ibid. 85. a. — Kings — Faults. EnteJJliunt — ibid. 242. a. — Tacitly, by being ru-.'nt — in witncj/t/ig* ftuppietiom — Preamble, Stat. Glou. 2 In. 277. — Helps, Amendments XT-Petition, a 2 nals tv PREFACETO nals in the Authors from whence they are taken. Mr. Hughes (whofe Merit in tranflating fo antient an Author, as the Mirroir, was not inconfiderable) has yet frequently miftaken the Senfe of the Text, as I prefume will be manifefl from the Paflages here cited b . k Imticrgvigtie-~-p. 4— to the Reproach — tranflated in condemnation, FiJJind les vines — 13 — make their Views — make their Vifnes. La Ncece, le Ante le Heire, le Roy — 22 — the Niece being the Heir of the King — the Nutfe, the Aunt, Heir to the King. Tacbe de lour arte — 23 — infected with their Art — taken with their Art. En voiles Chautes et gargaus dr Oifeaux — 23 — In the Flight, fining and chattering of Birds — In the Intrails and Bowels of Bir Tallies. !)■• quire — 21S — with Leather — with Iron. F./lu du cuyre—i Shield ot Leather — a Shield of Iron. rcfui! de lamer — 222 — by the Jibbing of the Sc;i — by the Waves of the Sea. Sons — 223 — payment — a Rrlcafe. Sil firniji fa ley — 241 — it he performs his L>u\ — f he wage his Law. If THE DICTIONARY. v If the Word defends made ufe of in a Defendant's Plea had been confidered as derived from the Norman French Word defender, and to fignify to oppofe or deny, and not to juftify ; Mr. Booth in his accurate Treatife of Real Actions would not have acknowledged himfelf fo much at a Lofs to explain the Entry of the Defendant's Defence in a Writ of Right. Booth xciv. 112. — 3 Blackftone 296. Nor furely, if the Idiom of this Language had been underftood, would this PafTage in Britton, (t Si lefglife " demoerge defcounfeille outre vi. moys, adonques *• folonc le Counceil de Lions par l'defcord d's *' parties, le fra levefque del lieu counfeiller & dorra " lefglife a afcun clerke d'son office, fauve chefcun *' droit," been rendered, by fo elaborate and judicious an Abridger as Mr. Viner, in the following Manner. " If the Church remains difcouncilled beyond fix u Months, then, according to the Council of Lyons, " by the Difcord of the Parties, the Bifiop Jhall be €t in the Place of a Counfellor, and Jhall give the " Church to any Clerk, Javing every one^s Right ;" inftead of (as with great Deference I think it ought to be trandated) " If the Church remains unprovided beyond fix Months, then, according to the Council of Lyons, by Reafon of the Difagreement of the Parties, the Bilhop of the Diocefe lhall provide for it, and (hall, ex officio, collate fome Clerk to the Church, faving every one's Right." Britton 225. a. 17. Viner 377. Per vifi enfaver — 24? — by burying alive — by burning alive. Per urur de eux — joi — by plucking out the Eves — by burn'"*' 1 7 r- A them over the nyes. IPue ne noirent — 271 — who do not fend — hurted vet, Ajforcement de la ley — 282 — a forcing, or {training oi the Lav.', erring from the La-vj. On arvoicntvee — 300 — or had denyed — or had fent. Eins ceo que — 308 — before that- — inafmuch as. a 3 Nor VI PREFACE TO Nor if the Norman Law French had been properly underftood by the Profeffbrs of our Law, would a Frenchman, on a late remarkable Trial, have been called in to read and explain fome Norman French Charters produced in a Rritilh Court of Judicature. Even the Statutes themfelves, as found in our Books, are, I am afraid, in many Places too liable to the fame Cenfure ; a Specimen from the (hort Statute of Fines *, snd from the Statute of Acton f Burnell, will (hew this ; lieu -\ f Slivered r read la pees I translated "j the Peace rinfiead of ) the Concord fur la pie J *- by the County * L on the Foot* The Mention therefore of thefe PafTages, thus er- roneoufly tranflated, may be of fome Ule, I truft, to incite young Students to attain to a more perfect Knowledge of the antient Norman Law French ; for Tuftice Fortefcue, in his learned Preface prefixed to his Reports, and to the Treatife of Abfolute and Limit- ed Monarchy wrote by Sir John Fortefcue, Lord Chief Juftice of England under Henry VI. fays, that with- out being acquainted with this Language, wherein fo much of our Laws yet in force is written, a Man can- not pretend to the Name of a Lawyer •, and as many of the Public Acts which are in Latin in Rymer's Fcedera are not, in the Judgment of Kapin, to be underrtood without the Ailiftance of Ducange or Spelmm •, I may venture to fay, that great Numbers of the fame Kind of Instruments found there in the old French Language are not lefs difficult for want of fome Dictionary of that Language. Lven fo late as the Time of Queen Elizabeth, when one would have thought that almoit all Barbarifms had been abolifhed, * 1 8 Edvjrard I. f Pri/lcs lour avers, borrowed their Cattk t inflead of Money, we THE DICTIONARY. vii we find Treaties drawn up, and Secretaries of State, Ambafladors, and Kings in her Reign, correfponding in a very uncouth Stile; for I believe there are very few Readers/ who, tout d'uncoup, will underftand fuch Words as " de repes — arrable-z, plieur—panures— " rovenereray — truer ant — leuryauxi — unglos — fyny- n uemant — auplkies — delleanfes — Vadutent — faint e- " mant — avabler—- oifuir — fans anvifer — fefcrine — " acharuez — au oult ;" with many others equally obiblete, and which are not explained in any Dictio- nary. Yet this Collection, exten five as I have endea- voured to make it, does not, I muft confefs, take in every difficult or obfolete Norman French Word j feveral of this Kind are purpofely omitted, on account of the Senfe of them not readily occurring, and are left for fome more able Hand to investigate ; others alfo will, without Doubt, be met with in fome Books and Manufcripts which have efcaped my Reading : though I perfuade myfelf the Number will not be very confiderable ; and that it may with Truth be faid, that very few of the antient Norman French Words which occur in this Work, are to be met with elfe- where. This Compilation, the Reader will pleafe to obferve, is confined to fuch Words of the old French Language as occur chiefly in Rymer's Fcedera, our Statutes, Parliament Rolls, Journals, Records, Law Books, and, Hiftorians ; for as to thofe which are to be met with in ancient Writers of the French Nation, and in the Provencal Poets and Romances, they are foreign to our Purpofe ; and may be found in the Dictionary lately compiled by the learned M. La Combe *, in 2 Volumes : Nor have I traced the Norman French Lan- guage up to its Origin, this being alio already dune by • Diftionnaire du Vievix Langage Franpis, par M, La Combe, \ Paris, \ 766, the viii PREFACE. » /■ the above Author, and feveral others who have pro- fefiedly written on that Subject. It would probably likewife not have been unenter- taining, and at the fame Time more fatisfactory to fome Readers, to have given, as Menage and others have done, the PafTages and Sentences at length, from thofe Records, Books, and Manufcripts, from which moll of the Words in this Colle&ion are taken; this indeed would have helped to point out the dif- ferent Epochs when fuch and fuch Words firft affumed fuch a Senfe, as well as given the Reader an Oppor- tunity of comparing the Words themfelves with the Context ; but this Parade would have rendered the Work much larger, and I am afraid too expenfive. IVIy only View, in making this Compilation, is to pro- mote Hidorical Knowlege, and enable the Studious to read with Satisfaction, and uhderltand, thole many in- teresting and curious Records difperfed in our Adts of State ; and particularly in the Pailiament Rolls (which under the Sanction of the I.egiQature have been lately publifhed), Law Books, and Historians, and which, for want of fome Affiftance of this Kind, lofe much of their Force : if this End is anfwered without making thofe numerous Quotations which the obfervingthe above Order would have occafioned, ][ hope, the Want of it will be readily excufed. D I CTI O N A RY O F THE NORMAN and old FRENCH LANGUAGE. A at, and, with, from, ? for, by. A caufa de cy, for this reafon. A ce, for this purpofe. A ceftuy, from him. A la facon, in the fajhion. A la prefence, in the pre- fence. A peu perd, with fmall lofs. A font, and are. A tort, by wrong. Aage, age. Aagiee etant, being of the age.^ Aan, a, year. Abaiefie, an abbefs. Abaiez, afraid, intimidat- ed. Abaiez du peril, put in peril. A bailer, to appeafe. Abaifle, deprived. Abaifliees (fi), fo impove- rijhed. Abaizance, abbaiaunce, in abeyance, in expectation. Abatift, abated, beat down, fulled down, threw down, quajhed, defeated, inter- pofed. s'Abaty, entered by abate* ment, interpofed. Abatu (Bois), wood cut or fallen. AbaudiiTent (fei), embolden themfelves, give them- felves up to. Abbaflement, abatement. Abbeiflant, obedient. Abbeffed, c aft down. Abbeffement, leffening, lowering. Abbeflent, abate, lower. Abbrevoir, a watering place. Abbs, an abbey. B Abbuver, 2 A B Abbuver, to give water to. Abeiffont) obedient. AbeifTe, abefie, abated, leffened, abafed. AbeifiTement, lowering* Abeiflez, oppreffed* Aber, abetting, A be fi lie, abated. Abetir, to render Jlupid. Abette, abetment. Abetuz, abating, allowing for. Abeye, abit, habit. Ableflement (en), to the fcandal, injury. Ablez, able, Jit. Abogen, bowed. Aboilage, honey. A border, to apply to, ar- rive at. Aboutir a to draw to, to abut.' Aooudfiants, about; fTe- ments, limits or boun- daries. Ab Owein, ap Owen. Abreeu, April. Abroceurs, brokers. Abruver, to water. Abibile, abfoller, abfoul- dre, abfodrc, to abfolve, • forgive, pardon. Abftiegner, to abfiain. Abftinence, ceffalion. Abuslhementz, conceal- ments. Abutremehts, ornaments. Acs, ca, then. A C Acat, buying. Acate (p vois d'), by way of bargain. Acaterie (Sergeaunt de T), ferjeant of the eatery. Accepiant (en), in accept- ing, objecting. Acceffement, addition. AccefTer, to affefs. Accion, accyoun, aclion. Accoitant (en), in hording up. Accoincl, very neceffary or familiar. Accointance, aid, favour , affociation. Accoller, to embrace. Accollee (donner T), to dub a knight. AccomptableZjComptable perTon, countable, fm a 11 fijh. Accord (d'), the concord. Accoritez, agreed to it. Accorr, ready, wary. Accoftcr, to prop, or hold up. Accourfement, the taking away. Accouter, to hearken. Accreftcr, accrefter, to in- crcafe t to accrew, to happen. A ccreffr nt, arij'e from. AccrefTer (qui droit ad a), who has a right to the profits. Accreve, A C Accreve, increafed, Accreaunt, gathering, ob- taining, accroaching. Accrpcher ,accroach,ufurp, attempt to exercife. Acrois, increafe, acceffion, . improvement. Accuferez, reproach, ac- cufe. Accufement, accufation. Acenfement, a letting to harm. Acenfeur, a farmer. Aceres, maple-trees. Acertener, afcertained, be- ing well affured of, Acertez, certified, get in- telligence of, in good earnejl. Acefient, affefs. Acharppart (garder les), to keep them feparate, fafe. Acharuez, incenfed, cruelly bent againfi. Achat, buying. Acheter, to buy. Achatur, acatour, buyer. Achatre, to ranfonu Achemine, directed. Achefon, achayiYon, rea- fon, occafion, caufe, hurt. Acheioncz de bel pleder, called in quejlion for beaupleder. Acheve (ne fe), does not ait cum. ■A,C 5 Achever, achiver, to per- form. Acheu, attourned. Achioer, to finifh. Achoifoner, acheflbner, t$ accufe. Aci, here. Acier, fteel. Aco, that. A coign e, favour, affect a- tion. Acone fei, fometimes. Aeons, fore. Aconvenu, covenanted, agreed upon. Acort, agreement, accord, confent. Acoudre, to join. Acoulper, to accufe, Acounte, aconte, to be reckoned, deemed, ac- counted. A coupes, accufed, guilty. Acouter, deemed, account- ed. Acovyegnenr, agree, fettle. Acqueifter, to pacify. Acquiiler, to receive, ga- ther. Acre, an acre, a meafure of land. q ne fuift unques acres ne vergee, which was never furveyed, mea- fured, or laid out in(q acres, rods, &c. Acres, increafed. S z Acrefc^ 4 AC Acrefce, increafe. Acreftre, acrefifer, acre- fere, to multiply , to in- creafe y advance, rife, ac- crew. Acreftant a lui, taking up- on himfelf. Acrire, to write, d'Acrocher, to affume, in- croach, increaje. Acroire, to lend. Acruift, aecrewed. Act, atlion. Actines, actons, cloaks. Actuel, ready, fpeedy. Adtualment, actuelment, prefently. Acunement, in any ether manner. Acunte, account. Acunt (deit), owes any thing. Acufe, excufes. Adaerains, at laji. Adavaunt ale, fo far gone. Adayer, to provoke. Adeiz, already. Adenc, now. Adeprimes, firjl, at firjl, for the fir ft time. Adept, obtained. Aderere, behind, in arrear, Jlrayed from. Aderener, to appraife. Ades, by and by. Adelbure, underneath, be- low. Adefouth lui, under him. A D Adefleement, conjiantly. Adetteres, fincerely. Adevant, before. Adevenir, to become. Adgares (ne), lately. Adgifantz, adjacent. Addculeir, to mitigate, t$ affwage. Addone, given to. Addoubers, fee adoubers. Addoubeur, a promoter, or fetter-up of caufes. Addrefife, directed to, fent j alfo redrefs. AddrefiTeroient en haut lour maynes dextres, ftjould hold up on high their right hands. Adherdantz, adherents. A dieu commandez, gone to God, departed this life. Adjeufter, to adjuft, con- trive, difpofe of. Adjoufter toy, to give faith. Ad ire, by faying. A dire, that is to fay. A dire, to abandon, forfake. Aditerent, JJjoidd fummon to the eyre. Adjure, abjured, abandon- ed. Admeneftres, admonijhed, brought. Adminiftres, the admir.i* Jirators. Adnates, the firjl fruits. Adnerer, A D Adnerer, to fet a price. Adoler, to lament. Adonques, adonges, then. Adouler, to repair. Adoubers de vicls draps, patchers, botchers, or menders of apparel. Adoun, then. Adrecans, adroiffans, ad- dreffed, direcled to. Adreciez, adreltees, re- drejfed. Adrein, until. Adreitament, with addrefs, alio direclly, forthwith, readily. Ad res, readily, conve- niently. Adrefcer, to redrefs. Adrefcer a nous, behave to us. PAdrefcement, the ma- nagement, improvement^ reformation, reform, re- pairing. Adrefler fes refons, to make out, to prepare his defence. Adreffcs, going, proceeding on, continuing along. Qu'ils adrefiaflem, that they fkould prepare them- f elves. Nous nous adrefleoms, we are getting ready. Adrefiez, erctl. Adreflez, ornamented, gilded. A E 5 Chafer adreflez, drive them Jlrait along. Adreflement, direclly, forthwith. Adrier, in arrear. Ad tret, drawn. Adveigne, happens, be- comes. En adventure fi, in cafe. Adveu (ibubz 1'), with the approbation. Advitailles, viclualled. Advocaffie, office of advo- cate. Advoue, advoes, advo- cates, perfons Jkilled in the law. Advover, to avow. Adueinent, arife. Adunque, then. l'Adutent, making ufe of Adyre, to fay. Ae, the age of a man. Aele, grandmother. Aem perlir, peril of our foul. Aerdanz, aordanz, adhe- rents. Aerder, to accrew. Aererer, to plough. Aerin, brafs. Aernovel, Auguft. Aeries, earnejl. Aery, neji of hawks. Aes, eafe. Aeues, waters. Aez, has. B 3 Afeore, fe A fr Afeore, affeered. Affaire, /arneis,/ry/;'/;;, or fitting on of armour. Afiaie (en), on trial. Afiait, aficit, affert. Afiailcront, affault, or fet upon. Aflaver A S AiTaver 3 mois, 3 months notice, Aflavoir, certify. A flay, aflaye, endeavoured. A flees, a woodcock. Afiege, befieges. Aflemble, a colletlion. AfTembler, to meet. Afiemblee, an union. Afiembleement, meeting. Aflemle, together. Afiener, to affign. Afienoms, affign, appoint. Afienne, affignment, fup- port, portion. Aflent, fomething to fit upon. Afientement, confent. AfTentui en judgement, joined in ijjue, in judge- ments. Afifeours, affront, affejfors, ajfefs. Affeourez, made fafe. AfTequrer, to affure, make certain. Afler, affeer, affeoir, to fettle, fix, a/certain, af- fefs, keep. Aflert (d'j, to certify. A iTerte, fur ety. Afler (d'j, with feel. Affcs,fet up, put up. AfTes (Y), conj untli on, con- currence. AfTcfaunce (a la), at the affeffmg. Afifefibrs, abettors. A T *9 Afierera, will affure, make fure. A fibre, drained. AiTeyly, affaulted. Aflez, afeez, afletz, af- fietz, aflau, enough. Aflez affer, enough to do. Affiette, aflbir, affejfment, tax. Afiigniers, afiinez, afifign- ed. Aflls, fituated. Aflife en ore, fet in gold. Aflis (jour), day appointed or fixed. Afiifes, afliflerent,y£/, ap- pointed. Afliduelment, conflantly* Aflieore, to profecute. Affiz, //. Afiys, appointed, affeer ed^ affeffed. Aflbager, to comfort. Aflbigne, effoyn, excufe. Aflbil, abfofoe. ' Aflbyl (qe Dieu), on whan God have mercy, pardon. Aflbilent, ie aflbilent, pu- nijh. Aflbir, to befiege. Aflblloms, we abfohe. AfTommes, adjujled. Aflbndre (pour), de af- fouldre, to abfohe, to acquit. Aflbub, aflbuth, aifous, acquitted, difcharged, re- folded. C 2 Affurrer, 20 A T Aflurrer (cT), to effay. Allure (1'), the certain. AfTurrera, and will aJJ'ure, covenant. Aftallation (?} t the injlal- la t ion. A Hate, eft ate, condition. Aflerlabs d'or, an aflro- iabe of gold, an inftru- ment to make aflronomic obfervations. Aftonbz, tin. Aftraint, aftructz, aflriclz, conjlrained, bound. Aftraignons, to bind. Aitre, a hall. Aftre, aiftre, a hearth. Aftrer (home), aftrier, <2. man .refident, a villein bom in a houfe of the lord's. Aftres (trcftouz le), all the hcufes,firc hearths, Aftrus, hidden, difficult. Aftuche (]'), I conjecture. At, hath. At, and. Atachiee, affixed, annexed. Atari) s, attainted, convitl- ed. A tat, eflate, pur chafe. Atauntz, atantz, fo many. Ateigne pas, does not come to. Ateignent, which belong to. Ateindre jekes a oens, get at them. A ten A T emt, amount. Ateinz, attainted. Ateivament, effectually. Atendre (e fit), and let it be underftood. Atent, attends. Atente, atendre, waiting. Atient, ex'incl. Atornez (a co), appointed for that purpofe. Atrait a notre obeifTance, drawn to our obedience. Atret, drawn afide. Atreys, other. Atreent (ne), do not draw. Attacher, to attack, take place. Attacher fon appeal, to commence, to profecute his appeal. Attach (ie), attached, come upon. Attachent, buying. Attaindre, under Jt and. Attaine, brought, commenc- ed,feized on. Attainables, to be com- menced. Attainables (nient), are not to be brought. Attaine (caufc), caufe at- tached. Attainer fa action, tnence his allion. Attain re (fil ne puifTe) de prover fa pleinc, if he cannot proceed to prove lis plaint. Attaintes, A T Attaintes pur ferfs, found by verdicl to be villains. Attame, attamened, com- menced^ attached. Attanners, untanned. Attant (pour) de temp, for Jo long a time. Attauntz de noetz, as many nights. Attayner, treat of,fhew. Atteindre, to attaint, con- vicl, conviction Atteinfifl (il), he had ac- cufed, impeached. Atteint, attaint, convicled, found guilty , adjudg ed. Atteintable (n'eft), is not to be attainted. Atteint, atteyntz, proved. Atteinz, attaints. Atteindre (eux), to convitl them. Atteindre (pur), to attain, obtain. Atteindre (fi le tenant le voille, if the tenant will abide thereby. Attcinoit (luy) a grant akur, met him with a great train. Atteignalment,ateifament, atteynement, atteynau- ment, effectually, ftrenu- oilfiy, remain J 'or ever. Atrcignent (le), are com- mitted. Atteynours, perfons who are to attaint the jurors. AT 21 Atteynt, atteinte, an at- taint. Atteynt de faufe pleyne, convicled of having made a falje plaint. Attemprement, interpre- tation. Attemptates (pur), for at- tempts. Attend ront a nos, they fhall be fubjeel to us. Attentifient (s'), Jhouid be tried. Attent (come), as they ought to have done. Atterminement, refpite, adjournment, at termina- tion. Atterminez, determinable, refpited. Atterminez (dettez),*/^.r, for the payment of which certain times were af- Jigned; and thofe were called, debita attcrmi- nara. Attiegn.ent, attient, belong. Attier, appointed. Attiles ijes), the fores. Attilmenrz (1'), the filing out. Attirable, radicated, waft- ed. Attirent (les), turn them. Attires (li). jo treated. A [titles, affgned. Attyrer, to provide. Attyres (mal), ill repaired. C 2 Attorte, zi A V Attorte, raifed, contributed. Attoumances, attornments. Attournera,^// affign. Attournons, "attorneys. Attraie a lui, claims it to him/elf, pretends title thereto. Attraire, to draw. Attrapper, to catch. Attrenchc, re/pi ted, re- verfcd. Attrench (tout), entirely. Attrer, dravjs. Attrct, treaty. Attreztrent, draw, drew. Attrot, confent. Attroiftre, to revoke, with- draw. An, to, or, have, had. Avabler, to deceive. Ava fait, had made. Avage le Seigneur, let the Lord go* Avail, lower \ as tenant para vail is the lowejl tenant, or he who is fup- pofed to make avail, or profit of the lord. Availe, advantage, benefit, profit. Aval, below. Aval (va) la rue, goes down the filreet. Avant (que vint), a vale del point de Flcte, which runs down by Fleet-bridge. Ava hunt, defc ending. A V Avale, lowered) proflrated t A Yale (price), price low- ered. Avallee, abafed, humbled. Avaller leur trefs, to lower their flags. Avanchant (eux), protecl- ing them/elves. Avant (de), before. Avant (auxi), as well. Avant (iffint), fo on. Avant (en), hence for- wards. Avant (fuift), he fued forth. Avans, having. Avaunt (quil foint), that they are proceeding on the bufinefs. Avant (ne foit pluis) fait, be no more done. Avanfoier, to advance. Avanthier, the day before, or yeflerday. Avantures, happening, mif- chances. Avanture (d'), par aven- tera, perchance, perhaps. Avanture (en), for fear, left there Jhould be occa- fion for. Avanture (faire), caufe to be fcifed. Avantures (pur faire), to recover. Avaunt, forthcoming. A vau n t m cy n , before hand. Avaunt (plus), more fully. Avayner, Avenor. A "ban A U Auban (St.) St. Alban. A ubelaftiers, fingers. Aubiene, an alien, a fo- reigner. Aucon,fome. Au£tov. les auctours, the plaintiffs. Audant, imagining. Audemoneant, putting in mind. Audiens, to be heard. Audions (ne) mie, did not imagine. Audremantz, aldermen. Ave, with. Ave, a goof e. Avene nous, come to us. Avecent, who have. Aveer, to avow, acknow- ledge. Avegler, to blindfold. Aveir, aver, averre, avere, ' to have. Aveir efcut, refcued cat- tle. Aveir (mettre),^/ forth. Aveir (per), through ava- rice; al/Oy through fear . Aveit (il ni) pas, there is not. Aveigne, avenent, hap- pens. Aveigna pryvy (come il), how he becometh privy. Aveigne (iuffiiant), fuffi- cient, indemnity. Aveignene (fcrjeant del), A U -3 ferjeant of the avary, the officer who is to provide oats &c. for the king's horfes. Minjhew. Or, according to Jorne, Avary fign'ifics a poulterer, f i cm Aviarius. See Minjh, Poulterer. Aveignauiit (al), to the value. A veil, plucked from, tern of. Avenable, reafonable, con- vcu Avenant, . price. Avenant, to come from. Avenant (plus;, /... terial. Avenantcment, avenau- ment, anfwerably, pro- perly. Avenaunte mefure (de), of a proportionable fze. Avenaunt foun (a), in Lis ftead. Avenage, pent oats. Aveuc ce, avenques die, moreover, be/ides this. Avendrez,7^-// aver,Jhall be admitted. Avene, the river Avon. Avener, get poffcjjion cf. Avener (devez;, ought to be admitted, allowed. Aven (a ceo ne poier.t ils), they may not be admitted thereto. C 4 A venom, 24 A V Avenont, having. Avenor, the king's officer to provide oats. Avens, penthoufes. Avenfit, avenoit, avenge, happened. Aventera (par), by chance. Aventurous, cajual, con- tingent. Aventeroufement, by mij- chance. Avenues (facont lour), make their entrance, ad- vance, congees. Avenuz (il eft), he is come to, become intiiled to, admitted to. Avers, aver, avier, money, effecls, goods. Aver, avor, ave, cattle. Avere, averuft (en), in doubt. Averill, April. Averioms, jhall have, having. Averroit, avraiettre, would have, Averreier (veuille), will aver. Avefqe, biJJjop. Aveigne, aveignes, oats. A vide, greedy. Avient (q il y), that it came to him. Avientifcment, avoiding, annulling. Avjctz, you have. A U Avilee, rendered vile. Avint, it came to pafs. Avirances, protejlations, adjurations -, alfo eju- rations. Avifcera, Jhall add. Avifcement, addition. Avifer, to advife, deter- mine. Avifementz, determina- tions, difcretion. Avifement (en), to advife about. Avifli, avifi, alfo. Avis (vient), laid open. Avit, habit. Avium, we had. Aviz, advice, the opi- nion. Auference, taking away. Auge, a trough. Augunes genez, fome peo- ple. A u guri m , foretelling. Auke, any. Aukeward, backward. Aule, a hall. Aulm, aume, foul. Aulment, elfewhere. Aultont (d'}, moreover. Aume fome (d'), with fome fum. A-umentift, removed. Aumcyne, aumoingc, at leaft. Aimioncs, alms. AuncefTerie, A V Aunceflerie, auncefiry. Aune, inned. Aunes, ounces. Aunes, yards, ells. Auner (dras), to meafure an ell of cloth. Aunkrer, anchorage. Aunoi, an alder. Aunz, auntz, years. Avoec, auveqs, avoet, avoeckes, with, Avoer, to have. Avoefon, avouefon (1'), the patronage, advow- fon, foundation. Avocrie (dc 1'), of the ad- vowfon. Avoe (d' lour), of their patron, lords. Avoir, avoyer, a fum of money, goods, effccls, eflate,fub fiance, debt. Avoir (d'), of the means, ability. Avoir (1'), the wealth. Avoir de pois, any bulky commodities. Avoir (de corps et d'), with their bodies and goods. Avoir (pur d'), out of greedinefs. Avoir (gentz de petit), perjons of fmall fubfiance or property. Avoirs, avoint, had. Avoies (lais), lay patrons. AU *5 Avoiers (des), of the avowants. Avolfont, pluck off. ' Avomps, we have. Avonus ufe, have ufed, Avotours des playntes, hearers of petitions , com- plaints. Avouchez, advocates. Avovers, avowers. Avouerie (par), by allow- ance of, by avowal of. Avoueynt (s'il), whether they avowed. Avoues (les), the founders. Avour (d'), to have. Avoutir, adulterer. Avoutrie, adultery. Avowa, owned. A vowable, jufiifiable. Avowe, advowee, a pa- tron, founder. Avoweion (d'autre), of an- other's foundation. Avower, to challenge. Avoye fet lui, had been done to him. Avoyer, patronage. Avoytaunt, adding to. Avoytes, have put forth. Auplieies, employed. Auques, alfo, now. Aurees (d'), other things, goods. Aurel, auril, avril, auril- leux, April. Aurenoef, the new year. Aures, 26 A U Aures, auriels, ears. Auriens, have. Aurun, will have, obferve. Aus, to us. A us, auts, others. Aus (d'), of them. Aufinr, aufinc, auiEn, au- fuit, auibys, aufieu, alfo, in this manner. Aufint come, as well as. Aufoms (ni), we dare not, Auil, autumn. A lifter, hearth, chimney. Aufth, Augujl. Auftour, a gojhawk. Aut, let him go. Aut come je puis, as much as I can. Auter, an altar. Aurer (fur haut *), en the high altar. Ante!, the like. Autour, the author, maker. Autrccloth, an altar cloth. Aucrefez, at other times. Autrem, l'autrin biens, the goods of others. Autreoufe, otherwife. Autreyerem, grant. Autre ii bicn, as well as, likewifc. Autrefi conic, as if. Aiurciint, likewife. Autretant, as much. Auvablement, effectually. ACvcre, auver, to have. A Y Avultere (!'), the adul- terer. Avultu, y$r one year. Avute, had. Avyne, happen. Avyce, advice, caufe. Avynein, Avignon. Avys, have. Auxienes, any. Auxint, and, whereas, alfo. Auxi touit, as foon as. Awaite, ambufhments. Awant le quart degre, be- fore the fourth degree is faffed. Awe, who had. Awe, a goof e. Aweit, crimes committed by await. Awen, the current year. Awenours, owners. Awer, Awoure, fufpcnfe, doubt. Awereftee,awerouft,<^?#/>/, ambiguity, uncertainty. Awes, waters. Awey, avowed, confeffed. Awooit. ylugujl. Axies, alfo. Ay, with. Ay, over. Aydonqes, then. Ave (a I* dc Dieu), with God's afjijlance. Ayele, grandmother. Aver, heir. Ayl, yes. * Sir M. Mole's "VIS. — Not /W, as Rot. Pari. vol. ii. p. 205. Ayle, B A Ayte, grandfather. AyKenont, they put off or defer. Ay lours, befides, elf ew here, otherwife. Aymez, efteemed. Ayn degre, own confent. Ayne o famne, an afs with a load, kyx, choler, wrath, anger. Ayre (1'), them. Ayrer, to plow. Ayront, pall build their nejt, or breed. Ay teles, to fucb. Az (1' de foye), a filk lace. BA, baa, Bath. Baailler, to gape or yawn. Babe, Elizabeth. Bacelee, bacelete, bace- lote, a damfel. Baceyes, pearls. , Bacha, a calf. Bachelereux, hardy, ad- venturous. Bachilicr, bachiler, a bat- chelor, a young efquire, a knight. Bacins, bafcins, bafons. Badel, a beadle. Badiie, vanity, boldnefs. Baes prile, low price. Bage, a bag, a coffer. Bagnes, baggage. B A *7 Bague, a reward, bribe. Bahuz, thefts, cloak bags. Bailes, bailiwicks. Baillolf, Baliol. Bail de feifine, livery of Jeifin. Bailement (le), the lending. Baillaft arrere, delivered back. Bailler, to let forth, to lend, to deliver. Bailleu, delivered. Bailliff demeyne, his own delivery. Baillons, we allow. Baillye, a bailliwick. Bai lours, fur e ties. Bailler, to humble. Baifler le tete, to bow the head. Balaunce, fufpence. Bale, ball, a pack, a bale. Balene, baler), a whale. Balefeitz, baillaitz petits, fmall ruby balais. Baley, a broom, befom. Balhier, balhif, bailiff. Ba! \\znx.,the bailiffs accompt. Balinguee, advifed, care- fit. , ' Ballots, little packs. Ban, outlawry, banifhment. Bande, delivers. Bander, to tye, to bind. Banderount ibis, fha'.l de- liver up. Bandoner, to leave. Ba.idor, 28 B A Bandon, left to onefelf. Bandour, boldnefs, courage, audacioufnefs. Baneres, knight bannerets, banners. Baner dcfpleye, with ban- ner difplayed. Banky, bench. Bannier, a -public cryer. Bannv, fent. Bannys, thofe that are ba- nifhed, outlaws. Banoors, baneours, ban- ner bearers. Barat, deceit, fubtilty, wrangling. Bar handier, a brewer. Barbicans, bulwarks, out- works. Bandits, barbyts, fljeep. Bi-.rder kins, to beard wool. E a rein, barren. Barel d' or, a little bar of gold. Bares, at ban's, a game fo called. Baret, firife. Barevs, caves. Barges (les), Barils, barrels. barnaee, baronage, the body of the liability. Baron, huflmnd. Barreaux, barrez, barrs or grates. Barrel' vch, Berwick. Burs, bargains. B A Bartheu, Bartholomew. Bas cur, an out yard. Bafe meafon, low room. Bafilique, a royal palace. Baflard, luckier. Bafleur, lowlinefs, fami- liarity. Baffinet, bafinet, baciner, helmet. Baft, a pack f addle. Baftaut, beftanr, beflent, difptite, procefs, contejl, litigation. Baftes, convenient. Baltiment, bailment, a building. Baftife, battered. Bafton de Fleet, a tipjlajf of the Fleet. Baiyns, bafcins, bafons. Batanr, batement, batture, beating* Bater, battre, batter, to beat, Barer bledz, to threflj corn. Bateux, 'batails, battels, bateeves, batelx, boats, barges. Batraunt, beating, affault- ing. BaLuz, beaten, hammered to pieces. Battaiilers, combatants, warriors. Baucant, yellow. Bauceant, baucent, a pa- villion, Bauciant, B E Bauciant, baucent, a fpy, an informer. Baudement, fairly, mer- rily. Baudour, to the encourage- ment. Baudra, fhall deliver up. Baudra (li), fhall take to himfelf. Baudront, fhall deliver, give. Baudroyeur, a currier. Baudure, courage, be em- boldened. Baut, lets. Bayle de Lincoln, the bail of Lincoln. Bayler, to deliver. Beal, well, better, fair, handfome, lawful, good. Bcance, intention, defvre, hope. Beance, beiance (en), in expectation of. Beat, bleffed. Bcaudes, bold, emboldens. Beau luy eft, tis well for him. Beaumers, the Bohemians. Beawmc (roy), king of Bohemia. Beddes, beds, pieces of worfted. Bedel, a calve. Beeves, oxen. Beins, goods. BE 2g Beiftes, beafts, cattle. Bejure, drink. Bekenes, beacons. Beiance, balance. Bele, handfome, in health, Belement, fairly* Beliftrer, to beg. Bern, well, Berne, Bohemia. Ben, welfare. Ben pleider, for beau pleader, for amendment of a vicious plea. Bene, well. Bene, ben (fi), as well. Bene en tour, well near, almojl. Benoit, beneditl. Bens, benez,benes,bendes, goods. Beof, an ox. Beogaunt, begging. Beoms, infread. Beovier, a neat herd. Beoure, to drink. Berbrees, berbets, fheep. Berce, a cradU. Bercher, a foepherd. Bercherie, a barkary, or tanhovfe. Bercil, a fheepfold. Bere, beer. Bere, towards. Berkfuir, Berbfhire. EerlmTer, a gajh. Bers, biers, barm:. Eers 3° B I Bers (a nobles)* to tbe no- ble barons, lords, per- fonages. Bery, tbe chief feat of a manor, Befche, inquefi, Befcher, to dig. Befele, befleez, befiletz, embezzled. Befer, to kifs. Befon, befom, buftnefs, oc- cafion, necejfity, behcv- eth. Befoigne (plus fage), a wifer jiep. Beftall, beitiairies, beajls, or cattle of any fort. Beflez, befties, beajls. Beftourne, turned out of its courfe. Beti, betie, Elizabeth. Beverer, a watering place. Be u pleid e r, fair pleading. Be ufe, a widow. Beutre, butter. Beuverie, drunkennefs. Beyfes, kiffed. Beyver, drinking. Biaus fiez, good fon. Biche, a bind. Bien voulu, tenderly loved. Bien (de) et de mal, whe- ther innocent or guilty. Bienke, very well. Biens, bie, intend. Biers nobles, noble perfons. Bip;ue, a Jhe goat. Bi Ic, a t/t 7. B L Bille, a label, or note of tbe value of a thing. Bioms, biens, intend. Bions, effefts. Bis, bread or bifcuit. BifTe, a female fnake. Blake rode, the black crofs. T&arrixkmerw., infringement, prejudice, Blanches paroles, fair fpeeches. Blanc gaunt, a white glove. Blanc (5I.) i. e. the king's fermor was to pay either 5/. $s. or to fubmit his money to the lejl of the fire, and thereby make good the 5/. in fine fil- ver. Blafme et diffame, blamed and defamed. Blauncheours, blanchers, whiteners, tawers offidns. Ble, corn. Blcer, to few, to put the jeed into the ground. Blein, full. Blemifh, blefmys, broken. Blemifhment (en), to the prejudice, infringement. BlemifTement (fans nul), without any infringe- ment, diminution. Blcmure, a disfigurement. Blefme, pale, bleak. Bleflies, damaged, injured. Blefter, B O Blefter, to part. Bloy, bloie, blue. Boces d'argent, boffcs, fiuds of fdver. Bochers, butchers. Boeitz, oxen. Boidrai, / will give, de- liver. Boiens genz, good people. Boillant eaw ,fc aiding wa- ter. Boilles ou brafes, tem- pered. Boillure, bullary for mak- ing fait. Boifteau, a bufhel. Boifie, boift, a box. Boivre, to drink. Bojeaux, entrails. Bok, Buckingham. Bokuyler, buckler* Bond, limited. Bondages, bond tenants. Bondcs, les bondes, an in- ferior order of free men. Bonemenc purra, well way. Bonnes, bounds. Bonnoizon, blejfing. Boon, good. Boord, at board. Bore, bors, bos, a village. Bore, borth (ii), the bo- roughs. Bordeaus, ftezvs, brothel- houfes. Bbrdcll d' femmes lovees, a brothel houfe for pro- Hitutes. B O 31 Bord, on board. Bordes, lies, tales. Bordez, boards. Boriialderes, borough-hol- ders. Bos, bofe, a wood. Boiel, a bufhel. Bofoinera, it Jhall be nc~ cejfary. Boibn, a buckler. Bot, bod, the extremity, the end. Bote, aid, help, amends, advantage. Bote, put. Bota (fe), put himfelf. Boteaux, boots. Bote et efpernonne, booted and f purred. Boter, bouter, to fei fire to. Botez devant le Roy, laid before the kinz. Botier, to put. Botons, buttons, buds. Boucher, to flop. Boucher, to fpeak. Bouch au cour, an allow- ance of diet at the kings or a great lord's table. Bouchicr, a butcher. Boud (au), at the end. Bouger., to budge. Bougeons, bouges, ar- rows. Bougre, fat U. Bouges, bonges, budgets. Bou.iC, a boundary. Bounifas, 3* B R Bounifas, Boniface, Bountee, bountez, good- nefs, Bountenoufe, bounteous, bountiful, Bourchemefter, bnrgomaf- ter. Bourdick, boures, thefirjl Sunday in Lent, Bourg, a bajlard. BourgefTors, burglars, Boufe, pvrfe, Boufquelier, a woodman, Boufleaux, bujhels. Bout feu, an incendiary. Boute de la table, end of the table, Bouter avaunt, produce, put forth. Bouter hors, to put out. Boutent (fe), put them- J "elves. ^Bouticari, an apothecary. Boverie de tene, an ox- gang of land. Boviller, to boil. Boyance, expectation. Boyefte, boyette, a box. Boy u re, drink. Brace, a lance. Brace de la meer, an arm of the fea. Brace et vendu, brewed and fold, Brachel, breeches, Brachile, a bracelet. B R Braces, brachies, brachet, les bras, arms. Bracer, to brew. Bracerefles, braceraflfes, brewers, Braceurs des querells, bra- cers, or embraceors of quarrels, Braconer, a hunter. Bracyne, a brewing, Braez deltr', right arm, Bragard,bragueur, aflant- ing, bragging, fwagger- ing p erf on, Brair, to cry, to brag* Branch ies, branches. Brant, burned. Bravement, fine. Brau, a bull. Braudefters, brouderers, embroiderers. Braul, a brawl. BrauQe (en), in confufion. Brayard, a cryer. Brayes, breiz, brees, malt, bread, corn. Brc, pitch. Brecatages, breaches. Breche, an arm. Brede, embroidered. Breer, brewing. Bref* jor, a fhort day. Bref (deinz), fhortly. Brefte, fhortnefs. Bregheynok, Brecknock. Brek, breche, a breach or gap, Bren, B R Bren, bran. Brefilne, a mill to grind malt. Bretages, battlements. Bretemeuil, Bartholomew. Brevi, in brief. Brider, to bridle. Bries, brieves, writs. Brieve (deinz), in a Jhort time. Brigain, contention. Brige, quarrel, dilute, fac- tion. Briqueterie, brickwork* Briiie, broken. Briftuit, Brijiol. Brifure, a flight fear. Britafk, a fortrefs with battlements. Bro, a diftricJ, a field. Broche, a lance, a needle, a packing needle. Broches,fpits, gallons. Brocha permy le corps, run through the body. Brode, brood. Broggours, broggage, brokers, brokage. Brofe, canceled. Bru, a noife. Brudcz, edged, bordered. Bruer, brewing. Bruere, heath. Brug, bruge, a bridge. Brule, a purfe or pocket. Brufe, broken into. Bru ley, heath ground* B U S3 Brufq, green. Bruiure de pountz, break' ing down of bridges. Buant, a bull, bulling ; alfo drinking. Euche, underwood, brufh- wood. Buche, utters, fpcaks. Buche (de), by word of mcu'h. Buer, to weft), Bues, buez, bouez, oxen, BufFe, a blew. Bugge, badger. Buifibns, thickets, weedy places. Buizart, a kite, buzzard, Bultel, a boulting fieve. Bulter, a bolter or fieve. Bundes, bounds, limits, Bure, butter. Burge, a purfe. Burgerie, burglary. Barge flours, burglar ers, houfebreakers, burglars, alfo incendiaries. Burgh a Id, boroughold. Burgous, fhrubs. Burlyng, burling of cloth. Burre, a vejfel, Burt, borough. Bufle, a pope's bull. BuiTel, a bufhel, a mea' fure. Bufoignes, bufinefs. Bufoignables, neceffary, convenient. D Bufoig- 34 C A Bufoignoufes, the neceffi- tous. Bufoin, bufun, befonche, occafion, need. Buffuns, bujhes. Buteront feuz, Jhall fet fire to. Butiner, to divide the plunder. Buzac, a kite* By an, to dwell, "Bye, thinks, intends, Byli, bill. Bynd des anguilles, a bind of eels. Byron (courts de), courts baron. Byfle, biflie, a kind of/ilk. Cae, caufe, cafe. gift. ca et la, here and there, hither and thither. Cher, to be fearched. Crlres, charters. Chun, every. 'Coins, counzance, confef- fwn. c teinte, the feifin. Cii, as. Cabeletz, caables, trees blown down, branches of trees rent down. Cabeftre, a headfiall. Cabiicia, browfe or brufli- wood. Cab re, a goat. Cachereau, a bailiff. Cachereau, chartulary. C A Cachet, afignet or J'eaL Cadeloyne, Catalonia. Cadene, a chain. Cadiere, a chair. Cadonqes, that, then. Cagne, a dog. Calabre (de), furr of Ca- laber, a little beaft about theftze of afquirrel. Calamay, Candolaire, Can- dlemafs day. Calenge, an accufation. Calenou, Chrijlmas. Caler, to hold one's tongue. Callay, a caufey, Camaen blank, a white camea. Cambe, cambage, brew- houfe. Camber, a brewer. Cambre, a chamber. Cambre, cieled, vaulted. Capaine, bell. Campaigne del roy, the queen confort. Campeftres, paftures. Canal, a kennel, a chan- nel. Canape, hemp. Candalle, Kendal Candeliere, Candlemafs- day. Canes et foreftez, woods and for efts. '/ Canez, canes, keynes, oaks. Cangier, to change. Canibe, hemp. Canonizele C A Canonizcle cfcrite, canon law. Cans, dogs. Cap, the bead, Capage, a pole tax. Capes, Capua. Capiele, chapel. Captal, a captain, a chief, a feigneur. Caquet, prattling, fcolding. Carca, loaded. Carcas, carkoys, a quiver. Cardoil, Carlijle. Cardonel, a Cardinal, Cardours,cardorefies, car- ders, Carerl, carriages, Cargie, loaded, charged, Cargues, charges. Carkerent, inquired of, Carkes, compelled. Carkoys, a majl, a car- cafs. Carme ou garme, the verfes and fongs which the bards fung before an engagement, to animate the troops. Camels amis, bofom friends. Carpos de l'alliance, the articles of the alliance. Carruweez, carves. Carfe ^p, perhaps, Caruer, plowman. Carwe de terre, one plow land. Cas d'argent, a cafe of filver* C A 35 Cas de frument, a heap or load of wheat, Cas (en lur), in their per- fons, Cafcun, any one, each. Cafe, a cottage, a houfe. Cafe eins (per), but, and in cafe. Cafe (en), infome, infucb cafes, Caffable, voidable. Caffe de b\te,Jlack of corn, Cafies, cafes, Catal, moveables of any kind. Cateau, a cajile. Catoour, one who belongs to the acatry. Caver, a knight. Caver re, plough. Cauceage, tollp aid towards repairing caufeways. Cauces, caufies, caufeys or caufeways. Caunt, when. Caufa (a), by reafon of, Caufeours, caufers, the oc- cafion of. Caui'er, to caufe. Cautels, warnings. Cau telle, crafty guilt, Caux, ceux, thofe, Cauxion, caution, furety*. Cayer, affixed. Cayers (les faincb), the f acred page, text. Cavon, a grandfather. D z Ce, 36 CE Ce, ceo, cetty, cecy, ccl, celuy, this, that, thefe, he, him, here. Ceans, here, within. Cea, it. Cea (jefques en), to this time. Cea enarere, for the time ' pafl, heretofore. Ceals, ceax, ceaux, thofe. Cean, heaven. Cedules, feats or -pews. Ceel, a f addle. Ceerte, certain. Cein&ure, ceincte, a gir- dle, Ceihdre, to girt, or gird. Ceinz (de),' of this court, here. Ceificnts, ceafmg. Ceint, ceinture, a bell, a girdle. Ceinturers, girdlers. Celaftes, fcaled. Celaont, they divulge. Ce\eemem,fecretly, in pri- vate, flowly, impercep- tibly. Celi, he. Ccl u re, cele, a coverlet. Cementers, bricklayers, mafons. Cen, that, Cendal, a fen da I. Cengle, a girt. Cenrs (a), to the hearts, intentions, fouls. C E Cenfables (en chofes), in things to be taxed. Cenle, rent. Cenfeze, deemed. Cenfour, a farmer. Centiefme partie, hun- dredth part. Centurer, a centeyner. Cenz, hundred. Ceo (a), for this purpofe, at this time. Ceol, that. Ceol, heaven. Ceoles (en y), into the fame. Ceo (in q), in as'muchas* Ceo que, where. Ceoque (que de), that whereas. Ceofet, feifed. Ceofq, for, during, until. Ceou (tout), whaifoever. Cep, flock. Ceper (al), to the gaoler. Ceppes (en), in the flocks, Ceps des arbres, the flocks or roots of trees. Cepurqauntj notwithftand- Cerchiez, fearched, fhould fearch. Cere, a lock. Cerifiers, cherry-trees. Cer ke, what. Certcfyeaflenc, certify. Certes, verily, truly. Certes (mais), never thelefs. Cervi, Cervi, paid. Cervoife, ale. Ces, thofe. Ces freres, his brethren. Cefourdhuy, this day. Ccfiaunt, fixty. CefTe (le), the forbearance. Cefllon, feffion. CelTou, fitting. Cefte(mifea), afcertained. Ceftes, this. Celt res de vin, quarts of wine. Ceftr, Chefter. CefTure (un), a receiver, a bailiff. ' Ceu, that, this. Ceu (faunz le), without the knowledge. Ceue (en la), on the back, on the cover. Ceuls, thofe. Ceunrey (del), of the cor- rody. Ceyns, here. Cevnt, ceyntus, girded. Ch' Seig. dear Lord. Ciis en Dieu, dear in God, beloved in Chrijl. Chace, chafe, obliged, com- pelled, have recourfe to. Chacer defcharowe, driver of c. plow. Chaceez, driven. Chaches, char, charet,cha- rette, a cart. C H 37 Chaier (lefTer), let fall. ' Chamant, exchanging. Chair envenomee, venifon. Chal, a knight. Chalejurs (les), the chal- lengers. Chalkyilg (pur), for chalking. Chai merit, clearly. Challenger, to claim. Challis (prince), prince Charles. Chalunge, claim. Chambre depinct, ancient- ly St. Edward's chamber, now the painted cham- ber. Chamber bas, a Jakes. Champartors, thofe who are guilty of champ arty. Champart (a), jeparate. Champeftre (en), in coun- try towns. Champs (quant des), how much meadow ground. ■ Chancelez, canceled. Chanceaunt, happening,- f ailing out. Chandelor, chaundelure, Candlema/s. Channte (une bone), a piece of good fortune. Chanoms, canon. Chapel, chappell, crown, coronet, breajl plate, hel- met. d 3 Chapellct 5 8 C H Chapellet (environ le), round tbe circle, Chapell de ferre, dc feu- tre, a breaft plate of iron, Chapouns (ne a oufter), not to take the bats off. Chaperon, a hood, bat, a kind of bead drefs. Chaperon (fans), bare- beaded. Chapon, tbe crown of tbe bead. Charchez, chartered, Charer, to fall. Charetter, waggoner, car- ter. Charettes (les) de feyn, cart loads of bay. Chargeez, loaden. Charges, charters, Chargeant, heavy, penal, expenfive. Chargeance (en) manere, very earnejlly. Chargaunte (fi), fo weighty, fo forcible. Charier, to draw, or drive. C^aroigne, car cafe. Charonies, charounes, bo- dies. Charnels amys, bofom friends, allies by blood. Ch irs (jours de), fiefh days. Chars, charres, charets, cart j } wagg ons, ploughs. C H Charrennes, charewes des terres, carves of land, Chartre, a prifon. Charners (beftes), beajls of tbe plough. Chafables, obliged, com' pellable. Chafe, drift, chafe. Chafer (et) adrefies, to drive Jlr ait along. Chafer (do), from driving. Chafte (en route), with all expedition. Chattel (le), tbe chattels, goods. Chaftelle (Roy de), king of Cafiile. Chattel neof, Newcajlle. Chaft irians, Jhould chaflife. Chaftres, chaftris, gelt. Chate, brought. Chate (la), buys it. Chate, bought. Chaton (un), a cat. Chatters, chattres, commo* dities. Chauces, caufeways. Chaucez, driven. Chau (de) ke, in as much as. Chaud melle, a hot or fudden debate, corruptly called chance-medley. Chauncelrie (en la), in chancery. Chaunterent, declared, pro* nounced. ChaufTez, C H Chauffcz, put upon his hoots. Chaufez, chaufure, bree- ches ■, Jlockings. Chaufcr, to warn. Chavoynes, canons. Chaulx (dc), of them, Chautes (en voiles) ct gargans de oifeaux, in the flighty ftnging, and chattering of birds. Chaux, thofe. Chaxtel, cajile. Chaye, fallen down. Cheaunce, an accident. Checer in debat, to come in queflion or debate. Cheet (mout) en age, is very much in years. Checz (vus), you fall. Chefs (a), to his head. Chefe (a) del an, by the end of the year. Cheitifment(vivont), live hardly. Cheitivetee (grant), great hardfhip. Cheivalene du temple (roeilre de la), ma fur of the order of the knights templars. Cheines, chains. Cheir, cheyr, checer, che- fer, to fall, to abate. Cheie, cheiez, fell, hap- pened. Cheifibnt fur, are made upon, fall upon. CH 39 Cheivfauns, Cheviflance, an agreement between debtor and creditor, in relation to the loan of money. Chekere, exchequer. Cheke (fauf), Jave that, Chele (par la meifme) grace, by this fame grace. Chelui (pur), for him. Chemimynaunt, purfuing his journey on the high- way. Chentz wye (trois), three hundred and eight. Chen, chens, dog-days. Cheneau, a young oak. Chcny,fini/hed. Cheountj cheent (ne), do not fall. Chepier, a gaoler. Cher, dear. Cherementes, cheremont, dearly. Cherifancez, cherifhing. Cherte, charity. Chefte, che.s (lettres), ihe^e letters. Chereil, may happen. Chefe r (a), to fall, or come to, fallout, happen. Chert, chet a favoir, that is to fay. Chefcuny, checon (a), to every one. Chefon, carried on, defend- ed, occafioned. D 4 Chet, 4 o C H Chet, fell out, happened. Chetifs, cheytifs, caitifs. Chevage, poll- money paid by a villain to his lord. Chevance, goods, money, riches, bargains. Chevances (a faire), to borrow, to make bar- gains for. Chevaffent, may go over, may perform them. Chevauchecn hofte, heads the army en horfebae-:. Chevalines (beftes), beajls for the draught. Chevalines traians, draw- ing-carriages. Cheventeins, chieftains, captains. Chevetaigne dettor, prin- cipal debtor. Chevance (fa), his fub- jlance. Cheve fires, head-flails. Cheve, cheveres, chewers, g, ats. Chevin (donner), prepare the way. Chevin (en), on his jour- ney. Chevir de denier, to take up money on loan. Cheviz, borrowed. Cheviz, to come to an ag reement touching pro- fertyt C H Cheuz, happened, fallen. Cheryrent (luy ne), owed no fervice to him. Cheye, fallen down. Cheynes, chains. • Cheys, choice. Chi apres, herein after. Chiaus (a touz), to all thefe. Chi (entre), between this. Chief (fun), his head. Chief du lyt, bed's head. Chiefs (en foreignes), in j foreign places. Chief de mois, at the end of the month. Chief qun, every. Chienquante, fifty. Chier (de), by a fall. Chier, chire, chiertees, dear, deamefs, reverence,, love. Chierions, will cheriJJj. Chiery, favoured, encou- raged. C\\\q{\, failed. Chiet (fcn) 4 his client. Chiet a tie, falls to the ground. Chiez d' oftiez, the head of a family. Chipotcis (des), in provi* Jions, r-'nfs. Chir, knight. Chirk (de), of this. Qhiitel, cajile, Chite, C H Chite, a city. Chivauche (facent la), caufe a perambulation to be- made. Chivalx, horfes. Chivachez, perambulated, ridden. Chivaunch, were riding. Chivanche (in la), in the ■expedition, campaign. Chivache encontre ie roy, rides againji the king. Chivaucher, to ride. Chivaus covcrtz (a), with horfes covered. Chivalchier le pais, over- run the country. Chivers, goats. Chiviiaunce, an unlawful bargain. Choa (pour) qu, becaufe that. Choces (les), things, goods. Choeur, choire. Choucee (a bout de la), at the end of the caufe- way. Choient, _/«//. Chole, choler. Chofe (ne ent mande au- tre), does not command to the contrary. Chou, chon, chu (a), to this, that. Chou (et tout) que, and all which. Chou (pour qu), becaufe that. * CJ +* Cnre, charter. Chuient,/^/ off. Chun, every. Chun (an), each year. Criun (come ben) fer- vant, how much every- fervant. Chuny (a), to every one. Chyen (entre) ct lieu-: in- ter canem et lupum, twilight. Chynes, oaks. Ci pris, cy mis, as foon fid as done. Ciceftr*, Chichefter. Ciege, fags. Cicr, to mow. Cierges, wax-taper?. Cierve, a hind. Cieus, here, hither, thofe, fuch. Cigne (liveree del), livery of the fwan ; a /wan was one of the badges of Ileiry the fourth, and was embroidered on the capari/ons of his hor/e when duke of Hereford, at the intended combat between him and the duke of Norfolk. Prince Henry h s Jen tore his achievement, fupported by two /zvans each hold- ing in his beak an oft rich feather and a fcrolL Ci^nettez, cignets. Cil, 4* C L Cil, cili, be. Cincaunt, fifty. Cink, five. Ciphe, a cup. Cips, Jiocks. Cis, ces, they j thofe. tifere, ale. Cifme (la), the fcbifm. Cifne, a/wan. Cifours, cifars. Cift, this. , Citoft, as joon as. Citues, placed in. Cla, claims. Clamant, claiming, main- taining, commanding. Clamur (al), for proclaim- ing. Clamous pleints, clamor- ous complaints. Clarifie, cleared up, made appear* Clarrc, claret. Clave, a borfefboe. Claud, a ditcb. Claye, a hurdle. Clay mors de franchifes (les), thofe who claim franchifes. Clarce (vin de), claret. Clachent lains (qui), who clack wool. Clamour, impeachment. Clefs, hurdles. Cleif, a key. Cleifs, diets, keys. C L Clerk us, clerex, clergy, clerks. Cler jour, clear day. Clere memoire, of famous memory. Cler, clerk. Clerement, clearly. Clergie, fcience, litera> ture. Clergerefie, a learned w$- man. Cliefs, keys. Clier droit, clear right. Clime, kindred. Climacha *, potius chiva- cha \, rode with. Cloiftres, inclofed places. Cloier, to prick. Clore, to inclofe. CI os (brefe), a writ clofe. Clofe (pur), for fencing, inclojing. Clofture de hayes, inclo- jing with hedges. Clos (le), the clofe. Clouftre (fill), caufed to be inclofed. Clough, a valley. Clowes de gilifer (3 ), three cloves. Cloy, pricks. Clurs, clerks. Clufe de pafche (la), the clofe of Eafler, i. e. the firjl Sunday after Eajler. Dominica octava paf- * See Pari. Rolls, vol. IT. p. 193. pet. 73, + Hale's MS. chae, c o chse, dominica poft al- bas, dominica in albis •, lc dimanche de la qua- fimodo, from the fer- vice beginning with tbofe words in the Roman Miffal. Clyens, clyents. Co (eftre), moreover, Co (d') f of this, Coaction, coartacion, compuljion, coercion. Coche (fuit), was laid down in bed. Cochin (d'), from the kit- chen. Cochoures, couchers. Coe ottroire, grant this. Coe (ou) eft. } whether this is. Coes les ; Coe (la), the commons. Coe (le) boift, the common box. Coders, collars. Coems, coens de Nichole, earl of Lincoln. Coers, hearts. Coer, commoner. Coers, coerts, forced. Coert (qore), which is now current. Coes (les povs) del roi- alme, the poor commons of the realm. Coeurs, courfe. Cofin (un), a bajket. Cofre (un), a trunk or cheji. C O 43 Cognizance, fuggejtion. Coherter, to force. Cohiber, to reftrain. Cohues, ajjemilies, courts of juftice. Cojantz, being compelled, Coieres, coirs,coers,^r//. Coiftz, boiled. Coievient, convenient. Coignfu, known. Coigne, coin, money. Coigner, to coin. Coiles, tcjlicles. Coil douft, as he ought, Coillage, colleclion. Coiller, to affemble, to eoU lecl, gather in. Coiliers d'ar^enr, filver fpoons. Comer, collected from. Coil lee, a lock of wool. Coil let i^de), for gathering. Coilhant, gathering. Coillours, collectors, Coiniftre, confefs. Coinonte, connected, Coint, affable. Coinnu^, comus, rabbits. Coitiffe (chaftell de), cajlle of Cardiff. Coitacons. meetings. Cokec (payn de), coket bread. C )ler, collar. Colore, colour. Cokrcni:, pretend. Collef, 44 C O Collet, taken away, Coli, took. Collation, comparifon,ftm- pie, coler. Collacion (une bone), a good oration. Collifion, collufion. Colorers (pluis), the letter to colour over. Colo u rent (fe), pretend. Colp, cut off. Colps, the neck. Collufion, comparifon. Colx, a blow. Com, as. Coma droit, common right. Comandc, fend. Comant, farewell. Comaundable, to be com- mitted. Commant, command, or- der, bearer^ attorney. Combatuefle, beat down. Comb, a valley. Combatour, one who is hired by another to fight for him. Com bur, burn. ( \ nent, how, howmany. Coment cy que, although that. Come, zvhen, as foon as. Comen Tome, common fum- mons. Comcniables et provables, commenced and carried on. Corticfatz, beginning. Q O Cometut, committed. . CominajTer, to have com- mon.. Comiflair du roy, the kings commijfwner. ComiTtre (a), to fpeak of. Commauvaes, commotes. Comme plance, common difccurfe. Commettement, falfhood. Com miner, to keep com- pany, to converfe with, to have. Commineront, they affem- bled together. Communalment, general- ly. Communalment, commu- nement, communel- ment, in general, com- monly, jointly. Comuner, to meet in com- mon. Communal, common. Commune de reaum, the commons of the cities and boroughs. Communaunte, commo- nalty. Commune (a la), with the commonalty. Commune (fanz) parle- ment, without frequent parliaments. Comorth, a fubfidy. Comognenues, fellozv- monks. Comp c o Comp (a un), at one pay- ment. Compenfation, payment. Compafier, compafcer, to compafs, imagine, dejign, intend^ endeavour, at- tack. Compel ant, competent. Comperer, to fujfer, Compeigney, company, fo- ciety. Compernant, comprijing, Jetting forth. Compertment, appearing, Compigne, contain, com- prife. Compier, a godfather. Compiere, as appears, Compoir (pur), to appear. Gomponnent les iiippli- antz, let the petitioners compound. Complifement (faire) de julHce, to do compleat juftice. Compliquer (de), to fold up. Compliffement, accom- plifhments. Comprins, comprifcd. Comune (chefcune), each of us jointly. Comunalte(nule\ nothing that is common. Comunalte (afcunes de), feme which concern many per fens \ fame community. CO 4j Comyn (en), in common, Comyns de parlement, the commons in parlia- ment. Comyns, the common peo- ple. Con, as* Cona, pafture, common of pajiure. Conation, endeavouring, Concaufe * (potius Tun caufe), one caufe. Conceyvere mon brief, bring, frame my writ. Concey, framed, adapt- ed. Certeignment conceux, certain information. Conceillier, confult, ad- vife, Concubeant, lying toge- ther, Condemaundafle, demand, Condouner, to grant. Condudtz, lodgers. Conduit (lettres de), let- ters of fafe conducl. Conduitz (les;, the attend- ance. Condition (en grant), in great hazard, Coneife, leave, Conefeye bien, knew very well. Coneve, known, acknow- ledge. Conexes, conneclicns. * See Pari. Rolls, 4 Hen. IV. vol. III. p. 53S. pet. go. Confer- 46 C O Conferromous (fi), // we compare. Confefie, examined. Confetti on, an anfwer to interrogatories. Confcxion (a la), to the making. Con tier, to trufi. Confourmeront, informed. Confiquez, confifcated. Confors, comforters , aid- ing* Confrontations, borders* Congye, conge, leave. Congie de foy confeiller, leave to imparl^ i. e. talk with the plaintiff. Conier, a place where rab- bits and hares were pre- ferved. Conigg, coney ground. Conilles, conings, coneys. Coninges, fhillings. Conifaunce, knowledge. Conifent (ne les), do not acknowledge them. Conifoit, he was obliged. Con i (Toms (nous), we ac- knowledge. Conjouyr (luy), to congra- tulate him. Conjettement, confpiracy. Connfealx (par les) dam- pens ifTue fe puifle fair, by the advice of both parties it may be brought to an iffue. C 6 Connuis, known, open. Connying, knowledge. Conoifle, acknowledge. Conoyfient, hold cogni- fance of. Conpayne, companion. Conquaftere, to Jhake, to break to pieces. Conquerra, fball gain, ob- tain. Conqueft (de), by acquifi- tion, purchafe. Confallatez, counfeled, ad- vifed. Confeil (tenuz), kept fe- cret. Confenr, acknowledged. Confieux (privez), privy counfellors. Confile et plaine, the church is full and pro- vided for. Confommez, confumed, fpent. Conflitution, appointments. Conful, coniealx (du), one of the council. Confute, confu, annexed, fewed together. Cont, earl. Containes, remote. Contal, of a county. Contamus, we declare, or count. Contafle, countefs. Conte (a), at the county day, court. Con tee, c o Contee(le),/^ county-court. Conte, contes (la), the ac- compt. Conte (fur la), upon his account. Contean, contained. Conteckours, brawlers. Conteins (Toy), refrain themfelves. Contek, a conteft, difpute, dijlurbance, oppojition. Contemplation, affeclion, regard. Contenance, purpofe. Contenance, counten- aunce, contenement. Contenement, countenance* or freehold land conti- guous to his tenement. Content (a), has accounted. Contentation, fatisfaclion. Contentz, conteux, con- tentions. Contenu, continued. Contenue, contained, Contenunt *, run. Contenz, contention. Conter, againjt. Conterent (lui), related to him. Conterfait, refembling. Contez (des), of thefhires, . counties. Contefia, countefs. ContefToiz, contemplation. * Vid. Rot. Purl. vol. II. Hale's MS. f lb. p. 213. Pet. 25. Pot c o 47 Contetz, contained, Continance, continuance, obfervance. Continuament, dire£ily t immediately. Continuance -f-, his conte* nement, fupport, main- tenance. Continues, contained. Contiraunt, notwithjiand- ing. Contraitz, contraults, con- trad s. Contrariaft, had contra- dicled. Contrariantz (lesj, the of- fenders. Contrafter, to contrafi. Contrefteant (nemye), not- withjianding. Contredie, refufes. Contree (f'uit), was engag- ed with, oppofed, Contrefaire, to imitate. Contrelutent, oppofe, Contremant, countermand, Contremount, afcending, uppermoji. Contremount (en), in the afcending. Contremaunt (degres), afcending degrees. Contreeftier, contrefter, contrefcer, to prevent, oppofe, grieve, opprefs. p. 190. Pet. 64. Potius courunt, iui continaxncty Hale's MS. Contremettre, 48 C O Contremettre, to lay a- gainjl, to impofe upon. Contrepanel, a counterpan. Contreovez, contrevez, counterfeited. Contreval, downwards. ■ Contreveigner, contrave- ner, to aft contrary to, break, oppofe. Contreytour, arch traytor. Contrier, to contraditl. Contrirerant (nient), not- withfianding. Controue,. controuled.. Controvee, contrived. Con trover, to contrive. Controveures des novel- les, devifers, inventors of tales. Contus, bruifed. Convainquus, convi3ed. Con veer, to convey. Conveiez, conveyed. Conevences, covenants. Convenfift (il), it becomes neceffary. Convent, convenu, cove- nanted, obliged. Convener, to cover. Converroit, converfe with. Converiantz, abiding, re~ ftdent. Convs, converfe. Conuflcnt, acknowledges. Conviront, jhall convey, conduct. Convis, a banquet. 4 C O Convoift (que fe), which confijlcth, Jhews, difco- vers itfelf. Convyer, to convince. Conyng, coney, rabbit. Cool (le coler du), the coU . lar from the neck. Coonte, a count, earl. Cooper tu re, a thicket. Cop, cope, coupe, a blow. Copable, guilty. Copie du people, a great number of people. Copier, to cope. Coplice, an accomplice. Coppe (blees en), com in cocks. Copped,- laid in heaps. Copper, to cut off. Coppercnt, uncovered* Copyl, a fox. Cor, heart. Corage, corouce, anger. Corage, confent,will, mind, inclination. Corage (la), encourage- ment. Coraunt, paffing, current, limited. Cord, a load. Cord (de la), the agree- ment, confent. Cordeau de iby, a filk ribband. Cordevvaners (de), leather, &c. Cordiner, afhoemaker. Core, c o Core, heart. Coreoursde chivalx, horfe- courfers. Corer, to have recourfe to. Coreute (fuft), was in en- mity with* Coriage (du) de harang, of curage, or curing of herrings. Cornefer, maker of horns. Cornele de la teft, the crown of the head, the brain. Coronoaille,Cornville(duc de), duke of Cornwall. Coronal, a coronet. Coroneis (vins livr' d' efterlins), twenty pounds fierling. Corones (as), to the coro- ner. Coronfe, enraged. Corores laboreres, run- agate laborers. Corouce, a car oufa I, a great entertainment. Corpores, corporez, cor- porate. Corps prefantz, corfe pre- fent. Correes de battaill, ar- rayed for battle. Correours, curriers. Correpc', corrupt, hafiy. Corrue, convicted. CorSj corr^ court, fiort. CO 49 Cors (en le), in the principal. Cors (fur peine de) e d' avoir, on pain of body and goods. Cors (fur le) Dieu, upon the body of God, i. e. the confecrated Haft. Cors, corfe, cords, a body. Corfe prefent, a mortuary. Corfes, cloths, kerfeys. Corfues, courfe, corporeal. Cort, court, limited. Cortaife, civil, gentle. Cortoiie, courtefy. Coruces, enraged. Corue, courfe run, fer- reted. Cor'une, cornus, homed, tipped with horn. Cornwayles (terre), Cornifl) land. Cofces, hufbandmen. Cofes, things. Coft, this is. Coftages, coji. Coftal, cofte, by, prefent, near. Colter, a rich cloth or veft- ment, made ufe of on . great fejlivals. Cofte, coat. Cofte (en) cofte, de cofte, collateral. Cofi.c'ms,neighbouring,near to, on the borders of. Cot gare et vileine tufon, inferior kind of wool. E Cotellers, 50 CO Cotellers, cutlers. Cotel, a knife. Coteaux (piene de), a pair offciffars. Cotidian, daily. Cotiers, cottagers. Cotte, cote, a coat. Com, cut. Cotures, little houfes, cot- tages, coverings, inclo- fures. Cotures (quant des), bow much arable land. Couche, double ; laid double. Coucher, a couch. Couerer (vous voudres), willfhelter your/elf. Coues (as) des chival, at the horfe's tail. Couldront, Jhall cojl. Couldront (qu'ils), which they Jhall think. Couler, couller, colour. Coulerou, anger, paffion. Coulpale, guilty. Coun, Con. Pudendum muliebre. Councelera, will conceal. Counfort, comfort, affift- ance, encouragement. Counfaunt (il ieit), and he is known. Counfeile, provided. Coufeiler al roy (faunz), without the king being confulted. Counfeyla(il), he advifcd. C O Countables (en), in counts. Count (en) countant, in counting. Counte, county-court. Counte (de) en counte, from county court to county court. Counte, county, account, eflimate, computation, efleem. Coun tees, counties. Counter, to count, declare, tell, plead, compute. Counte palys, a count pa- latine. Counter palais, a county palatine. Counter pleadable, may reply. Counterpayne, a counter- payne. Counties, earls. Countinuance (lour), their contentment. Coun tor, a count. Countors des menfonges, thofe who devife and relate lies. Countradit (fans), without oppofition. Countre etre, to be againjl, oppofe, rejijl. Countre la pes, agai7ijl the peace. Countre lit, upon his bed. Countre rouler, controller. Countreval, defending. Counturs c o Counturs le roy, the king's ferjeants. Coup de mere (pur), by force of the fea. Coup, damage. Coupable, guilty. Coupe, in fault, to blame. Couperie (de), of cutting. Couper (de), of blows. Couper le tayle, to cut off or dock the entail. Coupiz, coppices. Courade, the intejlines. Courage, encouragement. Courajeux, angry. Courece, provoked. Courer (dette), to recover the debt. Courey de battel, arrayed for battle. Courge, courfe, coure, to run. Courge, court, runs. Courour, currier. Courre, to courfe. Cours (deux), two courfes. Courfables, current. Court, fkreened, conjl rain- ed, port. Court (fe), turns. Court (moy) a mort, which is the caufe of my death. Court terme (cy), fo Jbort a time. Courte (per la), by the ccurfe of. C O 5 1 Court drap, cloth, called Jireits. Coufeades, concealed. Coufement (de), of the concealment. Coufon, coufin. Coultenghes (a nos), at our own coft. Coufte (en), collaterally. Courtoilt refponift, cour- teous anfwer. Courtreux, a garden. Couftoufes, cojlly. Couftumers (et a ceo s'eft), and has often pratlifed it. Coutes (de deux), on both fides. Coutellours, cutlers. Couvrefeu (1' heure du), the hour when the co~ verfeu or curfew -bell was rung, viz. feven in the winter at St. Mar- tin's le Grand. Coux, a cuckold. Couz, cous, couft, coft. Covegne, it behoved. Coveigne (gens de), co- vetous, greedy people. Coveitant, covetous, de- fying. Covenable, proper, apt, fuffcient, right. Covenablete de tens, con- venient time. E 2 Covene, 52 C R Covene, rightful. Covcnt(ai), covenenchiet, have covenanted, agreed. Covene (nous), behoves us. Coven telis, conventual. Covenift (il), belonged to, it iv as necejfary. Coverer (fe), Jkreen, pro- tect themfelves. Coverer (pur) eglifes, to cover, or repair churches. Covert chival, a horje ar- rayed, or harneffed. Covetife, coveitefe, co- veigne, defire, greedi- nefs. Coviegne (de fa), of his own head. Covoitoms, we are dejir- ous. Covynes, their fecret places of meeting. Covves (la), the tail, the end. Coylir, to cock. Coyly, gathered. Coyne, coinage. Coy re, leather, ajkin. Coy re, coure, copper, brafs. Craftus (touz les) du citee de Londres, all the craft/men, companies of the city of London. Craire, to confide in, en- trufl with. Crainer, to refufe. Crampus de goute, laid up with the gout. C R CraMine, the morrow of any fejlival. Cray ( je ), / believe. Cray, betrayed. Creable, to be feared. Creablement, creable, ere* dibly, credible. Creacures,creanfours, ere* ditors. Creance (la), the induc- tions, the articles. Creances, et a creanciers y borrowed, and to be borrowed. Creance (a), upon credit. Creantceantz, borrowed. Creaule, credible. Crecefiz, a crucifix. Credibles, credible. Crerez, created. Creez fiablement, give faithful credit to. Creifes, croffed. Cremal, a crimfon or pur- ple colour. Creme, burnt. Cremeur, fear, dread. Crere, creier, to believe, give credit to. Creiceaunce, croifiaunce, growth. CrefTom (ke nus), that we give him credit. Creifours (par engendrure dc), by having lawful ijjue born alive. Creft, rifes up, accrues. Cret, cretange CR 53 Crifmatorie d'arg dorrez, a chrifm of filver gilt ; a vejjel in which the oint- ment with which kings were anointed was kept. Crifme, a crime, Crift (Jehu), Jefus Chrifi. Criftine, chriftian. Crocq (fix harquebuxes de fer a), Jix large ar- quebujfes of iron. Crochet (dix harquebuzes a) de bronze, ten ar- quebuffes of brafs. Croiables gentz, credible perfons. Croice (feinte), holy crofs, Croire (de) auxi forte- ment, fhould alfo firmly believe. Croife, croilTe, crous, cruix, a crofs. Croife (et homme), and there may be reafon to believe. Croifement, crufade. Croix neitz (fur la), on the white crofs *. Croiziex, croyfes (des), perfons intending to go to the Holy Land. Croke (fanz), without any iron fpike or hook. Crome, crime. Croyferie, crufade. Crudes (draps), raw cloths. * Brady in his appendix 32, and in his hiftory 97, tranflates this ; on tbs old crcji; but I apprehend the word neitz is from nitidus. E a Cruc C R Crct, accrues. Cretain de eau, del ewe, rifing of water. Cretine, an inundation. Creval oeil, thrufi out the eye. Creve, a wear. Creve, fhook, railed, in- „ creafed. Creues (novelles), new raifed. C re urn, we believe, Crewe, grown, incurred. Creye, crcyer, believe, Cribre, afieve. Cribre (le payn), bread of bran. Crible, debated. Crichet, agreement. Criegnent (rie), are not afraid. Crie, cry general, a gene- ral proclamation. Crier, to fummon. Cries la peace, declare, draw the concord. Criefme, a crime. Crieuerie (la), the office of crier. Crikes, creeks. Criler, to argue ; debate. Crilz, criz, cries. Crins, the hair of the head. Crire (fet), who knows how to write'. 54 C U Cruc (char), raw flcjh. Cruc, a wear. Cruice (iceftes), this crofs. Cms, cruez, credited, be- lieved. Cry (la), the -proclamation. Cu, as. Cu (un), a cook. Cuchie en fon lit, lying in his bed, Cudietz (cum vos), as you think. Cuel, the neck. Cuelly, collected. Cuens Leys (li), the earl Lewis. Cuens de Flanders, count or earl of Flanders, Cueou, the buttocks. Cuer (a), at heart, Cuers, leather, Jkins. Cuerent, meet. Cueurier, mafler of the choir. Cui, whom, to whom. Guide, cuideroit, thinks. Cuille (qui ad la), which is not cajlrated. Cuil, cuile, cuel, the neck, Cuiller d'or, a gold fpoon. Cuiller, a collebtion. Cuilliz, gathered, colletled. Cuir (laft de), a lajl of leather. Cuift, bakes. Cule, dung, filth. C U Cule nuict, the night fea- fon. Culhir, to colled. Culiours, colleclors. Culture (un), a piece of ground. Cum, as. Cumbre, Cumberland. Cumpaignie, company, fo- ciety. Cun, one alone. Cundez, coined, Cunee, cunage, coined, coinage. Cuneufe, known. Cunge, cungie, leave. Cunqueftre, conquefi. Cunte, county, earl. Cupre (de), of copper. Cur (lunge), a long purfe. Cur le roy, court of the king. Cureles, without cure of fouls. Curerons, will take care, will apply for. Cu rge, fhort. Curge, currye, runs, to run. Curoms, will take care, Curr, a hide. Curreours des quirs, cur- riers of leather. Curriez, would run, pro- ceed. Curiurs (d'main), of cur- riers. Currons, c u Currons, will take care. Curruz (pur), through anger. Curs (bref de), a writ of courfe. Curfe (la), the courfe. Curt, court. Curteignes pilous, cur- tains made of hair. Curtiner, to improve ', cul- tivate, fence in. Curtiver, to plough. Curtoife, curteife, genteel, civile courteous. Curz, courts. Cufine, dyet, Cufins, kindred. Cuftages (as), cuftees, at the cofi. Cuftance, Conftance. Cuftefre, Chriftopher. Guftivent, cultivate. Cuftumer laron, a common thief. Cuftume (a), into a pre- cedent. Cuftumers du courte,fui- tors of the court. Cufu, fewed to, annexed. Cuttle, cutle, a knife, dag- ger. Cuune, generation. Cuyre (efcu de), a Jhield of leather. Cuyfein, a cook. Cuz, put. Cy } yes,fo. D E 55 Cy, if fo, then, alfo, as, here, hereupon. Cy apres, hereafter. Cy avant, as well before, Cy bien, as well. Cy court, fofpeedily. Cy (entre), between this, between this time. Cy long, as long. Cy pres, as near as can be. Cy que, fo that. Cy vivement, Jo lively. Cye per attorney, here by attorney. Cyeinz, cyen, here, with- in. Cyeit, let there be. Cyel, heaven. Cyens, his own. Cyere, to-morrow. Cymytere, a church-yard. Cynk, five. Cynfours de bourfes, cut- purfes. Cyre (verte) ; la ver en cite, green wax. Cyfors, cutters. Cytoaen, a citizen. Dams, damages. D anz, five hundred years. Dass, of affize. Dct, demand, demandant. Dne (y), demand. Dee, to have been f E 4 Dcf, 5* D A Def, Deft, default, want* Dr, right. Drence, difference. Deftf, dijlrefs, diflrained, t obliged. Da, dea, yes. Da (ouy), yes 'verily. Daareim, the laji day of the month. Dabondant, moreover, be- fides. Dabte, datf. Dagge, a f mall gun. Dagnell noire, black lamb. Dagne, dage, dagger. Daie, dait, ought. Daies, within, concerning. Daillours, others, elfe- where. Daine, a doe. Dalphin, the dauphin, the eldeft fori of the king of France. Damager, to opprefs, in- jure. Damaifgiet, endamaged, injured. Damafches belles, tame bcafls. Dames, deer. Dames de religion, lady abbeffes, priorejfes. Damnable, to be condemned. Damnablement,gnV'i;5;//7y. Damoifells, demicelles, no- bles, the fens of kings, princes, 'noblemen and D A knights,fubordinatelords t ladies of quality. Damoyfeles, damfels, fe- male infants. Damp, mafter,fir. Dampner, to be cancelled. Danearch, Denmark. Dan is, Dennis. Dard, a dart. Dareigner, to make proof of it, to tejlify, to de- reign it. Darps, draps, clothing, co- vering. Darrain, darraigne, dar- ren, darner, lafl. Darrein, proof. Darreinere paffe, loft pajf. Darreignement, lajl. Darreirement, lately. Darrener (au) des terms, on the lafl of the terms. Darrees, money, goods, chat- tels, ejfecls, merchandize. Darres (2), two-pence. Daifer, to ajfefs. Datif, a thing in gift. Dau, daou, two. Daugiers, dangicrs, ffjj- ing-places. Daungerous, dubious. Dauqui en. avant, fron\ henceforth. Da uft, Augujl. Davant, before. Davenon, Avignon. De, dice. Deanie, D E Dcanie, deanry. Deaufcens, two hundred. Deaux, two. Debas, under, below. Debafe, below. Debafe les ponts, beneath the bridge. Debafe lour eftate, beneath their eftate. Debafla, downwards. Debat, oppofition, conten- tion. Debatre, to difpute. Debe, ought, muft. Debelle, over-powered. Deberbiz (peaux), Jheep- jkins. Debies, debts. Deboter, debouter, to put out, deforce, deny, hinder, Debouche et com, hue and cry. Debrifant, refifting. Debrifer, to cancel. Debrufure de prifon, breaking of prifon. Debrufez, broke in pieces. Debuferont, ought. Debuient (ne), ought not. Debuoir, debuoiar, duty, devoir, obeifancc. Deburg, in commijfion of a burglary. Decea, from thence, Decedcr, to die. Decent, deceit. Deceu, on this fide. Decevanche,deceut 3 ^mV. 5 J> & 57 Deccux, decieux, deceived. Deceyvante (en), in de- ceivable manner. Deceynt, ungirded. Decha, on this fide, in thefe parts. Dec h after, to drive away. Decheier, a robbery, to take to robbing. Decheues, decayed. Dechyre, rent, torn. De ci en avant, from hence. Deciens, fince. Deciller les yeulx, to open your eyes. Decimeur, the owner of the tythes of a parifh. Declaiera, declarez, de- laiera (\\€),fhall not de- lay, deny. Decole, beheaded. Decories, fkinned, pulled of. Deconfort, difcomfort. Decouper, to cut down. Decres, decreafe. Decrcfceantz, arifmg, re- newing, increasing. Decret, decrez, decreis, (doclour en), doctor in decretals, doclor of law. De&es, debts. Dedeinz, dedinz, dedenz, dedens, dedaynes, de- deynus, within, in the mean time. Dedcntre, within, between. Dedie 5 8 D E Dedie (lu), confecrated ■place. Dedints, deduits, duetts, trials, amufements. Dedifoint, deny, refufe. Dediftz, denied. Deditz en jugement, de- nied in judgment. Dedount, brought, de- duced. Deduc, deduces, deduft, deduift, deduft, brought, alledged, determined. Deduiz, dedut, deduyt, recreation, pafiime. Dedure (a faire), to bring in quejlion, to bring proof. Deduyfant, drawing: alfo requiring. Dedutz, game. Deduz, during, depending. Dee, to be. Deen, dean. Deenz, within. De entre, between. Deervie (tot nel eufTent il), although they had net de/erved it. Deface, defeat. Dcfacum des membres, lofs of limbs, members. Defaicts, defeated, con- quered. De faille, deficiency. Defames, infamous. Defauce, diffolved. D E Defaudroh, fhould wait. Defauderunt, Jhall make default. Defaurroit (en cas qu'il), in cafe of failure, in cafe of death. Defaufit, Jhould die. Defaut, deficiency, default, defecl. Defawcher, to mow, reap. ~Defoy\\\R, failed, died. Defectz, dejlroyed, defeat- ed, undone. Defeet, defeated. Defence, defence (en), in defiance of, in derogation of. Defence (en), fenced off, in fever al. Defencufe (fe), may de- fend himfelf. Defendaunt (fe), in his own defence. Defendeutz, badly repaired. Defender, to oppofe, deny. Defend' le droit, oppofes or denies the right. Defendre, to prohibit. Defens (mifes en), put in defence, prohibited. Derenfe, prohibition, com- mandment. Defenfed plait, maintain any plea. Defenfes, prohibited fea- fons and places. Defent, defends, Defere, D E Defere, fet ajide, undo, de- feat, reverfe. Defefance des tern piers, the fupprejjion of the or- der of the knights-tem- plars. Defefant, undoing, defeat- ing. Defez, done. Deffefance (en), in preju- dice. Deffiaille, breach of faith. Deffranchifiant, disfran- chizing. Defie, mijirufted. Defiete, loft, forfeited. Definement du terme, end of the term. Defiftes, did, gave. Deflis, tired. Defoia, defoula, defula, derbules, trodden down, trampled upon, fpciled, damaged, ill-treated, a- bufed. Defont, defeated. Delbre, oppoje, obftrutl. Defover, defower, to dig or take up again, to un- cover. Defoulours, fpoilers, rob- bers. Defrene vers lui, recovers againjl him. Berretz, will defeat. Defrifher, defrifcher, to work by tilling the ground. D E 59 Defua fon baron, eloped from her hujband. Defues, widows. Defuiaunr, running away, flying from. Derula, defoia, took out of the fold. Defuont, run away. Degage, give fecurity. Degage's, replevied. Degaft, degeft, degata, fpoiled, wafted, trod down. Degayne, un tilled. Degile manere, in an un- due manner. Degre, voluntarily. Degre voyde, a voidfpace. Degret, degree. Degu, nobody. Deguerre, in war. Deguerpys, abandoned. De guiife, difguifed. Degun, any. Degutz, due. Deherte de fa feivre, ill of her fever. Dehors, in. Dehue, due. Dehonneftation defammes marriees, robbing mar- ried women cf their cha- ftity. Dei, finger. Deia, dyed. Deignent, condefcend. Deigner, grant. Dejeft, Co D E Deject, thrown down. Deins, teeth. Deins aver, in the hands, Deinzfeins, denizens. Deinz (cie) et jours, with- in ten days. Deinz, deinz qe, del deins, within. Dejofte, near. Deifiens, we faid. DeiiTiers, dejired. Deiflbins, fay. Deiffons, fhould fay. Deit, owe, owing, owes, ought. Dei ces, debts. Dei.a, afore/aid, Deiture, right. Deive, ee, ought to be. Deivent, owe. Deiviers, rights, duties. Deivoerent myfes, there ought to be provided. De kes en fca, to this time. De kes ore, hitherto. De key, wherefore, till this time. Del air, relcafe. Delair, the month of De- cember. Delairont (fe), fhall dheft themfehes. Delaiflie (nous avons), we have given up. Delaiifer, to leave, for fake. Delaiflementz, releafes, ac- quittances. D E Deleaute, perfidy, rebel- lion, infamy, light cha- racler. Delermer, to bewail. Delers, befides. Deles, delay. Deles, delez, delees, a- bout, near. Deleilbms, we releafe. Delie, diffolved. Delinqetz, difmifs. Delitable, delegable, dear to him. Delitent, take a pleafure in. Deliverant, the affirmant. Deliverance (vers la), to- wards the fcffions of the gaol- delivery, Deliveraunt, difpatching, performing. Dcliveraunce (a la), for the dif charge. Deliverer (le people), the people delivered at a gaol- delivery. Delleanies, allegations. Delue, delayed. Delyt, delight. Demainer (en Ion), in his demefne. Demainez, lords. Demaint, now, prefently. Demariez,, married. Demaunder, to cry a thing, to fend. Demaygne(en) > in demefne. Deme, to be. Demeanez, D E Demeanez, ordered, Demeigne, demenie, de- meine, own. Demein, to-morrow. Demeine (en), in the mean time, again. Demeins, with lefs. Demenez, agitated,ftirred. Demenge, Sunday. Dementenant en avant, from this time forwards. Dementers, while. Dementers (en), demen- tiers, in the mean time. Demefnez, ruled: demean- ed themfelves well. Demefure (a), beyond all meafure, immoderately. Demette (fe), parts with. Demettent (lei), fubmit themfelves, render them- felves. Demettre, demitter, to let go, to part with, to put away. Demeures, wait. Demierkes, Wednefday. Demittable, demifeable. Demoer, demourier, de- moerger, demorier, to remain, abide, dwell with. Demoere (la), the proteft, declaration. Demoere (la) le counte de Lane, the proteft ation of the earl of Lancafter. D E 6t Demonftrance, declaratU on, count, petition, re- monftrance, fuggeftion. Demorant teftament, lad will. Demorez, retained. Demorer enfemble, to CO" habit together. Demuftrer, to fhew. Demy noet, midnight. Demys {z),haspar ted with. Demyft (ne fe), did not pat himfelf out. Dempt, taken. Den, dean. Dene, denne, a valley. Deneir, to give. Denerie, deanry. Dener, denier, denire, de- neres, denerez, denrees, danree, a penny, money. Deners countauntz, ready money. Denier, deniaft, denied, refufed. Denier parties, towards the parts. Denioms, afraid. Denoicer, wages. Denomination (de lour), of their own naming. Denqui, beyond. Denree de pain, a penny worth of bread. Dent, give. Denueroit en la mercie, jljould be amerced. Denver, 62 D E Denyer, dye. Denygres, obliterated. Denys (vos), give you, I lay before you. Denz, within. Denzeyn, denzeifne, de- nizen. Denzieme, defein, deccnry. Deocifife, diocefe, dijlritl, parifh. DeorTe, boned. Deotantes, deodands. De par de la, beyond-fea. Dcpartable, divifible. Departier (a), feparate. Deparcies, difpofed of. Department, divided. Departie (la), the fepara- ticn. Departeement, feverally. Departure, parting. Depece, (foit denier) des pefce, let the money be broke to pieces. Depeciez, cancel, tear. Depdad, in the commijfion of a robbery. Depen fern en is,fuggeJlions. Deper, on the behalf. Deperdes, loffes. Depere, lo/l, decayed. Depererary, jhall repair to. Depertier, to depart with. Depertire, depart from. Depefcer, to unfold, cut into pieces by ret ale. D E Depefcez prifon ont, have broken the prifon. Depefne (fon bafton eft), his Jlaff is broken. Depeiferont le mur, fhall break down the wall. Depieca, lately. Depiroient, taken away, defrayed. Depiz, worfe. Deplain, in a fummary manner. Deplayer, to wound. Deprave, reviled, depre- ciated. Depredative (difleifine), a diffeijin gained by vio- lence, or clandejlinely. Deprovera, fhall difprove. Depoos, a depofit. Deport, jujl, right, equit- able. Deport, refpetl. De porte (je me), i" rely upon it. Deporcer, to depart. Deportcr, defporter, di- ver/ion, recreation. Depotl: d'armes, laying down of arms. De qes en ca, to this time. Deques, until. D' qune, therefore. Deraners, dereein, laft. Deraferent, broke to pieces, cut to pieces, dejlroyed. Derchief, D E Derchief, derechief, den- chefs, moreover, again, repetition, from hence- forth. Dere, deer, Derere eux, in their abfence. Derene, dereinet, derain- ed, deraigned, deter- mined. Derener, dereigner, de- reyner, deraigner, de- reiner, derainer, to "prove, to clear himfelf, to injlitute, to deraign. Derefon, fcorn, contempt. D'reigne, derene, proof. Derire, behind-hand. Derife, mocked^ laughed at. Derognent, derogate from. Deroguer, to abrogate. Deromper, to break. Derrai, damage. Derreiner, to endeavour. Derroin, dereint, laft. Detroit, fhould give. Derruide, in a ruinous con- dition. Des, from. Des accordaunt, different, varying from. Defacort, difagreement . Defadunques, from that time. Deiaifez, injured, troubled, hindered. D E 6 3 Defapeile, unfurnifhed, un- provided. Defareftent, difcharge, re- leafe from the arrejl. DelaiTentera, fhall refufe his affent. Defafiurez, dijheartened, difcomfited. Defafure *, unferved. Defattames, unfinifhed. Defautes, defaute (la), the want. Defavaunce, unadvanced. Defavowes, difclaims, dif- owns, refufes to fiand to. Defavowes, difavowes, dif- avowed. Defavowes, unwarranta- ble, unjufiifiable. Defbalmant, clearing from the acculation. Defbaz, difputes. Defblemies, unblemified, uninvaded. Defboucher, to unjlop, to difpark. Defcekz, defcenicl, de- foynr, defceyntz, un- girded. Defcendue, determined. Defcendent en enquefte, come to an inqueji. Defcendi (lui), defredhim. See Rot. Purl. vol. II. p. 76. pet. 18. Potius JUfapvire, Hale's MS. Defcernez, H D E Defcernez, decreed. Defce\ erance, to the fever ■- ance. Defchauces, barefoot. Defchauncee des foulers, bare-legged* Defchee, defcribe. Defcheiez, tumbled down, gone to ruin, gone to de- cay. Defchete, abated, deducled, Defcheterie, efchealor. Defchevele, loofe, difhe- velled. Defcheu de fa plaint, lofes the benefit of his plaint. Deichevoir, deceive. Defclaire, declares. Defclaree, explained, de- clared. Ddclarifiement, explana- tion. Defclor, defclar, difclofed, fet forth. Defclos, not inclofed. Defcomerfit a nubi, dif- clofed to any one. Defcortz, difcords. Defcovcnable, unfitting, unlawful, nonjuridical. Defcovert (tout a), open- ly, fairly. Defcoulpe, excufed, jufti- fied. Defcoute, uncovered. Defcoupant, exculpating. D E Defcounfeile, defcoun- ieille, difcounfeled, not filled up, unprovided. Defcres, decreafe. Defcrez, difcreet. Defcrie, difcovered, per* ceived. Defcripvrai, I will defcribe. Defcroiilre, to grow lefs. Defcrus, decheue, decayed. Defcufer, to excufe. Defcyners, pledges defei- nes, pledges in the de- cenry. Deldeigz, difdain, difdains. Defduit, game. Defeefe, deieefi, defeafe, deieux, uneafinefs, grief, trouble, charge, vexa- tion. Defeifez, difquieted. Defemez, unfown. Defempeilrc, to get out of afnare. Defencrefcez, decreafed. Defenhabitez, uninhabited. Dcferes (lur), potius def- cres, their decreafe. Deferit, deferted, without remedy. Deferite, difinherited. Deiervie, not fupplied, un- ferved. Defer vy, intitled to, de- ferved. Defes, deceafe. Defefparur, D E Defefparer, to defpair. Defeterefon, dijinherifon. Defevere, parted, divided. Defeverums, feparate, fe- ver, cut of from. Defeurer, to divide, fepa- rate. Defeuht eux, under them. Defeuverte, uncovered, laid open. Desfermez, unlocked. Defgarnys, defgarrys, def- gorrie, unwarned, un- provided, unfurni/hed. Defgaynnes, unfilled. Defgorrie, unprovided. Defhonte, without fhame. Defhors, delhorle, from henceforth. Defia mis en pofTefiion, al- ready put us in poffeffion. Defimes, make known. Desjoynames, parted, un- tied. Defiron, deftrous. Defke, fince. Defkes a ore, fo far. Deflaez, delayed. Defleaute, treachery. Defliez, loafed from, dif- ckarged. Deflors, from that time. Defloyal, defleal, unlaw* ful, fraudulent. De fm ai n ten an t,from hence- forth, forthwith. Befmarietz, unmarried. DE 6$ Defme garb, the tenth jheaf. Defmeneront, fhall bring, fhallfend, remove. Defmes, deer. Defmefurable, unbounded. Defmolicons, demolition. Defnaturel, defnatureus, unnatural. Defnaturee (lie de la), bound by nature. Defnigrer, to blacken, to defame. Defnue de amies, void or deftitute of friends. Deibient, faid. . Defoies, faid; alfo unac- cuftcmed. Defolent, abufe y fpoil, trample upon. Defolerent (malement), evilly treated him. Deioonh, beyond, above. Defordines accomptes, *V> regular accompts. Defore, delhors, defore- naunt,deforenavant,de* fore en avant, deloren- droit, deformes, defore- mes, deformais, from henceforth, hereafter, from this time forward, for the future. Defovere, unworked, un- wr ought. Defouz, defoz, under, una derncath, hereafter. F Defouz, 6*6 D E Defouz (mis au), ruined, Defoynte fa cote, his coat ungirt. Defoz, defouz, hereafter, under. Defpaiee, unpaid. Defpare, unequal force. Defparpler, to be diftri- buted. Defpafcerent, eat up,fpoil- ed, wafted. Defpeca, on that behalf. Delpendent (en), in the expenditure of it. Defpendre (a), to lay out. Defpendues, difperfed. Defpenies, expenees. Defperager, to difparage. Defperee, unforefeen. Defpire, defpife. Defpifce a, Jpeedi/y, before this time. Defpite (en), defpifaunt (en), in contempt of, in defpite of. Defpitoufement, defpite- fully. Defpitz, contempts, hatred. Defplede, without plea, unanfwered. Defpleyt, difpleafed. Defplie, difplayed. Defpiounge, overflowed, flooded. Defpointer, difpute. Defpores, fpurs. Defpoit et aes, their re- creation and cafe. D E Defportent (il), they for- bear. Defportere (lui), off ft, comfort him. Defportes, relieved, ex- cufed. Defportes de payer, ex- empted from paying. Defportera (il), be wild difpenfe with. Defport (fans favour ou) -, fans deport faire a nuli, without fhewing favour to any one. Defport (tant),/"? long loft, fo long been deprived of. Defpoft (mis en), depoftted, laid up in wcrehoufes. Defpourter, fpare. Defprie, unfeifed, untaken. Defpuliez, defpoiled. Delpurvue, unprovided. Defpyt (en) de lour de- faut, by way of ' punifb- ment for their default. Defquarantre, to discharge. Defque, defquel, defqe al jor, until the day. Defreinferement, lately. Defreine, proved. Defrengeront, fhallfet out. Delrefon (la), the unrea- fonablenefs. Defrobbez, robbed, de- fpoiled, wafted. Deiioy, to be out of or- der. Defrumputz, Defrumputz, fqueezed to- gether, burft. Deflafleurance, unfafety, dif appointment 3 difcom- fit. Defleme, not f own. DeiTente, defcent. Deffevfer, to put a/under, Deffiefe, diffeifin. Deflbuz, defuz, under, un- derneath, hereafter. Deflbubs (ou), or there- abouts, or within that number. Defluify, feized. Defilifditz, defeuredis, a- bovefaid. Deftachez, untacked. Deftail (a), by retale. Defteinantz, will fail, prove bad. Deftembez, difturled. Deftertre, defer t, leave, Deftin&er, to diflinguifh. Deftopper, to unflcp. Deflorberoms, would pre- vent it. Deftountz, Unknown. Deftour, gone back. Deftr, diftrefs. Deft ray iens, diftraclions. Deftre, held f aft. Deftre, a large horfe, a horfe of fervice for the great f addle in war. Deft re (au), on the right hand. D E 67 Deftre mayne, the right hand. Deftf (a), over-againft. Deftreint, Jlraightened, re- ftrained, difficult to corns at, expenftve. Deftreit, deftroitz, d'et- troit, diftritl, diftrefs Deftrement, fpeedily. Deftrefces, dijlreffes. Deftrefle, deftreffce, com- pulfion. Deftrefle au roi, abridge the king. Deftreynt, proved a title to. Deftrier, to try. Deftroufes, deftrutlicn. Deftruer, to condemn. Deft rut, deftr eyed, Deftrutz, put out of, dif- inherited* Defturbance, impediment, delay. Defue, abufsd. Defuer, to break through. Jet a/ide, undo. Defverie, felly. Defuefe, injury, hindrance, Defvefties, naked, undo ath- ed. Defuis, defus, defuys, a- bove. Defuis rendre, to fur render-^ Deivoier, to wander cut of the way. Defurder, to raife. F 2 Defures* 68 D E Defunes, above. Defurit, defires. Defvorre, devoured. Defvoye, deviate. Defuis le mot, under the word* Defyra, tore. Det, /aid. Derrahe, taken out of the hands of, taken from, withdrawn. Decrees (a), to the de- creafe. Detreie, withdrawn. Detrenchent, cut. Detrie, tried. Detriment (le), the trial. Deu, Deus, Deux, God. Deu, of. Deu, of the. Deu, a debt. Deu, deuz, due. Deuantz, devotions. Deubter, was afraid. Deu cas, two cafes. Deues, two. Deura, deurons, ought. Deurees, dueres, deuries, deures, devers, money, effecls. Deuroient, fjjould fhield. Deuront, deurent, ought. Deurra, will give, will prefent. Dcutz, deubtz, due. Deuvre, to be indebted. Deux, dies. D E Deux (en), on God, in God. Deux, deus, two, both. Deuxiefme, fecond. Devaler, to go downwards, to bring down. Devanciers, aforetime. Devanciers, anceflors. Devan luy, from him. Devantement, devoutly. Devates, difputes, debates. Deveier, will deny. Devenent, which fall, come into. Devenfit, had come. Devenfift enceinte, be- came enfient. Devenuz, arrived at, be- come. Devent, before. Devenk, devent, become. Devcr, to dye. Dever, to owe, to be in- debted. Dever, duty. Dever, devers, againfl. Devere eaux, on their part. Devers, dead. Devers, the money. Devers le fyn, towards the end. Devers pere ou mere, of the father's or mother's fide. Devers la mere, on the mother's fide. Deverfee, D E Deverfee, with, in the power of. Devereire, devoir. Devereit, ought to be. Devereit dire, ought to fay. Deverait (ne), ought not to have. Deverount (a ceux qui les), to the owners. Deverie(en),/# a delirium. Deveftua (ne), jhall not be -put by. Devez, devifed, furmifed. Devi, owes. Deviaft, dyed. Devicoez, had fell, had come into. Devient, dye ; alfo, they owe. Devin, divine. Devinar, divination. Devis, devife. Devifable, divifible. Devifee, devifed, appointed. Devifes (en), in the divi- fion. Devifeement, feverally. Devoer, ability. Devoidable, may be di- vided. Devoir, to have. Devoir, deftitut, defiitute of wealth. Devolupa, devolute, de- volved. Devomus rien, we owe no- thing. D I 6 9 Devote (ne), ought not. Devove, appointed. Devouz, devoted. Devoy, fubmit. Devoyant (en), in right of. Devoyer, endeavour. Devy efpoufera, Jhall ef- pcufe. Dewaunt, before. Dewe, due. Dewe, two. Dcx, God. Dexcint, fifteen. Dey, finger. Dey apper, ought to ap- pear. Dey, devy, dieth, died. Deycuns, we J aid. Deyes, drivers of geefe. Deyne, his own. Dey me, the tenth. Deyms, deynes, does. Deymus, fayd. Deynr, alledge, fay. Deyve, deyvent, deiva, deyne, owe, ought. Deze, dez, ten. Dezeyners, deciners. DT, half. Dian, dean. Diaules, devils. Diaulx, two. Di bend re, Friday. Dibilie, difabled, reduced, infirm. F Dicel. jo D I Dice), of this fame. Dicelle (a), from hence- forth. Dici, of this. Diet, a word. Diemane, Sunday. Dieme, the tenth. Diemenches (li rois des), rex dierum dominico- rum, Trinity-Sunday. Dien, they fay. Dienee, deanry. Dient, ought. Dieu, due. Dieux, two. Diez, Dies, Dieux, God. Difalmement, defamation. Diffenle, defence. Diffet, defeated. Diffinite, of affinity. Diffie (ioy), puts himfelf cut. Diffuantez,/^. Diffuantz le lei, in defiance of the law. Dignier, a penny. Dtjau, Dijou, Thurfday. Di jeo, I fay. Dilai, delay. Dilapidez, dilapidated, wafted, Squandered away. D'ilent, of the entire. Dillation, delay. Dilleoques,dillouques,tf/*- terwards. Dilliours, of eletlors. Dilueques,/^^ thmcc. D I Dimaigne, dimeine, di- meins, dimeignt, di- menche, d\mcgac y Sun- day. Dimar, Tuefday. Dimecre, Wednefday. Dimifes, difmiffed. Diner, a penny. Dinquios, as far as, hi* therto. Dins, in, within. Diole, a dial. Dionc, may fay. Diotre, due, daily. Dious, Dius, God. Direchef, again. Dirept, took, accept, Dirrain, lafl. Dirs enkes, different inks. Dirupt, broken down. Diruite, thrown down. Dis, ten. DifafTentz, diffent. Difavaile, dij advantage. Diiavanccs, unadvanced, unprovided for. Diiavifcs, unwary. Difavowable de droit, a- gainjl law. Diiccte, he defends. Difch, dijh. Difchapper, to efcape out of. Diicheifit (ren), any thing Jhould be abated. Difci, dis ficum, fince, for as much as. DifcQiture A D I Difcoiture, difcolouring. Difcombrance, difiurbance. Difcontinue, difcontinu- ance. Difconveniable perfons, improper, unfit perfons* Difcorage, difcouragement. Difcourer, to cleanfe. Difcoverirent, uncovered, difcovered. Difcoverc, a woman un- married* Difcrepancie, a difagree- ment, difference. Diicries enemies, pro- claimed, notorious ene- mies. Difcriver, difcever, to dip- cover. Difcurrer, to run up and down, through. Difcuter, to difcufs. Difdeinance, defpifing. Difdift, a yielding or con- fejfion of guilt. Diie, the tenth part. Difeame, unfozved. Difeafe, trouble, inconve- nience, dijlrefs. Difeafez, injured, troubled, hindered, difquieted. Difenef, nineteen. Difes, dice. Difefet, feventeen. Difette (da), for want. Disfoith ataunt, ten times as much. Pifgrade, degraded* D I 7* Difheritefon, dijinherifon. Difinfovie, unburied, taken up again. Difliee, under no obliga- tion. Difliver, to difplace. Difmables, tytheable. Difmarie, unmarried. Difme quinquinall, a tenth ■of all goods for five year s together. Difmenges, on Sundays. Difoitifme, the iSth part. Difpaire (en), in danger. Difparagation, dijparage- ment ; the matching an heir, if>c. in mar- riage, under his or her degree or condition, or againji the rules of de* cency. Difpencer, to dij charge-. Diipend, depend. Difpendre, put off, hin- dered, avoided. Difpendus, difpen fed -with. Difper, defpair\ danger. Difpergez, dijipated, fe- vered. Difport, diver/ion, enter- tainment. Difpit, difpitz, contempt. Dilpitoufe, contemptuous. Difplet? difpleafes. Difpos (mis en), laid up. Difporter (eux), eafe them 9 excufe them. F 4 Difpuceler, 71 D I Difpuceler, to deflower, .Difrobbe, robbed, fpoiled. Difiate, Saturday. Difieites, deceits. Diflentez, diffenjions. DifTi la qui, until! that, Difiiny, performed. Diffifme, tenth. Difvyt, dyfwiit, eighteen. DifTu, deceived. Dift commun, commonre- port, fame. Diftaunce, difference, dif- pute. Diftincter, to diflinguifh. Diftintiaunt, diflinguifhing. Difutime, eighteenth. DiftraCtion (fans), with- out damage. Diftz articles, aforefaid ar- ticles. Diftraire, to withdraw. Diltreafable, which may be dijlrained. DiftricTuels, diflricls. Diftreindre (fans rien) en dure man, holding him by the hand without fqueezing it too hard. Diftrent (que), who alledg- ed. Diftrent (ils), they f aid. Diftrover, to deftrcy. Diftrue, diltroue, deflroy- ed, difparaged. Difturbance, hindrance, prevention* DO Difhirberent (ne les), did not prevent them. Dit, decree. Dit (en), in word. Ditant, during the time. Ditas parties, the faid parties, Ditez, called, Dition (en la), in the power, jurifdiclion. Divers, differing, different. Diverfement, diverfely,fe- verally. Dividende, fchedule, lift, indenture. Divinal, of divination. Divife, given. Divifion, eftablijhment. Divont (ne), ought not, Dix, God. Diz, faid, aforefaid. Dm, domina, dame, lady. Doayre, doans, dower. Dobbours des draps, fel- lers of cloth. Doctrinez (en), inftruuied in. Doel, grief. Doen, gift. Doen eftar, due ejlate. Does, given. Doi cent (li), the 200. Doiauntz, who ought. Doibt, doi, deux, finger, Doibuent, ought to be. Doient (que it), what they owe, that they are in debt. Doigne, D O Doigne, granted. Doigner, tenders, yields, grants, gives. Dome, ought. Doioers, dowers. Doire, to bear. Doirees, wares, goods, ef- fects. Doit, doner, ought to give, is to give. Dol, f arrow, grief. Dolauz, aggrieved. Doleances, grievances. Dolent, grieving, troubled. Doles (les) de foreft, the bounds of the for ej}. Dolet, an ax. Dolions, we complain of. Doloir, to aggrieve. Doloroufement, wofully, grievoufly. Domage, dammage. Dome final, final fentence. Domefche, domejlic. Doms eftre certeins, ought to be certain. Domt, give. Don, of the. Donables, affignable. Donance, giving. Donaunt, 'procurement. Done, giien. Done, doniffions, taken. Donei, granted. Donerunc, yave, granted. Donewyz, lunwich. Don lui, of the place. Donnant, rcfervation. Donne, a lady, D O 73 Donor (de), by gift. Donqes, then. Donu, donefein, doneifon, donyfon, donacioun, gift, grant. Doraunt, during. Dorce, back. Dore, a door. Dorem,Doream, Durham. Dorer (a), to be given. Dorefenavanr, from hence- forth. Dorra, Jhallgive it, or dif- pofe of it. Dorront, agree, confent. Dorrount, remain there. Dortour novell, new dor- mitory. Dos (par le), by the creft. Dolce, twelve. Dofer, dolel, a hanging or canopy of filk, filver, or gold-work, under which kings or great perfonages fit ; alfo the back of a chair of ft ate. T)otmnces,difputes, doubts. Dote, doutttful. Dote (nount pas) de tref- pafler, are not at all afraid of offending. Dotier (il fait a), there is reajon to fufpett. Dot if, doubtful. Dotoient, fea> I. DotOUS, doilAful Jsubt. Douer, gift. Doujour?^ cf il 74 D O Doulce, gracious, gentle. Douloit, complained of, Dounfres, Dumfreis, Dount, wherefore, from whence, Dovorre, Dover, t)our, given, Douree, Dover* Dous, two. Doult, ought, muft, Douftres, duftres, leaders, commanders. Doutance, doubtantes, doubts, Doutantz (meyns), lefs fearing. Doute, fear, fears, Doute ceo, apprehends, fupports it, Doute, en doute, doubt- ful, Douterent, feared. Doutez, feared, Douvent, give, Doux, two. Douyme, the fecond. Dowarie, dower. Dowe, endowed. Doy, finger. Dov (ne), J ought not. Doy bien avoir (lc), it is right I ftjcidd have it. Dovgna, c on defce nded. Doygncr, eloigner, 10 give. Doynt, gives, Doz (au), en cur backs. D R Doz peres, the twelve peers of France, Dozze, doze, dozime, do- zine, twelve; the 12th Dr, drz'xt,. right. Dragges, draggus, little boats or vcjfels formerly ufed on the river Se- vern. Dragguent oiftres, drag oyflers, Drappeaux quarrez, ban- ners. Drechier, to redrefs. Drect (par), by right, Dreille, a ditch. Dreine, produced. Drekes, until. Drence, difference. Drene (il eft), he is prcv- ed, Drenere, laft. Drengage (en), the tenures by which the drenches or drengers held their lands. Dres, Drez, right, Drefcent (la), redrefs it, DrefTer, to compile. Dret, a dret, ovcragainfl, oppofite. Drettes, right, jujl. Dretture, right. Dreyn, drein, prefent, laft prefentation. Dreyn (au), at laft. Dreyt (tot), direffly. Droit D U Droit (de), of law. Droit (en), concerning, in right of. Droitc mauvefte (^p), out of mere wickednefs. Droiturs et devots, jujl and devout. Dromandes, dromandes ; veffels called by that name. Droufda, Drogheda. Drout, diont, fay. Druthin Dieu, thehoufe of God. Du, God. E^uat, before. Dublee, duplicate of y re- peated. Dublein (treis), threefold. Dubles (treis), three times twelve. Ducatz retz, dutchy fees. Duce, kind, tender. Duce, leads. Duce (eaw e), frefh water. Duchemen, Dutchmen. Dudzime, twelve. Due, of the. Due, to difpofe of. Duerent avoir (ne), might not have. Duer, laJISy endures. Dues, two. Dues, ought. Duete (de), as a duty. Duetees, duties. Dutz (lui), due to him, Du faire, to do. Dui, to-day. Dui fil, two fons. Duiflby (que jeo), that 1 am fuppofed. Dui ft, let him give. Duift aver ee ouis, fuppof- ed to have been killed. Duit, duifte, duifTent, aver efte, ought to have been. Duitez, duytz, duties^ rights. Dulce le roy (tres), mofl gracious king. Dun, gift. Dunes, downs. Dunge, dune, give, given. Dunk, dune, dunky, then, therefore. Duodes, twelve. Duoirs, duties, Duppur, duplicate. Durement dormy, Jlept faft. Durer, continue, remain. Dures, hardened. Duieffe, durette, hardfhip, difficulty. Durete (tanz de),fo many hard/hips. Durite, durete, durte, compul/ion, durefs. Durrnene, overcome. Durra, will give. Durum s, live. Dus, duke. Dufcenz, two hundred. Duieime, twelfth. Dulkes 7 6 E A Dufkcs a chon qe, until that. Dufle, two. Duflent, dufont (que), who jhould, ought, are fuppofed. Duftres, ring-leaders. Duw (en lu), in due -place. Duz, due. Duz, dus, dug, a leader. Dufze, duze, twelve. Duzim, twelfth. Dy, duejufl. D yent, fay, are of opinion. Dyenr. eft re, they fay more- over. Dymain (le), the morrow. Dymenges, Sundays. Dymes, tythes. I) y m ey n e, d y m a i n, Sunday. Dymis, tythes. Dyners, dinners. D'yntrufion, of intrufion. Dys, dyz, ten. Dyleot livres et neof, eighteen pounds nincjhil- lings. Dyfpais (touz), ever f nee. Dyvelyz, Dublin. Dyvent point (ne), ought not. Dyvintz, divines. Eand. 5 Ea, and, alfo, fur- ther. Eage, age. E E Eage, life. Eantz, having. Eare, to plow. Eaie (fera), may eafe him* fdf. Eafez, moderate, eafy. Eaue, eave, eawe, water. Eaux, ewes. Eaux, they. Eaux meiimes, themfelvcs. Eauz, eaux, eaus, them. Ebahir, to befurprifed. Eble, Eubolo. Ebrieux, Hebrew. Echeift, falls. Echerount, pall fall out, Jh all fall, jhall efcheat. Echever, to efcape. Ecil enfens la terre (fore k), only thofe within that land. Ecumieur, a pirate. Ede, Eudo. Edel, noble, illujlrious. Edovart, Edvalt, Edwars, Edward. Ee (aver), to have been. Een, be. Een fait deins Tan (ne yert), has not been made within the year. Et-nt, have. Ees, bees. Eele, pleafure. Eeft, elt, 'Eojl. EeZj bear, had, have. ESertull, E I Efferant 1', the proportion. Effectull, effectual Efforablement (tant), in as a flrong manner. Efforcer, to aid, afjifi. Efforcement, force. EfForcez, Jlrengthened, fe- cured. Efforcier peis, to break a treaty of peace. EfFouage, hearth money. EfFours, efforts, endea- vours. Effunder, to fhed, fpill. Egarri, healed. Egas, dccifion, judgement, award. Egeceftre, Exeter. Egglife, church. Egife, lyes. Egiftement, agijlment. Egle, eagle. Egle (de l'honur de 1'), of the honour of the eagle. Eguifer, to happen. Egun, any. Eguunt glia efle, they have been. Ehonte, infamous. Ei (j'), / have. Eians, men. Eiants, having. Eide, aid. Eiens, ever. Eier veue (i'), have feen it. E I 77 Eies, forwards. Ejets a cuer, have at heart. Eil (s'), if they. Eimient Dieu, love God. Ein, ceo, rather. Eincz fes hours, before thefe times. Eindegre, own accord. Eine temps (d'), before, of a prior date. Eines, in, that. Einglife, church. Ein quy, vjithin whofe. Einfnes, eldefl. Eins ceo, when, unlefs, the fame, rather, until. Eins ceux q le actor, be- fore the plaintiff. Eins (fi), before. Eins tenus (1'}, in the mean time. Einfperker, impound,. Einz, but, in. Einz ceo qil, before that he. Einz qe, before that. Eioms, have. Eions (de), of having. Eions (de), of his. Eir (1'), the eyre. Eir, eirs, heir, heirs. Eirent, wander, fir ay. Eires, ayries. Eirie, to hatch. Eirie de efpernons, a young brood of 'hawks. Eifkes, 78 EL Eifkes, until, Eifii, as, Eifli co eft a faver, info- much, Eifli tie por quant que, provided, neverthelefs, that, Eifiilliez, exiled, Eiffir, to go out of. Eiflit, departure, exit. Eiflb, this. Eifl (de 1'), on the eaflern part. Eit n', have not. Eivers (de), of goods found, of cattle, Eivos, behold. El, in-, nothing, Elbit, eight. Elef, elefe, flux and re- flux, Eles, eyes, Elevi, chofen. Eleyer (poet), may chufe. Elez, on a fudden, Elin, a gentleman. Elifer, to chufe. Ellus, chofen. Elegger, to alledge. Eloviaunce, allowance, con- nivance. Elm, helmet. Elves, chofen. Elus, ufuages. Embandiz, emboldened, en- couraged. Embas, below. E M Embatent (s'), intermed- dle. Embeafiler, to filch. Embellies, fet forth, fhew- ed, Embefche, impeached, Emblea difmes, carries off his tythes. Em blear (1'), the emblem- ments. Embleent, carry out of, remove. Embleer, a feedfman, to fow. Emblemy, unimpeached, unhurt. Embler, tojleal. Emblez, embles, emblees (par), by Jlratagem, by furprize. Embloioure (de), ofjleal- ing. Embofoigne, needeth, re- quired. Embofoignera (fil), if need be. Embrace, undertaken, em- braced^ purchafed. Embracez (ont), have in- groffed. Embreafer, to burn. Embrevure, a regifler. Embu, drunk up. Ernbuchemer)t,tf#z£«/?tfi£. Erne, with. Erne, emie, ejlimation, price. Emerc' E M Emercient, amerced. Eme.rgentz, arifing, Emfle, puffed up, Emfauntz, children. Emi, emmi, in half, in the middle, Emieez, ijfued, fent out. Eminentz, impending, Emmi, between. Emmorti, become dead. Emmurrer, to wall about. Emoi, emotion. E m o i n es , wit neffes. Emologation de la court de parlament, the con- firmation of the court of parliament. Emon, Edmond. Emonit, admonifhed. Empakkur (T), the pack- ing. Emparke, emparkez, im- pounded. Ernparkement, a park, en emparkment. Emparnours, undertakers of fuits. Empafhment (en fon), in his infirmity, impedi- ment. Em pec he, impeached. Ernpeirez, empirez, im- paired. Em pell (q 1'), which is called. Empendent, pendant. Empenlicms, pen/ions. EM 79 Empercment, in ornament- ing, repairing, Emperez (fe foient), have poffeffed tbemfehes of, Emperler, to imparle, Empernant, affuming, pre- tending to, Empernent a champart, take for maintenance, Empernour, the taker. Em pes chenienz (por di- vers), an account of di- vers impediments. Empefchable, impeacha- ble. Empefchement, impeach- ment, impediment. Empecrer, to require, to Empiel (ley), imperial or avtl law. Empiete, impiety. Empire tanr, nequant, nei- ther better or worfe than before. Empla,7? killed *. Engage, mortgaged. E n jj: a ge, betrothed. Engager le batail, to of- fer battle. Engagement, pledge. Ehgaines, guarded. Engar nies , withheld, fur- rounded, fenced-in. Engaux, equal. Engendre (a), to be begotten. Engendrure, iffue. Engetter, engeiter, to ejecl. Engin, enghein, engine- men t (mal), /// dejign, decit, fraud. Erigirer (pur), to cheat, defraud, feduce, intice. Engineufement, groaning, lamenting. Englarerra (roy d'), king of England. Englcreid, England. Engielche, Engles, Eng- li/h. Englecherie, proof that a perfon fotr.d hilled was of Engliflj extrusion, and not a foreigner. >e Cowel's Diet. Aflath, Ci 2 Enslue- 8 4 EN Engluerount (fe), will fix en tbemfelves the guilt of the crime. Engnes, Agnes. Engracious, ungracious, untoward. Engravance, grievance, molejlation. Engriever, to aggravate. Engyn par, by deceit. Enhabler, to enable. Enhauce, enhaunce, raif- ed, exalted. Enheritants (les), the in- habitants. Enheriteez (eft), is in- titled. Enheritementez, heredita- ments. Enheritez, having an in- heritance in. Enhuiller, to adminijier ex- treme unclion. Enientez, rendered null, a- voided. Enjevin, of Anjou. Enimifle, enmity. Enjojalee, furnijhed, pro- vided with jewels. Enjont, enjoining. E nj oy n te, joined. Enke, ink. Enki, thus, fo. Enlaylla, fent thither. Enleift, delivers up. Enli, inftead of. Enloft, in the army. En mediate, immediate. E N Ennaugerunt, proceeded on their voyage. Ennenti^ defeated. Enneur, honour. Ennoliement, extreme unc- tion. Ennoy, annoy. Ennoyaftes, fent. Ennoyer, to fend him a- way, remove him. Ennoyez, troubled,grieved. Ennoys, neceffities. Ennoyter, enoyter, to an- nul. Ennuerent, whom they fent. Ermuict, to day. Enombrafer, to fJjade, co- ver. Enor (T), the honour. Enordeniant, in an irre- gular, undue manner. Enordinant, inordinate. Enorez, honoured. Enoukre, moreover. Enoundez, overflowed. Enournez, adorned. Enoyter, to annul. Enpant, compofed. Enparkeler, to fence in. Enpaynes, put to pain. Enpcchez, impeached. Enpeirant, impairing. Enpeiremenr, detriment. Enpeirez, impaired. Enpenfione, a pen/ion. Enpenfones (ne), dont in- tend. Enperi, E N Enperi, ivorfe. En pi re, embafed. Enpleynnaunt, by way of complaint. Enploient mye (n'), do not lay out. Enplycs, employed. En poin, in hand. Enpori, irr.poverijhcd. Enporri (h), fo ft ale. Enportera le realme, Jball be king. Enporter heritage, to run away with the inherit- ance. Enportez, carried away. Enpres, after. Enpigne, took, received. Enpriiant, defiring. Enpris unt, enpncz, have undertaken. Enprift le chymin, entered upon his journey. Enpromptz, things bor- rowed. Enpronerount, imprifoned. Enprovour, proved/ tor. Enprovver (d'), to improve. Enprueez, improved. Enprumptu, borrowed. Enpus, produce. Enque (par), by the in- queft. Enqrg (fi), let him in- quire. Eqrere, to get, take. E n qu er re z, inquiries. E N 85 Enquerelant (nul), no plaintiff, no fuit. Enquerelez, impleaded. Enquefter,/«i out. Enquieter, diflurb. Enquore, yet,JlilL Enracier, enracer, to pull up by the roots. Enrollment de fes lains, at the rolling up of his wool. Enrollez, folded up. Enroyer (m'), to grant me. Ens, in, within, between. Ens ne feit (fi), unlefs it be. Enfanle, in blood. Enfarchemenr, an exami- nation, a refearch. En fan fie, exalted. Enfayer, enfuer, to purfue. Enfealer, fhut up, impound. Enfeares, enfeires, locked up. Enfecchi, dried up, wi- thered. Eniegie, befieged. Enicigne (loial), lawful bufinefs. Plnleignementz, qualifica- tions. En feigner, to jhew, ap- pear. Enieignurant fur l'cftat le roy, lording it ever the ft cue of the king. Enleintez, with child. Enfeiver, toferve. G 2 Enfclle, 26 E N Enfelle, /addled. Enfemble, it feems meet. Enfemem, like-wife, in like manner, in the fame manner. Enfencers, cenfers. E v\ fe n ie, itifti -lifted. Enfenfer, to inform. Enfenfes, incenfed. Enferres, ivili be. Enfervagcr, to enflave. Enferver, tofubjeft, charge. Enferve, kept, refcrved. Enfervee, fervile. Enfervir (ne poii Ten), is not compellable. Enfeverit (meuz), much better know. Enfeyfter, to pew, point cut. Knfi tuW, f, thus, alfo, in like manner. \\-, c \ pre", Jo mar. Xiv-.a totes voies, provided always. Eniier, to mow or reap. iuifjgne, blooded. Knfignemen c, effgnment. Enfigncr, tof/jczv. Enfignere (en), in teach- , inf. r ucting. V n g n c 1 , occafioned.^niiion, enfignment. P'.nfmv s, /i7;;t. Enfivient (qe s ! ), «, UH.IJ E N Enfiwyt il pas, it does not follow. Enforquetot, above all. Enffievant (en), in purfu- ance of. En ft res, entries. Enfu, enfuvt, s'enfient, folk ZVS. ■ i. ' v, :.,•. , we followed. Enlucr, to follow. Enfuit, hereafter. E n i u i v a n t, againfi. Enfuivroit (il s'), // would follow. Enfundis, in that cafe, alfo. Eniure, obey. \,mvsm^itAuvx.fuggefing. Enfurrer, to rife. Enfus, big with child. lint, in, in the mean time. Er.t, thereupon, of them, thereof. Ent (d 5 ), thereof. Ent, iriire, whole. Entacher, to in feel. Entagle, importuned. En r aineez, entered upon, debated. E ntamees, flirred, moved. Entant come, fignifes as much as. Entartz, burned. F.ntaunt, fo 'much. Entaunt grannt, he there- by as good as grants. Entechele, tainted, infccl- ed. Enteins, unJerJlood. ■ Extendable, E N Entendable, to be under- flood. Entendances, attendances. Enrendaunt, thinking, ima- gining, underftood. Enr.endement(i 5 ), the form, Entendementz, meanings, conflr unions. Entendiblement, fully, plainly. Entendre (fife luij, made him believe. Entendre, tc attend. Entenk (jeo) y-entanks, / think. Entent, underjiand them. Entente, intention, claim , a>m, plaint, count. Ententivement, carefully. E ntenue, underftood, heard. Enterceur, the party chal- lenging the goods, hezvho has placed them in the hands of a third per fon., enterince, en- terrine. entcrin, enteri- ene, entire, perfect. Enteriner, to perfect. Enter mains, emre meins, in our hands, in his hands. F. nternien t, entirely. Entcynonr, hold, keep. E n t ey fa n r , tacit ly , by fay - in? not!:;;::'. o o Entexes, interwoven. En:ient, holds. E N *7 En tier (al), upon his en- tering. Entiercir, to depofj a thing with a third perfon, till the property is proved. Eniiers (et les), and en- tries. Entiers, entierent, intirely. Entierte, the whole. Entitle, qualified. Entraihantz, dragging, drawing. Entorie, entoir, entour, en tour, entur, about, round, concerning. Entoucher, to give a poi- fonous quality to any thing. Entover, to walk about. Ent mettra(ne fe),will not interpofe, affift. Entraiter (derefonable), unreaf enable, unjuft treat- ment. Entralliez, confederated to- gether, bifid themfelves together. En t ra iTe mes, entered. Entre, above, beyond, Entie (a 1'), as far as the limits. Entre, encre (de N ,, ink. E.*:reaidions lui uns l'an- tre, will mutually aid each other. it, an LiUixoat, 88 E N Entrebat (par), by inter- lopement. -Entreconent point (nc s'), do not inter common. Entredit (en temp d'), in prohibited feafons. Entrefcrrent, engage, fight. Entreifiets (ne), Jhould not enter into. Entrelafier, to put between, interline. JLniTelettkntiOmittwg, leav- ing out, relinquijhing, lay- ing afide. EntrelefTe (nc), would not proceed in. Entreliere, to obferve. Entreliesffe xuiTem), bound them/elves together. TLntreWgnurCfintelineatioff. Entreluterent, engaged to- gether, fought. Entremeiffent (fe), Jhould occupy, be put into, in- termeddle with, took tip- on him/elf. Entremelles (accions), mixed atlicns. Entrcmellies, mixed, blend- ed together. Entre mellure, an inter- mixture. Entremifted inquirer, . ■:- thorifed to inquire, caufed inquiry to be made. En:rc!idre (fait), to be un- der]} ocd. E N Entreparler, to confult to- gether. Entrepennent, confult a- mong themfelves, enter- priftng. Entreres, to be entered. Entrerupt, interrupted. Emrefte (malemenr), evil- ly treated him. Entretant, in the mean while, to fulfil. Entretz, interred. Entreval, interval. Entreuls (d'), among them. Entrevyfent (fe), have an interview. Entricate, interwoven. Entrignier, accomplifh. Entromys (nous) in Tho- rn age, we did homage. Entrovez, narrow pajfes. Entrour, about., incrcafed. Ent tant regard (ni), nei- ther paying regard. Entyvement, entirely. Entz, enz, but. Envaifemen, an invafion. Envee, envint, fent. Enveer avant, to proceed. Enveer (facez), caufe to be fent for. Enveierons (lui n'), we will not condemn him. Envcillez, grown old. Envenant, enfuing. Envenoms, E N Envenoms, have fent. Enveogler, to inveigle, blind. Enveoms, enveons, cn- veuns, we fend, Enverce, againfl, towards. Enverrez, inquired into. En vers (T), within. Enveyees, envoys. Enveyer, envoyer, envier, to fend. Envie (ne), nor damage, injure. Enviroune (mal), tradu- ced. Envis, with regret. Envoderoms, we would have. fenvocglez, blind. Envoez, become. Envoi e (il), he fends. Envorrez, fball fend. Envoyable, /h all be fent. Envoyellera (potius enjo- julera), will "provide with jewels. Envoyglifinent (en), in avoy dance, in deceit of. Envyurez, intoxicated. Enuer, to enure. Envver (enj, in arrear. En v age, the right of elder - fhip. Enz, in, within, but, Eoque, becaufe that, Eofs, eoues, eggs. E R 89 Eofues, potius jeofnes (genz), young people. Eoins (que nous), that we Jhould have. Eoms, have, . Eos (al), to the ufe. Eou, he, him. Eours de pite, works of piety. Ephebe, one who is major. Epouvantement, excufe, Eppofant, the petitioner, Epprendre (d'), to take. Eps, a bee. Equiture, to ride. Equus (d') le hile dox, until he hears. Erainent, leaving off, a- voiding. Ernn, will be. Erantz, arantz, ploughing, Erberage, provifion for cattle. Erberger, to lodge or har- bour. Ercedekene, herfedecome, archdeacon, archdeacon- ry. Ercevefques, archbifhops. Ercewec, the archbifhop. Erderont, fhall aid, ad- here to. Ere, be. Ere, fhall be. Ere, erer, to fowe. Erer, erier, to wander up and down, Eri, 90 E S Eri, I was. Erinez, wafled, ruined. Erite (1'), the inheritance. Erite, an heretic. Ermyn, an ermine, Eroer, erver, to journey ■, to travel. Erra, flail go. Erraunt traitour, an ar- rant traitor. Erreront, went the eyre. Errifement:, hindrance. Erroign, erroneous. Errois, Irifl. Erront, flail hear. Errount, go their heir. Ers, heirs. Erfoir, yeferday. Ert, he was, it was. Ert (ne), flail not be. Es, ez, in, behold. Esaple, f ample. Efbaiez, efbaiz, efbahi, a- bafled, furprifed, terri- fied. Eibaire nous (pour), to recreate cur/elves. Efbaudes, imboldened, en- couraged. Efcales, fcales. Efcar, cflate, condition. Efcarcet ec, fca, -city. Efcarlate (d'), cf fcarkt. Efcar fe men t, fearcely Efcarta de ble, fear city cf corn. Efcaud, damage, offence. E S Efceppe, foipped. Efchair, happen. Efchaift, fljould intreat ; alfo flould ej cheat. Efchant (q'il ne le) de quaunt q'il fair, that he did not regard or fear whatever he did. Efchancier, to increafe,] promote. Efchaude, jmothered. Efcheent, happen. Efcheere en maladie, fall ftck. Efcheere (plus N , more dear. Efchelement (par J, by ef- calade. Efcheler, to fcale. Lfchement, flunning, bend- ing from. Efcheqir, Efqi.aquer, ex- ehe uer. Efcher (fi), if it happens. Efchfterie (a"), office of efcheator Efcheve, efchewed, fhun- ned, bent or bowed from. Efchever, to perform. Efchever, elchiver, tofleun, avoid, bend from. Elcheu (plus), more a- fraid. Efcheu, befallen, happened. }: fchier (d'\ to fall down. Elc!, : er (1'), ibe falling., efhire, efhuer, t : .) -.;;• ■, cicLure, cfchc- ter, E S ter, efchever, to fall or happen unto, to ef cheat, to defend, to fall to. EfchivifTment, negligence, is) ant of care. Efchiure, efchiver, ef- chure, efchever,efchew, to avoid. Efchua, pulled down. Efchuable, avoidable. Efchuir, avoided, made de- fault. Efcience (Icur), their con- ference, knowledge. Efcient (a), knowledge, af- fection, knowingly. Efclairces, efclaref, efclar- cic, cleared up, exprejfed, fettled. Efclarifer (meus) le fet, to explain the fact bet- ter. Efclaunder, difcredit, ca- lumny, Jlander, preju- dice. Efclore, to futt out. Efc line, afluice. Efclufe de Pafques, clufe de Paiche, the firfi Sun- day after Eafler. Efciuz, packs , bundles. Eicochcr (d 5 ), to fhoot. Efcomenge, efcumeng, ex- communication. Efc > uuit, dcundit, de- nied rejecled., a fconce, a dark Irvtharr. E S 91 Efcotcliours, efchorche- ours, thofe who flay cat- tle for their Jkins. Efcoter, to pay. Efcoudirad (s'en), clear him/elf. Efcoult (doner), give him a hearing. Efcoundre, efcondtre, to deny, rejecl. Efcourcer, to run, be in force. Efcourcer (lui), excufe himfelf. Efcourcher (pour) le par- lement, to fhorten the duration of parliament. Efcoutemenr, clearly, in- telligibly. Efcraier countre lui, oppofe him. Efcreuz, increafed. Efcries, treated of, dc- fenbed. Efcriez (felons), notorious, proclaimed felons. Eicrin, a coffer. E ferine (j'), / hope. Efc rip re (a fait), has caufed to be written. Efcripcura ( \ti),fhall write them. E fcr it, declared, profcribed, Efcrits, direcled to. Eicriure, write, certify, dc- fcribe. Efcrover, a fcroll. Efcrowes, 9 2 E S Efcrowes, rolls of parch- ment, fcrolls. Efcruire (d'), to write to. Efcryeurs, writers. Efcuminges (cum), by an excommunicato capiendo. ¥,kx\mzrs, pirates, corfuirs. Efcune, each, every, Efcuquiteur, an executor. Eicurer, to fcour out. Eicus d'or fol, a French gold coin of the value of fix /hillings. Eicufer, prevent, excufe. Efcufement (en), in ex- cufe. Efcutereit (q'il), that he would lift en to. Efcuz, excufe. Efcyncilles de feu, fparks of fire. Efee, eafy, commodious. Element, cemmodioufy, an eafement. Efez, eafed. Efgarde, awarded. Efgart, efguart (a 1'), judgement , discretion, aivard, with rfpetl to. Eigle, eagle. Es jours de fetter,, onfeajl- days. Efkep, efkip, flipped. Efkippefon, flipping, or pafj'age by fea. Efkirmye, fighting. de- fence. E S Eflcole, fchool. Efkuyns, bailiffs. Efle, efleeuz, chofen. Eflevera (tort), fhall do an injury. Eflit, eleclion. E Qoi gn e,difturbed, delayed. Efloignement, excufe. EQoignement (pur) du payement,/er enlarging the time of payment. Efloigner, remove from, alienate. Elloignez, prorogued, ad- journed. Elmercient, thank. Efmerveilluz, we wonder, is wonderful. Efmon, Edmond. Efmovenient, motion, com- motion. Efmuz, cfmcutz, moved, jiirred up, dijlurbed. Efne fiz, eldeft fon. Elourketot, moreover, fur- ther. Elpaigne (monsr d'), John cf Gaunt, king of Caftile and Leon, duke of Lan- cader, &c. Efpale, efpccial. Eipanner le cuft, to [pare the coft. Elparni, [pared, exempted. Efparpilent, branch cut. Elpec, fpecialty. Efoeceiicr, E S Efpecefier, to fpecify, to contrail. Efpeceries, fpices. Elpechement (fans), with- out difturbance> impedi- ment. Efpeciallte, affinity. Efpecies, [pedes ', kinds. Efpee, thigh, leg, foot. Efpeie, eipeye, eipye, a [word. Elpeir (fans) de partir, without hope of Repara- tion. Efpeirer, to referve, fpare. Efpeires, impaired. Efpelotte, expedttated. Efpenfies, fpecified. Efpenz, expense. Efperitaux, efpeulx, f pi- ritual. Efpermrez (n'), will not /pare. TLioer nieSi fpared, exempt- ed. Efperons, fpurs. Efperuex (au 1'), to the hopes. Efpve, fpare. Efpeuteiioun (pur\ pro expeditatione canum in for eft a exiftcntium. Efpeyere, afpear. Efpiantz, having in view. Efpiement, information. Eipier, to find out> to look out } cbferve. ES 9 , Efpier (que), who informs againft. accufes. Eipies, watched. Eipinaces (deux), two pin aces. Elpingles de boys, pins of wood. Efpifes, efpoufals. Efpitau, an hofpital. Efplee le huifles, bolt or lock the doors. Eipies, efpleits (les), the profits. Efpleit, needful. Efpleit (final), final iffue. Efpleytez, efploit, efplo- tee, d [patched, anfwer- ed, Jerved. Efploir, to requeft, to im- plore earneftly with tears. Efploit (au), in difpatch of) in performance. Efploit (pur 1') de parl- ment, for the difpatch of parliamentary bufinef. Eipluit (pur Y),fcr carry- ing on, for the expences of. Efploit (qeDieu 1'), whom God preferve, give juc- cefs to. E fp ; o i te r e n t , di four fed ; performed fuch exploits. Efploires (etre), to be ex- pended. Efploitez de la terre, deli- vered the efplees of the land. 7 Efploitier 94 E S Efploitier (c), and to dif play. Efploitz (les), thefervices. Efpoirance, hope. Efporouns, fpurs. Efpofe, efpolaii, efpoufal, marriage. Efpofe, married. Efpoveri, impoverif/oed. Efprefemenc, exprefsly. Efprovaunt (al), to the af- fertor. Efproves, proved, marked, ftamped. Efpuel, fpiritual. Efpurger (foy), to purge, to clear himfelf. Efquel d' argent, filver fpoons. Efquelles, which. Efquers, efquiers, efqiiires. Efquieles, ladles. Efquunes, fljeriffs, magif trates. EfTaucier, to cherijh. EfTeketurs, executors. Effent, extent. Eflentu, affented. Effientc-x, very learned. Effire (potius eflire), to choofe. Effoierent (que ne), that it belongeth not. Eftbirent (come ils), as if they were. Effbyer, to endeavour. Eft, the cajt. E S • ILftaa,fiands. Eltable, a Jiable. Eftable (de lour), under" their department. EftablifTement de dower, fettlement, appointment, or ajfurance of dower, made by the hufband or his friends to the wife, before or at marriage. Eftabliffements, acls of parliament. Eltably, fettled, appointed. Eftache, a pier, pile, bridge, flake. Eitages, eflates. Eftaignee, a pool. Eftalez, eftalee, money to be paid by inflalments. Eftalls, falls. Eftalls, eflales, tools, fcales. Ella nc he, a refer voir for fifi. Eftantz, Jlanding. l:\i\apc, ftaple. Eftr, bein?. Eftat (fi a), /*/ is. Eftat, ftatute, condition, health. Eftat (n'y), was not there. Eftat (en T), into the place. Eftature (1'), eftatere, the beam. Eftatut, eftat e. Eftaul, firm, fable. Eftaulx, the falls in a choir. Eftauncher, E S Eftauncher, to ft op, to put an end to. Eftaunkes, flanks, dams, wears, pools. Eftauntez, being, Eftclok (fon), his clock. Efte, eftee (en), infummer. Efte (la mi), Midfummer. Efteaunce, being. Efteiant, ft an ding, Efteient, eftient, efteyent, were, Efteille, ajlar. Efteimes (n') efteiouns, eftiemes, pas, we were not. Efteindre, efteyndre, to extend to. Efteint, becomes extincl. Efteint de (qu), who were of, who fided with, Efteint, client, extincl. Efteintz (mort), quite dead. Eftemaunt, eftemans, efteeming, accounting. Eftemue, rat fed. Eftendreit, would be fuffi- cient, might be extended on. Eftente, eftant, efteinte, extent, value, eftimation. Eftent (ie), extends it/elf. Eftepne, Efteve, Stephen. Eftere oveiqe le roi, en iuftenance de fa coronc. E S 95 to ft and by the king, in fupport of his, crown. Eiterilitat, fear city. Efterlynge, a penny, a far- thing. Efterniers (en), in freez- ings, Efterz (vos), you are. Eftes, eftez, condition, e- ftate, Ei\ey,fummer. Efteyme, cftainte, eftagne, eftank, eftonbz, efteig- ne, tin, E (ley nan t, (en) eftenyfe- ment, in extinguijhing, Efteyndre, to extinguifh. Efteynent paye, flop pay- ment. Efthabelere, to eftablijh, Eftiant, flood. Eftiemes (ke prefent i), who were prefent there, Eftienes, eftee, eftei, been. F.ftiens (nous), we are. Eftient, knowledge. Eftiez, flood, been. E{\'ik,fljle. Efti mures, robbers. E ft i ties (par les), by the fluices . Eir Liz, eft leu, chofen. EitofFer, to ftore, flock, fur nip. Eitoier, efter, eftere, eftr, to ft and io, abide. Eftoiera, 9 6 E S Eftoiera (fi luy) la chofe perder, if hefhould hap- pen to lofe the thing. Eftoilettes, gennets. Eftoiroit (ne), needed not. Eftoite, was. Eftole, a fchool. Eftoppe, clofe, confined, dark. Eftorement (a), in a large quantity, not by retale. Eftorer (d), to make a- mends. Eftores, Jiored. Eftorie (1'), the hiftory. Eftors, flock, fores. Eftoua, jhall be compelled. Eftouble, fiubble. Eftovereit (lui), it would be incumbent on him. Eftourtre (pour), to flop. Eftoyer, happen, be. Eftoyent, were. TLftoys, fiands. Eftr, being. Jiftraites, derived, drawn. Eftrangent, fir angle. Eftraungiez (a luy), hath refrained himfelf, hath forborn. Eftray (j*) hors, I will go out \ will ef range my- f elf from. Eitrayflauntes, fraying. Eftre, been. Eftre (!'), the exifience. E S Eftre ceo (e), and bejides this. Eftre (del bien), of the form. Eftre (voille), will be, ftand. Eftrectement, ftritlly. Eftrein, efrra'm, fir aw. Eftreintier, to contrail, take in. Eftreiont, they fray. Eftreites (par), by eftreats. Eftreitz, eftreats, fireets. Eftremes des mo) ins, mill-* fi reams. Eftrepes, fhipped, pulled. Eftret, fiands. Eftrete(haut), highftreet. Eftreutz, extended. Eftreygnaul (en), in con- fining. Eftreynerye, tin-works. Eftreyt, derived, defended. JLHrcytcs, limited, contract- ed, freight ened, taken in. Eftrie (laroun), a notori- ous thief. Eftrie r, writing. Eftrifs,7?r//>j, difptites. Eftrippe, wafte. E ft ri thing, Eafi Riding. Eftrivaftcnt, firove. Eftrivens, fiirrups. Eftroicter, to inftruft. Eftropier, to fpoil, wafie. Eftudcs, E V Efludes (es), in the tnu- feums, colleges. Eftues, eituves, the flews, or brothel-houfes. EftufTees (noefz), Jlnps manned. Eftufrement (pur 1') de la terre d'Irland,/ a Jlream. Ewelles, gees. Eweret (molin), a water- mill. Ewerwick, York. Ewes, ewoz, waters. Ewez, watered. Ewes (en), in ponds. Ex (ft), from the river Ex. Exalte z, raifed. Exa ucemen t, advancement. Excitation (al), at the in- treaty, motion, injiiga- Hon. Exciterent le affile, encou- raged the c.Jfife. Excufation, excufc. Excuferez (ne), will not reproach. E X Excuffion (potius execuf- fion), execution, produc- tion, proof. Exec, exception. Execuc, execution. Executours (les), thofe who are to put in execu- tion. Execyte, excited. Exeketour des befoignes, charged with the affairs. Exenger, exercife. Exerfant, exerciftng. Exerwick, York. Exes, eyes. Exi, any, alfo. Eximons, exempt. Exon, excufe. Expaule, expoufez, fug- gejled, reprefented. Expe&eroit, Jhould abide. Expleiter (facez), caufe to be difpatcbed, exer- cifed, employed. Expleiterent, difcourfed, atted, performed. Exploit, efploit, difpatch. Exploiter, receive the pro- fits. Exprumez, exprejfed. Extentz, extinguified. Exter, to execute. Extienter, to extinguijh. Extimation, an ejlimate. Extinfement, extientife- ment, exteynfement,fx- tinguijhing. Extorquer, E Y Extorquer, to put out by force. Extorter, to drive off, a- void. Extrelins, people of the north-, Extremifer, to adminifier the extreme unclion. Ey, a watery place, Eyaunce (en), in eafe* Eydance, evidence, Eyde, help, Eyde, aided. Eye (p), by aid, Eyens, but. Eyer (unc), an ewer. Eyette, ye have. Eyme nous, loves us. Eyndegre de meyne (de fon), of his own head. Eyne date (d'), of earlier date. Eynefce parcener, eldejl partner. Eyneft, eldejl. Eynt (ne) damage, jhall receive no damage. Eyntz, therein. Eynzne feffment, ancient feoffment. Eynz q, when, before thai. Eyr, the air. Eyres, heirs. Eyfe, eafy, Eyfement, eafement. Eyt, eight. Eyt, Jhall be, will be. FA 99 £z, in, within. Ez choufes, in the things. Ezi, his. Ezplaye, Jpoiled. FAAT (le), a meafure called a fat. Fablefie, weaknefs, Fabloir, to devife Jiories, to prevaricate. Face (premerc), prima fa- cie. Facentz leve, caufing to be levied. Faceo (ceo), has done it. Fache de 1' eglife (en), in the face of the church. Fachon de home, human Jhape or form. Facion, fajhion, Facion (avaunt le), before the making, Faft, committed. Faez, make, made. Faicez faire, caufe to be iffued. Faici, did,fent, difpatched. Faift, did. Faifle de memoire (a), through forge tfulnefs. Faie, faith. Faiere, to do. Faiet, faiftes, made. Faile, failiie, faillies, end- ed, expired. Faillent (y), be omitted. Failler, to difappoint, H 2 Failler ioo F A Failler (fift), caufed to be omitted. Faillie (foit), breach has been made. Faillons, neglecl. Faily, omitted. Fain, bay ; alfo beach wood. Faint, committed. Fairaginous, maflin, or mingled corn. Faire, to pay. Faire en chofe, to deal in matters. Faire fon ley, wage his law. Faire le difference (a), to end the difference. Fairie, fairez, to be made. Fairs de Germ, the marts in Germany. Fait en fait, done in deed. Fait en, already. Fait (fur le), ipfo fallo. Fait gaine, doth gain. Fait (ne) my onblier, it is not to be forgotten. Fait foy (fe), is done, may be done. Faiterie (par), through idlenefs, lazinefs. Faitours, fafiors. Fahours,Jlotbful people. Faiture, faitours, making, doing. Faitures, evil-doers. F A Faitz, fait darmes, feats of arms. Faiz, fais, deeds, falls, bu~ finefs. Faix, times. Faix, a burthen, load. Faix, falfe. Faixime, deceit. Falaize, a bank or hill by the fea-fide. Falaft, fally, failed, done wrong. Falent (ki), which ought to have been. Fallent (qui vos), which concern you. Falefe, falife, fands, rocks, cliffs. Falefte, a capital punifh- ment infilled on a male- faclor on the fands orfea Jhore ; perhaps by laying him bound on the fands till the next full tide car- ried him away, or by throwing him from the cliffs *. Fali, Philip. Faix, falfe. Fam, hunger. Fame, wife. Familier de la chauncery, a clerk belonging to the chancery. Britton 257. b. Mir. 248. Hengham 87. Cowel. Famuler, F A Famuler, familiar, one of his houfehold, a fami- liar, intimate friend, a fervant. Fanez ttmtiXez, fanes 'ena- melled. Fanons (deus), two fan- nels or maniples. Fany (en), in the manner. Fany (ove le,) with the manner. Faonier, to fawn. Far, fare, to go, to bid farewel. Fardel de terre, a fourth ■part of rn acre. Fare (tur), was done. Faron, pigged, farrowed. Farronis aver, we will caufe to have. Farce, a farce. Fas (volis), do unto you. Fafoms (nous nous), we will make our f elves. Fa ft, was. Fafunt (ne) mes, do not fet. Fat, fate, dcjliny. Fat, does. Fate, fatz, made. Fate (poi), little done. Fatou, a factotum. Fau, a beech-tree. Faucer chofes, fdlfe things. Fauches, mozved, lopped. Faude, faulde, a pen or fold for Jheep. F E iox Faverer, February. Favie (a), to do. FavifTent favour. FauifTes pleints, falfe plaints. Fau Ira, will fail. Fault (a), want of Fault environ, comes to, amounts to about. Faultant, making default. Faultez, failed of,falfified. Fiulton, want. Fa ul tone, complaining, Faurt (en cy), fo born. Faule, damaged, fpoiled. Fauier, rauxere, faucher, to fa Iffy, counterfeit, forge. Fauieours, fauxiers, coun- terfeiters, falffiers. Faufine, falfity, deceit. Faufmene, faufTerie, the crime of falfifying or counterfeiting the coin, or o-reat feal. Faui^ nons,f7jou!d make de- fault. Fau ft, fait, was made. Fauftrer, to deceive. Faut, fails. Faut (la), the end. Faut a veir, we mujl, or it is needful to fee. Fautoures, fothful, idle people. Fau tours, abettors. Fauxa mie, he condemned. H 3 Fay mes, 102 FE Faymes, we caufed. Fayn, hay.. Fayn, a weazle. Faynent, pretend. Fayre,/ot tell what was meant by Van- tleniaigne Gaule bant; but I' apprehend it is the day or the dare of the record published by him, and that thai day was the 2d of Auuufr, being the morrow after \\:t gulc ofAuguJI, Brady, vol. II. p. 199. G E Geans, people, Geaft, aguejt. Geaule, a jail. Gehennet, to avoid. Gehis (cient) de eux mefmes, have the go- vernment of them/elves. Gehis (il eft), he is forced. Geift, lies, refides. Geift (lour), their accom- modation. Geitant, wafting. Geldables, liable to be tax- ed. Geleyns, gelyns, hens. Gelofie, fondnefs. Gelure (due de), duke of Gueldres. Geners, kinds, /pedes. Genices, heifers. Gente, genx (ma), my people. Gentez (les) du people, the parliament. Gentieux hommes, gentle- men. Gentifeme, a gentlewo- man. GentilefTe, the nobility. Genulera, fhall kneel. Gencz de meftire, majlers of trades. Geole, a cave, a prifon. Geolier, a jailer. Gerdin, a garden. Gere, war. Gerdie, Gv.rt:feey, jtrfey. GI US Geril, diforder. Gernettes, garnets. Gernifons, garrifons. Gerpit, avoided, abandon- ed. Gers (qils ne doutent), that they are not afraid to take. Gerfonent (ne), do not rack. Gefkerech, the month of Augujl. G&,yejt. Geft, gette (le), the beha- viour. Gefta, carried away. Gefte, a gueft. Geftez, wafted. Geltoient fomons, who had been fummoned. Get (a), hath begotten. Getteis, gets, jettys. Getter ceo la en hochpof, to throw into hotch- potch. Getter, geter (k), to fe- cure, to indemnify him. Gettere, to caft. Gettez de feyn, cocks of hay. Gettu, thrown, caft. Geynes, Jhe tks. Gharand, warrant. Gide, guide. Gie, gov erred. Gienz, people. Gieu, Geu. a Jew. I 2 Gie, n6 G O Gie, gi, I, I my/elf. Gihall, Guildhall, Giloux, jealous. Gipferrynges, barnefs for girdles. Girome, Jerome, Girra, Jball lye. Gifarme, a military wea- pon like a lance, or long bayonet. Gifer (pur) lui overt, to lay him open. Gift (qi), who is buried, who lies. Giftance, cafting up. Giftes, caft up. Glebe, a piece of earth or turf. Gleyves, fwcrds, bills. Glifes, churches. Glofgn, Glafcovj. Glyn, a valley. Godetz d'or, goblets, mags of gold. G ombre, rejoice. Gomme, gum. Goor, a watery place. Gopiele, gopil, goupil, gupil, a fox. Gores de feney, days cf re- creation. Gorre, a fow. Gors,gorfe, gorts, a fir earn or pool, a watery place, a wear, a fijh-pend, a ditch, a dam, a gorce. Got, a Jluice, drain, or ditch. G R Gouette, a drop. Goule d'Aouft, the gule of Augufi, or the firjl of Augufi. Goune, gown. Gourt, a watery place. Gous, a dog. Goy, God. Goy, lame. Grace de founder, leave f found. Graera, will agree to, Graffer, a notary, a fcri- vener. Gram (en), in grammar. Gramaci, great mercy. Grant, graunt, grauntz, great. Grant, when. Grant feal, great feal. Grant bank le roy (les juflices deu), the juflices of the kings high bench. Granre (le teygne), take it for granted. Grants, grauntez, granted, Grantterrics, nobles of the realm. G rantz, graunts, grauntez, grain ts, great men. Grafe, grais, grace, fa- vour, Gratentement, readily. Gratiflie (ont), have ap- proved, confirmed. Grava, grave, a grove. Graver, to grieve, ag- grieve. Grau- G R Graument, a great deal. Graundour, extent, fize. Graunta (il), be promt fed, agreed. Grauntez, grants. Grauntiers, grannterz, to be granted. Graynour, granour, great. Gre, gree, favour, grace, concern. Greable, voluntary. Greantz, we grant. Gredirnes, gridirons. Gree, grey, confent,fatis- faclion, accord, agree- ment. Gree, gre (de), volunta- rily. Gree (par), by agreement. Greei, agreed to. Grees (des), of the parties aggrieved. Gret, grievance. Grefs, grievous. Greignour, greynour, grendres, greindre, more great, greater. Greit, greet eth. G reiver, to affeSl. Greivure, greverement, more grievous, heavier. Gre mercy, great mercy. Greo, gres, fatisfaElion. Gres, great. Grefle, filled. Grefiame,/«*. G R 117 Greve nent (ne), there is no damage. Greve (en), in trouble, af- fliction. Grevoir, to aggrieve. Greyn (boef peu de), a corn fed ox. • Greyne, greigne, grain. Grie, agreement, Jatisf ac- tion. Grief, grievance. Griefs, gries, grievous. Grieues, on the pores, banks. Grieux, Grieu, Grigois, Greek. Grigner, greater. Grith, peace. Grithitole, a fancluary. Gro, gro fie, fat, great. Groinureteumain (en), in greater tejlimony. Gromet(un), afea-faring boy. Groos (en), in grofs. Gros homes, men of quality. Gros nature, general na- ture. Gros point, principal 'point. Grofiement tnhent, great, quick with child. Grofieours, bickerings, af- fronts, ill-will. Grottier, to grow big. Groflment, generally. Grofibme, a fine at en- trance. I 3 Grotz, ii.S GU Grotz, groats. Grume, grun, all forts of grain, Guannys, bujbandmen. Guarifon, the cure, Guafcon, a Gafcon. Guay, guey (ail), to the key of the river. Guefr apent (omicide de), wilful murder. Gueir, to take care, to fee, Guel ceux (au), to the care of thofe. Guelle, throat. Guerdon, a bargain, a re- ward. Guerdon nez, rewarded. Guerniers, garniers, gar- ners, jl or eh oufes. Guerpercnt p mort, left him for dead, Guerpi, guerpyes, guep- pe, abandoned, left. Guerra, jhall •plead, Guerres, hinders, - Guerritt (fil en), if he be cured of it. Guerroicr, guerryer, wage war, go to war with, Guertent, think. Guertoient, forfake. Gueyement, government, Gueyet, governed, Guf, a pit, Guiayne, Guiaigne, Ac- quitain. G W Guideront, thought, in- tended, Guier, guyer, to guide, Guier, guided. Guierent (fe), conducted themfelves, Guildable, gildable, not within any franchife. Guindors, governors, Guifarme, a military wea- pon made like a lance, Guife, guyfe, method. Guile (a) de marchant, as a merchant, Guiters, holes, gutters. Gule, the beginning or fir ft day of a mcnth. Gurge, a pond or pool, Gurneroit, warned, Gus, a beggar, Guftera,yft#// tafte of. Gurre, gwer, wan Guyement, guidance, go- vernment. Guyen (Monfr. de), John of Gaunt, duke of Ac- quit ain. Guyet, guyer, governed. G u y fe, fafhion, manner. Guytemens de voyes et de c hem ins, dcfruclion of roads and highways. Guyfe (la d'armes), the cujlom; law of arms. Gwer, war. Gwyene, Guienne, Acqui- tain, 2 Gylonr, H A Gylour, one who deceives the court. Gypwyz, Ipfwich. Gyrucs, Jews. Gyfer, to lis down. HA, bath, have. • Haber, to have. Habergiez, haubergers, a coarfe fort of cloth. Habido, Abingdon. Hable, able. Ji abler, to enable, to ren- der a per/on capable of inheriting, to rejlore. Hables, havens, -ports. Habundcnt, abound. H'cer (a), to barrow. Hacher, to plunder. Hacfres, hace, hatchets. Hada, a haven, port. Hagu, a houfe. Haies, hedges. Haies, beys. Haineux, inimical. Haiour, hatred. HairafTera, will harrafs. Haiter, haitier, to rejoice. Hairs, haitie, heitiez, lively, aclive, hearty, in health. H.ikerr, agate. Halberge, an inn. Halt iaine, high birth. Halx princes, high, nolle princes. Halz haz ; fet, has made. H \ u 9 Ham, a village. Hamele, hamelle, a ham- let. Hamelx, haniells, ham- lets. Hames, hainje. Hanap, hamper, cup. Hanap d'argent, afilver cup. Hanapes (burfels pur), covers for cups. Hane, bated. Hange, hatred. Hanguvelle, a New-year's* gift- Hanfe, a fociety. Hanfer, to accufe. Hanfer (!e), the handle. Hanfhomes, the high men, the prelates and great barons. Ha-ntafc (ne) Engleterre, fjould not repair into England. Han tin, an uncle. Haour, haired. Happa, got, took, receiv- ed. Happa (a) feifin, bath gotten, Jeijin. Happa (que prines), who fir ft happens to have. Happe (ne) mie, does net gain, cbiain, get. Hap pee, taken. Harald, baraulJ, a herald. Harang lore, loer, her- rings, I 4 Harans !2Q HA Haraus (reys des), he- ralds, kings at arms. Haras de juments, a breed of mares. Harch'ers, archers. Hard (de la), implements, goods, furniture. Hardoyer, to attack, in- jult. Hardy, daring , prefump- tuous. Harenguifer, herring fea- fon. Harer, harier, to flir up, provo'.e, importune. Hareufement, feditioufly. Harfort, Hertford. Harmon iqueur, a mufi- cian. Harneys in, arrayed. Harriez molt, vryforry. Hafpe (le), the hafp, han- dle. Hafter (pour droit), for dif patch of jufiice. Haitier a minijler; to dif- patch. Hail if, haftyfe, immature, inccr.fidcraie. Ha 11 if (que foit), which may require dijpatch. HafHulcment, inhafie, too foon. Hativete, diligence. Hattcs, hats. Hauberiom, a coat of mail. H A Hauberk, haubergons, d halbert. Haugh, a valley. Haulement, hauliement, highly. Haulz, high, great. Haume, helmet. Hauncer, haulfter, to raife, erecl. Hauncer (un), a weight called the auncel weight. Haunge, contrivance. Haunieck, one born in Flanders. Haunt ne repeir, haunt nor repair. Haur, haut, hatred. Hauront, jhall have. Hans, houfe. Hauft efchetour, chief ef- chetour. Haufters, towers of veff els. Haute, hautece, highnefs, excellence. Hautifme, moft high. Hatitnefs, greatnefs, hei- noufnefs. Hauz,haus, haults homes, men of high degree, the great barons. Havemcnt, greedily. Havene, havle, haven. H avoir, to have. Have, hay. a hedge. Hayer, to hate. Hayes (en) 3 in ranks or rows. Hayn^e H E Haynge (par), through malice. Hayfon, the fencing or hedging- time. Haw, afmall piece of land near a houfe. Hawberg (fee de), a te- nure by which the tenant is obliged to defend the land by full arms, that is, by horfe, haubert, target, fwordy or helmet; a tenure by knight's fer- vice. Hawyfe, Avice. Hear, her, heir. Heaume, an helmet. Hebbyngwerez, ebbing- wears. Hede-penyez, head-pence. Heint, hatred. Heir, inheritance. Heirs (devant ceux), here- tofore, in times paft. Heis, heies, hedges. Helmot, fentence, judge- ment. Hely, Ely. Hen, had. Herbage et herberge (fil) ; // he lodges or harbours. Herbergages (des), of the apartments. Herberger, to lodge, to dwell in. Herberges (a), at the caf- tle. Jkrberjours, lodgers. H I 121 Herbette, dull. Herbirent (queux), who were quartered. Herces, hearfes. Here, heir.- Hereges, heretics. Her it, an heretic. Heritanz, inhabitants. Hernois, herneys, harnefs. Heroies, heroes. Heroldes, heralds. Herpe, a harp. Herfedecome, archdea- conry. Herfoin, yefierday. Hertefcombe, the allion in the civil law, called atlio familia ercifcundx; in our law, coparcenery. Het, heate, the heart. Hettez, heartv. Heu (jai), I have had. HeudernerTe, Holdernefs. Heuke, huke, a hood. Heurs, heirs. H e u r u fi te, happinefs . Heuft efte, had been. Hey be, hay bote. Heynofte (le), the heinouf- nefs. Hi, there, thither. Hide, fright, dread. Hidel, a place of [ancillary. Hidous, frightful, terri- fying. " Hier, heir. Hiytan jour, eighth daw Ilille 122 H O Hille (le), the ijle. < TJ iluc, there. Hirete, inheritance, Hirland, Ireland. Ho, flop, ceafe -, the word made ufe of for the com- batants to leave off fight- ing. Ho (k) devereit entendre, to make one believe, Hobeiffent, obey. Hobelours, hollers, light- horfemen, halberters. Hobyns, hobbies, ■ Hogetz, young weather- Jheep. Hoict, eight, Hoirie, inheritance, Hoirs, heirs. Hokes, hooks. Hoketons, akeron, acton, cloaks or caffocks. Horn a, man. Home, homa, homage, Hoineaus, the Elms near Smithfield •, the place of execution before Tyburn. Honayllurs, at the fame time, never thelefs, Honeefts, lawful. Hones, honour. Honiz, injured, ruined. Honour ment, ornament. Honrage, a feigniory, a great fee. Hons, a man, Hont, have. Hontage, affront, ap- proach. . H O Honurement, honourably, Hony, difgrace, evil. Hooland, Holland. Hopulandes, houpelands, furres, 2, two long coats or cloaks furred, Hor eft (par le chambir- layne quy), by the pre- fent chamberlain, Hore, hour. Hore (a), at prefent. Hore (que del), fince that, inafmuch as, Hore ditte, given, tendered. Hores (routes lesj, when- ever. Hors d'or (un rubi), a ruby not fet in gold. Hors de ceinz, out of this place, Hors dun fine, upon a fine. Hors de pofiefiion, out of peffeffon. Hors port, bringeth forth. Hors qt houre, from tht time that, as foon as. Hors pris, omitted, except- ed. Horftreit hors, drawn out, Hc.rfl.rez, dragged out. Hort, a garden, Hofa, dared. Hoftagez, heflages. Hofte, an ho ft, a guefi. Hofte, put out. Hofte (luy) de l'egliie, thofe who hold of th$ church. Hoftel, H O HofM, boufeholdy family* Hoftel, hoft, houft, an army. Hoilelage, entertainment at an inn \ the hire of flails in a market, Jloitelef, to put up at an inn. Hoftelier, hoftillers, hof- tillurs, holtler, an inn- keeper. Hoftell le roy, hofteulx, the kind's houfehold. Holler, to remove. Hoftery, hoftry, an inn. Houes (!es), the doors. Hoite- (tut), entirely re- moved. Hotlez, repulfed. Hoftiel, hofteulz, houfe, lodging, home, quarters. Hoftielx tenauntz, houfe- bclders. Hoftier, to take out, dhni- nijh from. Houces, houfin^s. Houches, chefs. Houghtez, taken cut, erafed. Hountoufement, Jhame- fully. Houpells, tufts, taffels. Houre qes (del), fince that, fo long as. Houre Terra (quant), when the time comes. Hous en hous (de), from door to doer. H U 123 Houft, army. Houft, iv ar, a military ex- pedition. Houftei, hcufc. Houftiel, houfehold. Hovement. digging. Howes, gcefe. Hoz, hoze, on army* Hu, hue and cry. Huches (en lour), in their chefs. Huches de mariners, the mariners chefs. Huchet, a huntfman y s horn, from whence comes the zvord, hue. Huchier, to proclaim. Hue, cry, clamour. Huech, eight. Hueil, an eye. Hues, had. Huem, hucm, a man. Huers (pafTet), paffed through, out. Huevre, work. Huguetto, Agatha. Hui, huy, today. Huimes, now, prefenily. Huitienes (les), the oc- taves. Hujus (quatre),/ youth, Jeovene (le), the younger, Jer, firft. Jer, yeflerday. Jerint, they have gone, Jerjour, firjl day. Jertm, Jcrufclem. Jem, Yarmouth. Iert, foall be. Jcrt, will be. Jefkes, jelquefencea, till ?lvW, hitherto. Jeflamer, 126 I L Jeflamer, on this fide the feas. v Jefq a, contrary to. Jefques en cea defoies, de foie, hitherto unheard of, unaccuflomed. Jeftiefmes (fe pfent), // we were prefent. . Jette fors, excepted, Jeu, a Jew. Jeufday, Tuefday. Jeufdye, Jurifdie, I'uefday. Jewife (a fa), fee Juife. J ex, eyes. Iffinite, affinity. Igale, equal. Iglife, church. Ignier, igny, to burn, fired. Jia (il), they are. J'lere, j'ere, I was. Ilez, they. Illedt, of the fame place* Illee (d'), moreover. Illes, ijlands. Illickes, illeques, illoc,, illec, alec, there. Illieyt (taunt come), as long as there are. Illiont (fi N , if they have. Illoeqes, there. Illoefqes, illuefqes, illuf- qes (dc), frcm thence, from that time, Illoigner, eloined. Iluccke, there. Imbuent. they drank. I N Immunite, freedom, immu- nity. Impareil, not to be com* pared with. Impayrera (ne), fhall not vitiate. Impediera, fhall hinder, Impere, empire, jurifdie* t'wn. Impetraceion, requeft,fuit, profecutions. Impierment, prejudicing. Implier, to fill up, fulfil. I m portables, greater than can be bom, infupport* able. Importunes (jeues), vain, inconvenient, improper games and fports. ImpreiTeur, a printer. Imprimt en le jour, twi- light. Improvement, improving. In aprcs, thenafter. Inane re, to make void. lncarnacum, incarnation. Incedent, fet forth, pub- lijhed. Inchoatz, commenced. Incleafed, ensured, en- tangled. Inconnera, obfirull*. I neuter, to ftrike. Indeu, indebted. Indite, pronounced. Indue, to declare. lndomit, I N Indomit, untameable. Inducaft, induced, intro- duced* ' Induement, unduly. Indueront, perfuade, bring into temper. Induifant, perfuading. lndult, young, not of age. Induyent, inducl, put into. Infamateurs, infamous. Infamife (nul), no infam- ous perfon. Infecl, undone. Infer, hell. Inferme propos (eft il), hath a firm purpofe. Informacions, inftruclions. Ingen, wrong, deceit. Ingene (mal), /'// will. Ingenyes (les), their wits. Ingyft, thrown out. Inhabilitauons, i//Iz£/////Vj-. Inhable, enabled. Inhonute.Te, fhamclefs. Inhumevnement, ontrage- oufiiy, cruelly. Injecture le maines, lay- in? hands on one. o Inique, wicked. Inife. See Juis. Injuratours (lour), thofe who inured them. Inlagerie, inlawry. Inneumcnt., renewal. Innig, June. Inoniee, without a n.ime. Inorer^ to le ignorant. I N 127 Inquietavmce, difquiet. Inquietours, ftrjons who molefted incumbents in their benefices, by virtue of pro-vijions from the ■ pope. Inquife, found, inquired. Inrafer, to pull up by the roots. Infciement, ignorantly. Infeller, to occupy a flail in a church. I n fe n fes , informed. In (km, pregnant. Inftru&es, prepared. I n ft r u 1 n , inflrument. Intant a dire, as much as to fay. Interes, interefte, injuries. Imelefte, omitted, inter- lined. Intermement, (a 1'), to the determination. Inthime, an enthymeme ; intimation. Inthimer la ellecTion (luy), to intimate to him the eleclion. In time amie, my dear friend inwardly. Intromittent, intermeddle. Imrufours, intruders. INV, Jcfus. Invaire, to invade. Invalibles, any artillery made of in an invaficn. Inveigner, to find. Innvnde i £* J o Inwynde deins la tefonc des lains, in winding within the fleeces of wool. Jo, joe, /. Joalx, ]ohus, jewels. Joefnes, joefene, young, Joel, joer, day. Joerge, fwear. Joefdie, Jocfdy, Joeudie, Joedy, Juefdy, Thurfday. al, a jewel. a us, jewels. eront, Jhall enjoy, ex, joyful, happy. gnet, Joign, Joil, July. r, obtain, enjoy. tement, wording. Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo J°. Joiz, enjoyed. J one home, young man. Jones, John. Jonglours, minfirels. Jont, joint. Jor, to them. Jor promts (no unt teu), have not kept their pro- mife. Jor, joure (al), at fhc day. Jorci (d'), of York. Jorgi, George. Jorer, to fwear. Jornaunte (a la), at day- break. Jornc, day fervice. Jornee, place, day. Jornee (la), the. taking the affize. Jorrours, jorres, jurors, juries. JO Jorney, jorneie (a la), in court. Jofe, thing. Jothed, caft out. Jou, Imyfelf Jou, a cock. Jova, played. Jouene chapon, a young capon. Jouers, fl age-players. Jouette, youth. Jougleur, a minfirel. Jour en autre de journe- ment, daily. Jour (defques au) de huy, to this day. Jour de huy en un moys (dedenz du), within this day month. Jouree, fworn. Journante, before fun-rfe, day -break. Journe, a yoke. Journe, journee (a unc), at one day. Journe (a la), at the court. Journee, day, time. Journee (a la), at the meet- ing. Jours (apres les), after the deceafe. Jourfmais (a tous), for ever. Jous (tornbe), fell down. Jouft, juft. Joufle, near. jOUiiC, according to. Joyer, I s Joyef, to enjoy. Joynant (del droit), of the right joining to it. Joy nture, junclion. Joyons, rejoice. Joy/Tent a tenet, have a right to hold. Joz a (tous), for ever. Ire, to go, to journey \ alfo angry. Iretage, heritage, inherit- ance. Irreis, Irrys, Irrois, Irifh. Irreit a terre, would fall to the ground. Irreit pas (ne), fhould not proceed. Irrer, to journey, to per- form their iters. Irrez avaunt, JJoall proceed. Irrite, unjufl, void, of no effett. Irrours, indignation. trruer, to fubvert, to rujh in upon. Is fors (il), they go out. Ifcint (de qi), from whom iffued. Ifle (ne), Jhall not ijfue. Ifles (bailiffs des), bailiffs thereof; or bailiffs cf the ifles, viz. of Sark, Ai- de mey, &c. Iflierfa,_/W/ clufe. Ifoicnt, are there. Uoit.Jhouid be. Ifp,/c? near. } tJ 129 Ifs (ke), which they. Ifient, they ijfue. Ifier (ne puffe), cannot gd out. Iflerene, went out. Iflint, thus, fo. Iflir, going out. Ifiift, he went out. Iflit, it iffues. Iflue (lour), their brood, their youngi Iflue, an end. I flu it, infuch manner. Ift, hefiallbc. Ift, lies, iffues. Iftal, fuch. Iftra, ifter, jhall ijfue out. Itel (d'afcun), of any fuch per f on. Itel manere (en), in fuch manner. Iter, a ram. Juzgus, jewels. Jucques au nombre, to the number. Iveer (en), in winter. Juelyn, Yvelyn, Evelyn^ Dublin. Ji^en, June. Juer (cardes a), flaying cos ds. Juerie (ju dices de la)> juftices of the jews. Juers, George. J ues. pitnifhment, judge- ment. J ues, Jews. K Juefdy, 130 J U Juefdy, Juofdy, Thurfday. Jueus.juaux,jueles v />w;f/.r. Juez, jues, games. Jug (k), the judge. Juge, a yoke. Jugeable (ne foit), cannot form any judgement. Jugeos (feront), Jhall be fworn. Juggrictz, Jhall judge. Jugied, adjudged. Jujg, Joigncl, June. Juife, juifle, juyfe, judge- ment, fentence, vulgar purgation, fire - ordeal, water- ordeal, Jingle com- bat. Juife fans autre, without other, judgement being pajfed *. Juife aut a la, let him clear himfelf; let him go to his ordeal. Juife ficomc il appent (face faire), that they may have fuch jujlice as they deferve. Ju merit, an ox. Jumentz, mares. Jundre (a), to add to. Jung, Jun, June. Junz, innz, inner part. J upar dee, jeopardy. Jur, jura, day. JU Jure, jurere, to fwear. Juree, a jury. Juree, jures, an oath, oaths. Juretz, jurats, fworn. Juretz (entre), took an oath to each other. Jurez, one who is within the law. Jurges, oaths. Jurgent, fwear. Jurrfdie, Tuefday. Jurpris, adjourned. Jurre, a liege-man. Jurromy (nous ne), we do not fwear. Jufte la coftere, near the coaft. Juftice, jufticer, jufticiee, amenable to jujlice. Jufticement fort et dure, penance fort and dure, Jufticer a lui (ne fe voet), refufes to fubmit to jus- tice before him ; to ap- pear before him. Jufticer (fe) p ley, tojuf- tify or acquit himfelf by law. Jufticerie (de la), of the jufticiary, to the judges. Juftices, brought to jujlice, made to do jujlice. * The trial by ordeal was abolifhed in our courts of jufticc in 3 Hen. III. by an order of the kin^; in council. Jufticiables, K A Jufticiables, j uftifable, juf- tifiable, jujliciable, an- fwerable to, amefnable, liable to be fummoned. Juftifie per Ton ordinaire (ne vovle efte), will not be jujlified by his ordi- nary, will not offer to cbey and perform thefen- tence. Juftifiere (a), that jufiice may be executed, Juftifiers (a), to have judgement given. Juftifiez, regulated. JuftizementSjjufticements (les), judgements. Juvenc (de fa), from his youth. JuvafTen, rejoice. Juvefneffe, youth. Juy, judgement-, that is, of God-, the vulgar pur- gation by fire or water. Juygner, Juig, Juyn, Juyng, June. Juyl, July. Juzzer, fivear. Iz prion, they pray. KA, who. Rabal, a horfe. Kage, a cage, a place for confinement. Kalendrel (moys), a ca- lendar month. Kailez, Chcrksi K N 131 Kan, kes je puis, as much as is in my power. Kardoil, Carlifle. Kare, for. Karrefme, Karifme, Lent. Kas (en), in cafe. Kafkun, every. Kafte, chajle. Kaunr, kanke, ke, what- foever. Ke fe li, that if the. Kee, ke, that. Kelm et Newur (entre), between Kelham and Newark. Kem alaft, that we mujl Kenes, oaks. Kenteys (en), by the Kent- ijh law. Ker, a city. Kere (a), to procure. Keries, carried. Kernes, idle per fons, vaga- bonds. Kerver, a carver-, Keu, ko, a tail. Keus, thofe. Keynes, keins, afh-trees. Keynes (en couper de), in cutting clown timber. Keyns, kiens, keynz, oaks. Kideux, kiddles. Knol, kne, a hill. Knowr, knoppe d'or, a knob of gold. K 2 Knout 132. L A Knout (roy), king Canute. Koke, a cook, Koungres, coungrcs, con- gers. ( Ky, which, whofe. Kydes, young kids, Kynebanton (le manoir de), the manor of Kim- bolton. Lrer, to deliver, hres, lettered, learn- ed. La, lac, lat, milk. La ou, la u, whereas. La que (fi) ? until that. La (fi), fo long. La v, la hu, where, Labeur, labour, work. Labor merted, the other moiety. Labourer (a\ to work. Lacaye, a lacquey. Laccat (fur), when the bargain was made. Laces, fnares. Laces (per), by door- falls, Lacharad (il), be bought thim. Laches, lafclie (Ie plus), the moft lazy, cowardly, bafe> or pitiful perjen. LacheiTe, idlemfs, negli- gence. Lacs de feie, laces ofjilk. Lacy, there. Ladee:, difhes. L A Ladell d'argent, a filver ladle. Laet drap, broad-cloth. Lafferenr, they belong. Laganes, lageons, lagons, gallons, Lagette, a cheft, box. Lai, iaie, law. Lai, laie, laye, a plaint, complaint. Laid, grievous. Laie (en), for the relief, eafe. Laie (de, aafieeir,/ willed. Lea, ley, pajiure ground. Leans, within , in this place. Leafe, a leajh. Leafer (p), by falfifying, leafing. Leaure, leur, breath. Leaus, leaux, lawful, liege people, alfc loyal. Leaument, lealment, law- fully, jujily. loyally. Leaues (bailiffs de), wa- ter-bailiffs. Leaute, auihenticknefs. Leaute (de), of his lega- lity, of being rectus in curia. Leawe, water. Lebardz, leopards, lions. Lebre, lep, a hare Leccon >entendent la), at- tend the election. Leclee, milk. Lede, grievous. Lede ou bele, fick or healthy, handfome or ugly. Ledenge, ledenges, da- mazed. Led era, Jhall hurt. Ledez, hurt. Lee, law. L E Lee, large. Lee dever (ferra), jhall be contented, glad to have, Lee, leeuz, lead. Lees (indices,) thejujlices. Lees (pur), by leafe. Lees, leez, a leafe, re- leafe. Lees, them. Lees, lieez, lee, pleafed. Lees, advice, award. Leefce, leeche, joy. Leez (molt), very glad, Leez, obl;ged. Lcger (dc),Jhortly. Leger (ne le creriez mie de), would not give him the leaf credit Legerement, flightly, ea- fily, Jhortly. Legerement fubverfion, fpeedy fubverfion. Legerment (rewle), a /landing rule. Legerte de jaungle (de), from a levity of dif- courfe. Leges fnrs (al), to the liege lords. Legier, brijk, light. Lcgier (de), eafily. Legs, miles. Legurcment, flightly. Lei, to hi-' 7 . Lei as, lawful, Leicber, licher, to lick. Lcid, aid, Le;e L E Leie (la), the law. Leigne, line. Leigncs, wool. Leinynes, linen. Leins, king, afar off. Leinz (de), himfelf. L'eir, the heir, Leir (fil foit), if he can read. Leisj them. Leife, read, reads. Leife de dras, lift of cloth, breadth of cloth. Leife, le'fiie, leifible, // Jhall be lawful. Leifir, leifer, patience, lei- fure. Lei/Te (lei), omitted it. Leift, deliver. Leifure, reading, Leiuz, therein. Leiz, near. Leiz, Lewis. Lem doit (coment), how one ought. Lem foleit faire (fi come), as ufed to be done. Lendemain de la clufe de Pafque, the morrow af- ter the clofe of Eajler. Lendemeyn, the morrow. Lenge, linen. Lenn, Lynn. Lenne, Lincoln. Lenor, the honor. jLenquadre, Lancajler. L E 135 Lentz monet, the month of March. Lenz, there. Leoms Dieux, we praife God. Leoneys, Loencis (en), in Lothian. Leour, their. Leopertz, leopards, lions. L'quelfc (ou come), as any other. Lequelleque, whether. Le quen, which. Ler, their. Lerbe, the grafs. Lerce-hound, a lurcher. Lernuemenr, the commen- dation. Leiont, they lie. Lerra, may leave. Lerra morir (fe), Jhall die. Lerre, liare, a thief, a rob- ber. Lerront (ne), will not fail doing. Les, I aft. Lefchancement {pur), for the aggrandifing. Lefchewes, trees fallen by chance, wind-falls. Lefcuverad, he muft, he ought. Lefe, leave. Lefer, to hurt. Les gentz, lay people. K 4 Lefion, I3 a judge who prefides over a fub- altern jurifditlion. Magefte (la), the Trinity. Maign, great. Maignee devant, brought before. Maignem, live, dwell. Majeure, major. Mail, may He, an half- penny. Maimement, efpecially. Main, in the morning. Main-a-main, immediately. Mainables, amenable, dif- trainable. Mai n bu rn ie, guardianfoip or government. Maincraftes, handicrafts. Maindres, mains, fmall, lefs. Maine en gule (d'), from hand to mouth. Maine (come fa), as part of his houfehold. Maine (a foy defedre j> fa), to wage battle. Mainor (le), the tenancy, the occupation. M A 143 Mainorable, memorable, manurable, tenable, de-> mifeable, lying in tenure. Main oeure, meinoure, meynoure (a), with the manor. Mainour (1a), the work, the repairing. Mainoverer, to manure, Mainpes, mainprifed. Mains (per que) quecun- que il vient, howfoever it came to pafs. Mains (a tot le), with all the hands, viz. chaplains and fmging- men. Mains (jureront en noz), fhall fwear in our pre- fence. Mains vraie, untrue. Maint, much, many. Maintenant, prefently. Maintes fois, many times. Maintion, mention. Maintz, maints, lefs. Mainuelx meftiers, ma- nual occupations. Mainv (ma), my family. Mair, mayor. M*ire, mother. Mai re (a), to marry. Mairiaux, material. Maifne, younger. Maifne (lor), their family. Maifoner, to build, repair. Maid Diex, pltafe God. Maifte, majcfly. Maiftrez, 144 M A Maiftrez, maflers. Maiftrie, management, in- fluence, power, dominion* Maite, moiety. Makement, contrivance. Mai, maletts, malies, bags. Mai (a) tort tkndroit lieu, with much lefs propriety would it lie. Mai (de) ou pyz, worfe and wor/e. Mai paiez, diffatisfied. Mai voillance, malveul- lantz (p), through ill will. Maladif, maledif, Jickly, fick, afflicled. Maid, Matilda. Maldifpoufee(molt), much indifpofed. Male (la), the mail, the portmanteau. Male toute, entirely bad, good for nothing. Malele (mult a), very un- eafy. Malets, cloakbags. Mai fez, wicked, evil. Malmenez, malmelhe, evilly kept. Malney, malvey., guilty cf a mi [demeanor, con u- n.acicus. Malrais, evil. Makalent, ira'talenz, /£>//?, indignation, rancour. M A Mai veilles, mal vc'ifae$ 3 mf- aemeatwurs, Malveift, malves, mal- vois, evil, an offence. Malurez, Coes, evil,fedi' tious commoners. Malx, mals (tUbe), iffus male. Man, a Norman. Manablemefnt eiflllle (per), perpetual banijhment. Manantz, manans, reji- dent. Manas (brefe de), writ of mainprize. Manaibrs, pledges, main- pernors. Manaflfables, threatening, menacing. Manaunts genz (bon), houjekeepers of credit. Manche (que vous n'au- rez), that you will never fail. M .neon ages, manfion- houfes. MandafTent (qils), that they j end. Maude, commanded. Mande (en tien), in fuck manner. Mandementz, writs of mandamus. Mandez, fent. Mandiens, beggars. LTandient, curfe. Mandiffkns, commanded. i Mandre M A Mandre (a), to amend. Maneceantz, threatening. Maner, manoyre, a manor. Maneer (vey le) potius, vey le maneer, will bring *. Mancires, maners, ma- nies, maners, manors, Manere (la), the cuftom. Maneys (en la), in the hands* Manger (fans repris de), without giving any wages, Mangerie (tienge), keeps a table for his retainers, Manguay (je ne), / did not omit. Manguement, fault, flip. Mangeries (a), in the kit- chen, at the table. Maniere forfque (en), in manner but. Maniple, handful. Manique, a madman. Manning, a day's work. Manors, manors. Manour (ove), with the mainour, with the goods in their hands. Mans (les), the evils. Manfe, a farm. Manies. hides of land. Mante, he commands. Alan tinge, maintain. M A 145 Manuefter, to filch, to thieve. Manulx, manual. Manure, occupy. ManurTer, manaffier, threatened. Manyee, handled, under confideration. Manyemens, management, condutl, adminijlration. Mappe, a cloth, a table' cloth. Maras, mares, marche, marreys, maries, marys, marfh-ground. Maraltre, mother-in-law. Marces (fe fount), have fettled themf elves. March (dc vni), at eight marks. Marche, marchie (le), the market price. Marchande (ville), mar- ket-tozun. Marchant, (nul alleve), ne prive, no merchant, fir anger, or domejlic. Marche, territory, neigh- bourhood. Marche (a), to market. Marchees de terre (ico), land valued at 100 marks a year. Marchent, adjoin to, are bounded by. Vid. Ror. Pari, vol.1, p. 10. pet. 45. Potius vejie. Hale's MS. i, Marches 146 M A Marches (par les), in the market towns. Marches, marches, fron- tier cities or towns be- tweenEnglandandWales, England and Scotland, "Marches, marks. Marchefche, the feaji of the Annunciation, cele- brated in March. Marc his, marquis. Marchiflans (font), are bordering. Marcier, to pay. Marcolfe (en la chambre), the triers of petitions in parliament for foreign parts ufed to Jit in this chamber. xx 1. marcz, 20 i ooomarks. Mare (de toute), of all manner. Mareanz, maronniers, ma- riners. Marenne, land bordering on the fea. Marefchall, marfhal. Marefchaucie, Marfmlfea. Marefchcs, grain fown in March, fpring- corn. Manages, marriage per-- tion. Manage (a Ton), for her marriage -portion. Margeries, marquifetts. Mariole, the image of the virgin Mary. Manine (loy), marine lazv. MarkafTent, mar; id. .MA' Maritifmes (charbons), fea-coals. Marlers, marl-pits, Marrie (del), of the huf- band. Marriglier, merriglier, maruglies, marguelier, a church-warden, a fa- criflan, or fexton. Marr'iSj furprifed, concern- ed. Marroch (Streites de), Straights tf Morocco or Gibraltar. Mars (deux), two marks. Martens, hammers. Marteror, the feajl of all faints. Marthied in ret (al), at the king's market. Martirizer, martyred. Martrons (furres de), furr of mar tern or marten. Marvels^ evil. Mary et cfpeux (a loial), for her lawful hujl>and and fpoufe. Mas, but. Maie(fercrent d€),ferjeant at the rn.ue. Mafer, mazer (un), a cup or pobiet. Mafere, entries, pajfages, •ualksy grcu Mafic ';:•;. be male. ; mafs. Mat, M A Mat, a fool, a fit. Mat k,the chagrin concern. Mate, Matilda. Maten, morning. Mater, matter, bufinefs. Mater (font), are the means, are contrived. Materiells peches 3 tempo- ral offences. Matta, placed. Mattire, matirez, matter. Mavaftiers, wicked doers. Mauclerk, ignorant^ un- learned. Mauclum (roy), king Malcon. Mauduit, /'// conditioned. Mauveifte^mauveftejmau^ vaifte, mauveys, ma- voite, offence. Maufeteur, offender. Maufcz, demons, Mauls, mi f chief, Maumenes, ill-treated. Maumis, maimed. Maunches reveries (fes), hisjleves turned back. Maundall, fend. Maundable, to he dire tied. Maunder, to command. Maupae, ill treated. Maupitc a x , inexorable. Maures, a lyar. Mauriot ja meltier (il ne), there would be no occa- fwn for me. Maufbaretz, evil conten- tions, ill grounded fuits. M A 147 Maufeflieure (pur), for avoiding it. Mavys, mavos, evil. Mayaouft, the middle of Auguft, the affumption*, Maydeneftan, Maidfion. Mayen (par), by means. Maylee de pain, a half-' penny worth of bread. Maylcs, halfpence. Mayn de eftre, right-hand. Mayn (de) en auter, lay- ing our hands on the altar. M^yn^untie^manfion-houfe. May ne (la), the mailer and mariners of a fhip. Mayneall, in company with. Maynerent, maimed. Maynes, (de) a mayns, at leafi. Mayneur, mainour, may- noeure, work. Mavnpaft, meynpaft, houjehcld, family, de-* ■pendame. Mayns valaynt, of the leafi Mayns, matins, Ma\ nrz demonftrantz, many remonftrances. Mayor, greater. Maz, a tnaft. Mazer (hanap de), a bowl made of mazer, TV * ■ J J 7 jVicanc. middle, L 2 Mcane i + 8 M £ Meane (en le), in the man- ner. Mear, fea. Meas, but. Meafon, room. Meafon s, nitches. Meaur droit, meer right* Meaux, mere; befi. Mecogneues, unknown. Mecreance, fufpicion. Mectez en execution, put into execution. Mectre, to expend. Med fee, a reward, a bribe. Mediate (per le), by the mediation. MedifTe manere (par), in the fame manner. Medle, mixed, compound- ed. Med lefe, medle, an affray, dijlurbance. Medlure de peche (par), by blending offences. Medlure (pur la), on ac- count of the mixing. Medoine, the river Med- ia ay. Medu temps (en le), in the mean time. Mee (ne a), has not. Meel, honey. Meemcnt, meefmement, namely, efpecially. Meement, merrily. Meen arm - M E Meen (come), as a me* diator. Meener, to produce. MeenerefTe, mediatrix. Meenner, an arbitrator, mediator. Mcer (hors de), beyond fea. Mees, moved; mediators, Mees, meefe, mefs. Mees (des), of meat. Mee veto en t, dijlurbance, commotion. Mefet, offence. Meflfet, mi f done. MefYere, to do mifchief. Megme (la), the fame. Megnes, brought. Meheynee (leva la), raifed the hue and cry. Meiere, mother. Meignal, meynal, menial. Mei, meime, mciny, family, houfehold, ccm- pany. Meigtc breve (ill ad), there is many a writ. Meilles, befi, greatefi. Meillour, mulier. Meiltz, the Utter. Mein, hand. Mein, mien, mines, mine. Meinalx, meffengers. [e (la), infancy, rity. i.etion (de nul), in any inferior ail-ion., M E Meines, inferior perfons. Meincs fages, indifcreet, illiterate perfons, Meines, nor. Meinez, many. Meingtenuz, maintained, affifled. Meinoure, meynours, with the manor. Meire, mayor. Me ins q, lefs than., under. Meins, meindre, lefs. Meins (a tote le), at the leaft. Meins bone difcretion, in- difcretion. Meins de bien meignent, bring fewer goods. Meins (al), into the hands, Meins, melen (iauntz), without mefne. Meins mifes fur feintz, laying our hands on the gofpels. Meinft (le), the lead. Meint, meine, dwells, re- fides. Meintenant, then, pre- fently. Meintenems, maintain. Meint manera, many ways. Meintroms, will maintain. Meinure (la), the work. Meinz chofes, things of fmall value, JVleircient, bi\y and fill. Meis, more. M E 149 Meis, a month, Meifan, houfe, Meifent, put, Meifme, fame, the fame, himfelf. Meifement, in like man- ner. Meifnee, meine, houfehold, family. MeifTent en refpit, fhould he refpited, Mei (Tom, fhould heflow. Meiflbins avant, produce. MeifTbins (que nous), that we fhould put. Meift, meite,/>#/, contain- ed in. Meift, need, Meiiter (q'il a), that it is neceffary. Meiftr, meifters, meftre, majler. Meift rie, majlerfhip, ma- gijfracy. Meiftrie, necejfary. Meiftymours de querell, maintainers of quarrels, difputes, fuits. Meiter, meictre, to put, place. Meleour, better. Meliealx, melx, bejl, Melle, honey. Melle, an affray. Melle ((e) de la vente, meddle with the f ale. L 3 Meller 15© M E Meller (a), to blend, mix, interfere in, to interpofe. Mellez (ne fe devient), ought not to intermeddle in it. Mellieu, middle. Melz, mekz, better. Membres (per prendre), by caption of goods. Men, my. Men temps, meantime. Men (en), in ajlate of in- fant ty. Menable, amefnable, br 'ought \ induced. Menageoers, farmers, huf- bandmen. Men ant, dwelling, refid- ing. Menafiables (ne), not to be menaced. Menaflent, menaftez (lui), lead him. Menauntife, a fettled con- cern, a place of refi- dence. Menbra, remember. Mende (la), amends, fa- tisfafticn. Mend' provereit, fhould make the heft proof. Mendinantz, mendians, beggars. Mend re, Icafl. Mend res, lefs. Mene gentz (de lc. f ,), of the middling people. M fi Mene judgement (fans), without mefne judge- ment. Mene pris, at a low -price. Menee a f , brought to an- fwer. Menee, mene (la), the hue and cry. Menenges, houfehold, de- pendants, menial fer- *vants. Mener, to manage, conduct. Mencs, menees, brought^ treated. Meneftralcie (par colour de), under pretence of being a minfirel. Mengier (de), from eat- ing. Meni, menuz dymes, fmall tythes. Meniez, made. Menir, to bring. Menis (et volons ja le), and w e will alfo. Meniftres, minijlers, of- ficers. Menne, mene, mencs peo- ple, inferior people. Mennes, lefs, fmall. Mennes peches, fmall of- fences. Mennes keynes, fmall oaks. Menour, manager. Menour (here), friars mi- ners. Men re, M E Men re, brought in, drove in. Menront (Jes), will con- duel tbem. Menfoynes, lies, Menfure, meafure. Ment, much. Mente, mint. Mentineez, maintenance. Mentincr, mention. Mentir, to lie, to fay what is falfe. Mentor, menter, a lyar. Mentre (foy), breach of faith. Menty, mentu, have lied, faid what is falfe. Mentz, a mentz, for the befi. Mentz (lour), their befi. Menues bailiifes, inferior bailiffs. Menu re, remain. Menuz chofes, fmall things. Meour droit, the better right. Meofifme (foi) de archer, went a fhooting. Mer/meer bank, the fea- Jhore. Mer (de la) d'Efcoce, the marches of Scotland. Merce, meer, mercy ,gr ace. Mercez, wares. Merchal, mar/hall. Merche del merche, mark- ed with the mark or fiamp % M E 151 Merchez, markets. Merchie des vivres, the rate or market price of vicluals. Merchiez, ftgned. Merci (fur), upon favour. Mercia, merchia, thank- ed. Mere, mature. Mere, only, abfolute. Meri et mifti (jurifdic- tions), jurifdiflions mere and mixed. Merifme, maerifme, mer- mi, timber. Meritorie, meritorious. Merk, merches lettres, letters of marque. Merkedy, Merdie, Mer- curedi, Wednefday. Merrour, a Icoking-glafs. Mers, marjhes. Mers, mercz, wares. Mers (la), the mercy. Merted, moiety. Mertlage, martyrology. Merture (de ce), of this matter. Meruft, caufeth, occafions. Merym, merime, merin, merrien, merifme, mae- "rifme, mermi, timber. Merz, amerciaments ; mer- chandize. Mes, month. Mes, but, from thence- forth, afterivards, fill, L 4 again, J52 M E again, no longer, no more, alfo, us, we. Mes (a toutz jour), for ever after. Mes ja, but yet, neverthe- lefs. Mes que per, but only by. Mes ficome eft conteyne, than is contained. Mes fil voit ferver, but whether it will ferve. Mes que (que), that as foon as. Mes (pur), out of mif chief . Mes avegne, evil, misfor- tune happens, befalls. Mifceient, mefcent, inter- mix. Mefcri, mifchief, misfor- tune. Mefces ortieux, the mid- dle toes. Mefcez, accufe. Mefchet (fi il), if he mif carries. MefconnufTant, ignorant. Mefcreablcs gentz, perfons not to be believed. Mefcreauntz, mifcreants, infidels, unbelievers, he- retics. Mefcruz, fufpetled, guilty. MefcufTe, excufe. Mefeafe, trouble, misfor- tune. Mefcl, mefeal, mefiau, a leper. M E Mes entendetz(vous) i< y(7« mifunderjland. Mefeaux deges, leprous perfons. Mefeife de cuer (a), uneafy in cur mind. Mes fere, mif deed. Mesfefours, criminals. Mefiuil, mefuil, a meffuage, a houfe. Mefire, monfieur. Mefkerdy, Wednefday. Mefmes, himfelf. Meih en repons, put t§ anfwer. Me in age, of the houfe ho Id. Mdham (le), took him, led him away. Mefnaunce, bringing in. Mefnauntes, bringing. Meihe (a la), in the mid- dle. Mefne (le court fera), the court fhall be adjourned. Mefnee, mefnie, meyne, family. Mtfnee (ee de fa), to be within his jurifditlion. Mefnees, managed. Mefner feroit (qant), when it fhould come in auef- tion. Mefnes ''par diverfes), by divelfe means. Mefnier, a public cry er. Mefnours, leaders, con- ductors. Mefnours; M E Mefnours des querelx, bearers of quarrels. Mefoing, negligence. Mefon, a houfe, Mefonage, houfe -room, warehoufe-room. Melprendre, to mifbebave> cffendy Mei pre dure, offence t mif- conducl. Mefpriorai (de ceo), of this I will exculpate my- M-. Meipris, offendedy done amifs. "' Mefprifon, mifprifion. Meis, mafs. Meflage, a mejfenger, one retained in the few-ice of another y a dependant. Meffagerie (par colour de), under pretence of being a meffenger. Meflages, an ambaffador, a nuncio. Mefieift, evil intreat. MeiTeles, middle; difcafed. MefTeles (dens), the cheek- teeth. MelTer, meffour, an officer in a manor y who had the overlooking and care of ike fields in the time of harvefty and for which he was intitledto certain profits. MeMerie, feigncry, domi- flioft. M E 15$ Meffilerie, a lazaretto, aH hofpitalfor lepers. Mefiire, my lord. Meffire vos garde, tht Lord preferve you. Meflbins, had a mind* Meffoinges, lyes. Meflfoir, but had he been. Meffures, meafures, termst, Mefter (haut), grand maf- ter. Meiter de counter (le), the fcience of pleading. Meiter foit (fi), if there be occafton. Meftier (le), the bufinefs, trade, occupation. Meftre, my fiery. Meitre, be committed. Meftres, majlerSy clients. Meftrier, to get the maf- teryy dominion. Mefuenges (lour), their houfeholdy dependants. Mefurable, reafonable, mo*- derate, proportionate. Mefurable manner (en), in a proportionable man- ner. Mefurage (pur le), for the meafure. Meiure terre, land con- taining about forty ox gangs. Meiure (le), the terms. Mefure (preigne), be mo- derate. Mefurs 154 M E Mefure rafe, rafen (par), by a meafure ftrichn. Mefurer, to mow. Met, to put. Met, puts. Met a confeil, ajked the advice of. Metable a mainprize, to be let to mainprize, mainpernable. Metere (de), to place, af- fign, to put. Metir, offers. Metre, to pledge. Metre (le), m after. Mette peyne (ne), let them /pare no pains. Mettes, bounds. Mettes (faux), falfe mea- fures. Mettid, charges. Mettier, the moiety. Mettive, harveft-time. Mettre (a), tofet,fix. Mever (e), to move. Aleves, moved. Meu, meus, commenced, moved, induced. Meuchz, meuth, meulx, meux, nieuz, meutz, meultz, better. Meult (femble pur le), it jeems be ft. Mculz vaues, moft fub- Jlantial. Meur, mcour droit, better, beft right. M E Meures, mature, ripe> Jieady. Meurra (les), Jhall mufter them. Meu ri Hon, maturity. Meurte, maturity, wifdom. • Meufengs, thofe- of his family, his dependants. Meufmes (nous), we mov- ed. MeurTent, ftirred up. Meut, a kennel. Meuth (I vient), it is bet- ter ; beft. Meuz, many. Meymes (dc), of the fame. Meyn (par le), by the hand. Meyn (la pleyne), the handful. Meyn (a fa foule), on his own Jingle oath. Meyn (avaunt), before hand. Meyn (du), of my own. Meyn en meyn (dt),from hand to hand. Meyn le temp (en), /* the mean time, at the fame time. Meyn ove, work, labour-, ufed. Meyn (fans), without mefne. Meynal, menial. Meynce damage (au), do- ing as little damage as peff.ble. Meyn- M £ Meyndre, lefs. Meyne, meyney, a houfe- hold, family. Meyne (lur volunte de), their own will. Meynpaftes, houfehold, fa- mily, dependance. Meyn pris, let to main- -prize. Meyns avyfement maun- de, ill advifedly fent. Meyn fachantz, the un- wary, the illiterate. Meyns remembrantz, not fuffciently mindful. Meyns (outre), out of her hands. Meyns (entre), in hand. Meyns nues (a), their hands bare. Meyns (en), under the pro- tection. Meyns foit prife (au), be lefs effecludlly inquired into. Meyns, lefs. Meyns (au), at haft. Meynr, meint, dwells. Meynt arefteant, notwith- ftanding. Mevnte foitz, then, at the fame time. Meyntenant, immediately, prefently. Meyn tent, maintains, har- bours. Meynt home, many a man. MI i J5 Meyntz jour pafle, long fince. Meyre, mayor, Meys, month. Meys (ove -fa dozyme), the party himfelf and eleven compurgators. Meys, mouth. Meyfun, houfe. Mez, middle. Mi, me, my f elf, my. Mi, half, middle •, mixed, put. Mi efte (le), Midfummer. Mice, part, portion. Micoulau, Nicholas. MLHvinr, midnight. Mie, net ; /'//. Mie (a la), in the middle. Miech-aouz, the middle of Augufl. Miedi, in the middle of the day. Mielz, mieltz, mielz, miens, miez, miex, mex, beft, better. Miendre, lefs, the leajl. M iend res peches, Jmaller offences. Miere, mier, mire, mo- ther ; mere. Miers, mieeres (les mi), the four feas. Mies, 77! effuage or houfe. Mieftre, occaficn. Mieftre eft (que), than is neceffary. Mieudre, 15$ M I Mieudre, better. Mieux, lefs ; rather. Mieux (face foun), do his beft. Miey, middle. Migne de feer, mines of iron. Miere, mier, mire, mere, mother* Mij quarefme, midlent* Mikiel, Michael. ^ileime, thousandth. Milie mars, a thoufand marks, Millier, a thoufand. Milljou, better. Millort Henry, my lord Henry. Milui, middle. Milveyn frere, middle bro- ther. . JVliJlyme deufentyme, twelve hundred. Min (le), mine* Minee, la menee, thofe who ought to purfue fe- lons on a hue and cry. Minifter (a), to pit in. Miniftralx, minjlrels. ^liniitration, the manage- ment. Minnie}, a minute. Winovery, trcfpafs dans by the hand. Minours, miners ■> engineers. ^Iiqu, mine. Miuqdre, better. U I Miqueou, Micquel, Mi- cbael. Mire, miere, mier, mo~ ther. Mire, fea. Mire (ne nous deit), ought not to put us into a worfe condition. Mirmour, murmur, Mirrour, pattern* Mis, we, us. Mis, mys, left. Mifcrevv, mifcrue, fufpeft- ed, guilty. Mife, iffue, plea. Mile, the joining iffue in a writ of right. Mife (fans fa), without if- fue joined. Mife demene (de veftre), of your own putting. Miles, expencesj cofls, tajks* taxes. Miferes (feaux), faithful gentlemen. Mifeymes, fuppofwg. Mifire, moyfieur. Miflier, miflyer, to chufe the wrong, to miflake, M i fprifel , miflaking. Miflions, mifes, expences. Mifllves, epijlles, letters. Mitt, left. Miit (foy), appears. Mifter, need, of, occaf(cu for. Miller, a fecrst. Miftermyng, M O Miftermyng, mi/calling, Miftioner, to mingle. Miftrent (fe), put them- /elves. Mit (ou il lui), where he was bis attorney. Mitaundre, in the night- time. Miner, to appoint. Mittomus, ive admit, we put the cafe. Mktomous, let us fuppofe, Mittr, will fend. Mittre et tenus, put and kept it. Mius, better. Moblys, moveables. Mocke, a bride, fpoufe. Mod (en la), in the mud. Modifier, to alter, regu- late. Moedz de vin, a hog/head of wine. Moel, meel, honey. Moeleen, mill/lone. Moelc grantement, very greatly. Moement, efpecially. Moer, moves. Moerge, dies. Mocryer, to die. Moes, better. Moeves, moved. Mogne, a monk. Moi, may. Moien temp, mean time* M O !$; Moien, mediation, a me* diatrix. Moienantz, moiennans* namely, efpecially, by means of. Moienez, means. Moienne, moderate. Moienner, to mediate, ne* gociate. Moiennereflfes, media* trixes, Moien t, adminiflring. Moigns pour le, at leafti Moil le re, a ma Her. Moi Hers (dents), the teeth called the grinders. Moils draps, milled cloths. Moine, 'money. Moinere (en la), in the leajl. Moirent, die. Mold, 'model. Moldes, many% Moleins pur freins, hoJJ*eS t bits for bridles. Molener, a miller. Molicons (des), demoU* tion. Molt poi, much worfe. Molcurs, mills. Molt, much, very. Molument (le), the emo- luments. Molyn ventreffe, a wind- mill. Moly figles, mil: fails. Mond 158 M O Mond des molyns (pur), to grind at the mills. Mond re (de), to cleanfe out. Moneage, an aid or pre- fent to the duke of Nor- mandy once in three years, that he fhould fuf- fer the current money of Normandy to be changed. See charter of Henry I. Monemu, Monmouth. Monefter (a), to admonifh. Monition, munition, am- munition. Monies (deux), two floods. Monnoyer (argent), ou a mon noye r , Jiher coined or not coined, Monnumentz (nos mene- mentz), cur deeds or muniments. Monfer Jehu Chrifl, my lord Jefus Chrift. Monft, mout, the world. Mdnfter, tojhew. Monfter, monllre, mon- flrer, moufter, moilier, muftre, a monaflcry, a church. Monftra, took it. Monftrable, to be declared. Monflraunce (par inau- veyfe), by un/kilfully de- claring. Mon (Ire, muftre cf 'forces. Monftrefon, the fJjew. Montance, the value. ^lont de fois, many times. M O Montz, mon fliers, moun* tains, high lands. Mordreu, murdered. x Moreyns, morivaile, mur- rain, plague. Moreulf, maraft, mora, morent, dyed, dye. Moreys, Jlarvcd, Jlinking. Moriarice, death. Moriant (en fon lye), on his death -bed. Morine, merine, timber. Morreue, Morreve, Mur* ray. Mors d'argent, a button, buckle, or clafp offilver* Mort-Mahoum, by the death of Mahomet. Mort (a la), fitting me- lancholy. Morteus, deadly, mortal. Morud de enfaunt, dyed in childbed. Moryn, wall. Morz (q), as well dead. Molhier, a miller. Molly, Mofes. Moftera, uilljhew. Mollrance, remonjlrance. Mot et meet, word for word. More, motez, put, ex* prejjed. Pvlotenaux (pels), Jheep- Jkins. Moties,, mentioned) i. orded. Morons, M O Motons, motonus, wea- thers, Jheep. Motye, moiety. Moudes maners, many kinds. Mould re, moudre,/0gnW. Moultloufe, very long. Moultons, weathers. Moult pres (eyde), very much contribute. Mound, the world. Mounder, to cleanfe. Moundre, to fence , inclofe. Mouneyne (feur), middle fifler. Mount (tout le), the whole world. Mount (vers), towards, upwards. Mountance, amount, va- lue. Mountaunt, amounting to the value of. Mounture, a riding horfe. Mourront (ne), Jhall not move. Mous, many. Mout, died. Mout, muchy greatly. Mout de fi)is, many times. Mouti, motive, deftgn. Mouth ferroit (qe), which would be befi. Mouton d'or, an ancient Ire-ich gold coir:, en ■:. i . a h r ■,', •:',,'■'■■ it. it.,*.! . .'• Leu J :.: Lei c:d M U 159 tollit peccata mundi, mi- ferere nobis. Mouys, muys de ferment, a certain meafure of wheat. Move (fe), begins. Moveementz, commotions, difiurbances. Movement (al), on the motion. Moves, moves, months. Moyen, mean, indifferent ; temperate ; middle. Moyen (fans), without mefne. Moyen nant, paying, mak- ing fuch payments. Moyennant (vous), you. being the mediator. Moyennant qu'> provided that. Moyen ner,/ ufe, £y /«r».;. Pa age, payment. Paas, country. Pace, pa lie, ptf^rt, cr- Paces del Efchekir (en voiez a les), fent to the places ; /. c. to the courts of the Exchequer, &c. Pache, a convention. Pacs, peace. Pae, paemenz, paes, pay- ment. Pae pas (nc fe), « ffitf fa- tisfied. Pace, ^7v t "J. Paer (I 5 apoftoill), father the pfipe. , Paes, i 7 4 P A Paes, agreement^ peace. Paes, countries. Paes (nexcede), do not ex- ceed. Paetz, paid. Pagner (per), by payment. Paiages et Rovages •, pe- dagia et roagia. tributes and rotages. See Roy- nages. Paie (de), of payment. Paie (mau), difpleafed. Paiere (g la), by the fa- ther. Pa : es, payez (les), the pay- ments. Paigners, panniers. Paile, omitted. Pailement faire, to do the like. Paillettes, hangings. Painer, to torment. Pain-grofTe, brown bread. Pains, loaves-, thefirfl Sun- day in lent in the RomiJJj church. Paintz, paying. Painz (vn), feven loaves. Paiour, fear. Pair, to pay. Paira, may. Pais, paile, peace. Pailement (liir le), in the appeaflng. Paiinc, the ycungefl. Paifvile, peaceable. P A Paifumne (en), into a Pd- ganijh country. Paiz, agreement* Pale, pal, pel, palings wood. Paler, to fpeak. Palettes, a military habit. Paile, pallees, fpoken of, treated of. Paller (fanz ent), with- out mentioning the fame* Panbretat, mandate. Pandecoulte, Penticojl. Pane, cloth, a robe. Pane, bread. Panes, jkins. Panes, loaves. Panetre le roy (ferjante de eftree), by ferjeantry, to be the king's pantler. Pani, penalty. Pans, he thinks. Panfe, the belly. Panfes, hung, pendant, af- fixed. Panures, poor. Paor, paoir, power. Paour, fear. Paours, payers. Papa, the pope. Papate (la), the papacy. Papirs, papers, books of accounts. Papificke (egl'ife), the Romifu church. Papiltine, a pa pi ft. Par, P A Par, equal. Par, paces. Par (de), of Paris. Parachue, paracheve, fi- nijhed. Parage, kindred. Paraimer, to love affec- tionately. - Parains, padrines, thefe are perfons who, in the time of combat, perform- ed the fame office which advocates and pleaders ufe in difputation of ci- vil caufes. Paramount (efpecefie), a- bcve fpecifed. Paraval les pountz, below the bridges. Paravanr, before. Paraventure, by, between. Parautee (eftat de), ejiate of peerage. Parcas, perhaps. Parcenier, parcenery. Parchemin, parchena, parchment. Par chi devant, heretofore. Parchier (les murs), break through the walls. Par choie qe, becaufe. Parclolc chartre, in the clofe of the charter. Parconniers, parceners. Parcoons, dilatory. Pared, delay. Pard, lofs. P A 175 Pardannt, lofing. Parcte, pardoin, pardon^ forgive. Pardehors, outwards. Pardehors le roialme, out of the realm. Pardela, beyond fea. Pa ret r, jhall lofe. Parduit, loft. Pardurable, perpetual. Pardurablement,/ a taking in good part. Prendre (pur), to under- take. 5 Prcng- P R Prengnofifatz, take, Prent (luy), takes himfelf, Prente (le), the impreffion. P*enye,preigne, preagent, apprehend, take* Prererre, prayer, Pres, prefented, Pres (de), near, Pres (plus), as near, Pres nulles (bien), fcarce any. Pres (fi), as near, as well as, Prefchanntz, perfuading. Prefchein, preceding, Prefchein, next. Prefeance, precedence. Prefentaines, prefented. Prefente, prefentee.. Prefentez, prefantz, pre- fent. Prefentment, prefentation. Preibne, prifon. Prefs (fur un), en a pre- fentment. Prefs la def (de), to pre- fent the def eft. Preffieux, precious. Preft, took. Preft, made. Preft, borrowed, ready, a loan. Preft (de), borrowed on. Preft (fon), what he lent. Pre ft a (luy), lent to him. Preftaige, priejlhood. Pre lie lur aver *, lent their money, u - .-.';•..-, in the Stat, of Afton B PR .191 Prcfter (me), to accommo- date me with, Preftier (a), to borrow. Preftment fute, proof 1 eady at hand. Prefz,preftez,prefe, ready* Pretend, forethought. P'retenfez reignez, pre- tended reigns. Preud home, preux, great men ; a valiant man. Preue, pren, weal, profit, advantage. Prevement, pvementes, privately. Prever, to take a view of beforehand. Previpfe, private feaL Prevufmes, intended, Preyer, to pray, Preyez, fpoil. Preymes, preimes, preif- mes, took. Prez, prayers. Pri (vus), I pray you. Pri, prient (ft), fo prays. Prie,. takes. Prie (de), worfe. Prier, to pray, intercede for,- Pries (la), the taking. Prigner, to take. Priggaute, parity. Prime (a heur de), at one o'clock. Primer apres (tot a), im- mediately after, foon af- ter. ;rnel, 11 edit, is tranfhted, goedi Primerement, 102' P R Primerement, in the firjt place, efpccially. Primerime (nonante), ninety-cne. Primerme dev'ife (a la), at the fir Jl court. Primpt (im), in the twi- light. Princee dc Capes, princi- pality of Capua. Prinche, prince, Principalemcnt, efpecially, Principallee de Ceftre, principality of Chefier. Principal tee, principal/hip , head of a hall. Prins, prinfes, taken from. Print, he takes. Prioritie, priory. Prioure de mo it, fear of death. Pris fus, taken up, under- took. Pris (fur le), upon the price. Pris de guerre (les), the pr if oners of war, Pris (plus), the more rea- dily. Pris, may *. Prife (nous), concern!: us, Prifel, a taking ; alfo a condition, acceptance. Prife r, to value, appraife. Priferunt (qui), who ap- praifed. Prifes qu, droit, lefs value * Potius/w/<\ Rot. Pail. vol. P R than they ought to be of, Prifons, prifoners. Prift, a loan. Prill, borrowed. Prift (de), by borrowing on loan. Prift (fe), was taken. Prifterent a mayn (ilz), they undertook for. Prifteront repons, received anfwers. Prifterount enfemble(fey), affembled together. Prift re (fe), were performed. Priftine (fergeant), fer- jeant of the bakehoufe. Prifun, prifon. Priu, purru, deflowered, Prium, we pray. Privables, liable to depri- vation. Privcz, people of our own nation. Privites (les), the Jecrets. Probation (pur la),/roun,much, enough, a great deal. Proute, ready, quick. Prouz, proved. Provable errour, a mani- feji, a jufi or jujlifiable error. Provablement, plainly. Provablement attain t,pro~ vably attainted, i. e. up' on manifejl evidence. Provables (ceux pleas funt), the fe pleas are to be proceeded in. Provant (en), in proving. Prou aire, aprieft. Proudhornme,proudomys, prudonne (fur la), on the probity, pru- dence. Prove (de), of the pro- bate. Provenant, arifng. Provenders, provifrSypre- bendaries. O Proven- 194- P U Pro vend re, a prebend. Prover, to improve, Proveriibn, impoverifh- ment. Provers hommes, poor men. Proviient, Jhould prove. Provoft, the provoft, the lord of the vill; the reeve or bayliff of the king, or of the lord of the manor. Prowe, pron, prevc, prcn, pru, profit ', advantage. Proyt, may. Prud ornes, great men. Prudum, an honsjl man. Pruerount, Jhall approve. Prumeirement, in the fir ft place. Prufchanaraent pafTee, laji paft. Pruvance, proof, evidence, property. Pruys, Pruffia. Pry, proper, aclvifeable. Pry (vous), I pray, I be- feech you. Pryemes, took. Pryne, tak .. ;. ps, pris, taken. pts, lofs. I'u, more. Pucillage, virginity, Pucyns, chickens. Pue et pue (al), by little and little. i P U Pueent (il ne), they may not. Pueent pas (ne), cannot. Pueplier, to publijh. Puer, pure. Pues, fed. Pues,fpoiled, trodden down, Pues, afterwards. Puet eftre, /'/ might be, Puet (ne), cannot. Puet unqore, is yet de- pending. Pueuble, people. Puft Ten dire, one might anfwer. Pugny, punifljed. Puir (potius pair), pa- ternofters, a pair of paterncflers, firings of beads for the priefis, &c. to number their prayers by. In one of the ca- nons made at a provin- cial fy nod in 8 1 6, where Wulfrud, Abp. of Can- terbury preftded, we meet Kith VII Beltidum Pa- tsrncfter, which feems t§ imply that they had in that age a certain num- ber of Jtuds fafiened into ihtir belts, or girdles, which were then ufed, as firings of beads now are, for the numbering of their prayers, but this P u this difference, that the Jluds were all of onefize \ and that every one of them flood for a pater- nofter ; whereas the mo- dern fafhion is, to have leffer heads, which fand for Ave Maries, to one larger, which Jlands for apaternofler. John ion's Canons, 8 16. Pulfre, a bruife, fuellings fear, wound. Puljes efperners, young hawks. Pulleyns, colts. Puker, a poulterer. Puker et catour(fergeant), ferjeant of the poultry and of the eatery. Pulteri, poultry. Pune, youngeft. Punee (une), a younger daughter. Punees, youngeft fons. Punier, to punijh. Puoblcs Criltiens, Chri- Jlian people. Fuour,ftench. Pupplier, to publifh. Pur, by. i'uralle, puraille, poral, purlieu, perambulation. Pur areftier, to arrcft. Pur ceo qe, from the time that. PU i 95 Pur coe que, forafmucb as. Pur coi, whereby. Pur que. for which. Pur chou ke, becaufe that. Pure he, therefore. Purtanc cum, as long as. Purtant qe, to the intent that. Purceynte, purfeynte,^- cint7. y Purctl, pur chafer. Purcharrent, proceeded. Purchas de courts, per- qui fit es of courts. Purchas (en le), in the de- mand of the writ. Purchas demeyn (en Ton), of his own demanding. Purchas (tout), all his ac- qiiifitions. Puree, ajcertained. Pur fit, on the fides. Purgacon, cleanfing. Purge, purgation. Purgyfer, to deflower, te defle, to violate. Purjace, pur chafed. Purjoiner, to put off'. Purlheynofte, prctho/W- tary. Purparl, a conference^ a treaty. Purpa'rlance (fur), upon a conference, c ondition . Purparler, purparlance, O 2 pur- 196 P U purparks, puralc, a perambulation. Purparler, to difcourfe of. Purpenfe, prepenfe, fore- thought. Purpemant, affuming. Purportaft, purported, dic- tated. Ptirpofe, fet forth, alledg- ed, declared, propofed. Purpreignes, makes a pur- prefiure on. Purpreftour, he that makes the purprejlure. Purpris, taken, purprifed. Purpull, purple. Purres, adulterated. Purris, rotten, damaged. Purrois lieu (en), in a place full of putrefac- tion. Purr lift, deflowered. Puriauve, profecuted. Purfourver, to purvey. Purfuant, profecutor. Purfuer (de), to profecute. Purfui, purchafe, obtain. Purfuit (en la), in the pre- cincl. Purfuount, have fued, ap- plied for. Purtenand, appertaining. Purtrere (la nianere de), the manner of drawing it cut. Ptirus, provided. P U Purveaunce de Dieu, pro- vidence of God. Purveier, purvoier, pur- ver, purveer, to pro- vide. Purvey, purview, pur- vieus, purveu, purw, provided. Purvele, ball of the eye, Purvenauntz, arifing. Purveyance, purview. Purvieu, purveu, provi- fion, condition, ordinance, flatute. Pus, puz, puis, after. Pus, afterwards, fince. Pufams (quant nus les), at her efpoufals. Pufance, power, Pufeit, he may. Pufel, a maid^ a virgin, a damfel, a little girl. Pufelage, virginity. Pus ke,Jince that. Pus qui, after that. Puflum, can, may. Puft, put, puift,/*?^. Pufture, homage. Put, ugly, homely, difhonefi. Putage, adultery, whore- dom. Putaine, putiene louee, a hired concubine, an har- lot. Putel, a well. Puthois, putois, a Ful- mar 7. Pu- Puture, pufture, poture. See Poture. Puy (mult), much worfe, very lightly. Puys (homage), pure bo- mage. Puyer, to bear up, to fup- port. Puyr, pure. Puys, a well, a watery or oozy place. Puys apres, foon after- wards. Puys (de), fmce. Puyt afiettes byen, might •very well. Py, pie, pys, the Ireajl. Pye, worfe. Pye (de), on foot. Pyghcnoute, pendant. Pyndes d'ivory, ivory combs. q, who, when, that. Qu, for. Q^, a farthing. Qare lou, whereas. Q. d. non, certainly not, qr, quarter. Qant, when, as. Qanpeyne, that fcarce. Qar-qare, quair, for. Qarant ibldz (deinz), within forty Jlrillings. Qe, who. Qeconqcs, zvbatfoever. O.U i 97 Qele meyfon, what houfe. Qenu enfeuerent, confe- quence would be. Qeft, who is. Qeftes, who are. Qeu, that. Q^ (de), whofe. Qi_ de ceo, what's that to the purpofe. Q| fi, fuppofe that. Qj (Ion), his cries. CKilloms de ia couftome (et), and the collecting his cufloms. Qiqe lien, in whatfoever place. Q[qe lbit, whether it be. Qoer (vour ehr.eroicnt de), heartily thank you. Qoi, what with. Qore eft, who now is. Qua {ii),fo that. Quacorte, fourteen. Quader, to relate. Quanch il aveit, all that he had. Quanque, whatfoever, all that. Quant et quant, forth- with. Quanrieme, the zvhole quantity. Quantqe (en), in as much as. Quantreft, whatfoever is. Quantz, how much. O 3 Qua- 19* . QU Quaquil, all, whoever. Quare, quar, for. Quareil de arte, ou dc fletche, a trial cfjkill at fencing or foooting. Quareime, querefme (de- my, mii), midlent. Quarkes, oaks. Quarre de le main, the back of the hand. Quarreaux, cufhions, couches. Qu a r reu r, a f quare. Quarrier, a quarry. Quart, takes, carries. Quarters (par), by turns. Quartier (par un), by turns, in rotation. Quartrover (decoller et), beheaded and quartered. QuifTentz, quafjed, an- nulled. Quaterable, quarterage. Quatreble (tiu), in four times. Quatrufze, fourteen. . Quattezime joar, fourth day. Quaunt, when, as much as, as to, how much. Ouaunt (et ne p), and yet, never thelefs. Quaus deytas (las), which faid. Quay (par), by which means, wherefore. Q u Que, which, whether. Que (pour), for which. Que (de), of which. Quer, qucy (de), whereof. Queilletzes, colletlcd. Queift, fhould feek. Quelnit, cruelly. Queliz genz, whatfoever people. Quen, in what. Quen breve, what writ. Quen (outre), over which. Quen-part, wherefoever. Quena, a woman. Quene marchaundie, but one merchandife. Quens de Flanders, count or earl of Flanders. Quenz, earl. Queor, queur, quoer, quer, queer, quier, heart, af feclion. Quequej although. Quer, leather, fkin, hide. Quer deners, forty pence. Quer, queor (en mye le), in the middle of the choir. Quer donzr, rewarded, pro- vided for. Ouere, which. Ouere (a), to go for, to get. Qucrv hors, go cut of. Querele (de la), of the quarrel, contention, party. Querele (par), by which means. Quereler mieuz (e), and provide provide for themfelves better. Querer, queur, querez, querre, quer, to get, ob- tain, to enquire, feek for, beg, fetch, bring over. Querefteres, choirijlers. Qu erf age, wharfage. Querge (le), let him feek him. Querle (de), to feek him. Querefme, Lent. Querrer, a quarry. Querrour, a digger of jlones. Quer fon viver, to get his living. Queft (la), the inquefl. Queft (le), the which. Quefte, which is. Quetment, quietly. Quets, watch, guards. Queue de vin, a veff el con- taining about a hogfijead and half of wine. Queve, quevi (Idles en double), fealed by affix- ing the feal to a label. Queul (le), which. Queulloienr, collet!. Queurt, he fearches. Oiieux (de), of whom. Quex, which, who, what. Quey, what. Queys, keys, wharfs. Quidaunce, belli 6 . UK". Q.U 199 Qiiiders, thoughts, opinion. Quidra, Jhall think. Quie, whereas. Quier, the heart. Quieur (les), which. Quiex (a), to whom. Quil, he who. Quilage, collection. Quillers d'or, gilt fpoons. Quillours, quiiiburs, col- lectors. Quin, which, who. Qui nets et requinctz, the ■ fifth part of the price of the feudal ejlate fold, and a fifth of that fifth. Quinqueal rbit li (par), at any time. Quinz, quenz, earl. Quinzen (un), fifteen days. Quinzifme, every fifteenth day. Quirre, quiver, copper. Quirs, quivres,^7/7j, lea- ther. Quis, quife, quiz, fought, fearched for, drawn cut, entered up. Qui fern (que), who expefe to fate. Quiffes, quious, buttocks. Quid, he fearches. Qinr, baked. Qu tc clam au nee, a r?- leaje. Quicement, entirely. 4 Quitie, 200 R U Qui tie, acquits, Quittain (la) quittance, the acquittance, Quive, end, tail. Qui lie, collcB. Quo, who. Quoer, heart. Qiioer (ne ferons mie a cefe de), Jhall not reft fatisfed. Quo', who has. Quont, when. Quotes, quotas. Quoue. quo, the tail of an animal. Quount, which have. Quoy, look ye. Quoy (p), how, by what. Qux (le). which. Qjyke, quick, living, (^u\m,Jifth. Quyr (ir), the leather. Quyvre, quirre, quyur, copper. Qwargh, qwerf, a wharf. Qy, who. f reafon ; to anfwer. Rv, received. Rec, recovery , Jhall reco- ver. rn, rns (en), in anfwering. Ko, ronn, anfwer. Rontfre, rendre, rourre, to anfwer. Ru, given. R A Raancon, ranfom, exemp- tion. Raap de Lewes, the rape of Lewes. Rabbaifer, rabbatre, to beat down, pull down, Racentz, roots. Races, rafes, pulled down. Rachapz, reliefs. Rachater, to redeem, buy out, repurchafe. Racinetter, to take root, Racions, articles. Racourcir, to fink toge- ther. Rad, firm, ft able, alert, g«y> Raempler, to fulfil. Raeneons, raancons, ran- foms. Raenpli, jf/fe/. Rajes de la meer, rage of thefea. Raim, branches. Raimbre, to refiore. Rain (par) et par bafton, per annulum et virgam, by a ring and rod, wa?td 9 orftaff. hors de prifon (pur luy), to ranfom him out of prifon. Raine, queen. Raifins, roots. Raifnaablc, reafcnable. Raifon (brief), fpeedy juf ticc. Raith, R A Raith, reth, a term made ufe of in Wales, andfig- nifies an oath taken by three hundred men. Rakkyng de draps, rack- ing of cloth. Ralongement, -prolonga- tion. Rama, full of loughs. Ramagc, wild, untamed. Ramens, ramans, ramures, boughs, branches. Ramentcns, remembered, recommended to. Ramettre, to replace. Ramilles,y#;tf// twigs. Rampas, Rampau, Palm- Sunday. Ramys, replaced, fixed on again. Rancumpanne, cloth not well fulled, dreffed. Rancunes, rancors. Rangeous, rancorous. Raof, Raoul, Ralph. Raofon (par), by reafon, by means of. Rapelees, revived. Rapt, fnatched, forced. Rafe,Jhaven. Rafez, Jlriked. Rafez (dras), ruffet cloths. Rafoure, a rafure. Rafte, erafed. Rafure de os, frafture of a bone* R E 201 Rate del temps (pur le), for the proportion of time. Raube, robbed. Ravefti, invefled. Ravift, ravijhed, took away with force. Rauncener, ranfomed. Ravoms, have recovered. Ravoquement, revocation. Ray, le ray, the array or panel of the jury. Ray (jobe de), robe of ruffet cloth. Raytz, nets. Re, king. Read, realt, had again. Real chemin (en le), in the king's highway. Reale d ignite, regal dig- nity. Reafon, reafon, atl, title. Reatt, reattachment. Reavera (ne), Jhall not have again. Reau, reverend. Reaume, reaugme, reame, realm. Rebatables, may be ob- jected to, refufed. Rebataunce (!a), the low- ering, the abating. Rebaucieroit, Jhouid rede- liver. Rebeaux, rebealx, rebcux, rebels, difobedicnt. RvDciiitc, 202 R E , Rebeilite, rebellion. Re bete, rebote, rejected, put back, put out. Reboter, rebutter, re- bouter, to put back, to bar, repel. Rebour, a 'robber. Kebuquiz, rebuked, dis- countenanced. Rec, recovered. Reccimes, received. Reccouit, record. Recebo acl, argu- ment, charge, expreffion, method, cafe, article, point. Refon (p la), in propor- tion to. Refon (per), by refum- mons. Refon (funde fa), grounds his title, counts. Refon (noz feare), make us fatisfaclion. Reione (de), in reafon. Refons (deux), two cir- cumfiances. Refons (fes), his evidences, muniments, arguments. Refort (fon), a term ufed in a writ of Ayel or R E Coujinage, in the fame fenfe as a defcent in a writ of right. R.eforty, reforted, reverted* Refoule, refolvcd. Refpe&eres, refpiretz (ne), will not delay, refpite. Refpi, delay. R.efpoignent, defend. Refponez, refpoynez vous (qi), what anjwer d$ you make. Refpofle, anfwer. Refpundre, to anfwer. Refqueufe, refcue. Reflfeant, refianc deinez le manoir, one that conti- nually abides within the manor. RefTent, received acknow- ledged. RefTu, received. R.effumes, received. Reftor, reflors, refloration, amends. Reftreinconufans, takeccg- nifance. Reftricle, made narrower. Reftut, reftored. Reftz, judgment, decree, fentence. R.efu la mort (a poi), al- mojl dead. Refurdre, pay again. Refwardent mie (ne), do not regard. Ret, R £ Ret, rete, retz, retent, fuf- pecled, accufed, indicled. Retardation, delay. Reteign vers luy, keep by him, Retenantz, retainers. Retenderount,^// retain. Retenet, to return, revert. Retenget (nuls nel), la no one retain. Retenir, reteiner, to de- tain, keep back, retain'. Retenu, retained, admit- ted into. Retenues, refervations. Retenutz, referred, re- tained. Retenuz, retinue. Reteur, recaur, return, Rethes, nets. Retiner a foy (de), to take to bimfelf. Retoundre, to clip. Retoun, vzto\m&u, clipped, Retournent'que a ces les), who comply with them. Retourner (devoit), was to be reduced. Retrachez, withdrawn. Retraic~t, retrait, retrayt, retreit, retret, retreic, withdraw, forebore. Retrai&er, to withdraw. R.ereet, diminution, draw back, draught. Retrehere la cQT3ge,to dif- czurage. R E 209 Retret de la meer* re/lux or ebb of the fea. Retreter la reconifance, to withdraw the recoz- mzance. Retreus, retreux, enlarged, a temporary ran/cm of a prifoner. Retrirer, to take, with- draw. Rette, crime , offence, guilt, fufpicion. Rettent, retain. Retter a lui mefme, im- pute it to him f elf-, Revable, reafonable. Revanche, revenge, Revenans, muflering. Revenant, comes to, d- mounts to. Revener(al), at there turn., Revenfift, come back. Revenue, return. Revenues, reveues, re- view, mujler. Revenuez, revennaus, re- vencions, revenues. Revcreur, to reverence-. Reverons, reverend. Reverfes (fes maunches), his fleeves turned back. R.everilon (a raire la), to give up again, to rejiore. Revertiie le don, let the gift revert. Rcvilanc, affetling, mak- ing fo vile. F Revinge, 210 R I Revinge, come back. Revon (a fon), dufqes until his return. ReWars, governors. llewle, rule, order. Revvelez, regulated, or- dained. Rewme, realm. Reyans, royal. Reynez, ruined. Reynt, fined. Reys, kings. Rhine, ^ueen. Ri, omnipotent. Ribaud, one of the rabble, afcoundrel, a rafcal, ruf- fian. Ri bauds (fortz), fiurdy beggars. Rie (Jc), the heir. Riclment (pluis), 'mere fel- dom, not fo frequent. Ricns, backs. Riefgler * (a en), to invei- gle. Ricu, a fmall brook. Riez, nets. llifiez, rif.ed. Riiiure, afcrcich,a rifting. Rigle, a rule. Rimer, to examin into. Riottis, riots. Ripes del'ewe, ly the voater-ftde, banks cj the river. '•• Potius, a an-'flcr. Rot. l\ul. R O Ris, rix, rich. ' Rizard, Richart, Richard* Roaifons, Rotations. Robbes, taken from, rob- bed. Robiers, Robert. Roboration, corroboration. Robou chez flopped, forced. Roefs, cars. Roge, red. Roiales (autres), other the king's officers. Roignez, clipped. Roion, kingdom. Rokeboruth, Roxburgh. Rol, a roll, a regifier. Rolles, colics, necks. Rolys, rolls. ' Romerie, rommerge, bug- gary. Romeyns (rey de), king of the Romans. Rondles, rolls. Rone fet (lio hyl), potius unt, they have made. Ronne, anfiver. Rope, rape. Ro; : ■: (Rob* dc), Ro- icrt de Roche. Rorcs (cent), en hundred faggots. Ro(lc, heath. Rote (le), the zvhccL Roumainement (a), after the manner of the Ro- mans. vol. II p. 79. Pet. 28. Hale's MS. Roupr, R U . Roupr, rous, broken. Routez, routs* Roveninkmedc, Running- mead, Rovenereray, without re- turn. ■ Rowes, oars. R.oy qoreefl (le), the pre- fent King. Royal chemin (le), the king's highway. Roynage, roage, rovage, rotage, a kind cf tri- bute or payment made for damage done to pub- lic ways by carriages. Royne, the Queen. Royner, to clip. Ru, noife, murmuring. Ruaul, rujaul, royal. Rubaignes, ribbons. Rubboufes, rubbijh, filth. Ruby baleis, baleieit, an inferior kind of ruby, not fo deep a red as the true ruby. Ruche, a bee-Live made of rufhes. Ruge, rouges, red. Rule, a roll, a rerifter-, alfo a determination* Rumme, Rome. ] lumou r, tumult* Rumperie, breaking, fail- ing. Rumpcrours de trieue?, ti'iice oi'ca\. }\~. S A 211 Ruwes, ruzs,f reels. Ruyfdefie, feverity. Ryen, nothing, not. Rymours, rimers. Ryu, ryz, a brook. Ryvaille, de la meer, the fea-fwre. Ry vires, rivers. s, S 1 ', his. Seen, known. Ssm, feifin* Snrs, lords, owners. S rs efpeulx, lords fpiritual. sviz, fervice. Sa et la, here and there. Saals, feals. Sa cote (en pure), in his coat only. Sa volunte (encontre), againjl their wills. Saalez du mun fel, fealed with my feal. S ab bed i , Saturday. S' ableront, fall rendez- vous. Sablinoufe (feble terre), poor fandy land. Saca hors c.v. gaunt, Jhak- Cu Oil i Cj it. e 7 love. o.". : j, inftrumentum lit: c , the pleadings in a cau/e. Sachaant (em), knowing ■ \ 'reef ^ Sadi -:ci c (la noun), lis ignorance, P 2 Sachau- 212 S A Sachaument, fachante- ment, willingly, knew- ingly. Sache, /ages. Sachet, withers* Sachiez, faches, fechea, fachon, know. Sacrabor (par), fakebcr, fackber, facaburgh, no freeman was to be feifed or imprifoned, except by inquejl or by facrabor , or unlefs he was taken with the mainour. Sacraire, a chapel, an ora- tory. Saeil, faes, afeal. Sadler (fee), caufed to be fealed. Saenti, holy. Saettes, faettels, arrows. Saflfers (qatre), four fap- phires. Sagane, a forcerejs. Sage, feat. Sagement, cautioufly. Saget, feaL Sagetre, an arrow. Sagitture, archery. Sagrea, agreed. Sagrement, oath. Sai, I know. Saichance, fcience, erudi- tion. Said, /^/. Saielieees, fealed. Saient, i'aies, are, be. S A Saiges homes, the f ages or wifemen of the law, the judges. Saiguw, lord. Sailleires, keepers of the feals. Sain, found, flrong. Sainctures, fancluarks. Saine, fubjlantial. Sainees, perfeel, uncan- celled. Sainglement, entirely. Saings manuelz, Jigns ma- nual. Sains, faints. Sains Efperis (li), the Holy Spirit. Saintemant(fy), fo cordi- ally. Sainrime, mojl holy. Sairement, oath. Saififement, fei/ing* Saize,y£*. Sak, faak, a bag^ Sake, throw. Sakent, Jleal. Sakekent a terre, fached > demolijhed to the ground. Sal, fafe. Salair, a reward. Salairier, to reward. Saleber, Salcbirs, Salif- bury. Sa le nneins (promettant), potius, ja le mzm^pro- mifmg alfo. Saler, S A Saler, a fait feller, Salfe pledges, fafe pledges. Saliclaire, wbolefome. Salit, health. Sailer, a fadler. Salmonceux, young fal- mon. Salopebyrs, Salobirs, Shrewjbury. Salfez (chars), fait meat. Salvage, wild, favage. Salvaigne (jp), by beafts, ferse naturae. Salvatione, pardon. Salve, greets. Salvoms (nous vous), we greet you. Salvez, know. Salutz, known , fafe. Saluz d'or, falutes of gold, a gold coin ,c ailed fo from the words, Salus populi flip re ma lex e(to. Salyne (un), a fait -pit. Samaday. Saturday. Sambre, vifage, face. Samble temps, the fame time. Sambleront (fe), /hall of femble. S' ame, his foul. S' amie, his jriend. Sammelplatz, place cf meeting, or rendezvous. Sane, blood. Sancere, fncere. Same, health. S A 213 Sanclz, fanntz, fant, with- out. Sandewitz, Sandwich. Sangles (en toutz et), in all and fngular. Sani, founds healthful. Sank fin, the end of the kindred. Sanne ceo, except that. Sanneys, fauces. Sans (du bien), the good fenfe, undemanding. Sanr, are. Sanz un <\zft.ou,fave one who was. Sanz, reaf enable, folid. Saon, without. Sap rift, the author »f the Pfalms, David. Sarcophes (que feurent), who frequent fepulchres, graves. Sarcueil, a bier. Sarcus, a fepulchre. Sarke (frank), freefiock. Sarre, far ah. Sarve, Saved. Sarura, a lock. Satain, fa tin. Sathenas, Satan. Savagnie, beafts of the forefi. Savarne, the Severn. Savant, faying, knowing, notwithflanding. Saver, favoer, to know. p 3 Saver 214 S A Saver (fait a), fet aflau', fee aflaver, be it known, undsrjiood. Saver (ceft a), to-wit. Saver moun, to know for certain, Saver mon cornent e le pafTa, juji as it was taken, Savernent, with afaving. Saverai (jeo), I jh all know. Savere (pur), to fave. Savi, wife. Savit mie lire (ne), can- not read. Savhe,fafety. S'avoins (nous ne), we don't knoiv. Savoure, favours, parta- kes of. San, fait. Sauant, referring. Saubar (per), for fo.ving. Saubze.flxte:::. Sauccr'e del faucie, (fer- viens), the fcrjcc;:t of the falfarie, viz. trat officer in the kings kit- chc.-, who was to pro- vide the neccfjaries for the king's fences ; or he wl . - '. the care of the prouiftons which were to falLd. C'.UC l'j -. a c.t ., creex. S A Saudre (baton de), a flick of willow. Saulx, faulices,fa\vces,y27/- lows, willows. Saulve, faved. San me, Pfalm. Sauncte, health. Saune, faving. Saunete, fauite, fauvette (en), infafety. Saunk, faunc, fauns, blood. Saunk fine, the determina- tion of a defcent. Sauntz, iaunz, without. Saura, fhall know. Saus, thofe. Saufles, torn up. Sauffers, faitcers. Saut purpenfe (a), with an affault prepenfe. Saut (un), a caper, a dance. Saut (a la), at the fiegc. Saute, fautie, fauvte, fafe- tj, health. Sauvaigne, fauvagine, un- reclaimed animals. Sauvere, Savi cur Sauyz (bien), let him be careful. Sauuz deferre (pas), not ■7 , r wittjcui rea.jcn. q rtuz. .'."' ;•/;•". auzim:;,/.v/^ >avvco, jc.uce, y, ./,:.;,, s c Saybienke, / know very well. Saye ley, his law. Saye (ceint de), a girdle of filk. Sayn (au), to the care., re- gard. Sayfze, fix. Scalpier de draps, rowing of cloth. Scaves, known. Scaves (que), that yon may know. Sceivcnt, icevent, fcey- nent, know. Sccn,fenfe, knowledge, ex- perience. Scent, icen, known. Sceppt, flock. Scet, knows. Sceu, fceux, known, know- ledge. Sceu It, fubjecl. Sceuvent, they know. Scey, a feal. Scheftifbury, ' Shaft efuury. Schopes, fJjops. Sciat, fcieuft, iciet, knows. Sciecle (qant a), as lo fe- cular affairs. Scein, fcienes, knowledge, fciaice. Scienc marie (li eir), let the heir be married . :ienz (notoirmenet), no- il. S E nz Sc I Of iiii/Ji} K, ier, lever, fever, .': Sciet, it becomes. Sciet, voluntarily. Scieues, known. Sciez, fawed. Scire, fir. Scilez, mown, cut. Sdatz (peres et), Jlones and fates. Scochon, efcutcheon. Scolers, jcholars. Scomers, fcummers. Scotter, io gall. Scripture (pur \€),for the writing. Scriver, to zvrite. Scutelar (ferviens), ferje- ant of the fcidlery. Scutclaire, the officer in the kings houfehold who was to take care of the difhes,&Q. Scuverad (dunt li), then it behoves him. Scyer, to cut. Se, if, whether, his, but, except. Seal de notre fecre, fecre fe a] , our privy fee I. Seailles, harvejl-time. Scale (del), of the pound. Scant, feants, fejant, fei- ance, fitting. Seante, health. Seante, fitting. ?'»- c hrh ° P 4 5 (.as, 2l6 S E Seas, feals. Seafon (la), the feifin. Seaut, under jicod % knew. Sech (harang), red-her- ring. Secle, world, age. Secle (en le), in the world. Secole, fea coal. Secondes royes, feconda- ries, adjutants, ajfijiants. Sedation, appeafing. See ro'iz], royal throne, feat. See, feet (ne), knows not. Seeche. dried. Seel, fait, oil. Seen, knowledge* Seen (je), I am. Seen (le), his. Seent (ne), be not. Seept, feet, /even. Seer, a governor. Ser, fereir, tofet. Seere, to buy. Seerfus, over, acrofs. Sten,ferves, is made ufe «/• Sees, fet ye. Sees, his. Seeffent (ne), may not ft, abide. Seet, done. Seetes, feetz, arrows. Seez (qe vous), that you be. Segerftain, fegretain, a facrijlan, a fexton. Seges, fegez, fteges. S E Segne (en), in fgn t tef timony. Segon, according. Segrament, oath. Segu, fure, certain. Segu, Jure, certain. Seguadours,y^wy