ii wt ou ^"^ Yxum m\mm of cautoknia ' u .^^ A Nr*>t^.^* y^"' O'^V R . JOHN HENRY NASH UBRARY ♦ SAN FRANCISCO ♦ PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL.PRESIDEKr. ♦ BT ♦ MilandMrs.MILTON S.RAY CECILY. VIRGINIA AND RDSALYN RAY AMD THE RAY OIL BURNER COMPANY ■AM riuwcitco NBWVORK. ■ ^'>m ._^i m f ^ . Ready in December^ tnedium %vq^ London price 'js, 6^., cloth ; or large paper^ Whatman^ s, handmade^ 15J. THE BTBr^ IN THE Caxton Exhibition Mdccc Lxxvn Or a bibliographical defcription of nearly one thoufand reprefentative Bibles in various langu ages chronologically arranged from the firft Bible printed by Gutenberg in 14 50- 145 6 to the laft Bible printed at the Oxford Univerfity Prefs the 30th June 1877 With an Introdu6tion on the Hiftory of Printing as illuftrated by the printed Bible from 1450 to 1877 in which is told for the firft time the true hiftory and myftery of the Coverdale Bible of 1535 Together with bibliographical notes and collations of many rare Bibles in various languages and divers verfions printed during the laft four centuries Special edition revifed and carefully correfted with additions Flavoured with a fqueeze of the Saturday Review's homily on Bibles By Henry Stevens Gmb Fsa Ma Etc Sometimes Student in Yale College in Connefticut in New England Now refiding in London Bibliogra pher and Lover of Books Fellow of the Royal Geogr& Zoological Societies of London Foreign Member of the Amer Antiq Society Correfp Memberof the Hiftorical Societies of the States of Maflachufetts New York Connefticut Maine Vermont New Jerfey Maryland Pcnnfylvania & Wifconfin and Secretary of State and American Minifter near Noviomagus Blk Bid Athm Club London And Patriarch of Skull and Bones at Yale Huiverfity LONDON HENRY STEVENS IV TRAFALGAR SQUARE j^T J SCRIBNER WELFORD & ARMSTRONG NEW-YOrIS. Messrs Simpkin Marshall & Co Stationers Hall Court London MdcccLxxviii v\\ aajaia aHi vioiTiaiHX^H motxaD aHi iivxx J oooaM (iiK^iin io noijqhol^b iBofflqBigoildid b i( v' bjjniiq oldiS flift oH^ moil fragnBiiB vlkoigolonoirio j>3j (^J no noii^uboTJnl ns HiiW ^^81 anuf ff30£ 3/iJ sloi^ !i(:>fti3vin ■ ni -'•81 o] o^fi nioli alcliS bojniiq s/ij yd bsutflulli za jiniinii*^ iGi>iavoC) ad] icv^-iflYm bnB ^loftirf 3m) ddt »mij ftift vd) loi '. .^un:| atioit j-jv trj .'ib bit: asyr.i/afifil rfOOi ZDonibbii diiw b^liahioD vIIu'^stud bnc bolivai rtorjiba Ifiioaqg rjfdJH n<» 7lifnf;H e'watvu^ vfibiirti;? ad) ^o •^sssupl s rf)iw bnuovsfl j?H aM A8'? aMO ai^iavaxS YXnaH y£I ft^nnoO ni ' smfjsfr i\ljo$1 sri- -Ibntv. ■ ootA ad: JjiioY ■tvwib i >U/ U «->uoll utti. l^iti^ lu iijl«4Ii«t tK)A >1« iiivxxJgoobM CAXTON CELEBRATION, 1877. This edition is limiUd to one hundred and fifty-sevm am koHd-nuuU paper, of which this is No, / C7 . I CCajcton CCelebratton, 1877. CATALOGUE OP THE LOAN COLLECTION OF ANTIQUITIES, CURIOSITIES, AND APPLIANCES CONNECTED WITH THE ART OF PRINTING South Kensington. EDITED BY GEORGE BULLEN, Esq., F.S.A. If Keeper of the Printed Booksy British Museum. LONDON: PRINTED AT THE ELZEVIR PRESS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofloancOOcaxtrich INTRODUCTION. HE whole English-speaking world cannot fail to feel deeply interested in the Exhibition which is now opened to public view in the Galleries at South Kensington. There can be little doubt, after the researches of Mr. Blades, the biographer of Caxton, that the " Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers" was the first book printed by our first English printer on English soil in the press set up by him in the Almonry at Westminster, just four centuries ago. " The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye " was translated by Caxton from the French of Raoul Le F^vre in 147 1, and was printed by him, in all probability, not long afterwards at Bruges, where Caxton was residing, being the first printed English book. The next printed English book was " The Game and Playe of the Chesse," " Fynysshid the last day of marche the yer of our Lord god. a thousand foure honderd and Ixxiiii." This also, long thought to have been the fii-st book printed at Westminster, has been considered by Mr. Blades to have been printed at Bruges ; the original " Rccueil des histoires de troyes " having been also printed by Caxton, probably in 1476. Thus, to Caxton belongs the honour of having printed not only the first book in English, but the first book in the French language. iv Carton Celebration* In 1477, however, appeared " The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers," " emprynted by me William Caxton, at West- mestre," and it is to celebrate the printing of this volume, in all probability the first-fruit of typography in England, that the pre- sent Exhibition has been inaugurated. It is to Mr. J. S. Hodson, the indefatigable Secretary of the "Printers' Pension, Almshouse, and Orphan Asylum Corpora- tion," that the credit is due of having originated this celebration. So far back as the year 1847, indeed, the ^^^e Dean Milman, then Canon of Westminster, projected a monument to the memory of Caxton, but the movement was only partially successful, and the funds then collected were appropriated to the support of a " Caxton Pensioner" in connection with the " Printers' Corpora- tion." Every one felt, however, that this was a very inadequate response to the appeal made by Canon Milman. This was espe- cially the feeling of Mr. Hodson, who, as the year 1874 drew nigh, deemed that something further should be done in honour of the memory of Caxton. and for the benefit of decayed mem- bers of the " Printers' Pension Corporation." Like many others he believed that the " Chess Book " was the first book printed at Westminster, and sent forth his circulars accordingly. Among those, however, whom he addressed, was Mr. Blades, who, while he cordially concurred with him in the object he had at heart, re- presented that the year 1877 was the undoubted fourth centenary of the first book printed at Westminster, and recommended that that year should be adopted for the proposed Celebration. Mr. Blades, at the same time, made some valuable suggestions as to the form which the Celebration might properly assume, and the methods by which it might be carried out. Mr. Hodson cordially accepted both the date suggested by Mr. Blades and his other proposals, and it is to the united efforts of these two gentlemen that the success of the present Exhibition — as successful we hope that it may prove — will be mainly due. The present year having been fixed upon for the Caxton Cele- bration, a Provisional Committee was appointed for carrying it into execution, embracing the following names : — JntroHuttion^ v Sir Charles Reed, Chairman ; W. Blades, Esq. ; W. Clowes, Esq. ; J. Coe, Esq. ; W. J. Coe, Esq. ; G. E. Eyre, Esq.; R. C. Nichols, Esq. ; W. Rivington, Esq. ; G. A. Spottiswoode, Esq. ; C. Austen Leigh, Esq. ; W. Spottiswoode, Esq. ; J. C. Wilkins, Esq. ; J. S. Hodson, Esq., Hon. Secretary. These gentlemen met together towards the end of 1876, in the Directors' Library of the Bank of England, on several occasions to discuss the object they had before them, to elect a general Committee, and solicit the aid of certain distinguished persons as Patrons of the undertaking. On the 17th February, 1877, a very successful meeting was held in the Jerusalem Chamber, not far from the presumed site of Caxton's printing office, at which Dean Stanley presided ; and meetings were subsequently held at the Society of Arts and the Mansion House, at which lists of Patrons were announced, sectional committees formed, and an Executive appointed to conduct the Celebration about to be held. Among the Patrons were Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, the two Archbishops, the Worshipful Company of Mercers, the Worshipful Company of Stationers, His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Earl Spencer, Earl Stanhope, and numerous other noblemen and gentlemen, including the Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England. As the scheme expanded itself, the choice of a fitting place for the Exhibition had to be decided. At first it was thought that the Hall of the Stationers' Company, which had been generously placed at the disposal of the Committee, would suffice ; but this was found too small to accommodate the vast number of exhibits likely to be offered. The Royal Commissioners of the 1851 Exhibition were, therefore, appealed to for the use of the Western Galleries at South Kensington : this they graciously accorded, and granted every facility for arranging the various exhibits as they are now shown. It was a main feature in this Celebration to collect together and exhibit to the public as many copies of the works of Caxton as could be procured by loan from the various public libraries, and vi Caj:ton Celebration. the libraries of noblemen and gentlemen known to be in the pos- session of such treasures. Other objects of kindred interest, such as the productions called Block-books, and the books printed by Caxton's predecessors or contemporaries, were also thought to come appropriately within the scope of the Exhibition. These, also, the Committee agreed to solicit as loans from the several owners, as had been resolved for the Caxtons. Her Majesty the Queen was among the first to accede to the appeal of the Committee by graciously consenting to send four Caxtons, one of which, " The Doctrinal of Sapience," is on vellum, from the Royal Library at Windsor, also the " Mentz Psalter " on vellum, together with other works of interest, including the Shakspere of 1632, Charles I.'s own copy, with his autograph. Lord Spencer sent fifty-seven Caxtons, and intimated, through Lord Charles Brudenell-Bruce, who, from the first, took the warmest interest in the proceedings, that the Committee might choose for the forthcoming Exhibition any of the various treasures in his library that might be thought appropriate. The Committee were not slow to accept this generous offer, and gladly availed themselves of Lord Charles Bruce's services in making the selec- tion. The works thus lent comprise not only the Caxtons, but the early Block-books, and the rare woodcut of St. Christopher, the Gutenberg (or Mazarin) Bible (the first book ever printed), the Mentz Psalter, the St. Albans Books, the books of Rood and Hunte, &c., together with a number of works illustrating the development of the Art of Printing in foreign countries, as shown in Class B. The Duke of Devonshire sent 1 8 Caxtons ; the Earl of Jersey, 6 Caxtons ; Mr. Christie-Miller, 3 Caxtons, the excessively rare Boethiiis, printed at Tavistock, and Pynson's first book printed in England in Roman type; Mr. Amhurst-Tyssen-Amhurst sent 4 Caxtons and i Machlinia ; the University Library at Cam- bridge sent 18 Caxtons, i Colard Mansion, and books by Rood and Hunte and Machlinia. The Bodleian Library sent 7 Caxtons ; Sion College, 6 ; Eton College, 2 ; the Archbishop of Canterbury, 3 ; the Marquis of Ailesbury, i ; Lord Tolle- gintrotiuction^ vii mache, i ; the University of Gottingen, 6 ; the University of Ghent, i ; Constance, Marchioness of Lothian, 2 Caxtons ; the Marquis of Lothian, i Colard Mansion ; the Dean and Chapter of York, 3 Caxtons ; the Dean and Chapter of Ripon, 2 ; Mr. Horwood, 2 Machlinias ; Earl Beauchamp, I Caxton ; St. John's College, Oxford, g ; St. John's College, Cambridge, 3 ; Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 2 ; Earl of Leicester, I ; Rev. E. Bankes, i ; Mr. Loveday, i ; Lord Zouche, i ; Rev. J. F. Russell, 3 ; the Bedford General Library, i Caxton, and 2 Indulgences printed by Caxton ; Mr. W. Harrison, i Caxton and 2 Wynkyn de Wordes. Altogether as many as 190 copies of books printed by Caxton have been contributed to the present Exhibition, a number such as never before were gathered together, nor are likely to be again ; and which represent as many as 104 distinct works printed by our first Printer. As these and other objects poured in, in response to the appeal of the Committee, the following classification was resolved upon and has been carried out in the Exhibition Rooms. Class A. 223iIIiam Cajcton antj t|)e Debelopment of tfje art of ©rintinc in ©nclanti anti €)cortanTi» Section I. — Documents relating to Caxton. Section II. — Books from the Press of William Caxton and Colard Mansion at Bruges. Section III.— Books from the Press of William Caxton at Westminster. Section IV. — Books from the Press of Colard Mansion, from whom Caxton acquired the art. Section V. — Books printed by Caxton's Contemporaries. Section VI. — Books illustrating the progress of Printing in England after Caxton's death. Section VII.— Books printed in Scotland. Class B. Zf)t Detjefopment of tf^e art of IPrintinc in JToreicn ^ounttitfs* Section I. — Impressions from Wooden Blocks. Section II. — Block Books. Section III. — Impressions from Moveable Metal Type. Section IV.— Printed Books. Section V.— Productions of Native Presses in the East. ¥111 Cajtton Celebratfom Class C. Z^t erompacatibc Dctrlopmcnt of t\ft 9rt of IPrinHnd in GncIanD anH JForrian €ounthe0, iUuetrateD bp dpecimenis of ti)e i]i)oIp ftcripturcB ant) Hiturcies. Section I. — Holy Scriptures. Section II.— Liturgies. Class D. ftpfcimenfl noticeable for Raritp or for 33fautH anti excellence of €Epoerapt)p. Section I. — Unique or rare Books not exhibited in Classes A, B, or C. Section II. — Specimens noticeable for beauty and excellence of typography. Section III.— Facsimile Reproductions. Class E. ^ecimen0 of IPrintinc* Section I. — Printing by Steam and Commercial Printing. Section II. — Newspaper Printing: Early Copies of English Newspapers, arranged in chronological order. Class F. IPrinteti i$lu0ic* Section I. — Music printed from Wood Blocks. Section II. — Music printed from Type, the staff lines in red and the notation in black. Section III. — Music printed from Type (one printing only). Section IV, — Tablature, and other modifications of notation. Section V. — Music printed from Engraved Plates. Section VI. — Music printed from Stamped Plates. Section VII. — Music printed by Lithography and other modes not previously classi- fied. Class G. ISool 3inu0tration0 anB oti^er ftpecimen0 of enctat)inc0, IPrindnc in erolour0, anD ot{;er ]Proce00e0* Section I.— Woodcuts. Section II. — Copper-plates. Section III. — Printing in Colours from raised Blocks. Section IV.— Lithographs. Section V.— Photographs. Section VI.— Zincographs, Ac. 3|ntrotiuction* ix Class H. ©ottrait0 anti autocrap?j0 of tJletinguietjen 9ut?)or0, %pf ^founUere, IPrintf re, anT) 93oob0eIIer0* Section I. — Portraits in Oil, &c., of Printers. Section II. — Engraved Portraits of Printers and Publishers. Section III. — Engraved Portraits of Celebrated Men at one time Printers. Section IV. — Views, Interiors, &c. Section V. — Autographs of Printers. Section VI. — Autographs and Portraits of Literary Men. Class I. 93OO&0 relatinci; to IPtintina^ Class K. (!rurio0itie0 ann iBi0ceIIante0* In this Department is exhibited all appertaining to Printers and Printing not readily included in any other class. Class L. Ztpt ann ti^et IPrintino ;^ateiial0* SECTibN I. — Old Types, Punches, Matrices, Moulds, and other Type-founders' Tools. Section II. — Type Casting Machines. Section III. — Types, Plates, and other Materials used in the various processes of music printing. ^ — Type-fou Section IV. — Type-founders' Specimen Books (selected). Class M. fttereotppinc anD dBIectrotgpinc. Section I. — Apparatus for Stereotyping and Electrotyping. Section II. — Specimens of Stereotjrpe and Electrotype plates and blocks. Class N. Copperplate IPrintina, (Litfjocrapl); ann lID|;otocrap|);* Class O. IPaper anD IPaperographical pro- ductions. 235. QuATUOR Sermones et Liber Festivalis. Wynkyn de Worde, 1496. Lent by Earl Spencer. 236. Bartholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum. Wynken de Worde. Folio. Without place or date, but about 1495. Lent by Earl Spencer. The most magnificent production of Wynkyn de Worde's press. First book printed on paper of English manufacture. The first paper mill was set up at Hertford in Henry VII. 's reign by John Tate. The colophon has direct reference to Caxton ; — And also of your charyte call to remembraunce The soule of William Caxton first prynter of this boke In laten tongue at Coleyn hymself to auance That every wel disposyd man may theron loke And John Tate the yonger Joye mote he broke Whiche late hathe in Englond doo make this paper th3mne That now in our englyssh this boke is prynted Inne. 237. Bartholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum. A second copy. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College^ London. 238. Dives and Pauper. " Westmensti ^ ^Wyken de Worde." 1496. Folio. Lent by Arcdeacon Harrison. London. 239. Cronycle of Englonde and the Descrypcyon of Brytayne. Wyn- kyn de Worde, 1502. Folio. Lent by the Marquis of Ailesbury. 240. The Boke of Good manners. Wynkyn de Worde, 1507. 4to. Woodcuts. Lent by the Rev. J. F. Russell. The only perfect copy known. 241. Rycharde Cuer de Lyon. Wynkyn de Worde. 1509. 4to. First edition. L^nt by Earl Spender. 32 Ca;cton Celebratfom 242. The Floure of the comanndementes of god. " Enprynted at Lon- don in Flete strete at the sygne of the sonne by Wrynkyn de Worde." 15 10. Folio. Lent by Archdeacon Harrison. 243. Nova legenda Anglise. London, " in domo Winandi de Worde," 1 5 1 6. Lent by Earl Beauchamp. 244. Fitzherbert's Grand Abridgement of the Laws. 3 vols. Folio. W. de Worde, 15 16. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. One of our most ancient and authentic legal records. 245. Ortus Vocabuloru. " Impressus Lodoniis p Wynadu de Worde." 15 1 1. 4to. Lent by the Earl of Jersey. 246. The Orcharde of Sion. Imprinted at London in Flete Street at ye Sygne of the Sonne by me Wynkyn de Worde. 15 19. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. An early instance of the composition of lines of type so as to make figures : in this case a Cross. 247. The Rosary of Our Saviour Jesu. London : Wynkyn de Worde, 1530. 4to. Lent by Archdeacon Harrison. 248. CoMUNYCACYON bytwene god and man. Enprynted at London in Flete Strete at y^ sygne of ye Sonne by me Wynkyn de Worde. 4to. Le7it by the Rev. J. F. Russell. Imperfect, wanting first leaf. No other copy known. 249. Sermo in die Innocentium pro Episcopo Puerorum. Wynkyn de Worde. 4to. Lent by the Rev. J. F. Russell. Woodcut of the Crucifixion from Caxton's Fifteen Oes. 250. Sermo exhortatorius cancellarii Ebor. Wynkyn de Worde. " Hunc sermone legi diligenter et lectu approbavi : et decrevi imprimi posse sine periculo — Joannes Colet." Lent by the Rev. J. F. Russell. 251. The remors of Mannes Conscience. Wynken de Worde. London. No date. 4to. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. Richard Pynson, a Norman, was an early servant of Caxton's. He obtained the patent of King's printer to Henry VII. in 1503. His office was first at Temple Bar, and afterwards at the sign of the George, near St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street. He was the first typographical artist who introduced the Roman letter into England. 252. BoCHAS. Pall of Princes. 1494. Pynson. Lent by Earl Spencer. Clajsfjaf ja.— Canon anti 2Detjelopment of tlie Sivu 33 253. Dives and Pauper, Dyalogue of. That is to say, the riche and the pore fructuously tretyng upon the comandments. Emprynted at the Temple barre of london. 1493. Richarde Pynson. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First dated book printed by Pynson. 255. Chaucer. Booke of the Tales of Cantyrburye. Richard Pynson. (1493-) Lent by Earl Spencer. 256. Nova Statuta. Folio. Pynson, 1497. Lent by Earl of Leicester. 257. Alexandri Liber Doctrinalis. Richardus Pynson, 1498. Lent by Earl Beauchamp. 258. Promptorius Pueronim. Folio. 1499. Lent by Earl Spencer. First English and Latin dictionary. 259. Abridgement of Law in Norman French. R. Pynson, 1500. Lent by Sir C. Reed. 261. Pace, Richard. Oratio in pace nuperime composita inter inuic- tissimum Angliae regem, et Francorum regem christianissimum. Londini: R. Pynson, 15 18. 4to. Lent by S. Christie-Miller^ Esq. The first book printed in England in Roman characters. 262. MissALE ad usum Sarum. Pynson, 1520. On vellum. FoHo. Lent by E. Houstnan^ Esq. 263. HenricusVIIL Assertio septem Sacramentorum adversus Martin. Lutherum. Pynson, 15 21. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. 264. Froyssart's Cronycle. " Translated out of Frenche into maternal English, by Ihon Bourchier Knight Lord Berners." London, FleteStrete: Richard Pynson, 1525. Folio. Lent by Birket Foster, Esq. 265. Bull of Pope Leo X. Richard Pynson. Folio. Lent by the Rev. J. F. Russell. 266. Petronylla. Richard Pynson. 4to. Lent by the Rev. J. F. Russell. A metrical legend of greatest rarity. 267. Tenures de Lytylton. Richard Pynson. Lent by the Earl of Leicester, 268. Natura Brevium. Richarde Pynson. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. 34 Cajcton Celebration* 269. FABYAN*sCronycle. Prentyd at London. Wyllyam Rastell, 1533. Lent by H, White, Esq. 269*.Chrysostome, Saint. Homiliae Suae. Grsec^ et Latin^. Londini, apud Reynerum Vuolfium. 1543. 4to. The first book printed in Greek in England. 270. CoMPENDiosA Anatomic delineatio. Imprinted at London within the blacke fryars by Thomas Gemini, 1559. Lent by Messrs. S. 6^ B. Nock. 271. The Cosmographical Glasse. Compiled by William Cuningham, Doctor in Physicke. John Daye, 1559. Lent by W. Amhurst Tyssen Amhurst, Esq. 272. Foxe's Book of Martyrs. John Daye, 1563. First edition. Lent by W, Amhurst Tyssen Amhurst, Esq. 273. Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande faithfully gathered and set forth by Raphael Holinshed. London, 1577. 2 vols. First edition. (Vol. 2 in Class D.) Lent by H. White, Esq. 274. The vertusse boke of Distyllacion of the waters of all maner of Herbes by Master Iherom bruynswyke. London : Laurens Andrewe, 1527. Folio. Lent by Archdeacon Harrison. 275. Myrrour of the Worlde. Enprynted by Laurence Andrewe. Lent by Earl Spencer. 276. Iherome of Bruynwyke warke of Surgeri translated out of Duche into Englisshe. Petrus Treuris, 1525. Lent by Messrs. S. 6^ B. Nock. First medical work illustratid with woodcuts printed in England. Petrus Treveris was the first printer in Southwark. 277. Ane Admonition direct to the trew Lordis maintenaris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie M. G. B. [Buchanan] Imprinted at London by John Daye, accordying to the Scotish copies Printed at Strivelyng by Robert Lekpriuck, Anno Do. MD.LXXI. 1 2mo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. Tavistock. The monks of the Benedictine Abbey of Tavistock possessed a printing-press in the early part of the sixteenth century. Only two books from their press are extant. 278. BoETHius. The Boke of comfort called in laten Boetius de Consolatione philosophic. " Enprented in the exempt monastery of Tavestock in Denshyre. By me Dan Thomas Rychard, monk of the say d Monastery." 1525. 4to. Lent by S. Christie-Miller, Esq. Cla0ja( Sl.—€axtm anti 3Det3elopment of tlie Sin. 35 Ipswich. Anthony Scolsker, John Overton, and John Oswen were the first printers. They left Ipswich together. Oswen went to Worcester where he carried on business for some time. 279. DoMESTYCAL OF Houschold Scrmons for a godley householder to his children and family now first translatd out of Latin into Englyshe by Henry Reginalde. Printed by John Oswen. Zen^ by R. W. Binns^ Esq, The first part was printed at Ipswich in 1548, and the second at Worcester in 1549. Worcester. The art of printing was practised in this city from 1548 to 1553 by John Oswen, a printer from Ipswich. Most of his works were of a religious character. 280. Godly saiyings of the old auncient faithful fathers upon the Sacra- ment of the Bodye and bloude of Chryste. Translated oute of Latin by Ihon Veron Sennoys. Worcester : Ihon Oswen, 1550. Lent by Earl Beauchamp. Norwich. Anthony de Solempne, one of the strangers from the Low Countries who lyere encouraged to settle in England by Queen Elizabeth, introduced the art of printing here about 1568. His productions are extreniely rare. After his death no printer appeared at Norwich until 1702. 281. Belijdenisse endeeenvoudige wtlegginge des waerachtigengheloofs .... in Switzerlant, 1561. Gheprint tot Nordwitz by Antonium de Solemne. Lent by W. Amhurst Tyssen Amhurst, Esq, 282. B. CoRNELis Adriaenssen Sermoenen, 1578. Noirdwitz. Lent by W. Amhurst Tyssen Amhurst^ Esq. 283. Chronyc-Historie der Nederlandtscher Oorlogen. Gedruct tot Noortwitz, 1579. Lent by W. Amhurst Tyssen Amhurst^ Esq. 36 Cartoa Celebration* Section VII. BOOKS PRINTED IN SCOTLAND. I HE first printing press in Scotland was introduced under the patronage of King James IV. by a grant of exclusive privileges in favour of Walter Chepman and Andrew Myllar, burgesses of Edinburgh, signed under the Privy Seal at Edinburgh, 15 th Sej> tember, 1507. The British Museum acquired from a sale at Paris in 1869, a unique copy of " Expositio Sequentiarum," printed at Rouen, at the expense of Andro Myllar, bookseller, in Edinburgh (with his device), in the year 1506. Small 4to. 284. The Maying or Disport of Chaucer. " Impretit in the south gait of Edinburgh be Walter chepman and Androw myllar the fourth day of apile the yhere of god .M.CCCCC. and viii. yheris." 4to. Unique. Lent by the Faatlty of Advocates^ Edinburgh. The earliest book known to have been printed in Scotland. It has on the last page Myllar's device, representing a windmill with a miller ascending the outside ladder, and carrying a sack of grain upon his back. The following unique pieces are bound in the same volume with the above poem : — The Knightly Tale of Golagros and Gawane, 1508. The Porteous of Noblenes, 1 508. The Tale of Syr Eglamoure of Artoys. The Goldyn Targe, by William Dunbar. Ane Buke of Gud Counsale to the King. The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedie. The Traitie of Orpheus and Erudices, by Robert Henryson. The Ballade of Lord Barnard Stewart, by William Dunbar. The Tretis of the tua Marrit Women and the Wedo, by William Dunbar. A Gest of Robyn Hode. Excepting the last two tracts, all the above are from the press of Chepman and Myllar. 285. Breuiarii Aberdonensis ad per Celebris ecclesie Scotorum potissi- mum vsum et consuetudinem Pars hyemalis (et Pars aestivalis). Edinburgh: Walter Chepman, 15 10. 8vo. 2 tom. Lent by the University of Edinburgh. €W& Si,—€axton anti ^tMopmtnt of t^e Situ 37 286. The Hystory and Croniklis of Scotland, be Maister Hector Boece. Translatit be Maister Johne Bellenden. Imprinted in Edinburgh by Thomas Davidson, [1536.] FoUo. Lent by the University of Edinburgh. This copy is printed on vellum. 287. The Hystory and Croniklis of Scotland. [1536.] Folio. Another copy, on paper. Lent by the Faculty of Advocates^ Edinburgh. 288. The New Actis and Constitutionis of Parliament, 1540. Edin- burgh : Thomas Davidson, [1542]. FoHo. Lent by the Faculty of Advocates ^ Edinburgh. Unique. Printed on vellum. 289. Ane Dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour, Off the Miserabyll Estait of the Warld. Compylit be Schir Dauid Lynde- say of ye Mont. Imprinted at Copmanhouin, [1558.] 4to. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. This is the second issue, evidently printed by John Scot either at Edinbui^h or St. Andrew's. 290. Ane Dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour. " Imprentit at the command, and expenses of Maister Sammuel lascuy, in Paris, 1558." 8vo. Lent by L>. Laing, Esq. Some leaves supplied in facsimile. 291. The Protestant Confession. The Confessione of the fayth and doctri^ beleued and professed by the Protestantes of the Realme of Scotland exhibited to the estates of the sam in parlia- ment and by thare publict notes authorised as a doctrin grounded vpon the infallable wourd of God. Imprinted at Edinburgh, be Robert Lekprewik. Cum priuilegio. 1561. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. The copy now exhibited appears to be the original edition, and one of those which Knox in a letter to Mrs. Anna Ix)ck, dated October 2, 1561, says : — "I sent to you, and to some others, the Confession of our Faith, in quairs, unbound, If they came to your hands I cannot tell bot now it is no mater. I perceaved they are printed with you againe." The English edition mentioned by Knox was printed at London for Rowland Hall, 1561. A copy is in the Grenville Collection, British Museum. There is also an edition printed at Edinburgh, by John Scot, 1561. 4to. 38 Carton Celebration 292. The Acts and Constitutiounis of the Parliaments of Scotland. Edinburgh: Robert Lekpreuik, 1566. Folio. Lent by the Faculty of Advocates^ Edinburgh. The first edition of the Black Acts. 293. The Acts and Constitutiounis of the Parliaments of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1566. Folio. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. The second issue, dated November, 1 566, containing additional leaves sup- plying those that were cancelled in the first impression. 294. FoiRM nomuidhadh. The Book of Common Order, commonly called Knox's Liturgy, translated into Gaelic by John Carsewell, Bishop of the Isles in 1567. Robert Lekpreuik, Edinburgh, 1567. 8vo. Lent by the University of Edinburgh. The first book printed in Gaelic. This copy begins on fol. 2, containing the Dedication to Archibald, Earl of Ar^ll. 295. Heir beginnis ane treatise callit the Palice of Honour compylit be M. Gawane Dowglas, Bischop of Dunkeld. Imprentit at Edinburgh be Johne Ros for Henrie Charteris. 1579. 4to. Lent by the University of Edinburgh. 296. Rerum Scoticarum Historia auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Edinburgi Apud Alexandrum Arbuthnetum Typographum Regium. Anno 1582. Folio. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. 297. The History of the Reformatioun of Religioun within the realme of Scotland. London, 1586. Svo, Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. The original edition, printed at London by Thomas Vautrollier, and seized whilst at press and suppressed by order of Archbishop Whitgift, in February, 1586-7, before the work was completed. Every printed copy preserved com- mences with page 17 and breaks off" with page 560. In this copy the missing leaves are supplied in a contemporary hand. 298. The King's Confession. The Confession of Faith, subscrived by the Kingis Maiestie and his Hous-hold : togither with the copie of the Generall Band and Act of secreit counsaill. At Edinburgh. Printed by Robert Waldegrave. Anno Dom. 1590. 4to. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. 299. The Lawes and Actes of Parliament maid be the Kings of Scotland : visied, collected, and extracted be Sir John Skene. Edinburgh, printed by Robert Waldegraf. Folio. 1597. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. With the engraved title containing portraits of the Kings, &c. Cla00 2i.—€axton and 2Det)elopment of t^z Situ 39 300. The Muses Welcome to the High and Mightie Prince James, &c. at his all happie returne to his old and native Kingdome of Scot- land, anno 1617. Edinburgh, printed by Thomas Finlason, 16 18. Folio. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. 301. Christ's Testaments Unfolded, or Seven Godlie Sermons, by Mr. Archibald Symson. Printed at Edinburgh by Edward Raban, 1620. i2mo. Lent by D, Laingy Esq, 302. Flowres of Sion by William Drummond of Havvthorne-denne. To which is adjoyned his Cypresse Groue. Edinburgh : John Hart, 1630. Folio. Lent by the University of Edinburgh, '• Giuen to King James His Colledge in Eden-bourgh by the Author, 1630." 303. John Calvin's Catechisme. Edinburgh: John Wreittoun, 163 1. The same translated into Gaelic, also printed at Edinburgh, 1631. In one volume. 1 2mo. L^nt by D. Laing^ Esq, 304. The Psalms in Prose and Metre. Edinburgh, 1634. 8vo. L^nt by D. Laing^ Esq. This copy has the title-page of the edition of 1640. 305. The Laws and Acts of Parliament, made by the Kings and Queens of Scotland, collected by Sir Thomas Murray of Glendook. Folio. Edinburgh, 1681. Large paper copy. Lent by D. Lxiing^ Esq. 306. Dryden, John. The Hind and the Panther. A Poem. Holy- rood-House. Reprinted by James Watson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majesties Royal Family and Household. 1687. 4to. I^ent by D, Laing^ Esq. 307. Britannia Rediviva : A Poem on the Birth of the Prince. Written by Mr. Dryden. Holy-rood-House. Reprinted by Mr. P. B. Enginier, printer to the King's most excellent Majesty, for His Household, Chappel, and Colledge. 1688. 4to. L^nt by D, Laing^ Esq. 308. Theses Philosophlcae, for the year 1698. A broadside printed on satin, with ornamented borders, presented to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Sir Archibald Mure of Thornton, on occasion of the graduation of the Students, July, 1698. L^nt by D. Laing^ Esq. 40 Cajcton Celebration. 309. The Confession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms, &c., translated into the Irish Language by the Synod of Argyle. Edinburgh, 1725. i2mo. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. 310. ViRGiLii Opera. Edinburgh, 1743. i2mo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. This is called the Immaculate Edition. 311. The Dances of Death, &c, by John Holbein. Etched by David Deuchar, seal engraver. Edinburgh, 1788. 4to. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. The original impressions with the borders. 312. The Tale of Golagrus and other Ancient Poems. The reprint of the original editions printed by William Chepman and Androw Myllar, at Edinburgh, 1508, reprinted 1827. 4to. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL TYPOGRAPHY. 313. The Catechisme, That is to say, ane comone and catholik in- structioun of the Christin People in Materis of our catholik faith and religioun quhilk na gud Christin man or woman suld mis- knaw : set furth be the maist reverend father in God, Johne Archbischop of Sanct Androus, Legatnait and Primat of the Kirk of Scotland, in his prouincial Counsale haldin at Edinburgh the XXVI day of Juanuarie, the zeir of our Lord 1551. Printed at St. Andrews, 1552. 4to. Lent by the University of Edinburgh. 314. In Dominicam Orationem pia Meditatio : Auctore Patricio Coc- bumo Scoto. Printed at St. Andrews by John Scot, 1555. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. 315. Ane Detectioun of the Doingis of Marie Queue of Scottis. Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik, 1572. 8vo. Lent by the Faculty of Advocates^ Edinburgh. 316. Michaelson, John. The Lawfulnes of Kneeling in the Act of receiuing the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper. Printed by Ed- ward Raban, Printer to the Vniversitie of Sainct-Andrewes, 1620. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. 317. Baron, Robert. Philosophia Theologiae Ancillans. Andreapoli (St. Andrews), 162 1. i2mo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. ClajijS ^♦— Ca;ctoti anti JDetjelopment of t^e ^rt. 41 3 1 8. JoANNis Ludovici Vivis Ad Sapientiam Introductio. Aberdoniae : Excudebat Eduardus Rabanus, 1623. i2mo. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. 319. Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiasticall, Gathered and put in forme, for the Governament of the Church of Scotland. Aber-- dene, Imprinted by Edward Raban, dwelling upon the Market- place, at the Armes of the Citie, 1636. Lent by D. JMtng^ Esq. Dr. Juxon, Bishop of London, in a letter to Maxwell, Bishop of Ross, says : ** I receaved yo"" Book of Canons, which perchance at first will make more noise then all the Canons in Edinburgh Castle, but when men's eares have beene used awhile to the sound of them, they will not startle so much at it, as now at first." (Baillie's ** Letters and Journals," Vol. I. p. 438.) 320. Common Psalm Tunes. Aberdeen, 1666. Obi. 4to. Unique. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. This work probably never had a title-page. 321. The Aberdeen Cantus. "Songs and Fancies, to three, four, or fiue Parts, both apt for voices and viols. With a brief Introduction to musick, as is taught by Thomas Davidson, in the Musick-School of Aberdene." Second edition. Aberdene, printed by John Forbes. 1666. Obi. 4to. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. The first edition was printed at Aberdeen by Forbes in 1662. A full account of the editions is given in the Introduction to Johnson's "Scots Musical Museum." New edition with notes. Edinburgh, 1853. Vol. I. pp. xxxiv-xl. 322. The same. The third edition. Aberdeen: printed by John Forbes, 1682. Obi. 4to. Lent by D. Lxiing^ Esq. 323. Taylor, J. Verbum sempiternum. Aberdene : John Forbes, 1670. 64mo. Taylor, J. Salvator Mundi. Aberdene : John Forbes, 1670. 64mo. Lent by A. Gardyner, Esq. These epitomes in verse of the Old and New Testaments are bound together and known as the Thumb Bible. 324. The Protestation of the Generall Assemblie of the Church of Scotland, &c. November, 1638. Printed at Glasgow by George Anderson, in the yeare of grace 1638. 4to. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. This tract appears to have been the earliest specimen of printing in Glasgow. 325. Row, John. Hebraeae Linguae Institutiones compendiosissimae, & facillimae. Glasguae, Excudebat Georgius Andersonus, Anno partus Salutiferi, 1644. Xi;uaj Hebraica : seu Vocabularium. Glasguae, Excudebat Georgius Andersonus, Anno Christogonias, 1644. 1 2mo. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. Two of the earliest works printed in Scotland containing Hebrew charac- ters. Bound in one volume. 42 €axton Celebratfom 326. Dickson, David, D.D. Explicatio Analytica omnium Apos- tolicarum Epistolarura. Glasguae, exc. Geo. Andersonus. 1645. 4to. Zeni by D. Laing^ Esq. 327. HoRATius. Glasguae, 1744. i2mo. Lent by D, Laing^ Esq. This is called the Immaculate Edition. 328. EniKTHTOY ErxEiPiAioN. (Epictcti Enchiridion, Graece.) Glasguae : R. Foulis, 1748. i2mo. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq, Printed on vellum. 329. HoMERi Ilias, &c., Graece. R. and A. Foulis. Glasguae, 1756-58. Folio. Large paper. Lent from the Signet Library^ Edinburgh. 330. Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd. Glasgow: Foulis, 1788. 4to. Le?it by D. Laing, Esq, One of the earliest illustrated books published in Scotland. Plates by David Allan. 331. Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. First edition. Kilmarnock, 1786. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. 332. Thomson's Seasons. Perth, 1793. 4to. Lent from the Signet Library^ Edinburgh. With engravings. The first edition printed in Scotland. BOOKS WITH FICTITIOUS IMPRINTS, BUT APPARENTLY NOT PRINTED IN SCaTLAND. 333. De furoribus Gallicis, &c. vera & simplex Narratio, ab Ernesto Varamundo Frisio Auctore. Edinburgi, anno salutis humanae, 1573. 4to. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. 334. The same, translated under the title : — "A true and plaine report of the furious outrages of Fraunce, &c. By Ernest Varamund, at Striveling 1573." i2mo. Lent from the Signet Library ^ Edinburgh. Cla00 2i.—€axton and 3Det)elopmeitt of tfje Sivu 43 335. Le Reveille-matin des Frangois & de leur Voissins. Compose par Eusebe Philadelphe Cosmopolite, en forme de dialogues. A Edimbourg de rimprimerie de Jaques James, avec permission. 1574. 8vo. Zenf by D. Laingy Esq. 336. ViNDiciiE contra Tyrannos : Stephano Junio Bruto Celta [/>., Hubert Languet] auctore. Edinburgi, 1579. 8vo. Lent by D. Laingy Esq, Class B. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ART OF PRINTING IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. |HE principle of the Art of Printing was not altogether unknown to the ancients. The Babylonian bricks brought to this country are stamped with various characters, and there is evidence to prove that the ancient Romans made use of stamps, with which they marked their articles of luxury and use, and branded their cattle. Landseer observes in his " Lectures on the Art of Engraving," " Had the modern art of making paper been known to the ancients, we had probably never heard of Fust and Finiguerra, for with the same kinds of stamps which the Romans used for their pottery and packages, books might have been printed." We must, however, turn our eyes further eastward in order to dis- cover the first indications of the earliest form of printing, namely, of transferring impressions from wooden blocks to paper. . The Chinese, it is believed, were the first nation who practised this art, many years before the commencement of the Christian era, the complicated nature of their written language rendering any other mode of printing impracticable. It is not unreasonable to suppose that the Venetians, from their early intercourse with that nation, acquired a knowledge of the art from them, which they introduced into Europe, and that in the course of time the artists of Germany, Holland, and other parts found out their secret, and practised it themselves. A Decree of the Venetian Government of 1441, prohibiting the im- portation " of any work that is printed or painted on cloth or on paper, Cla00 S.— 3Detjelopment in JForeiffii €onntvit9i* 45 that is to say, altar-pieces, or images, and playing-cards," the art and mystery of making which had fallen into decay, in consequence of the quantity made out of Venice, shows that not only in that city, but in other parts of Europe, the art of printing was known many years before impressions were produced by means of moveable metal type. It would appear, from the mention of the word, " Kartenmacher," in the records of the city of Augsburg of 1418, and o5 Nuremberg of 1433 and 1438, that the Germans more especially practised the art, and ac- cording to an ancient Chronicle found by Heinecken at Ulm, playing- cards used to be sent to Italy, in return for spices and other merchandise. It is generally acknowledged that playing-cards were printed in the fourteenth century, and the celebrated " St. Christopher" in the Althorp Library proves that "images" of the Saints from wooden blocks appeared at least as early as 1423. The first Block Prints, consisting of illustrations with a few words of text, were not produced by means of a press. The impression was taken off by rubbing the back of the paper which had been laid upon the surface of the block. Possibly the wood may not have been considered hard enough to bear great pressure. The next step towards the development of the art consisted in illus- trating the prints with such an amount of text as to render them instruc- tive. Two leaves, each bearing an impression only on one side, were pasted together so as to form two pages, and the whole were collected in a book of portable form. These Block Books were for the most part of a sacred character, and in an age when manuscripts were rare and great ignorance prevailed, they must in no small degree have helped to advance the cause of Re- ligion and Education. Perhaps the " Biblia Pauperum," although not one of the earliest, was one of the most popular as it is one of the most interesting of these xylographic productions. It contains a short abstract of the Bible, illus- trated in a remarkable manner by designs of the chief stories of the Old and New Testament. The " Ars Memorandi," a memoria technica of the Four Gospels, although rude in execution, gives an idea of the character of some of the religious instruction afforded in the fifteenth century. In the " Kunst Ciromantia," we have an early example of the use of the press, the leaves having woodcuts and text printed on each side. The great expense attending the process of printing from blocks led to a further development of the art. Experiments may have been made with wooden moveable type, but of this there is no distinct evidence, and the want of some more durable substance which would produce a more defined impression than wood, was likely to be felt. We now arrive at that period in the history of the Art of Printing in 46 Carton Celebration* which the central figure is Johann Gutenberg, that great genius to whose mind it is not unlikely that the Invention of Printing with moveable metal types may have suggested itself, without the intervention of Play- ing Cards, Images of the Saints, or Block Books. About the year 1436 there was residing in the city of Strasburg one Johann Gensfleisch, surnamed Zum Gutenberg, a native of Mentz, who was engaged in certain mysterious arts, the secrets of which he commu- nicated to two associates. The records of a law-suit which arose on the death of one of his partners, show that the mystery which they had in hand was the art of taking impressions by means of moveable type. As far as we know at present their efforts had, possibly for want of funds, been unattended with success. And we next hear of Gutenberg, about 1450, in his native town, entering into partnership with Johann Fust, who agreed to advance him the money necessary for carrying on his typographical experiments. According to Bernard, in his ad- mirable work on the " History of the Invention of Printing," Gutenberg had already, whilst at Strasburg, conceived the idea of casting the type of his letters in iron moulds, which were provided with inner matrices of lead, in which the letters had been struck with a wooden punch. He was now enabled still further to perfect this invention by cutting each letter on a piece of steel which formed a punch. This he struck into a matrix of copper, which formed the bottom of the mould in which the type was cast. By this process he was enabled to ensure a greater uniformity and sharpness of letter, and to produce a type re- sembling the manuscripts which the press in its infancy, it is supposed, was intended to reproduce. This supposition is strengthened by the fact that in the earliest impressions there is no colophon to indicate that they were produced by means of the printing press, whereas in the first dated printed book, the Mentz Psalter of 1457, it is expressly stated in the subscription that it was not the work of a scribe. The Letter of Indulgence of Nicolas V. of 1454 was, no doubt, one of the first productions of the Gutenberg-Fust Press — at all events it is the earliest known specimen of the impression of moveable metal type with a date subjoined. But the first important work executed by them was the " Mentz Bible without date," — more commonly known as the " Mazarin Bible," from the name of the Cardinal in whose library a copy of it was first discovered, and which must have appeared about 1455. Of this book a copy is to be seen in the National Library at Paris, con- taining a memorandum of one Cremer, to the effect that it had been illuminated and bound by him in 1456. The costliness of this undertaking led to a law-suit, by which Gutenberg was condemned to give up all his printing materials to Fust, being unable to repay the money he had advanced him. By the help of Conrad Humery, syndic of Mentz, however, Gutenberg started another press in Cla00 2B.— 3Detjelopment in iforefgn Countrfe^. 47 1456, which he continued to work until his appointment to the house- hold of Adolphus, Duke of Nassau, in 1465. There is strong evidence to prove that the " Catholicon " of 1460 was one of his productions. The death of this illustrious man occurred in 1468, and whatever doubts may have been entertained at one time as to his having been the Inventor of the Art of Printing with moveable metal type, it must be stated that the rival claims set up for Coster of Haarlem are now generally abandoned by the best instructed of his fellow-countrymen. To return to Mentz. Fust, on the dissolution of partnership between himself and Gutenberg, associated with himself one of his workmen, Peter Schoeffer, to whom the honour belongs of having been the first to introduce into typography Capital Illuminated Letters, which for beauty of execution and gracefulness of design are unrivalled even at the present day. In 1457 they produced the "Mentz Psalter," the most ancient printed book known with a date, and one of the grandest specimens of the typographic art. In 1462 they gave to the world the first Bible printed with a date, and in a type entirely different from that of the year 1455. According to Fabricius, copies of this celebrated impression, some of which are without subscription, were sold at Paris for sixty crowns, and from the number disposed of, they were supposed to have been printed by magic Notwithstanding the precautions which had hitherto been taken to preserve the secret of the new invention, Albert Pfister, formerly em- ployed in Gutenberg's office, had succeeded in establishing a press at Bamberg, and in printing a Bible there not later than the year 1460 ; and the discovery at Freiburg, in Breisgau, of a copy of the " Biblia Latina" by Mentelin, in two volumes, with the respective dates of 1460 and 1461 affixed by the illuminator, conclusively proves that in the city of Stras- burg the printing press was at work at a period almost as early. Had it not, however, been for the capture of Mentz by Adolphus of Nassau in the following year, an event which dispersed so many of Gutenberg's and Fust's workmen, the development of the art of typo- graphy throughout the world might have been deferred for an indefinite period. At Cologne, Ulric Zel commenced printing in 1466, and Augs- burg acquired a knowledge of the art from Gunther 2^iner. At Nurem- berg, where Koberger acquired the name of " Librariorum Princeps," Sensenschmidt, one of its citizens, was the first to print in 1470. In Italy Arnold Pannartz and Conrad Sweynheym found a refuge at Subiaco, where they printed three, if not four works. In 1467, they were induced by the Massimi family to establish a press in their house at Rome. Up to the year 1474, when Sweynheym, wishing to devote himself to copper engraving, retired from partnership, it is said they pro- duced 1 2,000 volumes, a supply which exceeded the demand, as appears from a petition addressed to Pope Sixtus IV. by the Bishop of Aleria, one of their wannest patrons. 48 Cajcton Celebration^ In 1469, Philip de Lavagna had introduced printing at Milan, which rendered itself remarkable in the annals of typography as having produced the first book printed in the Greek language, the " Lascaris Grammar" of 1476, and also the earUest impression extant of any part of sacred writ in the Greek tongue ; the Psalter, namely, of 148 1. In the same year at Venice, John of Spire divulged the secrets of the typographical art, which the Aldi subsequently developed to a degree of perfection not to be surpassed at the present day. In this city, Jenson, formerly Master of the Mint at Tours, made himself celebrated by the beauty of his type and the number of his productions. To Aldus Pius Manucius, the head of that great family of printers which were in Italy what the Stephenses were in later years in France, the honour is due of having made the first attempt at the production of cheaper and more portable books, by the introduction of the Aldine or Italic type. He has left behind him the reputation of having been a learned scholar, as well as one of the greatest printers on record, and the formation of an " Aldine Academy " over which he presided, and to which Erasmus and most of the learned men of the day belonged, testifies to the high estimation in which he was held by his contemporaries. Whilst printing was thus proceeding with such rapidity at Rome, Milan, and Venice, a corresponding activity was manifesting itself in other towns of Italy. The Florentine Press, afterwards celebrated for the productions of the Giuntas, was being inaugurated by the goldsmith Cennino, in the year 147 1, and at the same time, Sixtus Riessinger, a priest from Strasburg, was printing the first book published at Naples, where his fellow-countryman, Matthias Moravus, was soon to attain the highest reputation for the beauty of his works. But, in considering the rapid progress of the typographical art within fifty years of its invention, we are reminded of the fact that, if the taking of Mentz led to its being gradually disseminated throughout Europe, an event of far greater importance largely contributed towards its further development. The capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 forced many illustrious Greeks to find a refuge in Italy, bearing with them literary treasures which, in the course of a few years, were to be revealed to the civilized world through the medium of the printing press. The honour of introducing typography into France belongs to the Theological College of the Sorbonne at Paris, two of its members having induced Gering, Crantz, and Friburger, three working printers from Germany, to set up a press within its walls in 1470. Three years later Barth. Buyer, a man of good family at Lyons, commenced printing in his native city. Simultaneously Switzerland produced its first printed book at Miinster in Aargau, and in 1474, one of Gutenberg's associates, Bertholdus Rot, established a press at Basle, where Johannes Froben, -Erasmus' friend, in 15 16 published the first Greek Testament. Cla00 S*— SDetelopment in govtiQn Countvit^i. 49 In Holland, typography was first practised at Utrecht, 1471-73, by Nic. Ketelaer and Gherardus de Leempt, and Johannes de Westfalia, the earliest printer in Belgium, produced his first work in 1473 ^^ Alost, where Thierri Martens, distinguished by the name of the " Aldus " of the Low Countries, set up as a master printer in 1487. About 1476 Colard Mansion, a caligraphist, was making his first essays at Bruges, his native city, in the typographical art, the knowledge of which he after- wards imparted to William Caxton. At Delft, in 1477, Jacobs and Yements published the first Dutch Old Testament, and in 1523 printing commenced at Amsterdam, which will be ever held in repute on account of the productions of the Elzevir Press towards the end of the 17 th century. If we turn to the extreme points of Europe we find that printing was car- ried on in Spain, at Seville in 1476, and still further encouraged at Alcala by Cardinal Ximenes, the publisher of the first Polyglot Bible of 15 14-17 ; at Constantinople efforts were made by the Jews as early as 1490 to develop the art; and typography was introduced into Iceland in 1530 through the energy of John Areson, Bishop of the See of Hoolum. In the New World, Mexico can claim the honour of having been the first city to produce a printed book before 1550, and in the United States the name of Benjamin Franklin is connected with some of the earliest attempts at typography in that country, where the first press was established in 1638, at Cambridge in Massachusetts. Within such a necessarily limited space it is not possible to do more than give a rapid sketch of the early history of printing. It is hoped that some general idea of its progress abroad may be obtained by an examination of the collection before us, containing as it does some of the finest productions of the foreign press ; many of them indeed are justly entitled to a place amongst the specimens remarkable for rarity or beauty of execution, but they are exhibited under this particular Class in order that the Development of the Art of Printing in Foreign Countries might be illustrated as completely as possible. 50 Cajcton Celebration. Section I. IMPRESSIONS FROM WOODEN BLOCKS. 345- T. CHRISTOPHER. A woodcut coloured with the hand, bearing the date of 1423. Lent by Earl Spencer. This woodcut, the most ancient specimen extant with a date of the use of printing ink, is pasted inside the cover of ** Laus Virginis," a manuscript dis- covered in the Chartreuse of Buxheim, near Memmingen, by Baron Heinecken, who says, "At least we know with certainty by this piece of engraving, that both images and letters were printed in 1423." 346. The Annunciation of the Virgin. A woodcut, coloured with the hand. Lent by Earl Speticer. This woodcut was pasted inside the cover of "Laus Virginis." 347. Impression from a Block, representing St. Bridget Lent by Earl Spencer. Coloured with some glutinous substance, and transferred from the block to paper by means of a rubber and not the press. 348. Impression from a Block — representing St. Anthony. Lent by Earl Spencer. Produced in the same manner as the impression of St. Bridget. Section II. BLOCK BOOKS. ^ 349- gjjjgRS Moriendi. 4to. Twelve leaves stuck together, so as to form !^^^ twenty-four pages, with a single leaf at the commencement and ^flSii ^^^* -^^^ ^y ^^^^ Spencer. First edition, according to Heinecken. With coloured woodcuts, transferred, together with the text, from the block, by means of the rubber. The cuts are coloured by hand. This, according to Sotheby, is supposed to be the earliest xylographic production in the form of a book. 350. BiBLiA Pauperum Latine. Folio. Forty leaves. With woodcuts. Lent by Earl Spencer. Heinecken describes four editions with forty leaves, and a fifth with fifty. 351. BiBLi A Pauperum. Folio. Lent by Dr. Gott. Deficient in three pages. Second edition, according to Heinecken. Cla52(0 ©>— 2Detielopment in Jforefffn Countries. si 352. BiBLiA Pauperum. Folio. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. Remarkably large and perfect copy of this particular edition, containing forty leaves, which, according to Heinecken, is the fourth. 353. HiSTORiA seu Providentia Virginis Marias ex Cantico Canticorum. Folio. Nine pages, printed on both sides. Lent by Earl Spencer. 354. Sancti Johannis Apocalypsis. Folio. With woodcuts, coloured by hand. Lent by Earl Spencer. In the German binding of the fifteenth century, with the date 1467 impressed outside. According to Heinecken, there were five different editions of this work. 355. Original Block, from which page 2 of the "Apocalypsis S. Johannis," was produced by means of friction. Lent by Earl Spencer. 356. Sancti Johannis Apocalypsis. Folio. With woodcuts, coloured by hand. Lent by Earl Spencer. A different edition to the former one. Woodcuts, and text, produced by friction. 357. Enndkrist [Anti Christ] Germ. Folio. With woodcuts, rudely coloured like the " Quindecem Signa," to which it was probably attached. L^nt by Earl Spencer. The leaves are separate, and text and illustrations were transferred to the paper by rubbing. 358. Quindecem Signa extremi Judicii prsecedentia. Germanic. Folio. Ten leaves with woodcuts, coloured by hand. Lent by Earl Spencer, Text and illustrations produced by friction, not by the printing press. 359. Ars Memorandi. Folio. Thirty leaves with text and illustra- tions on one side. Lent by Earl Spencer. A Memoria Technica, for learning the Four Gospels by heart, by means of woodcuts, coloured with some glutinous substance like oil. The occurrence of the words "grabactum Tuum et ambula" in the seventeenth and eighteenth lines of the first page, instead of "grabatum tuum et vade," indicates, accord- ing to Heinecken, that this is the first edition. The illustrations and text have been transferred to the paper by rubbing. 360. Speculum Humanae Salvationis. Dutch. Folio. Sixty-two leaves, with text, and woodcuts on one side, forming thirty-one pages. Lent by Earl Spencer. Probably by the same artist who produced the ** Biblia Pauperum," so far as the illustrations are concerned, which were produced by means of the rubber, having been struck off in pale brown ink. The text was executed with metal types and in black ink. 52 Caxton Celebration. 361. Die Kunst Ciromantia. Das nachgeschriben buch von der haund hat zu teiitsch gemacht Doctor Hartlieb, I 5^JlL8 (1448), iorg scapff zu augspurg. Folio. Twenty-four pages printed on both sides. Lent by Earl Spencer, On the first page Doctor Hartlieb is represented giving a copy of his book to Princess Anne of Augspurg, his patroness. 362. MiRABiLiA Romae, Germanic^. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. An abridged history of Rome, of which several editions appeared. This one, to which Brunet assigns the date 1480, he pronounces to be the rarest. The type of the letters is very rude, and the wood engravings sharply cut. 363. Calendaire. Duodecimo. Printed on vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer, A most remarkable, and perhaps the first xylographic production, executed in France. It contains several calendars and maps of France, Flanders, and Great Britain. The dates 1458 to 1467 are inserted with a pen. Section III. IMPRESSIONS FROM MOVEABLE METAL TYPES. 364. ITTER^ Indulgentiarum Nicolai V. Pont : Max: 1454. Lent by Earl Spencer, The earliest known specimen of the impression of metal types with a date. Executed at Mentz by Gutenberg. The Indulgence was issued by Nicholas v., in 1451, to all who by sums of money were willing to assist King John II. of Cyprus against the Turks. It was preached by one Paulinus Chappe, who, possibly having heard of the invention of printing at Mentz, made his way there, and was glad to make use of the press as a more expeditious and cheaper means of publishing the letter he was commanded to issue than the pen of a scribe. It will be observed in this copy that the date 1454 has been turned into 1455 by a stroke of the pen. The large type closely resembles that of the Mazarine Bible (No. 366). 365. LiTTERiE Indulgentiarum Nicolai V. Pont. Max., 1455. Lent by Earl Spencer. A copy of the same, being the second issue of the third edition, according to M. Leon de Laborde. The large type is identical with that of the Bible of 1461 (No. 384), and that used by Pfister at Bamberg. Cla00 B*— 2Det)elopment in jForeiffn €onnttit^. 53 Section IV. PRINTED BOOKS. GERMANY.— Mentz, 1450. GENSFLEISCH Von Sulgeloch zum Gudenberg, commonly known as Gutenberg, after having made unsuccessful experiments with one Andr, Dry- zehn at Strasburg in printing, associated himself with Johann Fust, of Mentz, with whose assistance he is supposed to have produced the "Biblia Latina," of 42 lines. Being unable to pay back to Fust the money advanced by him towards this undertaking, he was obliged to give up to him the whole printing establish- ment in 1455, which Fust carried on after taking into partnership one of his workmen, Peter Schoeffer, of Gernsheim, who subsequently became his son-in-law. Gutenberg was enabled to start another press in 1456, by the help of Conrad Humbrecht, syndic of Mentz, and in 1460 produced the "Catholicon." He died in 1468. 366. BiBLiA Latina Vulgata. Supposed to have been printed by Gutenberg, assisted by Fust, at Mentz, 1450-55. Folio. 2 vols. Zeni by Earl Spencer. Vol. I. exhibited in Class C, Section I. The first printed Bible, and the first complete printed book known. Com- monly called the ** Mazarine " Bible, the first copy of it having been discovered in Cardinal Mazarin's library. According to Brunet only twenty-eight copies exist, of which seven are on vellum. 367. PsALTERiuM. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1457. Folio. On vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. The Mentz Psalter, 143 leaves. The first printed Psalter, the first book printed with a date, and the first example of printing in colours. Only six or seven copies known to exist. The copy lent by Her Majesty the Queen is exhibited in Class C, Section I. 368. PsALTERiUM. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1459. Folio. On vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. Second edition of the Mentz Psalter, almost as rare as the first. Contains the first printed text of the Athanasian Creed. Second printed book with a date. 369. DuRANDUS. Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1459. Folio. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. The third book printed with a date. The first book in Fust and Schoeffer's smallest type. 370. Clementis Papae V. Constitutiones. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1460. Folio. Vellum. L^nt by Earl Spencer. First edition. The fourth dated book. 54 Carton Celebration* 371. Catholicon, seu Grammatica et Lexicon Joannis Balbi de Janua. Supposed to have been printed by Gutenberg. Mentz, 1460. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. The fifth dated book. Bechtermunze, who redeemed the types of Gutenberg from Conrad Humbrecht, printed a vocabulary in 1467 in the same characters as those of the present work. 372. BiBLiA Latina Vulgata. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1462. Folio. 2 vols. (vol. I exhibited in Class C). Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer^ The sixth dated book. First edition of the Bible bearing the name of a printer, the place, and year of execution. Some copies have no subscription, which would make it probable that in the first instance this Bible, as has been said by Fabricius, was sold by Fust as a manuscript at Paris. 373. Cicero Officia et Paradoxa. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1465. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of the first Latin Classic printed. 374. Grammatica Rhythmica. Fust and Schoeffer. Mentz, 1466. Folio. L^nt by Earl Spencer. Of greatest rarity. Printed with the same type as the " Durandus," 1459. 375. JusTiNiANUS. Institutionum Libri V. Peter Schoeffer. Mentz, 1468. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. Printed with the same type as the Bible of 1462. First edition. 376. Breydenbach, Johannes de. Peregrinatio. Erard Reiiwich. Mentz, i486. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. One of the first books of travels printed, and the first illustrated with folding views. (Exhibited in Class G.) Bamberg, 1460. Albert Pfister, one of Gutenberg's and Schoeffer's workmen probably, left Mentz to form a printing establishment here, before it was taken in 1462, the similarity of his type to that of Gutenberg appearing to corroborate this supposition. After his death in that year Bamberg was without a printer, until Sensenschmidt left Nuremberg to establish a press here in 148 1. 377. Biblia Latina. Probably printed at Bamberg by Albrecht Pfister about 1460. 2 vols. Lent by Earl Spencer. The types in this Bible are exactly conformable with those used in Pfister's "Biblia Pauperum" and in his "Histories of Joseph, Daniel, Judith, and Esther." M. Van Praet states that a leaf of this Bible was discovered in the substance of the cover of an account-book of the Abbey of St. Michael at Bamberg, commencing on March 21, 1460, and in a copy of it in the National Library at Paris the date 1461 occurs on the last leaf, inserted in red ink by the illuminator. 378. BiBLiA Pauperum Latine. Printed by Pfister. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. €la$i0 B*— 3Det)riopment in Jforefgix CountrfejJ* 55 379. Histories of Joseph, Daniel, Judith, and Esther. German. Pfister. Bamberg, 1462. Folio. Coloured woodcuts. Zenf by Earl Spencer. Exhibted in Class D, Section i. Strasburg, 1460. Joh. Mentelin was the first printer in this his native city. In 1447 he was registered as a qualified illuminator, and elected a member of the Society of Painters. Gutenberg is supposed to have initiated him in the art of printing. 380. BiBLiA Sacra Latina [Strasburg. Mentelin]. (Exhibited in Class C.) Lent by Earl Spencer. Mr. Bradshaw, the University Librarian at Cambridge, has had the oppor- tunity of examining a copy of this Bible at Freiburg, in Breisgau, of which Vol. I. was rubricated in 1460, and Vol. 11. in 1461. 381. BiBLiA Sacra Germanica. Supposed to have been printed by Mentelin. Strasburg. Folio. 2 parts (part i exhibited in Class C). Lent by Earl Spencer, ** Editio princeps " of the sacred text in German. 382. Gratianus. Decretum cum apparatu. Eggesteyn. Strasburg, 147 1. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First dated book printed at Strasburg. 383. Valerius Maximus. Comment, de Burgo. Mentelin. Strasburg, 1472. L^nt by H. White^ Esq. 384. Terentii Comediae. Strasburg, 1496. Griiningen. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq. With woodcuts. 385. Jacobi Magni Sophologium. Mentelin. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. First edition. Reprinted by Caxton in English under the title of the ** Book of Good Manners." 386. The Golden Bull. Strasburg : Joh. Prussz, 1485. Folio. Lent by J. E. Nightingale, Esq. Imperial Constitution made by the Emperor Charles IV. The Magna Charta of the German Empire. With woodcuts. 386*.HoRTULUS anime Argetine. Joh. Knoblouch, 1507. 8vo. Lent by Earl Beauchamp. Cologne, 1465. Ulric Zel, of Hanau, one of the employes in Fust and Schoeffer's printing-ofiice at Mentz, was the first to convey the secret of the art of printing here from that city on its capture by Adolphus, Duke of Nassau, in 1462. 56 Carton Celebration* 387. Chrysostomus super Psalmo L. Ulric Zel. Cologne, 1466. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed by Zel with a date. A tract of excessive rarity. 388. Sermo in Festo Presentationis. 1470. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. The first book known to have been printed by Therhoenen, of Cologne, and the earliest known to have the leaves numbered. 389. Fasciculus Temporum. Cologne, 1474. Therhoenen. Unt by H. White, Esq. 390. Albertus Magnus, De secretis mulierum. . No imprint. (Nic. Gotz de Stetzstat, about 1477.) 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. 391. GoTSCHALCHUS Hiller. Preceptorium Novum. Guldenschaff. Cologne, (14)81. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College, London. 392. Aristotelis, Textus trium librorum de Anima Koelhoff Colonien- sis. 1 49 1. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. 393. Cronica v. der Hilliger Stat va Coelle. Germ. Koelhoff. Cologne, 1499. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Contains an important passage relating to the invention of printing with metal types. Augsburg, 1468. Gunther Zainer, of Reutlingen, first set up a press here. He may have learnt the art of printing from its first inventors. He first introduced Roman type into Germany. 394. BoNAVENTURA. Meditationes Vitae Christi. Gunther Zainer. Augsburg, 1468. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed at Augsburg. 395. Speculum Vitae Humanse. Gunther Zainer. 1471. Lent by H. White, Esq. 396. Legend A Sanctorum. Apparently by Gunther Zainer. Lent by J. E. Hodgkin, Esq, Very quaint pictures. First illustration of the Guillotine. Nuremberg, 1470. Joh. Sensenschmidt, a citizen of Nuremberg, was the first printer. He moved his press in 1481 to Bamberg. Koberger, who printed here 147 1 to 1513, was distin- guished by the name of " Librariorum Princeps." He is said to have had 24 presses and 100 men constantly at work, besides furnishing work for presses at Basle, Lyons, and other places. He printed 13 editions of the Bible. €la^0 B.—iaDeteldpment m Jforeign Countrie^^ 57 397. F. DE Retza. Comestorium Vitiorum. Nuremberg, 1470. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed at Nuremberg with a date. 398. Thomas Aquinas de Veritate Catholice Fidei. Nurembergae. Sensenschmidt, 1474. Lent by Robert White, Esq. 399. BiBLiA Sacra Latina. Nuremburgae. Frisner et Johannes Sen- senschmid, 1475. Folio. 2 vols. (vol. i exhibited in Class C). Lent by Earl Spencer. 400. Marcho Polo. Von Venedig der Grost Landtfarer. Germanice. Creussner. Nuremberg, 1477. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition. A translation from an Italian MS. 401. Glossa Psalterii David Magistri Petri Lombardi. Nurembergae : Andr. Frisner, 1478. Folio. Le7tt by the President and Governors of Sion College. 402. BoETHius de Consolatione Philosophie. A. Coburger, Nurem- berg, 1476. Folio. Lent by H. S. Harland, Esq. 403. Speculum Aureum fratris Henrici Herp. Ant. Koburger. Nurem- bergae, 1 48 1. 404. Chronicarum Liber. Koberger. Nuremberg, 1493. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq. Compiled by Hartman Schedel, a physician of Nuremberg, and containing woodcuts executed by Wohlgemuth (Albrecht DUrer's master) and Pley- denwurfF. (Exhibited in Class G.) 405. SuMMA angelica de casibus conscientie per Angelum de Clavasio. Nurembergae : Anth. Koberger, 1498. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. 406. HoRTULUS anime. Argetine; Johann Knoblouch, 1507. 8vo. Lent by Earl Beatichamp. Illustrated with woodcuts. 407. Speculum de Passione domini nostri Jesu Christi. Nuremberg : Peypus, 1519. Lent by H. White, Esq. 408. BiBLiA Germanica Martini Lutheri. Peypus. Nuremberg, 1524. 3 vols. (vols. I and 2 exhibited in Class C). Folio. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. The Prophets which are wanting in this edition did not appear till 1 532. 58 Ca;cton Celebration* 409. DiRECTORiUM humane vite alias parabole antiquoru sapientu. Woodcuts. Folio. Lent by the Rev. J. F. Russell 410. Stella Clericonim (1490). 4to. Lent by Sir Charles Reed, Spira, 147 1. The first work printed here bears no printer's name. Peter Drach, 1477- 1504, is the first printer mentioned. 411. Alberti Magni Compendium. Spirae, 1473. Lent by H, White, Esq. 412. Peregrinatio in Montem Syon. Spine: Petrus Drach, 1490. Folio. LentfrojH the Signet Library. Ulm, 1472. J. Zainer, related to Gunther Zainer, first printed here. 413. Alberti de Padua, Sermones de Domenicis. Ulme : Johannes Zainer, 1480. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. 414. AuREA Biblia. Liber manualis in Biblie historias. Ulm : J. Zainer de Reutlingen. 2nd edition. Lent by H. WJiite^ Esq. 415. BucH der Weiszhait. [The Fables of Bidpai in German, from the Latin version of Joannes de Capua.] Leonard Holl. Ulm, 1483. 8 MaL Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. EssLiNGEN, 1472. The first dated book in the type of Conrad Fyner, who is supposed to have been the only printer in this town during the sixteenth century, is dated 1472. 416. Petri Lombardi Glossa ordinaria in Epistolas Pauli. Esslingae, Conrad Fyner. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. LuBECK, 1475. Lucas Brandis, after printing in Saxony, first established a press here. 417. Biblia Lingua Saxonica inferiori. Lubec, 1491. Folio. 2 vols, (vol. I exhibited in Class C). Lent by Earl Spencer. An edition in great estimation on account of its rarity, according to Vogt. With large woodcuts. Cla00 B.— 2Det3elopment in JForeigit Countries. 59 418. Dat Bok der Medelydinghe MarieiL Lubec, 1498. Arnd. i2mo. y. E. Hodgkin^ Esq. With curious woodcuts. Excessively rare. Tubingen, 1498. Johannes Ottmar was the first to print in this town of Wirtemburg. 419. Terentii Comoediae. Tubingae in sedibus Thomae Anselmi Badensis, 15 16. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. ITALY. SUBIACO, 1462. On the capture of Mentz by Adolphus of Nassau, Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, two of Gutenberg's and Schoeffer's workmen, took refuge in Italy, and set up a printing-press in the Monastery of Subiaco. They first produced a small school- book, which they named " Donatus," of which no authentic copy has been found, and the three following works : — 420. Cicero de Oratore. Libri III. Subiaco. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First known book printed in Italy. A copy of this work at Lugano contains some manuscript notes, with the date September, 1465. The '* Lactantius " was printed October, 1465. 421. Lactantius adversus gentes de ira Del Subiaco, 1465. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. The first work printed in Italy with a date. 422. AuGUSTiNUS de Civitate Del Subiaco: Sweynheym and Pannartz, 1467. Lent by Earl Spencer. Rome, 1467. Swejmhejnn and Pannartz set up a printing-press in the house of Peter and Francis de Maximis, who had induced them to leave Subiaco and come to Rome. In 1474 the partnership broke up, as Sweynheym wished to devote himself to the art of copper- engraving. They were the first to make use of Roman characters, and their works are rare, as they only struck off 275 or 3CX) copies of each edition. Almost all their publications were revised by J. Andreas, Bishop of Aleria. 423. Cicero ad familiares. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Rome, 1467. Lent by Earl Spencer. First impression of the first book printed at Rome, and the first edition in which these two printers' names appear. First book printed in Roman characters. 6o Cairton Celebration* 424. ViRGiLius. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Rome, about 1469. Folio. Lent by Earl Speticer. First edition. Very rare. 425. Plinius Senior. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Rome, 1470. Folio. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer, 426. AuGUSTiNUS de Civitate Dei. Romae, 1470. Lent by H. White, Esq, 427. BiBLiA Latina Vulgata. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Rome, 147 1. Folio. 2 vols. (vol. I exhibited in Class C). LeJit by Earl Spencer. The second Bible printed with a date, the Mentz Bible, 1462, having been the first, and the first printed at Rome. Only 275 copies were struck off. 428. TuRRECREMATA (Torquemada).. I. de. Meditationes. Ulric Han. Rome, 1467. Folio. I^nt by Earl Spencer, Ulric Han, the first printer at Vienna, settled in Rome on the invitation of the Pope's Nuncio, Torquemada. 429. Chronicon Pontificum Imperatorumque. J. de Lignamine. Rome, 1474. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition. Contains the earliest printed memorandum respecting the ancient printers. 430. Pindar. Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia. Romae : Zacharias Calergi, 1515. 4to. Lent by T. Jenner, Esq. The first book printed in Greek at Rome. 430*. Bull of Pope Sixtus IV., Rome. Milan, 1469. Philip de Lavagna, as appears by the colophon to his "Treatise on Medicine," by Avicinus, 1473, was the first printer here. 431. Lascaris, Grammatica Graeca. Dionysius Paravisinus. Milan, 1476. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of the first book printed in Greek. This was composed for the daughter of Francis Sforza, Duke of Milan, into whose house Lascaris had been received on taking refuge in Italy, with many of his countrymen, after the taking of Constantinople. 432. ^sopus. Vita et Fabulae. Gr. et Lat. 4to. Printed at Milan about 1480. Bonus Accursius. Lent by Earl Spencer, First edition of the first Greek Classic printed. 433. Officia Ambrosil Mediolani : Christopher. Valdarfer, 1474. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book produced at Milan by Valdarfer, who had already printed at Venice. ClajafjS S.— aDetielopment in fovzim €mnttitsi. 6i Venice, 1469. Johannes Spira first introduced printing into Venice, which was the capital of the printing-press, between 1465 and 1500, and, according to Panzer, issued 2980 works, executed by no fewer than 198 printers. 434. Cicero ad familiares. Venice : Joh. Spira, 1469. Folio. Vel- lum. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed at Venice, and the first in which Joh. Spira's name appears. According to Van Praat, six copies only on vellum are known. Joh. Spira died in 1470, and was succeeded by his brother Vindelin. 435. Petrarca. Sonetti e Trionfi. Vindelin di Spira, Venice, 1470. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of Petrarch. 436. JoANNis Bocaccii de Certaldo, de montibus, &c. Venetiis, 1473. Lent by H. White, Esq. Probably by Vindelin di Spira. 437. BiBLiA Italica. Malherbi. Kal. Aug. Vind. de Spira. Folio. 2 vols. (vol. I exhibited in Class C). Lent by Earl Spencer. Oldest Italian version known. In Roman type. 438. Eusebii libri de praeparatione evangelica, Jenson. Venice, 1470. Lent by H. White, Esq. First edition. 439. Aretino, Leonardo. De Bello Italico adversus Gothos. N. Jenson, 147 1. Folio. Unt by W. Blades, Esq. 440. Officium beate virginis. Venetiis: N. Jenson, 1475. i8mo. Lent by Earl Spencer. 441. Cicero de Oratore. Christopher Valdarfer. Venice, 1470. Folio. L^nt by Earl Spencer. E^liest production of Valdarfer's press. 442. BoccACio. II Decamerone. Venice: Valdarfer, 147 1. Folio. (Exhibited in Class D, Section i.) Lent by Earl Spencer. 443. BoNiFACius VIII. Liber sextus Decretalium. Jenson. Venice. 1476. Folio. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spenar, 444. DiALOGO di S. Gregorio. Venice, 1475. Lent by H. White, Esq. 445. Serapionis Opus de simplicibus. Venetiis : Rainaldus de Novimagio, 1479. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. 62 Carton Celebratiom 446. iEciDius Romanus de Sententiis. Venice, 1482. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq. 447. MissALE secundum consuetudinem Fratnim Praedicalorum. Venetiis : Andreas de Torresanis de Asula, 1496. Folio. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. This copy has illuminations and ornamental initials. Andreas Asulanus, the successor of Nicolas Jcnson, commenced printing at Venice in 1480. He was father-in-law of Aldus, and after 1506 assisted him in carrying on the Aldine Press. 448. MuSiEUS. Gr. et Lat Aldus. Venice. 4to. About 1494. Lent by Earl Spencer. Supposed to be the first book printed by Aldus Pius Manutius, the head of the celebrated Aldine family of Venetian printers. A Roman by birth, he first made himself known at Venice in 1488 by giving public lectures in Greek and Latin. He was on most intimate terras with all the scholars of his day, and formed what was known as the "Aldine Academy," which counted among its members P. Bembo, Erasmus and Demetrius, Chalcondylas, who assisted him in superintending the production of his works. Twenty-eight first editions of Greek classics, besides editions of almost every Greek and Latin author of celebrity, appeared from his press, and he was on the point of publishing a Bible in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, which would have been the first Polyglot, when he died in 151 5. 449. Galeomyomachia. Tragoedia grgeca cum prgefatione Aristobuli Apostolii hierodiaconi. Lent by Earl Spencer. One of the earliest productions of Aldus. 450. Bembus, Petrus. De ^tna ad Angelum Chabrielem liber. Venice. Aldus, MVD. L^nt by Earl Spencer. First Latin book printed by Aldus. 451. HoRAE beatiss. virginis. Greek. Venice : Aldus, 1497. i6mo. L^nt by Earl Spencer. This book is of the greatest rarity. 452. FiRMicius, Julius. Astronomicorum libri octo. "Venetiis cura & diligentia Aldi Ro." 1499. Folio. Unt by Earl Stanhope. 453. EpiSTOLiE Variorum Auctorum Gr. Venice. Aldus, 1499. Lent by H. White, Esq. 454. PoLiPHiLO. Hypnerotomachia. Venice: Aldus, 1499. Folio. (Exhibited in Class G.) L^nt by Earl Spencer. 455. ViRGiLius. Venetiis. Aldus. " Mense Aprilis," 1501. 8vo. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed in Italic type, and the earliest attempt to produce cheap books by compressing the matter into a small space. It is said that the type was invented in imitation of Petrarch's handwriting. Renouard mentions only six copies on vellum. Cla00 ©.— 3Det)elopment in Jforefffit Countri'ejsf. 63 456. Petrarch. Venegia. Aldus, 1501, "del mese de Luglio." Vellum. 8vo. Lent by Earl Spencer. The first Italian book printed in italic type, with MS. notes by Cardinal Bembo, who edited this work from an autograph manuscript of Petrarch's. 457. Dante. Aldus, 1502. Venetiis. Mense Aug. 8vo. Lent by Earl Spencer. A complete copy, 244 leaves. Renouard quotes this edition as the first in which Aldus employed the device of the anchor and dolphin. 458. OviDius. Opera. Venetiis. In aedibus Aldi, 1502-03. 3 vols. 8vo. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. 459. Anthologia Grseca. Venetiis. Aldus, 1503. 8vo. First edi- tion. Lent by Earl Spencer. 461. PiNDARUS. Callimachus. Dionysius. Lycophron. Gr. Venice. Aldus, 15 1 3. 8vo. Vellum. First edition. Lent by Earl Spencer. Interesting preface in which Aldus gives an account of his labours, and states that he had been printing for 20 years. 463. SiMPLicii Hypomnemata in Aristotelis categorias. Or. Venice. Calliergus, 1499. First edition. Lent by H. White, Esq. 464. MissALEVallisumbrose. Vellum. Venice: Lucantonio di Giunta, 1503. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Philip Giunta and other members of that family printed at Florence. 465. Graduale Romanum. Correctum per fratrem Franciscum de. Brugis ordinis minorum de observantia. Venice : Lucantonio di Giunta, 15 15. Folio. Lent by A. Cohn, Esq. This handsome service-book has the initial letters and music-staves printed in red, with the text and notes subsequently printed in black ink. FOLIGNO, 1470. Emilius de Orfinis, having induced J. Numeister and other German printers to come to Foligno, established a press in his own house. 466. Dante. La Divina Commedia. Numeister. (Foligno), 1472. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Supposed to be the first edition of Dante, claiming precedence of the Jesi and Mantua editions of the poet executed in this year. 64 €axtm Celebration, Bologna, 147 i. Balthazar Azzoguidi was the first to print in this his native city, as is recorded in his Ovid of 147 1. 467. OviDius. Balth. Azoguidi. Bologna, 147 1. Folio. 3 vols. Zeni by Earl Spencer, First book printed at Bologna. Extremely rare. Ferrara, 147 1. Andreas Gallus, of French origin, first introduced the art of typography here. 468. Ariosto. Orlando furioso. Ferrara per Maestro Majorco del Bondeno. 15 16. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of this poem, containing only 40 cantos. Florence, 147 i. Bernardo Cennini, a goldsmith, first established printing here. 469. Servii Commentarii in Virgilium. Bern. & Dom. Cenninus. Florence, 1471-72. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First dated book, hitherto discovered, printed at Florence. 470. HoMERUS. Opera omnia. Demetrius Cretensis. Florence, 1488. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of Homer. Printed at the expense of the brothers Nerli, from a copy prepared by Demetrius Chalcondylas of Athens. 471. Berlinghieri Geographia. Firenze. Nicolo Todescho. L^nt by David Laing^ Esq. Naples, 147 i. Sixtus Riessinger, a priest of Strasburg, imported printing here. King Ferdinand, anxious that he should settle in his states, offered him a bishopric, which he refused. He afterwards went to Rome. 472. BiBLiA Latina. Mathias Moraviis, Neapoli, 1476. Folio. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. Brunet mentions only four copies on vellum. Matt. Moravus, of Olrautz, printed at Genoa with Michael de Monacho in 1474, and settled next year at Naples. Mantua, 1472. 474. BoccACio. II Decamerone. Petnis Adam de Michaelibus. Mantua, 1472. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Supposed to be the first production of the Mantua Press. Cla00 25>— 3Detielopment in Jforeign Countries?* 65 Padua, 1472. Bart, de Valdezochio and Mart, de Septem Arboribus were the first printers. 475. BoccACio. La Fiammetta. Valdezocchio. Padua, 1472. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed at Padua. 476. Andreas, Ant. Quaestiones de tribus principiis rerum naturalium. Laurentius de Lendenaria. 1475. (Patavii.) Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. 477. GuiLELMi Duranti, Speculum judiciale. Joannes ex Alemania de Seligenstad. Patavii, 1479. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. Sienna, 1479. The earliest known book here is a work by Franciscus de Aretio. 478. Aristotelis, Oeconomicorum libelli. Impraess. Senis per Symeone Nicolai Nardi. 1508. 4to. SoNCiNO, 1484. De Rossi gives this as the earliest date of the first production of the Soncino Press, from which issued, in 1488, the editio princeps of the entire Hebrew Bible, of which Van Praet mentions only thirteen copies. 479. Rabbi Mosis Maimonidis Jad achazaka seu manus fortis. Son- cino, 1490. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. FRANCE. Paris, 1470. Lewis XI. in 1462 sent Nicholas Jenson, master of the Mint at Tours, to Mentz, to acquire the art of printing. Instead of returning to France, Jenson betook himself, after some years, to Venice, where he established a press in 1469. Guillaume Fichet, and Jean de la Pierre, two members of the Sorbonne, induced three working printers — Ulric Gering, Martin Crantz, and Michel Friburger — to come from Germany to Paris, fitting up a room for them in the Sorbonne, where they commenced printing in 1470. Panza enumerates 85 printers, and over 790 works executed at Paris during the fifteenth century. 480. Gasparinus Pergamensis (Barzizius). Folio. L^nt by Earl Spencer. Supposed to be the first book printed at Paris. F 66 Caxton Celebration* 481. 61BLIA Latina Vulgata. Paris : Gering, Crantz, and Friburger, 1475-76. Folio. 2 vols. (Vol. I exhibited in Class C). Lent by Earl Spencer. First Bible printed at Paris. The type is peculiar, between the Roman and Gothic. 482. Croniques de France. Pasquier Bonhomme, 1476. Folio. 3 vols. Lent by Earl Spencer. First French book printed at Paris. 483. CouTUMES du pays de Normandie. Folio. 1483. Vellum. L^nt by Earl Spencer. From the press of Jean du Pr^, Paris. First edition. 484. Antidotarium Salutiferum. Parisius : Petnis le Dm, 1499. Lent by Earl Beauchamp. 485. IsiDORi Hyspalensis Episcopi praeclarissimum opus. Parhisii : Georgius Wolff et Thielman Kerver, 1499. L^nt by the President and Governors of Sion College. 486. Heures a I'usaige de Rome. Paris : Thyelma Kerver, 1499. 8vo. Lent by the Rev. W. Gott. Text surrounded with border ornamented with woodcuts. 487. IsiDORi Hyspalensis Ethimologiae. Parisiis : Wolff et Kerver, 1499. L^nt by the President and Governors of Sion College. 488. Heures \ "I'usaige" de Rome. Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, 1500. On vellum. Folio. L^nt by the Rev. W. Gott. Text surrounded with border, ornamented with woodcuts. 490. Psalterium Quincuplex. Parisiis : H. Stephanus, 1509. Folio. L^nt by Earl Spencer. Henricus Stephanus (1460- 1 520) was the head of the illustrious and learned family of that name, which for a century and a half .carried on the business of printing at Paris. '' • 492. Commentarii in Lucretium. Jodocus Badius Ascensius. Folio. Paris, 1507. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. On the title-page there is the earliest known representation of a printing press. Jodocus Badius, sumamed Ascensius from his birthplace Assche, near Brussels, established a press at Paris about 1507. He was father-in-law to the two cele- brated printers, Robert Stephens and Vascosan. Cla00 B.— 2Det)elopment in jforeiffn Countries* 67 493. GiLLES de Romme. Regime et gouuememet des Princes. Paris: Guillaume Eustace, 1517. Folio. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 494. Croniques de France. Paris : Anthoine Verard. Lent by the Consistory of the Dutch Churchy Austin Friars. 495. Therence. Paris : Verard. Folio. With woodcuts. Lent from the Signet Library , Edinburgh. Lyons, 1473. Bart. Buyer, of a good family at Lyons, first exercised the typographic art in his native city. The first book printed at Lyons is ** Lotharii Diaconi Compendium," Bartholomaeus Buyer, 1473. 4to. 496. La Legende Dor^e. Earth. Buyer. Lyons, 1476. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of this work in French. 497. Breydenbach. Peregrinations de Jerusalem. Lyon : Michel Topic de Pymont et J. Heremberck, 1488. Folio. Lent from the Signet Library , Edinburgh. 498. Recueil des Histoires de Troye. Michel Topic. Lyons, 1490. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Rouen, 1483 or 1487. Printing was introduced here by means of the Lallemant family, who at their own expense set up a press under the superintendence of Martin Morin and P. Manfer, whom they had had instructed in the typographical art at Paris or in Germany. 500. Tenores Novelli. Impressi per me Wilhelmu le tailleur in opu- lentissima civitate rothomagensi juxta prioratum sanctilaudi ad instantiam Richardi Pynson. Folio. Lent from the Inner Temple Library. Richard Pynson, "in partibus Normandiae oriund," according to the letters of naturalization granted him by Henry VIL, came from Rouen. SWITZERLAND. Munster in Aargau, 1470. 501. Mamotrectus siue expositio Vocabulorum in Bibliis. Helyas Helye alias de Louffen. Ergowie, 1470. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed in Switzerland with a date. 68 Cajcton Cclebratfon. Basle, 1474. Bertholdus Rot, one of Gutenberg's associates, or Bemardus Richel, was the first printer. One of the most eminent printers in this city was Johannes Froben, who pro- duced the first published Greek Testament in 1516, edited by Erasmus. 502. MiCHAELis de Carchano Mediolanensis Sermonarium Triplica- tum. Basileae : Mich. Wenssler, 1479. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College, 503. MoRALiA Sancti Gregorii. Basileae : Nicolaus Kesler, 1496. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. 504. Brant. Stultifera Navis. J. B. de Olpe. Basil, 1497. 4to. Lent by H, White, Esq. Exhibited in Class D. The earliest edition. . 505. Novum Testamentum Erasmi. Gr. et Lat. Basil : Froben, 15 16. Folio. 2 vols. (Vol. I exhibited in Class C). Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of the Greek New Testament, which having been executed, as it is reported, in five months, abounds in errors which were corrected in sub- sequent editions. J. Froben, of Franconia, studied at the University of Basle, where he began printing in 1491. He was on terms of intimacy with the "savants" of the day, and was highly praised by Erasmus for his generosity and disin- terestedness. Geneva, 1478. The first printer here is unknown, as all the impressions bear no name before 1480, in which year Adam Steynschawer was the first to print. 506. LivRE des Sains Anges. 1478. Folio. " Imprim^ a genefue." L^nt by Earl Spencer. First book printed at Geneva. LOW COUNTRIES. Utrecht, 1471-73. The first town of Holland in which typography was practised. Nic. Ketelaer and Gherardus de Leempt were the first printers who put their names or an imprint to their books here ; but from the fact that the woodcuts of the "Speculum" (a copy of which is exhibited among the Block Books), when first cut up and used to illustrate other books, occur in books printed at Utrecht in 1481, it is at least possible that the whole group of books printed in the types of the '* Speculum," which were formerly attri- buted to Coster, were in reality printed here. A copy of one of these books, now at the Hague, was bought during the period 1471-74; they must therefore at least be placed back as far as that date. Cla00 B.— 3Debelopment (a jforeign Countries* 69 507. Fasciculus Temponim. Utrecht : J. Veldenaer, 1480. Folio. Lent by F. Muller and Co. Veldener had already printed at Louvain in 1476, and in 1483 set up a press at Culemberg. Alost, 1473. Johannes de Westfalia, the earliest printer in Belgium, printed his first work here in 1473, in conjunction with Thierri Martens. He removed to Louvain between June and December, 1474, and continued working there until 1496. Th. Martens, after producing one book by himself in October, 1474, ceases altogether until he re-appears as a master printer at Alost in 1487, from which time he continued an uninterrupted course, either at Alost, Antwerp, or Louvain, for more than forty years. He has been called the "Aldus" of the Low Countries. 508. Speculum Conversionis Peccatorum. Alost, 1473. 4^0- Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed in the Low Countries with a date. Bruges, 1476. Colard Mansion, a caligraphist of Bruges, left that city in 1469 to learn the art of typography, the knowledge of which he subsequently imparted to Caxton. On his return to Bruges he commenced printing, about 1476. Only twenty works of his are known, and after 1484 nothing more is heard of him. 509. BoECE de Consolation de Phylosophye. Bruges : Colard Man- sion, 1477. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Deventer, 1477. 510. QuATUOR Novissima. Daventriae per Jacobum de Breda, 1494. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. Delft, 1477. Jacob Jacobs zoen and Maurice Yements zoen were the first printers here. 511. Vetus Testamentum Belgicum. Delft : Jacobs zoen and Yements zoen, 1477. 2 vols. Sm. folio. (Vol. i exhibited in Class C). L^nt by Earl Spencer. The first and only work known in which these two printers' names appear. It does not contain the Book of Psalms. The first impression of the Old Testament in Dutch. 512. Boutillier. Somme rurael — ghepret te Delff in Hollant : Jacobsz van der Meer, 1483. Folio. Lent by F. Muller and Co, 70 Carton Celebration. GOUDA, 1477. The press was first established here by Gerard Leeu, who in 1484 went to Antwerp. 513. Dyalogus creaturanim appellatus jucundis fabulis planus. Per gerardum leeu in opido goudensi finitus est 1482. With wood- cuts. 4to. Lent by Her Majesty the Qtieen. Antwerp, 1482. The earliest book known from this town was printed by Mathis van der Goes. Gerard Leeu printed here in 1480, and Christopher Plantin, one of the most celebrated of the Antwerp printers, produced his first work here in 1555. 514. Lyndewode, Constitutiones provinciales Anglie. Antwerpie, 1525. Lent by Earl Beauchamp. Haerlem, 1483. The first book printed here bearing a date is ** Lyden ende die Passi. . . . voleyn- det tot Haerlem in Hollant 1483 den 10 dach in decembri," 4to., of which only one copy is known to exist. On the last leaf Jacob Bellaert's mark appears. 515. Laurentius. Summe le roy of des Conines summe. Haerlem: Jacob Bellaert, 1484. Lent by F. Muller and Co. 516. Saavedra (Fanardo). Don Riego de. Idea de un principe politico Christiano. i2mo. Amst. apud J. Sansonium, 1659. Lent by G. Unwin^ Esq. Amsterdam, 1523. Panzer gives "Luther's New Testament" translated into Dutch, printed by Doen Pieterson, 1524, as the earliest specimen. 517. La Saincte Bible. Amsterdam; chez Louis et Daniel Elzevier, 1669. Folio. 2 vols. (Vol. I exhibited in Class C.) Lent by Earl Spencer. SPAIN. Seville, 1476. Printing was introduced here by three Spaniards — Ant. Martinez, Barth. Segura, and Alph. del Puerto. Numerous and valuable works were produced here during the fifteenth century. Cla00 }B*— SDetelopment m iForeiffit Countn'ejaf* 71 518. Leyes de Partida. " Imprimidas son estas siete partidas enla muy noble t muy leal ciudad de Sevilla por Meynardo Ungut Alamanno t Lan^alao Polono conpaneros." 1491. Folio. Lent by Lord Hatherley. Burgos, 1485. The earliest authenticated specimen of Burgos typography was printed by Fride- ricus de Basilea in 1485. 519. CopiLACiON de Leyes. Burgos: Fadrique Aleman, 1488. Folio. L^nt by A. Cohn^ Esq. A fine specimen of printing by Fridericus de Basilea. Toledo, 7486. Johannes Vasquez was the first printer, who was succeeded by Juan Tellez in 1495, and by Peter Hagembach, a German, in, 1498. 520. Breviarium secundum regula beati Ysidori dictum Mozarabes " Impssum i regali civitate Toleti per magistrum Petru Hagembach Alemanu." 1502. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. This copy formerly belonged to Jean Baptiste Colbert. Valladolid, 1493. Mendez gives this as the approximate date of the introduction of printing at Valla- dolid. In 1500 a press was existing in a monastery of this city. 521. Lectura legum. Valisoleti, 1539. Lent by W. H. Rylands, Esq. Alcala, 1502. Mendez has given us evidence that the Alcala Press was at work in 1502. It will ever be famous in the annals of literature from its having given to the world the first Polyglot Bible. 522. BiBLiA Polyglotta Cardinalis Francisci Ximenez. In Complu- tensi Universitate. A. de Brocario, 15 14-17. 6 vols. Folio. Lent by the President and Governors of Sion College. First Polyglot Bible. Printed at the expense of Cardinal Ximenes. Did not receive the sanction of Pope Leo X. until 1520 for publication. Copies, of which only 600 were printed, were not circulated until 1522. TURKEY. Constantinople, 1490. The earliest printing here was that of the Jews, who are believed to have executed Hebrew works until 1 598. In the seventeenth century Metaxa, a Greek, endeavoured to establish another printing office, but his attempt was defeated by the Jesuits, and an Armenian press brought from Venice was established here, which in a short time the janissaries received orders to destroy. The first printed Turkish book appears to have been a Turkish- Arabic Lexicon, 1726. 71 Cajcton Celebratfom DENMARK. SCHLESWIG. 522*.Colophon of the first Missal printed in Denmark. Schleswig: Stephen Amdes, i486. Lent by Henry Wilson, Esq. A Facsimile. Copenhagen, 1493. Three books are remaining which were executed here in the fifteenth century by Gothefridus de Ghemen. 523. SiiELANTZ Low. Tryckt i Kopehaffn. 1505. 4to. ICELAND. HOLUM, 1530. The first printing place in Iceland was established here imder the auspices of John Areson, Bishop of Reikiavik, by Matthiesson, a Swede, who brought with him a erinting-press from his native country. The first edition of the Icelandic Bible (ex- ibited in Class C.) was printed in 1584. 523*.Title-page of Icelandic Code of Law. Holum, 1578. Lent by Henry Wilson, Esq. A Facsimile. 5 23t.Colophon of Icelandic Code of Law. Holum, 1578. Lent by Henry Wilson^ Esq. A Facsimile. 5 23 J. Illustration from the first Bible printed in Iceland, 1584. Lent by Henry Wilson, Esq. A Facsimile. UNITED STATES. Cambridge, in Massachusetts, was the cradle of the art of printing in the United States. The first book printed here, the Bay Psalm Book, was produced in 1640^ by Stephen Daye, a printer, who left England with the Rev. Joseph Glover, a Non- conformist minister who proposed to establish a press in New England, but who died on the passage out. The Bay Psalm Book may be seen in the collection of Bibles. Philadelphia, 1686. William Bradford, of Leicester, in England, set up a press near this place, and in 1689 moved into the city. Benjamin Franklin commenced here the business of a printer on his own account, and continued it until 1765. 524. Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, by Lewis Evans. 4to. Philadelphia, 1755. Printed by Benjamin Franklin and D. Hall. Lent by the Earl of Leicester A present from Franklin to Thomas, Earl of Leicester. The inscription is in Franklin's handwriting when he was a printer at Philadelphia. 525. Cato Major. Prmted by Benj. Franklin. Lent by G. Tawse, Esq. With presentation autograph from Franklin to General Washington. Charles Bruce. Cla00 B*— aDetelopment in jforeign Countn'ejsf* 73 Section V. PRODUCTIONS OF NATIVE PRESSES IN THE EAST. Lent by Nicolas Triibner^ Esq. INDIA. Bombay Presidency, 526. .^o^ A«ljbL. Shahnameh Firdusi. The Great Epic of Persia. Published at Bombay. With illustrations. In Persian. 527. Ramayana, the celebrated Poem of Valmiki, with a Commentary called Tilaka. Published at Bombay. In Sanskrit. 528. Bala Bhasha Vyakarana. A Prakrit Grammar. Published at Bombay. In Prakrit. 529. Oriental Eras. Published at Bombay. In Mahrathi. 530. Bhagavadgita. Bound in silk, Oriental style. Published at Bombay. In Sanskrit. 531. ViKRAMORVASi. Gujarathi edition. Published at Bombay. In Gujarathi. 532. Huzvaresh-Pehlevi Glossary. Published at Bombay. In Huz- varesh-Pehlevi. 533. Gujarathi Huzvaresch Glossary. Published at Bombay. In Gujarathi and Huzvaresh. 534. SiNDHi Primer. Published at Kurachee. In Sindhi. North-western Provinces, Punjab, &c. 535. Kalid i Afghani. Published at Peshawar. In Afghan. 536. Adi Granth. The Sacred Book of the Sikhs. Published at Lahore. In Punjabi. 537. The Koran. Published at Luckhnow. i6mo. In Arabic 538. The Koran. Another edition. 8vo. 539. The Koran. Another edition. 4to. 540. .^jUil oLfc. Hyat i Afghani History of Afghan. Published at Lukhnow. In Hindustani. 541. .oUyiiJ' L-HilsP 'Ajatb Almakhiakdt The Wonders of Creation. With many coloured illustrations. Published at Lucknow. In Persian. 74 Carton Celebration. 542. .JLJL^^:^' As Sahih li Muslim hy Abul Husain Muslim ben al Hajjaj. Published at Mirtah. In Arabic. 543. .^jji^^ ^ Sahih al Buchari. The most celebrated of the six great collections of the traditions about Muhammad. Published at Mirtah. In Arabic. 544. Geographical Description of the Panjab. Published at Lodiana. In Panjabi. 545. Brihat Jataka. An astronomical work. Published at Benares. In Sanskrit. 546. Kasika. Commentary on Panini. Published at Benares. In Sanskrit. 547. SiNGHASANA Battisi. Published at Benares. In Hindi. 548. Selections (Hindi) by Sivaprasad. Published at Benares. In Hindi. 549. . jil y^y^ Mizan-ul-Hugg. Controversy between Christians and Muhammedans. Published at Agra. In Persian. 550. -L^J*-* *s^ v:;bJi? Gulistan Scheich Sadi. Published at Delhi. In Persian. 551. Romanized Tibetan Dictionary. Published at Kyelang, in British Lahoul. In Tibetan. Bengal. 552. Sabdakalpadruma. Large Sanskrit Dictionary, printed at Cal- cutta in Bengali characters. Part XVII. (Will be completed in about seven 4to. volumes.) In Sanskrit. 553. Vachaspatya. Sanskrit Dictionary by Taranatha Tarkavachas- pati. Part VIII. Published at Calcutta. In Sanskrit. 554. Vratamala. Published at Calcutta, In Bengali. 555. Uriya. Historical Books. Published at Serampore. In Uriya. 556. Dictionary. Assamese and English. Published by M. Bron- son at Sibsagor. In Assamese and English. 557. Bruckner, Javaansche Spraakkunst. Published at Serampore. In Javanese. Madras. 558. Mahabharata. The great Epic Poem. Sanskrit printed in Telugu characters at Madras. Vol. I. In Sanskrit. Cla00 B>— SDetjelopment in jforeign Countries. 75 559. DuKHNEE Unwari Soheilee. A Translation into the Dukhnee tongue of Unwari Soheilee. Published at Madras. In Dukhnee. 560. The Gural of Tiruvalluvar in Tamil. Printed at Madras. In Tamil. 561. Tamil Dictionary. Printed at Jaffna. In Tamil. 562. Malayalam Grammar, by Gundert. Printed at Mangalore. In Malayalam. 563. Bhaktisara. Printed at Mangalore. In Canarese. 564. Nagavarma's Canarese Prosody, by Kittel. Published at Man- galore. In Canarese. 565. Grammatica Canarico-Latina a Bouteloup. Published at Banga- lore. In Canarese. Ceylon. 566. Balavataro. Pali Grammar in Cinghalese characters. Printed at Colombo. In Pali. 567. Singaleesch Boek. Published at Colombo. In Cinghalese. British Burma, 568. Mahagarzathatgyee. Published at Rangoon. In Burmese. 569. Holy Bible in Sgau Karen. Published at Tavoy. In Karen. SIAM. 570. Treaty of Friendship between Great Britain and Siam. Pub- lished at Bangkok. In Siamese. INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. Batavia. 571. ..jfaJl J^\ Religious Book. Printed at Batavia. In Malay. 572. Riedel, Inih e Beke. Printed at Batavia. In Malay dialect. 573. New Testament. Printed at Singapore. In Malay. CHINA. 574. K'ang-Hsi Tzu Tien. K'ang-Hsi's large Chinese Dictionary. 40 vols, in 6 cloth cases. Printed at Peking in 1 7 1 7. In Chinese. 575. New Testament in Chinese. 2 vols. Printed at Shanghai. In Chinese. 576. Chinese Bookseller's Catalogue of Works in Chinese, Mandschou, and Tibetan. 76 Cajcton Celebration* 577. Impressions from a Lapidary Inscription at Keu Young-Kwan, in six different kinds of character. In Chinese, &c 578. Map of Chinese Turkistan. Two sheets. 579. Chin Kang ku jo po lo mi ching. Buddhist Ritual. In Chinese. JAPAN. 580. Yedo Encyclopaedia. 2 vols. Illustrated. In Japanese. PERSIA. 581. The Koran, with Persian Interlinear Translation. Published at Teheran, 1260, a.h. In Arabic and Persian. 582. Scripture Geography and Chronology. In modem Syriac. Published by the Missionaries at Ooromiah, 1856. In modern Syriac SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 583. .k^' kj^ Mohit ul Mohit. The Ocean of the Ocean. By Butrus al Bustany. Vol. I. Printed at Beyrout In Arabic. 584. .j\tti)l\ Jj\ Athar ul Adhar. General Dictionary in Arabic, by Selim Gibrail el Churi and Selim M. Shahadah. Parts i and 2. Printed at Beyrout. In Arabic. 585. .c)ji-i>ij» Tryodion. Liturgy in Arabic Published at Jerusalem. In Arabic. TURKEY. 586. Ottoman Chronicles, by Vacif Effendi. Printed at Constanti- nople. In Turkish. 587. AvEDAPEZ. Protestant Armenian Newspaper. Published at Constantinople, 1859. In Armenian. EGYPT. 588. .^j/Jl ^ Taj ul Ariis min jawahei il Qam{is. Large Arabic Dictionary. Five volumes hitherto published at Bulaq. In Arabic. TUNIS. 589. .U»jll El Muwatti, by the Imam Mlllik Ibn Anas. Printed at Tunis. In Arabic. Class C. THE HISTORY OF PRINTING ILLUSTRATED BY THE PRINTED BIBLE, 1450— 1877. By Henry Stevens, g m b, f s a. JHE secular history of the Holy Scriptures is the sacred history of Printing. The Bible was the first book printed, and the Bible is the last book printed. Between 1450 and 1877, an interval of four centuries and a quarter, the Bible shows the progress and comparative development of the art of printing in a manner that no other single book can ; and Biblical bibliography proves that during the first forty years, at least, the Bible exceeded in amount of printing all other books put together ; nor were its quality, style, and variety a whit behind its quantity. The honour of producing the first, and, as many think, the most perfect book, is now ascribed to Gutenberg alone. Fust not coming in for a share of the credit of the invention until after his famous lawsuit in 1455, when the Bible had been finished. We call it, therefore, the Gutenberg Bible, and have no sympathy for any French name given to it simply because a copy found in a Paris library had the honour of being described by a French bookseller. After this suit, when Fust took over the business and associated Schoeffer with himself, there was probably a dispersion of the craft from Mentz to Bamberg, Strasburg, and other places, just as there subsequently was when Mentz in 1462 was besieged and taken by Adolphus, Duke of Nassau. As the Art spread from Mentz throughout Germany, Italy, France, and 78 Cajcton Celebrarfon* the Low Countries, the Bible was generally the first, or among the first books printed by each of the early printers, though unquestionably during the progress of these great volumes through the press the several presses threw off a variety of smaller pieces, especially Indulgences and other ty- pical or typographical aids of the Church, some of which perchance might bear dates earlier than the Bibles themselves, which were on the anvils at the same time. Some half-dozen huge folio Bibles in Latin and German, besides the magnificent Psalters of 1457 and 1459, had appeared in type before a single volume of the Classics saw the " new lamp for the new learning." First and foremost of the ancient Classics came forth Cicero's De Officiis^ in 1465, a little volume about the size of the Book of Genesis, followed soon after by his De Oratore and Episiolce ad Familiares, Then came the ever-popular Virgil and Caesar in 1469, and Pliny the Elder the next year. Ovid followed in 147 1, and Valerius Maximus in 1472. Petrarch, Dante, and Boccaccio were fortunate enough among the modern classics to be set in type in 1470, 147 1, and 1472, while the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer appeared some five or six years later from the press of Caxton. The first book in Greek came from the Milan press in 1476, followed by the first Greek classic author, dear old ^sop, in 1480, while the great Homer himself (reminding one of his own grim joke of Poly- phemus) was held back and not devoured by the press till 1488. In a word, up to the time of the discovery of America, m 1492, Colum- bus might have counted upon his fingers all the old classic authors (including Ptolemy and Strabo in their unbecoming Latin dress) who could throw any geographical light on the questions which the Great Discoverer was discussing with the theologians of Spain ; while, covering the same period, the editions of the Bible alone, and the parts thereof, in many languages and countries, will sum up not far less than one thousand, and the most of these of the largest and costliest kind. We have been endeavouring for the last quarter of a century or more to compile as complete a list of printed Bibles and Parts of Bibles as possible from the earliest period to the present time, and the remarkable result is a table of some 30,000 titles, representing about 35,000 volumes. By throwing all this vast store of Biblical bibliography into one strictly chronological list, we see at a glance what Biblical work was going on in every part of the world under each year, or any given year, and compara- tively how the production of the Holy Scriptures in one country or language ranged with those of another. We see, for instance, that all the earliest printed Bibles were in the Latin Vulgate, the first complete edition of the Septuagint not having been issued from the press of Aldus till the year 15 18, the very year of the 14th German Bible. The earliest printed Bibles in the modern European languages were the first and second German Bibles by Mentelin and Eggesteyn, of Strasburg, Cla00 C— l^olp &cripturt0. 79 of rather uncertain date, but certainly not later than 1466. In 147 1 ap- peared at Venice two translations into Italian — the one by Malermi, printed by Vindelin de Spira, and the other by Nicolas Jenson. In 1477 was printed the first New Testament in French by Buyer, at Lyons, and the same year appeared the first edition of the Old Testament in Dutch, printed at Delft by Jacob Jacobs zoen and Mauritius Yemants zoen. In 1480 was published the splendid Bible in the Saxon or Low German language, from the press of Heinrich Quentel, of Cologne, followed by a second edition in 1491, and a third in 1494. The Psalms, in Dutch, first came out in 1480, in small octavo, and in Greek and Latin in 1481, while the first Hebrew Pentateuch appeared in 1482. The entire Bible done into French paraphrase was published by Guyard de Moulins in 1487. A full translation appeared in the Bohemian language, printed at Prague in 1488. The same year appeared the entire Old Testament in Hebrew from the press of Abraham ben Chayim de' Tintori, at Soncino. This chronological arrangement shows us also many noteworthy points, such as that nearly all the earliest Bibles were huge folios ; that the first Bibles printed at Rome and Venice appeared in 147 1, and that the sixth German Bible by G. Zainer, in 1475, at Augsburg, was the first with the leaves folioed or numbered ; that the first quarto Bible appeared in 1475, printed by John Peter de Ferratis at Placentia, which was also the first book printed at Placentia; that the first of Coburger's celebrated Bibles appeared in Nuremberg in 1475, ^^^ that by the end of the cen- tury no less than thirteen large folio Bibles had come from this house alone ; that the four splendid Bibles printed in 1476 all bear the printers' signatures, though it is difficult to say with certainty which was the first — viz., that of Moravus at Naples, Jenson at Venice, Gering, Crantz, and Friburger at Paris, or that of F. de Hailbrun and N. de Frankfordia at Venice ; that the first Bible with a distinct title-page was printed at Venice, by George de Ravabenis in 1487, in small quarto ; and that the first Bible in small octavo, or " the poor man's Bible," was the earliest, or among the earliest books, from the press of Johann Froben, of Basle, in 1 49 1, and is certainly one of the neatest and tidiest Bibles in our Collection. This splendidly illuminated and bound copy is lent us from the Bodleian Library. Prior to the discovery of America no less than twelve grand patri- archal editions of the entire Bible, being of several different transla- tions, appeared from time to time in the German language ; to which add the two editions by the Otmars of Augsburg of 1507 and 15 18, and we have the total number of no less than fourteen distinct large folio pre- Reformation, or ante-Lutheran Bibles. No other language except the Latin can boast of anything like this number. As the discovery of America was the greatest of all discoveries, so the invention of the Art of Printing may be called the greatest of all in- 8o Caxton Celebration* ventions. But no sooner had Columbus reported his grand discovery through the press than the Pope assumed the whole property in the un- known parts of the earth, and divided it all at once between the two little Powers in the Peninsula, wholly disregarding the rights and titles of the other nations of Europe. The same little game of assumption has been tried, from time to time, with regard to this great invention, but the press has a protective power within itself, which the Church can smother only with ignorance and mental darkness. From this rapid survey it will be apparent that our earliest Bibles, many of them printed most sumptuously on vellum, must have each cost the price of a farm. Later they could be had for a cow, but now a morn- ing's milking of a cow will procure for a farmer a first-class well-bound Bible in his own language. At this late day it is difficult to arrive at the precise dates of several of the earliest and most important printed Bibles, most of the dates having been first assumed by bibliographers without sufficient authority, and subsequently followed by others without inquiry. From an inscrip- tion by one Cremer, the illuminator and binder of the Gutenberg Bible, now in the National Library of Paris, we know positively that the book was printed before August, 1456. From another inscription in a copy of Pfister's Bible, also in the Paris Library, the work is assigned to Bamberg, before 1461, but the church register of Bamberg shows that this Bible was printed prior to March, 1460. More recently it has been announced and confirmed that the copy of the first of Mentelin's Latin Bibles, in the Library of Freiburg in Breisgau, bears an inscription by the rubricator showing that these important volumes had been printed prior to 1460 and 1461. With these new data, and a new scrutiny by the light of recent biblio- graphy, and new comparisons of our undated Bibles with books of positive dates and known printers, brought together, like the present Caxton Memorial Collection, to say nothing of the great aid derived from our recent photo-bibliography, or means of safely comparing books in one library with those of another, it is to be hoped that the day of more exact bibliography is at hand. It will not surprise us to find that the order of printing of the first seven of the great German Bibles, all of which are without dates, may be hereafter somewhat modified, or that our new scrutiny may even yet develop new or unrecognized editions in every de- partment of Biblical research. We therefore, for the extraordinary opportunity afforded us for com- paring and collating rare Bibles and other valuable books in this unique Caxton Memorial Collection, tender herewith our warmest thanks to each and all of our contributors, and more especially to Her Majesty the Queen, His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, the Earl Spencer, Earl of Jersey, Earl of Leicester, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Curators of the Bodleian Cla52(0 C^—l^olp &tn'ptuct0. 8i Library, the University Library, Cambridge, the University Library, Edin- burgh, Sion College, the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, the Signet Library, Edinburgh, Mr. W. Amhurst Tys- sen-Amhurst, Mr. Francis Fry, Mr. David Laing, Mr. Thomas Longman, Mrs. Jolyffe, the Rev. Dr. Gott, Vicar of Leeds, the Dean of St. Paul's, Mr. Henry White, Rev. Dr. Ginsburg, Mr. M. Ridgway, Mr. E. S. Kowie, Mr. C. D. Sherborn, Mr. J. Mathers, Mr. George Tawse, Rev. L. B. Kaspar, Sir Charles Reed, Mr. H. Cleaver, the University Press, Cambridge, the University Press, Oxford, Mr. Thomas Stapleton, Mr. A. Gardyner, Messrs. Bagster and Sons, Messrs. Spottiswoode and Co., and others ; but still more are our thanks due to Mr. Henry J. Atkinson, who has liberally lent us above four hundred editions of :he Bible in all languages. Some of these editions are of very considerable rarity and value, while others, though not of the choicest or rarest kind, are, very many of them, of the middle class of Biblical Bibliography, which are so difficult to meet with and which are of such immense importance to the student in arriving at a clear history of editions, versions, and transla- tions. Scores of these editions are not in our national library, and we know not where else to lay our hands upon them. Our collection boasts of nearly all the earliest and most famous Bibles and Psalters, together with representative editions of the later revisions, translations, versions, and languages down to the present time, to the extraordinary number of above one thousand editions. This unexpected and overwhelming liberaHty of our patrons has very nearly overwhelmed and buried the arranger and cataloguer, but he trusts that great biblio- graphical good will eventually result from this rare opportunity of com- parison, collation, and scrutiny. Rare Bibles, early New Testaments, the Psalms, and other parts of the Scriptures are, it is well known, scattered all over the country ; and we trust that people who possess them will bring or send up these lost children, and have them identified and pro- perly registered. We shall willingly undertake this additional labour for the sake of the opportunity of discovering new and hitherto undescribed editions. The famous collection of Bibles in the Royal Library of Stuttgard is said to exceed eight thousand editions ; but by comparison of the catalogue of our present Caxton Celebration Collection with the catalogue by Adler, printed in 1787, the patient and curious reader will see that more than one-half of our collection is not represented at Stuttgard. So likewise of the extraordinarily rich collection of some five thousand titles of Bibles in the library of Wolfenbiittel. The collection of Bibles and parts thereof in the Lenox Library of New York in all languages, is pro- bably unsurpassed in rare and valuable editions, especially in the English language, by any library, public or private. Mr. Francis Fry, of Bristol, the indefatigable collector, has succeeded in bringing together above one 82 Ca;cton Celebration* thousand editions of the English Bible, Testaments, Psalms, &c., most of them prior to 1700, to say nothing of above one hundred editions in ancient and foreign languages. The Rev. Dr. Ginsburg, of Wokingham, possesses a unique collection, astonishingly rich in early and rare Latin, German and Hebrew Bibles and parts thereof, including, we believe, the whole fourteen pre-Reformation German Bibles, and almost every edition of Luther's early Bibles and parts, the genuine as well as the counterfeit editions. Besides these his collection contains many other editions in other languages, both ancient and modern, to the extent, in all, of be- tween two and three thousand editions ; and, what is of infinite import- ance to Bible and bibliographical students, the Doctor makes his collection as free to them as to himself. But the Library of the British Museum to-day contains probably by far the richest collection of Bibles and Parts thereof in the world, numbering at present above sixteen thousand titles; but even this our Caxton Celebration Collection, so hastily brought together, contains very many editions not to be found in our national library. Notwithstanding the active research of many eminent scholars for the last three centuries. Biblical Bibliography is even now but in its infancy. The subject is so vast that no general bibliographer can more than indicate certain special and prominent editions. It is now more than one hundred and fifty years since Le Long published in Latin the last edition of his bibliography of the Bible. The work was excellent in its day, but very imperfect in many departments, especially English. About a century ago Masch re-edited and vastly improved certain parts of Le Long, especially the editions of the Bible in the ancient languages. He left the work, however, unfinished ; so that for Bibles in most of the modern languages we have still to refer to Le Long. In this brief sketch of the History of Printing, as illustrated by the reproduction of the Bible by moveable types, we have left ourselves space merely to allude to the first five editions of Erasmus's New Testa- ment in Greek and Latin, 1516-35, a work which marks the beginning of a new era in Biblical bibliography ; to the Psalter of Giustiniani in five languages, printed at Genoa in 15 16, with the first life of Columbus in the long note on the nineteenth Psalm, in which are given some im- portant particulars of Columbus's second voyage along the southern coast of Cuba, nowhere else to be found ; to the first Bible in Greek, the Septuagint from the press of Aldus of Venice, in 1518 ; and above all to the first Great Polyglot Bible of Cardinal Ximenes, printed at Alcala in six large folio volumes between the years 15 14 and 15 17, though not published till 1520, the most memorable monument of typo- graphy the world had yet seen. Nothing less than the inpouring wealth of the Indies, combined with the overbearing power of Ximenes, at that time could have collected the manuscripts, collated and edited them, and printed these splendid volumes in such a sumptuous manner in the short space of fifteen years ! While Ximenes was building up this great monument in Spain, Wolsey was about building Hampton Court. Two Cardinal virtues ! It would be curious to inquire which cost the more money, the Polyglot or the Palace, and which won the greater honour ! This brings our nmning narration down to the time of Luther, Pro- testant Germany, and Scripture-hungry England. The presses of Caxton and his successors had been more than half-a-centur)' in operation, and yet not a chapter of the Bible had ever appeared, as such, printed in the English language. It is true that in his Golden Legend Caxton had printed in 1483 in English nearly the whole of the Pentateuch, and a great part of the Gospels, under the guise of the lives of Adam, Abraham, Moses, the Apostles, and others ; but all was mingled with so much of priestly gloss and dross that though probably read in churches it was never recognized as the Holy Scriptures. The Liber Festivalis of 1483 con- tained also some Scripture paraphrases ; and in 1509 Wynkyn de Worde printed a fine edition of the Apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus. These were the nearest approaches that the English people made to the printed Bible in our own tongue. It is true that many copies of the Bible and New Testament translated into English by Wycliffe and his followers were scattered throughout the country in manuscript, and had given educated people and persons of quality a taste of the Book of Books. It is not unlikely that had not the bones of Wycliffe, buried in the little churchyard of Luttenvorth, been dug up and burnt, and his ashes cast into the Swift, by order of the Council of Constance, under the pious protective benevolence of the Church and priesthood, in the first quarter of the fifteenth century, Caxton in the last quarter of the same century might have begun in England his great work of printing, like most of the great printers of the Continent, with the Bible in his native tongue, and thus have modernized Wycliffe's Bible, and cast it into another and a rapider Swift. But Caxton was prudent and wise, as well as a man of business. He had witnessed the storm, and recognized the obstructive and selfish power which gloried in mental darkness, and taught ignorance as the peculiar knowledge and birthright of the people. It was a part of the same piece of priestly wisdom that a few years later gave itself utterance in a sermon at Paul's Cross, in these ever-memorable words : " We must root out printing, or printing will root out us." So Caxton and his suc- cessors, taking the prudent and business-like course, printed what was most likely to sell in peace ; and so the Scriptures in our vernacular tongue saw not the dawn in England, but awaited the broad daylight of the Re- formation, in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, long after they were familiar to the Germans, the Italians, the Dutch, and the Bohemians. The educated of England, however, were not ignorant of the Scrip- 84 Cajcton Celebratfon. tures, for Coburger of Nuremberg, and probably other continental printers, had established warehouses in London, for the sale of Latin Bibles, as early as 1480, and perhaps earlier. There is an instructive letter in the Public Record Office from Coverdale and Grafton to Crom- well, written from Paris the 12th of September, 1538, in behalf of their host, Francis Regnault, who was then printing the "Great Bible" for them : " Where as of long tyme he [Regnault] hath bene an occupier into England more than xl. yere, he hath allwayes provyded soche bookes for England, as they moost occupied, so y* he hath a great nombre at this present in his handes as Prymers in Englishe, Missoles w' other soche like : wherof now (by y' company of y^ Booksellers in London) he is utterly forbydden to make sale, to the utter undoying of the man. Wherfore most humbly we beseke yo"^ lordshippe to be gracious and favourable unto him, y* he may have lycence to sell those which he hath done allready, so y* hereafter he prynte no moo in the english tong, onlesse he have an english man y* is lerned, to be his correcto' Yf yo' 1. shewe him this benefyte we shall not fare the worse in the readynesse and due expedicion of this yo' 1. worke of the Byble, which goeth well fonvarde, and within few moneths will drawe to an ende," etc. From the time of Luther the Continent was filled with new and cheaper issues of the Bible and every part of it, not only in Latin and Greek, but in the modern languages. The history of Bible printing in Germany, Switzerland, and the Low Countries, though in many instances opposed and even prohibited, remains no secret or mystery. The French and Italians printed extensively in the ancient languages, but the Church managed to have small call for the Scriptures in the vulgar tongues which the people could read and comprehend. The history of Luther's own translations and publications of the Scriptures, 1522-34, first by instal- ments as fast as he could get the parts ready, then by revisions and complete works in 1534, is well known. But the bibliography of Luther's early pieces, counterfeits, reprints, &c., requires careful revision. Again, much is to be still settled in the Biblical bibliography of the many edi- tions of the Bible and parts thereof, in various languages, printed by Froschover of Zurich, from his little i6mo. Swiss-German Bible, in five vols, 1527-29, and his folio revision of Luther in five parts, 1525-29, the Prophets and Apocrypha done by Leo Jude, Zwingle, and others. The story of the learned Robert Stephens and the printing of his Bibles and New Testaments in Paris, as told by the late M. Finnin Didot, is one of the most interesting in the literary history of printing and printers. Yet though encouraged, protected, and favoured by Francis as far as any king could protect a subject against the wiles of the Church, at last poor Stephens was driven in exile to Geneva for his Bibles and Testaments; so that to this day the Bibles and Testaments of Robert Stephens remain the glory and the shame of France. Cla00 C— l^olp &criptureja(* 85 Germany was not only boiling over for liberty and free Scriptures, but scholars of advanced thoughts flocked thither from all parts of the world. But Flanders was the paradise of printers, and Antwerp, at this time, the very centre of it, because it enjoyed some special privileges for its citizens within their own dwellings, by which the Burgomaster could resist imperial authority, and disregard imperial emissaries. Any Belgian could print what he liked, and sell it if he could at home and abroad. Hence, disregarding the counsel of St. Paul, according to an old translator, against " making marchandize of the Word of God," it became an extensive and lucrative business of the Low Countries to supply England and France with printed Bibles and Testaments in their own languages. Besides this, the Flemings themselves fanned the Re- formation by producing a very large number of Bibles in their own language, for their own consumption, between 1520 and 1550, though the Emperor's Ordinance of 1529 was very stringent against heretical or Lutheran books and anonymous printing of all kinds, especially the Holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongues. Finally the high tide of the Reformation reached England in 1526 in the shape of a beautiful New Testament in English by William Tyndale. The people soon got a taste of the Word of God in their own language, and a Christian Association was formed in London to read and circulate the Scriptures even in the Universities. Here read the stories of Garret and Dalaber. Within the first ten years probably as many as fifteen dis- tinct editions of Tyndale's New Testament in English, of not less than three thousand copies each, were printed and sold. Tyndale himself living abroad ran the gauntlet of persecution as few men had done, being driven from place to place for six or seven years, till he was found out and hunted down in 1534, imprisoned in May, 1535, and burnt in 1536. The public demand for his Testaments was very great, and no power could check their importation, sale, and consumption. Edition after edition appeared silently in England, but from whence nobody cared to inquire. They were certainly not printed in England. Tyndale himself was scented and ferreted out by English emissaries sent abroad for the purpose, and run down like a wolf Even his friends and fol- lowers in England who could be proved, to have read or to possess even a New Testament were also hunted through London and the Universi- ties as the greatest of criminals ; and this, too, even after the King had replaced the Pope and become the chief head of the Church of England. But all this raid and tirade of the learned doctors of divinity against Scripture readers only lowered the Church whilst it raised the people. Bibles, Psalms, Testaments, and other parts of the Bible thenceforth increased in England to an extent wholly unknown in any other country or nation. Though late in getting possession of themselves and their liberties, the people of England succeeded to a surprising degree ; basing 86 Carton Cclcbcation. their rights and liberties more on their Bibles than anything else. No wonder, then, that the editions of the Bible in English, since 1535, have not only outnumbered those of any other jiation, but in the aggre- gate, including America, exceed those of all other languages. With all these vast accumulations of Bibles and Biblical history, what is at present the extent of our positive knowledge concerning the history and production of our early English Bibles and Testaments prior to 1550, or even later? More than a hundred industrious writers from the time of Lewis to to-day, have ransacked every corner of Christendom in search of facts respecting Tyndale, Coverdale, and Rogers. In a wonderfully small degree they have gleaned a few items respecting the persecuted Tyndale and his New Testaments, but many of these facts require confirmation. As to Coverdale and our first Complete English Bible, finished the 4th of October, 1535, the most precious volume IN OUR LANGUAGE, what do we know? Absolutely next to nothing. The volume itself tells us the day it was finished, but where it was printed, or by whom, or for whom, or under what circumstances, no his- torian or bibliographer has as yet given us any trustworthy information. No literary mystery for the past three centuries has elicited so much inquiry, or so many investigators, especially of late and latest years ; yet up to the opening day of this Caxton Celebration, the 30th of June, 1877, all is but mere conjecture. Some have assigned the production of the volume to Lubeck, others to Frankfort, still others to Zurich, Ham- burg, Cologne, Worms, Strasburg, and even Marlboro in the land of Hesse ; while some say that it came from the press of Egenolph, others detect in it the master hand of Froschover, and still others attribute it to Quentel or some one else ; but all to no purpose. The very variety of these conjectures proves their falsity, and shows that they are really and truly mere conjectures, without the slightest base or foundation. The woodcuts used in the " Coverdale Bible " have indeed been traced into the possession of James Nicolson, printer in St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, in 1535, but not a scrap of the type used in that first English Bible has ever yet, so far as we can learn, been seen or identified in any other book printed at home or abroad. We have ourself, for more than a quarter of a century, spent much time in comparing translations, type, cuts, initial letters, and the general and particular style and make-up of various Continental printers, mousing and groping among old books of all sorts, in search of traces of Coverdale in 1534 and 1535. The results are numerous, but entirely negative. We have had the satisfaction, from time to time, of narrowing down the field of research, and positively con- vincing ourself, first, that the book could not have come from the press of Egenolph, then of Froschover, and so on, but never a bit of positive testimony has greeted our eyes in favour of the true story. But at last, when all our researches for new bi!>liographical fields to explore had been €la^^ C— ll?olp ^crfpture^. 87 exhausted, and just as we were forced to the conclusion that no analytical exploration was ever likely to reward us, the long-kept secret dropped into our open mouth of its own mere motion and ripeness, as if it desired to be in time for the Caxton Celebration. We comprehended the whole story in a minute, and realized it instantly -with a thrill of delight we can never attempt to describe, though it showed us how utterly vain and un- profitable all our researches and comparisons of type, cuts, paper, water- marks, inks, and other printer's etcetera had been. The naked facts were before us in all their simplicity and truthfulness before we had time to understand how far away our historical and antiquarian investigations, primed by our so-called human reason, had drifted us. Let us now return to Coverdale and his Bible. In his Preface to the Reader, Coverdale says, " For the which cause (accordynge as I was desyred anno 1534) I toke the more vpon me to s^t forth this specyall translacyon." This important date, "anno 1534," was interpolated in Froschover's [Hester's] edition of 1550, no doubt on good authority. Coverdale also informs us, in the first paragraph of his Preface to the Reader, after alluding manifestly to Tyndale, or perhaps to George Joye, " which were not onely of rype knowledge, but wold also with al theyr hartes haue perfourmed that they beganne eyf they had not had impediment," etc. *' These and other reasonable causes considered, I was the more bold to take it in hande." He then tells us that various translations were put into his hands which he was glad to " followe for the most parte, accordynge as I was requyred. But to saye the trueth before God, it was nether my laboure ner desyre to haue this worke put in my hande ; neuertheles it greued me y* other nacyos shulde be more plenteously prouyded for with y* Scripture in theyr mother tongue then we ; therfore whan I was instantly requyred, though I coulde not do so well as I wolde, I thought it yet my dewtye to do my best." Again, in his Dedication to King Henry VIH., Coverdale says, " as the holy goost moued other men to do the cost herof, so was I boldened in God, to laboure in the same." These and several other expressions and explana- tions of Coverdale — in some of which he speaks of the translation as his own, and in others of himself, as being employed or required to " set forth," that is, to see the translation through the press — have been com- mented upon scores of times, but always without satisfaction. But all these mysterious extracts will read much clearer when we add that there was at that time a certain young man of position living in Ant- werp, a great linguist, of good education and natural endowments — so high indeed as to enable him "to distinguish well light from darkness," that is, to be a Protestant, who was the "begetter" of this "specyall transla- cyon." In his youth he had been taught the art of printing ; and in manhood his chosen profession or business, in which he manifested great zeal, was in producing at Antwerp a translation of the Bible into English 88 Cajctoa Celebration. " for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ in England," says his biographer ; " and for this purpose he employed a certain learned scJiolar named Miles Coverdale." This simple statement, which we believe to be perfectly authentic, and which has been lying under our noses in most of our libraries for two centuries and a half unnoticed, narrows the matter down to Antwerp, and assigns the honour of producing our first English Bible to that city, an honour which will be acknowledged by coming generations of English- men as well as Americans, who, while they inquire, with guide-book in hand, for the pictures of Rubens, will not forget the home of Jacob van Meteren, the probable translator of our first Bible, who employed Miles Coverdale to " set forth" and father " this specyall translacyon." All honour to Miles Coverdale, the learned scholar, the modest self-sacrificing student, the earnest simple-hearted Christian, who was unquestionably the best proof-reader and corrector of his age ; to whom, perhaps, more than any other one man of his time, William Tyndale himself not excepted, the English language owes a debt of gratitude for its clearness, pointedness, and simplicity. That he left in this our first complete English Bible some few foreignisnts and some inverted English is not surprising when we find that the dozen corps of revisers since have not seen fit or been able to exclude them. Coverdale's duties and responsibilities in revising and setting forth this special translation at Antwerp in 1534-35, at the cost and charges of Jacob van Meteren, who was also, we believe, its original translator out of " Douche and Latyn" into English, were, we take it, precisely the same as when in 1537-38 he revised and set forth the Great; Bible in Paris at the cost and charges of Grafton and Whitchurch. In the latter case he was the nominee of Thomas Cromwell, and similarly, we suppose, when he was "instantly required" at Antwerp in 1534, he received his appointment through Cromwell, who, it is well known, since 15 10 had been in close and confidential personal connection with affairs of the English Company of Adventurers at Antwerp. From 1527 to 1539 we know that Coverdale was on the most friendly and cordial terms with Cromwell, yielding his mind, his services, and his judgment to that great statesman, so much so that in 1535 he was probably the only man who would have been allowed to put his name to a dedication to the King, and Preface to the Reader of an English Bible. He was employed and required not only to revise and see the Bible through the press, but to father the translation. There are a few interesting circumstances which we may not omit even here, respecting Jacob van Meteren, his family and connections. About the year 1480 William Ortelius and his family, on account of their religion, removed from Augsburg to Antwerp, where the family became one of the most distinguished. Not long after there removed Cla00 C— Igolp Scripture^. 89 from Breda to Antwerp Cornelius van Meteren and his family. Jacob, the son of Cornelius van Meteren, married in 1534 (?) Ottilia, the accomplished daughter of William Ortelius, and aunt to the afterwards famous Abraham Ortelius, the Geographer. These two Protestant families were very intimate, and were soon after joined, by intermarriage, by an Englishman named John Rogers, alias Thomas Matthew. Rogers had nominally taken the post of Chaplain to the English Company of Adventurers, which had been held by Tyn- dale, and perhaps by Coverdale. Tyndale having had, as all the world knows, " impediment " in producing the Bible, Coverdale " was the more bold to take it in hande." But Van Meteren soon found new and greater impediment. The London bookbinders and stationers, finding the market filled with foreign books, especially Testaments, made complaint in 1533-34, and petitioned for relief; in consequence of which a statute was passed compelling foreigners to sell their editions entire to some London stationer in sheets, so that the binders might not suffer. This new law was to come into operation about the beginning of 1535. In consequence of this law, Jacob van Meteren, as his Bible approached completion, was obliged to come to London to sell the edition. We have reason to believe that he sold it to James Nicolson of Southwark, who not only bought the entire edition, but the woodcuts, and probably the punches and type ; but if the latter, they were doubtless lost in trans- mission, as they have never turned up in any shape since. All the copies of the Coverdale Bible, in the original condition, as far as we know, have appeared in English binding, thus confirming this law of 1534. White Van Meteren was absent in England, in 1535, the Imperial authorities. Instigated probably by some of the English emissaries at Ant- werp, went to the house of Van Meteren to search it, ostensibly for the per- son of Leonard Ortelius, the father of Abraham, and the uncle of Ottilia, to arrest him as a Lutheran, but really to search for forbidden books, such as English Bibles and New Testaments. The searchers, who were harsh and cruel, gave Madame Ottilia great alarm. She prayed fervently to Almighty God that they might not find what they were in search of, and promised that if she and her's were protected, she would so mark this great providence of God by naming the child she was about to give birth to, if a son, as to commemorate the circumstances. Though the searchers frequently laid their hands on the very chest that contained the hidden books, they did not find them. On the 9th of July, 1535, a son was born to her, and keeping her promise she named him Emanuel, that is, "God with us." This boy, twin brother of the Coverdale Bible, became a distinguished man, a scholar, and an historian. He passed most of his life in London as merchant and Belgian Consul. He died the i8th of April, 161 2, in his 77th year. He never forgot the circumstances preceding his birth, and frequently wrote his name "Emanuel Quis-contra-nos ? " "If God be 90 (!Daj:tort Celebration* with us, who can be against us ? " For this fitting appendage to his name he was indebted to his cousin, Daniel Rogers, the distinguished diplo- matist and Latin poet, the eldest son of John Rogers, the proto-martyr, who, in 1536-37, "set forth" again at Antwerp for Jacob van Meteren, under the assumed name of Thomas Matthew, a splendid edition of the Bible, called now Matthew's Version, the whole edition of which was sold to Grafton, as before the Coverdale Bible had been sold to Nicolson. A mystery has long hung over "Matthew's Version," since it is well known that part of it is Tyndale's, part Coverdale's, and only a portion revised by Rogers himself Matthew's New Testament has recently been proved by Mr. Francis Fry, of Bristol, to be a reprint of Tyndale's last revision, the edition of 1535-4, with the combined initials of Tyndale and Van Meteren on the title page. Mr. Francis Fry, under his No. yj ^ 4, calls this edition G H, but has hitherto been unable to f^^T^rj explain the monogram. Our suggestion is that the G H ^'tAt^ means the translator, Guillaume Hytchins, the assumed -ivL name of William Tyndale ; the other letters being the initials of the printer and proprietor, I v M, that is, Jacob van Meteren. If this be true, the fact reconciles much. The property or copyright belonged to Van Meteren, who, employing Rogers, had the right to produce Matthew's Bible by combining in it parts of Tyndale and Coverdale, which were his own property. These are only a few of the circumstances that have come to light Further and more careful investigation may compel us to somewhat modify some of these details, and to qualify others ; but, on the whole, we trust that our hurried account is substantially correct. We are in- debted for the larger part of our statement to the Rev. Symon Ruytinck, the bosom friend of our Emanuel Quis contra nos ? who was, we believe, for a time connected with the Dutch Church of Austin Friars in London. It is contained in a brief biographical notice by him of Emanuel van Meteren, appended to that distinguished writer's History of Belgiujn, published in the Flemish language at the Hague in 16 14, and in French at the same place in 1618. In the precious volume of some 400 autograph letters, addressed by many of the learned of the world between 1560 and 1595 to Abraham Ortelius, belonging to this Dutch Church, and now preserved in the Guildhall Library, are two very long autograph letters of our Emanuel van Meteren, one or two of Daniel Rogers, and something of Rev. Symon Ruytinck. Honour to them all, however remote and small the light they throw on our dear old Coverdale Bible, and treble honour and blessing on the memory of Jacob and Ottilia van Meteren, to whom we owe our first Bible. They lived together happily, finished their great work together, and perished together. Let their names become house- hold words in England, and let them be loved and honoured together as long as the language of the Coverdale Bible lasts. Towards the end of the reign of Edward VI., finding Antwerp unsafe for them on account of their religion, they resolved to remove with all their effects and penates to London, and live under the young King, who had offered them an asylum. On their passage from Antwerp the ship that bore them was attacked by a French cruiser, burnt, and sunk ; and so perished Jacob and Ottilia van Meteren. Though the sea holds their bones, their names are now given up to be recorded with honour in England this Caxton Memorial Year. Henry Stevens. 4, Trafalgar Square^ London, July 25, 1877. rostscripttim. — For the continuation of these bibliographical Notes on the printed Bibles in English and other languages from 1535 to 1877, and for the fuller Notes, of which the above is but an epitome, the courageous reader is referred to our forthcoming little book entitled Our Printed Bibles, 1450- 1877. THE COMPARATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ART OF PRINTING IN ENGLAND AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, ILLUSTRATED BY SPECIMENS OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND LITURGIES. Chronologically Arranged, 1450-187 7. Seci'ION I. — Bibles. 611. IBLE (Latin). Begin. [With the prologue of Saint Jerome.] [FjRater ambrosius tua michi munuscu-/la perferens. detulit siml' \ suauissimas litteras : etc. [Genesis begins Fol. 5 recto col. I at the top. I]n principio creauit deus celu et terram. End. [Fol. 641 verso, col. 2] Gratia dni nri ihesu cristi cu om- nib; vobis ame. [Mentz, Joannes Gutenberg, 1450-55 ?] Gothic letters, first edition, 2 volumes, measuring 15! by \\\ inches. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. "Without title-page, pagination or signatures ; 641 leaves printeil in double columns, 42 lines to a full column ; the initials and rubrics are in MS. throughout. The earliest book known, printed with moveable metal type ; -.vas formerly styled, unjustly to Germany, the ** Mazarine Bible," but is now properly called the Gutenberg Bible. Some copies, which may be called a second issue, have 40 lines on the first eight pages, forty-one on the ninth, and the rest forty-two, like the present copy. In this latter issue the three lines in red at the bt^inning arc in ty}>e, and not in maniiscript, as in the 42 line issue. 9* Cawn Celebration* 612. Psalms (I^itin). Psalmorum Codex. Presens Psalmorum Codex venustate capitalium decoratus, rubricationibusque sufficienter distinctus, ad inventione artificiosa imprimendi ac caracterizandi absque calami ulla exaracione sic effigiatus, et ad eusebiam dei Industrie est consummatus, per Johannem Fust civem maguntinum et Petrum Schoffer de Gernszheim anno domini MCCCCLVII. In vigilia Assumpcionis. [Mentz], 1457. Folio. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. The Mentz Psalter on 138 leaves, the first book printed with a date and names of the printers. This large and sumptuous volume, probably the most magnificently printed book known, is on pure vellum. Indeed, we believe no copies are known printed on paper. It measures l6^ by 12 inches. 613. Psalms (Latin). Begin. Beatus vir qui no abijt in cosilio impio?/. [The Psalms, with the sacred canticles, creeds, prayers, and eccle- siastical Hymns.] End. PResens psalmo^ codex : venustate capitaliu. decoratus. rubric^tionibuscj^ sufficienter distinctus. ad- inuenc5ne artificiosa imprimendi ac caracterizandi : absq^ ulla calami exaracone sic effigiatus. et ad laudem dei ac honore sancti Jacobi est osilat'. Per Joh'em fust cive magutinu. et Petru Schoifher de Gemssheym clericu Anno dni Millesimo cccclix. xxix. die mensis Augusti. Large Gothic letter. On vellum. [Mentz], 1459. Folio. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. The second edition of the Mentz Psalter, without pagination, signatures or catchwords. 136 leaves, 23 lines in a page, with the plain chant noted through- out. The large ornamental capitals are printed in two colours, the smaller in red only. Nearly all the known copies of the first and second editions have minute variations, especially in the subscriptions, which appear to have been adapted to the particular church or monastery for which they were intended. This volume contains the earliest printed text of the Athanasian Creed. 614. Bible (Second Latin). ^^^«. [F]Rater ambro-/sius tua michi mu- nuscula p/ferens. etc, [Genesis begins Fol. 6 verso, col. i. at the top. I]n principio creauit deus celu t terram. End. [Fol. 882 verso, col. 2. lin. 6] bis amen. Gothic letter. [Bamberg : Albert Pfister, 1460?] Folio. 15! by 11 inches. Lent by Earl Spencer. Without title-page, pagination or signatures ; 882 leaves printed in double columns, 36 lines to a full column. A copy in the Paris library has the rubrica- tion dated 1461, proving that this Bible was printed prior to that date. But the cover of the Church Register of Bamberg being composed partly of waste leaves of this Bible, and the Register beginning with 21 March, 1460, it fol- lows that these leaves were printed prior to this latter date. 615. Bible (Third Latin). ^^g-zV/. [F]Rater ambrosius tua etc. [Genesis begins fol. 3 verso, towards the bottom of col. 2. I]N principio creauit deus celu et t^ram. End. [Fol. 477 recto col. i.] Gratia dni nri ih'u xpi cu omibs vobis amen. Gothic letter. 2 vols. [Strasburg: Jo. Mcntelin, 1460 and 1461 ?] Folio, isf by iit inches. Lent by Earl Spencer. Cla00 C— ll?olp fetcipture^* 93 Without title-page, pagination, or signatures ; 477 leaves, printed in double columns, 49 lines to a full column. The rubrics and initials are in MS. throughout. A copy of this Bible is preserved in the library of Freiberg in Breisgau, with the rubrications of the volumes dated 1460 and 1461, ranking this edition as the third Latin Bible. 616. Bible (Fourth Latin). Begin. Incip eprasci iheronimi ad paulinu psbiteru : de omib' diuine historic libris. [Fol. 4 recto, col. i. lin. 7.] Expl'. plogus. Jncip liber bresith que noj genesim dici- mis. [Fol. 242 verso, col. 2. end^ laudet dominu. Alleluia. [Vol. 2. Begin^ Epistola sancti ieronimi . . . . de libris salomonis. End. [Fol. 239 recto, col. 2.] Gra dni nri ihesu ^risti cu omib' vobis amc. [followed by the Colophon in seven lines.] Pfis hoc opusculu Artificosa adinuentione im^mendi seu caracterizandi. absq^ calami exaracon etc. 2 vols. Gothic letter. Per ioh'ez fust et Petru schoiffherde gerns'heym, in ciuitate Maguntn. 1462. Folio. i6i by \2\ inches. Magnificent copy on pure vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. Without title-page, pagination or signatures ; vol. I has 242, and vol. 2, 239 leaves, printed in double columns, 48 lines to a full column. The first edition of the Bible having date, name of printer and place. From a col- lation of this with other copies on paper and vellum it appears that many of the leaves were reprinted, as for example, the first five in vol. i, and fol. 90-96, 207-216, and 227-242; in vol. 2, fol. I, 51 recto, 121-124, and 233-239, etc. This mj^nificent copy is richly illuminated throughout in gold and colours. 617. Bible (Fourth Latin). Begin. Incip epl'a sci iheronimi ad paulinu psbiteru, etc. Another copy printed on pure vellum. Per ioh'ej fust et Petru schoiffher de gerns'heym, in ciuitate Maguntu, 1462. Folio. Lent by Earl Jersey. This magnificent copy, a duplicate of No. 616, with some variations, is also splendidly illuminated throughout in brilliant colours, but the style of the illuminations of the two copies, though both exceedingly well done, is widely different. 61S. Bible (Fourth Latin). Begin. Incip epl'a iheronimi ^/r. Perioh'ej fust et Petru schoifl'her de gerns'heym, in ciuitate Maguntn, 1462. Folio. i6i by ii^ inches. A superb copy printed on paper. Lent by Henry Stez^ens, Esq. This third copy is placed here as a good contrast with Nos. 616 and 617, printed on pure vellum. As many of the leaves have rough edges, they show that no copy on paper can be much taller or wider than this one, which is only a large fragment of this first Bible, with date, names of printers, and place. 619. Psalms (Latin). Psalterium, etc. 126 leaves, twenty long lines in a full page, no signatures, catch-words or numbering. Large fine type resembling [Albert Pfister's, Bamberg, 1462?]. 4to. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 620. Bible (First German). Begitt. [BjRuder Ambrosius der hat, etc. [Genesis commences fol. 4 recto, in col. i. I]n dem anegang 94 Carton eDelebratiom geschiefF got etc. End. [fol. 400 verso, col. 2.] Die genade vnsero herren ihe/su cristi sey mit vns alien Amen, [followed by five leaves containing the titles and arguments of the Psalms] End. in nach d'menig seiner grossung. Amen. [Strasburg : Joannes Mentelin, 1466?] Folio. 15^ by 11^ inches. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. Without title-page, pagination or register, 405 printed leaves in double columns, 60 lines to a full column ; there is a blank leaf at the end of the Gospels. A magnificent copy, richly illuminated in gold and colours. 621. Bible (First German). Begifi. [BjRudcr Ambrosius der hat, etc. Another very fine copy. [Strasburg: Joannes Mentelin, 1466?]. Folio. Le7tt by Earl Spencei: 405 printed leaves, 2 columns, 60 lines in a full column. This is also a splendid copy, beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, but in a style quite different from No. 620, lent by Her Majesty the Queen. 622. Bible (Second German). Begin. [BjRuder Ambrosius d'hat vns brachtein deinegab etc. [preceded by two leaves containing the table of rubrics. Genesis begins in col. i on the recto of fol. 6. A]N de angang beschiiff got den hymel vn die erde. E7id. [fol. 400 verso, col. 2.] . . . Die genad vnsers herren jhesu cristi sey mit vns alien. Amen, [followed by five leaves containing the titles and arguments of the Psalms] End. in nach d'meing seiner gros- sung. Amen. [Strasburg: Heinrich Eggestyn, 1466?] Folio. 16 by III inches. Lent by Earl Spencer. Without title-page, pagination or register. 405 leaves printed in double columns, 60 lines to a full column ; foil. 2, 103, and 157 have the verso blank. 623. Bible (Latin). Begin. [F]Rater ambrosi' tua etc [Genesis begins fol. 4 verso, col. 2, lin. 10. I]N principio creauit deus celu 1 terra. End. [Fol. 631 verso, col. 2.] vobis amen. [Followed by a table of rubrics occupying four leaves.] Gothic letter. [Stras- burg : H. Eggestein, 1468?] Folio. L^nt by Earl Spencer. Without title-page, pagination, or signatures ; 635 leaves, printed in double columns, 41 lines to a full column. The rubrics and initials are in MS. This is the first edition of the Latin Bible by Eggestein. This copy wants the four leaves of the table of rubrics. 624. Bible (I^tin). Begin. [F]Rater ambrosius tua mi/chi munus- cula perferens, etc. [Genesis begins fol. 4, col. 2. I]N principio creauit deus celu 1 terra. End. [Fol. 493 verso, col. 2, lin. 7.] mini ni^i ihesu cristi cu omnibis vobis ame. Gothic letter. [Strasburg: H. Eggestein, 1469?] Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Without title-page, pagination, or signatures ; 493 leaves, printed in double columns, 45 lines to a full column ; the verses of foil. 124 and 330 are blank ; the initials and rubrics are in M.S. throughout. This edition is some- times attributed to J. Bacmler of Augsburg ; but the type is the same as that of the edition generally attributez. [sig. a 2.] Prologus in bibliam — Incipit epl'a sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinu etc. [Sig. a 4 verso, col. 2 at the bottom.] Explicit pfatio. Incipit liber Genesis qui dicit hebraice bresith. End. Explicit biblia ipressa Venetijs etc. (interpta- CIaj2?j2f €.—^olp fecrfpturegf^ loi tiones hebraicorii nominu etc. Gothic letter, p Fraciscu de hailbrun t Nicolau d'frankfordia socios, Venetijs, 1476. Folio. Lent by Henry White^ Esq. Without title-page or pagination ; sign. A 2 — y, j, 2 — 18. A — C. Printed in double columns, 51 lines in a full column. The first Bible with a date having printers' signatures ? see Nos. 643, 645, 645*. Another copy, Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, 647. Bible (Latin). Aurea Biblia. 1476. Folio. Lent by Henry White, Esq. 648. Bible (Seventh German). Begin [Fol. i, recto]. Die epistel Ihero- nimi zu Paulinum. End. [Fol. 332 recto] Diss durchleicht igest werck d gantz en heyligen geschrift genandt die bibel . . . hat hie eyn ende. Augspurg: [Gunther Zainer], 1477. Folio. 2 vols. 321 & 332 leaves. Lent by Earl Spencer. Without title-page, register, and catchword. Printed in double columns, 51 lines to a full page. The first German Bible with a date. 649. Bible (Italian). [The Holy Bible, with the history of the Septua- gint by Aristeas, translated into Italian by N. de Malermi.] Pt. i. Begin. Registro de la prima parte de la Biblia. Pt. 2. Begin. Registro del secondo libro. 2 pt. Venetia : Antonio Bolognese, 1477. Folio. Lent by Henry White, Esq. Printed in double columns. Each part has a distinct register, without title- page or pagination. Aristeas is at the end of part i : part 2 commences with the Proverbs. Another copy, Lent by the Bodleian Library. 650. Bible (Latin). Begin. Incipit epl'a sancti hieronimi ad paulinu etc. [Fol. 3 verso, col. 3. lin. 8 from the bottom]. Incipit liber bresith quern nos genesim dicimus. End. [Fol. 461 verso, col. 2. lin. 3.] Finit liber apocalip^ beati iohanis apl'i. followed by the Colophon. Fol. 462 recto. Begin. V]Eneabili viro dno iacobo de ysenaco. Menard' solo noie monachus etc. [A general notice of the Bible, followed by the Canons of Eusebius ; the whole occupying six leaves.] Gothic letter, p Antonium Coburger. In regia ciuitate Nurnbergn, 1477. Folio. L^nt by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page, pagination, or signatures ; 467 leaves printed in double columns, 51 lines to a full column. 651. Bible (Latin). Begin. Epistola. Incipit epistola sacti hieronimi ad paulina presbite'^ de oib' diuine historie libris. [Genesis begins fol. 3 verso, col. i.] Incipit liber bresich q^ nos genesim dici'. End. [Fol. 390 recto, col. i] omibs vob amen. — Et sic est finis, [same page, col. 2 — V]enerabili viro diio. Jacobo de ysenaco. Menard' solo no-mie monach' etc. [A general notice of the Bible, extending to the verso of fol. 393, col. i, and 102 Cajcton Celebration* ending with seven verses. Bggin.] Qui memor esse cupit libro:^ bibliotece[and-£«^/.] credentes verbis sacris saluare paratus i ^A^. Gothic letter. [Nuremberg? Jo. Sensenschmidt ?], 1476. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page, pagination, or signatures, 393 leaves printed in double columns, 57 lines to a full column ; between fol. 17 and 18 half a leaf is inserted with part of a single column printed on the verso, to supply an omission at the end of fol. 18, col. 2. 652. New Testament (French). Begin. Cy commence la table du nouuau testament. End. Cy finist lapocalipse et samblablement le nouueau testament [translated by G. des Moulins] veu et corrige par venerables personnes fres iullien macho et pierre sarget [sic i.e. Farget] etc. Bartholemieu buyer, lion, [1477 ?] 410. Lent by Earl Spencer. Without title-page or pagination, sign, a — c ; a — t and A — I. 299 leaves printed in long lines, 28 lines to a full page, and two blank leaves, one at the end of the table and another at the end of the book. The first edition of the New Testament in French. 653. Old Testament (First Dutch). Begin. Hier beghit dat prologus vader bible des ouersetters te duytsche vte latine. [Fol. 2, recto, I.jNden beghin sciep god hemel en aerde, etc. End. Hier eyndt de prophect malachias, etc. Jacob iacobs soen en Mauritius Yemants Zoen van middelborch. Delf, 1477. Small folio. 2 volumes. Lent by Earl Spencer. The Book of Psalms was omitted in this edition, but appeared separately three years later. Without title-page, register, catchwords, or pagination ; printed in double columns, 38 lines to a full column. This is the first edition of the Old Testament in the Dutch language. See No. 669. 654. Old Testament (First Dutch). Hier beghit dat prologus, etc. Another fine large copy. Jacob iacobs soen en Mauritius Yemants Zoen van Middelborch, Delf, 1477. 2 vols. Small folio. Lent by the Dutch Church in Austin Friars. 655. Bible (Latin). Begin. [Sig. a 2.] Prologus in bibliam. Incipit epistola sancti Hieronymi etc. [Genesis begins Sig. a 4 verso, col. 2 at the top. I]N princi-pio crea-uit deus celu & terra. (interptationes hebraico:^ nominu etc.] Gothic letter. per Leonardum vuild de Ratisbona expensis Nicolai de franckfordia, Venetijs, 1478. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or pagination ; Sign, a 2 — y, j, 2 — i 8, A — C; at the end is a table of the register on one page. 656. Bible (Latin). Begin. [Fol. a 2] Prologus in bibliam. Incipit epla sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinu pbrem d' oib' dine historic libris. End. Biblia impressa Venetiis, etc. (Interptationes hebra- icoru nominu scdm ordinem alphabeti). Gothic letter. Opera atq^ impSsa T. de Reynsburch t Reynaldi de Novimagio. Venetiis, 1478. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or pagination ; the ** Interptationes hebraicoru nominu" are at the end after the imprint. 657. Bible (Latin). Begin. Incipit epta sancti Hieronimi ad Paulinu presbite':^ de oTb' diuine historic libris. End. Anno incamatonis dnice. Millesimo-quadringentesimoseptuagesimo octavo Mai vo Kl' octauo decimo. Q'^ insigne veteris nouiq^ testamenti opus. Cum canonibs euagelistarumq^ concordantiis, etc. Gothic letter. Per Antoniu Coburger, In oppido Nurnbergii. Mai vo Kt. 18. 1478. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or register. Preceding the Epistle of Saint Jerome is a leaf containing a table of the books ; the canons are placed after the imprint and have no pagination. This is Coberger's third Latin edition. 658. Bible (Latin). Begin. [Fol. j.] Incipit epl'a sancti Hieronimi ad Paulinu, etc. [preceded by one leaf containing an index of the books on the verso. — Genesis begins fol. iiij.] Liber Genesis. End. [Fol. cccclxj.] .... insigne veteris nouiq^ testamenti opus, cum canonibs euagelistarumq^ concordantijs .... finit feliciter. [Then follows : Vjenerabili viro domino Jacobo de ysenaco. Menard' . . monachus . . Rogatus nuper a vobis . . . qtenus aliqua generalem t opediosam libro^ biblie oscriberem notitia etc. [and afterwards] Incipit tabula canonQ, etc. Gothic letter. Per Antoniu Coburger, in oppido Nurnbergii. IV. Id. Nov. 1478. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. The collation of this, Coberger's fourth Latin edition, is the same as the third, but it is a distinct edition. 659. New Testament (Latin). Signature in eights. 2 cols. 1478 ? 8vo. Lent by the Bodleian Library, 660. Bible (Latin). Begin. [Sig. a 2] Incipit epistola beati Hie- ronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum de omnibus divine historic libris. End. " Fontibus ex Grecis hebreorum q 93 libris." " Emendata satis et decorata simul. / Biblia sum pns supos ego tester et astra. / Est impssa nee in arbe mihi similis. / Singula q^ loca cu concor- dantib' extat. / Orthographia simul q; bene pssa manet" Gothic letter. [1479?] Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or pagination. This is supposed to be the first of the editions distinguished by the appellation '* Fontibus ex Graecis," in which case it is of the date of 1479, or still earlier. 104 Ca;cton Celebration* 66 1. Bible (Latin). Begin. Incipit epl'a Hieronimi ad Paulinu pres- bite:^ de oibs diuine historic libris. End. Anno icarnatois domi- nice. Millesimo-qdri ge tesimo septuagesimonono sexto die augusti. 1'^ isigne veteris nouiq^ testameti op' cu canonibs euagelistaruq^ t cordatiis, etc. (Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum.) Gothic letter. Per Antoniuz Coburger, In oppido. Nurnbergn, 1479. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or register. Printed in double columns, 51 lines to a full column. The " Canons" and "Interpretations" are without pagination. This is Coberger's fifth Latin Bible. 662. Bible (Latin). Begirt. [Sig. a 2.] Prologus. Incipit epl'a Hie- ronymi ad paulinum, etc. [Genesis begins sig. a 5.] Incipit liber genesis qui dicit hebraice bresith. End. Biblia ipressa Venetiis, etc. [Then follows, sig. q] Incipiunt interpretationes hebraico:^ nominum, etc. [and on the last leaf] Registrum biblie. Gothic letter. Opera . . . Venetus : Nicolai Jenson, 1479. Folio. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. Without title-page or pagination, signatures A — 2,1, o, 1^. A — V. 663. Bible (Eighth German). End. Diss durchleuchtigest werck d'ganc- zen heilige geschrifft. genannt die Bibel fiir all ander vorgedruckt teutsch Bibeln. lauterer. felarer. vnd warer nach rechtem gemeyne teutsch dan vorgedruckt. hat hye ein ende, etc. 2 Th. Augspurg : Anthoni Sorg, 1480. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or signatures ; each Th. is preceded by a register or index. 664. Bible (First German, low). Begin. [D] le born der ewyger wijsheyt dat wort gaedes i de hogeste sprekz : etc. [Fol. 4 recto.] (Hijr beghynt Genesis dat erste boeck der vijf boeckere Moysi, etc.) End. Een salich ende heift dat boek der hemelike apenbaringe. sent Johans des ewangeliste . . vfi dar mede de gantse bybel. dar van gade dank unde loff sy in ewicheyt. Amen. [Cologne, 1480 ?] Folio. L^nt by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Printed in double columns, without title-page, register, or pagination ; 57 lines to a full column. 665. Bible (Latin). Begin. Prologus in bibliam. Incipit epistola sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum : de omnibus diuine historic libris. (interpretatioes hebraicoru nominu, etc.) Gothic letter. Venetijs : per Franciscum de hailbrun, 1480. 4to. Lent by the Bodleian Library. Without title-page or pagination. Signatures a — y, j, z. z, 4-18, A — D. 666. Psalms (Greek and Latin). Begin. [Fol. 3, recto] AATIA nPO^HTOT KAI BAClAEnC MEAOC. David prophetae et regis melos. [Preceded by loannes [Crestonus] placentinus ClaS0 €♦— l&olp &criptur00. 105 Monachus Reueredo patri & domino. D. Ludouico Donato Episcopo Bergomensi, S. p. d. commencing on the verso of fol. I.J End, TTo^a^ v]fjuS)v elg b^ov Eiprvm. pedes nostrum in uiam pacis [Edited by J. Crestonus]. Mediolani, 1481. Folio, iii by 8i inches. Zent by Earl Spencer. Eighty-one leaves, sig. a i — z iii. This is the first of the editions printed at Milan in 1481, and is known by its colophon : ** Impressum Medio- lani anno Mcccc. Lxxxi. die. xx. Septembris." It is printed in double columns, containing 28 and 29 lines in a full column. No pagination or catchwords. 667. Bible (Latin). Begin. Incipit epl'a sancti Hieronimi ad Paulinu presbitcl? de oibs diuine historic libris. End. Anno incama- tionis duice. Millesimoquadringentesimooctuagesimo. Mai vero Kr octauo decimo. Q:^ insigne veteris nouiq^ testamenti opus, cum canonib' euangelistarumq^ concordantiis, etc. Per Anto- niuz Coburger, In oppido Nurabergn, 1480. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Without title-page or register. Preceding the epistle of Saint Jerome is a leaf containing a table of the books ; the canons are placed after the imprint, and have no pagination. This is Coburger's sixth Latin edition. 668. Bible (Latin). [The Holy B. in Latin, according to the Vulgate translation, with the Glossa Ordinaria of Walafridus Strabo, and the Glossa interlinearis of Anselmus Scholasticus.] Begin. Epis- tola beati Hieronimi presbiteri ad Paulinum presbiteru . . . incipit. [Fol. 3 verso :] Glossa ordinaria incipit [Fol. 5 recto :] [I]N pricipio creauit de' celum t terra, etc. Gothic letter. 4 vols. [Venice? 1480?] Folio. Lent by the Sion College Library. A manuscript note in Latin on the cover of vol. I. says that in 1480 this book belonged to Giles de Bresc, Rector of S. Mary the Virgin outside Malines, and that he bought it for 26 florins. 669. Psalms (Dutch). 278 leaves, 17 lines. End. Hier eyndet die duytsch Souter end es gheprent te Delf, 1480. i6mo. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 278 leaves, 17 lines. Signatures abcdefghikl mnopqrlfstv wxyz ABCDEFGHin eights and I in 6 leaves, in all 35 sheets, or 278 leaves. This Bodleian copy has a separate printed title page, added apparently some few years later. This little volume, with No. 653, completes the first Old Testament in Dutch. 670. Bible (Latin). Begin. Incipit epistola sancti Hieronymi ad . . . divine historie libris. Sig. a 5 recto, col. 2.] In principle creavit de' . . . t'ra, etc. (Iterptatioes hebraicoru nominu s'm ordi- nem alphabeti.) Gothic letter. 1481. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Without title-page, pagination, or catchwords. Sig. a — y, A — Y, 1-13, 570 leaves, printed in double columns, 47 lines to a full column. This is one of the "Fontibus ex Graecis" editions. The Colophon, which is at the end of the Apocalypse, is followed by the Rubric of the Proper Lessons and the "In- terpretationes. " io6 Carton Celebratfom 680. Bible (Latin). With Commentaries of De Lyra. 2 vols. Nurn- bergii ; Anthonius Coberger, 1481. Folio. Lent by Matthew Ridgway^ Esq. 681. Bible (Latin). Begin. Incipit epistola sancti Hieronym ad Paulinu, etc. [Sig. a 5 recto, col. 2] i N principio creavit de' celu t tra, etc. (Iterptatioes hebraicoru nominu s'm ordinem alphabete.) Gothic letter. 1481. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. Without title-page, pagination, or catchwords. Sig. a — y, A — Y, 1-13, 570 leaves, printed m double columns, 47 lines to a full column. This is one of the "Fontibus ex Grsecis" editions. The colophon, which is at the end of the Apocalypse, is followed by the Rubric of the Proper Lessons, and the "Inter- pretationes." 682. Pentateuch (Hebrew), .^tt;") l^/IVH)*) D')^p:')^< Dllin D;; UTDin Begin, ./^^tt^^<"12 On vellum. [Bologna : Abraham ben Chayim de' Tintori, 1482.] Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of the Pentateuch in Hebrew. 683. VoRAGiNE (James de). The Golden Legende. [Colophon'] Thus endeth the legende named/ in latyn legenda aurea, that is to saye/ in englysshe the golden legende, For/ lyke as golde passeth in valewe alle/ other metalles, so thys legende excedeth/ alle other bookes, wherin ben contey-/ned alle the hygh and grete festys of/ our lord, the festys of our blessyd la/dy, the lyues pas- syons and myracles/ of many other sayntes, and other hys-/toryes and actes, as al allonge here/ afore is made mencyon, whiche werke/ I haue accomplisshed at the commaundemente and requeste of the noble and/ puyssaunte erle, and my special good/ lord Wyllyam erle of arondel, t haue/ fynysshed it at Westmestre the twenty/ day of nouembre, the yere of our lord/ M, CCCC, Ixxxiij, 1 the fyrst yere/ of the reygne of Kyng Ry chard the/ thyrd (^g mc ^i^yi'QCLi^ Castom foHo. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. First edition. Four preliminary leaves, comprising the Prologue and two tables ; text in double columns, folioed i to ccccxliij. This book is, we think, fairly placed among Bibles, because it contains a translation into English of nearly the whole of the Pentateuch and a great part of the Gospels, and hence must have been read extensively by the people, or to the people, long before the Reformation, or the days of Tyndale and Cover- dale. Historians of the English Bible appear to have overlooked the numerous editions of this work. It was no doubt read in churches, and though the text is mixed with much priestly gloss and dross, it nevertheless contains, in almost a literal translation, a great portion of the Bible ; and it became thus one of the principal instruments in preparing the way for the Reformation. The people demanded the Scriptures in a purer form. The modifications and changes of the text and form of the Golden Legend is a theme worthy the bibliographer. €U^0 C— l?olp S)cripturej2(* 107 The future historian of our dear old English Bible should not fail to sift CeUtOand fCtJjCiJ? t^Cm tOOt^dCt for fo C0# Ime and verba- umt^cgr mcmetco it) mamtof 6rcc^i«/ 3" !^, S column. This may take precedence of the Genevan Version in being called the "Breeches Bible," as that was not published till 1560, more than three quarters of a century later. 684. Bible (Ninth German). Begin. Das erst Blat. Hie hebet an die Epistel des heyligen priesters sant Jheronimi etc. [fol. v. recto] Hie hebt sich an. Genesis etc. End. [fol. ccccclxxxiij. verso.] Disz durchleuchtigist werck der gantzen heyligen geschrifft. genant dy bibel fiir all and ' vorgetriicket teutsch bible, lauterer. clarer vnd warer nach rechter gemeyner teutsch . . . gege dem lateynischen text gerechtuertigt . . . mit vberschrifften . . . Vn mit schonen figuren . . . hat hie ein ende. etc. Gothic letter. Nuren- berg : durch anthonium Koburger, 1483. Folio. 15^ by ii^ inches. Zent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Without title-page or signatures ; printed in double columns, 50 lines in a full column. The first German Bible printed at Nuremberg. With many extraordinary woodcuts. Another copy, Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society, 685. Bible (Ninth German). Begins. Das erst Blat. Hie hebet an die Epistel, etc. Another copy. Very fine. Lent by Earl Spencer, 686. Bible (Latin). Begin. [Fol. a. 2.] Incipit epistola beati Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum de omnibus divine hystorie libris. End. Exactum est inclyta in urbe venetia:^ sacro sanc- tum biblie volumen &c. (F. Moneliensis a genua in sacrosanctam ac sacratissima biblia Epl'a. Interpretaciones nominu hebraico- rum.) Gothic letter. Caracteribus Magistri Johanis dicti magni. Herbert de Siligenstat alemani, in urbe venetia:^, 1483. Folio. Lent by Henry IVhite^ Esq. Without title-page or pagination ; the epistle of Franciscus Moneliensis is on the verso of the first leaf, and the *' Interpretaciones nominu hebraicorum'* are at the end, after the colophon. 687. Bible (French). In French paraphrase by Guyard de Moulins, or Comestor, 1487. Folio, with very many curious woodcuts. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 688. Bible (Italian). La Biblia en lingua Volgare (per Nicolo di Mallermi). End. Venetia : per Joan. Rosso Vercellese, 1487. Folio. Lent by Henry White, Esq. io8 €axton Celebratfom 689. Bible (Latin). Venetiis : per Georgium rauabenis, 1487. 4to. Zen^ by Francis Fry, Esq. This first Bible with a separate title-page is printed in two columns of 52 lines each. 690. Bible (First Bohemian). [The Holy Bible in Bohemian.] Begin. Poezinagi Prwnie Knihy Moyziessowy. Capitola I. etc. w Mjes- tie Starem Prazskem, 1488. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Printed in double columns, without numerals or catchwords, 47 lines to a full page ; register a. iii — z. v. A — Z, v. A. A. — C. C. iiii. a. a. — m. m. iiii. At the end is a register of the Epistles and Gospels, printed alternately red and black, signatures i — iiii. 691. Bible (First Hebrew). [.DOiriDI D^K^n^ niin] Begin, [fol. i verso] .jn^Di^"12 Editio Princeps. [Soncino : Abraham ben Chayin de' Tintori, 1488.] Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. 380 leaves without pagination, printed in double columns, 30 lines to a full page. The Pentateuch is followed by the Five Rolls, which have a separate register, as also the Prophets and the Hagiographa. De Rossi, Ann. Sec. XV. p. 54. This is the first complete edition of the Bible. The whole Bible had been printed previously in portions, viz., the Pentateuch, 1482, the Former Prophets, 1485, the later Prophets, i486, and the Hagiographa, 1487. 692. Bible (12th German). 2 vols., 799 leaves, 2 columns, 48 lines, woodcuts. Augspurg: Hen. Schonsperger, 1490. Folio. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 693. Bible Picture Book (Dutch). Boeck van Ihesus Leven. Wood- cuts. Zwolle: Peter van Os Breda, 1490. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 694. Bible (Second German Low). 2 vols., 2 columns, 66 lines in a full column. With large woodcuts. Lubec, 1491. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. 695. Bible (Latin). Biblia. (Epistola beati Hieronymi . . . de omnib' divine historie libris. . . Translatores biblie. Epistole et Evan- gelia Per anni circulum Interptatioes hebriaco'^ noum, etc.] Gothic letter. Impensis . . . Nicolai Keslers, civis Basilicu [Basle], 1 49 1. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Without pagination. Sig. a— z, t, & E, A— Z, Aa — G.g., a— c. Printed in double columns, 56 lines to a full column. The Colophon, which is on the verso of sig. F. f. 7, is followed by the *' Translatores biblie, etc." 696. Bible (Latin). Biblia integra, summata ; distincta : supemedata utriusq^ testameti rcordatus illustrata. [Fol. a 2 recto :] Incipit epistola beati Hieronymi ad Paulinu, &c. [New Test. Fol. i recto.] Incipit epistola beati Hieronymi ad Damasum, &c. [Fol. Claj2(0 C— ll?olp &ccipture55* 109 A. I recto.] Interpretationes Nomina Hebraico. Gothic letter. Per Johanem froben de Hammelburck, Basilee, 1491. 8vo. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 491 leaves, without pagination or catchwords ; register, beginning at fol. S. a — y, A — Z, i-i I iiii, A — E 7 in eights, except 1 1 which is in twelves. Printed in double columns, 56 lines to a full column. Fol. a i and E 7 are blank. This is said to be the first Bible printed in octavo, or in small form, and is hence called the first edition of the "poor man's Bible." It is also the first or one of the first books printed by Frot^n. This copy is splendidly illuminated. 697. Bible (Latin). In title, "Tu es Petnis," emendata per Angelura de Monte Ulmi. Venetiis : per Hieronimum de Pagininis, 1492. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, The earliest Bible with an illustration on the title-page. 698. Bible (Latin). Biblia [on woodcut "Tu es Petrus."] Another copy. Venetiis, 1492. 8vo. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 698^. Psalms (German). Der Psalter/ zu Deutsch./ [^Coloplion'] f[ Ge- truckt zu Vim vo Cun-/rad dinckmut. Anno salutis. M./ cccc. Vnndim.xcii. Ulm, 1492. i6mo. L^nt by the Rev. Dr. Ginsburg. Eight prel. leaves, the 7th and the recto of the 8th being blank ; Text, 17 lines on a page, a to z and A to K 3 in eights. These Psalms are a litersd translation from the Latin Vulgate, into High German of the fifteenth century, of a southern (Swabian) dialect. Added to the Psalms are the hymns of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Anna, Moses, Abacuck, the Three Children, Zachariah, St. Augustine, and the Athanasian Creed. This is a fine specimen of an early pocket edition of the Psalms in the language of the people. The size of the page is 3f by 7\ in. 698/^. Bible (Latin). Biblia integra, etc. Finit p Johannem froben cive Basilie. 6° Kal Nov. 1495. ^°- Lent by Sion College. 699. Bible (Latin). Biblia, cum tabula noviter edita (Tabula alpha- betica ex singulis libris t capitulis totius biblie . . . a G. Bruno. . . summa cura composita.) End. Exacta est biblia presens Venetiis summa lucubratione. (Interpretatioes hebraicoru nominu pm ordi- nem alphabeti.) Gothic letter. Venetiis: Bevilaqua, 1494. 4to. Lent by Matthew Ridgivay^ Esq, 700. Bible (Latin). Liber uite. Biblia cum glosis ordinarijs; et interlinearibus ; excerptis ex omnib' ferme ecclesie sancte doctorib' ; simulq^ cum expositois Nicolai de lyra ; et cum con- cordantijs i margine. {End. Glosa ordiaria vna cu postill' ve. f. Nicolai de lyra. . . feliciter finit. . . . emedata . . . Bernardinu gadolu, etc. 4 vols. Gothic letter. Venetiis : p. Paganinu de paganinis, 1495. Folio. L^ent by Henry White^ Esq. 701. Bible (Latin). Biblia Correcta per Petrum Angelu de monte ulmi. Venetiis : Hieronimus de Paganini, 1497. 8vo. Lent by the Bodleian Library, I lo Cajcton Celebratfon* 702. Bible (Latin). Biblia Sacra Latina cum Glossa Ordinaria et Postillis Nicola de Lyra. 6 Parts. Basiliae, J. Petri de Langen- dorff et Joan. Froben de Hamelburg, 1498. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 703. Bible (Latin). 2 col., 52 lines. Venetiis : per Symonum dictum beuilaqua, 1498. 4to. Lent by M. Ridgway, Esq. This is one of the Fontibtis ex Graces editions. 704. Bible (Latin). Liber Vitae Biblia correcta per Petru angelu. Venetia : Arte Paganini de Paganinis Brixiensis, 1501. 8vo. Lent by Earl Stanhope. 705. Psalms (English). ^ This treatise concernynge the fruytful-Say- inges of/ Dauyde the kynge & prophete in the seuen penytecyal/ psalmes Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and com-/plyed by the ryght reuerente fader in god Johan fyssher/ Doctour of dy- uynyte & bysshop of Rochester at the ex-/ortacion and sterynge of the moost excellente pryncesse/ Margarete countesse of Ryche- moijte and Derby & Mo-/der to our souerayne lorde Kynge Hery the vij on who-/se soule Jesu haue mercy./ [ Colophon\ Here endeth the exposycyon of y* .vii. psalmes. Enpryn/ted at London in the fietestrete at the sygne of y^ sonne/ by Wynkyn de Worde. In the yere of oure lorde. m/ccccc. viii. y* .xvi. day of y* moneth of Juyn. The/ xxiii. yere of y* reygne of our souerayne lorde kynge He/ry the seuenth./ London, 1508. 4to. Lent by JV. Harrison^ Esq. 146 leaves without folios, pagination, or catchwords. Signatures aa to zz in eights and fours alternately, and && in six leaves. Colophon on the recto of && .iv. with Wynken de Worde's device on the reverse. This edition is dis- tinguished from the others by the initial F at the beginning of the text having the Portcullis of Westminster, and by the signatures being in double letters in lower case. There are 32 lines on a page, and the Latin text is in larger letters than the English. 706. QuiNCUPLEX Psalterium. Gallicum, Romanum, Hebraicum, Vetus, Conciliatum. Parisiis: Hen. Stephani, 1509. 4to. Two copies. One lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq.^ the other by Earl Spencer. 707. Bible (Latin). 6 vols. Paris: Wolfgang Hopyl, 15 10. i6mo. 708. Bible (Latin). Biblia, Pars scunda. Josue — Psalter. Paris : Wolfgang Hopyl, 15 10. i6mo. Lent by Rev. J. B. Ebsworth, 709. Bible (Latin). In Parrhisiorum vniuersitate arte Philippi pigou- chet Impesis Symonis vostre, 15 12. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 710. Bible (Latin). Lugduni : J. Mareschal, 15 14. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. J €U^0 C— l^olp &cnpture52f> 1 1 1 711. BiBLiA Polyglotta. Hebr. Chald. Gr. Lat. Cardinalis Ximenez. A. W. de Brocario. In Coraplutensi universitate (Alcala), 15 14-17. Folio. 6 vols. Lent by Earl Spencer. The first Polyglot Bible. Only 600 copies of it were printed, which were not published until 1520. The work occupied fifteen years in execution, and its cost was defrayed by Cardinal Ximenes. The first volume was completed the loth January, 15 14, and the last the loth July, 1517. The Licence of I>eo X. is dated 22nd March, 1520, but copies were not issued before 1522. The Cardinal died the 8th of November, 1517, and the hitch in the publica- tion of the work was probably owing to this circumstance. 715. Bible (Latin). Lugduni per Jacobum Sacon, expesis Anthonij koberger, 1515. Folio. Lent by H. White^ Esq. 716. Bible (Latin). Lugduni in officina Jacobi Sacon, 15 15. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 717. Bible (Latin). Lugduni : Jacobi Sacon, expensis Ant. koberger, 15 16. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 718. New Testament (Greek and Latin). Nouum Instrumentum Erasmi. Basiliae: Froben, 15 16. Folio. Two copies. One lent by Henry White, Esq., the other by Earl Spencer. The first Greek New Testament accompanied by a Latin translation is re- ported to have been executed by Erasmus and Froben in five months. See Erasmus's twenty-sixth letter. 719. New Testament (Greek and Latin). Nouum Instrumentum, etc. Basiliae: Froben, 15 16. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. This is generally called the first New Testament in Greek, though it had been printed two years before in the Ximenes Polyglot, but not issued till 1520. It had also been printed by Aldus, but in consequence of that printer's death, was not published till 1 518. See No. 721. 720. Psalms (Polyglot). Psalterium. Hebr. Gr. Ar. Chald. Studio Aug. Justiniani. Genuae : P. P. Porrus, 1516. Folio. Splendid copy, printed on vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. A note on the nineteenth Psalm gives a short account of the life of Christo- pher Columbus, especially of his second voyage along the southern coast of Cuba, containing details of importance nowhere else told so fully. 721. Bible (Greek). WaYxa, ra Kare^oxnv KoT^ovfxeva BIBAIA Oeia^ 5ti;^5>i y^ahon] Prynted in the yeare of oure Lorde m.d. xxxv./ and fynished the fourth daye of October./ [Jacob van Meteren, Antwerp], 1535, and [James Nicolson, South wark], 1536. Folio. i2i- by 7!^ inches. Lent by the Earl of Jersey. This is our seventh copy of the Coverdale Bible, and though last by no means least. It is, we believe, the only copy known, perfect as it came from the hands of the publisher Nicolson ; that is, with the title, reverse blank, and the seven other preliminary leaves, together with the map as added by Nicolson ; while the rest of the volume is as it came from Van Meteren. The Dedication has the name of Queen Jane, showing that the seven leaves are the same as those in Nicolson's folio of 1537. The map has the descriptive line at the top in English type and not in the Antwerp type, showing that this impression was taken off the block in England. We can trace this same block of the map as late as the Bishop's Bible of 1 574. We have said before that the blocks used in the title and in the body of the book by Van Meteren at Antwerp all passed into the possession of Nicolson, and can be traced in many books for many years in England. Mr. Francis Fry, in his admirable book called The Bible by Coverdale, 1535, has amply proved this. We do not, therefore, credit the oft- repeated story that they are the cuts of Hans Sebald Behem of Nurembei^, or that they were the identical cuts used by Christopher Froschover of Zurich. There is a bare possibility that Froschover at Zurich got up the Coverdale type, cuts, title, and map, and having used them in his folio German Bible of 1 534, sold them at once and secretly to Van Meteren of Antwerp in time for him to finish printing the Coverdale Bible by the 4th of October, 1535, and then sell the whole stock, books, type, cuts, &c. , to Nicolson of Southwark, and so escape the lynx-eyed imperial emissaries and spies. But there are heaps of floating straws in the current against this argument, one of which is perhaps sufficient to show that these cuts never saw Zurich. The large cut of the Tabernacle, used twice, has the words cost, nord, and sAlfD (the v and the j 1 20 Cajcton Celtbratfon* upside down), three unmistakable Flemish words, or such as would not have been used in Zurich, Lyons, or Frankfort, but are well suited to the latitude of Antwerp. We are rejoiced, therefore, to be privileged to place this world- renowned Osterly copy at one end of our rank of seven matchless Coverdales, with the equally celebrated Holkhara copy at the other end. It remains now to give a brief history of the several vain attempts made during the last hundred years to satisfactorily complete our first Bible. In 1772 the British Museum and Sion College copies were used to complete each other in manuscript. About 1840 the late Mr. John Harris supplied the outer border of the title of the British Museum copy by piecing it, and adding a facsimile of the cuts from the same block title used in the edition of 1549, having the centre inscription in Latin. But when the Holkham copy was brought to light, in 1846, it was found that the original inscription was in English on the right side as it was on the left. The Osterly copy confirmed this, though dated 1536. In December, 1849, Mr. Harris, having traced the Holkham title while it was in London being bound by Lewis, made an excellent lithographic fac- simile of both the title and the list of books on the back of it The late Mr. "William Pickering in the meantime had a wood-cut made in facsimile of the title of the Museum copy, as first restored by Harris, ^\^th the English inscrip- tion on the one side and the Latin on the other. The fourth facsimile is an off-tract from Harris's Holkham copy, made by him for Mr. George Oflfor, but somewhat inferior to his own. A fifth kind of restoration is to take the title of 1549, cut out the centre, and put in the Coverdale title of 1535, but this leaves the inscriptions all in Latin. The sixth facsimile is from Harris's original Holkham stone with the Osterly inset of 1536, the reverse being left blank. The seventh is from Harris's stone with the inset from the Marquis of Northamp- ton's copy, with date I535> reverse blank. Collectors, bemg very properly puzzled how to use these several facsimiles to make up their copies, generally insert as many as they can procure. Harris's original stone is still in existence, together with the insets of the English titles of both 1535 and 1536. Nicolson issued two sets of the Dedication, Prologue, &c., in seven leaves, one with the name of Queen Anne, and the other with that of Queen Jane. Mr. Triphook reprinted these leaves in old black letter, about 1825, in quasi facsimile. Mr. Pickering had a ** seeming " facsimile of the Anne leaves printed on old paper at the Chiswick Press. Mr. Harris did them both in his best style, traced and lithographed. Mr. George Oflfor did them both also in his style, and both sets have more recently been reproduced in facsimile for Mr. Fry. All these issues are found in various copies, and, we believe, some copies have all of them, or as many as procurable. Still, after all is said and done, no one has yet seen of Van Meteren s original preliminary leaves any others besides the title and the last one, as described above in the Earl of Leicester's copy. 772. Bible (French). La Bible en Francoys. Le Viel Testament de Lebrieu : t le Nouveau du Grec. [By P. R. Oli- vetan, assisted by J. Calvin.] Neufchastel : Pierre de Wingle, 1535. Folio. Two copies. One lent by H. White ^ Esq., and the other by Earl Spencer. The first Protestant French Bible, usually called the "Olivetan," from the name of one of its translators. 774. New Testament (German). Das New Testament Deiidsch (Luther's). Widerumb fleissig corrigiert. Printed on vellum. Augspurg: Heinrich Stayner, 1535. 8vo. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. Clagfsi C— ll?ol^ &criptuwj2(* 121 7 7 4*. New Testament (German and Latin). C. Froschover, Zurich, 1535. 4to. Lent by Mrs. B. F. Stevens. This rare edition probably served Nicolson in 1537-38 as a model for his New Testament in English and Latin, to which with consent he put Cover- dale's name. See No. 798 and 800. 775. New Testament (German). Luther's second edition. 153 . Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 776. Bible (English). The History of the Bible, circa 1535. 8vo. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 777. Bible (Hebrew). With marginal notes in Greek. Basil iae : Ex officina Frobeniana, 1536. 4to. Lent by Charles D. Sherbom^ Esq. 778. New Testament (English). Tyndale's. London [Thomas Berthelet?] 1536. Folio. Lent by the Bodleian Library. This fine and perfect volume is believed to be the first portion of the Holy Scriptures printed in England. 779. New Testament (English). The newe Testament yet once agayne corrected by Wylliam Tyndall, whereunto is added an exhortacion to the same of Erasmus Rot. with an Englysshe Kalender and a Table / necessary to fynde easly and lyghtely any story contayned in the iiii. euangelistes t in the Actes of the Apostles. 1536. Svo. Lent by Earl Spencer. At the end of the New Testament in this edition there follow the ** Epystles taken out of the Olde Testament / what are red in the Church after the use of Salsburye upon certen dayes of the year." This fine, large, clean, perfect and matchless copy is fully described by Mr. Fry under his No. 10. 780. New Testament (English). C The Newe Testament yet once agayne corrected by Willyam Tyndale. [Antw^en^?], 1536. 4to. Lent by the RaK Dr. Gott. This is called the Engraver's mark edition. A fine perfect copy, measuring 8^ by 5| inches. It is Mr. Fry's No. 9. 782. New Testament (English). C The Newe Testament yet once agyne corrected by Willyam Tindale. [Antwerp?], 1536. 4to. Lent by the Earl of Jersey. This is called the Mole edition. A very fine tall copy on paper stained yellow. Measures 9j^ by 5^ inches. Fry's No. 8. 783. New Testament (English). C The newe Testament yet once agayne corrected by Willyam Tindale. [Ant^verp?], 1536. 4to. L^nt by \V. Amhurst Tyssen-Amhurst^ Esq. This is called the Blank-Stone edition, and measures 8|^ by 6^ inches. A fine and perfect copy. It is Fry's No. 7. 784. New Testament (Latin). Per D. Erasmum. Coloniae prope Diuum Lupum, 1536. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinsofi, Esq, 122 Cajcton Celebratiom 790. Bible (English, Coverdale's). Mf Biblia migj The Byble, that/ ' is the holy Scrypture of the/ Olde and New Testament, fayth-/ fully translated in Englysh, and/ newly ouersene 1 corrected./ M.D.xxxvii./ [3 mottos as before] C Imprynted in Southwarke for/ James Nycolson,/ Folio. Z^«/ ^^ Francis Fry^ Esq. It is still a question whether this folio or Nicolson's 4to is the earlier impres- sion. They both appeared in 1537. This reprint of the Coverdale Bible has impressions of the original woodcuts and the map, but the type is the regular black-letter English. Not a particle of the original Antwerp type has yet, as far as we know, been identified in any other book. As the blocks and maps came to England it is presumed the fount of type was lost or destroyed. 791. Bible (English, Coverdale). The Byble that is the holye Scryp- ture of the Olde and Newe Testamente faythfully translated in Englysh and newly ouersene and correcte. m.v^xxxvii. [the 3 texts as before] Imprynted in Southwarke in Saynt Thomas Hos- pitale by James Nycolson. Set forth with the Kynges moost gra- cious licence. 1537. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer, This is generally considered the third edition of the Coverdale Bible, the second English Bible printed in England, but the first in the quarto form. 792. Bible (English, Matthew's). C The Byble,/ which is all the holy Scrip-/ture : In whych are contayned the/ Olde and Newe Testa- ment truly/ and purely translated into En-/glysh by Thomas Matthew./ C Esaye. j./ t^ Hearcken to ye heauens and/ thou earth geaue eare : For the/ Lorde speaketh./ m, d, xxxvii,/ Set forth with the Kinges most gracyous lycece./ \Colophon\ C The ende of the newe Testament,/ and of the whole/ Byble,/ C To the honoure and prayse of God/ was this Byble prynted and fy-/ ' nesshed, in the yere of oure/ Lorde God a,/ m, d, xxxvii [Ant- * werp ? printed by Jacob van Meteren ? and published in London by R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch,] 1537. Folio. Fine and perfect Lent by the Bodleian Library. 20 preliminary leaves, viz. Title, within an elaborate woodcut border, having on the reverse, "^f These thynges ensuynge are ioyned with/ thyg present volume of the Byble."/ The second leaf be^ns on *. ij. with ** The Kalender," 4 pp., with "C An Almanack for .xvi ij. yeares," at the bottom of the fourth page. The next leaf, *.iiij, begins ♦' C An exhortacyon to the | studye of the/ holy Scripture," etc. i page, with large flourished capitals I R i the bottom nearly 2\ inches high ; on the reverse is ** C The summe & coi tent of all the holy/ Scripture," 2 pp. On the reverse of the fifth leaf begin *' C Rogers' Dedication ** C To the moost noble and gracyous/ Prynce Kyng"^ Henry the eyght," etc. 3 pp., ending with *' Youre graces faythfull & true sub- iect/ Thomas Matthew." beneath which are two large flourished capitals, H R*j| Then follows, on signature* *, " C To the Chrysten Readers." and " A tabli of the pryncypall matters conteyned/ in the Byble," 26 pp. ; next comes " C Th names of all the/ bokes of the Byble," and " C A brief rehersall of the yearc passed" etc. i page ; on the reverse of which is a large woodcut filling th whole page, representing Adam and Eve in Paradise ; Text, Genesis to Solo-' mon's Ballet, Ccxlvij. folioed leaves, the reverse of the last being blank. Then comes a second title, in black and red, within a border composed of 16 wood- Cla00 C— l^olp &crfpturei2f* 123 cuts, "The Prophetes/ in English,"/ Esay to Malachy, having on the upper comers of the reverse R G, and on the lower comers E W, (the initials pro- bably of Richard Grafton and Edward Whitechurch) in large flourished capitals, and in the centre a woodcut representing the angel touching the lips of the prophet with a coal of fire from the altar ; Text, folioed j to xciiij, end- ing at the centre of the reverse, and having the large initials of William Tyn- dale below. Next follows the third title, in black and red, *' C The Volume of/ the bokes called Apocripha."/ within a border of 15 woodcuts, having on the reverse a prologue "C To the Reader," in long lines ; Text folioed ij to Ixxxj. ending on the reverse, and followed by a blank leaf. Then comes in black and red, within the same woodcut border as the first title, *' t^ The newe/ Testament of/ oure sauyour Jesu Christ,/ newly and dylygently trans- lated/ into Englyshe with annotacions/ in the Mergent to help the/ Reader to the vnderstan-/dynge of the/ Texte./ C Prynted in the yere of/ oure Lorde God./ M.D. XXXVII. /" reverse blank ; Text, Matthew to Revelations, folioed ij. to Cix. ending on the recto. On the reverse begins "This is the Table/ wherin ye shall fynde the Epi-/stles and the Gospels, after the/ vse of Salis- bury," 5 pp. ; on the next leaf is the Colophon given above, reverse blank. Really edited by John Rogers, the first martyr under Queen Mary, 1555. It was printed abroad, the expense of the work being defrayed by R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch, two citizens of London. By Cranmer's and Cromwell's influence it received royal authority. It now appears tolerably evident that the enter- prising foreign citizen of Antwerp, Jacob van iMeteren, who printed Coverdale's Bible and sold the edition to Nicolson, with cuts, map, and probably the type (lost), got up and printed this Bible also, and sold the whole edition to Grafton and Whitchurch, together with the special plant thereto belonging. Rogers and Van Meteren were relatives by marriage. See our Introduction, page 89-90. 793. Bible (English). Matthew's. [Antwerp? Printed by Jacob van Meteren?] London: Grafton & Whitchurche, 1537. Another copy. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 794. Bible (English). Matthew's. Another not quite perfect copy [Antwerp ? Printed by Jacob van Meteren ?] London : Grafton and Whitchurch, 1537. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. 795. Bible (English). Matthew's. Another copy, wanting title [Antwerp ? Jacob van Meteren ?] London : Grafton and Whit- church, 1537. Folio. Lent by Samuel Hare^ Esq. 795*.Bible (French). Illustrated. Paris, 1537-1538. Folio. L^nt by Henry IVhite^ Esq. 796. Bible (German). Zurich : C. Froschover, 1538. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 797. New Testament (English, Coverdale's). ^ The new/ Testament of oure/ Sauyour Jesu/ Christ/ Faythfully translated, &/ lately correcte : wyth a/ true concordaunce in the/ margent, & many neces-/sary annotacions decla-/rynge sondry harde pla-/ces coteyned in the text./ C Eymprct in the yeare/ of our Lorde M.d. XXX viii./ \Colophon'\ C Imprynted at Antwerpe, by Matthew/ Crom. In the yeare of oure Lorde/ M.D. xxxviii./ 8vo. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 124 Cajcton Celebcatiom Eight preliminary leaves, viz. the Title, in red and black, in a small com- partment surrounded by a beautiful and elaborate woodcut border, having on the reverse *'C An Almanack for xxxii. yeares." The second leaf begins on *ij with the Kalendar which fills eight pages. The sixth leaf begins "C A Prologe vnto/ the newe Testament. ' 5 pp. with the running titles in red. On the reverse of the eighth leaf, above a woodcut, is '* ^^ A prologe of/ Saynt Matthew." The Text in long lines, black letter, neither paged or folioed, Matthew to Revelations, signatures A to Z, a to m, in eights, and end- ing on the reverse of m viij, with " The ende of the new Testament." Then comes " Here followe the/ Epystles of the olde Testament, wliych are/ red in the Churche after the vse of Salysbury,/ vpon certayne dayes of the yeare,"/ 19 pp.; ending on the recto of o ij, followed by *'^^The Table,/ wherin ye shall fynde the Epystles and/ the Gospels after the vse of Salysbury,"/ 9 pp. and half of the following page, the rest of this and the next three pages being occupied by "C The summe &/ content of all the holy Scripture, both/ of the olde and new Testament," ending with the colophon ; making in all 16 sequent leaves. This is one of the most interesting of all the early editions of the New Testament. It possesses many peculiarities, and little seems to be known of its history. It is Coverdale's Version of the text, with Tyndale's Prologues. The prologues of each of the Evangelists are placed before the books to which they severally belong, and Coverdale's summaries of the chapters are placed not together before each book as in the edition of 1535, but separately before each chapter. At the ends of a greater part of the chapters are Closes, or Notes, in a smaller type, which appear here, as far as I can learn, for the first time, and add considerably to the interest of this edition. They are quite different from the Notes of Matthew as given in the first edition of 1537. The woodcut illustrations are far more numerous than in any other edition, there being nearly 200 cuts, above twenty of which fill the whole page. Many of them are very spirited and beautiful. Matthew begins on the recto of A ; Mark on the verso of E. vij. ; Luke on the recto of H. v. ; John on the verso of H. iij ; Acts on the verso of Q viij ; Romans on the recto of X. vij. ; Timothy on the recto of e. v. ; Hebrews on the verso of h. iij j Revelations on the verso of k. i. This copy appears to have belonged to Henry VIII, having the arms of that sovereign stamped on the covers. It corresponds in every thing but the imprint at the end with the Crenville copy in the British Museum. It was at one time stolen from the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and disposed of to a London Bookseller ; but it was afterwards recovered through information given by Mr. F. Fry to Mr. Bullen of the British Museum, who compiled the well-known Catalogue of the Bible Society's Library. 798. New Testament (English and Latin, Coverdale's). The newe tes-/tament both Latine and/ Englyshe ech correspondent to/ the other after the vulgare texte, com-/munely called S. Jeroms. Fayth-/fully translated by Myles/ Couerdale./ Anno. M.cccccxxxviii./ Jeremie. xxii./ Is not my worde lyke a fyre sayeth the/ Lorde, and lyke an hammer that/ breaketh the harde stone ?/ Printed in Southwarkej by James Nicolson./ Set forth wyth the Kyn/ges moost gracious licence./ 1538. 4to. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. Six preliminary leaves, viz. Title in black and red, within a border composed of four woodcuts, a column on each side supporting a head-piece containing in the centre a medallion with a male and a female head ; reverse blank : *' C To €U^^ C— l^olp &cn'pture?f. 125 the moost noble,/ moost gracious, and oure moost dradde so-/ueraigne lord Kynge Henry y« eyght, etc. Sig. + »• 3 PP-; On the reverse begins, **To the Reader." 3 pp. ; "An Almanack for .xviii. yeares." (the ist, 3rd, and 5th words in red) and a Kalendar, in red and black, 4 pp. in double columns, the Almanack occupying only the first half of the first column. The text in double columns, the Latin in roman type occupying the inner, and the English, in black letter, the outer column, begins **C SANC-/tvm iesv christi/ euange- liu secundu Matheu." (the N in the first word being printed upside down) with folio I [not marked] on A. i. and ends on the verso of folio 344, Vv. vi. fol- lowed by, ** C A table to finde the Epistles/ and Gospels vsually red in the Church/ after Salysbury vse," 4 pp. in double columns. This is Nicolson's first edition of Coverdale's New Testament, printed in Southwark while Coverdale was in Paris, superintending the printing of The Great Bible. It is a sightly volume, well printed, and on good paper ; but the proof reading was so exceedingly bad, and the blunders of all sorts were so numerous, that Cover- dale on receiving a copy in July 1538 was so mortified and annoyed, that he at once put to press in Paris another edition more correct, which was finished in November. His dedication to the King was written in Paris in Lent, 1538, and sent to Nicolson, who issued the volume in time for Coverdale to receive by chance a copy in Paris in July following. See No. 799* New Testament (English, Coverdale's). C The new testament both in/ Latin and English after/ the vulgare texte :/ which is red in/ the churche./ Translated and corrected by My-/les Couerdale: and prynted in/ I'ans. by Fraunces Regnault./ M. ccccc. xxxviii/ in Nouembre./ Printed for Richard Grafton/ and Edward Whitchurch/ cytezens of London./ Cum gratia t priuilegio regis./ 1538. 8vo. Zenf by the Rev. Dr. Gotf. Another Copy, lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. Title in red and black within a very beautiful architectural woodcut border, reverse blank; Coverdale's Dedication "CTo the ryght honorable lorde Cromwell" 2 pages, -f ij ; '* C To the Reader." + iij, 2 pages; **C^« Almanack for .xvii. yeares." I page ; Kalender 6 pp. next page blank ; in all 7 prel. leaves. Text, Matthew to Revelations, cclxxiiij folioed leaves, ending with the 1 8th line on the reverse. In the centre of the same page begins, *'4I A table to fynde the Epist-/les and Gospels vsually red in the/ Church after Salysbury vse," etc. filling that and the four next pages, concluding on the reverse of M M iiii, with ** C The ende of the table." This is Coverdale's revised or authorized edition, printed at Paris under his own eye, in conse- quence of the errors of Nicolson's edition printed in London during his absence. The English text, the running titles, the folios, and the headings of the chap- ters in English, are in a small black letter, while the Latin text occupying the inner column and the marginal notes is in small roman type. There are forty- nine lines in English, and sixty in Latin on a full page. There are no wood- cuts, except one on the first leaf of the text. In his dedication to Cromwell Coverdale gives the following interesting details respecting this and his pre- vious editions, reprinted verbatim. " Trueth it is, that this last lent I dyd with all hublenesse directe an Epistle vnto the kynges most noble grace : trustinge, that the boke (wher vnto it was prefixed) shulde afterwarde haue bene aswell correcte, as other bokes be. And because I coulde not be present my selfe (by the reason of sondrye notable impedimetes) therfore in asmoch as the new testsment, which I had set forth in English before, doth so agree wyth the latyn, I was hartely well contet, that the latyn and it siiulde be 1 26 CajCton Celebratiom set together : Prouyded allwaye, that the correctour shulde followe the true copye of the latyn in anye wyse, and to kepe the true & right Englishe of the same. And so doynge, I was cotet to set my name to it. And euen so I dyd : trustinge, though I were absent & out of the lande, yet all shuld be well : And (as God is my recorde) I knew none other, till this last Julye, that it was my chauce here in these parties at a straungers hande, to come by a copye of the sayde prynte. Which whan I had perused, I founde, that as it was dis- agreable to my former translacion in English, so was not the true copye of the latyn texte obserued, nether the english so correspondent to the same, as it ought to be : but in many places both base, insensyble, & cleane contrary, not onely to the phrase of oure language, but also from the vnderstondyng of the texte in latyn. Wherof though no man to this houre did wryte ner speake to me, yet for asmoch as I am sworne to the trueth, I wyll fauoure no man to the hynderaunce therof, ner to the maynteyning of anye thing that is contrary to the ryght & iust furtheraunce of the same. And therfore, as my dewtye is to be faythfull, to edifye, and with the vttemost of my power to put awaye all occasions of euell, so haue I (though my businesse be greate ynough besyde) endeuoured my selfe to wede out the fautes that were in the latyn & English afore : trustinge, that this present correction maye be (vnto them that shall prynt it herafter) a copye sufficient. But because I may not be myne owne iudge, ner leane to myne owne pryuate opynion in thys or anye lyke worke of the scripture, therfore (according to the dewtye that I owe vnto youre lord- shippes office, in the iurisdiction ecclesiasticall of oure most noble kynge) I humbly offie it \Tito the same, besechinge you, that (where as this copye hath not bene exactly followed afore, the good hart and wyll of the doars may be considered, & not be necligence of the worke : Specially, seing they be soch men : which as they are glad to prynt and set forth any good thyng, so wyll they be hartely well content, to haue it truly correcte, that they them selues of no malyce ner set purpose haue ouersene. And for my parte (though it hath bene daage to my poore name) I hartely remitte it, as I do also the ignoraunce of those, (which not long agoo) reported, that at the prynting of a right famous mans sermon, I had depraued the same, at the doyng wherof I was thirtie myle from thence, neither dyd I euer set pene to it, though I was de- syred. Now as concerning this texte of lat)m, because it is the same that is red in the church, & therfore comoly the more desyred of all men, I do not doute, but after that it is examined of the lerned (to whom I most hartely referre it) it shall instructe the ignoraut, stoppe the mouthes of euell speakers, & induce both the hearers and readers to fayth and good workes :". Marke begins on the recto of E iij, Luke on the recto of H, John on the recto of M vij, Acts on the recto of Q iij, Romans on the verso of V viij, Revelations on the verso of J J viij. 800. New Testament (English and Latin, Hollybush). The newe tes-/tament both in Latine and/ Englyshe eche correspondente to/ the other after the vulgare texte, com-/munely called S. Jeromes. Fayth-/fullye translated by Johan/ Hollybushe./ Anno. M.ccccc.xxxviii./ Jeremie. xxi./ Is not my worde lyke a fyre sayeth the/ Lorde, and lyke an hammer that/ breaketh the harde stone./ Prynted in Southwarkej by James Nicolson./ Set forth wyth the Kyn-/ges moost gracious lycence./ 1538. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Six preliminary leaves, viz. Title all in black, within a woodcut border like the preceding edition, reverse blank : " C To the moost noble,/ moost €U00 C— Igolp fecciptureg?* 127 gracious, and oure moostdradde so-/ueraigne lord Kynge Henry y* eyght, kyng of Englade/ and of Fraunce. Defender of Christes true fayth, and vnder/ God the chefe and supreme heade of the church/ of Englande, Irelande, 1c./" 3 pages, signed by Myles Couerdale ; the C at the beginning of this address is in red, while in the former edition it is black. On the reverse begins, "To the Reader", 3 pages; "An Almanack for .xviii. yeares." (These words are in black) occupying half of the first column, and the Kalendar, the rest of that and the three following pages, as in the first edition. The Text as m the first issue, begins " € Sanc-" (the N here printed correctly) with folio i (not marked) on A. i. and ends on the reverse of folio 342, Vv. vi. "C A table to finde the Epistles/ and Gospels vsually red in the churchej after Salysbury vse." 4 pages in double columns. This is Nicolson's Second Edition of Coverdale s New Testament, and so closely resembles the first, that it is difficult to distinguish them without having both before you. They are however distinct editions throughout, though, being printed generally page for page, they are sometimes used to make up each other. Nothing is known of Hollybush, whose name appears on the title page. It is probably a pseudonym adopted by the printer, in consequence of the complaints of Coverdale against the inaccura- cies of the former edition. A great many changes were made in this edition, both in the Latin and English texts, yet, from new blunders, it cannot be called on the whole any more accurate than the first. 809. New Testament (Latin). 1538. 4to. Le7tt by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 811. Bible (English, Taverner's). The Most/ Sacred Bible,/ Which is the holy scripture, con-/teyning the old and new testament,/ trans- lated into English, and newly/ recognised with great diligence/ after most faythful exem-/plars, byRychard/Tavemer./ i^^Harken thou heuen, and thou earth gyue/ eare : for the Lorde speaketh. Esaie. i./ ^- Prynted at London in Fletestrete at/ the sygne of the Sonne by John Byd-/dell, for Thomas Barthlet./ 1^" Cvm Privilegio/ ad imprimendum solum./ m. d. xxxix./ Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Title, within a border of four woodcuts, the top one having in the centre a male and female head within a circle, the whole surrounded with a double black line, reverse blank ; Dedication begins on ij^. ij. "5^ To the most noble, most mighty, and most/ redoubted prynce, kynge Henry the. VIII." etc. I page ; on the reverse, " 5^ These thynges ensuynge are/ joyned w* this present vo-/lume of the bible.", and "i^° An exhortacion to the diligent/ studye of the holy scripture/ gathered out of the Bible "/ i page. The third leaf begins " The Contentes of the Scriptvre " 2 pp. in long lines ; The fourth leaf begins "The Names of the Bokes of the Byble.", i p. in two columns ; on the reverse, " 1^" A briefe rehersall of the yeres passed," etc. filling about a quarter of the page ; then comes "^" A Table of the principal maters/ conteyned in the Bible.", filling in double columns that and the next twenty- four pages : making in all 16 preliminary leaves. Text, in double columns. Genesis to Solomon's Ballet, ccxxx folioed leaves, with signatures A to Z, Aa to Oo in sixes, and Pp in eight leaves. Then follows a title without any border, "5o»The Boke of/ the Pro-/phetes." etc. reverse blank ; Text, beginning on AA. ij. Esaye to Malachi, Lxxxxi folioed leaves, sigs. AA. to PP. vij ; then comes on PP viij. a third title, also without any border, "^^The Volvme of/ 128 CajCton CtUbratiom the Bokes cal-/led Apocripha."/etc. reverse blank ; Text, Third book of Esdras to Second Machabees, LXXV folioed leaves, followed by one blank leaf. Sigs. Aaa to Mmm in sixes, and Nnn in four leaves. Then comes the New Testa- ment title, within a border the same as the first title, reverse blank ; Text, Matthew to Revelations, folios ii 'to ci, ending near the centre of the reverse, sigs. A. ij. to R. v. Then follows '* CThis is the Table wherin ye shall/ fynde the Epistles and the Gospels/ after the vse of Salisbury." 5 pp. in double columns, ending at the bottom of the fifth page with this Colophon, *' C To the honour and prayse of God, was this Byble/ prynted : and fynyshed, in the yere of/ our Lorde God, a/ M. D. xxxix./ The last page is blank. This is generally known as Tavemer's Bible, and is very seldom found quite complete. This copy, like all others I have seen, wants signature K, or folios 55 to 60 in the New Testament. This hiatus of six leaves was probably intended to be filled with a Prologue to the Epistle to the Romans. 812. Bible (English). Another copy. Recognised by Richard Taverner. London: John Byddell for Thomas Berthelet, 1539. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 813. Bible (English, "Great Bible"). C The Byble in/ Englyshe, that is to saye the con-/tent of all the holy scrypture, bothe/ of y* olde and newe testament, truly/ translated after the veryte of the/ Hebrue and Greke textes, by y® dy-/lygent studye of dyuerse ex- cellent/ learned men, expert in the forsayde/ tonges./ C Prynted by Rychard Grafton 1/ Edward Whitchurch./ Cum priuilegio ad imprimen-/dum solum./ 1539./ \Colophon\ The ende of the new Testamet :/ and of the whole Byble, Fynisshed in Aprj'll,/ Anno. M. CCCCC. xxxbi./ A dno factu est istud,/ Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Six preliminary leaves, viz. I. Title, in black and red within Holbein's beauti- ful woodcut border, having on the reverse ** C The names of all the bookes of the Byble/ t the content of the Chapters," etc. 2. * ii, "The Kalender/ January,/ hath. xxxj. dayes. The mone .xxx./ (all these words in red) 2 leaves, in red and black, having * C An Almanach for. xix, yeares./ on the last half of the verso of the third leaf, with three lines underneath in black, preceded by a C in red. 4, * iiij, **C An exhortacyon to the studye of the holy/ Scripture gathered out of the Byble."/ i page, the letter S in Scripture directly under the letter r in exhortacyon. On the reverse " C The summe and content of all the holy/ Scripture, both of the olde and new testament. " 2 pp. ; the fifth leaf beginning "loue to al me,". On the reverse '*CA Prologue, expressynge what is/ meant by certayn signes and tokens that we/ haue set in the Byble . *./ the initial F filling the space of five lines, and the last line being "for euer. Amen." with "God saue the Kynge," in large letters 2^ inches below. 6. " C A descripcyon and successe of the kyn-/ges of Juda and Jerusalem," etc. beginning " Dauid raygned ouer Israel the .iij. c. xxix. yere " : On the middle of the reverse begins " GWyth what iudgement the bokes of the/ Olde Testa- ment are to be red." The text is divided into five parts, each with separate titles except the first : Part I, Genesis to Deuteronomiu, 84 leaves, Fo, j, to Fo, Ixxxiiij, Genesis beginning with the initial I nine lines deep, and Deute- ronomy ending in the middle of the recto with " C The ende of the fyfth bo-/ke of Moses, called in the Hebrue/ Elle Haddebarim, and in/ the Latin./ Deu- Claj2f0 C— !^olj fe>crfpturejaf> 129 teronomium," reverse blank : Title " CThe second/ parte of the Byble con-/ tayning these/ bookes." within a border composed of i6 woodcuts, the lower left hand comer one representing three women kneeling before a man sitting, reverse blank ; Text, Josua to Job, 122 leaves, Fo. ij. to Fo. cxxiij. beginning •* AFter the death of Mo- "/ and ending on the reverse of folio 123, followed by a blank leaf. Title ** C The thirde/ parte of the Byble con-/taynyng these/ bookes."/ in a border of 16 woodcuts, the second one from the top on the right hand side representing an old man kneeling to the king sitting, with a soldier holding a halberd in his left hand standing behind the old man, reverse blank. Text, Psalmes to Malachy, 133 leaves, Fo. ij. to Fo. cxxxiij. ending on the middle of the recto with "synge. '."/ for the last line, reverse blank. The title of the fourth Part, unlike any of the other editions, is within the same woodcut border as the first title, "CThe Volume of/ the bokes called Hagio- grapha."/ having on the reverse, ** To the Reader." fifty-four long lines ; Text, The .iij. boke Of Esdras to The seconde boke Of the Machabees, 79 leaves, Fo, ij. to Fo. Ixj, so misprinted for Fo. Ixxx. ending at the bottom of the reverse with "now make an ende." for the last line. The title of the fifth Part, unlike that of any of the other editions, is within a border composed of six woodcuts. "CThe newe Te-/stament in englyshe translated/ after the Greke, cotaynig/ these bookes. "/ reverse blank ; Text, Mathew to The Revela- cyon, 102 leaves. Fo ii, to Fo. ciij, ending with the fourteenth line in the first column of folio 103 with "Jesu. The grace of oure/ Lorde Jesu Christ/ be with you/ all./ Amen."/ In the centre of the same column begins, " C A Table to fjmde/ the Epistles and Gospels vsually red in the/ chyrch, after Salysbury vse," filling that and the three next pages, ending with the colophon given above near the bottom of the reverse of the 104th leaf. This is the first edition of The Great Bible, commonly called Cranmer's Bible, of which, during the years 1539, 1540, and 1541, there were seven distinct editions, reprinted throughout, but so closely resembling each other that of five of them the leaves of each begin and end alike, and are often used, ignorantly or dishonestly, to make up each other. The same similarity exists between the two other editions. There is little difference in the commercial value and bibliographical interest of the seven editions. Any one of them complete, genuine, and in good condition, is an ornament to any library, public or private. Indeed, perfect copies are much rarer than is generally supposed. Mr. Lea Wilson, in our days a most indefatigable collector of Bibles, was so extremely fortunate as to possess the whole seven editions, every one of them perfect, or very nearly so. It was a labour of years to complete them. But his labours were crowned with success, and six of these magnificent volumes (all but this edition of 1539, a perfect copy of which was already in the library) Mr. Panizzi added, after Mr. Wilson s death, to the Library of the British Museum, at the moderate price of ;^8o each. The other volume of Mr. Wilson's set, 1539, a truly mag- nificent example, was sold by Mr. Pickering to Mr. Gardner, and in July, 1854, was resold in Mr. Gardner's sale by auction for ;^I2I. Mr. Henry Huth is now the owner of it. This edition of 1539 differs from all the others in several particulars, i. Woodcuts are supjx)rted by a column or border on each side, which is not the case in any of the other editions. 2. The border of the title to the Apocripha is the same as that of the first title. 3. The New Testament title is surrounded by a border of six woodcuts, while in all the other editions it has the Holbein border. 4. There are pointing hands in the margins and text, all of which have ruffi^s about the wrist, while in the other editions a part of the hands are differently shaped with a r»/^ round the wrist. 5. The stars in the text of this edition are all six pointed, while in the other editions part of them are five pointed. There are, however, minute variations on every page. This splendid volume was printed in Paris by Fran9ois Regnault, for Grafton K 130 CajTton CeUbratCom and WTiitchurch, in 1537 and 1538. Coverdale superintended the literary part and saw it through the press as reviser and corrector, while Grafton attended to the business matters. They were interrupted by the Inquisition just before the work was finished, so that they had to escape with what they could, and finish the work in I^ndon. The type and plant was apparently got up secretly for this edition, (as before in the cases of the Coverdale and the Matthew Bibles at Antwerp) and after the interruption by the Inquisition, found their way to London and were used in producing the six immediately subsequent editions of the Great Bible. 814. Bible (English). The Great Bible. Another copy. London: R. Grafton, April, 1539. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 815. Bible (English). The Great Bible. Third copy. London : R. E. Whitchurche, April, 1539. Folio. Lent by Henry White^ Esq. 816. Bible (English, Cranmer's, April). C The Byble/ in Englyshe, that is to saye the con-/tet of al the holy scrypture, both/ of y*^ olde, and newe testamet, with/ a prologe therinto, made by/ the reuerende father in/ God, Thomas/ archbysshop/ of Cantor/bury, C This is the Byble apoynted/ to the vse of the churches./ fl Prynted by Edward whytchurche/ Cum priuilegio ad imprimen- dum solum./ M.D. xl./ \Colop}wn\ The ende of the newe Testament :/ and of the whole Byble, Fynisshed in Apryll./ Anno M.CCCCC.XL./ + A dno factu est istud./ Folio. Two copies. One lent by the Earl of Leicester^ the other by Earl Spemer. Ten preliminary leaves : I. within the Holbein border, reverse blank. 2. The Kalender. "January." to " Julye." the fifth line in January reading "xix e , *, v' Sign. *ii (Star six points) : 3. The Kalender. " Augustus " to " Decem- ber," (xixth day of August misprinted xxix,) the last half of the reverse being filled by "C Almanacke for, xviii, yeares." all in red except the C, which is black : underneath are three lines, one black between two red, the last reading •• and syxe houres." ; 4. ** € An exhortacyon to the studye of the holy/ Scrip- ture gathered out of the Byble :'/ the S in Scripture being under n in An, and the signature being *iiii (in 1539 it is * iiij^ and in December, 1541, there is no signature) : on the reverse, " C The summe and content " etc. in the sixth line of the fourth paragraph " affeccyon " ; 5. "The contentes of the scripture," [continued] beginning, '* loue to all men, after the example of Chryst." On the reverse, *' C A prologue, expressynge what is/ meant by certayn sygnes and tokens that we/hauesetin the Byble."/ the last line reading "and prayse foreuer. Amen."/ 6. "C A descripcyon and successe of the kyn-/ges of Juda and Jerusalem," etc. beginning, " DAuid rayned ouer Israeli the. iii. C. xxix. yere" etc. (the last line but one of the recto ending with "ad") and ending on the middle of the reverse, "into spayne." being the last line, the lower half of the page being blank. 7. " The prologue,/ C A prologue or preface made by the/ moost reuerende father in God, Thomas Archbyshop of Canturbury,"/the initial F filling the space of five lines, and the Latin quota- tions printed in the same type as the text. 8. The second leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, beginning, " makers shulde be hadd in admiration for theyr hye styles and obscure maner of wry tinge,"/ and the last four lines beginning severally with the words "prestes," "dowes," "estate" and "beleue, catch words "as also ". 9. Third leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, the first line being " Thyrdelye where, and in what audience. There and amonge those that Cla00 C— ll?olp fe>ccipturc0* 131 bene studious to le-"/ and the last line of the recto banning, " God, to ende in matyers of hygh speculatyo," ending in the centre of the reverse, the last being a full line. At the bottom of the page are large flourished capitals, H. R. 2^ inches high, and immediately above them are the same capitals J of an inch square. lo. '* C The names of all the bookes of the Byble/ and the content of the Chapters of euery booke, with the nombre of the leafTe "/ etc. reverse blank. Text, Genesis to Deuteronomium, 84 leaves, Fo. i [not numbered] to Fo, Ixxxiiij, the first Chapter of Genesis beginning with the initial I seven lines deep, " In the bqg;>'nnynge * God"/ and Deuteronomy ending on the centre of the recto of folio 84 with "C The ende of the fyfth boke of Moses, called in the Hebrue Elle/ Hadderbarim, and in the/ Latin./ Deuteronomium."/ reverse blank. Title, " C The seconde/ parte of the Byble con-/taynyng these bookes." Josua to Hiob, within a border of 16 wood- cuts, the lower left-hand comer one representing Moses with horns on his head standing before an army, the same as in the edition of December, 1541 but in this edition the twelfth line of the title reads, "The. i. booke of ye chronycles." ; Text, Josua to Job, 122 leaves, Fo, ii, to Fo, cxxiij, ending on the reverse with ** the fourth generacion./ And so Job dyed,/ beynge old &/ of a perfect age. "/+ C Josua, Chapter I. begins with the initial A six lines deep, •'After y« death of Moses the"/. Title, " C The thirde/ parte of the Byble con-/taynyng these bookes."/ in a border of 16 woodcuts, the second one from the top on the right-hand side representing the Genealogy of Alexander Mag- nus. Text, Psalmes to Malachy, Fo, ii. to Fo, cxxxii, ending on the recto with "thers, that I come not ad/ smyte the earth with/ cursynge."/ reverse blank. Title, **C The Volume of/ the bokes called Hagiographa. "/ within a border of 16 woodcuts, the second one from the top on the right-hand side representing a madman astride a hobby-horse. On the reverse, "To the Reader." Text, Esdras to The seconde Booke Of the Machabees, Fo, ij, to Fo. Ixxx, ending at the bottom of the reverse with " Je-/wes had the citye in possessio : And here will/ I now make an ende."/ Title, within Holbein's woodcut border, the same as the first title, "C The newe Te-/stamet in englyshe translated/ after the Greke cotayning/ these bookes."/ the arms of Cromwell being retained, and the word newe in the first line in red Text, Mathew to The Reuelacion, Fo, ij, to Fo. ciii, (marked Fo. ciiii.) ending with the 14th line on the first column of the recto of folio 103, " The grace of our Lor-/de Jesu Christ be/.', wyth you.*./ all./ Amen."/ In the middle of the same column begins, " C A Table to fynde/ the Epistles and Gospels vsually red in the/ church, after Salysbury vse, wherof ye first/ lyne is the Epistle, & the other the Gospell :"/ filling that and the three next pages, ending on the reverse of folio 104 with the colophon given above, at the bottom of the page. The second edition of the ** Great Bible," and the first containing Cranmer*s Preface. The price of this Bible was fixed by Royal Proclamation at ten shillings unbound. Public copies were sometimes attached by a chain to one of the pillars of the church, with the King's injunction that it should be read with "Discretion, Honest Intent, Charity, Reverence, and Quiet behaviour." This is the first edition of the Bible in English with the words on the title-page, " Appoynted to the vse of the churches." The " appointment " may be found expressed in full in the Kalendar. The authorization of the printing, or the licence, is expressed in the words ** Cum priuilegio," &c. 817. Bible (English). Cranmer's. London: Richarde Grafton [or Edward Whitchurch], Fynisshed in Apryll, 1540. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 32 Ca;cton Celebratiom 818. Bible (English, Cranmer's, May.) C The Byble in/ Englysh, that is to saye the content/ of all the holy scripture, both of the/ olde and newe Testament with a/ Prologe thereinto, made by/ the reuerende father in/ God, Thomas/ archbyshop/ ,', of Cantor ,*, / bury. C This is the Byble appoynted/ to the use of y^ churches/ Prynted by Edwarde Whitchurch/ Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum./ Finished the xxviii. daye of Maye/ Anno Domini/ M.D. XLI./ [Colophon] The ende of the newe Testa- ment :/ and of the whole Byble, Fynysshed in Maye,/ Anno. M. CCCCC. XL i. / + / C A dno factii est istud. Folio. Lent by Mrs. Joliffe. Six preliminary leaves, viz. i. Title, within the Holbein border, Crum- well's amis effaced, with ** C The names of all the bookes of the Byble," on the reverse ; 2. First leaf of "The Kalender."/ * ii (Star 5 points) ninth line in January reading "v b Joyce .'. ix" ; 3. Second leaf of "The kalender."/ * iii (Star six points) the twenty-ninth line in August, "c Decalla. Jhon bapt. xxix " with *' Almanacke for .xviij. yeares."/ occupying the lower half of the verso ; 4. ** C A prologue or preface made by the/ moost reuerende father in God Thomas Archbysshop of Cantorburye"/ no signature ; 5. Second leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, signature * * ; 6. Third leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, sig- nature * * ii. ending in the middle of the reverse with the last line, "the saluacyon of God."/ with the large initials H. R. below. Text, Genesis to Deuteronomium, Fo. i to Fo. Ixxxiiij, the first line of Genesis being, "In the be-"/ and Deuteronomy ending on the middle of folio 84 with, "C The ende of the fyfth booke, / of Moses, called in the Hebrue. Elle-/haddebarim, and in the Latin:/ Deuteronomium."/ reverse blank; Title, within a border of 16 woodcuts, " € The second e/ parte of the Byble con-/taynynge these/ bookes."/ reverse blank ; Text, Josua to Job, Fo. ii, to Fol. cxxiii, ending on the reverse, and followed by one blank leaf; Title, within a border of 16 woodcuts, " C The thyrde/ parte of the Byble con-/taynynge these/ bookes. "/ " Zachary. ,*,/ reverse blank; Text, Psalmes to Malachy, Fo ij. to 133, falsely printed Fo. cxxxii. ending in the centre of the recto with "chyldren to their fathers, that/ I come not to smyte/ the earth wyth/ cursinge."/ reverse blank ; Title, within a border of 16 woodcuts, " C The volume/ of the bookes called/ Hagiographa. "/ with "To the Reader" on the reverse in long lines ; Text, Esdras to Machabees. Fo, ij. to Fo. Ixxx. ending at the bottom of the reverse with, "And here/ wyll I nowe make an ende."/ Then comes, within the Holbein border, the arms of Cromwell being effaced, "CEThe newe Te-/sta- ment in englyshe translated/ after the Greke, cotaynynge/ these bookes : "/ reverse blank ; Text, Mathew to Revelacyon, Fo. ij. to Fo. ciiij. (so marked for ciij.) ending with the fourteenth line in the first column of the recto with, "The grace of our Lord/ Jesu Christ be/ with you/ all/ , *, Amen./ , *,/" In the centre of the same column b^ns, "C A table to fynde the/ Epystles and Gospels vsually red in the/ church, after Salysbury vse, wherof y« fyrst/ lyne is the Epistle, \ the other the Gospell : "/ filling that and the three next pages, ending near the bottom of the verso with the Colophon given above. 819. Bible (English), with Cranmer's Prologue. London : Edward Whitchurch, Maye, 1541. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 820. Bible (English, Cranmer's, July). IfThe Byble in/ Englyshe, that is to saye the con-/tet of al the holy scrypture, both/ of y* Cla00 C— l^ol? &cr(pturtja(* 133 olde, and newe testamet, with/ a prologe therinto, made by/ the reuerende father in/ God, Thomas/ archbyshop/ .*. of Canter .•./ bury,/ ^ This is the Byble apoynted/ to the vse of the churches./ % Prynted by Rychard Grafton./ Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum./ M.D. xl./ [Co/op/ion] The ende of the newe Testament :/ and of the whole Byble, Fynisshed in July,/ Anno. M. CCCCC. XL./ A domino factum est istud/ This is the Lordes doynge. Folio. Lent by Francis Fry, Esq. Seven preliminary leaves, viz. i. Title, within Holbein's border, reverse blank : 2. The first leaf of "The Kalender " with signature *ii (star five points) the first line in January reading, ' iii A Circumcisyon ', * i " 3. Second leaf of **The Kalender," signature *iii (Star five points) the seventeenth line in August containing * Rufe martjo-. , *, xxvii " ; On the reverse in the middle of the page, " Almanacke for .xviii. yeares "/ 4. First leaf of ** ^ A prologue or preface made by the/ moost reuerende father in God, Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury "/ the initial F being twelve lines deep, the twelfth line reading, ** se to reade, or to heare redde ye scripture in theyr vulgar to- "/ signature +; 5. Second leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, -+- ii, the last line but one beginning, "estate or codicyon soeuer they be, maye i thys booke leame all"; 6. The third leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, + iii, the thirtieth line beginning "God at all auentures " ; ending on the middle of the reverse, the last line reading, "ryght : wyll I shewe the saluation of God." Underneath are the large flourished capitals H. R. 7. " ^ The names of all the bookes of the Byble,/ and the content of all the Chapters of euery booke, wyth the nombre of the leafe/ where the bookes begynne."/ I page, reverse blank ; Text, Genesis to Deuteronomium, 84 leaves, Fo. i. to Fo, Ixxxiiii, the last line of the first chapter of Genesis reading "mornyng : was made the sixte daye." and Deu- teronomy ending in the centre of the recto of folio 84. " ^ The ende of the fyfth booke/ of Moses, called in the Hebrue : Elle-/haddebarim, and in the Latin/ Deuteronomium."/ reverse blank ; Title, within a border of 16 wood- cuts, " ^ The seconde/ parte of the Byble con-/taynyng these/ bookes.'/ the first line being black (except the ^, which is red) and the second line being all in red, reverse blank. Text, Josua to Job, Fo. ii to Fo, cxxiij, ending on the reverse, followed by a blank leaf ; Title, within a border of sixteen woodcuts, *' CThe tbyrde/ parte of the Bylale con-/taynynge these/ bookes."/ the word "thyrde" being m black, reverse blank. Text, Psalmes to Malachy, Fo. ii to Fo. cxxxij, ending on the recto with "and/ smyte the earth with/ cursynge."/ reverse blank. Title, within a border of 16 woodcuts, "CThe volume of/ the bokes called Hagiographa "/ the three words in the first line being in red, and the second woodcut from the top, on the left-hand side, re- presenting Daniel in the lion's den ; on the reverse, "To the Reader." in long lines. Text, Esdras to Machabees, Fo. ii, to Fo, Ixxx, ending at the bottom of the reverse ; Title, within the Holbein border, Cormwell's arms still re- tained, "CThe newe Te-/stament in Englyshe translated/ after the Greke cotaynynge/ these bookes."/ the first line of the title being all in black, except the C, which is red ; reverse blank. Text, Mathew to Revelacyon, Fo, ij. to Fo. ciij [not numbered] ending with the fourteenth line in the first column of the recto with "The grace of our Lxjrd/ Jesu Christ be/ wyth you all./ ,*, Amen. , *,/" In the middle of the same column begins, " C A Table to fynde the/ Epistles and Gospels vsually red in the/ church, after Salysbury vse," fill- ing that page and the three next, and ending with the colophon given above at the bottom of the verso of the last leaf. 134 Cai:ton Celebration* 821. Bible (English, Cranmer's, December). 1[The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye the con-/tent of all the holy scrypture, both/ of the olde 1 newe testament with/ a prologe therinto, made by/ the reuerende father in/ God, Thomas/ archebysshop/ of Can- tor-/bury,/ % This is the Byble appoynted/ to the vse of the churches/ % Printed by Edward Whitchurch/ Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum./ An. do. M.D. xl./ iColop/ton] The ende of the newe Testament,/ and of the whole Bible, Finysshed in December/ Anno. M.CCCCC. XLi./f/A domino factum est istud/ This is the Lordes doynge./ Folio. Leni by Frauds Fry^ Esq. Ten preliminary leaves, viz. i. The Title within Holbein's border, with the arms of Cromwell effaced, reverse blank ; 2. First leaf of "The Kalender." the fifteenth line in January reading, " A Maure Abbot. iU xv," sign. *ii (star 5 points). 3. Second leaf of "The Kalender." Signature *iii (star 6 points) with an ** Almanacke for .xviij, yeares." occupying the last half of the reverse M.d. xlix, being misprinted "M. xlix." 4. "An exhortacyon to the studye of the holye/ Scripture gathered out of the Byble :/ " no signature (April 1539 has *iiii, and April 1540 has *iiii ;) on the reverse, "CThe summe and content of all the holy/ Scripture, both of the olde and newe Testament."/ sixth line of the fourth paragraph has, "affection" ; 5. "The Contentes of the Scripture,"/ having on the reverse, "C A prologue/ expressynge what is/ meant by certayne sygnes and tokens, that we/ haue set in the Byble."/ Twelve lines with large initial F, the last line reading " lefte them oute."/ 6. " C A description and successe of the kyn-/ges of Juda and Jerusalem," etc. the initial D, seven lines deep, beginning, "DAuid raygned ouer Israel the .C. xxix. yere of theyr entrynge into the lande,"/ ending a little above the middle of the re- verse with, "into Spayne." for the last line, the rest of the page blank ; 7. The first leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, signature +, "C A prologue or preface made by the/ moost reuerende father in God, Thomas Archbysshop of Cantorburye"/ the third line beginning "entrye of this booke," ; 8. Second leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, signature + ii, recto beginning "makers shoulde be had in admira- tion for theyr hye stiles and obscure maner and wiytynge,"/ and the verso end- ing "se, and discerne what is truth."/ 9. The third leaf of Cranmer's Prologue, * iij, the first line reading, "Thyrdely where and in what audience. There and amonge those that ben studyous to "/ ending in the middle of the verso with, "wyll 1/ shewe the saluation of God."/ with the large flourished capitals H. R. beneath ; 10. "C The names of all the bookes of the Byble,/ and the content of all the Chapiters of euery boke, with the nombre of the leafe/ where the bookes begyn. "/ reverse blank. Text, Genesis to Deuterono- mium. Fo. i, to Fol. Ixxxiiij, Genesis beginning with initial I fourteen lines deep, " In y« begyn-/nyng * god/ created hea-/uen t earth./ The erth/," and Deuteronomy ending near the centre of the recto of folio 84. " C The ende of the fifth booke/ of Moses, called in the Hebrewe Elle-/haddebarim : and in the latyn/ Deuteronomium. "/ reverse blank; Title, within a border of 16 woodcuts, " C Theseconde/ parte of the Byble con-/tayninge these/ bookes./" reverse blank ; Text, Josua to Job, Fo. ii, to Fol. cxxiii, Josua beginning with the initial A seven lines deep, " AFter y« death of Moses ye/ seruaut of ye Lord,"/ and Job ending on the reverse of folio 123 with "the fourth generacio./ And so Job dyed,/ beinge olde, 1 /of a perfect e/ age./ []'/ followed by a blank leaf; Title, within a border of 16 woodcuts, " CThe thyrde/ parte Cla00 C.-— l^olp &crtpturejJ. 135 of the Byble con-/taynynge these/ bookes."/ reverse blank ; Text, Psalmes to Malachy, Fo. ii to Fo. cxxxii. ending near the middle of the recto with "fathers, that I come/ not t smyte the/ earth wyth/ cursinge."/ reverse blank ; Title, within a border of i6 woodcuts, '*€ The volume/ of the bookes called,/ Hagiographia/" with, *' To the Reader " on the reverse ; Text, Esdras to Machabees, Fo. ii. to Fo. Ixxx. ending at the bottom of the reverse with, *'Je-/wes had ye cytie in possessyo : And there wyll/ I nowe make an ende."/ Title, within Holbein's border, Crumwell's arms effaced, " C The newe Te-/stamet in englyshe, translated/ after the Greke, cotayning/ these bookes."/ reverse blank : Text, Mathew to Revelations, Fo. ii. to Fo. ciii. ending with the four- teenth line of the first column of the recto with, ** The ende of the newe/ Tes- tament."/ Underneath in the same column is, *'CA table to fynde the/ Epistles and Gospels vsually red in the/ church, after Salysbury/ vse, wherof y* fyrst/ lyne is the Epistle, h the other the Gospell " : /filling that and the three following pages, ending near the bottom of the reverse with the colophon given above. 822. Bible (English). The Byble in Englyshe. Cum privilegio, 1541. Fynyshed in November, 1540. Folio. Zent by the University Library^ Edinburgh. With Cranmer's Preface. Cromwell having been disgraced by Henry VHI, in July, 1540, his arms are erased from the title-page. The full collations of the two November editions of 1540 and 1541, together with the two other November editions partly reprinted, may be found in Mr. Francis Fry's excel- lent book on the Great Bible. The present is a fine large and perfect copy, the paper stained yellow after being printed. 823. Bible (English). Cranmer's. London : Whitchurch, November, 1 54 1. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 824. Bible (English). Cranmer's. London : Edwarde Whitchurch, November, 1 5 4 1 . Folio. Lent by Mrs. Joliffe. 825. Bible (English), Cranmer's. London : R. Grafton. Finysshedin November, 1541. Folio. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 826. New Testament (German). Freyburg, durch Johannem Fabrum Juliacensem, 1539. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq 827. Bible (Latin). Lyon : Gryphius, 1540. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 828. Concordance (Latin). Lugduni, apud lacobvm Givnctam, 1540. 4to. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 829. New Testament (English). Erasmus'. 1540. 4to. L^nt by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 830. New Testament (First Islandic). Prykt uti konongluen stad Roschyld af mer Hans Barth. xii Dag Aprilis MDxl. Small 8vo. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. Excessively rare. This copy is imperfect, wanting all before signature D. and the end. Black letter, 33 lines on a page. 136 Cajcron Celebration* 831. Bible (Dutch). Den Bibel. Gheprint Thantwerpen By mi Hen- rick Peetersen van Middelborch. 1541. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 832. Bible (Swedish). Biblia, Thet ar, All then Helgha Scrifft, pa Swensko. [Translated from the German version of M. Luther by O. Petri and L. Petri.] 6 parts. First edition. Upsala, 1541-40. Folio, with curious woodcuts. Lent by Henry White, Esq. The Old Testament is in five parts, each with a separate numeration, and the four latter with distinct title-pages ; the first four parts are dated 1540. 833. New Testament (Latin). Paris : Robertus Stephanus, 1541. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 834. Bible (Latin). Lugduni, Gryphius, 1542. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 835. Bible (Latin). With woodcuts by Hans Springinklee. Lyon : Roville, 1542. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 840. Bible (Latin). Biblia Sacrosancta Testameti Veteris & noui, e sacra Hebraeorum lingua Graecorumque fontibus, consultis simul orthodoxis interpretib. religiosissime translata in sermonem Latinum. [By Leo Juda, T. Bibliander and P. Cholinus. The New Testament revised and corrected from the translation of Erasmus by R. Gaulter. The whole edited by C. Pellican.] (De omnibus sancte scripture libris eorumque praestantia. . . H. Bullingeri expositio — Argumenta in omnia tam Veteris quam Novi Testamenti capita, elegiaco carmine conscripta per R. Gualth.) 3 parts. Tiguri : Ch. Froschover, 1543. Folio. L^nt by Earl Spencer. 841. New Testament (Latin). Testamenti/ Novi/ seditio vvlgata./ Lugduni/ Theobald Paganus, 1543. 3 2 mo. L^ent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, 842. New Testament (Latin). Mogvntiae in sedibus luonis Schceffer, 1543. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 843. Bible (Latin). Venetiis, de Tridino Montisferrati, 1544. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq, 844. Bible (Latin). Zurich: C. Froschover, 1544. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq, 845. Bible (German). Die gantze Bibel, das ist alle biicher allts unnd neiiws Testaments, den urspriinglichen sepraachen nach, auffs aller treiiwlichest verteiitschet. Darzu sind yetz und kommen ein. . . Register . . . iiber die gantzen Bibel. Die jarzal und rachnung der zeyten von Adamen biss an Christum, mit sampt gwiissen Concordantzen, Argumenten, Zalen und Figuren. (Von alien bucheren heiliger und Gottlicher gschrifft ... an den Chris- Cla00 €♦— l^olp fecripture^* 137 tenlichen Laser ein klarer Bericht. [by H. Bullinger.] With woodcuts.] 2 parts. Zurich : Chnstoffel Froschouer, 1545. FoUo. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. Each part has a distinct title-page, pagination, and register. Printed in double columns ; register in eights. 846. Bible (Latin). Robert Stephanus. 1546. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 847. Bible (ItaUan). La BibUa [da Antonio BruccioU]. Vineggia : Girolamo Scotto, 1547. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 848. New Testament (English). The newe Testament of the last translacion. By Wylliam Tyndall. With Prologes and Annota- cions in the merget. London : Wylliam Tylle, 1 549-1 548. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. This is Mr. Fry's No. 18, to which the reader is referred for a careful collation. 849. New Testament (English and Latin), London : William Powell, 1548-47. 4to. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr. Fry's No. 16. 850. Bible (English). Matthew's version, revised by Becke. Lon- don: Day and Seres, 1549. Folio. Sometimes called "the Bug Bible." See Psalm xci, 5. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 851. Bible (English). Matthew's version revised by Becke. London: Day and Seres, 1549. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 85 1*. Bible (English). Another copy. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. 852. Bible (English). Matthew's version, revised by Becke. London : Daye and Seres, 1549. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 853. Bible (English). Matthew's. London : Thomas Raynalde and William Hyll, 1549. Folio. Lent by Henry IVJiitey Esq, 853*. Bible (English). Another copy. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 860. Bible (English). Cranmer's. London, Edward Whitchurch. 1549. Folio. Lent by James Watkins^ Esq. 861. New Testament (English, and Latin of Erasmus' translation). London: William Powell, 1549. 4to. L^nt by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 86 1*. Bible (ist Danish). Biblia, det er den gantske Hellige ScrifTt, udsaet paa Danske. [By P. Palladius, O. Gyldenmund, H. Sin- nesen, and J. Machabaeus.] First edition. Kobenhaffn, 1550. Folio. Lent by the Ra\ Dr. Ginsburg. i3« Caj:ton Celebration* 862. Bible (Latin). 3 vols. Lugduni : Gryphius, 1550. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 863. Bible (English, Coverdale's). C The whole/ Byble,/ that is the holy scripture/ of the Olde and Newe testament/ faythfully trans- lated into/ Englyshe by Myles Couerdale, and/ newly ouer/sene and correcte./ M. D. L./ Pray for vs that the worde of God maye/ have free passage 1 be glorified, ii. Tes. iii./ Prj^nted for Andrewe Hester, dwellynge/ in Paules Churchyard at the sygne/ of the whyte horse, and are/ there to be solde./ Set forth with the Kynges/ mooste gracious licence. [Christopher Froschover, Zurich, printed] London, A. Hester, 1550. 4to. Lent by Francis Fry, Esq. 8 prel. leaves, viz. Title in red and black, within an architectural woodcut border, reverse blank ; " C The bokes of the hole Byble/ how they are named in Englyshe and / Latyn, and howlonge they are/ wrytten in the allegations," I p.; on the reverse, "^^ Vnto the moost victorious Prince & our moost/ gracious soueraigne lorde, kynge Ed ward e the syxte," 4 pp. signed "Your graces moost humble/ and faithful subiect, Myles/ Couerdale ; " on the reverse begins, " Myles Couerdale, to the Christen Reader." 5 pp.; The Kalender, beginning with **An Almanacke for xiiii. yeares;" (from 1550) 4 pp. The Text begins with a woodcut representing the Creation of Eve on Signature A, folio I. and ends with the Second Book of Machabees, with the tenth line on the recto of Q Q iv. folio ccccxciiii. the remainder of that page and the reverse being blank ; then follows the Text of the New Testament, without separate title, on Signature a a. folio i. and ends on the reverse of folio cxxi. q q. i. Next comes The Table of the Epistles and Gospels. 5 pp. ending with "To the honoure and prayse of God, was this Byble prynted and fynished in the yeare of oure Sauoure Jesu Christ M. D. l. the xvj. daye of the moneth of August." the reverse blank. This second foreign edition of the Coverdale Bible is printed in double columns, in an angular German type, similar to that of the first Edition, 1535, but smaller, and is now believed to have come from the press of Christopher Froschover, of Zurich. The pre- liminary leaves, however, must have been printed in England, as they are in an entirely different type, being in small Old English letter. 863*. New Testament (English, Tyndale's). London : Daye and Seres, 1550. 8vo. L^nt by Francis Fry^ Esq. This is Mr. Fry's No. 26. •^864. New Testament (English and Latin). C The new/ Testament in Englishe after/ the greeke translation anne-/xed wyth the transla- tion of/ Erasmus in Latin./ Whereunto is added a Kalendar, and/ an exhortation to the readying of the/ holy scriptures made by the same/ Erasmus \vyth the Epistles taken/ out of the olde testamet both in Latin/ and Englyshe. wheriito is added a ta-/ble necessary to finde the Epistles and/ Gospels for euery sonday 1 holyday/ throughout the yere after the vse of/ the churche of England no we./ C Excusum Londini in officina Thomoe Cla00 C*— l^ol? Scripture??. 139 Gaultier. pro. I. C./ Pridie Kalendas Decembris anno/ Domini. M.D. L./ London, 1550. 8vo. Lent by Henry J, Atkinson, Esq. 14 prel. leaves, viz. Title in red and black within a broad border, with the cypher of Edward Whitechurch at the bottom ; on the reverse C An almanacke for .xxii. yeares. "J. C. vnto the Christen reder." i page, reverse blank ; "C An exhortacion to the diligent studye of scri-/pture, made by Erasmus Roterodamus." 9 pages; " C The summe and content of all the holye scri-/pture, " etc. 2 pages followed by one blank page ; Kalendar 6 leaves ; Text, in double columns, the English in black letter, occupying the outer, and the Latin in small roman type, the inner column, A to Hh. v. in eights ; then comes "C The Epistles of the old testament." 5 pp. reverse blank ; followed by "C A table to fynde the Epi-/stles and Gospels vsually reade in the/ Church, accordynge vnto the booke of/ Common prayer :" 3 pp. the reverse of the last leaf being blank, This is Tyndale's Translation, edited, as is gener- ally, but erroneously, supposed, by Sir John Cheke, though I know not upon what authority. All Tyndale's Prologues are omitted, and there are no notes. The running titles and the contents of the chapters are in the same type as the English text. The references, which are only on the outer margin, are in small roman type, like that of the Latin text. There are 54 lines on a full page. The paper, ink, and press work are good. There are no woodcuts or ornamental capitals, except at the beginning of Mathew. 865. Concordance (First in English). Marbeck's. London : Richard Grafton, 1550. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq, 866. New Testament (English). Coverdale's (really Tyndale's). Zurich : Cb. Froschover, 1550. i6mo. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury, 867. Bible (German). Wittemberg: Hans Lufft, 155 1. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinsoit, Esq, 867*. Bible (English). Matthew's [nicknamed the Bug Biblel Lon- don : Nicolas Hyll, for Robert Toy [and others], 155 1. \Colophon\ Imprinted at the coste and charges of certayne honest men of the occupacyon, whose names be upon their bokes. Folio. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury, See Psalm xci, 5. *'So that thou shalt not nede to be afraid for any Bugges by nighte, nor for the arrow that flyeth by day." Our present version reads ** Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night," etc. This reading, Bugges^ is common to Coverdale's, Matthew's, and Taverner's versions, all of which might as fairly be called *' Bug- Bibles." The Great Bible of 1539, Cranmer's, the Genevan, and the Bishops' have terrour. 868. Bible (English). Taverner's, revised by Becke, with third book of Maccabees. London: John Daye, 155 1. Folio. Lent by Henry White, Esq, 869. Bible (English). Taverner's, by Becke, with third book of the Macabees. London: John Daye, 155 1. Folio. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Goti, 870. Bible (English). London, 155 1. Folio. Lent by Edward Poulson, Esq, 140 €axton Celebratiom —-871. New Testament (Greek and Latin). Attuvtu tu m^ Kamg oiaQrjKYig. Nouum lesv Christi D. N. Testamentum cum duplici interi^re- tatione D. Erasmi et veteris Interpretis ; Harmonia item Evan- gelica [by A. Osiander. Edited by R. Estienne]. 2 parts. [Geneva] : ex Officina R. Stephani, 155 1. 8vo. Part 2 has a distinct title-page and pagination, and the harmony is separately paged. This is the first edition of the New Testament divided into verses according to our present use. 872. New Testament (English). Tyndale's. Woodcuts. London : Richard Jugge, 1552. 4to. Lent by F. Fry, Esq. A woodcut in the 13th chapter of Matthew represents the Devil with a tail and a wooden leg, sowing tares. 873. New Testament (Italian). II Nuovo Testamento. 2 vols in i. Curious engravings. Lyone : Gulielmo Rouillio, 1552. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 874. Bible (English). Cranmer's. London: Edwarde Whytchurche, 1553. Folio. L^nt by the Rev. Dr. Gott. 875. Bible (English). Cranmer's. London : Edwarde Whytchurche, 1553. Folio. Lent by Henry White, Esq. 876. Bible (Italian). La Bibbia. 1553. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society, 877. Bible (Spanish). Biblia en Lengua Espanola traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados vista y examinada por el officio de la Inquisicion. Con priuillegio del yllustrissimo Senor Duque de Ferrara. Con yndustria y deligencia de Duarte Pinel Portugues : estampada en Ferrara a costa y despesa de Jeronimo de Vargas Espanol : en primero de Marco de 1553. Black letter. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of the Bible in Spanish for the use of Christians. The only difference known between this and the version for the Jews is found in Is. vii., 14. The Jewish having ** la mo9a" instead of *' la virgen." 878. Bible (Old Testament). Biblia en lengua Espanola, traduzida palabra por palabra dela verdad Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados, vista y examinada por el officio de la Inquisicion. [Edited by D. Pinel and A. Usque.] Gothic letter. Large paper. Ferrara, 1553. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. On the verso of the title-page occurs the dedication "All yllustrissimo. . . , Senor . . . Don Hercole da Este el segundo : quarto Duque de Ferrara." Sub- scribed "Jeronimo de Vargas y Duarte Pinel." The Colophon ends as follows : Cla00 C— l^olp »)cripture0* 141 ** estampada en Ferrara a costa . . . . de Jeronimo de Vargas Espanol : en primero de Mar9o de 1553." This edition does not contain the Apocrypha. First impression of the Bible in Spanish. This version was for the use of the Spanish Jews. 885. Bible (Spanish). Biblia en Lengua Espanola. Ferrara, 1553. Folio. Large paper. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 886. New Testament (Dutch). Antwerp : Hans van Ramundt, 1553. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 887. New Testament (English). Tyndale's. London : Richarde Jugge, 1553. 4to. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 888. New Testament (German). Curious cuts. Coin : Van der Miilen, 1553. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 889. Bible (Latin). Petit Bernard's cuts. Lugduni : Johan. Tornaesius, 1554. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 890. New Testament (Italian). Plates by Petit Bernard. Lione: Giovanni de Tornes e Guillelmo Gazeio, 1556. 321110. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 891. Bible Picture Book. Figuren, &c. Engravings by Petit Bernard. Lyons: J. van Tournes, 1557. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 892. New Testament (English, Geneva). The/ Newe Testa-/ment of ovr Lord Ie-/sus Christ./ Conferred diligently with the Greke, and best ap-/proued translations,/ With the arguments, aswel before the chapters, as for euery Boke/ & Epistle, also diuersities of readings, and moste profitable/ annotations of all harde places : wherunto is added a copi-/ous Table./ At ' Geneva j Printed By Conrad Badius./ m. d. lvii./ i6mo. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. On the title page is a woodcut about if inches square, representing Time restoring Truth ; On the reverse in small italic letters is ** The ordre of the Bookes of the/ Newe testament," Then follows on *. ii. "The Epistle declar- ing that/ Christ is the end of the Lawe, by lohn Caluin."/ 8 leaves ; "To the Reader **. ii. 4 pages and eight lines of the next ; then comes * The Argv- ment " filling the remainder of that page and the next. The text, The Holy/ Gospel of lesvs/ Christe, writ/ by S. Matthew./ (a. i,) 430 folioed leaves ; * * The Table of the Newe/ Testament. "/ folios 431 to 455, * * The Ende " being on the recto, over the colophon. ** Printed by Conrad Ba-/divs M. D. LVII./ This/ X. of Ivne.'V On the reverse in 23 lines, italic type, are ** Fautes com- V Ml CajCton Celebration. tnitted in the Printing." Although this is the first New Testament in English printed at Geneva, it is not, as some suppose, that which is usually called the Gertman Version. That was published three years later. This edition was the work of William Whittingham, afterwards Dean of Durham, but at the time of its publication residing in exile at Geneva. It is beautifully printed in small, clear, roman type, and is remarkable for two characteristics lor the first time here introduced into the English translations, viz. the division of the text into verses, and the use of italics to indicate those explanatory words not to be found in the original tongues. This is not a new translation, but a revision of various others, as the editor informs us in his epistle to the reader. *' First as touchig the perusing of the text, it was diligently reuised by the moste approued Greke examples, and conference of translations in other tonges as the learned may easely iudge, both by the faithful rendering of the sentence, and also by the proprietie of the wordes, and perspicuitie of the phrase. Forthermore that the Reader might be by all meanes proffited, I haue deuided the text into verses and sectios, according to the best editions in other langages, and also, as to this day the anciet Greke copies mencion, it was wont to be vsed. And be- cause the Hebrewe and Greke phrases, which are strange to rendre in other tongues, and also short, shulde not be to harde I haue sometyme interpreted them without any whit diminishing the grace of the sense, as our lagage doth vse them, and sometyme haue put to that worde, which lacking made the sentence obscure, but haue set it in such letters as may easely 1^ discerned from the comun text." 893. New Testament (English) translated by Whittingham. Geneva : Conrad Badius, 1557. 1 6mo. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 894. Bible (German, Weissenham). Ingolstatt: Ecken, 1558. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 895. Bible (Italian). Bibbia volgare. [Nicolao de Malermi.] Curious engravings. Venegia, 1558. Folio. L^ntby Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 896. Bible (Latin). Paris : C. Guillard, 1558. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 897. Bible (French). La Sainte Bible. A Lyon par Ian de Tovmes, 1559. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 898. Bible (Dutch). Antwerpen by die weduwe van Jacob van Liesueldt, 155 3) 15^° [1553 ^t ^"^ O. T.] Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 899. Bible (Dutch). Den Bibel. Antwerp : Hans de Last, 1560 [date at end O. T. 1553.] Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 909. Bible (English, first Genevan). The Bible/ and/ Holy Scriptvres/ Conteyned in/ the Olde and Newe/ Testament./ Translated Ac- cor-/ding to the Ebrue and Greeke, and conferred With/ the best translations in diuers langages./ With moste profitable Annota-/ tions vpon all the hard places, and other things of great/ impor- tance as may appeare in the Epistle to the Reader./ At Geneva.j Printed by Rovland HalL/ m. d. lx./ 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. Cla0i2( C— Hjol? »)cripturej2f* 143 Four prel. leaves. Text, Genesis to II Maccabees, 474 folioed leaves ; New Testament, 122 leaves ; ** A Briefe Table" HH.h. iii. to LLl. iii. 13 leaves, followed by one page, "The order of the yeres from Pauls conuersion " etc. reverse blank. This Bible, the result of the labours of English exiles at Geneva during Queen Mary's reign, was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth — and though never sanctioned by royal authority, or by Parliament, or even by Convocation, for public use in churches, yet it was not only extensively read in churches, but was esteemed the favourite version by many of the clergy, as well as theolt^cal writers, insomuch that it continued to be the household English Bible for three quarters of a century. It is commonly known as the "Breeches " Bible from that word occurring in Gen. iii. 7. From 1560 to 1630 it was the most popular Bible in England, and by far the most approved version in Scotland, exceeding in its number of editions all the other translations united. Probably f as many as two hundred distinct editions of the Genevan Bible and New Tes- tament were called for during this period. The version of 161 1 was slow in breaking its popularity. Both versions, as well as the Bishops', were all printed by the same royal printers. 910. Bible (English). First Genevan version. Another copy. Geneva: Rouland Hall, 1560. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Another copy, lent by Dr. Gott. 911. Bible (English). First Genevan version. Another copy. Geneva: Rouland Hall, 1560. 4to. Lent by Henry White, Esq. This is one of the very few copies known on large and thick paper, though somewhat cut down. 912. New Testament (English), by Whittingham and others [the second issue]. Unique? Geneva, 1560. i6mo. L^nt by the Archbisliop of Canterbury. 913. New Testament (Latin). Lyon, 1560. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, 913*. Psalms (EngHsh). The whole Psalter translated into English Metre [by Archbishop Parker]. London: John Daye, [1560?] 4to. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. 914. Bible (English, Cranmer's). The Bi/ble in Englishe ac-/cording to the tran-/slation of the great/ Byble/ 1561./ [Colophon'] Im- printed at/ London in Powles/ Churcheyarde, by Ihon/ Cawoode./ Prynter to the Quenes Maiestie./ Anno. m. d. lxi. Cum priuilegio Regiae /Maiestatis./ 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 915. Bible (ist Polish). Biblia To iest. Kxieigi Stharego y Nowegg Zakonu, na Polski iexzyk, z pilnosciax bedlug Liciriskiey Bibliey od Kosc'iold Krzescidnskiego powssechnego prizyiethey, nowo wytozona [by J. Leopolita-Niez. With marginal references and woodcuts]. Gothic letter. W. Krdkowie, 1561. Folio. L^nt by Francis Fry, Esq. 916. New Testament (Latin). Many woodcuts. Parisiis, apud Jacobum Keruer, 1562. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 144 Cajctoti Celebration. 917. Bible (English, 2nd Genevan). The Bible translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, with most profitable annotations upon the hard places, etc. Geneva [no printer's name], 1562-61. Folio. Lent by Francis Fry^ Esq. A remarkable typographical error occurs in Matthew v. 9, *' Blessed are the place-makers : for they shall be called the children of God." 918. Bible (2nd Polish). Biblia S'wieta, Tho iest, Ksi,gi Stdregoy Nowego Zakonu, wtasnie z Zydowskiego, Greckiego, y Lacynskiego, nowo na Polski iezyk z pilnos'cia y wiemie ^vytozone [by S. Zaciusz, P. Statoryusz, G. Orsacius, J. Trzecieski, J. Lubelczyk, and others; edited by M. Radziwit.] W. Brzesciu Litewskim, 1563. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer.' The second published version of the Polish Bible, made by Prince Radziwil and the Protestant Reformers of Pinczow. The first Polish Bible was pub- lished in 1 561 by the Catholics. 919. Bible (Polish). Another copy. 1563. Folio. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society, 920. Bible (Dutch). Nicolaes Biestkeno, 1564. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 921. Bible (Latin). Antverpiae : Christ. Plantin, 1564. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 922. Bible (Greek). Basiliae: J. Hervagius, 1565. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 923. New Testament (Latin). With full-page cuts in Revelation. Dilingse: Sebaldvs Mayer, 1565. Svo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 924. Psalms (English). The Form of Prayers etc. used in the English Church at Geneva, with the Psalms of David, in metre. Edin- burgh : by Robert Lekprevik, 1565. Svo. Lent fro7n the Advocated Library. The earliest edition of the Stemhold and Hopkins prepared for the Church of Scotland. There are many subsequent republications. 925. Bible (English). Cranmer's version. Rouen : C. Hamillon, at the cost and charges of Richard Carmarden, 1566. Folio. L^nt by Henry J. Atkittson, Esq. 926. Bible (French). Geneve: Perrin, 1566. Svo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 927. Bible (Italian). Bibbia Volgare. 2 vols. Venetia : Andrea Mus- chio, 1566. 4to. Curious engravings. Lent by Henry/. Atkinson, Esq. Cla052? C— !^olp feccfpturejaf* 145 928. Psalms (Latin). Psalmorvm Da-/vidis Paraphrasis Poetica,/ nunc primum edita,/ Authore Georgio Buchanano/ Scoto, poetarum nos- tri saeculi facil^/ principe./ Psalmi Aliqvot in ver-/sus item Graecos nuper k dieursis/ translati./ Anno m. d. lxvi./ [C(?/(:7^^^«] Argen- torattj Excudebat losias Rihelius./ m.d.lxvi./ i2mo. Lent by David Laing, Esq. Sixteen prel. leaves and 352 pp. This is generally believed to be the first edition of this celebrated version of the Psalms, thoxigh Brunei thinks that the Paris edition, without date, by Henry Stephens, is anterior, notwithstanding the words " nunc primum edita " on this title-page. On this book rests in a great measure the high reputation of George Buchanan as a poet and scholar. He was bom in 1506, and died in 1582. While imprisoned in a monastery in Portugal, by order of the Inquisition, about 1550, he beguiled the tedium of his confinement by translating the whole of the Psalms into Latin verse. There are no less than twenty-nine varieties of metre. On the reverse of the title is, "Index Festorum xxiiii." In the Kalendar, which occupies nine leaves, there are twelve rude but exceedingly curious woodcuts representing the signs of the Zodiac, and the habits and occupations of the good people about Strasboui^. On the recto of B B iiij is the famous epigram of Buchanan to Mary, Queen of Scots, beginning : — ** Nympha, Caledonics quae nunc feliciter one Missa per innumeros sceptra tueris auos, " 929. New Testament (the first Welsh). Testament Ne\vydd ein Arg- Iwydd Jesu Christ. Gwedy ei dynnu, yd y gadei yr ancyfiaith, au yn ei g>'lydd or Groec a'r Llatin, gan newidio flfurf llythyreu y gariae- dodi. Eb law hyny ymae pop gair a dibi\vyt y vot yn andeallus, ai o ran llediaith y'wlat, ai o ancynefinder y devnydd, wedy ei noti ai eglurhau ar'ledemyl y tu dalen gydrychiol. [Preceded by an " Almanach dros xxv. o vlynydden," &c. Translated by W. Sales- bury and R. Davies, Bishop of St. Davids ;, edited by the former, with an Epistle by the latter, " i bop map eneid dyn o vewn ey escopawt." First edition.] Black letter. [London] : H. Den- ham, 1567. 4to. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. In long lines, thirty-one to the full page. The text is not divided into verses. 930. Bible (English). The Holie Bible. Richard Jugge, 1568. 2 vols. Folio. L^ent by Earl Spencer. The ** Bishops'" Bible, a revision of the "Great Bible" undertaken by Archbishop Parker, with the assistance of eight bishops. It appeared "cum privilegio regiae majestatis," and its use was sanctioned by Convocation in 1571. It is sometimes called the treacle Bible, from Jeremiah viii., 22: "Is there no tryacle in Gilead ? " rendered rosin in the Douai version, and balm in that of 161 1. It is also sometimes called the ** Leda Bible," from the use of one of a series of capital letters, designed after Ovid, used by Jugge in his other and previous books. 931. Bible (English, first Bishops'). Another copy. London : Richarde Jugge, 1568. Folio. Lent by Henry/. Atkinson, Esq. L 146 Cajcton Celebration* 932. Bible (French and Latin). 3 vols. Paris : Sebastien Nyvelle, 1568. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson y Esq. 933. Bible (Latin). Lugduni: loannes Frellon, 1568. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 934. New Testament (Greek). 2 vols. Lvtitiae : Robertus Stephanus, 1568-9. 3 2 mo. LMit by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. _ 935. Bible (English). Genevan. Geneva : John Crespin, 1568-70. 4to. L^nt by Henry White, Esq. 936. Psalms (Dutch). De C.L. Psalmen Dauids. Tot Noorwitz Gheprint by Anthonium de Solemne, 1568. 8vo. Lent by W. Ajnhurst Tyssen-Amhurst, Esq. A work from the same press, entitled ** Genen Kalendaer Historiaal 1570," is bound up with this. These two books, with Nos. 281, 282, 283, together form a unique collection of productions from the Norwich Press. No. 281 is dated 1568. 937. Bible (English). The Bishops' version, the first edition in 4to. London : Richard Jugge, 1569. 4to. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 938. Bible (English). Bishops' version. First edition in 4to. Another copy. London : Richard Jugge, 1569. 4to. L^nt by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 939. Bible (Polyglot). Biblia Polyglotta. Antwerp : Plantinus, 1569-73. 8 vols. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Edited at the command of Philip II by Arias Montanus, of the University of Alcala. Only 5crtpture0* 157 1028*. Bible (English, Genevan). The Bible, that is, the Holy Scrip- tures. London : Barker, 1610. 8vo. Lent by Francis Fry ^ Esq. This is, we believe, the last edition of the Bible of the Genevan version printed in England in octavo. 1029. Bible (English, Genevan version). The Bible, that is, The Holy Scriptures contained in the Olde and New Testament, Translated according to the Hebrew and Greeke, &c. At Edin- burgh Printed by Andro Hart, and are to be sold at his Buith, on the North-side of the gate. Anno Dom. 1610. Folio. Two copies. One lent by H. J. Atkinson^ Esq., the other by David Laing, Esq. This was long the standard and favourite edition of the Genevan Bible, be- cause it was a handsome, well-printed book, remarkably free from typo- graphical errors. 1030. Bible (English), Genevan and Tomson's. London ; R. Barker, 1 6 II. Folio. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 1031. Bible (English). Genevan version. London: R. Barker, 161 1. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. T032. Psalms (English). The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter. With Godly Prayers, &c. Printed at Edinburgh by Andro Hart. 1 6 II. 8vo. Lent by David Laing, Esq. 1033. Psalms (Latin). Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica auc- tore Georgio Buchanano. Edinburgi, exct. Andreas Hart, 16 11. i8mo. Le7it by David Laing, Esq. 1034. Psalms (English). Psalms in Prose and Metre with the Tunes. Edinb.: Andro Hart, 161 1. 24mo. Lent by David Laing, Esq. 1035. Bible (English). The Holy Bible, newly translated out of the original! Tongues and with former Translations diligently com- pared and revised, by his Maiesties speciall commandment. Appointed to be read in Churches. London : Robert Barker, 161 1. With the first title engraved on copper by C. Boel of Richmont. Folio. Lent by Henry Stevens, Esq. This is the first or standard issue of the 1 6 1 1 version of the English Bible. There was another separate issue of it the same year distinct throughout? every leaf. This pair, the parents of millions of our Bibles, we shall distinguish by calling the first the Great He Bible, and the other the Great She Bible, from their respective readings of Ruth iii. 15, the one reading "he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her : and He went into the city." The other has **and She went into the city." These two editions, both standard but varying in many places, were manifestly deposited in two different printing houses as standard copy, because the subsequent editions in quarto and octavo, in roman and black letter, run in pairs, he and she, and as a general rule the faults of the one follow those of its own office-copy or parent. It is not difficult for a practical printer to point out the true original He Bible, and when that is ascertained many other arguments fall in peacefully. This he and she distinc- tion is only one of a thousand. The first three or four editions were issued, some copies with an engraved copper-plate title, and others with a woodcut 158 Cajcton Celebration* bordered title, but never with both. We have found the engraved title attached to its follower in both of the i6i i issues, as well as that of 1613. These titles, therefore, do not mark the edition ; nor do Speed's genealogies, with which the king saddled and most unjustly burdened the version, as a private sop to a favourite subject. Of the two distinct issues of 1611, some copies of each having the engraved and others the woodcut title, it is of great consequence to establish the priority of one or the other. Mr. Francis Fry after long and patient investigation has, in his exceedingly important work on the subject, pronounced decidedly in favour of the He Bible's being the original ; while Mr. Scrivener, in the introduction to his Paragraph Bible, reverses Mr. Fry's de- cision, and sets up the She Bible as the standard by priority. Our own researches, both before and since Mr. Fry's opinion, have led us unequivocally to the same conclusion as Mr. Fry. We do not find any authority for calling it the Authorized Version^ the words ** Appointed to be read in Churches, meaning not authorized^ but, as explained in the preliminary matter, simply how the Scriptures were pointed out or "appointed" for public reading. This •* Appointment" was afterwards shunted into the Prayer-Book and left out of the Bibles ; but why the word appointed was left on some of the early title- pages and omitted in others, and how it got gradually to mean authorized^ we leave to philologists, simply remarking that the 1602 Bishops' Bible, on which our present version was modelled, had both the words "authorized" and ** appointed." The Puritans and Presbyterians did not require this "appoint- ment," and hence in many editions it was omitted. We have no objection to the modem suppression or omission by the University and Queen's Printers of the long Preface, the Genealogies, and the "Appointment" of Scripture Read- ings in Churches. We could spare also the Dedication. But with all these omissions it is difficult to understand why the title is not also purified by leaving out the words "Appointed to be read in Churches." It being the Bible of all churches, denominations, and congregations in Great Britain and English-speaking America, Australia, and India (except the Roman Catholics) as much as of the Church of England, why by this misused word, appointed^ should our common Bible any longer be even nominally limited to the Church of England, since there never was any exclusive right in the claim. It never was any more the Bible of the Church than of the Puritans. See Dr. Smith's Introduction on this point. Again, it was not a new translation, but about the twelfth revision of a work that belonged to the public, viz., (i, of Tyndale, 2, of Coverdale, 3, of Matthew, 4, of Tavemer, 5, of the Great Bible of 1539, 6, of Cranmer, 7, of Becke, 8, of the Geneva New Testament, 9, of the Genevan Bible, 10, of the Bishops' version, 11, of the Bishops' version revised in the edition of 1602, 12, this of 161 1,) at once the public repository of the English language and the birthright of Englishmen and the English-speaking people, of America, India, and Australia. This 161 1 Bible has thus become indeed a marvel of perfection in the simplicity and beauty of its language, con- sidering that at the time of the last revision there was neither an English grammar nor an English dictionary in the English language. 1036. Bible (English). The Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker, 161 1. Fine copy of the He Bible, with the woodcut title. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. 1037. Bible (English). The Holy Bible, etc. Appointed to be read in Churches. London: Robert Barker, 161 1. Folio. Lent by Edward G. Allen^ Esq. This is the Great She Bible of 161 1, differing in every leaf from the Great He Bible. Like No. 1035 and 1036 it was issued, some copies with the Cla00 €♦— ll?ol? Scripture??* 159 engraved and others with the woodcut title. This is certain, because we have found both title-leaves attached to their followers. Neither title marks definitely the edition, but there are many reasons to demonstrate that this is the second or subsequent issue. It may have some better readings and some inferior, but the editions are totally distinct, and unquestionably one is the parent of the other. It was probably necessary, in order to multiply copies fast enough, to have two standard copies in separate printing offices. The variations are generally not of much importance, and are such as usually occur in copying one book from another, with occasionally a slight correction, but oftener a slight blunder. 1038. Bible (English). The 1611 version. London: Robert Barker, 16 1 3-1 1. Folio. Lent by Francis Fryy Esq. This is generally a mixture of the sheets of the He and the She Bible, issued with a new first title, but the New Testament title remaining unchanged. 1039. Bible (English). The/ Holy/ Bible,/ Conteyning the Old Testa- ment/ and the New :/ Newly Translated out of the Originall/ tongues : & with the former Translations/ diligently compared and reuised, by his/ Maiesties special Comandement./ Appointed to be read in Churches./ Jmprinted at London by Robert/ Barker Printer to the Kings/ most Excellent Maiestie./ Anno Dom. 1612./ 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson y Esq. The title is beautifully engraved on copper by Jasper Isac, reverse blank. Dedication to King James, A 2, 3 pp. in italics ; on the reverse of A 3, *' The Translators To/ The Reader," 9 pp. in small roman type; **5^The names and order of all the Bookes," i p., reverse blank; "The Genealogies," by J. Speed, 18 leaves : "A Description of Canaan, and the bordering Countries, on the back of a woodcut map of the Holy Land, 2 leaves ; the text is in double columns, in roman type, Genesis to Revelations, A to Z, Aa to Zz, Aaa to Zzz, [A] to [M], all in eights. This is the first edition of the 161 1 Version of the Bible printed in quarto. It is a He Bible. 1040. Bible (English). The second edition of the 161 1 version in4to, roman type. She went. London: R. Barker, 161 2. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1041. Bible (English). The first edition of the 161 1 version in octavo. The He edition. London: R. Barker, 161 2. 8vo. Lent by Francis Fry^ Esq. 1042. Bible (English). The second edition of the 161 1 version in octavo. The She edition. London: R. Barker, 161 1. 8vo. L^nt by Francis Fry^ Esq, 1043. Bible (English). 161 1 version. London : Robert Barker, 16 13. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. This edition in smaller type cannot be confounded with either of the larger folios. Some copies appeared with the 161 1 engraved title, but most of them have the woodcut title bearing the date of 161 3. We have not observed in this edition the distinction of ^53-/ 32mo. Lent by Henry Stei'ens, Esq. Title engraved by W. V., reverse blank. Text in double columns, pearl type ; Genesis to Malachi, A 2 to Q q 2 in twelves ; New Testament title is Q q 3 ; Text Q q 4 to D dd 11 ; ending with the colophon on the recto. Cla00 C— !^olp &cripturej2f. 167 Kilburne informs us that 20,000 copies of this Bible were dispersed. It is full of errors of the press, both by omitting words and sentences, and by change of readings. Many of these errors were corrected, as they were discovered, by cancelling the leaves. This copy possesses about half of the cancels. This edition may be distinguished from the following by the whole of the first four Psalms being upon the recto of folio A a 8, and by the running titles being in capital letters. A very pretty little pearl Bible, measuring 4J by 2^ inches. Among the typographical errors in some of the copies are such as these : ** Know ye not that the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God." — I Cor. vi. 9. "Ye cannot serve and Mammon" {God left out), — Matt. vi. 24. 1 1 27. Bible (English). The Holy/ Bible/ Containing y7 Old and New/ Testaments/ Newly Translated/ out of y' Original/ Tongues, and/ with the former/ Translations/ diligently com-/pared and/ revised./ London^ Printed by/ lohn Field, Printer to the/ Parliament,/ 1653./ 32mo. Lent by Henry Stevens, Esq. Title engraved by L. Lucas, with the names of the Books on the reverse. This is probably a Dutch counterfeit of the preceding. The running titles are in lower case letters, and only the first two verses of the first Psalm are on the recto of A a 4. 1 128. Bible (English). London: J. Field, 1653. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. The edition with the first four Psalms all on one page. H29. Bible (English). London : John Field, 1653. 32mo. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Gott. It is difficult to find two copies to correspond throughout, there were so many cancels. Very many copies of some of the editions were seized and de- stroyed, so the story goes ; but others say only faulty sheets were cancelled and destroyed. 1 130. Bible (English). London: Giles Calvert, 1653. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 131. New Testament (English). London: Giles Calvert, 1653. 8vo. In same book, Concordance, R. Barker, 1579. 8vo. L^ntby Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 132. Bible (Greek, Septuagint). Londini : Roger Daniel, 1653. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 11 33. Bible (English). E. T. [Evan Tyler] for a society of Stationers. London, 1655. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 134. Bible (Latin). Londini: E. T. and A. M., 1656. 8vo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 11 35. Bible (Polyglot). Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Edidit ^rianus Waltonus. Londini: imprimebat Thomas Roycroft, 1657. 6 vols. Large folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. One of the 12 copies struck off on large paper. By Cromwell's permission the paper for this work was allowed to 1^ imported free of duty, and honour- able mention is made of him in the Preface. On the Restoration this courtesy i68 Cajcton Celebration* was dishonourably withdrawn, and the usual Bible dedication sycophancy transferred to Charles II at the expense of several cancels ; and in this, the *' Loyal" copy, so called in contradistinction to the "Republican," Crom- well is spoken of as *' maximus ille Draco." This is said to have been the first work printed by subscription in England. 1 136. Bible (Dutch). Eerst t' Antwerpen by Jan van Moerentorf en nu by Pieter lacopsz Pacts, 1657. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Curious engravings by C. van Sichem. 1 137. Bible (English). The Holy Bible. London : John Field, 1658. With Psalms by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others. London : John Field, 1658. 3 2 mo. Lent by Heitry Ste^iens^ Esq. The first page of the Psalms in the Bible ends with the second line of the 6th verse of chapter iv. With a fine view of London on the title-page. 1 138. Bible (English). The Holy/ Bible/ Containing the/ Old Testa- ment/ and the New/ Newly translated/ out of the originall Tongues/ and with the former/ Translations diligently/ compared and re- vised/ by his Majesties specall/ Command./ Appointed to be read in Churches/ London^l Printed by John Field, one of His/ High- ness's Printers, 1658./ 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Engraved title (Moses on the left, Aaron on the right, and a view of Lon- don at the bottom), with the order of the books on the reverse ; Text in pearl type, double columns, A 2 to D dd in twelves. J 139. Bible (English). The Holy/ Bible/ Containing the/ Old Testa- ment/ and the New./ Newly translated/ out of the originall tongues/ and with the former/ Translations diligently/ compared and revised/ by his Maiesties speciall/ Command./ Appointed to be read in Churches./ London^\ Printed by John Field one of His Highness's Printers 1658. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. What has been written above about Field's pearl Bibles of 1653 applies equally well to these of 1658. They abound in typographical errors, but owing to repeated cancels, some copies are far less faulty than others. They are collected now chiefly for their errors ; the more numerous and gross they are, the higher the price. 1 140. New Testament (French). With Psalms, 1666. Charenton : Lucas, 1658. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 141. New Testament (Greek). Editio nova. Studio S. Curcellaei. Amsterdam: Elzevir, 1658. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 142. Psalms (Gaelic). The first 50 Psalms and Shorter Catechisme; translated into Gaelic by the Synod of Argyle. Glasgow : Aindra Anderson, 1659. i8mo. Lent by David Laing^ Esq. 1 143. Bible (English). Cambridge, 1660. Folio. Lent by Henry Wiiite^ Esq. Clasfjsf C*— l^olp &crfpture0> 169 1144. New Testament in Shorthand, by Rich. London, 1660? 32mo. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1 145. Bible (English). London: H. Hills and John Field, 1660. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 146. Bible (Spanish). Amsterdam : J. Atkins, 1660. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1147. Psalms (English). David's Harp strung and tuned. London: William Leake, 1662. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 11 48. Bible (English). Good plates. Cambridge: John Field, 1663. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 149. New Testament (Syriac). Hamburg, 1663. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1149*. Bible Picture Book (Latin). Theatrum Biblicum. Piscator, 1674. Obi. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 150. Bible (English). London: Bill and Barker, 1665. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 15 1. Bible (French). Leyde : Philippe de Croy, 1665. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 152. Bible (French). J. A. and S. deToumes, 1665. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 153. Bible (German, Churfurst version). Die Propheten, etc. Wittem- berg: Balthasar-Christoph Wustens, 1665. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 154. New Testament (Italian). Haerlem, Jacob Albertz, 1665. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 11 55. New Testament (Italian). II Nuovo Testamento (Diodati's). Haerlem, 1665. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 156. Bible (English). " The Preacher's Bible." Cambridge : J. Field, 1666. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 157. New Testament (French). Beautiful plates. Paris: Francois Muguet, 1666. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 158. Psalms (English). A separate edition of the Common Psalm Tunes. Printed at Aberdeen, 1666. Oblong 4to. Lent by David Laing, Esq. This probably never had a title-page. 170 Cajcton Celebratfon* 1 159. Psalms (Greek and Latin). Cambridge: J. Field, 1666. 410. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 160. Bible (English). Cambridge : John Field, 1668. 4to. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 1 161. Bible (French). La Saincte Bible. Amsterdam: Louis et Daniel Elzevier, 1669. Folio. 2 vols. Lent by Earl Spencer. A magnificent copy on large paper. 1161* Bible (French). Another copy. Small paper. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 162. Bible (Latin). Col. Agrip. Balth. Egmond, 1670. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 11 63. Bible (English). [First title] The Bible. [Second title] Verbum Sempiternum. Aberdene : John Forbes, 1670. 64to. Lent by A. Gardyner, Esq. A good specimen of the ** Thumb Bible," measuring about one inch square and nearly half-an-inch thick ; probably the smallest lx>ok in the exhibition. 1 1 64. New Testament (German). Nuremberg: Christoph Endters, 1670. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 165. Bible (English). London: John Bill and C. Barker, 167 1. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 166. New Testament (English). J. Bill and R. Barker, 1673. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 167. Bible (English). The Holy, etc. Oxford, 1675. 4to. L^nt by the Bodleian Library. The first edition of the Bible printed in Oxford. A very neat and tidy edition, but will not stand criticism. It is full of typographical errors and changes in spelling, punctuation, and the use of italics. 11 68. New Testament (English). London: J. Bill and C. Barker, 1675. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 169. New Testament (French). Amsterdam, chez la Veuve de Schippers, 1677. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 1 70. Bible (French abridgment). Paris: Jean Couterot, 1678. I^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 171. Bible (English). The Holy, etc. By his Majesty's Command. Oxford, 1679. 4to. L^nt by the Bodleian Library. The second edition of the Bible printed at Oxford ; a very difficult book to find quite perfect. 1172. Bible (Latin). Cologniae : apud J. Naulaeum, 1679. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 173. Bible (Latin). Biblia Sacra. Lugduni, Sumpt. Pet. Guillimin, & Ant. Beaujollin, 1680. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 74. Bible (Latin). Londini, exc. R. Norton, prostant Nath. Ponder, 1680. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 175. Bible Picture Book (Latin). Icones, etc. Genevae : S. de Tournes, 1680. 8vo. Lent by Henty /. Atkinson^ Esq. 176. Bible Picture Book (German). Figuren, etc. Augsburg: Kysel, 1680. 4to. Lent by Henry /. Atkinson, Esq. 177. New Testament (French). London: R. Bentley, 1681. 8vo. With Psalms, 1686. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 178. Bible (English). Oxford, 1682. With Prayer and Psalms. Folio. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 179. Bible (Latin). Coloniae : Balth. ab Egmond, 1682. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 180. Bible (English). Cambridge : John Hayes, 1683. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 181. New Testament (Dutch, French, and English). Amsterdam : S. S. Jacobus's widow, 1684. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 181*. Bible (Irish). Le a Bhuir, etc. The Books of the Old Testament translated into Irish by Dr. William Bedel, late Bishop of Kil- more. London, 1685. 4to. Lent by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 182. Bible (German). Ulm, Bey Matthaeo Wagnern, 1688. Folio. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 183. Psalms (Gaelic). The Psalms, translated into Gaelic by Robert Kirk. Edinburgh, 1684. 12 mo. L^nt by David Laing, Esq. 184. Bible (Latin). Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis. Venetiis, apud Nicolaum Pezzana, 1688. Folio. Lent by Hetiry J. Atkinson, Esq. 185. New Testament (Swedish). Stockholm : Nicolas Waukife, 1688. 8vo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq, 186. New Testament (French). Amsterdam : P. & I. Blaeu, 1690. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 187. Bible (Irish). W. Bedel's and W. O'Donnell's Irish Bible, re- vised and printed at London by R. Ebheringtham in 1690. Lent by David Laing, Esq. A small volume for the use of the Highlanders, by the Rev. Robert Kirk, M.A. at the expense of the Honourable Robert Boyle. 172 Ca;i:ton Celebratfom 1187*. Bible (English). The History of the Old and New Testament, with sculptures. London: Richard Blome, 1691. 8vo. Lent by Henry J, Atkinson^ Esq. 1 188. Bible (German). Zurich, by David Gessner, 1691. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 189. Bible Picture Book (English). London :. Richard Blome, 1691. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 1 90. Bible (English). London: C. Bill and T. Newcomb, 1693. 8vo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 191. Bible, New Testament, and Psalms in Shorthand, by Abdy. London, 1695. i6mo. L^nt by George Umvin^ Esq. 11 92. Bible (Latin). A Sebastiano Schmidt. Argentorati, J. F. Spoor, 1697. 4to. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 1 93. New Testament (French). Charenton : Collier, 1697. i6mo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson y Esq, 1 194. New Testament (French). Amsterdam: P. & L Blaev, 1697. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 195. Bible (English). With Canne's preface and notes. London: C. Bill aad T. Newcomb, 1698. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 1 96. New Testament (Greek). Amsterdam: Wetsten, 1698. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. With Hebrew Bible, 1701, &c. 1 197. Bible (English). With John Canne's notes. London: Charles Bill and Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, 1700. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkifison, Esq. 1 1 98. Gospels (Greek and Latin). Harmonica Evangelica (J. Clarier). Amsterdam: Huguetanorum, 1700. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 199. New Testament (English and Dutch). Amsterdam, By de Widuwe van Steven Swart, 1700. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1200. Bible (English). Bishop Lloyd's, with additional marginal refer- ences. London : C. Bill and the Executrix of T. Newcomb, 1 701. Folio. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 1 261. Bible (German). Nurnberg: Luther, 1702. 4to. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1202. Bible (Latin, Vulgate). Venetiis : Jacob Bertani, 1702. 8vo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. Cla00 C— !golp &cnpture?J» 173 1203. Bible (English). London : C. Bill and T. Newcomb, 1703. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1204. Bible (English). Oxford : Printers to the University of Oxford, 1704. 1 6 mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1205. Bible (German). Stuttgart : Augustus Metzler, 1704. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, 1206. New Testament (English). University Printers, Oxford, 1704. 3 2 mo. Lent by He^iry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1207. Bible (German). Historischer Bilder Bibel. Augsburg : Kraussen, 1705. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1208. New Testament (English). University Press, Oxford, 1705. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, 1209. Bible (English). London : C. Bill and T. Newcomb, 1707. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1 2 10. Bible (English). London : C. Bill and T. Newcomb, 1708. 4to. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 121 1. Bible (English). The 16 11 version with Genevan notes. Lon- don : [Holland printed ?] 1 708. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq, 1 21 2. Bible (Latin, Vulgate). Venetiis, N. Pezzana, 1709. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 2 13. New Testament (French). Paris: Jean de NuUy, 1709-10. 8vo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 2 14. New Testament (Greek). Amsterdam : Wetsten, 17 11. 8vo. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 2 15. Bible (Italian). La Sacro Santa Bibbia. Norimbergo : Mattia d'Erberg, 1712. Folio. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 12 16. Bible (Dutch). Antwerp : Jan Moerentorf, 17 13. Folio. L^nt by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq, i2i6*.Bible (English). The Holy Bible [the first edition of the 161 1 version printed in Ireland]. Dublin : A. Rhames, for William Binauld, 17 14. Folio. Unt by Francis Fry, Esq, 1 21 7. Bible (English). The Holy Bible. Edinburgh: James Watson, 1 7 1 6. 24mo. Lent by David Laing, Esq. 1 218. New Testament (Greek). Lyon: Sacy, 17 16. 32mo. Lent by Henry/. Atkinson, Esq. 1 74 Ca;i:ton Celebratfon^ 1 2 19. Psalms (English). London: Heptinstall, 17 16. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1220. Bible (English). The 1611 version. Oxford: J. Baskett, 1717-16. Imperial folio. 2 vols. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. Nicknamed the ** Vinegar Bible," because the headline of Luke, chapter 20 reads, "the parable of the F/«^^ens, Esq. Genesis xxiv. 61. "And Rebekah arose, and her camelsy'' for damsels. 1302. Bible (Italian). Bibbia Sacra. Rome, 1823. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1303. Bible (English). University Press, Cambridge, 1826. 24mo. L^nt by Henry Stevens, Esq. Psalm xlii. i. "As the heart panteth after the water-brooks," for hart. This error repeated in the 24mo and i2mo editions of 1830. 1304. New Testament (Welsh and English). Dolgelley : Jones, 1827. i6mo. Lent by Henry j. Atkinson, Esq. 1305. New Testament (Greek). London: Pickering, 1828. 32mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1306. Bible Picture Book (French). Amsterdam : Jan Luiken, 1729. Folio. Lent by Henry/. Atkinson, Esq. 1307. Bible (Italian). Bibbia Sacra (Child's Bible). Naploli, Vedova di Salvati, 1830. 8vo. Lent by Henry/. Atkinson, Esq. CIa0j2( C— !^oIp &ctipturej2f. i8i 1308. Bible (Irish). (Bedel.) Dublin : Godwin, 1830. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1309. New Testament (Welsh and English). Rhydihain, 1831. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1310. Bible (English). The Holy Bible, an exact reprint, page for page, of the authorized version published in the year 16 11. Printed at the University Press by Samuel Collingwood and Co., printers to the University. Oxford, 1833. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 131 1. Bible (English). Another copy in Oxford case. Oxford: Uni- versity Press, 1833. 4to. Lent by the University Press y Oxford, 1 31 2. Bible (Dutch). Biblia. dat is, de Gantsche H. Schrifture en Apocryphe Boecken. By der Nedrl : Bybel Compagnie, Am- sterdam. Haarlem, 1843. Folio. Lent from the Guildhall Library. This beautiful stereotyped folio edition in the old Dutch black letter and orthography, with engravings, is the work of Messrs. Enschede en Zonen, of Haarlem. 1 3 13. Bible (Hebrew). Van der Hooght, & Hahn. Leipzig : Tau- chnitz, 1833. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 13 14. Bible (English). The King's Bible, printed for presentation to King William the Fourth. Cambridge: University Press, 1837. 4to. Lent by the University Press, Cambridge. 1315. Bible (Hebrew). Van der Hooght, & Hahn. Leipsiae: Tau- chnitz, 1838. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1316. Bible (English). Douay version. Belfast: Simms & Mclntire, 1839. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 131 7. New Testament (English). Reprint of the Geneva New Testa- ment of 1557. Large paper. Samuel Bagster, 1842? 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1318. Bible (English). Douay and Rhemes version. Dublin : Coyne, 1846. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1319. New Testament (English). Wycliffe's version. London: Chis- wick Press for W. Pickering, 1848. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1 82 (tawti Celebration* 1320. Gospels (English). The four Gospels, published under the superintendence of C. Heath. London, 1849. 4to. Lent by Arthur George Hockley^ Esq. This copy is printed on India paper and mounted on the leaf, to preserve the level tissue paper is pasted round the India paper. Each page is sur- rounded by a border illustration of the contents of the page. The borders and engravings were designed by French artists. The engravings were made ready and worked by the late Mr. Henry Hockley, of Hammersmith, at the printing office of Mr. Strangeways, Castle Street, Leicester Square. This copy is unique, being the only one worked on India paper. 1 32 1. Bible (English). Wycliffe's version. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers; edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall, F.R.S., etc., late Fellow of Exeter College, and Sir Frederic Madden, K.H., F.R.S., etc.. Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum. Oxford: At the University Press, 1850. In 4 vols. Royal 4to. Lent by the University Press^ Oxford. 1322. Bible (English). The Seven Seals Broke Open : or, the Bible of the Reformation Reformed. By John Finch. London : James Rigby, 1853. 12 mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson^ Esq. 1323. New Testament (Greek). 'H Katn'ptUKs(. 185 1366. Oxford Bible. 241110., with border lines. 1876. 1367. Oxford Bible. 241110, 1876. 1368. Oxford Bible. 241110. 1877. 1369. Oxford Bible. 1 6 mo. 1866. 1370. Oxford Bible. 241110. With border lines. 1877. 137 1. Oxford Bible. 241110. 1876. 1372. Oxford Bible. 24mo. Thin. 1877. 1373. Oxford Bible. Press, 1849. 481110, Printed by hand at the University 1374. Oxford New Testament. 1375. Oxford New Testament. 1376. Oxford New Testament. 1377. Oxford New Testament. 1611. 1829. 8vo. 1872. 8vo. 1876. i6mo. Square. 1877. 24mo., with the marginal readings of 24mo., in 12 parts. 1876. 32mo., in 12 parts. 1876. 1378. Oxford New Testament. 1379. Oxford New Testament. 1380. Oxford New Testament. 3 2 mo. 1876. 1 38 1. Oxford New Testament. 3 2 mo. 1876. 1382. Oxford New Testament. 32mo. 1876. 1383. Oxford New Testament. 48mo. 1874. i383.«OxFORD Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 1383^. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 1383^. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 1 383^^. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 1 383(?. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics, 1383/^ Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 1 283^. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. Royal folio. 1865. Demy folio. 1861. Royal 4to. 1875. Demy 4to. 1875. Royal 8vo. 1874. Demy 8vo. 1876. 8vo. 1876. I383//.OXFORD Baskerville Prayer Book. 1864. i86 Cajcton Celebration. 1383/. Oxford Victoria Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 1876. 1383/. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 24mo. 1876. i383>^.0xF0RD Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 321110. 1877. 1383/. Oxford Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 3 2 mo. 1876. 1383W.OXFORD Prayer Book. Red rubrics. 481110. 1877. 1 383«. Oxford Communion Service. Royal 4to. 1876. 13 83^7. Oxford Communion Service. Red rubrics. Royal 8vo. 1876. i383^.0xFORD Prayer Book. Not rubricated. Folio. 1 383^. Oxford Prayer Book. Not rubricated. 4to. i383r. Oxford Prayer Book. 8vo. 1 383J. Oxford Prayer Book. 8vo. 1383/. Oxford Prayer Book. Small 4to. 1384. Oxford Prayer Book. i6mo. 1385. Oxford Prayer Book. 24mo. 1386. Oxford Prayer Book. 24mo. 1387. Oxford Prayer Book. 24mo. 1388. Oxford Prayer Book. 32mo. 1389. Oxford Prayer Book. 32mo. 1390. Oxford Prayer Book. 32mo. Square. 1 391. Oxford Prayer Book. Royal 3 2 mo. 1392. Oxford Prayer Book. 32mo. 1393. Oxford Prayer Book. 48mo. 1394. Oxford Prayer Book. 48mo. Thin. 1395. Oxford Prayer Book. The smallest Prayer Book in the World. 1396. Oxford Communion Services. Not rubricated. Royal 4to. 1397. Oxford Communion Services. Demy 4to. 1398. Oxford Communion Services. Imperial 8vo. 1399. The Book of Offices and Ordination Services. Crown 8vo. 1400. Oxford Bible. Welsh folio. 1401. Oxford Prayer. Welsh folio. 1402. Oxford Altar Service. Welsh 8vo. Bibles, (5r'r., lent by Messrs. Bagster and Sons, exhibited in glass case on staircase. 1403. BiBLiA Sacra Polyglotta. 1404. The Comprehensive Bible. 1405. The Bible of every Land. 1406. BiBLiA Ecclesise Polyglotta. 1407. The Hexaplar Psalter. 1408. The English Hexapla. 1409. Bible (English). Coverdale's. 1410. New Testament. Tyndale's. Published in 1526. 141 1. The Commentary wholly Biblical. 141 2. The Codex Zacynthius. 1 41 3. Bible (Hebrew and English). 1414. The Septuagint, with an English Translation. 1 41 5. The Vulgate New Testament. Compared with the Douay ver- sion of 1582. 1 41 6. New Testament (Greek and English). 14 1 7. New Testament (Syriac), with a Literal English Translation. 1418. Common Prayer, The Octaglot Book of. Lent by Messrs. Eyre 6^ Spottiswoode. 1 41 9. Cranmer's Bible, printed by Whitchurch. 1541. Folio. This book is considered a very fine specimen, not having been washed or cleaned. 1420. Bible, printed by Barker, King's printer, with Calendar in red and black, illustrated Genealogy. 16 11. Folio. 1 88 Cairton Celebration* 142 1. Bible, printed by Barker, King's printer. 16 13. Folio. 1422. Prayer Book, Bible, and two Concordances by R. F. H., in one vol. Printed by Barker, King's printer. 16 14. 4to. 1423. Bible, with Calendar in red and black. 161 7. Folio. 1424. Bible, printed by Bonham Norton and John Bill, King's printers. 1625. 1425. Field's Bible. 1426. Holy Bible, with " Annotations on the hard places." The first Bible with annotations. 1683. 1427. Common Prayer, printed from engraved silver plates by permission of Mr. John Baskett With curious illustrations. 1 7 1 7. 1428. Holy Bible, printed by Baskett, King's printer. 1753. 1429. Bible, printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, successors as King's printers to Baskett, and founders of the present firm of Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1772. 1430. Miniature Prayer Book, printed by C Eyre and W. Strahan, 1774. 1431. Miniature Bible, on India paper. (See the thin Bible of 1875.) 1816. 1432. The whole volume of Statutes at large, which at anie time heere- tofore haue beene extant in prints since Magna Charta, Vntill the xxix yeere of the reigne of our most gratious souereigne ladie Elisabeth xxx. &c &c. London Christopher Barker Printer to the Queene's most excellent Maiestie 1587. 1433. Printed Statutes of Elisabeth. 1589-1593. 1434. The Lectern Bible, with the Lessons marked with red lines at the side of the text. 1435. The Bible, with various Renderings and Readings by the best Scholars. 1436. The Student's Bible. Printed in red and black, on writing paper, with wide margin for notes. 1437. The Sunday School Teacher's Bible (with Appendbc for Teachers). Small 8vo. 1438. The Sunday School Teacher's Bible (with Appendbc for Teachers). Fcap. 8vo. Cla00 €♦— l^olp &cripture0. 189 1439. The Sunday School Teacher's Bible (with Appendix for Teachers). Pearl i6mo. 1440. The Sunday School Teacher's Bible (with Appendix for Teachers). Pearl 24mo. 1 44 1. The School Bible, with the proper names divided and accented for pronunciation. 1442. The Smallest Complete Bible, on India paper, date 1816. 1443. The Smallest Complete Bible. (The miniature edition), 1875. 1444. The Pica 4to. Reference Bible (fine paper). 1445. The 4to. Bible in Welsh. 1446. Royal 4to. Prayer Book (fine paper). 1447. The Imperial Svo. Altar Service (red rubricks). 1448. The Smallest Prayer Book. 1449. The Diamond 48mo. Prayer Book (red rubricks). 1450. The Bourgeois 32mo. American Prayer Book. 1450^. Bible (six versions). The Hexaglot Bible, comprising the Sep- tuagint, the Syriac (of the New Testament), the Vulgate, and the authorized English and German, and the most approved French versions. Edited by Edmund Riches de Levante. London : R. D. Dickinson, 1876. 6 vols. 4to. 1 450*. Bible (English). [In Memoriam Gul. Caxton.] The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : Translated out of the Original Tongues : and with the former Translations dili- gently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special Command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Oxford : Printed at the Uni- versity Press ; London : Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse, 7, Paternoster Row ; New York : 42, Bleecker Street June 30, 1877. Cum Privilegio. Minion i6mo. Lent by Henry Stevens^ Esq. Facing the title is " Wholly printed and bound in twelve hours, on the 30th day of June, 1877, for the Caxton Celebration." Only 100 copies were printed. The last Bible printed— called the "Caxton Memorial Bible." END OF BIBLES. 190 Cajtton Celebration^ Section II. LITURGIES. 1450a. ITURGIES. Officia Ambrosii. Milan: Valdarfer, 1474. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book printed by Valdarfer at Milan. Exhibited in Class B. 1450^. Liturgies. Missale Romanura. Rome: Ulric Han, 1475. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. This is the second edition, the first having been printed by 2^rotus at Milan in 1474. This copy is printed on vellum. 1450^. Liturgies. Officium B. Virginis. Naples : Moravus, 1478. Small 8vo. Lent by Earl Spencer. Printed on vellum. 1450^. Liturgies. Breviarium secdm usum Sarum. Impensis Margaret^e comitissae Richmondiae R. Pynson ad signum sancti Georgii. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. 1450^. Liturgies. Missale Fratrum Predicatorum. Venice: Andreas Torresanus de Asula, 1496. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Printed on vellum. Exhibited in Class B. 1450/! Liturgies. Horse Beatae Virginis sec. Consuetudinem Rom. Cur. Gr., 1497. Aldus. i6mo. Letit by Earl Spencer. Exhibited in Class B. i45o^.LiTURGiES. Missale Mozarabes. Toledo: Peter Hagembach, 1500. Folio. Lxnt by Earl Spencer. This Missal, together with the Mozarabic Breviary of 1502, was compiled by Cardinal Ximenes for the use of the Goths residing in Spain, who were known by the name of " Mistarabes "or " Mozarabes " from the fact of some of their ancestors having remained in that country on its conquest by the Moorish Arabs. 1 450//. Liturgies. Missale secdm usum Sarum. Richard Pynson. In- ceptum et perfectum mandato et impensis .... Johis Morton Presby. Cardinalis Cantuarien. Archiep. Jan. 1500. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Printed on vellum. 1450/. Liturgies. Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1501. Svo. I^nt by Henry White, Esq. Cla052f €.—%itnvQit$i. 191 1450/*. Liturgies. Breviarium Mozarabes secundum regulam Hysidori. Toledo, 1502. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. St. Isidore compiled the "Missale Gothicum" which was ordained by the Council of Toledo, to be used in all churches in Spain in the seventh century. Alphonso VI. after expelling the Moorish Arabs from Toledo in the eleventh century endeavoured to substitute for it the Roman Missal. Exhibited in Class B. 1450/^. Liturgies, Missale Vallisumbrose. Venice : Lucas Antonius de Giunta, 1503. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Printed on vellum. Exhibited in Class B. 1450/. Liturgies. Sarum Breviary (a unique fragment). Printed by Thielman Kerver at Paris, forWynken de Worde. London, 1506. Folio. Lent by John Eliot Hodgkin^ Esq. i45o»/.Liturgies. Missale Carthusiensium. Venetiis, 1509. Lent by Henry White, Esq, i45o«.Liturgies. Missale Romanum. Paris, 15 16. Lent by Henry White, Esq. 1450^. Liturgies. The Book of Common Prayer. R. Grafton, Lon- don. Mense Martij, 1549. P'olio. Lent by W. Amhurst Tyssen-Amhurst, Esq. The first edition of the Book of Common Prayer. 1450/.L1TURGIES. The Book of Common Prayer. E. Whitchurche, London, Mense Junij, 1549. Folio. Lent by W. Amhurst Tyssen-Amhurst, Esq. i45o^.LiTURGiES. Book of Common Prayer. Londini : E.Whitchurch, 1549. Folio. Lent by Birket Foster, Esq. 1 45or. Liturgies. Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1563. Lent by Henry JVhite, Esq. 1 45 Of. Liturgies. Bishop Carsewell's Liturgy. In Highland Gaelic. Edinburgh, 1567. i2mo. Lent by the University Library, Edinburgh. The first book printed in the Gaelic language. Exhibited in Class A. 1450/. Liturgies. Common Prayer. London : John Cawood, 1567. 4to. Lent by Henry J. Atkinso?i, Esq. 1 4502^. Liturgies. Common Prayer. London : John Day and Chris- topher Barker, 1580. 4to. Lent by Henry/. Atkinson, Esq. -14507'. Liturgies. Common Prayer. London, 1623. Folio. Lent by James/. Parsloe, Esq. 192 Ca;;ton Celebratfom 1 450a/. Liturgies. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments : and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England; with the Psalter or Psalmes of David. Edin- burgh : Printed by the Printers to the Kings most excellent Majestie. Anno Dom. 1633. 8vo. Lent by D, Laing, Esq, i450Jf.LiTURGiES. Common Prayer. Edinburgh, 1634. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. Along with the Prayer Book is bound an edition of the Greek New Testa- ment, printed at London for Richard Whittaker, 1633. Also an edition of Stemhold and Hopkins' Psalms. London, 1634, 8vo. i45o_>'. Liturgies. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and other parts of devine Service for the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh : Printed by Robert Young, Printer to the King's most excellent Majestie. 1637. Folio. Lent by D. Laing^ Esq. This is the book known as " Laud's Liturgy." It was during the reading of this service-book in the cathedral at Edinburgh, 23rd July, 1637, that Jenny Geddes threw her **fauld-stool" at the Dean of Edinburgh, who was officiating. This caused a considerable tumult, followed by others, which finally led to the renewal of the "Covenant," the invasion of England under Leslie, the Great Civil War, and the destruction of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. 1450*. Liturgies. Common Prayer. London : J. Bill, C. Barker, and T. Newcomb, 1678. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq, 1450^. Liturgies. Common Prayer, with the Psalms in Metre, translated by King James the VL Edinburgh : Printed by James Watson, 1 7 1 2. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. i45oy. Liturgies. Common Prayer. London : John Baskett, T. New- comb, and Henry Hills, 17 18. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 1450J: Liturgies (German). Regenspurg, 1753. 8vo. Lent by Henry J, Atkinson, Esq, 14501. Liturgies (Swedish). Stockholm, 1772. i6mo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 145011. Liturgies. Common Prayer. London: John Reeves, 1801. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. 14506. Liturgies. Common Prayer. New York : Stanford and Lunds, 1846. 8vo. Lent by Henry J. Atkinson, Esq. Class D. SPECIMENS NOTICEABLE FOR RARITY OR FOR BEAUTY AND EXCELLENCE OF TYPOGRAPHY. HE following list does not include all the specimens sent to the Exhibition which are remarkable for rarity or beauty of execution. Many of them have been placed in Classes A, B, C, so that the history of the development of the typographical art might be fully illustrated. In Section I. will be found unique or rare books chrono- logically arranged, and in Section II. specimens noticeable for beauty and excellence of typography, likewise chronologically arranged. To many of these works brief descriptive notes have been appended. Examples of modern foreign typography are exhibited in one case, and the reprints of rare books in another, so that better attention can be given to these two classes of books. The general arrangement of the works exhibited is, as far as possible, chronological, to follow the order of the Catalogue. Section I. UNIQUE OR RARE BOOKS NOT FALLING IN CLASSES A, B, or C. Arranged chronologically to illustrate the Progress of Printing. Fifteenth Century. \LDIS, Hermannus de. Speculum pclarum iporum sacerdotum. . . . editum maguntieque impesum. Mentz. 4to. circ. 1460. Lent by ReiK J. Fuller Russell. No other copy known, that formerly in the Mentz library being lost ; proba- bly printed by Gutenberg. 194 Canon Celebration. 1452. SiFFRiDUS. Detemiinacones duarum questionum Siffridi quondam Cyren episcopi ad Archipresulem metropolis Maguntine. Circ. 1460. 4to. Lent by Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Of this edition no other copy has been discovered ; it is printed in the type of the Hennannus de Saldis, also lent by Mr. Russell. 1453. Aquinas seu de Aquino, Thomas. Summa de articulis fidei et ecclesie sacramentis. s. 1. et a. 4to. Lent by ReiK J. Fuller Russell. Executed in same type as the Catholicon, 1460. 1454. Catholicon, seu grammatica et Lexicon Jo. de Janua. Folio. Mentz, 1460. Lent by Earl Spencer. Supposed to have been printed by Gutenberg. Vol. 2 wiD be found under Class B. 1455. Histories of Joseph, Daniel, Judith, and Esther. German. Albert Pfister. Bamberg, 1462. Folio. With coloured woodcuts. Lent by Earl Spencer. The same type as that of the Pfister Bible. Exceedingly rare. No other dated specimen from this press occurs until 148 1. 1456. Cicero. De officiis et paradoxa. Mentz : Fust and Schoeffer, 1 465 . Lent by Earl of Leicester. On vellum, with Melancthon's notes. 1457. BoccACio. II Decamerone. Valdarfer. Venice, 147 1. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition of the Decameron with a date. Only three other copies of it are known to exist — viz., at Blenheim, Paris, and Milan. This is the only perfect one which escaped the Florentine bonfires to which the auditors of Savonarola committed their books of amusement and ornaments of luxury. At the sale of the Duke of Roxburgh's Library in 181 2, after a contest between Lord Spencer and the Duke of Marlborough, it was knocked down to the latter at ;^2,26o, the largest price ever given for a single volume. At the sale of the Duke of Marlborough's Library in Berkshire, some years after, Lord Spencer obtained it for ^750. 1458. Gratianus. Concordia discordantium Canonum. Argent, per H. Eggestyn, 1471. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Vol. I., rubricated. Vol. II., in Class B. 1459' Ovid. Epistolse; Amores; de Arte amandi ; de remedio amoris. Bononiae, 147 1. (Vols, i and 2 in Class B.) First book printed at Bologna. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. 1460. Horatius. Opera omnia. Amoldus de Bruxella. Naples, 1474- 4to. Unique. Lent by Earl Spencer. Cla0j2( 2D.— IRare or Beautiful &pecimen0. 195 1 46 1. Modus, Le Roy. Livre de Chasse. Neyret. Chambdry, i486. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition. Printed in the same year as the St. Alban's "Book of Hawkyng and Huntyng." Ant. Neyret was the first and only early printer here. 1462. Speculum Humanae Salvationis. 4to. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. With text and woodcuts in pale brown ink. 1463. Dante. Divina Comcedia. Landino : Firenze, 1481. Folio. Lent by David Laing, Esq., Edinburgh. 1464. PoLYCHRONicoN (The). Emprinted at Westminstre by Wynkyn de Worde. 1495. Folio. Lent from Sion College Library. 1465. Aquinas super libros sententiarum. Venice, Antonio de Strata, i486. Folio. Vellum. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A., E.G.S. 1466. ScHATZBEH ALTER. Koberger. Nuremberg, 1491. Lent by H. White, Esq. With 95 wood engravings by Melchior Wohlgemuth, Albert Durer's master. 1467. Anthologia Graeca cura Jo. Lascaris. Florence : F. de Alopa, 1494. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition. One of the five books printed in capital Greek letters by F. de Alopa. This appears to have been the presentation copy to Cardinal de Medicis, afterwards Leo X. 1468. Columbus, Christopher. Epistola Columbi. 1494. 4to. Lent by Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Excessively rare edition of the celebrated Letter of Columbus, containing his account of the discovery of the Isles of America. The first and only edition containing wo odcuts. 1469. Vitas Patrum. Wynkyn de Worde, 1495. Folio. I^eni by W. Harrison, Esq., F.S.A. Translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe by Wyllyam Caxton of Westmynstre, and fynysshed in the said towne of Westmynstre be my Wynkyn de Worde. 1470. Brandt, Sebastian. Stultifera navis : interpr: Jac. Locher, cogn. Philomuso. Basil: Joh. Bergmann de Olpe, 1497. i6mo. Lent by H. White, Esq., F. S. A, Original edition published at Basle. Sixteenth Century. 147 1. Petrarch. Le cose vulgari. Venetiis : Aldus, 1501. 8vo. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer, 196 Cajcton Celebration. 1472. Dante. Le terze rime di Dante. Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi, 1502. 8vo. Lent by Earl BeaucJiamp. Edition recherchee. — Brunei. 1473. Ovid. Metamorphosis. Vol. I. Venetiis : Aldus, 1502. Lent by Earl Spencer. On vellum. Vols. II. and III. in Class B. 1474. Liber Intrationum. London: Pynson, 15 10. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. Illustrations of legal antiquities. 1475. AssERius sive Asser. Alfred! regis res gestae. London : John Day, 15 14. Folio. Lent by S. Christie-Miller, Esq. First book printed in Anglo-Saxon type. 1476. Tewrdannckh. Gedruckt in der Kayserlichen Stat Niirnberg < durch den eltern Hannsen Schonsperger zu Augspurg. 15 17. Vellum. Lent by Earl Spencer. Allegorical poem composed by Melchior Pfinzing on the occasion of the Emperor Maximilian's marriage to Princess Mary of Burgundy. Remarkable for its peculiar type and wood engravings, supposed to be by Hans Schanf- felein. 1477. Henricus VIII. Assertio septem Sacramentorum adversus Martin Luther. Pynson, 15 21. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition. One of the four impressions known to exist on vellum, of which two are in the Vatican Library. 1478. Froissart, John. Chronicles, translated out of Frenche into oure Englysshe tongue, by John Bouchier knyghte, lorde Berners. 2 vols. London: R. Pynson, 1523-5. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 1479. Knox's Letter to the Lady Mary of Scotland and Knox's Appel- lation. I vol. 1 2 mo. Geneva, 1558. Lent from the Signet Library, Edinburgh. 1480. GoLTZ, Hubertus. Le imagini di imperattori. Lllustrated. An versa, 1577. Folio. L^nt by John Evans, Esq., F.S.A. 1 48 1. HoLiNGSHED. Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland. 2 vols. London, 1577. Folio. (Vol. I. in Class A.) Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 1482. Tarleton, Richard. Tragical treatises, contaynyng sundrie dis- courses and prety conceytes, in prose and verse. London : H. Bynneman, 1578. 12 mo. Lent by Sir C. I sham, Bart. Unique copy of a work hitherto supposed to have entirely perished. Cla052? 2D.— Eare or Beautiful ^pecf mtnsf> 197 1483. Hake, Edward. Newes out of Powles Churchyarde : now newly renued and amplifyed according to the accidents of the present time, 1579. Written in English satyrs. Imprinted at London by John Charlewood and Richard Jhones, 1579. 8vo. Lent by Sir C. Isham^ Bart. Black letter, excessively rare, only two copies known. 1484. The Faerie Queene. London, first edition. Printed for William Ponsonbie, 1590. 4to. Lent by H. WJiite^ Esq.^ F.S.A. Contains only the first three books. At the end of the third book are five stanzas omitted in subsequent editions, the author having replaced them with three others. 1485. Spenser, Edmund. Complaints containing sundrie small poems of the world's vanitie, by Ed. Sp. ist edit. London, 1591. 4to. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. Bound with this are the "Teares of the Muses," and Prosopopeia, &c., by E. S. i486. The Faerie Queene. London. Printed for William Ponsonbie. First complete edition containing the six books. 1596. 4to. 2 vols. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 1487. Branch, Lady Helen. Epicedium; a funerall song, upon the vertuous life and godly death of the Lady Helen Branch. [By W. Har.] London : printed by Thomas Crede, 1594. Lent by Sir C. Isham, Bart. Excessively rare, only one other copy being known. 1488. Branch, Lady Helen. Monodia, an elegie, in commemoration of the life and death of Dame Hellen Branch, widdowe. [By Jos. Silvester.] Imprinted by Peter Short. [1594.] 4to. Lent by Sir C. Lsham, Bart. 1489. Emaricdulfe. Sonnets written by B. C, Esquier. London: printed for Matthew Law, 1595. 8vo. L^nt by Sir C. Lsham, Bart. Unique copy of hitherto unknown work. Bound in the same cover are the rare works : — Bamefield, Cynthia, 1595. Griffin, Fidessa, 1596. Tofte, Laura, 1597. 1490. [MuSiEUS.] Hero and Leander; begun by Christopher Marloe and finished by George Chapman. London : printed by Felix Kingston for Paule Linley, 1598. 4to. Lent by Sir C. Lsham, Bart. A hitherto unrecorded edition, of which the Lamport Library possesses the only two copies known. Bound at end, Francis Sabie's rare poem. 19^ Cajcton Celebratiom 1491. The Fisherman's tale in two parts. 1595. 4to. Lent by Sir C. Isham, Bart. 1492. Shakespeare, William. Venus and Adonis. Imprinted for William Leake. London, 1599. 8vo. Lent by Sir C. Ishanty Bart. Unique copy of a hitherto unknown edition. 1493. The Passionate Pilgrim. London : printed for W. Jaggard, 1599. Lent by Sir C. Isham, Bart. Unique ; being the only perfect exemplar of the two copies known. i493*.Varamund's Outrages of France, &c. Translated at Striveling, Scotland. i2mo. London, 1573. Lent from the Signet Library ^ Edinburgh. Seventeenth Century. 1494. TouRNEUR, CyriL The Transformed. Metamorphosis [in verse]. London : printed by Valentine Sims, 1600. 8vo. Lent by Sir C. Isham^ Bart. Unique ; a hitherto unknown work, by the author of the Revengers Tragedie and other productions. 1495. Rodomonths Infernall, or the Diuell conquered. Ariastos Con- clusions. Of the marriage of Rogero wth Bradamanth his Love, and the fell fought battell between Rogero and Rodomonth. Written in French by Phillip de Portes and paraphrastically trans- lated by G. M. [Gervase Markham]. London : printed by V. S. for Nicholas Ling, 1601. 8vo. Lent by Sir C. Isham^ Bart. Only two copies known. Excessively rare. 1496. Bas, William. Three pastoral elegies, of Anander, Anetor, and Muridella. London : printed by V. S. for J. B., 1602. 4to. Lent by Sir C. Lsham^ Bart. Excessively rare ; only one other copy known, in Winchester College Library. 1497. Breton, Nicholas. The Mother's Blessing (a poem). London : by T. C. for John Smethick, 1602. 4to. Lent by Sir C. /shanty Bart. Almost unique ; the only other known copy, in the Bodleian Library, being imperfect. 1498. Southwell, Robert. A Foure-fould Meditation of the Foure Last Things, viz. : I. Houre of Death. 2. Day of Judgement. 3. Paines of Hell. 4. Joyes of Heaven. London: by G. Eld, for Francis Burton, 1606. 4to. Composed in a divine Poerae by R. S., the author of S. Peter's Complaint. Lent by Sir C. Ishatn^ Bart. Cla00 2D.— Eare or Beautiful SpecimenjEf. 199 1499. Shakespeare's Sonnets, never before imprinted. London : by G. Eld, 1609. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. 1500. JoNsoN, Ben. Works, ist edit. London, 1618. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 1 50 1. Shakespeare's Works. Printed by Isaac Jaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition, containing thirty-five plays printed from the MS. copies used by the actors Heminge and Condell. The Play of Pericles did not appear until in the third edition, although it had already been printed separate^ in 1609. 1502. Shakspeare, William. Works. Second impression. London, 1632. Folio. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. With autograph of Charles I., *^ Dum Spiro spero.'' This motto is also written in Prynne's "Life of Laud," preserved in the Archiepiscopal Librar}', Lambeth Palace. 1503. Milton's Comus. A Maske presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, on Michaelmasse Night, before the Earle of Bridgewater. London : Humphrey Robinson, 1637. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. The earliest printed production of Milton. 1504. Milton, John. Paradise Lost; a Poem in Ten Books. London : printed for S. Simmons, 1669. 4to. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 1505. Paradise Regained ; a Poem in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The author John Milton. Printed by J. M. for John Starkey, London, 167 1. First edit. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.SA. 1506. BuNYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. First edition. Lon- don, 1678. 8vo. Lent by E. Stock, Esq. Only two other copies known. 1507. BuNYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. Second part. First edition. London, 1684. 8vo. Lent by E. Stock, Esq. 1508. BuNYAN, John. The Holy War. First edition. London, 1682. 8vo. Lent by E. Stock, Esq. Eighteenth Century. 1509. Pope, Alexander. Essay on Man ; with other poems, transla- tions, &c. I St edit. London, 1731-38. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 200 Ca;cton Celebration. 15 10. Gray, Thomas. Poems. London: J. Dodsley. ist edition. 1768. 4to. Lent by H. White, Esq., F.S.A. 1511. Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. First edition. Kilmarnock, 1786. 8vo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq, i5ii*.The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisme, first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now appointed by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland to be a part of Uniformity in Religion between the Kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. Amsterdam, Printed by Luice Elsever, for Andrew Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop in Edinburgh, 1649. i2mo. Lent by D. Laing, Esq. The only book in English that is known to have been printed by the Elzevirs. Books without date. 1512. Davies, Sir John. Epigrammes; Ovid, Elegies ; translated by Christopher Marlowe. At Middleborough. n. d. 8vo. Lent by Sir C. Isham, Bart. Very rare edition, ordered to be burnt at Stationers* Hall, 1599. Bound with Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis. 15 13. Paraboue. Directorium humanae vite alias parabole antiquoru sapientu. s. 1. et a. Folio. L^nt by Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Extremely rare. 1 5 14. Tenores novellL Per Willi, le Tailleur ad instantiam Rich. Pynson. s. 1. et a. 3rd edition. Littleton's Tenures printed at Rouen. Folio. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. 1 509*. Milton's Works. 2 vols. Printed by Baskerville, 1758. 8vo. Lent by James Hemington, Esq. Cla^0 i3D.— IRare or Beautiful fepecimen^. 201 Exhibited by the Library Committee of the Corporation of the City of London. PAGEANTS. Royal Processions and Entertainments. 15 1 7. The Copie of a Letter sent in to Scotlande, of the ariuall and landynge and moste noble marryage of the moste illustre Prynce Philippe, Prynce of Spaine, to the most excellente Princes Marye Quene of England,' solemnisated in the citie of Winchester: and howe he was receyued and installed at Windsore, and of his trium- phyng entries in the noble citie of London. Whereunto is added a brefe overture or openyng of the legacion of the most reverende Father in God, Lorde Cardinall Poole, from the Sea apostolyke of Rome, with the substaunce of his oracyon to the kyng and quenes magestie, for the reconcilement of the realme of Englande to the unitie of the Catholyke Churche. With the very copye also of the supplycacio exhibited to their highnesses by the Three Estates assembled in the Parlamente, wherin they, representing the whole body of the realme and dominions of the same, have submitted theselves to the Pope's Holynesse. By John Elder. i2mo. (Black letter.) London, John Waylande, at the signe of the Sunne over agaynst the Conduit in Flete strete, 1555. 15 18. The Passage of our most drad soueraigne lady Quene Elyzabeth through the citie of London to Westminster the daye before her coronacion. 4to. London. Printed by Richard Tottill at the signe of the hand and Starre Flete-strete, 1558. i5i8*.A Speach delivered to the Kinges most excellent Majestic in the name of the Sheriffes of London and Middlesex. By Master Richard Martine of the Middle Temple. 4to. Edinburgh, 1603. 15 19. B. Jon : (B. Jonson) his part of King James his royall and mag- nificent Entertainement through his honourable Cittie of London, Thurseday the ist of March, 1603, so much as was presented in the first and last of these triumphall arch's, with his Speach made to the last presentation in the strand, erected by the inhabitants of the Dutchy and Westminster. 4to. London, 1604. i5I9*.The magnificent Entertainment giuen to King James, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, upon the day of His Majesties triumphant passage (from the Tower through his honourable Citie (and Chamber) of London), being the 15 of March, 1603, as well by the English as by the strangers ; with the Speeches and Songes delivered in the severall pageants. By Thomas Dekker. 4to. London, 1604. 202 Cajctoix Celebration 1520. The Arches of Triumph erected in honour of the high and mighty prince James, the First of that name King of England, and the Sixth of Scotland, at His Majesties entrance and passage through his honourable Citty and Chamber of London upon the 15 th day of March, 1603. Invented by Stephen Harrison, joyner and archi- tect, and graven by William Kip. Folio. London, 1604. 1 52 1. The most Royall and Honourable Entertainement of the famous king Christiem the Fourth, King of Denmark, with a relation of his meeting by our royall king, the prince, and nobles of our realme ; with the royal passage, on Thursday the 31st July, through the citty of London, and honourable shewes there pre- sented them. By Hen. Robarts. 4to. London, 1606. 1522. London's Love to the royal Prince Henrie, meeting him on the river of Thames, at his returne from Richmonde, with a worthie fleete of her cittizens, on Thursday the last of May, 16 10; with a briefe reporte of the water-fight, and Fire workes. 4to. Ix)ndon, 1610. 1523. Heauens Blessing and Earths Joy ; or a true relation of the sup- posed sea fights and fire-workes as were accomplished before the royall celebration of al-beloved mariage of the two peerlesse par- ragons of Christindome, Fredericke and Elizabeth, with triumphal! encomiasticke verses, consecrated to the immortall memory of those happy and blessed nuptials. By John Taylor. 4to. Lon- don, 1 6 13. 1524. CiviTATis Amor, the Citie's Loue ; an entertainement by water at Chelsey and White-hall, at the receiuing of that illustrious hope of Great Britaine, Charles, to bee created Prince of Wales, &c. ; also the ceremonies on the occasion. 4to. London, 161 6. 1525. Two Royal Entertainments, lately given to the most illustrious prince Charles, Prince of Great Britaine, by the high and mighty Philip the Fourth, King of Spaine, &c., at the feasts of Easter and Pentecost Translated out of the Spanish originals, printed at Madrid. 4to. London, 1623. 1526. A TRUE discovrse of all the Royal Passages, Tryumphs, and Cere- monies obserued at the contract and mariage of the high and mighty Charles, King of Great Britaine, and the most excellentest of ladies, the Lady Henrietta Maria of Burbon, sister to the most christian King of France. Together with her journey from Paris to Bulloigne, and thence unto Douer in England, where the king met her, and the manner of their enterview. As also the tryum- phant solemnities which passed in their ioumies from Douer to the citie of London, and so to Whitehall. 4to. London, 1625. Cla^jJ 2D*— Eare or Beautiful fepecfmen^* 203 1527. OvATio Carolina: the Triumph of King Charles, or the trium- phant manner and order of receiving His Majesty into his city of London, on Thursday the 25th day of November, Anno Dom. 1 64 1, upon his safe and happy return from Scotland. With Master Recorder's Speech to His Majestie and His Majesties most gracious Answer. 4to. London, 164 1. 1528. England's Comfort, and London's Joy: expressed in the royall, triumphant, and magnificent entertainment of our dread soveraigne lord King Charles, at his blessed and safe returne from Scotland, on Thursday the 25th of November, 1641, by the right hon. Richard Gumey, esq., lord mayor, with the right worshipfull knights and aldermen, sheriffes, and companies of this famous city of London. Together with the manner and forme how the state is to bee observed and performed by the severall companies on horsebacke and foot ; for the conducting of His Majesty, the Queene, the Prince, and all the royall progeny to the Guild-hall, London, to dinner, and from thence to His Majesties palace at White-hall : also the severall speeches, and other verses presented to his sacred person at that time. (With curious woodcuts.) 4to. London, 1641. 1529. Five most noble Speeches, spoken to His Majesty, returning out of Scotland into England. Also the relation after what manner, and where, His Majestie knighted the lord mayor and the recorder of London ; with a description of with what honourable triumph His Majestie did ride into the city of London, &c. 4to. Lon- don, 1 64 1. 1530. King Charles, his entertainment, and London's loyal tie; being a true relation and description of the manner of the cities welcome, and expression of the subjects love to his royall majestie, at his return from Scotland. 4to. London, 1641. 1531. Mr. Recorder's Speech to the Lord Protector upon Wednesday the eighth of Feb. 1653, being the day of His Highnesse enter- tainment in London. 4to. London, 1653. 1532. London's Glory, represented by Time, Truth, and Fame, before King Charles II. at Guildhall, in 1660. 4to. London, 1660. 1533. A Short Representation, performed before the Lord General Monck at Guildhall, Tuesday, April i ith, by three persons. 4to. London, 1660. 204 Ca;cron Celebration. 1534. A Relation of His Majesties Entertainment passing through the city of London to his Coronation ; with a description of the tri- umphal arches and solemnity. By John Ogilby. Folio. Lon- don, 1 66 1. 1535. The Entertainment of his most excellent majestic Charles IL, in his passage through the city of London to his Coronation ; con- taining an exact accompt of the whole solemnity ; the triumphal arches, and cavalcade, delineated in sculpture ; the speeches and impresses illustrated from antiquity. To these is added a brief narrative of His Majestie's solemn Coronation, with his magnifi- cent proceeding, and royal feast in Westminster Hall. By John Ogilby. Folio. London, 1662. 1536. Aqua Triumphalis ; being a true relation of the honourable the City of London's entertaining their sacred Majesties upon the river of Thames and wellcoming them from Hampton Court to Whitehall, expressed in several shews and pageants, the 23 day of August, 1662. Written by John Tatham, gent Folio. Lon- don, 1662. 1537. The King's Coronation, being an exact account of the Cavalcade, with a description of the triumphal arches and speeches prepared by the city of London for his late Majesty Charles the Second in his passage from the Tower to Whitehall. By John Ogilby. Published by William Morgan, His Majesties Cosmographer. Folio. London, 1685. Lord Mayors' Pageants. 1538. Descensus Astrseae: the Device of a Pageant borne before M. William Web, Lord Maior of the citie of London on the day he tooke his oath, beeing the 29 of October, 1591. Whereunto is annexed a speech deliuered by one clad like a sea nymph, who presented a pinesse on the water, brauely rigd and mand, to the lord maior, at the time he tooke barge to go to Westminster. Done by G. Peele, Maister of Arts in Oxford. 4to. Printed for William Wright London, 1591. 1539 The Triumphs of Truth, a solemnity vnparalleld for cost and mag- nificence, at the confirmation of that worthy and true nobly- minded gentleman Sir Thomas Middleton, knight, in the honour- able office, &c. of the Lord Maior of the thrice famious citty of London. Directed^ written^ and redeemed into forme^ from the ignorance of sonte former times and their common writer y by Thomas Middleton. 4to. London, 1613. Cla00 3D.— IRare or Beautiful fepecfmen^. 205 1540. The manner of his Lordships entertainment on Michaelmas day last, being the day of his honorable election, together with the worthy Sir John Swinarton, knight, then Lord Maior, the learned and iuditious Sir Henry Montague, maister recorder, and many of the right worshipfull the aldermen of the citty of London, at that most famous and admired worke of the running streame from Amwell head into the cesteme neere Islington, being the sole inuention, cost, and industry of that worthy Maister Hugh Middle- ton, of London, Goldsmith, for the generall good of the citty. By T. M. 4to. London, 1613. 1541. Metropolis Coronata: the Triumphes of Ancient Drapery; or Rich Cloathing of England, in a second yeeres performance. In honour of the aduancement of Sir John JoUes, knight, to the office of Lord Maior of London, and taking his oath for the same authoritie, on Monday, being the 30 day of October, 161 5. Per- formed in heartie affection to him, and at the bountifull charges of his worthy brethren the truely honourable society of Drapers, the first that received such dignitie in this citie. Deuised and \vritten by A. M. [Anthony Munday], citizen and draper of London. 4to. Printed at London, by George Purslowe. 4to. 161 5. 1542. Chrysanaleia : the Golden Fishing, or honour of Fishmongers ; applauding the aduancement of Mr. John Leman, alderman, to the dignitie of Lord Maior of London ; taking his oath in the same authority at Westminster, on Tuesday, being the 29 day of October, 16 16. Performed in hearty loue to him, and at the charges of his worthy brethren, the ancient and right worshipfull company of Fishmongers. Deuised and written by A. M. [Anthony Munday], citizen and draper of London. 4to. Printed at Lon- don by George Purslowe. 4to. 1616. 1543. [The Fishmongers' Pageant on Lord Mayor's day, 1616. Chrysa- naleia : the Golden Fishing, devised by Anthony Munday, citizen and draper, represented in twelve plates by Henry Shaw, F.S.A., from contemporary drawings in the possession of the worshipful company of Fishmongers. Accompanied with various illustrative documents, and an historical introduction, by John Gough Nichols, F.S.A., London and Newcastle, citizen and stationer. Folio. London, 1844.] 1544. Tes Irenes Trophaea; or the Tryumphs of Peace, that celebrated the solemnity of the right honourable Sir Francis Jones, knight, at his inauguration into the maioraltie of London, on Monday, being the 30 of October, 1620. At the particular cost and charge of the 2o6 Carton Celebration. right worshipful! and ancient society of the Haberdashers. With explication of the severall shewes and deuices. By J. S. [John Squire]. Printed by Nicholas Okes. 4to. London, 1620. 1545. The triumphs of health and prosperity. A noble solemnity per- formed through the city, at the sole cost and charges of the honourable fraternity of Drapers, at the inauguration of their most worthy brother the right honourable Cuthbert Racket, lord mayor of the famous city of London. By Tho. Middleton, gent. 4to. London, 1626. 1546. LoNDiNi Speculum; or, London's Mirror, exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right honorable Richard Fenn, into the mairolty of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expense of these laborious projects, both by water and land, being the sole under- taking of the right worshipful company of Habberdashers. Written by Tho. Heywood. 4to. London, 1637. 1547. Porta Pietatis, or the port or harbour of piety; expressed in sundry triumphes, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the right honourable Sir Mavrice Abbot, knight, into the majoralty of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expence of the laborious projects, both by water and land, being the sole undertaking of the right worshipfull company of Drapers. Written by Thomas Heywood. 4to. London (J. Okes), 1638. 1548. LoNDiNi Status Pacatus, or London's peaceable estate ; exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and shewes, at the initiation of the right honourable Henry Ganvay into the majoraty of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expence of the laborious projects, both by water and land, being the sole undertakings of the right worshipful society of Drapers. Written by Thomas Heywood. 4to. London (John Okes), 1639. 1549. Charity Triumphant; or the Virgin-Shew. Exhibited on the 29th of October, 1655, being the Lord Mayor's day. 4to. Lon- don, 1655. [Written by Edmund Gayton, and dedicated to Alderman John Dethicke, lord mayor.] 1550. London's Triumphs, presented by Industry and Honour, with other delightfull scoenes appertaining to them ; celebrated in honour of the right honourable Sir John Ireton, knt, Lord Mayor of the said city, on the 29 day of October, 1658, and done at the costs and charges of the worshipful company of Cloth-workers. By J. Tatham. 4to. London, 1658. Cla00 SD.— Kate or Beautiful fepecimen^. 207 1 55 1. The several Speeches made to Sir Richard Brown, lord mayor of the city of London, on Monday, 29th day of October, with the manner of the celebration of this triumphant day ; and the vari- ous scenes, figures, and pageants representing the Royal Oak and its pendant leaves, etc. In verse and prose. 4to. London, 1660. 1552. London's Tryumphs, presented in several delightfull scoenes, both on the water and land, and celebrated in honour to the de- servedly honored Sir John Frederick, knight and baronet. Lord Mayor of the city of London, at the costs and charges of the wor- shipfuU company of Grocers. By John Tatham. 4to. London, 1661. 1553. LoNDiNUM Triumphans: London's Triumphs celebrated, in hon- our of the truely deserving Sir Anthony Bateman, knight. Lord Mayor of the honourable city of London, and done at the costs and charges of the right worshipful the company of Skinners, the 29th of October, 1663. By John Tatham. Printed by W. G., for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy lane. 4to. London, 1663. 1554. London's Triumphs, celebrated the 29th of October, 1664, in honour to the truely deserver of honour. Sir John Lawrence, knight. Lord Maior of the honourable city of London : performed at the cost of the worshipful company of Haberdashers, &c. By John Tatham. London, 4to. 1664. 1555. London's Resurrection to Joy and Triumph, expressed in sundry shews, shapes, scenes, speeches, and songs in parts, celebrious to the much meriting magistrate Sir George Waterman, knight. Lord Mayor of the city of London, at the peculiar and proper expences of the worshipful company of Skinners, the King, Queen, and Duke of York, and most of the nobility being present. Written by Thomas Jordan. 4to. London, 167 1. 1556. London Triumphant ; or the city in jollity and splendour: ex- pressed in various pageants, shapes, scenes, speeches, and songs, invented and performed for congratulation and delight of the well-deserving Sir Robert Hanson, knight. Lord Mayor of the city of London, at the cost and charges of the worshipful company of Grocers ; His Majesty gracing the triumphs with his royal pre- sence. Written by Thomas Jordan. 4to. London, 1672. 1557. London in its Splendor; consisting of triumphant pageants, whereon are represented many persons richly arrayed, properly habited, and significant to the design, with several speeches, and a song suitable to the solemnity ; all prepared for the honour of the prudent magistrate, Sir William Hooker, knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London, at the peculiar expences of the worshipful 2o8 Cajcton Ctlcbratfon. company of Grocers. As also a description of His Majesties royal entertainment at Guildhall, by the city, in a plentiful feast and a glorious banquet. Written by Tho. Jordan. Printed by W. G., for Nath. Brook and John Playford. 4to. London, 1673. 1558. The Triumphs of London; performed on Friday, October 29, 1675, for the entertainment of the right honourable and truly noble pattern of prudence and loyalty. Sir Joseph Sheldon, knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken in each pageant, together with the several songs sung at this solemnity : all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Drapers. Designed, &c., by Thomas Jordan, gent. 4to. London, 1675. 1559. London's Triumphs, expressed in sundry representations, pageants, and shows, performed on Monday, October 30, 1676, at the in- auguration and instalment of the right honourable Sir Thomas Da vies, knt. Lord Mayor of the city of London, containing a true description of the several scenes and habits of the representers, with the speeches spoken on each pageant. All the charge and ex- pences of the industrious designs being at the sole undertaking of the ancient and right worshipful society of Drapers ; being the second year without intermission. By Thomas Jordan. 4to. London, 1676. 1560. London's Triumphs, illustrated with many magnificent structures and pageants, on which are orderly advanced several stately repre- sentations of poetical deities sitting and standing in great splendor on several scenes in proper shapes ; with pertinent speeches, jocular songs (sung by the city musick), and pastoral dancing; performed October 29, 1677, for the celebration, solemnity, and inauguration of the right honourable Sir Francis Chaplin, knt.. Lord Mayor of the city of London. All the charge and expences of the industrious designs being the sole undertaking of the ancient and right worshipful company of Clothworkers. By Thomas Jordan, gent. 4to. London, 1677. 1 56 1. London in Luster, projecting many bright beams of triumph ; dis- posed into several representations of scenes and pageants, performed with great splendour, on Wednesday, October 29, 1679, at the initiation and instalment of the right honourable Sir Robert Clay- ton, knight. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; dignified with various delightful variety of presentors, with speeches, songs, &c. All set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Drapers. Devised and composed by Thomas Jordan, gent 4to. London, 1679. Claj2f0 2D.— IRare or Beautiful fepetimenjs?. 209 1562. London's Glory, or the Lord Mayor's Show; containing an illus- trious description of the several triumphant pageants, on which are represented emblematical figures, artful pieces of architecture, and rural dancing, with the speeches spoken in each pageant : also three new songs, the first in praise of the Merchant-Taylors, the second the Protestants Exhortation, and the third the Plotting Papists Litany, with their proper tunes, either to be sung or play'd : performed on Friday, October xxix. 1680, for the enter- tainment of the right honourable Sir Patience Warde, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London, at the proper cost and charges of the right worshipful company of Merchant-Taylors. Invented and composed by Thomas Jordan, gent. Pictoribus atque poetis Quidlibet audendi semper fuit aequa potestas. 4to. London, 1680. 1563. London's Joy, or the Lord Mayor's Show, triumphantly exhibited in various representations, scenes, and splendid ornaments, with divers pertinent figures and movements ; performed on Saturday, October xxix. 1681, at the inauguration of Sir John Moore, knt. Lord Mayor of the city of London. With the several speeches and songs which were spoken on the pageants in Cheapside, and sung in Guildhall during dinner. All the charges and expences of the industrious designs being the sole undertaking of the worshipful company of Grocers. By Thomas Jordan, gent 4to. London, 1681. 1564. The Lord Mayor's Show; being a description of the solemnity at the inauguration of the truly loyal and right honourable Sir William Prichard, knight, lord mayor of the city of London, president of the honourable Artillery-Company, and a member of the worshipful company of Merchant-Taylors. Perform'd on Monday, September xxx., 1682, with several new loyal songs and catches. 4to. London, 1682. 1565. The Triumphs of London ; performed on Monday, October xxix. 1683, for the entertainment of the right honourable and truly noble pattern of prudence and loyalty Sir Henry Tulse, knt., Lord Mayor of the city of London, containing a description of the whole solemnity. 4to. London, 1683. 1566. London's Royal Triumph for the City's loyal Magistrate : in an exact description of several scenes and pageants, adorned with many magnificent representations, performed on Wednesday, October xxix. 1684, at the instalment and inauguration of the p 210 Carton Celebratiom right honourable Sir James Smith, knight, Lord Mayor of the city of Lx)ndon : illustrated with divers delightful objects of gal- lantry and jollity, speeches and songs, single and in parts. Set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Drapers. Devised and composed by Tho. Jordan, gent. 4to. London, 1684. 1567. London's Annual Triumph; performed on Thursday, October 29, 1685, for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir Robert Jeffreys, kt, lord mayor of the city of London; with a description of the several pageants, speeches, and songs made proper for the occasion ; all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the wor- shipful company of Iron-mongers. Composed by Matt Taub- man. 4to. London, 1685. . 1568. London's Yearly Jubilee; performed on Friday, October xxix. 1686, for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir John Peake, knt., Lord Mayor of the city of London ; with a descrip- tion of the several pageants, speeches, and songs, made for the occasion at the charge of the company of Mercers. By M. Taub- man. 4to. London, 1686. 1569. London's Triumph, or the Goldsmiths' Jubilee; performed on Saturday, Oct. 29, 1687, for the confirmation and entertainment of the right hon. Sir John Shorter, knight. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a description of several pageants and speeches made, proper for the occasion, together with a song, for the entertainment of His Majesty, who, with His Royal Con- sort, the Queen Dowager, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the whole Court honour his Lordship this year with their presence. All set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Goldsmiths. By M. Taubman. Folio. London, 1687. 1570. London's Great Jubilee, restored and performed, on Tuesday, October the 29th, 1689, for the entertainment of the right honour- able Sir Thomas Pilkington, knt. Lord Mayor of the city of London, containing a description of the several pageants and speeches, together with a song for the entertainment of their Majesties, who, with their royal highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, the whole Court, and both Houses of Par- liament, honour his lordship this year with their presence. All set forth at the proper costs and charges of the right worshipful company of Skinners. By M[atthew] T[aubman]. 4to. London, 1689. Cla00 2D.— IRare or Beautiful fepecfmenjaf* 2 1 1 157 1. The Triumphs of London; performed on Thursday, October 29, 1 69 1, for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir Thomas Stamp, lent. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant. All set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Drapers. By E. S. [Elkanah Settle.] 4to. London, 1691. 1572. The Triumphs of London; performed on Saturday, October 29, 1692, for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir John Fleet, knt.. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant. All set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Grocers, together with an exact relation of the most splendid entertainments prepared for the reception of their sacred Majesties. By E. S. [Elkanah Settle.] 4to. London, 1692. 1573. The Triumphs of London, prepared for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir Thomas Lane, knight. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a full description of the pageants, speeches, songs, and the whole solemnity of the day : performed on Monday the 29th of October, 1694. Set forth at the proper cost and charges of the honourable company of Clothworkers. [By E. Settle.] 4to. London, 1694. 1574. The Triumphs of London; performed on Tuesday, October 29, 1695, for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir John Houblon, knt., Lord Mayor of the city of London, containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant. All prepared at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of Grocers ; to which is added a new song upon His Majesty's return. By E. S. [Elkanah Settle.] 4to. London, 1695. 1575. Glory's Resurrection; being the Triumphs of London revived, for the inauguration of the right honourable Sir Francis Child, knt. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing the descrip- tion (and also the sculptures) of the pageants, and the whole solemnity of the day. Set forth at the proper cost and charge of the honourable company of Goldsmiths. Folio. London, 1698. 1576. The Triumphs of London for the inauguration of the right honour- able Sir Richard Levett, knt. Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a description of the pageants, together with the publick 212 ;. Cawn Celebration* speeches and the whole solemnity of the day : performed on Monday the 30th day of October, anno 1699. All set forth at the proper cost and charges of the honourable company of Haber- dashers. [By E. Settle.] Folio. London, 1699. 1577. The Triumphs of London for the inauguration of the right honourable Sir William Gore, knt, Lord Mayor of the city of London ; containing a description of the pageants, together with the public speeches and the whole solemnity of the day : per- formed on Wednesday the 29th of October, 1701. All set forth at the proper cost and charges of the right honourable company of Mercers. [By Elkariah Settle.] 4to. London, 170 1. 1578. The Triumphs of London at the inauguration of the right hon. Sir Samuel Dashwood, knt., performed on Thursday the 29th of October, 1702. All set forth at the cost and charge of the honourable company of Vintners ; together with the relation of Her Majesty's reception and entertainment at dinner in Guildhall. Published by authority. [By Elkanah Settle.] 4to. London, 1702. 1579. The Triumphs of London for the inauguration of the right hon. Sir Charles Duncombe, knt., Lord Mayor, containing the descrip- tion (and also the sculptures) of the pageants, and the whole solemnity of the day : performed on Friday the 29th of October, anno 1708. All set forth at the proper cost and charge of the honourable company of Goldsmiths. Published by authority. [By Elkanah Settle.] 4to. London, 1708. Miscellaneous. 1580. Arnold e's Chronicle. [The customs of London.] First edition. Folio. [Antwerp, circa 1504.] 1 581. Orders appointed to be executed in the cittie of London, for setting roges and idle persons to worke, and for releefe of the poore. 4to. London, 1580. 1582. A breefe Discourse, declaring and approving the necessarie and inuiolable maintenance of the laudable Customs of London. i2mo. (At London, printed by Henrie Middletonfor Rafe New- berie.) 1584. Cla0!0( 2D.— IRace or Beautiful &pecimenj2(» 21 3 1583. The order of my Lord Maior, the Aldermen, and the Sheriffes, for their meetings, and wearing of their apparel, throughout the yere. i2mo. Printed by John Windet. London, 1604. 1584. The Carrier's Cosmographie; or a briefe relation of the Innes, Ordinaries, Hosteries, and other lodgings in and neere London, where the carriers, waggons, foote-posts, and higglers doe usually come. 4to. London, 1637. 1585. A Reply as true as steel, to a rusty, rayling, ridiculous, lying Libell, which was lately written by an impudent, unsodefd Iron- monger, and called by the name of an Answer to a foolish pamphlet, entituled A Swarme of Sectaries and Schismatiques. 4to. London, 1641. 1586. An Apology for Bishops, or a Plea for Learning. 4to. London, 1641. 1587. A MiROVR for Magestrates of Cyties; to which is added, a Touch- stone for the Times; containing many perilous mischiefes that bred in the bowels of the citie of London, for the infection of some of thease sanctuaries of iniquitie. By George Whetstone, gent (Black letter.) 4to. London, 1584. 1588. The Belman of London, bringing to light the most notorious villanies that are now practised in the kingdom. [By Thomas Decker.] Third edition. 4to. London, 1608. 1589. Lanthorne and Candle-light; or the Bell-man's second night's walk, in which he brings to light a broode of more strange vil- lanies then euer were till this yeare discouered. By Thomas Dekker. 4to. London, 1608. 1590. John Stow's Survay of London. First edition. 1598. Books on the Plague. 1591. Certaine Sermons, concerning God's late visitation in the citie of London and other parts of the land. Preached at St. Alphages Church near Cripplegate, by William Cupper. 1 2mo. London, 1592- 1592. The Arke of Noah, for the Londoners that remaine in the citie to enter in, with their families, to be preserued from the deluge 214 Cajcton Celebration of the Plague. Item, an exercise for the Londoners that are de- parted out of the citie into the countrey, to spend their time till they returne. Whereunto is annexed an epistle sent out of the countrey to the afflicted citie of London. Made and written by lames Godskall the yonger, preacher of the word. London, 1603. 1593. A SHORT dialogve concerning the Plagues Infection, published to preserue bloud, through the blessing of God. i2mo. London, 1603. 1594. The wonderfuU yeare 1603, wherein is shewed the picture of London lying sicke of the Plague, &c [By Thomas Decker.] 4to. London, n. d. 1595. The seuen deadly sinnes of London, drawn in seuen seuerall coaches through the seuen seuerall gates of the citie, bringing the Plague with them. Opus septem dierum. By Tho. Dekker. 4to. London, 1606. 1596. London's Remembrancer; or a true account of every particular weeks Christnings and Mortality in the years of Pestilence. 4to. London, 1665. i596*.Ye Albion; an Hour with ye Giants of Guildhall. Privately printed : Leeds. 32mo. 1876. Lent by S. L. Nussey\ Esq, Cla00 SD^—IRare or IBtmtiM fepecfmenisJ* 215 Section II. SPECIMENS NOTICEABLE FOR BEAUTY AND EXCELLENCE OF TYPOGRAPHY. Arranged chronologically, 1597- [ONAVENTURA. Epistolae et tractatus. s. L et a. Folio. Lent by Remarkable for beauty of typography and paper. 1598. Glanvilla, Bartholomaeus de. De proprietatibus renim. s. 1. 1488. Folio. Lent by the Earl of Leicester. 1599. Buchanan, George. Poemata, Lugd. Bat Elzevir, 1620. 8vo. Lent by Miss Coe. 1600. Strada Famianus. De bello Belgico. Antwerp, typis /no, Cnolbarij 1625. 4to. Lent by Miss Coe. 1 60 1. France. Respublica sive status regni Galliae diversonim auctorum. Lugd. Bat Elzevir, 1626. 8vo. Lent by Miss Coe. 1602. Tacitus. Opera. Amstel. typis Elzevir, 1649. 8vo. Lent by Miss Coe. 1603. Florus, L. Annaeus. Epitome historiae Romanae. Lugd. Bat Elzevir, 1638. 8vo. Lent by Miss Coe, 1604. The Gigantick History of the two Famous Giants and other Curiosities in Guildhall. London, 2nd edition, 1740. 64mo. Nineteenth Century. 1605. WiLLOUGHBY, Lady. Diary of Lady Willoughby, as relates to her domestic history in the reign of Charles I. London, 1844. 4to. Lent by /. C. Wilkins, Esq, This was the first book printed In the revived old-face type of the seventeenth century. 1 606. Beauties of Opera. London, 1844. 8vo. Lent by H. G. Hockly, Esq, Unique, the only copy on India paper. 2i6 Cajcton Celebration rr-r?^ 1607. Gray, Thomas. Elegy in a Country Churchyard. London, 1854. 8vo. Lent by H. G. Hackly, Esq. Unique, the only copy worked on India paper. 1608. Black book of Taymouth. Edited for the Bannatyne Club. Edinb., 1855. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Constable. 1609. Edinburgh. Catalogue of Archaeological Museum. Illustrated. Edinb., 1856. 8vo. Lent by Messrs. Constable. 1 6 10. Little London Directory (The). The oldest printed List of Merchants and Bankers. London, 1863. 8vo. Lent by/. C. Wi/ktns, Esq. 16 11. Hamer, John. The Smoker's Text Book Leeds: J. Hamer, 1863. 32mo. Lent by G. Unwin, Esq. 16 1 2. Laing, H. Descriptive catalogue of ancient Scottish Seals. Edinb., 1866. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Constable. 1 61 3. Shaw, Henry, F. S. A. Handbook of Art of Illumination. London, 1866. 4to. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq. Large paper copy, especially noticeable for the fineness of the wood en- gravings. 1614. Gray, Thomas. Poems. Privately printed. London, 1867. 4to. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq. 1615. Lee, F. G. The Altar Service-book. London, 1867. Folio. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq. 16 16. Bruce, J. C. The Roman Wall. 2nd edit. London, 1867. 4to. Lent by A. Reid^ Newcastle-on-Tyne. 161 7. Fraser, W. The Lennox Cartulary; history of the Lennox family. Edinb., 1874. 4to. I^nt by Messrs. Constable. 1 6 18. Kunsthandwerk. Sammlung Kunstgewerbliche gegenstande aller zeiten. Stuttgart, 1874. Folio. Lent by G. Fischbach, Strasburg. 1619. Strasburg. Album: siege et bombardment, 35 planches photo- graphies ; texte. par Gustave Fischbach. Strasbourg, 1874. 4to. Lent by G. Fischbach, Strasburg. 1620. Lapidarium Septentrionale, or Roman rule in north of England. London, 1875. Folio. ' Lent by A. Reid, Nemcastle-on-Tyne. Cla00 2D*— Eart or Beautiful fepecimen^* 217 1621. Goethe, J. von. Faust Munich, 1876. Folio. Lent by Herr Kroner^ Stuttgart. Steel and copper-plate engravings. 1622. Goethe, J. von. Faust Translated by Theodore Martin. Illus- trated, London, 1877. Folio. Lent by J. C. Wilkins^ Esq. 1623. Rheinfahrt. Schilderungen von derquellen des Rhein bis zum Meere. Stuttgart, 1876. 4to. Lent by A. Kroner, Stuttgart. An illustrated itinerary of the Rhine. 1624. Divine Worship, London, 1877. 4to. Lent by J. C. Wilktns, Esq, 1625. PuNCHARD. King Saul and Other Poems. London, 1877. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq. 1626. Musee Entomologique Illustrd Paris, 1877. 4to. Lent by J. Rothschild^ Paris. Letter-press printing with woodcuts. 1627. Blanchere, H. de la. Les oiseaux gibier. Lent by J. Rothschild, Paris. Specimen of chromo-typographic art. 1628. Pennell, H. C. Pegasus Re-saddled. Illustrated. London, 1877. 4to. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq. 1629. Scribner's Monthly. An Illustrated Magazine for the People. {^Various years.) New York. 4to. Lent by the Publishers, Messrs. Scribner, New York. 1630. Malot, Hector. Romain Kalbris. Paris, 1877. 4^0* Lent by J. Rothschild, Paris. Specimen of illustrated letter-press. 1 63 1. Printing, specimens of modem, from press of Messrs. Cassell, Petter and Galpin. On landing. 1632. Specimens of modern printing, in many Oriental languages, viz., Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gumiukhi, Hebrew, Hindi, Hindustani, Pali, Persian, Pushto, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Turkish, from press of Stephen Austin, Hertford. Staircase. 1633. Specimens of modem printing from the firm of Messrs. Bradbury, Agnew, and Co. 1634. Specimens of modem printing from the Gresham Press. Lent by Unwin Brothers. 21 8 Cajcton Celebration* 1635. Specimens of modem printing from press of Messrs. Rivingtons. 1636. Specimens of modern printing from press of Messrs. Bellows, Gloucester. 1637. Illustrated children's books, &c. &c. Lent by Gustav Fischbach^ Straslmrg. 1638. Hilton, Walter. The Scale of Perfection, reprint of the edition of 1659. Lent by John Philp^ Esq. i638*.Shakespeare's Works, by J. P. Collier. Privately Printed Edition. Lent by J. S. Hodson^ Esq. Section III. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTIONS. [here are many ways of producing facsimiles of old books. That now most common is the Photo-lithographic process, by which the camera is used for each page, and the image taken on a prepared gelatinous sheet; this is transferred to stone and printed. The fault of this process is that nothing is omitted, and the modem scribbling must be reproduced as well as the text ; also ironmoulds and worm-holes are greatly exaggerated, and a crease in the paper appears as a black line. Another way is with facsimile type cut on purpose, the most unsatisfactory of all. The best is by careful and slow tracing through transparent paper, and then transferring to stone. When done conscientiously this is the only plan, although its cost as compared with the other processes is a great hindrance to its use. 1639. The Game and Play of the Chesse. Second edition. Folio. c. 1 48 1. Lent by the Printers^ Corporation. Printed in 1855 with types cut by the late V. Figgins, Esq., for the repro- duction of this b<>ok, the profits of which were intended for the Printers' Cor- poration. Presentation copy to the Corporation from V. Figgins, Esq. 1640. The Go vernal of Helthe. 4to. c. 1490. Lent by W. H. Ry lands, Esq. Printed in 1858 with the types cut by the late V. Figgins, Esq., for his reprint of the Chess-book. 1 64 1. The Moral Proverbs of Chrystine of Pise. Folio. 1478. Lent by W. H. Rylands, Esq. Printed in 1869 with the types of J. Figgins, Esq, ClajJiS 2D.— Kare or Beautiful fepecimenjaf. 219 1642. The Ars Moriendi. 4to. c. 1491. Lent by W. H. Rylands, Esq. Printed in 1869 with the types cut by the late V. Figgins, Esq., for his Chess-book. 1643. Statutes of Henry VII. Folio, c. 1490. With Introduction by John Rae, Esq. Lent by W. H. Rylands, Esq, Traced by hand on transparent lithographic transfer-paper, and printed from stone, 1869. 1644. The Fifteen Oes and other Prayers. 4to. c. 1491. Photo- lithograph by S. Ayling. Lent by Messrs. Griffith 6- Farran. From the unique copy in the British Museum. 1645. The Curial. Folio. 1484. Traced and printed by G. I. F. Tupper, Esq., 1877. 1646. The Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers. Folio. 1477. Lent by Eliot Stocky Esq, Photo-lithographed in 1877 as a memorial of the first book printed in England ^^nth a date. 1647. Caxton's Ovid; Six Books of Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by W. C. 1480. 4to. (Roxburgh Club, 18 19.) Printed from a MS. in the Pepysian Library, Cambridge. (See No. 5, page 7.) Lent by Sir CJiarles Reed, 1649. Herbert, George. The Temple. London, 1633. 8vo. Foe- simile reprint. London, 1876. 8vo. Lent by G. Unwin, Esq. 1650. BuNYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. London, 1678. 8vo. London, 1874. 8vo. Lent by Messrs. Umvin Brothers. Facsimile Reprint. .-A 1 ^i-i^4.--Hi» Class E. SPECIMENS OF PRINTING. Section I. PRINTING BY STEAM AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 1673. FECI MENS of Letter-press Printing worked on Messrs. Degener and Weiler's "Liberty" Treadle Printing Machine, by Mr. Wm. John Kelly of New York. Lent by Messrs. Degener and Weiler. 1674. American Paper Money. Framed in three panels, viz., the United States Fractional Currency, from first issue until stopped ; Ameri- can Confederate War Money, from 50 cents to 100 dollars; and specimens of Local Confederate War Money. Lent by Andrew W. Tuer^ Esq. 1675. Charter of the International Typographical Union, in seven colours, worked without points on a Cylinder Machine by Messrs. Russell, Morgan, and Co., of Cincinnati, U. S. A. Lent by the Proprietors of the Paper and Printing Trades Journal. 1676. "Ye Ordinaunce of Revel." A 4to. programme, printed in old- style, in red and black, on a specially manufactured paper in imi- tation of the antique : spelling Chaucerian. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. 1677. Poem "On the Image of a Kneeling Angel," printed in modern Caxton type by Messrs. Field and Tuer. Lent by the ReiK Frederick Kill Harford. Cla00 (E»--fe>pet(mettj3f of ^^rfnting:. %tt 1678. Framed Specimen of Modem Printing in old-style direct on leather, forming the cover of J. J. Tissot's Etchings, published at 50 guineas per copy. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer, 1679. Summons of the Preceptory of the Holy Sanctuary. Printed from Messrs. V. and J. Figgins' Caxton type, with two accompanying envelopes, one with address in writing and the other with the seal of the Holy Sanctuary, framed in the form of a cross. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. Exhibited by special permission of the late Great Prior, the Earl of Shrews- bury and Talbot. 1680. Illustrations (various) of Commercial Printing in Antique type. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. 1 68 1. Illustrations of Printing in Antique type, the form of letters modelled in accordance with the requirements of popular taste. L^nt by Messrs. Field and Tuer. Exhibited in the International Exhibition. 1682. Reproductions of Early Initial Letters for book illustrations. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. 1683. Bank of England Notes. Lent by the Directors of the Bank of England. The Bank of England was established in 1694, and the first Bank Notes were issued in 1699. These notes were only partially printed, the amounts being filled in by the pen ; £1 and £2 were issued up to 1825. The notes were printed from copper-plates until 1834, then by Perkin's Transfer Process and steel-plates until 1852, when the present system of printing from surface or relief by electrotype was adopted. The machines used for that purpose are double-platen, with four inking-tables and double rolling apparatus. An average of 50,cxx) notes is printed daily. 1684. Printing of Dividend Book and Warrants of the Bank of England. L^nt by John Coe^ Esq., by permission of the Directors of the Bank of England. The Names and Amounts of the Holders of Government Stocks are con- tained in about 64 vols, of royal folio, of 80 sheets each, and require 250,000 warrants for their dividends (these are printed and numbered at one operation). The names and amounts were written with the pen until the year 1866, when the present system of printing from stereotype and dwarf type was adopted. This is done by ingenious contrivances for composing, making-up, imposing, and printing. The time occupied in printing the 64 vols, is eight days with eight presses, and the time employed in printing the warrants is twelve days with eight presses. 222 Canon Celebration* 1685. Specimen Pages of Old Style Book Work. Lent by Messrs. Unwin Bros. 1686. Bank of England Notes printed in colours. Early examples of Printing Colours in register from curved Stereotype Plates on Machinery, invented by Edward Cowper and Augustus Apple- gath, i8i8and 1820. Lent by E. A. Cowper^ C.E., and L. W. Applegath^ Esqs. These examples of printing bank notes in colours were executed in the Bank of England by Edward Cowper and Augustus Applegath in 1819-20, on special machinery invented by them, with the object of preventing forgery. The colours were printed in register on a machine, in a way that no ordinary forger could possibly accomplish. The Bank of England decided on the adoption of these One Pound Notes in colours in place of the old black One Pound Notes then in circulation, when twelve machines were set for the work, and four millions of notes were printed in the bank ; but before the actual issue of the notes, it was found possible to issue gold so as to enable the old One Pound Notes to be called in altogether, and this was accordingly done, and the new notes as well as the old were destroyed. The coloured notes were printed from curved stereotype plates, placed on separate cylinders, each with its own inking apparatus, having end motion to the inking and distributing rollers according to Edward Cowper's patent of 1818 (which principle of distribution is now universally adopted in printing machines). The paper was held on to its cylinder by tapes, and was further {)revented from slipping on the leather on which it lay, in consequence of the eather receiving ink from every third or fourth impression, owing to a sheet of paper being then purposely omitted. In this way the register that could be obtained in printing from curved stereot)rpe plates was of the most perfect pos- sible description, and allowed of intricate patterns and "Rose engine work" being employed, that it would be almost impossible to print in any other way. 1687. Volume of the "Times" for 1814. Showing the first use of steam in connection with the Printing Press on 29th November. Lent by John Walter, M.P, 1688. Cardinal Wolsey on Printing. Printed in old style, red and black. L^nt by Benjamin Haram, Esq. An extract from Lord Edward Herbert's " History of England under Henry the Eighth," in which curious and antagonistic reasons connected with the art of printing are given, in a request of Cardinal Wolsey to Pope Clement VH. that he may be allowed to throw down a few superfluous monasteries in Eng- land, and to employ the revenues to the building of a college at Oxford, and another at Ipswich. 1689. Complete Works printed in Oriental and other languages, in- cluding Specimens of the Holy Scriptures, Prayer Books, &c. Lent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. Cla00 C-^pecimen0 o£ ^vintin^. aa^ 1690. Selected Specimens of Polyglot Printing. Zent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. 1691. Copy of Rivington's "New York Gazetteer," 1775, in two frames. Lent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. 1692. Specimen of Hunt's Syllabic system for teaching the 500,000,000 illiterate heathen. Lent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. 1693. Specimens of Printing for the Blind. Lent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. 1694. Broadside. Speech of the Prince of Orange to some of the principal gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to joyn His Highness at Exeter 15 November, 1688. Exeter: printed by J. B., 1688. Lent by George Tawse, Esq, 1695. Broadside. Proclamation by the Peers of the Realm requiring all Persons to keep the Peace during the interregnum between the flight of James the Second and the arrival of William, Prince of Orange. In the Savoy, 1688. Lent by George Tawse^ Esq. 1696. Broadside. Proclamation declaring William and Mary, Prince and Princess of Orange, to be King and Queen of England. " God save King William and Queen Mary." London, printed for James Partridge, Matthew Gillyflower and Samuel Heyrick, 1689. L^nt by George Tawse^ Esq. 1 697. Broadside. An Instrument of Government for settling the Crown of the Kingdom of Scotland upon William 3rd and Mary 2nd, King and Queen of England, &c., being the Declamation of the Estates of that Kingdom to be presented to the King and Queen of England and Edinburgh, 11 April, 1689. Lent by George Tawse^ Esq. 1698. Specimens of Modern Commercial Engraving. L^nt by Messrs. Charles and Edwin Lay ton. 1699. Specimens of Commercial Printing in Old Style. Lent by Messrs. Unwin Brothers. 1 700. Old Style Ornamental Headings, Tail Pieces, &c. lunt by Messrs. Unwin Brothers. 1 70 1. Specimen Pages of Facsimile, and other Old Style Book Work. Lent by Messrs. Unwin Brothers. 224 : ' 1 t€,axton Celebration. 1702. Specimens of American Letter-press Printing, arranged in a volume. The names are given in the order in which the exhibits arrived. The following houses are represented : — J. S. Thompson and Co., Chicago. Russell, Morgan, and Co., Cincinnati. G. S. Newcomb and Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Graves and Russell, Elmira, New York. D. A. St. Clair, Wytheville, Virginia. " Savannah Morning News," Steam Printing House, Savannah, Ga. Reuben W. Clark, Medina, O. Major and Knapp, New York. Julius Pick, New York. National Bank Note Company, New York. W. H. Brett and Co., Boston. W. Mann, Philadelphia. Goddard and Nye, Worcester. Woodbury and Walker, Denver, Colorado. McCalla and Stavely, Philadelphia. The " Daily Freeman " Steam and Job Printing House (A. V. Haight, Superintendent), Rondout, City of Kingston, New York. W. J. Kelly, New York. S. Reed Johnston and Co., Pittsburgh. George O. Scott, Denver. " Gazette and Bulletin " Printing House, Williamsport, Pa. Mills and Co., Des Moines, Iowa. C. H. Houghton, Middlesboro', Mass. Albert de FoUett and Son, Brooklyn, New York. J. B. Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia. Charles W. Spurr, Boston : Specimens of Patent Prepared Woods, in form of printed business cards. The Union Steam Printing Company, Brooklyn, New York. Siddall Brothers, Philadelphia. A. S. Abell and Co., Baltimore. Zpetimen0 of ^vintin^. 231 1747. Perfect Proceedings of State Affairs. No. 297. June 7, 1655. His Highness (the Lord Protector Cromwell) returns from Hampton Court to WhitehaU. 1748. Occurrences from Foreign Parts with an exact Accompt of the Daily Proceedings in Parliament. No. 64. February 14, 1659. Mr. Praise-God Barebones presents a petition to the House of Commons. 1749. A Perfect Diurnal of the Daily Proceedings of Parliament. No. 9. March 2, 1659. The confession of Faith presented by the Westminster Assembly of Divines adopted as the national religion. This print has by some been considered as the first daily paper. It undoubtedly apf>eared daily, but was dependent for publication on the sitting of Parliament, and contained nothing beyond the transactions of the House. 1750. The Weekly Intelligencer of the Commonwealth. No. i. May 10, 1659. Doctor Owen "entertained" the House with a "comfortable sermon." The House of Commons resolves to carry on the government without a King or House of Peers. 1751. The Public Intelligencer. No. 176. May 16, 1659. Marchmont Needham forbidden to write the Weekly Intelligencer, Mr. John Cann appointed to the post. 1752. Mercurius Politicus. No. 579. July 21, 1659. The House of Commons votes ;^29,640 in payment of the debts of Richard Cromwell, son of the late Lord Protector. 1753. Mercurius Publicus. No. 47. November 22, 1660. Disbandment of the army. On the 31st August, 1663, Roger 1' Estrange was appointed "Surveyor of the Printing Presses" and "Licenser of the Press.*' Twenty years pre- viously Roger r Estrange was under sentence of death in the Tower, and his life was saved only by Prince Rupert threatening to retaliate on some soldiers of the Parliament whom he had taken prisoners. The liberty of the press was virtually destroyed by Roger's appointment, and no new paper could appear without a licence. In January, 1664, I'Estrange started a paper, which was published twice a week. The Monday edition was called The Intelligencer, and the Thursday edition was named The Netocs. This paper was published "with privil^e;" but towards the close of 1665, Roger was out of favour ; he lost his appointment, and The London Gazette took the place of his paper. 1754. The Intelligencer. Published for the satisfaction of the people. No. 63. August 8, 1664. 23a Cajctoa Celebration* 1755. The Newes. Published for the satisfaction of the people. No. 64. August II, 1664. 1756. The London Gazette. No. 239. March 2, 1667. 2 pp. This official paper first appeared as the Oxford Gazette in November, 1665, the Court then being at Oxford in consequence of the Great Plague. It was transferred to London in 1666, and lias appeared twice weekly from that time to the present. 1757. The True Protestant Mercury. No. 108. January 18, 1681-2. 2 pp. 1758. The Protestant Domestic Intelligence, or News from both City and Country. No. 80. April 9, 1680. 2 pp. This was the period of the Popish Plots, and the newspapers in existence showed their fidelity to the reformed religion by introducing the word ** Protestant" in their titles. 1759. The London Gazette. No. 1845. July 26, 1683. 4 pp. This paper contains the address of the University of Oxford in Convocation against " Certain pernicious books and damnable doctrines destructive to the Sacred Persons of Princes." In alluding to the recently discovered Rye House Plot, the address styles the Merry Monarch "the breath of our nostrils" and ** the Anointed of the Lord." 1760. Advice from Parnassus. No. 3. February 9, 1680. 1 761. The Observator. No. 102. October 28, 1685. This paper was written by Roger 1' Estrange for the purpose of palliating King James's Roman Catholicism. The evils of the times are invariably attributed to the Nonconformists. Roger received knighthood on the 30th of April, 1685, and was elected Member of Parliament for Winchester. In the succeeding reign he was imprisoned in Newgate and the Marshalsea for pub- lishing treasonable papers. He was excepted from the Bill of Grace, and died in 1704, aged 88 years. Queen Mary made the following anagram on his name : — Roger I'Estrange. Lye strange Roger. 1762. The London Gazette. No. 2231. April 7, 1687. It contains "His Majestie's (James II.) Gracious Declaration to all his Loving Subjects for Liberty of Conscience." 763. A Full and True Relation of a Dreadful and Terrible Storm that hapned at Forte St. George, in the East Indies, on the 3rd of November, 1684. Cla00 C— fepecimen^ ot pvintitiQ. 233 1764. A True Relation of the Late King's Death (Charles II.). Feb. 6, 1685. Evelyn says in his diary: "The King died. I never can forget the inex- pressible luxury and profaneness, gaming, and dissoluteness, and as it were total forgetfulness of God (it being Sunday evening) which this day se'nnight I was witness of. The King sitting toying with his concubines, Portsmouth, Cleaveland, and Mazarine, and a French boy singing love songs, whilst above twenty of the courtiers and other dissolute persons were at basset around a large table, with a bank of at least ;^2,(XX) in gold before them. Six days after all was dust." These two printed news-sheets will illustrate the difference between the regular newspaper and an occasional emanation from the printing press. 1765. The True Protestant Mercury, or an Impartial History of the Times, performed by a single sheet, Coming out every Friday. No. I. Dec. 6, 1689. 2 pp. 1766. The London Mercury. No. 6. February 26, 1692. 2 pp. 1767. The Lacedemonian Mercury. No. 10. March 11, 1692. 2 pp. A continuation of TAe London Mercury, 1768. The Ladies' Mercury. No. 2. March 6, 1693. 2 pp. In No. I it says : — ** We shall make it our study to avoid even the least offensive syllable that may give any rude shock to the chastest ear. We declare ourselves such Religious Homagers of Vertue and Innocence that we would not force a Blush into a Virgin Cheek, having that true value for Beauty, as to adorn it with no other Vermilion but its own." Notwithstanding these elaborate assurances of propriety, the paper is grossly immoral. 1769. The Jovial Mercury. Nb. 2. March 3, 1692. 2 pp. Among the subjects discussed in this number is the following : — "Whether at the Skip of a Flea the Earth is mov'd out of its Center ?" It is decided in the affirmative. 1770. MoMUS Ridens, or Comical Remarks on the Weekly Reports. No. 19. March 11, 1691. 2 pp. A rhyming newspaper. The Turks defeated by the German Emperor. Under the heading of "The Siege of Limerick" the following phrase occurs : — " To march out with Bag and Baggage." 1 77 1. Mercurius Reformatus, or the New Observator. VoL 3. No. 2. July 18, 1690. 2 pp. 1772. A Continuation of the Proceedings of the Parliament in Scot- land. No. 43. August 3, 1689. 2 pp. 234 Ca;cton Celebration^ 1773. The English Lucian or Weekly Discoverer of the Witty Intrigues, Comical Passages, and Remarkable Transactions in Town and Country. No. 6. Valentine's Day, 1698. 2 pp. 1774. The Weekly Comedy as it is Dayly Acted at most Coffee Houses in London. No. 7. June 21, 1699. 2 pp. 1775. A Collection for Improvement of Husbandry and Trade. No. 563. May 7, 1703. 2 pp. The earliest trade newspaper. '* Whoever will buy or hire, sell or lett houses, lodgings or estates, want or will put out apprentices, want servants or will go to service, will take or go to board, will put to school or want scholars ; or will have anything else enquired for, that is honourable for me to do, it may be entered in my books for half-a- crown each, and it is probable I may help them." ** I want the next presentation to a living oi £200 the year." *' I have very good New Spaw Water." "If any wants a Wet Nurse, I can help." This number contains suggestions for supplying the inland towns with fish, a feat of some difficulty in those days of slow locomotion. 1776. The Daily Courant. No. 3,166. Dec. 5, 171 1. No. 3,260. March 26, 17 12. No. 5,635. Nov. 12, 17 19. This paper was commenced in 1702, and was ih& first daily newspaper. 1777. The Post Boy. No. 1,233. April 10, 1703. No. 4744. Dec. 22, 1 7 19. 2 pp. Dec. 13, 171 1. 1778. The Post Man. No. 1,108. March 25, 1703. No. 17,245. July 7, 1719- 2 PP- 1779. The Examiner. No. 49. July 5, 171 1. Tory newspaper. 2 pp. At the commencement of the iSth century, party newspapers began to appear. The principal writers on the side of the Tories were Dean Swift, Prior, Lord Bolingbroke, and Bishop Atterbury ; and on the Whig side there were Defoe, Addison, and Steele. Dean Swift, in a letter to Stella (October 10, 171 1), says : "A rogue that writes a newspaper, called the Protestant Post Boy, has reflected on me in one of his papers, but the secretary (St. John) has taken him up, and he shall have a squeeze extraordinary. He says, ' That an ambitious Tantivy, missing of his towering hopes of preferment in Dublin, is come over to vent his spleen on the late ministry, &c.' I'll Tantivy him with a vengeance." 1780. The Tatler. No. 246. Nov. 4, 17 10. The complete volumes, 1709-10. This paper was written by Addison and Steele, the latter being the principal contributor. It was very successful and brought into existence numerous imi- tations, among them the Tell- Tale, the Tory Tattler, the Tattling Harlot, and the Female Tattler, by Mrs. Crackenthorpe, "A lady who knows everything." It was discontinued, however, and made room for the Spectator. Cla00 (E.— &pecfmen0 of ^rmtfng. 235 1 78 1. The Spectator. No. 131. July 31, 171 1. No. 400. June 9, 1712. 2 pp. This famous newspaper, of which 638 numbers appeared, met with the most extraordinary success. Addison wrote 274 of the essays, Steele contributed 240, and the remainder were furnished by various writers. 1782. The Guardian. No. 20. April 3, 17 13. 2 pp. Price 2d. Written by Steele. 1783. The Lover. No. 12. March 23, 17 14. 2 pp. Price 2^. By Marmaduke Myrtle, Gent. This paper also was written by Steele. Among the other newspapers founded by this indefatigable writer were the Whig Examiner, i\vQ Freeholder^ the Reader, the Plebeian, Chit Chat, the Tea Table, and the Toavn Talk. In 1 7 14, he was expelled from the House of Commons for writing articles in the Englishman and the Crisis, "assailing the conduct of the administration." On the 1st of August, 1712, the \d. Stamp Duty was imposed on newspapers, which had a most disastrous effect on the existing newspapers. Dean Swift writing to Stella (Aug. 17 12) says : "All Grubb Street is dead and gone. No more ghosts or murders now for love or money." Addison in the Spectator says : ** This is the day on which many eminent authors will probably publish their last works. I am afraid that few of our weekly historians, who are men above all others that delight in war, will be able to subsist under a stamp duty with an approaching peace. In short, the necessity of carrying a stamp, and the impracticability of notifying a bloody battle, will, I am afraid, both concur to the sinking of these thin folios which have every other day related to us the history of Europe for several years past. A facetious friend of mine, who loves a pun, calls this present mortality, * The fall of the leaf.' " 1784. Serious Thoughts; or, A Golden Chain of Contemplations, Divine and Moral. No. i. August 15, 17 10. The earliest religious newspaper. ** The first week of its Publication, I only ask the favour of your kind Acceptance thereof : and afterwards, if you please to take it in at half a Crown a quarter, it shall be Constantly delivered at your House, every day of its Coming out ; but if you do not approve of it, be pleased to acquaint the Messenger therewith, that he may desist bringing it any longer." At this period (17 10) there were twenty newspapers published in London. 1785. The Evening Post. No. 1746. October 8, 1720. 4 pp. This was the first evening newspaper. It originally appeared on the 6th of September, 1709. A pa^e or more of this paper was frequently left blank, on which persons wrote their private letters. 1786. The St. James's Evening Post. No. 789. June 11, 1720. 4 pp. No. 2,668. June 20, 1732. An early evening newspaper. 1787. The Daily Journal. No. 513. September 14, 1722. 2 pp. 236 Canon Celebration. 1788. The Flying Post or Postmaster. No. 4,622. September 15, 1722. No. 5,509. October 22, 1728. No. 5,600. February 6, 1728-9. 2 pp. A Whig newspaper. Dean Swift, writing to Stella, says : — "These devils of Grub Street rc^es, that write the Flying Post and Medley^ will not be quiet. They are always mauling the Lord Treasurer and me. We have the dog under prosecution, but Bolingbroke is not active enough ; but I hope to swing him. He is a Scotch rogue, one Redpath." The "dog" was fined ;^6oo. 1789. The Trifler. No. 4. November 28, 1722. 2 pp. By Timothy Scribble, Esq. 1790. The British Journal. No. 45. July 27, 1723. 4 pp. 1791. The Daily Post No. 1512. July 31, 1724. No. 1675. Feb- ruary 6, 1725. No. 28,857. December 19, 1728. 2 pp. The advertisements of Jonathan Wild, the thief-taker, frequently appear in this paper. See the number of July 31st, 1724. 1792. Mist's Weekly Journal. No. 18. July 3, 1725. Tory news- paper. 4 pp. 1793. The Daily Post Boy. No. 6,153. October 26, 1728. 2 pp. A Tory newspaper. In the year 1731 there were twenty-two journals published in London, and twenty-three in the provinces, a total of forty-five in Great Britain. 1794. The London Journal. No. 516. June 21, 1729. 4 pp. 1795. Fog's Weekly Journal. No. 204. Sept. 30, 1732. 1 795*. The Universal Spectator and Weekly Journal. No. 157. Octo- ber 9, 1 731. 4 pp. By Henry Stonecastle, of Northumberland, Esq. 1796. The Country Journal, or the Craftsman. No. 783. Dec. 4,1731. 1797. The Weekly Register, or Universal Journal. No. 152. March 10, 1733- 1798. The Weekly Oracle, or Gentleman's Journal. No. 58. Jan. 16, 1736. 1799. Common Sense, or the Englishman's Journal. No. 96. Dec. 2, 1738. 1800. The London Daily Post and General Advertiser. No. 352. December 18, 1735. No. 1,770. June 26, 1740. 2 pp. May 13, 1740. 1801. The General Evening Post. No. 1,902. December 5, 1745. 4 pp. Prince Charles Stuart, "The Young Pretender," in Lancashire. Cla00 C— &pecfmtn0 of ^xintin^. 237 1802. The Jacobite's Journal. By John Trott-plaid, Esq. No. 15. March 12, 1748. 4 pp. This paper was written by Henry Fielding, and, notwithstanding its title, it was staunchly Hanoverian. 1803. Old England; or, the Broadbottom Journal. By Argus Cent- oculi, Inspector of Great Britain. No. 150. March 28, 1747. No. 303. January 13, 1750. 4 pp. 1804. The British Spy ; or, New Universal London Weekly Journal. No. 220. May 8, 1756. 4 pp. The great earthquake at Lisbon. 1805. Owen's Weekly Chronicle and Westminster Journal. No. 452. December 6, 1756. 4 pp. 1806. The London Chronicle, or Universal Evening Post. No. 25. February 26, 1757. 8 pp. No. 400. July 21, 1759. 1807. Owen's Weekly Chronicle, or Universal Journal. No. 20. August 19, 1758. 8 pp. 1808. The London Evening Post. No. 4,876. February 6, 1759. 4 pp. 1809. The Public Advertiser. No. 9,239. June 9, 1764. This paper originally appeared, in 1726, as the London Daily Post and General Advertiser. In 1742 its first title was dropped, and it became known as the General Advertiser. Again, in 1752, it underwent another change of name, and was styled the Public Advertiser. It was rendered famous by the appearance of the letters of Junius in its columns, and on account of the controversy which has since taken place with regard to their authorship. These letters extended over a period of three years, commencing with the 21st of January, 1769. 1 8 10. Lloyd's Evening Post. Vol. 1767. 181 1. The Middlesex Journal, or Chronicle of Liberty. No. 31. May 20, 1769. 181 2. The North Briton. No. 218. May 11, 1771. Price 2\d. 4 pp. This paper was established by John Wilkes, assisted by John Churchill and Lord Temple, in opposition to Dr. Smollett's paper, the Briton. In No. 45 the king was chained with falsehood in his speech on the opening of Parlia- ment in 1762. Wilkes was arrested for this, and thrown into the Tower ; and the House of Commons ordered "No. 45" to be burnt by the common hang- man in Cheapside. The "Wilkes and Liberty" riots, the actions instituted by Wilkes and his printer and publisher on account of their illegal arrest, and the frequent elections of Wilkes for the City of London and the County of Middlesex, caused intense public excit*nent for a lengthened period. 181 3. The Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser. No. 15,505. October 23, 1778. 4 pp. Dec. 5, 1795. June 4, 1765. 238 Cajcton CelebratCoa* 1814. The London Packet. No. 197. Jan. 30, 1771. July 16, 1787. 1815. The Old British Spy and London Weekly Journal. No. 2,037. June 26, 1779. Price i\d. 4 pp. 1816. The Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser. No. 109. March 7, 1 781. Price 3^. 4 pp. Oct. 8, 1790. This paper was discontinued on the 31st of December, 1869, having been in existence 88 years. 181 7. The London Courant and Westminster Chronicle. August 3, 1 781. Price $d. 4 pp. 18 1 8. The Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser. No. 3772. June 19, 1 781. Price 3^. 4 pp. March 4, 1796. This paper had an existence extending over ninety years. It was discon- tinued in I 86 I. 181 9. The British Gazette and Sunday Monitor. No. 124. August 4, 1782. Price 3^/. 4 pp. Oct. 14, 1827. Mercurius Aulicus, the King's news letter, brought out at Oxford, January 1642, was published on Sunday ; but with this exception, yohnson's British Gazette was the first Sunday newspaper. At the commencement of the present century it dropped the first half of its title and was known as the Sunday Monitor. It subsequently descended so low as to become the organ of Joanna Southcote, and it died in 1829. 1820. The Westminster Journal and London Political Miscellany. By Simon Gentletouch of Pall Mall, Esq. No. 2,149. J^^y i> 1786. Price 3d?. 4 pp. 1 82 1. The Daily Advertiser. No. 18,073. November 3, 1786. Price 2\d. 4 pp. Dec. 5, 1795. 1822. The World. No. 483. July 16, 1788. Price 3^. 4 pp. 1823. The Diary or Woodfall's Register. No. 73. June 22, 1789. Price 3^/. 4 pp. This paper was edited by William Woodfall, brother of the printer and chief proprietor of the Public Advertiser in which the letters of Junius appeared. 1824. The Craftsman, or Say's Weekly Journal. No. 1,553. August 15, 1789. 4 pp. Jan. 15, 1799. 1825. The Argus. No. 772. April 27, 1791. Price 4^. 4 pp. 1826. The Oracle. No. 646. June 23, 1 791. Price 4^/. 4 pp. 1827. The Sun. No. 565. July 21, 1794. Price 4^//. 4 PP- 1828. The True Briton. No. 1,026. April 9, 1796. Price 4i (Section III.) 263 2072. Sloper, Lindsay. Pianoforte Tutor. Folio. London : Hen- derson, Rait, and Fenton, 1863. Messrs, Henderson^ Rait^ and Fenton. 2073. RiMBAULT, Edward Francis, and Metcalfe, James Powell. The Rounds, Catches, and Canons of England. Demy 4to. London : Henderson, Rait, and Fenton, 1864. Messrs. Henderson^ Rait, and Fenton. 2074. RiMBAULT, E. F. Old EngHsh Carols. London : Henderson, Rait, and Fenton, 1865. Messrs. Henderson, Rait, and Fenton. 2075. Music of the Divine Liturgy. 4to. London: Henderson, Rait, and Fenton, 1869. Messrs. Henderson, Rait, and Fenton. 2076. Music for the Office of the Holy Eucharist. Imperial 8vo, London : Henderson, Rait, and Fenton, 1869. Messrs. Henderson, Rait, and Fenton. 2077. Elliott, J. W. National Nursery Rhymes and Songs. 8vo. London: Novello, Ewer, & Co., 1870. Messrs. Novello &* Co. 2078. Havergal, William Henry. Psalmody, and Century of Chants. Fcap. 4to. London : Henderson, Rait, and Fenton, 187 1. Messrs, Henderson, Rait, and Fenton. 2079. Hopkins, Edward John. The Temple Tune Book. 4to. London : Henderson, Rait, and Fenton, 187 1. Messrs. Henderson, Rait, and Fenton. 2080. Stainer, John. A Choir Book for the Office of Holy Com- munion. 8vo. London: Novello, Ewer, and Co., 1873. Messrs. Novello &> Co. 2081. Barn BY, Joseph. The Hymnary. Imp. 8vo. London: Novello, Ewer, & Co., 1874. Messrs. Novello &> Co. 2082. Meyerbeer, Giacomo. L'Etoile du Nord. 8vo. London : Novello, Ewer, & Co., 1877. Messrs. Novello &> Co. SCOTLAND. 2084. The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter. Cr. 8vo. Edin- burgh : The Heires of Andrew Hart. 1635. ^F. Henderson, Esq. 2029. Forbes, John. Cantus. Sm.obl. 4to. Aberdeen: John Forbes, 1682. Sacred Hannonic Society. 2085. The Melodies of Scotland. 4to. Glasgow : George Brookman, 1834. IV. A. Barrett, Esq. 264 Cajcton Celebration* 2086. Graham, George Farquhar. The Songs of Scotland. Royal 8vo. Printed from Sinclair's type. Edinburgh : Thomas Con- stable, 1848-9. IV. Henderson^ Esq. AMERICA. 2087. The Village Harmony : or, Youth's Assistant to Sacred Music. Obi. 8vo. Newburyport: C. Norris and Co., 1815. John Dobsoftj Esq. 2088. Mason, Lowell. The People's Tune Book. Obi. 4to. New York, i860. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2089. Gilbert, W. B. The Church Chorister. i2mo. New York, 1872. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2090. Mason, Luther Whiting. National Music Charts. Folio. Bos- ton: Ginn Brothers, 1872. W. II. Cummings, Esq. AUSTRIA. 2091. Liszt, Franz. Missa Solennis. Viennae Austriacorum Typis Caes. Reg. Status Officinae. Large folio. 1859. Messrs. Novello and Co. DENMARK. 2092. BoERCHGREVEiNCK, Melchior. Giardino novo bellissimo. Madri- gah. 4to. Copenhagen : Henry Waltkirck, 1606. Her Majesty the Queen. FRANCE. 2092.*Marot and Beze. Cent Cinquante Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Fran^oise. 8vo. Caen : Pierre Philippe, 1563. yohnDobson, Esq. 2093. Jambe de Fer, Philibert. Les cl. Pseaumes de David — Musique \. quatre et \ cinq parties. Obi. 4to. Lyons : Antoine Cercia et Pierre de Mia, 1564. yohn Dobson, Esq. 2094. De L'Estocart, Paschal. Cent Cinquante Pseaumes de David — Musique k Quatre, Cinq, Six, Sept, et Huit Parties. Obi. 4to. Lyons: Barthelemi Vincent, 1583. John Dobson, Esq, 2095. Le J eune, Claude. Dodecacorde. Obi. 4to. Rochelle, 1598. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2096. Lasso, Orlando di. Missa Dixit Joseph. Large folio. Paris : Pierre Ballard, 1607. Sacred Harmonic Society. €h^^ Sf—^vinm 9^u0fc. (Sectfon ill.) 265 2097. Le Jeune, Claude. Pseaumes. Sm. 4to. Paris : Pierre Ballard, 1608. Her Majesty the Queen. 2098. Amphion Sacre. Recueilly de quelques excellens Musiciens de ce temps — \ 4 et 5 voix. Sm. obi. 4to. Lyons : Louis Muguet, 1615. yulian Marshall^ Esq. 2099. LivRE yme. des Chansons. Obi. 4to. Douay : Jean Bogart, 1 6 1 7. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2100. Recueil de Chansons. 8vo. Paris : Robert Ballard, 1644. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 2101. Le Jeune, C. 150 Psalms. Obi. 8vo. Paris: R. Ballard, 1650. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2102. DuMONT, Henri. Motets k deux Voix. 4to. Paris: R.Ballard, 1668. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2103. XIX. Livre de diff^rents Auteurs. Obi. 8vo. Paris: C. Ballard, 1676. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2104. LuLLi, Jean Baptiste. Proserpine. Folio. Paris: Christophe Ballard, 1680. Her Majesty the Queen. 2105. NouvELLE M^thode pour apprendre le Plain Chant 8vo. Rouen : Seyer and Behrout, 1699. W. H. CummingSy Esq. 2106. Masson, C. Nouveau Traits des regies pour la Composition de la Musique. 8vo. Paris : Christopher Ballard, 1699. M. Gustave Chouqutt. 2107. Destouches, Andr^, Cardinal. Amadis de Grece. Obi. 4to. Paris: Christopher Ballard, 1699. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2108. De la Noue, Sauv^. CEuvres de Theatre. i2mo. Paris: Duchesne, 1765. M. Gustave Chouquet. 2109. Anthologie Fran^oise, ou Chansons Choisies depuis le i3me Si^cle jusqu'k present. 8vo. Paris, 1765. Charles K. Salaman^ Esq. 2 1 10. Antiphonarium Romanum. Large folio. Paris: Augustinum- Martinum Lottin, 1780. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 21 1 1. Berquin, M. Romances. 12 mo. Paris: De I'imprimerie de Monsieur, 1788. Charles Letts^ Esq. 266 Carton Celebration. 21 12. Gretry, Andr^ E. M. M^thode Simple pour apprendre h prouder. 8vo. Paris : De L'imprimerie de la Republique, An X. (1802). IV. A. Barrett, Esq. 21 13. Gretry, A. E. M. M^thode Simple. Sm. 8vo. Paris, An X. (1802). W. A. Barrett, Esq, 2 1 14. Chants Chretiens. 8vo. Paris, 1837. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 21 15. Les PsEAUMES de David. Fcap. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Richard Bedhead, Esq. 2 1 16. Cantus Passionis. Large 4to. Paris : Simon Bacon, c. i860. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2 1 1 7. Elwart, a. Petit Traits D'Instrumentation. Sm. 8vo. Paris, Ch. Noblet, 1862. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 21 18. TiRON, Alex. Etudes sur la Musique Grecque. 8vo. Paris: Imprimerie Imperiale, 1866. M. Gustave Chouquet. 21 19. Wekerlin, J. D. Opuscules sur la Chanson Populaire. 8vo. Paris: J. Baur, 1874. M. Gustave Chouquet. Specimens of old types of Le Be, Pierre Ballard, and Robert Ballard. GERMANY. 2120. Luther, Martinus. Deudsche Messe und Ordnung Gottes diensts. 410. Wittemberg, 1526. John Dob son, Esq. 21 2 1. KiRCHENGESANNG, Teutsch und Lateinisch. Folio. Niirnberg: Johann vom Berg und Ulrich Neuber, 1557. John Dobson, Esq. 2122. PsALMEN und Geystliche Lieder welche von Frommen Christen gemacht und zusamen gelesen sind. 8vo. Niirnberg : Valentin Newber, 1563. John Dobson, Esq. 2123. KiRCHENGESANNG Teutsch und Lateinisch, davon in Newburgis- cher und Zweybruckischer Gleichformiger Kirchenordnung Mel- dung gechicht. Folio. Niirnberg : Dieterich Gerlatz, 1570. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2 1 24. Lasso, Orlando di. Patrocinium Musices. Missae aliquot quinque vocum. Secunda pars. Large folio. Monachii, Ad. Berg. 1574. Rev. Sir Frederick A. Gore Ousel ey, Bart. 2125. Lasso, Orlando di. Patrocinium Musices. Missae aliquot quinque vocum. Large folio. Monachii, Ad. Berg. 1589. Rev. Sir Frederick A. Gore Ouseley, Bart. Cla00 f^— i^nnteti ^u^iu (feection III.) 267 2126. Vecchi, Horatio. Convivium Musicale. 4to. Nuremburg : Paul Kauffmann, 1598. Her Majesty the Queen. 2127. Crock, Joanne. Septem Psalmi Poenitentiales sex vocum. Norimbergce : C. Kauffmann, 1599. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2128. Nesero, Johanne. Hymni Sacri Melodijs & Numeris Musicis compositi & coUecti. 8vo. Wittebergae : Zacharias Lehman, 1600. John Dobson, Esq. 2129. Hasler, Leo. Cantiones Sacrae. 4to. Nuremberg: Paul Kauffmann, 1607. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2130. Ambrosium Lobwasser. Die Psalmen Davids, in Teutch Reymen, &c. 24mo. Hanau : Michael Schufelberger, 1650. John Dobson^ Esq. 2 131. Dreszdenisch Gesangbuch Christlicher Psalmen und Kirchen- lieder. 4to. Dresden : Christian und Melchior Bergen, 1656. John Dobson, Esq. 2132. LusT-UND Artzeney Garten des Koniglichen Propheten Davids Das ist Der gantze Psalter. 8vo. Regenspurg : Christoff Fis- chem, 1675. John Dobson^ Esq. 2133. Geist und Lehr-reiches Kirchen und Haus-Buch — mit Noten und Unterlegtem Bass. 4to. Dresden : Christophoro Matthesio, 1694. Her Majesty the Queen. 2134. Geist und Lehr-reiches Kirchen und Haus-Buch. Another copy. John Dob son ^ Esq. 2135. Wagenseil, John Christian. De libera civitate Noribergensi Com- mentatio. 4to. Nuremberg: Wilhelm Kohles, 1697. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2136. Mattheson, Johann. Grosse General-Bass Schule. 4to. Ham- burg: Johann Christoph Kissners, 1731. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2137. Mattheson, J. Melodisches Wissenschafdt. 4to. Hamburg: Christian Herold, 1737. W. H. CummingSy Esq. 2138. Mattheson, J. Der Vollkommene Capellmeister. Folio. Hamburg : Christian Herold, 1739. Alfred H. Littletony Esq. 268 Cajcton Celebcatfom 2139. Storls, Johann Georg Christian. Weyland Hoch-Fiirstlich- Wiirtembergischen Capell-Meisters und Stiffts-Organisten, Neu- bezogenes Davidisches Harpfen-und Psalter-Spiel. Obi. 4to. Stuttgardt: Johann Benedict Metzler, 1744. John Dobson^ Esq. 2140. Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel. Oden mit Melodien. Obi. 4to. Leipzig: Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1762. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2 141. Catalogo delle Sinfonie. 8vo. Leipzig: Giovanno Gottlob, Immanuel Breitkopf, 1762. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2142. Mozart, Leopold. Violin Schule. Sm. folio. Augsburg: Jacob Lotter, 1769. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 2143. Breitkopf, Bernard Theodor. Neue Lieder. Obi. 4to. Leipzig: Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf und Sohn, 1770. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2145. Bach, C. P. E. Heilig mit zwei Choren und einer Ariette. Large folio. Hamburg, 1779. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 2146. Telemann, George Michael. Beytrag zur Kirchen Musik. Folio. Konigsberg und Leipzig : Gottlieb Lebrecht Hartung, 1785. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2147. Bach, C. P. E. Resurrection. Folio. Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1787. W. H. CummingSy Esq. 2433. E. T. P. A. Talestri. Full score. Obi. folio. Leipzig: Bernard Christoph Breitkopf und Sohn. 17 — . Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2148. Mozart, W. A. Requiem. Full score. Obi. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel, 1800. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2149. Neu Verbessertes und vermehrtes Vesperbuch auf Noten, nach den romischen Antiphonal. 3 2 mo. Luxemburg : Schmit- Briick, 184-. Messrs. Novello and Co. 2150. Proske, Carolus. Musica Divina. 4to. Ratisbon : Frideric Postet, 1853. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2169. Von Kochel, Dr. Ludwig Ritter. Kronologisch-Thematisches Vezeichniss sammtlicher Tonwerke Wolfgang Amade Mozart's. 8vo. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel, 1862. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2144. Bohme, Franz M. Altdeutsches Liederbuch. 8vo. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel, 1877. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. €la00 jf.— pcinteD ^u0ic* (Section IIL) 269 HOLLAND. 2 15 1. Il Helicone. Madrigali. Obi. 4to. Antwerp: P. Phalesia, 1 6 1 6. Sacred Hartnonic Society. 2152. 'T Groot Hoorns, Enkhuyzer, Alkmaarder un Purmerender Liede-Boek. 32mo. Amsterdam : Johannes Kannewet, c. 1620. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2153. Amsterdamse Pegasus. Sm. obi. 4to. Amsterdam: Cornells Willanssen, 1627. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2154. De CL. PsALMEN. 8vo. Amsterdam: Hendrick Laurenz, 1629. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2155. Le Jeune, Claude. Les Pseaumes de David — avec la Musicque. i2mo. Leyden : Justus Livius, 1633. John Dobson, Esq. 2156. Starter, J. J. Friesche Lust-Hof, beplant met verscheyden stichtelijke Minne-Liedekens. Sm. obi. 4to. Amsterdam, 1634. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2157. Starter, J. J. Friesche Lust-Hof. Another copy. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2158. Gastoldi, Giovanni Giachomo. Ballets. Obi. 4to. Amsterdam, 1648. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2159. Prins, H. J. Medenblicher Scharve Zoodtje. Sm. obi. Medenblick, 1650. W, H Cummings, Esq. 2160. Porta, Francesco della. Cantiones. 4to. Antwerp: M. Phalesia, 1650. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2 161. Meibomius, Marcus. Antiquse Musicae auctores septem. Sm. 4to. Amsterdam: Lud. Elzevir, 1652. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2162. De CL PsALMEN Davids. 32mo. Dordrecht, 1683. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2163. Brossard, Sebastian. Dictionaire de Musique. 8vo. Amster- dam : Etienne Roger, 1709. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2164. Les Pseaumes de David. Sm. 8vo. Amsterdam: Charles Wetsteins, 17 10. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2165. Triemer, J. Z. A New Version of the Psalms of David — set to Music. 8vo. Amsterdam : Antony Bruyn, 1753. John Dobson, Esq. 270 Cajctoit Celebration. 2166. Les PsEAUMES DE David. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1780. R, Redhead, Esq. 2167. Hex BoEK DER PsALMEN. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1787. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2168. A Selection of Hymns for the use of the English Reformed Church at Amsterdam. i2mo. Haarlem : John Enschedd and Sons, 1 82 1. John Dobson, Esq. 2170. Hex BoEK DER PsALMEN. 32mo. Amsterdam, 1865. W. A. Barrett, Esq. INDIA. 2171. Day, William. Sacred Harmony, or a Selection from the New Version — Fitted to the Tunes used in Churches. 8vo. Madras : Constantine Sampie, 18 18. John Dohson, Esq. 2172. Tagore, Souvindro Mohun. 50 Stanzas in Sanskrita. Large 8vo. Calcutta: J. C. Bose & Co., 1875. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2173. Tagore, Sourindro Mohun. Songs of Jazudera. Sm. folio. Calcutta : Central Press Company, 1875. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2174. Tagore, Sourindo Mohun. English Verses set to Hindu Music. 8vo. Calcutta: J. N. Chore, 1875. Charles Kensington Sala?nan, Esq. 2175. Krishna Dhana Banerjea. Native Bengalee Instruction Book for the Setar. Folio. Calcutta : J. C. Bose & Co. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. ITALY. 2176. Arcadelt, Giaches. Madrigali. Sm. obi. Venice: Plinio Pietra- santa, 1557. W. H. Cummings, Esq, 2177. WiLLAERT, Adrian. Musica Nova. 4to. Venice: F. Rampa- gello, 1558. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2178. Zarlino, Gioseffo. Le Institutioni Harmoniche. Sm. folio. Venice: F. Semel, 1562. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2179. Willaert, a. Sacri e Santi Salmi. 4to. Venice: F. Rampa- gello, 1565. Sacred Harmonic Society. Cla052f Jf.— printeti 9^n0ic. (Section ill.) 271 2180. Animuccia, Joannis, Magistri Cappellae Sacrosanctae Basilicae Vaticanae. Missarum Liber primus. Large folio. Romae : apud Haeredes Valerii e Aloysii Doriconim Fratnim Brixiensum, 1567. Alfred H. Littleton^ Esq. 2 181. FiORiNi, Gaspare. La Nobilta di Roma, 4to. Venice: Girolamo Scotto, 1573. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2182. SiTiBUNDO, Guilemo. Antiphonae ad Magnificat. 4to. Venice: J. Barilettum, 1574. Her Majesty the Quee?i. 2183. Palestrina, Giovanni Pier Luigi. Motecta Festorum Totius Anni. Obi. 4to. Venice : A. Gardano, 1585. Sacred Harmonic Society, 2184. Gabrieli, Andrea. II secundo libro di Madrigali a sei Voci. Sm. 4to. Venice : Angelo Gardano, 1586. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2185. Marenzio, Luca. Madrigali. 4to. Venice: G. Vincenzi, 1586. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2186. Marenzio, Luca. Madrigali kQuatro Voci. Sm. 4to. Venice: Ricciardo Amadino, 1587. Alfred H Littleton, Esq. 2187. Zacconi, Ludovico. Prattica di Musica. Sm. folio. Venice, 1592. Alfred H Littleton, Esq. 2188. Galilei, Vincentio. Dialogo della Musica Antica e Modema. Folio. Florence, 1602. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2189. Scaletta, Orazio. Cetra Spirituale. 4to. Milan, 1605. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2190. Venosa, Carlo Gesualdo. Principe de Madrigali. Folio. Genoa: G. Pavoni, 161 3. Her Majesty the Qu^en. An early instance of printing in score. 2 191. Venosa, C. G. Another copy. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2192. MoNTEVERDE, Claudio. L'Orfeo, Favola in Musica. Folio. Venice : Ricciardo Amadino, 16 15. Her Majesty the Qtuen. 2193. Trabaci, Gio. Maria. II secondo libro de Ricercate & altri varij Capricci. Folio. Naples, 1615. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2194. Severi. Salmi. Rome, 1615. Sacred Hannonic Society. 272 Cajcton Celebration* 2195. Frescobaldi, Girolamo. Ricercari e Canzoni Franzese fatte sopra diversi oblighi in partitura. Folio. Rome : Bartolomeo Zannetti, 16 18. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2196. BoNAFFiNO, Filippo. Madrigali Concertate. 4to. Messina : Pietro Brea, 1623. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2197. Caraccio, Gio. Sudori Musicali. Folio. Venice: Gardano, 1626. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2198. Carrate, Maritio. II primo libro di MottetL Obi. 4to. Venice: Gardano, 1647. Miss Mounsey. 2199. RovETTO, Gio. Motetti. 4to. Venice: Alesandro Vincenti, 1650. W. H. CummingSf Esq. 2200. Strozzi, Barbara. Cantate, ariete a una, due, e tre voci. Opera Terza. Folio. Venice : Gardano, 1654. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2201. Bagatti, Francesco. Concerti Ecclesiastici. 4to. Milan: Gio. Francesco, 1662. Her Majesty the Queen. 2202. FoNTANA, Fabritio.^ Ricercari. Folio. Rome : Gio. Anglo Mutio, 1677. * Julian Marshall, Esq. 2203. CoLONNA, Giovanni. Messa. 4to. Bologna : G. Monti, 1685. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2204. BoNONCiNi, Gio. Maria. Musico Prattico. 4to. Bologna : Giacomo Monti, 1688. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2205. Penna, Lorenzo. Le primi albori Musicali. Sm. 4to. Bologna: Pier-Maria Monti, 1696. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2206. Bassani, Gioan. Battista. Salmi. 4to. Venice : Gioseppe Sala, 1697. IV. H. Cummings, Esq. 2207. Gasparini, Francesco. L'Armonico pratico al cimbalo. 4to. Venice, 1708. JV. H. Cummings, Esq. 2208. CizzARDi, L. M. II Tutto in poco. Folio. Parma, 171 1. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2209. Presepi Presipio. Sacri trattenimenti. 8vo. Florence, 1722. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2210. Marcello, Benedetto. Salmi. Large folio. Venice: Fortu- niano Rosati, 1726. Her Majesty the Queen. Claj2?0 iF*— ^tinteli 95u0ic> (feettion iv.) 273 221 1. Sabbatini, F. Luigi Ant La Vera Idea delle Musical! Numeriche. Sm. folio. Venice, 1799. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2212. Alfieri, Pietro. Saggio storico Teorico pratico del Canto Gre- goriano e Romano. Rome, 1835. Messrs, Novello &> Co. 2213. BiROM. Sonate. Bologna: P. M. Monti, n. d. Sabred Harmonic Society. SWITZERLAND. 2214. Sternhold, Hopkins. The Whole Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English Metre. 4to. Geneva: John Crespin, 1568. John Dobson^ Esq. 2215. Marot and Beze. Les Pseaumes de David, Mis en rime Frangoise. 8vo. Geneva: Jean de Tournes, 161 1. John Dobson^ Esq. 2216. Les Pseaumes de David. Lausanne, 1824. W. H. CummingSy Esq. Section IV. TABLATURE AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS OF NOTATION. ENGLAND. 2217. B^SSaRLEY, William. A new book of Tabliture, containing sundrie n ^Sj ^2&\q. and familiar Instructions. Sm. obi. 4to. London : BIJwJI ^o'* William Barley, 1596. Julian Marshall ^ Esq. 2218. Barley, W. A new book of Tabliture. Another copy. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2219. DouLAND, Robert. A Musicall Banquet. Folio. London : Thomas Adams, 16 10. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2220. Corkine, William. Ayres to sing and play to the Lute. Folio. London : William Stansby (?), 1610. Sacred Harmonic Society. T J174 Ca;ctoit Celebcatfon* 2221. Campian, Thomas. The Third and Fourth Booke of Ayres. Folio. London, r. 1 612. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2222. Tailour, Robert. Sacred Hymns. Consisting of Fifti Select Psalms of David and others, paraphrastically turned into English verse. And set to be sung in five parts, as also to the Viole and Lute, or Orph-arion. 4to. London : Thomas Snodham,. 1 61 5. Alfred H. Littleton^ Esq. 2223. Musick's Recreation on the Ljnra VioL Obi. 4to. London: John Playford, 1652. W. Chappell, Esq. 2224. Playford, John. Musick's Delight on the Cithren. Obi. 4to. London : W. G., 1666. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2225. Youth's Delight on the Flageolet. Sm. obi. London : John Clarke, c. 1670. W. Chappell, Esq. 2226. Mace, Thomas. Musick's Monument. Folio. London : T. Ratcliffe and N. Thompson, 1676. Alfred H. Littleton^ Esq. 2227. Simpson, Christopher. A Compendium of Practical Musick. Sm. 8vo. London, 1678. W. A. Barrett ^ Esq. 2228. De la Fond, John Francis. A New System of Music 8vo. London, 1725. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2229. Steele, Joshua. An Essay. 4to. London, 1775. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2230. Glover, Sarah A. Manual of the Tetrachordal System. 32mo. Norwich, c. 1840. W. A. Barrett^ Esq, 2231. Taylor, Sedley. Proposed improved Notation. Sm. 8vo. Lon- don, 1875. C. K. Salaman^ Esq. 2232. GALiN-Paris-Chevd Elementary Course of Vocal Music. Sm. 4to. 1877. F.E. B. Bullen, Esq. SCOTLAND. 2233. Daxjney, William. Ancient Scottish Melodies. Sm. 4to. Edin- burgh : The Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Company, 1838. IV. Henderson^ Esq. 2234. Baptie, D. The Union School-Song Garland. Square 8vo. Glasgow: W. Hamilton, 1874. W. A. Barrett ^ Esq. Printed in Hamilton's patent " Union" musical notation. Clajaf^ jf.—^vinm 9^u0fc* (feettfon IV,) 275 CHINA. 2235. Ch* in P'u : Music for the Lute. 8vo. 1802. Alfred H, Littleton, Esq. FRANCE. 2236. BoESSET, A. Airs de Cour avec la Tablature de Luth. 4to. Paris, 1624. 2237. CoRBETT, Francisque. La Guitarre Royale. Tablature engraved on copper by H. Bonneuil. Paris, 167 1. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2238. Rousseau. Nouveaux signes pour la Musique. Paris, 1782. W. H. Cummings, Esq. GERMANY. 2239. Heckel, Wolf. Lautten Buch. Obi. 4to. Strasbourg, 1562. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2240. Straube, Rudolfo. Due Senate \ Liuto Solo. Obi. 4to. Leipzig: Engraved by Schonemann, 1746. Julian Marshall, Esq. HOLLAND. 2241. Valerius, Adrianus. Nederlandtsche Gedenck-Clanck. Obi. 4to. Haarlem, 1626. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. ITALY. 2242. Caroso (da Sermonela), Fabritio. II Ballarino. 4to. Venice: Francesco Ziletti, 1581. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2243. Kapsberger, Gio. Girolamo. Arie, Villanelle, Motetti, &c Shl folio. Rome, 1604-12. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2244. Carosa. Nobilta di Dama. 8vo. Venice : Muschio, 1605. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2245. Martini, Giambatista. Storia della Musica. Bologna, 1757. Messrs. NoveUo &» Co, Music Printed in Tonic Sol-fa Notation. 2246. Arabic Tunes and Hymns. Messrs. J. Curwen and Sons. Collection of tunes printed in the tonic sol-fa notation in Arabic character. 2247. Japanese Tunes. Messrs. J. Curuien and Sons. Collection of tunes printed in the tonic sol-fa notation in Japanese character. %j6 €axton Celebration^ 2248. Tonic Sol-fa Exercises. Messrs./. Curwen and Sons. Music printed for the use of the blind, 2249. Specimen Sheet Messrs./. Curwen and Sons. Tonic sol-fa music founts in present use for bookwork. 2250. Specimen Sheet Messrs./ Curwen and Sons. Tonic sol-fa music foimts in present use for wall sheets, &c. 2251. The Sol-fa Tune Book. 1841. Messrs./. Curwen and Sons. The first book of tunes printed in the tonic sol-fa notation. 2252. Manual of Music for the Young. Messrs./ Curwen and Sons. Tonic sol-fa instruction book in Chinese, by Rev. C. Douglas. 2253. Introduction to the Music of the West Messrs. / Curwen and Sons. An account of the ordinary staff notation for Chinese. 2254. Tunes and Hymns that Nourish the Heart. Messrs. / Curwen and Sons. A collection of tonic sol-fa music adapted to Chinese readers. 2255. Colleccion de Himnos Cristianos. Messrs./ Curwen and Sons. Tonic sol-fa hymns and tunes in Spanish, printed at Madrid. 2256. TiONA sy Fihirana. Messrs./ Curwen and Sons. Tonic sol-fa hymn and tune book printed at Antananarivo, Madagascar, by the London Missionary Society. Section V. MUSIC PRINTED FROM ENGRAVED PLATES. ENGLAND. 2257. YRD, William, Bull, John, and Gibbons, Orlando. Parthenia, or the Maydenhead of the first musick ever printed for the Virginalls. Sm. folio. London : Hole, sculpt, i6ii. Her Majesty the Queen. 2258. Byrd, William, Bull, J, and Gibbons, O. Parthenia. Another copy. /ulian Marshall^ Esq. Cla00 if.— prmteU 9^0it. (feectfoti v,) 277 2259. Slatyer, W. The Psalmes of David in 4 Languages and in 4 Parts, set to ye Tunes of our Church. i2mo. London: Thomas Harper, 1643. /o/in Dobson, Esq. 2 259*.Child, William. Choise Musick. Sm. obi. folio. London, John Playford, 1656. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2260. Simpson, Christopher. The Division- Violist. Folio. London : William Godbid, 1659. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2017. Simpson, Christopher. The Division Violist. Another copy. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 2261. Musick's Hand-maide presenting New and Pleasant Lessons for the Harpsycon. Sm. obi. 4to. London: for John Playford, 1663. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2262. Salmon, Thomas. Essay to the Advancement of Music. Sm. 8vo. London : J. Macock, 1672. W.H. Cummings^ Esq. 2263. Locke, Matthew. Melothesia. Obi. 4to. London, 1673. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2264. Locke, M. Present Practice of Musick Vindicated. Sm. 8vo. London : N. Brooke, 1673. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2265. Bowman, Henry. Songs for Two and Three Voices. Folio. Oxford, 1677. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2266. Playford, John. The Whole Book of Psalms. London, 1677. Edward J. Hopkins^ Esq. 2267. Bowman, Henry. Songs. Folio. Engraved by Richard Davis. Oxford, 1679. Sacred Hartnonic Society. 2268. PuRCELL, Henry. Sonnatas of Three Parts. Folio. Engraved by Tho. Cross, Junior. London: J. Playford, 1683. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 2269. The Delightful Companion for the Recorder or Flute. Obi. 4to. London : Playford, 1686. W. Chappelly Esq. 2270. PuRCELL, H. New Songs in the Third Part of The Comical History of Don Quixote. Sm. folio. London, 1696. Sacred Harmonic Society, 2271. PuRCELL, H. Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsi- chord or Spinnet. Obi. 8vo. Westminster : Mrs. Frances Pur- cell, 1696. W. H. Cummings y Esq. 2272. PuRCELL, Daniell. Psalms set full for the Organ. Obi. 410. London, 1701. IV. H Cummings, Esq. 2273. EccLES, J no. General Collection of Songs. Folio. London : J. Walsh, 1703. IV. H. Cummings, Esq. 278 Ca;cton Celebration* 2274. Blow, William, and Purcell, H. A Choice Collection of Les- sons. Obi. 4to. London, 1705. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2275. Clayton, Thomas. Songs in the New Opera called Arsino^, Queen of Cyprus. Folio. London : J. Walsh, 1705. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. 2276. SiRis, P. The Art of Dancing. 4to. London, 1706. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2277. Isaac, Mr., and Weaver, John. A Collection of Ball-Dances performed at Court. 4to. London: J. Vaillant, 1706. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2278. BoNONCiNL Songs in the New Opera of Camilla. Folio. Lon- don: John CuUen, 1707. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2279. Reading, John. Book of New Songs. Folio. London : Bra- bazon Aylmer, r. 1709. W. II. Cummings, Esq. 2280. Reading, John. Book of New Anthems. 4to. Engraved by P. Bates. London, c. 1709. W. H, CummingSy Esq. 2281. CoRELLi, Arcangelo. The Score of the Twelve Concertos. Large folio. Engraved " with the utmost correctness" by Tho. Cross. London, r. 1710. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2282. Clarke, Jeremiah. Choice Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinett. Obi. 4to. London : C. King, J. Young, and J. Hare, 1 7 1 1. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2283. Handel, George Frederic. Arie dell' Opera di Rinaldo. Folio. London : J. Walsh, 171 1. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2284. Babell, William. Suits of the most Celebrated Lessons. Folio. London, c. 1 7 1 2. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2285. Croft, William. Musicus Apparatus Academicus. Folio. London : Engraven by Thomas Atkins, 17 13. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2286. Handel, G. F. Suite des pieces pour le Clavecin. Obi. folio. London ; Cluer, 1720. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2287. Handel, G. F. Floridant, an Opera. Folio. London: J. Walsh, 1720. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2288. Hine, William. Harmonia Sacra Glocestriensis. Folio. Gloucester, c. 1720. W. A. Barrett, Esq. Cla00 f.— prmteu a^u^ic. (feemoit v,) 279 2289. BoNONCiNi, Giovanni. Cantate e Duetti. Obi. folio. London, 1 72 1. W. H. CummingSy Esq. 2290. Jacobi, John Christian. Psalmodia Germanica; or, a Specimen of Divine Hymns, with their Proper Tunes and Thorough Bass. 8vo. London: J.Young, 1722. John Dobson^ Esq. 2291. BoNONCiNi, Giovanni. Funeral Anthem. Folio. Engraved by T. Cross. London : Richard Meares, 1722. W, H. Cummings, Esq. 2292. Church, John. An Introduction to Psalmody. Svo. London, Engraved by T. Cross for R. Meares, 1723. John Dobson, Esq. 2293. Carey, Henry. Cantatas. Folio. London, 1724. W. H. CummingSj Esq. 2294. Croft, William. Musica Sacra. Folio. 1724. Edward J. Hopkins, Esq. 2295. Leveridge, Richard. A Collection of Songs. Svo. London, 1727. W. H. Cum?nings, Esq. 2296. Pepusch, John Christopher. Beggar's Opera. Svo. London : J. Watts, 172S. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2297. Hart, Philip. The Morning Hymn from the Fifth Book of Milton's Paradise Lost. Folio. Engraved by Cross. London, 1728-9. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2298. Pepusch, J. C. The Beggar's Opera. 4to. London : John Watts, 1729. Alfred ff. Littleton, Esq. 2299. Hart, Philip. Fugues for the Organ or Harpsichord, with Lessons for the Harpsichord. Obi. folio. Engraved by Thomas Cross, Senior. London, c. 1730. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2300. RosEiNGRAVE, Thomas. Voluntarys and Fugues made on purpose for the Organ or Harpsicord. Folio. Engraved by T. Cross, Senior. London, c. 1730. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2301. Prelleur, Peter. Modem Musick Master. 4to. Engraved by J. Smith. London, 1731. IV.If. Cummings, Esq. 2302. Carey, H. Six Cantatas. Obi. 4to. London, 1732. Julian Marshall, Esq. 28o Caj:toa €z\thtation. 2303. ToMLiNSON, Kellom. The Art of Dancing explained by Reading and Figures. Sm. folio. London, 1735. Alfred If. Littleton, Esq. 2304. MusiCK. Folio. London: Bickham, 1737. Mrs. Bartholomew. 2305. Songs in the Opera of Flora. 8vo. London, 1737. Engraved by G. Bickham, Junior. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2306. Lampe, John Frederick. Songs and Duetts in the burlesque Opera called The Dragon of Wantley. Folio. London: John Walsh, 1737. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2307. Lampe, J. F. The Musical Entertainer. Folio. Engraved by George Bickham, Junior. London, 1737. Sacred Harmonic Society. 2308. The Chaplet. 8vo. London: Walsh, 1738. Her Majesty the Queen. 2309. Amaryllis. 8vo. London: M. Cooper, r. 1738. Her Majesty the Queen. 2310. Scarlatti, Domenico. xlii. Suites de Pieces. Obi. 4to. Lon- don : B. Cooke, 1738. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 231 1. Blow, John, and others. Thesaurus Musicus. Folio. London, 1738. IV. A. Barrett, Esq. 2312. Calliope, or English Harmony. A Collection of the most cele- brated English and Scots Songs. [" Printed on a fine Paper on each side, which renders the Undertaking more compleat than anything of the kind ever Published."] 8vo. Engraved on copper by Henry Roberts. London, 1739. Alfred H Littleton, Esq. 2313. Geminiani, Francesco. Sonate k Violino e Basso. Large folio. London, 1739. W, A. Barrett, Esq 2314. Handel, G. F. Suites des Pieces pour le Clavecin. Obi. 4to. London : J. Walsh, ^.1740. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2315. CoRELLi, Archangelo. 12 Sonatas or Solos for a Violin or Bass- Violin or Harpsichord. Folio. London : John Walsh, c. 1 740. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. Cla00 JF^— pcinteti 9^u0ic. (Section V,) 281 2316. Handel, G. F. Six Concertos for the Harpsichord or Organ. Folio. London : John Walsh, 1740. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. 2317. Geminiani, Francesco. 12 Solos for a Violin with a thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Bass Violin. London : J. Walsh, c. 1 740. Charles Kensington Salanian^ Esq. 2318. Arne, Thomas Augustin. Rule Britannia. Folio. London: Henry Waylett, 1741. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2319. Paradies, Domenico. Sonate di gravicembalo. Folio. Lon- don : John Johnson, c. 1747. Her Majestu the Queen. 2320. MusARUM Brittanicarum Thesaurus : or, a choice collection of English songs, dialogues and catches for two, three, and four voices, in score. Sm. obi. 4to. Waltham, Leicestershire : William East, 1 748. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. 2321. East, William. The Voice of Melody. Obi. folio. Waltham, Leicestershire, 1750. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2322. Marcello, Benedetto. The first Fifty Psalms, adapted to the English version by John Garth. Folio. London, 1757. En- graved by Thomas Baker. Messrs. Cocks and Co. 2323. Arne, T. A. Monthly Melody. Folio. 1760. Engraved by R. Alderman. London : G. Kearsly. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2324. Boyce, William. Cathedral Music. Large folio. London, 1760. W. H. CuinmingSy Esq. 2325. Hayes, William. Catches, Canons, and Glees. Obi. folio. Oxford, 1763. W. H. Cufnmings, Esq. 2326. Bremner, Robert. Rudiments of Music. 8vo. London, 1763. W. If. CummingSy Esq. 2327. Mozart, J. G. Wolfgang. Sonates pour le Clavecin. (Euvre IL Obi. folio. London : Bremner, c. 1764. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2328. Waring, William. The Complete Dictionary of Music. Trans- lated from the original French of Mons. J. J. Rousseau. Royal 8vo. London, c. 1770. IV. Henaerson, Esq. 2329. Psalms, Hymns, and Anthems used in the Chapel ol the Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Young Children. 8vo. London, 1774. W. A. Barrett, Esq 28a Cajcton Celebration. 2330. Smith, Stafford John. Collection of English Songs. Folio. Engraved by Johannis Scherer. London : J. Bland, 1779. IV. H. CummingSy Esq. 2331. The Organist's Pocket Companion. London, 17 — . Edward/. Hopkins^ Esq. 2332. Stevens, Richard John Samuel. Sacred Music. Folio. Lon- don, 1804. W. A. Barreity Esq. 2333. Crotch, William. Elements of Musical Composition. 4to. London, 1812. W. A. Barrett^ Esq. 2334. Fawcett, John. Roberts' Melodia Sacra. Sm. obi. 4to. 18 — . Messrs. Novello &* Co. 2335. Mantel, J. C. Six Sets of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Organ. Folio. London : Wm. Smith. Richard Redhead, Esq. 2336. CoRELLi, Arcangelo. Sonatas. Folio. Engraved by Thomas Cross. London. Messrs. Henderson, Rait, 6- Fenton. SCOTLAND. 2337. CoRRi, Domenico. Select Collection of the most admired Songs, Duetts, &c. Folio. Edinburgh : John Corri, f. 1775. Engraved by James Johnson. W. H. Cummings, Esq. The first music book printed with ** A proper accompaniment" for Harpsi- chord, called by the author, Corri's New S)rstem. 2338. Johnson, James. The Scots Musical Museum. Engraved by Johnson. Edinburgh: Johnson, 1787. W. Henderson, Esq. 2339. Thomson, George. A Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice. Large folio. Edinburgh : J. Moir, 1801. W. Henderson, Esq. 2340. Smith, R. A. The Irish Minstrel. Royal 8vo. Edinburgh : Robert Purdie, 1825. W. Henderson, Esq. 2341. Johnson, James. The Scots Musical Museum. New edition by W. Stenhouse. 8vo. Edinburgh : William Blackwood & Sons, 1853. W. Henderson, Esq. The engraved plates same as employed in edition of 1787. IRELAND. 2342. Bunting, William. A General Collection of the Ancient Irish Melodies. Folio. Dublin: Gough, 1790. W. Henderson, Esq. Cla00 JF — pn'nteH 9^u0ic. (feectfoix V,) 283 AMERICA. 2343. Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer's Assistant, izmo. Boston: W. M' Alpine, 1767. yohn Dob son, Esq. AUSTRIA. 2344. MuFFAT, Theofilo. Componimenti Musicali per il Cembalo. Austria. Obi. folio. Engraved by G. C. Leopold. Vienna, 1727. Julian Marshall, Esq. FRANCE. 2345. Cantates FranQoises. Folio. Engraved by H. de Baussen. Paris, c. 1700. Her Majesty the Queen. 2346. LuLLY, J. B. Phaeton. Folio. Paris, 1709. M. Gustave Chouquet. 2347. CouPERiN. Pieces de Clavecin. Large folio. Engraved by Berey. Paris, 17 13. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2348. CouPERiN. L'Art de toucher le Clavecin. Folio. Engraved by Berey. Paris, 171 7. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2349. Le Sage and D'Orneral. Le theatre de la Foire. i2mo. Paris : Etienne Ganeau, 1721. Charles Letts, Esq. 2350. Handel, G. F. Suite de Pibces pour le Clavecin. Folio. Engraved by Madame Leclair. Paris, c. 1733. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2351. Dubreuil. Dictionaire lyrique portatif. 8vo. Paris : Lacombe, 1766. M. Gustave Chouquet. 2352. Carpentier, J. Recueils de Menuets, &c. Folio. Engraved by Madame Renault. Paris, f. 1770. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2353. EcKARD, J. G. Menuet d'Exaudet avec des Variations pour le Clavecin. Obi. folio. Engraved by Petit. Paris, r. 1770. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2354. Hullmandel, N. J. Recueil de Petits Airs. Obi. folio. En- graved by Madame Oger. Paris, r. 1780. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2355. Chabanon. DelaMusique. 8vo. Paris: Pissot, 1785. M. Gustave Chouquet. 284 Cajctorx Celebratiom 2356. Choron, a. Principes elementaires. Folio. Paris, An VIII. (1800). JV. A. Barrett, Esq. 2357. Kastner. Instrumentation. Folio. Paris, 1836. W. A, Barrett, Esq. GERMANY. 2358. MuRSCHHAUSER, Franz Xavier. Prototypon longobiere Organi- cum. ObL 4to. Nuremberg, c. 1700. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2359. Veracini, Francesco Maria. Sonate \ Violino Solo e Basso. Op. I. Obi. folio. Dresden, 172 1. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2360. Bach, J. S. Clavir Ubung bestehend in Praeludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Giguen, Menuetten, und andem Galan- terien ; denen Liebhabern zur Gemiiths Ergoezung verfertiget. Sm. obL 4to. Leipsic : In Verlegung des Autoris, 1727. Alfred H. Littleton, Esq. Engraved on copper by the composer himself. 2361. Binder, Christlieb Sigismondo. Sei Suonate per il Cembalo. Op. I. Obi. folio. Engraved by M. Keijl. Dresden, c. 1730. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2362. Bach, C. P. E. Exempel in Sechs Sonaten. Large folio. Leipzig, 1752-62. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2363. Bach, C. P. E. Versuch iiber die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen. Large folio. Berlin: S. L. Winter, 1759. Her Majesty the Queen. HOLLAND. 2364. Pepusch, J. C. Sonates k un Violon Seul et un Basse Continue. Obi. folio. Amsterdam : Etienne Roger, c. 1 7 1 2. W. A. Barrett, Esq. ITALY. 2365. Frescobaldi, G. II primo libro delle Canzone. Obi. folio. Rome : Mazotti, 1628. Her Majesty the Queen. 2366. Frescobaldi, G. Toccate d'intavolatura di cimbalo et Organo. Folio. Rome ; Nicolo Borbone, 1637. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2367. Frescobaldi, G. Canzoni alia Francese. Folio. Venice : Al- lesandro Vincenti, 1645. Her Majesty the Queen. Cla052J if.— prmteD 9^u0ic. (Section vi,) 285 2368. CoRELLi, Arcangelo. Violone o cimbalo. Obi. folio. En- graved by Gasparo Pietra Santa. Rome : Filippo Farinelli, 1700. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2369. Scarlatti, Domenico. Essercizi per Gravicembalo. Large obi. folio. Engraved by B. Fortier. Venice, c. 1728. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2370. Tessarini, Carlo. II Maestro, e Discipolo. Divertimenti da Camera a due Violini. Op. 2. Obi. folio. Urbino, 1734. Julian Marshall^ Esq, 2371. Sala, Nicolo. Regole del Contrapunto Pratico. Large folio, Naples, 1794. Sacred Harmonic Society, 2372. Alfieri, Pietro. Accompagnamento coll' Organo de' Toni Ecclesiastici e sulla Melodia del Te Deum. Rome : Pietro Pit torelli, 1840. Messrs. Novello and Co MEXICO. 2373. MissA Gothica sen Mozarabica. Folio. Angelopoli (Puebla), 1770. Julian Marshall, Esq. Section VI. MUSIC PRINTED FROM STAMPED PLATES. ENGLAND. 2374. REENE, Maurice, Dr. Spenser's Amoretti. London : J. Walsh, c. 1730. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2375. Bach, Giovanni Christiano. Sei Canzonette a due. Op. IV. Obi. 4to. London, c. 1760. Julian Marshall, Esq. 2376. Riley, William. Parochial Music Corrected. 4to. London, 1762. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2377. Hale, Thomas. Social Harmony. 4to. London, 1763. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 286 Cajcton Celebration* 2378. Mozart, J. G. Wolfgang (agd de huit ans). Six Senates pour le Clavecin. CEuvre III. Folio. London : Printed for the Author and Sold at his Lodgings at Mr. Williamson in Thrift Street, Soho, 1765. Julian Marshall^ Esq. 2379. Mozart, J. G. Wolfgang. Six Sonates. Another copy. Messrs. Henderson^ Rait, and Fenton, 2380. Arne, T. a. Artaxerxes, an Opera. Obi. folio. London, c, 1766. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2381. Arne, T. A. Artaxerxes in Score. Folio. London, c. 1770. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2382. Byrd, William. Canon for Eight Voices. Large folio. Lichfield : John Alcock, 1770. W.H. Cummings, Esq. 2383. Burney, Charles. La Musica che si canta annualmente nelle Funzioni della Settimana Santa, Capella Pontificia. Folio. Lon- don : Robert Bremner, 1771. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2384- Hayes, Philip. Harmonia Wiccamica. Obi. folio. London, 1780. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2385. Jones, William, the Rev. A Treatise on the Art of Music. Sm. folio. Colchester : W. Keymer, 1 784. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2386. Handel, G. F. Alexander Balus. (Arnold.) Folio. London, c. 1785. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2387. Storage, Stephen. The Haunted Tower, an Opera. Obi. folio. London, 1789. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2388. CoRFE, Joseph. Beauties of Handel. Obi. folio. London, 1800. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2389. Shield, William. Introduction to Harmony. 4to. London, 1800. W. A. Barren, Esq. 2390. MoLLER, John Christian. A Compleat Book of Instructions. Obi. folio. London, 1804. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2391. Webb, Richard, the Rev. A Collection of Madrigals. Folio. London, 1808. W. H. Cummings, Esq. 2392. Novello, V. Sacred Music. Folio. London, 181 1. Messrs. Novello 6^ Co. CIajJ0 Sf—^vintzn ^n^iu (feectfon VI,) 287 2393. LoGiER, Jean Baptiste. Companion to the Chiroplast. Folio. London, 1817. W. A. Barrett , Esq. 2394. NovELLO, V. The Fitzwilliam Music Large folio. London : J. A. Novello, 1825. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. 2395. Goss, John. Parochial Psalmody. i6mo. London, 1826. IV. A. Barrett, Esq. 2395* PuRCELL, H. Sacred Music Large folio. Messrs. Novello 6- Co. 2 395 f. Novello, Vincent. Studies in Madrigalian Scoring. Large folio. 183 . Messrs. Novello and Co. 2396. RiMBAULT, E. F. Little Lays for Little Learners. Sm. 4to. London, 1842. W. A. Barrett, Esq. 2397. PuRCELL, Henry. The Yorkshire Feast-Song. Folio. London: Novello, Ewer, & Co., 1877. Messrs. Novello 6- Co. SCOTLAND. 2400. Neustedt, Charles. Air Ecossais. Folio. Edinburgh : Home and Macdonald, 1877. Messrs. Home and Macdonald. 2401. Reid Concert Libretto. 8vo. Edinburgh: Home and Macdonald, 1877. Messrs. Home and Macdonald. 2402. Grand Arpeggios. Folio. Edinburgh : Home and Macdonald, 1877. Messrs. Home and Macdonald. DENMARK. 2403. Berggreen, a. p. Danske Folke-Sange og Melodier. Obi. 8vo. Copenhagen, i860. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. FRANCE. 2404. Choron, Alexandre. Principes de Composition des Ecoles d'ltalie. Folio. Paris, 1808. Messrs. Cocks and Co. 2405. ViLBAC, Renaud De. Echos de I'Enfance. Large 4to. Paris : Enoch p^re et fils, 1876. Messrs. Enoch and Son. 2406. Benedict, Sir Julius. Overture to the Tempest. Sm. folio. Paris : Enoch p^re et fils, 1877. Messrs. Enoch and Son. 288 Carton Celebration GERMANY. 2407. Haydn, Joseph. 1 2 Pieces pour le Pianoforte. Obi. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel, 1800. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2408. Beethoven, L. van. First Symphony. Full score. Bergedorf, near Hamburg : Dr. Fr. Chrysander, 186-. Messrs. Schott and Co. 2409. Gluck, Christophe. Iphig^nie en Aulide. Full score. Folio. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel, 1873. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. 2410. Rupp, H. Die Walkiire fur Pianoforte. Mayence : B. Schott's Sohne, 1875. Messrs. Schott and Co. 241 1. Wagner, Richard. Gotterdammerung. Full score. Mayence: B. Schott's Sohne, 1876. Messrs. Schott and Co. 2412. Mozart, W. A. Requiem. Full score. Folio. Leipzig : Breitkopf and Hartel, 1877. Messrs. Breitkopf and Hdrtel. HUNGARY. 2413. Liszt, Franz. Ungarische Volkslieder. Folio. Pesth, i860. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. ITALY. 2415. Moraudi, Giovanni. Sonate per Organo. Obi. folio. Milan: Ricordi, 1808. Signer Giulio Ricordi. 2416. Crescentini, Girolamo. Raccolta di Esercizj per il Canto. Folio. Milan : Ricordi, 181 8. Signor Giulio Ricordi. 2417. Catrufo, G. Vocalizzi o Studi per la Voce. Folio. Milan : Ricordi, 1820. Signor Giulio Ricordi. 2418. PoLLiNi, Francesco. Stabat Mater. Obi. folio. Milan : Ricordi, 1 82 1. Signor Giulio Ricordi. 2419. Rossini, Gioachino. Maometto H. Obi. folio. Milan : Ricordi, 1823. Signor Giulio Ricordi. 24i9*.RossiNi, G. Guglielmo Tell. Full score. 8vo. Florence : G. G. Guidi, i860. Messrs. Novello and Co. 2420. Peri, Jacopo. La Prima Opera in Musica (1600), Euridice. Large 8vo. Firenze, 1863. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. Cla00 Sf—^vinm 9^mu (Section VII,) 289 2421. Verdi, Giuseppe. Aida. Folio. Milan : Ricordi, 1872. Signor Giulio Ricordi, RUSSIA. 2422. Ukrainiens, Kosaques, &c. Folio. St. Petersbourg, c. 1800. W. H. Cummings^ Esq. 2423. Russian National Music. 4to. Moscow: A. Typunez, 1853. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. SWEDEN. 2424. Skalde Styken. i6mo. Stockholm, 1800. W. A. Barrett ^ Esq. Section VII. MUSIC PRINTED BY LITHOGRAPHIC AND OTHER PROCESSES NOT PREVIOUSLY CLASSIFIED. ENGLAND. 2425- ELY, Alfred. Long Live the Queen. Folio. London : I. W. Mould, c. 1866. IV. If. Cummings, Esq. 2426. Handel, G. F. The Messiah. Obi. folio. London : Vincent Brooks, Day, and Son, 1868. Messrs. Novella 6- Co. Photolithographed from the original manuscript. 2427. Specimens of Lithographic and Letterpress Music, in frames. Messrs. Home and Macdonald» FRANCE. 2428. CoussEMAKER, Ed. dc. Histoire de THarmonie de Moyen Age. 4to. Paris : Victor Didron, 1852. M. Gustave Chouquet. 2429. Didron, Ain^. L'Office du Treizi^me Sibcle. 4to. Paris : F. Chandon, aind, 1853. Percy D. Hawker^ Esq. 2430. Mereaux, Am^d^. Les Clavecinistes de 1637 k 1790. Folio. Paris: Heugel and Co., c. 1854. M. Gustave Chouquet. 2431. DuRAND, L. D^ouverte et Demonstrations de la Similitude des Gammes. 8vo. Paris, 1864. M. Gustave Chouquet. u 290 Carton Celebration* 2432. Rahn, Bemardin. Journal de Composition Musicale. 8vo. Paris, c, 1870. W, A. Barrett, Esq. HUNGARY. 2434. Blahane Kedveltdalai 24 Valoga Holtmagyar n^pdal. Folio. Enckhangra zongora-kisdret ^s-atirattal elldtta Abrdnyi Korn'el. Budapest, Tdborszky ds Parsch, i860. CJiarles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. MEXICO. 2435. Marzan, J. La Corona del Imperio. Marcha Militar. Folio. 1866. Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. 2436. Iradier. El Chin-Chin Chan Cancion Habanera. Folio. H. Nagel y Cia. Charles Kensington Salaman^ Esq. SPAIN. 2437. FuERTES, Mariano Soriano. Historia de la Miisica Espanola. 8vo. Barcelona: D. Narciso Ramirez, 1855. W. A. Barrett^ Esq. SWEDEN. 2438. SoDERMANN, Aug. Ett BrondbroUop. Folio. Stockholm : Elkan & Schildknecht Charles Kensington Salaman, Esq. \ HE following exhibits lent by the Italian Government, as re- \ presented by His Excellency the Minister of Instruction, have U^ been kindly selected by the librarians of the Biblioteca Vittorio Emanuele, Biblioteca Casanatense, and Biblioteca Angelica, all in Rome, but having arrived after the opening of the Exhibition, are shown in cases by themselves, and are necessarily catalogued as an Appendix to this Class. 2439. Gaforius, Franchinus. Theoricum opus musice discipline. 4to. Naples : Franciscus di Dino, 1480. Printed from wooden blocks. 2440. Missale Secundum morem sancte Romane Ecclesie. 1485. Type (red and black). 2441. BuRTius, Nicolaus. Opusculum Musices. 4to. Bologna : Ugo de Rugeriis, 1487. Printed from wooden blocks. 2442. Gaforius, Franchinus. Theorica Musicae. Folio. Milan : Joannis Petri de Cimatis, 1492. Printed from wooden blocks. 2443. Gaforius, Franchinus. Pratica Musicae. Folio. Milan, 1496. Printed from wooden blocks. 2444. Faber, Jacobus. Elementa Musicalia. Paris : Joannis Higmanus, 1496. Printed from wooden blocks. 2445. Gaforius, Franchinus. Pratica Musicae utriusque cantus. Folio. Venice : Augustinus de Zannis, 15 12. Printed from wooden blocks. 2446. Processionale Romanum cum officio mortuorum et missa pro defunctis. Venice: Junta, 15 13. Type (red and black). 2447. Liber Quindecim Missarum a diversis auctoribus edite per Andream Antiquum de Montona. Folio. Rome, 15 16. Printed from wooden blocks. 2448. Liber Quindecim Missarum. Another copy. 2449. Missale Aquileyensis. Venice: Petrus Liechtenstein, 15 17. Type (red and black). 2450. Reuchlin, Johannis. De accentibus et orthographia linguae Hebraicae. 4to. Hagenoae, in aedibus Thomae Ausheloni Ba- densis, 15 18. Printed from wooden blocks. 2451. Missale Pomamiense. 1524. Type (red and black). 2452. FoLiANUS, Ludovicus. Musica Theorica, Venice: Jo. Antonius et Fratres de Sabio, 1529. 2453. Aron, Piero. Toscanello in Musica. Sm. folio. Venice : Ber- nardino et Matheo di Vitali, 1529. 2454. Vanneo, Stephano. Recanetum de Musica Aurea. Folio. Rome: Valerium Doricum, 1533. 2455. Vanneo, Stephano. Another copy. Printed from wooden blocks. 2456. Lanfranco, Giovan Maria. Scintille di Musica. 8vo. Brescia : Ludovico Brittanico, 1533. Printed from wooden blocks. 2457. LusciNius, Ottomarus. Musurgia seu praxis musica. Argento- rati, Schottus, 1536. Printed from wooden blocks. 2458. Compendium Musices. Beme: Mathias Apiarius, 1539. Printed from wooden blocks. 292 Ca;ctoii CeUbratiom 2459. Regule Musicales. Lugduni: Jacobum Modernum de Pinquenti, 1540. Type (red and black). 2459tf.CANTORiNUS ad eorum instnictionem qui cantum ad chorum ptinentem discere concupiscunt. Sm. 8vo. Venice, 1550. Type (red and black). 2459^.MoRALis, Christophori. Magnificat omni-tonum cum quatuor vocibus. Folio. Venice: Antonio Gardano, 1562. Type. 2459^.Animuccia, Jo. Canticum beatae Mariae Virginis. Folio. Romae, apud haeredes Val. et Al. Doricorum, 1568, Type. 2459^.Zarlino, Gioseffo. Le Istitutioni Harmoniche. Sm. folio. Venice, Senese, 1562. Type: 2459^.Praenestini, Joannis. Missanim. Rome : Aloysiis Doricorum Fratrum, 1570. Type. 2459/. Caroso, Fabritio. II Ballarino. Venice: Francisco Ziletti, 1581. Tablature (type). 2459^.Fludd, Roberto. De Naturae Simia seu Technica macrocosmi historia in partes undecim divisa. (?) Rome, 1618. Engraved. W. A. Barrett. W. H. CUMMINGS. A. H. Littleton. Class G. BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS AND OTHER SPECIMENS OF ENGRAVINGS, PRINTING IN COLOURS, AND OTHER PROCESSES. |NY one entering the main upper room of the Caxton Exhibition will notice a large variety of prints affixed to the walls. Some represent work perfect in itself, whilst others represent, in various stages, illustrations of the pro- cesses through which it has passed. Let us ask ourselves in what sense do these illustrations represent printing, and what relation- ship do they bear to each other? The answers are simple enough. They represent the growth of illustrative art in connection with printing from its first dawn, as shown in the early wood-cuts and the highly finished and delicate specimens of copper-plate engraving, down to the various processes for which the present day is distinguished. All these varieties are knit together by the ceaseless desire of the artist to achieve greater freedom of utterance and a larger field for his work. The difference comes out in contrasting the books of the present with those of the past. In the manuscript books which preceded the introduction of printing, the illustrations with which they were enriched were of necessity the work of the artist himself, and thus the whole value of his teaching rested within the covers of the Missal or Psalter, and perished as the book perished. At the present day all this is changed, but how gradually and with what tentative effort is best told by the examples which are hanging on the walls or enclosed in the cases. It would seem probable that metal-plate engraving preceded the introduction of ordinary block printing. The system of enchasing and enriching silver and steel expanded with the growth of art. In the Print- Room of the British Museum may be seen some special examples of rare 294 Cajcton Celebration* beauty, as also the mode by which the artist tested the progress of his work — in the earlier instances by sulphur casts, and in the later instances by impressions on paper ; in the same way as engravers on silver obtain an impression of their work at the present day. The transition from such productions to that of ordinary copper-plate engraving and printing, using the skill for the purposes of illustration, was both obvious and direct. It is curious as illustrating this point, that the Dante of 1481, in the Grenville Library in our National Museum, is illustrated with nineteen copper-plate engravings, two of which are impressed on the same paper as that of the text, while the remainder are pasted on. The step from metal-plate engraving to that of utilizing wood-blocks for the same purpose was at once natural and easy. It was obvious that the block which could furnish an adequate material for producing perfectly formed letters could, without any great difficulty, furnish the same vehicle for illustrative purposes. It may be noted that amongst the earliest printed books, this embryo form of illustration manifests itself, either in the shape of initial letters or small ornamentations at the end of the chapters. The idea of using wood-blocks for the purposes of illustration havmg once taken root, it was not slow to manifest its power, and in a very short time the artistic skill of Albrecht Diirer and others gave to the world a series of illustrations, many of which to-day adorn the Caxton Celebration under the heading of the Caspari Collection. This collec- tion is especially valuable as illustrating the growth of wood-engraving from its earliest efforts up to the most finished productions of to-day. The skill of the first wood engravers was essentially the skill of the artists speaking through a new medium. They were artists even more than they were engravers, for many learnt engraving that their thoughts might be properly interpreted. It is easy to understand the intense sense of pleasure with which they devoted themselves to their work. To them, the introduction of printing opened a new world and a new sense of power. The previous efforts had been for the exclusive enjoy- ment of the few, but the process of engraving gave their teaching to man- kind. The novelty wore off, as all novelty does wear off, and with the stale breath of custom arose a new class of handicraftsmen, who were translators of other men's thoughts. The art of engraving, no doubt, suffered in one sense by the change, but gained in another : if artists no longer devoted their time to carrying out the engraver's work, they were still enabled to sketch on the wood, allowing the inferior skill to carry out the more technical work. Among the earlier wood-engravings there is great breadth, vigour and beauty, but there is at the same time an absence of the delicacy and minute finish which was obtainable from copper-plate engraving. It thus happened that, although the two processes developed side by side, the etchings of Rembrandt and others, and the introduction of mezzotint Cla00 (P.— IBoofc 3|llu0tratCon0, etc* 295 and aquatint gradually gave to copper-plate engraving a superiority in delicacy, force and finish, which won for it a nominal superiority, and it has been left for wood engraving in our own day to contest the supre- macy in the work of Bewick, Whymper, Dalziel, Swain and others. A series of woodcuts by these artist-engravers may be seen on the walls facing the Caspari Collection, and which well illustrate the difference between our own time and four hundred years ago. One of the earliest efforts in connection with wood-engraving was to apply to the work the addition of colour, and although the earliest examples have not the skill which characterizes the work of to-day, yet ' it is impossible to ignore the knowledge and taste which was then mani- fested. Any one who will refer to the earlier illustrations of the Caspari Collection will note, that not only were tint-blocks in constant use, but they are prepared with a vigour and skill that indicate the touch of the artist. In our own day we have gone far beyond, and we have been enabled to do so by absorbing improvements made in connection with other descriptions of work. For instance, the discoveries of aquatint and zincography have both been utilized, to obtain at once greater freedom of outline and greater softness and modulation of tint. In some of the examples exhibited by Messrs. Leighton, Marcus Ward, Whymper and others, may be seen delicacies of tint and finish in many cases approaching those to be found in a fine water-colour drawing. The great value of many of these productions is, that they are printed by steam presses and produced in enormous quantities at comparatively small cost. They represent in the fullest sense of the term the appre- ciative taste of our day. In the art of printing, for art it may fairly be called, discoveries arise in constant succession, now in one branch and now in another, but always adding to the grandeur of the scope of the art itself One of those which has served greatly to modify our conceptions of printing was that of lithography, for it at first sight seemed to bring the pencil of the artist into direct association with the printing press. It has not quite realized its original idea, but it has approached to it so closely that for many purposes it has left little to be desired. In the collection of Messrs. Hanhart may be seen some of the earliest efforts of lithography, and representing as they do the handiwork of Stothard, West, Fuseli, and other great artists, they represent fairly enough the feeling with which artists were willing to accept the new handmaid. In passing, it may be noted that much of the fineness of tint which now characterizes our block colour printing, is due to the teaching of lithography, for it placed before the world a higher standard than had been previously attained. The association of photography with printing is the last, and will probably form the greatest step that has yet been made. Photography has been utilized in a large variety of ways : it has been used for photo- 296 Ca;cton Celebration. graphing directly on to the block, for the purpose of the wood-engraver; on to the stone, for the purpose of the lithographer; and also in a variety of ways for reproducing by printing the photograph itself Some of these are marvellous for the delicacy and beauty of the work. In some instances, as in the productions of Durand and Goupil, for example, it is difficult to draw a distinction between the photograph and the printed copy, so perfect is the reproduction. In others, as in the photo- gravure, of which a large series of examples are in the present Exhibition, it is only necessary to say that the delicacy, beauty, and vigour are very conspicuous. One other discovery may be noted, that of steno- chromy ; it is both curious and unique. It consists of a solid block of colour, made up of a variety of tints so as to constitute the whole of a picture, and is printed by a process which consumes a minute portion of the block at each impression, so that eventually the block is eaten away. The finish to the picture is, in some instances, given by the Woodburytype, and the effect is very delicate. There are several other applications of Pho- tography, each of which no doubt possesses merits of its own ; they are too minute to come within the scope of this introduction ; but they will be found at the right hand on entering the room from the main staircase. Throughout the whole changes which the art of engraving has under- gone, two points are conspicuous : one is the modification of the vehicle by which the artist, whether writer or draughtsman, is brought more de- finitely into connection with the great mass of the world ; the other is the constantly increasing facility for the dissemination of the teaching itself. Section I. — Woodcuts. 2460. [JTAS Patrum. About 1470. Sine loco et anno. Lent by J, E. Hodgkin, Esq., F.S.A. An edition nearly akin to "Hain, *56o3," but not identical. In low Saxon, with some of the quaintest cuts of the period. Interesting as being the same work which Caxton ** reduced into Englyshe from the Frenshe." 2461. Valturius de re militari. J. of Verona. 1472. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First dated book executed in Italy with wood-engravings. 2462. Breydenbach, Johannes de. Peregrinatio. Mentz : Erard Reuwich, i486. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. One of the first books of travels printed, and the first illustrated with folding views. 2463. Nuremberg Chronicle. Koberger, 1493. Folio. Lent by H. White, Esq. Compiled by H. Schedel, a physician of Nuremberg, and containing woodcuts by Wohlgemuth, Albrecht Diirer's master, and Pleydenwurflf. There must have been a large number of copies printed, as it is by no means an uncommon book. Cla?^0 (B*— Book Jlluiefttatfon^, etc* 297 2464. Nuremberg Chronicle. A second copy. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 2465. PoLiPHiLi Hypnerotomachia. Venice. Aldus, 1499. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. First edition. The wood-engravings are supposed to have been designed by Giovanni Bellini. Of this work there are numerous copies known. 2466. Monte Sancto di Dio. Nicolo di Lorenzo. Florence, 1477. 4to. Lent by Earl Spencer. First book known containing copper-plate engravings, which are supposed to have been designed by Sandro Boticelli, and executed by Baccio Baldini. 2467. Ptolem^us. Latine. Arnoldus Buckinck. Rome, 1478. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. The second printed book containing copper-plate engravings. This work was commenced by Sweynheym, who died before its completion. 2468. Dante. La Divina Commedia. Col commento di Christophero Landino, Nicolo di Lorenzo della Magna, Florence, 1481. Folio. Lent by Earl Spencer. Contains twenty copper-plates, supposed to have been designed by Boti- celli and engraved by Baccio Baldini. 2469. Gemini, Thomas. " Compendiosa totius Anatomic delineatio &c. exarata per Thomam Geminum Londini." With a curious, elaborate, and ornamental title-page, with the Royal Arms in the centre, and numerous other full-page copper-plate engravings. First edition. Folio. Colophon, "Londini in officina loanni Herforde : Anno Domini 1545." Lent by Messrs. S. and B. Nock. This is the first edition of the first illustrated book with the engraver's name, containing copper-plate engravings, and the first work containing cop- per-plates of any merit. 2470. Genealogie des Roys de France. Paris. Pierre Vidone, for Galliot Du Prd 1520. Vellum. Lent by J. E. Hodgkin, Esq., F.SA. A roll, with illuminated miniatures, beautifully prmted. Said to be unique. 2471. Theurdanckh. Augspurg, 1519. Lent by H. White y Esq. A chivalric and allegorical poem, written by Melchior Pfinzing, on the cele- bration of the marriage of Maximilian I. and Mary of Burgundy. It contains a series of woodcuts, some of them executed by Hans Schaufelain. 298 CajCton Celebratiom Selection of Wood-engravings ^ Chiaro-oscuros^ dr'r., illustrating the pro- gress of Book illustration. Lent by MicJiael Caspari^ Esq. German Woodcuts. 2472. Anonymous. Christ on the Cross. Schrot Blatt 2473. Anonymous. Death with Hour-glass attacking a Nun. 2474. Anonymous. Saint Agnes. 2475. Anonymous. Jesus adored by Moses, John, Mary, &c. 1470? 2476. Anonymous. An Indulgence for Pilgrims, under the patronage of Saint Wolfgang. Block print. 2477. Anonymous. The Three Maries at the Sepulchre and the Resur- rection. Block print. 2478. Anonymous. A Female Saint Block print 2479. Anonymous. Burial ofChrist, the three Maries bewailing. Block print 2480. Anonymous. The Madonna and Child, with St Catherine, and two other Females with their heads crowned. Block print 2481. Anonymous. Christ on the Cross, with the Madonna and St. John. Block print. 2482. Anonymous. A composition in eight compartments, four of them having letterpress. Block print. 2483. Anonymous. St Peter and St Paul holding the Sudarium. 2484. Anonymous. Specimen of block printing. White letters on black ground. Eight lines, with border beneath. 2485. Anonymous. The Infant Christ holding a Lily, with the name " Jesus " inscribed on a black ground, three skulls and cross bones ; in two compartments. Block print 2486. Anonymous. Christ as the Redeemer holding a globe, German inscriptions around. 1474. 2487. Anonymous. Six book illustrations : Birth of Christ ; The Angels appearing to the Shepherds ; Presentation; Adoration of Magi; Flight into Egypt; Joseph as the Carpenter; and four initial letters. 1470-1475. Cla?552? (B*— ©oofe Illustrations, etc* 299 Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq, 2488. Anonymous. Two subjects : The Birth of Christ ; Adoration of Shepherds. 1475. 2489. Anonymous. The Last Judgment. In the Mani^re cribl^e. 2490. Anonymous. Christ crucified on a Tree in the form of the Cross, Saints and Angels above, other Angels offering Flowers. 1475. 2491. Anonymous. The symbols of the Evangelists. 1480. 2492. Anonymous. A representation of Purgatory. 1480. 2493. Anonymous. Adam and Eve supporting an Arch, Bird's nest, and a Lion. 2494. Anonymous. Scenes from the life of Christ, Saints introduced ; probably published by Koburger. 1480- 1485. 2495. Anonymous. Doctors of the Law in consultation under an Arch decorated with foliage. 1480. 2496. Anonymous. Five subjects from the Koburger Bible of 1483 : Job, Esther, Tobit, and subjects from the Apocalypse. 2497. The Trinity; probably by Wechtlin. 1485? 2498. Anonymous. The Almighty accompanied by Angels. From Mandeville's Travels, Strassburg, 1488. 2499. Anonymous. Sanct Lebuin. 1489. 2500. Anonymous. A Bishop kneeling before an Altar ; coloured. 1490. 2501. Anonymous. Christ crucified on a Tree in the form of the Cross, with Eagle above. 1490. 2502. Anonymous. Christ on the Cross, Mary Magdalen and St. John standing at the sides. The Evangelists at the comers. 1490. 2503. Anonymous. Saint sitting under Trees, reading a Book which is lying on a Pulpit ; the emblems of the Evangelists in the corners. White on a black ground. Pomerium. 1490. 2504. Anonymous. Madonna and Child crowned by two Angels. The emblems of the Evangelists in the corners. 1490. 2505. Wohlgemuth; attributed to. Seven subjects : Adam and Eve; Finding of Moses ; Presentation ; Massacre of the Innocents ; Christ walking on the Sea; Driving out the Money-changers; Washing the feet of his Disciples. From " Schatzbehalter." 1491. 300 Canton Celebration* Lent by Michael Caspari, Esq. 2506. Anonymous. A Pilgrim, from "Fasciculus Temporum." 1492. 2507. Wohlgemuth. Title and principal Cuts from the Niirnberg Chronicle. 1493. 2508. Anonymous. From Terentius, Griininger in Strasburg, 1496. Representing a Theatre in the Olden Time. 2509. Anonymous. From the Ship of Fools by Sebastian Brandt, first illustrated edition, 1497. 2510. Anonymous. Ten subjects : Title and principal Cuts from the Cologne Chronicle. 1499. 251 1. DuRER, Albrecht. The Adoration of the Magi 2512. DuRER, Albrecht St Christopher. 2513. DuRER, Albrecht The Great Passion. 2514. DuRER, Albrecht The Little Passion. 2515. DuRER, Albrecht. The Apocalypse, with Latin text 2516. DuRER, Albrecht The Apocalypse in three different states. 2517. DuRER, Albrecht The Life of the Virgin. 2518. DuRER, Albrecht. Mary crowned by two Angels. 2519. DiJRER, Albrecht Holy Family with the Rabbits. 2520. DuRER, Albrecht The Holy Trinity. 2521. Cranach, Lucas. Repose in Egypt 2522. Cranach, Lucas. The Entombment, from the set of the Passion. 2523. Cranach, Lucas. Two subjects : The Apostles St. Thomas and St Matthew. 2524. Cranach, Lucas. The Martyrdom of St James the Greater. 2525. Cranach, Lucas. Decapitation of St John. 2526. Cranach, Lucas. St Jerome penitent 2527. Cranach, Lucas. St Catherine. 2528. Cranach, Lucas. The Great Stag Hunt 2529. Cranach, Lucas. The Tournament of 1506. Cla00 (P.— Book 3|Uu0tration0, etc* 301 Lent by Michael Caspariy Esq. 2530. Cranach, Lucas. The Tournament with Lances. 2531. Cranach, Lucas. The Tournament with tapestry of Samson struggling with the Lion. 2532. Cranach, Lucas. The Tournament with Swords. 2533. Cranach, Lucas, jun. The Four Evangelists. 2534. Cranach, Lucas, jun. Portrait of Augustus, Elector of Saxony. 2535. BuRGKMAiR, Hans. Bathsheba bathing; in richly ornamented border. 2536. BuRGKMAiR, Hans. Three subjects: Saints of the House of Austria. 2537. Graf, Urs. Joab killing Amasa. 2538. Graf, Urs. Two sheets of Title Borders. 2539. Grien, Hans Baldung. Christ at the foot of the Cross. 2540. Grien, Hans Baldung. A group of Horses. 2541.. Grien, Hans Baldung. Portrait of Caspar Hedion. 2542. Grien, Hans Baldung. The Stag Himt in Loserwald. 2543. Altdorfer, Albrecht. Ten subjects from the set of the " Fall of Man and his Redemption." 2544. Altdorfer, Albrecht. Virgin and Child in an Altarpiece. 2545. Altdorfer, Albrecht. St. Jerome prapng. 2546. Schaufelein, Hans. Christ bearing the Cross. 2547. Schaufelein, Hans. The Adoration of the Magi. 2548. Schaufelein, Hans. The Resurrection. From the set of the Passion. 2549. Schaufelein, Hans. Two subjects from the Theurdanckh, 15 17. With letterpress. 2550. Springinklee, Hans. Adoration of Shepherds. 2551. Springinklee, Hans. St Jerome kneeling in prayer. 2552. Holbein, Hans. Illustrations to the Dance of Death, 1562, not appearing in any other edition. 302 Cajcton CeUfaratiom Ltnt by Michael Caspar:, Esq. 2553. Holbein, Hans. The Patron Saints of the City of Fryburg. 2554. Holbein, Hans. Children playing around a Vase. 2555. Holbein, Hans. A Dagger Sheath, with figure of " Fortuna." 2556. Holbein, Hans. Erasmus with the Terminus, in three states. 2557. Holbein, Hans. Portrait of Johan Stoefler. 2558. Holbein, Hans. Portrait of Johann Indagine, undescribed. 2559. Holbein, Hans. Title, with the Apostles Peter and Paul. First State. 2560. Holbein, Hans. Border with frieze of Tritons; and children playing. 2561. Holbein, Hans. Title, with the Death of Lucrecia. 2562. Holbein, Hans. Title, with the Death of Cleopatra. 2563. Holbein, Hans. Border, with Dance of Peasants; and Peasants chasing the Fox which stole the Goose. 2564. Holbein, Hans. Title, with Solomon accompanied by an assem- blage of Philosophers. 2565. Holbein, Hans. A Landscape near the seaside, where a tree is introduced on which Death is sitting holding an hour-glass ; on the right a banquetting party. With description in German un- derneath, illustrating the bad effects of intemperance in love, drink, and play. Curious and undescribed. 2566. Holbein, Ambroise. Book title, the Calumny of Apelles. 2567. Holbein, Ambroise. Book title, "Hercules Gaulois." 2568. Holbein, Ambroise. Book title, " Imago vitae'aulicae." 2569. Lutzelberger, ascribed to ; Portrait of David Byrglin. 2570. Anonymous. Portrait of Geiler v. Keisersperg. 2571. Necker, Jost de. The Dance of Death, — Peasant and Judge. 2572. Necker, David de. The Flight into Egypt 2573. Beham, Hans Sebald. Holy Family seated under a Tree. 2574. Kandel, David. Portrait of Hieronymus Musarius Vicentinus Cla00 (B.— J5oofe illustration^, etc* 303 Lent by Michael Caspari, Esq. 2575. Flotner, Peter. Ornament, with two foxes accompanied by grotesque figures. 2576. ScHOEN, Erhard. Soldier in Armour sitting under the portal of a House. 2577. Anonymous. St. John preaching; baptizing of Christ ; Decapi- tation. Undescribed. 2578. Amman, Jost. Portrait of the Duke of Wittemberg, in a rich border. 2579. Amman, Jost. Emblematical subject. A man holding his knee on a bull and stabbing him with a dagger. 2580. Amman, Jost. Four subjects : Faith, Hope, Concord and Fortune. From " Wappen und Stammbuch." 2581. Amman, Jost. Twelve subjects: Illustrations to his Book of Trades. 2582. Amman, Jost. The Seven Liberal Arts. 2583. Sous, Virgilius. Bible Illustrations. Adam and Eve, and Jacob's dream. 2584. Sous, Virgilius. Portrait of Frederic of the Palatinate. 2585. Sous, Virgilius. The Arms of the Pfinzing Family. 2586. Schwarzenberg, Melchior. Allegorical Piece: Justice, Peace, and Liberty. 2587. LoRCH, Melchior. Woman riding on Horseback, with Child behind her; carrying Geese. 2588. LoRCH, Melchior. The Deluge. 2589. ScHARFFENBERGK, George. View of the City of Gorlitz, 1566. 2590. Stuber, Wolf. Adoration of Shepherds. 2591. Stimmer, Tobias. Portrait of D. Stephani BrechtelL 2592^ Stimmer, Tobias. Portrait of Carl Mieg. 2593. Holtzmeyer, Peter. Frieze with floral ornaments, and a child in one comer. 2594. Unger, T. Georg. Two genre pieces. 304 Ca):ton Celebration* Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq. 2595. Unger, T. G. Gottlieb. The Women of Weinsberg, the artist's most important work. 2596. Unger, T. G. Various genre pieces. 2597. GuBiTZ, F. W. Various vignettes. 2598. GuBiTZ, F. W. The Departure from Regensburg. In two states. 2599. HoFEL, Bl. An Old Woman with Prayer Book. 2600. RiCHTER, Ludwig. Vignette of trumpets. With inscription, " Thanks to the Lord." 2601. Gaber, a. Bible subjects. 2602. Flegel, J. G., after W. Kaulbach. The Witches in Macbeth, drawn on the block by Professor Eichens. 2603. Pletsch, Oscar. Bible subjects. 2604. Anonymous. The Head of Christ, and the Madonna and Child. 2605. Anonymous. Portrait of Hans Sachs. Title, with Vignette. 2606. Andreae, C. The Prodigal Son. Designed for a vignette. 2607. Anonymous. The Trinity, with figures of Christ, Moses, the Evangelists, &c Title to " The Seven Ravens." Miscellaneous Subjects. 2608. The Master R. P. A rich border in the manibre cribl^e, May- ence. 15 18. 2609. Wechtlin, in the style of. Title-page with a Satyr family, &c. In the manibre cribl^. 15 18. 2610. Anonymous. Title with floriated and intricate pattern of orna- mentation. 15 18. 261 1. DiJRER, Albrecht. Title with Satyrs chained together. 2612. DuRER, Albrecht Title with subject of the Baptism of Christ. 2613. Cranach, Lucas. Title, with Christ on the Cross, surrounded by angels. 1523. 2614. Worms, Anton von. Title, the Labours of Hercules. Cla00 (P.— Book 31Uu0tratiott0, etc* 305 Lent by Michael Caspari, Esq. 2615. Anonymous. Rich border, with portrait of Duke Hendrick of Saxony in armour. 1541. 2616. SoLis, Vu-gilius Titles to Old and New Testaments, subjects in compartments. 1 5 60. 2617. Holbein, Hans. Titles to Galenus, Basel, 1562: Venice, 1565, from the same design, but cut by a different hand. 2618. ScHWARZENBERG, Melchior. Title to a book of architectural designs. 1564. 2619. Amman, Jost. Title of Old Testament, with subjects in compart- ments, coloured. 1564. 2620. Levy, A. Subject, representing a man uncovering his bosom, with two other men in the background, in the style of Francesco Goya, probably French work. Dutch Woodcuts. 2621. Anonymous. An Indulgence for Pilgrims, with representation of the Trinity. End of 15 th century. 2622. Metsis, Quintin. 1480-1488. Bible subjects. 2623. Leyden, Lukas van. Adam and Eve. 2624. Leyden, Lukas van. The garments of Joseph shown to Jacob. 2625. Leyden, Lukas van. The three Heroes of Israel. 2626. Leyden, Lukas van. Virgil suspended in a Basket. 2627. Bosch, Hieronymus. The Temptation of St. Anthony. 2628. AssEN, Walther van. SS. Ann and Elizabeth ; the Flight into Egypt. 2629. AssEN, Walther van. The Flagellation. From a set of the Passion. 2630. AssEN, Walther van. A Lady riding upon a Mule, Philip II., Charles V., and the Emperor Maximilian on Horseback. 2631. Kirmer, Michael. Title in compartments. 1534. 2632. Bray, Dirk de. The Sudarium, printed in two colours. 2633. Bray, Dirk de. Landscape in an oval. 3o6 Cajcton Cekbratton^ Lent by Michael Caspari, Esq. 2634. Bray, Dirk de. Portrait of Solomon de Bray. 2635. SiCHEM, Christoph van. Head of a Man, after Matham, 1613. 2636. SiCHEM, Christoph van. Head, after Goltzius, 1607. 2637. Jegher, Christoffel. Arabesque, with an Angel introduced. 2638. Jegher, Christoffel, after Rubens. Christ and St. John with Lamb. 2639. Jegher, Christoffel, after Rubens. Temptation of Christ. 2640. Jegher, Christoffel, after Rubens. Hercules killing Cacus. 2641. Jegher, Christoffel, after Rubens. Repose in Egypt. 2642. Jegher, Christoffel, after Rubens. " Le Jardin d' Amour." Spanish Woodcut. 2643. Morante, Bartolomde. Branch of Tree, with Birds and But- terfly. 1630. Italian Woodcuts. 2644. Anonymous. Title border, with figure of Christ and embellished with grotesque ornamentation, c. 1480. 2645. Anonymous. Five Illustrations to "Poliphili Hypnerotomachia." 1499. 2646. MoNTAGNA, Benedetto. Title illustrated with a vignette of the Resurrection of Christ, with Cross and Lamb. 1501. 2647. Anonymous. Triumph of Julius Caesar, after Andrea Mantegna. 2648. Anonymous. Subject from Roman History. A triumphal March, with Death on the left leaning against a tree. 2649. Mantegna, Andrea. Christ on the Cross, Virgin and Child in the Clouds surrounded by Saints. 2650. Mantegna, Andrea. Coronation and Burial of the Virgin. 265 1. Mantegna, Andrea. Christ on the Cross, with St. John and Mary. 2652. Anonymous. Rich border, two Angels holding a Shield orna- mented with grotesque figures. In the manibre cribl^. CIajJ0 (B*— Book 3|Uu0tratfon0, etc* 307 Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq. 2653. Mantegna, Andrea, attributed to. Rich title border, enclosing subject of the Presentation in the Temple. 2654. Mantegna, Andrea, attributed to. Rich title border, with com- position of Christ carried to Heaven by Angels, and adored by the Apostles. 2655. Anonymous. The Expulsion of Adam and Eve, top and bottom enriched with floral ornamentation, with vignettes of the Sun and Moon, &c. Dated 1503. 2656. Anonymous. Cain and Abel, from the same work. 2657. Calcar, Jean de. Bust of Vesalius. 1542. * 2658. BoLDRiNi, Nicolo, after Titian. Betrayal of Samson. 2659. BoLDRiNi, Nicolo, after Titian. The Six Saints. 2660. BoLDRiNi, Nicolo, after Titian. Landscape, with Woman milking a Cow. 2661. ViCENTiNO, Guiseppe Nicoletto, after RafTaello. Massacre of the Innocents. 2662. Cambiasi. Triumph of Galathea. 2663. ScoLARi, Giuseppe. St. Jerome in the Desert 2664. Porta, G. del Salviati. Christ on the Cross embraced by the Magdalen, with Mary and John standing near. 2665. CoRiOLANO, J. B. St Borromeo before an Altar. 2666. Belemo, Antonio, after Parmigiano. Adonis with Bow and Arrow. 2667. NuvoLONE, C. F. The Holy Family. French Woodcuts 2668. Anonymous. Bible illustrations. 1470-1480. 2669. Anonymous. The Trinity, Tree of Jesse, and the Madonna. In the manibre cribMe. 1490- 1495. 2670. Anonymous. Emperor and the Seven Electors. In the manibre cribl^e. 1490- 1495. 3o8 Carton Celebration* Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq. 2671. Anonymous, from a Livre d'Heures, Simon Vostre, Adoration of the Shepherds, Magi, and Massacre of the Innocents. 1498- 1500. On vellum. 2672. Anonymous, from a Livre d'Heures, Simon Vostre. Complete set of the Dance of Death. 1498-1500. On vellum. 2673. Anonymous, from a Livre d'Heures, Simon Vostre. Borders. 1498-1500. 2674. Anonymous, from a Livre d'Heuress, Antoine Kerver. The Pre- sentation, and the Raising of Lazarus. 1498-1500. On vellum. 2675. Anonymous, from a Livre d'Heures, Gilles Hardouyn. The Salu- tation, Crucifixion, Mary adored. Conversion of St Paul. All in the manibre cribl^e, printed on vellum. 1498-1500. 2676. Anonymous. Christ on the Cross, first leaf of a New Testament ; the Trinity and the Evangelists. 1500. 2677. Anonymous. The Creation, first leaf of an Old Testament 1505-10. 2678. Anonymous. Saint writing, with Popes and Bishops, in border of compartments with Moses, the Prophets, Evangelists, &c In the mani^e cribl^e. 15 10. 2679. Anonymous. The Tree of Justice. An Emperor standing on the Root, and holding the branches. In the mani^re criblde. 15 10. 2680. Anonymous. Tree of Consanguinity. An Emperor standing upon the Tree, holding its branches. In the manifere cribl^e. 15 10. 2681. Anonymous. Illustrations to "Lancelot du Lac." Leaves 58, 81. 1513- 2682. Anonymous. Title border, with subject of Christ on the Cross, with St John and Mary. Printed on vellum. 1515-20. 2683. Anonymous. Book illustrations from "Galien Romaunt" 1525. 2684. Anonymous. Illustration from Pierre de Crescens, with subject; Husbandry. 1532. In four compartments. 2685. Anonymous. Illustration from Pierre de Crescens, illustrating Sowing and Reaping. 1532. 2686. Tory, Geofroy. Flight into Egjrpt. 1525-30. 2687. Tory, Geofroy. Title, with printer's device of R. Stephani. At the top, exquisite vignette, 1546. Claj2(j2( (E.— Koofe 3IUu0tratfonjJ, etc* 309 Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq. 2688. Tory, Geofroy. Aaron as High Priest 1546. 2689. WoEiRiOT, Pierre. Group of figures in Roman Costume. 2690. JoLLAT, M. A Warrior in Armour. 2691. JoLLAT, M. Group of Soldiers and Civilians before a tent; Artillerymen loading a Cannon. In two compartments. 2692. Bernard, Solomon, called "le petit Bernard." Illustration to the Apocalypse. 2693. Bernard, Solomon, called "le petit Bernard." Bible illustrations. 2694. Anonymous. Christ on the Cross, which the Magdalen embraces, Mary and John standing near. 2695. ToRTOREL, Jean. " L'Enterprinse d'Amboise." 2696. Ecman, Eduardo, after Jaques Callot. Battle of King Tessi. 1620. 2697. Breviere, after Grandville. The Owl and the Hare. 2698. Jonnard. Wolves and the Sheep. From Dora's Fables. 2699. LiGNY, Ad. The Two Goats. From Dora's Fables. 2700. Pannemaker, Dom. The Deluge, Jesus Praying. From Dor^s Bible. 2701. Pannemaker, Dom. The Finding of Moses; Christ and the little Children. From Dora's Bible. 2702. Trichon-Monvoisin. Dante and Laura. From Dora's Dante. 2703. Laplante, after Giacomelli Vignette from Michelet, " L'Oiseau, Suite du RossignoL" 2704. HiLDEBRAND, after Giacomelli. Vignette from Michelet, "UOiseau." 2705. JouARD, after Durand. Christ and Woman at the Well. From the life of Jesus. 310 Cajcton Celebration* Lent by Michael Caspari, Esq. English Woodcuts. 2706. Title with illustration, Dives and Lazarus. Printed by Pynson. 2707. Title. Printed by Richard Heam. 1641. Design bearing the date of 1574. 2708. Alken, Henry. Group of Animals. 2709. Armstrong. An illustration to a Ballad, " Sir Patrick Spence." 2710. Austin, Samuel. Bible subjects. 271 1. Blake, William. Illustrations to a Nurse's Song; inscribed " Eclogue." 2712. Byfield, John. Portrait, and four illustrations to Grimm's German Stories, after G. Cruikshank. 2713. Bagg, Thomas. The Twelve Months. 2714. Branston, Frederick William. "Faith," "Rescued." 2715. Branston, Frederick William. "Elephant in the Moon." 2716. Cruikshank, George. Six Proofs. Three Courses and a Des- sert ; Gentleman in Black, &c. 2717. Clennell, Luke. The Finding of Moses. 2718. Clennell, Luke. "The Soul engaged." 2719. Clennell, Luke. Ship at Sea. From Falconer's Shipwreck. 2720. Dudley, Henry. Old Seal. Said to be one of the finest speci- mens of wood-engraving ever executed. 2721. Dudley, Henry. A Vault, engraved on the block without the design being indicated upon it by the artist in the first instance. 2722. Dalziel, Fitzgerald. " Lily's Ball. " 2723. Hole, Henry. " Seed sown." With letterpress. 2724. Hughes, Jane. Illustrations to sonnets entitled the "Passionate Pilgrim," and " Venus and Adonis." 2725. Jackson, John, after Harvey. Subject from Northcote's Fables. 2726. Jackson, W., after John Gilbert. Welcome Guests at Mardon HalL Lent by Michael Caspariy Esq. 2727. Leech, John. Various subjects after his designs. 2728. Lee, John. Illustration to an Eastern Story. 2729. Landells, Ebenezer. Two Bible subjects and four designs from Northcote's Fables. 2730. Linton, Henry. Christ with Lily, and Child in a Cradle sleeping. 2731. Linton, William James. A Fruit Piece. 2732. Measom, William. Fairy Subject. 2733. Mosses, Thomas. Shepherd Boy, after Reynolds ; Death of Ab- salom ; the Harlot's Progress, after Hogarth. 2734. Nesbit, Charlton. St. Nicholas Church, Newcastle. 2735. Nesbit, Charlton. The Daughters of Jerusalem. Sinners hiding. 2736. Nesbit, Charlton, after Harvey. Subject from Northcote's Fables. 2737. Powis, William Henry. View of Mount Vesuvius. 2738. Scott, Thomas. Portrait of the Reverend Thomas Scott. 2739. Sears, Matthew U. W. Child sitting in Chair with Playthings before him. 2740. Smith, John Orrin, after Harvey. Views of Elba and Florence. 2741. Thomas, William, after Fitzgerald. Fairyland. 2742. Thomas, W., after J. PhiUpp. Gossip at a Well 2743. Thompson, John, after Mulready. Illustration to the Vicar of Wakefield. 2744. Thompson, John. Illustrations to Shakespeare. 2745. Thompson, John, after Harvey. Portrait of Northcote, from his Fables. 2746. Thompson, John, after Horsley. The Village Dance. 2747. Thompson, John, after Mulready. Maidens playing Harps. 2748. Thompson, John, after G. Cruikshank. Tales of Irish Life. 2749. ViZETELU, Frank, after Bkket Foster. Studies of Children, &c 2750. ViZETELLi, Frank. Title-page, with ornamentation. 2751. Williams, Samuel. An Altar Piece. 3ia Ca;cton Celebration, Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq. 2752. Anonymous. Young Man lying under a Tree, a Veiled Woman hovering over him : A Flower-piece. American Woodcuts. 2753. Anderson, called the American Bewick, The Creation; Nathan reproving David. 2754. Anderson. " Fezzan Ram." 2755. Davis, J. P. Party Rowing, Old Barns Tenantry. 2756. IvENGLiNG, F. Indians, Sea, Rocks, and Icebergs. Vignette. 2757. King, F. S. " For Cupid Dead," " Interval in the Swamps." 2758. Minton, J. " Torpedoes ? " 2759. Nichols, D. Portrait of Shakespeare. In the manifere cribl^e. 2760. Spiegle. Two Portraits, one of Benvenuto Cellini. Prints in Chiaro-oscuro. Italian. 2761. Carpi, Ugo da. After Raffaello. David cutting off the Head of Goliath. 2762. Carpi, Ugo da. After Parmigiano. Diogenes. 2763. Carpi, Ugo da. After Raffaello. Hercules killing the Lion. 2764. Carpi, Ugo da. After Parmigiano. Saturn. First and second state. 2765. Carpi, Ugo da. After Peruzzi. Envy driven from the Temple of Muses. 2766. Andreani, Andrea. After Beccafumi. The Sacrifice of Abra- ham. From the pavement of the Cathedral at Siena. In ten sheets complete. 2767. Andreani, Andrea. After Ligozzi. Virgin and Child accom- panied by Saints. First and second state. 2768. Andreani, Andrea. After Jacopo Ligozzi. Virtue. First and second state. 2769. Andreani, Andrea. Fortunio. An allegorical subject of Death. Cla00 (P.— Book 3|Uu0tration0, etc. 313 Lent by Michael Caspari^ Esq. 2770. ViCENTiNO, Joseph Nicolo. After Parmigiano. Christ healing the Lepers. First state. 2771. Trenta, Antonio da. After Parmigiano. Martyrdom of Peter and Paul. 2772. Trenta, Antonio da. After Parmigiano. A Man seated ; seen from behind. 2773. CoRiOLANO, Bartholomew. After Guido Reni. An allegory, two Females seated. 2774. CoRiOLANO, Bartholomew. After Guido Reni. Virgin, Child, and St. John. First state. 2775. CoRiOLANo, Bartholomew. After Guido Reni. Alliance of Peace and Abundance. First state. 2776. Anonymous. After Beccafumi. St. Philip. 2777. Anonymous. Silenus supported by a Nymph, and attended by Satyrs. 2778. Gabo, Giolito. Madonna and Child. 2779. Zanetti, a. M. Jacob finding Leah and Rachel at the Well. German. 2780. Wechtlin, Johannes, attributed to. Cain killing Abel. 2781. Cranach, Lucas. St Christopher. 2782. Anonymous. Adoration of the Shepherds. 1548. 2783. BusiNGK, Ludwig. After Lallemand. The Lovers. 2784. Rupprecht, F. C. Madonna and Child. Dutch, 2785. Teunissen, Cornelius. The Last Supper. 2786. GoLTZius, Heinrich. Hercules killing Cacus. 2787. GoLTZius, Heinrich. Neptune and Flora. 2788. GoLTZius, Heinrich. Four landscapes. 2789. Bloemaert, Abraham. Holy Family. 314 Carton Celebratfom Lent by Michael Casparij Esq, I'jf^o. Jegher, ChristoffeL After Rubens. Portrait of a Man wearing a Beard. 2791. MoREELSEN, Paul Death of Lucrctia. English. 2792. Skippe, John. The Entombment ; Six Monks. 2793. Jackson, J. B. The Finding of Moses. Colour Printing. 2794. Flotner, Peter. A Soldier. 2795. Anonymous. Book title, Wittenberg, 1522. 2796. Anonymous. Book title, Hannssen Schobsser. Munich, 1524. 2797. GuBiTZ, F. W. Christ with Globe. After Cranach. Printed, ac- cording to Jackson and Chatto, from at least ten blocks. 2798. GuBiTZ, F. W. Title and two illustrations. 2799. Flegel, J. G. Vignette. After L. Richter. Inscribed, " Ich habe mein Liebchen," &c. End of the Caspari Collection. Lent by C. W. IT. Wyman, Esq. 2800. LiGNOTiNT. Two frames, showing examples of Binfield's ligno- tint transfers, with woodcut and original drawing in each. Lent by J. Ph. Berjeau^ Esq. 2801. Wooden Block : being a page of the Biblia Pauperum as repro- duced by J. Ph. Berjeau. Lent by Dalziel Brothers. 2802. Various Designs. Drawn by William Harvey. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2803. Subjects from Alison's Europe. Drawn by Sir John Gilbert, R.A. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2804. Pictures of English Landscape. Drawn by Birket Foster. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. Cla00 (P.— Book 3|Uu0trat(onj2?, etc. 315 2805. The Parables of our Lord. Drawn by J. E. Millais, R.A. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2806. Illustration to the Sleeping Beauty. Drawn by Richard Doyle. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2807. Scenes from the Arabian Nights. Drawn by T. Dalziel. En- graved by Dalziel Brothers. 2808. English Landscapes. Drawn by J. W. North. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2809. Rustic Life. Drawn by G. I. Pinwell. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2810. Highland Scenes. Drawn by J. T. Reid. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 281 T. Designs by various artists. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 2812. Graphotype Specimens illustrating the Graphotype Process. Lent by the Misses Bewick. 2813. Proofs of Wood-Engravings by Thomas Bewick. Lent by the Proprietors of the ^'^ Illustrated London Neuts." 2814. Specimens of Wood Engravings from the " Illustrated London News." 2815. The first volume of the "Illustrated London News." Lent by Harry Soane^ Esq, 2816. Book Plates. Prints of Heraldic Devices, from blocks executed in old-style. I^nt by F. Peter Seguier^ Esq. 2817. The Dead Christ, with the Virgin Mary and St John. Chiaroscuro woodcut by Andrea Andreani, after a work of Alessandro Casolani, dedicated to Visconti Gonzaga of Mantua, 1 593. Brought to England by William Young Ottley, Esq. Containing life-size figures. Lent by Mason Jackson^ Esq. 2818. A History of Quadrupeds, by Thomas Bewick. 2819. A History of British Birds, by Thomas Bewick. Two volumes. 3i6 Cajcton Celebration. 2820. A Treatise on Wood-Engraving, by Jackson and Chatto. First edition. 2821. Diploma of the Highland Society. Engraved on wood by Luke Clennell, a pupil of Thomas Bewick. 2822. St. Nicholas Church, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Engraved on wood by Charlton Nesbit, a pupil of Thomas Bewick. 2823. The Death of Dentatus. Drawn and engraved on wood by William Harvey, a pupil of Thomas Bewick. 2824. Specimens of Wood-Engraving by the late John Jackson. Lent by the Proprietors of " The Graphic:' 2825. Drawings on Wood, Photograph on Wood, Electrotype, Stereo- type, Wax Mould, Blocked Block, Boxwood for Engraving, &c. 2826. Original Drawings on paper. 2827. Proofs of the same designs engraved. Lent by J^. Swain, Esq. 2828. Specimen of Wood-engraving by J. Swain. Lent by A. Brothers, Esq. 2829. Triumph of Maximilian H., by Hans Burgkmair. Specimens illustrating the earliest invention of Photographing on Wood for engraving. Lent by Robert Langton, Esq. 2830. A Photograph of the Moon, being a page from the " Art Jour- nal" for August, 1854, fully describing the process. 2831. Photograph of a Roman Sepulchral Slab found in the River Rib- ble, Lancashire. Engraved for Mr. W. A. Abram's "History of Blackburn." 2832. The Coronation of King Edward the Confessor at Westminster. Engraved for Heginbotham's " History of Stockport." 2833. A portion of the Marriage Service, with Rubrics, from a four- teenth century MS. in the Chetham College Library, Manchester. 2834. Self-acting " Mule," photographed from the machine for a new edition of " Encyclopaedia Britannica," article " Cotton." 2835. "Mule" for ditto. Cla00 (B*— Boot 31llu0tration0, etc* 3^7 Lent by Henry Linton^ Esq. 2836. The Sword-bearer. From an etching by Rembrandt. 2837. Ephraim Bonus. From an etching by Rembrandt. 2838. EccE Homo. From an etching by Van Dyck. 2839. Prisoners in the Vaults of the Hotel de Ville, Paris. From a drawing by Gavarni. 2840. Fruit piece. From a drawing by John Gilbert, R.A. 2841. The Cat. From the painting by Mieris. 2842. A Dominican Monk. From a photograph by Lake Price. 2843. A Monk showing Relics. From a drawing by John Gilbert, R. A. 2844. The Manor House. From a drawing by Samuel Read. 2845. Titian's Schoolmaster. From the painting by Moroni. 2846. Miss Bowles. From the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. 2847. Joseph Governor of Pharaoh's Granaries. From the painting by L. Alma Tadema, A.R.A. 2848. An Audience at Agrippa's. From the painting by L. Alma Ta- dema, A.R.A. Several of the above were printed at a ** Stanhope " press by Messrs. Levy, Robson, and Franklin, formerly of New Street, Fetter Lane. Others are artist's proofs. Lent by Edward Whyfnper^ Esq, 2849. Specimens. Wood Engraving. Lent by Thomas John Lawrence^ Esq. 2850. Boxwood Blocks. Prepared for wood engraving. Lent by Reginald W. Palgrave^ Esq. 2851. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes; and Death of Ananias, both after Raffaello. By Ugo Da Carpi, a painter and engraver, bom in Rome about i486. He invented a description of engraving on wood in imitation of drawings by the old masters, known as "Chiaro-oscuro," which was afterwards carried to a much higher point of perfection by other engravers. The method of production was by engraving various wooden blocks for the outline and tints, and printing one over the other. The examples exhibited, as are the majority attributed to Ugo da Carpi, of which between fifty and sixty are known, are masterly, but somewhat slight. See also Nos. 2761 to 2793, Caspari collection. 3i8 Cajcton Celebration* 2852. Andreani, Andrea. The Virgin and Child. A painter and engraver, bom at Mantua, about 1540. He settled in Rome, and followed in the footsteps of Ugo Da Carpi, whose productions he much excelled. 2853. Saint Christopher carrying the infant Jesus. By Lucas Cranach. An illustrious painter and engraver, and contemporary of Albrecht Diirer, bom 1470-2. The works of Lucas Cranach the younger are often mistaken for those of the father, and Bartsch is of opinion that the elder Cranach never engraved on wood, but the preponderance of evidence is the other way. Four examples of his cuts in "Chiaro-scuro" are known. Lent by Messrs. Howlett and Son. 2854. " Precious Stones and Gems." Specimens of Book illustrations with plates from blocks. Lent by John Leighton, Esq.^ F.S.A. 2855. Wood engraving. Various specimens engraved from designs by John Leighton, F.S.A. Lent by Charles FrcBtorius, Esq. 2856. Grien, Hans Baldung. Christ and the Apostles. A set of six very rare woodcuts. 2857. Leyden, Lucas Van. The Influence of Women upon celebrated Men. Three from a set of rare woodcuts. 2858. Burgkmair, Hans. Portrait of Johann Paungartner from a rare woodcut. All from the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge. Section II. — Copper-plates. Lent by Messrs. Frederick Muller and Co. 2859. ETAL Engraving of about 1450. Christ on the Cross, St. John and Mary. In the manifere cribl^e. This probably unique plate was found in a manuscript Missal, Mrritten in 1459. Lent by Messrs. Bradbury , Wilkinson^ and Co. 2860. Examples of Copper-plate Printing. Nature-printing, &c. Cla00 (B.— ffiook 3Uu0tcatioit0, etc* 319 L^nt by Benjamin Pardon, Esq. 2861. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. i6th century. Lent by T. Fisher Unwin, Esq. 2862. De Droeve EUendigheden van den Oorloogh seer derdigh en Konstigh Afgebeeldt door Jaques Callot. Loreyns Edelman, en in druck vytgegeuen door. Gerret van Schagen. Leon. Schenk Excudit Eighteen etchings illustrating the miseries of war. Lent by C. H. JeenSy Esq, 2863. Specimens of Engraving — Foreign Postage Stamps and Bank Notes. Engraved by C. H. Jeens. Lent by G. W. Reid, Esq., F.S.A. 2864. LiEVENS, Jan. Bust of an Old Man. Very rare. 2865. Anonymous. After Parmigiano. Christ curing the Paralytic. 2866. VicENCE, Nicoletto. After Parmigiano. The Adoration of the Magi. In two states. 2867. Carpi, Hugo da. After Raffaello. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. First state. Section III. — Printing in Colours from raised Blocks. Specimens showing the development of Stenochromy, lent by E. Meyerstein, Esq. 2868. |HEET with 70 distinct shades of Colour printed at one impression. 2869. Sheet with 674 distinct shades of Colour printed at one impression. 2870. Sheet with Diagram showing the Colours of the Spectrum. 2871. First Specimen of Printing Curved Lines (on Reps). Steno- chromy. 2872. Specimen of Decorative Printing on thick Cloth. Bouquet. 320 Cajcton Celebration* 2873. " Harlequin." This Specimen contains upwards of 800 Shades of Colour, and was specially designed and printed to prove that an almost unlimited number of colours can be printed at one opera- tion. 2874. The Tiger Hunt Copy of Water-colour Drawing by Mr. Huttula. 2875. Swiss Scenery. Copy of Water-colour Drawing by Mr. A. Hertel. 2876. Erin's Daughters. Copy of Oil Painting by Mr. F. G. Kinnaird. 2877. Landscape, Winter scene. Copy of Oil Painting by Mr. A. R. de Leeuw. 2878. Underprint of the above. 2879. Moonlight on the Scheldt. Copy of Oil Painting by Douzette. 2880. Madonna di San Sisto, after Raffaello. Copy of Oil Painting from the Dresden Gallery. 2881. A Cottage. With a Woodburytype Photograph printed over it, and Steno and Woodburytype separate. 2882. " Your Ancestors." With a Woodburytype Photograph printed over it. 2883. The Barber's Shop. Showing the Steno and the Woodburjrtype Photograph separately. 2884. Radde's International Colour Scale, in Cloth-covered, Gold- lettered Box, 12^ by loi by 2 inches, containing : — An Isolator, A Colour Index, 30 moveable Scales of Spectral Colours, 1 2 move- able Scales of Grey Tints — together 42 Scales, each shaded in 21 gradations from Black into White, or total, 882 tints of Colour printed at one operation. Lent by A. Brothers, Esq. 2885. Les Oiseaux Gibier. With illustrations in Chromotypography. The sheets are arranged in the order of a procession as originally designed by Hans Burgkmair. Lent by M. Fischbach, Esq. 2886. Copy of Ancient Banner of Strasburg, in Chromo-Typography. Cla00 05.— Booli 3llu0tratfon0, etc. 321 Lent by George Unwin, Esq. 2887. The St. Bernard Dogs. Bagster Process. Finished Print in twenty-five workings. 2887*.The first Illustrations of Printing in Colours from Blocks by Steam Power (1851). Lent by G. C. Leighton, Esq. Lent by Edward IVhymper^ Esq. 2888. Printing in Colours from raised Blocks, i. Reproduction in seventeen printings of a water-colour drawing, entitled " Each a share of the Burden," showing the appearance of the print in its successive stages. Printed at an ordinary Albion Press. 2. Reproduction in thirteen printings of a water-colour drawing by Sir John Gilbert, R.A., entitled "The Village Blacksmith," show- ing impressions of the thirteen printings, and the appearance of the print at its successive stages. Printed on an ordinary Albion press. Lent by Abraham Johnson^ Esq. 2889. Specimen of Colour Printing. Lent by Messrs. Hewlett and Son. 2890. Specimens of modern Gold Printing on Satin. Section IV. — Lithographs. Lent by C. W. H, Wyman, Esq. 2891. ILOTY Album. " L'histoire de la Lithographie. La Litho- graphic invent^ par Aloys Senefelder k Munich. L'origine historique et les progr^s de cette invention importante, sp^ialement Tart de dessin sur pierre d'apr^ tous les pro- cedds depuis les premiers essais en 1808 et les epreuves ult^rieures k Munich." The first part contains lithc^^raphs from the year 1808 until 1831, and the second from 1831 to 1866, mostly pictures from the Munich Picture Gallery; the impressions are all from first editions. The book contains some superb examples of chalk drawings. It is the prop>erty of Herren Piloty and Loeble, of Munich, and the lithc^raphs are many of them very rare. 2892. Portfolio of Early Lithographs. Sixteen specimens by David Cox, J. D. Harding, and other well-known artists ; and six of Furncss Abbey by Louis Haghe. Y 322 Cajcton Celebration. 2893. Senefelder Album. Herausgegeben von Ferdinand Schlotke. Hamburg, 187 1. Published at Hamburg, November 6th, 1871, exactly one hundred years from the birth of Senefelder. The plates in it exhibit interesting facsimiles of Sene- felder's earliest attempts, with the various improvements in the process of lithography from those of 1797-98, 1800, 1803-5, and 1808, down to the latest examples of colour-printing. There are also representations of various presses from the earliest, in 1 797, to the steam machine of to-day. The text in German chiefly consists of long extracts from Senefelder's work on the Art of Litho- graphy. This book was compiled and produced by Herr Ferdinand Schloke, himself an eminent lithographer of Hambui^, as a tribute of admiration to the inventor of the art. 2894. Joseph and his Brethren. By Owen Jones and Henry Warren. 2895. Scenes from Winter's Tale. 2896. Scenes of Scottish Story. Engravings by William Ballingall. 2897. Printing Times. New Series. Vols, i and 2. 1875, 1876. 2898. Senefelder's Lithography. The English translation published by Ackerman in 181 9. 4to. 2899. Hullmandel's Art of Drawing on Stone. 1824. Small 4to., with plates. 2900. Hullmandel's Manual of Lithography. Third edition, 1832. 8vo. 2901. First Attempts at Lithography. Executed in Stuttgart in 1807. An interesting and very rare series of examples of lithc^japhy in various styles, being the first attempts made at Stuttgart. 2902. Specimens of Improvements in Lithographic Printing. By Hull- mandel. These examples, although comparatively early, are extremely good, and com- pare favourably with much of the work of a like kind executed at the present time. 2903. Stone of Senefelder's Portrait, and of an Etruscan design. Both given in Senefelder's complete course of Lithography. By a happy circumstance these two stones, which were printed in Senefelder's work, "L Art de la Lithc«japhie, 1819," have been preserved, and are now the property of M. J. Walter, head of the firm of MM. Walter freres, litho- graphers, of Paris. 2904. Portrait of Andr^, Senefelder's associate, who introduced litho- graphy into England under the name of Polyautography. 2905. Portrait of William Day, the first partner of Louis Haghe. By Baugniet Cla00 (K*— ©ook gilu0tration0, etc* 323 2906. Copperplate Portrait of Louis Prang of Boston, leading chromo- lithographer in the United States. 2907. Art Treasures of the Manchester Exhibition. 2908. A Thousand-and-One Initial Letters. By Owen Jones. 2909. Welcome to Alexandra. By Owen Jones. 2910. Paradise and the Peri. By Owen Jones and Albert Warren. 291 1. A Happy Trio. Painted by Louis Haghe, and chromolitho- graphed by Risden. Although long since become eminent as a painter, Louis Haghe commenced his career in this country as a lithographer, and to him England owes some of her best examples of early artistic work on stone. Louis Haghe was for years associated with the late Mr. Day, the title of the firm being Day and Haghe, afterwards Day and Son. Mr. Haghe paints and draws with his left hand. Lent by S. W. Kershaw, Esq., M.A. 2912. Outlines in lithography of the choice illuminated MSS. in the Lambeth Library. Plate paper proofs. Contains a facsimile of the Gospel of Mac Duman (ix. Century), noted for its great rarity. Lent by Thomas Kelt, Esq. 2913. Playing at School. After Birket Foster. 2914. The Goatherd. After Birket Foster. 2915. Bellagio, Lake of Como. After Birket Foster. 2916. The Ferry Boat. After Birket Foster. 2917. The Dead Gull. After Birket Foster. 2918. Gems of Art A series of 1 2 subjects. After Birket Foster. 2919. The Hill-side. After Birket Foster. 2920. The Gamekeeper. After J. Hardy. A set of progressive printings illustrating the method of producing a chromo- lithograph from I S separate stones. 2921. Example from Engraving on Stone. 2922. Example from Ink Work on Stone. Lent by Michael Hanhart, Esq. 2923. Specimens of Polyautography by Andre. 1801. Drawn on stone by B. West, R.A., Henry Fuseli, R.A., Thomas Stothard, R.A., James Barry, &c., &c. 324 Cajcton Celebration* 2924. Sketches on stone by Nicholson. Printed on toned paper. 1820. 2925. Views in Scotland, by Nicholson. Printed on India paper. 1829. 2926. Facsimiles of Sketches. 1832. Drawn on stone by Samuel Prout. Printed on tinted paper. 2927. Sketches at Home and Abroad, in black and tint, by J. D. Harding. 1834. 2928. Views in Egypt, on stone, by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, R.A., in black and two tints. 1856. 1929. Imitation of Sketches by modem artists. Drawn on stone by R. Lane, A.R.A. 1826. 2930. H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent and H.R.H. the Princess Victoria, on stone, by Richard Lane, A.R.A. after Sir George Hayter. 1834. 2931. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme and companion, on stone by T. H. Maguire. 1854. 2932. Chatsworth, 1852. Group of Portraits, the Duke of Devon- shire, &c. Drawn from life direct on stone by C. Baugniet. 1852. 2933. Portrait of Albert Smith on stone, by Richard Lane, A.R.A. 1851. 2934. Drawings on stone by G. Cattermole. Printed by Hullmandel's litho-tint process. 1841. 2935. Drawing in Mezzo-tint on stone, by Richard Westall, R.A. 1828. 2936. Early Experiments in Chromolithography, by Engelmann and Hanhart. 1835. 2937. The Old English Squire. After a drawing by Frederic Taylor. 2938. Wooden Walls of Old England. After painting by Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. 1862. 2939. Wild Roses and Water Lilies. After Birket Foster. 1872. 2940. Spring Gatherings. After W. Hunt. 1863. 2941. Fruit. After W. Hunt. 1862. 2942. Winter and Summer in the Alps. After water-colour drawings by Elijah Walton. 1876. Cla00 dP*— Book 3|Uu0tration0, etc* 325 2943. SEA-Shore. After water-colour drawing by Birket Foster. 1869. 2944. Bridge of Badia. After T. M. Richardson. 1870. 2945. Senefelder Lithography, the original German edition, 1818. I vol. 4to. 2946. Specimens of Polyautography. 1801. 2947. Lithographic Impressions of Sketches from Nature, by F. Nicholson. 182 1. 2948. Senefelder, Alois, Portrait of, 1843. 2949. Hanhart, Michael, Senior, Portrait of. 1848. 2950. Engelmann, Gottfried, Portrait of. 2951. Hullmandel, Charles, Portrait of. 185 1. Lent by Charles Terry and Co. 2952. Scripture Cartoons illustrating the Life of Christ, designed as permanent and cheap wall-prints for schools, &c. ; washable and waterproof. Lent by M. F. Schumann. 2953. Direct Transfer Process. Originals and Copies, printed from stone. No photo-apparatus required. A very cheap process, invented by Mr. Fritz Schumann, of Copenhagen, to transfer old prints to stone direct without damaging the original. Lent by Mrs. Henry Kingsley. 2954. Study from Rembrandt van Ryn. 2955. Portrait of Rembrandt van Ryn. 2956. Portrait of a Cardinal. 2957. Two Old Men, after Abraham Teniers. Lent by Messrs. Maclure and Macdonald. 2958. Transfer Lithography from plain and granulated papers. 2959. Illustration of the Economic Reproduction of Impressions from Stone, from fine art steel and copper plates, assisted by lithographic tint stones. 326 Cawn Celebration. 2960. Specimens of Photo-lithography, Combined Photography, and Chromo-lithography ; latest development ; Landscapes, Portraits, 2961. A FEW sheets of a lithographic illustrated comic paper — " Glasgow Looking Glass," by A. Maclure. Published in 1825. 2962. Prise de Constantine, and Retraite de Constantino, six subjects. Par Raffet. Paris, 1837. Lent by F. Pitman^ Esq. 2963. A Relic of Westminster in Caxton's time. Water-colour drawing. By Paul Sandy. 2964. An American Memorial of the First Printer in Lithography. 2965. Specimens of Lithography applied to the printing of Shorthand. Lent by Messrs. Goupil 6^ Co. 2966. " Le Gud" Lithograph after A. Bonheur, by S. Tessier. 2967. " L'Abreuvoir." Lithograph after A. Bonheur, by S. Tessier. Lent by J. W. Last, Esq. 2968. Caxton Examining his First Proof Sheet from his Printing Press in Westminster Abbey, 1477. Chromo-lithograph of the original picture by Wehnert, sent for exhibition by Mrs. Cropp. Specimen of chromo printing by Vincent Brooks, Day and Son. ■*^ Lent by G. N. Hanhart, Esq. 2969. Wailing Place of the Jews, Jerusalem, Holy Rock. Six views in Norway, Mosque of Omar. Chromo-lithograph. Lent by G. W. Reid, Esq., F.S.A. 2970. Lord Cosmo Russell, after Sir Edward Landseer, lithograph by Richard Lane. 2972. Kellerhoven, F. After Filipino Lippi. St. Bernard and the Virgin. In Chromo-lithography. 2973. Kellerhoven, F. After Quintin Matsys. The Descent from the Cross. In Chromo-lithography. Claj2(0 (B>— Booli lllujaftratfone?, etc* 327 Section V. — Photographs. Lent by Messrs. Brauneck and Mater. 2974. Photographic Prints. Thirty-eight specimens of Permanent Photographs produced by machinery of their own invention. Section VI. — Zdncographs, dr'c. Lent by Messrs. Leitch and Co. 2976. IHOTO-GRAVURE. Proofs from various blocks, surface and copper plate in intaglio, obtained by the aid of photography. Lent by Messrs. Frederick Muller and Co. 2977. Reproduction in Photolithography by A. Kroon at Amsterdam, after the proc^dd-Asser, of two unique copper engravings, repre- senting an archers' concourse and the prizes distributed at Amster- dam in the 1 7 th century. Lent by Messrs. Bradbury, AgneWy and Co. 2978. Nature-Printing. Specimen plates and process. A process for printing exactly Ferns and other flat botanical objects direct from "nature." 2979. Nature-printed Ferns. Folio and 8vo. edition. 2980. Nature-printed Sea-weeds. 8vo. Exhibiting the " Nature-printing Process" as improved and worked in this country. Lent by J. C Wilkins, Esq. 2981. Electro-Photography, or etching on glass. Specimens of an early photc^japhic process of book illustration. Lent by C. W. H. Wyman^ Esq. 2982. Dolly Varden. After Frith, by Risden. 2983. Specimens of Processes, i. Photo-gravure. 2984. Specimens of Processes. 2. Photo-lithography. 3i8 CajCton Celebration* 2985. Specimens of Processes. 3. Type-high Blocks. 2986. Specimens of Processes. 4. Colour-printing Processes. 2987. Specimens of Processes. 5. Various, including Autotype, Wood- bury-type, Heliotype, &c., &c. Lent by J, Ph. Berjeau, Esq. 2988. Zinc Plate. From an early illustration to the Apocalypse. 2989. Slate Block. From a manuscript in Sanscrit. Lent by the Woodbury Permanent Photographic Printing Company. 2990. Woodbury-type Printing. Negative, Relief, Mould, and Printing Press. Prints produced by the Woodbury-type Process. Lent by L. Wamerke^ Esq. 2991. Photo-engraving. Raised blocks for surface-printing produced from steel and wood engravings and pen-and-ink drawing ; also prints from the same. L^nt by George Unwin^ Esq. 2992. Glyphography. Specimens of printing from raised copper blocks. By Edward Palmer. 2993. Savage's History of Printing, 1822. Containing specimens of coloured printing from blocks. Lent by Messrs. Unwin Brothers. 2994. Photo-lithography. Specimens of Lace, Curtains, and Anti- macassars, reduced from actual size. Plate-paper proofs. Lent by the Typographic Etching Company. 2995. Photographic Engravings. Specimens of engravings for letter- press printing produced by the Typographic Etching process. 2996. Photographic Engravings. Specimens of engravings for letter- press printing produced by the Typographic Etching Company's photo-relief process. 2997. Photographic Engravings. Specimens of engravings for copper- plate printing produced by Alfred Dawson's photo-intaglio process. Cla00 (B^— Koofe 3|Uu5a(trat(onja(, etc* 329 Photo-gravures from Pictures^ lent by Messrs. Goupil and Company, 2998. " En Reconnaissance," after E. Detaille. 2999. " Le Quai aux Fleurs," after F. Girard. 3000. " Le Repos k la Ferme," after A. Moreau. 3001. "Une Kermesse au moyen age," after A. Moreau. 3002. " Le Petit Lever d'une Femme \ la Mode," after Palmaroli. 3003. " Le Depart pour I'Eglise," after Kaemmerer. 3004. " Une Noce sous le Directoire," after Kaemmerer. 3005. " La Captive," after Mme. de Chatillon. 3006. " Le Depart du Bateau de Sauvetage," after Mesdag. 3007. " Le Retour du Bateau de Sauvetage," after Mesdag. 3008. " Une Bonne Histoire," after Herrmann-Leo. 3009. " La Justice au bon vieux temps," after Cortazzo. 3010. *' Le Pbre Joseph," after Gerome. 301 1. " La Rentr^e au Couvent," after Zamacois. 3012. "Un Concert Florentin," after SorbL 3013. "En Penitence," after L. Perrault. 3014. "Les Femmes Savantes," after Rossi. 3015. " Une Premiere Affaire," after Juglar. Photographic raised Blocks for Surface-printing^ ^c. Lent by Messrs. Manning and Son. 3016. Reduced Block from Specimen-sheet, "Caxton showing first proof to King Edward the Fourth." 3017. A Mythological Battle piece. Proof from a steel plate. 3018. View of a Castle, from proof of a woodcut from page 84 of "The Land we live in." 3019. Check. "The London Bank, Limited." Proof from a copper plate. 330 Cajrton Celebratioiu 302a Shakespeare's " As you Like it" From a print published by Boydell. 3021. Specimen from pen-and-ink ruled page. 3022. Specimen from manuscript music. 3023. Scrolls from proof. Lent by the Proprietors of the " Graphite 3024. Engravings produced by the Typographic Etching Process. Lent by F. Pitman^ Esq. 3025. The Triumph of the Emperor Maximilian I. By Hans Burgkmair. Photolithographed for the Holbein Society by A. Brothers. Lent by Goupil 6^ Co. 3026. Cup designed for Henry VHI. intended as a present for Jane Seymour. By Hans Holbein. Reprcxiuction from the original drawing in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, in photo-gravure. Two impressions, one printed in ordinary brown ink, the other in colours. Lent by Messrs. Seeley dr» Co. 3027. Reproductions of early Engravings, by Monsieur Amand Durand. Illustrating the portfolio, 1877. Lent by Louis W. Applegathy Esq. 3028. Examples of Letterpress Printing of fine rose engine work from curved stereotype plates. 3029. Example of Copper-plate Printing from curved plates, in many water-colour inks. 3030. Examples of Printing. Continuous paper with large surfaces and uniform colour. Lent by John Leighton^ Esq., F.S.A. 3031. Frame of Etchings; printed from relief by John Leighton, F.S.A. 303a. Notes on Books and Bindings. Broadside to hang in the Library. By Lohn Leighton, F.S.A. Cla00 (P.— -Boofe 3|lluj2ftratfon0, ttt. 331 Zenf by the Patent Printing Surface Company. 3033. Case of various Samples of Printing upon various substances. 3034. Windows printed by the press, and afterwards burned in the ordinary way. Reprodtutions from Fine Engravings in Heliogravure. Lent by Amand Durand, through G. W. Reid, Esq. F.S.A. Italian School. 3036. Anonymous. Fifteenth Century. The Assumption of the Virgin. 3037. Anonymous. Fifteenth Century. Judith with the Head of Holo- femes. 3038. MoDENA, Nicole tto da. The Nativity. 3039. MoDENA, Nicoletto da. Virgin and Child with Angels. 3040. MoDENA, Nicoletto da. Mars, standing, with architectural back- ground. 3041. RoBETTA. Christ taking leave of his Mother. 3042. Campagnola, Giulio. Christ and the Samaritan Woman. 3043. Campagnola, Giulio. Saint John the Baptist. 3044. Mantegna, Andrea. The Burial of Christ. 3045. Mantegna, Andrea. The Man of Sorrows. 3046. The Master I. F. T. Hercules killing the Hydra. 3047. Francia, Jacomo. Female Saint supporting a small Picture of the Madonna. 3048. Francia, Jacomo. The Holy Family. 3049. Francia, Jacomo. Venus and Cupid. 3050. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit. 3051. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Adam and Eve driven out of Para- dise. 33* Ca;rcon Celebration. 3052. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. The Massacre of the Innocents. 3053. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Mary Magdalen at the Feet of Christ. 3054. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Mary and Martha ascending the Steps of the Temple. 3055. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. The Madonna seated on the Clouds. 3056. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Holy Family near some Ruins. 3057. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. The Descent from the Cross. 3058. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Christ seated in the Clouds between the Madonna and St. John. 3059. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Lucretia stabbing herself. 3060. Anonymous. School of M. Antonio. An Allegory, with a Youth feeding a Calf, &c. German School. 3061. Maniere Cribl^e. The Annunciation. 3062. Maniere Cribl^. St. Anthony. 3063. Maniere Cribl^e. St. Martin. 3064. Master G. S. of 1466. The Virgin enthroned. 3065. Veit Stoss. The Raising of Lazarus. 3066. Schongauer, Martin. Christ bearing the Cross. 3067. Schongauer, Martin. The Conversion of Saul. Dutch School. 3068. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Head of the Painter. 3069. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Rembrandt resting his arms on a stone cill, 3070. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Rembrandt drawing. 3071. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. The Triumph of Mordecai. 3072. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. The Raising of Lazarus. 3073. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Beggars receiving Alms. Cla00 (B.— Book 3|Uu0tration0, etc* 333 3074. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Landscape. "The three Trees." 3075. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Landscape. " The Dutch Hay-bam." 3076. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Landscape, with a " Mill-sail seen above a Cottage." 3077. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Portrait of " Young Haaring." 3078. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Portrait of Jan Asselyn. 3079. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Portrait of the Burgomaster Six. 3080. Ryn, Rembrandt Van. Portrait of Doctor Faustus. 3081. RuiSDAEL, Jacob. Landscape, with Oak Tree. French School. 3082. Duvet, Jean. St. John, writing the Apocalypse. Lent by G. W. Reid, Esq. 3083. Charlet. " Adieu ! Banissez toute sensibility," 3084. Charlet. "Tu as le respiration trop long." 3085. Charlet. "Quand on a passd" 3086. Charlet. " J'ai vu le Nil," &c. 3087. Bellange. " Le Depart du Consent." 3088. BellangI «Cre'" 3089. Bellange. " Suffit mon Capitaine." 3090. Raffet. " Le Bouillon du passage." 3091. Raffet. " Le Moral est ^ffectd," &c. 3092. Raffet. " II est defendu de Fumer." 3093. Gericault. The Farrier's Shop. 3094. Gericault. The Farrier's Shop, larger. tff!itt^nN*r j!fT^ Class H. PORTRAITS AND AUTOGRAPHS OF PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, AND CELEBRATED AUTHORS. Section I. PORTRAITS IN OIL, &c, OF PRINTERS. 3115- AKER, William, eminent classical printer, of Ingram Court. 1 742-1 785. Crayon dramng. Lent by R. Cradock Nichols^ Esq. 31 16. Baldwin, Charles., printer of the St. James's Chronicle. Lent by the Stationer^ Company. 31 17. Baskerville, John. 1706-17 75. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. Celebrated for his types, his ** vellum " paper, and his press work. 31 18. Bensley, Thomas, printer, of Bolt Court, London. 17 -18 . Lent by Edward Gardner^ Esq. Famous for his " fine " printing. He was the first, in connection with Konig, to introduce printing-machines. Painted by Jas. Ramsay, 1802. 31 19. Blaew, William, printer and geographer, of Amsterdam. 15 71- 1638. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. Friend of Tycho Brahe. His son Jans was the first improver of the old wooden printing-press. Cla00 ^.—^oxttaitsi and iSlutopapi^* 335 3120. BowYER, William, printer. 1663-1737. Half length. Zent by the Stationer^ Company, Father of the celebrated printer and scholar. 3121. Caslon, William, type-founder. 1682-1766. Lent by W. H. Caslon and Co. The father of modem type-founders. He began punch-cutting in 1 720, and his types were so excellent that England, instead of importing all her best from Holland, soon began to export. Exhibited on the landing with the Caslon exhibit. 3122. Caslon, William, type-founder. 1720-1778. Lent by W. H. Caslon and Co. The second of the name. He succeeded to his father's foundry. Exhibited on the landing. 3123. Caslon, Elizabeth, type-founder. Died 1809. Lent by W. H. Caslon and Co. Widow of Henry, son of the second William Caslon. Upon the death of her husband in 1778, she succeeded to the business in conjunction with the third William Caslon and the widow of William Caslon H. Exhibited on the landing. 3124. Cave, Edward, printer, St John's Gate. 1 691-1754. Painted by F. Kyte, 1740. L^nt by John Brau Nichols^ Esq. Friend of Dr. Johnson. Originator and printer of the ** Gentleman's Maga- zine," 1731. 3125. Constable, Archibald, printer and publisher, of Edinburgh. 1 775-1827. Painted in 1823 by Sir Henry Raebum. lunt by Thomas Constable^ Esq. He published Scott's novels, *' Edinburgh Review," Ac 3126. Eyre, Charles, parliamentary printer. L^nt by G. E. Eyre^ Esq. In 1769 Mr. Eyre took possession of the reversion of the Patent of King's printer. He ap()ointed Mr. Strahan as his printer, who, in 1770, purchased a share of the Patent. 3127. Farley, Felix, of Bristol, printer. Miniature on ivory. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. The first newspaper in Bristol was " Felix Farley's Journal," 1715. 3128. Faulkner, George, printer, alderman of Dublin, c. 1700- 1775. Lent by Stephen Austin y Esq. Apprenticed to the celebrated William Bowyer. Settled in Dublin about 1726, and became confidential printer to Dean SMdft. Foote ridiculed him on the stage, for which Faulkner obtained j^joo damages in a court of law. •' Here sleeps George Faulkner, printer, once so dear To humourous Swift and Chesterfield's gay peer." 33^ Cajcton Celebration^ 3129. Franklin, Dr. Benj., printer and statesman. 1 706-1 790. Painted by Thomas Chamberlain, 1752. Lent by Madame Van Der Weyer. Purchased from the Franklin family by Joshua Bates, Esq., whose daughter, Madame Van Der Weyer, is the present owner. 3130. Franklin, Dr. Benj. Attributed to Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lent by Miss Spottiswoode. Dr. Franklin was very intimate with Andrew Strahan, his Majesty's printer, for whom the portrait was painted, and from whom, in direct descent, it has passed to the present owner. 31 3 1. Franklin, Dr. Benj. 1 706-1 790. Lent by Sturgis^ Esq. 3132. Froben, John, printer at Basle. 1460-15 2 7. Lent by IV. B/ades, Esq. Began to print, 1494. Intimate friend of Erasmus. 3133. Fry, Edmund, M.D., type-founder. 1 785-1832. Lent by Arthur Fry^ Esq. Succeeded Joseph Fry, his father, about 1790. Was a practical punch- cutter, and especially famous for his skill in Eastern characters. Sold his foundry, which included some founts from the old English foundries, in 1828, to Mr. Thorowgood, who transferred it to Fann Street. Dr. Fry published *' Pantographia " in 1799. Painted by Frederique Boileau. 3134. Gutenberg, John. A contemporary drawing. Lent by Mrs. Stotve. 3135. Guy, Thomas, M.P., printer and bookseller. Lent by the Stationers' Company. Painted after the original at Guy's Hospital by Vanderbaum. 3136. Hansard, Luke, parliamentary printer. 1 752-1828. Lent by W. Blades ^ Esq. 3137. Hodson, James Shirley, printer, secretary of the Printers' Pension Society for 33 years. 1 794-1869. L^nt by the Printer^ Pension^ &>€. Corporation. 3138. Jackson, William, an excellent type-founder. Apprentice of Caslon I. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 3139. James, Thomas. 1660- 1735. Lent by the President and Fellows of Sion College^ London. Was printer to the Corporation of London, and a benefactor to the library of Sion College. 3140. James, Mistress. Widow of John James. Lent by the President and Governor of Sion College, London. After her husband's death she carried on the business, and was City printer for some years. She had great intelligence, and was the only woman ever allowed to dine in Hall at Sion College. She is depicted in the full Sunday dress of a citizen's wife, temp. William and Mary. Cla00 l^*— Portraits anti iautograpj^* 337 3 141. Jenkins, Thomas, printer, of Swansea. 1 780-1870. Lent by Bowel IV. WilliamSy Esq. Originated '* The Cambrian " newspaper in 1804, of which he was Proprietor and Editor for 50 years. A miniature. 3142. Jenkins, Thomas, printer, of Swansea. 1 780-1870. Lent by Howel W. Williams^ Esq. A crayon portrait. 3143. Nichols, John, F.S.A., learned printer. 1 745-1 766. Lent by the Stationer^ Company. Three-quarters seated. Painted by John Wood after John Jackson, R. A. 3144. Nichols, John, F.S.A., learned printer. 1 745-1 766. Lent by Robert Cradock Nichols^ Esq. A tinted drawing by Edridge executed for " Cadell's Portraits." 3145. Nichols, John Bowyer, F.S.A., printer and author. 1 779-1863. Lent by Robert Cradock Nichols^ Esq. Pencil drawing by Hop wood. 3146. Nichols, John Gough, printer and antiquary. 1806- 187 3. L^nt by Robert Cradock Nichols^ Esq. 3147. Powell, Jos. M., printer and journalist. 1822-1874. Lent by A. y. Powell, Esq. Founder in 1863 of "The Printers' Register," the oldest Enghsh journal devoted to the printing trade. 3148. Richardson, Samuel, printer and celebrated novelist Lent by the Stationers' Company. Three-quarters standing. Painter not known. 3149. Spottiswoode, Andrew, Esq., M.P. Painted for the Carlton Club. 3150. Strahan, William, King's printer. 17 15-1785. Lent by the Stationer^ Company. Three-quarters seated. Painted by John Wood after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Was M.P. for Malmsbury together with the illustrious Charles James Fox. When young the celebrated Benjamin Franklin was his fellow-workman, and their friendship lasted their whole lives, notwithstanding the following letter written in the year 1775. 315 1. Strahan, Andrew, M. P., King's printer. 17 -18 . Lent by the Stationers^ Company, Son of William Strahan. Three-quarters seated. Painted by William Owen, R.A. 3i5ia.WHiTTiNGHAM, Charles, printer, founder of the "Chiswick Press," 1 767-1 840. Lent by Miss Whittingham. 3I5i^.Whittingham, Charles, nephew of the preceding, successor to the "Chiswick Press," 1 795-1876. Lent by Miss Whittingham. z 338 Cajcton Celebration* 3152. WiLKiNS, John, printer, of the " Chiswick Press." 1817-1869. Crayon. Lent by J. C. IVilkins, Esq. 3153. Williams, John, printer, of Swansea. Painted by Pelham. Lent by Howel W. Williams, Esq. 3154. Wilson, John, celebrated Scottish vocalist and operatic tenor of the Theatre Royal, London. 1 800-1 849. Lent by W. Henderson, Esq. Served his apprenticeship as a compositor, and afterwards was a reader in the firm of Ballantyne and Co. An autograph letter accompanies this por- trait. 3155. WooDFALL, William. 1 745-1803. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. Printer and editor of the ** Morning Chronicle/' and parliamentary re- porter. Painted by Sage. Section II. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. ENGLISH. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3156. MES, Joseph, F.R.S., F.S.A. 1689-1759. Thomas Hodgetts sc. Bibliographer and author of " Typographical Antiquities." 3157. Ames, Joseph. Another. {Sine notd.) 3158. Bagford, John. 1650-17 16. H. Howard pinx. G. Vertue sc. 1728. Formed a large collection of title-pages by tearing them out of books. Erected a printing press on the frozen Thames in 1 740. 3159. Bagford, John. {Sine notd.) 3160. Barber, John, Lord Mayor of London. 1676-1741. B. Dand- ridge pinx. Faber fecit. City printer, 1 709, and the first of his craft who sat on the civic throne. 3161. Barber, John. 1733. 3162. Baskerville, John, type-founder and printer, Birmingham. 1706-1775. The whole foundry of this celebrated printer was sold to Beaumarchais, the French dramatist, who printed an edition of Voltaire with Baskerville's types ; after which time there is no notice of them. An autograph letter from Baskerville to M. Pierres, printer, Paris, concerning a supply of his types, is hung beside this portrait. It is dated Birmingham, 2 Dec. 1773. Cla00 1^.— l^ortraiw anU SLuto^tap^^. 339 Len/ by IF. Blades, Esq. 3163. BowYER, William. 1 699-1 777. Engraved by Basire. Eminent as a printer, a scholar, and a critic. Printer to House of Com- mons, 1729; to House of Lords, 1767 ; wrote "Origin of Printing," 1776. 3164. BowYER, Guglielmus, architectus verborum aetat lxxviii. Jac. Basire ad vivum del. et sc. 3165. BowYER, William. Published by G. Jones. 3166. Brice, Andrew (of Exeter). 1690-17 7 3. Jackson del. Wood- man sc. Very eccentric as printer, author, and comedian. Edited the " Topographic Dictionary. " 3167. Brice, Andrew. Another. Engraved by Ed. Lenney, 1794. 3168. Brice, Andrew. Another. {Si?te notd.) 3169. Brice, Andrew. Another. {Sine notd.) 3170. Bulmer, William. 1 757-1830. One of the best printers of his age. His chef-ctoeuvre was the folio Shake- speare, 1 791 -1 802. 3 1 7 1 . Bulmer, William . From **Bibliotheca Spenceriana." 3172. Caslon, Gulielmus. Typorum librariorum Artifex Londinensis. 1692-1766. Kyte pinx. 1740. Faber fecit. The originator of the celebrated type-foundry bearing his name, and the most artistic punch-cutter of the i8th century. 3173. Caslon, William. Another. {Sine notd.) 3174. Caslon, Mrs. E. Died 1795. Engraved by E. Lenney. Widow of Caslon II. She carried on the foundry successfully for many years. 3175. Cave, Edward. 1 691-1754. Painted by F. Kyte and engraved by J. Basire. Friend of Johnson. Founded " Gentleman's Magazine " in 1731, and printed it at St. John's Gate. 3176. Cave, Edward. F. Kyte del 1740. E. Scriven sc. 3177. Cave, Edward. W. Kyte, 1740. T. Worlidge p. 340 Cajcton Celebration* Lent by \V. Blades^ Esq. 3178. Day, John, 1562. 1522-1584. Printer of the Reformation, i^tatis 40. " Life is Death and Death is Life." His motto was "Arise, I say, for it is Day." 3179. Day, John. Another. T. Wight sc. 3180. Eaton, Daniel Isaac. 1 764-1820. Abbot pinx. Sharpe sculp. "Frangas non flectes." Styled himself "Printer to the Majesty of the People." Was tried three times for sedition. 3 1 80*. Eyre, George, King's printer. 1794-183 7. Lent by G. E. Eyre^ Esq. 3181. Gent, Thomas, of York, printer, set. 80. 1691-1778. W. Doughty pinx. T. French sc. An eccentric printer and author, who wrote some valuable works on the antiquities of Yorkshire, and an amusing autobiography. 3182. Gent, Thomas. Another. {Sine notd.) 3183. Gent, Thomas. Another. P. Roth well sc. 181 2. 3184. Hearne, Thomas. 1 678-1 735. Had the title of Architypographus, Oxon. Was an indefatigable antiquary. Hearnius behold ! in Closet close y-pent, Of sober face, with learned Dust besprent ; 'Yo future Ages will his Dulness last, Who hath preserv'd the Dulness of the past. 3185. Herbert, William. 1718-1795. Published 1809. Editor and enlarger of Ames's " Typographical Antiquities." 3186. Jackson, Joseph, Letter-founder. 1 723-1792. An apprentice of Caslon L, and an excellent punch-cutter. 3187. Kirgate, T. Painted and etched by E. E. The practical printer of the Strawberry Hill Press. 3188. Lipsius, Justus Iscanus, was the glory of his time, the first in- ventor of printing at the Roeling Press. Aged 36. R. Gay wood fecit. P. Stent exc. 3189. MoxoN, Joseph. 1 629-1 686. Hydrc^apher to the King, printer and type-founder in London from 1659 to 1683; author of " Mechanick Exercises," 4to., London, 1683, the first book on the printer's art in the English language. 3190. Nichols, John, F.S.A. 1 744-1826. Apprentice of W. Bowyer. Wrote and printed "Literary Anecdotes," 1812-15. €la^9i !^.— portrait anti 5lutoffcapS0* 341 Zenf by W. Blades, Esq. 3192. Nichols, John, F.S.A. Painted by J. Jackson, R.A. Engraved by C. Heath. 1812. 3193. Nichols, John, F.S.A. Engraved by A. Cardon, from a drawing by H. Edridge. 3194. Nichols, John, F.S.A. Painted by J. Jackson, R.A. Engraved by J. Basire. 3195. Nichols, John, F.S.A. Painted by J. Jackson, R.A. Engraved by W. J. Fry. 3196. Nichols, John, F.S.A. {Sine notd.) 3197. Nichols, John, F.S.A. {Sine notd.) 3198. Ogilvius, Johannes. 1600-1676. P. Lilly pinxit. Guil. Faithome sc. Printer to King Charles II. Translated Virgil and Homer into English verse. 3199. Spottiswoode, Andrew. Painted by Thos. Phillips, R.A. Engraved by J. Bromley. 3200. Strahan, William, King^s printer. 17 15-1785. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by J. Jones. 1792. 3201. Taylor, Richard, F.L.S., printer. 1 781-1859. Lent by J. C. Bloomfield, Esq. Thirteen years Treasurer to the Printers' Pension, Ac. Corporation. 3202. ToNSON, Jacob. 1656-1736. Kneller pinx. Faber fecit 1733. Bookseller and printer. Rowe says of him : — *' Thou, Jacob Tonson, wert, to my conceiving, The cheerfullest, best honest fellow living." 3203. Walter, John, founder of the "Times" Newspaper. 1738- 181 2. Engraved on wood from the bust at Bearwood by Vizi- telly. 2. Woodcut of Bearwood. 3. Autograph letter of John Walter, dated Sept. 9, 181 2. 3204. Wight, John, printer. (Engraved on wood as his mark.) Printed 1551 to 1558. 3205. Wight, John. Another. " Welcome the wyght that bringeth such light.'* 3206. WooDFALL, William. 1745-1803. Small oval. 1795. The title-page of Vol. I. of " Report of the Debates in the Two Houses of Parliament. 342 Cajcton Celebration. FRENCH. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3207. Claye, F., printer, Paris. (A private plate.) 3208. CoiGNARD, Joan. Bapt. Regis et Academ. Galliae Typographus. A. Pesne pinx. 1724. Petit sc. 1732. 3209. DiDOT, Pierre, I'ain^, Typographe frangais. 1761-1853. J. T Wedgwood sc. Enlai^ed from a medal by Veyrat. 3210. DiDOT, Firmin. 1 764-1 836. G. Staal. Equally celebrated as author, typefounder, and printer. 321 1. DiDOT, Ambroise Firmin. 1 790-1875. G. Staal. Son of Firmin Didot, who by his talents in all departments of literature, art, and typography, brought the fame of this celebrated family of printers to its highest point. 3212. Gering, Ulric, circa 1440-15 10. Introduced the printing-press to France, 1469. 3213. Le Mercier, Pierre Augustin. 1666-1734. Imprimeur ordi- naire de la Ville. Van Loo pinx. T. DaulM sc. 3214. Leonard, Fredericus, Bruxellensis, Regis Serenissimi Delphini et Cleri Gallicani Architypographus, set. lxvi. 161 6-1 682. Rigaud pinx. Edelinck sc. 3215. Morel, Claude, printer at Paris, aet. 52. {Sine notd.) 1574-1626. 3216. Panckoucke, a. C. J. 1 736-1 799. Thouron pinx. Lith. de Langlume'. Editor and printer of ** Le Moniteur." 3217. Panckoucke, C. L. F. i 780-1844. Lith. de Langlum^, 1820. Printer of Paris and editor of ** Les Victoires des Fran9ais." 3218. Simon, Pierre Guillaume. Imprimeur du Parlement. Bom 1722. Pougin de St. Aubin pinx. Ingouf Junr. sc. 1786. 3219. Stephanus, Robertus. 1 503-1 559. Printer of many Bibles. Fled to Geneva, 1551. 3220. Stephanus, Rob'tus. Another. {Sine noid.) 3221. ViTRE, Antonius. Regis et Cleri Gallicani Typographus. 1 595-1 674. P. Champaigne pinx. Morin sc. Typefounder and printer of the Royal Printing Office, Paris. Cast the first Syriac. Cla00 1^.— Portraits ann jautograptijaf* 343 GERMAN. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3222. Agricola, Conrad, University printer at Altdorf. 155 7-1 6 17. T. G. Beck sc. 3223. Breitkopf, Joh. Gott. Imman. 1719-1794. Wachsmann sc. Printer and scholar. Improved music types, 1755. " Hbtory of Printing," 1 774. ♦ ' Origin of Playing Cards, " 1 784. 3224. Barthel, Christ., printer at Leipzig. 1682-1755. 3225. Baumann, George, Junr., printer at Breslau. 1618-1650. The '• Stadtbuchdruckerei " at Breslau, which was established in 1504, is still carried on. 3226. Bergen, Gimel. Bom at Lubeck, 1543. Printer at Dresden. 3227. Brockhaus, F. a., publisher and printer. 1772-1823. Lithograph portrait and autograph letter, 18 16. 3228. DUMLERUS, Jeremias, printer and bookseller at Nurenberg. 1 5 98- 1 66 7. -^tatis suae lxix. 3229. Endter, Georg, der AUter. 1562-1630. Cornelius Nicolaus Schurtz sc. Famous printer at Nurenbei^. His right hand on the head of his son, beside whom is a d(^ and beneath the mon(^;ram H A E. 3230. Endter, Johannes Andreas. 1625-1673. 3231. Endter, Michael 16 13-1682. 3232. Endter, Wolfgang, Junior. 1622-1655. 3233. Endter, Wolfgang Mauritius. 1653-1697. 3234. Endter, Wolfgang, Senior. 1593-1659. 3235. Endterus, Georgius, Senior. 1 562-1 630. {Sine notd.) 3236. Endterus, Balthasar Joachim, printer at Nurenberg. 1649- 1719. 3237. Endter, Peter Frid., printer at Nurenberg. 1653-17 15. 3238. Endterus, Georgius Andreas, printer at Nurenberg. 1654-1 7 17. -^tatis suae lxiv. Beck sc. 3239. Endterus, Johan. Dan., printer of Nurenberg. 1681-1726. 344 Cajcton CeUbcation. Lent by IV. Blades, Esq. 3240. Faust, Johan, Artis impressoriae inventor seu rectius emendator felicissimus. 15th century. ♦^ ** -" ' One of the celebrated trio, Gutenberg, Faust, and Schoeffer, to whom is due the invention of printing. 3241. Faust, Johan. Another. Rosmaester sc. > 3242. Faust, Johan. Another. {Sine notd.) 3243. Felsecker, W. E., printer of Nurenberg. 1626-1680. 3244. Felsecker, Adam Jonathan, Norimbergensis Civis, Bibliopola et Typogfaphus. 1683-1729. Schmidt sc. 3245. Feyerabendus, Sigismondus. 1527-1592. I. Sadeler sc. Celebrated for the magnificent woodcuts with which he adorned the books he printed. 3246. Feyerabend, Sigismund. On wood by Jost Amman. 3247. Gerhard, Christ., printer at Nurenberg. 1624-1681. M. Roster sc. 3248. Gutenberg, J oh. B. 1400-1468. The inventor of moveable tjrpes. Engraved by Schuler from an old original painting. 3249. Gutenberg, John. A woodcut. 3250. Gutenberg, John. De Larmessin sc. 3251. Gutenberg, John. Composed in stigmatype by Herr Fasol, of Vienna. 3252. Gutenberg, Johannes. The statue by Thorwaldsen erected at Mayence, 1837. 3253. Hardtwick, Constantinus, of Nurenberg, senator, typefounder, and punch-cutter. 1650 to 17 15. The celebrated punch-cutter Fleischman, of the Haarlem Foundry, served his apprenticeship to him. 3254. Hein, M. G. Learned printer of Nurenberg. 1659-17 19. T. G. Beck sc. 3255. HoLSTius, Johan, burgomaster and printer at Bremen. 1648 tor. 1731. 3256. Koburger, Anthony, printer at Nurenberg. Died 15 13. Cla0}a( 1^.— I^ortcait0 and ^lutograpjjj. 345 Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 3257. KoELER, Henningus Norimbergensis, Civis et Typographus. 1599-1656. 3258. KoELER, Henning, aetat. 30. Printer of Nuremberg. 3259. Lauer, Johann, printer, Nuremberg. 1560-1641. 3260. LuCHTMANN, Jeron., Buchdrucker. A small mez^tint. 3261. LuFFT, Johannes, printer and bookseller of Wittemberg. 1495- 1554. Printed many of Luther's tracts. 3262. Mentelinus, Johannes, Argentoratensis. 1410-1478. M. Roster sc. First printer at Strasbourg. 3263. Operinus, Joannes, of Basle. 1507-1568. Celebrated printer of the Greek Classics. 3264. Petreius, Johannes, Doctus T)rpographus Norimbergensis. 1497-1550. Schiibler sc. A learned printer, who excelled in the acciuacy of his Latin and Greek typography. 3265. Rhauus, Georgius, Wittemberg. 1 488-1 548. Driven from Leipsic, he settled at Wittemberg, and there printed many important works for the Lutherans. 3266. Sarigrius, D., printer and bookseller, 1529-1592. Ingold- stadiensis. 3267. Scheffer, Petrus, de Gemsheim, Civis et Typographus Mogun- tinus, Gener Johannis Faustii, primarii artis typographicae inven- toris. 1420-30 to 1505. One of the celebrated trio who invented moveable types. 3268. Scheffer, P. (Sine notA.) 3269. Sebald, C. a., printer of Nuremberg. An oval etching. 3270. Stelterus, Johannes, of Konigsburg, printer to the King of Prussia. 1685 to ^. 1731. 3271. Wagner, Matthew, Typographus Ulmensis optime meritus. 1 648- 1 694. T. G. Beck sc. 3272. Winkler, Andreas, printer at Breslau. 1498-1575. 34^ Caxton Celebration* DUTCH. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3273. Blaeu, Guilielmus. 1571-1638. "Indefessus agendo." J. Falck sc. Printer to Tycho Brahe, the astronomer, and improver of the original wooden press. An autograph letter, signed, dated Amsterdam, 1606. 3274. CooRNHERT, Dirk Volckerszoon, author and printer at Haarlem. 1522-1590. 3275. Coster, Laur. Primus artis typographicae inventor. J. V. Campden pinx. J. v. Veldt sc. Recent researches have entirely disproved the existence of Coster as a 1 5th century printer, who for a long time was considered as the inventor of printing. 3276. Coster, Laur. J. Saenredam fecit. A. Romanus exc. 3277. Coster, Laur. Statue in Me(^al Garden, Haarlem. Jelgersma del. Van der Laan fee. 1740. 3278. Coster, Laur. Three small busts. 3279. Coster, Laur. J. Van Campen pinx. P. Volyn sc. 3280. Coster, Laur. C. van Noorde. From the statue erected by John Enschede. 3281. Coster, Laur. Statue. Jelgersma inv. Van der Laan fee. 3282. Coster, Laur. Moxon sc. The true effigies of, delineated from his monumental stone statue erected at Haarlem. 3283. Coster, Laurence Janszoon. Van der Laan sc. Saenredam f. A. Romanus exc. 3284. Coster, Laurence Janszoon. J. van Campen del. De Lar- messin sc. 3285. Coster, Laurence Janszoon. Woodcut, full length. 3286. Coster, Laurence Janszoon. 3287. Coster, Laurence Janszoon. Houbraken sc. Frontispiece to Maittaire's "Annales," contains portraits of Coster, Guten- berg, Faust, Aldus, and Frobenius. CU0ja( l^^— ll^ortrato and iautograp^jaf^ 347 Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3288. Elzevier, Daniel, printer at Amsterdam. 1626-1680. Litho- graphed by C. Last. 3289. Ensch ED E, Johannes, Lettergieter en Boekdrukker. 1 708-1781. C. V. Noorde sc. 1768. Founder of the Haarlem Type Foundry. 3290. Fleischman, J. M. Konstig Letter stempel snyder. 1701-1768. C. V. Noorde sc. A very clever and artistic piinch-cutter. 3291. Fleischman, J. M., punch-cutter for the Ensched^ firm of Haarlem. Engraved by R. Vinkeles, 1798. 3292. MoRETUS, Balthazar. 15 74-1 641. De Larmessin sc. Son-in-law and successor of Christopher Plantin, of Antwerp. 3293. Raphelengius, Franciscus. 1539-1597. De L'Armessin sc. Professor of Hebrew at Leyden, and printer at Antwerp, where he succeeded the celebrated Plantin. 3294. Van Zuren, John, printer of Haarlem. i6th century. Engraved by H. Goltzius and with autograph signature. Lent by Frederick Muller and Co., Amsterdam. 3295. KosTER, Laurens, pretended inventor of typography (Haarlem, 1429). Three woodcuts, published about 1630 by A. Roman, Haarlem, 1630. 3296. KosTER, Laurens. Another. Engraved by P. Saenredam. First state with A. Roman's address ; changed afterwards into that of P. Casteleyn. 3297. KosTER, Laurens. Another. After J. Van Campen by J. Van Velde. 3298. KosTER, Laurens. Another. Engraved by J. Houbraken, 1764. 3299. Van Zuren, Joh., printer at Haarlem. i6th century. Engraved by H. Goltzius. With autograph signature. 3300. Raphelengius, Franc, printer and professor in Oriental lan- guages at Leiden, son-in-law to Plantin. By De Larmessin. 3301. Moret, Balth., printer in Antwerp. "Plantini nepos." After C. Quellinus by C. Galle. 348 Canton Celebration^ Lent by Frederick Muller and Co., Amsterdam. 3302. Elzevier, Daniel, printer in Amsterdam. Lithographed by C. Last 3303. Blaeu, W., famous printer in Amsterdam, publisher of the Great Atlas. By T. Falck. 3304. MoRTiER, P., publisher at Amsterdam. English mezzotint. (By Faber?) Proof before letters. 3305. De la Fond, publisher at Amsterdam of the Gazette de Hol- lande. By P. Lombart. 3306. Enschede, J., type-founder and printer at Haarlem. By C. Van Noorden. 3307. Fleischman, J. M., type-cutter for the Enschede Firm at Haarlem. By R. Vinkeles, 1768. 3308. Fleischman, J. M. Another. With his instruments. By C. van Noorden. 3309. Feyerabend, S., famous printer and publisher at Franckfort. By T. Sadeler, 1587. 3310. Merian, M., editor and engraver at Franckfort. 331 1. Endter, Joh. A., bookseller at Nurnberg. By B. Kilian. 3312. Frobenius, famous editor in Basel. After Holbein, by L. Viss- cher. Proof before letters. 3313. Frobenius. Another. With letters. 3314. Frobenius. Another. Mezzotint by W. Vaillant 3315. Morel, Claude, printer in Paris, aet. 52. Without name of engraver. 3316. Jombert, Ch. A., bookseller in Paris. After Cochin, by Aug. de St Aubin. 3317. BoDONi, G., famous Italian printer. After Bodoni, by Mussi. ITALIAN, SWISS, AND BELGIAN. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3318. BoDONi, J. Bapt., Italian Printer. After Bodoni, by MussL 3319. Bodonio, Joanni Baptistae, Cath. Maj. Typographo Nemini in Arte secundo. 1 740-1813. Celebrated printer of Parma. His chief work was an edition of Homer. 3320. Bodonio, Joanni Baptistae. Autograph letter, dated Parma, 1805. 3321. Brahe, Tycho, astronomer and printer. 1 546-1 601. Established a complete printing office on the island of Uranienbei^. 3322. Brake, Tycho, aetatis suae 40. 3323. Frobenius, Johan. 1460-1547. Printer at Basle and friend of Erasmus. 3324. Frobenius, Johannes, Typograph. Basiliensis. Inscribed to Dr. Tanner, Chancellor of Norwich. 3325. Frobenius, Johannes. 1 460-1 547. Mezzotint by W. Vaillant. 3326. Frobenius, Johannes, engraved by Audinet from a painting by Holbein. 3327. Frobenius, Johannes. Visscher fecit. 3328. Froschover, Christopher, printer and bookseller at Zurich. Fleischmann sc. Began to print 1522, and for fifty years issued excellent and well-printed books. 3329. Manutius, Aldus Pius. 1449-15 15. Four portraits in one frame. The most celebrated printer among the many that Italy has produced. 3330. Manutius, Aldus Pius. Aug. St. Aubin fecit. 3331. Manutius, Paulus. 1511-1574. Printer to Pope Pius IV. at Rome. 3332. Manutius, Paulus. De Larmessin sc. 3333. Operinus, Joannes, Basiliensis. 1507-1562. Three portraits in one frame. Professor of Greek at the University of Basle. 350 Cawn Celebration* Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3334. Plantin, Christopher, Architypographus regius. 15 14-1590. H. Goltzius fee. Celebrated printer of Antwerp. His printing office still remains the same as in the sixteenth century, and has been purchased as a museum by the City of Antwerp. 3335. Plantin, Christopher. Michael Rosier sc. 3336. Plantin, Christopher. Monogram, AP. 3337. Plantin, Christopher. (From Dibdin, "Bib. Dec") 3338. Plantin, Christopher. E. de Boulonois fecit. 3339. Plantin, Christopher. An autograph letter, 1563. Lent by W. Henderson. Esq. 3340. Constable, Archibald. 3341. Scott, Sir Walter. Lent by the Printer^ Pension, ^c. Corporation. 3342. Billing, Thomas, printer. 17 7 7-1865. Twenty-one years Collector to the Printers' Pension Society. 3343. Pope, Charles, printer. 1806-187 3. Twenty-three years Collector to the Printers' Corporation, 3343*.Darkin, James John, printer. 1 807-1 869. Twentr-five years Secretary to the Printers' Almshouse Society. Section III. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF CELEBRATED MEN AT ONE TIME PRINTERS. 3344- Rj^IBDIN, Rev. Thos. Frognall, M.A. 1 770-1847. Engraved by » I^S • ^* ^^y^^ iroxiv a drawing by Wageman. Tj^ffi Celebrated bibliographer. Edited and enlarged Herbert's and i¥sFiSflp Ames's "Typc^aphical Antiquities." 3345. Egan, Pierce. C. Turner sc. Compositor and successful playwright. 3346. Franklin, Benjamin. 1706-1790. Duplessis pinx. J.Thomp- son sc. His first important advancement in public life he attributed to the superior manner in which he executed some printing for the Assembly of Pennsylvania. 3347. Franklin, Benjamin. Engraved for the "Select Portrait Gallery." €U09i %—^ovtvait0 anH jautopap^j2f* 35i I^nt by W. Blades, Esq. 3348. Franklin, Benjamin. Aug. Fox sc. 3349. Franklin, Benjamin. Duplessis pinx. W. J. Edwards sc. 3350. Franklin, Benjamin, LL.D. and F.R.S. Engraved from an original picture by John Lodge. 3351. Guy, William, founder of Guy's Hospital. 1644-1724. "Dare quam accipere." Bacon inv. Bartolozzi sc. Was an extensive printer and seller of cheap Bibles, and about 17 10 leased the Clarendon Press, Oxford. His warehouse was in Lombard Street. 3352. Statue of Guy. Basire del. Engraved by M. Middleton. 3353. Leybourn, Gulielmus. Philom. Anno setatis 27. 1626-1690. Printer of London, and an eminent mathematical author. 3354. Leybourn, Gulielmus. Anno setatis 30. R. Gaywood fecit. 3355. Leybourn, Gulielmus. Anno aetatis 48. R. White del. et sc. 3356. Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, died 1503. Engraved from the original, formerly in the possession of T. Kerrick, M.A. Received William Caxton into her household about 1469, and employed him to translate into English ** Le Recueil des Histoires de Troye," which was put to press about 1474, and is the first book printed in English. 3357. Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy. Drawn on stone by John Tupper, Esq. 3358. Margaret, Countess of Richmond. 1441-1509. R. B. Har- raden del. W. T. Fry sc. Mother of King Henry VH., and a patron of William Caxton, who printed for her " Blanchardine and Eglantine" and the ^* Fifteen Oes." 3359. Preston, William. 1 740-1818. Painted by Drummond. En- graved by Thomson. Compositor in the office of William Strahan, and afterwards partner with Andrew Strahan. Wrote "Illustrations of Masonry." 3360. Richardson, Samuel, printer and novelist. 1689-1761. High- more pinx. Car. Watson sc. 3361. Richardson, Samuel. Engraved by Schiavonetti. 3362. Richardson, Samuel. Engraved by J. M. Bemigeroth. 1756. 3363. Richardson, Samuel, " Author of Clarissa." 3364. Richardson, Samuel. Engraved by Basire. In the same frame are Richardson's house at Parson's Green, and the title-page to " Pamela." 352 Cajcton Celebration* Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 3365. George John, Earl Spencer. 1758-1834. 1819. Celebrated book -collector, who formed the magnificent library at Althorp. 3366. Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford. 171 7-1 797. J. Reynolds pinx. G. Scharf litho. Established the Strawberry Hill Press, 1752. 3367. Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford. (Sine nota.) In the same frame is a portrait of his printer Kirgate, etched by E. Edward. 3368. Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford. Drawn by W. Evans. Engraved by H. Meyer. 181 1. 3369. Blackstone, Judge. 1 723-1780. Painted by Gainsborough. Engraved by J. Hall. Was in his youth a practical printer. 3370. CowpER, William. 1 731-1800. 1824. Drawn by Jackson, R.A. Engraved by W. Haddon. Had a printing-press in his residence, where he "set up" and printed some of his poems with his own hand. 3371. Keelev, Robert. 1 793-1 869. For many years a practical printer. Was apprenticed to Luke Hansard. 3372. Montgomery, James, printer, poet and journalist, of Sheffield. 1771-1854. 3373. Towers, Dr. 1737-1799- Dnimmond pinx. Engraved by Earn. 1796. Political and historical writer. In his youth a printer. 3374. Wight, John, printer. (Engraved on wood as his mark.) Printed 1551 to 1558. 3375. Wight, John. Another. "Welcome the wyght that bringeth such light." 3376. Wilkes, John, Lord Mayor of London. Pine pinx. Dickinson fecit. Erected a printing-press in his private residence, whence he issued some political squibs, and an infamous work entitled " An Essay on Woman," as a parody on Pope's celebrated " Essay on Man." 3377. Buckingham, James Silk, journalist. 1786-1855. A woodcut. 3378. DiDOT, Ambroise Firmin, 1876. A photograph. 3379. LiPSius, Justus Iscanus, was the glory of his time, the first inventor of printing at the Roeling Press. Aged 36. R. Gaywood fecit. P. Stent exc. Claj2(0 1^*— portraits anti jautograpSjj. 353 Lent by W. Blades, Esq, 3380. Pompadour, Mde. d'E. Marq. de. 1 721-1764. Sch^nau del. Littrdt sc. 1764. Mad. de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV., patroness of literature, pur- chased a small but complete printing office, and placed it in her own apart- ments at Versailles. There she assisted in the production of some verses of Comeille, which were illustrated by etchings from her own hand. 3381. Pompadour, Madame de. Another. 3382. Beranger, p. Jean de, French poet, originally a printer. 1780- 1857. In the same frame is an autograph note of the poet. 3383. Beranger. Another. (Sine notd.) 3384. Brune, Marshal. 1 763-1815. Lith. de Delpech. Was a working printer in his youth. 3385. Restif de la Breton. 1734-1806. L. Binet del. L. Berthet inc. Was for many years foreman in a printing office at Paris before he became famous as a novelist. 3386. Richelieu, Cardinal Armandus Joannes Du Plessis, Due de. 1585-1642. Founder of the Royal Printing Office, Paris. 3387. Richelieu, Cardinal. Another. P. de lode sc. 3388. Tallien, J. L., French Revolutionist. 1 769-1 820. Bouteville del. I. Jones sculpsit. Was for many years a working printer. 3389. Beaumarchais, p. a. C. de, dramatist and printer. 1 732-1 799. Gravd par Hopwood. 3390. Chateaubriand, F. A. Vicomte de, author and statesman. 1 768-1848. 3391. DiJRER, Albrecht, H. painter, engraver, and typographer. 1471-1528. Engraved on wood. 3392. DuRER, Alb. Painted by himself. Engraved by Lasinio. 3393. DuRER, Albert, engraver and typographer. 1471-1528. Painted by himself. Engraved by G. Cooke. 3394. DuRER, Albrecht. Anno 1608. Kilian sc. 3395. DuRER, Alb. (Sine notA.) ^ From an English plate. A A 354 Cajctoti Celebratto. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3396. DuRER, Alb. Alberto Duro Pittore. A. P. del. G. Vascellini inc. Section IV. VIEWS, INTERIORS, &c 3397. AXTON, William, Examining the first Printed Sheet from his Printing-press in Westminster Abbey, a.d. 1474. Painted by A. H. Wehnert. Engraved by 3398. Caxton Submitting his Proof Sheet to John Esteney, Abbot of Westminster in 1477. James E. Doyle pinxit. Engraved by W. Walker. 3399. AucHiNLECK. The Private Press of Mr. Alexander Boswell, Auchinleck, Ayrshire, whence between 181 1 and 1820 issued many black-letter reprints. 3400. Strawberry Hill Press, i . Title-page to " Gray's Odes," as a specimen of Kirgate's printing. 2. The "Press" at Strawberry Hill, with Kirgate the printer advancing. 3. Autograph letter of Kirgate inquiring about an Engraver. Dated from Strawberry Hill, July 21, 1788. 3401. Interior of Composing Room and Press Room. Delattin (?) fee. 3402. Arms of the German printers, granted by the Emperor Frederick. 3403. Gutenberg in his Printing Office. Painted by Niemann. Litho. by ZoUner & Schlick, 1840. 3404. Interior of a Type Foundry. Mansfeld sr. 3405. Interior of Printing Office, Vienna. 1805. 3406. Interior of Printing Office, Paris. Fessard sc. 3407. Printing Office at Haarlem, 1740. Zaenredam inv. Van Veldt sc. 3408. Panfilo Castaldi explaining the Art of Printing to young Gutenberg, about the year 1430. The Italians have lately celebrated at Feltre the discovery of moveable tjrpes by Castaldi, to whom they have erected a fine monument. Cla}2f0 1^.— Portrait^ anti autopap!i0* 355 Section V. AUTOGRAPHS OF PRINTERS. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 3409- I C HOLS, John, F.S.A., printer, 1 745-1827. 3410, Bensley, T, printer. Letter to Messrs. Cadell and Davies, mentioning " Nelson's Life " and " Pleasures of Memory." Dated Bolt Court, Dec. 14, 1809. 341 1. Guy, Thomas, bookseller, founder of Guy's Hospital. 3412. Mores, Edward Rowe, author of "A Dissertation upon English Type-founders and Founderies." Three pages, part of which is " copy " for that work, with memorandum by W. Bowyer, at the end. Dated June 10, 1773. 3413. Savage, William. Letter to J. B. Nichols, accompanying the Prospectus of his work on " Printing Inks." March 23, 1832. 3413*.Plantin, Chris. Antwerp, 15 14-1590. 3414. Baskerville, J. 1706-1775. Concerning his Types. Section VI. AUTOGRAPHS AND PORTRAITS OF LITERARY MEN. 3414*- Lent by the Library Committee of the Corporation of London, HAKESPEARE, William. Autograph to a Deed of Purchase of a house in Blackfriars, March loth, 161 2-13. Lent by Sir Charles Reed, L.L.D., F.S.A. 3414*. Addison, Joseph, essayist 1672-17 19. Signature. 3415. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, 1561-1626, philosopher. Signa- ture, "Fr. Verulam Can." Aug. 8, 16 18. 3416. Baines, Edward, Leeds, founder of the Leeds Mercury. 3417. Baxter, Richard, English nonconformist divine. 1615-1691. His own copy of " Church History," with marginal corrections. 3418. Beloe, William, critic and translator. 1756-181 7. Letter. Theo- balds. Feb. 12, 1859. 3419. Bentham, Jeremy, philosopher. 1 748-1832. Fragment. "In- troducing Horatio Nelson." Oct 28, 1772. 356 Caj;ton Celebratioiu Lent by Sir Charles Reed, L.L.D., F.S.A. 3420. Blair, Hugh, D.D., philosopher. 3421. Bowles, Rev. W. L., poet. 1 762-1850. " Frosty Night." MS. 4to. 3422. Brewster, Sir David, philosopher. 1 761-1868. Edinburgh, 1850. A. 1. s. 3423. Brougham, Henry, Lord. 3424. Browning, Elizabeth B., poetess. 1809-1861. Portrait, with autograph signature. 3425. Bryant, W. Cullen, poet and journalist b. 1794. Boston, United States, Oct. 3, 1872. 3426. BuFFON, Comte G. L. Le Clerc de, naturalist. 1 707-1 788. A. n. s. 3427. BuLWER, E. L., novelist and dramatic author, b. 1806. Albany, Feb. 29, 1836. L. a. s. As to abolition of taxes on knowledge. 3428. Burke, Edmund, orator, statesman, and philosopher. 1 730-1 797. I page. Folio. N. s. 3429. Burleigh, Lord Chancellor. 3430. Byron, Lord George Gordon, poet 1 788-1824. "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." 2 pp. MS. 4to. 3431. Campbell, Thomas, poet 1777-1844. "If strewn his ashes to the wind." 6 lines signed 3432. Carey, WilUam, D.D., translator, English orientalist, &c. 1762- 1834. Serampore. 3433. Carlyle, Thomas, essayist, historian, &c. b. 1795. Cheyne Row, Chelsea, May 21, 1844. ** I care not for the spelling, but the punctuation I should like to have exact." 3434. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, statesman and historian. 1 608-1 6 74. A Signed Receipt June 16, 17 13. 3435. Clarke, Adam, LL.D., commentator and oriental scholar. 1760-1832. Note. June 19, 1810. 3436. CoBBETT, William, political writer. 1 762-1835. Kensington, Sept II, 1824. L. a. s. As to his grammar. ** The Pater-Nostre booksellers make a great outcry against us. They say we sell too cheap." Also curious directions to his printer, 3437- CoLENSO, J. W., Bishop of Natal, mathematician. March 16, 1863. Refers to his "Commentary on the Romans." Cla00 1^.— l^ortraftjaf anti autograp^^. 357 Lent by Sir Charles Reed, LL.D., F.S.A. 3438. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, moral philosopher, poet and essayist. 1 772-1834. Highgate, Nov. lo, 1823. A. 1. s. Assigns reasons for declining to lecture in the town of Leeds. 3439- CowPER, William, poet. 1 731-1800. Aug. 6, 1780. 4 pp. 4to. A. 1. s. 3440. Crabbe, George, poet. 3441. Cunningham, Allan, poet, &c. 1 784-1842. "The Rebel's Lament." MS. April i, 1841. 3442. DiBDiN, T. R, bibliographer. 17 70-1 847. L. a. s. To Mr. Johnes, of Hafod: — "Are your 'Caxtons' (unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue) perfect, and is the * St. Alban's Chronicle * perfect," Ac. 3443. Dickens, Charles, novelist 181 2-1870. 3444. Doddridge, Philip, D.D., commentator and hymn writer 1 702-1 75 1. Northampton. 4 pp. 4to. A. 1. s. **I have a Latin letter to write to Count Zinzendorf, who has been in the Moravian Society in Yorkshire, and leaves England on Tuesday next. " 3445. Dodsley, Robert, bookseller, poet, and dramatist 1 703-1 764. Autograph document. To Earl of Oxford. Account for books, 174 1. 3446. Edgeworth, Richard Lovell. 1 744-181 7. Letter. Clifton, Aug. 18, 1793. 3447. Edgeworth, Maria, novelist 1 767-1849. 3448. Edwards, Jonathan, theological writer, metaphysician. 1703- 1758. Stockbridge, Massachusetts, Dec 11, 1755. A. 1. s. 3449. Elliott, Ebenezer, poet 1 781-1849. Sonnet, "What is Reli- gion?" 4to. 5. "This is religion, saith the Bard of Trade." 3450. Ferguson, Adam, D.D., philosopher and author, 1 724-1816. Edinburgh, Dec 13, 1809. 345 1. Foster, John, essayist and reviewer. 1 7 70-1 843. Fol. p. initials. Bourton, Nov. 4. "I have been perniciously engaged this week or two with the Relation Historique of Humboldt, who is now to take precedence of all our travellers." 3452. Francis, Sir Philip. 358 Carton Celebratfon. Lent by Sir Charles Reed, LL.D., F.S.A. 3453. Franklin, Benjamin, printer, philosopher, and statesman. 1 706-1 790. Letter. 4 pp. 4to. Philadelphia, Mar. i, 1755. Refers to his correspondence with the Royal Society in reference to experi- ments in electricity. 3454. Goethe, Johann W. von, dramatist, author, naturalist, savant, and poet 1749-1832. 1830. A. n. s. 3455. Guy, Thomas, bookseller, and founder of Guy's Hospital 3456. Hemans, Felicia, poetess. 1 794-1835. MS. Notes. 3457. Henry, Matthew, commentator. 1663-17 12. "MS. Notes of Sermon." 3458. Herschell, Sir John, F. W., astronomer. 1 792-1862. MS. Address. 1864. Holograph. 3459. Hogg, James. "The Ettrick Shepherd," poet and romance writer. 1 772-1835. A. n. s. 3460. Hood, Thomas, poet and humourist. 1 798-1845. Lake House, 1829. A. 1. s. 3461. Hone, William, satirist and journalist. 1 779-1842. Epitaphs. For himself and W. Upcott. 3462. Hone, William, satirist and journalist. 1779 -1842. Poor Humphrey's Calendar, 1829. First edition. 3463. Hugo, Victor, poet, dramatist, and novelist b. 1826. Mar. 24, 1834. To M. Guizot 3464. Irving, Washington, American biographer and novelist 1783- 1859. May 18, 1842. L. a. s. 3465. Jeffrey, Francis, essayist 3466. Jerrold, Douglas, humourist and dramatic author. Putney. Refers to his Magazine, July 10, 1854. A. n. s. 3467. Johnson, Samuel, lexicographer, philologist, moralist and poet 1709-1784. Bolt Court, April 12, 1784. A. 1. s. "Introducing his god-son to Ozias Humphrey." 3468. Jonson, Ben. Autograph signature in a copy of Juvenal, 161 2. 3469. KiTTO, John, D.D., F.S.A., litterateur. 1804-1854. Sep. 12, 1870. A. 1. s. Cla00 1^^— |?ortrait0 anU iatutograplitf. 359 Lent by Sir Charles Reedy LL.D., F.S.A. 3470. Knight, Charles, publisher and historian. 1 791-1870. A. 1. s. Relating to the "Penny Magazine," shown with the "Penny Magazine," vol. I. 3471. Lamb, Charles, essayist and poet. 1 775-1834. 8vo. Charac- teristic note, signed C. L. 3472. Lancaster, James, founder of the Lancasterian School system. 3473. Landon, L. E., poetess. 3474. Longfellow, Henry W., poet and novelist, b. 1807. Cam- bridge, U. S. A., Oct. 3, 1873. Lines from his "Psalm of Life," MS. signed. ^475. Longfellow, Henry W. Photograph. Philadelphia, 1876. •476. Luther, Martin, reformer. 1483-1546. Holograph letter. Wlt- temberg, 1525. 477. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, historian. 478. Mackintosh, Sir J., historian. Born June 30, 1825. To Henry Brougham. ,479. Mahon, Lord, historian. A. 1. Loake's Hill, High Wycombe. 3480. Martineau, Harriet, authoress and historian. A- L s. 3481. Melancthon, Philippus Schwarzerd, theologian and reformer. 1497-1560. Fo. pr. holograph, signed " Philippus." 3482. Mitford, Mary Russel, authoress. 1 787-1855. Three Mile Cross. Jul. 22, 1847. A. 1. s. 3483. MooRE, Thomas, Irish poet. 1 779-1852. Sloperton. March 20, 1 84 1. Sonnet, MS. 3484. Montgomery, James, poet and journalist 1771-1855. Sheffield, Aug. 12, 1829. L. a. s. •• Like a hare that has been hunted a hundred times to all but death, I start and tremble and fly off at the slightest intimation of a new demand upon my exhausted and miserably irritable brain," Ac 3485. MoRisoN, John, D.D., translator. Macao, May 16, 181 1. 3486. Murray, Lindley, grammarian. 1 745-1 826. York, ist of 7mo. 181 2. L. a. s. 3487. Newton, Isaac, geometrician and philosopher. 1642-1727. Signature, June 12, 17 18. 360 Canton Celebration* Lent by Sir Charles Reedy LL.D., F.S.A. 3488. Newton, John, D.D., hymn writer, &c 17 25-1 807. Coleman Street Buildings, June 13th, 1786. 3489. Penn, William, author, and founder of Pennsylvania. 1644-17 18. Receipt for six months' annuity, August 23, 1706. 3490. Pepys, Samuel, " Diary," &c. 1 633-1 703. Sig. to Royal Warrant, Feb. 15, 1673. 3491. Pope, Alexander, poet and critic. 1 688-1 744. Receipt for his " Homer's Iliads," and note signed A. P. 3492. Porter, Jane, novelist. 17 76-1 850. A. 1. s. "To George Virtue, Esq. " By which time I hope my Scottish heroes, clad in the fair new panoplies you have provided for them, may have brought golden success to the gates of their friendly new leader." 3493. Ramsay, Allan, poet. 3494. Reade, Charles, novelist. Bom 181 4. June 26, 1870. ** I am spending more in postage than ever, besides time, paper, and seal- ing-wax." 3495. Reid, Thomas, D.D., philosopher. 17 10-1796. 4 pp. 4to. Glasgow College, Nov. 14, 1785. 3496. Robertson, William, D.D. Edinburgh, ApL 27, 1806. L. a. s. To Henry Brougham. 3497. RoscoE, William, historian. Liverpool, July 18. 3498. Schiller, Johann. C. F. von, poet, dramatist and historian. 1 759-1 805. Weimar, Feb. 17, 1802. 3499. Scott, Walter, romance writer, poet and historian. 1 771-1832. Abbotsford, Sept. 5, 181 3. A. 1. s. ** The laurel has been offered to me in the most flattering manner by H.R.H. the Prince Regent, but I did not feel justified at snatching at one of the few situations of emolument open to those who have made literature their exclusive profession." 3500. Shelley, P. B., poet. 1792-1822. 4to. 4 pp. Dublin, April, 1813. L. a. s. 3501. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, statesman, orator and dramatist 1751-1816. Promissory note. May 23, 1781. 3502. SiMSON, Robert, mathematician. 1 687-1 768. L. a. s. Respecting the first edition of Euclid. Cla00 1^.— I^ortraft0 anU ^utopapiiEf* 361 Lent by Sir Charles Reed, LL.D., F.S,A. 3503. Smith, Adam, LL.D., economist and moralist 1 723-1 790. 4ta L. a. s. To Thomas Cadell. 3504. SouTHEY, Robert, poet and biographer. 17 74-1 843. A tale of Paraguay, " To Edith May Southey," n. d. MS. 3505. Stewart, Dugald, mathematician and philosopher. 1 753-1828. Nov. 181 2. L. a. s. 3506. Taylor, Isaac, line engraver. 1740-18 18. L. a. s. 3507. Taylor, Jane. 1 783-1824. "Apple Blossoms." MS. 4to. Signed Q. Q. 3508. Tennyson, Alfred, D.C.L., F.R.S., poet laureate. Bom 1809. Buckingham Gate. L. a. s. 3509. ToNSON, Jacob, bookseller and publisher. 1656-1736. Auto- graph document, with portrait. May 25, 1721. 3510. Turner, Charles, engraver. Mezzotinto, 1 773-1837. 351 1. Turner, Sharon, historian. 1768-1847. L. a. s. Refers to Swift and Eben. Elliott. 3512. Valpy, R., D.D., grammarian and classical scholar. 1 754-1 836. Reading, July i. L. a. s. 3513. Watts, Isaac, D.D., essayist and hymn writer. 1674-1748. A.1. s. 3514. Webster, Noah, grammarian and lexicographer. 1 758-1843. Amherst, U.S., Oct. 24, 1814. L. a. s. 3515. Wesley, Charles, divine and hymn writer. 1 708-1 788. Auto- graph lines. ** Still let me his remembrance bless. Still on his dearest image dwell" 3516. Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1530-1604. Sig- nature to a Grant, March, 1599. 35 1 7. Whittier, J. Greenleaf, poet " The Centennial Hymn," com- posed for the Republic, 1876. Transcribed and signed at Ames- bury, and note. 3518. WoLCOT, T. (Peter Pindar). 3519. Wordsworth, poet. 3520. Zimmerman, J. G., philosopher. 1 728-1 795. A. L s. 362 Cajcton Celebratfom Lent by Sir Charles Reed, LL.D., F.S.A. 3521. Two Albums containing autographs of literary and scientific men, among which are Dr. Arnold, Rugby, Matthew Arnold, Shirley Brooks, Wilkie Collins, Lord Houghton, Mark Lemon, Lord Macaulay, George Augustus Sala, Sir Walter Scott, W. M. Thackeray, A. Trollope, Martin Tupper, Professor Blackie. 3522. Crabbe, George, poet. 1 754-1832. A. 1. s. Trowbridge. Jan. 19, 1831. 3523. Ramsay, Allan, poet. Moggy of Donfarling. Russ. 3524. Pindar, Peter (T. Walcot). A. 1. s. Fowey, Jan. 5, 1806. To Mr. Phillips, bookseller. Bridge Street, London. 3525. BuRGHLEY, W. Cecil, Lord. Aug. 15 16. 3526. Lancaster, James, educationist and author. A. 1. s. On his scheme for raising schools. 3527. Cruickshank, George, engraver. A. 1. s. Dec. 18, 1856. Refers to " The Fairy Ring." 3528. An Easy Method to found a Public Academy by a tax on books. Folio. 3529. Brougham, Lord Henry. A. n. s. To Edward Baines. 3530. Knight, Charles, printer and historian. A. n. s. " The rage for fiction tells us what is most popular in the literature of the day." 3531. Francis, Philip, sig. The reputed author of Junius. Aug. 1779. 3532. Turner, Charles, engraver. 3533. GuizoT, historian. A. n. s. Val Richer, Sept. 25, 1852. 3534. Landon, L. E., Miss. 4to. A. s. 3535. Strype, John, ecclesiastical historian. 1643-1737. MS. adver- tisement of Stowe's Survey of London, 1760. Lent by W. Henderson, Esq. 3538. Burns, Robert, poet. 1 759-1 796. Signature on title-page of "The Observer," a collection of Moral Essays, 1788. Sir. W. Scott, James Ballantine, Archibald Constable, Lockhart, Robert Cadell, Sir William Forbes, Dr. Chalmers, Macaulay, John Wil- son, G. Thomson. Cla00 !?♦— I^rtrait0 anb autograp^^. 363 Lent by H. Stevens^ Esq, 3539. Franklin, Benj. Printer and Statesman. A. L s. To Andrew Strahan, M.P., King's Printer : " We were long friends — you are now my enemy," referring to the war which had just been declared between England and the United States of America. Dated Julys* 1775. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq, 3540. Shakespeare, William. A Facsimile of the engraved portrait after Droeshout in the title of the First Folio. Class L BOOKS RELATING TO PRINTING.^ Lent by William Blades, Esq. [OTHING shows more plainly the national estimation in which any subject is held than the chronology, the quality, and the quantity of books published concerning it Arranged chronologically, such a catalogue is specially suggestive as showing that the public interest is not inter- mittent nor capricious, and while the quality points to the class of readers, the quantity is a good test of the popular demand. Germany, as the birthplace of the Art of Printing, has an earlier and more complete literature upon its history and practice than any other country. France also has a long catalogue of important works upon the subject Then follow England, Holland, Belgium and America. In other countries the produce has been slight, and in some is wanting alto- gether. To the honour of Iceland, however, we may add that there is an excellent history of the art in the Icelandic tongue. The following list, which, excluding bibliography, is confined to typo- graphy in its biographical, historical, and practical aspects, could be very much enlarged were it not confined to books actually in the exhibition. At the same time no important work in any language is absent ; and the English section especially shows how many attempts have been made to educate the masses as well as the special workman in the history and practice of William Caxton's wonderful art. 3563. Abbott, J. The Harper Establishment, New York : an Account of. 8vo. New York, 1856. * Catalogued by W. H. Overall, Esq., Guildhall Library, London. Claiafss 3.— BooW relatfnff to i^rfntfng* 365 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3564. Adams, Thomas F. Typographia : a Brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise and Progress of the Typographic Art. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. 3565. Adams, Thomas F. Typographia. Third edition. 1845. 3566. Ames, Joseph, F. R. S. Typographical Antiquities, being an Historical Account of Printing in England : with some Memoirs of our Antient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by them from 147 1 to 1600, with an Appendix concerning Printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same time. 4to. London, 1749. This laborious work has formed the foundation of all succeeding works upon tjrpographical antiquities. 3567. Ames, Joseph, F.R.S., F.S.A. Typographical Antiquities, or an Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Considerably augmented by William Her- bert. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1785-90. 3568. Ames, Joseph, F.R.S. Typographical Antiquities, greatly en- larged, with copious notes, by T. F. Dibdin, D.D. 4 vols. 4to. London, 18 10-19. 3569. AsTLE, Thomas, F.R.S., F.S.A. The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary. 4to. London, 1784. The 9th chapter is headed, "Some Account of the Origin and Pn^ess of Printing." 3570. Atkyns, Richard. The Original and Growth of Printing: Collected out of History, and the Records of this Kingdome. 4to. London, 1664. Portrait of Charles II. seated on his Throne, by Lo^an. 3571. Bagford, John. The Invention and Progress of Printing. (Memoirs of the Royal Society, IV. pp. 261-268.)" 3572. Bagford, John. An Essay on the Invention of Printing. (Memoirs of the Royal Society, V. pp. 50-53.) 3573. Bevan, S. Phillips, F.G.S. British Manufacturing Industries. Edited by. 8vo. London, 1876. Paper, Printing and Bookbinding, Engraving, Photc^raphy, Toys. 3574. Berjeau, J. Ph. Early Dutch, German, and English Printers* Marks. 8vo. London, 1866. 3575. BiDWELL, Geo. H. Treatise on the Imposition of Forms, em- bracing a System of Rules and Principles for Laying the Pages applicable to all Forms. 8vo. New York, 1866. 366 Canon CelebratCom Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3576. BiDWELL, Geo. H. Treatise on the Imposition of Forms. Second edition. 8vo. New York, 1875. Useful for an incompetent compositor. 3577. Blades, William. The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer, with Evidence of his Typographical con- nection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. 2 vols. 4to. 1861-63. 3578. Blades, William. A List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, &c, in connection with Printers and the Art of Printing. 8vo. London, 1869. 3579. Blades, William. How to tell a Caxton, with some Hints where and how the same might be found. 8vo. London, 1870. 3580. Blades, William. Shakspere and Typography, being an attempt to show Shakspere's Personal Connection with, and Technical Knowledge of the Art of Printing. 8vo. London, 1872. 3581. BoDONiANA. A Collection of Printed Documents connected with the National Festival held in honor of Giambattista Bodoni. Folio. Saluzzio, 1872. 3582. Bradshaw, Henry. Memoranda, chiefly concerning Early Printed Books and Manuscripts, and the Older Literature of Different Nations. No. i. 8vo. Cambridge, 1866. 3583. Bradshaw, Henry. Memoranda concerning the Printer of the Historia S. Albani. 8vo. Cambridge, 1868. 3584. Bradshaw, Henry. List of the Founts of Type and Woodcut Devices used by Printers in Holland in the Fifteenth Century. 8vo. London, 187 1. 3585. Brimmer, George. The Composing Room. A Serio-Comico- Satirico-Poetico Production — Oh ! 8vo. London, 1835. 3586. Carey, Annie. The History of a BooL 8vo. London, 1874. 3587. Caxton, William, Life of. 8vo. London, 1828. 3588. Caxton, William, A Catalogue of Books printed by (or ascribed to the press of). Compiled by William Blades. 4to. London, 1865. Printed on vellum. Cla00 3.— SookjS relating to ^vintitiQ, 367 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3589. Chalmers, George. The Life of Thomas Ruddiman, A.M., the keeper, for almost fifty years, of the Library belonging to the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh : to which are subjoined new anecdotes of Buchanan. 8vo. London, 1794. He began life as a printer ; he gives a list of the works which he printed. The Latin Grammar he was both author and printer of. 3590. CowiE, Mr. Printers' Pocket-Book and Manual. i2mo. Lon- don, 1825 ? 3591. Crisp, W. F. The Printers' Universal Book of Reference and Every-Hour Office Companion, edited by. 8vo. London, 1875. 3592. Crisp, W. F. Punctuation Simplified. 8vo. Great Yarmouth and London, n. d. 3593. DiBDiN, T. F., M.A. An account of some early printed English Books in the Library of the Earl Spencer, being a portion of the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 8vo. London, 1825. 3594. DiRCKS, Henry C. E. Jordantype, otherwise called "Electro- type," its early history, being a Vindication of the Claims of C. J. Jordan as the Inventor of Electro-Metallurgy. 8vo. London, 1852. 3595. Drew, Benjamin. Pens and Types ; or. Hints and Helps for those who Write, Print, or Read. 8vo. Boston, 1874. 3596. Evesham. The Revelation to the Monk of, 1196. Edited from the unique copy in the British Museum, the edition printed by William de Machlinia about 1482. By Edward Arber. (English reprints.) 8vo. London, 1869. Contains the history of the Machlinia Press, which was the first in the City of London. 3597. FouRNiER. The Introduction to Foumier's Treatise on Typo- graphy, translated by Charles E. Keymer. 4to. Gloucester, 1866. 3598. Franklin, Benjamin, LL.D., the private life of the late. Ori- ginally written by himself, and now translated from the French. 8vo. London, 1793. 3599. Franklin Statue, Record of the Proceedings and Ceremonies pertaining to the erection of the, in Printing-house Square, New York, presented by Albert de Groot to the Press and Printers of the City of New York. 8vo. New York, 1872. 3600. Francis, J. Printing at Home, with full instructions for amateurs. Second edition. 12 mo. Rochford, Essex, 1873. 368 Ca;cton Celebratfom Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3601. FuRNiVALL, F. J. Pynson's Contracts, with Horman for printing his Vulgaria, and with Palsgrave for his Lesclaircissement, with Pynson's letter of Dei^zenation. 8vo. London, n. d. 3602. Gent, Mr. Thomas, the Life of, Printer of York. 8vo. London, 1832. 3603. Graham, John. The Compositor's Text Book for instructions in the elements of the Art of Printing. 8vo. Glasgow, 1848. 3604. Grant, James. The Newspaper Press : its origin, progress, and present position. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1871-72. 3605. Greswell, Rev. W. Parr. Annals of Parisian Typography, con- taining an account of the earliest typographical establishments in Paris. 8vo. London, 181 8. 3606. Greswell, E., B.D. A View of the early Parisian Greek Press ; including the lives of the Stephani ; notices of other contemporary Greek Printers of Paris. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. 3607. Hallam, Henry. The Invention of Paper and the Invention of Printing. i2mo. London, 1852. 3608. Hansard, Luke, many years printer to the House of Commons, Biographical Memoir of With portrait. 4to. London, 1829. 3609. Hansard, T. C. Typographia : an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing ; with Practical Directions for conducting every Department in an Office : with a Description of Stereotype and Lithography. 8vo. London, 1825. The best text -book upon all technical matters connected with typography ; it contains several portraits. 3610. Hansard, T. C. Treatises on Printing and Type-founding. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. 361 1. Harpel, Oscar H. Typograph, or Book of Specimens. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1870. 3612. Hill, A. F. Secrets of the Sanctum. An Inside View of an Editor's Life. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. 3613. Horne, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, with several chapters on the History of Printing. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. ClasSff J.— 1Book0 relatfnff to Printing:* 369 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3614. Houghton, T. S. The Printer's Practical Everyday Book, with emendations and additions by G^o. Marshall. 8vo. Preston, 1875. 3615. Hudson, Frederic. Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. 8vo. New York, 1873. 3616. Humphreys, H. Noel. A History of the Art of Printing, from its invention to the middle of the i6th century. Folio. London, 1867. 3617. Jackson, John. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. 8vo. London, 1839. 3618. Johnson, E. C. Tangible Typography, or How the Blind Read. 8vo. London, 1853. 3619. Johnson, J. Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor, including an account of the origin of Printing. 2 vols. 32mo. London, 1824. 3620. Kelly, James. The Printer's Carnival, and other Poems. 8vo. Airdrie, 1875. 3621. Knight, Charles. The Old Printer and the Modem Press. 8vo. London, 1854. 3622. Knight, Charles. William Caxton, the First English Printer. i2mo. London, 1844. 3623. Latham, H., M.A. Oxford Bibles and Printing in Oxford. i2mo. Oxford, 1870. 3624. Latham, H., M.A. Oxford Bibles and Printing in Oxford. A second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1876. 3625. Lemoine, Henry. Typographical Antiquities. History, Origin, and Progress of the Art of Printing from its first invention in Germany to the end of the seventeenth century, and from its Introduction into England by Caxton to the present time. 8vo. London, 1797. 3626. Lemoine, Henry. Typographical Antiquities. History, Origin, and Progress of the Art of Printing. 8vo. Ix)ndon, 1813. 3627. Lewis, John. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton of the Weald of Kent ; the first Printer in England. With portrait of Caxton. 8vo. London, 1737. B B 370 Carton Celebtatfon* Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3628. LiNDE, Dr. A. Van Der. The Haarlem Legend of the Invention of Printing by Lourens Janszoon Coster, critically examined. Translated from the Dutch by J. H. Hessels. 8vo. London, 1871. 3629. Literature. An Essay upon, or an Inquiry into the Antiquity and Original of Letters, with the methods made use of by the Antients to supply the want of Letters.. 8vo. London, 1726. Embraces an account of the invention of Printing. 3630. LucKOMBE, P., M.T.A. The History and Art of Printing. In two parts. 8vo. London, 1771. 3631. Lynch, Thomas. The Printer's Manual. A Practical Guide for Compositors and Pressmen. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872. Contains some excellent technical instructions. 3632. McCreery, John. The Press. A Poem. Published as a speci- men of Typography. In two parts. 4to. Liverpool, 1803-182 7. A printer-poet. 3633. Macintosh, Charles A. Popular Outlines of the Press, Ancient and Modern ; or a Brief Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Printing. 8vo. London, 1859. 3634. Mackellar, Thomas. The American Printer : a Manual of Typography. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. 3635. Mackie, Alexander. Italy and France. An Editor's Holiday. 8vo. London, 1874. Contains notices of several of the chief printing-offices in France and Italy. The author is the inventor of Mackie's Automatic Type-Composing Machine. 3636. McNeile, Rev. Hugh, M.A. A Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin, delivered at the Liverpool Royal Amphitheatre, 17th November, 1841, &c With an Engraving of the Press at which Franklin worked in London, printed on that press.. 'Svo. Lon- don, 1842. 3637. Marthens, John F. Typographical Bibliography. A list of books in the English Language on Printing and its Accessories. 4to. Pittsburgh, 1875. Copy sent by the author for exhibition. 3638. Memoirs of a Printer's Devil. 8vo. Gainsbro', 1794. 3639. Milton, John. Areopagitica. 4to. London, 1644. An Essay on the freedom of the Press. Arber's reprint, 1868. Cla00 3.— Sook0 relating to ^tintins. 371 Z^t by William Blades, Esq. 3640. MoxoN, Joseph. Mechanick Exercises; or, the Doctrine of Handy-works applied to the Art of Printing. 2 parts. 410. London, 1683. This is a very rare work upon typography, printed on the west side of Fleet-ditch, at the sign of Atlas. 3641. MuNSELL, Charles. A Collection of Songs of the American Press, and other Poems relating to the Art of Printing. 8vo. Albany, N. Y., 1868. 3642. MuNSELL, J. The Typographical Miscellany. 8vo. Albany, U. S., 1850. 3643. Nichols, John, F.S.A. Memoir of 8vo. London, 1874. 3644. Ottley, William Young, F.S.A. An Inquiry concerning the Invention of Printing, in which the systems of Meerman, Hein- ecken, Santander, and Koning are reviewed. 4to. London, 1 863. 3645. Palmer, S. The General History of Printing, from its first invention in the City of Mentz to its first progress and propagation thro' the most celebrated Cities in Europe, particularly its in- troduction, rise and progress in England, the Characters of the most celebrated Printers from 1520 to 1550, with an account of their works. 4to. London, 1732. This is entirely historical and of little value, being very inaccurate. 3646. Paper, the making of. 8vo. n. d. 3647. Partington, C. F. The Printer's Complete Guide; containing a Sketch of the History and Progress of Printing to its present state of Improvement 8vo. London, 1831. 3648. Parton, James. The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the "New York Tribune." 8vo. Boston, 1869. 3649. Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg and the Art of Printing. 8va Boston (U. S.), 187 1. Illustrated 3650. Power, John. A Handy-Book about Books, 8vo. London, 1870. A good deal of information about printers and printing. 3651. Printers. Printer, The, and Printing in the Fifteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries. A review in the " Quarterly Review '* of ^^Z2>' Svo. London, 1833. 3652. Printers. Pressmen's Guide, The. Brooklyn, 1873. 372 Carton Celebcatioiu Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3653. Printer's Calculator, 1876. Ruse's Imposition simplified, 1875. Newman's Guide to Printing, 1876. 3654. Printers. Compositors' Guide to the London Printing Offices, containing a List for the use of those in search of Employment, and other useful Information. 8vo. London, 1875. 3655. Printers. Chapel Rules. Messrs. Wyman and Sons. 1875. 3656. Printers. Printers' Strike, 179 i. An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Dispute between the Masters and Journeymen Printers, exemplified in the trial at large, with remarks thereupon, and the Speeches of Messrs. Knapp, Raine, and Hovell. Pub- lished for the benefit of the Men in Confinement. 8vo. London, 1799. 3657. Printers. The Trial of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and Pub- lishing a Libel against the Government. 4to. London, 1738. 3658. Printers. Press, Voices from the. A Collection of Sketches, Essays, and Poems by Practical Printers, edited by James J. Brenton. 8vo. New York, 1850. 3659. Printers. Poets and Poetry of Printerdom. Edited by Oscar H. Harpel. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1875. 3660. Printing. Letters of the Danish Protestant Missionaries and others in the East Indies, &c. Third edition. i2mo. London, 1718. 1. The Art of cutting Words with iron tools on palm leaves. 2. The Damulian Language and Dictionary, prepared by the Missionaries. 3. Introduction of a Printer and Printing-press from England. 4. Books printed by the Missionaries; Type Foundry, and Paper Mill. 3661. Printing, a Concise History of the Origin and Progress of. By Wm. Bowyer and J. Nichols. 8vo. London, 1770. 3662. Printing, the Origin of. In two Essays. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1776. 3663. Printing, the History of. 8vo. London, 1855. 3664. Printing, the History of. i2mo. London, 1862. 3665. Printing, the History of, with Copies of the Stationers' Com- pany Charters, &c. 8vo. London, n. d. 3666. Printing: its Dawn, Day, and Destiny. 4to. London, 1858. Cla^js 3I»— BoofecJ relating to prfntfng. 373 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3667. Printing Press, the. Three Numbers. 8vo. Chicago, 1876. 3668. Printing, Rusher's new mode of. Rasselas, Prince of AbjrssinuL By Dr. Johnson. Printed with patent types in a manner never before attempted Svo. Banbury, 1804. 3669. Printing. Caxton and the Art of Printing. 8va London, 1852. 3670. Printing Machine, Specification of William Nicholson for a. Folio. London, 1856. 3671. Printing Machine, Letterpress, Specification of Thomas Prosier. Folio. London, 1856. 3672. Printing Machines, Specifications of Joseph Bramah. Folia London, 1856. 3673. Printing Presses, Specification of John Brown. Folio. London, 1856. 3674. Printing and Stamping Presses, Specification of A. F. de Heine. Folio. London, 1856. 3675. Printing Machines, Specifications of F. Koenig. Folia Lon- don, 1856. 3676. Printing of Music, Types for the, Specification of H. Fougt Folio. London, 1856. 3677. Printing Music, Specification of Samuel Arnold. Folia Lon- don, 1856. 3678. Printing on Silk, Metal Cases to hold Types for, &c Also raised letters, printing-presses, &c. Folio. London, 1856. 3679. Printing. Stereotypes, Specification of Henry Johnson, for Logotypes. Folio. London, 1856. 3680. Printing Type, Punches for Stamping the Matrices of, Diei| &c, Specification of Robert Barclay. Folio. London, 1856. 3681. Printing Type, Specification of William Rusher. Folia Lon- don, 1856. 3682. Printing. The Game of the Chesse : a Moral Treadae on the Duties of Life. The first book printed in England by William Caxton, 1474. Reprinted in Phonetic spelling. 8va London. n.d. 3683. Printing. Heliotype Process, the, Described and Illustrated, with twelve specimens. 4to. lx)ndon. 374 Ca:cton Celebration. Lefit by William Blades, Esq. 3684. Printing. The London Scale of Prices for Compositors' Work, agreed upon April i6th, 18 10, with Explanatory Notes, and the Scales of Leeds, York, Dublin, &c. 8vo. London, 1835. 3685. Printing. The Printers', Lithographers', Engravers', Book- binders', and Stationers' Business Guide, edited by W. F. Crispe. 8vo. London, 1876. 3686. Punctuation, A Treatise on, and on other matters relating to Correct Writing and Printing, by an Old Printer. 8vo. London, 1870. 3687. Ramaley, David. Employing Printers' Price List for Job- Printing. 8vo. Saint Paul, Minn., N. Y., 1873. 3688. RiNGWALT, J. Luther. American Encyclopaedia of Printing. 8vo. Philadelphia, 187 1. 3689. Santander, M. de la Serna. An Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing, translated from the French of. 8vo. Newcastle, 1819. Translated by Thomas Hodgson for the Typographical Society of New- castle-upon-Tyne. 3690. Sheahan, James W. The Printer. 8vo. Chicago, 1869. 3691. Shepherdson, William. Starting a " Daily " in the Provinces. 8vo. London, 1876. An interesting account of the birth and progress of the ** Sheffield Daily Telegraph," by Joseph Pearce, Printer. 3692. Singer, S. W. Some Account of the Book printed at Oxford in 1468, under the title of Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in simbolo Apostolorum ; in which is examined its claim to be considered the first book printed in England. 8vo. London, 181 2. 3693.-SKEEN, William. Early Typography. An Essay on the Origin of Letter-press Printing in the fifteenth century. 8vo. London (Colombo), 1872. The author was the Government printer at Colombo. 3694. Smith, John. The Printer's Grammar : wherein are Exhibited, Examined, and Explained, the Superficies, Gradation, and Properties of the different sorts of Metal Types cast by Letter Founders : sundry Alphabets of Oriental and some other Lan- guages, &c. 8vo. London, 1755. A practical work on types and composition, which has formed the basis ot all subsequent grammars. Cla2(0 3|.— BooM relating to ^vintin^. 375 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3695. Southward, John. A Dictionary of Typography. 4to. London, 1870-71. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1875. 3696. Stark, Adam. Printing : its Antecedents, Origin, History, and Results. i2mo. London, 1855. 3697. Stower, C. The Printer's Grammar, or an Introduction to the Art of Printing. 8vo. London, 1808. 3698. Stower, C. The Printer's Price-Book. 8vo. London, 18 14. 3699. Savage, William. Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, wth Illustrations engraved on Wood and printed in Colours at the Type Press. 4to. London, 1822. A most interesting work. The colour-printing is exceedingly good. 3700. Savage, William. A Dictionary of the Art of Printing. 8vo. London, 1841. An excellent book of reference for a printer. 3701. Thayer, W. M. How Benjamin Franklin, the Printer Boy, made his Mark. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, «. d. 3702. Thomas, Isaiah, LL.D. The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers and an Account of Newspapers ; with a Catalogue of American Publications previous to the Revo- lution of 1776. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1874. 3703. Timperley, C. H. The Printers* Manual. 8vo. London, 1838. 3704. Timperley, C. H. Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typo^phical Anecdote : being a Chronological Digest of the History of Literature and Printing from the earliest period to the present time. A second edition, to which are added a continuation to the present time, and a Practical Manual of Printing. 8vo. London, 1842. This is Timperley's Dictionary of Printers and Printing with a new lillc. 3705. Timperley, C. H. Songs of the Press, and other Poems relative to the Art of Printers and Printing, edited by. 8vo. London, 1845. 3706. Trumbull, G. Pocket Typographia. A brief practical Guide to the Art of Printing. i2mo. Albany, 1846. 3707. Vinne, Theo. L. de. The Printer's Price List. A Manual for the Use of Clerks and Book-keepers in Job Printing Offices. 8vo. New York, 187 1. 37^ Ca;:ton CeUbcatiom Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3708. Watson, James. The History of the Art of Printing, containing an Account of its Invention and Progress in Europe ; with the Names of the Famous Printers and the Works printed by them, and a Preface by the Publisher to the Printers of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 17 13. 3709. West, W. Fifty Years* Recollections of an Old Bookseller, con- sisting of Anecdotes, Characteristic Sketches, and Original Traits and Eccentricities of Authors, &c Svo. Cork, 1835. A great deal about printers and printing. 3710. Wilson, John. A Treatise on English Punctuation; designed for Letter-writers, Authors, Printers, and Correctors of the Press. 23rd edition. Svo. New York, 187 1. The first edition, intended solely for the use of printers, was issued in 1826. FRENCH. 37 1 1. Alkan, Aind Annales de la Typographic fran9aise et <^trangere. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 3712. Alkan, Alnd Notice sur P. J. Fessin, Fondeur en caractbres. 8vo. Paris, 1853. 3713. Alkan, Ain^. Discours, accompagn^ de Notes typographiques et bibliographiques. 2me. Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 3714. Alkan, Aind. Les Femmes Compositrices d'Imprimerie sous la Revolution frangaise en 1794. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 3715. Alkan, Aine. Notice sur L. C. Silvestre, ancien Libraire- Editeur. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 3716. Alkan, Atnd. Notice sur L.-C. Silvestre, ancien libraire-e'diteur et ancien proprietaire des salles de vente connues sous son noni. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 3717. Alkan, Aind Notice Ndcrologique sur Just-Jean Etienne Roy, homme de lettres, Tun des coUaborateurs des librairies Mame i Tours, Lefort k Lille, Martial Ardant Freres k Limoges. 4to. Paris, 187 1. 3718. Alkan, M., Alnd Discours prononcd le 6 Avril, 1856, lors de sa r^eption comme Membre honoraire de la Soci^t^ fratemelle des Protes des Imprimeries typographiques de Paris, accompagn^ de notes typographiques et bibliographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Cld00 9|.— Book0 relatmff to ^rinting^ 377 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3719. Bernard, Auguste. Voyage Typographico-arch^logique en Allemagne et en Belgique. 2me. Excursion. AoCit, 1852. 3720. Bernard, Aug. De I'Origine et des Debuts de rimprimerie en Europe. 2 torn. Paris, 1853. 3721. Bernard, Aug. Les Estienne et les types Grecs de Francois I. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 3722. Bernard, Aug. Geofroy Tory, peintre et graveur, premier im- primeur royal, r^formateur de I'orthographe et de la typographie sous Francois I. 8vo. Paris, 1857. Seconde edit 8va Paris, 1865. 3723. Bernard, Aug. Histoire de I'lmprimerie Royale du Louvre. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 3724. Bertrand-Quinquet, M. Traitd de I'lmprimerie. 4to. Paris, 1799. 3725. BoissE, M. D'Escodeca De. Exposition Universelle de 1855. Quelques details sur les produits de I'lmprimerie Imp^riale de France. 8vo. Paris, 1855. 3726. BouTMY, Eugene. Les Typographes Parisiens, suivis d'un petit Dictionnaire de la Langue verte Typographique. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 3727. Bibliophile, le Livre du. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 3728. Breban, Corrard de. Recherches sur I'establissement et rexcrdcc de I'lmprimerie k Troyes. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 3729. Brunet, Gustave. Imprimeurs Imaginaires et Libraires foppos^ ^tude bibliographique. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 3730. Brun, M. Manuel pratique et abr^^ de la Typographie Fnuv 9aise. Seconde Edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, iSad. 3731. Campbell, M. F. A. G. Annales de la Typographie N^erlandaise au XVe. si^cle. 8vo. La Haye, 1874. 3732. Chevillier, Andr^. L'Origine de llmprimerie de Paris, Diner- tation historique et critique. 4to. Paris, 1694. 1733- Claye, Jules. Manuel de I'Apprenti Compositeur, ame. ^tion. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 3734. Daunou, M. Analyse des opinions diverses sur TOrigine dc I'lmprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 378 Canon CeUbratfon* Lent by William Blades, Esq. 3735. Delandine, Ant. F. Histoire Abr^g^e de rimprimerie, ou pr&:i8 sur son origine, son establissement en France. 8vo. Paris, n. d. 3736. DiDOT, A. Firmin. Essai sur la Typographic. 8vo. Paris, 185 1. 3737. DiDOT, Ambroise Firmin. Essai Typographique et Bibliographique sur rhistoire de la Gravure sur Bois. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 3738. DiDOT, Ambroise F. Observations sur I'Orthographe ou Orto- grafie Fran9aise suivies d'une histoire de la reforme orthographique depuis le XVe. si^cle jusqu'k nos jours. 2me. ^dit. Paris, 1868. 3739. DiDOT, A. Firmin. Aide Manuce et I'Hell^nisme k Venise. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 3740. DuDiN, M. Art du relieur, augment^e de tout ce qui a 6i6 ^crit de mieux sur ces matibres en Allemagne, en Angleterre, en Suisse, en Italie, etc., par J. E. Bertrand. 4to. Paris, 1820. 3741. DuPRAT, F. A. Histoire de I'lmprimerie Imp^riale de France, suivie des specimens des Types Strangers et Fran^ais de cet ^tablissement. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 3742. DuPRAT, F. A. Aper9u sur les progr^s de la Ty jographie depuis le XVIe. si^cle et sur I'^tat actuel de I'lmprimeriv de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 3743. DuPONT, Paul. Histoire de ITmprimerie. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 3744. DuRER, Albert, k Venise et dans les Pays-Bas. Autobiographic, Lettres, Journal de Voyages ; Papiers divers, traduits de TAUemand avec des Notes et une Introduction par Charles Narrey. Folio. Paris, 1866. 3745. Egger, M. Lettre de, de la Fabrication et du Prix du Papier dans TAntiquitd 8vo. Paris, 1857. 3746. EsTiENNE, Robert. Les Censures des Th^ologiens de Paris . . . avec la reponse d'iceluy Robert Estienne. 8vo. [Paris], 1552. Rdmprimd par Jules Guillaume Fick. Genbve, 1866. 3747. Even, Edward van. Notice sur Pierre Werrecoren, imprimeur h St. Maertensdyk, en Z^lande (1478). Extrait du tome VHI. du Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1851. 3748. Fertel, M. D. La Science pratique de I'lmprimerie, contenant des instructions tr^s-faciles pour se perfectionner dans cet Art. 4to. Saint Omer, 1723. Clajs^jJ 3|.— lBoofe0 relating to JBrinting. 379 Lent by William Blades, Esq. 3749. Fischer, G. Essai sur les Monumens typographiques de Jean Gutenberg, Mayen9ais, Inventeur de rimprimerie. 410. Mayence, an X. A portrait of Gutenberg. 3750 FouRNiER Le Jeune, M. Trait^ Historiques et Critiques sur rOrigine et les Progr^s de Tlmprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1758-60. 3751. FouRNiER Le Jeune, M. De I'Origine et des Productions de rimprimerie primitive en taille de bois. 8vo. Paris, 1759. 3752. FouRNiER Le Jeune, M. Manuel Typographique, utile aux gens de Lettres. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1764. 3753. FouRNiER, Henri. Traits de la Typographie. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 3rd edition. 8vo. Tours, 1870. 3754. Franklin, Alfred. La Sorbonne, ses origines, sa Biblioth^ue, les ddbuts de I'Imprimerie \ Paris, et la succession de Richelieu. Deuxi^me Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 3755. Frere, Ed. De I'Imprimerie et de la Librairie \ Rouen, dans les XVe. et XVIe. si^cles, et de Martin Morin, c^bbre Imprimeur Rouennais. 4to. Rouen, 1843. 3756. Frey, a. Manuel nouveau de Typographie. 2 torn. i2ma Paris, 1835. 3757. Gagniere, a. Histoire de la Presse sous la Commune du 18 Mars au 24 Mai, 187 1. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 3758. Geronval, A. de. Manuel de Tlmprimeur. i2mo. Paris, 1826. 3759. Grimont, Ferd. La Presse Parisienne : Catalogue ^6i^ril des Journaux politiques, litt^raires, scientifiques et industnels. parai»- sant au mois de Juillet, 1857. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 3760. Gutenberg, Jean, Premier Maitre Imprimeur : ses faits ct discotin les plus dignes d'admiration, et sa mort Ce r^it fiddle, icnX par Fr. Dingelstedt, est ici traduit de I'allemand en Francis par Gus- tave Revilliod. Folio. Geneve, 1858. Several very interesting illustrations. 3761. Hatin, Eugene. Bibliographie historique et critique de U Prene P^riodique Fran9aise. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 3762. Helbig, H. Notes et Dissertations relatives k THistoire de rimprimerie. 8vo. Bruxelles, n. d. 3763. Hoffmann, L. F. Essai d'une liste chronologiquc des ouvrages et dissertations concemant I'Histoire de rimprimerie en Belgique et en Hollande. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1859. 380 Canon Celebration* Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3764. HoLTROP, J. W. Thierry Martens d'Alost, ^tude Bibliographique. 8vo. La Haye, 1867. 3765. HuLST, Felix van. Chr. Plantin. 2me. Edition. Svo. Li^e, 1846. 3766. Imprimerie. Description d'une Nouvelle presse exdcutde pour le service du Roi. 4to. Paris, 1783. 3767. Imprimerie. Recherches historiques et critiques sur I'^tablisse- ment de I'Art Typographique en Espagne et en Portugal. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 3768. Imprimerie. Listes Alphab^tiques d'une petite Collection de portraits d'Imprimeurs, de Libraires, de Fondeurs de Caractbres, et Correcteurs d'Epreuves. 4to. Leide, 1836-61. 3769. Imprimerie. Histoire de I'Invention de rimprimerie par les Monuments. Folio. Paris, 1840. 3770. L'Imprimerie, la Librairie, et la Papeterie k TExposition Univer- selle de 185 1. Rapport du XVIIe. Jury. 2me. ^dit. Paris, 1854. 3771. Imprimerie. Typographes et gens de lettres. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 3772. L'Imprimerie. Journal de la Typographie, de la Lithographie, et des Industries Accessoires. 4to. Paris, 1864-67. 3773. Imprimerie. Album d'impressions typographique s en couleur de rimprimerie de G. Silbermann k Strasbourg. Folio. Strasbourg, 1872. 3774. IsEGHEM, A. F. van. Biographie de Thierry Martens d'Alost, premier imprimeur de la Belgique. 8vo. Malines, 1858. 3775. Janin, Jules. Le Livre. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 3776. JouAUST, D. Imprimerie, Editions de Bibliophiles. 12 mo. Paris, 1872. 3777. KoNiNG, Jacques. Dissertation sur I'Origine, ITnvention, et le Perfectionnement de L'Imprimerie. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1819. 3778. Laborde, L^on de. D^uts de I'lmprimerie \ Strasbourg, ou Recherches sur les Travaux Myst^rieux de Gutenberg dans cette ville, et sur le Proems qui lui fut intent^ en 1439 k cette Occasion. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 3779. Lacroix, Paul, Edouard Foumier, et Ferdinand Serd Histoire de rimprimerie et des Arts et Professions qui se rattachent k la Typographie. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Clasfjj 3|,— Bookjaf relatiag to ^tinting;. 381 ZifU by William Blades^ Esq, 3780. Lambinet, p. Recherches Historiques, Litt^raires et Critiq^ei^ sur rOrigine de rimprimerie ; particuli^rement sur ses premiers ^tablissemens, au XVe. si^cle, dans la Belgique, maintenant r^unie k la R^publique Fran^aise. 8vo. Bruxelles, n. d. 3781. LEFEVREjTh^otiste. Guide pratique du Compositeur d'Imprimerie, 8vo. Paris, 1872-3. 3782. LucHET, A. R^cit de I'inauguration de la Statue de Gutenberg. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 3783. Madden, J. P. A. Lettres d'un Bibliographe et dtudes sur Gutenberg et sur Schoiffer et sur les Origines de rimprimerie. 3 tom. Paris, 1868-75. 3784. Mansion, Colard, Notice sur, Libraire et Imprimeur de la ville de Bruges en Flandre dans le quinzi^me si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 3785. Marchand, Prosper. Histoire de I'Origine et des premiers pro- gr^s de rimprimerie. 4to. La Haye, 1740. 3786. Supplement to the above. 4to. Paris, 1775. 3787. Maurel, F. L'lmprimerie au Japon. 4to. Paris, 1572. 3788. Meerman, M. Plan du Traitd des Origines Typographiques. 8vo. 1762. 3789. Meerman, M. De I'lnvention de l'lmprimerie, ou Analy^se des deux ouvrages publics sur cette mati^re. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 3790. Meersch, p. C. Van der. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux des Imprimeurs Beiges et Nderlandais. 8vo. Gaudet, Paris, 1856. 3791. Metz, Essai Philologique sur les commencemens de la Typo- graphie \ et sur les Imprimeurs de cette Ville, puis^ dans les matdriaux d'une histoire litt^raire, biographique, ct bibliographique de Metz et de sa province. 8vo. Metz, 1828. 3792. MoMORO, Ant. Frana Traitd ^Mmentaire de l'lmprimerie, ou Ic Manuel de rimprimeur. 8vo. Paris, 1786. 3793. Monet, A. L. Le conducteur de Machines typographiques. Guide pratique. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 3794. MoocK, L. Traitd pratique coniplet d'lmpression photograph ique aux encres grasses. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 3795. MoTTEROZ, M. Essai sur les gravures chimiques en relief. 8vo. Paris, 187 1. . 382 Ca;cton Celebration* Lent by William Blades, Esq. 3796. OsMONT, J. B. L. Dictionnaire Typographique, Historique, e?t Critique des Livres rares, singuliers, estim^s et recherch^s en tous genres. 2 torn. Paris, 1768. 3797. Paeile, Ch. Essai Historique et Critique sur I'lnvention de rimprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 3798. Paroy, M., Le Mis de. Precis sur la St^reotypie, pr^c^d^ d'un coup d'ceil rapide sur TOrigine de rimprimerie et de ses progrfes. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 3799. PiETERS, Charles. Annales de rimprimerie Elsevirienne, ou Histoire de la Famille des- Elsevier et de ses Editions. 8vo. Gand, 185 1. 3800. PiNCHART, Alexandre. Recherches sur les Cartes k jouer et sur leur fabrication en Belgique depuis I'annde 1379 jusqu'k la fin du XVIIIe. si^cle. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1870. 3801. PouY, Ferdinand. Recherches Historiques et Bibliographiques sur rimprimerie et la Librairie et sur les Arts et Industries qui s'y rattachent dans le d^partement de la Somme. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 3802. Renouard, Ant. Aug. Annales de rimprimerie des Aide, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. 8vo. 3 tom. in i. Paris, 1825. 3803. Renouard, Ant. Aug. Annales de rimprimerie des Estienne, ou Histoire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses editions. 8vo. Paris, 1837-38. 3804. Reume, a. De. Recherches Historiques, G^ndalogiques, et Bibliographiques sur les Elsevier. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1847. 3805. Rochelle, J. F. N^e de la. Eloge Historique de Jean Gens- fleisch dit Guttenberg, Premier Inventeur de I'Art Typographique k Mayence. 8vo. Paris, 181 1. Portrait of Gutenberg. 3806. Ruelens, Charles. La question de I'Origine de rimprimerie et le Grand Concile Typographique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1855. 3807. Ruelens, C. et A. De Backer. Annales Plantiniennes depuis la Fondation de rimprimerie Plantinienne k Anvers jusqu'k la mort de Chr. Plantin (1555-1589). 8vo. Paris, 1866. 3808. Siennicki, S. Joseph. Les Elzevir de la Biblioth^que de rUniversit^ Imp^riale de Varsovie. 8vo. Varsovie, 1874. Cla00 3|.— Booa0 rclatfnff to J^n'ntinff. 383 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3809. SiLVESTRE, L. C. MarquesTypographiqueSjOuRecueildes Mono- grammes, Chiffres, Enseignes, Emblemes, &c, qui ont exerc^ en France, depuis rintroduction de I'lmprimerie en 1470. 8va Paris, 1853. 3810. SiLvius, Guillaume, Imprimeur D'Anvers, quelques Notes sur. (1560-15 79.) 8vo. Bruxelles, 1862. 381 1. Vlissingen, p. van. Epreuves d'une premiere Imprimerie javan- aise .... k la fonderie de Jean Ensched^ et Fils. 410. Harlem, 1824. 3812. ViNCARD, M. L'Art du Typographe. 2 me. Edition. 8va Paris, 1823. 3813. Vincent, J. B. Essai sur rHistoire de rimprimerie en Belgique depuis le XVe. jusqu'k la fin du XVIIIe. Si^le. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1867. 3814. Vries, A- De. Eclaircissemens sur THistoire de I'lnvention de rimprimerie. Traduit du Hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek. 8vo. La Haye, 1843. 3815. Walther, Dr. C. F. Catalogue Bibliographique et raisonnd des Editions Elzeviriennes de la Biblioth^ue Imperiale publique de St P^tersbourg. 8vo. St P^tersbourg, 1864. 3816. Werdet, Edmond. De la Librairie Fran9aise, son pass^ son pr^ sent, son avenir, avec Notices Biographiques sur les Libraires. 8vo. Paris, i860. 381 7. Werdet, Edmond. Histoire du Livre en France depuis les temps les plus recul^s jusqu'en 1789. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 3818. Werdet, Edmond. Etudes Bibliographiques sur la famille des Didot 1 7 13-1864. 8va Paris, 1864. 3819. WiNARiCKY, Rev. C. Jean Gutenberg, n^ en 141 »> ^ KuUenberg en Boheme. Essai Historique et Critique. 8va Bruxelles, 1847. GERMAN. 3820. Mm, J. L. Die Buchdruckerei zu Beromiinster im funfzehnten Jahrhundert 8vo. Einsiedeln, New York, and Cincinnati, 1870. 3821. Andencken, gepriesenes, von Erfindung der Buchdruckerey wie solches in Leipzig beym Schluss des dritten Jahrhunderts von den gesammten Buchdruckem daselbst gefeyert worden. 4to. In den Buchdruckereyen in Leipzig, 1740. 384 Ca;ctoii Celebration Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3822. Bachmann, J. H. Neues Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Weimar, 1876. 3823. Bachmann, J. H. Die Schriftgiesserei. 4to. Leipzig, t868. 3824. Bachmann, J. H. Die Schule des Musiknoten-Satzes. 4to. Leipzig, 1875. 3825. Baur, E. C. Primitiae typographicae Spirensis, oder Nachrichten von der ersten und beriihmten Drachischen Buchdruckerey in der Reichs-Stadt Speyer und denen in dem XVten bis zu Anfang des XVIten Seculi daselbst gedruckten merckwiirdigen Biichern, wie auch dem ersten und raren Speyrischen Neuen Testament. 8vo. Speyer, 1764. The history of printing in general and of Speyrischen printing in particular. 3826. BiBLiOGRAPHiscHE Adversaria, Nos. 2, 3. 8vo. Gravenhage, 1873. 3827. Blanck, J. L. Bildnisse beriihmter Kiinstler Buchhandler Buch- drucker und anderer Manner welche sich so wohl in als Ausserhalb Teutschland verdient gemacht. Folio. Numberg, 1779. It contains fifty-one portraits of printers, engravers, &c. 3828. Blumenfeld, J. C. Die drei Tage Gutenbergs in Strassburg oder eine Darstellung dessen, was man gesehen und gehort an diesen drei grossen Tagen. i2mo. Strassburg, 1840. 3829. Breitkopf, J. G. I. Nachricht von der Stempelschneiderey und Schriftgiesserey. Zur Erlauterung der Enschedischen Schriftprobe. 4to. Leipzig, 1777. Reviewing the comparative merits of the founderies of Foumier le Jeune and Enschede. 3830. Breslau. Geschichte der seit dreihundert Jahren in, befindlichen Stadtbuchdruckerey als ein beitrag zur allgemeinen Geschichte der buchdruckerkunst. 4to. Breslau, 1804. Portraits of Fust, Schoffer, Winkler, and Baumann, junior. 3831. Brockhaus, F. H. Zur Erinnerung an das funfzigjahrige Jubi- laum der firma F. A. Brockhaus. 4to. Leipzig, 1857. 3832. Brockhaus, H. E. Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus, sein leben und wirken nach briefen und andern Auszeichnungen geschildert. 2 Theil. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872-6. 3833. Buchdruckerkunst. Annalen der Typographic. Centralorgan fiir die technischen und materiellen interessen der Presse. 4to. Leipzig, 1870. Claj2(0 9|.— ©oofej3f relarmff to printing:* 385 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3834. BucHDRUCKERKUNST. Typographia oder die Buchdruckerkunst, eine Erfindung der Deutschen ; bei Gelegenheit der vierten Har- lemer Secularfeier zur Ehre dieser Kunst in Erinnening gebracht. 8vo. Essen, 1823. 3835. Buchdruckerkunst. Druckwerken, Die Herstellung von. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 3836. Buchdruckerkunst. Abhandlung von der Buchdruckerkunst, und einiger dahin gehorigen Stvicken des Alterthums. 8vo. Bremen, 1740. 3837. Buchdruckerkunst. Reutlingen. Die Feier des Vierten Jubel- festes der Buchdruckerkunst in Reutlingen am Johannis Feiertage 24 Junii, 1840. 8vo. Reutlingen, 1840. 3838. Buchdruckerey. Die wohl-eingerichtete, mit hundert-und ein und zwanzig Teutsch-Lateinisch-Griechisch-und Hebraischen Schrifften, &c. Oblong 4to. Nurnberg, 1733. 3839. Buchdruckerey. Gepriesenes Andencken von erfindung der. 4to. Leipzig, 1740. 3840. Buchdruckerkunst. Die . . . Buchdruckerkunst und Schrift- giesserey mit ihren Schriften, Formaten und alien dazu gehorigen Instrumenten abgebildet auch klarlich beschrieben, &c. Mit einer Vorrede Herrn Johann Erhard Kappens. 4 Bde. 8vo. Leipzig, 1740-5- 3841. Buchdruckerkunst. Das vierte Sacularfest der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst begangen zu Stuttgart am 24 und 25 Juni, 1840. 4to. Stuttgart, 1840. 3842. Buchdruckerkunst. Dinten-Fass. Das auf alle Fiille wohlein- gerichtete, und die corrigirten Schreiberey-Materialien, &c. Zu finden in Leipzig, bey dem Schreibe-Meister Johann Stapsen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1736. 3843. Buchdruckerkunst. Tinten-Fass. Das auss neue wohl zube- reitete, oder, Anweisung wie man gute schwarze, buntf arbige, auch andere curiose Tinten zubereiten . . . soil. Dritte Auflage. 8vo. Helmstadt, 1733. 3844. Campbell, F. A. G. Bibliographische Adversaria. No. i. De beginselen der boekdrukkunst te Rotterdam, door. Svo. 's Gravenhage, 1873. 3845. Clessen, W. J. J. Drittes Jubel-Fest der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Gotha, 1740. c c 386 Ca;cton Celebration. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 3846. DiDOT, Ambroise Firmin. Gutenberg, Jean ou Hans Gensfleisch. Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographie G^n^rale publi^e par MM. Firmin Didot Fibres et Fils. 8vo. 1856. 3847. Die Fest-tage der Buchdruckers. Eine Sammlung von Prologen Festgriissen, Tafelliedern, Toasten, etc i6mo. Leipzig, 1868. 3848. DiTTRiCH, Robert. Anleitung zum Satz der Musiknoten-Typen. 4to. Leipzig, 1872. 3849. Dresden. Der loblichen Buchdnicker-Gesellschafft zu Dresden Jubel-Geschichte A. 1740, den 24 und 25 Junii. Mit einer Vorrede Herrn Christian Schottgens. 4to. Dresden, 1740. 3850. Ed, C. M. Kurzgefasste Geschichte des Buchdrucks von C. M. Ed, Buchdrucker. 8vo. Hamburg, 1839. 3851. Ehe, Dr. A. V. Leben und Wirken Albrecht Diirer's. 8vo. Nordlingen, 1869. 3852. Erfurt. Thiiringisch-Erfurter Gedenkbuch der vierten Sacular- Jubelfeier der erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, 26-27 J^H, 1840. 8vo. Erfurt, 1840. With a portrait of Gutenberg. 3853. Falkenstein, Dr. Karl. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung. Ein Denkmal zur vierten Sacular-Feier der Erfindung der Typographie. 4to. Leipzig, 1856. 3854. Fabricius, J. F. Notizen iiber die Einfiihrung und erste Aus- breitung der Buchdruckerkunst in Amerika. 8vo. Hamburg, 184 1. 3855. Fabricius, J. F. Typologie, die Lehre und Kunde von Abdriicken Oder von Buchstaben iiberhaupt. 8vo. Hamburg, 1 844. 3856. Ferber, L. Der Rund- und Bogen-Satz. 8vo. Offenbach, 1876. 3857. FoNTENELLE, T. and Poisson, P. VoUstandiger Unterricht iiber alle Schreib-, Zeichnungs-, und Druck-Materialien. 8vo. Ulm, 1831. 3858. FoRMAT-BuECHLEiN, Ncu auffgcsetztes, Oder Vorgestellte Nach- richtungs-Figuren wie man auff der loblichen kunst Buchdruckerey in alien . . . Formaten die Columnen recht ordentlich ausschies- sen und stellen soil, &c. 1673. 3859. Franke, Carl August. Katechismus der Buchdruckerkunst und der verwandten Geschaftsweige. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872. 3860. Frese, J. H. Die doppelte Buch- und Geschaftsfuhrung fiir Buchdruckereien. 4to. Leipzig, 1859. Cla00 3.— BoofejsJ relating: to ^vintiriQ. 387 Zen^ by William Blades^ Esq, 3861. Freyberg, Christian August. Von den allerersten und altesten Buchdruckern zu Dressden, &c. 4to. Dressden, 1 740. 3862. Freybergen, Christian August. Reliquien von der Dressdnischen, und iibrigen Ober Sachsischen Buchdnicker-Historie gesammelt, &c. 4to. Dressden, 1741. 3863. Gessner, Chn. Friedr., der in der Buchdnickerei wohl unterrich- tete Lehr-Junge oder : bey der Loblichen Buchdruckerkunst nothige und niizliche Anfangsgriinde, darinnen alles, was bey selbiger in Acht zu nehmen u. zu lemen vorfallt, von einem Kunstverwandten mitgetheilet wird. 8vo. Leipzig, 1 743. Type-specimens of the Ehrhardt and Zincken type-foundries. 3864. GoLowATZKij, Jakow Feodorowitsch. Sweipolt Fiol und seine Kyrillische Buchdnickerei in Krakau von Jahre 1491. 8vo. Vienna, 1876. 3865. GozE, Dr. Ludwig. Aeltere geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Magdeburg, i. Abtheilung : die drucker des XV. Jahrhunderts mit 5 artistischen beilagen. 8vo. Magdeburg, 1872. 3866. Grotefend, C. L. Geschichte der Buchdruckereien in den Hannoverschen und Braunschweigischen Landen. 8vo. Hann- over, 1840. 3867. Gutenberg. Beschreibung des Festes dem Andenken des erfin- ders der Buchdruckerkunst Johann Gensfleisch Zum, gefeiert in Mainz am 4 Oktober, 1824. 8vo. Mainz, 1824. 3868. Gutenberg. Gedenbuch an die festlichen Tage der Inauguration des Gutenberg-Denkmals zu Mainz, 13-16 August, 1837. 8vo. Mainz, 1837. 3869. Gutenberg. Kurzer Abriss der Lebensbeschreibung. Nebst Nachrichten uber die Errichtung und Einweihung seines Denk- mals von Thorwaldsen zu Mainz. 8vo. Mainz, 1840. 3870. Haltaus, Dr. Karl. Album deutscher Schriftsteller zu vierten Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1840. 'llie introduction treats of the invention of printing, and the Album consists of pieces, mostly original, contributed by the most cefebrated living authors and authoresses of Germany. 3871. Hasper, W. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Carlsruhe und Baden, 1835. A technical work by a practical printer. 388 Cajcton Celebration* T^nt by William Blades^ Esq. 3872. Hassler, Dr. K. D. Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 410. Ulm 1840. 3873. Hering, Arthur. Anleitung zur Holzschneide-Kunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. 3874. Hug, J. Leonhard. Die Erfindung der Buchstabenschrift ihr Zustand und friihester Gebrauch im Alterthum. 4to. Ulm, 1801. 3875. HuPFAUER, Paul. Druckstiicke aus dem xv Jahrhunderte, welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirten Chorstiftes Beuerberg befinden. Mit 23 holtzschnitten. 8vo. Augsburg, 1794. 3876. Ihm, B. a. Die bunten Farben in der Buchdruckerei und insbesondere deren Druck auf der Schnellpresse. Ein Handbuch zur prachtischen Erlemung und Forthilfe. 8vo. Wien and Leipzig, 1874. 3877. JuBELZEUGNissE, Oeffcntliche, welche bey dem von einigen Buchdruckern zu Halle den 25 Jul., 1740, Erneuerten Andenken der vor dreyhundert Jahren erfundenen Buchdruckerkunst. 4to Halle, 1 741. 3878. Kade, Dr. E. Die vierte Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst zu Leipzig am 24, 25, 26, Juni, 1840. Eine Denkschrift im Auftrage des Comit^ zur Feier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst verfasst. 4to. Leipzig: Ausgegeben am Johannistage, 1841. 3879. Kleinknecht, Conrad D. Gott-geheiligte Evangelisch-Luther- ische Buchdrucker-Jubel-Freude. 8vo. Ulm, 1742. 3880. Klemmen, J oh. Ch. Das Angedencken des dritten Jubel- Fests der edlen Buchdrucker-kunst auf der Universitat Tiibingen (welches) theils wie dieses Jubel-Fest A. 1740. 4to. Tiibingen, 1740. 3881. KoEHLER, J. D. Hochverdiente und aus bewahrten Urkunden wohlbeglaubte Ehren-Rettung Johann Guttenbergs, eingebohmen Biirgers in Mayntz, aus dem alten Rheinlandischen Adelichen Geschlechte derer von Sorgenloch, genannt Gansefleisch, wegen der ersten Erfindung der nie gnug gepriesenen Buchdrucker- Kunst in der Stadt Mayntz, zu unverganglichen Ehren der Teutschen Nation. 4to. Leipzig, 1741. 3882. KoNNECKE, Dr. G. Ein unbekannter Druck von William Caxton aus dem Jahre 1483, in der Bibliotheca Hechto-Heineana zu Halberstadt aufgefunden. 8vo. Marburg, 1874. Clagf0 g.— ffiooli0 relating to ^vintin^. 389 Zen/ by William Blades^ Esq. 3883. Kramers, D. Daniel. D. Hieronymi Homschuchs wohl unter- weisener Corrector. 8vo. Leipzig, 1739. 3884. KiESEWETTER, Dr. L. Gedrangte Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst von ihrer Erfindung bis auf unsere Tage. 8vo. Glogau, 1840. 3885. Lappenburg, J. M. Zur Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Hamburg am 24 Juni, 1840. 4to. Hamburg, 1840. 3886. I.EMPERTZ, Heinrich. Beytrage zur altem Geschichte der Buch- druck und Holzschneidekunst. i. Heft, mit abbildungen. 2. Vermehrte Auslage. 4to. Koln, 1839. 3887. Lempertz, Heinrich. Bilder-hefte zur Geschichte des Biicher- handels und der mit demselben verwandten Kiinste und Gewerbe. Folio. Koln, 1853-65. 3888. Lessel, J. C. Die edle Buchdruckerkunst (als ein von Gott Geschencktes Hulffs-Mittel zur Fortpflantzung des Glaubens) im Jahr Christi 1740, den 24 Junii am Tage St. Johannis des Tauflfers, bey dem Dritten Jubel-Feste. 4to. Brief, 1740. 3889. Lesser, Fried. Christ Typographia Jubilans, das ist : Kurtzge- fasste Historic der Buchdruckerey. 8vo. Leipzig, 1 740. 3890. LiCHTENBERGER, J. F. Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst zur ehrenrettung Strassburgs und vollstandiger Widerlegung der Sagen von Harlem. 8vo. Strassburg, 1824. 3891. LiscH, G. C. F. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Meklen- burg, bis zum Jahre 1540. 8vo. Schwerin, 1839. It gives a history of several of the early printers of Rostock. 3892. LoRCK, C. B. Die Graphischen Kiinste auf der Ausstellung zu Wien. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. 3893. Mahncke, G. H. Johannes von Guttenberg, Erfinder der Buchdruckerkunst, und Doctor Johann Faust oder die Zeichen der Zeit. 8vo. Hamburg, 1809. 3894. Maittaire, Mich. A. M. Annales Typographici ab Artis in- venta origine ad annum M.D. 4to. Hagae, 17 19. Portraits of Gutenberg, Faustus, Co<;tenis, Manucius, and FVobenius. 390 .gr Canon Ctlebration* Lent by William Blades, Esq. 3895. Marahrens, August. VoUstandiges theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Typographic nach ihrem heutigen Standpunkt. Herausgegeben von August Marahrens, Buchdrucker. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. Practical throughout, the first vol. being upon composition, and the second upon press work. 3896. Marahrens, Aug. VoUstandiges Real-Lexikon der Buchdrucker- kunst, und der ihr verwandten Graphischen Kiinste und Ge- werbe. 8vo. Fulda, 1876. 3897. Metz, Fried. Geschichte des Buchhandels und der Buchdrucker- kunst. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1834. 3898. Meyer, Dr. Heinrich. Gutenberg's Album. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1840. Pieces in praise of printing in nearly every known language, ancient and modem, except Irish and Welsh. 3899. Meyer, L. E. Die Buchdruckerkunst in Augsburg bei ihrem Entstehen. Eine Denkschrift zur Feier des vierten Sakular- Festes der Erfindung Guttenbergs. 8vo. Augsburg, 1840. 3900. Mezger, G. C. Augsburgs alteste Druckdenkmale und Fonn- schneiderarbeiten welche in der vereignigten Konigl. Kreis und Stadtbibliothek daselbst aufbewahrt werden. 4to. Augsburg, 1840. 37 woodcuts. 3901. MoHR, Louis. Das Haus Berger-Levrault in Strassburg. 8vo. Strassburg, 1876. 3902. Neuburg£R, Hermann. Encyklopadie der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844. 3903. Panzers, M. Georg Wolfgang. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Niirnbergs oder Verzeichniss aller von Erfindung der Buchdruc- kerkunst bis 1500 in Niirnberg gedruckten Biicher mit literarischen Anmerkungen. 4to. Niirnberg, 1789. 3904. Petzholdt, Dr. Julius. Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Kritisches verzeichniss der das gesammtgebiet der bibliographie betreffenden litteratur des in-und auslandes. In systematischer ordnung. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. 3905. Putter, J. S. Der Buchernachdruck nach achten Grundsatzen des Rechts, gepriift. 4to. Gottingen, 1774. €la00 3|.— Book0 relating: to ^vintin^. 391 Lent by Williajti Blades, Esq. 3906. Redinger, Jacob. Neu-Auffgesetztes Formal-Buchlein, worinnen alle figuren abgefasset wie man die Columnen recht ordentlich ausschiessen und stellen soil, so wohl in grossals Kleinen for- maten. 4to. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1679. 3907. Reichart, p. G. Die Dnickorte des 15 Jahrhunderts nebst Angabe der Erzeugnisse ihrer erstjahrigen typographischen Wirk- samkeit. Mit einem Anhange : Verzeichniss der je ersten Typo- graphen und jener Dnickorte, deren allererste Drucker bis jetzt unbekannt geblieben sind. 4to. Augsburg, 1853. 3908. ScHAAB, C. A. Die geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst durch Johann Gensfleisch genannt Gutenberg zu Mainz, pragmatisch aus den quellen bearbeitet. 8vo. 3 Band. Mainz, 1830. Portraits of Gutenberg, Schoflfer, and Fust. 3909. Schwabe, C. L. Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst und ihrige Folgen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1840. 3910. ScHMATZ, D. M. Neu-vorgestelltes auf der loblichen Kunst Buchdruckerey gebrauchliches Format-Buch. 8vo. Sultzbach, 1684. 391 1. Schmidt, Dr. Job. Eine Christliche, Danck Predige. Wegen der im Jahr 1440 neu-erfundenen sehr nutzlichen Buchdrucker- Kunst Gehalten in Strassburg an 1640. 64mo. 1678. This volume, which measures 2\ in. by i|- in., is the well-known sermon of Dr. Schmidt from the text ** Gross sind die werck dess HErm." 3912. ScHULZ, Otto August. Gutenberg oder Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst von ihrem Ursprung bis zur Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipzig. 1840. 3913. Schwetschke, Gustav. Vorakademische Buchdruckergeschichte der Stadt Halle. Eine Festschrift. Mit einem Anhange : I. Ehren- Rettung des sachsischen Merseburg, als des Druckorts " Marsi- polis" und "Merssborg" von 1473, ^"^ mithin als der altesten norddeutschen Druckstatte. II. Supplementarisches zu Hain, Ebert, Schaab und Wetter. 4to. Halle, 1 840. 3914. Smalian, Hermann. Practisches Handbuch fur Buchdrucker im verkehr mit Schriftgiessereien. 8vo. Danzig, 1874. 3915. SoTZMANN, M. Alteste Geschichte der Xylographie und der Druckkunst uberhaupt besonders in der Anwendung auf den Bilddruck. 8vo. Leipzig, 1837. 39^ €siXton Celebration^ Zenf by William Blades^ Esq. 3916. Stockmeyer, Immanuel und Reber Balthasar. Beitrage zur Easier Buchdruckergeschichte. Zur Feier des Johannistages MDCCCXL. Herausgegeben von der Historischen Gesellschaft zu Basel. 4to. Basel, 1840. 3917. Strasburger Industrie Schule. Gutenberg Erfinder der Buch- druckerkunst, eine historische Skizze mit mehreren Zeichnungen und Facsimile autographisch ausgefiihrt von den Zoglingen der Strasburger Industrie Schule. Lithographed. 4to. Strasburg, 1840. 3918. Stuckrad, Georg. Programm fur das Gutenbergs-Jubilaum des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo. Offenbach, 1837. 3919. Taubel, C. G. Orthotypographisches Handbuch ; oder Anleitung zur grundichen Kenntniss derjenigen theile der Buchdrucker- kunst. 8vo. Leipsig, 1788. 3920. Taubel, C. G. Praktisches Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst fur Anfanger. 8vo. Leipzig, 179 1. 3921. Taeubel, C. G. AUgemeines theoretisch-practisches Worter- buch der Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey, in welchem alle bey der Ausiibung derselben vorkommende und in die damit verw^andten Kiinste, Wissenschaften und Gewerbe einschlagenden Kunstworter nach alphabetischer Ordnung deutlich und ausfiihr- lich erklart werden. 2 Bande. 4to. Wien, 1805. Frontispiece, a printing-office. 3922. Taubel, C. G. Vollstandiges theoretisch-practisches Lehrbuch der Buchdruckerkunst fiir Angehende Schriftsetzer und Drucker in den Buchdruckereyen. 2 Theil. 8vo. Wien, 1809-10. 3923. Tentzel, W. E. Discours von Erfindung der loblichen Buch- druckerkunst in Teutschland. i2mo. Gotha, 1700. 3924. Waldow, a. Typographische Bibliothek. 13 parts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865-72. A series of essays on the practical part of printing. 3925. Waldow, Alexander. Die Buchdruckerkunst in ihrem tech- nischen und Kaufmannischen Betriebe. Erste Band. Vom Satz. 4to. Leipzig, 1874. 3926. Welcker, Ph. H. Festgedicht bei der vierten Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst und beim Jubilaum des zweihundertjahrigen Bestehens der Engelhard-Reyherschen Buchdruckerei in Gotha. 8vo. Gotha (1840). Cla00 9|.— )Book0 relating: to printing* 393 Lent by William Blades, Esq, 3927. Werthern, Johann D. Warhafftige Nachrichten der so alt- als behihmten Buchdrucker-Kunst, in welchen vom Urspning und Fortgang der Buchdruckereyen, von 1440 an, biss ietzo 1721 und denen darinn eingefiihrten Gebrauchen auch eingeschlichenen Missbrauchen und Unordnungen gehandelt wird, alles aus bewahrtesten Urkunden, und selbst-eigener vieljahrigen Erfahrung mit grossem Fleiss und Kosten zusammengetragen und aus unpartheyischen Gemiithe dem Publico mitgetheilet. Franck- furth und Leipzig. 4to. 1721. 3928. Wessely, J. E. Anleitung zur kenntniss und zum sammeln der werke des Kunstdruckes. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. On engraving upon wood, copper, and stone. 3929. WiEN. Geschichte der K. K. Hof-und Staats-Druckerei in Wien von einem Typographen dieser Anstalt. 8vo. Wien, 185 1. 3930. Zapf [G. W.], H. Ueber meine literarische Reise in einige Kloster Baiems im Jahre 1780. 8vo. Augsburg, 1782. 3931. Zapf [G. W.] Ehre Herrn Bonaventura IL des hochlobl. Stifts Rheinau wiirdigsten Pralaten gegen die Unverschamtheit Herrn F. J. Sulzers gerettet. 8vo. [Augsburg], 1783. 3932. Zapf [G. W.] Ueber meine literarische Reise in einen Theil von Baiern, Franken und Schwaben im Jahre 1782. 8vo. Augs- burg, 1783. 3933. Zapf [G. W.] Litterarische Reisen, erstes Bandchen. 8vo. Augsburg, 1796. 3934. Denkschrift der Museumgesellschaft in Ziirich. Zur Feier des 24 Junius, 1840. 4to. Ziirich, 1840. . ITALIAN. 3935. Bernardi, Ab. Dott. lac. Cav. Intorno a Panfilo Castaldi da Feltre e alia invenzione dei caratteri mobili per la Stampa. 4to. Milano, 1866. 3936. BoDONi. Vita del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni Tipografo Italiano, e catalogo cronologico delle sue edizioni. 2 torn. 4to. Parma, i8i6. 3937. Bodoni, Giambattista, L prefazione al Manuale Tipografico dL 8vo. Firenze, 1874. 394 Canon Celebration* Lent by William Blades, Esq. 3938. BoNi, Mauro. Lettere sui primi libri a stampa di alcune cittk e terre dell' Italia superiore, parte sinora sconosciuti parte nuovai mente illustrati. 4to. Venezia, 1794. 3939. Brofferio, G. Cenni storici intorno all' arte tipografica e suo- progressi in Piemonte dalF invenzione della stampa sino al 1835, dettati dall' awocato Angelo Brofferio giusta le memorie ed i documenti somministratigli dal tipografo, editore e librajo Giuseppe Pomba e da questo ora pubblicati. 8vo. Milano, 1876. The history of printing in Piedmont to 1835. 3940. Ceruti, Antonio. Lettere inedite di dotti Italiani des Secolo XVI. tratte dagli autograft della biblioteca Ambrosiana. 8vo. Milano, 1867. Contains four letters from Paulus Manutius, printer, to G. V. Pinelli, written A.D. 1560. 3941. Lechi, Luigi. Della Tipografia Bresciana nel Secolo decimo- quinto. Memorie di. 4to. Brescia, 1854. 3942. Manni, D. Maria. Vita di Pietro Pema, Lucchese diligentissimo Impressore in Basilea. 8vo. Lucca, 1763. 3943. Mazzucotelli, a. L'Arte del Guttemberg ossia la stampa. 8vo. Torino, 1863. 3944. Minotto, a. S. Monumenti a Vittorino de' Rambaldoni e Panfilo Castaldi in Feltre. 4to. Feltre, 1869. This is in support of the claims to the invention of printing by Castaldi. 3945. Orlandi, p. a. Origine e progressi della stampa o sia dell' arte impressoria ; e notizie dell' opere stampate dall' anno M.CCCC.LVIL sino all' anno M.D. 4to. Bologna, 1722. Several plates of printer's marks in the text. 3946. Ottino, G. La stampa periodica. II commercio dei libri e la tipografia in Italia. 8vo. Milano, 1875. Statistics of all the newspapers, and serials, and printing-offices in Italy, with a full bibliography at the end. 3947. Palazzi, M. Gio. Andrea. I Discorsi di, sopra I'lmprese : recitati neir Academia d'Urbino. 8vo. Bologna, 1575. 3948. Panizzi, a. Chi era Francesco da Bologna? 8vo. Londra, 1858. This tract was printed privately by Sir A. Panizzi at the Chiswick Press, its object being to prove that the artist who designed and cut the Aldine types was no otner tluin the celebrated painter II Francia. * €la00 3|.— Soofejsf vtlatins to ^vintin^. 395 Zgftt by William Blades^ Esq. 3949. Pozzi, Alfeo. L'ltalia sotto i varj suoi aspetti. 8vo. Milan, 1868. A detailed account of how the festival in honour of Castaldi, the inventor of printing, was originated by a few workmen at Milan. 3950. PozzoLi, Giulio. Nuovo Manuale di Tipografia ossia Guida pratica pei corabinatori di caratteri, pei torcolieri, macchinisti, legatori di libri ecc Seconda Edizione. 8vo. M' no, 1873. 3951. Praloran, Giovanni. Delle Origini e del primato della stampa tipografica. 8vo. Milano, 1868. 3952. ToMMASEO, N. Di Giampietro Vieusseux e dell' andamento della Civiltk Italiana in un quarto di secolo. Seconda Edizione. 8vo. Firenze, 1864. Vieusseux was the originator and proprietor of the first newspaper published in Florence. 3953. ToRRiNi, Dr. Luigi. Sulle Officine tipografiche Riminesi. 4to. Bologna, 1866, 3954. Vermiglioli, G. B. La Tipografia Perugina del secolo XV. 8vo. Perugia, 1820. 3955. VoLPi-CoMiNiANA. Annali della Tipografia Volpi-Cominiana colle notizie intomo la vita e gli studj de' Fratelli Volpi. 8vo. Padova, 1809. Portrait of Volpi. 3956. Zaccaria, G. Catalogo ragionato di opere stampate per Francesco Marcolini da Forli. 8vo. Fermo, 1850. DUTCH. 3957. Ampzing, Sam. Beschryvinge ende Lof der Stad Haerlem. Mitsgaders Petri Scriverii Lavre-Kranz voor Lavrens Koster, eerste Vinder vande Boekdrvckerye. 4to. Haerlem, 1628. 3958. Baudet, p. J. H. Leven en Werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu. 8vo. Utrecht, 187 1. 3959. BoEKDRUKKUNST, Uitvinding der. 8vo. Haarlem, 1854. 3960. Catalogus van Voorwerpen ingezonden ter algemeene Typo- graphische Tentoonstelling gehouden te Haarlem, bij gelegenheid der plegtige OnthuUing van het metalen Standbeeld van Lourens Janzoon Coster. 8vo. Haarlem, 1856. 39^ Carton Celebration* Lent by William Blades ^ Esq. 3961. Elsevier, W. J. C. Rammelan. De voormalige Drukkerij op het Raadhuis der Stadt Ley den. Ao. 1577-1610. Medegedeeld in de maandelijksche vergadering van de Maatschappij der Neder- landsche letterkunde. 8vo. 1857. 3962. Even, E. van. Rudolf Loeffs, drukker te Bommel, 1491. Overge- drukt uit de Kronijk van het Historisch Genootschap te Utrecht. 4to. (Utrecht), 1853. 3963. Gerlings, H. Haarlemsche Bijdragen bijeengebragt. 8vo. Haarlem, 1869. 3964. Gerlings, H. Het Leven van Theodonis Schrevelius (Dirk Schrevel). 8vo. n. d.j n. p. 3965. Jacob, J. L. C. Bonaventuur en Abraham Elzevier, kleine letter- kundige bijdrage. i2mo. 1841. 3966. KoNiNG, J. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der Boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Haarlem, 181 8. 3967. KoNiNG, J. Over de Antwerpsche Boekprinters der vijftiende eeuw. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1828. 3968. Kortebrant, Jakob. Lof der Druckkunste, te Haerlem uitge- vonden door Laurens Janszoon Koster, omtrent het Jaer MCCCCXL. ; op haer derde Eeuwgetijde. 4to. Delf, 1740. 3969. Langendyk, Pieter. Lofdicht op het Eerbeeld van Laurens Koster, eersten Vinder der Drukkunst, Kunstig uitgehouwen door Mr. G. V. Heerstal, en opgerecht binnen de stadt Haarlem, in den Artseynhof, in den Jaare 1722. 4to. Haarlem, 1723. 3970. Laurier-Krans, gevlogten om't hoofd van Laurens Koster, eerste uitvinder der Boekdrukkunst binnen Haarlem. 4to. Haarlem, 1726. A curious woodcut of Koster. 3971. Ledeboer, a. M., het geslacht van Waesberghe. Eene bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Boekdrukkunst en van den boekhandel in Nederland. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1859. 3972. Ledeboer, A. M. De Boekdrukkers Boekverkoopers en uitgevers in Noord-Nederland. 4to. Deventer, 1872. 3973. Loosjes, Vincent. Gedenkschriften wegens het vierde Eeuwgetijde van de uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster van stadswege gevierd te Haarlem, lo-ii July, 1823. 8vo. Haarlem, 1824. Cla00 31.-— Soofe0 relating to ^^rinting:* 397 Lent by William Blades^ Esq, 3974. NooRDziEK, J. J. F. Gedenkboek der Costers-Feesten van 15, i6 en 17 Julii, 1856. 8vo. 1858. 3975. Parnas Vreuchden, ter onsterfelijker gedagtenis over het derde eeuwjaar van de uitvinding der noit volpreese Boek-drukkonst, door Laurens Jansz. Koster, in zyn leven schepen der stad Haar- lem. 4to. Haarlem, 1740. A rare copper-plate portrait of Coster. 3976. RoEST, M. De Wetenschappelijke moraliteit van Dr. A. van Der Linde een poosje maar te luchten gehangen, ten gerieve der lezers van diens spectator-opstellen en boek over " De Haarlemsche Costerlegende." 8vo. Amsterdam, 1870. 3977. ScHELTEMA, J. en J. Koning. Vier briefen over de laatste tegenspraak van het regt van Haarlem op de uitvinding der Druk- kunst 8vo. 1823. 3978. ScHELTEMA, J. Levensschets van Laurens Janszoon Koster. 8vo. (Amsterdam), 1834. 3979. ScHiNKEL, A. D. Verlolg van de Handschriften en oude drukken (incunabulen), enz deel uitmakende van. 8vo. n. p. 1857. 3980. Seiz, J. C. Het derde Jubeljaar der uitgevondene Boekdruk- konst. 8vo. Haerlem, 1740. 3981. Westreenen, W. H. J. van. Verhandeling over de uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst ; in Holland vorspronkelijk uitgedacht te Strassburg verbeterd en te Mentz voltooid. 8vo. Hage, 1809. LATIN. 3982. Aldo Manuzio. Lettres et Documents, 1495-1515. Armand Baschet collexit et adnotavit sumptibus Antonii Antonelli. 8vo. Venetiis, 1867. 3983. Almeloveen, Theo. Jan. ab. M.D. De vitis Stephanorum ce- lebrium Typographorum dissertatio Epistolica. Subjecta est H. Stephani querimonia Artis typographicae. 8vo. Amstelaedami, 1683. 3984. Augsburg. Notitia historico-litteraria de libris ab artis typogra- phicae inventione usque ad annum mcccclxxviiii. impressis : in Bibliotheca liberi ac Imperialis Monasterii ad SS. Udalricum et Afram Augustas extantibus. Partes L et H. 4to. Augustae Vindelicorum, 1788. 398 ,uniiu Carton CeUbratfom Zent by William Blades^ Esq, 3985. Becquignolle, Johannes Carolus. De Statu Typographiae su- periorura temporum ad hodiernum comparato. 4to. Halae Salicae, 1740. 3986. Beughem, C. Incunabula Typographiae. i2mo. Amstelodami, 1688. 3987. Claromontius, God. In statuam laureatam L. Costeri. Folio. Amsterdam, 1723. 3988. Fritsch, Ahasver. Dissertationes duae historico-politicae, altera de abusibus typographiae toUendis, altera de Zygenorum origine, vita, ac moribus. Editio altera. 4to. Jenae, 1664. 3989. Ingolstadium. Bibliothecae Academicae Ingolstadiensis Incuna- bula typographica, seu libri ante annum 1500 impressi circiter mille et quadringenti, quos disposuit, descripsit, et notis illustravit Sebastianus Seemiller. Fasciculi I. et II. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1787-8. 399a Judex, Matthaeus. De Typographiae inventione, et de praelorum legitima inspectione, libellus brevis et utile. 8vo. Copenhagii, 1566. 3991. JuNGENDRES, Sebastianus Jacobus. Epistola de Libris accuratius imprimendis, qua in mendorum typographicorum causas studiose inquiritur, et quomodo ilia sint removenda luculenter demonstran- tur. 4to. Francofurti ad Moen. 1721. 3992. HiRSCHius, Carolus Christianus. Librorum ab anno I. usque ad annum L. sec XVI. typis exscriptorum, ex libraria quadam supel- lectile Norimbergae privatis sumptibus in communem usum col- lecta et observata, millenarius I. 4to. Noribergae, 1736. 3993. Lackmann, a. H. Annalium typographicorum, selecta quaedam capita. 4to. Hamburgi, 1740. Cap. VI. Initia typographiae Kiliensis. Cap. VIII. Typographia domestica et typi privatorum. 3994. Laire, Francisci Xaver. Specimen historicum typographiae ro- manae XV. saeculi. 4to. Romae, 1778. 3995. Leichius, J. H. De origine et incrementis typographiae Lip- siensis liber singularis, ubi varia de litterariis urbis studiis et viris doctis, qui in ea claruerunt, inseruntur. 4to. Lipsiae, 1 740. A curious and instructive work. 3996. Lighten berger, Io. Frid. Initia typographica. 4to. Argento- rati, 181 1. Cla00 g|.— BOO60 vtlatin^ to prlntfnff* 399 Zenf by William Blades^ Esq. 3997. Maittaire, Mich. A.M. Annales Typographici ab anno M.D. ad annum MD.XXXVI. continuati Opera, 4to. Hagae, 1722. 3998. Mallinkrot, Bernard. De ortu ac progressu artis Typographicae dissertatio historica, a Bernardo a MaJlinkrot 4to. Coloniae Aggrippinae, 1640. 3999. Meermannus, G. Conspectus originum typographicarum. 8vo. [Hagae Comitis], 1761. 4000. Meerman, Gerard. Origines Typographicae. 2 vols. 4to. Hagae, 1765. Portraits of Meerman and Coster. 4001. Paulus, Pater. De Germaniae Miraculo Optimo, Maximo Typis literarum earumque differentiis, dissertatio qua simul Artis Typo- graphicae universam rationem explicat. Lipsiae, 17 10. 4002. Reif, a. De originibus typographicis programma Academicum. I. -IV. quo prselectiones suas denvo auspicatur. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1785. 4003. RoTH-ScHOLTZ, Frid. Icones bibliopolanim et typographorum de republica litteraria bene meritorum ab incunabuUs typographiae ad nostra usque tempora, Norimbergae et Altdorfii, 1726-29. 4004. ScHELTEMA, Pctrus. Diatribe in Hadriani Junii vitam, ingenium, familiam. merita literaria. Svo. Amstelodami, 1836. 4005. ScHCEPFLiN, Jo. D. Vindiciae Typographical. 4to. Argentorati, 1760. Few works have been more quoted by the controversialists on both sides than this. 4006. Schwartz, C. G. Primaria quaedam documenta de origine Typo- graphiae. 4to. Altorfii, 1740. 4007. Seiz, J. C. Annus tertius saecularis inventae artis typographicae, sive brevis historica Enarratio de inventione nobilissimae artis typographicae, &c, Svo. Harlemi, Urbe nobilissimae artis typo- graphicae inventrice [1743]. Translated from the original Dutch, published in 1740. 4008. TvpoGRAPHiA. Q. B. V. De initiis Typographiae physiologicis. 4to. Rintelii, 1740. 4009. Ungerus, Christianus Theophilus. De Aldi Pii Manutii vita meritisque in rem literatam . . . cura Samuelis Lutheri Geret 4to. Vitembergae, 1753. 400 Ca;ctott Celebratfon* Lent by William Blades^ Esq, 4010. Wolff, J. C. Monumenta typographica, quae artis hujus prae- stantissimae originem, laudem, et abusum posteris produnt, instau- rata. 2 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1740. A most interesting collection of essays and poetry on the art of printing, drawn from all quarters. VARIOUS LANGUAGES. 401 1. Caballero, R. D. Breve examen acerca de los primeros tiempos del arte tipografico en Espana. 8vo. Madrid, 1866. 4012. FoRSOK till Historia om Sveriges Boktryckerier. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1 87 1. 4013. JoNSSON, Jon. Sogudgrip um, Prentsmidjur og Prentara a Islan- di. 8vo. Reykjavik, 1867. This is the only work in Icelandic on printing, and is confined entirely to the introduction of the art to that island. Chapter I. narrates the establish- ment of the first press at Holum by its bishop, John Areson, who appointed John Mattiason as manager, the first book issued being a Breviary, dated 1534. 4014. Lengren, C. Kort Berattelse ow Bok-Trycke-riets Begynnelse och Fortgang, i gemen och Afwen uti Swerige, da ahr efter Christi bord, mdccxl. des tredje Jubilaeum uti Europa firades. 4to. Stockholm, 1740. It gives a list of printers in Sweden from the earliest period up to 1740. 4015. Mendez, F. Tipografia Espaiiola, o Historia de la introduccion, propagacion y progresos del Arte de la Imprenta en Espana. Se- gunda edicion corregida y adicionada por Don Dionisio Hidalgo. 8vo. Madrid, 1861. 4016. Mendez, Francisco. Typographia Espanola, o Historia de la introduccion, propagacion y progresos del Arte de la Imprenta en Espana. Tomo I. 4to. Madrid, 1796. No more published. 4017. Printers, Swedish, Biographical Notices of. Folio sheet Stockholm : Norstedt & Soner, 1873. 4018. PyKOBO/J,CTBO /^Jlfl THnorPA^DIUHKOBt. 8vo. St. Peters- burgh, 1874. Entirely devoted to explaining the practice of typography in all its parts. 4019. SoHM, Peter. Musaeum Typographicum Sohmianum, eller For- teckning pa de Bocker och Skrifter ow Boktryckeri-Konsten och dess Historia, Jemte Portraiter, &c. 8vo. Stockholm, 1815. €U0$i 3.— ©oofe0 relating to ^vintinQ. 401 Lent by William Blades, Esq. 4020. Ursin, Georg. Pr. Bogtrykkerkunstens Opfindelse og Udvikling i 400 Aar. En Festgave til dens fjerde Jubilaeum. 8vo. Kjben- havn, 1840. Lent by Sir Charles Reed, F.S.A. 4021. Typographical Antiquities, or an historical account of the origin and progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, F.R. and A.S.S., considerably augmented by William Herbert. 4to. 3 volumes. London, 1785. 4022. The History and Art of Printing, by P. Luckombe, M.T.A. 8vo. London, 1771. 4023. The Printer's Grammar, or Introduction to the Art of Printing, containing a concise history of the Art with the improvements in the practice of Printing for the last 50 years. By C. Stower, printer. 4to. London, 1808. Zenf by Herr Theod. Goebel. 4024. Meyer, Johann Heinrich. Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, Schriftgiesserei und die verwandten Facher. 4to. Braun- schweig. I vol., 1834-5-6. Also I vol., 1876. The first and last volumes of the oldest existing serial devoted to Printing and the associated Arts. Lent by James Fenton, Esq. 4025. Typographia, an historical sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing. By T. C. Hansard. 8vo. London, 1825. 2 vols. Lent by Mr. Jos. M. Powell. 4026. The Printer's Register bound from the commencement, 1863 to 1877. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. 4027. The Paper and Printing Trades' Journal (complete set). Lent by the London Society of Compositors. 4028. Working Man. The Working Man's way in the World, being the Autobiography of a Journeyman Printer. 8vo. London. n.d 4029. Printer, The. London. 8vo. n. d. Practical. 4030. Printer, The. A Serial. Nos. i to 18, November, 1843 to May 1845. London. 4to. D D 402 Ca;cton Celebtatlon* Lent by the London Society of Compositors. 4031. Crapelet, G. a. Etudes pratiques et litt^raires sur la Typo- graphic. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 4032. FouRNiER, le Jeune. Dissertation sur I'Origine et les Progrbs de Tart de graver en bois. 8vo. Paris, 1758. 4033. Ames, Jos. Typographical Antiquities, enlarged by William Herbert. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1786. Lent by F. Leypoldt^ Esq. 4034. The Publishers' Price-List Annual. 1876. 4035. The Publishers' Weekly. Vol. 10. 4036. The Publishers' Weekly. Christmas and Exhibition Numbers. 4037. The American Library Journal. Vol. i. Parts i to 9. TRADE SERIALS ISSUED BY AND FOR THE USE OF PRINTERS. 4038. |HE Printers' Register. Established 1840. Vols, for 1840 and 1877. Lent by A. Powell y Esq. 4039. The Printing Times and Lithographer. 1876. L^nt by Wyman and Sons. 4040. L'Imprimerie. Paris. Vol. for 1876. Lent by E. Charavay^ Esq. 4041. La Typologie-Tucker. Vol. for 1876. Lent by H. J. Tucker^ Esq. 4042. Annales de I'lmprimerie. Brussels, 1876. Lent by F. Callewaert^ Esq. 4043. Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst. Established 1834. Brunswick. Vols, for 1834 and 1876. Lent by Theod. Goebelj Esq. 4044. Annalen der Typographie. Leipsig, 1876. Lent by C. B. Lorck, Esq. 4045. The Quadrat. Pittsburgh, U.S., 1876. Lent by F. Martheus, Esq. 4046. Printing Gazette. Cleveland, 1876. 4047. The Proof Sheet 1876. 4048. Printers' Circular. Philadelphia, 1876. Class K. CURIOSITIES AND MISCELLANIES. LIST OF MEDALS CONNECTED WITH PRINTERS AND THE ART OF PRINTING. Le7it by W. Blades^ Esq. The Collection, a large portion of which is here exhibited, may almost claim as its title ** The Medallic History of Printing ;" for here are represented great and learned Printers of all ages and many countries : Gutenburg, Faust, and Schoeffer of Germany ; Aldus and Bodoni of Italy ; Martens and Froben of Belgium ; the Estiennes and Didots of France ; and many others. Here, too, are the commemorative Medals which were struck in many cities of Germany, Plolland and France, when in 1740, in 1825, in 1837, and in 1840, the larger part of Europe held a Jubilee in honour of the First Printers. Early Printing-guilds are also represented, and, lastly, medals of notable men who, as amateurs or otherwise, have at some time been Printers. GERMANY. 4058. OHN GUTENBERG, the Inventor of Printing. A Plaque. Bom at Mayence, c. 1390; migrated to Strasbourg, 1420 ; matured his plans for printing from separate moveable types and issued the first printed book with a date, The Mayerue Psalter^ in 1457. Died neglected in 1468. 4059. Sigismund Feierabend, />v7/i^r/, 1585. "^tat. 57." Rev. An Allegorical Device, with unknown engraver's Monogram, "VM." or " VN." Bom 1528; died 1585. Pious and patriotic as a citizen; learned and accurate as a printer. 404 Ca;cton Celebration^ Lent by William Blades^ Esq. JUBILEE OF 1740. 4060. GoTHA. Aurora in her Chariot, as symbolical of the dawning light of the Press. Rev. Inscription. Christian Vermuth sc. 4061. Leipsig. Gutenberg and Faust face to face. Rev. A Printing- press, &c. "Ars victura dum litteris praetium manebit." Das- sier sc. 4062. Nuremberg. Arms of the City and of the Curators. Rev. In- scription. Numberger sc. The reverse of this curious medal states that it was struck for the eight printers then established in the city. Hence it is known as "The Eight Printers' Medal." 4063. Nuremberg. A Printing-press, above which flies Fame, blowing her Trumpet over the World. Rev. Inscription. Vestner sc. 4064. Nuremberg. Germany receiving from heaven the Printers* Charter. Rev. Inscription. 4065. Nuremberg. Germany crowned by Wisdom ; on one side is a Printing-press. Rev. An Altar, upon which lies the first printed Bible. Vestner sc. 4066. Ratisbon. The Arms of the City illuminated from heaven. A Press and Compositor's frame. Rev. Inscription. 4067. Breslau. Busts of Gutenberg and Faust. Rev. Inscription. 4068. Leipsig. Typographia and " Spes O fidissima Musis." A Muse holding out a MS., while a Winged Genius shows her a Printed Book. Koch sc. 4069. Erasmus. "Er: Ro : Imago, ad. viva, effigie. expressa. Rev. Bust of the God Terminus. ** Concedo Nulli." 4070. Bronner, Johann Carl, Frankfort, 1793. Allemand sc. An eminent printer, bom 1738; died 181 3. His Life is published in two ^ vols. 8vo. This medal was struck in his honour by the Lodge of Freemasons to which he belonged. 4071. Grass and Barth, Breslau, 1804. Private and very rare ; struck by the firm to commemorate the 300th anni- versary of their printing-office, established in 1504. Cla53(0 H.— Curiosities anli ^Miscellanies* 405 Lent by William Blades^ Esq. PRINTERS' FESTIVAL, 1837. 4072. Augsburg, 1837. The Thorwaldsen Statue of Gutenberg erected at Mayence. Rev. Inscription. Neuss sc. 4073. Mayence, 1837. Bust of Gutenberg. Rev. The Thorwaldsen Statue. 4074. Mayence, 1837. The Thorwaldsen Statue. Rev. Gutenberg explaining to Schceffer his grand discovery of Moveable Types. Lorenz sc. Nos. 12, 13, and 14 are in memory of the erection at Mayence of a noble statue of Gutenberg, designed and modelled by the celebrated sculptor Thor- waldsen. JUBILEE OF 1840. 4075. Augsburg. The Thorwaldsen Statue. Rev. " Arte su^ litteras auxit." Neuss sc. 4076. Cologne. Bust of Gutenberg. Rev. Arms of Mayence, Cologne, and Strasburg on the reverse. On the ribband, "Und es war licht." Kramer sc. 4077. Stuttgart. Bust of Gutenberg. ^^.Inscription. Heindelsc. 4078. Frankfurt. The Memorial to Gutenberg, Fust, and Schceffer, erected in the City, 1840. Rev. Inscription. Wilhelm sc. 4079. Berlin. Bust Rev. Gutenberg sitting before a Printing-press examining his First Proof. Konig sc. 4080. Berlin. Bust of Gutenberg. Rev. Printers' Arms, and Legend. Kriiger sc. 4081. Wolfenbuttel. Upon an Altar a Flame. " Aliis inserviendo consumor." Rev. View of the Wolfenbuttel Library. " Amicis C. Schonemann." Private medal, struck by the librarian for his friends. 4082. Mayence. Bust Rev. Mayence crowning Gutenberg, near to whom is a Press. Erhardt sc. 4083. Mayence. Bust Rev. Gutenberg in his Printing-office reading Proof. Loos D. Konig sc. 4084. Bamberg. A Printing-press. Rev. The City of Bamberg. 4o6 Cajcton Celebration. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 4085. Leipzig. A Printing-press on a Cloud, beneath which is the City of Mayence. Wartig sc. 4086. Basle. Bust of Frobenius. Rev. Inscription. Bovy sc Froben is a celebrated name in t)T)ographical annals. He was a great friend of Erasmus. 4087. Medal to commemorate the Freedom of the Press, and the Bavarian Constitution, 1848. Dreutwett sc. A curious instance of the danger of being too sure of the future. 4088. Festival in Germany, 1834, to commemorate the first printed German Bible in 1534. 4089. Leipzig. To commemorate the Gutenberg Festival, 1840. 4090. Hesse. Freedom of the Press, 1848. 4091. VoLKHARDT, Albert. Printer at Augsburg, 1804-63. 4092. Spork, Count, 1726. Established a Press for printing instructive works at Lissa in Poland. 4093. Waldstein, Baron de. Bust of. Rtv. His Arms. FRANCE. 4094. Strasbourg, 1840. Bust of Gutenberg. ^^. A rude Press. "Et la lumi^re fut." Emmerick sc. 4095. Strasbourg, 1840. Jubilee Medal. The Statue erected by David d' Angers. 4096. Paris, 1848. The National Printing-office. Paris personified seated upon a Throne. By her side a Stanhope Press. Rev. Imprimerie Nationale. Faroclion sc 4097. Paris, 1843. The Imperial Printing-office. Bust of Napoleon HL Rev. Imprimerie Imp^riale. Barre sc 4098. Lyons, 1840. Guild Medal. Science surrounded by Books, &c " Bibliopolae et Typographi Lugdun." Rev. Arms of the City of Lyons and of the Guild. 4099. Paris, 185-. Henri Estienne. Bust. Rev. Allegorical. Fauginet sc. 4100. Commemorative Medal, 1830. The Newspaper Press personi- fied, with her foot on the Globe. Beneath is " Libert^ de la Presse." Rev. The names of the Editors and Writers connected with the Parisian Press who were successful in opposing the oppressive restrictions of July 25, 1830. Caqu^ sc Cla00 lk.—€nvio$iitit0 and 9^i0tt\lanM. 407 Zen^ by William Blades^ Esq. 4101. Gutenberg, John, 1818. Bust. Rev. Inscription. Gayrard sc. [Series Numismatica Virorum illustrium.] 4102. The Didot Family, 1823. Bust of "Pierre Didot Tain^, Typo- graphe Fran9ais." Rev. Printing-press as improved by Jules Didot Veyrat sc For many years the Didot family have held the highest position in France as learned printers. The obverse of this medal is used again for 69 and 70. 4103. The Didot Family, 1827. Rev. "Nouveaux signes de ponctuation employes chez J. Didot Tain^." 4104. The Didot Family, 1830. Two animals representing the letters J. D. (Jules Didot), imitated from initials engraved for a splendid edition of La Fontaine's Fables. Veyrat and Susemiel sc. 4105. Didot, Firmin, 1857. Bust of. Rev. "Stephanorum ^mulus, Musarum Cultor." Girodet del. ; Barre sc. 4106. Chateaubriand, F. A. Vicomte de. Bust of. Rev. "Liberte de la Presse, 1833." Caqud sc. Born 1768 ; died 1848. Struck in memory of the celebrated press prosecu- tion in 1832. 4107. Pancoucke, C. L. F., 1820. Victory galloping in her chariot over all Europe. Struck to commemorate the beautiful edition of Les Victoires et ConqttHes des Fran(atSf printed by Pancoucke. 4108. Guild Medal, /izm, 1847. An open Volume in the rays of the Sun. "Ex utroque Lux." Rev. Arms of the Booksellers and Printers of Paris. 4109. Danel, Leonard, Lille. "A Mr. Leonard Danel le personnel de son Imprimerie, 6 Novembre, 1863." 4x10. Cormenin de la Haie, L. M., Vicomte, 1840. Bust. Rev. A Printing-press without any legend. Rogat sc. Cormenin is celebrated as the author of numerous political pamphlets against the Government of Louis Philippe. His ncm dt plunu was "Timon." 411 1. Cormenin de la Haie, L. M., Vicomte, with profile to the lefl, and with an allegorical reverse. igS^. Rogat sc 41 12. Pancoucke, C. L. F. 1820. Barre sc A magnificent medal to commemorate the printing by Pancoucke oiLaDeS' cription d4 PEgypte. 4o8 €axton Celebration. i>«/ dy William Blades, Esq. 41 13. Pancoucke, C. L. F. 1836. Barre sc. A beautiful medal in commemoration of the printing of Traduction des AtUeurs Latims. 41 14. Gutenberg, Head of, as No. 62. Rev. " Socidtd pour la defense de la Propriety litt^raire." Emmerick sc. 41 15. Beranger, Pierre Jean. Bust of. Montagny sc 41 16. Beranger, Pierre Jean. Bust of. 1857. David et Bauchery sc. 41 17. Beranger, Pierre Jean. Bust of. 1857. Franky Magniadas sc. The poet Beranger passed a portion of his youth in a printing-office. To a young and aspiring compositor who sent him a poetical effort, b^jging his opinion, he thus wrote (22nd Dec. 1849), *' I have no desire to discourage you in the double profession upon which you have entered, but I fear that to be a versifier is incompatible with success as a printer. I can only say that, per- sonally, I have often repented having dropped the composing-stick for the pen." 41 18. Chateaubriand, F. A. Vicomte de. Bust. Rev. Inscription com- memorative of the Printing of his complete works. Bovy sc. 41 19. Desessartz, John, Cardinal, Line. Fac. Med. P. Paris, 17 7-. Duviv sc. Established a printing-press in his private house, at which he often employed his leisure. 4120. Brune, G. M. a., Marshal of France. Anno IX. (1800-1801.) Salvirch sc. One of Napoleon's best generals. Upon the Emperor's return from Elba he was appointed Commander of the Army of the Var. Assassinated by the mob at Avignon, after the Battle of Waterloo. Marshal Brune amused his leisure by composing and printing, for which purpose he established a small but complete printing-office in his own house, Rue de la Harpe, Paris. 41 2 1. GiRARDiN, Emile de, Paris. Bust of. Borrel sc. In 1 83 1 he undertook, together with M. Casimir Perier, to reform the news- paper press of Paris and reduce its price. In 1835 he started the Panthion, m 100 vols., at one franc each, and in 1836 The Press, a daily paper. The whole newspaper press opposed him, and he had to fight four duels. He de- fended strongly the liberty of the press in 1832. 4122. DupoNT, Paul. Medal of the Benefit Club connected with his Printing-office. 4123. DuPONT, Paul. Busts of Gutenberg and Senefelder. ^^. Mono- gram P. D. 4124 Lange, Ldvy & Cie., Printers, Paris. An octagon medal, "Mem- bres du Conseil." Lent by William Blades, Esq. 4125. Chaix et Cie., Printers, Paris. Apprentices' Medal. 4126. Paris. Association des Imprimeurs de Paris. ITALY. 4127. Aldus Pius Manutius, Venice, c. 1500. Bust of. Rev. an Anchor and Dolphin. Francesca da Bologna sc. (?) Bom 1449 ; died 1514 Aldus is deservedly famous for being the first to issue in a correct form, through the medium of the Press, the works of the old Hebrew, Greek, and Latin authors. His beautiful device of the Dolphin and Anchor, so well known in the annals of typc^aphy, was borrowed from the reverse of a denarius of the Roman Emperor Titus, as he himself tells us. Mr. Panizzi has shown that the types of Aldus were cut by Francesca da Bologna, the celebrated painter, better known as ** II Francia." It is not improbable that this medal is also from his hands. 4128. BoDONi, J. ^., Parma, 1800. Bust. Rev. Inscription: — " Civi Optimo decurioni solertiss. artis typographicae coryphaeo eruditiss. ex XII. virum Parm. decreto." Bom 1470 ; died 1813. Was a Compositor at the Propaganda Press, Rome. Appointed chief of the Ducal Printing-office at Parma in 1768, whence he issued editions of the Classics which made him famous throughout all Europe. 4129. BoDONi, J. B., 1802. Bust Rev. Inscription: — "Inter Typo- graphos Cultor et Artifex venustatis elegantissimus." 4130. BoDONi. The inauguration of the Statue to Bodoni. Saluzzo, 1872. 41 31. Castaldi, Panfilo, Milan, 1868. Bust, surrounded by printing implements. Calvi sc, Castaldi has been put forward of late years by Italians, and Italians only, as the real inventor of Printing. They assert that Castaldi revealed his dis- covery to Gutenberg, who appropriated it. A statue has been erected to the Italian "Claimant at Feltre. 4132. Milan, 1867. Society Medal oi K\ Pio Instituto Tipografico. 4133. Feltre, 1868. Commetnorative Medal of the Primo Congresso Tipografico. Calvi sc. 4134. ViESSEUX d'Oneglia, G. p. Rev. "Per quarant' anni benemerito della Civiltk Italiana compieva I'ottantesimo della vita k 29 Set- tembre, 1859." Ferraris sc. This beautiful medal was struck to commemorate the 80th birthday of this respected Printer of Florence. 410 Cajcton Celebration. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 4135. PoMBA, J., Turin^ 1837. Gaetazzi sc. Struck by the Chev. Pomba, the celebrated Printer of Turin, in remem- brance of the successful conclusion of his great publication of the Latin and Italian Classics. The bust of the editor, Signor Bucherino, is on the obverse. 4136. Bologna, 1869. Commemorative Medal. A Printing Machine, upon which the Sun is shining; upon the rays are the names " Gutenberg — Castaldi." Rev. Arms of Bologna. Calvi sc. Struck for the second Typographical Congress and Exhibition of Fine Printing. DENMARK. 4137. Brahe, Tycho, Uranienbourg. Bust. Rev. Arms, and the year 1595- This celebrated Astronomer established a printing-office at Uranienberg, upon the Island of Hveen, which had been given to him by Frederick II., King of Denmark, for the erection of an Observatory. Here he printed his observations. His friend and assistant, Willem Blaeu, was the first to make improvements upon the old wooden presses. 4138. Brahe, Tycho. Bust and Rev. Inscription. HOLLAND. Guild Medals. 4139. Amsterdam. Guild of St Luke. Obv. A Bull, the emblem of St Luke, supporting the Arms of the Guild. Rev. Ornamental design for reception of member's name. Before the invention of Printing the Guilds of St. Luke embraced all the trades directly concerned with the manufacture of manuscripts. It was natural that Printers at first should also belong to them. Thus Thierry Martens was of St. Luke's Guild, Antwerp, as well as Gerard Leeu and Godfrey Back, all well known Typographers. In later years Printers formed Guilds of their own under the protection of St. John. 4140. Amsterdam. Printer^ and Bookbinders^ Guilds c. 1639. A Printing-press, with the Master^s name, "Johannes Wilmerdonk." Rev. Binders' tools. 4141. Middlebourg. Bookbinders!' and Printers' Guild, 16^1. " Zach- arias Roman, Deken." Also a mortuary medal. 4142. Middlebourg. Boekvenopers en Druckers Gilt. Nine medals, dating from 165 1 to 1734. Cla00 S.— Curio0(tletf anti 9?l0cellanie0* 41 1 Z^»/ ^^y William Blades^ Esq. 4143. Haarlem. yir/^« de presence, c. 1640. Typography resting her arm upon a Printing-press. y?^z/. The Ship of Damietta, " Vicit vim Virtus." 4144. Haarlem, c. 1660. A Figure representing Haarlem holding in her hand the Ship of Damiette, and standing before a Printing- press. " Dam : capt : Typ : inv : Urb : defen :" (Damietta cap- tured, Typography invented, an4 the City defended). 4145. Haarlem. Representation of the bronze Statue of Coster, erected in the Market-place, 1856. " De Orbe meruit, Patria posuit" Rev. The Sun dispersing the Clouds. The reverse refers to the increased favour with which the claims of Coster were then being received. 4146. Coster, Laurence, Haarlem. The Statue of Coster on one side; on the other, a Statue of Junius the Historian. Van Noorde sc. John Enschede, Type-founder at Haarlem, placed in his courtyard two statues, one of Coster and one of Junius, both from the chisel of Van Noorde. From these statues this medal was engraved in 1 768. 4147. Haarlem. Bust of Coster, with a Printing-press. "Alter Cad- mus." Rev. Arms of Haarlem, " Hinctotum sparguntur in orbem litterae." 1740. Van Swindern sc. 4148. Haarlem. Bust of Coster. Rev. Typographia holding as a garland the Arms of the Jubilee Committee. 1740. Van Swindern sc. 4149. Haarlem. Bust of Coster. Rev. Inscription on the invention of Printing. 1740. Holtzhey sc 4150. Haarlem. Bust of Coster. Rev. A boldly engraved Printing- press. 1740. Marshoorn so. 415 1. Haarlem. A personification of Haarlem sitting on a throne. One of the Cupids is holding the first book printed by Coster. Rev. Coster in the Haarlem Wood holding up the letter A. " Typographia hie primum inventa." 1 740. Holtzhey sc 4152. Haarlem. Science — a Printing-press, Books, &c. ** Laus Urbi Lux Orbi." Rev. Inscription. 1823. Braemt sc 4153. Haarlem. Showing the Monument erected in the Haarlem Wood in 1823 to the memory of Coster. De Vries sc 412 Cajcton Celebcatton. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. BELGIUM. 4154. Martens, Thierry, Alost. Bust of Martens. Alex. Geefs sc. Rev. The Monument erected at Alost in 1856. John Geefs sc. Thierry Martens, long believed to be the first, was certainly the second and most celebrated printer in Belgium. 4155. MoNTANUS, B. Arias, Antwerp^ 1569. Bust of. ^tat. 43. Rev. Archimedes crying out Ev^wa. Montanus, the friend and correspondent of the most learned men of his time, was Press-reader to the celebrated printer, Christopher Plantin, of Antwerp. 4156. Wahlen, Auguste, Brussels. To commemorate the publication of " Moeurs et costumes de tous les Peuples." 4157. Brussels, 1854. Memorial Medal. Typography standing mourn- fully with her right arm upon an idle Press. Rev. A list of Names of Committee-men. Struck by the United Printers of Brussels in acknowledgment of the services of the Committee appointed to treat upon the question of Copy-right. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 4158. Medallet of Eaton the Demagogue. "Frangas non flectes." 1795. " Printer to the Majesty of the People." 4159. Tokens of W. Gye, Printer of Bath. 1794. 4160. Tokens of Denton, Printer in Mead's Row, Lambeth. One of these represents the gateway at Lambeth Palace. 41 6 1. A Token of the Franklin Press issued from Watts's Printing Office, London. 4162. Franklin, Benjamin, 1836. " Eripuit coelo fulmen, Sceptrumque Tyrannis." Dupre sc. Printer, Philosopher, Statesman. Bom 1704; died 1790. Worked as a pressman at Watts s Printing-office, Wild Court, Strand. 4163. Franklin and Mentyon. Barre sc. 4164. Franklin, ^ Benjamin. "Fulminis Tyrannidisque Domitor." Lageman fecit. 4165. Franklin, Benjamin. "Penny saved is a penny gained" E. Sigel sc 4166. Franklin, Benjamin. Godel f. I^nt by William Blades, Esq, MISCELLANEOUS. 4167. Richelieu, Armandus Joannes, Cardinalis de. " Tandem Victor Sequor." 1650. Large medal. Cardinal Richelieu instituted a Society of Booksellers and Printers in 1633, under whose auspices were issued beautiful service-books, which soon became sought for through all Christendom. In 1640 the Cardinal, after having established the Royal Printing-office at the Louvre, erected another at his own chateau, where he printed several works which are now highly prized. He was bom at Paris, 1588, and died 1642. 4168. Richelieu, Armanus, Joan., Card. de. Large oval medal. 4169. Richelieu, A. J., Card. de. "Mens sidera volvit" 1631. L Warin sc. 4170. Richelieu, Armand. lo. Car. Dux de. "Quoqunque Voles." 1639. 41 71. Richelieu, Card. de. " Intelligit super Egenum." 1635. 4172. Richelieu, Card. de. "Hoc duce tuta." 1636. 4173. DuRER, Albert, Nuremberg. Head, with the AD Monogram and 15 14. A Plaque. Durer sc. Bom 147 1 ; died 1528. The fame of Albert Durer as an artist has so com- pletely eclipsed all his other claims upon our admiration, that even biblio- graphers have overlooked the fact of his having been a letterpress printer. 4174. Fourteen varieties of Medals struck in honour of Durer. 4175. Durer, Agnes. A Plaque with Monogram AD, 1508. Upon the death of her husband in 1528, the widow continued the business for some years. The imprint to her books was *' In sedib. viduae Durianae." 4176. Ancient Printers' Devices and Trade-Marks, collected in 5 4to. volumes as follows : — Vol. I. England. Vol. 2. France. Vol. 3. Germany and Switzerland. Vol. 4. Holland and Belgium. Vol. 5. Italy and Spain. Lent by R Hendnks, Esq., F.S.S. 4177. Printers' Marks. Copy of Fr. Rothscholtz's Insignia Bibliopo- larum et Typographorum. Folio. Nuremberg, 1830. Lent by F. Hendriks, Esq., F.S.S. 414 Caxton Celebratiom 4178. Printers' Marks: — Balaux ; Baligault ; Boulle ; Birchmann, mth lion and griffin ; Behem ; Curio, two ; Chevallon, two ; Crate, Trinity ; Comin de Trine ; Colinaeus, two ; Episcopius, two ; Fradin ; Froschover, seven ; Gesner ; Galliot du Prd, two ; Giunta, with lions ; Guillaume Eustace ; Hornbien ; Huquetau ; Griininger ; Kerver ; Lenoir ; Marechal ; M. Martin Morin ; Parcus ; Plato de Benedictis ; Petit, four ; Roy and Pernot ; Ravanus ; Rembolt, three ; Symon Vincent ; Schott, two ; Stephen Bariquaud ; Schuman ; Vuolrab ; Vincent Portonariis ; Ziletti, two. I^nt by John Coode Hoere, Esq. 4179. Printers' Marks. J. Schoffer, Mentz, 1540; F. Behem, Mentz, 1541 ; V. Schuman, Leipzig, 15 16; Valentin Curio (?), two; Melchior Noverian, Cologne, 1543; A. Birchmann, Cologne, 1539- 4180. Printers' Marks. J. Schott, Strasburg, two, 1502; Griininger, Strasburg, 152 1 ; Mylius, Strasburg, 1540; Cuoblouchus, Stras- burg, 1524; Wuolf. Cephal, Strasburg, 1525 ; Babellius Cephal ; Froschover, Zurich, three, 153 1, 1557, 1529; Gesner, Zurich. 4181. Printers' Marks. Oporinus, two, 1554; Parcus, 1548; Cratander, three, 1526, 1532, 1523; Froben ; Guarinus, 1575; Episcopius, two, 1555. 4182. Printers' Marks. Plantin, Antwerp; Plantin, Antwerp, 1566 ; Nutius, Antwerp, two, 1576, 1581; Santandrianus (?), 1577; Binneman, London, 1574; Cambridge University. 4183. Printers' Marks. Morin, Rouen, 1497 ; G. Eustace, Paris, 1509 ; L. Hornbien, Paris, 1512 ; G. Colinaeus, Paris, 1528; Requault, Paris, 1506 ; Lenoir (?) ; Petit, Paris, 1502 ; Petit, Paris ; Rem- boldt, Paris; Galliot du Pre, Paris, 1532. 4184. Printers' Marks. Guillard-Chevallon, 1551 ; Baliqualt ; Chevallon, 1526 ; Badius; Joland Bonhomme, 1547; J. Macaeus, 1577 ; Kerver, 1547 ; O. Petit, 1545. 4185. Printers' Marks. Huquetau; Boulle, 1537; Vincent de Por- tonariis, 1540; Symon Vincent; Symon Vincent, 1529; Constan- tin Fradin; E. Baland, 1520. 4186. Printers' Marks. Stephen de Bariquaud, Lyons, 15 16; Roy and Pernot, Lyons, 1554; Giunta, Lyons; Mareschal, Lyons; Forli, Venice, 155 1; Comin de Trine, Venice, 1547 ; Giolito, Venice, two, 1548, 1559; Ziletti, Venice, 1560; Ravanus, Venice, 1552 ; L. Giunta, Venice; Vincent, Venice, 1558. ClajJ0 ll.— Cun'ojaiitu0 and 9^f0ceUan(e0* 415 4187. Printers' Marks. Plato de Benedictis, Bologna, 1493 ; Tolomeo Janiculo, Vicenza, 1529; Aldus, Venice; Aldus, Venice, 1526; Percachinus, Padua, 1562 ; L. Rodwiccus, Lisbon (?). 4188. Titles. St. Augustin, title back, Basle, 1505 ; Bible, Basle, 1569 ; De Disciplinis, Cologne, 1536; Luther, Captiv. Baby. 1524 {?); Haymon. Epis., Cologne, 1539. 4189. Titles. St. Bernard, Paris; Lyndewode Provincial, London, 1525- 4189*. Titles. St. Augustin, 1520; Catalogus Sanctorum, 1524 ; T. Aquinas; St. Jerome; T. Aquinas, 1540. 4190. Chinese Xylographic Printing Instruments, as used from the loth century a.d. Lent by Thomas Jennery Esq. 41 9 1. Chinese Types, wood and metal. Lent by Thomas Jenner, Esq, 4192. Book of Buddhist Prayers, from the Emperor's Palace. Lent by Thomas J enner, Esq. 4193. Chinese Sacred Scriptures : — 1. Morrison's translation, Macao, 1813-22. 2. Marshman's translation, Serampore, 1815-22. 3. Gutzlaff's translation. 4. Delgates' version. L^nt by TJiomas Jenner^ Esq. 4194. Japanese Xylographic Book, containing facsimiles of the writing of celebrated authors. Lent by Thomas Jenner^ Esq. 4195. Chinese Diagram. L^nt by Thomas Jenner, Esq. 4196. Oratio Dominica in 155 languages. Folio. Rome, 1806. Published under the auspices of Napoleon I. L^nt by Thomas Jenner^ Esq. 4197. Specimens of Printing in small type : — 1. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea. Pickering, 1831. 2. De Imitatione Christi. Paris, 1858. 3. Bijou Almanack, 1838. Lent by Thomas Jenner, Esq. 4198. Specimen of Small Type. Smoker's Text-Book, 1863. Lent by George Unwin^ Esq. 4199. Specimen Sheets of Works in Native Characters and Languages printed for the Indian Market, without the intervention of type. The Gulistan. Qdida i urdu, ist edition. Qdida i urdu, 2nd edition. 41 6 Cajcton Celebratiom Karfma. Copy Slips for Elementary Schools. Qurdn. The Koran. Muntakhab-i-bustan. Q'Aida Baghdad!. Gospel of St. Matthew in Urdu. Indian Vernacular Series, Nos. i and 2. Lent by Messrs. Spottiswoode and Co. 4200. Case of Specimens of Books and Maps for the Blind. Exhibited by the British and Foreign Blind Association for Pro- moting the Education and Employment of the Blind. The importance of printing in raised characters for the blind may be easily understood when it is stated that about i in every i,ocx) of the population is sightless, giving a blind population of 30,000 for the United Kingdom, and probably about 200,000 for the British Empire. These people having one sense less than their seeing competitors, must receive as good an education as possible, in order, in some degree, to compensate for this loss, so that to the blind as to the seeing the printing press becomes the great agent of civilization and progress. Embossed printing for the blind was first introduced by M. Haiiy, of Paris, in 1784, and the character he adopted was the large italic or script character. This was afterwards changed to the ordinary printed character used by the seeing, but this also has l^en long since abandoned in France for the form here exhibited, which goes by the name of its blind inventor, M. Louis Braille, who introduced it into Paris in 1834. It has been gradually adopted in most parts of the civilized world, and is now used more or less in almost all British institutions. Its advantages consist mainly in the facility with which it can be written by the blind ; it is far more legible by touch than any form of the roman letter, and can either be written or printed in full or with any amount of short-hand contractions, suited to the wants and capacity of those for whom it is intended. The latest improvement in this form of printing has been the method of printing on both sides of the paper, by which space and legibility are gained. A specimen of the stereotype plates, which are entirely the work of the blind themselves, is exhibited, and specimens of embossed maps. 4201. Typographic Specimen Sheets, i. The printers' address to the Queen (Caroline) and her Majesty's tribute to the press in answer. Printed by John Johnson, author of Typographia. 1820. 2. The Address of Congratulation from the letterpress printers of London to Queen Caroline, and her Majesty's second tribute to the press in answer. Printed by John Johnson, 1821. 3. Memorial of William Caxton, Wynken de Worde, Richard Pynson and their suc- cessors, executed in type and brass rule, containing over 60,000 moveable pieces of metal and about 150 patterns of flowers. Printed by John Johnson, 1824. Lent by Andrew W. Tuer^ Esq. 4202. Initial Letters, Head and Tail-Pieces, Ornaments, &c. A large collection, in one volume, arranged alphabetically. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. Cla00 J^.—€nm0itiz0 anH 9^i0teUanltjaf* 417 4203. Specimens of Typography. By W. Bennett (2), D. Chalmers and Co. (containing 25,000 pieces), G. Cornwall (2 : James S. Lawson, compositor, each containing upwards of 30,000 pieces), and W. Cruickshank, at G. Mackay's office (containing nearly 20,000 pieces), all executed for the Aberdeen Mechanics' Institute Exhi- bition, 1840. Lent by J. Fenton^ Esq. 4204. Specimen of Typography, View of the Free Church College, Edinburgh, by R. Ramsay, containing upwards of 1 2,000 pieces. Lent by J. Fenton^ Esq. 4205. Specimen of Typography. Memorial of William Caxton. Edward Lewis, compositor. G. and J. Watson, printers, Tring. Lent by J. Fenton, Esq. 4206. Specimen with 22,000 pieces by George Nichols, London. Lent by J. Fenton^ Esq. 4207. Specimen with 4,500 pieces by Ebenezer Parkes, London, 1844. L^nt by J. Fenton^ Esq. 4208. The Early Printers in the Netherlands, i. Monuments typo- graphiques des Pays-Bays au i5e si^le. Collection de facsimiles d'apres les originaux conserves k la Bibliothbque Royale de la Haye et ailleurs, par J. W. Holtrop, biblioth^caire en chef de la biblioth^que Royale de la Haye, 1868. 2. Annales de la Typo- graphic N^erlandaise au i5e siMe, par M. F. A. G. Campbell, biblioth^caire de la biblioth^que Royale de la Haye, 1874. L^nt by M. Martinus Nijhoff^ of the Hague. 4209. America. The American Encyclopoedia of Printing. Edited by J. Luther Ringwalt. Lent by Messrs. J. B. Lippincott and Co. 4210. Dublin. Williamson's Green Printing. 1764. Lent by Edward Solly, Esq., F.R.S. 42 1 1. Paris. Livre rouge, 1790. Lent by Edward Solly, Esq., F.R.S. 4212. Longman's Trade Catalogue, January ist, 1807, priced. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4213. Early Printing in two colours. Golz. Imagini di tutti Imperatori, &c. Antwerp, 1557. Lent by John Evans, Esq. , D.C.L., F. R. S. 4214 Horn-book, temp. Car. L Found at Ashley Green, Bucks. Lent by A. Smith-Dorrien, Esq. E E 41 8 Cajcton Celebration. 4215. Horn-book, probably temp. Jac. i. Lent by John Evans, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S. 4216. Horn-book, temp. Chas. II. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4217. Roman Stamp of Bronze, query for printing on pottery. Lent by John Evans, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S. 4218. Bank Notes, early and obsolete, mostly foreign. Lent by Mrs. John Evans. 4219. Lottery Ticket, 1791. Tax Receipts, Hearth Money, &c. 9 Specimens. Chap. Books Scotch, 3 specimens. Stirling, Edin- burgh, and Glasgow. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4220. Heath, C, engraver. Note. November i, 1843. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4221. Bartlett, H., Highgate. Refers to plate of Jerusalem. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4222. Beggars. (Plates.) Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4223. Coronation Tickets. George IV. 182 1. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4224. Hill's, Rowland, Postage Cover. Two pence. (Mulready, R.A.) Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4225. Paris. Three Newspapers printed in Paris during the Commune, 187 1 ; also one printed in Melbourne, for French people, during the Franco-German war. Lent by Messrs. Enoch and Sons. 4226. Handbill. Fcap. folio. The first meeting of letterpress printers respecting the evil of machinery. Lent by G. A. Spottiswoode, Esq. 4227. Proposals for discovering a great improvement which William Pine, printer, of Bristol, and Isaac Moore, letter-founder, London, have made in the Art of Printing, both in the construction of the press and in the manner of Beating and Pulling. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 4228. Advertisement. Post folio. Mr. Cunningham's (printer of Southampton) discovery of a substitute for Urine in making and preserving Printing Balls, adopted at a meeting of master-printers, December nth, 1801. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 4229. Pressmen's Bills (1735-1743), Printers* Charges and Trade Ac- counts (1749-50), Letters, Receipts, Bills, and an Indenture (1716- 1753). ^^^ h Messrs. Smith and Ebbs. Cla00 1&*— Curio0ftiej2f and 9^i0tti\anit^. 419 4230. Bowdler's Poems. 8vo. 1787. Lent by John W. Jarvis^ Esq. A remarkable specimen of book-edge ornamentation, with notes and parti- culars from Notes and Queries upon this book and kindred subjects. 4231. Facsimile Almanack. Lent by IV. Douglas Hamilton^ Esq. 4232. Pigeon Express Despatch for a newspaper. L^nt by J. Allen^ Esq. 4233. Application of Printing to Meteorological Instruments. Lent by Messrs. Joseph^ Davis^ and Co. 4234. Dials and Scales of Barometers unmounted, and specimens of same mounted complete for use and in action. Lent by Messrs. Joseph^ Davis^ and Co. 4235. Blocks of Pocock's first Reading made Easy. Two impressions of the blocks used by Pocock in his first Reading made Easy, and the blocks. One missing. Lent by Alfred John Dunkiny Esq. 4236. Broad Sheet Almanack. 15 14. Jasper Laet. L^nt by E. JLousman, Esq. 4237. Child's Book, Jemima Placie. London : John Marshall and Co. Engraving. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4238. Almanack's Volume. Stationers and others. 1691. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. A Priuy Covmcell Almanacke every year given near Hampden. 4239. A Primer. With curious woodcut. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4240. Chap-Books. A Garland. Allen and Dale. Roy's Wife, &c. Glasgow. 1823. A Man's a Man, &c. Stirling. The Pleasant and Delightful. History of Jack and the Giants. Nottingham. Printed for the Running Stationers. The Renowned History of the Seven Champions of Chris- tendom. Newcastle. A new invented Horn-Book. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4241. In Honour of William Caxton. Some rules for the Conduct of Life. Lent by Messrs. Field and Tuer. A private reprint of a work presented by the Corporation of the City of Lx)ndon to every apprentice on whom its freedom is conferred. The letter- press is old-style, witn an introductory page set entirely in Caxton type, and is printed on specially prepared old-style paper, the binding is in character with the letter-press. 420 Cajrtoa Celebration^ 4242. Early Proclamations and Royal Speeches. Lent by George Tawse^ Esq. 4243. Specimens of Embossed Printing for the Blind. From stereotype plates (which are shown). Lent by the British and Foreign Blind Association. 4244. Specimens of Embossed Printing for the Blind. From moveable types. Lent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. 4245. Hunt's Syllabic System for teaching 500,000,000 illiterate heathen. Lent by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington. 4246. Obsolete Bank Notes. Sweden, 10 daler, 1666. Sweden, 25 daler, 17 16. Nonvay, 10 rixdaler, 1695. Denmark, i mark, 17 13. Denmark, local Thomse. Denmark, local Tristed, 1815. London, Cheque or Note. Child's Bank Note, 1729. Child's Bank Note, 1750. United Colonies of America. South Carolina, 51., 1723. Pennsylvania, u., 1755. Annapolis, Maryland, 8 dollars, 1770. Philadelphia, \s. 6d.y 1776. Reverse of the above, 1776. Demarara, 5 stivers. Brandenburg, Prussia, 5 thaler, 1764. Saxony, i reiches thaler, 1772. Austria, 10 gulden, 1806. Poland, 100 florins, 1794. Hungary, 100 gulden, signed by Kossuth, 1848. Papal States, 15 scudi, 1796. France, Louis XVH., " De par le Roi," 5 livres. French Republic, 10,000 francs, 1794. Paris local note. Isles de France et de Bourbon, 5 livres Tournois, 1788. Surinam Card Money. Two sides of notes. Republic of Haiti, deux gourdes, 1827. Bloemfontein, five shillings, 1868. L^nt by Mrs. John Evans. 4247. Sailing Directions for Rivers Elbe and Weser. Demy 8vo. 1795. Lent by Messrs. Smith and Ebbs. 4248. Sailing Directions for Hispaniola, Jamaica, &c. Demy Svo. 1799. Lent by Messrs. Smith and Ebbs. 4249. Various "Rent Receipt forms," &c. Printed in 1739 to 1750. Lent by Messrs. Smith and Ebbs. 4250. Various Old Printed Forms for Trinity House. Printed on Tower Hill from 1762 to . JLent by Messrs. Smith and Ebbs. 4251. Curious Copy of "Honest Verdict of a Jury of Independent Englishmen." 1833. Printed in gold on satin. Lent by Messrs. HowUtt and Son, 4252. Receipts for Taxes, 1674-1691. 4253. Clipp'd Money. 4254. Convex Lights. 4255. The London Directory, 1793. 4256. Bradshaw's Guide. 4257. Five Chap Books. Newcastle, 1800-22. Lent by Sir Charles Reed. 4258. Polar Almanack for 1854, printed on board H.M.S. "Enterprise " in Camden Bay, lat. 70 N., long. 145 W. Lent by Thomas ILester^ Esq. 4259. Specimens of a new process for printing dh-ect upon the surface of substances of a hard, brittle, or corrugated character. Lent by the Printing Surface Company. 4260. Caxton Memorial. Account of the Meeting held in 1847 at the instigation of the Rev. H. Milman, D.D. Lent by J. S Hodson^ Esq. CLASS L. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF TYPOGRAPHY AND TYPE-FOUNDING IN ENGLAND. COLLECTION of type specimens contains, in proportion to its completeness, a history both exhaustive and simple. In any survey of the rise and progress of Typography the primary reference is naturally made to such an authority, not only as giving details of names, places, and dates, but as disclosing the development of an invention, the cultivation of an industry, and the advance of an art, by marked stages, from its crude beginning to its present refinement The history of type-founding in England may be naturally divided into three distinct periods — infancy, languid progress, and revival and development. In the first stage we find the early printers combining in one the pro- fession of printer and type-founder, and accordingly any specimen of their types must be sought for in their books. It does not come within the scope of this sketch to enter into a detailed examination of the cha- racters adopted by these pioneers of the art, but it is interesting, in view of the present multiplication of designs, to recall the fact that in the whole of Caxton's works we meet with no more than eight founts, viz. : six sizes of secretary, and two of black. His successors — Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, and Faques — made considerable advances, both in punch-cutting and founding, as their works testify. By Pynson the Roman character was introduced into England, and there is some reason to believe that he supplied other printers with types cast from his own matrices. To these three succeeded others of little distinction, till the name of John Day, in 1567, arrests us at the close of the first stage of the art. It is at this time that the first reference to type-founding, as a distinct ClajafjJ H.— ^ppe anti otjer printing: 9^aterialj2f. 423 branch of trade, occurs ; and Day is recorded to have produced Saxon and Greek founts, as well as the Italic and a variety of other characters. Closely following on this is the Star Chamber decree, restricting the number of founders to four, under episcopal appointment, who should have no more than two apprentices each, and " one boy for the pulling off of the knots of metal from the type." Under such conditions type founding started on a separate existence. Further restrictive measures followed, forbidding, among other things, the casting of any type without the sanction of the master and wardens of the Company of Stationers. Notwithstanding these decrees the number of founders grew, and their founts multiplied. The adoption of printing by the centres of learning encouraged the production of foreign and Oriental founts, and the Uni- versity of Oxford was enriched by the gifts of Dr. Fell and Mr. Junius. Music, signs, and flowers also appeared in type. The secretary was revived, and introduced the cursorial ; the fancy and flowered letters which, almost from the first, had replaced the hand-painted initials of the earliest books, were greatly improved. Larger ornamentations were carved on wood ; the flowers suggested an ample variety in design and decoration ; the old black fairly yielded to the Roman, which now appeared on graduated bodies from Canon to Brevier. In 1668 the first specimen bearing the name of an English founder was issued by Mr. Moxon, who subsequently attempted to reduce the art to set rules of proportion and measurement, illustrating his theories with elaborate plates. But, notwithstanding all this advancement, the trade languished. Besides Moxon, the University of Oxford alone published specimens. The native talent of Grover, Andrews, Mitchell, and James, was unan- preciated, and most of the best editions of Queen Anne's reign were the impression of Dutch letter. One man, Mr. James, accumulated in his own possession the stock of all the other founders ; nor was it till his foundry in turn came to the auctioneer's hammer that a specimen of its punches appeared. Thus far we find no more than the two specimens above named surviving to record a long period of mediocrity in genius, but gradual though languid advancement, when the accident which turned the attention of William Caslon to the art of type-founding at once marks the era of its revival, and the introduction to its present perfection. It appears only natural that the generation which produced for print- ing Bowyer, Nicholls, Watts, and Bettenham, should also give to type- founding William Caslon. Indeed it is noteworthy that not a few of the subsequent strides in the art were made under the encouragement of some famous and generous printer. Caslon's first production was an Arabic, in 1720. In 1734 his sheet contained specimens of thirty-eight founts, and from that time the tide turned in favour of English type- founding. The foreign trade ceased. English type was again used to print 424 Ca;cton Celebration. English books — nay, even found its way abroad. The genius of Basker- ville, eccentric as it was, lent further impetus to the revival. After Caslon arose his son, and his two apprentices, Cottrell and Jackson, who in turn estabhshed foundries which flourish to this day. To them succeeded, in London, Figgins, Fry, Thome ; in Sheffield, Blake and Gamett ; in Scotland, Wilson and Miller, each doing his share in the development of the art, and assisting toward its present excellence. It is only possible to glance rapidly at the changes which have taken place during the past 140 years. Of the 38 founts in Caslon's first sheet, 14 only are Roman, 7 are titling, 2 are black, and the remaining 15 are ancient or Oriental. Then by degrees we find fresh faces and sizes. The Roman appeared as an open letter, or increased suddenly in bulk till it reached to Cot- trell's unprecedented 1 2-line ; the borders became more varied and less formal; the curves and slopes of the mediaeval gave place to the perpen- diculars and hair-serifs of the modem cut; the third Caslon's cast ornaments appeared, "adjusted curiously to paper;" music was exhibited in specimen; the fat faces of Thorne were largely affected; the variations on the Roman increased in boldness and elaboration ; the old black fell into the hands of the decorators ; scripts — the marvel of their age — were produced. And all this time wood-letter cutting and engraving were keeping pace with the sister art. Then the multiplication of newspapers called for uniform series of faces ; the increased power of machinery necessitated a harder alloy for casting, and consequently brought about an increased fineness of impression ; the commercial world was supplied with its Mercantiles and Court hands ; the advertising press demanded and received additional display and improved taste in the fancy letter and Clarendons of recent years. The type specimens in turn set the taste to the press. A revulsion occurred against crowding and mono- tony, and refinement and delicacy took the place of gross profusion and omament. A revival of the mediaeval ensued, and we recognize now the old forms in a more graceful garb ; the titling and display letter naturally followed the tendency, and modem old-style printing has now become a science. Such is a rapid outline of the recent development of typography. What it may yet become it is impossible to forecast. At present it seems by no means effete or exhausted, and it is even possible that at some future time the specimens of the present day may bear to the history of the art a relation similar to that which is now borne by the productions of Moxon, Fell, and James. Of the machinery and processes for the production of type it is only necessary to say that those now in use are but improvements on the earliest methods. The punch, matrix, and mould are coeval with the introduction of printing into England, and it appears to be an established fact that Cla0j5 1..— ^ppe anH otjec priittfng: ^attvM^. 425 Caxton's types were so produced. As regards the two former, the handiwork of some of our ancestors has scarcely been surpassed to this day. The mould, of necessity, has undergone improvements, but it was not till the commencement of the present century that the American or lever mould appeared as a first rival to the venerable hand mould. The refinement of the serifs next suggested the pump for producing a stronger jet than could be obtained by a ladle and the jerk of the caster's arm ; and the pump and lever-mould combined suggested the casting machine of the present day. This, too, has experienced im- provement, and the crank-handle has generally yielded to steam. The other processes — breaking off, rubbing, setting up, and dressing — still to a large extent are performed by hand; but the mechanical genius of the age is already overtaking them, and we find machines which combine in one every process of production, from the molten metal to the finished type. The composition of type metal has met with many changes. The necessity for some alloy which would enable the lead to bear the pressure to which it was exposed was early felt, and we find nearly every metal, at some time or other, introduced into the combination. During the last century the founders have produced successively their type metal, their hard metal, and their extra-hard metal ; and types are now cast which will endure for years the ordeal of the stereo-foundry, and defy even the formidable cylinders of modem machinery. Section I. OLD TYPES, PUNCHES, MATRICES, &c Lent by the University Press, Oxford, " Punchions " and Matrices from Dr. FelVs collection, given to the Univer- sity of Oxford, A.D. 1666, viz. : — 4280. UNCHES, Matrices, and specimen of Music Type of the seven- teenth century. 4281. Punches and Matrices, roman and italic, of 3-line Pica, containing in the italic, beside the usual double letters, matrices for casting in one piece <5f, ^, /, Jh, and other combinations and ligatures. 4^6 Cajcton Celebratfom 4282. Punches and Matrices, in brass, of 4-line Pica roman and Greek capitals. 4283. Double Box, the upper sliding into the lower, containing Pica roman and italic matrices. The small capitals not justified. 4284. Double Pica Greek Matrices, containing, beside the ordinary Greek characters, small capitals and 118 ligatures. 4285. English Black Matrices. 4286. Coptic Matrices. 4287. Hebrew and Sclavonic Matrices. 4288. Syriac Matrices. 4289. Punches of Coptic, Samaritan, Arabic, and Syriac. 4290. Thirty-three Matrices of old flowers and borders. 4291. Gothic, Runic, and Anglo-Saxon Punches given to the University of Oxford by Mr. Francis Junius in 1676. Also the Punches cut for Elstob's " Anglo-Saxon Grammar," given to the University by S. Bowyer in 1753. The faces of these punches are protected by a thick coating of resin. 4292. Matrices of Junius' Anglo-Saxon, and also of Elstob's, with specimen of type. 4293. Specimen of old Icelandic Type, " Dutch height." 4294. Box of Great Primer Greek Punches, cut by the celebrated Bas- kerville, from whom they were purchased by the University about the year 1760. These are the only relics in England of the celebrated Birmingham foundry. 4295. Set of floriated Initial Letters in wood, 12-line Pica. 4296. Set of Initial Letters in wood, " Dutch bloomers," 14-line Pica, temp. William III. (?) 4297. Set of ditto, smaller, 5-line Pica. 4298. Two old Tail-pieces in wood. 4299. Three Coats-of-Arms of the University of Oxford in wood, temp. Charles I. to George III. 4300. View of the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, used in title-pages. Cla00 %.— ^ppe anil otjer ^rfntfng Q^attnaW. 427 4301. Two Views of the Clarendon Building, Oxford, fonnerly used for title-pages. 4302. Two old Hand-moulds for casting type, without springs. 4303. Two printer's Ball-stocks. Lent by Messrs. H. W. Caslon and Co. 4304. First Specimen-sheet of William Caslon's types. 1735. 4305. Ditto, framed with modem in comparison. 4306. Early Caslon Hand-moulds, in use 1720 to about 1750. 4307. Ditto Script Moulds, slanting and locking bodies. 4308. Ditto Quadrat Moulds. 4309. Spring Lever Mould, supposed to be the first. 4310. Early Caslon Lead-mould. 431 1. Punches cut by William Caslon L 1720. 43 1 2. Matrices from ditto. 4313. Types cast from ditto, finished and unfinished. 4314. Caslon's earliest Music Type. 4315. Collection of Sanspareil Matrices, showing oldest and largest, &c. 4316. Brass Model Letters, for casting type in sand. 43 1 7. Types cast in sand moulds from ditto. 4318. Two brass Engravings of very old coach and steamer. 4319. Model of modem Type-casting Machine. 4320. Machine Moulds, as now in use, for large and small letter. 4321. Modern-cut Punches, large and small. 4322. Matrices from ditto. 4323. Types from ditto, finished and unfinished. 4324. Metal Furniture, old kind, French, apd adjusting. 428 Cajcton Celebration* 4325. Copy of Specimen-book. 1764. 4326. Ditto. 1785. 4327. Modern Specimen-book. 2 copies. Lent by Messrs. Reed 6- Fox. 4328. Old Hand Mould of the Fann Street Foundry. 4329. Old Hand Mould for casting circular body. 4330. Hand lever mould. 4331. A Case of old Matrices, from the Collection of Dr. Edmund Fry, containing : 1. Pica Black, bought at James' sale, 1782. Supposed to be upwards of 300 years old, but erroneously described by Han- sard and Dr. Fry as Caxton's. 2. English Black, bought at James' sale. Formerly Wolfe's, the City Printer in 1581. 3. Long Primer and Brevier Black, also bought at James' sale. Of Dutch origin. 4. Long Primer and Small Pica Black Matrices, from punches cut by Dr. Fry. 5. Matrices of the Alexandrian Greek. Bought at James' sale, in the catalogue of which (p. 10) they are advertised as having belonged to Wynkyn de Worde. 4332. Early Specimen Books. 3 vols. 8vo. 4333. Modern Specimen Books. 2 vols. 4to. Lent by C. W. H. Wytnan, Esq. 4334. Derriey Album of Specimens. 4to. 4335- Small Model of Derriey's Mitreing-machine. 4336. Two small Models of Derriey's Paging-machines. 4337' Specimen Case of Ornaments. Claw %*—%i!pt anti otljer ^rfntfnff Q^aterialsJ* 429 4338. Ditto Flourishes, &c. 4339. Specimens of Fancy and Shaded Rules, &c. 4340. A Biography of the late C. J. Derriey, of Paris, with portrait. 4341. Instruments used by the celebrated Dutch punch-cutter, Joan Michael Fleischmann, bom at Nuremberg in 1701, died at Amsterdam, 1768. Zenf by MM. Enschede et Fils. A collection of punch-cutting tools, a mould, and a small wooden printing- press used by Fleischmann for proving his specimens. With a portrait. 4342. Two words of logotypes, as used by John Walter of the " Times," in 1785. The letters are cemented together at the bottom into words. Lent by Austin JVood, Esq. Section II. TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. 4344- BQ HAND Type-Casting Machine. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. tt^ 4345- Johnson and Atkinson's Type-Casting Machine. 9 43 Lent by the Patent Type-Founding Company. In this machine, which is driven by steam power, the types are cast, rubbed, dressed, and rendered fit for use by the printer without being touched by hand. 430 Carton Celebratfom Section III. TYPES, PLATES, AND OTHER MATERIALS USED IN THE VARIOUS PROCESSES OF MUSIC PRINTING. 4346. [OPPER Music Plates. Engraved by Thomas Cross (3 plates). Portrait of Corelli, page i, page 69. Messrs. Cocks &> Co. 4347. Copper Music Plate. Stamped. Messrs. Cramer &* Co. 4348. Modern Pewter Music Plate. Stamped. Messrs. Enoch &> Sons. 4349. Old Pewter Music Plate. Stamped. Messrs. Novello 6- Co. 4350. Stereotype Music Plate. Henderson^ Rait, 6- Fenton. 4351. Stereotype Music Plate. Messrs. Novello &* Co. 4352. Electrotype Music Plate. Henderson, Rait, 6- Fenton. 4353. Electrotype Music Plate. Messrs. Novello <5^* Co. 4354. SiLVER-Washed Music Plate. Henderson, Rait, 6^ Fenton. 4355. Page of Ruby Music Type. Henderson, Rait, &> Fenton. 4356. Blocks used in the Cowper process of Music Printing, with printed specimens. W. Clo2ves 6^ Sons. The notes are copper inserted in wooden blocks. 4357. Punches, Matrices and Rules, and printed specimen of the Scheurmann Process of Music Printing, 1856-59. Henderson, Rait, &* Fenton. Cla00 H.— 'arspe and ot^ec ^vintinQ Q^aun'aljJ* 431 Section IV. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS (SELECTED). BRITISH. 4358. ANDBILL by William Caxton. " If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracios of salisburi use enprynted after the forme of this preset lettre whiche ben wel and truly correct late hym come to west- monester in to the almonesrye at the reed pale and he shal have them good chepe. Supplico stet cedula." Date anie 1480. An advertisement of an Ordinale of the Church of Salisbury, printed by Caxton in similar type to this handbill. 4359. REGULiE Trium Ordinum Literarum Typographicarum ; or the Rules of the Three Orders of Print-Letters, viz.: — the Roman, Italick, English, — Capitals and Small ; showing how they are compounded of Geometrick Figures and mostly made by Rule and Compass. Useful for Writing Masters, Painters, Carvers, Masons and others that are lovers of Curiosity ; by Joseph Moxon, Hydrographer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. London. Printed for Joseph Moxon on Ludgate Hill at the sign of Atlas, 1676. 4to. Lent by William Blades, Esq. Dedicated to the Worshipful Sir Christopher Wren, Knight, Surveyor to his Majesty's Buildings. With 38 pp. of plates. 4360. A Specimen by William Caslon, Letter-founder in Chiswell Street, London. 1734. Large post broadside. His first specimen, containing 38 founts, and 7 varieties of flowers. 4361. Ditto. Framed with modem in comparison. See contents of the Caslon Exhibit, lent by H. W. Caslon and Co. 4362. A Specimen of the Printing Letter of the late Mr. Henry Woodfall, without Temple Bar, London ; with a Catalogue of all his Printing Materials ; which will be Sold by Auction on Monday, November 9th, 1 747 at the Castle Tavern in Paternoster Row, to begin at Four in the Afternoon. 4to. Lent by Javies Fenton^ Esq. With a list of purchasers at end, and prices given. 432 Ca;cton Celebration^ 4363. A Specimen of the Printing Letter of Mr. George Woodfall, Charing Cross, who is leaving off that branch of business ; with a Catalogue of all his Printing Materials, which will be Sold by Auction on Monday, September 14th, 1 761, at the Sun Tavern in Ludgate Street. To begin at Seven o'clock. 4to. Lent by yames Fenton^ Esq. With a list of purchasers' names at end, and prices given. 4364. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon and Son. Printed by Dryden Leach. London, 1764. 8vo. See contents of the Caslon Exhibit, lent by H. W. Caslon and Co. *'This new foundery was begun in the year 1 720 & finished 1763, & will (with God's leave) be carried on, improved & enlarged by William Caslon & Son, Letter Founders in London." The first Typefounder's specimen book issued in England. 4365. Ditto. Ditto. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. 4366. A Specimen of Printing Types by Tho. Cottrell, Letter-founder in Nevils Court, Fetter Lane, London. 8vo. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. "This Foundery was begun in the year 1757, and will (with God's leave) be carried on, improved, and enlarged by Thomas Cottrell, Letter Founder in London. *' N.B. — Served my apprenticeship to William Caslon Esq." 4367. Ditto. Ditto, unbound, in paper cover. Lent by J^ames Fenton^ Esq. 4368. A Specimen of the several sorts of Printing Types belonging to the University of Oxford at the Clarendon Printing House, 1768 [including a fount of Baskerville's Greek]. Together with a specimen of the Gothic, Runic, Icelandic, and Saxon characters, with Roman, Italick, and Black, given to the University of Oxford by Mr. Francis Junius about the year 1677. (All pica body.) 8vo. Lent by G. A. Spottiswoode^ Esq. This specimen also comprises new letters purchased in the years 1768 to 1774, among which is a long-primer Syriac by Caslon. Dr. Fell's gift of *' punchions and matrices to the University was made in 1666, and Mr. Junius' in 1676. 4369. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon, Letter-founder, London. 8vo. Lent by William Blades^ Esq. A reprint by Luckombe, being pp. 134-173 of his " History and Art of .Printing, 1770." 4370. A Specimen of Cottrell's Doomsday Letter, 1770. 8vo. L^nt by William Blades^ Esq. This also is a reprint by Luckombe, being page 174 of his work. Cla^jaf %.—%^pz anti otjer printing Q^aterial^^ 433 4371. A Specimen of Printing Types by Isaac Moore and Co., Letter- founders in Queen Street, near Upper Moorfields, London. 1770. Framed Sheet. Zeni by A. W. Tuer, Esq. Better known as Fry and Pine's Foundry, begun in 1764, of which Isaac Moore was manager. 4372. A Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies by Edward Rowe Mores, A.M., and A.S.S., 1778. 8vo. Lent by William Blades, Esq. 4373- A Catalogue and Specimen of the large and extensive Printing Type-foundry of the late ingenious Mr. John James, Letter- founder, formerly of Bartholomew Close, deceased; including several other Founderies, English and foreign. Improved by the Reverend and Learned Edward Rowe Mores, deceased. Com- prehending a great variety of punches and matrices of the Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Arabic, ^thiopic, Alexandrian, Greek, Roman, Italic, Saxon, Old English, Hibernian, Script, Secretary, Court-Hand, Mathematical, Musical, and other characters. Flowers and Ornaments: which will be sold by Auction by Mr. Paterson at his Great Room (No. 6), King Street, Covent Garden, London, on Wednesday, 5th June, 1782, and the 3 following days; to begin exactly at 1 2 o'clock. To be viewed on Wednesday, May 29th, and to the time of sale. Catalogues with specimen of the Types may be had at the place of Sale. (Price one shilling.) 8vo. Lent from the Library of the London Institution. This foundry was begun in 1710 by Thomas James, father to John James, who with great difficulty procured his first matrices from Holland. It sub- sequently absorbed the foundries of RoHj, Grover (father and son), Moxon, Andrews (father and son), Head, Mitchell, Hive, and others. Among the punches and matrices for sale are some by De Worde and Pynson. 4374. A Specimen of Printing Tj^^es, being some of the sizes cast in the letter foundry of Dr. Alex. Wilson and Sons. Glasgow, 1783. I page. Folio. Lent by A. W. Tuer, Esq. Reprint, from the second edition of Chambers' Encyclopaedia. 4375. A Specimen of Large letter by William Caslon, London, 1785. Two sheets framed. Lent by A. W. Tuer, Esq. From 7-line to 19-line ; capitals, lower case and figures. Cast in sand. 4376. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon, Letter-founder to His Majesty. London. Printed by Galabin and Baker, 1785. 8vo. See contents of the Caslon Exhibit^ lent by H. W. Caslon and Co. 4377. Ditto. ditto. Lent by yames Fentan^ Esq. F F 434 Ca;cton Celebratfom 4378. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon, Letter-founder to His Majesty, 1785. Folio, 4 pp. Lent by A. IV. Tuer^ Esq. Reprint, from the second edition of Chambers' Encyclopaedia. 4379. Two framed Specimen Sheets of Semi-open Letters, old style t)T>e, from 7-lines to 19-lines Pica, capitals and lower case. Founder and date unknown. Lent by A. W. Tuer^ Esq. 4380. A Specimen of Cast Ornaments on a new plan by William Caslon, Letter-founder to His Majesty. London. Printed by J. W. Galabin, 1786. 8vo. Lent by Talbot B. Reed, Esq. The first specimen of Cast Ornaments by an English founder. 4381. A Specimen of Printing Types by Joseph Fry and Sons, Letter- founders to the Prince of Wales. London, printed in the year 1786. 8vo. Lent by William Blades /Esq. 4382. A Specimen of Brass Card Borders on an entu-e new principle, by C. and A. Paas, Engravers to their Majesties. No. 53 Holborn, London. Printed by T. Rickaby, 1 788. 8vo. LAnt by William Blades^ Esq. 4383. Specimen of Printing T3^es by Vincent Figgins, Letter-founder, Swan Yard, Holborn Bridge, London. 1793. 8vo. Lent by William Blades, Esq. His first specimen, containing 31 Oriental and 7 Roman founts. 4384. Specimen of Metal Cast Ornaments curiously adjusted to paper by Edmund Fry and Isaac Steele, Letter-founders to the Prince of Wales, London. Printed by T. Rickaby, 1794. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 4385. A Specimen of Printing Types by Fry and Steele, Letter-founders to the Prince of Wales, Type Street, London. Printed by T. Rickaby, London, 1795. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 4386. Specimen Sheet of Head and Fable Cuts for Dilworth's Spelling Book, cast on Hard Metal, and curiously adjusted to paper on the best Turkey box. Price £,0^ x.4. By Fry and Steele, Letter- founders, Type Street, London. Framed. Lent by A. W Tuer, Esq. 4387. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon, Letter-founder to the King. Salisbury Square, London. Jan. 1798. 8vo. Lent by W Blades, Esq. The third William Caslon retired from Chiswell Street and purchased Mr. Jackson's foundry in 1792. Cla00 H.— tlTppe and otfier printing 9^ater(al0* 435 4388. A Specimen of Cast Ornaments by William Caslon, Letter- founder to the King. Lx)ndon. Printed by C. Whittingham, 1798. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 4389. Pantographia, containing accurate copies of all the known Alpha- bets in the world, together with an English explanation of the peculiar force or power of each letter ; to which are added speci- mens of all the well-known authenticated Oral Languages, forming a comprehensive digest of Phonology. By Edmund Fry, Letter- founder, Type Street, London. Printed by Cooper and Wilson, 1799. 8vo. Lent by A. W, Tuer^ Esq. With a dedication to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K.B., President of the Royal Society. 4390. A Specimen of Printing Types by Fry, Steele and Co., Letter- founders to the Prince of Wales. London. Printed in the year 1800. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 4391. Thorne's Specimen of Printing T)rpes, Barbican, 1803. No title page. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. Apprentice and successor to Cottrell. 4392. Specimen of Metal Cast Ornaments curiously adjusted to paper by Fry and Steele, Letter-founders to the Prince of Wales, Type Street, London. Printed in the year 1805. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 4393. A Specimen of Modem Cut Printing Types, by Alex. Wilson and Sons, Letter-founders, Glasgow. James Hedderwick and Co., Printers, Bell Street, Glasgow, 1812. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4394. Specimen of Printing Types by William Miller & Co., Edin- burgh, 1 81 5. Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard, The first specimen of this foundry. 4395. Specimen of Printing Types by Edmund Fry, Letter-founder to the King and Prince Regent, Type Street, London, 181 6. 8vo. Lefit by S. Bremner, Esq. 4396. A Specimen of Printing Types, &c. by Blake, Gamett, & Co. (successors to Mr. W. Caslon of London) Letter-founders, Sheffield. 8vo. Paper cover. Lent by Messrs. Stephenson^ Blake, &* Co. "Blake, Gamett, and Co. beg leave respectfully to inform the trade that they have purchased the whole of Mr. W. Caslon's foundry, &c." 43^ Carton Celebration* 4397. Specimen of Printing Types by L. I. Pouch^e at the New Foundry, Great Wild Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 1819. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. Agent in England for Henri Didot's Polymatype. 4398. A Specimen of Book and Newspaper Printing Types by Hugh Hughes, Letter-cutter and Founder, 23, Dean Street, Fetter Lane. No date. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. An engraver, formerly partner with Mr. Thome, Barbican. 4399. Thorowgood's new specimen of Printing Types, late R. Thome's, No. 2, Fann Street, Aldersgate Street, London. A liberal discount on export orders. 8vo. 182 1. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4400. Specimen of the last modern cut Printing Types by A. Bessemer, Letter-founder, Hitchin, Herts, 8vo. 182 1. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4401. Specimen of Printing Types by William Miller, Letter-founder to His Majesty for Scotland. Edinburgh, printed by James Ballan- tyne and Co., 1822. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4402. Specimen of Modern Printing Types by Alex. Wilson and Sons, Glasgow, 1823. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4403. Specimen of Printing Types by Vincent Figgins, Letter-founder, West Street, West Smithfield, London, 1824. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4404. Specimen of the last modem cut Printing Types by A. Bessemer and J. J. Catherwood, Letter-founders, Hitchin, Herts. (J. J. Catherwood, late of the Chiswell Street Foundry, London.) 1825. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 4405. Supplement to Blake, Gamett, and Co.'s Specimen. 1826. 8vo. Paper cover. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4406. Specimen of Printing Types by Blake, Gamett, and Co. (successors to Mr. W. Caslon of London), Letter-founders, Allen Street, Sheffield, 1827. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4407. Specimens of Printing Types cast at Austin's Imperial Letter Foundry, Worship Street, Shoreditch, London, 1827. 8vo. L^nt by S. Bremner, Esq. An engraver, by whom several of Wilson's and Miller's early founts were cut. Claj2(0 ?l*— ^ppe anti ot^ec ^tintin^ a^aterialie?* 437 4408. Specimen of Printing Types by Vincent Figgins, Letter-founder, London, 1827. i6mo. Paper cover. Zeni by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4409. Supplements to Blake, Gamett, & Co.'s Specimen. 1827 and 1828. 8vo. Paper covers. Lent by S, Bremner, Esq, 4410. Specimen of Modem Printing Types, by Alex. Wilson and Sons, Letter-founders, Glasgow, 1828. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq, 441 1. Specimen of Printing Types by Caslon and Livermore, Letter- founders, Chiswell Street, London. Bensley, Printer, 1830. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4412. Specimen of the last modern cut Printing Types, by A. Bessemer, Letter-founder, 54, Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, London, 1830. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4413. Thorowgood's Specimens of Greeks, Hebrews, and Foreign Cha- racters, late the property of Dr. Edmund Fry. Title and first page only. 1830. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4414. Select Specimen of Printing Types by Blake and Stephenson, Sheffield, 1830. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4415. Specimen of Printing Types by Blake and Stephenson (successors to Mr. W. Caslon, of London), Letter-founders, Sheffield, 1831. 8vo. Lent by Messrs. Stephenson^ Blake^ and Co. This book contains an interesting autograph memorandum by Mr. Hansard, author of *' Typographia." 4416. Specimen of Vizetelly, Branston, and Co.'s Cast Metal Ornaments, produced by a new and improved method, greater in number and variety, superior in design and execution, and considerably cheaper in price than any collection hitherto offered to the notice of the printers. 76, Fleet Street, London, January, 1832. 4to. Lent by James Fenton, Esq, The new method referred to is the soldering of the casts on metal mounts. 4417. Specimen of Printing Types by Vincent Figgins, Letter-founder, West Street, West Smithfield, London, 1832. 8vo. Lent by S, Bremner, Esq. 438 Ca;cton Celebration. 4418. Additions and Supplement to the Specimen of the Fann Street Foundry, 1830 and 1832. Two Books. Paper covers. 8vo. Lent by S. Bretntur^ Esq. 4419. Specimen of Printing Types by Blake and Stephenson (successors to Mr. W. Caslon, of London), Letter-founders, Sheffield, 1833. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq, 4420. Specimen of Modern Printing Types cast at the Letter-foundry of Alex. Wilson and Sons, Glasgow, 1833. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4421. Specimen of Printing Types by Caslon and Livermore, Letter- founders, Chiswell Street, London. Bensley, Printer, 1834. 8vo. Lent by A. W. Tuer, Esq. 4422. Specimen of Printing Types by Vincent Figgins, Letter-founder, West Street, West Smithfield, London, 1835. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4423. Supplement to Blake and Stephenson's Specimen of Printing Types. Sheffield, 1836. 8vo. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4424. Specimen of Book and Newspaper Type from the Foundry of Vincent and James Figgins. London, 1838. 4to. 4425. A Specimen of the Printing Types in the Fann Street Foundr)', W. Thorowgood and Co. London, 1838. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4426. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Miller and Co., Letter- founders to Her Majesty for Scotland. Printed by Oliver and Boyd, Tweedale Court, 1838. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4427. Specimen of Printing Types by Blake and Stephenson (successors to Mr. W. Caslon, of London), Letter-founders. Sheffield, 1839. 8vo. 4428. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Miller and Co., Letter- founders to Her Majesty for Scotland. Printed by Oliver and Boyd, Tweedale Court, 1839. 4to. Lent by S. Bremner, Esq. 4429. A Specimen Book of Types cast at the Austin Letter-foundry by Wood and Sharwoods, No. 1 20, Aldersgate Street, London, 1 839. 4to. Lent by A. W. Tuer, Esq. Clajsjs IL*— ^ppe anil ot^er pn'ntfnff a^atecfal^. 439 4430. Specimen of Modem Printing Types cast at the Letter-foundr>' of Duncan Sinclair and Sons, Whiteford House, Edinburgh, 1840. 4to. Lent by S. Bretnner^ Esq. 4431. Specimen of Printing Types by Stephenson, Blake, and Co., Letter-founders, Sheffield, 1842. 8vo. Lent by A. IV. Tuer, Esq. 4432. Specimen of Printing Types by V. and J. Figgins (successors to Vincent Figgins), Letter-founders, West Street, West Smithfield, London, 1842. 8vo. Lent by C. Poplett^ Esq. 4433. Specimen of Two-line Letters, Book and Newspaper Founts, and Metal Rules and Borders, by Alex. Wilson and Sons, London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, 1843. Long 4to. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 4434. Glasgow Letter-foundry, London. Specimens of Punches and Matrices for Sale by Auction on the premises. Great New Street, Gough Square, by V. and J. Collier, 25th and 26th of June (no date of year). 4to. The Glasgow Foundry was incorporated in 185 1 with the Caslon Foundry. 4435. Specimen of Printing Types by Stephenson, Blake, and Co., Letter-founders, Sheffield, 1847. 8vo. Lent by Messrs. Stephenson, Blake, and Co. 4436. Specimen of Fifteen Hundred Metal Ornaments, polytyped by S. and T. Sharwood, 120, Aldersgate Street, London. 4to. Lent by James Fenton, Esq. 4437. Fann Street Letter-foundry, London. A General Specimen of Printing Types. Robert Besley and Co., late W. Thorowgood and Co. 1850. 4to. Junt by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4438. A Specimen Book of Types cast by S. and T. Sham'ood, at their Austin Letter-foundry, No. 120, Aldersgate Street, London, 1854. 4to. 4439. Catalogue of the Materials of an eminent Type-foundry for Sale by Private Contract. Application to be made to Mr. Joseph M. Powell, 3, Bouverie Street, 1870. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. The stock of John Sinclair, Whiteford House, Edinburgh. 4440. Modern Specimen Books by H. W. Caslon and Co., Chiswell Street, 1877. Two copies. Se€ contents of the Caslon Exhibit, lent by H. W, Caslon caul Co. 440 Cajcton Celebration* 4441. Fann Street Letter-foundry, London. A General Specimen of Printing Types. Reed and Fox (late R. Besley and Co.), 1877. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. With early specimens in comparison. 4442. A Framed Specimen of Printing Types of the Fann Street Foundry, London, 1877. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4443. Specimen of Printing Types by Stephenson, Blake, and Co., Letter-founders, Sheffield and London, 1877. Lent by Messrs. Stephenson^ Blake^ and Co. 4444. Specimens of Wood Letter, old and new. Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard. 4445. Specimens of Printing Types by Miller and Richard, Letter- founders to Her Majesty for Scotland. Edinburgh and London, 1877. Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard. 4446. A Specimen of Gem Type (being a page from John Bellows' French and English Dictionary, new edition). Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard. HOLLAND. Collection of early Dutch Specimen Books and Sheets lent by MM. Jean Enschede et Fils, Haerleniy viz. : — 4447. Athias, Amsterdam, 1683; with i page containing characters cut by C. Van Dyk for the Maison Elzevir. 4448. Succ. — Jan Jacobsz Schipper, Amsterdam. 4449. Succ. — Wed. Clyburg, Amsterdam, 1705 ; with a catalogue of his sale. 4450. Succ. — Jan Roman, Amsterdam, 1767, a page same as Athias; also catalogue of his sale. 4451. R. and H. F. Wetstein, Amsterdam, 1740. 4452. Succ — Hendrick Floris Wetstein, 1743. 4453. Veuve Dirk Voskens, 1677. 4454 Succ. — Veuve Dirk Voskens et Fils. 4455. Succ— Voskens et Clerk, 1780; with catalogue of sale. Cla00 Ti.—%^pz anil ot^ec ^vintirtQ 9^aterial0^ 441 4456. Succ. — A. G. Mappa, Rotterdam. 4457. Isaac Van der Putte, Amsterdam. 4458. Suca — Hendrick Van der Putte. 4459. Anthonie et Hendrick Bruyn, Amsterdam. 4460. Hermanus Uytwerf, Amsterdam; 3 pp. of characters cut by Van der Velde. 4461. Succ— R. C. Alberts et H. Uytwerf, 1750. 4462. Joannes Dauu en Co. (Joannes Dauu en Jan Smid), Rotterdam, 1780. 4463. Succ. — J. de Groot, 1781. 4464. Succ. — Harmsen, 18 18. 4465. Brouwer and Weyer, Amsterdam. 4466. J. L. Pfeiffer, Amsterdam. 4467. C. Nozeman, Haerlem, 1760; with catalogue of sale. 4468. WiLLEM CuPY, Amsterdam, i p. of Hebrews. 4469. Jacobus Franciscus Rosart, Haerlem, 17 14-1777. 4470. The same, Brussels ; 2 pp. flowers. 4471. Succ. — Veuve Decellier, Brussels, Specimen; no title page. 4472. Freres Ploos van Amstel, Amsterdam, 1 767-1 780. 4473. Isaac and John Enschede, Haerlem. i sheet, the last of Wetstein. Ditto, the first of Enschedd Specimens, 1744, 1748, 1757. 4474. Succ. — Jean Enschedd, Specimen, 1 768-1 773. 4475. Succ. — ^Jean Enschede et fils. Specimen, 1806, 1816, 1877. 4476. Proeve der Drukkerye van Mr. Abraham Elzevir in sijn Leven Drukker van der Universiteyt tot Leyden. Bestaande in vier schoone Druk-Parssen, waar oudei drie met kopere Degels zijn, als mede verscheyde Soorten van Arabische, Sirische Samari- taanische, ^thiopische, Cursijfsche, Hoog-en Neerduytsche, en meere andere Letteren, &c. Welche verkocht sal werden tot Leyden in de Academy, op Maandag den 20 February, 1713. 's 442 Cajcton Cclebratiom morgens ten 9, uuren pregys. Alles sel daags te vooren van de Gegadinge konnen gesein werden, en de Catalogus is te bekomen by, Fran9oys Heeneman, op de Haarlem-straat in de Vergulde Son. 4to. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. Abraham Elzevir died at Leyden, July 30, 1712. His printing-office and Type-foundry was sold in February of the following year, and passed into several hands, realizing only 2,000 florins. 4477. Versameling van een Party Curieuse Letteren in allerlei Soorten, Volgens de Proeven daar van in deze Catalogus opgegeven. Alle by een Vergaderd, en nagelaten op de Dnikkery van Wylen de Heer Rudolph Wetstein waar by zyn vier schoone Druk-Parssen alle met yzere Fondamenten, en Kopere Platen onder de Degels ; De Verkopinge van deze zal gehouden werden ten Huyse Hen- drick Floris Wetstein, op de Beschyt-market, op Woensdag den 13 Maart 1743. Alwaar daags voor de Verkoping, den s'morgens van 9 tot 12, en namiddags van 2 tot 5 uren alles zal te sien zyn. De Catalogus is te be komen te Amsterdam by A. Schoo- nenburg. 4to. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. Wetstein's foundry at Amsterdam was sold on March 13th, 1743, and pur- chased by Isaac and John Enschede, who removed it to Haerlem, where it formed the foundation of their celebrated foundry. 4478. Proef van Letteren, welke gegoten worden in de Nieuwe Letter-gietery van Izaak en J oh. Enschedd te Haerlem. 8vo. 1743. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. The first specimen book of this firm, with a frontispiece awarding the invention of printing to Koster, of Haerlem. 4479. Proef van Letteren welke gegoten worden in de Nieuwe Letter- Gietery van Izaak en Joh. Enschede te Haerlem. Tweede vermeerderde Uytgave. Vermeerderd en verbeterd tot het Jaar 1748. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 4480. Proef van Letteren die gegoten worden in de nieuwe Gieterye van C. Nozeman & Comp. te Haerlem, 1756. Lent by James Fenton, Esq. Described by Enschede as a "pasteur remonstrant." His foundry was sold in lots, November ii, 1760, and subsequently came into possession of the Haerlem Foundry. 4481. Proef van Letteren welke gegoten worden in de Nieuwe Letter- Gietery van Izaak en Joh. Enschede te Haerlem. Derde Uyt- gave. Vermeerderd en verbeterd tot het Jaar 1757. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. Containing portrait of John Enschede, and engraved frontispiece; also a preface giving a short account of the foundry. Cla00 lL.—%^pz antr otjer printing 99aterial0. 443 4482. Proef van Letteren welke gegoten worden in de Niewe Haer- lemsche Lettergietery van J. Ensched^, 1768. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. With portraits of John Ensched^, Junius, Fleischman (the punch-cutter), Koster, and a representation of the interior of the foundry. The titles of the founts are given in Dutch, French, English, and German. 4483. Proeve van Letteren welke gevonden worden ter Boekdrukkerye van Herdingh en Du Mortier te Leyden. 1793. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. Afterwards united with the Haerlem Foundry. 4484. Proeve van eenige Nieuwe Schriften, van eene Nieuwe Snede, welke onder anderen voorhanden zyn en gegoten worden op de lettergietery onder de firma Gebroeders Ploos van Amstel ; op de Leydsche graft te Amsterdam. 1796. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. This foundry was also absorbed by the Haerlem Foundry. 4485. Specimen des Caractbres Typographiques Anciens qui se trouvent dans la collection typographique de Joh. Enschedd et Fils, Im- primeurs k Haerlem. 1867. 4to. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. With interesting account of the foundry, life of Fleischman, remarks on Van Dyck, Rosart, and various other punch-cutters and type-founders, &c. The Enschede Foundry absorbed the foundries of the Wetsteins, Dirk Voskens (which included the foundry of J. Bleau, the co-worker of Tycho Brahe), Hen- drick der Bruyn, Van der Putte, Van der Welde, Uytworf, Nozeman, and Ploos van Amstel (which included the foundries of Athias, Elzevir, and Jan Roman). GERMANY. 4486. Typorum et Characterum Officinse Chalcographies, Georgii Leopoldi Fuhrmanni, Civis et Bibliopolae Norici, tarn ad linguas, Germanicam, Latinam, Grsecam, qukm ad Gallicam, Germanicam- que Testudinis Tabulaturam novam; Notas item musicas figurales, quas vocant, et Chorales, pertinentium : Cum multis idgenusaliis ad Typographiam spectantibus : Concinnata et exhibita a possessore supradicto. Nurembergae, 1616. 4to. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. With an introduction giving an account of the origin of printing, followed by the poem, "Artis Typographicae Quserimonia," in Latin verse, by Henr. Sphephanus. On title-page is a woodcut representing the interior of Fuhr- mann's printing-office. 4487. ScHRiFT-Probe oder Kurzes Verzeichniss derjenigen Hebraisch, Griechisch, Lateinisch und Teutschen Schriften, welche in Herm Bernhard Christoph Breitkopfs Schriftgiesserey allhier befindlich sind. Dabey man mehrentheils bemerket hat, von wem eine jede Schrift in Messing oder Stahl ist geschnidten worden, 1739. Leipsig. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. 444 Carton Celebration* 4488. ScHRiFT proben aus der Giesserey von Geo. Decker. Berlin, 1 8 1 3. 8vo. Lent by yames Fenton, Esq. 4489. PROBE-Blatter der Andreaischen Schriftgiesserey in Frankfort-am- Main, 1823. 9 sheets. Lent by Messrs. Reed 6^ Fox. 4490. ScHRiFT proben der Buchdruckerey von Dr. Carl Wolff in Miinchen. 1825. 410. Lent by W. Blades^ Esq. 4491. Proben aus der Schriftschneiderei Schrift-und Metall-Buchstaben Giesserei von F. Dresler und Rost-Fingerlin in Frankfurt-am- Main. 1832. Gedruckt bei Streng und Schneider. 410. Lent by Talbot B. Reed, Esq. 4492. ScHRiFT proben der Hof-Buchdruckerei von C. Macklot, Karls- ruhe, ausgegeben am 24 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Unt by W. Blades, Esq. 4493. Alphabete Orientalischer und Occidentalischer Sprachen, zum Gebrauch fur Schriftsetzer und Correctoren, zusammengestellt von Friedrich Ballhom. Leipsig; in Commission bei F. A. Brockhaus. 1853. L^nt by yames Fenton, Esq. 4494. LiSTE der Hieroglyphischen Typen aus der Schriftgiesserei des Herm F. Theinhardt in Berlin. Preis 3 Mark. Berlin, Buch- druckerei der Konigl. Akademei der Wissenschaften (G. Voght) Universitatsstrasse 8. 1875. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq, A curious collection of hieroglyphic alphabets of 25 classes, including men, women, gods, animals, birds, fishes, vegetables, &c. 4495. Founders' Specimen Book, with Music and Oriental Languages, 1733. Lent by M. Fischbach, Esq. AUSTRIA. 4496. Specimen Characterum in neo-erecta Typorum Fusura Posonii apud Johannem Michaelem Landerer Typographum Existentium. Anno 1770. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. Printing was not introduced into Posen (Presburg), the capital of Lower Hungary, till the year 1612. 4497. ScHRiFT-und Druck-Proben der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Hof-und Staatsdruckerei. Wien, 1850. Series complete in i vol. Impe- rial folio. L^nt by Nicholas Triibner, Esq. This magnificent work, compiled by the late Aloys von Auer, Director of the Imperial Royal Printing Office at Vienna, was exhibited in single sheets, selected, at the London International Exhibition of 1862. It comprises alpha- bets of all the known languages of the world, dead or living, and complete specimens of oriental, archaic, and mediaeval founts, besides a large number of book illustrations — ancient and modern, charts, ornaments, &c. A full de- scription by Mr. Triibner of this remarkable work accompanies the specimen. Cla00 1L.— ^ppe anb ot^er ^vintinQ 9^aterfal0. 445 Alfabete des Gesammten Erdkreises aus der K. K. Hof-und Staatsdnickerei, in Wien. Zweite Auflage. Wien, Druck und Verlag der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Hof-und Staatsdnickerei, 1876. 4to. Zeni by W. Blades^ Esq. A large collection of foreign alphabets of every language, issued by the State Printing Office at Vienna. ITALY. Indice de Caratteri, con I'lnuentori & nomi ' de essi, esistenti nella Stampa Vaticana, & Camerale. All' 111™° et R™> Sig. il Sig. Francesco, Card. Barberino. In Roma, 1628. 4to. Zenf by W. Blades^ Esq. Printed on green coarse paper. Containing ancient, Oriental, and Roman founts, many of them cast for the missionaries of the Propaganda. With a dedication to Cardinal Barberino, nephew to Pope Urban VIII. Bodoni learnt his art at this office. FRANCE. 4500. Epreuve du premier Alphabeth, droit et pench^, om^ de quadres et de cartouches. Graves par ordre du Roi pour I'lmprimerie Royale par Louis Luce, et finis en 1740. 32mo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. A curious specimen, bound, of a minute Roman fount, with italic and flowers. 10 pp. 4501. Epreuves generales des Caractbres qui se trouvent chez Claude Lamesle, Fondeur de Caract^res d'Imprimeri«. A Paris, 1742. 8vo. Lent by MM. Enschede et Eils, Haerlem, 4502. Epreuves des Caract^res de la Fonderie de Nicolas Gando, A Paris, de I'lmprimerie de Jacques Guerin. 1 745. 4to. Lent by MM. Enschede et Fils. 4503. Les Caractbres de I'lmprimerie par Fournier le Jeune. A Paris, Place de I'Estrapade, Rue des Postes, 1764. 8vo. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. Foumier's foundry was the most ancient in France, being commenced by Guilliaine le B^, to whose great-grandson Fournier the elder was manager. 4504. EssAi d'une nouvelle Typographie, om^ de Vignettes, Fleurons, Trophies, Filets, Cadres et Cartels, invent^, dessinds et ex^ut^s par L. Luce, Graveur du Roi, pour son Imprimerie Royale. D6iide 446 Cajcton Celebratfom au Roi. A Paris. De rimprimerie de J. Barbon, rue de Ma- thurins. 4to. 1771. Lent by W. Blades y Esq. "Cet Ouvrage, compost, desin^ et execute par Louis Luce, graveur du Roi, pour son Imprimerie Royale, a et^ commence en I'annee 1740, et fini en 1770.' Containing copy of Royal patent, and extract from the registers of the Royal Academy of Sciences, in reference to M. Luce's type. 4505. Epreuve des Caract^res de la Fonderie de Joseph Gill^, graveur et fondeur des caractbres de rimprimerie des Departmens de la Guerre, Marine, et Affaires Etrang^res, A Paris. 1773. 4to. Lent by MM. Enschede et Fils. 4506. Epreuves de la Fonderie de F. G. Levrault, Rue des Juifs No. 33 k Strasbourg, de rimprimerie de F. G. Levrault, Imprimeur du Roi. Folio. 18 15. Lent by W. Blades ^ Esq. Including a page of *' Caract^res anglois, ou dans le genre de Baskerville." 4507. Epreuves des Caracteres graves et fondus par Leger, neveu et successeur de Didot, Quai des Augustins No. 17 k Paris. 5 royal sheets. 18 19. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4508. Caracteres graves et Fondus par Mol^ jeune, Graveur et Fondeur brevetd du Roi. 14 sheets royal. 181 5 and 181 9. L^nt by Messrs. Reed and Fox. Including a specification of his patented French Furniture, 181 5. 4509. Feuilles d'Epreuve de la Fonderie de Firmin Didot, Rue Jacob No. 24, Paris. 1 81 7 to 182 1. 4 sheets. L^nt by W. Blades, Esq. 4510. Specimen des Nouveaux Caractbres de la Fonderie et de rimpri- merie de P. Didot, I'Ain^, Chevalier de I'Ordre Royale de Saint Michel, Imprimeur du Roi et de la Chambre de Paris, Dedi^ k Jules Didot mon Fils, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur k Paris. Chez P. Didot I'Aind et Jules Didot, fils. Rue du Pont de Lodi No. 6. 1 81 9. 4to. Lent by W. Blades , Esq. The founts are all designated according to M. Didot's new system of points, by numbered bodies, Pica corresponding nearly to 12 of such points. The book contains a supplement, with three original odes by M. P. Didot. 45 1 1. Specimen des Caracteres graves et fondus par Firmin Didot Rue Jacob No. 24, k Paris. 3 sheets. 181 7 to 182 1. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4512. Fonderie Polymatype de Henri Didot et Cie., Rue de Petit- Vaurigard No. 13, k Paris. 2 sheets. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. Cla00 %^—%i^pt anD ottier ^vintinQ Q^ateriaW. 447 45 1 3. Epreuves de la Fonderie de Gando et Fils, Graveurs et Fondeurs k Paris et Bruxelles. 3 sheets of Vignettes, 2 sheets of Roman and Titling. Zenf by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4514. Epreuves des Caractbres Graves et Fondus par Petibon, Rue des Noyers 3, k Paris. 1841. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. 4515. Laurent et Debemy. Epreuves des Caractbres. Fonderie Typographique. Paris. Rue Visconti 17, pr^s le Palais des Beaux Arts. Folio. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox, 4516. Gravure et Fonderie de C. Derriey. Specimen Album. Paris, Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs, 6 et 12. 1862. 4to. Lent by MM. Berthier et Cie.^ Farts. Born 1808, died 1877. He was celebrated not only as a typefounder, but as a mechanic, and invented several machines in connection with printing. 45 1 7. Ditto. ditto. Lent by S. Bremner^ Esq. 45 18. Album d'Impressions Typographiques en Couleur de I'lmprimerie de G. Silbermann k Strasbourg et Paris. 1872. 4to. Lent by MM. Berthier et Cie. BELGIUM. 4519. Specimens of Flowers by Jacobus Franciscus Rosart. Brussels. 2 pp. L^nt by MM. Enschede et Fils. 4520. Epreuves des Caractbres de la Fonderie de Veuve D^ellier, k Bruxelles. No title-page. 8vo. Lent by MM. Enschede et Fils. Successor to Rosart. 4521. Epreuves des Caract^res de la Fonderie de J. L. de Boubers, \ Bruxelles. 1777. 8vo. Lent by MM. Enschede et Fils. The name of M. Rosart fils, or of Gill^ after each fount, indicates by whom the punches were cut. 4522. Epreuves des Caract^res de Foudriat et Pennequin, Graveurs et Fondeurs, Rue Villa-Hermosa, No. 766, k Bruxelles. 3 sheets. Folio. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. RUSSIA. 4523. Alphabets of European and Asiatic Languages, with instructions for correcting proof. By R. Nippert. St. Petersburg. 1859. 8vo. Lent by C. W. H. Wymany Esq. A manual for compositors and readers on the composition of foreign languages. 448 Cajcton Celebratiom 4524. Specimen of Plain and Ornamental Type of the printing-office in connection with the Imperial Academy of Sciences. St. Peters- burg, 1862. 8vo. Lent by C. W. If. Wyman^ Esq. 4525. Das Gebet des Herm in den Sprachen Russlands. St. Peters- burg, 1870. 8vo. Lent by C. W. H. Wy man, Esq. The Lord's Prayer in 108 dialects of the Russian language. 4526. Specimen of Type of the printing-office of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. St Petersburg, 1870. 4to. Lent by C. W. H. Wyman, Esq. The first printing-press was introduced into St. Petersburg in 17 10, by Peter the Great. The Imperial Academy of Sciences was founded in 1725, and the printing-office in connection with it opened in 1728. This specimen includes the Lord's Prayer in 325 languages, besides illustrations of relief printing, nature printing, and printing for the blind. SPAIN. 4527. Muestrario 5° de la Fundicion Tipografica de Don Juan Aguado. Madrid, Calle del Cid, Numero 4, Barrio de Reco- letos. Folio. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. JAPAN. 4528. Specimens of the Type-foundry Tskiji at Tokei. 1876. 4to. Lent by W. Blades, Esq. A specimen of the first Japanese foundry. CANADA. 4529. Specimens of Printing Types, plain and ornamental. Rules, Bor- ders, Cuts, &c., from the Montreal Type-foundry, Charles T. Pals- grave, proprietor. Montreal, i, St. Helen's Street ; and Toronto, 33, Colbome Street. 1865. 4to. UNITED STATES. 4530. Specimens of Printing Types, &c., cast and made by George Bruce, No. 13, Chambers Street, City of New York, Sept. 1853. 8vo. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. This foundry was established in 181 3. 4531. Specimens of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Rules, &c., made at the Type and Electro-type Foundry of James Conner and Sons, 29, 31, and 33, Beekman Street, New York, 1859. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. Cla00 ll»— 'ZCppe anH otjec printing a^atenal^. 449 4532. Supplementary Specimens from the Cincinnati Type-foundry. Horace Wells, Agent 4to. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox, 4533. Selections of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Borders, Rules, Cuts, &c., made by Farmer, Little, & Co., 63 and 65, Beekman Street, New York, 1868. 4to. Lent by Messrs. Reed and Fox. Originally White's foundry, established 1810. 4534. Abridged Specimen Book,Bruce's New York Type-foundry, 1869. Lent by Messrs. Geo. Brtue^ Son^ and Co. 4535. The Printer's Handybook of Specimens, exhibiting the choicest productions of every description ; made at the Johnson Type- foundry, comprising every article essential for a book, newspaper, or job printing-office. McKellar, Smith, and Jordan, Ofl&ce and Foundry, 606-614, Sanson Street, Philadelphia, 1876. This foundry, established 1796, was originally Binney and Ronaldson's, who purchased the materials brought in 1775 by Dr. Franklin from France. Their first specimen was issued 181 2. 4536. Specimen of the Johnson Type Foundry, McKellar, Smith, and Jordan, Philadelphia. 1876. Folio. Lent by Messrs. McKellar, Smith, and Jordan. A magnificent edition, prepared for the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876. 4537. The Specimen Book of Collins and McLeester, Philadelphia, with Supplement, 1877. Section V. THE INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES OF THE LETTER- PRESS PRINTER. T is by no means a rash assertion that four-fifths of those who daily con their favourite newspaper or skim over the fashionable three-volume novel have but the very faintest idea of the means by which their literary pabulum is pro- duced. If asked to describe the process of making a book they would probably reply that it was the joint product of the author, the printer, and the binder ; but though they would have little difficulty in describing the labours of the first, they would be at a loss to explain the functions of the others. A few words, then, anent the practice of the art of printing will be welcome to most of the visitors to this Exhibi- tion, to whom the purposes of many of the exhibits will thus be rendered intelligible. GG 450 Carton Celebration* On receiving the manuscript, or " copy " as it is technically called, the first thing the printer has to do is to determine upon the size of the type to be used, and the width and length of the pages of the future printed book. Having done this, he delivers the copy to the compositor whose duty it is to set it up in type. The types are kept in " cases," or shallow trays, divided into a number of compartments or "boxes," one for each character; a pair of these cases contains a " fount " of type, i.e. a quantity of each letter of the alphabet, together with points, signs and " spaces," or pieces of metal for obtaining the blanks between the words. The compositor places a pair of these cases on his " frame ; " that nearer to him contains the small letters and spaces and is called the " lower case," the farther contains the capital letters and the signs, and is called the " upper case." One by one he takes from the boxes the letters required, and places them in the little tray, or " composing stick," he holds in his left hand ; adding after each word the necessary " space ; " and so on until he has set a line the full width of his stick. If the line is not exactly the width, he must "justify " it, that is, he must place more spaces between the words. This done, he sets up another line upon the first, and so on till his stick is full. He then lifts the " matter " (the composed types) out of the stick and places it upon a long tray or " galley." The same process goes on until the galley is full, and then it is taken to the " galley press," the types are inked and a proof is " pulled " (printed). The proof is read by the " reader," who marks all the mistakes in it, and on its being returned to the compositor that functionary makes the needful correc- tions in the matter. He then takes a sufficient number of lines to make a " page," ties them round with string, and transfers the page to the " imposing surface " — a table with a smooth iron top. When he has as many pages on the surface as are required for printing upon one side of the sheet of paper he imposes the " forme," that is, he places the pages in such positions that when the sheet is printed and folded they will fall in the proper order. Next he takes a " chase," or frame of iron, which encloses the whole forme, and then he lays between the pages some pieces of wood or " furniture," so that there may be the proper margin, and when this is done he places some long, wedge-shaped sticks at the side and foot of the forme (hence they are called " side and foot sticks"), and between these and the chase inserts small wooden wedges called " quoins ; " these are driven up by means of the " mallet " and " shoot- ing stick," and the forme is thus " locked up " in the chase, so that it may be carried about without fear of any of the types falling out. To ensure that no types are sticking up higher than others, he " planes " the forme by passing over it a flat piece of wood, and then carries it off to the press or machine. Here another proof is pulled, and when it is finally revised, the forme is "worked off" by the pressmen or the machine-minder as the case may be — that is to say, the proper number ClajaJjJ IL*— ^ppe and otjec J^rintCng 9?atenal0* 451 of sheets are printed from it. It is the pressman's duty to see that the impression is even, that the ink is properly distributed, that the wood- cuts, if there are any, are properly " brought up " (so printed that the various degrees of light and shade are produced), and that the pages duly " register," or fall exactly on the back of one another. Such is a brief outline of the operations of the printing office of the present day. In the earliest times they were somewhat simpler. The types were taken from the boxes and placed at once in a shallow tray or " coffin," which had a bottom to prevent them from falling out. The first printers were not particular as to the evenness in length of their lines, as may be seen from their works, but this barbarism soon disappeared, and lines were justified as at present. When the coffin was full, strips of wood were placed at the side and foot, and the forme tightened by means of screws. The chase, at first made of wood, came into use about the end of the sixteenth century. The earliest illustration of a printing-press is to be found in a book printed by Jodocus Badius Ascensius, of Lyons, in 1507. The same printer issued another and a larger illustration in later years, and an in- teresting woodcut is to be found in Amman's Book of Trades, 1568. It would appear that the original press was all of wood, with the ex- ception of the " bed " (the place where the type lies), which was of smooth stone. The " platen " (the flat piece that presses upon the paper) was very small, and the impression was given by means of a screw turned by a straight handle. There was no spring in the impression, the pull was a dead one. The ink was very liquid, and was applied by balls of sheepskin stuffed with wool. The first improvement in the press was made in the beginning of the seventeenth century by Willem Jansen Blaew, of Amsterdam, who strengthened it, and gave a spring to the im- pression. This press, with slight improvements, remained in vogue till the year 1800, when Charles Mahon, third Earl Stanhope, invented one made of iron with a series of powerful levers which enabled the platen to be greatly enlarged. His press is the foundation of those used at the present day, namely, the Columbian, invented by George Clymer, of Philadelphia, and patented in England in 1817, and the Albion, invented by R. W. Cope, of London, in 1824. These presses are worked by hand and require two workmen. They are being superseded by " Ma- chines," driven by steam or treadle. Printing machines are of three kinds : platen machines, ordinary cylinder machines, and rotary machines. In the first, the type is on a flat bed, and receives the impression from a flat surface ; in the second, the bed is flat, and is made to pass under a revolving cylinder which gives the impression ; in the third, the type is placed on the periphery of one cylinder and is pressed by another. The principles of the second and third kinds were patented by William Nicholson in 1790, but the first 452 Ca;cton Celebratiom actual machine was made here by Frederick Konig, a Saxon, in 1810. It was of the platen kind, and not very successful. Two years later he made a cylinder machine, and in 18 14 erected at the Times office a double or " two-feeder " machine — that is to say, a machine that would print two sheets at once. According to the kinds of work that they are intended for, printing machines are divided into fast newspaper machines, book machines, and jobbing machines. The first class is chiefly composed of rotary machines, the second comprises both cylinder and platen machines driven by steam power, though the former greatly preponderate, while the third consists of small cylinder and platen machines worked by steam or by treadle. Of book machines we have, first, the " perfecting " machine (one that prints the sheet on both sides), which generally comprises two large cylinders such as that invented by Cowper and Applegath in 1818-24; secondly, the large-cylinder gripper machine, invented by Napier in 1824, and the small-cylinder gripper machine, first made by Main, in 1851, and at the present time the most usual of all; and thirdly, the large platen machine, a development of the hand press. This last is now rapidly becoming obsolete. Jobbing machines comprise small editions of the cylinder book ma- chines, and a new kind of platen machine introduced into this country from the United States in 1867. During the ten years which have elapsed since that date, it has been generally adopted throughout the country. It is only made in small sizes, and is for the most part driven by treadle by the lad who works it. A few years ago, all cylinder machines required a lad to *' lay on " or " feed " the sheets to be printed, and another to take them off, or " fly " them. Of late, however, they have been fitted with automatic flyers, which dispense with the attendance of one of the boys. Feeding is still performed by hand, though machines have been constructed to super- sede manual labour in this department. The last brought out in this country is the invention of an ingenious American. Most newspapers were originally printed on ordinary single cylinder machines. The Times ^ however, as has been already stated, procured from Konig a two-feeder machine, and this was capable of producing 1,100 impressions an hour. Cowper and Applegath subsequently im- proved it, so that it would print 2,000, and in 1827 they constructed a machine with four impression cylinders, which would turn out 6,000 im- pressions per hour. This was used at the Times office till 1847, when Applegath brought out his eight-feeder vertical rotary machine, capable of producing 12,000 impressions an hour. In 1852 Hoe's rotary machine was introduced from America. A ten-feeder of this kind, as used by the leading London papers, would print 20,000 per hour. These machines printed only on one side. The next advance was ClajafjJ lL.—%^^z and otjer prfnting; 9^aterfal0* 453 made by Marinoni, of Paris, who constructed a machine to print 10,000 perfect papers per hour, with little more than half the number of men required by the Hoe. His machine was adopted by the proprietors of the Echo in 1868, and may be remembered by those who visited these galleries during the International Exhibition of 1872. Newspapers of the present day are for the most part printed on what are called " Web " machines, the principle of which was to some extent foreshadowed by Nicholson in the last century, but the first actual machine in which the practical difficulties were overcome was invented and exhibited by Mr. (now Sir) Rowland Hill in 1835-6. Owing, how- ever, to the refusal of Government to allow the Newspaper Duty Stamp to be impressed on the paper as it passed through the machine the adoption of such machines was at that time rendered impossible, and the practical application of the principle was not made until a dozen years ago, when it was contemporaneously effected in the United States by Mr. Charles Bullock, and in this country by Messrs. Macdonald and Calverley, of the Times office. The machine invented by the latter is called the "Walter Press," and is constructed to print from a reel of paper some five miles in length, and to separate and deliver more than 1 2,000 perfect sheets per hour, with the attendance of but one man and two boys. Several other machines are now made on the same principle, some of them delivering the papers folded as well as printed. Though of late years the development of the printing press has been very rapid, the mechanical appliances of the compositor have remained almost unchanged. Attempts have been made to substitute machinery for manual labour in the operation of type-setting, but they have not yet been successful, and its use is quite exceptional. Specimens of all the best machines of this kind are shown in operation in this Exhibition, and their leading features are described in the body of the catalogue. Arthur C. J. Powelu PRINTING MACHINERY, APPLIANCES, AND MATERIAL. The machinery is driven by a twelve horse-power portable steam-engine and boiler, lent by Messrs. Ransorae and Sims ; by a three and a half horse-power "Otto" silent gas-engine lent by Messrs. Crossley Bros., and by a small gas-engine lent by Messrs. Louis Simon & Sons. 4538. A Compositor's Case as used by Caxton, showing all the com- binations and double letters in his founts. Ltnt by Mt. W. Blades. 4539. Wooden Composing Stick. Belgium. i6th century. Fixed measure for a folio page. An exact facsimile of one in the Plantin Museum^ Antwerp. Lent by Mr. W. Blades. 454 Cajpton Celebration. 4540. Iron Composing Stick for a single line of pica, with moveable slide. French. 1 8th cent. Lent by Mr. W. Blades. 4541. An old Wooden " Tenacle " or " Visorium," used in Germany by compositors to hold " copy." Lent by Mr, W. Blades, 4542. An old Wooden " Tenacle " or " Visorium." i8th cent. Unt by Mr. W. Blades. 4543. A Modern "Copy-holder" in brass manufactured. Lent by Mr W. Blades. 4544. A Modern " Copy-holder." Iron. Lent by Mr. W. Blades. 4545. A complete Composing Room of the present day, comprising types, brass rules, cases, frames, composing-sticks, galleys, imposing surface, chases, apparatus for locking-up, stereotype formes, racks for cases, galleys, formes, chases, leads, furniture, &c. Lent by Messrs. Miller 6^ Richard. 4546. The Walbrook Case and Frame. Lent by Messrs. Harrild^ Sons. The cases are specially arranged to meet the convenience of the compositor. The lower case is made to slide under the upper case. The frame is fitted with a galley rest and other appliances. 4547. MacPhail's Frame. Lent by Mr.yoseph M. Powell. Fitted with galley rest, and contrived so that the compositor may use a case in the rack without removing or running the risk of upsetting it. 4548. Mackie's Steam Type Composer. Lent by Mr. Alexander Mackie. The apparatus consists of two distinct parts, a perforater and a composer. The former is fitted with keys, similar to those of a pianoforte, upon which the operator spells out the matter to be set up. As the keys are depressed holes are perforated in a band of paper of unlimited length. The band when perfo- rated is transferred to the composer, which, being driven by steam power, automatically sets up the types in a long line. The perforated band plays the same part in the composer as the card does in the Jacquard loom. Justifying and distributing are performed by hand. 4549. Hattersley's Type Composing, Distributing and Justifying Machines. In the composing machine the t)rpes are stored in rows on two horizontal galleys, being separated by brass partitions and kept in their places by elastic bands. On the operator depressing a key, a type is shot through a grooved V-shaped guide-plate by a steel piston into a small slide beneath. The matter may be set in long lines, but usually it is set at once to the measure required, a bell signalling the operator when to stop. By a movement the line is pressed into a composing stick (holding about 40 lines), where it is at once justified. With the justifying apparatus, the type is set as before till the bell signals, when a lead b dropped in, and it and the unjustified line are pressed into the Cla00 TL^—%^9t and otlier pn'ntmg ^aurfaljaf. 455 composing stick. This is repeated till the stick is fixll, when it is removed to the justifying apparatus, at which the operator, by an arrangement, moves a line opposite the end of a galley, when he puts in the required spaces. The leads are mechanically thrown out or left in as required. At the distributor, the brass partitioned galleys before mentioned are placed side by side upon a hinged inclined plane. By an apparatus termed a dis- tributing stick, the operator takes a line of matter from the end of a galley. With the aid of a short plate and index bar conveniently placed, the operator distributes the type into the proper partitions. 4550. Working Models of Kastenbein's Type Composing and Dis- tributing Machines. Zeni by Mr. Charles Kastenbein. In Kastenbein's composer the types are kept in iron tubes placed vertically at the top of the machine. On a key being depressed an iron finger pushes the undermost type from its tube into a grooved V-shaped conducting plate, at the bottom of which it is deposited in a receptacle. The matter is set up in a long line, the division of it into lines of the required measure, and the justifying, being done by a separate operator aided by a simple apparatus attached to the machine. In the distributor the tubes before mentioned are placed in a row at the base of an A-shaped grooved conducting plate. The matter is placed in an adjustable galley at the top of the machine and under the eye of the operator. As the keys are successively depressed the types are made to descend through the grooves in the conducting plate to their proper tubes, being guided in their transit by means of switches corresponding in action to the "points" of a railway. 4551. The " Clowes" Type Composing Machine (Hooker's Patent). Lent by Messrs. W. Clowes and Sons. In this machine a small but powerful magnet discharges an individual type with certainty, whenever contact with the galvanic battery is made with the particular wire belonging to that magnet. Each wire is furnished with a separate little copper plate, the whole being arranged on a board exactly in the same order as the compartments in a compositor s ** lower case," so that any compositor or other person can at once work the machine by touching the copper plates with the contact-wire. The types are carried by tapes to the collector. 4552. A Working Model of Mailer's T)rpe Composing Machine. Lent by Mr. M. L. MulUr. The types are stored in vertical grooves, behind which, on a level with the lowermost extremity, is a brass platform with an endless band of leather con- stantly passing over it. On a key being depressed, the type is pushed between the platform, and the leather band, and is drawn by the latter to the delivery channel, whence it passes into the composing-stick. 4553. Heinemann's Type Composing and Distributing Machine. Lent by Herr Lg. Heinemann. The upper part of the frame holds a row of type holders ; the lower supports a slide, which moves easily in grooves on the frame. By pressing a handle the tjrpe is passed from the holder into a receptacle corresponding to a composing-stick. By laying it down horizontally and reversing the action, the machme is used for distributing into the appropriate type holders. 456 Cajcton Celebration. 4554. A Wooden Two-pull Press with iron screw. The platen of wood and slung up with " Garters." Wooden tympan-frame, Ball-rack, &c. On the bed is a stone upon which was placed the forme. Supposed to be one of the first presses set up in the City of Bath early in the i8th century. Lent by Mr. W. Blades. All presses were made of wood until the commencement of the present century. The platens were very small and necessitated two pulls to each forme. 4555. An ancient Wooden Printing Press of double foolscap size. Lent by Messrs. Henderson^ Rait^ and Fenton. 4556. Toy Press. Used by King Charles I. Lent by Mr. John Coe. 4557. Dutch (wooden) Printing Press. Used by Herr Fleischmann. I^ent by Messrs. Enschedk. 4558. A Stanhope Press. Lent by Messrs. Nichols and Son. The first iron press. Invented by the third Earl of Stanhope in 1800. The system of levers adopted for producing the impression enabled a much larger forme to be printed at one time than with the previous presses. The press exhibited is supposed to be the first iron press ever made. It was con- structed in 1800 by Mr. Walker from designs furnished by the Earl, and was sold by him to Mr. Bulmer (Shakespeare Press), where it remained till 1854, when it passed into the hands of the exhibitors. 4560. A Columbian Press. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. The Columbian Press was invented by Geoi^e Clymer, of Philadelphia, and patented in this country in 181 7. With the exception of the Albion {see No. 4564), it is the only hand-press now made. 4562. The original Inking-table and Roller for the Hand-press, invented by Edward Cowper in 18 18. Lent by Mr. E. A, Cowper. 4563. The Albion Press as invented by R. W. Cope in 1824. I^nt by Messrs. Hopkinson and Cope, 4564. An Albion Press of the present day. Lent by Messrs. Hopkinson and Cope. 4565. A SMALL Albion Press of the present day. L^ent by Mr. Fred. Ullmer. 4566. The Alexandra Press (an Albion Press with a few modifications). Lent by Messrs. Blades^ East and Blades, 4567. A Model of part of James M. Napier's Platen Machine. Lent by Messrs. D. Napier and Son. This model shows the arrangement of Mr. James M. Napier's Patent Platen Machine in respect of the improved means of distributing the ink and inking the forme, as well as in the improved mechanism for securing a powerful and dwelling impression. Cla00 %—%^pt anil otjec prating 9^attviaU. 457 4568. The " Minerva " Treadle Platen Machine. Lent by Messrs. H. S. Cropper and Co. This max:hine was introduced into England from America in 1867. It is there called the '* Gordon Press," after its inventor. 4569. Iron Ball-rack and Inking-ball. Lent by Messrs. Nichols and Son. 4570. The "Universal" Treadle Platen Machine. Lent by Messrs. Hopkinson and Cope. 4571. The " Bremner" Treadle Platen Machine. Lent by Messrs. Harrild and Sons* 4572. A " Liberty " Treadle Platen Machine, made by Degener and Weiler, of New York. Lent by Messrs. Degener and Weiler. 4573. The " Model " Printing Press. L^nt by Messrs. C. G. Squintani and Co. A platen hand -press somewhat similar to the "Liberty," and self-inking. 4574. The "Quadrant " Cylinder Printing Machine, worked by treadle, and fitted with flyers for delivering the printed sheets auto- matically. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4575. A Single Cylinder Printing Machine (double royal size) with taking-off apparatus. L^nt by Messrs. Miller and Richard. 4576. The Registered " Bremner" Single Cylinder Machine, with flyers. Lent by Messrs. Harrild and Sons. 4577. The "Excelsior" Cylinder Printing Machine, fitted with flyers. Unt by Mr. W. Hester. 4578. Payne's Single Cylinder " Wharfedale" Machine. Lent by Messrs. Hopkinson and Cope, 4579. The Anglo-French Perfecting Machine. L^nt by Messrs. Hopkinson 6- Cope, In single- cylinder machines the sheets are printed on one side only ; in per- fecting machines they are delivered with both sides printed. 4580. A large-Cylinder Perfecting Machine. L^nt by Messrs. Dry den and Foord. Apart from improvements in matters of detail, this is the machine invented by Cowper and Appl^ath in 18 iS- 1823. 4581. A Model in metal of Cowper and Applegath's Perfecting Machine, invented by them 1818-1823. Lent by Mr. E. A. Cowper, In this machine the principle (now universally adopted) of distributing the ink transversely as well as longitudinally, was first introduced and patented by E. Cowper in the year 1818 ; it was further improved in 1823 by A. Apple- gath, by the use of diagonal distributing rollers. In the newspaper and per- 458 Cajcton Celebration* fecting machines, the ink was so distributed on a flat table, whilst in the curved stereotype, bank note, and other two and three-colour machines, it was distri- buted on a portion of the cylinder. 4582. A Model in wood of Cowper and Applegath's Perfecting Machine, invented by them 181 8-1 823. Lent by Mr. E. A, Cowper. 4583. Parts of a Rotary Printing Machine, invented by the exhibitor in 1835, for printing from wedge-shaped types, or curved stereotype plates, upon a reel or web of paper. Lent by Sir Rowland Hill, K. C.B. This was the first actual attempt at web printing. A perfect machine was constructed according to this invention and publicly exhibited in Chancery Lane in 1835 — one cylinder being covered with moveable type and one with curved stereotype plates. The machine gave excellent impressions with very great rapidity, but its adoption was rendered, at that time, impossible by the refusal of Government to allow the Newspaper Duty Stamp to be impressed on the paper as it passed through the printing machine. The type cylinder and that which was covered with curved stereotype plates, together with part of the inking apparatus of the perfected machine, are exhi- bited herewith. It is claimed for this machine that in some respects it possesses advantages superior to those of even the best newspaper machines of the present day, inas- much as it is adapted not only for curved stereotype plates, but for moveable types, thus in some cases saving the time required for making the stereotype plates, and in all cases affording a ready means for insertion up to the latest moment in at least one machine of any fresh news which may arrive even after the printing has commenced. 4584. The " Whitefriars " Rotary Machine, invented by the Exhibitors. Lent by Messrs. Pardoe and Davis. This machine prints from curved stereo plates affixed to a cylinder. It is fed with sheets by hand. 4585. Newsum's Rotary Two-Colour Machine. L^nt by Messrs. Newsum, Wood and Dyson. Two formes are placed in beds on opposite sides of an irregular-shaped drum. The impression cylinder advances and retires to meet the type, and auto- matically delivers the sheet when printed. 4586. Servante's Rotary Two Colour Machine. Lent by Messrs. Hopkinson and Cope. This machine prints from stereo plates only. It can be used as a perfecting machine as well as for two-colour work. 4587. Ashley's Automatic Paper Feeder. L^nt by Mr. B. F. Fuller. A pile of paper is placed at one end of the printing machine. The topmost sheet is lifted by hollow fingers exhausted of air by means of a fan, and bv them transferred to a set of rollers and a slide, where it is automatically ad- justed for register, and placed in position to be seized by the grippers of the impression cylinder. 4588. An iron Lever Galley Press. Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard, 4589. A Proof Galley Press. Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard. 4590. Powell's Web Galley Press, for automatically inking types in the galley and pulling proofs upon a reel of paper. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4591. A Roller Galley Press. Lent by Mr. W.Hester. 4592. A Hand Roller, for pulling proofs. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4593. A MiTREiNG Machine. I^nt by Messrs. Miller and Richard. This machine is for cutting brass rule at various angles so that it may form comers neatly. 4594. A Machine for cutting Brass Rule and Leads. Lent by Messrs. Miller and Richard. 4595. A Hand Paging Machine, for numbering consecutively, alternately, or in duplicate. L^nt by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4596. A Small Hand Paging Machine. L^nt by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4597. A Perforating Machine, worked by treadle. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell, 4598. A Perforating Machine, worked by hand. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4599. An Apparatus for Lifting Formes. L^ent by Mt. T. G. Daw. 4600. The process of Printing as exercised by the Chinese. Lent by Mr. Thomas Jenner. 4601. Alisoff*s Mechanical Printer or Type Writer: a machine for printing without setting up type. Lent by Mr. C. G. Kleberg, 4602. The Remington Type Writer. Lent by the Remington Sewing Machine Company. 4603. A Railway Ticket Printing Machine. Lent by Messrs. Waterlow and SonSf Limited. 4604. A Machine for Counting Railway Tickets. Lent by Messrs. Waterlow and Sons^ Limited. 4605. A Machine for Wetting Paper in the Web. Lent by Messrs. Siater and Palmer, 4^0 CajCton Celebration* 4606. Gill's Hot Rolling Machine for finishing printed sheets. Lent by Messrs. Fumival and Co. 4607. An " Express " Guillotine Cutting Machine, with steam Press. Lent by Messrs. Furnival and Co. 4608. A Book-folding Machine. L^nt by Messrs. Louis Simon and Son. 4609. The Boomer and Boschert Screw Press. Lent by Messrs. J. Ladd and Co. 4610. A Glass Case, containing various materials and appliances for Printing. Lent by Mr. Frederick Ullmer. 46 11. A Case containing specimens of Printing Inks and Machinery Oils. Lent by Messrs. A. B. Fleming and Co. 4612. A Case of " Protean" Wood Types. Lent by Mr. G. Shore. 46 1 3. Types used in printing the Dividend Books at the Bank of England, and specimens of printing executed at the same establishment. Lent by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. Drawings^ Photographs^ dr'c. 4614. A Drawing of the "Walter Press." Lent by Mr. John Walter^ M.P. This is the machine used for printing the "Times." It was patented in 1866 by Mr. J. C. Macdonald and Mr. J. Calverley, both of the "Times" office. 4615. A Photograph of a Cylinder Printing Machine for numbering, dating, and signing Bank Notes, as used at the Bank of England. Lent by Messrs. D. Napier and Son, 4616. A Photograph of Napier's Double Gripper Perfecting Machine. Lent by Messrs. D. Napier and Son. 4617. A Photograph of a Tape and Gripper Perfecting Machine. Lent by Messrs. D. Napier and Son. 4618. A Photograph of Napier's Double Platen Machine. Lent by Messrs. D. Napier and Son 4619. A Photograph of a Double Platen Machine for printing Bank Notes, as used at the Bank of England. Lent by Messrs. D. Napier and Son. 4620. A Drawing of a Perfecting Machine invented by Cowper and Applegath. Lent by Mr. E. A. Cozvper. 4621. A Drawing of a News Machine invented by Cowper and Apple- gath. Lent by Mr. E, A. Cmvper. 4622. Nine Drawing of a Rotary Machine for printing from a web of paper, patented by the exhibitor in 1835. Lent by Sir Rowland Hill, K. C.B, See also No. 4583. 4623. A Drawing of an Old Printing Machine in use about 1820. Lent by Mr. W. S. Parsons. 4624. A Drawing of Bacon and Donkin's Steam Printing Machine, used at the Cambridge University Press in 1820. Lent by Mr. W. S. Parsons. 4625. Drawing of Cowper's Curved Stereotype Plate Perfecting Ma- chine. Lent by Mr. E. A. Cowper. 4626. Drawing of Cowper's Curved Stereotype Plate Two-Colour Printing Machine. Lent by Mr. E. A. Cowper. 4627. Drawing of Inking Table and Roller for Hand Press. Lent by Mr. E. A. Cowper. Class M. STEREOTYPING AND ELECTROTYPING. |HE process of setting up a book or newspaper is so slow and so expensive that it is seldom resorted to for the pro- duction of duplicate forms for printing. So long as the appetite for literature remained small, a single edition worked from the original form sufficed to satisfy it. But as soon as it increased it became manifest that means of duplication, and of preserving matter for a subsequent reprint without locking up a vast quantity of valuable type, must be sought for. It was this want that led to the invention of the stereotype. To whom the credit is due is difficult to say. Like many other discoveries this seems to have been made almost simultaneously in various countries. Plates cast by Miiller in the office of Lutchmann of Leyden, and bearing the date 1 7 15, are among the curiosities in this collection. So far as Britain is concerned the invention is generally accredited to William Ged, a goldsmith of Edinburgh, who first made a stereotype in 1735. His pro- ducts are much superior to those just mentioned, and would not be altogether discreditable to a founder of the present day. Ged tried to get his invention patronised by London printers, but owing to the prejudices of the pressmen and the unfairness of his partners, failed to do so. Returning to Edinburgh he printed from stereotype a school edition of Sallust, a copy of which forms part of the collection in this exhibition. He died in 1749, and for sixty years nothing further was heard of the stereotype. In 1809, however. Dr. Tilloch, of Edinburgh, re-invented it, and the fame of the process having some time afterwards reached the ears of the enterprising Earl of Stanhope, the latter used his powerful influence to make its use general throughout the trade, and finally succeeded in doing so. The stereotype is now one of the most important adjuncts to the art of printing. Clajsfjaf 9^.— fetereotpping anD dElectrotpprng* 463 There are two methods of casting stereo plates : the old and the new. In the former the page of type is laid on a flat surface and carefully cleaned ; then a little oil is brushed over it, and afterwards plaster of Paris, made to the consistency of thick cream, is poured on. This, when dry, forms a mould ; to cast a plate, it is dipped into molten metal (an alloy of lead and antimony). The latter, when cool, is removed, planed, and trimmed, and, lastly, mounted on wood. The plaster process is now used chiefly where very fine lines have to be reproduced, or where the stereo is to be taken from a wood-block, which will not stand a great heat. In the new process a moistened sheet of papier mach^, made of layers of tissue and blotting-paper pasted together, is laid on the surface of the types. It is then beaten in with a hard brush, and by this means a mould is formed. The mould is dried on a hot chamber and then placed in a casting-box, through an orifice in which molten metal is poured. The plate thus cast is finished in the same way as before de- scribed. From a mould of this kind as many as seventy plates have been taken. If the casting-box be curved instead of flat a curved plate will be pro- duced. Plates of this kind are required for rotary newspaper machines. The rapidity of the paper process is shown by the fact that a mould has been taken from a page of the Times^ and a curved plate cast, trimmed, and affixed to the printing machine in the astonishingly short space of ten minutes. Stereo metal is not so hard as type metal, and the fine lines of engravings cast in it are apt to wear away soon. Another process is therefore used for taking casts of woodcuts, viz., that of Electrotyping. In this a mould is taken in wax, to which is affixed a copper wire. The mould w hen cold is brushed over with plumbago, and then placed in a bath of sulphate of copper, the wire being connected with the negative or zinc pole of an electric battery. The galvanic action decomposes the liquid in the bath, and deposits a layer of copper upon the mould. When this is thick enough it is removed and " backed " with stereo metal till the whole is about an eighth of an inch thick. The back is then planed and the electrotype mounted on wood for use. Electro- types can now be curved to suit rotary machines. Of late years, raised blocks for printing have been produced by photo- graphy without the aid of the engraver. The usual course is to take a photograph of the subject required, and to transfer it to a plate of surface metal. This is afterwards subjected to the action of a strong acid which eats away the uncovered portions, leaving the lines standing in relief. Very excellent work is now produced by this means. Arthur C. J. Powell. 4^4 Ca;cton Celebration* Section I. APPARATUS FOR STEREOTYPING AND ELECTROTYPING. (In the Annexgy reached by passing through the Engine-room.) 4645- COMPLETE Apparatus for Stereotyping by the plaster pro- cess. Lent by Messrs. J. and B. Dellagana. 4646. A Complete Apparatus for Stereotyping by the paper process. Lent by Messrs. J. and B. Dellagana. This method of stereotyping was introduced from the Continent by Mr. Dellagana in 1856. 4647. Nicholson's Apparatus for Stereotyping by the paper process. Lent by Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 4648. A Complete Apparatus for Electrotyping. Lent by Messrs. J. and B. Dellagana. 4649. The Process of Transfer Zincography by which raised blocks for surface printing are produced. iMit by Messrs. J. and B. Dellagana. 4651. Shanks and Johnson's Engraving Machine, for producing moulds from which stereo-plates can be cast. Lent by the Patent Type Founding Co. 465 1*. Method of Mounting Stereotype Plates for Printing. J^ent by the inventor^ R. Clay^ Esq. Section II. SPECIMENS OF STEREOTYPE AND ELECTROTYPE PLATES AND BLOCKS, &c. 4652. RIGINAL Casts of various Pages made in the years 1700-1726, in the printing office of Messrs. Luchtmans and Co., by the process invented by Rev. MuUer, at Leiden. Lent by Messrs. E. J. Brill. 4653. Original Cast of Pages of the Book of Common Prayer, made by William Ged about 1735. ^^^ ^y ^^^^ Royal Institution. Cla00 9^.— fetereotppmff aim dEUctrotpping:. 465 4654. An Abstract of the whole doctrine of the Christian Religion, with observations by John Anastatius Freylinghausen. Stereo- typed and printed by A. Wilson, 1804. Lent by W. H. Cummings^ Esq. Said to be the first book stereotyped in England. 4655. Sallust, said to be the first book printed from Stereotype in Great Britain Lent by the Royal Institution. This work was stereotyped by William Ged, of Edinburgh. Its title runs as follows : " Sallustii Historiae, Edinburgi, Gulielmus Ged, Aurifaber, Edinensis, non Typis mobilibus, ut vulgo fieri solet, sed Tabellis seu Laminis fusis, Excudebat. MDCCXLIV." 4656. Sallust, a second copy. Lent by the Faculty of Advocates. 4657. Original Cast of Pages of the above. (i744-) Lent by the Fcuulty of Advocates. 4658. An Old Stereotype Plate, cast about 1805. I^nt by the Cambridge University Press. This plate is exhibited by permission of the President of Queens' College, Cambridge. 4659. Stereotype Plates, and the Book printed therefrom, used by Charles, third Earl Stanhope, about the years 1805 and 1806. Lent by Earl Stanhope. 4660. Various specimens of stereotype plates, both flat and curved, and of electrotypes. Lent by Messrs. J. and B. Dellagana, 4661. A Glass Case containing specimens of patent curved electros for rotary machines ; an electro from a large woodcut ; electro pieces from the same woodcut with boundary rules put round, making perfect engravings for use in smaller books than the original ; an electro taken from a piece of leather direct ; a papier mach^ mould with cast from the same ; a plaster mould with cast from the same ; a wax mould for electrotyping, and an electro from the same, &c. Lent by Messrs. Richardson, Koolman, and Isger. 4662. A Collection of photo raised blocks for printing. Lent by Messrs. Manning and Son. 4663. Electrotype of wood engravings, with impressions taken there, from. Lent by Messrs. Cassell, Fetter, and Galpin, H H 466 Ca;cton CeUbratiom 4664. Early Specimens of Stereotyped Border Ornaments covered with a copper face. Lent by Mr. B. West. 4665. Stereotype Border Ornaments with a copper facing fastened to a roller to adapt it for Cylindrical Printing, 1847. Lent by Mr. B. West. 4666. An Electrotype of a page of the Bible from a Gutta Percha Mould taken in 1848. Lent by Mr. B. West. Class N. Section I. MACHINERY AND APPLIANCES FOR LITHOGRAPHY AND COPPER-PLATE PRINTING. I HE invention of Lithography proceeded from a purely accidental discovery made by Alois Senefelder, of Prague, about the year 1796. Having tried to get impressions from copper-plates upon which he had written with greasy ink, he one day used this ink for writing a chance memo- randum on a piece of polished stone that lay handy on the occasion. Fate afterwards impelled him to attempt to raise this writing with acid, and to print from it. His essay was so far satisfactory that he determined to prosecute his idea, and though at first only par- tially successful, he ultimately founded an art which has made more rapid strides towards perfection than any other. The principles of lithography rest upon several chemical facts. The first of them is that greasy substances adhere strongly to calcareous stone ; the second, that greasy substances have great affinity for one an- other, and equally great antipathy to water ; the third, that calcareous stone readily imbibes moisture. The process of the art, therefore, is to draw the subject reversed in greasy ink upon a finely-polished limestone, of the kind found chiefly at Solhofen, in Bavaria j then to brush the whole over with a solution of gum-arabic, to prevent the lines from spreading and to assist the unoccupied parts of the stone in resisting the ink. When this has remained on some little time, it is washed off, and the stone damped with a wet cloth and inked with a leather roller. A 468 Cajcton Celebration* proof is now taken on the press, and if it is correct the stone is etched by being washed over with weak nitric acid ; then it undergoes repeated processes of gumming and washing, and finally is rubbed over with tur- pentine to get rid of the writing ink. The stone is now fit for use, and is laid on the bed of the press. To print from it a wet cloth is first passed over it, and then it is inked with the leather roller ; the ink will not remain on the wetted surface of the stone, but will adhere to the greasy design. A sheet of paper is now laid on it, and upon that a plate of zinc ; over all comes the leather tympan. The whole is now raised by a lever to the level of the scraper placed across the press, and is passed under it by turning a handle. On the lever power being removed, the stone-bed is returned to its proper position, the tympan raised, and the printed sheet removed. This process is repeated for each subsequent impression. Lithographic printing is now executed on cylinder machines, the first of which was introduced into this country from France in i860. In this process, which is much more expeditious than printing by hand, the damping, as well as the inking of the stone, is performed automatically, by rollers specially contrived for the purpose. In the comparatively short space of some sixty or seventy years, litho- graphy has been raised from its earliest infancy to a state of efficiency which enables intricate oil and water-colour paintings to be reproduced with a faithfulness which borders on the marvellous. Of late years photography has been engaged as a handmaid, and the limits that will be reached by the sister arts combined cannot even be guessed at. The freedom which lithography allows to the artist — greater than that allowed by any other process of printing — renders it especially suitable for the multiplication of works of art. Copper-plate printing is the process of obtaining impressions from en- gravings incised in plates of metal. The invention of the art is generally ascribed to Finiguerra and Baldini, of Florence, but some give the honour to Martin Schoengaur, of Antwerp. The engraving of the plates is the work of a special class of artists, and does not in any way concern the printer. His work is of a very simple nature. After the plate has been heated, he daubs the whole of the surface of the plate over with thick ink, which he removes from the parts not intended to print, first with a rag, and then with the palm of his hand, polishing with whitening. When no ink remains, except what lies in the engraved lines, the sheet of paper is laid on the plate, and both passed under the roller of a powerful press, which squeezes the paper into the interstices in the plate and thus transfers the ink from them to it. Copper-plate printing, as may be readily imagined, is a very slow process. Arthur C. J. Powell. Copperplate ^^rintfitg;, HCtJoffrapSp anH ^^Sotograp^p* 469 468,7, ENEFELDER'S Press, made from tlie original Patent Speci- fication taken out in England by Alois Senefelder, the inventor of lithography in i8oi, and actually at work. Lent by Messrs. Blades^ East, and Blades. 4688. A Modern Lithographic Press for hand power. Lent by Messrs. Maclure and Macdonald. 4689. A Lithographic Printing Machine. Lent by Messrs. Newsum, Wood, and Dyson. 4690. Chromo-Litho Stones, showing the various stages of the process of printing in colours. Ljent by Messrs. Blades, East, and Blades. 4691. A Copper-plate Printing Press, and Engraved Copper Plates. Lent by Messrs. Virtue and Ce. 4693. The Process of Copper-plate Printing. Exhibited by Messrs. Virtue and Co. 4695. LiTHOTYPE and printing from stone by the means of transfers from the type. Lent by the Lithotype Company. Type and stone, with transfer on it. Class O. PAPER. 4714. |ATER-MARKS. A collection of 482 specimens of old paper from the year 1339 to 1600, being blank leaves cut off from original and dated records in the Gelderland Archives, all having different water-marks, in three volumes, viz, : — Vol. I. — 1 339-1 399, 94 specimens. Vol. 2. — 1 400-1 499, 219 specimens. Vol. 3. — 1500-1600, 169 specimens. Lent by Frederick Muller^ Esq. 4715. WATER-Marks. Fifty specimens from the same collection. 1340-1399, II specimens. 1 40 1 -1 499, 26 specimens. 1 509-15 79, 13 specimens. Lent by N. Trubner, Esq. These collections were formed by the learned author of the History and An- tiquities of Gelderland, Mr. G. Van Hasselt (i 751-1825), with the object of publishing a work on old paper and paper-marks, of which the prospectus (in French) only appeared (Arnheim, J. H. Macleuran, 1811). A copy of this prospectus and an English translation in the handwriting of Mr. Van Hasselt, are also exhibited. The majority of those in Mr. Triibner's collection are not figured by Sotheby. 4716. WATER-Marks. 40 sheets fcap. folio, with water-marks, from 1540 to Lent by Messrs. Smith and Ebbs. 4717. WATER-Marks. 2 sheets of paper showing water-marks of the first French empire. Lent by Mrs. M. Coivden Clarke. Cla00 €).— I^apen 471 4718. Moulds for handmade paper, with water-mark, with a specimen of the paper. Lent by J. C. Wilkins, Esq. 4719. TRADE-Marks of the Dartford Paper Mills. Lent by A. J. Dunkin, Esq. 4720. WATER-Marks. Large single sheet (4 feet, Ar\ inches, by 3 feet, 6 inches) of hand-made paper, comprising all the water-marks at present used in the currency of the Bank of England and the Government of India. Lent by Messrs. Portal. 4721. Another frame of paper water-marks, containing obsolete designs for Bank of England notes, date about 1780. Lent by Messrs. Portal. 4722. Collection of Ancient Water-Marks formed by Canon Von Biillingen, consisting of 474 specimens, among which 64 varieties of the bull's head ; 34 of Gothic P ; 14 of the crown ; 53 of the snake and staff; 12 of the hand ; and 32 of the foolscap, &c., &c. The earliest specimens go back to 1363, the crescent and the cross ; two orbs and the cross ; and the crossbow, neither of which is figured by Sotheby. The bull's head commences with 1390 ; the Gothic P with i486 ; the crown with 1476 ; the snake and staff with 1570; the hand with 1476; the foolscap with 1479 ; 2.nd coat armour, crests, &c., date from an early period. The whole of the water-marks have been carefully covered in ink by Canon von BiiUingen. Lent by N. Triibner^ Esq. 47 2 2*. Collection of Old Water-Marks. Lent by Mrs. Cole. 4723. PAPER-Making by Hand in actual operation, as practised about 1650. Exhibited by Messrs. Portal. 4724. A Collection of Forty-four specimens of Japanese, Chinese, Javanese, and other Oriental Paper, formed by the late Prof L. C. Treviranus, Professor of Botany at Bonn in 1864, with pencil notes in the Professor's handwriting. Nineteen specimens of Japanese printing and writing paper. Five specimens of Japanese silk paper. Eight specimens of Japanese coloured paper. Two specimens of Japanese embossed paper. Two specimens of Japanese metallic paper. Seven specimens of Chinese and Javanese paper. One specimen of unprepared papyrus. Lent by Nicolas TrUbner^ Esq. 4725. Representation of the Dutch Paper Mill of Maistre Jean Ville- dary (seventeenth century), which served as a trade-mark for paper wrappers, and copy of the same in phototype. Lent by Frederick Muller, Esq. 4726. Two other figures of Dutch Paper Mills, trade-marks of "fine foolscap," and " the Arms of Amsterdam" — two renowned Dutch papers. Lent by Frederick Muller, Esq. 4727. Dutch Paper Trade-Marks. Three blocks for woodcuts (seven- teenth century^ one representing a paper mill. Lent by Messrs. P. Smith van Gelder and Sons. 4728. Model of Paper Making Machine. One-eighth full size. Lent by B. Donkin 6^ Co. 4729. Model of Rag Engine. Lent by B. Donkin &> Co. 4730. Model of Spherical Revolving Rag Boiler. L^nt by B. Donkin &> Co. 4731. Portion of a Dandy Roll. Lent by B. Donkin 6^ Co. 4732. Samples of Paper Machine Wires. Lent by B. Donkin 6^ Co. 4733. WATER-Marks. Special water-marked sheet, made for this Cele- bration, with portrait of Caxton, Also several other water-marked papers and bank notes. A window transparency. Exhibited by T. LI. Saunders and Co. 4734. Historical Account of the substances which have been used for Paper. Printed on the first useful paper manufactured solely from straw. Lent by G. Tawse^ Esq. ELZEVIR PRESS :— PRINTED BY JOHN C. WILKINS AND VERNON, 9, CASTLE STREET, CHANCERY LANE.